diff --git a/xtrn/sdk/xsdk.c b/xtrn/sdk/xsdk.c
index 97f6e1d794239e0d608e9a9a842211b6def9830b..b6d0c307ca453a17729fa6b7a79ede06900407c1 100644
--- a/xtrn/sdk/xsdk.c
+++ b/xtrn/sdk/xsdk.c
@@ -210,73 +210,24 @@
 #ifdef _WIN32
 #include <windows.h>	// Sleep()
 #include <process.h>	// _beginthread()
-#include <winsock.h>	// socket stuff
-WSADATA WSAData;		// WinSock data
 #include "xsdk.h"
-char *xsdk_ver="3.01"
+#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
+WSADATA WSAData;		// WinSock data
+char *xsdk_ver="3.10"
 #ifdef _WIN32
+#elif defined(__linux__)
+	"/Linux"
+#elif defined(__unix__)
+	"/Unix"
-#ifdef __TURBOC__
-extern long timezone=0L;
-extern daylight=0;
-#ifdef __SC__
-#include <disp.h>
-short wherey(void);
-void clrscr(void);
-#ifdef _MSC_VER	  /* Microsoft C */
-#define sopen(f,o,s,p)	   _sopen(f,o,s,p)
-#define close(f)		   _close(f)
-#define SH_DENYNO		   _SH_DENYNO
-#define SH_DENYRW		   _SH_DENYRW
-#include <sys/locking.h>
-int lock(int file, long offset, int size) 
-	int	i;
-	long	pos;
-	pos=tell(file);
-	if(offset!=pos)
-		lseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET);
-	i=locking(file,LK_NBLCK,size);
-	if(offset!=pos)
-		lseek(file, pos, SEEK_SET);
-	return(i);
-int unlock(int file, long offset, int size)
-	int	i;
-	long	pos;
-	pos=tell(file);
-	if(offset!=pos)
-		lseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET);
-	i=locking(file,LK_UNLCK,size);
-	if(offset!=pos)
-		lseek(file, pos, SEEK_SET);
-	return(i);
-void clrscr(void)
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
 #ifndef __16BIT__	/* Sockets */
 SOCKET			client_socket=INVALID_SOCKET;
@@ -1469,30 +1420,12 @@ void cls(void)
-	else {
+	else 
-		clrscr(); }
-#ifdef __WATCOMC__
-short wherey(void)
-	struct rccoord rc;
-	rc=_gettextposition();
-	return(rc.col);
-void clrscr(void)
-	_clearscreen(_GCLEARSCREEN);
 /* performs the correct attribute modifications for the Ctrl-A code			*/
@@ -2139,81 +2072,6 @@ uint usernumber(char *username)
-/* Checks the disk drive for the existance of a file. Returns 1 if it 		*/
-/* exists, 0 if it doesn't.													*/
-/* Called from upload														*/
-char fexist(char *filespec)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)	/* Microsoft */
-	long	handle;
-    struct _finddata_t f;
-	if((handle=_findfirst(filespec,&f))==-1)
-		return(FALSE);
-	_findclose(handle);
-	if(f.attrib&_A_SUBDIR)
-		return(FALSE);
-	return(TRUE);
-#elif defined(__SC__)	/* Symantec */
-	if(findfirst(filespec,0)==NULL)
-		return(0);
-	return(1);
-#else					/* Borland/Watcom */
-	struct ffblk f;
-	if(findfirst(filespec,&f,0)==NULL)
-		return(1);
-	return(0);
-/* Returns the length of the first file found that matches 'filespec'       */
-/* -1 if the file doesn't exist.                                            */
-long flength(char *filespec)
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)	/* Microsoft */
-	long	handle;
-    struct _finddata_t f;
-	if((handle=_findfirst(filespec,&f))==-1)
-		return(-1L);
-	_findclose(handle);
-	return(f.size);
-#elif defined(__SC__)	/* Symantec */
-	struct FILE *f;
-	if((f=findfirst(filespec,0))==NULL)
-		return(-1);
-	return(f->size);
-#else					/* Borland/Watcom */
-	struct ffblk f;
-	if(findfirst(filespec,&f,0)==NULL)
-#ifdef __TURBOC__	/* Borland */
-		return(f.ff_fsize);
-#else				/* Other (Watcom) */
-		return(f.size);
-	return(-1L);
 /* Returns in 'string' a character representation of the number in l with   */
 /* commas. Maximum value of l is 4 gigabytes.								*/
@@ -2223,7 +2081,7 @@ char *ultoac(ulong l, char *string)
 	char str[81];
 	char i,j,k;
-	ultoa(l,str,10);
+	sprintf(str,"%lu",10);
@@ -2774,33 +2632,3 @@ void ungetkey(char ch)
-#ifdef __SC__					/* Missing from Symantec RTL */
-void clrscr(void) 
-        asm
-        {       mov ah,8        /*function # for "Get char with attr*/
-                xor bh,bh       /*page 0*/
-                int 10h         /*Call interrupt 10h (video)*/
-                mov bh,ah       /*set "set attr" to "current attr"*/
-                mov ah,6        /*function # for "Scroll Window Up"*/
-                xor cx,cx       /*set upper row & column (0,0)*/
-                xor al,al       /*set "# lines to scroll" to 0*/
-                mov dh,119      /*set lowqer colum*/
-                int 10h         /*Call interrupt 10h*/
-                mov ah,2        /*function # for "Set Cursor Position"*/
-                xor bh,bh       /*set page to 0*/
-                xor dx,dx       /*set row & colum to 0 (upper left)*/
-                int 10h         /*Call interrupt 10h*/
-        }
-        return;
-short wherey(void)
-        struct disp_t rc;
-        return(rc.cursorcol);
-#endif  /* __SC__ */