diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr1.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr1.c
index b15e6ca0da1ea0e8ea506ddf142fc57406c39b1e..62035568e0f4d360ee61fde983fa228178d8f5b4 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr1.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr1.c
@@ -19,6 +19,35 @@
 #include "scfg.h"
+char* testable_files_help =
+	"`Testable File Types:`\n"
+	"\n"
+	"These file types each have a command line that will be executed to test\n"
+	"the integrity of a file upon upload. These file types are specified by\n"
+	"file `extension` (suffix) and if one file extension is listed more than\n"
+	"once, each command line will be executed. A file extension of '`*`'\n"
+	"matches `all` files.\n"
+	"\n"
+	"The configured command lines must return an error code of 0 (no error)\n"
+	"to indicate that the file has passed each test. This method of file\n"
+	"testing upon upload is also known as an upload processing event.\n"
+	"\n"
+	"In the command line, `%f` represents the path to the file to be tested\n"
+	"while `%s` represents the path to the `sbbsfile.des` file that contains the\n"
+	"file's description (which may be modified by the testing command line).\n"
+	"\n"
+	"This test can do more than just test the file; it can perform any\n"
+	"function that the sysop wishes, such as adding comments to an archived\n"
+	"file, or extracting an archive and performing a virus scan. It's even\n"
+	"possible for a file tester to rename a file or change its description\n"
+	"by modifying the contents of the `sbbsfile.nam` or `sbbsfile.des` files in\n"
+	"the node directory.\n"
+	"\n"
+	"While the command line is executing, an optional text string may be\n"
+	"displayed to the user. This `working string` can be set uniquely\n"
+	"for each testable file type.\n"
 void xfer_opts()
 	char	str[128],done;
@@ -431,22 +460,7 @@ void xfer_opts()
-					uifc.helpbuf=
-						"`Testable File Types:`\n"
-						"\n"
-						"This is a list of file types that will have a command line executed to\n"
-						"test the file integrity upon their upload. The file types are specified\n"
-						"by `extension` and if one file extension is listed more than once, each\n"
-						"command line will be executed. The command lines must return a error\n"
-						"code of 0 (no error) in order for the file to pass the test. This method\n"
-						"of file testing upon upload is also known as an upload event. This test\n"
-						"or event, can do more than just test the file, it can perform any\n"
-						"function that the sysop wishes. Such as adding comments to an archived\n"
-						"file, or extracting an archive and performing a virus scan. While the\n"
-						"external program is executing, a text string is displayed to the user.\n"
-						"This `working string` can be set for each file type and command line\n"
-						"listed.\n"
-					;
+					uifc.helpbuf = testable_files_help;
 					i=uifc.list(i,0,0,50,&ftest_dflt,&ftest_bar,"Testable File Types",opt);
@@ -525,6 +539,7 @@ void xfer_opts()
 						sprintf(opt[j++],"%-22.22s%s","Access Requirements"
+						uifc.helpbuf = testable_files_help;
 							,"Testable File Type",opt)) {
 							case -1:
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/upload.cpp b/src/sbbs3/upload.cpp
index 0efcbf330385c0640034cfa63e5e000fa1f6ae74..bbe7a8c97367acc5f459bba8a17d539cc10414bd 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/upload.cpp
+++ b/src/sbbs3/upload.cpp
@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ bool sbbs_t::uploadfile(file_t* f)
 				fprintf(stream, "%s", f->desc);
-			int result = external(cmdstr(cfg.ftest[i]->cmd,path,f->desc,NULL),EX_OFFLINE);
+			// Note: str (%s) is path/to/sbbsfile.des (used to be the description itself)
+			int result = external(cmdstr(cfg.ftest[i]->cmd, path, str, NULL), EX_OFFLINE);
 			if(result != 0) {
 				safe_snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"attempted to upload %s to %s %s (%s error code %d)"
@@ -82,30 +83,24 @@ bool sbbs_t::uploadfile(file_t* f)
 				if(!SYSOP || yesno(text[DeleteFileQ]))
-				return(0); 
-			} else {
-#if 0 // NFB-TODO - uploader tester changes filename or description
-				sprintf(str,"%ssbbsfile.nam",cfg.node_dir);
-				if((stream=fopen(str,"r"))!=NULL) {
-					if(fgets(str,128,stream)) {
-						truncsp(str);
-						padfname(str,f->name);
-						strcpy(tmp,f->name);
-						truncsp(tmp);
-						sprintf(path,"%s%s", cfg.dir[f->dir]->path
-							,unpadfname(f->name,fname)); 
-					}
-					fclose(stream);
-					}
-				sprintf(str,"%ssbbsfile.des",cfg.node_dir);
-				if((stream=fopen(str,"r"))!=NULL) {
-					if(fgets(str,128,stream)) {
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(f->desc,"%.*s",LEN_FDESC,str); 
-					}
-					fclose(stream); 
+				return false;
+			}
+			SAFEPRINTF(str,"%ssbbsfile.nam",cfg.node_dir);
+			if((stream=fopen(str,"r"))!=NULL) {
+				if(fgets(str, sizeof(str), stream)) {
+					truncsp(str);
+					smb_new_hfield_str(f, SMB_FILENAME, str);
+					getfilepath(&cfg, f, path);
+				fclose(stream);
+			}
+			SAFEPRINTF(str,"%ssbbsfile.des",cfg.node_dir);
+			if((stream=fopen(str,"r"))!=NULL) {
+				if(fgets(str, sizeof(str), stream)) {
+					truncsp(str);
+					smb_new_hfield_str(f, SMB_FILEDESC, str);
+				}
+				fclose(stream); 