diff --git a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.cpp b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.cpp
index cef3b34f197ac065aa1e6aad99f539da50418f0b..db168051946e172454353e5b3ba752de2c73233b 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.cpp
+++ b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.cpp
@@ -16,20 +16,13 @@ TServicesCfgDlg *ServicesCfgDlg;
 __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::TServicesCfgDlg(TComponent* Owner)
     : TForm(Owner)
-void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::ServicesCfgButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
-	char filename[MAX_PATH+1];
-    iniFileName(filename,sizeof(filename),MainForm->cfg.ctrl_dir,"services.ini");
-    MainForm->EditFile(filename,"Services Configuration");
+    ini = NULL;
 void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
     char str[128];
     else {
@@ -48,8 +41,32 @@ void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
-    PageControl->ActivePage=GeneralTabSheet;
+    iniFileName(iniFilename,sizeof(iniFilename),MainForm->cfg.ctrl_dir,"services.ini");
+    /* Populate the Enables tab */
+    CheckListBox->Clear();
+    FILE* fp;
+    if((fp=iniOpenFile(iniFilename, /* Create: */false)) != NULL) {
+        ini=iniReadFile(fp);
+        iniCloseFile(fp);
+    }
+    str_list_t services = iniGetSectionList(ini, NULL);
+    CheckListBox->Items->BeginUpdate();
+    for(unsigned u=0; services!=NULL && services[u]!=NULL; u++) {
+        OutputDebugString(services[u]);
+        CheckListBox->Items->Append(services[u]);
+    }
+    CheckListBox->Items->EndUpdate();
+    for(unsigned u=0; u<CheckListBox->Items->Count; u++) {
+        str_list_t section = iniGetSection(ini, CheckListBox->Items->Strings[u].c_str());
+        CheckListBox->Checked[u]=iniGetBool(section, NULL, "Enabled", TRUE);
+        iniFreeStringList(section);
+    }
+    iniFreeStringList(services);
+    if(CheckListBox->Items->Count)
+        CheckListBox->ItemIndex=0;
+    PageControl->ActivePage=GeneralTabSheet;
 void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::OKButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
@@ -87,6 +104,12 @@ void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::OKButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
+    FILE* fp;
+    if((fp=iniOpenFile(iniFilename, /* Create: */true)) != NULL) {
+        iniWriteFile(fp, ini);
+        iniCloseFile(fp);
+    }
@@ -112,3 +135,52 @@ void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::HangupSoundButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
+void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::FormClose(TObject *Sender,
+      TCloseAction &Action)
+    iniFreeStringList(ini);
+void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::CheckListBoxClick(TObject *Sender)
+    ValueListEditor->Strings->Clear();
+    ValueListEditor->Visible=true;
+    if(CheckListBox->ItemIndex < 0) {
+        ValueListEditor->Visible=false;
+        return;
+    }
+    if(iniGetBool(ini,CheckListBox->Items->Strings[CheckListBox->ItemIndex].c_str()
+        ,"Enabled", true) != CheckListBox->Checked[CheckListBox->ItemIndex])
+        iniSetBool(&ini
+            ,CheckListBox->Items->Strings[CheckListBox->ItemIndex].c_str()
+            ,"Enabled", CheckListBox->Checked[CheckListBox->ItemIndex]
+            ,/* style: */NULL);
+    char* service = strdup(CheckListBox->Items->Strings[CheckListBox->ItemIndex].c_str());
+    str_list_t section = iniGetSection(ini, service);
+    str_list_t keys = iniGetKeyList(section, NULL);
+    for(unsigned u=0; keys!=NULL && keys[u]!=NULL; u++) {
+        if(keys[u][0])
+            ValueListEditor->InsertRow(AnsiString(keys[u]),
+                AnsiString(iniGetString(section,NULL,keys[u],"error",NULL)), /* append: */true);
+    }
+    iniFreeStringList(keys);
+    iniFreeStringList(section);
+    free(service);
+void __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg::ValueListEditorValidate(TObject *Sender,
+      int ACol, int ARow, const AnsiString KeyName,
+      const AnsiString KeyValue)
+    if(CheckListBox->ItemIndex >= 0)
+        iniSetString(&ini
+            ,CheckListBox->Items->Strings[CheckListBox->ItemIndex].c_str()
+            ,KeyName.c_str(), KeyValue.c_str(), /* style: */NULL);
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.dfm b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.dfm
index 90c8a2ec557a900f72bc8299f6dc90690fefcf5a..16b0ef7d273a080b69ecd65b768d663b6df15c92 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.dfm
+++ b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.dfm
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 object ServicesCfgDlg: TServicesCfgDlg
-  Left = 578
-  Top = 317
+  Left = 727
+  Top = 149
   BorderStyle = bsDialog
   Caption = 'Services Configuration'
-  ClientHeight = 302
-  ClientWidth = 352
+  ClientHeight = 245
+  ClientWidth = 286
   Color = clBtnFace
   Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
   Font.Color = clWindowText
-  Font.Height = -13
+  Font.Height = -10
   Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
   Font.Style = []
   Icon.Data = {
@@ -38,35 +38,36 @@ object ServicesCfgDlg: TServicesCfgDlg
   OldCreateOrder = False
   Position = poScreenCenter
+  OnClose = FormClose
   OnShow = FormShow
   DesignSize = (
-    352
-    302)
-  PixelsPerInch = 120
-  TextHeight = 16
+    286
+    245)
+  PixelsPerInch = 96
+  TextHeight = 13
   object PageControl: TPageControl
-    Left = 4
-    Top = 4
-    Width = 342
-    Height = 245
-    ActivePage = SoundTabSheet
-    TabIndex = 1
+    Left = 3
+    Top = 3
+    Width = 278
+    Height = 199
+    ActivePage = GeneralTabSheet
+    TabIndex = 0
     TabOrder = 0
     object GeneralTabSheet: TTabSheet
       Caption = 'General'
       object InterfaceLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 9
-        Top = 42
-        Width = 96
-        Height = 24
+        Left = 7
+        Top = 34
+        Width = 78
+        Height = 20
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Interface (IP)'
       object AutoStartCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 9
-        Top = 12
-        Width = 144
-        Height = 25
+        Left = 7
+        Top = 10
+        Width = 117
+        Height = 20
         Hint = 'Automatically start Services'
         Caption = 'Auto Startup'
         ParentShowHint = False
@@ -74,103 +75,124 @@ object ServicesCfgDlg: TServicesCfgDlg
         TabOrder = 0
       object NetworkInterfaceEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 105
-        Top = 42
-        Width = 192
-        Height = 24
+        Left = 85
+        Top = 34
+        Width = 156
+        Height = 21
         Hint = 'Your network adapter'#39's static IP address or blank for <ANY>'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
         TabOrder = 2
       object HostnameCheckBox: TCheckBox
-        Left = 182
-        Top = 12
-        Width = 147
-        Height = 25
+        Left = 148
+        Top = 10
+        Width = 119
+        Height = 20
         Hint = 'Automatically lookup client'#39's hostnames via DNS'
         Caption = 'Hostname Lookup'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
         TabOrder = 1
-      object ServicesIniButton: TButton
-        Left = 9
-        Top = 91
-        Width = 307
-        Height = 28
-        Hint = 'services.ini'
-        Caption = 'Edit Services Configuration File'
-        ParentShowHint = False
-        ShowHint = True
-        TabOrder = 3
-        OnClick = ServicesCfgButtonClick
-      end
     object SoundTabSheet: TTabSheet
       Caption = 'Sound'
       ImageIndex = 2
       object AnswerSoundLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 9
-        Top = 12
-        Width = 80
-        Height = 25
+        Left = 7
+        Top = 10
+        Width = 65
+        Height = 20
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Connect'
       object HangupSoundLabel: TLabel
-        Left = 9
-        Top = 44
-        Width = 80
-        Height = 25
+        Left = 7
+        Top = 36
+        Width = 65
+        Height = 20
         AutoSize = False
         Caption = 'Disconnect'
       object AnswerSoundEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 105
-        Top = 12
-        Width = 192
-        Height = 24
+        Left = 85
+        Top = 10
+        Width = 156
+        Height = 21
         Hint = 'Sound file to play when users connect'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
         TabOrder = 0
       object AnswerSoundButton: TButton
-        Left = 304
-        Top = 12
-        Width = 25
-        Height = 26
+        Left = 247
+        Top = 10
+        Width = 20
+        Height = 21
         Caption = '...'
         TabOrder = 1
         OnClick = AnswerSoundButtonClick
       object HangupSoundEdit: TEdit
-        Left = 105
-        Top = 44
-        Width = 192
-        Height = 24
+        Left = 85
+        Top = 36
+        Width = 156
+        Height = 21
         Hint = 'Sound file to play when users disconnect'
         ParentShowHint = False
         ShowHint = True
         TabOrder = 2
       object HangupSoundButton: TButton
-        Left = 304
-        Top = 44
-        Width = 25
-        Height = 26
+        Left = 247
+        Top = 36
+        Width = 20
+        Height = 21
         Caption = '...'
         TabOrder = 3
         OnClick = HangupSoundButtonClick
+    object EnableTabSheet: TTabSheet
+      Caption = 'Services'
+      ImageIndex = 2
+      object CheckListBox: TCheckListBox
+        Left = 8
+        Top = 8
+        Width = 249
+        Height = 73
+        Hint = 'Services and their enabled/disabled state'
+        ItemHeight = 13
+        ParentShowHint = False
+        ShowHint = True
+        TabOrder = 0
+        OnClick = CheckListBoxClick
+      end
+      object ValueListEditor: TValueListEditor
+        Left = 8
+        Top = 88
+        Width = 250
+        Height = 75
+        Hint = 'Service settings'
+        KeyOptions = [keyEdit, keyAdd, keyDelete, keyUnique]
+        Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goColSizing, goEditing, goThumbTracking]
+        ParentShowHint = False
+        ShowHint = True
+        TabOrder = 1
+        Visible = False
+        OnValidate = ValueListEditorValidate
+        ColWidths = (
+          99
+          145)
+      end
+    end
   object OKBtn: TButton
-    Left = 25
-    Top = -47
-    Width = 93
-    Height = 30
+    Left = 20
+    Top = -38
+    Width = 76
+    Height = 24
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Caption = 'OK'
     Default = True
@@ -178,10 +200,10 @@ object ServicesCfgDlg: TServicesCfgDlg
     TabOrder = 1
   object CancelBtn: TButton
-    Left = 128
-    Top = -47
-    Width = 92
-    Height = 30
+    Left = 104
+    Top = -38
+    Width = 75
+    Height = 24
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Cancel = True
     Caption = 'Cancel'
@@ -189,20 +211,20 @@ object ServicesCfgDlg: TServicesCfgDlg
     TabOrder = 2
   object ApplyBtn: TButton
-    Left = 233
-    Top = -47
-    Width = 93
-    Height = 30
+    Left = 189
+    Top = -38
+    Width = 76
+    Height = 24
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Cancel = True
     Caption = 'Apply'
     TabOrder = 3
   object OKButton: TButton
-    Left = 25
-    Top = 260
-    Width = 93
-    Height = 30
+    Left = 20
+    Top = 211
+    Width = 76
+    Height = 25
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Caption = 'OK'
     Default = True
@@ -211,10 +233,10 @@ object ServicesCfgDlg: TServicesCfgDlg
     OnClick = OKButtonClick
   object CancelButton: TButton
-    Left = 128
-    Top = 260
-    Width = 92
-    Height = 30
+    Left = 104
+    Top = 211
+    Width = 75
+    Height = 25
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Cancel = True
     Caption = 'Cancel'
@@ -222,10 +244,10 @@ object ServicesCfgDlg: TServicesCfgDlg
     TabOrder = 5
   object ApplyButton: TButton
-    Left = 233
-    Top = 260
-    Width = 93
-    Height = 30
+    Left = 189
+    Top = 211
+    Width = 76
+    Height = 25
     Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
     Cancel = True
     Caption = 'Apply'
@@ -235,7 +257,7 @@ object ServicesCfgDlg: TServicesCfgDlg
   object OpenDialog: TOpenDialog
     Filter = 'Wave Files|*.wav'
     Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofNoChangeDir, ofEnableSizing, ofDontAddToRecent]
-    Left = 128
-    Top = 144
+    Left = 104
+    Top = 64
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.h b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.h
index f59e449e36fa0fa00e70ed8ab5365082a7758e5d..39e76104424b388f887be6ff3ae04f6808d3c11c 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.h
+++ b/src/sbbs3/ctrl/ServicesCfgDlgUnit.h
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
 #include <ComCtrls.hpp>
 #include <Dialogs.hpp>
 #include "MainFormUnit.h"
+#include <CheckLst.hpp>
+#include <Menus.hpp>
+#include <Grids.hpp>
+#include <ValEdit.hpp>
 class TServicesCfgDlg : public TForm
@@ -34,13 +38,20 @@ __published:	// IDE-managed Components
     TButton *CancelButton;
     TButton *ApplyButton;
     TOpenDialog *OpenDialog;
-	TButton *ServicesIniButton;
-    void __fastcall ServicesCfgButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
+    TTabSheet *EnableTabSheet;
+    TCheckListBox *CheckListBox;
+    TValueListEditor *ValueListEditor;
     void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
     void __fastcall OKButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
     void __fastcall AnswerSoundButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
     void __fastcall HangupSoundButtonClick(TObject *Sender);
+    void __fastcall FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action);
+    void __fastcall CheckListBoxClick(TObject *Sender);
+    void __fastcall ValueListEditorValidate(TObject *Sender, int ACol,
+          int ARow, const AnsiString KeyName, const AnsiString KeyValue);
 private:	// User declarations
+	char iniFilename[MAX_PATH+1];
+    str_list_t ini;
 public:		// User declarations
     __fastcall TServicesCfgDlg(TComponent* Owner);