From 8c67d3079586762f8cab3f455219ea901074c6f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: cyan <> Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 05:57:14 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] * Moved in from exec --- xtrn/kingdom/kingdom.js | 453 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 453 insertions(+) create mode 100644 xtrn/kingdom/kingdom.js diff --git a/xtrn/kingdom/kingdom.js b/xtrn/kingdom/kingdom.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d3c164285 --- /dev/null +++ b/xtrn/kingdom/kingdom.js @@ -0,0 +1,453 @@ +/* $Id$ + + Kingdom Gold - Ported to JavaScript by Randolph E. Sommerfeld <> + + A simple game based on 'Sumer Game' or 'Hamurabi' + This software is released into the public domain. +*/ + +/* Constants */ +const QUIT = -1; +const CR = -2; + +console.clear(); + +printf("\r\n\r\n"); +printf("\1gWelcome to \1h\1yKingdom Gold\1n\1g v0.9b, "); +printf("a simple door game for Synchronet BBS.\r\n\r\n"); + +printf("This game was ported by Randy E. Sommerfeld from original "); +printf("Commodore 64 software\r\n"); +printf("found to be in the public domain. Hence, this game is also "); +printf("released into the\r\n"); +printf("public domain. The original 'Kingdom' game was released in "); +printf("1973 by T. Voros\r\n"); +printf("and L. Schneider for the 8K Commodore PET. That game was "); +printf("based on a game\r\n"); +printf("called 'Sumer Game', created by Richard Merrill in 1969, and "); +printf("is one of the\r\n"); +printf("oldest computer games in existence.\r\n"); + +printf("\r\n"); +printf("You can press 'Q' at any prompt to exit the game.\r\n"); + +printf("\r\n\r\n"); + +var instr=(console.noyes("\1n\1mWould you like instructions")); +if (!instr) + instructions(); + +/* Globals */ +citizens = random(75)+75; +acres = random(250)+250; +bushels = random(3000)+2000; +year = 0; +price = 3; +/* End Globals */ + +var game_over = false; + +while (!game_over) { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n\1n\1g"); + + if (!year) + printf("In the beginning of your reign:"); + else + printf("Report for \1h\1gYear %d\1n", year); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1n\1g Citizens in your kingdom: \1h\1y%d\r\n", citizens); + printf("\1n\1g Acres of land owned: \1h\1y%d\r\n", acres); + printf("\1n\1g Bushels of grain in storage: \1h\1y%d\r\n", bushels); + + printf("\r\n"); + + printf("\1n\1gThe price of land is \1h\1y%d\1n\1g ", price); + printf("bushels per acre.\r\n"); + + printf("\r\n"); + + var maxacres = Math.round((bushels/price)-1); + if (maxacres < 0) + maxacres = 0; + var buyacres = get_input("\1n\1mHow many acres to buy " + + "[\1h\1y" + maxacres + "\1n\1m]? ", maxacres); + if (buyacres == QUIT) + break; + acres += buyacres; + bushels -= buyacres * price; + + if (buyacres <= 0) { + var sellacres = get_input("\1n\1mHow many acres to sell " + + "[\1h\1y" + acres + "\1n\1m]? ",acres); + if (sellacres == QUIT) + break; + acres -= sellacres; + bushels += sellacres * price; + } + + printf("\r\n"); + + if ( (buyacres > 0) || (sellacres > 0) ) { + printf("\1n\1h\1cTransaction Results:\1n\r\n"); + printf("\1n\1g You now own \1h\1y%d\1n\1g acres of land, and " + ,acres); + printf("\1h\1y%d\1n\1g bushels of grain.\r\n",bushels); + printf("\r\n"); + } + + var feed = get_input("\1n\1mHow many bushels of grain to feed to \1h\1y" + + citizens + "\1n\1m people [\1h\1y" + bushels + "\1n\1m]? ",bushels); + if (feed == QUIT) + break; + bushels -= feed; + + var bushels_for_seeding = Math.round(bushels / 3); + var citizens_for_seeding = Math.round(citizens / 2); + var max_seed = citizens_for_seeding; + if (bushels_for_seeding < citizens_for_seeding) + max_seed = bushels_for_seeding; + max_seed = Math.round(max_seed-1); + if (max_seed < 0) + max_seed = 0; + printf("\r\n"); + seedacres = get_input("\1n\1mHow many acres do you wish to seed [\1h\1y" + + max_seed + "\1n\1m]? ",max_seed); + if (seedacres == QUIT) + break; + bushels -= seedacres * 3; + + printf("\r\n"); + printf("\1n\1h\1cProduction Costs:\1n\r\n"); + printf("\1g A total of \1n\1h\1y%d\1n\1g ", seedacres); + printf("acres of land have been planted.\r\n"); + printf("\r\n"); + + console.pause(); + + year++; + + var arrived = 0; + var starving = Math.round(citizens - (feed/10)); + var died = 0; + + if (starving > 0) { + food_riots(starving); + } else if (starving < 0) { + arrived += food_surplus(starving); + starving = 0; + } + + if ((random(100) - 10) <= 0) + died += plague(); + + if ((random(100) - 10) <= 0) + died += huns(); + + if ((random(100) - 15) <= 0) + arrived += border_expansion(); + + citizens = citizens + arrived - died - starving; + + if (citizens <= 0) { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + printf("\1h\1rDisaster!\1n\r\n\r\n"); + printf("\1gThe population went zip!\r\n"); + break; + } + + var change = arrived - died - starving; + + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n\1n\1g"); + + printf("\1n\1h\1cVital Statistics:\1n\r\n"); + printf("\1g Births and Immigration: \1n\1h\1y%d\1n\r\n", arrived); + printf("\1g Starved to Death: \1n\1h\1y%d\1n\r\n", starving); + printf("\1g Died of Natural Causes: \1n\1h\1y%d\1n\r\n", died); + printf("\r\n"); + printf("\1g Census Change: \1n\1h"); + if (change >= 0) + printf("\1g+"); + else + printf("\1r"); + printf("%d\1n\r\n\r\n",change); + console.pause(); + + if ((random(100) - 10) <= 0) + theft(); + + if ((random(100) - 10) <= 0) + earthquake(); + + if ((random(100) - 15) <= 0) + grain_shipment(); + + if ((random(100) - 15) <= 0) + drought(); + + if ((random(100) - 15) <= 0) + rain(); + + var hbush = price * seedacres; + var rats = Math.round(random(hbush/2)); + var hnet = hbush - rats; + + if (hnet > 0) { + printf("\1n\1h\1cHarvest Results:\1n\r\n"); + printf("\1g The Harvest Was: \1n\1h\1y%d\1n\1g ",price); + printf("bushels per planted acre.\r\n"); + printf("\1g For a Total of: \1n\1h\1y%d\1n\1g bushels.\r\n" + ,hbush); + printf("\1g Lost to Rats: \1n\1h\1y%d\1n\1g bushels.\r\n" + ,rats); + printf("\r\n"); + printf("\1g Total Net Harvest Was: \1n\1h\1g%d\1n\1g bushels.\r\n" + ,hnet); + + bushels += hnet; + + console.pause(); + } +} + +printf("\1n\1gYour reign lasted \1h\1y%d\1n\1g year", year); +if (year != 1) + printf("s"); +printf(".\r\n\r\n"); +exit(); + +/* End of main() */ + +function border_expansion() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1gBorder Expansion\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + var cit_gain = random(20)+10; + var acre_gain = random(citizens+250)+50; + + acres += acre_gain; + + printf("\1n\1gPopulation increase! "); + printf("You gained %d citizens and %d acres of land.\r\n" + ,cit_gain,acre_gain); + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); + + return(cit_gain); +} + +function drought() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1rDrought\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + price = random(3)+7; + + printf("\1n\1g%d weeks of no water ",0); + printf("and the river is dry like the moat!\r\n"); + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); +} + +function earthquake() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1rEarthquake!\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + var destroyed = Math.round(random(acres/10) + (acres/20)); + + printf("\1n\1g%d acres of land destroyed.\r\n",destroyed); + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); +} + +function food_riots(starving) { + if ( (random(100) - (5*(starving-2))) > 0 ) + return 0; /* No Riot */ + + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1rFood Riots\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + var lost = Math.round(random( (starving * bushels) / (2 * citizens) )); + bushels -= lost; + + printf("\1n\1g%d bushels of food lost.\r\n",lost); + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); +} + +function food_surplus(starving) { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1gFood Surplus!\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + var increase = Math.round(random(3 - (starving/2))); + + printf("\1gPopulation increase of \1h\1y%d\1n\1g.\r\n", increase); + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); + + return(increase); +} + +function grain_shipment() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1gGrain Shipment Arrives!\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + var shipment = Math.round(random(100+(acres/100))+500); + + printf("The shipment contains %d bushels of grain.\r\n",shipment); + + bushels += shipment; + price = random(2)+1; + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); +} + +function huns() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1rHun Pillage!\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + var lost_cits = Math.round(random(citizens/5) + (citizens/5)); + var lost_bush = Math.round(random(bushels/20) + (bushels/20)); + var lost_acre = Math.round(random(acres/50)); + + bushels -= lost_bush; + acres -= lost_acre; + + printf("\1n\1g%d citizens killed, %d bushels taken, %d acres destroyed.\r\n" + ,lost_cits,lost_bush,lost_acre); + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); + + return(lost_cits); +} + +function plague() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1rPlague\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + var died = Math.round((citizens/3) + random((citizens/2)+2)); + + printf("\1n\1gIn memory of the %d citizens who died in the plague.\r\n",died); + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); + + return(died); +} + +function rain() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1gRain\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + price = random(4)+3; + + printf("\1n\1gYour kingdom is blessed with %d days of rain.\r\n",price-3); + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); +} + +function theft() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + + printf("\1h\1rTheft!\1n\r\n\r\n"); + + var stolen = Math.round(random(bushels/20) + (bushels/20)); + + printf("\1n\1g%d bushels of grain were stolen!\r\n",stolen); + + bushels -= stolen; + + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + console.pause(); +} + +function get_input(str,max) { + var valid_keys = "0123456789"; + var input_is_valid = false; + var myinput = ""; + var myinput_int = 0; + while (!input_is_valid) { + printf("%s", str); + myinput = console.getstr("", 5); + if (myinput == "") + return max; + var fc = myinput[0].toUpperCase(); + if ( (fc == "Q") || (fc == "X") ) + return QUIT; + for (k in myinput) { + var myregexp = new RegExp('['+ myinput[k] +']', "g"); + if (!valid_keys.match(myregexp)) { + break; + } else if (k == myinput.length-1) { + myinput_int = parseInt(myinput); + if ( (myinput_int < max) && (myinput_int > -1) ) + input_is_valid = true; + } + } + } + return parseInt(myinput_int); +} + +function instructions() { + console.clear(); + printf("\r\n\r\n\1n\1g"); + printf("In this game, you control a kingdom with three major resources:"); + printf("\r\n \1h\1yBUSHELS\1n\1g of food, used to feed your citizens "); + printf("and barter with other kingdoms\r\n"); + printf(" to buy more acres of land."); + printf("\r\n \1h\1yACRES\1n\1g of land, which you will use to grow "); + printf("bushels of food. Land can also\r\n"); + printf(" be traded to other kingdoms for bushels."); + printf("\r\n \1h\1yCITIZENS\1n\1g, who work your acres of land."); + printf("\r\n\r\n"); + printf("The object of the game is twofold: retain as many citizens and "); + printf("resources as\r\n"); + printf("possible while making your kingdom last as long as it possibly "); + printf("can. Natural\r\n"); + printf("disasters, barbarian raids, fluctuating land prices, and citizen "); + printf("revolts will\r\n"); + printf("make this somewhat difficult.\r\n"); + printf("\r\n"); + printf("Numbers to remember are that it takes a minimum of 10 bushels of "); + printf("food to feed\r\n"); + printf("one citizen per year. Optimally, a citizen should be fed 20 "); + printf("bushels of food\r\n"); + printf("per year to encourage population growth. An acre requires a "); + printf("minimum of 3\r\n"); + printf("bushels to 'seed' properly for growth, and a single citizen is "); + printf("capable of\r\n"); + printf("seeding 2 acres of land per year. Starving your population will "); + printf("cause riots.\r\n"); + printf("\r\n"); + printf("Good luck!\r\n\r\n\1p"); +} + -- GitLab