diff --git a/docs/source.html b/docs/source.html
index 934979817964ad4b879a5072532e061a6b2c19c3..5021a606225710f27ca1db778240e33363423b82 100644
--- a/docs/source.html
+++ b/docs/source.html
@@ -27,33 +27,19 @@
 		(for <i>current</i> source code or previous releases by label): 
   		<li>Repository: <tt>cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs</tt>
-		<li>Required modules (for building Synchronet):
-		<ul><tt>
-			<li>src/sbbs3
-			<li>src/xpdev
-			<li>src/uifc
-			<li>src/build
-			<li>include
-			<li>lib/fltk/win32 (for Win32 only)
-			<li>lib/mozilla/js/<i><b>os</b></i>.release (or .debug)
-				<br>example: lib/mozilla/js/linux.release
-			<li>lib/mozilla/nspr/<i><b>os</b></i>.release
+		<li>Required modules for <i>building</i> Synchronet:
+		<ul>
+			<li><tt>src-sbbs3</tt> (alias for several modules)
+			<li><tt>lib/mozilla/js/<i><b>os</b></i>.release (or .debug)
+				<br>example: lib/mozilla/js/linux.release</tt>
+			<li><tt>lib/mozilla/nspr/<i><b>os</b></i>.release (or .debug)
 				<br>example: lib/mozilla/nspr/win32.release</tt>
-		<li>Required modules (for running Synchronet):
-		<ul><tt>
-			<li>ctrl
-			<li>exec
-			<li>text
-			<li>xtrn
-			<li>node1
-			<li>node2
-			<li>node3
-			<li>node4
-			<li>docs
-		</tt>
+		<li>Required modules for <i>running</i> Synchronet (if you don't already have Synchronet installed):
+		<ul>
+			<li><tt>run-sbbs3</tt> (alias for several modules)
-	<li>Example labels:
+	<li>Example labels (for checking-out a specific release):
@@ -140,6 +126,52 @@ Compiler legend:<br>
 <tr><td>msvc15<td>Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5 (16-bit)
+<h3>Step-by-step Instructions (using Microsoft Visual C++)</h3>
+<li>Install Visual C++ (if you haven't already)
+<li>Get the Synchronet source and library files (if you haven't already)
+<li>Load <tt>src\sbbs3\sbbs3.dsw</tt> into Visual Studio
+<li>Select the Build->Batch Build... menu option
+<li>Check all boxes except for "sbbsexec - Win32 release" and "sbbsexec - Win32 debug"
+<li>Click the Build button
+You can now copy the DLL and executables from the following directories into your Synchronet <tt>EXEC</tt> directory:
+If the DLLs you just built are from a more recent version of Synchronet than your Synchronet Control Panel executable (<tt>sbbsctrl.exe</tt>),
+you will need to use <tt>sbbs.exe</tt> or <tt>sbbsNTsvcs.exe</tt> instead of <tt>sbbsctrl.exe</tt> to run Synchronet.
+See <tt>docs\sbbscon.txt</tt> for more details on using the console mode version of Synchronet.
+<h3>Step-by-step Instructions (using Borland C++ Builder)</h3>
+<li>Install C++ Builder (if you haven't already)
+<li>Get the Synchronet source and library files (if you haven't already)
+<li>At a command prompt, go to the Synchronet <tt>src\sbbs3</tt> directory and run <tt>make</tt>
+<li>At a command prompt, go to the Synchronet <tt>src\sbbs3\scfg</tt> directory and run <tt>make</tt>
+<li>Edit <tt>src\sbbs3\ctrl\makelibs.bat</tt> to set the <tt>dllsrc</tt> value as follows:
+<br><tt>set dllsrc=..\bcc.win32.dll.release</tt>
+<li>At a command prompt, go to the Synchronet <tt>src\sbbs3\ctrl</tt> directory and run <tt>build.bat</tt>
+You can now copy the DLL and executables from the following directories into your Synchronet <tt>EXEC</tt> directory:
+If you wish to build binaries with debugging information, add <tt>DEBUG=1</tt> to your <tt>make</tt> command-lines and
+copy the binaries from the <tt>.debug</tt> instead of <tt>.release</tt> directories. You may also need to update
+the <tt>dllsrc</tt> value in <tt>src\sbbs3\ctrl\makelibs.bat</tt> to point to the <tt>.debug</tt> directory.
+If you only have the free Borland command-line C++ compiler, all of the above steps still apply except for those
+referencing the <tt>src\sbbs3\ctrl</tt> directory. Also, if the DLLs you built are from a more recent version of
+Synchronet than your Synchronet Control Panel executable (<tt>sbbsctrl.exe</tt>), you will need to use <tt>sbbs.exe</tt> (or <tt>sbbsmono.exe</tt>)
+to run Synchronet.
+See <tt>docs\sbbscon.txt</tt> for more details on using the console mode version of Synchronet.
 <H2>History (as of October 2000)</H2>
 <H3>The Beginning</H3>I, <a href="author.html">Rob