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+		** ircd.js : The Synchronet IRCd Service **
+		     by: Randy Sommerfeld <cyan@rrx.ca>
+1   .... Introduction
+2   .... About this document
+2.1 .... What this document hopes to accomplish
+2.2 .... What this document won't accomplish
+2.3 .... Assumptions we make about you
+3   .... Installation
+3.1 .... Getting the IRCd up and running
+3.2 .... Linking to the Synchronet IRC Network (irc.synchro.net)
+4   .... About the Synchronet IRC Network (irc.synchro.net)
+5   .... Technical information
+5.1 .... Limits of the Synchronet IRCd
+5.2 .... Compliance with RFC's, and established protocols
+5.3 .... Compatibility with ther IRCd's
+6   .... The Future
+7   .... Frequently Asked Questions
+7.1 .... Installation Questions
+7.2 .... Technical Questions
+=======- 1.0 -- Introduction -================================================
+	The Synchronet IRCd (IRC daemon) service is the newest Synchronet
+service written in 100% Javascript.  It's currently the largest (and perhaps
+the most complex) service available for Synchronet.  The IRCd service aims to
+eventually be a 'communications bridge' of sorts which will allow multiple
+BBS's to link their "multinode chat" areas together in a network so that users
+may talk to one another from the comfort of their home BBS.  While
+accomplishing this goal, the Synchronet IRCd intends to also be a fully-
+functional IRC daemon that rivals the bigger, legacy UNIX IRC daemons in terms
+of features.  This way, everyone who wishes to chat on a common network will
+be able to use the local BBS, or a standard IRC client (if they wish.)
+=======- 2.0 -- About this document -=========================================
+[2.1] - What this document hopes to accomplish
+	First and foremost, this document is intended to be an absolute
+reference regarding the Synchronet IRCd.  This document should be the first
+place to look if you're having a problem of some kind, regardless of what that
+problem may be.  It intends to be an installation guide which will aide you
+through setting up your own IRCd.  Or, if you're simply curious about the IRCd
+from a theoretical standpoint (it's not every day that you get to see an IRC
+daemon as functional as this implemented inside of a scripting language), this
+document will do its best to explain certain implementation decisions to you.
+[2.2] - What this document won't accomplish
+	This document is not a replacement for your brain.  If you're having a
+problem of some kind, and it's not covered by this document, PLEASE take a few
+hours to think about the problem and solve it.  Use a systematic approach to
+the problem; "If I do X, does Y still happen?"  Remember, installation and
+maintenance of the Synchronet IRCd isn't life or death, it's a hobby, and like
+all good hobbies, you're supposed to learn something from it.  So, take a few
+days before you even consider asking for support -- take a deep breath, go jog
+around the block, turn off the computer -- and then come back later.  On the
+other hand, if you've found a unique or interesting solution to your problem,
+and it hasn't been covered here, then by all means tell us about it!
+	We don't intend to teach you the basics of IRC here.  While you can
+certainly still get the Synchronet IRCd up and running with a minimal amount
+of effort and IRC knowledge, your experience will be more enjoyable if you
+have at the very least a working knowledge of IRC.  To guage your knowledge
+of IRC, answer the following questions either with a 'true' or 'false':
+	* People chat in 'rooms' on IRC.
+	* 'IRCop' is short for 'IRC cop', the police officers of IRC.
+	* A 'ping' is something submarines use to guage distance under water.
+	* CTCP and DCC stand for Client Tunneling Carrier Protocol and
+	  Direct Channel Cutting, respectively.
+	If you answered 'true' to any of the above questions, or if you don't
+understand some of the terminology used in the questions, then it's best that
+you go to http://www.irchelp.org and read through their very helpful documents
+about IRC.  This way, you'll gain a better understanding about what IRC really
+is, what it's here for, the terminology, and a little history, too.  At the
+very least, this is so that when someone asks you to edit your 'M:Line' to
+solve or diagnose a problem, you'll at least know what they're talking about.
+We don't cover any IRC basics in this document.
+	Don't be surprised if you're ignored or simply referred to a URL
+without further explanation if you ask for help and refer to an IRC *channel*
+as a room, call *IRC operators* 'cops', don't understand why a 10 second 'ping'
+time is bad, or not know how to DCC SEND a file (such as your ircd.conf) to be
+inspected.  That includes not having your NAT or proxy set correctly to
+properly masquerade your IP address on a DCC CTCP.
+[2.3] - Assumptions we make about you
+	In short, this document assumes that you know:
+	* How to use your computer and operating system effectively.
+	* The basics of IRC and its terminology.
+	* How to use, configure, and make basic modifications to Synchronet.
+	* The basics of the Internet (or at least the ability to visualize
+	  a routed, distributed network)
+=======- 3.0 -- Installation -================================================
+[3.1] - Getting the IRCd up and running
+	(1) Make sure you are running a modern version of the Synchronet BBS
+software.  The Synchronet IRCd is not intended to run on versions 3.10 or
+earlier.  While care has been taken to ensure backwards compatibility with
+3.10, it should only be run on that version for testing purposes.  Upgrading
+may include retrieving the latest version of Synchronet from the Synchronet
+CVS (if you're familiar with building from CVS), from the Synchronet web site
+(http://www.synchro.net), or elsewhere.  Synchronet 3.11 is the minimum 
+required version to run version 1.0 of the Synchronet IRCd.
+	Older versions of Synchronet also come packaged with older Javascript
+libraries.  The Synchronet IRCd makes use of some of the newer Javascript
+library features (such as the ability to treat strings as an array of
+characters), therefore it's critical to have a modern JS library.  If your
+Javascript library is from 2001 or so (you can check this in the 'system
+information' part of your BBS main menu), then it's too old.  Time to upgrade.
+	(2) Check to make sure that all of the components of the Synchronet
+IRCd are resting in their correct directories.  While you're at it, check the
+file sizes to make sure they're relatively normal.  Make sure that all of the
+files are readable by the user you're intending to run the IRCd as.  Here's a
+chart to help:
+	File		Synchronet Directory	Approximate Size
+	ircd.js		exec			200KB
+	ircd.conf	ctrl			 12KB
+	ircmotd.txt	text			180bytes
+	(3) Edit your relevant services configuration file (in the Synchronet
+'ctrl' directory.)  For Synchronet 3.11, this is most likely "services.ini",
+however, backwards compatibility has been retained with the old style
+"services.cfg" just in case you want to bring yours over from an older version
+of Synchronet.  You may run the Synchronet IRCd on any port you wish, however,
+standard convention dictates that it be run on port 6667 (which is the
+standard port that most IRC clients will try to connect to, first.)  It's
+important that the IRCd be defined as a STATIC service (i.e. one that runs in
+the background continuously and does not require a connection to start the
+service), and that it uses the LOOP option (so that if you wish to restart only
+the IRCd, or if it crashes, it comes back up immediately.)
+	The combined options for 'services.cfg' represented in hex is '806',
+so that a completed services.cfg line should look like this:
+;protocol	port	max_clients	options(hex)	command-line
+IRC             6667    10              806             ircd.js
+	An example IRC section from services.ini looks like this, and should
+already be present (but commented out) in services.ini for Synchronet 3.11
+and above:
+Options=STATIC | LOOP
+	The 'maximum clients' value used inside of the services configuration
+is *ignored* by Synchronet Services since that value is managed by the IRCd
+itself.  The maximum number of IRC clients can be changed on a Y:Line in
+your ircd.conf, and is set to 100 by default (more on the ircd.conf later.)
+	(4) Take a look at your ircd.conf, and familiarize yourself with the
+options and terminology.  Although the ircd.conf has been specifically made so
+that it works right out of the box, you may wish to tweak some options.  The
+configuration file is self-documenting, so you should carefully read about
+each of the configuration options.  At the very least, this will familiarize
+you with what a 'Z:Line' is, and where a 'K:Line' is, or how to enable
+passwords on sensitive IRC commands.  If you intend to link to the Synchronet
+IRC Network, pay careful attention to where the C:Line and N:Line pair is
+configured.  We'll be dealing with those later.
+	If you're already familiar with other IRC daemon configuration files,
+the Synchronet ircd.conf has been carefully engineered to be compatible with
+the Bahamut ircd.conf.  Thus, if you've already got a working Bahamut
+configuration, putting that ircd.conf in place of the stock ircd.conf should
+give you an IRCd configured exactly the way it was on Bahamut.  Configuration
+files from other IRC daemons have *not* been tested, so your milage may vary
+with those (although the configuration should be very similar.)  Certainly if
+you find an ircd.conf from another daemon that works, let us know about it!
+	(5) Restart your BBS, or recycle your services so that your new IRC
+service is brought online with your BBS.  Watch your BBS console carefully,
+as you should see something similar to the following messages:
+srvc 0007 IRC SynchronetIRCd-1.0b(1.79) started.
+srvc 0007 IRC Reading Config: /sbbs/ctrl/ircd.conf
+	You may have to scroll up to see the message.  Any errors should be
+self-explanitory (and usually involve not being able to read the configuration
+file.)  If you get an error about not being able to bind to a socket, or that
+a socket is already in use, then you already have something running on the
+port you defined in your services configuration.  Could it be another IRC
+server running?  Try disabling any other IRC servers or proxies and restart
+the BBS.  Repeat this process of elimination until your IRCd starts
+	(6) Test your new IRCd by connecting to it with an IRC client.
+At the very least, using 'telnet' to connect to the IRCd port should give you
+something similar to the following line:
+:rrx.synchro.net NOTICE * :*** SynchronetIRCd-1.0b(1.76) (RoadRunner X) Ready.
+	Which is the standard Synchronet IRCd banner, informing you that the
+IRCd is accepting new connections correctly.
+	At this point, you should have a working, fully-functional IRC server
+available for users to use.  You may want to point Synchronet's internal IRC
+client to your local IRC server (just 'localhost' or ''), so that
+your BBS users will be able to make use of your new IRCd.
+[3.2] - Linking to the Synchronet IRC Network (irc.synchro.net)
+	Connecting your IRC server to the Synchronet IRC Network has certain
+advantages.  The best advantage is that you'll be allowing any users who use
+your IRC server (i.e. your BBS users) to also talk to other users on the
+network.  Since the network is largely BBS-oriented, there are a wide variety
+of channels available for users to join and discuss various topics.
+Furthermore, you'll be offering your system to the pool of IRC servers
+available for the public to use.  Just like how DOVE-Net is a network of
+Synchronet systems that pass message group messages to one another, the
+Synchronet IRC Network is a network of Synchronet systems for the purposes of
+chatting in realtime.
+	In later versions of the IRCd or the network, you'll be able to offer
+your BBS's files over IRC, integrate your BBS chat area with IRC, or even
+receive alerts about new messages or BBS email while on IRC.
+	Linking with the Synchronet IRC Network takes about as much time (if
+not less) as it does to establish a DOVE-Net node.  Therefore, the procedures
+have been kept very similar.  The Synchronet IRC Network is the only IRC
+network in the world that allows you to link without going through a tiresome
+application process, or other such bureaucracy.  In fact, no network admin need
+be present at all for you to link to the Synchronet IRC network.
+	Just as with establishing a DOVE-Net node, the following steps must be
+taken to ensure a smooth link to the Synchronet IRC Network:
+	(1) Ensure that you have a DOVE-Net node established.  Although you
+aren't required to be a member of DOVE-Net to be a member of the Synchronet IRC
+Network, you need to at least go through the same automatic registration
+process to obtain and configure your QWK-ID.   Instructions about obtaining
+your QWK-ID can be found here: http://www.synchro.net/docs/dove-net.txt
+Only steps 1 and 2 need be followed, but heed the document's warning:
+"Remember the password you used to create this account, you'll need it later."
+You do not need to create a new QWK-ID for the IRCd if you already have an
+existing one for DOVE-Net.
+	(2) Edit your ircd.conf and include a C/N line pair for connecting to
+'vert.synchro.net'.  These should be commented out in the stock ircd.conf, and
+will look like this:
+	Remove the '#' from each line, and replace 'QWK_PASSWORD' with the
+password you were assigned (or selected) when registering for a QWK-ID.  The
+ircd.conf contains a description of what each of the lines (and fields) mean.
+It is very important that you leave the asteriks as they are, especially on
+the N:Line.  This is because the server you're connecting to may be randomly
+assigned, and the server will never echo your QWK password back to you, so it
+chooses to echo a '*' back instead.  An asterik in the N:Line also forbids any
+servers from connecting *to* you, which is important, since you'll only be
+doing outbound connects with this C/N pair.
+	(3) Restart your BBS (or, if you know how to become an IRC operator,
+simply use the /REHASH command), and you should see a message similar to the
+following in your Synchronet console:
+srvc 0008 IRC Routing: Auto-connecting to rrx.synchro.net
+srvc 0008 IRC Routing: Connected!  Sending info...
+srvc 0008 IRC 0018 Accepted new connection: port 6667
+srvc 0008 IRC Routing: Link with rrx.synchro.net established, states: TS
+	If you see any messages in regards to "Server not configured" or
+"Connection reset by peer", it's highly likely that you've mistyped your QWK
+password into the C:Line in your ircd.conf.  Double-check to make sure that
+the password is correct, and that you haven't otherwise malformed the C/N line
+pair.  In particular, make sure all the asteriks (as per the default) are where
+they should be.
+	Otherwise, if you have received those messages, then you're connected!
+You should be able to join the typical busy Synchronet IRC channels, #bbs and
+#synchronet, and be able to chat with people across the network.  You can find
+network administrators in #opers if you have any questions or concerns.
+=======- 4.0 -- About the Synchronet IRC Network (irc.synchro.net) -==========
+	The Synchronet IRC Network is currently a small network with a BBS
+focus.  Like all new IRC networks, we hope that with the help of other BBS
+sysops around the globe, the Synchronet IRC Network will grow to become a
+thriving community sporting a wide variety of topics.  Currently, the network
+has a very relaxed authoritative structure -- perhaps one of the most relaxed
+among all IRC networks.  Even so, certain 'common sense' rules still apply.
+	Servers linked to the Synchronet IRC Network are automatically put
+into the DNS round-robin for 'irc.synchro.net', which means that you can
+expect to see connections from other clients who choose to use that address to
+connect to IRC.  You should expect to see your server listed in the round-
+robin within about 30 minutes, although it typically takes less.
+=======- 5.0 -- Technical Information -=======================================
+[5.1] - Limits of the Synchronet IRCd
+	Since the Synchronet IRCd Service is written in Javascript, which is
+still an interpreted script language, the IRCd will be severely limited in its
+capability and speed when compared against other 'legacy' IRC daemons.  In
+particular, the IRCd will only be able to (at best) hold a hundred clients or
+less before severe slowdown problems are exposed.  If you find that you are
+commonly holding more than a hundred clients, or are experiencing slowdown
+problems, it's recommended that you switch to a legacy IRCd such as Bahamut,
+which can be found at http://bahamut.dal.net.
+	A solution would be to link the Synchronet IRCd to the Bahamut IRCd,
+and then link Bahamut to the network.  Then, limit connections only to local
+BBS users for the Synchronet IRCd, and use Bahamut for accepting connections
+from the Internet at large.
+	Other problems may also creep up, especially as the network grows in
+size.  Although the author is continually working to improve the performance
+of the IRCd, it should be assumed that there will be scalability issues due to
+the use of Javascript.
+[5.2] - Compliance with RFC's, and established protocols
+	The Synchronet IRCd has always aimed to be compiant with RFC1459, which
+was the first published IRC specification.  However, it has chosen to deviate
+from the RFC where appropriate.  This might be because of errors inside the
+RFC itself (i.e. +p channels being listed as "*" instead of "Prv",) for the
+purpose of added functionality (i.e. handling of the PASS message for dynamic
+QWK connections,) or for security (not displaying some sensitive STATS output
+to users who are not IRC operators.)  Compliance with the newer IRC RFC papers
+(inclusive of RFC's 2810 through 2813) is mostly correct, however deviates
+wherever Bahamut-specific extensions conflict.
+	The DALnet-style Bahamut extensions to the server-to-server protocol
+involve improving performance between server links by reducing the amount of
+traffic that needs to go across any link.  Furthermore, extra arguments are
+added to common commands (NICK, MODE, TOPIC, etc) in order to better establish
+the authenticity of the message.  In particular, timestamps ("TS") have been
+added to many commands in order to resolve conflicts between messages.
+Although the Bahamut extensions are largely undocumented, the author chose to
+use these extensions as a base for extending the IRC protocol (as described
+in RFC1459) for the purpose of providing modern features.
+	The Synchronet IRCd diverges from common IRC practice and Bahamut IRC
+protocol in the following fashion:
+	* The Synchronet IRCd does NOT make use of the "ident" protocol, which
+is popular among larger IRC networks.  This exclusion was decided on because
+it provides very little in the way of authoritative information.  Instead, a
+user has been considered to be "identified" (by the lack of a tilde in the
+username portion of the user "user@host" mask) when they have correctly
+identified to a local BBS account.  Identifying to the BBS account is done by
+sending a PASS message in the registration stage.  Checks against a local BBS
+account are done against the username, and then the nickname respectively.
+Thus, care MUST be taken when linking non-Synchronet IRCd's together, as it
+could compromise a BBS-style authorization structure.
+	* The PASS message has been extended to allow for the passing and
+checking of QWK passwords in the case of dynamic connections:
+		PASS <password> :<qwk-id> QWK
+	No destination is specified within the message, as the routing is
+handled by static configuration directives (in the form of flags on the N:Line)
+which show a single path for the message to take.  This is to ensure that the
+password cannot be sent over an arbitrary connection, improving the security
+of the message.  The reply to a query looks like this:
+		PASS <result> :<qwk-id> QWK <origin>
+	Where <result> is "OK" if the password check succeeded, and anything
+else (typically "VOID") on failure.  The origin is specified so that the
+message may be routed back to the correct server.  Thus, a PASS message without
+an origin is a check, and a PASS message with an origin is a reply.
+	* Leaf servers are considered to be 'untrusted' servers by default, due
+to the highly dynamic nature of a Synchronet-based IRC network.  This is to
+prevent bogus messages from being injected into the network, false
+representation of authority, or otherwise harmful activity.  Since untrusted
+servers are allowed to connect to the network, leaf servers are restricted in
+the following way beyond the standard behaviour:
+	- All timestamps received from a leaf are ignored and are instead
+	  replaced by the current time.  Thus, nickname collisions cannot be
+	  forced, and TS blasting is prevented.
+	- User mode +o (oper) is ignored.  However, local operators still
+	  retain authority over their local server.
+	- The KILL and SQUIT messages are ignored and reversed if the target
+	  is connected to a server beyond the scope of the leaf.
+	- Services authorization modes (+z, +r, +q and friends) are ignored.
+	- Authenticity of mode change messages (channel ops, voice, bans, etc)
+	  are strictly checked and reversed if there's a mismatch.  Mode
+	  hacking is thus prevented.
+	- All channel modes are bounced on behalf of the leaf by the hub upon
+	  a resync.
+	- Private/Secret channels are not revealed to the leaf unless a user
+	  on the leaf explicitly joins the channel.
+[5.3] - Compatibility with other IRCd's
+	The Synchronet IRCd has only been tested to be link compatible with:
+	* Bahamut 1.4.35, 1.4.36-rc1		http://bahamut.dal.net
+	* Andy Church's IRC Services 5.0	http://www.ircservices.za.net
+	The IRCd should be compatible with any other daemon that supports the
+DALnet-style Bahamut extensions.  If you successfully link another IRCd
+(including a services package, or other pseudo-server,) then please feel free
+to let us know about it in #synchronet.  Patches may be accepted to allow the
+IRCd to be link compatible with other protocols at the sole discretion of the
+=======- 6.0 -- The Future -==================================================
+	Although the original intention of the IRCd was to allow users to
+interact between one another from the BBS multi-node chat area, that has yet
+to occur.  Eventually, users will be able to talk to one another from various
+BBS's and not even be aware that they're using IRC as the transport protocol
+for their chat sessions.  For the time being, one can use the Synchronet IRC
+client (irc.js) to connect to their local IRC server.
+	Further compatibility with the later Bahamut daemons is planned,
+including the server-to-server "RESYNCH" command, user-accessible "WATCH", and
+"SILENCE."  Also, more umodes will be supported, in addition to the possibility
+of gaining some of the Bahamut channel modes (i.e. +c)  Exception modes (+e,
+etc) and exception lines (to circumvent K:Lines) may be implemented.
+	Some sort of mechanism will be implemented to allow individual BBS's
+to share their message and file areas over IRC.  This means that you'll be
+able to DCC send/receive files from a BBS, QWK packets, messages, and that
+sort of thing.
+	I'm sure DigitalMan has a ton of cool ideas, too ;)
+=======- 7.0 -- Frequently Asked Questions -==================================
+[7.1] - Installation Questions
+	Q: After setting up my IRCd, and trying to connect, it gives me an
+	   error stating: "You're not authorized to use this server." or
+	   "Your host isn't among the privileged." (Numeric 463)
+	A: Most likely your Javascript libraries are too old.  Upgrade to
+	   Synchronet 3.11, which contains sufficiently modern Javascript
+	   libraries.  If you're certain that you're running new libraries,
+	   double-check your I:Lines and Y:Lines inside the ircd.conf.
+	Q: I try to connect and it tells me "Password Incorrect" or "Denied."
+	   (Numeric 464)
+	A: You've required a password to be passed to the IRC server via
+	   the PASS command upon registration.  Check your I:Lines.
+	Q: I keep on getting "Error setting up socket for listening" or
+	   "Error binding socket to TCP port."
+	A: It's highly likely that you already have something running on the
+	   port that you've defined the IRCd to use (typically 6667.)  If you
+	   have another IRCd running, shut it down or redefine the port that
+	   the Synchronet IRCd uses to listen for connections.  If you get
+	   this error after having recently shut down Synchronet, one or more
+	   sockets may be stuck in 'TIME_WAIT' or similar, in which case you
+	   should wait until they expire (as viewable with "netstat".)
+	Q: Ack, my server keeps on trying to auto-connect to other servers,
+	   and I don't want this!  What do I do?
+	A: The IRCd will attempt to auto-connect if there's a port defined in
+	   the C:Line for that server.  Furthermore, a connect frequency must
+	   be defined in a Y:Line for the applicable IRC class for an auto-
+	   connect to be attempted.  Remove the port from the C:Line, or turn
+	   the auto-connect frequency down to 0 in the Y:Line.
+	Q: My question isn't answered in this document, where can I go?
+	A: First, make sure you've read this document *in its entirety*
+	   Second, read section 2.2 again.
+	   Third, if you're still having a problem, feel free to join
+	   #synchronet on irc.synchro.net, the author typically uses the nick
+	   of 'Cyan'  Support is not given via email or otherwise.
+[7.2] - Technical Questions
+	Q: Why were the Bahamut protocol extensions used instead of EFnet,
+	   Undernet, Unreal, or otherwise?
+	A: The Bahamut extensions were simply the extensions that the author
+	   was most familiar with.  Bahamut is a widely-deployed IRC daemon in
+	   use by many networks (DALnet in particular,) so it's had a strong
+	   test cycle.  Furthermore, all modern IRC extensions are relatively
+	   similar to each other, but differ in name.  For example, Bahamut's
+	   SJOIN is similar to EFnet's NJOIN.
+	Q: Will you be adding support for <X> protocol, or for <X> IRCd?
+	A: Highly unlikely.  However, feel free to add in your own support and
+	   send me a diff.  Depending on the scope of the changes, I may choose
+	   to include them, or perhaps offer it externally as a patch.  When
+	   coding in support for different IRC protocol extensions, try to
+	   make use of modularity so that it's possible to link together
+	   servers of different protocols, with the IRCd as the bridge.
+	   Patches that follow this 'modular' approach are more likely to be
+	   accepted.
+	Q: Can I make modifications to the IRCd?
+	A: By all means, go for it!  If you think that you've made a
+	   particuarily useful or clever hack, please feel free to send your
+	   changes to ircd@rrx.ca (in unified diff format, preferrably) along
+	   with a description of what you've changed.
+	Q: I'm an IRC guru, and I'd like to talk to the author about the IRCd,
+	   where do I go?
+	A: The author can typically be found in #synchronet as 'Cyan' on
+	   irc.synchro.net, and welcomes all discussion about IRC protocol,
+	   theory (especially as it relates to IRC3 proposals,) or general
+	   banter among long-standing IRC users.
+=======- EOF -================================================================