diff --git a/exec/mailproc_example.js b/exec/mailproc_example.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ac8bcf423e9cce7daf8e741ea8ade8906ec425f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exec/mailproc_example.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// mailproc_example.js
+// Example SMTP "Mail Processor" module
+// Requires Synchronet Mail Server 1.298 or later
+// $Id$
+// Set to false at any time to indicate a processing failure
+var success=true;
+// These lines open the processing error output file as a new File object.
+// If there are any processing errors (e.g. filtered context, blocked sender),
+// you can reject the message by simply writing some text to 'errfile'.
+var errfile = new File(processing_error_filename);
+	exit();
+// These lines read the recipient list into a new 'recipient' object array.
+var rcptlst = new File(recipient_list_filename);
+	exit();
+var recipient=rcptlst.iniGetAllObjects("number");
+// At this point we can access the list of recipients very easily
+// using the 'recipient' object array.
+// These lines open the message text file in append mode (writing to the end)
+var msgtxt = new File(message_text_filename);
+if(!msgtxt.open("a"))	// Change thie mode to "r+" for "read/update" access
+	exit();
+// This an example of modifying the message text.
+// In this case, we're adding some text (a dump of the recipient object array)
+// to the end of the message.
+msgtxt.writeln("\r\nHello from mailproc_example.js\r\n");
+msgtxt.writeln("Array of recipient objects (message envelopes):\r\n");
+// Dump recipient object array
+for(i in recipient)			// For each recipient object...
+	for(j in recipient[i])	// For each property...			
+		msgtxt.writeln("recipient[" +i+ "]." +j+ "=" + recipient[i][j]);
+// If there were any processing errors... reject the message
+	errfile.writeln("A mail processing error occurred. Message rejected.");
+// End of mailproc_example.js
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