diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c
index 7a34fc49726a95cc85bbf215ae78e07790985cdb..f89c903c21b4f63e79eafbccf0943eb9c5f49431 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c
@@ -54,34 +54,58 @@ static const char* maximum(uint val)
 	return str;
-static void global_cfg(global_startup_t* startup)
+static void global_cfg(void)
 	static int cur;
 	char str[256];
 	char tmp[256];
 	uint32_t ip4_addr;
+	global_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&bbs_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&ftp_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&web_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&mail_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	global_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "TLS Error Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->tls_error_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Network Interfaces (IPv4/6)", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Outbound Interface (IPv4)", IPv4AddressToStr(startup->outgoing4.s_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Bind Retry Count", threshold(startup->bind_retry_count));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Bind Retry Delay", vduration(startup->bind_retry_delay));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ms", "Failed Login Delay", startup->login_attempt.delay);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ms", "Failed Login Throttle", startup->login_attempt.throttle);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Hack Log Threshold", threshold(startup->login_attempt.hack_threshold));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Temporary Ban Threshold", threshold(startup->login_attempt.tempban_threshold));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "TLS Error Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.tls_error_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Network Interfaces (IPv4/6)", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Outbound Interface (IPv4)", IPv4AddressToStr(startup.outgoing4.s_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Bind Retry Count", threshold(startup.bind_retry_count));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Bind Retry Delay", vduration(startup.bind_retry_delay));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ms", "Failed Login Delay", startup.login_attempt.delay);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ms", "Failed Login Throttle", startup.login_attempt.throttle);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Hack Log Threshold", threshold(startup.login_attempt.hack_threshold));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Temporary Ban Threshold", threshold(startup.login_attempt.tempban_threshold));
 		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Temporary Ban Duration"
-			,duration_to_vstr(startup->login_attempt.tempban_duration, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Auto-Filter Threshold", threshold(startup->login_attempt.filter_threshold));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s bytes", "JavaScript Heap Size", byte_count_to_str(startup->js.max_bytes, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript Time Limit", startup->js.time_limit);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript GC Interval ", startup->js.gc_interval);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript Yield Interval", startup->js.yield_interval);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "JavaScript Load Path", startup->js.load_path);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Semaphore File Check Interval", vduration(startup->sem_chk_freq));
+			,duration_to_vstr(startup.login_attempt.tempban_duration, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Auto-Filter Threshold", threshold(startup.login_attempt.filter_threshold));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s bytes", "JavaScript Heap Size", byte_count_to_str(startup.js.max_bytes, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript Time Limit", startup.js.time_limit);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript GC Interval ", startup.js.gc_interval);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript Yield Interval", startup.js.yield_interval);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "JavaScript Load Path", startup.js.load_path);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Semaphore File Check Interval", vduration(startup.sem_chk_freq));
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -91,66 +115,96 @@ static void global_cfg(global_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, 0
 			,"Global Server Setttings",opt)) {
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(&startup
+					,NULL //&bbs_startup
+					,NULL //&ftp_startup
+					,NULL //&web_startup
+					,NULL //&mail_startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
 			case 0:
-				i = startup->log_level;
+				i = startup.log_level;
 				i = uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &i, 0, "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList());
-				if(i >= 0 && startup->log_level != i) {
-					startup->log_level = i;
-					uifc.changes = true;
+				if(i >= 0 && startup.log_level != i) {
+					startup.log_level = i;
 			case 1:
-				i = startup->tls_error_level;
+				i = startup.tls_error_level;
 				i = uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &i, 0, "TLS Error Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList());
-				if(i >= 0 && startup->tls_error_level != i) {
-					startup->tls_error_level = i;
-					uifc.changes = true;
+				if(i >= 0 && startup.tls_error_level != i) {
+					startup.tls_error_level = i;
 			case 2:
-				strListCombine(startup->interfaces, str, sizeof(str), ", ");
+				strListCombine(startup.interfaces, str, sizeof(str), ", ");
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Network Interfaces", str, sizeof(str)-1, K_EDIT) >= 0) {
-					strListFree(&startup->interfaces);
-					strListSplitCopy(&startup->interfaces, str, ", ");
+					strListFree(&startup.interfaces);
+					strListSplitCopy(&startup.interfaces, str, ", ");
 					uifc.changes = true;
 			case 3:
-				IPv4AddressToStr(ip4_addr = startup->outgoing4.s_addr, str, sizeof(str));
+				IPv4AddressToStr(ip4_addr = startup.outgoing4.s_addr, str, sizeof(str));
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Outbound Network Interface", str, sizeof(str)-1, K_EDIT) > 0) {
-					if((ip4_addr = parseIPv4Address(str)) != startup->outgoing4.s_addr) {
-						startup->outgoing4.s_addr = ip4_addr;
-						uifc.changes = true;
+					if((ip4_addr = parseIPv4Address(str)) != startup.outgoing4.s_addr) {
+						startup.outgoing4.s_addr = ip4_addr;
 			case 4:
-				SAFECOPY(str, threshold(startup->bind_retry_count));
+				SAFECOPY(str, threshold(startup.bind_retry_count));
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Port Bind Retry Count", str, 6, K_EDIT) > 0) {
-					if(atoi(str) != startup->bind_retry_count) {
-						startup->bind_retry_count = atoi(str);
-						uifc.changes = true;
+					if(atoi(str) != startup.bind_retry_count) {
+						startup.bind_retry_count = atoi(str);
 			case 5:
-				SAFECOPY(str, duration(startup->bind_retry_delay, false));
+				SAFECOPY(str, duration(startup.bind_retry_delay, false));
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Port Bind Retry Delay", str, 6, K_EDIT) > 0) {
 					uint dur = parse_duration(str);
-					if(dur != startup->bind_retry_delay) {
-						startup->bind_retry_delay = dur;
-						uifc.changes = true;
+					if(dur != startup.bind_retry_delay) {
+						startup.bind_retry_delay = dur;
 			case 6:
-				SAFEPRINTF(str, "%u", startup->login_attempt.delay);
+				SAFEPRINTF(str, "%u", startup.login_attempt.delay);
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Millisecond Delay After Failed Login Attempts", str, 6, K_NUMBER|K_EDIT) > 0) {
 					uint dur = atoi(str);
-					if(dur != startup->login_attempt.delay) {
-						startup->login_attempt.delay = dur;
-						uifc.changes = true;
+					if(dur != startup.login_attempt.delay) {
+						startup.login_attempt.delay = dur;
@@ -158,41 +212,66 @@ static void global_cfg(global_startup_t* startup)
-static void termsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, bbs_startup_t* startup)
+static void termsrvr_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	bbs_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&ftp_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&web_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&mail_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	bbs_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "First Node", startup->first_node);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Last Node", startup->last_node);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "DOS Program Support", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_DOS ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Support", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Interfaces", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? strListCombine(startup->ssh_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SSH Port", startup->ssh_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Connect Timeout", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? vduration(startup->ssh_connect_timeout) : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Support", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Interfaces", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : strListCombine(startup->telnet_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Telnet Port", startup->telnet_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Command Debug", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : startup->options & BBS_OPT_DEBUG_TELNET ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Send Go-Aheads", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET_GA ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "RLogin Support", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "RLogin Interfaces", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN ? strListCombine(startup->rlogin_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "RLogin Port", startup->rlogin_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "40 Column PETSCII Port", startup->pet40_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "80 Column PETSCII Port", startup->pet80_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup->max_concurrent_connections));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Login Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_login_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max New User Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_newuser_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max User Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_session_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u ms", "Output Buffer Drain Timeout", startup->outbuf_drain_timeout);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Execute Timed Events", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_EVENTS ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Execute QWK-relatd Events", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_EVENTS ? "N/A" : startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_QWK_EVENTS ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		if(!*enabled)
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "First Node", startup.first_node);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Last Node", startup.last_node);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "DOS Program Support", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_DOS ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Support", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Interfaces", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? strListCombine(startup.ssh_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SSH Port", startup.ssh_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Connect Timeout", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? vduration(startup.ssh_connect_timeout) : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Support", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Interfaces", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : strListCombine(startup.telnet_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Telnet Port", startup.telnet_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Command Debug", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : startup.options & BBS_OPT_DEBUG_TELNET ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Send Go-Aheads", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET_GA ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "RLogin Support", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "RLogin Interfaces", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN ? strListCombine(startup.rlogin_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "RLogin Port", startup.rlogin_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "40 Column PETSCII Port", startup.pet40_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "80 Column PETSCII Port", startup.pet80_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup.max_concurrent_connections));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Login Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_login_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max New User Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_newuser_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max User Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_session_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u ms", "Output Buffer Drain Timeout", startup.outbuf_drain_timeout);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Execute Timed Events", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_EVENTS ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Execute QWK-relatd Events", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_EVENTS ? "N/A" : startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_QWK_EVENTS ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -203,61 +282,123 @@ static void termsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, bbs_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"Terminal Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
 			case 1:
-				startup->options ^= BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET;
+				startup.options ^= BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET;
 			case 2:
-				startup->options ^= BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH;
+				startup.options ^= BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH;
 			case 3:
-				startup->options ^= BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN;
+				startup.options ^= BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,&startup
+					,NULL //&ftp_startup
+					,NULL //&web_startup
+					,NULL //&mail_startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
-static void websrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, web_startup_t* startup)
+static void websrvr_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	web_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&ftp_startup
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&mail_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	web_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTP Interfaces", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "HTTP Port", startup->port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTPS Support", startup->options & WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTPS Interfaces", startup->options & WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS ? strListCombine(startup->tls_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "HTTPS Port", startup->tls_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSJS File Extension", startup->ssjs_ext);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Index Filenames", strListCombine(startup->index_file_name, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Content Root Directory", startup->root_dir);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Error Sub-directory", startup->error_dir);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Strict Transport Security", startup->options & WEB_OPT_HSTS_SAFE ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Virtual Host Support", startup->options & WEB_OPT_VIRTUAL_HOSTS ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Access Logging", startup->options & WEB_OPT_HTTP_LOGGING ? startup->logfile_base : strDisabled);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup->max_clients));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase Index Script", startup->file_index_script);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase VPath Prefix", startup->file_vpath_prefix);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase VPath for VHosts", startup->file_vpath_for_vhosts ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Authentication Methods", startup->default_auth_list);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u ms", "Output Buffer Drain Timeout", startup->outbuf_drain_timeout);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		bool cgi_enabled = !(startup->options & WEB_OPT_NO_CGI);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTP Interfaces", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "HTTP Port", startup.port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTPS Support", startup.options & WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTPS Interfaces", startup.options & WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS ? strListCombine(startup.tls_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "HTTPS Port", startup.tls_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSJS File Extension", startup.ssjs_ext);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Index Filenames", strListCombine(startup.index_file_name, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Content Root Directory", startup.root_dir);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Error Sub-directory", startup.error_dir);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Strict Transport Security", startup.options & WEB_OPT_HSTS_SAFE ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Virtual Host Support", startup.options & WEB_OPT_VIRTUAL_HOSTS ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Access Logging", startup.options & WEB_OPT_HTTP_LOGGING ? startup.logfile_base : strDisabled);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup.max_clients));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase Index Script", startup.file_index_script);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase VPath Prefix", startup.file_vpath_prefix);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase VPath for VHosts", startup.file_vpath_for_vhosts ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Authentication Methods", startup.default_auth_list);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u ms", "Output Buffer Drain Timeout", startup.outbuf_drain_timeout);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		bool cgi_enabled = !(startup.options & WEB_OPT_NO_CGI);
 		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Support",  cgi_enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
 		if(cgi_enabled) {
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Directory", startup->cgi_dir);
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI File Extensions", strListCombine(startup->cgi_ext, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Default Content-Type", startup->default_cgi_content);
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Max Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_cgi_inactivity));
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Directory", startup.cgi_dir);
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI File Extensions", strListCombine(startup.cgi_ext, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Default Content-Type", startup.default_cgi_content);
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Max Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_cgi_inactivity));
-		if(!*enabled)
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -268,40 +409,102 @@ static void websrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, web_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"Web Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
 			case 2:
-				startup->options ^= WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS;
+				startup.options ^= WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,FALSE
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL //&ftp_startup
+					,&startup
+					,NULL //&mail_startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
-static void ftpsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, ftp_startup_t* startup)
+static void ftpsrvr_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	ftp_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&mail_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	ftp_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Network Interfaces", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u, Data: %u", "Control Port", startup->port, startup->port - 1);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Passive Interface (IPv4)", startup->options & FTP_OPT_LOOKUP_PASV_IP ? "<automatic>" : IPv4AddressToStr(startup->pasv_ip_addr.s_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u - %u", "Passive Port Range", startup->pasv_port_low, startup->pasv_port_high);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Auto-generate Index File", startup->options & FTP_OPT_INDEX_FILE ? startup->index_file_name : strDisabled);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "QWK Message Packet Transfers", startup->options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "QWK Message Packet Timeout", startup->options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK ? vduration(startup->qwk_timeout) : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup->max_clients));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup->max_concurrent_connections));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Sysop Filesystem Access", startup->options & FTP_OPT_NO_LOCAL_FSYS ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Allow Bounce Transfers", startup->options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_BOUNCE ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		if(!*enabled)
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Network Interfaces", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u, Data: %u", "Control Port", startup.port, startup.port - 1);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Passive Interface (IPv4)", startup.options & FTP_OPT_LOOKUP_PASV_IP ? "<automatic>" : IPv4AddressToStr(startup.pasv_ip_addr.s_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u - %u", "Passive Port Range", startup.pasv_port_low, startup.pasv_port_high);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Auto-generate Index File", startup.options & FTP_OPT_INDEX_FILE ? startup.index_file_name : strDisabled);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "QWK Message Packet Transfers", startup.options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "QWK Message Packet Timeout", startup.options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK ? vduration(startup.qwk_timeout) : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup.max_clients));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup.max_concurrent_connections));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Sysop Filesystem Access", startup.options & FTP_OPT_NO_LOCAL_FSYS ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Allow Bounce Transfers", startup.options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_BOUNCE ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -312,82 +515,144 @@ static void ftpsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, ftp_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"FTP Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,FALSE
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,NULL
+					,&startup
+					,NULL
+					,NULL //&mail_startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
-static void mailsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, mail_startup_t* startup)
+static void mailsrvr_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
 	const char* p;
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	mail_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	mail_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SMTP Interfaces", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SMTP Port", startup->smtp_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Submission Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_USE_SUBMISSION_PORT ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Submission Port", startup->submission_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Submission/TLS Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_TLS_SUBMISSION ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Submission/TLS Port", startup->submissions_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3 Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_POP3 ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SMTP Interfaces", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SMTP Port", startup.smtp_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Submission Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_USE_SUBMISSION_PORT ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Submission Port", startup.submission_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Submission/TLS Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_TLS_SUBMISSION ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Submission/TLS Port", startup.submissions_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3 Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_POP3 ? "Yes" : "No");
 		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3 Interfaces"
-			,startup->options & (MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_POP3 | MAIL_OPT_TLS_POP3)
-				? strListCombine(startup->pop3_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "POP3 Port", startup->pop3_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3/TLS Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_TLS_POP3 ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "POP3/TLS Port", startup->pop3s_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup->max_clients));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup->max_concurrent_connections));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Recipients Per Message", maximum(startup->max_recipients));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Messages Waiting", maximum(startup->max_msgs_waiting));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s bytes", "Max Receive Message Size", byte_count_to_str(startup->max_msg_size, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Allow Users to Relay Mail", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_RELAY ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Receive By Sysop Aliases", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_SYSOP_ALIASES ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Notify Local Recipients", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_NO_NOTIFY ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Check Headers against DNSBL", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_CHKRECVHDRS ? "Yes" : "No");
-		if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_REFUSE)
+			,startup.options & (MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_POP3 | MAIL_OPT_TLS_POP3)
+				? strListCombine(startup.pop3_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "POP3 Port", startup.pop3_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3/TLS Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_TLS_POP3 ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "POP3/TLS Port", startup.pop3s_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup.max_clients));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup.max_concurrent_connections));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Recipients Per Message", maximum(startup.max_recipients));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Messages Waiting", maximum(startup.max_msgs_waiting));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s bytes", "Max Receive Message Size", byte_count_to_str(startup.max_msg_size, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Allow Users to Relay Mail", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_RELAY ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Receive By Sysop Aliases", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_SYSOP_ALIASES ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Notify Local Recipients", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_NO_NOTIFY ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Check Headers against DNSBL", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_CHKRECVHDRS ? "Yes" : "No");
+		if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_REFUSE)
 			p = "Refuse Session";
-		else if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_IGNORE)
+		else if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_IGNORE)
 			p = "Silently Ignore";
-		else if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_BADUSER)
+		else if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_BADUSER)
 			p = "Refuse Mail";
-		else if(startup->options)
+		else if(startup.options)
 			p = "Tag Mail";
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s%s", "Blacklisted Servers", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_THROTTLE ? "Throttle and " : "", p);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Hash Blacklisted Messages", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_SPAMHASH ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Auto-exempt Recipients", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_NO_AUTO_EXEMPT ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Kill SPAM When Read", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_KILL_READ_SPAM ? "Yes": "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_NO_SENDMAIL ? "No" : "Yes");
-		if(!(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_NO_SENDMAIL)) {
-			bool applicable = startup->options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_TX;
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s%s", "Blacklisted Servers", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_THROTTLE ? "Throttle and " : "", p);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Hash Blacklisted Messages", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_SPAMHASH ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Auto-exempt Recipients", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_NO_AUTO_EXEMPT ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Kill SPAM When Read", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_KILL_READ_SPAM ? "Yes": "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_NO_SENDMAIL ? "No" : "Yes");
+		if(!(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_NO_SENDMAIL)) {
+			bool applicable = startup.options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_TX;
 			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Delivery", applicable ? "Relay" : "Direct");
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Server", applicable ? startup->relay_server : "N/A");
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SendMail Relay Port", startup->relay_port);
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay User", applicable ? startup->relay_user : "N/A");
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Password", applicable ? startup->relay_pass : "N/A");
-			if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_PLAIN)
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Server", applicable ? startup.relay_server : "N/A");
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SendMail Relay Port", startup.relay_port);
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay User", applicable ? startup.relay_user : "N/A");
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Password", applicable ? startup.relay_pass : "N/A");
+			if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_PLAIN)
 				p = "Plain";
-			else if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_LOGIN)
+			else if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_LOGIN)
 				p = "Login";
-			else if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_CRAM_MD5)
+			else if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_CRAM_MD5)
 				p = "CRAM-MD5";
 				p = "None";
 			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Auth", applicable ? p : "N/A");
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SendMail Max Attempts", startup->max_delivery_attempts);
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Rescan Interval", vduration(startup->rescan_frequency));
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Connect Timeout", vduration(startup->connect_timeout));
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SendMail Max Attempts", startup.max_delivery_attempts);
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Rescan Interval", vduration(startup.rescan_frequency));
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Connect Timeout", vduration(startup.connect_timeout));
-		if(!*enabled)
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -398,27 +663,89 @@ static void mailsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, mail_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"Mail Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,FALSE
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,&startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
-static void services_cfg(BOOL* enabled, services_startup_t* startup)
+static void services_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	services_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	services_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Network Interfaces", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Configuration File", startup->services_ini);
-		if(!*enabled)
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Network Interfaces", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Configuration File", startup.services_ini);
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -429,9 +756,46 @@ static void services_cfg(BOOL* enabled, services_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"Services Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,FALSE
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,&startup
+					);
@@ -440,39 +804,33 @@ static void services_cfg(BOOL* enabled, services_startup_t* startup)
 void server_cfg(void)
 	static int srvr_dflt;
 	BOOL run_bbs, run_ftp, run_web, run_mail, run_services;
-	global_startup_t global_startup = {0};
-	bbs_startup_t bbs_startup = {0};
-	ftp_startup_t ftp_startup = {0};
-	web_startup_t web_startup = {0};
-	mail_startup_t mail_startup = {0};
-	services_startup_t services_startup = {0};
 	sbbs_get_ini_fname(cfg.filename, cfg.ctrl_dir);
-	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
-	if(fp == NULL) {
-		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
-		return;
-	}
-	sbbs_read_ini(
-		 fp
-		,cfg.filename
-		,&global_startup
-		,&run_bbs
-		,&bbs_startup
-		,&run_ftp
-		,&ftp_startup
-		,&run_web
-		,&web_startup
-		,&run_mail
-		,&mail_startup
-		,&run_services
-		,&services_startup
-		);
-	iniCloseFile(fp);
 	while(1) {
+		FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+		if(fp == NULL) {
+			uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+			return;
+		}
+		sbbs_read_ini(
+			 fp
+			,cfg.filename
+			,NULL //&global_startup
+			,&run_bbs
+			,NULL //&bbs_startup
+			,&run_ftp
+			,NULL //&ftp_startup
+			,&run_web
+			,NULL //&web_startup
+			,&run_mail
+			,NULL //&mail_startup
+			,&run_services
+			,NULL //&services_startup
+			);
+		iniCloseFile(fp);
 		int i = 0;
 		strcpy(opt[i++], "Global Settings");
 		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-27s%s", "Terminal Server", run_bbs ? "Enabled" : strDisabled);
@@ -492,61 +850,58 @@ void server_cfg(void)
 			"the `ctrl/sbbs.ini` file and `https://wiki.synchro.net/config:sbbs.ini`\n"
 			"for reference.\n"
-		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ORG|WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE,0,0,0,&srvr_dflt,0
-			,"Server Configuration",opt)) {
+		i = uifc.list(WIN_ORG|WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE,0,0,0,&srvr_dflt,0, "Server Configuration",opt);
+		if(i < 0) {
+#if 0
+			i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+			if(i < 0)
+				continue;
+			if(i == 0) {
+				fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+				if(fp == NULL)
+					uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+				else {
+					if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+						 fp
+						,&cfg
+						,&global_startup
+						,run_bbs
+						,&bbs_startup
+						,run_ftp
+						,&ftp_startup
+						,run_web
+						,&web_startup
+						,run_mail
+						,&mail_startup
+						,run_services
+						,&services_startup
+						))
+						uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+					iniCloseFile(fp);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		switch(i) {
 			case 0:
-				global_cfg(&global_startup);
+				global_cfg();
 			case 1:
-				termsrvr_cfg(&run_bbs, &bbs_startup);
+				termsrvr_cfg();
 			case 2:
-				websrvr_cfg(&run_web, &web_startup);
+				websrvr_cfg();
 			case 3:
-				ftpsrvr_cfg(&run_ftp, &ftp_startup);
+				ftpsrvr_cfg();
 			case 4:
-				mailsrvr_cfg(&run_mail, &mail_startup);
+				mailsrvr_cfg();
 			case 5:
-				services_cfg(&run_services, &services_startup);
+				services_cfg();
-			default:
-				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
-				if(i < 0)
-					continue;
-				if(i == 0) {
-					fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
-					if(fp == NULL)
-						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
-					else {
-						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
-							 fp
-							,&cfg
-							,&global_startup
-							,run_bbs
-							,&bbs_startup
-							,run_ftp
-							,&ftp_startup
-							,run_web
-							,&web_startup
-							,run_mail
-							,&mail_startup
-							,run_services
-							,&services_startup
-							))
-							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
-						iniCloseFile(fp);
-					}
-				}
-				sbbs_free_ini(&global_startup
-					,&bbs_startup
-					,&ftp_startup
-					,&web_startup
-					,&mail_startup
-					,&services_startup);
-				return;