From d8dbdf23c48a3507d4632f6f63b0299b91a82119 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rswindell <>
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 03:04:59 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added support for 16-char sub/dir internal codes by using new
 (optional) grp/lib code prefix (helps generate unique internal codes).

 src/sbbs3/load_cfg.c            |   38 +-
 src/sbbs3/sbbsdefs.h            |   14 +-
 src/sbbs3/scfg/Attic/scfgxfr2.c | 1531 -------------------------------
 src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c        |   70 +-
 src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr2.c       | 1531 -------------------------------
 src/sbbs3/scfgdefs.h            |   10 +-
 src/sbbs3/scfglib1.c            |    7 +-
 src/sbbs3/scfglib2.c            |    8 +-
 src/sbbs3/scfgsave.c            |   22 +-
 9 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 3118 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/sbbs3/scfg/Attic/scfgxfr2.c
 delete mode 100644 src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr2.c

diff --git a/src/sbbs3/load_cfg.c b/src/sbbs3/load_cfg.c
index 2b52f8eb83..2ad62ed89a 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/load_cfg.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/load_cfg.c
@@ -166,9 +166,7 @@ void prep_cfg(scfg_t* cfg)
 	for(i=0;i<cfg->total_subs;i++) {
-#ifdef __unix__
-		strlwr(cfg->sub[i]->code); /* temporary Unix-compatibility hack */
 		if(!cfg->sub[i]->data_dir[0])	/* no data storage path specified */
 		prep_dir(cfg->ctrl_dir, cfg->sub[i]->data_dir, sizeof(cfg->sub[i]->data_dir));
@@ -184,6 +182,13 @@ void prep_cfg(scfg_t* cfg)
 		/* default origin line */
+		/* A sub-board's internal code is the combination of the grp's code_prefix & the sub's code_suffix */
+		sprintf(cfg->sub[i]->code,"%s%s"
+			,cfg->grp[cfg->sub[i]->grp]->code_prefix
+			,cfg->sub[i]->code_suffix);
+		strlwr(cfg->sub[i]->code); 		/* data filenames are all lowercase */
 	for(i=0;i<cfg->total_libs;i++) {
@@ -192,9 +197,6 @@ void prep_cfg(scfg_t* cfg)
 	for(i=0;i<cfg->total_dirs;i++) {
-#ifdef __unix__
-		strlwr(cfg->dir[i]->code); 	/* temporary Unix-compatibility hack */
 		if(!cfg->dir[i]->data_dir[0])	/* no data storage path specified */
@@ -207,29 +209,35 @@ void prep_cfg(scfg_t* cfg)
 			prep_dir(cfg->ctrl_dir, cfg->dir[i]->path, sizeof(cfg->dir[i]->path));
+		/* A directory's internal code is the combination of the lib's code_prefix & the dir's code_suffix */
+		sprintf(cfg->dir[i]->code,"%s%s"
+			,cfg->lib[cfg->dir[i]->lib]->code_prefix
+			,cfg->dir[i]->code_suffix);
+		strlwr(cfg->dir[i]->code); 		/* data filenames are all lowercase */
-#ifdef __unix__
+	/* make data filenames are all lowercase */
-		strlwr(cfg->shell[i]->code);	/* temporary Unix-compatibility hack */
+		strlwr(cfg->shell[i]->code);
-		strlwr(cfg->guru[i]->code); 	/* temporary Unix-compatibility hack */
+		strlwr(cfg->guru[i]->code); 
-		strlwr(cfg->txtsec[i]->code); 	/* temporary Unix-compatibility hack */
+		strlwr(cfg->txtsec[i]->code);
-		strlwr(cfg->xtrnsec[i]->code); 	/* temporary Unix-compatibility hack */
+		strlwr(cfg->xtrnsec[i]->code);
 	for(i=0;i<cfg->total_xtrns;i++) {
 		prep_dir(cfg->ctrl_dir, cfg->xtrn[i]->path, sizeof(cfg->xtrn[i]->path));
 	for(i=0;i<cfg->total_events;i++) {
-#ifdef __unix__
-		strlwr(cfg->event[i]->code); 	/* temporary Unix-compatibility hack */
+		strlwr(cfg->event[i]->code); 	/* data filenames are all lowercase */
 		prep_dir(cfg->ctrl_dir, cfg->event[i]->dir, sizeof(cfg->event[i]->dir));
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/sbbsdefs.h b/src/sbbs3/sbbsdefs.h
index 3c1766ece9..cc8860ad4d 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/sbbsdefs.h
+++ b/src/sbbs3/sbbsdefs.h
@@ -549,9 +549,8 @@ typedef enum {						/* Values for xtrn_t.event				*/
 #define U_MISC		U_SEX+1 		/* Miscellaneous flags in 8byte hex */
 #define U_OLDXEDIT	U_MISC+8 		/* External editor (Version 1 method  */
 #define U_LEECH 	U_OLDXEDIT+2 	/* two hex digits - leech attempt count */
-#define U_CURSUB	U_LEECH+2  	/* Current sub (internal code  */
-#define U_CURDIR	U_CURSUB+8 	/* Current dir (internal code  */
-#define U_CURXTRN	U_CURDIR+8 	/* unused */
+#define U_CURSUB	U_LEECH+2  	/* Current sub (internal code)  */
+#define U_CURXTRN	U_CURSUB+16 /* Current xtrn (internal code) */
 #define U_MAIN_CMD	U_CURXTRN+8+2 	/* unused */
 #define U_XFER_CMD	U_MAIN_CMD+LEN_MAIN_CMD 		/* unused */
 #define U_SCAN_CMD	U_XFER_CMD+LEN_XFER_CMD+2  	/* unused */
@@ -567,8 +566,9 @@ typedef enum {						/* Values for xtrn_t.event				*/
 #define U_NS_TIME	U_CHAT+8 		/* New-file scan date/time */
 #define U_PROT		U_NS_TIME+8 	/* Default transfer protocol */
-#define U_LEN		(U_UNUSED+20+2)
+#define U_CURDIR	U_LOGONTIME+8	/* Current dir (internal code  */
+#define U_UNUSED	U_CURDIR+16
+#define U_LEN		(U_UNUSED+4+2)
 /* Offsets into DIR .DAT file for different fields for each file 			*/
@@ -909,8 +909,8 @@ typedef struct {						/* Users information */
 			netmail[LEN_NETMAIL+1], 	/* NetMail forwarding address */
 			tmpext[4],					/* QWK Packet extension */
 			comment[LEN_COMMENT+1], 	/* Private comment about user */
-			cursub[9],					/* Current sub-board internal code */
-			curdir[9],					/* Current directory internal code */
+			cursub[(LEN_CODE*2)+1],		/* Current sub-board internal code */
+			curdir[(LEN_CODE*2)+1],		/* Current directory internal code */
 			curxtrn[9];					/* Current external program internal code */
 	uchar	level,						/* Security level */
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/Attic/scfgxfr2.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/Attic/scfgxfr2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 70babad961..0000000000
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/Attic/scfgxfr2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1531 +0,0 @@
-/* scfgxfr2.c */
-/* $Id$ */
- * 4		(Plain Text/Source Code File Header)			*
- * @format.use-tabs true	(see		*
- *																			*
- * Copyright 2002 Rob Swindell -		*
- *																			*
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or			*
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				*
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2			*
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.					*
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or			*
- *										*
- *																			*
- * Anonymous FTP access to the most recent released source is available at	*
- *, and	*
- *																			*
- * Anonymous CVS access to the development source and modification history	*
- * is available at, example:					*
- * cvs -d login			*
- *     (just hit return, no password is necessary)							*
- * cvs -d checkout src		*
- *																			*
- * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see				*
- *										*
- *																			*
- * You are encouraged to submit any modifications (preferably in Unix diff	*
- * format) via e-mail to									*
- *																			*
- * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs.	*
- ****************************************************************************/
-#include "scfg.h"
-void xfer_cfg()
-	static int libs_dflt,libs_bar,dflt;
-	char str[256],str2[81],done=0,*p;
-	int file,j,k,q;
-	uint i;
-	long ported;
-	static lib_t savlib;
-	dir_t tmpdir;
-	FILE *stream;
-while(1) {
-	for(i=0;i<cfg.total_libs && i<MAX_OPTS;i++)
-		sprintf(opt[i],"%-25s",cfg.lib[i]->lname);
-	opt[i][0]=0;
-	if(cfg.total_libs)
-	if(cfg.total_libs<MAX_OPTS)
-	if(savlib.sname[0])
-		j|=WIN_PUT;
-File Libraries:
-This is a listing of file libraries for your BBS. File Libraries are
-used to logically separate your file directories into groups. Every
-directory belongs to a file library.
-One popular use for file libraries is to separate CD-ROM and hard disk
-directories. One might have an Uploads file library that contains
-uploads to the hard disk directories and also have a PC-SIG file
-library that contains directories from a PC-SIG CD-ROM. Some sysops
-separate directories into more specific areas such as Main, Graphics,
-or Adult. If you have many directories that have a common subject
-denominator, you may want to have a separate file library for those
-directories for a more organized file structure.
-	i=uifc.list(j,0,0,45,&libs_dflt,&libs_bar,"File Libraries",opt);
-	if((signed)i==-1) {
-		j=save_changes(WIN_MID);
-		if(j==-1)
-			continue;
-		if(!j) {
-			write_file_cfg(&cfg,backup_level);
-            refresh_cfg(&cfg);
-        }
-		return; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_INS) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		strcpy(str,"Main");
-Library Long Name:
-This is a description of the file library which is displayed when a
-user of the system uses the /* command from the file transfer menu.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Library Long Name",str,LEN_GLNAME
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-			continue;
-		sprintf(str2,"%.*s",LEN_GSNAME,str);
-Library Short Name:
-This is a short description of the file library which is used for the
-file transfer menu prompt.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Library Short Name",str2,LEN_GSNAME
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-			continue;
-		if((cfg.lib=(lib_t **)REALLOC(cfg.lib,sizeof(lib_t *)*(cfg.total_libs+1)))==NULL) {
-			errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,nulstr,cfg.total_libs+1);
-			cfg.total_libs=0;
-			bail(1);
-            continue; }
-		if(cfg.total_libs) {
-			for(j=cfg.total_libs;j>i;j--)
-                cfg.lib[j]=cfg.lib[j-1];
-			for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-				if(cfg.dir[j]->lib>=i)
-					cfg.dir[j]->lib++; }
-		if((cfg.lib[i]=(lib_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(lib_t)))==NULL) {
-			errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,nulstr,sizeof(lib_t));
-			continue; }
-		memset((lib_t *)cfg.lib[i],0,sizeof(lib_t));
-		strcpy(cfg.lib[i]->lname,str);
-		strcpy(cfg.lib[i]->sname,str2);
-		cfg.total_libs++;
-		uifc.changes=1;
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_DEL) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-Delete All Data in Library:
-If you wish to delete the database files for all directories in this
-library, select Yes.
-		j=1;
-		strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-		strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-		opt[2][0]=0;
-		j=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&j,0
-			,"Delete All Library Data Files",opt);
-		if(j==-1)
-			continue;
-		if(j==0)
-			for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-				if(cfg.dir[j]->lib==i) {
-					sprintf(str,"%s.*",cfg.dir[j]->code);
-					strlwr(str);
-					if(!cfg.dir[j]->data_dir[0])
-						sprintf(tmp,"%sdirs/",cfg.data_dir);
-					else
-						strcpy(tmp,cfg.dir[j]->data_dir);
-					delfiles(tmp,str); }
-		FREE(cfg.lib[i]);
-		for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;) {
-			if(cfg.dir[j]->lib==i) {
-				FREE(cfg.dir[j]);
-				cfg.total_dirs--;
-				k=j;
-				while(k<cfg.total_dirs) {
-					cfg.dir[k]=cfg.dir[k+1];
-					k++; } }
-			else j++; }
-		for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-			if(cfg.dir[j]->lib>i)
-				cfg.dir[j]->lib--;
-		cfg.total_libs--;
-		while(i<cfg.total_libs) {
-			cfg.lib[i]=cfg.lib[i+1];
-			i++; }
-		uifc.changes=1;
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_GET) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		savlib=*cfg.lib[i];
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_PUT) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		*cfg.lib[i]=savlib;
-		uifc.changes=1;
-        continue; }
-	done=0;
-	while(!done) {
-		j=0;
-		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%s","Long Name",cfg.lib[i]->lname);
-		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%s","Short Name",cfg.lib[i]->sname);
-		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Parent Directory"
-			,cfg.lib[i]->parent_path);
-		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Access Requirements"
-			,cfg.lib[i]->arstr);
-		strcpy(opt[j++],"Clone Options");
-		strcpy(opt[j++],"Export Areas...");
-		strcpy(opt[j++],"Import Areas...");
-		strcpy(opt[j++],"File Directories...");
-		opt[j][0]=0;
-		uifc.savnum=0;
-		sprintf(str,"%s Library",cfg.lib[i]->sname);
-File Library Configuration:
-This menu allows you to configure the security requirments for access
-to this file library. You can also add, delete, and configure the
-directories of this library by selecting the File Directories... option.
-		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT,6,4,60,&dflt,0,str,opt)) {
-			case -1:
-				done=1;
-				break;
-			case 0:
-Library Long Name:
-This is a description of the file library which is displayed when a
-user of the system uses the /* command from the file transfer menu.
-				strcpy(str,cfg.lib[i]->lname);	/* save */
-				if(!uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Name to use for Listings"
-					,cfg.lib[i]->lname,LEN_GLNAME,K_EDIT))
-					strcpy(cfg.lib[i]->lname,str);	/* restore */
-				break;
-			case 1:
-Library Short Name:
-This is a short description of the file librarly which is used for the
-file transfer menu prompt.
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Name to use for Prompts"
-					,cfg.lib[i]->sname,LEN_GSNAME,K_EDIT);
-				break;
-			case 2:
-Parent Directory:
-This an optional path to be used as the physical "parent" directory for 
-all logical directories in this library. This parent directory will be
-used in combination with each directory's storage path to create the
-full physical storage path for files in this directory.
-This option is convenient for adding libraries with many directories
-that share a common parent directory (e.g. CD-ROMs) and gives you the
-option of easily changing the common parent directory location later, if
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Parent Directory"
-					,cfg.lib[i]->parent_path,sizeof(cfg.lib[i]->parent_path)-1,K_EDIT);
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				sprintf(str,"%s Library",cfg.lib[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.lib[i]->arstr);
-				break;
-			case 4: /* clone options */
-				j=0;
-				strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-				strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-				opt[2][0]=0;
-Clone Directory Options:
-If you want to clone the options of the first directory of this library
-into all directories of this library, select Yes.
-The options cloned are upload requirments, download requirments,
-operator requirements, exempted user requirements, toggle options,
-maximum number of files, allowed file extensions, default file
-extension, and sort type.
-				j=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&j,0
-					,"Clone Options of First Directory into All of Library"
-					,opt);
-				if(j==0) {
-					k=-1;
-					for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-						if(cfg.dir[j]->lib==i) {
-							if(k==-1)
-								k=j;
-							else {
-								uifc.changes=1;
-								cfg.dir[j]->misc=cfg.dir[k]->misc;
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->ul_arstr,cfg.dir[k]->ul_arstr);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->dl_arstr,cfg.dir[k]->dl_arstr);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->op_arstr,cfg.dir[k]->op_arstr);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->ex_arstr,cfg.dir[k]->ex_arstr);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->exts,cfg.dir[k]->exts);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->data_dir,cfg.dir[k]->data_dir);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->upload_sem,cfg.dir[k]->upload_sem);
-								cfg.dir[j]->maxfiles=cfg.dir[k]->maxfiles;
-								cfg.dir[j]->maxage=cfg.dir[k]->maxage;
-								cfg.dir[j]->up_pct=cfg.dir[k]->up_pct;
-								cfg.dir[j]->dn_pct=cfg.dir[k]->dn_pct;
-								cfg.dir[j]->seqdev=cfg.dir[k]->seqdev;
-								cfg.dir[j]->sort=cfg.dir[k]->sort; } } }
-                break;
-			case 5:
-				k=0;
-				ported=0;
-				q=uifc.changes;
-				strcpy(opt[k++],"DIRS.TXT    (Synchronet)");
-				strcpy(opt[k++],"FILEBONE.NA (Fido)");
-				opt[k][0]=0;
-Export Area File Format:
-This menu allows you to choose the format of the area file you wish to
-export to.
-				k=0;
-				k=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&k,0
-					,"Export Area File Format",opt);
-				if(k==-1)
-					break;
-				if(k==0)
-					sprintf(str,"%sDIRS.TXT",cfg.ctrl_dir);
-				else if(k==1)
-					sprintf(str,"FILEBONE.NA");
-				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Filename"
-					,str,40,K_EDIT)<=0) {
-					uifc.changes=q;
-					break; }
-				if(fexist(str)) {
-					strcpy(opt[0],"Overwrite");
-					strcpy(opt[1],"Append");
-					opt[2][0]=0;
-					j=0;
-					j=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&j,0
-						,"File Exists",opt);
-					if(j==-1)
-						break;
-					if(j==0) j=O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC;
-					else	 j=O_WRONLY|O_APPEND; }
-				else
-				if((stream=fnopen(&file,str,j))==NULL) {
-					uifc.msg("Open Failure");
-					break; }
-				uifc.pop("Exporting Areas...");
-				for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++) {
-					if(cfg.dir[j]->lib!=i)
-						continue;
-					ported++;
-					if(k==1) {
-						fprintf(stream,"Area %-8s  0     !      %s\r\n"
-							,cfg.dir[j]->code,cfg.dir[j]->lname);
-						continue; }
-					fprintf(stream,"%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n"
-							"%s\r\n%s\r\n"
-						,cfg.dir[j]->lname
-						,cfg.dir[j]->sname
-						,cfg.dir[j]->code
-						,cfg.dir[j]->data_dir
-						,cfg.dir[j]->arstr
-						,cfg.dir[j]->ul_arstr
-						,cfg.dir[j]->dl_arstr
-						,cfg.dir[j]->op_arstr
-						);
-					fprintf(stream,"%s\r\n%s\r\n%u\r\n%s\r\n%lX\r\n%u\r\n"
-							"%u\r\n"
-						,cfg.dir[j]->path
-						,cfg.dir[j]->upload_sem
-						,cfg.dir[j]->maxfiles
-						,cfg.dir[j]->exts
-						,cfg.dir[j]->misc
-						,cfg.dir[j]->seqdev
-						,cfg.dir[j]->sort
-						);
-					fprintf(stream,"%s\r\n%u\r\n%u\r\n%u\r\n"
-						,cfg.dir[j]->ex_arstr
-						,cfg.dir[j]->maxage
-						,cfg.dir[j]->up_pct
-						,cfg.dir[j]->dn_pct
-						);
-					fprintf(stream,"***END-OF-DIR***\r\n\r\n"); }
-				fclose(stream);
-				uifc.pop(0);
-				sprintf(str,"%lu File Areas Exported Successfully",ported);
-				uifc.msg(str);
-				uifc.changes=q;
-				break;
-			case 6:
-				ported=0;
-				k=0;
-Import Area File Format:
-This menu allows you to choose the format of the area file you wish to
-import into the current file library.
-A "raw" directory listing can be created in DOS with the following
-command: DIR /ON /AD /B > DIRS.RAW
-				strcpy(opt[k++],"DIRS.TXT    (Synchronet)");
-                strcpy(opt[k++],"FILEBONE.NA (Fido)");
-				strcpy(opt[k++],"DIRS.RAW    (Raw)");
-				opt[k][0]=0;
-				k=0;
-				k=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&k,0
-					,"Import Area File Format",opt);
-				if(k==-1)
-					break;
-				if(k==0)
-					sprintf(str,"%sDIRS.TXT",cfg.ctrl_dir);
-				else if(k==1)
-					sprintf(str,"FILEBONE.NA");
-				else {
-					strcpy(str,cfg.lib[i]->parent_path);
-					backslash(str);
-					strcat(str,"dirs.raw");
-				}
-				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Filename"
-					,str,40,K_EDIT)<=0)
-                    break;
-				if((stream=fnopen(&file,str,O_RDONLY))==NULL) {
-					uifc.msg("Open Failure");
-                    break; }
-				uifc.pop("Importing Areas...");
-				while(!feof(stream)) {
-					if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-					truncsp(str);
-					if(!str[0])
-						continue;
-					memset(&tmpdir,0,sizeof(dir_t));
-					tmpdir.misc=DEFAULT_DIR_OPTIONS;
-					tmpdir.maxfiles=1000;
-					tmpdir.up_pct=cfg.cdt_up_pct;
-					tmpdir.dn_pct=cfg.cdt_dn_pct; 
-					p=str;
-					while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;
-					if(k==2) { /* raw */
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.code,p);
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.lname,p);
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.sname,p);
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.path,p);
-						ported++;
-					}
-					else if(k==1) {
-						if(strnicmp(p,"AREA ",5))
-							continue;
-						p+=5;
-						while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;
-						sprintf(tmpdir.code,"%.8s",p);
-						truncsp(tmpdir.code);
-						while(*p>SP) p++;			/* Skip areaname */
-						while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;	/* Skip space */
-						while(*p>SP) p++;			/* Skip level */
-						while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;	/* Skip space */
-						while(*p>SP) p++;			/* Skip flags */
-						while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;	/* Skip space */
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.sname,p); 
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.lname,p); 
-						ported++; 
-					}
-					else {
-						sprintf(tmpdir.lname,"%.*s",LEN_SLNAME,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.sname,"%.*s",LEN_SSNAME,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.code,"%.*s",8,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.data_dir,"%.*s",LEN_DIR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.ul_arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.dl_arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.op_arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-                        truncsp(str);
-                        sprintf(tmpdir.path,"%.*s",LEN_DIR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-                        truncsp(str);
-                        sprintf(tmpdir.upload_sem,"%.*s",LEN_DIR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-                        truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.maxfiles=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-                        truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.exts,"%.*s",40,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.misc=ahtoul(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.seqdev=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.sort=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.ex_arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.maxage=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.up_pct=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.dn_pct=atoi(str);
-						ported++;
-						while(!feof(stream)
-							&& strcmp(str,"***END-OF-DIR***")) {
-							if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-							truncsp(str); 
-						} 
-					}
-					for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++) {
-						if(cfg.dir[j]->lib!=i)
-							continue;
-						if(!stricmp(cfg.dir[j]->code,tmpdir.code))
-							break; }
-					if(j==cfg.total_dirs) {
-						if((cfg.dir=(dir_t **)REALLOC(cfg.dir
-							,sizeof(dir_t *)*(cfg.total_dirs+1)))==NULL) {
-							errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,"dir",cfg.total_dirs+1);
-							cfg.total_dirs=0;
-							bail(1);
-							break; }
-						if((cfg.dir[j]=(dir_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(dir_t)))
-							==NULL) {
-							errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,"dir",sizeof(dir_t));
-							break; }
-						memset(cfg.dir[j],0,sizeof(dir_t)); }
-					if(k==1) {
-						strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->code,tmpdir.code);
-						strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->sname,tmpdir.code);
-						strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->lname,tmpdir.lname);
-						if(j==cfg.total_dirs) {
-							cfg.dir[j]->maxfiles=1000;
-							cfg.dir[j]->up_pct=cfg.cdt_up_pct;
-							cfg.dir[j]->dn_pct=cfg.cdt_dn_pct; 
-						}
-					} else
-						memcpy(cfg.dir[j],&tmpdir,sizeof(dir_t));
-					cfg.dir[j]->lib=i;
-					if(j==cfg.total_dirs) {
-						cfg.dir[j]->misc=tmpdir.misc;
-						cfg.total_dirs++; 
-					}
-					uifc.changes=1; 
-				}
-				fclose(stream);
-				uifc.pop(0);
-				sprintf(str,"%lu File Areas Imported Successfully",ported);
-                uifc.msg(str);
-                break;
-			case 7:
-				dir_cfg(i);
-				break; } } }
-void dir_cfg(uint libnum)
-	static int dflt,bar,tog_dflt,tog_bar,adv_dflt,opt_dflt;
-	char str[81],str2[81],code[9],path[128],done=0,*p;
-	int j,n;
-	uint i,dirnum[MAX_OPTS+1];
-	static dir_t savdir;
-while(1) {
-	for(i=0,j=0;i<cfg.total_dirs && j<MAX_OPTS;i++)
-		if(cfg.dir[i]->lib==libnum) {
-			sprintf(opt[j],"%-25s",cfg.dir[i]->lname);
-			dirnum[j++]=i; }
-	dirnum[j]=cfg.total_dirs;
-	opt[j][0]=0;
-	sprintf(str,"%s Directories",cfg.lib[libnum]->sname);
-	uifc.savnum=0;
-	if(j)
-	if(j<MAX_OPTS)
-	if(savdir.sname[0])
-		i|=WIN_PUT;
-File Directories:
-This is a list of file directories that have been configured for the
-selected file library.
-To add a directory, select the desired position with the arrow keys and
-hit  INS .
-To delete a directory, select it with the arrow keys and hit  DEL .
-To configure a directory, select it with the arrow keys and hit  ENTER .
-	i=uifc.list(i,24,1,45,&dflt,&bar,str,opt);
-	uifc.savnum=1;
-	if((signed)i==-1)
-		return;
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_INS) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		strcpy(str,"Games");
-Directory Long Name:
-This is a description of the file directory which is displayed in all
-directory listings.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Directory Long Name",str,LEN_SLNAME
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-			continue;
-		sprintf(str2,"%.*s",LEN_SSNAME,str);
-Directory Short Name:
-This is a short description of the file directory which is displayed at
-the file transfer prompt.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Directory Short Name",str2,LEN_SSNAME
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-            continue;
-		sprintf(code,"%.8s",str2);
-		p=strchr(code,SP);
-		if(p) *p=0;
-		strupr(code);
-Directory Internal Code:
-Every directory must have its own unique code for Synchronet to refer to
-it internally. This code should be descriptive of the directory's
-contents, usually an abreviation of the directory's name.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Directory Internal Code",code,8
-			,K_EDIT|K_UPPER)<1)
-            continue;
-		if(!code_ok(code)) {
-			uifc.helpbuf=invalid_code;
-			uifc.msg("Invalid Code");
-			uifc.helpbuf=0;
-			continue; }
-		sprintf(path,"%sdirs/%s",cfg.data_dir,code);
-Directory File Path:
-This is the drive and directory where your uploads to and downloads from
-this directory will be stored. Example: C:\XFER\GAMES
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Directory File Path",path,50
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-			continue;
-		if((cfg.dir=(dir_t **)REALLOC(cfg.dir,sizeof(dir_t *)*(cfg.total_dirs+1)))==NULL) {
-			errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,nulstr,cfg.total_dirs+1);
-			cfg.total_dirs=0;
-			bail(1);
-            continue; }
-		if(j)
-			for(n=cfg.total_dirs;n>dirnum[i];n--)
-                cfg.dir[n]=cfg.dir[n-1];
-		if((cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]=(dir_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(dir_t)))==NULL) {
-			errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,nulstr,sizeof(dir_t));
-			continue; }
-		memset((dir_t *)cfg.dir[dirnum[i]],0,sizeof(dir_t));
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->lib=libnum;
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->maxfiles=MAX_FILES<500 ? MAX_FILES:500;
-		if(stricmp(str2,"OFFLINE"))
-			cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->misc=DEFAULT_DIR_OPTIONS;
-		strcpy(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->code,code);
-		strcpy(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->lname,str);
-		strcpy(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->sname,str2);
-		strcpy(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->path,path);
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->up_pct=cfg.cdt_up_pct;
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->dn_pct=cfg.cdt_dn_pct;
-		cfg.total_dirs++;
-		uifc.changes=1;
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_DEL) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-Delete Directory Data Files:
-If you want to delete all the database files for this directory,
-select Yes.
-		j=1;
-		strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-		strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-		opt[2][0]=0;
-		j=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&j,0
-			,"Delete Data in Sub-board",opt);
-		if(j==-1)
-			continue;
-		if(j==0) {
-				sprintf(str,"%s.*",cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->code);
-				strlwr(str);
-				if(!cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->data_dir[0])
-					sprintf(tmp,"%sdirs/",cfg.data_dir);
-				else
-					strcpy(tmp,cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->data_dir);
-				delfiles(tmp,str); }
-		FREE(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]);
-		cfg.total_dirs--;
-		for(j=dirnum[i];j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-			cfg.dir[j]=cfg.dir[j+1];
-		uifc.changes=1;
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_GET) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		savdir=*cfg.dir[dirnum[i]];
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_PUT) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		*cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]=savdir;
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->lib=libnum;
-		uifc.changes=1;
-        continue; }
-	i=dirnum[dflt];
-	j=0;
-	done=0;
-	while(!done) {
-		n=0;
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Long Name",cfg.dir[i]->lname);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Short Name",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Internal Code",cfg.dir[i]->code);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Access Requirements"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Upload Requirements"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->ul_arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Download Requirements"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->dl_arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Operator Requirements"
-            ,cfg.dir[i]->op_arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Exemption Requirements"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->ex_arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Transfer File Path"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->path);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%u","Maximum Number of Files"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->maxfiles);
-		if(cfg.dir[i]->maxage)
-			sprintf(str,"Enabled (%u days old)",cfg.dir[i]->maxage);
-        else
-            strcpy(str,"Disabled");
-        sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Purge by Age",str);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%u%%","Credit on Upload"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->up_pct);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%u%%","Credit on Download"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->dn_pct);
-		strcpy(opt[n++],"Toggle Options...");
-		strcpy(opt[n++],"Advanced Options...");
-		opt[n][0]=0;
-		sprintf(str,"%s Directory",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-Directory Configuration:
-This menu allows you to configure the individual selected directory.
-Options with a trailing ... provide a sub-menu of more options.
-		uifc.savnum=1;
-		switch(uifc.list(WIN_SAV|WIN_ACT|WIN_RHT|WIN_BOT
-			,0,0,60,&opt_dflt,0,str,opt)) {
-			case -1:
-				done=1;
-				break;
-			case 0:
-Directory Long Name:
-This is a description of the file directory which is displayed in all
-directory listings.
-				strcpy(str,cfg.dir[i]->lname);	/* save */
-				if(!uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Name to use for Listings"
-					,cfg.dir[i]->lname,LEN_SLNAME,K_EDIT))
-					strcpy(cfg.dir[i]->lname,str);
-				break;
-			case 1:
-Directory Short Name:
-This is a short description of the file directory which is displayed at
-the file transfer prompt.
-				uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Name to use for Prompts"
-					,cfg.dir[i]->sname,LEN_SSNAME,K_EDIT);
-				break;
-			case 2:
-                SETHELP(WHERE);
-Directory Internal Code:
-Every directory must have its own unique code for Synchronet to refer to
-it internally. This code should be descriptive of the directory's
-contents, usually an abreviation of the directory's name.
-                strcpy(str,cfg.dir[i]->code);
-                uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Internal Code (unique)"
-                    ,str,8,K_EDIT|K_UPPER);
-                if(code_ok(str))
-                    strcpy(cfg.dir[i]->code,str);
-                else {
-                    uifc.helpbuf=invalid_code;
-                    uifc.msg("Invalid Code");
-                    uifc.helpbuf=0; }
-                break;
-			case 3:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Access",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->arstr);
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Upload",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->ul_arstr);
-				break;
-			case 5:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Download",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->dl_arstr);
-				break;
-			case 6:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Operator",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->op_arstr);
-                break;
-			case 7:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Exemption",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->ex_arstr);
-                break;
-			case 8:
-File Path:
-This is the default storage path for files uploaded to this directory.
-If this path is blank, files are stored in a directory off of the
-DATA\DIRS directory using the internal code of this directory as the
-name of the dirdirectory (i.e. DATA\DIRS\<CODE>).
-This path can be overridden on a per file basis using Alternate File
-				uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"File Path"
-					,cfg.dir[i]->path,50,K_EDIT);
-				break;
-			case 9:
-Maximum Number of Files:
-This value is the maximum number of files allowed in this directory.
-				sprintf(str,"%u",cfg.dir[i]->maxfiles);
-				uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Maximum Number of Files"
-					,str,5,K_EDIT|K_NUMBER);
-				n=atoi(str);
-				if(n>MAX_FILES) {
-					sprintf(str,"Maximum Files is %u",MAX_FILES);
-					uifc.msg(str); }
-				else
-					cfg.dir[i]->maxfiles=n;
-				break;
-			case 10:
-				sprintf(str,"%u",cfg.dir[i]->maxage);
-                SETHELP(WHERE);
-Maximum Age of Files:
-This value is the maximum number of days that files will be kept in
-the directory based on the date the file was uploaded or last
-downloaded (If the Purge by Last Download toggle option is used).
-The Synchronet file base maintenance program (DELFILES) must be used
-to automatically remove files based on age.
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Maximum Age of Files (in days)"
-                    ,str,5,K_EDIT|K_NUMBER);
-				cfg.dir[i]->maxage=atoi(str);
-                break;
-			case 11:
-Percentage of Credits to Credit Uploader on Upload:
-This is the percentage of a file's credit value that is given to users
-when they upload files. Most often, this value will be set to 100 to
-give full credit value (100%) for uploads.
-If you want uploaders to receive no credits upon upload, set this value
-to 0.
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0
-					,"Percentage of Credits to Credit Uploader on Upload"
-					,ultoa(cfg.dir[i]->up_pct,tmp,10),4,K_EDIT|K_NUMBER);
-				cfg.dir[i]->up_pct=atoi(tmp);
-				break;
-			case 12:
-Percentage of Credits to Credit Uploader on Download:
-This is the percentage of a file's credit value that is given to users
-who upload a file that is later downloaded by another user. This is an
-award type system where more popular files will generate more credits
-for the uploader.
-If you do not want uploaders to receive credit when files they upload
-are later downloaded, set this value to 0.
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0
-					,"Percentage of Credits to Credit Uploader on Download"
-					,ultoa(cfg.dir[i]->dn_pct,tmp,10),4,K_EDIT|K_NUMBER);
-				cfg.dir[i]->dn_pct=atoi(tmp);
-				break;
-			case 13:
-				while(1) {
-					n=0;
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Check for File Existence"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FCHK ? "Yes":"No");
-					strcpy(str,"Slow Media Device");
-					if(cfg.dir[i]->seqdev) {
-						sprintf(tmp," #%u",cfg.dir[i]->seqdev);
-						strcat(str,tmp); }
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s",str
-						,cfg.dir[i]->seqdev ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Force Content Ratings"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_RATE ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Upload Date in Listings"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULDATE ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Multiple File Numberings"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MULT ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Search for Duplicates"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DUPES ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Search for New Files"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOSCAN ? "No":"Yes");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Search for Auto-ADDFILES"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOAUTO ? "No":"Yes");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Import FILE_ID.DIZ"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DIZ ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Free Downloads"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FREE ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Free Download Time"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_TFREE ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Deduct Upload Time"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULTIME ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Credit Uploads"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTUL ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Credit Downloads"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTDL ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Credit with Minutes"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTMIN ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Anonymous Uploads"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ANON ? cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_AONLY
-						? "Only":"Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Purge by Last Download"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_SINCEDL ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Mark Moved Files as New"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MOVENEW ? "Yes":"No");
-					opt[n][0]=0;
-					uifc.savnum=2;
-Directory Toggle Options:
-This is the toggle options menu for the selected file directory.
-The available options from this menu can all be toggled between two or
-more states, such as Yes and No.
-					n=uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_SAV|WIN_RHT|WIN_BOT,3,2,36,&tog_dflt
-						,&tog_bar,"Toggle Options",opt);
-					if(n==-1)
-                        break;
-					uifc.savnum=3;
-					switch(n) {
-						case 0:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Check for File Existence When Listing:
-If you want the actual existence of files to be verified while listing
-directories, set this value to Yes.
-Directories with files located on CD-ROM or other slow media should have
-this option set to No.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Check for File Existence When Listing",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FCHK)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_FCHK;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FCHK)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_FCHK;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 1:
-                            n=0;
-                            strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-                            strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-                            opt[2][0]=0;
-Slow Media Device:
-If this directory contains files located on CD-ROM or other slow media
-device, you should set this option to Yes. Each slow media device on
-your system should have a unique Device Number. If you only have one
-slow media device, then this number should be set to 1.
-CD-ROM multidisk changers are considered one device and all the
-directories on all the CD-ROMs in each changer should be set to the same
-device number.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Slow Media Device"
-								,opt);
-							if(n==0) {
-								if(!cfg.dir[i]->seqdev) {
-									uifc.changes=1;
-									strcpy(str,"1"); }
-								else
-									sprintf(str,"%u",cfg.dir[i]->seqdev);
-								uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0
-									,"Device Number"
-									,str,2,K_EDIT|K_UPPER);
-								cfg.dir[i]->seqdev=atoi(str); }
-							else if(n==1 && cfg.dir[i]->seqdev) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->seqdev=0;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 2:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Force Content Ratings in Descriptions:
-If you would like all uploads to this directory to be prompted for
-content rating (G, R, or X), set this value to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Force Content Ratings in Descriptions",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_RATE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_RATE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_RATE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_RATE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 3:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Include Upload Date in File Descriptions:
-If you wish the upload date of each file in this directory to be
-automatically included in the file description, set this option to
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Include Upload Date in Descriptions",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULDATE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_ULDATE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULDATE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_ULDATE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 4:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Ask for Multiple File Numberings:
-If you would like uploads to this directory to be prompted for multiple
-file (disk) numbers, set this value to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Ask for Multiple File Numberings",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MULT)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_MULT;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MULT)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_MULT;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 5:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Search Directory for Duplicate Filenames:
-If you would like to have this directory searched for duplicate
-filenames when a user attempts to upload a file, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Search for Duplicate Filenames",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DUPES)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_DUPES;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DUPES)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_DUPES;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 6:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Search Directory for New Files:
-If you would like to have this directory searched for newly uploaded
-files when a user scans All libraries for new files, set this option to
-If this directory is located on CD-ROM or other read only media
-(where uploads are unlikely to occur), it will improve new file scans
-if this option is set to No.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Search for New files",opt);
-							if(n==0 && cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOSCAN) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_NOSCAN;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOSCAN)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_NOSCAN;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 7:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Search Directory for Auto-ADDFILES:
-If you would like to have this directory searched for a file list to
-import automatically when using the ADDFILES * (Auto-ADD) feature,
-set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Search for Auto-ADDFILES",opt);
-							if(n==0 && cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOAUTO) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_NOAUTO;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOAUTO)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_NOAUTO;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 8:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Import FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI Descriptions:
-If you would like archived descriptions (FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI)
-of uploaded files to be automatically imported as the extended
-description, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Import FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DIZ)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_DIZ;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DIZ)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_DIZ;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 9:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Downloads are Free:
-If you would like all downloads from this directory to be free (cost
-no credits), set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Downloads are Free",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FREE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_FREE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FREE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_FREE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 10:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Free Download Time:
-If you would like all downloads from this directory to not subtract
-time from the user, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Free Download Time",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_TFREE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_TFREE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_TFREE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_TFREE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 11:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Deduct Upload Time:
-If you would like all uploads to this directory to have the time spent
-uploading subtracted from their time online, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Deduct Upload Time",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULTIME)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_ULTIME;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULTIME)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_ULTIME;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 12:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Give Credit for Uploads:
-If you want users who upload to this directory to get credit for their
-initial upload, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Give Credit for Uploads",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTUL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_CDTUL;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTUL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_CDTUL;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 13:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Give Uploader Credit for Downloads:
-If you want users who upload to this directory to get credit when their
-files are downloaded, set this optin to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Give Uploader Credit for Downloads",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTDL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_CDTDL;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTDL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_CDTDL;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 14:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Credit Uploader with Minutes instead of Credits:
-If you wish to give the uploader of files to this directory minutes,
-intead of credits, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Credit Uploader with Minutes",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTMIN)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_CDTMIN;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTMIN){
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_CDTMIN;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 15:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							strcpy(opt[2],"Only");
-							opt[3][0]=0;
-Allow Anonymous Uploads:
-If you want users with the A exemption to be able to upload anonymously
-to this directory, set this option to Yes. If you want all uploads to
-this directory to be forced anonymous, set this option to Only.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Allow Anonymous Uploads",opt);
-							if(n==0 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY))
-								!=DIR_ANON) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_ANON;
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_AONLY;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && cfg.dir[i]->misc&(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY)){
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY);
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==2 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY))
-								!=(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY);
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 16:
-                            n=0;
-                            strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-                            strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-                            opt[2][0]=0;
-                            SETHELP(WHERE);
-Purge Files Based on Date of Last Download:
-Using the Synchronet file base maintenance utility (DELFILES), you can
-have files removed based on the number of days since last downloaded
-rather than the number of days since the file was uploaded (default),
-by setting this option to Yes.
-                            n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Purge Files Based on Date of Last Download"
-                                ,opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_SINCEDL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_SINCEDL;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_SINCEDL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_SINCEDL;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 17:
-                            n=0;
-                            strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-                            strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-                            opt[2][0]=0;
-                            SETHELP(WHERE);
-Mark Moved Files as New:
-If this option is set to Yes, then all files moved from this directory
-will have their upload date changed to the current date so the file will
-appear in users' new-file scans again.
-                            n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Mark Moved Files as New"
-                                ,opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MOVENEW)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_MOVENEW;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MOVENEW)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_MOVENEW;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-							} }
-				break;
-		case 14:
-			while(1) {
-				n=0;
-				sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Extensions Allowed"
-					,cfg.dir[i]->exts);
-				if(!cfg.dir[i]->data_dir[0])
-					sprintf(str,"%sdirs/",cfg.data_dir);
-				else
-					strcpy(str,cfg.dir[i]->data_dir);
-				sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Data Directory"
-					,str);
-				sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Upload Semaphore File"
-                    ,cfg.dir[i]->upload_sem);
-				sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Sort Value and Direction"
-					, cfg.dir[i]->sort==SORT_NAME_A ? "Name Ascending"
-					: cfg.dir[i]->sort==SORT_NAME_D ? "Name Descending"
-					: cfg.dir[i]->sort==SORT_DATE_A ? "Date Ascending"
-					: "Date Descending");
-				opt[n][0]=0;
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-Directory Advanced Options:
-This is the advanced options menu for the selected file directory.
-					n=uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_SAV|WIN_RHT|WIN_BOT,3,4,60,&adv_dflt,0
-						,"Advanced Options",opt);
-					if(n==-1)
-                        break;
-					uifc.savnum=3;
-                    switch(n) {
-						case 0:
-File Extensions Allowed:
-This option allows you to limit the types of files uploaded to this
-directory. This is a list of file extensions that are allowed, each
-separated by a comma (Example: ZIP,EXE). If this option is left
-blank, all file extensions will be allowed to be uploaded.
-							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17
-								,"File Extensions Allowed"
-								,cfg.dir[i]->exts,40,K_EDIT);
-							break;
-						case 1:
-Data Directory:
-Use this if you wish to place the data directory for this directory
-on another drive or in another directory besides the default setting.
-							uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Data"
-								,cfg.dir[i]->data_dir,50,K_EDIT);
-							break;
-						case 2:
-Upload Semaphore File:
-This is a filename that will be used as a semaphore (signal) to your
-FidoNet front-end that new files are ready to be hatched for export.
-							uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Upload Semaphore"
-								,cfg.dir[i]->upload_sem,50,K_EDIT);
-							break;
-						case 3:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Name Ascending");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"Name Descending");
-							strcpy(opt[2],"Date Ascending");
-							strcpy(opt[3],"Date Descending");
-							opt[4][0]=0;
-Sort Value and Direction:
-This option allows you to determine the sort value and direction. Files
-that are uploaded are automatically sorted by filename or upload date,
-ascending or descending. If you change the sort value or direction after
-a directory already has files in it, use the sysop transfer menu ;RESORT
-command to resort the directory with the new sort parameters.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Sort Value and Direction",opt);
-							if(n==0 && cfg.dir[i]->sort!=SORT_NAME_A) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->sort=SORT_NAME_A;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && cfg.dir[i]->sort!=SORT_NAME_D) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->sort=SORT_NAME_D;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==2 && cfg.dir[i]->sort!=SORT_DATE_A) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->sort=SORT_DATE_A;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==3 && cfg.dir[i]->sort!=SORT_DATE_D) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->sort=SORT_DATE_D;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break; } }
-			break;
-			} } }
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c
index 299a75d816..87a79a2d63 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgmsg.c
@@ -243,7 +243,9 @@ select Yes.
 				if(cfg.sub[j]->grp==i) {
-					sprintf(str,"%s.s*",cfg.sub[j]->code);
+					sprintf(str,"%s%s.s*"
+						,cfg.grp[cfg.sub[j]->grp]->code_prefix
+						,cfg.sub[j]->code_suffix);
@@ -288,6 +290,7 @@ select Yes.
 		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%s","Long Name",cfg.grp[i]->lname);
 		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%s","Short Name",cfg.grp[i]->sname);
+		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%s","Internal Code Prefix",cfg.grp[i]->code_prefix);
 		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Access Requirements"
 		strcpy(opt[j++],"Clone Options");
@@ -334,10 +337,23 @@ main menu and reading messages prompts.
 			case 2:
+`Internal Code Prefix:`
+This is an `optional` code prefix used to help generate unique internal
+codes for the sub-boards in this message group. If this option
+is used, sub-board internal codes will be made up of this prefix and the
+specified code suffix for each sub-board.
+				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Internal Code Prefix"
+					,cfg.grp[i]->code_prefix,LEN_CODE,K_EDIT|K_UPPER);
+				break;
+			case 3:
 				sprintf(str,"%s Group",cfg.grp[i]->sname);
-			case 3: 	/* Clone Options */
+			case 4: 	/* Clone Options */
@@ -381,7 +397,7 @@ of CRCs, maximum age of messages, storage method, and data directory.
 								cfg.sub[j]->faddr=cfg.sub[k]->faddr; } } }
-			case 4:
+			case 5:
@@ -447,32 +463,44 @@ export the current message group into.
 					if(k==1) {		/* AREAS.BBS *.MSG */
-						sprintf(str,"%s%s/",cfg.echomail_dir,cfg.sub[j]->code);
+						sprintf(str,"%s%s%s/"
+							,cfg.echomail_dir
+							,cfg.grp[cfg.sub[j]->grp]->code_prefix
+							,cfg.sub[j]->code_suffix);
 						fprintf(stream,"%-30s %-20s %s\r\n"
 						continue; }
 					if(k==2) {		/* AREAS.BBS SMB */
-							sprintf(str,"%ssubs/%s",cfg.data_dir,cfg.sub[j]->code);
+							sprintf(str,"%ssubs/%s%s"
+								,cfg.data_dir
+								,cfg.grp[cfg.sub[j]->grp]->code_prefix
+								,cfg.sub[j]->code_suffix);
-							sprintf(str,"%s%s",cfg.sub[j]->data_dir,cfg.sub[j]->code);
+							sprintf(str,"%s%s%s"
+								,cfg.sub[j]->data_dir
+								,cfg.grp[cfg.sub[j]->grp]->code_prefix
+								,cfg.sub[j]->code_suffix);
 						fprintf(stream,"%-30s %-20s %s\r\n"
                         continue; }
 					if(k==3) {		/* AREAS.BBS SBBSECHO */
-						fprintf(stream,"%-30s %-20s %s\r\n"
-							,cfg.sub[j]->code,stou(cfg.sub[j]->sname),str2);
+						fprintf(stream,"%s%-30s %-20s %s\r\n"
+							,cfg.grp[cfg.sub[j]->grp]->code_prefix
+							,cfg.sub[j]->code_suffix
+							,stou(cfg.sub[j]->sname)
+							,str2);
 						continue; }
 					if(k==4) {		/* FIDONET.NA */
 						fprintf(stream,"%-20s %s\r\n"
 						continue; }
-					fprintf(stream,"%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n"
+					fprintf(stream,"%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n"
-						,cfg.sub[j]->code
+						,cfg.grp[cfg.sub[j]->grp]->code_prefix,cfg.sub[j]->code_suffix
@@ -501,7 +529,7 @@ export the current message group into.
-			case 5:
+			case 6:
 				strcpy(opt[k++],"SUBS.TXT    (Synchronet)");
@@ -558,7 +586,7 @@ import into the current message group.
                             else p=str;
-							sprintf(tmpsub.code,"%.8s",p);
+							sprintf(tmpsub.code_suffix,"%.8s",p);
 							while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;
@@ -576,7 +604,7 @@ import into the current message group.
                             else p=str;
-							sprintf(tmpsub.code,"%.8s",p);
+							sprintf(tmpsub.code_suffix,"%.8s",p);
 							while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;
@@ -591,7 +619,7 @@ import into the current message group.
 							while(*p && *p>SP) p++;
-							sprintf(tmpsub.code,"%.8s",str);
+							sprintf(tmpsub.code_suffix,"%.8s",str);
 							while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;
@@ -607,7 +635,7 @@ import into the current message group.
 							while(*p && *p>SP) p++;
-							sprintf(tmpsub.code,"%.8s",str);
+							sprintf(tmpsub.code_suffix,"%.8s",str);
@@ -627,7 +655,7 @@ import into the current message group.
 						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						sprintf(tmpsub.code,"%.*s",8,str);
+						sprintf(tmpsub.code_suffix,"%.*s",8,str);
 						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
@@ -683,15 +711,15 @@ import into the current message group.
 							if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
 							truncsp(str); } }
-					truncsp(tmpsub.code);
-                    strip_slash(tmpsub.code);
+					truncsp(tmpsub.code_suffix);
+                    strip_slash(tmpsub.code_suffix);
 					for(j=0;j<cfg.total_subs;j++) {
-						if(!stricmp(cfg.sub[j]->code,tmpsub.code))
+						if(!stricmp(cfg.sub[j]->code_suffix,tmpsub.code_suffix))
 							break; }
 					if(j==cfg.total_subs) {
@@ -720,7 +748,7 @@ import into the current message group.
-						strcpy(cfg.sub[j]->code,tmpsub.code);
+						strcpy(cfg.sub[j]->code_suffix,tmpsub.code_suffix);
@@ -740,7 +768,7 @@ import into the current message group.
-			case 6:
+			case 7:
 				break; } } }
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr2.c b/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 70babad961..0000000000
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfg/scfgxfr2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1531 +0,0 @@
-/* scfgxfr2.c */
-/* $Id$ */
- * 4		(Plain Text/Source Code File Header)			*
- * @format.use-tabs true	(see		*
- *																			*
- * Copyright 2002 Rob Swindell -		*
- *																			*
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or			*
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				*
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2			*
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.					*
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or			*
- *										*
- *																			*
- * Anonymous FTP access to the most recent released source is available at	*
- *, and	*
- *																			*
- * Anonymous CVS access to the development source and modification history	*
- * is available at, example:					*
- * cvs -d login			*
- *     (just hit return, no password is necessary)							*
- * cvs -d checkout src		*
- *																			*
- * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see				*
- *										*
- *																			*
- * You are encouraged to submit any modifications (preferably in Unix diff	*
- * format) via e-mail to									*
- *																			*
- * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs.	*
- ****************************************************************************/
-#include "scfg.h"
-void xfer_cfg()
-	static int libs_dflt,libs_bar,dflt;
-	char str[256],str2[81],done=0,*p;
-	int file,j,k,q;
-	uint i;
-	long ported;
-	static lib_t savlib;
-	dir_t tmpdir;
-	FILE *stream;
-while(1) {
-	for(i=0;i<cfg.total_libs && i<MAX_OPTS;i++)
-		sprintf(opt[i],"%-25s",cfg.lib[i]->lname);
-	opt[i][0]=0;
-	if(cfg.total_libs)
-	if(cfg.total_libs<MAX_OPTS)
-	if(savlib.sname[0])
-		j|=WIN_PUT;
-File Libraries:
-This is a listing of file libraries for your BBS. File Libraries are
-used to logically separate your file directories into groups. Every
-directory belongs to a file library.
-One popular use for file libraries is to separate CD-ROM and hard disk
-directories. One might have an Uploads file library that contains
-uploads to the hard disk directories and also have a PC-SIG file
-library that contains directories from a PC-SIG CD-ROM. Some sysops
-separate directories into more specific areas such as Main, Graphics,
-or Adult. If you have many directories that have a common subject
-denominator, you may want to have a separate file library for those
-directories for a more organized file structure.
-	i=uifc.list(j,0,0,45,&libs_dflt,&libs_bar,"File Libraries",opt);
-	if((signed)i==-1) {
-		j=save_changes(WIN_MID);
-		if(j==-1)
-			continue;
-		if(!j) {
-			write_file_cfg(&cfg,backup_level);
-            refresh_cfg(&cfg);
-        }
-		return; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_INS) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		strcpy(str,"Main");
-Library Long Name:
-This is a description of the file library which is displayed when a
-user of the system uses the /* command from the file transfer menu.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Library Long Name",str,LEN_GLNAME
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-			continue;
-		sprintf(str2,"%.*s",LEN_GSNAME,str);
-Library Short Name:
-This is a short description of the file library which is used for the
-file transfer menu prompt.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Library Short Name",str2,LEN_GSNAME
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-			continue;
-		if((cfg.lib=(lib_t **)REALLOC(cfg.lib,sizeof(lib_t *)*(cfg.total_libs+1)))==NULL) {
-			errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,nulstr,cfg.total_libs+1);
-			cfg.total_libs=0;
-			bail(1);
-            continue; }
-		if(cfg.total_libs) {
-			for(j=cfg.total_libs;j>i;j--)
-                cfg.lib[j]=cfg.lib[j-1];
-			for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-				if(cfg.dir[j]->lib>=i)
-					cfg.dir[j]->lib++; }
-		if((cfg.lib[i]=(lib_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(lib_t)))==NULL) {
-			errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,nulstr,sizeof(lib_t));
-			continue; }
-		memset((lib_t *)cfg.lib[i],0,sizeof(lib_t));
-		strcpy(cfg.lib[i]->lname,str);
-		strcpy(cfg.lib[i]->sname,str2);
-		cfg.total_libs++;
-		uifc.changes=1;
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_DEL) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-Delete All Data in Library:
-If you wish to delete the database files for all directories in this
-library, select Yes.
-		j=1;
-		strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-		strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-		opt[2][0]=0;
-		j=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&j,0
-			,"Delete All Library Data Files",opt);
-		if(j==-1)
-			continue;
-		if(j==0)
-			for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-				if(cfg.dir[j]->lib==i) {
-					sprintf(str,"%s.*",cfg.dir[j]->code);
-					strlwr(str);
-					if(!cfg.dir[j]->data_dir[0])
-						sprintf(tmp,"%sdirs/",cfg.data_dir);
-					else
-						strcpy(tmp,cfg.dir[j]->data_dir);
-					delfiles(tmp,str); }
-		FREE(cfg.lib[i]);
-		for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;) {
-			if(cfg.dir[j]->lib==i) {
-				FREE(cfg.dir[j]);
-				cfg.total_dirs--;
-				k=j;
-				while(k<cfg.total_dirs) {
-					cfg.dir[k]=cfg.dir[k+1];
-					k++; } }
-			else j++; }
-		for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-			if(cfg.dir[j]->lib>i)
-				cfg.dir[j]->lib--;
-		cfg.total_libs--;
-		while(i<cfg.total_libs) {
-			cfg.lib[i]=cfg.lib[i+1];
-			i++; }
-		uifc.changes=1;
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_GET) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		savlib=*cfg.lib[i];
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_PUT) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		*cfg.lib[i]=savlib;
-		uifc.changes=1;
-        continue; }
-	done=0;
-	while(!done) {
-		j=0;
-		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%s","Long Name",cfg.lib[i]->lname);
-		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%s","Short Name",cfg.lib[i]->sname);
-		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Parent Directory"
-			,cfg.lib[i]->parent_path);
-		sprintf(opt[j++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Access Requirements"
-			,cfg.lib[i]->arstr);
-		strcpy(opt[j++],"Clone Options");
-		strcpy(opt[j++],"Export Areas...");
-		strcpy(opt[j++],"Import Areas...");
-		strcpy(opt[j++],"File Directories...");
-		opt[j][0]=0;
-		uifc.savnum=0;
-		sprintf(str,"%s Library",cfg.lib[i]->sname);
-File Library Configuration:
-This menu allows you to configure the security requirments for access
-to this file library. You can also add, delete, and configure the
-directories of this library by selecting the File Directories... option.
-		switch(uifc.list(WIN_ACT,6,4,60,&dflt,0,str,opt)) {
-			case -1:
-				done=1;
-				break;
-			case 0:
-Library Long Name:
-This is a description of the file library which is displayed when a
-user of the system uses the /* command from the file transfer menu.
-				strcpy(str,cfg.lib[i]->lname);	/* save */
-				if(!uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Name to use for Listings"
-					,cfg.lib[i]->lname,LEN_GLNAME,K_EDIT))
-					strcpy(cfg.lib[i]->lname,str);	/* restore */
-				break;
-			case 1:
-Library Short Name:
-This is a short description of the file librarly which is used for the
-file transfer menu prompt.
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Name to use for Prompts"
-					,cfg.lib[i]->sname,LEN_GSNAME,K_EDIT);
-				break;
-			case 2:
-Parent Directory:
-This an optional path to be used as the physical "parent" directory for 
-all logical directories in this library. This parent directory will be
-used in combination with each directory's storage path to create the
-full physical storage path for files in this directory.
-This option is convenient for adding libraries with many directories
-that share a common parent directory (e.g. CD-ROMs) and gives you the
-option of easily changing the common parent directory location later, if
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Parent Directory"
-					,cfg.lib[i]->parent_path,sizeof(cfg.lib[i]->parent_path)-1,K_EDIT);
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				sprintf(str,"%s Library",cfg.lib[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.lib[i]->arstr);
-				break;
-			case 4: /* clone options */
-				j=0;
-				strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-				strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-				opt[2][0]=0;
-Clone Directory Options:
-If you want to clone the options of the first directory of this library
-into all directories of this library, select Yes.
-The options cloned are upload requirments, download requirments,
-operator requirements, exempted user requirements, toggle options,
-maximum number of files, allowed file extensions, default file
-extension, and sort type.
-				j=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&j,0
-					,"Clone Options of First Directory into All of Library"
-					,opt);
-				if(j==0) {
-					k=-1;
-					for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-						if(cfg.dir[j]->lib==i) {
-							if(k==-1)
-								k=j;
-							else {
-								uifc.changes=1;
-								cfg.dir[j]->misc=cfg.dir[k]->misc;
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->ul_arstr,cfg.dir[k]->ul_arstr);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->dl_arstr,cfg.dir[k]->dl_arstr);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->op_arstr,cfg.dir[k]->op_arstr);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->ex_arstr,cfg.dir[k]->ex_arstr);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->exts,cfg.dir[k]->exts);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->data_dir,cfg.dir[k]->data_dir);
-								strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->upload_sem,cfg.dir[k]->upload_sem);
-								cfg.dir[j]->maxfiles=cfg.dir[k]->maxfiles;
-								cfg.dir[j]->maxage=cfg.dir[k]->maxage;
-								cfg.dir[j]->up_pct=cfg.dir[k]->up_pct;
-								cfg.dir[j]->dn_pct=cfg.dir[k]->dn_pct;
-								cfg.dir[j]->seqdev=cfg.dir[k]->seqdev;
-								cfg.dir[j]->sort=cfg.dir[k]->sort; } } }
-                break;
-			case 5:
-				k=0;
-				ported=0;
-				q=uifc.changes;
-				strcpy(opt[k++],"DIRS.TXT    (Synchronet)");
-				strcpy(opt[k++],"FILEBONE.NA (Fido)");
-				opt[k][0]=0;
-Export Area File Format:
-This menu allows you to choose the format of the area file you wish to
-export to.
-				k=0;
-				k=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&k,0
-					,"Export Area File Format",opt);
-				if(k==-1)
-					break;
-				if(k==0)
-					sprintf(str,"%sDIRS.TXT",cfg.ctrl_dir);
-				else if(k==1)
-					sprintf(str,"FILEBONE.NA");
-				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Filename"
-					,str,40,K_EDIT)<=0) {
-					uifc.changes=q;
-					break; }
-				if(fexist(str)) {
-					strcpy(opt[0],"Overwrite");
-					strcpy(opt[1],"Append");
-					opt[2][0]=0;
-					j=0;
-					j=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&j,0
-						,"File Exists",opt);
-					if(j==-1)
-						break;
-					if(j==0) j=O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC;
-					else	 j=O_WRONLY|O_APPEND; }
-				else
-				if((stream=fnopen(&file,str,j))==NULL) {
-					uifc.msg("Open Failure");
-					break; }
-				uifc.pop("Exporting Areas...");
-				for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++) {
-					if(cfg.dir[j]->lib!=i)
-						continue;
-					ported++;
-					if(k==1) {
-						fprintf(stream,"Area %-8s  0     !      %s\r\n"
-							,cfg.dir[j]->code,cfg.dir[j]->lname);
-						continue; }
-					fprintf(stream,"%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n%s\r\n"
-							"%s\r\n%s\r\n"
-						,cfg.dir[j]->lname
-						,cfg.dir[j]->sname
-						,cfg.dir[j]->code
-						,cfg.dir[j]->data_dir
-						,cfg.dir[j]->arstr
-						,cfg.dir[j]->ul_arstr
-						,cfg.dir[j]->dl_arstr
-						,cfg.dir[j]->op_arstr
-						);
-					fprintf(stream,"%s\r\n%s\r\n%u\r\n%s\r\n%lX\r\n%u\r\n"
-							"%u\r\n"
-						,cfg.dir[j]->path
-						,cfg.dir[j]->upload_sem
-						,cfg.dir[j]->maxfiles
-						,cfg.dir[j]->exts
-						,cfg.dir[j]->misc
-						,cfg.dir[j]->seqdev
-						,cfg.dir[j]->sort
-						);
-					fprintf(stream,"%s\r\n%u\r\n%u\r\n%u\r\n"
-						,cfg.dir[j]->ex_arstr
-						,cfg.dir[j]->maxage
-						,cfg.dir[j]->up_pct
-						,cfg.dir[j]->dn_pct
-						);
-					fprintf(stream,"***END-OF-DIR***\r\n\r\n"); }
-				fclose(stream);
-				uifc.pop(0);
-				sprintf(str,"%lu File Areas Exported Successfully",ported);
-				uifc.msg(str);
-				uifc.changes=q;
-				break;
-			case 6:
-				ported=0;
-				k=0;
-Import Area File Format:
-This menu allows you to choose the format of the area file you wish to
-import into the current file library.
-A "raw" directory listing can be created in DOS with the following
-command: DIR /ON /AD /B > DIRS.RAW
-				strcpy(opt[k++],"DIRS.TXT    (Synchronet)");
-                strcpy(opt[k++],"FILEBONE.NA (Fido)");
-				strcpy(opt[k++],"DIRS.RAW    (Raw)");
-				opt[k][0]=0;
-				k=0;
-				k=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&k,0
-					,"Import Area File Format",opt);
-				if(k==-1)
-					break;
-				if(k==0)
-					sprintf(str,"%sDIRS.TXT",cfg.ctrl_dir);
-				else if(k==1)
-					sprintf(str,"FILEBONE.NA");
-				else {
-					strcpy(str,cfg.lib[i]->parent_path);
-					backslash(str);
-					strcat(str,"dirs.raw");
-				}
-				if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Filename"
-					,str,40,K_EDIT)<=0)
-                    break;
-				if((stream=fnopen(&file,str,O_RDONLY))==NULL) {
-					uifc.msg("Open Failure");
-                    break; }
-				uifc.pop("Importing Areas...");
-				while(!feof(stream)) {
-					if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-					truncsp(str);
-					if(!str[0])
-						continue;
-					memset(&tmpdir,0,sizeof(dir_t));
-					tmpdir.misc=DEFAULT_DIR_OPTIONS;
-					tmpdir.maxfiles=1000;
-					tmpdir.up_pct=cfg.cdt_up_pct;
-					tmpdir.dn_pct=cfg.cdt_dn_pct; 
-					p=str;
-					while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;
-					if(k==2) { /* raw */
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.code,p);
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.lname,p);
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.sname,p);
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.path,p);
-						ported++;
-					}
-					else if(k==1) {
-						if(strnicmp(p,"AREA ",5))
-							continue;
-						p+=5;
-						while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;
-						sprintf(tmpdir.code,"%.8s",p);
-						truncsp(tmpdir.code);
-						while(*p>SP) p++;			/* Skip areaname */
-						while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;	/* Skip space */
-						while(*p>SP) p++;			/* Skip level */
-						while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;	/* Skip space */
-						while(*p>SP) p++;			/* Skip flags */
-						while(*p && *p<=SP) p++;	/* Skip space */
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.sname,p); 
-						SAFECOPY(tmpdir.lname,p); 
-						ported++; 
-					}
-					else {
-						sprintf(tmpdir.lname,"%.*s",LEN_SLNAME,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.sname,"%.*s",LEN_SSNAME,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.code,"%.*s",8,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.data_dir,"%.*s",LEN_DIR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.ul_arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.dl_arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.op_arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-                        truncsp(str);
-                        sprintf(tmpdir.path,"%.*s",LEN_DIR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-                        truncsp(str);
-                        sprintf(tmpdir.upload_sem,"%.*s",LEN_DIR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-                        truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.maxfiles=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-                        truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.exts,"%.*s",40,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.misc=ahtoul(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.seqdev=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.sort=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						sprintf(tmpdir.ex_arstr,"%.*s",LEN_ARSTR,str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.maxage=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.up_pct=atoi(str);
-						if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-						truncsp(str);
-						tmpdir.dn_pct=atoi(str);
-						ported++;
-						while(!feof(stream)
-							&& strcmp(str,"***END-OF-DIR***")) {
-							if(!fgets(str,128,stream)) break;
-							truncsp(str); 
-						} 
-					}
-					for(j=0;j<cfg.total_dirs;j++) {
-						if(cfg.dir[j]->lib!=i)
-							continue;
-						if(!stricmp(cfg.dir[j]->code,tmpdir.code))
-							break; }
-					if(j==cfg.total_dirs) {
-						if((cfg.dir=(dir_t **)REALLOC(cfg.dir
-							,sizeof(dir_t *)*(cfg.total_dirs+1)))==NULL) {
-							errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,"dir",cfg.total_dirs+1);
-							cfg.total_dirs=0;
-							bail(1);
-							break; }
-						if((cfg.dir[j]=(dir_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(dir_t)))
-							==NULL) {
-							errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,"dir",sizeof(dir_t));
-							break; }
-						memset(cfg.dir[j],0,sizeof(dir_t)); }
-					if(k==1) {
-						strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->code,tmpdir.code);
-						strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->sname,tmpdir.code);
-						strcpy(cfg.dir[j]->lname,tmpdir.lname);
-						if(j==cfg.total_dirs) {
-							cfg.dir[j]->maxfiles=1000;
-							cfg.dir[j]->up_pct=cfg.cdt_up_pct;
-							cfg.dir[j]->dn_pct=cfg.cdt_dn_pct; 
-						}
-					} else
-						memcpy(cfg.dir[j],&tmpdir,sizeof(dir_t));
-					cfg.dir[j]->lib=i;
-					if(j==cfg.total_dirs) {
-						cfg.dir[j]->misc=tmpdir.misc;
-						cfg.total_dirs++; 
-					}
-					uifc.changes=1; 
-				}
-				fclose(stream);
-				uifc.pop(0);
-				sprintf(str,"%lu File Areas Imported Successfully",ported);
-                uifc.msg(str);
-                break;
-			case 7:
-				dir_cfg(i);
-				break; } } }
-void dir_cfg(uint libnum)
-	static int dflt,bar,tog_dflt,tog_bar,adv_dflt,opt_dflt;
-	char str[81],str2[81],code[9],path[128],done=0,*p;
-	int j,n;
-	uint i,dirnum[MAX_OPTS+1];
-	static dir_t savdir;
-while(1) {
-	for(i=0,j=0;i<cfg.total_dirs && j<MAX_OPTS;i++)
-		if(cfg.dir[i]->lib==libnum) {
-			sprintf(opt[j],"%-25s",cfg.dir[i]->lname);
-			dirnum[j++]=i; }
-	dirnum[j]=cfg.total_dirs;
-	opt[j][0]=0;
-	sprintf(str,"%s Directories",cfg.lib[libnum]->sname);
-	uifc.savnum=0;
-	if(j)
-	if(j<MAX_OPTS)
-	if(savdir.sname[0])
-		i|=WIN_PUT;
-File Directories:
-This is a list of file directories that have been configured for the
-selected file library.
-To add a directory, select the desired position with the arrow keys and
-hit  INS .
-To delete a directory, select it with the arrow keys and hit  DEL .
-To configure a directory, select it with the arrow keys and hit  ENTER .
-	i=uifc.list(i,24,1,45,&dflt,&bar,str,opt);
-	uifc.savnum=1;
-	if((signed)i==-1)
-		return;
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_INS) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		strcpy(str,"Games");
-Directory Long Name:
-This is a description of the file directory which is displayed in all
-directory listings.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Directory Long Name",str,LEN_SLNAME
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-			continue;
-		sprintf(str2,"%.*s",LEN_SSNAME,str);
-Directory Short Name:
-This is a short description of the file directory which is displayed at
-the file transfer prompt.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Directory Short Name",str2,LEN_SSNAME
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-            continue;
-		sprintf(code,"%.8s",str2);
-		p=strchr(code,SP);
-		if(p) *p=0;
-		strupr(code);
-Directory Internal Code:
-Every directory must have its own unique code for Synchronet to refer to
-it internally. This code should be descriptive of the directory's
-contents, usually an abreviation of the directory's name.
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Directory Internal Code",code,8
-			,K_EDIT|K_UPPER)<1)
-            continue;
-		if(!code_ok(code)) {
-			uifc.helpbuf=invalid_code;
-			uifc.msg("Invalid Code");
-			uifc.helpbuf=0;
-			continue; }
-		sprintf(path,"%sdirs/%s",cfg.data_dir,code);
-Directory File Path:
-This is the drive and directory where your uploads to and downloads from
-this directory will be stored. Example: C:\XFER\GAMES
-		if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Directory File Path",path,50
-			,K_EDIT)<1)
-			continue;
-		if((cfg.dir=(dir_t **)REALLOC(cfg.dir,sizeof(dir_t *)*(cfg.total_dirs+1)))==NULL) {
-			errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,nulstr,cfg.total_dirs+1);
-			cfg.total_dirs=0;
-			bail(1);
-            continue; }
-		if(j)
-			for(n=cfg.total_dirs;n>dirnum[i];n--)
-                cfg.dir[n]=cfg.dir[n-1];
-		if((cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]=(dir_t *)MALLOC(sizeof(dir_t)))==NULL) {
-			errormsg(WHERE,ERR_ALLOC,nulstr,sizeof(dir_t));
-			continue; }
-		memset((dir_t *)cfg.dir[dirnum[i]],0,sizeof(dir_t));
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->lib=libnum;
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->maxfiles=MAX_FILES<500 ? MAX_FILES:500;
-		if(stricmp(str2,"OFFLINE"))
-			cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->misc=DEFAULT_DIR_OPTIONS;
-		strcpy(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->code,code);
-		strcpy(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->lname,str);
-		strcpy(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->sname,str2);
-		strcpy(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->path,path);
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->up_pct=cfg.cdt_up_pct;
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->dn_pct=cfg.cdt_dn_pct;
-		cfg.total_dirs++;
-		uifc.changes=1;
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_DEL) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-Delete Directory Data Files:
-If you want to delete all the database files for this directory,
-select Yes.
-		j=1;
-		strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-		strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-		opt[2][0]=0;
-		j=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&j,0
-			,"Delete Data in Sub-board",opt);
-		if(j==-1)
-			continue;
-		if(j==0) {
-				sprintf(str,"%s.*",cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->code);
-				strlwr(str);
-				if(!cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->data_dir[0])
-					sprintf(tmp,"%sdirs/",cfg.data_dir);
-				else
-					strcpy(tmp,cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->data_dir);
-				delfiles(tmp,str); }
-		FREE(cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]);
-		cfg.total_dirs--;
-		for(j=dirnum[i];j<cfg.total_dirs;j++)
-			cfg.dir[j]=cfg.dir[j+1];
-		uifc.changes=1;
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_GET) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		savdir=*cfg.dir[dirnum[i]];
-		continue; }
-	if((i&MSK_ON)==MSK_PUT) {
-		i&=MSK_OFF;
-		*cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]=savdir;
-		cfg.dir[dirnum[i]]->lib=libnum;
-		uifc.changes=1;
-        continue; }
-	i=dirnum[dflt];
-	j=0;
-	done=0;
-	while(!done) {
-		n=0;
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Long Name",cfg.dir[i]->lname);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Short Name",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Internal Code",cfg.dir[i]->code);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Access Requirements"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Upload Requirements"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->ul_arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Download Requirements"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->dl_arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Operator Requirements"
-            ,cfg.dir[i]->op_arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Exemption Requirements"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->ex_arstr);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Transfer File Path"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->path);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%u","Maximum Number of Files"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->maxfiles);
-		if(cfg.dir[i]->maxage)
-			sprintf(str,"Enabled (%u days old)",cfg.dir[i]->maxage);
-        else
-            strcpy(str,"Disabled");
-        sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Purge by Age",str);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%u%%","Credit on Upload"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->up_pct);
-		sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%u%%","Credit on Download"
-			,cfg.dir[i]->dn_pct);
-		strcpy(opt[n++],"Toggle Options...");
-		strcpy(opt[n++],"Advanced Options...");
-		opt[n][0]=0;
-		sprintf(str,"%s Directory",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-Directory Configuration:
-This menu allows you to configure the individual selected directory.
-Options with a trailing ... provide a sub-menu of more options.
-		uifc.savnum=1;
-		switch(uifc.list(WIN_SAV|WIN_ACT|WIN_RHT|WIN_BOT
-			,0,0,60,&opt_dflt,0,str,opt)) {
-			case -1:
-				done=1;
-				break;
-			case 0:
-Directory Long Name:
-This is a description of the file directory which is displayed in all
-directory listings.
-				strcpy(str,cfg.dir[i]->lname);	/* save */
-				if(!uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Name to use for Listings"
-					,cfg.dir[i]->lname,LEN_SLNAME,K_EDIT))
-					strcpy(cfg.dir[i]->lname,str);
-				break;
-			case 1:
-Directory Short Name:
-This is a short description of the file directory which is displayed at
-the file transfer prompt.
-				uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Name to use for Prompts"
-					,cfg.dir[i]->sname,LEN_SSNAME,K_EDIT);
-				break;
-			case 2:
-                SETHELP(WHERE);
-Directory Internal Code:
-Every directory must have its own unique code for Synchronet to refer to
-it internally. This code should be descriptive of the directory's
-contents, usually an abreviation of the directory's name.
-                strcpy(str,cfg.dir[i]->code);
-                uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Internal Code (unique)"
-                    ,str,8,K_EDIT|K_UPPER);
-                if(code_ok(str))
-                    strcpy(cfg.dir[i]->code,str);
-                else {
-                    uifc.helpbuf=invalid_code;
-                    uifc.msg("Invalid Code");
-                    uifc.helpbuf=0; }
-                break;
-			case 3:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Access",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->arstr);
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Upload",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->ul_arstr);
-				break;
-			case 5:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Download",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->dl_arstr);
-				break;
-			case 6:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Operator",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->op_arstr);
-                break;
-			case 7:
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-				sprintf(str,"%s Exemption",cfg.dir[i]->sname);
-				getar(str,cfg.dir[i]->ex_arstr);
-                break;
-			case 8:
-File Path:
-This is the default storage path for files uploaded to this directory.
-If this path is blank, files are stored in a directory off of the
-DATA\DIRS directory using the internal code of this directory as the
-name of the dirdirectory (i.e. DATA\DIRS\<CODE>).
-This path can be overridden on a per file basis using Alternate File
-				uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"File Path"
-					,cfg.dir[i]->path,50,K_EDIT);
-				break;
-			case 9:
-Maximum Number of Files:
-This value is the maximum number of files allowed in this directory.
-				sprintf(str,"%u",cfg.dir[i]->maxfiles);
-				uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Maximum Number of Files"
-					,str,5,K_EDIT|K_NUMBER);
-				n=atoi(str);
-				if(n>MAX_FILES) {
-					sprintf(str,"Maximum Files is %u",MAX_FILES);
-					uifc.msg(str); }
-				else
-					cfg.dir[i]->maxfiles=n;
-				break;
-			case 10:
-				sprintf(str,"%u",cfg.dir[i]->maxage);
-                SETHELP(WHERE);
-Maximum Age of Files:
-This value is the maximum number of days that files will be kept in
-the directory based on the date the file was uploaded or last
-downloaded (If the Purge by Last Download toggle option is used).
-The Synchronet file base maintenance program (DELFILES) must be used
-to automatically remove files based on age.
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Maximum Age of Files (in days)"
-                    ,str,5,K_EDIT|K_NUMBER);
-				cfg.dir[i]->maxage=atoi(str);
-                break;
-			case 11:
-Percentage of Credits to Credit Uploader on Upload:
-This is the percentage of a file's credit value that is given to users
-when they upload files. Most often, this value will be set to 100 to
-give full credit value (100%) for uploads.
-If you want uploaders to receive no credits upon upload, set this value
-to 0.
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0
-					,"Percentage of Credits to Credit Uploader on Upload"
-					,ultoa(cfg.dir[i]->up_pct,tmp,10),4,K_EDIT|K_NUMBER);
-				cfg.dir[i]->up_pct=atoi(tmp);
-				break;
-			case 12:
-Percentage of Credits to Credit Uploader on Download:
-This is the percentage of a file's credit value that is given to users
-who upload a file that is later downloaded by another user. This is an
-award type system where more popular files will generate more credits
-for the uploader.
-If you do not want uploaders to receive credit when files they upload
-are later downloaded, set this value to 0.
-				uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0
-					,"Percentage of Credits to Credit Uploader on Download"
-					,ultoa(cfg.dir[i]->dn_pct,tmp,10),4,K_EDIT|K_NUMBER);
-				cfg.dir[i]->dn_pct=atoi(tmp);
-				break;
-			case 13:
-				while(1) {
-					n=0;
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Check for File Existence"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FCHK ? "Yes":"No");
-					strcpy(str,"Slow Media Device");
-					if(cfg.dir[i]->seqdev) {
-						sprintf(tmp," #%u",cfg.dir[i]->seqdev);
-						strcat(str,tmp); }
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s",str
-						,cfg.dir[i]->seqdev ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Force Content Ratings"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_RATE ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Upload Date in Listings"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULDATE ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Multiple File Numberings"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MULT ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Search for Duplicates"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DUPES ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Search for New Files"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOSCAN ? "No":"Yes");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Search for Auto-ADDFILES"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOAUTO ? "No":"Yes");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Import FILE_ID.DIZ"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DIZ ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Free Downloads"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FREE ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Free Download Time"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_TFREE ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Deduct Upload Time"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULTIME ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Credit Uploads"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTUL ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Credit Downloads"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTDL ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Credit with Minutes"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTMIN ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Anonymous Uploads"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ANON ? cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_AONLY
-						? "Only":"Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Purge by Last Download"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_SINCEDL ? "Yes":"No");
-					sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Mark Moved Files as New"
-						,cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MOVENEW ? "Yes":"No");
-					opt[n][0]=0;
-					uifc.savnum=2;
-Directory Toggle Options:
-This is the toggle options menu for the selected file directory.
-The available options from this menu can all be toggled between two or
-more states, such as Yes and No.
-					n=uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_SAV|WIN_RHT|WIN_BOT,3,2,36,&tog_dflt
-						,&tog_bar,"Toggle Options",opt);
-					if(n==-1)
-                        break;
-					uifc.savnum=3;
-					switch(n) {
-						case 0:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Check for File Existence When Listing:
-If you want the actual existence of files to be verified while listing
-directories, set this value to Yes.
-Directories with files located on CD-ROM or other slow media should have
-this option set to No.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Check for File Existence When Listing",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FCHK)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_FCHK;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FCHK)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_FCHK;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 1:
-                            n=0;
-                            strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-                            strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-                            opt[2][0]=0;
-Slow Media Device:
-If this directory contains files located on CD-ROM or other slow media
-device, you should set this option to Yes. Each slow media device on
-your system should have a unique Device Number. If you only have one
-slow media device, then this number should be set to 1.
-CD-ROM multidisk changers are considered one device and all the
-directories on all the CD-ROMs in each changer should be set to the same
-device number.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Slow Media Device"
-								,opt);
-							if(n==0) {
-								if(!cfg.dir[i]->seqdev) {
-									uifc.changes=1;
-									strcpy(str,"1"); }
-								else
-									sprintf(str,"%u",cfg.dir[i]->seqdev);
-								uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0
-									,"Device Number"
-									,str,2,K_EDIT|K_UPPER);
-								cfg.dir[i]->seqdev=atoi(str); }
-							else if(n==1 && cfg.dir[i]->seqdev) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->seqdev=0;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 2:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Force Content Ratings in Descriptions:
-If you would like all uploads to this directory to be prompted for
-content rating (G, R, or X), set this value to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Force Content Ratings in Descriptions",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_RATE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_RATE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_RATE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_RATE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 3:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Include Upload Date in File Descriptions:
-If you wish the upload date of each file in this directory to be
-automatically included in the file description, set this option to
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Include Upload Date in Descriptions",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULDATE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_ULDATE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULDATE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_ULDATE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 4:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Ask for Multiple File Numberings:
-If you would like uploads to this directory to be prompted for multiple
-file (disk) numbers, set this value to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Ask for Multiple File Numberings",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MULT)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_MULT;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MULT)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_MULT;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 5:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Search Directory for Duplicate Filenames:
-If you would like to have this directory searched for duplicate
-filenames when a user attempts to upload a file, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Search for Duplicate Filenames",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DUPES)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_DUPES;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DUPES)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_DUPES;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 6:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Search Directory for New Files:
-If you would like to have this directory searched for newly uploaded
-files when a user scans All libraries for new files, set this option to
-If this directory is located on CD-ROM or other read only media
-(where uploads are unlikely to occur), it will improve new file scans
-if this option is set to No.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Search for New files",opt);
-							if(n==0 && cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOSCAN) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_NOSCAN;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOSCAN)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_NOSCAN;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 7:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Search Directory for Auto-ADDFILES:
-If you would like to have this directory searched for a file list to
-import automatically when using the ADDFILES * (Auto-ADD) feature,
-set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Search for Auto-ADDFILES",opt);
-							if(n==0 && cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOAUTO) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_NOAUTO;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_NOAUTO)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_NOAUTO;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 8:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Import FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI Descriptions:
-If you would like archived descriptions (FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI)
-of uploaded files to be automatically imported as the extended
-description, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Import FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DIZ)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_DIZ;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_DIZ)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_DIZ;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 9:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Downloads are Free:
-If you would like all downloads from this directory to be free (cost
-no credits), set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Downloads are Free",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FREE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_FREE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_FREE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_FREE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 10:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Free Download Time:
-If you would like all downloads from this directory to not subtract
-time from the user, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Free Download Time",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_TFREE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_TFREE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_TFREE)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_TFREE;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 11:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Deduct Upload Time:
-If you would like all uploads to this directory to have the time spent
-uploading subtracted from their time online, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Deduct Upload Time",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULTIME)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_ULTIME;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_ULTIME)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_ULTIME;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 12:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Give Credit for Uploads:
-If you want users who upload to this directory to get credit for their
-initial upload, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Give Credit for Uploads",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTUL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_CDTUL;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTUL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_CDTUL;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 13:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Give Uploader Credit for Downloads:
-If you want users who upload to this directory to get credit when their
-files are downloaded, set this optin to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Give Uploader Credit for Downloads",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTDL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_CDTDL;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTDL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_CDTDL;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 14:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							opt[2][0]=0;
-Credit Uploader with Minutes instead of Credits:
-If you wish to give the uploader of files to this directory minutes,
-intead of credits, set this option to Yes.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Credit Uploader with Minutes",opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTMIN)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_CDTMIN;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_CDTMIN){
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_CDTMIN;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 15:
-							n=1;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-							strcpy(opt[2],"Only");
-							opt[3][0]=0;
-Allow Anonymous Uploads:
-If you want users with the A exemption to be able to upload anonymously
-to this directory, set this option to Yes. If you want all uploads to
-this directory to be forced anonymous, set this option to Only.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Allow Anonymous Uploads",opt);
-							if(n==0 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY))
-								!=DIR_ANON) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_ANON;
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_AONLY;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && cfg.dir[i]->misc&(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY)){
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY);
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==2 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY))
-								!=(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=(DIR_ANON|DIR_AONLY);
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break;
-						case 16:
-                            n=0;
-                            strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-                            strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-                            opt[2][0]=0;
-                            SETHELP(WHERE);
-Purge Files Based on Date of Last Download:
-Using the Synchronet file base maintenance utility (DELFILES), you can
-have files removed based on the number of days since last downloaded
-rather than the number of days since the file was uploaded (default),
-by setting this option to Yes.
-                            n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Purge Files Based on Date of Last Download"
-                                ,opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_SINCEDL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_SINCEDL;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_SINCEDL)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_SINCEDL;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-						case 17:
-                            n=0;
-                            strcpy(opt[0],"Yes");
-                            strcpy(opt[1],"No");
-                            opt[2][0]=0;
-                            SETHELP(WHERE);
-Mark Moved Files as New:
-If this option is set to Yes, then all files moved from this directory
-will have their upload date changed to the current date so the file will
-appear in users' new-file scans again.
-                            n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Mark Moved Files as New"
-                                ,opt);
-							if(n==0 && !(cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MOVENEW)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc|=DIR_MOVENEW;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && (cfg.dir[i]->misc&DIR_MOVENEW)) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->misc&=~DIR_MOVENEW;
-                                uifc.changes=1; }
-                            break;
-							} }
-				break;
-		case 14:
-			while(1) {
-				n=0;
-				sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Extensions Allowed"
-					,cfg.dir[i]->exts);
-				if(!cfg.dir[i]->data_dir[0])
-					sprintf(str,"%sdirs/",cfg.data_dir);
-				else
-					strcpy(str,cfg.dir[i]->data_dir);
-				sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Data Directory"
-					,str);
-				sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%.40s","Upload Semaphore File"
-                    ,cfg.dir[i]->upload_sem);
-				sprintf(opt[n++],"%-27.27s%s","Sort Value and Direction"
-					, cfg.dir[i]->sort==SORT_NAME_A ? "Name Ascending"
-					: cfg.dir[i]->sort==SORT_NAME_D ? "Name Descending"
-					: cfg.dir[i]->sort==SORT_DATE_A ? "Date Ascending"
-					: "Date Descending");
-				opt[n][0]=0;
-				uifc.savnum=2;
-Directory Advanced Options:
-This is the advanced options menu for the selected file directory.
-					n=uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_SAV|WIN_RHT|WIN_BOT,3,4,60,&adv_dflt,0
-						,"Advanced Options",opt);
-					if(n==-1)
-                        break;
-					uifc.savnum=3;
-                    switch(n) {
-						case 0:
-File Extensions Allowed:
-This option allows you to limit the types of files uploaded to this
-directory. This is a list of file extensions that are allowed, each
-separated by a comma (Example: ZIP,EXE). If this option is left
-blank, all file extensions will be allowed to be uploaded.
-							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,17
-								,"File Extensions Allowed"
-								,cfg.dir[i]->exts,40,K_EDIT);
-							break;
-						case 1:
-Data Directory:
-Use this if you wish to place the data directory for this directory
-on another drive or in another directory besides the default setting.
-							uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Data"
-								,cfg.dir[i]->data_dir,50,K_EDIT);
-							break;
-						case 2:
-Upload Semaphore File:
-This is a filename that will be used as a semaphore (signal) to your
-FidoNet front-end that new files are ready to be hatched for export.
-							uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,17,"Upload Semaphore"
-								,cfg.dir[i]->upload_sem,50,K_EDIT);
-							break;
-						case 3:
-							n=0;
-							strcpy(opt[0],"Name Ascending");
-							strcpy(opt[1],"Name Descending");
-							strcpy(opt[2],"Date Ascending");
-							strcpy(opt[3],"Date Descending");
-							opt[4][0]=0;
-Sort Value and Direction:
-This option allows you to determine the sort value and direction. Files
-that are uploaded are automatically sorted by filename or upload date,
-ascending or descending. If you change the sort value or direction after
-a directory already has files in it, use the sysop transfer menu ;RESORT
-command to resort the directory with the new sort parameters.
-							n=uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&n,0
-								,"Sort Value and Direction",opt);
-							if(n==0 && cfg.dir[i]->sort!=SORT_NAME_A) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->sort=SORT_NAME_A;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==1 && cfg.dir[i]->sort!=SORT_NAME_D) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->sort=SORT_NAME_D;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==2 && cfg.dir[i]->sort!=SORT_DATE_A) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->sort=SORT_DATE_A;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							else if(n==3 && cfg.dir[i]->sort!=SORT_DATE_D) {
-								cfg.dir[i]->sort=SORT_DATE_D;
-								uifc.changes=1; }
-							break; } }
-			break;
-			} } }
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfgdefs.h b/src/sbbs3/scfgdefs.h
index 037cda5723..ba1a6e3c02 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfgdefs.h
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfgdefs.h
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
 #include "startup.h"
 typedef struct {                        /* Message sub board info */
-	char	code[LEN_CODE+1];			/* Eight character code */
+	char	code[(LEN_CODE*2)+1];		/* Internal code (with optional lib prefix) */
+	char	code_suffix[LEN_CODE+1];	/* Eight character code suffix */
 	char	lname[LEN_SLNAME+1],		/* Short name - used for prompts */
 			sname[LEN_SSNAME+1],		/* Long name - used for listing */
 			arstr[LEN_ARSTR+1],			/* Access requirements */
@@ -76,13 +77,15 @@ typedef struct {                        /* Message sub board info */
 typedef struct {                        /* Message group info */
 	char	lname[LEN_GLNAME+1],		/* Short name */
 			sname[LEN_GSNAME+1],		/* Long name */
-			arstr[LEN_ARSTR+1];			/* Access requirements */
+			arstr[LEN_ARSTR+1],			/* Access requirements */
+			code_prefix[LEN_CODE+1];	/* Prefix for internal code */
 	uchar	*ar;
 } grp_t;
 typedef struct {                        /* Transfer Directory Info */
-	char	code[LEN_CODE+1];			/* Eight character code */
+	char	code[(LEN_CODE*2)+1];		/* Internal code (with optional lib prefix) */
+	char	code_suffix[LEN_CODE+1];	/* Eight character code suffix */
 	char	lname[LEN_SLNAME+1],		/* Short name - used for prompts */
 			sname[LEN_SSNAME+1],		/* Long name - used for listing */
 			arstr[LEN_ARSTR+1],			/* Access Requirements */
@@ -114,6 +117,7 @@ typedef struct {                        /* Transfer Library Information */
 	char	lname[LEN_GLNAME+1],		/* Short Name - used for prompts */
 			sname[LEN_GSNAME+1],		/* Long Name - used for listings */
 			arstr[LEN_ARSTR+1],			/* Access Requirements */
+			code_prefix[LEN_CODE+1],	/* Prefix for internal code */
 			parent_path[48];			/* Parent for dir paths */
 	uchar	*ar;
 	ushort	offline_dir;				/* Offline file directory */
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfglib1.c b/src/sbbs3/scfglib1.c
index e73085247f..1133a46778 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfglib1.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfglib1.c
@@ -465,7 +465,10 @@ BOOL read_msgs_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, char* error)
-		for(j=0;j<48;j++)
+		get_str(cfg->grp[i]->code_prefix,instream);
+		get_int(c,instream);
+		for(j=0;j<43;j++)
@@ -492,7 +495,7 @@ BOOL read_msgs_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, char* error)
-		get_str(cfg->sub[i]->code,instream);
+		get_str(cfg->sub[i]->code_suffix,instream);
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfglib2.c b/src/sbbs3/scfglib2.c
index b7b284452c..1802cec920 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfglib2.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfglib2.c
@@ -304,7 +304,11 @@ BOOL read_file_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, char* error)
-		for(j=0;j<8;j++)
+		get_str(cfg->lib[i]->code_prefix,instream);
+		get_int(c,instream);
+		for(j=0;j<3;j++)
 			get_int(n,instream);	/* 0x0000 */
@@ -344,7 +348,7 @@ BOOL read_file_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, char* error)
 		else if(!stricmp(cfg->dir[i]->sname,"OFFLINE"))	/* Offline files dir */
-		get_str(cfg->dir[i]->code,instream);
+		get_str(cfg->dir[i]->code_suffix,instream);
diff --git a/src/sbbs3/scfgsave.c b/src/sbbs3/scfgsave.c
index ebc14e37ed..64a3efb60a 100644
--- a/src/sbbs3/scfgsave.c
+++ b/src/sbbs3/scfgsave.c
@@ -422,8 +422,11 @@ BOOL DLLCALL write_msgs_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, int backup_level)
+		put_str(cfg->grp[i]->code_prefix,stream);
+		c=0;
+		put_int(c,stream);
-		for(j=0;j<32;j++)
+		for(j=0;j<27;j++)
@@ -445,7 +448,7 @@ BOOL DLLCALL write_msgs_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, int backup_level)
-		put_str(cfg->sub[i]->code,stream);
+		put_str(cfg->sub[i]->code_suffix,stream);
 #if 1
 		if(cfg->sub[i]->data_dir[0]) {
@@ -482,7 +485,8 @@ BOOL DLLCALL write_msgs_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, int backup_level)
-			strcat(smb.file,cfg->sub[i]->code);
+			strcat(smb.file,cfg->grp[cfg->sub[i]->grp]->code_prefix);
+			strcat(smb.file,cfg->sub[i]->code_suffix);
 			if(smb_open(&smb)!=0) {
 				/* errormsg(WHERE,ERR_OPEN,smb.file,x); */
@@ -784,9 +788,12 @@ BOOL DLLCALL write_file_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, int backup_level)
+		put_str(cfg->lib[i]->code_prefix,stream);
+		c=0;
+		put_int(c,stream);
-		for(j=0;j<8;j++)
+		for(j=0;j<3;j++)
@@ -803,7 +810,7 @@ BOOL DLLCALL write_file_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, int backup_level)
-				put_str(cfg->dir[i]->code,stream);
+				put_str(cfg->dir[i]->code_suffix,stream);
 #if 1
 				if(cfg->dir[i]->data_dir[0]) {
@@ -821,7 +828,10 @@ BOOL DLLCALL write_file_cfg(scfg_t* cfg, int backup_level)
 				if(cfg->dir[i]->misc&DIR_FCHK) {
 					if(!path[0])		/* no file storage path specified */
-						sprintf(path,"%sdirs/%s/",cfg->data_dir,cfg->dir[i]->code);
+						sprintf(path,"%sdirs/%s%s/"
+							,cfg->data_dir
+							,cfg->lib[cfg->dir[i]->lib]->code_prefix
+							,cfg->dir[i]->code_suffix);
 					else if(cfg->lib[cfg->dir[i]->lib]->parent_path[0]) {