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Commit f28c066c authored by Rob Swindell's avatar Rob Swindell :speech_balloon:
Browse files

Merge branch 'ddfl_202_file_searching' into 'master'

Digital Distortion File Lister v2.02: Added the ability to do a file search (via filespec, description, or new files since last scan).

See merge request !141
parents 3e4b9814 fe7d801a
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_Draw(pSelectedItemIndexes, pDrawBorders, pDrawScrollbar)
if (!this.drawnAlready)
// For numbered mode, we'll need to know the length of the longest item number
// so that we can use that space to display the item numbers.
......@@ -1347,7 +1347,11 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_GetVal(pDraw, pSelectedItemIndexes)
var draw = (typeof(pDraw) == "boolean" ? pDraw : true);
if (draw)
if (this.scrollbarEnabled && !this.CanShowAllItemsInWindow())
// User input loop
var userChoices = null; // For multi-select mode
......@@ -2326,10 +2330,15 @@ function DDLightbarMenu_CalcScrollbarSolidBlockStartRow()
// Updates the scrollbar position based on the currently-selected
// item index, this.selectedItemIdx.
function DDLightbarMenu_UpdateScrollbarWithHighlightedItem()
// Parameters:
// pForceUpdate: Boolean - Whether or not to force the redraw regardless of block location.
// Defaults to false.
function DDLightbarMenu_UpdateScrollbarWithHighlightedItem(pForceUpdate)
var forceUpdate = (typeof(pForceUpdate) === "boolean" ? pForceUpdate : false);
var solidBlockStartRow = this.CalcScrollbarSolidBlockStartRow();
if (solidBlockStartRow != this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow)
if (forceUpdate || (solidBlockStartRow != this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow))
this.UpdateScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow, this.scrollbarInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks);
this.scrollbarInfo.solidBlockLastStartRow = solidBlockStartRow;
......@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
* file info. Fixed command bar refreshing when pressing
* the hotkeys. Added an option to pause after viewing a
* file (defaults to true).
* 2022-02-13 Eric Oulashin Version 2.02
* Things overall look good. Releasing this version. Added
* the ability to do searching via filespec, description, and
* new file search (started working on this 2022-02-08).
if (typeof(require) === "function")
......@@ -42,7 +46,6 @@ else
// If the user's terminal doesn't support ANSI, then just call the standard Synchronet
// file list function and exit now
// TODO: Create a traditional user interface?
if (!console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
......@@ -50,16 +53,13 @@ if (!console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
// Store whether the user is a sysop
var gUserIsSysop = user.compare_ars("SYSOP");
// This script requires Synchronet version 3.19 or higher.
// If the Synchronet version is below the minimum, then just call the standard
// Synchronet file list and exit.
if (system.version_num < 31900)
if (gUserIsSysop)
if (user.is_sysop)
var message = "\1n\1h\1y\1i* Warning:\1n\1h\1w Digital Distortion File Lister "
+ "requires version \1g3.19\1w or\r\n"
......@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ if (system.version_num < 31900)
// Lister version information
var LISTER_VERSION = "2.01";
var LISTER_DATE = "2022-02-07";
var LISTER_VERSION = "2.02";
var LISTER_DATE = "2022-02-13";
......@@ -157,6 +157,15 @@ var QUIT = 5;
var FILE_MOVE = 6; // Sysop action
var FILE_DELETE = 7; // Sysop action
// Search/list modes
// The searc/list mode for the current run
var gScriptMode = MODE_LIST_CURDIR; // Default
// This will store the number of header lines that were displayed. This will control
......@@ -177,52 +186,49 @@ var gPauseAfterViewingFile = true;
// Script execution code
var gFilebase = new FileBase(bbs.curdir_code);
if (!
console.print("\1n\1h\1yUnable to open \1w" + file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].description + "\1n");
// If we got here, the gFilebase successfully opened.
// If there are no files in the filebase, then say so and exit now.
if (gFilebase.files == 0)
var libIdx = file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].lib_index;
console.print("\1n\1cThere are no files in \1h" + file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description + "\1n\1c - \1h" +
file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].description + "\1n");
// The sort order to use for the file list
var gFileSortOrder = FileBase.SORT.NATURAL; // Natural sort order, same as DATE_A (import date ascending)
var gSearchVerbose = false;
// Read the configuration file and set the settings
// To check a user's file basic/extended detail information setting:
// if ((user.settings & USER_EXTDESC) == USER_EXTDESC)
// Parse command-line arguments (which sets program options)
// This array will contain file metadata objects
var gFileList = [];
// Populate the file list based on the script mode (list/search)
var listPopRetObj = populateFileList(gScriptMode);
if (listPopRetObj.exitNow)
// If there are no files, then say so and exit.
if (gFileList.length == 0)
if (gScriptMode == MODE_LIST_CURDIR)
console.print("There are no files in the current directory.");
console.print("No files were found.");
// Get a list of file data with normal detail (without extended info). When the user
// selects a file to view extended info, we'll get metadata about the file with extended detail.
//var gFileList = gFilebase.get_list("*", FileBase.DETAIL.NORM); // FileBase.DETAIL.EXTENDED
var gFileList = gFilebase.get_list("*", FileBase.DETAIL.NORM, 0, true, gFileSortOrder); // FileBase.DETAIL.EXTENDED
// Clear the screen and display the header lines
// Construct and display the menu/command bar at the bottom of the screen
var fileMenuBar = new DDFileMenuBar({ x: 1, y: console.screen_rows });
// Create the file list menu
var gFileListMenu = createFileListMenu(fileMenuBar.getAllActionKeysStr(true, true) + KEY_LEFT + KEY_RIGHT);
var gFileListMenu = createFileListMenu(fileMenuBar.getAllActionKeysStr(true, true) + KEY_LEFT + KEY_RIGHT + KEY_DEL);
// In a loop, show the file list menu, allowing the user to scroll the file list,
// and respond to user input until the user decides to quit.
......@@ -247,13 +253,22 @@ while (continueDoingFileList)
var currentActionVal = fileMenuBar.getCurrentSelectedAction();
actionRetObj = doAction(currentActionVal, bbs.curdir_code, gFilebase, gFileList, gFileListMenu);
actionRetObj = doAction(currentActionVal, gFileList, gFileListMenu);
// Allow the delete key as a special key for sysops to delete the selected file(s)
else if (lastUserInputUpper == KEY_DEL)
if (user.is_sysop)
fileMenuBar.setCurrentActionCode(FILE_DELETE, true);
actionRetObj = doAction(FILE_DELETE, gFileList, gFileListMenu);
var currentActionVal = fileMenuBar.getActionFromChar(lastUserInputUpper, false);
fileMenuBar.setCurrentActionCode(currentActionVal, true);
actionRetObj = doAction(currentActionVal, bbs.curdir_code, gFilebase, gFileList, gFileListMenu);
actionRetObj = doAction(currentActionVal, gFileList, gFileListMenu);
// If an action was done (actionRetObj is not null), then look at actionRetObj and
// do what's needed. Note that quit (for the Q key) is already handled.
......@@ -263,11 +278,16 @@ while (continueDoingFileList)
continueDoingFileList = false;
if (actionRetObj.reDrawListerHeader)
if (actionRetObj.reDrawHeaderTextOnly)
displayFileLibAndDirHeader(true); // Will move the cursor where it needs to be
else if (actionRetObj.reDrawListerHeader)
console.gotoxy(1, 1);
if (actionRetObj.reDrawCmdBar) // Could call fileMenuBar.constructPromptText(); if needed
......@@ -324,7 +344,6 @@ while (continueDoingFileList)
......@@ -336,47 +355,42 @@ gFilebase.close();
// Parameters:
// pActionCode: A code specifying an action to do. Must be one of the global
// action codes.
// pDirCode: The internal code of the file directory
// pFilebase: A Filebase object representing the downloadable file directory. This
// is assumed to be open.
// pFileList: The list of file metadata objects, as retrieved from the filebase
// pFileListMenu: The file list menu
// Return value: An object with values to indicate status & screen refresh actions; see
// getDefaultActionRetObj() for details.
function doAction(pActionCode, pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
function doAction(pActionCode, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
if (typeof(pActionCode) !== "number")
return getDefaultActionRetObj();
if (pFilebase == null || typeof(pFilebase) !== "object")
return getDefaultActionRetObj();
var retObj = null;
switch (pActionCode)
retObj = showFileInfo(pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu);
retObj = showFileInfo(pFileList, pFileListMenu);
retObj = viewFile(pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu);
retObj = viewFile(pFileList, pFileListMenu);
retObj = addSelectedFilesToBatchDLQueue(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu);
retObj = addSelectedFilesToBatchDLQueue(pFileList, pFileListMenu);
case HELP:
retObj = displayHelpScreen(pDirCode, pFilebase);
retObj = displayHelpScreen();
case QUIT:
retObj = getDefaultActionRetObj();
retObj.continueFileLister = false;
case FILE_MOVE: // Sysop action
if (gUserIsSysop)
retObj = chooseFilebaseAndMoveFileToOtherFilebase_Lightbar(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu);
if (user.is_sysop)
retObj = chooseFilebaseAndMoveFileToOtherFilebase(pFileList, pFileListMenu);
case FILE_DELETE: // Sysop action
if (gUserIsSysop)
retObj = removeFileFromFilebase(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu);
if (user.is_sysop)
retObj = confirmAndRemoveFilesFromFilebase(pFileList, pFileListMenu);
......@@ -390,6 +404,8 @@ function doAction(pActionCode, pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
// continueFileLister: Boolean - Whether or not the file lister should continue, or exit
// reDrawFileListMenu: Boolean - Whether or not to re-draw the whole file list
// reDrawListerHeader: Boolean - Whether or not to re-draw the header at the top of the screen
// reDrawHeaderTextOnly: Boolean - Whether or not to re-draw the header text only. This should
// take precedence over reDrawListerHeader.
// reDrawCmdBar: Boolean - Whether or not to re-draw the command bar at the bottom of the screen
// fileListPartialRedrawInfo: If part of the file list menu needs to be re-drawn,
// this will be an object that includes the following properties:
......@@ -405,6 +421,7 @@ function getDefaultActionRetObj()
continueFileLister: true,
reDrawFileListMenu: false,
reDrawListerHeader: false,
reDrawHeaderTextOnly: false,
reDrawCmdBar: false,
fileListPartialRedrawInfo: null,
exitNow: false
......@@ -414,40 +431,59 @@ function getDefaultActionRetObj()
// Shows extended information about a file to the user.
// Parameters:
// pFilebase: A Filebase object representing the downloadable file directory. This
// is assumed to be open.
// pFileList: The list of file metadata objects, as retrieved from the filebase
// pFileListMenu: The file list menu
// Return value: An object with values to indicate status & screen refresh actions; see
// getDefaultActionRetObj() for details.
function showFileInfo(pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
function showFileInfo(pFileList, pFileListMenu)
var retObj = getDefaultActionRetObj();
// The width of the frame to display the file info (including borders). This
// is declared early so that it can be used for string length adjustment.
var frameWidth = pFileListMenu.size.width - 4;
var frameInnerWidth = frameWidth - 2; // Without borders
// pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx] has a file metadata object without
// extended information. Get a metadata object with extended information so we
// can display the extended description.
var extdFileInfo = pFilebase.get(pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx], FileBase.DETAIL.EXTENDED);
// The metadata object in pFileList should have a dirCode added by this script.
// If not, assume the user's current directory.
var dirCode = bbs.curdir_code;
if (pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx].hasOwnProperty("dirCode"))
dirCode = pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx].dirCode;
var fileInfoObj = getFileInfoFromFilebase(dirCode, pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx].name, FileBase.DETAIL.EXTENDED);
var extdFileInfo = fileInfoObj.fileMetadataObj;
if (typeof(extdFileInfo) !== "object")
displayMsg("Unable to get file info!", true, true);
var fileTime = fileInfoObj.fileTime;
// Build a string with the file information
var fileTime = pFilebase.get_time(;
// Make sure the displayed filename isn't too crazy long
var adjustedFilename = shortenFilename(, frameWidth-2, false);
var adjustedFilename = shortenFilename(, frameInnerWidth, false);
var fileInfoStr = "\1n\1wFilename";
if (adjustedFilename.length <
fileInfoStr += " (shortened)";
fileInfoStr += ":\r\n";
fileInfoStr += gColors.filename + adjustedFilename + "\1n\1w\r\n";
// Note: File size can also be retrieved by calling pFilebase.get_size(
// Note: File size can also be retrieved by calling a FileBase's get_size(
// TODO: Shouldn't need the max length here
fileInfoStr += "Size: " + gColors.fileSize + getFileSizeStr(extdFileInfo.size, 99999) + "\1n\1w\r\n";
fileInfoStr += "Timestamp: " + gColors.fileTimestamp + strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", fileTime) + "\1n\1w\r\n"
fileInfoStr += "\r\n";
fileInfoStr += gColors.desc;
// File library/directory information
var libIdx = file_area.dir[dirCode].lib_index;
var dirIdx = file_area.dir[dirCode].index;
var libDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description;
var dirDesc = file_area.dir[dirCode].description;
fileInfoStr += "\1c\1hLib\1g: \1n\1c" + libDesc.substr(0, frameInnerWidth-5) + "\1n\1w\r\n";
fileInfoStr += "\1c\1hDir\1g: \1n\1c" + dirDesc.substr(0, frameInnerWidth-5) + "\1n\1w\r\n";
fileInfoStr += "\r\n";
// extdFileInfo should have extdDesc, but check just in case
var fileDesc = "";
if (extdFileInfo.hasOwnProperty("extdesc") && extdFileInfo.extdesc.length > 0)
......@@ -458,10 +494,31 @@ function showFileInfo(pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
// so make sure it's a string
if (typeof(fileDesc) !== "string")
fileDesc = "";
fileInfoStr += gColors.desc;
if (fileDesc.length > 0)
fileInfoStr += "Description:\r\n" + fileDesc;
fileInfoStr += "No description available";
if (user.is_sysop)
var sysopFields = [ "from", "cost", "added"];
for (var sI = 0; sI < sysopFields.length; ++sI)
var prop = sysopFields[sI];
if (extdFileInfo.hasOwnProperty(prop))
if (typeof(extdFileInfo[prop]) === "string" && extdFileInfo[prop].length == 0)
var propName = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1);
fileInfoStr += "\r\n\1n\1c\1h" + propName + "\1g:\1n\1c ";
if (prop == "added")
fileInfoStr += strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", extdFileInfo.added);
fileInfoStr += extdFileInfo[prop].toString().substr(0, frameInnerWidth);
fileInfoStr += "\1n\1w";
fileInfoStr += "\1n\1w";
// Construct & draw a frame with the file information & do the input loop
......@@ -490,18 +547,30 @@ function showFileInfo(pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
// Lets the user view a file.
// Parameters:
// pFilebase: A Filebase object representing the downloadable file directory. This
// is assumed to be open.
// pFileList: The list of file metadata objects, as retrieved from the filebase
// pFileListMenu: The file list menu
// Return value: An object with values to indicate status & screen refresh actions; see
// getDefaultActionRetObj() for details.
function viewFile(pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
function viewFile(pFileList, pFileListMenu)
var retObj = getDefaultActionRetObj();
var fullyPathedFilename = pFilebase.get_path(pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx]);
// Open the filebase & get the fully pathed filename
var fullyPathedFilename = "";
var filebase = new FileBase(pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx].dirCode);
if (
fullyPathedFilename = filebase.get_path(pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx]);
displayMsg("Failed to open the filebase!", true, true);
return retObj;
// View the file
console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
......@@ -519,14 +588,12 @@ function viewFile(pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
// Allows the user to add their selected file to their batch downloaded queue
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of the file directory
// pFilebase: The FileBase object representing the file directory (assumed open)
// pFileList: The list of file metadata objects from the file directory
// pFileListMenu: The menu object for the file diretory
// Return value: An object with values to indicate status & screen refresh actions; see
// getDefaultActionRetObj() for details.
function addSelectedFilesToBatchDLQueue(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
function addSelectedFilesToBatchDLQueue(pFileList, pFileListMenu)
var retObj = getDefaultActionRetObj();
......@@ -572,8 +639,9 @@ function addSelectedFilesToBatchDLQueue(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileLis
// Add the required "dir" and "desc" properties to the user's batch download
// queue file. The section is the filename.
addToQueueSuccessful = batchDLFile.iniSetValue(metadataObjects[i].name, "dir", pDirCode);
// queue file. The section is the filename. Also, this script should add a
// dirCode property to each metadata object in the list.
addToQueueSuccessful = batchDLFile.iniSetValue(metadataObjects[i].name, "dir", metadataObjects[i].dirCode);
if (addToQueueSuccessful)
addToQueueSuccessful = batchDLFile.iniSetValue(metadataObjects[i].name, "desc", metadataObjects[i].desc);
......@@ -642,7 +710,6 @@ function addSelectedFilesToBatchDLQueue(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileLis
// download their batch DL queue
var frameTitle = "Download your batch queue (Y/N)?";
// \1cFiles: \1h1 \1n\1c(\1h100 \1n\1cMax) Credits: 0 Bytes: \1h2,228,254 \1n\1c Time: 00:09:40
//var fileSize = gFilebase.get_size(gFileList[pIdx].name);
// Note: The maximum number of allowed files in the batch download queue doesn't seem to
// be available to JavaScript.
var totalQueueSize = batchDLQueueStats.totalSize + pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx].size;
......@@ -786,12 +853,7 @@ function getUserDLQueueStats()
// Displays the help screen.
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of the file directory being used
// pFilebase: A Filebase object representing the downloadable file directory. This
// is assumed to be open.
function displayHelpScreen(pDirCode, pFilebase)
function displayHelpScreen()
var retObj = getDefaultActionRetObj();
......@@ -801,14 +863,23 @@ function displayHelpScreen(pDirCode, pFilebase)"\1n\1cVersion \1g" + LISTER_VERSION + " \1w\1h(\1b" + LISTER_DATE + "\1w)");
// Display information about the current file directory
var libIdx = file_area.dir[pDirCode].lib_index;
var dirIdx = file_area.dir[pDirCode].index;
console.print("\1n\1cCurrent file library: \1g" + file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description);
console.print("\1cCurrent file directory: \1g" + file_area.dir[pDirCode].description);
console.print("\1cThere are \1g" + pFilebase.files + " \1cfiles in this directory.");
// If listing files in a directory, display information about the current file directory.
if (gScriptMode == MODE_LIST_CURDIR)
var libIdx = file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].lib_index;
var dirIdx = file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].index;
console.print("\1n\1cCurrent file library: \1g" + file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description);
console.print("\1cCurrent file directory: \1g" + file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].description);
console.print("\1cThere are \1g" + file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].files + " \1cfiles in this directory.");
else if (gScriptMode == MODE_SEARCH_FILENAME)
console.print("\1n\1cCurrently performing a filename search");
else if (gScriptMode == MODE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION)
console.print("\1n\1cCurrently performing a description search");
else if (gScriptMode == MODE_NEW_FILE_SEARCH)
console.print("\1n\1cCurrently performing a new file search");
......@@ -817,7 +888,7 @@ function displayHelpScreen(pDirCode, pFilebase)
helpStr += "The file list can be navigated using the up & down arrow keys, PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End keys. "
helpStr += "The currently highlighted file in the menu is used by default for the various actions. For batch download "
helpStr += "selection, ";
if (gUserIsSysop)
if (user.is_sysop)
helpStr += "moving, and deleting, ";
helpStr += "you can select multiple files by using the spacebar. ";
helpStr += "There is also a command bar accross the bottom of the screen - You can select an action on the ";
......@@ -834,7 +905,7 @@ function displayHelpScreen(pDirCode, pFilebase)
printf(printfStr, "I", "Display extended file information");
printf(printfStr, "V", "View the file");
printf(printfStr, "B", "Flag the file(s) for batch download");
if (gUserIsSysop)
if (user.is_sysop)
printf(printfStr, "M", "Move the file(s) to another directory");
printf(printfStr, "D", "Delete the file(s)");
......@@ -854,23 +925,21 @@ function displayHelpScreen(pDirCode, pFilebase)
// Allows the user to move the selected file to another filebase. Only for sysops!
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of the original file directory
// pFilebase: The FileBase object representing the file directory (assumed open)
// pFileList: The list of file metadata objects from the file directory
// pFileListMenu: The menu object for the file diretory
// Return value: An object with values to indicate status & screen refresh actions; see
// getDefaultActionRetObj() for details.
function chooseFilebaseAndMoveFileToOtherFilebase_Lightbar(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
function chooseFilebaseAndMoveFileToOtherFilebase(pFileList, pFileListMenu)
var retObj = getDefaultActionRetObj();
// Confirm with the user to move the file(s). If they don't want to,
// then just return now.
var filenames = [];
if (gFileListMenu.numSelectedItemIndexes() > 0)
if (pFileListMenu.numSelectedItemIndexes() > 0)
for (var idx in gFileListMenu.selectedItemIndexes)
for (var idx in pFileListMenu.selectedItemIndexes)
......@@ -882,23 +951,34 @@ function chooseFilebaseAndMoveFileToOtherFilebase_Lightbar(pDirCode, pFilebase,
return retObj;
retObj.reDrawFileListMenu = true;
// Prompt the user which directory to move the file to
var chosenDirCode = null;
// Create a file library menu for the user to choose a file library (and then directory)
var fileLibMenu = createFileLibMenu();
// For screen refresh purposes, construct the file list redraw info. Note that the X and Y are relative
// to the file list menu, not absolute screen coordinates.
var topYForRefresh = fileLibMenu.pos.y - 1; // - 1 because of the label above the menu
var fileListPartialRedrawInfo = {
startX: fileLibMenu.pos.x - pFileListMenu.pos.x + 1,
startY: topYForRefresh - pFileListMenu.pos.y + 1,
width: fileLibMenu.size.width + 1,
height: fileLibMenu.size.height + 1 // + 1 because of the label above the menu
console.gotoxy(fileLibMenu.pos.x, fileLibMenu.pos.y-1);
printf("\1n\1c\1h|\1n\1c%-" + +(fileLibMenu.size.width-1) + "s\1n", "Choose a destination area");
// Prompt the user which directory to move the file to
var chosenDirCode = null;
var continueOn = true;
while (continueOn)
var chosenLibIdx = fileLibMenu.GetVal();
if (typeof(chosenLibIdx) === "number")
// The file dir menu will be created at the same position & with the same size
// as the file library menu
var fileDirMenu = createFileDirMenu(chosenLibIdx);
chosenDirCode = fileDirMenu.GetVal();
if (typeof(chosenDirCode) === "string")
if (chosenDirCode != pDirCode)
if (chosenDirCode != pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx].dirCode)
continueOn = false;
......@@ -913,68 +993,178 @@ function chooseFilebaseAndMoveFileToOtherFilebase_Lightbar(pDirCode, pFilebase,
// If the user chose a directory, then move the file there.
if (typeof(chosenDirCode) === "string" && chosenDirCode.length > 0)
// For logging
var libIdx = file_area.dir[chosenDirCode].lib_index;
var dirIdx = file_area.dir[chosenDirCode].index;
var libDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description;
var dirDesc = file_area.dir[chosenDirCode].description;
var destLibAndDirDesc = libDesc + " - " + dirDesc;
// Build an array of file indexes and sort the array
var fileIndexes = [];
if (gFileListMenu.numSelectedItemIndexes() > 0)
if (pFileListMenu.numSelectedItemIndexes() > 0)
for (var idx in gFileListMenu.selectedItemIndexes)
for (var idx in pFileListMenu.selectedItemIndexes)
// Ensure the file indexes are sorted in numerical order
fileIndexes.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b});
// Go through the list of files and move each of them
var moveAllSucceeded = true;
for (var i = 0; i < fileIndexes.length; ++i)
var fileIdx = fileIndexes[i];
var moveRetObj = moveFileToOtherFilebase(pFilebase, pFileList[fileIdx], chosenDirCode);
// For logging
libIdx = file_area.dir[pFileList[fileIdx].dirCode].lib_index;
dirIdx = file_area.dir[pFileList[fileIdx].dirCode].index;
libDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description;
dirDesc = file_area.dir[pFileList[fileIdx].dirCode].description;
var srcLibAndDirDesc = libDesc + " - " + dirDesc;
var moveRetObj = moveFileToOtherFilebase(pFileList[fileIdx], chosenDirCode);
var logMsg = "";
var logLevel = LOG_INFO;
if (moveRetObj.moveSucceeded)
// Remove the file info object from the file list array
pFileList.splice(fileIdx, 1);
// Subtract 1 from the remaining indexes in the fileIndexes array
for (var j = i+1; j < fileIndexes.length; ++j)
fileIndexes[j] = fileIndexes[j] - 1;
logMsg = "Digital Distotion File Lister: Successfully moved " + pFileList[fileIdx].name
+ " from " + srcLibAndDirDesc + " to " + destLibAndDirDesc;
// If we're listing files in the user's current directory, then remove
// the file info object from the file list array. Otherwise, update
// the metadata object in the list.
if (gScriptMode == MODE_LIST_CURDIR)
pFileList.splice(fileIdx, 1);
// Subtract 1 from the remaining indexes in the fileIndexes array
for (var j = i+1; j < fileIndexes.length; ++j)
fileIndexes[j] = fileIndexes[j] - 1;
// Have the file list menu set up its description width, colors, and format
// string again in case it no longer needs to use its scrollbar
retObj.reDrawFileListMenu = true;
// Note: getFileInfoFromFilebase() will add dirCode to the metadata object
var fileDataObj = getFileInfoFromFilebase(chosenDirCode, pFileList[fileIdx].name, FileBase.DETAIL.NORM);
pFileList[fileIdx] = fileDataObj.fileMetadataObj;
// If all files were in the same directory, then we'll need to update the header
// lines at the top of the file list. If there's only one file in the list,
// the header lines will need to display the correct directory. Otherwise,
// set allSameDir to false so the header lines will now say "various".
// However, if not all files were in the same directory, check to see if they
// are now, and if so, we'll need to re-draw the header lines.
if (typeof(pFileList.allSameDir) == "boolean")
if (pFileList.allSameDir)
if (pFileList.length > 1)
pFileList.allSameDir = false;
//retObj.reDrawListerHeader = true;
retObj.reDrawHeaderTextOnly = true;
pFileList.allSameDir = true; // Until we find it's not true
for (var fileListIdx = 1; fileListIdx < pFileList.length && pFileList.allSameDir; ++fileListIdx)
pFileList.allSameDir = (pFileList[fileListIdx].dirCode == pFileList[0].dirCode);
//retObj.reDrawListerHeader = pFileList.allSameDir;
retObj.reDrawHeaderTextOnly = pFileList.allSameDir;
moveAllSucceeded = false;
displayMsg(pFileList[fileIdx].name, true);
displayMsg(moveRetObj.failReason, true);
logLevel = LOG_ERR;
logMsg = "Digital Distotion File Lister: Failed to move " + pFileList[fileIdx].name
+ " from " + srcLibAndDirDesc + " to " + destLibAndDirDesc;
log(logLevel, logMsg);
// Adjust the selected item index in the file list menu if necesary
if (pFileListMenu.NumItems() == 0)
pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx = 0;
else if (pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx >= pFileListMenu.NumItems() - 1)
pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx = pFileListMenu.NumItems() - 1;
// If doing a search (not listing files in the user's current directory), then
// if all files were in the same directory, then we'll need to update the header
// lines at the top of the file list. If there's only one file in the list,
// the header lines will need to display the correct directory. Otherwise,
// set allSameDir to false so the header lines will now say "various".
// However, if not all files were in the same directory, check to see if they
// are now, and if so, we'll need to re-draw the header lines.
if (gScriptMode != MODE_LIST_CURDIR && typeof(pFileList.allSameDir) == "boolean")
if (pFileList.allSameDir)
if (pFileList.length > 1)
pFileList.allSameDir = false;
//retObj.reDrawListerHeader = true;
retObj.reDrawHeaderTextOnly = true;
pFileList.allSameDir = true; // Until we find it's not true
for (var fileListIdx = 1; fileListIdx < pFileList.length && pFileList.allSameDir; ++fileListIdx)
pFileList.allSameDir = (pFileList[fileListIdx].dirCode == pFileList[0].dirCode);
//retObj.reDrawListerHeader = pFileList.allSameDir;
retObj.reDrawHeaderTextOnly = pFileList.allSameDir;
// Display a success/fail message
if (moveAllSucceeded)
var libIdx = file_area.dir[chosenDirCode].lib_index;
var msg = "Successfully moved the file(s) to "
+ file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description + " - "
+ file_area.dir[chosenDirCode].description
displayMsg(msg, false);
var msg = "Successfully moved the file(s) to " + destLibAndDirDesc;
displayMsg(msg, false, true);
// After moving the files, if the file directory is empty, say so
if (pFilebase.files == 0)
displayMsg("The directory now has no files.", false);
displayMsg("Failed to move the file(s)!", true, true);
// After moving the files, if there are no more files (in the directory or otherwise),
// say so and exit now.
if (gScriptMode == MODE_LIST_CURDIR && file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].files == 0)
displayMsg("There are no more files in the directory.", false);
retObj.exitNow = true;
else if (pFileList.length == 0)
displayMsg("There are no more files.", false);
retObj.exitNow = true;
// If not exiting now, we'll want to re-draw part of the file list to erase the
// area chooser menu.
if (!retObj.exitNow)
retObj.fileListPartialRedrawInfo = fileListPartialRedrawInfo;
// The user has canceled out of the area selection.
// We'll want to re-draw part of the file list to erase the area chooser menu.
retObj.fileListPartialRedrawInfo = fileListPartialRedrawInfo;
return retObj;
// Allows the user to remove the selected file from the filebase. Only for sysops!
// Allows the user to remove the selected file(s) from the filebase. Only for sysops!
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of the original file directory
// pFilebase: The FileBase object representing the file directory (assumed open)
// pFileList: The list of file metadata objects from the file directory
// pFileListMenu: The menu object for the file diretory
// Return value: An object with values to indicate status & screen refresh actions; see
// getDefaultActionRetObj() for details.
function removeFileFromFilebase(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
function confirmAndRemoveFilesFromFilebase(pFileList, pFileListMenu)
var retObj = getDefaultActionRetObj();
......@@ -982,9 +1172,9 @@ function removeFileFromFilebase(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
// If there are multiple selected files, then prompt to remove each of them.
// Otherwise, prompt for the one selected file.
var filenames = [];
if (gFileListMenu.numSelectedItemIndexes() > 0)
if (pFileListMenu.numSelectedItemIndexes() > 0)
for (var idx in gFileListMenu.selectedItemIndexes)
for (var idx in pFileListMenu.selectedItemIndexes)
......@@ -994,33 +1184,126 @@ function removeFileFromFilebase(pDirCode, pFilebase, pFileList, pFileListMenu)
var removeFilesConfirmed = confirmFileActionWithUser(filenames, "Remove", false);
if (removeFilesConfirmed)
// FileBase.remove(filename [,delete=false])
var succeeded = pFilebase.remove(pFileList[pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx].name, true);
if (succeeded)
var fileIndexes = [];
if (pFileListMenu.numSelectedItemIndexes() > 0)
for (var idx in pFileListMenu.selectedItemIndexes)
// Ensure the file indexes are sorted in numerical order
fileIndexes.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b});
// Go through all the selected files and remove them.
// Note: Going through the list of indexes in reverse order so that
// removing each one from pFileList (gFileList) is simpler.
var removeAllSucceeded = true;
//for (var i = 0; i < fileIndexes.length; ++i)
for (var i = fileIndexes.length-1; i >= 0; --i)
var messages = [ "Successfully removed the file(s)." ];
// Remove the file info object from the file list array
pFileList.splice(pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx, 1);
// Adjust the file list menu's current selected index
if (pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx < 0)
pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx = 0;
if (pFileListMenu.topItemIdx > pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx)
pFileListMenu.topItemIdx = pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx;
// If the file directory still has files in it, have the menu redraw
// itself to refresh with the missing entry. Otherwise (no files left),
// say so and have the lister exit now.
if (pFilebase.files > 0)
retObj.reDrawFileListMenu = true;
var fileIdx = fileIndexes[i];
if (typeof(pFileList[fileIdx]) === "undefined")
removeAllSucceeded = false;
// For logging
var libIdx = file_area.dir[pFileList[fileIdx].dirCode].lib_index;
var dirIdx = file_area.dir[pFileList[fileIdx].dirCode].index;
var libDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description;
var dirDesc = file_area.dir[pFileList[fileIdx].dirCode].description;
var libAndDirDesc = libDesc + " - " + dirDesc;
// Open the filebase and remove the file
var removeFileSucceeded = false;
var numFilesRemaining = 0;
var filebase = new FileBase(pFileList[fileIdx].dirCode);
if (
// FileBase.remove(filename [,delete=false])
removeFileSucceeded = filebase.remove(pFileList[fileIdx].name, true);
if (gScriptMode == MODE_LIST_CURDIR)
numFilesRemaining = filebase.files;
removeAllSucceeded = false;
// Log a success/error message
var logMsg = "";
var logLevel = LOG_INFO;
if (removeFileSucceeded)
messages.push("The directory now has no files.");
retObj.exitNow = true;
logMsg = "Digital Distortion File Lister: Successfully removed " + pFileList[fileIdx].name
+ " from " + libAndDirDesc + " (by " + user.alias + ")";
// Remove the file info object from the file list array
pFileList.splice(fileIdx, 1);
// If we were going through the list in forward order, we'd have to
// subtract 1 from the remaining indexes:
// Subtract 1 from the remaining indexes in the fileIndexes array
for (var j = i+1; j < fileIndexes.length; ++j)
fileIndexes[j] = fileIndexes[j] - 1;
removeAllSucceeded = false;
logMsg = "Digital Distortion File Lister: Failed to remove " + pFileList[fileIdx].name
+ " from " + libAndDirDesc + " (by " + user.alias + ")";
logLevel = LOG_ERR;
log(logLevel, logMsg);
// Display a success/failure message
if (removeAllSucceeded)
displayMsg("Successfully removed the file(s)", false, true);
displayMsg("Failed to remove 1 or more files", true, true);
// Adjust the selected item index in the file list menu if necesary
if (pFileListMenu.NumItems() == 0)
pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx = 0;
else if (pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx >= pFileListMenu.NumItems() - 1)
pFileListMenu.selectedItemIdx = pFileListMenu.NumItems() - 1;
// If the file list still has files in it, have the menu redraw
// itself to refresh with the missing entry. Otherwise (no files left),
// say so and have the lister exit now.
numFilesRemaining = pFileList.length;
if (numFilesRemaining > 0)
// Have the file list menu set up its description width, colors, and format
// string again in case it no longer needs to use its scrollbar
retObj.reDrawFileListMenu = true;
// If all files were not in the same directory, then check to see if all
// remaining files are now. If so, we'll need to update the header lines
// at the top of the file list.
if (typeof(pFileList.allSameDir) == "boolean")
if (!pFileList.allSameDir)
pFileList.allSameDir = true; // Until we find it's not true
for (var i = 1; i < pFileList.length && pFileList.allSameDir; ++i)
pFileList.allSameDir = (pFileList[i].dirCode == pFileList[0].dirCode);
//retObj.reDrawListerHeader = pFileList.allSameDir;
retObj.reDrawHeaderTextOnly = pFileList.allSameDir;
displayMsgs(messages, false);
// Also, if the file list menu can now show all its items on one
// page (not needing the scrollbar), set its top item index to 0.
if (pFileListMenu.CanShowAllItemsInWindow())
pFileListMenu.topItemIdx = 0;
displayMsg("Failed to remove the file!", true); // console.print("\1y\1hFailed to remove the file!\1n");
if (gScriptMode == MODE_LIST_CURDIR)
displayMsg("The directory now has no files.", false, true);
displayMsg("There are no more files to show.", false, true);
retObj.exitNow = true;
return retObj;
......@@ -1065,7 +1348,7 @@ function DDFileMenuBar(pPos)
this.cmdArray.push(new DDFileMenuBarItem("Info", 0, FILE_VIEW_INFO));
this.cmdArray.push(new DDFileMenuBarItem("View", 0, FILE_VIEW));
this.cmdArray.push(new DDFileMenuBarItem("Batch", 0, FILE_ADD_TO_BATCH_DL));
if (gUserIsSysop)
if (user.is_sysop)
this.cmdArray.push(new DDFileMenuBarItem("Move", 0, FILE_MOVE));
this.cmdArray.push(new DDFileMenuBarItem("Del", 0, FILE_DELETE));
......@@ -1322,17 +1605,53 @@ function DDFileMenuBarItem(pItemText, pPos, pRetCode)
// Helper functions
// Gets file metadata & its file time from a filebase.
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of the directory the file is in
// pFilename: The name of the file (without the full path)
// pDetail: The detail level of the metadata object to get - See FileBase.DETAIL in JS docs
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
// fileMetadataObj: An object with extended file metadata from the filebase.
// This will have a dirCode property added.
// fileTime: The timestamp of the file
function getFileInfoFromFilebase(pDirCode, pFilename, pDetail)
var retObj = {
fileMetadataObj: null,
fileTime: 0
if (typeof(pDirCode) !== "string" || pDirCode.length == 0 || typeof(pFilename) !== "string" || pFilename.length == 0)
return retObj;
var filebase = new FileBase(pDirCode);
if (
// Just in case the file has the full path, get just the filename from it.
var filename = file_getname(pFilename);
var fileDetail = (typeof(pDetail) === "number" ? pDetail : FileBase.DETAIL.NORM);
retObj.fileMetadataObj = filebase.get(filename, fileDetail);
retObj.fileMetadataObj.dirCode = pDirCode;
//retObj.fileMetadataObj.size = filebase.get_size(filename);
retObj.fileTime = filebase.get_time(filename);
return retObj;
// Moves a file from one filebase to another
// Parameters:
// pSrcFilebase: A FileBase object representing the source filebase. This is assumed to be open.
// pSrcFileMetadata: Metadata for the source file. This is assumed to contain 'normal' detail (not extended)
// pDestDirCode: The internal code of the destination filebase to move to the file to
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
// moveSucceeded: Boolean - Whether or not the move succeeded
// failReason: If the move failed, this is a string that specifies why it failed
function moveFileToOtherFilebase(pSrcFilebase, pSrcFileMetadata, pDestDirCode)
function moveFileToOtherFilebase(pSrcFileMetadata, pDestDirCode)
var retObj = {
moveSucceeded: false,
......@@ -1342,37 +1661,51 @@ function moveFileToOtherFilebase(pSrcFilebase, pSrcFileMetadata, pDestDirCode)
// pSrcFileMetadata is assumed to be a basic file metadata object, without extended
// information. Get a metadata object with maximum information so we have all
// metadata available.
var extdFileInfo = pSrcFilebase.get(pSrcFileMetadata, FileBase.DETAIL.MAX);
// Move the file over, remove it from the original filebase, and add it to the new filebase
var srcFilenameFull = pSrcFilebase.get_path(pSrcFileMetadata);
var destFilenameFull = file_area.dir[pDestDirCode].path +;
if (file_rename(srcFilenameFull, destFilenameFull))
var srcFilebase = new FileBase(pSrcFileMetadata.dirCode);
if (
if (pSrcFilebase.remove(, false))
var extdFileInfo = srcFilebase.get(pSrcFileMetadata, FileBase.DETAIL.MAX);
// Move the file over, remove it from the original filebase, and add it to the new filebase
var srcFilenameFull = srcFilebase.get_path(pSrcFileMetadata);
var destFilenameFull = file_area.dir[pDestDirCode].path +;
if (file_rename(srcFilenameFull, destFilenameFull))
// Add the file to the other directory
var destFilebase = new FileBase(pDestDirCode);
if (
if (srcFilebase.remove(, false))
retObj.moveSucceeded = destFilebase.add(extdFileInfo);
// Add the file to the other directory
var destFilebase = new FileBase(pDestDirCode);
if (
retObj.moveSucceeded = destFilebase.add(extdFileInfo);
retObj.failReason = "Failed to open the destination filebase";
// Try to add the file back to the source filebase
var moveBackSucceeded = false;
if (file_rename(destFilenameFull, srcFilenameFull))
moveBackSucceeded = srcFilebase.add(extdFileInfo);
if (!moveBackSucceeded)
retObj.failReason += " & moving the file back failed";
retObj.failReason = "Failed to open the destination filebase";
// Try to add the file back to the source filebase
var moveBackSucceeded = false;
if (file_rename(destFilenameFull, srcFilenameFull))
moveBackSucceeded = pSrcFilebase.add(extdFileInfo);
if (!moveBackSucceeded)
retObj.failReason += " & moving the file back failed";
retObj.failReason = "Failed to remove the file from the source directory";
retObj.failReason = "Failed to remove the file from the source directory";
retObj.failReason = "Failed to move the file to the new filebase directory";
retObj.failReason = "Failed to move the file to the new filebase directory";
var libIdx = file_area.dir[pSrcFileMetadata.dirCode].lib_index;
var dirIdx = file_area.dir[pSrcFileMetadata.dirCode].index;
var libDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description;
var dirDesc = file_area.dir[pSrcFileMetadata.dirCode].description;
retObj.failreason = "Failed to open filebase: " + libDesc + " - " + dirDesc;
return retObj;
......@@ -1523,44 +1856,87 @@ function doFrameInputLoop(pFrame, pScrollbar, pFrameContentStr, pAdditionalQuitK
// Displays the header lines for showing above the file list
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of the file directory to use
function displayFileLibAndDirHeader(pDirCode)
// pTextOnly: Only draw the library & directory text (no decoration or other text).
// This is optional & defaults to false.
function displayFileLibAndDirHeader(pTextOnly)
if (typeof(pDirCode) !== "string")
if (typeof(file_area.dir[pDirCode]) === "undefined")
var textOnly = (typeof(pTextOnly) === "boolean" ? pTextOnly : false);
var libIdx = file_area.dir[pDirCode].lib_index;
var dirIdx = file_area.dir[pDirCode].index;
var libDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description;
var dirDesc = file_area.dir[pDirCode].description;
// Determine if this is the first time this function has been called. If so,
// we'll want to update gNumHeaderLinesDisplayed at the end.
var dispHdrFirstRun = false;
if (typeof(displayFileLibAndDirHeader.firstRun) == "undefined")
dispHdrFirstRun = true;
displayFileLibAndDirHeader.firstRun = true;
// For the library & directory text to display, if we're just listing the user's
// current directory, use that. Otherwise, if all search results are in the same
// directory, then use a directory code from the file list.
var libIdx = 0;
var dirIdx = 0;
var libDesc = "";
var dirDesc = "";
var dirCode = "";
if (gScriptMode == MODE_LIST_CURDIR)
dirCode = bbs.curdir_code;
else if (typeof(gFileList.allSameDir) == "boolean" && gFileList.allSameDir && gFileList.length > 0)
dirCode = gFileList[0].dirCode;
if (dirCode.length > 0)
libIdx = file_area.dir[dirCode].lib_index;
dirIdx = file_area.dir[dirCode].index;
libDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description;
dirDesc = file_area.dir[dirCode].description;
libIdx = -1;
dirIdx = -1;
libDesc = "Various";
dirDesc = "Various";
var hdrTextWidth = console.screen_columns - 21;
var descWidth = hdrTextWidth - 11;
var libText = format("\1cLib \1w\1h#\1b%4d\1c: \1n\1c%-" + descWidth + "s\1n", +(libIdx+1), libDesc.substr(0, descWidth));
var dirText = format("\1cDir \1w\1h#\1b%4d\1c: \1n\1c%-" + descWidth + "s\1n", +(dirIdx+1), dirDesc.substr(0, descWidth));
// Library line
console.print("\1n\1w" + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2 + BLOCK3 + BLOCK4 + THIN_RECTANGLE_LEFT);
printf("\1cLib \1w\1h#\1b%4d\1c: \1n\1c%-" + descWidth + "s\1n", +(libIdx+1), libDesc.substr(0, descWidth));
console.print("\1w" + THIN_RECTANGLE_RIGHT + "\1k\1h" + BLOCK4 + "\1n\1w" + THIN_RECTANGLE_LEFT +
"\1g\1hDD File\1n\1w");
// Directory line
console.print("\1n\1w" + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2 + BLOCK3 + BLOCK4 + THIN_RECTANGLE_LEFT);
printf("\1cDir \1w\1h#\1b%4d\1c: \1n\1c%-" + descWidth + "s\1n", +(dirIdx+1), dirDesc.substr(0, descWidth));
console.print("\1w" + THIN_RECTANGLE_RIGHT + "\1k\1h" + BLOCK4 + "\1n\1w" + THIN_RECTANGLE_LEFT +
"\1g\1hLister \1n\1w");
gNumHeaderLinesDisplayed = 2;
if (textOnly)
console.gotoxy(6, 1);
console.print("\1n" + libText);
console.gotoxy(6, 2);
console.print("\1n" + dirText);
console.print("\1n\1w" + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2 + BLOCK3 + BLOCK4 + THIN_RECTANGLE_LEFT);
console.print("\1w" + THIN_RECTANGLE_RIGHT + "\1k\1h" + BLOCK4 + "\1n\1w" + THIN_RECTANGLE_LEFT +
"\1g\1hDD File\1n\1w");
// Directory line
console.print("\1n\1w" + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2 + BLOCK3 + BLOCK4 + THIN_RECTANGLE_LEFT);
console.print("\1w" + THIN_RECTANGLE_RIGHT + "\1k\1h" + BLOCK4 + "\1n\1w" + THIN_RECTANGLE_LEFT +
"\1g\1hLister \1n\1w");
// List header
// List header
gErrorMsgBoxULY = gNumHeaderLinesDisplayed; // Note: console.screen_rows is 1-based
if (dispHdrFirstRun)
gNumHeaderLinesDisplayed = 3;
gErrorMsgBoxULY = gNumHeaderLinesDisplayed; // Note: console.screen_rows is 1-based
// Displays the header line with the column headers for the file list
......@@ -1572,7 +1948,10 @@ function displayListHdrLine(pMoveToLocationFirst)
console.gotoxy(1, 3);
var filenameLen = gListIdxes.filenameEnd - gListIdxes.filenameStart;
var fileSizeLen = gListIdxes.fileSizeEnd - gListIdxes.fileSizeStart -1;
var shortDescLen = gListIdxes.descriptionEnd - gListIdxes.descriptionStart + 1;
//var shortDescLen = gListIdxes.descriptionEnd - gListIdxes.descriptionStart + 1;
// shortDescLen here should always be the same (for the last blocks to always be in the same
// position), whereas descriptionEnd might change based on whether the menu is using its scrollbar
var shortDescLen = 60;
var formatStr = "\1n\1w\1h%-" + filenameLen + "s %" + fileSizeLen + "s %-"
+ +(shortDescLen-7) + "s\1n\1w%5s\1n";
......@@ -1603,36 +1982,60 @@ function createFileListMenu(pQuitKeys)
if (typeof(pQuitKeys) === "string")
itemColor: [{start: gListIdxes.filenameStart, end: gListIdxes.filenameEnd, attrs: gColors.filename},
{start: gListIdxes.fileSizeStart, end: gListIdxes.fileSizeEnd, attrs: gColors.fileSize},
{start: gListIdxes.descriptionStart, end: gListIdxes.descriptionEnd, attrs: gColors.desc}],
selectedItemColor: [{start: gListIdxes.filenameStart, end: gListIdxes.filenameEnd, attrs: gColors.bkgHighlight + gColors.filenameHighlight},
{start: gListIdxes.fileSizeStart, end: gListIdxes.fileSizeEnd, attrs: gColors.bkgHighlight + gColors.fileSizeHighlight},
{start: gListIdxes.descriptionStart, end: gListIdxes.descriptionEnd, attrs: gColors.bkgHighlight + gColors.descHighlight}]
fileListMenu.filenameLen = gListIdxes.filenameEnd - gListIdxes.filenameStart;
fileListMenu.fileSizeLen = gListIdxes.fileSizeEnd - gListIdxes.fileSizeStart -1;
fileListMenu.shortDescLen = gListIdxes.descriptionEnd - gListIdxes.descriptionStart + 1;
fileListMenu.fileFormatStr = "%-" + fileListMenu.filenameLen
+ "s %" + fileListMenu.fileSizeLen
+ "s %-" + fileListMenu.shortDescLen + "s";
// Define the menu functions for getting the number of items and getting an item
// Define the menu's function to get the number of items. This must be done here
// in order for the menu's CanShowAllItemsInWindow() to work propertly.
fileListMenu.NumItems = function() {
// could also return gFilebase.files
return gFileList.length;
// Define a function for setting the description width, colors, and format string
// based on whether the menu's scrollbar will be used.
// Return value: Boolean: Whether or not the width changed
fileListMenu.SetItemWidthsColorsAndFormatStr = function() {
var widthChanged = false;
var oldDescriptionEnd = gListIdxes.descriptionEnd;
gListIdxes.descriptionEnd = console.screen_columns - 1; // Leave 1 character remaining on the screen
// If the file list menu will use its scrollbar, then reduce the description width by 1
if (this.scrollbarEnabled && !this.CanShowAllItemsInWindow())
gListIdxes.descriptionEnd -= 1;
widthChanged = (gListIdxes.descriptionEnd != oldDescriptionEnd);
itemColor: [{start: gListIdxes.filenameStart, end: gListIdxes.filenameEnd, attrs: gColors.filename},
{start: gListIdxes.fileSizeStart, end: gListIdxes.fileSizeEnd, attrs: gColors.fileSize},
{start: gListIdxes.descriptionStart, end: gListIdxes.descriptionEnd, attrs: gColors.desc}],
selectedItemColor: [{start: gListIdxes.filenameStart, end: gListIdxes.filenameEnd, attrs: gColors.bkgHighlight + gColors.filenameHighlight},
{start: gListIdxes.fileSizeStart, end: gListIdxes.fileSizeEnd, attrs: gColors.bkgHighlight + gColors.fileSizeHighlight},
{start: gListIdxes.descriptionStart, end: gListIdxes.descriptionEnd, attrs: gColors.bkgHighlight + gColors.descHighlight}]
this.filenameLen = gListIdxes.filenameEnd - gListIdxes.filenameStart;
this.fileSizeLen = gListIdxes.fileSizeEnd - gListIdxes.fileSizeStart -1;
this.shortDescLen = gListIdxes.descriptionEnd - gListIdxes.descriptionStart + 1;
this.fileFormatStr = "%-" + this.filenameLen + "s %" + this.fileSizeLen
+ "s %-" + this.shortDescLen + "s";
return widthChanged;
// Set up the menu's description width, colors, and format string
// Define the menu function for getting an item
fileListMenu.GetItem = function(pIdx) {
var menuItemObj = this.MakeItemWithRetval(pIdx);
var filename = shortenFilename(gFileList[pIdx].name, this.filenameLen, true);
// Note: The file size is in bytes
var fileSize = gFilebase.get_size(gFileList[pIdx].name);
// FileBase.format_name() could also be called to format the filename for display:
var filebase = new FileBase(gFileList[pIdx].dirCode);
if (
filename = filebase.format_name(gFileList[pIdx].name, this.filenameLen, true);
var desc = (typeof(gFileList[pIdx].desc) === "string" ? gFileList[pIdx].desc : "");
menuItemObj.text = format(this.fileFormatStr,
filename,//gFileList[pIdx].name.substr(0, this.filenameLen),
getFileSizeStr(fileSize, this.fileSizeLen),
getFileSizeStr(gFileList[pIdx].size, this.fileSizeLen),
desc.substr(0, this.shortDescLen));
return menuItemObj;
......@@ -1675,11 +2078,20 @@ function createFileLibMenu()
var additionalQuitKeys = "qQ";
// Re-define the menu's function for getting the number of items. This is necessary
// here in order for the menu's CanShowAllItemsInWindow() to work properly.
fileLibMenu.NumItems = function() {
return file_area.lib_list.length;
// Construct a format string for the file libraries
var largestNumDirs = getLargestNumDirsWithinFileLibs();
fileLibMenu.libNumLen = file_area.lib_list.length.toString().length;
fileLibMenu.numDirsLen = largestNumDirs.toString().length;
var menuInnerWidth = fileLibMenu.size.width - 2; // Menu width excluding borders
// If the scrollbar will be showing, reduce the inner width by 1
if (fileLibMenu.scrollbarEnabled && !fileLibMenu.CanShowAllItemsInWindow())
// Allow 2 for spaces
fileLibMenu.libDescLen = menuInnerWidth - fileLibMenu.libNumLen - fileLibMenu.numDirsLen - 2;
fileLibMenu.libFormatStr = "%" + fileLibMenu.libNumLen + "d %-" + fileLibMenu.libDescLen + "s %" + fileLibMenu.numDirsLen + "d";
......@@ -1702,10 +2114,7 @@ function createFileLibMenu()
fileLibMenu.topBorderText = "\1y\1hFile Libraries";
// Define the menu functions for getting the number of items and getting an item
fileLibMenu.NumItems = function() {
return file_area.lib_list.length;
// Define the menu function for getting an item
fileLibMenu.GetItem = function(pIdx) {
var menuItemObj = this.MakeItemWithRetval(pIdx);
menuItemObj.text = format(this.libFormatStr,
......@@ -1747,11 +2156,7 @@ function createFileDirMenu(pLibIdx)
// Make sure there are directories in this library
if (file_area.lib_list[pLibIdx].dir_list.length == 0)
// TODO: Better error display
console.gotoxy(5, startRow);
console.print("\1n\1y\1hThere are no directories in this file library \1n");
displayMsg("There are no directories in this file library", true, true);
return null;
......@@ -1769,12 +2174,21 @@ function createFileDirMenu(pLibIdx)
var additionalQuitKeys = "qQ";
// Re-define the menu's function for getting the number of items. This is necessary
// here in order for the menu's CanShowAllItemsInWindow() to work properly.
fileDirMenu.NumItems = function() {
return file_area.lib_list[this.libIdx].dir_list.length;
fileDirMenu.libIdx = pLibIdx;
// Construct a format string for the file libraries
var largestNumFiles = getLargestNumFilesInLibDirs(pLibIdx);
fileDirMenu.dirNumLen = file_area.lib_list[pLibIdx].dir_list.length.toString().length;
fileDirMenu.numFilesLen = largestNumFiles.toString().length;
var menuInnerWidth = fileDirMenu.size.width - 2; // Menu width excluding borders
// If the scrollbar will be showing, reduce the inner width by 1
if (fileDirMenu.scrollbarEnabled && !fileDirMenu.CanShowAllItemsInWindow())
// Allow 2 for spaces
fileDirMenu.dirDescLen = menuInnerWidth - fileDirMenu.dirNumLen - fileDirMenu.numFilesLen - 2;
fileDirMenu.dirFormatStr = "%" + fileDirMenu.dirNumLen + "d %-" + fileDirMenu.dirDescLen + "s %" + fileDirMenu.numFilesLen + "d";
......@@ -1797,47 +2211,20 @@ function createFileDirMenu(pLibIdx)
fileDirMenu.topBorderText = "\1y\1h" + ("File directories of " + file_area.lib_list[pLibIdx].description).substr(0, fileDirMenu.size.width-2);
// Define the menu functions for getting the number of items and getting an item
fileDirMenu.NumItems = function() {
return file_area.lib_list[this.libIdx].dir_list.length;
// Define the menu function for ggetting an item
fileDirMenu.GetItem = function(pIdx) {
// Return the internal code for the directory for the item
var menuItemObj = this.MakeItemWithRetval(file_area.lib_list[this.libIdx].dir_list[pIdx].code);
menuItemObj.text = format(this.dirFormatStr,
pIdx + 1,//file_area.lib_list[this.libIdx].dir_list[pIdx].number + 1,
file_area.lib_list[this.libIdx].dir_list[pIdx].description.substr(0, this.dirDescLen),
getNumFilesInDir(this.libIdx, pIdx));
return menuItemObj;
return fileDirMenu;
// Returns the number of files in a file directory
// Parameters:
// pLibIdx: The library index
// pDirIdx: The directory index within the file library
// Return value: The number of files in the file directory
function getNumFilesInDir(pLibIdx, pDirIdx)
if (typeof(pLibIdx) !== "number" || typeof(pDirIdx) !== "number")
return 0;
if (pLibIdx < 0 || pLibIdx >= file_area.lib_list.length)
return 0;
if (pDirIdx < 0 || pDirIdx >= file_area.lib_list[pLibIdx].dir_list.length)
return 0;
var numFiles = 0;
var filebase = new FileBase(file_area.lib_list[pLibIdx].dir_list[pDirIdx].code);
if (
numFiles = filebase.files;
return numFiles;
// Returns the largest number of files in all directories in a file library
// Parameters:
......@@ -1849,7 +2236,7 @@ function getLargestNumFilesInLibDirs(pLibIdx)
var largestNumFiles = 0;
for (var dirIdx = 0; dirIdx < file_area.lib_list[pLibIdx].dir_list.length; ++dirIdx)
var numFilesInDir = getNumFilesInDir(pLibIdx, dirIdx);
var numFilesInDir = file_area.lib_list[pLibIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].files;
if (numFilesInDir > largestNumFiles)
largestNumFiles = numFilesInDir;
......@@ -2548,3 +2935,507 @@ function shortenFilename(pFilename, pMaxLen, pFillWidth)
return adjustedFilename;
// Parses command-line arguments, where each argument in the given array is in
// the format -arg=val. If the value is the string "true" or "false", then the
// value will be a boolean. Otherwise, the value will be a string.
// Parameters:
// pArgArr: An array of strings containing values in the format -arg=val
function parseArgs(pArgArr)
// Default program options
// Sanity checking for pArgArr - Make sure it's an array
if ((typeof(pArgArr) != "object") || (typeof(pArgArr.length) != "number"))
// Go through pArgArr looking for strings in the format -arg=val and parse them
// into objects in the argVals array.
var equalsIdx = 0;
var argName = "";
var argVal = "";
var argValUpper = ""; // For case-insensitive matching
for (var i = 0; i < pArgArr.length; ++i)
// We're looking for strings that start with "-", except strings that are
// only "-".
if ((typeof(pArgArr[i]) != "string") || (pArgArr[i].length == 0) ||
(pArgArr[i].charAt(0) != "-") || (pArgArr[i] == "-"))
// Look for an = and if found, split the string on the =
equalsIdx = pArgArr[i].indexOf("=");
// If a = is found, then split on it and add the argument name & value
// to the array. Otherwise (if the = is not found), then treat the
// argument as a boolean and set it to true (to enable an option).
if (equalsIdx > -1)
argName = pArgArr[i].substring(1, equalsIdx).toUpperCase();
argVal = pArgArr[i].substr(equalsIdx+1);
argValUpper = argVal.toUpperCase();
if (argName === "MODE")
if (argValUpper === "SEARCH_FILENAME")
else if (argValUpper === "SEARCH_DESCRIPTION")
else if (argValUpper === "NEW_FILE_SEARCH")
else if (argValUpper === "LIST_CURDIR")
else // An equals sign (=) was not found. Add as a boolean set to true to enable the option.
// Nothing to be done here for this script
// Populates the file list (gFileList).
// Parameters:
// pSearchMode: The search mode
// Return value: An obmect with the following properties:
// exitNow: Boolean: Whether or not this script should exit after calling this function
// exitCode: The exit code to use if needing to exit after calling this function
function populateFileList(pSearchMode)
var retObj = {
exitNow: false,
exitCode: 0
var dirErrors = [];
var allSameDir = true;
// Do the things for list or search, depending on the specified mode
if (pSearchMode == MODE_LIST_CURDIR) // This is the default
var filebase = new FileBase(bbs.curdir_code);
if (
// If there are no files in the filebase, then say so and exit now.
if (filebase.files == 0)
var libIdx = file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].lib_index;
console.print("\1n\1cThere are no files in \1h" + file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description + "\1n\1c - \1h" +
file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].description + "\1n");
retObj.exitNow = true;
retObj.exitCode = 0;
return retObj;
// To check a user's file basic/extended detail information setting:
// if ((user.settings & USER_EXTDESC) == USER_EXTDESC)
// Get a list of file data with normal detail (without extended info). When the user
// selects a file to view extended info, we'll get metadata about the file with extended detail.
gFileList = filebase.get_list("*", FileBase.DETAIL.NORM, 0, true, gFileSortOrder); // FileBase.DETAIL.EXTENDED
// Add a dirCode property to the file metadata objects (for consistency,
// as file search results may contain files from multiple directories).
for (var i = 0; i < gFileList.length; ++i)
gFileList[i].dirCode = bbs.curdir_code;
console.print("\1n\1h\1yUnable to open \1w" + file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].description + "\1n");
retObj.exitNow = true;
retObj.exitCode = 1;
return retObj;
else if (pSearchMode == MODE_SEARCH_FILENAME)
var lastDirCode = "";
// Prompt the user for directory, library, or all
var validInputOptions = "DLA";
var userInputDLA = console.getkeys(validInputOptions, -1, K_UPPER);
var userFilespec = "";
if (userInputDLA.length > 0 && validInputOptions.indexOf(userInputDLA) > -1)
// Prompt the user for a filespec to search for
userFilespec = console.getstr();
if (userFilespec.length == 0)
userFilespec = "*"; // Should this be *.*?
var searchRetObj = searchDirGroupOrAll(userInputDLA, function(pDirCode) {
return searchDirWithFilespec(pDirCode, userFilespec);
allSameDir = searchRetObj.allSameDir;
for (var i = 0; i < searchRetObj.errors.length; ++i)
else if (pSearchMode == MODE_SEARCH_DESCRIPTION)
var lastDirCode = "";
// Prompt the user for directory, library, or all
//console.print("\r\n\1c\1hFind Text in File Descriptions (no wildcards)\1n\r\n");
var validInputOptions = "DLA";
var userInputDLA = console.getkeys(validInputOptions, -1, K_UPPER);
var searchDescription = "";
if (userInputDLA.length > 0 && validInputOptions.indexOf(userInputDLA) > -1)
// Prompt the user for a description to search for
searchDescription = console.getstr(40, K_LINE|K_UPPER);
if (searchDescription.length > 0)
retObj.exitNow = true;
retObj.exitCode = 0;
return retObj;
var searchRetObj = searchDirGroupOrAll(userInputDLA, function(pDirCode) {
return searchDirWithDescUpper(pDirCode, searchDescription);
allSameDir = searchRetObj.allSameDir;
for (var i = 0; i < searchRetObj.errors.length; ++i)
else if (pSearchMode == MODE_NEW_FILE_SEARCH)
// New file search
var lastDirCode = "";
// 2022-02-011 - Digital Man said:
Upon logon to the terminal server, bbs.new_file_time and bbs.last_new_file_time
are set to the current user.new_file_time value.
A new file scan displays files uploaded (added/imported) since the current
bbs.new_file_time value. The bbs.new_file_time value can be manipulated by the
user, e.g. they want to review files that have been uploaded over the past
month or whatever.
When the user executes a new file scan, bbs.last_new_file_time is updated to
the current time (this happens automatically when using the built-in file
listing logic). The bbs.last_new_file_time isn't actually used for anything
until the user logs-off and its value is then copied to the user.new_file_time
to be used for the next logon (this copy/sync of the last_new_file_time ->
user.new_file_time is built-in to the BBS's logout logci and nothing a script
would need to do).
This scheme insures that a user will never "miss" the display of new files on
the BBS and that they would not normally see the same/repeat "new" files
between successive sessions.
// Prompt the user for directory, library, or all
var validInputOptions = "DLA";
var userInputDLA = console.getkeys(validInputOptions, -1, K_UPPER);
if (userInputDLA == "D" || userInputDLA == "L" || userInputDLA == "A")
console.print("\1n\1cSearching for files uploaded after \1h" + system.timestr(bbs.new_file_time) + "\1n");
var searchRetObj = searchDirGroupOrAll(userInputDLA, function(pDirCode) {
return searchDirNewFiles(pDirCode, bbs.new_file_time);
// Now bbs.last_new_file_time needs to be updated with the current time
bbs.last_new_file_time = time();
// user.new_file_time should be updated with the value of bbs.last_new_file_time
// when the user logs off.
allSameDir = searchRetObj.allSameDir;
for (var i = 0; i < searchRetObj.errors.length; ++i)
retObj.exitNow = true;
retObj.exitCode = 1;
return retObj;
if (pSearchMode != MODE_LIST_CURDIR)
gFileList.allSameDir = allSameDir;
if (dirErrors.length > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < dirErrors.length; ++i)
retObj.exitNow = true;
retObj.exitCode = 1;
return retObj;
return retObj;
// Searches files in a directory by filespec.
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of a directory to search
// pFilespec: A filespec describing files to search for
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
// foundFiles: Boolean - Whether or not any files were found
// dirErrors: An array of strings that will be populated with any errors that occur
function searchDirWithFilespec(pDirCode, pFilespec)
var retObj = {
foundFiles: false,
dirErrors: []
if (typeof(pDirCode) !== "string" || pDirCode.length == 0 || typeof(pFilespec) !== "string")
return retObj;
var filebase = new FileBase(pDirCode);
if (
var fileList = filebase.get_list(pFilespec, FileBase.DETAIL.NORM, 0, true, gFileSortOrder); // Or EXTENDED
retObj.foundFiles = (fileList.length > 0);
for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; ++i)
fileList[i].dirCode = pDirCode;
var libAndDirDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description + " - "
+ file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].description + " ("
+ file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].code + ")";
retObj.dirErrors.push("Failed to open " + libAndDirDesc);
return retObj;
// Searches files in a directory by description.
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of a directory to search
// pDescUpper: The description to search for. This is assumed to be uppercase.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
// foundFiles: Boolean - Whether or not any files were found
// dirErrors: An array of strings that will be populated with any errors that occur
function searchDirWithDescUpper(pDirCode, pDescUpper)
var retObj = {
foundFiles: false,
dirErrors: []
if (typeof(pDirCode) !== "string" || pDirCode.length == 0 || typeof(pDescUpper) !== "string" || pDescUpper.length == 0)
return retObj;
var filebase = new FileBase(pDirCode);
if (
var fileList = filebase.get_list("*", FileBase.DETAIL.EXTENDED, 0, true, gFileSortOrder);
for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; ++i)
// Search both 'desc' and 'extdesc', if available in the file metadata object
var fileIsMatch = false;
if (fileList[i].hasOwnProperty("desc"))
var fileDesc = strip_ctrl(fileList[i].desc).toUpperCase();
fileIsMatch = (fileDesc.indexOf(pDescUpper) > -1);
if (!fileIsMatch && fileList[i].hasOwnProperty("extdesc"))
var descLines = fileList[i].extdesc.split("\r\n");
var fileDesc = strip_ctrl(descLines.join(" ")).toUpperCase();
fileIsMatch = (fileDesc.indexOf(pDescUpper) > -1);
if (fileIsMatch)
retObj.foundFiles = true;
fileList[i].dirCode = pDirCode;
var libAndDirDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description + " - "
+ file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].description + " ("
+ file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].code + ")";
retObj.dirErrors.push("Failed to open " + libAndDirDesc);
return retObj;
// Searches files in a directory that were added later than a given time.
// Parameters:
// pDirCode: The internal code of a directory to search
// pSinceTime: The time after which to look for newer files
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
// foundFiles: Boolean - Whether or not any files were found
// dirErrors: An array of strings that will be populated with any errors that occur
function searchDirNewFiles(pDirCode, pSinceTime)
var retObj = {
foundFiles: false,
dirErrors: []
if (typeof(pDirCode) !== "string" || pDirCode.length == 0 || typeof(pSinceTime) !== "number")
return retObj;
var filebase = new FileBase(pDirCode);
if (
var fileList = filebase.get_list("*", FileBase.DETAIL.NORM, 0, true, gFileSortOrder);
for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; ++i)
if (fileList[i].added >= pSinceTime)
retObj.foundFiles = true;
fileList[i].dirCode = pDirCode;
var libAndDirDesc = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description + " - "
+ file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].description + " ("
+ file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].code + ")";
retObj.dirErrors.push("Failed to open " + libAndDirDesc);
return retObj;
// Searches either the user's current directory, library, or all dirs in all
// libraries, using a search function that populages gFileList.
// Parameters:
// pSearchOption: A string that specifies "D" for directory, "L" for library, or "A" for all
// pDirSearchFn: A search function that searches a file directory for criteria and populates gFileList.
// This function must return an object with the following properties:
// foundFiles: Boolean - Whether any files were found
// dirErrors: An array containing strings for any errors found
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
// allSameDir: Boolean - Whethre or not all files found are in the same directory
// errors: An array containing strings for any errors found
function searchDirGroupOrAll(pSearchOption, pDirSearchFn)
var retObj = {
allSameDir: true,
errors: []
if (typeof(pSearchOption) !== "string")
retObj.errors.push("Invalid search option");
return retObj;
if (typeof(pDirSearchFn) !== "function")
retObj.errors.push("No search function");
return retObj;
var searchOptionUpper = pSearchOption.toUpperCase();
if (searchOptionUpper == "D")
// Current directory
var searchRetObj = pDirSearchFn(bbs.curdir_code);
retObj.allSameDir = true;
for (var i = 0; i < searchRetObj.dirErrors.length; ++i)
else if (searchOptionUpper == "L")
// Current file library
var libIdx = file_area.dir[bbs.curdir_code].lib_index;
for (var dirIdx = 0; dirIdx < file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list.length; ++dirIdx)
if (file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].can_access) // And can_download?
if (gSearchVerbose)
console.print(" " + file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].description + "..");
lastDirCode = (gFileList.length > 0 ? gFileList[gFileList.length-1].dirCode : "");
var dirCode = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].code;
var searchRetObj = pDirSearchFn(dirCode);
if (retObj.allSameDir && searchRetObj.foundFiles && lastDirCode.length > 0)
retObj.allSameDir = (dirCode == lastDirCode);
for (var i = 0; i < searchRetObj.dirErrors.length; ++i)
else if (searchOptionUpper == "A")
// All file libraries & directories
for (var libIdx = 0; libIdx < file_area.lib_list.length; ++libIdx)
if (gSearchVerbose)
console.print("Searching " + file_area.lib_list[libIdx].description + "..");
for (var dirIdx = 0; dirIdx < file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list.length; ++dirIdx)
if (file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].can_access) // And can_download?
if (gSearchVerbose)
console.print(" " + file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].description + "..");
lastDirCode = (gFileList.length > 0 ? gFileList[gFileList.length-1].dirCode : "");
var dirCode = file_area.lib_list[libIdx].dir_list[dirIdx].code;
var searchRetObj = pDirSearchFn(dirCode);
if (retObj.allSameDir && searchRetObj.foundFiles && lastDirCode.length > 0)
retObj.allSameDir = (dirCode == lastDirCode);
for (var i = 0; i < searchRetObj.dirErrors.length; ++i)
retObj.errors.push("Invalid search option" + (pSearchOption.length > 0 ? ": " + pSearchOption : ""));
return retObj;
\ No newline at end of file
Digital Distortion File Lister
Version 2.01
Release date: 2022-02-07
Version 2.02
Release date: 2022-02-13
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Contents
- Command shell setup
- Background: Running JavaScript scripts in Synchronet
4. Configuration file & color/text theme configuration file
5. Strings used from text.dat
1. Disclaimer
......@@ -66,6 +67,13 @@ Synchronet's viewable files configuration), and adding files to the user's
batch download queue. Additionally, sysops can delete files and move files to
another file directory.
In addition to listing files in the user's current directory, this lister can
perform a file search (via filespec, description, or new file search since last
search). The default is to list files in the current directory, but a search
mode can be specified with the command-line option -MODE. search_filename,
search_description, or new_file_search will perform the searching; list_curdir
lists files in the user's current directory, which is the default.
3. Installation & Setup
......@@ -115,6 +123,18 @@ In a JavaScript script, you can use the bbs.exec() function to run a JavaScript
script, as in the following example:
To perform searching, you can add the -MODE option on the command line.
To do a filename search:
?../xtrn/DigDist/ddfilelister/ddfilelister.js -MODE=search_filename
To do a description search:
?../xtrn/DigDist/ddfilelister/ddfilelister.js -MODE=search_description
To search for new files since the last search:
?../xtrn/DigDist/ddfilelister/ddfilelister.js -MODE=new_file_search
You can also specify a mode to list the user's current directory, which is
already the default action:
?../xtrn/DigDist/ddfilelister/ddfilelister.js -MODE=list_curdir
To install the file lister as an external program (in SCFG in External
Programs > Online Programs (Doors)), see the following document for more
......@@ -248,4 +268,14 @@ fileAreaDescHighlight The file library/directory description for
'highlight' colors (for moving a file)
fileAreaNumItemsHighlight The number of directories/files for
'highlight' colors (for moving a file)
\ No newline at end of file
'highlight' colors (for moving a file)
5. Strings used from text.dat
Digital Distortion File Lister uses the following strings from text.dat (in
Synchronet's ctrl directory):
- DirLibOrAll (622)
- FileSpecStarDotStar (199)
- SearchStringPrompt (76)
......@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ Revision History (change log)
Version Date Description
------- ---- -----------
2.02 2022-02-13 Added the ability to do a file search (via filespec,
description, or new files since last scan). A command-
line parameter, -MODE, specifies which search to perform
(search_filename, search_description, or new_file_search
for searching; list_curdir lists files in the user's
current directory, which is the default).
2.01 2022-02-07 Fixed file description being undefined when viewing file
info. Fixed command bar refreshing when pressing the
hotkeys. Added an option to pause after viewing a file
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