cyan authored
can look at it and tell me how wrong the algorithms are ;) * "Kingdom Gold", based on the good ole 'Sumer Game' or 'Hamurabi' * The idea was to add some nice ANSI screens for various events (earthquake, food riots, rain, etc.) But it's pretty tough to find an ANSI artist willing to do that kind of thing these days. * I also wanted to add in high score tracking ability and perhaps some kind of multi-player element. Alas.
cyan authoredcan look at it and tell me how wrong the algorithms are ;) * "Kingdom Gold", based on the good ole 'Sumer Game' or 'Hamurabi' * The idea was to add some nice ANSI screens for various events (earthquake, food riots, rain, etc.) But it's pretty tough to find an ANSI artist willing to do that kind of thing these days. * I also wanted to add in high score tracking ability and perhaps some kind of multi-player element. Alas.