diff --git a/web/root/ecWeb/readme.txt b/web/root/ecWeb/readme.txt
index 463bbf074fdc94f73f41fd69cea9908e93368384..181a362052f72e2274ea983ba6b87c34fdb03f08 100644
--- a/web/root/ecWeb/readme.txt
+++ b/web/root/ecWeb/readme.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,25 @@ readme.txt, from ecWeb v2 for Synchronet BBS 3.15+
 by Derek Mullin (echicken -at- bbs.electronicchicken.com)
+ecWeb is a drop-in replacement for the stock Synchronet web interface. It's
+meant to be easy to customize and add content to, and features a thread-sorted
+interface to your BBS' message bases. Installation is easy - most people will
+only need to make one or two small edits to a couple of files in order to get
+ecWeb up and running on their board.
+I'm using ecWeb at http://bbs.electronicchicken.com/ if you want to take a look
+at it.  Bear in mind that I also do a certain amount of testing there, so don't
+be shocked if strange things happen from time to time while you browse. :|
+ecWeb v2 is still quite new as of the time of this writing (August 16, 2011.)
+It's only been out for a day or so now, and I'm busy improving things and
+taking care of bugs as they crop up.  Early adopters should be prepared for
+some hiccups (that said, it's running smoothly for most people so far.)
 Installating ecWeb v2:
@@ -23,7 +42,25 @@ you'll want to copy the 'error' directory from the former docroot into the
 ecWeb folder.
 Edit /sbbs/ctrl/web.ini to your liking.  There are plenty of comments in the
-file to help you along.
+file to help you along, so please read them.
+ecWeb includes fTelnet and lightIRC (thanks to Rick and Valentin respectively,)
+both of which require a flash socket policy server to be running on the host
+to which they will connect. If your Synchronet installation is up to date,
+you already have flashpolicyserver.js. Make sure that it's enabled in your
+ctrl/services.ini file, that port 843 is open to your BBS, and add port 6667
+to the extra_ports key in the [flashpolicyserver] section of ctrl/modopts.ini.
 I'm adding more comprehensive documentation to the wiki. This should be enough
 to get you started.
+Assuming you've followed the above instructions, I'll be happy to help you. You
+can get in touch with me in one of the following ways:
+- Post a message to me (echicken) in the Synchronet Sysops sub on DOVE-Net
+- Find me in #synchronet on irc.bbs-scene.org
+- Send an email to the address at the top of this file