diff --git a/src/stp/make.bat b/src/stp/make.bat
deleted file mode 100755
index b5599dd46221790121e22b78d772138ef41566ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/stp/make.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-bcc32 -I..\xpdev;..\sbbs3 stp.c zmodem.c ..\xpdev\dirwrap.c ..\xpdev\genwrap.c ..\xpdev\sockwrap.c ..\sbbs3\crc16.c ..\sbbs3\crc32.c ..\sbbs3\telnet.c
diff --git a/src/stp/rciols.obj b/src/stp/rciols.obj
deleted file mode 100644
index 1103dcd172d4b32820e0783ff1b1fccc9d3ee1ca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/src/stp/rciols.obj and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/stp/stp.c b/src/stp/stp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a18fba6535d97662a72742b3042136aa8a199586..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/stp/stp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1756 +0,0 @@
-/* stp.c */
-/* Synchronet X/Y/ZMODEM Transfer Protocols */
-/* $Id: stp.c,v 1.7 2005/09/05 21:54:11 deuce Exp $ */
- * @format.tab-size 4		(Plain Text/Source Code File Header)			*
- * @format.use-tabs true	(see http://www.synchro.net/ptsc_hdr.html)		*
- *																			*
- * Copyright 2003 Rob Swindell - http://www.synchro.net/copyright.html		*
- *																			*
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or			*
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				*
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2			*
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.					*
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or			*
- * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html										*
- *																			*
- * Anonymous FTP access to the most recent released source is available at	*
- * ftp://vert.synchro.net, ftp://cvs.synchro.net and ftp://ftp.synchro.net	*
- *																			*
- * Anonymous CVS access to the development source and modification history	*
- * is available at cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs, example:					*
- * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs login			*
- *     (just hit return, no password is necessary)							*
- * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs checkout src		*
- *																			*
- * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see				*
- * http://www.synchro.net/source.html										*
- *																			*
- * You are encouraged to submit any modifications (preferably in Unix diff	*
- * format) via e-mail to mods@synchro.net									*
- *																			*
- * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs.	*
- ****************************************************************************/
- * ZMODEM code based on zmtx/zmrx v1.02 (C) Mattheij Computer Service 1994
- * by Jacques Mattheij <jacquesm@hacktic.nl> 
- */
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "xpbeep.h"
-#include "conwrap.h"
-#include "genwrap.h"
-#include "dirwrap.h"
-#include "filewrap.h"
-#include "sockwrap.h"
-#include "crc16.h"
-#include "telnet.h"
-#define MAXERRORS	10
-#define DLE 		CTRL_P	/* Data link escape 						*/
-#define XON 		CTRL_Q	/* Resume transmission 						*/
-#define XOFF		CTRL_S	/* Pause transmission						*/
-#define SOH 		CTRL_A	/* Start of header							*/
-#define EOT 		CTRL_D	/* End of transmission						*/
-#define ACK 		CTRL_F	/* Acknowledge								*/
-#define NAK 		CTRL_U	/* Negative Acknowledge 					*/
-#define CAN 		CTRL_X	/* Cancel									*/
-#define CPMEOF		CTRL_Z	/* CP/M End of file (^Z)					*/
-#define LOC_ABORT	0x2e03	/* Local abort key	(^C)					*/
-#define SEND		(1<<0)	/* Sending file(s)							*/
-#define RECV		(1<<1)	/* Receiving file(s)						*/
-#define XMODEM		(1<<2)	/* Use Xmodem								*/
-#define YMODEM		(1<<3)	/* Use Ymodem								*/
-#define ZMODEM		(1<<4)	/* Use Zmodem								*/
-#define CRC 		(1<<5)	/* Use CRC error correction 				*/
-#define GMODE		(1<<6)	/* For Qmodem-G and Ymodem-G				*/
-#define DIR 		(1<<7)	/* Directory specified to download to		*/
-#define DEBUG		(1<<8)	/* Debug output 							*/
-#define OVERWRITE	(1<<9)	/* Overwrite receiving files				*/
-#define IGNORE_DCD	(1<<10) /* Ignore DCD								*/
-#define ALARM		(1<<11) /* Alarm when starting and stopping xfer	*/
-#define NO_LOCAL	(1<<12) /* Don't check local keyboard               */
-#define PAUSE_ABEND	(1<<13)	/* Pause on abnormal exit					*/
-#define TELNET		(1<<14)	/* Telnet IAC escaping						*/
-							/* Zmodem mode bits 						*/
-#define CTRL_ESC	(1<<0)	/* Escape all control chars 				*/
-#define VAR_HDRS	(1<<1)	/* Use variable headers 					*/
-#include "zmodem.h"
-#define LOOP_NOPEN	50
-#define MAX_FNAMES	100 	/* Up to 100 filenames						*/
-/* Remote I/O Constants */
-							/* i/o mode and state flags */
-#define NOINP 0x0100     	/* input buffer empty (incom only) */
-void cancel(void);
-/* Global Vars */
-long	mode=PAUSE_ABEND|TELNET;		/* Program mode 					*/
-long	zmode=0L;						/* Zmodem mode						*/
-uchar	block[1024];					/* Block buffer 					*/
-uint	block_size; 					/* Block size (128 or 1024) 		*/
-ulong	block_num;						/* Block number 					*/
-ulong	last_block_num; 				/* Last block number sent			*/
-uint	flows=0;						/* Number of flow controls			*/
-time_t	startall;
-FILE*	errfp;
-FILE*	statfp;
-/* Zmodem specific, from Chuck's RZSZ */
-char	Txhdr[ZMAXHLEN];				/* Zmodem transmit header			*/
-char	Rxhdr[ZMAXHLEN];				/* Zmodem receive header			*/
-char	attn[ZATTNLEN]; 				/* Attention string for sender		*/
-char	zconv;
-char	zmanag;
-char	ztrans;
-int 	tryzhdrtype;
-int 	Rxtimeout = 100;		/* Tenths of seconds to wait for something */
-int 	Rxframeind; 			/* ZBIN ZBIN32, or ZHEX type of frame */
-int 	Rxtype; 				/* Type of header received */
-int 	Rxhlen; 				/* Length of header received */
-int 	Rxcount;				/* Count of data bytes received */
-SOCKET	sock;
-#define DCDHIGH		socket_check(sock, NULL, NULL, 0)
-#ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_
-static BOOL WSAInitialized=FALSE;
-static BOOL winsock_startup(void)
-	int		status;             /* Status Code */
-    if((status = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &WSAData))==0) {
-		fprintf(statfp,"%s %s\n",WSAData.szDescription, WSAData.szSystemStatus);
-		WSAInitialized=TRUE;
-		return(TRUE);
-	}
-    fprintf(errfp,"!WinSock startup ERROR %d\n", status);
-	return(FALSE);
-#else /* No WINSOCK */
-#define winsock_startup()	(TRUE)	
-/* Code */
-void newline(void)
-	fprintf(statfp,"\n");
-/* Truncates white-space chars off end of 'str' and terminates at first tab */
-void truncsp(char *str)
-	char c;
-	c=strlen(str);
-	while(c && str[c-1]<=SP) c--;
-	str[c]=0;
-/* Exit Point */
-void bail(int code)
-	if(mode&ALARM) {
-		BEEP(2000,500);
-		BEEP(1000,500);
-	}
-	newline();
-	fprintf(statfp,"Exiting - Error level: %d",code);
-	if(flows)
-		fprintf(statfp,"  Flow restraint count: %u",flows);
-	fprintf(statfp,"\n");
-	if(/* code && */ mode&PAUSE_ABEND) {
-		printf("Hit enter to continue...");
-		getchar();
-	}
-	exit(code);
-char *chr(uchar ch)
-	static char str[25];
-	switch(ch) {
-		case SOH:
-			return("SOH");
-		case STX:
-			return("STX");
-		case ETX:
-			return("ETX");
-		case EOT:
-			return("EOT");
-		case ACK:
-			return("ACK");
-		case NAK:
-			return("NAK");
-		case CAN:
-			return("CAN");
-		default:
-			if(ch>=' ' && ch<='~')
-				sprintf(str,"'%c' (%02Xh)",ch,ch);
-			else
-				sprintf(str,"%u (%02Xh)",ch,ch);
-			return(str); 
-	}
-void send_telnet_cmd(SOCKET sock, uchar cmd, uchar opt)
-	uchar buf[3];
-	buf[0]=TELNET_IAC;
-	buf[1]=cmd;
-	buf[2]=opt;
-	fprintf(statfp,"\nSending telnet command: %s %s"
-		,telnet_cmd_desc(buf[1]),telnet_opt_desc(buf[2]));
-	if(send(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0)==sizeof(buf))
-		fprintf(statfp,"\n");
-	else
-		fprintf(statfp," FAILED!\n");
-/* Receive a byte from remote												*/
-uint recv_byte(SOCKET sock, int timeout, long mode)
-	int			i;
-	uchar		ch;
-	fd_set		socket_set;
-	struct timeval	tv;
-	static uchar	telnet_cmd;
-	static int		telnet_cmdlen;
-	while(1) {
-		FD_ZERO(&socket_set);
-		FD_SET(sock,&socket_set);
-		tv.tv_sec=timeout;
-		tv.tv_usec=0;
-		if(select(sock+1,&socket_set,NULL,NULL,&tv)<1) {
-			if(timeout) {
-				newline();
-				fprintf(statfp,"Input timeout\n");
-			}
-			return(NOINP);
-		}
-		i=recv(sock,&ch,sizeof(ch),0);
-		if(i!=sizeof(ch)) {
-			newline();
-			if(i==0)
-				fprintf(statfp,"No carrier\n");
-			else
-				fprintf(statfp,"!recv error %d (%d)\n",i,ERROR_VALUE);
-			bail(1); 
-		}
-		if(mode&TELNET) {
-			if(ch==TELNET_IAC) {
-				fprintf(statfp,"T<%s> ",telnet_cmd_desc(ch));
-				if(telnet_cmdlen==0) {
-					telnet_cmdlen=1;
-					continue;
-				}
-				if(telnet_cmdlen==1) {
-					telnet_cmdlen=0;
-					return(TELNET_IAC);
-				}
-			}
-			if(telnet_cmdlen) {
-				telnet_cmdlen++;
-				if(telnet_cmdlen==2)
-					fprintf(statfp,"T<%s> ",telnet_cmd_desc(ch));
-				else
-					fprintf(statfp,"T<%s> ",telnet_opt_desc(ch));
-				if(telnet_cmdlen==3 && telnet_cmd==TELNET_DO)
-					send_telnet_cmd(sock, TELNET_WILL,ch);
-	/*
-				else if(telnet_cmdlen==3 && telnet_cmd==TELNET_WILL)
-					send_telnet_cmd(sock, TELNET_DO,ch);
-	*/
-				telnet_cmd=ch;
-				if((telnet_cmdlen==2 && ch<TELNET_WILL) || telnet_cmdlen>2)
-					telnet_cmdlen=0;
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		return(ch);
-	}
-	return(NOINP);
-#define getcom(t)	recv_byte(sock,t,mode)
-/* Send a byte to remote */
-int send_byte(SOCKET sock, uchar ch, int timeout, long mode)
-	uchar		buf[2] = { TELNET_IAC, TELNET_IAC };
-	int			len=1;
-	int			i;
-	fd_set		socket_set;
-	struct timeval	tv;
-	FD_ZERO(&socket_set);
-	FD_SET(sock,&socket_set);
-	tv.tv_sec=timeout;
-	tv.tv_usec=0;
-	if(select(sock+1,NULL,&socket_set,NULL,&tv)<1)
-		return(ERROR_VALUE);
-	if(mode&TELNET && ch==TELNET_IAC)	/* escape IAC char */
-		len=2;
-	else
-		buf[0]=ch;
-	i=send(sock,buf,len,0);
-	if(i==len)
-		return(0);
-	return(-1);
-#define putcom(ch)	send_byte(sock,ch,10,mode)
-int send_str(SOCKET sock, char* str, int timeout, long mode)
-	char*	p;
-	int		i;
-	for(p=str;*p;p++) {
-		if((i=send_byte(sock,*p,timeout,mode))!=0)
-			return(i);
-	}
-	return(0);
-void xmodem_put_nak(SOCKET sock, long mode)
-	while(getcom(1)!=NOINP && (mode&NO_LOCAL || kbhit()!=LOC_ABORT))
-		;				/* wait for any trailing data */
-	putcom(NAK);
-void xmodem_cancel(SOCKET sock, long mode)
-	int i;
-	for(i=0;i<8;i++)
-		putcom(CAN);
-	for(i=0;i<10;i++)
-		putcom('\b');
-/* Receive a X/Ymodem block (sector) from COM port							*/
-/* hdrblock is 1 if attempting to get Ymodem header block, 0 if data block	*/
-/* Returns blocknum if all went well, -1 on error or CAN, and -EOT if EOT	*/
-int xmodem_get_block(SOCKET sock, uchar* block, uint block_size, BOOL hdrblock
-					 ,long mode, FILE* statfp)
-	uchar	block_num;					/* Block number received in header	*/
-	uchar	chksum,calc_chksum;
-	int		i,errors,eot=0,can=0;
-	uint	b;
-	ushort	crc,calc_crc;
-	for(errors=0;errors<MAXERRORS;errors++) {
-		i=getcom(10);
-		if(eot && i!=EOT)
-			eot=0;
-		if(can && i!=CAN)
-			can=0;
-		switch(i) {
-			case SOH: /* 128 byte blocks */
-				block_size=128;
-				break;
-			case STX: /* 1024 byte blocks */
-				block_size=1024;
-				break;
-			case EOT:
-				if((mode&(YMODEM|GMODE))==YMODEM && !eot) {
-					eot=1;
-					xmodem_put_nak(sock,mode);		/* chuck's double EOT trick */
-					continue; 
-				}
-				return(-EOT);
-			case CAN:
-				newline();
-				if(!can) {			/* must get two CANs in a row */
-					can=1;
-					fprintf(statfp,"Received CAN  Expected SOH, STX, or EOT\n");
-					continue; 
-				}
-				fprintf(statfp,"Cancelled remotely\n");
-				bail(-1);
-				break;
-			case NOINP: 	/* Nothing came in */
-				continue;
-			default:
-				newline();
-				fprintf(statfp,"Received %s  Expected SOH, STX, or EOT\n",chr((uchar)i));
-				if(hdrblock)  /* Trying to get Ymodem header block */
-					return(-1);
-				xmodem_put_nak(sock,mode);
-				continue; 
-		}
-		i=getcom(1);
-		if(i==NOINP) {
-			xmodem_put_nak(sock,mode);
-			continue; 
-		}
-		block_num=i;
-		i=getcom(1);
-		if(i==NOINP) {
-			xmodem_put_nak(sock,mode);
-			continue; 
-		}
-		if(block_num!=(uchar)~i) {
-			newline();
-			fprintf(statfp,"Block number error\n");
-			xmodem_put_nak(sock,mode);
-			continue; 
-		}
-		calc_crc=calc_chksum=0;
-		for(b=0;b<block_size;b++) {
-			i=getcom(1);
-			if(i==NOINP)
-				break;
-			block[b]=i;
-			if(mode&CRC)
-				calc_crc=ucrc16(block[b],calc_crc);
-			else
-				calc_chksum+=block[b]; 
-		}
-		if(b<block_size) {
-			xmodem_put_nak(sock,mode);
-			continue; 
-		}
-		if(mode&CRC) {
-			crc=getcom(1)<<8;
-			crc|=getcom(1); 
-		}
-		else
-			chksum=getcom(1);
-		if(mode&CRC) {
-			if(crc==calc_crc)
-				break;
-			newline();
-			fprintf(statfp,"CRC error\n"); 
-		}
-		else	/* CHKSUM */
-		{	
-			if(chksum==calc_chksum)
-				break;
-			newline();
-			fprintf(statfp,"Checksum error\n"); 
-		}
-		if(mode&GMODE) {	/* Don't bother sending a NAK. He's not listening */
-			xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-			bail(1); 
-		}
-		xmodem_put_nak(sock,mode); 
-	}
-	if(errors>=MAXERRORS) {
-		newline();
-		fprintf(statfp,"Too many errors\n");
-		return(-1); 
-	}
-	return(block_num);
-/* Sends a block */
-void xmodem_put_block(SOCKET sock, char* block, uint block_size, ulong block_num, long mode)
-	uchar	ch,chksum;
-    uint	i;
-	ushort	crc;
-	if(block_size==128)
-		putcom(SOH);
-	else			/* 1024 */
-		putcom(STX);
-	ch=(block_num&0xff);
-	putcom(ch);
-	putcom((uchar)~ch);
-	chksum=crc=0;
-	for(i=0;i<block_size;i++) {
-		putcom(block[i]);
-		if(mode&CRC)
-			crc=ucrc16(block[i],crc);
-		else
-			chksum+=block[i]; 
-	}
-	if(mode&CRC) {
-		putcom((uchar)(crc >> 8));
-		putcom((uchar)(crc&0xff)); 
-	}
-	else
-		putcom(chksum);
-	YIELD();
-/* Gets an acknowledgement - usually after sending a block	*/
-/* Returns 1 if ack received, 0 otherwise.					*/
-int xmodem_get_ack(int tries)
-	int i,errors,can=0;
-	for(errors=0;errors<tries;errors++) {
-		if(mode&GMODE) {		/* Don't wait for ACK on Ymodem-G */
-			if(getcom(0)==CAN) {
-				newline();
-				fprintf(statfp,"Cancelled remotely\n");
-				xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-				bail(1); 
-			}
-			return(1); 
-		}
-		i=getcom(10);
-		if(can && i!=CAN)
-			can=0;
-		if(i==ACK)
-			return(1);
-		if(i==CAN) {
-			if(can) {
-				newline();
-				fprintf(statfp,"Cancelled remotely\n");
-				xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-				bail(1); 
-			}
-			can=1; 
-		}
-		if(i!=NOINP) {
-			newline();
-			fprintf(statfp,"Received %s  Expected ACK\n",chr((uchar)i));
-			if(i!=CAN)
-				return(0); 
-		} 
-	}
-	return(0);
-/* Returns the number of blocks required to send len bytes					*/
-long num_blocks(long len, long block_size)
-	long blocks;
-	blocks=len/block_size;
-	if(len%block_size)
-		blocks++;
-	return(blocks);
-#if 0
-/* Zmodem specific functions start here */
-/* Output single byte as two hex ASCII digits */
-void putzhex(uchar val)
-	char *digits="0123456789abcdef";
-	putcom(digits[(val&0xF0)>>4]);
-	putcom(digits[val&0xF]);
-/* Output a hex header */
-void putzhhdr(char type)
-	uint i;
-	ushort crc=0;
-	putcom(ZPAD);
-	putcom(ZPAD);
-	putcom(ZDLE);
-	if(zmode&VAR_HDRS) {
-		putcom(ZVHEX);
-		putzhex(4); 
-	}
-	else
-		putcom(ZHEX);
-	putzhex(type);
-/*	crc=ucrc16(type,crc); */
-	for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
-		putzhex(Txhdr[i]);
-		crc=ucrc16(Txhdr[i],crc); 
-	}
-/*	crc=ucrc16(0,crc); */
-/*	crc=ucrc16(0,crc); */
-	putzhex(crc>>8);
-	putzhex(crc&0xff);
-	putcom(CR);
-	putcom(LF); 	/* Chuck's RZ.C sends LF|0x80 for some unknown reason */
-	if(type!=ZFIN && type!=ZACK)
-		putcom(XON);
-/* Stores a long in the Zmodem transmit header (usually position offset)	*/
-void ltohdr(long l)
-	Txhdr[ZP0] = l;
-	Txhdr[ZP1] = l>>8;
-	Txhdr[ZP2] = l>>16;
-	Txhdr[ZP3] = l>>24;
-/* Outputs single Zmodem character, escaping with ZDLE when appropriate     */
-void putzcom(uchar ch)
-    static lastsent;
-	if(ch&0x60) /* not a control char */
-		putcom(lastsent=ch);
-	else
-		switch(ch) {
-			case DLE:
-			case DLE|0x80:          /* even if high-bit set */
-			case XON:
-			case XON|0x80:
-			case XOFF:
-			case XOFF|0x80:
-			case ZDLE:
-				putcom(ZDLE);
-				ch^=0x40;
-				putcom(lastsent=ch);
-				break;
-			case CR:
-			case CR|0x80:
-				if(!(zmode&CTRL_ESC) && (lastsent&0x7f)!='@')
-					putcom(lastsent=ch);
-				else {
-					putcom(ZDLE);
-					ch^=0x40;
-					putcom(lastsent=ch); 
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				if(zmode&CTRL_ESC && !(ch&0x60)) {  /* it's a ctrl char */
-					putcom(ZDLE);
-					ch^=0x40; 
-				}
-				putcom(lastsent=ch);
-				break; 
-		}
- * Read a byte, checking for ZMODEM escape encoding
- *  including CAN*5 which represents a quick abort
- */
-int getzcom()
-	int i;
-	while(1) {
-		/* Quick check for non control characters */
-		if((i=getcom(Rxtimeout))&0x60)
-			return(i);
-		if(i==ZDLE)
-			break;
-		if((i&0x7f)==XOFF || (i&0x7f)==XON)
-			continue;
-		if(zmode&CTRL_ESC && !(i&0x60))
-			continue;
-		return(i); 
-	}
-	while(1) {	/* Escaped characters */
-		if((i=getcom(Rxtimeout))<0)
-			return(i);
-		if(i==CAN && (i=getcom(Rxtimeout))<0)
-			return(i);
-		if(i==CAN && (i=getcom(Rxtimeout))<0)
-			return(i);
-		if(i==CAN && (i=getcom(Rxtimeout))<0)
-			return(i);
-		switch (i) {
-			case CAN:
-				return(GOTCAN);
-			case ZCRCE:
-			case ZCRCG:
-			case ZCRCQ:
-			case ZCRCW:
-				return(i|GOTOR);
-			case ZRUB0:
-				return(0x7f);
-			case ZRUB1:
-				return(0xff);
-			case XON:
-			case XON|0x80:
-			case XOFF:
-			case XOFF|0x80:
-				continue;
-			default:
-				if (zmode&CTRL_ESC && !(i&0x60))
-					continue;
-				if ((i&0x60)==0x40)
-					return(i^0x40);
-				break; 
-		}
-		break; 
-	}
-	return(ERROR);
- * Read a character from the modem line with timeout.
- *  Eat parity, XON and XOFF characters.
- */
-int getcom7()
-	int i;
-	while(1) {
-		i=getcom(10);
-		switch(i) {
-			case XON:
-			case XOFF:
-				continue;
-			case CR:
-			case LF:
-			case NOINP:
-			case ZDLE:
-				return(i);
-			default:
-				if(!(i&0x60) && zmode&CTRL_ESC)
-					continue;
-				return(i); 
-		} 
-	}
-/* Dump the current block contents - for debug  */
-void dump_block()
-	uint l;
-	for(l=0;l<block_size;l++)
-		fprintf(statfp,"%02X  ",block[l]);
-	fprintf(statfp,"\n");
-void send_files(char** fname, uint fnames, FILE* log)
-	char	path[MAX_PATH+1];
-	int		ch;
-	int		i;
-	uint	errors;
-	uint	fnum;
-	uint	cps;
-	glob_t	g;
-	int		gi;
-	BOOL	can;
-	BOOL	success;
-	long	b,l,m;
-	long	fsize;
-	uint	total_files=0,sent_files=0;
-	ulong	total_bytes=0,sent_bytes=0;
-	time_t	t,startfile,ftime;
-	FILE*	fp;
-	zmodem_t zm;
-	/****************************************************/
-	/* Search through all to find total files and bytes */
-	/****************************************************/
-	for(fnum=0;fnum<fnames;fnum++) {
-		if(glob(fname[fnum],0,NULL,&g)) {
-			fprintf(statfp,"%s not found\n",fname[fnum]);
-			continue;
-		}
-		for(i=0;i<(int)g.gl_pathc;i++) {
-			if(isdir(g.gl_pathv[i]))
-				continue;
-			total_files++;
-			total_bytes+=flength(g.gl_pathv[i]);
-		} 
-		globfree(&g);
-	}
-	if(fnames>1)
-		fprintf(statfp,"Sending %u files (%lu bytes total)\n"
-			,total_files,total_bytes);
-	memset(&zm,0,sizeof(zm));
-	zm.sock=sock;
-	zm.mode=mode;
-	zm.n_files_remaining = total_files;
-	zm.n_bytes_remaining = total_bytes;
-	/***********************************************/
-	/* Send every file matching names or filespecs */
-	/***********************************************/
-	for(fnum=0;fnum<fnames;fnum++) {
-		if(glob(fname[fnum],0,NULL,&g)) {
-			fprintf(statfp,"%s not found\n",fname[fnum]);
-			continue;
-		}
-		for(gi=0;gi<(int)g.gl_pathc;gi++) {
-			SAFECOPY(path,g.gl_pathv[gi]);
-			if(isdir(path))
-				continue;
-			if((fp=fopen(path,"rb"))==NULL) {
-				fprintf(statfp,"!Error %d opening %s for read\n",errno,path);
-				continue;
-			}
-			if(mode&ZMODEM) {
-				for(errors=0;errors<MAXERRORS;errors++) {
-					fprintf(statfp,"\nSending ZRQINIT\n");
-					i = zmodem_get_zrinit(&zm);
-					if(i == ZRINIT) {
-						zmodem_parse_zrinit(&zm);
-						break;
-					}
-					fprintf(statfp,"\n!RX header: %d 0x%02X\n", i, i);
-				}
-			} else {	/* X/Ymodem */
-				mode&=~GMODE;
-				flows=0;
-				for(errors=can=0;errors<MAXERRORS;errors++) {
-					i=getcom(10);
-					if(can && i!=CAN)
-						can=0;
-					if(i==NAK) {		/* csum */
-						mode&=~CRC;
-						break; 
-					}
-					if(i=='C') {
-						mode|=CRC;
-						break; 
-					}
-					if(i=='G') {
-						mode|=(GMODE|CRC);
-						break; 
-					}
-					if(i==CAN) {
-						if(can) {
-							newline();
-							fprintf(statfp,"Cancelled remotely\n");
-							bail(1); 
-						}
-						can=1; 
-					}
-#if 0
-					rioctl(IOFB);	/* flush buffers cause we have crap-o-la */
-					if(i!=NOINP) {
-						newline();
-						fprintf(statfp,"Received %s  Expected NAK, C, or G\n"
-							,chr((uchar)i)); 
-					} 
-				}
-			}
-			if(errors==MAXERRORS) {
-				fprintf(statfp,"\n!Timeout waiting for receiver to start/accept file transfer\n");
-				xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-				bail(1); 
-			} 
-			fsize=filelength(fileno(fp));
-			fprintf(statfp,"\nSending %s (%lu bytes) via %s %s\n"
-				,path,fsize
-				,mode&XMODEM ? "Xmodem" : mode&YMODEM ? mode&GMODE ? "Ymodem-G"
-					: "Ymodem" : "Zmodem"
-				,mode&ZMODEM ? (zm.can_fcs_32 ? "CRC-32" : "CRC-16")
-					: mode&CRC ? "CRC-16":"Checksum");
-			errors=0;
-			success=0;
-			startfile=time(NULL);
-			if(mode&ZMODEM) {
-				if(zmodem_send_file(&zm,getfname(path),fp)==0) {
-					sent_files++;
-					sent_bytes+=fsize;
-					t=time(NULL)-startfile;
-					if(!t) t=1;
-					fprintf(statfp,"\rSuccesssful - Time: %lu:%02lu  CPS: %lu\n"
-						,t/60,t%60,fsize/t);
-					success=1; 
-				}
-				else {
-					newline();
-					fprintf(statfp,"Unsuccessful!\n");
-					t=time(NULL)-startfile;
-					if(!t) t=1; 
-				}
-			} else {	/* X/Ymodem */
-				if(!(mode&XMODEM)) {
-					t=fdate(path);
-					memset(block,0,sizeof(block));
-					SAFECOPY(block,getfname(path));
-					sprintf(block+strlen(block)+1,"%lu %lo 0 0 %d %ld"
-						,fsize,t,total_files-sent_files,total_bytes-sent_bytes);
-					/*
-					fprintf(statfp,"Sending Ymodem block '%s'\n",block+strlen(block)+1);
-					*/
-					for(errors=0;errors<MAXERRORS;errors++) {
-						xmodem_put_block(sock, block, 128 /* block_size */, 0 /* block_num */, mode);
-						if(xmodem_get_ack(1))
-							break; 
-					}
-					if(errors==MAXERRORS) {
-						newline();
-						fprintf(statfp,"Failed to send header block\n");
-						xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-						bail(1); 
-					}
-					mode&=~GMODE;
-					for(errors=can=0;errors<MAXERRORS;errors++) {
-						i=getcom(10);
-						if(can && i!=CAN)
-							can=0;
-						if(i==NAK) {		/* csum */
-							mode&=~CRC;
-							break; 
-						}
-						if(i=='C') {
-							mode|=CRC;
-							break; 
-						}
-						if(i=='G') {
-							mode|=(GMODE|CRC);
-							break; 
-						}
-						if(i==CAN) {
-							if(can) {
-								newline();
-								fprintf(statfp,"Cancelled remotely\n");
-								bail(1); 
-							}
-							can=1; 
-						}
-	#if 0
-						rioctl(IOFB);
-	#endif
-						if(i!=NOINP) {
-							newline();
-							fprintf(statfp,"Received %s  Expected NAK, C, or G\n"
-								,chr((uchar)i)); 
-						} 
-					}
-					if(errors==MAXERRORS) {
-						newline();
-						fprintf(statfp,"Too many errors waiting for receiver\n");
-						xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-						bail(1); 
-					} 
-				}
-				last_block_num=block_num=1;
-				errors=0;
-				while((block_num-1)*(long)block_size<fsize && errors<MAXERRORS) {
-					if(last_block_num==block_num) {  /* block_num didn't increment */
-						fseek(fp,(block_num-1)*(long)block_size,SEEK_SET);
-						i=fread(block,1,block_size,fp);
-						while(i<block_size)
-							block[i++]=CPMEOF; 
-					}
-					last_block_num=block_num;
-					xmodem_put_block(sock, block, block_size, block_num, mode);
-					i=fread(block,1,block_size,fp); /* read next block from disk */
-					while(i<block_size)
-						block[i++]=CPMEOF;
-					t=time(NULL)-startfile;
-					if(!t) t=1; 		/* t is time so far */
-					cps=(uint)((block_num*(long)block_size)/t); 	/* cps so far */
-					if(!cps) cps=1;
-					l=fsize/cps;	/* total transfer est time */
-					l-=t;				/* now, it's est time left */
-					if(l<0) l=0;
-					b=num_blocks(fsize,block_size);
-					fprintf(statfp,"\rBlock (%lu%s): %lu/%lu  Byte: %lu  "
-						"Time: %lu:%02lu/%lu:%02lu  CPS: %u  %lu%% "
-						,block_size%1024L ? block_size: block_size/1024L
-						,block_size%1024L ? "" : "k"
-						,block_num
-						,b
-						,block_num*(long)block_size
-						,t/60L
-						,t%60L
-						,l/60L
-						,l%60L
-						,cps
-						,(long)(((float)block_num/(float)b)*100.0)
-						);
-					if(!xmodem_get_ack(5))
-						errors++;
-					else
-						block_num++; 
-				}
-				fclose(fp);
-				if((long)(block_num-1)*(long)block_size>=fsize) {
-					sent_files++;
-					sent_bytes+=fsize;
-					fprintf(statfp,"\n");
-					for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
-						fprintf(statfp,"\rSending EOT (%d)",i+1);
-	#if 0
-						rioctl(IOFI);
-	#endif
-						putcom(EOT);
-						ch=getcom(10);
-						if(ch==ACK)
-							break;
-						if(ch==NAK && i==0 && (mode&(YMODEM|GMODE))==YMODEM)
-							continue;  /* chuck's double EOT trick so don't complain */
-						if(ch!=NOINP) {
-							newline();
-							fprintf(statfp,"Received %s  Expected ACK\n"
-								,chr((uchar)ch)); 
-						} 
-					}
-					if(i==3)
-						fprintf(statfp,"\rNo ACK on EOT   \n");
-					t=time(NULL)-startfile;
-					if(!t) t=1;
-					fprintf(statfp,"\rSuccesssful - Time: %lu:%02lu  CPS: %lu\n"
-						,t/60,t%60,fsize/t);
-					success=1; 
-				}
-				else {
-					newline();
-					fprintf(statfp,"Unsuccessful!\n");
-					t=time(NULL)-startfile;
-					if(!t) t=1; 
-				}
-			}
-			if(total_files>1 && total_files-sent_files>1)
-				fprintf(statfp,"Remaining - Time: %lu:%02lu  Files: %u  Bytes: %lu\n"
-					,((total_bytes-sent_bytes)/cps)/60
-					,((total_bytes-sent_bytes)/cps)%60
-					,total_files-sent_files
-					,total_bytes-sent_bytes
-					);
-			/* DSZLOG entry */
-			if(log) {
-				if(mode&ZMODEM)
-					l=fsize;
-				else {
-					l=(block_num-1)*(long)block_size;
-					if(l>fsize)
-						l=fsize;
-				}
-				fprintf(log,"%c %6lu %5u bps %4lu cps %3u errors %5u %4u "
-					"%s -1\n"
-					,success ? (mode&ZMODEM ? 'z':'S') : 'E'
-					,l
-					,30000 /* baud */
-					,l/t
-					,errors
-					,flows
-					,block_size
-					,path); 
-			}
-		} 
-	}
-	if(mode&XMODEM)
-		bail(0);
-	if(mode&ZMODEM)
-		zmodem_send_zfin(&zm);
-	else {	/* YMODEM */
-		mode&=~GMODE;
-		i=getcom(10);
-		if(i==NAK)
-			mode&=~CRC;
-		else if(i=='C')
-			mode|=CRC;
-		else if(i=='G')
-			mode|=(GMODE|CRC);
-		if(i!=NOINP && i!=NAK && i!='C' && i!='G') {
-			newline();
-			fprintf(statfp,"Received %s  Expected NAK, C, or G\n",chr((uchar)i)); 
-		}
-		else if(i!=NOINP) {
-			block[0]=0;
-			xmodem_put_block(sock, block, 128 /* block_size */, 0 /* block_num */, mode);
-			if(!xmodem_get_ack(6)) {
-				newline();
-				fprintf(statfp,"Failed to receive ACK after terminating block\n"); 
-			} 
-		}
-	}
-	if(total_files>1) {
-		t=time(NULL)-startall;
-		if(!t) t=1;
-		newline();
-		fprintf(statfp,"Overall - Time %02lu:%02lu  Bytes: %lu  CPS: %lu\n"
-			,t/60,t%60,sent_bytes,sent_bytes/t); 
-	}
-void receive_files(char** fname, uint fnames, FILE* log)
-	char	str[MAX_PATH+1];
-	int		i;
-	uint	errors;
-	uint	total_files;
-	uint	fnum=0;
-	uint	cps;
-	uint	hdr_block_num;
-	long	b,l,m;
-	long	serial_num;
-	ulong	file_bytes=0,file_bytes_left=0;
-	ulong	total_bytes=0;
-	FILE*	fp;
-	time_t	t,startfile,ftime;
-	if(fnames>1)
-		fprintf(statfp,"Receiving %u files\n",fnames);
-	while(1) {
-		if(mode&XMODEM) {
-			SAFECOPY(str,fname[0]);
-			file_bytes=file_bytes_left=0x7fffffff;
-			serial_num=-1; 
-		}
-		else if(mode&YMODEM) {
-			fprintf(statfp,"Fetching Ymodem header block\n");
-			for(errors=0;errors<MAXERRORS;errors++) {
-				if(errors>3 && mode&CRC && !(mode&GMODE))
-					mode&=~CRC;
-				if(mode&GMODE)		/* G for Ymodem-G */
-					putcom('G');
-				else if(mode&CRC)	/* C for CRC */
-					putcom('C');
-				else				/* NAK for checksum */
-					putcom(NAK);
-#if 0
-				for(i=60;i;i--) {
-					if(rioctl(RXBC))	/* no chars in-bound */
-						break;
-					SLEEP(100); 		/* so wait */
-				}
-				if(!i) {				/* none after 6 secs */
-					if(errors)
-						fprintf(statfp,"Ymodem header timeout (%d)\n",errors);
-					continue; 
-				}
-				if(xmodem_get_block(sock, block,block_size,TRUE,mode,statfp)==0) { 	 /* block received successfully */
-					putcom(ACK);
-					break; 
-				} 
-			}
-			if(errors==MAXERRORS) {
-				fprintf(statfp,"Error fetching Ymodem header block\n");
-				xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-				bail(1); 
-			}
-			if(!block[0]) {
-				fprintf(statfp,"Received Ymodem termination block\n");
-				bail(0); 
-			}
-			sscanf(block+strlen(block)+1,"%ld %lo %lo %lo %d %ld"
-				,&file_bytes			/* file size (decimal) */
-				,&ftime 				/* file time (octal unix format) */
-				,&m 					/* file mode (not used) */
-				,&serial_num			/* program serial number */
-				,&total_files			/* remaining files to be sent */
-				,&total_bytes			/* remaining bytes to be sent */
-				);
-			if(!file_bytes)
-				file_bytes=0x7fffffff;
-			file_bytes_left=file_bytes;
-			if(!total_files)
-				total_files=fnames-fnum;
-			if(!total_files)
-				total_files=1;
-			if(total_bytes<file_bytes)
-				total_bytes=file_bytes;
-			if(!serial_num)
-				serial_num=-1;
-			fprintf(statfp,"Incoming filename: %.64s ",block);
-			if(mode&DIR)
-				sprintf(str,"%s%s",fname[0],getfname(block));
-			else {
-				SAFECOPY(str,getfname(block));
-				for(i=0;i<fnames;i++) {
-					if(!fname[i][0])	/* name blank or already used */
-						continue;
-					if(!stricmp(getfname(fname[i]),str)) {
-						SAFECOPY(str,fname[i]);
-						fname[i][0]=0;
-						break; 
-					} 
-				}
-				if(i==fnames) { 				/* Not found in list */
-					if(fnames)
-						fprintf(statfp," - Not in receive list!");
-					if(!fnames || fnum>=fnames || !fname[fnum][0])
-						SAFECOPY(str,getfname(block));	/* worst case */
-					else {
-						SAFECOPY(str,fname[fnum]);
-						fname[fnum][0]=0; 
-					} 
-				} 
-			}
-			fprintf(statfp,"\n"); 
-		}
-		else {	/* Zmodem */
-#if 0
-			tryzhdrtype=ZRINIT;
-			while(1) {
-				/* add CANBRK if we can send break signal */
-				if(zmode&CTRL_ESC)
-					Txhdr[ZF0]|=TESCCTL;
-				Txhdr[ZF1]=CANVHDR;
-				Txhdr[ZP0]=0;
-				Txhdr[ZP1]=0;
-				putzhhdr(tryzhdrtype);
-				done=0;
-				while(!done) {
-					done=1;
-					switch(getzhdr()) {
-						case ZRQINIT:
-							if(Rxhdr[ZF3]&0x80)
-								zmode|=VAR_HDRS;   /* we can var header */
-							break;
-						case ZFILE:
-							zconv=Rxhdr[ZF0];
-							zmanag=Rxhdr[ZF1];
-							ztrans=Rxhdr[ZF2];
-							if(Rxhdr[ZF3]&ZCANVHDR)
-								zmode|=VAR_HDRS;
-							tryzhdrtype=ZRINIT;
-							if(getzdata(block, 1024)==GOTCRCW) {
-								/* something */
-								done=1; 
-							}
-							putzhhdr(ZNAK);
-							done=0;
-							break;
-						case ZSINIT:
-							if(Rxhdr[ZF0]&TESCCTL)
-								zmode|=CTRL_ESC;
-							if (getzdata(attn,ZATTNLEN)==GOTCRCW) {
-								ltohdr(1L);
-								putzhhdr(ZACK); 
-							}
-							else
-								putzhhdr(ZNAK);
-							done=0;
-							break;
-						case ZFREECNT:
-							ltohdr(0);			/* should be free disk space */
-							putzhhdr(ZACK);
-							done=0;
-							break;
-						case ZCOMMAND:
-							cmdzack1flg = Rxhdr[ZF0];
-							if(getzdata(block,1024)==GOTCRCW) {
-								if (cmdzack1flg & ZCACK1)
-									ltohdr(0L);
-								else
-									ltohdr((long)sys2(block));
-								purgeline();	/* dump impatient questions */
-								do {
-									zshhdr(4,ZCOMPL, Txhdr);
-								}
-								while (++errors<20 && zgethdr(Rxhdr,1)!=ZFIN);
-								ackbibi();
-								if (cmdzack1flg & ZCACK1)
-									exec2(block);
-								return ZCOMPL;
-							}
-							putzhhdr(ZNAK);
-							done=0;
-							break;
-						case ZCOMPL:
-							done=0;
-							break;
-						case ZFIN:
-							ackbibi();
-							return ZCOMPL;
-						case ZCAN:
-							return ERROR; 
-				} 
-			}
-		}
-		fnum++;
-		if(!(mode&DIR) && fnames && fnum>fnames) {
-			newline();
-			fprintf(statfp,"Attempt to send more files than specified\n");
-			xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-			break; 
-		}
-		if(fexist(str) && !(mode&OVERWRITE)) {
-			fprintf(statfp,"%s already exists\n",str);
-			xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-			bail(1); 
-		}
-		if((fp=fopen(str,"wb"))==NULL) {
-			fprintf(statfp,"Error creating %s\n",str);
-			xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-			bail(1); 
-		}
-		setvbuf(fp,NULL,_IOFBF,8*1024);
-		startfile=time(NULL);
-		fprintf(statfp,"Receiving %s (%lu bytes) via %s %s\n"
-			,str
-			,mode&XMODEM ? 0 : file_bytes
-			,mode&XMODEM ? "Xmodem" : mode&YMODEM ? mode&GMODE ? "Ymodem-G"
-			: "Ymodem" :"Zmodem"
-			,mode&CRC ? "CRC-16":"Checksum");
-		errors=0;
-		block_num=0;
-		if(mode&GMODE)		/* G for Ymodem-G */
-			putcom('G');
-		else if(mode&CRC)	/* C for CRC */
-			putcom('C');
-		else				/* NAK for checksum */
-			putcom(NAK);
-		while(errors<MAXERRORS) {
-			if(block_num && !(mode&GMODE))
-				putcom(ACK);
-			i=xmodem_get_block(sock, block,block_size,FALSE,mode,statfp); 	/* returns block num */
-			if(i<0) {
-				if(i==-EOT)			/* end of transfer */
-					break;
-				/* other error */
-				xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-				bail(1); 
-			}
-			hdr_block_num=i;
-			if(file_bytes_left<=0L)  { /* No more bytes to send */
-				newline();
-				fprintf(statfp,"Attempt to send more than header specified\n");
-				break; 
-			}
-			if(hdr_block_num==(uchar)((block_num+1)&0xff)) {	/* correct block */
-				block_num++;
-				if(file_bytes_left<block_size) {
-					if(fwrite(block,1,file_bytes_left,fp)
-						!=file_bytes_left) {
-						newline();
-						fprintf(statfp,"Error writing to file\n");
-						xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-						bail(1); 
-					} 
-				}
-				else {
-					if(fwrite(block,1,block_size,fp)
-						!=block_size) {
-						newline();
-						fprintf(statfp,"Error writing to file\n");
-						xmodem_cancel(sock,mode);
-						bail(1); 
-					} 
-				}
-				file_bytes_left-=block_size; 
-			}
-			else {
-				newline();
-				fprintf(statfp,"Block number %u instead of %u\n"
-					,hdr_block_num,(block_num+1)&0xff);
-				/* dump_block(); */
-				errors++; 
-			}
-			t=time(NULL)-startfile;
-			if(!t) t=1;
-			cps=(uint)((block_num*(long)block_size)/t); 	/* cps so far */
-			if(!cps) cps=1;
-			l=file_bytes/cps;  /* total transfer est time */
-			l-=t;				/* now, it's est time left */
-			if(l<0) l=0;
-			b=num_blocks(file_bytes, block_size);
-			if(mode&YMODEM)
-				fprintf(statfp,"\rBlock (%lu%s): %lu/%lu  Byte: %lu  Time: %lu:%02lu/"
-					"%lu:%02lu  CPS: %u  %lu%% "
-					,block_size%1024L ? block_size: block_size/1024L
-					,block_size%1024L ? "" : "k"
-					,block_num
-					,b
-					,block_num*(long)block_size
-					,t/60L
-					,t%60L
-					,l/60L
-					,l%60L
-					,cps
-					,(long)(((float)block_num/(float)b)*100.0)
-					);
-			else	/* Xmodem */
-				fprintf(statfp,"\rBlock (%lu%s): %lu  Byte: %lu  Time: %lu:%02lu  "
-					"CPS: %u "
-					,block_size%1024L ? block_size: block_size/1024L
-					,block_size%1024L ? "" : "k"
-					,block_num
-					,block_num*(long)block_size
-					,t/60L
-					,t%60L
-					,cps
-					);
-		}
-		putcom(ACK);
-		if(!(mode&XMODEM) && ftime)
-			setfdate(str,ftime); 
-		/* Use correct file size */
-		fflush(fp);
-		if(file_bytes < filelength(fileno(fp)));
-			chsize(fileno(fp),file_bytes);
-		fclose(fp);
-		t=time(NULL)-startfile;
-		if(!t) t=1;
-		l=(block_num-1)*(long)block_size;
-		if(l>file_bytes)
-			l=file_bytes;
-		newline();
-		fprintf(statfp,"Successsful - Time: %lu:%02lu  CPS: %lu\n"
-			,t/60,t%60,l/t);
-		if(log) {
-			fprintf(log,"%c %6lu %5u bps %4lu cps %3u errors %5u %4u "
-				"%s %d\n"
-				,mode&ZMODEM ? 'Z' : 'R'
-				,l
-				,30000 /* baud */
-				,l/t
-				,errors
-				,flows
-				,block_size
-				,str
-				,serial_num); 
-		}
-		if(mode&XMODEM)
-			break;
-		total_files--;
-		total_bytes-=file_bytes;
-		if(total_files>1 && total_bytes)
-			fprintf(statfp,"Remaining - Time: %lu:%02lu  Files: %u  Bytes: %lu\n"
-				,(total_bytes/cps)/60
-				,(total_bytes/cps)%60
-				,total_files
-				,total_bytes
-				);
-	}
-static const char* usage=
-	"usage: STP <socket> [opts] <cmd> [file | path | +list]\n\n"
-	"where:\n\n"
-	"socket = TCP socket descriptor\n"
-	"opts   = o  to overwrite files when receiving\n"
-	"         d  to disable dropped carrier detection\n"
-	"         a  to sound alarm at start and stop of transfer\n"
-	"         p  to pause after abnormal exit (error)\n"
-	"         l  to disable local keyboard (Ctrl-C) checking\n"
-	"cmd    = sx to send Xmodem     rx to recv Xmodem\n"
-	"         sX to send Xmodem-1k  rc to recv Xmodem-CRC\n"
-	"         sy to send Ymodem     ry to recv Ymodem\n"
-	"         sY to send Ymodem-1k  rg to recv Ymodem-G\n"
-	"         sz to send Zmodem     rz to recv Zmodem\n"
-	"file   = filename to send or receive\n"
-	"path   = path to receive files into\n"
-	"list   = name of text file with list of filenames to send or receive\n";
-/* Entry Point */
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-	char	str[256],tmp[256],*p,*p2,first_block
-			,*fname[MAX_FNAMES],fnum;
-	int 	ch,i,j,k,last;
-	uint	fnames=0;
-	ulong	val;
-	FILE*	fp;
-	FILE*	log=NULL;
-	errfp=stderr;
-	statfp=stdout;
-	fprintf(statfp,"\nSynchronet Transfer Protocols v1.00"
-		"  Copyright 2003 Rob Swindell\n\n");
-	fprintf(statfp,"Command line: ");
-	for(i=1;i<argc;i++)
-		fprintf(statfp,"%s ",argv[i]);
-	fprintf(statfp,"\n",statfp);
-	if(argc<3) {
-		fprintf(errfp,usage);
-		exit(1); 
-	}
-	sock=atoi(argv[1]);
-	if(sock==INVALID_SOCKET || sock<1) {
-		fprintf(errfp,usage);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	for(i=2;i<argc;i++) {
-		if(!(mode&(SEND|RECV))) {
-			if(toupper(argv[i][0])=='S' || toupper(argv[i][0])=='R') { /* cmd */
-				if(toupper(argv[i][0])=='R')
-					mode|=RECV;
-				else
-					mode|=SEND;
-				block_size=1024;
-				switch(argv[i][1]) {
-					case 'c':
-					case 'C':
-						mode|=CRC;
-					case 'x':
-						block_size=128;
-					case 'X':
-						mode|=XMODEM;
-						break;
-					case 'y':
-						block_size=128;
-					case 'Y':
-						mode|=(YMODEM|CRC);
-						break;
-					case 'g':
-					case 'G':
-						mode|=(YMODEM|CRC|GMODE);
-						break;
-					case 'z':
-					case 'Z':
-						mode|=(ZMODEM|CRC);
-						break;
-					default:
-						fprintf(statfp,"Unrecognized command '%s'\n\n",argv[i]);
-						fprintf(statfp,usage);
-						exit(1); 
-				} 
-			}
-			else if(toupper(argv[i][0])=='O')
-				mode|=OVERWRITE;
-			else if(toupper(argv[i][0])=='D')
-				mode|=IGNORE_DCD;
-			else if(toupper(argv[i][0])=='A')
-				mode|=ALARM;
-			else if(toupper(argv[i][0])=='L')
-				mode|=NO_LOCAL;
-			else if(toupper(argv[i][0])=='P')
-				mode|=PAUSE_ABEND;
-			else if(argv[i][0]=='*')
-				mode|=DEBUG; 
-		}
-		else if(argv[i][0]=='+') {
-			if(mode&DIR) {
-				fprintf(statfp,"Cannot specify both directory and filename\n");
-				exit(1); 
-			}
-			sprintf(str,"%s",argv[i]+1);
-			if((fp=fopen(str,"r"))==NULL) {
-				fprintf(statfp,"Error %d opening filelist: %s\n",errno,str);
-				exit(1); 
-			}
-			while(!feof(fp) && !ferror(fp) && fnames<MAX_FNAMES) {
-				if(!fgets(str,sizeof(str),fp))
-					break;
-				truncsp(str);
-				if((fname[fnames]=(char *)malloc(strlen(str)+1))==NULL) {
-					fprintf(statfp,"Error allocating memory for filename\n");
-					exit(1); 
-				}
-				strcpy(fname[fnames++],str); 
-			}
-			fclose(fp); 
-		}
-		else if(mode&(SEND|RECV)){
-			if((fname[fnames]=(char *)malloc(strlen(argv[i])+1))==NULL) {
-				fprintf(statfp,"Error allocating memory for filename\n");
-				exit(1); 
-			}
-			strcpy(fname[fnames],argv[i]);
-			if(isdir(fname[fnames])) { /* is a directory */
-				if(mode&DIR) {
-					fprintf(statfp,"Only one directory can be specified\n");
-					exit(1); 
-				}
-				if(fnames) {
-					fprintf(statfp,"Cannot specify both directory and filename\n");
-					exit(1); 
-				}
-				if(mode&SEND) {
-					fprintf(statfp,"Cannot send directory '%s'\n",fname[fnames]);
-					exit(1);
-				}
-				mode|=DIR; 
-			}
-			fnames++; 
-		} 
-	}
-	if(!(mode&(SEND|RECV))) {
-		fprintf(statfp,"No command specified\n");
-		fprintf(statfp,usage);
-		exit(1); 
-	}
-	if(mode&(SEND|XMODEM) && !fnames) { /* Sending with any or recv w/Xmodem */
-		fprintf(statfp,"Must specify filename or filelist\n");
-		fprintf(statfp,usage);
-		exit(1); 
-	}
-	if(mode&DIR)
-		backslash(fname[0]);
-	if(mode&ALARM) {
-		BEEP(1000,500);
-		BEEP(2000,500);
-	}
-	if(!winsock_startup())
-		bail(2);
-#if 0
-	/* Non-blocking socket I/O */
-	val=1;
-	ioctlsocket(sock,FIONBIO,&val);	
-	if(!DCDHIGH) {
-		newline();
-		fprintf(statfp,"No carrier\n");
-		bail(1); 
-	}
-	p=getenv("DSZLOG");
-	if(p) {
-		if((log=fopen(p,"w"))==NULL) {
-			fprintf(statfp,"Error opening DSZLOG file: %s\n",p);
-			bail(1); 
-		}
-	}
-	startall=time(NULL);
-	if(mode&RECV)
-		receive_files(fname, fnames, log);
-	else
-		send_files(fname, fnames, log);
-	bail(0);
-	return(0);
diff --git a/src/stp/zmodem.c b/src/stp/zmodem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a333302e62e5db9c2aa8813b2550fdd73266dd52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/stp/zmodem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1644 +0,0 @@
-/* Project : Unite!       File : zmodem general        Version : 1.02         */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* (C) Mattheij Computer Service 1994                                         */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* contact us through (in order of preference)                                */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*   email:          jacquesm@hacktic.nl                                      */
-/*   mail:           MCS                                                      */
-/*                   Prinses Beatrixlaan 535                                  */
-/*                   2284 AT  RIJSWIJK                                        */
-/*                   The Netherlands                                          */
-/*   voice phone:    31+070-3936926                                           */
- * zmodem primitives and other code common to zmtx and zmrx
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>	/* struct stat */
-#include "genwrap.h"
-#include "sockwrap.h"
-#include "zmodem.h"
-#include "crc16.h"
-#include "crc32.h"
-#define UPDCRC16 ucrc16
-#define UPDCRC32 ucrc32
-#if 1
-#define DEBUG
-#define ENDOFFRAME 2
-#define FRAMEOK    1
-#define TIMEOUT   -1	/* rx routine did not receive a character within timeout */
-#define INVHDR    -2	/* invalid header received; but within timeout */
-#define INVDATA   -3	/* invalid data subpacket received */
-#define ZDLEESC 0x8000	/* one of ZCRCE; ZCRCG; ZCRCQ or ZCRCW was received; ZDLE escaped */
-#define HDRLEN     5	/* size of a zmodem header */
-int opt_v = TRUE;		/* show progress output */
-int opt_d = TRUE;		/* show debug output */
- * read bytes as long as rdchk indicates that
- * more data is available.
- */
-zmodem_rx_purge(zmodem_t* zm)
-	while(recv_byte(zm->sock,0,zm->mode)<=0xff);
- * transmit a character. 
- * this is the raw modem interface
- */
-zmodem_tx_raw(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char ch)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if (zm->raw_trace) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"%02x ",ch);
-	}
-	if(send_byte(zm->sock,ch,10,zm->mode))
-		fprintf(stderr,"!Send error: %u\n",ERROR_VALUE);
-	zm->last_sent = ch;
- * transmit a character ZDLE escaped
- */
-zmodem_tx_esc(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char c)
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZDLE);
-	/*
-	 * exclusive or; not an or so ZDLE becomes ZDLEE
-	 */
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, (uchar)(c ^ 0x40));
- * transmit a character; ZDLE escaping if appropriate
- */
-zmodem_tx(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char c)
-	switch (c) {
-		case ZDLE:
-			zmodem_tx_esc(zm, c);
-			return;
-		case 0x8d:
-		case 0x0d:
-			if (zm->escape_all_control_characters && (zm->last_sent&0x7f) == '@') {
-				zmodem_tx_esc(zm, c);
-				return;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 0x10:
-		case 0x90:
-		case 0x11:
-		case 0x91:
-		case 0x13:
-		case 0x93:
-			zmodem_tx_esc(zm, c);
-			return;
-		default:
-			if (zm->escape_all_control_characters && (c & 0x60) == 0) {
-				zmodem_tx_esc(zm, c);
-				return;
-			}
-			break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * anything that ends here is so normal we might as well transmit it.
-	 */
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, c);
- * transmit a hex header.
- * these routines use tx_raw because we're sure that all the
- * characters are not to be escaped.
- */
-zmodem_tx_nibble(zmodem_t* zm, int n)
-	n &= 0x0f;
-	if (n < 10) {
-		n += '0';
-	}
-	else {
-		n += 'a' - 10;
-	}
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, (uchar)n);
-zmodem_tx_hex(zmodem_t* zm, int h)
-	zmodem_tx_nibble(zm, h >> 4);
-	zmodem_tx_nibble(zm, h);
-zmodem_tx_hex_header(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char * p)
-	int i;
-	unsigned short int crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"tx_hheader : ");
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZPAD);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZPAD);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZDLE);
-	if (zm->use_variable_headers) {
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZVHEX);
-		zmodem_tx_hex(zm, HDRLEN);
-	}
-	else {
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZHEX);
-	}
-	/*
- 	 * initialise the crc
-	 */
-	crc = 0;
-	/*
- 	 * transmit the header
-	 */
-	for (i=0;i<HDRLEN;i++) {
-		zmodem_tx_hex(zm, *p);
-		crc = UPDCRC16(*p, crc);
-		p++;
-	}
-	/*
- 	 * update the crc as though it were zero
-	 */
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-	/* 
-	 * transmit the crc
-	 */
-	zmodem_tx_hex(zm, crc >> 8);
-	zmodem_tx_hex(zm, crc&0xff);
-	/*
-	 * end of line sequence
-	 */
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, '\r');
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, '\n');
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, XON);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- * Send ZMODEM binary header hdr
- */
-zmodem_tx_bin32_header(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char * p)
-	int i;
-	unsigned long crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"tx binary header 32 bits crc\n");
-/*	zm->raw_trace = 1; */
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZPAD);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZPAD);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZDLE);
-	if (zm->use_variable_headers) {
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZVBIN32);
-		zmodem_tx(zm, HDRLEN);
-	}
-	else {
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZBIN32);
-	}
-	crc = 0xffffffffL;
-	for (i=0;i<HDRLEN;i++) {
-		crc = UPDCRC32(*p,crc);
-		zmodem_tx(zm, *p++);
-	}
-	crc = ~crc;
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar)((crc      ) & 0xff));
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar)((crc >>  8) & 0xff));
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar)((crc >> 16) & 0xff));
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar)((crc >> 24) & 0xff));
-zmodem_tx_bin16_header(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char * p)
-	int i;
-	unsigned int crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"tx binary header 16 bits crc\n");
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZPAD);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZPAD);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZDLE);
-	if (zm->use_variable_headers) {
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZVBIN);
-		zmodem_tx(zm, HDRLEN);
-	}
-	else {
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZBIN);
-	}
-	crc = 0;
-	for (i=0;i<HDRLEN;i++) {
-		crc = UPDCRC16(*p,crc);
-		zmodem_tx(zm, *p++);
-	}
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar)(crc >> 8));
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar)(crc&0xff));
- * transmit a header using either hex 16 bit crc or binary 32 bit crc
- * depending on the receivers capabilities
- * we dont bother with variable length headers. I dont really see their
- * advantage and they would clutter the code unneccesarily
- */
-zmodem_tx_header(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char * p)
-	if (zm->can_fcs_32) {
-		if (!zm->want_fcs_16) {
-			zmodem_tx_bin32_header(zm, p);
-		}
-		else {
-			zmodem_tx_bin16_header(zm, p);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		zmodem_tx_hex_header(zm, p);
-	}
- * data subpacket transmission
- */
-zmodem_tx_32_data(zmodem_t* zm, uchar sub_frame_type, unsigned char * p, int l)
-	unsigned long crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"tx_32_data\n");
-	crc = 0xffffffffl;
-	while (l > 0) {
-		crc = UPDCRC32(*p,crc);
-		zmodem_tx(zm, *p++);
-		l--;
-	}
-	crc = UPDCRC32(sub_frame_type, crc);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZDLE);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, sub_frame_type);
-	crc = ~crc;
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar) ((crc      ) & 0xff));
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar) ((crc >> 8 ) & 0xff));
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar) ((crc >> 16) & 0xff));
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar) ((crc >> 24) & 0xff));
-zmodem_tx_16_data(zmodem_t* zm, uchar sub_frame_type,unsigned char * p,int l)
-	unsigned short crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"tx_16_data\n");
-	crc = 0;
-	while (l > 0) {
-		crc = UPDCRC16(*p,crc);
-		zmodem_tx(zm, *p++);
-		l--;
-	}
-	crc = UPDCRC16(sub_frame_type,crc);
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, ZDLE); 
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm, sub_frame_type);
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar)(crc >> 8));
-	zmodem_tx(zm, (uchar)(crc&0xff));
- * send a data subpacket using crc 16 or crc 32 as desired by the receiver
- */
-zmodem_tx_data(zmodem_t* zm, uchar sub_frame_type,unsigned char * p, int l)
-	if (!zm->want_fcs_16 && zm->can_fcs_32) {
-		zmodem_tx_32_data(zm, sub_frame_type,p,l);
-	}
-	else {	
-		zmodem_tx_16_data(zm, sub_frame_type,p,l);
-	}
-	if (sub_frame_type == ZCRCW) {
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm, XON);
-	}
-zmodem_tx_pos_header(zmodem_t* zm, int type,long pos) 
-	char header[5];
-	header[0]   = type;
-	header[ZP0] =  pos        & 0xff;
-	header[ZP1] = (pos >>  8) & 0xff;
-	header[ZP2] = (pos >> 16) & 0xff;
-	header[ZP3] = (pos >> 24) & 0xff;
-	zmodem_tx_hex_header(zm, header);
-zmodem_tx_znak(zmodem_t* zm)
-	fprintf(stderr,"tx_znak\n");
-	zmodem_tx_pos_header(zm, ZNAK, zm->ack_file_pos);
-zmodem_tx_zskip(zmodem_t* zm)
-	zmodem_tx_pos_header(zm, ZSKIP, 0L);
- * receive any style header within timeout milliseconds
- */
-zmodem_rx_poll(zmodem_t* zm)
-	int rd=0;
-	socket_check(zm->sock,&rd,NULL,0);
-	return(rd);
- * rx_raw ; receive a single byte from the line.
- * reads as many are available and then processes them one at a time
- * check the data stream for 5 consecutive CAN characters;
- * and if you see them abort. this saves a lot of clutter in
- * the rest of the code; even though it is a very strange place
- * for an exit. (but that was wat session abort was all about.)
- */
-zmodem_rx_raw(zmodem_t* zm, int to)
-	int n;
-	int c;
-	if((c=recv_byte(zm->sock,to,zm->mode)) > 0xff)
-		return TIMEOUT;
-/*	fprintf(stdout,"%02X  ",c); */
-	if (c == CAN) {
-		zm->n_cans++;
-		if (zm->n_cans == 5) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"\nCancelled Remotely\n");
-			bail(CAN);
-		}
-	}
-	else {
-		zm->n_cans = 0;
-	}
-	return c;
- * rx; receive a single byte undoing any escaping at the
- * sending site. this bit looks like a mess. sorry for that
- * but there seems to be no other way without incurring a lot
- * of overhead. at least like this the path for a normal character
- * is relatively short.
- */
-zmodem_rx(zmodem_t* zm, int to)
-	int c;
-	/*
-	 * outer loop for ever so for sure something valid
-	 * will come in; a timeout will occur or a session abort
-	 * will be received.
-	 */
-	while (TRUE) {
-		/*
-	 	 * fake do loop so we may continue
-		 * in case a character should be dropped.
-		 */
-		do {
-			c = zmodem_rx_raw(zm, to);
-			if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-				return c;
-			}
-			switch (c) {
-				case ZDLE:
-					break;
-				case 0x11:
-				case 0x91:
-				case 0x13:
-				case 0x93:
-					continue;			
-				default:
-					/*
-	 				 * if all control characters should be escaped and 
-					 * this one wasnt then its spurious and should be dropped.
-					 */
-					if (zm->escape_all_control_characters && (c & 0x60) == 0) {
-						continue;
-					}
-					/*
-					 * normal character; return it.
-					 */
-					return c;
-			}
-		} while (FALSE);
-		/*
-	 	 * ZDLE encoded sequence or session abort.
-		 * (or something illegal; then back to the top)
-		 */
-		do {
-			c = zmodem_rx_raw(zm, to);
-			if (c == 0x11 || c == 0x13 || c == 0x91 || c == 0x93 || c == ZDLE) {
-				/*
-				 * these can be dropped.
-				 */
-				continue;
-			}
-			switch (c) {
-				/*
-				 * these four are really nasty.
-				 * for convenience we just change them into 
-				 * special characters by setting a bit outside the
-				 * first 8. that way they can be recognized and still
-				 * be processed as characters by the rest of the code.
-				 */
-				case ZCRCE:
-				case ZCRCG:
-				case ZCRCQ:
-				case ZCRCW:
-					return (c | ZDLEESC);
-				case ZRUB0:
-					return 0x7f;
-				case ZRUB1:
-					return 0xff;
-				default:
-					if (zm->escape_all_control_characters && (c & 0x60) == 0) {
-						/*
-						 * a not escaped control character; probably
-						 * something from a network. just drop it.
-						 */
-						continue;
-					}
-					/*
-					 * legitimate escape sequence.
-					 * rebuild the orignal and return it.
-					 */
-					if ((c & 0x60) == 0x40) {
-						return c ^ 0x40;
-					}
-					break;
-			}
-		} while (FALSE);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * not reached.
-	 */
-	return 0;
- * receive a data subpacket as dictated by the last received header.
- * return 2 with correct packet and end of frame
- * return 1 with correct packet frame continues
- * return 0 with incorrect frame.
- * return TIMEOUT with a timeout
- * if an acknowledgement is requested it is generated automatically
- * here. 
- */
- * data subpacket reception
- */
-zmodem_rx_32_data(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char * p,int * l)
-	int c;
-	unsigned long rxd_crc;
-	unsigned long crc;
-	int sub_frame_type;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"rx_32_data\n");
-	crc = 0xffffffffl;
-	do {
-		c = zmodem_rx(zm, 1);
-		if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-			return TIMEOUT;
-		}
-		if (c < 0x100) {
-			crc = UPDCRC32(c,crc);
-			*p++ = c;
-			(*l)++;
-			continue;
-		}
-	} while (c < 0x100);
-	sub_frame_type = c & 0xff;
-	crc = UPDCRC32(sub_frame_type, crc);
-	crc = ~crc;
-	rxd_crc  = zmodem_rx(zm, 1);
-	rxd_crc |= zmodem_rx(zm, 1) << 8;
-	rxd_crc |= zmodem_rx(zm, 1) << 16;
-	rxd_crc |= zmodem_rx(zm, 1) << 24;
-	if (rxd_crc != crc) {
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	zm->ack_file_pos += *l;
-	return sub_frame_type;
-zmodem_rx_16_data(zmodem_t* zm, register unsigned char * p,int * l)
-	register int c;
-	int sub_frame_type;
- 	register unsigned short crc;
-	unsigned short rxd_crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"rx_16_data\n");
-	crc = 0;
-	do {
-		c = zmodem_rx(zm, 5);
-		if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-			return TIMEOUT;
-		}
-		if (c < 0x100) {
-			crc = UPDCRC16(c,crc);
-			*p++ = c;
-			(*l)++;
-		}
-	} while (c < 0x100);
-	sub_frame_type = c & 0xff;
-	crc = UPDCRC16(sub_frame_type,crc);
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-	rxd_crc  = zmodem_rx(zm, 1) << 8;
-	rxd_crc |= zmodem_rx(zm, 1);
-	if (rxd_crc != crc) {
-		return FALSE;
-	}
-	zm->ack_file_pos += *l;
-	return sub_frame_type;
-zmodem_rx_data(zmodem_t* zm, unsigned char * p, int * l)
-	unsigned char zack_header[] = { ZACK, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-	int sub_frame_type;
-	long pos;
-	/*
-	 * fill in the file pointer in case acknowledgement is requested.	
-	 * the ack file pointer will be updated in the subpacket read routine;
-	 * so we need to get it now
-	 */
-	pos = zm->ack_file_pos;
-	/*
-	 * receive the right type of frame
-	 */
-	*l = 0;
-	if (zm->receive_32_bit_data) {
-		sub_frame_type = zmodem_rx_32_data(zm, p,l);
-	}
-	else {	
-		sub_frame_type = zmodem_rx_16_data(zm, p,l);
-	}
-	switch (sub_frame_type)  {
-		case TIMEOUT:
-			return TIMEOUT;
-		/*
-		 * frame continues non-stop
-		 */
-		case ZCRCG:
-			return FRAMEOK;
-		/*
-		 * frame ends
-		 */
-		case ZCRCE:
-			return ENDOFFRAME;
-		/*
- 		 * frame continues; ZACK expected
-		 */
-		case ZCRCQ:		
-			zmodem_tx_pos_header(zm, ZACK, pos);
-			return FRAMEOK;
-		/*
-		 * frame ends; ZACK expected
-		 */
-		case ZCRCW:
-			zmodem_tx_pos_header(zm, ZACK, pos);
-			return ENDOFFRAME;
-	}
-	return FALSE;
-zmodem_rx_nibble(zmodem_t* zm, int to) 
-	int c;
-	c = zmodem_rx(zm, to);
-	if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-		return c;
-	}
-	if (c > '9') {
-		if (c < 'a' || c > 'f') {
-			/*
-			 * illegal hex; different than expected.
-			 * we might as well time out.
-			 */
-			return TIMEOUT;
-		}
-		c -= 'a' - 10;
-	}
-	else {
-		if (c < '0') {
-			/*
-			 * illegal hex; different than expected.
-			 * we might as well time out.
-			 */
-			return TIMEOUT;
-		}
-		c -= '0';
-	}
-	return c;
-zmodem_rx_hex(zmodem_t* zm, int to)
-	int n1;
-	int n0;
-	n1 = zmodem_rx_nibble(zm, to);
-	if (n1 == TIMEOUT) {
-		return n1;
-	}
-	n0 = zmodem_rx_nibble(zm, to);
-	if (n0 == TIMEOUT) {
-		return n0;
-	}
-	return (n1 << 4) | n0;
- * receive routines for each of the six different styles of header.
- * each of these leaves zm->rxd_header_len set to 0 if the end result is
- * not a valid header.
- */
-zmodem_rx_bin16_header(zmodem_t* zm, int to)
-	int c;
-	int n;
-	unsigned short int crc;
-	unsigned short int rxd_crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"rx binary header 16 bits crc\n");
-	crc = 0;
-	for (n=0;n<5;n++) {
-		c = zmodem_rx(zm, to);
-		if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			fprintf(stderr,"timeout\n");
-			return;
-		}
-		crc = UPDCRC16(c,crc);
-		zm->rxd_header[n] = c;
-	}
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-	rxd_crc  = zmodem_rx(zm, 1) << 8;
-	rxd_crc |= zmodem_rx(zm, 1);
-	if (rxd_crc != crc) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		fprintf(stderr,"bad crc %4.4x %4.4x\n",rxd_crc,crc);
-		return;
-	}
-	zm->rxd_header_len = 5;
-zmodem_rx_hex_header(zmodem_t* zm, int to)
-	int c;
-	int i;
-	unsigned short int crc = 0;
-	unsigned short int rxd_crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"rx_hex_header : ");
-	for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
-		c = zmodem_rx_hex(zm, to);
-		if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-			return;
-		}
-		crc = UPDCRC16(c,crc);
-		zm->rxd_header[i] = c;
-	}
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-/*	crc = UPDCRC16(0,crc); */
-	/*
-	 * receive the crc
-	 */
-	c = zmodem_rx_hex(zm, to);
-	if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-		return;
-	}
-	rxd_crc = c << 8;
-	c = zmodem_rx_hex(zm, to);
-	if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-		return;
-	}
-	rxd_crc |= c;
-	if (rxd_crc == crc) {
-		zm->rxd_header_len = 5;
-	}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	else {
-		fprintf(stderr,"\n!BAD CRC-16: 0x%hX, expected: 0x%hX\n", rxd_crc, crc);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * drop the end of line sequence after a hex header
-	 */
-	c = zmodem_rx(zm, to);
-	if (c == CR) {
-		/*
-		 * both are expected with CR
-		 */
-		zmodem_rx(zm, to);	/* drop LF */
-	}
-zmodem_rx_bin32_header(zmodem_t* zm, int to)
-	int c;
-	int n;
-	unsigned long crc;
-	unsigned long rxd_crc;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"rx binary header 32 bits crc\n");
-	crc = 0xffffffffL;
-	for (n=0;n<to;n++) {
-		c = zmodem_rx(zm, 1);
-		if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-			return;
-		}
-		crc = UPDCRC32(c,crc);
-		zm->rxd_header[n] = c;
-	}
-	crc = ~crc;
-	rxd_crc  = zmodem_rx(zm, 1);
-	rxd_crc |= zmodem_rx(zm, 1) << 8;
-	rxd_crc |= zmodem_rx(zm, 1) << 16;
-	rxd_crc |= zmodem_rx(zm, 1) << 24;
-	if (rxd_crc != crc) {
-		return;
-	}
-	zm->rxd_header_len = 5;
- * receive any style header
- * if the errors flag is set than whenever an invalid header packet is
- * received INVHDR will be returned. otherwise we wait for a good header
- * also; a flag (receive_32_bit_data) will be set to indicate whether data
- * packets following this header will have 16 or 32 bit data attached.
- * variable headers are not implemented.
- */
-zmodem_rx_header_raw(zmodem_t* zm, int to,int errors)
-	int c;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"rx header : ");
-	zm->rxd_header_len = 0;
-	do {
-		do {
-			c = zmodem_rx_raw(zm, to);
-			if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-				fprintf(stderr,"\n%s %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
-				return c;
-			}
-		} while (c != ZPAD);
-		c = zmodem_rx_raw(zm, to);
-		if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"\n%s %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
-			return c;
-		}
-		if (c == ZPAD) {
-			c = zmodem_rx_raw(zm, to);
-			if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-				fprintf(stderr,"\n%s %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
-				return c;
-			}
-		}
-		/*
-		 * spurious ZPAD check
-		 */
-		if (c != ZDLE) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			fprintf(stderr,"expected ZDLE; got %c\n",c);
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * now read the header style
-		 */
-		c = zmodem_rx(zm, to);
-		if (c == TIMEOUT) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"\n%s %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
-			return c;
-		}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-		switch (c) {
-			case ZBIN:
-				zmodem_rx_bin16_header(zm, to);
-				zm->receive_32_bit_data = FALSE;
-				break;
-			case ZHEX:
-				zmodem_rx_hex_header(zm, to);
-				zm->receive_32_bit_data = FALSE;
-				break;
-			case ZBIN32:
-				zmodem_rx_bin32_header(zm, to);
-				zm->receive_32_bit_data = TRUE;
-				break;
-			default:
-				/*
-				 * unrecognized header style
-				 */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-				fprintf(stderr,"unrecognized header style %c\n",c);
-				if (errors) {
-					return INVHDR;
-				}
-				continue;
-		}
-		if (errors && zm->rxd_header_len == 0) {
-			return INVHDR;
-		}
-	} while (zm->rxd_header_len == 0);
-	/*
- 	 * this appears to have been a valid header.
-	 * return its type.
-	 */
-	if (zm->rxd_header[0] == ZDATA) {
-		zm->ack_file_pos = zm->rxd_header[ZP0] | (zm->rxd_header[ZP1] << 8) |
-			(zm->rxd_header[ZP2] << 16) | (zm->rxd_header[ZP3] << 24);
-	}
-	if (zm->rxd_header[0] == ZFILE) {
-		zm->ack_file_pos = 0l;
-	}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	fprintf(stderr,"type %d\n",zm->rxd_header[0]);
-	return zm->rxd_header[0];
-zmodem_rx_header(zmodem_t* zm, int timeout)
-	return zmodem_rx_header_raw(zm, timeout, FALSE);
-zmodem_rx_header_and_check(zmodem_t* zm, int timeout)
-	int type;
-	while (TRUE) {
-		type = zmodem_rx_header_raw(zm, timeout,TRUE);		
-		if (type != INVHDR) {
-			break;
-		}
-		zmodem_tx_znak(zm);
-	}
-	return type;
-void zmodem_parse_zrinit(zmodem_t* zm)
-	zm->can_full_duplex					= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_CANFDX)  != 0;
-	zm->can_overlap_io					= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_CANOVIO) != 0;
-	zm->can_break						= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_CANBRK)  != 0;
-	zm->can_fcs_32						= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_CANFC32) != 0;
-	zm->escape_all_control_characters	= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_ESCCTL)  != 0;
-	zm->escape_8th_bit					= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_ESC8)    != 0;
-	zm->use_variable_headers			= (zm->rxd_header[ZF1] & ZF1_CANVHDR) != 0;
-int zmodem_get_zrinit(zmodem_t* zm)
-	unsigned char zrqinit_header[] = { ZRQINIT, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm,'r');
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm,'z');
-	zmodem_tx_raw(zm,'\r');
-	zmodem_tx_hex_header(zm,zrqinit_header);
-	return zmodem_rx_header(zm,7);
-int zmodem_send_zfin(zmodem_t* zm)
-	int type;
-	unsigned char zfin_header[] = { ZFIN, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-	zmodem_tx_hex_header(zm,zfin_header);
-	do {
-		type = zmodem_rx_header(zm,10);
-	} while (type != ZFIN && type != TIMEOUT);
-	/*
-	 * these Os are formally required; but they don't do a thing
-	 * unfortunately many programs require them to exit 
-	 * (both programs already sent a ZFIN so why bother ?)
-	 */
-	if (type != TIMEOUT) {
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm,'O');
-		zmodem_tx_raw(zm,'O');
-	}
-	return 0;
- * show the progress of the transfer like this:
- * zmtx: sending file "garbage" 4096 bytes ( 20%)
- */
-show_progress(zmodem_t* zm, FILE * fp)
-	time_t duration;
-	int cps;
-	int percentage;
-	if (zm->current_file_size > 0) {
-		percentage = (ftell(fp) * 100) / zm->current_file_size;
-	}
-	else {
-		percentage = 100;
-	}
-	duration = time(NULL) - zm->transfer_start;
-	if (duration == 0l) {
-		duration = 1l;
-	}
-	cps = ftell(fp) / duration;
-	fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: %8ld bytes (%3d %%/%5d cps)           \r",
-		ftell(fp),percentage,cps);
- * send from the current position in the file
- * all the way to end of file or until something goes wrong.
- * (ZNAK or ZRPOS received)
- * the name is only used to show progress
- */
-send_from(zmodem_t* zm, FILE * fp)
-	int n;
-	long pos;
-	uchar type = ZCRCG;
-	char zdata_frame[] = { ZDATA, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-	/*
- 	 * put the file position in the ZDATA frame
-	 */
-	pos = ftell(fp);
-	zdata_frame[ZP0] =  pos        & 0xff;
-	zdata_frame[ZP1] = (pos >> 8)  & 0xff;
-	zdata_frame[ZP2] = (pos >> 16) & 0xff;
-	zdata_frame[ZP3] = (pos >> 24) & 0xff;
-	zmodem_tx_header(zm, zdata_frame);
-	/*
-	 * send the data in the file
-	 */
-	while (!feof(fp)) {
-		if (opt_v) {
-			show_progress(zm, fp);
-		}
-		/*
-		 * read a block from the file
-		 */
-		n = fread(zm->tx_data_subpacket,1,sizeof(zm->tx_data_subpacket),fp);
-		if (n == 0) {
-			/*
-			 * nothing to send ?
-			 */
-			break;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * at end of file wait for an ACK
-		 */
-		if (ftell(fp) == zm->current_file_size) {
-			type = ZCRCW;
-		}
-		zmodem_tx_data(zm, type, zm->tx_data_subpacket, n);
-		if (type == ZCRCW) {
-			int type;
-			do {
-				type = zmodem_rx_header(zm, 10);
-				if (type == ZNAK || type == ZRPOS) {
-					return type;
-				}
-			} while (type != ZACK);
-			if (ftell(fp) == zm->current_file_size) {
-				if (opt_d) {
-					fprintf(stderr,"end of file\n");
-				}
-				return ZACK;
-			}
-		}
-		/* 
-		 * characters from the other side
-		 * check out that header
-		 */
-		while (zmodem_rx_poll(zm)) {
-			int type;
-			int c;
-			c = zmodem_rx_raw(zm, 1);
-			if (c == ZPAD) {
-				type = zmodem_rx_header(zm, 1);
-				if (type != TIMEOUT && type != ACK) {
-					return type;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * end of file reached.
-	 * should receive something... so fake ZACK
-	 */
-	return ZACK;
- * send a file; returns true when session is aborted.
- * (using ZABORT frame)
- */
-zmodem_send_file(zmodem_t* zm, char* name, FILE* fp)
-	long pos;
-	struct stat s;
-	unsigned char * p;
-	char zfile_frame[] = { ZFILE, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-	char zeof_frame[] = { ZEOF, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-	int wait_for_header;
-	int type;
-	char * n;
-	fstat(fileno(fp),&s);
-	zm->current_file_size = s.st_size;
-	/*
-	 * the file exists. now build the ZFILE frame
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * set conversion option
-	 * (not used; always binary)
-	 */
-	zfile_frame[ZF0] = ZF0_ZCBIN;
-	/*
-	 * management option
-	 */
-	if (zm->management_protect) {
-		zfile_frame[ZF1] = ZF1_ZMPROT;		
-		if (opt_d) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: protecting destination\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if (zm->management_clobber) {
-		zfile_frame[ZF1] = ZF1_ZMCLOB;
-		if (opt_d) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: overwriting destination\n");
-		}
-	}
-	if (zm->management_newer) {
-		zfile_frame[ZF1] = ZF1_ZMNEW;
-		if (opt_d) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: overwriting destination if newer\n");
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * transport options
-	 * (just plain normal transfer)
-	 */
-	zfile_frame[ZF2] = ZF2_ZTNOR;
-	/*
-	 * extended options
-	 */
-	zfile_frame[ZF3] = 0;
-	/*
- 	 * now build the data subpacket with the file name and lots of other
-	 * useful information.
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * first enter the name and a 0
-	 */
-	p = zm->tx_data_subpacket;
-	strcpy(p,name);
-	p += strlen(p) + 1;
-	sprintf(p,"%lu %lo %lo %d %u %lu %d"
-		,s.st_size
-		,s.st_mtime
-		,0						/* file mode */
-		,0						/* serial number */
-		,zm->n_files_remaining
-		,zm->n_bytes_remaining
-		,0						/* file type */
-		);
-	p += strlen(p) + 1;
-	do {
-		/*
-	 	 * send the header and the data
-	 	 */
-		zmodem_tx_header(zm,zfile_frame);
-		zmodem_tx_data(zm,ZCRCW,zm->tx_data_subpacket,p - zm->tx_data_subpacket);
-		/*
-		 * wait for anything but an ZACK packet
-		 */
-		do {
-			type = zmodem_rx_header(zm,10);
-		} while (type == ZACK);
-		if (opt_d) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"type : %d\n",type);
-		}
-		if (type == ZSKIP) {
-			fclose(fp);
-			if (opt_v) {
-				fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: skipped file \"%s\"                       \n",name);
-			}
-			return -1;
-		}
-	} while (type != ZRPOS);
-	zm->transfer_start = time(NULL);
-	do {
-		/*
-		 * fetch pos from the ZRPOS header
-		 */
-		if (type == ZRPOS) {
-			pos = zm->rxd_header[ZP0] | (zm->rxd_header[ZP1] << 8) | (zm->rxd_header[ZP2] << 16) | (zm->rxd_header[ZP3] << 24);
-		}
-		/*
- 		 * seek to the right place in the file
-		 */
-		fseek(fp,pos,0);
-		/*
-		 * and start sending
-		 */
-		type = send_from(zm,fp);
-		if (type == ZFERR || type == ZABORT) {
- 			fclose(fp);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	} while (type == ZRPOS || type == ZNAK);
-	/*
-	 * file sent. send end of file frame
-	 * and wait for zrinit. if it doesnt come then try again
-	 */
-	zeof_frame[ZP0] =  s.st_size        & 0xff;
-	zeof_frame[ZP1] = (s.st_size >> 8)  & 0xff;
-	zeof_frame[ZP2] = (s.st_size >> 16) & 0xff;
-	zeof_frame[ZP3] = (s.st_size >> 24) & 0xff;
-	do {
-		zmodem_tx_hex_header(zm,zeof_frame);
-		type = zmodem_rx_header(zm,10);
-	} while (type != ZRINIT);
-	/*
-	 * and close the input file
-	 */
-	if (opt_v) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: sent file \"%s\"                                    \n",name);
-	}
-	fclose(fp);
-	return 0;
-#if 0
-zmodem_send_files(char** fname, int total_files)
-	int i;
-	int fnum;
-	char * s;
-	/*
-	 * clear the input queue from any possible garbage
-	 * this also clears a possible ZRINIT from an already started
-	 * zmodem receiver. this doesn't harm because we reinvite to
-	 * receive again below and it may be that the receiver whose
-	 * ZRINIT we are about to wipe has already died.
-	 */
-	zmodem_rx_purge();
-	/*
-	 * establish contact with the receiver
-	 */
-	if (opt_v) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: establishing contact with receiver\n");
-	}
-	i = 0;
-	do {
-		unsigned char zrqinit_header[] = { ZRQINIT, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-		i++;
-		if (i > 10) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: can't establish contact with receiver\n");
-			bail(3);
-		}
-		zmodem_tx_raw('r');
-		zmodem_tx_raw('z');
-		zmodem_tx_raw('\r');
-		zmodem_tx_hex_header(zrqinit_header);
-	} while (zmodem_rx_header(7) != ZRINIT);
-	if (opt_v) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: contact established\n");
-		fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: starting file transfer\n");
-	}
-	/*
-	 * decode receiver capability flags
-	 * forget about encryption and compression.
-	 */
-	zmodem_can_full_duplex					= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_CANFDX)  != 0;
-	zmodem_can_overlap_io					= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_CANOVIO) != 0;
-	zmodem_can_break						= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_CANBRK)  != 0;
-	zmodem_can_fcs_32						= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_CANFC32) != 0;
-	zmodem_escape_all_control_characters	= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_ESCCTL)  != 0;
-	zmodem_escape_8th_bit					= (zm->rxd_header[ZF0] & ZF0_ESC8)    != 0;
-	zm->use_variable_headers			= (zm->rxd_header[ZF1] & ZF1_CANVHDR) != 0;
-	if (opt_d) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"receiver %s full duplex\n"          ,zmodem_can_full_duplex               ? "can"      : "can't");
-		fprintf(stderr,"receiver %s overlap io\n"           ,zmodem_can_overlap_io                ? "can"      : "can't");
-		fprintf(stderr,"receiver %s break\n"                ,zmodem_can_break                     ? "can"      : "can't");
-		fprintf(stderr,"receiver %s fcs 32\n"               ,zmodem_can_fcs_32                    ? "can"      : "can't");
-		fprintf(stderr,"receiver %s escaped control chars\n",zmodem_escape_all_control_characters ? "requests" : "doesn't request");
-		fprintf(stderr,"receiver %s escaped 8th bit\n"      ,zmodem_escape_8th_bit                ? "requests" : "doesn't request");
-		fprintf(stderr,"receiver %s use variable headers\n" ,zm->use_variable_headers          ? "can"      : "can't");
-	}
-	/* 
-	 * and send each file in turn
-	 */
-	n_files_remaining = total_files;
-	for(fnum=0;fnum<total_files;fnum++) {
-		if(send_file(fname[fnum])) {
-			if (opt_v) {
-				fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: remote aborted.\n");
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		n_files_remaining--;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * close the session
-	 */
-	if (opt_v) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: closing the session\n");
-	}
-	{
-		int type;
-		unsigned char zfin_header[] = { ZFIN, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-		zmodem_tx_hex_header(zfin_header);
-		do {
-			type = zmodem_rx_header(10);
-		} while (type != ZFIN && type != TIMEOUT);
-		/*
-		 * these Os are formally required; but they don't do a thing
-		 * unfortunately many programs require them to exit 
-		 * (both programs already sent a ZFIN so why bother ?)
-		 */
-		if (type != TIMEOUT) {
-			zmodem_tx_raw('O');
-			zmodem_tx_raw('O');
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * c'est fini
-	 */
-	if (opt_d) {
-		fprintf(stderr,"zmtx: cleanup and exit\n");
-	}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/src/stp/zmodem.h b/src/stp/zmodem.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2ef4463623b3b7e28f96566cec8491451c5ac8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/stp/zmodem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- * zmodem.h
- * zmodem constants
- * (C) Mattheij Computer Service 1994
- */
-#ifndef _ZMODEM_H
-#define _ZMODEM_H
- * ascii constants
- */
-#ifndef SOH
-#define	SOH			0x01
-#define	STX			0x02
-#define	EOT			0x04
-#define	ENQ			0x05
-#define	ACK			0x06
-#if 0
-#define	LF			0x0a
-#define	CR			0x0d
-#define	XON			0x11
-#define	XOFF		0x13
-#define	NAK			0x15
-#define	CAN			0x18
- * zmodem constants
- */
-#define ZMAXHLEN    0x10		/* maximum header information length */
-#define ZMAXSPLEN	0x400		/* maximum subpacket length */
-#define	ZPAD		0x2a		/* pad character; begins frames */
-#define	ZDLE		0x18		/* ctrl-x zmodem escape */
-#define	ZDLEE		0x58		/* escaped ZDLE */	
-#define	ZBIN		0x41		/* binary frame indicator (CRC16) */
-#define	ZHEX		0x42		/* hex frame indicator */
-#define	ZBIN32		0x43		/* binary frame indicator (CRC32) */
-#define	ZBINR32		0x44		/* run length encoded binary frame (CRC32) */
-#define	ZVBIN		0x61		/* binary frame indicator (CRC16) */
-#define	ZVHEX		0x62		/* hex frame indicator */
-#define	ZVBIN32		0x63		/* binary frame indicator (CRC32) */
-#define	ZVBINR32	0x64		/* run length encoded binary frame (CRC32) */
-#define	ZRESC		0x7e		/* run length encoding flag / escape character */
- * zmodem frame types
- */
-#define	ZRQINIT		0x00		/* request receive init (s->r) */
-#define	ZRINIT		0x01		/* receive init (r->s) */
-#define	ZSINIT		0x02		/* send init sequence (optional) (s->r) */
-#define	ZACK		0x03		/* ack to ZRQINIT ZRINIT or ZSINIT (s<->r) */
-#define	ZFILE		0x04		/* file name (s->r) */
-#define	ZSKIP		0x05		/* skip this file (r->s) */
-#define	ZNAK		0x06		/* last packet was corrupted (?) */
-#define	ZABORT		0x07		/* abort batch transfers (?) */
-#define	ZFIN		0x08		/* finish session (s<->r) */
-#define	ZRPOS		0x09		/* resume data transmission here (r->s) */
-#define	ZDATA		0x0a		/* data packet(s) follow (s->r) */
-#define	ZEOF		0x0b		/* end of file reached (s->r) */
-#define	ZFERR		0x0c		/* fatal read or write error detected (?) */
-#define	ZCRC		0x0d		/* request for file CRC and response (?) */
-#define	ZCHALLENGE	0x0e		/* security challenge (r->s) */
-#define	ZCOMPL		0x0f		/* request is complete (?) */	
-#define	ZCAN		0x10		/* pseudo frame; 
-								   other end cancelled session with 5* CAN */
-#define	ZFREECNT	0x11		/* request free bytes on file system (s->r) */
-#define	ZCOMMAND	0x12		/* issue command (s->r) */
-#define	ZSTDERR		0x13		/* output data to stderr (??) */
- * ZDLE sequences
- */
-#define	ZCRCE		0x68		/* CRC next, frame ends, header packet follows */
-#define	ZCRCG		0x69		/* CRC next, frame continues nonstop */
-#define	ZCRCQ		0x6a		/* CRC next, frame continuous, ZACK expected */
-#define	ZCRCW		0x6b		/* CRC next, frame ends,       ZACK expected */
-#define	ZRUB0		0x6c		/* translate to rubout 0x7f */
-#define	ZRUB1		0x6d		/* translate to rubout 0xff */
- * frame specific data.
- * entries are prefixed with their location in the header array.
- */
- * Byte positions within header array
- */
-#define FTYPE 0					/* frame type */
-#define ZF0	4					/* First flags byte */
-#define ZF1	3
-#define ZF2	2
-#define ZF3	1
-#define ZP0	1					/* Low order 8 bits of position */
-#define ZP1	2
-#define ZP2	3
-#define ZP3	4					/* High order 8 bits of file position */
- * ZRINIT frame
- * zmodem receiver capability flags
- */
-#define	ZF0_CANFDX		0x01	/* Receiver can send and receive true full duplex */
-#define	ZF0_CANOVIO		0x02	/* receiver can receive data during disk I/O */
-#define	ZF0_CANBRK		0x04	/* receiver can send a break signal */
-#define	ZF0_CANCRY		0x08	/* Receiver can decrypt DONT USE */
-#define	ZF0_CANLZW		0x10	/* Receiver can uncompress DONT USE */
-#define	ZF0_CANFC32		0x20	/* Receiver can use 32 bit Frame Check */
-#define	ZF0_ESCCTL		0x40	/* Receiver expects ctl chars to be escaped */
-#define	ZF0_ESC8		0x80	/* Receiver expects 8th bit to be escaped */
-#define ZF1_CANVHDR		0x01	/* Variable headers OK */
- * ZSINIT frame
- * zmodem sender capability
- */
-#define ZF0_TESCCTL 	0x40	/* Transmitter expects ctl chars to be escaped */
-#define ZF0_TESC8   	0x80	/* Transmitter expects 8th bit to be escaped */
-#define ZATTNLEN		0x20	/* Max length of attention string */
-#define ALTCOFF			ZF1		/* Offset to alternate canit string, 0 if not used */
- * ZFILE frame
- */
- * Conversion options one of these in ZF0
- */
-#define ZF0_ZCBIN		1		/* Binary transfer - inhibit conversion */
-#define ZF0_ZCNL		2		/* Convert NL to local end of line convention */
-#define ZF0_ZCRESUM		3		/* Resume interrupted file transfer */
- * Management include options, one of these ored in ZF1
- */
-#define ZF1_ZMSKNOLOC	0x80	/* Skip file if not present at rx */
-#define ZF1_ZMMASK		0x1f	/* Mask for the choices below */
-#define ZF1_ZMNEWL		1		/* Transfer if source newer or longer */
-#define ZF1_ZMCRC		2		/* Transfer if different file CRC or length */
-#define ZF1_ZMAPND		3		/* Append contents to existing file (if any) */
-#define ZF1_ZMCLOB		4		/* Replace existing file */
-#define ZF1_ZMNEW		5		/* Transfer if source newer */
-#define ZF1_ZMDIFF		6		/* Transfer if dates or lengths different */
-#define ZF1_ZMPROT		7		/* Protect destination file */
-#define ZF1_ZMCHNG		8		/* Change filename if destination exists */
- * Transport options, one of these in ZF2
- */
-#define ZF2_ZTNOR		0		/* no compression */
-#define ZF2_ZTLZW		1		/* Lempel-Ziv compression */
-#define ZF2_ZTRLE		3		/* Run Length encoding */
- * Extended options for ZF3, bit encoded
- */
-#define ZF3_ZCANVHDR	0x01	/* Variable headers OK */
-								/* Receiver window size override */
-#define ZF3_ZRWOVR 		0x04	/* byte position for receive window override/256 */
-#define ZF3_ZXSPARS		0x40	/* encoding for sparse file operations */
- * ZCOMMAND frame
- */
-#define ZF0_ZCACK1		0x01	/* Acknowledge, then do command */
-typedef struct {
-	SOCKET sock;											/* socket descriptor */
-	unsigned char rxd_header[ZMAXHLEN];						/* last received header */
-	int rxd_header_len;										/* last received header size */
-	/*
-	 * receiver capability flags
-	 * extracted from the ZRINIT frame as received
-	 */
-	int can_full_duplex;
-	int can_overlap_io;
-	int can_break;
-	int can_fcs_32;
-	int want_fcs_16;
-	int escape_all_control_characters;						/* guess */
-	int escape_8th_bit;
-	int use_variable_headers;								/* use variable length headers */
-	/*
-	 * file management options.
-	 * only one should be on
-	 */
-	int management_newer;
-	int management_clobber;
-	int management_protect;
-	/* from zmtx.c */
-	#define MAX_SUBPACKETSIZE 1024
-	int n_files_remaining;
-	int n_bytes_remaining;
-	unsigned char tx_data_subpacket[MAX_SUBPACKETSIZE];
-	long current_file_size;
-	time_t transfer_start;
-	int receive_32_bit_data;
-	int raw_trace;
-	int use_crc16;
-	long ack_file_pos;				/* file position used in acknowledgement of correctly */
-									/* received data subpackets */
-	int last_sent;
-	int n_cans;
-	long mode;
-} zmodem_t;