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ddup_cleanup.js 3.73 KiB
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/* This is a cleanup script for Digital Distortion Upload Processor.
 * This script cleans up temporary files & directories from the
 * node directory used by Digital Distortion Upload Processor.
 * Author: Eric Oulashin (AKA Nightfox)
 * BBS: Digital Distortion
 * BBS address:
 * Date       User              Description
 * 2009-12-26 Eric Oulashin     Created
 * 2009-12-28 Eric Oulashin     Added removal of DDUPCommandOutput_temp.txt
 *                              and DDUP_ScanCmd.*


// Remove the temporary work directory used by Digital Distortion
// Upload Processor.
deltree(system.node_dir + "DDUploadProcessor_Temp");
// Remove DDUPCommandOutput_temp.txt from the node directory
file_remove(system.node_dir + "DDUPCommandOutput_temp.txt");
// Remove the command script from the node directory
file_remove(system.node_dir + "DDUP_ScanCmd.*");

// Functions

// This function recursively removes a directory and all of its contents.  Returns
// whether or not the directory was removed.
// Parameters:
//  pDir: The directory to remove (with trailing slash).
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the directory was removed.
function deltree(pDir)
   if ((pDir == null) || (pDir == undefined))
      return false;
   if (typeof(pDir) != "string")
      return false;
   if (pDir.length == 0)
      return false;
   // Make sure pDir actually specifies a directory.
   if (!file_isdir(pDir))
      return false;
   // Don't wipe out a root directory.
   if ((pDir == "/") || (pDir == "\\") || (/:\\$/.test(pDir)) || (/:\/$/.test(pDir)) || (/:$/.test(pDir)))
      return false;

   // If we're on Windows, then use the "RD /S /Q" command to delete
   // the directory.  Otherwise, assume *nix and use "rm -rf" to
   // delete the directory.
   if (deltree.inWindows == undefined)
      deltree.inWindows = (/^WIN/.test(system.platform.toUpperCase()));
   if (deltree.inWindows)
      system.exec("RD " + withoutTrailingSlash(pDir) + " /s /q");
      system.exec("rm -rf " + withoutTrailingSlash(pDir));
   // The directory should be gone, so we should return true.  I'd like to verify that the
   // directory really is gone, but file_exists() seems to return false for directories,
   // even if the directory does exist.  So I test to make sure no files are seen in the dir.
   return (directory(pDir + "*").length == 0);

   // Recursively deleting each file & dir using JavaScript:
   var retval = true;

   // Open the directory and delete each entry.
   var files = directory(pDir + "*");
   for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i)
      // If the entry is a directory, then deltree it (Note: The entry
      // should have a trailing slash).  Otherwise, delete the file.
      // If the directory/file couldn't be removed, then break out
      // of the loop.
      if (file_isdir(files[i]))
         retval = deltree(files[i]);
         if (!retval)
         retval = file_remove(files[i]);
         if (!retval)

   // Delete the directory specified by pDir.
   if (retval)
      retval = rmdir(pDir);

   return retval;

// Removes a trailing (back)slash from a path.
// Parameters:
//  pPath: A directory path
// Return value: The path without a trailing (back)slash.
function withoutTrailingSlash(pPath)
   if ((pPath == null) || (pPath == undefined))
      return "";

   var retval = pPath;
   if (retval.length > 0)
      var lastIndex = retval.length - 1;
      var lastChar = retval.charAt(lastIndex);
      if ((lastChar == "\\") || (lastChar == "/"))
         retval = retval.substr(0, lastIndex);
   return retval;