diff --git a/ctrl/text.dat b/ctrl/text.dat
index b29620e9066767be995248ac84952f4d304e5eed..dbc21ec189a4635befeb8e5d831d86f1c8ee4865 100644
--- a/ctrl/text.dat
+++ b/ctrl/text.dat
@@ -908,4 +908,5 @@
 "\1n\r\nSorry, you can't read messages on %s %s\r\n"	759 CantReadSub
 "\1n\r\nSorry, you can't post that message.\r\n"	760 CantPostMsg
 "\r\n\1y\1hOperator: \1w"				761 OperatorPrompt
-"Add this sub-board to your new-scan list"         762 AddSubToNewScanQ
\ No newline at end of file
+"Add this sub-board to your new-scan list"         762 AddSubToNewScanQ
+"\1n\1r\1iWARNING: You are reading messages past the last unvalidated message (%u)" 763 UnvalidatedWarning