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  • deuce's avatar
    uedit: Some minor code changes that do not affect functionality. · 08ac2976
    deuce authored
    Updated copyright date in comment header and startup printf statement.
    uedit is now called from umonitor in two places.
    Under System Options as:
    Run User Editor
    This runs uedit as normal
    Edit User
    This runs uedit directly into edit user mode passing user number on the
    commandline and editing the online user directly.  (edtuser gave me the
    clue how to do it.)
    uedit is called the same way scfg is called.  This requires that uedit
    is in the cfg.exec_dir.
    I realized that having an edit user function on a node with nobody there
    was pretty lame.  Since I wanted Edit User as the first option, I put in
    some code to give a "No User Online!" message for now.  I will better
    tweak the code later.
    I did the same for Spy On Node option with a "Spy On Who?? :)" message.
    <g>  Again I will tweak the code to improve this handling.
    Added help to most areas.
    The menu displayed when hitting enter on a node is now context sensitive
    depending on whether or not a user is online.  It makes no sense to Spy
    On a node that waiting for a caller :) :)
    - RuneMaster