diff --git a/exec/freqit.js b/exec/freqit.js
index 1ec23944bd5b1090e6532f6424fca29c3b5fca98..8e018dfdfd964f3f09fbcb1322139601a2cf3530 100644
--- a/exec/freqit.js
+++ b/exec/freqit.js
@@ -7,55 +7,6 @@
-function FREQITCfg()
-	var f=new File(system.ctrl_dir+'freqit.ini');
-	var val;
-	if (!f.open('r')) {
-		log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open '"+f.name+"'");
-		return;
-	}
-	// TODO: Support requiring passwords for specific files/dirs
-	this.dirs = [];
-	this.securedirs = [];
-	this.magic = {};
-	val = f.iniGetValue(null, 'Dirs');
-	if (val != undefined)
-		this.dirs = val.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
-	val = f.iniGetValue(null, 'SecureDirs');
-	if (val != undefined)
-			this.securedirs = val.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
-	this.maxfiles=f.iniGetValue(null, 'MaxFiles', 10);
-	f.iniGetSections().forEach(function(key) {
-		var dir = f.iniGetValue(key, 'Dir');
-		if (dir == undefined) {
-			log(LOG_ERROR, "Magic value '"+key+"' without a dir configured");
-			return;
-		}
-		if (this.magic === undefined)
-			this.magic = {};
-		this.magic[key] = {};
-		this.magic[key].dir=dir;
-		this.magic[key].match=f.iniGetValue(key, 'Match', '*');
-		this.magic[key].secure=f.iniGetValue(key, 'Secure', 'No');
-		switch(this.magic[key].secure.toUpperCase()) {
-			case 'TRUE':
-			case 'YES':
-			case 'ON':
-				this.magic[key].secure = true;
-				break;
-			default:
-				if (parseInt(this.magic[key].secure, 10)) {
-					this.magic[key].secure = true;
-					break;
-				}
-				this.magic[key].secure = false;
-		}
-	});
-	f.close();
 var cfg = new FREQITCfg();
diff --git a/exec/freqitcfg.js b/exec/freqitcfg.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2f290c8d70cc77c73eddc57c85862cfa7680441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exec/freqitcfg.js
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+var cfg=new FREQITCfg();
+var dctx = {};
+var gctx = new uifc.list.CTX();
+function pick_dir()
+	var cmd = 0;
+	var libs = Object.keys(file_area.lib);
+	function do_pick_dir(grp) {
+		var dirs;
+		var dircodes;
+		var dir;
+		var ret;
+		dir = 0;
+		while (dir >= 0) {
+			if (dctx[grp] === undefined)
+				dctx[grp] = new uifc.list.CTX();
+			dircodes = file_area.lib[libs[cmd]].dir_list.map(function(v){return v.code;});
+			dirs = dircodes.map(function(v){return file_area.dir[v].name;});
+			dir = uifc.list(WIN_BOT|WIN_SAV|WIN_ACT, "Select Dir", dirs, dctx[grp]);
+			if (dir >= 0)
+				return dircodes[dir];
+		}
+		return undefined;
+	}
+	while (cmd >= 0) {
+		cmd = uifc.list(WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV|WIN_ACT, "Select Group" , libs, gctx);
+		if (cmd >= 0) {
+			file = do_pick_dir(libs[cmd]);
+			if (file !== undefined)
+				return file;
+		}
+	}
+	return undefined;
+var dirctx = new uifc.list.CTX();
+function edit_dirs(list)
+	var dir=0;
+	var dirs;
+	while(dir >= 0) {
+		dirs = list.map(function(v){return file_area.dir[v].name;});
+		dir = uifc.list(WIN_INS|WIN_INSACT|WIN_DEL|WIN_XTR|WIN_SAV, "Directories", dirs, dirctx);
+		if (dir == -1)
+			return undefined;
+		if (dir == dirs.length-1 || dir & MSK_INS) {
+			dir &= MSK_OFF;
+			var newdir=pick_dir();
+			if (newdir)
+				list.splice(dir, 0, newdir);
+		}
+		else if (dir & MSK_DEL) {
+			dir &= MSK_OFF;
+			list.splice(dir, 1);
+		}
+	}
+	return undefined;
+function main()
+	var cmd=0;
+	var ctx = new uifc.list.CTX();
+	var opts;
+	uifc.init("FREQIT Config");
+	while (cmd >= 0) {
+		opts = ["Dirs...", "Secure Dirs...", format("Max Files (%d)", cfg.maxfiles), "Magic Names..."];
+		cmd = uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_ORG|WIN_MID, "FREQIT Options", opts, ctx);
+		switch(cmd) {
+			case 0:		// Dirs
+				edit_dirs(cfg.dirs);
+				break;
+			case 1:		// Secure Dirs
+				edit_dirs(cfg.securedirs);
+				break;
+			case 2:		// Max Files
+			case 3:		// Magic Names
+			case -1:	// Done
+				// TODO: Save.
+				uifc.bail();
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/exec/load/fidocfg.js b/exec/load/fidocfg.js
index 8e6541102bc58930d24cdccdbcfaa81b5ed1f7ba..5a97e32a1da22e8092a9981be089b889ed4c8977 100644
--- a/exec/load/fidocfg.js
+++ b/exec/load/fidocfg.js
@@ -205,3 +205,53 @@ TickITCfg.prototype.save = function()
+function FREQITCfg()
+	var f=new File(system.ctrl_dir+'freqit.ini');
+	var val;
+	if (!f.open('r')) {
+		log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open '"+f.name+"'");
+		return;
+	}
+	// TODO: Support requiring passwords for specific files/dirs
+	this.dirs = [];
+	this.securedirs = [];
+	this.magic = {};
+	val = f.iniGetValue(null, 'Dirs');
+	if (val != undefined)
+		this.dirs = val.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
+	val = f.iniGetValue(null, 'SecureDirs');
+	if (val != undefined)
+			this.securedirs = val.toLowerCase().split(/,/);
+	this.maxfiles=f.iniGetValue(null, 'MaxFiles', 10);
+	f.iniGetSections().forEach(function(key) {
+		var dir = f.iniGetValue(key, 'Dir');
+		if (dir == undefined) {
+			log(LOG_ERROR, "Magic value '"+key+"' without a dir configured");
+			return;
+		}
+		if (this.magic === undefined)
+			this.magic = {};
+		this.magic[key] = {};
+		this.magic[key].dir=dir;
+		this.magic[key].match=f.iniGetValue(key, 'Match', '*');
+		this.magic[key].secure=f.iniGetValue(key, 'Secure', 'No');
+		switch(this.magic[key].secure.toUpperCase()) {
+			case 'TRUE':
+			case 'YES':
+			case 'ON':
+				this.magic[key].secure = true;
+				break;
+			default:
+				if (parseInt(this.magic[key].secure, 10)) {
+					this.magic[key].secure = true;
+					break;
+				}
+				this.magic[key].secure = false;
+		}
+	});
+	f.close();