From 33bbdfb000e22f166a6d32e6cbd0f315ec0dcdd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rswindell <>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 22:16:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Changes to MsgSubj, MsgAttr, and MsgTo strings so that
 messages without a "to" field can have that line automatically stripped from
 the displayed header: - The \r\n's were moved from the end of the MsgSubj and
 MsgAttr strings to the beginning of the MsgAttr and MsgTo strings. Also,
 fixed the number in the VoteMsgUpDownOrQuit comment. Removed "I'm" from the
 "Sorry.." vote related strings.

 ctrl/text.dat | 14 +++++++-------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ctrl/text.dat b/ctrl/text.dat
index a4e8f54463..2f5064446a 100644
--- a/ctrl/text.dat
+++ b/ctrl/text.dat
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 "\1n\1h\1cÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ\1nÄÄÄÄÄÄ\1h\1kÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\1n\1cÄÄÄÄÄúúúú\r\n"\	001 MsgSubj 
-	"\1h³ \1bSubj\1n\1b: \1h\1c%.70s\r\n"
-"³ \1bAttr\1n\1b: \1h\1c%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\r\n"        002 MsgAttr
-"³ \1bTo  \1n\1b: \1h\1c%.70s"                               003 MsgTo
+	"\1h³ \1bSubj\1n\1b: \1h\1c%.70s"
+"\r\n³ \1bAttr\1n\1b: \1h\1c%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"           002 MsgAttr
+"\r\n³ \1bTo  \1n\1b: \1h\1c%.70s"                              003 MsgTo
 " #%s"                                                  004 MsgToExt
 " (%.40s)"                                              005 MsgToNet
 "\r\n\1w³ \1bFrom\1n\1b: \1h\1c%.70s"                         006 MsgFrom
@@ -945,11 +945,11 @@
 "from now"								776 InTheFuture
 "%s %s %s"								777 AgeOfPostedItem
 "Logging out \1h%s"		        		778 NodeStatusLogout
-"\r\n\1h\1rI'm sorry, voting is not allowed here.\r\n" 779 VotingNotAllowed
-"\r\n\1h\1rI'm sorry, you've already voted on this.\r\n" 780 VotedAlready
-"\r\n\1h\1rI'm sorry, you're not allowed to vote.\r\n" 781 R_Voting
+"\r\n\1h\1rSorry, voting is not allowed here.\r\n" 779 VotingNotAllowed
+"\r\n\1h\1rSorry, you've already voted on this.\r\n" 780 VotedAlready
+"\r\n\1h\1rSorry, you're not allowed to vote.\r\n" 781 R_Voting
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wV\1n\1b] \1hInclude VOTING.DAT File      \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"	782 QWKSettingsVoting
-"\r\nVote for message: ~Up, ~Down, or ~Quit: "               732 VoteMsgUpDownOrQuit
+"\r\nVote for message: ~Up, ~Down, or ~Quit: "               783 VoteMsgUpDownOrQuit
 "\r\n³ \1bMsg \1n\1b: \1h\1cVoted Up %u times and Down %u times"          784 MsgVotes
 "\r\n\1n\1hOn %s, in \1c%s \1n\1c%s\r\n\1h\1m%s \1cUp\1n\1m-voted your message: \1n\1h%s\r\n" 785 MsgUpVoteNotice
 "\r\n\1n\1hOn %s, in \1c%s \1n\1c%s\r\n\1h\1m%s \1rDown\1n\1m-voted your message: \1n\1h%s\r\n" 786 MsgDownVoteNotice