diff --git a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/FtpCfgDlgUnit.dfm b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/FtpCfgDlgUnit.dfm
index ae1117f6426843b4a5d787a0a8bb5f5906f6a233..53a80f3a42d02d14ea8cbac472c47e51e988b3b1 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/FtpCfgDlgUnit.dfm
+++ b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/FtpCfgDlgUnit.dfm
@@ -3,73 +3,73 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
   Top = 375
   BorderStyle = bsDialog
   Caption = 'FTP Server Configuration'
-  ClientHeight = 245
-  ClientWidth = 286
+  ClientHeight = 302
+  ClientWidth = 352
   Color = clBtnFace
   ParentFont = True
   OldCreateOrder = True
   Position = poScreenCenter
   OnShow = FormShow
   DesignSize = (
-    286
-    245)
-  PixelsPerInch = 96
-  TextHeight = 13
+    352
+    302)
+  PixelsPerInch = 120
+  TextHeight = 16
   object PageControl: TPageControl
-    Left = 3
-    Top = 3
-    Width = 278
-    Height = 199
+    Left = 4
+    Top = 4
+    Width = 342
+    Height = 245
     ActivePage = PasvTabSheet
     TabIndex = 1
     TabOrder = 0
     object GeneralTabSheet: TTabSheet
       Caption = 'General'
       object MaxClientesLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 86
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 106
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 24
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Max Clients'
       object MaxInactivityLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 112
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 138
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 24
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Max Inactivity'
       object PortLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 60
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 74
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 24
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Control Port'
       object InterfaceLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 34
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 42
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 24
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Interface (IP)'
       object QwkTimeoutLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 138
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 170
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 24
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'QWK Timeout'
       object AutoStartCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 117
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 144
+        Height = 25
         Hint = 'Automatically start FTP server'
         Caption = 'Auto Startup'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 0
       object MaxClientsEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 86
-        Width = 39
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 106
+        Width = 48
         Height = 21
         Hint = 'Maximum number of simultaneous clients (default=10)'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 4
       object MaxInactivityEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 112
-        Width = 39
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 138
+        Width = 48
         Height = 21
         Hint = 
           'Maximum number of seconds of inactivity before disconnect (defau' +
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 5
       object PortEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 60
-        Width = 39
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 74
+        Width = 48
         Height = 21
         Hint = 'TCP port to use for FTP control connections (default=21)'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 3
       object NetworkInterfaceEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 34
-        Width = 156
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 42
+        Width = 192
         Height = 21
         Hint = 'Your network adapter'#39's static IP address or blank for <ANY>'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 2
       object AllowQWKCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 148
-        Top = 60
-        Width = 119
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 182
+        Top = 74
+        Width = 147
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Allow QWK packet transfers'
         Caption = 'QWK Packets'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 7
       object LocalFileSysCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 148
-        Top = 86
-        Width = 119
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 182
+        Top = 106
+        Width = 147
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 
           'Allow sysop access to local file system (requires sysop password' +
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 8
       object HostnameCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 148
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 119
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 182
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 147
+        Height = 25
         Hint = 'Automatically lookup client'#39's hostnames via DNS'
         Caption = 'Hostname Lookup'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 1
       object DirFilesCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 148
-        Top = 110
-        Width = 125
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 182
+        Top = 135
+        Width = 154
+        Height = 25
         Hint = 'Allow users access to files in directory, but not in database'
         Caption = 'Directory File Access'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 9
       object QwkTimeoutEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 138
-        Width = 39
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 170
+        Width = 48
         Height = 21
         Hint = 'Maximum number of seconds before QWK packet creation timeout'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -179,74 +179,74 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
       Caption = 'Passive'
       ImageIndex = 4
       object PasvIpLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 25
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'IP Address'
       object PasvPortLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 25
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Port Range'
       object PasvPortThroughLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 124
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 13
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 153
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 16
+        Height = 25
         Alignment = taCenter
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = '-'
       object PasvIpAddrEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 92
-        Height = 21
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 113
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Your static public IP address or blank for <unspecified>'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
         TabOrder = 0
       object PasvPortLowEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 39
-        Height = 21
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 48
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 
           'Lowest TCP port to use for passive FTP data connections (default' +
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 1
+        TabOrder = 2
       object PasvPortHighEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 137
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 39
-        Height = 21
+        Left = 169
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 48
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 
           'Highest TCP port to use for passive FTP data connections (defaul' +
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 2
+        TabOrder = 3
       object PasvIpLookupCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 184
-        Top = 8
-        Width = 73
-        Height = 17
+        Left = 226
+        Top = 10
+        Width = 90
+        Height = 21
         Hint = 'Get passive IP address from public hostname (dynamic IP)'
         Caption = 'Lookup'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 3
+        TabOrder = 1
         OnClick = PasvIpLookupCheckBoxClick
@@ -254,18 +254,18 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
       Caption = 'Index'
       ImageIndex = 3
       object HtmlJavaScriptLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 62
-        Width = 65
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 76
+        Width = 80
+        Height = 25
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'JavaScript'
       object AutoIndexCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 19
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Automatically generate index files for file descriptions'
         Caption = 'ASCII'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -274,9 +274,9 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         OnClick = AutoIndexCheckBoxClick
       object IndexFileNameEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 156
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 192
         Height = 21
         Hint = 'Name of ASCII index file (default=00index)'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 1
       object HtmlIndexCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 78
-        Height = 19
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 96
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Automatically generate HTML index files for file descriptions'
         Caption = 'HTML'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         OnClick = HtmlIndexCheckBoxClick
       object HtmlFileNameEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 156
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 192
         Height = 21
         Hint = 'Name of HTML index file (default=00index.html)'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 3
       object HtmlJavaScriptEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 62
-        Width = 156
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 76
+        Width = 192
         Height = 21
         Hint = 'JavaScript filename to execute to generate HTML index file'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -320,10 +320,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
       Caption = 'Log'
       ImageIndex = 1
       object DebugTxCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 34
-        Width = 156
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 42
+        Width = 192
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Log (debug) transmitted FTP responses'
         Caption = 'Transmitted Responses'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -331,10 +331,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 1
       object CmdLogCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 156
-        Height = 19
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 192
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Log (debug) all received FTP commands'
         Caption = 'Received Commands'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -342,10 +342,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 0
       object DebugDataCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 59
-        Width = 156
-        Height = 19
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 73
+        Width = 192
+        Height = 23
         Hint = 'Log (debug) data channel operations'
         Caption = 'Data Channel Activity'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -353,10 +353,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 2
       object LogFileCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 83
-        Width = 117
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 102
+        Width = 144
+        Height = 25
         Hint = 'Save log entries to a file (in your DATA directory)'
         Caption = 'Log to Disk'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -368,33 +368,33 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
       Caption = 'Sound'
       ImageIndex = 2
       object AnswerSoundLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 65
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 80
+        Height = 25
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Connect'
       object HangupSoundLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 65
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 80
+        Height = 25
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Disconnect'
       object HackAttemptSoundLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 7
-        Top = 62
-        Width = 65
-        Height = 20
+        Left = 9
+        Top = 76
+        Width = 80
+        Height = 25
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Hack Attempt'
       object AnswerSoundEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 156
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 192
         Height = 24
         Hint = 'Sound file to play when users connect'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -402,18 +402,18 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 0
       object AnswerSoundButton: TButton
-        Left = 247
-        Top = 10
-        Width = 20
-        Height = 21
+        Left = 304
+        Top = 12
+        Width = 25
+        Height = 26
         Caption = '...'
         TabOrder = 1
         OnClick = AnswerSoundButtonClick
       object HangupSoundEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 156
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 192
         Height = 24
         Hint = 'Sound file to play when users disconnect'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -421,18 +421,18 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 2
       object HangupSoundButton: TButton
-        Left = 247
-        Top = 36
-        Width = 20
-        Height = 21
+        Left = 304
+        Top = 44
+        Width = 25
+        Height = 26
         Caption = '...'
         TabOrder = 3
         OnClick = HangupSoundButtonClick
       object HackAttemptSoundEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 85
-        Top = 62
-        Width = 156
+        Left = 105
+        Top = 76
+        Width = 192
         Height = 24
         Hint = 'Sound file to play when users disconnect'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -440,10 +440,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 4
       object HackAttemptSoundButton: TButton
-        Left = 247
-        Top = 62
-        Width = 20
-        Height = 21
+        Left = 304
+        Top = 76
+        Width = 25
+        Height = 26
         Caption = '...'
         TabOrder = 5
         OnClick = HackAttemptSoundButtonClick
@@ -451,10 +451,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
   object OKBtn: TButton
-    Left = 20
-    Top = 211
-    Width = 76
-    Height = 25
+    Left = 25
+    Top = 260
+    Width = 93
+    Height = 30
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Caption = 'OK'
     Default = True
@@ -463,10 +463,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
     OnClick = OKBtnClick
   object CancelBtn: TButton
-    Left = 104
-    Top = 211
-    Width = 75
-    Height = 25
+    Left = 128
+    Top = 260
+    Width = 92
+    Height = 30
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Cancel = True
     Caption = 'Cancel'
@@ -474,10 +474,10 @@ object FtpCfgDlg: TFtpCfgDlg
     TabOrder = 2
   object ApplyBtn: TButton
-    Left = 189
-    Top = 211
-    Width = 76
-    Height = 25
+    Left = 233
+    Top = 260
+    Width = 93
+    Height = 30
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Cancel = True
     Caption = 'Apply'
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/MailCfgDlgUnit.dfm b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/MailCfgDlgUnit.dfm
index 809f875a4b3359125b8983a91c17ab2ed3bd4f28..257410537f6ae85a781e1609120a7dec9e305a82 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/MailCfgDlgUnit.dfm
+++ b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/MailCfgDlgUnit.dfm
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Log to Disk'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 7
+        TabOrder = 9
       object LinesPerYieldEdit: TEdit
         Left = 113
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Log Responses'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 8
+        TabOrder = 7
       object DebugHeadersCheckBox: TCheckBox
         Left = 185
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Log RX Headers'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 9
+        TabOrder = 8
     object SMTPTabSheet: TTabSheet
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 2
+        TabOrder = 6
       object AllowRelayCheckBox: TCheckBox
         Left = 9
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Allow Authenticated Users to Relay Mail'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 3
+        TabOrder = 7
         OnClick = AllowRelayCheckBoxClick
       object MaxRecipientsEdit: TEdit
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Hint = 'Maximum number of recipients for a single message'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 1
+        TabOrder = 5
       object MaxMsgSizeEdit: TEdit
         Left = 113
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Allow Authentication via POP3, Telnet, etc.'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 5
+        TabOrder = 8
       object NotifyCheckBox: TCheckBox
         Left = 185
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Notify Recipients'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 6
+        TabOrder = 1
       object SubPortEdit: TEdit
         Left = 113
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Hint = 'TCP port number for incoming SMTP submissions (default=587)'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 7
+        TabOrder = 2
       object UseSubPortCheckBox: TCheckBox
         Left = 185
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Height = 17
         Hint = 'Enable the SMTP submission port'
         Caption = 'Enabled'
-        TabOrder = 8
+        TabOrder = 3
         OnClick = UseSubPortCheckBoxClick
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Checked = True
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 3
+        TabOrder = 4
         TabStop = True
         OnClick = DNSRadioButtonClick
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Hint = 'Host name or IP address of your ISP'#39's DNS server'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 4
+        TabOrder = 6
       object TcpDnsCheckBox: TCheckBox
         Left = 250
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'TCP'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 5
+        TabOrder = 7
       object RelayRadioButton: TRadioButton
         Left = 169
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Use Relay Server'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 6
+        TabOrder = 5
         OnClick = DNSRadioButtonClick
       object DeliveryAttemptsEdit: TEdit
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Hint = 'Character set specified for locally generated e-mail messages'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 7
+        TabOrder = 3
     object RelayTabSheet: TTabSheet
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Mail from Blacklisted Servers:'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 1
+        TabOrder = 3
         object BLSubjectLabel: TLabel
           Left = 16
           Top = 92
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Height = 25
         Hint = 'Blacklist Exempted IPs, hostnames, and e-mail addresses'
         Caption = 'Exemptions'
-        TabOrder = 2
+        TabOrder = 1
         OnClick = DNSBLExemptionsButtonClick
       object DNSBLSpamHashCheckBox: TCheckBox
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ object MailCfgDlg: TMailCfgDlg
         Height = 25
         Hint = 'Store hashes of messages from blacklisted servers in SPAM base '
         Caption = 'Hash'
-        TabOrder = 3
+        TabOrder = 2
     object AdvancedTabSheet: TTabSheet
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/TelnetCfgDlgUnit.dfm b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/TelnetCfgDlgUnit.dfm
index a14758a5b82c1f062a2b85b0866302caab69140d..691b55c7ff1b08db34db976527cd4d71cd5026fe 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/TelnetCfgDlgUnit.dfm
+++ b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/TelnetCfgDlgUnit.dfm
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
     Top = 4
     Width = 342
     Height = 229
-    ActivePage = SshTabSheet
-    TabIndex = 3
+    ActivePage = SoundTabSheet
+    TabIndex = 4
     TabOrder = 0
     object GeneralTabSheet: TTabSheet
       Caption = 'General'
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
         Left = 105
         Top = 12
         Width = 48
-        Height = 21
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'First node number available for Terminal logins'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
         Left = 105
         Top = 44
         Width = 48
-        Height = 21
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Last node number available for Terminal logins'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
         Caption = 'QWK Msg Events'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 6
+        TabOrder = 7
       object JavaScriptCheckBox: TCheckBox
         Left = 182
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
         Caption = 'JavaScript Support'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 7
+        TabOrder = 8
       object IdentityCheckBox: TCheckBox
         Left = 9
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
         Caption = 'Events Enabled'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 8
+        TabOrder = 6
     object TelnetTabSheet: TTabSheet
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
         Left = 105
         Top = 12
         Width = 48
-        Height = 21
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'TCP port for incoming connections (default=513)'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
         Left = 105
         Top = 44
         Width = 192
-        Height = 21
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 
           'Enter your Network adapter'#39's static IP address here or blank for' +
           ' <ANY>'
@@ -350,24 +350,24 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
       object AnswerSoundLabel: TLabel
         Left = 9
         Top = 12
-        Width = 64
+        Width = 80
         Height = 25
         AutoSize = False
-        Caption = 'Answer'
+        Caption = 'Connect'
       object HnagupSoundLabel: TLabel
         Left = 9
         Top = 44
-        Width = 64
+        Width = 80
         Height = 25
         AutoSize = False
-        Caption = 'Hangup'
+        Caption = 'Disconnect'
       object AnswerSoundEdit: TEdit
         Left = 89
         Top = 12
         Width = 208
-        Height = 21
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Sound file to play when accepting an incoming connection'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ object TelnetCfgDlg: TTelnetCfgDlg
         Left = 89
         Top = 44
         Width = 208
-        Height = 21
+        Height = 24
         Hint = 'Sound file to play when disconnecting'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True