diff --git a/exec/sort_file.js b/exec/sort_file.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c7312165dea45204c89ce0845264637ff550c7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/exec/sort_file.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-// $Id$
-/* This is a script that can sort a file.  This script is meant to be run with jsexec
- * (on the OS command prompt, not via the Synchronet terminal server).  One purpose
- * of this script is to sort dictionary files when they're created or when words
- * are added to existing dictionary files.
- *
- * The command-line syntax of this script is:
- * jsexec sort_file.js <inputFilename> <outputFilename> [convertToLowercase]
- * Where <inputFilename> is the name of the input file and <outputFilename> is the
- * name of the output file (the sorted input).  convertToLowercase is optional, and
- * specifies whether or not to convert all entries in the file to lower-case
- * (which is required for case-insensitive word matching via SlyEdit, for instance).
- * The values for convertToLowercase can be true or false (really, anything besides
- * true will be interpreted as false).
- */
-if (argc < 2)
-	write("\r\nUsage: sort_file.js <inputFilename> <outputFilename> [convertToLowercase]\r\n\r\n");
-	exit(1);
-var inputFilename = argv[0];
-var outputFilename = argv[1];
-var convertToLowercase = false;
-if (argc >= 3)
-	convertToLowercase = (argv[2].toLowerCase() == "true");
-write("Input filename: " + inputFilename + "\r\n");
-write("Output filename: " + outputFilename + "\r\n");
-write("Convert to lowercase: " + convertToLowercase + "\r\n");
-var succeeded = sortFile(inputFilename, outputFilename, convertToLowercase);
-if (succeeded)
-	write("Sort successful.\r\n");
-	write("Sort failed!\r\n");
-// Functions
-function sortFile(pInputFilename, pOutputFilename, pToLowercase)
-	var succeeded = true;
-	var inFile = new File(pInputFilename);
-	var fileLines = [];
-	if (inFile.open("r"))
-	{
-		var dupeCheckObj = {};
-		var fileLine;
-		while (!inFile.eof)
-		{
-			// Read the next line from the file.
-			fileLine = inFile.readln(2048);
-			// fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
-			// where for some reason it isn't.  If it's not a string,
-			// then continue onto the next line.
-			if (typeof(fileLine) == "string")
-			{
-				if (pToLowercase)
-					fileLine = fileLine.toLowerCase();
-				if (!dupeCheckObj.hasOwnProperty(fileLine))
-				{
-					fileLines.push(fileLine);
-					dupeCheckObj[fileLine] = true;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		inFile.close();
-	}
-	else
-		succeeded = false;
-	if (succeeded)
-	{
-		fileLines.sort();
-		var outFile = new File(pOutputFilename);
-		if (outFile.open("w"))
-		{
-			for (var i = 0; i < fileLines.length; ++i)
-				outFile.writeln(fileLines[i]);
-			outFile.close();
-		}
-		else
-			succeeded = false;
-	}
-	return succeeded;
\ No newline at end of file