From 3d2c698b8b92315eeebb86b7c8add3cd1c50ba99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Rob Swindell (on ChromeOS)" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2023 20:33:06 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Read/write the sbbs.ini one section at a time

This allows the [Global] section to be applied to each server section correctly

Before this change, changing BindRetry in the global settings would result in
the original global BindRetry value being added to each server/section of
the sbbs.ini file.
 src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c | 867 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 611 insertions(+), 256 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c
index 7a34fc4972..f89c903c21 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsrvr.c
@@ -54,34 +54,58 @@ static const char* maximum(uint val)
 	return str;
-static void global_cfg(global_startup_t* startup)
+static void global_cfg(void)
 	static int cur;
 	char str[256];
 	char tmp[256];
 	uint32_t ip4_addr;
+	global_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&bbs_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&ftp_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&web_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&mail_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	global_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "TLS Error Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->tls_error_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Network Interfaces (IPv4/6)", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Outbound Interface (IPv4)", IPv4AddressToStr(startup->outgoing4.s_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Bind Retry Count", threshold(startup->bind_retry_count));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Bind Retry Delay", vduration(startup->bind_retry_delay));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ms", "Failed Login Delay", startup->login_attempt.delay);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ms", "Failed Login Throttle", startup->login_attempt.throttle);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Hack Log Threshold", threshold(startup->login_attempt.hack_threshold));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Temporary Ban Threshold", threshold(startup->login_attempt.tempban_threshold));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "TLS Error Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.tls_error_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Network Interfaces (IPv4/6)", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Outbound Interface (IPv4)", IPv4AddressToStr(startup.outgoing4.s_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Bind Retry Count", threshold(startup.bind_retry_count));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Bind Retry Delay", vduration(startup.bind_retry_delay));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ms", "Failed Login Delay", startup.login_attempt.delay);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ms", "Failed Login Throttle", startup.login_attempt.throttle);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Hack Log Threshold", threshold(startup.login_attempt.hack_threshold));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Temporary Ban Threshold", threshold(startup.login_attempt.tempban_threshold));
 		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Temporary Ban Duration"
-			,duration_to_vstr(startup->login_attempt.tempban_duration, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Auto-Filter Threshold", threshold(startup->login_attempt.filter_threshold));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s bytes", "JavaScript Heap Size", byte_count_to_str(startup->js.max_bytes, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript Time Limit", startup->js.time_limit);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript GC Interval ", startup->js.gc_interval);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript Yield Interval", startup->js.yield_interval);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "JavaScript Load Path", startup->js.load_path);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Semaphore File Check Interval", vduration(startup->sem_chk_freq));
+			,duration_to_vstr(startup.login_attempt.tempban_duration, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Failed Login Auto-Filter Threshold", threshold(startup.login_attempt.filter_threshold));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s bytes", "JavaScript Heap Size", byte_count_to_str(startup.js.max_bytes, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript Time Limit", startup.js.time_limit);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript GC Interval ", startup.js.gc_interval);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%u ticks", "JavaScript Yield Interval", startup.js.yield_interval);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "JavaScript Load Path", startup.js.load_path);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-40s%s", "Semaphore File Check Interval", vduration(startup.sem_chk_freq));
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -91,66 +115,96 @@ static void global_cfg(global_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, 0
 			,"Global Server Setttings",opt)) {
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(&startup
+					,NULL //&bbs_startup
+					,NULL //&ftp_startup
+					,NULL //&web_startup
+					,NULL //&mail_startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
 			case 0:
-				i = startup->log_level;
+				i = startup.log_level;
 				i = uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &i, 0, "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList());
-				if(i >= 0 && startup->log_level != i) {
-					startup->log_level = i;
-					uifc.changes = true;
+				if(i >= 0 && startup.log_level != i) {
+					startup.log_level = i;
 			case 1:
-				i = startup->tls_error_level;
+				i = startup.tls_error_level;
 				i = uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &i, 0, "TLS Error Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList());
-				if(i >= 0 && startup->tls_error_level != i) {
-					startup->tls_error_level = i;
-					uifc.changes = true;
+				if(i >= 0 && startup.tls_error_level != i) {
+					startup.tls_error_level = i;
 			case 2:
-				strListCombine(startup->interfaces, str, sizeof(str), ", ");
+				strListCombine(startup.interfaces, str, sizeof(str), ", ");
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Network Interfaces", str, sizeof(str)-1, K_EDIT) >= 0) {
-					strListFree(&startup->interfaces);
-					strListSplitCopy(&startup->interfaces, str, ", ");
+					strListFree(&startup.interfaces);
+					strListSplitCopy(&startup.interfaces, str, ", ");
 					uifc.changes = true;
 			case 3:
-				IPv4AddressToStr(ip4_addr = startup->outgoing4.s_addr, str, sizeof(str));
+				IPv4AddressToStr(ip4_addr = startup.outgoing4.s_addr, str, sizeof(str));
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Outbound Network Interface", str, sizeof(str)-1, K_EDIT) > 0) {
-					if((ip4_addr = parseIPv4Address(str)) != startup->outgoing4.s_addr) {
-						startup->outgoing4.s_addr = ip4_addr;
-						uifc.changes = true;
+					if((ip4_addr = parseIPv4Address(str)) != startup.outgoing4.s_addr) {
+						startup.outgoing4.s_addr = ip4_addr;
 			case 4:
-				SAFECOPY(str, threshold(startup->bind_retry_count));
+				SAFECOPY(str, threshold(startup.bind_retry_count));
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Port Bind Retry Count", str, 6, K_EDIT) > 0) {
-					if(atoi(str) != startup->bind_retry_count) {
-						startup->bind_retry_count = atoi(str);
-						uifc.changes = true;
+					if(atoi(str) != startup.bind_retry_count) {
+						startup.bind_retry_count = atoi(str);
 			case 5:
-				SAFECOPY(str, duration(startup->bind_retry_delay, false));
+				SAFECOPY(str, duration(startup.bind_retry_delay, false));
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Port Bind Retry Delay", str, 6, K_EDIT) > 0) {
 					uint dur = parse_duration(str);
-					if(dur != startup->bind_retry_delay) {
-						startup->bind_retry_delay = dur;
-						uifc.changes = true;
+					if(dur != startup.bind_retry_delay) {
+						startup.bind_retry_delay = dur;
 			case 6:
-				SAFEPRINTF(str, "%u", startup->login_attempt.delay);
+				SAFEPRINTF(str, "%u", startup.login_attempt.delay);
 				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Millisecond Delay After Failed Login Attempts", str, 6, K_NUMBER|K_EDIT) > 0) {
 					uint dur = atoi(str);
-					if(dur != startup->login_attempt.delay) {
-						startup->login_attempt.delay = dur;
-						uifc.changes = true;
+					if(dur != startup.login_attempt.delay) {
+						startup.login_attempt.delay = dur;
@@ -158,41 +212,66 @@ static void global_cfg(global_startup_t* startup)
-static void termsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, bbs_startup_t* startup)
+static void termsrvr_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	bbs_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&ftp_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&web_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&mail_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	bbs_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "First Node", startup->first_node);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Last Node", startup->last_node);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "DOS Program Support", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_DOS ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Support", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Interfaces", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? strListCombine(startup->ssh_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SSH Port", startup->ssh_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Connect Timeout", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? vduration(startup->ssh_connect_timeout) : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Support", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Interfaces", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : strListCombine(startup->telnet_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Telnet Port", startup->telnet_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Command Debug", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : startup->options & BBS_OPT_DEBUG_TELNET ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Send Go-Aheads", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET_GA ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "RLogin Support", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "RLogin Interfaces", startup->options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN ? strListCombine(startup->rlogin_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "RLogin Port", startup->rlogin_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "40 Column PETSCII Port", startup->pet40_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "80 Column PETSCII Port", startup->pet80_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup->max_concurrent_connections));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Login Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_login_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max New User Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_newuser_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max User Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_session_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u ms", "Output Buffer Drain Timeout", startup->outbuf_drain_timeout);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Execute Timed Events", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_EVENTS ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Execute QWK-relatd Events", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_EVENTS ? "N/A" : startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_QWK_EVENTS ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		if(!*enabled)
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "First Node", startup.first_node);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Last Node", startup.last_node);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "DOS Program Support", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_DOS ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Support", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Interfaces", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? strListCombine(startup.ssh_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SSH Port", startup.ssh_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSH Connect Timeout", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH ? vduration(startup.ssh_connect_timeout) : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Support", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Interfaces", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : strListCombine(startup.telnet_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Telnet Port", startup.telnet_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Command Debug", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : startup.options & BBS_OPT_DEBUG_TELNET ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Telnet Send Go-Aheads", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET ? "N/A" : startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET_GA ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "RLogin Support", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "RLogin Interfaces", startup.options & BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN ? strListCombine(startup.rlogin_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "RLogin Port", startup.rlogin_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "40 Column PETSCII Port", startup.pet40_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "80 Column PETSCII Port", startup.pet80_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup.max_concurrent_connections));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Login Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_login_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max New User Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_newuser_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max User Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_session_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u ms", "Output Buffer Drain Timeout", startup.outbuf_drain_timeout);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Execute Timed Events", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_EVENTS ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Execute QWK-relatd Events", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_EVENTS ? "N/A" : startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_QWK_EVENTS ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -203,61 +282,123 @@ static void termsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, bbs_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"Terminal Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
 			case 1:
-				startup->options ^= BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET;
+				startup.options ^= BBS_OPT_NO_TELNET;
 			case 2:
-				startup->options ^= BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH;
+				startup.options ^= BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SSH;
 			case 3:
-				startup->options ^= BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN;
+				startup.options ^= BBS_OPT_ALLOW_RLOGIN;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,&startup
+					,NULL //&ftp_startup
+					,NULL //&web_startup
+					,NULL //&mail_startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
-static void websrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, web_startup_t* startup)
+static void websrvr_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	web_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&ftp_startup
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&mail_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	web_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTP Interfaces", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "HTTP Port", startup->port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTPS Support", startup->options & WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTPS Interfaces", startup->options & WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS ? strListCombine(startup->tls_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "HTTPS Port", startup->tls_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSJS File Extension", startup->ssjs_ext);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Index Filenames", strListCombine(startup->index_file_name, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Content Root Directory", startup->root_dir);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Error Sub-directory", startup->error_dir);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Strict Transport Security", startup->options & WEB_OPT_HSTS_SAFE ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Virtual Host Support", startup->options & WEB_OPT_VIRTUAL_HOSTS ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Access Logging", startup->options & WEB_OPT_HTTP_LOGGING ? startup->logfile_base : strDisabled);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup->max_clients));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase Index Script", startup->file_index_script);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase VPath Prefix", startup->file_vpath_prefix);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase VPath for VHosts", startup->file_vpath_for_vhosts ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Authentication Methods", startup->default_auth_list);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u ms", "Output Buffer Drain Timeout", startup->outbuf_drain_timeout);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		bool cgi_enabled = !(startup->options & WEB_OPT_NO_CGI);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTP Interfaces", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "HTTP Port", startup.port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTPS Support", startup.options & WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "HTTPS Interfaces", startup.options & WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS ? strListCombine(startup.tls_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "HTTPS Port", startup.tls_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SSJS File Extension", startup.ssjs_ext);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Index Filenames", strListCombine(startup.index_file_name, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Content Root Directory", startup.root_dir);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Error Sub-directory", startup.error_dir);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Strict Transport Security", startup.options & WEB_OPT_HSTS_SAFE ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Virtual Host Support", startup.options & WEB_OPT_VIRTUAL_HOSTS ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Access Logging", startup.options & WEB_OPT_HTTP_LOGGING ? startup.logfile_base : strDisabled);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup.max_clients));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase Index Script", startup.file_index_script);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase VPath Prefix", startup.file_vpath_prefix);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Filebase VPath for VHosts", startup.file_vpath_for_vhosts ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Authentication Methods", startup.default_auth_list);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u ms", "Output Buffer Drain Timeout", startup.outbuf_drain_timeout);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		bool cgi_enabled = !(startup.options & WEB_OPT_NO_CGI);
 		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Support",  cgi_enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
 		if(cgi_enabled) {
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Directory", startup->cgi_dir);
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI File Extensions", strListCombine(startup->cgi_ext, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Default Content-Type", startup->default_cgi_content);
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Max Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_cgi_inactivity));
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Directory", startup.cgi_dir);
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI File Extensions", strListCombine(startup.cgi_ext, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Default Content-Type", startup.default_cgi_content);
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "CGI Max Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_cgi_inactivity));
-		if(!*enabled)
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -268,40 +409,102 @@ static void websrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, web_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"Web Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
 			case 2:
-				startup->options ^= WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS;
+				startup.options ^= WEB_OPT_ALLOW_TLS;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,FALSE
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL //&ftp_startup
+					,&startup
+					,NULL //&mail_startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
-static void ftpsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, ftp_startup_t* startup)
+static void ftpsrvr_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	ftp_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&mail_startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	ftp_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Network Interfaces", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u, Data: %u", "Control Port", startup->port, startup->port - 1);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Passive Interface (IPv4)", startup->options & FTP_OPT_LOOKUP_PASV_IP ? "<automatic>" : IPv4AddressToStr(startup->pasv_ip_addr.s_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u - %u", "Passive Port Range", startup->pasv_port_low, startup->pasv_port_high);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Auto-generate Index File", startup->options & FTP_OPT_INDEX_FILE ? startup->index_file_name : strDisabled);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "QWK Message Packet Transfers", startup->options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "QWK Message Packet Timeout", startup->options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK ? vduration(startup->qwk_timeout) : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup->max_clients));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup->max_concurrent_connections));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Sysop Filesystem Access", startup->options & FTP_OPT_NO_LOCAL_FSYS ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Allow Bounce Transfers", startup->options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_BOUNCE ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		if(!*enabled)
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Network Interfaces", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u, Data: %u", "Control Port", startup.port, startup.port - 1);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Passive Interface (IPv4)", startup.options & FTP_OPT_LOOKUP_PASV_IP ? "<automatic>" : IPv4AddressToStr(startup.pasv_ip_addr.s_addr, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u - %u", "Passive Port Range", startup.pasv_port_low, startup.pasv_port_high);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Auto-generate Index File", startup.options & FTP_OPT_INDEX_FILE ? startup.index_file_name : strDisabled);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "QWK Message Packet Transfers", startup.options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "QWK Message Packet Timeout", startup.options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK ? vduration(startup.qwk_timeout) : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup.max_clients));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup.max_concurrent_connections));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Sysop Filesystem Access", startup.options & FTP_OPT_NO_LOCAL_FSYS ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Allow Bounce Transfers", startup.options & FTP_OPT_ALLOW_BOUNCE ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -312,82 +515,144 @@ static void ftpsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, ftp_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"FTP Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,FALSE
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,NULL
+					,&startup
+					,NULL
+					,NULL //&mail_startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
-static void mailsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, mail_startup_t* startup)
+static void mailsrvr_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
 	const char* p;
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	mail_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		,NULL
+		,NULL //&services_startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	mail_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SMTP Interfaces", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SMTP Port", startup->smtp_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Submission Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_USE_SUBMISSION_PORT ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Submission Port", startup->submission_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Submission/TLS Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_TLS_SUBMISSION ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Submission/TLS Port", startup->submissions_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3 Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_POP3 ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SMTP Interfaces", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SMTP Port", startup.smtp_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Submission Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_USE_SUBMISSION_PORT ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Submission Port", startup.submission_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Submission/TLS Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_TLS_SUBMISSION ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "Submission/TLS Port", startup.submissions_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3 Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_POP3 ? "Yes" : "No");
 		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3 Interfaces"
-			,startup->options & (MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_POP3 | MAIL_OPT_TLS_POP3)
-				? strListCombine(startup->pop3_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "POP3 Port", startup->pop3_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3/TLS Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_TLS_POP3 ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "POP3/TLS Port", startup->pop3s_port);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup->max_clients));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup->max_inactivity));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup->max_concurrent_connections));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Recipients Per Message", maximum(startup->max_recipients));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Messages Waiting", maximum(startup->max_msgs_waiting));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s bytes", "Max Receive Message Size", byte_count_to_str(startup->max_msg_size, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Allow Users to Relay Mail", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_RELAY ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Receive By Sysop Aliases", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_SYSOP_ALIASES ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Notify Local Recipients", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_NO_NOTIFY ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Check Headers against DNSBL", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_CHKRECVHDRS ? "Yes" : "No");
-		if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_REFUSE)
+			,startup.options & (MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_POP3 | MAIL_OPT_TLS_POP3)
+				? strListCombine(startup.pop3_interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", ") : "N/A");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "POP3 Port", startup.pop3_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "POP3/TLS Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_TLS_POP3 ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "POP3/TLS Port", startup.pop3s_port);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Clients", maximum(startup.max_clients));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Inactivity", vduration(startup.max_inactivity));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Concurrent Connections", maximum(startup.max_concurrent_connections));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Recipients Per Message", maximum(startup.max_recipients));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Max Messages Waiting", maximum(startup.max_msgs_waiting));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s bytes", "Max Receive Message Size", byte_count_to_str(startup.max_msg_size, tmp, sizeof(tmp)));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Allow Users to Relay Mail", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_RELAY ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Receive By Sysop Aliases", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_ALLOW_SYSOP_ALIASES ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Notify Local Recipients", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_NO_NOTIFY ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Check Headers against DNSBL", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_CHKRECVHDRS ? "Yes" : "No");
+		if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_REFUSE)
 			p = "Refuse Session";
-		else if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_IGNORE)
+		else if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_IGNORE)
 			p = "Silently Ignore";
-		else if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_BADUSER)
+		else if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_BADUSER)
 			p = "Refuse Mail";
-		else if(startup->options)
+		else if(startup.options)
 			p = "Tag Mail";
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s%s", "Blacklisted Servers", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_THROTTLE ? "Throttle and " : "", p);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Hash Blacklisted Messages", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_SPAMHASH ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Auto-exempt Recipients", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_NO_AUTO_EXEMPT ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Kill SPAM When Read", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_KILL_READ_SPAM ? "Yes": "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Support", startup->options & MAIL_OPT_NO_SENDMAIL ? "No" : "Yes");
-		if(!(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_NO_SENDMAIL)) {
-			bool applicable = startup->options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_TX;
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s%s", "Blacklisted Servers", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_THROTTLE ? "Throttle and " : "", p);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Hash Blacklisted Messages", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_DNSBL_SPAMHASH ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Auto-exempt Recipients", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_NO_AUTO_EXEMPT ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Kill SPAM When Read", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_KILL_READ_SPAM ? "Yes": "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Support", startup.options & MAIL_OPT_NO_SENDMAIL ? "No" : "Yes");
+		if(!(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_NO_SENDMAIL)) {
+			bool applicable = startup.options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_TX;
 			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Delivery", applicable ? "Relay" : "Direct");
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Server", applicable ? startup->relay_server : "N/A");
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SendMail Relay Port", startup->relay_port);
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay User", applicable ? startup->relay_user : "N/A");
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Password", applicable ? startup->relay_pass : "N/A");
-			if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_PLAIN)
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Server", applicable ? startup.relay_server : "N/A");
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SendMail Relay Port", startup.relay_port);
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay User", applicable ? startup.relay_user : "N/A");
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Password", applicable ? startup.relay_pass : "N/A");
+			if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_PLAIN)
 				p = "Plain";
-			else if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_LOGIN)
+			else if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_LOGIN)
 				p = "Login";
-			else if(startup->options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_CRAM_MD5)
+			else if(startup.options & MAIL_OPT_RELAY_AUTH_CRAM_MD5)
 				p = "CRAM-MD5";
 				p = "None";
 			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Relay Auth", applicable ? p : "N/A");
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SendMail Max Attempts", startup->max_delivery_attempts);
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Rescan Interval", vduration(startup->rescan_frequency));
-			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Connect Timeout", vduration(startup->connect_timeout));
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%u", "SendMail Max Attempts", startup.max_delivery_attempts);
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Rescan Interval", vduration(startup.rescan_frequency));
+			sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "SendMail Connect Timeout", vduration(startup.connect_timeout));
-		if(!*enabled)
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -398,27 +663,89 @@ static void mailsrvr_cfg(BOOL* enabled, mail_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"Mail Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,FALSE
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,&startup
+					,NULL //&services_startup
+					);
-static void services_cfg(BOOL* enabled, services_startup_t* startup)
+static void services_cfg(void)
 	static int cur, bar;
 	char tmp[256];
+	BOOL enabled = FALSE;
+	services_startup_t startup = {0};
+	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+	if(fp == NULL) {
+		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+		return;
+	}
+	sbbs_read_ini(
+		 fp
+		,cfg.filename
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,NULL
+		,&enabled
+		,&startup
+		);
+	iniCloseFile(fp);
+	services_startup_t saved_startup = startup;
 	while(1) {
 		int i = 0;
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", *enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup->log_level]);
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Network Interfaces", strListCombine(startup->interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup->options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
-		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Configuration File", startup->services_ini);
-		if(!*enabled)
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Enabled", enabled ? "Yes" : "No");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Log Level", iniLogLevelStringList()[startup.log_level]);
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Network Interfaces", strListCombine(startup.interfaces, tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", "));
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Lookup Client Hostname", startup.options & BBS_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP ? "No" : "Yes");
+		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-30s%s", "Configuration File", startup.services_ini);
+		if(!enabled)
 			i = 1;
 		opt[i][0] = '\0';
@@ -429,9 +756,46 @@ static void services_cfg(BOOL* enabled, services_startup_t* startup)
 		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE|WIN_RHT|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, 0, &cur, &bar
 			,"Services Server",opt)) {
 			case 0:
-				*enabled = !*enabled;
+				enabled = !enabled;
+				uifc.changes = true;
+				if(memcmp(&saved_startup, &startup, sizeof(startup)) != 0)
+					uifc.changes = true;
+				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+				if(i < 0)
+					continue;
+				if(i == 0) {
+					FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+					if(fp == NULL)
+						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+					else {
+						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+							 fp
+							,&cfg
+							,NULL
+							,FALSE
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,false
+							,NULL
+							,enabled
+							,&startup
+							))
+							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+						iniCloseFile(fp);
+					}
+				}
+				sbbs_free_ini(NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,NULL
+					,&startup
+					);
@@ -440,39 +804,33 @@ static void services_cfg(BOOL* enabled, services_startup_t* startup)
 void server_cfg(void)
 	static int srvr_dflt;
 	BOOL run_bbs, run_ftp, run_web, run_mail, run_services;
-	global_startup_t global_startup = {0};
-	bbs_startup_t bbs_startup = {0};
-	ftp_startup_t ftp_startup = {0};
-	web_startup_t web_startup = {0};
-	mail_startup_t mail_startup = {0};
-	services_startup_t services_startup = {0};
 	sbbs_get_ini_fname(cfg.filename, cfg.ctrl_dir);
-	FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
-	if(fp == NULL) {
-		uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
-		return;
-	}
-	sbbs_read_ini(
-		 fp
-		,cfg.filename
-		,&global_startup
-		,&run_bbs
-		,&bbs_startup
-		,&run_ftp
-		,&ftp_startup
-		,&run_web
-		,&web_startup
-		,&run_mail
-		,&mail_startup
-		,&run_services
-		,&services_startup
-		);
-	iniCloseFile(fp);
 	while(1) {
+		FILE* fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */false);
+		if(fp == NULL) {
+			uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+			return;
+		}
+		sbbs_read_ini(
+			 fp
+			,cfg.filename
+			,NULL //&global_startup
+			,&run_bbs
+			,NULL //&bbs_startup
+			,&run_ftp
+			,NULL //&ftp_startup
+			,&run_web
+			,NULL //&web_startup
+			,&run_mail
+			,NULL //&mail_startup
+			,&run_services
+			,NULL //&services_startup
+			);
+		iniCloseFile(fp);
 		int i = 0;
 		strcpy(opt[i++], "Global Settings");
 		sprintf(opt[i++], "%-27s%s", "Terminal Server", run_bbs ? "Enabled" : strDisabled);
@@ -492,61 +850,58 @@ void server_cfg(void)
 			"the `ctrl/sbbs.ini` file and ``\n"
 			"for reference.\n"
-		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ORG|WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE,0,0,0,&srvr_dflt,0
-			,"Server Configuration",opt)) {
+		i = uifc.list(WIN_ORG|WIN_ACT|WIN_CHE,0,0,0,&srvr_dflt,0, "Server Configuration",opt);
+		if(i < 0) {
+#if 0
+			i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
+			if(i < 0)
+				continue;
+			if(i == 0) {
+				fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
+				if(fp == NULL)
+					uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
+				else {
+					if(!sbbs_write_ini(
+						 fp
+						,&cfg
+						,&global_startup
+						,run_bbs
+						,&bbs_startup
+						,run_ftp
+						,&ftp_startup
+						,run_web
+						,&web_startup
+						,run_mail
+						,&mail_startup
+						,run_services
+						,&services_startup
+						))
+						uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
+					iniCloseFile(fp);
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		switch(i) {
 			case 0:
-				global_cfg(&global_startup);
+				global_cfg();
 			case 1:
-				termsrvr_cfg(&run_bbs, &bbs_startup);
+				termsrvr_cfg();
 			case 2:
-				websrvr_cfg(&run_web, &web_startup);
+				websrvr_cfg();
 			case 3:
-				ftpsrvr_cfg(&run_ftp, &ftp_startup);
+				ftpsrvr_cfg();
 			case 4:
-				mailsrvr_cfg(&run_mail, &mail_startup);
+				mailsrvr_cfg();
 			case 5:
-				services_cfg(&run_services, &services_startup);
+				services_cfg();
-			default:
-				i = save_changes(WIN_MID);
-				if(i < 0)
-					continue;
-				if(i == 0) {
-					fp = iniOpenFile(cfg.filename, /* for_modify? */true);
-					if(fp == NULL)
-						uifc.msgf("Error opening %s", cfg.filename);
-					else {
-						if(!sbbs_write_ini(
-							 fp
-							,&cfg
-							,&global_startup
-							,run_bbs
-							,&bbs_startup
-							,run_ftp
-							,&ftp_startup
-							,run_web
-							,&web_startup
-							,run_mail
-							,&mail_startup
-							,run_services
-							,&services_startup
-							))
-							uifc.msgf("Error writing %s", cfg.filename);
-						iniCloseFile(fp);
-					}
-				}
-				sbbs_free_ini(&global_startup
-					,&bbs_startup
-					,&ftp_startup
-					,&web_startup
-					,&mail_startup
-					,&services_startup);
-				return;