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  • rswindell's avatar
    When executing non-native (e.g. 16-bit DOS) programs, set the PCBNODE · aee4d8ff
    rswindell authored
    environment variable (to the same value as SBBSNNUM) as some door games
    (e.g. Bordello, by T&J Software) have support for this environment variable
    built into their configuration file parsing. This makes setting up multiple
    nodes much easier/faster, as you can re-use the same configuration file for
    all of them by just specifying this environment variable in the .cfg file
    (e.g. "c:\sbbs\node%PCBNODE%\door.sys"). Unfortunately, you can't use just
    *any* environment variable, it has to be one of the ones specifically supported
    by their programs (or door frame door kit?). Anyway, this simple hack can save
    a lot of time setting up some of these doors.
    I did not do this for executing native (32-bit) programs as I'm pretty sure
    there was never a 32-bit version of PCBoard, so that wouldn't make much sense.