diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.c
index 14d399f591bb9c1024a7570b70b408da2246f2dd..5864c02269b4a1db5ca49e90e633e878e77b1865 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.c
@@ -153,17 +153,17 @@ void sort_dirs(int libnum)
 	qsort(cfg.dir, cfg.total_dirs, sizeof(dir_t*), dir_compare);
-void wizard_msg(const char* text)
+void wizard_msg(int page, int total, const char* text)
 	uifc.showbuf(WIN_HLP|WIN_DYN|WIN_L2R, 2, 2, 78, 20, "Setup Wizard", text, NULL, NULL);
-static bool abort_wizard(void)
-	char* opt[] = { "Abort", "Restart", NULL };
-	wizard_msg("You can abort the Setup Wizard now or restart from the beginning.");
-	return uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_L2R | WIN_NOBRDR, 0, 10 ,0, NULL, NULL
-		,"Abort Setup Wizard", opt) == 0;
+	if(page > 0 && page < total) {
+		int x = (uifc.scrn_width / 2) + 22;
+		int y = 21;
+		uifc.printf(x, y, uifc.bclr<<4,  "%*.*s", total, total
+			, "\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0");
+		uifc.printf(x, y, uifc.lclr|(uifc.bclr<<4), "%*.*s", page, page
+			, "\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0\xb0");
+	}
 void cfg_wizard(void)
@@ -181,91 +181,174 @@ void cfg_wizard(void)
+	int stage = 0;
+	int total = 16;
 	scfg_t saved_cfg = cfg;
 	do {
-		char* opt[] = { "Continue", NULL };
+		switch(stage) {
+			case -1:
+				char* opt[] = { "Abort", "Continue", NULL };
+				wizard_msg(stage, total, "Do you wish to abort the Setup Wizard now?");
+				if(uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_L2R | WIN_NOBRDR, 0, 10 ,0, NULL, NULL
+					,"Abort Setup Wizard", opt) == 0)
+					stage = 100;
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+			{
+				char* opt[] = { "Continue", NULL };
-		wizard_msg(
-			"                              ~    Welcome   ~\n"
-			"\n"
-			"This wizard will take you through the configuration of the basic\n"
-			"parameters required to run a Synchronet Bulletin Board System.  All of\n"
-			"these configuration parameters may be changed later if you choose.\n"
-			"\n"
-			"Press ~ ENTER ~ to advance through the setup wizard or ~ ESC ~ to abort\n"
-			"or restart the wizard."
-			);
-		if(uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_L2R | WIN_NOBRDR, 0, 12 ,0, NULL, NULL, NULL, opt) == -1)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_name(true) < 1)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_operator(true) < 1)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_password(true) < 1)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_inetaddr(true) < 1)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_id(true) < 0)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_location(true) < 1)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_timezone(true) < 0)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_timefmt(true) < 0)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_datefmt(true) < 0)
-			continue;
-		if(edit_sys_newuser_policy(true) < 0)
-			continue;
-		if(!(cfg.sys_misc & SM_CLOSED)) {
-			if(edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(true) < 0)
-				continue;
-			if(edit_sys_alias_policy(true) < 0)
-				continue;
-		}
-		if(edit_sys_delmsg_policy(true) < 0)
-			continue;
-		if(memcmp(&saved_cfg, &cfg, sizeof(cfg)) == 0) {
-			uifc.scrn(title);
-			uifc.msg("No configuration changes made");
-			continue;
-		}
-		wizard_msg("`System Password Verification`\n\n"
-			"At this point you must re-enter the system password that you set earlier\n"
-			"in the configuration wizard.\n"
-			"\n"
-			"This same password will be required of you when you logon to the BBS with\n"
-			"any user account that has System Operator (sysop) privileges\n"
-			"(i.e. security level 90 or higher).\n"
-			);
-		char pass[sizeof(cfg.sys_pass)];
-		do {
-			if(uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV, 0, 14, "SY", pass, sizeof(cfg.sys_pass)-1, K_PASSWORD | K_UPPER) < 0)
+				wizard_msg(stage, total,
+					"                              ~    Welcome   ~\n"
+					"\n"
+					"This wizard will take you through the configuration of the basic\n"
+					"parameters required to run a Synchronet Bulletin Board System.  All of\n"
+					"these configuration parameters may be changed later if you choose.\n"
+					"\n"
+					"Press ~ ENTER ~ to advance through the setup wizard or ~ ESC ~ to move\n"
+					"backward or abort the wizard."
+					);
+				if(uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_L2R | WIN_NOBRDR, 0, 12 ,0, NULL, NULL, NULL, opt) == -1) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
-		} while(strcmp(cfg.sys_pass, pass) != 0);
-		if(strcmp(cfg.sys_pass, pass))
-			continue;
-		wizard_msg(
-			"                         ~ Initial Setup Complete! ~\n"
-			"\n"
-			"You have completed the initial configuration of the basic parameters\n"
-			"required to run Synchronet - the ultimate choice in BBS software for the\n"
-			"Internet Age.\n"
-			"\n"
-			"Thank you for choosing Synchronet,\n"
-			"\n"
-			"Rob Swindell (digital man)\n"
-			);
-		char* save_opts[] = { "Save Changes", "Discard Changes", NULL };
-		if(uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_L2R | WIN_NOBRDR, 0, 14 ,0, NULL, NULL, NULL, save_opts) != 0)
-			continue;
-		if(strcmp(saved_cfg.sys_pass, cfg.sys_pass) != 0)
-			reencrypt_keys(saved_cfg.sys_pass, cfg.sys_pass);
-		cfg.new_install = new_install;
-		save_main_cfg(&cfg, backup_level);
-		save_msgs_cfg(&cfg, backup_level);
-		break;
-	} while(!abort_wizard());
+			}
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_name(stage, total) < 1) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_operator(stage, total) < 1) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_password(stage, total) < 1) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_inetaddr(stage, total) < 1) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_id(stage, total) < 0) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_location(stage, total) < 1) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_timezone(stage, total) < 0) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_timefmt(stage, total) < 0) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_datefmt(stage, total) < 0) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_newuser_policy(stage, total) < 0) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(!(cfg.sys_misc & SM_CLOSED)) {
+					if(edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(stage, total) < 0) {
+						--stage;
+						continue;
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(!(cfg.sys_misc & SM_CLOSED)) {
+					if(edit_sys_alias_policy(stage, total) < 0) {
+						--stage;
+						continue;
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(edit_sys_delmsg_policy(stage, total) < 0) {
+					--stage;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				if(memcmp(&saved_cfg, &cfg, sizeof(cfg)) == 0) {
+					uifc.scrn(title);
+					uifc.msg("No configuration changes made");
+					stage = -1;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				wizard_msg(stage, total,
+					"`System Password Verification`\n\n"
+					"At this point you must re-enter the system password that you set earlier\n"
+					"in the configuration wizard.\n"
+					"\n"
+					"This same password will be required of you when you logon to the BBS with\n"
+					"any user account that has System Operator (sysop) privileges\n"
+					"(i.e. security level 90 or higher).\n"
+					);
+				char pass[sizeof(cfg.sys_pass)];
+				do {
+					if(uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV, 0, 14, "SY", pass, sizeof(cfg.sys_pass)-1, K_PASSWORD | K_UPPER) < 0)
+						break;
+				} while(strcmp(cfg.sys_pass, pass) != 0);
+				if(strcmp(cfg.sys_pass, pass)) {
+					stage = -1;
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			case __COUNTER__:
+				wizard_msg(stage, total,
+					"                         ~ Initial Setup Complete! ~\n"
+					"\n"
+					"You have completed the initial configuration of the basic parameters\n"
+					"required to run Synchronet - the ultimate choice in BBS software for the\n"
+					"Internet Age.\n"
+					"\n"
+					"Thank you for choosing Synchronet,\n"
+					"\n"
+					"                                           digital man (rob)\n"
+					);
+				char* save_opts[] = { "Save Changes", "Discard Changes", NULL };
+				if(uifc.list(WIN_SAV | WIN_L2R | WIN_NOBRDR, 0, 14 ,0, NULL, NULL, NULL, save_opts) != 0) {
+					stage = -1;
+					continue;
+				}
+				if(strcmp(saved_cfg.sys_pass, cfg.sys_pass) != 0)
+					reencrypt_keys(saved_cfg.sys_pass, cfg.sys_pass);
+				cfg.new_install = new_install;
+				save_main_cfg(&cfg, backup_level);
+				save_msgs_cfg(&cfg, backup_level);
+				break;
+		}
+		++stage;
+	} while(stage < __COUNTER__);
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.h b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.h
index e5d3070dcaa77c4d49405bc58bdc0897f6d8e1b5..b75b8bc2d94dc8a3efcdb4637bc4c1f6fe04a334 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.h
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfg.h
@@ -147,20 +147,20 @@ void guru_cfg(void);
 void actsets_cfg(void);
 void chan_cfg(void);
 void mdm_cfg(int mdmnum);
-void wizard_msg(const char* text);
-int edit_sys_name(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_id(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_location(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_operator(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_password(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_inetaddr(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_timezone(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_timefmt(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_datefmt(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_newuser_policy(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_alias_policy(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_delmsg_policy(bool wiz);
-int edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(bool wiz);
+void wizard_msg(int page, int total, const char* text);
+int edit_sys_name(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_id(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_location(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_operator(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_password(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_inetaddr(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_timezone(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_timefmt(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_datefmt(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_newuser_policy(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_alias_policy(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_delmsg_policy(int page, int total);
+int edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(int page, int total);
 void reencrypt_keys(const char* old_pass, const char* new_pass);
 int export_mdm(char *fname);
 int code_ok(char *str);
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c
index e18df80c94c783ec60f1903729c02e3f884ff5bf..eb76a55cd2ff5706eaec40451492beec83d83c13 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ void msg_opts()
 			case 0:
-				edit_sys_id(false);
+				edit_sys_id(false, false);
 			case 1:
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@ void msg_opts()
 			case 16:
-				edit_sys_delmsg_policy(false);
+				edit_sys_delmsg_policy(false, false);
 			case 17:
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgnet.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgnet.c
index 01ef2436fcf39fd5dee02f0bbf1dfcbda9609dbe..9b2afab797e1bb8e0bb939ee9b8b0533d6bcb75e 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgnet.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgnet.c
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ void net_cfg()
 					case 0:
-						edit_sys_inetaddr(false);
+						edit_sys_inetaddr(false, false);
 					case 1:
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsys.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsys.c
index 5ba14a89e1447018e97008acc26bac7d72cafdba..f5cdbb592879287bb8e50d594237809843a72f94 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsys.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgsys.c
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
 #include "ssl.h"
 #include "ciolib.h"	// CIO_KEY_*
-static int wiz_help(const char* buf)
+static int wiz_help(int page, int total, const char* buf)
-	wizard_msg(buf);
+	wizard_msg(page, total, buf);
 	uifc.helpbuf = NULL;
 	return WIN_SAV | WIN_L2R | WIN_NOBRDR;
-int edit_sys_name(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_name(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ int edit_sys_name(bool wiz)
 		"If you want to see BBS names already in use, reference Internet indexes\n"
 		"such as `http://synchro.net/sbbslist.html` and `http://telnetbbsguide.com`"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 	return uifc.input(mode,0,10,"BBS Name",cfg.sys_name,sizeof(cfg.sys_name)-1,K_EDIT);
-int edit_sys_location(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_location(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ int edit_sys_location(bool wiz)
 		"This is the location of the BBS. The format is flexible, but it is\n"
 		"suggested you use the `City, State` format for U.S. locations.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 	return uifc.input(mode,0,10,"System Location",cfg.sys_location,sizeof(cfg.sys_location)-1,K_EDIT);
-int edit_sys_operator(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_operator(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ int edit_sys_operator(bool wiz)
 		"have to be the same name or alias as user #1.  This value is used for\n"
 		"informational/display purposes only.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 	return uifc.input(mode,0,10,"System Operator Name",cfg.sys_op,sizeof(cfg.sys_op)-1,K_EDIT);
-int edit_sys_password(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_password(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ int edit_sys_password(bool wiz)
 		"password with the system password, separated by a colon\n"
 		"(i.e. '`user-pass:system-pass`').\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 	return uifc.input(mode,0,16,"System Password",cfg.sys_pass,sizeof(cfg.sys_pass)-1,K_EDIT|K_UPPER);
-int edit_sys_inetaddr(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_inetaddr(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
@@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ int edit_sys_inetaddr(bool wiz)
 		"Enter your system's Internet address (hostname or IP address) here\n"
 		"(e.g. `joesbbs.com`).\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 	return uifc.input(mode,0,10,"System Internet Address"
-int edit_sys_id(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_id(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
 	char str[LEN_QWKID + 1];
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ int edit_sys_id(bool wiz)
 			"filename characters.  In a QWK packet network, each system must have\n"
 			"a unique QWK system ID.\n"
-		if(wiz)
-			mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+		if(page)
+			mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		if(uifc.input(mode,0,16,"BBS ID for QWK Packets"
 			,str,LEN_QWKID,K_EDIT|K_UPPER) < 1)
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ int edit_sys_id(bool wiz)
 	return -1;
-static int configure_dst(bool wiz)
+static int configure_dst(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ static int configure_dst(bool wiz)
 		"instead of \"PST\" and calculate the correct offset from UTC), it does not\n"
 		"actually change the time on your computer system(s) for you.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		,"Daylight Saving Time (DST)",opt);
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ static int configure_dst(bool wiz)
 	return i;
-int edit_sys_timezone(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_timezone(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
 	char str[128];
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ int edit_sys_timezone(bool wiz)
 			"If your local time zone is the United States, select `Yes`.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		,"United States Time Zone",uifcYesNoOpts);
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ int edit_sys_timezone(bool wiz)
 			"Choose the region which most closely reflects your local U.S. time zone.\n"
-		if(wiz)
-			mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+		if(page)
+			mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 			,"U.S. Time Zone",opt);
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ int edit_sys_timezone(bool wiz)
-		return configure_dst(wiz);
+		return configure_dst(page, total);
@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ int edit_sys_timezone(bool wiz)
 		"Choose `Other...` if a region representing your local time zone is not\n"
 		"listed (you will be able to set the exact UTC offset manually)."
-	if(wiz) {
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page) {
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 	bar = i;
@@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ int edit_sys_timezone(bool wiz)
 				"Enter your local time zone offset from Universal Time (UTC/GMT) in `HH:MM`\n"
-			if(wiz)
-				mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+			if(page)
+				mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 				,"Time (HH:MM) East (+) or West (-) of Universal Time"
 				,str,6,K_EDIT|K_UPPER) < 1)
@@ -447,11 +447,11 @@ int edit_sys_timezone(bool wiz)
 			return 0;
-		return configure_dst(wiz);
+		return configure_dst(page, total);
 	return 1;
-int edit_sys_newuser_policy(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_newuser_policy(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
 	int i=cfg.sys_misc&SM_CLOSED ? 1:0;
@@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ int edit_sys_newuser_policy(bool wiz)
 		"(e.g. create a new user account by logging-in as `New`), set this option\n"
 		"to `Yes`.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		,"Open to New Users",uifcYesNoOpts);
 	if(i == 0) {
@@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ int edit_sys_newuser_policy(bool wiz)
 			"password, enter that password here.  If you prefer that `any` caller be\n"
 			"able to register a new user account, leave this option blank.\n"
-		if(wiz)
-			mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+		if(page)
+			mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		if(uifc.input(mode,0,10,"New User Password (optional)",cfg.new_pass,sizeof(cfg.new_pass)-1
 			,K_EDIT|K_UPPER) < 0)
 			return -1;
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ int edit_sys_newuser_policy(bool wiz)
 	return i;
-int edit_sys_delmsg_policy(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_delmsg_policy(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
 	char* opt[] = {"Yes", "No", "Sysops Only", NULL };
@@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ int edit_sys_delmsg_policy(bool wiz)
 		"If this option is set to `Sysops Only`, then only sysops and sub-ops (when\n"
 		"appropriate) can view deleted messages.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		,"Users Can View Deleted Messages",opt);
 	if(!i && (cfg.sys_misc&(SM_USRVDELM|SM_SYSVDELM))
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ void security_cfg(void)
 			case -1:
 			case __COUNTER__:
-				edit_sys_password(false);
+				edit_sys_password(false, false);
 			case __COUNTER__:
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ void security_cfg(void)
 			case __COUNTER__:
-				edit_sys_newuser_policy(false);
+				edit_sys_newuser_policy(false, false);
 			case __COUNTER__:
 				i=cfg.sys_misc&SM_TIME_EXP ? 0:1;
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ void security_cfg(void)
-int edit_sys_timefmt(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_timefmt(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
 	int i = (cfg.sys_misc & SM_MILITARY) ? 1:0;
@@ -1300,8 +1300,8 @@ int edit_sys_timefmt(bool wiz)
 		"If you would like the time-of-day to be displayed and entered in 24 hour\n"
 		"format always, set this option to `24 hour`.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		,"Time Display Format", opts);
 	if(i == 0)
@@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ int edit_sys_timefmt(bool wiz)
 	return i;
-int edit_sys_datefmt(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_datefmt(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
 	int i = (cfg.sys_misc & SM_EURODATE) ? 1:0;
@@ -1323,8 +1323,8 @@ int edit_sys_datefmt(bool wiz)
 		"U.S. date format of month first, choose `MM/DD/YY`.  If you prefer the\n"
 		"Europaen traditional date format of day first, choose `DD/MM/YY`.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		,"Date Display Format", opts);
 	if(i == 0)
@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ int edit_sys_datefmt(bool wiz)
 	return i;
-int edit_sys_alias_policy(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_alias_policy(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
 	int i = (cfg.uq & UQ_ALIASES) ? 0:1;
@@ -1345,8 +1345,8 @@ int edit_sys_alias_policy(bool wiz)
 		"false name, handle, or alias, set this option to `Yes`.  If you want all\n"
 		"users on your system to be known only by their real names, select `No`.\n"
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 		,"Allow Users to Use Aliases",uifcYesNoOpts);
 	if(!i && !(cfg.uq&UQ_ALIASES)) {
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ int edit_sys_alias_policy(bool wiz)
 	return i;
-int edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(bool wiz)
+int edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(int page, int total)
 	int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
 	char str[128];
@@ -1376,8 +1376,8 @@ int edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(bool wiz)
 		"This feature can be disabled by setting this value to `0`, allowing new\n"
 		"users to register and logon without sending validation feedback.\n" 
-	if(wiz)
-		mode = wiz_help(uifc.helpbuf);
+	if(page)
+		mode = wiz_help(page, total, uifc.helpbuf);
 	int i = uifc.input(mode, 0, 16, "Require New User Feedback to (0=Nobody)"
 		,str, 5, K_NUMBER|K_EDIT);
 	if(i >= 0)
@@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@ void cfg_notify(void)
 			case 0:
-				edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(false);
+				edit_sys_newuser_fback_policy(false, false);
 			case 1:
@@ -1547,16 +1547,16 @@ void sys_cfg(void)
 			case 0:
-				edit_sys_name(false);
+				edit_sys_name(false, false);
 			case 1:
-				edit_sys_location(false);
+				edit_sys_location(false, false);
 			case 2:
-				edit_sys_timezone(false);
+				edit_sys_timezone(false, false);
 			case 3:
-				edit_sys_operator(false);
+				edit_sys_operator(false, false);
 			case 4:
@@ -1598,7 +1598,7 @@ void sys_cfg(void)
 						case 0:
-							edit_sys_alias_policy(false);
+							edit_sys_alias_policy(false, false);
 						case 1:
 							i=cfg.sys_misc&SM_TIMEBANK ? 0:1;
@@ -1696,10 +1696,10 @@ void sys_cfg(void)
 						case 6:
-							edit_sys_timefmt(false);
+							edit_sys_timefmt(false, false);
 						case 7:
-							edit_sys_datefmt(false);
+							edit_sys_datefmt(false, false);
 						case 8:
 							i=cfg.sys_misc&SM_NOSYSINFO ? 1:0;