From 7fbec126b4b4a6d3c5490f5d0f0dd7469cbf5ef6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rswindell <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 08:56:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Display the user's configured email/netmail address in the
 "Defaults" config menu. Changed NodeStatusLogon to from "At logon prompt" to
 "At login prompt" to be more consistent in the use of the term login vs.
 logon (in Synchronet). Added new text.dat line: NodeStatusLogout

 ctrl/text.dat | 31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ctrl/text.dat b/ctrl/text.dat
index f7cbfb3005..1658da8b8d 100644
--- a/ctrl/text.dat
+++ b/ctrl/text.dat
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wF\1n\1b] \1hAutomatic New File Scan       \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"   485 UserDefaultsANFS
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wR\1n\1b] \1hRemember Current Sub-board    \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"   486 UserDefaultsRemember
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wB\1n\1b] \1hBatch Download File Flagging  \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"   487 UserDefaultsBatFlag
-"\1n\1b[\1h\1wM\1n\1b] \1hForward E-mail to NetMail     \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"   488 UserDefaultsNetMail
+"\1n\1b[\1h\1wM\1n\1b] \1hForward E-mail to NetMail     \1n\1b: \1c%s \1b(\1c%.37s\1b)\r\n"   488 UserDefaultsNetMail
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wK\1n\1b] \1hCommand Shell                 \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"   489 UserDefaultsCommandSet
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wD\1n\1b] \1hDefault to Quiet Mode         \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"   490 UserDefaultsQuiet
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wW\1n\1b] \1hChange Password or Signature\r\n"               491 UserDefaultsPassword
@@ -874,19 +874,19 @@
 "External Editor"                                       726 ExternalEditorHeading
 "Command Shell"                                         727 CommandShellHeading
 "Archive Type"                                          728 ArchiveTypeHeading
-"Validate message #%u '%s'"				729 ValidatePostQ
-"Waiting for connection"				730 NodeStatusWaitingForCall
-"At logon prompt"					731 NodeStatusLogon
-"New user applying for access"				732 NodeStatusNewUser
-"Offline"						733 NodeStatusOffline
-"Waiting for all nodes to become inactive"		734 NodeStatusEventWaiting
-"Running external event"				735 NodeStatusEventRunning
-"Waiting for node %u to finish external event"		736 NodeStatusEventLimbo
-" via telnet"						737 NodeConnectionTelnet
-" via rlogin"						738 NodeConnectionRLogin
-" via ssh"						739 NodeConnectionSSH
-" at %ubps"						740 NodeConnectionModem
-"\1h\1bQWK Settings for \1w%s #%u:\1n\r\n\r\n"		741 QWKSettingsHdr
+"Validate message #%u '%s'"				                729 ValidatePostQ
+"Waiting for connection"				                730 NodeStatusWaitingForCall
+"At login prompt"					                    731 NodeStatusLogon
+"New user applying for access"				            732 NodeStatusNewUser
+"Offline"						                        733 NodeStatusOffline
+"Waiting for all nodes to become inactive"		        734 NodeStatusEventWaiting
+"Running external event"				                735 NodeStatusEventRunning
+"Waiting for node %u to finish external event"		    736 NodeStatusEventLimbo
+" via telnet"						                    737 NodeConnectionTelnet
+" via rlogin"						                    738 NodeConnectionRLogin
+" via ssh"						                        739 NodeConnectionSSH
+" at %ubps"						                        740 NodeConnectionModem
+"\1h\1bQWK Settings for \1w%s #%u:\1n\r\n\r\n"		    741 QWKSettingsHdr
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wA\1n\1b] \1hCtrl-A Color Codes           \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"	742 QWKSettingsCtrlA
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wT\1n\1b] \1hArchive Type                 \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"	743 QWKSettingsArchive
 "\1n\1b[\1h\1wE\1n\1b] \1hInclude E-mail Messages      \1n\1b: \1c%s\r\n"	744 QWKSettingsEmail
@@ -943,4 +943,5 @@
 "years"								    774 Years
 "ago"									775 InThePast
 "from now"								776 InTheFuture
-"%s %s %s"								777 AgeOfPostedItem
\ No newline at end of file
+"%s %s %s"								777 AgeOfPostedItem
+"logging out \1h%s"		        		778 NodeStatusLogout
\ No newline at end of file