diff --git a/src/uifc/uifcc.c b/src/uifc/uifcc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90e553ef3ba309fead89efdad1685b40629d035c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/uifc/uifcc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1881 @@
+/* uifcc.c */
+/* Curses implementation of UIFC (user interface) library based on uifc.c */
+ * @format.tab-size 4		(Plain Text/Source Code File Header)			*
+ * @format.use-tabs true	(see http://www.synchro.net/ptsc_hdr.html)		*
+ *																			*
+ * Copyright 2002 Rob Swindell - http://www.synchro.net/copyright.html		*
+ *																			*
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or			*
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				*
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2			*
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.					*
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or			*
+ * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html										*
+ *																			*
+ * Anonymous FTP access to the most recent released source is available at	*
+ * ftp://vert.synchro.net, ftp://cvs.synchro.net and ftp://ftp.synchro.net	*
+ *																			*
+ * Anonymous CVS access to the development source and modification history	*
+ * is available at cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs, example:					*
+ * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs login			*
+ *     (just hit return, no password is necessary)							*
+ * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs checkout src		*
+ *																			*
+ * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see				*
+ * http://www.synchro.net/source.html										*
+ *																			*
+ * You are encouraged to submit any modifications (preferably in Unix diff	*
+ * format) via e-mail to mods@synchro.net									*
+ *																			*
+ * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs.	*
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "uifc.h"
+#include <curses.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#if defined(__OS2__)
+#define INCL_BASE
+#include <os2.h>
+void mswait(int msec)
+DosSleep(msec ? msec : 1);
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+	#include <windows.h>
+	#define mswait(x) Sleep(x)
+#elif defined(__FLAT__)
+    #define mswait(x) delay(x)
+							/* Bottom line elements */
+#define BL_INS      (1<<0)  /* INS key */
+#define BL_DEL      (1<<1)  /* DEL key */
+#define BL_GET      (1<<2)  /* Get key */
+#define BL_PUT      (1<<3)  /* Put key */
+#define BLACK	0
+#define BLUE	1
+#define GREEN	2
+#define	CYAN	3
+#define	RED		4
+#define MAGENTA	5
+#define BROWN	6
+#define	LIGHTGRAY	7
+#define DARKGRAY	8
+#define LIGHTBLUE	9
+#define LIGHTGREEN	10
+#define	LIGHTCYAN	11
+#define	LIGHTRED		12
+#define LIGHTMAGENTA	13
+#define YELLOW	14
+#define	WHITE	15
+#define BLINK	128
+#define SH_DENYWR	1
+#define SH_DENYRW	2
+#define O_BINARY	0
+static char hclr,lclr,bclr,cclr,show_free_mem=0;
+static char* helpfile=0;
+static uint helpline=0;
+static char blk_scrn[MAX_BFLN];
+static win_t sav[MAX_BUFS];
+static uint max_opts=MAX_OPTS;
+static uifcapi_t* api;
+static int lastattr=0;
+/* Prototypes */
+static int  uprintf(int x, int y, unsigned char attr, char *fmt,...);
+static void bottomline(int line);
+static char *utimestr(time_t *intime);
+static void help();
+static int puttext(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, unsigned char *fill);
+static int gettext(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, unsigned char *fill);
+static short curses_color(short color);
+static void textattr(unsigned char attr);
+static int kbhit(void);
+static void delay(int msec);
+static int ugetstr(char *outstr, int max, long mode);
+static int wherey(void);
+static int wherex(void);
+static FILE * _fsopen(char *pathname, char *mode, int flags);
+static int cprintf(char *fmat, ...);
+static void putch(unsigned char ch);
+static void cputs(char *str);
+static void gotoxy(int x, int y);
+/* API routines */
+static void uifcbail(void);
+static int uscrn(char *str);
+static int ulist(int mode, int left, int top, int width, int *dflt, int *bar
+	,char *title, char **option);
+static int uinput(int imode, int left, int top, char *prompt, char *str
+	,int len ,int kmode);
+static void umsg(char *str);
+static void upop(char *str);
+static void sethelp(int line, char* file);
+int inkey(int mode)
+	if(mode)
+		return(kbhit());
+	return(getch());
+/* Initialization function, see uifc.h for details.							*/
+/* Returns 0 on success.													*/
+int uifcinic(uifcapi_t* uifcapi)
+	int 	i;
+	int		height, width;
+	short	fg, bg, pair=0;
+#ifndef __FLAT__
+	union	REGS r;
+    if(uifcapi==NULL || uifcapi->size!=sizeof(uifcapi_t))
+        return(-1);
+    api=uifcapi;
+    /* install function handlers */            
+    api->bail=uifcbail;
+    api->scrn=uscrn;
+    api->msg=umsg;
+    api->pop=upop;
+    api->list=ulist;
+    api->input=uinput;
+    api->sethelp=sethelp;
+	initscr();
+	start_color();
+	cbreak();
+	noecho();
+	nonl();
+//	intrflush(stdscr, FALSE);
+	keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
+	scrollok(stdscr,FALSE);
+	// Set up color pairs
+	for(bg=0;bg<8;bg++)  {
+		for(fg=0;fg<8;fg++) {
+			init_pair(++pair,curses_color(fg),curses_color(bg));
+		}
+	}
+//	resizeterm(25,80);		/* set mode to 80x25 if possible */
+    clear();
+	getmaxyx(stdscr,height,width);
+    /* unsupported mode? */
+    if(height<MIN_LINES
+        || height>MAX_LINES
+        || width<80) {
+	}
+    api->scrn_len=height;
+    if(api->scrn_len<MIN_LINES || api->scrn_len>MAX_LINES) {
+        cprintf("\7UIFC: Screen length (%u) must be between %d and %d lines\r\n"
+            ,api->scrn_len,MIN_LINES,MAX_LINES);
+        return(-2);
+    }
+    api->scrn_len--; /* account for status line */
+    if(width<80) {
+        cprintf("\7UIFC: Screen width (%u) must be at least 80 characters\r\n"
+            ,width);
+        return(-3);
+    }
+/* ToDo - Set up mousemask() here */
+    if(!has_colors()) {
+        bclr=BLACK;
+        hclr=WHITE;
+        lclr=LIGHTGRAY;
+        cclr=LIGHTGRAY;
+    } else {
+        bclr=BLUE;
+        hclr=YELLOW;
+        lclr=WHITE;
+        cclr=CYAN;
+    }
+    for(i=0;i<MAX_BFLN;i+=2) {
+        blk_scrn[i]='°';
+        blk_scrn[i+1]=cclr|(bclr<<4);
+    }
+	curs_set(0);
+	refresh();
+    return(0);
+short curses_color(short color)
+	switch(color)
+	{
+		case 0 :
+			return(COLOR_BLACK);
+		case 1 :
+			return(COLOR_BLUE);
+		case 2 :
+			return(COLOR_GREEN);
+		case 3 :
+			return(COLOR_CYAN);
+		case 4 :
+			return(COLOR_RED);
+		case 5 :
+			return(COLOR_MAGENTA);
+		case 6 :
+			return(COLOR_YELLOW);
+		case 7 :
+			return(COLOR_WHITE);
+		case 8 :
+			return(COLOR_BLACK);
+		case 9 :
+			return(COLOR_BLUE);
+		case 10 :
+			return(COLOR_GREEN);
+		case 11 :
+			return(COLOR_CYAN);
+		case 12 :
+			return(COLOR_RED);
+		case 13 :
+			return(COLOR_MAGENTA);
+		case 14 :
+			return(COLOR_YELLOW);
+		case 15 :
+			return(COLOR_WHITE);
+	}
+	return(0);
+static void hidemouse(void)
+/* ToDo - Mouse stuff here */
+static void showmouse(void)
+/* ToDo - Mouse stuff here */
+void uifcbail(void)
+/* Clear screen, fill with background attribute, display application title.	*/
+/* Returns 0 on success.													*/
+int uscrn(char *str)
+    textattr(bclr|(cclr<<4));
+    gotoxy(1,1);
+    clrtoeol();
+    gotoxy(3,1);
+	cputs(str);
+    if(!puttext(1,2,80,api->scrn_len,blk_scrn))
+        return(-1);
+    gotoxy(1,api->scrn_len+1);
+    clrtoeol();
+	refresh();
+    return(0);
+static void scroll_text(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int down)
+	uchar buf[MAX_BFLN];
+	puttext(x1,y1+1,x2,y2,buf);
+	puttext(x1,y1,x2,y2-1,buf+(((x2-x1)+1)*2));
+/* Updates time in upper left corner of screen with current time in ASCII/  */
+/* Unix format																*/
+static void timedisplay()
+	static time_t savetime;
+	time_t now;
+if(difftime(now,savetime)>=60) {
+	uprintf(55,1,bclr|(cclr<<4),utimestr(&now));
+	savetime=now; }
+/* Truncates white-space chars off end of 'str'								*/
+static void truncsp(char *str)
+	uint c;
+	c=strlen(str);
+	while(c && (uchar)str[c-1]<=SP) c--;
+	str[c]=0;
+/* General menu function, see uifc.h for details.							*/
+int ulist(int mode, int left, int top, int width, int *cur, int *bar
+	, char *title, char **option)
+	uchar line[256],shade[256],win[MAX_BFLN],*ptr,a,b,c,longopt
+		,search[MAX_OPLN],bline=0;
+	int height,y;
+	int i,j,opts=0,s=0; /* s=search index into options */
+#ifndef __FLAT__
+/* ToDo Mouse stuff */
+if(mode&WIN_SAV && api->savnum>=MAX_BUFS-1)
+	putch(7);
+if(mode&WIN_INS) bline|=BL_INS;
+if(mode&WIN_DEL) bline|=BL_DEL;
+if(mode&WIN_GET) bline|=BL_GET;
+if(mode&WIN_PUT) bline|=BL_PUT;
+while(opts<max_opts && opts<MAX_OPTS)
+	if(option[opts][0]==0)
+		break;
+	else opts++;
+if(mode&WIN_XTR && opts<max_opts && opts<MAX_OPTS)
+	option[opts++][0]=0;
+	height=(api->scrn_len-3)-top;
+if(!width || width<strlen(title)+6) {
+	width=strlen(title)+6;
+	for(i=0;i<opts;i++) {
+		truncsp(option[i]);
+		if((j=strlen(option[i])+5)>width)
+			width=j; } }
+	left=36-(width/2);
+else if(mode&WIN_RHT)
+	left=SCRN_RIGHT-(width+4+left);
+	top=(api->scrn_len/2)-(height/2)-2;
+else if(mode&WIN_BOT)
+	top=api->scrn_len-height-3-top;
+if(mode&WIN_SAV && api->savdepth==api->savnum) {
+	if((sav[api->savnum].buf=(char *)MALLOC((width+3)*(height+2)*2))==NULL) {
+		cprintf("UIFC line %d: error allocating %u bytes."
+            ,__LINE__,(width+3)*(height+2)*2);
+		return(-1); }
+	gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height,sav[api->savnum].buf);
+	sav[api->savnum].left=SCRN_LEFT+left;
+	sav[api->savnum].top=SCRN_TOP+top;
+	sav[api->savnum].right=SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1;
+	sav[api->savnum].bot=SCRN_TOP+top+height;
+	api->savdepth++; }
+else if(mode&WIN_SAV
+	&& (sav[api->savnum].left!=SCRN_LEFT+left
+	|| sav[api->savnum].top!=SCRN_TOP+top
+	|| sav[api->savnum].right!=SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+	|| sav[api->savnum].bot!=SCRN_TOP+top+height)) { /* dimensions have changed */
+	puttext(sav[api->savnum].left,sav[api->savnum].top,sav[api->savnum].right,sav[api->savnum].bot
+		,sav[api->savnum].buf);	/* put original window back */
+	FREE(sav[api->savnum].buf);
+	if((sav[api->savnum].buf=(char *)MALLOC((width+3)*(height+2)*2))==NULL) {
+		cprintf("UIFC line %d: error allocating %u bytes."
+            ,__LINE__,(width+3)*(height+2)*2);
+		return(-1); }
+	gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height,sav[api->savnum].buf);	  /* save again */
+	sav[api->savnum].left=SCRN_LEFT+left;
+	sav[api->savnum].top=SCRN_TOP+top;
+	sav[api->savnum].right=SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1;
+	sav[api->savnum].bot=SCRN_TOP+top+height; }
+#ifndef __FLAT__
+if(show_free_mem) {
+/* ToDo Show free memory */
+//	uprintf(58,1,bclr|(cclr<<4),"%10u bytes free",coreleft());
+	}
+if(mode&WIN_ORG) { /* Clear around menu */
+	if(top)
+		puttext(SCRN_LEFT,SCRN_TOP,SCRN_RIGHT+2,SCRN_TOP+top-1,blk_scrn);
+	if(SCRN_TOP+height+top<=api->scrn_len)
+		puttext(SCRN_LEFT,SCRN_TOP+height+top,SCRN_RIGHT+2,api->scrn_len,blk_scrn);
+	if(left)
+		puttext(SCRN_LEFT,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT+left-1,SCRN_TOP+height+top
+			,blk_scrn);
+	if(SCRN_LEFT+left+width<=SCRN_RIGHT)
+		puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left+width,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_RIGHT+2
+			,SCRN_TOP+height+top,blk_scrn); }
+if(api->mode&UIFC_MOUSE) {
+	/* ToDo Mouse stuff */
+	i=0;
+	i=0;
+for(;i<width-2;i++) {
+	*(ptr++)='Í';
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4); }
+for(i=0;i<b;i++) {
+	*(ptr++)=' ';
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4); }
+for(i=0;i<a;i++) {
+	*(ptr++)=title[i];
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4); }
+for(i=0;i<width-(a+b)-2;i++) {
+	*(ptr++)=' ';
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4); }
+for(i=0;i<width-2;i++) {
+	*(ptr++)='Í';
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4); }
+	(*cur)=opts-1;			/* returned after scrolled */
+if(!bar) {
+	if((*cur)>height-5)
+		(*cur)=height-5;
+	i=0; }
+else {
+	if((*bar)>=opts)
+		(*bar)=opts-1;
+	if((*bar)>height-5)
+		(*bar)=height-5;
+	if((*cur)==opts-1)
+        (*bar)=height-5;
+	if((*bar)<0)
+        (*bar)=0;
+	if((*cur)<(*bar))
+		(*cur)=(*bar);
+	i=(*cur)-(*bar);
+	if(i+(height-5)>=opts) {
+		i=opts-(height-4);
+		(*cur)=i+(*bar);
+		}
+	}
+    (*cur)=0;
+if(i<0) i=0;
+while(j<height-4 && i<opts) {
+	*(ptr++)='º';
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4);
+	*(ptr++)=' ';
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4);
+	*(ptr++)='³';
+	*(ptr++)=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+	if(i==(*cur))
+		a=bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4);
+	else
+		a=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+	b=strlen(option[i]);
+	if(b>longopt)
+		longopt=b;
+	if(b+4>width)
+		b=width-4;
+	for(c=0;c<b;c++) {
+		*(ptr++)=option[i][c];
+		*(ptr++)=a; }
+	while(c<width-4) {
+		*(ptr++)=' ';
+		*(ptr++)=a;
+		c++; }
+	*(ptr++)='º';
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4);
+	i++;
+	j++; }
+for(i=0;i<width-2;i++) {
+	*(ptr++)='Í';
+	*(ptr++)=hclr|(bclr<<4); }
+	,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+	y=top+3+(*bar);
+	y=top+3+(*cur);
+if(opts+4>height && ((!bar && (*cur)!=opts-1)
+	|| (bar && ((*cur)-(*bar))+(height-4)<opts))) {
+	gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+	textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+	putch(31);	   /* put down arrow */
+	textattr(hclr|(bclr<<4)); }
+if(bar && (*bar)!=(*cur)) {
+	gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3);
+	textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+	putch(30);	   /* put the up arrow */
+	textattr(hclr|(bclr<<4)); }
+if(bclr==BLUE) {
+	gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left+width,SCRN_TOP+top+1,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,shade);
+	for(i=1;i<height*4;i+=2)
+		shade[i]=DARKGRAY;
+	puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left+width,SCRN_TOP+top+1,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,shade);
+	gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left+2,SCRN_TOP+top+height,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height,shade);
+	for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+		shade[i]=DARKGRAY;
+	puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left+2,SCRN_TOP+top+height,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height,shade); }
+while(1) {
+#if 0					/* debug */
+	gotoxy(30,1);
+	cprintf("y=%2d h=%2d c=%2d b=%2d s=%2d o=%2d"
+		,y,height,*cur,bar ? *bar :0xff,api->savdepth,opts);
+	if(!show_free_mem)
+		timedisplay();
+#ifndef __FLAT__
+	if(api->mode&UIFC_MOUSE) {
+	/* ToDo Serious mouse stuff here */
+	}
+	if(inkey(1)) {
+		i=inkey(0);
+		if(i>255) {
+			s=0;
+			switch(i) {
+				/* ToDo extended keys */
+				case KEY_HOME:	/* home */
+					if(!opts)
+						break;
+					if(opts+4>height) {
+						hidemouse();
+						gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3);
+						textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+						putch(' ');    /* Delete the up arrow */
+						gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+						putch(31);	   /* put the down arrow */
+						uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3
+							,bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4)
+							,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[0]);
+						for(i=1;i<height-4;i++)    /* re-display options */
+							uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3+i
+								,lclr|(bclr<<4)
+								,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[i]);
+						(*cur)=0;
+						if(bar)
+							(*bar)=0;
+						y=top+3;
+						showmouse();
+						break; }
+					hidemouse();
+					gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+						line[i]=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+					puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					(*cur)=0;
+					if(bar)
+						(*bar)=0;
+					y=top+3;
+					gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+						line[i]=bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4);
+					puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					showmouse();
+					break;
+				case KEY_UP:	/* up arrow */
+					if(!opts)
+						break;
+					if(!(*cur) && opts+4>height) {
+						hidemouse();
+						gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3); /* like end */
+						textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+						putch(30);	   /* put the up arrow */
+						gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+						putch(' ');    /* delete the down arrow */
+						for(i=(opts+4)-height,j=0;i<opts;i++,j++)
+							uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3+j
+								,i==opts-1 ? bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4)
+									: lclr|(bclr<<4)
+								,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[i]);
+						(*cur)=opts-1;
+						if(bar)
+							(*bar)=height-5;
+						y=top+height-2;
+						showmouse();
+                        break; }
+					hidemouse();
+					gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+						line[i]=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+					puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					showmouse();
+					if(!(*cur)) {
+						y=top+height-2;
+						(*cur)=opts-1;
+						if(bar)
+							(*bar)=height-5; }
+					else {
+						(*cur)--;
+						y--;
+						if(bar && *bar)
+							(*bar)--; }
+					if(y<top+3) {	/* scroll */
+						hidemouse();
+						if(!(*cur)) {
+							gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3);
+							textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+							putch(' '); }  /* delete the up arrow */
+						if((*cur)+height-4==opts-1) {
+							gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+							textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+							putch(31); }   /* put the dn arrow */
+						y++;
+						scroll_text(SCRN_LEFT+left+2,SCRN_TOP+top+3
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-3,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2,1);
+						uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3
+							,bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4)
+							,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[*cur]);
+						showmouse(); }
+					else {
+						hidemouse();
+						gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+						for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+							line[i]=bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4);
+						puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+						showmouse(); }
+					break;
+#if 0
+				case KEY_PPAGE;	/* PgUp */
+				case KEY_NPAGE;	/* PgDn */
+					if(!opts || (*cur)==(opts-1))
+						break;
+					(*cur)+=(height-4);
+					if((*cur)>(opts-1))
+						(*cur)=(opts-1);
+					hidemouse();
+					gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+						line[i]=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+					puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=(opts+4)-height,j=0;i<opts;i++,j++)
+						uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3+j
+							,i==(*cur) bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4) : lclr|(bclr<<4)
+							,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[i]);
+					y=top+height-2;
+					if(bar)
+						(*bar)=height-5;
+					gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=1;i<148;i+=2)
+						line[i]=bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4);
+					puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					showmouse();
+                    break;
+				case KEY_END:	/* end */
+					if(!opts)
+						break;
+					if(opts+4>height) {	/* Scroll mode */
+						hidemouse();
+						gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3);
+						textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+						putch(30);	   /* put the up arrow */
+						gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+						putch(' ');    /* delete the down arrow */
+						for(i=(opts+4)-height,j=0;i<opts;i++,j++)
+							uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3+j
+								,i==opts-1 ? bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4)
+									: lclr|(bclr<<4)
+								,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[i]);
+						(*cur)=opts-1;
+						y=top+height-2;
+						if(bar)
+							(*bar)=height-5;
+						showmouse();
+						break; }
+					hidemouse();
+					gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+						line[i]=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+					puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					(*cur)=opts-1;
+					y=top+height-2;
+					if(bar)
+						(*bar)=height-5;
+					gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=1;i<148;i+=2)
+						line[i]=bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4);
+					puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					showmouse();
+					break;
+				case KEY_DOWN:	/* dn arrow */
+					if(!opts)
+						break;
+					if((*cur)==opts-1 && opts+4>height) { /* like home */
+						hidemouse();
+						gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3);
+						textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+						putch(' ');    /* Delete the up arrow */
+						gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+						putch(31);	   /* put the down arrow */
+						uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3
+							,bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4)
+							,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[0]);
+						for(i=1;i<height-4;i++)    /* re-display options */
+							uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3+i
+								,lclr|(bclr<<4)
+								,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[i]);
+						(*cur)=0;
+						y=top+3;
+						if(bar)
+							(*bar)=0;
+						showmouse();
+                        break; }
+					hidemouse();
+					gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+						line[i]=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+					puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+						,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+					showmouse();
+					if((*cur)==opts-1) {
+						(*cur)=0;
+						y=top+3;
+						if(bar) {
+							/* gotoxy(1,1); cprintf("bar=%08lX ",bar); */
+							(*bar)=0; } }
+					else {
+						(*cur)++;
+						y++;
+						if(bar && (*bar)<height-5) {
+							/* gotoxy(1,1); cprintf("bar=%08lX ",bar); */
+							(*bar)++; } }
+					if(y==top+height-1) {	/* scroll */
+						hidemouse();
+						if(*cur==opts-1) {
+							gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+							textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+							putch(' '); }  /* delete the down arrow */
+						if((*cur)+4==height) {
+							gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3);
+							textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+							putch(30); }   /* put the up arrow */
+						y--;
+						/* gotoxy(1,1); cprintf("\rdebug: %4d ",__LINE__); */
+						scroll_text(SCRN_LEFT+left+2,SCRN_TOP+top+3
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-3,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2,0);
+						/* gotoxy(1,1); cprintf("\rdebug: %4d ",__LINE__); */
+						uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2
+							,bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4)
+							,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[*cur]);
+						showmouse(); }
+					else {
+						hidemouse();
+						gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,line);
+						for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+							line[i]=bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4);
+						puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,line);
+						showmouse(); }
+					break;
+				case KEY_F(1):	/* F1 */
+					help();
+					break;
+				case KEY_F(5):	/* F5 */
+					if(mode&WIN_GET && !(mode&WIN_XTR && (*cur)==opts-1))
+						return((*cur)|MSK_GET);
+					break;
+				case KEY_F(6):	/* F6 */
+					if(mode&WIN_PUT && !(mode&WIN_XTR && (*cur)==opts-1))
+						return((*cur)|MSK_PUT);
+					break;
+				case KEY_IC:	/* insert */
+					if(mode&WIN_INS) {
+						if(mode&WIN_INSACT) {
+							hidemouse();
+							gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT
+								+left+width-1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+							for(i=1;i<(width*height*2);i+=2)
+								win[i]=lclr|(cclr<<4);
+							if(opts) {
+								j=(((y-top)*width)*2)+7+((width-4)*2);
+								for(i=(((y-top)*width)*2)+7;i<j;i+=2)
+									win[i]=hclr|(cclr<<4); }
+							puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT
+								+left+width-1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+							showmouse(); }
+						if(!opts)
+							return(MSK_INS);
+						return((*cur)|MSK_INS); }
+					break;
+				case KEY_DC:	/* delete */
+					if(mode&WIN_XTR && (*cur)==opts-1)	/* can't delete */
+						break;							/* extra line */
+					if(mode&WIN_DEL) {
+						if(mode&WIN_DELACT) {
+							hidemouse();
+							gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT
+								+left+width-1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+							for(i=1;i<(width*height*2);i+=2)
+								win[i]=lclr|(cclr<<4);
+							j=(((y-top)*width)*2)+7+((width-4)*2);
+							for(i=(((y-top)*width)*2)+7;i<j;i+=2)
+								win[i]=hclr|(cclr<<4);
+							puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT
+								+left+width-1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+							showmouse(); }
+						return((*cur)|MSK_DEL); }
+					break;	} }
+		else {
+			i&=0xff;
+			if(isalnum(i) && opts && option[0][0]) {
+				search[s]=i;
+				search[s+1]=0;
+				for(j=(*cur)+1,a=b=0;a<2;j++) {   /* a = search count */
+					if(j==opts) {					/* j = option count */
+						j=-1;						/* b = letter count */
+						continue; }
+					if(j==(*cur)) {
+						b++;
+						continue; }
+					if(b>=longopt) {
+                        b=0;
+                        a++; }
+					if(a==1 && !s)
+                        break;
+					if(strlen(option[j])>b
+						&& ((!a && s && !strncasecmp(option[j]+b,search,s+1))
+						|| ((a || !s) && toupper(option[j][b])==toupper(i)))) {
+						if(a) s=0;
+						else s++;
+						if(y+(j-(*cur))+2>height+top) {
+							(*cur)=j;
+							gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3);
+							textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+							putch(30);	   /* put the up arrow */
+							if((*cur)==opts-1) {
+								gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+								putch(' '); }  /* delete the down arrow */
+							for(i=((*cur)+5)-height,j=0;i<(*cur)+1;i++,j++)
+								uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3+j
+									,i==(*cur) ? bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4)
+										: lclr|(bclr<<4)
+									,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[i]);
+							y=top+height-2;
+							if(bar)
+								(*bar)=height-5;
+							break; }
+						if(y-((*cur)-j)<top+3) {
+							(*cur)=j;
+							gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+3);
+							textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+							if(!(*cur))
+								putch(' ');    /* Delete the up arrow */
+							gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-2);
+							putch(31);	   /* put the down arrow */
+							uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3
+								,bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4)
+								,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4,option[(*cur)]);
+							for(i=1;i<height-4;i++) 	/* re-display options */
+								uprintf(SCRN_LEFT+left+3,SCRN_TOP+top+3+i
+									,lclr|(bclr<<4)
+									,"%-*.*s",width-4,width-4
+									,option[(*cur)+i]);
+							y=top+3;
+							if(bar)
+								(*bar)=0;
+							break; }
+						hidemouse();
+						gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+						for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+							line[i]=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+						puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+						if((*cur)>j)
+							y-=(*cur)-j;
+						else
+							y+=j-(*cur);
+						if(bar) {
+							if((*cur)>j)
+								(*bar)-=(*cur)-j;
+							else
+								(*bar)+=j-(*cur); }
+						(*cur)=j;
+                        gettext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+						for(i=1;i<width*2;i+=2)
+							line[i]=bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4);
+						puttext(SCRN_LEFT+3+left,SCRN_TOP+y
+							,SCRN_LEFT+left+width-2,SCRN_TOP+y,line);
+						showmouse();
+						break; } }
+				if(a==2)
+					s=0; }
+			else
+				switch(i) {
+					case CR:
+						if(!opts || (mode&WIN_XTR && (*cur)==opts-1))
+							break;
+						if(mode&WIN_ACT) {
+							hidemouse();
+							gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT
+								+left+width-1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+							for(i=1;i<(width*height*2);i+=2)
+								win[i]=lclr|(cclr<<4);
+							j=(((y-top)*width)*2)+7+((width-4)*2);
+							for(i=(((y-top)*width)*2)+7;i<j;i+=2)
+                                win[i]=hclr|(cclr<<4);
+							puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT
+								+left+width-1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+							showmouse(); }
+						else if(mode&WIN_SAV) {
+							hidemouse();
+							puttext(sav[api->savnum].left,sav[api->savnum].top
+								,sav[api->savnum].right,sav[api->savnum].bot
+								,sav[api->savnum].buf);
+							showmouse();
+							FREE(sav[api->savnum].buf);
+							api->savdepth--; }
+						return(*cur);
+					case ESC:
+						if((mode&WIN_ESC || (mode&WIN_CHE && api->changes))
+							&& !(mode&WIN_SAV)) {
+							hidemouse();
+							gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT
+								+left+width-1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+							for(i=1;i<(width*height*2);i+=2)
+								win[i]=lclr|(cclr<<4);
+							puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT
+								+left+width-1,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,win);
+							showmouse(); }
+						else if(mode&WIN_SAV) {
+							hidemouse();
+							puttext(sav[api->savnum].left,sav[api->savnum].top
+								,sav[api->savnum].right,sav[api->savnum].bot
+								,sav[api->savnum].buf);
+							showmouse();
+							FREE(sav[api->savnum].buf);
+							api->savdepth--; }
+						return(-1); } } }
+	else
+		mswait(1);
+	}
+/* This function is a windowed input string input routine.               */
+int uinput(int mode, int left, int top, char *prompt, char *str,
+	int max, int kmode)
+	unsigned char c,save_buf[2048],in_win[2048]
+		,shade[160],width,height=3;
+	int i,plen,slen;
+	slen=4;
+	slen=6;
+	top=(api->scrn_len/2)-(height/2)-2;
+	left=36-(width/2);
+	gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height,save_buf);
+for(c=1;c<width-1;c++) {
+	in_win[i++]='Í';
+	in_win[i++]=hclr|(bclr<<4); }
+if(plen) {
+	in_win[i++]=SP;
+	in_win[i++]=lclr|(bclr<<4); }
+for(c=0;prompt[c];c++) {
+	in_win[i++]=prompt[c];
+	in_win[i++]=lclr|(bclr<<4); }
+if(plen) {
+	in_win[i++]=':';
+	in_win[i++]=lclr|(bclr<<4);
+	c++; }
+for(c=0;c<max+2;c++) {
+	in_win[i++]=SP;
+	in_win[i++]=lclr|(bclr<<4); }
+for(c=1;c<width-1;c++) {
+	in_win[i++]='Í';
+	in_win[i++]=hclr|(bclr<<4); }
+	,SCRN_TOP+top+height-1,in_win);
+if(bclr==BLUE) {
+	gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left+width,SCRN_TOP+top+1,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+(height-1),shade);
+	for(c=1;c<12;c+=2)
+		shade[c]=DARKGRAY;
+	puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left+width,SCRN_TOP+top+1,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+(height-1),shade);
+	gettext(SCRN_LEFT+left+2,SCRN_TOP+top+3,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height,shade);
+	for(c=1;c<width*2;c+=2)
+		shade[c]=DARKGRAY;
+	puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left+2,SCRN_TOP+top+3,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height,shade); }
+	gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+2,SCRN_TOP+top+1);
+	gotoxy(SCRN_LEFT+left+plen+4,SCRN_TOP+top+1);
+	puttext(SCRN_LEFT+left,SCRN_TOP+top,SCRN_LEFT+left+width+1
+		,SCRN_TOP+top+height,save_buf);
+/* Displays the message 'str' and waits for the user to select "OK"         */
+void umsg(char *str)
+	int i=0;
+	char *ok[2]={"OK",""};
+if(api->mode&UIFC_INMSG)	/* non-cursive */
+	return;
+if(api->savdepth) api->savnum++;
+if(api->savdepth) api->savnum--;
+/* Gets a string of characters from the user. Turns cursor on. Allows 	    */
+/* Different modes - K_* macros. ESC aborts input.                          */
+/* Cursor should be at END of where string prompt will be placed.           */
+static int ugetstr(char *outstr, int max, long mode)
+	uchar   str[256],ins=0,buf[256],y;
+	int		ch;
+	int     i,j,k,f=0;	/* i=offset, j=length */
+#ifndef __FLAT__
+	union  REGS r;
+if(mode&K_EDIT) {
+	truncsp(outstr);
+	outstr[max]=0;
+	textattr(bclr|(LIGHTGRAY<<4));
+	cputs(outstr);
+	textattr(lclr|(bclr<<4));
+	strcpy(str,outstr);
+	i=j=strlen(str);
+	while(inkey(1)==0) {
+#ifndef __FLAT__
+		if(api->mode&UIFC_MOUSE) {
+		/* ToDo More mouse stuff */
+		}
+		mswait(1);
+	}
+	f=inkey(0);
+	gotoxy(wherex()-i,y);
+	if(f != KEY_DC && f != KEY_BACKSPACE)
+	{
+		cputs(outstr);
+		if(isprint(f))
+		{
+			putch(f);
+			i++;
+			j++;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		cprintf("%*s",i,"");
+		gotoxy(wherex()-i,y);
+		i=j=0;
+	}
+	i=j=0;
+	if(i>j) j=i;
+#ifndef __FLAT__
+	if(api->mode&UIFC_MOUSE)
+	{
+		/* ToDo More Mouse Stuff */
+	}
+	if(inkey(1))
+	{
+		ch=inkey(0);
+		switch(ch)
+		{
+			case KEY_F(1):	/* F1 Help */
+				help();
+				continue;
+			case KEY_LEFT:	/* left arrow */
+				if(i)
+				{
+					gotoxy(wherex()-1,y);
+					i--;
+				}
+				continue;
+			case KEY_RIGHT:	/* right arrow */
+				if(i<j)
+				{
+					gotoxy(wherex()+1,y);
+					i++;
+				}
+				continue;
+			case KEY_HOME:	/* home */
+				if(i)
+				{
+					gotoxy(wherex()-i,y);
+					i=0;
+				}
+				continue;
+			case KEY_END:	/* end */
+				if(i<j)
+				{
+					gotoxy(wherex()+(j-i),y);
+					i=j;
+				}
+				continue;
+			case KEY_IC:	/* insert */
+				ins=!ins;
+				if(ins)
+				{
+					curs_set(2);
+					refresh();
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					curs_set(1);
+					refresh();
+				}
+				continue;
+			case BS:
+				if(i)
+				{
+					if(i==j)
+					{
+						cputs("\b \b");
+						j--;
+						i--;
+					}
+					else {
+						gettext(wherex(),y,wherex()+(j-i),y,buf);
+						puttext(wherex()-1,y,wherex()+(j-i)-1,y,buf);
+						gotoxy(wherex()+(j-i),y);
+						putch(SP);
+						gotoxy(wherex()-((j-i)+2),y);
+						i--;
+						j--;
+						for(k=i;k<j;k++)
+							str[k]=str[k+1]; 
+					}
+					continue; 
+				}
+			case KEY_DC:	/* delete */
+				if(i<j)
+				{
+					gettext(wherex()+1,y,wherex()+(j-i),y,buf);
+					puttext(wherex(),y,wherex()+(j-i)-1,y,buf);
+					gotoxy(wherex()+(j-i),y);
+					putch(SP);
+					gotoxy(wherex()-((j-i)+1),y);
+					for(k=i;k<j;k++)
+						str[k]=str[k+1];
+					j--;
+				}
+				continue;
+			case 03:
+			case ESC:
+				{
+					curs_set(0);
+					refresh();
+					return(-1);
+				}
+			case CR:
+				break;
+			case 24:   /* ctrl-x  */
+				if(j)
+				{
+					gotoxy(wherex()-i,y);
+					cprintf("%*s",j,"");
+					gotoxy(wherex()-j,y);
+					i=j=0;
+				}
+				continue;
+			case 25:   /* ctrl-y */
+				if(i<j)
+				{
+					cprintf("%*s",(j-i),"");
+					gotoxy(wherex()-(j-i),y);
+					j=i;
+				}
+				continue;
+		}
+		if(mode&K_NUMBER && !isdigit(ch))
+			continue;
+		if(mode&K_ALPHA && !isalpha(ch))
+			continue;
+		if((ch>=SP || (ch==1 && mode&K_MSG)) && i<max && (!ins || j<max))
+		{
+			if(mode&K_UPPER)
+				ch=toupper(ch);
+			if(ins)
+			{
+				gettext(wherex(),y,wherex()+(j-i),y,buf);
+				puttext(wherex()+1,y,wherex()+(j-i)+1,y,buf);
+				for(k=++j;k>i;k--)
+					str[k]=str[k-1];
+			}
+			putch(ch);
+			str[i++]=ch; 
+		} 
+	}
+	else
+		mswait(1);
+	str[j]=0;
+	if(mode&K_EDIT)
+	{
+		truncsp(str);
+		if(strcmp(outstr,str))
+			api->changes=1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if(j)
+			api->changes=1;
+	}
+	strcpy(outstr,str);
+	curs_set(0);
+	refresh();
+	return(j);
+/* Performs printf() through puttext() routine								*/
+static int uprintf(int x, int y, unsigned char attr, char *fmat, ...)
+	va_list argptr;
+	char str[256],buf[512];
+	int i,j;
+    va_start(argptr,fmat);
+    vsprintf(str,fmat,argptr);
+    va_end(argptr);
+    for(i=j=0;str[i];i++) {
+        buf[j++]=str[i];
+        buf[j++]=attr; }
+    puttext(x,y,x+(i-1),y,buf);
+    return(i);
+/* Display bottom line of screen in inverse                                 */
+void bottomline(int line)
+	int i=4;
+uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,bclr|(cclr<<4),"F1 ");
+uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,BLACK|(cclr<<4),"Help  ");
+if(line&BL_GET) {
+	uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,bclr|(cclr<<4),"F5 ");
+	i+=3;
+	uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,BLACK|(cclr<<4),"Copy Item  ");
+	i+=11; }
+if(line&BL_PUT) {
+	uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,bclr|(cclr<<4),"F6 ");
+	i+=3;
+	uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,BLACK|(cclr<<4),"Paste  ");
+    i+=7; }
+if(line&BL_INS) {
+	uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,bclr|(cclr<<4),"INS ");
+	i+=4;
+	uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,BLACK|(cclr<<4),"Add Item  ");
+	i+=10; }
+if(line&BL_DEL) {
+	uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,bclr|(cclr<<4),"DEL ");
+    i+=4;
+	uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,BLACK|(cclr<<4),"Delete Item  ");
+	i+=13; }
+uprintf(i,api->scrn_len+1,bclr|(cclr<<4),"ESC ");
+/* Generates a 24 character ASCII string that represents the time_t pointer  */
+/* Used as a replacement for ctime()                                         */
+char *utimestr(time_t *intime)
+	static char str[25];
+	char wday[4],mon[4],mer[3],hour;
+	struct tm *gm;
+switch(gm->tm_wday) {
+	case 0:
+		strcpy(wday,"Sun");
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		strcpy(wday,"Mon");
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		strcpy(wday,"Tue");
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		strcpy(wday,"Wed");
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		strcpy(wday,"Thu");
+		break;
+	case 5:
+		strcpy(wday,"Fri");
+		break;
+	case 6:
+		strcpy(wday,"Sat");
+		break; }
+switch(gm->tm_mon) {
+	case 0:
+		strcpy(mon,"Jan");
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		strcpy(mon,"Feb");
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		strcpy(mon,"Mar");
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		strcpy(mon,"Apr");
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		strcpy(mon,"May");
+		break;
+	case 5:
+		strcpy(mon,"Jun");
+		break;
+	case 6:
+		strcpy(mon,"Jul");
+		break;
+	case 7:
+		strcpy(mon,"Aug");
+		break;
+	case 8:
+		strcpy(mon,"Sep");
+		break;
+	case 9:
+		strcpy(mon,"Oct");
+		break;
+	case 10:
+		strcpy(mon,"Nov");
+		break;
+	case 11:
+		strcpy(mon,"Dec");
+		break; }
+if(gm->tm_hour>12) {
+	strcpy(mer,"pm");
+	hour=gm->tm_hour-12; }
+else {
+	if(!gm->tm_hour)
+		hour=12;
+	else
+		hour=gm->tm_hour;
+	strcpy(mer,"am"); }
+sprintf(str,"%s %s %02d %4d %02d:%02d %s",wday,mon,gm->tm_mday,1900+gm->tm_year
+	,hour,gm->tm_min,mer);
+/* Status popup/down function, see uifc.h for details.						*/
+void upop(char *str)
+	static char sav[26*3*2];
+	char buf[26*3*2];
+	int i,j,k;
+	hidemouse();
+	if(!str) {
+		puttext(28,12,53,14,sav);
+		showmouse();
+		return; }
+	gettext(28,12,53,14,sav);
+	memset(buf,SP,25*3*2);
+	for(i=1;i<26*3*2;i+=2)
+		buf[i]=(hclr|(bclr<<4));
+	buf[0]='Ú';
+	for(i=2;i<25*2;i+=2)
+		buf[i]='Ä';
+	buf[i]='¿'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='³'; i+=2;
+	i+=2;
+	k=strlen(str);
+	i+=(((23-k)/2)*2);
+	for(j=0;j<k;j++,i+=2) {
+		buf[i]=str[j];
+		buf[i+1]|=BLINK; }
+	i=((25*2)+1)*2;
+	buf[i]='³'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='À'; i+=2;
+	for(;i<((26*3)-1)*2;i+=2)
+		buf[i]='Ä';
+	buf[i]='Ù';
+	puttext(28,12,53,14,buf);
+	showmouse();
+/* Sets the current help index by source code file and line number.			*/
+void sethelp(int line, char* file)
+    helpline=line;
+    helpfile=file;
+/* Help (F1) key function. Uses helpbuf as the help input.	*/
+void help()
+	char *savscrn,*buf,inverse=0,high=0
+		,hbuf[HELPBUF_SIZE],str[256];
+    char *p;
+	uint i,j,k,len;
+	unsigned short line;
+	long l;
+	FILE *fp;
+#ifndef __FLAT__
+	union  REGS r;
+	curs_set(0);
+	if((savscrn=(char *)MALLOC(80*25*2))==NULL) {
+		cprintf("UIFC line %d: error allocating %u bytes\r\n"
+			,__LINE__,80*25*2);
+		curs_set(1);
+		return; }
+	if((buf=(char *)MALLOC(76*21*2))==NULL) {
+		cprintf("UIFC line %d: error allocating %u bytes\r\n"
+			,__LINE__,76*21*2);
+		FREE(savscrn);
+		curs_set(1);
+		return; }
+	hidemouse();
+	gettext(1,1,80,25,savscrn);
+	memset(buf,SP,76*21*2);
+	for(i=1;i<76*21*2;i+=2)
+		buf[i]=(hclr|(bclr<<4));
+	buf[0]='Ú';
+	for(i=2;i<30*2;i+=2)
+		buf[i]='Ä';
+	buf[i]='´'; i+=4;
+	buf[i]='O'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='n'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='l'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='i'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='n'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='e'; i+=4;
+	buf[i]='H'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='e'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='l'; i+=2;
+	buf[i]='p'; i+=4;
+	buf[i]='Ã'; i+=2;
+	for(j=i;j<i+(30*2);j+=2)
+		buf[j]='Ä';
+	i=j;
+	buf[i]='¿'; i+=2;
+	j=i;	/* leave i alone */
+	for(k=0;k<19;k++) { 		/* the sides of the box */
+		buf[j]='³'; j+=2;
+		j+=(74*2);
+		buf[j]='³'; j+=2; }
+	buf[j]='À'; j+=2;
+	for(k=j;k<j+(23*2);k+=2)
+		buf[k]='Ä';
+	buf[k]='´'; k+=4;
+	buf[k]='H'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='i'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='t'; k+=4;
+	buf[k]='a'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='n'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='y'; k+=4;
+	buf[k]='k'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='e'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='y'; k+=4;
+	buf[k]='t'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='o'; k+=4;
+	buf[k]='c'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='o'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='n'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='t'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='i'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='n'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='u'; k+=2;
+	buf[k]='e'; k+=4;
+	buf[k]='Ã'; k+=2;
+	for(j=k;j<k+(24*2);j+=2)
+		buf[j]='Ä';
+	buf[j]='Ù';
+	if(!api->helpbuf) {
+		if((fp=_fsopen(api->helpixbfile,"rb",SH_DENYWR))==NULL)
+			sprintf(hbuf," ERROR  Cannot open help index:\r\n          %s"
+				,api->helpixbfile);
+		else {
+			p=strrchr(helpfile,'/');
+			if(p==NULL)
+				p=strrchr(helpfile,'\\');
+			if(p==NULL)
+				p=helpfile;
+			else
+				p++;
+			l=-1L;
+			while(!feof(fp)) {
+				if(!fread(str,12,1,fp))
+					break;
+				str[12]=0;
+				fread(&line,2,1,fp);
+				if(stricmp(str,p) || line!=helpline) {
+					fseek(fp,4,SEEK_CUR);
+					continue; }
+				fread(&l,4,1,fp);
+				break; }
+			fclose(fp);
+			if(l==-1L)
+				sprintf(hbuf," ERROR  Cannot locate help key (%s:%u) in:\r\n"
+					"         %s",p,helpline,api->helpixbfile);
+			else {
+				if((fp=_fsopen(api->helpdatfile,"rb",SH_DENYWR))==NULL)
+					sprintf(hbuf," ERROR  Cannot open help file:\r\n          %s"
+						,api->helpdatfile);
+				else {
+					fseek(fp,l,SEEK_SET);
+					fread(hbuf,HELPBUF_SIZE,1,fp);
+					fclose(fp); } } } }
+	else
+		strcpy(hbuf,api->helpbuf);
+	len=strlen(hbuf);
+	i+=78*2;
+	for(j=0;j<len;j++,i+=2) {
+		if(hbuf[j]==LF) {
+			while(i%(76*2)) i++;
+			i+=2; }
+		else if(hbuf[j]==2) {		 /* Ctrl-b toggles inverse */
+			inverse=!inverse;
+			i-=2; }
+		else if(hbuf[j]==1) {		 /* Ctrl-a toggles high intensity */
+			high=!high;
+			i-=2; }
+		else if(hbuf[j]!=CR) {
+			buf[i]=hbuf[j];
+			buf[i+1]=inverse ? (bclr|(cclr<<4))
+				: high ? (hclr|(bclr<<4)) : (lclr|(bclr<<4)); } }
+	puttext(3,3,78,23,buf);
+	showmouse();
+	while(1) {
+		if(inkey(1)) {
+			inkey(0);
+			break; }
+	#ifndef __FLAT__
+		if(api->mode&UIFC_MOUSE) {
+			/* ToDo more mouse stiff */
+		}
+	#endif
+		mswait(1);
+		}
+	hidemouse();
+	puttext(1,1,80,25,savscrn);
+	showmouse();
+	FREE(savscrn);
+	FREE(buf);
+	curs_set(1);
+static int puttext(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, unsigned char *fill)
+	int x,y;
+	int fillpos=0;
+	unsigned char attr;
+	unsigned char fill_char;
+	unsigned char orig_attr;
+	int oldx, oldy;
+	getyx(stdscr,oldy,oldx);	
+	orig_attr=lastattr;
+	for(y=sy-1;y<=ey-1;y++)
+	{
+		for(x=sx-1;x<=ex-1;x++)
+		{
+			fill_char=fill[fillpos++];
+			attr=fill[fillpos++];
+			textattr(attr);
+			mvaddch(y, x, fill_char);
+		}
+	}
+	textattr(orig_attr);
+	move(oldy, oldx);
+	refresh();
+	return(1);
+static int gettext(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, unsigned char *fill)
+	int x,y;
+	int fillpos=0;
+	chtype attr;
+	unsigned char attrib;
+	unsigned char colour;
+	int oldx, oldy;
+	getyx(stdscr,oldy,oldx);	
+	for(y=sy-1;y<=ey-1;y++)
+	{
+		for(x=sx-1;x<=ex-1;x++)
+		{
+			attr=mvinch(y, x);
+			fill[fillpos++]=(unsigned char)(attr&255);
+			attrib=0;
+			if (attr & A_BOLD)  
+			{
+				attrib |= 8;
+			}
+			if (attr & A_BLINK)
+			{
+				attrib |= 128;
+			}
+			colour=PAIR_NUMBER(attr&A_COLOR)-1;
+			colour=((colour&56)<<1)|(colour&7);
+			fill[fillpos++]=colour|attrib;
+		}
+	}
+	move(oldy, oldx);
+	return(1);
+static void textattr(unsigned char attr)
+	int   attrs=A_NORMAL;
+	short	colour;
+	if (lastattr==attr)
+		return;
+	lastattr=attr;
+	if (attr & 8)  {
+		attrs |= A_BOLD;
+	}
+	if (attr & 128)
+	{
+		attrs |= A_BLINK;
+	}
+	attrset(attrs);
+	colour = COLOR_PAIR( ((attr&7)|((attr>>1)&56))+1 );
+	color_set(colour,NULL);
+	bkgdset(colour);
+static int kbhit(void)
+	struct timeval timeout;
+	fd_set	rfds;
+	timeout.tv_sec=5;
+	timeout.tv_usec=0;
+	FD_ZERO(&rfds);
+	FD_SET(fileno(stdin),&rfds);
+	return(select(fileno(stdin)+1,&rfds,NULL,NULL,&timeout));
+static void delay(msec)
+	usleep(msec*1000);
+static int wherey(void)
+	int x,y;
+	getyx(stdscr,y,x);
+	return(y+1);
+static int wherex(void)
+	int x,y;
+	getyx(stdscr,y,x);
+	return(x+1);
+static FILE * _fsopen(char *pathname, char *mode, int flags)
+	FILE *thefile;
+	thefile = fopen(pathname, mode);
+	if (thefile != NULL)  {
+		if (flags&SH_DENYWR) {
+			flock(fileno(thefile), LOCK_SH);
+			return(thefile);
+		}
+		if (flags&SH_DENYRW) {
+			flock(fileno(thefile), LOCK_EX);
+			return(thefile);
+		}
+	}
+	return(thefile);
+static void putch(unsigned char ch)
+	addch(ch);
+	refresh();
+static int cprintf(char *fmat, ...)
+    va_list argptr;
+    va_start(argptr,fmat);
+    vwprintw(stdscr,fmat,argptr);
+    va_end(argptr);
+    refresh();
+    return(1);
+static void cputs(char *str)
+	addstr(str);
+	refresh();
+static void gotoxy(int x, int y)
+	move(y-1,x-1);
+	refresh();