diff --git a/docs/sbbsunix.txt b/docs/sbbsunix.txt
index 47d62ae89c8b433ca8741577925a52c1883f3898..4967af457a24d1bdd746f322681f921d532ed3f6 100644
--- a/docs/sbbsunix.txt
+++ b/docs/sbbsunix.txt
@@ -6,399 +6,12 @@ http://www.synchro.net
-The information in this file is current as of the date above. The answers and
-instructions in this file may change over time, so be sure to get the current
-version of this file at ftp://ftp.synchro.net/sbbsunix.txt
-or ViewCVS at
-Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
-Q. What flavors of Unix (and Unix-like operating systems) are supported?
-A. Currently, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD are actively supported.
-   Additionally, QNX and Solaris-x86 have been known to work in the past,
-   but are not actively maintained.
-Q. What distributions of Linux are supported?
-A. Should work with any GNU/Linux-x86 distribution (e.g. RedHat, Mandrake, 
-   Debian, Slackware, etc.).
-Q. 64-bit?
-A. Untested experimental support for 64-bit platforms is in CVS.  Use the
-   directions available at
-   http://cvs.synchro.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/docs/64bit.txt
-   in conjunction with this document for building and be prepared to deal with
-   bugs.
-Q. The installer (e.g. Linux-install from sbbsunix.tgz) segfaults, crashes,
-   or fails to get the file size of sbbs_src.tgz.
-A. This installer has known issues and is currently *unsupported*. Do not use
-   it. This installer (known to us as "sbbsinst") will be revamped and
-   re-released in the near future.
-   In the mean-time, follow the steps given in this document to download,
-   build, install, and run Synchronet for Unix.
-Q. Linking error: undefined reference: '__ctype_b'
-A: This is an issue linking the JavaScript library for Linux (libjs.a) on
-   RedHat Linux 9 and Mandrake Linux 9 using glibc v2.3.2-11+.
-   This issue has been resolved with the addition of libjs.so and libnspr4.so
-   to the CVS repository (in the lib/mozilla directory). If you're having this
-   problem, run "cvs update -d" in your lib and src/sbbs3 directories and
-   rebuild.
-   Another solution is to use the lib[moz]js.so file included with your Linux 
-   distribution (if it is). See installation steps 1.E and 1.F for more
-   details.
-Q. Are non-x86 (Alpha, SPARC, 68k, PowerPC, etc) processors supported?
-A. Not currently. Synchronet assumes a little-endian processor. It *may* work
-   on other little-endian processors (e.g. Alpha), but hasn't been tested.
-   Big-endian support is currently being developed for the v3.20 time-frame.
-Q. Will Synchronet ever support big-endian and/or 64-bit processors?
-A. Yes, that is the plan.
-Q. Will Synchronet be ported to Mac OS X?
-A. Definitely. See the 2 questions above.
-Q. Where do I get Synchronet for Unix?
-A. There are no binary distributions at this time, so you must get the source
-   code from the Synchronet CVS repository (see the step-by-step instructions
-   below for details) or by downloading the latest verified buildable source
-   code tarball (tgz file) from ftp://vert.synchro.net/Synchronet.
-Q. Will there be binary releases?
-A. Maybe. Linux is a particularly difficult "platform" to deliver consistently
-   compatible binaries for and unfortunately, it is the most popular Unix-like
-   operating system we currently support.
-Q. Can I mix Synchronet for Unix and Synchronet for Win32 or DOS or OS/2 nodes
-   on the same BBS?
-A. Yes. As long as all the nodes can access the same live data files (via LAN)
-   you can have as many instances of Synchronet on as many different platforms
-   as you wish.
-Q. Does Synchronet for Unix support external DOS programs/doors?
-A. Currently, only the FreeBSD build has doscmd support "built-in" (and this
-   "support" requires emulators/doscmd to be installed):
-   For FreeBSD, the path that is entered in the Start-up Directory is mapped
-   as C:\ the current node directory is mapped as D:\ and the Synchronet 
-   root directory is mapped as E:\.  When a DOS door is executed, a .doscmdrc
-   is created in the node directory.  Copying this file and using it to run
-   doscmd in X11 mode while running the setup programs is the simplest way
-   to configure the doors.
-   Other platforms can use DOSEMU or whatever is available for running DOS
-   programs.
-   There's a patch for "building-in" DOSEMU support with Synchronet for Linux:
-   http://www.icequake.net/bbs/syncmods/index.html and
-   (mirror) http://www.synchro.net/docs/linux-dosemu.html
-   and a FAQ for using DOSEMU with Synchronet for Linux (without a patch):
-   http://www.exeonline.com/bbs/howto-doors.txt
-Q. What external programs/doors does Synchronet for Unix support?
-A. External programs can either use standard I/O (e.g. bash, pico, Lord/X,
-   PimpWars) or socket I/O (e.g. Synchronet XSDK doors).
-Q. Does Synchronet for Unix require X-Windows?
-A. No, Synchronet for Unix is currently a console-based application.
-   However, it does have an X-based character mode console now.  The X11
-   headers (Part of the X11-devel package or something similar) are required
-   for this to work.
-Q. Are there any plans to make an X-Windows front-end for Synchronet?
-A. Possibly, but it would be optional.
-Q. What are the recent developments in Synchronet?
-A. There are changes (fixes, improvements, etc.) being made all the time.
-   See http://cvs.synchro.net/commitlog.ssjs for a log of the most recently
-   committed changes to the Synchronet CVS repository.
-   New releases are always posted on the web-site (http://www.synchro.net),
-   as well as announced in the Synchronet discussion groups
-   (http://www.synchro.net/docs/support.html) and the Synchronet Announcements
-   mailing list (subscribe at listserver@synchro.net).
-Q. Can I use a different compiler to build Synchronet for *nix?
-A. Yes, currently Synchronet has successfully been built with both GCC and ICC
-   (The Intel C Compiler).  To specify an alternate compiler, add
-   ``DONT_CLOBBER_CC=1 CC=icc CXX=icpc'' to the gmake command lines where
-   icc is the C compiler name and icpc is the C++ compiler name.  If you get
-   errors during the build (not warnings) please submit a bug report.  If you
-   are using a commercial compiler other than ICC, we will probobly be unable
-   to help you without a copy of the compiler.
-Q. I'm using SELinux and nothing works.
-A. Yes, you'll need to use chcon on each of the shared objects (.so files)
-   chcon -t texrel_shlib_t /path/to/libwhatever.so
-   Do this for each .so file that Synchronet creates.
-Q. How much disk space do I need?
-A. A fresh install (as of Feb-2009) requires about 70MBytes.
-   Much of the space consumed is in the form of intermediate build files which
-   may be removed after the build is complete if space is a concern.
-Quick Install/Configure/Run Instructions
-Note: Type each of the following commands at a Unix shell prompt. 
-      Do not actually type the '#' character.
-# mkdir /sbbs
-# cd /sbbs
-# wget http://cvs.synchro.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/install/GNUmakefile
-# gmake install SYMLINK=1
-# export SBBSCTRL=/sbbs/ctrl
-# /sbbs/exec/scfg
-# /sbbs/exec/sbbs
-If you have any problem with these commands, see the detailed step-by-step
-instructions below.
-Non-CVS Install/Configure/Run Instructions for Linux-x86 only
-# mkdir /sbbs
-# cd /sbbs
-# wget ftp://vert.synchro.net/Synchronet/sbbs_src.tgz
-# wget ftp://vert.synchro.net/Synchronet/sbbs_run.tgz
-# tar -xzf sbbs_src.tgz
-# tar -xzf sbbs_run.tgz
-# ln -s /sbbs/lib/cryptlib/linux.release/*.so /usr/lib
-# cd /sbbs/src/sbbs3; gmake RELEASE=1
-# cd /sbbs/src/sbbs3/scfg; gmake RELEASE=1
-# cd /sbbs/xtrn/sbj; gmake
-# cd /sbbs/xtrn/sbl; gmake
-# cd /sbbs/exec
-# ln -s ../src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.exe.release/* .
-# ln -s ../src/sbbs3/scfg/gcc.linux.exe.release/scfg* .
-# gmake
-# ./scfg
-# ./sbbs
-If you have any problem with these commands, see the detailed step-by-step
-instructions below.
-Step-by-step Instructions
-Note: These instructions assume you are already logged in as 'root'.
-Note: Example command-lines are pre-fixed with '#', symbolizing the Unix shell
-      prompt. You do not actually type the '#' character.
-Note: The "make" command may be used in place of "gmake" on systems where
-      the GNU Make utility is named "make" (e.g. Debian Linux).
-      Type "make -v" to verify that "make" is indeed GNU Make.
-Note: Any references to cvs.synchro.net can be replaced with
-      cvs-mirror.synchro.net (the Synchronet CVS Mirror site run by Stephen
-      Hurd) if you're having any problems with cvs.synchro.net.
-Note: Skip to step 8 if you are updating an existing Synchronet installation.
-1. Get the required installation and source code modules from CVS:
-   A. Create the Synchronet BBS directory on your file system:
-      # mkdir /sbbs
-   B. Change to the Synchronet BBS directory:
-      # cd /sbbs
-   *> Optional Shortcut:
-   *> At this point you can copy the file from this url: 
-   *> http://cvs.synchro.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/install/GNUmakefile
-   *> into the Synchronet directory, run "gmake install SYMLINK=1"
-   *> and then skip ahead to step 5.
-   C. Get the required installation modules from the CVS repository:
-      # export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs 
-      # cvs co run-sbbs3
-   *> Recommended Shortcut for Linux systems:
-   *> Download the last verified buildable source archive (for Linux)
-   *> from ftp://vert.synchro.net/Synchronet/sbbs_src.tgz
-   *> extract (with "tar -xzvf <filename>") in the Synchronet BBS Directory,
-   *> and skip ahead to G.
-   D. Get the required source code modules from the CVS repository:
-      # cvs co src-sbbs3
-   *> Reccomended Shortcut (existing JavaScript library):
-   *> If your Unix distribution includes the file /usr/lib/libjs.so or
-   *> /usr/lib/libmozjs.so, you can save a lot of time by using this
-   *> library instead of the one supplied in the Synchronet CVS repository.
-   *> If you have /usr/lib/libmozjs.so (instead of libjs.so), you can either:
-   *> Create a symlink or copy of this file with the name /usr/lib/libjs.so
-   *> or specify "JSLIB=mozjs" on the "gmake" command-line mentioned later.
-   *> If libmozjs.so is not located in a standard library path such as
-   *> /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, you will also need to specify JSLIBDIR
-   *> also on the gmake command-line such as "JSLIBDIR=/usr/lib/mozilla".
-   *> If your system already has the JavaScript library, skip ahead to step 2.
-   E. Get the required JavaScript library for your platform and build type:
-      # cvs co lib/mozilla/js/linux.release
-      or:
-      # cvs co lib/mozilla/js/freebsd.release
-      etc.
-      Note: If you want to get the full source code to the Mozilla JavaScript
-            library to build it yourself, the cvs repository is:
-            :pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot
-            the module name is mozilla/js/src.
-   F. Get the required NSPR library for your platform and build type:
-      # cvs co lib/mozilla/nspr/linux.release
-      or:
-      # cvs co lib/mozilla/nspr/freebsd.release
-      etc.
-      Note: This step is not necessary if your system already has the file
-            /usr/lib/libnspr4.so
-   G. Create symbolic links to the Mozilla Libraries (JavaScript and NSPR) in 
-      your /usr/lib directory:
-      # ln -s /sbbs/lib/mozilla/*/linux.release/*.so /usr/lib
-      or: Add these two directories to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment 
-          variable.
-   H. Get the required Cryptlib library for your platform and build type:
-      # cvs co lib/cryptlib/linux.release
-      or:
-      # cvs co lib/cryptlib/freebsd.release
-      etc.
-      Note: This step is not necessary if your system already has the file
-            /usr/lib/libcl.so
-   I. Create symbolic links to the Cryptlib Library in your /usr/lib
-      directory:
-      # ln -s /sbbs/lib/cryptlib/linux.release/*.so /usr/lib
-      or: Add these two directories to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment 
-          variable.
-2. Build Synchronet:
-   Prerequisite: curses
-      You must have either the curses or ncurses headers and library files
-      installed on your system, or you must remove the USE_CURSES definition
-      from the various GNUmakefiles in the src/sbbs3 tree. If you have the 
-      files /usr/include/curses.h and /usr/lib/libcurses.a then you're ready
-      to continue.
-   A. Change to the Synchronet src/sbbs3 directory:
-      # cd /sbbs/src/sbbs3
-   B. Build the main executable (and utilities):
-      # gmake RELEASE=1
-      NOTES:
-      1: If you're linking with /usr/lib/libmozjs.so, don't forget to add
-         "JSLIB=mozjs" to the gmake command-line
-      2: If X is not installed in /usr/X11R6, 
-         use "gmake X_PATH=/path/to/X"
-      3: To debug compile/link command-line problems, adding "VERBOSE=1"
-         to the gmake command-line can be very helpful
-      4: Warnings (if any) can be safely ignored
-      5: The "current" code in the CVS repository is in a fairly constant
-         state of change. And often, one or more projects will not build
-         successfully on any given platform. This is a common occurance
-         and is expected in a fluid development project such as this one.
-         If you'd like a verifiably-buildable source code base, either
-         download one of the source code archives (e.g. sbbs_src.tgz) or
-         use a release label (tag) when checking out files from CVS.
-      6: By default, this will build RELEASE binaries which will be smaller,
-         faster, and consume less resources than a DEBUG build.  If you
-         wish a DEBUG build, remove "RELEASE=1" from the gmake command-line.
-         This will allow you to send us more useful error reports.
-   C. Change to the src/sbbs3/scfg directory:
-      # cd /sbbs/src/sbbs3/scfg
-   D. Build the Synchronet configuration utility (SCFG):
-      # gmake
-      Note: If X is not installed in /usr/X11R6, 
-            use "gmake X_PATH=/path/to/X"
-      Note: Warnings (if any) can be safely ignored
-   E. Congratulate yourself on a job well-done.
-3. Prepare the "exec" directory:
-   A. Change to the Synchronet exec directory:
-      # cd /sbbs/exec
-   B. Copy (or create symbolic links to) the following files:
-      ../src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.exe.release/*
-      ../src/sbbs3/scfg/gcc.linux.exe.release/scfg*
-      (the paths will be different for other platforms or release builds)
-      Example:
-      # ln -s ../src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.exe.release/* /sbbs/exec
-      # ln -s ../src/sbbs3/scfg/gcc.linux.exe.release/scfg* /sbbs/exec
-   C. Copy (or create symbolic links to) the following shared libraries:
-      ../src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.lib.release/*
-      (the path will be different for other platforms or release builds)
-      Example:
-      # ln -s ../src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.lib.release/* /sbbs/exec
-      Note: Another option is to create the symbolic links in your /usr/lib
-            directory (note the trailing dot):
-            # ln -s /sbbs/src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.lib.release/*.so /usr/lib
-        OR: set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to your 
-            gcc.<os>.lib.<build> directory:
-            # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sbbs/src/sbbs3/gcc.linux.lib.release
-   D. Build the required Baja {tm} modules (exec/*.bin):
-      # gmake
-4. Prepare the "xtrn" directory:
-   A. Change to the xtrn/sbj directory:
-      # cd /sbbs/xtrn/sbj
-   B. Build Synchronet Blackjack:
-      # gmake
-   C. Change to the xtrn/sbl directory:
-      # cd /sbbs/xtrn/sbl
-   D. Build Synchronet BBS List:
-      # gmake
-5. Configure the BBS:
-   A. Run the Synchronet Configuration Utility (SCFG)
-      # /sbbs/exec/scfg /sbbs/ctrl
-      (if you have problems with the curses interface, try running
-       "scfg -id" instead)
-      Tip: Set the SBBSCTRL environment variable and you won't have to specify
-           the path to the "ctrl" directory on the command-line:
-           # export SBBSCTRL=/sbbs/ctrl
-   B. Change SCFG->Networks->QWK->Hubs->VERT:
-      Pack Command Line               %@zip -jD %f %s
-      Unpack Command Line             %@unzip -Coj %f %s -d %g
-      Call-out Command Line           *qnet-ftp VERT dove.synchro.net YOURPASS
-      (see docs/dove-net.txt for more details)
-   C. You should also consider configuring important details about your BBS
-      (like the name) in SCFG->System.
+Current instructions are available at:
+1. Installing Synchronet:
+   A. Follow the directions at http://wiki.synchro.net/install:nix
 6. Running Synchronet: