From f43a3ff733e19dab2a6af6b4934a4a2604221fe4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eric Oulashin <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2023 01:29:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Good Time Trivia 1.03: Fixes to score reading & parsing. Q&A
 files can have more flexible metadata. Added more questions.

 xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.ini                    |      1 +
 xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.js                     |    338 +-
 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/               |      7 +
 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/                   | 246545 ++++++++++++++-
 .../qa/      | 127443 +++++++-
 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/           |  19992 ++
 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/         |    652 +
 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/             |   1029 +
 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/   |  23606 ++
 xtrn/gttrivia/readme.txt                      |     69 +-
 xtrn/gttrivia/revision_history.txt            |     11 +
 11 files changed, 419359 insertions(+), 334 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
 create mode 100644 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
 create mode 100644 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
 create mode 100644 xtrn/gttrivia/qa/

diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.ini b/xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.ini
index f4f514718e..f5e5565439 100644
--- a/xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.ini
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.ini
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ scoreSoFarText=C
 dirty_minds=AGE 18
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.js b/xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.js
index a206a25405..6e8678856b 100644
--- a/xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.js
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/gttrivia.js
@@ -14,10 +14,25 @@ Date       Author            Description
 2022-12-08 Eric Oulashin     Version 1.02
                              The game can now post scores in (networked) message sub-boards as
                              a backup to using a JSON DB server in case the server can't be
-                             contacted.							 
+                             contacted.
+2023-01-03 Eric Oulashin     Version 1.03 beta
+                             Started working on allowing Q&A files to have a section of JSON
+                             metadata, and also for its answers to possibly be a section of
+                             JSON containing multiple possible answers. JSON metadata in
+                             a QA file may have the following properties (all optional):
+                             category_name: The name of the category
+                             ARS: An ARS string that can restrict usage of the category
+                             "-- Answer metadata begin"/"-- Answer metadata end" sections
+                             need to have an "answers" property, which is an array of
+                             acceptable answers (as strings).  It can also optionally have an
+                             "answerFact" property, to specify an interesting fact about
+                             the answer.
+                             Fixed a bug in reading local scores and parsing them, which
+                             affected saving local scores and showing local scores.
+2023-01-14 Eric Oulashin     Version 1.03
+                             Releasing this version
 "use strict";
@@ -41,8 +56,8 @@ if (system.version_num < 31500)
 // Version information
-var GAME_VERSION = "1.02";
-var GAME_VER_DATE = "2022-12-08";
+var GAME_VERSION = "1.03";
+var GAME_VER_DATE = "2023-01-14";
 // Determine the location of this script (its startup directory).
 // The code for figuring this out is a trick that was created by Deuce,
@@ -259,7 +274,7 @@ while (continueOn)
 console.print("\x01n\x01cReturning to \x01y\x01h" + + "\x01n\x01c...\x01n");
 // End of script execution.
@@ -320,15 +335,15 @@ function playTrivia()
 	// Load and parse the section filename into questions, answers, and points
-	var QAArray = parseQAFilename(qaFilenameInfo[chosenSectionIdx].filename);
+	var QAArray = parseQAFile(qaFilenameInfo[chosenSectionIdx].filename);
-	console.print("There are " + QAArray.length + " questions in total.");
+	console.print("There are " + add_commas(QAArray.length, 0) + " questions in total.");
 	// Each element in QAArray is an object with the following properties:
 	// question
 	// answer
 	// numPoints
-	console.print("\x01n\x01gWill ask \x01h" + gSettings.behavior.numQuestionsPerPlay + "\x01n\x01g questions.\x01n");
+	console.print("\x01n\x01gWill ask up to \x01h" + gSettings.behavior.numQuestionsPerPlay + "\x01n\x01g questions.\x01n");
 	console.print("\x01n\x01gYou can answer \x01hQ\x01n\x01g at any time to quit.\x01n");
@@ -368,7 +383,12 @@ function playTrivia()
 				console.attributes = "N" + gSettings.colors.clue;
-				console.print(partiallyHiddenStr(QAArray[i].answer, tryI-1) + "\x01n");
+				var clueAnswer = "";
+				if (typeof(QAArray[i].answer) === "string")
+					clueAnswer = QAArray[i].answer;
+				else if (Array.isArray(QAArray[i].answer))
+					clueAnswer = QAArray[i].answer[0];
+				console.print(partiallyHiddenStr(clueAnswer, tryI-1) + "\x01n");
 			// Prompt for an answer
@@ -410,9 +430,23 @@ function playTrivia()
 			console.print("The answer was:");
 			console.attributes = "N";
-			printWithWordWrap(answerWhenIncorrectColor, QAArray[i].answer);
+			var theCorrectAnswer = "";
+			if (typeof(QAArray[i].answer) === "string")
+				theCorrectAnswer = QAArray[i].answer;
+			else if (Array.isArray(QAArray[i].answer))
+				theCorrectAnswer = QAArray[i].answer[0];
+			printWithWordWrap(answerWhenIncorrectColor, theCorrectAnswer);
 			console.attributes = "N";
+		if (QAArray[i].hasOwnProperty("answerFact") && typeof(QAArray[i].answerFact) === "string" && QAArray[i].answerFact.length > 0)
+		{
+			console.crlf();
+			console.attributes = "N" + gSettings.colors.questionHdr;
+			console.print("Fact:");
+			console.crlf();
+			printWithWordWrap(attrCodeStr("N" + gSettings.colors.answerFact), QAArray[i].answerFact, true);
+			console.crlf();
+		}
 		// Print the user's score so far
@@ -733,15 +767,75 @@ function getQACategoriesAndFilenames()
 		// Get the section name - Start by removing the .qa filename extension
 		var filenameExtension = file_getext(QAFilenames[i]);
+		// sectionName is the filename without the extension, but the section name can also be specified by
+		// JSON metadata in the Q&A file
 		var sectionName = file_getname(QAFilenames[i]);
 		var charIdx = sectionName.lastIndexOf(".");
 		if (charIdx > -1)
 			sectionName = sectionName.substring(0, charIdx);
-		// Currently, sectionName is the filename without the extension.
+		// Open the file to see if it has a JSON metadata section specifying a section name, etc.
+		// Note: If its metadata has an "ars" setting, then we'll use that instead of
+		// any ARS setting that may be in gttrivia.ini for this section.
+		var sectionARS = null;
+		var QAFile = new File(QAFilenames[i]);
+		if ("r"))
+		{
+			var fileMetadataStr = "";
+			var readingFileMetadata = false;
+			var haveSeenAllFileMetadata = false;
+			while (!QAFile.eof && !haveSeenAllFileMetadata)
+			{
+				var fileLine = QAFile.readln(2048);
+				// I've seen some cases where readln() doesn't return a string
+				if (typeof(fileLine) !== "string")
+					continue;
+				fileLine = fileLine.trim();
+				if (fileLine.length == 0)
+					continue;
+				//-- QA metadata begin" and "-- QA metadata end"
+				if (fileLine === "-- QA metadata begin")
+				{
+					fileMetadataStr = "";
+					readingFileMetadata = true;
+					continue;
+				}
+				else if (fileLine === "-- QA metadata end")
+				{
+					readingFileMetadata = false;
+					haveSeenAllFileMetadata = true;
+					continue;
+				}
+				else if (readingFileMetadata)
+					fileMetadataStr += fileLine + " ";
+			}
+			QAFile.close();
+			// If we've read all the file metadata lines, then parse it & use the metadata.
+			if (haveSeenAllFileMetadata && fileMetadataStr.length > 0)
+			{
+				try
+				{
+					var fileMetadataObj = JSON.parse(fileMetadataStr);
+					if (typeof(fileMetadataObj) === "object")
+					{
+						if (fileMetadataObj.hasOwnProperty("category_name") && typeof(fileMetadataObj.category_name) === "string")
+							sectionName = fileMetadataObj.category_name;
+						if (fileMetadataObj.hasOwnProperty("ARS") && typeof(fileMetadataObj.ARS) === "string")
+							sectionARS = fileMetadataObj.ARS;
+					}
+				}
+				catch (error) {}
+			}
+		}
 		// See if there is an ARS string for this in the configuration, and if so,
 		// only add it if the ARS string passes for the user.
 		var addThisSection = true;
-		if (gSettings.category_ars.hasOwnProperty(sectionName))
+		if (typeof(sectionARS) === "string")
+			addThisSection = bbs.compare_ars(sectionARS);
+		else if (gSettings.category_ars.hasOwnProperty(sectionName))
 			addThisSection = bbs.compare_ars(gSettings.category_ars[sectionName]);
 		// Add this section/category, if allowed
 		if (addThisSection)
@@ -760,13 +854,16 @@ function getQACategoriesAndFilenames()
 	return sectionsAndFilenames;
-// Parses a Q&A filename
+// Parses a Q&A file with questions and answers
+// Parameters:
+//  pQAFilenameFullPath: The full path & filename of the trivia Q&A file to read
 // Return value: An array of objects containing the following properties:
 //               question: The trivia question
 //               answer: The answer to the trivia question
 //               numPoints: The number of points to award for the correct answer
-function parseQAFilename(pQAFilenameFullPath)
+function parseQAFile(pQAFilenameFullPath)
 	if (!file_exists(pQAFilenameFullPath))
 		return [];
@@ -777,9 +874,14 @@ function parseQAFilename(pQAFilenameFullPath)
 	var QAFile = new File(pQAFilenameFullPath);
 	if ("r"))
+		var inFileMetadata = false; // Whether or not we're in the file metadata question (we'll skip all of this for the questions & answers)
 		var theQuestion = "";
 		var theAnswer = "";
 		var theNumPoints = -1;
+		var readingAnswerMetadata = false;
+		var doneReadintAnswerMetadata = false; // For immediately after done reading answer JSON
+		var answerIsJSON = false;
+		var component = "Q"; // Q/A/P for question, answer, points
 		while (!QAFile.eof)
 			var fileLine = QAFile.readln(2048);
@@ -790,23 +892,69 @@ function parseQAFilename(pQAFilenameFullPath)
 			if (fileLine.length == 0)
+			// Skip any file metadata lines (those are read in getQACategoriesAndFilenames())
+			if (fileLine === "-- QA metadata begin")
+			{
+				inFileMetadata = true;
+				continue;
+			}
+			else if (fileLine === "-- QA metadata end")
+			{
+				inFileMetadata = false;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (inFileMetadata)
+				continue;
 			if (theQuestion.length > 0 && theAnswer.length > 0 && theNumPoints > -1)
-				QA_Array.push(new QA(theQuestion, theAnswer, +theNumPoints));
+				addQAToArray(QA_Array, theQuestion, theAnswer, theNumPoints, answerIsJSON);
 				theQuestion = "";
 				theAnswer = "";
 				theNumPoints = -1;
+				readingAnswerMetadata = false;
+				doneReadintAnswerMetadata = false;
+				answerIsJSON = false;
+				component = "Q";
-			if (theQuestion.length == 0)
+			if (component === "Q")
+			{
 				theQuestion = fileLine;
-			else if (theAnswer.length == 0)
-				theAnswer = fileLine;
-			else if (theNumPoints < 1)
+				component = "A"; // Next, set answer
+			}
+			else if (component === "A")
+			{
+				// Possible JSON for multiple answers
+				if (fileLine === "-- Answer metadata begin")
+				{
+					readingAnswerMetadata = true;
+					answerIsJSON = true;
+					theAnswer = "";
+					continue;
+				}
+				else if (fileLine === "-- Answer metadata end")
+				{
+					readingAnswerMetadata = false;
+					doneReadintAnswerMetadata = true;
+				}
+				if (readingAnswerMetadata)
+					theAnswer += fileLine + " ";
+				else
+				{
+					if (doneReadintAnswerMetadata)
+						doneReadintAnswerMetadata = false;
+					else
+						theAnswer = fileLine;
+					component = "P"; // Next, set points
+				}
+			}
+			else if (component === "P")
 				theNumPoints = +(fileLine);
 				if (theNumPoints < 1)
 					theNumPoints = 10;
+				component = "Q"; // Next, set question
 			// Older: Each line in the format question,answer,numPoints
@@ -829,18 +977,71 @@ function parseQAFilename(pQAFilenameFullPath)
 		// Ensure we've added the last question & answer, if there is one
 		if (theQuestion.length > 0 && theAnswer.length > 0 && theNumPoints > -1)
-			QA_Array.push(new QA(theQuestion, theAnswer, +theNumPoints));
+			addQAToArray(QA_Array, theQuestion, theAnswer, theNumPoints, answerIsJSON);
 	return QA_Array;
 // QA object constructor
-function QA(pQuestion, pAnswer, pNumPoints)
+function QA(pQuestion, pAnswer, pNumPoints, pAnswerFact)
 	this.question = pQuestion;
 	this.answer = pAnswer;
 	this.numPoints = pNumPoints;
 	if (this.numPoints < 1)
 		this.numPoints = 10;
+	if (typeof(pAnswerFact) === "string" && pAnswerFact.length > 0)
+		this.answerFact = pAnswerFact;
+// Helper for parseQAFile(): Adds a question, answer, and # points to the Q&A array
+// Parameters:
+//  QA_Array (INOUT): The array to add the Q/A/Point sets to
+//  theQuestion: The question (string)
+//  theAnswer: The answer (string)
+//  theNumPoints: The number of points to award (number)
+//  answerIsJSON: Boolean - Whether or not theAnswer is in JSON format or not (if JSON, it contains
+//                multiple possible answers)
+function addQAToArray(QA_Array, theQuestion, theAnswer, theNumPoints, answerIsJSON)
+	// If the answer is a JSON object, then there may be multiple acceptable answers specified
+	var addAnswer = true;
+	var answerFact = null;
+	if (answerIsJSON)
+	{
+		try
+		{
+			var answerObj = JSON.parse(theAnswer);
+			if (typeof(answerObj) === "object")
+			{
+				if (answerObj.hasOwnProperty("answers") && Array.isArray(answerObj.answers) && answerObj.answers.length > 0)
+				{
+					// Make sure all answers in the array are non-zero length
+					theAnswer = [];
+					for (var i = 0; i < answerObj.answers.length; ++i)
+					{
+						if (answerObj.answers[i].length > 0)
+							theAnswer.push(answerObj.answers[i]);
+					}
+					// theAnswer is an array
+					addAnswer = (theAnswer.length > 0);
+				}
+				else if (answerObj.hasOwnProperty("answer") && typeof(answerObj.answer) === "string" && answerObj.answer.length > 0)
+					theAnswer = answerObj.answer;
+				else
+					addAnswer = false;
+				if (answerObj.hasOwnProperty("answerFact") && answerObj.answerFact.length > 0)
+					answerFact = answerObj.answerFact;
+			}
+			else
+				addAnswer = false;
+		}
+		catch (error)
+		{
+			addAnswer = false;
+		}
+	}
+	if (addAnswer) // Note: theAnswer is converted to an object if it's JSON
+		QA_Array.push(new QA(theQuestion, theAnswer, +theNumPoints, answerFact));
 // Shuffles an array
@@ -871,6 +1072,11 @@ function shuffle(pArray)
 // Match is case-insensitive.  If it's a 1-word answer, then it should match exactly.  Otherwise,
 // a Levenshtein distance is used.
+// Properties:
+//  pAnswer: The answer to the question. This can either be a string (for a single answer) or an array of
+//           strings (if multiple answers are acceptable)
+//  pUserInput: The user's response to the question (string)
 // Return value: An object with the following properties:
 //               userChoseQuit: Boolean: Whether or not the user chose to quit
 //               userInputMatchedAnswer: Boolean: Whether or not the user's answer matches the given answer to the question
@@ -881,14 +1087,13 @@ function checkUserResponse(pAnswer, pUserInput)
 		userInputMatchedAnswer: false
-	if (typeof(pAnswer) !== "string" || typeof(pUserInput) !== "string")
+	// pAnswer should be a string or an array, and pUserInput should be a string
+	if (!(typeof(pAnswer) === "string" || Array.isArray(pAnswer))|| typeof(pUserInput) !== "string")
 		return retObj;
 	if (pUserInput.length == 0)
 		return retObj;
-	// Convert both to uppercase for case-insensitive matching
-	var answerUpper = pAnswer.toUpperCase();
-	var userInputUpper = pUserInput.toUpperCase();
+	var userInputUpper = pUserInput.toUpperCase(); // For case-insensitive matching
 	if (userInputUpper == "Q")
@@ -896,24 +1101,42 @@ function checkUserResponse(pAnswer, pUserInput)
 		return retObj;
-	// If there are spaces in the answer, then do a Levenshtein comparison.  Otherwise,
-	// do an exact match.
-	if (answerUpper.indexOf(" ") > -1)
+	// In case there are multiple acceptable answers, make an array (or copy it) so
+	// we can check the user's response against all acceptable answers
+	var acceptableAnswers = null;
+	if (typeof(pAnswer) === "string")
+		acceptableAnswers = [ pAnswer.toUpperCase() ];
+	else if (Array.isArray(pAnswer))
-		var levDist = levenshteinDistance(answerUpper, userInputUpper);
-		retObj.userInputMatchedAnswer = (levDist <= MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE);
+		acceptableAnswers = [];
+		for (var i = 0; i < pAnswer.length; ++i)
+			acceptableAnswers.push(pAnswer[i].toUpperCase());
+		return retObj; // pAnswer isn't valid here, so just return with a 'false' response
+	// Check the user's response against the acceptable answers
+	for (var i = 0; i < acceptableAnswers.length && !retObj.userInputMatchedAnswer; ++i)
-		// There are no spaces in the answer.  If the answer is 12 or shorter, use an exact match;
-		// otherwise, use a Levenshtein distance.
-		if (answerUpper.length <= 12)
-			retObj.userInputMatchedAnswer = (userInputUpper == answerUpper);
-		else
+		var answerUpper = acceptableAnswers[i].toUpperCase();
+		// If there are spaces in the answer, then do a Levenshtein comparison.  Otherwise,
+		// do an exact match.
+		if (answerUpper.indexOf(" ") > -1)
 			var levDist = levenshteinDistance(answerUpper, userInputUpper);
 			retObj.userInputMatchedAnswer = (levDist <= MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE);
+		else
+		{
+			// There are no spaces in the answer.  If the answer is 12 or shorter, use an exact match;
+			// otherwise, use a Levenshtein distance.
+			if (answerUpper.length <= 12)
+				retObj.userInputMatchedAnswer = (userInputUpper == answerUpper);
+			else
+			{
+				var levDist = levenshteinDistance(answerUpper, userInputUpper);
+				retObj.userInputMatchedAnswer = (levDist <= MAX_LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE);
+			}
+		}
 	return retObj;
@@ -998,11 +1221,8 @@ function updateScoresFile(pUserCurrentGameScore, pLastSectionName)
 		if ("r"))
-			var scoreFileArray = scoresFile.readAll();
+			var scoreFileContents =;
-			var scoreFileContents = "";
-			for (var i = 0; i < scoreFileArray.length; ++i)
-				scoreFileContents += (scoreFileArray[i] + "\n");
 				scoresObj = JSON.parse(scoreFileContents);
@@ -1207,16 +1427,24 @@ function showLocalScores()
 		var scoresFile = new File(SCORES_FILENAME);
 		if ("r"))
-			var scoreFileArray = scoresFile.readAll();
+			var scoreFileContents =;
-			var scoreFileContents = "";
-			for (var i = 0; i < scoreFileArray.length; ++i)
-				scoreFileContents += (scoreFileArray[i] + "\n");
-			var scoresObj = JSON.parse(scoreFileContents);
-			for (var prop in scoresObj)
+			try
-				sortedScores.push(new UserScoreObj(prop, scoresObj[prop].total_score, scoresObj[prop].last_score,
-				                              scoresObj[prop].last_trivia_category, scoresObj[prop].last_time));
+				var scoresObj = JSON.parse(scoreFileContents);
+				for (var prop in scoresObj)
+				{
+					sortedScores.push(new UserScoreObj(prop, scoresObj[prop].total_score, scoresObj[prop].last_score,
+												  scoresObj[prop].last_trivia_category, scoresObj[prop].last_time));
+				}
+			}
+			catch (error)
+			{
+				log(LOG_ERR, GAME_NAME + " - Parsing local scores: Line " + error.lineNumber + ": " + error);
+				bbs.log_str(GAME_NAME + " - Parsing local scores scores: Line " + error.lineNumber + ": " + error);
+				console.attributes = "N" + gSettings.colors.error;
+				console.print("* Line: " + error.lineNumber + ": " + error);
+				console.crlf();
 		// Sort the array: High total score first
@@ -1774,11 +2002,8 @@ function postGTTriviaScoresToSubBoard(pSubCode)
 		if ("r"))
-			var scoreFileArray = scoresFile.readAll();
+			var scoreFileContents =;
-			var scoreFileContents = "";
-			for (var i = 0; i < scoreFileArray.length; ++i)
-				scoreFileContents += (scoreFileArray[i] + "\n");
 				scoresForThisBBS[BBS_ID].user_scores = JSON.parse(scoreFileContents);
@@ -1990,6 +2215,17 @@ function readGTTriviaScoresFromSubBoard(pSubCode)
 	return scoreUpdateSucceeded;
+function add_commas(val, pad)
+	var s = val.toString();
+	s = s.replace(/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3})$/,"$1,$2");
+	while ([0-9]{4}/)!=-1)
+		s = s.replace(/([0-9]+)([0-9]{3}),/g,"$1,$2,");
+	while (s.length < pad)
+		s = " " + s;
+	return(s);
 // Parses command-line arguments.  Returns an object with settings/actions specified.
 // Parameters:
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
index 52a5481f3d..491f5538a1 100644
--- a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+-- QA metadata begin
+    "category_name": "Dirty Minds",
+	"ARS": "AGE 18"
+-- QA metadata end
 I can be used for stroking. You hold me by my hard end. If I'm too stiff, I can make you raw.
 Hair brush
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
index db0eb50f0b..7a6376480c 100644
--- a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
@@ -11,23 +11,27 @@ In what year were the first Air Jordan sneakers released?
 In a game of bingo, which number is represented by the phrase "two little ducks"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twenty-two", "22"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 According to Greek mythology who was the first woman on earth?
-Samuel Tilden, Grover Cleveland, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton share what distinction among U.S. presidential candidates?
-Won the popular vote but lost the electoral college vote
 Which African country was formerly known as Abyssinia?
 Tennis star Serena Williams won which major tournament while pregnant with her first child?
-The Australian Open
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Australian Open", "The Australian Open"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 In which European city would you find Orly airport?
@@ -47,7 +51,11 @@ Volcano
 Which author wrote the 'Winnie-the-Pooh' books?
-A. A. Milne
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["A. A. Milne", "AA Milne"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which Dutch artist painted "Girl with a Pearl Earring"?
@@ -63,7 +71,11 @@ Switzerland
 Which two U.S. states don't observe Daylight Saving Time?
-Arizona, Hawaii
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Arizona, Hawaii", "Hawaii, Arizona", "Arizona and Hawaii", "Hawaii and Arizona"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the loudest animal on Earth?
@@ -91,7 +103,11 @@ Dakota Building
 How many of Snow White's seven dwarfs have names ending in the letter Y?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Five", "5"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" is the autobiography about the early years of what inspirational African-American writer and poet?
@@ -99,7 +115,7 @@ Maya Angelou
 What is the tallest breed of dog in the world?
-The Great Dane
+Great Dane
 What is the softest mineral in the world?
@@ -115,7 +131,11 @@ Margaret Thatcher
 How many ribs are in a human body?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["24", "Twenty-four"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the world's biggest island?
@@ -127,7 +147,11 @@ Thailand
 What is the smallest ocean in the world?
-The Arctic
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Arctic", "The Arctic"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What color eyes do most humans have?
@@ -139,7 +163,11 @@ Amsterdam
 What is the largest type of deer?
-The moose
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Moose", "The Moose"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which Disney film features the song "When You Wish Upon a Star"?
@@ -159,7 +187,11 @@ Pacific Ocean
 When Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls, how many NBA Championships did he win?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Six", "6"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What country won the very first FIFA World Cup in 1930?
@@ -171,7 +203,11 @@ In what year was the first ever Wimbledon Championship held?
 What is often seen as the smallest unit of memory?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Kilobyte", "KB"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which planet is the hottest in Earth's solar system?
@@ -183,7 +219,11 @@ Brazil
 What is the common name for dried plums?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Prunes", "Prune"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What does BMW stand for (in English)?
@@ -191,7 +231,11 @@ Bavarian Motor Works
 Which two countries share the longest international border?
-Canada, USA
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Canada, USA", "USA, Canada", "Canada and USA", "USA and Canada", "Canada & USA", "USA & Canada"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the smallest country in the world?
@@ -199,7 +243,11 @@ Vatican City
 Which bone are babies born without?
-Knee cap
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Kneecap", "Knee Cap"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which name is rapper Sean Combs better known by?
@@ -211,11 +259,19 @@ Spice Girls
 How many hearts does an octopus have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three", "3"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 How many eyes does a bee have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Five", "5"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What was the name of the rock band formed by Jimmy Page?
@@ -250,8 +306,12 @@ Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in 1770 in which city?
-Water as a pH level of around?
+Water as a pH level of approximately what?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seven", "7"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What's the most expensive home in the world?
@@ -263,7 +323,7 @@ An alarm clock
 What's the hardest rock?
-A diamond
 What is the national dish of Spain?
@@ -291,11 +351,19 @@ Keratin
 How many children does Oprah Winfrey have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Zero", "0"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Where is the Sea of Tranquility located?
-The moon
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Moon", "The Moon"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What country has the world's most ancient forest?
@@ -311,10 +379,10 @@ Yellow
 Which chess piece can only move diagonally?
-A bishop
-When did the Cold War end?
+In what year did the Cold War end?
@@ -395,7 +463,7 @@ Larry
 What is a community of ants called?
-A colony
 Who was said to "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee"?
@@ -403,7 +471,11 @@ Muhammed Ali
 Where did Heineken beer originate?
-The Netherlands
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Netherlands", "The Netherlands"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Cirque du Soleil started in what country?
@@ -411,7 +483,11 @@ Canada
 How many signs are there in the Zodiac?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twelve", "12"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What are the two fruit juices in a cosmopolitan?
@@ -419,7 +495,7 @@ Cranberry and lime
 What object is said to bring bad luck if it is broken?
-A mirror
 Which country did bagels originate from?
@@ -438,7 +514,7 @@ The Candlestick, Lead Pipe, Knife, Revolver, Rope, and what else are the six wea
-What city did Starbucks open its first store in 1971?
+In what city did Starbucks open its first store in 1971?
@@ -479,7 +555,11 @@ Black
 How many red stripes are there on the American flag?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seven", "7"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What 3 word phrase is written on Martin Luther King's gravestone?
@@ -510,10 +590,6 @@ Which country is the largest producer of vanilla?
-Who performs the character of Mark Zuckerberg in the movie "The Social Network"?
-Jesse Eisenberg
 What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?
@@ -587,11 +663,19 @@ Kentucky
 What blood type qualifies as a universal donor?
-O negative
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["O negative", "O-", "Type O-", "Type O negative"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Aluminum", "Aluminium"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the most abundant element in the universe?
@@ -642,8 +726,12 @@ Canberra is the capital city of which country?
-New York City comprises how many boroughs?
+How many boroughs is New York City comprised of?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Five", "5"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which nuts are used to make marzipan?
@@ -707,7 +795,11 @@ Allies and Axis
 What number did Derek Jeter wear on his New York Yankees jersey?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two", "2"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What vitamin does the sun's ultraviolet rays help the skin produce?
@@ -763,7 +855,7 @@ Amman
 What is Harry Potter's Patronus?
-A stag
 What candy was used to lure E.T. in the 1982 movie "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial"?
@@ -858,10 +950,6 @@ Port-au-Prince is the capital of which country?
-What major movie actor's first role was in "A Nightmare On Elm Street"?
-Johnny Depp
 What was Toyota's first popular hybrid car called?
@@ -882,10 +970,6 @@ Which President of South Africa ordered Nelson Mandela's release from prison?
 De Klerk
-Which 2008 comedy had the tagline "Put this in your pipe and smoke it"?
-Pineapple Express
 Islamabad is the capital of which country?
@@ -911,7 +995,11 @@ Fulgencio Batista
 How many sides does the home plate in baseball have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Five", "5"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What color dresses do Chinese women traditionally wear on their wedding day?
@@ -983,7 +1071,11 @@ Spaghetto
 By U.S. law, exit signs must be one of what two colors?
-Green or red
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Green or red", "Red or green", "Green, red", "Red, green", "Green red", "Red green"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Where did the 2000 Summer Olympics take place?
@@ -991,7 +1083,11 @@ Sydney, Australia
 Where do U.S. vice presidents live?
-on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["US Naval Observatory", "U.S. Naval Observatory", "Grounds of U.S. Naval Observatory", "Grounds of US Naval Observatory", "US Naval Observatory grounds"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Who was the first American woman in space?
@@ -1003,7 +1099,11 @@ Rydell High
 How many pounds are in a ton?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["2000", "Two thousand"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is an eight-sided shape called?
@@ -1011,19 +1111,19 @@ Octagon
 Which number does every Major League Baseball player wear on April 15?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Forty-two", "42"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the maximum number of points someone can achieve on Pac-Man?
-3333360 points
-What species of fish is Nemo?
-Clown Fish
-In "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," what keeps the three-headed dog asleep?
-Enchanted harp
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["3333360", "3333360 points"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What state is known as the "Badger State"?
@@ -1031,7 +1131,11 @@ Wisconsin
 How Did Leica, the German camera company, get its name?
-Founder Ernest Leitz used the first three letters of his last name combined with the first two letters from "camera."
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ernest Leitz and camera", "Ernest Leitz camera", "Ernest Leitz, camera", "Founder Ernest Leitz and camera", "The founder's name Ernest Leitz and camera"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 When was Earth Day first celebrated?
@@ -1039,7 +1143,11 @@ When was Earth Day first celebrated?
 How many legs does a lobster have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ten", "10"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What year did Dunkin' Donuts become Dunkin'?
@@ -1047,27 +1155,27 @@ What year did Dunkin' Donuts become Dunkin'?
 What is Florida's state bird?
-The Northern Mockingbird
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Northern Mockingbird", "The Northern Mockingbird"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What was Sabrina's cat's name in "Sabrina the Teenage Witch"?
-What year was the original "Jurassic Park" movie released?
 Which player from the Dallas Mavericks is an investor in Big Blanket Co., the maker of 10-by-10 foot blankets?
 Boban Marjanovic
 Where were Doritos invented?
-Casa de Fritos at Disneyland
-What's the name of Ginny's Pygmy Puff?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Casa de Fritos at Disneyland", "Casa de Fritos, Disneyland", "Casa de Fritos Disneyland", "Casa de Fritos"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What president was a licensed bartender?
@@ -1078,16 +1186,20 @@ What type of race is the Tour de France?
-What is the name of Hagrid's half-brother?
 How many pounds of curly fries does Arby's sell in a year?
-100 million
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["100 million", "100,000,000", "100000000"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 How many points does the Star of David have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Six", "6"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Who won first season of "America's Next Top Model"?
@@ -1122,20 +1234,24 @@ What is the Grinch's dog's name?
-What is the name of Boba Fett's ship in "Star Wars"?
-Slave 1
 What year was Kodak founded?
 What is Taylor Swift's lucky number?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Thirteen", "13"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 How many Oscars does Jane Fonda have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two", "2"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What animal's nickname is "sea cow"?
@@ -1143,7 +1259,11 @@ Manatee
 How many Academy Awards did "Titanic" win?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eleven", "11"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Where was the first Olympics held?
@@ -1151,7 +1271,11 @@ Panathenaic Stadium, Greece
 What percentage of the Earth's wildlife is found in the ocean?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["94%", "94", "Ninety-four"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What U.S. state grows coffee beans?
@@ -1163,7 +1287,11 @@ Starcourt Mall
 How often are the Summer Games held?
-Every four years
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Every four years", "Every 4 years", "4 years", "Four years"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which Disney princess has a Scottish accent?
@@ -1182,10 +1310,6 @@ What animal has the biggest eyes?
 Giant Squid
-What comic series is the CW's "Riverdale" based on?
 How many reindeer does Santa have?
@@ -1194,7 +1318,7 @@ What are the Cleveland Browns' team colors?
 Brown and orange
-In what movie does Robert De Niro say, "You talkin' to me?"
+In what movie does Robert De Niro say, "You talkin' to me?"?
 Taxi Driver
@@ -1203,15 +1327,27 @@ Point Barrow, Alaska
 How many people tuned into the last episode of "Friends"?
-52.5 million
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["52.5 million", "52,500,000", "52500000"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is Texas' state flower?
-The Bluebonnet
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Bluebonnet", "The Bluebonnet"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 How many floors does the Eiffel Tower have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three", "3"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the name of the world's hottest chili pepper?
@@ -1219,7 +1355,11 @@ Carolina Reaper
 What is Starbucks' logo?
-A Siren
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Siren", "The Siren"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the largest bone in the human body?
@@ -1238,16 +1378,12 @@ What are baby rabbits called?
-What year was "Jaws" released?
 In football, how many points does a touchdown have?
-In "Star Wars," who built C-3P0?
-Anakin Skywalker
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Six", "6"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Who painted "Girl with a Pearl Earring"?
@@ -1259,7 +1395,11 @@ Turtle
 How many seasons did "The Oprah Winfrey Show" run?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twenty-five", "25"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What year was the first Barbie doll released?
@@ -1267,23 +1407,27 @@ What year was the first Barbie doll released?
 How long was the first Thanksgiving?
-Three days
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three days", "3 days"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 How many planets make up the solar system?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eight", "8"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 How many colors are in a rainbow?
-"The Princess and the Frog" is set in which American city?
-New Orleans
-What is Hermione's Patronus?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seven", "7"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Who wrote "A Little Princess"?
@@ -1298,10 +1442,6 @@ Who was the first couple to win "The Amazing Race"?
 Rob Frisbee and Brennan Swain
-Who was the first woman ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
-Aretha Franklin
 Who voiced Ms. Frizzle on the children's television series "Magic School Bus"?
 Lily Tomlin
@@ -1311,14 +1451,18 @@ Boxing Day
 Which three zodiac signs are summer signs?
-Cancer, Leo and Virgo
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cancer, Leo, and Virgo", "Cancer, Virgo, and Leo", "Leo, Cancer, and Virgo", "Leo, Virgo, and Cancer", "Virgo, Cancer, and Leo", "Virgo, Leo, and Cancer"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which month of the year is National Ice Cream Month?
-Which astronomer is called out in "Bohemian Rhapsody"?
+Which astronomer is called out in the Queen song "Bohemian Rhapsody"?
@@ -1343,17 +1487,17 @@ China
 How many ghosts show up in "A Christmas Carol"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Four", "4"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 In what city is the world's largest Starbucks?
-Who is the villain in "Peter Pan"?
-Captain Hook
 Who was the youngest U.S. president?
 Theodore Roosevelt
@@ -1370,24 +1514,24 @@ Which country gives students the longest summer holiday?
-What is the school's mascot in "High School Musical"?
-Wild Cats
 Where are cricket's ears located?
 On their legs
-What country does "The Jungle Book" take place in?
 How many folds are in a chef's hat?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["One hundred", "100"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What are California's state colors?
-Blue and Gold
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Blue and gold", "Gold and blue", "Blue gold", "Gold blue", "Blue, gold", "Gold, blue"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is United Kingdom's national Anthem?
@@ -1403,10 +1547,14 @@ Liberia
 Who's picture is on the US $50 bill?
-Ulysses Grant
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ulysses Grant", "Ulysses S. Grant", "Ulysses S Grant"]
+-- Answer metadata end
-Name the tallest nonextinct mammal at birth
+Name the tallest nonextinct mammal at birth?
@@ -1423,11 +1571,20 @@ What year did the Berlin wall fall?
 What is the more popular name for the portrait officially titled "La Gioconda," painted in 1503?
-The Mona Lisa
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Mona Lisa", "The Mona Lisa"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What element does the chemical symbol Au stand for?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Gold"],
+    "answerFact": "The symbol Au comes from the Latin word for gold, 'aurum'"
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the sign directly opposite Scorpio in the zodiac?
@@ -1435,11 +1592,20 @@ Taurus
 Who is considered the first female self-made millionaire in the U.S.?
-Madam C.J. Walker
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Madam C.J. Walker", "Madam CJ Walker"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 How many colors were on the original Pride flag, flown at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade in 1978?
-Eight (the pink and turquoise stripes were dropped by 1979 for production reasons)
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eight", "8"],
+    "answerFact": "The pink and turquoise stripes were dropped by 1979 for production reasons"
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the first name of the main female protagonist in Zora Neale Hurston's classic novel Their Eyes Were Watching God?
@@ -1447,7 +1613,11 @@ Janie
 The shooting of whom, in 1914, started World War I?
-Archduke Franz Ferdinand
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Franz Ferdinand", "Archduke Franz Ferdinand"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
@@ -1455,15 +1625,27 @@ Mercury
 Who is commonly credited with throwing the first brick at Stonewall in 1969, beginning an uprising that became a major turning point for LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S.?
-Marsha P. Johnson
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Marsha P. Johnson", "Marsha P Johnson"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What are the first 22 cards in a tarot deck called?
-The Major Arcana
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Major Arcana", "The Major Arcana"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What was the name of the possessed hotel in Steven King's novel (and movie) The Shining, based on the real-life Stanley Hotel in Colorado?
-The Overlook Hotel
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Overlook Hotel", "The Overlook Hotel", "The Overlook", "Overlook"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the capital of India?
@@ -1471,7 +1653,11 @@ New Delhi
 Which two states in the U.S. share the most borders with other states?
-Tennessee and Missouri
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Tennessee and Missouri", "Missouri and Tennessee", "Tennessee, Missouri", "Missouri, Tennessee", "Tennessee Missouri", "Missouri Tennessee"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 At a restaurant, you'll see deer meat on the menu under what name?
@@ -1479,7 +1665,12 @@ Venison
 What country has the national language with the longest alphabet?
-Cambodia (their national language, Khmer, has 74 characters!)
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cambodia"],
+    "answerFact": "Their national language, Khmer, has 74 characters"
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the pseudonym for the author of the best-selling, four-part book series known as the Neapolitan Novels, now an HBO series?
@@ -1487,7 +1678,11 @@ Elana Ferante
 What is the name of the ship that rescued Titanic passengers hours after the ship went down?
-The Carpathia
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Carpathia", "The Carpathia"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Where is recognized as the location of the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth, per the World Meteorological Organization?
@@ -1499,7 +1694,11 @@ Sense and Sensibility
 Which two countries have the longest shared international border?
-Canada and the US
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Canada and the US", "US and Canada", "The US and Canada", "Canada, US", "US, Canada", "Canada US", "US Canada", "Canada and the United States", "The United States and Canada", "United States and Canada", "Canada and United States"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What city hosted the 2014 Winter Olympics?
@@ -1510,7 +1709,7 @@ What is the human body's largest organ?
-What year was the first iPhone released?
+In what year was the first iPhone released?
@@ -1519,15 +1718,27 @@ A murder
 How many feet are in a yard?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three", "3"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 How many bones do sharks have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Zero", "0"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the deadliest mammal?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Hippo", "Hippopotamus"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the deadliest insect?
@@ -1539,11 +1750,16 @@ Argentina
 What is the capital of Singapore?
-Singapore (it's an island city-state)
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Singapore"],
+	"answerFact": "Singapore is an island city-state"
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the word for the weather event also called a winter hurricane?
-A bomb cyclone
+Bomb cyclone
 What was the first country to give women the right to vote?
@@ -1579,11 +1795,19 @@ Dolly Parton
 What is the name for the equinox that occurs on March 20th or 21st of each year?
-The Vernal Equinox
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Vernal Equinox", "The Vernal Equinox"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What's the shortcut for the paste function on most computers?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ctrl-V", "Ctrl+V", "Ctrl V"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What river runs through Paris?
@@ -1607,7 +1831,11 @@ Iceland
 How many colors will you find in a regular bag of M&Ms?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Six", "6"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the U.S. from what country?
@@ -1615,11 +1843,19 @@ France
 How many wives did Henry VIII have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Six", "6"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What is the rarest blood type?
-AB negative
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["AB negative", "AB-", "Type AB negative", "Type AB-"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which famous art movement did Pablo Picasso co-create?
@@ -1631,15 +1867,23 @@ Thomas Jefferson
 For up to how long do cicadas live underground before emerging above ground for just a few weeks?
-17 years
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["17 years", "Seventeen years"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What phase does a moon enter into after it's full?
-Waxing Gibbous (if you guessed just the first bit, that works!)
+Waxing Gibbous
 Where on the food pyramid do eggplants belong?
-In the fruit section
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["The fruit section", "Fruit section"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What alcoholic beverage is made from juniper berries?
@@ -1655,11 +1899,19 @@ Six Flags New Jersey
 What is the national animal of Scotland?
-The unicorn
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Unicorn", "The Unicorn"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 For how many nights is Hanukkah celebrated?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eight", "8"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What religious and political organization did Malcolm X join in 1952, helping it to grow exponentially before cutting ties with it in 1964?
@@ -1671,7 +1923,11 @@ Japan
 How many keys are on a modern, standard-sized piano?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eighty-Eight", "88"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Area 51 is located in which U.S. state?
@@ -1679,19 +1935,35 @@ Nevada
 What U.S. fast food chain is credited with introducing the first drive-through window to the masses?
-In-N-Out Burger
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["In-N-Out Burger", "In-N-Out"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What temperature (in Fahrenheit degrees) does water boil at?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["212", "Two hundred twelve"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What temperature (in Celsius/Centigrade degrees) does water boil at?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["100", "One hundred"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Where is Harvard University located?
-Cambridge, Massachusetts
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cambridge, Massachusetts", "Cambridge, MA"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which marine animal species hold hands in their sleep to prevent drifting apart?
@@ -1711,11 +1983,19 @@ Roulette
 Who said: "I'm the president of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli"?
-George Bush
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["George HW Bush", "George H.W. Bush", "George Herbert Walker Bush", "George Bush Sr", "George Bush Sr.", "George Bush Senior"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What so-called "war" spawned the dueling slogans "Better Dead Than RED" and "Better Red Than Dead" in the 1950s?
-Cold War
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cold War", "The Cold War"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What president was shot while walking to California Governor Jerry Brown's office?
@@ -1723,7 +2003,11 @@ Gerald Ford
 Who earned infamy for noting: "A billion dollars isn't worth what it used to be"?
-J Paul Getty
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["J Paul Getty", "J. Paul Getty"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What ethnic group was largely responsible for building most of the early railways in the U.S. West?
@@ -1743,11 +2027,11 @@ What election year saw bumper stickers reading "Wallace, Wallace, Uber Alles"?
 In 1983, what Cowboy's 99-yard run from scrimmage put him in the NFL football record book?
-Tony Dorsett's
+Tony Dorsett
 What 20th-century conflict was dubbed the "forgotten war" despite 54,246 U.S. deaths?
-The Korean War
+Korean War
 What single name is more commonly applied to Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Great?
@@ -1795,7 +2079,11 @@ Martin Luther King Jr
 What did Republicans call the platform they hyped in the 1994 Congressional elections?
-The Contract With America
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Contract With America", "The Contract With America"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What brave-hearted Scottish patriot led soldiers to a defeat of the English at the Battle of Cambuskenneth in 1297?
@@ -1803,7 +2091,11 @@ William Wallace
 What nation issued the five-dollar bill found in Abraham Lincoln's pocket when he was shot?
-The Confederate States of America
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Confederate States of America", "The Confederate States of America"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What political system was gradually dismantled in South Africa, starting in 1989?
@@ -1815,7 +2107,11 @@ El Cid
 What field and city name did Amelia Earhart have her first flying lesson at?
-Kinner Field, Long Beach
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Kinner Field, Long Beach", "Kinner Field"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 For safety, bacon can be treated to prevent what disease?
@@ -1899,7 +2195,11 @@ Amazon
 How many faces does a Dodecahedron have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twelve", "12"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Queen guitarist Brian May is also an expert in what scientific field?
@@ -1911,7 +2211,11 @@ Yellow
 How many ghosts chase Pac-Man at the start of each game?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Four", "4"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What Renaissance artist is buried in Rome's Pantheon?
@@ -1987,14 +2291,18 @@ Lithuania
 How many bones do we have in an ear?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three", "3"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Who famously crossed the Alps with elephants on the way to war with the Romans?
-True or False: Halloween originated as an ancient Irish festival.
+True or False: Halloween originated as an ancient Irish festival.?
@@ -2021,3 +2329,245860 @@ Ukraine
 The Parthenon Marbles are controversially located in what museum?
 British Museum
+A ____ atom in an atomic clock beats 9,192,631,770 times a second
+A ____ generates temperatures five times hotter than those found on the sun's surface
+Lightning bolt
+A ____ is a pact between a secular authority & the church
+A ____ is the blue field behind the stars
+A ____ occurs when all the planets of the our Solar System line up
+A ____ razor removed from King Tut's Tomb was still sharp enough to be used
+A ____ takes 33 hours to crawl one mile
+A ____ women can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee
+Saudi arabian
+A ____ written to celebrate a wedding is called a epithalamium
+A 'dybbuk' is an evil spirit in which folklore?
+A 'pigskin' is another name for a(n) ____
+A 'sirocco' refers to a type of ____
+A 300,000 pound wedding dress made of platinum was once exhibited, and in the instructions from the designer was a warning. What was it?
+Do not iron
+A 41-gun salute is the traditional salute to announce a royal birth in ____
+Great britain
+A bird in the hand is worth ____
+Two in the bush
+What is a block of compressed coal dust used as fuel called?
+A blockage in a pipe caused by a trapped bubble of air?
+A blunt thick needle for sewing with thick thread or tape?
+What is the name of a type of boat or raft with two parallel hulls?
+A Boeing 707 uses ____ gallons of petrol in its take-off climb
+A bolt of lighting can strike the earth with a force as great as ____ volts
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["100 million", "100,000,000", "100000000"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+A booklet containing descriptive information?
+A branched hanging support for lights?
+A brand name of morphine once marketed by bayer?
+A British lawyer who does not appear before judges, but organizes the case for trial is called a ____
+A broken clock is right at least ______
+Twice a day
+What is a calm ocean region near the equator?
+A canton is the ____ field behind the stars
+A canton is the blue field behind the ____
+A carbohydrate consists of carbon, hydrogen, and which other element?
+A carrier pigeon who served in wwi, who stopped an American bombardment of American troops, cher ami, is now on permanant display where?
+Smithsonian institution
+A cesium atom in an ______ clock beats 9,192,631,770 times a second
+A cesium atom in an atomic clock beats ____ times a second
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["9,192,631,770", "9192631770"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+A change in frequency observed when light is scattered in a transparent material?
+Raman effect
+A Chapter 12 bankruptcy provides debt relief for whom?
+Family farmer
+A charge of DWAI is for what?
+Driving while ability impaired
+A chest X-ray is comprised of 90,000 to 130,000 ____ volts
+A chinese method of divination?
+A cholecyst is more commonly known as a(n) ____
+A chromosome is large than a?
+A chronic disease of the liver?
+A Cicada passes eggs through its?
+A cigarette brand that fits these blanks;?
+Benson & hedges
+A coffee pot with a plunger that pushes the grounds to the bottom?
+A collision between a bird and an aircraft?
+A common name for the pancreas is?
+A company in ____ makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate
+A company in Taiwan makes ____ out of wheat, so you can eat your plate
+A company in taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your ____
+A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of____ , so you can eat your plate
+A complex alcohol constituent of all animal fats and oils?
+A condition causing breathing difficulties?
+A condition characterized by self-absorption and withdrawal?
+A container for carrying a corpse from the scene of an accident etc?
+Body bag
+A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to how many miles an hour?
+A cowboy's hat is also known as a(n)?
+A cross-head screwdriver is also known as?
+Phillips screwdriver
+A cuban dance in slow duple time or a piece of music composed for this dance?
+A cyclonic (rotating) tropical storm with winds at the center in excess of 74 miles per hour is called?
+A day on ____ is about 9 hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator
+A day on Jupiter is about ____ hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Nine", "9"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+A dealer in dress accessories and sewing goods?
+A decoction of dandelion roots and leaves is an old remedy for dissolving urinary ____
+A Dermatherm is an instrument which measures?
+Skin Temperature
+A devastating ____ epidemic in 1822 left New York City with 16,000 corpses and no readily available space for burial
+Yellow fever
+A device invented as a primitive steam engine by the Greek engineer Hero, about the time of the birth of Christ, is used today as a?
+Rotating lawn sprinkler
+A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a ____
+A dime has how many ridges around the edge?
+A dime is equal to how many cents?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ten", "10"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+A famous RAH novel, as well as a number believed to be cursed?
+The number of the beast
+A favourite spot for vampires to bite (that's one hell of a hickey!)?
+A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of ____ months
+A figure having an elongated rectangular shape?
+A fine cotton fabric, often stiffened?
+A fingernail or toenail takes about how many months to grow from base to tip?
+A firm in Britain sold fall-out shelters for?
+A five line humorous verse?
+A flag flown upside-down is a signal of a(n) ____
+A flat bottomed boat on canal or river?
+A flat V shaped missile that returns?
+A flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a(n) ____
+Erlenmeyer flask
+A fleet of small ships?
+A flush toilet exists today that dates back to ____ B.C
+A foot-long ruler is ____ inches long
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twelve", "12"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+A Football ball has ____ panels
+A full loaded supertanker travelling at normal speed takes a least ____ minutes to stop
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twenty", "20"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+A full moon always rises at____
+A full moon is ____ times brighter than a half moon
+A gas produced by the incomplete combustion of coal in a mine fire is very poisonous, what is its chemical name?
+Carbon monoxide
+A globe is the symbol for which muse?
+A golden ____ removed from King Tut's Tomb was still sharp enough to be used
+A Greek or Roman two handled jar?
+A Habanero is a native of which city?
+A hard working adult sweats up to ____ gallons per day
+A hard-boiled egg will____ . An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not
+A Harvard study of college drinking showed that more than ____ percent of students indulge in binge drinking, which is defined as consuming five drinks at one sitting by men or four drinks by women. Of college students who drink, one-third drink to get drunk
+A health profession concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, & treatment of disorders of the teeth & adjacent tissues of the head, neck, & mouth?
+A heavy winter fog containing ice crystals is a ____
+A herb or drug described as 'diaphoretic', causes what condition?
+A herb or drug described as 'haemostatic' performs which effect?
+Stops bleeding
+A hoop worn under skirts is called a what?
+A horse named nita beat the first locomotive ever built in America in a famous race in 1830, what was the name of the train?
+Tom thumb
+A hummingbird weighs less than a?
+A is the international vehicle registration letter for which country?
+A jiffy is an actual unit of time for ____ of a second. Thus the saying, I will be there in a jiffy!
+A journey of a thousand miles begins with ____
+A single step
+A jumbo jet uses ____ gallons of fuel to take off
+A kind of expanded polystyrene?
+A kind of small domestic fowl?
+A kind of tortoise in the galapagos islands has an upturned shell at its neck so it can reach its head up to eat what?
+Cactus branches
+A kingfisher is also known to the ancient greeks as a?
+A kipper is what type of smoked fish?
+A LaForte fracture is a fracture of all ____ bones
+A landowner in Scotland?
+A large box for valuables?
+A large cage or building for keeping birds?
+A large fortified residential building?
+A large French country house?
+A large oven in which pottery is fired is a ____
+A large patterned handkerchief?
+A large S.American vulture?
+A large sea birdor greedy person?
+A large swarm of ____ can eat 80,000 tons of corn in a day
+A large swarm of locusts can eat ____ tons of corn in a day
+A large swarm of locusts can eat 80,000 tons of ____ in a day
+A large whale needs more than ____ tonnes of food a day
+A latin American dance usually performed in single file?
+A legendary or moral tale?
+A letter might end with SWAK, which is an acronym for?
+Sealed with a kiss
+A lifetime supply of all the vitamins you need weighs only about ____ ounces
+A light aircraft without an engine?
+A light canvas shoe with a plaited sole?
+A light clear red colour?
+A light four wheeled carriage, named after a greek mythological character?
+A light iron-tipped S.African spear?
+A light umbrella used to give shade?
+A lightning bolt generates temperatures ____ times hotter than those found on the sun's surface
+A little over one hundred years ago, ____ arrived in the United States for the first time. It was transmitted by an infection carried aboard the Hamburg-American Line's Moravia on August 30, 1892
+A long broad tree lined street?
+A long cylindrical pillow?
+A long or indefinite period?
+A long thin French type of bread?
+A long tunic worn by men in the Near East?
+A long wined sea bird related to the petrel?
+A loofah is a type of what?
+A low wet area generally with a depth of organic matter is called?
+A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of what?
+Tennis court
+A lump of pure____ the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court
+A magnum of champagne is how many litres?
+A male ____ is 5 times hornier than the average human male
+A male cat is called a what?
+A male chimpanzee is ____ times hornier than the average human male
+A male chimpanzee is 5 times ____ than the average human male
+A male deer is called a ____ ____
+A male DONKEY is called a ____
+A male goose?
+A male horse is called a...?
+A male OX is called a ____
+A male rabbit is called a...?
+A male singer whose sexual organs have been modified is known as a what?
+A male zebra is called a ____
+A man named ____ Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years
+A man named ____ Peterson is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin
+A man named Charles ____ had the hiccups for 69 years
+A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for ____ years
+A man named Ed ____ is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin
+A man's ____ contains between 7000 and 15,000 hairs
+A man's beard grows fastest when he ____
+Anticipates sex
+A Mancunian is a native of which city?
+A manned rocket reaches the moon in less time than it took a ____ to travel the length of England
+A marigraph is an instrument which records what?
+Tide level
+A maryland t-shirt slogan that parodied 'Virginia is for lovers' read what?
+Maryland is for crabs
+A mashie, niblick and wedge are types of what?
+Golf clubs
+A mass of flowers on a tree?
+A massive ensemble of hundreds of millions of stars, all gravitationally interacting, and orbiting about a common center?
+A McDonald's straw will hold ____ ml, or just over one-and-a-half teaspoons of whatever you are drinking. This means that it would take 17,000 strawfuls of water to fill up a 34 gallon bathtub
+A medication that aids in expelling gas from the intestines is called a ____
+A member of an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno?
+A member of the Commonwealth, which is the most southerly African country through which the Greenwich meridian passes?
+A member of the largest group of algae in the golden algae phylum?
+A method of resolving questions of conscience by applying moral principles or laws to concrete cases?
+A military attack on what country did the bamler plan of the second world war involve?
+A million raised to fifth power?
+A millipede has ____ legs on each segment of its body
+A minute to learn...a lifetime to master is the advertising slogan for which boardgame?
+A mistress among polygamous people?
+A mixture of wine and soda water is known as a what?
+A modern day version of roman festival of hilaria still occurs in britain today what is it?
+April fool's day
+A modern version of the ancient roman festival of hilaria still occurs in britain today, what is it?
+April fool's day
+A moist fertile spot in a desert is called a(n)?
+A mole can dig a tunnel ____ feet long in just one night
+A mole can dig over ____ feet of tunnel in a single night
+A monetary inflation at a very high rate?
+A monkey was once tried and convicted for doing what in south bend, indiana?
+Smoking a cigarette
+A more common name for an anthrophagist is?
+A more common name for an anthrophphagist is?
+A more common name for an anthropophagist is?
+A mosquito has ____ teeth
+A moth has no?
+A motorist who enjoys driving fast?
+Speed merchant
+A movie featuring Robin Wright, Carey Elwes, and Andre the Giant?
+The Princess Bride
+A mule is sired on a mare by an ass. What is the offspring of a stallion and a female ass?
+A mustelidae family member is a(n) ____
+A myrmecologist studies?
+A name for energy fuelled in ways that do not harm the enviroment?
+A narrow concrete foundation for a wall?
+A narrow crack or split?
+A narrow strip of wood?
+A native of the east end of London?
+A necropsy is an autopsy on ____
+A new born baby breathes ____ times faster than an adult man
+A new Merseyside estate is the setting for which soap opera?
+A normal raindrop falls at about ____ miles per hour
+A novel by Keith Waterhouse?
+Billy liar
+A nuclear reactor was built beneath a Chicago football stadium in which year?
+A NUKE InterNETWORK poll found that ____ percent of Internet users have cut back on watching TV in order to spend more time online; 12 percent have cut back on seeing friends
+A one humped camel is called a ____
+A pack-day smoker will approx. lose 2 ____ every ten years
+A painting of the Madonna and Child was saved for the nation with a ?10.25million donation from the lottery, who painted it?
+A painting of which famous Old Testament ruling, completed in 1495, is one of the earliest works by the artist Giorgione?
+Judgment of solomon
+A pair of small drums played with the fingers?
+A Pan Am flight, which left London Heathrow bound for New York in December 1998, was blown up by a bomb over a small Scotish town Name the town?
+A pantry was originally used for the storage of which foodstuff?
+A parsec is a unit of what?
+A parthenophobic has a fear of?
+A penny whistle has ____ finger holes
+A period of five years?
+A person 100 or more years old?
+A person at his wit's end is said to be losing his what?
+A person at rest generates as much heat as a ____ -watt light bulb
+A person breathes ____ quarts of air every minute
+A person employed to drive a car?
+A person in his eighties is called a(n) ____
+A person learning a trade by working for an agreed period?
+A person living in solitude?
+A person or animal lacking pigment in skin hair and eyes?
+A person putting a lot of effort into a task is said to be using?
+Elbow grease
+A person refusing to join a strike?
+A person suffering from polythelia has 3 ____
+A person walking before a person of rank?
+A person who believes that the existence of God is not provable?
+A person who deliberately sets fire to property?
+A person who eats only fruit?
+A person who sells fruit etc. from a barrow?
+a person who speaks faroese most likely lives in this country?
+A person who translates orally from one language to another?
+A person who works with iron?
+A person will die in approximately 10 days without what?
+A person with a strong desire to steal is a?
+A person with refined taste in food and drink?
+A persuasive or flattering person is said to have the gift of what?
+The gab
+A pharmacological cure all is called a ____
+A phon is a unit of what?
+A photic sneeze is caused by ____
+A piece of soft leather from sheep or goats?
+A pig always sleeps on its ____ side
+A pig's ____ last for 30 minutes
+A pig's penis is shaped like a?
+A pigs penis is shaped like what?
+A pigs snout is called a?
+A pin-up photo of ____ adorned the first test bomb dropped on Bikini atoll in the Marshall Islands in July 1946
+Rita Hayworth
+A pit filled with rubble or gravel into which water is drained?
+A pita is a type of what?
+A plant allied to the thistle with a partly edible flower?
+A plant produced by crossing different species is know as what?
+A hybrid
+A plant that completes its entire life cycle in just one year is generally referred to as a(n):?
+A play by Lillian Hellman about hatred and greed in a southern family?
+Little foxes
+A poem of fourteen lines is called a ____
+A poem written to celebrate a ____ is called a epithalamium
+A poem written to celebrate a wedding is called a(n) ____
+A polar bear's skin is black. Its fur is not white, but actually?
+A poll taken shows that between 74 and 94 percent of workers in the United States and Canada take 5 to 15 minutes daily for a ____
+Morning coffee break
+A poltroon is a(n) ____
+A pommel is part of a what?
+A popular climbing plant with sweet smelling flowers?
+Sweet pea
+A pork product that's often served for breakfast?
+A poster depicting lord kitchener pointing outwards stated what message?
+Your country needs you
+A potent alcoholic drink from aniseed?
+A pound of armadillo meat contains how many calories?
+780 calories
+A powerful tractor with a curved blade at the front used for clearing ground?
+A pregnant goldfish is called a?
+A prostitute with wealthy or upper class connections?
+A pudding of stewed fruit under bread?
+A punishment by caning on the soles of the feet?
+A quarter of Russia is covered by ____
+A racing sledge steered and braked mechanically?
+A radian is a unit used to measure what?
+A rainbow can only occur when the sun is ____ degrees or less above the horizon
+A rare or unusual object?
+A rat can last longer without ____ than a camel
+A rat can last longer without water than a ____
+A recent Gallup poll shows that ____ percent of Americans believe they will go somewhere after death
+A recent Gallup Poll Social Audit on gambling showed that ____ percent of Americans have bought a lottery ticket in the last 12 months, making lotteries by far the favorite choice of gamblers
+A recent Gallup survey showed that in the United States, 8 percent of kissers kept their eyes open, but more than ____ percent confessed to an occasional peek. Forty-one percent said they experienced their first serious smooch when they were 13, 14, or 15 years old; 36 percent between the ages of 16 and 21
+A recent study conducted by the Shyness Clinic in Menlo Park, California, revealed that almost 90 percent of Americans label themselves as ____
+A red-haired man is more likely to go ____ than anyone else
+A research scientist is sometimes called this?
+A Rhinologist specialises in the human?
+A rich deep red colour?
+A riddle or a hard question?
+A river that runs through the Himalayas,Tibet and NE India joining the Ganges at its delta in Bangladesh?
+A robin's egg is blue, but if you put it in vinegar for thirty days, what color does it turn?
+A roman city buried by a volcano in AD79 was rediscovered in the 1700s, what was its name?
+A rubiks cube has how many colored squares?
+A rune is a letter of what ancient alphabet?
+A Russian person famous as a horseman?
+A sadhu is a holy man in which country?
+A sailor who has not yet crossed the equator is referred to by what name?
+A salad containing diced apple, celery, walnuts and mayonnaise is known as what?
+Waldorf salad
+A salt enema used to be given to children to rid them of ____
+A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesnt give her what?
+A Saudi Arabian women can get a divorce if her ____ doesn't give her coffee
+A scholar who studies the ____ de Sade is called a Sadian not a Sadist
+A scholar who studies the Marquis de Sade is called a ____ not a Sadist
+A scholar who studies the Marquis de Sade is called a Sadian not a ____
+A scholar who studies the Marquis de Sade is called a what?
+A scroll is the symbol for which muse?
+A sea wasp can kill a human in less than a minute, what kind of creature is it?
+A sea with many islands?
+A series of 15 radioactive elements in the periodic table (periodic law) with atomic numbers 89 through 103?
+Actinide series
+A severe skin abscess or a bright red jewel?
+A shadow of a four-dimensional object would have ____ dimensions
+A shallow dish with a cover, used for science specimens is a(n) ____
+Petri dish
+A shark must keep ____ ____ to stay alive
+Moving forward
+A ship due to leave port flies a 'Blue Peter'. What does the flag look like?
+Blue rectangle with a white rectangular centre
+A ships officer in charge of equipment and crew?
+A short legged hunting dog?
+A short thick post used for securing ropes on a quay?
+A short womens jacket without fastenings?
+A short, traditionally sacred choral composition?
+A shy retiring person is known as a shrinking what?
+A silicate mineral, heat resistant and insulating?
+A similar earlier event is known as a?
+A simple form of slide projector?
+Image lantern
+A single sheeps ____ might well contain as many as 26 million fibres
+A single sheeps fleece might well contain as many as ____ million fibres
+A sizable ____ tree, during the typical growing season, gives off 28,000 gallons of moisture
+A sizable oak tree, during the typical growing season, gives off ____ gallons of moisture
+A sloth can move ____ as fast in water as it can on land
+A small atmospheric vortex that comes from surface heating is known as what?
+Dust devil
+A small computer introduced in 1975 by micro instrumentation telemetry systems of new Mexico?
+Altair 8800
+A small crown?
+A small herring or sprat?
+A small hound used for hunting hares?
+A small informal restaurant?
+A small narrow headband?
+A small naval escort vessel?
+A small pickled cucumber?
+A small shop selling fashionable clothes?
+A small village without a church?
+A small working boat rigged with a four sided sail, bent and hoisted on a yard?
+A smurf is this tall?
+3 apples
+A snail can sleep for ____ years
+A snail takes ____ hours to crawl one mile
+A snail takes 33 hours to crawl ____ mile
+A sneeze can travel as fast as ____ miles per hour
+A sneeze travels out your mouth at over ____ m.p.h
+A snooker game needs how many balls?
+A soft smooth cheese similar to yoghurt is known as?
+Fromage frais
+A soft toffee like sweet?
+A solvent used to dilute paint or varnish?
+A South African monkey was once awarded a medal and promoted to the rank of ____ during World War I
+A Spanish bullfighter is also known as?
+A Spanish country estate is known as a ____
+A Spanish-American farm worker is called a what?
+A species of ____ in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length
+A species of earthworm in Australia grows up to ____ feet in length
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ten", "10"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+A spice from which root is used to give food a yellow colour?
+A spider is a member of the phylum Arthropoda. What class does it belong to?
+A spool or reel for thread?
+A square mile of fertile ____ has 32,000,000 earthworms in it
+A square mile of fertile earth has ____ earthworms in it
+A squirrel cannot contract or carry the ____ virus
+A standard ____ is 7'8 x 3'2 x 6
+A standard 747 Jumbo Jet has ____ seats
+A standard coat hanger is forty-four inches long if____
+A stanza or verse of a poem?
+A starfish can turn its ____ inside out
+A statement made by placing your hand on a bible?
+A steep rugged rock?
+A stitch in time saves ____
+A stock with a par value of per share is known as what?
+Quarter stock
+A story by Edgar Allan Poe...Fall of the...?
+House of Usher
+A story of ones own life?
+A stream may disappear down a sink-hole, by what other name is this known?
+Swallow hole
+A strong twilled cloth often used for raincoats?
+A study by researcher Frank Hu and the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who snore are at an increased risk of high blood pressure and ____
+Cardiovascular disease
+A Study in Scarlet was the first novel to feature which literary character?
+Sherlock holmes
+The study of physics and chemistry of celestial bodies is known as what?
+A stupa is a shrine to the memory of whom?
+A sufferer of leukemia has too many ____
+A sugar with the formula C12H22O11, belonging to the group of carbohydrates known as disaccharides (sugar)?
+A summary of the plot of a play,film etc with details of characters scenes etc?
+A summer house giving a view is known as what?
+A sumptuous formal dinner is known as what?
+A supernova star is known to astronomers as a what?
+A suspended bed of canvas or netting is known as what?
+A synthetic material first developed in the thirties?
+A tagged bird of this species flew the greatest known distance for a bird. (22,500 km)?
+Arctic tern
+A technique by which patients monitor their own bodily functions in an attempt to alter those functions?
+Bio feedback
+A Ten pound note depicts a scene from which Dickens novel?
+Pickwick papers
+A ten-gallon hat holds 3/4 gallon or ____ quarts
+A terrapin is a type of ____
+A theory emerged in 2011 that was famous painting was actually inspired by the artist's male apprentice?
+Mona Lisa
+A thick revolving cylinder for winding cables?
+A thoroughgoing & complete republican might be called a dyed-in-the... republican?
+A tincture of opium, was a common sedative in Victorian times?
+A tool with screw point for boring holes in wood?
+A toothpick is the object most often ____ on by Americans
+A tornado at sea is called a ____
+A total of 1,670 people died in a theatre fire in china in what year?
+A town is not a city until it has a ____
+A trained fighter in ancient Rome?
+A tropical house lizzard?
+A tufty, velvet cord or yarn used for embroidery and trimmings?
+A turkey's furcula better known as a?
+A two-bit moon is in its ____ quarter
+A type of musical instrument turned by hand?
+A type of windsurfing board that is less stable but faster than the standard one?
+A typhoon struck which island in Japan in 1934, killing 4,000 people?
+A typical American eats ____ pigs in his/her lifetime
+A typical American eats how many pigs in his/her lifetime?
+A typical bed usually houses over how many dust mites?
+6 billion
+A typical double mattress contains as many as ____ house dust mites
+2 million
+A u-shaped bend in a river is called a(n)...?
+A U.S. dime is worth ____ cents
+A uk no 1 record?
+Louis armstrong
+A Varsovian lives in which city?
+A vehicle carrying a toxic substance is required to display a sign showing what symbol?
+Skull and crossbones
+A very tall center and a real ladies man?
+Wilt the stilt
+A vest in America is which garment?
+A vicious one of these is a series of reactions that compound an initial problem?
+A Victoria Cross is struck from gun metal of Russian cannons captured at which battle?
+A Virginia law requires all ____ to be kept out in the yards, not inside the house
+A volunteer cavalry force merged into the Territorial army in 1907?
+A wading bird with long upturned bill?
+A walk in the park name the group?
+Nick straker band
+A waste of time in frivolous action?
+A waterproof over shoe?
+A well in which water rises through natural pressure?
+A welt, a vamp, a tongue and a quarter can all be found on which object?
+A shoe
+A wheel turns or spins on an ____
+A white mtallic element?
+A wide annual ring in a tree indicates?
+Good health
+A wild ox?
+A wind with a speed of ____ miles or more is designated a hurricane
+A wind with a speed of 74 miles or more is designated as a what?
+A woman described as a Magdalene in the 17th Century was a repentant what?
+A woman from Worcestershire, England did this every day for 977 consecutive days?
+A woman never forgets the man who remembers, was the 1950's advertising slogan for what brand of chocolates?
+Whitman's Chocolates
+A woman with dark hair?
+A woman's heart beats ____ than a man's
+A woodchuck breathes only ____ times during hibernation
+A woodchuck breathes only ____ times in hibernation
+A woodchuck breathes only ____ times in hibernation
+A woven fabric with raised pattern?
+A writer of dictionaries is known as a?
+A written acknowledgement of the payment of money for goods, work done etc?
+A yarmulka is a skullcap worn by followers of which religion?
+A young horse or related animal?
+A young Spanish lady is called a what?
+A young unmarried woman?
+A____ measures blood pressure
+A-1 Steak Sauce contains both orange ____ and raisins
+A-1 Steak Sauce contains both orange peels and ____
+A(n) ____ is a person bound for a number of years to a master who undertakes to instruct him
+Aarchie moore, was world champion in what sport from 1952 1962?
+Aaron died on mount ____
+Abba Hits?
+Dancing Queen
+Abdul-jabbar what does 'alma mater' mean?
+Bountiful mother
+Ability to move objects with mind power?
+Able to be decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms?
+About ____ babies are born worldwide every minute
+About ____ cars are junked each year in the U.S
+7 million
+About ____ of Americans who go to college do it just to make more money
+About ____ percent of American households buy yellow mustard every year
+About ____ years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were 30
+About 10% of the worlds population is what?
+Left handed
+About 24 percent of alcoholics die in accidents, falls, fires, and ____
+About 24 percent of American adults say they have participated, at some time or another, in illegal ____
+About 60 miles n.w of what mountain is the geographic center of Alaska?
+Mount mckinley
+About 60 percent of all American babies are named after ____
+Close relatives
+About 70% of all living organisms in the world are?
+About 70% of Americans who go to ____ do it just to make more money
+About a third of all americans flush the toilet while they're?
+Still sitting on it
+About a third of Americans ____ while they are still sitting on the toilet
+About half of all Americans are on a ____ on any given day
+About how many hairs does an average healthy scalp shed in 24 hours?
+Sixty five
+About how many miles separate the U S & Cuba?
+About one third of American adults are at least ____ percent above their recommended weight
+About one-tenth of the earth's surface is permanently covered with ____
+About what was michael jackson's song 'ben'?
+About what year was the first steam ship built?
+About which family are the 'godfather' films?
+About which London politician was it said in March 200 - The ego has landed?
+Ken livingstone
+Abraham Lincoln was shot with a?
+Absolutely pure ____ is so soft that it can be molded with the hands
+Acadia was the original name of what?
+Nova scotia
+According to ____ 1:20-22, the chicken came before the egg
+According to a 1990 survey, what are there three of to every person in Wales?
+According to a 1995 poll, 1 out of 10 people admitted that they will buy an outfit intending to wear it once and ____
+Return it
+According to a Gallup poll, 11 percent of the U.S. population believes in ____ and other supernatural entities
+According to a poll, ____ percent of those responding admitted that they had falsely called in sick to get a day off from work
+According to a poll, only 29 percent of married couples agree on most ____
+Political issues
+According to a recent poll, 39 percent of the people interviewed admitted that they snoop in their host's ____
+Medicine cabinets
+According to a recent study, there are more than ____ art galleries in Scottsdale, Arizona, which, surprisingly, exceeds the number in either Los Angeles or San Francisco
+According to a recent survey among women, what is the least favorite part of the male body?
+According to a recent survey, ____ percent of people who play the car radio while driving also sing along with it
+According to advertising data, nearly 80 percent of Japanese ads use celebrities, the majority being local stars. Of foreign celebrities, the most popular in 1996 were noodle pitchman Arnold Schwarzenegger and whiskey endorser ____
+Steven spielberg
+According to arthurian legend, what did king arthur receive as a dowry?
+The round table
+According to Bayer Aspirin(r), over ____ aspirin tablets are taken worldwide each year
+Fifty billion
+According to Benjamin Disraeli, what is the third, & worst kind of lie?
+According to bing crosby, 'whenever it rains, it rains ____'
+Pennies from heaven
+According to bonnie tyler, what hits you when it's too late?
+According to Dr. Johnson, what should be well sliced, dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out as good for nothing?
+According to elton john, what were we hoppin' and boppin' to?
+Crocodile rock
+According to Espen Lind when ____ cries, she cries a rain storm, she cries a river she cries a hole in the ground
+According to experts, 30 percent of all marriages occur because of ____
+According to folklore a windy christmas means ____
+Good fortune
+According to folklore, how does santa get into houses on christmas eve?
+Down the chimney
+According to folklore, what does the Sandman help children to do?
+According to Genesis 1:20-22, the ____ came before the egg
+According to Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the ____
+According to German researchers, the risk of heart attack is highest on what day of the week?
+According to Hallmark(r), the average person receives ____ birthday cards annually
+According to Hindu mythology which legendary mountain in the centre of the world was the abode of Indra the god of the sky?
+Mount meru
+According to his biography, when was humphrey bogart born?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["December 25, 1899", "25th december 1899,25/12/1899"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+According to his nazi dossier, what color are Rick's eyes in Casablanca?
+According to Homer, what is a feline?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["An Elephant", "Elephant"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+According to hospital figures, dogs bite an average of ____ Americans a year
+One million
+According to John Aubrey's Brief Lives , what card game did the English poet, Sir John Suckling, invent in 1630?
+According to legend, the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 was started by what?
+A cow
+According to legend, what was the name of Paul Bunyan's blue ox?
+According to Lenny and Homer, what is the bear driving around in the little car called?
+According to Louis Macneice in his poem Sunday Morning, what part of a man expands to tinker with his car?
+His heart
+According to mens health magazine, what does the average man do 12 to 20 times a day?
+Break wind
+According to Mindy Simmons, what is Capitol City's nickname?
+The Windy Apple
+According to Moe, where is Herman's counterfeit jean operation being held?
+Homer's Car hole 
+According to noel coward, who 'go out in the mid-day sun'?
+Mad dogs and englishmen
+According to one poll, 60 percent of the men surveyed admitted that they ____ in public
+According to one source, about 66 percent of magazines found tossed along U.S. roadsides are ____
+According to one study, ____ of lawns have some sort of lawn ornament
+According to randy newman - who has no reason to live?
+Short people
+According to rod stewart he knows secrets about someone in high society. who is it?
+Baby jane
+According to roy orbison you have to pick up your feet, you've got a deadline to meet, because you're ____
+Working for the man
+According to roy orbison, 'you know one could look as good as ____'
+Pretty woman
+According to roy orbison, he's 'saving nickels and dimes and looking forward to happier times on ____'
+Blue bayou
+According to Says Law of Markets what does a rise in the supply of goods produce?
+An increase in demand
+According to suicide statistics, ____ is the favored day for self-destruction
+According to superstition, what are you supposed to do when you see a lone magpie?
+Salute it
+According to superstition, what do you do when you stub the toes on your right foot?
+Make a wish
+According to superstition, what do you make when you stub the toes on your right foot?
+A wish
+According to suppliers, ____ is by far the favorite ink color in dabbers used by bingo players
+According to the Acts of the Apostles, from where did Christ's Ascension into Heaven take place?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["The mount of olives", "mount of olives"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+According to the ancient Chinese, swinging your arms cures ____ pain
+According to the Duff Brewery Tour guide, what had a batch of Duff beer been contaminated with? (Duffless)?
+According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source for ____ to the world
+According to the Goofball, who is a mascot's best friend?
+Henry Mancini
+According to the Journal of American Medical Association, as of 1998, more than 100,000 Americans die annually from adverse reactions to ____
+Prescription drugs
+According to the New York Times, what is currently the most popular aphrodisiac?
+according to the nursery rhyme what does a sneeze on Wednesday signify?
+A letter
+According to the nursery rhyme which bush do we go round on a cold and frosty morning?
+According to the nursery rhyme, how many miles is it to Babylon?
+Three score and ten
+According to the nursery rhyme, who killed Cock Robin?
+The sparrow
+According to the proverb you should strike what while it?s hot?
+The iron
+According to the proverb, what should not be washed in public?
+Dirty linen
+According to the results of the 2010 census, what is the approximate population of the United States?
+309 million
+According to the rhyme, which day's child has far to go?
+According to the rhyme, which day's child is full of grace?
+According to the saying , what causes shepherd's delight?
+Red sky at night
+According to the saying where does charity begin?
+At home
+According to the saying, if silence is golden, what is silver?
+According to the saying, what does a stitch in time save?
+According to the saying, what speak louder than words?
+According to the song, in which city was 'The House of the Rising Sun'?
+New orleans
+According to the song, where does it never rain?
+Southern California
+According to the title of a famous novel, there are how many 'Years of Solitude?
+One hundred
+According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, two out of five women in America ____
+Dye their hair
+According to the U.S. government, people have tried more than 28,000 different ways to lose ____
+According to the world of astronomy, what was the 'big bang' responsible for creating?
+According to tradition, which animals desert a sinking ship?
+According to u.s. law, what may not be granted on a useless invention, on a method of doing business, on mere printed matter, or on a device or machine that will not operate?
+According to Willy, who created colored chalk?
+Accumulation of dust and gas into larger bodies such as stars, planets and moons?
+Acetylsalicylic acid is the active ingredient in which well known drug?
+Acknowledged to be the greek god of medicine?
+Ackroyed How many Jews were saved on Schindler's List?
+Acronyms: A/S/L?
+Acronyms: AA?
+Alcholics anonymous
+Acronyms: ABM?
+Anti-ballistic missile
+Acronyms: ACK?
+Acronyms: ACRONYM?
+Abbreviated coded rendition of name yielding meaning
+Acronyms: AFAIK?
+As far as i know
+Acronyms: AFK?
+Away from the keyboard
+Acronyms: AI?
+Artificial intelligence
+Acronyms: AKA?
+Also known as
+Acronyms: AOL?
+America on line
+Acronyms: API?
+Application program interface
+Acronyms: ASAP?
+As soon as possible
+Acronyms: ASCII?
+American standard code for information interchange
+Acronyms: ATM?
+At the moment
+Acronyms: ATTN?
+Acronyms: AU?
+Acronyms: AVG?
+Acronyms: B/C?
+Acronyms: B4?
+Acronyms: BAFTA?
+British Academy of Film & Televison
+Acronyms: BBIAB?
+Be back in a bit
+Acronyms: BBL?
+Be back later
+Acronyms: better known as MSG, it is often used to flavor frozen foods?
+Monosodium glutamate
+Acronyms: BF?
+Boy friend
+Acronyms: BRO?
+Acronyms: BSOD?
+Blue screen of death
+Acronyms: BST?
+British summer time
+Acronyms: BYOB?
+Bring your own booze
+Acronyms: C/O?
+Care of
+Acronyms: C&P?
+Copy & paste
+Acronyms: commonly called DNA, what is its full name?
+Deoxyribonucleic acid
+Acronyms: commonly called RNA, what is its full name?
+Ribonucleic Acid
+Acronyms: cricket's lbw:?
+Leg before wicket
+Acronyms: DNS?
+Domain name system
+Acronyms: DOA?
+Dead on arrival
+Acronyms: DOB?
+Date of birth
+Acronyms: DOS?
+Disk operating system
+Acronyms: Dr?
+Acronyms: EEG stands for ____
+Acronyms: energy-carrying molecule, usually abbreviated ATP?
+Adenosine Triphosphate
+Acronyms: ETA?
+Estimated time of arrival
+Acronyms: FAQ?
+Frequently asked question
+Acronyms: FLOTUS?
+First lady of the united states
+Acronyms: FTL?
+Faster than light
+Acronyms: FTP?
+File transfer protocol
+Acronyms: G2G?
+Got to go
+Acronyms: GA?
+Go ahead
+Acronyms: GF?
+Acronyms: GIF?
+Graphical interchange format
+Acronyms: GIGO?
+Garbage in garbage out
+Acronyms: GJ?
+Good job
+Acronyms: GL?
+Good luck
+Acronyms: GTG?
+Got to go
+Acronyms: H8?
+Acronyms: HHGTTG?
+Hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy
+Acronyms: ID?
+Acronyms: IMHO?
+In my humble opinion
+Acronyms: In the computing acronym BASIC what does the B stand for?
+Acronyms: In the military world, EGADS is an acronym for?
+Electronic ground automatic destruct system
+Acronyms: Inc?
+Acronyms: IOU?
+I owe you
+Acronyms: IOW?
+In other words
+Acronyms: IP?
+Internet protocol
+Acronyms: IRC?
+Internet relay chat
+Acronyms: IRL?
+In real life
+Acronyms: ISDN?
+Integrated services digital network
+Acronyms: ISP?
+Internet service provider
+Acronyms: ISTR?
+I seem to remember
+Acronyms: IT?
+Information technology
+Acronyms: JPEG?
+Joint photographic experts group
+Acronyms: Jr?
+Acronyms: JVC?
+Japan victor company
+Acronyms: KISS?
+Keep it simple stupid
+Acronyms: LAN?
+Local area network
+Acronyms: LoTR?
+Lord of the rings
+Acronyms: M8?
+Acronyms: MBR?
+Master boot record
+Acronyms: Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, a device that amplifies or generates microwaves or radio waves?
+Acronyms: MICV?
+Mechanized infantry combat vehicle
+Acronyms: MIME?
+Multi-purpose internet mail extensions
+Acronyms: MMX?
+Multi-media extensions
+Acronyms: MOTD?
+Message of the day
+Acronyms: MPH?
+Miles per hour
+Acronyms: MUD?
+Multi-user dungeon/domain
+Acronyms: NE1?
+Acronyms: OD?
+Acronyms: OMG?
+Oh my god
+Acronyms: On irc, what does a/s/l mean?
+Acronyms: PDA?
+Public display of affection
+Acronyms: PDN?
+Public data network
+Acronyms: PLS?
+Acronyms: PLZ?
+Acronyms: POTUS?
+President of the united states
+Acronyms: POV?
+Point of view
+Acronyms: PPL?
+Acronyms: PPP?
+Point-to-point protocol
+Acronyms: PS?
+Post script
+Acronyms: QUANTAS, what does it stand for?
+Queensland and northern territory aerial services
+Acronyms: Quasi-stellar radio source, any of the blue, starlike objects that are strong radio emitters and the spectra of what exhibit a strong red shift?
+Acronyms: ROFL?
+Rolling on floor laughing
+Acronyms: ROFLMHO?
+Rolling on floor laughing my head off
+Acronyms: ROFLOL?
+Rolling on floor laughing out loud
+Acronyms: ROFLUTS?
+Rolling on floor laughing unable to speak
+Acronyms: ROFLWPIMP?
+Rolling on floor laughing whilst peeing in my pants
+Acronyms: ROM?
+Read only memory
+Acronyms: ROTBA?
+Reality on the blink again
+Acronyms: ROTF?
+Rolling on the floor
+Acronyms: ROTFL?
+Rolling on the floor laughing
+Acronyms: ROTFLAS?
+Rolling on the floor laughing and snorting
+Acronyms: ROTFLBTC?
+Rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet
+Acronyms: RPG?
+Role playing game
+Acronyms: SLIP?
+Serial line interface protocol
+Acronyms: SMTP?
+Simple mail transfer protocol
+Acronyms: SOP?
+Standard operating procedure
+Acronyms: SRY?
+Acronyms: ST-DS9?
+Star trek deep space 9
+Acronyms: ST-TNG?
+Star trek the next generation
+Acronyms: ST-TOS?
+Star trek the original series
+Acronyms: ST-VOY?
+Star trek voyager
+Acronyms: SYSOP?
+System operator
+Acronyms: TBC?
+To be continued
+Acronyms: TGIF?
+Thank god it's friday
+Acronyms: TN?
+Acronyms: TNX?
+Acronyms: TPTB?
+The powers that be
+Acronyms: TTYL?
+Talk to you later
+Acronyms: unicef:?
+United nations international children's emergency fund
+Acronyms: URL?
+Uniform resource locator
+Acronyms: used for direct data transfers between disk & ram?
+Acronyms: Vsop stands for?
+Very special old pale
+Acronyms: W/?
+Acronyms: W/O?
+With out
+Acronyms: W8?
+Acronyms: W8ING?
+Acronyms: WAN?
+Wide area network
+Acronyms: WB?
+Welcome back
+Acronyms: What degree do the intials 'DDS' stand for?
+Doctor of Dental Surgery
+Acronyms: What do the initials 'VCP' stand for?
+Video Cassette Player
+Acronyms: What do the initials 'VCR' stand for?
+Video Cassette Recorder
+Acronyms: What does 'A&W' (of root beer fame) stand for?
+Allen & Wright
+Acronyms: What does 'AOL' stand for?
+America Online
+Acronyms: What does GNP stand for?
+Gross National Product
+Acronyms: What does N.A.S.A stand for?
+National Aeronautics and Space Administration
+Acronyms: What does S H A P E stand for?
+Supreme headquarters,allied powers,europe
+Acronyms: What does S.O.S. stand for?
+Save Our Souls
+Acronyms: What does the abbreviation LAPD stand for?
+Los angeles police department
+Acronyms: What does the acronym 'scuba' mean?
+Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
+Acronyms: what does the acronym BAR stand for?
+Browning automatic rifle
+Acronyms: What is the AALS?
+Association of American law schools
+Acronyms: What's the oed?
+Oxford English dictionary
+Acronyms: WTH?
+What the hell
+Acronyms: WWW?
+World wide web
+Acronyms: Y2K?
+Year 2000
+Acronyms: You've heard Of NATO, But What Does SEATO stand for?
+South East Asia Treaty Organisation
+Acting was once considered____ , and actors in the first English play to be performed in America were arrested
+Action verbs or acronyms that we use in IRCs?
+Action verbs or acronyms we use in the IRC?
+Active volcano in the philippines, in the central part of luzon?
+Mount pinatubo
+Actor, formerly the Saint and james Bond?
+Roger moore
+Actress and singer whose theme tune is Sally?
+Gracie fields
+Actress mother of Liza Minnelli?
+Judy garland
+Actually caused by layers of hot air refracting sunlight?
+Acute hasopharyngitis is more commonly known as a ____
+Acute infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, caused by more than 100 kinds of viruses?
+Common cold
+Acute, highly contagious viral disease, often fatal, that appears to have been completely eradicated?
+Acute, infectious, contagious disease of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea?
+AD after a date signifies a number of years after the birth of whom?
+Jesus christ
+Ada Unsworth,Frank and Peggy Spencer and Ted Burroughs have all led winning tams in which televised competition?
+Formation dancing
+Addictive drug prepared from morphine?
+Addis ababa is the capital of which country?
+Address of the White House?
+1600 pennsylvania avenue
+Adi dassler founded what major corporation?
+Adjustable fabric roof of a car?
+Administrative division of the kingdom of great britain, occupying the northern third of the island of great britain?
+Admiral donitz succeeded hitler in which year?
+Admired or revered greatly?
+Admit a person into a society or club through a secret ceremony?
+Adobe announces Acrobat to ship in June what year?
+Adolf hitler become chancellor of Germany in 1928, 1930 or 1933?
+Adolf Hitler was fascinated by ____
+Adult Magazines?
+Advertising: 99.44% pure?
+Advertising: A peach looks cute / with all its fuzz. / A man's no peach / and never was?
+Burma shave
+Advertising: According to Nintendo, the capital of Ohio is this?
+Advertising: Ask any mermaid you happen to see, what's the best tuna?
+Chicken of the sea
+advertising: bing crosby advertised this product?
+Minute maid
+advertising: distinctive quality about mr. clean's head?
+Advertising: Does she or doesn't she Only her hairdresser knows for sure?
+Advertising: don't leave home without it (name the company)?
+American express
+Advertising: Film which is informative and purportedly objective?
+Advertising: get a piece of the rock?
+Advertising: He hit the big time after commercials for McDonalds and State Farm?
+Barry manilow
+Advertising: IBM stands for this?
+International business machines
+Advertising: If you were this type of weiner, everyone would be in love with you?
+Oscar mayer
+advertising: in the 1930's he promised to make you a new man using 'dynamic tension.'?
+advertising: it is not 100% pure soap, but 99 44/100% pure?
+advertising: jhirmack hair products were advertised by this beauty?
+Victoria principal
+Advertising: Look for this label when you're buying a coat, dress, or blouse?
+Advertising: My bologna has a first name?
+Oscar mayer
+Advertising: nobody does it like ____ ____
+Sara lee
+Advertising: patricia neal recommends this to people who want to fight pain and win?
+Advertising: Thank you for your support?
+Bartles and james
+Advertising: There's something about a man who wears this after shave?
+Aqua velva
+Advertising: They make the very best chocolate?
+Advertising: This company paid millions to the Jacksons for representation?
+Advertising: this is dr. scholl's first name?
+Advertising: This product is named for its chief component, muriate of berberine?
+Advertising: This toilet tissue claims to be as soft as cotton?
+Advertising: We earn our wings every day?
+Eastern airlines
+Advertising: We love to fly, and it shows?
+Advertising: What company's mascot is Elsie the Cow?
+Advertising: What does L.S./M.F.T. stand for?
+Lucky strike means fine tobacco
+Advertising: What was the Cream Oil Hair Tonic?
+Advertising: whatever it is i think i see / becomes a ____ ____ to me
+Tootsie roll
+Advertising: Who is the dog on the crackerjack box?
+Advertising: Why ask why?
+Bud dry
+Advertising: You are advised never to leave home without this?
+American express
+Advertising: You deserve a break today?
+Advertising: You're not fully clean until you're ____fully clean
+Advocating or practising total abstinence from alcohol?
+After 27 years, ____ made her debut as a Flinstone Vitamin in 1996
+Betty rubble
+After Athens which is the largest Greek speaking city in the world?
+After Caesar, who did Cleopatra woo?
+Mark antony
+After crayola products' senior crayon maker, emerson moser, retired after thirty seven years what secret did he reveal?
+He was colorblind
+After eating, a ____ regurgitates its food and then eats it again
+After eating, the ____ regurgitates its food and eats it again
+After freeing it from france, toussaint l'ouverture became the first ruler of this island nation?
+After greenland, which is the second largest island?
+New guinea
+After his death in 1937, Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the ____ was honored by broadcasters worldwide as they let the airwaves fall silent for two minutes in his memory
+Wireless telegraph
+After his vision, who was saul known as?
+After how many points do players change service in table tennis?
+After how many years marriage do you celebrate your Emerald wedding anniversary?
+After how many years of marriage is an emerald wedding anniversary celebrated?
+Fifty five
+After leaving '10000 maniacs', who released her first solo album 'tiger lily' in 1995?
+Natalie merchant
+After leaving 'the belmonts', which was dion's first hit on the laurie label in october 1960?
+Lonely teenager
+after mt mckinley, the second-highest mountain in the united states?
+Mt st elias
+After oxygen what is the second most plentiful element in our planet?
+After Paris which is the largest French speaking city in the world?
+After putting his solo career on hold, who joined 'damn yankees' in 1990?
+Ted nugent
+After recording 'the nitty gritty', who released the rhyming 'name game'?
+Shirley ellis
+After Russia and kazakhstan, what is the third largest of the former soviet republics?
+After Solomon's death, the Kingdom of Israel split into two; Israel with its capital at Shechem, and Judah. Which city was the capital of Judah?
+After spending hours working at a computer display, what colour will a blank piece of white paper probably appear to be?
+After the end of the vietnam war, to what was saigon's name changed?
+Ho chi min city
+After the passing of his father in 2011, Kim Jong-Un became the de facto leader of what nation?
+North Korea
+After the Second World War, in what year did clothes rationing end?
+After the U.S. Civil War, Iowa was the first state to give the vote to ____
+African americans
+After what are the b52 bombers named?
+Fifties hairdo
+After what is the Exchequer named?
+Chequered cloth
+After what swimmer broke 50 records and then became a famous actor?
+After which battle of the English Civil War did Charles II hide in an oak tree at Boscobel, to avoid capture by the Roundheads?
+After which battle, in which he emerged triumphant, did lord nelson die?
+After which creature is the Californian island of Alcatraz named?
+After which famous engineer is the university situated at uxbridge named?
+After which film star did RAF airman name a life jacket?
+Mae west
+After which George was Georgia named?
+George ii
+After which Italian is America named?
+Amerigo vespucci
+After which saint was san francisco named?
+Francis of assisi
+After which type of establishment was LLoyd of London named?
+Coffee house
+After which war did cigarette smoking become fashionable?
+Crimean war
+After who was 'decibel' named?
+Alexander graham bell
+After who was august named?
+Caesar augustus
+After who was july named?
+Julius caesar
+After who was the month of august named?
+Augustus caesar
+After who was the month of july named?
+Julius caesar
+After who were the teenage mutant ninja turtles named?
+Artists and/or sculptors
+After whom is the month of January named?
+After whom is the month of July named?
+Julius caesar
+After whom is the orbital space telescope named?
+Edwin hubble
+After whom was Halley's Comet named?
+Edmund halley
+After Windsor which is the largest castle in Britain?
+Agana is the capital of which country?
+Agatha Christie disappeared for 10 days in which year?
+Age the letter c on a water tap in france refers to what?
+Hot water
+Agency of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, created in 1947, together with the National Security Council?
+Central intelligence agency
+Agency of the United States government, generally responsible for administering federal policy for Native Americans and Inuits (Eskimos)?
+Bureau of Indian affairs
+Agent Blue is a herbicide that was used agaainst the Vietnamese, what type of poisonous compound does it contain?
+Agriculture: Agricultural and industrial region in the state of New South Wales, Australia, about 160 km (about 100 mi) north of Sydney?
+Hunter valley
+Agriculture: Agricultural science concerning methods of soil management & crop production?
+Agriculture: Farm Animals (singular)?
+Agriculture: incorporating the cultivation and conservation of trees?
+Agriculture: What is ground being 'rested' for a season called?
+Agriculture: what's the term for arable land left unseeded for one season?
+Aimed at worn-out parents, the title of a best-selling 2011 kids' book parody profanely urges kids to do what?
+Go to sleep
+Air is 21% oxygen, 78% ____, and 1% other gases
+Air under pressure greater than that of the atmosphere?
+Compressed air
+Aircrafts: After what were the B52 bombers named?
+A fifties hairdo
+Aircrafts: Aircraft propelled by rotating blades?
+Aircrafts: How many engines are on a B52 bomber?
+Aircrafts: How many gallons of fuel does a jumbo jet use during take off?
+Four thousand
+Aircrafts: What does a pilot drop to slow an airplane?
+Aircrafts: What is the world's fastest passenger aircraft?
+Aircrafts: What type of craft is the US's Airforce One?
+Boeing 747
+Aircrafts: Whic country developed the first jet fighter?
+Aircrafts: Which two nations built the concorde?
+Britain and France
+Aircrafts: Who built the 'Cherokee' and 'Comanche' aircraft?
+Aircrafts: Who built the hurricane aircraft?
+Airport security personnel find about ____ weapons a day searching passengers
+AKA Rainer Wolfcastle?
+Al Capone's business card identified him as a what?
+Furniture dealer
+Alain boublil and claude-michel schonberg wrote which hit musical?
+Les miserables
+ALAISES: Mrs Heelis, by which name is she better known?
+Beatrix Potter
+ALAISES:Mary O'Brien, is better known as...?
+Dusty Springfield
+Alamein how many ringling brothers were there?
+Alanis Morrisette appeared on what 80's cable children's show?
+You Can't Do that On Television
+Albert einstein couldn't talk properly until he was nine, and was thought to be suffering from ____
+Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of ____ in 1952
+Albert Einstein was once offered the Presidency of ____. He declined saying he had no head for problems
+Albert Einstein was thought to be suffering from dyslexia, as he couldn't speak properly until he was ____ years old
+Albert Einstein worked at which American university?
+Alberta's shield on the coat of arms, bears the cross of?
+Saint george
+Alberto VO5 Hair Spray was the world?s first crystal ____ hair spray
+Alberto Vo5 is made with five organic emollients. What does the V.O. stand for in the name Alberto Vo5?
+Vital Organic
+Albertville and Lillehammer were two 90s venues for which event?
+Winter Olympics
+Albums 2002, Red Hot Chilli Peppers album which reached top 10 charts in August?
+By the way
+Albums 2002, Shakiras album reached the top 10 uk chart?
+Laundry service
+Albums 2002, Vanessa Carltons UK top 10 album?
+Be not nobody
+Alcohol is added to soap to make it?
+Alex and his 'droogs' are thugs in what anthony burgess novel?
+A clockwork orange
+Alexander ____ was shot by Aaron Burr in the groin
+Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never phones his wife or his mother, they were both?
+Alexander Hamilton was shot by ____ Burr in the groin
+Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron ____ in the groin
+Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron Burr in the ____
+Alexander the Great suffered from what malady?
+Alfred Gerald Caplin is better known as this (first+last name)?
+Al capp
+Alfred Hitchcock never won an Academy Award for ____
+Alfred parker was the only man in the usa to be covicted of this crime?
+Alfred Wegener claimed all the continents were once part of a single land mass,what did he call it?
+Algiers is the capital of ____
+Aliases, by what name is Patrick Fyffe better known?
+Dame hilda bracket
+Aliases, how are the duo George Logan and Patrick Fyffe better known?
+Hinge and bracket
+Alice Springs is a place in which country?
+Alister Allan and Malcolm Cooper won Olympic medals in which sport?
+Alkaloid derived from morphine and used as a pain killer?
+All ____ children of Queen Anne died before she did
+All ____ float in water
+All ____ in Venice, Italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a high official
+All ____ originating names that end with the letters el have something to do with God
+All 50 ____ are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill
+All creatures great and small: what creatures live in a formicary?
+All gondolas in Venice, Italy must be painted ____, unless they belong to a high official
+All gondolas in Venice, Italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a ____
+High official
+All gondolas in____ , Italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a high official
+All hospitals in Singapore use ____ diapers
+All members of which religion bear the surname singh?
+All of the officers in the confederate army were given copies of what book?
+Les miserables
+All of the us could be placed inside what land mass?
+Sahara desert
+All snow crystals are ____
+All summer long teens dance slow to dreamy vocals like the five satins'?
+In the still of the nite
+All the ____ in England are property of the Queen
+All the dirt from the foundation to build the ____ in NYC was dumped into the Hudson River to form the community now known as Battery City Park
+World trade center
+All the dirt from the foundation to build the World Trade Center in NYC was dumped into the ____ River to form the community now known as Battery City Park
+All the dirt from the foundation to build the World Trade Center in NYC was dumped into the Hudson River to form the community now known as ____ Park
+Battery city
+All the gold produced in the past ____ years, if melted, could be compressed into a 50-foot cube
+All the gold produced in the past five hundred years, if melted, could be compressed into a ____ -foot cube
+All the original Football League Division One teams are still in existence except one, which one?
+Accrington stanley
+All times hamlet was the prince of ____
+All totalled, the sunlight that strikes Earth at any given moment weighs as much as an ocean ____
+Allan clarke was lead vocalist with which great Manchester group during the 1960s and 1970s?
+The hollies
+Allied bombers were issued with Biro pens as pens leaked at high altitude?
+Allium cepa is the latin name for which vegetable?
+Alloy of iron and carbon?
+Alma Mater means what?
+Bountiful mother
+Almonds are members of what family?
+Almost ____ hotdogs and buns, 160,000 hamburgers and cheeseburgers were served at Woodstock '99
+Almost ____ million pounds of medical trash is generated each day in the U.S
+Almost 425,000 hotdogs and buns, ____ hamburgers and cheeseburgers were served at Woodstock '99
+Almost 425,000 hotdogs and buns, 160,000 hamburgers and cheeseburgers were served at ____ '99
+Almost half the bones in your body are in what two body parts?
+Hands & feet
+Alphabetically speaking, which is the last of the 26 Irish counties. Most people say Wexford, but they're wrong?
+Alphabetically, what were the two cities in 'A Tale of Two Cities'?
+London & paris
+Alphonso D'Abruzzo is the original name of which MASH actor?
+Alan Alda
+Alpine plant with white bracts?
+Also called bettas, the males of what fish species are bred in thailand for the purpose of competitive combat, with people gambling on the matches?
+Siamese fighting fish
+Also known as the Chile Pine, what is the common name of the tree Araucaria araucana?
+Monkey puzzle
+Alternative After Jane's Addiction broke up the lead singer formed this band?
+Porno for pyros
+Alternative Angry young man who leads Nine Inch Nails:?
+Trent reznor
+alternative art: playing cards in which the pips are part of an art design are called this?
+Transformation cards
+Although Cleopatra was meant to have died after a bite from an ____, the species does not exist in Egypt
+Although it doesn't sound like a dog, ____dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds
+Although you can't tell from the title, bobby hebb actually was singing this one to his brother in 1966?
+Aluminum is strong enough to support ____ pounds per square inch
+Alvin & Simon had a brother called ____
+Always ____
+Coca cola
+Ambrosia, darkling and death watch are all kinds of what?
+America built the first nuclear submarine. What was it called?
+America media mogul Ted Turner owns ____ of New Mexico
+America media mogul ted turner owns 5% of____
+New Mexico
+America: As what is California also known?
+Golden State
+America: As what is Minnesota also known?
+Gopher State
+America: What city is also known as Beantown?
+America: What state is 'The Golden State'?
+America: What state is also called the 'Garden State'?
+New Jersey
+America: What state is the 'Hoosier State'?
+America: Where are the headquarters of the CIA?
+Langley, Virginia
+America: Which date is inscribed on the book held by the Statue Of Liberty?
+July 4 1776
+America's country's first commercial oil well was located in what state?
+America's first catholic church was established in 1732 in this city?
+America's first minimum wage was ____ cents an hour back in 1938
+American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one ____ from each salad served in first-class
+American applied mathematician & electrical engineer, noted for his development of the theory of communication now known as information theory?
+American artist, Grant Wood, depicts his dentist, B.H. McKeeby, and his sister Nan as a farmer-preacher and daughter in which 1930 painting?
+American gothic
+American astronauts must be under ____ feet
+American burrowing animal with plated body?
+American inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the telephone?
+Alexander graham bell
+American inventor, engineer, & steamboat builder?
+John stevens
+American inventor, whose development of a practical electric light bulb, electric generating system, sound-recording device, & motion picture projector had profound effects on the shaping of modern society?
+Thomas edison
+American magician known for his bizarre stunts?
+David blaine
+American mathematician & founder of cybernetics, the study of control & communication in machines, animals, & organizations?
+American motion-picture actor, writer, director, and producer, a performer of great versatility and range, known for his enigmatic, faintly menacing grin and his skill in portraying nonconformist loners?
+Jack nicholson
+American oceanographers found the wreckage of the Titanic in what year?
+American physicist & government adviser, who directed the development of the first atomic bombs?
+J robert oppenheimer
+American pioneer, who was killed while defending the alamo?
+James bowie
+American Red Indians used to name their children after the first thing they saw as they left their ____ subsequent to the birth. Hence such strange names as Sitting Bull and Running Water
+American rocket engineer, born in Worcester, Massachusetts, & educated at Worcester Polytechnic Institute & Clark University?
+Americanisms: Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say ____
+Americans call it a faucet What do the British call it?
+A tap
+Americans consume about 138 billion ____ a year
+Cups of coffee
+Americans consume how many tons of aspirin per day?
+Americans eat ____ bananas a year
+12 billion
+Americans eat 12 billion ____ a year
+Americans make up the biggest number of foreign visitors to London - which group make up the second largest?
+Americans on the average eat 18 acres of ____ every day
+Americans say runway, britons say ____
+Americans spend approximately how much each year on beer?
+$25 billion
+Americans spend more money on ____ every year than they spend on baby food
+Dog food
+Americans spend more than ____ million a year on golf balls
+Americans spend more than how much a year on cosmetics, toiletries, beauty parlors & barber shops?
+52 million
+Americans spent over how much in 1982 to avoid having bad breath?
+$360 million
+Americans spent roughly how much dining out in 1993?
+$267 billion
+Americans use over ____ tons of aspirin a year
+Americas volunteer state?
+Amino acids are essential for the formation of what in the body?
+Amman is the capital of ____
+Ammonia is the active ingredient in?
+Smelling salts
+Amount of time the average man spends ____ 3350 hours
+Amount of time the average man spends shaving ____ hours
+Amsterdam is the capital of ____
+Amtigome Costanda achieved fame in 1951 with her 40-26-38 inch figure, what did she do?
+First miss world
+Amundsen reached the South Pole in which year?
+An ____ can stay under water for twenty-eight minutes
+An ____ is solid with nine faces
+An 'ortanique' is a cross between which two fruits?
+Orange and tangerine
+An 18th century elegant style of furniture?
+An acrophobic fears what?
+An actors' strike delays the start of the tv season from ____ to november
+An addition modifying a will?
+An addition to a will is called a?
+An adjustable type of spanner?
+An Admiral is a high ranking officer in which force?
+An adult eats about 60,0000 pounds of food in a lifetime, which equals ____
+Six elephants
+An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, or ____
+Another adverb
+An ahuehuete is a?
+An alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck Where is he from?
+An alphabetical list of terms or words, relating to a specific subject or text?
+An altimeter measures what?
+An America reindeer?
+An American aircraft in Vietnam shot ____ down with one of its missiles
+An American Animal Hospital Association survey revealed that ____ percent of dog owners sign letters or cards from themselves and their dogs
+An anaesthetic injected close to the spinal cord?
+An analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug?
+An ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called ____
+An ancient war machine for launching missiles?
+An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird Name him?
+Woody Woodpecker
+An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird?
+Woody Woodpecker
+An anemometer measures ____ ____
+Wind velocity
+An anencephalous creature has no?
+An aneroid is a kind of...?
+An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be ____
+An animal ____ is called an epizootic
+An animal described as ecaudate lacks which physical feature?
+An animal described as ecostate lacks which physical feature?
+An animal epidemic is called an____
+An animal is a fish if it has ____
+An animal stuffer is a(n) ____
+An animal that eats both plants and animals is known as an?
+An apparatus for mixing or shaking?
+An area of low pressure is called a what?
+An area seperating potential belligerents?
+Buffer zone
+An aromatic herb often used with tomatoes?
+An arrangement of long hair in a roll or knot at the back of the head?
+An articulated puppet, worked by strings?
+An assisted reproductive technology (art) in what one or more eggs are fertilized outside a female's body?
+Invitro fertilization
+An astronomer named Percival Lowell founded this observatory in 1894?
+Lowell Observatory
+An astronomical unit is the standard measurement taken from the earth to where?
+The sun
+An atom is comprized of these 3 subatomic particles- electron, neutron, & ____
+An attack or assault or a beginning or a start?
+An average human drinks about how many gallons of water in a lifetime?
+An average of ____ million credit cards are used every day in the United States
+An average of 51 cars a year overshoot and drive into the canals of ____
+An average person laughs about how many times a day?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["15", "fifteen"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+An average person uses the bathroom how many times per day?
+An average, in America, three sex change operations are performed ____
+Every day
+An eighteenth century woman used only lard to 'wash' her face and hands and lived to the age of?
+An electric eel produces an average of ____ volts
+An electrical device for removing suspended impurities such as dust, fumes, or mist, from air or other gases?
+Electrostatic precipitator
+An electroencephalogram measures what?
+Brain waves
+An elephant can be pregnant for up to how many years?
+An Elephant has the world's largest penis, weighing about ____ kg
+An Elephant's trunk can hold over ____ litres of water
+An emmet is which type of a creature in old language?
+An enneahedron is ____ with nine faces
+An enneahedron is solid with ____ faces
+An enneahedron is solid with ho many faces?
+An enormous beast described in the Old Testament,Job 40?
+An entertainment with an educational aspect?
+An erg is a unit of what?
+An Eskimo would be ingesting toxic doses of Vitamin A if he ate a polar bears ____
+An estimated ____ lab mistakes are made in the 100,000 laboratories in the U.S. every day
+Two million
+An estimated ____ of animals on Earth have six legs
+An estimated 80% of animals on Earth have ____ legs
+An exaggerated statement for emphasis is a ____
+An example of a metamorphic rock is ____
+An example of a metamorphic rock is ____
+An example of an igneous rock is____
+An example of an igneous rock is____
+An exclusive group of people?
+An external agent that alters foetal development is called a?
+An iguana can stay under water for ____ minutes
+An important aspect in personal communication and public speaking is what?
+Making eye contact
+An inch of snow falling evenly on one acre of ground is equivalent to about ____ gallons of water
+An infant whale is called a what?
+An inhabitant of quebec is called?
+An integer that is greater than 1 & is divisible only by itself & 1 is known as a(n) ____
+Prime number
+An internal timber framed dividing wall?
+Stud partition
+An interuption of breathing?
+An Italian vinegar matured in wooden barrels?
+An oak tree grows what kind of nut?
+An acorn
+An oath describing the responsibilities of a physician is known as the____ ____
+Hippocratic Oath
+An object hard to find because it is hidden by many other similar objects?
+Needle in a haystack
+An octopus has how many hearts?
+An old sweet scented rose?
+An old, short, large bored gun?
+An omniscient person has unlimited ____
+An opera by Vincenzo Bellini, libretto by Romani, in which the heroine is a druid priestess?
+An organ built in the 10th century was so powerful that it needed 70 men to pump it, where was it?
+Winchester Cathedral
+An organisation of business and professional men was founded in Chicago in 1905 out of a weekly luncheon club. What is it called?
+An ostritch's eye is bigger than its?
+An ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire how many miles long?
+An overdose of MSG is also known as what?
+Kwok's Disease
+An oxlike antelope?
+An underground layer of water filled rock is called an?
+Anagrams: Which two fruits are an anagram of each other?
+Lemon and melon
+Analogies: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to ____
+Analogies: ancient-old, recent- ____
+Analogies: Anson MacDonald: Stranger in a Strange Land :: Edith Van Dyne: <blank>?
+The wizard of oz
+Analogies: Bull - cow as fox?
+Analogies: enter: immigrate :: leave: <blank>?
+Analogies: Gaul: France :: Aragon: <blank>?
+Analogies: Goose - geese as passerby?
+Analogies: Park Place: Park Lane :: Boardwalk: <blank>?
+Analogies: penniless: Baroque :: supplemental teacher: <blank>?
+Analogies: Wrist is to arm as nose is to ____
+Analysis and manipulation of an image?
+Ancient ____ slept on pillows made of stone
+Ancient art practiced especially in the middle ages, devoted chiefly to discovering a substance that would transmute the more common metals into gold or silver & to finding a means of indefinitely prolonging human life?
+Ancient British ruler of the Catuvellauni tribe, subject of a play by Shakespeare?
+Ancient drinkers warded off the devil by ____ their cups
+Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of what?
+Their cats
+Ancient Egyptians slept on ____ made of stone
+Ancient egyptians slept on pillows made of____
+Ancient mariner who flew too near the sun waering wings attached with wax?
+Ancient mariner who flew too near the sun wearing wings attached with wax?
+Ancient mayan ruins are located on which peninsula?
+Yucatan peninsula
+Ancient name for France?
+Ancient Peruvians substitute for writing by variously knotting threads of various colours?
+Ancient Roman hall with colonnades?
+Andrew marvell's poem, little t.c. in a prospect of flowers, was named after whom?
+Theophila cornewall
+Andy mccluskey &Paul humphreys made up which 80's band?
+Anger towards other road users experienced by a person when driving?
+Road rage
+Angus Drummie Zeb Gaye is a member of which group?
+Animals:  cockroach can live several weeks with its ____ cut off - it dies from starvation
+Animals: ____ always turn left when exiting a cave
+Animals: ____ and short-tailed shrews get by on only two hours of sleep a day
+Animals: ____ are freeze-tolerant and spend winters frozen on land, only to thaw in the spring and begin their breeding process in vernal ponds
+Wood frogs
+Animals: ____ are in the same family as horses, and are thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn
+Animals: ____ are powerful jumpers. A 20-inch adult can leap 20 feet in a single bound
+Animals: ____ are social birds that congregate in huge flocks. While the flock grazes in a field, lookouts will be posted to watch for approaching danger. They'll raise the alarm if humans approach
+Animals: ____ are the largest of the minnows - it's a big family, including over 300 American species, mainly small freshwater fishes. True minnows (family Cyprinidae) are soft-rayed fishes with teeth in their throats only
+Animals: ____ are the only animals born with horns. Both males and females are born with bony knobs on the forehead
+Animals: ____ are the only mammals that are retro-mingent (they pee backwards)
+Animals: ____ are the smallest breed of dog used for hunting. They are low to the ground, which allows them to enter and maneuver through tunnels easily
+Animals: ____ are voluntary breathers. For this reason, they sleep with only half of their brain at one time. The other half remains alert to regulate breathing. Resident whales typically remain near the surface, breathing and swimming in a pattern. When traveling together, resident pods have been observed to breathe in unison. Although it is not known why this occurs, it could be a way of helping the pod keep tabs on one another
+Orca whales
+Animals: ____ bats do not suck blood. They bite, then lick up the flow
+Animals: ____ can climb trees faster than they can run on the ground
+Animals: ____ can clock an amazing 31 mph at full speed and cover about 3 times their body length per leap
+Animals: ____ can live in captivity for up to 46 years
+Animals: ____ can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for 3 days straight
+Animals: ____ can travel up to 40 miles per hour
+Animals: ____ can withstand water pressure of up to 850 pounds per square inch
+Animals: ____ cannot move backwards
+Animals: ____ chinchillas were brought from the Andes Mountains in South America in the 1930's. All chinchillas presently in North America are descended from these ____ chinchillas
+Animals: ____ communicate in sound waves below the frequency that humans can hear
+Animals: ____ crumble leaves in their mouths to make a type of sponge to sop up water from the hollows in trees when they can't reach the water with their lips
+Animals: ____ do not breath automatically, as humans do, and so they do not sleep as humans do. If they become unconscious, they would sink to the bottom of the sea. Without the oxygen they need to take in periodically, they would die
+Animals: ____ don't fly by flapping their wings up and down. The motion is more forward and backward, like a figure eight on its side
+Animals: ____ eagles hunt over a range of 100 square miles to feed their young
+Animals: ____ eat only moving prey
+Animals: ____ eels are not really eels but a kind of fish. Although they look like eels, their internal organs are arranged differently
+Animals: ____ eggs which are incubated below 85? F (29.5? C) hatch into females, while those incubated above 95? F (35? C) hatch into males
+Animals: ____ feel safest when they are crowded together, hundreds in a group
+Animals: ____ for most snakes is accomplished with one lung only. The left lung is either greatly reduced in size or missing completely
+Animals: ____ gather in groups to sleep through the winter. Sometimes up to 1,000 of them will coil up together to keep warm
+Animals: ____ had a heart the size of a pickup truck
+Animals: ____ has more homeless cats per square mile than any other city in the world
+Animals: ____ have 5 hearts
+Animals: ____ have been trained to have recognition vocabularies of 100 to 200 words. They can distinguish among different grammatical patterns
+Animals: ____ have killed more people than have all the world's wars combined
+Animals: ____ have no ability to taste sweet things
+Animals: ____ have one more pair of chromosomes than dogs or wolves
+Animals: ____ have scent glands between their hind toes. The glands help them leave scent trails for the herd. Researchers say the odor smells cheesy
+Animals: ____ have the best eyesight of any breed of dog
+Animals: ____ have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand
+Animals: ____ herds post their own sentries. When danger threatens, the sentry raises its trunk and though it may be as far as a half-mile away, the rest of the herd is instantly alerted. how this communication takes place is not understood
+Animals: ____ instinctively know their own endurance and will refuse to move beyond it. If their masters try to drive them farther, they will lie down and refuse to budge
+Animals: ____ is one American breed of hardy hogs having drooping ears - it was allegedly named after the horse owned by the hog's breeder
+Animals: ____ may travel great distances on their migrations. The Arctic tern travels from the top of the world, the Arctic - to the bottom, the Antarctic. Round trip in a single year: 25,000 miles in all
+Animals: ____ need about 2 tablespoonfuls of blood each day. The creature is able to extract its dinner in approximately 20 minutes
+Vampire bats
+Animals: ____ never walk or trot, but always hop or leap
+Animals: ____ of South and Central America and the Caribbean lay their eggs in February and March
+Animals: ____ often sleep for up to fourteen hours a day
+Animals: ____ played a role in aerial warfare during World War I. Because of their acute hearing, parrots were kept on the Eiffel Tower to warn of approaching aircraft long before the planes were heard or seen by human spotters
+Animals: ____ prefer termites to ants
+Animals: ____ sea otters spend almost all of their time in the water. Alaska sea otters often sleep, groom, and nurse on land
+Animals: ____ silk is an extremely strong material and its on-weight basis has been proven to be stronger than steel. Experts suggest that a pencil-thick strand of silk could stop a Boeing 747 in flight
+Animals: ____ swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time, they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open
+Animals: ____ taste with their hind feet
+Animals: ____ that are seen wandering around in the wild do not make good pets. These are sexually mature males at the end of their life cycle - they will die within a few weeks or months
+Animals: ____ turtles may breed for the first time when they are between 25 to 50 years old. This figure varies, depending upon the creature's range and the diet of the maturing turtle
+Animals: ____ were domesticated around 4,000 years ago
+Animals: ____, an essential ingredient of many expensive cosmetics, is, in its native form, a foul-smelling, waxy, tarlike substance extracted from the fleece of sheep
+Animals: ____, like grasshoppers - feel no pain. They have a decentralized nervous system with no cerebral cortex, which in humans is where a reaction to painful stimuli proceeds
+Animals: ____, like other equids, have three gaits: the walk, the trot, and the gallop
+Animals: 1990s: In 1992, what type of flies flew on the space shuttle endeavour?
+Fruit flies
+Animals: 1990s: In 1999 was The Year of the ____
+Animals: 2002, Crufts - which breed of dog was chosen as Best in Show?
+Animals: A ____ always sleeps on its right side
+Animals: A ____ breathes only 10 times in hibernation
+Animals: A ____ can advance 7 to 8 meters in a single stride, and the animal completes four strides per second. A stride is measured as the distance between successive imprints of the same paw
+Animals: A ____ can dig over 250 feet of tunnel in a single night
+Animals: A ____ can eat only when its head is upside down
+Animals: A ____ can fall from a 5-story building without injury
+Animals: A ____ can go without water longer than a camel can
+Animals: A ____ can go without water longer than a camel can
+Animals: A ____ can last longer without water than a camel can
+Animals: A ____ can learn to recognize itself in a mirror
+Animals: A ____ can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight in perspiration and continue to cross the desert. A human would die of heat shock after sweating away only 12 percent of body weight
+Animals: A ____ can open its mouth wide enough to accommodate a 4-foot-tall child
+Animals: A ____ can remember a specific tone far better than can a human
+Animals: A ____ can squeeze through an opening no larger than a dime
+Animals: A ____ can swallow a rabbit whole and may eat as many as 150 mice in a 6-month period
+Animals: A ____ cannot contract or carry the rabies virus
+Animals: A ____ cannot eat hay
+Animals: A ____ cannot jump if its tail is lifted off the ground. It needs its tail for pushing off
+Animals: A ____ cannot move its jaw side to side
+Animals: A ____ consumes about 33 percent of its body weight in a single meal
+Animals: A ____ fish can swim 100 miles in a single day
+Animals: A ____ focuses its eye by changing the angle of its head, not by changing the shape of the lens of the eye, as humans do
+Animals: A ____ gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime
+Animals: A ____ has a lifespan of 24 hours
+Animals: A ____ has about 400 to 700 vibrissae, or whiskers, in 13 to 15 rows on its snout. Vibrissae are attached to muscles and are supplied with blood and nerves. A ____ moves its snout through bottom sediment to find food. Abrasion patterns created by their tusks show that they are dragged through the sediment, but are not used to dig up prey
+Animals: A ____ has no color vision, it sees only in black and white. Every part of its field of vision, however, is in perfect focus, not just straight ahead, as with humans
+Animals: A ____ has the largest penis of any other animal in relation to its size
+Animals: A ____ has three eyelids
+Animals: A ____ in the wild usually makes no more than 20 kills a year
+Animals: A ____ is capable of devouring a pig whole
+Animals: A ____ keeps purring, no matter if it is inhaling or exhaling, a baffling accomplishment
+Animals: A ____ male reindeer is called a bull
+Animals: A ____ never actually sees the food as it eats, since its eyes are on top of its head and its mouth and nostrils are on the bottom
+Animals: A ____ s heart beats 300 times a minute on average
+Animals: A ____ weighing 120 pounds exerts a force of about 1,540 pounds between its jaws. A human being's jaws exert a force of only 40 to 80 pounds
+Animals: A ____ weighs about 1,400 pounds and eats about 55 pounds of food per day
+Animals: A ____ will lay bigger and stronger eggs if you change the lighting in such a way as to make them think a day is 28 hours long
+Animals: A ____ will sink in quicksand but a mule won't
+Animals: A 'gam' is a collection of which creatures?
+Animals: A 'geep' is the resulting offspring of a sheep and a?
+Animals: A 'schipperke' is a breed of which animal?
+Animals: A 2 year old horse has ____incisors
+Animals: A 4-inch-long ____ can grip a rock with a force of 400 pounds. Two grown men are incapable of prying it up
+Animals: A 4-inch-long abalone can grip a rock with a force of ____ pounds
+Animals: a 42-foot sperm whale has about ____ tons of oil in it
+Animals: A 42-foot sperm whale has about ____ tons of oil in it
+Animals: A 42-foot sperm whale has about 7 tons of ____ in it
+Animals: A 6 pound sea-hare can lay ____ eggs in a single minute
+Animals: A babirusa is a type of ____
+Animals: A baby ____ is about six feet tall at birth
+Animals: A baby DEER is called a ____
+Animals: A baby DONKEY is called a ____
+Animals: A baby eel is called an?
+Animals: A baby FOX is called a ____
+Animals: A baby giraffe is about ____ feet tall at birth
+Animals: A baby gray ____ drinks enough milk to fill more than 2,000 bottles a day
+Animals: A baby gray whale drinks enough milk to fill more than ____ bottles a day
+Animals: A baby oyster is called a(n) ____
+Animals: A barnacle has the largest ____ of any other animal in relation to its size
+Animals: A bear in hibernation loses up to ____ percent of its body weight
+Animals: A bear in hibernation loses up to 25 percent of its ____
+Body weight
+Animals: A bird sees everything at once in total focus. Whereas the human eye is globular and must adjust to varying distances, the bird's eye is flat and can take in everything at once in a ____
+Single glance
+Animals: A bison can jump ____ feet
+Animals: A bison can jump ____
+6 feet
+Animals: A breed of black and white dairy cattle?
+Animals: A camel can shut its nostrils during a ____
+Desert sandstorm
+Animals: a camel with one hump is a dromedary, while a camel with two humps is a ____
+Animals: A carnivore is a meat-eating animal. A ____ is a fruit-eating animal
+Animals: A castrated bull?
+Animals: A castrated horse?
+Animals: A castrated male ____ is called a bull
+Animals: A castrated male reindeer is called a____
+Animals: A cat has 32 muscles in ____
+Each ear
+Animals: A cat has how many muscles in each ear?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["32", "thirty two"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Animals: A cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as feelers or ____, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage
+Animals: A cat's ____ can't move sideways
+Animals: A cat's arching back is part of a complex body language system, usually associated with feeling threatened. The arch is able to get so high because the cat's spine contains nearly 60 vertebrae which fit loosely together. Humans have only ____
+34 vertebrae
+Animals: A cat's whiskers are called?
+Animals: A chameleon's ____ is twice the length of its body
+Animals: A cheetah can accelerate from 0 to ____ in 2 seconds
+70 km/h
+Animals: A cockroach will live nine days without its ____, before it starves to death
+Animals: A cow can't ____ until she's given birth to a calf
+Give milk
+Animals: A cow gives nearly how many glasses of milk in her lifetime?
+Animals: A cow normally has how many teats?
+Animals: A cow sweats from which part of its body?
+Animals: A cow's stomach has how many chambers?
+Animals: A cows stomach has how many compartments?
+Animals: A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly?
+A mile
+Animals: A crocodile always grows new ____ to replace the old ones
+Animals: A crocodile can't stick out its ____
+Animals: A crocodile is a member of the phylum vertebrata. What class does it belong to?
+Animals: A crocodiles ____ is attached to the roof of its mouth
+Animals: A Curry Comb is used on what type of creature?
+Animals: A dark brown infesting insect?
+Animals: A deep sea shark, feeds on plankton?
+Animals: A deer cannot eat____
+Animals: A dog's ____ has over 200 scent receiving cells
+Animals: A dolphin can remember a specific ____ better than a human
+Animals: A donkey will sink in ____ but a mule won't
+Animals: A donkey will sink in quicksand but a ____ won't
+Animals: A dragonfly has a lifespan of ____ hours
+Animals: A duck has ____ eyelids
+Animals: A famous stallion will, on retirement, command an impressive stud fee for servicing approved mares. Specialist stud-farms house one or more stallions, each of which is allowed to service about ____ per season
+40 mares
+Animals: A female donkey is called a what?
+Animals: A female mouse may spawn as many as ten litters of eight to ten young during her lifetime - which is generally less than a year. The gestation period is three weeks, and the young mice reach maturity in only ____
+Ten weeks
+Animals: A female swine, or a sow, will always have a even number of teats or nipples, usually____
+Animals: A female swine, or a sow, will always have a even number of____ , usually twelve
+Animals: A female____ , will always have a even number of teats or nipples, usually twelve
+Animals: A fennec is what type of animal?
+A Desert Fox
+Animals: A flamingo can eat only when its head is?
+Upside down
+Animals: A flea can jump how many times its own length?
+Animals: A fluke is what kind of animal?
+Animals: A fox litter is typically 10 to 15 ____
+Animals: A full-grown ____ may be 8 feet high at the shoulder and weigh almost a ton
+Animals: A garter snake can give birth to ____
+85 babies
+Animals: A giant Pacific ____ can fit its entire body through an opening no bigger than the size of its beak
+Animals: A Gila monster is a type of what?
+Animals: A giraffe can clean its ears with its ____-inch tongue
+Animals: A giraffe's neck contains the same number of ____ as a human
+Animals: A giraffe's sticky, black tongue can be more than 18 inches long and is used to gather food into the mouth. Males typically feed with their head and neck at full vertical stretch, often with their tongues extended to reach the shoots on the underside of the mature tree canopy. Females feed at the body or knee height, with their necks ____
+Curled over
+Animals: A glow worm isn't a worm, its a?
+Animals: A good milking cow will give nearly 6,000 quarts of ____ every year
+Animals: A group of bees can be called either a hive, a swarm, or a ____
+Animals: A group of foxes is called a ____
+Animals: A group of gorillas is known as a ____
+Animals: A group of kangaroos is known as a ____
+Animals: A group of owls is called a ____
+Animals: A Harlequin is what type of bird?
+Animals: A hedgehog's heart beats ____ times a minute on average
+Animals: A herd of sixty cows is capable of producing a ton of milk in less than a ____
+Animals: A hibernating woodchuck breathes only ten times per hour. An ____ woodchuck breathes 2,100 times an hour
+Animals: A hippopotamus can run faster than a ____
+Animals: A hippopotamus has a stomach 10 feet long, capable of holding 6 bushels of ____
+Animals: A Holstein cow's spots are like a ____ or a snowflake; no two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots
+Animals: A horse can sleep ____
+Standing up
+Animals: A horse named Black Bess was ridden by who?
+Dick Trupin
+Animals: A horse's hoof is also known by what grim term?
+Animals: A horseshoe for a full-grown Clydesdale measures more that ____ inches from end to end and weighs about five pounds. It is more than two times as long and four times as heavy as a shoe worn by a riding horse
+Animals: A jellyfish is 95 percent?
+Animals: A jynx is a ____, also know as the wryneck because of its peculiar habit of twisting its neck
+Animals: A kangaroo is a member of the phylum vertebrata. What class does it belong to?
+Animals: A King Cobra is the biggest of all poisonous snakes and can grow to over 13 feet long. A bite from a King Cobra can kill an elephant in ____
+4 hours
+Animals: A large Caribbean ____ excretes a ton of sand a year. Using two oversized front teeth, it nibbles on seagrass and scrapes algae. Another set of teeth in its throat grinds up the coral it ingests
+Parrot fish
+Animals: A lepidopterist collects?
+Butterflies & moths
+Animals: A male ____ becomes fully feathered when he is three years old, but can mate earlier
+Animals: A male baboon can kill a ____
+Animals: A male kangaroo is called a boomer, and a female is called a ____
+Animals: A male pig is a boar. A female pig is a sow. A baby pig is a ____
+Animals: A mandrill is what type of creature?
+Animals: A marine catfish can taste with any part of its body. The female marine catfish hatches her eggs in her ____
+Animals: A markhor is what type of animal?
+Wild goat
+Animals: A mated pair of ____ can produce up to 15,000 babies in one year
+Animals: A mole can dig a tunnel ____ feet long in one night
+Animals: A mother ____ often gives birth while standing, so the newborn's first experience outside the womb is a 1.8-meter (6-foot) drop. Ouch!
+Animals: A newborn Chinese water ____ is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand
+Animals: A newborn gray whale calf is an average 16 feet long. For reasons unknown, all gray whale calves are born in the warm, shallow lagoons of Baja, ____
+Animals: A newborn turkey chick has to be taught to eat, or it will starve. Breeders spread feed underfoot, hoping the little ones will peck at it and get the idea. Turkeys tend to look up with their mouths open during rainstorms. As a result, many ____
+Animals: A normal cow's stomach has ____ compartments: the rumen, the recticulum (storage area), the omasum (where water is absorbed), and the abomasum ( the only compartment with digestive juices)
+Animals: A one-humped camel is called a ____
+Animals: A plaice, a large European flounder, can lie on a checkerboard and reproduce on its upper surface the same pattern of squares, for ____
+Animals: A Quagga is an extinct animal that was a distant cousin to which animal that exists today?
+Animals: A quarter horse gets its name from its speed in running the ____
+Animals: A racehorse averages a weight loss of between 15 and 25 pounds during a ____
+Animals: A rarity in birds, geese are among the very few in which the family stays together at the end of the ____ season. Parents and the young raised during the summer establish strong family bonds and do not break up for about a year. In the fall, geese migrate in flocks that contain other family units, and each family stays together on the wintering grounds
+Animals: A rhinoceros has ____ toes on each foot
+Animals: A robin has nearly 3,000 ____
+Animals: A rodent's teeth never stop growing. They are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other ____
+Vegetable matter
+Animals: A Saki is what type of animal?
+A Monkey
+Animals: A shrimp has ____ pairs of legs
+Animals: A shrimp has more than a hundred pairs of chromosomes in each cell nucleus. Man has only ____
+Animals: A sidewinder is what type of creature?
+A snake
+Animals: A silvery freshwater fish with a long dorsal fin?
+Animals: A single ____, with its razor-sharp teeth, is still dangerous enough when out of water to rip off the flesh, or a finger or toe, from an unwary fisherman
+Animals: A single WHAT may catch and eat as many as 10,000 insects in the course of a summer?
+Animals: A skunk will not ____ and throw its scent at the same time
+Animals: A snail speeding along at three inches per minute would need 15 days to travel ____
+One mile
+Animals: A snake is capable of eating an animal four times larger than the width of its own ____
+Animals: A snake's ____ is located in the front one-fifth portion of its body
+Animals: A South African ____ can grow to be 35 inches (90 cm) in length - longer than your arm
+Animals: A species of ____ known as the Linckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body - that is, grow back completely - from a single severed pieces less than a half-inch long
+Animals: A species of sponge, called the red sponge, can be pushed through a piece of fabric so that it is broken into thousands of tiny pieces. The animal does not die. Rather, all the pieces reassemble until the sponge returns to its ____
+Original form
+Animals: A stoat produces fur called what?
+Animals: A terrapin is a type of ____
+Animals: A tiger's paw prints are called ____. A tiger's forefeet have five toes and the hind feet have four toes. All toes have claws. The claws are 80 to 100 mm in length
+Pug marks
+Animals: A type of lizard, the ____, escapes pursuers by crawling into a crack in a rock and inflating its body with air so that it is wedged tightly into the crack and can't be pulled out
+Animals: A typical mayfly lives for how many days?
+Animals: A whales breathing organs are called what?
+Animals: A wolf's odor detecting ability is ____ times greater than man's
+Animals: A woodchuck breathes only ten times per hour while ____, while an active woodchuck breathes 2,100 times an hour
+Animals: A young male fur ____ that is kept from the breeding grounds by the older males is called a bachelor
+Animals: A young pigeon that has not yet flown is a ____
+Animals: About 24 newborn opossums can fit in a teaspoon. They are about .07 ounce at ____
+Animals: According to experts, ____ don't like to head straight for anything. For safety, they may run past and sweep around from the side
+Animals: According to several studies, less than 3 percent of the ____ population become man-eaters
+Animals: According to the National Wild Turkey Federation, the number of wild turkeys in the U.S. has increased from an all time low of 30,000 to more than 4 million today. One state park in Iowa now boasts more than ____ turkeys per square mile
+Animals: According to zoology experts, there is no real difference between doves and ____. The choice of name rests almost altogether on custom and geography, although the smaller of the species is, more often than not, called a dove
+Animals: Ad?lie ____ employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual
+Animals: Adult electric eels 5ft to 7ft long produce enough electricity ____ 600 volts ____ to stun a ____
+Animals: Adult polar bears usually eat just the skin and blubber of a seal. They leave the meat for cubs and scavengers. One seal will sustain an adult bear for ____
+11 days
+Animals: After mating which aptly named spider devours its partner?
+The Black Widow
+Animals: After which marine animal is L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland named?
+Animals: All cows are females; the males are called ____
+Animals: All mammals have ____
+Animals: All porcupines float in ____
+Animals: Alligators and ____ have something in common, at least auditorily. They can hear notes only up to 4,000 vibrations a second
+Old people
+Animals: Almost half the pigs in the world are kept by farmers in ____
+Animals: Alphabetically, which animal comes first in the Chinese horoscope?
+Animals: Alphabetically, which animal comes last in the Chinese horoscope?
+Animals: Although beavers live near rivers, streams, and lakes - they do not eat fish. Beavers eat only plants. They eat poplar trees, carrots, cattail, mushrooms, potatoes, berries, water plants, swamp wood, and fruit. Soft ____ is the main food for a beaver
+Animals: Although manatees are excellent ____, the deepest that one has been observed diving is 33 feet. Typically, the large, gentle creatures feed no deeper than about ten feet below the surface of the water
+Animals: Americans consume more than 353 million pounds of turkey during National Turkey Lovers' Month (June). By comparison, more than 675 million pounds of turkey will be consumed at ____
+Animals: An ____ can go through 2,000 to 3,000 teeth in a lifetime
+Animals: An ____ egg can make eleven-and-a-half omelets
+Animals: An ____ is nearly 6 feet long, yet its mouth is only an inch wide
+Animals: An ____ may weigh as much as 300 pounds. Its intestinal tract is 45 feet long
+Animals: An ____, despite its ponderous appearance, can reach speeds up to 25 miles per hours on an open stretch
+Animals: An abalone is what kind of animal?
+Marine snail
+Animals: An adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away, and warns off intruders or reunites scattered members of the ____
+Animals: An adult walrus typically eats about 3,000 ____ per day
+Animals: An alpaca is sheared only once every two years and yields only about 5 or 6 pounds of wool at each shearing. Because the yield is so small and the material so desirable, alpaca wool is ____
+Very expensive
+Animals: An animal is a fish if it has ____
+Animals: An aquatic beaver like rodent native to south America but which has become naturalised in parts of europe?
+Animals: An average-size ____ weighs about 150 pounds
+Animals: An eagle can attack, kill, and carry away an animal as large as a young deer. The Harpy eagle of South America feed on ____
+Animals: An earthworm has how many hearts?
+Animals: An elephant may consume 500 pounds of hay and 60 gallons of water in a ____
+Single day
+Animals: An extinct species of ____ had a head the size of a Shetland pony's and reached a height of more than ten feet
+Animals: An octopus has how many hearts?
+Animals: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its ____
+Animals: An ox is a castrated bull. A mule is a sterile cross between a male ass and a ____
+Female horse
+Animals living in what type of habitat are arboreal animals?
+In or amongst trees
+Animals that once existed and exist no more, are called ____
+Animals without backbones are called what?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- larks called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- peacocks called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- whales called?
+A pod
+Animals: Another name for a German Shepherd?
+Animals: Another name for an Alsatian dog?
+German shepherd
+Animals: Antlers and horns are not the same. Horns grow throughout an animal's life and are found on both the male and female of a species. Antlers, composed of a different chemical substance, are shed ____
+Every year
+Animals: Any of as many as 50,000 marine, freshwater, & terrestrial species of mollusk?
+Animals: Arabian horses have one less vertebra in their backbones than other ____
+Animals: Arctic terns found in North America and the Arctic migrate each year as far south as Antarctica and back, a round trip of over 18,000 miles. Theirs is probably the longest ____
+Migratory flight
+Animals: are the only truly social cat species, and usually every female in a pride, ranging from 5 to 30 individuals, is closely related?
+Animals: As a rule, many birds generally lay fewer eggs in a clutch in the ____, where the amount of daylight is shorter than in northern latitudes. It is in the northern reaches of the world that more summer food for birds is available as a result of the longer days
+Animals: As what is a camelopard also known?
+Animals: As what is a giraffe also known?
+Animals: As what is a moose also known?
+Animals: As what is an algonquin more commonaly known?
+Animals: At a length of 150cm (59 inches), this bird is the Largest Bird of Prey?
+Himalayan Griffon Vulture
+Animals: At birth, a ____ is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces
+Animals: At birth, baby ____ are only about an inch long - no bigger than a large waterbug or a queen bee
+Animals: At birth, the white whale is ____
+Animals: At seven inches long, the Wilson's storm petrel is the smallest bird to breed on the ____
+Antarctic continent
+Animals: At what age does a filly become a mare?
+Animals: Atlantic ____ are able to leap 15 feet high
+Animals: Australia has almost how many species of spiders?
+Animals: Australia's ____ is the world's most dangerous jellyfish. Its toxin is more potent than cobra venom and can kill a person in minutes
+Box jelly
+Animals: Australian egg laying mammal with webbed feet?
+Duck-billed platypus
+Animals: Australian termites have been known to build mounds ____ feet high
+Animals: Australian termites have been known to build mounds at least ____ feet wide
+Animals: Baby beavers are called kits or ____
+Animals: Baby eels are?
+Animals: Baby mink are born blind and remain sightless for a ____
+Animals: Baby opossums - upon birth when they move to the mother's pouch - are smaller than honeybees. An entire litter can fit in a ____
+Animals: Baby rattlesnakes are born in August and ____
+Animals: Baby rattlesnakes are born without ____
+Animals: Baby robins eat ____ feet of earthworms every day
+Animals: Back of horse's leg where hair grows above hoof?
+Animals: Bactrian camels have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. Their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans encroach farther and farther into China's ____ Desert
+Animals: Bactrian or dromedary?
+Animals: Bald eagles are not bald. The top of their head is covered with slicked-down white feathers; from a distance, they appear ____
+Animals: Basking, nurse and whale are all types of which animal?
+Animals: Bats always turn ____ when exiting a cave
+Animals: Bats are second largest order of mammals, with about ____ species
+Animals: Because birds carrying messages were often killed in flight by hawks, medieval Arabs made a habit of sending important messages ____
+Animals: Because it is continually losing body heat, the ____ must keep moving to stay warm. If inactive for more than a few hours, the animal will lose enough body heat to freeze to death
+Animals: Because its eyeball is fixed, the ____ must move its huge body to shift its line of sight
+Animals: Because its tongue is too short for its beak, the ____ must juggle its food before swallowing it
+Animals: Because of the giant panda's large size and the small size of their offspring, it is difficult to tell when a panda is ____
+Animals: Because of their acute sense of smell, dogs are trained to sniff out everything from drugs to bombs to iron ore. In Ontario, Canada, instruments couldn't locate where natural gas was escaping from a pipeline buried 18 feet underground. Trained ____ were brought in. The dogs worked in sub-zero temperatures and covered nearly 100 miles of frozen ground, ultimately finding more than 150 gas leaks
+German shepherds
+Animals: Because the natural habitat of ____ is of little use to man - the alkaline African lake waters support few fish and cannot be used for human consumption or irrigation - and also because their resting areas are typically inaccessible, the birds are rarely disturbed, unlike other African wild birds
+Animals: Bees have ____ eyes
+Animals: Between the mid-1860's and 1883, the ____ population in North America was reduced from an estimated 13 million to a few hundred
+Animals: Biology: Spiders' webs are a traditional natural ____, when applied to a cut they quickly stop the flow of blood
+Clotting agent
+Animals: Bird droppings are a chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the ____
+Western pacific
+Animals: Bird with characteristic cry and the habit of laying eggs in other birds nests?
+Animals: Birds do not sing because they are happy. It is a ____
+Territorial behavior
+Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 1st place goes to?
+Great White Pelican
+Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 2nd place goes to?
+Wandering Albatross
+Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 3rd place goes to?
+Andean Condor
+Animals: Birds?
+Animals: Black and white seabird with small wings?
+Animals: Blondie's dog?
+Animals: Boston butt, jowl and picnic ham are all parts of which animal?
+Animals: Bovine refers to what kind of animal?
+Animals: Brachiosaurus had a ____ the size of a pickup truck
+Animals: Breed of dog that Lassie is?
+Animals: Budgerigar is another name for what kind of bird?
+Animals: Bull giraffes forage higher in trees than cow giraffes which reduces food competition between the sexes. Long-legged giraffes walk with the limbs on one side of the body lifted at the same time. This gait is called a pace and allows a longer stride which saves ____
+Steps and energy
+Animals: Butterflies taste with their ____ feet
+Animals: Butterflies taste with their?
+Animals: By age 6 months, the voracious ____ will have increased its 3-pound birth weight by 7,000 percent
+Animals: By what name is the bird Pica Pica better known?
+Animals: By what name is the Tibetan Lion Dog better known?
+Shih Tzu
+Animals: Camel milk is the only milk that doesn't curdle when ____
+Animals: Camel's milk does not ____
+Animals: Camels are born without?
+Animals: Camels have three ____ to protect themselves from blowing sand
+Animals: Camels were used as pack animals in ____ and Arizona as late as 1870
+Animals: Can a bat stand up?
+Animals: Can a platypus see under water?
+Animals: Can gorillas swim?
+Animals: Can iguanas blink?
+Animals: Canned herring were dubbed ____ because the canning process was first developed in Sardinia, Italy
+Animals: Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a ____ strike
+Animals: Carnivorous mammal, native to the northern regions of North America, Europe, & Asia, whose habits are much like those of the badger?
+Animals: Cashmere is sourced from which animal?
+Animals: Cat's ____ glows under a black-light
+Animals: Cat's can't taste ____
+Animals: Cat's urine glows under a ____ light
+Animals: Catfish have how many taste buds?
+Animals: Catnip can affect lions and tigers as well as house cats. It excites them because it contains a chemical that resembles an excretion of the dominant female's ____
+Animals: Cats have amazing hearing ability. A cat's ear has ____ muscles that control the outer ear (by comparison, human ears only have six muscles). These muscles rotate 180 degrees, so the cat can hear in all directions without moving its head
+Animals: Cats have more than one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ____
+Animals: Cats have over ____ vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten
+Animals: Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, dogs only have about?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ten", "10"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Animals: Cattle branding in the United States did not originate in the West. It began in ____ in the mid-19th century, when farmers were required by law to mark all their pigs
+Animals: Cattle branding was practiced 4,000 years ago. Old tomb paintings show ____ branding their fat, spotted cattle
+Animals: Celeste was the wife of which fictional animal?
+Babar the Elephant
+Animals: Certain ____ can be frozen solid then thawed, & continue living
+Animals: Certain ____ can be frozen solid then thawed, and continue living
+Animals: Certain ____ emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through flesh and wood
+Animals: Certain birds of prey (the African serpent eagle and the American kestrel, for example) have ____ acuity 2.4 to 2.6 times greater than humans. They can see a 1 mm long insect from a treetop 18 meters above ground
+Animals: Certain fireflies emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through ____ and wood
+Animals: Certain fireflies emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through flesh and____
+Animals: Certain species of male butterflies produce scents that serve in attracting females during____
+Animals: City ____ will eat just about anything, and often, it's the junk food that people offer them that they prefer, like Cracker Jack peanuts. Many naturalists have concluded that a peanut diet is harmful to squirrels: it seems to result in a weakening of eyesight and a thinning of the animal's pelt
+Animals: Clams have a row of ____ around their shells
+Animals: Collective term for slender, threadlike outgrowths of the epidermis of mammals, forming the characteristic covering of those mammals?
+Animals: Colobus, vervet and mangabey are types of which animal?
+Animals: Common name applied generally to certain members of a family of relatively small salamanders, most of which spend at least part of their lives in water?
+Animals: Common name applied to birds of about 14 genera of the pheasant family?
+Animals: Common name applied to certain large African monkeys & sometimes to the closely related gelada?
+Animals: Common name applied to most species of hymenopteran insects (hymenoptera), except bees & ants?
+Animals: Common name for a carnivore now widespread in North America & closely related to the wolf (dog family)?
+Animals: Communication within the prairie dog community is crucial to the creatures' survival. An appointed sentry, spotting a predator, will give a distinctive warning cry, which instantly sends all others grabbing up babies and scurrying to the safety of their burrows. An all-clear call later announces that danger is passed. Experts are fascinated by the prairie dogs' ____
+Cooperative system
+Animals: Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the____
+Pads of their feet
+Animals: Coral and algae have what kind of relationship?
+Animals: Cougars can kill animals ____ times their size
+Animals: Cows clean their noses with their ____
+Animals: Cows have four stomachs. Often, when a calf is born, the farmer will make it swallow a magnet. This is to attract the various nails, staples, bits of wire, and so on, that the cow may ingest while grazing. This odd hunger is known as ____
+Hardware disease
+Animals: Cows provide 90 percent of the world's ____
+Animals: Coyotes are extremely loyal to their mates. If one is caught in a trap, the other will bring small game for it to eat; it will soak itself in a river to allow its thirsty mate to chew on its damp fur for water. It has been documented that the free coyote will stay with its captive partner until ____
+Animals: Crabs and other crustaceans can escape danger by simply discarding an injured or trapped ____
+Animals: Creature of which the echida is an example?
+Animals: Crocodiles are ____ blind
+Animals: Crocodiles carry their ____ in their mouths
+Animals: Crocodiles swallow ____ to help them dive deeper
+Animals: Cross between a collie and a greyhound?
+Animals: Daddy Long Legs is the common name for which fly?
+Crane Fly
+Animals: Dan dan is the only panda in captivity with these two fur colorings?
+Brown and white
+Animals: Dead sponges can resist bacterial decay for more than five years when submerged in ____
+Fresh water
+Animals: Deer have no ____
+Gall bladders
+Animals: Depending on the geographic region, about 30 to 60 percent of all animals brought in to animal shelters in the United States are ____
+Animals: Desert antelope that originally ranged from the western sahara and mauritania to egypt and the sudan?
+Animals: Despite man's fear and hatred of the wolf, it has not ever been proved that a non-rabid wolf ever attacked a ____
+Animals: Despite the hump, a camels spine is?
+Animals: Despite their finickiness, an average cat consumes about 127,750 calories a year, nearly 28 times their own weight in food and the same amount again in liquids. In case you were wondering, cats cannot survive on a ____
+Vegetarian diet
+Animals: Destructive insect related to the grasshopper?
+Animals: Developed in Egypt about 5,000 years ago, the greyhound breed was known before the ninth century in England, where it was bred by aristocrats to hunt such small game as hares. Today the dog is widely used in ____
+Animals: dima this type of animal, was found perfectly preserved in siberia in 1977?
+Woolly mammoth
+Animals: Dinosaurs lived during this era, the age of reptiles?
+Mesozoic era
+Animals: Dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic Era, which is divided into three periods Two of these are Jurassic and Cretaceous What is the third?
+Animals: Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, after living on Earth for about ____ million years
+Animals: Do bumblebees have tongues?
+Animals: Do chimpanzees have tails?
+Animals: Do crocodiles 'cry' salty tears?
+Animals: Do fish have ears?
+Animals: Do frogs or toads move faster?
+Animals: Do mosquitoes have teeth?
+Animals: Do sea gulls drink sea water?
+Animals: Do snails have teeth?
+Animals: Do the bones of a pigeon weigh more or less than its feathers?
+Animals: Does a wild rabbit live 10, 15 or 20 years?
+Animals: Dogs bark. What do donkeys do?
+Animals: Dogs that do not tolerate small children well are the St. Bernard, the Old English sheep dog, the Alaskan malamute, the bull terrier, and the toy ____
+Animals: Domesticated ____ (farm-raised) cannot fly. Wild ____ can fly for short distances at up to 55 miles per hour. Wild ____ are also fast on the ground, running at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour
+Animals: Ducks will lay eggs only in the ____
+Early morning
+Animals: Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, the night vision of tigers is six times better than that of ____
+Animals: During it's lifetime an ____ changes its sex from male to female and back several times
+Animals: During the mating season, male ____ bristle their quills at each other and chatter their teeth in rage before attacking. All ____ at this time become very vocal: grunting, whining, chattering, even barking and mewing at each other
+Animals: Each day, 100 or more whales are killed by ____
+Animals: Earthworms have ____ hearts
+Animals: Elephant tusks grow throughout an elephant's life and can weigh more than 200 pounds. Among Asian elephants, only the males have tusks. Both sexes of ____ elephants have tusks
+Animals: Elephants are covered with ____. Although it is not apparent from a distance, at close range, one can discern a thin coat of light ____s covering practically every part of an elephant's body
+Animals: Elephants perform greeting ceremonies when a member of the group returns after a long time away. The welcoming animals spin around, flap their ears, and ____
+Animals: Elephants, lions, and camels roamed ____ 12,000 years ago
+Animals: Ergonomic waterbeds are the latest must-have on the bovine circuit. The beds, listed at $175 each, are said to enhance cattle health by reducing ____
+Joint damage
+Animals: Eskimos call what kind of creature a nanook?
+Polar Bear
+Animals: Every ____, there is a peak in Canada wildlife population, especially among the muskrats, red fox, skunks, mink, lynx, and rabbits. The population of grasshoppers of the world tends to rise and fall rhythmically in 9.2-year cycles
+9.6 years
+Animals: Every bird must eat at least half its own weight in food each day to survive. Young birds need even more. A young robin, for example, eats as much as 14 feet of ____ a day
+Animals: Every hour, nearly 12,500 puppies are born in the ____
+United states
+Animals: Everyone knows you can call a group of fish a school, but what else can you call it?
+Animals: Excluding man, what is the longest-lived land mammal?
+Animals: Extinct bird of Mauritius?
+Animals: Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ____
+Animals: Fastest bird (self flight)?
+Animals: February 18, 1930 marks the first flight by a ____ in an airplane
+Animals: February is the mating month for ____
+Gray whales
+Animals: Fish are the only vertebrates that outnumber?
+Animals: Fish get oxygen through which organ?
+Animals: Fish travel in schools, whales travel in pods or ____
+Animals: Fish with long snakelike bodies, smooth slimey skin and reduced fins?
+Animals: Fish: how many eggs can a bluegill lay?
+Animals: Fish: what is lepomis humilis?
+Orange spotted sunfish
+Animals: Fish: what is morone mississippiensis?
+Yellow bass
+Animals: Fish: what is pomoxis nigromacultus?
+Black crappie
+Animals: Fishes which, as adults, lie on one side of the body with both eyes on the opposite, upward-facing side of the head?
+Animals: Flamingoes live remarkably long lives - up to ____
+80 years
+Animals: Flamingos are not naturally pink. They get their color from their food, tiny green algae that turn pink during ____
+Animals: Flatfishes form a unique and widespread group that includes about 130 American species, common in both the Atlantic and ____
+Pacific ocean
+Animals: Fleas can accelerate ____ times faster than the space shuttle
+Animals: Fly that bites cattle?
+Animals: Food for horses or cattle particularly straw or hay?
+Animals: For approximately how long is an ass pregnant?
+A year
+Animals: For how long is an elephant pregnant?
+Two years
+Animals: fourth stomach of a ruminant?
+Animals: Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by ____
+Animals: From crocodile farms, Australia exports about 5,000 crocodile skins a year. Most go to Paris, where a crocodile purse can sell for more than ____
+Animals: From which category of animal does the dik-dik come?
+Animals: From which category of animal does the eland come?
+Animals: From which category of animal does the impala come?
+Animals: From which species is the London pigeon descended?
+Rock dove
+Animals: from which species of goat is mohair obtained?
+Animals: Fur ____ get miserably sick when they're carried aboard ships
+Animals: Furry, omnivorous American mammals each with a ringed bushy tail and dark stripe across the face?
+Animals: Garter snakes, though reptiles, do not ____. They bear young, just as mammals do
+Lay eggs
+Animals: Genuine ivory does not only come from elephants. It can come from the tusks of a boar or a ____
+Animals: German shepherd dog?
+Animals: Gibbons live in family groups and communicate to others through high-pitched songs which can be heard for several miles. Songs are specific to each family and convey information such as location, temper, and social ____
+Animals: Goats generally need their ____ trimmed once a month
+Animals: Goldfish have four color recepectors in their ____ compared to our three - the mantis shrimp has ten color receptors
+Animals: Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in a dim light or they are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream. They remain gold when kept in a pond or in a bowl with adequate ____
+Animals: Gophers are ____
+Animals: Gorillas and ____ sleep about fourteen hours a day
+Animals: Gorillas do not know how to ____
+Animals: Gray ____ migrate 12,000 miles each year, farther than any other mammal
+Animals: Groups: A group of unicorns is called a ____. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of geese is called a gaggle. A group of owls is called a parliament. A group of ravens is an unkindness. A group of crows is a murder. A group of bears is called a sleuth. Twelve or more cows is called a flink
+Animals: Guinea pigs were first domesticated by the ____, who used them for food, in sacrifices, and as household pets
+Animals: Hamadryas ____, in ancient Egypt, were believed to be companions and oracles of the god Thoth. They were given the honor of being mummified when they died
+Animals: Hedgehog quills are not barbed or poisonous. Hedgehogs do apply a foamy, foul-tasting saliva to their quills, which protects the animals from ____
+Animals: Hens do not have to be impregnated to lay eggs. The ____ is necessary only to fertilize the egg
+Animals: Hippopotamuses have killed more people in Africa than all the lions, elephants, and water buffalo combined, usually by ____
+Animals: Honeybees have a type of ____ on their eyes
+Animals: Horned ____ eat ants. They wait in areas where ants are working and when one passes by, they flick out their tongue, catch their prey, and swallow without chewing. Apparently their digestive tract is immune to bites and stings
+Animals: Horses shorter than 141/2 hands (58 inches) at the withers (top of the shoulders) are technically ponies. The ____, around 43 inches tall, is called a pony, not a miniature. Miniatures start 9 inches shorter, and prices go up as size goes down
+Animals: How can you tell when a gorilla is angry? it ____
+Sticks its tongue out
+Animals: How do bees communicate with each other?
+Animals: How fast (mph) can a kangaroo hop?
+Animals: How long is a baby kangaroo at birth?
+One inch
+Animals: How many hearts do earthworms have?
+Animals: How many hours a day does a ferret sleep?
+Animals: How many hours does an antelope sleep at night?
+Animals: How many humps does an African camel have?
+Animals: How many legs does a crab have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ten", "10"]
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+Animals: How many teeth does a walrus have?
+Animals: How many tentacles does a squid have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
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+-- Answer metadata end
+Animals: How many times can a bee sting?
+Animals: How many times its own length can the average flea jump?
+Animals: How many types of panda are there?
+Animals: Hummingbirds are the smallest birds - so tiny that one of their enemies is an insect, the ____
+Praying mantis
+Animals: Hummingbirds cannot glide or soar as other bird do. They are the only bird that can ____
+Hover continuously
+Animals: Humped ox of India, East asia and africa?
+Animals: I will fend off anyone bad, I am mans best friend?
+Animals: If a robin's egg is put in vinegar for thirty days, what colour does it become?
+Animals: If an animal is an operculate what characteristics does it have?
+Animals: If frightened or threatened, a mother rabbit may abandon, ignore, or ____
+Eat her young
+Animals: If they are well treated, camels in captivity can live to the age of ____
+Animals: Iguanas, ____ and Komodo dragons all have two penises
+Animals: Iguanas, koalas and ____ dragons all have two penises
+Animals: Iguanas, koalas and komodo dragons all have two ____
+Animals: Imperial, Buck, and Luna are types of ____
+Animals: In 1880, there were approximately 2 billion passenger pigeons in the United States. By 1914, the species was ____
+Animals: In Alaska, it is legal to shoot ____. However, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited
+Animals: In ancient Rome, auburn-haired puppies were sacrificed to ensure a plentiful ____
+Corn crop
+Animals: In England, the most commonly used guide dog for the blind is the Yellow ____
+Labrador retriever
+Animals: In Korea, the deer is a symbol of long life, and is often portrayed in the company of ____
+Animals: In Milwaukee during the 1900s, 12,500 horses in the city left an estimated 133 tons of ____ and urine on the streets per year
+Animals: In one year, hens in America lay enough eggs to encircle the globe a ____
+100 times
+Animals: In Pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the ____
+Stock market
+Animals: In Peru, what animal provides 50% of all the protein eatin?
+The Guinea Pig
+Animals: In Russia, dogs have been trained to sniff out ore deposits that contain ____
+Iron sulfides
+Animals: In Thailand, what is the sacred animal?
+The white elephant
+Animals: In the 19th Century what creatures were frequently used to bleed patients?
+Animals: In the air, puffins are powerful flyers, beating their ____ 300 to 400 times a minute to achieve speeds up to 40 miles per hour (64 kph)
+Animals: In the air, puffins are powerful flyers, beating their wings 300 to 400 times a minute to achieve speeds up to ____ miles per hour
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Forty", "40"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Animals: In the animal kingdom, the tiger is native to only one continent?
+Animals: In the Jungle Book, what kind of creature was Baloo?
+A bear
+Animals: In the Lone Range, what was Tonto's horse's name?
+Animals: In Winnie the Pooh, what kind of animal is Eeyore?
+Animals: Invertebrate with tufted gills living in burrows in muddy sand, often used as bait by fishermen?
+Animals: Is a jellyfish a polyp?
+Animals: Is a spider an insect?
+Animals: Is a whale a mammal or a fish?
+Animals: It is estimated that a single toad may catch and eat as many as 10,000 insects in the course of a ____
+Animals: It is estimated that manatees live a maximum of 50 to 60 ____
+Animals: It is the female ____ who does more than 90 percent of the hunting, while the male is afraid to risk his life, or simply prefers to rest
+Animals: It may take longer than two days for a chick to break out of its ____
+Animals: It seems to biologists that, unlike their humpback whale relatives whose underwater song evolves from year to year, killer whales retain individual ____ unchanged over long periods, possibly even for life
+Animals: It takes a ____ approximately seven years to grow to be one pound
+Animals: It takes about 50 hours for a snake to digest one ____
+Animals: It takes an average of 345 squirts to yield a gallon of milk from a cow's ____
+Animals: It takes approximately 69,000 venom extractions from the ____ to fill a 1-pint container
+Coral snake
+Animals: It would require an average of 18 ____ to weigh in at 1 ounce
+Animals: Javelinas are free-ranging, yet territorial animals that travel in small herds. One of the reasons they travel in numbers is so they can huddle to stay warm - they don't handle cold well and can ____ to death quickly
+Animals: Javelinas are very noisy animals among each other and squeal, snort, woof, and click their teeth to ____
+Animals: Joint on a horses hind leg?
+Animals: Just like people, mother ____ often develop lifelong relationships with their offspring
+Animals: Kangaroo rats never drink ____. Like their relatives the pocket mice, they carry their own water source within them, producing fluids from the food they eat and the air they breathe
+Animals: Kangaroos usually give birth to one young annually. The young kangaroo, or joey, is born alive at a very immature stage, when it is only about 2 cm long and weighs less than a ____
+Animals: Kittens are born both blind and deaf, but the vibration of their mother's purring is a physical signal that the kittens can feel - it acts like a ____, signaling them to nurse
+Homing device
+Animals: Knife, Clown, and Pencil are types of ____
+Animals: Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique prints. Koala prints cannot be distinguished from human ____
+Animals: Komodo dragons eat deer and wild ____
+Animals: Large Iguana - like reptiles peculiar to New Zealand?
+Animals: Large marine diving ducks with long narrow hooked bills with serrated edges?
+Animals: Large pachydermatous african and s asian animal, quadruped with horn or two horns on nose?
+Animals: Large wasp, Vespa crabro, capable of inflicting a severe sting?
+Animals: Lemon sharks grow a new set of teeth every two weeks. They grow more than 24,000 new ____ every year
+Animals: Llamas are reported to be inquisitive, friendly animals. A llama greeting is marked by softly blowing on each other. According to animal experts, a soft blow to a person is the llama's way of saying ____
+Animals: Long necked long legged wading bird?
+Animals: Lupine animal?
+Animals: Lupus is the Latin name for what animal?
+Animals: Macaws are the largest and most colorful species of the ____
+Parrot family
+Animals: Mainly which creatures belong to the order arachnida?
+Animals: Male ____ have antlers 7 feet across. The antlers often weigh 60 pounds
+Animals: Male ____ lose the hair on their heads in the same manner men do
+Animals: Male ____ may have more than 100 wives and sometimes go three months without eating
+Sea lion
+Animals: Male ____ will try to attract sex partners with orchid fragrance
+Animals: Male bees will try to attract sex partners with ____ fragrance
+Animals: Male cats have ____ on their genitals, which cause the females to cry out in pain on withdrawal
+Animals: Male cockatoos can be taught to speak, but females can only chirp and ____
+Animals: Male honey bee?
+Animals: Mallard ____ are sometimes built at a height of 40 feet above ground. Surprisingly, when leaving their nests for the first time, chicks are very rarely hurt due to falling to the ground
+Animals: manhar is the world's first gaur born to this type of animal?
+Animals: Many corals receive nourishment from algae which grow inside their ____
+Animals: Many hamsters only ____ one eye at a time
+Animals: Many male fish blow bubbles when they want to?
+Animals: Many seabirds that swallow fishes too large for immediate digestion go about with the esophagus filled. Apparently without discomfort, the tail of the fish sticks out of the ____
+Bird's mouth
+Animals: Many sharks lay soft-shelled eggs but hammerheads give birth to live young that look like miniature versions of their parents. Young hammerheads are often born ____, with the tip of their hammerhead folded backward to make them more streamlined for birth
+Animals: Marie Antoinette's dog was a spaniel named ____
+Animals: Marine iguanas, saltwater crocodiles, sea snakes, and sea turtles are the only surviving seawater-adapted ____
+Animals: Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) ____
+Animals: Merrythought is one of the popular names for which bony structure on a bird?
+Animals: Mice, whales, elephants, giraffes, and humans all have seven neck ____
+Animals: Michael Bond created what famous bear?
+Paddington Bear
+Animals: Midges beat their wings about ____ time every second
+Animals: Migrating geese fly in a V-formation to save energy. A goose's wings churn the air and leave an air current behind. In the flying wedge, each bird is in position to get a lift from the current left by the bird ahead. It is easier going for all, except the leader. During a migration, geese are apt to take turns in the ____
+Lead position
+Animals: Migratory bird with long wings and forked tail?
+Animals: Milk delivered to the store today was in the cow ____
+Two days ago
+Animals: Milk snakes lay about 13 eggs - in piles of animal ____
+Animals: Minnows have teeth in their ____
+Animals: Moby Dick was what color?
+Animals: Monkeys will not eat red meat or ____
+Animals: More ____ are raised in California than in any other state in the United States
+Animals: More people are killed in Africa by crocodiles than by ____
+Animals: More species of ____ live in a single tributary of the Amazon River than in all the rivers in North America combined
+Animals: More than one million stray dogs and over 500,000 stray cats live in the ____
+New york city
+Animals: Mosquitoes are attracted to the color ____ twice as much as to any other color
+Animals: Mosquitos have____
+Animals: Most ____ lived to be more than a hundred years old
+Animals: Most cows give more milk when they ____
+Listen to music
+Animals: Most tropical marine fish could survive in a tank filled with ____
+Human blood
+Animals: Most varieties of ____ can go an entire year without eating a single morsel of food
+Animals: Mother prairie dogs will nurse their young only while ____ in the safety of the burrow. If an infant tries to suckle above ground, the mother will slap it
+Animals: Mother-of-pearl is not always ____. It can be pink, blue, purple, gray, or even green. Nor is it produced only by the pearl oyster. The abalone and the pearl mussel both have shells that are lined with fine-quality mother-of-pearl
+Animals: Mountain ____ grow luxurious winter coats - more than three inches of cashmere-quality wool, overlaid with long hollow hairs. The hardy animals can endure winter temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees F, and powerful winds up to 100 miles per hour
+Animals: Mouse-like desert rodent with long hind legs?
+Animals: Mussels can thrive in ____ because of an inborn ability to purify bacteria, fungi, and viruses
+Polluted water
+Animals: My babies weigh less than apples, I eat bamboo?
+Panda bear
+Animals: N. American wild dog?
+Animals: Name collectively applied to numerous species of a family of waterfowl?
+Animals: Name for a group of salmon?
+Animals: Name for the dirt covered clump of wool on a sheeps rear end (Nice!)?
+Animals: Name given to young cows?
+Animals: Name of the cloned sheep born in 1997?
+Animals: name of the unicorn-like angora goat at marine world in redwood city, ca?
+Animals: name of which Russian explorer was given to the wild horse which he discovered in western Mongolia in the late 1870s?
+Nikolai przhevalski
+Animals: Name one male fish that gives birth?
+Sea horse or pipe fish
+Animals: Name some dinosaurs?
+Tyrannosaurus Rex
+Animals: Name the carnivorous mammal related to the hyena?
+Animals: Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1km plus)?
+Animals: Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog?
+Animals: Name the heaviest flying bird of prey?
+Animals: Name the largest living bird?
+Animals: Name the largest of the dinosaurs?
+Animals: Name the largest web-footed bird?
+Animals: Name the longest venomous snake?
+Animals: Name the longest venomous snake?
+King cobra
+Animals: Name the mammal living at the highest altitude?
+Animals: Name the most venomous spider?
+Black widow
+Animals: Name the only animal whose main source of food is the porcupine?
+Animals: Name the only native North American marsupial?
+Animals: Name the slowest moving land mammal?
+Animals: Name the smallest breed of dog?
+Animals: Name the wild dogs of Australia?
+Animals: Name the world's largest butterfly, with a wingspan of 280mm (11in)?
+Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
+Animals: Name the world's largest moth, with a wingspan of 300mm (11.8in)?
+Atlas Moth
+Animals: Names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order?
+Donatello leonardo michelangelo raphael
+Animals: names of the stages of life of a salmon?
+Animals: Native peoples of South America catch ____ and use their razor-sharp teeth to make tools and weapons
+Animals: Ninety percent of all species that have become extinct have been ____
+Animals: Nocturnal burrowing animal with black and white striped head?
+Animals: Nocturnal mammal of southern Africa with a long extendible tongue?
+Animals: North American deer of the same species as the reindeer of Eurasia?
+Animals: North American elk?
+Animals: Northern species of duck with soft feathers?
+Animals: Not all leeches are bloodsuckers. Many are predators which eat earthworms, etc. The nearest relatives of leeches are ____
+Animals: Observed. however, by 1910, it was extinct. what was this bird?
+Animals: Octopi and squid have ____ hearts. Their main systemic heart pumps blood throughout the circulatory system, and two branchial hearts provide some additional push at each of the paired gills
+Animals: Of all known forms of animals life ever to inhabit the Earth, only about ____ still exist today
+Ten percent
+Animals: Of the 250-plus known species of shark in the world, only about 18 are known to be ____
+Dangerous to man
+Animals: Of what are walrus tusks made?
+Animals: Of what do earthworms have five?
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+    "answers": ["Hearts", "5"]
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+Animals: Off the coast of southern California, around 200 ____ still roam in Catalina Island's hinterlands, descendants of a few brought there in the 1920s for a movie and left there
+Animals: Oilbirds have a ____ sense shared among known birds only in Southeast Asia's swiftlets (although very common among bats). The oilbird is a cave dweller, and it bounces its echoing clicks from rock walls to help navigate in the dark vaults where they nest by the hundreds
+Animals: Old World bird with plain brown plumage, inhabiting marshes and similar habitats?
+Reed Warbler
+Animals: On a common lady bug, what color are the spots?
+Animals: On a rabbit where would you find a scut?
+The tail
+Animals: On the Baja coast, osprey couples return to the same nests year after year. These birds rebuild their old nest, carefully repairing any damage caused by winds, rain, and age. After years of rebuilding, some osprey nests can reach heights of ____
+Four feet
+Animals: On the top of the Calcutta Cup what animal will you find?
+Animals: On what do honeybees have a type of hair?
+Animals: On which island off Iceland was the last known great auk killed in 1844?
+Animals: One in ten Dalmatians is born ____, and the breed lacks the ability to process urine completely, so they need a special diet low in flesh protein
+Animals: One Laysan ____, tracked by biologists at Wake Forest University, flew more than 24,843 miles in flights across the North Pacific to find food for its chick in just 90 days - a flight distance equivalent to circling the globe
+Animals: One that feeds off the flesh of its own species?
+Animals: One way birds learn is by trial and error. Scientists have discovered that many of their learned motor patterns are linked to appetite. For instance, young doves must learn to drink water. The pecking of domestic chicks improves about 30 hours after hatching. They snatch up a grain with increased efficiency. Simple trial-and-error learning is also believed to be very important in birds' ____
+Animals: Only tom turkeys ____. Hen turkeys make a clicking noise
+Animals: Organ that keeps a fish afloat?
+Swim bladder
+Animals: Ostriches are such fast runners, they can outrun a horse. Male ostriches can ____
+Roar like a lion
+Animals: Ostriches live about ____ years and can reproduce for 50 years
+Animals: Ostriches live about 75 years and can reproduce for ____
+Fifty years
+Animals: Other than humans, black lemurs are the only primates that may have what?
+Blue eyes
+Animals: Other than humans, which is the only animal that can get sunburned?
+Animals: Out of the 650 known species of leeches, Hirudo medicinalis is the most common used by ____
+Animals: Pandas spend about 12 hours a day eating ____
+Animals: Parrots, most famous of all talking birds, rarely acquire a vocabulary of more than twenty words. However, Tymhoney Greys and African Greys have been known to carry vocabularies in excess of ____
+One hundred words
+Animals: Part of the deer that Weineraner dogs are trained to attack?
+Animals: Pigeons and hummingbirds have tiny magnetic particles in their heads that respond to the Earth's magnetic fields and are used for ____
+Animals: Pigs are exceedingly loud creatures. A University of Illinois study measured average pig squeals that ranged from 100 to 115 decibels. The supersonic Concorde jet, by comparison, was originally banned from New York when its engines exceeded 112 decibels at ____
+Animals: Pigs, walruses, and light-colored horses can be ____
+Animals: Pink elephants? In regions of India where the soil is red, elephants take on a permanent pink tinge because they regularly spray dust over their bodies to protect themselves against ____
+Animals: Popular name for a family of about 19 species of birds allied to the herons & ibises?
+Animals: Prior to migration a ____ will consume the equivalent of up to 25 percent of its body weight per day, accumulating large amounts of fat. During the migration, geese may cover up to 600 miles per day. At the end of the migration, they often weigh less than before they started fattening up in preparation
+Animals: Puffinus puffinus, is the latin for which bird -hint, it is not the puffin!?
+Manx shearwater
+Animals: Racehorses have been known to wear out ____ in one race
+New shoes
+Animals: Relating to anthropoid apes?
+Animals: Reportedly, ____ mate for life
+Animals: Researchers don't know why killer whales like to rub their sensitive stomachs on the bottom of shallow beaches, but they think it may be a form of ____
+Animals: Scary Wild Animals?
+Animals: Scientists say that ____, unlike all other domestic animals, arrive at solutions by thinking them through. ____ can be - and have been - taught to accomplish almost any feat a dog can master, and usually in a shorter period of time
+Animals: Scooby Doo is what kind of dog?
+Great Dane
+Animals: sea eagle?
+Animals: Sea otters have ____ coats of fur
+Animals: Several poison-dart frog species are bred at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. There, researchers gauge the toxicity of poisonous species by taste. No danger is posed, because frogs caught in the wild gradually become less poisonous, and captive offspring are nontoxic. The change may be due to diet. The frog's natural menu - mostly tropical ants and springtails - cannot be duplicated in a ____
+Animals: Shark's teeth are literally as hard as?
+Animals: Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to cancer. Scientists believe this is related to the fact that they have no bone - only?
+Animals: Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to which disease?
+Animals: Sharks can be dangerous even before they are born. Scientist Stewart Springer was bitten by a sand tiger shark embryo while he was examining its ____
+Pregnant mother
+Animals: Sharks can travel up to ____ miles per hour
+Animals: Short legged breed of Welsh dog?
+Animals: Short legged long bodied dog?
+Animals: Shorthorn cattle were the first breed to have their own herdbook, in which county were they developed?
+Animals: Shrimps' hearts are in their?
+Animals: Sika, fallow, and Roe, are what types of animal?
+Animals: Since housecats are clean and their coats are dry and glossy, their fur easily becomes charged with ____. sparks can be seen if their fur is rubbed in the dark
+Animals: Since white tigers have pigmented stripes and blue eyes, they are not ____
+Animals: Sir Walter Raleigh's black greyhound was named ____
+Animals: Slugs have how many noses?
+Animals: Small armoured animal able to walk under water?
+Animals: Small catarrhine monkey common in N India?
+Animals: Snails have ____. They are arranged in rows along the snail's tongue and are used like a file to saw or slice through the snail's foot
+Animals: Snakes are reptiles. What are frogs?
+Animals: So that it can pull its lithe body into a tight, prickly little ball for defense, the hedgehog has a large muscle running along its ____
+Animals: Some ____ pretend to be dead when captured, but quickly hop away when let go
+Animals: Some animals always grow new teeth to replace the old. Name one of them!?
+Animals: Some animals always grow new teeth to replace the old. Name one of them!?
+Animals: Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as ____
+Animals: Some more names for groups of animals... a bale of turtles, a clowder of cats, a charm of goldfinches, a gam of whales, a knot of toads, a ____ of tigers
+Animals: Some sloths, opossum, and armadillos spend up to 80 percent of their lives sleeping or ____
+Animals: Some species of earthworms in ____ can measure more than ten feet in length
+Animals: Some species of freshwater eels migrate to the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean to mate. After laying up to 20 million eggs, the female eel dies. The baby eels hatched from the eggs then make their way back to ____
+Fresh water
+Animals: Some species of rain forest birds migrate every summer from South America to Canada to ____
+Animals: Sperm whale vomit & vital ingredient in many old perfumes?
+Animals: Stoats white winter fur?
+Animals: Strange creatures, jellyfish are comprised mostly of water - more than 95 percent - and have no brain, heart, or bones, and no actual ____
+Animals: Sue, the world's largest, most complete, and best preserved ____, made her grand debut to the public on May 17, 2000 at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois
+Tyrannosaurus rex
+Animals: Sun, spectacled, brown and sloth are all types of what?
+Animals: Surviving all dangers, a wild ____ may live up to 20 years
+Animals: Terrestrial gastropod mollusk, related to the snail, but with the shell represented by an internal horny plate overlying the respiratory cavity?
+Animals: Tha larva of which insect is the rat tailed maggot?
+Animals: The ____ - a relative of the mole - is the smallest mammal in North America. It weighs 1/14 ounce - less than a dime
+Pigmy shrew
+Animals: The ____ bird can fly at a speed of 260 miles per hour
+Animals: The ____ can travel up to 45 miles per hour, whereas the rabbit can achieve an average speed of just 35 miles per hour
+Animals: The ____ can travel up to 9 miles per hour
+Animals: The ____ continually grows new sets of teeth to replace old teeth. It also cannot move its tongue. The tongue is rooted to the base of its mouth
+Animals: The ____ does not chew its food, but swallows it whole. It carries several pounds of small stones in its stomach to aid in grinding up and digesting its nourishment
+Animals: The ____ eagle of Africa hunts over a territory of 250 square miles a day
+Animals: The ____ eagle, swooping at better than 100 miles per hour, can brake to a halt in 20 feet
+Animals: The ____ eats nothing but eucalyptus leaves
+Animals: The ____ has green bones
+Animals: The ____ has only two toes, unlike most birds, which have three or four
+Animals: The ____ is one of the few land animals that does not need water to supplement its food
+Animals: The ____ is the first bird mentioned in the Bible. It was sent out by Noah to see if the waters had abated
+Animals: The ____ is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. It is also the only bird that walks upright
+Animals: The ____ of a really famished camel may flop over and hang down the side of the body as the fat is used up
+Animals: The ____ snake found in the state of Arizona is not poisonous, but when frightened, it may hiss loudly and vibrate its tail like a rattlesnake
+Animals: The ____ whale is the mammal with the heaviest brain - about six times heavier than a human's
+Animals: The ____, a small lizard generally measuring 6 or 7 inches, has a tongue several inches longer than its body. With a thrust of this remarkable appendage, it can catch insects some 10 inches away
+Animals: The ____, national bird of New Zealand, can't fly. It lives in a hole in the ground, is almost blind, and lays only one egg each year. Despite this, it has survived for more than 70 million years
+Animals: The ____, the unique member of the family dungongidae, is a large and long-lived marine mammal that may have contributed to the myth of mermaid sightings
+Animals: The Ad?lie ____ bears the name of French explorer Dumont d'Urville's beloved wife
+Animals: The Alaskan ____ is the largest deer of the New World. It attains a height at the withers in excess of 7 feet and, when fully grown, weighs up to 1,800 pounds
+Animals: The albatross drinks sea water. It has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess ____
+Animals: The American ____ weighs approximately one pound when fully grown
+Animals: The American ____, with its eyes placed toward the top of its head, can see backward and upward, and forward and upward, with binocular vision and, laterally, almost 180 degrees with each eye
+Animals: The American opossum, a marsupial, bears its young just 12 to 13 days after conception. The Asiatic elephant takes 608 days to give birth, or just over ____
+20 months
+Animals: The anaconda, one of the world's largest snakes, gives birth to its young instead of ____
+Laying eggs
+Animals: The ancient nautilus is considered the most intelligent of the invertebrates; it is said to have been as intelligent as a ____
+Young cat
+Animals: The animal responsible for the most human deaths world wide is the ____
+Animals: The animal with the largest brain in relation to its body is the?
+Animals: The armor of the ____ is not as tough as it appears. It is very pliable, much like a human fingernail
+Animals: The average ____ moves at a rate of approximately 0.000362005 miles per hour
+Animals: The average ____ weighs 14 pounds
+Animals: The average adult ____ pig weighs two pounds
+Animals: The average adult ____ weighs 21 pounds
+Animals: The average adult male ____, the world's largest living bird, weighs up to 345 pounds
+Animals: The average capacity of a pelican's ____ is 12 quarts
+Animals: The average cod deposits between 4 and 6 million eggs at a single ____
+Animals: The average elephant produces 50 pounds of ____ each day
+Animals: The average giraffe's ____ is two or three times that of a healthy man
+Blood pressure
+Animals: The average life expectancy of a leopard in captivity is ____
+Twelve years
+Animals: The average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is ____
+Fifteen years
+Animals: The average minimal speed of birds in order to remain aloft in flight is reported to be about 161/2 feet per second, or about ____ miles per hour
+Animals: The average porcupine has more than 30,000 quills. Porcupines are excellent swimmers because their quills are hollow and serve as pontoons to keep them ____
+Animals: The Bactrian camel is the only land mammal on Earth that can survive on ____
+Salt water
+Animals: The basenji is a mid-sized dog with a silky copper coat. Although they are considered a barkless dog, they are known to ____ when they are happy
+Animals: The bat is the only mammal that can ____
+Animals: The biggest frog is the appropriately named ____ frog (Conraua goliath) of Cameroon. They reach nearly 30 cm (a foot) and weigh as much as 3.3 kilograms
+Animals: The bite of a leech is painless due to its own ____
+Animals: The black bear is not always black. It can be brown, cinnamon, ____, and sometimes a bluish color
+Animals: The blow of a whale has a strong, foul odor. It apparently smells like a combination of spoiled fish and old oil. Because whales have such terrible breath, sailors believed at one time that a whiff of it could cause ____
+Brain disorders
+Animals: The blubber of a male ____ is considered superior to that of the sperm whale for lubricating machinery
+Elephant seal
+Animals: The blue whale is maintained by its blubber and can go up to half a year without ____
+Animals: The blue whale weighs as much as thirty elephants, and is as long as three ____
+Greyhound buses
+Animals: The bluefin ____ swims with its mouth partly open, relying on ramjet ventilation, unlike slower fish, which force water through their gills to remove oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Since seawater contains only about 2.5 percent as much oxygen it needs from the volume of water flowing through its mouth, the bluefin has proportionately one of the largest gill areas of any fish
+Animals: The bottle-nosed ____ can dive to a depth of 3,000 feet in two minutes
+Animals: The breed of the Thoroughbred horse is only about 300 years old, although horse racing has been popular in England since Roman times, and can be traced back to Central Asia among ____
+Prehistoric nomads
+Animals: The cabbage moth is which colour?
+Animals: The Cairn terrier is great at catching ____
+Animals: The Camberwell beauty, what is this butterfly called in the USA?
+Mourning cloak
+Animals: The cat was the symbol of liberty in ancient ____
+Animals: The cells which make up the antlers of a ____ are the fastest growing animal cells in nature
+Animals: The chameleon has a tongue that is 1.5 times the length of its ____
+Animals: The Chinese, during the reign of Kublai Khan, used lions on hunting expeditions. They trained the big cats to pursue and drag down massive animals, from wild bulls to bear, and to stay with the kill until the ____
+Hunter arrived
+Animals: The color of the blood of an ____ is bluish-green
+Animals: The common carp lives up to 25 years in the wild, and up to 40 years in captivity. The durable fish can survive in waters up to 90 degrees F, and can even withstand ____ for short periods
+Animals: The conception and birth of the armadillo are odd events. Although mating usually occurs in July, the embryos of the armadillo remain in a dormant state until November. Later in March, four young are born. Armadillos are the only mammals in which multiple young form from a single egg with any regularity. All four of the young, always of the same sex, are identical quadruplets and developed from the same egg. They even shared a single ____ while in the womb
+Animals: The crayfish isn't a fish at all - it is related to the ____
+Animals: The crocodile is a cannibal; it will occasionally eat other ____
+Animals: The crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. If pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a zigzag motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of ____
+Animals: The Dalmatian dog is named for the Dalmatian Coast of ____, where it is believed to have been originally bred
+Animals: The digestive juices of crocodiles contain so much ____ that they have dissolved iron spearheads and 6-inch steel hooks that the crocodiles have swallowed
+Hydrochloric acid
+Animals: The dog and the turkey were the only two domesticated animals in ancient ____
+Animals: The dog fish is what type of fish?
+A shark
+Animals: The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. Wild cats hold their tail horizontally, or tucked between their legs while ____
+Animals: The duckbill platypus of Australia can store up to 600 worms in its large cheek ____
+Animals: The ears of the Asiatic ____ are larger than those of other bear species
+Black bears
+Animals: The Egyptian ____, a white bird about the size of a raven, throws stones with its beak to open ostrich eggs to eat. This bird is one of the very few animals that, like man, manipulates objects as tools
+Animals: The electric eel is the most shocking animal on Earth - no other animal packs such a big charge. If attacking a large prey, a 9-foot-long eel can discharge about ____. One zap could stun a human. The larger the eel, the bigger the charge
+800 volts
+Animals: The electric eel lives in the Amazon River and its tributaries in South America. The rivers churn up a lot of mud and the eels cannot see well in them. Two less powerful electric fish are the electric catfish and ray. Electric rays live in warm ocean water, and they can give off a charge of sufficient force to stun a human. The biggest electric ray, the Atlantic torpedo ray, can weigh ____ pounds
+Animals: The electric eel's shocking power is so great that it can overtake its victims while ____
+15 feet away
+Animals: The electric organs in an electric eel make up four-fifths of its ____
+Animals: The famous cow used as the corporate symbol on all Elmer's products is actually named ____, and she is the spouse of Elmer, the steer who the company is named after
+Animals: The fastest animal an earth, if you try to get them to chase a mechanical rabbit, they will figure out to stop, face the other way & wait for the rabbit to lap?
+Animals: The fastest animal on four legs is the ____
+Animals: The fastest bird is a spine tailed swift. How fast can it fly (mph)?
+Animals: The fastest bird is the ____ ____ ____, clocked at speeds of up to 106 miles per hour
+Spine tailed swift
+Animals: The fastest dog, the ____, can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. The breed was known to exist in ancient Egypt more than 5,000 years ago
+Animals: The fastest of all fish in the sea is the ____, streaming forward at speeds near 68 miles per hour
+Animals: The favorite horses of both Alexander the Great (Bucephalos) and Julius Caesar both had atavistic mutations - extra toes. Horses normally have only one toe per foot, but are descended from horses with three or four toes on ____
+Each limb
+Animals: The female ____ inseminates herself. At mating time, the male deposits a conical mass of jellylike substance containing the sperm. The female draws the jelly into herself, and in so doing, fertilizes her eggs
+Animals: The female American Oyster lays an average of 500 million eggs per year. Usually only one oyster out of the bunch reaches ____
+Animals: The female condor lays a single egg once every ____
+2 years
+Animals: The female king crab incubates as many as 400,000 young for 11 months in a brood pouch under her ____
+Animals: The female knot-tying weaverbird will refuse to mate with a male who has built a shoddy nest. If spurned, the male must take the nest apart and completely rebuild it in order to win the ____ of the female
+Animals: The female pigeon cannot lay eggs if she is alone. In order for her ovaries to function, she must be able to see another pigeon. If no other pigeon is available, her own ____ in a mirror will suffice
+Animals: The fins of which fish are made into a soup?
+Animals: The firefly depends on sight to find a ____
+Animals: The first ____ dragons to breed in the western world are at the National Zoo at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C
+Animals: The first medical use of leeches dates back to approximately 2,500 years ago. The leech's saliva contains a property that acts as an anticoagulant for ____
+Human blood
+Animals: The flamingoes of East Africa have few natural enemies. In general, the only predators an adult flamingo need fear are the fish eagle and the ____
+Marabou stork
+Animals: The flounder swims ____
+Animals: The flying ____ of Java and Malaysia is able to flatten itself out like a ribbon and sail like a glider from tree to tree
+Animals: The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg, adult, pupa, and ____
+Animals: The fur of the vicuna, a small member of the camel family which live in the Andes mountains of Peru, is so fine that each hair is less than two-thousandths of an inch. The animal was considered sacred by the Incas, and only royalty could wear its ____
+Animals: The gastric juices of a snake can digest bones and teeth - but not ____
+Animals: The giant ____ is the largest creature without a backbone. It weighs up to 2.5 tons and grows up to 55 feet long. Each eye is a foot or more in diameter
+Animals: The giant African ____ grows to a foot long and reaches weights greater than a pound
+Animals: The giraffe's ____ is huge; it weighs 25 pounds, is 2 feet long, and has walls up to 3 inches thick
+Animals: The great horned owl can turn its head ____
+270 degrees
+Animals: The grebe, an aquatic bird, has an effective means of escaping danger while protecting its young. At the first sign of danger, it will sink into the water until its back is level with the surface. This allows its offspring to swim over and quickly climb onto its back. The parent grebe then rises up to its swimming position and ferries the chicks across the water to ____
+Animals: The grizzly bear is capable of running as fast as the average ____
+Animals: The herdwick sheep is particularly found in which English national park?
+Lake district
+Animals: The hides of mature female blue ____ are more than twice as thick as those of males, probably as a protection against courtship bites
+Animals: The hippopotamus gives birth ____ and nurses its young in the river as well, although the young hippos must come up periodically for air
+Animals: The hippopotamus has skin an inch-and-a-half thick, so solid that most ____ cannot penetrate it
+Animals: The hippopotamus has the world's shortest ____
+Animals: The hippopotamus is, next to the elephants, the heaviest of all land mammals. It may weigh as much as 8,000 pounds. It is also a close relative of the ____
+Animals: The Hirudo leech has three jaws with 100 teeth on each jaw - making 300 teeth in all. The ____ leech uses a different method of sucking blood. They insert a long proboscis into the victim as opposed to biting
+Animals: The Hirudo leech lays its babies within a cocoon; the Amazon leech carries its babies on its ____ - sometimes as many as 300
+Animals: The horned lizard of the American southwest may squirt a thin stream of ____ from the corners of its eyes when frightened
+Animals: The hum of a hummingbird comes from the super-fast beat of the wings. The smallest ones beat their wings the fastest - up to 80 times per second. Even the slower beat of bigger hummingbirds (20 times per second) is so fast you can only see a ____
+Animals: The hummingbird is the only bird that can ____
+Fly backwards
+Animals: The hummingbird's tiny ____, 4.2% of its body weight, is proportionately the largest in the bird kingdom
+Animals: The individual hair of a chinchilla is so fine that ____of them equal the thickness of a single human hair
+Animals: The jackrabbit is not a rabbit; it is a ____
+Animals: The Jardine River in Australia's Cape York Peninsula is home to Crocodylus porosus, the saltwater or estuarine crocodile. It is the largest and perhaps most dangerous of all ____ species of crocodilians
+Animals: The king crab walks ____
+Animals: The kinkajou's tail is twice as long as its body. Every night, it wraps itself up in its tail and uses it as a ____
+Animals: The largest bird egg in the world today is that of the ostrich. Ostrich eggs are from 6 to 8 inches long. Because of their size and the thickness of their shells, they take 40 minutes to ____
+Animals: The largest Great White Shark ever caught measured 37 feet and weighed 24,000 pounds. It was found in a herring weir in New Brunswick in 1930. The harmless Whale Shark, holds the title of largest fish, with the record being a 59-footer captured in Thailand in ____
+Animals: The largest jellyfish in the world has a bell that can reach 8 feet across and tentacles that extend over half the length of a ____
+Football field
+Animals: The largest known egg ever laid by a creature was that of the extinct ____ of Madagascar. The egg was 9.5 inches long. It had a volume of 2.35 gallons
+Animals: The largest order of mammals, with about 1,700 species, is ____. Bats are second with about 950 species
+Animals: The largest species of seahorse measures ____
+Eight inches
+Animals: The leech has 32 brains - 31 more than a ____
+Animals: The leech will gorge itself up to ____ its body weight and then just fall off its victim
+Five times
+Animals: The life expectancy of the average mockingbird is ____
+10 years
+Animals: The llama belongs to what family to what family of animals?
+Animals: The longest beetle in the world is how long?
+Six inches
+Animals: The lungfish can live out of water in a state of suspended animation for ____
+Three years
+Animals: The majority of reptiles are oviparous. What does this mean?
+Egg laying
+Animals: The majority of small toothed whales are called____
+Animals: The male ____ sheds its antlers every winter and grows a new set the following year
+Animals: The male ____ will mate for life, and if the female dies, he remains single for the rest of his life. However, if the male dies, the female will hook up with a new mate
+Animals: The male Californian sea-otter grips the nose of the female with his teeth during?
+Animals: The male house ____ builds several nests as part of his courtship ritual. Once the nests are completed, his potential bride looks them all over, then selects one as her preferred choice for the laying of her eggs
+Animals: The male seahorse, not the female, carries the ____ of the species. The female fills the male's brooch pouch with eggs, which remain in the swollen sac for a gestation period of eight to ten days
+Animals: The maximum life span of ____ has been documented to be over 200 years in exceptional cases. The average life span of the large colorful fish, however, is 25 to 35 years
+Animals: The Mojave ground ____, found mainly in the American West, hibernates for two-thirds of every year
+Animals: The Mola Mola, or Ocean Sunfish, lays up to ____ eggs at one time
+Animals: The more that is learned about the ecological benefits of ____, the more home gardeners are going out of their way to entice these amazing winged mammals into their neighborhoods. ____ are voracious insect eaters, devouring as many as 600 bugs per hour for 4 to 6 hours a night. They can eat from one-half to three-quarters their weight per evening. ____ are also important plant pollinators, particularly in the southwestern U.S
+Animals: The most Asian elephants to be found in their natural habitat can be found in what country?
+Animals: The most carnivorous of all bears is the ____. Its diet consists almost entirely of seals and fish
+Polar bear
+Animals: The most venomous of all snakes, known as the Inland Taipan, has enough venom in one bite to kill more than 200,000 ____
+Animals: The mouse is the most common mammal in the ____
+United states
+Animals: The mudskipper is a fish that can actually ____
+Walk on land
+Animals: The name of which breed of dog means badger dog in German?
+Animals: The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans ages the equivalent of 5 human years for every day they live, usually expiring after 14 days. However, when stressed, the worm goes into a state of suspended animation that can last for 2 months or more. the human equivalent would be to sleep for about ____
+200 years
+Animals: The New Guinea Singing Dog's most unique characteristic is its dramatic ability to vary the pitch of its howl. They do not bark repetitively but have a complex vocal behavior, including yelps, whines, and single-note ____
+Animals: The Nile crocodile averages about 45 years in the wild, and may live up to 80 years in ____
+Animals: The normal body temperature of the ____ horse is 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius)
+Animals: The now-extinct ancestor of the horse, ____, had a short neck, a pug muzzle, and stood no higher than a medium-sized dog
+Animals: The Offspring of a male donkey and a female horse is called what?
+A mule
+Animals: The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is ____
+Animals: The optimum depth of water in a birdbath, says the Audubon Society of America, is two and a half inches. Less water makes it difficult for birds to take a bath; more makes them ____
+Animals: The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower ____
+Animals: The owl parrot can't fly, and builds its nest under tree ____
+Animals: The oyster is usually ____. It begins life as a male, then becomes a female, then changes back to being a male, then back to being female. It may go back and forth many times
+Animals: The Ozark blind salamander begins life with eyes and plumelike gills. As the animal matures, its eyelids fuse together and the gills ____
+Animals: The part of the foot of a horse between the fetlock and the hoof is the ____
+Animals: The penculine ____ of Africa builds its home in such a sturdy manner that Masai tribesman use their nests for purses and carrying cases
+Animals: The poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill about ____
+2,200 people
+Animals: The process of a snake shedding its skin or a crustacean casting off its outer shell is called ____
+Animals: The pronghorn ____ can run up to 61 miles per hour
+Animals: The pronghorn ____ is the fastest mammal to be found in North America, and second only to the cheetah as the fastest mammal on the planet
+Animals: The pupil of an octopus's eye is ____
+Animals: The rear portion of the head of a horse is called the ____
+Animals: The ring-tailed ____, a primate found only in Madagascar, meows like a cat
+Animals: The ruby-throated hummingbird beats its wings at the incredibly rapid speed of 50 to 70 times a second. If a 170-pound man expended energy at the rate of the hummingbird, he would have to eat 285 pounds of hamburger or twice his weight in potatoes each day in order to maintain his weight. He would have to evaporate 100 pounds of perspiration per hour to keep his skin temperature below the ____
+Boiling point of water
+Animals: The Rufous is the only species of hummingbird to nest in Alaska. They migrate 2,000 miles to Mexico each winter, and then back to Alaska in the ____
+Animals: The sea cucumber, a purplish-brown creature covered with ____, has a unique defense strategy. When attacked, it throws out sticky threads from its mouth, which entangles its enemy. The sea cucumber can then quickly escape
+Animals: The sea lion can swim 6,000 miles, stopping only to ____
+Animals: The sea lion is susceptible to sunburn, and if put on board a ship, will get as seasick as a ____
+Animals: The sea otter's dark fur is the finest and densest of any animal fur. On an adult animal, there are approximately 650,000 hairs per square inch. A sea otter relies on its fur to keep it warm - it doesn't have blubber as other marine mammals do. Natural oils in a sea otter's fur repel ____
+Animals: The seeing-eye dog, or any dog trained to guide the blind, cannot tell a red light from a green one. When it lead its master across the street, it watches the traffic flow to tell when it is ____
+Safe to cross
+Animals: The shoebill ____, native to Africa, is often compared to a statue. The bird will stand perfectly still for long periods waiting for fish to come to surface in the water
+Animals: The shrew is known to eat up to its own weight about every three hours. Deprived of nutrition for a day, it may ____
+Starve to death
+Animals: The skin of baby ____ is so transparent that one can actually see the milk flowing into them as they nurse
+Animals: The smallest bird in the world is the Cuban bee ____. It is less than 2 inches long from tip of beak to tip of tail. It weighs 6/100ths of an ounce
+Animals: The smallest frog is the Gold frog (Psyllophryne Didactyla) of ____. It grows to only 9.8 mm (3/8 inch)
+Animals: The smallest of American owls, the ____, often nests in the Gila woodpecker's cactus hole after the woodpecker leaves. The owl measures barely 6 inches tall. It specializes in catching scorpions, seizing each by the tail and nipping off its stinger. It then swallows the scorpion's body, pincers and all
+Elf owl
+Animals: The smell of a ____ can be detected by a human a mile away
+Animals: The snail mates only once in its entire life. When it does mate, however, it may take as long as ____ to consummate the act
+12 hours
+Animals: The spines on a newborn ____ start to appear within 24 hours
+Animals: The spiny cheek, starsnout poacher, and monkeyface prickleback are all names of ____
+Animals: The spots on a plaice are what color?
+Animals: The squirrel monkey's brain accounts for roughly 5 percent of its body weight - the largest percentage of any other animal. The human brain, by comparison, makes up about 2.3 percent of ____
+Body weight
+Animals: The staple diet of a Koala bear is what?
+Eucalyptus Leaves
+Animals: The star-nosed mole, with 22 pink ____ on its snout, is said to have the most delicate sense of touch in the animal world
+Animals: The stegosaurus had a brain that weighed only 2 ounces and was no bigger than a ____
+Animals: The striped ____ can fire its musk stream accurately for up to 12 feet, and even farther with a cooperative downwind
+Animals: The study of animals is given the name of what?
+Animals: The study of birds eggs is called what?
+Animals: The Suidae family is made up of what animals?
+Animals: The tailorbird of Africa makes its nest by sewing together two broad leaves. It uses fiber as the thread and its bill as the ____
+Animals: The tarantula spends most of its life within its burrow, which is an 18-inch vertical hole with an inch-wide opening. When male tarantulas are between the ages of 5 to 7 years, they leave the burrow in search of a female, usually in the early fall. This migration actually signals the end of their life cycle. The males mate with as many females as they can, and then they die around mid____
+Animals: The Tasmanian Devil is native to which country?
+Animals: The three-toed ____ of tropical America can swim easily, but it can only drag itself across bare ground
+Animals: The two ____ of a dolphin's brain work independently. For 8 hours, the entire brain is awake. The left side then sleeps for 8 hours. When it wakes up, the right side sleeps for 8 hours. Thus, the dolphin gets 8 hours of sleep without ever having to stop physically
+Animals: The underwater mating song of the ____ is so loud that sometimes it can be heard by humans on the shore
+Animals: The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that one gram of it can kill ____. Just to handle the substance can put one in a coma
+150 people
+Animals: The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial (pouched mammal) indigenous to North America. They will play dead when threatened, and contrary to folklore, do not sleep hanging by their tails. They have a litter size of up to 22, but only a maximum of 13 offspring live. Their babies stay in the pouch for the first ____
+60 days
+Animals: The weasel and the ermine are the same animal. This mammal's coat changes with the season - in its white winter coat, it is known as an ermine, in its brown coat, it is a ____
+Animals: The whale has the slowest metabolism of all animals. Despite its great size, it lives on one of the smallest of all creatures: the microscopic ____, found throughout the sea
+Animals: The whistling swan has more than ____ feathers on its body
+Animals: The white elephant is the sacred animal of ____
+Animals: The woolly ____, extinct since the Ice Age, had tusks almost 16 feet high
+Animals: The World Wildlife Fund has which animal as it's symbol?
+Giant Panda
+Animals: The world's fastest flying bird, at over 76kph (47mph)?
+Common Eider
+Animals: The world's fastest reptile (measured on land) is the spiny-tailed ____ of Costa Rica. It has been clocked at 21.7 miles per hour
+Animals: The world's fastest running bird, at over 72kph (44mph)?
+Animals: The world's fastest swimming bird, at over 35kph (21mph)?
+Animals: the world's largest known spider a record leg-span of 28 cm (11 in) is a male?
+Goliath bird eating spider
+Animals: The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as ____ tons
+Animals: The world's largest rodent is the Capybara. An Amazon water hog that looks like a guinea pig, it can weigh more than ____ pounds
+Animals: The world's rarest living creature is the abingdon island ____ ____. an aged male named lonesome george is the only survivor
+Giant tortoise
+Animals: There are ____ that nest in trees. These creatures may spend their whole life without ever touching the ground
+Animals: There are 1,600 known species of ____ in the world
+Animals: There are 328 species of ____
+Animals: There are 40,000 muscles and ____ in an elephant's trunk. This makes it very strong and flexible, allowing an elephant to pluck a delicate flower or lift a huge log. The trunk is used for touching, grasping, sucking, spraying, smelling, and striking
+Animals: There are 690 known species of ____
+Animals: There are about 130 species of ____
+Animals: There are about 40 different ____ in a birds wing
+Animals: There are about 5,000 species of ____ known. Only about half of them build reefs
+Animals: There are about 500 different kinds of cone snails around the world. All have a sharp, modified tooth that stabs prey with venom like a harpoon. Most cone snails hunt worms and other snails, but some eat fish. These are the ones most dangerous to people. The nerve toxin that stops a fish is powerful enough to also kill a ____
+Animals: There are close to 4,000 known species of frogs, including ____
+Animals: There are fewer than 1,000 Bactrian camels left in the wild. They have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. Their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans encroach farther and farther into China's ____
+Gobi Desert
+Animals: there are more than ____ known spider species throughout the world
+Animals: There are more than 100 million ____ in the united states. americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year
+Cats and dogs
+Animals: There are more than 450 species of ____ throughout the world
+Animals: There are no penguins at the ____. In fact, there are no penguins anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere (outside of zoos). All 17 varieties of the bird are found below the equator, primarily in the Antarctica
+North pole
+Animals: There are no wild deer of any kind in Australia, and the small red deer is the only one found in ____
+Animals: There are seven distinctive types of combs on ____: rose, strawberry, single, cushion, buttercup, pea, and V-shaped
+Animals: There are some 50 different species of ____, and all of them are venomous. They thrive in abundance along the coast from the Persian Gulf to Japan and around Australia and Melanesia. Their venom is ten times as virulent as that of the cobra. Humans bitten by them have died within two-and-a-half hours
+Sea snakes
+Animals: There is a substantial wild population of golden hamsters living in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Scientists speculate that all the domesticated golden hamsters in the world descended from a single female with twelve babies, which were dug from a burrow in Syria back in ____
+Animals: There is approximately one ____ for every human being in the world
+Animals: There is just one known species of ____ in the world - it is in the order of Struthioniformes
+Animals: There is no mention of cats or rats in the ____
+Animals: There is no single cat called the ____. The name is commonly applied to the leopard, but it is also used to refer to the puma and the jaguar. A black ____ is really a black leopard
+Animals: There once were more sea lions on Earth than ____
+Animals: These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships?
+Animals: These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships?
+Animals: Thirty thousand monkeys were used in the massive three-year effort to classify the various types of ____
+Animals: This African animal kills the most people?
+Animals: This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened?
+Animals: This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras?
+Animals: This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party?
+Animals: This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party?
+Animals: This animal's name is the same as that given to a high church official?
+Animals: This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds?
+Animals: this dolphin is the world's rarest dolphin and only found in new zealand waters?
+Hector's dolphin
+Animals: This extinct creature got its name from the Portuguese for stupid?
+Animals: this extinct new zealand bird had eleven species. the tallest stood at around 9 feet tall?
+Animals: This Flightless Bird lays the World's largest Eggs?
+Animals: This is the largest of the deer family?
+Animals: This is the main food of the blue whale?
+Animals: This is the only mammal with four knees?
+Animals: This order of insects contains the most species?
+Animals: This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal?
+Animals: this playful new zealand native bird is one of the most intelligent birds in the world and will happily attack a car in order to steal a windscreen wiper or other bits of rubber?
+Animals: This small animal is trained to hunt rats and rabbits?
+Animals: This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour?
+Animals: This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end?
+Animals: Thoth, the ancient egyptian god of wisdom was usually depicted with the head of which bird?
+Animals: Though human noses have an impressive 5 million olfactory cells with which to smell, sheepdogs have 220 million, enabling them to smell 44 times better than ____
+Animals: Tiger cubs are born blind and weigh only about 2 to 3 pounds (1 kg), depending on the subspecies. They live on milk for 6 to 8 weeks before the female begins taking them to kills to feed. Tigers have fully developed canines by 16 months of age, but they do not begin making their own kills until about ____
+18 months of age
+Animals: To a human, one giant octopus looks virtually the same as any other of the same size and species. This explains why divers claim to have seen the same octopus occupy a den for ten or more years. But an octopus seldom lives longer than ____
+4 years
+Animals: To survive, most birds must eat at least half their own weight in food ____
+Each day
+Animals: To which animal does the adjsctive viverrine apply?
+Animals: To which group of animals do the cayman and the gavial belong?
+Animals: Today's oldest form of horse is the Przewalski, or Mongolian Wild Horse. Survivors of this breed were discovered in the Gobi Desert in ____
+Animals: Toothed ____ whales live in extended family units that, for families, constitute life-long associations. They differ from baleen whales, which form only temporary bonds
+Animals: Totally useless fact: If a rabbits front teeth were not worn down by eating, to what length could they grow?
+Ten feet
+Animals: Traveling at a rate of 2 to 3 miles per hour, camels can carry 500 to 1,000 pounds on their backs. They are able to keep up this pace for 6 or 7 hours a day. Camels will refuse to carry loads that are not properly ____
+Animals: Tropical mollusc with bright shell used as money in some parts of asia?
+Animals: Tuna swim at a steady rate of 9 miles per hour for an indefinite period of time - and they never stop moving. Estimates indicate that a 15-year-old tuna travels one million miles in its ____
+Animals: Tunas will suffocate if they ever stop ____. They need a continual flow of water across their gills to breathe, even while they rest
+Animals: Turtles survived the upheavals of the last 200 million years, including the great extinction episode that eliminated the dinosaurs. Now, about half of the world's turtle species face possible extinction - due in large part to a growing demand for turtles as a popular dining delicacy and a source of ____
+Traditional medicines
+Animals: Two rats can become the progenitors of 15,000 rats in less than?
+One year
+Animals: unidentified animal said to live in the Himalayas?
+Abominable snowman
+Animals: Unlike dolphins, porpoises are not very ____
+Animals: Unlike most fish, electric eels cannot get enough oxygen from water. Approximately every five minutes, they must surface to breathe, or they will drown. Unlike most fish, they can swim both ____
+Backwards and forwards
+Animals: Very unusual for carnivores, hyena clans are dominated by ____
+Animals: Walrus tusks are made of ____
+Animals: Walt Disney's famous deer was named what?
+Animals: Wandering ____ spread their wings, clack bills, and shake heads in a ritual dance. Bonds between courting birds may last the whole of a 50-year lifetime
+Animals: Was the Brachiosaurus the fastest or slowest of the dinosaurs?
+Animals: We are sure that whales and dolphins had land-living ancestors, but we don't know what they were like and we don't know how they ____
+Animals: Web footed cackling birds?
+Animals: Weighing approximately 13 pounds at birth, a baby caribou will double its weight in just ____
+10 days
+Animals: What animal appears on the label of Levi 500 jeans?
+Animals: What animal became officially extinct in 1681?
+Animals: What animal can communicate using sounds that are below the human hearing range (between 14 & 35 hertz)?
+Animals: What animal can get the disease 'heaves'?
+Animals: What animal can get the disease heaves?
+Animals: What animal can hop as fast as 40 mph?
+Animals: What animal can live several weeks without its head?
+Animals: What animal could you make extinct today, & recreate tomorrow?
+Animals: What animal does mutton come from?
+Animals: What animal does the adjective 'cervine' refer to?
+Animals: What animal does the adjective 'macropine' refer to?
+Animals: What animal does the adjective 'meline' refer to?
+Animals: What animal does the adjective 'pardine' refer to?
+Animals: What animal does the adjective 'talpine' refer to?
+Animals: What animal does venison come from?
+Animals: What animal fond in Britain is sometimes called the foul-mart?
+Animals: What animal has 32 muscles in each ear?
+Animals: What animal has a baleen?
+Animals: What animal has a heart as large as a small car?
+Blue whale
+Animals: What animal has been called The Poor Mans's Cow?
+Animals: What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if its frightened?
+Animals: What animal has no control over when they go to the bathroom, (completly involuntary action)?
+Animals: What animal has no natural predators?
+Animals: What animal has no vocal chords?
+Animals: What animal has red patches on its rear?
+Animals: What animal has the greatest relative size difference between the sexes?
+Elephant seal
+Animals: What animal has the highest blood pressure?
+Animals: What animal has the largest brain proportionate to its body?
+Animals: What animal has the largest penis size in proportion to its body size?
+Animals: What animal has the longest fur?
+Musk ox
+Animals: what animal has the longest lifespan in captivity?
+The giant tortoise
+Animals: What animal has the same name as a high church official?
+Animals: What animal helped free the netted lion in aesop's fable?
+Animals: What animal helped free the trapped lion in Aesop's fable?
+Animals: What animal in India is sacred and cannot be killed?
+Animals: What animal is a called a nanook in eskimo?
+Polar bear
+Animals: What animal is a mare when female & a stallion when a male?
+Animals: What animal is a musophobic afraid of?
+Animals: What animal is considered to have the highest blood pressure?
+Animals: What animal is dr. dolittle's pushmi-pullyu?
+Two-headed llama
+Animals: What animal is featured on the Australian coat of arms other than an emu?
+Animals: What animal is found on the flag of sri lanka?
+Animals: What animal is known as 'man's best friend'?
+Animals: What animal is known by the nickname 'sea canary'?
+The Beluga Whale
+Animals: What animal is mentioned as being the colour of purple grape juice?
+The South African Blesbok
+Animals: What animal is most likely to threaten a matador?
+Animals: What animal is most sacred to hindus?
+Animals: What animal is nicknamed the river horse?
+Animals: What animal is often confused with a leopard?
+Animals: What animal is represented by the constellation lacerta?
+Animals: What animal is represented by the constellation Monoceros?
+Animals: What animal is represented in the astrological sign cancer?
+Animals: What animal is second is producing the most milk consumed?
+Animals: What animal is the provider of coney fur?
+Animals: What animal is the provider of Moroccan leather?
+Animals: What animal is the symbol of france?
+Animals: What animal is the symbol of long life in Korea?
+The Deer
+Animals: What animal is thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn?
+Animals: What animal is used to locate truffles?
+Animals: What animal lives in a form?
+Animals: What animal lives in a holt?
+Animals: What animal lives in a lodge?
+Animals: What animal lives in a warren?
+Animals: What animal may be stag, rhinoceros or dung?
+Animals: What animal often communicate at sound levels as low as 5hz?
+Animals: What animal only blinks one eye at a time?
+Animals: What animal pollinates banana plants in the wild?
+Animals: What animal produces pink milk?
+Animals: What animal provided the hair for hairspring watches?
+Animals: What animal rests in a form?
+Animals: What animal saved arion from drowning?
+Animals: What animal tailhairs are traditionally used in making violin bows?
+Animals: What animal that may now be extinct is on the tasmanian coat of arms?
+Tasmanian Devil
+Animals: What animal was named for what was wrongly thought to be its country of origin?
+The turkey
+Animals: What animal was paraded through the streets of Paris on Mardi Gras to remind people not to eat meat during Lent?
+An ox
+Animals: What animal was revered by the ancient Egyptians?
+Animals: What animal, like humans, cries tears when distressed?
+Animals: What animal, other than humans, can get leprosy?
+Animals: What animal, when born, falls from a average height of six feet, normally without being hurt?
+Animals: What animal's fleece yields lanolin?
+Animals: What animal's fur is the thickest?
+The Sea Otter
+Animals: What animal's hair is used in violin bows?
+Animals: What animal's milk does not curdle?
+Animals: What animal's milk is more than 54% fat?
+Humpback whale
+Animals: What animal's shell is used to make jewellery?
+Animals: What animal's tail is called a brush?
+Animals: what animal's tail is referred to as a brush?
+A fox
+Animals: What animals are used playing polo?
+Animals: What animals became the leaders in Animal Farm?
+Animals: What animals cannot walk backwards?
+Animals: What animals did hannibal lead over the alps for the first time?
+Animals: What animals did the Ricardos and Mertzes attempt to raise for profit upon moving to Connecticut?
+Animals: What animals does a hippophobe fear?
+Animals: What animals eye is bigger than its brain?
+Animals: What animals give birth to fawns?
+Animals: What animals hair is traditionally used to make shaving brushes?
+Animals: What animals make a sound called nuzzing?
+Animals: What animals reached plague proprotions in the town of Hamelin?
+Animals: What animals use 95% of Mane n Tail shampoo, designed for horses?
+Animals: What are baby elephants called?
+Animals: What are fingerlings?
+Baby salmon
+Animals: What are the only other animals on which the pill works?
+Animals: What are the pouched animals called?
+Animals: What bird builds the largest nest?
+Animals: What bird can swim but can't fly?
+Animals: What bird is an excellent swimmer, but can't fly?
+Animals: What bird is associated with Lundy Island?
+Animals: What characterises stags that are referred to a hummels?
+No antlers
+Animals: What color is an ocelot?
+Yellow with black markings
+Animals: What colour is a giraffes tongue?
+Animals: What colour is a robin's egg?
+Animals: What comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk?
+Animals: What do bats' wings, elephants' ears, flamingos' legs, rabbits' ears, goats' horns, and human skin all have in common? They radiate heat to providing ____
+Animals: What do crocodiles swallow to enable them to dive deeper?
+Animals: What do you call a group of birds on the ground?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ant?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- antelope?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ants?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ape?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- apes?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- asses?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- baboons?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- badger?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- badgers called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- badgers?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bass?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bats?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bear?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bears called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bears?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- beaver?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bee?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bees?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bird?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- birds flying?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- birds on the ground?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bison?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bitterns?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- boar?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- boars?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bobolinks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- buck?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- buffalo?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- buffalo?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- buzzards?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cat?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- caterpillar?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- caterpillars?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cats?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cattle?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- chicken?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- chickens?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- chicks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- chicks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- clam?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cobra?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cockroaches?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- colt?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- colts?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- coots called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- coots?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cormorants?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cow?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- coyote?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crane?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cranes?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crocodile?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crocodiles?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crow?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crows?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cub?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cur?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- curlew?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- curs?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- deer?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- dog?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- dogs?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- donkey?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- donkeys called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- dotterel?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- dove?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- doves?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Duck?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ducks on the water?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ducks paddling?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ducks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- eagles?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- eggs?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Elephant?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- elephants?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Elk?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- elks called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Emus?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- falcons called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Ferret?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ferrets?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- finches called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Finches?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Fish?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- fish?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- flamingoes?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- flies?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Fly?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- flying geese called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Fox?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- foxes?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Frog?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- frogs?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- geese called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- geese flying?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Geese?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- giraffes?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Gnat?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- gnats?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Goat?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- goats?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Goldfince?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Gorilla?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- gorillas?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- grasshoppers?
+Getting bald
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Greyhound?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- grouse?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- gulls called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- gulls?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hare?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hares?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hawk?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hawks called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hawks spiralling in flight?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hawks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hen?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hens called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Heron?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- herons?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- herring?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hippopotamuses?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hog?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hogs?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hornets?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Horse?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- horses?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hound?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hounds?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hyenas?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- jays?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Jellyfish?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Kangaroo?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- kangeroos called?
+A mob
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Kitten?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- kittens called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- kittens?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- lapwings?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Lark?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- larks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Leopard?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- leopards called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- leopards?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Lion?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- lions?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Locust?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- locusts?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Magpie?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- magpies?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Mallard?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- mallards in flight?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Mare?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- mares?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Marten?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- martins?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Mole?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- moles?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Monkey?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- monkeys called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- monkeys?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Mule?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- mules?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- nightingales?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- otters?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Owls?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Oyster?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- oysters?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Parrot?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- parrots?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Partridge?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- partridges?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Peacock?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- peacocks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Peep?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- penguins?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Pheasant?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Pig?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Pigeon?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- piglets?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Plover?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- plovers in flight?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- plovers?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ponies?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Pony?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- porcupines?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Porpoise?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ptarmigans?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- puppies?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Quail?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rabbit?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- rabbits?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rat?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rattlesnake?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Raven?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ravens?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rhino?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- rhinocerouses?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- roe deer?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Roebuck?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rook?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- rooks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Seal?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- seals?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- sharks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Sheep?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- sheep?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Snake?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- snakes?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Snipe?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- snipe?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Sparrow?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- sparrows?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Squirrel?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- squirrels called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- squirrels?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Starling?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- starlings?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Stork?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- storks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Swallow?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- swallows?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Swan?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- swans in flight?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- swans?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Swift?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Swine?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Teal?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- this called: bacteria?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- tigers?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Toad?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- toads?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- travelling wolves?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- trout?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Turkey?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- turkeys?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- turtle doves?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Turtle?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Turtledove?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- turtles?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Viper?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Walrus?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Whale?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- whales called?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- whales?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- widgeons?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- wild dogs?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Wolf?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- wolves?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Woodcock?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- woodcocks?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Woodpecker?
+Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- woodpeckers?
+Animals: What do you call a young Antelope?
+Animals: What do you call a young Bear?
+Animals: What do you call a young Beasts of prey?
+Animals: What do you call a young Beaver?
+Animals: What do you call a young Bird?
+Animals: What do you call a young Cat?
+Animals: What do you call a young Codfish?
+Animals: What do you call a young Cow?
+Animals: What do you call a young Deer?
+Animals: What do you call a young Dog?
+Animals: What do you call a young Duck?
+Animals: What do you call a young Eagle?
+Animals: What do you call a young Eel?
+Animals: What do you call a young Elephant seal?
+Animals: What do you call a young Elephant?
+Animals: What do you call a young Fish?
+Animals: What do you call a young Fowl?
+Animals: What do you call a young Fox?
+Animals: What do you call a young Frog?
+Animals: What do you call a young Goat?
+Animals: What do you call a young Goose?
+Animals: What do you call a young Grouse?
+Animals: What do you call a young Guinea fowl?
+Animals: What do you call a young Hawk?
+Animals: What do you call a young Hen?
+Animals: What do you call a young Hippo?
+Animals: What do you call a young Horse?
+Animals: What do you call a young Kangaroo?
+Animals: What do you call a young Lion?
+Animals: What do you call a young Owl?
+Animals: What do you call a young Partridge?
+Animals: What do you call a young Pig?
+Animals: What do you call a young Pigeon?
+Animals: What do you call a young Quail?
+Animals: What do you call a young Rabbit?
+Animals: What do you call a young Rat?
+Animals: What do you call a young Rhino?
+Animals: What do you call a young Rooster?
+Animals: What do you call a young Salmon?
+Animals: What do you call a young Seal?
+Animals: What do you call a young Shark?
+Animals: What do you call a young Sheep?
+Animals: What do you call a young Swan?
+Animals: What do you call a young Tiger?
+Animals: What do you call a young Turkey?
+Animals: What do you call a young Whale?
+Animals: What do you call a young Zebra?
+Animals: What does a camel store in its hump?
+Animals: What does a carpophagus animal feed on?
+Animals: what does the male praying mantis lose to the female after mating?
+His head
+Animals: What dog is named after a Mexican state?
+Animals: What fish is the fastest?
+Animals: What form was the Egyptian god Sobek?
+Animals: What herbivore sleeps one hour a night?
+Animals: What insect has a type of hair on it's eyes?
+Animals: What is a collective word for a group of foxes?
+Animals: What is a dingo?
+Wild dog
+Animals: What is a female bear?
+Animals: What is a female calf?
+Animals: What is a female cat?
+Animals: What is a female deer called?
+Animals: What is a female deer?
+Animals: What is a female ferret?
+Animals: What is a female fox called?
+Animals: What is a female red deer called?
+A hind
+Animals: What is a female sheep?
+Animals: What is a fox's den called?
+Animals: What is a fox's den called?
+An earth
+Animals: What is a fox�s tail called?
+Animals: What is a gila monster?
+Animals: What is a goat's offspring called?
+Animals: What is a goup of clams?
+Animals: What is a greyish cat with dark stripes called?
+Animals: what is a gribble?
+Animals: What is a grosbeak?
+Animals: What is a Hen less than a year old called?
+A Pullet
+Animals: What is a large, clawed, marine crustacean?
+Animals: What is a male deer called?
+Animals: What is a male goose called?
+Animals: What is a male swan called?
+Animals: What is a male swine called?
+Animals: What is a marsupium?
+Animals: What is a mature horse below the height of 14 and a half hands called?
+Animals: What is a Natterjack?
+Animals: What is a pangolin?
+Animals: What is a Rana esculenta?
+Edible frog
+Animals: What is a smaller form of Kangeroo usually called?
+Animals: What is a word for a castrated ram?
+Animals: What is a young goose called?
+Animals: What is a young swan called?
+Animals: What is a young whale called?
+Animals: What is also known as a pillbug (they were once used for medicinal purposes and swallowed like pills - yuk!!!)?
+Animals: What is an alan?
+Hunting dog
+Animals: What is an army worm?
+Animals: What is an emasculated stallion called?
+Animals: What is an insect called while it is changing its form inside a cocoon?
+Animals: What is another name for a Guinea Pig?
+Animals: What is another name for the coyote?
+Prairie wolf
+Animals: What is another name for the prairie wolf?
+Animals: What is another term for a black leopard?
+Animals: what is canis lupus?
+A wolf
+Animals: What is the axolotl also called?
+Animals: What is the chihuahua named after?
+A Mexican state
+Animals: What is the collective term that is used to refer to animals that feed on the remains of dead animals or plants?
+Animals: What is the common name for the bird Passer domesticus?
+House sparrow
+Animals: What is the common name for the furcula in birds?
+Animals: What is the correct collective name for a litter of piglets?
+Animals: What is the deadliest spider?
+The Black Widow Spider
+Animals: What is the distinguishing feature of an animal classed as an ungulate?
+Animals: What is the favorite fruit of the orang-utan?
+Animals: What is the heart rate of the blue whale (in beats per minute)?
+Animals: What is the heaviest snake?
+Animals: What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of?
+Animals: What is the largest lizard?
+Komodo Dragon
+Animals: What is the longest venomous snake?
+King cobra
+Animals: What is the most poisonous fish in the world?
+Animals: What is the most venomous snake (no, it's not the king cobra!)?
+Inland Taipan
+Animals: What is the name for a collection of frogs?
+Animals: What is the name given to a neutered stallion?
+A gelding
+Animals: What is the name given to the young of a Kangaroo?
+Animals: What is the name of the largest land animal?
+Animals: What is the offspring of a mare and a male ass called?
+A mule
+Animals: What is the only dog that doesn't have a pink tongue?
+Animals: What is the only mammal that can't jump?
+Animals: What is the only member of the cat family that cannot fully retract its claws?
+Animals: What is the only venomous snake found in Britain?
+Animals: What is the popular name for crane flies?
+Daddy long legs
+Animals: What is the primary function of the kangaroo's tail?
+Animals: What is the scientific name for a turkey's wishbone?
+Animals: what is the shape of a camel's spine?
+Animals: What is the smallest bird in the world?
+Animals: What is the smallest British bird?
+Animals: What is the technical name for an animal's pouch?
+Animals: What is the third name for the cougar or mountain lion?
+Animals: What is the wolds largest snail species, with a length of 770mm (30.3 in)?
+Australian Trumpet
+Animals: What is the world's largest Mollusc, with a length of 16,764mm (660in)?
+Giant Squid
+Animals: What is the world's longest snake?
+Animals: What is young kangeroo called?
+Animals: What kind of animal is a boomslang?
+Animals: What kind of animal is a Dandie Dinmont?
+Scottish hunting terrier
+Animals: What kind of animal is a quagga?
+Animals: What kind of animal is a snow shoe rabbit?
+Animals: What kind of animal is a wapiti?
+American elk
+Animals: What kind of animal is the emblem of the US republican political party?
+Animals: What kind of animal is the source of mohair?
+Angora Goat
+Animals: What kind of animal mates only once for 12 hours and can sleep for three years?
+Animals: What kind of animal was featured in Gavin Maxwells 1960 best seller A ring of Bright Water?
+Animals: What kind of animals don't hunt or eat any meat?
+Animals: What kind of animals live in an apiary?
+Animals: What kind of animals were Chi Chi and An An?
+Panda bears
+Animals: What kind of creature always gives birth to same sex twins?
+Animals: What land mammal other than man has the longest lifespan?
+Animals: What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night?
+Animals: What lives in a formicary?
+Animals: What name is given to a cows first milk after calving?
+Animals: What name is given to a female calf?
+Animals: What name is given to a larva of the salamander whish never fully develops because of a hormone deficiency although it can breed?
+Animals: What name is given to a male falcon?
+Animals: What name is given to young salmon which has been to sea only once?
+Animals: What physical characteristic do pinnipeds have?
+Fins for feet
+Animals: What sort of acid is in an ants sting?
+Formic acid
+Animals: What sort of animal is an Addaz?
+Animals: What sort of insects belong to the order Odonata?
+Animals: What species of animal would Rangifer Tarandus refer to?
+Animals: What travels in gaggles?
+Animals: What type of animal according to Beatrix Potter was Mr Jeremy Fisher?
+Animals: What type of animal is a Lippizaner?
+Animals: What type of animal is a rockhopper?
+Animals: What type of animal is a Tasmanian Devil?
+Animals: What type of animal is a wallaby?
+Animals: What type of animal is a wallaby?
+Animals: What type of animal is the main source of food for a mole?
+Animals: What type of animal is the symbol of medicine?
+Animals: What type of animal lives in a formicary?
+Animals: What type of animal produces gossamer?
+Animals: What type of bird is the Liver bird found on coats of arms of Liverpool?
+Animals: What type of creature is a Basilisk?
+Animals: What type of creature is a colobus?
+Animals: What type of creature is a sidewinder?
+Animals: What type of creature's a bustard?
+Animals: What type of frog is the smallest frog?
+Gold frog
+Animals: What type of insect eats its mate after mating?
+Preying Mantis
+Animals: What type of insect has the best eyesight?
+Animals: What type of leaves does a Koala use for food?
+Animals: What type of mammals fly using echolocation?
+Animals: What was it that Killed Cleopatra?
+An asp
+Animals: What was Tarzan's Chimpanzee's name?
+Animals: What was the first animal on the endangered species list?
+Peregrine falcon
+Animals: What well known marsupial is the wallaby related to?
+Animals: What were dachshunds originally bred to hunt?
+Animals: What were the names of the two bears that lived in Jellystone park?
+Yogi and Boo Boo
+Animals: What word is used for a female fox?
+Animals: What word is used for a female sheep?
+Animals: What word is used for a male ass (Other than that the word used for that $^&%@! ex-boyfriend...)?
+Animals: What word is used for a male deer?
+Animals: What word is used for a male duck?
+Animals: what worm prefers the mulberry?
+The silkworm
+Animals: What's a Natterjack?
+A Toad
+Animals: What's a Wessex Saddleback?
+A Pig
+Animals: What's the smallest bird in the world?
+The Hummingbird
+Animals: When a ____ exerts itself, gets angry, or stays out of the water for too long, it exudes red, sweatlike mucus through its skin
+Animals: When a ____ is first born, it is male, and it gradually evolves to female as it matures
+Animals: When a school of baby ____ are threatened, their father opens his huge mouth and the youngsters swim inside to hide. When danger has passed, he reopens his mouth and lets the fry out
+Animals: When a snail hatches from an egg, it is a miniature adult, shell and all. The shell grows with the snail, and the snail never leaves the ____
+Animals: When baby opossum are born, they are so small that an entire litter can fit in a tablespoon. They live inside their mother's pouch for ____ before climbing out and riding on her back
+3 months
+Animals: When caterpillar changes into an adult butterfly what is the change called?
+Animals: When cows graze in their natural head-down position, their saliva production increases by ____
+Seventeen percent
+Animals: When eating, ____ often gorge themselves to the point that they can't fly. the bird will quickly regurgitate its meal to become light enough to escape if flight from an attacker is necessary
+Animals: When thirsty, a camel can swig down 25 gallons of water in less than ____
+Three minutes
+Animals: When under extreme stress, such as when held in captivity, some octopuses will eat their own arms, which ____
+Grow back
+Animals: When young abalones feed on red seaweed, their shells turn ____
+Animals: When young, the hoatzin, a crested, olive-colored South American bird, has claws on its ____
+Animals: Where are there over 58 million dogs?
+Animals: Where do ants live?
+Animals: Where do British swallows spend the winter?
+Animals: Where do demersal animals live?
+Animals: Which animal appears first in the dictionary?
+Animals: Which animal has rectangular pupils?
+Animals: Which animal has the largest eyes?
+Giant squid
+Animals: Which animal has the longest lifespan in captivity?
+Giant Tortoise
+Animals: Which animal is sometimes known as In velvet?
+Animals: Which animal is the fastest, a hare, greyhound, or horse?
+Animals: Which animal is used on the Toys R Us logo?
+Animals: Which animal lives in a citadel?
+Animals: which animal lives in a lodge?
+The beaver
+Animals: Which animal was traditionally called Russell?
+Animals: Which animals are known for their blue and red faces and bums?
+Animals: Which animals does Lupine relate to?
+Animals: Which animals is commonly known as The buhmans clock?
+Animals: Which animals latin name is bufo bufo?
+Animals: Which Australian animal is the world's fussiest eater is the?
+Animals: Which Australian bird is known as the Laughing Jackass?
+Animals: Which bird is also known as Cuddys duck because St Cuthbert protected it?
+Animals: Which bird is named after its habit of up ending stones to look for shellfish?
+Animals: Which bird is stuffed and displayed in the MCC Museumat Lords having been hit and killed by a cricket ball?
+House sparrow
+Animals: Which bird reestablished itself in Suffolk in the late 1940s and is the symbol of the RSPB?
+Animals: Which bird, crex crex, has a cry which can be imitated by moving two notched bones across one another?
+Animals: Which bird, popular as a cage bird, syMbolised the Passion of Christ in medieval religious paintings?
+Animals: Which breed of horse is tradionally ridden by the Spanish Riding School in Vienna?
+Animals: Which bug has the most legs?
+Animals: Which crab, having no hard shell of its own, protects itself by taking over the shells of dead molluscs?
+Hermit crab
+Animals: Which creature gets its name from the Spanish for lizard?
+Animals: Which extinct creature got its name from the Portuguese for stupid?
+Animals: Which female animal on heat, seeks sex an average of 20 times a day?
+Animals: Which Fred is the Daily Mail's cartoon dog?
+Fred Bassett
+Animals: Which is the largest African bird of prey?
+Animals: Which is the largest aquatic bird?
+Animals: Which is the largest known butterfly?
+Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
+Animals: Which is the only animal other than humans that can get leprosy?
+Animals: Which is the only endemic species of bird confined entirely to Britain?
+Scottish crossbill
+Animals: Which is the smallest mammal in the world?
+The pygmy shrew
+Animals: Which mammals fly?
+Animals: Which member of the anura order of amphibians was once used in pregnancy tests?
+Clawed toad
+Animals: Which of the big cats have tear stain facial markings?
+Animals: Which penguin dad likes to babysit?
+Emporer Penguin
+Animals: Which pigment is obtained from cuttlefish and squid?
+Animals: Which proboscis has 40,000 muscles?
+Elephants trunk
+Animals: Which sense is the weakest sense in most primates?
+Sense of Smell
+Animals: Which sinister sounding beetle is a pest in the timbers of old buildings?
+Deathwatch beetle
+Animals: Which snake kills the most humans?
+King cobra
+Animals: Which subhuman primate is the most intelligent?
+Animals: Which type of animals have more teeth, reptiles or mammals?
+Animals: Which type of semi aquatic animal is a lutra-lutra?
+An Otter
+Animals: which woodland birs performs a roding display flight in the breeding season?
+Animals: While awake, hummingbirds must eat at least every 30 minutes or they will starve to death. They need to eat 2.5 times their body weight every day - this takes hundreds of ____ everyday
+Animals: While dangerous to swimmers, the fact remains that ____ are much less dangerous than sharks
+Animals: While many people believe that a camel's humps are used for water storage, they are actually made up of ____. The hump of a well-rested, well-fed camel can weigh up to eighty pounds
+Animals: While some sharks lay eggs, blue sharks give birth to live ____, as do about two-thirds of all sharks, estimated at nearly 350 species
+Animals: While the bones of most airborne birds are hollow for lightness, ____ are endowed with solid bones for ballast when they dive, sometimes to 850 feet or more
+Animals: Who are the queen bee's closest servants in a beehive?
+Animals: Who was the British TV personality that presented the show Animal Magic?
+Johnny Morris
+Animals: who was the first animal named to the animal hall of fame, in 1969?
+Animals: Whooper, mute and Bewicks are all types of what?
+Animals: Wild ass?
+Animals: Wildlife biologists estimate that as many as five out of six fawns starve to death during a hard winter in ____
+Animals: With a distance of 19,000 kms (11,806 mi), this bird holds the record for the furthest migration route?
+Pectoral Sandpiper
+Animals: With few exceptions, birds do not sing while on the ground. They sing during flight or while sitting on an object off the ____
+Animals: With only a four-week gestation period, a cottontail ____ can produce 5 to 7 litters, and as many as 35 offspring per year
+Animals: With which island is the puffin associated?
+Lundy island
+Animals: With which mammal is the disease rabies commonly associated?
+Animals: Within the hawk, or birds of prey, family, there are ____ species - eagles, hawks, kites, and Old World vultures, which are found nearly worldwide
+Animals: Wolf packs could be found in all the forests of Europe, and in 1420 and 1438, wolves roamed the streets of ____
+Animals: Woodpecker scalps, porpoise teeth, and giraffe tails have all been used as ____
+Animals: Woolly haired South amrican animal?
+Animals: You are more likely to be killed by a ____ than by a poisonous spider
+Champagne cork
+Animals: You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a____
+Animals: You can identify a ____ bear's mark by the sign of five claws. A black bear will lacerate a tree trunk with four claws
+Animals: You can only smell 1/20th as well as a ____
+Animals: You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have ____
+Animals: You could milk about ____ cows per hour by hand, but with modern machinery, you can milk up to 100 cows per hour
+Animals: You have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of being killed by a?
+Animals: You just saw an egg-laying mammal in the wild. Where are you?
+Animals: You see a lemur in it's natural habitat. Where are you?
+Animals: Young birds such as ducks, geese, and shore birds are born with their ____
+Eyes open
+Animals: Young swan?
+Animals: Zebus are humped cattle found in India, China, and northern Africa. Zebubs are tsetse-like flies found in ____
+Animals:Porcupines ____ in water
+Animas: You are on a farm and you see a DUROC. What kind of animal is it?
+Anne Boleyn lost her head over this guy?
+Henry viii
+Anniversary Gifts (traditional)?
+Annoying, litigious (and possibly duplicitous) owner of Boston Beer Company?
+Jim koch
+Annual growth of ____ traffic is 314,000%
+Annual growth of WWW traffic is ____
+Annual London dog show?
+Anonymous letters of hostility towards the recipient?
+Hate mail
+Another name for a slaughter house?
+Another name for a villain or scoundrel?
+Another name for an artists workshop or studio?
+Another name for graphite or black lead?
+Another name for guardian angels is?
+Another name for phencyclidine hydrochloride?
+Angel dust
+Another name for the solar year is what?
+Tropical year
+Another name for wood alcohol is...?
+Another term for pure china clay is?
+Another word for direct confrontation?
+Another word for vaccination?
+Antarctica has no native____
+Antarctica's residents are ____ and support staffs who usually stay no more than a year at a time
+Antarctica's residents are scientific and ____ staffs who usually stay no more than a year at a time
+Anteaters prefer ____ to ants
+Anteaters prefer termites to____
+Anthocyanins are compounds which produce what?
+Anthocyanins are compounds which produce...?
+Anthomania is an obsession or crazed desire for ____ ____
+Anthropoid (ape) of equatorial africa that, physically and genetically, is the animal most closely related to humans?
+Anti tank rocket launcher?
+Antoine domino is better known the world by what name?
+Fats domino
+Anubis was the egyptian god of the ____
+Anvil, hammer and stirrup are all bones where?
+Any animal lacking a vertebral column, or backbone?
+Any comparatively small body of land completely surrounded by water?
+Any free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere, because of it's surface ____
+Any material that hardens & becomes strongly adhesive after application in plastic form?
+Any member of a group of protozoa (single-celled animals) that are blood parasites?
+Any month that starts on a Sunday will have a ____ in it
+Friday the 13th
+Any object worn as a charm may be called a(n) ____
+Any of a group of composite organisms made up of a fungus and an alga living in symbiotic association (symbiosis)?
+Any of a large group of chemicals almost exclusively organic in nature, used for the coloring of textiles, inks, food products, & other substances?
+Any of several soft metal alloys used to line bearings and bushings in order to reduce friction?
+Babbitt metal
+Any of the drugs used to reduce nervous tension or induce sleep?
+Any of the non-metallic elements which form a salt when combined with a metal?
+Any of various scientific recording devices designed to register a person's bodily responses to being questioned?
+Any of various viruses that are parasites of bacteria?
+Any structure of animals, plants, or insects that produces chemical secretions or excretions?
+Any substance that produces disease conditions, tissue injury, or otherwise interrupts natural life processes when in contact with or absorbed into the body?
+Any type of machine that obtains mechanical energy directly from the expenditure of the chemical energy of fuel burned in a combustion chamber that is an integral part of the engine?
+Internal combustion
+Any type of self-propelled vehicle used by railroads to pull or push other types of rolling stock, including passenger, freight, & work cars?
+Any vessel that converts water into steam?
+Any violent destruction or rowdy confusion?
+Anything that occupies space & has mass is generally known as ____
+Anywhere is a top 10 hit in 1995 for what band?
+Anzac troops come from which 2 countries?
+Australia and new zealand
+Apart from being rivers what do Thames, Shannon, Forth, Tyne & Humber have in common?
+Sea/fishing areas (for weather forecasts)
+Apart from billy connolly who else had a top twenty hit with d.i.v.o.r.c.e. in 1975?
+Tammy wynette 
+Apart from clarity and cut, what are the two C's of a diamond?
+Carat and colour
+Apart from eggs, what is the other essential ingredient in 'Eggs Florentine'?
+Apart from England, which nation had the most carling premiership players representing them?
+Apart from gottfried leibniz, which famous scientist developed the many techniques of calculus in mathematics?
+Isaac newton
+Apart from milk, what is the chief ingredient of lyonnaise sauce?
+Aphids can give birth how long after being born themselves?
+10 days
+Aphrodisiomania is an obsession or crazed desire for ____
+Apollo was the greek god of ____ and ____
+Archery and prophecy
+Apparatus mixing air with petrol vapour in an internal combustion engine?
+Apparatus or specially constructed chamber for maintaining living organisms in an environment that encourages growth?
+Apparatus that converts molecules into ions and then separates the ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio?
+Mass spectrometer
+Apparatus what was the first chinese dynasty?
+Apparition or double of living person?
+Apples are more efficient than ____ in keeping people awake in the mornings
+Apples, not____ , are more efficient at waking up in the morning
+Appleton entered the uk charts at no2 in sept 2002 name the single?
+Approx 800 people died at a firework display in paris in what year?
+Approximately ____ cakes of Ivory Soap had been manufactured by 1990
+30 billion
+Approximately ____ of all statistics are made up
+Approximately ____ of software in China is pirated
+Approximately 1/3 of the earth's land surface is____
+Approximately 16 Canadians have their ____ removed when not required, everyday
+Approximately how deep are the deepest mines?
+Four km
+Approximately how long after the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan did they surrender?
+One week
+Approximately how long was the Brachiosaurus, in metres?
+Approximately how long was the Diplodocus, in metres?
+Approximately how many children did pharaoh ramses ii father?
+One hundred and six
+Approximately how many concertos were composed by Antonio Vivaldi?
+Approximately how many genes are there on one human DNA molecule?
+Approximately how many inches are in a metre?
+Thirty nine
+Approximately how many inches are there in one metre?
+Thirty nine
+Approximately how many pounds of cereal will the average American/Canadian eat every year?
+Approximately how many species of butterfly are there?
+Approximately how many spoons are there in the 'new jersey spoon museum'?
+Approximately how many spoons are there in the new jersey spoon museum?
+Five thousand four hundred
+Approximately how many times a day does the human heart beat?
+One million
+Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth?
+Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth?
+Six thousand
+Approximately how many times sweeter is saccharin than sucrose?
+Five hundred
+Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["3000", "three thousand"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Approximately how much salt is in every gallon of seawater?
+Quarter pound
+Approximately how old is the oldest piece of chewing gum?
+Nine thousand years
+Approximately how tall was the Brachiosaurus, in metres?
+Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seventy one percent", "seventy one", "71", "71%"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Approximately, 1 out of ____ people suffer from asthma
+Approximately, 1 out of 25 people suffer from____
+April 1985: After a weekend of tunneling into a Dublin Bank, would-be thieves end up in a women's washroom. What were this gang of robbers known as?
+The Great Drain Robbers 
+April 25 is which national holiday in Australia and New Zealand?
+Anzac day
+April 25th is what Australian holiday?
+Anzac day
+April fool's day came from ____ when the Gregorian calendar was adopted
+Aptronyms: best little hairhouse in town?
+Aptronyms: the booby trap?
+Aquatic Animals: Living up to the ripe old age of 200 years, this is the world's longest-lived marine animal?
+Bowhead Whale
+Aquatic Animals: The sailfish is the fastest fish, what are number two and three?
+Marlin and wahoo
+Aquatic Animals: This fish has a recorded maximum speed of 112kph (69mph)?
+Aquatic Animals: With a maximum weight of 704kg (1,552lbs), this is the world's heaviest turtle species?
+Pacific Leatherback
+Aquatic mollusc with hinged double shell?
+Arab terrorists hijack Italian ocean liner ____ & kill an American passenger
+Achille lauro
+Arachnoid refers to what kind of creature?
+Arachnoid refers to what kind of insect?
+Araucaria or Chile Pine has a more common name, what is it?
+Monkey puzzle tree
+Arborio, patna and basmati are all types of what?
+Arcade Games?
+Arch, which is essentially a central voussoir?
+Archaeology: Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement?
+Three thousand
+Archaeology: In which ruins was the first known written advertisement found?
+Archduke francis ferdinand was murdered in 1912, 1913 or 1914?
+Archduke francis ferdinand's murder precipitated which war?
+World war i
+Arched or domed recess at the end of a church?
+Architect of the labyrinth of knossos in crete?
+Architecture: 1970s: In 1974, this became the world's tallest building?
+Sears tower
+Architecture: Architectural style developed in the Eastern Empire?
+Architecture: Triangular part of wall at the end of a ridged roof?
+Architecture: Which famous building was built by Shah Jehan?
+Taj Mahal
+Architecture: Which famous building was built by Shih Huang Ti?
+Great Wall of China
+Architecture: Which famous million dollar building cost more than a million dollars?
+Sydney Opera House
+Are barnacles plant life or animals?
+Are chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit the growth of infectious organisms?
+Are most cats right pawed or left pawed?
+Are periwinkles animal, vegetable or mineral?
+Are there any plants that use insects for food?
+Are there more sheep than people in the Falkland Islands?
+Are there ski resorts in Hawaii?
+Are yabbies found in fresh or salt water?
+Are you standing or sitting when you put your coccyx on the floor?
+Area in which aircraft are forbidden to fly?
+No-fly zone
+Area of commerce that encompasses farming or trapping certain furbearing animals, processing their skins for sale to manufacturers of fur garments, & marketing finished garments to retail outlets?
+Fur industry
+Arenas what 1,300- foot column of basalt do wyoming indians want to keep people from climbing?
+Devil's tower
+Ares, thor and mars are all what?
+Gods of war
+Aretha franklin sang 'think' in which film?
+Blues brothers
+Argentina what do x and y chromosomes combine in making?
+Ariel is a natural satellite of what planet?
+Ariel is a satellite of which planet in the solar system?
+Arkansas became a state on June 15 ____
+Arlanda is the airport which serves which European city?
+Arlington is the advanced form of what card game?
+Armadillos can walk where?
+Armoured glove?
+Arms in what language was bambi originally published?
+Armstrong Short, simple, descriptive poem idealizing country life?
+Army officer ranked below major-general?
+Army unit usually of 300-1000 men?
+Army what bird has double-plumed feathers?
+Aromatic bitter bark of S.American tree?
+Aromatic gum resin burnt as incense?
+Aromatic plant used for seasoning and salads?
+Around 3000 bc, what writing system originated in sumer?
+Around the perimeter of rome, a 250km labyrinth serves as a graveyard for the early christians is known as the?
+Arriving in New York, who famously said 'I have nothing to declare except my genius'?
+Oscar wilde
+Arrow who wrote the 'unfinished symphony'?
+Wolfgang amadeus mozart
+Art: 14th Century: What name was given to the dance of a skeleton or corpse leading people to the grave in order of social precedence?
+Danse macabre
+Art: 1980s: He used bold line and silhouette techniques to depict the women of the '80s?
+Patrick nagel
+Art: 19th Century: French lithographer chronicled repressive French government in mid 1800s?
+Honore daumier
+Art: 19th Century: Known for his rendering of ballet dancers?
+Edgar degas
+Art: Age at which Patrick Nagel died?
+Art: Born in Urbino in 1483, which Italian artist, with Leonardo and Michelangelo, is considered one of the three Masters of the High Renaissance?
+Art: By what name is the 16th century Italian painter Jacopo Robusti better known?
+Art: During the Renaissance, the iTalian Donatello was prominent in which field?
+Art: English painter 1887 - 1976?
+Laurence Stephen Lowry
+Art: For which type of paintings are 16th century artists Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver chiefly known?
+Art: How did racey Emin shock the art world in 1999?
+With her bed
+Art: In 1504 Michaelangelo completed the sculptureDavid which other Renaissance artist cast a bronze David in 1433?
+Art: In Son of Man (1964) by Rene Magritte, what hides the subjects face?
+An apple
+Art: Picasso was almost left for dead when he was born. who saved his life?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["His uncle", "uncle", "an uncle"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Art: Sculptor Rodin was working on a commision when he died, it has become one of his most famous works what was it?
+The thinker
+Art: she is famous for her airbrushed woman-animal art?
+Art: Szukalski was this country's greatest artist (until Hitler destroyed his work)?
+Art: The art of beautiful handwriting?
+Art: The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is ____
+Art: The artist Canaletto painted many views of which city?
+Art: The mona lisa is also known by the original name of?
+La gioconda
+Art: The work of which 20th century artist includes many compositions made up of maps,photographs and text such as A Hundred Mile walk?
+Richard long
+Art: This statue was found on the Greek island of Melos in 1820?
+Venus de milo
+Art: Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and ____
+Art: What Dutch master painted 64 self-portraits?
+Art: What hobby was developed by the Palmer Paint Company?
+Painting by numbers
+Art: What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them called?
+Art: What was the surname of the Dutch painter Rembrandt?
+Van rijn
+Art: Where on Van Goghs The Sunflowers at the National Gallery does the artists signature appear?
+On the vase
+Art: Which 17th century Dutch artist painted a famous series of self portraits?
+Art: Which 20th century artist has been called The King of Schlock Art?
+Morris katz
+Art: Which American architect developed geodesic domes?
+Richard buckminster fuller
+Art: Which American artist is famous for a picture of a can of beans?
+Andy Warhol
+Art: Which artist and self taught anatomist painted racehorses Molly Longlegs and Whistlejacket?
+George stubbs
+Art: Which artist featured a cemetary in his home town in his 1923-27 painting The Resurrection:Cookham?
+Stanley spencer
+Art: Which artist is known for his silk screen images of Marilyn Monroe?
+Andy warhol
+Art: which artist painted 62 self portraits?
+Art: Which artist painted The Ambassadors, a double portrait of Jean de Dintville and Georges de Selve?
+Hans holbein
+Art: Which artists most famous painting was The persistence of Memory?
+Art: Which northern artist has a new perfroming and visual arts centre in Salford named after him?
+L s lowrie
+Art: Which painting by Sir Edwin Landseer is owned by John Dewar &sons and featured on the labels of their whisky bottles?
+The monarch of the glen
+Art: Which post impressionist french artist renowned for his paintings of Tahiti was the subject of a Somerset Maugham novel?
+Paul gauguin
+Art: Which Renaissance artist painted Mystic Nativity 1500 which is now in the National Gallery, London?
+Sandro botticelli
+Art: Which Royal Academician in 1830 slipped one of his own works into the selection panel for an exhibition, only to have it rejected by his colleagues?
+John constable
+Art: Which Spanish painter painted the picture known as The Rokeby Venus?
+Art: Which Van gogh painting sold for ?44.38m in May 1990?
+Portrait of Dr Gachet
+Art: Who invented painting by numbers?
+Palmer paint company
+Art: Who is the sculptor of Newton on the piazza of the new British Library at St Pancras?
+Eduardo paolozzi
+Art: Who painted 'Irises'?
+Vincent Van Gogh
+Art: who painted self portrait with bandaged ear?
+Vincent van gogh
+Art: Who painted Snow storm- steamboat off a Harbours mouth?
+Art: Who painted the Mona Lisa?
+Leonardo da vinci
+Art: Whose painting exhibited in 1874 gave rise to the term Impressionism?
+Claude monet
+ART:Which artists most famous painting is The Blue Boy?
+Thomas Gainsborough
+ART:Who did a series of paintings of young men and light reflecting on water?
+David Hockney
+Artemis was the greek goddess of the ____
+Artificial barrier or obstacle on a motor racing course?
+Artificial rain was first used near ____, New Hampshire, in 1947 to fight a forest fire
+Artillery NCO below the rank of sergeant?
+As a result of 'cooking fires' going most of the time in the North American Indian longhouses, Huron Indian women often suffered from what as a result of the fires?
+As a result of their wearing high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres, as what were the first u.s. marines known?
+As at 29 October 2000 who is the Prime Minister of Australia?
+John howard
+As at 29 October 2000 who is the Prime Minister of Canada?
+Jean chretien
+As clear as a ____
+As close as two ____ in a pod
+As cute as a ____
+As fit as a ____
+As large as ____
+As mad as a ____
+Wet hen
+As much as 50 gallons of Maple ____ are used to make a single gallon of Maple Sugar
+As much as 50 gallons of maple sap are used to make a single gallon of maple____
+As Nick Park drove to the 1996 Oscar ceremony on a Wallace and Gromit-style red motorcycle and sidecar, why was he cautioned by the police?
+Not wearing a crash helmet
+As of 1983, an average of ____ Christmas cards were sent annually in the United States
+3 billion
+As of 1990, who held the major record for stolen bases?
+Ricky Henderson
+As of 2000, how old is motor trend magazine?
+As of july 1, 2000, how many people were in the world?
+As of November 2000, which golfer has won the most prize money in international competition?
+Greg norman
+As of the year 2000, how old is Motor Trend Magazine?
+As pale as a ____
+As part of the Queen Mothers birthday pageant in Aug 2000, which furry creatures marched past in Guardsmens uniforms?
+The wombles
+As pretty as a ____
+As seen from the Earth, what is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio?
+As seen from the Earth, what is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus?
+As sick as a ____
+As sly as a ____
+As the Pacific plate moves under its coast, the ____ Island of New Zealand is getting larger
+As to the origin of his alleged powers, Uri Geller maintains that they come from the distant planet of?
+As tough as ____
+As what did al capone's business cards identify him?
+Furniture dealer
+As what did Everton Weekes become Barbados' champion after retiring as his countrys cricket captain?
+As what did h.g wells refer to adolf hitler?
+Certifiable lunatic
+As what did kotex first manufactured in wwi?
+As what did Sir Walter Raleigh become famous?
+As what did the ancient greeks consider onions?
+As what does superstition say that peacock feathers shouldn't be used?
+House decorations
+As what is 'cape town' also known?
+As what is 'danny boy' also known?
+Londonderry air
+As what is 'south west township' known in south africa?
+As what is 7-up also known?
+As what is a camelopard also known?
+As what is a giraffe also known?
+As what is a gnu also known?
+As what is a moose also known?
+As what is a swimming pool also known?
+As what is a wildebeest also known?
+As what is America online known?
+As what is arizona known?
+Grand canyon state
+As what is Beethoven's piano sonata in C-sharp minor more commonly known?
+The moonlight sonata
+As what is boston also known?
+As what is British honduras now known?
+As what is carol anne duffy best know?
+As what is ceylon now known?
+Sri lanka
+As what is Cognoscenti v. Intelligentsia better known?
+Hanmster dance
+As what is Dutch guiana now known?
+As what is east pakistan now known?
+As what is frank thomas known?
+Big hurt
+As what is garlic also known?
+Stinky rose
+As what is hungary also known?
+As what is infantile paralysis commonly?
+As what is Karim Al-Hussain better known?
+Aga khan
+As what is miami also known?
+Little havana
+As what is milan considered?
+Fashion capital
+As what is minus forty degrees celsius the same?
+Minus forty degrees fahrenheit
+As what is minus forty degrees fahrenheit the same?
+Minus forty degrees celsius
+As what is new jersey also known?
+Garden state
+As what is niagara falls also known?
+Honeymoon capital
+As what is pyrites commonly known?
+Fools gold
+As what is saccharin mainly used?
+As what is san francisco known?
+Queen of the pacific
+As what is south west africa now known?
+As what is Switzerland also known?
+As what is the 'londonderry air' also known?
+Danny boy
+As what is the 9th century kingdom of Alba now known?
+As what is the bowery known?
+Street of forgotten men
+As what is the devonian period also known?
+Age of fish
+As what is the exclamation point known to mathematicians?
+As what is the glue on israeli postage stamps certified?
+As what is the Gulf of Gascony now known?
+The bay of biscay
+As what is the international criminal police known?
+As what is the mississippi river known?
+Father of waters
+As what is the most frequently played segment of Wagners Lohengrin known?
+Here comes the bride
+As what is the painting 'arrangement in grey and black #1' known?
+Whistler's mother
+As what is the thyroid cartilage also known?
+Adam's apple
+As what is the tree with the botanical name 'Betula' better known?
+As what is tibet also known?
+Roof of the world
+As what is Washington also known?
+Evergreen state
+As what was 'the New York times' formerly known?
+New york daily news
+As what was 'the strip' in las vegas designated?
+Official scenic byway
+As what was Anne Bonney notorious in the 18th century?
+As what was bangladesh formerly known?
+East pakistan
+As what was Belize was formerly known?
+British honduras
+As what was cleopatra also known?
+Serpent of the nile
+As what was john f. kennedy airport formerly known?
+As what was kotex first manufactured in wwi?
+As what was Liberace famous?
+As what was lincoln park in Chicago originally used?
+As what was louis xiv also known?
+Sun king
+As what was Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie known as in the late 1800's?
+Hanging judge
+As what was surinam formerly known?
+Dutch guiana
+As what was the 19th century Prime Minister Arthur Wellesley better known?
+Duke of wellington
+As what was the taj mahal built?
+As what was tomato ketchup once sold?
+As what was veronica lake known?
+Peekaboo girl
+As what were 'the supremes' originally known?
+As who is o'shea jackson known?
+Ice cube
+As who is terry bollea known?
+Hulk hogan
+As who is the frankish ruler Charles the great better known?
+As who, was Lev Davidovitch Bronstein better known?
+Leon trotsky
+As whom is marvin lee aday better know as?
+As whom was fitness expert Derrick Evans better known?
+Mr motivator
+As whom was Jan Ludvik Hoch better known?
+Robert maxwell
+Ascorbic acid & sodium ascorbate are the most common forms of which vitamin?
+Vitamin c
+Ashord/V. Simpson)?
+Whitney houston
+Ashton Kutcher's famous older wife is whom?
+Demi Moore
+Aside from Brussels, What other city contains the EU's main governing bodies?
+Asimov Anthony: In the Xanth series, what is our world called?
+Asimov Anthony: Name the third Apprentice Adept book?
+Asimov Anthony: To date there are ____ Xanth novels
+Asimov Anthony: What did the Cosmic AC say after reversing entropy?
+Let there be light
+Asimov Anthony: Which drunk driver victim did Anthony incorporate into Xanth?
+Asimov Anthony: Which of Humfrey's wives was a demoness?
+Asimov Anthony: Who (FULL name) did Anthony model Humfrey after?
+Lester del rey
+Asimov Anthony: Who is Grundy's daughter?
+Asimov Anthony: Who is Ivy's twin sister?
+Asparagus is a member of which family?
+Assam, darjeeling and oolong are all types of what?
+Associated with 'blues' music, which instrument is nicknamed a 'mississippi saxophone'?
+Association who was the norse goddess of love and fertility?
+Assuming ____ was in front, there are 40320 ways to rearrange the other eight reindeer
+Assuming Rudolph was in front, there are ____ ways to rearrange the other eight reindeer
+Assuming Rudolph was in front, there are 40320 ways to rearrange the other ____ reindeer
+Astology - Who was born when Pluto, the astrological sign for death, was directly above Dallas, Texas?
+John F. Kennedy
+Astrological Signs?
+Astrology: Our galaxy is commonly known called ____
+Milky way
+Astrology: The moon is exalted when it is in which sign?
+Astrology: the ram is?
+Astrology: What is Julia Robert's astrological sun sign?
+Astrology: What is the astrological sign for death?
+Astrology: What is the only sign in the zodiac which doesn't represent a living thing?
+Astrology: What is the ruling planet of the sign Taurus?
+Astrology: What is the zodiac sign for july 15?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the archer?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the bull?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the crab?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the fish?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the goat?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the lion?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the ram?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the scales?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the scorpion?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the twins?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the virgin?
+Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the water carrier?
+Astrology: What is the zodiacal symbol for Capricorn?
+Astrology: What is the zodiacal symbol for Pisces?
+Astrology: What is the zodiacal symbol for Sagittarius?
+Astrology: What is the zodiacal symbol for Virgo?
+Astrology: What planet rules beauty and romance?
+Astrology: What was the last age before the Age of Aquarius?
+Age of pisces
+Astrology: Which constellation is represented by a goat?
+Astrology: Which month has a diamond as a birthstone?
+Astrology: Which sign in the zodiac is said to be the most powerful?
+Astronaut Buzz Aldrinn was the second man to walk on the moon, his mother's maiden name was quirky, what was it?
+astronomical name for the big dipper?
+Ursa major
+Astronomy: 1980s: ____ discovers 2 partial rings of Neptune in 1989
+Voyager 2
+Astronomy: 19th Century: In 1877 ____ Hall discovers Mars's moon Deimos
+Astronomy: 19th Century: In 1877 Asaph ____ discovers Mars's moon Deimos
+Astronomy: 19th Century: In 1877 Asaph Hall discovers ____ 's moon Deimos
+Astronomy: 19th Century: In 1877 Asaph Hall discovers Mars's moon ____
+Astronomy: 99% of the solar system mass is concentrated in the____
+Astronomy: A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) ____
+Astronomy: As what is Polaris also known?
+North Star
+Astronomy: As what is the North Star also known?
+Astronomy: Does Uranus have an aurora?
+Astronomy: From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was ____
+Astronomy: How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth?
+Astronomy: How many planets are there in our solar system?
+Astronomy: How many planets are there in our solar system?
+Astronomy: If you're in the northern hemisphere, Polaris, the North Star, can be found by looking which direction?
+Astronomy: Mars is ____ kilometres in diameter
+Astronomy: Mars is ____ miles in diameter
+Astronomy: Mars is ____ million kilometres from the Sun
+Astronomy: Mars is sometimes called the ____ planet
+Astronomy: Mars takes ____ Earth days to circle the sun
+Astronomy: Mythology: What gods are the planets of our solar system named after?
+Roman gods
+Astronomy: Name the largest planet in the solar system?
+Astronomy: Name the second-largest planet in the solar system?
+Astronomy: Of all the planets in our Solar System, which is the largest?
+Astronomy: Our galaxy is commonly known as the ____
+Milky Way
+Astronomy: Planets?
+Astronomy: Saturday is named after which planet?
+Astronomy: The Big Dipper is part of what constellation?
+Ursa major
+Astronomy: The fourth planet from the sun is ____
+Astronomy: The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is ____
+Astronomy: The North Star is also known as ____
+Astronomy: The planet closest to the sun is ____
+Astronomy: The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ____ galaxy
+Astronomy: The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ____
+Astronomy: The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ____
+Astronomy: There are ____ planets in this solar system
+Astronomy: This cluster of stars is also known as the Seven Sisters?
+Astronomy: This comet appears every 76.3 years?
+Comet Halley
+Astronomy: This comet appears every 76.3 years?
+Astronomy: This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's?
+Astronomy: Triple star system, also called rigil kent, in the constellation Centaurus?
+Alpha centauri
+Astronomy: Venus has how many moons?
+Astronomy: Venus is ____ kilometres in diameter
+Astronomy: Venus is ____ miles in diameter
+Astronomy: Venus is ____ million kilometres from the Sun
+Astronomy: Venus takes nearly ____ Earth days to circle the Sun
+Astronomy: what cluster of stars is also known as the plow or the wagon?
+Big dipper
+Astronomy: What constellation is represented by scales?
+Astronomy: What is the astronomical name for a group of stars?
+Astronomy: What is the fifth planet in our solar system?
+Astronomy: What is the frequency of Halley's Commets return to earth orbit?
+76 years
+Astronomy: What is the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox?
+Harvest moon
+Astronomy: What is the largest of the asteroids in our solar system?
+Astronomy: What is the largest planet in our solar system?
+Astronomy: What is the largest planetary moon in our solar system?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Aquila?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Auriga?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Camelopardalis?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Canes Venatici?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cassiopeia?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cepheus?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Coma Berenices?
+Berenice's Hair
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Corona Borealis?
+Northern Crown
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cygnus?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Delphinus?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Draco?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Equuleus?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lacerta?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Leo Minor?
+Lesser Lion
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lyra?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ophiuchus?
+Serpent Bearer
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Sagitta?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Serpens?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Triangulum?
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Major?
+Great Bear
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Minor?
+Little Bear
+Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Vulpecula?
+Astronomy: What is the most essential tool in astronomy?
+Astronomy: What is the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe?
+Big Bang
+Astronomy: What is the name for a group of stars?
+Astronomy: What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star?
+Black hole
+Astronomy: What is the name given to a group of stars?
+Astronomy: What is the name of brightest asteroid visible from earth?
+Astronomy: What is the ocean of air around the earth called?
+Astronomy: What is the only day named after a planet?
+Astronomy: What is the proper name for falling stars?
+Astronomy: What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called?
+Astronomy: What is the technical name for 'falling stars'?
+Astronomy: What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space?
+Astronomy: What is the term for the path followed by a body in space?
+Astronomy: What is your zodiac sign if you are born on August 9th?
+Astronomy: What is your zodiac sign if you are born on july 15?
+Astronomy: What is your zodiac sign if you are born on July 15th?
+Astronomy: What is your zodiac sign if you're born on New Years Day?
+Astronomy: What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon?
+Astronomy: What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon?
+Astronomy: What planet boasts the Great Red Spot?
+Astronomy: What planet is nearest the sun?
+Astronomy: What's the nearest galaxy to our own?
+Astronomy: When does a full moon rise?
+Astronomy: Where is the largest volcano in our solar system?
+Astronomy: Which is the largest planet in our solar system?
+Astronomy: Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise?
+Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 10th October?
+Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 12th August?
+Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 14th November?
+Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 16th November?
+Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st April?
+Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st October?
+Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th May?
+Eta Aquarids
+Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th November?
+Astronomy: Which of the planets has the shortest year?
+Astronomy: Which planet does the moon Callisto belong to?
+Astronomy: Which planet in our solar system orbits closest to the sun?
+Astronomy: Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid?
+Astronomy: Which planet is known as the red planet?
+Astronomy: Which planet was discovered in 1930?
+Astronomy: Which star is nearest the Earth?
+Astronomy: Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun?
+Nicolaus Copernicus
+Astronomy: Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter?
+Astronomy: Who invented the telescope?
+Galileo Galilei
+Asuncion is the capital of ____
+At 12 years old, an ____ named Ernest Loftus made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for 91 years
+At 12 years old, an African named ____ made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for 91 years
+Ernest loftus
+At 12 years old, an African named Ernest Loftus made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for ____ years
+At 30 miles long, in which north American city would you find figueroa street?
+Los angeles
+At 45, what did boxer, George Foreman win?
+Heavyweight championship
+At 45, what did george foreman win?
+Heavyweight championship
+At 7900 feet, is the deepest canyon in North America, deeper even than the Grand Canyon?
+Hell's Canyon
+At 9,970,610 km2, Canada is the world's second-largest ____
+At a fair in Maine, a boy spit a ____ seed 38 ft
+At a fair in Maine, a boy spit a watermelon seed ____ ft
+At a glance, the Celsius scale makes more sense than the Fahrenheit scale for temperature measuring. But its creator, Anders Celsius, was an oddball scientist. When he first developed his scale, he made freezing 100 degrees and boiling 0 degrees, or upside down. No one dared point this out to him, so fellow scientists waited until Celsius died to change the scale. True or False?
+At a jet plane's speed of ____ miles per hour, the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length
+At age 16, ____ was a corn inspector
+At age 16, Confucius was a ____ inspector
+At age____ , Confucius was a corn inspector
+At andrew Jackson's funeral in 1845, his pet parrot had to be removed. Why?
+Because it was swearing
+At any given time, there are ____ thunderstorms in progress over the earth's atmosphere
+At any given time, there are 1,800 ____ going on around the world
+At birth a ____ is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces
+At birth a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about ____ ounces
+At darts, what is a score of 26 called?
+Bed & breakfast
+At full tilt, Pumas can leap a distance of about ____ feet
+At funerals in ancient ____, when the lid of the coffin was closed, mourners took a few steps backward lest their shadows get caught in the box
+At how many revolutions per minute does a long play record turn?
+Thirty three and a third
+At latitude ____ degrees south you can sail all the way around the world
+At least how many times a year does one blink?
+Ten million
+At Mcdonalds in New Zealand, what kind of pies do they serve instead of cherry ones?
+At one time, 6 white beads of this Indian currency were worth one penny?
+At present, the tallest (twin) tower office block in the world is?
+Petronas towers
+At room temperature, the average air molecule travels at the speed of a ____ bullet
+At the 1991 World championships in Tokyo, which British hurdler ran the last leg of the 4x400 relay to win gold for Britain?
+Kris akabusi
+At the age of 5 a filly becomes a ____
+At the bar: what do you get when you mix tequila, triple sec and lime juice?
+A margarita
+At the battle of antietam, who commanded the xii corps for the union side?
+Joseph mansfield
+At the beginning of a game of draughts how many pieces does each player have?
+At the end of 'Planet of the Apes' what protruded from the rocks?
+Statue of Liberty
+At the end of which siege in 1954 were the French finally beaten in Vietnam?
+Dien bien phu
+At the equator the Earth spins at about ____ miles per hour
+At the f-1 grand prix race which killed aryton senna, which other driver suffered the same cruel fate?
+At the height of inflation in Germany in the early 1920s, one U.S. dollar was equal to ____ German marks
+4 quintillion
+At the height of its power, in 400 B.C., the Greek city of ____ had 25,000 citizens and 500,000 slaves
+At the height of its power, in 400 b.c., this greek city had 25,000 citizens and 500,000 slaves?
+At the height of the teddy bear's huge popularity in the early 1900s, there is record of one Michigan priest who publicly denounced the teddy as an insidious weapon. He claimed that the stuffed toy would lead to the destruction of the instincts of ____ and eventual racial suicide
+At the Montreal Olympics, Nelli Kim was judged to have given a perfect performance in the floor exercise and which other discipline?
+At the nearest point , Russia and America are less than ____ km apart
+At the outbreak of World War I, the American ____ consisted of only fifty men
+Air force
+At the tip of which continent is Cape Horn?
+South America
+At the turn of the last millennium, ____ Ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the Vikings
+At the turn of the last millennium, Dublin Ireland had the largest ____ market in the world, run by the Vikings
+At the turn of the last millennium, dublin Ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the____
+At the turn of the last____ , Dublin Ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the Vikings
+At twelve noon GMT on London what time is it in Aukland, New Zealand?
+At what age did Bill Gates write his first software program?
+At what age did robbie williams join take that?
+At what age does a filly become a mare and a colt become a horse?
+Five years
+At what airport did Israeli commandos free 103 hostages in 1976?
+At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow?
+Forty degrees
+At what atoll in the South Pacific did the U S do bomb nuclear bomb test in 1946?
+Bikini atoll
+At what do girasol plants look?
+The sun
+At what does singapore use the colors blue and yellow to ward off evil spirits?
+At what does singapore use the colours blue and yellow to ward off evil spirits?
+At what famed london studio was part of graceland waxed in?
+Abbey road studio
+At what law firm could you find the defenders?
+Preston & preston
+At what point in a meal would you serve potage?
+At what sport did Italian Giacomo Agostini compete?
+Motor cycling
+At what temperature in celcius degrees does alcohol freeze?
+At what temperature should 'rice wine' be served?
+At what time did the hiroshima bomb detonate?
+8:15 am
+At what weight did Frank Bruno win a boxing world championship title?
+At which address will you find the White House?
+1600 pennsylvania avenue
+At which American University were four students shot dead , while protesting against the Vietnam War?
+At which American University were four students shot dead in 1970 whilst protesting against the Vietnam War?
+Kent state, ohio
+At which battle did General James Scarlett lead the Charge of the heavy Brigade?
+At which battle did the charge of the light brigade take place?
+At which battle did the English prince edward the black crush the french army, capturing the french king and his nobles?
+At which battle of 1513 was King James IV of Scotland killed?
+At which battle was James Duke of Monmouth defeated in 1685 as he tried to seize the English throne?
+At which city would you find the Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, Stone's Brewery and Midland railway station?
+At which city would you find the National Water Sports Centre, Hardy Hanson Brewery and Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem Inn?
+At which conference in 1944 was the International Monetary System, including the I.M.F. and the World Bank, set up?
+Bretton woods
+At which Grand Prix circuit did Ayrton Senna lose his life?
+San marino
+At which grand prix did nikki lauda make his comback?
+At which high school did mr novak teach?
+Jefferson high
+At which important event did mr.s.r bastard oficiate in 1878?
+The f a cup final
+At which lengthy battle did 10,000 athenians defeat 20,000 persians?
+At which meeting did allied leaders complete plans for the defeat for Germany in ww2 and the foundation of the united nations?
+Yalta conference
+At which Olympic games did Olga Korbut win three gold medals?
+At which olympic games did steve redgrave win his first gold medal?
+Los angeles
+At which olympics did zola budd accidentally trip mary decker?
+At which Paris terminus does the Eurostar train from London arrive?
+Gare du nord
+At which school did Ken Barlow teach?
+Bessie street
+At which sport did Yvonne McGregor win a bronze medal for Great Britain at the Sydney Olympics?
+At which sport do Oxford and Cambridge Universities compete for the Bowring Bowl?
+At which town did Livingstone and Stanley meet in 1871?
+At which university did spike lee teach?
+At which university did the poet philip larkin work as a librarian?
+At which weight was boxer Freddie Mills World Champion?
+Light heavyweight
+At whose court was merlin the wizard?
+King arthur
+Athens is the capital of ____
+Athletics: who won a consecutive 122 races at 400m hurdles between 1977 - 1987?
+Edwin moses
+Athousand miles name the artist?
+Vanessa carlton
+Athropod with worm like body and many legs?
+Atilla the Hun is thought to have been a?
+Atlanta is the capital of ____
+Atmosphere: What is the stratosphere immediately above?
+Atmosphere: What is the troposphere immediately lower than?
+Attend a party uninvited?
+Attribution of human form or qualities to that which is not human?
+Auctioneer's or judge's hammer?
+August 2002, Abs reached the UK top ten with this song?
+What you got
+August 2002, Gareth Gates had a second top ten uk hit with this song?
+Anyone of us
+August 2002, he made it! Darius' no 1 UK hit?
+August 2002, no 2 uk hit for the Sugarbabes?
+August 2002, Shakiras 2nd UK top 20 record?
+Underneath your clothes
+August 2002, Uk top 20 hit for the S Club Juniors?
+Automatic high
+August 2002, who had a no 1 UK hit with Crossroads?
+Blazin' squad
+August 2002, Who had a top 10 uk hit with Just the Way?
+August 2002, who had a top ten uk hit with a cover of Madonnas Like a prayer?
+August 2002, Who had a top ten uk hit with Starry eyed?
+August 2002, who had a uk top 20 hit with I'm alive?
+Celine Dion
+August is the month when most ____ 's are born
+Auguste Rodin was famous in which field of the arts?
+Aurora borealis are more commonly referred to as what?
+Northern lights
+Aussie rules, a game popular in Australia, is also played in a similar form in Ireland, known as?
+Gaelic football
+Austin is the capital of what state?
+Australia is the richest source of mineral ____ in the world
+Australia was originally created to serve as a British ____ colony
+Australia: which Australian state would you find the great ocean road?
+Australia: which little bird would you go to see at phillip island (victoria)?
+Fairy penguin
+Australia: which river flows through the city of melbourne?
+Yarra river
+Australia's oldest university?
+Sydney university
+Australia's original name contained which words?
+Terra incognita
+Austria is a leading port on which river?
+Authority charged with the disposition of legal actions involving children?
+Juvenile court
+Average age of top ____ executives in 1994: 49.8 years
+Average age of top GM executives in 1994: ____ years
+Avery Laser Labels are ____ after company founder R. Stanton Avery
+Aviation: How many 'Air Force One'(s) are there?
+Aviation: This airline was founded on July 13, 1925 as Western Air Express, and is now known today as ____
+Aviation: This airline, with the Douglas Aircraft Co., developed the first modern, efficient airliner - the DC-1?
+Aviation: This was the first airline to fly the Atlantic in scheduled service using the Doppler radar system?
+Aviation: This was the first airline to install a dynamometer-type engine test cell, resulting in greater accuracy and safety at less cost?
+Aviation: This was the first airline to offer low-cost air transportation between the United States and Europe?
+Aviation: This was the first airline to require the its pilots have a flight plan, flight log, flight clearance, and cockpit check lists?
+Aviation: Who built the spruce goose?
+Howard hughes
+Axe with an arched blade at right angle to handle?
+Badlands is a feature of which American state?
+South dakota
+Baldies real and fictional (shaved, balding or bald) full names?
+Sinead O'Connor
+Ball and ____
+Ballet: Ballet sensation rudolf nureyev leaps over the ____ to defect to the west
+Iron curtain
+Ballet: what is a leap from one foot to another?
+Ballet: what is the main body of ballet dancers?
+Corps de ballet
+Ballet: what is the short, stiff skirt worn in classical ballet?
+Ballet: what is the term for a movement in which the dancer spins completely round on one foot?
+Ballet: what is the term for a turn in which the dancer whips free leg around?
+Balmoral castle is on the banks of which Scottish river?
+River dee
+Baltic Republics?
+Baltimore has one of the world's largest ____
+Natural harbors
+Bamboo (the world's tallest grass) can grow up to ____ cm in a day
+Banaba (or ocean island) is found in which country?
+Band of decoration especially at the top of a wall?
+Band to keep up stockings?
+Banff, Alberta is famous Arnold the world for what?
+Hot Springs
+Banging your head against a wall can burn up to ____ calories per hour
+Bantu-speaking people of southern africa?
+Barbara 'I Dream Of Jeannie' Eden was married to an actor who once portrayed Cochise. Name him?
+Michael ansara
+Barbara Streisand was the female lead in 'Hello, Dolly'- Who was the male lead?
+Walter Matthau
+Barbary apes live on what mediterranean feature?
+Rock of gibraltar
+Barclays bank in Enfield was the first in the world to have what?
+Automatic cash dispenser
+Barnacle, Canada and Brent are all types of what?
+Baron pierre de coubertin is the founding father of the modern?
+Barrel, breech and stock are all parts of a what?
+Bart's baby-sitter and first love. (Sarah Gilbert)?
+Laura Powers 
+Bauxite is the principal ore of Aluminium, which other element is combined with the metal in this ore?
+Bay city is the setting of what tv soap opera?
+Another world
+BCG is a vaccination for which disease?
+Be a sport: how many stumps are there in a cricket wicket?
+Be Prepared: A Cub Scout Pack is divided up into several ____, of about 8 boys each
+Be Prepared: derge's Boy Scout Troop number. Also the US President's house number?
+Be Prepared: Founder of the Boy Scouts?
+Lord robert baden-powell
+Be Prepared: Give the colors of the 3 ribbons on the Webelos thing (alphabetical, no commas)?
+Green red yellow
+Be Prepared: How many total merit badges are required for Eagle (as of 1995)?
+Be Prepared: Large, regional division of the BSA. Analogous to the OA's lodge?
+Be Prepared: Points 4-6 of the ScoutLaw?
+Friendly courteous kind
+Be Prepared: Points 7-9 of the Scout Law?
+Obedient cheerful thrifty
+Be Prepared: Scout slogan?
+Do a good turn daily
+Be Prepared: The top adult leader of a Boy Scout troop is given this title?
+Be Prepared: What is Explorer Scouting's equivalent of the Troop?
+Be Prepared: What is the only Cub Scout/Webelos award that may be kept as a Boy Scout?
+Arrow of light
+Beans who was the only actor to become president of the u.s.a?
+Ronald reagan
+Beasley how much does park place cost in monopoly?
+Four hundred fifty dollars
+Beautiful lake lucern can be visited in what european country?
+Beaver what is barbi's full name?
+Barbara millicent roberts
+Because of a large orbital eccentricity, ____ was closer to the sun than Neptune between January 1979 and March 1999
+Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown____
+Because the back part of their feet are made up of fat and no bone, on what do elephants walk?
+Because their boss was never around, whom did bosley help?
+Charlie's angels
+Before 1992 what 4 letters were on Soviet Olympic vests?
+Before Canberra, which city was the capital of Australia?
+Before he carved the heads at Mount Rushmore, who had the sculptor been asked to carve into Stone Mountain in Georgia?
+Robert lee, stonewall jackson and jefferson davis
+Before he was a safety inspector, what was Homer's job at SNPP?
+Technical Supervisor 
+Before joining Crosby and Stills, Graham Nash sang with which group?
+Before Martha Reeves began singing with the Vandellas, what job did she hold at Motown?
+Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone Who was he?
+Ham Gravy
+Before Olive Oyl met Popeye she was engaged to someone. Who was he?
+Ham Gravy
+Before playing Captain Kangaroo, what role did Bob Keeshan play on Howdy doody?
+Clarabelle the Clown
+Before she was a pop star, why was Samantha Fox in the British tabloids?
+She was a page three girl
+Before the 1800's there were no separately designed ____ for right and left feet
+Before the age of steel, skateblades were made of?
+Before the British burned it in 1814, what was the name of 'the white house'?
+Grey house
+Before the Chinese take-over of Tibet in 1952, 25 percent of the males in the country were ____
+Buddhist monks
+before the invention of pens what was a feather called when it was trimmed and used for writing?
+Before the Second World War, it was considered a sacrilege to even touch an?
+Emperor of Japan
+Before wwii, the New York phone book had 22 listings for what surname, and none after wwii?
+Behind greenland what is the second largest island in the world?
+New guinea
+Beirut is the capital of ____
+Belgian and Swiss unit of currency?
+Belgium, the Netherlands and luxembourg came together in 1948 to form an economic union, known as what?
+Belgrade is the capital of ____
+Belgrade lies on the danube and which other river?
+Bell bottom blues (1971) was done by what great group?
+Derek and the dominoes
+Bell hanging at Lloyds of london?
+Bell metal is an alloy of what?
+Tin & copper
+Bell's palsy results in numbness in which area?
+Beneath which paris monument is the tomb of france's unknown soldier?
+Arc de triomphe
+Berlage is know for his what?
+Bernard ____ of London managed to sustain a fart for an officially recorded time of 2 mins 42 seconds
+Bernard Clemmens of London managed to sustain a ____ for an officially recorded time of 2 mins 42 seconds
+Berne is the capital of ____
+Besides being candidates for president in the 1996 U S elections, what do Bill Clinton, Ross Perot & Bob Dole have in common?
+All left handed
+Besides gin, what other alcoholic drink is used to make a White Lady cocktail?
+Bet you don't know ;-): The two sexes of humans are male and ____
+Betsy Ross is the only real person to ever have been the head of a ____
+Pez dispenser
+Better known by her maiden name, who was the 1930s aviation pioneer mrs. mollison?
+Amy johnson
+Betty Boo was doing 'the doo' in what year?
+Betty Rubble's Maiden name was?
+Betty jean mcbricker
+between 1937 & 1942 which American theoretical physicist built the fist digital computer?
+John v atansoff
+Between 25% to 33% of the population ____ when they are exposed to light
+Between the two World War's, France was controlled by ____ different governments
+Between what ages is a brandy or port described as VSO?
+12 to 17 years
+Between what ages is a brandy or port described as VSOP?
+20 to 25 years
+Between where does the ureter carry urine?
+Kidneys and bladder
+Between which two cities did the first regular passenger flights start in 1919?
+Paris and london
+Between which two countries does Offa's Dyke run?
+England & Wales
+Between who was the shortest war in history?
+Zanzibar and England
+Bezique is a?
+Card game
+Bezique, piquet and pinochle are all types of what?
+Card games
+Biko was involved in what protest movement?
+Bill gates invented which os?
+Bill gates was the founder of which company?
+Billion what can release approximately one billion grains of pollen?
+Ragweed plant
+Billy Blanks is known for popularizing what martial art?
+Tae bo
+Biology: ____ eyes are the most sensitive to light, dark brown the least sensitive
+Biology: 99% of all life forms to exist on Earth are now?
+Biology: A ____ acquires fingerprints at the age of three months
+Biology: A baby doctor is a ____
+Biology: A bone specialist is a(n) ____
+Biology: A human has a bone just after the spine ends, which proves that humans once had ____
+Biology: A loss of memory is known as ____
+Biology: A mass of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat?
+Biology: A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a ____
+Biology: A non-cancerous tumor is said to be ____
+Biology: A salt enema was given to children to rid them of ____
+Biology: A sore on the eyelid?
+Biology: A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) ____
+Biology: Animal or plant without the normal pigmentation of its species?
+Biology: another name for a tendon?
+Biology: Area accumulating pus within body tissue?
+Biology: As what is haemophilia also known?
+Royal disease
+Biology: Babies are born without?
+Knee caps
+Biology: Babies knee caps don't appear until the child reaches ____ years of age
+2 - 6
+Biology: Bacteria, the tiniest free-living cells, are so small that a single drop of liquid contains as many as ____ of them
+50 million
+Biology: Benthos are plants and animals living where?
+Biology: Biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment?
+Biology: Blonde beards grow ____ than darker beards
+Biology: Blood can be artificially cleansed via what process?
+Biology: Blue eyes are the most sensitive to light, ____ the least sensitive
+Dark brown
+Biology: Bone of the forearm?
+Biology: Brain damage occurs at an internal temperature of ____ degrees Fahrenheit
+Biology: Bursitis affects the knee, what is its common name?
+Housemaids knee
+Biology: By what name is the tendon at the back of the ankle known?
+The achilles
+Biology: By what process is rock worn down by the weather?
+Biology: By which other name is the shinbone known?
+The tibia
+Biology: Carditis, affects the ____
+Biology: Caries is an extremely common disease, by which name is it better known?
+Tooth decay
+Biology: Colourless constituent of blood?
+Biology: Despite accounting for just one-fiftieth of body weight, the ____ burns as much as one-fifth of our daily caloric intake
+Biology: Do the pupils in a person's eyes get larger or smaller in bright light?
+Biology: Do your pores open or close when your body is hot?
+Biology: Doctors often have this instrument around their neck?
+Biology: Due to a lack of vitamin C, sailors used to contract this disease?
+Biology: Each body cell contains how many chromosomes?
+Biology: Each square inch of human skin contains seventy-two feet of what?
+Biology: Eczema affects which part of the body?
+Biology: Encephalitis affects the ____
+Biology: Every human has one of these on their tummies?
+Biology: Except for sex cells, all human cells contain 23 pairs of what?
+Biology: Exercise the mind in the contemplation of spiritual matters?
+Biology: Flat, round, brown spots on the skin that contain an excess of melanin, the human skin pigment?
+Biology: Flattened, oblong organ that removes disease-producing organisms & worn-out red blood cells from the bloodstream?
+Biology: Flattened, pear-shaped, hollow organ in the pelvis of the human female & most other mammals?
+Biology: For which congenital disability was spastic a common name?
+Cerebral palsy
+Biology: From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to ____ in size
+Biology: Gastritis affects the ____
+Biology: Graves disease is caused by excessive production of what?
+Thyroid hormone
+Biology: Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of ____
+Biology: Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ____
+Biology: Hard coating on the teeth?
+Biology: He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox?
+Edward jenner
+Biology: Hepatitis affects the ____
+Biology: Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company?
+Biology: How is German measles also known?
+Biology: How many blood cells are destroyed in the human body every second?
+15 million
+Biology: How many bones are there in the human body?
+Biology: How many chambers does the human heart have?
+Biology: How many large holes are in your head?
+Biology: How many large holes are in your head?
+Biology: How many litres of air is in an adult lung?
+Biology: How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body?
+Biology: How many teeth shoudl a person have?
+Thirty two
+Biology: How many times do your ribs move every year during breathing?
+Five million
+Biology: Human ____ are as strong as concrete
+Biology: Human ____ is estimated to grow at 0.00000001 miles per hour
+Biology: Human adults breathe about ____ time a day
+Biology: Human birth control pills also work on what animal?
+Biology: Human bones can withstand stresses of ____ thousand pounds per square inch
+Biology: If body temperature was 86 degrees, how many years would a man man live?
+Two hundred
+Biology: If locked in a completely sealed room, of what will you die before you suffocate?
+Carbon monoxide poisoning
+Biology: In the early 20th century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat which illness?
+Biology: In the field of psychiatry this term means self-love?
+Biology: In what body part does an osteopath specialise?
+Biology: In what organ of the body is insulin produced?
+Biology: In which organ are the hepatic arteries?
+The liver
+Biology: In which organ is a pulmonary disease located?
+Biology: In which organ is Bile produced?
+Biology: Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as ____
+Biology: Infectious disease of horses, cattle, swine, & humans, also called lumpy jaw or big jaw?
+Biology: Infectious sexually transmitted disease of humans, spread by sexual contact, what primarily involves the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract?
+Biology: Intelligent people have more ____ and copper in their hair
+Biology: Intelligent people have more zinc and ____ in their hair
+Biology: Joint between femur and tibia?
+Biology: Lack of blood is called?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Anemia", "anaemia"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Biology: Lack of iron makes a person what?
+Biology: Lack of what is the cause of the deficiency disease 'kwashiorkor'?
+Biology: Lack of what makes albinos?
+Biology: Lack of what vitamin causes pellagra?
+Biology: Lack of which chemical compound in the body is linked with Parkinsons disease?
+Biology: Like fingerprints, what other print is individual?
+Biology: Lossof memory?
+Biology: Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of an ____
+Biology: Meningitis affects the ____
+Biology: Myositis affects what?
+Biology: Name the hardest substance in the human body?
+Biology: Name the largest artery in the human body?
+Biology: Name the largest gland in the human body?
+Biology: Name the largest gland in the human body?
+The liver
+Biology: North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the ____
+Biology: North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder?
+Gravel and stones
+Biology: Of or concerned with the voice?
+Biology: Of what does the typical man have 13,000?
+Biology: Of what is keratitis an inflammation?
+Biology: On what part of the body is an 'LTK procedure' performed?
+Biology: On what side should you sleep to improve digestion?
+Biology: Organ system for changing food chemically for absorption by body tissues?
+Digestive system
+Biology: Osteomyelitis affects the ____
+Biology: Peritonitis, affects the ____
+Biology: Photosynthesis is the process by which light converts carbon dioxide & water to sugar (glucose) & what substance?
+Biology: Portion of the central nervous system contained within the skull?
+Biology: Prosthetics deals with the making of ____
+Artificial limbs
+Biology: Received by the ear?
+Biology: Small stirrup shaped bone of the middle ear?
+Biology: Sperm is the smallest single ____ in a mans body
+Biology: Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a(n) ____
+Biology: The arteries & veins surrounding the brain stem are called what?
+Circle of willis
+Biology: The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ____
+Biology: The correct name for the voice box is the ____
+Biology: The first rubber gloves were used during surgery in 1890, 1910 or 1920?
+Biology: The lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre?
+Biology: The largest single organ of the human body is the ____
+Biology: The medical name for the voice box is the ____
+Biology: The parasitic organism plasmodium, carried by an insect, transmits which disease?
+Biology: The philtrum is a groove on the exterior of the body, where?
+Between the nose and lip
+Biology: The small endocrine glands situated just above the kidneys?
+Biology: The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the ileum and the ____
+Biology: The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the jejenum and the ____
+Biology: The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the jejunum and the ____
+Biology: The small intestine is made up of the jejenum, the ileum and the ____
+Biology: The smallpox vaccine was invented in 1763, 1784 or 1798?
+Biology: The soft areas of the cartilage on a baby's head where the skull bones haven't joined is called what?
+Biology: The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as ____
+Biology: These animals were once used to bleed the sick?
+Biology: These attach muscles to bones or cartilage?
+Biology: These attach muscles to bones or cartilage?
+Biology: This branch of medicine deals with old age and its diseases?
+Biology: This complex substance makes up all living things?
+Biology: This disease consists of a purposeless, continual growth of white blood cells?
+Biology: This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine?
+Biology: This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed?
+Biology: This membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye?
+Biology: This organ is a small pouch that stores bile?
+Gall bladder
+Biology: This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals?
+Biology: This poisonous, oily liquid occurs in tobacco leaves?
+Biology: This protein makes the blood red in color?
+Biology: This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth?
+Biology: To what disability can keratitis lead?
+Biology: To what does the adjective buccal refer?
+Biology: Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of ____
+Biology: What appears when the sun activates melanocytes?
+Biology: What are looser than normal in a double-jointed person?
+Biology: What are the pads of cartilage between spinal vertebrae commonly known?
+Biology: What body function is improved if you sleep on your right side?
+Biology: What breed of dog has an inability to bark?
+Biology: What carries sensations from the tongue to the brain?
+Lingual nerve
+Biology: What did North American Indians eat to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder?
+Biology: What do the auricularis muscles move?
+Biology: What do white blood cells produce to fight antigens?
+Biology: What does a sphygmomanometer measure?
+Blood pressure
+Biology: What does encephalitus affect?
+Biology: What does hepatitis affect?
+Biology: What does HIV stand for?
+Human immunodeficiency virus
+Biology: What does the body release that dilates small blood vessels and so causes a person to blush?
+Biology: What does the lack of iodine in the diet cause?
+Biology: What does the pancreas produce?
+Biology: What element is lacking in a diet when goitre occurs?
+Biology: What falls out with phalacrosis?
+Biology: What fleshy muscular organ is joined to the hyoid bone?
+Biology: What gland secretes fluid that washes the eyes?
+Tear gland
+Biology: What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands?
+Biology: What instrument measures blood pressure?
+Biology: What is a Salamander?
+Biology: What is a skin specialist called?
+Biology: What is a the technical name for a heart attack?
+Myocardial infarct
+Biology: What is about to be measured when a doctor or nurse straps a sphygmomanometer on you?
+Blood pressure
+Biology: What is activated for freckles to appear?
+Biology: What is acute nasopharyngitis?
+A cold
+Biology: What is affected by cholecystitis?
+Gall bladder
+Biology: What is affected by otitis?
+The ear
+Biology: What is an organism called that lives on or in a host animal?
+Biology: What is another name for consumption?
+Biology: What is another name for tuberculosis?
+Biology: what is by far the largest organ of the human body?
+The skin
+Biology: What is cerumen?
+Biology: What is normal body temperature for an adult human (in degrees fahrenheit)?
+Biology: What is normal body temperature for an adult human?
+Biology: What is th econdition called when an internal organ protrudes through the wall of the cavity in which it is normally contained?
+Biology: what is the axilla better known as?
+Biology: What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts?
+Biology: What is the biological name for the shin bone?
+Biology: What is the biological term for the voice box?
+Biology: What is the common name for the disease parotitis?
+Biology: What is the common name for the larynx?
+Voice box
+Biology: What is the common name for the scapula?
+Shoulder blade
+Biology: What is the common name for the sternum?
+Biology: What is the common name for the talus bone?
+Ankle bone
+Biology: What is the common name for the tympanic membrane?
+Biology: What is the common name given to the third molar teeth?
+Wisdom teeth
+Biology: What is the fastest breed of dog?
+Biology: What is the fastest growing species of grass?
+Biology: What is the hardest bone in the human body?
+Biology: What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae?
+Biology: What is the medical term for cancer of the blood?
+Biology: What is the more common name for allergic rhinitis?
+Hay fever
+Biology: What is the most common animal?
+Sea worm
+Biology: What is the name given to an examination of a body by dissection to determine cause of death?
+Biology: What is the name of the bone in the lower leg?
+Biology: What is the name of the process used by green plants for obtaining food?
+Biology: What is the popular name for decompression sickness?
+The bends
+Biology: What is the process of converting glucose to energy in cells called?
+Biology: What is the proper name for the kneecap?
+The patella
+Biology: What is the royal disease?
+Biology: What is the scientific name for earwax?
+Biology: What is the Scientific name for the eardrum?
+Tympanic membrane
+Biology: What is the second largest bone in the foot?
+Biology: What is the smallest bone in the human body?
+Stirrup bone
+Biology: What is the study of insects called?
+Biology: What is the tibia more commonly known as?
+Shin bone
+Biology: what is your hallux'?
+Big toe
+Biology: What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism?
+Biology: What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain?
+Biology: What muscles move the ears?
+Biology: What name is given to a male bee?
+Biology: What name is given to a young frog?
+Biology: What name is given to animals which eat both plants and meat?
+Biology: What name is given to animals which have pouches?
+Biology: What name is given to animals which only eat meat?
+Biology: What name is given to animals which only eat plants?
+Biology: What name is given to opacity in the lens of the eye?
+Biology: What name is given to the bodys 24 hour cycle of sleeping, waking?
+Circadian rhythm
+Biology: what organ contains the islands of langerhans?
+The pancreas
+Biology: What protein makes blood red?
+Biology: What small region at end of medulla oblongata serves as 'bridge' to brain?
+Biology: What sort of body fat produces a dimpled effect on the skin?
+Biology: What toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head?
+Big toe
+Biology: What was given to children to rid them of threadworm?
+Salt enema
+Biology: What were foreman,longman,lecman and littleman old names for?
+The fingers
+Biology: What would you be doing if your soft palate and pharynx were vibrating because of an obstruction?
+Biology: What's the strongest muscle in the human body?
+The tongue
+Biology: What's the trasparent tissue that covers the iris and pupil of an eye called?
+The Cornea
+Biology: When a tumour is cancerous, what is it said to be?
+Biology: When does the human uterus expand 500 times its normal size?
+During pregnancy
+Biology: Where are one quarter of the bones in the human body?
+Biology: where are red blood cells formed?
+In the bone marrow
+Biology: Where are the deltoid muscles?
+On the shoulder
+Biology: Where do you find the medulla oblongata?
+Biology: Where in the body is the cochlea?
+The inner ear
+Biology: Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle?
+Biology: Where in the body would you find your olfactory lobes?
+Biology: Where is the carotid artery situated?
+In the neck
+Biology: Where is the coccyx?
+Base of the spine
+Biology: Where is the pituitry gland?
+Under the brain
+Biology: Where is the septum linguae?
+Biology: where is the temporal bone?
+Side of the skull
+Biology: where would you find carpal bones and tarsal bones respectively?
+Hands and feet
+Biology: Where would you find lymphocytes and thrombocytes?
+The blood
+Biology: Which acid is produced in the muscles during exercise?
+Lactic acid
+Biology: Which aperture allows light into the eye?
+Biology: Which bird became extinct in 1861?
+Biology: Which breed of dog has a name derived from the old name for Greece?
+Biology: Which disease is a virus infection and swelling of the parotid salivary glands?
+Biology: Which disease is spread by a body louse?
+Biology: which gland produces hormones to control the bodys metabolic rate?
+Biology: Which hormone regulates blood sugar level?
+Biology: which is the longest bone in the human body?
+Biology: Which is the most sensitive finger?
+Biology: Which joint is affected by a Potts fracture?
+Biology: Which part of a cat's eye reflects light?
+Biology: Which science studies animal behaviour in natural habitats?
+Biology: Which sense is stimulated by the reaction of the olfactory cells?
+Biology: Which sight defect is the opposite of hypermetropia?
+Biology: Which sight problem occurs in men far more then in women?
+Colour Blindness
+Biology: Which species of Elephant has the largest ears?
+Biology: Who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder?
+North American Indians
+Biology: Who developed the vaccine for smallpox?
+Edward Jenner
+Biology: Who discovered Penicillin?
+Alexander Fleming
+Biology: Who first used antiseptics?
+Joseph Lister
+Biology: Who invented the smallpox vaccine?
+Edward Jenner
+Biology: Who was the first to use rubber gloves during surgery?
+Dr. W. S. Halstead
+Biology: With age, what organ shrinks faster in males than in females?
+Biology: With what body part is otology involved?
+Biology: With which part of the body is dermatology concerned?
+Biology: You blink over ____ times a year
+Biology: You can't kill yourself by holding your?
+Biology: You're born with 300 bones, but when you get to be an adult, you only have?
+Biology: Your ____ holds your head to your shoulders
+Biology: Your epiglottis serves this purpose?
+Prevents choking
+Biology: Your heart beats over ____ times a day
+One hundred thousand
+Biology: Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your?
+Biology: Your nares are your ____
+Biology: Your ribs move about ____ times a year, every time you breathe
+Five million
+Bip is the alter-ego of which French mime artist known for his classic work 'Walking Against the Wind'?
+Marcel Marceau
+Bird droppings are chief ____ of Nauru, an island nation in the Western Pacific
+Bird droppings are chief export of____ , an island nation in the Western Pacific
+Bird of prey with a curved beak, rounded, short wings and a long tail?
+Birmingham is flanked by the M6 on the north and M5 on the west, which motorway flanks south & east?
+Birth-control campaigns in ____ in the late 1970s failed because village women ended up wearing the pills in lockets, as talismans
+Births: 1910s: In 1911 Prince ____ , Germany, (Constort to Queen Juliana of Netherlands), born in
+Births: 1910s: Slim ____ Kingsburg Calif, actor (Dr Strangelove, Blazing Saddles), born in 1919
+Births: 1920s: ____ Von Bulow accused of murdering his wife, born in 1926
+Births: 1920s: Claus ____ accused of murdering his wife, born in 1926
+Von bulow
+Births: 1930s: ____ Falwell televangelist, Moral Majority head, born in 1933
+Births: 1930s: Jerry ____ televangelist, Moral Majority head, born in 1933
+Births: 1930s: Jerry Falwell____ , Moral Majority head, born in 1933
+Births: 1940s: ____ Vos Savant St Louis Mo, writer/world's highest IQ (Guinness), born in 1946
+Births: 1940s: Gary ____ Goose Creek Tx, actor (Buddy Holly Story, Under Siege), born in 1944
+Births: 1940s: Marilyn Vos ____ St Louis Mo, writer/world's highest IQ (Guinness), born in 1946
+Births: 1950s: ____ Hogan [Terry Bollea], Ga, WWF heavyweight champion (1984-89), born in 1953
+Births: 1950s: ____ Wozniak cofounded Apple Computer, born in 1950
+Births: 1950s: Born in 1959, she was the actress possessed by the Devil in The Exorcist?
+Births: 1950s: Hulk ____ [Terry Bollea], Ga, WWF heavyweight champion (1984-89), born in 1953
+Births: Debbie Harry name the year she was born?
+Births: Malcolm Forbes was born in ____
+Births: Year Martin Luther was born?
+Birthstones: What is the birthstone for May?
+Birthstones: What is the birthstone for September?
+Bishops tall headdress?
+Black, cementlike material varying in consistency at room temperature from solid to semisolid?
+Blood is such a good stain that Native Americans used it for what?
+Bob Dole is ____ years older than the Empire State Building
+Bodrum in Turkey is on the site of which famous city?
+Book of information on many subjects?
+Book or table containing a calendar, together with astronomical and navigational data and, often, religious holidays, historical notes, proverbs, and astrological and agricultural forecasts?
+Born Yaron Cohen, to the dismay of a number of her fellow countrymen, she won which international competition in May 1998?
+Eurovision song contest
+Botany: ____ (the world's tallest grass) can grow up to 90 cm in a day
+Botany: ____ is a member of the thistle family
+Botany: 'honeydew' is a variety of what?
+Botany: A 'bunya-bunya' tree is native to which country?
+Botany: A shrub or tree with small yellow flowers sometimes called wattle?
+Botany: A smooth nut in a rough cuplike base, the fruit of the oak tree?
+Botany: A variety of which plant is known as Stinking corpse Lily?
+Botany: African tree with massive trunk and edible fruit?
+Botany: An oak tree has to be at least how old before it grows its first acorn?
+Fifty years
+Botany: Any of the separate parts of the calyx of a flower?
+Botany: Approximately how many years old are oak trees before they produce acorns?
+Botany: Aromatic plant, leaves of which are used to flavour salads?
+Botany: Bananas are actually what?
+Botany: Bananas do not grow on trees, but on ____
+Botany: Bananas grow pointing?
+Botany: By what name is the edible fruit of the plant Lycopersicon esculentum, a member of the deadly nightshade family better known?
+Botany: By what name is the flower woodbine better known?
+Botany: Calabrese is a form of which vegetable?
+Botany: Calypso, catteleya and pogonia are types of which flowering plant?
+Botany: Caribbean plant yeilding a substance used in cosmetics?
+Aloe vera
+Botany: Colourful shrub with drooping flowers?
+Botany: Common name applied to a perennial, trailing herb of the morning glory family?
+Sweet potato
+Botany: Common name applied to any of a family of evergreen shrubs & trees?
+Botany: Common name for a deciduous orchard tree of the rose family, & for the fruit of this tree?
+Botany: Common name for one of many poisonous, umbrella shaped fungi?
+Botany: Common name of the 6 ft rare flowering sumatran plant Amorphophallus titanum?
+Corpse Flower
+Botany: Corolla, filament and stigma are parts of a(n) ____
+Botany: Dark edible fruit of the bramble?
+Botany: Dark green fruit with creamy flesh?
+Avocado pear
+Botany: Deadly nightshade, drug obtained from this?
+Botany: Dense sea-water swamps along coasts of hot countries are called ____
+Botany: Digitalis came from which herb?
+Purple foxglove
+Botany: Do trees grow more quickly or slowly at night?
+More slowly
+Botany: Easy! What is grown in a paddy field?
+Botany: Fertiliser made of the dried excrement of fish eating sea birds?
+Botany: From where did the first banana come?
+Southern asia
+Botany: Fruit of the blackthorn?
+Botany: Hard acid yellowish pear shaped fruit used as a preserve or as a flavouring?
+Botany: Heather family of plannts?
+Botany: If a plant is latifolate what characteristic does it have?
+Broad leaves
+Botany: Indian fig tree with self-rooting branches?
+Botany: Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant?
+Botany: Myrtaceous tree of mostly Australian genus, such as the blue gum or ironbark, yielding a mecidinal oil from its leaves?
+Botany: Name given to cultivation of plants without soil?
+Botany: new zealand's most famous tree is a kauri standing over 51 metres high called?
+Tane mahuta
+Botany: No species of wild plant produces a flower or blossom that is absolutely what color?
+Botany: Oil derived from flax?
+Botany: One ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen?
+One billion
+Botany: One that lives one year?
+Botany: Paper is made from the pulp of ____
+Botany: Picea is the generic name for which tree?
+Botany: Plant based compound often used as a drug?
+Botany: Plant commonly known to cause stinging and itching, it is also edible when boiled?
+Botany: Plant community, predominantly of trees or other woody vegetation, occupying an extensive area of land?
+Botany: Plant of the lily family with edible shoots?
+Botany: Plant of which stalks are used as a vegetable?
+Botany: Plant with aromatic seeds used in Indian food?
+Botany: Plant with edible fruits in red green and yellow?
+Botany: Plant with oval, usually purple fruit used as a vegetable?
+Botany: Plant with pink, red or white flowers with backward turned leaves?
+Botany: Plant with pungent bulb used in cookery?
+Botany: Planting of trees in urban or desert areas?
+Botany: Plants with thick stems and fleshy leaves?
+Botany: Poison oak and poison ivy are members of what plant family?
+Botany: Poisonous alkaloid, c21h22n2o2, found in various plants of the genus strychnos, & obtained commercially from the seeds of the saint-ignatius's-bean & from nux vomica?
+Botany: Poisonous plant with small white flowers?
+Botany: Portion of vascular plants that commonly bears leaves & buds?
+Botany: Purple-reddish fruit named after the American judge and horticulturalist who first grew them?
+Botany: Raspberry, dewberry and blackberry are all members of what family?
+Botany: Species of willow used for baskets?
+Botany: The globular swollen stem at the base of some plants?
+Botany: The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree?
+Botany: The mass of feathery plumed seeds produced by plants of the genus Cirsium?
+Botany: The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ____
+Botany: These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps?
+Botany: This fruit has its seeds on the outside?
+Botany: This term means 'cone-bearing trees'?
+Botany: To which family does the coffee plant belong?
+Botany: Trees?
+Botany: tropical fruit of the American bromeliaceous plant, Ananas comosus?
+Botany: Tropical plant with large flowering bracts?
+Botany: Tropical shrub used for making hair dye?
+Botany: Tropical tree bearing edible orange fruit?
+Botany: What disease is carried by bark beetles?
+Dutch elm disease
+Botany: What is a crowfoot with yellow flowers?
+Botany: What is a flowering plant that lives three or more years called?
+Botany: What is a fly agaric?
+A mushroom
+Botany: What is mimulus commonly called?
+Monkey flower
+Botany: What is the common name for Helleborus Niger?
+Christmas rose
+Botany: What is the common name for Lunaria annua, purple flower that produces seeds which have silery paper like discs?
+Botany: What is the common name for Nigella damascena, which arises from the effect of the many thread like leaves growing along the whole of the stem?
+Love in a list
+Botany: What is the common name for the evergreen plant Ilex aquifolium?
+English holly
+Botany: What is the common name for the fungus called Phallus impudicus?
+Botany: What is the common name for the plant Dianthus barbatus?
+Sweet william
+Botany: What is the common name for the poisonous plant Atropa belladonna?
+Deadly nightshade
+Botany: what is the common name for Tropaeolum majus?
+Botany: What is the fruit of a rosebush called?
+Botany: What is the fruit of eucalyptus trees?
+Gum nuts
+Botany: What is the fruit of the 'Rubus fructicosus'?
+Botany: What is the fruit of the Anna Comosus?
+Botany: What is the fruit of the hawthorn called?
+Botany: What is the fruit of the Prunus Armeniaca?
+Botany: What is the name for an underground creeping stem that sends out shoots?
+Botany: What is the term for plants that produce shoots one year and flower,produce seeds and die the following year?
+Botany: What kind of plant is fescue?
+Botany: What plant is opium derived from?
+Botany: What si another name for an alligator pear?
+Botany: What sort of beans are most usually used to produce bean sprouts?
+Mung beans
+Botany: What type of tree is a redwood?
+Botany: Which common wild flower is known inScotland as Stinking Willie?
+Botany: Which flower is also called a flag?
+Botany: Which flower is sometimes called the Lent Lily?
+Botany: Which fruit has the name prunus persica?
+Botany: Which member of the Plumiera family of trees, unusually was named after a perfume rather than the other way around?
+Botany: Which parasitic plant was sacred to the druids?
+Botany: Which plant is also known as the Burning Bush?
+White dittany
+Botany: Which plant is the source of linen?
+Botany: Which plant was believed to shriek when pulled up?
+Botany: Which plants Latin name is Ficus Elastica?
+Rubber plant
+Botany: which tree has catkins in the spring and edible nuts in the autumn?
+Botany: which tree has the latin name fagus pupurea?
+Copper beech
+Botany: Which tree only produces acorns after it is fifty years old?
+Botany: With what acid do nettles cause irritation?
+Formic acid
+Botany: �Baby's Breath' is the common name for which plant?
+Botany: �daffodils' belong to which genus of bulb?
+Botany: �Herb of Grace', is the name given to which strong smelling herb?
+Botany: �panther cap', 'stinkhorn' and 'penny bun' are types of which plants?
+Bottom of the bag is the English translation of what French term?
+Botvinnik, petrosian and tal have all been world champions of what?
+Bougainville is part of which island group?
+Boy, as in Tallboy and Lowboy, is derived from the French word for what?
+Branch of medicine concerned with hair and its diseases?
+Brazilia is the capital of ____
+Brazzaville is the capital of ____
+Breakers footrace what does the Irish 'dubh linn' mean?
+Breakfast Items?
+Breakfast items/entrees?
+Scrambled Eggs
+breathing lessons_?
+Anne tyler
+Brecia is in which country?
+Breed of rock pigeon that is specially trained to return swiftly to its home?
+Homing pigeon
+Bret ____ trademarked the nickname 'Hitman' in 1990
+Bret Hart trademarked the nickname '____ ' in 1990
+Bret hart trademarked the nickname 'hitman' in____
+Brian wanted to help contribute to a charity fund. A sponser told him for every mile he runs, they will donate $20.00 to the charity. If Brian runs 5 miles, how much will his sponsor donate to the charity?
+Bridgeport is the largest city in which u.s state?
+Bridgetown the capital of ____
+Brief commemorative inscription on a tomb; also, a short piece of poetry or prose lauding a deceased person?
+Brigham Young was a pioneer of which institution?
+The mormon church
+Brilliant red or black mineral, with diamondlike luster, composed of titanium oxide, tio2?
+Brimstone, referred to in the Bible and some Alchemy text, is?
+Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982?
+Falklands Islands
+Britain has fewer public holidays than any other country in Europe. Which countries, with up to 14 days off each, have the most?
+Spain and Portugal
+Britain what's the adhesion of molecules to the surfaces of solids called?
+Britain: How many inches tall are the bearskins worn by the guards at Buckingham Palace?
+Britain's ____ river is the Brun which runs through Burnley in Lancashire
+Britain's first ____ was installed in Harrods in 1878
+Britain's first escalator was installed in 1864, 1878 or 1902?
+Britain's first space rocket was launched in 1964. What was it called?
+Blue streak
+Britain's shortest river is the ____ which runs through Burnley in Lancashire
+Britain's shortest river is the Brun which runs through ____ in Lancashire
+Britain's shortest river is the brun which runs through burnley in____
+Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say ____
+British authour Helen Fielding wrote a best-selling novel about the diary of what fictional character?
+Bridget Jones
+British Central Bank nationalised in 1946 renamed to...The?
+Bank Of England
+British chemist, who isolated and described several gases, including oxygen, and who is considered one of the founders of modern chemistry because of his contributions to experimentation?
+Joseph priestley
+British department of state in charge of revenue?
+British explorer who reached the South Pole in 1912?
+British gold coins worth ?1?
+British History - What was Margaret Thatcher's nickname?
+Iron Lady
+British Monarchs: Queen Victoria was born in this year?
+British motor engineer, the first man to exceed 300mph in Bluebird?
+Malcolm campbell
+British rock-music group that rivaled the popularity of the group's early contemporaries, the Beatles?
+The rolling stones
+Briton's say 'tarmac', americans say ____
+Broadway Musicals?
+Miss Saigon
+Broadway Musicals?
+Brother or sisters daughter?
+Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm were librarians and professors of language in 19th Century Germany. What was their surname?
+Brown-Eyed Handsome Man was a hit for which singer after his death?
+Buddy Holly
+BSE was identified in Britain in which year?
+Bubble gum contains____
+Buck owens sang '____ naturally'
+Buckingham Palace has over ____ rooms
+Buddy rich's real first name was what?
+Buffalo river national park is in which state?
+Bufo bufo is the scientific name for which creature?
+Common toad
+Bugs bunny made his debut in 1935, 1936 or 1937?
+Builder of the great wall and first emperor of china?
+Shih huang ti
+Buildings: Built in 1884, The Eiffel Tower was referred to as what?
+The Tragic Lamppost
+Buildings: for housing aircraft?
+Buildings: occupied by monks?
+Buildings: started on Westminster Abbey in which year?
+Buildings: What is the largest inhabited castle in the world?
+Windsor Castle
+Buildings: Where is the 'whispering gallery'?
+St. Paul's Cathedral
+Buildings: Where would you find a nave, apse, atrium and narthex?
+Built in 1866____is one of only two American-owned square-rigged sailing ships still afloat on the Pacific Ocean
+Bulls are ____
+Burke and Wills are most associated with the exploration of which continent?
+Burns' beloved bear?
+Busey what disney movie stars merlin the magician and wart the boy king?
+Sword in the stone
+Buzz Aldrin was the first man to ____ his pants on the moon
+Bwana means Sir in which language?
+By 1919, there were ____ cars in the U.S
+By 65 years old, Americans have watched more than ____ years of television
+By 70 years of age, an average person will have shed how many pounds of skin?
+By age____ , most people have lost half of their taste buds
+By consuming too much alcohol during pregnancy, what disorder can a mother give her unborn child?
+Foetal alcohol syndrome
+By feeding hens certain ____ they can be made to lay eggs with varicolored yolks
+By finding what, can the slope of a curve at any given point be determined?
+By how much do the world's termites outweigh human beings?
+Ten to one
+By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, in what can you not sink?
+By what alias does ferris bueller get into chez luis?
+Abe frohman
+By what collective name were Moe Howard,Jerry Howard and Larry Fine better known?
+The three stooges
+By what country was the first concentration camp setup during the Boer wars?
+By what first name is a plane's automatic pilot commonly known?
+By what is the hudson river spanned?
+George Washington bridge
+By what more familiar title is the First Lord of the Treasury better known?
+Prime minister
+By what name are curtains known in the USA?
+By what name are the followers of Zoroaster properly known?
+By what name do we know entertainer reginald dwight?
+Elton john
+By what name do we know the slender glass tube used for transferring or measuring out known volumes of liquids?
+By what name do we usually refer to radio detection and ranging?
+By what name is 'albumen' more commonly known?
+Egg white
+By what name is an Elk known in North America?
+By what name is Emmanuel Rudnitsky more widely known?
+Man Ray
+By what name is gainsboroughs portrait buttal better known?
+Blue boy
+By what name is Harry Angstrom known in the titles of John Updike's trilogy?
+By what name is Jacopo Robusti better known?
+By what name is Lesley Hornby better known?
+By what name is maurice micklewhite better known?
+Michael caine
+By what name is Mrs Anne Laurence better known?
+The princess royal
+By what name is president Lyndon B Johnson's wife Claudia better known?
+Lady Bird
+By what name is Robert Alln Zimmerman better known?
+Bob dylan
+By what name is Robert Zimmermann, better known?
+Bob dylan
+By what name is the 2nd day of february called in the u.s.a?
+Ground hog day
+By what name is the 3rd battle of Ypres known?
+By what name is the French king Charles the great better known?
+By what name is the pioneering Swiss architect Charles Jeanneret better known?
+Le corbusier
+By what name is the reed pipe of the bagpipes known?
+By what name is the skeleton dug up in Sussex in 1912, and later found to be a hoax,known?
+Piltdown man
+By what name is the skin complaint of 'comedo' better known?
+By what name is the skin condition called 'naevus' better known?
+Strawberry mark
+By what name is Virginia Wynette Pugh better known?
+Tammy wynette
+By what name was butch cassidy's outlaw gang popularly known?
+Wild bunch
+By what name was Cambodian leader Saloth Sar better known?
+Pol pot
+By what name was elizabeth foster better known?
+Mother goose
+By what name was Indian political leader Mohandas Gandhi better known?
+By what name was Jean Baptiste Poquelin better known?
+By what name was Kampuchea forerly known?
+By what name was Kampuchea formally known?
+By what name was King George the II also known as?
+Mad King George
+By what name was Lord Greystoke better known?
+By what name was manfred von richtofen better known as?
+Red baron
+By what name was outlaw Harry Longbaugh better known?
+Sundance kid
+By what name was Percy Blakeney better known in a novel by Baroness Orczy?
+The Scarlet Pimpernel 
+By what name was Queen Victoria's husband known?
+Prince albert
+By what name was Robert Stroud better known?
+Birdman of alcatraz
+By what name was tennessee was formerly known?
+By what name was the 19th century sporting eccentric John Sholto Douglas better known He won a famous libel case in 1895?
+The marquess of queensberry
+By what name was the American William Cody better known?
+Buffalo bill
+By what name was the musical hall entertainer matilda Wood known?
+Marie lloyd
+By what name was the Scottish outlaw Robert McGregor better known?
+Rob roy
+By what name was william cody better known as?
+Buffalo bill
+By what name was Zimbabwe previously known?
+By what name, historically, was the burning to death of people condemned as heretics by the Spanish Inquisition known?
+By what name, is the entertainment business, is victoria adams better known?
+Posh spice
+By what nickname is the well-known American singer bruce springsteen often referred?
+The boss
+By what nickname was George Brummell usually known?
+Beau brummell
+By what other name do we know table tennis?
+Ping pong
+By what other name do we ususally refer to Norway lobsters or Dublin Bay prawns?
+By what other name is a fox's tail known?
+By what other name is La Cosa Nostra also known?
+The mafia
+By what other name is Lac Leman known?
+Lake geneva
+By what other name is the 180 degree meridian known as?
+International date line
+By what other name is the abominable snowman known?
+By what other name is the island of Lindisfarne known?
+Holy island
+By what other name is the mountain K2 called?
+Mount godwin austen
+By what process is chromium applied to car parts?
+By what process is rum created?
+Fermenting molasses
+By what stage name was the music hall performer Maxwell George Lorimerknown?
+Max wall
+By what title is A Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, the work of 2 Edinburgh printers now known?
+Encyclopaedia brittanica
+By what title was Mohandas K Gandhi known?
+By which English sea port did Dracula enter the country?
+By which name do we know Martha Jane Canary?
+Calamity jane
+By which name is Eric Claudin better known?
+Phantom of the opera
+By which name is Virginia McMath better known?
+Ginger Rogers
+C.f.c.'s are said to be damaging to the ozone layer. for what do the initials c.f.c. stand?
+Chloro fluoro carbon
+C3p0 is the first character to speak in which film?
+Star wars
+Caciocavallo, herkimer, mysost, & trappist are all varieties of what?
+Caesar, pompey, and crassus formed the what?
+First triumverate
+Caesars fatal day?
+The ides of march
+Cagliari is the capital of which mediterranean island?
+Calamari is a greek dish made from what sea creature?
+Calamine, used as an ointment , contains a carbonate of which element?
+Caliari is the capital of which island?
+California is to Eureka as New York is to?
+California's ____ Epperson invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was 11-years-old
+California's Frank ____ invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was 11-years-old
+California's Frank Epperson invented the ____ in 1905 when he was 11-years-old
+California's Frank Epperson invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was ____ -years-old
+California's long association with gold make this a natural nickname for the state?
+The Golden State
+Calliope was the muse of what?
+Epic poety
+Callisto, lo and Europa are moons of which planet?
+Can a short-sighted person see objects more clearly when they are close up or far away?
+Close up
+Can lasers cut diamonds?
+Can there be lightning without rain?
+Can you name all of the Bradford's on Eight is Enough?
+Can you swim in the sea of showers?
+Canada is seperated on an imaginary line along the ____
+49th parallel
+Canada is the world leader in the production of?
+Canadian and American Brands of Cigarettes?
+Canadian: a person loyal to the British crown in the 1780's?
+Canadian: early inn?
+Mile house
+Canadian: prince edward island?
+Spud island
+Canadian: sled dog first bred by eskimos?
+canadianisms: popular term for rcmp officers?
+canadianisms: popular term for the liberal party?
+canadianisms: rcmp stands for...?
+Royal Canadian mounted police
+Canadians are sometimes thought of as?
+Canberra is the capital of ____
+Cancer claims ____ victims an hour in America
+Candlestick maker what is the capital of iran?
+Candlestick maker?
+Cannibals are famous for eating what?
+Human flesh
+Canvey Island is part of which county?
+Capable of being decomposed by the action of light?
+Cape Verde is a former colony of which country?
+Capital cities: name the capital of syria?
+Capital cities: Vanuatu?
+Port vila
+Capital cities: Western Samoa?
+Capital cities: what country's capital was formed when pesth and buda merged?
+Capital city of Arizona & seat of Maricopa County, located on the salt river in the south central part of the state?
+Capital city of Quebec, Canada?
+Capital l is the roman numeral for which number?
+Capital of afghanistan?
+Capital of argentina?
+Buenos aires
+Capital of azerbaijan?
+Capital of boliva?
+La paz
+Capital of brunei?
+Bandar seri begawan
+Capital of burkina faso?
+Capital of chile?
+Capital of ecuador?
+Capital of egypt and the largest city in africa?
+Capital of el salvador?
+San salvador
+Capital of georgia (the country)?
+Capital of Iceland?
+Capital of jordan?
+Capital of montserrat?
+Capital of papua new guinea?
+Port moresby
+Capital of Scotland?
+Capital of tajikistan?
+Capital of the state of arkansas?
+Little rock
+Capital of the state of michigan?
+Capital of the state of New York?
+Capital of the state of North Dakota?
+Capital of the state of Oregon?
+Captain Cook left Britain and Count Dracula arrived via which town?
+Captain cook lost almost half his crew in 1768 on his first voyage to ____
+South pacific
+Captain Cook was the first man to set foot on all continents except?
+Captain John Mason received a grant for land in 1629. He named this land after the English county of Hampshire where he had enjoyed a number of years as a child?
+New Hampshire
+Captain of the Titanic that sank in 1912?
+Capuchin monks belong to which order?
+Carat is the internatinally standardised unit of weight for precious stones what is its equivalent in grams?
+0.2 grams
+Carbonated soda water was invented in 1767, 1768 or 1769?
+Carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve limestone, ____ , and many other low-Moh's hardness minerals
+Carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve limestone, talc, and many other low-Moh's hardness____
+Carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve____ , talc, and many other low-Moh's hardness minerals
+Card games: what's the crucial card in the game of hearts?
+Queen of spades
+Card Games?
+Cargo pants and mini-skirts were part of the 2001 uniform of what 90 year old organization?
+Girl Scouts of America
+Caries refers to decay in what?
+Carl Switzer was the real name of which of the Our Gang characters?
+Carmenta is the roman goddess of ____
+Carolyn ____ has discovered 32 comets and approximately 800 asteroids
+Carolyn Shoemaker has discovered ____ comets and approximately 800 asteroids
+Carolyn Shoemaker has discovered 32 comets and approximately ____ asteroids
+Carolyn weston's novel poor, poor ophelia was the basis for what show?
+Streets of san francisco
+Carpet, coral and pilot are all types of which animal?
+Carrie all what is the capital of ohio?
+Carroll Charles carroll died in 1832, 1836 or 1837?
+Carson who succeeded joseph stalin as Russian premier?
+Georgy malenkov
+Carter what do goldfish lose if kept in dimly lit or running water?
+Carthusians are old boys of which school?
+Carvel and Clinker are methods of making what?
+Cary Grant plays a con man with a heart of gold in?
+Mr. Lucky
+Cashmere comes from a(n) ____
+Casper and laramieare towns in which us state?
+Cass elliot was part of which 'monday monday' group?
+Mamas and papas
+Castle Howard is in which county?
+North yorkshire
+Catgut comes from ____ not cats
+Catgut is made from dried...?
+Catherine de medici was the first woman in europe to use tobacco, she took it in a mixture of____
+Catherine de Medici was the first woman in Europe to use____ . She took it in a mixture of snuff
+Catherine the First of Russia, made a rule that no man was allowed to get drunk at one of her parties before ____ o'clock
+Catherine the Great found relaxation by being ____
+Cathie Jung has the worlds smallest waist it was ____ inches round
+Cathy Rigby is the only woman to pose ____ for Sports Illustrated
+Cave dweller?
+Cave dwellers in the loire valley, in france, are called?
+Cavendish is the family name for which Duke?
+Cavity of the human body, bordered above by the ribs & below by the hips?
+Celebration of christs resurrection?
+Celtic language of Scots or Irish?
+Centre of amphitheatre?
+Cephalacaudal ____ is the reason our extremities develop faster than the rest of us
+Cephalacaudal recapitulation is the reason our ____ develop faster than the rest of us
+Cerberus guarded the gates of the underworld in Greek mythology.what kind of creature was this three headed being?
+Cereal used as food and in spirits?
+Ceres was the roman goddess of ____
+Ceres was the Roman goddess of what?
+Certain marbles are called 'alleys' because they are made of ____
+Cetology is the study of?
+Chablis comes from what major wine producing area of france?
+Chain of Islands to the West Of Cornwall?
+Isles of Scilly
+Challenger's windscreen had to be replaced in 1983 because it collided with a ____ ____ ____
+Fleck of paint
+Chamberlain whose funeral was attended by more than 100,000 in New York City in 1926?
+Rudolph valentino
+Chances of a white ____ in New York: 1 in 4
+Chances of a white Christmas in____: 1 in 4
+New york
+Chances that a ____ in the U.S. will be solved: 1 in 7
+Chances that a burglary in the u.s. will be solved: 1 in____
+Chanel No. 5 is a well-known fragrance. Which other number is also a Chanel perfume?
+No. 19
+Changing of an employees job or working conditions to force resignation?
+Constructive dismissal
+Channel 5 ACTION news with your host ____ ____
+Kent Brockman
+Channel, between the southern tip of Florida & the island of Cuba, linking the Atlantic Ocean & the Gulf of Mexico?
+Straits of Florida
+Channels in 1978, whose music did def leppard like to cover in small clubs?
+Thin lizzy
+Characters from the board game 'clue'?
+Colonel Mustard
+Characters in A A Milnes' classic childrens stories?
+Christopher robin
+Characters, Actors, (FULL NAME) and Places from All My Children?
+Susan Lucci
+Charcoal is made by heating what?
+Chargers, Demons Barracudas, Javelins, Cyclones and Challengers were all?
+Muscle cars
+Charing Cross in London was built in commemoration of Queen Eleanor, who was the wife of which British King?
+Edward i
+Charlemagne ruled a large part of western and central europe in the years?
+Charles Best & Frederick Banting discovered this live saving drug in 1922?
+Charles carroll died in 1832, 1836 or 1837?
+Charles Dickens was an insomniac, who believed his best chance of sleeping was in the centre of a bed facing directly?
+Charles l was brought to trial in which year?
+Charles Lindbergh took how many sandwiches with him on his famous transatlantic flight?
+Charles lindbergh took only four of these to eat with him on his famous transatlantic flight?
+Charles Lindbergh's grandfather changed the family name to Lindbergh upon leaving Sweden in 1859. What was the original name of the Lindbergh family prior to that date?
+Charles lutwidge dodgson is the real name of what well known writer?
+Lewis carroll
+Charles Manson once auditioned unsuccessfully for this group?
+The Monkees
+Charles Pa Jean invented which building toy sensation in 1914?
+Charles Taze Russell was the founder of which religious organisation?
+Jehovah's witnesses
+Charles the Simple was the grandson of Charles the Bald, both were rulers of?
+Charlie Brown's father was a?
+Charlie Chaplain's cane was made of?
+Charlie Chaplin once won ____ prize in a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest
+Charter 77 was an association of individuals devoted to the assertion of lost human rights in which European country?
+Chase chevy chase was the first original cast member to leave which show?
+chastity was the name of the first-born of whom?
+Cher bono
+Chaucer's Canterbury Tales were written in which century?
+Cheap ornaments and trinkets?
+Chefs started using ____ 5,000 years ago to spice up their cooking
+Chefs started using onions ____ years ago to spice up their cooking
+Chelsea,Bow and Spode are all types of what?
+Chemical compound of hydrogen & oxygen with the formula h2o2?
+Hydrogen peroxide
+Chemical compound that has the formula nacl?
+Chemical compounds or mixtures that undergo rapid burning or decomposition with the generation of large amounts of gas and heat and the consequent production of sudden pressure effects?
+Chemical got from coal tar and used as a solvent?
+Chemically pure gold contains how many karats?
+Chemistry: 20% of what is in the metal part at the end of a pencil?
+Chemistry: As what is sulphur also known?
+Chemistry: For what is the chemical formula H2O2?
+Hydrogen peroxide
+Chemistry: For what metal is 'Au' the chemical symbol?
+Chemistry: Hydrogen Hydroxide is more commonly known as what?
+Chemistry: Nitrogen, a poisonous gas, makes up 78% of the ____ that we breathe
+Chemistry: Of what is 98% of the weight of water made?
+Chemistry: Sodium barcarbonate is better known as ____
+Baking soda
+Chemistry: Sodium bicarbonate is better known as ____
+Baking soda
+Chemistry: Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as ____
+Chemistry: The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ____
+Chemistry: The smallest portion of a substance capable of existing independently and retaining its original properties is a(n) ____
+Chemistry: This ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called ____
+Chemistry: This is the heaviest naturally occurring element?
+Chemistry: This is the symbol for tin?
+Chemistry: This poisonous gas is in the exhaust fumes from cars?
+Carbon monoxide
+Chemistry: To what group of elements do cerium, praesiodymium and promethium belong?
+Rare earth metals
+Chemistry: Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called ____
+Soda water
+Chemistry: What are Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon?
+Noble Gases
+Chemistry: What are Petrol, Naphta, Kerosine, Diesel and Oil?
+Chemistry: What colour does litmus paper turn if a solution is acidic?
+Chemistry: What does the symbol 'Am' represent?
+Chemistry: What element has the periodic table name Au?
+Chemistry: What element has the periodic table name Na?
+Chemistry: What element has the periodic table name Sb?
+Chemistry: What element has the periodic table name Sn?
+Chemistry: What is a corrosive substance with a pH value less than 7 called?
+Chemistry: What is another name for iron oxide?
+Chemistry: What is brine?
+Salt water
+Chemistry: What is calcium oxide commonly called?
+Chemistry: What is it that turns blue litmus paper red?
+Chemistry: What is the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene?
+Chemistry: What is the atomic number for thalium?
+Chemistry: What is the atomic number of Bromine?
+Thirty five
+Chemistry: What is the atomic number of Molybdenum?
+Forty two
+Chemistry: What is the atomic number of sulphur?
+Chemistry: What is the atomic number of uranium?
+Ninety two
+Chemistry: What is the chemical name for quicksilver?
+Chemistry: What is the chemical symbol for copper?
+Chemistry: What is the chemical symbol for gold?
+Chemistry: What is the chemical symbol for iron?
+Chemistry: What is the common name for lysergic acid diethylamide?
+Chemistry: What is the heaviest naturally occuring element?
+Chemistry: What is the main component of air?
+Chemistry: What is the more scientific name for quicksilver?
+Chemistry: What is the symbol for copper?
+Chemistry: What is the symbol for iron in chemistry?
+Chemistry: What is the symbol for silver?
+Chemistry: What is the symbol for tin?
+Chemistry: What name is given to a chemical reaction which gives out heat?
+Chemistry: What name is given to a chemical reaction which takes in heat?
+Chemistry: What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption?
+Chemistry: What type of paper is used to test for acidity and alkalinity?
+Chemistry: Which element is also known as Quicksilver?
+Chemistry: Who invented dynamite?
+Alfred Nobel
+Cher won the oscar for best actress in 1987 for which film?
+chessie the cat is the symbol of what us railroad?
+Chesapeake & ohio
+Cheyenne, navahoe and arapaho are all what?
+Native American tribes
+Chicago, people, places & things?
+Oprah Winfrey
+Children grow faster in the ____ than they do the rest of the year
+Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,How amny blackbirds were baked?
+Four and twenty
+Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,what was the queen eating?
+Bread and honey
+Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the king?
+In his counting house
+Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the maid?
+In the garden
+Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the queen?
+In the parlour
+Childrens songs, the grand old duke of york, had how many men?
+Ten thousand
+Chili peppers he worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'aint no sunshine when shes gone'?
+Bill withers
+China banned the pigtail in 1911 as it was seen as a symbol of?
+China produces ____ eggs per year
+China which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean?
+Bouvet island
+China's Beijing Duck Restaurant can seat ____ people at one time
+China's largest city is ____
+Chips: 1980's Apple II 6502 ran at 2MHz. Where is 1995's PowerPC 604 clocked at?
+Chips: A commonly used process for oxide and nitride deposition, CVD, stands for:?
+Chemical vepor deposition
+Chips: AMD merged with this designer of the Nx686 Pentium competitor on 10/20/95?
+Chips: Because of this phenomenon, one shouldn't touch a chip's pin I/O:?
+Electrostatic discharge
+chips: characteristic of thermal oxide caused by lateral 02 diffusion (it 'pecks')?
+Birds beak
+Chips: Critical photolithographic dimensions in 1995 are measured in these units?
+Chips: Dielectric thickness can be calculated from this electrical measurement?
+Chips: Early MOSFET pioneer, Stanford grad & author of the EE's device bible:?
+Chips: EEPROM memory devices rely on this tunneling mechanism for cell erase:?
+chips: element existing abundantly in ordinary beach sand?
+Chips: Element recently (1995) disclosed by IBM to catalyze certain metal contacts:?
+chips: manufacturer of the pentium microprocessor and where mach is working?
+Chips: Optical technique commonly used to measure thin film thickness, and RI:?
+chips: polarity of photoresist which permits an iverted image of a photomask:?
+Chips: The area in between chips on a wafer, where test and defect monitors lie:?
+chips: two types of mosfets of which cmos is composed (answers sep'd by a space):?
+Nfet pfet
+Chiromancer is the technical term for what occult median?
+Palm Reading
+Chitlins are made from what part of the pig?
+Chlorine is derived from the greek word meaning what?
+Chocolate manufacturers use 40 percent of the world's ____
+Choking - On what do approximately 100 people choke to death every year?
+Ballpoint pens
+Cholera is caused by what?
+Choo rock groups: frankie lymon and the ____
+Chrissie Hynde was in which early eighties group?
+The Pretenders
+Christ's image is alleged to be imprinted on this cloth?
+Shroud of turin
+Christian Dior launched his 'New Look' in which year?
+Christian sacrement in which bread and wine are consecrated and consummed?
+Christmas became a national holiday in the u.s in 1879, 1890 or 1895?
+Christmas: In the 'Twelve days of christmas', how many items in total are sent by 'my true love'?
+Christmas: Name the loner rebel reindeer with the red shiny nose?
+Christmas: Santa Claus reportedly lives at the ____ Pole
+Chromosomal disorder occurring in about 1 out of every 800 births?
+Down syndrome
+Chronic condition in which the skin of the scalp flakes off in excessive amounts?
+Chronic disease marked by overgrowth of hands, feet, & lower part of the face, resulting from excessive production of somatotropin, the growth-stimulating hormone hormone?
+Chronic transmissible disease, due to bacilius leprae, is better known as ____
+Chub, gudgeon and perch are all types of what?
+Freshwater fish
+Chumly was the walrus sidekick of what cartoon penguin?
+Tennessee tuxedo
+Churchill what are phalanges?
+Finger bones
+Churchill what kind of bug emerges in the 1975 movie the bug?
+Churchill what was john lennon's first girlfriend's name?
+Thelma pickles
+Churchill, F. D. Roosvelt and Stalin met here in 1945?
+Cigarettes: brand named for a motorcycle make?
+Harley Davidson
+Cigarettes: Cigarette brand synonymous with honor, virtue, achievement?
+Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or a governor ruling in a monarch's name?
+cigarettes: cigarette brand, or an nc city?
+Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or first name of Forrest Gump author?
+Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or Robert Guillaume and shrubs?
+Benson and hedges
+Cigarettes: cigarette brand, or the last name of a superhero's alter-ego?
+Cigarettes: Marlboro and Merit are brands from this company (2 wds)?
+Philip morris
+Cigarettes: Smoking this menthol brand is hip, fashionable, just plain...?
+Cigarettes: This Canadian cigarette brand sponsors the Canadian Open (tennis and golf)?
+Du maurier
+cigarettes: this is the us's no. 3 tobacco company as of 1995?
+Brown and williamson
+Cigarettes: Tobacco drying barns are typically painted this color?
+cigarettes: warning: smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may (2wds)?
+Complicate pregnancy
+Cigarettes: Women's cigarette brand, or a Mercury model?
+Cigna Corporation is the second largest ____ in America
+Health Care Company
+Cindy Crawford's earnings in 1994 were____?
+6.5 million dollars
+Cinnabar is an ore of which metal?
+Circle, Parabola and Hyperbola are three 3 of the four curves known as the conic sections. Name the fourth?
+Circuits can be wired in series or ____
+Circular bands used to decorate ears, toes, noses, or, most often, fingers?
+Circular staircases in firehouses are a tradition began to keep what from coming upstairs?
+City in eastern china, situated on the Huangpu River, a tributary of the Yangtze River, near the Yangtze's mouth to the east China Sea?
+City in eastern Iowa, on the Mississippi River, seat of Clinton County?
+City in northeastern Germany, capital of a United Germany from 1871 to 1945 & again since 1990?
+City in western California, coextensive with San Francisco County?
+San francisco
+city lights was the name of a film by whom?
+Charlie chaplin
+City nicknames: where is motown?
+City with the most rolls royce's per capita:?
+Hong kong
+Cityin Belgium situated on the Meuse river?
+civil rights leader martin luther king, jr. led more than ____ demonstrators in a march down the mall in Washington dc
+Clark ____ used to shower more than 4 times a day
+Clark Gable used to ____ more than 4 times a day
+Clark Gable used to shower more than ____ times a day
+Clark gable used to shower more than ____ times a day
+Clark who is the smallest member of the european union?
+Class of complex chemical compounds in plants?
+Class of invertebrates belonging to the coelenterate phylum?
+Claylike mineral, chief source of aluminium?
+Cleo and Caesar were the early stage names of?
+Sonny & cher
+Cleopatra used what kind of seeds for lipstick?
+Clergyman ranking below bishop?
+Cleveland four u.s presidents have served entire terms without having a ____
+Cleveland spelled backwards is ____
+Dna level c
+Cliches: A ____ of one's imagination
+Cliches: A bird in the hand is worth ____
+Two in the bush
+Cliches: A gentleman & a ____
+Cliches: A stitch in time saves ____
+Cliches: As clear as a ____
+Cliches: As close as two ____ in a pod
+Cliches: As easy as ____
+Cliches: As hard as ____
+Cliches: As mad as a ____
+Wet hen or hatter
+Cliches: As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of ____
+Rocking chairs
+Cliches: As pretty as a ____
+Cliches: As sick as a ____
+Cliches: As sly as a ____
+Cliches: Born with a silver?
+Cliches: Cross that ____ when you come to it
+cliches: don't cry over spilled?
+Cliches: Don't take any wooden ____
+Cliches: Hell hath no fury like a ____
+Woman scorned
+Cliches: Hook, line, & ____
+cliches: keep the from the door?
+Cliches: Like bringing?
+cliches: make a mountain out of a?
+Cliches: Necessity is the mother of ____
+Cliches: Not all it's ____ up to be
+Cliches: On which side the bread is ____
+cliches: the cat that swallowed the?
+Cliches: The greatest thing since ____ bread
+Cliches: Time ____ when you're having fun
+Cliches: Too many ____ in the fire
+Cliches: Variety is the ____ of life
+cliches: when the come home?
+Close encounters of the first kind?
+Sighting unexplained craft
+Closely related to pascal, niklaus wirth also played a part in what computer language's creation?
+Cloud heights are measured by a...?
+Coal is sometimes added to softdrinks to make them ____
+Coarse and Fly are varieties of which popular activity?
+Cocaine purified by heating with ether, and inhaled or smoked?
+Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'c'?
+Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'f'?
+Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'h'?
+Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 't'?
+Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'x'?
+Codes: Using morse code, what does trasmitting using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots?
+Coffins which are due for cremation are usually made with ____ handles
+Coin-operated phonograph that's the highest scoring Scrabble first turn word?
+Col rudolf able was the Russian spy exchanged in 1962 for who?
+Gary powers
+Cold-blooded aquatic animals with backbones, gills, & fins are called____
+Collective name for pioneers or innovators in the field of art, music etc?
+Avant garde
+Collectively, how were Jean Borotra, Jaques Brugnon, Henri Cochet and Ren? Lacoste known?
+Four musketeers
+Collectively, what name is given to the first ten of the twenty six amendments to the united states' constitution?
+The bill of rights
+Cologne water, a mildly perfumed toilet water also known as eau de Cologne, has been made in ____, West Germany since 1709
+Colombo is the capital of ____
+Sri lanka
+Colonel Waring, New York City Street Cleaning Commissioner, was responsible for organizing the first rubbish-sorting plant for recycling in the United States in?
+Colorado has become known as a skier's paradise, perhaps destined after words from President?
+Theodore Roosevelt
+Colorless chemical pesticide, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, used to eradicate disease-carrying & crop-eating insects?
+Colorless, corrosive liquid that has the chemical formula hno3?
+Nitric acid
+Colorless, odorless, sweet-tasting alcohol, c3h8o3, with a specific gravity of 1.26?
+Colourless volatile liquid formerly used as an anaesthetic?
+Columbia is the capital of what state?
+South carolina
+Comedian that is the disc jockey on the soundtrack to Resevoir Dogs?
+Steven wright
+Robin Williams
+Comet that slammed into jupiter, in the mid 1990s, that reportedly would have destroyed all semblance of life on earth?
+Comet which visited in 1998, prompting a doomsday cult of about 30 people to commit suicide?
+Comfort food when we are feeling the blues?
+Comfrey (herb) baths were popular before the wedding night to attempt to repair the hymen and thereby apparently restore ____
+Comic Book SuperHeroes?
+Comic Strip Trivia: What comic strip is set at Camp Swampy?
+Beetle bailey
+Comics: Batman: Batman really doesn't like this superhero, and would love to punch him?
+Comics: Batman: Batman's Creator?
+Bob kane
+Comics: Batman: Bruce's loyal and witty, if often sardonic, butler and mentor?
+Comics: Batman: Graphic batman novel in which a virus battles a Coded Batman?
+Digital justice
+Comics: Batman: Selena Kyle's alter-identity, now with her own series?
+Comics: Batman: The man who shot Thomas and Martha Wayne (Careful!, it wasn't the Joker!)?
+Joe chill
+Comics: Batman: There have been this many Robins?
+Comics: Batman: This red-headed villainess will give you a permanent itch?
+Poison ivy
+Comics: Bill Watterson, cartoonist for Calvin & Hobbes, is the first cartoonist to use what word in his cartoon?
+Comics: Bloom County: Name of the groundhog?
+Comics: Bloom County: The author's name which is more putrid than Yaz Pistachio (first and last)?
+Berkely breathed
+Comics: Bloom County: What is Oliver's full name (3 words)?
+Oliver wendell jones
+Comics: Bloom County: Who was always being tormented by his anxiety closet?
+Comics: Bloom County: Who's brain gets transplated into Bill's skull?
+Donald trump
+Comics: cable's full real name?
+Nathan christopher summer
+Comics: Calvin and Hobbes' artist?
+Bill watterson
+Comics: Cartoon created by Dale Messick?
+Brenda starr
+Comics: Cartoon created by Russell Myers?
+Broom hilda
+Comics: Creator of Superman cartoon character who died in the early 90s?
+Joseph shuster
+Comics: DC: Also known as Demon?
+Comics: DC: broke batman?
+Comics: DC: current leader of justice league America?
+Wonder woman
+Comics: DC: girlfriend of lex luther ii?
+Comics: DC: green lantern's alter ego?
+Hal jordan
+Comics: DC: group of heroes led by dick grayson?
+New titans
+Comics: DC: Hometown of Green Lantern?
+Coast city
+Comics: DC: killed superman?
+Comics: DC: of the new supermen, this one was a villain?
+Comics: DC: photographer for daily planet?
+Jimmy olsen
+Comics: DC: Replaced Bruce Wayne as Batman?
+Jean Paul valley
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of arthur curry?
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of boston brand?
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of bruce wayne?
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of clark kent?
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of cliff steele?
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of jay garrick?
+The flash
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of Jim Corrigan?
+The spectre
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of jimmy olson?
+Elastic lad
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of jonn jonzz?
+Martian manhunter
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of kay challis?
+Crazy jane
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of kirk morrison?
+King mob
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of Lyta Trevor?
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of Maggie Sawyer?
+Maggie sawyer
+Comics: DC: Secret identity of Wally West?
+The flash
+Comics: DC: what relation was superman to supergirl?
+First cousin
+Comics: DC: younger version of aquaman?
+Comics: Dilbert: how are elbonian factories powered?
+Stationary bikes
+Comics: Dilbert: which test does the gruntmaster 6000 fail?
+Comics: Elzie Crisler Segar created the comic strip character Popeye in?
+Comics: giant robots that hunted mutants?
+Comics: how many x-men were there originally?
+Comics: In 'blondie' who was dagwood's boss?
+Mr dithers
+Comics: In 'blondie', who was blondie's husband?
+Comics: In 'blondie', who was dagwood's best friend?
+Comics: In 'blondie', who was dagwood's wife?
+Comics: List some SuperVillains?
+Mr. Freeze
+Comics: List some SuperVillians?
+Comics: magneto's real name?
+Erik magnus lensherr
+Comics: Mentor of Titan had two children in the Marvel comics, Thanos and ____
+Comics: mr fantastic and invisible girl's son?
+Franklin richards
+Comics: Name the creator of the comic strip the Peanuts?
+Charles shultz
+Comics: Peanuts: schroeder's favorite composer?
+Comics: Peanuts: snoopy and woodstock play hockey on this when the water freezes?
+Comics: Peanuts: the amount lucy charges at her psychiatry booth?
+5 cents
+Comics: Peanuts: the catcher on the gang's baseball team?
+Comics: Peanuts: The name of Snoopy's brother who lives in the desert town of Needles?
+Comics: Peanuts: The only character that does not speak, or think, in English?
+Comics: Peanuts: The second-baseman on the gang's baseball team?
+Comics: Peanuts: This character always pulls the football away from Charlie Brown?
+Comics: Peanuts: this is what marci calls peppermint patti?
+Comics: Peanuts: This is what Peppermint Patti calls Charlie Brown?
+Comics: Secret identity of Billy Batson?
+Captain Marvel
+Comics: Secret identity of Clark kent?
+Comics: Secret identity of Dick Grayson?
+Comics: Secret identity of Doctor Banner?
+The Incredible Hulk
+Comics: Secret identity of Don Blake?
+The Mighty Thor
+Comics: Secret identity of Henry Penfold?
+Hong Kong Phooey
+Comics: Secret identity of John Reid?
+The Lone Ranger
+Comics: Secret identity of Mark Harris?
+The Man From Atlantis
+Comics: Secret identity of Paul Metcalfe?
+Captain Scarlet
+Comics: Secret identity of Peter Parker?
+Comics: The amazing Spider Man was one of the first comic books to have a story in which one of the supporting characters ____
+Comics: the beast formerly belonged to this group?
+Comics: the creator of x-men?
+Stan lee
+Comics: the founder of the x-men (real name)?
+Charles xavier
+Comics: the x-men otherwise known as the?
+Children of the atom
+Comics: This comic by Mark Schultz briefly appeared as a network TV show?
+Cadillacs and dinosaurs
+Comics: What color suit does Clark Kent always wear?
+Comics: what colour suit does clark kent always wear?
+Comics: what does the beast say when he's suprised?
+Oh my stars and garters
+Comics: what is captain America's real name?
+Steve rogers
+Comics: what is captain marvel's favorite expression?
+Holey moley
+Comics: what is iron man's real name?
+Tony stark
+Comics: what is the incredible hulk's real name?
+Bruce banner
+Comics: What is the name of Superman's super cat?
+Comics: What is tin tin's dog's name?
+Comics: what mountain peak does captain marvel fly over?
+Rock of eternity
+Comics: What sound does wolverine's adamantium claws make when he extends them from his forearms?
+Comics: what was storm's profession when she was young?
+Comics: when professor x was killed by his son, an alternate timeline was formed. what was it called?
+Age of apocalypse
+Comics: Where was Li'l Abner's hometown?
+Comics: who is professor x's half brother?
+Comics: who is the x-men's arch nemesis?
+Comics: who was the first x-man to die?
+Comics: X-Men: Charles Xavier loves her?
+Comics: X-Men: Gahck battled wolverine here?
+Savage land
+Comics: X-Men: Longshot's Miniseries was penciled by him?
+Comics: X-Men: Magneto founded this?
+Brotherhood of evil mutants
+Comics: X-Men: She hired Gatecrasher's Technet to kidnap Captain Britain?
+Comics: X-Men: She ruled Limbo?
+Illyana rasputin
+Comics: X-Men: SpiderMan begs him to kill him in the Savage land?
+Comics: X-Men: The first villain faced by the New Mutants was him?
+Donald pierce
+Comics: X-Men: Wolverine and SpiderMan discovered the identity of HobGoblin Here?
+Comics: X-Men: X-Men (past and present)?
+Commercial enterprise of hunting whales to obtain oil, whalebone, meat, & various by-products?
+Commercial raising of chickens, turkeys, ducks, & geese for their meat & eggs?
+Poultry farming
+Common inclusive term used to describe physical discomfort of the upper gastrointestinal tract, associated with eating or drinking?
+Common name applied to a group of vegetable products, both amorphous & crystalline, obtained from various plants, & important commercially in the tanning of leather?
+Common name for a family comprising about 80 genera & 1500 species of herbs, shrubs, & some trees, & for its representative genus?
+Common name for a family of flowering plants & for its representative genus?
+Common name for a family of grasslike flowering plants with characteristically triangular stems?
+Common name for a family of herbaceous flowering plants?
+Common name for a family of mostly herbaceous flowering plants, & for its representative genus?
+Common name for a family of mostly woody flowering plants, and for one of its important genera?
+Common name for a family of woody or herbaceous flowering plants of worldwide distribution, & for its well-known genus?
+Common name for a genus of about 40 species of coniferous trees, indigenous to the northern hemisphere, nearly half being natives of North America?
+Common name for a genus of perennial flowers of the buttercup family?
+Common name for a large genus of hardwood trees that are widespread in the north temperate zone?
+Common name for a large sea turtle, named for the color of its fat, although the animal is brownish overall?
+Green turtle
+Common name for a medium-size family of flowering plants with many important fruit & ornamental species, & for its representative genus?
+Common name for a medium-size family of mostly woody flowering plants widely distributed in tropical areas, & for its representative genus?
+Common name for a number of species of water birds of the same family as ducks & swans?
+Common name for a plant family comprising about 227 genera & 4450 species of mostly temperate herbs, & for its representative genus?
+Common name for a plant family with about 50 genera & 1300 species?
+Common name for a plant family, & for plants of the family's typical genus?
+Common name for a plant of the sedge family?
+Common name for a small family of aquatic flowering plants, & for its representative genus?
+Water lily
+Common name for a small family of trees, widespread in the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere, & for its representative genus?
+Common name for a small family of woody flowering plants, & for certain trees of its representative genera?
+Common name for a small thorny tree (rue), & for its fruit?
+Common name for a species of bear, similar in size to a large cat, with thick, reddish-brown fur?
+Lesser panda
+Common name for a tropical tree (mulberry), grown on the islands of the south pacific ocean?
+Common name for about 19 species of annual herbs, of the grass family (grasses)?
+Common name for about 200 species of algae belonging to the phylum charophyta of the plant kingdom?
+Common name for about 2200 species of fishes, of which some 1200 are south American?
+Common name for about 34,000 species of arthropod animals having eight walking legs, anterior appendages bearing fangs & poison glands, & specialized reproductive organs on the second appendages of the male?
+Common name for about 90 species of small songbirds, all of which are found in eurasia?
+Common name for an almost exclusively meat-eating family of mammals (carnivore) that are superbly adapted for their typically predatory life?
+Cat family
+Common name for an amphibian of the order that also includes toads?
+Common name for an annual leguminous (legume) plant & its seeds?
+Common name for any animal of the vertebrate class lying between fishes & reptiles on the evolutionary scale?
+Common name for any large member of a family of rodents, with dull-colored, coarse fur; long tails; large ears; & a pointed snout?
+Common name for any member of a family of annual & perennial herbs & shrubs, native to subtropical & temperate regions worldwide?
+Saint john's wort
+Common name for any member of a genus of plants, of the mustard family?
+Common name for any of a genus of coniferous trees (pine)?
+Common name for any of a group of mainly aquatic arthropod invertebrates, including the crab, lobster, & shrimp?
+Common name for any of a large family of luminescent beetles?
+Common name for any of a large group of mammals, most of which carry their young in an abdominal pouch after birth?
+Common name for any of about 2000 species of two-winged insects (fly)?
+Common name for any of about 30 species of long-legged, long-necked wading birds of the same family as the spoonbills?
+Common name for any of seven species of water birds constituting a distinct section of the duck family?
+Common name for any of several different species of marine bivalve mollusks?
+Common name for any of several marine spiny-finned food fishes?
+Common name for any of several species of highly social bees known for their honey-hoarding behavior & their use as a domesticated species (beekeeping)?
+Honey bee
+Common name for any of the invertebrate animals making up two classes of the coelenterate phylum?
+Common name for any one of numerous varieties of sweet fruits of the gourd family, that grow on two species of trailing vines?
+Common name for certain flowering plants often grown as houseplants?
+African violet
+Common name for certain mammals in the mole family that lead a semiaquatic existence beside ponds & streams, feeding on insects, fish, & mollusks?
+Common name for certain marine members of a family of venomous snakes?
+Sea snake
+Common name for certain members of a family of venomous snakes, known for their intimidating behavior & deadly bite?
+Common name for certain slow-moving arboreal mammals that inhabit the tropical forests of south & central America?
+Common name for certain small, burrowing mammals characterized by a pointed snout; rudimentary eyes; soft, thick, velvety fur; short legs; broad feet; & long, powerful claws on the front pair of legs?
+Common name for flightless, aquatic birds of the southern hemisphere?
+Common name for many food fishes, but not corresponding to any particular scientific classification?
+Common name for many rodents belonging to the same family as the woodchuck (marmot), chipmunk, and prairie dog?
+Common name for members of a family of widely distributed shorebirds consisting of more than 60 species?
+Common name for nonpoisonous snakes of the boa family?
+Common name for numerous heavy-bodied, large-jawed, sedentary fishes found close to weeds, coral, & other protected coastal areas?
+Common name for passerine birds of several unrelated families, many having the habit of capturing insects on the wing?
+Common name for several plants of the family of composite flowers?
+Common name for several related plants, especially for certain hybrids cultivated as ornamentals & sold as dried bulbs for growing as houseplants?
+Common name for small, bloodsucking, wingless insects?
+Common name for soft-bodied, usually parasitic animals, the simplest of animals possessing heads?
+Common name for solitary, slow-moving lizards, so named for their shape & their well-developed, protective, bony osteoderms (scales) that lie just beneath the outer skin?
+Alligator lizard
+Common name for the family comprising a peculiar group of spiny, fleshy plants native to America?
+Common name for the five species of a family of birds having exceptionally long legs & long, highly flexible necks?
+Common name for the species of a genus of large birds having a long, large, flattened bill, the upper mandible terminated by a strong hook that curves over the tip of the lower one?
+Common name for three or four species of large trees native to mountainous areas of north africa & asia?
+Common name for two different members of the deer family?
+Common name for two families of true (two-winged) flies, the larvae of what feed on fresh or decaying vegetable matter?
+Fruit fly
+Common name for white soft limestone?
+Common name given to several unrelated groups of seed-eating birds including the true finches, the hawaiian honeycreepers (honeycreeper), & a family of tiny birds of tropical & subtropical areas of eurasia?
+Common name loosely applied to any biting two-winged fly?
+Common numbers (ie11)?
+Common ore of iron, and one of the most commonly occurring minerals in nature?
+Commonwealth day is celebrated on the second monday of which month?
+Comoros and Gambia are among 4 countries where virtually 100% of the women are married by age 50, name the other two?
+Ghana and Nauru
+Compact, opaque gemstone ranging in color from dark green to almost white?
+Company that formerly owned Nullsoft & Winamp?
+America On-Line
+Company what is the abbreviation for lake minnetonka?
+Lake tonka
+Company what is the former name of the tonka metalcraft company?
+Mound metalcraft
+Compared to the earth, how much gravity does the moon have?
+One eighth
+Complete or almost complete absence of the sense of sight?
+Complete the group title ?Gerry and the' what?
+Complete the name of the 1970s group Bachman Turner ____
+Complete the name of the 1970s group Sutherland Brothers and ____
+Complete the proverb: 'What you lose on the swings...'?
+You gain on the roundabouts
+Complete the proverb: There's many a good tune?
+Played on an old fiddle
+Complete the saying: 'He who praises everybody ...'?
+Praises nobody
+Complete the saying: 'What can't be cured must be ...'?
+Complete the saying: An apple a day?
+Keeps the doctor away
+Complete this phrase: friends, romans,?
+Complete this proverb:'listeners never hear any...'?
+Good of themselves
+Complete this saying 'all ship shape and'?
+Bristol fashion
+Complex disease of uncertain origin caused by the faulty metabolism of uric acid produced in the body by breakdown of protein, & resulting in elevated levels of uric acid in the blood?
+Compounds of which molecule outnumber tenfold all other compounds of molecules together?
+Comprising of 9 member countries, with cambodia poised to join as its tenth member is this grouping?
+Computers: After breaking into physicist Tsutomu Shimomura's computer on Christmas in 1994, what legendary hacker was taken down?
+Kevin Mitnick
+Computers: demo means____
+Computers: Digital Equipment Corporation sued what computer chip manufacturer claiming it stole the technology to develop the Pentium Pro?
+Intel Corporation
+Computers: From what source did William Henry Gates III amass his fortune?
+Computer software
+Computers: Hal, the computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey, got its name how?
+The letters before I B and M
+Computers: How many bits are in a nibble?
+Computers: How much cache did the Coppermine CPU have?
+Computers: How much cache did the Katmai CPU have?
+Computers: How much cache did the Mendocino CPU have?
+Computers: How much cache did the Thunderbird CPU have?
+Computers: How much cache did the Tualatin CPU have?
+Computers: How much cache did the Willamette CPU have?
+Computers: In computer lingo what is a MUD?
+Multi User Computer Game
+Computers: In what field of study are the terms CPU, PC, and VDU used?
+Computer Science
+Computers: In what year was the Intel Pentium processor introduced?
+Computers: List some operating systems?
+Computers: List some parts?
+Hard Drive
+Computers: mhz stands for____
+Computers: Movie maker George Lucas Filed a law suit against President Ronald Reagan to get him to stop referring to an outer space computer controlled defense system as what?
+Star Wars
+Computers: On the birthday of a famous painter, every March 6th, what computer virus strikes?
+Computers: Pixar created a 1995 blockbuster hit move using computer animation. What was the title of the movie?
+Toy Story
+Computers: Red Hat and Yellow Dog are computer outfits that distributed an alternative computer operating system. What was the name of the system?
+Computers: That big square thing you're staring at right now is called a ____
+Computers: The Dancing Baby computer generated 3D image danced it's way onto what TV show in 1998?
+Ally McBeal
+Computers: The displays commonly found in notebook and laptop computers are called what?
+Liquid Crystal Display
+Computers: The Electronic Frontier Foundation named its $250,000 computer designed to crack the U.S. government's outdated DES cryptographic code what?
+Deep Crack
+Computers: The first computer used for weather research was named what?
+Computers: The generic term for the mechanical, electrical and electronic components of a computer are called what?
+Computers: The Internet Relay Chat Program, which normally connects to port 6667, is more commonly known as ____
+Computers: The Los Angeles Police Department developed a computer program to help solve homicides. What was it called?
+Computers: to erase data or files from your computer is to____
+Computers: To reorganise the data on your hard drive?
+Computers: to transmit files from a central computer or server to another is called____
+Computers: What common element is used in the manufacture of computer chips?
+Computers: What country did the operating system 'Linux' come from?
+Computers: What did Charles Babbage invent when he designed his analytical engine in 1833?
+Computers: What does 'IBM' stand for?
+International Business Machines
+Computers: What does ietf stand for?
+Internet Engineering Task Force
+Computers: what does ram stand for?
+Random access memory
+Computers: What does TFT mean when seen on a monitor?
+Thin film transistor
+Computers: What does the 'x' mean when referring to the speed of a CD-rom (eg. 32x)?
+Times (faster than standard speed)
+Computers: What is MUD an abbreviation for?
+Multiple User Dungeon
+Computers: What is the codename for Pentium III cpu's with 256k cache?
+Computers: What is the codename for Pentium III cpu's with 512k cache?
+Computers: What is the codename for Pentium IV cpu's with 256k cache?
+Computers: What is the codename for Pentium IV cpu's with 512k cache?
+Computers: What is the difference between the Intel 386DX and the Intel 386SX processor?
+Math Coprocessor
+Computers: What is the reason behind the layout of the Qwerty keyboard?
+To slow down typing rates
+Computers: What is the successor to AMD's 5x86 CPU?
+Computers: What is the successor to AMD's Athlon CPU?
+Athlon XP
+Computers: What is the successor to ATI's Rage 128 video chipset?
+Computers: What is the successor to ATI's Rage Pro video chipset?
+Rage 128
+Computers: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium CPU?
+Pentium II
+Computers: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium II CPU?
+Pentium III
+Computers: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium III CPU?
+Pentium IV
+Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's Geforce 256 video chipset?
+Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's Geforce2 video chipset?
+Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's Riva 128 video chipset?
+Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's TNT video chipset?
+Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's TNT2 video chipset?
+Geforce 256
+Computers: What is the successor to the Intel 486 CPU?
+Computers: What kind of fruit was used to name a computer in 1984?
+Computers: What letter is between Q and E on a computer keyboard?
+Computers: What personal computer became a video production system with the addition of New Tek's Video Toaster?
+Computers: What size cache do Pentium II cpu's have?
+Computers: What time doe the computer virus W32.MARIJUANA interrupt you to suggest taking a break?
+4:20 p.m.
+Computers: What type of memory do i815 motherboards use?
+Computers: What type of memory do i820 motherboards use?
+Computers: What type of memory do i845 motherboards use?
+Computers: What type of memory do i850 motherboards use?
+Computers: What type of memory do Intel BX motherboards use?
+Computers: What type of memory do KT133 motherboards use?
+Computers: What type of memory do KT266 motherboards use?
+Computers: What type of printer did Seiko develop for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics?
+Dot matrix
+Computers: What U.S. Democratic senator had the first internet home page?
+Ted Kennedy
+Computers: What was Fortran designed for?
+Formula Translation
+Computers: What was invented over 3000 years ago that is now considered the first 'computer'?
+Computers: What was the first version of Microsoft Windows to have networking capabilities?
+Windows for Workgroups
+Computers: What was the first version of Microsoft Windows?
+Windows 286
+Computers: What was the name of the computer company that was named after the founder's memories of a summer in an Orchard in Oregon?
+Computers: What was the name of the computer language named after a French philosopher and mathematician?
+Computers: what year was the first IBM pc introduced?
+Computers: when software stops responding & your computer freezes, what has happened to your computer?
+It crashed
+Computers: Which brothers built a home-made supercomputer to calculate the digits of Pi?
+Computers: Which computer company dropped the Play Station line and created an Aptiva brand computer for home users?
+IBM corporation
+Computers: Which computer language is an acronym of the name of the world's first computer programmer?
+Computers: Who is the CEO of Apple computers?
+Steve Jobs
+Conakry is the capital of ____
+Concertino=short concerto, concertina=simple type of this instrument?
+Concetta rosa maria franconero is the real name of which 60's singer?
+Connie francis
+Concordia is the roman goddess of ____
+Harmonious relations
+Condition existing at the free surface of a liquid, resembling the properties of an elastic skin under tension?
+Surface tension
+Condition in a circuit in which the combined impedances of the capacity and induction to alternating currents cancel each other out or reinforce each other?
+Condition in which body temperature falls drastically as a result of exposure to cold?
+Condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occuring after injury or severe shock?
+Post-traumatic stress disorder
+Condition of weather that occurs when the air temperature is below freezing?
+Conifer with dark foliage?
+Connecticut was nicknamed beacuse John Fiske, the historian, claimed that The Fundamental Orders of 1638-39 comprised the first written constitution in history?
+The Constitution State
+Connecting the Japanese islands of Honshu & Hokkaido, the ____ is the world's longest rail tunnel
+Connors who did bobby fischer beat to win the world chess championship?
+Boris spassky
+Construction workers hard hats were first invented and used in the building of the ____ Dam in 1933
+contact, starring jodie foster, was written by?
+Carl sagan
+Contagious disease of warm-blooded animals, including humans, caused by the bacterium bacillus anthracis?
+Contagious febrile disease of animals and, rarely, humans?
+Foot & mouth disease
+Containing 27 chapters, which book of the Old Testament is concerned with priestly laws and rituals?
+Contamination of air, water, or soil by materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of ecosystems?
+Contraception: After who is the 'Ramses' brand condom named?
+Pharaoh Ramses II
+Contrary to popular belief, there are almost no Buddhists in____ , nor have there been for about a thousand years
+Conventionally middle class materialist?
+Conversion of the vibrations of sound (for example, music) into a permanent record, & its later playback in its original form (sound)?
+Sound recording & reproduction
+Conway who, according to a song, damaged her foot on a piece of wood and fell into a raging torrent?
+Cookie what gas that animals exhale do plants utilize?
+Carbon dioxide
+Cooking and salad ____ could lubricate machinery, such as cars and boats, according to Penn State chemical engineers
+Coolidge colorless, corrosive liquid that has the chemical formula hno3?
+Nitric acid
+Coolidge what heisman trophy winner returned his first nfl kickoff for a touchdown?
+Tim brown
+Copenhagen is the capital of ____
+Copernicus what is new, last or gibbous?
+Cord what colour is the umbilical cord?
+Cornflakes was invented in 1863, 1890 or 1915?
+Coronation street's kabin is located in which street?
+Ross street
+Corregidor is a part of which island group?
+cortez conquered Mexico; he conquered peru?
+Cortez is to Mexico as ____ is to peru
+Cos, Web's Wonderful & Winter Density are all types of what?
+Cosmetic surgeons remove more than ____,____ pounds of fat from American every year
+Count Almaviva, a character in Rossini's The Barber of Seville , also appears in which opera by Mozart?
+The marriage of figaro
+Countries into which the Alps extend?
+Countries: 33 atolls in mid-Pacific Ocean, Tarawa is the capital?
+Countries: about 700 islands between Florida & Haiti?
+Countries: At 21 square kms, this is the world's Smallest island country?
+Countries: Brunei is on which island?
+Countries: Brussels is the capital of ____
+Countries: Buenos Aires is the capital of ____
+Countries: By what name is the country of Bechuanaland now known?
+Countries: Cairo is the capital of ____
+Countries: Canadian Capitals?
+St. John's
+Countries: Canadian Provinces?
+Newfoundland and Labrador
+Countries: Capitals: what national capital is heated by underground hot-water springs?
+Reykjavik, Iceland
+Countries: Capitals: what national capital rises where the blue nile and white nile converge?
+Khartoum, sudan
+Countries: Capitals: what's the world's southernmost national capital?
+Wellington, new zealand
+Countries: Caracas is the capital of ____
+Countries: Central America, Tegucigalpa is the capital?
+Countries: central Europe, the capital is Bratislava?
+Countries: central Europe, the capital is Prague?
+Czech republic
+Countries: central Pacific Ocean, southwest of Hawaii, this island is covered in phosphate, it's principal export?
+Countries: chain of more than 3,000 islands, major cities include Yokohama & Osaka?
+Countries: east-central Europe, the capital is Kiev?
+Countries: eastern coast of Baltic Sea in northeastern Europe, the capital is Vilnius?
+Countries: equatorial country in central Africa, Kinshasa is the capital?
+Countries: In central Europe, bounded on the north by the North Sea, Denmark, & the Baltic Sea; on the east by Poland & the Czech Republic; on the south by Austria & Switzerland; & on the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium, & the Netherlands?
+Federal republic of Germany
+Countries: In east asia, the world's third largest country by area (after Russia and Canada) and the largest by population?
+Countries: land of the thousand lakes?
+Countries: landlocked country in central South America, the capital is Asuncion?
+Countries: landlocked country in southern Africa, the capital is Gaborone?
+Countries: landlocked country in southern Africa, the capital is Harare?
+Countries: Maine is the ____ capital of the world
+Countries: north eastern Africa, the capital is Djibouti?
+French somaliland
+Countries: north eastern coast of central America, the capital is Belmopan?
+Countries: north eastern Europe & northern Asia, major cities include St. Petersburg & Novosibirsk?
+Countries: north eastern Europe, the capital is Tallinn?
+Countries: north eastern South America, the capital is Georgetown?
+Countries: north western Africa, major cities include Casablanca & Marrakech?
+Countries: north western Africa, Nouakchott is the capital?
+Countries: northern part of central American Isthmus, major cities include Quezaltenango & Escuintla?
+Countries: Over what place in India is it forbidden to fly an airplane?
+Taj Mahal
+Countries: roof at the top of the world?
+Countries: Seoul is the capital of ____
+South korea
+Countries: South africa is the biggest producer and exporter of ____
+Countries: south eastern Europe, major cities include Thessaloniki & Piraeus?
+Countries: south eastern Europe, the capital is Ljubljana?
+Countries: southern shore of Arabian peninsula, Sana'a is the capital?
+Countries: Taipei is the capital of ____
+Countries: western Asia, Amman is the capital?
+Countries: western Asia, the capital is Damascus?
+Countries: western Asia, the capital is Tehran?
+Countries: western coast of Africa, major cites include Yamoussoukro & Abidjan?
+Ivory coast
+Countries: western coast of Africa, the capital is Porto-novo?
+Countries: western coast of South American, major cities include Arequipa & Trujillo?
+Countries: What are chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the Western Pacific?
+Bird droppings
+Countries: What country suffers from the most earthquakes?
+Countries: Which country is the biggest producer and exporter of mohair?
+South Africa
+Countries: With y's?
+Couples: Abe Lincoln and ____ ____
+Mary todd
+Couples: archie bunker and ____
+Couples: Ashford and ____
+Couples: Chang and Eng were the original pair of these?
+Siamese twin
+Couples: Charles and ____
+Couples: donnie & ____
+Couples: eleanor & ____
+Couples: ferdinand and ____
+Couples: Harry Truman and ____
+Couples: Heloise & ____
+Couples: his desire to marry this American prompted edward viii to abdicate the throne?
+Wallis simpson
+Couples: Jean Paul Sartre and ____ ____ ____
+Simone de beauvoir
+Couples: jim bakker and ____ ____
+Tammy faye
+Couples: lyndon johnson and ____ ____
+Lady bird
+Couples: michael jackson and ____ ____
+Lisa marie
+Couples: miss piggy and ____
+Couples: Othello and ____
+Couples: Paris and ____
+Couples: prince rainer and ____ ____
+Grace kelly
+Couples: Puss and ____, nursery rhyme
+Couples: romeo and ____
+Couples: samson & ____
+Couples: She is the gypsy girl Quasimodo loves?
+Couples: sid (vicious) & ____
+Couples: sluggo and ____
+Couples: the archeologist mallowan, was married to this popular English author?
+Agatha christie
+Couples: the late great writing team will and ariel ____
+Couples: They ruled Britain jointly from 1689-1694?
+William and mary
+Couples: victoria & ____
+Couples: winston smith and ____
+Crack gets its name because it ____ when you smoke it
+Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them; a fully ripened cranberry can be dribbled like a____
+Cranberry Jello, is the only jello flavor that comes from the____ , not artificial flavoring
+Real fruit
+Cranesbill is the wild form of which garden flower?
+Crater formed by an explosion or collapse of a volcanic vent?
+Creamy sauce of butter,egg yolks and vinegar?
+Creation of programs, databases etc.for computer applications?
+Creator of Noddy?
+Enid blyton
+Creatures of class including spiders and scorpions?
+Credit card on which magnetically encoded information is stored to be read by an electronic device?
+Swipe card
+Creedence clearwater revival sings 'have you ever ____'
+Seen the rain
+Creek what position has been held by 266 men, 33 of whom have died violently?
+Crikey, It's a Sniiike: Although the South American Anaconda is sometimes claimed to be the longest snake, this is actually the longest recorded snake?
+Reticulated Python
+Crime of getting married again whilst still legally married?
+Crime Stories: Edward G. Robinson gained notoriety by playing this hoodlum?
+Little caesar
+Crime Stories: Frank Chambers is mad for her in the Postman Always Rings Twice?
+Cora papadalis
+Crime Stories: George Smiley's nemesis?
+Crime Stories: Hammett's anonymous detective?
+Continental op
+Crime Stories: He played Caspar Gutman in the 1941 John Huston film?
+Sydney greenstreet
+Crime Stories: Lt. Joe Leaphorn and Sgt. Jim Chee work for this tribe?
+Crime Stories: MacDonald bum who lives on a houseboat?
+Travis mcgee
+Crime Stories: Raymond Chandler's gumshoe?
+Phillip marlowe
+Crime Stories: Red October is this?
+Crime Stories: Rumpole tipples here?
+Pomeroys wine bar
+Crime Stories: The Cornwall mansion in Rebecca?
+Crime Stories: The grandmaster of the locked-room puzzle?
+John dickson carr
+Crime Stories: The most famous lawyer/sleuth?
+Perry mason
+Crime Stories: The name of Travis McGee's houseboat?
+The busted flush
+Cronus is identified with which roman god?
+Cross what day of the week did solomon grundy die?
+Crusoe in what state is the theodore roosevelt national park?
+North dakota
+Cryogenics is the study of the very ____
+Cuba is the only island in the caribbean to have a____
+Cuirass, greave and Pauldron are all pieces belonging to what?
+Culture: Because the emu and the kangaroo cannot walk backwards, they are on the Australian ____
+Coat of arms
+Culture: Culture: Where are the Hausa and Ibo tribes?
+Culture: For which country is the lotus flower the national symbol?
+Culture: In which country is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests?
+Culture: In which country is milk the most popular beverage?
+Culture: In which town does the famous 'running of the bulls' take place?
+Culture: What animals are on the Australian coat of arms?
+Emu and kangaroo
+Culture: What are the roads of Guam paved with?
+Culture: What are the sandals called that are worn in ceremonial Japanese tradition?
+Culture: What city do the Italians call the Monaco of bavaria?
+Culture: What do the Italians call Munich?
+Monaco of Bavaria
+Culture: What famous building is located on the banks of the river Jumna?
+Taj Mahal
+Culture: What happened on screen for the first time in India in 1977?
+Screen kiss
+Culture: What is a water taxi known as in Venice?
+Culture: What is the most common name in Italy?
+Mario Rossi
+Culture: What is the name of a quarter of Jerusalem that can be translated as 'hundred gates'?
+Mea Shearim
+Culture: What is the name of the wrought iron tower in Paris?
+Eiffel Tower
+Culture: What is the national symbol for India?
+Lotus flower
+Culture: What is the sacred river of Hinduism?
+Culture: What is the tribal african word for dowry?
+Culture: What London landmark has an 11 foot long hand?
+Big Ben
+Culture: When is turkey traditionally eaten in America?
+Culture: Where do the English monarchs live?
+Buckingham Palace
+Culture: Where is the Blarney Stone?
+Blarney Castle, Ireland
+Culture: Where was it once against the law to have a pet dog?
+Culture: Where would one eat a taco?
+Culture: Which country eats the most turkey per capita?
+Culture: Which famous museum is in Paris, France?
+Culture: Which nationality calls Munich the 'Monaco of Bavaria'?
+Culture:Israel has the highest per capital consumption of ____
+Cumulus, cirrus and stratus are all types of what?
+Currencies: Germany's equivalent to the dollar is the ____
+Deutsche mark
+Currencies: Israel's equivalent to the dollar is the ____
+Currencies: Italy's equivalant to the dollar is the ____
+Currencies: Japan's equivalent to the dollar is the ____
+Currencies: List some currencies?
+Currencies: Mexico's equivalent to the dollar is the ____
+Currencies: Spain's equivalent to the dollar is the ____
+Currencies: Thailand?
+Currencies: The Danish?
+Currencies: The Indian?
+Currencies: The Maltese?
+Currencies: The quetzal is the currency of ____
+Currencies: The Swedish?
+Currencies: Turkish?
+Currencies: What country's currency is the Bolivar?
+Currencies: What is the currency of Guatemala?
+Currencies: What is the currency of Venezuela?
+Currencies: What is the Japanese currency?
+Currencies: What is the monetary unit of India?
+Currencies: Which country has the currency 'yen'?
+Curtain serving to screen Hindu or Muslim women from the sight of men or strangers?
+Curved inwards?
+Curved outwards?
+Cushion for kneeling on in church?
+Custer was the youngest General in US history, he was promoted at the age of?
+cyberpunk: a program that runs in the background of a decker's os:?
+Cyberpunk: A program used for defeating passwords, or the name of your dictionary:?
+Cyberpunk: Bionic enhancement which allows user to manipulate any voice or sound:?
+Silver tongue
+cyberpunk: book by william gibson, thought by many to have started cyberpunk:?
+Cyberpunk: In this predecessor of Cyberpunk novels, the hero was Guy Montag:?
+Fahrenheit 451
+Cyberpunk: Light, reflective armor used to protect wearer from laser fire:?
+Cyberpunk: Name of Max Headroom's alter ego:?
+Edison carter
+Cyberpunk: Russian word for underground press:?
+Cyberpunk: These computer simulated personalities are dominant in Cyberspace:?
+Artificial intelligence
+cyberpunk: this famous cyberpunk writer has an award named after him?
+Cyprus has a ____ on its flag
+Cyprus lies in which sea?
+Cyrus curtis founded what woman's magazine in 1896?
+Ladies home journal
+Cystallite is the material ____ are made from
+Snooker balls
+Czar ____ banished soldiers to Siberia for marching out of step
+Paul i
+Czar Paul I banished soldiers to ____ for marching out of step
+D is the roman numeral for which number?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Five hundred", "500"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Dactylography is the study and practice of what?
+Finger printing
+Dagon is the mesopotamian god of ____
+Dainty or cute to an affected degree?
+Dairy products account for about ____ of all food consumed in the U.S
+Daisy cooper was a housekeeper in what western?
+Daisy Hawkins was the original song title for which Beatle hit?
+Eleanor Rigby
+Dalcroze, Professor of Harmony at the Geneva Conservatoire, conceived of which form of exercise?
+Damascus is the capital of ____
+Dame Edna Everages companion?
+Madge allsop
+Dame where is the notre dame cathedral?
+Danish architect Yorn Utzon designed what Australian building to resemble a giant sailing ship?
+Sydney Opera House
+Dapsang is another name for which major mountain?
+Dar es salaam is the capital of ____
+Dark skinned nomadic European?
+Dark volcanic rock?
+Dating back to the 1600s, thermometers were filled with ____ instead of mercury
+David ball was the less flamboyant member od which duo?
+Soft cell
+David Letterman attended what Indiana University?
+Ball State
+Davita's Harp_?
+Chaim potok
+Death of body tissue usually caused by bad circulation?
+Deaths: 1960s: In 1967, Jayne Mansfield, actress, dies in a car crash at the age of?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Thirty four", "34"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Deaths: 1970s: Funeral of Pope____ in 1978
+Paul vi
+Deaths: 1970s: In 1978, Bob Crane actor (Hogan's Heroes), murdered at the age of?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Fifty nine", "59"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Deaths: 1970s: This world leader died in Cairo in 1970?
+Gamal abdel nasser
+Deaths: 1980s: Shot dead at the airport in Manila, in 1983?
+Benigno aquino
+Deaths: 1990s: Indian film maker who died in the early 90s, given honorary Academy Award for lifetime achievement?
+Satyajit ray
+Deaths: Art: 1950s: ____ Pollock abstract artist, dies in auto accident in 1956(East Hampton)
+Deaths: Art: 1950s: Jackson ____ abstract artist, dies in auto accident in 1956(East Hampton)
+Deaths: Art: 1950s: Jackson Pollock abstract artist, dies in a ____ in 1956(East Hampton)
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Car accident", "auto accident"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Deaths: Israel PM who made peace with Egypt at Camp David, who died in the early 90s?
+Menachem begin
+Deaths: Owner of global press empire which included the New York Daily News, who died in the early 90s?
+Robert maxwell
+Deaths: Senior Democratic Senator from North Dakota, who died in the early 90s?
+Quentin burdick
+Decipher this famous saying: a mass of concentrated earthly material perennially rotating on its axis will not accumulate an accretion of bryophytic vegetation?
+A rolling stone gathers no moss
+Decipher this famous saying: everything that coruscates with effulgence is not ipso facto aurous?
+All that glitters is not gold
+Decoration of food?
+Defender of the US constitution whose headstone reads '...that nothing's so sacred as honor and nothing's so loyal as love'?
+Wyatt earp
+Deficiency of dietary fibre leads to...?
+Degrees who was the Indian maiden in johnny preston's 'running bear'?
+Little white
+Delivery of child by cutting into the abdomen?
+Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland combine to make what?
+Denver is the capital of ____
+Dephlogisticated air was the name given by Joseph Priestley to which gas?
+Derived from the latin 'australis', what does Australia mean?
+Designed about 1860 by George Meacham, this was the first public botanic garden in the United States?
+Boston Public Garden
+Despite a population of over a billion, China has only about ____ family names
+Detectives (full names)?
+Sherlock holmes
+Dixon Hill
+Determination of the depth of a body of water?
+Deuteronomy what is the capital of illinois?
+Development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be complete and self sustaining?
+Device for driving air into fire?
+Device for viewing a revolving or oscillating object by making the object appear to be at rest?
+Device installed on a deck of a warship for launching aircraft?
+Device which automatically maintains a motor vehicle at a chosen speed is called?
+Cruise control
+Devil's tower, the first us national monument, is located in what state?
+Devoid of its ____ and proteins, human blood has the same general makeup as seawater
+Devoid of its cells and____ , human blood has the same general makeup as seawater
+Devon is the only county in Great Britain to have ____ coasts
+Devon is the only county in Great Britain to have two ____
+Diameter TV/Film: Who played shortstop for charlie brown's baseball team?
+Diamond is the birthstone for which month?
+Diamonds are composed of which element?
+Diamonds were discovered near kimberley in 1841,1867 or 1893?
+Diamonds which band covered nilsson's 'one' and brought it to the top ten in 1969?
+Three dog night
+Diana ross sings 'everytime you touch me i become a hero'. what is the song title?
+When you tell me that you love me
+Diana ross sings 'noone knows what goes on behind ____'
+Closed doors
+Dibble means to drink like a____
+Dick Van Dyke Show: In what year did the show premiere?
+Dick Van Dyke Show: What body part would Rob lose if he became a Twyloite?
+Dick Van Dyke Show: What instrument did Buddy play?
+Dick Van Dyke Show: What kind of sports car did Rob Petrie buy?
+Dickinson where was emily dickinson's home?
+Did superman have a logo on his cape?
+Digimon: Name 5 of the original Digidestined?
+Digimon: What are the devices called that allow Digimon to digivolve?
+Digimon: What do the 9 crests represent?
+Digimon: What is required to trigger the Ultimate level digivolution?
+Digimon Crest
+Digimon: What is the name of the world where the digimon come from?
+The Digital World
+Digimon: What was the first Digimon series known as?
+Digimon Adventure
+Digimon: Who defeated Devimon?
+Digimon: Who defeated Etemon?
+Digimon: Who defeated MetalSeadramon?
+Digimon: Who defeated Myotismon?
+Digimon: Who defeated Puppetmon?
+Digimon: Who defeated Shellmon?
+Digimon: Who defeated VenomMyotismon?
+WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon
+Digimon: Who does Agumon belong to?
+Digimon: Who does Biyomon belong to?
+Digimon: Who does Gabumon belong to?
+Digimon: Who does Gatomon belong to?
+Digimon: Who does Gomamon belong to?
+Digimon: Who does Palmon belong to?
+Digimon: Who does Patamon belong to?
+Digimon: Who does Tentamon belong to?
+Digimon: Who is Matts younger brother?
+Digimon: Who is the first Mega Digimon to be shown in the series?
+Digimon: Who is the first Ultimate Digimon to be shown in the series?
+Dirk, poniard, and stiletto are all types of what?
+Disc of light shown round the head of a sacred person?
+Disco singer donna summer struts into the top 10 with the song?
+Last dance
+Discovered in the 30s, Jonker and President Vargas were types of what?
+Discoverer of antiseptic?
+Joseph lister
+Discoverer of nine ancient cities including Troy, Heinrich Schliemann made spectacular excavations of which city during 1874 to 1876?
+Discoverer of penicillin?
+Alexander flemming
+Discoverer of the circulation of the body?
+William harvey
+Discoverer of the planet of pluto?
+James christy
+Disease: Caused by deficiency of vitamin b?
+Disease: Of animals, especially birds, monkeys, & humans, caused by infection by protozoans of the genus plasmodium & characterized by chills & intermittent fever?
+Disease: Sleeping sickness is carried by which insect?
+Tsetse fly
+Disease: What disease is carried by the tsetse fly?
+Sleeping sickness
+Disgrace through shameful conduct is known as?
+Disney: ____ comics were nearly banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants
+Donald duck
+Disney: ____ tree house in Disneyland has 300,000 fake leaves on it which are changed twice a year to reflect the seasons
+The Swiss family robinson
+Disney: 1990s: In 1992, what country saw the opening of euro disneyland?
+Disney: At Disneyland Paris, the park's famous ____ is known as Le Ch?teau de la Belle au Bois Dormant
+Sleeping beauty castle
+Disney: Disney World in Florida was opened to the public in 1971. The amusement park was the largest in the world, set within ____ acres. It required a $400-million investment, and did not do well during the first year it was opened
+Disney: Disney World in Orlando, Florida covers ____ acres (46 square miles), making it twice the size of the island of Manhattan, New York
+Disney: Disney's ____ was featured on cereal boxes for the Post cereal Toasties corn flakes back in 1935
+Mickey mouse
+Disney: Disney's ____ was the first roller coaster to run on steel tubes, which made the ride smoother while allowing Disney to build longer-lasting coasters faster and cheaper
+Disney: Disneyland opened in what year?
+Disney: Every plant in Tomorrowland at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, is edible. Plants in this section of the amusement park include ____, strawberries, tomatoes, and more. Guest are more than welcome to pick their fill
+Disney: H.R. Haldeman and Ron Ziegler, who helped plan the ____ burglary for President Nixon, both worked at Disneyland when they were younger
+Disney: On what New Orleans Square (Disneyland) ride do you travel up a waterfall?
+Pirates of the caribbean
+Disney: Only 10,000 people visited Disney World, Florida during the first year. With time, however, the attendance numbers rose to more than ____ people an hour
+Disney: Purely coincidental, Disneyland and Walt Disney World amusement parks are in counties with the same name. The former is in Orange County, California; the latter is in Orange County, ____
+Disney: The ____ to the picturesque, 77-foot-tall Sleeping Beauty's Castle in Disneyland in southern California, actually works. It was lowered on the opening day of the park, July 17, 1955
+Disney: Walt Disney had an apartment in disneyland, where was it located?
+Over the fire house
+Disney: Walt Disney World is home to the largest working wardrobe in the world with over ____ costumes in its inventory
+2.5 million
+Disney: Walt Disney's autograph bears no resemblance to the famous Disney ____
+Disney: Walt Disney's family dog was named ____. She was a poodle
+Disney: What is one of the main entertainment areas in Disneyworld called?
+Magic kingdom
+Disney: What is the campground area in Disneyworld called?
+Fort wilderness
+Disney: What is the old west section of Disneyworld called?
+District of ancient greece on the northern coast of the gulf of corinth?
+Divas ____ music goddesses past & present
+Barbra Streisand
+Diverse group of either single-celled or multicellular organisms that obtain food by direct absorption of nutrients?
+Diving sea bird with black plumage?
+Division of geologic time in the Cenozoic era following the tertiary period (geology)?
+Quaternary period
+Division what's popeye's official age?
+DNA analysis suggests there are three distinct species of this animal, African forest, African savanna & Indian. What animal?
+DNA stands for what?
+Deoxyribonucleic acid
+Do arteries carry blood towards or away from the heart?
+Do some jets use kerosene as fuel?
+Do unto others as you would have others do unto you is also called what?
+Golden rule
+Doctor Crippen was arrested aboard which ship?
+Doers Of Deeds: English queen who reigned during the persecution of protestants in the 16 cent?
+Bloody mary
+Doers Of Deeds: Man in charge of the New Deal?
+Doers Of Deeds: Russian-born Israeli woman who served as prime minister of Israel, 1969-1974?
+Golda meir
+Doers Of Deeds: The leader of the Norman Conquest?
+William the conqueror
+Does 'verbatim' mean 'in the same words' or 'opposite'?
+In the same words
+Does a 'milliner' make & sell flour, hats or windmills?
+Does a cat groom itself more in cold weather or in warm weather?
+Does a giraffe have a voice?
+Does a person's heart rate increase or decrease during exercise?
+Does a wild rabbit live 10, 15 or 20 years?
+Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?
+Breakfast Club
+Does batman's mask cover his nose?
+Does botany bay lie to the north or south of sydney?
+Does elizabeth ii face to the left or right on a British coin?
+Does Robin Hood have a feather in his cap?
+Does sound travel faster in warmer or colder air?
+Does tennis service begin in the left or right court?
+Dogs ____ through the pads of their feet
+Dogs & humans are the only animals with what?
+Dogs and cats consume over ____ worth of pet food a year
+Dogs and cats consume over ____ worth of pet food a year
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["$11 billion", "11,000,000,000"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Dogs are ____ blind
+Dogs bark and cows moo, but what does a Khaki Campbell do?
+Dogs bark, donkeys ____
+Dogs can hear ____ that humans cant
+German Shepard
+Dolly, dimmer & rocker are all types of what?
+Light switches
+Dolores Ibarruri was better known under what name during the Spanish Civil War?
+La passionaria
+Dolphins ____ with one eye open
+domenikos theotocopoulus is better known as this?
+El greco
+Domestic Metallurgy Name the clothing wrinkle remover that sounds like a kind of metal?
+Dominica supplies a good part of the world with Rose's?
+Lime juice
+Dominica, ____ , Zambia, Kiribati, Fiji and Egypt all have birds on their flags
+Dominica, Mexico, ____ , Kiribati, Fiji and Egypt all have birds on their flags
+Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, ____ , Fiji and Egypt all have birds on their flags
+Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, Kiribati, ____ and Egypt all have birds on their flags
+Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, Kiribati, Fiji & Egypt all have what on their flags?
+Don Carlos, subject of an opera by Verdi, was the half brother of which king of Spain?
+Philip iii
+Don henley was a part of what popular group in the 70's?
+Don John of Austria, the victorious admiral at Lepanto, was the illegitimate son of which Holy Roman Emperor?
+Charles v
+Donald Duck comics were banned in ____ because he doesn't wear pants
+Donald duck comics were banned in Finland because he didn't wear ____
+Donald duck's middle name as he enlisted in the us army?
+Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo are the names of what cartoon characters?
+Teenage mutant ninja turtles
+Doubly-ionised helium atoms, when emitted by some radioactive nuclei, are known as what?
+Alpha particles
+Dove where is most of the vitamin c in fruits?
+Dover is the capital of ____
+Dover is the capital of which US state?
+Down which street is the st patrick's day parade?
+Fifth avenue
+Dr James Simpson was knighted by Queen Victoria after the birth of her eighth child in 1853. Which medicine did he administer during childbirth?
+dr seuss: the big-hearted moose?
+dr seuss: there's a in my pocket?
+dr seuss: this elephant hatched and egg and heard a who?
+Dr. ____ pronounced his name so that it would rhyme with rejoice
+Dr. Hermann Rorschach is credited with developing what kind of tests?
+Dr. Seuss Books?
+The Cat in the Hat
+Dr. Suess wrote ____ after his editor dared him to write a book using fewer than fifty different words
+Green eggs & ham
+Dr. Thomas Bramwell Welch became the first to successfully pasteurize which beverage?
+Grape Juice
+dragon whiskers is a type of tea from what country?
+Dragonball Z: How many forms did Frieza have?
+Dragonball Z: How many times did Goku die in Dragonball Z?
+Dragonball Z: Name 5 earthlings from the series?
+Dragonball Z: Name 5 Saiyans from the series?
+Dragonball Z: Name all of the Namekians?
+Dragonball Z: Name all of the Super Saiyan 2s?
+Dragonball Z: Name Friezas father?
+King Cold
+Dragonball Z: Name Friezas two main serveants?
+Dodoria and Zarbon
+Dragonball Z: Name Gohans ultimate attack?
+Super Kamehameha
+Dragonball Z: Name Gokus brother?
+Dragonball Z: Name Gokus father?
+Dragonball Z: Name Gokus sons?
+Gohan and Goten
+Dragonball Z: Name Gokus ultimate attack?
+Spirit Bomb
+Dragonball Z: Name Gokus wife?
+Chi Chi
+Dragonball Z: Name one of Piccolos signature attacks?
+Dragonball Z: Name one of Yamchas signature attacks?
+Wolf Gang Fist
+Dragonball Z: Name Piccolos ultimate attack?
+Special Beam Canon
+Dragonball Z: Name the 5 members of the Ginyu Force?
+Captain Ginju
+Dragonball Z: Name the earthling who Vegeta marries?
+Dragonball Z: Name the main Namekian in the series?
+Dragonball Z: Name the path the dead must travel to meet King Kai?
+Snake Way
+Dragonball Z: Name the special force that Frieza has at his disposal?
+Ginyu Force
+Dragonball Z: Name the two types of fusion?
+Fusion dance and Potara earrings
+Dragonball Z: Name Tiens ultimate attack?
+Tri Beam Attack
+Dragonball Z: Name Vegetas brother?
+Dragonball Z: Name Vegetas son?
+Dragonball Z: Name Vegetas ultimate attack?
+Final Flash
+Dragonball Z: What move of Deborahs could turn anybody to stone?
+His spit
+Dragonball Z: What planet do Namekians come from?
+Planet Namek
+Dragonball Z: What planet do Saiyans come from?
+Planet Vegeta
+Dragonball Z: What two Androids did Cell intend to fuse with?
+Android 18 and Android 17
+Dragonball Z: What two Saiyans fuse to form Gotenks?
+Trunks and Goten
+Dragonball Z: What two Saiyans fuse to form Vegetto?
+Vegeta and Goku
+Dragonball Z: What two Saiyans fuse to make Gogeta?
+Vegeta and Goku
+Dragonball Z: What two Saiyans invaded earth after Gokus dies the first time?
+Vegeta and Nappa
+Dragonball Z: Who created the Androids?
+Dr Gero
+Dragonball Z: Who killed Dodoria?
+Dragonball Z: Who killed Frieza?
+Dragonball Z: Who killed King Cold?
+Dragonball Z: Who killed Vegeta on planet Namek?
+Dragonball Z: Who killed Zarbon?
+Dragonball Z: Who taught Goku how to use Instant Transmission?
+The Yardrats
+Dragonball Z: Who trained Goku after his defeat to Radditz?
+King Kai
+Dragonball Z: Who was responsible for Majin Buu re-awakening?
+Dragonball Z: Who was the demon king who accompanied Babidi?
+Dragonball Z: Who was the fat pink enemy in the final saga of the series?
+Majin Buu
+Dragonball Z: Who was the first Saiyan to achieve the level of Super Saiyan 2?
+Dragonball Z: Who was the first Saiyan to achieve the level of Super Saiyan 3?
+Dragonball Z: Who was the first Super Saiyan?
+Dragonball: How many Dragonballs are there?
+Dragonball: Who is the author of the Dragonball series?
+Akira Toriyama
+Dream of jeannie license plates: what film series does ob wan enjoy?
+Star wars
+Dreams are good friends, when you're ____
+Dressed list who paid miss ussr four cartons of marlboro to be on his show?
+Dressed man what song spawned a lawsuit for tommy tutone?
+Dresses first incorporated this in the 1930's?
+Dried fish eaten as a relish with curry?
+Bombay duck
+Drinking vessel with foot and stem?
+Drinking water after eating reduces the ____ in your mouth by 61 percent
+Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by ____ percent
+Driving at ____ miles per hour, it would take 258 days to drive around one of Saturn's rings
+Driving at 75 miles per hour, it would take 258 days to drive around one of ____ 's rings
+Drop the piolot name the female artist?
+Joan armatrading
+Dropped out of the sky onto the actors' heads?
+Green Slime
+Dry ice consists of?
+Carbon dioxide
+Dublin comes from the Irish Dubh Linn which means?
+Dublin is the capital of ____
+Due to a lack of vitamin c, sailors used to contract a disease called?
+Due to gravitational effects, you weigh slightly less when the moon is directly?
+Due to precipitation, for a few weeks k2 is bigger than?
+Mt everest
+Due to precipitation, for a few weeks, ____ is taller than Mt. Everest
+Due to precipitation, for a few weeks, k2 is taller than mt.____
+Due to staggering inflation in the 1920's, 4,000,000,000,000,000,000 ____ ____ were worth 1 US dollar
+German marks
+Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered?
+Blood donors
+Duran Duran were the 'wild boys' of which year?
+During a 24-hour period, the average human will breathe ____ times
+During a lifetime, one person generates more than ____ pounds of red blood cells
+During a lifetime, one person generates more than 1,000 pounds of ____ blood cells
+During a orchidectomy, a man has a ____ removed
+During annual spring floods, this waterfall can become so loud as to break windows six miles away?
+Victoria falls
+During Australia's ____ in 1850, only a few miners ever became rich. Instead, merchants and shopkeepers were the ones who really got rich
+Gold rush
+During conscription for WWII, there were ____ documented cases of men with three testicles
+During conscription for WWII, there were nine documented cases of men with ____ testicles
+During conscription for WWII, there were nine documented cases of men with three____
+During his entire life, Vincent ____ sold exactly one painting, Red Vineyard at Arles
+Van gogh
+During his entire life, vincent van gogh sold exactly one painting,____
+Red vineyard at arles
+During menstruation, the sensitivity of a woman's middle finger is____
+During one four-year period, Thomas Edison obtained ____ patents, or one every five days
+During the ____ century, books that were considered offensive were sometimes punished by being whipped
+During the ____ period, about 500 million years ago, a day was only 20.6 hours long
+During the 1812 war between Canada and the u.s, what did Canadian troops invade and burn?
+White house
+During the 1940s, ____ contributed directly to the war effort in the 1940s, by manufacturing first-aid kits and dye markers for the U.S. Navy. When the war ended, the cosmetic firm began to produce manicure and pedicure instruments, which were tremendously successful
+During the 20th century who was the only England bowler to take a hat trick in an Ashes test?
+Darren gough
+During the American revolutionary war, what country declared war on Great Britain to help the colonies?
+During the Cambrian period, about ____ years ago, a day was only 20.6 hours long
+500 million
+During the Cambrian period, about 500 million years ago, a day was only ____ hours long
+During the Depression, ____ first used Scotch tape to mend torn currency
+During the Depression, banks first used ____ tape to mend torn currency
+During the han dynasty, court officials chewed this spice to sweeten their breath before speaking to the emperor?
+During the Industrial Revolution a toilet was simply a glass or metal jar that people emptied by simply tossing its contents into the street below. It was a common courtesy to warn the passerby with the shout 'gardyloos'. What does Gardyloos mean?
+Watch out for the water
+During the Medieval Crusades, transporting bodies off the battlefield for burial was a major problem, this was solved by carrying a huge cauldron into the Holy wars, boiling down the bodies, and taking only the ____ with them
+During the migration, geese may cover up to ____ miles per day
+During the reign of Elizabeth I, there was a tax put on men's?
+During the seventeen century , the Sultan of Turkey ordered his entire harem of women ____, and replace with a new one
+During the Spanish American War in 1898, there were 45 stars on the ____
+American flag
+During the Spanish Civil war, which town in the Basque region was destroyed by German bombers, an event which Picasso commemorated in a painting?
+During the time of Peter the Great, any Russian man who wore a ____ was required to pay a special tax
+During the time of the Roman occupation it was known as Lutetia. How is it known today?
+During the U S civil war, how many union army blacks gave their lives?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["38,000", "38000", "thirty eight thousand"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+During the u.s civil war, how many blacks served in the union army?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["200,000", "200000", "two hundred thousand"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+During the u.s civil war, what did 22 union army blacks win?
+Medal of honour
+During the U.S. Civil War, telegraph wires were strung to follow and report on the action on the battlefield. But there was no telegraph office in the White House, so President Lincoln trekked across the street to the ____ to get the news
+War department
+During the____ , banks first used Scotch tape to mend torn currency
+During what month did Robert Browning have a longing to be in England?
+During what month is the Earth closest to the sun?
+During what period in American history did thousands of people die or go blind from drinking bad liquor?
+During what was alcohol was made illegal?
+During which conflict did the battles of Alma and Inkermann take place?
+The crimean war
+During which conflict were the battles of Blore Heath, Wakefield, Northampton and Mortimer's Cross?
+Wars of the roses
+During which geologic era did insects, fish, amphibians, and reptiles first appear on earth?
+Paleozoic era
+During which month is the earth nearest the sun?
+During which month is the longest day in the Northern hemisphere?
+During which month is the longest day in the Southern hemisphere?
+During which month is the shortest day in the Northern hemisphere?
+During which month is the shortest day in the Southern hemisphere?
+During which war did andersonville prison earn its disgraceful reputation?
+American civil war
+During which war did the Battle of Jutland take place?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["World war 1", "world war i"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+During which war did the battles of The Modder River, Majuba and Magersfontein take place?
+The boer war
+During which war was kuwait liberated?
+Gulf war
+During World War I, the punishment for homosexuality in the French army was ____
+During World War II, the original copies of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were taken from the Library of Congress and kept at ____, Kentucky
+Fort knox
+During World War II, W.C. Fields kept US ____ in Germany 'in case the little bastard wins'
+During World War II, what were U-Boats?
+During World War One, the future Pope John XXIII was a ____ in the Italian Army
+During WW I, it was at this city & battle where the Germans introduced mustard gas?
+During WW I, what day of the week was the recommended meatless day?
+During WWII, Americans tried to train ____ to drop bombs
+During WWII, Americans tried to train bats to?
+Drop bombs
+During WWII, men in the Air Corps who did not fly bore which nickname?
+During your lifetime you will eat ____ pounds of food, the weight of six elephants
+During your lifetime you will eat 60,000 pounds of food, the weight of ____ elephants
+During your lifetime you will spend this long on the phone?
+Two years
+During your lifetime you will spend this long waiting for traffic lights to change?
+Two weeks
+Dustin hoffman won his 2 oscars for best actor in?
+Rainman and kramer vs kramer
+Dutch-born Swiss scientist, who discovered basic principles of fluid behavior?
+Daniel bernoulli
+Each month, there is at least one report of ____ 's from each province of Canada
+Each unit on the Richter scale is equivalent to a power factor of how much?
+Each year, approximately 250,000 American husbands are physically attacked and beaten by ____
+Their wives
+Each year, more than 300,000 American teenagers become afflicted with some form of ____
+Venereal disease
+Eagles can live in captivity for up to ____ years
+Earl Warren chaired the commission on the assassination of which president?
+Early in his career, which rolling stones guitarist played with rod stewart and 'the faces'?
+Ron wood
+Early mariners mistook the manatee and the dugong for what?
+Early models of vacuum cleaners were powered by?
+Early people used flint for 2 reasons, one was to make tools, what was the other?
+To make fire
+Earth has not anything to show more fair is the first line of a poem by whom?
+Earth is ____ kilometres in diameter
+Earth is ____ miles in diameter
+Earth is ____ million kilometres from the Sun
+Earth is the only planet not named after a?
+Earth's atmosphere is, proportionally, thinner than the skin of an____
+East Pakistan is the former name of which modern republic?
+Eating raw onions are good for unblocking a stuffed____
+Eau de Cologne was originally marketed as a way of protecting yourself against the?
+Ed Moses won the 400 metre hurdle title in which year?
+Edgar allan poe introduced mystery fiction's first fictional detective, auguste c. dupin, in what 1841 story?
+The murders in the rue morgue
+Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about this animal?
+Edgar allen poe wrote a famous poem about which animal?
+Editor of Private Eye?
+Ian Hislop
+Edson arantes do nascimento is better known as?
+Edward III did well between 1346 and 1356. But what catastrophe cast a terrible blight over that decade?
+The black death
+Edward kennedy is the real name of which singer?
+Duke ellington
+Edwin Shoemaker invented the first type of motion furniture. What is this piece of furniture?
+The La-z Boy Recliner
+Effect a complex alcohol constituent of all animal fats and oils?
+Effect that occurs when two or more waves overlap or intersect?
+Egg beaters operate on what type of gear?
+Eggplant is not a vegetable, but is actually a member of what plant family?
+Eglantine Jebb founded which charitable organisation?
+Save the children fund
+Eight hundred dollars if locked in a completely sealed room, of what will you die before you suffocate?
+Carbon monoxide poisoning
+Eight thousand in the middle ages, where did people believe the seat of intelligence was?
+Eighty one what is the minimum number of degrees in an acute angle?
+One degree
+Eighty per cent of all body heat escapes through the?
+Eighty percent of all people hit by ____ are men
+Einstein couldn't speak fluently when he was____ . His parents thought he might be retarded
+Einstein gave this successful prediction of the stock market when asked what it would do in the next year. He said?
+It would fluctuate
+Either of two saturated hydrocarbons, or alkanes, with the chemical formula c4h10?
+El Al is the national airline of which country?
+El cid was the name of what college's mascot goat?
+Annapolis naval academy
+Elba island is located in what sea?
+Tyrrhenian sea
+Eleanor Roosevelt was concerned about improving her memory. What did her doctor recommend she eat to do so?
+Chocolate covered garlic balls
+Electrical circuit made by depositing conductive material on the surface of an insulating base?
+Printed circuit board
+Electronic device that allows the passage of current in only one direction?
+Electronic lift control what is the second biggest organ in the human body?
+Electronics: As what was Sony's video recorder known?
+Electronics: Circuits can be wired in parallel or ____
+Elementary in the house of lords, where does the lord chancellor sit?
+Elementary particle found in all nuclei except that of hydrogen?
+Elementary, My Dear Watson: With a melting point of -38.8 Celsius, this element holds the record for the lowest melting point?
+Elementary, My Dear Watson: With a melting point of 3,527 Celsius, this element holds the record for the highest melting point?
+Elements (Argon, Iron, Zinc, etc)?
+Elephants are the only animals that can't?
+Elephants trumpet, monkeys chatter & bark, what do pandas do?
+Eliza Doolittle is a character in which George Bernard Shaw play?
+Elsinore Castle is the setting for which of Shakespeare's plays?
+Elton John got married (with a woman) only once in 1994. With whom?
+Renate blauel
+Elvis: Elvis had a twin brother named ____, who died at birth
+Elvis: Elvis presley appeared on how many stamps in 1993?
+Five hundred million
+Elvis: Elvis Presley's favorite food was fried peanut butter and ____ sandwiches
+Elvis: Elvis weighed ____ pounds at the time of his death
+Embankment built to prevent flooding?
+Emerald is the birthstone for which month?
+Emeralds come from which mineral?
+EMI stands for?
+Electrical and musical instruments
+Eminem is a member of this rap crew?
+Emission of energy as electromagnetic waves in the portion of the spectrum just beyond the limit of the red portion of visible radiation?
+Infrared radiation
+Emmanuel Goldstein is a character in which 1949 novel?
+emoticons: :d?
+Big smile
+emoticons: :o?
+emoticons: (^o^)?
+emoticons: (h_h)?
+emoticons: [_]?
+Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was finally diposed in 1974 after how many years in power?
+Fifty eight
+Emperor is the largest and pott is the smallest what?
+Paper size
+Encephalon is a technical term which relates to what?
+The brain
+Encounter on march 5, 1770, five years before the American revolution, between British troops and a group of citizens of boston?
+Boston massacre
+Endorphins are produced in the brain and in the pituitary gland. What is their function?
+Pain killers
+Energy waves produced by the oscillation or acceleration of an electric charge. Electromagnetic waves have both electric and magnetic components?
+Electromagnetic radiation
+Engine that employs gas flow as the working medium by what heat energy is transformed into mechanical energy?
+Gas turbine
+England is smaller than?
+New England
+England periodic table: what is rn?
+England's Stonehenge is ____ years older than Rome's Colosseum
+Fifteen hundred
+Englands Stonehenge is how many years older than Rome's colosseum?
+1,500 years
+English charts: Clive Dunn had a hit called Grandad in which year?
+English fashion photographer?
+David Bailey
+English mathematician who devised the precursor of the computer?
+Charles Babbage
+Englund what was the first ironclad warship launched?
+Hms warrior
+Engrave with acid?
+Entomology: What is the only insect that can turn its head?
+Praying mantis
+Environmental pressure group, established in 1971 in the UK?
+Friends of the Earth
+Epaminondas was the general of which ancient state?
+Eponyms (words named for people) A close fitting garment for the torso, worn by dancers, acrobats & the like. Can you name the garment?
+A Leotard
+Eppie Cass is a central character in which |novel by George Eliot?
+Silas marner
+Erato was the Greek muse of what?
+Erato was the muse of what?
+Love poetry
+Ergot is a plant disease caused by what?
+Erie, suez, panama etc?
+Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour during World War II, left school at the age of?
+Ernest t tubb's 'waltz ____ texas'
+Erotic solo dance of north africa, the middle east, and turkish-influenced balkan areas?
+Belly dance
+Errol flynn's autobiography, ____, is published posthumously
+My wicked wicked ways
+Erse is another name for which language?
+Erving inky and dinky were the nephews of what comic book cat?
+Felix the cat
+Escape (1982) was recorded by what group?
+Eschatology: Andaman Islanders believe this god will destroy them with an earthquake?
+Eschatology: Buddhists believe this condition transcends the end of the world?
+Eschatology: Last word of Revelations?
+Eschatology: This prostitute caught it big time in Revelations?
+Eschatology: Wanderer doomed to live until the end of the world?
+Eskimo ice cream is neither icy, nor ____
+Eskimos never____
+Essential framework of any structure, outline consisting of bare essentials?
+Ester Pauline Friedman, famous newspaper columnist, is better known as who?
+Ann Landers
+Estragon protects against ____ disease
+Estragon protects against?
+Heart disease
+Ethan allen's favorite drink at the green mountain tavern, was known as what?
+Ethel who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes 'tae bo'?
+Billy blanks
+Ethernet is a registered trademark of what company?
+Ethernet is a registered trademark of____ ,
+Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles... how?
+Etna, Hekla and Popocate a petl are all types of what?
+Etymology is the study of what?
+Word origins
+Euphrates who did adolf hitler dictate mein kampf to while in prison?
+Rudolf hess
+Europa is a satellite of which planet in the solar system?
+Europe's most active volcano, spewed out fountains of lava from mid-July to early August 2001?
+Mount Etna
+European architecture and music,ornate and extravagant?
+Euterpe was the muse of what?
+Eve of All Saints Day?
+Even if up to 80% of this is removed from a human, what is it that will continue to function & grow back to its original size?
+Every ____ spent about half an hour as a single cell
+Every human first spent about half an hour as a single what?
+Every litre of water taken from the Red Sea would contain about ____ grams of salt
+Every person has a unique ____ print
+Every photograph of an American atomic bomb detonation was taken by ____ Edgerton
+Every photograph of an American atomic bomb detonation was taken by Harold ____
+Every photograph of an American atomic bomb detonation was taken by who?
+Harold edgerton
+Every queen named ____ has either been murdered, imprisoned, gone mad, died young, or been dethroned
+Every single hamster in the U.S. today comes from a single litter captured in ____ in 1930
+Every single hamster in the U.S. today comes from a single litter captured in Syria in ____
+Every square inch of the human body has an average of 32 million ____
+Every time you lick a ____, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie
+Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a?
+Every time you step forward, you use ____ muscles
+Every two thousand frowns create one____
+Every year, ____ Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions
+Every year, ____ and their guests drink 1.2 million gallons of beer during Oktoberfest. The first Oktoberfest was in 1810 and celebrated the marriage of King Ludwig I of Bavaria
+Every year, ____ sinks about 10 inches
+Mexico city
+Every year, 11,000 Americans injure themselves while trying out ____ sexual positions
+Every year, Mexico City sinks about ____ inches
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["10", "ten"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Everyone is familiar with the RCA logo with nipper the dog listening to the rca grammaphone. But the original picture had both the dog & the grammaphone sitting on what?
+His dead master's casket
+Evidence of ____ exists as early as 10,000 B.C
+Evidence of shoemaking exists as early as ____ B.C
+Excellency which company, during the 1984 super bowl, aired what is considered one of the best commercials in tv history?
+Except for newborns, what gender are all eels on the east coast?
+Excessive discharge of blood from blood vessels, caused by pathological condition of the vessels or by traumatic rupture of one or more vessels?
+Excluding man, what is the longest lived land mammal?
+Excluding Rudolph, how many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh?
+Excrement of sea birds used as manure?
+Execute by strangulation with a thin wire?
+Experienced ____ say that married men tip better than unmarried men
+Experienced waitress say that ____ men tip better than unmarried men
+Experts at Intel say that microprocessor speed will double every 18 months for at least ____ years
+Exploitation of slum tenants by unscrupulous landlords, named after a landlord of the early 1960s in London?
+Explorer: Englishman who discovered the River Back in Canada in 1833?
+George Back
+Explorers in South America caught and ate cavies. What are cavies?
+Guinea pigs
+Explorers: what ship did sir francis drake circle the world in?
+The golden hind
+Extensive cultivation of plants to yield food, feed, or fiber; to provide medicinal or industrial ingredients; or to grow ornamental products?
+Crop farming
+Extortion of payment in return for silence?
+Facility of stopping a videotape in order to wiew a motionless image?
+Fahrenheit as what is minus forty degrees fahrenheit the same?
+Minus forty degrees
+Falcon's Lair was the name of the Los Angeles home owned by which belated actor?
+Rudolph Valentino
+Famous Blondes ____ real or fake, full name or nick
+Mae West
+Famous Blondes, natural or otherwise?
+Courtney Love
+Famous Canadians: Canadian Prime Minister who was on American Immigration's blacklist?
+Pierre elliot trudeau
+Famous Canadians: Halifax native who built one of the world's largest shipping line?
+Famous Canadians: Known as the father of the Social Credit Party?
+Tommy Douglas
+Famous Canadians: Known for her series of books about Anne Shirley?
+Lucy maud montgomery
+Famous Canadians: Popular Canadian novelist known for her feminist themes?
+Margaret atwood
+Famous Canadians: Portly comedian, Second City alum, and CFL franchise co-owner?
+John candy
+Famous Canadians: She was Deputy Prime Minister under Jean Chretien?
+Sheila copps
+Famous Canadians: This Canadian ambassador helped free the American prisoners from Iran?
+Ken taylor
+Famous Canadians: This Nova Scotian premier became the Consul General in Boston?
+Donald cameron
+Famous dog who starred in 'where the north begins', 'clash of the wolves' and 'dogs of the regiment'?
+Rin tin tin
+Famous Greek sculptures?
+Elgin marbles
+Famous Last Words: Are you sure the ____ is off
+Famous Last Words: I don't think we're in ____ anymore
+Famous Last Words: I'll get a ____ record for this
+Famous Last Words: I'll get your ____ out
+Famous Last Words: I'll hold it and you light the ____
+Famous Last Words: I've seen this done on ____
+Famous Last Words: It's ____ enough for both of us
+Famous Last Words: It's fire____
+Famous Last Words: Let it down ____
+Famous Last Words: Nice ____
+Famous Last Words: Now ____ this
+Famous Last Words: OK this is the ____ time
+Famous Last Words: Pull the pin and ____ to what?
+Famous Last Words: Rat ____ only kills rats
+Famous Last Words: That's ____
+Famous Last Words: The Duke of Wellington, spoken just before he died 14th August 1852?
+I dont feel quite well
+Famous Last Words: The odds of that happening have to be a ____ to one!
+Famous Last Words: These are the good kind of ____
+Famous Last Words: This doesn't ____ right
+Famous Last Words: What ____?
+Famous Last Words: What does this ____ do
+Famous Last Words: What's that ____ doing here?
+Famous Last Words: Which ____ was I supposed to cut?
+Famous Last Words: You look just like Charles ____
+Famous Last Words: You wouldn't hit a guy with ____ on, would you
+Famous Lies?
+I am not a crook
+Famous Men we love to hate (full names if appropriate)?
+Dennis Rodman
+Famous Michaels?
+Michael J. Fox
+Famous painter that paints with both his right & left hands?
+Leonardo da vinci
+Famous People: Mandy Allwood's expectation of how many babies made the news in 1996?
+famous people: nicky clarke's name is famous in which fashion field?
+Famous People: Sean Penn was once married to which singer/actress?
+famous people: trudie styler married which singer/rainforest conservationist in 1992?
+famous people: what is the profession of claudia shiffer's ex, David copperfield?
+Famous People: What was Mrs. Michael Jackson II's first name?
+Famous People: Which actress married Richard Burton twice?
+Elizabeth taylor
+famous people: which former son-in-law of the queen remarried in 1997?
+Mark phillips
+famous people: which model elle is an ex-flame of the actor kevin costner?
+Famous People: Which Royal Prince's name was linked with photographer Koo Stark?
+Famous People: Which woman got Bill Clinton caught with his pants down in 1999?
+Monica lewinsky
+Famous Pick-up lines?
+What sign are you?
+Famous Quotes: All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads, and sows itself anew?
+Thomas caryle
+Famous Quotes: Anyone who hates children and dogs cant be all bad?
+W.c. fields
+Famous Quotes: Boy, after seeing Rambo last night, I know what to do next time this happens?
+Ronald reagan
+Famous Quotes: Don't give up the ship?
+John Paul jones
+Famous Quotes: He does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches?
+Famous Quotes: Let them eat cake?
+Marie antoinette
+Famous Quotes: Never have so many owed so much...?
+Winston churchill
+Famous Quotes: Old soldiers never die, they just fade away?
+Douglas macarthur
+Famous Quotes: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely?
+John emerich edward acton
+Famous Quotes: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind?
+Albert einstein
+Famous Quotes: United we stand, divided we fall?
+Abraham lincoln
+Famous UFO incident happened in the 40's in the south of USA?
+Famous white marble mausoleum at Agra, India?
+Taj Mahal
+Famous Women we love to hate (full names if appropriate)?
+Courtney Love
+Fandible, lateral line and dorsal fin and a part of which animal?
+Fanta ____ is the third largest selling soft drink in the world
+Fashion: ____ comes from the French, cord du roi or cloth of the king
+Fashion: 1990s slang for very short cutoff jeans?
+Daisy dukes
+Fashion: 2000s: Which Paris fashion house did designer Stella McCartney leave to set up her own label in 2001?
+Fashion: All in one exercise garment named after a 19th century trapeze artist?
+Fashion: Ancient roman garment?
+Fashion: Articles Of Clothing?
+Fashion: Articles Of Clothing?
+Fashion: Articles Of Clothing?
+Fashion: artificial structure worn to extend shirts behind?
+Fashion: band worn to keep stockings up?
+Fashion: Bathing suit named for a Pacific atoll?
+Fashion: born 1936 he became christian dior's assistant at 17?
+Yves saint laurent
+Fashion: Close fitting knee length shorts?
+Fashion: Clothes designer alexander mcqueen works for which fashion house?
+Fashion: Clothes designer john galliano works for which fashion house?
+Christian dior
+Fashion: dominant fashion magazine of the 20th century?
+Fashion: Egyptian motifs were popular after his tomb was discovered in 1922?
+Fashion: Elsa Schiaperelli's trademark color?
+Shocking pink
+Fashion: Fashion Accessories?
+Fashion: he called couture the most blatant form of conspicuous consumption?
+Thorsein veblen
+Fashion: he has a personal fortune estimated at $1.7 billion - the highest of any designer?
+Ralph lauren
+Fashion: In the US canvas shoe?
+Fashion: In traditional Japanese dress what is an obi?
+A wide sash
+Fashion: June 1946, what was official launched in Paris?
+The bikini
+Fashion: Mans scarf worn inside an open necked shirt?
+Fashion: milanese suitmaker showcased on miami vice?
+Fashion: model that married David bowie?
+Fashion: Monks appareil?
+Fashion: movie star who popularized trenchcoats & berets?
+Greta garbo
+Fashion: Name given to the shorts which in fashion in the early 1970s?
+Hot pants
+Fashion: name of a clothing line, or sport whose periods are called 'chuckers'?
+Fashion: On what is an espadrille worn?
+Fashion: Originally made in Nimes, France, this fabric was called serge denimes?
+Fashion: Ornamental band worn on wrist or arm?
+Fashion: petticoat artificially stiffened by horsehair?
+Fashion: skirt and trousers desiged by amelia?
+Fashion: The dominant decorative style of the 20s and 30s?
+Art deco
+Fashion: The first widely used synthetic fiber?
+Fashion: this company's logo is a sailboat?
+Fashion: three-letter clothing outlet, or a space or void?
+Fashion: What colour thread is used for filigree?
+Silver or gold
+Fashion: What fabric is known in Europe as serge de Nimes?
+Fashion: What is a pelerine?
+A cape
+Fashion: What is the covering on the tip of a shoelace called?
+Fashion: What popular name is given to the sleeveless pullover with wide armholes popular in the 60s and early 70s?
+Tank top
+Fashion: Which American designer set up her own fashion label called DKNY?
+Donna karan
+Fashion: Which designer created the Space Age Collection in 1964?
+Pierre cardin
+Fashion: Which designers designs under the Emporio label?
+Fashion: Women's Perfume?
+Fashion: Women's perfume?
+Fashion: Women's shoe types?
+Stiletto Heels
+Father of modern neurology & neurosurgery?
+Feb 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a?
+Full moon
+February 2nd is known as Ground Hog Day. What was the day originally known as in parts of Europe?
+Candleman's Day
+February is ____ history month
+Fedora, bowler and boater are all types of what?
+Female child star of the thirties?
+Shirley temple
+Female model, Jean Shrimpton, was fondly known by what nickname?
+The Shrimp 
+Female Politicians (first and last name)?
+Queen Elizabeth
+Ferrite is a form of which metal?
+Fettucini, linguini and tagliatelle are all types of what?
+Fianna Fail is a political party in which country?
+Fictional private eye?
+Sam spade
+Field of engineering & applied physics dealing with the design & application of devices, usually electronic circuits, the operation of what depends on the flow of electrons for the generation, transmission, reception, & storage of information?
+Field of physics that describes & correlates the physical properties of macroscopic systems of matter & energy?
+Fighting alongside Americans and British during the ____ invasion of 1944 were 15,000 Canadians. And it was the Canadian troops who were the first to reach their planned objective
+Fiorello is the Italian word for what?
+Little Flower
+Fired unglazed pottery?
+First Byzantine emperor?
+First division of the paleozoic era?
+Cambrian period
+First Names: ____ Johnson Lincoln's successor, only impeached president
+First state to secede from the Union in 1861?
+South carolina
+First synthetic plastic created in 1909?
+First to conquer the south pole?
+Roald amundsen
+First women in outer space?
+Sally Ride
+Fishy short story also known as Creation Took Eight Days?
+Goldfish bowl
+Five members of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer's family were killed at the Battle of ____: Tom and Boston, two half-brothers; Harry Armstrong Reed, a nephew; and a brother-in-law, James Calhoun
+Little big horn
+Five objects set out so four are at corners of square or rectangle and the other at its centre?
+Five squared equals 25, what other number when squared gives the answer 25?
+Minus five
+Five u.s states border which ocean?
+Pacific ocean
+Flag day is celebrated in Canada on what date?
+February 15
+Flags: How many stars are there on the New Zealand flag?
+Flags: What colours are on the Belgian flag?
+Flags: Which country has a plain green flag?
+Flags: Whose flag has the national arms on one side and the treasury seal on the other?
+Fleshy fruit of trailing cucumber like plant, often dried?
+Flexible disc for storage of computer data?
+Floppy disk
+Floating wreckage at sea?
+Florence Nightingale tended the soldiers in which war?
+Florence nightingale was known as 'the lady of the ____'
+Florence was severely flooded in what year?
+Florentine Republic was besieged by the Medicis in 1530?
+Florida is often referred to as 'The Sunshine State' what place in Australia also has the same nickname?
+Florizel & Perdita are characters in which Shakespeare play?
+The winter's tale
+Flub-a-dub and chief thunderchicken were regulars on?
+Howdy doody
+Fluid produced in the lacrimal glands above the outside corner of each eye?
+Flux which English physicist worked on thermodynamics and has a unit of energy named for him?
+James prescott joule
+Flying at the speed of sound is also known as?
+Mach one
+Flying dutchman, soling and tornado are all classes of ____
+Focus group information compiled by CalComp revealed that 50 percent of computer users do not like using a?
+Fohn,Khamsin,Brickfielder and Harmattan are all types of what?
+Food & Drink:  What is made of fermented grape juice?
+Food & Drink: ____ are called brussel sprouts because they were discovered in Brussels
+Brussel sprouts
+Food & Drink: ____ explode when you put them in the microwave
+Food & Drink: ____ milk does not curdle
+Food & Drink: ____ of vitamin C in brussels sprouts will be lost in cooking
+Food & Drink: ____ tongues were a common delicacy at Roman feasts
+Food & Drink: 'Rennet' is an extract from the stomachs of which animal?
+Food & Drink: 1940s: Aaron Lupin came up with an idea of putting whipped cream in a seamless, lined aersol canister. What is the name of this popular commodity?
+Food & Drink: 1980s: g.d. searle & co put this brand sweetener on the market in 1983?
+Food & Drink: 1990s: In 1992, what type of pet food could be mail-ordered from bow-wow distributers?
+Vegetarian pet food
+Food & Drink: 19th Century: Laws forbidding the sale of ____ on Sunday prompted William Garwood to invent the ice cream sundae in Evanston, IL, in 1875
+Food & Drink: 7x was used to refer to the secret ingredient of what drink?
+Coca cola
+Food & Drink: 90% of vitamin ____ in brussels sprouts will be lost in cooking
+Food & Drink: A 'roux' is produced when making which food?
+Food & Drink: A bloomer is what type of food?
+Food & Drink: A bottle of wine originating from the 'Nobilo' vineyards, is produced in which country?
+New zealand
+Food & Drink: A bottle of wine originating from the Mondavi coastal vineyard is produced in which country?
+Food & Drink: A bowl of ____ contains twice as much sodium as a bowl of potato chips
+Food & Drink: A bowl of Wheaties contains twice as much ____ as a bowl of potato chips
+Food & Drink: A bowl of Wheaties contains twice as much sodium as a bowl of____
+Potato chips
+Food & Drink: A breakfast food of rolled oats, dried fruit, nuts etc usually eaten with milk?
+Food & Drink: A Calzone Is A Folded Stuffed What?
+Food & Drink: A cantaloupe is a small what?
+Food & Drink: A canteloupe is what kind of fruit?
+Food & Drink: A connoisseur of good food?
+Food & Drink: A crapulous person is full of what?
+Food & Drink: A dressing made with oil, wine, vinegar and seasoning is called what?
+Food & Drink: A favourite Indian soup consisting of ground kernels of corn, dried smoked meat, fish, squash, pumpkin, or berries was called what?
+Food & Drink: A flat round Dutch cheese?
+Food & Drink: A flat round soft creamy French cheese?
+Food & Drink: A folded tortilla filled with meat, cheese, beans etc. is called what?
+Food & Drink: A girl with pig tails, and a white-haired man represent this chain?
+Food & Drink: A green or yellow liqueur brandy?
+Food & Drink: A hot spicy root used in cooking?
+Food & Drink: A liqueur made red, acid-tasting cherries?
+Food & Drink: A mint with a hole?
+Food & Drink: a really big french fry, stuffed with yummy stuff?
+Baked potato
+Food & Drink: A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits?
+Blackberry and raspberry
+Food & Drink: A thin Indian cake of unleavened bread?
+Food & Drink: A thin pancake with savoury or sweet filling?
+Food & Drink: According to Vincent Vega, what is a Big Mac called in France?
+Le big mac
+Food & Drink: according to vincent, whats a quarter pounder called in france?
+Royale with cheese
+Food & Drink: Add this to milk, eggs, and sugar to make a Tom and Jerry?
+Food & Drink: Adding this to a mere martini makes it a Gibson?
+Food & Drink: An egg plant is also known as which vegetable?
+Food & Drink: Any candy on a stick is known as this?
+Food & Drink: Apart from potato What is the other main ingredient of Bubble and Squeak?
+Food & Drink: At which stage of a meal would you have an hors d'oeuvre?
+Food & Drink: Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit at ____ calories per hundred grams
+Food & Drink: Bacardi Rum's logo features which creature?
+Food & Drink: Baked beans are made from which beans?
+Food & Drink: Baklava is a form of...?
+Food & Drink: Bechemel, espagnole and bearnaise are types of which food?
+Food & Drink: Beef roast cooked in vinegar (German)?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Beers Around the World (brand names)?
+Dos Equis
+Food & Drink: Beer: Beers Around the World (brand names)?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Beers Around the World (brand names)?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Beers made with top fermenting yeasts, usually at warmer temperatures?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Belgian monks at places like Chimay and Orval brew beers given this moniker?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Biweekly IRC beer tastings, at 10pm Eastern Time, are on this channel?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Brand that makes a cameo appearance in Das Boot?
+Food & Drink: Beer: breweries that produce less than 15,000 barrels per year are called ____
+Food & Drink: Beer: Cheaper non-barley grains such as rice and corn are referred to by this term?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Common ending for the names of German Doppelbocks?
+Food & Drink: Beer: German variety of noble hops that Jim Koch whines about on the radio?
+Hallertau mittelfrueh
+Food & Drink: Beer: Home country of Sam Miguel beer?
+Food & Drink: Beer: In many backward states, stronger beers must use this useless term instead?
+Malt liquor
+Food & Drink: Beer: Most experts say you don`t have a pilsner if you don't use this kind of hops?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Standard unit of bitterness. Defined as 1 part per million isohumolone?
+International bittering unit
+Food & Drink: Beer: Swiss beer bottled each year on December 6th and sold the following year?
+Food & Drink: Beer: Term used for the strongest ales (not lagers)?
+Food & Drink: Beer: The art or science of brewing beer. Also the name of a homebrew magazine?
+Food & Drink: Beer: The brewery in derge's hometown, Frederick, Maryland, brews under this label?
+Blue ridge brewery
+Food & Drink: Beer: the German term weizen refers to beers made with this ingredient?
+Food & Drink: Beer: The process of extracting sugar from malt by soaking in water?
+Food & Drink: Beer: thiz tazetless zwill is zomething different all right, but itz not beer?
+Food & Drink: Beer: What country is home to the real Budweiser? Not the USA?
+Czechen republic
+Food & Drink: Beer: Where was Budweiser first brewed?
+St. louis
+Food & Drink: Beer: which is higher, percent alcohol by weight or by volume?
+By volume
+Food & Drink: Before baking a 'baked Alaska', with what is the ice cream covered?
+Food & Drink: big Mexican food chain, ring ding a ling, making you run for the border!?
+Taco bell
+Food & Drink: Biology: Bread, cereals, fruit and vegetables are needed by the body as good sources of what?
+Food & Drink: Black-eyed peas are not peas. What are they?
+Food & Drink: Boned steak cut off sirloin?
+Food & Drink: Borsch is based on what vegetable?
+Food & Drink: Bortsch is a traditional dish from which country?
+Food & Drink: Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a ____
+Food & Drink: Breakfast Cereals?
+Food & Drink: Breakfast Cereals?
+Fruit Loops
+Food & Drink: Breakfast CerealsCorn Pops?
+Fruity Pebbles
+Food & Drink: Bummalo fish dried and salted is eaten as a relish called what?
+Bombay duck
+Food & Drink: Cakes or biscuits made with egg whites, sugar and ground almonds or coconut?
+Food & Drink: Candy: Cinnamon flavored candies with a Mexican theme?
+Hot tamales
+Food & Drink: Candy: fruit flavored candy pieces made with ju-ju gum?
+Food & Drink: Caster,demerara and Muscovado are all types of what?
+Food & Drink: chain with a hat as a logo, makes roast beef burgers among other things?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: Dutch origin; inedible casing; mild; appetizer, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: English origin; mild to very sharp; snack, cooking, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: french origin; cherry brandy flavor; appetizer, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: French origin; pungent; appetizer, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: French origin; sharp, salty; appetizer, salad, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: Italian origin; mellow; appetizer, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: Italian origin; mild, curd or dry; cooking, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: Italian origin; mild; as an appetizer, for dessert?
+Bel paese
+Food & Drink: Cheese: Italian origin; pungent flavor; crumbly; in salads, for dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: norwegian origin; caramel flavor; sandwich, snack?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: probably french origin; tangy, sharp; appetizer, salad, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: Swiss origin; clover flavor; usually grated?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: Swiss origin; nutty, sharper than Swiss; cooking, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: This Mother Goose character was eating what we'd call cottage cheese?
+Little miss muffett
+Food & Drink: Cheese: u.s. origin; very mild; hill slightly; salad, snack, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Cheese: Yugoslavian origin; salty, appetizer, snack, dessert?
+Food & Drink: Chefs at the al bustan rotana hotel made a cake with ____ candles
+Food & Drink: Chewing gum was patented by who?
+William semple
+Food & Drink: Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from?
+Food & Drink: Chicken is the leading cause of what food born illness?
+Salmonella poisoning
+Food & Drink: Chicory was a war time substitute for what drink?
+Food & Drink: Chocolate: Marble sized, vanilla flavored, chewy caramels covered with milk chocolate?
+Milk duds
+Food & Drink: Chocolate: milk chocolate covered peanuts?
+Food & Drink: Chocolate: Named for a celestial object?
+Milky way
+Food & Drink: Chocolate: named for Mars and Murrie, the company's founders?
+Food & Drink: Chocolate: promoted by bart simpson?
+Food & Drink: Chocolate: Swiss manufacturer of the Crunch bar?
+Food & Drink: Coca-cola was named for the extracts of which of its two 'medicinal' ingredients?
+Coca leaves and kola nuts
+Food & Drink: Coca-cola was originally what colour?
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Bourbon, sugar and mint make a(n) ____
+Mint julep
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) ____
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Creme de Cacao, cream, and brandy make a(n) ____
+Brandy alexander
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: creme de cacao, cream, and brandy make a?
+Brandy alexander
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Gin and Collins mix make a(n) ____
+Tom collins
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: gin, blue curacao & lemonade make a ____
+Blue lagoon
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) ____
+Cuba libre
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Triple sec, tequila, and lemon or lime juice make a(n) ____
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: vodka & kahlua make a(n) ____
+Black Russian
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Vodka and Kahlua make a(n) ____
+Black Russian
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: vodka and lime juice make a?
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: vodka and orange juice make a?
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make a(n) ____
+Harvey wallbanger
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: What are the essential ingredients of a daiquiri?
+Rum and lemon
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: What cocktail is based on rum and lemon?
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: whiskey, angostura bitters, and sugar make an?
+Old fashion
+Food & Drink: Cocktails: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n) ____
+Irish coffee
+Food & Drink: Coffee made under steam pressure?
+Food & Drink: Conference, Bartlett and Kaiser are all varieties of which fruit?
+Food & Drink: Cornflakes were invented in 1863, 1890 or 1915?
+Food & Drink: Different kinds of pies (omit pie)?
+French Silk
+Food & Drink: Dish consisting of flavoured mince, chilli and beans?
+Chilli con carne
+Food & Drink: Dish of food covered with alcohol and set alight?
+Food & Drink: Dish served between fish and meat courses?
+Food & Drink: Drink made of eggs, cream & sugar - rum optional (English)?
+Food & Drink: Dry white wine made from european varitey of grape?
+Food & Drink: Duke Richelieu brought it to France after visiting Mahon, city on Minorca?
+Food & Drink: Dunkin' Donuts serves about ____ doughnuts each day
+Food & Drink: During brewing what is converted into alcohol?
+Food & Drink: Dutch cheese with red rind?
+Food & Drink: Dutch liqeur made with raw eggs?
+Food & Drink: Earl grey is a china tea flavoured with what?
+Food & Drink: Edible organs of an animal?
+Food & Drink: Even though it tastes nothing like grapes, a ____ is often eaten for breakfast
+Food & Drink: Expensive potato patties served for breakfast?
+Hash browns
+Food & Drink: Fashion designer that owns Paris's Maxim's restaurant?
+Pierre cardin
+Food & Drink: Fast Food Restaurants?
+Food & Drink: Federal labeling regulations require how much caffeine be removed from coffee for it to be called decaffeinated?
+Ninety seven percent
+Food & Drink: Filo pastry stuffed with chopped nuts and honey?
+Food & Drink: Fine strong dark coffee?
+Food & Drink: Finely ground meal of grains of wheat, obtained by milling?
+Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, ____ , cola, apple and chocolate
+Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, ____ , apple and chocolate
+Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, cola, ____ and chocolate
+Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, cola, apple and____
+Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped:____ , coffee, cola, apple and chocolate
+Food & Drink: Flamingo ____ were a common delicacy at Roman feasts
+Food & Drink: Flamingo tongues were a common delicacy at ____ feasts
+Food & Drink: French bread filled with meat, cheese and salad is called a what?
+Hero sandwich
+Food & Drink: French fries come from this country?
+Food & Drink: French: Beef stew with Burgundy wine?
+Boeuf bourguignonne
+Food & Drink: french: clarified double-strength brown stock?
+Food & Drink: french: flaky, buttery pastry shaped in a quarter-moon?
+Food & Drink: french: less stimulating than tea or coffee, an infusion?
+Food & Drink: french: rich custard famous for its hard, caramelized sugar glaze?
+Creme brulee
+Food & Drink: french: salad from the south of france, made with black olives and anchovies?
+Salade nicoise
+Food & Drink: french: the basic white sauce?
+Food & Drink: french: thin pancakes with an orange liqueur sauce?
+Crepes suzette
+Food & Drink: French: what is the name of the favourite French Canadian snack consisting of French Fries and Melted Cheese?
+Food & Drink: From what animal do we get venison?
+Food & Drink: From what is mock turtle soup made?
+Calfs head
+Food & Drink: From what is rum distilled?
+Sugar cane
+Food & Drink: From which animal does haggis come?
+Food & Drink: From which fish is caviar obtained?
+Food & Drink: Fruit preserved in sugar?
+Food & Drink: Fruit puree thin enough to pour?
+Food & Drink: fruit smack flavored syrup was the original name of?
+Kool aid
+Food & Drink: Fruit that is a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine?
+Food & Drink: garfield's favourite food, multi-layered, common at pizza stores?
+Food & Drink: German dish with roast beef marinated in vinegar, sugar, and seasonings?
+Food & Drink: German wholemeal rye bread?
+Food & Drink: Glass bottle for serving wine?
+Food & Drink: Greek dish of mince with aubergine and eggs?
+Food & Drink: Grolsch lager is from which country?
+Food & Drink: Hash Browns are normally made from which vegetables?
+Food & Drink: Homer Simpson drinks what brand of beer?
+Food & Drink: Homer Simpson drinks Which brand of beer regularly?
+Food & Drink: How many calories are there in a stick of celery?
+Food & Drink: How many flowers are in the design stamped on each side of an Oreo cookie?
+Food & Drink: How many herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken?
+Food & Drink: How many pieces of bun are in a Mcdonald's Big Mac?
+Food & Drink: How many sizes of chicken eggs does the USDA recognize, including peewee?
+Food & Drink: Iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are types of ____
+Food & Drink: If I take two apples out of a basket containing six apples how many apples do I have ?
+Food & Drink: If steak was blue how would it be cooked?
+Very Rare
+Food & Drink: If you had frijoles refritos in a Mexican restaurant it would be refried what?
+Food & Drink: If you ordered Caneton what would you get?
+Food & Drink: In 1904, what food product was renamed Post Toasties cereal because the clergy objected to the original name?
+Elijah's Manna
+Food & Drink: In a French restaurant what would you be eating if you chose escargots?
+Food & Drink: In a Mcdonald's Big Mac how many pieces of bun are there?
+Food & Drink: In addition to potatoes what is in colcannon?
+Food & Drink: In Ancient China what variety of meat was reserved exclusively for the emperor?
+Food & Drink: In ancient Egypt what was liquorice used for?
+Food & Drink: In cooking how many teaspoons in a tablespoon?
+Food & Drink: In Eggs Florentine which vegetable is a main ingredient?
+Food & Drink: In pickles, what are gherkins?
+Food & Drink: In the dish of Beef Wellington, in what is the beef wrapped?
+Food & Drink: In the Hansel and Gretel tale what was the wicked witch's house made of?
+Food & Drink: In the United States, what are the five most frequently eaten fruits?
+Food & Drink: In what year was Diet Pepsi introduced?
+Food & Drink: In which country did edam cheese originate?
+Food & Drink: In which country did the word 'biscuit' originate?
+Food & Drink: Indian clarified butter?
+Food & Drink: Indian dish of of fried vegetables?
+Food & Drink: Is a schnitzel a sweet or a savoury?
+Food & Drink: Is wholemeal bread brown or white?
+Food & Drink: Italian dish consiting of olives, anchovies, salami, celery, and appetizers?
+Food & Drink: Japanese drink made from rice?
+Food & Drink: Jasmine and long grain are both types of what?
+Food & Drink: kfc stands for?
+Kentucky fried chicken
+Food & Drink: Lack of Vitamin D causes which disease?
+Food & Drink: Laetrile is associated with the pit of which fruit?
+Food & Drink: Large brown fruit of tropical palm tree?
+Food & Drink: Largest single user of almonds in North America?
+Food & Drink: List Coffee drinks & types (omit coffee)?
+Food & Drink: Little round chocolate candies are known as _&m's?
+Food & Drink: Long green fleshy fruit used in salads?
+Food & Drink: lots of people like this brown liquid with fries?
+Food & Drink: Marsala is a type of this?
+Sweet wine
+Food & Drink: Marzipan is made from which nuts?
+Food & Drink: McDonald's also sells this Italian food in some markets?
+Food & Drink: McDonalds: all of their products seem to be prefaced with which 2 letters?
+Food & Drink: McDonalds: out of the two big cola brands, which one do they sell?
+Coca cola
+Food & Drink: McDonalds: These things may sound like Scottish lumps of gold, but are food?
+Food & Drink: McDonalds: Who is McDonald's mascot?(full name)?
+Ronald mcdonald
+Food & Drink: Mexican dish with minced and seasoned meat packed in cornmeal and corn husks?
+Food & Drink: Mixed diced vegetables in mayonnaise is what sort of salad?
+Food & Drink: Mixed Drinks/Cocktails?
+Food & Drink: Mixed Drinks/Cocktails?
+Whiskey Sour
+Food & Drink: Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all ____
+Food & Drink: N. African dish of cracked wheat steamed over broth?
+Food & Drink: Name for an oblong cream puff filled and topped with icing?
+Food & Drink: Name for vitamin B2?
+Food & Drink: Name of a cylindrical clay oven traditionally used in India?
+Food & Drink: Name of a medieval spiced wine, often served warm?
+Food & Drink: Name the drink that is often confused with a drug?
+Food & Drink: Name the only fruit named for its color?
+Food & Drink: name the year l & p - lemon and paeroa new zealand's most famous soft drink was invented in?
+Food & Drink: North African dish with this semolina product (North African)?
+Food & Drink: Nut used to make marzipan?
+Food & Drink: Nutmeg is extremely ____ if injected intravenously
+Food & Drink: Of all the common fowl, this requires the longest cooking?
+Food & Drink: Of the Worlds food crops, what percentage is pollinated by insects?
+80 percent
+Food & Drink: Of which fruit is Pearmain a variety?
+Food & Drink: Often drank, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows?
+Food & Drink: Often drunk, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows?
+Food & Drink: Often eaten for breakfast, the egg comes from what barnyard animal?
+Food & Drink: On a menu, the term flambe indicates this?
+Food & Drink: On some boards, these things are listed as FREE, at McDonald's?
+Food & Drink: On what vegetable did an ancient Egyptian place his right hand when taking an oath?
+The onion
+Food & Drink: One who specialises in the scientific study and regulation of food intakeand preparation?
+Food & Drink: Oyster, Chestnut, or Shitaki are types of which vegetable?
+Food & Drink: Pale very dry Spanish sherry?
+Food & Drink: Pate de foie gras is made from the liver of which bird?
+Food & Drink: Pilaf is this cooked in a broth of meat or poultry?
+Food & Drink: Pizza Toppings?
+Cheddar Cheese
+Food & Drink: Pizza toppings?
+Mozzarella Cheese
+Food & Drink: Polish cake filled with candied fruits and nuts?
+Food & Drink: Port Salut is what?
+Food & Drink: Prunes stuffed with almonds are wrapped in what to make Devils on horseback?
+Food & Drink: Pureed chick-pea dip (Mid East)?
+Food & Drink: Red wine from Bordeaux?
+Food & Drink: Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin?
+Vitamin D
+Food & Drink: Rounded green ish citrus fruit with an acid fleshy pulp?
+Food & Drink: Sauerkraut is pickled what?
+Food & Drink: Seasoned smoked sausage?
+Food & Drink: Sheep milk is used to produce Roquefort____
+Food & Drink: Six ounces of orange juice contains the minimum daily requirement for which vitamin?
+Vitamin C
+Food & Drink: Soft french cheese?
+Food & Drink: Sometimes called a Frankfurt, on a bun with cheese,mustard,ketchup etc?
+Hot dog
+Food & Drink: Spice made from the berry of the pimento plant?
+Food & Drink: Spirit distilled from malted barley?
+Food & Drink: Sticky and sweet this food is produced in a hive?
+Food & Drink: Stuff you put in, on or serve with chili (the dish)?
+Cayenne pepper
+Food & Drink: Stuff you put in, on or serve with chili (the dish)?
+Food & Drink: sweetbread is derived from this organ?
+Food & Drink: Taco ____
+Food & Drink: Tea: Better teabags contain these small particles sifted out of better teas?
+Food & Drink: Tea: In this country, tea leaves are pickled and used as a vegetable relish?
+Food & Drink: Tea: Japanese and many Chinese people prefer this type of tea, which is unfermented?
+Food & Drink: Tea: Tea plants belong to this genus?
+Food & Drink: Tea: The first sprouting of Darjeeling tea leaves in the spring are called this?
+First flush
+Food & Drink: Tea: The practice of steeping tea was developed during this Chinese dynasty?
+Food & Drink: Tea: This black tea is flavoured with oil of bergamot, an aromatic Chinese orange?
+Earl grey
+Food & Drink: Tea: This is the name of the Japanese tea ceremony?
+Food & Drink: Tea: This nation is the world's largest producer of tea?
+Food & Drink: The 'M' in the McDonalds logo is what colour?
+Food & Drink: The beer introduced in 1961 to take the head off sales of imported beers?
+Food & Drink: The beer museum in Cincinnati is associated with this brewery?
+Food & Drink: The Bereich is a wine producing region of which country?
+Food & Drink: The drink Sake (sah'ki) comes from this country?
+Food & Drink: The eggs of this sturgeon are the preferred form of caviar?
+Food & Drink: The FDA approved what fat substitute for use in snack foods even though there were reports of side affects like cramps and diarrhea?
+Food & Drink: the flop 1960's diet drink minivitine was a spinoff of this drink mix?
+Food & Drink: The founder of Weight Watchers?
+Jean nidetch
+Food & Drink: The Giant panda's favorite food is what?
+Bamboo shoots
+Food & Drink: The home of the Golden Arches?
+Food & Drink: The juice of which fruit will you find in a bloody mary?
+Food & Drink: The Lobster people...?
+Red lobster
+Food & Drink: The main cereal ingredient of flapkacks (Hudson Bars in USA)?
+Food & Drink: The main ingredient of a Paella is what?
+Food & Drink: The main ingredient of Sauerkraut is what?
+Food & Drink: The main vegetable ingredient in the dish Borsht is what?
+Food & Drink: The making of what well known dessert item was perfected by Sicilian Francisco Procopio in 1659?
+Ice cream
+Food & Drink: The name of what food, when translated, means twice-cooked?
+Food & Drink: The place that brings you fried chicken that has lovely but very caloric skin?
+Kentucky fried chicken
+Food & Drink: The principal ingredient of sauerkraut?
+Food & Drink: the queensland nut or bush nut is more commonly known as this?
+Food & Drink: The Simpsons advertise this candy?
+Food & Drink: The song, Food, Glorious Food, was featured in which musical?
+Food & Drink: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favourite food is?
+Food & Drink: The tradition of making what was born out of the need to use up milk and eggs before lent?
+Food & Drink: The turtles love these, they often come with many toppings?
+Food & Drink: The usual main meat ingredient of a Shish Kebab is?
+Food & Drink: These are Hershey's Kisses intertwined with white chocolate?
+Food & Drink: this bar first appeared in oats'n honey, cinammon, and coconut flavors?
+Food & Drink: This breakfast cereal has a leprechaun mascot?
+Lucky charms
+Food & Drink: This carbohydrate fruit is high in potassium?
+Food & Drink: This cereal features a honey bee as its mascot (very specific)?
+Honey nut cheerios
+Food & Drink: This cereal is the only one that features a frog as its mascot?
+Sugar smacks
+Food & Drink: This cereal's mascot is Tony the Tiger?
+Frosted flakes
+Food & Drink: This chick pea pure? is flavoured with tahini and served as a dip?
+Food & Drink: This chocolaty cereal features Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble?
+Cocoa pebbles
+Food & Drink: This city is famous for its oranges?
+Food & Drink: this cut of beef lies between tenderloin & rump?
+Food & Drink: This dairy product tastes good on crackers and sandwiches or on its own?
+Food & Drink: This film inspired the snack food Screaming Yellow Zonkers?
+Yellow submarine
+Food & Drink: This food has a name which means on a skewer?
+Food & Drink: This fruit goes into the liqueur Kirsch?
+Food & Drink: This gum lasts an extra, extra, extra, long time?
+Food & Drink: This gum's commercials highlight twins?
+Food & Drink: This herb is used to flavour Pernod?
+Food & Drink: This herb is used to make a Pesto sauce?
+Food & Drink: This is converted into alcohol during brewing?
+Food & Drink: This is the chocolate caramel coated cookie bar (and is Mach's favorite)?
+Food & Drink: This meat is used to make scaloppine?
+Food & Drink: This milk is a basic ingredient in Thai cookery?
+Coconut milk
+Food & Drink: This spirit is the base for a Black Russian cocktail?
+Food & Drink: This type of milk is a basic ingredient in Thai cookery?
+Coconut milk
+Food & Drink: Traditionally at a fair ground what fruit would be covered with toffee?
+Food & Drink: Type of frothy milky coffee?
+Food & Drink: Type of moist aerated Italian bread?
+Food & Drink: Type of Pakistani curry cooked and served in a shallow dish?
+Food & Drink: Under what name did the Domino's Pizza chain get its start?
+Food & Drink: Unleavened bread for Passover?
+Food & Drink: Unlike other oranges, what does a navel orange not have?
+Food & Drink: Vegetable used in sauerkraut?
+Food & Drink: Vermicelli literally means ____
+Little worms
+Food & Drink: What added ingredient keeps confectioners' sugar from clumping?
+Corn starch
+Food & Drink: What American city produces most of the egg rolls sold in grocery stores in the United States?
+Houston, Texas
+Food & Drink: What animals milk is used to make authentic Italian mozzarella cheese?
+The water buffalo's
+Food & Drink: What are de-headed, de-veined an sorted by size in a laitram machine?
+Food & Drink: What are dried prunes?
+Food & Drink: What are gazpacho and vichyssoise?
+Chilled soups
+Food & Drink: What are Pontefract cakes made from?
+Food & Drink: What are small cubes of toasted or fried bread?
+Food & Drink: What are Swedish buns called?
+Food & Drink: What are the 3 main ingredients of Yorkshire pudding?
+Milk, flour & eggs
+Food & Drink: what are the corns in corned beef?
+Food & Drink: What are the oldest, most widely cultivated and extensively used nuts in the world?
+Food & Drink: What are the principal ingredients of kedgeree?
+Fish and rice
+Food & Drink: What are the two top selling spices in the world?
+Pepper and mustard
+Food & Drink: What baking ingredient, sprayed at high pressure, did the U.S. Air Force replace its toxic paint stripper with?
+Baking soda
+Food & Drink: What basic product is cheese made out of?
+Food & Drink: What bird is used in squab pie?
+Food & Drink: What breakfast cereal was invented at Battle Creek Sanitarium?
+Food & Drink: What cake do you keep a layer of to eat at the christening of your first child?
+Wedding Cake
+Food & Drink: What carbonated beverage started out life in the 1890's as 'Brad's Drink'?
+Food & Drink: What cereal is used in Scotch Broth?
+Food & Drink: what colour is the flesh of an avocado?
+Food & Drink: What company first condensed soup in 1898?
+Food & Drink: What country is home to Grolsch lager?
+Food & Drink: What country saw the cultivation of the first potato, in 200 A.D.?
+South America
+Food & Drink: What daily vegetable do typical boxer's ears look like?
+Food & Drink: What did Charles Jung invent?
+Fortune cookies
+Food & Drink: What do the brits call a Weenie?
+A hot dog
+Food & Drink: What does chop suey literally mean?
+Bits and pieces
+Food & Drink: What does iron deficiency cause?
+Food & Drink: What drink is named after the queen of England who was famous for her 'sanguinary' persecution of the protestants?
+Bloody Mary
+Food & Drink: What drink was sold as Diastoid when first introduced?
+Malted milk
+Food & Drink: What drupaceous fruit were Hawaiian women once forbidden by law to eat?
+The coconut
+Food & Drink: What edible comes in crimmini, morel, oyster and wood ear varieties?
+Food & Drink: What falling fruit supposedly inspired Isaac Newton to write the laws of gravity?
+An Apple
+Food & Drink: What fitness guru appeared as a dancing meatball in an Italian TV commercial as an art student?
+Richard Simmons
+Food & Drink: What flavor of ice cream did Baskin-Robbins introduce to commemorate America's landing on the moon on July 20, 1969?
+Lunar Cheesecake
+Food & Drink: What flavour is Ouzo?
+Food & Drink: What food is the leading source of salmonella poisoning?
+Food & Drink: What food was considered the food of the Gods, and was said to bring eternal life to anyone who ate it?
+Food & Drink: What fruit grows on the blackthorn tree?
+Food & Drink: What fruit or vegetable was dubbed the FlavrSavr and was the first genetically engineered food sold in the United States?
+The tomato
+Food & Drink: What fruit was originally called a Chinese gooseberry?
+Kiwi Fruit
+Food & Drink: What fruits are usually served 'belle helene'?
+Food & Drink: What group of people were the first to use freeze-drying on potatoes?
+The Incas
+Food & Drink: What hit the market alongside spinach as the first frozen veggies?
+Food & Drink: What ingredient in fresh milk is eventually devoured by bacteria, causing the sour taste?
+Food & Drink: What is a combination of chopped and boiled pigs heads, feet, hearts and tongues, held together in a loaf shaped by gelatin?
+Head cheese
+Food & Drink: What is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry?
+Food & Drink: What is a light round bun usually served hot?
+Food & Drink: What is a macadamia?
+Food & Drink: what is a zabouska?
+Russian hors-d'oeuvre
+Food & Drink: What is added to mineral water to make tonic?
+Food & Drink: What is another name for almond paste?
+Food & Drink: What is another name for the carambula?
+Star fruit
+Food & Drink: What is another name for the star fruit?
+Food & Drink: What is Blue Vinney?
+Food & Drink: What is Bombay Duck?
+Food & Drink: What is cinsidered to be the oldest of the English cheeses?
+Food & Drink: What is deer meat called?
+Food & Drink: What is included in a BLT sandwich?
+Bacon, lettuce and tomato
+Food & Drink: What is inside corn that makes it pop?
+Food & Drink: What is lava bread?
+Food & Drink: What is passata?
+Sieved tomatoes
+Food & Drink: What is produced by roasting dried corn kernels in oil?
+Food & Drink: What is Scooby Doo`s favourite food?
+Scooby Snacks
+Food & Drink: What is the correct spelling of a Cadbury Creame/Creem/Creme/Cream Egg?
+Food & Drink: What is the favourite food of Dragonflies?
+Food & Drink: What is the favourite food of the Aardvark?
+Food & Drink: What is the French name for a tart of cheese and bacon in a cream and egg filling?
+Quiche lorraine
+Food & Drink: What is the french name given to clear soup?
+Food & Drink: What is the literal meaning of the Italian word linguine?
+Little tongues
+Food & Drink: what is the main ingredient in the welsh dish lava bread?
+Food & Drink: What is the main ingredient of a traditional fondue?
+Food & Drink: What is the main ingredient of paella?
+Food & Drink: What is the main vegetable ingredient in the dish Borsht?
+Food & Drink: What is the main vegetable used to make Borsch?
+Food & Drink: What is the most expensive pate you can buy?
+Pate de fois gras
+Food & Drink: What is the most widely eaten fish in the world?
+The Herring
+Food & Drink: What is the most widely used seasoning?
+Food & Drink: What is the name given to a joint of beef cut from the breast next to the ribs?
+Food & Drink: What is the name given to meat from the flesh of young calves?
+Food & Drink: What is the name given to stunted and withered apples used to make rough cider?
+Food & Drink: What is the name of the cocktail, a mixture of tequila,lime juice and an orange flavoured liqueur served in glass rimed with salt?
+Food & Drink: What is the name of the evergreen shrub from which we get capers?
+The caper bush
+Food & Drink: What is the name of the syrup drained from raw sugar?
+Food & Drink: What is the name of this hot red chilli pepper it is often dried and ground?
+Cayenne Pepper
+Food & Drink: What is the national dish of Hungary?
+Food & Drink: What is the official national cheese of Greece?
+Food & Drink: What is the oldest known vegetable?
+Food & Drink: What is the only essential vitamin not found in the white potato?
+Vitamin A
+Food & Drink: What is the only fruit named for its colour?
+Food & Drink: What is the only fruit that grows its seeds on the outside?
+Food & Drink: What is the plant that wards off vampires?
+Food & Drink: What is the popular name for an apple dipped in boiled sugar-syrup and left to set?
+Toffee apple
+Food & Drink: What is The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favourite food?
+Food & Drink: What is this Italian dessert, made from sponge cake, mascarpone cheese and flavoured with coffee and brandy called?
+Food & Drink: What is toasted bread rubbed with garlic and drizzled with olive oil?
+Food & Drink: What is tripe on a menu?
+Food & Drink: What is Uganda's staple crop, which each adult consumes over 3 times bodyweight annually?
+Food & Drink: What is vodka made from?
+Grain or potatoes
+Food & Drink: What Italian Cheese usually tops a pizza?
+Food & Drink: What kind of nuts are used in marzipan?
+Food & Drink: what little fish of the herring family are pickled are used for a pizza topping?
+Food & Drink: What meat is Coq au vin made with ?
+Food & Drink: What meat is used in Woolton pie?
+Food & Drink: What method of preserving food did the Incas first use, on potatoes?
+Food & Drink: What might you be eating at Wimbledon if you had a Cambridge Rival in your mouth?
+Food & Drink: What milk product did the U.S. Agriculture Department propose as a substitute for meat in school lunches, in 1996?
+Food & Drink: What morning food has a name derived from the German word for stirrup?
+Food & Drink: What name can be a lettuce or a mass of floating frozen water?
+Food & Drink: What name's given to a small, deep fried chinese dumpling with a savoury filing?
+Won ton
+Food & Drink: What nation produces two thirds of the world's vanilla?
+Food & Drink: What newly-imported substance caused the first major outbreak of tooth decay in Europe, in the1500's?
+Food & Drink: What nut do two-thirds of its U. S. producers sell through Blue Diamond?
+The Almond
+Food & Drink: What nuts are used to flavour amaretto?
+Food & Drink: What nutty legume accounts for one sixth of the world's vegetable oil production?
+The peanut
+Food & Drink: What Olympic athlete could not run the 200-meter final in the 92 Olympics because of food poisoning?
+Michael Johnson
+Food & Drink: What other names are sardines known by?
+Food & Drink: What overtook coca-cola as the most well known brand name (in the world) in 1996?
+Food & Drink: What should your diet be high in to lessen the chance of colon cancer, according to a 1990 study?
+Food & Drink: What sort of bone is broken as wishes are made?
+Food & Drink: What sort of fish is used to make an Arbroath Smokie?
+Smoked haddock
+Food & Drink: What sort of food is a 'rollmop'?
+Food & Drink: What sort of pastry is used to make profiteroles?
+Food & Drink: What soup is likely to be on the menu in warsaw or moscow?
+Food & Drink: What south American capital city shares its name with a legume?
+Food & Drink: What Spanish drink consists of sweet red wine, lemonade or soda water and decorated with fruit?
+Food & Drink: What spice do chefs pay the most for?
+Food & Drink: What spice gives piccalilli and curries its yellow colour?
+Food & Drink: What spice is Zanzibar famous for?
+Food & Drink: What spice tastes like a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg & cloves?
+Food & Drink: What staple is laced with up to 16 additives including plaster of paris, to stay fresh?
+Food & Drink: What sticky sweetener was traditionally used as an antiseptic ointment for cuts and burns?
+Food & Drink: What take-away is traditional in England at the seaside?
+Fish and chips
+Food & Drink: What tree gives us prunes?
+The plum tree
+Food & Drink: What two ingredients make a black velvet?
+Champagne and stout
+Food & Drink: What type of chocolate was first developed for public consumption in Vevey, Switzerland in 1875?
+Milk Chocolate
+Food & Drink: What type of creature builds a lodge in which to store food, rear its young, and pass the winter?
+Food & Drink: what type of drink is perrier?
+Mineral water
+Food & Drink: What type of egg will yield 11 and one-half average-size omelettes?
+An Ostrich egg
+Food & Drink: What type of food did Linda McCartney launch?
+Vegetarian food
+Food & Drink: What type of food is pitta (pita)?
+Food & Drink: What type of lettuce was called Crisphead until the 1920s?
+Iceberg lettuce
+Food & Drink: What type of micro organism makes up the base of marine and freshwater food chains?
+Food & Drink: What type of oven will not brown foods?
+Microwave oven
+Food & Drink: What type of salad do you need apple, celery, walnuts, raisins and mayonnaise mixed together?
+Waldorf Salad
+Food & Drink: What type of thin pancake is eaten in Mexico?
+Food & Drink: What type of tree leaves are the only food that a koala bear will eat?
+Food & Drink: What uncooked meat is a trichina worm most likely to make a home in?
+Food & Drink: What variety of banana shares its name with the title of a Bond movie?
+Food & Drink: What vegetable is also known as zucchini in the USA?
+Food & Drink: What vegetable is sold mainly before 30th October?
+Food & Drink: What was margarine called when it was first marketed in England?
+Food & Drink: What was the convenience food that Joel Cheek developed?
+Instant Coffee
+Food & Drink: What was the drink we know as the Bloody Mary originally called?
+The Red Snapper
+Food & Drink: What was the favourite food of Paddington Bear?
+Food & Drink: What was the first commercially manufactured breakfast cereal?
+Shredded Wheat
+Food & Drink: What was the name of Cheerios when it was first marketed 50 years ago?
+Food & Drink: What was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favorite food?
+Food & Drink: What wine is flavoured with pine resin?
+Food & Drink: What would you be drinking if you were drinking Earl Grey?
+Food & Drink: What would you call a cluster of bananas?
+A hand
+Food & Drink: What would you call a segment of garlic?
+Food & Drink: What's a small pickled cucumber?
+Food & Drink: What's cockney rhyming slang for eyes?
+Mince Pies
+Food & Drink: What's colour of the inside of a pistachio nut?
+Food & Drink: What's lava bread?
+Food & Drink: What's Sauerkraut's main ingredient?
+Food & Drink: What's the alligator pear better known as?
+The Avocado
+Food & Drink: What's the groundnut better known as?
+The peanut
+Food & Drink: What's the only fish that produces real caviar, according to the FDA?
+Food & Drink: What's the only rock edible to man?
+Food & Drink: Whats the English translation for the french word crepe?
+Food & Drink: When a wine is described as 'brut' what does it mean about the taste?
+Very Dry
+Food & Drink: When Birdseye introduced the first frozen food in 1930, what did the company call it?
+Frosted Food
+Food & Drink: Where did the pineapple plant originate?
+South America
+Food & Drink: Where is most of the vitamin C in fruits?
+Food & Drink: where was baloney first served?
+Bologna, Italy
+Food & Drink: Where were Cornflakes invented?
+Battle Creek Sanitarium
+Food & Drink: Where were fortune cookies invented?
+United States
+Food & Drink: Which banned alcoholic drink distilled from wormwood, was known as Green Faerie?
+Food & Drink: Which brand of beer features a kangaroo on the packaging?
+Food & Drink: Which cake shares a name with an English Queen?
+Victoria sandwich cake
+Food & Drink: Which carbohydrate makes jam a gel?
+Food & Drink: Which celebrity chef was nicknamed 'The Naked Chef'?
+Jamie Oliver
+Food & Drink: Which cheese is made in reverse?
+Food & Drink: Which city gave its name to a three-coloured Neapolitan ice-cream?
+Food & Drink: Which country consumes the most pasta per person per year?
+Food & Drink: Which country does Rioja Wine come from?
+Food & Drink: Which country does the dish Mousakka come from?
+Food & Drink: Which country in Europe consumes more spicy Mexican food than any other?
+Food & Drink: Which country invented the Marmite alternative - Veggie mite?
+Food & Drink: Which entertainer on Conan O'Brien's show, choose NBC cafeteria chicken over his own brand in a blind taste test?
+Kenny Rogers
+Food & Drink: Which essential herbs are used to flavour bearnaise sauce?
+Chervil and tarragon
+Food & Drink: Which family of vegatables are Chives from?
+Food & Drink: Which flavouring is added to brandy and egg to make advocaat?
+Food & Drink: Which food has a name which means on a skewer?
+Food & Drink: Which food was popular with Popeye the Sailor?
+Food & Drink: Which fortified wine is particularly associated with the River Douro?
+Food & Drink: Which french term for a light frothy dish literally translates as puffed up?
+Food & Drink: Which fruit also shares its name with Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter?
+Food & Drink: Which fruit does one of Bob Geldofs' daughter share a name with?
+Food & Drink: Which fruit is used in the making of a Black Forest Gateau?
+Black Cherries
+Food & Drink: Which fruit served with cream is eaten during the summer tennis tournament Wimbledon?
+Food & Drink: Which fruits other name is the Chinese Gooseberry?
+Kiwi fruit
+Food & Drink: Which is the fruit that contains the most calories?
+Avocado pear
+Food & Drink: Which meat is usally in a Shish Kebab?
+Food & Drink: Which nut is used to flavour traditional Bakewell Tart?
+Food & Drink: Which product is advertised on TV with the slogan, ?Once you pop you can't stop??
+Food & Drink: Which red jelly is a traditional accompaniment to lamb?
+Food & Drink: Which song mentions saveloy, mustard, jelly, custard and sausages in the lyrics?
+Food Glorious Food
+Food & Drink: Which town in Yorkshire has given its name to a type of liquorice lozenge made there since the 16th century and bearing the impression of a castle?
+Food & Drink: Which two fruits are anagrams of each other?
+Lemon & Melon
+Food & Drink: Which variety of orange was named after a Japanese province?
+Food & Drink: who are the worlds greatest cheese eaters?
+The French
+Food & Drink: Who invented fortune cookies?
+Charles Jung
+Food & Drink: Who invented Margarine in 1868?
+Hyppolyte Merge-mouries
+Food & Drink: Who invented the Egg Mcmuffin?
+Ed Peterson
+Food & Drink: who is the founder of kfc?
+Colonel sanders
+Food & Drink: Who talked of eating human liver washed down with Chianti?
+Hannibal Lecter
+Food & Drink: Who, according to the TV commercial, ?makes exceedingly good cakes'?
+Mr Kipling
+Food & Drink: Wine sediment?
+Food & Drink: �Birdseye' introduced fish fingers into the UK in what year?
+Food & Drink: �Coco-cola' was invented in which year?
+Food & Drink: �Jambalaya' is a traditional dish in which American state?
+Food & Drink: �Toheroa Soup' is a traditional dish from which country?
+New zealand
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 'framboise' is a liqueur flavoured with what?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 'maraschino' is a liqueur flavoured with what?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 'Williamine' is a liqueur made from what?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1 1/2 oz. light rum, 1 lime, powdered sugar, fruit juice, blend w/crushed ice?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1 ounce of light rum and the juice of 1/2 lime, top with cola?
+Cuba libre
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1 oz. gin and 1 oz. orange juice?
+Orange blossom
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1 oz. gin, 1/2 oz. dry vermouth, 1/2 oz. sweet vermouth, 1/2 oz. orange juice?
+Bronx cocktail
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1/2 oz. light rum, 1/2 oz. dark rum, 1 oz. orange, lime, pineapple juice?
+Pina colada
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1990s: What helped a lot of underage drinkers get drunk in 1995?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, pour over ice cubes?
+Tom collins
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, top with soda water?
+Gin fizz
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: A full ____ percent of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of Guinness beer
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: A full seven percent of the entire Irish ____ crop goes to the production of Guinness beer
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: A full seven percent of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of ____ beer
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: A manhattan, but with scotch whiskey?
+Rob roy
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: A manhattan, but with scotch whisky?
+Rob roy
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: A.K.A juniper juice?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: An illegal 1920s saloon?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Anise flavored Greek liqueur?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Australian city home of Castlemaine XXXX Export Lager?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: admeeral tyeyskoye:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Aguila Imperial Ale:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Churchill:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: escudo:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Heineken:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: ngok' malt liquor:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: pilsner urquell:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: prestige stout:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Sapporo:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Xingu:?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beverage made from rice?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beverage produced by fermenting the juice of grapes?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Company that brews Michelob beer?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Company that was purveyor of Vodka to the Imperial Russian Court (1886-1917)?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Egyptian god credited with first making beer?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: French cup of coffee flavored with apple brandy?
+Cafe calvados
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: From what is the liqueur kirsch made?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: From which plant is tequila derived?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Good Rhine wines are bottled in what colour bottles?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Hazelnut liqueur named for the mysterious monk that made it 300 years ago?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: iquor whose name is derived from uisge beath, gaelic for aqua vitae?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Japanese rice wine?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Legend says bats lived in the rum distillery and one of them is on the label?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Liver disease caused by alcoholism?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: London engraver famous for his etchings of drunkards?
+William hogarth
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: mead is made from this?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Medieval monks invented this stopper, necessary for champagne?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Monastic order that established the California wine industry?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: National drink of Peru?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Only three grape varieties can be used to make champagne. Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier are two. Name the third?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Polish plum brandy?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Rum is made from this plant?
+Sugar cane
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: sapporo is brewed in this country?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Spice that a bartender would dust your Brandy Flip with?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: that's reproduced by the replicator?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: The cultivation of grapes?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: The geometric shape found on the Bass Pale Ale bottle?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: the German new year's carnival?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: The Greek god of wine, dance, and ecstacy?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: The most popular alcoholic beverage in America before beer?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: the traditional sweedish drink?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: the two ingredients of a black velvet are stout and?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: This liquor brand accents a Scarlet O' Hara or a Rhett Butler?
+Southern comfort
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Vodka, consomme, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Vodka, tomato juice, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt?
+Bloody mary
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: What berries give gin its flavour?
+Juniper berries
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: what bottles of chianti are traditionally covered with?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: What color is a Remy Martin bottle?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: what colour is creme de menthe?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: what country produces rioja wines?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: What do you chase whisky with in a boilermaker?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: What do you get when you add fresh fruit to red wine?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: What the V.O. in Seagrams V.O. stands for?
+Very old
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Where is the best brandy bottled?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: Zima iz made in thiz United Statez city?
+Food & Drink:Alcohol: �calvados' is a brandy made from what?
+Food: a green variety of these are often used as fishing bait?
+Food: A topping from what I would call a really big chicken?
+Food: A topping that makes your breath all stinky :)?
+Food: People often like to break the bones of these and make a wish?
+Food: pizza hut tells us to eat what part first?
+Food: Pizza Toppings?
+Food: Smallish lunchtime pizzas from Pizza Hut are called?
+Personal pan
+Food: thanks to a dead cow. this topping is called 'minced meat' by some?
+Ground beef
+Food: they have a short guy in a toga and a wreath as their spokesman?
+Little caesars
+Food: they're green and called capsicum by some?
+Green pepper
+Food: Very salty nautical creature?
+For a Non-Muslims, the tour to Mecca is?
+For every extra kilogram carried on a space flight, ____ kg of excess fuel are needed at lift-off
+For every tree that is cut for lumber, how much is sold as timber?
+One eighth
+For every tree that is cut, how much is sold for lumber?
+One eighth
+For her performance in which film did jane wyman win the 1948 best actress oscar?
+Johnny belinda
+For how long did Charles osborne have hiccups?
+Sixty nine years
+For how long was the Eiffel Tower the tallest building in the world?
+Forty years
+For how many radio stations was john cage's 'imaginary landscaper no 4' scored?
+For how many years was queen elizabeth the first on the throne of England?
+45 years
+For how much did an American urologist buy Napoleon's penis (US Dollars)?
+For how much did an American urologist buy napoleon's penis?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three thousand eight hundred dollars", "$3800"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+For how much did peter minuit buy manhattan island?
+24 dollars?$24
+For making what is the abalone shell used?
+For many reasons, this queen of france has received a great deal of blame for inciting the revolution. what was her name?
+Marie antoinette
+For red october what african republic's name was inspired by its thriving elephant tusk trade?
+The ivory coast
+For the city 'summer of 69' was a hit for which canuck in 1984?
+Bryan adams
+For the city a method of resolving questions of conscience by applying moral principles or laws to concrete cases?
+For the development of a vaccine against which disease is Jonas Edward Salk best remembered?
+Poliomyelitis (polio)
+For the holy grail in the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what did arthur's servant use to make the sound of horses hooves?
+Empty coconuts
+For what are allen and wright famous?
+Root beer
+For what are Allen and Wright most famous?
+Root beer
+For what baseball team does frank thomas play?
+Chicago white sox
+For what condition is the drug Mogadon prescribed?
+For what constituency is tony blair mp?
+For what did robert montgomery coach president eisenhower?
+For what did the knights of the round table search?
+The holy grail
+For what did the marquis de sade serve 27 years in prison?
+Sexual offenses
+For what do the initials of cricketer P B H May stand?
+Peter baker howard
+For what do the letters P&O stand for in the shipping line?
+Peninsular and oriental
+For what do the letters www stand?
+World wide web
+For what do you use the Sieve of Eratosthenes?
+Finding prime numbers
+For what does i.f.p stand?
+Inkatha freedom party
+For what does the K stand in the name of the author J.K. Rowling?
+For what does the letter 'S' stand in the initials ISBN?
+International standard book number
+For what does the letters stand for in the initials ISBN?
+International standard book number
+For what does the second letter 'A' stand in the initials BAFTA?
+For what feat is Alexei Leonov famous?
+First space walk
+For what film did jack nicholson win his first oscar?
+One flew over the cuckoo's nest
+For what film did john wayne win his only oscar?
+True grit
+For what football team did bo jackson play before his injury?
+Los angeles raiders
+For what genre of book is isaac asimov famous?
+Science fiction
+For what is 'gravidity' the medical condition?
+For what is Athenian, Draco, remembered?
+Harsh laws
+For what is AWACS the acronym?
+Airbourne warning and control system
+For what is ethylene glycol used in automobiles?
+For what is tea from willow bark good for relieving?
+For what is the chemical symbol h2o2?
+Hydrogen peroxide
+For what is the Italian town of carrara world famous?
+For what is the Prix Goncourt awarded?
+For what is the sargasso sea best known?
+For what is the turner prize awarded?
+For what kind of paintings was Alfred Mannings famous?
+For what literary work is ambrose bierce most remembered now?
+Devil's dictionary
+For what long-lost item did jimmy buffet keep searching?
+Salt shaker
+For what Major League baseball team did Mickey Mantle play for?
+For what monumental creation are we indebted to the sculptor Gutzon Borglum?
+Mount rushmore
+For what new England woman's college was the first brand of wrigley's gum named?
+For what occupation was Jesus trained?
+For what olympic team did andre agassi's father box?
+Iranian olympic team
+For what organization did april dancer work?
+For what principal purpose are UHF radio waves used?
+Transmission of television signals
+For what product is the town of sevres famous?
+For what reason were the 1987 Badminton Horse Trials cancelled?
+Bad weather
+For what sport did sports minister Colin Moynihan win an Olympic silver medal?
+For what sport does Clive Everton most famously provide the TV commentary?
+For what team did larry bird play?
+Boston celtics
+For what tv sitcom did isabel sanford get her 1981 best actress emmy?
+For what university did reggie jackson play college baseball?
+Arizona state
+For what was amateur naturalist Thomas Bewick especially famous?
+For what was Beryl Grey famous?
+For what was black the most common colour in the depression?
+for what was dr. crippen hanged?
+Murdering his wife
+For what was the acanthus plant used as a model?
+Corinthian columns
+For what was the last person hanged in the American colonies september 22, 1692?
+For which 1949 film did Anton Karas write and perform the music?
+The third man
+For which 1949 musical was the song Diamonds are a girls best friend written?
+Gentlemen prefer blondes
+For which ad campaign was the line 'i can't believe i ate the whole thing' used?
+Alka seltzer
+For which bank did rogue trader nick leeson work?
+For which British monarch was the Golden coach made?
+George III
+For which cartoon character was beethoven a favourite composer?
+For which constituency is Tony Blair the MP?
+For which country did Kenny Dalglish play international Football?
+For which country is CH the international car reg mark?
+For which decoration do the letters C.G.M. stand?
+Conspicuous gallantry medal
+For which English king did handel compose his water music?
+George the first
+For which famous ballet company did Stravinsky write The Firebird,Petroushka and the Rite of Spring?
+The diaghilev
+For which film did Anthony Quinn win an Oscar for Best Suporting Actor, in 1956?
+Lust for life
+For which film did art carney win best actor oscar in 1974?
+Harry and tonto
+For which film did dennis quaid lose 47 pounds?
+Wyatt earp
+For which film did Humphrey Bogart win an Oscar in 1951?
+The african queen
+For which film did James Cagney win an oscar?
+Yankee doodle dandy
+For which film did michael caine win an oscar in 2000?
+The cider house rules
+For which film did Sophia Loren become the first to win a Best Actor/Best Actress Oscar in a foreign language film?
+Two women
+For which industry did Lavenham in Suffolk become famous?
+For which novel did a s byatt win the booker prize in 1990?
+For which precious stone is Cobber Pedy, South Australia famous?
+For which product was Millais' painting Bubbles used to advertise?
+Pear's soap
+For which series of films did Talbot Rothwell write most of the scripts?
+The carry on films
+For which state was Al Gore a senator?
+For which team will Jensen Button be driving in the forthcoming Formula 1 World Championship motor racing season?
+For which team will Neil Hodgson be riding in the forthcoming World Superbike Motorcycling season?
+For which theory of creation is Georges Lemaitre famous?
+The big bang theory
+For who was deana carter named?
+Dean martin
+For who was the play 'peter pan' exclusively written?
+For whom was buckingham palace built?
+John sheffield
+For whom were blue jeans originally designed?
+Gold panners
+For whom were xtc making plans for?
+For whose death was delilah responsible?
+For whose death was Judas Iscariot responsible for?
+Jesus christ
+Ford had a problem in Brazil when the pinto wouldn't sell. ford later found out pinto was Brazilian slang for what?
+Small male genitals
+Foreman at 45, what did george foreman win?
+Heavyweight championship
+Forest fires in the western U S are usually caused by what?
+Forget-me-not pollen grains are so small that ____ of them can fit on the head of a pin
+Fork in the road: what's the best chariot route from rome to brindisi?
+The appian way
+Forked, sheet and ball are types of ____
+Form of visible electric discharge between rain clouds or between a rain cloud and the earth (electricity)?
+Formal invocation of the divine blessing upon people or things?
+Formal or informal agreement among business firms designed to reduce or suppress competition in a particular market?
+Former baseball star chuck connors hits a bull's-eye with adult-western?
+Former chairman of Yale physics dept. who died in the early 90s; helped develop the atomic bomb?
+William watson
+Former grand wizard of the kkk David Duke loses a close senate race in ____
+Former name for tetanus?
+Former name of Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty Stands?
+Beldloe's island
+Former name of the Hawaiian islands?
+Sandwich islands
+Former Royal coat of arms of France?
+Former yes drummer bill bruford played with what group in 1972?
+King crimson
+Formerly in India a term of respect used for European married women?
+Formerly Siam?
+Formerly St Petersburg & Petrograd?
+Formerly which king? - The Duke of Windsor?
+King Edward viii
+Formerly, a mans close fitting jacket with or without sleeves?
+Fort Baxter, Kansas was the fictional setting for which TV series?
+Seargant bilko
+Fortnum and Masons in London was opened in which year?
+Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in ____, by Charles Jung
+Fortune cookies were invented in what year?
+Forty percent of the American population has never visited a____
+Forty-five percent of all the coniferous forests on earth exist where?
+Fortymile creek was the location of what Alaskan discovery in 1886?
+Fossilized dinosaur droppings are called what?
+Fossilized dinosaur droppings are called?
+Found in most health stores, this plant extract will improve your trivia game if taken on a regular basis (It jogs the memory)?
+Founded in 1608 by Champlain, it was the capital of New France?
+Founded in 1896, what was ibm formerly called?
+Tabulating machine company
+Founded in the 6th Century B.C., which religion has two schools - the Hinayana, or Lesser Vehicle, and the Mahayana, or Greater Vehicle?
+Founder of the Jesuits?
+Ignatius Loyola
+Founder of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc, who died in the early 90s?
+Sam walton
+Four European countries keep Greenwich Mean Time. The UK and Ireland are two, name the others?
+Iceland and Portugal
+Four men in the history of boxing have been knocked out in the first ____ seconds of the first round
+Four thirds multiplied by pi multiplied by the radius cubed, gives you the volume of what geometric object?
+Four u.s presidents have served entire terms without having a ____
+Vice president
+Four wheeled enclosed carriage?
+Fourth greek letter?
+Fourth letter of the Greek alphabet?
+Fourth U S president to be assassinated in office?
+John f kennedy
+Fox what is the capital of Idaho?
+Fragrant flowering African bulb?
+Fragrant plant with edible leaf-stalks and seeds?
+Frampton with what vegetable song did dee dee sharp score big?
+Mashed potato time
+France and Mexico were involved in a year-long conflict popularly known as the ____ in 1838. Mexico refused to pay for damage done by Mexican army officers to a restaurant run by a French pasty chef in Tacubaya, now a section of Mexico City
+Pastry war
+France has the highest per capita consumption of ____
+France the bliss of mrs blossom starred what actress in the title role?
+Francis Castellucio is the real name of which singer who got his start in the 60 '?
+Frankie valli
+Francis what prime-time soap opera debuted as a five-part miniseries in 1978?
+Frank bruno reached no 28 in dec 1995 name the song?
+The eye of the tiger
+Frank Sinatra had 2 solo Britsh number ones, Two coins in a fountain was one, what was the other?
+Strangers in the night
+Frank sinatra was once quoted as saying rock 'n' roll was only played by 'cretinous____
+Frank Sinatras home town;Hoboken is in which state?
+New jersey
+Frank Stoeber collected a 10,000 lb ball of this?
+Frank Zappa was lead singer with which band?
+Mothers of invention
+Frankfort is the capital of ____
+Frankie valli was the lead singer with which group?
+Four seasons
+Franklin D Roosevelt, what does the D stand for?
+frech mime artist?
+Marcel Marceau
+Fredcrick the First, 1657 to 1713, was the first king of which country?
+Freddie Marsden was the drummer in which group that had three number one hits in the UK in 1963?
+Gerry and the pacemakers
+Frederick Gowland Hopkins won a Nobel prize in 1929 for which medical discovery?
+Fredericton is the capital of ____
+New brunswick
+Fredericton is the capital of which Canadian province?
+New brunswick
+Freetown is the capital of ____
+Sierra leone
+French for until we meet again?
+Au revoir
+French fortification system along the German frontier from Switzerland to Luxembourg?
+Maginot Line
+French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, sometimes called the father of modern philosophy?
+French speaking residents of belgium are called____
+French Sudan is the previous name of which country?
+French violin virtuoso, who died in the early 90s, known for polish, refinement, and lyricism?
+Zino francescatti
+French word for jewel or trinket?
+French: done and past arguing about?
+Fait accompli
+Freya was the norse goddess of ____
+Love and fertility
+Friday im in love name the band?
+The cure
+Friends Characters?
+Frogs live on every continent except which one?
+Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by what method?
+From 1979 to 2000, which will be the most distant planet earth?
+From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was ____
+From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth will be ____
+From 1980 to 1990, what state had the highest percentage increase in population?
+From 1980 to 1995, which country produced the largest amount of crude oil?
+Saudi arabia
+From 9,000 pounds of roses, which totals about 55,000 blossoms, ____ pounds of costly rose essence can be extracted to be used as a component in fragrances
+From a distance: how many nautical miles are there in one degree of longitude?
+From fertilisation to birth, a baby's weigh increase ____ times
+Five billion
+From freya, the queen of the nordic gods, came this term describing a noble lady?
+From New York to where was the first commercial boeing 747 flight?
+From the coast of which county does the padstow lifeboat get launched?
+From the milk of which animal is real Mozzarella cheese made?
+From the milk of which animal is ricotta made?
+From what animal is mutton?
+From what animal is venison?
+From what animals tail hair are violin bows traditionally made?
+From what BBC TV series comes the phrase 'And now for something completely different?
+Monty python's flying circus
+From what bridge does the oxford/cambridge boat race start?
+From what coast do dalmatian originate?
+Dalmatian coast
+From what country did the U S buy the Virgin Islands?
+From what country do we get avia wines?
+From what country is pamela lee anderson from?
+From what country was the athlete peter snell?
+New zealand
+From what did julius caesar and napoleon suffer?
+From what did the ghan railway get its name?
+Camel drivers
+From what do camels protect themselves with three eyelids?
+Blowing sand
+From what do over 1000 birds die from every year?
+Smashing into windows
+From what does Moscow take its name?
+River moscowa
+From what fruit is the liqueur kirsch made?
+From what group of wild plants are cereals derived?
+From what is banana oil made?
+From what is rum distilled?
+Sugar cane
+From what is the brown pigment bistre prepared?
+From what is the drink 'perry' made?
+From what is velvet made?
+From what is welsh rarebit made?
+Cheddar cheese and beer
+From what language is the word 'mummy' derived?
+From what material are millefiori ornaments made?
+From what material are snooker balls made?
+From what material is the ring made in Sumo Wrestling?
+From what mountain did Jesus ascend into heaven?
+Mt ebal
+From what mountain in chattanooga, tennessee can you reportedly see five states?
+Lookout mountain
+From what plant is opium derived?
+From what platform does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave pennsylvania station?
+Twenty nine
+From what port did the titanic set sail on its fateful voyage?
+From what Shakespeare play is this line taken: to be or not to be: that is the question?
+From what town did wagon train's pilgrimage begin?
+St joseph
+From what were balloons originally made?
+Animal bladders
+From what words is dublin derived?
+Dubh linn
+From which album by Sade do the following tracks come - Why cant we live together,Cherry Pie and Your love is King?
+Diamond life
+From where are walloons?
+From where did a crusade to Downing Street set out in 1936?
+From where did paddington bear come?
+Darkest peru
+From where do alsatians originate?
+From where does Motown get its name?
+From where does the uvula dangle?
+From where exactly do you remove an offending object if you have a glob of something stuck in your philtrum?
+Groove under your nose
+From where I stand you are home free?
+Magic Olivia Newton-John 
+From where is the music for the 'star spangled banner'?
+Anacreon in heaven
+From where to london was the first commercial boeing 747 flight?
+New york
+From where to where did the first railway on the witwatersrand run?
+Johannesburg to springs
+From where was ricky in 'i love lucy'?
+From which album did the original version of elton john's candle in the wind come?
+Goodbye yellow brick road
+From which American state do the Bighorn Mountains arch northwest into southern Montana?
+From which animal is 'ambergris'?
+Sperm whale
+From which Asian kingdom do the Gurkhas originate?
+From which bridge was Wordsworth enjoying the view when he wrote Earth has not anything to show more fair?
+Westminster bridge
+From which broadway show do we get the songs 'the girl that i marry' and 'anything you can do'?
+Annie get your gun
+From which city can you see table mountain?
+Cape town
+From which city did Shakespeares Two Gentlemen come?
+From which congreve play comes the line, 'music has charms to soothe a savage breast'?
+The mourning bride
+From which country are the European Space Agency Ariane rockets launched?
+French guiana
+From which country did Admiral Cheng Ho lead voyages of discovery?
+From which country did the astromomer tycho brahe come?
+From which country did the midget who played Lisa come form? (Burns' Heir)?
+From which country did tulips originally come?
+From which country does bjork come?
+From which country does opera singer Kiri Te Kanawa come?
+New zealand
+From which country does the plastic explosive semtex originate from?
+Czech republic
+From which creatures do we obtain bacon?
+From which date does the legal term 'Time Immemorial' apply?
+The death of Henry II
+From which element is pitchblende derived?
+From which family of plants does tea come?
+From which family relative did Queen Victoria inherit the throne?
+Her uncle
+From which french word does the 'mayday' distress signal come?
+From which fruit is the liqueur kirsh made?
+From which fruit is the liqueur obtained?
+From which house is the queen?
+From which kind of organism is the indicator litmus extracted?
+From which language does the word 'alcohol' come, originally?
+From which language does the word 'alibi' come?
+From which language does the word Gymnasium come?
+From which language does the word ketchup come?
+From which large South American country do the beers 'Brahma Chopp' and 'Antarctica' come?
+From which London jail did Ronnie Biggs escape in 1965?
+From which London palace did the BBC transmit the first Tv service?
+Alexandra palace
+From which Marx Brothers film comes the line 'Either he's dead, or my watch has stopped?
+A day at the races
+From which musical did the songs 'If my friends could see me now' and 'There's got to be something better than this' come?
+Sweet charity
+From which musical does the song getting to know you come?
+The king and i
+From which musical does the song on the street where you live come?
+My fair lady
+From which musical does the song surrey with the fringe on top come?
+From which palbet does Dr Who come?
+From which part of a tree does turmeric come?
+From which plant does the drug belladonna come from?
+Deadly nightshade
+From which plant family do vanilla pods come?
+From which plant is natural vanilla flavouring?
+From which poem do the following lines come- So munch on,crunch on, take your nuncheon.Breakfast,supper,dinner,luncheon!?
+The pied piper of hamelin
+From which prison in south africa was nelson mandela released?
+Victor verster
+From which Shakespeare play did Tom Stoppard borrow his Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
+From which shakespeare play does the line 'all the world's a stage' come?
+As you like it
+From which shakespeare play does the line 'the course of true love never did run smooth.' come?
+A midsummer night's dream
+From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'Double, double ... '?
+From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'Goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I should say goodnight till it be morrow?
+Romeo and Juliet
+From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'To be or not to be?
+From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'What in a name. That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet?
+Romeo and Juliet
+From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that i should say goodnight till it be morrow?
+Romeo & juliet
+From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: what in a name that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet?
+Romeo & juliet
+From which station does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave?
+From which TV quiz show does the catchphrase Bernie the bolt come from?
+The golden shot
+From which type of rock is marble formed?
+From which type of wood are most baseball bats made?
+From which US state does model Jerry Hall originate?
+From which yarn is the best velvet made?
+From who did malta gain independence in 1964?
+From who was kuwait liberated in the gulf war?
+From whom did chrysler buy the jeep/eagle division in 1988?
+American motors
+From whom did j.f. kennedy accept his dog pushinska?
+Nikita kruschev
+From whom did Peter Mandelson borrow the money for his house?
+Geoffrey robinson
+From whom did rocky first win the boxing championship?
+Apollo creed
+From whom did the u.s buy the virgin islands?
+Fromage is french for?
+Front which part of a pig do we get ham?
+Hind leg
+Frozen dew or vapour?
+Fu Manchu was the adversary of which Scotland Yard detective?
+Nayland smith
+Fuad became king of which country from 1922?
+Fuel especially methane produced by fermentation of organic matter?
+Fulgurite is formed when lightning strikes?
+Full Metal Alchemist: Name all 7 of the homunclui?
+Full Metal Alchemist: What are the 7 homunculi named after?
+The seven deadly sins
+Full Metal Alchemist: What are the two Elric brothers first names?
+Alphonse and Edward
+Full Metal Alchemist: What rank is Roy Mustang in the military?
+Full Metal Alchemist: What type of Alchemist is Edward?
+State Alchemist
+Fun Runs - What is San Francisco's equivalent to Sydney's 'City To Surf' race?
+Bay to Breakers footrace
+Funchal is the principal city of which Portuguese province?
+Fundamentalist branch of the Amish?
+Swartzentruber amish
+Furniture: What is the metal part of a lamp surrounding the bulb and supporting the shade called?
+Furniture: Where did venetian blinds originate?
+Gaborone is the capital of ____
+Gabriel and Michael are the only 2 angels to be named in the?
+Gaddafi came to power in which year?
+Gadfly Texan who claimed computer and potato chips were economically equivalent?
+Ross perot
+Gaelic is a type of what?
+Celtic language
+Galactic travel tale based loosely on Heinlein work?
+Destination moon
+Galena is an ore of which metal?
+Galena is the principal Lead ore which other element is combined with the metal to form Galena?
+Gamblers in ancient Greece made dice from the ankle-bones and shoulder blades of?
+Game bird with feathered feet?
+Game in which participants simulate military combat using airguns to shoot paint capsules at each other?
+Game or fly fishing is for salmon and which other fish?
+Game show: before she became the head-turning letter turner on wheel of fortune in 1982, vanna white appeared as a contestant on what show?
+The price is right
+Game show: which of the 60 minutes men hosted several game shows in the early part of his career?
+Mike wallace
+Games: ____ & Righter (former US owners of Scrabble rights)
+Games: ____ goes first in Tic Tac Toe
+Games: A ____ checkerboard has 121 holes
+Games: A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a ____
+Games: A card game similar to rummy?
+Games: A Chinese checkerboard has ____ holes
+Games: A Draughts player starts with how many pieces?
+Games: A game in which small balls are struck into holes on inclined board?
+Games: A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a ____
+Full house
+Games: a royal flush is the best hand you can get in which game?
+Games: a.k.a a pair of aces & a pair of eights?
+Dead mans hand
+Games: besides red, name the other two colours on a roulette wheel?
+Black and green
+Games: Board game involving rapid climbing and tragic sliding?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Snakes and ladders", "chutes and ladders"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Games: Board game with pieces moved according to throw of dice?
+Games: Board games, old & new?
+Mouse Trap
+Games: Board Games, Old and new?
+Games: Chess originated in India under which name?
+Games: Clue (tm) Murder Weapons/People?
+Games: d&d stands for this?
+Dungeons and dragons
+Games: Eva Gabor and Johnny Carson popularized this game by climbing over each other?
+Games: Frank Lloyd Wright son John invented these after watching workers move timber?
+Lincoln logs
+Games: How many balls are used in a game of snooker in addition to the cue ball?
+Games: How many balls are used in a game of snooker including the cue ball?
+Games: How many dots are on a twister mat?
+Games: How many dots are there on a pair of dice?
+Games: How many folds does a Monopoly board have?
+Games: How many numbers are on the spinner in the game of 'Life'?
+Games: how many properties are there on a monopoly board?
+Games: How many sets are there in a full-length men's championship tennis match?
+Games: How many squares are there on a chessboard?
+Games: how many tiles does a player play to score a bingo in scrabble?
+Games: How much does Park Place cost in Monopoly (in US Dollars)?
+Games: how much is the luxury tax (in dollars) in monopoly?
+Games: In a game of horseshoes, how many feet apart must the stakes be?
+Games: In Chess, the obligation to move even when it must be disadvantageous?
+Zug zwang
+Games: In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) ____
+Games: In pool, what color is the eight ball?
+Games: In roulette, what number is green?
+Games: In Scrabble, what is the value of the blank tile?
+Games: In the board game Battleship, A battleship occupies how many squares?
+Games: In the board game cluedo, which room is situated directly between the kitchen and the conservatory?
+The ballroom
+Games: In the board game Diplomacy, Which country starts with the most naval units?
+Games: In the board game Hungry, Hungry Hippos, the four colors are Pink, Green, Orange, and?
+Games: In the board game Riskm the three symbols are a foot soldier, a calvaryman, and a ____
+Games: In the dice game 'craps', what is a throw of double one called?
+Games: In the game monopoly, the most money you can lose in one travel around the board (normal game rules, going to jail only once) is how much?
+Games: In the game of `scrabble' the highest known score for a single word in competition had what value?
+392 points
+Games: In the game of Cluedo what is the name of the Reverend?
+Games: In the game of draughts, what term means to remove from the board for failing to make a possible capture?
+Games: In the game of eight-ball, how many balls are there on the table at the start (excluding the cue ball)?
+Games: In the game of fives, what do the players hit the ball with?
+Games: in this card game, teams are designated north-south and east-west?
+Games: in this game players take turns placing disks on an 8x8 board?
+Games: In which card game do you meld?
+Games: In which game are the terms 'pin', 'fork', and 'skewer' used?
+Games: Jokers apart, how many red cards are there in a standard pack?
+Games: klondike is the most popular form of this game?
+Games: monopoly penalty space between baltic ave. and reading rr (2 wds)?
+Income tax
+Games: Moving anti-clockwise on a dartboard, what is the number next to '4'?
+Games: number of points lost for scratching off the blue ball in snooker?
+Games: term for any number between 19 & 36 in roulette?
+Games: term for any number between one & 18 in roulette?
+Games: The 1993 Ken Doll has been insinuated to have this type of ring as a necklace?
+Games: the easiest to defend continent in risk?
+Games: The Five Alls, the King is depicted along with which 4 other occupations?
+Games: the king in chess can move a maximum of this many squares?
+Games: the object of this card game is to meld sets of 7 or more cards?
+Games: the Queen of Spades is worth 13 - is based on this game...?
+Games: There are this many Miners in a full Stratego set?
+Games: There are this many red-letter cubes in Perquackey?
+Games: This ancient Chinese game is played with 156 small rectangular tiles?
+Mah jongg
+Games: this cube puzzle was invented by a hungarian mathematician in 1974?
+Games: this game of chance was originally called 'beano'?
+Games: this is a french named car-racing card game?
+Mille borne
+Games: this is the length, in feet, of a regulation snooker table?
+Games: This is the lowest ranking suit in Bridge?
+Games: this is the oldest board game still played (5000 yr old boards were found)?
+Games: this is the strongest poker hand you can get?
+Royal flush
+Games: This many dice are used in Yahtzee?
+Games: This term denotes a chess move in which both the king and the rook are moved?
+Games: To what do opposite faces of a dice always add up?
+Games: what board game features a three-legged planchette that points to letters and numbers?
+Games: what board game's tokens include a thimble, shoe, top hat, and dog?
+Games: What bowling term means three straight strikes?
+Games: What card game can you peg out in?
+Games: What card game derived its name from biritch, or Russian Whist?
+Games: What card game has 2,598,960 possible hands?
+Games: What card game has variations known as cincinnati, Chicago and lowball?
+Games: What card game is also known as Vingt-et-Un?
+Games: What card game is said to have been invented by the poet Sir John Suckling?
+Games: What card game shares its name with that of a floating bridge?
+Games: What card game was invented by harold s vanderbilt in 1925?
+Contract bridge
+Games: what chinese parlor game swept America in the 1920s?
+Games: What do opposite faces of a dice always add up to?
+Games: what female suspect in the game of clue is single?
+Miss scarlet
+Games: what game is fatal to anybody over 21?
+Games: What game or sport is Bobby Fischer identified with?
+Games: What game usually starts with 'is it animal, vegetable or mineral'?
+Twenty questions
+Games: what game's board shows the territories of irkutsk, yakutsk, and kamchatka?
+Games: What is another name for the card game 'Blackjack'?
+Games: What is another name for the card game 'Twenty-one'?
+Games: What is known as The Sport of Kings?
+Horse racing
+Games: What is the best possible score in blackjack?
+Games: what is the game of mumbletypeg played with?
+A pocketknife
+Games: What is the most popular sport in England?
+Games: What is the tallest piece on a chessboard?
+Games: What number is at 12 o'clock on a dartboard?
+Games: What playing card is called the curse of Scotland?
+Nine of diamonds
+games: what playing card symbolizes death?
+Ace of spades
+Games: What score is not possible for a cribbage hand?
+Games: What sport/game is Bobby Fischer associated with?
+games: what suspect in the game of clue teaches college?
+Professor plum
+games: what world championship is called the bermuda bowl?
+games: what's the value of face cards in cribbage?
+Games: Where did the card game 'bridge' originate?
+Games: Where does the annual Poker World Series take place?
+Las Vegas
+Games: which British game is known as checkers in the usa?
+Games: Which chess piece is usually valued as 5 points?
+games: which risk player wins tied dice rolls, the attacker or the defender?
+The defender
+Games: whist is an early form of this card game?
+Games: who devised the point count bidding system for bridge?
+Charles goren
+Games: Who invented Bazaar, Acquire, Can't Stop, and Domination?
+Sidney sackson
+Games: whose 3-dimensional cube became a 70s & 80s craze?
+Rubiks cube
+Games: Yahtzee is played with how many dice?
+Games: you meld groups of three cards or more of the same rank or suit in this game?
+Ganesha is the hindu god of ____
+Good fortune
+Gardner Cowles founded what picture magazine in 1937 to compete with 'Life Magazine'?
+Garfield was created by which cartoonist (first & last names)?
+Jim davis
+Garlic is a primary defense against?
+High cholesterol
+Garnet is the birthstone for which month?
+Garnet, amethyst and zircon are all types of what?
+Garter snakes give off a smelly substance called?
+Garuda is the national airline of which far-eastern country?
+Gary powers u-2 mission over Russia in 1960 was known as?
+Operation overflight
+Gas from a Supernova can travel up to ____ kilometres per second
+gastritis is a condition that affects what part of the body?
+Gathering in of a seasons crops?
+Gatorade was named for the University of ____ Gators where it was first developed
+gay issues: a lesbian kiss on what abc sitcom caused an uproar?
+Gay Issues: A passed anti-gay measure in what state caused calls for a boycott?
+gay issues: what British musician/singer was bi, now openly gay?
+Elton john
+Gay Issues: What is America's weekly gay news magazine?
+The advocate
+gay issues: what is announcing someone being gay against their will called?
+Gay Issues: What Middle Eastern country allows gays in its military?
+Gay Issues: What popular Canadian country singer is an open lesbian?
+K.d. lang
+Gems: 19th Century: In 1893 ____ diamond (blue-white 995 carats) discovered
+Gems: A large flawless ____ is worth more than a similarly large flawless diamond
+Gems: A large flawless emerald is worth more than a similarly large flawless____
+Gems: Gemstones are formed from slowly cooling ____ rocks
+Gems: Name some?
+Gems: Peridot is the birthstone for ____
+Gems: What is the birthstone for August?
+General military term for large weapons such as cannons & rocket launchers?
+General term for any animal that subsists mainly on the flesh of other animals?
+Generally acknowledged to be the most prolific painter of modern times?
+Pablo picasso
+Generals Gowon, Abasanjo and Abacha have all been leaders of which African State?
+Generic name for an anonymous average man?
+John doe
+GENERL KNOWLEDGE:Occuring every 20 years?
+Genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, ____...
+Genetics - How many chromosomes do each body cell contain?
+Genghis Khan started out as a what?
+Genghis khan started out as a____
+Genghis khan was the most famous leader of what people?
+The mongols
+Genghis Khan's original name was?
+Genie ina bottle was a no 1 in oct99 name the us female artist?
+Christina aguilera
+Genus of annual and perennial herbs (buttercup) containing about 20 species, grown for their showy flowers?
+Genus of plants with more than 150 species, most native to South Africa?
+Genus of tropical American flowering annual herbs?
+GEOGRAPHY; Dutch city famous for its pottery and porcelain?
+GEOGRAPHY; In which European city is there a lake called the Tjorn?
+GEOGRAPHY; In which sea are the Docecanese Islands?
+Aegean Sea
+GEOGRAPHY; Whre would you see the statue of The little Mermaid?
+GEOGRAPHY;Which European flag is red and gold and has an eagle in its crest?
+Geography: ____ account for more than half of the world's total production of peanuts. The United States grows about 10 percent of the world's peanut crop, mainly in such southern states as Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina
+India and china
+Geography: ____ averages the greatest number of shark attacks annually - an average of 13
+Geography: ____ got its start as a major tourist destination during the early days of World War II. German U-boats threats off the eastern United States compelled the wealthy to find new places to vacation. At one time one had to be a millionaire to enjoy ____, but that hasn't been the case for years
+Geography: ____ has 150 recognized ecosystems
+Geography: ____ has 254 counties. Alaska, which is more than twice as large, hasn't any
+Geography: ____ has 570 miles of shoreline
+New york city
+Geography: ____ has a sand desert with dunes over 100 feet high. It is located along the flatland of the Kobuk River in the northwestern part of the state
+Geography: ____ has official state neckwear - the bolo tie
+Geography: ____ has parallel drops of only 158 and 167 feet
+Niagara falls
+Geography: ____ has the greatest number of islands in the world: 179,584
+Geography: ____ has the highest per capita income in the world, except for the oil sheikdoms
+Geography: ____ has the largest rural population in the United States
+Geography: ____ has the nation's largest city park system, with more than 200 parks within city limits and 20,000 acres of parks in the nearby mountains - an area larger than all of Manhattan Island
+Geography: ____ has two official national anthems
+South africa
+Geography: ____ in southern California is the lowest point in the United States at 282 feet below sea level. The highest point in the contiguous 48 states is also in California: Mount Whitney, which is 14,491 feet above sea level
+Death valley
+Geography: ____ in Wyoming, the world-famous, nearly vertical monolith rises 1,267 feet above the Belle Fourche River. Known by several northern plains tribes as Bears Lodge, it is a sacred site of worship for many American Indians. Scientists are still undecided as to what exactly caused the natural wonder, although they agree that it is the remnant of an ancient volcanic feature
+Devils tower
+Geography: ____ includes the islands of New Britain and New Ireland
+Papua new guinea
+Geography: ____ is 98 percent ice, 2 percent barren rock. The average thickness of the ice sheet is 7,200 feet; this amounts to 90 percent of all the ice and 70 percent of all the fresh water in the world. If the ice cap were to melt, the sea level would rise by an average of 230 feet
+Geography: ____ is a land with a lot of big creatures - it is home to the world's largest snake (the anaconda, measuring up to 35 feet in length), largest spider, largest rodent (the capybara, a sort of guinea pig the size of a police dog), and the world's largest ant
+Geography: ____ is home to the world's most remote weather station. Its Eureka weather station is 600 miles from the North Pole
+Geography: ____ is one-quarter the size of the state of Maine
+Geography: ____ is smaller than the state of Montana (116,304 square miles and 147,138 square miles, respectively)
+Geography: ____ is the birthplace of many celebrities, including David Birney, Blair Brown, Connie Chung, Matt Frewer, Goldie Hawn, Al Gore, John Heard, Edward Hermann, William Hurt, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Michael Learned, Roger Mudd, Maury Povich, Chita Rivera, Pete Sampras, and Peter Tork
+Washington, d.c
+Geography: ____ is the first and last city in the world to operate cable cars. Almost 100 other cities around the world have had cable cars, but all have discontinued use. The cable cars began operation on August 2, 1873. Designed by London born engineer Andrew Hallidie, the cable cars are controlled by a subterranean loop that travels at a constant 9.5 miles per hour
+San francisco
+Geography: ____ is the fourth-largest island in the world. It is approximately the same size as the state of Texas
+Geography: ____ is the largest country in Africa. It has a population greater than 28,100,000
+Geography: ____ is the largest French-speaking city in the Western Hemisphere
+Geography: ____ is the largest Spanish-speaking country and the second-largest Roman Catholic nation in the world
+Geography: ____ is the largest Western European country. Its area is slightly less than twice the size of Colorado
+Geography: ____ is the most densely populated non-island region in the world, with more than 1,970 humans per square mile
+Geography: ____ is the only Central American country not bordering the Caribbean Sea
+El salvador
+Geography: ____ is the only country in the Middle East that does not have a desert
+Geography: ____ is the second smallest country in the world and the principality has four distinct divisions. (1.) La Condamine, the business district. (2.) The Casino or Monte Carlo. (3.) Monaco-Ville which is on a rocky promontory and (4.) Fontvieille
+Geography: ____ is the world's largest producer of cork. The country has regulations protecting cork trees dating back to 1320. During the 1920s and 1930s, it became illegal to cut down the trees other than for essential thinning and removal of older non-producing trees
+Geography: ____ itself was formed by the activity of undersea volcanoes
+Geography: ____ possesses more proven oil reserves than any country outside the Middle East
+Geography: ____ sits on the southern coast of France, near the border with Italy, and covers 0.73 square miles (approximately 1/2 the size of New York's Central Park)
+Geography: ____ was admitted to the U.N. in May 1993, making it the smallest country represented there
+Geography: ____ was the first American city planned for a specific purpose. It was designed by Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, to be a beautiful city with wide streets and many trees. The district was originally a 10 miles square crossing the Potomac River into Virginia. The Virginia part of the district was given back to Virginia in 1846
+Washington, d.c
+Geography: ____ was the U.S. Confederacy's largest city
+New orleans
+Geography: ____, Illinois was nicknamed the Windy City because of the excessive local bragging that accompanied the Columbian Exhibition of 1893. ____ has actually been rated as only the 16th breeziest city in America
+Geography: ____, in Russia, is the largest city north of the Arctic Circle
+Geography: ____, in the eastern West Indies, is one of the world's most densely populated countries
+Geography: ____, of the southern Baja Peninsula, was favored by early pirates because of its safe harbors
+Los cabos
+Geography: 300,000 Chinese troops invaded a country in February of 1979, what was the country?
+Geography: 80% of the World`s fresh water is located in what country?
+Geography: A Bajan is an inhabitiant of which island?
+Geography: A distillery was originally on the site of America's first mint, the ____ mint, which opened in 1792
+Geography: A federation in SE Asia occupying the northern part of Borneo?
+Geography: A member of a Bantu people living chiefly in South Africa?
+Geography: A patent on polyester was patented first in what country?
+Geography: A ridge projecting laterally from a mountain or mountain range?
+Geography: A small violent tropical storm or cyclone in the China seas?
+Geography: A whirlpool below ____ iced over for the first time on record, on March 25, 1955
+Niagara falls
+Geography: A wide indentation in a shoreline?
+Geography: About 43 million years ago, the Pacific plate took a northwest turn, creating a bend where new upheavals initiated the Hawaiian Ridge. Major islands formed included Kauai, 5.1 million years old, Maui, 1.3 million years old, and ____, a youngster at only 800,000 years old
+Geography: Abuja is the capital of ____
+Geography: Acadia was the original name of which Canadian province?
+Nova scotia
+Geography: Acapulco is in which country?
+Geography: According to ____ historian Herodotus, Egyptian men never became bald. The reason for this was that, as children, Egyptian males had their heads shaved, and their scalps were continually exposed to the health-giving rays of the sun
+Geography: According to a Fortune magazine survey conducted a few years ago, ____ topped the list of best major U.S. cities to balance work and family
+Geography: According to classical legend, which city was the home of the original Palladium?
+Geography: According to the ____, a survey of 18- to 24-year-olds from nine nations put the United States dead last in general geographic knowledge scores. One in seven - about 24 million people - could not find their own country on a world map. The survey revealed that Americans possess a pathetically poor sense of where they are - much less any knowledge about the rest of the world. And even more alarming, those who participated in the survey were recent high school and college graduates
+National Geographic Society
+Geography: According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, the first populated land where the Sun will rise on a new day is at Kahuitara Point (44? 16' S 176? 9' W) on Pitt Island in the Chatham Islands, a dependency of ____
+New zealand
+Geography: Accra is the capital of ____
+Geography: Adolf Hitler was born in what country?
+Geography: African country, capital Luanda?
+Geography: African country, capital Niamey?
+Geography: After which city is mayonnaise said to be named?
+Port mahon
+Geography: After which First World war heroine was a peak in the Rockies named?
+Edith Cavell
+Geography: Albany is the capital of ____
+New York
+Geography: Alternative name for Ayres Rock?
+Geography: America purchased Alaska from ____ in 1867 for $7,200,000 - about 2 cents an acre
+Geography: Among the fifty-two ____ churches Sir Christopher Wren created from 1670 to 1711, the greatest was St. Paul's Cathedral
+Geography: Andalusia is a region located in the south of which country?
+Geography: Ankara is the capital of ____
+Geography: Antibes, on the eastern French Riviera, was founded by the ____ in the fourth century B.C. After World War II, Pablo Picasso left Paris to live near the Mediterranean. He worked for six months in the Grimaldi castle where he painted La Joi De Vivre. It is now a museum that holds many of Picasso's paintings and pottery. Antibes also hosts one of the largest antique shows in Europe each spring
+Geography: Antigua and Barbuda lie in which Sea?
+Geography: Approximately 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water. Only 1 percent of the water is ____
+Geography: Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover?
+Geography: Argentina's east coast lies on which ocean?
+Geography: Arguably the largest state in the world, ____ covers one-third of the Australian continent. It spans over 2.5 million square kilometers (1 million square miles)
+Western Australia
+Geography: Arizona boasts a great variety of fossils, the best known of which were of creatures that lived during the Triassic Period. These include early dinosaurs and the trees that left us Arizona petrified wood, (Araucarioxylon arizonicum), the state's fossil. Arizona petrified wood is protected in Petrified Forest National Park. Another famous Arizona fossil site is the Grand Canyon. It was carved out of the ____, a famous geologic region
+Colorado plateau
+Geography: Aruba maintains the strongest ties to what European country?
+Geography: As of 1990, ____, Pennsylvania was the only U.S. city of the nation's largest 50 cities with a higher death rate than birth rate
+Geography: As what is Constantinople now known?
+Geography: As what is Formosa now known?
+Geography: As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known?
+Geography: As what is the South Pole also known?
+Amundsen Scott Station
+Geography: As what was the Taj Mahal originally built?
+Geography: At the start of the twentieth century, the spectacular city of ____, didn't even exist. Now it's home to more than one million people, and the city boasts nine of the world's ten largest hotels
+Las vegas, nevada
+Geography: Austin is the capital of ____
+Geography: Australia's highest mountain is named for Thaddeus ____, the Polish general who fought in the American Revolution
+Geography: Bamako is the capital of ____
+Geography: Bangalore and jaipur are in which country?
+Geography: Bangkok is the capital of ____
+Geography: Banjul is the capital of ____
+Geography: Bartolomeo diaz called it the cape of storms. what is it called now?
+The cape of good hope
+Geography: Before 1918, ____ belonged to Austria-Hungary; from 1918 to 1991, it was part of Yugoslavia. It declared its independence on June 25, 1991
+Geography: Berkshire racecourse?
+Geography: Bismarck is the capital of ____
+North Dakota
+Geography: Bissau is the capital of ____
+Geography: bodies of water: Where in the heck is Bantry Bay?
+Geography: Bodies Of Water?
+Lake Michigan
+Geography: Bodies Of Water?
+Pacific Ocean
+Geography: Bogota is the capital of ____
+Geography: Boise is the capital of ____
+Geography: Bore-hole seismometry indicates that the land in ____ moves up and down 25 cm throughout the day, corresponding with the tides. Earth tides are generally about one-third the size of ocean tides
+Geography: Bridgeport is the largest city in which state?
+Geography: Bridgetown is the capital of ____
+Geography: Brussels is the capital of which country?
+Geography: Buckingham Palace is in which English City.?
+Geography: Budapest is the capital of ____
+Geography: buildings: what's the largest office building in the world?
+The pentagon
+Geography: Burma was the former name of which country?
+Geography: By what name is British Honduras now known?
+Geography: Canada is the second-largest country in the world after ____. Nearly 90 percent of the Canada's population is concentrated within 161 km of the United States/Canada border
+Geography: Cape Town, South Africa, is also known as?
+Geography: Capital of Afghanistan?
+Geography: Capital of Albania?
+Geography: Capital of Algeria?
+Geography: Capital of Andorra?
+Andorra la Vella
+Geography: Capital of Angola?
+Geography: Capital of Argentina?
+Buenos Aires
+Geography: Capital of Australia?
+Geography: Capital of Austria?
+Geography: Capital of Bahrain?
+Geography: Capital of Bangladesh?
+Geography: Capital of Barbados?
+Geography: Capital of Belgium?
+Geography: Capital of Belize?
+Geography: Capital of Benin?
+Porto Novo
+Geography: Capital of Bhutan?
+Geography: Capital of Botswana?
+Geography: Capital of Brazil?
+Geography: Capital of Brunei?
+Bandar Seri Begawan
+Geography: Capital of Bulgaria?
+Geography: Capital of Cambodia?
+Phnom Penh
+Geography: Capital of Cameroon?
+Geography: Capital of Canada?
+Geography: Capital of Chad?
+Geography: Capital of Congo?
+Geography: Capital of Costa Rica?
+San Jose
+Geography: Capital of Cuba?
+Geography: Capital of Cyprus?
+Geography: Capital of Czechoslovakia?
+Geography: Capital of Denmark?
+Geography: Capital of Djibouti?
+Geography: Capital of Ecuador?
+Geography: Capital of Egypt?
+Geography: Capital of El Salvador?
+San Salvador
+Geography: Capital of Ethiopia?
+Addis Ababa
+Geography: Capital of Fiji?
+Geography: Capital of Finland?
+Geography: Capital of France?
+Geography: Capital of Gabon?
+Geography: Capital of Ghana?
+Geography: Capital of Greece?
+Geography: Capital of Grenada?
+St George's
+Geography: Capital of Guatemala?
+Geography: Capital of Guyana?
+Geography: Capital of Haiti?
+Geography: Capital of Honduras?
+Geography: Capital of Hungary?
+Geography: Capital of Iceland?
+Geography: Capital of India?
+New Delhi
+Geography: Capital of Indonesia?
+Geography: Capital of Iran?
+Geography: Capital of Iraq?
+Geography: Capital of Irish Republic?
+Geography: Capital of Israel?
+Geography: Capital of Italy?
+Geography: Capital of Ivory Coast?
+Geography: Capital of Jamaica?
+Geography: Capital of Japan?
+Geography: Capital of Jordan?
+Geography: Capital of Kenya?
+Geography: Capital of Kiribati?
+Geography: Capital of Kuwait?
+Geography: Capital of Laos?
+Geography: Capital of Lebanon?
+Geography: Capital of Lesotho?
+Geography: Capital of Libya?
+Geography: Capital of Liechtenstein?
+Geography: Capital of Lithuania?
+Geography: Capital of Madagascar?
+Geography: Capital of Malaysia?
+Kuala Lumpar
+Geography: Capital of Maldives?
+Geography: Capital of Malta?
+Geography: Capital of Martinique?
+Geography: Capital of Mauritius?
+Port Louis
+Geography: Capital of Mexico?
+Mexico City
+Geography: Capital of Moazambique?
+Geography: Capital of Monaco?
+Geography: Capital of Mongolia?
+Ulan Bator
+Geography: Capital of Morocco?
+Geography: Capital of Namibia?
+Geography: Capital of Nauru?
+Geography: Capital of Nepal?
+Geography: Capital of New Zealand?
+Geography: Capital of Nicaragua?
+Geography: Capital of Niger?
+Geography: Capital of Nigeria?
+Geography: Capital of North Korea?
+Geography: Capital of Norway?
+Geography: Capital of Oman?
+Geography: Capital of pakistan?
+Geography: Capital of Panama?
+Geography: Capital of Papua New Guinea?
+Port Moresby
+Geography: Capital of Paraguay?
+Geography: Capital of Peru?
+Geography: Capital of Phiippines?
+Geography: Capital of Poland?
+Geography: Capital of Portugal?
+Geography: Capital of Qatar?
+Geography: Capital of Romania?
+Geography: Capital of Rwanda?
+Geography: Capital of Saskatchewan?
+Geography: Capital of South Korea?
+Geography: Capital of Swaziland?
+Geography: Capital of the Bahamas?
+Geography: Capital of the Canadian province of Manitoba?
+Geography: Capital of the Isle of Man?
+Geography: Capitals: Baghdad is the capital of ____
+Geography: Capitals: Baku is the capital of which country?
+Geography: Capitals: Bangkok is which country's capital?
+Geography: Capitals: Bangui is the capital of ____
+Central african republic
+Geography: Capitals: Berlin is the capital of ____
+Geography: Caribbean island which with Bermuda became an independent state in 1981?
+Geography: Celine Deion was born in what North American Country?
+Geography: Cheyenne is the capital of ____
+Geography: Chief sea port of France?
+Geography: cities: What capital city lies at the junction of the Sava and Danube rivers?
+Geography: cities: What city rises at the head of the Nile River Delta?
+Geography: cities: What German city is famed for a scent it produces?
+Geography: cities: Where would one find the Austerlitz train station?
+Paris, France
+Geography: City and administrative centre of an English county situated on the North Sea anmd The Wash site of an 11th century cathedral?
+Geography: City in Florida, USA situated near Walt Disney World?
+Geography: City-state and the largest port in Germany?
+Geography: City, capital of Nepal, in the central part of the country?
+Geography: City, capital of the province of Quebec, Canada, in Quebec county, at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence & Saint-Charles rivers, in the southern part of the province?
+Geography: Colorado's capital of ____ is the largest metro city in a 600-mile radius - an area almost the size of Europe
+Geography: Columbus is the capital of ____
+Geography: Compact group of mountain heights?
+Geography: Country on the Caribbean coast of Central America, capital Belmopan?
+Geography: County of Northern Ireland?
+Geography: County town of Clare?
+Geography: County town of Cornwall?
+Geography: Dakar is the capital of ____
+Geography: Denmark, Norway and Sweden combine to make what?
+Geography: Des Moines is the capital of ____
+Geography: Dhaka is the capital of ____
+Geography: Djibouti is the capital of ____
+Geography: During the nineteenth century, Michigan was a key stop on the Underground Railroad, and many runaway slaves decided to make their homes there. Currently, 14 percent of Michigan's population is ____
+African American
+Geography: Each tour through Natural Bridge Caverns in ____ covers 3/4 mile. An average tour guide will walk almost 560 miles in one year
+Geography: Each year ____ has approximately 5,000 earthquakes, including 1,000 that measure above 3.5 on the Richter scale
+Geography: Eddy Grant comes from what country?
+Geography: Edinburgh is in which country?
+Geography: Edmonton is the capital of which province?
+Geography: English county - the garden of England?
+Geography: Excluding Alaska, the American state with the lowest population density is?
+Geography: Filled with water, gas, electric, telephone, cable, steam, and sewer lines, ____ is the most dense underground site in the United States
+Geography: Fireworks originated in what country?
+Geography: Five US states border which ocean?
+Pacific Ocean
+Geography: Florida is not the southernmost state in the United States. ____ is farther south
+Geography: For centuries, Spain's ____ has been and still is one of the world's largest
+Fishing fleet
+Geography: For most of the 20th century ST. Petersburg has been named after which Soviet Hero?
+Geography: For those who are eager to peek inside Europe's only active volcano, a shuttle takes tourists close to the top of Mount Vesuvius. After that, it is a thirty-minute hike to the lip of the crater. Mount Vesuvius erupted about seventy-nine years after Christ. The flourishing city of ____ was obliterated, buried under a thirty-foot wave of hot mud and volcanic ash. The lunar-like top of the volcano stands at a dizzying 4,000 feet
+Geography: For years Sicily was the source of which element?
+Geography: Formally called Kiritimati, ____ in the Indian Ocean is 52 square miles
+Christmas island
+Geography: Founded in 1822 by the American Colonisation Society as a home for liberated slaves, capital city named after US President James Monroe, which country?
+Geography: Four states have active volcanoes: Washington, ____, Alaska, and Hawaii, whose Mauna Loa is the world's largest active volcano
+Geography: Frankfort is the capital of which state?
+Geography: French resort location of the Promenade des Anglais?
+Geography: French sea port with a ferry service to Dover?
+Geography: From an old name for which country did Horace Walpole coin the term Serendipity for happy finds made by chance?
+Sri lanka
+Geography: From the 1830s to 1960s, the Lehigh River in eastern ____, was owned by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., making it the only privately owned river in the United States
+Geography: From which country did the Bashi Bazouks come?
+Geography: From which country do Moselle wines come from?
+Geography: From which Irish province were the MacCarthys hereditary kings?
+Geography: Generally regarded as the world's most active volcano (in Hawaii)?
+Geography: Genoa overlooks which sea?
+Geography: Going due south from New York City, which S. American country do you hit first?
+Geography: Gore is also known as the Brown Trout Capital of the World and New Zealand's ____
+Country music capital
+Geography: Grasshopper Glacier in ____ was named for the grasshoppers that can still be seen frozen in the ice
+Geography: Great river of Brazil?
+Geography: Group of round 30 islets in the North Sea off the coast of Northumberland?
+Farne Islands
+Geography: Guatemala is the capital of ____
+Geography: Guayaquil is the largest city in what country?
+Geography: Halifax is the capital of which Canadian province?
+Nova scotia
+Geography: Havana is the capital of which country?
+Geography: He invented the most common projection for world maps?
+Gerardus Mercator
+Geography: He visited Australia and New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific Coast of North America?
+Geography: Height of Ayres Rock?
+110 FEET
+Geography: Helena is the capital of ____
+Geography: Hell's Canyon on the Snake River is deeper than the ____
+Grand canyon
+Geography: hich is the largest lake in Wales?
+Lake bala
+Geography: Hills on the Scottish English border?
+Cheviot hills
+Geography: Honolulu is the capital of ____
+Geography: Honolulu is the only place in the united states that has a ____
+Royal palace
+Geography: Honshu is the largest island of which country?
+Geography: Hot dusty wind in Argentina?
+Geography: How long is the Great Wall of China?
+1450 miles
+Geography: How many countries border the black sea?
+Geography: How many Great Lakes are there?
+Geography: How many stars are on the flag of New Zealand?
+Geography: How was the Cote D'Ivoire previously known?
+Ivory Coast
+Geography: If its 4:00pm in Seattle Washington, what time is it in Portland Oregon?
+Geography: If its 4:00pm in Seattle, Washington what time is it in Portland, Oregon?
+Geography: If the ____ River were stretched across the United States, it would run just about from New York to Los Angeles
+Geography: If you flew due West from Portugal, what is the first continent you would reach?
+North America
+Geography: If you were at longitude 24 degrees 55' east and latitude 60 degrees 15' north, in which capital city would you be?
+Geography: In ____, Domino's Pizza has a reindeer sausage pie on its menu
+Geography: In ____, the Presidential highway links the towns of Gore and Clinton
+New zealand
+Geography: In 1507, the first globular map was published showing the Western Hemisphere. It was printed at St. Die in the Vosges Mountains of Alsac, and it was the first map to use the term ____
+Geography: In 1932, Porto Rico was renamed ____
+Puerto rico
+Geography: In 1955 which city became the official capital of Wales?
+Geography: In 1964 Tanganyika joined Zanzibar to become which country?
+Geography: In Australia, a branch of a river forming a backwater?
+Geography: In London what was the Tyburn?
+Geography: In Paris, what are Louis Blanc and Etienne Marcel?
+Metro stations
+Geography: In Russia,what is Kyzyl Kum?
+Geography: In South America what is the largest country?
+Geography: in south west France, which 2 rivers unite to form the Gironde estuary?
+Dordogne & garonne
+Geography: In the 1960s which London Street was the fashion centre for the young?
+Carnaby street
+Geography: In the broadest sense, the entire western hemisphere south of the USA?
+Latin America
+Geography: In the centre of which South American city is the Square of Three Powers?
+Geography: In the country of ____, the basic monetary unit is the tala
+Western samoa
+Geography: In the province of ____, Canada there are towns by the name of Elbow & Eyebrow
+Geography: In the uK excluding mainland Britain what is the largest island?
+Lewis with Harris
+Geography: In the world's oceans, there are: 58 species of sea grasses; less than 1,000 species of cephalopods (squids, octopi, and pearly nautiluses); 1,000 species of sea anemones; 1,500 species of brown algae; 7,000 species of echinoderms (starfishes, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sea lilies); 13,000 species of fishes; and 50,000 species of ____
+Geography: In travel, what number was given to the route that ran from Chicago to Los Angeles?
+Route 66
+Geography: In what city are the famous Tivoli Gardens?
+Geography: In what city is the Leaning Tower?
+Geography: In what city is the Smithsonian Institute?
+Geography: In what country can one find 40 species of lemurs?
+Geography: In what country is Banff National Park?
+Geography: In what country is Lahore?
+Geography: In what country is Mandalay?
+Geography: In what country is Taipei?
+Geography: In what country is the highest point in South America?
+Geography: In what country is the Jutland peninsula?
+Geography: In what country is the lowest point in South America?
+Geography: In what country is the Mekong River Delta?
+Geography: In what country is the port of Archangel?
+Geography: In what country is the source of the Blue Nile?
+Geography: In what country is the Waterloo battlefield?
+Geography: In what country is Thunder Bay?
+Geography: In what island group is Corregidor?
+Geography: In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass?
+Geography: In what state is Concord?
+New hampshire
+Geography: In what state is Silicon Valley?
+Geography: In which African country do the Ashanti live?
+Geography: In which African country might you visit Nairobi and Mombasa?
+Republic of kenya
+Geography: In which American State is the Garden of the Gods?
+Geography: In which British city is Usher Hall?
+Geography: In which city did Anne Frank write her diary?
+Geography: In which city is Fitzwilliam Museum?
+Geography: In which city is Michelangelos statue of David?
+Geography: In which city is Red Square?
+Geography: In which city is Saint Paul's Cathedral?
+Geography: In which city is Schiphol airport?
+Geography: In which city is the Arch of Hadrian?
+Geography: In which city is the Bridge of Sighs?
+Geography: In which city is the C.N. Tower?
+Geography: In which city is the Canale Grande?
+Geography: In which city is the Coliseum located?
+Geography: In which city is the Colliseum located?
+Geography: In which city is the Dome of the Rock Mosque?
+Geography: In which city is the famous Bond Street?
+Geography: In which city is the Sistine Chapel?
+Vatican City
+Geography: In which city is the Wailing Wall?
+Geography: In which city is Wembley Stadium?
+Geography: In which city is Westminster Abbey?
+Geography: In which city was Europes first hard paste porcelain made?
+Geography: In which city was the most famous library of the ancient world?
+Geography: In which city would you find the Rotunda and Chamberlain Square?
+Geography: In which city would you see the famous marble bridge called the Rialto?
+Geography: In which continent are the Atlas mountains?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Amazon river?
+South America
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Amur river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Congo river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Lena river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Mackenzie river?
+North America
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Mekong river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Mississippi river?
+North America
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Niger river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Nile river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Ob river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Volga river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Yangtze river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Yellow river?
+Geography: In which continent would you find the Yenisey river?
+Geography: In which country are Europes only wild bison?
+Geography: In which country are the Tagalog a major ethnic group?
+Geography: In which country did the 1976 Jonestown massacre occur?
+Geography: In which country did the lambada dance originate?
+Geography: In which country do the walloons live?
+Geography: In which country does 100 kobo equal 1 naira?
+Geography: In which country is an Afghani a unit of currency?
+Geography: In which country is Angel Falls?
+Geography: In which country is Brest (NOT Breast;-)?
+Geography: In which country is Chennai (formerly Madras)?
+Geography: In which country is Cusco?
+Geography: In which country is El Alamein?
+Geography: In which country is Loch Ness?
+Geography: in which country is ltatinga waterfall?
+Geography: In which country is Madras?
+Geography: In which country is Mount Kosciuszko the highest peak?
+Geography: In which country is Normandy?
+Geography: In which country is Sapporo?
+Geography: In which country is the Calabria region?
+Geography: In which country is the Dalai Lama's palace?
+Geography: In which country is the Great Victoria Desert?
+Geography: In which country is the largest active volcano in the world?
+Geography: In which country is the Machu Picchu?
+Geography: In which country is the source of the Amazon?
+Geography: In which country is the volcano Krakatoa?
+Geography: In which country is Tobruk?
+Geography: In which country is Valparaiso an important port?
+Geography: In which country was natural gas first discovered?
+Geography: In which country was the first Zoo?
+Geography: In which country was the World Wide Web invented?
+Geography: In which country would you find Ayers Rock?
+Geography: In which country would you find Dunkirk?
+Geography: In which country would you find the Yucatan Peninsula?
+Geography: In which county are all ten of England's highest peaks?
+Geography: In which county is Hemel Hempstead?
+Geography: In which county is Jodrell Bank?
+Geography: In which county is Romney marsh?
+Geography: In which county is the naval base of Gosport?
+Geography: In which county is Wells Cathedral?
+Geography: In which county would you find Alum Bay,Godshill and Carisbrooke Castle?
+Isle of Wight
+Geography: In which English city did the new LS Lowry Arts Centre open in April 2000?
+Geography: In which English county is Helvellyn?
+Geography: In which English county is St Austell?
+Geography: In which English county is the holiday resort of Margate?
+Geography: In which English county is the holiday resort of St Ives?
+Geography: In which European is Mount Esja?
+Geography: In which group of islands is the volcanic island Stromboli?
+Lipari islands
+Geography: In which modern country is the site of the ancient city of Troy?
+Geography: In which modern day country is ancient Troy?
+Geography: In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles?
+Indian Ocean
+Geography: In which part of the British isles would you find the bailiwicks?
+Channel Isles
+Geography: In which range of Scottish Hills is Scald Law the highest peak?
+Pentland Hills
+Geography: In which river did the Pied Piper drown the rats of Hamelin?
+Geography: In which sea is the Dogger bank?
+The North Sea
+Geography: In which Spanish city is the Great Mosque known as La Mezquita which was begun in the 8th century and is now a Christian Cathedral?
+Geography: In which state are Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell?
+Geography: In which state are the Everglades?
+Geography: In which state are the Finger Lakes?
+New york
+Geography: In which state is Appomattax?
+Geography: In which state is Cape Hatteras?
+North Carolina
+Geography: In which state is Hoover Dam?
+Geography: In which state is Monument Valley?
+Geography: In which state is Mount McKinley?
+Geography: In which state is Mount St. Helens?
+Geography: In which state is Mount Vernon?
+Geography: In which state is Stone Mountain?
+Geography: In which state is the Kennedy Space Center?
+Geography: In which state is the Mayo Clinic?
+Geography: In which state is the Natchez Trail?
+Geography: In which state is the Painted Desert?
+Geography: In which state is Tupelo?
+Geography: In which state is Walla Walla?
+Geography: In which states are the Sierra Nevada mountains?
+Geography: In which US state are the Everglades?
+Geography: In which US state are the Green Mountains?
+Geography: In which Welsh town is the Theatre Clwyd?
+Geography: In which year did Macau revert to China?
+Geography: India ink was developed in what country?
+Geography: Inguri,Nurek and Guavio are amongst the worlds highest what?
+Geography: Inland sea separating Europe from N.Africa?
+Mediterranean Sea
+Geography: Into what bay does the Ganges River flow?
+Geography: Into what body of water does the Danube River flow?
+Black sea
+Geography: Into what body of water does the Rhone River flow into?
+Geography: Into what body of water does the Yukon River flow?
+Bering sea
+Geography: Into what ocean does the Zambezi River empty?
+Indian Ocean
+Geography: Into what sea does the Elbe River flow?
+North Sea
+Geography: Into what sea does the Mackenzie River flow?
+Beaufort Sea
+Geography: Into which bay does the Golden Gate Strait lead?
+San Francisco Bay
+Geography: Into which estuary do the Trent and Ouse flow?
+Geography: Into which sea does the river Jordan flow?
+The Dead Sea
+Geography: Is Belfast in Northern or Southern Ireland?
+Geography: Is Dublin in Northern or Southern Ireland?
+Geography: Island off the SW coast of Scotland, chief town Rothesay?
+Geography: Island republic led by Castro?
+Geography: Japan consists of the four large islands of Hokkaido, ____, Shikoku, Kyushu, and about three thousand smaller islands
+Geography: Japan sends the most what to Australia?
+Geography: Jefferson City is the capital of ____
+Geography: Kathmandu is the capital of ____
+Geography: Khartoum is the capital of which country?
+Geography: Kigali is the capital of ____
+Geography: Kingston is the capital of ____
+Geography: Kingston is the capital of which country?
+Geography: Kinloch Castle is one which Hebridean Island?
+Geography: Kinshasa is the capital of ____
+Democratic Republic of the Congo
+Geography: Kuwait City is the capital of ____
+Geography: Kuwait is the capital of ____
+Geography: Lake Baikal in ____ is the only lake in the world that is deep enough to have deep-sea fish
+Geography: Lansing is the capital of ____
+Geography: Largest of the English national parks?
+The Peak District
+Geography: Lesotho is a southern African Kingdom surround by which country?
+South Africa
+Geography: Lesotho is a southern African Kingdom surrounded by which country?
+South Africa
+Geography: Libreville is the capital of ____
+Geography: Lilongwe is the capital of ____
+Geography: Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river?
+Geography: Located 137 miles north of Rome, ____ is the oldest and one of the smallest republics in the world
+San marino
+Geography: Located in the Indian Ocean just north of the equator, ____ had a highly developed civilization as early as the fifth century B.C
+Sri lanka
+Geography: Located in the western yukon at 19,850 feet, it is Canada's highest point?
+Mount logan
+Geography: Located in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea, the nation of C?te d'Ivoire has been officially known as such since 1986. Previously, it was called the ____
+Ivory coast
+Geography: Located on the Yucatan Peninsula, which juts into the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, ____ was largely a stretch of empty beach until it opened for business in 1972. Close to Texas's border, it has become Mexico's most popular beach resort, with more than 25,000 hotel rooms
+Geography: Location of the New York Stock Exchange?
+Wall street
+Geography: Location of Yale University?
+New Haven
+Geography: Location of Yasser Arafat�s headquarters?
+Geography: Lombard Street is London's equivalent of New York's ____
+Wall street
+Geography: Lome is the capital of ____
+Geography: London, which street was thought of a cordon sanitaire to separate the East End form the West End?
+Regent street
+Geography: Longest river in the southern hemisphere?
+Geography: Longest river of Asia, in China, about 5526 km (about 3434 mi) in length?
+Geography: Luang prabang was the capital of ____
+Geography: Luxembourg is the capital of ____
+Geography: Madagascar is off which coast of Africa?
+Geography: Madrid and Lisbon are both located near this river?
+Geography: Mainland Great Britain is the ____ largest island in the world (number only)
+Geography: Malabo is the capital of ____
+Equatorial Guinea
+Geography: Managua is the capital of ____
+Geography: Many cities in our country bear the names of other countries. The U.S. city of Mexico can be found in the states of Indiana, Maine, and ____
+Geography: Maputo is the capital of ____
+Geography: Maracaibo is the second largest city in which South American country?
+Geography: Marbella is a resort on which Spainsh coast?
+Costa del sol
+Geography: Matlock is the administrative centre of which county?
+Geography: Mauritania is in which continent?
+Geography: Mayfair, London is a district of little streets near ____
+Hyde Park
+Geography: Mecca is a city in which country?
+Saudi arabia
+Geography: Members of a people who had a powerful leader named Shaka?
+Geography: Meridians converge at the ____
+Pole s
+Geography: Mexico City is the capital of ____
+Geography: Miami, Florida, is the most southerly major city in the continental United States, sitting about two degrees north of the ____
+Tropic of cancer
+Geography: Montevideo is the capital of ____
+Geography: More than two-thirds of Earth's land surface lies north of the ____
+Geography: Mount Carmel is one of Chicago's finest graveyards, and is the oldest Catholic cemetery in the western part of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The vast majority of persons buried here are Italian. There are more than 400 private Italian family mausoleums in Mount Carmel, more than any other cemetery in the area. The most popular attraction is the Bishops' mausoleum, which received over 50,000 visitors in the two months following the death of Cardinal Bernardin in October 1996. But to many, Mount Carmel is equally famous for the graves of Chicago's notorious gangsters of the 1920s - including the infamous ____
+Al Capone
+Geography: Mount Olympus is on the border of which 2 regions of greece?
+Macedonia and thesaly
+Geography: Mount Victoria is the highest peak of this island country?
+Geography: Mountains of NW Africa?
+Geography: Myanmar was known as ____ until 1989
+Geography: Myrtle Beach, ____ has the most mini-golf courses per area in the U.S. At last count, there were 47 in a 60 mile radius
+South carolina
+Geography: N Irish county to the south of Lough Neagh?
+Geography: Name a country which has the same name as a bird?
+Geography: Name given to the deep limestone shafts in N Yorkshire-they give their name to the pass between Wensleydale and Swaledale?
+Geography: Name of the Aztec city on whose ruins Mexico City was founded?
+Geography: Name Senegals chief port?
+Geography: Name the capital city of Massachusetts?
+Geography: Name the capital city of Rhode Island?
+Geography: Name the capital of Argentina?
+Buenos aires
+Geography: Name the capital of Bolivia?
+La paz
+Geography: Name the capital of Brazil?
+Geography: Name the capital of Brazil?
+Geography: Name the capital of Italy?
+Geography: Name the capital of Nepal?
+Geography: Name the capital of Saudi Arabia?
+Geography: Name the capital of Spain?
+Geography: Name the city at the west end of Lake Superior?
+Geography: Name the continent that consists of a single country?
+Geography: Name the desert located in south-east California?
+Geography: Name the desrt located in south-east California?
+Geography: Name the expanse of water between New Zealand's North and South Islands?
+Cook strait
+Geography: Name the four main islands that make up Japan?
+Geography: Name the historic region in Europe that is partly in Belgium, France and Holland which was the scene of heavy fighting in both world wars?
+Geography: Name the large mountain chain in the eastern U.S.A?
+The appalachian s
+Geography: Name the large mountain chain in the eastern USA?
+The Appalachians
+Geography: Name the largest cathedral in the world?
+St. peter's
+Geography: Name the largest city in Canada?
+Geography: Name the largest fresh-water lake in Florida?
+Geography: Name the largest island in the world?
+Geography: Name the largest island in the world?
+Geography: Name the largest lake in Australia?
+Geography: Name the largest port in the world?
+Rotterdam, the Netherlands
+Geography: Name the largest river forming part of the U.S. - Mexican border?
+Rio grande
+Geography: Name the largest river forming part of the US-Mexican border?
+Rio grande
+Geography: Name the last province to become part of Canada?
+Geography: Name the longest river in Asia?
+Geography: Name the longest river in Nigeria?
+Geography: Name the longest river in Nigeria?
+The niger
+Geography: Name the most north-easterly of the 48 contiguous states?
+Geography: Name the only Central American country without an Atlantic coastline?
+El salvador
+Geography: Name the sea between Asia Minor and Greece?
+Geography: Name the sea between Korea and China?
+Yellow Sea
+Geography: Name the sea north of Alaska?
+Geography: Name the sea north of Murmansk, Russia?
+Geography: Name the sea west of Alaska?
+Geography: Name the second largest country in Africa?
+Geography: Name the second largest country in South America?
+Geography: Name the second largest lake in North America?
+Geography: Name the smallest of the Great Lakes?
+Geography: Name the strait joining the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea?
+Geography: Name the U.S. state with the smallest population?
+Geography: Name the world's most photographed and most climbed mountain?
+Geography: Nashville is the capital of ____
+Geography: Nassau is the capital of which country?
+Geography: National capitals:____ is the capital of Luxembourg (europe)
+Geography: National capitals:____ is the capital of Mexico
+Mexico city
+Geography: National capitals:____ is the capital of Morocco (africa)
+Geography: National capitals:____ is the capital of Portugal (europe)
+Geography: National capitals:____ is the capital of United States
+Washington dc
+Geography: National capitals:____ is the capital of Uruguay (south America)
+Geography: native American indians are of which human subrace? (e.g. caucasian)?
+Geography: Native inhabitant of Australia?
+Geography: Nature's totem, the awe-inspiring, 325-foot spire of Chimney Rock in ____, informed Pony Express riders and frontiersmen they had crossed the American plains and that mountains lay ahead
+Geography: Near to which British Seaside resort are the Great and Little Ormes?
+Geography: Near what river is the Temple of Karnak?
+Geography: Near which city is Lulsgate airport?
+Geography: Near which North American city are the Plains of Abraham?
+Geography: New Delhi is the capital of ____
+Geography: New name for Burma?
+Geography: new zealand has over how many kilometres of beautiful coastline?
+15000 km
+Geography: New zealand's most famous glaciers on the south island's west coast are the?
+Franz josef and fox
+Geography: new zealand's southern alps have a number of glaciers, the largest being?
+Tasman glacier
+Geography: Nicosia is the capital of ____
+Geography: North African port on the Mediterranean?
+Geography: Of the 3,000 islands of the Bahama chain in the ____, only 20 are inhabited
+Geography: Of the ten strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the world, three have occurred in ____
+Geography: Of the twenty-five highest mountains on Earth, nineteen are in the ____
+Geography: Of what are Quemoy and Matsu part?
+Geography: Of which Australian state is Adelaide the capital?
+Southern Australia
+Geography: Of which country does the Kalahari Desert cover 84%?
+Geography: Of which country is Christmas Island a territory?
+Geography: Of which country was Flt Lt Jerry Rawlings leader?
+Geography: Of which country was Kim Il Sung Prime Minister and President for 46 yars?
+North korea
+Geography: Of which coutry was Ferdinand Marcosm president from 1965 - 1986?
+Geography: Of which Far Eastern country are the islands of Luzon,Mindanao,Samar and Negros a part?
+The philippines
+Geography: Okinawa is a volcano in which country?
+Geography: Old Faithful, the jewel of ____ in Calistoga, California, is not as dependable as it used to be. Because of vandalism and age-old geological shifts, the world's largest geyser is slowly losing its reputation for erupting like clockwork. In 1970, the average time between eruptions of the 126-year-old geyser was 66 minutes. The average today is about once every 77 minutes, or 18 times a day instead of 21. The geyser's power hasn't diminished, however
+Yellowstone national park
+Geography: On an average day in the mid 1990s, more than 13,000 people trekked to the ____ in Arizona. Because of the wear and tear on the natural wonder's fragile environment, tourism is now being limited, as are sight-seeing helicopters and motor vehicles in the national park
+Grand canyon
+Geography: On March 27, 1964, North America's strongest recorded earthquake, with a moment magnitude of 9.2, rocked central ____
+Geography: On the banks of which river is the Taj Mahal situated?
+Geography: On the banks of which river is the Taj Mahal?
+River Jumna
+Geography: On the London Underground, which station has a different name on two of its platforms?
+Bank and Monument
+Geography: On the site of which ancient city is Bodrum in Turkey built?
+Geography: On what island is Honolulu?
+Geography: On what island is Pearl Harbor?
+Geography: On what island is Pearl Harbour?
+Geography: On what island is the Blue Grotto?
+Geography: On what island is the U.S. naval base, Guantanamo?
+Geography: On what mountain are four presidents' faces carved?
+Geography: On what peninsula are Spain and Portugal located?
+The iberia n peninsula
+Geography: On what river is Blackpool?
+River Fylde
+Geography: On what river is Liverpool?
+Geography: On what river is the capital city of Canada?
+Geography: On what sea is the Crimea?
+Black Sea
+Geography: On which city did Charles Darrow base his original game of monopolY patented in the 1930s?
+Atlantic city
+Geography: On which coast of Australia is Sydney?
+Geography: On which Island is Mount Suribachi?
+Iwo Jima
+Geography: on which island is Tokyo?
+Geography: On which London Street is Selfridges?
+Oxford Street
+Geography: On which ocean are the coastal resorts of The Gambia?
+Atlantic ocean
+Geography: On which river does Belfast stand?
+Geography: On which river does Canterbury stand?
+Geography: On which river is London, England?
+Geography: On which river is Oporto in Portugal?
+Geography: On which river is Rome located?
+Geography: On which river is the Aswan High Dam?
+Geography: On which river is the Hoover Dam?
+Geography: On which river was Rome built?
+Geography: On which Scottish Island is the stone circle known as the Ring of Brogar?
+Mainland island, the orkneys
+Geography: One of a group of peoples inhabiting N Canada, Greenland, Alaska and E Siberia?
+Geography: One of the deadliest diseases in the world is Japanese River Fever, with a mortality rate of more than 50 percent. It is found only near rivers in certain areas of Japan, China, Korea, Burma, and ____
+Geography: One of the Shetland Isles noted for its multi coloured knitting designs?
+Fair isle
+Geography: Only one Canadian province borders at least one Great Lake: ____
+Geography: Ottawa is which country's capital?
+Geography: Ouagadougou is the capital of ____
+Burkina Faso
+Geography: Over 75% of the Earth's surface is covered by some form of ____
+Geography: Panama, because of a bend in the isthmus, is the only place in the world where one can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean and set on the ____
+Geography: Port Louis is the capital of ____
+Geography: Port Moresby is the capital of ____
+Papua New Guinea
+Geography: Portugal is bordered by only want country, what is it?
+Geography: Principality in the Pyrenees?
+Geography: Rabat is the capital of which country?
+Geography: Raleigh is the capital of ____
+North Carolina
+Geography: Rangoon is the capital of ____
+Geography: Residence of the British Royal family in Scotland?
+Balmoral Castle
+Geography: Reykjavik, ____ is likely the cleanest capital city in the world
+Geography: Richmond is the capital of ____
+Geography: River flowing through Lake Geneva?
+Geography: River of Gateshead?
+Geography: River of Leeds?
+Geography: River of Paris?
+Geography: River of York?
+Geography: River that enters the Atlantic at New York City?
+Geography: rivers: what direction does the nile river flow?
+Geography: rivers: what is the longest river in the British isles?
+The shannon
+Geography: rivers: what river tumbles over victoria falls?
+The zambezi
+Geography: Riyadh is the capital of ____
+Saudi Arabia
+Geography: Roman defensive structure built across the extreme North of England?
+Hadrians wall
+Geography: Rome is the capital of ____
+Geography: Roxette came from which European country?
+Geography: Ruby Falls, America's highest underground waterfall open to the public, is located on historic Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, ____
+Geography: S American republic, capital Caracus?
+Geography: San Francisco Bay is located near what city?
+San francisco
+Geography: San Francisco was the birthplace of the ____ in 1945. After a brief stop at Lake Success, New York, it was moved to New York City because many European nations believed San Francisco was too far to travel
+United nations
+Geography: Santiago is the capital of ____
+Geography: Santo Domingo is the capital of ____
+Dominican Republic
+Geography: Savannah, ____ was founded in 1733 as a haven for British debtors
+Geography: Scandanavian country ruled by King harald?
+Geography: Scarefell pike is the highest point of which US national park?
+Lake district
+Geography: What is the second largest city in Denmark?
+Geography: Seoul is the capital of which country?
+South korea
+Geography: Sheffield is situated on the confluence of the River Don and which other river?
+Geography: Singapore is the capital of which country?
+Geography: Smallest American state?
+Rhode Island
+Geography: Smallest of the Great lakes?
+Geography: Smallest South African Province?
+Geography: Sometimes land boundaries are not uniform. ____ and the Netherlands have an underground boundary that differs from the surface boundary shown on maps. In 1950, the two countries agreed to move the underground boundary so as not to divide coal mines between the two countries
+Geography: Southernmost point of England, in Cornwall?
+Lizard point
+Geography: Springfield is the capital of ____
+Geography: St. George's is the capital city of what island country?
+Geography: State capital of New Jersey?
+Geography: Stonehenge is in which English county?
+Geography: Strait between Wales and the Isle of Angelsey?
+Geography: Strangeray Springs cattle station in ____ is the largest ranch in the world. It's area, 30,029 square kilometers, and is only slightly smaller than the European country of Belgium
+South Australia
+Geography: Surfing is believed to have originated here?
+Geography: Swiss city, HQ of the Red Cross?
+Geography: Sydney is on the east coast of ____
+Geography: Taiwan was known formerly as ____
+Geography: Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu is the name of a hill in?
+New Zealand
+Geography: Tegucigalpa is the capital of ____
+Geography: Teh central part of Bejing?
+Forbidden city
+Geography: Tha name of which Caribbean island means land of many springs?
+Geography: The ____ comprises an area as large as Europe. Its total land mass is some 3,565,565 square miles
+Sahara desert
+Geography: the ____ geyser at whakarewarewa is in rotorua
+Geography: The ____ got its name from the occasionally extensive blooms of algae that, upon dying, turn the sea's normally intense blue-green waters to red
+Red sea
+Geography: The ____ is actually a desert environment, averaging about the same amount of monthly rainfall as the Sahara Desert
+South pole
+Geography: The ____ is not a sea, but a landlocked salt lake, 45 miles long by 9 miles wide
+Dead sea
+Geography: The ____ is the lowest body of water on Earth at 1,315 feet below sea level at its lowest point
+Dead sea
+Geography: The ____ is the lowest country in the world. It is estimated that 40 percent of the land is below sea level
+Geography: The ____ is the world's oldest desert, and the only desert inhabited by elephant, rhino, giraffe, and lion
+Geography: The ____ is the world's smallest ocean. It is mostly covered by solid ice, ice floes, and icebergs
+Arctic ocean
+Geography: The ____ River has 1,100 tributary streams
+Geography: The ____ river has frozen over at least twice, in 829 and 1010 A.D
+Geography: The 4,200-meter-high summit of Mauna Kea, a dormant volcano, on the island of ____ hosts the world's largest astronomical observatory, with telescopes operated by astronomers from eleven countries. The combined power of Mauna Kea's telescopes is fifteen times greater than that of the Palomar telescope in California - for many years, the world's largest - and fifty times greater than that of the Hubble Space Telescope. Since astronomers observe the skies at night and car headlights interfere with observations, it is preferred that visitors drive to the summit area between sunrise and sunset. Daytime visitors are also welcomed
+Geography: The administrative capital of South Africa?
+Geography: The Amazon river pushes so much water into the ____ that, more than a hundred miles at sea, off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean and drink it
+Geography: The ancient cavern system of Ka`eleku Caverns at Hana on the Hawaiian island ____, was created from hot molten lava flowing 30,000 years ago. Tourists can hike with experienced guides deep into the subterranean passages of one of the world's largest lava tubes
+Geography: The Arctic ocean is the smallest and ____
+Geography: The Auckland Islands belong to which country?
+New zealand
+Geography: The aurora borealis is most commonly observed in which country?
+Geography: The beautiful Antibes on the ____ is the luxury-yacht capital of the world. Antibes also hosts one of the largest antique shows in Europe each spring
+French riviera
+Geography: The Bingham Canyon copper mine in ____ is the biggest manmade hole on Earth. It is more than half a mile deep and 2.5 miles across. An astronaut can see this hole from the space shuttle with his bare eyes
+Geography: The Bledowska Desert, in ____ is the only true desert in Europe
+Geography: The border between ____ and the U.S. is the world's longest frontier. It stretches 3,987 miles (6,416 km)
+Geography: The capital of the Balearic Islands?
+Palma de Mallorca
+Geography: The centre of which English city has large outdoor sculptures The River,Youth and The Guardians by Dhruva Mistry?
+Geography: The Channel Tunnel links England with which European country?
+Geography: The Chinese call it Huang Ho, what do we call it?
+Yellow River
+Geography: The Chinese city of Beijing was previously known as what?
+Geography: The City of Bridges in ____ are to be found in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The city of Saskatoon was named for the red berries that grew along its riverbank
+Geography: The city of Cardiff lies on which Channel?
+Bristol channel
+Geography: The city of Los Angeles is more than one-third the size of the entire state of ____
+Rhode island
+Geography: The city of Vienna stands on which river?
+Geography: The countries of Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg are together called ____
+Geography: The distance from Honolulu to New York is greater than the distance from Honolulu to ____
+Geography: The divorce capital of the world?
+Geography: The Federated States of ____, located at the Eastern Caroline Islands in the northwest Pacific Ocean, has more than 600 islands and 40 volcanos
+Geography: The first city to reach a population of 1 million people was ____, Italy in 133 B.C. London, England reached the mark in 1810 and New York City, USA made it in 1875. Today, there are over 300 cities in the world that boast a population in excess of 1 million
+Geography: the first country along the great circle route due south from san francisco?
+Geography: The first letter of every continent's name is the same as the last: AmericA, AntarcticA, EuropE, AsiA, ____, AfricA
+Geography: The french call it Lac Leman, the Germans Genfersee, what do we call it?
+Lake geneva
+Geography: The geographic center of ____ is located in the city of Thunder Bay
+Geography: The Gulf countries of the Middle East are located on the Arabian Gulf - it is important when visiting or conducting business in the Gulf countries to not refer to that body of water as the ____
+Persian gulf
+Geography: The Hawaiian Islands are the projecting tops of the biggest mountain range in the world. Mauna Kea, on the island of Hawaii, is the largest mountain on Earth - though partially submerged, it is 4,000 feet taller than ____
+Mount everest
+Geography: The Hebrides are part of this country?
+Geography: The highest mountain on Earth, ____, reaches only about halfway through the lowest layer of the troposphere
+Mount Everest
+Geography: The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in ____
+Geography: the highest temperature ever recorded on earth was in which country?
+Geography: The Ionian and Cyclades are island groups of which country?
+Geography: The islands of ____ have no rivers or lakes. The inhabitants must use rain for water
+Geography: The Italian city of ____, where Shakespeare's lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine's Day
+Geography: The King Ranch in ____ is bigger than the state of Rhode Island. It comprises 1.25 million acres and was the first ranch in the world to be completely fenced in. At one time, its borders were guarded by armed patrol
+Geography: The land area of the country of ____ is slightly smaller than Alabama
+Geography: The largest bay in the world bordering only one country, Canada?
+Hudson bay
+Geography: The largest bird colony in the world is located on the islands off the coast of Peru. Ten million Peruvian boobies and cormorants reside there. Their diet - anchovies - produces the world's finest fertilizer, guano. Because of the value of their droppings, the birds were placed under strict protection by the ____
+Geography: The largest city on the Mississippi River is ____
+Memphis, tennessee
+Geography: the largest island on the west coast of north America is?
+Geography: The largest lake in Australia is ____, measuring 3,420 square miles (8,885 sq. km)
+Geography: The largest rock mass in the world?
+Ayres Rock
+Geography: The Little Mermaid is found in the harbour of which city?
+Geography: The longest main street in America, 33 miles in length, can be found in Island Park, ____
+Geography: The longest river in Western Europe is ____
+Geography: The majestic eastern slopes of Table Mountain in ____ create the home of the world-renowned Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. The gardens are dedicated to the preservation of the indigenous plants of South Africa. More than 6,000 different species of plant are grown here, including ancient cycads and many species of erica, pelargoniums, ferns, and rare succulents
+Cape Town
+Geography: The Monegasque - natives of ____ - constitute only about 16 percent of the nation's population
+Geography: The most densely populated state in the United States is ____
+New jersey
+Geography: The most famous natural landmark in ____ is the Giant's Causeway. Comprised of approximately 37,000 dark basalt columns packed together, they were formed when a volcanic eruption spewed molten basalt out 55 million years ago. As the basalt cooled, these unique polygonal structures were formed. Most of the columns of the Giant's Causeway form a six-sided honeycomb pattern. Some have as many as ten sides and measure about 12 inches across and up to forty feet in length
+Northern Ireland
+Geography: The muskellunge, a fierce fighting fish that can weigh in at around 70 pounds, is the official state fish of ____
+Geography: The name of which United States city means in Spanish The Meadows?
+Las vegas
+Geography: The nation of ____ covers approximately the same land area as the state of Wisconsin. Yet it ranks eighth in population among all the world's countries
+Geography: The nation of ____ has an AK-47 assault rifle on its flag
+Geography: The nation of ____, located in the Atlantic Ocean 450 miles west of the western tip of Africa, has no minerals except salt and pozzolana
+Cape verde
+Geography: The Nationalist Chinese occupy this island?
+Geography: the northernmost point in mainland Australia is on this geographic feature?
+Cape york
+Geography: The northernmost U.S. state capital is ____
+Juneau, Alaska
+Geography: The official language of Austria is what?
+Geography: The official state musical instrument in South Dakota is the ____
+Geography: The old Roman province of Lusitania is now called ____. Some parts of Lusitania are also found in Spain
+Geography: the only national airline that has never had a crash nor a forced landing?
+Geography: The only river that flows both north and south of the equator is the ____. It crosses the equator twice
+Geography: The Oregon Trail (1840-1860), the route used during the westward migrations of the United States, started in ____ and ended in Oregon and was about 2,000 miles long
+Geography: The peacock is the national bird of ____
+Geography: The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,107 islands in the ____
+Pacific ocean
+Geography: The pillars of Hercules stand on either side of which stretch of water?
+Straits of Gibralter
+Geography: The Pindus mountains run north to south through which country?
+Geography: The planner of the city of ____ was French architect Pierre L'Enfant. In 1791, it was known as Federal City
+Washington d.c
+Geography: The prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, in which city did he die?
+Geography: The remains of which 12th century Cistercian abbey stand just outside Ripon?
+Fountains abbey
+Geography: The River Seine runs through which European capital city?
+Geography: The roadrunner is the official bird of ____
+New Mexico
+Geography: The Salto Alto (Angel Falls) in ____ is the highest waterfall known. It is more than twenty times higher than Niagara
+Geography: The Saturn V rocket was built by what country?
+Geography: The seven natural wonders of the world are suggested to be Mount Everest in Nepal/Tibet; Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe; Grand Canyon in Arizona; ____ in Australia; the Northern Lights; Paricutin volcano in Mexico; and Rio de Janeiro Harbor in Brazil
+Great barrier reef
+Geography: The small island of ____ in the Caribbean, off the coast between Cancun and Playa del Carmen, has long been known as a diver's paradise. Its clear water hosts the second-largest reef in the world
+Geography: The smallest island with country status is ____ in Polynesia, at just 1.75 square miles (4.53 sq km)
+Geography: The smallest U.S. state in area, west of the Mississippi River, is ____
+Geography: The southernmost point in the 48 American states (excluding Alaska, Hawaii)?
+Key west
+Geography: The standard single oar used by gondoliers in ____ is 14 feet long
+Geography: The state of ____ has one city named Sisters and another called Brothers. Sisters got its name from a nearby trio of peaks in the Cascade Mountains known as the Three Sisters. Brothers was named as a counterpart to Sisters
+Geography: The streets of ____ were lit by gaslights for the first time in 1807. Before that, torches were used
+Geography: the strongest recorded earthquake (8.9) occurred in which country in 1933?
+Geography: The sun sets in the ____
+Geography: The Sutherland Falls are amongst the highest in the world, where are they?
+New Zealand
+Geography: the tallest building in the southern hemisphere is in which city?
+Geography: The territory of French Polynesia covers an area, including inland water, of about 1,550 square miles. The capital is ____ on the island of Tahiti, the largest of the islands. There are 130 French Polynesian islands in all
+Geography: The Thatcher Ferry Bridge crosses what canal?
+Panama Canal
+Geography: The town of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is closer to the equator than it is to the ____
+North pole
+Geography: The town of Tequila is in which country?
+Geography: The two Canadian provinces that are landlocked are ____ and Saskatchewan
+Geography: The U.S. coastline, comprised of the Atlantic, ____, and Gulf waters, involves 25 of the 48 mainland states
+Geography: The U.S. state of ____ has 3,500 miles of coastline
+Geography: The U.S. state that contains the most square miles of inland water is ____
+Geography: The United States is made up of ____ states
+Geography: The United States would fit into the continent of ____ three and a half times
+Geography: The Victoria Falls are shared between Zimbabwe and which other country beginning with the same letter?
+Geography: The Volta is the largest river in which country?
+Geography: The water of the ____ is seven to eight times saltier than ocean water
+Dead sea
+Geography: The white cliffs of ____ is a natural landmark located at the southern coast of England. The distinctive color of the cliffs was actually created by the accumulation of skeletal remains of tiny organisms deposited over thousands of centuries. Sea level was higher millions of years ago, and after the waters receded, the whitish residual remains of the creatures were exposed
+Geography: The white rose is the emblem of which county in England?
+Geography: The world's biggest meteor crater is located in New Quebec, ____
+Geography: The world's longest railway is in ____. The Central Railway climbs to 15,694 feet in the Galera tunnel, 108 miles from Lima. Tourists take it to get to the ruins of Machu Picchu
+Geography: The world's tallest mountains, the ____, are also the fastest growing. Their growth - about half an inch a year - is caused by the pressure exerted by two of Earth's continental plates (the Eurasian plate and the Indo-Australian plate) pushing against one another
+Geography: The worlds first mid air collision took place over what country?
+Geography: There are 42 other year-round research stations on Antarctica. All told, about ____ people live on Antarctica in summer, 1,000 in winter
+Geography: There are approximately 100,000 glaciers in ____
+Geography: There are approximately 320,000 ____ in the world
+Geography: There are four mountain ranges in New York State: Adirondack, Catskill, Shawangunk, and ____
+Geography: There are sand dunes in Arcachon, ____ that are 350 feet high
+Geography: There is a U.S. state capital that was named after a famous German. Bismarck, North Dakota, was named after ____
+Otto von bismarck
+Geography: There is only one river in the world that has its source near the equator and from there flows into a temperate zone: the ____. For some little-understood reason, the flow of most rivers is in the opposite direction
+Geography: This Canadian island is the world's fifth largest?
+Geography: This Caribbean island rebelled AGAINST independence, for British colonialism?
+Geography: This City has the oldest Metro System in the world?
+Geography: This country is divided at the 38th parallel?
+Geography: this country is home to the world's oldest continuous local democracy?
+Geography: This country lost the largest percentage of its men in a single war (~70%)?
+Geography: This imaginary line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean?
+International date line
+Geography: This is the bridge with the longest span in the U.S.A?
+Verrazano Narrows
+Geography: This is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island?
+Geography: This is the port city serving Tokyo?
+Geography: This is the residence of English monarchs?
+Buckingham palace
+Geography: This island group is off the east coast of southern South America?
+Falkland islands
+Geography: This Pacific island's puzzling monoliths attract ethnologists?
+Easter island
+Geography: This place in Illinois, USA, was originally named Fort Dearborn, Indian Territory?
+Geography: This re-opened in 1975 after being closed for 8 years?
+Suez canal
+Geography: This section of Manhattan is noted for its Negro and Latin American residents?
+Geography: This US state is the only one starting with 'H'?
+Geography: Though part of the British Isles, the ____ is administered according to its own laws by the Court of Tynwald. The island is not bound by British law unless it chooses to be
+Isle of man
+Geography: Though the ____ sprawl measures 15 miles wide by 15 miles long, most of the 30 million tourists each year tend to mob the 6-mile stretch of ____ Boulevard that includes both the Strip, home to the city's glittering, impressive major casinos, and the downtown area
+Las vegas
+Geography: Through which mountain range in the United States does the Blue Ridge Parkway run?
+Geography: Through which ocean does the International Date Line approximately follow the 180 degree meridian?
+Pacific Ocean
+Geography: Tirana is the capital of ____
+Geography: To what country do the Faeroe Islands belong?
+Geography: To what country does the Gaza Strip belong?
+Geography: To which modern country did the Roman province of Lusitania roughly correspond?
+Geography: Tonto Natural Bridge in ____ is the largest natural travertine bridge in the world, spanning Pine Creek 183 feet high. Mineral springs rich with limestone formed the massive bridge one drop at a time. Hats, shoes, or other items left in the creek become encrusted with travertine and appear to be made of stone
+Geography: Tourists who are eager to visit recently erupted volcanoes while on vacation should take heed. Volcanic ash has been known to remain hot for a period of nearly ____
+100 years
+Geography: Towering more than a mile above the ____ valley known as Jackson Hole, the awe-inspiring Grand Teton rises to 13,770 feet above sea level. Located south of Yellowstone National Park, twelve Teton peaks reach higher than 12,000 feet elevation, high enough to support a dozen mountain glaciers. Youngest of the mountains in the Rocky Mountain system, the Teton Range displays some of the North America's oldest rocks. About 4,100,000 people visit Grand Teton National Park every year
+Geography: Town in Southern Belgium the scene of a First World war battle?
+Geography: Tresco airport is on which islands?
+Scilly isles
+Geography: Tristan da Cunha is an island group in which ocean?
+Geography: True Or False: The Easter Bunny is from Easter Island?
+Geography: True Or False: There are only virgins on the Virgin Islands?
+Geography: Tupamaros are guerrilas in which country?
+Geography: Turkey's largest city, ____, played a central role in Greek history. Called Constantinople, it was capital of the Byzantine Empire. The name ____ was not officially adopted until 1930
+Geography: Twenty-three states in the U.S. border an ____
+Geography: Two thousand years ago, the ancient Roman city of ____ was a thriving commercial port of 20,000 people
+Geography: tyre is a port in which country?
+Geography: Ulan Bator is the capital of ____
+Geography: Under a treaty dating back to 1918, if the Grimaldis of ____ should ever be without a male heir, ____ would cease to exist as a sovereign state and would become a self-governing French protectorate
+Geography: Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run?
+Geography: Unlike most African nations, ____ was never a European colony
+Geography: Until 1266, the Isle of Man was owned by ____ and was a separate country with its own King who also owned the Sodor, the southern isles of Scotland. Edward III was the Isle of Man's first English king, but in 1405, Henry IV gave it to the Stanley family and it later passed to the Dukes of Atholl. It was not until 1765 that it was sold to the British Government for 70,000 pounds
+Geography: US city, location of the Hollywood Bowl?
+Los angeles
+Geography: US State, capital Little Rock?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Montana?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Nebraska?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Nevada?
+Carson City
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of New Hampshire?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of New Jersey?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of New Mexico?
+Sante Fe
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of New York?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of North Carolina?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of North Dakota?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Ohio?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Oklahoma?
+Oklahoma City
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Oregon?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Pennsylvania?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Rhode Island?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of South Carolina?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of South Dakota?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Tennessee?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Texas?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Utah?
+Salt Lake City
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Vermont?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Virginia?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Washington?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of West Virginia?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Wisconsin?
+Geography: USA: What is the state capital of Wyoming?
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Alabama?
+Heart of Dixie
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Alaska?
+The last frontier
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Arizona?
+Apache state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Arkansas?
+Land of opportunity
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of California?
+Golden state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Colorado?
+Centennial state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Conneticut?
+Nutmeg state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Delaware?
+Diamond state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Florida?
+Sunshine state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Georgia?
+Peach state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Hawaii?
+Aloha state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Idaho?
+Gem state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Illinois?
+Prairie state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Indiana?
+Hoosier state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Iowa?
+Corn state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Kansas?
+Sunflower state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Kentucky?
+Bluegrass state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Louisiana?
+Sugar state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Maine?
+Pine tree state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Maryland?
+Free state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Massachusetts?
+Old colony
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Michigan?
+Wolverine state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Minnesota?
+North star state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Mississippi?
+Magnolia state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Missouri?
+Bullion state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Montana?
+Big sky country
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Nebraska?
+Cornhusker state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Nevada?
+Silver state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of New Hampshire?
+Granite state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of New Jersay?
+Garden state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of New Mexico?
+Land of enchantment
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of New York?
+Empire state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of North carolina?
+Old north state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of North Dakota?
+Sioux state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Ohio?
+Buckeye state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Oklahoma?
+Sooner state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Oregon?
+Sunset state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Pennsylvania?
+Keystone state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Rhode Island?
+Ocean state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of South Carolina?
+Palmetto state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of South dakota?
+Coyote state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Tennessee?
+Volunteer state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Texas?
+Lone star state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Utah?
+Mormon state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Vermont?
+Green mountain state
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Virginia?
+Old Dominion
+Geography: USA: What is the state nickname of Washington?
+Evergreen state
+Geography: Using satellite-surveying techniques, scientists have determined that Los Angeles, California is moving east. At a rate estimated to be about one-fifth of an inch per year, the city is moving closer to the ____
+San gabriel mountains
+Geography: Vaduz is the capital of ____
+Geography: Various U.S. cities are named after other countries. You can visit the U.S. city of ____ in the states of Maine, Nebraska, and New York
+Geography: Various U.S. cities have been named for popular European cities. If you say you're going to be vacationing in ____, it could mean the city located in either the states of Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas, or West Virginia. Perris, California is another possibility. Then again, it could be in France
+Geography: Warsaw is the capital of what country?
+Geography: Washington dc is the capital of ____
+United states
+Geography: Wat Arun, The Temple of the Dawn is in which capital city?
+Geography: Water is so scarce in the arid regions of ____ that, in the grasslands, the people never take baths, and sometimes must wash their faces in yak's milk
+Geography: West Sussex castle seat of the Dukes of Norfolk?
+Geography: Whale watching in South Africa has become part of the South African experience for tourists. The Cape Whale Route stretches from Doringbaai on the West Coast to the Tsitsikamma National Park on the East Coast and incorporates many varied whale viewing points. About thirty-seven species of ____ typically visit South Africa. The southern right whale is seen the most frequently
+Whales and dolphins
+Geography: What aboriginal name is Ayers Rock also known as?
+Geography: What American city is known as Little Havana?
+Geography: What are drumlins and eskers formed by?
+Geography: What are the colours of the flag of the Republic of Ireland?
+Green, white and orange
+Geography: What are the Islas Canarias in English?
+Canary Islands
+Geography: What are the names of the 2 islands in the Seine in the centre of Paris?
+Ile de la cite and ile st-louis
+Geography: What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically?
+Arctic, atlantic, Indian and pacific
+Geography: what are you forbidden to fly a plane over, in India?
+The taj mahal
+Geography: What area of London is bounded by Oxford St, Charing Cross Rd, Coventry St and Regent St?
+Geography: What Asian city was once called Edo?
+Geography: What Asian country has the highest population density?
+Geography: What body of water borders Saudi Arabia to the east?
+Persian gulf
+Geography: what bordering country is due north of costa rica?
+Geography: What Canadian city is at the west end of Lake Ontario?
+Geography: What canal connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?
+Geography: what capital city means blackpool?
+Geography: What Central American country extends furthest north?
+Geography: What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Impanema?
+Geography: What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Ipanema?
+Rio de Janeiro
+Geography: What city has the world's largest black population?
+New York City
+Geography: What city is associated with Alcatraz?
+San francisco
+Geography: What city is on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River?
+Geography: What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in?
+Geography: What city is the Kremlin located in?
+Geography: What city is the Kremlin located?
+Geography: What color does the bride wear in China?
+Geography: What colour is the far left stripe on the French flag?
+Geography: What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of?
+Geography: What continent is part of both the East and Aest hemispheres?
+Geography: What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries?
+Geography: What country are the Islands of Quemoy and Matsu part of?
+Geography: What country borders Egypt on the West?
+Geography: What country borders Egypt to the South?
+Geography: What country borders Libya on the East?
+Geography: What country borders Sudan to the North?
+Geography: what country can claim magallanes, the world's southernmost city?
+Geography: What country did 153 of the first 400 Nobel Prize-winning scientists call home?
+The United States
+Geography: What country did Ion Iliescu take over after its previous president was arrested, tried and shot?
+Geography: What country does not border Iran: Turkey, Pakistan, Iraq, Oman?
+Geography: What country does the island of Mykonos belong to?
+Geography: What country first came up with windmills?
+Geography: What country formed the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar?
+Geography: What country has a volcano called Okinawa?
+Geography: What country has the biggest population?
+Geography: What country has the world's most southerly city?
+Geography: What country is directly north of Israel?
+Geography: What country is directly north of the continental United States?
+Geography: What country is directly west of Spain?
+Geography: What country is known as the Hellenic Republic?
+Geography: What country is Kuala Lumpur in?
+Geography: What country is located between Panama and Nicaragua?
+Costa rica
+Geography: What country is Phnom Penh the capital of?
+Geography: What country is Santo Domingo the capital of?
+Dominican republic
+Geography: What country is situated between Panama and Nicaragua?
+Costa Rica
+Geography: What country is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia?
+Geography: What country owns the island of Corfu?
+Geography: What country was once known as 'The Breadbasket of Russia'?
+Geography: What country was once known as Gaul?
+Geography: What country's capital is Caracas?
+Geography: What did the Romans call Glevum?
+Geography: What did the Romans name the town upon which the city of Carlisle was founded?
+Geography: What divides the American North from the South?
+The Mason-Dixon Line
+Geography: What do Americans traditionally eat on thanksgiving day?
+Geography: what does a German call munich?
+Geography: What does the George Washington Bridge span?
+Hudson River
+Geography: What does the Monument in London commemorate?
+The great fire of london
+Geography: What does the word Tokyo mean?
+Eastern capital
+Geography: What English city does the Prime Meridian pass through?
+Geography: What English town is served by Squires Gate Airport?
+Geography: what european city has the world's busiest port?
+Geography: What European country administers the island of Martinique?
+Geography: What European country uses its Latin Name, Helvetia, on its stamps?
+Geography: What European country was in an official state of emergency from 1933 until 1945?
+Geography: What famous geyser erupts regularly at the Yellowstone National Park?
+Old faithful
+Geography: What floral symbol do the country of Peru and the state of Kansas have in common?
+The sunflower
+Geography: What gorge,containing the Colorado River reaches depths of over 1.7km?
+Grand canyon
+Geography: What has never happened In Calama, a town in the Atacama Desert of Chile?
+Geography: What in Moscow is Tsar Kolokol?
+Worlds heaviest bell
+Geography: What is a calm ocean region near the equator called?
+Geography: What is a peanut if it is not a pea or a nut?
+Geography: What is also known as Amundsen Scott Station?
+South Pole
+Geography: What is Americas national cemetery called?
+Geography: What is Canadas national anthem called?
+O Canada
+Geography: What is known as the graveyard of the Atlantic?
+Sable Island
+Geography: what is staged at oberammergau, Germany, every 10 years?
+The passion play
+Geography: What is th ename of the group of about 1300 islands in the North Indian Ocean none of which has an area greater than 5 sq miles?
+The maldives
+Geography: What is the address of the Sherlock Holmes museum in London?
+221b baker street
+Geography: What is the administrative HQ of Hampshire?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for China?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Colombia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Comoros?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Costa Rica?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Croatia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Cuba?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Cyprus?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Czech Republic?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Denmark?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Djibouti?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Dominica?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Dominican Republic?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Ecuador?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Egypt?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for El Salvador?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Equatorial Guinea?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Eritrea?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Estonia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Ethiopia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Fiji?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Finland?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for France?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Gabon?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Gambia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Georgia (country)?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Germany?
+Deutsche mark
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Ghana?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Greece?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Grenada?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Guatemala?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Guinea-Bissau?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Guinea?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Guyana?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Haiti?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Honduras?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Hong Kong?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Hungary?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Iceland?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Samoa?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for San Marino?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Saudi Arabia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Senegal?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Seychelles?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Sierra Leone?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Singapore?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Slovakia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Slovenia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Solomon Islands?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Somalia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for South Africa?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for South Korea?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Spain?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Sri Lanka?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Sudan?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Suriname?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Swaziland?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Sweden?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Switzerland?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Syria?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Taiwan?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Tajikistan?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Tanzania?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Thailand?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Togo?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Tonga?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Trinidad and Tobago?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Tunisia?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Turkey?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Turkmenistan?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Tuvalu?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Uganda?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for Ukraine?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for United Arab Emirates?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for United Kingdom?
+Geography: What is the basic unit of currency for United States?
+Geography: What is the capital of Afghanistan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Alaska?
+Geography: What is the capital of Albania?
+Geography: What is the capital of Algeria?
+Geography: What is the capital of Andorra?
+Andorra la vella
+Geography: What is the capital of Angola?
+Geography: What is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda?
+Saint john's
+Geography: What is the capital of Armenia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Australia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Austria?
+Geography: What is the capital of Azerbaijan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Bahrain?
+Geography: What is the capital of Bangladesh?
+Geography: What is the capital of Barbados?
+Geography: What is the capital of Belarus?
+Geography: What is the capital of Belgium?
+Geography: What is the capital of Belize?
+Geography: What is the capital of Bhutan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Bolivia?
+La paz
+Geography: What is the capital of Bosnia and Hercegovina?
+Geography: What is the capital of Botswana?
+Geography: What is the capital of Brazil?
+Geography: What is the capital of Brunei?
+Bandar Seri Begawan
+Geography: What is the capital of Bulgaria?
+Geography: What is the capital of Burkina Faso?
+Geography: What is the capital of Burma?
+Geography: What is the capital of Burundi?
+Geography: What is the capital of California?
+Geography: What is the capital of Cambodia?
+Phnom penh
+Geography: What is the capital of Canada?
+Geography: What is the capital of Cape Verde?
+Geography: What is the capital of Central African Republic?
+Geography: What is the capital of Chad?
+Geography: What is the capital of Chile?
+Geography: What is the capital of China?
+Geography: What is the capital of Colombia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Colorado?
+Geography: What is the capital of Comoros?
+Geography: What is the capital of Congo?
+Geography: What is the capital of Croatia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Cuba?
+Geography: What is the capital of Cyprus?
+Geography: What is the capital of Czech Republic?
+Geography: What is the capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo?
+Geography: What is the capital of Denmark?
+Geography: What is the capital of Djibouti?
+Geography: What is the capital of Dominica?
+Geography: What is the capital of Dominican Republic?
+Santo domingo
+Geography: What is the capital of Ecuador?
+Geography: What is the capital of Egypt?
+Geography: What is the capital of El Salvador?
+San salvador
+Geography: What is the capital of Equatorial Guinea?
+Geography: What is the capital of Eritrea?
+Geography: What is the capital of Estonia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Ethiopia?
+Addis ababa
+Geography: What is the capital of Fiji?
+Geography: What is the capital of Finland?
+Geography: What is the capital of Florida?
+Geography: What is the capital of France?
+Geography: What is the capital of Gabon?
+Geography: What is the capital of Gambia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Georgia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Germany?
+Geography: What is the capital of Ghana?
+Geography: What is the capital of Greece?
+Geography: What is the capital of Grenada?
+Saint george's
+Geography: What is the capital of Guatemala?
+Geography: What is the capital of Guinea-Bissau?
+Geography: What is the capital of Guinea?
+Geography: What is the capital of Guyana?
+Geography: What is the capital of Haiti?
+Geography: What is the capital of Honduras?
+Geography: What is the capital of Hungary?
+Geography: What is the capital of Idaho?
+Geography: What is the capital of Illinois?
+Geography: What is the capital of India?
+New Delhi
+Geography: What is the capital of Indonesia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Iowa?
+Des Moines
+Geography: What is the capital of Iran?
+Geography: What is the capital of Iraq?
+Geography: What is the capital of Ireland?
+Geography: What is the capital of Israel?
+Geography: What is the capital of Italy?
+Geography: What is the capital of Jamaica?
+Geography: What is the capital of Japan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Jordan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Kansas?
+Geography: What is the capital of Kenya?
+Geography: What is the capital of Kiribati?
+Geography: What is the capital of Kuwait?
+Kuwait city
+Geography: What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Laos?
+Geography: What is the capital of Latvia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Lebanon?
+Geography: What is the capital of Lesotho?
+Geography: What is the capital of Liberia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Libya?
+Geography: What is the capital of Liechtenstein?
+Geography: What is the capital of Lithuania?
+Geography: What is the capital of Luxembourg?
+Geography: What is the capital of Macedonia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Madagascar?
+Geography: What is the capital of Maine?
+Geography: What is the capital of Malawi?
+Geography: What is the capital of Malaysia?
+Kuala lumpur
+Geography: What is the capital of Maldives?
+Geography: What is the capital of Mali?
+Geography: What is the capital of Malta?
+Geography: What is the capital of Marshall Islands?
+Geography: What is the capital of Mauritania?
+Geography: What is the capital of Mauritius?
+Port Louis
+Geography: What is the capital of Mexico?
+Mexico City
+Geography: What is the capital of Michigan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Micronesia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Missouri?
+Jefferson City
+Geography: What is the capital of Monaco?
+Geography: What is the capital of Mongolia?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ulan Bator", "ulaanbaatar"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Geography: What is the capital of Montana?
+Geography: What is the capital of Morocco?
+Geography: What is the capital of Mozambique?
+Geography: What is the capital of Namibia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Nauru?
+Geography: What is the capital of Nebraska?
+Geography: What is the capital of Nepal?
+Geography: What is the capital of New York state?
+Geography: What is the capital of New Zealand?
+Geography: What is the capital of Nicaragua?
+Geography: What is the capital of Niger?
+Geography: What is the capital of Nigeria?
+Geography: What is the capital of North Carolina?
+Geography: What is the capital of North Dakota?
+Geography: What is the capital of North Korea?
+Geography: What is the capital of Norway?
+Geography: What is the capital of Ohio?
+Geography: What is the capital of Oman?
+Geography: What is the capital of Pakistan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Panama?
+Panama city
+Geography: What is the capital of Papua New Guinea?
+Port Moresby
+Geography: What is the capital of Pennsylvania?
+Geography: What is the capital of Peru?
+Geography: What is the capital of Philippines?
+Geography: What is the capital of Poland?
+Geography: What is the capital of Portugal?
+Geography: What is the capital of Qatar?
+Geography: What is the capital of Romania?
+Geography: What is the capital of Russia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Rwanda?
+Geography: What is the capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis?
+Geography: What is the capital of Saint Lucia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Saint Vincent?
+Geography: What is the capital of Samoa?
+Geography: What is the capital of San Marino?
+San marino
+Geography: What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Senegal?
+Geography: What is the capital of Seychelles?
+Geography: What is the capital of Sierra Leone?
+Geography: What is the capital of Singapore?
+Geography: What is the capital of Slovakia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Slovenia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Solomon Islands?
+Geography: What is the capital of Somalia?
+Geography: What is the capital of South Korea?
+Geography: What is the capital of Spain?
+Geography: What is the capital of Sudan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Suriname?
+Geography: What is the capital of Swaziland?
+Geography: What is the capital of Sweden?
+Geography: What is the capital of Switzerland?
+Geography: What is the capital of Syria?
+Geography: What is the capital of Taiwan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Tajikistan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Tanzania?
+Dar es salaam
+Geography: What is the capital of Tennessee?
+Geography: What is the capital of Texas?
+Geography: What is the capital of Thailand?
+Geography: What is the capital of The Bahamas?
+Geography: What is the capital of the country Georgia?
+Geography: What is the capital of the Dominican Republic?
+Santo Domingo
+Geography: What is the capital of The Netherlands?
+Geography: What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates?
+Abu dhabi
+Geography: What is the capital of Togo?
+Geography: What is the capital of Tonga?
+Geography: What is the capital of Trinidad and Tobago?
+Geography: What is the capital of Tunisia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Turkey?
+Geography: What is the capital of Uganda?
+Geography: What is the capital of Ukraine?
+Geography: What is the capital of United Kingdom?
+Geography: What is the capital of United States?
+Geography: What is the capital of Uruguay?
+Geography: What is the capital of Uzbekistan?
+Geography: What is the capital of Vatican City?
+Vatican city
+Geography: What is the capital of Venezuela?
+Geography: What is the capital of Vietnam?
+Geography: What is the capital of Virginia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Washington state?
+Geography: What is the capital of West Virginia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Western Samoa?
+Geography: What is the capital of Wisconsin?
+Geography: What is the capital of Wyoming?
+Geography: What is the capital of Yugoslavia?
+Geography: What is the capital of Zaire?
+Geography: What is the capital of Zambia?
+Geography: What is the circle of the earth at 0 degrees latitude called?
+Geography: What is the correct name of Bangkok?
+Krung Thep
+Geography: What is the county town of Derbyshire?
+Geography: What is the current name for south-west Africa?
+Geography: What is the deepest land gorge in the world?
+Grand Canyon
+Geography: What is the fifth largest country in the world?
+Geography: What is the former name of Botswana?
+Geography: What is the former name of Guinea-Bissau?
+Portuguese guinea
+Geography: What is the former name of Istanbul?
+Geography: What is the former name of John F Kennedy Airport?
+Geography: What is the former name of the Russian city Volgograd?
+Geography: What is the former name of the tonka metalcraft company?
+Mound metalcraft company
+Geography: What is the former name of Zaire?
+Belgian Congo
+Geography: What is the former zaire now known as?
+The democratic republic of Congo
+Geography: What is the fourth largest country in europe?
+Geography: What is the full name of lake tonka?
+Lake minnetonka
+Geography: What is the Great Barrier Reef made from?
+Geography: What is the highest mountain in Canada?
+Mount logan
+Geography: What is the highest peak in Fiji?
+Mount Victoria
+Geography: What is the iTalian name for the city of Florence?
+Geography: What is the largest city in Australia, in terms of population?
+Geography: What is the largest city in China?
+Geography: What is the largest city in Ecuador?
+Geography: What is the largest city in Switzerland?
+Geography: What is the largest country in Central America?
+Geography: What is the largest country in South America?
+Geography: What is the largest exclusively Indonesian island?
+Geography: What is the largest ocean?
+Pacific Ocean
+Geography: What is the largest of the countries in Central America?
+Geography: What is the local name for the capital of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)?
+Geography: What is the meaning of the word Dublin, the Norse name for the city?
+Black pool
+Geography: What is the monetary unit of India?
+Geography: What is the most mountainous country in Europe?
+Geography: What is the most populous city in North America?
+Geography: What is the most sacred river in India?
+Geography: What is the name for the ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean?
+Silk road
+Geography: What is the name for the deepest part of the ocean?
+Geography: What is the name of Polands largest river?
+Geography: What is the name of the arm of the North Sea that separates Norway and Denmark?
+Geography: What is the name of the country that flew the first supersonic airliner in 1968 and had it crash in 1973?
+The Soviet Union
+Geography: What is the name of the highest point on the Isle of Man?
+Geography: What is the name of the hot south wind which blows on to european coast of the medierranean?
+Geography: What is the name of the mountain near Rio de Janeiro from whose peak the giant statue of Christ the Redeemer overlooks the city?
+Geography: What is the name of the neolithic quarries near Thetford,Norfolk?
+Grimes Graves
+Geography: What is the name of the Pyrenean nation between France and Spain?
+Geography: What is the name of zimbabwes second largest town?
+Geography: What is the narrowest part of the English Channel?
+Straits of dover
+Geography: What is the official currency of The Vatican?
+Geography: What is the official language of Dominica?
+Geography: What is the official language of Egypt?
+Geography: What is the oldest town in Belgium?
+Geography: what is the only arab country without a desert?
+Geography: What is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island?
+Geography: what is the only country which covers an entire continent?
+Geography: What is the previous name of Ho Chi Minh CIty?
+Geography: What is the principal river of Ireland?
+Geography: What is the river capital of the world?
+Geography: What is the saltiest sea in the world?
+The Dead Sea
+Geography: What is the second highest mountain in Japan?
+Mount ontake
+Geography: What is the second largest continent in the world?
+Geography: What is the second largest mountain range in North America?
+Appalachian Mountains
+Geography: What is the second largest ocean?
+Atlantic Ocean
+Geography: What is the second largest of the United States?
+Geography: What is the second largest state in the USA?
+Geography: What is the smallest Canadian province?
+Prince Edward Island
+Geography: What is the smallest independent state in the world?
+Vatican City
+Geography: What is the smallest of the Central American countries?
+El salvador
+Geography: What is the smallest state in the USA?
+Rhode Island
+Geography: What is the Southernmost country in continental Europe?
+Geography: what is the third-largest lake in the world?
+Lake victoria
+Geography: What is the windiest place on earth?
+Mount Washington, New Hampshire
+Geography: What is the world's deepest lake?
+Lake Baikal
+Geography: What is the world's highest city?
+Geography: What is the world's highest mountain?
+Mount Everest
+Geography: What is the world's highest waterfall?
+Angel Falls
+Geography: What is the world's largest desert?
+Sahara Desert
+Geography: What is the world's largest lake?
+Caspian Sea
+Geography: What is the world's largest sea?
+Geography: What is the world's second highest mountain?
+Geography: What is the world's widest river?
+Geography: What is the worlds third highest mountain?
+Geography: What is Uraguays chief port?
+Geography: What island has Hamilton as its capital?
+Geography: What island is known as the Spice Island?
+Geography: What lake is approximately 394,000 sq. km in area?
+Caspian Sea
+Geography: What London borough does the Prime Meridian pass through?
+Geography: what mediterranean country is the only one in the world to display its map on its flag?
+Geography: What mountain range separates Europe from Asia?
+Geography: What name is shared by an asian Capital, a Canadian provincial town and an African lake?
+Geography: What name meaning mid winter settlement did the Romans give to Paris?
+Geography: What North American country enacted the War Powers Act to quell a separatist rebellion in 1970?
+Geography: What ocean is found along the East border of Asia?
+Pacific Ocean
+Geography: What place is known as 'the land nowhere near'?
+Cape Three Points
+Geography: What plant is a national emblem of Wales?
+Geography: What prison island was off the coast of French Guiana?
+Devil's Island
+Geography: What river has the largest drainage basin?
+Geography: What river is known as China's Sorrow?
+Geography: What river is Liverpool on?
+Geography: What river is the Temple of Karnak near?
+Geography: What Scandinavian capital begins and ends with the same letter?
+Geography: What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia?
+Geography: What seaport's name is Spanish for 'white house'?
+Geography: What small island is in the bay of Naples?
+Isle of Capri
+Geography: What south American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline?
+Geography: what Spanish city gave its name to sherry?
+Geography: What state borders Alabama to the north?
+Geography: What state is the Golden State?
+Geography: What state was the home to Mayberry?
+North carolina
+Geography: what statue overlooks piccadilly circus?
+Geography: What stretch of water separates Denmark from Sweden?
+The kattegat
+Geography: What Surrey town is famed for its salts?
+Geography: What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam?
+Geography: What tunnel connects France and Italy?
+Mont Blanc Tunnel
+Geography: what two countries did hadrian's wall separate?
+England and Scotland
+Geography: What type of bridges are the Humber and Severn road bridges?
+Geography: What U.S. city is known as Insurance City?
+Geography: What U.S. city is named after Saint Francis of Assisi?
+San francisco
+Geography: What U.S. state is known as The Land of 10,000 Lakes?
+Geography: What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia and Yugoslavia?
+Geography: What US state is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean?
+Geography: What volcano showers ash on Sicily?
+Geography: What was built on the site of the old Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York?
+The Empire State Building
+Geography: What was the ancient name for the Dardanelles, the strait between the Sea of Marmara and the Aegean Sea?
+Geography: What was the former name of Hawaii?
+Sandwich islands
+Geography: What was the former name of Tokyo?
+Geography: What was the name of the Hoover Dam from 1933-1947?
+Boulder Dam
+Geography: What would you expect in a pluvial region?
+Geography: what would you find at 1313 harbor boulevard, anaheim, California?
+Geography: What's the former name of Istanbul?
+Geography: What's the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous U.S. states?
+Geography: what's the largest island in the west indies?
+Geography: What's the northernmost scandinavian country?
+Geography: what's the world's largest gulf?
+Gulf of Mexico
+Geography: When was Liverpool granted its charter?
+Geography: Where are the 'wallops'?
+Geography: Where are the following places of interest - Rabbit Hash, Beaver Lick, Monkey's Eyebrow, Possum Trot and Bugtussle?
+Geography: Where are the great Walls of Babylon located in the modern day world?
+Geography: Where are the Nazca lines?
+Geography: Where are the pyramids located?
+Geography: Where are the Spanish Steps?
+Geography: Where are the Twin Towers of Asia located?
+Kuala Lumpur
+Geography: Where are the two steepest streets in the USA?
+San Francisco
+Geography: Where can the largest cannon in the world be seen?
+The Kremlin
+Geography: where can you belt back a fifth of scotch on the firth of forth?
+Geography: Where did the Allies first cross the Rhine in WWii?
+Geography: where did the most powerful explosion ever witnessed on earth occur?
+Geography: Where does the river Thames rise?
+Cotswolds Hills
+Geography: where does the us rank among world countries in total area?
+Geography: Where in Britain is the Neolithic village of Skara Brae?
+The Orkneys
+Geography: Where in Britain is the Up-helly-Aa festivity held?
+Geography: Where in England is Legoland?
+Geography: Where in London is the American Embassy?
+Grosvenor Square
+Geography: Where in London were the Frost Fairs held until 1831?
+On the thames
+Geography: Where in Scotland is there a replica of the Colosseum of Rome known as McCaigs Tower?
+Geography: where in the heck is britain's royal observatory?
+Geography: where in the heck is dam square?
+Geography: Where in the US is Mount Mckinley?
+Denali national park and preserve
+Geography: Where is Angel Falls?
+Geography: Where is area 51 generally said to be?
+Groom Lake
+Geography: Where is Arnhem Land?
+Geography: Where is Beacon Street?
+Geography: Where is Britains tallest nave?
+Westminster Abbey
+Geography: Where is Calcutta?
+Geography: Where is Cape Hatteras?
+North Carolina
+Geography: Where is Chester Beatty Library?
+Geography: Where is Eurodisney?
+Paris, France
+Geography: Where is Euston Station?
+Geography: Where is George Washington buried?
+Mt. vernon, Virginia
+Geography: Where is Gorky Park?
+Geography: Where is Lake Maracaibo?
+Geography: Where is Leeds Castle?
+Geography: where is loftleidir airlines based?
+Geography: Where is most of America's gold located?
+Fort Knox
+Geography: Where is Mount Washington?
+New Hampshire
+Geography: Where is Queen Maud Land located?
+Geography: Where is Tabasco?
+Geography: Where is the Admirality Arch?
+Geography: Where is the Blue Grotto - la Grotta Azzurra?
+Capri, Italy
+Geography: Where is the bridge of San Luis Rey?
+Geography: Where is the city of Brotherly Love?
+Geography: Where is the Cresta Run?
+St Moritz
+Geography: Where is the famous colony of macaque monkeys?
+Geography: Where is the Holy Kaaba?
+Geography: Where is the Island of Panay?
+Geography: Where is the land of 10,000 lakes?
+Geography: where is the lost city of the Incas to be found?
+Peruvian Andes
+Geography: Where is the Louvre Art Museum?
+Geography: Where is the Machu Picchu?
+Geography: Where is the Parthenon located?
+Geography: Where is the Prado art gallery?
+Geography: Where is the sculpture nicknamed The Floozie in the Jacuzzi, unveiled in 1993, located?
+Geography: Where is the statue 'Le Petit Pissoir'?
+Geography: Where is the Taj Mahal?
+Geography: Where is the wailing wall?
+Geography: Where is the world's biggest prison camp?
+Geography: Where is the world's largest desert?
+North Africa
+Geography: Where is Tongeren?
+Geography: Where is Westminster Abbey located?
+Geography: Where was the capital of the Assyrian Empire?
+Geography: Where were the Pillars of Hercules located?
+Geography: Where would you find calderas?
+Geography: Where would you find St Basils Cathedral?
+Red Square, Moscow
+Geography: Which African capital city was called Leopoldville until 1966?
+Geography: Which African capital citys name means rope matting, it came about in the 15th century when the inhabitans were asked the name and they thought they were asked what they were doing?
+Geography: Which animal appears on the flag of California?
+Geography: Which Asian City other than the walled section of Bejing which contains the Imperial Palace was also known as the Forbidden City?
+Geography: Which Australian province has New at the beginning of its name?
+South Wales
+Geography: Which bridge spans the Hudson River?
+George Washington Bridge
+Geography: Which British Citys airport is at Rhoose?
+Geography: Which British island, about 80 feet across, is in the Atlantic, 230 miles west of the Hebrides?
+Geography: Which Californian desert drops below sea level?
+Death Valley
+Geography: Which Canadian city used to be called Bytown?
+Geography: Which Canadian city was devastated in 1917 when an ammunition ship blew up in its harbour?
+Geography: Which Canadian province extends farthest north?
+Geography: Which canal links the Mediterranean sea with the Red Sea?
+The suez canal
+Geography: Which capital city is overlooked by the volcano Popocatepetl?
+Mexico city
+Geography: Which capital citys name is the corruption of a word for ants?
+Geography: Which capital is known as the Glass Capital of the World?
+Geography: Which Central American country extends furthest north?
+Geography: Which Chinese landmark was viewed from space?
+Great Wall of China
+Geography: Which city boasts the largest taxi fleet - a whopping 61,278 of them?
+Mexico City
+Geography: Which city does Speke airport serve?
+Geography: Which city does Tempelhof airport serve?
+Geography: Which city had the original ghetto in the 16th century?
+Geography: Which city has the highest population?
+Mexico City
+Geography: Which city has the largest rodeo in the world?
+Geography: Which city in Sudan, the scene of a battle in 1898 was the residence of the mahdi?
+Geography: Which city is called Kapstad in Afrikaans?
+Cape Town
+Geography: Which city is famed for its Temple of the Emerald Buddha?
+Geography: Which city is known as Motown?
+Geography: Which city is known as the Windy City?
+Geography: Which city is on the east side of San Francisco Bay?
+Geography: Which city was the capital of Timurs empire?
+Geography: which continent does lake titicaca beautify?
+South America
+Geography: Which country administers Christmas Island?
+Geography: Which country administers Martinique?
+Geography: Which country administers New Caledonia?
+Geography: which country administers south georgia, a last stop before antarctica?
+Great britain
+Geography: Which country altered it's timezone in order to be the first to see in the year 2000?
+Geography: Which country are the Galapagos Islands part of?
+Geography: Which country borders Italy, Switzerland, West Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Liechtenstein?
+Geography: Which country built the Mannerheim Line as a defence against Russia?
+Geography: Which country celebrates nov 2nd as a National holiday - The day of the Dead?
+Geography: Which country has a flag of a red circle on a white background?
+Geography: Which country has a population of 1.3 billion, but only 200 family names?
+Geography: Which country has Ankara as its capital?
+Geography: Which country has Budapest as its capital?
+Geography: Which country has Colombia to the west and Guyana to the east?
+Geography: Which country has the fourth largest population?
+Geography: Which country has the Leone as its unit of currency?
+Sierra leone
+Geography: Which country has the longest land border?
+Geography: Which country has the most emigrants?
+Geography: Which country has the slowest population growth rate?
+West Germany
+Geography: Which country hosted the 1982 World Cup of Football?
+Geography: Which country is also known as Suomi?
+Geography: Which country is known as the roof of the world?
+Geography: Which country is the major exporter of Teak?
+Geography: Which country is the maple leaf the national symbol?
+Geography: Which country is The Prado Art Museum?
+Geography: Which country is the smallest population?
+Vatican City
+Geography: Which country lies between Zimbabwe and the sea?
+Geography: Which country lost over seventeen percent of its entire population in World War II?
+Geography: Which country occupies the 'horn' of Africa?
+Geography: Which country owns Corfu?
+Geography: Which country owns the Queen Elizabeth Islands in the Arctic?
+Geography: Which Country produces the world's best cigars?
+Geography: Which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries?
+Geography: Which country would you be in if you landed at Dalaman airport?
+Geography: Which country's national anthem is called The peaceful banks of the River Ipiranga?
+Geography: Which country's ships fly under the Union Jack?
+Great Britain
+Geography: Which countrys flag consists of a red background with a white crescent moon and star?
+Geography: Which countrys international car registration letters are PL?
+Geography: Which county are the racecourses Sandown Park and epsom?
+Geography: Which countys symbol is a standing bear next to a ragged staff?
+Geography: Which Derbyshire town has a twisted spire?
+Geography: Which element makes up 2.5% of the Earth's crust?
+Geography: Which element makes up 2.6% of the Earth's crust?
+Geography: Which element makes up 2.83% of the Earth's crust?
+Geography: Which element makes up 27.72% of the Earth's crust?
+Geography: Which element makes up 3.63% of the Earth's crust?
+Geography: Which element makes up 46.6% of the Earth's crust?
+Geography: Which element makes up 5% of the Earth's crust?
+Geography: Which element makes up 8.13% of the Earth's crust?
+Geography: Which English City is named after Snot and his tribe?
+Geography: Which English city would you find Piccadilly Circus?
+Geography: Which English county has the smallest perimeter?
+Isle of Wight
+Geography: Which English countys emblem is an imp?
+Geography: Which European country has the highest population density?
+Geography: Which European country has the lowest population density?
+Geography: Which European country launched Europe's first super high speed passenger train in 1981?
+Geography: Which explorer gave his name to the Strait between Asia and North America?
+Vitus bering
+Geography: Which famous arts complex in Paris houses the French National Museum of Modern Art?
+The pompidou centre
+Geography: Which French town is known for its glove making?
+Geography: Which Glen in Central Scotland between Loch Katrine and Loch Achray was popularised by Sir Walter Scott?
+The trossachs
+Geography: Which has the largest population (2003): Iraq, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan?
+Geography: Which House in London did the Queen Mother live?
+Clarence House
+Geography: Which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean?
+International Date Line
+Geography: Which Irish city is famous for its crystal?
+Geography: Which is South Africas administrative capital?
+Geography: Which is the Earth's fifth largest continent?
+Geography: Which is the Earth's fourth largest continent?
+South America
+Geography: Which is the Earth's largest continent?
+Geography: Which is the Earth's second largest continent?
+Geography: Which is the Earth's second smallest continent?
+Geography: Which is the Earth's third largest continent?
+North America
+Geography: Which is the largest island just off the west coast of North America?
+Vancouver Island
+Geography: Which is the largest lake in South America?
+Lake Maracaibo
+Geography: Which is the most populated state/territory in Australia?
+New South Wales
+Geography: Which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean?
+Bouvet Island
+Geography: Which is the only musical bird that can fly backwards?
+Geography: Which is the only sea below sea level?
+Dead Sea
+Geography: Which is the smallest independent country?
+Vatican City
+Geography: Which island country lies immediately to the East of R?union?
+Geography: Which island country lies immediately to the West of Mauritius?
+Geography: Which island country lies to the East of Mauritius?
+Geography: Which island country lies to the West of Australia?
+Geography: Which island is seperated from Wales by the Menai Straits?
+Geography: Which Island merged with Tanganyika to form a new country in 1964?
+Geography: Which island off the north coast of Devon takes its name from the Norse word for Puffin?
+Geography: Which island was born near Iceland in 1963?
+Geography: Which islands did Captain Cook name The friendly islands?
+Geography: Which islands in the Atlantic Ocean were named after dogs?
+Canary islands
+Geography: Which islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain?
+The philippine s
+Geography: Which Italian style resort on the coast of Gwynedd in wales was designed in 1925 by Clough Willaims-Ellis?
+Geography: Which language apart from English is an official language of Canada?
+Geography: Which language is spoken in Brazil?
+Geography: Which large city is on the Southeastern coast of Australia?
+Geography: Which mainland Latin American country is in neither South America nor Central America?
+Geography: Which mountain stands at the entrance to Rio de Janeiro harbour?
+Sugar Loaf Mountain
+Geography: Which mountain was called Peak XV until 1865 when it was renamed in honour of a British geologist?
+Mount everest
+Geography: Which mountains are regarded as the east border of Europe?
+Geography: Which ocean has an area of approximately 166 sq. km?
+Pacific Ocean
+Geography: Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north?
+Geography: Which of the U.S. states borders only one other state?
+Geography: Which of the United States of America is the most southerly?
+Geography: Which one of England's biggest shipping ports is famous for being the port that the Titanic left from?
+Geography: Which palace near London, built by Cardinal Wolsey was the favorite residence of King Henry viii?
+Hampton court palace
+Geography: Which part of London took its name from the ornamental collars which were once made there?
+Geography: Which Portuguese colony reverted to China in December 1999?
+Geography: Which resort in the French alps situated on the River Arve at an elevation of 1037m is the starting point for the ascent of Mont Blanc by cable car?
+Geography: Which resort on the mediterranean riviera is Casino Square a popular spot for tourists?
+Monte carlo
+Geography: Which river contains the most fresh water?
+Geography: Which river flows for 1500 miles through Venezuela and forms the border with Colombia?
+Geography: Which Roman Palace is one mile west of Chichester?
+Geography: Which Roman Road ran from Exeter to Lincoln?
+Fosse way
+Geography: Which Roman Road runs between Lincoln and Axmouth on the coast of Devon?
+Fosse way
+Geography: Which Scandinavian Capital Begins And Ends With The Same Letter?
+Geography: Which Scottish city boasts an underground system?
+Geography: Which sea has no coast?
+The sargasso sea
+Geography: Which sea is really the worlds largest lake?
+The Caspian Sea
+Geography: Which sea is sometimes called the Euxine sea?
+The black sea
+Geography: Which sea lies between Korea & Shanghai?
+The yellow sea
+Geography: Which South American Canal joins the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans?
+Geography: Which South American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline?
+Geography: Which state has Cape Hatteras?
+North carolina
+Geography: Which state has the most hospitals?
+Geography: Which state is divided into two parts by a large lake?
+Geography: Which state is the Evergreen State?
+Geography: Which state is the Garden State?
+New jersey
+Geography: Which state is the Wolverine State?
+Geography: Which straits sepaarate Sri Lanka from India?
+The Palk Straits
+Geography: Which structure in Brussels was built for the world exposition of 1958 and consists of 9 spheres linked by struts and represents the atomic structure of iron?
+The atomium
+Geography: Which Swiss ski resort whose name means in the meadow lies at the foot of the Matterhorn at an elevation of 1616m?
+Geography: Which tourist attraction is the only living structure visible from outer space?
+The Great Barrier Reef
+Geography: Which town is known as the capital of the Cotswolds?
+Geography: Which town is said to have taken its name from the number of tree on the Tonbridge Road?
+Geography: Which town is the capital of the Orkneys?
+Geography: Which tropic passes through Australia?
+Tropic of Capricorn
+Geography: Which two countries share Victoria Falls?
+Zimbabwe and Zambia
+Geography: Which U.S. city is known as Beantown?
+Geography: Which U.S. city is known as the Biggest Little City in the World?
+Geography: Which U.S. state borders a Canadian territory?
+Geography: Which U.S. state has the least rainfall?
+Geography: Which U.S. state receives the most rainfall?
+Geography: Which US holiday state has the Everglades National Park?
+Geography: Which US state gets the most rainfall?
+Geography: Which US state is famous for Disneyland and the film industry?
+Geography: Which volcano erupted in Washington State in 1980 causing widespread damage?
+Mount st helens
+Geography: Which volcanos eruption in 1883 was one of the most catastrophic ever recorded?
+Geography: Which was the first American city to host the Olympics?
+St louis
+Geography: Which was the only european country before wwii where more than half the inhabitants were muslim?
+Geography: Which water gate lies under St Thomas' Tower in the Tower of London?
+Traitors gate
+Geography: Which White House room is The Presidents office?
+Oval room
+Geography: Who chose Ottawa to be the capital of Canada?
+Queen victoria
+Geography: Who owns the island of Bermuda?
+Geography: Who ruled England from 827 until 860?
+Egbert, Ethelwulf and Ethelbald
+Geography: Who was the US state of Georgia named after?
+King george ii
+Geography: Who were the first settlers in Las Vegas?
+Geography: With about 865 people per square mile, the island of ____ is one of Europe's most densely populated regions
+Geography: With nearly ten million visitors in 1998, the beautiful and impressive ____ National Park drew nearly twice the number of visitors as the second most-visited park, the Grand Canyon, with nearly five million visitors
+Great smoky mountains
+Geography: With what country is Fidel Castro associated?
+Geography: With which country is Prince Rainier III identified?
+Geography: Within northern California's Humboldt Redwoods State Park's 53,000 acres, there are more than 17,000 acres of old-growth forest. ____, close beside Bull Creek and the Eel River, is one of the largest remaining tracts of contiguous uncut coast redwood forest in the world
+Rockefeller forest
+Geography: World Capitals?
+Geography: Worlds most remote weather station is located in what country?
+Geography: Yaounde is the capital of ____
+Geography: You will find the world famous Raffles Hotel in which country?
+Geography: Yuletide-named towns in the United States include Santa Claus, located in Arizona and Indiana, Noel in Missouri, and Christmas in both Arizona and ____
+Geography: Yuma, ____ has the most sun of any locale in the U.S. - it averages sunny skies 332 days a year
+Geogrpahy: Name the capital city of Utah?
+Salt lake city
+Geology: Earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust is called the ____
+Geology: Fault zone in California stretching northwest for about 1000 km (about 600 mi), from the Imperial Valley in Southern California to Point Arena on the northern coast & out to sea?
+San andreas fault
+Geology: new zealand's oldest rocks are over ____ old
+500 million years
+Geology: Peat, lignite and bituminous are types of ____
+Geology: Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of ____
+Geology: The green variety of beryl is called ____
+Geology: The molten material from a volcano is ____
+Geology: The spot on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is called the ____
+Geology: The violet variety of quartz is called ____
+Geology: There are three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and ____
+Geology: These limestone deposits rise from the floor of caves?
+Geology: This is the hardest naturally occurring substance?
+Geology: What is the highest active volcano in the world?
+Geology: What is the most reliable geyser in the world?
+Old Faithful
+Geology: What is the name of the layer between the Earth's crust and the Earth's core?
+Geology: What name is given to the point where a river starts?
+Geology: What name is given to the point where two rivers join?
+Geology: What name is given to the single super-continent that existed 200 million years ago?
+Geology: What name is used to describe permanently-frozen subsoil?
+Geology: What type of rock is marble?
+Geology: Which river made The Grand Canyon?
+Geometry: Is a square a parellelogram?
+Geometry: What is the sum of all the angles in a square (in degrees)?
+George Kresge Jr.'s spectacular stage name (3 wds)?
+The amazing kreskin
+George mallory was found dead after 75 years 600 meters away from the top of a mountain, which mountain?
+Mount everest
+George Michael was one half of Wham!, name the other half?
+Andrew Ridgley
+George Robertson is now Director General of NATO, what was his previous post?
+Defence secretary
+George Stephenson was born in what year?
+George Washington became the first president of the u.s in what year?
+George Washington had to borrow money to go to his own ____
+Gerald Ford pardoned Robert E. Lee posthumously of all crimes of?
+Gerald ford's v.p?
+Nelson e rockefeller
+German military decoration?
+Iron cross
+German physicist and nobel laureate, who was the originator of the quantum theory?
+German scientist, who is generally regarded as the founder of the science of mineralogy?
+Germany's allies in wwi were Austria-hungary, bulgaria and ____
+Germany's allies in wwii were Japan, Italy, hungary, bulgaria, Finland, libya and ____
+Germany's equivalant to the dollar is ____
+Geronimo was the leader of which North American people?
+Geronimo's Apache name was Goyathlay. What does Goyathlay mean in English?
+One who yawns
+Gesture of celebration in which two people slap each others palms with their arms outstretched over their heads?
+Get'em up, scout: what's the off side on a horse?
+The left
+Gettysburg: From what direction did the Confederate Army attack Gettysburg?
+Gettysburg: The Confederacy invaded the North to draw Union troops away from here?
+Gettysburg: The Gettysburg National Cemetery stopped burials this year?
+Gettysburg: This Confederate general led Rebel troops into the Union line at The Angle?
+Lewis armistead
+Gettysburg: This general commanded the Union troops at Gettysburg?
+George meade
+gherkins are a type of ____
+Ghost who calls munich the 'monaco of bavaria'?
+Ghosts appear in 4 Shakespearian plays; Julius Caesar, ____ , Hamlet and Macbeth
+Richard iii
+Ghosts appear in 4 Shakespearian plays; Julius Caesar, Richard III, ____ and Macbeth
+Ghosts appear in 4 shakespearian plays; julius caesar, richard iii, hamlet and____
+Ghosts appear in 4 Shakespearian plays;____ , Richard III, Hamlet and Macbeth
+Julius caesar
+Giant flying foxes that live in ____ have wingspans of nearly six feet
+Giant flying foxes that live in Indonesia have wingspans of nearly ____ feet
+Gillan Music: who re-recorded 'secret agent man' in 1979?
+Gilligan of Gilligan's Island had a first name that was only used once, on the never-aired pilot show. His first name was?
+Gilligans Island: What is the Professor's only concern about his most brilliant idea?
+If it will work
+Gimme a number: how many colours are there in the spectrum?
+Gina Hemphill carried the Olympic Torch at the opening ceremony of the 1984 Summer Olympic Games. Who was her famous grandfather?
+Jesse owens
+Ginger baker, Eric clapton and jack bruce were the line-up to which band?
+Giovannie in the opera 'don giovanni', who was leporello?
+Giraffes are unable to?
+Give a year in the life of the painter Frans Hals?
+Give another name for hydrocyanic acid (HCN), sometimes wrongly called cyanide?
+Prussic acid
+Give another name for mother of pearl?
+Give another name for the Gnu?
+Give approval or sanctin to something?
+Give me the matematical constant pi with 15 decimals?
+Give one of michael portillo's other christian names.denzil?
+Give poet E.E.Cummin s' christian names.?
+Edward estlin
+Give poet W.H.Auden's Christian names?
+Wystan hugh
+Give the first names of the author p.g.wodehouse?
+Pelham grenville
+Give the food items eaten by the owl and the pussycat.?
+Mince and quince
+Give the forenames of baseball player, Babe Ruth?
+George herman
+Give the musical term for 'grow louder'?
+Give the name by which the daughter of Prof. Archimedes Q. Porter is known in a 1914 novel Tarzan & the Apes?
+Give the name of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's dog?
+Give the title of the play by Yasmina Reza about three friends, one of whom buys a white painting on a white background?
+Give the two men who completed the first circumnavigation of the globe in a balloon?
+Bertrand piccard and brian jones
+Give the year in which Boris Becker was the Men's Wimbledon champion and Pol Pot resigned as Khmer Rouge commander?
+Glamorous movie star, Veronica Lake, was often teamed up with which male co-star?
+Alan Ladd
+Glascow was voted the European City of Culture in which year?
+Glasgow gained a major museum in the 1980s, what is it called?
+The burrell collection
+Glass Making - What is the glass capital of the world?
+Glassy mineral the red kind is used as a gem?
+Glen Seaborg is the only living person after whom a chemical element is named. Name it?
+Globe & Jerusalem are all types of what?
+Glucose is a form of which substance?
+Gnu is the three letter term for which animal?
+Goat's eyes have what shape of pupils?
+Goats have rectangular ____
+Goats produce?
+Goblin like creature?
+God of dreams and nephew of hades?
+Goddesses of fate (in alphabetical order)?
+Atropos clotho lachesis
+Godthaab is the capital of which country?
+Goethe could only write if he had an ____ rotting in the drawer of his desk
+Goitre is an enlargement of what gland?
+Gold coin depicting President Kruger?
+Gold or silver in lump valued by weight?
+Gold salts are sometimes injected into the muscles to relieve?
+Golden ____ are so rare that a biological reserve has been specifically created for them
+Golden books in how many films did grace kelly appear?
+Goldfish can suffer ____ sickness
+GOMER stands for what?
+Get out of my emergency room
+Gone With the Wind is the only Civil War epic ever filmed without a single ____ scene
+Good friday fell on what date, in the year 2000?
+Apr 21
+Goose-geese, passerby- ____
+Gordon Sumner is the real name of which pop star?
+Gordon sumner of the police is also known as who?
+Gorillas often sleep for up to ____ hours a day
+Gossip periodicals, tabloids or magazines?
+National Enquirer
+Gothe and stendhal were both famous as?
+Gothenburg is the chief seaport of which country?
+Gotta know this: what was the name of Charles foster kane's sled?
+Grabatology is the collecting of?
+Graham bell his ship was the h.m.s. beagle?
+Charles darwin
+Grand teton national park is in what state?
+Grapes explode when you put them in the____
+Grass from SE Asia yeilding a fragrant oil?
+Gratinee is a Parisian favorite what is it?
+Cheese-topped onion soup
+Grave's Disease is caused by a malfunctioning?
+Grease: What did Frenchy do that made Sandy puke?
+Pierced her ear
+Great Britain: In the House of Lords, where does the Lord Chancellor sit?
+Great Britain: In which park are Queen Mary's gardens?
+Regents Park
+Great Britain: What are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'?
+Ealing and Enfield
+Great Britain: What does 'The Monument' in London commemorate?
+Great Fire of London
+Great Britain: What was the second bridge built across the Thames?
+Westminster Bridge
+Great Britain: Where is Selfridges?
+Oxford Street, London
+Great Britain: Which building commemorates the Great Fire of London?
+Great Britain: Who at Buckingham Palace wears bearskins?
+Great desert area, northern Africa, the western portion of the broad belt of arid land that extends from the Atlantic ocean eastward past the red sea to Iraq?
+great teacher, the title bestowed upon buddha, is also formally called?
+Great waves resulting from earthquakes are called ____
+Great woman opera singer?
+greek god of love?
+Greek gods of Mythology: god of sleep?
+Greek gods of Mythology: goddess of retribution?
+Greek gods of Mythology: which goddess personified the earth?
+Greek mythological youth loved by Aphrodite?
+Greek mythology monster with lions head, goats body and serpents tail?
+Greek mythology, which goddess was the avenger of crime and dispenser of justice?
+Greek mythology, who was the messenger of the gods?
+Greek Mythology: God of war?
+Greek Mythology: What is is named after a creature that was part woman, part snake, and whom mothered Hydra?
+Greek philosopher, who profoundly affected western philosophy through his influence on plato?
+Green Bay Packer fans are often called ____
+Green Bay Packers football great ____ was inducted into the hall of fame in 1974
+Tony canadeo
+Greenlands offical name?
+Kaladlit nunat
+Gregorian Calendar People riot thinking the govt stole ____ days of their lives
+Grenadine is a syrup from the juice of which fruit?
+Grey and black #1 what latin word means 'little shaded area'?
+Griffin's Wharf was the site for which famous party?
+The Boston Tea Party
+Groaking is to watch people ____ in hopes that they will offer you some
+Grossanes is another name for which cocktail extra?
+Grotesque carved spout usually projecting from the gutter of a building?
+Group of devices used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, or electrical energy into mechanical energy, by electromagnetic means (energy)?
+Electric motors & generators
+Grunge music originated in which American city?
+Guinness modern ballroom dance, of argentinian origin?
+Guiyaquil is the largest city in which country?
+Gules is the heraldic name for what colour?
+Gunpowder is formed after mixing charcoal, ____ and sulphur
+Gunpowder is formed after mixing charcoal, saltpetre and ____
+Gunpowder was invented in?
+Gustav Vasa was the King of which Scandinavian country?
+Guy Blaine is the latest boyfriend of which famous lady?
+Guy delage claimed to be the first person to swim across which ocean?
+Atlantic ocean
+Gypsum is a hydrated sulphate of which metal?
+H2s04 is the chemical formula for which compound?
+Sulphuric acid
+Habib Ibn Ali Bourguiba became president of which country in 1957, was re-elected three times before being made Life President in 1975?
+Habib ibn ali bourguiba became president of which country in 1957?
+Hades was god of what?
+The underworld
+Hadrians Wall marked the northern boundary of which empire?
+The roman empire
+Haifa is a major seaport in which country?
+Haiphong is the third largest city in which south-east asian country?
+Hair is made from the same substance as____
+Hair Styling Stuff?
+Hair styling stuff?
+Hair pins
+Hair, prompted by testosterone, grows faster in men in anticipation of ____
+Hairstylist anthony silvestri cuts hair while____
+Haiti was the second country in the Americas to achieve freedom from colonial rule, what was the first?
+United states of America
+Half a byte is called a?
+Half of all murders are committed with ____
+half rotten vegetable matter, used to enrich soil?
+Half years who made her show business debut at the age of 2 1/2 as part of her family's vaudeville act on the 'new grand theater stage'?
+Judy garland
+Halifax is the capital of ____
+Nova scotia
+Hallmark makes cards for ____ different relationships
+Hamburg lies on which river?
+The elbe
+Hamlet was the prince of ____
+Hammer, anvil and stirrup are parts of ____
+Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ____
+Hand tool for gripping nuts or bolt heads?
+Hand-held Weapons?
+Handlebar, toothbrush and walrus are all types of what?
+Hang On Sloopy is the official rock song of____
+Hannibal had only one ____ after getting a disease while attacking Rome
+Hannibal was of what nationality?
+Hanoi is the capital of ____
+North vietnam
+Hans Christian andersen, Cher, Tom Cruise, Albert Einstein, Whoopie Goldberg, Greg Louganis, Lee Harvey Oswald, & General George S. Patton, are (were) all what?
+hans Lippershay -1608, Galileo - 1610, Isaac Newton - 1668 and William Herschel 178 all designed different types of what?
+Hans Wildorf developed the first waterproof watch in 1926 when with which company?
+Hansen's disease has another name what is it?
+Hansenosis is more commonly known as...?
+Happy Days takes place in this city?
+Happy days: what did the she devils motorcycle gang threaten to do to chachi for breaking up with his gang leader's little sister?
+Shave his head
+Happy days: what high school did richie, ralph, and potsie attend?
+Jefferson high school
+Happy days: what was fonzie's nickname for joanie?
+Happy days: when richie was chosen to be a contestant on the tv show big money, what was his chosen category?
+Rock and roll
+Harappa & mohenjodaro were 2 great cities in the?
+Indus valley
+Harare is the capital of ____
+Hard heavy black tropical wood?
+Hard striped semi precious form of quartz?
+Harrisburg is the capital of ____
+Harrison Ford's performance in which film earned him his only Best Actor nomination?
+Harrison What do the San Joaquin kit fox, Hawaiian hawk and Ocelot have in common?
+Endangered species
+Hartford is the capital of ____
+Hartford is the capital of which American state?
+Harvard college was founded in this year?
+Hattie mcdaniel was the first black actress to win an oscar, for which film?
+Gone with the wind
+Havana is the capital of ____
+Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
+Having a surface which curves inwards?
+Hawaii lies on the tropic of?
+Hawaii officially became apart of the US on June 14,?
+Hawaii: what is the nickname of the island lanai?
+Pineapple island
+Hawaii: what is the nickname of the island oahu?
+Gathering place
+Hawaii: What island of the Hawaiian islands is the youngest?
+Hawaii: What year was the first telephone company started?
+Hay fever is the ____ most prevalent chronic condition in the United States
+Haydn's 'creation' was based on genesis and which other piece of literature?
+Paradise lost
+Hayling Island is part of which comity?
+Hazel was the maid for what family?
+He assassinated john lennon on december 8 1980?
+Mark chapman
+He belted out hits for bad company, the firm and then went out on his own?
+Paul rodgers
+He collected & recorded the opinions & arguments of Socrates?
+He composed the opera, barber of seville?
+He designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine?
+Karl Freidrich Benz
+He died in 1829, but his #100,000 foundation formed many major museums?
+James smithson
+He directed 'The Godfather'?
+Francis Ford Coppola
+He discovered natural radioactivity?
+Antoine becquerel
+He discovered phobos?
+Asaph hall
+He discovered the Grand Canyon?
+Francisco coronado
+He founded the Egyptian city of Alexandria?
+Alexander the great
+He gave us malted milk?
+William horlick
+He invented the most common projection for world maps?
+Gerardus mercator
+He is the godfather of the Springfield mafia?
+Don Vittorio
+He is the Plow King?
+Barney Gumbel
+He is the president of Laramie cigarettes?
+Jack Larson 
+He led the mormons to the great salt lake?
+Brigham young
+He left saturday night for late night in 1992:?
+Dennis miller
+He Marquis of Blandford is heir to which British Peerage?
+Duke of marlborough
+He opened Tutankhamens tomb?
+Howard carter
+He put words in Charlie McCarthy's mouth?
+Edgar bergen
+He said, 'i have nothing to offer but blood, tears, toil and sweat'?
+Winston churchill
+He shot Lee Harvey Oswald?
+Jack ruby
+He starred in 'Conan the Barbarian'?
+Arnold Schwarzenegger
+He starred in, 'City Lights'?
+Charlie Chaplin
+He swept the Princi Awards. Who is he and what school is he from?
+Principal Valiant from Shelbyville Elementary
+He transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic in 1901?
+Enrico Marconi
+He used elephants to cross the alps & plunder the Roman countryside?
+He visited Australia & New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific coast of North America?
+George vancouver
+He was 'dancing on the ceiling'?
+Lionel richie
+He was a monk,scholar and scientist who died in 1920, nicknamed Dr Mirabilis.Credited with inventing gunpowder and magnifying glasses?
+Roger bacon
+He was a terror down the right wing for blackpool, stoke and England, and was every leftback's nightmare. he retired from football at the ripe old age of 50?
+Sir stanley matthews
+He was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963?
+President kennedy
+He was elected President of France, in 1981?
+Francios Mitterrand
+He was from the planet mongo?
+Ming the merciless
+He was known as the 'Elephant Man'?
+John Merrick
+He was responsible for building the china clipper?
+Glenn l martin
+He was Secretary of the Interior for Ronald Regan?
+James Watt
+He was the American inventor of the cotton gin?
+Eli whitney
+He was the emperor of Japan during WW II?
+He was the German nobel prize winner of 1918, inventor of the method of ammonia processing, and attempted to extract gold from sea water?
+He was the last Saxon king?
+Harold ii
+He was the son of Adam & Eve who was slain by his brother?
+He was the U S president during the civil war?
+Abraham lincoln
+He was the villain in 'Star Wars'?
+Darth Vader
+He won 511 games between 1890 and 1911?
+Cy young
+He worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'aint no sunshine when shes gone'?
+Bill withers
+He wrote 'Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male' in 1948?
+Alfred Kinsey
+He wrote 'the aeneid' & is generally acccepted as Rome's greatest poet?
+Head of the Virgin gruop of campanies?
+Richard Branson
+Head which Spanish explorer named the amazon river?
+Heads up!: who's head did salome demand?
+John the baptist
+Heartbreak Hotel: What was Elvis Presley's rank when he was discharged from the army?
+Heat & light resulting from the rapid combination of oxygen, or in some cases gaseous chlorine, with other materials?
+Heavenly Bodies: At 40 million kms, this is the star nearest to the Earth?
+Proxima Centauri
+Heavier-than-air craft that derives its lift not from fixed wings like those of conventional airplanes, but from a power-driven rotor or rotors, revolving on a vertical axis above the fuselage?
+Heaviest substance known?
+Heavy material stabilizing a ship?
+Hebrew is one of the official languages of Israel, name the other?
+Heh, heh. Those darn ninjas. They're ____.
+Hela cells, immortal cancer cells, came from this woman?
+Henrietta lacks
+Helen Gurley Brown published which woman's magazine?
+Helen Gurley Brown was the publisher of what magazine?
+Helen sharman was the first British female what?
+Heliomania is an obsession or crazed desire for ____ ____
+Heliotaxis means the response of an organism to what?
+Hell hath no fury like ____
+A woman scorned
+Helsinki is the capital of ____
+Hemp plant part of which can be used as a narcotic?
+Henry fleming was the young soldier in the civil war in what movie?
+Red badge of courage
+Henry ford flatly stated that history is____
+Henry Rowley Bishop was most famous for composing whihc popular song?
+Home sweet home
+Henry the Eighth was the father of two English Queens, Mary I and Elizabeth I. Which other King was the father did the same?
+James the second
+Henry VII was the only British King to be crowned on the?
+Field of battle
+Henry viii had six wives, which of them survived him?
+Katherine parr
+Henry VIII's wife Catherine of Aragon was born in which country?
+Her face launched a thousand ships?
+Helen of troy
+Her first on-screen words, after the silent film age were 'Gimme a whisky with ginger-ale on the side - and don't be stingy baby' Who was the actress who uttered these words?
+Greta Garbo
+Her name was McGill and she called herself Lil but everyone knew her as?
+Heraldry: Green?
+Heraldry: Left?
+Herbs, Seasonings & Spices?
+Here is an easy one!! What color feathers does a flamingo have?
+Here, kitty kitty: what kind of cats are seal points and blue points?
+Herman's hermits re-made 'silhouettes' who did it originally?
+Heroin is derived from the ____ poppy, Papaver Somniferum, which means the poppy that brings sleep
+Heroin is the brand name of ____ once marketed by Bayer
+Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by who?
+Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by?
+Herp Alpert's Backing Group...The?
+Tijuana Brass
+Heston the American flag first flew over a foreign fort in what country?
+Hey, I was First!: A pioneer in the use of snowmobiles for Arctic exploration, this explorer led the first confirmed overland expedition to the North Pole in 1968, after a 43-day journey?
+Ralph Plaisted
+Hey, I was First!: Christopher Columbus became the first explorer to land in the Americas in 1492. In 1497, who was second?
+John Cabot
+Hey, I was First!: John Cabot became the first person to explore Canada in 1497. In 1534, who was second?
+Jacques Cartier
+Hey, I was First!: New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal became the first people to do this on May 29, 1953?
+Climb Mt Everest
+Hey, I was First!: On Dec 14 1911, Norwegians Oscar Wisting, Helge Sverre Hassel, Helmer Julius Hanssen, Roald Amundsen, and Olav Olavsen Bjaaland became the first people to do this?
+Reach the South Pole
+Hey, I was First!: On June 30, 1859, Jean Francois Gravelet became the first person to do this, and did it several times. On one occasion, he even paused to cook and eat an omelette. What did he do?
+Cross Niagara Falls by Tightrope
+Hey! what was the name of this song released by 'the romantics' in february 1980?
+What i like about you
+Hg is the chemical symbol for what element?
+Hi, I'm ____ (What the hell am I doing in Springfield) ____.
+Bob Hope 
+Hiawatha was chief of which Indian people?
+Hich sport makes use of a balance beam?
+High speed passenger train is called a?
+Bullet train
+Highest melting point of any metal?
+Highest order of English Knighthood?
+Order of the Garter
+Highlander: On Highlander The Series, what is the name of Duncan MacLeod's young partner?
+Richie ryan
+Highlander: TV/Film: Who played Duncan MacLeod?
+Adrian Paul
+Highlander: What is the backdrop for the infamous 'cut scene' in the first movie?
+World war ii
+Highlander: What was the name of Duncan MacLeod's monk mentor?
+Highly poisonous substance used in the extraction of gold and silver?
+Hillary what bird lays an egg that is roughly a quarter of its body weight?
+Hills & ridges composed of drifting sand are known as ____
+Hills and ridges composed of drifting sand are known as ____
+Hindu men once believed it to be unluckily to marry a ____ time. They could avoid misfortune by marrying a tree first. The tree (his third wife) was then burnt, freeing him to marry again
+Hindus don't like dying in bed, they prefer to die beside a?
+Hippopotamuses do ____ percent of their vocalization under water
+Hirohito ascended to the Japanese throne in which year?
+Hirtory: Name the first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule?
+Hirundine refers to what kind of bird?
+His designs focused on maximum output from minimum material and output?
+Buckminster Fuller
+His real name was Cornelius McGillicuddy?
+Connie mack
+Historical usually Spanish warship?
+History: ____ Agnew; disgraced vice president under Nixon
+History: ____ became Queen of Scotland when she was only six days old
+Mary stuart
+History: ____ de Medici was the first woman in Europe to use tobacco. She took it in a mixture of snuff
+History: ____ emperor Montezuma had a nephew, Cuitlahac, whose name meant plenty of excrement
+History: ____ had only one eye after getting a disease while attacking Rome
+History: ____ Hamilton was shot by Aaron Burr in the groin
+History: ____ lost 41 of his 98-men crew to scurvy (a lack of vitamin C) on his first voyage to the South Pacific in 1768. By 1795, the importance of eating citrus was realized, and lemon juice was issued on all British Navy ships
+Captain cook
+History: ____ of workers on the Panama Canal suffered from malaria
+History: ____ Trotsky, the seminal Russian Communist, was assassinated in Mexico with an icepick
+History: ____ Tse Tung, Chinese communist leader
+History: ____ was first used as a medical treatment in 2700 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen-Nung
+History: ____ was the first head of the United States Post Office
+Benjamin franklin
+History: ____ were once used to treat a bone infection called osteomyelitis
+History: 'Operation Desert Storm' took place in 1989, 1991 or 1995?
+History: 10th Century: In the period 978-1016 England was ruled by which 'unready' king?
+History: 14th Century: A plague killed up to one third of Europe's population. What was it called?
+The Black Plague
+History: 15th Century: ____ set sail for the New World on a Friday in 1492
+Christopher columbus
+History: 15th century: In which ship did john cabot sail to Canada?
+History: 15th Century: Scholars in China compiled an ____ consisting of 11,095 volumes
+History: 15th Century: Who was the first woman to receive a diamond engagement ring? It was given to her by Maximilian I of Germany in 1477?
+Anne of burgundy
+History: 16th Century: A 1772 explosive eruption blows 1.2 km off the top of volcano Papandayan, Java, kills____
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three thousand", "3000"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+History: 16th Century: A 1772 explosive eruption blows 1.2 km off the top of volcano____ , Java, kills 3,000
+History: 16th Century: A cathedral built between 1554 and 1560 for Ivan the Terrible, to which saint is this Russian Orthodox church in Moscow dedicated?
+Saint basil
+History: 16th Century: In 1793, who launched the worlds first hot air balloon?
+Montgolfier brothers
+History: 16th Century: Mission ____ founded in 1776
+History: 17th Century: Between 1620 and 1624 Cornelius Drebbel built and tested the first what on the Thames?
+History: 17th Century: Between 1642 and 1644 which French mathematician designed the first digital calculator to help hos father in his tax computations?
+Blaise pascal
+History: 17th Century: In 1854, during the Crimean War, what event came to be known as one of the greatest military blunders of all times?
+Charge of the light brigade
+History: 17th Century: In the English hospitals of the seventeenth century, children were entitled to ____ gallons of beer as part of their weekly diet
+History: 17th Century: In the great fire of london in 1666 half of London was burnt down but how many people were injured?
+History: 18th Century: ____ was first introduced in England in 1799 by British Prime Minister, William Pitt
+Income tax
+History: 18th Century: European women achieved a pale complexion by eating 'complexion wafers' which were actually what poison?
+History: 18th Century: Who was the us president in 1778?
+History: 18th Century: Who was the US President in 1788?
+History: 18th Century: You could purchase insurance against going to____ , in London, England
+History: 1900s: Between 1902 and 1907 the same ____ killed 436 people in India
+History: 1900s: Between 1902 and 1907 the same tiger killed ____ people in India
+History: 1900s: Between 1902 and 1907 the same tiger killed 436 people in____
+History: 1900s: In 1908 a giant fireball impacts in Central ____ (Tunguska Event)
+History: 1910s: In 1914 was Mahatma ____ 's 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in South Africa
+History: 1920s: In 1923, New Zealand claims ____ Dependency in Antarctica
+History: 1930s: Hitler annexed the Sudetenland, of which country was it a part?
+History: 1933, Mrs Klarius Mikkelson was the first woman to set foot where?
+The Antarctic
+History: 1940s: Became Foreign Secretary in Attlee's Cabinet (1945-1951)?
+Ernest bevin
+History: 1940s: In 1945 Allies refuse Japan's surrender offer to retain Emperor____
+History: 1940s: In 1948, ____ as a substitute for Radio tubes announced (Bell Labs)
+History: 1940s: In 1949, South Africa begins implementing ____ ; no mixed marriages
+History: 1940s: The Bich pen was changed to Bic for fear that Americans would pronounce it '____ .'
+History: 1950s: In 1952 Queen Elizabeth II acceded to the throne on the death of her father. Who was he?
+George VI
+History: 1950s: In 1952, ____ proclaimed king of Jordan
+History: 1950s: In 1952, Hussein proclaimed king of____
+History: 1950s: In 1959, which party was elected for the third time in a row in Britain?
+History: 1950s: King Talal of this country was ousted, due to insanity, by his son Hussein?
+History: 1950s: Robert Menzies was the Prime Minister of which country throughout the 50s?
+History: 1950s: The 1951 Festival of Britain was centred on which city?
+History: 1950s: The control of which waterway was the goal of a joint British, French and Israeli military mission in 1956?
+Suez canal
+History: 1950s: This European principality gained a princess in 1956?
+History: 1950s: This flop car was introduced in the 50's?
+History: 1950s: This nation was divided at the 17th parallel in 1954?
+History: 1950s: This pact was signed by the Soviet Union and its eastern allies?
+History: 1950s: This was created by the treaty of Rome in 1957?
+European economic community
+History: 1950s: Which 77-year-old was returned as British Prime Minister?
+Winston churchill
+History: 1950s: Which American evangelist Billy led a London crusade?
+History: 1950s: Which large mountain was conquered by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953?
+History: 1950s: Which was the last to come off rationing (in 1954)?
+History: 1950s: Who left No 10 Downing Street for the second and final time in 1955?
+Winston Churchill
+History: 1950s: Who reached the summit of Mount Everest in 1953?
+Edmund hilary
+History: 1960s: ____ declares independence in 1960
+History: 1960s: A tranquilising drug, thought to have no harmful effects, was marketed in Britain and other countries as a therapy for morning sickness, resulting in the birth of hundreds of deformed babies. Name the drug?
+History: 1960s: Discovered in 1967, pulsating radio sources in space are better known as this?
+History: 1960s: First nation ever to resign from the united nations?
+History: 1960s: Fourth nation to explode an atom bomb?
+History: 1960s: he was appointed deputy commander of military assistance in 1964?
+History: 1960s: In 1963, Cardinal ____ elected Pope Paul VI, 262nd head of RC Church
+History: 1960s: In 1969, what did Neil Armstrong consider a giant leap for mankind?
+Walking on the moon
+History: 1960s: In the 1969 Apollo 11 landing, who stayed in the command module?
+Michael collins
+History: 1960s: John Young and him were the first astronauts to fly the two-occupant Gemini?
+Gus grissom
+History: 1960s: Malta won independence from this country in 1964?
+History: 1960s: Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in this city?
+History: 1960s: Rwanda & ____ become independent in 1962
+History: 1960s: Thalidomide was prescribed to help pregnant women fight what symptoms?
+Morning sickness
+History: 1960s: Theodore Maiman demonstrated this enlightening device for the first time in '60?
+History: 1960s: This bridge, the largest suspension bridge in the US, was finished in 1964?
+Verrazano narrows
+History: 1960s: This remote area was crossed on foot for the first time in 1968-1969?
+North pole
+History: 1960s: what was the New York times headline for monday, july 21, 1969?
+Men walk on moon
+History: 1960s: What was the theory by which America rationalised its entry into the Vietnam war?
+Domino effect
+History: 1960s: Who set foot on the moon on july 20, 1969?
+Neil armstrong
+History: 1960s: Zaire (then the ����� ) gained independence from Belgium in 1960?
+Belgian Congo
+History: 1963, what was the subject of the Beeching Report?
+The railways
+History: 1970s: ____ was the last Ivy League college to go coed, in 1972
+History: 1970s: Angola won its independence fromthem in 1975?
+History: 1970s: Anthony Armstrong-Jones and which royal separated in 1976?
+Princess Margaret
+History: 1970s: Apple Computer ships its 1st ____ in 1977
+Apple ii
+History: 1970s: became the capital of the reunited north and south vietnam?
+History: 1970s: He was court-martialed in 1971 for atrocities in Southeast Asia?
+William calley
+History: 1970s: In 1971, 3 cosmonauts die as ____ depressurizes during reentry
+Soyuz xi
+History: 1970s: In 1973 he became Los Angeles' first black mayor?
+Tom bradley
+History: 1970s: In the UK, Margaret Thatcher was the first what?
+Female prime minister
+History: 1970s: oregans trojan was the most powerful one of these in this decade?
+Nuclear plant
+History: 1970s: Russian dancer who defected in 1974?
+Mikhail baryshnikov
+History: 1970s: The first American to walk on the moon in the 70's?
+Alan shepard
+History: 1970s: The WHO declared this disease eliminated?
+History: 1970s: this famous Idaho dam went to pieces in 1976?
+Teton river dam
+History: 1970s: This war hero quit the Israeli cabinet in 1979?
+Moshe dayan
+History: 1970s: Which coin was worth one hundredth of a pound under decimalisation that occurred in 1971 in the UK?
+New penny
+History: 1980s: A hailstorm that struck munich, Germany, in july, 1984, caused an estimated $____ worth of damage to trees, buildings and motor vehicles
+1 billion
+History: 1980s: argentina called them the malvinas islands, the British this?
+History: 1980s: Charles and Diana were wed in this cathedral?
+St. Paul
+History: 1980s: country that saw 32 of its citizens convicted of spying from 1981-88?
+United states
+History: 1980s: first man to ride the space shuttle into orbit twice?
+John young
+History: 1980s: He lost the 1977 NYC mayoral bid before taking successful aim at Albany?
+Mario cuomo
+History: 1980s: How many dollars was Bernhard Goetz asked for on his fateful subway ride?
+History: 1980s: In 1981, China's Communist Party condemns the late ____ Tse-tung's policy
+History: 1980s: In 1983, Anne Burford left her position as administrator of this agency?
+History: 1980s: In 1989, where did the Iron Curtain first open?
+Hungary's border with Austria
+History: 1980s: Infamous subway rider only convicted of illegal weapons possession?
+Bernhard goetz
+History: 1980s: john Paul ii forgave this man for shooting him?
+Memet agca
+History: 1980s: Seaboard state home to a nation-leading 96 hazardous waste sites in 1987?
+New jersey
+History: 1980s: She was drawn to his 'wit, charm and good looks'. But what did Prince Andrew say he liked about Sarah Ferguson in 1986?
+Red hair
+History: 1980s: The name of the first space shuttle?
+History: 1980s: The US mining of this nations harbor created an uproar in 1984?
+History: 1980s: the youngest leader of the soviet union before gorbachev?
+Joseph stalin
+History: 1980s: This corporation was granted over 1 billion in government loans?
+History: 1980s: this country's president zia ul-haq was killed in a 1988 plane crash?
+History: 1980s: This leader dozed off in a 1984 speech, leading to speculation of his health?
+History: 1980s: Voyager 2 discovers 2 partial rings of ____ in 1989
+History: 1980s: What was the day in 1987, that Wall Street shares plunged in value, called?
+Black Monday
+History: 1980s: Which deadly disease was declared eradicated in 1980?
+History: 1980s: Who was the soviet president between 1985 and 1988?
+Andrei gromyko
+History: 1980s: Who's 1000th day as a hostage was Dec. 10, 1987?
+Terry anderson
+History: 1990s: 30th may 1998, an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the richter scale triggered landslides that swallowed entire villages killing as many as 5,000 people. In which country did this take place?
+History: 1990s: a former east German leader found refuge at moscow's chilean embassy in 1992?
+Erich honecker
+History: 1990s: Bill and hilary clinton switched on the christmas tree lights in belfast in 1990, 1995 or 1996?
+History: 1990s: From which conflict in 1992 did we get the euphemism 'ethnic cleansing'?
+History: 1990s: In 1990, ____ and Morocco troops land in Saudi Arabia to prevent Iraqi invasion
+History: 1990s: In 1990, Egyptian and ____ troops land in Saudi Arabia to prevent Iraqi invasion
+History: 1990s: In 1990, Egyptian and Moroccan troops land in ____ to prevent the Iraqi invasion
+Saudi arabia
+History: 1990s: In 1990, Egyptian and Moroccan troops land in Saudi Arabia to prevent the ����� invasion?
+History: 1990s: In 1990, Soviets admit to what?
+Katyn Massacre
+History: 1990s: In 1990, what did Tim Berners-Lee invent while working at the CERN European nuclear research organisation?
+The world wide web
+History: 1990s: In 1991, which multinational military campaign ousted Iraq from Kuwait?
+Desert Storm
+History: 1990s: In 1992, what city saw 3,700 fires started on the last two days of April?
+Los angeles
+History: 1990s: In 1992, what continent had the greatest explosion of aids cases?
+History: 1990s: In 1992, what credit card company recorded 205 million dollars in 3rd quarter losses?
+American express
+History: 1990s: In 1992, what democrat won the new hampshire primary?
+Paul tsongas
+History: 1990s: In 1992, what did the church of England allow women to become?
+History: 1990s: In 1992, what US state was the first ever to elect two women to its senate?
+History: 1990s: In 1992, who was found sane in Milwaukee after he killed & cut up 15 young kids?
+Jeffrey dahmer
+History: 1990s: In 1993, $20 billion of financial aid went to this nation?
+History: 1990s: In 1993, a liver of this animal was transplanted into a human at the University of Pittsburgh?
+History: 1990s: In 1993, China released this dissident, famous for Tiannaem Square Massacre activity?
+Wang dan
+History: 1990s: In 1993, Crown Prince Naruhito married her?
+Masako owada
+History: 1990s: In 1993, May Day riots occurred in this nation?
+History: 1990s: In 1993, this man became South Korea's first civilian leader?
+Kim young sam
+History: 1990s: In 1993, this territory held a referendum where residents chose not to pursue statehood?
+Puerto rico
+History: 1990s: In 1993, this world leader visited Denver, Colorado for world youth day?
+John Paul ii
+History: 1990s: In 1997, the Cassini space probe carried this dangerous substance?
+History: 1990s: In 1997, what did the theme tune to New Labour's general election campaign promise?
+Things can only get better
+History: 1990s: In the 1991 gulf war, what missiles did the allies use to intercept iraqi scuds?
+History: 1990s: Stock markets on this continent plunged in October 1997?
+History: 1990s: The compound of this sect was under siege in Waco, Texas in 1993?
+Branch davidians
+History: 1990s: This company sold 44,200,000 cases of their 16 oz cans in 1994?
+Lipton tea
+History: 1990s: What biblical disease did 39 texans come down with in 1992?
+History: 1990s: What european country hosted expo '92?
+History: 1990s: What was the #5 us daily newspaper with 1,117,376 average circulation in 1990?
+New york times
+History: 1990s: Which country voted to keep the Queen in 1999?
+History: 19th Century: ____ was the first country to give woman the vote, in 1893
+New zealand
+History: 19th Century: ____ was the first European country to establish a system for health insurance for its workers in 1888
+History: 19th Century: Between 1857 & 1861, during James Buchanan's presidency, what role was performed by his neice, Harriet Lane?
+First Lady
+History: 19th Century: Between 1895 & 1898 who was the first person to sail around the world alone?
+Joshua slocum
+History: 19th Century: In 1894 Korea declares independence from ____ , asks for Japanese aid
+History: 19th Century: In the 1858 Treaty of Algun, ____ cedes north bank of Amur River to Russia
+History: 19th Century: In the 1858 Treaty of Algun, China cedes north bank of ____ River to Russia
+History: 19th Century: In the 1858 Treaty of Algun, China cedes north bank of Amur River to ____
+History: 19th Century: In the 1858 Treaty of____ , China cedes north bank of Amur River to Russia
+History: 19th Century: Millions of human mummies were used as what in Egypt?
+Fuel for locomotives
+History: 19th Century: Who was the slavery abolitionist that was tried and hanged for his beliefs in 1859? his name lives on in song?
+John brown
+History: 19th Century: Who was the US President in 1800?
+History: 19th Century: Who was the us president in 1808?
+History: 19th Century: With which innovation in transport in the 1830s is the English surgeon and inventor Sir Goldsworth Gurney associated?
+Steam driven stagecoaches
+History: 200 million years ago Earth contained 1 land mass called?
+History: 2000s: 2002, who became the Queen of Spain?
+History: 2000s: As of 2002, which republic currently exists in France?
+The fifth
+History: 2000s: In 2002, British troops led a peacekeeping force in which capital city?
+History: 2000s: Which of these millennium landmarks closed almost as soon as it opened?
+The Millennium bridge
+History: 6th century BC: What did nebuchadnezzar build on the banks of the euphrates?
+Hanging gardens of babylon
+History: 82% of the workers on the Panama Canal suffered from?
+History: 82% of workers on the ____ Canal suffered from malaria
+History: A female pharaoh was unknown in ____ before Hatshepsut, who had herself portrayed in male costume, with a beard and without breasts
+History: After India became independent, dispute over which state led to a war with Pakistan?
+History: After sheltering from a storm near Cheddar Gorge, Augustus Toplady wrote which hymn?
+Rock of Ages
+HISTORY: After the end of the Vietnam war what was saigons name changed to?
+Ho Chi Minh City
+History: After which governor of the Dutch East India company was Tasmania first named?
+Anthony van dieman
+History: After who was America named?
+Amerigo Vespucci
+History: After who was Mickey Mouse named?
+Mickey Rooney
+History: After whom is the US state of Virginia named?
+Elizabeth i
+History: After whose rebellion were the 'Bloody Assizes' presided over by the infamous Judge Jeffreys?
+Duke of monmouth
+History: After WWI what was Hitler promoted to in rank?
+History: Against which country did England fight the 'hundred years war'?
+History: Against which Iraqi dictator was the Gulf War fought?
+Saddam hussein
+History: Against whom did Richard the Lionheart fight in the Crusades?
+History: Against whom was Robert the Bruce fighting when he was inspired to try again by a spider?
+King edward II
+History: Alexander the Great was king of which country?
+HISTORY: allied invasion of Italy?
+History: Although his remains were found to be missing in 1864, where was Voltaire buried?
+The Pantheon,Paris
+History: Although modern images of India often show poverty and lack of development, India was the richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early ____ Century
+History: Animals: 1950s: Laika was the first animal in space in 1957. What was she?
+A dog
+History: Approximately how many children did pharaoh Ramses II father?
+One hundred and sixty
+History: As what was Istanbul previously known?
+History: As what was Taiwan formerly known?
+History: As what was winchester known by the Romans?
+Venta Bulgarum
+History: Astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon with his ____ foot first
+History: At the time of Julius Caesar, who was the ruler of Egypt?
+History: At what time did the hiroshima bomb detonate?
+8:15 am
+History: At which battle between British and Zulu forces in South Africa in 1879 did a small British force win 11 Victoria Crosses?
+Rorkes drift
+History: At which battle in Ireland in 1690 did the army of William of Orange decisively defeat that of James VII & II?
+Battle of the boyne
+History: At which battle of 1798 did the boy stand on the burning deck?
+Battle of the Nile
+History: At which castle near Leyburn was Mary Queen of Scots held captive for 6 months in 1568?
+Bolton castle
+History: Australian highwaymen or robbers who, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, terrorized settlers in the new south wales and victoria regions?
+History: Aztec emperor ____ had a nephew, Cuitlahac, whose name meant plenty of excrement
+History: Aztec emperor Montezuma had a nephew, ____ , whose name meant plenty of excrement
+History: Aztec emperor Montezuma had a nephew, Cuitlahac, whose name meant plenty of ____
+History: Babieca was the name of who's horse?
+El cid
+History: Bandleader Glenn Miller was last seen in an aircraft leaving which country?
+History: Bangladesh became independent in 1971, what was it called before that date?
+East pakistan
+History: Barney Clark was the first recipient of which artificial heart?
+Jarvik 7
+History: Battle at which Davy Crockett was killed?
+The alamo
+History: Because of heavy traffic congestion, Julius Caesar banned all ____ from Rome during daylight hours
+Wheeled vehicles
+History: Because of heavy traffic congestion, julius caesar banned all wheeled vehicles from rome during ____
+Daylight hours
+History: Because of heavy____ , Julius Caesar banned all wheeled vehicles from Rome during daylight hours
+Traffic congestion
+History: Because of the ____ content of the Dead Sea, it is difficult to dive below its surface
+History: Because they had no proper rubbish disposal system, the streets of ancient ____ became literally knee-deep in rubbish
+History: Beetle sacred to the ancient egyptians?
+History: Benazir bhutto regained power in 1993 after being ousted how many years before?
+History: Benito mussolini would ward off he evil eye by touching his what?
+History: Benjamin Franklin suggested that ____ should be the U S national bird
+History: Between which countries was the shortest war in history?
+Zanzibar and England
+History: Bill and Hilary Clinton switched on the Christmas tree lights in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 1990, 1995 or 1996?
+History: Bill Clinton is the first Democrat to be elected to two terms in office since which American President?
+Franklin d roosevelt
+History: Bill Gates dropped out of which of educational institution?
+History: Bill Gates formed a company to sell a computerized traffic counting system to cities, which made $20,000 its first year. Business dropped sharply when customers learned Gates was only ____ years old
+History: Billy the Kid was born in ____
+History: Blackbird, who was the chief of ____ Indians, was buried sitting on his favourite horse
+History: Blanchard and jeffries crossed the English channel in 1785 using what means of transport?
+Hydrogen balloon
+History: Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982?
+History: Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982?
+Falklands Islands
+History: British aircraft designer of the Tiger Moth and Mosquito?
+De havilland
+History: British inventor of the first successful steam locomotive in 1814?
+George stephenson
+HISTORY: British prime minister 1979 - 1990?
+Margaret Thatcher
+History: Buffalo Bill's real name was...?
+William f cody
+History: By what name is the Mongol leader Temujin better known?
+Genghis Khan
+History: By who was Gerald Ford almost assassinated?
+Squeaky Fromme
+History: Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott ____
+History: Chang and Eng were the most famous as what?
+Siamese twins
+History: Charles ii's mistress?
+Nell Gwynn
+History: Charles Rolls of Rolls Royce fame died in what type of vehicle?
+History: Churchill, F.D. Roosvelt and Stalin met here in 1945?
+History: Code name for D Day?
+Operation Overlord
+History: Columbus had three ships on his first American exploration. On his second expedition, ____ ships were under his command
+History: Did Rotheim invent the aerosol in 1919, 1926 or 1931?
+History: Disney: Back in the day at Walt Disney studios, Walt's brother Ray reportedly peddled what to employees on the lot?
+History: During Prohibition, what name was given to an illegal drinking club?
+History: During which war was OXFAM set up?
+History: During which war was the New Model Army formed?
+English civil war
+History: During World War I what kind of gas was used in the trenches?
+Mustard gas
+History: During wwii Norman Shelley was enlisted to imitate whom in radio broadcasts?
+Winston Churchill
+History: East Berlin was the capital of ____
+East Germany
+History: Easy! What was described as Unsinkable?
+RMS Titanic
+HISTORY: Englands first prime minister?
+Robert Walpole
+History: Eras are divided into units called ____
+History: Ferdinand and imelda marcos were exiled in what year?
+History: Ferdinand and Isabella were joint rulers in which country?
+History: Ferdinand Marcos was the president of which country?
+History: Final and decisive action of the napoleonic wars, that effectively ended french domination of europe?
+Battle of waterloo
+History: First emperor of rome (27bc-14ad), who restored unity and orderly government to the realm after nearly a century of civil wars?
+History: First name of the famous lord nelson of trafalgar?
+History: For what country did Columbus make his historic voyage?
+History: For what drink was chicory a wartime substitute?
+History: For what purpose did the Mayan people build pyramids?
+History: For what was Sir Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth i's Secretary of State best remembered?
+History: For which event was th efirst commemorative medal struck?
+Defeat of the armada
+History: Four Japanese carriers were destroyed in this battle?
+History: Frankish ruler Charles the Great is better known as ____
+History: From the 14th century to 1830 the eldest sons of french kings were known by what title?
+History: From the 14th century to 1830 the eldest sons of French kings were known by which name?
+History: From what country did the U.S. buy the Virgin Islands?
+History: From what did Alexander the Great suffer?
+History: From which French ship was the musket ball fired that killed Lord Nelson?
+History: From which port did the Titanic set sail?
+HISTORY: From whom did JF kennedy accept his dog Pushinka?
+Nikita Krushchev
+History: General Sherman burned this city in 1864?
+History: George Washington Carver advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace what?
+Cotton and tobacco
+History: George Washington Carver advocated planting what to replace cotton and tobacco?
+Peanuts and sweet potatoes
+History: Germany was split into two zones by which agreement?
+Yalta agreement
+History: Germany's allies in WW II were Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Libya, and ____
+History: Germany's WW I allies were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and ____
+History: He advocated the planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco?
+History: He allowed the bugging of the Democratic Committee headquarters?
+Richard nixon
+History: He discovered the Grand Canyon?
+History: He discovered the Grand Canyon?
+Francisco Coronado
+History: He is said to have fiddled while Rome burned?
+History: He killed Jesse James?
+History: He led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979?
+Jim jones
+History: he name of which American civil war battle near San Antonio Texas means Cottonwood?
+The alamo
+History: He ordered the persecution of Christians in which Peter and Paul died?
+History: He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his civil rights leadership?
+Martin luther king jr
+History: He ruled Rome when Christ was born?
+Caesar augustus
+History: He shot Lee Harvey Oswald?
+Jack Ruby
+History: He shot Lee Harvy Oswald?
+History: He taught Alexander the Great?
+History: He was assassinated on Dec. 8, 1980 in New York City?
+John lennon
+History: He was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963?
+John fitzgerald kennedy
+History: He was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn?
+General custer
+History: He was stabbed by Cassius?
+Julius caesar
+History: He was stabbed by Gaius Cassius Longinus?
+Julius Caesar
+History: He was the American inventor of the Cotton Gin?
+Eli Whitney
+History: He was the American inventor of the Cotton Gin?
+History: He was the U.S. president during the Civil War?
+Abraham lincoln
+HISTORY: Henry viii warship?
+Mary Rose
+HISTORY: Henry VIIIs flagship?
+Mary rose
+History: hich British king spoke German but hardly any English?
+George i
+History: His ship was the H.M.S. Beagle?
+Charles darwin
+History: His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was ____
+Alexander the great
+History: Hitler's title as supreme leader of nazi Germany?
+History: How did 1940s British murderer John Haigh dispose of his victims' bodies?
+Acid bath
+HISTORY: How did Jane Seymour,wife of Henry viii die?
+History: How do you write 69 in Roman numerals?
+History: How is the stockmarket collapse of the 24th October 1929 better known?
+Black Thursday
+History: How long did the Arab-Israeli War of 1967 last?
+Six days
+History: How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight?
+History: How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight?
+History: How many British officers were forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta?
+History: How many countries joined the United Nations at it's start?
+History: How many kings of England have been called Henry?
+History: How many olympics have been cancelled due to war?
+History: How many people were killed in the battle of Lexington?
+History: How many stab wounds did Julius Caesar have when he died?
+History: How many years was Nelson Mandela in prison?
+History: How many years were between the creation of the Magna Carta and the American Declaration of Independence?
+History: How old was Alexander the Great when he died?
+History: How old was John F. Kennedy when he became president?
+History: How was William Pitt the Elder's son known?
+William Pitt the Younger
+History: In 1902 this volcano erupted, killing 30,000?
+History: In 1911 Roald Amundsen became the first person to reach where?
+South Pole
+History: In 1962, for what did Britain and France sign an agreement to build together?
+History: In 1975, what re-opened after an 8 year closure?
+Suez Canal
+History: In 1998 the Festina team was banned from what over drug allegations?
+Tour de France cycle race
+History: In ancient greece, what was a hoplite?
+A soldier
+History: In British history a dwelling offering accomodation to the poor?
+History: In March 1979, where did a major nuclear accident occur?
+Three Mile Island
+History: In the 15th century, what was the war between the houses of Lancaster and York?
+War of the Roses
+History: In the 17th century which country started taxing beards?
+History: In the 1855 Russian War, what were used to transport Torpedos?
+History: In the 19th Century what were Piccadily Weepers?
+Droopy whiskers
+History: In the 9th century which city had several thousand bookstores?
+History: In the early 20th century, what was used to treat epilepsy?
+Rattlesnake venom
+History: In the early Twentieth century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat ____
+History: In the French revolution what was the occupation of a tricoteuse?
+History: In the Geological Time Scale, during the Meso Erazoic, what Period came just after the Cretaceous Period?
+History: In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Incas, the couple was considered officially wed when they took off their ____ and handed them to each other
+History: In the middle ages what was a pavis?
+History: In the Middle Ages what was lichen scraped from crucifixes supposed to cure?
+History: In the middle ages, where did people believe the seat of intelligence was?
+History: In the reign of Henry iii, compurgation was introduced as the forerunner to what?
+Jury system
+History: In the year 2000 which companies CEO was the worlds second richest man?
+History: In what capacity did the writer Ernest Hemingway serve in WW i?
+Ambulance driver
+History: In what decade did the Dust Bowl devastate Midwest farmers?
+History: In what type of building did Plato and Aristotle teach?
+History: In what year did China become a communist state?
+History: In what year did England's lease on Hong Kong expire?
+History: In what year did man first set foot on the moon?
+History: In what year did the Berlin Wall come down?
+History: in what year did winston churchill die?
+History: In what year of WW II did Russia declare war on Japan?
+History: In what year was the Wall Street Crash?
+History: In which African countries were US embassies bombed in 1998?
+Kenya & Tanzania
+History: In which battle was George A. Custer defeated?
+Battle of Little Bighorn
+HISTORY: In which century were the Wars of the Roses fought?
+The fifteenth century
+History: In which city did the Peterloo massacre take place in 1819?
+History: in which city did the Phoenix Park murders occur in 1882?
+History: In which city was President Kennedy killed?
+History: In which city were the Hanging Gardens?
+History: In which country did Louis Riel lead a rebellion and set up a provisional government in 1869?
+History: In which country did the Boxer Rebellion take place?
+History: In which country did the Red Brigades operate in the late 70s?
+History: In which country was Adolf Hitler born?
+History: In which country was paper money first used?
+History: In which country was the Rosetta Stone found?
+History: In which country was the Titanic launched?
+History: In which country's waters was Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior sunk in 1985?
+New Zealand's
+History: In which county is Passschendaele, scene of battle in WWI?
+History: In which English county is the site of the battle of Edgehill?
+HISTORY: In which harbour did the Mary Rose sink in 1545?
+History: In which month did the attack on Pearl Harbor take place?
+History: In which street in London did the Great Fire start?
+Pudding lane
+HISTORY: In which war did the battle of Isandwlana take place?
+Zulu war
+History: In which war was the battle of Antietam?
+American civil war
+History: In which year did Disneyland open?
+History: In which year did London Underground open?
+History: In which year did Richard Burton die?
+History: In which year did Skylab crashland in Western Australia?
+History: In which year did the Battle of Britain take place?
+History: In which year did the first man walk on the moon?
+History: in which year did the Spanish Armada try to invade England?
+History: In which year did the Titanic set sail?
+History: In which year did Winston Churchill first become prime minister?
+History: In which year was John F. Kennedy elected?
+History: In which year was Lady Jane Grey queen?
+History: In which year was Lord Mountbatten murdered?
+History: In which year was Martin Luther King shot?
+History: In which year was Nelson Mandela released from prison?
+History: In which year was Nelson Mandela released from Robben Island?
+History: In which year was the First Crusade?
+History: In which year was the Rosetta stone written?
+196 BC
+History: In which year was the shortest war in history?
+History: In which year was the smoke detector invented?
+History: In world war ii what name was given to the German technique of sending U Boats out in groups?
+Wolf pack
+History: In WWII what was a moaning minnie?
+German mortar
+History: In WWII who was in charge of the Afrika Korps?
+HISTORY: Indian spiritualist leader?
+Mahatma ghandi
+HISTORY: Inventor of the television?
+John Logie Baird
+History: Israel occupied the Golan Heights. Whose territory was it?
+History: Israel occupied the West Bank. It belonged to ____
+History: John F. Kennedy Airport in New York used to be called ____
+History: John F. Kennedy Airport used to be called ____
+HISTORY: Jon Magnusson was the prime minister of which country 1924 - 1926?
+History: Kate Barton became the first bus conductress in 1909, 1920 or 1933?
+History: King of Italy 1900-46?
+Victor emmanuel iii
+History: King Richard the ____
+History: Leaders of which country wore a double crown to signify the unification of Upper and Lower kingdoms?
+History: Leon Trotsky, the seminal Russian Communist, was assassinated in ____ with an icepick
+History: Leon Trotsky, the seminal Russian Communist, was assassinated in Mexico with an____
+History: Leon____ , the seminal Russian Communist, was assassinated in Mexico with an icepick
+History: Lillie Langtry was the mistress of which future king?
+Edward vii
+History: London in the 18th century,what was Kitty Fishers profession?
+History: Longest reigning empress of Russia?
+Catherine the great
+History: Louis XVI was guillotined in 1732, 1793 or 1842?
+History: Man first stepped foot on the moon in which year?
+History: Marco Polo was born on the ____ island of Korcula (pronounced Kor-Chu-La)
+History: Marconi transmitted radio signals across the atlantic in 1901, 1902 or 1903?
+History: Margaret Thatcher becomes the first woman elected prime minister of?
+Great britain
+History: Marshall of France who established his government at Vichy, imprisoned for treason in 1945?
+History: May 24th 1862, which bridge in London was opened?
+Westminster bridge
+History: May 28th 1742, Englands first what opened?
+Swimming pool
+History: Muhammad Ali refused to fight in which war?
+History: Mussolini invaded this country in 1935?
+HISTORY: Name for the elite British wartime pilots who marked targets for the bombers?
+Pathfinder Force
+HISTORY: name given to william i's campaign of devastation after the Saxon uprising of 1069?
+The Harrowing of the North
+History: Name Jacques Cousteau's research ship?
+History: Name of a sub division of a county once under Danish influence, especially in Yorkshire?
+History: Name of Britains allies in the Seven Years War?
+Prussia and Hanover
+History: Name of Dick Turpins horse?
+Black Bess
+History: Name of Donald Campbells boat in which he was killed?
+History: Name of the civil code of ancient Rome?
+The red laws
+History: Name of the first Black man to walk in space?
+Bernard Harris
+History: name of the first woman in the world to be elected Head of State in 1980?
+Vigdis finnbogadottir
+HISTORY: Name of the notorious English highwayman?
+Dick Turpin
+HISTORY: Name of the stock market crash of 1720?
+South Sea Bubble
+HISTORY: Name of the treaty that ended the War of Spanish Succession?
+Treaty of utrecht
+HISTORY: Name that year, Wars of the Roses?
+History: Name the incident in which tea was dumped into the harbour?
+Boston tea party
+History: name the two vessels which fought the first sea battle between iron-covered ships?
+Monitor and merrimac
+History: Name the Year: British army seizes King Charles I as a prisoner?
+History: Near what falls did Jimmy Angel crash his plane in 1937?
+Angel Falls
+History: Near which Bavarian city did the Nazis hold huge rallies in the 1930s?
+HISTORY: Nelsons flagship?
+H M S Victory
+History: Nelsons mistress, Lady Hamiltons first name?
+History: Niveveh and Assur were cities of which empire?
+History: Numbering houses in London streets only began in?
+History: Octavia was which emperor's sister?
+History: Of what did Prince Albert die?
+Typhoid Fever
+History: Of which Cambodian party was Pol Pot the leader?
+Khmer Rouge
+HISTORY: Of which kingdom was Offa the King?
+History: Of which ship was Miles Standish captain?
+The Mayflower
+History: Off which South American port was the Graf Spee scuttled in 1939?
+History: On what date did America become an independant nation?
+July 4th, 1776
+History: On what day of the week did Solomon Grundy die?
+History: On what was Pennsylvania incorrectly spelled?
+Liberty Bell
+History: on which lake was Donald Campbell killed?
+Coniston Water
+History: On which of the Canary Islands did a collision of two jumbo jets take place, making it one of the worst air disasters in history?
+History: One of the Seven Wonders of the World, The Mausoleum at Halicanassus was built by whom?
+History: One who fought professionally in Roman arenas was a(n) ____
+History: Original name for Tasmania?
+Van diemans land
+History: Performing Arts: 15th Century: Shakespeare's ____ Theater burns down in 1613
+History: Prime minister during Edward VIIIs abdication?
+History: Science: what did archimedes say upon discovering the principle of buoyancy in his bath?
+History: Seven Wonders(Ancient)?
+The Great Pyramid Of Giza
+History: She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar?
+Helen Keller
+History: She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar?
+History: She was Queen of Egypt and mistress of Julius Caesar?
+History: She was the first First Lady to be received privately by the Pope?
+Jackie kennedy
+History: She was the first woman premier of Israel?
+Golda Meir
+History: She was the first woman premier of Israel?
+History: She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo?
+Amelia Earhart
+History: She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo?
+E. earhart
+History: She was the first woman to swim the English channel?
+History: She was the first woman to swim the English channel?
+Gertrude Caroline Ederle
+History: She was the greatest trick shot artist of all time?
+Annie oakley
+History: She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor?
+Mother teresa
+History: Some of the survivors from which ship were rescued by Grace Darling and her father in sept 1838?
+The forfarshire
+History: Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory?
+History: Sports: Bank robber John Dillinger played professional?
+History: Tasmania got its current name from a navigator on an exploratory voyage, what was his name?
+Abel tasman
+History: Ten day Queen of England?
+Lady jane grey
+History: The ____ Tea Party
+History: The 14th July 1789 marked the start of what?
+French Revolution
+History: The ancient symbol called a fylfot or gammadion is better known as what?
+History: The battle of Vittoria in 1813 as the last battle in which war?
+Peninsular War
+History: The Cod Wars of the 1970s were between Britain and which other country?
+History: The date of which Christian festival was fixed in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea?
+History: The derrick crane was named after Dick Derrick, what was his occupation?
+History: The Devonian Period is also known as the Age of ____
+History: The discovery of the Babington Plot led to the death of which monarch?
+Mary Queen of Scots
+History: The Empire State Building was completed in 1930, 1931 or 1932?
+History: The EOKA were a terrorist group operating on which island?
+History: The first charity flag day was held in 1914, 1917 or 1919?
+History: The first dog in space was named ____
+History: The first metered taxi become operational in 1899, 1903 or 1907?
+HISTORY: The fleas of which animal carried the Black Death?
+The black rat
+History: The french ship Petit Pierre was the first to be driven by what in 1902?
+Diesel engine
+History: The Inquisition forced him to recant his belief in the Copernican Theory?
+HISTORY: The Japanese premier who initiated the attack on Pearl harbour in 1941?
+Hideki Tojo
+History: The man known as the Red baron was famous in which field?
+History: The original Charing cross was erected to commemorate Edward is quenn, what was her name?
+History: The Romans built these to convey water?
+History: The Romans built these to convey water?
+History: The St. Valentine's Day massacre took place in this city?
+History: The Taliban were a guerrilla group in which country?
+History: The Tamil Tigers were fighting for a separate state on which island?
+Sri Lanka
+History: The wristwatch invented in 1896, 1898 or 1904?
+History: The youngest pope was?
+11 years old
+History: This assassin of Julius Caesar was his friend?
+History: This F.B.I agent headed the investigation of Al Capone?
+Elliot ness
+History: This French peasant girl led the army to victories?
+Joan of arc
+History: This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo?
+Davey crockett
+History: This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo?
+Davy Crockett
+History: This Indian group ruled in early Peru?
+History: This is said to be history's greatest military evacuation?
+History: This man was the first human to set foot on the moon?
+Neil Armstrong
+History: This military attack took place on Dec. 7, 1941?
+Pearl harbour
+History: This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death?
+History: This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death?
+Joseph Goebbels
+History: This organization was founded by William Booth?
+Salvation army
+History: This Queen of France was beheaded in 1793?
+Marie antoinette
+History: This racist organization was formed in Tennessee in 1865?
+Ku klux klan
+History: This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium?
+Marc anthony
+History: This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium?
+Marc Antony
+History: This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show?
+Sitting bull
+History: This Spaniard conquered Mexico?
+History: This Spaniard conquered Mexico?
+Hernando Cortez
+History: This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881?
+History: This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881?
+James Garfield
+History: This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973?
+Henry Kissinger
+History: This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973?
+History: This war began on June 25, 1950?
+History: This was the largest real estate deal in U.S. history?
+Louisiana purchase
+History: This word describes the Nazi annihilation of Jews?
+History: Through the streets of what town did Lady Godiva ride naked?
+History: To which island was Napoleon exiled, after his loss at Waterloo?
+St Helena
+History: Totally useless - 1988, David Stern, New York, blew a record bubble, how big was it?
+Fifty feet across
+HISTORY: Tudor statesman?
+Oliver Cromwell
+History: Two 747's collided here in 1977?
+Canary islands
+History: U.S. President, Chester Alan ____
+History: U.S. President, Herbert C. ____
+History: U.S. President, John Quincy ____
+History: U.S. President: Calvin ____
+History: Ugandan politician,president 1971-79?
+Idi Amin
+History: UK, what was revealed by letter to Lord Monteagle?
+The Gunpowder Plot
+History: US president shot by John Wilkes Booth?
+History: USA: 1970s: The Rhode Island Legislature in the US entertained a proposal that there be a $2 tax on every act of ____ ____ in the State
+Sexual intercourse
+History: USA: In the confederate army, who were given copies of 'les miserables'?
+History: USA: In the Declaration of Independence as first written by Thomas Jefferson, there was a clause abolishing ____. Because of popular pressure, however, Jefferson deleted the clause
+History: USA: In the Gasden Purchase, the USA bought territory from which country?
+History: War broke out in Biafra in the 60s when it broke away from which country?
+History: Wh o is recognised to have been the first man to reach the north pole?
+Robert peary
+History: What 1992 presidential candidate began life as william jefferson blythe?
+Bill clinton
+History: What 19th century war between Russia and England, Turkey, Britain and France, was named after a peninsula in the Black Sea?
+Crimean War
+History: What age preceded the Iron Age?
+The bronze age
+History: What Alabama city saw state troopers attack Civil Rights marchers on Edmund Pettis Bridge?
+History: What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar?
+History: What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar?
+Susan B. Anthony
+History: what argentine revolutionary fought with castro and died in bolivia?
+Che guevara
+History: What black basalt slab, found by Napoleons soldiers iin Egypt was the key to the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing?
+The Rosetta Stone
+History: what botanical marvel did nebuchadnezzar build?
+Hanging gardens of babylon
+History: What brave-hearted Scottish patriot led soldiers to a defeat of the English at the Battle of Cambuskenneth in 1297?
+William Wallace
+History: what British peerage gave its name to an overcoat, a sofa and a cigarette?
+History: What California city did the last Pony Express ride end in?
+History: What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911?
+History: What city was founded in 753 BC?
+History: What civil rights leader did Dorothy Parker leave the bulk of her estate to?
+Martin Luther King Jr
+History: What colour was Diana Spencer's engagement photograph suit?
+History: What congressional award was Dr. Mary Edwards Walker the first woman to receive?
+Medal of Honor
+History: What connects the countries of Eire,Portugal, Spain and Turkey during wwii?
+Remained neutral
+History: What country did Abel Tasman discover in 1642?
+New Zealand
+History: What country suffered the most combat deaths in world war ii?
+Soviet union
+History: What country was formerly known as Siam?
+History: What country was ruled by Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge party?
+Cambodia (Kampuchea)
+History: What current branch of the U.S. military was a corps of only 50 soldiers when World War I broke out?
+The U.S. Air Force
+History: What did 'DMZ' stand for in the vietnam war?
+Demilitarized Zone
+History: What did baker John Faynors carelessness cause?
+The Fire of London
+History: what did bryan allen cross in the gossamer albatross?
+The English channel
+History: What did Col Blood attempt to steal in 1671?
+Crown jewels
+History: What did cowpunchers use to protect their legs?
+History: What did David Stirling found?
+History: What did Ed Peterson invent?
+Egg Mcmuffin
+History: What did Eli Whitney invent?
+Cotton gin
+History: What did Erik Rotheim invent in 1926?
+History: What did Henry Shrapnel invent?
+The exploding shell
+HISTORY: What did hospital social workers used to be called?
+History: What did Louis Cartier invent?
+History: What did Marie Curie die of on 4th July, 1934?
+Radiation poisoning
+History: What did Pennsylvania legalise before any other colony?
+History: What did Peter Minuit buy in 1626?
+Manhattan Island
+History: What did President J. Buchanan not have?
+A wife
+History: What did President J. Buchanan not have?
+A wife
+History: What did Republicans call the platform they hyped in the 1994 Congressional elections?
+The Contract With America
+History: what did sir walter raleigh lose in 1618?
+His head
+History: What did Temujin change his name to?
+Genghis Khan
+History: What did the French railways ban in 1910 because caused delays?
+History: What did the romans call their settlement at York?
+History: What did Victorian women bathe in to try to enlarge their breasts?
+History: What does the Glorious First of June commemorate?
+A sea battle
+History: What English city was known to the Romans as Venta Bulgarum?
+History: what English explorer was set adrift by his mutinous crew near the bay that bears his name?
+Henry hudson
+History: What ethnic group was largely responsible for building most of the early railways in the U.S. West?
+The Chinese
+History: What famous artist could write with both his left and right hand at the same time?
+Leonardo da Vinci
+History: What first ran from Paddington to Farringdon Street in 1863?
+London Underground
+History: what food did marco polo introduce into Italy from the court of kubla khan?
+History: What food was almost non-existent in Ireland in the 1840's?
+History: What form did the Egyptian god Sebek take?
+History: What future Soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he got turned on to Marxism?
+Joseph Stalin
+History: What game was created by French mathematician Blaise Pascal, which he discovered when doing experiments into perpetual motion?
+The Game of Roulette
+History: What group landed in America in 1620?
+The pilgrim s
+History: What happened aboard the USS Missouri on 2 sept 1945?
+Japan surrended
+History: What happened at 2:56 on the 21st July 1969?
+First Manned moon landing
+History: What happened in november 1621?
+The First Thanksgiving
+History: What is a large medieval catapult called that was used to attack castles?
+History: What is referred to as Black Forty?
+Irish Potato Famine
+History: what is Singapore's animal symbol?
+History: What is the 15' by 18' cell that 146 captured British officers were forced into by Indian troops in the 19th century called?
+Black Hole of Calcutta
+History: What is the bname given to the period between Napoleons escape from elba to his defeat at Waterloo?
+The hundred days
+HIStORY: What is the exact date of Rhodesian U D I?
+11 November 1965
+HISTORY: What is the name given to British History 1810 - 20?
+The Regency period
+History: What is the name given to the 4th arab-israeli war of 1973?
+Yom kippur war
+History: What is the name of the Czech village which was destroyed on 10 june 1942 by the nazis in retaliation for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, deputy leader of the SS?
+History: What is the name of the Derbyshire village which isolated itself in order to contain the great plague which had reached the village in 1665?
+HISTORY: What is the name of the flag of the eleven confederate states in the American Civil war?
+The stars and bars
+History: What is the name of the Russian Czar's daughter who might-or might not-have survived the Russian revolution?
+History: What is the official residence of British sovereigns from 1698 to 1837?
+St James's Palace
+History: What is the Roman numeral for fifty?
+History: what island has the merlion as its symbol?
+History: What island was returned to China in 1997?
+Hong Kong
+History: What island was returned to China in 1999?
+History: what jackets protect you from flieger abwehr kanonen?
+Flak jackets
+History: What kind of armour did the Norman knights wear?
+Chain mail
+History: What kind of pipe did General Douglas Macarthur smoke?
+A corn-cob pipe
+History: What kind of teeth did George Washington have?
+History: What king did Col Qaddafi depose in 1969?
+King idris
+History: what long-range wwi German cannon was named for bertha krupp?
+Big bertha
+History: What missionary station was built by Albert Schweitzer?
+History: What modern vehicle was invented to circumvent trench warfare?
+The Tank
+History: What movement was founded by John Thomas in 1848?
+The Christadelphians
+History: What nation issued the five-dollar bill found in Abraham Lincoln's pocket when he was shot?
+The Confederate States of America
+History: What nationality was Anne of Cleves?
+History: What occured between may 26 and 2 june 1940?
+The dunkirk evacuation
+History: What Operation was the codename for the D Day landings?
+History: What period is also known as the age of fish?
+Devonian period
+History: What political system was gradually dismantled in South Africa, starting in 1989?
+History: What pre-tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired?
+War Of The Worlds
+History: What president was shot while walking to California Governor Jerry Brown' office?
+Gerald Ford
+History: What product was the first TV advert advertising?
+History: What purged the Great Plague of London?
+Great Fire of London
+History: what Russian master spy lived in the us under the name emil goldfus?
+Rudolf abel
+History: What settlers were the forebears of the Boers of South Africa?
+History: What Shakespearean king was actually king of Scotland for 17 years?
+History: What single name is more commonly applied to Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Great?
+History: What six-year-old composer surprised Marie Antoinette by asking her to marry him?
+History: what Spanish soldier of fortune led the party that discovered the pacific ocean?
+Vasco balboa
+History: What Texan ended up with one delegate after spending $12 million of his own money running for president in 1980?
+John Connally
+History: what two commanders directed the forces in the battle of el alamein?
+Montgomery and rommel
+History: What United States president was in office during the civil war?
+Abraham Lincoln
+History: What volcano destroyed Pompeii?
+History: What war lasted from June 5 to June 11, 1967?
+Six day war
+History: What was 11th-century Spanish military leader Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar better know as?
+El Cid
+History: What was a gladiator armed with, in addition to a dagger and spear?
+A net
+History: What was Alaska called before 1867?
+Russian America
+History: What was Alexander The Great's wife's name?
+History: What was banned in the uSA by the 18th amendment?
+HISTORY: What was built along the south coast to guard against French invasion?
+Martello towers
+History: What was called the Jewel in Queen Victorias crown?
+History: What was Commonwealth Day called before 1958?
+Empire Day
+History: What was first worn on the 10th October 1886?
+History: What was George A Custer's horses' name?
+History: What was King Arthur's mother's name?
+History: What was named after Amerigo Vespucci?
+HISTORY: What was Operation Overlord?
+Allied landings at normandy
+History: What was Operation Sealion?
+Hitlers proposed invasion of britain
+History: What was Russian America called after 1867?
+History: What was Thailand formerly known as?
+History: what was the bullseye on achilles?
+His right heel
+History: What was the capital of East Germany?
+East Berlin
+History: What was the D-Day invasion password?
+Mickey Mouse
+History: What was the destination of the ship 'Mary Celeste' on it's final voyage November 1872?
+History: What was the first American colony to legalise witchcraft?
+History: What was the first fighting vehicle?
+War chariot
+History: What was the first newspaper produced in the United States?
+Publick Occurences
+History: What was the first postage stamp?
+Penny Black
+History: What was the first product to have a barcode?
+Wrigley's gum
+History: What was the first ship to reach the Titanic after it sank?
+History: What was the first transatlantic radio message sent?
+History: what was the infamous contracton of geheime staatspolizei?
+History: what was the infamous pseudonym of peter sutcliffe?
+The yorkshire ripper
+History: What was the Japanese warrior class that rose to power in the 11th century?
+History: What was the last chinese dynasty?
+History: What was the last drink Socrates downed?
+History: What was the leading cause of death in the late 19th century?
+History: What was the main wood used by Thomas Chippendale in the 18th century?
+History: What was the name given to the first complete Bible printed in America and published in 1663?
+The Indian bible
+History: What was the name given to the programme of social reform attempted by President Truman?
+Fair deal
+History: What was the name given to the toxin used by the US in Vietnam to defoliate trees?
+Agent orange
+History: What was the name of Henry VIII's warship which was recovered from the Solent in 1982?
+Mary Rose
+History: What was the name of Plato's school?
+History: What was the name of Stephensons first locomotive built in 1814?
+History: What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb?
+Enola gay
+History: What was the name of the first ironclad warship ever launched?
+HMS Warrior
+History: What was the name of the government newspaper in ancient Rome?
+Acat Diurna
+History: What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Nixon?
+History: what was the name of the wright brothers' plane?
+History: What was the nationality of Marco Polo?
+History: What was the nationality of the jet shot down in Russian air space in 1983?
+History: What was the nationallity of Rasputin?
+History: What was the nickname of the British 7th Armoured Division in WWii?
+Desert Rats
+History: What was the number of the British Armored Division known as The Desert Rats?
+History: what was the one-word headline of the london star on dec 10, 1936?
+History: What was the original name of Drakes ship The Golden Hind?
+The pelican
+History: What was the predecessor of the United Nations?
+League of Nations
+HISTORY: What was the speed limit fixed by the Motor car act of 1903?
+Twenty miles an hour
+HISTORY: What was the Wright brothers plane called?
+History: What wonder stood 32m high in rhodes harbour?
+Colossus of Rhodes
+History: What's the resting place of those buried at sea?
+Davey jones's locker
+HISTORY: When did the Baltic states gain independence from the USSR?
+History: When did the first tank go into battle?
+History: When was D-day?
+June 6th, 1944
+History: When was Julius Caesar murdered?
+Ides of March
+History: When was the Battle of Saratoga?
+September 19 1777
+History: When was the date of the Christian festival Easter fixed by the Council of Nicaea?
+325 AD
+History: When was the Greek alphabet first used?
+800 BC
+History: When was the Rosetta stone found?
+History: When was the wearing of seat belts made compulsory in England?
+History: When were the Twin Towers attacked?
+September 11, 2001
+History: WhenWoolfe took Quebec which general did he defeat?
+History: Where did 'The Mayflower' take the pilgrims?
+New World
+History: Where did Bill and Hilary Clinton switch on Christmas lights in 1995?
+Belfast, Northern Ireland
+History: Where did Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin meet in 1945?
+History: where did Drakes memorable game of bowls take place?
+Plymouth Hoe
+History: Where did Guinevere retire to die?
+History: Where did Hurricane Mitch strike in 1998?
+Central America
+History: Where did Lord Kitchener defeat the Mahdi in 1898?
+History: Where did Nazi leader Rudolf Hess crash land in 1941?
+History: Where did the Bay Of Pigs take place?
+History: Where did the bayonet originate (a nation of backstabbing bastards)?
+Bayonne, France
+History: Where did the Birkenhead sink?
+Danger Point
+History: Where did the British surrender to the Japanese in Feb 1942?
+History: Where did the Confederates surrender?
+History: Where did the Enola Gay drop a devastating bomb in WWII?
+History: Where did the germans defeat the russians over the 26th to 30th august in 1914?
+HISTORY: Where did the Great Fire of London start?
+Pudding Lane
+History: Where did the Incas originate?
+History: Where did two jumbo jets collide in 1977, killing 579 people?
+Tenerife, Canary Islands
+History: Where in Britain did the Battel of Beanfield occur in 1985?
+History: Where in India did a major industrial accident occur in 1984?
+History: Where in London was the Scottish Leader William Wallace hanged, drawn and quartered in 1305?
+History: Where was Joan of Arc burnt at the stake?
+History: Where was Marco Polo born?
+History: Where was Martin Luther King shot?
+History: Where was Napoleon defeated?
+History: Where was Nelson mandela in prison?
+Robben Island
+HISTORY: Where was Nelsons flagship, Victory, built?
+HISTORY: Where was the battle of Hastings fought?
+Senlac Hill
+History: Where was the Bay of Pigs whose invasion sparked a world crisis in the 60s?
+History: Where was the German fleet scuttled in 1919?
+Scapa Flow
+History: Where was the Rosetta stone found?
+History: Where was the USA's worst nuclear accident, in 1979?
+Three Mile Island
+HISTORY: Where was William of Prussia crowned German Emperor?
+History: Where were numerous French nuclear tests conducted?
+Muraroa Atoll
+History: Where were the ancient script of Linear A and Linear B found?
+History: Where were the first books printed?
+History: Where were the Hanging Gardens?
+History: Which 16th century astrologer became famous for his obscure prophecies?
+History: Which African president was assassinated at a military review in 1981?
+President Sadat
+History: Which airline owned the plane which crashed off Nova Scotia in 1998 killing over 200 including UN officials?
+History: Which American married a former King of England?
+Wallis Warfield Simpson
+History: Which American Military Academt was established in 1802 on the Hudson river?
+West Point
+History: Which American president survived 2 assassination attempts in 17 days in 1975?
+Gerald Ford (jnr)
+History: Which animal caused the death of William iii?
+History: Which Apollo space mission put the first men on the moon?
+Apollo 11
+History: Which architect rebuilt 51 London churches after the Great Fire of 1666?
+Christopher wren
+History: Which artificial fiber was invented in 1938?
+History: Which Australian state capital was bombed by the Japanese in Feb 1942?
+History: Which avaiator made the first solo flight across the Atlantic?
+Charles lindbergh
+History: Which aviator made the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic?
+Charles lindbergh
+History: Which Baltic seaport was the German rocket centre during WWII?
+History: Which battle in the Pacific was fought between 4 and 5th June 1942?
+Battle of midway
+History: Which battle of the Crimean war was fought on Nov 5th 1854?
+HISTORY: Which body founded ASH, the anti smoking organisation in 1971?
+The Royal College of Physicians
+History: Which breakaway Russian republic had Grozny as its capital?
+History: Which British city was the first to erect a statue of Nelson?
+History: Which British comedian was the first man to appear on the cover of 'playboy'?
+Peter Sellers
+History: Which British commander was so popular during the Seven Years War that many inns and pubs were named after him?
+Marquis of Granby
+History: Which British King convened the Hampton Court conference in 1604 which led to the Authorised Version of the Bible?
+James VI & I
+History: Which British pianist initiated lunchtime concerts at the National Gallery during wwii?
+Dame myra hess
+History: Which British prime minister died in 1965?
+Winston Churchill
+History: Which chief led the resistance against the Romans in 43AD?
+History: Which city was besieged by German troops for over 900 days in WWII?
+History: Which civil rights leader was killed by James earl ray in 1968?
+Martin luther king
+History: Which Civil war battle took place 7 miles west of York on 2nd July 1644?
+Marston moor
+History: Which country blew up a Greenpeace ship in New Zealand?
+HISTORY: Which country has been ruled by 10 kings called Christian?
+History: Which country has the oldest national flag?
+History: Which country in 1958 intoduced an economic policy called The Great Leap Forward?
+History: Which country pulled out of Vietnam in the 1950s?
+History: Which country was invaded by Japan in 1937?
+History: Which country was ruled by William the Lion?
+History: Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement?
+History: Which country was the first to issue postage stamps?
+Great Britain 
+HISTORY: Which country's kings used to be crowned on Tara Hill?
+History: Which countrys Prime Minister was apparently drowned in 1967?
+History: Which disaster occured the night of the 14-15 April 1912?
+The Titanic Sunk
+History: Which disaster took lace in Kobe, Japan in 1995?
+History: Which emperor made his horse a senator?
+History: Which English artillery officer gave his name to a shell originally used in WWI which contained small shot and an explosive charge to scatter shot as well as fragments of the shell casing?
+Henry shrapnel
+HISTORY: Which English king reigned for 10 years but only spent about 6 months in England?
+Richard i
+History: Which English king was murdered at Berkeley Castle by the insertion of a red hot poker so that no external marks would be visible?
+History: which English monarch lost the crown jewels in the wash?
+King john
+History: Which Englishman was shot outside the Dakota building in New York in 1980?
+John Lennon
+History: Which European King died in 1993?
+King Baudouin
+History: Which European Prime Minister was assassinated in Feb 1986?
+Olaf palme
+History: Which Eurpoean state did George i rule before he became King of England?
+History: Which event triggered the Great Depression?
+The wall street crash
+History: Which famous actor is honored in a statue in Leicester Square?
+Charlie Chaplin
+History: Which famous Americans 2 year old son was kidnapped and murdered in 1932?
+Charles Lindburgh
+History: Which famous explorer visited Australia and New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific coast of North America?
+Captain George Vancouver
+History: Which famous Indian is buried at Gravesend in Kent?
+History: Which famous ship sank in 1912?
+History: Which foreign king married and divorced an English woman named Toni Gardiner?
+King hussein of Jordan
+History: Which former European country was ruled by the Holenzollerns?
+History: Which French king was known as the Sun King?
+Louis XIV
+History: Which Frenchman supervised the building of the Suez canal?
+Ferdinand de lesseps
+History: Which frontiersman died at the Alamo?
+Davy Crockett
+History: Which fruit did Columbus discover on Guadeloupe in 1493?
+History: Which gangleaders men were murdered in the Valentine Day Massacre?
+Bugs Moran
+History: Which gangster died on the 25th January 1947?
+Al Capone
+History: Which gangster was shot dead by the FBI on 22nd July 1934 as he came out of the Biograph Cinema in Chicago?
+John Dillinger
+History: Which German airship crashed in New Jersey in 1937?
+History: Which German city was devastated by 2,600 tons of British bombs in Feb 1945?
+History: which great African river was explored by HN Stanley in 1889?
+The Congo
+History: Which houses fought the War of the Roses?
+Lancaster and York
+History: Which illness caused twice as many fatalities in America and Europe in 1917-18 as there were in WWI?
+History: Which is the ancestral home of the Dukes of Bedford?
+Woburn Abbey
+History: Which is the most ancient walled city?
+History: Which king converted Leeds Castle into a royal palace?
+Henry viii
+History: Which king freed Scotland from English rule in 1314?
+Robert bruce
+History: Which King hid in an Oak tree after the battle of Worcester?
+Charles ii
+History: Which king led the Huns from 445 to 450 AD?
+History: Which land did Cartier claim for France in 1534?
+History: Which leader reached the South Pole in 1912 but died on the return journey?
+Robert falcon scott
+History: Which major international organization was created in 1945?
+United Nations
+History: Which major weapon of war was used for the first time in 1916?
+History: Which Mexican revolutionary, first name Emiliano was assassinated in 1919?
+History: Which military battle took place in 1815?
+History: Which monarch wrote the casket letters?
+Mary,Queen of Scots
+History: Which MP was knocked down and killed by a train during the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester railway in 1830?
+William huskisson
+HISTORY: Which murdered Roman Emperor was succeeded by his uncle Claudius?
+History: Which nation did Moshoeshoe found?
+History: Which nation was led by Genghis Khan?
+History: Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording?
+Mary Had A Little Lamb
+History: Which of Henry viii's wives was the mother of Queen Elizabeth I?
+Anne boleyn
+HISTORY: Which of Henry viiis wives survived him?
+Catherine Parr
+History: Which Olympic Games were the scene of a terrorist attack by Palestinian guerrillas?
+History: Which Open Tennis tournament was John McEnroe expelled from?
+History: Which people were the first to drink cocoa?
+The Aztecs
+History: Which people worshipped the rain god Apu Ilapa?
+The Incas
+History: Which period was first, jurassic or carboniferous?
+History: Which pilots were named after a typhoon which destroyed a Mongol invasion fleet bound for Japan in the Middle ages?
+The kamikaze
+History: Which president was responsible for the 'Louisiana Purchase'?
+Thomas Jefferson
+History: Which president was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase?
+HISTORY: Which queen of England had 11 fingers?
+Anne Boleyn
+History: Which racist organisation was formed in Tennessee in 1865?
+Ku Klux Klan
+History: Which revolt took place in 1381?
+The Peasants revolt
+History: Which revolutionary type of firearm was invented by Richard Gatling in 1862?
+The machine gun
+History: Which royal palace was given by Charles II to his mistress, the Duchess of Cleveland who sold it for building materials?
+Nonsuch palace
+HISTORY: Which Saudi Arabian king was assassinated in 1975?
+King Faisal
+History: Which Scottish King was known as Toom Tabard?
+John balliol
+History: Which ship did Charles Darwin captain?
+HMS Beagle
+History: Which ship sent the first SOS?
+History: Which space shuttle exploded in flight killing the crew?
+History: Which Spanish explorer first travelled to Jamaica?
+Christopher Columbus
+History: Which Spanish soldier conquered Peru in the 1530s?
+Francisco pizarro
+History: Which steamship of 1843 was the first to cross the Atlantic using a screw propeller?
+The great britain
+History: Which Suffolk town, famous for a music festival was the first to have a female mayor?
+History: Which two British aircrafts played major parts in winning the Battle of Britain?
+Hurricane and spitfire
+History: Which type of bullet was outlawed in 1899?
+Dum Dum
+History: Which US general along with Schwarzkopf was leader in the Gulf War?
+History: Which US president said 'the buck stops here'?
+Harry Truman
+History: Which US Presidents Presidency was called the Thousand Days?
+J F Kennedy's
+History: Which war began June 25th 1950?
+History: Which was the first Chinese dynasty?
+History: Which was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover?
+National Geographic
+History: Which was the first major German city to be captured by the allies in wwii?
+HISTORY: Which weapon did Robert Whitehead invent in 1866?
+History: Which word means lighting war in German?
+History: Which World War 2 leader was executed and exhibited by his own people?
+History: Who advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco?
+George Washington Carver
+History: Who appeared on the back of a US banknote in 1875?
+History: Who assassinated John Lennon?
+Mark David Chapman
+History: Who assassinated president Kennedy?
+Lee Harvey Oswald
+History: Who became Nelsons mistress and bore him a child?
+Lady Hamilton
+History: Who became president of South Africa in 1989?
+F.W. de Klerk
+History: who betrayed norway to the nazis?
+Vidkun quisling
+History: Who built Camelot?
+King Arthur
+History: Who built the Bastille?
+Hughes aubriot
+History: Who built the Lambarene missionary station?
+Albert Schweitzer
+History: Who built the Taj Mahal?
+Shah Jahan
+History: Who burned Atlanta in 1864?
+General Sherman
+History: Who captained the HMS Beagle?
+Charles Darwin
+History: Who captured Constantinople in 1453?
+The turks
+History: Who committed the first daytime robbery?
+Frank and Jesse James
+History: Who declared war on Japan the day before the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki?
+The soviet union
+History: Who defeated Boudica on Watling Street?
+Suetonius Paullinus
+History: Who defined the four freedoms in 1941?
+Franklin D Roosevelt
+History: Who developed the first nuclear submarine?
+Soviet Union
+History: Who did Count Claus von Stauffenberg attempt to assasinate with a bomb on 20 july 1944?
+History: who did giuseppe zangara try to assassinate in miami on feb 15, 1933?
+Franklin roosevelt
+History: Who did Louis XVI give the Hope Diamond to?
+Marie Antoinette
+History: who did photographer heinrich hoffmann introduce to adolf hitler in 1929?
+Eva braun
+History: Who did Squeaky Fromme try to assassinate?
+Gerald Ford
+History: Who died three days after Elvis Presley?
+Groucho Marx
+History: Who died three days before Groucho Marx?
+Elvis Presley
+History: who discovered jamaica?
+Christopher columbus
+History: Who discovered the Grand Canyon?
+Francisco Coronado
+History: Who drafted most of the American Declaration of Independence?
+Thomas Jefferson
+History: Who established the first English printing press in 1476?
+John Caxton
+History: Who fiddled while Rome burned?
+History: Who fixed the date of the Christian festival 'Easter'?
+Council of Nicaea
+HISTORY: Who flew for over forty years without a licence?
+Orville Wright
+History: Who forced 146 captured British officers into the Black Hole of Calcutta?
+Indian troops
+HISTORY: Who fought the Punic Wars?
+Carthage and Rome
+History: Who fought the wars of the Roses?
+Yorkists and Lancastrians
+History: Who founded the Free Presbyterian church of Ulster in 1951?
+Ian Paisley
+History: Who founded the Viking settlement of York in 875-6?
+History: Who had a mountain retreat at Berechtesgarten?
+History: Who imported the first Go set into Britain?
+Marco Polo
+History: Who in 1893 defined vegtables as plants eaten in a meal and fruits as plants eaten as dessert?
+United States Supreme Court
+History: Who in 1988 became the first elected female prime minister in an Islamic country?
+Benazir Bhutto
+History: Who introduced bagpipes to the British Isles?
+History: Who invented crop insurance?
+Benjamin Franklin
+History: Who invented the aerosol?
+Erik Rotheim
+History: Who invented the ballpoint pen?
+Georgo and Laszlo Biro
+History: Who invented the cotton gin?
+Eli Whitney
+History: Who invented the exploding shell?
+Henry Shrapnel
+History: Who invented the gatling gun?
+Richard Gatling
+History: Who invented the predecessor to today's computers?
+Charles Babbage
+History: Who invented the wristwatch?
+Louis Cartier
+History: Who is considered the father of medicine?
+History: Who is famous for historically riding naked on horseback through Coventry, England?
+Lady Godiva
+History: Who is identified with the word 'eureka'?
+History: Who is known as the high priest of revenge?
+Philip Seldon
+HISTORY: Who is known as The warrior Queen?
+History: Who is known for his 'theory of evolution'?
+Charles Darwin
+History: Who is missing from the Munich quartet - Chamberlain,Hitler,Mussolini and ____
+History: Who is recognised as the father of geometry?
+History: Who is supposed to have invented bi-focal lenses?
+Benjamin Franklin
+History: Who is the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by air and cross the Atlantic alone?
+Amelia Earhart 
+History: Who killed Jesse James?
+Robert Ford
+History: Who landed at Le Bourget airport on May 21st 1927?
+Charles Lindbergh
+History: Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979?
+Jim Jones
+History: Who led the army of Britons who razed London to the ground in AD 60-61?
+History: Who led the attack on the Alamo?
+Santa Ana
+History: Who led the attack on the Alamo?
+Santa anna
+History: Who led the British expedition that conquered Everest in 1953?
+John Hunt
+HISTORY: Who led the Charge of the Light Brigade?
+Lord Cardigan
+History: Who led the children of Israel out of Egypt?
+History: Who led the first expedition to reach the south pole?
+History: Who led the first whire expedition overland to the US west coast in 1804?
+Lewis and clark
+History: Who led the Junta which seized the Falklands in 1982?
+History: Who led the mongols?
+Genghis Khan
+History: Who led the Turkish armies against the Christian forces in the Third Crusade?
+History: who made a boat out of gopher wood?
+History: Who married actress Nancy Davis?
+Ronald Reagan
+History: Who met in Yalta in 1945 (in alphabetical order)?
+Churchill Roosevelt Stalin
+History: Who opened the worls first full scale atomic generating plant?
+Queen Elizabeth ii
+History: Who ordered the persecution of the Christians in which Peter and Paul died?
+History: Who presided over the trial of Jesus?
+Pontius Pilate
+HISTORY: Who ran against Ronald Reagan in the 1981 presidential election?
+Jimmy Carter
+History: Who received the nobel peace prize in 1964 for civil rights leadership?
+Martin Luther King Jr
+History: Who replaced Churchill at the Potsdam conference in July and august 1945?
+Clement attlee
+History: Who rode naked through the streets of Coventry?
+Lady godiva
+History: Who ruled rome when Christ was born?
+Augustus Caesar
+History: Who said 'eureka'?
+History: who said 'honey, i forgot to duck'?
+Ronald reagan
+History: Who said 'public service is my motto'?
+Al Capone
+History: Who sailed to the new world in 'The mayflower'?
+History: Who sang Happy Birthday to John F. Kennedy for his 45th?
+Marilyn monroe
+History: Who saw the turtleneck he wore at cease-fire talks in Bosnia fetch $5,000 at auction?
+Jimmy Carter
+History: Who shot abraham lincoln?
+History: Who shot Abraham Lincoln?
+John Wilkes Booth
+History: Who shot Martin Luther King?
+James Earl Ray
+History: Who signed the 'thanksgiving proclamation'?
+Abraham Lincoln
+History: Who started arriving in Britain in Jan 1942?
+American GIs
+History: Who started the occasional tax of danegeld?
+Ethelred the Unread
+History: Who started the second Punic war?
+History: Who succeeded Albert Reynolds as Prime Minister of Eire?
+John Brunton
+History: Who succeeded Churchill when he resigned in 1955?
+Sir anthony eden
+History: Who succeeded Hitler as German leader?
+Admiral donitz
+History: Who succeeded Nelson Mandela as head of the African National Party and went on to become President of South Africa?
+Thabo mbeki
+History: Who succeeded Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of England?
+Anthony Eden
+HISTORY: Who took over at No 10 from Winston Churchill?
+Anthony Eden
+History: Who tried to create the 'Great Society'?
+Lyndon B Johnson
+History: Who was 'The Elephant Man'?
+Joseph Merrick
+History: Who was appointed head of the Spanish Inquisition in 1483?
+History: Who was appointed to command the US Pacific fleet shortly after Pearl Harbor?
+Admiral chester w nimitz
+History: Who was assassinated on December 8, 1980 in New York City?
+John Lennon
+History: Who was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas?
+President John F. Kennedy
+History: Who was Canada's first Prime Minister?
+John A. Macdonald
+History: Who was captain of 'The Mayflower'?
+Miles Standish
+History: Who was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn?
+George A. Custer
+History: Who was defeated by Roosevelt in the 1932 presidentail election?
+President Hoover
+History: Who was ejected from Albania in 1939 by the invading Italians?
+King Zog
+HISToRY: Who was executed in 1944 for attempting to assassinate Hitler?
+General Claus von Stauffenberg
+History: Who was forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta?
+British officers
+History: Who was George Washington's vice-president?
+History: Who was George Washington's vice-president?
+John Adams
+History: Who was given the only Nobel Peace Prize award during WWI?
+International Red Cross
+History: who was Governor of the Bahamas during WWii?
+Duke of Windsor
+History: Who was granted an Honorary Kinghthood by the Queen in 1991?
+Norman schwarzkopf
+History: Who was Henry viiis third wife?
+Jan seymour
+History: who was it that said 'the end justifies the means'?
+Niccolo machiavelli
+History: Who was Joseph Merrick?
+The Elephant Man
+HISTORY: who was Julias Ceasars third wife?
+History: Who was kidnapped on the night of March 1, 1932?
+Charles Lindbergh Jr
+History: Who was killed in Bluebird on Coniston water?
+Donald Campbell
+History: Who was King Arthur's foster-father?
+History: Who was king of France at the time of the French Revolution?
+Louis xvi
+History: Who was known as 'the peanut president'?
+Jimmy Carter
+History: who was known as the flanders mare?
+Anne of cleaves
+History: Who was known as the Iron Chancellor?
+History: Who was president of Nicaragua from 1981 to 1990?
+Daniel ortega
+History: Who was Russian Foreign Minister 1957 - 1985?
+History: Who was Russian leader at the time of the Cuban Missile crisis?
+History: Who was shot by James Earl Ray?
+Dr Martin Luther King
+History: Who was the 16th president of the United States?
+Abraham Lincoln
+History: who was the captain of the mayflower?
+Miles standish
+History: Who was the first (and last) catholic president?
+John Fitzerald Kennedy
+History: Who was the first British Princess Royal?
+Princess mary
+History: Who was the first chancellor of West Germany after WW II?
+History: Who was the first chancellor of West Germany after WW II?
+Konrad Adenauer
+History: Who was the first dog in space?
+History: Who was the first duke of York?
+Edmund of langley
+History: Who was the first englishman to sail around the world?
+Francis drake
+History: Who was the first european to sail around the cape of good hope?
+Bartolomeu dias
+History: Who was the first female American astronaut?
+Sally Ride
+History: Who was the first fully Danish king of England?
+Canute the Great
+History: Who was the first man to reach the North Pole?
+Robert Edwin Peary
+History: Who was the first person to be confined in the Bastille?
+Hugues aubriot
+History: Who was the first person to break the sound barrier?
+Chuck Yeager
+History: Who was the first person to fly across the English channel?
+Louis bleriot
+History: Who was the first person to own a billiards table?
+Mary Queen of Scots
+History: Who was the first person to sail right round New Zealand?
+James cook
+History: Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?
+Captain Matthew Webb
+History: Who was the first president of the USA?
+George Washington
+History: Who was the first signatory of the American Declaration of Independence?
+John Hancock
+History: Who was the first U.S. president to adopt the informal version of his first name?
+Jimmy Carter
+History: Who was the first US President to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
+Theodore roosevelt
+History: Who was the first US President to resign while in office?
+Richard Nixon
+HISTORY: Who was the first wife of Henry viii?
+Catherine of Aragon
+History: Who was the first woman in space?
+Valentina Tereshkova
+History: Who was the founder of the Royal Exchange in 1537?
+Sir thomas gresham
+HISTORY: Who was the guest conductor at the opening of the Carnegie hall in 1891?
+History: who was the head of the German SS?
+HISTORY: Who was the head of the Gestapo?
+Heinrich Himmler
+History: Who was the last English king to die in battle?
+Richard iii
+History: Who was the last president of the Soviet Union?
+Mikail Gorbachev
+History: Who was the last prisoner held in the Tower of London?
+Rudolf Hess
+History: Who was the lead singer for Creedence Clearwater Revival, and recently released 'Blue Moon Swamp'?
+John Fogerty
+History: Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge?
+Pol Pot
+History: Who was the leader of the Pilgrimage of Grace, the Yorkshire Uprising in 1536 provoked by the Dissolution of the Monasteries?
+Robert aske
+History: Who was the leader of Zanu who became Zimbabwe's first president?
+Robert Mugabe
+History: Who was the Man of destiny?
+History: Who was the only survivor of Custer's last stand?
+His horse
+History: Who was the only survivor of the Burke and Wills expedition which set out from Melbourne in 1860 to cross Australia?
+John king
+History: Who was the prime minister of the first majority Labout government?
+Clement Attlee
+History: Who was the second to set foot on the moon?
+Buz aldrin
+HISTORY: Who was the second wife of Henry viii?
+Anne Boleyn
+History: who was the second wife of King Henry viii?
+Anne boleyn
+History: Who was the sioux Indian chief that headed the Indian forces which massacred general custer's men?
+Sitting bull
+History: Who was the sun king?
+Louis xiv
+History: Who was the Supreme Allied Commander at the end of World War One?
+Marshal ferdinand foch
+History: Who was the third president of singpore?
+Devan nair
+History: Who was the third President of the US?
+Thomas jefferson
+History: Who was the third US president to be assissinated?
+History: Who was the top American ace of the korean war with 16 victories?
+James mcconnell
+History: Who was the U S first postmaster general?
+Benjamin franklin
+History: Who was the u. s. president at the time of the first �wall street crash'?
+History: Who was the victim of the first murder seen live on tv?
+Lee harvey oswald
+History: Who was the welsh prince who led the revolt against English rule in 1400?
+Owain glyn dwr
+History: Who was the wife of Henry VI of England?
+Margaret of anjou
+History: Who was the wife of Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha?
+Queen victoria
+History: Who was the world's first woman Prime Minister?
+Sirimavo bandaranaike
+History: Who was the world's longest reigning monarch?
+Louis xiv of france
+History: Who was the young pretender who tried to seize the British throne in 1745?
+Bonnie prince charlie
+History: Who was the youngest general in the American Civil War?
+George E Custer
+History: Who was Ulysses' son, who grew to manhood in his absence?
+History: Who were defeated along with the Germans at El Alamein?
+History: Who were the first people to be elected into the Aviation Hall Of Fame?
+The Wright Brothers
+History: Who won the Six day war of 1967?
+History: Who wrote 'The Starry Messenger'?
+History: Who, during the Vietnam War, was known as Hanoi Jane?
+Jane Fonda
+History: Whom did Betty Boothroyd succeed as Speaker of the House of Commons?
+Bernard weatherill
+History: Whom did Harold ii succeed to the English throne?
+Edward the Confessor
+History: Whose address was No 1, London?
+Duke of Wellington
+History: Whose army spent a greadful winter in 1777-78 at Valley Forge?
+George Washington
+History: Whose forces were defeated at the Battle of Midway in 1942?
+History: whose funeral was attended by more than 100,000 in New York City in 1926?
+Rudolph valentino
+History: Wife of former King Edward VIII?
+Wallis simpson
+History: Winston Churchill resigned from office in 1954, 1955 or 1956?
+History: With which ancient people do you associate The book of the Dead?
+History: With who did benito mussolini dally?
+Clara petacci
+History: WWI: 11918 Battle of Amiens ends in WWI, Allies beat____
+History: WWI: 1918 Battle of ____ ends in WWI, Allies beat Germans
+History: WWI: 1918 Battle of Amiens ends in WWI, ____ beat Germans
+History: WWII: A family of ____ died in Oregon during WWII as a result of a Japanese balloon bomb
+History: WWII: A family of six died in ____ during WWII as a result of a Japanese balloon bomb
+History: WWII: A family of six died in Oregon during WWII as a result of a ____ balloon bomb
+History: WWII: A family of six died in Oregon during WWII as a result of a Japanese balloon____
+History: WWII: A sister ship to the Bismarck at over 50,000 tons, this German battleship was sunk on Nov 12 1944?
+History: WWII: Britain's fastest WWII fighter aircraft, with a maximum speed of 721 kph?
+History: WWII: German Luftwaffe aircraft, of which 20,000 were produced for WWII?
+Focke-Wulf Fw 190
+History: WWII: German Luftwaffe aircraft, of which 30,480 were produced for WWII?
+Messerschmitt Me 109
+History: WWII: Germany's fastest WWII fighter aircraft, with a maximum speed of 959 kph?
+Messerschmitt Me 163
+History: WWII: Hitler's plan 'operation sea lion', called for the invasion of which country?
+History: WWII: Hitler's plan called operation 'Sea Lion' called for the invasion of what country?
+History: WWII: Japanese Aircraft Carrier, a sister ship to the Musashi at 263 metres (862ft), sunk on Apr 7 1945?
+History: WWII: On what Japanese city was the second atomic bomb dropped during world war ii?
+History: WWII: United States' fastest WWII fighter aircraft, with a maximum speed of 784 kph?
+P51 Mustang
+History: WWII: who headed up the gestapo?
+Heinrich himmler
+History: Year that Viking I landed on Mars?
+History: �papa doc' was president of which caribbean republic until his death in 1967?
+Hitler and ____ both had only one testicle
+Hitler and napolean both had only one ____
+Holidays: April 14 is this western-world day?
+Pan American
+Holidays: Catholics throughout Europe observer this on January 6?
+Holidays: Dentists get a lot of business due to this day?
+holidays: derived from eostre, the dawn goddess of anglo-saxon myth?
+Holidays: Father's Day falls in this month?
+Holidays: Flag Day is this day in June?
+Holidays: Good King Wenceslaus was celebrating this feast on?
+St stephen
+Holidays: Groundhog day is this day in february?
+Holidays: Grownups in Japan enjoy this day on January 15?
+Adult day
+holidays: his birthday is celebrated february 12?
+holidays: his controversial day falls on october 12?
+Holidays: Inauguraton Day is this January day?
+Holidays: June 22 is this day in Finland; it's June 24 in Great Britain?
+Holidays: June 5 is this day in Denmark?
+Holidays: March 26 in Spain is known as this?
+Fiesta del arbol
+holidays: mithraism's (sun god worship) big day falls on the same day as this holiday?
+Holidays: Popcorn was first served to colonists at this dinner?
+Holidays: Purim (Lots) is celebrated by Jewish in this Month (Jewish name)?
+Holidays: Setsubun (bean throwing festival) in Japan falls on this February day?
+Holidays: St. Agnes Eve in Great Britian falls on this January day?
+holidays: this day is the fourth thursday in november?
+Holidays: This lovely day is February 14th?
+Valentines day
+Hollywood golden couple Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise have split, but what have they said is the reason?
+The pressures of working apart
+Holy Island, off the coast of Northumberland?
+Home Electronics?
+Honey is used as a center for ____ balls and in antifreeze mixtures
+Honey is used as a center for golf balls and in ____ mixtures
+hook and eye, strap, tee, butt and blind are all types of what?
+Hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office?
+Hormone used in treating inflammation and allergy?
+Horn & Hardart opened the first U.S. automat in Philadelphia in?
+Horsie Colors ____ colors of horses, of course! 10
+Hosni Mubarak became president of which African country in 1981?
+Host of the annual labor day telethon?
+Jerry lewis
+Hot lesbian witches Ouch, that's hot!?
+Being john malkovitch
+Hot springs are known as geysers after the great geysir that is located where?
+Houari boumedienne was president of which country from 1965 to 1978?
+House on what part of the body is an 'ltk procedure' performed?
+Household items such as television sets and audio equipment are know as?
+Brown goods
+Household paper products (include paper)?
+Toilet paper
+Houston, Waco and Fort Worth are all in which state?
+Hovercrafts can be described as A.C.V.s. For what do the letters A.C.V. stand?
+Air cushion vehicle
+How are cranberries checked for ripeness?
+By bouncing them
+How are the first 5 books of the bible known collectively?
+How are the first five books of the bible known collectively?
+The pentateuch
+How are women called that never had childbirth?
+How big a can of soda pop contains the equivalent of 9 teaspoons of sugar?
+Twelve ounce
+How big is the city of london?
+One square mile
+How big is the great hornbill?
+About three feet tall
+How big was the Unix kernel in 1974?
+42 kilobytes
+How deep is a fathom?
+Six feet
+How deep is the target depth of the borehole located at the Kola Peninsula in northern Russia?
+Fifteen kilometers
+How did actor Daniel Day-Lewis end his relationship with girlfriend Isabelle Adjani?
+By fax 
+How did actress Minnie Driver discover that boyfriend Matt Damon had ended their relationship?
+He told Oprah Winfrey
+How did african explorer HM Stanley earnhis living?
+As a journalist
+How did Alice get into the land of the living chess pieces?
+Through the looking glass
+How did Bad Manners change the title of a Millie hit?
+Lip up fatty
+How did Brad Pitt, recently married to Jennifer Aniston, refer to his ex Gwyneth Paltrow in a recent magazine interview?
+How did Buddy Holly die?
+Aeroplane crash
+How did captain cook lose 41 of his 98 crew on his first voyage to the south pacific in 1768?
+How did Dora Ratjen place in the 1936 olympics women's high jump?
+How did Dr. Nick get his operating gloves?
+They came free with his toilet brush
+How did ed mcmahon of the tonite show start his career?
+Circus clown
+How did Eva Peron die?
+How did Frances Queen Marie Antoinette die?
+Executed by guillotine
+How did Greta Gustafson become better known as an actress?
+Greta Garbo
+How did indiana previously know marion in raiders of the lost ark?
+He studied with her father
+How did Jamie Sommers become bionic?
+From a parachute accident.
+How did John Belushi die?
+Drug and Alcohol overdose 
+How did Judas Iscariot commit suicide?
+How did lawrence of arabia meet his death in 1935?
+Motor cycle accident
+How did leonardo da vinci's alarm clock wake a sleeper?
+Rubbing the feet
+How did loggers get their logs to the mills in the 18th & 19th century?
+Floated down rivers
+How did Mahatma Gandhi die?
+How did Mark Chapman shock the world?
+Shot john lennon
+How did marvin gaye die?
+Shot by his father
+How did Montravia Kaskarak Hitari better known as Alfie distinguish himself?
+Crufts supreme champion
+How did Mussolini die?
+How did Mussolini travel to Rome during his 1922 March on Rome?
+By train
+How did Nero commit suicide?
+Cut his throat
+How did nurse Edith Cavell die in 1915?
+Shot by the germans
+How did Paul Wilson run 100 yards in 13.1 seconds on September 22nd 1979 to set a world record?
+How did Rocky Marciano die?
+Plane crash
+How did Rose Nilin's husband Charlie die on The Golden Girls?
+He died of a heart Attack while making love to Rose.
+How did Sir Henry Tate, of the Tate gallery make his fortune?
+Sugar production
+How did Sir John Franklin meet his death in 1847?
+In arctic ice
+How did Sir Thomas Moore die?
+Beheaded for treason
+How did sir walter raleigh die?
+How did Socrates commit suicide?
+Drinking poison hemlock
+How did teenager Homan Walsh cross Niagara in 1848?
+With a kite
+How did the bum convince the family dog to start eating again in Down and Out in Beverly Hills?
+He ate the dog's food
+How did the crew of Red Dwarf get brought back to life?
+By Nanobots
+How did the cuckoo flower get its name?
+Flowers on the day the first cuckoo calls
+How did the London Bridge collapse?
+It was pushed
+How did the roman emperor claudius die?
+Choked on a feather
+How did Umberto Nobile cross the North Pole in 1926?
+How did Vivian of the Young oNes get rid of the Tv when the inspector called?
+He ate it
+How did will rogers, carole lombard and mike todd all die?
+In a plane crash
+How do amphibians like frogs and toads breathe?
+Through their skins
+How do frogs breathe under water?
+Through the skin
+How do most worms get inside apples?
+They hatch there
+How do salmon find their way back to their home river to spawn every year?
+How do the German owners of SNPP describe their country to Homer? (Burns Verkaft Das Kraftverk)?
+The land of chocolate
+How do the people of Samoa greet one another?
+They smell each other
+How do tightrope walkers stay on the wire?
+How do wolves carry meat to their young - by dragging it, pushing it or swallowing it?
+How do write 49 in Roman numerals?
+How do you catch a unique rabbit?
+Unique up on it
+How do you get the square of a number?
+Multiply the number by itself
+How do you spell the word meaning 'to be still or not moving'?
+How do you tell a male chromosome from a female chromosome?
+Pull down their genes
+How do you write 49 in Roman numerals?
+How do you write 50 in Roman numerals?
+How do you write ninety nine in Roman numerals?
+How do you write sixy-nine in roman numerals?
+How does a tortoise drink water?
+Thru its nose
+How does an international air mile compare with a staute mile?
+How does Darcy Bussell make her living?
+Ballet dancer
+How does logan know eyes-only?
+He is him
+How does Mr. Burns describe his fortune?
+How does the Texas licence plate of the former first lady Barbara Bush read?
+I read
+How does Tracy Emin make her living?
+How far away can a human detect a skunk's smell from?
+One mile
+How far can a mole dig an hour?
+Fifteen feet
+How far does the cruise liner 'queen elizabeth ii' move for each gallon of diesel it burns?
+Six inches
+How far is neptune from the sun?
+2793 million miles
+How fast can a kangaroo hop?
+Forty mph
+How fast can a penguin fly?
+Penguins cant fly
+How fast can the flightless ostrich run(mph)?
+How fast did the bus in the movie speed need to go in order not to blow up?
+How fast does a sneeze leave your mouth?
+100 mph
+How fast does the tip of a rotary mower travel?
+Two hundred km/hr
+How fast does the tip of a standard rotary mower travel (in km/h)?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two hundred", "200"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How fast is a jiffy?
+1/100th of a second
+How heavy was the hammer swung by John Henry?
+Nine pounds
+How high are the letters of the famous Hollywood sign that overlooks Hollywood, California?
+45 feet
+How high could the klopek's furnace go in the 'burbs?
+5000 degrees
+How high is a basketball net?
+Ten feet
+How high is the highest building in the world in meters?
+How high is the net in a game of table tennis?
+Six inches
+How is 21 written in binary numbers?
+How is a female duck called?
+How is a zither played?
+How is abba calling for help?
+How is Cherilyn Sarkasian La Pierre better known?
+How is george lucas effect company called?
+Industrial light and magic
+How is mancunian multi-instrumentalist damon gough better known?
+Badly drawn boy
+How is mistletoe gathered in the southern united states?
+Shot from trees
+How is Supergirl related to Superman?
+First cousins
+How is the 15th March also known?
+Ides of March
+How is the Common Business Language commonly referred to in computing?
+How is the math related structure of beads strung on parallel wires in a rectangular frame better known?
+How is the mathematically related structure of beads strung on parallel wires in a rectangular frame better known?
+How is the tree with the botanical name Fagus better known?
+How is the year 2000 written in Roman numerals?
+How large can a giant clam grow to?
+Five feet
+How long ago did dinosaurs die out?
+64 million years ago
+How long can it take for the insecticide ddt to break down in nature?
+Eight years
+How long did dinosaurs live on earth?
+150 million years
+How long did it take god to create the universe?
+Seven days
+How long did it take Marco Polo to reach China?
+Four years
+How long did it take the first woman to swim the English channel?
+14 hours & 34 minutes
+How long did it take to deliver the gettysburg address?
+2 minutes
+How long did the hundred years war last?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["115 years", "one hundred and fifteen years"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How long did yuri gagarin's first orbit round the earth take?
+One hundred and eight minutes
+How long does a boxer get to rest between the rounds of a match?
+One minute
+How long does a game of ice hockey last?
+Sixty minutes
+How long does an American president hold office?
+Four years
+How long does Aunt Selma have to live before she blows up?
+One hour
+How long does it take a fully loaded supertanker to stop from traveling at normal speed?
+Twenty minutes
+How long does it take a mole to dig a tunnel 300 feet long?
+One night
+How long does it take an orchid to grow from seed?
+Eight years
+How long does it take for sunlight to reach earth?
+Eight minutes
+How long does it take neptune to travel around the sun?
+165 years
+How long does it take the average person to fall asleep (in minutes)?
+How long does it take the average person to fall asleep?
+Seven minutes
+How long does it take the earth to travel one and a half million miles?
+Twenty four hours
+How long does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth, to the nearest day?
+How long does it take the moon to revolve around the earth?
+Twenty seven days
+How long does the average worker in central London spend commuting to their office?
+110 minutes
+How long does the average yawn last?
+6 seconds
+How long is a coat hanger if straightened?
+44 inches
+How long is a diamond anniversary?
+Fifty years
+How long is a dog watch at sea?
+Two hours
+How long is a giraffe's tongue?
+Twenty one inches
+How long is a major penalty in hockey?
+Five minutes
+How long is a normal hockey period in minutes?
+How long is a one year anniversary?
+Paper anniversary
+How long is a paper anniversary?
+One year
+How long is a sesquicentennial?
+150 years
+How long is a shuffleboard court?
+52 feet
+How long is a silver anniversary?
+Twenty five years
+How long is a standard olympic swimming pool?
+Fifty metres
+How long is a swimming race that covers sixteen lengths of an olympic pool?
+800 metres
+How long is an elephant pregnant?
+2 years
+How long is an elephant's gestation period?
+22 months
+How long is an emerald anniversary?
+Sixty years
+How long is an eon?
+One billion years
+How long is an olympic swimming pool?
+50 metres
+How long is camptown racetrack?
+Five miles
+How long is Edgar Reitzs film history of a German village Heimat?
+Sixteen hours
+How long is New York`s Broadway in km?
+How long is the approach area prior to the foul line on a bowling lane?
+Sixteen feet
+How long is the campdown racetrack?
+Five miles
+How long is the camptown racetrack?
+5 miles
+How long is the danube river?
+1,750 miles
+How long is the ganges river?
+1560 miles
+How long is the george-massey tunnel, near vancouver, bc?
+629 meters
+How long is the le mans endurance motor race?
+Twenty four hours
+How long is the longest tunnel?
+One hundred and sixty nine kms
+How long is the memory span of a goldfish?
+Three seconds
+How long is the rest between rounds in boxing?
+One minute
+How long is the Suez canal in kilometers?
+How long passed from the making of minute rice & its marketing?
+18 years
+How long passed from the making of the first zipper & its marketing?
+55 years
+How long was jesus' temptation in the desert?
+Forty days
+How long was jonah in the whale's stomach?
+3 days
+How long was nelson mandela in prison?
+Twenty seven years
+How long was the love affair between dashiel hammett and lillian hellman?
+Thirty years
+How long was the marquis de sade in prison for sexual offences?
+Twenty seven years
+How long was the six day war?
+Six days
+How long was the uncut version of the film 'the longest day'?
+179 minutes
+How long were Jerry Seinfeld and his pals sentenced in the series finale?
+One year
+How long were Take That Back For in 1995?
+How long would a bassoon be if it was stretched out?
+Nine feet
+How long, after coming in contact with Poison Ivy, do you have to wash off your skin before the urushiol binds with skin surface and causes itching?
+15 minutes
+How long, to the nearest 50 years, has the dodo been dead?
+How loud can a human snore be?
+Sixty nine decibels
+How many - How many years in a vicennial?
+How many 'joeys' can a female kangaroo have in her pouch at one time?
+How many 'joeys' can a kangaroo have in her pouch at one time?
+How many 'tarsal' bones do we have in each foot?
+How many Academy Awards did the Itchy and Scratchy Movie win?
+How many acres in a square mile?
+How many air force one(s) are there?
+How many air wing divisions are there in the marine corps?
+How many American voyages did Christopher Columbus make?
+How many animals are used to designate the years of the Chinese calendar?
+How many apostles did Jesus choose?
+How many arches grace Aberdeen's Bridge of Dee?
+How many ascii characters is there?
+How many astronauts manned each apollo flight?
+How many astronauts manned each of the Project Gemini flights?
+How many Australian states are there?
+How many avenues radiate from the Arc di Triomphe?
+How many bags of mail were lost by the pony express?
+How many balls apart from the cue ball are used in snooker?
+How many balls are there in snooker?
+How many balls are used in a game of snooker in addition to the cue ball?
+Twenty One
+How many balls were there in the old Australian over?
+How many band members are there in the band Slipknot?
+How many bank holidays are there in England and Wales in 2002?
+How many basic positions of the feet are there in ballet?
+How many bathing suits was Martin wearing in 1F22?
+How many bathrooms are in the Toronto based Casa Loma?
+How many birthday candles were Michael Jackson & Madonna each obliged to blow out in 1998?
+How many bits are in a nibble?
+How many bits was the intel 4004 chip?
+4 bits
+How many blackbirds were baked in a pie?
+Four and twenty
+How many blades are there on a kayak paddle?
+How many blades does a kayak paddle have?
+How many bones are in the human body?
+Two hundred and six
+How many bones are there in the inner ear?
+How many bonus points in Scrabble if all seven tiles played at once?
+How many books are in the old testament of the holy Bible?
+How many books are there in a trilogy?
+How many bottles are there in a magnum of champagne?
+How many bottles of wine make up a magnum?
+How many bowling balls does it take to make a spare?
+How many brains does a leech have?
+Thirty two
+How many brains does a starfish have?
+How many British monarchs have been deposed since the norman conquest?
+How many British officers were forced by Indian troops into the black hole of calcutta?
+One hundred and forty six
+How many British prime ministers have been assassinated?
+How many broken clubs is a golfer allowed to replace during a round?
+How many broken clubs is a golfer alowed to replace during a round?
+How many Bronte sisters lived to see their 40th birthdays?
+None of them
+How many brothers Karamazov were there?
+How many BTU's in a therm?
+How many bulls are killed in a formal bullfight?
+How many bulls are slaughtered in a normal bullfight?
+How many buns in a baker's dozen?
+How many burgers does Homer order from the Krusty Burger on an off-shore oil rig?
+How many calendars are needed for a perpetual calendar?
+How many calories are in a can of mountain dew?
+How many calories are in albersons cream soada?
+How many calories are there in a glass of water?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["0", "none"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many calories does a passionate kiss burn?
+How many calories does it take to frown?
+How many camels carried the 117,000 volumes of abdul kassem ismael's library?
+Four hundred
+How many Canadian provinces border Montana?
+How many cards are dealt to each player in gin rummy?
+How many cards are there in a pack not including jokers?
+Fifty two
+How many cards are there in each suit of a standard deck?
+How many cars are being driven down the U.S's highways?
+How many cars are permitted to take part in a formula one race?
+How many cars compete against each other in a drag race?
+How many cells die in the human body every minute?
+How many cents are there in a Bahamian Dollar?
+How many chambers are in the south african parliament that was formed in 1984?
+How many chambers are there in the human heart?
+How many championship divisions are there in boxing?
+How many championships did fangio win?
+How many cherubs are there on a Trivial Pursuit board?
+How many children are in the 'American dream'?
+How many children did adam and eve have together?
+How many children did adam and eve have?
+How many children did mama & papa hansen have in mama?
+How many children did president william Henry harrison have?
+How many children did queen anne have?
+How many children do The Waltons have?
+How many christmas trees are produced by nova scotia anually?
+How many chromosomes do each body cell contain?
+Forty six
+How many cigars did sir winston churchill ration himself to a day?
+How many classic horse races are there?
+How many claws does a house cat have?
+How many clubs can a professional golfer play a round with?
+How many cocoons are needed to make one pound of silk?
+How many colonies fought in the American war of Independence?
+How many colors are there in a rainbow?
+How many colours are there in a rainbow?
+How many colours are there in the rainbow?
+How many compartments does a cow's stomach have?
+How many consecutive Elton John albums hit the first position on the charts (1971-1975)?
+How many consecutive misses eliminate a high jumper?
+How many contestants participated in the first modern olympiad?
+How many continents are there?
+How many continents must a sport be played on before the IOC will consider making it an Olympic event for men?
+How many continents must a sport be regularly played in before it is accepted into the olympics?
+How many cooks spoil the broth, according to a well known saying?
+Too many
+How many corners does a cube have?
+How many counters of each colour does backgammon have?
+How many counties are in Northern Ireland?
+How many countries are there in the continent of Australia?
+How many countries border bolivia?
+How many countries border china?
+How many countries border the black sea?
+How many countries competed in the first modern olympics in 1896?
+How many countries have an area less then 10 square miles?
+Four (vatican city, monaco, nauru and tuvalu)
+How many countries lie along the Greenwich Meridian line?
+How many countries won the 1969 eurovision song contest?
+How many cowhides do the nfl use for a year's supply of footballs?
+Three thousand
+How many cows does it take to supply the NFL in footballs for one year?
+How many crusades were there?
+How many cubic feet of wood are in a cord?
+How many curls did Shirley Temple always have in her hair?
+How many cycles per second in one megahertz?
+1 million
+How many cylinders does a V-8 engine have?
+How many daily tides are there?
+How many days after John F Kennedy's assassination was Lee Harvey Oswald shot?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["2", "two"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many days and nights did the Lord flood the earth while Noah and his family were safely aboard the ark?
+How many days are in november?
+How many days are in the month of October?
+How many days are there in a fortnight?
+How many days are there in a leap year?
+How many days are there in august?
+How many days are there in Lent?
+How many days are there in the month of August?
+How many days can a cockroach live without water?
+How many days did woodstock run?
+How many days does a typical mayfly live?
+How many days does it take to complete the decathlon?
+How many days does the month of November have?
+How many days long is a year on the planet mercury?
+Eighty eight
+How many days were the 52 American hostages held in Iran?
+How many days were the American hostages held in Iran?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Four hundred and forty", "444"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many days were there in 1976?
+Three hundred and sixty six
+How many days where there in 1976?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three hundred and sixty six", "366"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many deadly sins are there?
+How many deeds did hercules perform to free himself from bondage?
+How many degrees are all the angles in a square?
+Three hundred and sixty
+How many degrees are there between north & east on a compass?
+How many degrees are there in a right angle?
+How many degrees are there in the three angles of a triangle?
+How many degrees separate boiling & freezing in fahrenheit?
+How many dice are used in Backgammon?
+How many dice are used to play yahtzee?
+How many different basic tastes can a human tongue distinguish?
+How many different basic tastes can the tongue distinguish?
+How many different color labels are there on crayola crayons?
+How many different color mandm's are there?
+How many different colored belts are there in Taekwondo?
+How many different colours of m&m's are there?
+How many different muscles are in a birds wing?
+How many different numbers are there on a dartboard?
+How many different squares are open to a knight making the very first move in a game of chess?
+How many different swimming strokes are used in medley race?
+How many different types of chess pieces are there in a game of chess?
+How many different types of chess pieces are there?
+How many different zodiac signs are there?
+How many dimensions does a solid have?
+How many dimples are there on a regulation golf ball?
+How many dimples does a golf ball have?
+Three hundred and thirty six
+How many Dirty Harry movies have been made?
+How many Dirty Harry movies have been madefive?
+How many dog years actually equal one human year?
+5.5 years
+How many dominoes are in a standard set?
+How many dots are there on a pair of dice?
+Forty two
+How many drivers pick up points in a Grand Prix race?
+How many drops make a dash in cooking?
+How many drops make a dash?
+How many drops make up a dash in cooking?
+How many eggs do identical twins develop from?
+How many emmy awards were personally won by Walt Disney and his studios during his lifetime?
+How many employees does IBM have?
+600 thousand
+How many engines did the b-36 have?
+How many engines does a B-52 bomber have?
+How many engines does a Boeing 737 have?
+How many engines does a DC-10 have?
+How many engines does a Lancaster bomber have?
+How many engines does a Lear jet have?
+How many engines does the saturn rocket boast?
+How many English kings have been named Henry?
+How many English Test Cricket venues are there?
+How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series?
+Seventy five
+How many episodes were there of the tv game show 'nothing but the truth'?
+How many equal angles are there in an isosceles triangle?
+How many equal sides are there in an isosceles triangle?
+How many equal sides are there on a scalene triangle?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["0", "none"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many events make up the decathlon?
+How many eyelids do birds have on each eye?
+How many eyes are there in a deck of 52 cards?
+Forty two
+How many eyes are there on a U S one-dollar bill?
+How many eyes does a bat have?
+How many eyes does a scorpion have?
+How many eyes does an earthworm have?
+How many faces did the Romans believe Janus to have?
+How many faces has an icosahedron?
+How many facets has a snowflake?
+How many feet apart are the bases in baseball?
+Ninety feet
+How many feet are in a mile?
+Five thousand two hundred and eighty
+How many feet are in a nautical mile?
+How many feet are there in a chain?
+How many feet are there in a fathom?
+How many feet are there in a nautical mile?
+How many feet are there in one fathom?
+How many feet around KJAZZ (Springfields jazz radio station) are occupied by its radio signals?
+23 feet 
+How many feet can a hippo's mouth open?
+How many feet of blood vessels are in the human skin?
+How many feet of tape does the average sixty minute audio cassette contain?
+How many fences does a Grand National winner jump?
+How many fiddlers did old king cole have?
+How many films did elvis presley make in his lifetime?
+Thirty three
+How many finally made it to freedom in the film the great escape?
+How many fingers are used to draw a bow?
+How many fingers does Homer Simpson have?
+How many fires erupted in the april 18, 1906 san francisco earthquake?
+How many floors are in the empire state building?
+How many fluid onces make up an American pint?
+How many fluid ounces in an American pint?
+How many fluid ounces in an English pint?
+How many footballers died in the Munich air crash?
+How many freckles did howdy doody have?
+Forty eight
+How many front toes does a parrot have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two", "2"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many funnels did the Titanic have?
+How many furlongs are there in a mile and a quarter racetrack?
+How many furlongs to a mile?
+How many gallons of diesel does the cruise liner 'queen elizabeth ii' use for each six inches it moves?
+One gallon
+How many gallons of water are in a bath if the water weighs 100 pounds?
+How many gallons of water does the average camels hump hold?
+It holds fat
+How many games are played in a five-team round-robin tournament?
+How many games are scheduled in one season for each major league team?
+How many games in a rubber of contract bridge?
+How many games is needed to win a set in tennis?
+How many gases make up 95 percent of the sun?
+How many gears do most modern cars have?
+How many genies appear to aladdin in the arabian nights tale?
+How many ghosts appear to scrooge in dickens's 'a christmas carol'?
+How many gigawatts of electricity did doc brown need to generate to power the delorion in back to the future?
+1.21 gigawatts!!
+How many gloves did Michael Jackson wear?
+How many gold balls are there on the moon?
+How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win in the 1936 Berlin Olympics?
+How many gold medals did swimmer Mark Spitz win at the 1972 Olympics?
+How many gold medals did swimmer Mark Spitz win at the Munich Olympics in 1972?
+How many golf balls are there on the moon?
+How many golf courses is the bob hope desert classic played on?
+How many grammy awards did elvis win for his rock & roll songs?
+How many Grammy Awards did Smokey Robinson win?
+How many grams are there in two & a half kilograms?
+How many great lakes border Ontario, Canada?
+How many Great Lakes do not border Michigan?
+How many guns of navarone were there?
+How many hands are there on a digital watch?
+How many heads are there on a croquet mallet?
+How many hearts does an earthworm have; is it 100,10, or none?
+How many hearts does an octopus have?
+How many hearts has an octopus?
+How many herrings are in a Warp?
+How many highways are in Romania?
+How many holes are in a horseshoe?
+How many holes are on a chinese checkerboard?
+One hundred and twenty one
+How many holes are there in a standard horseshoe?
+How many holes are there in a ten pin bowling ball?
+How many holes does a penny whistle have?
+How many home matches did Manchester United play on their way to the 1990 FA Cup Final?
+How many hops are there in a triple jump - one, two or three?
+How many horsemen where there of the apocalypse?
+How many horses are there on a polo team?
+How many horses died in the 1990 Grand National?
+How many horses in a polo team?
+How many hostages were killed in the Entebbe raid?
+How many hours a day does a ferret sleep?
+How many hours a day does the average jumbo jet fly?
+How many hours are there in a week?
+One hundred and sixty eight
+How many hours are there in a year (non-leap)?
+How many hours constitutes a day aboard the ds9 space station?
+26 hours
+How many hours difference is there between est and western Australian time when daylight savings is not on?
+How many hours does an antelope sleep at night?
+How many hours from Tulsa was Gene Pitney in his 1963 hit song?
+How many hours per day does the average in service jumbo jet fly?
+How many housing property squares are there on a monopoly board?
+How many humps does a Dromedary have?
+How many humps does an African camel have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["One", "1"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many humps has a bactrian camel?
+How many hundred rooms does Buckingham palace have?
+How many hurdles are there in a 400 metres hurdle race?
+How many hurdles are there in a women's hurdle sprint?
+How many hydrogen atoms would fit across a full stop?
+How many ice ages have there been in the last 150,000 years?
+How many icons are there on the tool bar in mirc v5.02?
+How many inches are there in a foot?
+How many inches in a cubit?
+How many inches thick is a hockey puck?
+How many individual bets make up a Yankee?
+How many innings are there in a regulation softball game?
+How many innings must a starting pitcher pitch to get a victory?
+How many instruments accompany someone singing 'a cappela'?
+How many islands make up hawaii?
+How many Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics?
+How many Israeli commandos died in the Entebbe raid?
+How many items are there in 1 gross?
+How many items constitute a baker's dozen?
+How many Jackson brothers are there?
+How many jews were saved on schindler's list?
+How many JR's were there in Dallas?
+How many just men were there?
+How many karats is pure, unalloyed gold?
+How many keys is there on a standard keyboard?
+How many kilograms are there in a metric ton?
+How many King Charles' have there been in England?
+How many King Stephens have ruled England?
+How many labours did Hercules have to perform?
+How many labours did hercules perform?
+How many land miles are there in a league?
+How many landing weels does a Concorde have?
+How many lanes are there in an olympic swimming pool?
+How many laps are there in a speedway race?
+How many laps does a speedway racetrack have?
+How many laps does it take to complete the Indianapolis 500?
+How many laps make up the indianapolis 500?
+How many large holes are in your head?
+How many large holes are there in your head?
+How many lashes did jesus receive?
+Thirty nine
+How many layers are inside the chocolate of a snickers bar?
+How many layers of skin cover the epidermis?
+How many layers of tobacco are in a homemade cigar?
+How many layers of tobacco are there in a handmade cigar?
+How many legionaires were there in a century?
+How many legs do 'decapods' have?
+How many legs do crabs, lobsters & shrimp each have?
+How many legs do creatures of the arachnid family have?
+How many legs do scorpions run about on?
+How many legs does a crab have?
+How many legs does a ladybird have?
+How many legs does a lobster have?
+How many legs does a millipede have on each of its body segments?
+How many legs does a millipede have on each segment of its body?
+How many legs does a spider have?
+How many legs does a tripod have?
+How many legs does an arachnid have?
+How many legs does an elephant have?
+How many legs does an oyster catcher have?
+How many legs has a woodlouse?
+How many letters (maximum) can a thoroughbred horse can have in its name?
+How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
+How many letters are there in the french alphabet?
+Twenty five
+How many letters are used for roman numerals?
+How many letters in the roman alphabet?
+Twenty six
+How many limbs does a squid have?
+How many lines are in a sonnet?
+How many lines are there in a limerick?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["5", "five"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many lines are there in a sonnet?
+How many lines does a sonnet have?
+How many lines has a British TV transmission?
+Six hundred and twenty five
+How many lines has a limerick?
+How many lines in a sonnet?
+How many lions are there on the queens coat of arms?
+Eight or nine
+How many litres are there in a cubic metre?
+How many litres of water vapour can be lost in a large tree in an hour by transpiration?
+Three hundred
+How many litters can have a mouse in a year?
+Up to ten
+How many lives did herb philbrick lead?
+How many lives is a cat said to have?
+How many loaves is in a baker's dozen?
+How many loaves of bread are there in a baker's dozen?
+How many locks are there on the Suez Canal?
+How many logarithmic scales are there on a slide rule?
+How many lords a leaping are there in the carol twelve days of christmas?
+How many main gods are there in Hinduism?
+How many majic bullets were there in Webers opera Der Freischutz?
+How many masts does a ketch have?
+How many matches are there in a standard book of matches?
+How many medals did the USSR win at the 1984 Olympics?
+How many member states are there in the United Arab Emirates?
+How many members were in the group bread?
+How many men have walked on the moon?
+How many men were on a dead mans chest?
+How many men who signed the declaration of independence in 1776 later became us presidents (one word)?
+How many men who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 later became US presidents?
+How many metal rings are there within the numbers of a dart board?
+How many metres are there in half a kilometre?
+How many metres can an Olympic swimmer swim without turning?
+How many Michelin star restaurants does London have?
+Thirty one
+How many miles are in a league?
+How many miles are there in a league?
+How many miles can a Pershing missile travel?
+How many miles comprise one kiloparsec?
+19069779456000000 miles
+How many miles is 1 kilometer (To three decimal places)?
+How many miles long is the Kentucky derby?
+How many miles long is the Nile river?
+4,145 miles
+How many miles of passenger railway track has Kuwait?
+How many miles of telephone wire a strung across the U.S?
+How many milk teeth do three-year-olds normally have?
+How many millimetres are there in a kilometre?
+How many million cells does the human skin consist of?
+How many million kilometres from the Sun is Saturn?
+How many minor league homeruns did Babe Ruth hit?
+How many minutes are in a day?
+How many minutes are in a week?
+How many minutes are there in a day?
+How many minutes does it take for sunlight to reach earth?
+How many minutes does it take the typical person to fall asleep?
+How many minutes each half of a professional game of Football?
+How many minutes is each period of hockey?
+Twenty minutes
+How many minutes were missing on the infamous Watergate tape?
+Eighteen and a half
+How many mixtapes did funkmaster flex released?
+How many months are there in a year?
+How many months do baby opossums live in the mothers pouch before climbing out & riding on her back?
+How many months have 28 days?
+How many months have 30 days?
+How many months have an Ides?
+How many moons does Jupiter have?
+How many moons does the planet Uranus have?
+How many mountain peaks over 10,000 ft soar over new zealand's south island?
+How many movies has Shaquille O'neal been in?
+How many muscles are in a human?
+How many muscles are required to frown?
+How many muscles are required to smile?
+How many musicians are there in a nonet?
+How many nail holes are there in a standard horseshoe?
+How many names did the first telephone book ever issued contain?
+How many names were in the first ever telephone book?
+How many national parks does Scotland have?
+How many nations participated in the first modern olympiad?
+How many nautical miles are there in one degree longitude at the equator?
+How many nautical miles are there in one degree of longitude at the equator?
+How many neck bones has a giraffe?
+How many NHL games are there a year?
+How many nickels are there in 2.25 dollars?
+Forty five
+How many nickles are there in $2.25?
+How many nightmare on elm street movies were made in the 80's?
+How many nights are there in the Arabian Nights?
+How many no 1 hit singles did the who enjoy in the uk?
+How many noble gases are there?
+How many Noble Truths are there in Buddhism?
+How many noggins are there in a print?
+How many North American countries are south of the equator?
+How many nose jobs has Michael Jackson had, as of 1991, according to the book Michael Jackson- The Magic and the Madness?
+How many novels did Anthony Trollope write?
+How many nuber 1 hits did elvis have?
+How many numbered coloured balls are there in pool?
+How many numbers are on a telephone dial?
+How many numbers are on the spinner in 'the game of life'?
+How many numbers are there on a keno card?
+How many oars did a slave row with on a galley?
+How many oceans are named on a 'risk' game board?
+How many of each species did moses take onto the ark with him?
+How many of every four Americans say that they believe in astrology?
+How many of every ten Ford Explorer owners have never driven off-road?
+How many of every ten Japanese smokers were male in 1986?
+How many of his wives did Henry VIII have beheaded?
+How many of Queen Anne's seventeen children survived?
+How many of the great lakes border Michigan?
+How many of the islands of hawaii are inhabited?
+How many of the nine major planets are named after Gods?
+How many of the Tolpuddle Martyr's were executed?
+How many of the Tolpuddle Martyrs were executed?
+How many of the u.s states have similar names (like Virginia and West Virginia)?
+How many of the United States don't border the main land mass?
+How many official languages does Switzerland have?
+How many official languages does Switzerland recognise?
+How many officials are on the ice during a NHL game?
+How many oil glands does the human skin have?
+How many old pennies in a pound?
+Two hundred and forty
+How many olympic games have been cancelled in modern times because of war?
+How many Olympic Games were cancelled because of World War II?
+How many olypmic medals has mark spitz won?
+How many one-eyed face cards are there in a standard deck?
+How many or every 10 lawyers in the world were practicing in the US in 1992?
+How many original seasons of Gilligan's Island were TV viewers subjected to?
+How many Oscars did actor Errol Flynn win?
+How many Oscars did actress Greta Garbo win?
+How many oscars did Walt Disney collect between 1931 and 1969?
+Thirty five
+How many ounces in a cup?
+How many ounces of orange juice contains the minimum daily requirement for vitamin c?
+Six ounces
+How many paintings did van gogh sell during his life?
+How many pairs of chromosomes do humans havetwenty three?
+How many pairs of chromosomes does a normal human being have?
+How many pairs of hands did monica dickens attain success with?
+How many pairs of jaws does a crab have?
+How many pairs of ribs are there in a male skeleton?
+How many panels on a Football ball?
+Thirty two
+How many parts form something described as duple?
+How many passenger terminals are there currently at Heathrow (2002)?
+How many pawns does a chess player start with?
+How many pawns does each player have at the start of a chess game?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eight", "8"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many peas grace the average pod?
+How many pecks are there in a bushel?
+How many pedals does a unicycle have?
+How many pencils are there in a dozen?
+How many pennies in an old English pound?
+How many people appear in da vinci's the last supper?
+How many people are there on a volleyball team?
+How many people attended the last supper?
+How many people did andrew cunanan kill before killing gianni versace?
+How many people died at 'woodstock'?
+How many people go to Major League baseball each year?
+How many people live permanently in the Antarctic?
+How many people on average are killed by lightning in Britain every year?
+How many people to the nearest thousand does heathrow employ?
+Forty five thousand
+How many people were aboard Noah's Ark during the flood?
+How many percent of our brains do we use?
+Ten percent
+How many phalanges are there in a normal human hand?
+How many phalanges in a human hand?
+How many picture cards are there in a standard pack of playing cards?
+How many pieces are on the board at the start of a game of backgammon?
+How many pieces of mail are delivered each year in the U.S?
+How many pieces of stone were the Ten Commandments written on?
+How many pigs' houses does the wolf huff,puff & blow down?
+How many pins are used in skittles?
+How many pints are there in a gallon?
+How many pints of blood in the average human body?
+How many pips are there in the BBC's radio time signal?
+How many players are in a water polo team?
+How many players are on a pitch during a footy game?
+How many players are on the field during a cricket match?
+How many players are there in a baseball team?
+How many players are there in a cricket team?
+How many players are there in a game of chess?
+How many players are there in a men's lacrosse team?
+How many players are there in a Rugby League side?
+How many players are there in a tug of war team?
+How many players are there in a volleyball team?
+How many players are there in a water polo team?
+How many players are there in an Australian rules football team?
+How many players are there in an average symphony orchestra?
+How many players are there in the average symphony orchestra?
+How many players are there on a basketball team?
+How many players in a water polo team?
+How many players in solo whist?
+How many players make up a water polo team?
+How many players on a field hockey team?
+How many players on a Football team?
+How many players play in a volleyball team?
+How many players should be in the pool at any one time during an Olympic water polo match?
+How many players usually play the card game 'patience'?
+How many playing points grace a backgammon board?
+How many pockets are there on a snooker table?
+How many pockets are there on a true billiard table?
+How many pockets does a snooker table have?
+How many points are awarded to the winning driver of a F1 grand prix race?
+How many points are awarded to the winning driver of a formula 1 grand prix race?
+How many points are there in a perfect cribbage hand?
+How many points are there on a Maltese cross?
+How many points are there on a star in a Chinese chequers board?
+How many points are there on a traditional ship's compass?
+How many points are there on the Statue of Liberty's crown?
+How many points does a backgammon board have?
+Twenty four
+How many points does a cannon score in billiards?
+How many points does it take to win a Cribbage game?
+How many points is a black ball worth in snooker?
+How many points is a blue ball worth in snooker?
+How many points is a brown ball worth in snooker?
+How many points is a green ball worth in snooker?
+How many points is a pink ball worth in snooker?
+How many points is a red ball worth in snooker?
+How many points is a yellow ball worth in snooker?
+How many points is the green ball worth in snooker?
+How many points is the outer bulls-eye worth in darts?
+How many points make a perfect game in tenpin bowling?
+Three hundred
+How many points make up a perfect fivepin bowling score?
+How many points on a compass?
+How many pole positions did ayrton senna score?
+Sixty five
+How many possible opening moves does white have at the start of a game of chess?
+How many pounds are there in a stone?
+How many pounds does the Olympic hammer weigh?
+How many pounds of pesticides are used annually on lawns in the U S?
+67 million
+How many pounds of plutonium are needed to make an atomic bomb?
+How many pounds of space dust and other space debris fall on the Earth everyday?
+How many predecimal pennies were there in a shilling?
+How many predidents have been assassinated while in office?
+How many presidential likenesses are carved in Mount Rushmore?
+How many presidents of the usa have died in office?
+How many provinces are in pakistan?
+How many queen bees reign in a hive?
+How many queens in a standard deck of cards hold flowers?
+How many queens named elizabeth have ruled over England?
+How many questions must be answered correctly to win the jackpot on who wants to be a millionaire?
+How many railway stations are there on a Monopoly board?
+How many red balls are used in snooker?
+How many red blood cells does an average human have?
+20 trillion
+How many red stripes are there on the national flag of the U.S.A?
+How many red stripes are there on the US flag?
+How many reindeer pull santa's sleigh?
+How many representatives (us congress house of representatives) does the state of alabama have?
+How many rhode island men saw service during the civil war?
+How many ribs does a human have?
+How many ringling brothers were there?
+How many rings are on a five-zone archery target?
+How many rings are there in the olympic symbol?
+How many rings are there on a five zone archery target?
+How many rings are there on a five-zone archery target?
+How many rings does the Phantom wear?
+How many rings make up the olympic symbol?
+How many rivers are there in Saudi Arabia?
+How many Rocky movies were made by 1990?
+How many rooms are in buckingham castle?
+How many rooms are there in buckingham palace?
+Six hundred and two
+How many rooms are there on a Cluedo game board?
+How many rounds are there in an olympic boxing match?
+How many rounds did George Chuvalo go against Cassius Clay in 1966?
+How many rows are kernels in an average ear of corn arranged in?
+How many rows of sprocket holes are there on a 36 exposure roll of Fuji 200 ASA film?
+How many rows of whiskers does a cat have?
+How many rules were in the first recorded code of law, established by Hammurabi?
+How many runs are scored in cricket if the ball is hit over the boundary without bouncing?
+How many runs did the blue jays score in their 1st regular season game?
+How many Russians have landed on the moon?
+How many russians have landed on the surface of the moon?
+How many sacraments are there in the roman catholic church?
+How many seams are there on an American football?
+How many seconds are in a day?
+How many seconds are in a week?
+How many seconds comprise a day?
+How many seconds in quarter of an hour?
+How many seconds usually elapsed before the tape self destructed on mission impossible?
+How many segments for the number 8 on a digital clock?
+How many segments form the number 8 on a digital clock?
+How many semihemidemisemiquavers are in a breve?
+Two hundred and fifty six
+How many semihemidemisemiquavers are there in a breve?
+How many senators comprise the US Senate?
+How many senators does the state of Idaho have?
+How many shilling are there in a guinea?
+Twenty one
+How many siblings has Celine Dion?
+How many side does a snowflake have?
+How many sides are on a home-plate?
+How many sides are there on a Pentagon?
+How many sides does a 50p coin have?
+How many sides does a cube have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["6", "six"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many sides does a cylinder have?
+How many sides does a decogon have?
+How many sides does a dodecagon have?
+How many sides does a dodecahedron have?
+How many sides does a heptagon have?
+How many sides does a hexagon have?
+How many sides does a nonagon have?
+How many sides does a octagon have?
+How many sides does a pentagon have?
+How many sides does a rhomboid have?
+How many sides does a snowflake have?
+How many signs in the Zodiac?
+How many singles titles did Martina Navratilova pick up at Wimbledon?
+How many sleds may each country enter in the four man Olympic bobsled event?
+How many solutions are there to a quartic equation?
+How many sons did john lennon have?
+How many South American countries have Portuguese as their official language?
+How many spaces are there on a Monopoly board?
+How many spaces are there on a Scrabble board?
+How many spaces are there on a Scrabble Crossword Game board?
+How many species of frogs are there in the UK?
+How many spectral colors are in a rainbow?
+Twenty seven
+How many spectral colors are there in a rainbow?
+How many spikes do the shoes of a hammer thrower have?
+How many spokes are in the crown of the statue of liberty?
+How many spokes does an umbrella have?
+How many spots are on a dice?
+Twenty one
+How many spots are there on one dice?
+Twenty one
+How many square miles, to the nearest mile, contain Gibraltar?
+How many squares are on a checkerboard?
+How many squares are on a chessboard?
+Sixty four
+How many squares are on a Shogi (Japanese chess) board?
+Eighty one81
+How many squares are there along one side of a Scrabble board?
+How many squares are there on a draughts board?
+Sixty four
+How many squares are there on a noughts and crosses grid?
+How many squares are there on a Snakes and Ladders board?
+How many squares are there on one side of a Rubiks cube?
+How many squares does a rubik's revenge have on each side?
+How many squares on shogi (Japanese chess) board?
+Eighty one
+How many stages has a Polaris missile?
+How many standard bottles of wine are there in a Jereboam?
+How many stars are on the paramount film studio logo?
+Twenty two
+How many stars are there in the Big Dipper?
+How many stars are there in the Paramount movie logo?
+How many stars are there on the U S flag?
+How many stars does an American general of the army wear?
+How many stars make up Orion's belt?
+How many stars on the national flag of china?
+How many stars were on the union flag in the civil war?
+How many states (including internal territories) does Australia contain?
+How many states border the Atlantic Ocean?
+How many states existed when George Washington took office?
+How many states joined the union in the 19th century?
+How many states of the United States of America have a Pacific coast?
+How many States were there in the Confederate States of America?
+How many states were there in the original United States of America?
+How many steps are there in John Buchan's novel?
+How many steps are there to the second storey flat at 221b baker street?
+How many steps are there to the second-story flat at 221b baker street?
+How many stitches are on a regulation baseball?
+One hundred and eight
+How many stomachs does a camel have?
+How many stomachs does a cow have?
+How many stones did David carry into battle with Goliath?
+How many storeys are there in a bungalow?
+How many stories did enid blyton publish in 1959?
+Fifty nine
+How many strikes are in a 300 game?
+How many strings are there on a Spanish Guitar?
+How many strings did howdy doody have?
+How many stripes are on the US flag?
+How many stripes are there on Israels flag?
+How many strokes are tournament golfers penalised for slow play?
+How many strokes are tournament golfers penalized for slow play?
+How many strokes does a golfer take on a hole if he scores an ace?
+How many strokes make up a quadruple bogey on a par five gold hole?
+How many stroks make up a quadruple bogey on a par five golf hole?
+How many stumps are in a cricket wicket?
+How many substitutes is a football team aloowed to use during a game?
+How many summer olympic games were cancelled because of WW II?
+How many summer olympics were cancelled because of wwii?
+How many surfaces does a cone have?
+How many surfaces does a sphere have?
+How many surfaces has a cube?
+How many sweat glands does the human skin have?
+How many tales did the brothers grimm compile?
+Two hundred and eleven
+How many teams are there in the NHL?
+How many teams compete in the world cup 90 in Football?
+How many tears did Question Mark & the Mysterians shed?
+How many teaspoons are in one tablespoon?
+How many teaspoons make up a tablespoon?
+How many teats does a female hyena have?
+How many teeth constitute a set of adult teeth?
+Thirty two
+How many teeth does a mosquito have?
+Forty seven
+How many teeth does a walrus have?
+How many tennis tournaments make up the Grand Slam?
+How many tenths of the earth's surface lie under water?
+How many territories in Australia?
+How many things make a dozen?
+How many thousand million tonnes of carbon dioxide are formed each year by the combustion of fossil fuels?
+How many thousand sensory glands does the human skin have?
+How many throwing events are there in a decathlon?
+How many tiles are there in a domino set?
+Twenty eight
+How many tiles are there in a Scrabble game?
+How many tiles did the Space Shuttle Columbia lose on its second flight?
+How many time a day to cows poop (on the average)?
+How many time zones are there in New Zealand?
+How many time zones are there in the world?
+24twenty four
+How many time zones are there on the face of the earth?
+How many times a day does a typical person go to the bathroom?
+How many times a day does the typical person go to the bathroom?
+How many times a year is a bimonthly periodical published?
+How many times can a piece of paper be folded?
+How many times can a worker bee sting?
+How many times can an attacking rugby league team be tackled before a change over?
+How many times did bill clinton say the word 'sorry' when addressing the nation on the monica lewinsky affair?
+How many times did bing crosby and bob hope hit the road in films?
+How many times did Bjorn Borg win the Wimbledon Mens singles?
+How many times did Fred Archer win the English Derby?
+How many times did Jack Nicklaus win the U S open?
+How many times did Wallis Warfield marry?
+How many times does the average American move in a lifetime?
+How many times does the average computer user blink per minute?
+How many times has cliff richard represented britain at the eurovision song contest?
+How many times has Olympics been cancelled due to war in modern times?
+How many times has the character Ross from the show friends been married?
+How many times higher than Ayres rock is Mont Blanc?
+How many times is a roman numeral's value increased if it has a line over it?
+How many times is the capacity of a pipe increased if the diameter is doubled?
+How many times larger than the UK is Spain?
+How many times thicker than water is blood?
+How many times was Joe diMaggio named most valuable player?
+How many times was johnny carson married?
+How many times was julius erving named mvp in an aba all star game?
+How many times was marilyn monroe married?
+How many times was Moses given the ten commandments?
+How many times would Japan fit into an area the size of the U.S?
+How many times would the earth fit into a space the size of the sun?
+How many tines are in a standard dinner fork?
+How many tines are there on a standard dinner fork?
+How many toe pads does a cat have on each of its back paws?
+How many toes do most birds have?
+How many toes does a cat have on its front paw?
+How many toes does the rhea have?
+How many tons of gem diamonds are mined each year?
+How many tons of paper are used each year in the U.S?
+How many top front teeth do cows have?
+How many top ten hits did dave clark have in the 60's?
+How many towns is Britain are called Newport?
+How many trees does it take to make newsprint for the average sunday New York Times?
+How many tricks must be won to make game in 'No trumps' in Contract Bridge?
+How many tricks must you take in 500 if you call a slam?
+How many triple word score spaces are there on a Scrabble board?
+How many trouser legs are there in a standard Japanese kimono?
+How many tunes blared from the 1948 wurlitzer model 1100 jukebox?
+Twenty four
+How many tunnels under the mersey link liverpool to the wirral?
+How many U's are there in Albuquerque?
+How many umbrellas are lost on the London Underground each year?
+How many US presidents were assassinated during Queen Victoria's reign?
+How many US states border Lake Erie?
+How many us states share a border with Canada?
+How many varieties of penguins are there (outside of zoos) in the northern hemisphere?
+How many varieties of twins are there?
+How many VCs were awarded in the Falklands War?
+How many vegetables are there in V8 juice?
+How many ventricles are there in the human heart?
+How many verses are there in the Greek national anthem?
+How many versions of the mona lisa are painted beneath the original?
+How many victories did rocky marciano score in his professional career?
+How many Vikings landed on Mars in 1976?
+How many voyages did Christopher Columbus make to America?
+How many voyages did sinbad make?
+How many voyages had the Titanic made when it hit an iceberg and sank in 1912?
+None, it was her maiden voyage
+How many watches are there in the course of a sailor's day (24 hours)?
+How many ways are there to make change for a dollar?
+Two hundred and ninety three
+How many ways, according to Paul simon can you leave your lover?
+How many weeks did love is all around by wet wet wet spend at no 1?
+15 weeks
+How many were in attendance at the last supper?
+How many were there in the Thompson Twins?
+How many wheels are there on a tandem bicycle?
+How many wheels did a gladiator's chariot have?
+How many wheels does a skateboard have?
+How many white dots are in a pacman arcade game?
+Two hundred and forty
+How many white keys are there on a standard piano?
+How many white squares are there on a chessboard?
+How many white stripes are there on the us flag?
+How many Wimbledon titles does Billie-Jean King possess?
+How many windows can be seen in the statue of liberty's crown?
+How many wings does a bee have?
+How many wings does a flea have?
+How many winks are there in a tiddlywinks set?
+How many wisdom teeth does an adult have?
+How many witches were burned at the stake in salem, massachusetts?
+How many wives did Henry V have?
+How many wives did Mormon leader, Brigham Young have?
+How many wives was mormon leader brigham young said to have?
+Twenty seven
+How many women are believed to have been victims of Jack the Ripper?
+How many women did the shark munch his way through in Jaws?
+How many wooden objects are normally in full view on a cricket field during play?
+How many words were spoken in the Mel Brookes film Silent Movie?
+How many World Championship points are awarded to a winning Grand Prix driver?
+How many years are there in a chiliad?
+One thousand
+How many years are there in a sesquincentury?
+One hundred and fifty
+How many years did Alf Ramsey reign as England team manager?
+How many years did Hitler predict the Third Reich would reign?
+One thousand
+How many years did Queen Victoria reign?
+64 years
+How many years did rip van winkle sleep?
+How many years did sleeping beauty sleep?
+How many years did the average ancient Roman live?
+How many years did the experimental British Standard Time last?
+How many years did the hundred years war last?
+How many years did the second punic war last?
+How many years did the soviet union last?
+Seventy four
+How many years did the third and final punic war last?
+How many years do United States patents stay in effect?
+17 years
+How many years does an annual plant live?
+How many years does it take for Saturn to orbit the Sun?
+Twenty nine
+How many years does it take saturn to go round the sun?
+How many years elapsed between the creation of the Republic of Vietnam and Saigon falling to the communists?
+How many years has castro been president of cuba?
+Forty three
+How many years in a vicennial?
+How many years is a sapphire wedding anniversary?
+How many years is an emerald wedding anniversary?
+How many years make a lustrum?
+How many years make up a vicennial period?
+How many years of bad luck come from breaking a mirror?
+How many years of bad luck follow breaking a mirror?
+How many years old are horses that run in the Derby?
+How many years old was the telephone before one was installed on the desk of the President of the United States?
+How many years was the seige on the israeli town of azotus?
+Twenty nine
+How many years were between the creation of the mangna carta and the American declaration of independence?
+How many zero's in a quadrillion?
+How many zeroes are there in a trillion?
+How many zeros are there in a British billion?
+How many zeros follow the number 1 to form a googol?
+One hundred
+How may different Dialects or in the Philippines?
+How much 'monopoly' money do you collect for finishing second in a beauty contest?
+Ten dollars
+How much blood on average is contained in the human body?
+Nine pints
+How much current can the south American electric eel produce?
+One amp
+How much current does a south American eel put out?
+One amp
+How much did David letterman pay to have miss ussr on his show?
+Four cartons of marlboro
+How much did greta garbo insure her legs for?
+One million dollars
+How much did seward pay Russia for Alaska?
+7.2 million dollars
+How much did the first issue of playboy cost?
+Fifty cents
+How much did the Simpsons pay to get illegally hooked up to cable?
+How much did the u.s pay Russia for Alaska?
+Two cents per acre
+How much do nine pennies weigh?
+One ounce
+How much does a baby whale gain in weight every day?
+Two hundred pounds
+How much does Park Lane cost in Monopoly?
+How much does park place cost in monopoly?
+Four hundred fifty dollars
+How much does the cullinan diamond weigh?
+Three thousand one hundred carats
+How much drinking water did a scuttlebutt hold?
+A day's supply
+How much internal memory did the early personal computer, the sinclair zx80, have?
+One kilobyte
+How much is a dime worth?
+Ten cents
+How much is a nickel worth?
+Five cents
+How much is a quarter worth?
+Twenty five cents
+How much jelly fills a proper dunkin donuts' munchkin?
+One half ounce
+How much longer is a day on mars than a day on earth?
+Thirty minutes
+How much memory did the early pc, the sinclair zx80 have?
+One kilobyte
+How much money do you get for passing go in monopoly?
+How much per head did the government offer to the staff at GCHQ as a bribe to leave the union?
+One thousand pounds
+How much playing time is there in a football game?
+Sixty minutes
+How much snow fell in Alaska on february 7,1916?
+Seventy eight inches
+How much was dr christian barnard offered to perform a human head transplant?
+250,000 dollars
+How much was simple simon supposed to give the pieman?
+One penny
+How much water would a human drink in a lifetime?
+500 million litres
+How much were betty grable's legs insured for?
+One million dollars
+How much would a one metre cube of platinum weigh - to the nearest ton?
+Twenty tons
+How much would each person get if $100 was shared equally among eight people?
+How often are the olympic games held?
+4 years
+How often did babe ruth change the cabbage leaf which he wore under his cap?
+Every two innings
+How often do chimpanzees build new sleeping nests?
+How often does a sesquicentennial occur?
+Every 150 years
+How often does February 29 occur?
+Every four years
+How often does halley's comet become visible?
+Every 76 years
+How often does Halleys Comet fly near to the earth?
+Every seventy five years
+How often does the human race double in number(appx)?
+Every 35 years
+How often does the phoenix rise from the ashes?
+Every 500 years
+How often is a broken clock correct?
+Twice a day
+How often is a Football's world cup competition played?
+Every four years
+How old are oak trees before they produce acorns?
+How old is a horse when it changes from a filly to a mare?
+How old is Hans Moleman?
+How old is the oldest goldfish in the world?
+45 years
+How old was Alanis Morisette when she recorded her first song?
+How old was anne frank when she died?
+How old was beethoven when he died?
+How old was Billie when she had her first number 1?
+How old was bobby riggs when he took on 35 year old billie jean king?
+How old was charlie brown in 1990?
+How old was deputy dewey in the first scream?
+How old was george forman when he became the oldest heavyweight boxing champion?
+Forty five
+How old was hayley mills when she made her first film tiger bay?
+How old was Jack Benny when he died?
+How old was Jesus when he died?
+How old was John F. Kennedy when he became president?
+Forty three43
+How old was john f.kennedy when he became president?
+Forty three
+How old was john schneider when he first played bo duke on the dukes of hazzard?
+18 years old
+How old was Judy Garland when she filmed The Wizard of Oz?
+How old was judy garland when she made her show business debut?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two and a half years", "2.5 years"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How old was juliet when she married romeo?
+How old was julius caesar when he was killed?
+Fifty eight
+How old was karen carpenter when she died?
+Thirty two
+How old was Lolita when Professor Humbert first fell for her?
+How old was Marilyn Monroe when she died?
+Thirty six
+How old was Mary Stuart when she became queen of Scotland?
+Six days
+How old was michelangelo when he died?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eighty eight", "88"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How old was Mozart when he made his first tour as a performer?
+How old was Peggy ashcroft when she won her first Oscar?
+Seventy seven
+How old was princess elizabeth when she married?
+Twenty one
+How old was Robert Louis Stevenson when he died?
+How old was sarah bernhardt when she played the title role in 'romeo and juliet'?
+How old was sarah when she had a child?
+How old was sergei prokofiev when he wrote the opera 'the giant'?
+How old was shakespeare when he married anne hathaway?
+How old was she in the Beatles' song i saw her standing there?
+How old was the girl in the Beatles' song 'i saw her standing there'?
+How old was the oldest known goldfish?
+How old was the Suez Canal when it was nationalized in 1950?
+Eighty seven
+How old was the sweet person Neil Sedaka wished Happy Birthday to in 1961?
+How old was the world's oldest man?
+One hundred and forty one
+How old was Walt Disney when disneyland opened?
+How old would Marilyn Monroe have been in 1986 if she had lived?
+How old would Otis Redding have been had he lived to the end of the 20th century?
+How one would describe Jeremiah Peabody's pills?
+Poly unsaturated quick dissolving fast acting pleasant tasting green and purple
+How precisely is the bird CYGNUS CYGNUS better known?
+Whooper swan
+How tall are the bearskins worn by the guards at buckingham palace?
+Twenty inches
+How tall was Attila the Hun?
+Four foot six inches
+How tall was napoleon?
+How tall was queen victoria?
+Five feet
+How tall was the model ape in the 1933 version of 'king kong'?
+Eighteen inches
+How tall was the world's shortest man?
+Six hundred and seventy mm
+How tall was thumbelina?
+One inch
+How thick is an ice hockey puck?
+One inch
+How was Australias most infamous bush ranger?
+Ned kelly
+How was Billie Jean Moffitt later known in the tennis world?
+Billie Jean King
+How was Charles Lutwidge Dodson better known?
+Lewis carroll
+How was crystal palace destroyed?
+How was film director Emil Anton Bundmann better known?
+Anthony Mann
+How was hamida djandoubi executed?
+How was mark feld better known in the 1970s when he had four number one hits with his band?
+Marc bolan
+How was robespierre executed?
+How was the 1839-42 Anglo-Chinese war better known?
+The opium war 
+How was the church at laodicea referred to in revelation?
+Neither cold nor hot
+How was the greek city of troy penetrated?
+Wooden horse
+How was the mausoleum at halicarnassus destroyed?
+How was the original Jumbo killed in 1885?
+Collided with a train
+How was the universe said to have been created?
+Big bang
+How was the virus transmitted in the film 'outbreak'?
+Through the air
+How was the world's largest diamond sent to England in 1905?
+How was uther pendragon killed?
+How were 'Mr Barrow' and 'Miss Parker' better known?
+Bonnie and clyde
+How were the bodies of dead crusaders brought home for christian burial?
+Chopped up and boiled
+How were the camels carrying abdul kassem ismael's library trained to walk?
+In alphabetical order
+How were, Bill Oddie, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor better known?
+The goodies
+How wide a target does a cricket wicket present to a bowler?
+Nine Inches
+How would you describe reptiles' eggs?
+Howdy Doody had ____ freckles
+Howdy Doody had how many freckles?
+Hrand Araklein, a ____ 's car guard, was killed when $50,000 worth of quarters crushed on him
+Hrand Araklein, a Brink's car guard, was killed when ____ worth of quarters crushed on him
+Hudson how many points are awarded to the winning driver of a formula 1 grand prix race?
+Huge battle at the end of the world?
+Hugh ____ Cleaver Beaumont was an ordained minister
+Hugh Ward ____ Beaumont was an ordained minister
+Hugh Ward Cleaver ____ was an ordained minister
+Hugh ward cleaver beaumont was an ordained ____
+Hukusai and Hiroshige were famous Japanese what?
+Human thigh bones are stronger than?
+Humanitarianism - What does the abbreviation 'UNICEF' stand for?
+United Nations Childrens' Emergency Fund
+Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for?
+Humans are the only primates that do not have ____ in the palms of their hands
+Humans have 46 chromozomes. How many do goldfish have?
+Humans have a bone just after the spine ends, proving that they once had ____
+Humans shed & regrow almost how many new skins in a lifetime?
+Humans shed roughly how many particles of skin every hour?
+Humans shed roughly how many pounds of skin a year?
+One & a half pounds
+Hummingbirds are the only animals able to fly in what direction?
+Hummingbirds can't?
+Humphrey bogart received his only oscar for which film?
+The african queen
+Humphrey bogart was related to____
+Princess diana
+Humphrey Bogart won his only oscar for his part in which film?
+The african queen
+Hundred and nine whose official neutral name is 'the helvetic confederation'?
+Hundred and ninety five litres what toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal?
+Hundred and ninety two khartoum is the capital of ____
+Hundred kilometres from what do camels protect themselves with three eyelids?
+Blowing sand
+Hundred thousand during the u.s civil war, how many union army blacks gave their lives?
+Hundred when does the uterus expand 500 times its normal size?
+During pregnancy
+Hurricane, typhoon and tornado are all types of what?
+Fighter aircraft
+Hurt driving: what country is identified by the letter h?
+Husbands and wives in India who desire children whisper their wish to the ear of a ____ cow
+Hussey a hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall ____
+Hybrid offspring of the jackass (male ass) and the mare, much used and valued in many parts of the world as a beast of burden?
+Hydroelectric project in New South Wales, Australia?
+Snowy mountains scheme
+Hyperemesis gravidarum is colloquially known as?
+Vomiting of pregnancy
+Hypnos was the greek god of ____
+I am the walrus: What record company threw out The Beatles after George Harrison sang The Sheik of Araby?
+I didn't know that: How many times a year does a penguin have sex?
+I didn't know that: what company is the world's largest user of silver?
+I didn't know that: what country would you come up in if you dug a hole straight through the earth from buenos aires?
+I didn't know that: what did a united nations organization say consisted of 356,000 metric tons in 1978?
+All the tea in china
+I don't like my friends.I don't like your friends either?
+I want you back name the artist?
+Missy elliot
+I what year was britains' general strike?
+I'll Be There For You, sung by the Rembrandts, is the theme song of which American television comedy series?
+I'll drink to that: What's the standard of strength of distilled alcoholic liquors called?
+I'm getting sentimental over you was who's theme song?
+Tommy dorsey
+I1948 ____ Newton-John (in Cambridge, England), singer, born in
+I1948 Olivia ____ -John (in Cambridge, England), singer, born in
+I1948 Olivia Newton____ (in Cambridge, England), singer, born in
+Ian Fleming Books (author of James Bond series)?
+Ibm was founded in what year?
+IBM was incorporated in 1911 as the Computer-Tabulating-Recording Co. with a product line that included time clocks, scales and punch card tabulators. The name was changed in ____
+Ice cream was originally made without ____ and eggs
+Ice cream was originally made without sugar and____
+Iceberg, boston and bibb are types of ____
+Iceland and greenland are separated by which stretch of water?
+Denmark strait
+Iceland is the world's oldest functioning?
+Ich dien (i serve) is the motto of whom?
+Prince of wales
+Ichabod mudd was what to captain midnight?
+Ichthyology is a study of ____
+Ida morgenstern was played by what actress in the sitcom rhoda?
+Nancy walker
+Ideally, what should be the total of your cards in baccarat?
+Identify the film that was advertised with the following quote. 'Something almost beyond comprehension is happening to a girl on this street, in this house, and a man has been sent for as a last result'?
+The Exorcist
+Identify the most famous American to have rudolph as a middle name?
+Gerald ford
+Identify the only American wrestler to win medals at 3 successive olympiad?
+Bruce baumgartner
+Idi Amin, one of the most ruthless tyrants in the world, before coming to power, served in the?
+British army
+If ____ imported just 10% of it's rice needs- the price on the world market would increase by 80%
+If ____% of the human liver was removed, it could still function and would eventually restore itself to its original size
+If a bear lives in the northern hemisphere, the opening of the cave in which he hibernates is always on which slope?
+If a bear lives in the southern hemisphere, the opening of the cave in which he hibernates is always on which slope?
+If a chemical is 'anhydrous' what does it not contain?
+If a dish is served 'au gratin', what does it have on it?
+If a dish is served a la bretonne, with what would it be garnished?
+Haricot beans
+If a dish is served a la chantilly, what would be its main ingredient?
+Whipped cream
+If a family had 2 servants or less in the U.S. in 1900, census takers recorded it as ____ middle-class
+If a flower is described as 'stellate' what shape would it be?
+Star shaped
+If a four is thrown on a dice, what is the sum of the four other visible faces?
+If a frog's mouth is held open for too long the frog will____
+If a man tosses a coin and gets heads three times, what are the odds of getting heads next time?
+One in two
+If a marine animal cannot be identified, a diver should ____
+Avoid it completely
+If a plane crashes on the border where do they bury the survivors?
+If a pope has not been elected, what color smoke is seen?
+If a robin's egg is put in vinegar for thirty days, what colour does it become?
+If a surgeon in Ancient Egypt lost a patient while performing an operation, his ____ were cut off
+If a surgeon in Ancient Egypt lost a patient while performing an operation, his hands were?
+Cut off
+If a tumor is life threatening, or cancerous, it is?
+If a tunnel were dug straight through the earth from new zealand, where would it come out?
+If a tunnel were dug straight through the earth from Spain, where would it come out?
+New zealand
+If all the track of the London Underground were laid end to end, how far would it reach?
+253 miles
+If all the water in the air fell at the same time what depth of rain would cover the earth?
+1 inch
+If an American footballer talked about his 'zippers' what would he mean?
+If an animal has feathers, what is it?
+If an animal has gills, what is it?
+If barbie was lifesize, what would her measurements be?
+If Barbie were life-size her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand ____ feet, ____ inches tall and have a neck twice the length of a norma human's neck
+Seven two
+If British mp's want to have a private session, what does one of them say when they point to the public gallery?
+I spy strangers
+If China imported just ____ of it's rice needs- the price on the world market would increase by 80%
+If China imported just 10% of it's ____ needs- the price on the world market would increase by 80%
+If China imported just 10% of it's rice needs- the price on the world market would increase by ____
+If circumnavigating the Earth which of these is the greater distance: going east/west at the equator or north/south through the poles?
+Round the equator
+If done perfectly, any rubix cube combination can be solved in ____ turns
+If eggs have been fried on one side only how are they said to be served?
+Sunny side up
+If electrodes are inserted at opposite ends of a ____, & electricity is passed through, it will glow
+If food has been 'devilled' how would you expect it to taste?
+If Frikadelles were on the menu, what would they be?
+If Harry Enfield is Wayne Slob, who is Waynetta Slob?
+Kathy burke
+If I was standing on the Canso Causeway, what country would I be in?
+If in law someone is convicted of A.B.H. for what does the 'A' stand?
+If it were removed from the body, the small intestine would stretch to a length of how many feet?
+If its 4:00pm in Seattle Washington, what time is it in Portland Oregon?
+If its 4:00pm in Seattle, Washington what time is it in Portland, Oregon?
+If Mary had 13.00 dollars and that was 1/3 of the money Sue has... how much does Sue have?
+If monday's child is fair of face, what is wednesday's child?
+Full of woe
+If monkeys eat too many un-ripe ____ their tongue and eyes will turn green
+If one angle in an isosceles triangle is 100 degrees, what is each of the other two?
+Forty degrees
+If one, two and three are cardinal, what are secord and third?
+If sand is melted with limestone and sodium carbonate what is formed?
+If someone from Australia is Australian what is someone from New Zealand?
+New zealand
+If someone gets out of a difficult situation, he is said to have saved his what?
+If something is galvanised with which metal is it coated?
+If the Earth was smooth, the ocean would cover the entire surface to a depth of ____ feet
+If the groundhog sees his shadow on Feb 2, there will be how many more weeks of bad weather?
+If the letters mfh came after your name what would it mean?
+Master of foxhounds
+If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of?
+If the present birth rate continues, New York City will have a black majority by the?
+End of the century
+If the right hand page of an open book is recto, what is the left hand page?
+If the skin under someone's finger nails turned blue this would be the first symptom of what?
+Cyanide poisoning
+If the spaceship Earth Ride at Epcot was a golf ball, to be the proportional size to hit it, how tall would you need to be?
+2 miles tall
+If the sun stopped shining suddenly, it would take how many minutes for people on earth to be aware of the fact?
+If the tail of a coin is the reverse, what is the head?
+If triangle ABC is equal to triangle XYZ, they are said to be...?
+If two ships are on a collision course, what do the rules of the sea require them both to do?
+Turn right
+If venus is the second planet from the sun, what is jupiter?
+If we had the same ____ rate as in the 1900s, more than half the people in the world today would not be alive
+If wishes were horses who would ride, according to the old saying?
+If you 'peg out', what game are you playing?
+If you abstain from pleasure, you are practicing?
+If you add up the numbers 1-100 consecutively (1+2+3+4+5 etc) the total is ____
+If you are a universal donor your blood group is?
+Type o
+If you are at comiskey park what sport would you be watching?
+If you are in graz...what continent are you on?
+If you are in the city Bandung, what country are you in?
+If you are in your birthday suit what are you wearing?
+If you are Ombrophobic you fear?
+If you are sinisitromanual, you are?
+If you attempted to count the stars in a galaxy at a rate of one every second it would take around ____ years to count them all
+If you carry out bel canto, what are you doing?
+If you commit uxoricide, who have you killed?
+Your wife
+If you could remove all the space from the atoms that make up your body, you could walk through the?
+Eye of a needle
+If you counted 24 hours a day, it would take ____ years to reach one trillion
+If you cut through a solid sphere, what shape will the flat area be?
+A circle
+If you drive on a parkway, you park on a ____
+If you earn ____ dollars a year, one minute of your time is worth a little more than seventeen cents
+If you earn twenty thousand dollars a year, one minute of your time is worth a little more than ____ cents
+If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an?
+Atomic bomb
+If you farted for 6 years & 9 months, enough gas would be produced to create the energy of?
+An atomic bomb
+If you flew due east from New York City, what would be the first country you would reach?
+If you flew due west from Portugal, what is the first place you would reach?
+New york city
+If you go blind in one eye you only lose about one ____ of your vision, but all your sense of depth
+If you go blind in one eye, you'll only lose about how much of your vision (but all your depth perception.)?
+One fifth
+If you go blind in one eye, you'll only lose about twenty percent of your vision, but all of your ____
+Depth perception
+If you had a Colles' fracture which part of the body would be affected?
+If you had chronic regional ileitis, what eponymous disease would you have?
+If you had enough water to fill ____ goldfish bowls, you could fill an entire stadium
+One million
+If you have a tapeworm in your stomach, it will come up while you're asleep to lick the ____ off your lips
+If you have committed regicide, whom have you killed?
+A king
+If you have served an ace, you are playing what sport?
+If you have to pay your taxi fare in zloty, which country are you probably in?
+If you keep a goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn?
+If you lace your shoes from the inside to the outside the fit will be snugger around which toe?
+Big toe
+If you lace your shoes from the inside to the outside, the fit will be ____ around your big toe
+If you left Oklahoma by crossing the Red river in a southerly direction, which American state would you enter?
+If you lock you ____ while standing long enough, you will pass out
+If you look at the sun long enough, you go ____
+If you look carefully at the picture of Mona Lisa, you will notice a ____ in the background
+If you make hats you are a?
+If you mix yellow and blue what colour do you get?
+If you ordered 'Betsy in a bowl' at a restaurant, what would you expect to be served?
+Beef Stew
+If you ordered 'pamplemousse' in a french restaurant, what would you be served?
+If you ordered a 'brunette with sand' in a restaurant, what would you expect to be served?
+Coffee with sugar
+If You Place ?5 On A Single Roulette Number, How Much Do You Win If It Comes In...?
+If you put a raisin in a glass of____ , it will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom
+If you saw the word 'aloo' on an Indian menu, which vegetable would it stand for?
+If you saw the word 'sag' on an Indian menu, which vegetable would it signify?
+If you see a big sign by the side of the road that says '15 miles to ____', where are you headed
+Love shack
+If you sneeze too hard, you can?
+Fracture a rib
+If you suffer from peridontisis, you have problems with your what?
+If you suffer from____ , you have three nipples
+If you throw a total of four, you should throw next to win, name the game?
+If you told someone that they were one in a million, you'd be saying there were ____ of them in China
+If you told someone that they were one in a million, youd be saying there were about how many of them in China?
+If you toss a penny ____ times it will not be heads The head picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom
+If you travel across the Russia, you will cross ____ time zones
+If you travel by 'Shanks's pony' how do you go?
+On foot
+If you travel from east to west across the Soviet Union, you will cross ____ time zones
+If you travel northwards along the Atlantic coast of Florida, which is the next state that you find?
+If you travel northwards along the coast of California, which is the next state that you reach?
+If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a ____ in your head or neck and die
+Blood vessel
+If you visited the English colleges of Trinity College & King's College, which city would you be in?
+If you want to go to the moon, you'll probably have to leave from Florida. John Glenn became the first American in orbit when he blasted off from?
+Cape canaveral
+If you wanted to change your mIRC nick to Sucker, what command would you type?
+/nick sucker
+If you wanted to leave a channel on mIRC, what command would you type?
+If you went out into space, you would explode before you ____ because there's no air pressure
+If you were a chiropodist which part of the body would you treat?
+If you were anosmic, what would you lack?
+Sense of smell
+If you were born on 01 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 01 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 02 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 03 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 04 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 05 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 06 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 07 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 08 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 09 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 10 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 11 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 12 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 13 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 14 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 15 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 16 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 17 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 18 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 19 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 20 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 21 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 22 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 23 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 24 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 25 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 26 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 27 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 28 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 29 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 30 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 31 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 31 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 31 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 31 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 31 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 31 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If you were born on 31 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
+If You Were Born on: 01 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 01 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 01 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 02 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 02 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 03 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 03 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 04 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 04 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 05 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 05 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 06 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 06 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 07 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 07 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 08 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 08 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 09 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 09 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 10 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 10 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 11 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 11 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 12 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 12 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 13 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 13 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 14 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 14 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 15 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 15 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 16 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 16 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 17 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 17 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 18 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 18 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 19 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 20 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 20 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 21 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 21 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 22 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 22 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 23 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 23 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 24 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 24 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 25 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 25 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 26 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 26 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 27 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 27 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 28 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 28 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 February What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 29 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 29 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 April What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 30 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 June What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 November What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 30 September What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 31 August What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 31 December What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 31 January What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+Water carrier
+If You Were Born on: 31 July What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 31 March What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 31 May What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If You Were Born on: 31 October What Zodiac symbol would you be represented by, The:?
+If you were going to a chiropractor for treatment, what would be affected?
+If you were in the city of Copenhagen, what hemisphere would you be in?
+If you were on the island of Cape Verde, what ocean would you be surrounded by?
+If you were relaxing in the Piazza San Marco, what city would you be in?
+If you were to fly due West from New York, what would be the next country you would fly over?
+If you were turning meat into a daube what would you be doing with it?
+Braising it
+If you were using English Bond or Flemish bond what would you be doing?
+If you were waiting in yonkers, in which us state would you be?
+New york
+If you would like to make a ____ happy, give him a horse-meat steak
+If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat?
+One cup of coffee
+If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and six days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of____
+If you're going to san francisco, what should you wear?
+Flowers in your hair
+If your eyes are six feet above the surface of the ocean, the horizon wil be about ____ statute miles away
+If your face was rugose, what would it be?
+If your hobby was topiary on what material or substance would you practice your art?
+Hedges and shrubs
+If your mouth were completely dry, you wouldn't be able to ____ anything
+If your pay is in austral, what country are you in?
+Ignatz mouse was whose brick throwing friend?
+Krazy kat
+Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic are all types of what?
+Iguaca National Park lies on the border between Argentina and which other country?
+Ii what is the round fruit of the sycamore tree called?
+A buttonball
+Ilex is the botanical name of which shrub?
+Illnesses in which the immune system reacts to normal components of the body as if they were foreign substances and produces antibodies against them?
+Autoimmune diseases
+Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the entire world.' Who quoted this?
+Immunity of the communications media including newspapers, books, magazines, radio, and television from government control or censorship?
+Freedom of the press
+Impaired normal blood clotting is the main symptom of which disease?
+Imperial Units were phased out in England in 1999, which seven Imperial Units were authorised for retention as specialist terms?
+Troy ounce
+Imperial, buck, and luna are types of ____
+Implement for clearing up dog excretment?
+Pooper scooper
+Impose and collect a tax toll or fine?
+Impurities, particularly of which compound, according to modern chemists, gives amethyst its violet or blue colouration?
+Iron oxide
+In ____ - 3 men were hung for the murder of Sir Edmund Berry at Greenbury Hill, their last names were Green, Berry , and Hill
+In ____ exists a tribe of tall white people whose parrots are a warning sign against intruders
+Irian jaya
+In ____ of American households, women manage the money and pay the bills
+In ____, at only 7 years old, Charles Sauson inherited the post of official executioner
+In ____, David Atchison became President of the United States for just one day, and he spent most of the day sleeping
+In ____, Namco released Pac-Man, the most popular arcade game of all time
+In 'coronation street', who is ken and denise's son?
+In 'Gone With the Wind', Scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business?
+In 'gone with the wind', what does scarlett invest in to regain her former wealth?
+A sawmill
+In 'happy day's' what is ralph's last name?
+In 'les miserables', jean valjean's criminal number is the same as what character in 'the simpsons'?
+Sideshow bob
+In 'monopoly', what phrase is printed above the name of the property on each deed?
+Title deed
+In 'mta' the kingston trio sang of poor charlie being stuck in the subway system of what city?
+In 'my favourite martian', who did ray walston play?
+Uncle tim
+In 'peanuts', who is woodstock's beagle friend?
+In 'peter pan', what was wendy's surname?
+In 'Romeo & Juliet', about what was Mercutio's long monologue?
+Queen mab
+In 'romeo and juliet', who first finds out that juliet is 'dead'?
+In 'romeo and juliet', who said 'i have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins'?
+In 'romeo and juliet', who says 'i do but keep the peace put up thy sword, or manage it to part these men with me'?
+In 'romeo and juliet', who says 'what must be shall be'?
+In 'romeo and juliet', why couldn't the nurse tell juliet the news of her meeting with romeo immediately?
+She was out of breath
+In 'snow white and the seven dwarfs', what was the occupation of the seven dwarfs?
+In 'Star Trek' jean ____ Picard
+In 'Star Trek', what is data's rank?
+Lieutenant commander
+In 'Star Trek', who was the captain of the 'enterprise c'?
+Rachel garret
+In 'Star Wars, four people played darth vader David prowse was his body, james earl jones did the voice, sebastian shaw was his face and a fourth person did the ____
+In 'Star Wars, james earl jones was darth vader's ____
+In 'Star Wars' David prowse was darth vader's ____
+In 'Star Wars', sebastian shaw was darth vader's ____
+In 'Star Wars', who was c3p0's sidekick?
+In 'Star Wars', who was darth vader's body?
+David prowse
+In 'Star Wars', who was darth vader's face?
+Sebastian shaw
+In 'Star Wars', who was darth vader's voice?
+James earl jones
+In 'startrek', who did leonard nimoy play?
+Dr spock
+In 'startrek', who did william shatner play?
+Captain james t kirk
+In 'startrek', who played captain james t kirk?
+William shatner
+In 'startrek', who played dr spock?
+Leonard nimoy
+In 'The Bullitt' what car did Steve McQueen drive?
+Ford mustang
+In 'the flintstones' what is fred and wilma's daughter's name?
+In 'the flintstones' who are pebble's parents?
+Fred and wilma flintstone
+In 'the great escape', how many finally made it to freedom?
+In 'The Simpsons' cartoon series what is the name of the baby?
+In 'the simpsons', sideshow bob's criminal number is the same as what character in 'les miserables'?
+Jean valjean
+In 'the sleeping beauty', what is the princess' name?
+In 'the thousand and one nights', which king marries a new woman each night and has her killed in the morning?
+In 'to kill a mockingbird' who played the role of boo radley?
+Robert duvall
+In 'war of the worlds', from which planet did the invaders come?
+In 10 B.C. ____ 4th Roman emperor (41-54 AD), born in
+In 10 B.C. Claudius ____ Roman emperor (41-54 AD), born in
+In 1002 English king Ethelred II launches massacre of ____ settlers
+In 1016 ____ defeat Saxons at Battle of Assandun (Ashingdon)
+In 1016 Danes defeat ____ at Battle of Assandun (Ashingdon)
+In 1016 Danes defeat Saxons at Battle of ____ (Ashingdon)
+In 1017____ , Holy Roman emperor (1046-56)
+Henry iii
+In 1054 Brightest known super-nova (____ Nebula) starts shining (23 days)
+In 1054 Brightest known super-nova (Crab Nebula) starts shining (____ days)
+In 1057 Macbeth, King of Scotland, slain by the son of King____
+In 1057 Macbeth, King of____ , slain by the son of King Duncan
+In 1057____ , King of Scotland, slain by the son of King Duncan
+In 106 B.C. Cicero, ____ statesman, born in
+In 106 B.C. Pompey (____ Pompeius Magnus) Rome, warrior, born in
+In 106 B.C. Pompey (Gnaeus ____ Magnus) Rome, warrior, born in
+In 106 B.C. Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius____ ) Rome, warrior, born in
+In 1066 ____ the Conqueror lands in England
+In 1066 Battle of Hastings, in which ____ the Conqueror wins England
+In 1066 Battle of Hastings, in which William the ____ wins England
+In 1066 Battle of____ , in which William the Conqueror wins England
+In 1066 St. Edward the____ , died
+In 1066 William the ____ crowned William I of England
+In 1066 William the ____ lands in England
+In 1085 Alfonso VI of Castile captured____ , Spain, and brought the Moorish center of science into Christian hands
+In 1085 St____ , pope (1073-85), dies (birth date unknown)
+Gregory vii
+In 1087 ____ The Conqueror, King of England and Duke of Normandy, dies
+William i
+In 1087 William I The Conqueror, King of England and Duke of____ , dies
+In 1090 the chinese built the Cosmic Engine, what was it?
+Mechanical clock
+In 1100 ____ 1st antipope (1084-1100), dies (birth date unknown)
+Clement iii
+In 1113 ____ Plantagenet France, conquered Normandy, born in
+In 1113 Geoffrey ____ France, conquered Normandy, born in
+In 1113 Geoffrey Plantagenet France, conquered____ , born in
+In 1143 John II ____ emperor, dies in an accident
+In 1157 ____ [Richard the Lion Hearted], King of England (1189-99), born in
+Richard i
+In 1157 Richard I [Richard the____ ], King of England (1189-99), born in
+Lion hearted
+In 1159 ____ only English pope (1154-59), dies (birth date unknown)
+Adrian iv
+In 1159 ____ only English pope (1154-59), dies
+Adrian iv
+In 1165 ____ Augustus 1st great Capetian king of France (1179-1223), born in
+Philip ii
+In 1165 Philip II ____ 1st great Capetian king of France (1179-1223), born in
+In 1165 Philip II Augustus 1st great ____ king of France (1179-1223), born in
+In 1170 Thomas Beckett, archbishop, ____ by 4 knights of King Henry II
+In 1178 Five ____ monks report something exploding on the Moon (only known observation). These monks have NO winery of their own
+In 1181 ____ observed by Chinese and Japanese astronomers
+In 1181 Supernova observed by ____ and Japanese astronomers
+In 1181 Supernova observed by Chinese and ____ astronomers
+In 1181 Supernova seen in____
+In 1189 ____ King of England (1154-89), dies at 56
+Henry ii
+In 1189 England's King ____ (the Lion-Hearted) crowned in Westminster
+Richard i
+In 1189 England's King Richard I (the Lion-Hearted) crowned in____
+In 1189 Henry II King of England (1154-89), dies at?
+In 12 B.C. ____ (Gaius Caesar), 3rd Roman emperor (37-41 AD), born in
+In 1207____ , king of England (1216-72)
+Henry iii
+In 121 Marcus ____ 16th Roman emperor (161-80), philosopher, born in
+In 1212 Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa; end of ____ power in Spain
+In 1212 Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa; end of Moslem power in____
+In 1212 Battle of____ ; end of Moslem power in Spain
+Las navas de tolosa
+In 1214 Louis IX, king of ____ (1226-70), born in
+In 1215 King ____ signs Magna Carta at Runnymede, England
+In 1215 King John signs Magna Carta at____ , England
+In 1216 Innocent III pope, dies at ____
+In 1227 ____ Khan Mongol conqueror, died
+In 1227 Genghis ____ Mongol conqueror, died
+In 1227 Genghis Khan ____ conqueror, died
+In 1237 St Sava, son of ____ 's king, dies
+In 1242 Alexander ____ of Novgorod defeats Teutonic Knights
+In 1248 Construction of ____ Cathedral is begun
+In 1256 William of ____ Holy Roman emperor, dies at about 28
+In 126 ____ Helvius Pertinax Roman emperor (193 AD), born in
+In 126 Publius ____ Pertinax Roman emperor (193 AD), born in
+In 126 Publius Helvius ____ Roman emperor (193 AD), born in
+In 1265 ____ de Montfort, English baron, dies in battle
+In 1265 1st ____ Parliament formally convened (some authorities)
+In 1265 1st English ____ called into session by Earl of Leicester
+In 1265 Simon de Montfort, English baron, dies in____
+In 1265 Simon de____ , English baron, dies in battle
+In 1270 ____ and last crusade is launched
+In 1271 ____ king of Bohemia and Poland (1278-1305), born in
+Wenceslas ii
+In 1271 Wenceslas II king of ____ and Poland (1278-1305), born in
+In 1271 Wenceslas II king of Bohemia and ____ (1278-1305), born in
+In 1274 Robert the ____ Scotland, King (1328-1329), born in
+In 1284 Alfonso X ____ king (Castile & Leon), dies at 62
+In 1284 Edward II, king of ____ (1307-27), born in
+In 1285 St. Thorfinn, ____ , Died
+Norwegian bishop
+In 1288 It was made legal in ____ for women to propose to men
+In 1289 ____ (the Stubborn), king of France (1314-16)
+Louis x
+In 1290 ____ Baggins (in Shire Reconning), born in
+In 1290 Bilbo ____ (in Shire Reconning), born in
+In 1291 Everlasting League forms, basis of ____ Confederation (Nat'l Day)
+In 1292 Saidi, great ____ poet (Orchard, Rose Garden) dies
+In 1298 ____ defeat Scots at Battle of Falkirk
+In 1298 English defeat ____ at Battle of Falkirk
+In 1298 English defeat Scots at Battle of____
+In 1302 According to____ , this is Romeo and Juliet's wedding day
+In 1314 Clement V pope (1305-14) who moved papacy to ____ , dies
+In 1314____ , under King Robert I, defeats England
+In 1321 Death of ____ Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy
+In 1321 Death of Dante____ , author of the Divine Comedy
+In 1326 Louis I (the Great), king of ____ (1342-82), Poland (1370-82)
+In 1327 ____ king of England (1307-1327), dies at 43
+Edward ii
+In 1327 Edward II king of England (1307-1327), dies at____
+In 1330 ____ the black prince, prince of Wales (1343-1376), born in
+In 1332 Battle of ____ Moor (in Scotland)
+In 1332 Battle of ____ Moor; Scottish dynastic battle
+In 1332 Battle of Dupplin Moor; ____ dynastic battle
+In 1338 Charles V (the Wise), king of ____ (1364-80), born in
+In 1346 English longbows defeat French in Battle of____
+In 1356 ____ defeat French at Battle of Poitiers
+In 1356 English defeat ____ at Battle of Poitiers
+In 1356 English defeat French at Battle of____
+In 1361 bc, who became the king of egypt at the age of nine?
+In 1364 Battle of Auray, ____ forces defeat French at Brittany
+In 1364 Battle of Auray, English forces defeat ____ at Brittany
+In 1364 Battle of Auray, English forces defeat French at____
+In 1364 Battle of____ , English forces defeat French at Brittany
+In 1367 (England)____ , Bordeaux, France, king of England (1377-99), born in
+Richard ii
+In 1368 Charles VI [the Well-Beloved], king of ____ (1380-1422), born in
+In 1370 Frederick I the ____ , elector of Saxony, born in
+In 1373 Anglo____ Treaty of Alliance (world's oldest) signed
+In 1381 ____ abbess/reformer (Poor Clares), born in
+St colette
+In 1385 ____ defeat Castilians at Aljubarrota, retain independence
+In 1385 Portuguese defeat ____ at Aljubarrota, retain independence
+In 1385 Portuguese defeat Castilians at____ , retain independence
+In 1387 Heathen ____ banned in Poland
+In 1387____ , king of England (1413-22), born in
+Henry v
+In 1396 Philip the Good Duke of____ , born in
+In 1398 ____ Lopez, Marques de Santillana, Spanish poet, born in
+In 1398 Inigo Lopez, Marques de____ , Spanish poet, born in
+In 1398 Inigo____ , Marques de Santillana, Spanish poet, born in
+In 1400 Author ____ Chaucer dies in London
+In 1400 Author Geoffrey ____ dies in London
+In 1402 Battle of ____ (Ankara)-Tatars defeat Turkish Army
+In 1412 (France)____ , Domremy, martyr, born in
+Joan of arc
+In 1415 ____ Innsbruck Austria, German Emperor (1440-1493), born in
+Frederick iii
+In 1415 ad, Henry v was crowned the ruler of france after this battle?
+Battle of agincourt
+In 1415 Battle of____ , Welsh longbow defeats the armored knight
+In 1423 Louis ____ king of France (1461-83), born in
+In 1429 Joan of Arc leads ____ , France, to victory over English
+In 1430 Joan of Arc captured by ____ who sold her to the English
+In 1432 ____ Pulci, Italian poet (Morgante), born in
+In 1432 Luigi Pulci, Italian ____ (Morgante), born in
+In 1432 Luigi____ , Italian poet (Morgante), born in
+In 1440 Ivan III (the Great) grand prince of____ , born in
+In 1442 Edward IV, king of ____ (1461-70, 1471-83), born in
+In 1444 Sandro____ , Italian painter (Birth of Venus), born in
+In 1446 Korean ____ alphabet devised
+In 1451 Queen ____ I, funded Christopher Columbus, born in
+In 1452 First book published, ____ Guttenberg's Bible
+In 1452 First book published, Johann ____ 's Bible
+In 1452 First book published, Johann Guttenberg's____
+In 1454 Amerigo____ , explorer and namesake of America (lucky they didn't call it Vespuccia)
+In 1456 23rd recorded ____ passage of Halley's Comet
+In 1457 Henry ____ king of England (1485-1509), born in
+In 1457 Oldest exactly dated ____ (c. 3 years after Gutenberg)
+Printed book
+In 1468 Pope____ , born in
+Paul iii
+In 1470 King Edward V of ____ (1483); deposed, murdered? by Richard III, born in
+In 1471 Albrecht D?rer N?rnberg____ , Renaissance painter/print maker, born in
+In 1473 Nicolaus ____ (in Poland), astronomer, born in
+In 1475 Michelangelo, ____ artist, born in
+In 1478 ____ (the Handsome), first Habsburg king of Spain (1506), born in
+Philip i
+In 1478 Philip I (the Handsome), first ____ king of Spain (1506), born in
+In 1478 Philip I (the Handsome), first Habsburg king of ____ (1506), born in
+In 1483 ____ king of France (1461-83), dies at 60
+Louis xi
+In 1483 ____ usurps English throne
+Richard iii
+In 1483 England's King ____ crowned
+Richard iii
+In 1483 Martin____ , Eisleben, Germany, founded Protestantism, born in
+In 1485 ____ slain at Bosworth Field - Last of the Plantagenets
+Richard iii
+In 1485 Catherine of____ , first wife of Henry VIII, born in
+In 1485 Richard III slain at ____ - Last of the Plantagenets
+Bosworth field
+In 1487 ____ Counter-Reformation pope (1550-55), born in
+Julius iii
+In 1491 Five year truce between England and ____ began
+In 1492 ____ sights the isle of San Salvador
+In 1492 1st Spanish settlement in New World founded by ____
+In 1492 Christopher ____ learns of maize (corn) from the Indians of Cuba
+In 1492 Christopher Columbus signs contract with ____ to find the Indies
+In 1492 Columbus sights the isle of ____
+San salvador
+In 1493 Alexander VI divides non-Christian world between ____ & Portugal
+In 1493 Christopher ____ discovers Puerto Rico
+In 1493 France cedes Roussillon & Cerdogne to ____ by treaty of Barcelona
+In 1495 1st written record of ____ appears in Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Friar John Cor is the distiller
+Scotch whiskey
+In 1495 1st written record of Scotch Whiskey appears in ____ of Scotland. Friar John Cor is the distiller
+Exchequer rolls
+In 1495 1st written record of Scotch Whiskey appears in Exchequer Rolls of____ . Friar John Cor is the distiller
+In 1497 Bartolomeu Dias discovers Cape of Good____
+In 1498 ____ Columbus discovered the island of Trinidad
+In 1498 Christopher ____ discovered the island of Trinidad
+In 1498 Christopher Columbus discovered the island of____
+In 1498 Death of ____ de Torquemada, inquisitor who burned 10,000 people
+In 1498 Death of Tomas de Torquemada, inquisitor who burned ____ people
+In 1498 Death of Tomas de____ , inquisitor who burned 10,000 people
+In 1501 ____ formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral
+In 1501 Copernicus formally installed as canon of ____ Cathedral
+In 1502 Columbus left ____ on his 4th and final trip to the New World
+In 1504 By treaty of____ , French cede Naples to Ferdinand of Aragon
+In 1506 Christopher ____ explorer, dies in poverty in Spain at 55
+In 1509 Henry ____ ascended to the throne of England
+In 1509 Henry ____ becomes King of England
+In 1509 Pope ____ excommunicates Italian state of Venice
+Julius ii
+In 1512 Gerhardus____ , geographer & map maker
+In 1513 ____ Nuez de Balboa is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean
+In 1513 Battle of Flodden Fields; English defeat ____ of Scotland
+James iv
+In 1513 Battle of Flodden Fields; English defeat James IV of____
+In 1513 Battle of____ ; English defeat James IV of Scotland
+Flodden fields
+In 1513 Vasco ____ de Balboa is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean
+In 1513 Vasco Nuez ____ is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean
+De balboa
+In 1513 Vasco Nuez de Balboa is the first European to see the ____ Ocean
+In 1513, ponce de leon discovered what is now the state of?
+In 1514 Copernicus makes his 1st observations of?
+In 1516 Queen____ , first reigning queen of Great Britain, born in
+Mary i
+In 1517 Turks conquer?
+In 1519 ____ 's ship set sail to circumnavigate the Earth
+In 1519 ____ starts first successful circumnavigation of the world
+In 1519 Leonardo ____ artist/scientist, dies at 67
+Da vinci
+In 1519____ , 230th Roman Catholic pope (1591), born in
+Innocent ix
+In 1520 ____ begins crossing the Pacific Ocean
+In 1520 Christian II of Denmark & Norway defeats the ____ at Lake Asunde
+In 1520 King ____ of England orders bowling lanes to be built at Whitehall, in London
+Henry viii
+In 1520 King Henry VIII of England orders bowling lanes to be built at____ , in London
+In 1520 Martin ____ publicly burned papal edict demanding that he recant
+In 1521 ____ conquerors captured Mexico City from Aztecs
+In 1521 Ferdinand ____ world traveler, killed by Filipino natives
+In 1521 Spanish conquerors captured ____ from Aztecs
+Mexico city
+In 1521 Spanish conquerors captured Mexico City from____
+In 1526 Francis I forced to give up claims in____ , Italy & Flanders
+In 1527 ____ king of Spain (1556-98) & Portugal (1580-98), born in
+Philip ii
+In 1527 Sack of ____ - End of the Renaissance
+In 1528 England & France declare war on Emperor ____ V of Spain
+In 1530 ____ (the Terrible) 1st tsar of Russia (1533-84), born in
+Ivan iv
+In 1531 Richard Roose boiled to death for trying to ____ an archbishop
+In 1532 Pizarro seizes ____ emperor Atahualpa
+In 1533 ____ last Incan King of Peru, murdered by Spanish conquerors
+In 1533 Atahualpa last ____ King of Peru, murdered by Spanish conquerors
+In 1533 Atahualpa last Incan King of Peru, murdered by ____ conquerors
+In 1533 King Henry VIII and Catherine of ____ marriage declared null and void by the newly formed Church of England
+In 1533 Queen ____ England, (1558-1603) daughter of Henry VIII, born in
+Elizabeth i
+In 1533 Queen Elizabeth I England, (1558-1603) daughter of____ , born in
+Henry viii
+In 1535 ____ declares himself head of English Church
+Henry viii
+In 1535 Pope ____ deposed and excommunicated King Henry VIII
+Paul ii
+In 1535 Pope Paul II deposed and excommunicated King____
+Henry viii
+In 1535 Sir Thomas ____ went on trial in England charged with treason
+In 1535 Sir Thomas Moore went on trial in England charged with____
+In 1536 (England) ____ 1st wife of England's King Henry VIII, dies
+Catherine of aragon
+In 1536 Anne ____ wife of Henry VIII, beheaded
+In 1536 Pope's authority declared ____ in England
+In 1537 ____ king of England (1547-53), born in
+Edward vi
+In 1537 ____ Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII, dies
+In 1537 (Italy) Alessandro de' Medici of____ , assassinated
+In 1537 Jane Seymour, third wife of____ , dies
+Henry viii
+In 1537 Jane____ , third wife of Henry VIII, dies
+In 1538 Pope Paul III excommunicated England's King ____ VIII
+In 1539 ____ claims the US state of Florida for Spain
+Hernando de soto
+In 1539 Hernando De Soto claims the US state of ____ for Spain
+In 1539 Hernando De Soto claims the US state of Florida for____
+In 1540 (England) King Henry VIII of England married his ____ wife, Anne of Cleves
+In 1540 England's King ____ 6-month marriage to Anne of Cleves annulled
+Henry viii
+In 1540 England's King Henry VIII ____ marriage to Anne of Cleves annulled
+In 1540 England's King Henry VIII 6-month marriage to ____ of Cleves annulled
+In 1540 Society of ____ (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius Loyola
+In 1540 Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by ____ Loyola
+In 1540 Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius____
+In 1540 Thomas ____ King Henry VIII's chief minister, executed
+In 1540 Thomas Cromwell King ____ 's chief minister, executed
+Henry viii
+In 1540 Thomas Cromwell King Henry VIII's chief minister,____
+In 1541____ , Chile founded
+In 1542 Akbar, Indian ____ emperor (1556-1605), born in
+In 1542____ , Indian Mughal emperor (1556-1605), born in
+In 1543 England's King ____ weds Catherine Parr (6th and last wife)
+Henry viii
+In 1543 England's King Henry VIII weds Catherine ____ (6th and last wife)
+In 1543, who published a theory that planets revolve around the sun?
+In 1544 Francis II, king of ____ (1559-60), born in
+In 1547 ____ de Cervantes, novelist (Don Quixote), born in
+In 1547 9-year-old ____ succeeds Henry VIII as king of England
+Edward vi
+In 1547 Henry ____ King of England (1509-47), dies at 55
+In 1547 Ivan IV the ____ crowned 1st tsar of Russia
+In 1547 Miguel de Cervantes, novelist (____ ), born in
+Don quixote
+In 1547 Miguel de____ , novelist (Don Quixote), born in
+In 1547 Miguel DeCervantes ____ , author (The Man Of LaMancha), born in
+In 1548 La Paz, ____ is founded
+In 1548____ , Bolivia is founded
+La paz
+In 1553 ____ woman introduces practice of starching linen into England
+In 1553 City of____ , England established
+In 1556 St. ____ of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus died in Rome
+In 1556 St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus died in____
+In 1556 St. Ignatius of____ , founder of the Society of Jesus died in Rome
+In 1557 ____ Cartier French explorer, dies (birth date unknown)
+In 1557 ____ Cartier French explorer, dies
+In 1557 Jacques ____ French explorer, dies (birth date unknown)
+In 1557 Jacques ____ French explorer, dies
+In 1558 (France)____ , last English possession in France, retaken by French
+In 1558 Elizabeth I ascends English throne upon death of Queen____
+In 1558 Robert ____ Elizabethan dramatist (Friar Bacon), born in
+In 1559 ____ crowned queen of England in Westminster Abbey
+Elizabeth i
+In 1559 Sir Thomas____ , English politician, benefactor, dies at about 52
+In 1561 Francis____ , England, statesman/essayist (Novum Organum), born in
+In 1562 a man was dug up six hours after his burial, after he had been seen breathing by someone at the funeral - he lived for another ____ years
+In 1564 Galileo____ , astronomer, born in
+In 1564 William ____ , bard, born in
+In 1565 ____ siege of Malta broken by Maltese and Knights of St John
+In 1565 1st permanent settlement in US forms (____ , Florida)
+St augustine
+In 1565 1st Spanish settlement in ____ , Cebu City, forms
+In 1565 Turkish siege of ____ broken by Maltese and Knights of St John
+In 1566 ____ French astrologer/physician/prophet, dies in Salon
+In 1566 Nostradamus French astrologer/physician/prophet, dies in____
+In 1567 Mary Queen of ____ thrown into Lochleven Castle prison
+In 1567 Mary Queen of Scots thrown into ____ Castle prison
+In 1568 Dean of St ____ 's Cathedral perfects a way to bottle beer
+In 1569 St. Philip of Moscow martyred by ____ the Terrible
+In 1570 Earl of____ , regent of Scotland, assassinated; civil war breaks out
+In 1571 ____ fleet defeated by Spanish and Italians in Battle of Lepanto
+In 1571 Turkish fleet defeated by ____ and Italians in Battle of Lepanto
+In 1571 Turkish fleet defeated by Spanish and ____ in Battle of Lepanto
+In 1571 Turkish fleet defeated by Spanish and Italians in Battle of____
+In 1572 King ____ orders massacre of thousands of French Protestants
+Charles ix
+In 1572 King Charles IX orders massacre of thousands of ____ Protestants
+In 1573 ____ Italy, painter (or 1573), born in
+In 1578 Battle of Alcazarquivir, ____ defeat Portugese
+In 1578 Battle of Alcazarquivir, Morrocans defeat____
+In 1578 Battle of____ , Morrocans defeat Portugese
+In 1579 Cornerstone is laid for ____ Brahe's Uraniborg observatory
+In 1579 Cornerstone is laid for Tycho ____ 's Uraniborg observatory
+In 1579 Cornerstone is laid for Tycho Brahe's ____ observatory
+In 1579 Sir Francis ____ lands on the coast of California
+In 1579 Sir Francis Drake lands on the coast of____
+In 1579 Union of ____ signed, forming protestant Dutch Republic
+In 1580 Battle of Alcantara, ____ defeats Portugal
+In 1580 Battle of Alcantara, Spain defeats____
+In 1580 Battle of____ , Spain defeats Portugal
+In 1581 Frances ____ completres circumnavigation of the world
+In 1581 James VI signs the 2nd ____ in Scotland
+Confession of faith
+In 1582 ____ Rico Discovery Day
+In 1582 Catholic countries switch to ____ calendar cut 10 prior days
+In 1582 Gregorian calendar introduced in____ , other Catholic countries
+In 1582 Russia cedes Livonia & Estonia to____ , loses access to the Baltic
+In 1583 ____ Alighieri Day
+In 1583 ____ claims Newfoundland (first English colony in North America)
+In 1583 Dante ____ Day
+In 1583 Gilbert claims ____ (first English colony in North America)
+In 1583 Gregory____ , pope, born in
+In 1583 Thomas ____ Day
+In 1584 ____ Day
+In 1584 Pope____ , born in
+In 1585 ____ Otto Jansen of France, Roman Catholic reform leader
+In 1585 Cardinal A ____ de Plessicide de Richelieu, King Louis XIII of France's chief minister, born in
+In 1585 Cardinal A Jean de ____ de Richelieu, King Louis XIII of France's chief minister, born in
+In 1585 Cardinal A Jean de Plessicide de Richelieu, King ____ of France's chief minister, born in
+Louis xiii
+In 1585 Cardinal A Jean de Plessicide de____ , King Louis XIII of France's chief minister, born in
+In 1585 Cornelius ____ Jansen of France, Roman Catholic reform leader
+In 1585 Cornelius Otto ____ of France, Roman Catholic reform leader
+In 1586 Sir Thomas Herriot introduces ____ to England, from Colombia
+In 1586 Sir Walter ____ brings 1st tobacco to England from Virginia
+In 1586 Sir Walter Raleigh brings 1st ____ to England from Virginia
+In 1586 Sir Walter Raleigh brings 1st tobacco to England from____
+In 1586 Trial of Mary, Queen of Scots, for conspiracy against Queen____ , begins
+Elizabeth i
+In 1586 Trial of Mary, Queen of____ , for conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth I, begins
+In 1586 Trial of____ , Queen of Scots, for conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth I, begins
+In 1587 1st English child born in the New World (____ Dare)
+In 1587 1st English child born in the New World (Virginia____ )
+In 1587 Mary Queen of ____ executed
+In 1588 ____ Armada sails to overthrow England's Queen Elizabeth I
+In 1588 English fleet attacks the ____ armada
+In 1588 English fleet defeats ____ armada
+In 1588 Frederick II king of ____ , dies
+In 1588 Spanish Armada sets sail for____ , bound to England
+In 1589 Catherine de Medici, ____ , died
+Queen of france
+In 1593 ____ Walton, fisherman, writer (Compleat Angler), born in
+In 1593 France's Protestant King ____ converts to Roman Catholic
+Henri iv
+In 1593 France's Protestant King Henri IV converts to____
+Roman catholic
+In 1593 Giuseppe ____ 1st surrealist painter, dies (birth date unkn)
+In 1593 Izaac____ , fisherman, writer (Compleat Angler), born in
+In 1594 Gustavus II Adolphus, king who made ____ a major power (1611-32)
+In 1595 Sir Francis ____ English navigator, dies at about 50
+In 1596 ____ Amati, Italy, violin maker (Stradivari and Guarneri), born in
+In 1596 Nicolo Amati, Italy, violin maker (____ and Guarneri), born in
+In 1596 Nicolo Amati, Italy, violin maker (Stradivari and____ ), born in
+In 1596 Nicolo____ , Italy, violin maker (Stradivari and Guarneri), born in
+In 1599 Oliver Cromwell, Puritan lord protector of ____ (1653-58), born in
+In 1600 Battle of ____ sets Tokugawa clan as Japan's rulers (shoguns)
+In 1600 Battle of Sekigahara sets ____ clan as Japan's rulers (shoguns)
+In 1600 Clement IX Pistoia, Italy, ____ Roman Catholic pope (1667-69), born in
+In 1601____ , king of France (1610-43), born in
+Louis xiii
+In 1602 Cape Cod was discovered by the English navigator ____ Gosnold
+In 1602 Otto von Guericke, invented the air____
+In 1604 Tsar Ivan IV defeats the False____ , who claims to be the true tsar
+In 1605 Gunpowder Plot; ____ try to blow up English Parliament. Plot uncovered & leader Guy Fawkes hanged
+In 1605 Philip IV king of Spain & ____ (1621-65), born in
+In 1608 ____ Lippershey offers the Dutch government a new invention ____ the telescope
+In 1608 City of Quebec founded by Samuel de____
+In 1608 Hans ____ offers the Dutch government a new invention ____ the telescope
+In 1608 John____ , poet and puritan (Paradise Lost) born
+In 1609 Galileo demonstrates his 1st telescope to ____ lawmakers
+In 1609 Navigator ____ Hudson discovered the island of Manhattan
+In 1609 Navigator Henry ____ discovered the island of Manhattan
+In 1609 Navigator Henry Hudson discovered the island of____
+In 1609 Venetian senate examines ____ 's telescope
+Galileo galilei
+In 1610 (Italy) Galileo discovers 1st 3 ____ satellites, Io, Europa & Ganymede
+In 1610 1st Dutch settlers arrive (from NJ), to colonize ____ Island
+In 1610 Galileo Galilei discovers____ , 4th satellite of Jupiter
+In 1610 Henry Hudson sailed into Hudson Bay, but where did he think he was?
+The pacific ocean
+In 1611 Innocent XI ____ Roman Catholic pope (1676-89), born in
+In 1613 ____ duc de la Rochefoucald Paris France, writer (Memoires), born in
+In 1613 Francoise duc de la ____ Paris France, writer (Memoires), born in
+In 1614 Indian princess ____ marries English colonist John Rolfe
+In 1616 Corpernicus' DE REVOLUTIONIBUS placed on ____ Forbidden index
+In 1617 The first one-way streets are established ____ in____
+In 1618 Sir ____ Raleigh is executed in London
+In 1618 Sir Walter ____ is executed in London
+In 1619 Cyrano de____ , writer, born in
+In 1620 ____ sets sail from Southampton with 102 Pilgrims
+In 1620 1st merry-go-round seen at a fair (Philippapolis,____ )
+In 1620 41 Pilgrims signed a compact aboard____
+In 1620 Mayflower sets sail from ____ with 102 Pilgrims
+In 1620 Mayflower sets sail from Southampton with ____ Pilgrims
+In 1620 Pilgrims reach Cape Cod on the____
+In 1620 The ____ sets sail from Plymouth with 102 Pilgrims
+In 1620 The Mayflower sets sail from ____ with 102 Pilgrims
+In 1620 The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth with ____ Pilgrims
+In 1621 ____ perfects the telescope
+In 1622 Moli?re, France, ____ (Tartuffe, Les Misanthrope), baptized
+In 1623 Blaise____ , mathematician, born in
+In 1625 Charles I King of England, ____ , and Ireland ascends to throne
+In 1625 Giovanni Domenico ____ discovered 4 satellites of Saturn
+In 1625 Giovanni Domenico Cassini discovered 4 satellites of____
+In 1626 Indians sell ____ for $24 in cloth & buttons
+Manhattan island
+In 1628 Charles ____ France, lawyer/writer (Mother Goose), born in
+In 1629 Abbas I Shah of ____ (1588-1629), dies at 57
+In 1630 Italian Jesuit Niccolo____ , 1st to see 2 belts on Jupiter surface
+In 1630 Popcorn is introduced by an ____ named Quadequina to the English colonists at their first Thanksgiving dinner
+In 1630 The ____ is introduced to American dining by Gov. Winthrop
+In 1631 ____ Dryden, first poet laureate of England (Absalom and Achitophel), born in
+In 1631 John____ , first poet laureate of England (Absalom and Achitophel), born in
+In 1632 Sir ____ Wren, England, astronomer/great architect, born in
+In 1632 Sir Christopher____ , England, astronomer/great architect, born in
+In 1633____ , king of England (1685-88), born in
+James ii
+In 1636 ____ College, first US college founded
+In 1638 1st earthquake recorded in US, at____ , Mass
+In 1639 ____ University was named for clergyman John Harvard
+In 1639 First ____ in America
+Printing press
+In 1640 Portugal regained independence after 60 years of ____ rule
+In 1640____ , Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, born in
+Leopold i
+In 1642 ____ Huygens discovers Martian south polar cap
+In 1642 Christiaan ____ discovers Martian south polar cap
+In 1642 Christiaan Huygens discovers ____ south polar cap
+In 1643____ , scientist, discovered laws of gravity
+Sir issac newton
+In 1644 ____ Roemer, first to accurately measured speed of light, born in
+In 1644 First protestant ministry society in New____
+In 1644 Olaus____ , first to accurately measured speed of light, born in
+In 1645 ____ standing army first founded
+In 1646 ____ Flamsteed, first astronomer royal of England, born in
+In 1646 John____ , first astronomer royal of England, born in
+In 1647 British army seizes King ____ as a prisoner
+Charles i
+In 1647 the English Parliament abolished?
+In 1648 Dutch and ____ agree to divide St. Maarten, Leeward Islands
+In 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia ended which war?
+The thirty years war
+In 1649 Drogheda, ____ falls to Puritan troops; inhabitants massacred
+In 1649 Drogheda, Ireland falls to ____ troops; inhabitants massacred
+In 1649 Margaret ____ of Charlestown became the first person tried and executed for witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts
+In 1649____ , Ireland falls to Puritan troops; inhabitants massacred
+In 1654 Louis ____ crowned King of France
+In 1655 ____ de Bergerac French dramatist/novelist, dies in Paris
+In 1655 ____ Luyts, Dutch scholar, physicist, mathematician, astronomer, born in
+In 1655 Cyrano de ____ French dramatist/novelist, dies in Paris
+In 1655 Innocent____ , 244th Roman Catholic pope (1721-24), born in
+In 1655 Jan____ , Dutch scholar, physicist, mathematician, astronomer, born in
+In 1657 london, what was advertised as a cure for scurvy, gout and other ills?
+In 1657 Sophia, regent of ____ (1682-89), born in
+In 1657____ , regent of Russia (1682-89), born in
+In 1658 ____ king of England (1603-25), dies at 92
+James i
+In 1658 James I king of England (1603-25), dies at____
+In 1658 Lord ____ Cromwell British king (1653-58), dies at 59
+In 1658 Lord Oliver ____ British king (1653-58), dies at 59
+In 1658 Lord Oliver Cromwell British king (1653-58), dies at____
+In 1659 ____ Crusoe is shipwrecked (according to Defoe)
+In 1659 Robinson ____ is shipwrecked (according to Defoe)
+In 1660 ____ Gautier engineer, wrote 1st book on bridge building, born in
+In 1660 Alessandro____ , Palermo Italy, composer (Tigrane), born in
+In 1660 Hubert ____ engineer, wrote 1st book on bridge building, born in
+In 1661 Cardinal Jules____ , the chief minister of France, died
+In 1661 Chinese ____ dynasty occupies Taiwan
+In 1662 ____ grants a charter to establish Royal Society in London
+Charles ii
+In 1662 ____ sees solar eclipse, first known astronomical observation
+In 1662 Act of Uniformity requires ____ to accept book of Common Prayer
+In 1666 Great Fire of London starts; destroys ____ Church
+St. Paul's
+In 1666 Great London ____ begins in Pudding Lane. 80% of London is destroyed
+In 1666 Great London Fire begins in ____ Lane. 80% of London is destroyed
+In 1666 Great London Fire begins in Pudding Lane. ____ of London is destroyed
+In 1666 Samuel Pepys reports on first ____ transfusion (between dogs)
+In 1667 John ____ Scottish writer (Alexander Pope), born in
+In 1668 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ends?
+War of devolution
+In 1670 Christian V became King of ____ and Norway
+In 1671 ____ Cassini discovers Iapetus, satellite of Saturn
+In 1671 Giovanni ____ discovers Iapetus, satellite of Saturn
+In 1671 Giovanni Cassini discovers Iapetus, satellite of____
+In 1671 Giovanni Cassini discovers____ , satellite of Saturn
+In 1672 (Italy) Giovanni Cassini discovers Rhea, a satellite of____
+In 1672 Frontenac becomes governor of ____ (Canada)
+New france
+In 1673 Moliere, ____ Dramatist, died
+In 1674 Isaac ____ (in England), writer and preacher, born in
+In 1675 Royal Greenwich Observatory established in England by____
+Charles ii
+In 1676 Sir ____ Walpole (Whig), British prime minister, 1721-42
+In 1676 Sir Robert ____ (Whig), British prime minister, 1721-42
+In 1678 Edmund ____ receives MA from Queen's College, Oxford
+In 1679 Great panic occurs in ____ over the close approach of a comet
+In 1680, this area was separated from massachusetts and made a royal colony?
+New hampshire
+In 1681 Georg Philipp Telemann, leading ____ late-baroque composer, born in
+In 1683 ____ Phillippe Rameau, French composer (baptized), born in
+In 1683 George II king of ____ (1727-60), born in
+In 1683 Jean ____ Rameau, French composer (baptized), born in
+In 1683 Jean Phillippe____ , French composer (baptized), born in
+In 1683 Philip V, first Bourbon king of ____ (1700-46)
+In 1684 Ludvig Baron Holberg, a founder of ____ & Norwegian literature, born in
+In 1684 Patent granted for the?
+In 1685 ____ revokes Edict of Nantes, outlaws Protestantism, hastens onset of French Revolution
+Louis xiv
+In 1685 George Frideric____ , Baroque composer in Germany, born in
+In 1685 Johann Sebastian ____ (in Eisenach, Germany), composer, born in
+In 1685 Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, outlaws Protestantism, hastens onset of____
+French revolution
+In 1685 Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, outlaws____ , hastens onset of French Revolution
+In 1685 Louis XIV revokes Edict of____ , outlaws Protestantism, hastens onset of French Revolution
+In 1685____ , Holy Roman emperor (1711-40)
+Charles vi
+In 1686 ____ reports seeing a satellite orbiting Venus
+In 1686 Cassini reports seeing a satellite orbiting____
+In 1686 Gabriel Daniel____ , invented the thermometer
+In 1686 Robinson ____ leaves his island after 28 years (as per Defoe)
+In 1687 ____ destroyed in war between Turks and Venetians
+In 1687 Isaac ____ 's PRINCIPIA published by Royal Society in England
+In 1687 Parthenon destroyed in war between ____ and Venetians
+In 1687 Parthenon destroyed in war between Turks and____
+In 1688 ____ William I, king of Prussia, born in
+In 1688 Alexander ____ England, poet, born in
+In 1688 Frederick William I, king of____ , born in
+In 1688 Frederick____ , king of Prussia, born in
+William i
+In 1689 ____ Parliament adopts Bill of Rights after Cromwell's Revolution
+In 1689 ____ Scottish Highlanders defeat royal force at Killiecrankie
+In 1689 Jacobite Scottish Highlanders defeat royal force at____
+In 1689 Orangeman's Day ____ Battle of the Boyne, ____ victory in Ireland
+In 1689 Orangeman's Day ____ Battle of the____ , Protestant victory in Ireland
+In 1690 (England) John Flamsteed observes ____ but doesn't realize it's undiscovered
+In 1690 Army of England's Protestant King ____ defeats Roman Catholic King James II in Battle of the Boyne in Ireland
+William iii
+In 1690 England passes____ , forgiving followers of James II
+Act of grace
+In 1693 ____ invents champagne
+Dom perignon
+In 1694 ____ Basho greatest Japanese haiku poet, dies
+In 1694 Lord ____ letter writer; introduced Gregorian calendar (1752), born in
+In 1694 Matsuo ____ greatest Japanese haiku poet, dies
+In 1694 Matsuo Basho greatest Japanese ____ poet, dies
+In 1696 ____ Ottoman sultan, fought Austrians and Russians, born in
+Mahmud i
+In 1696 Mahmud I ____ sultan, fought Austrians and Russians, born in
+In 1696 Mahmud I Ottoman sultan, fought ____ and Russians, born in
+In 1696 Mahmud I Ottoman sultan, fought Austrians and____ , born in
+In 1697____ , Holy Roman emperor (1742-45), born in
+Charles vii
+In 1699 Russian ____ adjusted so Russian New Year occurs on January 1st, instead of September 1st
+In 1700 Daniel____ , Basel, Switzerland, mathematician, born in
+In 1701 ____ king of England (1685-88), dies at 68
+James ii
+In 1701 Anders Celsius, scientist, invented ____ temperature scale
+In 1701 Captain ____ is hanged in London after convicted of piracy and murder
+In 1701 James II king of ____ (1685-88), dies at 68
+In 1701 James II king of England (1685-88), dies at____
+In 1704 ____ defeat French at Battle of Blenheim
+In 1704 ____ takes Gibraltar from Spain
+Great britain
+In 1704 English defeat ____ at Battle of Blenheim
+In 1704 English defeat French at Battle of____
+In 1704 Great Britain takes ____ from Spain
+In 1704 Great Britain takes Gibraltar from____
+In 1706____ , famous kite flyer, statesman, wit, born in
+Benjamin franklin
+In 1707 Charles Wesley, cofounder of ____ movement
+In 1708 ____ von Haller, the father of experimental physiology
+In 1708 Albrecht____ , the father of experimental physiology
+Von haller
+In 1709 Battle of Poltava; ____ defeat Swedes
+In 1709 Battle of Poltava; Russians defeat____
+In 1709 Battle of____ ; Russians defeat Swedes
+In 1709 Elizabeth, empress of ____ (to Peter the Great and Catherine I),born
+In 1709 English, ____ and Austrians defeat French in Battle of Malplaquet
+In 1709 English, Dutch and ____ defeat French in Battle of Malplaquet
+In 1709 English, Dutch and Austrians defeat ____ in Battle of Malplaquet
+In 1709 English, Dutch and Austrians defeat French in Battle of____
+In 1709 First known ascent in a hot-air balloon, by Father ____ de Gusmao of Portugal (indoors!)
+In 1709 First known ascent in a hot-air balloon, by Father Bartolomeu de ____ of Portugal (indoors!)
+In 1709 First known ascent in a____ , by Father Bartolomeu de Gusmao of Portugal (indoors!)
+Hot-air balloon
+In 1709____ , Dutch and Austrians defeat French in Battle of Malplaquet
+In 1710 the first model was built that showed how the planets moved, what was it called?
+An orrery
+In 1711 David ____ England, empiricists (Treatise of Human Nature), born in
+In 1712 ____ Grenville, British prime minister (1763-65), born in
+In 1712 George____ , British prime minister (1763-65), born in
+In 1713 Ferdinand VI, king of ____ (1746-59), born in
+In 1713 Peace of ____ ; France cedes Maritime provinces to Britain
+In 1713____ , king of Spain (1746-59), born in
+Ferdinand vi
+In 1713, the Treaty of Utrecht ended which war?
+War of Spanish succession
+In 1714 Treaty of Baden-French retain Alsace, ____ gets right bank of Rhine
+In 1714 Treaty of Baden-French retain Alsace, Austria gets right bank of____
+In 1714 Treaty of Baden-French retain____ , Austria gets right bank of Rhine
+In 1715 ____ the great, king of France (1643-1715), dies at 76
+Louis xiv
+In 1715 Claude ____ born, French philosopher
+In 1715 French manufacturer debuts 1st folding ____ (Paris)
+In 1715 John ____ observes Uranus for 6th time
+In 1715 Louis XIV the great, king of ____ (1643-1715), dies at 76
+In 1715 Louis XIV the great, king of France (1643-1715), dies at____
+In 1715 Louis XIV the great, king of France (1643-1715), dies, what age was he?
+In 1716 First lion to be seen in America was exhibited in____
+In 1717 Empress Maria____ , Austria (Wife of Napolean), born in
+In 1718 John Montague 4th Earl of Sandwich, inventor of____ , born in
+In 1719 Principality of ____ created within Holy Roman Empire
+In 1719 Sir John____ , wrote first history of music in English, born in
+In 1723 Adam ____ (in Kirkcaldy, Scotland), economist, born in
+In 1723 Sir William____ , English jurist (Blackstone's Commentaries), born in
+In 1725 ____ -Joseph Cugnot, designed and built first automobile, born in
+In 1725 Nicolas____ Cugnot, designed and built first automobile, born in
+In 1725 Nicolas-Joseph____ , designed and built first automobile, born in
+In 1726 ____ -Andre Philidor, France, chess champion/musician, born in
+In 1726 Francois____ Philidor, France, chess champion/musician, born in
+In 1726 Francois-Andre Philidor, France, ____ champion/musician, born in
+In 1726 Francois-Andre____ , France, chess champion/musician, born in
+In 1727 Severe earthquake in____
+New England
+In 1727 Sir Isaac ____ died in London
+In 1728 ____ Cook, captain/explorer, discovered Sandwich Islands and led First Fleet to Australia, born in
+In 1728 ____ Lambert, Swiss mathematician, proved pi is irrational
+In 1728 James____ , captain/explorer, discovered Sandwich Islands and led First Fleet to Australia, born in
+In 1728 Johann____ , Swiss mathematician, proved pi is irrational
+In 1729 ____ Mendelssohn, philosopher, critic, Bible translator, born in
+In 1729 Catherine II (the Great) empress of ____ (1762-96), born in
+In 1729 Moses____ , philosopher, critic, Bible translator, born in
+In 1730 Josiah____ , English pottery designer, manufacturer born
+In 1731 ____ Cavendish, English physicist, chemist born
+In 1731 Henry____ , English physicist, chemist born
+In 1732 George____ , father figure for U.S., President (1789-1796), born in
+In 1733 Joseph ____ (father of soda pop) invents carbonated water
+In 1734 Daniel ____ frontiersman/explorer, born in
+In 1736____ , Scotland, inventor (steam engine), born in
+James watt
+In 1737 Antonio____ , violin maker, dies
+In 1737 Edward ____ England, historian (Decline & Fall of the Roman Emp), born in
+In 1737 Thomas____ , political essayist (Common Sense, Age of Reason), born in
+In 1738 ____ of England, king, born in
+George iii
+In 1738 Sir William Herschel, astronomer discovered ____
+In 1740 ____ (in Scotland), Samuel Johnson's biographer, born in
+James boswell
+In 1740 ____ Theresa became ruler of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia
+In 1740 Maria ____ became ruler of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia
+In 1740 Maria Theresa became ruler of Austria, ____ and Bohemia
+In 1740 Maria Theresa became ruler of Austria, Hungary and____
+In 1740 Maria Theresa became ruler of____ , Hungary and Bohemia
+In 1740 Marquis____ , 1st known sadist, writer (Justine), born in
+De sade
+In 1741 Vitus Bering, Dutch ____ and explorer, died
+In 1742 Edmund Halley genius eclipsed by____ , dies at 86
+In 1742, this crop was first planted in louisiana?
+Sugar cane
+In 1743 Jean-Paul____ , philosopher born
+In 1744 Elbridge____ , 5th VP, gov. of Mass., invented gerrymandering, born in
+In 1745 (France) Jacques Montgolfier, ____ (1st pioneer balloonist), born in
+In 1745 Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio____ , invented the electric battery, born in
+In 1746 Battle Of____ , Scotland
+In 1746 Francisco Jose____ , artist, born in
+De goya
+In 1746 Giuseppe Piazzi, discovered first asteroid, ____
+In 1746 Giuseppe____ , discovered first asteroid, Ceres
+In 1748 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ends War of ____ Succession
+In 1748 Treaty of____ , ends War of Austrian Succession
+In 1749 Johann Nikolaus____ , musicologist and first biographer of Bach, born in
+In 1750 ____ Salieri Italy, composer (Tatare), born in
+In 1750 ____ Sebastian Bach German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at 65
+In 1750 Antonio ____ Italy, composer (Tatare), born in
+In 1750 Johann ____ Bach German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at 65
+In 1750 Johann Sebastian ____ German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at 65
+In 1750 Johann Sebastian Bach German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at____
+In 1752 ____ Appert, inventor of food canning, bouillon tablet, born in
+In 1752 Fanny____ , England, author (Camille, Evelina), born in
+In 1752 Last day of ____ calendar in Britain, British colonies
+In 1752 Nicolas Appert, inventor of____ , bouillon tablet, born in
+Food canning
+In 1752 Nicolas____ , inventor of food canning, bouillon tablet, born in
+In 1752 Pope ____ elected to succeed Zacharias, died 2 days later
+Stephen ii
+In 1752 This day never happened nor the next 10 days as England adopts Gregorian Calendar. People riot thinking the govt stole ____ days of their lives
+In 1753 ____ Term Day
+In 1753 First official St. ____ 's Day
+In 1754 ____ Bligh nasty ship's captain and New South Wales governor (HMS Bounty), born in
+In 1754 William ____ nasty ship's captain and New South Wales governor (HMS Bounty), born in
+In 1754 William Bligh nasty ship's captain and ____ governor (HMS Bounty), born in
+New south wales
+In 1754 William Bligh nasty ship's captain and New South Wales governor (HMS____ ), born in
+In 1754____ , French statesman and diplomat, born in
+In 1754____ , king of France (1774-92); guillotined, born in
+Louis xvi
+In 1755 ____ -Jacque Conte inventor (modern pencil), born in
+In 1755 ____ Evans, pioneered the high-pressure steam engine, born in
+In 1755 ____ Lord Clive, founded British empire in India, born in
+In 1755 Marie-Antoinette Queen of____ , born in
+In 1755 Nicolas____ Conte inventor (modern pencil), born in
+In 1755 Nicolas-Jacque ____ inventor (modern pencil), born in
+In 1755 Oliver____ , pioneered the high-pressure steam engine, born in
+In 1755 Robert Lord Clive, founded British empire in____ , born in
+In 1755 Robert Lord____ , founded British empire in India, born in
+In 1755____ , the first Secretary of the US Treasury, born in
+Alexander hamilton
+In 1755, this Portuguese capital was devastated by a powerful earthquake?
+In 1756 ____ Loudon McAdam created macadam road surface (asphalt), born in
+In 1756 Aaron____ , duelist, born in
+In 1756 John ____ McAdam created macadam road surface (asphalt), born in
+In 1756 John Loudon ____ created macadam road surface (asphalt), born in
+In 1756 St. Patrick's Day first celebrated in____ , at the Crown and Thistle Tavern
+New york city
+In 1756 Wolfgang Amadeus____ , musical prodigy, composer, born in
+In 1757 Charles X, Versailles, ____ , Duke of Prussia, born in
+In 1757 Charles X, Versailles, France, Duke of____ , born in
+In 1757____ , king of France (1824-30); deposed, born in
+Charles x
+In 1757____ , Versailles, France, Duke of Prussia, born in
+Charles x
+In 1758 ____ Messier observes the Crab Nebula and begins catalog
+In 1758 ____ Nelson Burnham Thorpe, Britain, naval hero at Trafalgar, born in
+In 1758 ____ Olbers, discoverer of asteroids Pallas and Vesta, born in
+In 1758 ____ Webster, lexicographer
+In 1758 Charles ____ observes the Crab Nebula and begins catalog
+In 1758 Charles Messier observes the ____ and begins catalog
+Crab nebula
+In 1758 Horatio ____ Burnham Thorpe, Britain, naval hero at Trafalgar, born in
+In 1758 Horatio Nelson ____ Thorpe, Britain, naval hero at Trafalgar, born in
+In 1758 Horatio Nelson Burnham Thorpe, Britain, naval hero at____ , born in
+In 1758 Horatio Nelson Burnham____ , Britain, naval hero at Trafalgar, born in
+In 1758 Noah____ , lexicographer
+In 1758 Wilhelm Olbers, discoverer of asteroids ____ and Vesta, born in
+In 1758 Wilhelm Olbers, discoverer of asteroids Pallas and____ , born in
+In 1758 Wilhelm____ , discoverer of asteroids Pallas and Vesta, born in
+In 1759 ____ defeats Montcalm on Plains of Abraham; Canada becomes English
+In 1759 Destructive eruption of____
+In 1759 Robert____ , Scottish poet, born in
+In 1759 Wolfe defeats ____ on Plains of Abraham; Canada becomes English
+In 1759 Wolfe defeats Montcalm on Plains of____ ; Canada becomes English
+In 1760 ____ ascends the British throne
+George iii
+In 1760 Charles III king of ____ (1759-88), born in
+In 1762 George ____ king of England (1820-30), born in
+In 1763 John Jacob____ , merchant, born in
+In 1763 Treaty of ____ ends the French and Indian War
+In 1764 Ann Ward____ , English Gothic novelist (The Italian), born in
+In 1765 ____ catalogs M41 (galactic cluster in Canis Major)
+Charles messier
+In 1765 ____ Fulton, inventor, born in
+In 1765 ____ king of England (1830-37), born in
+William iv
+In 1765 Robert____ , built first commercial steamboat
+In 1765 Robert____ , inventor, born in
+In 1766 The first patent is granted for a ____ ... a wicker basket on a pully and a chain, designed by a London watchmaker
+Fire escape
+In 1768 ____ Ren, de Chateaubriand, French poet, novelist, statesman
+In 1768 Francois Ren, ____ , French poet, novelist, statesman
+De chateaubriand
+In 1768 Francois Ren, de Chateaubriand, ____ poet, novelist, statesman
+In 1768 Francois____ , de Chateaubriand, French poet, novelist, statesman
+In 1769 ____ Bonaparte (Corsica), resident of Elba (Emperor of France 1804-13, 1814-15), born in
+In 1769 ____ Hoyle games expert, dies (birth date unknown)
+In 1769 Edmond ____ games expert, dies (birth date unknown)
+In 1769 Napoleon ____ (Corsica), resident of Elba (Emperor of France 1804-13, 1814-15), born in
+In 1769 Napoleon Bonaparte (Corsica), resident of ____ (Emperor of France 1804-13, 1814-15), born in
+In 1770 Capt ____ arrives in New South Wales
+In 1770 Captain ____ runs aground on Australian Great Barrier Reef
+In 1770 George ____ (C) British PM (1827), born in
+In 1770 Ludwig von ____ (in Bonn, Germany), composer, born in
+In 1770 Marie ____ married the future King Louis XVI of France
+In 1771 Sir ____ Scott, Scottish novelist, poet (Lady of Lake, Ivanhoe), born in
+In 1771 Sir Walter Scott, ____ novelist, poet (Lady of Lake, Ivanhoe), born in
+In 1771 Sir Walter____ , Scottish novelist, poet (Lady of Lake, Ivanhoe), born in
+In 1771 Spain cedes the ____ Islands to Britain
+In 1772 ____ outlawed in England
+In 1772 ____ Taylor Coleridge (in England), poet, born in
+In 1772 First partition of Poland, between Austria, ____ and Russia
+In 1772 First partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia and____
+In 1772 First partition of Poland, between____ , Prussia and Russia
+In 1772 First partition of____ , between Austria, Prussia and Russia
+In 1772 Samuel ____ Coleridge (in England), poet, born in
+In 1772 Samuel Taylor ____ (in England), poet, born in
+In 1773 Big Tea Party in Boston Harbor. Indians welcome. ____ unwelcome
+In 1773 Scottish settlers arrive at____ , Nova Scotia (Canada)
+In 1773 Thomas ____ proponent of the wave theory of light, born in
+In 1774 ____ Caspar Mezzofanti, Cardinal/linguist (understood 70 languages), born in
+In 1774 ____ Chapman, alias Johnny Appleseed, born in
+In 1774 Dr. ____ discovers oxygen
+In 1774 Dr. Priestly discovers____
+In 1774 John Chapman, alias ____ Appleseed, born in
+In 1774 John Chapman, alias Johnny____ , born in
+In 1774 John____ , alias Johnny Appleseed, born in
+In 1774 Joseph ____ Mezzofanti, Cardinal/linguist (understood 70 languages), born in
+In 1774 Joseph Caspar____ , Cardinal/linguist (understood 70 languages), born in
+In 1775 Andre-Marie Ampere of____ , discovered electromagnetism, born in
+In 1775 Charles ____ (in England), writer, born in
+In 1775 Jane ____ (in England), novelist (Pride and Prejudice), born in
+In 1775 The first ____ ship, 'San Carlos', enters San Francisco bay
+In 1775 The first Spanish ship, '____ , enters San Francisco bay
+San carlos
+In 1776 ____ agree to donate arms to American rebels
+France & Spain
+In 1776 ____ Avogadro, made famous by picking 6.022 x 10 ^ 23
+In 1776 Amedeo____ , made famous by picking 6.022 x 10 ^ 23
+In 1776 Col. John ____ gave first public reading of American Decleration of Independence
+In 1776 Declaration of Independence is read aloud to Gen. George Washington's troops in____
+New york
+In 1776 Declaration of Independence-US gained independence from ____ (U.S. Independence Day)
+In 1776 Henri Dutrochet, discovered & named process of ____
+In 1776 John ____ (in England), painter, born in
+In 1776 Thomas ____ publishes his first 'American Crisis' essay
+In 1776 Washington and his troops cross the ____ River
+In 1777 ____ Christian Oersted, physicist, chemist born
+In 1777 ____ I, tsar of Russia (1801-25), born in
+In 1777 ____ recognizes the independance of the 13 US colonies
+In 1777 Hans ____ Oersted, physicist, chemist born
+In 1777 Hans Christian Oersted, ____ , chemist born
+In 1777 Hans Christian Oersted, physicist, ____ born
+In 1777 Hans Christian____ , physicist, chemist born
+In 1778 ____ Gottlieb von Bellinghausen 1st to circumnavigate Antarctica, born in
+In 1778 ____ O'Higgins, won independence for Chile, born in
+In 1778 Beau____ , English Dandy, man of fashion, born in
+In 1778 Bernardo____ , won independence for Chile, born in
+In 1778 Capt James Cook stumbles over ____ (Hawaiian Islands)
+Sandwich islands
+In 1778 Capt. ____ passes through Bering Strait
+In 1778 Capt. Cook passes through ____ Strait
+In 1778 Captain Cook discovers ____ (in the Sandwich Islands)
+In 1778 Fabian ____ von Bellinghausen 1st to circumnavigate Antarctica, born in
+In 1778 Fabian Gottlieb ____ 1st to circumnavigate Antarctica, born in
+Von bellinghausen
+In 1778 Fabian Gottlieb von Bellinghausen 1st to circumnavigate____ , born in
+In 1778 Sir Humphry Davy, discovered several ____ elements
+In 1778, fashionable women of ____ never went out in blustery weather without a lightning rod attached to their hats
+In 1778, fashionable women of Paris never went out in blustery weather without a ____ attached to their hats
+Lightning rod
+In 1778, fashionable women of paris never went out in blustery weather without a lightning rod attached to their____
+In 1779 ____ Ritter, cofounder of modern science of geography, born in
+In 1779 Carl Ritter, cofounder of modern science of____ , born in
+In 1779 Carl____ , cofounder of modern science of geography, born in
+In 1779 Clement Clarke____ , American author ('Twas the Night Before Xmas)
+In 1779____ , thesaurus fame, inventor (slide rule, pocket chessboard), born in
+Peter roget
+In 1779, what city was replaced by Richmond as Virginia's capital?
+In 1780 Britain declares war against____
+In 1780 William ____ discovers 1st binary star, Xi Ursae Majoris
+In 1781 ____ founded in the Valley of Smokes (Indian Name)
+Los angeles
+In 1781 (England) Planet ____ was discovered by Sir William Herschel
+In 1781 George____ , inventor (principal RR locomotive), born in
+In 1781 Los Angeles founded in the Valley of ____ (Indian Name)
+In 1781 Sir ____ Raffles founded Singapore, born in
+In 1781 Sir Stamford ____ founded Singapore, born in
+In 1781 Sir Stamford Raffles founded____ , born in
+In 1782 ____ Paganini, Genoa, Italy, composer/violin virtuoso (Princess Lucca), born in
+In 1782 ____ recognizes US
+In 1782 ____ Washington creates the Order of the Purple Heart
+In 1782 George ____ creates the Order of the Purple Heart
+In 1782 George Washington creates the Order of the____
+Purple heart
+In 1782 Niccolo____ , Genoa, Italy, composer/violin virtuoso (Princess Lucca), born in
+In 1783 ____ becomes a protectorate of tsarist Russia
+In 1783 ____ de Iturbide, emperor of Mexico (1822-23), born in
+Agustin i
+In 1783 ____ Heathcoat, invented lace-making machinery, born in
+In 1783 ____ Pilftre de Rozier makes captive-balloon ascent
+In 1783 ____ Volcano in southern Iceland begins 8-month eruption
+In 1783 Agustin I de Iturbide, emperor of ____ (1822-23), born in
+In 1783 Agustin I de____ , emperor of Mexico (1822-23), born in
+In 1783 Britain evacuated ____ York, their last military position in U.S
+In 1783 Charles and M.N. Roberts ascend 2,000' in a ____ balloon
+In 1783 First hydrogen-filled ____ ascent (unmanned)
+In 1783 George ____ resigned as US Army's commander-in-chief
+In 1783 Georgia becomes a protectorate of tsarist____
+In 1783 Jean ____ de Rozier makes captive-balloon ascent
+In 1783 Jean Pilftre ____ makes captive-balloon ascent
+De rozier
+In 1783 John Heathcoat, invented ____ machinery, born in
+In 1783 John____ , invented lace-making machinery, born in
+In 1783 Joseph Jaques ____ becomes the first to fly (10 minute) in a hot-air balloon
+In 1783 Laki Volcano in southern ____ begins 8-month eruption
+In 1783 Laki Volcano in southern Iceland begins ____ eruption
+In 1783 Simon Bolivar, freed 6 Latin American republics from ____ rule, born in
+In 1783 Simon____ , freed 6 Latin American republics from Spanish rule, born in
+In 1783 Washington ____, writer (Rip Van Winkle, Legend of Sleepy Hollow), born in
+In 1784 E. ____ opens the first cooking school, in Great Britain
+In 1784 Empress of ____ sets sail on first New York to China route
+In 1785 ____ (in Germany), storyteller
+Jacob grimm
+In 1785 ____ French balloonists die in world's 1st fatal aviation accident
+In 1785 ____ Miguel Carrera, president of Chile (1811-14), born in
+In 1785 Alessandro____ , poet, born in
+In 1785 Jose ____ Carrera, president of Chile (1811-14), born in
+In 1785 Jose Miguel Carrera, president of ____ (1811-14), born in
+In 1785 Jose Miguel____ , president of Chile (1811-14), born in
+In 1786 ____ Crockett US, frontiersman/adventurer/politician, born in
+In 1786 Davy ____ US, frontiersman/adventurer/politician, born in
+In 1786 Wilhelm Karl____ , story teller, born in
+In 1787 Georg Simon____ , scientist, born in
+In 1787 Karl Ferdinand von____ , helped create modern plastic surgery, born in
+In 1787 Thomas H. Gallaudet, pioneer of educating the____ , born in
+In 1787 Titania & Oberon, moons of____ , discovered by William Herschel
+In 1788 ____ becomes the capitol of the United States
+New york city
+In 1788 First settlement established by the ____ in Australia. AUSTRALIA DAY !
+In 1788 Lord George Gordon Noel____ , England, romantic poet (Don Juan), born in
+In 1789 ____ Herschel discovers Mimas, satellite of Saturn
+In 1789 ____ Whiskey is first distilled from corn by Reverend Elijah Craig in Bourbon County, Kentucky
+In 1789 Bastille Day-citizens of Paris storm ____ prison
+In 1789 Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, developed a method of ____
+In 1789 Mutiny on HMS?
+In 1789 Sir ____ Herschel discovers Saturn's moon Enceladus
+In 1789 Sir William ____ discovers Saturn's moon Enceladus
+In 1789 Sir William Herschel discovers ____ 's moon Enceladus
+In 1789 Sir William Herschel discovers Saturn's moon____
+In 1789 William ____ discovers Mimas, satellite of Saturn
+In 1789 William Herschel discovers Mimas, satellite of____
+In 1789 William Herschel discovers____ , satellite of Saturn
+In 1790 Aztec calendar stone discovered in ____ City
+In 1790 Chrysanthemums are introduced into England from____
+In 1790 Jean-Francois Champollion, deciphered ____ hieroglyphics
+In 1790 Sir William____ , British Arctic explorer,born
+In 1790 Slaves revolt in ____ (later suppressed)
+In 1790 U.S. ____ system established
+In 1791 ____ Faraday discovered principle of electric motor, born in
+In 1791 ____ Fitch granted a US patent for his working steamboat
+In 1791 (AUSTRIA) Wolfgang ____ Mozart, composer, dies aged 37
+In 1791 (England) Charles____ , mathematician and developer of the speedometer, born in
+In 1791 John ____ granted a US patent for his working steamboat
+In 1791 King Louis ____ caught trying to escape French Revolution
+In 1791 Michael ____ discovered principle of electric motor, born in
+In 1791 New York City traffic regulation creates the first ____ -way street
+In 1792 ____ Bysshe Shelley England, romantic poet (Adonais), born in
+In 1792 ____ lays cornerstone of the Executive Mansion (White House)
+In 1792 1st ____ Republic declared
+In 1792 500 Marseillaisian men sing ____ 's national anthem for 1st time
+In 1792 Charles____ , English inventor (calculating machine), born in
+In 1792 France declares war on ____ , Prussia & Sardinia
+In 1792 France declares war on Austria, ____ & Sardinia
+In 1792 France declares war on Austria, Prussia & ____
+In 1792 George ____ Dallas (D), 11th Vice President (1845-49), born in
+In 1792 Guillotine 1st used, executes highwayman Nicolas J?
+In 1792 Mobs in Paris attack the palace of____
+Louis xvi
+In 1792 Percy ____ Shelley England, romantic poet (Adonais), born in
+In 1792 Percy Bysshe ____ England, romantic poet (Adonais), born in
+In 1793 ____ Antoinette beheaded in France
+In 1793 ____ executed
+Marie antoinette
+In 1793 ____ is 1st mentioned in an English sporting magazine
+In 1793 ____ Whitney applies for patent for the cotton gin
+In 1793 A new war government takes office in____
+In 1793 Eli ____ applies for patent for the cotton gin
+In 1793 French revolutionary writer Jean Paul ____ murdered by Charlotte Corday
+In 1793 French revolutionary writer Jean Paul Marat murdered by Charlotte____
+In 1793 Louis XVI French king, ____ by French revolutionaries
+In 1793 Marie ____ beheaded in France
+In 1793 The____ , in Paris, was opened to the public
+In 1793, ____ reaches the pacific
+Alexander mackenzie
+In 1793, George Washington laid the cornerstone for the most important government building in the United States?
+White House
+In 1794 ____ and 22 other terrorists executed to thunderous cheers
+In 1794 Eli ____ received patent for cotton gin
+In 1794 Nathan____ , New Hampshire, gets patent for the washing machine
+In 1794 Robespierre and ____ other terrorists executed to thunderous cheers
+In 1795 Charles ____ , England, explorered Australia, born in
+In 1795 Sir Henry ____ British soldier (War in Afghanistan 1838-39), born in
+In 1795 Sir Rowland Hill introduced 1st ____ postage stamp (1840)
+In 1795 Third partition of Poland, between Austria, ____ and Russia
+In 1795 Third partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia and____
+In 1795 Third partition of Poland, between____ , Prussia and Russia
+In 1795 Third partition of____ , between Austria, Prussia and Russia
+In 1796 ____ Russia, Tsar (1825-55), born in
+Nicholas i
+In 1796 Napoleon Bonaparte married Josephine de?
+In 1796 Robert ____ Scottish poet, dies
+In 1796 Robert Burns ____ poet, dies
+In 1797 ____ -Jacques Garnerin makes the first parachute jump from a balloon (Paris, France)
+In 1797 ____ Wollstonecraft Shelley London England, author (Frankenstein), born in
+In 1797 Andre____ Garnerin makes the first parachute jump from a balloon (Paris, France)
+In 1797 Andre-Jacques ____ makes the first parachute jump from a balloon (Paris, France)
+In 1797 Franz Peter____ , Lichtenthal Austria, composer (Unfinished Symphony), born in
+In 1797 Henry Engelhard____ , piano maker, born in
+In 1797 Mary ____ Shelley London England, author (Frankenstein), born in
+In 1797 Mary Wollstonecraft ____ London England, author (Frankenstein), born in
+In 1797 there were two British Navy mutinies. Give the location of one?
+Nore, spithead
+In 1797 U.S. Navy frigate USS Constitution, ____ , launched in Boston
+Old ironsides
+In 1797 U.S. Navy frigate USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, launched in____
+In 1797 U.S. Navy frigate USS____ , Old Ironsides, launched in Boston
+In 1797 Wilhelm Beer, first to map?
+In 1798 ____ 1st emperor of Brazil (1822-31), king of Portugal, born in
+Pedro i
+In 1798 ____ Amendment of American Constitution ratified, Judicial powers construed
+In 1798 ____ under Adm Horatio Nelson beat French at Battle of Nile
+In 1798 British under Adm ____ Nelson beat French at Battle of Nile
+In 1798 British under Adm Horatio ____ beat French at Battle of Nile
+In 1798 British under Adm Horatio Nelson beat ____ at Battle of Nile
+In 1798 British under Adm Horatio Nelson beat French at Battle of____
+In 1798 Napoleon captures____ , Egypt
+In 1798 Pedro I 1st emperor of ____ (1822-31), king of Portugal, born in
+In 1798 Pedro I 1st emperor of Brazil (1822-31), king of____ , born in
+In 1799 ____ becomes dictator (1st consul) of France
+In 1799 Edward Jenner's ____ is introduced
+Smallpox vaccination
+In 1799 First ____ imposed
+Income tax
+In 1799 French-Egyptian forces under ____ I beat Turks at Battle of Abukir
+In 1799 French-Egyptian forces under Napolean I beat ____ at Battle of Abukir
+In 1799 French-Egyptian forces under Napolean I beat Turks at Battle of____
+In 1799 Honore de ____ France, novelist (Pere Goriot), born in
+In 1799 King of Naples flees before the advancing ____ armies
+In 1800 Free black commission of Philadelphia petitioned Congress to abolish?
+In 1801 ____ declares war on US for refusing tribute
+In 1801 William H.____ , who bought Alaska at $0.02/acre, born in
+In 1802 ____ Whitman, missionary born
+In 1802 Abraham____ , 16th President (1861-1865), born in
+In 1802 Alexandre____ , France, author (3 Musketeers), born in
+In 1802 Marcus____ , missionary born
+In 1802 Thomas Davenport, invented the first commercially successful____ , born in
+Electric motor
+In 1802 Thomas____ , invented the first commercially successful electric motor, born in
+In 1802 Victor____ , French author, born in
+In 1803 Battle of Vertieres, in which Haitians defeat____
+In 1803 Christian Doppler, discovered ____ Effect (color shift)
+In 1803 Meteorites fall in ____ , France
+In 1803 Ralph Waldo ____ US, essayist/philosopher, born in
+In 1803 Robert ____ 's insurrection in Dublin
+In 1804 ____ becomes 1st French emperor, placing crown on his own head
+In 1804 Benjamin____ , British Statesman, born in
+In 1804 First self-propelled ____ on rails demonstrated, in Wales
+In 1804 James____ , scout, fur trader, mountain man par excellance, born in
+In 1804 Johann____ , composer, born in
+In 1804 John____ , pioneer manufacturer of agricultural implements, born in
+In 1804 K. L. ____ discovers Juno, third known asteroid
+In 1804 K. L. Harding discovers Juno, ____ known asteroid
+In 1804 K. L. Harding discovers____ , third known asteroid
+In 1805 (USA) Joesph____ , founder of the Mormon church, born in
+In 1805 Battle of Trafalgar, although killed in this battle, ____ established British naval supremacy for the next century, beating both French and Spanish
+In 1805 Battle of Trafalgar, although killed in this battle, Nelson established British naval supremacy for the next century, beating both ____ and Spanish
+In 1805 Battle of Trafalgar, although killed in this battle, Nelson established British naval supremacy for the next century, beating both French and____
+In 1805 Battle of____ , although killed in this battle, Nelson established British naval supremacy for the next century, beating both French and Spanish
+In 1805 Hans Christian____ , danish storyteller, born in
+In 1805 Napoleon defeats ____ & Austrians at Austerlitz
+In 1805 US Marines attack shores of?
+In 1806 Benito____ , Mexician leader, born in
+In 1806 Britain ____ the Cape of Good Hope
+In 1806 Elizabeth ____ Browning, poet, born in
+In 1806 John Stuart ____ philosopher/political economist/Utilitarian, born in
+In 1807 Giuseppe Garibaldi, unified____ , born in
+In 1807 Giuseppe____ , unified Italy, born in
+In 1807 Henry Wadsworth ____ (in Portland, Maine), poet, born in
+In 1807 Townsend ____ 1st sells fruit-flavored carbonated drinks (Phila)
+In 1808 Uprising against French occupation begins in?
+In 1809 ____ 's constitution adopted
+In 1809 ____ declares independence from Spain (National Day)
+In 1809 ____ Lord Tennyson, poet laureate of England, born in
+In 1809 Alfred ____ Tennyson, poet laureate of England, born in
+In 1809 Alfred Lord____ , poet laureate of England, born in
+In 1809 Charles____ , evolutionist, born in
+In 1809 Ecuador declares independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1809 Louis Braille, developed ____ for the blind
+Reading system
+In 1809 Napolean I defeats ____ at Battle of Abensberg, Bavaria
+In 1809 Papal States annexed by____
+In 1809 Thomas ____ writer (Age of Reason, Common Sense), dies at 72
+In 1809 Thomas Paine writer (Age of Reason, Common Sense), dies at ____
+In 1809 Treaty of ____ was concluded between Britain and France
+In 1809____ , Boston, author (Pit & the Pendulum), born in
+Edgar allan poe
+In 1810 ____ declared independence from Spain
+In 1810 ____ first declares independence from Spain (National Day)
+In 1810 Argentina declares independence from Napoleonic ____ (Natl Day)
+In 1810 Colombia declared independence from____
+In 1810 Emperor ____ married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise
+In 1810 Frederic____ , composer, born in
+In 1810 Frederic____ , pianist, composer, born in
+In 1810 Leo____ , 257th Roman Catholic pope (1878-1903), born in
+In 1810 Mexico first declares independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1810 Phineas ____ Barnum Bethel Conn, circus promoter (Barnum and Bailey), born in
+In 1810 Phineas Taylor ____ Bethel Conn, circus promoter (Barnum and Bailey), born in
+In 1810 Phineas Taylor Barnum ____ Conn, circus promoter (Barnum and Bailey), born in
+In 1810 Phineas Taylor Barnum Bethel____ , circus promoter (Barnum and Bailey), born in
+In 1811 ____ Liszt (in Hungary), Romantic composer, virtuoso pianist, born in
+In 1811 El Salvador's 1st battle against ____ for independence
+In 1811 Franz ____ (in Hungary), Romantic composer, virtuoso pianist, born in
+In 1811 Horace____ , editor (told young men to go west), born in
+In 1811 The____ , the first steam-powered ferryboat, begins operation
+In 1811 Venezuela, 1st South American country to gain independence from____
+In 1811 William Makepeace____ , Victorian novelist (Vanity Fair)
+In 1811____ , 1st South American country to gain independence from Spain
+In 1812 ____ begins his retreat from Moscow
+In 1812 ____ occupies Moscow
+In 1812 Alfred ____ , German arms merchant, born in
+In 1812 Charles ____ (in England), author, born in
+In 1812 Fire of____
+In 1812 Napoleon begins his retreat from____
+In 1812 Napoleon occupies____
+In 1812 Napoleon's retreat from ____ begins
+In 1812 Waltz introduced into English____ . Most observers consider it disgusting & immoral. No wonder it caught on!
+In 1812 War of 1812 begins as US declares war against____
+In 1813 ____ Kingdom of Westphalia abolished
+In 1813 ____ Verdi, composer of operas (Rigoletto, Aida, Otello), born in
+In 1813 First pineapples planted in?
+In 1813 German Kingdom of ____ abolished
+In 1813 Giuseppe Verdi, composer of operas (____ , Aida, Otello), born in
+In 1813 Giuseppe Verdi, composer of operas (Rigoletto, ____ , Otello), born in
+In 1813 Giuseppe Verdi, composer of operas (Rigoletto, Aida,____ ), born in
+In 1813 Giuseppe____ , composer of operas (Rigoletto, Aida, Otello), born in
+In 1813 James Jesse____ , America's only crowned king (king of the Mormons), born in
+In 1813 Richard ____ Leipsig Germany, composer (Ring, Flying Dutchman, Ride of the Valkries), born in
+In 1813 Rubber is?
+In 1813____ , inventor (1st coml useable barbed wire), born in
+Joseph farwell glidden
+In 1813, Laura Secord walked ____ to warn of an American attack
+32 kilometres
+In 1814 1st abdication of Napoleon; he is exiled to?
+In 1814 King of Denmark cedes ____ to King of Sweden by treaty of Kiel
+In 1814 Samuel____ , invented the Colt Revolver (made men equal), born in
+In 1815 ____ captured
+Napoleon bonaparte
+In 1815 ____German states unite under the Act of Confederation
+In 1815 2nd abdication of ____ (after Waterloo)
+In 1815 Battle of ____ ____ British and Prussians defeat Napoleon
+In 1815 Napoleon enters____ , beginning his Hundred Days rule
+In 1815 Napoleon escapes from ____ to begin second conquest of France
+In 1815 Otto von____ , statesman, born in
+In 1815 World's first commercial ____ factory is established in Switzerland
+In 1816 Argentina declared its independence from____ . (Argentinian Independance Day)
+In 1816 Charlotte ____ , Tornton England, novelist (Jane Eyre), born in
+In 1816 Paul Julius, Baron____ , founded Reuters news service, born in
+Von reuter
+In 1816 Paul____ , Baron von Reuter, founded Reuters news service, born in
+In 1817 First American school for the ____ (Hartford, Connecticut)
+In 1818 ____ Jordan Gatling, US inventor of hand-cranked machine gun, born in
+In 1818 Alexander ____ Tsar of Russia (1855-81), born in
+In 1818 Congress decided US flag is 13 ____ and white stripes and 20 stars
+In 1818 Emily____ , novelist (Wuthering Heights), born in
+In 1818 Richard ____ Gatling, US inventor of hand-cranked machine gun, born in
+In 1818 Richard Jordan____ , US inventor of hand-cranked machine gun, born in
+In 1819 ____ Massacre; English police charge unemployed demonstrators
+In 1819 ____ Wieck Schumann, German pianist, composer, born in
+In 1819 Abner____ , credited with inventing American baseball, born in
+In 1819 Battle of Boyac ; ____ defeats Spanish in Colombia
+In 1819 Battle of Boyac ; Bolivar defeats ____ in Colombia
+In 1819 Battle of Boyac ; Bolivar defeats Spanish in____
+In 1819 Battle of____ ; Bolivar defeats Spanish in Colombia
+In 1819 Charles ____ (in England), author, born in
+In 1819 Clara ____ Schumann, German pianist, composer, born in
+In 1819 Edwin____ , drilled first productive oil well in US, born in
+In 1819 Elias ____ (in Spencer, Mass), sewing machine inventor, born in
+In 1819 Elias Howe (in Spencer, Mass), ____ inventor, born in
+Sewing machine
+In 1819 Sir Stamford ____ 1st lands in Singapore
+In 1819, not one of the seven sons and five daughters of England's reigning grandfather, King George III, had a single ____ child who could inherit the empire's throne
+In 1820 ____ discovered by U.S. Navy Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer
+In 1820 ____ is proven nonpoisonous
+In 1820 Florence ____ Florence, Italy, nurse (Crimean War), born in
+In 1820 Frontiersman ____ Boone died in Missouri at the age of 85
+In 1820 Frontiersman Daniel ____ died in Missouri at the age of 85
+In 1820 Frontiersman Daniel Boone died in ____ at the age of 85
+In 1820 Frontiersman Daniel Boone died in Missouri at the age of____
+In 1820 Susan B.____ , Woman's suffaregette, born in
+In 1820 Victor Emmanuel II, the King of____ , born in
+In 1821 ____ declares independence from Spain (National Day)
+In 1821 ____ gains it's independence
+In 1821 Costa Rica, ____ , Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua gain independence
+El salvador
+In 1821 Costa Rica, El Salvador, ____ , Honduras and Nicaragua gain independence
+In 1821 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, ____ and Nicaragua gain independence
+In 1821 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and ____ gain independence
+In 1821 Peru declares independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1821 Santo Domingo (Dominican Rep) proclaims independence from____
+In 1821 Sir Richard____ , explorer, born in
+In 1821 Spain ceded ____ to the United States
+In 1821____ , El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua gain independence
+Costa rica
+In 1822 ____ declares independence from Portugal (National Day)
+In 1822 ____ Herschel discovered Uranus, dies at 85
+In 1822 Brazil declares independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1822 Cesar ____ (in Belgium), composer, born in
+In 1822 Charles ____ of N. Y. was granted a patent for artificial teeth
+In 1822 Dom Pedro crowned emperor of____
+In 1822 General Augustin de ____ crowned Augustin I, 1st emperor of Mexico
+In 1822 Gregor Mendel, geneticist who discovered laws of____ , born in
+In 1822 Gregor____ , geneticist who discovered laws of heredity, born in
+In 1822 Louis____ , French bacteriologist, born in
+In 1822 William ____ discovered Uranus, dies at 85
+In 1822 William Herschel discovered Uranus, dies at____
+In 1822 William Herschel discovered____ , dies at 85
+In 1822, Brazil became independent of this country?
+In 1823 ____ Bolivar named president of Peru
+In 1823 ____ Macintosh of Scotland begins selling raincoats (Macs)
+In 1823 Charles ____ of Scotland begins selling raincoats (Macs)
+In 1823 Charles Macintosh of ____ begins selling raincoats (Macs)
+In 1823 Charles Macintosh of Scotland begins selling ____ (Macs)
+In 1823 Karl Wilhelm ____ inventor (laid undersea cables), born in
+In 1823 Li Hung____ , chinese statesman, born in
+In 1823 Simon ____ named president of Peru
+In 1823 Simon Bolivar named president of____
+In 1824 ____ becomes a republic
+In 1824 ____ Bruckner (in Austria), Wagner disciple born
+In 1824 ____ defies Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives
+In 1824 Alexandre____ , playwright/novelist (Camille), born in
+In 1824 Anton ____ (in Austria), Wagner disciple born
+In 1824 George____ , Scottish novelist (Lilith), born in
+In 1824 J.W. ____ introduces rubber galoshes to the public
+In 1824 Kapiolani defies ____ (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives
+In 1824 William____ , Lord Kelvin, engineer/mathematician/physicist, born in
+In 1825 ____ declares independence from Brazil (National Day)
+In 1825 ____ gained independence from Spain (National Day)
+In 1825 ____ Strauss the Younger, composer, Waltz King
+In 1825 ____ transportation is born with first track in England
+In 1825 Bolivia gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1825 Charles Ferdinand ____ US, standardized time zones, born in
+In 1825 Ezra Daggett & nephew Thomas Kensett patent ____ in tin cans
+Food storage
+In 1825 Hannah Lord ____ of New York grabs her scissors and creates the first detachable collar on one of her husband's shirts, in order to reduce her laundry load
+In 1825 Johann ____ the Younger, composer, Waltz King
+In 1825 Thomas Henry ____ scientist/humanist/Darwinist, born in
+In 1825 Uruguay declares independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1825, upper peru became____
+In 1826 Giuseppe Piazzi, discoverer of first____ , dies
+In 1826 Giuseppe____ , discoverer of first asteroid, dies
+In 1827 Ballet introduced to the U.S. at ____ Theatre, New York City
+In 1827 Composer Ludwig van ____ died in Vienna
+In 1828 ____ Tolstoy Russia, novelist (War and Peace, Anna Karenina), born in
+In 1828 Henrik ____ (in Norway), author, born in
+In 1828 Jules ____ (in France), author who pioneered what later became science fiction, born in
+In 1828 Leo ____ Russia, novelist (War and Peace, Anna Karenina), born in
+In 1828 Leo Tolstoy Russia, novelist (____ , Anna Karenina), born in
+War and peace
+In 1828 Leo Tolstoy Russia, novelist (War and Peace,____ ), born in
+Anna karenina
+In 1829 ____ Dudley Warner, US newspaperman, author, born in
+In 1829 ____ formed in London
+Scotland yard
+In 1829 ____ Hall, astronomer, discovered the moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, born in
+In 1829 Asaph Hall, astronomer, discovered the moons of Mars, ____ and Deimos, born in
+In 1829 Asaph Hall, astronomer, discovered the moons of Mars, Phobos and____ , born in
+In 1829 Asaph Hall, astronomer, discovered the moons of____ , Phobos and Deimos, born in
+In 1829 Asaph____ , astronomer, discovered the moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, born in
+In 1829 Charles ____ Warner, US newspaperman, author, born in
+In 1829 Siamese twins ____ and Eng Bunker, arrived in Boston to be exhibited
+In 1829 Siamese twins Chang and ____ Bunker, arrived in Boston to be exhibited
+In 1829 Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker, arrived in ____ to be exhibited
+In 1829 Siamese twins Chang and Eng____ , arrived in Boston to be exhibited
+In 1829 The ____ is patented
+In 1829 William ____ , founder of the Salvation Army, born in
+In 1830 ____ Dickinson, poet, born in
+In 1830 ____ revolts against Netherlands
+In 1830 Adolph ____ SF mayor, built Cliff House, railways, tunnels, born in
+In 1830 Belgium revolts against____
+In 1830 Eadweard ____ , pioneered study of motion in photography, born in
+In 1830 Edwin ____ of England signs an agreement for manufacture of his invention, the lawn mower
+In 1830 Emily ____ (in Amherst, Mass), poet, born in
+In 1830 Emily____ , poet, born in
+In 1830 First regular ____ train passenger service starts
+In 1830 Revolution in France replaces ____ with Louis Philippe
+Charles x
+In 1830 Revolution in France replaces Charles X with____
+Louis philippe
+In 1831 ____ gained independence from Netherland, Leopold I made king
+In 1831 Belgium gained independence from____ , Leopold I made king
+In 1831 Clement____ , automobile pioneer, born in
+In 1832 ____ exempted from federal tariff duty
+In 1832 Charles Lutwidge ____ (you may know him as Lewis Carroll), born in
+In 1832 Charles____ , estate manager in Ireland, caused boycotts, born in
+In 1832 Edouard____ , France, Impressionist painter, born in
+In 1832 Edouard____ , French painter, born in
+In 1832 South ____ passes Ordinance of Nullification
+In 1832 Turkey cedes the island of ____ to the Egyptians
+In 1833 ____ Bernhard Nobel (in Stockholm, Sweden), created dynamite and Peace Prizes, born in
+In 1833 ____ Teodoro Moneta, Italian journalist (Nobel Peace Prize 1907) BORN
+In 1833 Ada ____ (future first computer programmer) meets Charles Babbage
+In 1833 Alfred ____ Nobel (in Stockholm, Sweden), created dynamite and Peace Prizes, born in
+In 1833 Alfred Bernhard ____ (in Stockholm, Sweden), created dynamite and Peace Prizes, born in
+In 1833 Alfred Bernhard Nobel (in Stockholm, Sweden), created ____ and Peace Prizes, born in
+In 1833 Britain abolishes slavery in colonies; ____ slaves freed
+In 1833 Ernesto ____ Moneta, Italian journalist (Nobel Peace Prize 1907) BORN
+In 1833 Ernesto Teodoro____ , Italian journalist (Nobel Peace Prize 1907) BORN
+In 1833 The first newsboy in the US hired (____ Flaherty), by the NY Sun
+In 1833 The first newsboy in the US hired (Barney Flaherty), by the NY____
+In 1833 The first newsboy in the US hired (Barney____ ), by the NY Sun
+In 1834 Edgar____ , French impressionist painter, born in
+In 1834 First published reference to the game of ____ describes it as a Mississippi riverboat game
+In 1834 Frederic A.____ , sculptor who created the Statue of Liberty, born in
+In 1834 Gottlieb____ , automobile pioneer, born in
+In 1834 Hardhat diving suit patented by Leonard____ , Dixfield, Maine
+In 1834 Joseph ____ of London receives patent for Hansom cabs
+In 1834 Mt ____ erupts
+In 1834 Pres ____ orders 1st use of US troops to suppress a labor dispute
+In 1834 Sandpaper patented by Isaac ____ Jr, Springfield, Vermont
+In 1834 William ____ (in England), artist and poet
+In 1835 ____ -Pieternella-Francoise Tinn, explored the White Nile, born in
+In 1835 ____ founded with construction of first building (start of Yerba Buena, later to be called San Francisco)
+In 1835 Alexandrine____ -Francoise Tinn, explored the White Nile, born in
+In 1835 Alexandrine-Pieternella____ Tinn, explored the White Nile, born in
+In 1835 Alexandrine-Pieternella-Francoise Tinn, explored the White____ , born in
+In 1835 Alexandrine-Pieternella-Francoise____ , explored the White Nile, born in
+In 1835 P.T. ____ & his circus begin 1st tour of US
+In 1835 St Pius X, ____ Roman Catholic pope (1903-14), born in
+In 1836 ____ Houston elected president of the Republic of Texas
+In 1836 ____ returns to England aboard the HMS Beagle
+In 1836 Alamo is besieged by____ , entire garrison eventually killed
+Santa anna
+In 1836 Andrew S.____ , inventor of the Cable Car, born in
+In 1836 Battle of ____ , in which Texas wins independence from Mexico
+San jacinto
+In 1836 Darwin returns to ____ aboard the HMS Beagle
+In 1836 Darwin returns to England aboard the HMS____
+In 1836 First ____ temple was dedicated in Kirtland, Ohio
+In 1836 Joseph Norman ____ discovered Helium/founded Nature magazine, born in
+In 1836 Sam ____ elected president of the Republic of Texas
+In 1836 Sam Houston elected president of the Republic of____
+In 1836 Texas declares its independence from?
+In 1836 The ____ falls. (Remember it!)
+In 1836 The ____ is patented
+In 1836 Yamaoka ____ Japanese swordsman, master of kendo, born in
+In 1836____ , South Australia founded
+In 1837 Aleksandr____ , poet, novelist, dramatist, killed in a duel
+In 1837 Dwight Lyman____ , evangelist, born in
+In 1837 King ____ of England, dies
+William iv
+In 1837 Queen Victoria at 18 ascends British throne following death of uncle King____ . She ruled for 63 years until 1901
+William iv
+In 1838 ____ declares independence of Central American Federation
+In 1838 (USA) Samuel Morse made 1st public demonstration of?
+In 1838 A London pedestrian walks 20 miles backward and 20 miles forward in ____ hours
+In 1838 Queen Liliuokalani, last queen of ____ (1891-93)
+In 1838 Queen____ , last queen of Hawaii (1891-93)
+In 1839 1st opium war-2 British frigates engage several ____ junks
+In 1839 John D.____ , financier, born in
+In 1839 Modest____ , composer, born in
+In 1839 Paul Cezanne, France, impressionist ____ (Bathers), born in
+In 1839 Treaty of London constitutes ____ an independent kingdom
+In 1840 ____ Day
+New zealand
+In 1840 John Boyd____ , developed the pneumatic rubber tire, born in
+In 1840 Peter Ilyich ____ , Russian composer (1812 Overture), born in
+In 1840 Theodor____ , founded Zionist movement, born in
+In 1840 Thomas____ , England, poet/novelist (Mayor of Casterbridge), born in
+In 1841 ____ Dvorak, Nelahozeves, Czechoslovakia, composer (New World Symphony), born in
+In 1841 ____ Hampson patents venetian blind
+In 1841 ____ VII, king of England (1901-10), born in
+In 1841 ____ was proclaimed a sovereign territory of Britain
+Hong kong
+In 1841 1st Canadian parliament opens in____ , Ontario
+In 1841 Antonin Dvorak, Nelahozeves, ____ , composer (New World Symphony), born in
+In 1841 Antonin____ , Nelahozeves, Czechoslovakia, composer (New World Symphony), born in
+In 1841 British humor magazine `____ ' first published
+In 1841 China cedes ____ to the British
+Hong kong
+In 1841 Henry ____ journalist/explorer (found Livingston in Africa), born in
+In 1841 John ____ patents venetian blind
+In 1841 Oliver Wendell____ , famous Supreme Court Justice, born in
+In 1841 William Henry ____ dies of pneumonia and becomes the first U.S. president to die in office
+In 1841____ , painter, born in
+In 1842 Ambrose ____ Ohio, writer (The Devils Dictionary), born in
+In 1842 Dr C. Long first used ether as an ____ during a minor operation
+In 1842 Sir Arthur____ , London, England, of Gilbert & Sullivan fame, born in
+In 1842 The US-Canada border defined by the ____ -Ashburton Treaty
+In 1842 The US-Canada border defined by the Webster____ Treaty
+In 1842____ , Philospher, born in
+William james
+In 1843 ____ (in South Africa) is made a British colony
+In 1843 British arrest Irish nationalist ____ O'Connell for conspiracy
+In 1843 British arrest Irish nationalist Daniel ____ for conspiracy
+In 1843 Edvard____ , Bergen Norway, composer, born in
+In 1843 Natal (in South Africa) is made a ____ colony
+In 1844 ____ Bridges, poet laureate of England (The Testament of Beauty), born in
+In 1844 ____ John Heinz, founded a prepared-foods company, born in
+In 1844 ____ King of Ethiopia (1896-1913), born in
+Menelik ii
+In 1844 ____ New Year
+In 1844 ____ Nietzsche, philosopher, Ubermensch, born in
+In 1844 ____ Republic gains it's independence
+In 1844 Friedrich____ , philosopher, Ubermensch, born in
+In 1844 Henry ____ Heinz, founded a prepared-foods company, born in
+In 1844 Henry John____ , founded a prepared-foods company, born in
+In 1844 Menelik II King of ____ (1896-1913), born in
+In 1844 Nicholas____ , composer, born in
+In 1844 Rev. William Archibald____ , invented 'spoonerisms' (ie When you get you bords wackwards and you can't palk troperly.), born in
+In 1844 Robert____ , poet laureate of England (The Testament of Beauty), born in
+In 1844 Spain grants Dominican Rep____
+In 1844 The ____ founded in London
+In 1845 ____ 's opera Tannhauser performed for 1st time
+In 1845 ____ mad king of Bavaria (1864-86), born in
+Ludwig ii
+In 1845 (France) Ether first used as an anasthetic in ____
+In 1845 (Germany) Louis III, last king of ____ (1913-18), born in
+In 1845 Homing pigeon completes ____ km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days
+In 1845 Ludwig II mad king of ____ (1864-86), born in
+In 1845 Wagner's opera ____ performed for 1st time
+In 1845, ice shipped to ____ cost $1 per pound
+In 1846 ____ Burnham, American architect, built skyscrapers
+In 1846 ____ David Thoreau jailed for tax resistance
+In 1846 ____ Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest find the planet Neptune
+In 1846 ____ Morris first uses ether in the first tooth extraction under anesthesia at Charlestown, Mass
+In 1846 American inventor elias howe patented what type of machine?
+Sewing machine
+In 1846 Charles Edward____ , pioneer American spectroscopist, born in
+In 1846 Daniel Burnham, American architect, built ____
+In 1846 Daniel____ , American architect, built skyscrapers
+In 1846 Dentist ____ T. Morton demonstrated the effectiveness of ether
+In 1846 Dentist William T. ____ demonstrated the effectiveness of ether
+In 1846 Dentist William T. Morton demonstrated the effectiveness of____
+In 1846 George ____ inventor (the saxophone), born in
+In 1846 Henry ____ Thoreau jailed for tax resistance
+In 1846 Henry David ____ jailed for tax resistance
+In 1846 Johann ____ and Heinrich d'Arrest find the planet Neptune
+In 1846 Johann Galle and ____ d'Arrest find the planet Neptune
+In 1846 Johann Galle and Heinrich ____ find the planet Neptune
+In 1846 Johann Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest find the planet____
+In 1846 Neptune's moon ____ discovered by William Lassell
+In 1846 Neptune's moon Triton discovered by ____ Lassell
+In 1846 Neptune's moon Triton discovered by William____
+In 1846 William ____ first uses ether in the first tooth extraction under anesthesia at Charlestown, Mass
+In 1846 William Morris first uses ether in the first tooth extraction under ____ at Charlestown, Mass
+In 1847 ____ declares independence
+In 1847 ____ invents a gas burner. Lab teachers celebrate worldwide
+In 1847 ____ James Missouri, outlaw, born in
+In 1847 ____ Mitchell discovers a non-naked-eye comet
+In 1847 ____ was proclaimed an independent republic
+In 1847 1st ____ created
+In 1847 Alexander ____ Bell, inventor of the telephone, born in
+In 1847 James ____ Bailey, Detroit, U.S.A., circus impresario (Barnum and Bailey), born in
+In 1847 Jesse ____ Missouri, outlaw, born in
+In 1847 John ____ 'Johnny Appleseed' died in Allen County, Ind
+In 1847 Joseph ____ , awarded newspaper prizes, born in
+In 1847 Maria ____ discovers a non-naked-eye comet
+In 1847 Thomas Alva ____ (in New Jersey), inventor who lit up your life, born in
+In 1848 ____ (U.S.) and Lassell (England) independently discover Hyperion
+In 1848 Arthur Earl ____ (C), British PM (1902-05), born in
+In 1848 Belle____ , entertainer of the wild west, born in
+In 1848 Bond (U.S.) and ____ (England) independently discover Hyperion
+In 1848 Bond (U.S.) and Lassell (England) independently discover____
+In 1848 First shipload of ____ immigrants arrives in San Francisco, CA
+In 1848 First Women's Rights Convention.____ , NY ... featuring the introduction of the first Bloomers
+Seneca falls
+In 1848 Franz Josef I becomes emperor of ____ and King of Hungary
+In 1848 In Hawaii, the Great ____ (division of lands) is signed
+In 1848 Louis Comfort____ , glassmaker, born in
+In 1848 Mexico sells U.S. Texas, ____ , New Mexico and Arizona
+In 1848 Mexico sells U.S. Texas, California, ____ and Arizona
+New Mexico
+In 1848 Mexico sells U.S. Texas, California, New Mexico and?
+In 1848 Mexico sells U.S.____ , California, New Mexico and Arizona
+In 1848 Paul____ , French post-impressionist painter, born in
+In 1848 Second ____ Republic was proclaimed
+In 1848 William ____ Grace, Victorian England's greatest cricketer
+In 1848 William Gilbert____ , Victorian England's greatest cricketer
+In 1849 ____ 1st PM of Australia (1900-03), born in
+Sir edmund barton
+In 1849 ____ Allen Poe dies in Baltimore at 40
+In 1849 ____ becomes a constitutional monarchy
+In 1849 ____ Pavlov, Russia, physiologist/pioneer in psychology, born in
+In 1849 ____ Republic crushed by Austria and Russia
+In 1849 Edgar ____ Poe dies in Baltimore at 40
+In 1849 Edgar Allen ____ dies in Baltimore at 40
+In 1849 Edgar Allen Poe dies in ____ at 40
+In 1849 Edgar Allen Poe dies in Baltimore at____
+In 1849 Emma____ , whose poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, born in
+In 1849 Hungarian Republic crushed by ____ and Russia
+In 1849 Hungarian Republic crushed by Austria and____
+In 1849 Ivan____ , Russia, physiologist/pioneer in psychology, born in
+In 1849 Mrs. Elizabeth ____ becomes first woman physician in U.S...
+In 1849 Sir Ambrose Fleming, inventor of the ____
+In 1849 William Bond obtains first photograph of moon through a____
+In 1850 ____ (Bah '? prophet) executed in Tabriz, Iran
+In 1850 ____ de Maupassant (in France), writer, born in
+In 1850 ____ founded
+American express
+In 1850 1st public demonstration of ____ made by refrigeration
+In 1850 Bab (Bah '? prophet) executed in Tabriz,____
+In 1850 Bab (Bah '? prophet) executed in____ , Iran
+In 1850 Guy de ____ (in France), writer, born in
+In 1850 Harvard Observatory takes first photograph of a star (____ )
+In 1850 Sir Thomas ____ tea magnate (Lipton Tea), born in
+In 1850, there were an estimated 9 billion of these in north America alone. in 1876, a colony twenty-eight miles long and more than three miles wide was observed. however, by 1910, it was extinct. what was this bird?
+Passenger pigeon
+In 1851 ____ fields discovered in Australia
+In 1851 ____ Foch, believed to be the leader responsible for Allies winning World War I
+In 1851 ____ Lassell discovers Ariel and Umbriel, satellites of Unranus
+In 1851 ____ Lassell discovers Ariel and Umbriel, satellites of Uranus
+In 1851 ____ Reed, who proved mosquitoes transmit yellow fever, born in
+In 1851 ____ Valley is discovered in California
+In 1851 Ferdinand____ , believed to be the leader responsible for Allies winning World War I
+In 1851 Gold fields discovered in____
+In 1851 Jacob____ , Baltimore dairyman, sets up 1st ice-cream factory
+In 1851 Melvil Dewey, created the Dewey ____ System for libraries
+In 1851 Total solar eclipse captured on a ____ photograph
+In 1851 U.S. Congress authorizes smallest U.S. ____ coin, the 3-cent piece
+In 1851 Walter Reed, who proved mosquitoes transmit____ , born in
+Yellow fever
+In 1851 Walter____ , who proved mosquitoes transmit yellow fever, born in
+In 1851 William ____ discovers Ariel and Umbriel, satellites of Unranus
+In 1851 William ____ discovers Ariel and Umbriel, satellites of Uranus
+In 1851 William Lassell discovers ____ and Umbriel, satellites of Unranus
+In 1851 William Lassell discovers ____ and Umbriel, satellites of Uranus
+In 1851 William Lassell discovers Ariel and Umbriel, satellites of____
+In 1851 William Lassell discovers Ariel and____ , satellites of Unranus
+In 1851 William Lassell discovers Ariel and____ , satellites of Uranus
+In 1851, Jacob Fussel became the first to manufacture what treat commercially?
+Ice cream
+In 1852 ____ Wellesley General/Duke of Wellington, dies at 83
+In 1852 1st edition of Peter ____ 's Thesaurus published
+In 1852 2nd French empire established; Louis ____ becomes emperor
+In 1852 Arthur ____ General/Duke of Wellington, dies at 83
+In 1852 Arthur Wellesley General/Duke of Wellington, dies at____
+In 1852 Arthur Wellesley General/Duke of____ , dies at 83
+In 1852 First interment in US National Cemetary at____
+In 1852 H. H. ____ (Liberal), British prime minister (1908-16), born in
+In 1852 John Harvey____ , English Corn Flake inventor
+In 1853 ____ R Spofforth Australia, cricketer (Demon), born in
+In 1853 First round-the-world trip by yacht (____ Vanderbilt)
+In 1853 First round-the-world trip by yacht (Cornelius____ )
+In 1853 Frederick R ____ Australia, cricketer (Demon), born in
+In 1853 Frederick R Spofforth Australia, ____ (Demon), born in
+In 1853 Hendrik Antoon____ , Dutch physicist (Nobel 1902)
+In 1853 Vincent____ , artist who always lent an ear, born in
+Van gogh
+In 1853 Wilhelm____ , German physical chemist (Nobel 1909)
+In 1853____ , France, industrialist/tire manufacturer (Michelin), born in
+Andre michelin
+In 1854 ____ and French defeat Russians at Alma, in the Crimea
+In 1854 ____ David Thoreau published `Walden'
+In 1854 ____ Rimbaud, France, poet/adventurer (Illuminations), born in
+In 1854 American ____ Party formed at Ripon, Wisconsin
+In 1854 Arthur____ , France, poet/adventurer (Illuminations), born in
+In 1854 British and ____ defeat Russians at Alma, in the Crimea
+In 1854 British and French defeat ____ at Alma, in the Crimea
+In 1854 British and French defeat Russians at Alma, in the____
+In 1854 British and French defeat Russians at____ , in the Crimea
+In 1854 Frederick____ , Arms manufacturer, born in
+In 1854 George F.B. ____ proposes that space is curved
+In 1854 Henry ____ Thoreau published `Walden'
+In 1854 Henry David ____ published `Walden'
+In 1854 Henry David Thoreau published `____ '
+In 1854 Lighthouse established on ____ Island
+In 1854 Major streets lit by ____ for first time
+Coal gas
+In 1854 The Light Brigade charges ____ Battle of ____ (Crimean War)
+In 1855 King Camp Gillette, inventor of the____ , born in
+Safety razor
+In 1855 William Seward ____ inventor (recording adding machine), born in
+In 1855, dentist Robert Arthur was the first to use ____ to fill cavities
+In 1856 ____ established to acknowledge bravery
+Victoria cross
+In 1856 ____ Thompson US archeologist who explored Mayan ruins, born in
+In 1856 Edward ____ US archeologist who explored Mayan ruins, born in
+In 1856 Edward Thompson US archeologist who explored ____ ruins, born in
+In 1856 George ____ Shaw, Dublin Ireland, dramatist (Pygmalion-Nobel 1925), born in
+In 1856 George Bernard____ , Dublin Ireland, dramatist (Pygmalion-Nobel 1925), born in
+In 1856 Nikola Tesla, physicist who developed ____ and radio, born in
+Alternating current
+In 1856 Nikola____ , physicist who developed alternating current and radio, born in
+In 1856 Peter Henry____ , 1st to promote photography as an independent art, born in
+In 1856 Sigmund____ , cigar smoker, psychiatrist, born in
+In 1857 ____ invented the washing machine
+In 1857 ____ S. Hershey, US chocolate manufacturer, philanthropist, born in
+In 1857 ____ Tsiolkovsky, pioneer in rocket and space research, born in
+In 1857 (USA) Patent for reducing ____ granted to Samuel Wetherill
+Zinc ore
+In 1857 Clarence ____ , lawyer, born in
+In 1857 Konstantin____ , pioneer in rocket and space research, born in
+In 1857 Lord Robert____ , founder of the Boy Scouts, born in
+In 1857 Milton S.____ , US chocolate manufacturer, philanthropist, born in
+In 1857 Samuel S.____ , organizer of the first news syndicate, born in
+In 1858 ____ comet becomes the 1st to be photographed
+In 1858 A. ____ Law (C), British prime minister (1922-23), born in
+In 1858 A. Bonar ____ (C), British prime minister (1922-23), born in
+In 1858 Asteroid 54, ____ discovered (named for goddess of silence)
+In 1858 Confederaci?n ____ (now Colombia) forms
+In 1858 First electric ____ is installed in Boston, Mass
+Burglar alarm
+In 1858 Giacomo ____ Italy, operatic composer (Madama Butterfly), born in
+In 1858 Hyman L. ____ of Philadelphia patented a pencil with an attached eraser
+In 1858 Mendelssohn's Wedding March ____ played, at wedding of Queen Victoria's daughter to the Crown Prince of Prussia
+In 1858 Rudolf____ , invented an engine, born in
+In 1858 Theodore Roosevelt ____ President of US (1901-09) (Nobel 1906), born in
+In 1858 War of the ____ (Mexico); Liberals establish capital at Vera Cruz
+In 1858, three years before becoming president, Abraham Lincoln became senator of which state?
+Franklin D Roosevelt
+In 1859 1st observation of solar flare is made by whom (2 scientists)?
+Carrington & hodgson
+In 1859 First successful ____ drilled near Titusville, Penn
+Oil well
+In 1859 Georges Seurat____ , painter/pointillist (Grande Jatte), born in
+In 1859 Ground broken for ____ Canal
+In 1859 Jules Leotard performs the first Flying ____ circus act in Paris. He also designed the garment that bears his name
+In 1859 Kenneth____ , author (The Wind in the Willows), born in
+In 1859 Patent granted on the____
+Electric range
+In 1859 RC ____ and R Hodgson make 1st observation of solar flare
+In 1859 RC Carrington and R ____ make 1st observation of solar flare
+In 1859 RC Carrington and R Hodgson make 1st observation of solar____
+In 1859 Sir Arthur ____ UK, brought Sherlock Holmes to life twice, born in
+Conan doyle
+In 1859, ____ rabbits were released in Australia. Within six years the population grew to 2 million
+In 1859, thomas austin introduced what proliferating animal in Australia?
+In 1860 ____ (in Russia), writer, born in
+Anton checkov
+In 1860 ____ A Sperry inventor (gyrocompass), born in
+In 1860 ____ begins service, from St. Joseph, Missouri
+Pony express
+In 1860 ____ Oakley, frontierswoman (Buffalo Bill's Wild West), born in
+In 1860 ____ Poincar, French prime minister (1912), president, born in
+In 1860 Annie____ , frontierswoman (Buffalo Bill's Wild West), born in
+In 1860 Anton____ , Chekhov Russia, writer (Cherry Orchard), born in
+In 1860 Elmer A ____ inventor (gyrocompass), born in
+In 1860 Elmer A Sperry inventor (____ ), born in
+In 1860 First ____ ambassador to the U.S
+In 1860 First ____ Parliament met at Turin
+In 1860 James M. ____ (in Scotland), Author (Peter Pan)
+In 1860 M. L. ____ of New York patented a corkscrew
+In 1860 Raymond____ , French prime minister (1912), president, born in
+In 1860 W. K. ____ , founded a cereal company
+In 1860, Godeys ladies book advised us women to cook tomatoes for at least how many hours?
+3 hours
+In 1861 ____ Nansen, Norwegian Arctic explorer, humanitarian (Nobel 1922), born in
+In 1861 At Montgomery, ____ , the Confederate States are organized
+In 1861 C.S.A. President Jefferson ____ is inaugurated at Montgomery, AL
+In 1861 Congress creates the Territory of?
+In 1861 First transcontinental ____ sent
+In 1861 Fort Sumter, SC, shelled by ____ troops under General Beauregard. The American Civil War begins
+In 1861 Fridtjof____ , Norwegian Arctic explorer, humanitarian (Nobel 1922), born in
+In 1861 Leipzig Observatory discovers short-period (6.2 yrs) Comet____
+In 1861 Mehmed VI, last sultan of ____ Empire (1918-22), born in
+In 1862 ____ ball invented
+In 1862 ____ creates Alice in Wonderland for Alice P Liddell
+Lewis carroll
+In 1862 ____ Debussy (in France), composer (La Mer, Clair de lune), born in
+In 1862 ____ is abolished in the US territories
+In 1862 ____ Lumiere, made 1st movie (Workers Leaving Lumiere Factory), born in
+In 1862 Auguste____ , made 1st movie (Workers Leaving Lumiere Factory), born in
+In 1862 Battle of ____ ends
+In 1862 Claude ____ (in France), composer (La Mer, Clair de lune), born in
+In 1862 Florence ____ US, 1st American woman PhD, born in
+In 1862 Frank____ , publisher and founder of Doubleday and Co., born in
+Nelson doubleday
+In 1862 Gustav____ , Austria, Art Nouveau painter, born in
+In 1862 Lewis Carroll creates Alice in Wonderland for Alice P____
+In 1862 Telescope maker Alvin ____ discovers dwarf companion of Sirius
+In 1863 Battle of ____ begins
+In 1863 Civil War Battle of Chickamauga, near____ , Tenn, ended
+In 1863 Civil War Battle of____ , near Chattanooga, Tenn, ended
+In 1863 First ____ railway opens in London
+In 1863 First wartime ____ law in US went into effect
+In 1863 Football Association forms in England, standardizing____
+In 1863 Four-wheeled roller skates patented by ____ of New York
+James plimpton
+In 1863 Gen Stonewall ____ dies from wounds received at Chancellorsville
+In 1863 George____ , philosopher, poet, humanist, born in
+In 1863 Henry____ , Michigan, USA, auto maker (Ford), born in
+In 1863 International Committee of the ____ is founded (Nobel 1917, 1944, 1963)
+Red cross
+In 1863 Northern Territory passes from ____ to South Australia
+New south wales
+In 1863 Northern Territory passes from New South Wales to____
+South Australia
+In 1863 Patent granted for a process of making color____
+In 1863 President Lincoln delivers his famous address at____ , PA
+In 1863 Sir ____ Chamberlain, British foreign secretary (Nobel 1925) born
+In 1863 Sir Austen____ , British foreign secretary (Nobel 1925) born
+In 1863 Sir Henry____ , one of the founders of Rolls-Royce, born in
+In 1863 Worldwide Red Cross organized in____
+In 1864 ____ Anniversary
+Red cross
+In 1864 ____ Convention signed, by 12 nations
+In 1864 ____ Lumiere with brother Auguste made 1st motion picture in 1895, born in
+In 1864 Abraham ____ was elected to his second term as President
+In 1864 Alois ____ Germany, psychiatrist/pathologist (Alzheimer Disease), born in
+In 1864 Austrian Archduke ____ became emperor of Mexico
+In 1864 Austrian Archduke Maximilian became emperor of____
+In 1864 Casey____ , locomotive engineer, born in
+In 1864 Colorado militia kills 150 peaceful ____ Indians
+In 1864 Geneva Convention signed, by ____ nations
+In 1864 Lord ____ of Chelwood, UK, helped form League of Nations (early version of the UN), born in
+In 1864 Lord Cecil of____ , UK, helped form League of Nations (early version of the UN), born in
+In 1864 Louis ____ with brother Auguste made 1st motion picture in 1895, born in
+In 1864 Louis Lumiere with brother ____ made 1st motion picture in 1895, born in
+In 1864 Patent issued for taking and projecting ____ to Louis Ducos du Hauron (he never did build such a machine, though)
+Motion pictures
+In 1864 Ransom Eli____ , auto (Oldsmobile) and truck (REO) manufacturer, born in
+In 1864 Richard ____ (in Germany), composer, born in
+In 1864, where were over 300 indians massacred colorado?
+Sand creek
+In 1865 (USA) Coffee ____ invented
+In 1865 At____ , Gen. Early's army is defeated
+In 1865 Charles Proteus ____ , electronics pioneer, born in
+In 1865 John Wilkes ____ , Abraham Lincoln's assassin, is shot dead
+In 1865 London____ , oldest surviving journal, is founded
+In 1865 President Abraham ____ shot in Ford's Theatre by J.W. Booth
+In 1865 William Butler ____ Ireland, poet (Wild Swans at Coole-Nobel 1923), born in
+In 1865, nathan forrest became the first leader of which American secret society?
+Ku klux klan
+In 1866 ____ Potter England, children's author (Tale of Peter Rabbit), born in
+In 1866 American Society for the Prevention of ____ to Animals organized
+In 1866 Beatrix ____ England, children's author (Tale of Peter Rabbit), born in
+In 1866 Beatrix Potter England, children's author (____ ), born in
+Tale of peter rabbit
+In 1866 H(erbert) G(eorge) ____ Bromley, England (War of the Worlds), born in
+In 1866 H(erbert) G(eorge) Wells Bromley, England (____ ), born in
+War of the worlds
+In 1866 H(erbert) G(eorge) Wells____ , England (War of the Worlds), born in
+In 1866 President ____ Johnson formally declared the Civil War over
+In 1866 President Andrew ____ formally declared the Civil War over
+In 1866 President Andrew Johnson formally declared the ____ over
+Civil war
+In 1866 Transatlantic cable laid - Pres ____ spoke to Queen Victoria
+In 1866 Transatlantic cable laid - Pres Buchanan spoke to Queen____
+In 1867 ____ gained independence
+In 1867 Alfred ____ invents dynamite
+In 1867 Arturo ____ (in Italy), conductor, born in
+In 1867 Bank of ____ opens its doors
+In 1867 Battle of____ ; Mexicans defeat Maximilian's forces (Cinco de Mayo)
+In 1867 Charles____ , discovered the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, born in
+In 1867 Dominion of ____ formed (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec)
+In 1867 Great ____ eruption (volcano in Hawaii)
+Mauna loa
+In 1867 Last day of ____ calendar in Alaska
+In 1867 Last day of Julian calendar in____
+In 1867 Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie, discovered ____ (Nobel 1903, 1911)
+In 1867 Mexico's deposed emperor ____ is executed
+In 1867 Tokyo is opened for ____ trade
+In 1867 US takes formal possession of ____ from Russia ($7.2 million)
+In 1867 US takes formal possession of Alaska from ____ ($7.2 million)
+In 1867 US takes formal possession of Alaska from Russia (____ million)
+In 1867 Wilbur ____ , of aeroplane fame, born in
+In 1868 ____ enclosed in a circular case patented
+Tape measure
+In 1868 ____ last Russian tsar (1894-1917), born in
+Nicholas ii
+In 1868 ____ MacFadden, publisher (Physical Culture, True Romances), born in
+In 1868 Battle of Alcolea, causes Queen ____ of Spain to flee to France
+Isabella ii
+In 1868 Battle of Alcolea, causes Queen Isabella II of ____ to flee to France
+In 1868 Battle of Alcolea, causes Queen Isabella II of Spain to flee to____
+In 1868 Battle of____ , causes Queen Isabella II of Spain to flee to France
+In 1868 Bernard____ , publisher (Physical Culture, True Romances), born in
+In 1868 Brigham ____ marries number 27, his final wife
+In 1868 Great Train Robbery; 7 men make off with ____ in cash
+In 1868 Severe ____ at 7:53 a.m., centered in Hayward, Calif
+In 1868 The first baseball game played in enclosed field in ____ Francisco, at 25th and Folsom
+In 1868____ , proved Einstein right about light bent by gravity, born in
+Sir frank dyson
+In 1869 ____ iron invented
+In 1869 ____ is patented in Paris, for use in the French Navy
+In 1869 (France) Henri____ , impressionist painter, born in
+In 1869 A hotel in ____ becomes the first to have indoor plumbing
+In 1869 A hotel in Boston becomes the first to have indoor____
+In 1869 Black Friday ____ Wall Street panics after ____ and Fisk attempt to corner gold
+In 1869 Black Friday ____ Wall Street panics after Gould and ____ attempt to corner gold
+In 1869 Celluloid patented by John Wesley____ , Albany, NY
+In 1869 First postcards are issued in____
+In 1869 Florenz____ , of Follies fame, born in
+In 1869 Margarine is patented in____ , for use in the French Navy
+In 1869 Neville____ , English PM and statesman, born in
+In 1869 The ____ Canal opens
+In 1870 ____ annexes Rome and the Papal States; Rome made Italian capital
+In 1870 ____ Claude, inventor of the neon light, born in
+In 1870 ____ E Lee General of the Confederate Army, dies at 63
+In 1870 ____ is founded in New York City
+In 1870 ____ Perrin, French physicist, studied Brownian motion (Nobel 1926)
+In 1870 ____ republic proclaimed
+In 1870 Charles____ , author, dies in England
+In 1870 Construction of the ____ begins
+Brooklyn bridge
+In 1870 First ____ City subway line was opened to the public
+New york
+In 1870 Georges____ , inventor of the neon light, born in
+In 1870 Jean Perrin, French physicist, studied ____ motion (Nobel 1926)
+In 1870 Jean____ , French physicist, studied Brownian motion (Nobel 1926)
+In 1870 Napoleon ____ captured at Sedan
+In 1870 Napoleon III captured at____
+In 1870 Robert E ____ General of the Confederate Army, dies at 63
+In 1870 Robert E Lee General of the ____ Army, dies at 63
+In 1870 Robert E Lee General of the Confederate Army, dies at____
+In 1870 U.S. ____ Amendment passes, guarantees right to vote regardless of race
+In 1871 ____ Rasputin, Russian monk born
+In 1871 ____ Wright, an aviator, born in
+In 1871 Ernest Lord ____ England, physicist; discovered atomic nucleus, born in
+In 1871 First ____ Car is patented by Andrew S. Hallidie
+In 1871 German Empire ____ by Kaiser Wilhelm I
+In 1871 Grigori Rasputin, ____ monk born
+In 1871 Grigori____ , Russian monk born
+In 1871 Marcel____ , French novelist (Remembrance of Things Past), born in
+In 1871 Orville____ , an aviator, born in
+In 1872 ____ Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, discoverer of South Pole born
+In 1872 ____ Milhaud, composer born
+In 1872 ____ Post authority on social behavior, writer (Etiquette), born in
+In 1872 ____ Vibhaji India, cricketer/politician, born in
+In 1872 Bertrand ____ England, mathematician/philosopher (Nobel 1950), born in
+In 1872 Britain introduced the concept of voting by ____ ballot
+In 1872 Darius____ , composer born
+In 1872 Emily ____ authority on social behavior, writer (Etiquette), born in
+In 1872 Haakon ____ Charlottenlund Denmark, King of Norway, born in
+In 1872 Haakon VII Charlottenlund Denmark, King of____ , born in
+In 1872 Haakon VII Charlottenlund____ , King of Norway, born in
+In 1872 Mahlon ____ receives patent for wireless ... the radio is born
+In 1872 Ranjitsinhji ____ India, cricketer/politician, born in
+In 1872 Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, discoverer of ____ born
+South pole
+In 1872 Roald____ , Norwegian explorer, discoverer of South Pole born
+In 1872 Samuel F.B.____ , the developer of the electric telegraph, died
+In 1872 Sir ____ Beerbohm England, caricaturist/writer/wit (Saturday Review), born in
+In 1872 Sir Max ____ England, caricaturist/writer/wit (Saturday Review), born in
+In 1872 Victoria ____ becomes 1st woman nominated for US president
+In 1872 World's largest ____ nugget (215 kg) found in New South Wales
+In 1872 World's largest gold nugget (215 kg) found in____
+New south wales
+In 1872, U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant designated two million acres in Wyoming as ____
+Yellowstone national Park
+In 1873 ____ commits the 1st train robbery
+Jesse james
+In 1873 ____ Hertzsprung, Danish astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram), born in
+In 1873 Canada's North West Mounted Police force (The____ ) first established
+In 1873 Ejnar Hertzsprung, ____ astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram), born in
+In 1873 Ejnar____ , Danish astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram), born in
+In 1873 Enrico ____ (in Italy), singer, born in
+In 1873 Howard____ , Egyptologist who found King Tutankhamen
+In 1873 Sergei ____ (in Novgorod Province, Russia), composer, born in
+In 1873 Susan B. ____ fined $100 for attempting to vote for President
+In 1873 William Handy, blues musician, established the popularity of the ____ in band music
+In 1873____ , Colombian poet, translator, statesman, born in
+Guillermo valencia
+In 1874 ____ Schoenberg, composer, born in
+In 1874 A patent is granted to Joseph Glidden for ____ wire
+In 1874 Arnold____ , composer, born in
+In 1874 Francois Coty, ____ , born in
+In 1874 Gertrude____ , writer, born in
+In 1874 Guglielmo ____ Bologna Italy, inventor (radio) (Nobel 1909), born in
+In 1874 Howard ____ world chess champion, designer of chess pieces, dies
+In 1874 Israel Bak created 1st ____ printing press, dies
+In 1874 Levi ____ markets blue jeans with copper rivets, price $13.50 doz
+In 1874 Sir Apirana Turupa ____ Kawaka NZ, Maori political/cultural leader, born in
+In 1874 Somerset____ , poet, born in
+In 1874 Sydney ____ opens
+In 1875 ____ Rice Burroughs, novelist (Tarzan, John Carter Of Mars Saga), born in
+In 1875 1st newspaper ____ strip
+In 1875 A ____ coin was authorized by U.S. Congress (It only lasted 3 years)
+In 1875 Dr Carl ____ Jung, founded analytic psychology, born in
+In 1875 Dr Carl Gustav____ , founded analytic psychology, born in
+In 1875 Edgar ____ Burroughs, novelist (Tarzan, John Carter Of Mars Saga), born in
+In 1875 Edgar Rice Burroughs, novelist (____ , John Carter Of Mars Saga), born in
+In 1875 Edgar Rice Burroughs, novelist (Tarzan,____ ), born in
+John carter of mars saga
+In 1875 Edgar Rice____ , novelist (Tarzan, John Carter Of Mars Saga), born in
+In 1875 Heinrich ____ discoverer of 11-year sunspot cycle, dies
+In 1875 Marie, queen consort of ____ of Rumania, born in
+Ferdinand i
+In 1875 Maurice ____ (in Cibourne, France), composer (Bollero), born in
+In 1875 Maurice____ , composer (Bolero), born in
+In 1875 Pacific ____ formally opens
+Stock exchange
+In 1875 Robert ____ (in San Francisco, CA), poet, born in
+In 1875 Verney Cameron is first European to cross equatorial ____ from sea to sea
+In 1875 Violent bread riots at____
+In 1875 Walter____ , founded a car company, born in
+In 1875____ , doctor/humanitarian/organist (Nobel 1952), born in
+Albert schweitzer
+In 1876 ____ Drummond 1st Secretary-General of League of Nations (1919-33), born in
+In 1876 ____ Hari, dancer, courtesan, spy, born in
+In 1876 Alexander ____ Bell files an application for a patent for the telephone
+In 1876 Eric ____ 1st Secretary-General of League of Nations (1919-33), born in
+In 1876 First public display of the ____ at the Philedelphia Exhibition
+In 1876 Mata____ , dancer, courtesan, spy, born in
+In 1876 National ____ League formed with 8 teams
+In 1876 Sardines were first canned, in____ , Maine
+In 1876 Willis Haviland____ , developed air-conditioning equipment
+In 1876____ , writer (Call of the Wild), born in
+Jack london
+In 1876, Sir Henery Wickham transported ____ rubber tree seeds from Brazil to Kew Gardens in London
+In 1877 ____ Edison invents the Edisonphone, a sound recording device
+In 1877 ____ Hall discovers Mars' moon Phobos
+In 1877 ____ J. Jeans, cosmologist and astrophysicist, born in
+In 1877 ____ Norris Russell, astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram) born
+In 1877 Asaph ____ discovers Mars' moon Phobos
+In 1877 Asaph Hall discovers ____ ' moon Phobos
+In 1877 Asaph Hall discovers Mars' moon____
+In 1877 First ____ tennis championships held
+In 1877 Frederick Gardner Cottrell, invented the elecrostatic precipitator, used for ____ control and air ionizers, born in
+In 1877 Henry ____ Russell, astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram) born
+In 1877 Henry Norris____ , astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram) born
+In 1877 James J.____ , cosmologist and astrophysicist, born in
+In 1877 Ole ____ inventor (outboard marine engine), born in
+In 1877 Thomas ____ invents the Edisonphone, a sound recording device
+In 1877, Edison demonstrated his first gramophone with a recording of himself reciting which nursery rhyme?
+Mary had a little lamb
+In 1878 ____ Quezon, first president of Philippine Commonwealth (1935-42), born in
+In 1878 ____ Yoshida Japanese PM (most of 1946-54), born in
+In 1878 Andre-Gustave____ , French automaker, born in
+In 1878 First ____ is issued, in New Haven, Conn
+Telephone book
+In 1878 First telephone exchange in ____ opens with 18 phones
+San francisco
+In 1878 Lionel ____ actor (A Free Soul, David Cooperfield, Dr Kildaire), born in
+In 1878 Manuel Quezon, first president of ____ Commonwealth (1935-42), born in
+In 1878 Manuel____ , first president of Philippine Commonwealth (1935-42), born in
+In 1878 Princess ____ of Sweden, born in
+In 1878 Princess Ingeborg of____ , born in
+In 1878 Shigeru ____ Japanese PM (most of 1946-54), born in
+In 1878 Thomas Alva Edison patents the?
+In 1878, Wanamaker's of Philadelphia was the first U.S. department store to install?
+Electric lighting
+In 1879 ____ Edison commercially perfects the light bulb
+In 1879 ____ Trotsky, Russian revolutionary (pres of 1st Soviet), born in
+In 1879 ____ Zapata, Mexican revolutionary, peasant leader
+In 1879 (USA) ____ gives 1st public demonstration of his incandescent lamp
+In 1879 Albert____ , scientist, born in
+In 1879 Emiliano____ , Mexican revolutionary, peasant leader
+In 1879 James Ritty patents the first ____ register, to combat stealing by bartenders in his Dayton, Ohio saloon
+In 1879 Josef____ , Russian dictator, born in
+In 1879 Leon____ , Russian revolutionary (pres of 1st Soviet), born in
+In 1879 Meteor falls near____ , Iowa
+In 1879 Otto____ , co-discoverer of nuclear fission, born in
+In 1879 Paul Klee, Swiss ____ painter ,born
+In 1879 Sir Thomas ____ , English composer, founded London Philharmonic, born in
+In 1879 The city of ____ inaugurates steam motor tram route
+In 1879 Thomas ____ commercially perfects the light bulb
+In 1879 Thomas Edison commercially perfects the____
+Light bulb
+In 188 ____ Roman emperor (211-17), born in
+In 1880 ____ L. Mencken, newspaperman, critic, Baltimore's son, born in
+In 1880 ____ Ligowsky patents device to throw clay pigeons for trapshooters
+In 1880 (USA) ____ silent screen cowboy actor, born in
+Tom mix
+In 1880 Construction of ____ Cathedral is completed
+In 1880 Gen. Douglas ____ born, he did return!
+In 1880 Geo ____ patents device to throw clay pigeons for trapshooters
+In 1880 Henry L.____ , newspaperman, critic, Baltimore's son, born in
+In 1880 Queen Mother ____ Netherlands (1890-1948), born in
+In 1880 S.S. ____ arrives in London with first successful shipment of frozen mutton from Australia
+In 1880 The passing of____ , Emperor of the US, Protector of Mexico
+Norton i
+In 1880 Thomas Edison granted patent for an electric ____ lamp
+In 1880 W.C. Fields [____ Dukenfield], actor (Bank Dick), born in
+Claude william
+In 1880____ , created Keystone Kops, born in
+Mack sennett
+In 1881 ____ B deMille Mass, directed God (10 Commandments), born in
+In 1881 ____ Edward Boeing, founded aircraft company
+In 1881 ____ Picasso, doodler (Guernica) (or 10-05) born
+In 1881 Barnum and Bailey's ____ opens in Madison Square Garden in New York City
+Greatest show on earth
+In 1881 Cecil B ____ Mass, directed God (10 Commandments), born in
+In 1881 Cecil B deMille Mass, directed ____ (10 Commandments), born in
+In 1881 Pablo____ , doodler (Guernica) (or 10-05) born
+In 1881 S.S. ____ begins first round-the-world cruise from Liverpool
+In 1881 Sioux Indian leader____ , surrenders to federal troops
+Sitting bull
+In 1881 Sir ____ Fleming, cashed in on penicillin (Nobel 1954), born in
+In 1881 Sir Alexander Fleming, cashed in on ____ (Nobel 1954), born in
+In 1881 Sir Alexander____ , cashed in on penicillin (Nobel 1954), born in
+In 1881 Treaty of____ , Tunisia becomes a French protectorate
+In 1881 William ____ Boeing, founded aircraft company
+In 1881 William Edward Boeing, founded ____ company
+In 1881 William Edward____ , founded aircraft company
+In 1882 ____ author (Winnie-the-Pooh), born in
+Alan alexander milne
+In 1882 ____ invades Egypt
+In 1882 ____ Kendall Australian poet, dies of tuberculosis at 43
+In 1882 ____ opens (as the Local Security Board)
+Pacific stock exchange
+In 1882 200 die as ____ derails near Tcherny, Russia
+In 1882 200 die as train derails near____ , Russia
+In 1882 Anna____ , St Petersburg Russia, ballerina/choreographer, born in
+In 1882 Britain invades____
+In 1882 Congress outlawed?
+In 1882 Feud between the ____ family of southern West Virginia and the McCoys of eastern Kentucky broke out. About 100 either killed or wounded
+In 1882 Feud between the Hatfield family of southern West ____ and the McCoys of eastern Kentucky broke out. About 100 either killed or wounded
+In 1882 Feud between the Hatfield family of southern West Virginia and the ____ of eastern Kentucky broke out. About 100 either killed or wounded
+In 1882 Feud between the Hatfield family of southern West Virginia and the McCoys of eastern ____ broke out. About 100 either killed or wounded
+In 1882 Feud between the Hatfield family of southern West Virginia and the McCoys of eastern Kentucky broke out. About ____ either killed or wounded
+In 1882 Franklin D. Roosevelt, ____ President (1933-1945) in New Hyde Park NY, born in
+In 1882 German scientist Robert ____ discovered bacillus cause of TB
+In 1882 Henry ____ Australian poet, dies of tuberculosis at 43
+In 1882 Henry Kendall Australian poet, dies of ____ at 43
+In 1882 Henry Kendall Australian poet, dies of tuberculosis at____
+In 1882 Igor____ , composer (Firebird Suite, The Rite of Spring)
+In 1882 James____ , writer, born in
+In 1882 Jesse ____ shot dead in St. Joseph Mo. by Robert Ford
+In 1882 John____ , actor, born in
+In 1882 Last bare knuckle champion John L. ____ KOs Paddy Ryan in Miss
+In 1882 Virginia____ , author, born in
+In 1883 ____ began erupting with increasingly large explosions
+In 1883 ____ Bill Cody presents 1st wild west show, North Platte, Nebraska, U.S.A...
+In 1883 ____ Mussolini (Il Duce), Italian facist dictator born
+In 1883 (Lebanon) Khalil Gibran, ____ (The Prophet, Broken Wings), born in
+Mystic poet
+In 1883 Benito ____ (Il Duce), Italian facist dictator born
+In 1883 Douglas____ , first and greatest of Hollywood's swashbucklers, born in
+In 1883 First ____ theater opens
+In 1883 Franz____ , Czechoslavakia, author (Metamorphosis, Trial, Amerika), born in
+In 1883 John Maynard ____ (in Cambridge, England), another economist, born in
+In 1883 Kahlil ____ , philosopher, born in
+In 1883 Karl____ , founder of Communism, died
+In 1883 Krakatoa, west of____ , blew apart; top that, St. Helens!
+In 1883 Ladies ____ begins publication
+Home journal
+In 1883 Lon____ , actor, man of a thousand faces, born in
+In 1883 Louis ____ begins experiments that invent the fountain pen
+In 1883 Oscar ____ patents first practical cigar-rolling machine
+In 1883 Rube ____ who made the easy outrageously difficult, born in
+In 1883 The '____ ' begins its first run, linking Turkey to Europe by rail
+Orient express
+In 1883 The 'Orient Express' begins its first run, linking ____ to Europe by rail
+In 1883 The 'Orient Express' begins its first run, linking Turkey to ____ by rail
+In 1883 U.S. and ____ begin the use of standard time zones (standard time zones established by the railroads in both countries)
+In 1884 ____ Barrios, Chilean novelist (The Love-Crazed Boy) born
+In 1884 ____ Gernsback, responsible for science fiction becoming an independent literary form, born in
+In 1884 ____ patents paper-strip photographic film
+George eastman
+In 1884 ____ Teasdale, poet born
+In 1884 Cornerstone for the ____ laid
+Statue of liberty
+In 1884 Davidson____ , Canada, doctor of anatomy (identified Peking Man), born in
+In 1884 Eduardo____ , Chilean novelist (The Love-Crazed Boy) born
+In 1884 Hugo____ , responsible for science fiction becoming an independent literary form, born in
+In 1884 John B. Meyenberg of St Louis patented ____ milk
+In 1884 Robert____ , father of the documentary film, born in
+In 1884 Sara____ , poet born
+In 1884 Statue of ____ presented to US in Paris
+In 1884____ , horror actor (Dracula, Body Snatcher), born in
+Bela lugosi
+In 1884, what was referred to as 'the tragic lamppost'?
+The Eiffel Tower
+In 1885 ____ Bohr, physicist, expanded quantum physics (Nobel 1922), born in
+In 1885 ____ Daimler receives German patent for a motorcycle
+In 1885 1st inoculation (for____ ) of a human being, by Louis Pasteur
+In 1885 Admiral Chester____ , in charge of Pacific Fleet in WWII, born in
+In 1885 Congo Free State established by King ____ of Belgium
+Leopold ii
+In 1885 First ____ photograph
+In 1885 Gottlieb ____ receives German patent for a motorcycle
+In 1885 Jerome____ , Broadway composer, born in
+In 1885 Louis B Mayer, ____ Russia, motion-picture executive (MGM), born in
+In 1885 Louis B____ , Minsk Russia, motion-picture executive (MGM), born in
+In 1885 Niels____ , physicist, expanded quantum physics (Nobel 1922), born in
+In 1885 Statue of Liberty arrived in NYC aboard the French ship `____ '
+In 1885 The ____ Film Company manufactured the first commercial motion picture film
+In 1886 ____ abolishes slavery in Cuba
+In 1886 ____ Igarashi Japan, climed Mt Fuji at age 99, born in
+In 1886 ____ Lorillard wears the first dinner jacket to the Autumn Ball in Tuxedo Park. Thus the name 'tuxedo.'
+In 1886 American poet Emily ____ died
+In 1886 Coca-Cola is created (it had ____ at the time)
+In 1886 Duchess of____ , famous divorcee, born in
+In 1886 Geronimo, ____ Indian, finally surrenders ending last major US-Indian war
+In 1886 Griswold ____ wears the first dinner jacket to the Autumn Ball in Tuxedo Park. Thus the name 'tuxedo.'
+In 1886 Griswold Lorillard wears the first dinner jacket to the Autumn Ball in Tuxedo Park. Thus the name '____ .'
+In 1886 Haymarket riot in____ ; bomb kills 7 policemen
+In 1886 King ____ of Bavaria drowns
+Ludwig ii
+In 1886 King Ludwig II of ____ drowns
+In 1886 Spain abolishes slavery in____
+In 1886 Teiichi ____ Japan, climed Mt Fuji at age 99, born in
+In 1886 Teiichi Igarashi Japan, climed Mt Fuji at age____ , born in
+In 1886 Willem ____ PM of Netherland (1948-58), born in
+In 1886 Willem Drees PM of ____ (1948-58), born in
+In 1886____ , Apache Indian, finally surrenders ending last major US-Indian war
+In 1887 ____ Garvey, began back-to-Africa movement among US blacks, born in
+In 1887 ____ Kirchoff, discoverer of the laws of spectroscopy, dies
+In 1887 ____ Reed, journalist who reported on Mexican, Russian revolutions, born in
+In 1887 ____ Schrodinger Austria, physicist (had a cat), born in
+In 1887 Britain celebrates ____ jubilee of Queen Victoria
+In 1887 Erwin ____ Austria, physicist (had a cat), born in
+In 1887 Erwin Schrodinger Austria, ____ (had a cat), born in
+In 1887 Gustav Kirchoff, discoverer of the laws of____ , dies
+In 1887 Gustav____ , discoverer of the laws of spectroscopy, dies
+In 1887 Gustav____ , German quantum physicist (Nobel 1925), born in
+In 1887 John Reed, journalist who reported on Mexican, ____ revolutions, born in
+In 1887 John Reed, journalist who reported on____ , Russian revolutions, born in
+In 1887 John____ , journalist who reported on Mexican, Russian revolutions, born in
+In 1887 Marcel ____ painter (Nude Descending a Staircase), born in
+In 1887 Marcus____ , began back-to-Africa movement among US blacks, born in
+In 1887 Sino-Portuguese treaty recognizes Portugal's control of____
+In 1887 Sir Julian ____ London, biologist/philosopher, Darwin's Bulldog, born in
+In 1887 Thomas A Edison patents____ , (produces moving pictures)
+In 1887 U.S. receives rights to ____ Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii
+In 1888 ____ Chevalier, actor, singer (Gigi), ultimate Frenchman, born in
+In 1888 ____ E. Byrd, polar explorer born
+In 1888 ____ Eastman patents first rollfilm camera and registers Kodak
+In 1888 ____ Logie Baird, Scotland, inventor (father of TV), born in
+In 1888 ____ O'Neill, playwright (Desire Under the Elms) (Nobel 1936)
+In 1888 ____ Ta-chao cofounder with Mao Tse-tung of Chinese Communist Party, born in
+In 1888 ____ Van Kannel of Philadelphia receives a patent for his revolving door ____ described as a storm door structure
+In 1888 ____ Zernike, inventor of phase-contrast microscope (Nobel 1953)
+In 1888 Blizzard struck the northeastern United States. ____ people died
+In 1888 Brazil abolishes____
+In 1888 Eugene____ , playwright (Desire Under the Elms) (Nobel 1936)
+In 1888 First ____ is patented by M.C. Stone in Washington, D.C
+Drinking straw
+In 1888 Frits Zernike, inventor of phase____ microscope (Nobel 1953)
+In 1888 Frits Zernike, inventor of phase-contrast ____ (Nobel 1953)
+In 1888 Frits____ , inventor of phase-contrast microscope (Nobel 1953)
+In 1888 George ____ patents first rollfilm camera and registers Kodak
+In 1888 George Eastman patents first rollfilm camera and registers____
+In 1888 Irving ____ [Isadore Balin], Temun, Russia, composer (White Xmas), born in
+In 1888 Jack the ____ kills last victim
+In 1888 John ____ Baird, Scotland, inventor (father of TV), born in
+In 1888 John Logie____ , Scotland, inventor (father of TV), born in
+In 1888 Li ____ cofounder with Mao Tse-tung of Chinese Communist Party, born in
+In 1888 Li Ta-chao cofounder with ____ of Chinese Communist Party, born in
+Mao tse-tung
+In 1888 Mary Ann ____ a 42-year-old prostitute, was found stabbed to death in London, 1st of at least five murders by Jack the Ripper
+In 1888 Maurice____ , actor, singer (Gigi), ultimate Frenchman, born in
+In 1888 National Geographic Society ____ (Washington, DC)
+In 1888 Richard E.____ , polar explorer born
+In 1888 Shmuel____ , Israeli novelist (Day Before Yesterday) (Nobel 1966), born in
+In 1888 T. E.____ , writer (aka Lawrence of Arabia), born in
+In 1888 T.S.____ , Anglican, playwright (Waste Land) (Nobel 1948), born in
+In 1888 The ____ Army of England sends group to U.S. to begin welfare and religious activity here
+In 1888 Theophilus Van ____ of Philadelphia receives a patent for his revolving door ____ described as a storm door structure
+In 1888 Theophilus Van Kannel of ____ receives a patent for his revolving door ____ described as a storm door structure
+In 1888 Theophilus Van Kannel of Philadelphia receives a patent for his ____ ____ described as a storm door structure
+Revolving door
+In 1888 William Bundy invents the first ____ clock
+In 1888____ , blues 12 string guitarist (Rock Island Line), born in
+In 1888, an estimated 300,000 mummified cats were found at Beni Hassan, Egypt. They were sold at ____ per ton, & shipped to England to be ground up & used for fertilizer
+In 1889 ____ Dumont, actress-Marx Brothers' foil, born in
+In 1889 ____ invented
+In 1889 ____ with a back-pedal brake patented
+In 1889 Arnold ____ , historian, born in
+In 1889 Charlie ____ , actor, comedian, movie director, born in
+In 1889 Claude Rains____ , actor (Invisible Man, Casablanca), born in
+In 1889 Dom Pedro II, Emperor of____ , deposed; republic proclaimed
+In 1889 Dr ____ F Mahoney developed pencillin treatment of syphillis, born in
+In 1889 Dr John F ____ developed pencillin treatment of syphillis, born in
+In 1889 Dr John F Mahoney developed ____ treatment of syphillis, born in
+In 1889 Dr John F Mahoney developed pencillin treatment of____ , born in
+In 1889 Erle Stanley____ , writer, created Perry Mason, born in
+In 1889 Igor ____ developed a working helicopter, born in
+In 1889 Jean ____ France, writer/artist/film maker (Le Potamak), born in
+In 1889 John L. ____ wins by KO in 75 rounds in last bareknuckle bout
+In 1889 Margaret____ , actress-Marx Brothers' foil, born in
+In 1889 Oahu Railway begins public service in____
+In 1889 The first ____ is installed, at a saloon in San Francisco
+In 1889 The first ____ machine is marketed in Chicago
+In 1890 ____ Island (NYC) opens as a US immigration depot
+In 1890 ____ Rickenbacker, aviator, born in
+In 1890 ____ Sanders, Kentucky Fried Chicken founder/colonel, born in
+In 1890 ____ trail blazer/leader of Vietnam (1946, 1969), born in
+Ho chi minh
+In 1890 Dame ____ Christie mystery writer (Murder on the Orient Express), born in
+In 1890 Dame Agatha ____ mystery writer (Murder on the Orient Express), born in
+In 1890 Eddie____ , aviator, born in
+In 1890 Edwin____ , radio pioneer (invented FM) ,born
+In 1890 Harland____ , Kentucky Fried Chicken founder/colonel, born in
+In 1890 Rose____ , Mother of a President, an Attorney General, and a Senator, born in
+In 1891 A Hatfield marries a____ , ending a long feud in W. VA
+In 1891 Carnegie Hall opens in NYC with ____ as guest conductor
+In 1891 Travelers ____ patented
+In 1891, film was introduced to replace ____ in making photographic negatives
+In 1892 ____ Andric, Yugoslav novelist (Bridge on the Drina) (Nobel '61), born in
+In 1892 ____ Freiherr von Richthofen [the Red Baron], German WW I ace, born in
+In 1892 ____ Harlem Ga, comedy team member (Laurel & Hardy), born in
+Oliver hardy
+In 1892 ____ Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74), founder of the Rastafarian religion
+In 1892 ____ West, actress, born in
+In 1892 At a banquet through a letter Lord ____ presents the idea of a silver cup challenge for Hockey (Stanley Cup) The cup cost $50
+In 1892 Basil ____ Johannesburg S Africa, actor (Sherlock Holmes), born in
+In 1892 Basketball rules ____ published
+In 1892 Britian and US signed treaty on ____ hunting in Bering Sea
+In 1892 Charles ____ takes 1st American-made auto out for a spin
+In 1892 Dame Margaret____ , England, actress (Murder Most Foul), born in
+In 1892 Donald Wills ____ , founded an aircraft company
+In 1892 E E ____ at Lick discovers Amalthea, 5th Jupiter moon
+In 1892 E E Barnard at Lick discovers Amalthea, ____ Jupiter moon
+In 1892 E E Barnard at Lick discovers Amalthea, 5th ____ moon
+In 1892 E E Barnard at Lick discovers____ , 5th Jupiter moon
+In 1892 Edna St. Vincent____ , poet, born in
+In 1892 First public game of?
+In 1892 Haile Selassie, emperor of ____ (1930-74), founder of the Rastafarian religion
+In 1892 Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74), founder of the ____ religion
+In 1892 Haile____ , emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74), founder of the Rastafarian religion
+In 1892 Ivo____ , Yugoslav novelist (Bridge on the Drina) (Nobel '61), born in
+In 1892 J.R.R. Tolkien, ____ , author (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings), born in
+In 1892 Mae____ , actress, born in
+In 1892 Poet Walt ____ died in Camden, New Jersey
+In 1892, Italy raised the minimum age for marriage for girls to____
+In 1892, who raised the marriageable age for girls to 12 years old?
+In 1893 ____ issues first driving licenses, including a required test
+In 1893 1st ____ wheel premieres (Chicago's Columbian Exposition)
+In 1893 Cole____ , Indiana U.S.A, composer/lyricist (Anything Goes, Kiss Me Kate), born in
+In 1893 Dorothy L ____ England, novelist (9 Taylors), born in
+In 1893 Jimmy____ , comedian, born in
+In 1893 Viscount____ , Scotland, Governor General of Australia (1959-61), born in
+In 1893 Vladimir____ , Soviet Georgia, poet (Ode to Revolution), born in
+In 1893 Vladimir____ , Soviet poet, born in
+In 1893, what did an American magazine vote 'the national beverage'?
+Ice cream soda
+In 1894 ____ defeats China in Battle of Ping Yang
+In 1894 6,000 Armenians massacred by Turks in____
+In 1894 Aldous____ , author (Brave New World), born in
+In 1894 Alfred ____ entomologist/sexologist (Kinsey Report), born in
+In 1894 Andres____ , guitarist, born in
+In 1894 Benjamin ____ (AKA Jack Benny), actor, comedian, born in
+In 1894 Duke of ____ [King Edward VIII of England] (briefly in 1936), born in
+In 1894 E E____ , poet, born in
+In 1894 First ____ shown in NY City
+Motion picture
+In 1894 Hermann____ , founder of modern astronautics
+In 1894 Japan defeats ____ in Battle of Ping Yang
+In 1894 Japan defeats China in Battle of____
+Ping yang
+In 1894 Norman____ , artist, born in
+In 1894, there were only how many automobiles in the U S?
+In 1895 ____ Keaton, silent movie actor (The Navigator, Steamboat Bill) born
+In 1895 ____ Marx, comedian born
+In 1895 ____ Mr FBI, born in
+J edgar hoover
+In 1895 ____ Pasteur dies
+In 1895 ____ Peron, president of Argentina (1946-55, 1973-74), born in
+In 1895 ____ Yi-t'ang, Chinese writer (My Country and My People), born in
+In 1895 Alfred Nobel establishes ____ prize
+In 1895 America's first ____ race starts; 6 cars, 55 miles, winner averages a blazing 7 MPH
+In 1895 Buster____ , silent movie actor (The Navigator, Steamboat Bill) born
+In 1895 D.D. ____ of Davenport, Iowa, becomes the first Chiropractor
+In 1895 First known ____ race
+In 1895 First round-the-world trip by a woman on a ____ (took 15 months)
+In 1895 First round-the-world trip by a woman on a bicycle (took ____ months)
+In 1895 First shipment of canned ____ from Hawaii
+In 1895 George Herman '____ ' Ruth, born in
+In 1895 Groucho____ , comedian born
+In 1895 Jack____ , boxer (The Manassa Mauler) born
+In 1895 Juan Peron, president of ____ (1946-55, 1973-74), born in
+In 1895 Juan____ , president of Argentina (1946-55, 1973-74), born in
+In 1895 Lin____ , Chinese writer (My Country and My People), born in
+In 1895 Louis ____ dies
+In 1895 Mance ____ , blues musician, born in
+In 1895 Oscar____ , lyricist, born who worked with Richard Rodgers
+Hammerstein ii
+In 1895 Rudolf ____ , Hitler's Deputy Fuhrer, only prisoner at Spandau, born in
+In 1895 Rudolph____ , silent film star, sheik
+In 1895 Stan ____ comedian (Laurel & Hardy), born in
+In 1895 The ____ is invented
+In 1895 Treaty of ____ signed, ends first Sino-Japanese War (1894-95)
+In 1895 Wilhelm ____ discovers x-rays
+In 1895 Writer Oscar ____ is arrested
+In 1896 ____ [Nathan Birnbaum], NYC, actor/comedian (Oh God), born in
+George burns
+In 1896 ____ Gish, silent film and stage actor (Birth of a Nation), born in
+In 1896 ____ invented in NYC by chef of visiting Chinese Ambassador
+Chop suey
+In 1896 ____ is discovered on Klondike River
+In 1896 ____ Lie, first Secretary-General of UN (1946-52)
+In 1896 ____ Piaget, pioneer developmental psychologist, born in
+In 1896 (USA) Ira____ , composer, born in
+In 1896 1st modern Olympic Games officially opens in?
+In 1896 A.J.____ , English author, born in
+In 1896 Alfred ____ dies; Swedish Nobel Prize ceremony on this date
+In 1896 Charlotte, grand duchess of ____ (1919-64), born in
+In 1896 F. ____ Fitzgerald (in St. Paul, MN), writer (Great Gatsby), born in
+In 1896 F. Scott ____ (in St. Paul, MN), writer (Great Gatsby), born in
+In 1896 Gold is discovered on ____ River
+In 1896 Henry takes his first Ford through the streets of____ . The road test of the is delayed an hour because the car is wider than the door of the shed in which it is built
+In 1896 Jean Piaget, pioneer developmental____ , born in
+In 1896 Jean____ , pioneer developmental psychologist, born in
+In 1896 Lillian____ , silent film and stage actor (Birth of a Nation), born in
+In 1896 Modern Olympics ____ . (First modern Olympiad)
+In 1896 Power plant at ____ Falls begins operation
+In 1896 the speed limit for horseless carriages was raised from 4 mph to what?
+14 mph
+In 1896 US Marines landed in ____ to protect US citizens
+In 1896, Britain and Zanzibar were at war for ____ minutes
+In 1897 ____ last day as a city, it incorporates into NYC (1/1/1898)
+In 1897 ____ Mamoulian, movie director, born in
+In 1897 1st American ____ ran, John J McDermott wins in 2:55:10 (Boston)
+In 1897 Frank ____ movie director (Its a Wonderful Life, Arsenic & Old Lace), born in
+In 1897 Matthias Zurbriggen was the first climber to reach the summit of the highest peak in South America, what wasits name?
+In 1897 Paul VI, ____ Roman Catholic pope (1963-78), born in
+In 1897 Rouben____ , movie director, born in
+In 1897____ , 262nd Roman Catholic pope (1963-78), born in
+Paul vi
+In 1897____ , Nazi propagandist, born in
+Paul joseph goebbels
+In 1898 ____ -American War begins
+In 1898 ____ cedes Guam to US
+In 1898 ____ Gershwin, (in Brooklyn, NY), composer (Rhapsody in Blue), born in
+In 1898 ____ speed record set ____ 63 kph
+In 1898 , the Bayer company began marketing what they claimed was a non addictive opiate what was it?
+In 1898 Alexander Calder, ____ (mobiles, stabiles), born in
+In 1898 Alexander____ , sculptor (mobiles, stabiles), born in
+In 1898 Bertolt____ , born in
+In 1898 China leases Hong Kong's new territories to Britain for ____ years
+In 1898 Emmett____ , circus clown (Weary Willie) born
+In 1898 Enzo____ , car designer and manufacturer, born in
+In 1898 George____ , (in Brooklyn, NY), composer (Rhapsody in Blue), born in
+In 1898 Guglielmo ____ patents the radio
+In 1898 Lewis Carroll writer (Alice in Wonderland), dies at?
+In 1898 Lord ____ retakes Sudan for Britain
+In 1898 Lord Kitchener retakes ____ for Britain
+In 1898 Lord Kitchener retakes Sudan for____
+In 1898 Philippine nationalists declared their independence from____ . Phillipine Independance day
+In 1898 President ____ asks for Spanish-American War declaration
+In 1898 Spain cedes ____ to US
+In 1898 Spain declares war on U.S., rejecting ultimatum to withdraw from?
+In 1898 Spanish-American War ends ____ U.S. acquires Guam, Puerto Rico, the Phillipines, and ____ from Spain
+In 1898 who wrote The War of the Worlds?
+H.g. wells
+In 1899 ____ Aiken, American poet, short story writer, critic, born in
+In 1899 ____ Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality
+In 1899 ____ Hitchcock, London, director (Psycho, Birds, Rear Window), born in
+In 1899 ____ Society established to place bibles in hotels
+In 1899 ____ Wallis movie producer (Maltese Falcon, Barefoot in the Park), born in
+In 1899 Alfred ____ , inventor of the game 'Scrabble', born in
+In 1899 Alfred Hitchcock, London, director (____ , Birds, Rear Window), born in
+In 1899 Alfred Hitchcock, London, director (Psycho, ____ , Rear Window), born in
+In 1899 Alfred Hitchcock, London, director (Psycho, Birds,____ ), born in
+Rear window
+In 1899 Alfred____ , London, director (Psycho, Birds, Rear Window), born in
+In 1899 Anglo-Egyptian country of ____ forms
+In 1899 C.S. Forester, historical novelist, created ____
+Horatio hornblower
+In 1899 Conrad____ , American poet, short story writer, critic, born in
+In 1899 Duke ____ bandleader (Take the A Train), born in
+In 1899 E.B. ____ writer (Charlotte's Web, Elements of Style), born in
+In 1899 Ernest____ , author, (Nobel 1954), born in
+In 1899 First ____ race, Manhattan Beach, N.Y
+In 1899 Fred ____ Omaha Neb, tap dancer/actor (Easter Parade, Swingtime), born in
+In 1899 George ____ wins patent for his golf tee
+In 1899 Gideon Society established to place ____ in hotels
+In 1899 Hal ____ movie producer (Maltese Falcon, Barefoot in the Park), born in
+In 1899 Henry ____ becomes 1st automobile fatality
+In 1899 Humphrey____ , actor, born in
+In 1899 Jean ____ hero of the French Resistance during WW II, born in
+In 1899 Martha ____ of Brooklyn, became first woman to die by electrocution
+In 1899 Sir Noel____ , playwright, born in
+In 1899 The first auto repair shop opens in____ , MA
+In 1899 Treaty of Paris ratifies; Spain cedes ____ to US
+Puerto rico
+In 1899____ , Crime Boss, born in
+Al capone
+In 1900 ____ annex Natal (South Africa)
+In 1900 ____ becomes a U.S. territory
+In 1900 ____ Hilton, hotel magnate (Hilton Hotels), born in
+In 1900 ____ modern Olympic games opens in Paris (lasted 5 months)
+In 1900 ____ Nietzsche philosopher, dies in Weimar, Germany
+In 1900 Adlai E.____ , statesman, born in
+In 1900 Ayatollah Ruhollah ____ Iran's spiritual leader, born in
+In 1900 Britain proclaims protectorate over kingdom of____
+In 1900 British annex ____ (South Africa)
+In 1900 Charles ____ , Earthquakes seismologist (Richter scale), born in
+In 1900 China's ____ Rebellion against foreigners and Christians
+In 1900 China's Boxer Rebellion against foreigners and____
+In 1900 Count Ferdinand von ____ 's 1st airship LZ-1, flies
+In 1900 Dennis____ , inventor of holography (3D laser photography), born in
+In 1900 First Davis Cup ____ matches, held in Boston. The U.S. defeats Britain
+In 1900 First Davis Cup tennis matches, held in Boston. The ____ defeats Britain
+In 1900 First Davis Cup tennis matches, held in Boston. The U.S. defeats____
+In 1900 First Davis Cup tennis matches, held in____ . The U.S. defeats Britain
+In 1900 Friedrich ____ philosopher, dies in Weimar, Germany
+In 1900 Friedrich Nietzsche philosopher, dies in____ , Germany
+In 1900 Hamburger created by ____ Lassing in Connecticut
+In 1900 Hamburger created by Louis ____ in Connecticut
+In 1900 Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in____
+In 1900 Italian King ____ I assassinated
+In 1900 James____ , actor, born in
+In 1900 James____ , hotel magnate (Hilton Hotels), born in
+In 1900 Spanish____ War ends
+In 1900 Spencer ____ actor (Father's Little Dividend, Adam's Rib), born in
+In 1900 the average age at death in the U S was what?
+In 1900, there were ____ cars in the United States
+In 1900, what was the average lifespan in the u.s?
+Forty seven
+In 1901 ____ Fermi, Italy, nuclear physicist, born in
+In 1901 ____ Maass army nurse sacrificied her life at 25 to prove that the mosquito carries yellow fever
+In 1901 ____ Osborn, playwright born
+In 1901 ____ patents 1st disposable razor
+In 1901 ____ Quasimodo, Italian poet, critic, translator (Nobel 1959), born in
+In 1901 ____ Taylor, first to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel and live
+In 1901 (Germany) Marlene____ , actress, born in
+In 1901 (USA) Walt ____ born
+In 1901 Anna Taylor, first to go over ____ in a barrel and live
+Niagara falls
+In 1901 Anna____ , first to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel and live
+In 1901 Clara ____ army nurse sacrificied her life at 25 to prove that the mosquito carries yellow fever
+In 1901 Clara Maass army nurse sacrificied her life at ____ to prove that the mosquito carries yellow fever
+In 1901 Clara Maass army nurse sacrificied her life at 25 to prove that the ____ carries yellow fever
+In 1901 Clark____ , actor (didn't give a damn about Scarlet O'Hara)
+In 1901 Dame____ , Australian Opera Singer, reveals secret of her now famous toast
+Nellie melba
+In 1901 Emperor ____ of Japan (1926-89), born in
+In 1901 Enrico____ , Italy, nuclear physicist, born in
+In 1901 First ____ Peace Prizes (to Jean Henri Dunant, Frederic Passy)
+In 1901 First telegraph company in ____ opens
+In 1901 Gen. ____ D. Taylor, former US Army chief of staff born
+In 1901 Gen. Maxwell D.____ , former US Army chief of staff born
+In 1901 Paul____ , playwright born
+In 1901 Pres ____ McKinley assassinated by Leon Czologosz in Buffalo, New York
+In 1901 Pres William ____ assassinated by Leon Czologosz in Buffalo, New York
+In 1901 Pres William McKinley assassinated by ____ Czologosz in Buffalo, New York
+In 1901 Pres William McKinley assassinated by Leon ____ in Buffalo, New York
+In 1901 Pres William McKinley assassinated by Leon Czologosz in____ , New York
+In 1901 Queen____ , Britain's Queen, dies at 82
+In 1901 Salvatore____ , Italian poet, critic, translator (Nobel 1959), born in
+In 1902 ____ Bourguiba, 1st president of Tunisia, born in
+In 1902 ____ Hamilton, actor (Wizard of Oz), played Wicked Witch of the West, born in
+In 1902 ____ Kroc Illinois, founder of MacDonalds/baseball team owner (San Diego Padres), born in
+In 1902 ____ Nash, American humorous poet (I'm a Stranger Here Myself), born in
+In 1902 ____ of England crowned after death of his mother Victoria
+Edward vii
+In 1902 ____ Wankel, Germany, inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine), born in
+In 1902 Ansel____ , knows how to handle a camera, born in
+In 1902 Charles A.____ , 'Lucky Lindy', born in
+In 1902 David O ____ Pittsburgh Pa, producer (Gone With the Wind), born in
+In 1902 Dr Howard T ____ Boston, a designer of Univac computer, born in
+In 1902 Edward VII of England crowned after death of his mother____
+In 1902 Felix Wankel, Germany, inventor (____ rotary-piston engine), born in
+In 1902 Felix____ , Germany, inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine), born in
+In 1902 Habib Bourguiba, 1st president of____ , born in
+In 1902 Habib____ , 1st president of Tunisia, born in
+In 1902 Jean Rey, of____ , president of European Commission (1967-70)
+In 1902 Jean____ , of Belgium, president of European Commission (1967-70)
+In 1902 John____ , writer, born in
+In 1902 Margaret Hamilton, actor (____ ), played Wicked Witch of the West, born in
+Wizard of oz
+In 1902 Margaret____ , actor (Wizard of Oz ____ Wicked Witch of the West) born
+In 1902 Margaret____ , actor (Wizard of Oz), played Wicked Witch of the West, born in
+In 1902 Marie and ____ Curie isolated the radioactive element radium
+In 1902 Ogden____ , American humorous poet (I'm a Stranger Here Myself), born in
+In 1902 Ray ____ Illinois, founder of MacDonalds/baseball team owner (San Diego Padres), born in
+In 1902____ , Mrs George Burns/comedian (Burns and Allen), born in
+Gracie allen
+In 1902, which volcano erupted killing 30,000 people?
+Mount pelee
+In 1903 ____ Marchiony granted patent for the ice cream cone
+In 1903 ____ Ringling North, circus director born
+In 1903 ____ Rothko, painter, born in
+In 1903 At 10:35AM, for 12 seconds, first sustained motorized aircraft flight (36 meters) by ____ Brothers at Kitty Hawk, NC
+In 1903 Benjamin____ , pediatrician/author (Common Sense Book of Baby Care), born in
+In 1903 Columbia grants ____ independence
+In 1903 Eliot Ness ____ (FBI agent-Chicago), born in
+In 1903 First ____ introduced in America. Made by Morris and Rose Michtom, Russian immigrants
+Teddy bear
+In 1903 Giuseppe ____ elected Pope Pius X
+In 1903 Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, gives US exclusive canal rights through____
+In 1903 Italo ____ granted patent for the ice cream cone
+In 1903 John ____ North, circus director born
+In 1903 John ____ one of America's Most Wanted, born in
+In 1903 John Ringling North, ____ director born
+In 1903 John Ringling____ , circus director born
+In 1903 King ____ & Queen Dragia of Serbia are assassinated
+Alexander i
+In 1903 King Alexander I & Queen ____ of Serbia are assassinated
+In 1903 King Alexander I & Queen Dragia of ____ are assassinated
+In 1903 Lawrence____ , bandleader, bubble maker, born in
+In 1903 Mark____ , painter, born in
+In 1903 N.Y. ____ (Yankees) tickets first go on sale
+In 1903 Olav V, King of ____ (1957), born in
+In 1903 Randolph____ , actor, born in
+In 1903 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published which book?
+The hound of the baskervilles
+In 1903 Tallulah____ , Huntsville Ala, actress (Lifeboat, Die Die Darling), born in
+In 1903 Unsuccessful uprising of ____ against Turkey
+In 1903 Unsuccessful uprising of Macedonians against____
+In 1903____ , King of Norway (1957), born in
+Olav v
+In 1904 ____ (claimed this to be his Birthdate: True Date May 3 1903), crooner/actor (Going My Way), born in
+Bing crosby
+In 1904 ____ actor (Arsenic & Old Lace, North by Northwest), born in
+Cary grant
+In 1904 ____ Factor Jr CEO (Max Factor Cosmetics), born in
+In 1904 ____ Greene, prolific English novelist (Brighton Rock) born
+In 1904 ____ Hart, playwright, born in
+In 1904 ____ Horowitz, pianist born
+In 1904 ____ Isherwood, novelist, playwright (I Am a Camera) born
+In 1904 ____ J. Bunche, a founder and diplomat of UN (Nobel 1950), born in
+In 1904 ____ Stanley, biochemist, first to crystallize a virus (Nobel '46), born in
+In 1904 ____ Xiao Peng, Chinese leader, born in
+In 1904 Alexei____ , Soviet Premier, born in
+In 1904 Deng ____ Peng, Chinese leader, born in
+In 1904 Deng Xiao____ , Chinese leader, born in
+In 1904 Fats ____ jazz pianist, composer (Ain't Misbehavin'), born in
+In 1904 Federation Internationale de Football Association (____ ), Football's World governing body forms
+In 1904 Graham____ , prolific English novelist (Brighton Rock) born
+In 1904 J. Robert ____ , Manhattan Project physicist, born in
+In 1904 Jimmy____ , bandleader, born in
+In 1904 Joan____ , actor, dearest mommy (No wire hangers, ever!), born in
+In 1904 John____ , actor (Tarzan)/100m swimmer (Olympic-gold-1924, 28), born in
+In 1904 Max ____ Jr CEO (Max Factor Cosmetics), born in
+In 1904 Moss____ , playwright, born in
+In 1904 Peter____ , actor (M, Casablanca, Beast with 5 Fingers, voice over for Twilight Zone), born in
+In 1904 Ralph J.____ , a founder and diplomat of UN (Nobel 1950), born in
+In 1904 Russian cruisers ____ and Korietz sunk off Korean coast by Japanese
+In 1904 Russian cruisers Variag and ____ sunk off Korean coast by Japanese
+In 1904 Sir John ____ , actor, singer, born in
+In 1904 The Ice Cream ____ is invented
+In 1904 Theodore ____ (Dr. Seuss), author, born in
+In 1904 Vladimir____ , pianist born
+In 1904 Wendell Stanley, biochemist, first to ____ a virus (Nobel '46), born in
+In 1904 Wendell Stanley, biochemist, first to crystallize a ____ (Nobel '46), born in
+In 1904 Wendell____ , biochemist, first to crystallize a virus (Nobel '46), born in
+In 1905 ____ Bloch, U.S. physicist (Nobel 1952), born in
+In 1905 ____ Club is founded by four men in Chicago
+In 1905 ____ Garbo (in Stockholm, Sweden), actor (Ninotchka, Grand Hotel), born in
+In 1905 ____ Jansky, discoverer of cosmic radio emissions in 1932, born in
+In 1905 Christian Dior, ____ France, fashion designer (long-skirted look), born in
+In 1905 Felix____ , U.S. physicist (Nobel 1952), born in
+In 1905 Greta ____ (in Stockholm, Sweden), actor (Ninotchka, Grand Hotel), born in
+In 1905 Henry ____ (in Grand Island, Nebraska), actor, born in
+In 1905 Howard____ , reclusive billionaire/inventor, born in
+In 1905 Jean-Paul____ , France, philosopher/writer (Nobel 1964; declined), born in
+In 1905 Jean-Rene ____ France, tennis champ/alligator shirt designer, born in
+In 1905 Jules ____ dies in Amiens at 76 years old
+In 1905 Jules Verne dies in ____ at 76 years old
+In 1905 Jules Verne dies in Amiens at ____ years old
+In 1905 Karl____ , discoverer of cosmic radio emissions in 1932, born in
+In 1905 The ____ diamond, the world's largest, is found
+In 1906 ____ Freleng animator (Bugs Bunny-Emmy 1982), born in
+In 1906 ____ Huston, film director, writer, actor, born in
+In 1906 ____ Josef II, prince of Liechtenstein (1938- ), born in
+In 1906 ____ Nessler demonstrates the first 'permanent wave' for hair, in London
+In 1906 ____ Shostakovich, Russian composer, born in
+In 1906 1st ____ advertised (Telimco for $7.50 in Scientific American) claimed to receive signals up to ONE MILE
+Radio set
+In 1906 Albert Hofmann, Swiss____ , discoverer of LSD, born in
+In 1906 American suffragist Susan B. ____ died
+In 1906 Architect Stanford ____ shot dead atop Madison Square Garden, which he designed, by Harry Thaw, the jealous husband of Evelyn Nesbit. During Thaw's trial, he tried to plead 'brainstorming' (temporary insanity)
+In 1906 Aristotle Onassis, ____ , rich shipping magnate, born in
+In 1906 Australian ____ dies in London Zoo at 26; oldest known marsupial
+In 1906 Chester F.____ , invented xerography, born in
+In 1906 Dmitri____ , Russian composer, born in
+In 1906 First airplane flight in____
+In 1906 First animated ____ is copyrighted
+In 1906 Franz Josef II, prince of ____ (1938- ), born in
+In 1906 Franz____ , prince of Liechtenstein (1938- ), born in
+Josef ii
+In 1906 Friz ____ animator (Bugs Bunny-Emmy 1982), born in
+In 1906 Friz Freleng animator (____ -Emmy 1982), born in
+Bugs bunny
+In 1906 James A ____ circus showman (Barnum & Bailey), dies at 58
+In 1906 John____ , film director, writer, actor, born in
+In 1906 Karl ____ demonstrates the first 'permanent wave' for hair, in London
+In 1906 Karl Nessler demonstrates the first 'permanent wave' for hair, in____
+In 1906 Peter Carl____ , developed color TV & LP records, born in
+In 1906 Pres. Theodore ____ (first American) awarded Nobel Peace Prize
+In 1906 Samuel ____ , playwright, born in
+In 1907 ____ Autry, singer/actor/Calif Angels owner, born in
+In 1907 ____ escapes chains underwater at Aquatic Park in 57 seconds
+In 1907 ____ Wray Alberta Canada, actress-King Kong's main squeeze, born in
+In 1907 (USA) For the 1st time a ball drops at ____ Square to signal the new year
+In 1907 Barbara____ , actor born
+In 1907 Cesar____ , actor who played the Joker in the TV version of Batman, born in
+In 1907 Daphne du ____ novelist (Rebecca, The Parasites), born in
+In 1907 Earl S ____ invented Tupperware, born in
+In 1907 Earl S Tupper invented____ , born in
+In 1907 Fay ____ Alberta Canada, actress-King Kong's main squeeze, born in
+In 1907 Florenz ____ staged first `Follies' on the roof of the NY Theater
+In 1907 Gene____ , singer/actor/Calif Angels owner, born in
+In 1907 James____ , writer, born in
+In 1907 Orville____ , popcorn king born
+In 1907 Robert A____ , sci-fi author (Stranger in a Strange Land), born in
+In 1907 what did the British government say it would never give up?
+In 1908 ____ annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina
+In 1908 ____ annexes Congo Free State
+In 1908 ____ Crapo Durant incorporates General Motors
+In 1908 ____ declares independence from Turkey, Ferdinand I becomes Tsar
+In 1908 ____ established
+In 1908 ____ Hoxha, post-war leader of Albania
+In 1908 ____ Kenneth Galbraith, economist, born in
+In 1908 ____ modern Olympic games opens in London
+In 1908 ____ Selfridge becomes 1st fatality of powered flight
+In 1908 ____ stage & screen actress (Anything Goes, Call Me Madam), born in
+Ethel merman
+In 1908 ____ Tati, director (Traffic, Playtime, My Uncle), born in
+In 1908 ____ unites with Greece
+In 1908 ____ Wright, American author (Native Son, Uncle Tom's Children)
+In 1908 1st ____ held (Phila)
+Mother's day
+In 1908 1st ascent of Mt.____ , Antarctica
+In 1908 Around the World Autombile Race ends in____
+In 1908 Austria annexes ____ and Herzegovina
+In 1908 Austria annexes Bosnia and____
+In 1908 Belgium annexes ____ Free State
+In 1908 Bette Davis Lowell ____ , famous eyes (Of Human Bondage, Jezebel), born in
+In 1908 Buddy____ , actor (Beverly Hillbillies, Barnaby Jones), born in
+In 1908 Bulgaria declares independence from Turkey, ____ becomes Tsar
+Ferdinand i
+In 1908 Bulgaria declares independence from____ , Ferdinand I becomes Tsar
+In 1908 Crete unites with____
+In 1908 Edward Teller, ____ , Hungary, fathered H-bomb (Manhattan Project), born in
+In 1908 Enver Hoxha, post-war leader of ____
+In 1908 Enver____ , post-war leader of Albania
+In 1908 Estee ____ CEO (Estee Lauder's cosmetics), born in
+In 1908 First New York to ____ auto race (via Alaska and Siberia) begins. George Schuster wins after 88 days behind the wheel
+In 1908 Jacques____ , director (Traffic, Playtime, My Uncle), born in
+In 1908 Jimmy____ , actor (Mr Smith Goes to Wash, Wonderful Life), born in
+In 1908 John ____ Galbraith, economist, born in
+In 1908 John Kenneth____ , economist, born in
+In 1908 Lyndon B. Johnson, ____ President (1963-1969)
+In 1908 Rex ____ England, actor (My Fair Lady, Cleopatra), born in
+In 1908 Richard____ , American author (Native Son, Uncle Tom's Children)
+In 1908 Thomas ____ becomes 1st fatality of powered flight
+In 1908 William ____ Durant incorporates General Motors
+In 1908 William Crapo ____ incorporates General Motors
+In 1908 William Crapo Durant incorporates____
+General motors
+In 1908____ , writer, born in
+Simone de beauvoir
+In 1909 ____ de Lambert of France sets airplane altitude record of 300 m
+In 1909 ____ King of Morocco (1953, 1955-61), born in
+Mohammed v
+In 1909 Burl ____ Hunt Ill, folk singer/actor (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof), born in
+In 1909 Col. Tom ____ Elvis Presley's manager, born in
+In 1909 Comte ____ of France sets airplane altitude record of 300 m
+De lambert
+In 1909 Comte de Lambert of ____ sets airplane altitude record of 300 m
+In 1909 Comte de Lambert of France sets airplane altitude record of ____ m
+In 1909 Douglas____ , Jr, actor (Ghost Story) born
+In 1909 Errol ____ actor (Captain Blood, Robin Hood, Against All Flags), born in
+In 1909 First broadcast by a 'ham' operator ____ Einar ____ of Denmark
+In 1909 First radio-assisted ____ at sea
+In 1909 Geronimo, ____ Indian Chief, died
+In 1909 Jessica ____ (in London, England), actor (Driving Miss Daisy, Cocoon), born in
+In 1909 Mohammed V King of ____ (1953, 1955-61), born in
+In 1909 Prince ____ of Japan is assassinated by a Korean
+In 1909 Sultan of Turkey Abdul ____ II is overthrown
+In 1909 U.____ , Burma, 3rd UN sec-genl (1962-72), born in
+In 1909 U.S. invades____ , later overthrows President Zelaya
+In 1909 US Army accepts delivery of 1st military____
+In 1909 Victor Borge, pianist, ____ , born in
+In 1909 what did David lloyd George call Balfours Poodle?
+The house of lords
+In 1909, who was the first man to reach the North Pole?
+Commander robert peary
+In 1910 ____ overthrows monarchy, proclaims republic
+In 1910 (USA) Plane broke height ____ record at 11474 feet
+In 1910 Akira____ , movie director, born in
+In 1910 Baroness de ____ of Paris becomes first licensed female pilot
+In 1910 Comet ____ 's closest approach to Earth
+In 1910 David____ , actor, born in
+In 1910 First ____ flight from the deck of a ship
+In 1910 Fritz____ , writer, born in
+In 1910 Halley's Comet passes ____ recorded perihelion at 87.9 million km
+In 1910 Jacques Yves ____ (in France), marine explorer, born in
+In 1910 Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens], author, dies in ____ Conn
+In 1910 Mother ____ of Calcutta (Nobel 1979)
+In 1910 NY's Penn Station opens as world's largest ____ terminal
+In 1910 Passage of ____ through tail of Halley's Comet causes near-panic
+In 1910 Union of South ____ becomes a dominion
+In 1910 William ____ discoverer of stellar nature of Andromeda, dies
+In 1910 William____ , animator (Hanna-Barbera), born in
+In 1911 ____ A. Fowler, US astrophysicist (Nobel 1983), born in
+In 1911 ____ Ball (in New York, NY), comedian, actor, born in
+In 1911 ____ Burchett, Australian Communist, journalist, writer, born in
+In 1911 ____ Golding, English novelist (Lord of the Flies) (Nobel 1983), born in
+In 1911 ____ sets world altitude record of 4,250 m (13,944 ft)
+In 1911 (UK) King George V crowned Emperor of India and founds New Dehli to replace ____ as the capital
+In 1911 (US) Gugliemo ____ sends the first wireless message across the Atlantic
+In 1911 Amundsen of ____ reaches the south pole
+In 1911 Bob Dylan's 1st appearance at ____ , Greenwich Village
+Folk city
+In 1911 China Revolutionaries under ____ overthrew Manchu dynasty
+Sun yat-sen
+In 1911 China Revolutionaries under Sun Yat-sen overthrew ____ dynasty
+In 1911 Garros sets world altitude record of ____ m (13,944 ft)
+In 1911 Italy attacks____ , takes Tipoli & Cyrenaica
+In 1911 Jean____ , sex goddess of the 30s, born in
+In 1911 King ____ of England crowned
+George v
+In 1911 Lucille ____ (in New York, NY), comedian, actor, born in
+In 1911 Merle ____ (in Tasmania), born in
+In 1911 Parliament Act reduces power of House of____
+In 1911 Paulette____ , born in
+In 1911 Revolution in ____ overthrows President Diaz
+In 1911 Ronald____ , 40th President (1981-1989), born in
+In 1911 South Pole first reached, by Norwegian Roald____
+In 1911 Tennessee ____ (in Columbus, Miss.), playwright, born in
+In 1911 Terry ____ England, actor (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World), born in
+In 1911 Terry Thomas England, actor (____ ), born in
+It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world
+In 1911 U.S. sent 20,000 troops to the ____ border
+In 1911 Virginia ____ (a.k.a. Ginger Rogers), dancer, actor born
+In 1911 Wilfred____ , Australian Communist, journalist, writer, born in
+In 1911 William A. Fowler, US ____ (Nobel 1983), born in
+In 1911 William A.____ , US astrophysicist (Nobel 1983), born in
+In 1911 William____ , English novelist (Lord of the Flies) (Nobel 1983), born in
+In 1912 ____ (Libya) passes from Turkish to Italian control
+In 1912 ____ Jones animator (Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck), born in
+In 1912 ____ Kelly, dancer, actor, singer in the rain, born in
+In 1912 ____ modern Olympic games opens in Stockholm
+In 1912 ____ proclaimed a French colony
+In 1912 ____ US marines invade Nicaragua; US remains until 1925
+In 1912 (USA)____ , cartoonist (New Yorker, Addams Family), born in
+Charles addams
+In 1912 2,500 US marines invade____ ; US remains until 1925
+In 1912 Alan ____ mathematician pioneer in computer theory (Turing Machine), born in
+In 1912 Chinese republic proclaimed in?
+In 1912 Chuck ____ animator (Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck), born in
+In 1912 Chuck Jones animator (____ , Daffy Duck), born in
+Bugs bunny
+In 1912 Chuck Jones animator (Bugs Bunny,____ ), born in
+Daffy duck
+In 1912 Gene____ , dancer, actor, singer in the rain, born in
+In 1912 Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) founded in____ , Ga
+In 1912 Harriet ____ flies the English Channel, first woman to do so
+In 1912 Jackson ____ abstract artist (Lavender Mist), born in
+In 1912 James____ , former British Prime Minister, born in
+In 1912 Milton____ , economist, born in
+In 1912 Perry ____ singer/TV (Perry Como Show, What did Delaware?), born in
+In 1912 RMS ____ sets sail for its first and last voyage
+In 1912 Royal Flying Corps established in____
+In 1912 Sir ____ Solti, conductor, born in
+In 1912 Sir Georg____ , conductor, born in
+In 1912 The RMS ____ strikes an iceberg at 11:40 p.m
+In 1912 Tripoli (Libya) passes from ____ to Italian control
+In 1912 Tripoli (Libya) passes from Turkish to ____ control
+In 1912 Werner von____ , rocket scientist, born in
+In 1912 Yuan ____ elected the first President of the Republic of China
+In 1913 ____ and Atlantic mix as engineers blow Gamboa Dam, opening the Panama Canal
+In 1913 ____ Begin, Israeli PM (1977-83) (Nobel 1978), born in
+In 1913 ____ Bkln NY, UNICEF/comedian/actor (Danny Kaye Show), born in
+Danny kaye
+In 1913 ____ Owens, athlete, spoiled Hitler's Olympic plans in 1936, born in
+In 1913 ____ Quayle England, actor (Anne of 1000 Days, Lawrence of Arabia), born in
+In 1913 1st ____ engine aircraft built & flown (Igor Sikorsky-Russia)
+In 1913 2nd ____ War ends, Treaty of Bucharest, Bulgaria loses
+In 1913 2nd Balkan War ends, Treaty of Bucharest, ____ loses
+In 1913 2nd Balkan War ends, Treaty of____ , Bulgaria loses
+In 1913 Anthony ____ England, actor (Anne of 1000 Days, Lawrence of Arabia), born in
+In 1913 Anthony Quayle England, actor (Anne of 1000 Days,____ ), born in
+Lawrence of arabia
+In 1913 Burt ____ NYC, actor (From Here to Eternity, Elmer Gantry), born in
+In 1913 Continuous moving assembly line introduced by ____ (1 car every 2.5 minutes)
+In 1913 Frankie____ , singer, born in
+In 1913 Hedy____ , actress (Ecstacy, Samson and Delilah), born in
+In 1913 James____ , clergyman, born in
+In 1913 Jesse____ , athlete, spoiled Hitler's Olympic plans in 1936, born in
+In 1913 Jimmy____ , missing labor leader, born in
+In 1913 Ludwig III crowned king of____
+In 1913 Menachem____ , Israeli PM (1977-83) (Nobel 1978), born in
+In 1913 Menelik II, Emperor of____ , died
+In 1913 Nazim____ , Turkey's PM assassinated
+In 1913 Norman ____ , England, fashion photographer (Harper's Bazaar), born in
+In 1913 Oleg ____ Paris France, fashion designer for Jackie Kennedy, born in
+In 1913 Pacific and ____ mix as engineers blow Gamboa Dam, opening the Panama Canal
+In 1913 Pacific and Atlantic mix as engineers blow ____ Dam, opening the Panama Canal
+In 1913 Pacific and Atlantic mix as engineers blow Gamboa Dam, opening the ____ Canal
+In 1913 The ____ Canal opens for use
+In 1913 Tyrone ____ actor (Mark of Zorro, Alexander's Ragtime Band), born in
+In 1913 Vivien____ , actress (Gone With Wind), born in
+In 1913 Willy ____ (SD), chancellor of West Germany (1969-74) (Nobel '71),born
+In 1913 Woodrow ____ holds the first Presidential Press Conference
+In 1913____ , 37th President (1968-1974), born in
+Richard m. nixon
+In 1913____ , actor (Sea Hunt, Roots, Flying High), born in
+Lloyd bridges
+In 1913, Mary Phelps Jacobs fashioned the brassiere. Under what name did she market this brassiere?
+Caresse Crosby
+In 1914 ____ , Russia changes name to Petrograd
+St petersburg
+In 1914 ____ declares war on Russia in WW I
+In 1914 ____ Gardner, Scientific American math and puzzles columnist, born in
+In 1914 ____ Heyerdahl Norway, anthropologist/explorer (Kon Tiki, Aku-Aku), born in
+In 1914 ____ invades Belgium and declares war on France in WW I
+In 1914 ____ Van Allen, discovered Van Allen radiation belts, born in
+In 1914 Archduke ____ & wife Sofia of Austria assassinated (starts WW I)
+In 1914 Archduke Ferdinand & wife ____ of Austria assassinated (starts WW I)
+In 1914 Battle of ____ begins between Germans and French during WW I
+In 1914 Bolsheviks overthrew ____ govt in St Petersburg
+In 1914 Britain annexes____
+In 1914 British House of Commons passes____
+Irish home rule
+In 1914 Cardinal ____ della Chiesa becomes Pope Benedict XV
+In 1914 Cardinal Giacome ____ Chiesa becomes Pope Benedict XV
+In 1914 Cardinal Giacome della ____ becomes Pope Benedict XV
+In 1914 Cardinal Giacome della Chiesa becomes Pope____
+Benedict xv
+In 1914 Dorothy ____ (in New Orleans, LA), actor (Road to Bali), born in
+In 1914 Dr. ____ Salk, who made polio a fear of the past born
+In 1914 Dr. Jonas Salk, who made ____ a fear of the past born
+In 1914 Dr. Jonas____ , who made polio a fear of the past born
+In 1914 First airplane flight to ____ from San Francisco
+Los angeles
+In 1914 German forces occupied____ , Belgium, during World War I
+In 1914 Germans defeat Russians in Battle of____
+In 1914 Germany declares war on ____ in WW I
+In 1914 Germany invades ____ and declares war on France in WW I
+In 1914 Germany invades Belgium and declares war on ____ in WW I
+In 1914 Gypsy Rose ____ (in Seattle, WA), stripper, born in
+In 1914 Henry Ford introduces ____ for cars
+Assembly line
+In 1914 James____ , discovered Van Allen radiation belts, born in
+Van allen
+In 1914 Martin____ , Scientific American math and puzzles columnist, born in
+In 1914 Patricia____ , actor (Peyton Place), born in
+In 1914 Sir Alec____ , thespian (credits-too-numerous-to-mention), born in
+In 1914 St Petersburg, Russia changes name to____
+In 1914 The ____ Canal opened to traffic
+In 1914 The U.S. State Department starts requiring ____ for passports
+In 1914 Thor ____ Norway, anthropologist/explorer (Kon Tiki, Aku-Aku), born in
+In 1914 Thor Heyerdahl Norway, anthropologist/explorer (____ , Aku-Aku), born in
+Kon tiki
+In 1914____ , burlesque entertainer born
+Gypsy rose lee
+In 1915 ____ Andrews (in Minneapolis, MN), singer (Andrew Sisters) born
+In 1915 ____ Bergman Sweden, actress (Casablanca, Cactus Flower), born in
+In 1915 ____ defeats Cumberland College 222-0 in gridiron (record)
+Georgia tech
+In 1915 ____ Miller, playwright (Death of a Salesman, The Crucible), born in
+In 1915 ____ women marched in NYC, demanding the right to vote
+In 1915 (Germany) Hugo Junkers completes the first all ____ airplane
+In 1915 1st ____ air raid over England
+In 1915 Alexander Bell in New York calls ____ in San Francisco
+Thomas watson
+In 1915 Anthony ____ , Mexico, actor (Zorba the Greek, Lawrence of Arabia), born in
+In 1915 ANZAC troops land at ____ (Now observed in Australia, New Zealand, Nauru, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Western Samoa)
+In 1915 Arthur Miller, playwright (____ , The Crucible), born in
+Death of a salesman
+In 1915 Arthur Miller, playwright (Death of a Salesman,____ ), born in
+The crucible
+In 1915 Arthur____ , playwright (Death of a Salesman, The Crucible), born in
+In 1915 Cornerstone laid for ____ Memorial in Washington, DC
+In 1915 David____ , International Power Broker, born in
+In 1915 Electric ____ sign patented
+In 1915 Georgia Tech defeats ____ 222-0 in gridiron (record)
+Cumberland college
+In 1915 Harry ____ (in Detroit, MI), actor (Dragnet, MASH), born in
+In 1915 Ingrid ____ Sweden, actress (Casablanca, Cactus Flower), born in
+In 1915 Italy declared war on ____ -Hungary in World War I
+In 1915 Les____ , Waukesha Wisconsin, U.S.A., guitarist/inventor (Les Paul guitar), born in
+In 1915 Lorne____ , actor (Bonanza, Battlestar Galactica), born in
+In 1915 Moshe ____ Israeli general/politician, born in
+In 1915 Muddy ____ [McKinley Morganfield], guitarist (Hoochie Coochie Man), born in
+In 1915 Randolph ____ newspaper publisher, born in
+In 1915 Stones at Stonehenge, England, sold at auction for ?____
+In 1915 Zero____ , actor (Fiddler on the Roof), born in
+In 1915____ , actor (Citizen Kane), director, genius, born in
+Orson welles
+In 1915, the average annual family income in the United States was $____ a year
+In 1916 ____ 's Theory of General Relativity presented
+In 1916 ____ declares war against Germany during WW I
+In 1916 ____ Lockwood actress (Lady Vanishes), born in
+In 1916 ____ Sanger opens the first public birth control clinic (Brooklyn, NY)
+In 1916 1st ____ raid (on Paris)
+In 1916 Allies turned back Germans in WW I's Battle of____
+In 1916 Betty ____ (in St. Louis, MO), actor ,born
+In 1916 Edward ____ (C), British prime minister (1970-74), born in
+In 1916 First professional ____ tournament held
+In 1916 Gough ____ (ALP) Australia, PM (1972-75), born in
+In 1916 Great ____ Revolt begin
+In 1916 Gregory ____ La Jolla Calif, actor (To Kill a Mockingbird, MacArthur), born in
+In 1916 Harold____ , former British Prime Minister, born in
+In 1916 Howard____ , poet, born in
+In 1916 Jackie____ , Comedian, born in
+In 1916 Margaret ____ actress (Lady Vanishes), born in
+In 1916 Margaret ____ opens the first public birth control clinic (Brooklyn, NY)
+In 1916 Margaret Sanger opens the first public ____ control clinic (Brooklyn, NY)
+In 1916 Paul Von ____ becomes chief-of-General-Staff in Germany
+In 1916 US and ____ sign the Migratory bird treaty
+In 1916 WW I Battle of ____ begins
+In 1916 Yehudi ____ , violinist, born in
+In 1917 ____ declares war on Germany and Austria at start of WW I
+In 1917 ____ executed by firing squad outside of Paris
+Mata hari
+In 1917 ____ Gillespie, trumpeter, a creator of modern jazz, born in
+In 1917 ____ Marcos Philippines Pres (1965-86), born in
+In 1917 ____ Mitchum, actor, born in
+In 1917 ____ revolution begins
+In 1917 ____ Schlesinger, Jr., historian, born in
+In 1917 ____ the Cat, cartoon character, born in
+In 1917 10 suffragists arrested as they picket the____
+White house
+In 1917 41 suffragists are arrested in front of the ____ House
+In 1917 Arthur C.____ , science-fiction author (2001, Childhood's End), born in
+In 1917 Arthur____ , Jr., historian, born in
+In 1917 Britain grants Royal Letters ____ to New Zealand
+In 1917 British Royal family changes its name from ____ to Windsor
+In 1917 China declares war on ____ and Austria at start of WW I
+In 1917 China declares war on Germany and ____ at start of WW I
+In 1917 Dean____ , singer, actor born
+In 1917 Desi____ , famous Cuban, bandleader, born in
+In 1917 Dizzy____ , trumpeter, a creator of modern jazz, born in
+In 1917 Ferdinand ____ Philippines Pres (1965-86), born in
+In 1917 First ____ record in United States is cut
+In 1917 Lenin returns to Russia to start ____ Revolution
+In 1917 Mata Hari executed by firing squad outside of____
+In 1917 October Revolution overthrows ____ Provisional Government
+In 1917 Phyllis____ , comedian, born in
+In 1917 Pres. ____ asked Congress to declare war against Germany
+In 1917 Provisional government of ____ established, Republic proclaimed
+In 1917 Robert____ , actor, born in
+In 1917 Royal Bank of Canada took over the ____ Bank
+In 1917 Russia proclaimed a republic by ____ Kerensky
+In 1917 Russia proclaimed a republic by Alexander____
+In 1917 Sculptor August ____ died in Meudon, France
+In 1917 US declares war on ____ (WWI)
+In 1917 USA declares ____ on the Prussian-Hungarian forces, joining World War One on the side of the Allies
+In 1918 ____ -Argonne offensive against the Germans began during WWI
+In 1918 ____ and Russia severed diplomatic ties
+In 1918 ____ Bernstein conductor/composer/pianist/egotist, born in
+In 1918 ____ declares independence from Austria
+In 1918 ____ established in Britain
+Royal air force
+In 1918 ____ Greene Plymouth England, actor (Adv of Robin Hood), born in
+In 1918 ____ Owen sets world typing speed record of 170 wpm for 1 min
+In 1918 ____ President Sidonio Paes is assassinated
+In 1918 and 1919, a world epidemic of simple influenza killed 20 million people in the United States and ____
+In 1918 Anwar El____ , president of Egypt, born in
+In 1918 Austria becomes a____
+In 1918 Austro-Hungarian ____ disolves
+In 1918 Battle of ____ , ends
+In 1918 Bavaria proclaims itself a____
+In 1918 Britain opened its offensive on the ____ front during WW I
+In 1918 Congress approved?
+Daylight saving time
+In 1918 Czechoslovakia declares independence from____
+In 1918 During World War I ____ launched the Somme Offensive,
+In 1918 Ella ____ , singer, born in
+In 1918 Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of ____ (1954-1971?), born in
+In 1918 Goddard demonstrates tube-launched solid propellant____
+In 1918 Iceland becomes independent state under the ____ crown
+In 1918 Independence of ____ proclaimed by Jozef Pilsudski
+In 1918 Ingmar____ , Uppsala Sweden, director (Cries and Whispers), born in
+In 1918 Jay Wright ____ invented random-access magnetic core memory
+In 1918 Kaiser ____ II abdicates after German defeat in WW I
+In 1918 Kakuei ____ Japanese PM convicted of bribe-taking, born in
+In 1918 Kirk____ , actor (Gunfight at the OK Corral, 7 Days in May),born
+In 1918 Latvia declares independence from____
+In 1918 Leonard ____ conductor/composer/pianist/egotist, born in
+In 1918 Margaret ____ sets world typing speed record of 170 wpm for 1 min
+In 1918 Margaret ____ tennis champion, born in
+In 1918 Meuse____ offensive against the Germans began during WWI
+In 1918 Mickey____ , mystery writer, born in
+In 1918 Nelson____ , South African civil rights leader & politician, born in
+In 1918 Poland proclaims independence from ____ after WW I
+In 1918 Richard ____ Plymouth England, actor (Adv of Robin Hood), born in
+In 1918 Sgt. ____ York single-handedly kills 25, captures 132 Germans
+In 1918 Sgt. Alvin ____ single-handedly kills 25, captures 132 Germans
+In 1918 Sgt. Alvin York single-handedly kills____ , captures 132 Germans
+In 1918 Sir ____ Ryle, British radio astronomer, astronomer royal 1972-82, born in
+In 1918 Sir Martin____ , British radio astronomer, astronomer royal 1972-82, born in
+In 1918 St. ____ 's Day
+In 1918 Taufa'ahau ____ IV, king of Tonga (1965-?), born in
+In 1918 Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, king of ____ (1965-?), born in
+In 1918 Ukraine proclaimed a free ____ (German puppet)
+In 1918 US Airmail begins between Wash DC, ____ and New York
+In 1918 US and ____ severed diplomatic ties
+In 1918 USSR ____ conversion
+In 1918, what illness caused 20 million deaths?
+In 1919 ____ Act passed by U.S. Congress, starting Prohibition
+In 1919 ____ Bauersfeld, invented first modern projection planetarium
+In 1919 ____ Blakey, jazz drummer (Jazz Messengers), born in
+In 1919 ____ Hayworth (in New York), actor, alzheimer victim, born in
+In 1919 ____ LA Calif, actor (Eliot Ness-Untouchables, Airplane), born in
+Robert stack
+In 1919 ____ Reza Pahlavi Aryamehr, Shah of Iran (1941-79), born in
+In 1919 (USA) Theodore Roosevelt dies at his home in____ , NY, at 60
+Oyster bay
+In 1919 2 million gallons of ____ flood Boston, USA, drowning 21
+In 1919 Art____ , jazz drummer (Jazz Messengers), born in
+In 1919 Benito Mussolini founded his ____ movement in Milan, Italy
+In 1919 Communist Labor Party of America formed in____
+In 1919 Dame Margot ____ England, ballerina (partner of Nureyev), born in
+In 1919 First flight Junkers ____ advanced monoplane airliner
+In 1919 Germans ____ their own fleet
+In 1919 John Presper ____ , co-inventor of first electronic computer (ENIAC), born in
+In 1919 Lady Astor sworn-in as 1st female member of ____ Parliament
+In 1919 Mohammad ____ Pahlavi Aryamehr, Shah of Iran (1941-79), born in
+In 1919 Mohammad Reza ____ Aryamehr, Shah of Iran (1941-79), born in
+In 1919 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi____ , Shah of Iran (1941-79), born in
+In 1919 Moise Tshombe, president of____ , then premier of the Congo (Zaire), born in
+In 1919 Nat King Cole, entertainer, father of____ , born in
+In 1919 National Socialist (____ ) Party formed in Germany
+In 1919 NYC welcomes home Gen ____ J Pershing and 25,000 WW I soldiers
+In 1919 NYC welcomes home Gen John J ____ and 25,000 WW I soldiers
+In 1919 NYC welcomes home Gen John J Pershing and ____ WW I soldiers
+In 1919 NYC welcomes home Gen John J Pershing and 25,000 ____ soldiers
+Ww i
+In 1919 Pianist & statesman ____ becomes 1st premier of Poland
+Ignace paderewski
+In 1919 Polish Army captures ____ , Lithuania from Soviet Army
+In 1919 Red____ , comedian, actor, born in
+In 1919 Rita ____ (in New York), actor, alzheimer victim, born in
+In 1919 Rita Hayworth (in New York), actor, ____ victim, born in
+In 1919 Sir Edmund ____ one of 1st 2 men to scale Mt Everest, born in
+In 1919 Treaty of ____ and League of Nations rejected by U.S. Senate
+In 1919 U.S. Congress established ____ in Arizona
+Grand canyon national park
+In 1919 Uta____ , born in
+In 1919 Volstead Act passed by U.S. Congress, starting____
+In 1919 Walther____ , invented first modern projection planetarium
+In 1919 Wladziu Valentino____ , pianist, born in
+In 1919 WW I Peace Congress opens in____ , France
+In 1919 Zsa Zsa ____ (in Budapest), actress, ex-con, born in
+In 1920 ____ actor (Dr McCoy-Star Trek), born in
+Deforest kelly
+In 1920 ____ amendment passes ____ women's suffrage granted (about time!)
+In 1920 ____ Bradbury, science fiction author (Fahrenheit 451), born in
+In 1920 ____ Bukowsky (in Andernanch, Germany), poet, writer, born in
+In 1920 ____ Herbert, sci-fi writer (Dune), born in
+In 1920 ____ Italian director (Satyricon, La Dolce Vita), born in
+Federico fellini
+In 1920 ____ Leary, psychologist, drug testing advocate, born in
+In 1920 ____ Lockyer, editor of NATURE, discoverer of helium in sun, dies
+In 1920 ____ Matthau, actor (Odd Couple, Bad News Bears, Hopscotch) born
+In 1920 ____ of Nations established
+In 1920 ____ Rooney, actor (too many credits to mention), born in
+In 1920 ____ SSR joins the USSR (1st time)
+In 1920 ____ Warden, actor (Verdict, Brian's Song), born in
+In 1920 (Geneva, Switzerland) China and ____ added to Leauge of Nations
+In 1920 (Ireland) ____ Law Declared
+In 1920 7th modern Olympic games opens in ____
+In 1920 Charles ____ (in Andernanch, Germany), poet, writer, born in
+In 1920 DeForest ____ Atlanta Ga, actor (Dr Leonard McCoy-Star Trek), born in
+In 1920 Dutch govt refuses to turn over ex-kaiser of ____ to the allies
+In 1920 Errol Walton____ , PM of Barbados (DLP) (1966-76, 1986-?), born in
+In 1920 Frank Herbert, sci-fi writer (____ ), born in
+In 1920 Frank____ , sci-fi writer (Dune), born in
+In 1920 Hank____ , cartoonist (Dennis the Menace), born in
+In 1920 Ireland divided into two parts, each with its own____
+In 1920 Jack____ , actor (Believe It...Or Not), born in
+In 1920 Jack____ , actor (Dragnet, The D.I.), born in
+In 1920 Jack____ , actor (Verdict, Brian's Song), born in
+In 1920 Japan receives League of Nations mandate over ____ islands
+In 1920 Javier Perez de Cuellar, ____ , Peru, 5th secretary-general of UN (1982-1996), born in
+In 1920 Joan of Arc was ____ in Rome
+In 1920 Lana ____ (in Wallace, Idaho), actress, born in
+In 1920 Last day of ____ civil calendar (in parts of Bulgaria)
+In 1920 Last day of Julian civil calendar (in parts of____ )
+In 1920 League of Nations holds first meeting, in____
+In 1920 Mickey____ , actor (too many credits to mention), born in
+In 1920 Norman Lockyer, editor of NATURE, discoverer of ____ in sun, dies
+In 1920 Norman____ , editor of NATURE, discoverer of helium in sun, dies
+In 1920 P.D. ____ mystery writer (Cover Her Face), born in
+In 1920 Ray____ , science fiction author (Fahrenheit 451), born in
+In 1920 The first ____ car is introduced
+In 1920 Timothy____ , psychologist, drug testing advocate, born in
+In 1920 Tony____ , actor (The Odd Couple), born in
+In 1920 US's first commercial radio, 8MK (later WWJ), ____ began daily broadcasting
+In 1920 Walt Disney starts 1st job as an____ ; $40 week with KC Slide Co...
+In 1920 Walter Matthau, actor (____ , Bad News Bears, Hopscotch) born
+Odd couple
+In 1920 Walter Matthau, actor (Odd Couple, Bad News Bears,____ ) born
+In 1920 Walter____ , actor (Odd Couple, Bad News Bears, Hopscotch) born
+In 1920 Yul ____ actor (King and I, 10 Commandments), born in
+In 1920 Yul Brynner actor (____ , 10 Commandments), born in
+King and i
+In 1920 Yul Brynner actor (King and I, 10 Commandments,____ ), born in
+Magnificient 7
+In 1920____ , scientist-writer, born in
+Isaac asimov
+In 1921 ____ Cabral, worked for independence of Portuguese Africa, born in
+In 1921 ____ gained independence from China (National Day)
+In 1921 ____ Kerr (in Helensburg, Scotland), actor (King and I, Night of the Iguana) born
+In 1921 ____ Lem, Polish science-fiction writer, born in
+In 1921 ____ Montand, France, actor/singer (Z, Napoleon), born in
+In 1921 ____ O'Hara, actress (Miracle on 34th St), born in
+In 1921 ____ Poston, comedian, actor (Newhart), born in
+In 1921 ____ Puzo, author (Godfather), born in
+In 1921 ____ Runcie, archbishop of Canterbury born
+In 1921 ____ Susann, writer (Valley of the Dolls), born in
+In 1921 1st Miss America crowned (____ of Washington DC)
+Margaret gorman
+In 1921 Amilcar Cabral, worked for independence of____ , born in
+Portuguese africa
+In 1921 Amilcar____ , worked for independence of Portuguese Africa, born in
+In 1921 Barney____ , 1st to receive a permanent artificial heart, born in
+In 1921 Carol____ , actress (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes), born in
+In 1921 Cyd ____ (in Amarillo, Texas), actor, dancer, born in
+In 1921 Deborah ____ (in Helensburg, Scotland), actor (King and I, Night of the Iguana) born
+In 1921 Donna ____ (in Denison, Iowa), actor, born in
+In 1921 Eva ____ (Budapest, Hungary), actress (Green Acres), born in
+In 1921 Jacqueline____ , writer (Valley of the Dolls), born in
+In 1921 Jane____ , actress full-figured gal (The Outlaw), born in
+In 1921 Mario Puzo, author (____ ), born in
+In 1921 Mario____ , author (Godfather), born in
+In 1921 Maureen____ , actress (Miracle on 34th St), born in
+In 1921 Mongolia gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1921 N.Y. Yankees purchase 20 acres in the ____ for Yankee Stadium
+In 1921 Peter ____ , actor (Fiddler on the Roof, Death on the Nile), born in
+In 1921 Present constitution of ____ comes into effect
+In 1921 Prince Philip____ , Greece, current Duke of Edinburgh, born in
+In 1921 Robert____ , archbishop of Canterbury born
+In 1921 Stanislaw____ , Polish science-fiction writer, born in
+In 1921 Tom____ , comedian, actor (Newhart), born in
+In 1921 Turkestan ASSR established in ____ SFSR
+In 1921 Turkey declared in remnants of the ____ Empire
+In 1921 Turkey makes peace with?
+In 1921 US, Japan, UK & France sign a treaty aimed at controlling naval build-up in the ____ Ocean
+In 1921 Yves____ , France, actor/singer (Z, Napoleon), born in
+In 1922 ____ arrives in the White House
+In 1922 ____ De Carlo, Vancouver BC, actress (Lily Munster in the Munsters), born in
+In 1922 ____ Free State forms
+In 1922 ____ Mussolini takes control of Italy's government
+In 1922 ____ Penn, stage and film director, born in
+In 1922 Arthur____ , stage and film director, born in
+In 1922 Assorted Russian republics form together to found the Union of ____ Socialist Republics
+In 1922 atVancouver BC, actress Lily Munster in the Munsters, born in?
+Yvonne de carlo
+In 1922 Ava____ , actress, born in
+In 1922 Barbara ____ , actor (Perry Mason), born in
+In 1922 Barbara____ , (in Dekalb, IL), actor (Perry Mason), born in
+In 1922 BBC began ____ radio service
+In 1922 Benito ____ takes control of Italy's government
+In 1922 Blake____ , writer/director (Breakfast at Tiffany's), born in
+In 1922 British Broadcasting Corporation (____ ) established
+In 1922 Charles ____ Penns, actor (Death Wish, Dirty Dozen), born in
+In 1922 Dirk____ , actor, born in
+In 1922 Dr. Christiaan____ , performed first human heart transplantation
+In 1922 Helen ____ in Portland Maine, publisher (Cosmopolitan), born in
+Gurly brown
+In 1922 Henry ____ demonstrates his helicopter to US Bureau of Aeronautics
+In 1922 Howard Carter discovers the tomb of____
+In 1922 Jack ____ Phila (Oscar-Odd Couple, Quincy, Goodbye Columbus), born in
+In 1922 Judy ____ [Frances Gumm], Michigan, U.S.A., actress/singer (Wizard of Oz), born in
+In 1922 King Tut's Tomb is discovered in____
+In 1922 Mohandas K. ____ sentenced in India to six years' imprisonment
+In 1922 Pierre____ , Paris, France, fashion designer (Unisex), born in
+In 1922 Redd____ , actor (Sanford and Son), comedian, born in
+In 1922 Rocky____ , pugilist, born in
+In 1922 Sir Ernest Shackleton, ____ , died aboard his ship
+Antarctic explorer
+In 1922 U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld the ____ Amendment (woman's right to vote)
+In 1922 Yakut ASSR formed in ____ SFSR
+In 1922 Yvonne De Carlo, Vancouver BC, actress (____ in the Munsters), born in
+Lily munster
+In 1922 Yvonne____ , Vancouver BC, actress (Lily Munster in the Munsters), born in
+De carlo
+In 1923 ____ Co. founded
+In 1923 ____ formed
+In 1923 ____ frees himself from a straitjacket while suspended upside down, 40 feet above the ground
+Harry houdini
+In 1923 ____ Heston, actor (Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, Planet of the Apes) born
+In 1923 ____ is proclaimed to have a republican government
+In 1923 ____ magazine first published
+In 1923 ____ Marciano, heavyweight champion boxer (1952-56), born in
+In 1923 ____ seize & annex the country of Memel
+In 1923 ____ Williams, swimmer, actor, born in
+In 1923 1st flight of the ____ (Juan de la Cierva, Madrid Spain)
+In 1923 A general election results in a hung Parliament in the UK. James____ , of the UK Labor Party wins the follow-up election next year
+In 1923 Charlton Heston, actor (____ , Ben Hur, Planet of the Apes) born
+Ten commandments
+In 1923 Charlton Heston, actor (Ten Commandments, ____ , Planet of the Apes) born
+Ben hur
+In 1923 Charlton Heston, actor (Ten Commandments, Ben Hur,____ ) born
+Planet of the apes
+In 1923 Charlton____ , actor (Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, Planet of the Apes) born
+In 1923 Ed____ , #1 second banana, famed announcer, sweepstakes harbinger, born in
+In 1923 Esther____ , swimmer, actor, born in
+In 1923 First ____ news messages transmitted from U.S. to England
+In 1923 heavyweight champion boxer (1952-56), born in?
+Rocky marciano
+In 1923 Howard ____ finds the Pharoah Tutankhamun
+In 1923 Marcel____ , mime, born in
+In 1923 Nguyen ____ president of South Vietnam, born in
+Van thieu
+In 1923 Rocky____ , heavyweight champion boxer (1952-56), born in
+In 1923 Sir ____ Attenborough actor/director (Gandhi, Young Winston), born in
+In 1923 Sir Richard ____ actor/director (Gandhi, Young Winston), born in
+In 1923 Sir Richard Attenborough actor/director (____ , Young Winston), born in
+In 1923 Wally____ , astronaut, born in
+In 1924 ____ Bacall (in Staten Island, NY), actor, whistler (Dark Passage, Key Largo, Always), born in
+In 1924 ____ Capote, a short short story writer (In Cold Blood) born
+In 1924 ____ Clavell, author (Shogun, Tai Pan, King Rat, Noble House, Whirlwind), born in
+In 1924 ____ Kollontai of Russia becomes 1st woman ambassador
+In 1924 ____ Mastroianni actor (La Dolce Vita), born in
+In 1924 Albania becomes a____
+In 1924 Alexandra ____ of Russia becomes 1st woman ambassador
+In 1924 Audie ____ Kingston Tx, WWII hero/actor (Destry, Joe Butterfly), born in
+In 1924 Benny____ , Southampton England, comedian (Benny Hill Show), born in
+In 1924 Charles ____ Paris France, singer (Monsieur Carnavel), born in
+In 1924 Chet ____ Luttrell Tenn, guitarist (Me & My Guitar), born in
+In 1924 Chuck ____ , actor (The Rifleman), born in
+In 1924 Don ____ Morgantown WV, actor (Amdy Griffth Show, 3's Company), born in
+In 1924 Doris ____ (in Cincinnatti, Ohio), actor, girl next door, born in
+In 1924 Estelle ____ NYC, actress (Sophia Petrillo-Golden Girls), born in
+In 1924 Ford Motor Company manufactures its ____ millionth automobile
+In 1924 George Herbert Walker____ , former President of the United States, born in
+In 1924 Giacomo ____ Italian socialist deputy, assassinated by fascists
+In 1924 Gloria____ , fashion designer (Don't my jeans look great!), born in
+In 1924 Henry ____ , composer, flutist, born in
+In 1924 Italian composer Giacomo Puccini died in____
+In 1924 Jackie____ , English Football star (Newcastle United)
+In 1924 James Clavell, author (____ , Tai Pan, King Rat, Noble House, Whirlwind), born in
+In 1924 James____ , author (Shogun, Tai Pan, King Rat, Noble House, Whirlwind), born in
+In 1924 John____ , inventor (FORTRAN computer language), born in
+In 1924 Lauren ____ (in Staten Island, NY), actor, whistler (Dark Passage, Key Largo, Always), born in
+In 1924 Lauren Bacall (in Staten Island, NY), actor, whistler (____ , Key Largo, Always), born in
+Dark passage
+In 1924 Lauren Bacall (in Staten Island, NY), actor, whistler (Dark Passage, ____ , Always), born in
+Key largo
+In 1924 Lauren Bacall (in Staten Island, NY), actor, whistler (Dark Passage, Key Largo,____ ), born in
+In 1924 Lee____ , actor, born in
+In 1924 Marcello ____ actor (La Dolce Vita), born in
+In 1924 Marlon____ , actor (The Godfather, Last Tango in Paris), born in
+In 1924 Sydney____ , actor, born in
+In 1924 Telly ____ Garden City NJ, actor (Acapulco, Kojak), born in
+In 1924 Truman____ , a short short story writer (In Cold Blood) born
+In 1924 Vladimir Ilyich____ , Russian leader, dies of a stroke at 54
+In 1924 William____ , FBI director, born in
+In 1924, pope urban viii threatened to excommunicate people who used what?
+In 1925 ____ Bruce comedian, arrested on obsenity charges, born in
+In 1925 ____ Byrd, guitarist, born in
+In 1925 ____ Carson, pundit (Tonight Show), born in
+In 1925 ____ Cray inventor (Cray I computer), born in
+In 1925 ____ law prohibits teaching of evolution
+In 1925 ____ Omaha NB, assassinated leader of black muslims, born in
+Malcolm x
+In 1925 ____ Parker, actor (Davy Crockett, Gunsmoke), born in
+In 1925 ____ Sellers England, actor (Pink Panther, Being There, Goon Show), born in
+In 1925 ____ takes office as president of Germany
+In 1925 ____ Thatcher, (Tory) British PM (1979-90), Iron Lady, born in
+In 1925 B. B.____ , singer, musician, born in
+In 1925 Bill ____ Mich, (andthe Comets-Rock Around the Clock), born in
+In 1925 Bill Haley Mich, (andthe ____ -Rock Around the Clock), born in
+In 1925 Charlie____ , guitarist, born in
+In 1925 Chinese revolutionary leader Sun ____ died
+In 1925 Fess Parker, actor (____ , Gunsmoke), born in
+Davy crockett
+In 1925 Fess Parker, actor (Davy Crockett,____ ), born in
+In 1925 Fess____ , actor (Davy Crockett, Gunsmoke), born in
+In 1925 First ____ radio broadcast
+In 1925 Hal____ , actor, born in
+In 1925 Jack____ , actor, born in
+In 1925 John T ____ arrested for teaching evolution in Tennessee
+In 1925 John____ , Former Nixon White House aide, born in
+In 1925 Johnny____ , pundit (Tonight Show), born in
+In 1925 Lenny ____ comedian, arrested on obsenity charges, born in
+In 1925 Margaret____ , (Tory) British PM (1979-90), Iron Lady, born in
+In 1925 Paul ____ born, actor, racer, popcorn and salad dressing mogul
+In 1925 Peter ____ England, actor (Pink Panther, Being There, Goon Show), born in
+In 1925 Peter Sellers England, actor (____ , Being There, Goon Show), born in
+Pink panther
+In 1925 Richard____ , Wales, actor (Cleopatra, Virginia Woolf), born in
+In 1925 Robert____ , director (MASH), born in
+In 1925 Rod ____ , actor, born in
+In 1925 Seymour ____ inventor (Cray I computer), born in
+In 1925 The official news agency of the Soviet Union ____ was established
+In 1925 Tony ____ [Real Name: Bernard Schwartz], Bronx New York, actor (Some Like it Hot), born in
+In 1925 Tony Curtis [Real Name: Bernard____ ], Bronx New York, actor (Some Like it Hot), born in
+In 1925 Tony____ , actor, born in
+In 1925 Walter Percy ____ founded the Chrysler Corporation
+In 1925____ , jazz drummer, born in
+Max roach
+In 1926 ____ (AKA Soupy Sales), comedian, born in
+Milton hinkes
+In 1926 ____ [Norma Jean Baker], actress (Some Like It Hot), born in
+Marilyn monroe
+In 1926 ____ Berry, St Louis, USA, rocker (Roll over Beethoven), born in
+In 1926 ____ Coltrane, saxophonist, born in
+In 1926 ____ Freberg, writer, producer, comedian, cartoon-voice, born in
+In 1926 ____ Moore, actor, (The Saint, numerous James Bond movies), born in
+In 1926 ____ planes take off on first successful around-the-world flight
+In 1926 ____ Tunney defeats Jack Dempsey for world heavyweight boxing title
+In 1926 (FRANCE) Claude____ , imperssionist painter, dies
+In 1926 Allen____ , poet, born in
+In 1926 Andy ____ Mount Airy NC, actor (Andy Griffith Show, Matlock), born in
+In 1926 Chuck Berry, St Louis, USA, rocker (____ ), born in
+Roll over beethoven
+In 1926 Chuck____ , St Louis, USA, rocker (Roll over Beethoven), born in
+In 1926 Don ____ actor, secret agent 86 (Get Smart), born in
+In 1926 Elizabeth Alexandra Mary ____ II, queen of England (1952- ), born in
+In 1926 First ____ demonstration of television
+In 1926 Fred____ , actor (The Munsters), writer, born in
+In 1926 Gene ____ defeats Jack Dempsey for world heavyweight boxing title
+In 1926 Gene Tunney defeats ____ Dempsey for world heavyweight boxing title
+In 1926 Gene Tunney defeats Jack ____ for world heavyweight boxing title
+In 1926 Harper ____ author (To Kill a Mockingbird), born in
+In 1926 Henry Ford announces the ____ work week
+Five day
+In 1926 Hugh Hefner, publisher of ____ , made bunnies famous, born in
+In 1926 Jean____ , London England, actress (Thorn Birds, Guys & Dolls), born in
+In 1926 Jerry____ , French god, American humanitarian, comedian, actor, born in
+In 1926 John____ , saxophonist, born in
+In 1926 Miles ____ trumpeter; pioneered cool jazz (Porgy & Bess), born in
+In 1926 Peter____ , actor (Mission Impossible, Airplane), born in
+In 1926 Roger Moore, actor, (____ , numerous James Bond movies), born in
+The saint
+In 1926 Roger____ , actor, (The Saint, numerous James Bond movies), born in
+In 1926 Stan____ , writer, producer, comedian, cartoon-voice, born in
+In 1926 Svetlana____ , daughter of Josef Stalin, born in
+In 1926 Television is first demonstrated by ____ in London
+John logie baird
+In 1926 Thomas ____ says Americans prefer silent movies over talkies
+In 1926 Transatlantic ____ service begins between New York and London
+In 1926 Transatlantic phone service begins between ____ and London
+New york
+In 1926 Transatlantic phone service begins between New York and?
+In 1927 ____ Bosley, actor (Happy Days, Murder She Wrote) born
+In 1927 ____ Castro, Cuban political leader (1959-?), born in
+In 1927 ____ expelled from Soviet CP; Stalin becomes undisputed dictator
+In 1927 ____ Falk, actor (Colombo, Princess Bride, In-Laws), born in
+In 1927 ____ Grass, German novelist, poet (The Tin Drum) born
+In 1927 ____ Martino, singer, born in
+In 1927 Academy of ____ forms
+Motion picture arts & sciences
+In 1927 Al____ , singer, born in
+In 1927 Babe Ruth hits ____ of 60 homers
+In 1927 Babe Ruth hits 40th of ____ homers
+In 1927 Fidel____ , Cuban political leader (1959-?), born in
+In 1927 Gina Lollobrigida, ____ Italy, actress (Trapeze, Falcon Crest), born in
+In 1927 Gina Lollobrigida, Subiaco____ , actress (Trapeze, Falcon Crest), born in
+In 1927 Gina____ , Subiaco Italy, actress (Trapeze, Falcon Crest), born in
+In 1927 Gordon ____ Jr., astronaut, born in
+In 1927 Great Britain via treaty grants ____ 's kingdom independence
+Saudi arabia
+In 1927 Gunter____ , German novelist, poet (The Tin Drum) born
+In 1927 Harry____ , entertainer, born in
+In 1927 Harvey____ , actor, born in
+In 1927 Lindburgh lands in____ , after 1st solo air crossing of Atlantic
+In 1927 Mort ____ comedian/political satirist/beatnik (Big Party)
+In 1927 Neil Simon, playwright (____ , Plaza Suite, Biloxi Blues), born in
+Odd couple
+In 1927 Neil Simon, playwright (Odd Couple, ____ , Biloxi Blues), born in
+Plaza suite
+In 1927 Neil Simon, playwright (Odd Couple, Plaza Suite,____ ), born in
+Biloxi blues
+In 1927 Peter Falk, actor (____ , Princess Bride, In-Laws), born in
+In 1927 Peter____ , actor (Colombo, Princess Bride, In-Laws), born in
+In 1927 Raul____ , President of Argentina, born in
+In 1927 The ____ Tunnel, first underwater vehicular tunnel, opened between New York and New Jersey
+In 1927 Tom Bosley, actor (____ , Murder She Wrote) born
+Happy days
+In 1927 Tom____ , actor (Happy Days, Murder She Wrote) born
+In 1927 Using phone lines TV was sent from ____ to New York City
+Washington dc
+In 1927____ , playwright (Odd Couple, Plaza Suite, Biloxi Blues), born in
+Neil simon
+In 1928 ____ -Briand Pact, where 60 nations agreed to outlaw war
+In 1928 ____ becomes a kingdom, with Zogu I as king
+In 1928 ____ Coburn Laurel Nebr, actor (Our Man Flint, Magnificent Seven), born in
+In 1928 ____ Dean, actor, born in
+In 1928 ____ enthroned as Emperor of Japan
+In 1928 ____ Fisher, actor, born in
+In 1928 ____ Kai-Shek becomes president of China
+In 1928 ____ modern Olympic games opens in Amsterdam
+In 1928 ____ Olympic Games closes in Amsterdam
+In 1928 ____ Peppard, actor (Breakfast at Tiffany's, Blue Max, A-Team) born
+In 1928 ____ Ross (in Minnesota), actor (Played Mrs. Cunningham in Happy Days) born
+In 1928 ____ Wiesel, author (Souls on Fire), Nazi hunter (Nobel 1986) born
+In 1928 1st US-to____ flight lands (Sir Charles Kingford-Smith)
+In 1928 9th Olympic Games closes in____
+In 1928 Albania becomes a kingdom, with ____ as king
+Zogu i
+In 1928 Bob ____ Waterbury Ct, actor (Hogan's Heroes), born in
+In 1928 Chiang ____ becomes president of China
+In 1928 Chiang Kai-Shek becomes president of____
+In 1928 Christopher ____ chosen PM of Norway at age 101
+In 1928 Eartha ____ born (in South Carolina)
+In 1928 Eddie____ , actor, born in
+In 1928 Elie____ , author (Souls on Fire), Nazi hunter (Nobel 1986) born
+In 1928 Fats____ , singer, born in
+In 1928 First televised ____ match
+In 1928 George Peppard, actor (____ , Blue Max, A-Team) born
+Breakfast at tiffany's
+In 1928 George Peppard, actor (Breakfast at Tiffany's, ____ , A-Team) born
+Blue max
+In 1928 George Peppard, actor (Breakfast at Tiffany's, Blue Max,____ ) born
+In 1928 George____ , actor (Breakfast at Tiffany's, Blue Max, A-Team) born
+In 1928 James ____ , actor (Maverick movies and series, etc.) born
+In 1928 James ____ Laurel Nebr, actor (Our Man Flint, Magnificent Seven), born in
+In 1928 James Coburn Laurel Nebr, actor (____ , Magnificent Seven), born in
+Our man flint
+In 1928 James Coburn Laurel Nebr, actor (Our Man Flint,____ ), born in
+Magnificent seven
+In 1928 James____ , actor, born in
+In 1928 Kellogg____ Pact, where 60 nations agreed to outlaw war
+In 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact, where ____ nations agreed to outlaw war
+In 1928 Marion ____ (in Minnesota), actor (Played Mrs. Cunningham in Happy Days) born
+In 1928 Marion Ross (in Minnesota), actor (Played Mrs. Cunningham in____ ) born
+Happy days
+In 1928 Maurice____ , NYC, author/illustrator (Where The Wild Things Are), born in
+In 1928 Patrick____ , actor, director (The Prisoner, Silver Streak), born in
+In 1928 Scotch tape 1st marketed by ____ Company
+In 1928 Stanley____ , director (2001, Dr Strangelove, Lolita), born in
+In 1928 Turkey switches from Arabic to ____ alphabet
+In 1929 ____ Blackman (in London, England), actor (The Avengers), born in
+In 1929 ____ invented by Edwin S Lowe
+In 1929 ____ Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis 1st lady (1961-63), born in
+In 1929 ____ Levin, author (Rosemary's Baby, Sleuth, This Perfect Day)
+In 1929 ____ Newhart Oak Park Ill, actor/comedian (Bob Newhart Show), born in
+In 1929 ____ Palmer golfer (PGA Golfer of the Year 1960, 1962), born in
+In 1929 (Yugoslavia) Alexander I establishes a royal dictatorship in?
+In 1929 Anne____ , diarist, born in
+In 1929 Arnold ____ golfer (PGA Golfer of the Year 1960, 1962), born in
+In 1929 Audrey ____ (Hepburn-Ruston Edda van Heemstra), Brussels, Belguim (Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady), born in
+In 1929 Bob ____ Oak Park Ill, actor/comedian (Bob Newhart Show), born in
+In 1929 Carolyn ____ Amarillo Texas, actress (Morticia-Addams Family), born in
+In 1929 First Academy Awards were given out. '____ ' won best picture. Best Actor went to Emil Jennings; Best Actress, Janet Gaynor
+In 1929 First telephone installed in the____
+White house
+In 1929 German airship ____ ends a round-the-world flight
+Graf zeppelin
+In 1929 Hassan II, king of ____ (1961- ), born in
+In 1929 Honor ____ (in London, England), actor (The Avengers), born in
+In 1929 Honor Blackman (in London, England), actor (____ ), born in
+The avengers
+In 1929 Ira____ , author (Rosemary's Baby, Sleuth, This Perfect Day)
+In 1929 Jacqueline ____ Bouvier Kennedy Onassis 1st lady (1961-63), born in
+In 1929 Jacqueline Lee ____ Kennedy Onassis 1st lady (1961-63), born in
+In 1929 Jacqueline Lee Bouvier ____ Onassis 1st lady (1961-63), born in
+In 1929 Karl Freidrich ____ automobile engineer (Mercedes), dies
+In 1929 Leon ____ expelled from Russia
+In 1929 Max von ____ , actor, born in
+In 1929 Nigel ____ actor (Tartuffe, Pope John Paul II (Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes Minister), Richard III), born in
+In 1929 Pres. ____ authorizes the building of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam)
+In 1929 Richard Byrd and crew flies over the ____ Pole
+In 1929 Robert J.L. ____ (Labor), prime minister of Australia (1983-1991) born
+In 1929 St. Valentine's Day ____ in Chicago, 7 gangsters killed by rivals disguised as cops (The Night Chicago Died)
+In 1929 Start of USSR experimental____
+In 1929 Vatican City (world's Smallest Country) is made an enclave of?
+In 1929____ , king of Morocco (1961- ), born in
+Hassan ii
+In 1930 ____ Armstrong, X-15 pilot, first moonwalker (Gemini 8, Apollo 11), born in
+In 1930 ____ beats Argentina 4-2 for Football's 1st World Cup in Montevideo
+In 1930 ____ Bonynge, Sydney Australia, conductor (Australian Orchestra Sydney-1976), born in
+In 1930 ____ Charles, entertainer extraordinaire, born in
+In 1930 ____ Connery actor (James Bond, Man Who Would Be King), born in
+In 1930 ____ Culp, actor (I Spy), born in
+In 1930 ____ debutes in Max Fleischer's animated cartoon Dizzy Dishes
+Betty boop
+In 1930 ____ Hughes, English poet laureate (1984- ), born in
+In 1930 ____ Marcos former 1st lady (Philipines)/shoe collector, born in
+In 1930 ____ Miles, actor, born in
+In 1930 ____ Pinter, playwright, born in
+In 1930 ____ s first TV Broadcast for home reception, NY city
+In 1930 ____ W. Young, astronaut (Gemini 3, 10, Apollo 10, 16, STS-1, 9), born in
+In 1930 ____ Warhol, artist, movie producer born
+In 1930 1st woman to fly solo from England to ____ takes-off (Amy Johnson)
+In 1930 A cow is flown (and milked in flight) for first time. Her milk was sealed in paper containers and dropped by ____ over St. Louis, MO. I knew you'd want to know ____
+In 1930 Andy____ , artist, movie producer born
+In 1930 Betty Boop debutes in ____ Fleischer's animated cartoon Dizzy Dishes
+In 1930 Betty Boop debutes in Max ____ 's animated cartoon Dizzy Dishes
+In 1930 Betty Boop debutes in Max Fleischer's animated cartoon____
+Dizzy dishes
+In 1930 Brooklyn's Clarence ____ puts the first individually packaged frozen foods on sale, in Springfield, Mass
+In 1930 City of Angora changed to?
+In 1930 City of Constantinople changed to?
+In 1930 Edward ____ England, actor (Breaker Morant, Equalizer), born in
+In 1930 Gavin____ , actor (Love Boat, Mary Tyler Moore Show), born in
+In 1930 Gene____ , actor (Target, Uncommon Valor), born in
+In 1930 Grace Lee____ , actor (Star Trek), born in
+In 1930 Harold____ , playwright, born in
+In 1930 Joanne ____ (in Thomasville, GA), actress, wife of Paul Newman, born in
+In 1930 John W.____ , astronaut (Gemini 3, 10, Apollo 10, 16, STS-1, 9), born in
+In 1930 John____ , actor (Gomez in TV Addams Family), born in
+In 1930 Lord____ , photographer, born in
+In 1930 Mohandas Gandhi began ____ -mile march protesting British salt tax
+In 1930 Neil____ , X-15 pilot, first moonwalker (Gemini 8, Apollo 11), born in
+In 1930 Planet ____ discovered by Clyde W. Tombaugh
+In 1930 Princess ____ England (Sister of Queen Elizabeth II), born in
+In 1930 Ray____ , entertainer extraordinaire, born in
+In 1930 Richard____ , Sydney Australia, conductor (Australian Orchestra Sydney-1976), born in
+In 1930 Robert Culp, actor (____ ), born in
+I spy
+In 1930 Robert____ , actor (I Spy), born in
+In 1930 Robert____ , actor, born in
+In 1930 Sean ____ actor (James Bond, Man Who Would Be King), born in
+In 1930 Sean Connery actor (____ , Man Who Would Be King), born in
+James bond
+In 1930 Stephen____ , composer, lyricist (West Side Story, A Little Night Music), born in
+In 1930 Synthetic ____ first produced
+In 1930 Ted____ , English poet laureate (1984- ), born in
+In 1930 Tiny ____ , singer, born in
+In 1930 Uruguay beats ____ 4-2 for Football's 1st World Cup in Montevideo
+In 1930 Uruguay beats Argentina 4-2 for Football's 1st World Cup in____
+In 1930 Vera____ , actor, born in
+In 1930 Yuri P.____ , Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 14), born in
+In 1931 ____ Alva Edison inventor, dies in West Orange, NJ, at 84
+In 1931 ____ Bancroft AKA Mrs Mel Brooks, Bronx, actress (Graduate), born in
+In 1931 ____ Capone convicted of tax evasion, sentenced to 11 years in prison
+In 1931 ____ Ekberg, Sweden, actress (La Dolce Vita, War and Peace), born in
+In 1931 ____ Hagman Fort Worth Tx, actor (I Dream of Jeannie, JR-Dallas), born in
+In 1931 ____ Mantle, NY Yankee home run slugger, born in
+In 1931 ____ Tutu, Anglican Archbishop of South Africa (Nobel Peace Prize 1982), born in
+In 1931 1st commercially produced synthetic ____ manufactured
+In 1931 Al ____ convicted of tax evasion, sentenced to 11 years in prison
+In 1931 Al Capone convicted of tax evasion, sentenced to ____ years in prison
+In 1931 Al Capone convicted of____ , sentenced to 11 years in prison
+Tax evasion
+In 1931 Al Capone was sentenced to how many years in prison?
+In 1931 Anita____ , Sweden, actress (La Dolce Vita, War and Peace), born in
+In 1931 Anne ____ AKA Mrs Mel Brooks, Bronx, actress (Graduate), born in
+In 1931 Anne Bancroft AKA Mrs Mel Brooks, Bronx, actress (____ ), born in
+In 1931 Desmond Tutu, ____ Archbishop of South Africa (Nobel Peace Prize 1982), born in
+In 1931 Desmond____ , Anglican Archbishop of South Africa (Nobel Peace Prize 1982), born in
+In 1931 First ____ photograph, Rochester, NY
+In 1931 First electric ____ marketed by Schick, Inc
+In 1931 James____ , actor (Rebel Without a Cause), born in
+In 1931 Jim Jones, reverend, poisoned over 100 in____ , born in
+In 1931 Larry ____ Fort Worth Tx, actor (I Dream of Jeannie, JR-Dallas), born in
+In 1931 Larry____ , actor, born in
+In 1931 Leonard____ , actor, director, born in
+In 1931 Mickey____ , NY Yankee home run slugger, born in
+In 1931 Nevada legalized?
+In 1931 the British empire became the what?
+In 1931 Thomas ____ Edison inventor, dies in West Orange, NJ, at 84
+In 1931 Thomas Alva ____ inventor, dies in West Orange, NJ, at 84
+In 1931 Thomas Alva Edison inventor, dies in West Orange, NJ, at____
+In 1931 Thomas Alva Edison inventor, dies in____ , NJ, at 84
+West orange
+In 1931 William____ , actor (Star Trek, T.J. Hooker), author (Tek War), born in
+In 1931____ , actor, born in
+Robert duvall
+In 1931____ , actor, narrator, voice of Darth Vader, born in
+James earl jones
+In 1932 ____ Broadcasting Corp. began transmitting overseas
+In 1932 ____ Christopher, actor (Father Mulcahy-MASH), born in
+In 1932 ____ Cline Va, country singer (Walkin' After Midnight), born in
+In 1932 ____ Earhart completes transcontinental flight
+In 1932 ____ Minsky, artificial intelligence guru, born in
+In 1932 ____ modern Olympic games opens in Los Angeles
+In 1932 ____ N. Rukavishnikov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 10, 16, 33), born in
+In 1932 ____ P. Carr, US astronaut (Skylab 4), born in
+In 1932 ____ Russell, raconteur, born in
+In 1932 ____ vaccine for humans announced
+Yellow fever
+In 1932 10th modern Olympic games opens in____
+Los angeles
+In 1932 Amelia ____ completes transcontinental flight
+In 1932 Amelia ____ is first woman to make solo crossing of the Atlantic
+In 1932 Camera ____ meter patented, W. N. Goodwin
+In 1932 Casey ____ Detroit, radio personality (American Top 40), born in
+In 1932 Debbie ____ (in El Paso, TX), actor, dancer, born in
+In 1932 Elizabeth ____ (in London, England), actress, had many husbands, born in
+In 1932 First Winter Olympics held at____ , NY
+Lake placid
+In 1932 Gerald P.____ , US astronaut (Skylab 4), born in
+In 1932 Jayne ____ Bryn Mawr Pa, actress (Guide for the Married Man),
+In 1932 Jim____ , actor (Gomer Pyle, USMC; Mayberry RFD), singer, born in
+In 1932 John____ , poet and novelist, born in
+In 1932 Johnny____ , singer, The Man in Black, born in
+In 1932 Kingdom of ____ formed (National Day)
+Saudi arabia
+In 1932 Lindbergh turned over ____ as ransom for kidnapped son
+In 1932 Mark____ , raconteur, born in
+In 1932 Marvin____ , artificial intelligence guru, born in
+In 1932 Nikolai N.____ , Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 10, 16, 33), born in
+In 1932 Omar ____ , actor (Tamarind Seed, Dr. Zhivago), born in
+In 1932 Oscar de la____ , designer, born in
+In 1932 Patsy ____ Va, country singer (Walkin' After Midnight), born in
+In 1932 Paul von ____ elected first German president (Hitler was the second)
+In 1932 Peter ____ Ireland, actor (Lord Jim, Beckett, Lawrence of Arabia), born in
+In 1932 Peter O'Toole Ireland, actor (____ , Lawrence of Arabia), born in
+Lord jim, beckett
+In 1932 Peter O'Toole Ireland, actor (Lord Jim, Beckett,____ ), born in
+Lawrence of arabia
+In 1932 Peter O'Toole____ , actor (Lord Jim, Beckett, Lawrence of Arabia), born in
+In 1932 Walt ____ Art School created
+In 1932 William____ , actor (Father Mulcahy-MASH), born in
+In 1932____ , Milan Italy, fashion designer (Jacquline Kennedy Onasis), born in
+In 1932, Speed King, Sir Malcolm Campbell broke the 300 mph barrier with his race car. What was the name of his famous racecar?
+The Bluebird
+In 1933 ____ (in Tokyo, Japan), singer, wife of John Lennon, born in
+Yoko ono
+In 1933 ____ A. Anders, astronaut (Apollo 8), born in
+In 1933 ____ Blake, actor (Little Rascals, Baretta), born in
+In 1933 ____ DeLuise Bkln NY, comedian, actor (End, Cannonball Run, Fatso), born in
+In 1933 ____ Einstein arrives in the US, a refugee from Nazi Germany
+In 1933 ____ ground-breaking ceremony held at Crissy Field
+Golden gate bridge
+In 1933 ____ McCallum, actor (Ilya Kuryakin in Man from U.N.C.L.E.), born in
+In 1933 ____ Polanski director (Knife in the Water, Repulsion, Macbeth), born in
+In 1933 ____ Skerritt Detroit Mich, actor (Ryan's Four, Alien, Big Bad Mama), born in
+In 1933 ____ V Khrunov USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 5), born in
+In 1933 Adolf ____ named German Chancellor
+In 1933 Albert ____ arrives in the US, a refugee from Nazi Germany
+In 1933 Big earthquake in ____ (W.C. Fields was making a movie when it struck and the cameras kept running)
+Long beach
+In 1933 David____ , actor (Ilya Kuryakin in Man from U.N.C.L.E.), born in
+In 1933 Dick ____ Carmel Calif, actor (Darrin-Bewitched), born in
+In 1933 Dom ____ Bkln NY, comedian, actor (End, Cannonball Run, Fatso), born in
+In 1933 Dom DeLuise Bkln NY, ____ , actor (End, Cannonball Run, Fatso), born in
+In 1933 Emanuel____ , fashion designer, born in
+In 1933 First drive-in theatre opens, in____ , New Jersey
+In 1933 First known photo of ____ Ness monster (or whatever) is taken
+In 1933 First synthetic ____ for home use marketed
+In 1933 German Reichstag granted ____ dictatorial powers
+Adolf hitler
+In 1933 James____ , singer (I Feel Good . . . HEH!), born in
+In 1933 Joan ____ (in London), actor, born in
+In 1933 Joan ____ Brooklyn, comedian (The Late Show, Hollywood Squares), born in
+In 1933 Kim ____ (in Chicago, Illinois), actress, born in
+In 1933 Michael____ , actor, born in
+In 1933 Nazi Germany began persecution of ____ boycotting Jewish businesses
+In 1933 Nina ____ (in Tyron, NC), born in
+In 1933 Quincy____ , composer, conductor, born in
+In 1933 Reichstag building in ____ was set afire, Nazis blame Communists
+In 1933 Robert Blake, actor (Little Rascals,____ ), born in
+In 1933 Robert____ , actor (Little Rascals, Baretta), born in
+In 1933 Roman ____ director (Knife in the Water, Repulsion, Macbeth), born in
+In 1933 Roman Polanski director (____ , Repulsion, Macbeth), born in
+Knife in the water
+In 1933 Roman Polanski director (Knife in the Water, ____ , Macbeth), born in
+In 1933 Roman Polanski director (Knife in the Water, Repulsion,____ ), born in
+In 1933 Roosevelt establishes diplomatic relations with the ____ Union
+In 1933 Susan ____ NYC, author/film director (1966 Pol Award), born in
+In 1933 the us formally recognized which country?
+In 1933 Tom ____ Detroit Mich, actor (Ryan's Four, Alien, Big Bad Mama), born in
+In 1933 William A.____ , astronaut (Apollo 8), born in
+In 1933 Willie ____ , singer, actor
+In 1933 Work on ____ begins, on Marin County side
+Golden gate bridge
+In 1933 Yevgeny V ____ USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 5), born in
+In 1933____ , 30th US President, died
+Calvin coolidge
+In 1933____ , actor, born in
+Dabney coleman
+In 1934 ____ (in Bronx, NY), puppeteer (Lambchop), born in
+Shari lewis
+In 1934 ____ and Clyde shot in Louisana ambush
+In 1934 ____ Bain (in Chicago, IL), actor (Mission Impossible, Space: 1999), born in
+In 1934 ____ beats Czechoslovakia 2-1 (OT) in Football's 2nd World Cup at Rome
+In 1934 ____ Brunner, British sci-fi author (Sheep Look Up), born in
+In 1934 ____ Cohen, Montreal, singer/songwriter (Death of Ladies Man), born in
+In 1934 ____ Eden (in Arizona), actor (I dream of Jeannie), born in
+In 1934 ____ Landau, actor (Mission Impossible, Space 1999, Tucker), born in
+In 1934 Alan____ , actor, born in
+In 1934 Arthur____ , dancer, dance company director, born in
+In 1934 Barbara ____ (in Arizona), actor (I dream of Jeannie), born in
+In 1934 Barbara ____ (in Chicago, IL), actor (Mission Impossible, Space: 1999), born in
+In 1934 Barbara Eden (in Arizona), actor (____ ), born in
+I dream of jeannie
+In 1934 Bill____ , SF Calif, actor (Incredible Hulk, My Favorite Martian), born in
+In 1934 Bobby____ , auto racer, born in
+In 1934 Bonnie and ____ shot in Louisana ambush
+In 1934 Bonnie and Clyde shot in ____ ambush
+In 1934 Carl____ , NYC, astronomer/author/professor (Cosmos, Broca's Brain), born in
+In 1934 Donald____ , actor (MASH), born in
+In 1934 Donald____ , famous fowl, born in
+In 1934 Dr. Frederick____ , co-discoverer of insulin, knighted
+In 1934 FDR grants future independence to the?
+In 1934 Florence ____ (in Indiana), actress (Alice in The Brady Bunch), born in
+In 1934 George____ , actor, banjo player, born in
+In 1934 Gloria ____ (in Toledo, OH), feminist, former Playboy bunny, born in
+In 1934 Highest velocity wind ever recorded on Mt Washington, ____ mph
+In 1934 Italy beats ____ 2-1 (OT) in Football's 2nd World Cup at Rome
+In 1934 Italy beats Czechoslovakia 2-1 (OT) in Football's 2nd World Cup at____
+In 1934 John ____ shot and killed in Chicago movie theatre
+In 1934 John Dillinger shot and killed in ____ movie theatre
+In 1934 John____ , British sci-fi author (Sheep Look Up), born in
+In 1934 Ken____ , Sydney, Australia, tennis star (US Open 1956), born in
+In 1934 Leonard____ , Montreal, singer/songwriter (Death of Ladies Man), born in
+In 1934 Martin Landau, actor (____ , Space 1999, Tucker), born in
+Mission impossible
+In 1934 Martin____ , actor (Mission Impossible, Space 1999, Tucker), born in
+In 1934 Philippine legislature accepts US proposal for?
+In 1934 Sergei Kirov Josef Stalin's collaborator, assassinated in____
+In 1934 Shirley ____ (in Richmond, Virginia), actor (in this life), born in
+In 1934 US Dept of Justice offers ____ reward for Dillinger, dead or alive
+In 1934 Weekly airmail route starts between ____ and the United Kingdom
+In 1934 Willard____ , weatherman, original Ronald McDonald, born in
+In 1934 Women get the vote in ____
+In 1934 Yuri____ , first man into space, born in
+In 1935 ____ Allen [Allen Stuart Konigsberg] (Zelig, Annie Hall, Manhattan Murder Mystery), born in
+In 1935 ____ and Harriet Nelson married
+In 1935 ____ L. (Rusty) Schweickart, astronaut (Apollo 9) born
+In 1935 ____ Lee Lewis, singer (Great Balls of Fire, Breathless), born in
+In 1935 ____ Mathis, singer born
+In 1935 ____ Minnesota, actress (The Birds), born in
+Tippi hedren
+In 1935 ____ Pavarotti Moderna Italy, operatic tenor (Oh Giorgio), born in
+In 1935 ____ Titov USSR, 1st man to spend a day in space (Vostok 2), born in
+In 1935 ____ War between Bolivia and Paraguay ends
+In 1935 Amelia Earhart flies from Hawaii to ____ (non-stop, of course)
+In 1935 Bruno Richard Hauptmann went on trial for kidnap-murder of ____ 's baby
+Charles lindberg
+In 1935 Chaco War between ____ and Paraguay ends
+In 1935 Chaco War between Bolivia and ____ ends
+In 1935 Dalai____ , religious leader, born in
+In 1935 Dudley ____ actor (10, Arthur, Bedazzled, 6 Weeks), born in
+In 1935 First ____ air mail flight, Greenwood Lake, NY
+In 1935 Gene____ , comedic actor, born in
+In 1935 George II returns to ____ and regains monarchy
+In 1935 Gherman ____ USSR, 1st man to spend a day in space (Vostok 2), born in
+In 1935 Jerry ____ Lewis, singer (Great Balls of Fire, Breathless), born in
+In 1935 Jerry Lee____ , singer (Great Balls of Fire, Breathless), born in
+In 1935 Johnny____ , singer born
+In 1935 Judd____ , actor (Taxi), born in
+In 1935 Lie detector first used in court at____ , WI
+In 1935 Loretta ____ (in Kentucky), Ms. Country Music, coal miner's daughter, born in
+In 1935 Luciano ____ Moderna Italy, operatic tenor (Oh Giorgio), born in
+In 1935 Luciano Pavarotti Moderna Italy, operatic ____ (Oh Giorgio), born in
+In 1935 Ozzie and ____ Nelson married
+In 1935 Ozzie and Harriet ____ married
+In 1935 Parker Brothers launches game of____
+In 1935 Roy ____ Orange NJ, actor (All That Jazz, Jaws), born in
+In 1935 Russell L. (Rusty)____ , astronaut (Apollo 9) born
+In 1935 Sir ____ granted patent for RADAR
+In 1935 T.E. ____ (of Arabia) dies in a motorcycle crash
+In 1935____ , King of Iraq, born in
+Faisal ii
+In 1935____ , singer, born in
+Elvis presley
+In 1935, ____ was renamed Iran
+In 1935, the police in Atlantic City, New Jersey, arrested 42 men on the beach. They were cracking down on ____ bathing suits worn by men
+In 1935, what did c.c magee invent?
+Parking meter
+In 1936 ____ annexed Ethiopia
+In 1936 ____ Chamberlain NBA great center (LA Laker, 5 time MVP), born in
+In 1936 ____ Holly singer (Peggy Sue, That'll Be the Day), born in
+In 1936 ____ NYC, actor (Hawkeye Pierce-MASH), born in
+Alan alda
+In 1936 ____ Oerter, US discus thrower, born in
+In 1936 ____ Owens won his fourth gold medal of the Berlin Olympics
+In 1936 ____ Saint-Laurent fashion designer (Opium, Obsession), born in
+In 1936 1st ____ windowless structure in US completed, Toledo, Ohio
+In 1936 Adolph Hitler opens ____ Olympic Games
+In 1936 Al____ , US discus thrower, born in
+In 1936 Albert____ , actor (Oliver, The Twelve Chairs)
+In 1936 Bell Labs tests ____ cable for TV use
+In 1936 Bruno ____ , convicted Lindbergh baby killer, executed
+In 1936 Buddy ____ singer (Peggy Sue, That'll Be the Day), born in
+In 1936 Buddy Holly singer (____ , That'll Be the Day), born in
+Peggy sue
+In 1936 Buddy Holly singer (Peggy Sue,____ ), born in
+That'll be the day
+In 1936 Burt____ , actor, born in
+In 1936 Dennis ____ actor (True Grit, Blue Velvet, Easy Rider), born in
+In 1936 First ____ round-trip air flight
+In 1936 First ____ substance produced synthetically (radium E)
+In 1936 Glenda____ , actor (Hopscotch), born in
+In 1936 Harry ____ dives 110 m from airship into Bodensee & survives
+In 1936 Hitler breaks Treaty of ____ by sending troops to Rhineland
+In 1936 Jesse ____ won his fourth gold medal of the Berlin Olympics
+In 1936 Jesse Owens won his ____ gold medal of the Berlin Olympics
+In 1936 Jesse Owens won his fourth gold medal of the ____ Olympics
+In 1936 Jill ____ (in London, England), actor, born in
+In 1936 King Edward VIII abdicated from the British throne to marry an American divorcee, who was she?
+Mrs. Wallis Simpson
+In 1936 King George V of ____ dies, succeeded by Edward VIII
+In 1936 Kris ____ singer/actor (Amerika, Millenium), born in
+In 1936 Paul____ , playwright, born in
+In 1936 Pumping begins to build____ , San Francisco
+Treasure island
+In 1936 Roy ____ , musician, born in
+In 1936 Roy ____ Australia, tennis player (Wimbeldon '64, '65), born in
+In 1936 Rudyard Kipling author, dies in____ , England
+In 1936 Sally____ , Long Beach Cal, actress (MASH, back to school), born in
+In 1936 Semi-automatic ____ adopted by US army
+In 1936 Spanish Civil War began as Gen. Francisco ____ led uprising
+In 1936 U.S. sprinter, ____ sets 100 meter record at 10.2 seconds
+Jesse owens
+In 1936 Ursula ____ (in Switzerland), actor, born in
+In 1936 Wilt ____ NBA great center (LA Laker, 5 time MVP), born in
+In 1936 Yves ____ fashion designer (Opium, Obsession), born in
+In 1936, American track star Jesse Owens beat a ____ over a 100-yard course. The horse was given a head start
+Race horse
+In 1937 ____ (in Wales), born in
+Shirley bassey
+In 1937 ____ (Singer), born in
+Shirley bassey
+In 1937 ____ and Chinese troops clash, which will become the asian theatre of WW II
+In 1937 ____ Hoffman, actor, born in
+In 1937 ____ patented by W. H. Carothers
+In 1937 ____ Redford Calif, actor (Sting, Candidate, Natural, Great Gatsby), born in
+In 1937 (Wales) Anthony____ , actor, born in
+In 1937 1st commercial flight across the ____ , Pan Am
+In 1937 400 people mostly children killed in a gas explosion in?
+In 1937 Beryl ____ UK, won record (7) women's cycling titles, born in
+In 1937 Boris____ , chess player, born in
+In 1937 Dr. William____ , comedian, actor born
+In 1937 Dustin____ , actor, born in
+In 1937 Edward VIII, Duke of ____ married Wallis Warfield Simpson in France
+In 1937 Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor married Wallis Warfield ____ in France
+In 1937 Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor married Wallis Warfield Simpson in____
+In 1937 Edward____ , Duke of Windsor married Wallis Warfield Simpson in France
+In 1937 First ____ established, Chicago, IL
+Blood bank
+In 1937 First automobile/airplane combination tested, ____ , Ca
+Santa monica
+In 1937 George ____ composer (American in Paris), dies at 38
+In 1937 George Gershwin composer (American in Paris), dies at ____
+In 1937 Industrialist John D. ____ died in Ormond Beach, FL
+In 1937 Isolation of ____ hormone announced
+In 1937 Jack ____ , actor (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shining), born in
+In 1937 Japanese and ____ troops clash, which will become the asian theatre of WW II
+In 1937 Mary ____ Moore, Brooklyn, actress (Mary Tyler Moore, Ordinary People), born in
+In 1937 Merle____ , singer, born in
+In 1937 Millionaire Howard Hughes sets ____ air record (7h28m25s)
+In 1937 Morgan ____ actor (Driving Mrs Daisy), born in
+In 1937 NBC forms first full sized symphony ____ exclusively for radio
+In 1937 Philip____ , composer (Einstein on the Beach), born in
+In 1937 Robert ____ Calif, actor (Sting, Candidate, Natural, Great Gatsby), born in
+In 1937 Robert Redford Calif, actor (____ , Candidate, Natural, Great Gatsby), born in
+In 1937 Robert Redford Calif, actor (Sting, ____ , Natural, Great Gatsby), born in
+In 1937 Robert Redford Calif, actor (Sting, Candidate, ____ , Great Gatsby), born in
+In 1937 Robert Redford Calif, actor (Sting, Candidate, Natural,____ ), born in
+Great gatsby
+In 1937 Saddam ____ president of Iraq (1979- ), born in
+In 1937 Spinach growers of____ , TX, erect a statue of Popeye
+Crystal city
+In 1937 The dirigible ____ explodes in flames at Lakehurst, NJ
+In 1937 USSR executes ____ army leaders as Stalin's purge continued
+In 1937 Valentina ____ (in Russia), cosmonaut, first woman in space, born in
+In 1937 Vanessa ____ (in London, England), actor, born in
+In 1937 Warren____ , actor, ladies man, born in
+In 1938 ____ 'Evel' Knievel, motorcycle daredevil, born in
+In 1938 ____ annexes Sudetenland (1/3 of Czechoslovakia)
+In 1938 ____ awarded 1940 Olympic games after Japan withdraws
+In 1938 ____ Comics launched
+In 1938 ____ Koenig Chicago Ill, actor (Chekov-Star Trek), born in
+In 1938 ____ Laver, tennis player, born in
+In 1938 ____ Lloyd, actor (Taxi, Star Trek III, Back to the Future, Addams Family), born in
+In 1938 ____ Rogers singer (Lady) actor (Coward of the County), born in
+In 1938 ____ Stevens (in Brooklyn, NY), singer born
+In 1938 ____ took control of foreign-owned oil properties on its soil
+In 1938 ____ Zeppelin II, world's largest airship, makes maiden flight
+In 1938 1st use of ____ dog
+Seeing eye
+In 1938 Betty ____ Australia 100m/200m/400m dash (Olympic-gold-1956, 64), born in
+In 1938 British PM ____ visits Hitler at Berchtesgarden
+In 1938 British PM Chamberlain visits Hitler at____
+In 1938 Christopher Lloyd, actor (____ , Star Trek III, Back to the Future, Addams Family), born in
+In 1938 Christopher Lloyd, actor (Taxi, ____ , Back to the Future, Addams Family), born in
+Star trek iii
+In 1938 Christopher Lloyd, actor (Taxi, Star Trek III, ____ , Addams Family), born in
+Back to the future
+In 1938 Christopher Lloyd, actor (Taxi, Star Trek III, Back to the Future,____ ), born in
+Addams family
+In 1938 Christopher____ , actor (Taxi, Star Trek III, Back to the Future, Addams Family), born in
+In 1938 Coelacanth, a fish thought to have been extinct for 65 million years caught of the coast of ____ Africa
+In 1938 Connie ____ (in Brooklyn, NY), singer born
+In 1938 Diana ____ Doncaster England, actress (Emma Peel-Avengers, Hospital), born in
+In 1938 Douglas ____ (a protestant) becomes 1st president of Eire
+In 1938 Germany annexes ____ (1/3 of Czechoslovakia)
+In 1938 Germany invades?
+In 1938 Graf____ , world's largest airship, makes maiden flight
+Zeppelin ii
+In 1938 Jean-Loup____ , first French traveler in space (on Soyuz T-6), born in
+In 1938 Jon____ , Yonkers, NY, actor (Deliverance, Midnight Cowboy), born in
+In 1938 Juan Carlos I, ____ , born in
+King of Spain
+In 1938 Kemal Atarok 1st pres of____ , dies
+In 1938 Kenny ____ singer (Lady) actor (Coward of the County), born in
+In 1938 King ____ of Albania marries Countess Geraldine of Hungary
+In 1938 Munich Agreement-forces ____ to give territory to Germany
+In 1938 Natalie ____ [Natasha Gurdin], SF, (Gypsy, Rebel Without a Cause), born in
+In 1938 Robert '____ ' Knievel, motorcycle daredevil, born in
+In 1938 Robert 'Evel'____ , motorcycle daredevil, born in
+In 1938 Rod____ , tennis player, born in
+In 1938 Rudolf____ , ballet star, born in
+In 1938 The ocean liner ____ was launched at Glasgow
+Queen elizabeth
+In 1938 The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth was launched at____
+In 1938 Walter ____ Chicago Ill, actor (Chekov-Star Trek), born in
+In 1938 Walter Koenig Chicago Ill, actor (____ -Star Trek), born in
+In 1938, for how much did joe shuster and jerry siegel sell all rights to the character 'superman'?
+130 dollars
+In 1938, Pearl S. Buck became the first American woman to be awarded what international honour?
+Nobel literature prize
+In 1938, to who were all rights to the character 'superman' sold for 130 dollars?
+In 1939 ____ Airport opened in New York City
+In 1939 ____ Cleese comedian/actor (Monty Python, Fawlty Towers), born in
+In 1939 ____ Comics hit the street
+In 1939 ____ go on sale in the U.S. for the first time
+Nylon stockings
+In 1939 ____ N. Glazkov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 24) born
+In 1939 ____ Tabei Japan, 1st woman to climb Mount Everest, born in
+In 1939 ____ V. Ryumin, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 25, 32), born in
+In 1939 ____ Warsitz makes first jet-propelled flight (in a Heinkel He-178)
+In 1939 Brian____ , Prime Minister of Canada, born in
+In 1939 Britain declares war on Germany. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by Australia, ____ , South Africa and Canada
+New zealand
+In 1939 Britain declares war on Germany. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by Australia, New Zealand, ____ and Canada
+South africa
+In 1939 Britain declares war on Germany. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and____
+In 1939 Britain declares war on Germany. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by____ , New Zealand, South Africa and Canada
+In 1939 Charley____ , singer, born in
+In 1939 Erich ____ makes first jet-propelled flight (in a Heinkel He-178)
+In 1939 Ernest Hausen of ____ sets chicken-plucking record-4.4 sec...
+In 1939 Ernst ____ demonstrates 800-kph rocket plane to Hitler
+In 1939 Ernst Heinkel demonstrates 800-kph rocket plane to____
+In 1939 First air conditioned ____ (Packard) exhibited, Chicago, IL
+In 1939 First manned ____ flight (by auto maker Fritz von Opel)
+In 1939 Francis Ford ____ , director born
+In 1939 Germaine____ , Melbourne, Australia, feminist/author (Female Eunich), born in
+In 1939 Jackie____ , race-car driver, Ford spokesperson, born in
+In 1939 Jim Bakker, ____ , con-man, born in
+In 1939 John ____ comedian/actor (Monty Python, Fawlty Towers), born in
+In 1939 Judy____ , singer (Send in the Clowns, Clouds), born in
+In 1939 Junko ____ Japan, 1st woman to climb Mount Everest, born in
+In 1939 LaGuardia Airport opened in____
+New york city
+In 1939 Lee____ , golfer (US Open 1968,71), born in
+In 1939 Liv ____ (in Tokyo, Japan), actor (Cries and Whispers), born in
+In 1939 Physical Review publishes 1st paper to deal with____
+Black holes
+In 1939 Pope ____ was crowned in ceremonies at the Vatican
+Pius xii
+In 1939 Soviet Union invades ____ during WW II
+In 1939 Soviet-German treaty agree on 4th partition of ____ (WW II) and gives Lithuania to the USSR
+In 1939 Soviet-German treaty agree on 4th partition of Poland (WW II) and gives ____ to the USSR
+In 1939 Spanish Civil War end as ____ fell to Francisco Franco
+In 1939 The Soviet Union invades ____ over a border dispute
+In 1939 the US political party 'The American Nazi Party' had ____ members
+In 1939 U.S. recognized Franco govt in ____ at end of the Spanish civil war
+In 1939 Uranium ____ 1st split, Columbia University
+In 1939 Valeri V.____ , Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 25, 32), born in
+In 1939 William ____ Yeats Irish poet, dies in France at 73
+In 1939 WW II starts, Germany invades Poland, takes____
+In 1939 Yuri N.____ , Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 24) born
+In 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to Roosevelt urging him to develop what?
+Nuclear bomb
+In 1939, Robert May wrote a poem for the Montgomery Ward Department Store. The poem was fondly titled 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The name Rudolph had been suggested by May's four-year old daughter. What had May, himself wanted to call the Reindeer?
+In 1940 ____ asks Germany for terms of surrender in WW II
+In 1940 ____ Avalon, singer (Four Seasons), born in
+In 1940 ____ Carradine, actor (Kung fu, Death Race 2000), born in
+In 1940 ____ Collins, London England, actress (Shirley Valentine), born in
+In 1940 ____ declares war on France & Britain during WW II
+In 1940 ____ evacuated before the German advance
+In 1940 ____ Harper (in Sufferin, NY), actor (Mary Tyler Moore Show, Rhoda), born in
+In 1940 ____ Mann, musician, born in
+In 1940 ____ Melville, actor, born in
+In 1940 ____ Pele, Football player extraordinaire, born in
+In 1940 ____ Sheen actor (Men At Work, Wall St), born in
+In 1940 ____ SSR is accepted into the USSR
+In 1940 ____ surrenders to Germany during WW II
+In 1940 ____ Thompson Australia, actor (Breaker Morant), born in
+In 1940 ____ Trotsky assassinated in Mexico City by agents of Stalin
+In 1940 ____ Welch Chic (Myra Breckenridge, 1,000,000 BC, 100 Rifles), born in
+In 1940 ____ Williams, singer, composer, actor, born in
+In 1940 (England) F. Scott____ , author, died
+In 1940 1st ____ wedding
+In 1940 Al ____ NYC, actor (Godfather, Carlito's Way), born in
+In 1940 Al____ , singer, born in
+In 1940 Battle of ____ begins in WW II
+In 1940 Brian Dennehy, actor (____ , Cocoon, Gorky Park), born in
+In 1940 Brian Dennehy, actor (Silverado, ____ , Gorky Park), born in
+In 1940 Brian Dennehy, actor (Silverado, Cocoon,____ ), born in
+Gorky park
+In 1940 Brian____ , actor (Silverado, Cocoon, Gorky Park), born in
+In 1940 British complete miracle of ____ by evacuating 300,000 troops
+In 1940 British complete miracle of Dunkirk by evacuating ____ troops
+In 1940 Communist govt installed in____
+In 1940 Daniel J.____ , actor (Hill Street Blues)
+In 1940 David Carradine, actor (____ , Death Race 2000), born in
+Kung fu
+In 1940 David Carradine, actor (Kung fu,____ ), born in
+Death race 200
+In 1940 David____ , actor (Kung fu, Death Race 2000), born in
+In 1940 Discovery of element 93, ____ , announced
+In 1940 During WW II, German planes destroyed most of____ , England
+In 1940 Edison____ , Football player extraordinaire, born in
+In 1940 End of USSR experimental calendar; ____ readopted 6/27
+In 1940 F. ____ Abraham, actor (Amadeus, Name of the Rose), born in
+In 1940 F. Murray____ , actor (Amadeus, Name of the Rose), born in
+In 1940 Finland surrendered to the ____ during World War II
+Soviet union
+In 1940 First ____ transmission
+Fm radio
+In 1940 First synthetic rubber tire exhibited____ , OH
+In 1940 Frankie____ , singer (Four Seasons), born in
+In 1940 French fortress of ____ captured by Germans
+In 1940 Germany begins dropping incendiary bombs on ____ (WW II)
+In 1940 Germany invades ____ and Denmark in WW II
+In 1940 Germany occupies____ , Belgium & begins invasion of France
+In 1940 Herbie ____ , musician, born in
+In 1940 Italy declares war on ____ & Britain during WW II
+In 1940 Jack ____ Australia, actor (Breaker Morant), born in
+In 1940 Jack Thompson Australia, actor (____ ), born in
+Breaker morant
+In 1940 Jack____ , golfer (Player of Yr 1967,72,73,75,76), born in
+In 1940 John____ , England, actor (Elephant Man, Alien, Midnight Express), born in
+In 1940 Leon ____ assassinated in Mexico City by agents of Stalin
+In 1940 Leon Trotsky assassinated in ____ by agents of Stalin
+Mexico city
+In 1940 Leon Trotsky assassinated in Mexico City by agents of____
+In 1940 Manfred____ , musician, born in
+In 1940 Martin ____ actor (Men At Work, Wall St), born in
+In 1940 Nancy ____ Jersey City, singer, (These boots were made for walking), born in
+In 1940 Nazi blitz conquest of France began by crossing ____ River
+In 1940 Nazis force 4.5 mil Warsaw Jews to live in walled____
+In 1940 Nick____ , actor, born in
+In 1940 Nylon ____ on sale for the first time in the United States
+In 1940 Patrick ____ actor (Capt Picard-Star Trek Next Generation), born in
+In 1940 Paul____ , singer, composer, actor, born in
+In 1940 Pauline Collins, London England, actress (____ ), born in
+Shirley valentine
+In 1940 Pauline____ , London England, actress (Shirley Valentine), born in
+In 1940 Peter____ , actor, son of Henry, born in
+In 1940 Raquel ____ Chic (Myra Breckenridge, 1,000,000 BC, 100 Rifles), born in
+In 1940 Raul____ , actor (Gomez in the Addams Family), born in
+In 1940 Richard____ , comedian/actor (Lady Sings the Blues, Stir Crazy), born in
+In 1940 Ringo____ , Beatles' drummer, born in
+In 1940 Roberta ____ (in North Carolina), singer, born in
+In 1940 Sam____ , actor, born in
+In 1940 Smokey____ , singer, born in
+In 1940 Soviet Union annexes Estonia, ____ , Lithuania
+In 1940 Soviet Union annexes Estonia, Latvia,____
+In 1940 Soviet Union annexes____ , Latvia, Lithuania
+In 1940 The Battle of ____ began as Nazi forces attacked by air
+In 1940 Tide turns in Battle of Britain in WW II, RAF beats____
+In 1940 Tom____ , journalist, born in
+In 1940 Tom____ , singer, born in
+In 1940 US gives Britain ____ destroyers in exchange for Newfoundland base lease
+In 1940 US gives Britain 50 destroyers in exchange for ____ base lease
+In 1940 Valerie ____ (in Sufferin, NY), actor (Mary Tyler Moore Show, Rhoda), born in
+In 1940 Valerie Harper (in Sufferin, NY), actor (____ , Rhoda), born in
+Mary tyler moore show
+In 1940 Valerie Harper (in Sufferin, NY), actor (Mary Tyler Moore Show,____ ), born in
+In 1940 Winston Churchill succeeds ____ as British PM
+Neville chamberlain
+In 1940____ , deposed king of Greece (-1967), born in
+Constantine ii
+In 1940, what candy company introduced its Peppermint Pattie?
+York Cone Co.
+In 1941 ____ (in London, England), actress, born in
+Susannah york
+In 1941 ____ (in Staten Island, NY), folk singer, born in
+Joan baez
+In 1941 ____ Arias Sanchez, president of Costa Rica (1986- ) (Nobel 1987), born in
+In 1941 ____ Bisset (in England), actor (Deep), born in
+In 1941 ____ D. Kizim, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-3, T-10, T-15), born in
+In 1941 ____ declares war on the U.S.S.R
+In 1941 ____ enters WW II against Russia
+In 1941 ____ Iglesias, singer, born in
+In 1941 ____ Redding, Georgia, rocker (Sitting on the Dock of the Bay), born in
+In 1941 ____ Reddy (in Melbourne, Australia), singer (I am Woman) born
+In 1941 ____ V. Malyshev, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-2, T-11)
+In 1941 Barbara ____ (in Pittsburgh, PA), actor (Get Smart's 99), born in
+In 1941 British aircraft carrier Ark Royal sank in____
+In 1941 Charlie____ , drummer (Rolling Stones), born in
+In 1941 England's House of Commons detroyed in a____
+In 1941 Eric ____ rocker (Animals-House of the Rising Sun), born in
+In 1941 Eric____ , rocker (Animals-House of the Rising Sun)
+In 1941 First ____ ship in WW2 captured by US ship (Busko)
+In 1941 First German ship in WW2 captured by US ship (____ )
+In 1941 Franklin D. ____ and Winston S. Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter
+In 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston S. ____ signed the Atlantic Charter
+In 1941 Germany blitzes ____ , England
+In 1941 Germany declares war on ____ during WW II
+Soviet union
+In 1941 Helen ____ (in Melbourne, Australia), singer (I am Woman) born
+In 1941 James Joyce novelist, dies in____ , Switzerland, at 58
+In 1941 Japanese bomb ____ Harbour. The USA join Allies in fighting the Axis forces soon after
+In 1941 Jaqueline ____ (in England), actor (Deep), born in
+In 1941 Jaqueline Bisset (in England), actor (____ ), born in
+In 1941 Julio____ , singer, born in
+In 1941 Leonid D.____ , Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-3, T-10, T-15), born in
+In 1941 Marcus ____ dies at 52 in London England
+In 1941 Marcus Garvey dies at ____ in London England
+In 1941 Novelist and critic Virginia ____ died
+In 1941 Oscar ____ Sanchez, president of Costa Rica (1986- ) (Nobel 1987), born in
+In 1941 Oscar Arias Sanchez, president of ____ (1986- ) (Nobel 1987), born in
+Costa rica
+In 1941 Oscar Arias____ , president of Costa Rica (1986- ) (Nobel 1987), born in
+In 1941 Otis____ , Georgia, rocker (Sitting on the Dock of the Bay), born in
+In 1941 Phil____ , musician (Genesis), actor (Buster), born in
+In 1941 Placido____ , Madrid Spain, opera tenor, born in
+In 1941 President FDR signed into law the ____ Bill
+In 1941 Ritchie____ , singer (Donna, La Bamba), born in
+In 1941 Robert ____ (a.k.a. Bob Dylan) (in Minnesota), folk singer
+In 1941 Ryan ____ , actor, born in
+In 1941 Sergio____ , artist, born in
+In 1941 Siege of ____ by Nazi troops began during WW II
+In 1941 The Allies, along with Free France declare war on____
+In 1941 US forces land in ____ to forestall Nazi invasion
+In 1941 Yuri V.____ , Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-2, T-11)
+In 1941____ , actress (Chinatown, Bonnie & Clyde), born in
+Faye dunaway
+In 1941____ , actress, born in
+Suzannah york
+In 1941, the deputy Chancellor of Germany flew to Britain to try to sue for peace He was imprisoned in Spandau prison Who was he?
+Rudolph Hess
+In 1942 ____ arrested Indian nationalist Mohandas K. Gandhi
+In 1942 ____ Crichton, author (Andromeda Strain, Jurrasic Park, Rising Sun), born in
+In 1942 ____ Eastman McCartney, singer, born in
+In 1942 ____ England, Broadway star (Phantom of the Opera), born in
+Michael crawford
+In 1942 ____ forces retreated in the World War II Battle of Midway
+In 1942 ____ Funichello (in Utica, NY), mouseketeer, actor, born in
+In 1942 ____ Hayes, composer, musician, born in
+In 1942 ____ Hoskins, Suffolk, England, actor (Brazil, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?), born in
+In 1942 ____ Johnson fashion designer (1971 Winnie Award), born in
+In 1942 ____ regulations implemented in San Francisco
+In 1942 ____ Russell Lange PM (L) New Zealand, born in
+In 1942 ____ Simon, singer (Kodachrome, Graceland), born in
+In 1942 ____ takes Tobruk in North Africa
+In 1942 1st controlled ____ chain reaction (University of Chicago)
+In 1942 28 nations, at war with____ , pledge no separate peace
+In 1942 Actors ____ Cronyn and Jessica Tandy are married
+In 1942 Actors Hume ____ and Jessica Tandy are married
+In 1942 Actors Hume Cronyn and ____ Tandy are married
+In 1942 Actors Hume Cronyn and Jessica ____ are married
+In 1942 Allied forces invade North____
+In 1942 American and ____ forces overwhelmed by Japanese at Bataan
+In 1942 Annette ____ (in Utica, NY), mouseketeer, actor, born in
+In 1942 Annette Funichello (in Utica, NY), ____ , actor, born in
+In 1942 Aretha ____ (in Detroit, MI), singer, born in
+In 1942 Art____ , singer/actor (Sounds of Silence, Carnal Knowledge), born in
+In 1942 Barbra ____ (in Brooklyn, NY), singer, actress, profile, born in
+In 1942 Battle of ____ turning point in war in Pacific began
+In 1942 Battle of Midway turning point in war in ____ began
+In 1942 Betsy ____ fashion designer (1971 Winnie Award), born in
+In 1942 Bob____ , Suffolk, England, actor (Brazil, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?), born in
+In 1942 Britain arrested Indian nationalist ____ K. Gandhi
+In 1942 Britain arrested Indian nationalist Mohandas K.____
+In 1942 British naval forces raid Nazi occupied French port of St.____
+In 1942 British RAF staged a ____ -bomb raid on Bremen Germany (WW II)
+In 1942 Curtis____ , musician, born in
+In 1942 David ____ Lange PM (L) New Zealand, born in
+In 1942 David Russell ____ PM (L) New Zealand, born in
+In 1942 During WW II, Britain launches major offensive at El Alamein,____
+In 1942 During WW II, Britain launches major offensive at____ , Egypt
+El alamein
+In 1942 During WWII Germany completed their occupation of____
+In 1942 First American expeditionary force to land in ____ (WW II)
+In 1942 First American offensive in Pacific in WW2, ____ , Solomon Is
+In 1942 First American pilot to shoot down German fighter plane, SF____
+In 1942 First nylon parachute jump Hartford Ct Adeline____
+In 1942 First self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction demonstrated in one of the squash court under Stagg Field, University of____
+In 1942 Gen. Douglas MacArthur left ____ for Australia
+In 1942 German ____ begin harassing shipping on US east coast
+In 1942 German SS kills ____ Jews in Minsk, Belorussia
+In 1942 German SS kills 25,000 ____ in Minsk, Belorussia
+In 1942 German SS kills 25,000 Jews in____ , Belorussia
+In 1942 Harrison ____ actor (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Frantic), born in
+In 1942 Harrison Ford actor (____ , Indiana Jones, Frantic), born in
+Star wars
+In 1942 Harrison Ford actor (Star Wars, ____ , Frantic), born in
+Indiana jones
+In 1942 Harrison Ford actor (Star Wars, Indiana Jones,____ ), born in
+In 1942 Henry Ford patents a method of constructing ____ auto bodies
+In 1942 Isaac____ , composer, musician, born in
+In 1942 Japanese occupied?
+In 1942 Jerry ____ SF, rocker (Grateful Dead), born in
+In 1942 Linda ____ McCartney, singer, born in
+In 1942 Linda Eastman____ , singer, born in
+In 1942 Massacre at ____ (Czechoslovakia) Gestapo kills 173
+In 1942 Massacre at Lidice (Czechoslovakia) Gestapo kills____
+In 1942 Michael Crichton, author (____ , Jurrasic Park, Rising Sun), born in
+Andromeda strain
+In 1942 Michael Crichton, author (Andromeda Strain, ____ , Rising Sun), born in
+Jurrasic park
+In 1942 Michael Crichton, author (Andromeda Strain, Jurrasic Park,____ ), born in
+Rising sun
+In 1942 Michael____ , actor (Three Musketeers), born in
+In 1942 Michael____ , author (Andromeda Strain, Jurrasic Park, Rising Sun), born in
+In 1942 Mick____ , musician born
+In 1942 Mohammed____ , boxer ,born
+In 1942 Montgomery (Br) defeats ____ (Ger) in battle of Alamein (WW II)
+In 1942 Paul____ , singer (Kodachrome, Graceland), born in
+In 1942 Pyotr I.____ , Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 13, 18, 30), born in
+In 1942 Rommel takes ____ in North Africa
+In 1942 Rommel takes Tobruk in North____
+In 1942 Taj ____ NYC, singer/songwriter (The Real Thing), born in
+In 1942 US and ____ sign Lend-Lease agreement during World War II
+In 1942 US bombers staged 1st independent raid on ____ attack Rouen, France
+In 1942 US bombers staged 1st independent raid on Europe attack____ , France
+In 1942 Wayne ____ , singer, born in
+In 1942____ , boxer who floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, born in
+Muhammed ali
+In 1943 ____ 'Tuesday' Weld (in New York City), actor born
+In 1943 ____ (Leitch) Scotland, rock singer (Mellow Yellow), born in
+In 1943 ____ and Italian Marshal Pietro Badoglio sign an armistice
+In 1943 ____ Chase, comedian, actor (SNL, Vacation, Fletch, Caddyshack), born in
+In 1943 ____ Crumb cartoonist (Father Time), born in
+In 1943 ____ De Niro, actor (Bang the Drum Slowly, Taxi Driver), born in
+In 1943 ____ declares war on former ally Germany
+In 1943 ____ Deneuve (in Paris, France), (Repulsion), born in
+In 1943 ____ found after being adrift 133 days
+Poon lim
+In 1943 ____ invade Italy
+In 1943 ____ Marshall (in New York City), actor (Laverne and Shirley), born in
+In 1943 ____ North, arms dealer, born in
+In 1943 ____ quintuplets born in Buenos Aires, Argentina
+In 1943 ____ surrenders to the allies in WW II
+In 1943 ____ took the oath of office as president of China
+Chiang kai-shek
+In 1943 ____ Walesa, Popowo Poland, leads Polish Solidarity (Nobel 1983), born in
+In 1943 ____ Waters, (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born in
+In 1943 (England) Ben____ , Scarborough, actor, born in
+In 1943 (USA) John ____ singer, born in
+In 1943 Allies invade____
+In 1943 Axis forces in ____ surrender
+North africa
+In 1943 Benito ____ dismissed as premier of Italy during WW II
+In 1943 Canadian Army troops arrive in?
+North africa
+In 1943 Catherine ____ (in Paris, France), (Repulsion), born in
+In 1943 Chevy Chase, comedian, actor (SNL, Vacation, ____ , Caddyshack), born in
+In 1943 Chevy Chase, comedian, actor (SNL, Vacation, Fletch,____ ), born in
+In 1943 Chevy____ , comedian, actor (SNL, Vacation, Fletch, Caddyshack), born in
+In 1943 Composer Sergei ____ died
+In 1943 David____ , record company president, born in
+In 1943 Eisenhower and Italian Marshal ____ Badoglio sign an armistice
+In 1943 Eisenhower and Italian Marshal Pietro ____ sign an armistice
+In 1943 FDR appoints Gen Eisenhower supreme commander of ____ forces
+In 1943 George____ , singer (Beatles), born in
+In 1943 Jews attack Nazi occupation forces at ____ Ghetto
+In 1943 Jews in the ____ Ghetto begin resistance of Nazis
+In 1943 Keith____ , guitarist (Rolling Stones),born
+In 1943 Lebanon gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1943 Lech Walesa, Popowo Poland, leads Polish ____ (Nobel 1983), born in
+In 1943 Lech____ , Popowo Poland, leads Polish Solidarity (Nobel 1983), born in
+In 1943 Lynn ____ (in London, England), actor, political activist, born in
+In 1943 Malcolm____ , actor, born in
+In 1943 Michael ____ comedian (Monty Python, Fish Called Wanda), born in
+In 1943 Mick____ , Rolling Stone singer, born in
+In 1943 Oliver____ , arms dealer, born in
+In 1943 Penny ____ (in New York City), actor (Laverne and Shirley), born in
+In 1943 Penny Marshall (in New York City), actor (____ ), born in
+Laverne and shirley
+In 1943 Poon Lim found after being adrift ____ days
+In 1943 Robert ____ cartoonist (Father Time), born in
+In 1943 Robert De Niro, actor (Bang the Drum Slowly,____ ), born in
+Taxi driver
+In 1943 Robert____ , actor (Bang the Drum Slowly, Taxi Driver), born in
+De niro
+In 1943 Roger____ , (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born in
+In 1943 Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met at____
+In 1943 Soviets announce they broke the long Nazi siege of?
+In 1943 Susan '____ ' Weld (in New York City), actor born
+In 1943 Susan 'Tuesday' ____ (in New York City), actor born
+In 1943 U.S. and Britain invade ____ in WWII
+In 1943 U.S. wins Battle of ____ Sea over Japan
+In 1943 World's largest office building, ____ , completed
+In 1943____ , bluesy rock singer (Down on Me), born in
+Janis joplin
+In 1943, a Swiss chemist accidentally discovered which drug?
+In 1943, the whole population of Naples was dusted with DDT. What organism did this kill?
+In 1944 ____ [Jesse Kuhaulua] Hawaii, 1st non-Japanese sumo champion, born in
+In 1944 ____ Douglas, actor, producer, born in
+In 1944 ____ Elliott, actor, born in
+In 1944 ____ Entwistle, rocker (The Who), born in
+In 1944 ____ Frank, 15, (Diary of Anne Frank) is arrested by Nazis
+In 1944 ____ Gandhi, PM of India (1984-1991), born in
+In 1944 ____ LaBelle, singer born
+In 1944 ____ liberated from Nazi occupation (Romanian National Day)
+In 1944 ____ liberated from Nazi occupation
+In 1944 ____ liberated from the Fascist armies of Mussolini
+In 1944 ____ Observatory is damaged by World War II flying bomb
+In 1944 ____ reoccupied by Allies
+In 1944 ____ Tosh, Jamaica, reggae musician, born in
+In 1944 ____ troops invade Czechoslovakia during WW II
+In 1944 ____ troops invade Yugoslavia
+In 1944 ____ White, singer, born in
+In 1944 1st ____ jet fighter used in combat (Gloster Meteor)
+In 1944 1st B-29 raid against mainland ____
+In 1944 1st jet fighter used in combat (____ 262)
+In 1944 Allied forces liberate ____ from Nazis
+In 1944 Anne Frank, 15, (Diary of Anne Frank) is arrested by____
+In 1944 Anne____ , 15, (Diary of Anne Frank) is arrested by Nazis
+In 1944 Barry____ , singer, born in
+In 1944 Battle of ____ (U.S. victory on Feb 22)
+Eniwetok atoll
+In 1944 Battle of the ____ begins
+In 1944 British troops capture ____ Ethiopia
+Addis ababa
+In 1944 D-Day. Invasion of Europe; Allies storm____ , France
+In 1944 Diana ____ (in Detroit, Michigan), singer (The Supremes), born in
+In 1944 English and Indian troops drove ____ forces during W.W.I
+In 1944 Erno ____ Budapest, inventor (Rubik's cube), born in
+In 1944 First ____ captured and boarded on high seas - U 505
+In 1944 First B-29 bombing raid ____ plane lost; engine failure
+In 1944 First mobile ____ delivered, Philadelphia PA
+Electric power plant
+In 1944 Gary ____ [Paul Gadd] England, rocker (Rock & Roll Part II), born in
+In 1944 George ____ director (Star Wars), born in
+In 1944 German battleship Tirpitz was sunk off____
+In 1944 German Field Marshal ____ Rommel commits suicide rather than face trial for his part in an attempt to overthrow Hitler
+In 1944 German Field Marshal Erwin ____ commits suicide rather than face trial for his part in an attempt to overthrow Hitler
+In 1944 In occupied ____ the Nazis executed more than 300 civilians
+In 1944 Joe ____ England, rock musician (You can leave your hat on), born in
+In 1944 John Entwistle, rocker (____ ), born in
+The who
+In 1944 John____ , rocker (The Who), born in
+In 1944 Ken____ , actor, director, born in
+In 1944 Marvin____ , US composer/pianist (The Sting, Chorus Line), born in
+In 1944 Mary____ , singer (Supremes), born in
+In 1944 Michael Fish British TV ____ , born in
+In 1944 Michael____ , actor, producer, born in
+In 1944 Nazi Germany begins ____ (Fieseler Fi-103) buzz-bomb attacks
+In 1944 Patti____ , singer born
+In 1944 Patty____ , singer born
+In 1944 Peter____ , Jamaica, reggae musician, born in
+In 1944 Rajiv____ , PM of India (1984-1991), born in
+In 1944 Republic of ____ proclaimed at Thingvallir, Iceland
+In 1944 Republic of Iceland proclaimed at____ , Iceland
+In 1944 Revolution by workers and students in____
+In 1944 Rutger____ , actor (Blade Runner, Ladyhawke, Osterman Weekend), born in
+In 1944 Sam____ , actor, born in
+In 1944 Soviet troops invade ____ during WW II
+In 1944 Soviet troops invade____
+In 1944 Stockard ____ (in New York), born in
+In 1944 The assault on ____ begins
+In 1944 US 1st army begins battle of____
+In 1944____ , boxer, born in
+Joe frazier
+In 1945 ____ (Harris Glenn Milstead) film actor, born in
+In 1945 ____ (with 5 streetcar lines) forced to close
+Los angeles railway
+In 1945 ____ becomes 1st nation to formally accept UN Charter
+In 1945 ____ Conference (Roostevelt, Stalin, Churchill) holds first meeting
+In 1945 ____ Day; formal surrender of Japan aboard USS Missouri
+In 1945 ____ declares independence from France (National Day)
+In 1945 ____ declares independence from Netherlands (National Day)
+In 1945 ____ dropped on Hiroshima by the 'Enola Gay' (Pacific Time)
+Atom bomb
+In 1945 ____ Feliciano, singer/songwriter (Light my Fire), born in
+In 1945 ____ liberated from Japanese rule. (Liberation Day in South Korea), born in
+South korea
+In 1945 ____ liberated from Nazi occupation (National Day)
+In 1945 ____ Lithgow, actor (Harry and the Hendersons, 3rd Rock From The Sun), born in
+In 1945 ____ McLean, singer, songwriter (American Pie, Vincent) born
+In 1945 ____ Morrison Belfast, singer (Here Comes the Night), born in
+In 1945 ____ Peron becomes dictator of Argentina
+In 1945 ____ Republic Day
+In 1945 ____ resigns as Britain's PM
+In 1945 ____ troops enter Berlin
+In 1945 'Pepe Le Pew' debuts in his first?
+In 1945 2nd Republic of ____ forms
+In 1945 800 people killed as ____ attacked USS Franklin off Japan
+In 1945 Adolf Hitler and wife ____ commit suicide
+Eva braun
+In 1945 American forces launched the invasion of ____ during WW II
+In 1945 As he vowed, ____ returned to the Philippines
+General Douglas macarthur
+In 1945 Atom Bomb dropped on ____ by the 'Enola Gay' (Pacific Time)
+In 1945 Atom Bomb dropped on Hiroshima by the '____ (Pacific Time)
+Enola gay
+In 1945 Benito ____ Fascist leader & mistress captured, tried, & shot
+In 1945 Bette____ , singer/actress (Do You Want to Dance?), born in
+In 1945 Bjorn ____ , rock vocalist/guitarist (ABBA), born in
+In 1945 British ____ Day
+In 1945 Burt ____ LA Calif, actor (Robin-Batman T.V. Show), born in
+In 1945 Burt Ward LA Calif, actor (Robin____ T.V. Show), born in
+In 1945 Deborah ____ singer (Blondie) actress (Videodrome, Hairspray), born in
+In 1945 Deborah Harry singer (____ ) actress (Videodrome, Hairspray), born in
+In 1945 Deborah Harry singer (Blondie) actress (____ , Hairspray), born in
+In 1945 Deborah Harry singer (Blondie) actress (Videodrome,____ ), born in
+In 1945 Deborah____ , rocker (Blondie-Heart of Glass), born in
+In 1945 Divine (____ Glenn Milstead) film actor, born in
+In 1945 Divine (Harris ____ Milstead) film actor, born in
+In 1945 Divine (Harris Glenn____ ) film actor, born in
+In 1945 Don McLean, singer, songwriter (____ , Vincent) born
+American pie
+In 1945 Don____ , musician (Eagles), born in
+In 1945 Don____ , singer, songwriter (American Pie, Vincent) born
+In 1945 During World War II, US forces crossed the ____ River
+In 1945 During WW II Allied bombers began ____ days of raids over Germany
+In 1945 Ecuador and ____ join the United Nations
+In 1945 Eric____ , guitarist, singer, born in
+In 1945 First atomic blast, ____ Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico
+In 1945 Franklin D. Rooseveldt dies of a ____ in Warm Springs, Ga
+Cerebral hemorrhage
+In 1945 Gen George C. Marshall named special U.S. envoy to____
+In 1945 Gen. ____ declared German defenses on Western Front broken
+In 1945 Indonesia declares independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1945 International ____ Day
+In 1945 International War Crimes Tribunal opens trial of Nazi leaders in____
+In 1945 Japan announces willingness to surrender to Allies provided the status of Emperor ____ remained unchanged
+In 1945 Japanese forces in the ____ surrender to Allies
+In 1945 Japanese forces on ____ surrender to US during WW II
+In 1945 Japanese in S Korea, ____ , China, Indochina surrender to Allies
+In 1945 Japanese in S Korea, Taiwan, ____ , Indochina surrender to Allies
+In 1945 Japanese in S Korea, Taiwan, China, ____ surrender to Allies
+In 1945 Japanese in____ , Taiwan, China, Indochina surrender to Allies
+S korea
+In 1945 Jim ____ cartoonist (Garfield), born in
+In 1945 Jim Davis cartoonist (____ ), born in
+In 1945 John Lithgow, actor (Harry and the Hendersons,____ ), born in
+3rd rock from the sun
+In 1945 John____ , actor (Harry and the Hendersons, 3rd Rock From The Sun), born in
+In 1945 John____ , actor, born in
+In 1945 Jose Feliciano, singer/songwriter (____ ), born in
+Light my fire
+In 1945 Jose____ , singer/songwriter (Light my Fire), born in
+In 1945 Juan ____ becomes dictator of Argentina
+In 1945 Juan Peron becomes dictator of____
+In 1945 Lebanon and ____ are made independent
+In 1945 Marines land on?
+Iwo jima
+In 1945 Mia ____ (in Los Angeles, CA), actress, born in
+In 1945 Nazi ____ committed suicide while in prison at Luneburg, Germany
+In 1945 Nazi concentration camp at ____ liberated by US 80th Division
+In 1945 Nazi General Von ____ surrenders to Russian Marshal Zhukov near Berlin
+In 1945 Nazi Himmler committed suicide while in prison at____ , Germany
+In 1945 Netherlands & ____ liberated from Nazi control
+In 1945 Pat ____ (in Los Angeles), actor (Peyton Place), born in
+In 1945 Peter ____ singer (Who-Tommy), born in
+In 1945 Potsdam Conference (____ , Stalin, Churchill) holds first meeting
+In 1945 Potsdam Conference (Roostevelt, ____ , Churchill) holds first meeting
+In 1945 Potsdam Conference (Roostevelt, Stalin,____ ) holds first meeting
+In 1945 President ____ announced atomic bomb secret shared with Britain and Canada
+In 1945 President Truman announced atomic bomb secret shared with ____ and Canada
+In 1945 President Truman announced atomic bomb secret shared with Britain and____
+In 1945 Priscilla____ , actor, wife of Elvis born
+In 1945 Richard ____ rocker (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born in
+In 1945 Riot in ____ celebrating end of World War II
+San francisco
+In 1945 Rob____ , actor, director (All in the Family, Spinal Tap), born in
+In 1945 Robert____ , rocketry pioneer, died
+In 1945 Roosevelt, ____ , and Stalin began a conference at Yalta
+In 1945 Roosevelt, Churchill, and ____ began a conference at Yalta
+In 1945 Russia takes?
+In 1945 South Korea liberated from ____ rule. (Liberation Day in South Korea), born in
+In 1945 The Soviet Union invaded ____ during World War II
+In 1945 Tokyo ____ raids, using B-29's, damage Imperial Palace
+In 1945 Tom____ , actor (Lance-Rockford Files, Magnum PI), born in
+In 1945 Truman, ____ and Churchill final Allied summit meeting of WWII
+In 1945 Truman, Stalin and ____ final Allied summit meeting of WWII
+In 1945 U.S. and ____ forces recaptured Corregidor
+In 1945 UN Charter signed by ____ nations in SF
+In 1945 Uruguay joined the ____ Nations
+In 1945 US 7th army captured German city of ____
+In 1945 US drops ____ atomic bomb on Japan destroying part of Nagasaki. An estimated 74,000 people died. The original target was Kokura
+In 1945 US drops second atomic bomb on Japan destroying part of Nagasaki. An estimated ____ people died. The original target was Kokura
+In 1945 US drops second atomic bomb on Japan destroying part of____ . An estimated 74,000 people died. The original target was Kokura
+In 1945 US forces defeat ____ at Iwo Jima
+In 1945 US forces land on ____ (complete conquest on March 3)
+In 1945 US liberates Nazi concentration camp in ____ , Germany
+In 1945 US Marines raise flag on____ , famous photo and statue
+Iwo jima
+In 1945 US Navy destroys ____ Japanese ships in the Battle of South China Sea
+In 1945 V-E Day; Germany signs unconditional surrender, ____ ends in Europe
+Ww ii
+In 1945 V-J Day; formal surrender of ____ aboard USS Missouri
+In 1945 V-J Day; formal surrender of Japan aboard USS____
+In 1945 Van ____ Belfast, singer (Here Comes the Night), born in
+In 1945 Vietnam declares independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1945 Women in ____ allowed to vote for the first time
+In 1945 Yalta Conference agreed that ____ would enter WWII against Japan
+In 1945____ , Churchill, and Stalin began a conference at Yalta
+In 1945____ , singer, born in
+Rod stewart
+In 1945____ , Stalin and Churchill final Allied summit meeting of WWII
+In 1946 ____ (in Los Angeles, CA), actor, born in
+Diane keaton
+In 1946 ____ adopts new constitution, becomes a federal republic
+In 1946 ____ Ann Warren (in New York City), actor, born in
+In 1946 ____ Carpenter, musician (Carpenters), born in
+In 1946 ____ disabled Vietnam vet (Born on 4th of July was based on his life), born in
+Ron kovic
+In 1946 ____ gained independence from US
+In 1946 ____ J. Jeans, astrophysicist, dies on his 69th birthday
+In 1946 ____ Lee Jones actor (Volcano, Batman Forever, Under Siege), born in
+In 1946 ____ Mercury, singer, born in
+In 1946 ____ Nazi leaders hanged as war criminals after Nuremberg trials
+In 1946 ____ officially submits to jurisdiction of World Court
+In 1946 ____ Sarandon (in New York City), actor (Great Waldo Pepper) born
+In 1946 ____ Stone NYC, director (Wall St, Good Morning Vietnam, Platoon), born in
+In 1946 ____ Vereen, dancer, actor, singer, born in
+In 1946 ____ went out of business, replaced by the U.N
+League of nations
+In 1946 (England)____ , rocker (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born in
+Syd barrett
+In 1946 (USA) President ____ officially proclaims end of WW-II
+In 1946 1st ____ manufactured; sold for US$39.50
+Electric blanket
+In 1946 1st electric blanket manufactured; sold for US____
+In 1946 28 former Jap leaders indicted in ____ as war criminals
+In 1946 4th French ____ established
+In 1946 Barry____ , singer, jingle writer (Like a Good Neighbor...)
+In 1946 Ben____ , dancer, actor, singer, born in
+In 1946 Candice ____ (in Beverly Hills), actor (Murphy Brown)
+In 1946 Charlotte ____ (in England), actress, born in
+In 1946 David Lynch, director (____ , Eraserhead), born in
+In 1946 Donald ____ master builder (Trump Towers/Plaza/Castle), born in
+In 1946 First ____ licensed for commercial use in New York City
+In 1946 First commercially designed ____ tested at Bridgeport, CT
+In 1946 First radar signal to____ , Belmar, NJ
+In 1946 Freddie____ , singer, born in
+In 1946 Gregory____ , actor, dancer, born in
+In 1946 Hayley ____ (in London, England), actor, born in
+In 1946 Helen ____ [Eleni Mironova], England, actress (Prime Suspect), born in
+In 1946 Henry ____ is first to take off shirt on TV
+In 1946 Italian people chooses ____ over monarchy (National Day)
+In 1946 James J. Jeans, astrophysicist, dies on his ____ birthday
+In 1946 James J.____ , astrophysicist, dies on his 69th birthday
+In 1946 Joanna____ , Kashmir dia, actress (Absolutely Fabulous, The Avengers), born in
+In 1946 Lana ____ (in Santa Monica, CA), actress, born in
+In 1946 League of Nations assembles for ____ time
+In 1946 Leslie ____ Warren (in New York City), actor, born in
+In 1946 Leslie Ann ____ (in New York City), actor, born in
+In 1946 Linda ____ (in Tucson, Arizona), singer born
+In 1946 Liza ____ (in Los Angeles, CA), singer, actor, born in
+In 1946 Louis ____ 's bikini swimsuit design debuts at Paris fashion show
+In 1946 Maud ____ (in Sweden), born in
+In 1946 Mother Frances Xavier ____ canonized as 1st American saint
+In 1946 Nazi ____ Goering poisons himself in prison
+In 1946 Nazi Hermann ____ poisons himself in prison
+In 1946 Oliver ____ NYC, director (Wall St, Good Morning Vietnam, Platoon), born in
+In 1946 Oliver Stone NYC, director (____ , Good Morning Vietnam, Platoon), born in
+Wall st
+In 1946 Oliver Stone NYC, director (Wall St, ____ , Platoon), born in
+Good morning vietnam
+In 1946 Oliver Stone NYC, director (Wall St, Good Morning Vietnam,____ ), born in
+In 1946 Prisoners revolt at____ , 5 die
+In 1946 Richard Carpenter, musician (____ ), born in
+In 1946 Richard____ , musician (Carpenters), born in
+In 1946 Susan ____ (in New York City), actor (Great Waldo Pepper) born
+In 1946 Sylvester ____ NYC, actor/director (Rocky, Rambo, Cobra), born in
+In 1946 Sylvester Stallone NYC, actor/director (____ , Rambo, Cobra), born in
+In 1946 Sylvester Stallone NYC, actor/director (Rocky, ____ , Cobra), born in
+In 1946 Sylvester Stallone NYC, actor/director (Rocky, Rambo,____ ), born in
+In 1946 Ten Nazi leaders hanged as war criminals after ____ trials
+In 1946 Tommy ____ Jones actor (Volcano, Batman Forever, Under Siege), born in
+In 1946 Tommy Lee ____ actor (Volcano, Batman Forever, Under Siege), born in
+In 1946 Tommy Lee Jones actor (____ , Batman Forever, Under Siege), born in
+In 1946 Tommy Lee Jones actor (Volcano, ____ , Under Siege), born in
+Batman forever
+In 1946 Tommy Lee Jones actor (Volcano, Batman Forever,____ ), born in
+Under siege
+In 1946 Tyne ____ (in Madison, WI), actress (Cagney and Lacey), born in
+In 1946 UN Educational, Scientific, and ____ Organization formed. (UNESCO)
+In 1946 UN set up temporary HQ at ____ in the Bronx
+Hunter college
+In 1946 War broke out in Indochina as Ho Chi Minh attacked the____
+In 1946____ , country singer (Dolly, 9 to 5), born in
+Dolly parton
+In 1946____ , rocker/actress (I got you babe, Jack Lalane, Mask), born in
+In 1946, the first TV ____ commercial aired. It was for Mr. Potato Head
+In 1947 ____ accepts constitution for parliamentary democracy
+In 1947 ____ aka Yusuf Islam, rocker (Peace Train, Father and Son), born in
+Cat stevens
+In 1947 ____ and Pakistan granted independence within British Commonwealth after some 200 years of
+In 1947 ____ Dreyfuss, actor (Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind), born in
+In 1947 ____ gained independence from Britain rule
+In 1947 ____ James (O.J.) Simpson, NFL running back (Buffalo Bills), born in
+In 1947 ____ King suspense writer (Shining, Kujo), born in
+In 1947 ____ Kline, actor, born in
+In 1947 ____ Pop [James Osterberg], Mich, rocker (Lust For Life, Search and Destroy), born in
+In 1947 ____ Smith, actress (Charlie's Angel, Nightkill), born in
+In 1947 ____ Waters, singer (Pink Floyd), born in
+In 1947 ____ Yeager pilots the world's first supersonic flight (Mach 1.015 at 12,800 m) at Muroc, CA
+In 1947 (USA) ____ invented by Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley in Bell Labs
+In 1947 Aleister____ , occultist dies at 74
+In 1947 Ann ____ Missouri, soul singer (I Can't Stand the Rain), born in
+In 1947 Billy____ , comedian, born in
+In 1947 Britain's Princess Elizabeth, marries Duke Philip ____ in London's Westminster Abbey
+In 1947 Carlos ____ Mexico, musician (Santana-Black Magic Woman), born in
+In 1947 Carole ____ (in New York), wife of Burt Bachrach, born in
+Bayer sager
+In 1947 Cat Stevens aka____ , rocker (Peace Train, Father and Son), born in
+Yusuf islam
+In 1947 Chuck ____ pilots the world's first supersonic flight (Mach 1.015 at 12,800 m) at Muroc, CA
+In 1947 Dan____ , U.S. Vice-president (1989-1992), alleged twit, born in
+In 1947 David ____ , late night television talk show host, born in
+In 1947 Elton____ , singer, born in
+In 1947 Farrah ____ (in Texas), actress (Charlie's Angels), born in
+In 1947 First automobile to exceed ____ mph, John Cobb, Bonneville Salt Flats
+In 1947 First automobile to exceed 400 mph, ____ Cobb, Bonneville Salt Flats
+In 1947 First automobile to exceed 400 mph, John Cobb, ____ Salt Flats
+In 1947 First automobile to exceed 400 mph, John____ , Bonneville Salt Flats
+In 1947 First instant develop ____ demonstrated in NY City by E. H. Land
+In 1947 First reported sighting of Flying Saucers, near Mt. Rainier, ____ by Kenneth Arnold of Boise, Idaho
+In 1947 Frankie____ , seasonal singer, born in
+In 1947 Glenn ____ (in Greenwich, Connecticut), actor, born in
+In 1947 India and ____ granted independence within British Commonwealth after some 200 years of
+In 1947 India and Pakistan granted independence within ____ Commonwealth after some 200 years of
+In 1947 India and Pakistan granted independence within British Commonwealth after some ____ years of British rule
+In 1947 International ____ began operations
+Monetary fund
+In 1947 Jaclyn____ , actress (Charlie's Angel, Nightkill), born in
+In 1947 Kevin____ , actor, born in
+In 1947 Kiki ____ (in Yorkshire, England), singer, born in
+In 1947 Malcolm ____ founded rock group (Sex Pistols-God Save the Queen), born in
+In 1947 National Security Act establishes the____
+In 1947 Pakistan gained independence from ____ rule
+In 1947 Richard____ , actor (Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind), born in
+In 1947 Roger Waters, singer (____ ), born in
+Pink floyd
+In 1947 Roger____ , singer (Pink Floyd), born in
+In 1947 Stephane____ , actrss, born in
+In 1947 Stephen ____ suspense writer (Shining, Kujo), born in
+In 1947 Steven____ , director (Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc.),born
+In 1947 Ted____ , SD Calif, actor (Sam Malone-Cheers, 3 Men & a Baby), born in
+In 1947 The Bulgarian Government adopts a ____ Constitution
+In 1947 U.N. General Assmebly allows for a ____ state in Palestine
+In 1947 U.S. ____ confirmed
+Atomic energy commission
+In 1947____ , musician, actor, born in
+David bowie
+In 1948 ____ (now Sri Lanka) gained independence from Britain
+In 1948 ____ becomes queen of the Netherlands
+In 1948 ____ Hartman comedian (SNL, Newsradio, Simpsons (Voice of Troy McLure)), born in
+In 1948 ____ India's pacifist, assassinated
+Mahatma gandhi
+In 1948 ____ Irons, English actor (French Lieutenant's Woman), born in
+In 1948 ____ is established
+World health organization
+In 1948 ____ Jackson (in Alabama), actor (Charley's Angels, Making Love), born in
+In 1948 ____ Kidder (in Yellowknife), actor (Superman), born in
+In 1948 ____ National Day
+In 1948 ____ Remek, first Czechoslovakian space traveler (Soyuz 28), born in
+In 1948 ____ Williams (in Van Nuys, CA), actor (Laverne and Shirley), born in
+In 1948 (France) Gerard____ , actor, born in
+In 1948 1st stored computer program run, on ____ Mark I
+In 1948 Alice____ , musician, born in
+In 1948 Andrew____ , composer (Evita, Cats, J.C. Superstar), born in
+Lloyd webber
+In 1948 Barbara ____ (in Atlanta, Georgia), actress, born in
+In 1948 Baseball legend ____ died in New York at the age of 53
+Babe ruth
+In 1948 Baseball legend Babe Ruth died in ____ at the age of 53
+New york
+In 1948 Baseball legend Babe Ruth died in New York at the age of____
+In 1948 Bernadette ____ (in Queens, New York), actress, Tony winner, born in
+In 1948 Brian ____ rocker (Here Comes the Warm Jets), born in
+In 1948 Brian____ , singer, songwriter, born in
+In 1948 Britain's House of Commons voted to nationalize ____ industry
+In 1948 Cindy ____ (in Van Nuys, CA), actor (Laverne and Shirley), born in
+In 1948 Cindy Williams (in Van Nuys, CA), actor (____ ), born in
+Laverne and shirley
+In 1948 Communists take over____
+In 1948 Emmylou ____ (in Alabama), singer, born in
+In 1948 First ____ is sold
+Tape recorder
+In 1948 First civilian to exceed ____ ____ H. H. Houver at Edwards Air Force Base, CA
+Speed of sound
+In 1948 James____ , singer, songwriter, born in
+In 1948 Japanese premier ____ sentenced to death by war crimes tribunal
+In 1948 Jeremy____ , English actor (French Lieutenant's Woman), born in
+In 1948 Jerry____ , Sioux City Iowa, actor (Beaver-Leave It To Beaver), born in
+In 1948 Juliana becomes queen of the____
+In 1948 Kate ____ (in Alabama), actor (Charley's Angels, Making Love), born in
+In 1948 Katie ____ vocals/guitarist (B-52's-Rock Lobster, Love Shack), born in
+In 1948 Leo ____ [Gerard], England, singer (When I Need Love), born in
+In 1948 Margot ____ (in Yellowknife), actor (Superman), born in
+In 1948 Margot Kidder (in Yellowknife), actor (____ ), born in
+In 1948 Mikhail____ , ballet dancer, actor, born in
+In 1948 Ozzy ____ heavy metal musician, born in
+In 1948 People's Democratic Republic of ____ proclaimed
+In 1948 Phil ____ comedian (SNL, Newsradio, Simpsons (Voice of Troy McLure)), born in
+In 1948 PM Tojo, 6 other Japanese hung for ____ crimes by US
+In 1948 Republic of ____ (South Korea) proclaimed (National Day)
+In 1948 Republic of ____ founded
+In 1948 Soviets blockades ____ from the west
+In 1948 Steve ____ England, rocker (A Higher Love), born in
+In 1948 Steve____ , Aerosmith's lead singer, born in
+In 1948 Stevie ____ , rocker (Fleetwood Mac), born in
+In 1948 The flag of ____ is adopted
+In 1948 UN Gen Assembly unanimously approves Convention on____
+In 1948 UN General Assembly adopts Universal Declaration on ____ Rights
+In 1948 UN's ____ forms
+In 1948 US denounces ____ blockade of Berlin
+In 1948 Vladimir____ , first Czechoslovakian space traveler (Soyuz 28), born in
+In 1948____ , director/composer (Halloween, The Thing), born in
+John carpenter
+In 1949 ____ (Leslie Hornby) (in England), model, actor (Blues Brothers), born in
+In 1949 ____ adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic
+In 1949 ____ Assante, actor (Q&A, Judge Dredd) born
+In 1949 ____ becomes associated state within French Union
+In 1949 ____ becomes first network western
+Hopalong cassidy
+In 1949 ____ Begley, Jr., actor (St. Elsewhere, Real Genius, Spinal Tap), born in
+In 1949 ____ detonates its 1st atomic bomb
+In 1949 ____ Gaynor Newark NJ, disco singer (I Will Survive), born in
+In 1949 ____ Gere Phila Pa, actor (Breathless, Cotton Club), born in
+In 1949 ____ Knopfler guitar/vocals (Dire Straits), born in
+In 1949 ____ Long (in Fort Wayne, IN), actor, born in
+In 1949 ____ renames itself Thailand
+In 1949 ____ Republic comes into existence
+In 1949 ____ Simmons Queens, NY, rocker (KISS), born in
+In 1949 ____ US Communist Party leaders convicted of sedition
+In 1949 ____ Watson, Golfer born
+In 1949 ____ Weaver (in Los Angeles), actor (Aliens, GhostBusters), born in
+In 1949 ____ Wendt, actor (Cheers), born in
+In 1949 (USA)____ , actor (V, Nightmare on Elm Street), born in
+Robert englund
+In 1949 14 US Communist Party leaders convicted of____
+In 1949 Armand____ , actor (Q&A, Judge Dredd) born
+In 1949 Bao ____ 's Republic of Vietnam gained independence from France
+In 1949 Billy ____ (in the Bronx, NY), singer, pianoman born
+In 1949 By a vote of 37-12, ____ becomes 59th member of UN
+In 1949 Chaim ____ becomes the first Israeli president
+In 1949 Ed____ , Jr., actor (St. Elsewhere, Real Genius, Spinal Tap), born in
+In 1949 Erik____ , actor, born in
+In 1949 First ____ Awards are given out
+In 1949 First ____ election
+In 1949 First ____ Rights Day
+In 1949 First museum devoted exclusively to____ , Oak Ridge, TN
+Atomic energy
+In 1949 First non-stop, ____ airplane flight completed
+In 1949 First practical ____ TV tube announced ____ Toledo, Oh
+In 1949 First rocket to reach outer space launched at____ , NM
+White sands
+In 1949 Gene ____ Queens, NY, rocker (KISS), born in
+In 1949 George Wendt, actor (____ ), born in
+In 1949 George____ , actor (Cheers), born in
+In 1949 Gloria ____ Newark NJ, disco singer (I Will Survive), born in
+In 1949 Gloria Gaynor Newark NJ, disco singer (____ ), born in
+I will survive
+In 1949 Hunter S. Thompson, ____ journalist born
+In 1949 Jessica ____ Cloquet Minnesota, actress (King Kong, Tootsie) , born in
+In 1949 Lindsay ____ LA Ca, actress (Bionic Woman, Paper Chase, Nighthawks), born in
+In 1949 Mark ____ guitar/vocals (Dire Straits), born in
+In 1949 Meryl ____ NJ, actress (French Lieutenant's Woman, Sophie's Choice), born in
+In 1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (____ ) established
+In 1949 Patrick____ , actor, born in
+In 1949 Peoples Rebulic of ____ proclaimed
+In 1949 Richard ____ Phila Pa, actor (Breathless, Cotton Club), born in
+In 1949 Shelley ____ (in Fort Wayne, IN), actor, born in
+In 1949 Sigourney ____ (in Los Angeles), actor (Aliens, GhostBusters), born in
+In 1949 Sigourney Weaver (in Los Angeles), actor (____ , GhostBusters), born in
+In 1949 Sigourney Weaver (in Los Angeles), actor (Aliens,____ ), born in
+In 1949 State of ____ formed
+In 1949 Tom____ , Golfer born
+In 1949 Twiggy (____ Hornby) (in England), model, actor (Blues Brothers), born in
+In 1949 Twiggy (Leslie____ ) (in England), model, actor (Blues Brothers), born in
+In 1949 Walter Baade discovers asteroid ____ inside orbit of Mercury
+In 1949 West ____ was proclaimed
+In 1949 West begins ____ Airlift to get supplies around Soviet blockade
+In 1949____ , boxer, born in
+George foreman
+In 1949, forecasting the relentless march of science, Popular Mechanics said computers in the future may weigh no more than ____ tons
+In 1949, what drug was first used to treat arthritis?
+In 1950 ____ Anniversary
+In 1950 ____ Hynde, rocker (Pretenders), born in
+In 1950 ____ issues its 1st credit cards
+Diner's club
+In 1950 ____ Landis actor (American Werewolf in London), born in
+In 1950 ____ Landis director (Twilight Zone), born in
+In 1950 ____ Murray Evanston Ill, comedian (SNL, what About Bob, Stripes), born in
+In 1950 (England) ____ recognizes Communist government of China
+In 1950 American network ____ begins the tradition of Saturday morning kid shows
+In 1950 Bill ____ Evanston Ill, comedian (SNL, what About Bob, Stripes), born in
+In 1950 Bill Murray Evanston Ill, comedian (SNL, what About Bob,____ ), born in
+In 1950 Bob ____ makes his first TV appearance
+In 1950 China enters ____ conflict
+In 1950 Chinese troops crossed the 38th Parallel in____
+In 1950 Chrissie____ , rocker (Pretenders), born in
+In 1950 Christian____ , French couturier, born in
+In 1950 Cybill ____ (in Memphis, TN), actress (Moonlighting, Sybil), born in
+In 1950 David ____ , Shirley Jones' kid on TV and real life, born in
+In 1950 Element 98 - ____ announced
+In 1950 First ____ player in National Basketball Association, Fort Wayne, IN
+In 1950 First jet plane combat victor in ____ - RJ Brown
+In 1950 George____ , author (Animal Farm, 1984), dies in London at 46
+In 1950 George____ , British novelist, dies in London at 46
+In 1950 Great Brink's robbery in____ , $28 million
+In 1950 India becomes a republic ceasing to be a ____ dominion. Indian Republic Day Celebrated
+In 1950 Intl Olympic Committee votes admission to West Germany & ____ in '52
+In 1950 Jay ____ New Rochelle, comedian (Tonight Show host), born in
+In 1950 John ____ actor (American Werewolf in London), born in
+In 1950 John ____ director (Twilight Zone), born in
+In 1950 Karen ____ (in Connecticut), drummer for the Carpenters, singer, born in
+In 1950 King ____ of Belgium abdicates, Baudouin becomes king
+In 1950 King Leopold of ____ abdicates, Baudouin becomes king
+In 1950 King Leopold of Belgium abdicates, ____ becomes king
+In 1950 Leroy ____ awarded first Order of Purple Heart in Korea
+In 1950 Mark____ , swimmer, born in
+In 1950 Morgan ____ (in Dallas, TX), actress, born in
+In 1950 Natalie ____ (in Los Angeles, CA), singer, born in
+In 1950 Peter____ , rocker (Genesis-Against All Odds), born in
+In 1950 Pres. ____ ordered the Air Force and Navy into the Korean conflict
+In 1950 Princess ____ of England, born in
+In 1950 Ron ____ , actor, born in
+In 1950 Shozo Fujii ____ champion, born in
+In 1950 South Africa passes ____ segregating races
+Group areas act
+In 1950 Stevie____ , singer/songwriter (You are The Sunshine of My Love), born in
+In 1950 Suzi ____ (in Detroit, Michigan), musician, born in
+In 1950 Territory of ____ created
+In 1950 The United Nations gets approval from the U.S. government for issuing ____ stamps
+In 1950 U.S. forces invade Korea by crossing the ____ parallel
+In 1950 UN forces entered____ , the capital of North Korea
+In 1950 Victoria ____ (in Japan), actor (Dallas), born in
+In 1950, which mountain was the first of over 26,000 feet to be climbed to the summit?
+In 1951 ____ (in Kentucky), singer, born in
+Crystal gayle
+In 1951 ____ Cougar Mellencamp, singer, born in
+In 1951 ____ Dawber Detroit, actress (Mindy-Mork and Mindy), born in
+In 1951 ____ Keaton, actor (Pacific Heights, Batman, Multiplicity), born in
+In 1951 ____ Ramone, rock guitarist, born in
+In 1951 (USA) 1st battery to convert radioactive energy to ____ announced
+In 1951 1st commercial computer, ____ , enters service at Census Bureau
+In 1951 1st long distance telephone call without ____ assistance
+In 1951 Abdullah Ibn____ , Jordan's King, assassinated in Jerusalem, born in
+In 1951 Ace ____ Bronx NY, heavy metal rocker (Kiss), born in
+In 1951 Anjelica____ , actress, born...
+In 1951 Armistice talks to end the Korean conflict began at____
+In 1951 First ____ atomic explosion, Frenchman Flat, Nevada
+In 1951 First ____ explosion witnessed by troops, NM
+In 1951 First ____ jet crossing
+North pole
+In 1951 First ____ of atomic explosion
+In 1951 First ____ to intercept an airplane, White Sands, NM
+In 1951 First treaty signed by female ambassador - ____ Anderson
+In 1951 First treaty signed by female ambassador - Eugenie____
+In 1951 Jane ____ [Joyce Frankenberg], Middlesex England, actress (Dr Quinn, East of Eden, Lassiter), born in
+In 1951 Jay ____ patents computer core memory
+In 1951 John ____ Mellencamp, singer, born in
+In 1951 John Cougar____ , singer, born in
+In 1951 Johnny____ , rock guitarist, born in
+In 1951 Julius & Ethel ____ , atomic spies, sentenced to death
+In 1951 Kurt____ , actor, born in
+In 1951 Lynda ____ Phoenix Az, Miss USA/actress (Wonder Woman, Billie Jo).born
+In 1951 Lynda Carter Phoenix Az, Miss USA/actress (____ , Billie Jo).born
+Wonder woman
+In 1951 Michael Keaton, actor (____ , Batman, Multiplicity), born in
+Pacific heights
+In 1951 Michael Keaton, actor (Pacific Heights, ____ , Multiplicity), born in
+In 1951 Michael Keaton, actor (Pacific Heights, Batman,____ ), born in
+In 1951 Michael____ , actor (Pacific Heights, Batman, Multiplicity), born in
+In 1951 Pam ____ Detroit, actress (Mindy-Mork and Mindy), born in
+In 1951 Pam Dawber Detroit, actress (Mindy____ ), born in
+Mork and mindy
+In 1951 Paul ____ rocker (Squeeze/Ace-How Long), born in
+In 1951 Peabo ____ , singer, born in
+In 1951 Phil____ , England, singer/drummer (Genesis-Against All Odds), born in
+In 1951 President ____ asked Congress to formally end the state of war with Germany
+In 1951 Shigeki ____ , survivor of Hiroshima A-bomb, wins Boston Marathon
+In 1951 Sir ____ Geldof pop musician (Boomtown Rats, Band Aid), born in
+In 1951 Sir Bob ____ pop musician (Boomtown Rats, Band Aid), born in
+In 1951 Sir Bob Geldof pop musician (____ , Band Aid), born in
+Boomtown rats
+In 1951 Sir Bob Geldof pop musician (Boomtown Rats,____ ), born in
+Band aid
+In 1951 Sir Richard ____ Christchurch, NZ, New Zealand Cricket Legend, born in
+In 1951 Sting, musician (____ ), actor (Dune) born
+In 1951 Sting, musician (Police), actor (____ ) born
+In 1951 United Kingdom of ____ gained independence from Italy via the UN
+In 1951 US, ____ and New Zealand sign ANZUS treaty
+In 1951 US, Australia and ____ sign ANZUS treaty
+New zealand
+In 1951____ , actress, born in
+Victoria principal
+In 1951____ , Australia and New Zealand sign ANZUS treaty
+In 1951____ , musician (Police), actor (Dune) born
+In 1952 ____ Barker, novelist (Hell Raiser) born
+In 1952 ____ becomes queen of Great Britain
+Elizabeth ii
+In 1952 ____ Connors, tennis player born
+In 1952 ____ constitution adopted (National Day)
+In 1952 ____ Goldblum, actor (The Fly, Silverado, Buckaroo Bonzai, ID4), born in
+In 1952 ____ Hamill, actor (Star Wars), born in
+In 1952 ____ Prunariu, first Rumanian space traveler (on board Soyuz 40), born in
+In 1952 ____ Reeve, actor (Superman, Somewhere in Time), born in
+In 1952 ____ Stewart, rocker (Eurythmics-Here Comes the Rain Again), born in
+In 1952 ____ Swayze Houston Tx, actor/dancer (Dirty Dancing, Ghost), born in
+In 1952 'Marvelous' ____ (in New Jersey), boxer, born in
+Marvin hagler
+In 1952 1st commercial jet plane, ____ Comet
+In 1952 Annette ____ (in Houston, TX), actor, born in
+In 1952 Chaim Weizmann 1st pres of____ , dies at 57
+In 1952 Christopher____ , actor (Superman, Somewhere in Time), born in
+In 1952 Clarence Birdseye markets frozen____
+In 1952 Clive____ , novelist (Hell Raiser) born
+In 1952 Dan____ , Ottawa Canada, comedian/actor (SNL, Dragnet), born in
+In 1952 Dave Stewart, rocker (____ -Here Comes the Rain Again), born in
+In 1952 Dave____ , rocker (Eurythmics-Here Comes the Rain Again), born in
+In 1952 David ____ Dunbartin Scotand, rocker (Talking Heads-Psycho Killer) , born in
+In 1952 David____ , actor, born in
+In 1952 Dumitru____ , first Rumanian space traveler (on board Soyuz 40), born in
+In 1952 First ____ device exploded at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific
+In 1952 First ____ high frequency (UHF) television station, Portland, OR
+In 1952 First helicopter ____ flight began
+In 1952 First landing by an ____ at geographic North Pole
+In 1952 First plastic lens for ____ patients fitted, Philadelphia, PA
+In 1952 First ultra high frequency (UHF) television station, ____ , OR
+In 1952 Jeff Goldblum, actor (____ , Silverado, Buckaroo Bonzai, ID4), born in
+The fly
+In 1952 Jeff____ , actor (The Fly, Silverado, Buckaroo Bonzai, ID4), born in
+In 1952 Jimmy____ , tennis player, born in
+In 1952 John ____ actor (Roseanne, Everyone's All American), born in
+In 1952 Mark____ , actor (Star Wars), born in
+In 1952 Mel ____ author/comedian, born in
+In 1952 Monarchy overthrown in ____ (National Day)
+In 1952 Mr T [Lawrence Tero], ____ , actor, (A-Team, Rocky III, T & T), born in
+In 1952 Patrick ____ Houston Tx, actor/dancer (Dirty Dancing, Ghost), born in
+In 1952 Patrick Swayze Houston Tx, actor/dancer (____ , Ghost), born in
+Dirty dancing
+In 1952 Patrick Swayze Houston Tx, actor/dancer (Dirty Dancing,____ ), born in
+In 1952 Paul____ , rock guitarist (KISS), born in
+In 1952 Pierce ____ (in Israel), actor (current James Bond), born in
+In 1952 PM Winston Churchill announced that Britain had its own?
+Atomic bomb
+In 1952 President Harry Truman seizes ____ industry to avoid a strike
+In 1952 President-elect ____ visits Korea to assess the war
+In 1952 Robin ____ Chicago Ill, comedian (Mork and Mindy, Awakenings), born in
+In 1952 Roseanne ____ Arnold Salt Lake City, comedienne/TV star (Roseanne), born in
+In 1952 Susan____ , actor (First Love, LA Law), born in
+In 1952 UN turns over ____ to Ethiopia
+In 1952 UN turns over Eritrea to____
+In 1952 US explodes world's first ____ bomb at Eniwetok Atoll
+In 1952 WW II ____ peace treaty takes effect
+In 1953 ____ elects it's 1st president (Marshal Tito)
+In 1953 ____ gains full independence from France
+In 1953 ____ Petty, Florida, USA, singer, born in
+In 1953 ____ proclaimed a republic
+In 1953 ____ signed ending Korean War
+In 1953 (USA) ____ announces development of the hydrogen bomb
+Pres truman
+In 1953 (USA) Richard____ , pianist, born in
+In 1953 1st successful separation of ____ twins
+In 1953 Abdul-Aziz ibn Sa'ud founder of ____ Arabia, dies (born c 1880)
+In 1953 Benazir ____ 1st female leader of a Moslem nation (Pakistan), born in
+In 1953 Benazir Bhutto 1st female leader of a Moslem nation (____ ), born in
+In 1953 Cambodia (now Kampuchea) gains ____ within French Union
+In 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in____
+Westminster abbey
+In 1953 Dr. Jonas ____ announced a new vaccine against polio
+In 1953 Dylan ____ author-poet, dies in NY at 39
+In 1953 Fidel ____ leads attack on Moncada Barracks, begins Cuban Revolution
+In 1953 Fidel Castro leads attack on ____ Barracks, begins Cuban Revolution
+In 1953 First color network telecast in compatible color____ , MA
+In 1953 First passenger to fly commercially around the world in less than ____ hours
+In 1953 House of ____ , first feature-length 3-D movie, released in New York
+In 1953 Joanna____ , actress, born in
+In 1953 Josef ____ died
+In 1953 Laos gains full independence from____
+In 1953 Northern Rhodesia becomes part of Federation of ____ & Nyasaland
+In 1953 Northern Rhodesia becomes part of Federation of Rhodesia &____
+In 1953 Oprah____ , actress/TV host (Color Purple), born in
+In 1953 Russia publicly acknowledges a test detonation of a ____ bomb
+In 1953 Soviet Union conducts secret test of its 1st ____ bomb
+In 1953 Tom____ , Florida, USA, singer, born in
+In 1953 Winston Churchill ____ by Queen Elizabeth II
+In 1953____ , singer, born in
+Pat benatar
+In 1953, which group did clyde mcphatter form after leaving 'the dominoes'?
+In 1954 ____ (in Connecticut), actor (Dallas), born in
+Pamela sue martin
+In 1954 ____ actor (Maltese Falcon), dies at 74
+Sydney greenstreet
+In 1954 ____ Bakula, actor (Quantum Leap, The Invaders), born in
+In 1954 ____ beats Hungary 3-2 for Football's 5th World Cup in Bern
+West Germany
+In 1954 ____ Bernsen North Hollywood Calif, actor (Arnie Becker-LA Law), born in
+In 1954 ____ Costello [Declan Patrick McManus], rocker (Allison), born in
+In 1954 ____ joins North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
+West Germany
+In 1954 ____ marries baseball star Joe DiMaggio
+Marilyn monroe
+In 1954 (USA) Denzel____ , actor, born in
+In 1954 Adam ____ [Stuart Goddard], punk rocker (If I Strip For You), born in
+In 1954 Armistice divides Vietnam into ____ countries
+In 1954 Bell labs announces 1st ____ battery (NYC)
+In 1954 Christie____ , model, born in
+In 1954 Construction begins on____
+In 1954 Corbin ____ North Hollywood Calif, actor (Arnie Becker-LA Law), born in
+In 1954 Corbin Bernsen North Hollywood Calif, actor (Arnie Becker____ ), born in
+La law
+In 1954 Dennis ____ , actor, born in
+In 1954 Elvis ____ [Declan Patrick McManus], rocker (Allison), born in
+In 1954 Elvis Presley records his first two singles at ____ Studios
+Sun record
+In 1954 First ____ computer program run
+In 1954 First ____ machine (photo engraving) used at Quincy, Mass
+In 1954 First rocket to exceed ____ altitude - White Sands, NM
+150 mile
+In 1954 Ground breaking for____ , the Magic Kingdom, in Anaheim, CA
+In 1954 Jerry ____ comedian (Seinfeld), born in
+In 1954 Jim____ , Chicago Ill, comedian (Sat Night Live, Trading Places), born in
+In 1954 John____ , actor, born in
+In 1954 Kathleen____ , actress, born in
+In 1954 Laos gains its____
+In 1954 Leslie-Anne ____ (in London, England), actor, born in
+In 1954 Nancy ____ (in San Francisco, CA), singer (Heart), born in
+In 1954 Nautilus, 1st ____ powered submarine launched
+In 1954 Pope ____ canonized a saint
+Pius x
+In 1954 Ray ____ Jr rocker (Ghostbusters theme), born in
+In 1954 RCA manufactures the first ____ television set
+In 1954 Ron____ , actor (Mayberry RFD, Happy Days, American Graffiti), director (Splash, Cocoon, Backdraft), born in
+In 1954 Scott Bakula, actor (____ , The Invaders), born in
+Quantum leap
+In 1954 Scott____ , actor (Quantum Leap, The Invaders), born in
+In 1954 West Germany beats ____ 3-2 for Football's 5th World Cup in Bern
+In 1954 West Germany beats Hungary 3-2 for Football's 5th World Cup in____
+In 1955 ____ actor (Fandango, Silverado, Bull Durham), born in
+Kevin costner
+In 1955 ____ Dean, actor, died in a car crash (born Feb 08, 1931)
+In 1955 ____ Lee Roth, rocker, born in
+In 1955 ____ Ma, cellist, born in
+In 1955 ____ model/David Bowie's wife/actress (Star Trek VI), born in
+In 1955 ____ opens its doors in rural Orange County
+In 1955 ____ proclaims Vietnam a republic with himself as president
+Ngo dinh diem
+In 1955 ____ regains full independence after 4-power occupation
+In 1955 ____ resigns as British PM, Anthony Eden succeeds him
+Winston churchill
+In 1955 ____ Rudner comedienne, born in
+In 1955 1st sun-powered automobile demonstrated, ____ , Ill
+In 1955 2 killed, many dazed when lightning strikes ____ racetrack, England
+In 1955 Australia takes control of the ____ Islands
+In 1955 Commercial ____ begins in England
+In 1955 Dana____ , comedian (Sat Night Live, Wayne's World), born in
+In 1955 David ____ Roth, rocker, born in
+In 1955 David Lee____ , rocker, born in
+In 1955 Debra ____ (in Columbus, Ohio), actor, born in
+In 1955 Disneyland opens its doors in rural ____ County
+In 1955 Element ____ announced - element 101
+In 1955 First aviator to bail out at ____ speed - G. F. Smith
+In 1955 First electric power generated from ____ sold commercially
+Atomic energy
+In 1955 First oil drill ____ rig placed in service
+Sea going
+In 1955 Greg____ , golfer, born in
+In 1955 Howard____ , musician, born in
+In 1955 Hundreds killed in anti-French rioting in ____ and Algeria
+In 1955 Hundreds killed in anti-French rioting in Morocco and____
+In 1955 Israel acquires 4 of the 7 dead sea?
+In 1955 James____ , actor, died in a car crash (born Feb 08, 1931)
+In 1955 Lee____ , actor, born in
+In 1955 Margeaux ____ (in Portland, Oregon), actress, daughter of Ernest, born in
+In 1955 Mark David ____ assassin of John Lennon, born in
+In 1955 Mick ____ rocker (The Clash, Big Audio Dynamite), born in
+In 1955 Olga ____ (in Russia), gymnast, born in
+In 1955 Pope Pius XII ex-communicated Argentine President____
+Juan peron
+In 1955 Pres ____ suffered a heart attack on vacation in Denver
+In 1955 Pres Eisenhower suffered a heart attack on vacation in____
+In 1955 President Jose Antonio Remon of ____ assassinated
+In 1955 Production announced-first pilot plant to produce man-made?
+In 1955 Reba____ , singer, born in
+In 1955 Rita ____ comedienne, born in
+In 1955 Sandra____ , actress, born in
+In 1955 Steven____ , co-founder of Apple Computer, born in
+In 1955 U.S.'s First automobile ____ legislation is enacted in Illinois
+Seat belt
+In 1955 United Nations ____ hearing
+In 1955 Willem____ , actor, born in
+In 1955 World's first nuclear powered ship,____
+Uss nautilus
+In 1955 Yo-Yo____ , cellist, born in
+In 1955____ , actress (Cheers, Star Trek II), born in
+Kirstie alley
+In 1955, Elvis Presley and his original back up group, The Blue Moon Boys auditioned for a widely syndicated coat-to-coast amateur show, but were rejected. What was the name of the show?
+Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts
+In 1955's 'the blackboard jungle' sidney poitier played a tough high school kid. 12 years later, he was the teacher in which movie?
+To sir with love
+In 1956 ____ (Comedian), born in
+Rowan atikinson
+In 1956 ____ 1st televised
+King kong
+In 1956 ____ Cattrall, Liverpool England, actress (Mannequin, Star Trek VI), born in
+In 1956 ____ Fisher (in Beverly Hills), actor (Star Wars, Blues Brothers), born in
+In 1956 ____ gains its independence
+In 1956 ____ marries Prince Rainier of Monaco (civil ceremony)
+Grace kelly
+In 1956 ____ Navratilova, Prague, Czech Republic, tennis champion (Wimbeldon 1989,79,82-87), born in
+In 1956 ____ Presley appears on national TV for 1st time (Ed Sullivan)
+In 1956 ____ seizes Suez Canal
+In 1956 ____ Zimbalist NYC, actress (Remington Steele, Centennial), born in
+In 1956 (England)____ , comedian/actor (Never Say Never Again, Mr. Bean, Blackadder), born in
+Rowan atkinson
+In 1956 156-day strike against ____ ended
+In 1956 Ampex Corporation demonstrates first commercial ____ recorder. It's a unit the size of a deep-freeze, with an additional 5 6-foot racks of circuitry
+In 1956 Atomic fusion (thermonuclear) bomb dropped from plane____
+Bikini atoll
+In 1956 Bjorn____ , tennis player, born in
+In 1956 Carrie ____ (in Beverly Hills), actor (Star Wars, Blues Brothers), born in
+In 1956 Carrie Fisher (in Beverly Hills), actor (____ , Blues Brothers), born in
+Star wars
+In 1956 Carrie Fisher (in Beverly Hills), actor (Star Wars,____ ), born in
+Blues brothers
+In 1956 David Bryant became the first World Champion in which sport?
+In 1956 Elvis ____ appears on national TV for 1st time (Ed Sullivan)
+In 1956 First atomic power ____ exhibited ____ New York City
+In 1956 First transatlantic ____ cable goes into operation
+In 1956 Forrester issued a patent for computer ____ memory
+In 1956 France recognizes ____ 's independence
+In 1956 H.L.____ , satirist, critic, dies in Baltimore at 75
+In 1956 Heavyweight champ, Rocky ____ , retires undefeated from boxing
+In 1956 Hungary appeals for UN assistance against ____ invasion
+In 1956 Israeli paratroopers drop into the Sinai to open Straits of____
+In 1956 Israeli troops reach the ____ Canal for the first time
+In 1956 James____ . actor, born in
+In 1956 Japan admitted to the United____
+In 1956 Jerry ____ Mesquite Tx, model, born in
+In 1956 Jimmy____ , actor (L.A. Law), born in
+In 1956 Johnny ____ [John Lydon], rocker (Sex Pistols-God Save the Queen), born in
+In 1956 Kim____ , Liverpool England, actress (Mannequin, Star Trek VI), born in
+In 1956 Martina____ , Prague, Czech Republic, tennis champion (Wimbeldon 1989,79,82-87), born in
+In 1956 Pakistan became ____ within the British Commonwealth
+In 1956 Republicans start convention at the____ , San Francisco
+Cow palace
+In 1956 Singer Nat Cole attacked on stage of ____ theater by whites
+In 1956 South African ____ demonstrate against pass laws
+In 1956 Speech by ____ blasting Stalin made public
+In 1956 Stephanie ____ NYC, actress (Remington Steele, Centennial), born in
+In 1956 Stephanie Zimbalist NYC, actress (____ , Centennial), born in
+Remington steele
+In 1956 Timothy____ , actor, James Bond #4, born in
+In 1956 Tom____ , actor, born in
+In 1956 US Lab detects high-temperature microwave radiation from ____
+In 1956____ , actor, born in
+Mel gibson
+In 1957 ____ -Manuel Fangio, wins his last auto World Championship at 46
+In 1957 ____ (Malaysia) gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1957 ____ actor, dies at 57
+Humphrey bogart
+In 1957 ____ Ascoli Italian developed anti-tuberculosis vaccine, dies
+In 1957 ____ Equipment Corp. founded
+In 1957 ____ Estefan, Cuba, singer, born in
+In 1957 ____ Fahey rocker (Bananarama), born in
+In 1957 ____ Griffith, actor, born in
+In 1957 ____ king of Norway, dies, Olaf succeeds him
+Haakon vii
+In 1957 ____ Motor Co. introduced the Edsel! (Oh boy !)
+In 1957 ____ orders US troops to desegregate Little Rock schools
+In 1957 ____ Tiegs (in Minnesota), model and actor, born in
+In 1957 Albert ____ Italian developed anti-tuberculosis vaccine, dies
+In 1957 Announcement of discovery of atomic element 102 ____
+In 1957 Cavern Club opens on ____ Street in England
+In 1957 Charles ____ of Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopaedias, dies at 76
+In 1957 Cheryl ____ (in Minnesota), model and actor, born in
+In 1957 Dana____ , actress, born in
+In 1957 Donny____ , singer born
+In 1957 Earthquake gives ____ the shakes
+San francisco
+In 1957 Eisenhower orders US troops to desegregate ____ schools
+Little rock
+In 1957 First ____ introduced at Lancaster, PA
+Electric watch
+In 1957 First commercial ____ pipeline placed in operation
+In 1957 First rocket with nuclear warhead fired, ____ , Nevada
+Yucca flat
+In 1957 Ford Motor Co. introduced the____ ! (Oh boy !)
+In 1957 Geena____ , actress (Beetlejuice, Fly), born in
+In 1957 Gloria Estefan, ____ , singer, born in
+In 1957 Gloria____ , Cuba, singer, born in
+In 1957 Haakon VII king of Norway, dies, ____ succeeds him
+In 1957 Haakon VII king of____ , dies, Olaf succeeds him
+In 1957 Harold ____ becomes British PM
+In 1957 Israeli forces withdraw from the ____ Penisula
+In 1957 Joseph McCarthy commie hunting senator, dies at____
+In 1957 Juan____ Fangio, wins his last auto World Championship at 46
+In 1957 Juan-Manuel Fangio, wins his last auto World Championship at____
+In 1957 Juan-Manuel____ , wins his last auto World Championship at 46
+In 1957 Kelly____ , actress, born in
+In 1957 Laura ____ singer (Gloria), born in
+In 1957 Mario A ____ creator of the maraschino cherry, dies
+In 1957 Melanie____ , actor, born in
+In 1957 Monarchy in ____ abolished in favor of a republic
+In 1957 Seve ____ , golfer, born in
+In 1957 Sid ____ [John Beverly], bassist (Sex Pistols), born in
+In 1957 Siobhan ____ rocker (Bananarama), born in
+In 1957 Siobhan Fahey rocker (____ ), born in
+In 1957 Spike____ , director, actor (She's Gotta Have It, Jungle Fever), born in
+In 1957 The Gold Coast gained independence and takes the name?
+In 1957 USSR fires defense minister, Marshal Georgi ____ (Zhukov lead USSR into Berlin during WW2)
+In 1957 USSR launches ____ 2 with a dog (Laika), 1st animal in orbit
+In 1957 USSR launches 1st intercontinental multistage ____ missile
+In 1957 Vanna ____ (in South Carolina), game show hostess (Wheel of Fortune), born in
+In 1958 ____ -Claude Van Damme, Belgium, actor (Kickboxer, No Retreat)
+In 1958 ____ , rock vocalist (Marillon), born in
+In 1958 ____ (Ciccone) (in Bay City, MI), singer, actor?, born in
+In 1958 ____ army overthrows monarchy; republic replaces Hashemite dynasty
+In 1958 ____ Carlisle, (GoGos lead singer, Heaven on Earth), born in
+In 1958 ____ Cassidy, singer, born in
+In 1958 ____ Castro makes a speech on Cuban pirate radio Rebelde
+In 1958 ____ Day
+In 1958 ____ Hamilton Toledo, figure skating champion (Olympic-gold-1984), born in
+In 1958 ____ launch Pioneer III
+In 1958 ____ launched; first spacecraft launched by NASA
+Pioneer 1
+In 1958 ____ Le Bon, rocker (Duran Duran), born in
+In 1958 ____ Salazar, marathon runner, born in
+In 1958 ____ votes for independence from France
+In 1958 (Romania) Dr Petru Groza premier of____ , dies at 74
+In 1958 1st ____ video recording on magnetic tape presented, Charlotte North Carolina, USA
+In 1958 1st color ____ on magnetic tape presented, Charlotte North Carolina, USA
+Video recording
+In 1958 1st color video recording on ____ tape presented, Charlotte North Carolina, USA
+In 1958 9,000 scientists of ____ nations petition UN for nuclear test ban
+In 1958 Actor Tyrone ____ dies of a heart attack at 44
+In 1958 Alberto____ , marathon runner, born in
+In 1958 Andie ____ Gaffney SC, actress (Greystroke, Green Card), born in
+In 1958 Army launched US's third successful satellite?
+Explorer iii
+In 1958 Belinda____ , (GoGos lead singer, Heaven on Earth), born in
+In 1958 Benelux treaty signed by Belgium, ____ & Luxembourg
+In 1958 Cammie ____ LA Calif, Guinness' World Strongest Woman, born in
+In 1958 Central African Rep made autonomous member of ____ Commonwealth (Nat'l Day)
+In 1958 Charles de ____ becomes premier of France
+In 1958 Construction began on 1st private ____ nuclear reactor
+In 1958 Elvis Presley was inducted into the Army in____ , Tenn
+In 1958 Fidel ____ makes a speech on Cuban pirate radio Rebelde
+In 1958 Fidel Castro makes a speech on Cuban pirate radio____
+In 1958 First test project of Signal Communications by Orbiting Relay Equipment; first voice from space: recorded Christmas message by President____
+In 1958 Guinea votes for independence from____
+In 1958 Holly____ , actor, born in
+In 1958 Iraqi army overthrows monarchy; republic replaces ____ dynasty
+In 1958 James van Allen discovers ____ belt around Earth
+In 1958 Jean____ Van Damme, Belgium, actor (Kickboxer, No Retreat)
+In 1958 Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium, actor (____ , No Retreat)
+In 1958 Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium, actor (Kickboxer,____ )
+No retreat
+In 1958 Jean-Claude____ , Belgium, actor (Kickboxer, No Retreat)
+Van damme
+In 1958 Kate____ , England, singer/songwriter (Babushka, Running Up That Hill), born in
+In 1958 Keenen Ivory ____ comedian (In Living Color), born in
+In 1958 Keith ____ Kutztown Pa, graffiti artist (Vanity Fair, Paris Review), born in
+In 1958 Kevin____ , actor, born in
+In 1958 King ____ PM of Iraq, assassinated at Baghdad
+Faisal ii
+In 1958 King Faisal II PM of Iraq, assassinated at____
+In 1958 King Faisal II PM of____ , assassinated at Baghdad
+In 1958 Lolita, by ____ Nabokov, published
+In 1958 Lolita, by Vladimir____ , published
+In 1958 Madonna (____ ) (in Bay City, MI), singer, actor?, born in
+In 1958 Michelle ____ Calif, actress (Batman Returns, Married to the Mob), born in
+In 1958 Niger gains autonomy within ____ Community (National Day)
+In 1958 Nikita ____ became Soviet premier and first secretary of Communist Party
+In 1958 Pres. ____ signs into law National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Space Act of 1958
+In 1958 Prince ____ of Monaco, born in
+In 1958 Princess ____ of Monaco, born in
+In 1958 Scott ____ Toledo, figure skating champion (Olympic-gold-1984), born in
+In 1958 Scott Hamilton____ , figure skating champion (Olympic-gold-1984), born in
+In 1958 Shaun____ , singer, born in
+In 1958 Simon____ , rocker (Duran Duran), born in
+Le bon
+In 1958 Sir Edmund Hillary reached ____ overland
+South pole
+In 1958 Soviet novelist ____ Pasternak, wins Nobel Prize for Literature
+In 1958 Soviet novelist Boris____ , wins Nobel Prize for Literature
+In 1958 St. Clare of ____ declared patron saint of television
+In 1958 The Soviet Union launched____
+Sputnik iii
+In 1958 The U.S. Navy launched the ____ satellite
+Vanguard 1
+In 1958 US launches 1st____ , Explorer 1
+Artificial satellite
+In 1958 US troops occupy____ , stay 3 months
+In 1958 who had a pop music hit with 'willie and the hand jive'?
+Johnny otis
+In 1958____ , by Vladimir Nabokov, published
+In 1958____ , musician, born in
+In 1959 ____ (Steven Patrick) British rocker (The Smiths & solo artist), born in
+In 1959 ____ (USSR) launched
+In 1959 ____ abolishes serfdom
+In 1959 ____ Alexander (George in Seinfeld), born in
+In 1959 ____ Bonaduce actor (Danny-Partridge Family) (1959 approx), born in
+In 1959 ____ defeats US for tennis' Davis Cup
+In 1959 ____ launched by USSR; first spacecraft to impact on the moon
+Luna 1
+In 1959 ____ Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, opens in New York
+In 1959 ____ reveals an intense radation belt around the Earth
+Explorer vi
+In 1959 ____ siezes power in Cuba
+Fidel castro
+In 1959 (USA) Val____ , actor, born in
+In 1959 12 nations sign a treaty for scientific peaceful use of____
+In 1959 1211-kg great white shark becomes largest fish ever caught on a?
+In 1959 1st color photograph of ____ from outer space
+In 1959 Cecil Blount de____ , producer (10 Commandments), dies 77
+In 1959 Constitution of ____ promulgated (National Day)
+In 1959 Danny ____ actor (Danny-Partridge Family) (1959 approx), born in
+In 1959 Dolph ____ actor, born in
+In 1959 First astronauts - selection announced by?
+In 1959 First house with built-in ____ exhibited, Pleasant Hills, Pa
+Bomb shelter
+In 1959 Ford Motor Company cancels the____
+In 1959 Groucho, ____ and Harpo's final TV appearance together
+In 1959 Groucho, Chico and ____ final TV appearance together
+In 1959 Guggenheim Museum, designed by ____ Lloyd Wright, opens in New York
+In 1959 Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank ____ Wright, opens in New York
+In 1959 Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, opens in____
+New york
+In 1959 Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd____ , opens in New York
+In 1959 Irene ____ (in New York), actor, dancer, singer, born in
+In 1959 Jack Benny (Violin) and Richard ____ (Piano) play their famed duet
+In 1959 Jason ____ (George in Seinfeld), born in
+In 1959 Jason Alexander (George in____ ), born in
+In 1959 John____ , tennis player, brat, born in
+In 1959 Kilauea Volcano's most spectacular ____ (in Hawaii)
+In 1959 Linda____ , St Louis Mo, actress (Exorcist, Chained Heat, Savage St), born in
+In 1959 M. C. ____ becomes the first aviator to fly a million miles in a jet airplane
+In 1959 Maj. Dale R. ____ and Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand first American soldiers to be killed during the Vietnam War
+In 1959 Maj. Dale R. Buis and Master Sgt. Chester M. ____ first American soldiers to be killed during the Vietnam War
+In 1959 Maj. Dale R. Buis and Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand first American soldiers to be killed during the ____ War
+In 1959 Matthew____ , actor (Project X, Ladyhawk), born in
+In 1959 Matthew____ , actor, born in
+In 1959 NASA announces first ____ astronauts with The Right Stuff
+In 1959 Oscar____ , Norwegian premier, dies
+In 1959 Princess ____ 'Fergie' Ferguson, the Duchess of York, born in
+In 1959 Princess Sarah ____ ' Ferguson, the Duchess of York, born in
+In 1959 Princess Sarah 'Fergie' Ferguson, the Duchess of____ , born in
+In 1959 Princess Sarah 'Fergie'____ , the Duchess of York, born in
+In 1959 Radar first bounced off sun, ____ California
+In 1959 Randy ____ country singer (Always & Forever), born in
+In 1959 Richie ____ guitarist (Bon Jovi-You Give Love a Bad Name), born in
+In 1959 Richie Sambora guitarist (____ -You Give Love a Bad Name), born in
+Bon jovi
+In 1959 Robert Smith rock ____ /vocalist (Cure), born in
+In 1959 Sheena ____ Glasgow Scotland, singer/Jack LaLane spokesperson, born in
+In 1959 Soviet ____ becomes first human-made object to crash on moon
+Lunik 2
+In 1959 Soviet Luna 3, 1st successful photographic spacecraft, impacts____
+In 1959 Soviet Premier ____ arrives in US to begin a 13-day visit
+In 1959 Soviet____ , 1st successful photographic spacecraft, impacts Moon
+In 1959 Sultan of ____ promulgates a constitution
+In 1959 Suzanne ____ rocker (My Name is Luka), born in
+In 1959____ , actor (Doctor Doctor, Max Headroom), born in
+Matt frewer
+In 1959____ , Chico and Harpo's final TV appearance together
+In 1959, Mattel introduced the world to Barbie(R), how much did Barbie(R) sell for in 1959?
+In 1960 ____ (Brazzaville) gained independence from France (Nat'l Day)
+In 1960 ____ (Dahomey) gained independence from France
+In 1960 ____ (REM Lead Singer), born in
+Michael stipe
+In 1960 ____ (without Senegal) gained independence from France (National Day)
+In 1960 ____ and Nixon clashed in 4th and final pres debate
+In 1960 ____ becomes a republic
+In 1960 ____ becomes the capital of Brazil
+In 1960 ____ carries 3 dogs into orbit (later recovered alive)
+Sputnik 5
+In 1960 ____ Clay captures the olympic light heavyweight gold medal
+In 1960 ____ gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1960 ____ gained independence from France (National Day)
+In 1960 ____ gained independence from France (National Day)
+In 1960 ____ gained independence from France
+In 1960 ____ gained independence from France
+In 1960 ____ Gary Powers convicted of spying by USSR (U-2 incident)
+In 1960 ____ grants independence to the crown colony of Cyprus
+In 1960 ____ grants Mauritania independence
+In 1960 ____ Hutton, actor, born in
+In 1960 ____ I (Television and Infra-Red Observation Satellite) launched to improve weather prediction
+In 1960 ____ Kittinger parachutes from a balloon at 31,330 m (record)
+In 1960 ____ Luther King Jr arrested in Atlanta sit-in
+In 1960 ____ National Day begins
+In 1960 ____ Penn, actor, born in
+In 1960 ____ recovered 2 dogs; 1st living organisms to return from space
+In 1960 ____ Winslow, actor/comedian (Police Academy), born in
+In 1960 Argentina complains to UN about Israeli illicit transfer of____
+In 1960 Britain grants independence to the crown colony of____
+In 1960 British Somaliland (now____ ) gained independence from Britain
+In 1960 Cassius ____ captures the olympic light heavyweight gold medal
+In 1960 Central African Republic and ____ proclaim independence from France
+In 1960 Central African Republic and Chad proclaim independence from____
+In 1960 Congo (Brazzaville) gained independence from ____ (Nat'l Day)
+In 1960 Elvis Presley appears on a Frank ____ TV special
+In 1960 Federation of ____ (& Senegal) becomes independent of France
+In 1960 First electronic ____ placed on sale, NY city
+Wrist watch
+In 1960 France grants ____ independence (Natl Day)
+In 1960 France grants ____ independence
+In 1960 Francis ____ Powers convicted of spying by USSR (U-2 incident)
+In 1960 Francis Gary ____ convicted of spying by USSR (U-2 incident)
+In 1960 francis gary powers, flew into a row with Russia and was shot down allegedly for what?
+In 1960 Gabon gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1960 Hope ____ , actress (I Married Joan, Peter Gunn), dies at 62
+In 1960 Irwin Allen directed The Lost World, in which a party of scientists encountered dinosaurs Which author wrote the book on which the film was based?
+Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
+In 1960 Israel announced capture of Nazi ____ in Argentina
+Adolf eichmann
+In 1960 Israeli soldiers capture ____ in Buenos Aires
+Adolf eichmann
+In 1960 Ivan____ , tennis player, born in
+In 1960 Ivory Coast, ____ , Upper Volta and Niger declare independence
+In 1960 Ivory Coast, Dahomey, ____ and Niger declare independence
+Upper volta
+In 1960 Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Upper Volta and ____ declare independence
+In 1960 JFK and ____ clashed in 4th and final pres debate
+In 1960 JFK and Nixon clashed in ____ and final pres debate
+In 1960 John D ____ Jr philanthropist, dies at 86
+In 1960 Joseph ____ parachutes from a balloon at 31,330 m (record)
+In 1960 Joseph Kittinger parachutes from a balloon at ____ m (record)
+In 1960 Key ____ Coral Reef Preserve established (first underwater park)
+In 1960 Kim ____ (in Lockport, NY), Sports Illustrated swimsuit covergirl born
+In 1960 Mali (without Senegal) gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1960 Mali (without____ ) gained independence from France (National Day)
+In 1960 Martin ____ King Jr arrested in Atlanta sit-in
+In 1960 Martin Luther ____ Jr arrested in Atlanta sit-in
+In 1960 Martin Luther King Jr arrested in ____ sit-in
+In 1960 Mauritania gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1960 Michael Winslow, actor/comedian (____ ), born in
+Police academy
+In 1960 Michael____ , actor/comedian (Police Academy), born in
+In 1960 Michael____ , Australia, rocker (Inxs-I Need You Tonight), born in
+In 1960 Mike____ , singer (Simply Red-Every Time We Say Goodbye), born in
+In 1960 Niger gained independence from____
+In 1960 Nigeria gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1960 Prince____ , Second eldest son of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, born in
+In 1960 Roger ____ rock drummer (Duran Duran), born in
+In 1960 Russia shoots down Francis Gary ____ ' U-2 spy plane over Sverdlovsk
+In 1960 Sean____ , actor, born in
+In 1960 Senegal gained independence from____
+In 1960 Sputnik 5 carries 3 ____ into orbit (later recovered alive)
+In 1960 The ____ Olympic games close in Rome
+In 1960 The 17th Olympic games close in____
+In 1960 The first ____ launched from nuclear powered submarine is launched from the USS Halibut
+Guided missile
+In 1960 The US imposes an embargo on ____ to Cuba
+In 1960 The US imposes an embargo on exports to____
+In 1960 Timothy____ , actor, born in
+In 1960 USSR's ____ launched with 2 dogs
+Sputnik 5
+In 1960 Yannick ____ France, tennis player (French 1983), born in
+In 1960____ , Dahomey, Upper Volta and Niger declare independence
+Ivory coast
+In 1960____ , first passive satellite launched
+Echo i
+In 1960, the capital of Brazil was changed from rio de janeiro to what city?
+In 1961 ____ annexes Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao and Diu
+In 1961 ____ announces there will be no more elections in Cuba
+Fidel castro
+In 1961 ____ becomes independent within the British Commonwealth
+In 1961 ____ Dylan's 1st NY performance
+In 1961 ____ granted full internal self-government by Britain
+In 1961 ____ Locklear, actor, born...
+In 1961 ____ Madsen Chicago Ill, actress (Dune, Highlander, Class), born in
+In 1961 ____ Marino NFL quarterback (Miami Dolphins), born in
+In 1961 ____ Marsalis, New Orleans La, jazz trumpeter (Grammy 1983), born in
+In 1961 ____ S. Titov, second Russian in space aboard Vostok 2
+In 1961 (USA) 1st performance of the ____ Boys
+In 1961 Andy____ , guitarist with Duran Duran, born in
+In 1961 Bob ____ 's 1st NY performance
+In 1961 Boy____ , androgynous rock musician (Culture Club), born in
+In 1961 Building of the ____ begins
+Berlin wall
+In 1961 Carl ____ US, olympic track and field star (Gold-1984, 1988), born in
+In 1961 Construction on ____ begins in East Germany
+Berlin wall
+In 1961 Construction on Berlin Wall begins in____
+East Germany
+In 1961 Cosmonaut ____ Titov circles Earth for a full day in Vostok 2
+In 1961 Cosmonaut Gherman ____ circles Earth for a full day in Vostok 2
+In 1961 Cosmonaut Gherman Titov circles Earth for a full day in____
+Vostok 2
+In 1961 Dan ____ NFL quarterback (Miami Dolphins), born in
+In 1961 Eddie ____ , comedian, actor, born in
+In 1961 Element 103, ____ , first produced in Berkeley, California lab
+In 1961 Ernest ____ shot himself to death in Ketchum, Idaho
+In 1961 Ernest Hemingway shot himself to death in____ , Idaho
+In 1961 Experimental reactor kills three in____ , Idaho
+Idaho falls
+In 1961 Fidel ____ declares he's a Marxist, & will lead Cuba to Communism
+In 1961 First all solid ____ rocket put into orbit from Wallops Island, VA
+In 1961 First In-flight ____ is shown (on TWA)
+In 1961 First live, nationally televised, ____ news conference (JFK)
+In 1961 French army revolts in?
+In 1961 Gary____ , 2 time Academy award winning actor, dies at 60
+In 1961 Gherman S. Titov, ____ Russian in space aboard Vostok 2
+In 1961 Gherman S. Titov, second Russian in space aboard____
+Vostok 2
+In 1961 Gherman S.____ , second Russian in space aboard Vostok 2
+In 1961 Heather____ , actor, born...
+In 1961 Julia Louis-Dreyfus NYC, ____ (SNL, Steinfeld, Day by Day), born in
+In 1961 k.d.____ , singer, born in
+In 1961 Lady ____ Spencer (Princess Di), born in
+In 1961 Lloyd____ , guitar/vocals (& the Commotions-Rattlesnakes), born in
+In 1961 Maris hits his ____ of 61 homers
+In 1961 Maris hits his 50th of ____ homers
+In 1961 Michael J____ , Edmonton, Canada, actor (Family Ties, Back to the Future, Spin City), born in
+In 1961 Nia ____ born
+In 1961 Outer ____ and Mauritania become the 102nd and 103rd members of UN
+In 1961 Outer Mongolia and ____ become the 102nd and 103rd members of UN
+In 1961 Portuguese rebels seize cruise ship?
+Santa maria
+In 1961 Republic of ____ proclaimed
+In 1961 Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf ____ defects to West in Paris
+In 1961 Tanganyika gained independence from____
+In 1961 U.S. backed ____ invasion in Cuba. Ended in failure
+Bay of pigs
+In 1961 U.S. breaks relations with?
+In 1961 UK grants ____ independence
+Sierra leone
+In 1961 UN General Assembly condemns ____ for apartheid
+South africa
+In 1961 Unmanned ____ test explodes on launch pad
+In 1961 Virginia ____ Chicago Ill, actress (Dune, Highlander, Class), born in
+In 1961 Virginia Madsen Chicago Ill, actress (____ , Highlander, Class), born in
+In 1961 Virginia Madsen Chicago Ill, actress (Dune, ____ , Class), born in
+In 1961 Volcano eruptions on ____ (South Atlantic)
+Tristan de cunha
+In 1961 Wayne ____ born, hockey player
+In 1961 Woody____ , actor born
+In 1961 Wynton____ , New Orleans La, jazz trumpeter (Grammy 1983), born in
+In 1961 Yuri A. Gagarin becomes first man to orbit Earth aboard ____ 1
+In 1961 Yuri A.____ , first man in orbit
+In 1961, john f kennedy became the first ____ ____ to be elected to the presidency
+Roman catholic
+In 1961, who was the first man to travel in space?
+Yuri gagarin
+In 1962 ____ and Beatles produce My Bonnie and The Saints
+Tony sheridan
+In 1962 ____ and Rwanda gain independence from Belgium (National Days)
+In 1962 ____ and Tobago gain independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1962 ____ Andretti Indy-car racer/Auto Hall of Fame (elected 1986), born in
+In 1962 ____ Arab Republic proclaimed (National Day)
+In 1962 ____ De Mornay actress (The Hand That Rocker The Cradle), born in
+In 1962 ____ die in an earthquake in western Iran
+In 1962 ____ Elwes, actor (Glory, Princess Bride, Robin Hood - Men In Tights), born in
+In 1962 ____ gained independence after 132 years of French rule
+In 1962 ____ gained independence from Britain
+In 1962 ____ Hollyfield, 2-time Heavyweight boxing champ, born in
+In 1962 ____ launched to Mars falls into Atlantic Ocean
+Mariner i
+In 1962 ____ launched to Venus; flyby mission
+Mariner 2
+In 1962 ____ Monroe dies at age 36
+In 1962 ____ orders withdrawal of Cuban missiles
+In 1962 ____ Revolution against French ends (Algeria gained independence on 5th July)
+In 1962 10,000 die in an earthquake in western____
+In 1962 8 of the 9 planets ____ for the first time in 400 years
+In 1962 Algeria gained independence after ____ years of French rule
+In 1962 Algeria gained independence after 132 years of ____ rule
+In 1962 Algerian Revolution against ____ ends (Algeria gained independence on 5th July)
+In 1962 Beatles replace ____ with Ringo Starr
+Pete best
+In 1962 Beatles replace Pete Best with____
+Ringo starr
+In 1962 Burundi and ____ gain independence from Belgium (National Days)
+In 1962 Burundi and Rwanda gain independence from ____ (National Days)
+In 1962 Cary____ , actor (Glory, Princess Bride, Robin Hood - Men In Tights), born in
+In 1962 Cosmonaut ____ in space first time 2, manned craft in space
+In 1962 E. E. ____ poet, dies at 67
+In 1962 E. E. Cummings poet, dies at____
+In 1962 East German border guards shot and kill ____ Fechter, 18, attempting to cross Berlin Wall into western sector
+In 1962 East German border guards shot and kill Peter____ , 18, attempting to cross Berlin Wall into western sector
+In 1962 Emilio ____ actor (Breakfast Club, Young Guns)
+In 1962 Evander____ , 2-time Heavyweight boxing champ, born in
+In 1962 First ____ satellite to reach moon launched from Cape Canaveral
+In 1962 France and ____ rebels agreed to a truce
+In 1962 Garth____ , C&W singer, born in
+In 1962 Hana____ , tennis player, born in
+In 1962 Jackie____ , runner, born in
+In 1962 Jamaica gained independence from____
+In 1962 John ____ aboard Friendship 7, is first American to orbit the Earth
+In 1962 Katanga becomes part of the Democratic Republic of the____
+In 1962 Lou ____ Philips, actor, born in
+In 1962 M. Scott ____ aboard Aurora 7 is launched
+In 1962 Marilyn ____ dies at age 36
+In 1962 Marilyn Monroe dies at age____
+In 1962 Mariner 2 launched to____ ; flyby mission
+In 1962 Mariner I launched to ____ falls into Atlantic Ocean
+In 1962 Mariner I launched to Mars falls into ____ Ocean
+In 1962 Michael ____ Indy-car racer/Auto Hall of Fame (elected 1986), born in
+In 1962 Mrs. ____ gives the TV audience a tour of the White House
+In 1962 N. Korea reports ____ election turnout, 100% vote for Workers' Party
+In 1962 NASA civilian pilot Neil A ____ takes X-15 to 54,600 m
+In 1962 Paula____ , singer, born in
+In 1962 Pope ____ convenes 21st Roman Catholic ecumenical council, Vatican II, in Rome
+John xxiii
+In 1962 Pope John XXIII convenes ____ Roman Catholic ecumenical council, Vatican II, in Rome
+In 1962 Rebecca ____ actress (The Hand That Rocker The Cradle), born in
+De mornay
+In 1962 Telstar, first ____ communications satellite, launched
+In 1962 Terrence Trent____ , musician, born in
+In 1962 The fab fours' first recording session under the name ____ (they were formerly the Silver Beatles)
+In 1962 Tom Cruise, Syracuse, New York, actor (____ , Color of Money, Rainman), born in
+Risky business
+In 1962 Tom Cruise, Syracuse, New York, actor (Risky Business, ____ , Rainman), born in
+Color of money
+In 1962 Tom Cruise, Syracuse, New York, actor (Risky Business, Color of Money,____ ), born in
+In 1962 Trinidad and ____ gain independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1962 UN announces Earth population has hit____
+3 billion
+In 1962 US sells ____ anti-aircraft missiles to Israel
+In 1962 US sells Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to____
+In 1962 US/UK launch of ____ satellite; 1st international payload
+In 1962____ , first geosynchronous communications satellite, launched
+In 1962____ , Syracuse, New York, actor (Risky Business, Color of Money, Rainman), born in
+Tom cruise
+In 1962, who lamented that 'only love can break a heart'?
+Gene pitney
+In 1962, who recorded 'little egypt'?
+In 1963 ____ 1st tour (opening act for Bo Diddley and Everly Bros)
+Rolling stones
+In 1963 ____ becomes a republic within the British Commonwealth
+In 1963 ____ begins trial of Nelson Mandela and 8 others on conspiracy
+South africa
+In 1963 ____ claims to have a 100-megaton nuclear bomb
+In 1963 ____ federal pen in San Francisco Bay was closed
+In 1963 ____ Hetfield heavy metal rocker (Metallica), born in
+In 1963 ____ Houston, singer, born in
+In 1963 ____ Lennon, musician, son of John Lennon, born in
+In 1963 ____ Walker in X-15 test plane reaches 106 km (67 miles), straight up
+In 1963 Beatles meet ____ for 1st time
+Rolling stones
+In 1963 Beatles receive their 1st ____ disc (Please Please Me)
+In 1963 Beatles release ____ & Ask Me Why
+Please please me
+In 1963 Bob Dylan cancels appearance on?
+Ed sullivan
+In 1963 Brigitte ____ actress (Red Sonja, Rocky IV, Domino), born in
+In 1963 Charles____ , Star player for the Pheonix Suns and Houston Rockets basketball teams, born in
+In 1963 Decca signs the ____ on advice of Beatle George Harrison
+Rolling stones
+In 1963 Elizabeth Ann ____ of New York was beatified. She was sainted in 1975
+In 1963 First and only live murder on TV - Jack ____ shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
+In 1963 George ____ (in England), singer, born in
+In 1963 Helen ____ LA Calif, actress (Mad About You), born in
+In 1963 I.O.C. votes ____ to host 1968 Olympics
+Mexico city
+In 1963 Indonesia takes control of ____ (west New Guinea) from Netherlands
+Irian jaya
+In 1963 James ____ heavy metal rocker (Metallica), born in
+In 1963 Jennifer ____ (in Chicago), actor (Flashdance) ,born
+In 1963 Joe ____ in X-15 test plane reaches 106 km (67 miles), straight up
+In 1963 Joe Walker in ____ reaches 105 km
+In 1963 John ____ encyclical On peace in truth, justice, charity & liberty
+In 1963 Johnny____ , actor, born in
+In 1963 King Victor ____ of Italy, becomes Emperor of Ethiopia
+Emmanual iii
+In 1963 Lars____ , Danish/US heavy metal drummer (Metallica-Kill 'em All), born in
+In 1963 Michael____ , gravity-defying hoopster, born in
+In 1963 Nuclear ____ Ban Treaty signed
+In 1963 Patsy Cline, ____ , and Hawkshaw Hawkins die in a plane crash
+Cowboy copus
+In 1963 Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copus, and ____ die in a plane crash
+Hawkshaw hawkins
+In 1963 Pope ____ (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds John XXIII
+Paul vi
+In 1963 President John Kennedy assasinated in____ ; Lee Harvey Oswald is assumed to have been the assasin
+In 1963 South Africa begins trial of ____ and 8 others on conspiracy
+Nelson mandela
+In 1963 South Africa begins trial of Nelson Mandela and ____ others on conspiracy
+In 1963 Treaty banning ____ nuclear tests signed by US, UK, USSR
+In 1963 Treaty banning atmospheric nuclear tests signed by US, ____ , USSR
+In 1963 Treaty banning atmospheric nuclear tests signed by US, UK,____
+In 1963 Treaty banning atmospheric nuclear tests signed by____ , UK, USSR
+In 1963 US____ , first geosynchronous communications satellite, launched
+In 1963 US, ____ and England sign nuclear test ban treaty
+Born in 1963, Vanessa ____ (in Millwood, NY) was the first black Miss America
+Last name: Singer Whitney ____ was born in 1963
+In 1963 Zanzibar gained independence from ____
+In 1963 ____ , Cowboy Copus, and Hawkshaw Hawkins die in a plane crash
+Patsy cline
+In 1963, which group had two top ten hits, 'blowin' in the wind' and 'don't think twice, it's all right' which were written by bob dylan?
+Peter, Paul and Mary
+In 1964 ____ (N. Rhodesia) gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1964 ____ (then Nyasaland) gained independence from Britain (Natl Day)
+In 1964 ____ achieves internal self-government & cabinet responsibility
+In 1964 ____ and Brezhnev replace Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev
+In 1964 ____ and other jewels are stolen in NY
+Star of India
+In 1964 ____ becomes world's 5th nuclear power
+In 1964 ____ begins a long jail term in South Africa
+Nelson mandela
+In 1964 ____ Commission found that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
+In 1964 ____ gained independence from Britain
+In 1964 ____ Hoover 31st president of US, dies in NY at 90
+In 1964 ____ launched toward the Moon; sent back 4308 TV pictures
+Ranger 7
+In 1964 ____ launches its first Orbital Geophysical Observatory (OGO-1)
+In 1964 ____ Marciano former heavyweight champ, dies in a plane crash
+In 1964 ____ Marx comedian (Marx Bros), dies at 75
+In 1964 ____ signs an anti-poverty measure totaling nearly $1 billion
+In 1964 ____ Summer Olympic Games opened in Tokyo
+In 1964 (USA)____ , actor (The Rock, Face/Off), born in
+Nicolas cage
+In 1964 18th Summer Olympic Games opened in____
+In 1964 1st ____ program run on a computer (Dartmouth)
+In 1964 9th Winter Olympic games open in____ , Austria
+In 1964 Andy ____ , rocker (Erasure), born in
+In 1964 Beatles ____ appearance on Ed Sullivan
+In 1964 Cassius Clay beats ____ for the heavyweight championship
+Sonny liston
+In 1964 China becomes world's ____ nuclear power
+In 1964 Congress passes ____ Resolution, official start of Vietnam war
+In 1964 Courtney ____ Birmingham Ala, actress (Monica on Friends), born in
+In 1964 Douglas MacArthur US general (Pacific theater-WW II), dies at?
+In 1964 Earthquake strikes____ , 8.4 on the Richter scale, 100 killed
+In 1964 Harpo ____ comedian (Marx Bros), dies at 75
+In 1964 Harpo Marx comedian (Marx Bros), dies at____
+In 1964 Herbert ____ 31st president of US, dies in NY at 90
+In 1964 Herbert Hoover ____ president of US, dies in NY at 90
+In 1964 Herbert Hoover 31st president of US, dies in NY at____
+In 1964 Jacqueline Kennedy's 1st ____ (TV) since assassination
+Public appearance
+In 1964 Jury in ____ found Jack Ruby guilty of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald
+In 1964 Kenyan ____ Day
+In 1964 Kosygin and ____ replace Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev
+In 1964 Launch of Voskhod 1, 1st 3 man crew (____ , Feokistov, Yegorov)
+In 1964 Launch of Voskhod 1, 1st 3 man crew (Komarov, ____ , Yegorov)
+In 1964 Launch of Voskhod 1, 1st 3 man crew (Komarov, Feokistov,____ )
+In 1964 Launch of____ , 1st 3 man crew (Komarov, Feokistov, Yegorov)
+In 1964 Malta gained independence from____
+In 1964 Mariner 4 launched. First spacecraft to fly by____
+In 1964 Matt____ , actor, born in
+In 1964 NASA launches its first ____ (OGO-1)
+Orbital geophysical observatory
+In 1964 Pope Paul VI visits ____ and Israel
+In 1964 Prince ____ of England, royalty, born in
+In 1964 Ranger 7 launched toward the____ ; sent back 4308 TV pictures
+In 1964 rhodesia declared udi, what is 'udi'?
+Unilateral declaration of independence
+In 1964 Rob____ , actor, famous for home-made movies, born in
+In 1964 Rocky ____ former heavyweight champ, dies in a plane crash
+In 1964 Sidney ____ became first black man to win Oscar for best actor
+In 1964 Tanganyika & ____ unite to form Tanzania (Tanzanian Union Day)
+In 1964 this singer was shot dead by a woman, after wandering into the wrong hotel room, half naked?
+Sam Cooke
+In 1964 Unmanned ____ launched
+Gemini 1
+In 1964 US and ____ agree to resume diplomatic relations
+In 1964 US diplomats find at least 40 secret mics in the ____ embassy
+In 1964 US launches Mariner 3 toward____ ; no data returned
+In 1964 US Ranger ____ transmits the 1st lunar close-up photos before impact. Takes 4,316 pictures before crashing on moon
+In 1964 US Ranger 7 transmits the 1st lunar close-up photos before impact. Takes ____ pictures before crashing on moon
+In 1964 Warren Commission found that ____ acted alone
+Lee harvey oswald
+In 1964 Zambia (N. Rhodesia) gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1964____ , assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald, died
+Jack ruby
+In 1964, bobby freeman urged everybody to do which new dance out of the water?
+In 1965 ____ (T.S.) Eliot, poet, died
+Thomas stearns
+In 1965 ____ [Dee Dee Williams], singer/actress (Action Jackson), born in
+In 1965 ____ assassinated
+Malcolm x
+In 1965 ____ Engle in X-15 reaches 80 km
+In 1965 ____ gained independence from Malaysia (National Day)
+In 1965 ____ is made an autonomous region of China
+In 1965 ____ National Day
+In 1965 ____ Sheen, actor (Wall St, Platoon), born in
+In 1965 1st ____ US Army ground units arrive in South Vietnam
+In 1965 Bangladesh windstorm kills ____
+In 1965 Beatle's ____ Stadium concert
+In 1965 Borman and Lovell Splash down in____ . Ends two week Gemini VII flight
+In 1965 Charlie Sheen, actor (____ , Platoon), born in
+Wall st
+In 1965 Charlie Sheen, actor (Wall St,____ ), born in
+In 1965 Charlie____ , actor (Wall St, Platoon), born in
+In 1965 David O Selznick Gone With the Wind's producer, dies at?
+In 1965 Federal Voting Rights Act guarantees ____ voting rights
+In 1965 Folk-rock begins, ____ uses electricity at Newport Folk Festival
+In 1965 France launches first____ , a 92-pound A1 capsule
+In 1965 Gemini ____ is launched. Ed White first American to walk in space
+In 1965 Gemini ____ returned after 12 days, 7 hours, 11 minutes, 53 seconds
+In 1965 Gemini ____ returns to Earth
+In 1965 Gemini 3 launched, first US ____ space flight
+In 1965 Gemini 5 returned after ____ days, 7 hours, 11 minutes, 53 seconds
+In 1965 Gemini 5 returned after 12 days, ____ hours, 11 minutes, 53 seconds
+In 1965 Gemini 5 returned after 12 days, 7 hours, ____ minutes, 53 seconds
+In 1965 Gemini 5 returned after 12 days, 7 hours, 11 minutes, ____ seconds
+In 1965 Gemini VI returns to____
+In 1965 Gene ____ suggests 16 names including Kirk for Star Trek Captain
+In 1965 Israel & ____ exchange letters beginning diplomatic relations
+West Germany
+In 1965 Israel's cabinet approved diplomatic relations with?
+West Germany
+In 1965 Joe ____ in X-15 reaches 80 km
+In 1965 Joe Engle in ____ reaches 80 km
+In 1965 Joe Engle in X-15 reaches ____ km
+In 1965 Karen ____ Lufkin Tx, playmate (Oct, 1989), born in
+In 1965 March by civil rights demonstrators was broken up in____ , Alabama
+In 1965 Martin Luther King, Jr. begins march from ____ to Montgomery, Ala
+In 1965 Martin Luther King, Jr. begins march from Selma to____ , Ala
+In 1965 Paulina ____ , Sports Illustrated swimsuit covergirl, actress, born in
+In 1965 Pope ____ proclaims Jews not collectively guilty for crucifixion
+Paul vi
+In 1965 Republic of ____ gained independence from Britain (Nat'l Day)
+In 1965 Republic of Maldives gained independence from ____ (Nat'l Day)
+In 1965 Rhodesia proclaimed independence from ____ by PM Ian D. Smith
+In 1965 Russia launches second and final____ . The first spacewalk is made by Aleksei Leonov
+In 1965 Singapore gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1965 they urged you to keep on dancing?
+The gentrys
+In 1965 Tibet is made an autonomous region of____
+In 1965 Venera 2 launched by ____ Union toward Venus
+In 1965 which song by sam the sham and the pharaohs peaked at number 2?
+Woolly bully
+In 1965, Alexei Leonov became the first man to do what?
+Walk in space
+In 1965, lyndon b johnson enacted a law requiring cigarette manufacturers to put what on their packages?
+Health warnings
+In 1965, The Kinks sang about a Dedicated Follower Of what?
+In 1965, which album did bob dylan release featuring 'subterranean homesick blues' and 'it's all over now, baby blue'?
+Bringing it all back home
+In 1965, which song by sam the sham and the pharaohs peaked at number 2 on the charts?
+Wooly bully
+In 1965, who had a top ten hit with 'you're the one'?
+In 1965, who urged you to keep on dancing?
+In 1966 ____ (Basutoland) gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1966 ____ beats West Germany 4-2 for Football's 8th World Cup in London
+In 1966 ____ becomes a republic
+In 1966 ____ Bruce comedian, dies of a morphine overdose
+In 1966 ____ gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1966 ____ gained independence from England, becomes Botswana
+In 1966 ____ is launched
+Gemini xi
+In 1966 ____ Launched to moon
+Orbiter 1
+In 1966 ____ launches its first satellite in to space
+In 1966 ____ releases his 1st record (Can't Help Thinking About Me)
+David bowie
+In 1966 ____ XII launched on four-day flight (the final Gemini flight)
+In 1966 ____ XII returns to Earth
+In 1966 Barbados gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1966 Bechuanaland gained independence from England, becomes____
+In 1966 Bechuanaland gained independence from____ , becomes Botswana
+In 1966 Botswana gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1966 Daylight meteor seen from ____ to Canada
+In 1966 Daylight meteor seen from Utah to____
+In 1966 Dr ____ South African PM, assassinated in assembly
+In 1966 Emperor Haile ____ (Ethiopia) visits Kingston Jamaica
+In 1966 England beats ____ 4-2 for Football's 8th World Cup in London
+West Germany
+In 1966 England beats West Germany 4-2 for Football's 8th World Cup in____
+In 1966 First major tidal power plant opened at Rance estuary,____
+In 1966 First US ____ orbiter
+In 1966 Israeli hmuel Yosef Agnon wins ____ Prize for literature
+In 1966 Janet____ , singer, Michael's sister, born in
+In 1966 Justine ____ (in Rye, NY), actress (Family Ties), born in
+In 1966 Lenny ____ comedian, dies of a morphine overdose
+In 1966 Lenny Bruce comedian, dies of a ____ overdose
+In 1966 Lesotho (____ ) gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1966 Lesotho (Basutoland) gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1966 Luna ____ , first lunar orbiter
+In 1966 Lunar ____ takes first photograph of earth from the moon
+Orbiter 1
+In 1966 Montgomery ____ actor, dies at 45
+In 1966 Montgomery Clift actor, dies at____
+In 1966 OAO 1, the 1st orbiting ____ observatory, launched
+In 1966 Pan Am places ____ order for 25 Boeing 747's
+In 1966 Tortoise reportedly given to Tonga's king by Capt. ____ (1773), dies
+In 1966 U.S. sub locates missing ____ bomb in Mediterranean
+In 1966 USSR launches ____ for orbit around Moon
+Luna 11
+In 1966 Venera 3, ____ landing
+In 1966____ , Sweden, tennis player (Wimbeldon 1988), born in
+Stefan edberg
+In 1966, which woman became the first briton to fly solo around the world?
+Sheila scott
+In 1967 ____ (aka Muhammad Ali) has first Madison Square Garden fight
+Cassius clay
+In 1967 ____ & Elvis Presley wed
+In 1967 ____ abolishes traditional tribal kingdoms, becomes a republic
+In 1967 ____ attend the Human Be-In, SF
+In 1967 ____ captures Wailing Wall
+In 1967 ____ convicted of refusing induction into armed services
+Muhammad ali
+In 1967 ____ executed in Bolivia
+Che guevara
+In 1967 ____ Hertzsprung, Danish astrophysicist dies at 94
+In 1967 ____ Knight in X-15 reaches 85 km about Earth
+In 1967 ____ makes fly-by of Venus
+Mariner 5
+In 1967 ____ votes 12,138 to 44 to remain British
+In 1967 1st human heart transplant performed (Dr Christian____ , S Africa)
+In 1967 1st successful test flight of a____
+Saturn v
+In 1967 Body of ____ moved from a temporary grave to a permanent memorial
+John kennedy
+In 1967 Britain grants internal self-government to?
+In 1967 Charles ____ says 'Vive le Quebec libre! Long live free Quebec!'
+De gaulle
+In 1967 Che Guevara executed in____
+In 1967 Cosmonaut ____ is first to die in space aboard Soyuz 1
+In 1967 Egyptian president ____ closes Straits of Tiran to Israel
+In 1967 Ejnar Hertzsprung, Danish astrophysicist dies at____
+In 1967 Ejnar____ , Danish astrophysicist dies at 94
+In 1967 Fatal ____ fire kills Grissom, Chaffee, and White
+Apollo i
+In 1967 First Boeing ____ rolls out
+In 1967 Gibraltar votes ____ to 44 to remain British
+In 1967 Israel, ____ , Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt begin Six-Day War
+In 1967 Israel, Syria, ____ , Iraq, and Egypt begin Six-Day War
+In 1967 Israel, Syria, Jordan, ____ , and Egypt begin Six-Day War
+In 1967 Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and ____ begin Six-Day War
+In 1967 Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt begin ____ -Day War
+In 1967 Launch of ____ for Venus fly-by
+Mariner v
+In 1967 Mariner 5 makes fly-by of____
+In 1967 Olivia____ , London England, actress, born in
+In 1967 Pamela____ , Ladysmith BC, Canada, (Home Improvement, Baywatch), born in
+In 1967 Pete ____ in X-15 reaches 85 km about Earth
+In 1967 Pete Knight in ____ reaches 85 km about Earth
+In 1967 Pete Knight in X-15 reaches ____ km about Earth
+In 1967 Prince Willem-Alexander of the ____ , heir apparent, born in
+In 1967 Russia launches first ____ mission
+In 1967 Shah of Iran crowns himself after ____ years on Peacock Throne
+In 1967 Singer Otis ____ dies in plane crash at 26
+In 1967 South ____ (then Aden) gained independence from Britain
+In 1967 Soviet ____ becomes the 1st probe to send data back from Venus
+Venera 4
+In 1967 Soviet Venera 4 becomes the 1st probe to send data back from____
+In 1967 Svetlana ____ (Josef Stalin's daughter) defects in NYC
+In 1967 Thousands opposing Vietnam War tried to storm the____
+In 1967 UN Security council passes resolution 242, declaring that ____ must give back land won in the 6 day war
+In 1967 US ____ lands on Moon
+Surveyor iii
+In 1967 USSR launches ____ for observation of Sun from Earth orbit
+Kosmos 166
+In 1967 Vivian ____ Scarlet in Gone with the Wind, dies at 53
+In 1967 Vivian Leigh ____ in Gone with the Wind, dies at 53
+In 1967 Vivian Leigh Scarlet in Gone with the Wind, dies at ____
+In 1967____ , Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt begin Six-Day War
+In 1967, which soap opera became the first to feature a black character?
+As the world turns
+In 1968 ____ blind & deaf, dies at 87
+Helen keller
+In 1968 ____ Corporation is incorporated
+In 1968 ____ gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1968 ____ Kennedy marries Aristotle Onassis
+In 1968 ____ Lake actress (Hairspray, Ricki Lake Show), born in
+In 1968 ____ returns to Earth
+Apollo 7
+In 1968 (USA) John____ , author, died
+In 1968 Borman, ____ and Anders first men to orbit moon
+In 1968 Cosmonaut____ , first man to orbit earth died in a plane crash
+In 1968 Dr Spock indicted on ____ law violations
+In 1968 Dr. Christian Barnard performs the ____ successful heart transplant
+In 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr shot to death in ____ , Tennessee
+In 1968 Equatorial ____ gained independence from Spain (National Day)
+In 1968 Equatorial Guinea gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1968 France became world's ____ thermonuclear power
+In 1968 Gary____ , actor, born in
+In 1968 Helen Keller blind & deaf, dies at ____
+In 1968 Jacqueline ____ marries Aristotle Onassis
+In 1968 Jacqueline Kennedy marries ____ Onassis
+In 1968 Jacqueline Kennedy marries Aristotle____
+In 1968 Molly ____ (in Los Angeles, CA), actress (Pretty in Pink), born in
+In 1968 Motion Picture Association of America adopts film ____ system
+In 1968 N. Vietnam agreed to meet US reps to set up preliminary ____ talks
+In 1968 Nauru gained independence from ____ (1982 pop 8,421)
+In 1968 New socialist constitution of ____ Germany takes effect
+In 1968 PLO's first hijacking of an ____ plane
+El al
+In 1968 Police find 219 grains of ____ in John and Yoko's apartment
+Cannabis resin
+In 1968 Pope ____ encyclical On the regulation of birth
+Paul vi
+In 1968 Radio ____ (Czech) at 12:50 AM announces a soviet led invasion
+In 1968 Ricki ____ actress (Hairspray, Ricki Lake Show), born in
+In 1968 Sen. ____ F. Kennedy assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles (by Sirhan Sirhan) after winning the Democratic Primary
+In 1968 Swaziland gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1968, who invited you to Dance To The Music?
+Sly and the Family Stones
+In 1969 ____ attend Atlanta Pop Festival featuring Led Zepplin and Janis Joplin
+In 1969 ____ Chi Minh North Vietnamese president, dies
+In 1969 ____ Eleniak, actress (Under Siege, Beverly Hillbillies), born in
+In 1969 ____ flies past Mars
+Mariner 7
+In 1969 ____ is launched
+Soyuz 8
+In 1969 ____ launched. First successful landing on another planet
+In 1969 ____ Music and Art Fair opened in New York State
+In 1969 ____ Priestley Vancouver BC, actor (Brandon-Beverly Hills 90210), born in
+In 1969 ____ returns to Earth
+Soyuz 7
+In 1969 ____ revolution, Col Moammar Gadhafi deposes King Idris
+In 1969 ____ troops intervened militarily in Northern Ireland
+In 1969 ____ writer (James Bond), dies at 80
+Ian fleming
+In 1969 140,000 attend ____ Pop Festival featuring Led Zepplin and Janis Joplin
+In 1969 140,000 attend Atlanta Pop Festival featuring ____ and Janis Joplin
+Led zepplin
+In 1969 140,000 attend Atlanta Pop Festival featuring Led Zepplin and____
+Janis joplin
+In 1969 1st men on Moon, Neil ____ and Edwin Aldrin, Apollo 11
+In 1969 1st men on Moon, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin,____
+Apollo 11
+In 1969 1st men on Moon, Neil Armstrong and Edwin____ , Apollo 11
+In 1969 250,000 protesters peacefully demonstrate against ____ War
+In 1969 Apollo ____ is launched
+In 1969 Apollo ____ returns to Earth
+In 1969 Apollo/____ , the first US/USSR linkup in space
+In 1969 Aretha ____ arrested in Detroit for creating a disturbance
+In 1969 Beatle John Lennon married Yoko Ono in?
+In 1969 Beatle Paul McCartney married ____ Eastman in London
+In 1969 Bobby____ , singer, married to Whitney Houston, born in
+In 1969 Brian ____ founder of the Rolling Stones, drowns
+In 1969 Brian ____ of the Rolling Stones drowns to death at 25
+In 1969 Brian Jones of the ____ drowns to death at 25
+Rolling stones
+In 1969 Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones drowns to death at ____
+In 1969 British troops intervened militarily in____
+Northern Ireland
+In 1969 Dr. Denton ____ implants first temporary artificial heart
+In 1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower, the ____ president, died in Washington at age 78
+In 1969 Erika____ , actress (Under Siege, Beverly Hillbillies), born in
+In 1969 Golda ____ became prime minister of Israel
+In 1969 Ho ____ Minh North Vietnamese president, dies
+In 1969 Ho Chi ____ North Vietnamese president, dies
+In 1969 Jason ____ Vancouver BC, actor (Brandon-Beverly Hills 90210), born in
+In 1969 Jimi Hendrix & ____ wage a battle of guitars
+Peter townshend
+In 1969 Judy Garland singer/actress, dies in London atforty seven?
+In 1969 Judy____ , singer/actress, dies at 48 of an alcohol overdose
+In 1969 Led Zepplin's ____ Album released
+In 1969 Levi Eshkol dies, ____ becomes premier of Israel
+Golda meir
+In 1969 Libyan revolution, Col ____ Gadhafi deposes King Idris
+In 1969 Libyan revolution, Col Moammar ____ deposes King Idris
+In 1969 Libyan revolution, Col Moammar Gadhafi deposes King____
+In 1969 Mariner 7 flies past____
+In 1969 Mickey ____ announces his retirement
+In 1969 Neil ____ steps on the Moon at 2:56:15 AM (GMT)
+In 1969 The British parliament voted for the abolition of ____ penalty
+In 1969 the shares of the Australian company 'Poseidon' were worth $1, one year later they were worth $____ each
+In 1969 which politician was involved in a car accident at Chappaquiddick?
+Edward kennedy
+In 1969____ , first manned ship to land on the moon, is launched
+Apollo 1
+In 1969____ , Venus landing. First successful landing on another planet
+Venera 5
+In 1969, this honey-dripping song by the Archies spent four weeks at the top of the charts?
+Sugar Sugar
+In 1969, which rock group was playing Altamont when a man was killed by a Hell's Angels Motorcycle club member?
+The Rolling Stones
+In 1969, which song by the archies spent four weeks at the top of the charts?
+Sugar sugar
+In 1970 ____ gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+In 1970 ____ Joplin dies at age 27
+In 1970 ____ kills estimated 300,000 in Bangladesh
+In 1970 ____ launched by USSR for soft landing on Venus
+Venera 7
+In 1970 ____ leaves the Moon
+Luna 16
+In 1970 ____ Phoenix, born in
+In 1970 ____ Republic (Cambodia) declares independence
+In 1970 ____ returns to Earth
+Soyuz 9
+In 1970 ____ Sadat elected president of Egypt, succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser
+In 1970 ____ Schiffer Rheinbach Germany, super model (Elle, Rolling Stone), born in
+In 1970 ____ stripper/actress, dies at 56
+Gypsy rose lee
+In 1970 1st baby born on ____ Island
+In 1970 4 students at ____ University killed by Ohio National Guard during anti-war protest
+Kent state
+In 1970 Andre ____ U.S., tennis pro (US & French Open finalist-1990), born in
+In 1970 Anwar ____ elected president of Egypt, succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser
+In 1970 Anwar Sadat elected president of Egypt, succeeding ____ Abdel Nasser
+In 1970 Anwar Sadat elected president of Egypt, succeeding Gamal ____ Nasser
+In 1970 Anwar Sadat elected president of Egypt, succeeding Gamal Abdel____
+In 1970 Anwar Sadat elected president of____ , succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser
+In 1970 Apollo 13 launched to ____ ; unable to land, returns in 6 days
+In 1970 Apollo 13 limps back safely, ____ -built oxygen tank no help
+In 1970 Apollo 13's Beech-built ____ tank explodes
+In 1970 Australia's 1st amateur ____ (Oscar 5) launched
+Radio satellite
+In 1970 Charles ____ French pres, dies at 79
+In 1970 Claudia ____ Rheinbach Germany, super model (Elle, Rolling Stone), born in
+In 1970 Decca awards ____ Crosby a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million
+In 1970 Decca awards Bing ____ a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million
+In 1970 Decca awards Bing Crosby a 2nd platinum disc for selling ____ million
+In 1970 Digital Equipment Corp introduces the ____ minicomputer
+In 1970 Fiji gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+In 1970 First Automated return of lunar sample by____
+Luna 1
+In 1970 First computer ____ tournament
+In 1970 Gabriela____ , tennis professional, raqueteer, born in
+In 1970 Grateful Dead members busted on ____ charges
+In 1970 IBM announces ____ computer
+System 370
+In 1970 Israeli archaeologists reported uncovering the first evidence supporting the destruction of ____ in 70 A.D. by military forces of the ancient Roman Empire.1973 Pope Paul VI has an audience with Golda Meir at Vatican
+In 1970 Janis ____ dies at age 27
+In 1970 Janis Joplin dies at age____
+In 1970 Khmer Republic (____ ) declares independence
+In 1970 Luna 16 lands on Moon's____ , drills core sample
+Mare fecunditatis
+In 1970 Pope ____ VI wounded in chest during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest
+In 1970 River____ , born in
+In 1970 Rocker Chubby ____ arrest for marijuana pocession
+In 1970 Russia lands unmanned remote-controlled vehicle on____
+In 1970 Salvador ____ Gossens elected president of Chile
+In 1970 Salvador Allende ____ elected president of Chile
+In 1970 Salvador Allende Gossens elected president of____
+In 1970 Soviet author ____ I. Solzhenitsyn awarded Nobel Prize for Lit
+In 1970 Soviet author Alexander I. ____ awarded Nobel Prize for Lit
+In 1970 Thor ____ crosses the Atlantic on reed raft 'Ra'
+In 1970 U.S. casts first ____ in UN Security Council (Support England)
+In 1970 USSR launches Luna 16; returns samples from lunar Sea of____
+In 1970 USSR launches____ ; returns samples from lunar Sea of Fertility
+Luna 1
+In 1970 Venera 7 launched by USSR for soft landing on____
+In 1970, only 5 percent of the American population lived in ____
+In 1971 ____ 9, first orbit of another planet, first orbit of Mars
+In 1971 ____ gained independence from Britain
+In 1971 ____ hostages and 28 prisoners die in take over a Attica State Prison
+In 1971 ____ Khrushchev dies of a heart attack at 77
+In 1971 ____ McCartney announces the formation of his group Wings
+In 1971 ____ returns to Earth
+Apollo 15
+In 1971 (USA) Rube____ , inventor and cartoonist, dies
+In 1971 1st legal off-track ____ system begins (OTB-New York)
+In 1971 9 hostages and ____ prisoners die in take over a Attica State Prison
+In 1971 9 hostages and 28 prisoners die in take over a ____ State Prison
+In 1971 Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Sharjah & Umm ak Qiwain form the United ____ Emirates
+In 1971 Bahrain gained independence from____
+In 1971 Broderick ____ Sydney Australia (7 of 9 survived infancy), born in
+In 1971 Chris Young ____ , actor (Bryce Lynch-Max Headroom, Great Outdoors), born in
+In 1971 East Pakistan proclaimed independence taking the name?
+In 1971 First Lt. William L.____ , Jr. found guilty in the MyLai massacre
+In 1971 Jim ____ rocker (Doors), dies of heart failure in Paris
+In 1971 Jim Morrison rocker (____ ), dies of heart failure in Paris
+In 1971 Jim Morrison rocker (Doors), dies of ____ in Paris
+Heart failure
+In 1971 Jim Morrison rocker (Doors), dies of heart failure in____
+In 1971 Mount ____ erupts in Sicily Italy
+In 1971 Nikita ____ dies of a heart attack at 77
+In 1971 Nikita Khrushchev dies of a heart attack at____
+In 1971 Ogden ____ poet/TV panelist (Masquerade Party), dies at 68
+In 1971 on which release did santana lament 'shes gonna make a devil out of me'?
+Black magic woman
+In 1971 Paul ____ announces the formation of his group Wings
+In 1971 Paul McCartney announces the formation of his group____
+In 1971 Republic of the ____ becomes Republic of Zaire
+In 1971 Republic of the Congo becomes Republic of____
+In 1971 Sierra ____ becomes a republic (Natl Day)
+In 1971 Soviet Mars 3 is 1st to soft land on____
+In 1971 Supreme Court overturns ____ conviction of Muhammad Ali
+Draft evasion
+In 1971 UN General Assembly admits Mainland China and expels____
+In 1971 US Apollo ____ lands on Mare Imbrium on the Moon
+In 1971 US Apollo 15 lands on ____ Imbrium on the Moon
+In 1971 US Apollo 15 lands on Mare ____ on the Moon
+In 1971 US Apollo 15 lands on Mare Imbrium on the____
+In 1971 USSR launches____ , 1st spacecraft to crash land on Mars
+Mars 2
+In 1972 ____ 16 astronauts explore the surface of the moon
+In 1972 ____ 16 takes off for the Moon
+In 1972 ____ Dori Wangchuck, king of Bhutan, dies
+In 1972 ____ Israeli athletes are slain at Munich Olympics
+In 1972 ____ Jones closes above 1,000 for first time (1003.16)
+In 1972 ____ Shapley discoverer of the Sun's position in the galaxy, dies
+In 1972 11 ____ athletes are slain at Munich Olympics
+In 1972 11 Israeli athletes are slain at ____ Olympics
+In 1972 Alyassa____ , actor (Who's the Boss) ,born
+In 1972 American swimmer ____ Spitz becomes the first athlete to win seven olympic gold medals
+In 1972 American swimmer Mark ____ becomes the first athlete to win seven olympic gold medals
+In 1972 American swimmer Mark Spitz becomes the first athlete to win ____ olympic gold medals
+In 1972 Arrest of burglars starts the ____ affair
+In 1972 Ceylon becomes Republic of ____ as its constitution is ratified
+Sri lanka
+In 1972 Earthquake destroys central Managua,____
+In 1972 ERTS 1 (Earth Resources Technology Satellite), later called____ , launched to start its multi-spectral scans of Earth
+In 1972 George ____ , actor (Mr Freeze-Batman TV series), dies at 65
+In 1972 German Chancellor Willy ____ visits Israel
+In 1972 Great Britain imposed direct rule over?
+Northern Ireland
+In 1972 Guided tours of ____ (by Park Service) begin
+In 1972 Harlow ____ discoverer of the Sun's position in the galaxy, dies
+In 1972 Harry____ , 33rd US Pres (1945-53), dies in KC Mo at 88
+In 1972 Jigme ____ Wangchuck, king of Bhutan, dies
+In 1972 Jigme Dori Wangchuck, king of____ , dies
+In 1972 Jigme Dori____ , king of Bhutan, dies
+In 1972 John and ____ guest-host The Mike Douglas Show for the entire week
+In 1972 John Young & Charles ____ explores Moon (Apollo 16)
+In 1972 Kwame ____ president of Ghana, dies at 62
+In 1972 NASA announced the start of the ____ program
+Space shuttle
+In 1972 Nixon & ____ agree to use CIA to cover up Watergate
+In 1972 Pioneer ____ launched. First to traverse asteroid belt, leave system
+In 1972 President ____ visits China
+In 1972 President Nixon and Chinese Premier ____ issued the Shanghai Communique
+Chou en-lai
+In 1972 Republic of ____ declared as constitution is ratified
+In 1972 Summer Olympics opened in____ , West Germany
+In 1972 US Army turned over Long Bihn base to South ____ army
+In 1972 US began its heaviest bombing of North____
+In 1972, what Canadian bay did Captain George Vancouver first sail into?
+The English Bay
+In 1972, which album did peter townshend release?
+Who came first
+In 1973 ____ 's President, Salvador Allende, deposed in a military coup
+In 1973 ____ and Priscilla Presley divorce after 6 years
+In 1973 ____ became independent after 3 centuries of British rule
+In 1973 ____ is launched
+Soyuz 12
+In 1973 ____ Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match
+In 1973 ____ Kissinger and Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize
+In 1973 ____ launched, the 1st Space Station
+In 1973 ____ launches Mars 6
+In 1973 ____ Seles tennis star (French Open-1990), born in
+In 1973 ____ shoots down 13 Syrian MIG-21s
+In 1973 ____ War begins as Syria and Egypt attack Israel
+Yom kippur
+In 1973 1st all ____ women's US Open final, (Margaret Court beats Yvonne Goolagong)
+In 1973 1st all Australian women's US Open final, (____ beats Yvonne Goolagong)
+Margaret court
+In 1973 1st all Australian women's US Open final, (Margaret Court beats____ )
+Yvonne goolagong
+In 1973 American ____ Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South Dakota
+In 1973 Australia grants self-government to ____ New Guinea
+In 1973 Billy ____ King beats Bobby Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match
+In 1973 Billy Jean ____ beats Bobby Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match
+In 1973 Billy Jean King beats ____ Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match
+In 1973 Billy Jean King beats Bobby ____ in battle-of-sexes tennis match
+In 1973 Britain's Princess ____ marries a commoner, Capt. Mark Phillips
+In 1973 Chile's President, ____ Allende, deposed in a military coup
+In 1973 Chile's President, Salvador____ , deposed in a military coup
+In 1973 David Ben-Gurion founding father of ____ dies in Tel Aviv at 87
+In 1973 Elvis and ____ Presley divorce after 6 years
+In 1973 Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorce after ____ years
+In 1973 Greek Pres George ____ ousted in a bloodless military coup
+In 1973 Henry ____ and Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize
+In 1973 Henry Kissinger and ____ Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize
+In 1973 Henry Kissinger and Le ____ Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize
+In 1973 Henry Kissinger and Le Duc ____ jointly awarded Nobel peace prize
+In 1973 Intelsat communications ____ launched
+In 1973 Israel shoots down 13 ____ MIG-21s
+In 1973 John ____ begins testifying before the Senate Watergate Committee
+In 1973 Last US troops leave Vietnam, 9 yrs after the ____ Resolution
+In 1973 Lon ____ Jr actor (Hawkeye, Pistols 'n' Petticoats), dies at 67
+In 1973 Lon Chaney Jr actor (____ , Pistols 'n' Petticoats), dies at 67
+In 1973 Lon Chaney Jr actor (Hawkeye, Pistols 'n' Petticoats), dies at____
+In 1973 Nixon announces resignation of ____ , Ehrlichman, et al
+In 1973 Pablo ____ artist, dies near Mougins, France, at 91
+In 1973 Pioneer 10 passes ____ (1st fly-by of an outer planet)
+In 1973 Pioneer 11 launched. First spacecraft to flyby?
+In 1973 President ____ agrees to turn over White House tape recordings
+In 1973 Security Council Resol 338 - a cease fire to the ____ War
+Yom kippur
+In 1973 Six ____ Gulf nations double their oil prices
+In 1973 Soyuz 13 launched into ____ orbit for 8 days
+In 1973 The ____ - Israel's missile boat - is unveiled
+In 1973 The ____ oil embargo begins. It will last until March, 1974
+In 1973 The Arab oil embargo begins. It will last until____ , 1974
+In 1973 this musician released an album of mid-sixties cover versions, titled Pin-Ups. Posing beside this artist on the album cover is Twiggy?
+David Bowie
+In 1973 Three-man crew of ____ make safe splashdown in Pacific after 59 days
+Skylab ii
+In 1973 Three-man crew of Skylab II make safe splashdown in Pacific after ____ days
+In 1973 University of Texas at ____ becomes the first accredited school to offer a course in belly dancing
+In 1973 US and ____ signed a cease-fire agreement
+North vietnam
+In 1973 USSR launches____
+Mars 6
+In 1973 Veronica ____ actress, dies at 58
+In 1973 Veronica Lake actress, dies at ____
+In 1973 Women's ____ Day
+In 1973 Yom Kippur War begins as ____ and Egypt attack Israel
+In 1973 Yom Kippur War begins as Syria and ____ attack Israel
+In 1973 Yom Kippur War ends - Israel ____ miles from Cairo, 26 from Damascus
+In 1973 Yom Kippur War ends - Israel 65 miles from Cairo, ____ from Damascus
+In 1973 Yom Kippur War ends - Israel 65 miles from Cairo, 26 from____
+In 1973 Yom Kippur War ends - Israel 65 miles from____ , 26 from Damascus
+In 1973, deep purple released which popular double live album?
+Made in Japan
+In 1974 ____ -Bissau gained independence from Portugal
+In 1974 ____ carries 2 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 3
+Soyuz 15
+In 1974 ____ invades Cyprus
+In 1974 ____ Kowal discovers Leda, 13th satellite of Jupiter
+In 1974 ____ Lindbergh, died at his home in Hawaii at the age of 72
+In 1974 ____ Petit walks tightrope strung between the twin towers of the World Trade Center, New York
+In 1974 ____ TV host (Ed Sullivan Show), dies at 73
+Ed sullivan
+In 1974 Agnes ____ actress (Endora-Bewitched), dies at 67
+In 1974 Arganat ____ publishes report concerning the Yom Kippur War
+In 1974 Charles ____ discovers Leda, 13th satellite of Jupiter
+In 1974 Charles Kowal discovers Leda, ____ satellite of Jupiter
+In 1974 Charles Kowal discovers Leda, 13th satellite of____
+In 1974 Charles Kowal discovers____ , 13th satellite of Jupiter
+In 1974 Charles Lindbergh, died at his home in Hawaii at the age of____
+In 1974 Charles____ , died at his home in Hawaii at the age of 72
+In 1974 Chris____ , newscaster, shoots self on air
+In 1974 David____ , actor (Married With Children's Bud Bundy), born in
+In 1974 Ed Sullivan TV host (Ed Sullivan Show), dies at____
+In 1974 French president Georges ____ died in Paris
+In 1974 Guinea____ gained independence from Portugal
+In 1974 Guinea-Bissau gained independence from____
+In 1974 Hank ____ tied Babe Ruth's home-run record by hitting his 714th
+In 1974 House Judiciary Committee begin formal hearings on ____ impeachment
+In 1974 Landslide in ____ Province Peru creates a natural dam
+In 1974 Last Americans evacuated from?
+In 1974 Mariner 10, ____ flyby
+In 1974 Most ____ oil producing nations end US embargo
+In 1974 Philippe ____ walks tightrope strung between the twin towers of the World Trade Center, New York
+In 1974 Sara____ , actress (Melissa-Roseanne), born in
+In 1974 Skylab ____ 's astronauts land
+In 1974 South Korean President ____ Chung-Hee escaped an assassination
+In 1974 South Korean President Park ____ escaped an assassination
+In 1974 Soyuz ____ is launched
+In 1974 Soyuz 15 carries 2 cosmonauts to space station____
+In 1974 Supreme Court unanimously rules ____ must turn over Watergate tapes
+In 1974 Turkey invades____
+In 1974 which heiress was kidnapped by the Simbionese Liberation Army?
+Patty hearst
+In 1974 Yitzhak ____ replaces resigning Prime Minister Golda Meir
+In 1974, ian gillian was replaced by David coverdale in which band?
+Deep purple
+In 1974, whose first album featured 'can't get enough' and 'ready for love'?
+Bad company
+In 1975 ____ Canal reopens (after 6 Day War caused it to close)
+In 1975 ____ formally signs Sinai accord with Egypt
+In 1975 ____ Is gain independence after 500 years of Portuguese rule
+Cape verde
+In 1975 ____ killed in Eastern Boeing 727 crash at JFK airport
+In 1975 ____ opens (Disneyland)
+Space mountain
+In 1975 ____ Sadat became 1st Egyptian president to officially visit the US
+In 1975 Anwar ____ became 1st Egyptian president to officially visit the US
+In 1975 Cape Verde Is gain independence after 500 years of ____ rule
+In 1975 Drew____ , actress, member of the Barrymore clan, born in
+In 1975 Israel formally signs ____ accord with Egypt
+In 1975 Israel formally signs Sinai accord with____
+In 1975 Israel signs an agreement with ____ Economic Market
+In 1975 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak ____ met with President Carter
+In 1975 Japanese Junko ____ became first woman to reach Mt Everest's summit
+In 1975 Laos People's ____ Republic founded (National Day)
+In 1975 Nationalist Chinese leader Chiang ____ died at the age of 87
+In 1975 Nationalist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-Shek died at the age of?
+In 1975 Netherlands grants ____ independence (Natl Day)
+In 1975 Papua ____ gained independence from Australia (National Day)
+New guinea
+In 1975 Portugal grants ____ independence (Natl Day)
+In 1975 Rocker Alice ____ falls of stage in Vancouver, breaks 6 ribs
+In 1975 Rod Serling writer/host (Twilight Zone, Night Gallery), dies at?
+In 1975 Sao Tome Principe gained independence from ____ (Nat'l Day)
+In 1975 Soviet spacecraft ____ lands on Venus
+Venera 9
+In 1975 Soyuz 19 and ____ launched; rendezvous 2 days later
+Apollo 18
+In 1975 Spain's Gen. Francisco Franco dies in ____ at 82
+In 1975 Star in ____ goes nova becoming 4th brightest in sky
+In 1975 Susan ____ dies at age 56
+In 1975 the future US President, Ronald Reagan, bought something unusual at Harrods. What was it?
+A baby elephant
+In 1975 USSR ____ made day Venus landing
+Venera 10
+In 1975 usually-silly ray stevens did a serious re-make of which johnny mathis classic?
+In 1975 Venera 9, first craft to orbit the planet ____ launched
+In 1975 Wrestler Antonino ____ dies at 49
+In 1975____ , first craft to orbit the planet Venus launched
+In 1975, jack nicholson won the oscar for best actor in which film?
+One flew over the cuckoo's nest
+In 1975, what was the first kansas lp called?
+In 1976 ____ and Tobago becomes a republic
+In 1976 ____ asks UN to condemn Israeli hostage rescue raid on Entebbe
+In 1976 ____ Church approves ordination of women as priests and bishop
+In 1976 ____ gained independence, not recognized outside of South Africa
+In 1976 ____ goes into orbit around Mars
+Viking 2
+In 1976 ____ Hathaway completes a bicycle tour of every continent in the world and cycling 50,600 miles
+In 1976 ____ launched to Salyut 6, but return without docking
+Soyuz 23
+In 1976 ____ launches rescue of 103 Air France crew and passengers being held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda by pro-Palestinian hijackers
+In 1976 ____ ownership legalized in Australia
+In 1976 ____ Palace announces separation of Princess Margaret
+In 1976 ____ performs their 1st concert
+In 1976 ____ resumes on TV despite real life divorce
+Sonny and cher
+In 1976 ____ returns to Earth
+Soyuz 22
+In 1976 ____ succeeds Mao Tse-tung as chairman of Communist Party
+Hua guo-feng
+In 1976 ____ Tse-Tung, Chinese communist party chairman (1949-76), dies at 82
+In 1976 Argentine pres. Isabel ____ was deposed by her country's military
+In 1976 Bank robbery in ____ nets $20-50 million (record)
+In 1976 Formal reunification of North & South____
+In 1976 George Harrison sings the lumberjack song with ____
+Monty python
+In 1976 Harold ____ resigns as British PM
+In 1976 Howard Hughes reclusive billionaire, dies at?
+In 1976 Hua Guo-feng succeeds ____ as chairman of Communist Party
+Mao tse-tung
+In 1976 Israel launches rescue of ____ Air France crew and passengers being held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda by pro-Palestinian hijackers
+In 1976 Israel launches rescue of 103 Air France crew and passengers being held at ____ Airport in Uganda by pro-Palestinian hijackers
+In 1976 Israel launches rescue of 103 Air France crew and passengers being held at Entebbe Airport in ____ by pro-Palestinian hijackers
+In 1976 John ____ completes a bicycle tour of every continent in the world and cycling 50,600 miles
+In 1976 John Hathaway completes a bicycle tour of every continent in the world and cycling ____ miles
+In 1976 Mao ____ -Tung, Chinese communist party chairman (1949-76), dies at 82
+In 1976 Mao Tse____ , Chinese communist party chairman (1949-76), dies at 82
+In 1976 Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese communist party chairman (1949-76), dies at____
+In 1976 O.J. ____ gains 273 yards for Buffalo vs. Detroit
+In 1976 Patricia ____ convicted of armed robbery
+In 1976 Phil ____ rock producer, dies
+In 1976 Soyuz 23 launched to____ , but return without docking
+In 1976 Supersonic____ , 1st commercial flights, by Britain & France
+In 1976 The first ____ film and TV festival
+In 1976 Trinidad and ____ becomes a republic
+In 1976 U.S. ____ goes into Martian orbit after an 11-month flight from Earth
+Viking 2
+In 1976 U.S. presented with oldest known copy of the____
+Magna carta
+In 1976 Uganda asks UN to condemn ____ hostage rescue raid on Entebbe
+In 1976 Uganda asks UN to condemn Israeli hostage rescue raid on____
+In 1976 Viking 2 goes into orbit around____
+In 1976 who became the first woman to conduct the Metropolitan Opera in New York City?
+Sarah caldwell
+In 1976, a Los Angeles secretary formally married her 50-pound?
+Pet rock
+In 1976, what mandm color was discontinued due to health concerns?
+In 1977 ____ 's army, led by Gen Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, seizes power
+In 1977 ____ Callas American-born prima donna dies in Paris at 53
+In 1977 ____ commandos storm a hijacked Lufthansa airliner in Mogadishu, Somalia, freeing all 86 hostages aboard and killing three of the four hijackers
+West German
+In 1977 ____ Crosby dies in Madrid, Spain
+In 1977 ____ Furlong Pasedina Calif, actor (John Connor-Terminator 2), born in
+In 1977 ____ incorporated
+Apple computer
+In 1977 ____ jubilee of Queen Elizabeth celebrated with fireworks
+In 1977 ____ Marx, died in Los Angeles at the age of 86
+In 1977 ____ National Day
+In 1977 ____ pledges to regain arab terrority from Israel
+In 1977 ____ Presley, dies of heart ailment at Graceland at age 42 . . . or goes into hiding. (Your Choice.)
+In 1977 ____ returns to Earth
+Soyuz 25
+In 1977 (England) ____ records drop punk rock group Sex Pistols
+In 1977 1st ____ computer sold
+In 1977 1st ____ concert (Pink Floyd in London)
+In 1977 582 die in aviation's worst disaster ____ crashes into Pan Am 747 on a foggy runway
+Klm 747
+In 1977 a 13 year old boy had a ____ growing out of his foot
+In 1977 Bing ____ dies in Madrid, Spain
+In 1977 Bing Crosby dies in____ , Spain
+In 1977 By 2/3 majority, Panamanians vote to approve the new ____ treaties
+In 1977 Donald Woods, a banned white editor flees ____ Africa
+In 1977 Edward ____ Pasedina Calif, actor (John Connor-Terminator 2), born in
+In 1977 Edward Furlong Pasedina Calif, actor (John Connor____ ), born in
+In 1977 Egyptian Pres Anwar ____ first meeting with President Jimmy Carter
+In 1977 Egyptian President Anwar ____ arrives in Israel
+In 1977 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat became first ____ leader to address Israel's Knesset
+In 1977 Egyptian President Sadat formally accepts invitation to visit____
+In 1977 Elvis Presley, dies of heart ailment at Graceland at age____ . . . or goes into hiding. (Your Choice.)
+In 1977 Elvis____ , dies of heart ailment at Graceland at age 42 . . . or goes into hiding. (Your Choice.)
+In 1977 Final European scheduled run of the ____ (94 years)
+Orient express
+In 1977 First man-powered ____ (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor)
+In 1977 Groucho Marx, died in Los Angeles at the age of____
+In 1977 Groucho____ , died in Los Angeles at the age of 86
+In 1977 Indira Gandhi resigned as prime minister of ____
+In 1977 IRS reveals Jimmy ____ paid no taxes in 1976
+In 1977 Leonid ____ named president of USSR
+In 1977 Maria ____ American-born prima donna dies in Paris at 53
+In 1977 Maria Callas American-born prima donna dies in Paris at____
+In 1977 New Orleans elects first ____ mayor, Ernest `Dutch' Morial
+In 1977 NYC experiences 25 hr____
+In 1977 Pakistan's army, led by Gen Mohammad____ , seizes power
+Zia ul-haq
+In 1977 Pope ____ makes 19th-cent bishop John Neumann first US male saint
+Paul vi
+In 1977 Pope Paul VI makes 19th-cent bishop John ____ first US male saint
+In 1977 Pres Jimmy ____ pardons almost all Vietnam War draft evaders
+In 1977 President Jimmy Carter welcomes Shah of____
+In 1977 Princess Victoria ____ Alicia Desirie, heir apparent of Sweden
+In 1977 Princess Victoria Ingrid ____ Desirie, heir apparent of Sweden
+In 1977 Princess Victoria Ingrid Alicia Desirie, heir apparent of____
+In 1977 Princess Victoria Ingrid Alicia____ , heir apparent of Sweden
+In 1977 Revolution in the ____ Islands
+In 1977 Sabra ____ finishes longest recorded belly dance (100 hrs)
+In 1977 Second test of the Space Shuttle____
+In 1977 Son of ____ shot to death 20-year-old Stacy Moskowitz
+In 1977 Son of Sam shot to death 20-year-old ____ Moskowitz
+In 1977 Son of Sam shot to death 20-year-old Stacy____
+In 1977 Soviet space station ____ launched into Earth orbit
+Salyut 6
+In 1977 Soyuz ____ is launched
+In 1977 Soyuz ____ returns to Earth
+In 1977 Soyuz 26 carries 2 cosmonauts to ____ 6 space station
+In 1977 Space shuttle ____ makes 1st atmospheric flight
+In 1977 Ted ____ manages an Atlanta Braves game
+In 1977 Third test of the Space Shuttle____
+In 1977 US recalls ____ Bowdler, ambassador to South Africa
+In 1977 US recalls William Bowdler, ambassador to____
+South africa
+In 1977 US recalls William____ , ambassador to South Africa
+In 1977 West German commandos storm a hijacked ____ airliner in Mogadishu, Somalia, freeing all 86 hostages aboard and killing three of the four hijackers
+In 1977 West German commandos storm a hijacked Lufthansa airliner in Mogadishu, ____ , freeing all 86 hostages aboard and killing three of the four hijackers
+In 1977 West German commandos storm a hijacked Lufthansa airliner in Mogadishu, Somalia, freeing all ____ hostages aboard and killing three of the four hijackers
+In 1977 West German commandos storm a hijacked Lufthansa airliner in Mogadishu, Somalia, freeing all 86 hostages aboard and killing ____ of the four hijackers
+In 1977 West German commandos storm a hijacked Lufthansa airliner in Mogadishu, Somalia, freeing all 86 hostages aboard and killing three of the ____ hijackers
+In 1977 West German commandos storm a hijacked Lufthansa airliner in____ , Somalia, freeing all 86 hostages aboard and killing three of the four hijackers
+In 1977, a ____ year old child found a tooth growing out of his left foot
+In 1977, a 13 year old child found a ____ growing out of his left foot
+In 1977, a 13 year old child found a tooth growing out of his ____ foot
+In 1977, a 13 year old child found a tooth growing out of his left____
+In 1977, according to the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, there were 14.5 telephone calls made for every 100 people in the ____
+Entire world
+In 1977, less than 9 percent of physicians in the U.S. were ____
+In 1977, Napoleon's ____ was sold in Paris for about US $3 800 to an American urologist
+In 1978 ____ Ali beats WBA heavyweight champion Leon Spinks
+In 1978 ____ Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected supreme pontiff-Pope John Paul II
+In 1978 ____ gained independence from Britain (National Day)
+Solomon is
+In 1978 ____ revolution (National Day)
+In 1978 ____ spacecraft touches down in Soviet Kazakhstan
+Soyuz 30
+In 1978 ____ Territory of Australia becomes self-governing
+In 1978 ____ Warby sets world speed record on water (514 kph)
+In 1978 Attempting to rid area of ____ guerrillas Israel invades Lebanon
+In 1978 Cardinal ____ Luciani of Venice becomes Pope John Paul I
+In 1978 Cardinal Albino ____ of Venice becomes Pope John Paul I
+In 1978 Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice becomes Pope____
+John Paul i
+In 1978 Crew of ____ 29 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 31
+In 1978 Gutenberg Bible (1 of 21) sells for $____ million, London
+In 1978 James Christy's discovery of Pluto's moon ____ announced
+In 1978 Jordan's King Hussein marries Elizabeth____ , 26-yr-old American
+In 1978 Kenneth ____ sets world speed record on water (514 kph)
+In 1978 Kenneth Warby sets world speed record on ____ (514 kph)
+In 1978 Muhammad ____ beats WBA heavyweight champion Leon Spinks
+In 1978 Muhammad Ali beats WBA heavyweight champion ____ Spinks
+In 1978 Muhammad Ali beats WBA heavyweight champion Leon____
+In 1978 Pioneer ____ transmitted images of Saturn and its rings
+In 1978 Pioneer 11 transmitted images of ____ and its rings
+In 1978 Pioneer Venus 2 drops 5 probes into atmosphere of____
+In 1978 Pioneer____ Multi-probe launched to Venus
+Venus 2
+In 1978 Pioneer-Venus 2 Multi-probe launched to____
+In 1978 Polish Cardinal ____ Wojtyla elected supreme pontiff-Pope John Paul II
+In 1978 Polish Cardinal Karol ____ elected supreme pontiff-Pope John Paul II
+In 1978 Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected supreme pontiff-Pope____
+John Paul ii
+In 1978 Pope ____ dies after 33 days as pope
+John Paul i
+In 1978 Pope John Paul I dies after ____ days as pope
+In 1978 Representatives of ____ and Egypt open talks in Washington
+In 1978 Representatives of Israel and ____ open talks in Washington
+In 1978 Representatives of Israel and Egypt open talks in____
+In 1978 Rev Jim ____ leads 911 people in suicide in Jonestown, Guyana
+In 1978 Sex Pistols' ____ concert (Winterland, SF)
+In 1978 Soyuz ____ is launched
+In 1978 the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation estimated that 'all the tea in China' amounted to approx. ____ tonnes
+In 1978 U.S. launches Pioneer ____ probe
+In 1978 which punk rocker commited a serious crime in manhattan?
+Sid vicious
+In 1978____ , famous cat (big fat hairy deal), born in
+In 1978, whose music did def leppard like to cover in small clubs?
+Thin lizzy
+In 1979 ____ (Gilbert and Ellice Is.) gained independence from Britain
+In 1979 ____ 33 returns to Earth
+In 1979 ____ Chung-hee South Korean President is assassinated
+In 1979 ____ flies past Jupiter
+Voyager ii
+In 1979 ____ Islands (in the Pacific) become self-governing
+In 1979 ____ Liberation Day; Sandinistas take over from Somoza
+In 1979 ____ makes 1st fly-by of Saturn, discovers new moon, rings
+Pioneer 11
+In 1979 ____ Pittsburgh, actor (Lurch-Addams Family), dies at 46
+Ted cassidy
+In 1979 (Vietnam) Vietnamese forces capture ____ from Khmer Rouge
+Phnom penh
+In 1979 1st western pop star to tour the USSR____
+Elton john
+In 1979 Budweiser ____ car reaches 1190 kph (record for wheeled vehicle)
+In 1979 Camp David peace treaty between ____ and Egypt
+In 1979 Camp David peace treaty between Israel and ____
+In 1979 Deposed Shah of ____ arrived in NY for medical treatment
+In 1979 Dr. Christian Barnard was offered ____ by the American National Enquirer to perform a human head transplant
+In 1979 Elton John becomes 1st pop star to perform in?
+In 1979 Guitarist Eric Clapton marries Patti____
+In 1979 Home rule introduced to Kalaallit ____ (Greenland)
+In 1979 Iran proclaimed an ____ Republic following the fall of the Shah
+In 1979 Israel's parliament approved a peace treaty with ____
+In 1979 John ____ becomes 1st pope to visit a communist country (Poland)
+Paul ii
+In 1979 Margaret ____ becomes prime minister of England
+In 1979 Merle ____ dies at age 68
+In 1979 Mother ____ of India was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
+In 1979 Mother Teresa of ____ was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
+In 1979 Neptune becomes ____ planet (Pluto moves closer)
+In 1979 Nicaragua Liberation Day; ____ take over from Somoza
+In 1979 Nicaragua Liberation Day; Sandinistas take over from____
+In 1979 Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island near____ , PA
+In 1979 Park ____ South Korean President is assassinated
+In 1979 Pope ____ becomes 1st pope to visit Ireland
+John Paul ii
+In 1979 Pope ____ is 1st Pope to visit the White House
+John Paul ii
+In 1979 Pope John Paul II becomes 1st pope to visit____
+In 1979 Shah Mohammed ____ of Iran flees Iran for Egypt
+Reza pahlevi
+In 1979 Soyuz ____ is launched
+In 1979 Ugandan dictator ____ overthrown; Tanzania takes Kampala
+Idi amin
+In 1979 Ugandan dictator Idi Amin overthrown; ____ takes Kampala
+In 1979 Ugandan dictator Idi Amin overthrown; Tanzania takes?
+In 1979 US House of Representatives begins TV broadcasts of its day-to-day business. ____ is born
+In 1979 US Skylab enters atmosphere over ____ and disintegrates
+In 1979 Voyager I's closest approach to?
+In 1979 Voyager II flies past____
+In 1979 Walt Disney World's ____ -millionth guest
+In 1979 Zulfiqar Ali ____ former Pakistani president, hanged in Pakistan
+In 1979, Skylab came back to earth sooner than expected as a result of?
+Sunspot activity
+In 1980 ____ people die when a pair of earthquakes struck NW Algeria
+In 1980 ____ returns to Earth
+Soyuz 38
+In 1980 ____ troops seized Iranian territory in a border dispute
+In 1980 4,500 people die when a pair of earthquakes struck NW____
+In 1980 Abolhassan ____ was installed as president of Iran
+In 1980 Alfred ____ dies in Calif at 80
+In 1980 Alfred Hitchcock ____ ____ Good Evening
+In 1980 British New Hebrides becomes independent and takes name____
+In 1980 BSD ____ released
+Unix 3
+In 1980 Cosmonauts ____ and Ryumin set space endurance record of 184 days
+In 1980 Cosmonauts Popov and ____ set space endurance record of 184 days
+In 1980 Grateful Dead's Bob ____ & Mickey Hart are arrested for incitement
+In 1980 Grateful Dead's Bob Weir & Mickey ____ are arrested for incitement
+In 1980 Ian ____ musician (Joy Division), dies
+In 1980 Iraqi troops seized ____ territory in a border dispute
+In 1980 Jimmy ____ NYC, comedian (Jimmy Durante Show), dies at 86
+In 1980 Joseph ____ & 3 other IRA men arrested for murder
+In 1980 Jury finds John Wayne ____ guilty of murders of 33 men and boys
+In 1980 Mae ____ dies at age 88
+In 1980 Mount ____ blows its top in Washington State
+St helens
+In 1980 Nation of ____ founded (formerly Rhodesia)
+In 1980 Peter Sellers, comedian and actor, dies at ____
+In 1980 Peter____ , comedian and actor, dies at 54
+In 1980 Poland's ____ labor union founded
+In 1980 Polish airliner crash kills all ____ aboard (22 are US amateur boxers)
+In 1980 Pope John Paul II began 5 day visit to West____
+In 1980 Rhodesia became independent?
+In 1980 Shah ____ Reza Pahavala of Iran, dies in Cairo at 60
+In 1980 Shah Mohammed ____ Pahavala of Iran, dies in Cairo at 60
+In 1980 Shah Mohammed Reza ____ of Iran, dies in Cairo at 60
+In 1980 Shah Mohammed Reza Pahavala of Iran, dies in ____ at 60
+In 1980 Shah Mohammed Reza Pahavala of Iran, dies in Cairo at____
+In 1980 Soviet Premier ____ Kosygin resigns, due to illness
+In 1980 Soviet Premier Alexei ____ resigns, due to illness
+In 1980 Soviet Premier Alexei ____ suffered a fatal heart attack at 76
+In 1980 Soyuz ____ crew returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 36
+In 1980 Soyuz 37 crew returns to ____ aboard Soyuz 36
+In 1980 Soyuz 37 crew returns to Earth aboard Soyuz____
+In 1980 Steve Ptacek in Solar Challenger makes first solar-powered____
+In 1980 Sugar Ray ____ regains WBC welterweight championship
+In 1980 Ted ____ 's Cable News Network (CNN) begins broadcasting
+In 1980 Terrorists seize ____ Embassy in London
+In 1980 The crew of ____ 35 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 37
+In 1980 The crew of ____ returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 35
+Soyuz 36
+In 1980 UN Security Council calls for ____ to free Nelson Mandela
+South africa
+In 1980 US appeals to International Court on hostages in?
+In 1980 US space probe ____ I approaches 77,000 miles of Saturn
+In 1980 USA beats ____ and wins the Olympic Gold Medal (4-2)
+In 1980 USA beats the ____ in Olympic Hockey (4-3)
+In 1980____ , first Indian satellite, is launched
+In 1980, a ____ hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would die
+Las vegas
+In 1980, a las vegas hospital suspended workers for betting on when patients would____
+In 1980, Secretary of State Michael J Connelly banned the sale of stock in?
+Apple computers
+In 1981 ____ 's closest approach to Saturn (63,000 miles/100,000 km)
+In 1981 ____ 's closest approach to Saturn enroute to Uranus and Neptune
+In 1981 ____ 's General Moshe Dayan dies at 66
+In 1981 ____ premiers at 12:01 AM
+In 1981 ____ Sadat assassinated
+In 1981 ____ talks a despondent 21 year old out of committing suicide
+Muhammad ali
+In 1981 Actor Natalie ____ drowns off Santa Catalina, Calif., at 43
+In 1981 Anwar ____ assassinated
+In 1981 Beatle ____ marries actress Barbara Bach
+Ringo starr
+In 1981 Bob ____ reggae singer, dies at 36 of brain & lung cancer
+In 1981 Bobby Sands IRA activists dies in his ____ day of his hunger strike
+In 1981 Charles ____ clearly says a four-letter word on Saturday Night Live
+In 1981 First ____ crossing of Pacific completed (Double Eagle V)
+In 1981 First manned ____ flight across Pacific Ocean ended
+In 1981 Gen ____ Bradley last 5-star general, dies in NY at 88
+In 1981 Israel destroys alleged ____ plutonium production facility
+In 1981 Israel's General ____ Dayan dies at 66
+In 1981 Israel's General Moshe ____ dies at 66
+In 1981 Israel's General Moshe Dayan dies at____
+In 1981 james brady was shot attempting to assassinate whom?
+Ronald reagan
+In 1981 Leader of Panama Gen. Omar ____ killed in a plane crash
+In 1981 Pope John ____ gets out of hospital after attempt on life
+Paul ii
+In 1981 Pope John ____ shot, wounded by assailant in St Peter's Square
+Paul ii
+In 1981 Pres. ____ shot and wounded by John W. Hinckley Jr
+In 1981 Rajan ____ recites 31,811 digits of pi from memory
+In 1981 Rajan Mahadevan recites ____ digits of pi from memory
+In 1981 Second Space Shuttle Mission - ____ 2 is launched. First time a spacecraft is launched twice
+In 1981 Second Space Shuttle Mission, ____ 2, returns to Earth
+In 1981 Soyuz ____ is launched
+In 1981 Soyuz ____ returns to Earth
+In 1981 Soyuz 39 is launched - First ____ in space
+In 1981 Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart retires. (replaced by ____ first woman on the high court)
+Sandra day o'connor
+In 1981 Teenager fires ____ blanks at Queen Elizabeth II
+In 1981 The wedding of ____ and Lady Diana Spencer
+Prince Charles
+In 1981 The wedding of Prince Charles and____
+Lady diana spencer
+In 1981 Two workers killed in accident testing space shuttle?
+In 1981 US & ____ sign agreement to release 52 American hostages
+In 1981 Voyager 2 encounters____
+In 1981 Voyager 2's closest approach to ____ (63,000 miles/100,000 km)
+In 1981 Voyager's closest approach to ____ enroute to Uranus and Neptune
+In 1981 Voyager's closest approach to Saturn enroute to ____ and Neptune
+In 1981 Voyager's closest approach to Saturn enroute to Uranus and____
+In 1981, a guy had a heart attack after playing the game ____ ____video gaming's only known fatality
+In 1981, a guy had a heart attack after playing the game ____ video gaming's only known fatality
+In 1981, film was introduced to replace glass in making ____
+Photographic negatives
+In 1982 ____ and Syria stop fighting in Lebanon
+In 1982 ____ announces its population at 1 billion people plus
+In 1982 ____ attacks targets in southern Lebanon
+In 1982 ____ beats West Germany 3-1 for Football's 12th World Cup in Madrid
+In 1982 ____ becomes king of Saudi Arabia when King Khalid dies at 69
+In 1982 ____ forces began pouring into west Beirut
+In 1982 ____ leaves Lebanon
+Palestinian liberation organization
+In 1982 ____ Portugal, a Spanish priest with a bayonet is stopped prior to his attempt to attack Pope John Paul II
+In 1982 ____ troops reach outskirts of Beirut
+In 1982 ____ War Memorial dedicated in Washington, DC
+In 1982 ____ warns US will withdraw from UN if they vote to exclude Israel
+In 1982 1st permanent artificial ____ successfully implanted (U of Utah) in retired dentist Barney Clark; lived 112 days with the Jarvic-7 heart
+In 1982 4 ____ television crew members were shot dead in El Salvador
+In 1982 5.9 earthquake in ____ /Canada; last one was in 1855
+New England
+In 1982 5th Space Shuttle Mission - ____ 5 is launched (first commercial flight)
+In 1982 Argentina seized the disputed ____ (Malvinas) Islands from Britain
+In 1982 Argentina surrenders to ____ on S Georgia near Falkland Island
+In 1982 Argentina surrenders to Britain on Falkland Is, ends ____day conflict
+In 1982 Bombs planted by ____ explode in 2 London parks
+In 1982 Britain requests ____ arrange for return of prisoners
+In 1982 Eric the Red discovered ____
+In 1982 Fahd becomes king of ____ when King Khalid dies at 69
+Saudi arabia
+In 1982 Fahd becomes king of Saudi Arabia when King ____ dies at 69
+In 1982 Fahd becomes king of Saudi Arabia when King Khalid dies at ____
+In 1982 Fifth Space Shuttle Mission - ____ 5 returns to Earth
+In 1982 Funeral services held in Moscow's Red Square for Leonid I.____
+In 1982 Groundbreaking in____ , D.C., for Vietnam Veterans Memorial
+In 1982 In accordance with Camp David, ____ completes Sinai withdrawl
+In 1982 Israel and ____ stop fighting in Lebanon
+In 1982 Israel and Syria stop fighting in____
+In 1982 Israel attacks targets in southern____
+In 1982 Israel invades ____ to drive out the PLO
+In 1982 Israeli forces began pouring into west____
+In 1982 Israeli troops reach outskirts of____
+In 1982 Italy beats ____ 3-1 for Football's 12th World Cup in Madrid
+West Germany
+In 1982 Italy beats West Germany 3-1 for Football's 12th World Cup in____
+In 1982 Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim fatally injured when KOed by Ray____
+In 1982 Leonid____ , Soviet 1st sectretary, dies of a heart attack at 75
+In 1982 Miguel ____ makes first public quadruple somersault on trapeze
+In 1982 Mt ____ Observatory first to detect Halley's comet on 13th return
+In 1982 Mt Palomar Observatory first to detect Halley's comet on ____ return
+In 1982 Palestinian Liberation Organization leaves____
+In 1982 Pres ____ meets with Pope John Paul II and Queen Elizabeth
+In 1982 President ____ resigns in Argentina
+In 1982 Prince ____ of Wales, second in line to English throne (Son of Prince Charles), born in
+In 1982 Princess ____ of Monaco dies at 52 in a car crash
+In 1982 Princess Grace of ____ dies at 52 in a car crash
+In 1982 Princess Grace of Monaco dies at ____ in a car crash
+In 1982 Riots in ____ after Falklands/Malvinas defeat
+In 1982 Shultz warns US will withdraw from UN if they vote to exclude____
+In 1982 Soyuz ____ is launched
+In 1982 Soyuz T-5 returns to____ , 211 days after take-off
+In 1982 Third Space Shuttle Mission - ____ is launched
+Columbia 3
+In 1982 Third Space Shuttle Mission - ____ returns to Earth
+Columbia 3
+In 1982 UN Security Council demanded ____ withdraw from Falkland Islands
+In 1982 Yasuhiro Nakasone elected PM of ____ succeeding Zenko Suzuki
+In 1982 Yuri V. ____ succeeds Leonid Brezhnev
+In 1982, 264,000 bottles of what were recalled after 7 people died?
+In 1982, Englishman William Hall committed suicide by drilling holes into his head with a power drill . . . it took ____ holes
+In 1982, the last member of a group of people who believed the Earth was ____ died
+In 1982, who was accused of killing both her parents with an axe?
+Lizzie borden
+In 1983 ____ announces their color computer 2 (the Coco2)
+Radio shack
+In 1983 ____ becomes 1st man-made object to leave Solar System
+Pioneer 10
+In 1983 ____ cut oil prices for the first time in 23 years
+In 1983 ____ Gershwin, lyricist, dies in Beverly Hills, Cal, at 86
+In 1983 ____ Jones actress (Morticia-Addams Family), dies at 54 of cancer
+In 1983 ____ Walesa wins the Nobel Peace Prize
+In 1983 ____ won the America's Cup yacht race
+Australia ii
+In 1983 ?1 ____ introduced in United Kingdom
+In 1983 1st nonhuman primate (baboon) conceived in a lab dish,____
+San antonio
+In 1983 241 US Marines and sailors die in a terrorist suicide attack on their barracks in____
+In 1983 6th space shuttle mission, ____ launched
+Challenger 1
+In 1983 7th Shuttle Mission (Challenger 2) launched. ____ is the first U.S. woman in space
+Sally ride
+In 1983 After being expelled from Bolivia, former Nazi Gestapo official Klaus ____ was brought to Lyon, France to stand trial for alleged war crimes
+In 1983 After being expelled from____ , former Nazi Gestapo official Klaus Barbie was brought to Lyon, France to stand trial for alleged war crimes
+In 1983 Brunei gains complete independence from____
+In 1983 Carolyn ____ actress (Morticia-Addams Family), dies at 54 of cancer
+In 1983 Carolyn Jones actress (Morticia-Addams Family), dies at ____ of cancer
+In 1983 Carolyn Jones actress (Morticia-Addams Family), dies at 54 of____
+In 1983 Chaim ____ elected president of Israel
+In 1983 Challenger crew perform a spacewalk - first by US in?
+9 years
+In 1983 Cosmonauts ____ and Strekalov are saved from exploding Soyuz T-10
+In 1983 Cosmonauts Titov and ____ are saved from exploding Soyuz T-10
+In 1983 Cosmonauts Titov and Strekalov are saved from exploding Soyuz____
+In 1983 First Artificial heart recipient Dr. Barney Clark died after ____ days
+In 1983 Ira Gershwin, lyricist, dies in Beverly Hills, Cal, at____
+In 1983 Ira Gershwin, lyricist, dies in____ , Cal, at 86
+Beverly hills
+In 1983 Ira____ , lyricist, dies in Beverly Hills, Cal, at 86
+In 1983 Israel & ____ sign a peace treaty
+In 1983 Korean ____ strays into Siberia and is shot down by a Soviet jet
+Boeing 747
+In 1983 Korean Boeing 747 strays into ____ and is shot down by a Soviet jet
+In 1983 Korean Boeing 747 strays into Siberia and is shot down by a ____ jet
+In 1983 Lech ____ wins the Nobel Peace Prize
+In 1983 NASA launches____
+Telsat v
+In 1983 Ninth Space Shuttle Mission, ____ 6 is launched
+In 1983 President ____ signs a bill establishing Martin Luther King day
+In 1983 R ____ Fuller inventor/philosopher, dies in LA at 87
+In 1983 R Buckminster ____ inventor/philosopher, dies in LA at 87
+In 1983 R Buckminster Fuller inventor/philosopher, dies in LA at?
+In 1983 Sixth Space Shuttle Mission - ____ returns to Earth
+Challenger 1
+In 1983 St Christopher____ gained independence from Britain (Nat'l Day)
+In 1983 US and USSR sign $10 billion ____ pact
+In 1983 US invades____ , a country with 1/2000 its population
+In 1983, a Japanese artist made a copy of the mona lisa completely out of____
+In 1983, which firms security warehouse at Heathrow was robbed of ?26million of gold?
+In 1983, who released 'let's dance'?
+David bowie
+In 1983, who sang 'domo origato mr roboto'?
+In 1984 ____ Bishop Desmond Tutu named Nobel Peace Prize winner
+In 1984 ____ bombs hotel where Margaret Thatcher is staying
+In 1984 ____ Capote author (In Cold Blood), dies
+In 1984 ____ founder of MacDonalds/owner San Diego Padres, dies at 82
+Ray kroc
+In 1984 ____ holds first free elections in 56 years; Sandinistas win 63%
+In 1984 ____ Jones runs Chicago Marathon in world record 2 h 8 m 5 s
+In 1984 ____ Kittinger completes first solo balloon crossing of Atlantic
+In 1984 ____ Mason actor, dies at 75 of a heart attack
+In 1984 1st documented case of a ____ killing a human in US
+In 1984 2,000 die from Union ____ poison gas emission in Bhopal, India
+In 1984 Anglican Bishop ____ Tutu named Nobel Peace Prize winner
+In 1984 Anglican Bishop Desmond ____ named Nobel Peace Prize winner
+In 1984 Baby Fae, who received a____ , heart died at a California medical center
+In 1984 Body of assassinated Indian PM Indira ____ cremated
+In 1984 Challenger astronauts complete 1st in space satellite?
+In 1984 Christopher ____ , FBI's 'most wanted man' accidentally killed self
+In 1984 Cosmonaut ____ Savitskaya became 1st woman to walk in space
+In 1984 Count Basie jazz piano great, dies at?
+In 1984 Eleventh Space Shuttle Mission - ____ is launched
+Challenger 5
+In 1984 Eleventh Space Shuttle Mission - ____ returns to Earth
+Challenger 5
+In 1984 Fourteenth Space Shuttle Mission - ____ 2 is launched
+In 1984 Fourteenth Space Shuttle Mission - ____ 2 returns to Earth
+In 1984 IRA bombs hotel where ____ is staying
+Margaret thatcher
+In 1984 James ____ actor, dies at 75 of a heart attack
+In 1984 James Mason actor, dies at ____ of a heart attack
+In 1984 James Mason actor, dies at 75 of a____
+Heart attack
+In 1984 Joe ____ completes first solo balloon crossing of Atlantic
+In 1984 Joe Kittinger completes first solo balloon crossing of____
+In 1984 Johnny ____ actor (Tarzan, Jungle Jim), dies in Acapulco at 79
+In 1984 Los Angeles hosted the Summer Games, which city hosted the Winter Games that year?
+In 1984 Marvin ____ shot to death by his father Marvin Gaye Sr in LA
+In 1984 Pres ____ was elected to a second term, winning 49 states
+In 1984 Prince ____ Charles Albert David of Wales, 3rd in British sucession, born in
+In 1984 Prince Henry ____ Albert David of Wales, 3rd in British sucession, born in
+In 1984 Prince Henry Charles ____ David of Wales, 3rd in British sucession, born in
+In 1984 Prince Henry Charles Albert ____ of Wales, 3rd in British sucession, born in
+In 1984 Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales, ____ in British sucession, born in
+In 1984 Prince Henry Charles Albert David of____ , 3rd in British sucession, born in
+In 1984 Republic of ____ becomes Burkina Fasso (National Day)
+Upper volta
+In 1984 Republic of Upper Volta becomes ____ (National Day)
+Burkina fasso
+In 1984 Rev Martin ____ King Sr, dies in Atlanta at 84
+In 1984 South African Bishop Desmond ____ received his Nobel Peace Prize
+In 1984 South African prisoner ____ sees his wife for 1st time in 22 years
+Nelson mandela
+In 1984 Soyuz ____ is launched
+In 1984 Soyuz T-12 carries 3 cosmonauts to space station____
+Salyut 7
+In 1984 Steve ____ runs Chicago Marathon in world record 2 h 8 m 5 s
+In 1984 Svetlana ____ accompanies Vladimir Dzhanibekov on EVA outside Salyut 7, becoming first woman to walk in space
+In 1984 Tenth Space Shuttle Mission - ____ is launched
+In 1984 Tenth Space Shuttle Mission - ____ returns to Earth
+Challenger 4
+In 1984 Truman ____ author (In Cold Blood), dies
+In 1984 U.S. ends participation in multinational peace force in?
+In 1984 USSR announces it will not participate in ____ Summer Olympics
+In 1984 which country wrested the Americas Cup away from United States?
+In 1984 William Schroeder, becomes second to receive Jarvik-7 artificial____
+In 1984, a Canadian farmer began renting ad space on?
+His cows
+In 1984, a Canadian farmer began renting advertising space on his what?
+In 1984, who sang 'girls just want to have fun'?
+Cyndi lauper
+In 1985 ____ agents sink Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand
+In 1985 ____ Jackson buys ATV Music (including the rights to every Beatle song) for $47 million
+In 1985 ____ Shiite Moslem gunmen hijack TWA 847 after Athens' takeoff
+In 1985 ____ Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 1 is launched
+In 1985 ____ Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 1 returns to Earth
+In 1985 ____ Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 is launched
+In 1985 ____ Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 returns to Earth
+In 1985 ____ Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 6 is launched
+In 1985 ____ troops ends 27-hour siege of Bogota's Palace of Justice
+In 1985 19th Space Shuttle Mission - ____ returns to Earth
+Challenger 8
+In 1985 19th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger ____ is launched
+In 1985 19th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 returns to____
+In 1985 21st Space Shuttle Mission - ____ is launched
+Atlantis 1
+In 1985 21st Space Shuttle Mission - ____ returns to Earth
+Atlantis 1
+In 1985 22nd Space Shuttle Mission - ____ 9 returns to Earth
+In 1985 23rd Space Shuttle Mission - ____ 2 is launched
+In 1985 Body of Dr. Josef____ , Nazi war criminal, located and exhumed
+In 1985 Clarence____ , the voice of Donald Duck, died
+In 1985 Claus ____ acquitted on charges he tried to murder his wife
+Von bulow
+In 1985 Eighteenth Space Shuttle Mission - ____ is launched
+Discovery 5
+In 1985 En route to Halley's Comet, USSR's ____ drops lander on Venus
+Vega 2
+In 1985 European Space Agency launches ____ Sattelite to Halley's Comet
+In 1985 FBI arrests John A ____ Jr, convicted of spying for USSR
+In 1985 Fifteenth Space Shuttle Mission - ____ returns to Earth
+In 1985 French agents sink Greenpeace's ____ in New Zealand
+Rainbow warrior
+In 1985 French agents sink Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in____
+New zealand
+In 1985 Funeral services held in ____ for leader Konstantin Chernenko
+In 1985 Gary Kasparov (USSR) becomes World ____ Champion at age of 22
+In 1985 India files suit against ____ over Bhopal disaster
+Union carbide
+In 1985 India files suit against Union Carbide over ____ disaster
+In 1985 Journalist Terry ____ is abducted in Lebanon by pro-Iranian terrorists
+In 1985 Lebanese ____ Moslem gunmen hijack TWA 847 after Athens' takeoff
+In 1985 Lebanese Shiite ____ gunmen hijack TWA 847 after Athens' takeoff
+In 1985 Lebanese Shiite Moslem gunmen hijack ____ after Athens' takeoff
+Twa 847
+In 1985 Lebanese Shiite Moslem gunmen hijack TWA 847 after ____ ' takeoff
+In 1985 Live Aid, a rock concert in London, ____ , Moscow and Sydney
+In 1985 Live Aid, a rock concert in London, Phila, ____ and Sydney
+In 1985 Live Aid, a rock concert in London, Phila, Moscow and____
+In 1985 Live Aid, a rock concert in____ , Phila, Moscow and Sydney
+In 1985 Michael ____ buys ATV Music (including the rights to every Beatle song) for $47 million
+In 1985 Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (including the rights to every ____ song) for $47 million
+In 1985 Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (including the rights to every Beatle song) for____
+$47 million
+In 1985 Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupts in____ , kills 25,000
+In 1985 Republic of ____ gains consultative role in Northern Ireland
+In 1985 Soviet Union announces death of its leader Konstantin____ . Mikhail S. Gorbachev becomes Communist Party general secretary
+In 1985 Space shuttle ____ makes second flight, carries 7 (1 Mexican)
+In 1985 Spokeswoman for Rock ____ confirmed he had AIDS
+In 1985 Tancredo Neves becomes 1st elected president of ____ in 21 years
+In 1985 UN ____ Council unanimously condemns 'acts of hostage-taking'
+In 1985 Walt Disney World's ____ -millonth guest
+In 1985, as what did 'people magazine' name mel gibson?
+Sexiest man of the year
+In 1985, which magazine named mel gibson 'the sexiest man of the year'?
+People magazine
+In 1986 ____ & Arnold Schwarzenegger marry
+Maria shriver
+In 1986 ____ announces high-level Chernobyl staff fired for stupidity
+In 1986 ____ becomes only the 2nd freely elected president of Guatemala since the CIA-sponsored coup in 1954
+Vinicio cerezo
+In 1986 ____ Tutu installed to lead south African Anglican Church
+In 1986 '____ ', famed surrogate, born in
+Baby m
+In 1986 (USA) Rutan and Yeager make first around-the-world flight without____
+In 1986 24th Space Shuttle Mission - ____ is launched
+In 1986 A mail carrier in Edmond, Okla., shot ____ fellow workers dead
+In 1986 Alleged Nazi Kurt ____ elected pres of Austria
+In 1986 Andrei Tarkovski, Russian ____ (Stalker), dies at 54
+In 1986 Artificial heart recipient Murray P. Haydon died in____ , KY
+In 1986 Benny ____ the clarinet playing King of Swing, dies in NY at 77
+In 1986 Benny Goodman the ____ playing King of Swing, dies in NY at 77
+In 1986 Benny Goodman the clarinet playing King of Swing, dies in NY at?
+In 1986 Bloody coup overthrows government of?
+South yemen
+In 1986 Cary____ , dies in Davenport, Iowa, at 82
+In 1986 Christa McAuliffe, Dr Judith Arlene Resnik, Ellison S Onizuka, Francis R Scobee, Michael J Smith and Ronald E McNair, die in the ____ Space shuttle disaster
+In 1986 Clint Eastwood elected mayor of ____ , California. It made his day
+In 1986 Desi ____ actor (Ricky Ricardo-I Love Lucy), dies at 69
+In 1986 Desmond ____ installed to lead south African Anglican Church
+In 1986 Desmond Tutu installed to lead south African ____ Church
+In 1986 Dodge ____ sailed solo nonstop around the world in 150 days
+In 1986 Dodge Morgan sailed solo nonstop around the world in ____ days
+In 1986 First ____ television station to televise live local programs
+In 1986 Geraldo ____ opens Al Capone's vault on TV & finds nothing
+In 1986 Halley's Comet makes closest approach to ____ this trip, 63 M km
+In 1986 James ____ died at his farm in Stanfordville, NY, at age 86
+In 1986 Jonathan ____ spy for Israel pleads guilty
+In 1986 Jonathan Pollard spy for ____ pleads guilty
+In 1986 Lebanese magazine Ash Shirra reveals secret US arms sales to____
+In 1986 P. W. ____ declares South African national emergency
+In 1986 Philippines President Ferdinand E. ____ flees in defeat, takes up residence in Hawaii with wife Imelda
+In 1986 Pope ____ met Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff at Rome synagogue
+John Paul ii
+In 1986 Pope John Paul II met Rome's Chief Rabbi ____ at Rome synagogue
+Elio toaff
+In 1986 Pope John Paul II met Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff at ____ synagogue
+In 1986 Pres ____ criticizes South African state of emergency
+In 1986 Reagan administration exceeds ____ II arms limitations for first time
+In 1986 Record ____ start in a marathon (Mexico City)
+In 1986 Record 23,000 start in a marathon (____ )
+Mexico city
+In 1986 Record for a throw-and-return ____ toss is set (121m)
+In 1986 River ____ (Germany) polluted by chemical spill
+In 1986 Tommy Lee drummer of ____ marries Heather Locklear
+Motley crue
+In 1986 UN's WHO announces first global effort to combat____
+In 1986 US and ____ clash in the Gulf of Sidra
+In 1986 USSR frees dissident Andrei ____ from internal exile
+In 1986 USSR releases US journalist ____ Daniloff confined on spy charges
+In 1986 USSR releases US journalist Nicholas ____ confined on spy charges
+In 1986 Videotapes released showing sunken remains of the____
+In 1986 Volcanic eruption in ____ releases poison gas, killing 2,000
+In 1986 Volcanic eruption in Cameroon releases poison gas, killing____
+In 1986 Voyager 2, first ____ flyby
+In 1986 which Woody Allen film won Oscars for Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress, as well as for Best Original Screenplay?
+Hannah and her sisters
+In 1986 Worst nuclear disaster, ____ USSR, 31 die
+In 1986____ , Thin Lizzy Lead Singer, died
+Phil lynott
+In 1986, what was the maximum fuel capacity imposed in formula 1 racing?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["One hundred and ninety five litres", "195 liters"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In 1986, who sang tommy james' 'mony mony'?
+Billy idol
+In 1987 ____ actor/dancer (Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz), dies at 82
+Ray bolger
+In 1987 ____ Cox swims 4.3 km from US to USSR in 4? C (39? F) Bering Sea
+In 1987 ____ gays march for civil rights in Washington
+In 1987 ____ Greene actor (Bonanza, Battlestar Galactica), dies at 72
+In 1987 ____ Hess, Nazi, dies at 93, after 46 years in Spandau Prison
+In 1987 ____ Marvin dies in Tucson, Ariz at 63
+In 1987 ____ voters overwhelmingly approved a new constitution
+South korean
+In 1987 175-kph winds cause blackout in____ , much of southern England
+In 1987 18-month-old ____ is rescued 58 hours after she fell 22 feet into a well shaft in Midland, TX
+Jessica mcclure
+In 1987 18-month-old Jessica McClure is rescued ____ hours after she fell 22 feet into a well shaft in Midland, TX
+In 1987 18-month-old Jessica McClure is rescued 58 hours after she fell ____ feet into a well shaft in Midland, TX
+In 1987 18-month-old Jessica McClure is rescued 58 hours after she fell 22 feet into a well shaft in Midland,____
+In 1987 1st military use of trained ____ (US Navy in Persian Gulf)
+In 1987 1st of 3 massacres by ____ extremists takes place in India
+In 1987 1st of 3 massacres by Sikh extremists takes place in____
+In 1987 200,000 gays march for civil rights in____
+In 1987 7 top NY Mafia bosses sentenced to ____ years in prison each
+In 1987 Andres ____ Spanish guitarist, dies at 94
+In 1987 Astrological Harmonic Convergence ____ Dawn of____
+New age
+In 1987 Australian ____ wins Wimbledon, upsets #1 seed Ivan Lendl
+Pat cash
+In 1987 Australian Pat Cash wins Wimbledon, upsets #1 seed____
+Ivan lendl
+In 1987 bernardo bertolucci became the first western director to be allowed to film in beijing, what film was he making?
+The last emperor
+In 1987 Digging begins to link England and ____ under the English Channel
+In 1987 Flight 255 out of Metro Airport in ____ crashes just miniutes after take off, killing all but one small child
+In 1987 Fox TV network premiers showing ____ & Tracey Ullman
+Married with children
+In 1987 Fred ____ actor/dancer, dies at Century City Hospital in LA at 88
+In 1987 Fred Astaire actor/dancer, dies at Century City Hospital in LA at?
+In 1987 Iceberg twice the size of ____ Island sighted in Antarctic
+In 1987 Lee ____ dies in Tucson, Ariz at 63
+In 1987 Lee Marvin dies in Tucson, Ariz at____
+In 1987 Lee Marvin dies in____ , Ariz at 63
+In 1987 Lorne ____ actor (Bonanza, Battlestar Galactica), dies at 72
+In 1987 Lorne Greene actor (____ , Battlestar Galactica), dies at 72
+In 1987 Lorne Greene actor (Bonanza, Battlestar Galactica), dies at____
+In 1987 Lt Col ____ began public testimony at Iran-Contra hearing
+Oliver north
+In 1987 Lynne ____ swims 4.3 km from US to USSR in 4? C (39? F) Bering Sea
+In 1987 New ____ constituion takes effect
+In 1987 PTL leader Jim ____ resigns
+In 1987 R. Budd____ , Pennsylvannia State Treasurer, facing prison for conspiracy & perjury, shot himself to death at a televised news conference
+In 1987 Rita ____ actress, dies at 68 of Alzheimer's disease
+In 1987 Rudolph Hess, Nazi, dies at 93, after ____ years in Spandau Prison
+In 1987 Rudolph Hess, Nazi, dies at 93, after 46 years in ____ Prison
+In 1987 Rudolph Hess, Nazi, dies at____ , after 46 years in Spandau Prison
+In 1987 Rudolph____ , Nazi, dies at 93, after 46 years in Spandau Prison
+In 1987 Surrogate Baby M case begins in____ , NJ
+In 1987 US Justice Dept bars Austrian Chancellor Kurt ____ from entering US, due to his aid of Nazi Germany during WW II
+In 1987 US warships destroy ____ Iranian oil platforms in Persian Gulf
+In 1987 US warships destroy 2 ____ oil platforms in Persian Gulf
+In 1987 US warships destroy 2 Iranian oil platforms in____
+Persian gulf
+In 1987, which band asked you to 'pour some sugar on me'?
+Def leppard
+In 1988 ____ Addams cartoonist (Addams Family), dies at 76 of heart attack
+In 1988 ____ Flynt paid hitman $1M to kill Hefner, Guccione and Sinatra
+In 1988 ____ Ireland, commander of Irish Republican Army, dies at 83
+Sean macbride
+In 1988 ____ Space Shuttle mission, Discovery 7 launched
+In 1988 ____ Tosh reggae singer shot dead at 43 in Jamacia
+In 1988 ____ Zia Ul-Haq, Pakistani president and US ambassador killed in plane crash
+In 1988 26th Space Shuttle mission, ____ launched
+Discovery 7
+In 1988 5-day power blackout of downtown ____ begins
+In 1988 Benazir Bhutto elected 1st female PM of a ____ country (Pakistan)
+In 1988 Britain bans broadcast interviews with ____ members
+In 1988 Carlos Salinas de ____ elected president of Mexico
+In 1988 Carlos Salinas de Gortari elected president of____
+In 1988 Cease fire between ____ and Iraq takes effect after 8 years of war
+In 1988 Cease fire between Iran and ____ takes effect after 8 years of war
+In 1988 Cease fire between Iran and Iraq takes effect after ____ years of war
+In 1988 Charles ____ cartoonist (Addams Family), dies at 76 of heart attack
+In 1988 Charles Addams cartoonist (Addams Family), dies at ____ of heart attack
+In 1988 Charles Addams cartoonist (Addams Family), dies at 76 of____
+Heart attack
+In 1988 Chet ____ jazz trumpeter fell to death out of a hotel window at 59
+In 1988 Ching-Kao Chiang president of____ , dies at 81
+In 1988 George ____ becomes the first sitting vice-president of the U.S. in 150 years to win a presidential election
+In 1988 Larry ____ paid hitman $1M to kill Hefner, Guccione and Sinatra
+In 1988 Larry Flynt paid hitman $1M to kill Hefner, ____ and Sinatra
+In 1988 Larry Flynt paid hitman $1M to kill Hefner, Guccione and____
+In 1988 Larry Flynt paid hitman $1M to kill____ , Guccione and Sinatra
+In 1988 Lillehammer, ____ upsets Anchorage to host 1994 Winter olympics
+In 1988 Lillehammer, Norway upsets ____ to host 1994 Winter olympics
+In 1988 Lillehammer, Norway upsets Anchorage to host 1994 ____ olympics
+In 1988 Mexican radio station erronously reports Mike ____ dies in car crash
+In 1988 Mike ____ hires Donald Trump as an advisor
+In 1988 Mike Tyson hires Donald ____ as an advisor
+In 1988 Mohammed ____ Ul-Haq, Pakistani president and US ambassador killed in plane crash
+In 1988 Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq, ____ president and US ambassador killed in plane crash
+In 1988 Mohammed Zia____ , Pakistani president and US ambassador killed in plane crash
+In 1988 Peter ____ reggae singer shot dead at 43 in Jamacia
+In 1988 Peter Tosh reggae singer shot dead at ____ in Jamacia
+In 1988 Peter Tosh reggae singer shot dead at 43 in____
+In 1988 Republican Convention in New Orleans select ____ -Quayle ticket
+In 1988 Republican Convention in New Orleans select Bush____ ticket
+In 1988 Robert A ____ sci-fi writer, dies of heart failure at 80
+In 1988 Soviet Union agrees to allow teaching of____
+In 1988 Soviet Union launches ____ to probe Martian moon (unsuccessful)
+Phobos 1
+In 1988 Soviets launch first unmanned Space ____ in two-day test
+In 1988 US-Soviet effort free 2 grey whales from frozen____
+In 1988____ , Norway upsets Anchorage to host 1994 Winter olympics
+In 1989 ____ actor (Magoo, Gilligan's Island), dies at 76 of pneumonia
+Jim backus
+In 1989 ____ begin their flight to the west (via Hungary and Czech)
+East germans
+In 1989 ____ Chapman, member of the Monty Python team, dies from cancer
+In 1989 ____ confirmed Voyager 2's discovery of 3 more moons of Neptune designated temporarily 1989 N2, 1989 N3 and 1989 N24
+In 1989 ____ Davis dies at 81
+In 1989 ____ declares martial law in Beijing
+In 1989 ____ is hit by an earthquake (Richter 6.9) at 5:05 p.m. Over 1/2 mile of the upper deck of the Nimitz freeway collapses crushing hundreds of cars. When it was over, 62 people had died and $6 billion in damage had occured
+San francisco
+In 1989 ____ makes its closest approach to Neptune (0400 GMT)
+Voyager 2
+In 1989 ____ Marcos deposed president of Phillipines, dies
+In 1989 ____ students take over Tiananmen Square in China
+In 1989 ____ Wall opens in East Germany
+In 1989 ____ years after Soviet tanks crushed the Prague Spring, Hungary declares itself a republic
+In 1989 (Japan) ____ of Japan, dies at 87 after 62-year reign
+Emperor hirohito
+In 1989 135 acre Disney's ____ studio officially opens to the public
+In 1989 29 year old French woman gives birth to ____ in Paris
+In 1989 33 years after Soviet tanks crushed the Prague Spring, ____ declares itself a republic
+In 1989 Approx ____ students begin hunger strike in Tiananmen Square, China
+In 1989 Ayatollah ____ (86) dies from complications due to surgery leading to days of loud, hysterical mourning
+In 1989 Bette ____ dies at 81
+In 1989 Bette Davis dies at____
+In 1989 East ____ opens its borders
+In 1989 East Germans begin their flight to the west (via ____ and Czech)
+In 1989 East Germans begin their flight to the west (via Hungary and____ )
+In 1989 East Germany drops the ____ monopoly from its constitution
+In 1989 Ferdinand ____ deposed president of Phillipines, dies
+In 1989 Funeral for Japan's Emperor ____ costs his government $80-billion dollars, attracts all major world leaders
+In 1989 Germans begin punching holes in the ____ Wall
+In 1989 Gilda ____ comedienne (Sat Night Live), dies at 42 of cancer
+In 1989 Graham Chapman, member of the ____ team, dies from cancer
+Monty python
+In 1989 Graham Chapman, member of the Monty Python team, dies from____
+In 1989 Graham____ , member of the Monty Python team, dies from cancer
+In 1989 Guerrillas battle with government forces in El____
+In 1989 In____ , two trains pass each other in a valley filled with natural gas from a leaking pipeline. The gas explodes and hundreds are killed. Not a good day
+In 1989 Jim Backus actor (____ , Gilligan's Island), dies at 76 of pneumonia
+In 1989 Jim Backus actor (Magoo, Gilligan's Island), dies at ____ of pneumonia
+In 1989 Jim Backus actor (Magoo, Gilligan's Island), dies at 76 of____
+In 1989 Jim Backus actor (Magoo,____ ), dies at 76 of pneumonia
+Gilligan's island
+In 1989 Lucille Ball comedienne/actress dies at ____ of a massive heart attack
+In 1989 Melanie ____ & Don Johnson remarry
+In 1989 michael bolton won a grammy with this song that asked a question?
+In 1989 NASA confirmed ____ 's discovery of 3 more moons of Neptune designated temporarily 1989 N2, 1989 N3 and 1989 N24
+Voyager 2
+In 1989 NASA confirmed Voyager 2's discovery of 3 more moons of ____ designated temporarily 1989 N2, 1989 N3 and 1989 N24
+In 1989 NASA confirmed Voyager 2's discovery of 3 more moons of Neptune designated temporarily 1989 N2, 1989 ____ and 1989 N24
+In 1989 NASA confirmed Voyager 2's discovery of 3 more moons of Neptune designated temporarily 1989 N2, 1989 N3 and 1989____
+In 1989 NASA confirmed Voyager 2's discovery of 3 more moons of Neptune designated temporarily 1989____ , 1989 N3 and 1989 N24
+In 1989 Nelson ____ recieves a BA from University of South Africa
+In 1989 Oil tanker ____ runs aground in Alaska's Prince William Sound ____ causes world's worst oil spill
+Exxon valdez
+In 1989 Republic Day in ____ Leone
+In 1989 Ronald ____ is knighted by Queen Elizabeth
+In 1989 Ruins of ____ (occupied 2050-1720 BC) found in Iraq
+In 1989 Salvador____ , Spanish surrealist painter, dies in Spain at 84
+In 1989 San Francisco is hit by an ____ (Richter 6.9) at 5:05 p.m. Over 1/2 mile of the upper deck of the Nimitz freeway collapses crushing hundreds of cars. When it was over, 62 people had died and $6 billion in damage had occured
+In 1989 San Francisco is hit by an earthquake (Richter 6.9) at 5:05 p.m. Over 1/2 mile of the upper deck of the ____ freeway collapses crushing hundreds of cars. When it was over, 62 people had died and $6 billion in damage had occured
+In 1989 San Francisco is hit by an earthquake (Richter 6.9) at 5:05 p.m. Over 1/2 mile of the upper deck of the Nimitz freeway collapses crushing hundreds of cars. When it was over, ____ people had died and $6 billion in damage had occured
+In 1989 San Francisco is hit by an earthquake (Richter 6.9) at 5:05 p.m. Over 1/2 mile of the upper deck of the Nimitz freeway collapses crushing hundreds of cars. When it was over, 62 people had died and ____ in damage had occured
+$6 billion
+In 1989 San Francisco is hit by an earthquake (Richter____ ) at 5:05 p.m. Over 1/2 mile of the upper deck of the Nimitz freeway collapses crushing hundreds of cars. When it was over, 62 people had died and $6 billion in damage had occured
+In 1989 Sir Laurence ____ acting great, dies at 82
+In 1989 Sir Laurence Olivier acting great, dies at____
+In 1989 Solidarity grants ____ status in Poland
+In 1989 United Airlines 747 jet rips open in flight from ____ to New Zealand, 9 passengers sucked out of plane, many injuries
+In 1989 USSR announces plan for 2-yr manned mission to?
+In 1989 USSR Pres Mikhail S ____ meets Pope John Paul II at the Vatican
+In 1989 USSR's ____ enters Martian orbit
+Phobos ii
+In 1989 Voyager 2 makes its closest approach to ____ (0400 GMT)
+In 1989, 95 liverpool supporters were crushed to death and over 200 injured after a security fence collapsed. what was the name of the stadium?
+Hillsborough stadium
+In 1989, denzel Washington won an oscar for best supporting actor for which film?
+In 1989,who won an oscar for best supporting actor for the film 'glory'?
+Denzel Washington
+In 1990 ____ 's parliment votes 138-0 (1 abstention) for dependence
+In 1990 ____ accepts Bush's offer for talks
+In 1990 ____ agrees to resume dimplomatic ties with Iraq
+In 1990 ____ and Gorbachev meet in Helsinki and urge Iraq to leave Kuwait
+In 1990 ____ and Saudi Arabia restore diplomatic ties
+Soviet union
+In 1990 ____ announce it will send 4,000 troops to the Persian Gulf
+In 1990 ____ Cafe opens in Las Vegas Nevada
+Hard rock
+In 1990 ____ community proposes a boycott of Iraq
+In 1990 ____ die in Iranian Earthquake
+In 1990 ____ Gabor begins a 3 day jail sentence for slapping a cop
+Zsa zsa
+In 1990 ____ Gaye gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame
+In 1990 ____ jury acquits art gallery of obsentity (Mappelthorpe photos)
+In 1990 ____ Kanyon Doe president of Liberia, assassinated
+In 1990 ____ pulls out of talks with Kuwait
+In 1990 ____ threatens to hit Israel with a new missile
+In 1990 ____ year old Pete Sampras beats Andre Agassi to win the US Open
+In 1990 19 year old ____ Sampras beats Andre Agassi to win the US Open
+In 1990 19 year old Pete ____ beats Andre Agassi to win the US Open
+In 1990 19 year old Pete Sampras beats ____ Agassi to win the US Open
+In 1990 19 year old Pete Sampras beats Andre ____ to win the US Open
+In 1990 1st McDonalds in Russia opens in____ , world's biggest McDonalds
+In 1990 1st parlimentary election in newly reunified____
+In 1990 25,000 die in ____ Earthquake
+In 1990 3 members of 2 Live Crew acquitted on obsenity charges in____
+In 1990 Angela Bowie reveals that ex husband David slept with ____
+Mick jagger
+In 1990 Antiwar protest marches begin in ____ US cities (US-Iraq)
+In 1990 Bhadwan Shree Rajneesh, ____ guru, dies at 58
+In 1990 Boeing 767 sets nonstop commercial flight distance record, ____ , U.S.A. to Narobi, Kenya
+In 1990 Boeing 767 sets nonstop commercial flight distance record, Seattle, U.S.A. to____ , Kenya
+In 1990 Brian Mydland, keyboardist (Grateful Dead), dies at____
+In 1990 Brian____ , keyboardist (Grateful Dead), dies at 38
+In 1990 British and ____ workers meet in English Channel's tunnel (Chunnel)
+In 1990 Bush and ____ meet in Helsinki and urge Iraq to leave Kuwait
+In 1990 Bush and Gorbachev meet in ____ and urge Iraq to leave Kuwait
+In 1990 Bush and Gorbachev meet in Helsinki and urge ____ to leave Kuwait
+In 1990 Bush and Gorbachev meet in Helsinki and urge Iraq to leave____
+In 1990 Cincinnati jury acquits art gallery of obsentity (____ photos)
+In 1990 David ____ 3'11' actor (wizard), shoots himself at 38
+In 1990 Ellis Island Historical Site opens on____ , NYC
+Ellis island
+In 1990 European community proposes a boycott of____
+In 1990 France announce it will send ____ troops to the Persian Gulf
+In 1990 France announce it will send 4,000 troops to the ____ Gulf
+In 1990 German Democratic Republic accepts the Deutsche ____ as its currency
+In 1990 Gloria ____ released from the hospital after her accident
+In 1990 Guitarist ____ Ray Vaughn dies in a helicopter accident
+In 1990 Guitarist Stevie ____ Vaughn dies in a helicopter accident
+In 1990 Guitarist Stevie Ray ____ dies in a helicopter accident
+In 1990 Guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn dies in a ____ accident
+In 1990 Hard Rock Cafe opens in ____ Nevada
+Las vegas
+In 1990 Hard Rock Cafe opens in Las Vegas____
+In 1990 Hubble space telescope is placed into orbit by shuttle?
+In 1990 In Victoria, helmetless ____ riding becomes illegal
+In 1990 Iran agrees to resume dimplomatic ties with____
+In 1990 Iraq declares Kuwait it's ____ province
+In 1990 Iraq pulls out of talks with____
+In 1990 Iraqi Pres ____ Hussein urges Arabs to rise against the West
+In 1990 Iraqi Pres Saddam ____ urges Arabs to rise against the West
+In 1990 Iraqi troops surround US and other embassies in ____ City
+In 1990 Jazz drummer ____ Blakey dies
+In 1990 Jazz drummer Art ____ dies
+In 1990 John ____ becomes the 1st ever expelled from the Australian Open for throwing a tantrum & swearing at an official
+In 1990 Lithauania, Estonia and ____ hold their 1st joint session
+In 1990 Little ____ gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame
+In 1990 Marvin ____ gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame
+In 1990 Paul Hogan & ____ wed in Byron Bay, Eastern Australia
+Linda koslowski
+In 1990 President ____ announces DOUBLING of US forces in Gulf
+In 1990 Rocky ____ boxer, dies at 71, of heart failure
+In 1990 Saddam Hussein declares America can't beat____
+In 1990 Saddam says ____ will be Iraq's 1st target
+In 1990 Saddam threatens to hit ____ with a new missile
+In 1990 Samuel ____ Doe president of Liberia, assassinated
+In 1990 Samuel Kanyon ____ president of Liberia, assassinated
+In 1990 Samuel Kanyon Doe president of____ , assassinated
+In 1990 Soviet Union and ____ restore diplomatic ties
+Saudi arabia
+In 1990 The ____ space telescope is brought on-line. Unfortunately, its mirror is slightly warped
+In 1990 The soapie General Hospital tapes its ____ th episode
+In 1990 US Ambassador tells____ , US won't take sides in Iraq-Kuwait dispute
+In 1990 US's ____ spacecraft lands on Venus
+In 1990 US's Magellan spacecraft lands on____
+In 1990 Zsa Zsa ____ begins a 3 day jail sentence for slapping a cop
+In 1990 Zsa Zsa Gabor begins a ____ day jail sentence for slapping a cop
+In 1990 Zsa Zsa Gabor begins a 3 day jail sentence for slapping a____
+In 1990, 'The Portrait of Dr. Gachet' by ____sold for $75 million?
+Van gogh
+In 1990, the children's classic ____ was pulled from the optional reading lists for 5th- and 6th-graders in Clay County, Florida, because the book reportedly used objectionable language
+My friend flicka
+In 1990, the life expectancy of the average American male was 72.7 years and 76.1 years for females. In 1900, the life expectancy was 46.6 for males and ____ for females
+In 1990, there were about ____ vacuum cleaner related accidents in the U.S
+In 1991 ____ Capra director (It's a Wonderful Life), dies at 94
+In 1991 ____ Davis jazz musician, dies at 65 from pneumonia
+In 1991 ____ declares independence from the USSR
+In 1991 ____ Indurain of Spain wins the Tour de France bicycle race
+In 1991 ____ Lewis runs 100m in 9.86 seconds
+In 1991 ____ Montand actor (Lets Make Love, Z), dies at 70
+In 1991 ____ resigns as head of USSR Communist Party
+In 1991 ____ Seles wins the US Open
+In 1991 ____ Taylor weds for the 8th time (Larry Fortensky)
+In 1991 ____ votes on whether to remain in the Soviet Union
+In 1991 Arthur____ , dance instructor, dies at 95
+In 1991 At approx. 1:00 am Baghdad local time, allied forces attacked, beginning ____ War
+In 1991 Battle for ____ in Saudia Arabia (ends after 3 days)
+In 1991 Battle for ____ in Saudia Arabia(begins)
+In 1991 Battle of the Ages-Heavyweight champ ____ Hollyfield beats 42 year old George Foreman
+In 1991 Boris ____ elected president of Russian SSR
+In 1991 California University makes the ____ public
+Dead sea scrolls
+In 1991 Carl ____ runs 100m in 9.86 seconds
+In 1991 Chicago ____ win their first NBA championship in a 4-1 series against the Los Angeles Lakers
+In 1991 Chicago Bulls win their first NBA championship in a 4-1 series against the Los Angeles____
+In 1991 Communist coup is crushed in USSR in ____ days
+In 1991 Elizabeth ____ weds for the 8th time (Larry Fortensky)
+In 1991 Elizabeth Taylor weds for the ____ time (Larry Fortensky)
+In 1991 Elizabeth Taylor weds for the 8th time (____ Fortensky)
+In 1991 Elizabeth Taylor weds for the 8th time (Larry____ )
+In 1991 Frank ____ director (It's a Wonderful Life), dies at 94
+In 1991 Frank Capra director (____ ), dies at 94
+It's a wonderful life
+In 1991 Frank Capra director (It's a Wonderful Life), dies at____
+In 1991 High-denomination banknotes ____ in USSR
+In 1991 Inaugural ____ awareness day
+In 1991 Michael ____ actor (Bonanza, Highway to Heaven), dies at 54 from cancer
+In 1991 Michael Landon actor (____ , Highway to Heaven), dies at 54 from cancer
+In 1991 Michael Landon actor (Bonanza, Highway to Heaven), dies at ____ from cancer
+In 1991 Michael Landon actor (Bonanza, Highway to Heaven), dies at 54 from ____
+In 1991 Michael Landon actor (Bonanza,____ ), dies at 54 from cancer
+Highway to heaven
+In 1991 Miguel ____ of Spain wins the Tour de France bicycle race
+In 1991 Miguel Indurain of ____ wins the Tour de France bicycle race
+In 1991 Mike Tyson is accused of raping a Miss ____ contestant
+Black America
+In 1991 Mikhail ____ resigns as head of the Soviet Union
+In 1991 Miles ____ jazz musician, dies at 65 from pneumonia
+In 1991 Miles Davis jazz musician, dies at ____ from pneumonia
+In 1991 Miles Davis jazz musician, dies at 65 from____
+In 1991 Monica ____ wins the US Open
+In 1991 Nelson Mandela meets Chief ____ in Durban
+In 1991 Operation ____ begins. US & 27 allies attack Iraq for occupying Kuwait (US times)
+Desert storm
+In 1991 Pres ____ is hospitalized for erratic heartbeat
+In 1991 Rajiv ____ Indian Prime Minster, assassinated
+In 1991 Space Shuttle ____ (Atlantis 8) launched
+Sts 37
+In 1991 Total ____ eclipse is seen in Hawaii
+In 1991 Total solar eclipse is seen in____
+In 1991 U.S. Congress backs war in?
+In 1991 Ukranian people vote for____
+In 1991 UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar meets with ____ in Baghdad
+Saddam hussein
+In 1991 UN Security Council issues formal cease fire with ____ declaration
+In 1991 UN's deadline for ____ to withdraw from Kuwait passes - (they don't)
+In 1991 US begins air drops to ____ refugees in Northern Iraq
+In 1991 US trial of former ____ leader Manuel Noriega begins
+In 1991 US trial of former Panamanian leader ____ Noriega begins
+In 1991 US trial of former Panamanian leader Manuel ____ begins
+In 1991 Yves ____ actor (Lets Make Love, Z), dies at 70
+In 1991 Yves ____ actor, dies at 70 from a heart attack
+In 1991 Yves Montand actor (Lets Make Love, Z), dies at____
+In 1991, anthony hopkins won an oscar for best actor for his role in which film?
+Silence of the lambs
+In 1991, which group 'rolled the bones'?
+In 1991, who won the best actor oscar for his role in 'silence of the lambs'?
+Anthony hopkins
+In 1992 ____ Olympic Summer games opens in Barcelona, Spain
+In 1992 25th Olympic Summer games opens in____ , Spain
+In 1992 Bill ____ elected US President
+In 1992 EC recognises ____ and Croatian independence
+In 1992,which group combined hip hop with blues sensibility on 'three years five months & two days in the life of...'?
+Arrested development
+In 1993 Audrey ____ actress (Breakfast at Tiffany's), dies at 63 of colon cancer in Tolochenaz, Switzerland
+In 1993 Galileo passes within 600 miles of asteroid____
+In 1993 President Bush and ____ sign historic nuclear arms reduction treaty
+President yeltsin
+In 1993 red blood cells were found in the fossilized bone of which type of dinosaur?
+Tyrannosaurus Rex
+In 1993 World Trade Centre bombing. ____ terrorists detonate a bomb in the World Trade Centre. 168 people killed in the first terrorist attack on United States soil
+In 1993, there were ____murders in the US?
+In 1993, which was the second best fastfood chain in the u.s by revenue?
+Kentucky fried chicken
+In 1993, which was the top fastfood chain in the u.s by revenue?
+In 1994 ____ in California
+In 1994 Frank____ , Australian actor (El Cid, Ben-Hur), dies at 68
+In 1994 Shane ____ takes a hat-trick v England at cricket MCG
+In 1994 who was sworn in as the first black president of south africa?
+Nelson mandela
+In 1994, a total of 81.5 percent of Canadian households owned a ____
+Microwave oven
+In 1995 ____ in Kobe
+In 1995 Barings Bank disaster. Nick ____ loses billions of Pounds Sterling in offshore investments, ruining Barings Bank
+In 1995 OJ ____ acquitted for double murder of his Ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman
+In 1995 OJ Simpson acquitted for double murder of his Ex-wife ____ and Ronald Goldman
+Nicole brown simpson
+In 1995 OJ Simpson acquitted for double murder of his Ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and____
+Ronald goldman
+In 1995 what nation restarted its nuclear weapon testing programme?
+In 1995 what were the men of Pilsen asked to donate in exchange for half a litre of the city's best know brew?
+In 1995, Michael Schumacher became formula I world champion for which team?
+In 1995, the average U.S. public school contained ____ computers
+In 1996 ____ Olympic Summer games closes in Atlanta, Georgia
+In 1996 ____ Olympic Summer games opens in Atlanta, Georgia
+In 1996 26th Olympic Summer games closes in____ , Georgia
+In 1996 26th Olympic Summer games opens in____ , Georgia
+In 1996 Nathan ____ (aka George Burns), entertainer, actor, dies at 100 years old
+In 1996, Americans bought only 12 inches of ____ per capita
+Dental floss
+In 1996, Jonathon Taylor Thomas played who?
+In 1997 ____ regains sovereignty of Hong Kong
+In 1997 British lease on New Territories in ____ expires
+Hong kong
+In 1997, serial killer andrew cunanan murdered what famous clothing designer?
+In 1997, this star of private benjamin made her directorial debut with the tv movie hope?
+Goldie hawn
+In 1997, which sportsman described his ethnic background as Cablinasian?
+Tiger woods
+In 1997, worldwide sales of fragrance topped $____, more than $6 billion in the United States alone
+Fifteen billion
+In 1998, Andrew Flintoff scored 34 runs from an over bowled by which Surrey bowler?
+Alex tudor
+in 1998, coca-cola sold more than 683 million?
+Drinks per day
+In 1999 ____ again becomes the outermost planet
+In 1999 Control of ____ Canal reverts to Panama
+In 1999, France chose a new model for Marianne, who was she?
+Laetitia casta
+In 1999, who or what was Melissa?
+Computer virus
+In 2000 conjunction of Sun, Mercury, ____ , Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Moon
+In 2000, which author released his novel 'The Plant' on the internet?
+Stephen King
+In 2001 how mnay films were given certificates by the British board of film classification?
+In 2004 Transit of ____ (between Earth & Sun) occurs
+In 2012 Transit of ____ (between Earth and Sun) will occur
+In 2061 ____ recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
+In 2160 Montgomery Edward Scott Aberdeen, Scotland (Star Trek's____ ), born in
+In 2160 Montgomery Edward____ , Aberdeen, Scotland (Star Trek's Scotty), born in
+In 2161____: 8 of 9 planets aligned on same side of sun
+In 217 ____ [Marcus Aureiius Antoniius], Roman emperor, dies
+In 218 7th recorded ____ passage of Halley's Comet
+In 230 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 2348 B.C. Noah's ark grounded, Mt ____ (calculated date)
+In 254 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+Stephen i
+In 295 8th recorded ____ passage of Halley's Comet
+In 30 BC ____ and most famous queen of Egypt, commits suicide
+Cleopatra 7th
+In 30 Scholars' calculate this as the date that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified by ____ troops in Jerusalem
+In 31 BC Battle of Actium; ____ defeats Mark Antony and becomes Emperor Augustus
+In 31 BC Battle of Actium; Octavian defeats ____ and becomes Emperor Augustus
+Mark antony
+In 31 BC Battle of Actium; Octavian defeats Mark Antony and becomes Emperor____
+In 31 BC Battle of____ ; Octavian defeats Mark Antony and becomes Emperor Augustus
+In 317____ , Roman emperor (337-61), born in
+Constantius ii
+In 322 BC ____ dies of indigestion
+In 322 BC Aristotle dies of ____
+In 323 B.C. ____ the Great dies of fever at Babylon
+In 323 B.C. Alexander the Great dies of ____ at Babylon
+In 323 B.C. Alexander the Great dies of fever at ____
+In 330 ____ (later Istanbul) founded
+In 331 BC ____ of Macedon defeats Persian army at Gaugamela
+In 331 BC Alexander of ____ defeats Persian army at Gaugamela
+In 331 BC Alexander of Macedon defeats ____ army at Gaugamela
+In 331 BC Alexander of Macedon defeats Persian army at____
+In 352 ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 40 Gnaeus Julius ____ Roman general; conquered Wales and Northern England, born in
+In 40 Gnaeus Julius Agricola ____ general; conquered Wales and Northern England, born in
+In 40 Gnaeus Julius Agricola Roman general; conquered ____ and Northern England, born in
+In 40 Gnaeus Julius Agricola Roman general; conquered Wales and Northern____ , born in
+In 410 ____ overrun by Visigoths, symbolized fall of Western Roman Empire
+In 410 ____ sacks Rome
+In 410 Alaric sacks____
+In 410 Rome overrun by____ , symbolized fall of Western Roman Empire
+In 419 ____ Roman emperor (425-55), born in
+Valentinian iii
+In 427 B.C. ____ (Aristocles), philosopher/writer, Athens, born in
+In 432 St ____ ends his reign as Catholic Pope
+Celestine i
+In 43BC The Roman politician, ____ , is slain
+In 44 B.C. Julius ____ slain
+In 452 ____ invaded by Attila the Hun
+In 452 Italy invaded by ____ the Hun
+In 452 Italy invaded by Attila the____
+In 472 ____ Ricimer general of the Western Roman Empire, kingmaker, born in
+In 472 Flavius ____ general of the Western Roman Empire, kingmaker, born in
+In 472 Flavius Ricimer general of the Western ____ Empire, kingmaker, born in
+In 476 ____ Augustulus, last Roman emperor in west, is deposed
+In 476 Romulus Augustulus, last ____ emperor in west, is deposed
+In 476 Romulus____ , last Roman emperor in west, is deposed
+In 480 B.C. ____ defeats Spartan king Leonidas at Thermopylae
+In 480 B.C. Persia defeats ____ king Leonidas at Thermopylae
+In 480 B.C. Persia defeats Spartan king ____ at Thermopylae
+In 480 B.C. Persia defeats Spartan king Leonidas at____
+In 484 BC Euripides, ancient ____ playwright (Trojan Women) (or 480 BC), born in
+In 484 BC____ , ancient Greek playwright (Trojan Women) (or 480 BC), born in
+In 490 B.C. ____ defeat second Persian invasion of Greece at Marathon
+In 490 B.C. Athenians defeat second ____ invasion of Greece at Marathon
+In 490 B.C. Athenians defeat second Persian invasion of ____ at Marathon
+In 490 B.C. Athenians defeat second Persian invasion of Greece at____
+In 490 BC ____ runs first marathon, to announce the victory of Sparta over Persia
+In 490 BC Phidippides runs first marathon, to announce the victory of ____ over Persia
+In 490 BC Phidippides runs first marathon, to announce the victory of Sparta over____
+In 4977 -BC- Johannes Kepler's date for creation of?
+In 514 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 523 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+John i
+In 526 Earthquake kills ____ in Antioch, Syria
+In 526 St ____ ends his reign as Catholic Pope
+John i
+In 53 Trajan, ____ Roman emperor (98-117), conqueror of Ctesiphon, born in
+In 53 Trajan, 13th Roman emperor (98-117), conqueror of____ , born in
+In 53____ , 13th Roman emperor (98-117), conqueror of Ctesiphon, born in
+In 535 St ____ I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 536 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 539 BC ____ falls to Cyrus the Great of Persia
+In 539 BC Babylon falls to ____ the Great of Persia
+In 54 ____ Roman Emperor, dies
+In 548 (Israel) This was the last year the ____ observed the birth of Jesus on this date. (Celebrating Christmas on December 25th began in the late 300s in the Western Church.)
+Church in jerusalem
+In 55 B.C. ____ forces under Julius Caesar invaded Britain
+In 551 B.C. ____ (as celebrated in Taiwan), born in
+In 553 2nd Council of ____ (5th ecumenical council) opens
+In 563 B.C. Gautama ____ (as celebrated in Japan-Kambutsue), born in
+In 570 Religion of ____ (submission) founded in Mecca
+In 570 Religion of Islam (submission) founded in____
+In 574 ____ ends his reign as Catholic Pope
+John iii
+In 585 B.C. 1st known prediction of a____
+Solar eclipse
+In 590 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+Gregory i
+In 625 B.C., metal coins were introduced in ____. They replaced grain - usually barley - as the medium of exchange. Stamped with a likeness of an ear of wheat, the new coins were lighter and easier to transport than grain, and did not get moldy
+In 63 BC ____ (Augustus Caesar), first Roman emperor, born in
+In 63 BC Octavian (____ Caesar), first Roman emperor, born in
+In 63 BC Octavian (Augustus____ ), first Roman emperor, born in
+In 632 ____ prophet of Islam (Koran), dies (according to tradition)
+In 632 Mohammed prophet of ____ (Koran), dies (according to tradition)
+In 638 Start of ____ calendar
+In 64 The Great Fire of ____ begins (Nero didn't fiddle)
+In 65 A.D., which Roman emperor forced his former tutor, Seneca the Younger, to commit suicide?
+In 654 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+Eugene i
+In 672 ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+Deusdedit iii
+In 678 ____ ends his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 68____ , Roman Emperor commits suicide
+In 680 ____ ibn 'Ali, Shi'i religious leader, enters martyrdom
+In 682 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+Leo ii
+In 683 St ____ ends his reign as Catholic Pope
+Leo ii
+In 69 Galba, Roman emperor, killed by ____ guard in the Forum, Rome
+In 69 Traditional date of the destruction of____
+In 70 BC ____ (Publius Vergilius Maro) (Mantua, Italy), poet (Aeneid), born in
+In 70 BC Virgil (____ Vergilius Maro) (Mantua, Italy), poet (Aeneid), born in
+In 70 BC Virgil (Publius ____ Maro) (Mantua, Italy), poet (Aeneid), born in
+In 70 BC Virgil (Publius Vergilius____ ) (Mantua, Italy), poet (Aeneid), born in
+In 701 St ____ ends his reign as Catholic Pope
+Sergius i
+In 715 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+Gregory ii
+In 742____ , emperor (Holy Roman Empire), born in
+In 753 -BC- Traditional date of the foundation of ____
+In 757 Stephen ____ ends his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 760 14th recorded ____ passage of Halley's Comet
+In 763 B.C. ____ record total solar eclipse event on clay tablet
+In 79 Mt ____ erupts, buries Pompeii and Herculaneum
+In 79 Mt Vesuvius erupts, buries ____ and Herculaneum
+In 79 Mt Vesuvius erupts, buries Pompeii and____
+In 800 (Gaul) Charlmange crowned ____
+In 814 Charlemagne ____ emperor, dies at 71
+In 816 Stephen ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 823 ____ (the Bald) king of France (843-77), emperor (875-77), born in
+Charles ii
+In 823 Charles II (the Bald) king of ____ (843-77), emperor (875-77), born in
+In 867 St ____ I (the Great), pope (858-67) dies
+In 879 ____ [The Simple], king of France (893-923), born in
+Charles iii
+In 879 Charles III [The Simple], king of ____ (893-923), born in
+In 884 St ____ begins his reign as Catholic Pope
+Adrian iii
+In 896 ____ ends his reign as Catholic Pope
+In 8F12 (Lisa The Greek), why does Lisa favour the L.A. Raiders?
+Because they cheat
+In 901 King ____ the Great, dies
+In 982 Eric the red discovered ____
+In a 1999 poll, Boston, scoring 40.6 percent, was ranked the top U.S. city with the most interesting ____
+Historical architecture
+In a bar in which European country might you be served 'tapas'?
+In a building what is a 'paternoster'?
+In a business letter what does 'inst' mean?
+This month
+In a church what is a galilee?
+In a deck of 52 cards, how many 'jacks' eyes can be seen?
+In a drama, act i is also called the ____
+In a drama, act iii is also called the ____
+In a famous opera, siegfried understood the speech of birds after tasting ____
+Dragon's blood
+In a famous opera, what did siegfried understand after tasting dragon's blood?
+Bird's speech
+In a famous opera, who understood the speech of birds after tasting dragon's blood?
+In a game of chess, how many opening moves are possible by each player?
+In a game of horseshoes, how many feet apart must the stakes be?
+Forty feet
+In a general sense, one who pleads for another in a court of law or other tribunal?
+In a Gilbert and Sullivan opera, who was John Wellington Wells?
+In a hospital, what would the o & g department be?
+Obstetrics and gynaecology
+In a landslide victory, he is elected mayor of palm springs, California?
+Sonny bono
+In a lifetime the average U S resident drinks more than how many gallons of liquid?
+In a lifetime, we replace our skin approximately ____ times
+In a medieval motte and bailey castle,what was the motte?
+A mound
+In a nursery rhyme where would you go to see a ?fine lady on a fine horse'?
+Banbury cross
+In a perfect Brilliant stone, how many facets are there?
+Fifty eight
+In a period of 400 years how many times does the 1st of January fall on a Sunday?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["58", "fifty eight"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In a play, what kind of speech reveals a character's innermost thoughts to the audience?
+In a political statement, James gave all rights to Sit Down to which political organisation?
+The labour party
+In a recent survey, Americans revealed that this was their favorite smell?
+In a Rugby League team which player wears the number nine shirt?
+The hooker
+In a standard 3 pin plug, 2 of the pins are connected to live ans neutral, to what is the third connectd?
+In a standard game of cricket, what is the maximum number of people that can be on the field of play at any one time during play?
+In a suit of armour which part of the body is protected by a greave?
+Lower leg
+In a suit of armour which part of the body is protected by a sabaton?
+The foot
+In a survey conducted by a women's magazine, 70 percent of female respondents said they would rather have ____ than sex, according to the Chocolate Manufacturers Association
+In a uniform gravitational field, the center of gravity is also a____
+Centre of mass
+In academia where would one find a scholium?
+In addition to the cue ball, how many balls are used in a snooker game?
+Twenty one
+In Alaska it is illegal to shoot at a ____ from the window of an aeroplane or other flying vehicle
+In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'x'?
+X ray
+In alphabetical order, name the wilson brothers of the beach boys?
+Brian, carl, dennis
+In America during prohibition, what name was given to an illegal drinking bar?
+In America they are called Mutual Funds how are they known here?
+Unit trusts
+In America what does a realtor do?
+An estate agent
+In American universities, what is a second-year student called?
+In an alphabetical list of countries in the world, what middle eastern country comes between Portugal and romania?
+In an atom, the electron weighs ____ th of the weight of the proton
+In an average lifetime, the average aAerican drives 55,372 miles on?
+Shopping trips
+In an average lifetime, the average American ____ 410078 times
+In an average lifetime, the average American attends 4 ____
+Professional hockey games
+In an average lifetime, the average American buys 420 ____
+Paperback books
+In an average lifetime, the average American charges $120,875 on ____
+Credit cards
+In an average lifetime, the average American charges on ____
+Credit cards
+In an average lifetime, the average American consumes 10,231 gallons of ____
+In an average lifetime, the average American drives 55,372 miles on ____
+Shopping trips
+In an average lifetime, the average American eats 135 pound of ____
+American cheese
+In an average lifetime, the average American eats 8,389 ____
+In an average lifetime, the average American eats 84,775 ____
+In an average lifetime, the average American gives flowers 136 times on ____
+Mother's day
+In an average lifetime, the average American is counted in 7 ____
+In an average lifetime, the average American sees 345 movies in ____
+In an average lifetime, the average American spends 30,787 dollars on ____
+Home improvements
+In an average lifetime, the average American spends 35 dollars on ____
+Sleeping pills
+In an average lifetime, the average American visits a ____ 22 times
+In an average lifetime, the average American visits a ____ 5 times
+In an average lifetime, the average American wears 7,500 ____
+In an isosceles triangle, if the two equal angles are 35 degrees, what is the third angle?
+110 degrees
+In anatomy, organ that stores urine after its formation by the kidneys?
+In ancient ____, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose
+In ancient ____, it was considered a sin to eat the flesh of a woodpecker
+In ancient ____, people committed suicide by eating a pound of salt
+In ancient ____, the crimes for abduction, armed robbery, treason, and adultery were punished by castration
+In ancient ____, towns were often arranged in patterns so that if seen from the air, the whole community would resemble an animal or a symbolic design. Some were arranged to resemble snakes, stars, sunbursts, and dragons
+In ancient Egypt, killing a ____ was a crime punishable by death
+In ancient Egypt, Priests ____ EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes
+In ancient Egypt, the ____ was called the egg of the sun
+In ancient egypt, the brain was extracted through the nasal passages during what process?
+In ancient egypt, they paid their taxes in____
+In ancient eygpt the ploughs were first pulled by what?
+In ancient greece, what was a myriad?
+Groups of numbers over 10,000
+In ancient mythology, what was a lamia?
+Female demon
+In Ancient Peru, when a woman found an 'ugly' ____, it was the custom for her to push it into the face of the nearest man
+In ancient Rome what was a denarius?
+In ancient Rome, auburn-haired puppies were sacrificed to ensure a plentiful ____ crop
+In ancient rome, it was a sin to eat the flesh of what kind of bird?
+In ancient rome, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked____
+In ancient Rome, what physical characteristic was considered to be a sign of leadership?
+A crooked nose
+In ancient time Bolotia was a region of which country?
+In ancient times, the traditional color of bridal gowns was ____. The wife of Napoleon III broke the tradition and wore a white gown. Then, brides began wearing white gowns (that were worn only once) as a symbol of their wealth
+In ancient____ , killing a cat was a crime punishable by death
+In animal house, what was bluto's grade point average?
+In any group of 23 people, there's a 50% chance that two of them share the same?
+In approximately what year was steel first made?
+Five hundred bc
+In arab countries, coffee there is flavoured with this spice?
+In arabian mythology, what is the spirit of a murdered man seeking to avenge his death?
+In area, which is the largest Australian state?
+Western Australia
+In area, which is the largest country in Africa?
+In area, which is the second largest country of South America?
+In Aregentinas currency how many australes are there in a peso?
+In around what year was joan of arc born?
+In art, a form of watercolor that uses opaque pigments rather than the usual transparent watercolor pigments?
+In art, what is impasto?
+Laying paint on thickly
+In art, what name is given to a quick sketch for a larger painting?
+In arthurian legend what did sir lancelot's adultery prevent him from doing?
+Finding the holy grail
+In Arthurian legend what was Ron?
+in Arthurian legend who found the Holy Grail?
+Sir Galahad
+In Arthurian legend who is the son of Sir Lancelot?
+In Arthurian legend, who was the Lily Maid of Astolat?
+In astrology, what planet governs love?
+In astronomy, the angle in degrees of a heavenly body above the horizon?
+In astronomy, the apparent great-circle annual path of the sun in the celestial sphere, as seen from the earth?
+In atwt...who did holden marry?
+In August 1945 atomic bombs were dropped on which two cities?
+Hiroshima and nagasaki
+In Australia, Why Is It That The White Sheep Eat More Grass Than The Black Sheep...Clue: BTAMWS?
+Because There Are More White Sheep
+In Australian slang what does a blue heeler refer to?
+A policeman
+In badminton, how many points win a mens singles game?
+In badminton, how many points win a singles game?
+Fifteen points
+In Bahrain, male doctors may only exanine what, using a mirror?
+A womans genitals
+In Baltimore USA it is illegal to wash or scrub a ____ regardless of how dirty it is
+In Bart's dream about the U.S. founding fathers, who is writing his name in the snow?
+John Hancock
+In baseball, how far do you have to run if you hit a home run?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three hundred and sixy feet", "360 feet"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In baseball, what does the 'Hot Corner' refer to?
+Third base
+In baseball, you have to run 360 feet if you hit a ____
+Home run
+In batman and robin [the new movie] what is the name of the actor that plays batman?
+George clooney
+In battle star galactica, what was the name of the human leader of the cylons?
+In Beast Wars what is the name of the Maximal Ship?
+The Axalon
+In Beatrix Potter's Tale of Tom Kitten, what was the name of his mother?
+Tabitha twitchett
+In beverly hills cop, how does axel foley escape the police car that is sent to follow him?
+A banana in the tailpipe
+In biology, fusion of the nuclear materials of two gametes resulting in the formation of a zygote, or embryo?
+In biology, the complex of processes by which living organisms originated on earth & have been diversified & modified through sustained changes in form & function?
+In biology, what 'D' is the process by which food is broken down?
+In blazing saddles, what is the last name of everybody in the town of rock ridge?
+In Blue Grass music who is Flatt's partner?
+In bosom buddies, where did kip & Henry work?
+Advertising agency
+In bowling, what is it if you knock down all the pins with one ball?
+In bowling, what is it if you knock down all the pins with two balls?
+In boxing, what is a blow to the back of the head?
+Rabbit punch
+In boxing, which weight is between fly and feather?
+In braille, which letter do three vertical dots represent?
+In Britain a suffragette threw herself under the kings horse in what year?
+In britain hamburger meat is called?
+In Britain how many llbs are there in a hundredweight?
+In Britain Stanstead airport was formally opened in which year?
+In Britain what is the background colour on road signs on Motorways?
+In Britain what year was the Forth Railway Bridge opened?
+In Britain, this popular pastime is referred to as a 'boot sale'. What is it known as in North America?
+A Garage Sale
+In British history which royal houses fought in the Wars of the Roses?
+Lancaster and york
+In Canada what is the NHL?
+National Hockey League
+In caracas, the capital city of venezuela, it is customary for the streets to be blocked off on what holiday so that the people can roller-skate to church?
+Christmas eve
+In card games what name is given to the most important suit?
+In cartography, the ratio of the distance between two points on a map & the actual distance between the two points on the earth's surface?
+In cb lingo, what does the number 10-20 mean?
+In certain parts of ____ and ancient China, mouse meat was considered a delicacy
+In certain parts of India and ancient China, ____ meat was considered a delicacy
+In certain parts of India and ancient____ , mouse meat was considered a delicacy
+In charity what is the muslim equivalent of the Red Cross?
+Red crescent
+In checkers, what piece can move in any direction?
+In chemistry what is a pipette used for?
+Measuring liquids
+In chemistry, analytical technique used for the chemical separation of mixtures & substances?
+In chemistry, law stating that many of the physical & chemical properties of the elements tend to recur in a systematic manner with increasing atomic number?
+Periodic law
+In chess an obligation to move even when that move is disadvantageous?
+In chess haow many moves does a king make in a castling manoevre?
+In chess, what name is given to the only move involving two pieces?
+In children's books written by the Duchess of York who or what is Budgie?
+In children's literature what was the name that appeared over the door of 'Winnie the Pooh's house?
+Mr sanders
+In china Lego is called?
+In chinese mythology, who separated the sky from the earth?
+In chinese theory whats the opposite if yin?
+In christian churches, the universal rite of initiation, performed with water?
+In classical mythology how many heads did the hydra have?
+In classical mythology who was the muse of history?
+In clement clarke moore's poem, 'the night before christmas', which is the first (alhphabetically) of the reindeer?
+In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch ____ without a hunting license
+In comic literature, what was the name of Billy Bunter's sister?
+In common: belly, fever, journalism, pages?
+In common: boot, eye, bird, death?
+In common: brain, watching, bath, house?
+In common: chinook, kiowa, huey, labrador, sea king?
+In common: detroit, phibes, demento, faustus?
+In common: dust, movie, gaze, sapphire?
+In common: french, taking, alone, on?
+In common: goodbye columbus, letting go, portnoy's complaint, the breast?
+Novels by philip roth
+In common: Henry ford, adolf hitler, frank sinatra, orville and wilbur wright?
+Secondary school dropouts
+In common: himalayan, rex, manx, maine coon?
+Breeds of cats
+In common: honeysuckle, tiny world, chux?
+Disposable diapers
+In common: humor, mannered, suited, take?
+In common: Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx?
+In common: John James Audubon, Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein?
+Foreign born americans
+In common: king tonkin, duchess of oldenburg, simpson starking and rambo?
+In common: labrador duck, passenger pigeon, dodo, carolina parakeet?
+Extinct birds
+In common: macarthur, place, gorky, hyde, central?
+In common: nova, comet, galaxy, meteor?
+In common: office, camera, cardboard, spring?
+In common: opera, into, verse, fingered, red, house?
+In common: pascal, golden, equilateral, musical?
+In common: poor soul, fenwick babbitt, joe the bartender, ralph kramden?
+Jackie gleason
+In common: screen, sale, water, storm?
+In common: see, carpet, hot, cent?
+In common: shar-pei, pug, shih tzu, pomeranian?
+Breeds of dogs
+In common: sigmund freud, a conan doyle, robert louis stevenson?
+Cocaine users
+In common: squeeze, passion, mate, doctor?
+In common: tennis, geology, critics?
+In common: under, broke, go, after?
+In common: ursa minor, ursa major, leo, orion, scorpius?
+Names of constellations
+In common: wagon, stand, aid, dance?
+In common: wh auden, yukio mishima, oscar wilde, petr tchaikovsky?
+Homosexuals who married women
+In computer graphics, the effect produced when display resolution is too coarse to minimize the jagged, or appearance of certain design elements, such as diagonal lines, curves, & circles?
+In computer language what is BASIC an acronym for?
+Beginners all symbolic instruction code
+In computer science, a key on ibm pc & similar computer keyboards that when pressed in combination with another key, gives the other key an alternative meaning?
+Alt key
+In computer science, a peripheral or add-on to a computer, such as a mouse or a modem?
+In computer talk what is a nibble?
+A half byte
+In computer terms, what does ocr stand for?
+Optical character recognition
+In computing terminology, what does d.p.i. stand for?
+Dots per inch
+In computing which letter of the alphabet represents 1,024 bytes?
+In computing, for what does S stand in the acronym SIMM?
+In computing, what is 'bit' an abbreviation for?
+Binary digit
+In cookery, what term is used for the sprinkling of food lightly and evenly with flour, sugar, etc?
+In cooking what does MSG stand for?
+Monosodium glutamate
+In cooking where does 'angelica' come from?
+Plant root
+In cooking, ____ drops make a dash
+In cooking, cripsy, spicy or aromatic duck is usually given the name of which city?
+In cooking, six drops make a____
+In cooking, what are Brochettes?
+Pieces of meat cooked on a skewer
+In cooking, which meat is used in the stew a Navarin?
+Lamb or mutton
+In cornish folklore, what is a bucca?
+Sea spirit
+In cornish folklore, what is a sea spirit that lives among fisherman?
+In coronation street how did ken barlows first wife val die?
+In coronation street, what was the name of ken barlow's first wife, played by anne reid?
+In coronation street, which room in the rover's return was regularly used by ena sharples and friends?
+In Coronation Street, who has been revealed as the father of Ashley Peacock?
+Fred elliott
+In cricket how far is the popping crease from the stumps?
+Four feet
+In cricket, an over bowled with no runs scored is called a ____ over
+In cricket, how many wickets in a row comprise a hat trick?
+In cricket, what is 'lbw'?
+Leg before wicket
+In cricket, what is 3 wickets in a row?
+Hat trick
+In darts, what does a dart in the inner bull score?
+In darts, what does a dart in the outer bull score?
+In darts, what is a score of 26?
+Bed and breakfast
+In darts, what is the highest score possible with 3 darts?
+In darts, what must a player do before he can start scoring points?
+Hit a double
+In data processing, what's edi?
+Electronic data interchange
+In dating agency adverts what does the 'S' represent in the abbreviation 'NSP'?
+In Dawson City, Yukon, 500 motion pictures were dug out of a hole in the ground & were found to be in perfect condition. What preserved them?
+In december 1999 which was the last foreign colony to revert to chinese rule?
+In December of 1957 ____ Shippingport, Pennsylvania became the site of the first full-scale ____ power plant in the U.S
+In Denmark, it's called smutting. What's it called in the United States?
+In denmark, who takes the place of santa claus?
+In developing nations, ____ percent of diseases are water related
+In Dickens' novel 'David Copperfield', what is the Christian name of his old nurse Peggotty?
+In Digimon,what do T.K. and Kari have that the other children don't?
+Older brothers
+In disney comics, who are daisy duck's three nieces?
+April, may and june
+In Disney's Jungle Book, what kind of animal was 'King Louis'?
+In disney's the lady and the tramp what kind of dog is 'lady'?
+Cocker spaniel
+In don mclean's 'American pie', who was he singing about in 'the day the music died'?
+Buddy holly
+In downtown____ , Peru, there is a large brass statue dedicated to Winnie-the-Pooh
+In drag racing, what does 't.s' mean?
+Terminal speed
+In early 1939 what country was Adolf Hitler determined to invade & occupy?
+In Eastenders, what was Tiffany Mitchell's occupation?
+Aromatherapy massage
+In Edward Lear's poem who married the owl and the Pussy-cat?
+In edward lear's poem, upon which fruit did the owl and the pussycat dine?
+In Egyptian Mythology which goddess was the mother of Horus?
+In Egyptian mythology, what sort of creature was Apis?
+In egyptian mythology, who is the god of the underworld?
+In egyptian mythology, who married two of her brothers?
+In electric circuits, condition in a circuit in which the combined impedances of the capacity & induction to alternating currents cancel each other out or reinforce each other to produce a minimum or maximum impedance (electric circuit; electricity)?
+In electricity, property of any object or substance to resist or oppose the flow of an electrical current?
+In electricity, what is the opposite of an insulator?
+In electronics, device used to propagate radio or electromagnetic waves or to capture radio waves?
+In empire strikes back, what was chewing on the power cables of the millenium falcon while han solo and company were hiding inside the asteroid cave?
+In engineering, the measurement or control of equipment by fluid jet devices?
+In England and Wales, what is made up of twelve people?
+A jury
+In England what ocean current allows gardeners on the west coast to grow exotic plants?
+Gulf stream
+In England what year was the lynmouth flood disaster?
+In England, in the 1880's, ____ was considered a dirty word
+In England, it's known as ducks and drakes. What's it called in North America?
+In England, the most commonly used guide dog for the blind is the____
+Yellow labrador retriever
+In England, the speaker of the house is not allowed to do what?
+In England, the speaker of the house is not allowed to____
+In England, where does the 'queen elizabeth ii' usually dock?
+In English folklore, ____ was a fairy queen who governed people's dreams
+Queen mab
+In English mythology, who caused the death of the lady of shallot?
+In English what does arrivederci mean?
+In English, ____ is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value
+In English, the constellation Antlia is best known as?
+Air pump
+In English, the constellation Camelo Pardalis is best known as?
+In English, the constellation Carina is best known as?
+In English, the constellation Cetus is best known as?
+In English, the constellation Corvus is best known as?
+In English, the constellation draco is best known as?
+In English, the constellation eridanus is best known as?
+In English, the constellation Grus is best known as?
+In English, the constellation leo is best known as?
+In English, the constellation Microscopium is best known as?
+In English, the constellation pavo is best known as?
+In English, the constellation Phoenix is best known as?
+In English, the constellation pisces is best known as?
+In English, the constellation Sigitta is best know as?
+In English, the constellation Triangleum is best known as?
+In English, the constellation vulpecula is best known as?
+In every deck of cards the king of hearts is sticking what through his head?
+In every episode of Seinfeld there is a ____ somewhere
+In every show that tom jones and harvey schmidt there is at least one song about ____
+In exchange for what did Spain cede Florida to britain?
+In exchange for what was cuba ceded by britain to Spain?
+In exodus, the waters of this river were turned into blood?
+The nile
+In fairy folklore what was the job of Mab?
+In fairy folklore what was the occupation of Mab?
+In fashion which cloth is produced by buffing the flesh side of a tanned animal hide?
+In fashion which style of low heel on a womans shoe is named after a young animal?
+In fashion, what do the letters 'LBD' mean?
+Little black dress
+In fashion, what type of garment are Oxford bags?
+In ferris bueller's day off, what is the principal's name?
+Mr. ed rooney
+In Ferris Bueller's Day Off, what is the Principals name?
+Mr. Rooney
+In ferris buellers day off, who is cameron going to marry?
+The first girl he lays
+In fiction Michael Henchard was Mayor of which town?
+In fiction, what is the last name of Dr. Hannibal____the Cannibal?
+In fiction, who was the arch enemy of Dan Dare?
+The mekon
+In film, collectively, how were Gabriel Byme, Stephen Baldwin, Benico Del Toro, Kevin Pollock and Kevin Spacey known in 1995?
+Usual suspects
+In folklore, supernatural, sea-dwelling creature with the head and upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a fish?
+In food preparation, what term is used for the removal of peas from the pod, or the green calyx from strawberries?
+In food, what is the filling in a BLT sandwich?
+Bacon, lettuce & tomato
+In football where was the world cup played in 1970?
+In football which is th eonly English or Scottish league team with a J in the name?
+St johnstone
+In football, how many yards of penalty are given for a personal foul?
+In football, what are the white marks intersecting each five-yard line?
+In football, what wide receiver has recorded the most catches, yards and touchdowns in a career?
+Jerry rice
+In football, where are the hashmarks?
+Five-yard lines
+In football, where do the Chargers come from?
+San Diego
+In Football, who is the only player allowed to handle the ball?
+In France in what kind of meat does a Charcuterie specialise?
+In France it is called 'potiron' and is a large round fruit with thick orange rind and pulpy flesh. What is it's English name?
+In France what animal is specially trained to sniff out truffles?
+In France what would you buy in a Boulangerie?
+In france, there's a place called____
+In France, what kind of a building is a 'moulin'?
+In French what country is Ecosse?
+In fresh prince of bel-air what was the butlers name?
+In full commonwealth of Virginia, state in the eastern U S & one of the original 13 colonies?
+In gaelic legend, who had a dog called bran?
+In gardening what would you use a 'trug' for?
+Carrying things
+In general, the process of caring for, or nurturing, another individual?
+In geography, any of the five divisions of the surface of the earth, characterized by similar temperature & sunshine distribution?
+In geology what is Blue John?
+In geology, a major structural feature of the earths crust?
+In george orwells animal farm what kind of creature was napoleon?
+In German towns, what is the S-bahn?
+In golf the Americans call it a double eagle. What do we call it?
+In golf what is the maximum number of clubs allowed in your bag?
+In golf, we call '3 under par' an 'albatross'. What do Americans call it?
+Double eagle
+In golf, what is the woman's equivalent of the Ryder Cup?
+The solheim cup
+In golf, what would you call a putt short enough to be conceded?
+In grease two what does stephanie want in a boyfriend?
+A cool rider
+In Great Expectations, what was the occupation of Joe Gargery?
+In greek and roman mythology, what food of the gods was said to make immortal anyone who ate it?
+In greek cookery what are 'sheftalia'?
+Minced lamb kebabs
+In greek legend which hero waas attacked by the monsters Scylla and Charybdis in the Straits of Messina?
+In Greek legend, what was eaten on the island of Jerba?
+In greek legend, who killed the hydra?
+In Greek legend, Zeus wooed Europa, daughter of King Agenor, in the form of which animal?
+In Greek myth how were the children of Uranus & Gaea collectively known?
+The titans
+In greek myth the name given to a statue that came to life in answer to the prayers of Pygmalion?
+In Greek Myth who promised to marry the first man to beat her in a race?
+In Greek Myth who solved the riddle of the Sphinx?
+In Greek myth who swam the Hellespont?
+In Greek myth who was Jason's wife?
+In greek myth, which mother of twelve was turned into a weeping rock due to grief?
+In Greek myth, who gave birth to the winged horse, Pegasus, from her blood after she had been slain?
+In Greek mythology any of 3 snake haired sisters able to turn people to stone?
+In Greek mythology the place of ideal happiness?
+In greek mythology what did atlanta want to do until she was defeated in a footrace?
+Remain unmarried
+In Greek mythology what event did Paris trigger when he took his lover Helen home with him?
+Trojan war
+In greek mythology who ferries the dead across the river styx?
+In greek mythology who placed callisto in the heavens as the constellation of ursa major?
+In greek mythology who was jocasta's son?
+In greek mythology who was moirae's mother?
+In Greek mythology who was the father of Iphigenia & Electra?
+In greek mythology who was the husband of Helen of Troy?
+In Greek mythology who was the mother of Uranus?
+In Greek mythology who was the wife of Orpheus, the subject of the earliest surviving opera by Peri?
+In greek mythology whose dogs tore actaeon apart?
+In greek mythology whose head is so hideous that anyone looking at it was turned to stone?
+In greek mythology, actaeon was torn apart by artemis' ____
+In greek mythology, alcemene was the child of ____
+In greek mythology, as what were apricots known?
+Golden apples
+In greek mythology, as which constellation did zeus place callisto?
+Ursa major
+In greek mythology, atlanta wanted to remain unmarried until ____
+She was defeated in a footrace
+In greek mythology, danae was the mother of ____
+In greek mythology, dione was the mother of ____
+In greek mythology, europa was the mother of ____
+In greek mythology, for who did the cyclops forge thunderbolts?
+In greek mythology, from what mountain was haphaestus thrown?
+Mount olympus
+In greek mythology, from where was a beam hewn on atlanta's ship?
+Speaking oaks of dodona
+In greek mythology, gave fire to mankind?
+In greek mythology, how long did penelope wait for odysseus to return from the trojan war?
+Twenty years
+In greek mythology, leda was visited by zeus in the the form of a swan, and become the mother of ____
+Helen and pollux
+In greek mythology, mnemosyne is the mother of the ____
+In greek mythology, over which island did polycrates rule?
+In Greek mythology, Pasiphae gave birth to which creature?
+In greek mythology, phoebe was the goddess of the ____
+In Greek Mythology, she is the first mortal woman, and also the woman who opened the box containing all of man's troubles and plagues?
+In Greek mythology, the nymph Callisto was turned into which creature?
+In greek mythology, themes was the mother of ____
+In greek mythology, to where did bellerophon try to ride pegasus?
+Mount olympus
+In greek mythology, to where did zeus abduct europa?
+In greek mythology, what city did cadmus found?
+In greek mythology, what did ariadne help theseus to escape?
+In greek mythology, what did bellerophon and pegasus kill?
+In greek mythology, what did the cyclops forge for zeus?
+In greek mythology, what god was thrown down from mount olympus because of his ugliness?
+In greek mythology, what is the alternate name for pollux?
+In greek mythology, what is the alternate name for polydeuces?
+In greek mythology, what strait did leander cross every night to be with hero?
+In greek mythology, what war did helen's abduction spark?
+Trojan war
+In greek mythology, what was a lion-goat-serpent monster?
+In greek mythology, what was attributed to athena?
+In greek mythology, what was eaten on the island of jerba?
+In greek mythology, what was pegasus?
+Winged horse
+In Greek mythology, what were Medusa, Stheno and Euryale collectively known as?
+The gorgons
+In greek mythology, what were the fifty daughters of nerius and doris called?
+In greek mythology, what were the golden apples?
+In greek mythology, where were lotuses eaten?
+Island of jerba
+In Greek mythology, which goddess was Apollo's sister?
+In greek mythology, which king had the golden touch?
+In greek mythology, which king imprisoned daedalus and icarus?
+In Greek mythology, which king made a statue of a woman which Aphrodite brought to life?
+In Greek mythology, which monster had the head and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird?
+In greek mythology, which titans forged thunderbolts for zeus?
+In greek mythology, who abducted europa to crete?
+In greek mythology, who briefly, was euridice's husband?
+In greek mythology, who briefly, was orpheus' wife?
+In Greek mythology, who defeated Athene in a weaving contest?
+In greek mythology, who defeated atlanta in a footrace?
+In greek mythology, who descended to the underworld to retrieve his wife Eurydice?
+In greek mythology, who did ariadne help to escape the labyrinth?
+In greek mythology, who did bellerophon tame?
+In greek mythology, who did diemos personify?
+In Greek mythology, who did Ganymede replace as Cup-Bearer to the Gods?
+In greek mythology, who did melanion defeat in a footrace?
+In greek mythology, who did oedipus marry?
+In greek mythology, who did zeus place in the heavens as the constellation ursa major?
+In greek mythology, who had a ship with a beam hewn from the 'speaking oaks of dodona'?
+In greek mythology, who helped theseus escape the labyrinth?
+In greek mythology, who is 'the dioscuri'?
+Castor and pollux
+In greek mythology, who is the inventor of the reed-pipe?
+In greek mythology, who is the mother of paris?
+In greek mythology, who is the mother of the muses?
+In Greek mythology, who judged a beauty contest on Mount Ida, between Hera, Athene and Aphrodite?
+In greek mythology, who killed his grandfather with a quoit at the larrisan games?
+In greek mythology, who killed the chimera?
+Bellerophon and pegasus
+In greek mythology, who personified dread?
+In Greek Mythology, who stole fire from the Gods and brought it back to Earth hidden in a fennel stalk?
+In greek mythology, who swam the dardanelles every night to be with his lover?
+In greek mythology, who tamed pegasus?
+In Greek mythology, who turned Odysseus's men into pigs?
+In greek mythology, who visited leda in the form of a swan?
+In greek mythology, who wanted to remain unmarried until she was defeated in a footrace?
+In greek mythology, who was abducted by zeus to crete?
+In greek mythology, who was aphrodite's mother?
+In greek mythology, who was condemned to bearing the world on his shoulders for trying to storm the heavens?
+In greek mythology, who was daedalus' son?
+In greek mythology, who was heracles' mother?
+In greek mythology, who was hero's lover?
+In greek mythology, who was hero?
+Priestess of aphrodite
+In greek mythology, who was icarus' father?
+In greek mythology, who was leander's lover?
+In greek mythology, who was leda's husband?
+In greek mythology, who was married to helen of troy?
+In greek mythology, who was married to menelaus?
+In greek mythology, who was married to odysseus?
+In greek mythology, who was married to penelope?
+In greek mythology, who was minos' mother?
+In greek mythology, who was minos?
+King of crete
+In greek mythology, who was oedipus' mother?
+In greek mythology, who was oenone's husband?
+In greek mythology, who was paris' wife before he was smitten by helen?
+In Greek Mythology, who was responsible for giving fire to mankind?
+In greek mythology, who was the father of electra?
+In greek mythology, who was the first woman on earth, created by hephaestus at the request of zeus?
+In greek mythology, who was the first woman on earth?
+In greek mythology, who was the goddess of the moon?
+In greek mythology, who was the guardian of the home?
+In greek mythology, who was the hunter who was torn apart by artemis' dogs?
+In greek mythology, who was the mother of perseus?
+In Greek mythology, who was the mother of Zeus?
+In Greek mythology, who was the Muse of Tragedy?
+In Greek mythology, who was the sister of Apollo?
+In greek mythology, who was the supreme god?
+In greek mythology, who was the twin brother of Castor?
+In Greek mythology, who was the wife of Zeus?
+In greek mythology, who was tyndareus' wife?
+In greek mythology, who was visited by zeus in the form of a swan, and became the mother of helen and pollux?
+In greek mythology, who wept tears of amber?
+In greek mythology, who were jason's companions?
+In greek mythology, who were the god zeus' parents?
+Cronos and rhea
+In greek mythology, who were the personification of the forces of nature?
+In greek mythology, whose abduction sparked the trojan war?
+In greek mythology, whose companions were the argonauts?
+In greek mythology, why was hephaestus thrown from mount olympus?
+In greek mythology,penelope was the faithful wife of which hero?
+In grekky mythology, who was jocasta's son?
+In greyhound racing, what colour does the first dog wear?
+In growing pains, what was boners dad's name?
+Sylvester stabone 
+In grrek mythology who was sorceress daughter of the King of Colchis?
+In Guatemala, when is Christmas day celebrated?
+25th of December
+In Gulliver's Travels, from what did the scientists seek to get sunshine?
+In Gulliver's Travels, what is the name of the flying island inhabited by scientific theorists?
+In Gymnastics a backwards handspring is know as what?
+In Halloween Special V, who is the unquestioned ruler and master of the world?
+Ned Flanders
+In halloween, what is michael myers' middle name?
+In harper valley pta, what actress portrayed stella johnson?
+Barbara eden
+In Harry potter novels what species of owl is hedwig?
+In hartford, connecticut, it is illegal for a husband to kiss his wife on____
+In hebrew what does the name Satan mean?
+In heraldry what family member is denoted by a rose?
+Seventh son
+In heraldry what is a 'mullet'?
+In heraldry what is a 'talbot'?
+Hound (dog)
+In heraldry what is denote by a bar sinister?
+In Heraldry, a two-legged dragon with wings & a barbed tail?
+In heraldry, what are the colours on the shield called?
+In heraldry, what is a martlet?
+In heraldry, what is a two legged dragon called?
+In hindu mythology who is the mother goddess?
+In hindu mythology, who is kali?
+Mother goddess
+In Hinduism, which God is known as the Preserver?
+In his play the birds, what name did aristophanes give to the birds' kingdom in the sky?
+Cloud cuckoo land
+In his will who left his second best bed to his wife?
+William shakespeare
+In holloween, michael meyers wore a halloween mask of what famous character?
+Captain kirk mask
+In hollywood, who was known as 'the legs'?
+Betty grable
+In Holst's Planet Suite, which planet is the bringer of Jollity?
+In Holst's Planet Suite, which planet is the bringer of Peace?
+In homer's iliad, who was the king of troy?
+In honour if ____ Vaaler, inventor of the paper clip, a 221/2 paper clip was erected in Oslo, Norway
+In honour if Johan Vaaler, inventor of the paper clip, a 221/2 paper clip was erected in____ , Norway
+In honour if Johan____ , inventor of the paper clip, a 221/2 paper clip was erected in Oslo, Norway
+In horse racing, what is the maximum age of a filly?
+Four years
+In horse racing, what is the straight opposite the one with the finish line?
+In horse racing, which triple Crown race is held on Long Island?
+In Hound of the Baskervilles what was the name of the bog into which it was believed the villain finally disappeared?
+Grimpen mire
+In human biology, what is the process of (normal) cell division?
+In i dream of jeannie, where was jeannie's favorite hiding place?
+In ice hockey, what name is given to a period of play in which one team has a player temporarily suspended from the game?
+Power play
+In Imperial measurement, how many pounds are there in one hundredweight?
+In Imperial measurement, how many square yards are in a square chain?
+In independence day, what does will smith yell as he blasts off in the space ship?
+I gotta get me one of these
+In India and the East Indies, what is an elephant driver or keeper called?
+In India what is 'pachisi'?
+Board game
+In India who or what is a 'dacoit'?
+In India, and also the British forces, what job does a Dhobi Wallah do?
+In Indonesian cookery what name is given to meat kebabs served with a peanut sauce?
+In international car registrations, which country has the letters RA?
+In international car registrations, which country has the letters ZA?
+South africa
+In irian jaya exists a tribe of tall white people whose ____ are a warning sign against intruders
+In Irian Jaya exists a tribe of tall. white people whose ____ are a warning sign against intruders
+In Irish folklore what is the mischievous elf, often believed to have treasure hoard?
+In Italy, as what is mickey mouse known?
+In Italy, it is illegal to make ____ out of anything except nutshells or wood
+In January 1953 - U.S. ____ Harry Truman announced the development of the hydrogen bomb
+In january 1997, who survived for five days in an upturned boat, in the south pacific ocean?
+Tony bullimore
+In Japan, ____ of all publications sold are comic books
+In Japan, 20% of all publications sold are ____ books
+In Japan, what is No?
+Type of theatre
+In Japanese cookery what is 'nori'?
+In Japanese cooking what name is given to small pieces of raw fish served with cold rice?
+In Jasmine, Saskatchewan, it is illegal for a cow to moo within ____ km of a private home
+In John's Gospel, which was the first named disciple to join Jesus?
+In Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim what ship was abandoned by its crew before it sank?
+In Judo, which Dan is the highest in the grading of black belts?
+In July 1992, Tim Taylor married which member of the royal family?
+Lady helen windsor
+In July of 1955 - Arco, Idaho, with a population of 1,000, became the first U.S. town powered by nuclear energy. The town's energy was supplied by an experimental boiling-water reactor called the?
+Borax iii
+In jumanji, a stampede is released. what is the slowest animal?
+In June 19&3, SvetLana Savatskaya was the first wornan to do what?
+Walk in space
+In june 1990, thousands died in a massive earthquake. in which country?
+In June of what year was the treaty ending WWl signed?
+In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in your back____
+In Knight Rider,what does K.I.T.T.'s name stand for?
+Knight Industries Two Thousand 
+In Knight Rider,what's the real last name of Michael Knight?
+In Korea, the ____ is a symbol of long life, and is often portrayed in the company of immortals
+In korean, what does seoul mean?
+In law, a formal document stating that a person (defendant) is notified to appear in court and answer a complaint or charge brought against him or her by another party (plaintiff)?
+In law, special court exercising jurisdiction over all maritime issues?
+In law, the criminal offense of marrying while one is still a partner in a valid earlier marriage?
+In legend what is the name of King Arthurs fairy sister?
+Morgan Le Fay
+In legend, who was the Roman goddess of war?
+In li'l abner, what was daisey mae's maiden name?
+In literature who has a servant called Sanch Panza?
+Don quixote
+In literature who was the wife of Othello?
+In literature, what was long john silver's status when on board ship?
+The cook
+In literature, which French Physician wrote the book of rhyming prophesies titled 'Centuries'?
+In literature, who were the 'star-crossed lovers'?
+Romeo & juliet
+In liturature, which writer created Sid Halley, the jockey turned private investigator?
+Dick Francis
+In living organisms, what do lysins destroy?
+In logic, what is the form of reasoning by which a specific conclusion is inferred from one or more premises?
+In london what would you find at 87-135 brompton road?
+In London when did the Globe Theatre catch fire?
+In London when was the first cricket match held at Lords?
+In london who designed marble arch?
+John nash
+In London, what are King's Cross, St Pancras and Waterloo?
+Railway stations
+In London, which river is crossed by Tower Bridge?
+In Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women', which march sister dies?
+In Magnum PI,Rick was not Rick's real name. What was his real name?
+Orville Wright 
+In Magnum PI,what kind of car did Higgins drive?
+An audi
+In Magnum PI,what was the name of the charter service that TC ran?
+Island Hoppers
+In Magnum PI,what was the name of the club?
+The King Kamehameha
+In many parts of the world, especially Asia, people still use a counting device that goes back before recorded history. It is a board with beads on it?
+In march 1785, what future president succeeded ben franklin as minister to france?
+Thomas jefferson
+In March 1876 which American inventor did Alexander Bell beat in the race to patent the telephone?
+Elisha gray
+In maritime history, a type of large, seagoing warship propelled by oars and, more frequently, by sail?
+In martin luther king jr.'s famous speech, these three words come between 'free at last! free at last!' and 'we are free at last!'?
+Thank god almighty
+In Mathematics what name is given to a pair of angles whose sum is 90 degrees?
+In mathematics which prefix refers to 10 to the power of minus 9?
+In mathematics, famous theorem which has led to important discoveries in algebra & analysis?
+Fermats last theorem
+In Mathematics, who devised a triangle to show the probability of various results occurring when any number of coins are tossed?
+Blaise pascal
+In matilda what was the name of matilda's teacher?
+Jennifer honey
+In May 1948, Mt ____ and Mt Ngauruhoe, both in New Zealand, erupted simultaneously
+In May 1948, Mt Ruapehu and Mt Ngauruhoe, both in____ , erupted simultaneously
+New zealand
+In May 1948, Mt Ruapehu and Mt____ , both in New Zealand, erupted simultaneously
+In mediaval history, who was the lover of Heloise?
+In medical matters, what does the letter B stand for in B.C.G?
+In medical matters, what does the letter C stand for in C.A.T. scanner?
+In medicine what do the letters hrt stand for?
+Hormone replacement therapy
+In medicine what is boric acid used for?
+In medicine what is procaine used for?
+In medicine, of what is oncology the study'?
+In medicine, the determination of the nature of a disease?
+In medieval ____, it was not unusual for a mother to breast-feed a child until the child was seven years old
+In medieval art what did the dog signify?
+In medieval legend, what was the name of the wandering jew?
+In medieval Spain which city was noted for its quality leather?
+In medieval Spain which city was noted for its quality steel?
+In Miami, Florida, roosting ____ have taken to snatching poodles from rooftop patios
+In Miami, Florida, roosting vultures have taken to snatching ____ from rooftop patios
+In michagan, usa, a man legally owns his wife's____
+In midieval England, ____ often was served with breakfast
+In midieval England, beer often was served with____
+In military slang which word means to carry heavy equipment on foot over difficult terrain?
+In military terms what is a projecting watch tower called?
+In Milwaukee during the 1900s, ____ horses in the city left an estimated 133 tons of manure and urine on the streets per year
+In minerology what does the mohs scale measure?
+In mirc, what colour does control-4 give?
+In money circles what does ERM mean?
+Exchange rate mechanism
+In monopoly how much does whitechapel road cost?
+Sixty dollars
+In Monopoly what completes the set with Fleet Street and The Strand?
+Trafalgar square
+In Monopoly which property completes the group containing the Angel,Islington,and Euston Road?
+Pentonville Road
+In mormon theology, which is the star closest to god's residence?
+In morse code, what number is represented by five dashes?
+In most ____ countries and in China the colour of mourning is white
+In most Muslim countries and in ____ the colour of mourning is white
+In most Muslim countries and in China the colour of mourning is ____
+In most____ , including newspapers, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10
+In motor racing, what is yellow?
+Danger flag
+In music m-m means?
+Maelzel metronome
+In music what does the term 'ff' mean?
+Very loud
+In music what is a chromatic scale?
+A scale made up of semi-tones
+In music what is a pentatonic scale?
+A scale of five notes only
+In music, instrumental introduction to an opera or other musical or nonmusical dramatic work?
+In music, name the set of horizontal lines around which notes are written?
+In music, the art of extemporization or creating all or part of a composition at the moment of performance?
+In music, what 'H' is an open framed instrument played by plucking the strings with the fingers?
+In music, what does prestissimo mean?
+Extremely fast
+In music, what does the term legato mean?
+One note leading smoothly to the next
+In music, which major scale contains just one flat?
+F major
+In musical notation which note is half a minim?
+In musical notation, what is the effect of placing a dot immediately after a note?
+Increases its length by half
+In musical notation, what is the term for the symbol at the beginning of a staff?
+In mythology Romulus and Remus were brought up by which animal?
+In mythology the fountain Aganippe was famous to whom?
+In mythology the labyrinth was built for which monster?
+In mythology which creature sprang from the blood of Medusa?
+In mythology which flower sprang from the blood of a young man killed by Apollo?
+In mythology who continued to weep after she had been turned to stone?
+In mythology, of where was Oedipus the King?
+In mythology, she was the Goddess of the hunt and the Lady of 'Wild Things'?
+In mythology, she was the grey-eyed Goddess who sprung from the head of Zeus?
+In Mythology, she was Zeus' wife, sister, and the Goddess who protects marriage?
+In mythology, the God Apollo gave this woman the gift of being able to foretell the future, only to curse the gift when this woman rejected him?
+In mythology, which King of Cyprus fell in love with a statue?
+In mythology, which maiden was saved from a sea by Perseus?
+In mythology, which soil of Juno was considered to be the most Roman of gods?
+In mythology, who tamed the winged horse Pegasus?
+In mythology, who was the mother of Eros and Aeneas?
+In mythology, who was the wife of Jupiter?
+In mythology, who was the wife of Odysseus?
+In mythology, who was turned into a laurel bush?
+In national lampoon's vacation, what did the griswalds call their ugly green station wagon?
+The family truckster
+In nautical terms stop! or cease!?
+In nautical terms, what name is given to the upper edge of a ship's side?
+In navigation what measures 1.8 metres?
+In New Zealand, on which island is Lake Taupo?
+In Norse mythology who was the evil and mischevious god?
+In norse mythology, balder is the god of ____
+Light and joy
+In norse mythology, hel is the goddess of the ____
+In norse mythology, odin is the king of the ____
+In Norse mythology, what is the name of Odin's six-legged horse?
+In norse mythology, who is brunhilda chief of?
+In norse mythology, who is king of the gods?
+In norse mythology, who is the chief of the valkyries?
+In Norse mythology, who is the father of Odin?
+In norse mythology, who is the god of light and joy?
+In norse mythology, who is the goddess of the underworld?
+In norse mythology, who is the husband of frigg?
+In norse mythology, who is the wife of odin?
+In Norse mythology, who were the messengers of Odin who selected heroes to die in battle?
+In North America, Final Fantasy 4 is known as...?
+Final fantasy 2
+In November 1981, Diana Ross had a number one hit with the duet 'Endless Love'. Who was her co-singer?
+Lionel ritchie
+In October 1999, who replaced Frank Dobson as Secretary of State for Health?
+Alan milburn
+In official competition, what colour shirts do table tennis players wear?
+In old English law, what did 'apport' mean?
+Charge or tax
+In olden days, barbers also performed as ____. Blood-letting, a remedy of the time believed to cure diseases, was one of their main tasks. The red-and-white striped barber pole originally symbolized a bleeding arm swathed in bandages
+In one of donald horne's novels, as what was Australia dubbed?
+Lucky country
+In one of donald horne's novels, who was 'the lucky country?
+In one word, what is yeast?
+In one year, hens in America lay enough eggs to encircle the globe ____ times
+In ontario, Canada, these five young ladies were born on may 28, 1934?
+The dionne quintuplets
+In optics, property of a lens system of bending a beam of white light in such a way that all its component colors are brought to a focus at the same point, thus obtaining a sharp image?
+In order for a deck of cards to be mixed up enough to play with properly, at least how many times should it be shuffled?
+Seven times
+In order for a deck of cards to be mixed up enough to play with properly, it should be shuffled at least?
+Seven times
+In order not to digest itself, how often does the stomach need a new layer of mucous?
+Every two weeks
+In order to satisfy an adults daily nutritional requirements it would be possible to drink 1 glass of orange juice, 2 glasses of milk and how many pints of Guinness?
+In painting, what is a Maulstick?
+Stick to steady the hand
+In Pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the____
+Stock market
+In paris on january 12, 1998, nineteen european nations signed the first binding international ban on what?
+Human cloning
+In paris, the mcdonalds big 'm' is the only one in the world that is white, rather than yellow, it was thought that yellow was too____
+In Paris, the McDonalds big 'M' is the only one in the world that is____ , rather than yellow, it was thought that yellow was too tacky
+In parts of ____, the women keep harems of men
+In Paula abdul's first hit, how does she want it?
+Straight up
+In physics and engineering, the property of a body that causes it to return to its original position or motion as a result of the action of the so-called restoring forces, or torques, once the body has been disturbed from a condition of equilibrium?
+In physics terminology, what is the tendency of a body in motion to remain in motion?
+In physics, devices used to accelerate charged elementary particles or ions to high energies?
+Particle accelerators
+In physics, mechanism by what energy is conveyed from one place to another in mechanically propagated waves without the transference of matter?
+Wave motion
+In physics, process of reduction of matter into a denser form, as in the liquefaction of vapor or steam?
+In physics, product of a force applied to a body & the displacement of the body in the direction of the applied force?
+In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) ____
+In poker what name is given to a hand of cards which includes a pair of aces and a pair of eights?
+Dead man's hand
+In poker, what are five cards of the same suit?
+In pool, what colour is the #1 ball?
+In pool, what colour is the eight ball?
+In popular culture, what is a 'tamagotchi'?
+Virtual pet
+In popular usage, name denoting the acute disease known medically as aeroembolism & caused by rapid decrease of the atmospheric pressure?
+In post war fashion who was responsible for the New Look?
+Christian dior
+In pottery, what is biscuit ware?
+Pottery fired but not glazed
+In pottery, what is crackle?
+Tiny cracks in the glaze
+In pre decimalisation currency, how much was a florin worth?
+Two shillings
+In printing what shape is an obelus?
+In pro football a 'sudden death' period lasts how many minutes long?
+In pro-football how long does a 'sudden death' period last?
+Fifteen minutes
+In psalm 46, what is the 46th word from the first word?
+In psalm 46, what is the 46th word from the last word?
+In QUANGO what does QU stand for?
+In racing, the 'chalk' horse is the what?
+In radio what do the initials CB stand for?
+Citizens band
+In relation to animals what does the word 'edentate' mean?
+No teeth
+In relation to computers, in printing, to line up in relation to a given point of reference, such as the margins of a page or the edges of a piece of paper?
+In relation to its size, the ordinary house spider is ____ times faster than an Olympic sprinter
+In relation to its size, which bird has, understandably, the thickest skull?
+In religion, the assumption of an earthly form by a god?
+In rhyming slang what are april showers?
+In rhyming slang what is a china plate?
+In roman mythology, who was the father of romulus and remus?
+In roman mythology, who was the god of forests, fields and herding?
+In roman mythology, who was the supreme god?
+In Roman mythology, who was the wife of Jupiter?
+In Rome, the world's first paved streets were laid out in ____ B.C
+In Rome, what was the Cloaca Maxima?
+Main sewer
+In romeo and juliet', who gave a long monologue about queen mab?
+In Roseanne what was Roseanne's gay boss/employee?
+In rugby union, what colour jerseys are worn by the Welsh team?
+In Rummy how many points is an ace worth?
+In Russia, dogs have been trained to sniff out ore deposits that contain ____
+Iron sulfides
+In Russia, suppositories cut from fresh potatoes were used for quick relief of ____
+In Russia, what type of food is a blini or blintze?
+In sailing, what is a warp?
+A mooring rope
+In sailing, what is a warp?
+In save by the bell, what were zack and kelly dressed up as the night they broke up?
+Romeo and juliet
+In saving private ryan, what was tom hanks' rank?
+In Scandinavian mythology, which was the 'Tree of Life'?
+In science, which term refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom?
+Atomic number
+In scooby doo what is shaggys full name?
+Norville rogers
+In Scotland, what is the third alternative to the verdicts Guilty and not guilty?
+Not proven
+In scrabble, what is the point value for the standard vowels?
+In scrabble, which letter is worth 6 points?
+In second world war allied soldier's slang, what does pbi stand for?
+Poor bloody infantry
+In september of 1994, 852 people died when the ferry estonia sank in what sea?
+Baltic sea
+In Shakespeare which character dies saying, 'The rest is silence'?
+In Shakespeare, who killed Tybalt?
+In Shakespeare's 'Antony & Cleopatra,' & perhaps in history as well, with what did Cleopatra kill herself?
+Poisonous snake
+In Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice', with whom does Portia fall in love?
+In Shakespeare's Hamlet, who is the father of Ophelia?
+In Shakespeare's Macbeth, which wood appears to move?
+Birnham wood
+In Shakespeare's play who was the wife of Othello?
+In Shakespeare's play, who tamed the shrew?
+In shakespeare's the merchant of venice, what is the name of the merchant?
+In Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew , what is the name of the shrew?
+In shipping, what does 'p&o' mean?
+Peninsula and orient
+In siberia in 1994, a container full of what was discovered in the 2,000 year old grave of a scythian princess and priestess?
+In Simon & Simon,what unusual thing did Rick live in?
+In a boat
+In some legends, death (the grim reaper) plays a fiddle with how many strings?
+In South Africa, what is 'biltong'?
+Dried meat
+In South America it is rude not to ask a man about his ____
+In SouthPark, who wants to fuck Satan all the time?
+Saddam Hussein
+In soylent green, what was the last resort used for riot control?
+In space you cannot cry because there is no ____ to make the tears flow
+In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no ____, so the tears can't flow
+In sport what would a person do with a quoit?
+Throw it
+In square miles, how big is Lake Ontario?
+In Star Wars, who was the leader of the rebel alliance?
+Mon mothma
+In State schools, pupils take SATS at age 14 at the end of which Key Stage?
+In superbowl xv, played in 1981, who played against the philadelphia eagle?
+Oakland raiders
+In telephony, what do the initials ADSL stand for?
+Asymmetric digital subscriber line
+In telephony, what do the initials ISDN stand for?
+Integrated services digital network
+In ten-pin bowling what is the hardest split to convert?
+7 10
+In ten-pin bowling, how many points does a perfect game consist of?
+Three hundred
+In tennis what name is given to a service that is so good that the opponant fails to touch it?
+In tennis, what name is given to a serve which cannot be returned?
+In terms of area, which is the largest city in africa?
+In terms of tons of cargo handled, which is europe's busiest port?
+In Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, Death rides a pale horse. What is its name?
+In texas, it is illegal to put graffiti on someone else's____
+In the ABO system, which blood type is the universal donor?
+Type o
+In the ABO system, which blood type is the universal recipient?
+Type ab
+In the Andes, ____ is often measured by how long it takes to smoke a cigarette
+In the Arctic, the ____ sometimes appears to be square
+In the arctic, the sun sometimes appears to be____
+In the art medium tempera, what is mixed with powdered paint?
+Egg yolk
+In the atmosphere, after Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide, which gas has the greatest concentration?
+In the body what may be endocrine or exocrine?
+In the body, what is the CNS?
+Central nervous system
+In the body, what would be described as adipose?
+In the British army, which rank is immediately above colonel?
+In the British defence forces, which ranks remain on the active list for life?
+Field Marshal, Admiral of the Fleet and Air marshal
+In the Caribbean, there are ____ that can climb trees
+In the charity AHA, what part of the body does H stand for?
+In the Commedia del'Arte who was the daughter of Pantaloon?
+In the contract that gave cuba freedom from the us, what was required?
+Permanent naval base
+In the English legal system how many judges form a quorum in the Court of Appeal?
+In the English legal system there are three Divisions in the High Court of Justice. One is the Family division. Name the other two?
+Queen's bench & chancery
+In the famous line 'wherefore art thou romeo', what does 'wherefore' mean?
+In the female version of this Simon play, the leads are Olive and Florence?
+The odd couple
+In the galapagos islands, what has an upturned shell at its neck?
+In the great seal of the USA the eagle grasps how many arrows?
+In the great seal of the USA what kind of branch does the eagle grasp?
+Olive branch
+In the grounds of which house is the largest private tomb/mausoleum in England?
+Castle howard
+In the human body which protien forms nails & hair?
+In the human body, what is the axilla?
+The armpit
+In the human body, what is the hallux?
+Big toe
+In the law of torts, oral defamation or use of the spoken word to injure another's reputation, as distinguished from libel or written defamation?
+In the night sky, what can be half, full or new?
+The moon
+In the north of ____, the sun shines constantly for about 14 weeks each summer
+In the northern hemisphere do tornadoes turn clockwise or anti-clockwise?
+In the nursery rhtme where would you go to see a fine lady with bells on her toes?
+Banbury Cross
+In the nursery rhyme how many blackbirds were baked in a pie?
+In the nursery rhyme, Simple Simon met a pieman going where?
+To the fair
+In the nursery rhyme, what medication was applied to Jack's head after his tumble down the hill?
+Vinegar and brown paper
+In the nursery rhyme, who ran away when the boys came out to play?
+Georgie porgie
+In the nursery rhyme, who visited the person with a little nut tree?
+The king of Spain's daughter
+In the nursery rhyme, who were the three men in a tub?
+Butcher, baker, & candlestick maker
+In the odyssey, who was placed opposite the monster scylla?
+In the oil industry, what do the letters VLCC mean?
+Very large crude carrier
+In the old cartoon jiggs, what did jiggs invariably wear over his shoes?
+In the old dick and jane 'primary reader' school books, what was the name of the little sister?
+In the original 101 Dalmatians, name the Dalmatian that has 72 spots?
+In the periodic table of the elements, the group vii elements (ie, f, cl, br, i...) Are also known as the ____
+In the phonetic alphabet what word represents the letter r?
+In the phonetic alphabet what word represents the letter Z?
+In the phonetic alphabet which five words represent the five vowels?
+Alpha echo India oscar uniform
+In the pioneer spacecraft, what are the humans on the plaques wearing?
+In the retina, color sensing cells are called?
+In the rhyme about magpies,'one for sorrow, two for joy', what are 6 magpies for?
+In the royal navy, which rank is immediately above captain?
+In the Scottish hebrides, an island is defined as being an island only if it is big enough to sustain 1____
+In the seventeenth-century a Boston man was sentenced to two hours in the stocks for obscene behaviour, his crime, kissing his wife in a public place on a?
+In the show Cheers, what was the name of the bar that always played practical jokes on the gang at Cheers?
+Gary's Old Time Tavern
+In The Simpson's, what is Flander's store called?
+In The Simpsons what is the first name of Chief of Police Wiggum?
+In The Simpsons, what is the first name of Mr Burns assistant Smithers?
+In the sitcom fish, the fish couple become foster parents to how many kids?
+In the soap 'one life to live' who was vicky's alter ego?
+In the soaps, just what was barnabas collins?
+In the song 'skip to my lou', in what beverage are the flies?
+In the song hotel California, what color is the champagne that is on ice?
+In the song where was the 'house of the rising sun' located?
+New orleans
+In the song, the house of the rising sun is in which city?
+New orleans
+In The Sound of Music the Von Trapp family have seven children. Name the two boys?
+Friedrich & kurt
+In the Star Trek: deep space nine series, name the ferengi owner of the bar on deep space nine?
+In the Star Trek: voyager series, name the ex-borg who is a member of the 'voyager' crew?
+Seven of nine
+In the Stephen King novel, Carrie, what was the name of the school Carrie attended?
+Bates High School
+In the stock exchange one who applies for shares in a new issue with a view to selling it at once for a profit?
+In the suburbs of which modern Egyptian city would you find the pyramids?
+In the summer, ____ get a tan
+In the symbols used on clothing labels what is meant by a crossed out triangle?
+Do not bleach
+In the system of linear measurement, how many yards are there in one chain?
+In the television comedy series, what type of animal did Manuel think his pet rat Basil was?
+Siberian hamster
+In the television series the prisoner, what seas patrick mcgoohan's number?
+In the television series, who owned the high chapparal ranch?
+John cannon
+In the tenth century, the Grand Vizier of ____ took his entire library with him wherever he went. The 117,000-volume library was carried by camels trained to walk in alphabetical order
+In the TV series 'Absolutely Fabulous, who played the part of 'Bubbles'?
+Jane horrocks
+In the tv series 'airwolf', where is the helicopter hidden?
+Extinct volcano
+In the tv series 'bottom', what was the name of the owner of the pub 'the dirty dick'?
+Dick head
+In the tv series 'friends', who does courtney cox play?
+Monica geller
+In the tv series 'happy days' what was arthur fonzarelli's nickname?
+The fonz
+In the tv series 'happy days' what was the fonz's full name?
+Arthur fonzarelli 
+In the tv series 'happy days', what was the fonz's full name?
+In the tv series 'leave it to beaver', what was the mother's name?
+In the tv series 'leave it to beaver', what was wally's best friend's name?
+Eddie haskell
+In the tv series 'mad about you', what is the name of Paul and jamie's daughter?
+In the tv series 'mash', what was margaret houlihan's nickname?
+In the tv series 'mash', who was 'hotlips'?
+Margaret houlihan
+In the tv series 'seinfeld', who does michael richards play?
+In the tv series 'seinfeld', who played kramer?
+Michael richards
+In the tv series 'the adventures of hercules', what is hercules' companion's name?
+In the tv series 'the brady bunch', what was mike brady's occupation?
+In the tv series 'the fall guy', who did lee majors play?
+Colt seavers
+In the tv series 'the fall guy', who played colt seavers?
+Lee majors
+In the tv series batman which villian was played by cesar romero?
+The joker
+In the tv series the six million dollar man, what kind of man was steve austin?
+In the tv show 'voyage to the bottom of the sea', what was the 'seaview'?
+Atomic submarine
+In the tv sitcom 'get smart', who played 'agent 99'?
+Barbara feldon
+In the tv sitcom 'married with children', what is the dog's name?
+In the tv sitcom cheers, the legal capacity of the boston bar was how many?
+In the u.k, did breakfast tv start in 1992, 1993 or 1994?
+In the u.s, for how long is a patent good?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["17 years", "seventeen years"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In the U.S., there is, on average, ____ sex change operations per day
+In the U.S.A., this food is known as 'granola' how is it known in europe?
+In the United States, ____ have safer driving records than hearing people nationally
+Deaf people
+In the United States, ____ teeth are knocked out annually
+5 million
+In the United States, 1982, the painkiller 'Tylenol' was spiked with?
+In the United States, more ____ discs are sold each year than baseballs, basketballs, and footballs combined
+In the United States, more than 25 percent of women's fashion dollars are spent on sizes ____ and up
+In the us army, what rank is indicated by a silver eagle?
+In the US comedy series Sergeant Bilko, what is Bilko's first name?
+In the US what name is given to an advanced medical student or recent medical graduate residing in a hospital?
+In the US, what is a 'flapjack' a type of?
+In the US, which avenue divides the east side of New York from the west side?
+Fifth Avenue
+In the USA what are the TV equivalent of the Oscars?
+In the USA what does the John Birch Society oppose?
+In the USA, what is an estate agent known as?
+In the western the big valley, who played heath barkley?
+Lee majors
+In the White House, there are ____ knives, forks and spoons
+In the winter of 1724, while on an outing at sea, ____ of Russia caught sight of a foundering ship, jumped in the water, and helped in the rescue. He caught cold, suffered from a high fever, and died several weeks later
+Peter the great
+In the witwatersrand in 1886, near where were massive gold deposits discovered?
+In the world of animals, where would you find a 'martingale'?
+On a horse
+In the world of communications for what do the letters U R L stand for?
+Uniform resource locator
+In the X-Files, what is Agent Mulder's first name?
+In the year 1000, leif erikson was the first european to set foot on ____
+North America
+In what country does "MABUHAY" mean "hello"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Philippines", "The Philippines"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Where on Earth are there oysters that can climb trees?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Caribbean", "The Caribbean"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Where on Earth is time often measured by how long it takes to smoke a cigarette?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Andes", "The Andes"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In their chart-topping football anthem, David Baddiel and Frank Skinner sang about what?
+Three lions
+In thermodynamics, what word describes the disorder of a system?
+In the UK, he is called 'Action Man'; What is he called in the USA?
+G.I. Joe
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["G.I. Joe", "GI Joe"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In the US, he is called G.I. Joe; what is he called in the UK?
+Action Man
+In this team sport each player gets a chance to play every position?
+Into what substance is barley converted before it can be made into beer?
+In Tokyo, for what are toupees sold?
+In Tokyo, they sell ____ for dogs
+In tokyo, they sell toupees for____
+In track & field, what is thrown farthest?
+In traditional Chinese thought what is the opposite of 'yin'?
+In transport terms, what is an ACV?
+Air cushioned vehicle
+In transport, what do the letters HGV stand for?
+Heavy goods vehicle
+In true kingly fashion, elvis passed away while sitting on the____
+In Turkey, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, anyone caught drinking ____ was put to death
+In Turkey, the colour of mourning is ____
+In the TV series "Friends", what is Ross' occupation?
+In units of measurement, how many rods are there in a chain?
+In the USA, what us supreme court decision struck down the racial segregation policy of 'separate but equal' in education?
+In Verdi's opera Rigoletto what is the occupation of Rigoletto?
+Court jester
+In Victorian pictures Santa was often shown wearing ____
+In Wales, there are more ____ than people
+In Wallace and Grommit's 'The Wrong Trousers', what is the name of the penguin who steals the trousers?
+Feathers mcgraw
+In warfare and law-enforcement, what is the more common name for lachrymators?
+Tear gas
+In warfare what does the acronym THAAD stand for?
+Theatre high altitude area defence
+In wartime, what is the right of a belligerent warship to stop neutral merchant vessels on the high seas in order to ascertain the nature of the cargo and the ownership of the vessel and thus determine its liability to capture?
+Right of search
+In Washington d.c., no building can be built taller than the____
+In Welsh place names Llan- is a common feature, what does it mean?
+In western movies, who had a horse called Topper?
+Hopalong Cassidy
+In what 1932 movie did shirley temple, age three, first appear?
+Red haired alibi
+In what 1967 film did gene hackman earn his first oscar nomination?
+In what action movie does anthony quinn play the part of a male nurse?
+African rage
+In what American city was the first blood bank opened?
+New york
+In what are monocotyledon and dicotyledon terms?
+In what Australian state is Geelong?
+In what Australian state is Mount Isa?
+In what Australian state would you find Albury?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Alice Springs?
+Northern territory
+In what Australian state would you find Armidale?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Ballarat?
+In what Australian state would you find Bathurst?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Bendigo?
+In what Australian state would you find Broome?
+Wetsern Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Bunbury?
+Western Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Bundaberg?
+In what Australian state would you find Cairns?
+In what Australian state would you find Canberra?
+In what Australian state would you find Canowndra?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Cessnock?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Coffs Harbour?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Darwin?
+Northern territory
+In what Australian state would you find Devonport?
+In what Australian state would you find Dubbo?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Fremantle?
+Western Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Geradlton?
+Western Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Gladstone?
+In what Australian state would you find Hobart?
+In what Australian state would you find Horsham?
+In what Australian state would you find Inverell?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Ipswich?
+In what Australian state would you find Kalgoolie?
+Westerna Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Katherine?
+Northern territory
+In what Australian state would you find Kiama?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Launceston?
+In what Australian state would you find Mackay?
+In what Australian state would you find Maitland?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Maryborough?
+In what Australian state would you find Mildura?
+In what Australian state would you find Moe?
+In what Australian state would you find Moree?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Narabri?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Newcastle?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Orange?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Parkes?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Perth?
+Western Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Port Augusta?
+South Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Port Lincoln?
+South Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Port Pirie?
+South Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Rockhampton?
+In what Australian state would you find Salisbury?
+South Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Shellharbour?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find shepparton?
+In what Australian state would you find Stirling?
+Western Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Surfers Paradise?
+In what Australian state would you find Swan Hill?
+In what Australian state would you find Tamworth?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Taree?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Toowoomba?
+In what Australian state would you find Townsville?
+In what Australian state would you find Wagga Wagga?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Wangaratta?
+In what Australian state would you find whyalla?
+South Australia
+In what Australian state would you find Wodonga?
+In what Australian state would you find Wollongong?
+New south wales
+In what Australian state would you find Woomera?
+South Australia
+In what Austrian city was mozart born?
+In what body of water will you find the Great Barrier Reef?
+Coral sea
+In what Bond film does 'Oddjob' appear?
+In what book did hitler set out his horrific plan for Germany's future?
+Mein kampf
+In what book did the grinch steal christmas?
+The grinch who stole christmas
+In what book does 'schahriah' appear?
+Thousand and one nights
+In what book was the final score 4-2 after casey struck out?
+Casey at the bat
+In what book would you find a sorceress named 'The Witch of Endor'?
+In what Buckinghamshire (England) town was?
+In what building would you view the mona lisa and the venus de milo?
+In what business are 'angle irons' and 'rolex'?
+In what business did William Randolph Hearst succeed?
+Newspaper publishing
+In what California city was roger ramjet based?
+In what Canadian province would you find Shuswap Lake?
+British columbia
+In what capacity did ernest hemingway take part in the first world war?
+Ambulance driver
+In what century did the Easter Bunny originate?
+In what century was the Doomsday Book written?
+In what city are kew gardens?
+In what city did happy days take place?
+In what city did Jesus and his parents call home?
+In what city did the L.A. Lakers orignally play?
+In what city do the nba raptors play their home games?
+In what city do the NHL Cannucks play there home games?
+In what city does a certain church forbid burping or sneezing?
+In what city does chocolate ave intersect cocoa ave?
+In what city does matlock take place?
+Atlanta, georgia
+In what city is candlestick park?
+San francisco
+In what city is the bridge of sighs?
+In what city is the kremlin located?
+In what city is the worlds largest library located?
+Washington dc
+In what city was the final of the 1991 Canada cup played?
+In what city would you find red square?
+In what city would you find the 'Red Square'?
+In what city would you find the Prado art museum?
+In what class of animals is a Herpetologist interested?
+In what club are all the members liars?
+Ananias club
+In what club did danny williams perform on make room for daddy?
+Copa club
+In what common appliance would you find a cathode ray tube?
+In what constellation would you find the 'Horesehead' nebula?
+In what constellation would you find the 'horsehead' nebula?
+In what country (not state) is Santa Fe a city?
+In what country are monegasques barred from the gambling tables?
+In what country are most baseballs made?
+In what country are visions of the virgin mary seen most frequently?
+In what country can you find Ivalo, Pello and Kuhmo?
+In what country did the boer war take place?
+South africa
+In what country did the sepoy mutiny occur?
+In what country did the sport of caber-tossing originate?
+In what country do the most earthquakes occur?
+In what country does 'Green Giant' advertise its canned sweet corn as a topping for ice cream?
+In what country is Ayers Rock located?
+In what country is Heathrow Airport located?
+Great Britain
+In what country is K2 the world's second-highest mountain?
+In what country is Kruger National Park?
+South africa
+In what country is Mandalay?
+In what country is the city of meerut where a famous mutiny began in 1857?
+In what country is the jutland peninsula located?
+In what country is the nubian desert?
+In what country is the Pageant of the Golden Tree celebrated?
+In what country is the penina golf course?
+In what country is the town of Liege?
+In what country is the town of Limoges?
+In what country is the world court located?
+In what country is the worlds biggest national park?
+In what country is Timbuktu?
+In what country is Vorder-Grauspitz the highest point?
+In what country is Wemperhardt the highest point?
+In what country was Anneka Rice born?
+In what country was aspirin invented?
+In what country was Erik Rotheim, the inventor of the aerosol can, born in?
+In what country was the battle of El Alamein?
+In what country was the first jet flown?
+In what country was volleyball invented?
+In what country were cosmetics first used?
+In what country were the 1948 summer olympics held?
+In what country were the 1964 Summer Olympics held?
+In what country will you find 5-pin bowling?
+In what country would you find a geisha girl?
+In what country would you find New Brunswick?
+In what country would you find the city of tombouctou?
+In what country would you find the Indus River?
+In what country would you find the world's largest pyramid?
+In what country would you find the Zagros Mountains?
+In what country would you find timbouctou?
+In what country would you see Ayers Rock?
+In what decade did Peter Paul Halijian develop his first candy bar?
+In what decade was the thirty miles per hour speed limit in built-up areas introduced in Britain?
+In what did ray walston play 'uncle tim'?
+My favourite martian
+In what did someone squish her hands to make the sound of e.t walking?
+In what direction do all rivers flow?
+In what direction does the nile river flow?
+In what do monotheists believe?
+One god
+In what does a rhinologist specialise?
+In what does an archer carry his arrows?
+In what does michael jackson sleep?
+A cryochamber
+In what does the fda allow an average of 30 insect fragments and 1 rodent hair per 100 grams?
+Peanut butter
+In what epic film did Charles laughton play quasimodo?
+The hunchback of notre
+In what event did singapore win a silver medal in the olympics?
+In what famous poem does killing an albatross cause disaster?
+Rime of the ancient mariner
+In what famous sci fi flick did an einsteinlike scientist say to a space alien 'sit down. i have several thousand questions i'd like to ask you?
+Day the earth stood still
+In what field did Frances Mary Buss and Dorothea Beale become well known in the 19th Century?
+Girls higher education
+In what field did julia make her career in the sitcom julia?
+In what field did Walter Gropius achieve fame?
+In what field is romuald rat a well-known name?
+Paparazzi photographer
+In what field of study are 'flying buttresses'?
+In what field was Erie Shipton famous?
+In what field was Terence Donovan famous?
+In what field were Louis Daguerre and William Henry Fox-Talbot pioneers?
+In what Florida city was the ibm pc conceived?
+Boca raton
+In what form are the signals that a normal TV aerial receives?
+In what form of government do paid officials exercise controlling influence?
+In what fortress can the Scottish crown jewels be found?
+Edinburgh castle
+In what game are the terms: - tables, points and bearing off used?
+In what game does the New York institute for the investigation of rolling spheroids specialize?
+In what game does the player use a cesta to hurl a pelota?
+Jai alai
+In what game is the 'pick 'n roll'?
+In what game might you collect a pung of east winds?
+In what game/sport are the terms 'spare' and 'gutter' used?
+In what guise did god first talk to moses?
+Burning bush
+In what Indian city is Dum Dum airport?
+In what Indian city would you find the taj mahal?
+In what is ammonia the active ingredient?
+Smelling salts
+In what is food surrounded with dry, hot, circulated air?
+Convection oven
+In what is Midway island midway?
+The pacific ocean
+In what is the diameter of wool measured?
+In what is zaire the world leader?
+Cobalt mining
+In what island group is Corregidor?
+In what Italian city was Florence Nightingale born?
+In what jurisdiction was elroy p lobo sheriff?
+Orly county georgia
+In what key do American car horns beep?
+In what key is the dialtone of a telephone?
+In what kind of building did Miss Marple solve her first murder?
+A vicarage
+In what kind of buildings are hops dried?
+Oast house
+In what kind of restaurant might you be offered 'kulfi' as a dessert?
+In what kind of tree would one find a Kookaburra sitting in?
+Gum Tree
+In what language is the gutenberg bible printed?
+In what language is the Magna Carta written?
+In what language was bambi originally published?
+In what language was the poem Beowulf written?
+in what languages except English did einstuerzende neubauten record 'blume'?
+French and Japanese
+In what large southern us city can one find peachtree street?
+Atlanta, georgia
+In what Mark Twain novel would one find a feud between the Grangerfords & the Shepherdsons?
+Huckleberry finn
+In what material did Rene Lalique most famously work?
+In what material is Rene Lalique best remembered for his work?
+In what month did the queen accede to the throne?
+In what month is bastille day?
+In what mountain area did Rip Van Winkle fall asleep?
+Catskill mountains
+In what New York City club did many famous vocalists get their start?
+Continental baths
+In what novel do we find winston smith living in the nation of oceania and battling doublespeak and the thought police?
+In what ocean is the Maldive Islands in?
+In what opera did cherubino serve count almaviva?
+Marriage of figaro
+In what opera did count almaviva have a page named cherubino?
+Marriage of figaro
+In what order left to right are the colours of the french flag?
+Blue,white and red
+In what organ is the islands of langerhans found?
+In what part of the body are rabies injections given?
+In what precinct did barney miller work?
+In what prehistoric kingdom does 'alley oop' live?
+In what product's print ads did Brooke Shields, Kim Basinger, Cybill Shepherd, Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Tiegs appear in as teenage models?
+Breck Shampoo
+In what profession is a 'ruderal'?
+In what professional sport did bob hope participate as packy east?
+In what shaped ring does sumo wrestling take place?
+In what show does brady starr?
+In what show does brandy starr?
+In what song does john lennon find love is more than holding hands?
+If i fell
+In what sort of boats did the viking travel?
+In what sort of landscape would you find an erg?
+In what sport did juan fangio win five world championships?
+Motor racing
+In what sport did robert gamez win his first tournament in 1990?
+In what sport do teams compete for the Swaythling Cup?
+Men's table tennis
+In what sport do toxophologists compete?
+In what sport do you need brooms and brushes?
+In what sport does one have luffing, gybing and bearing away?
+In what sport is a 'chukka'?
+In what sport is a 'turkey'?
+In what sport is a pommel horse used in?
+In what sport is the arena 8 metres square?
+In what sport is the cy young trophy awarded?
+In what sport is the danger flag yellow?
+Motor racing
+In what sport is the Davis Cup awarded?
+In what sport is the heisman trophy awarded?
+In what sport is the term 'peloton' used?
+In what sport is the term 'terminal speed'?
+Drag racing
+In what sport must you duck the boom in?
+In what sport was eddie rickenbacker a top contender before ww ii?
+Auto racing
+In what sport would a lure be used?
+In what sport would you find a 'chukka'?
+In what sport would you use spikes and blocks?
+In what state did the real mccoy's take place?
+In what state is flint the official gemstone?
+In what state is Kennedy Space Center?
+In what state is mount lassen?
+In what state is the Alamo?
+In what state is the custer battlefield located?
+In what state is the theodore roosevelt national park?
+North dakota
+In what state was ridgemont high, where there were fast times?
+In what state was the western gunsmoke set?
+In what state will you find the Shirley Mountains?
+In what story did sherlock holmes make his debut?
+A study in scarlet
+In what story would you find the headless horseman?
+Legend of sleepy hollow
+In what subject did artist George Stubbs specialize?
+In what substance are eggs rich, which causes silver to tarnish?
+In what television series did miss usa, 1974 star?
+Wonder woman
+In what time zone does louisiana fall?
+In what town was the donna reed show set?
+In what town would you find lake quassapaug?
+In what track & field sport might you do the following - crouch, shift, thrust, & release?
+Shot put
+In what TV programme was Benjamin Pearce a character?
+In what tv series did ron howard play richie?
+Happy days
+In what tv series is sideshow bob?
+The simpsons
+In what type of sport do you hit celluloid balls with a paddle?
+Table tennis
+In what U S state can you visit Yosemite National Park?
+In what U S state was the philips head screwdriver invented?
+In what U S state will you find Lake Winnebago?
+In what unit is electrical current measured?
+In what us city is baylor university located?
+In what us city is the 'cotton bowl' played?
+In what us state is fort knox?
+In what us state is mount rushmore?
+South dakota
+In what us state was the phillips head screwdriver invented?
+In what us state would you find the black hills?
+South dakota
+In what video game are you trying to regain your soul from Malebolgia?
+Spawn the eternal
+In what winter sport does one lie on ones back?
+In what year did 'Challenger' explode?
+In what year did 'The Searchers' have a hit record with Sweets for my Sweet?
+In what year did a Boeing 737 crash on a UK motorway?
+In what year did a Russian nuclear plant founded to be the most polluted spot on earth?
+In what year did abraham lincoln issue the emancipation proclamation?
+In what year did agatha christies play the mousetrap open in london?
+In what year did Alaska become the 49th state of America?
+In what year did alexander graham bell die?
+In what year did alexander solzhenitsyn win the nobel peace prize?
+In what year did Alvin Fisher invent the electric washing machine?
+In what year did America declare independence?
+In what year did America lose the coveted America's cup to Australia?
+In what year did Anton van Leeuwenhoek discover bacteria?
+In what year did Antonio Snider-Pellegrini define the continental drift theory?
+In what year did Ascanio Sobrero develop nitroglycerin?
+In what year did Austria abolish capitol punishment?
+In what year did bette davis die?
+In what year did Blaise Pascal invent the digital calculator?
+In what year did bob marley release no woman no cry?
+In what year did boris pasternak refuse the nobel prize?
+In what year did Britain and France declare war on Germany?
+In what year did Britain start using the Gregorian calendar?
+In what year did cal ripken, jr., break the consecutive games record in major league baseball?
+In what year did Carl Anderson discover the positron?
+In what year did Charles Goodyear invent the vulcanization process of rubber?
+In what year did Charles M. Hall invent aluminum manufacture, (by electrolytic action)?
+In what year did Charles Richter invent the Richter scale?
+In what year did Charles vl of france die?
+In what year did Charles Wheatstone invent the microphone?
+In what year did Christian Huygens invent the pendulum clock?
+In what year did Christian Schonbein discover the ozone?
+In what year did christmas become a U S national holiday?
+In what year did christopher columbus discover America?
+In what year did Clarence Lillehie invent the first internal pacemaker?
+In what year did Claude Minie invent the conical bullet?
+In what year did Clyde Tombaugh discover the planet Pluto?
+In what year did cugnot design the first steam powered carriage?
+In what year did Denis Papin invent the pressure cooker?
+In what year did Dr Felix Hoffman invent aspirin?
+In what year did Einstein write to Roosevelt?
+In what year did Elisha Otis invent the elevator?
+In what year did Elmer Sperry invent the gyrocompass?
+In what year did Enrico Fermi develop the first nuclear reactor?
+In what year did Erik Rotheim invent the aerosol can?
+In what year did Evangelista Torricelli invent the barometer?
+In what year did Fleming discover penicillin?
+In what year did francis pizarro land in south America?
+In what year did franco come to power?
+In what year did Francois Derosne invent the phosphorus match?
+In what year did Freddie Mercury die?
+In what year did Gail Borden invent condensed milk?
+In what year did general wolfe defeat the french on the plains of abraham?
+In what year did George Westinghouse invent the air brake?
+In what year did Girolamo Fracastoro define the contagion theory?
+IN what year did Henry Ford invent the moving assembly line?
+In what year did Henry Seely invent the electric flat iron?
+In what year did Hitlers army invade Poland?
+In what year did Holland host the Olympic games?
+In what year did Inigo Jones design the Queen's House at Greenwich?
+In what year did isaac newton die?
+In what year did jack benny die?
+In what year did jackie robinson break the major league baseball's color barrier?
+In what year did James Dean die?
+In what year did james l of England die?
+In what year did James Puckle invent the first generation machine gun?
+In what year did Jean-Caude Killy win the Olympic grand slam?
+In what year did joan of arc become a saint?
+In what year did Johann Galle first discover the existence of Neptune?
+In what year did John Browning invent the automatic rifle?
+In what year did John Curtis invent chewing gum?
+In what year did John Ericsson make the first realistic application of solar energy using parabolic solar reflector to drive caloric engine on steam boiler?
+In what year did John Jacob Abel isolate adrenalin?
+In what year did John Major become prime minister of the UK?
+In what year did John Milne invent the first accurate seismograph?
+In what year did John Napier invent the calculating machine?
+In what year did Joseph Aspdin invent cement?
+In what year did Joseph E. Glidden invent barbed wire?
+In what year did Joseph Stalin die?
+In what year did Karl Jansky receive the first radio noise signals from outer space?
+In what year did kate winslett marry?
+In what year did Kevin Costner play Whitney Houstons Bodyguard?
+In what year did Kirchhoff & Bunsen invent spectrum analysis?
+In what year did Krakatoa erupt?
+In what year did leonardo da vinci die?
+In what year did Louis Lenormand invent the parachute?
+In what year did Louis Pasteur invent rabies immunization?
+In what year did Martin Luther King Jr. win the Nobel Peace Prize?
+In what year did marvin gaye die?
+In what year did Melville R Bissell invent the carpet sweeper?
+In what year did Mickey Mouse first appearing in the Sunday comics?
+In what year did Mount St. Helens erupt?
+In what year did Mussolini resign?
+In what year did napoleon become emperor of france?
+In what year did national geographic magazine start?
+In what year did North Korea invade South Korea?
+In what year did olga korbut win three olympic gold medals?
+In what year did Pope Urban VIII threaten to excommunicate snuff users?
+In what year did Princess Anne compete in the olympics?
+In what year did Queen Elizabeth II turn 21?
+In what year did quen elizabeth ll go through the channel tunnel?
+In what year did RCA invent the compact disk?
+In what year did Rene Laennec invent the stethoscope?
+In what year did rhodesia declare independence?
+In what year did Richard J Gatling invent the second generation machine gun?
+In what year did Robert GToddard invent the liquid-fuelled rocket?
+In what year did robert houdini the french conjurer die?
+In what year did robert the bruce die?
+In what year did rodger maris hit 61 home runs?
+In what year did Roger Bannister run the 4 minute mile?
+In what year did Russia become a communist country?
+In what year did Samuel Colt invent the revolver?
+In what year did samuel colt patent his revolver?
+In what year did Schuyler Wheeler invent the electric fan?
+In what year did Sir Ernest Swinton invent the military tank?
+In what year did Sir Robert Watson-Watt invent the first practical radar?
+In what year did skateboards first appear?
+In what year did social reformer George Williams found the YMCA?
+In what year did Sonny and Cher have a hit with 'I got you babe'?
+In what year did Steve Davis win the World Snooker Championship?
+In what year did sychronized swimming first appear in the Olympics?
+In what year did the author daniel defoe die?
+In what year did The Bayer company begin marketing heroin?
+In what year did the Cold War begin?
+In what year did the first woman go into space?
+In what year did the German government relocate to Berlin?
+In what year did the Hindenburg crash/burn?
+In what year did the Japanese radiation leak occur?
+In what year did the Lockerbie disaster occur?
+In what year did the Post Office introduce ZIP codes to speed up mail delivery?
+In what year did the space shuttle challenger explode killing the crew?
+In what year did the Spanish armada set sail for England?
+In what year did the Uk group Amen Corner have a hit album called Explosive Company?
+In what year did the US death toll in Vietnam first exceed that in Korea?
+In what year did the US enter WW1?
+In what year did the us enter wwii?
+In what year did the us transcontinental telephone line open for service?
+In what year did the winter and summer Olympic games switch from being in the same year to 2 years apart?
+In what year did the World Cup Finals take place in Mexico?
+In what year did Thomas Kibble first postulate the cosamic theory?
+In what year did TLC have a hit with 'Creep'?
+In what year did two monkeys go into space?
+In what year did ussr launch the first satellite?
+In what year did Virginia Wade beat Chris Evert at Wimbledon?
+In what year did Walter Hunt invent the safety pin?
+In what year did Willard Libby discover radiocarbon dating?
+In what year did Willard Libby first demonstrate radiocarbon dating?
+In what year did William Harveyfound the knowledge of blood circulation?
+In what year did William Oughtred invent the slide rule?
+In what year did Willie Mays hit his 600th homerun?
+In what year did Willis Carrier invent air conditioning?
+In what year did work start on the first Channel Tunnel?
+In what year did wwii star?
+In what year does Meg Ryan fake her famous orgasm?
+In what year is it now generally believed that Jesus was born?
+Four bc
+In what year was 'buffalo bill' born?
+In what year was 'Gulliver's Travel's' published?
+In what year was 'Saccharin' discovered?
+In what year was abraham lincoln assassinated?
+In what year was Abraham Lincoln elected?
+In what year was actress vanessa redgrave born?
+In what year was alexander graham bell born?
+In what year was anesthetic (ether) first used on humans?
+In what year was Aspirin first developed?
+In what year was Benjamin Spock's Baby and Childcare book published?
+In what year was braille invented?
+In what year was Churchill defeated?
+In what year was Darwins 'Origin of the Species' published?
+In what year was David hockney born?
+In what year was dean martin born?
+In what year was diet pepsi introduced?
+In what year was Mount Everest first climbed?
+In what year was fiber optics discovered by Narinder Kapany?
+In what year was Fred Astaire born?
+In what year was genetic fingerprinting invented?
+In what year was golfer Seve Ballesteros born?
+In what year was Greenpeace founded?
+In what year was gunpowder invented?
+In what year was Guy Fawkes arrested?
+In what year was handel's messiah composed?
+In what year was hirohito crowned emperor of Japan?
+In what year was houdini born?
+In what year was insulin first used to treat diabetes?
+In what year was insulin first used?
+In what year was issac newton born?
+In what year was jane fonda born?
+In what year was Joan of Arc burned at the stake?
+In what year was joan of arc burnt at the stake?
+In what year was John F Kennedy married?
+In what year was John Lennon shot?
+In what year was Lech Waleska awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
+In what year was leonardo da vinci born?
+In what year was liberia founded?
+In what year was Lindbergh the first to fly solo across the Atlantic?
+In what year was mahatma gandhi assasinated?
+In what year was Micky Mouse created?
+In what year was Mike Tyson jailed for rape?
+In what year was nato formed?
+In what year was Neptune discovered?
+In what year was papyrus first made into paper...BC?
+In what year was Pluto discovered?
+In what year was princess margaret born?
+In what year was rasputin assassinated?
+In what year was Richard Nixon re-elected?
+In what year was robert burns born?
+In what year was Robert Oppenheimer born?
+In what year was taiwan founded?
+In what year was teflon invented?
+In what year was the 'titanic' disaster?
+In what year was the 'United Nations' formed?
+In what year was the 50th star added to the flag of the U S A?
+In what year was the author daniel defoe born?
+In what year was the author sir arthur conan doyle born?
+In what year was the ballistic missile invented?
+In what year was the BASIC computer language introduced?
+In what year was the Battle of Balaclava?
+In what year was the Berlin blockade imposed?
+In what year was the blockbuster film 'home alone' released?
+In what year was the body shop founded?
+In what year was the Boston tea party?
+In what year was the British queen lady jane grey beheaded?
+In what year was the camera invented by eastman (hint: 1800's)?
+In what year was the car radio invented by William Lear and Elmer Wavering?
+In what year was the CD-ROM invented?
+In what year was the Central London Mosque opened?
+In what year was the Chinese student revolt?
+In what year was the COMPACT DISC invented?
+In what year was the computer floppy disc introduced?
+In what year was the computer mouse introduced?
+In what year was the crossbow invented?
+300 b c
+In what year was the drug LSD discovered?
+In what year was the electric transformer invented?
+In what year was the European Space Agency's satellite destoyed by a meteor?
+In what year was the fermentation process discovered by Louis Pasteur?
+In what year was the film 'Escape from Alcatraz released'?
+In what year was the film the horse whisperer released?
+In what year was the film The Sons of Katie Elder released?
+In what year was the first all American soap box derby held?
+In what year was the first Australian cricket tour to England?
+In what year was the first bifocal lens developed?
+In what year was the first car with gears produced?
+In what year was the first commercial opera house opened?
+In what year was the first continuous stitch sewing machine invented?
+In what year was the first cylinder lock developed?
+In what year was the first gnu c++ compiler released to the public?
+In what year was the first human heart transplant performed?
+In what year was the first Kentucky derby run?
+In what year was the first oil well invented?
+In what year was the first public library in the UK opened?
+In what year was the first safety razor successfully marketed?
+In what year was the first sewing machine invented?
+In what year was the first successful heart transplant operation performed by Dr Christian Barnard?
+In what year was the first supersonic flight made by Charles yeager in his bell xi rocket plane?
+In what year was the first synthetic plastic made?
+In what year was the first talking movie 'The Jazz Singer' released?
+In what year was the first telecommunications satellite launched?
+In what year was the first test tube baby born?
+In what year was the first tv commercial broadcast?
+In what year was the game Monopoly invented?
+In what year was the great San Francisco earthquake?
+In what year was the helicopter invented?
+In what year was the holograph invented?
+In what year was the last manned moon landing?
+In what year was the LCD first developed?
+In what year was the lie detector invented?
+In what year was the lift invented?
+In what year was the louisiana purchase?
+In what year was the MICROPRICESSOR invented?
+In what year was the microwave oven invented?
+In what year was the model t ford car first produced?
+In what year was the mtv network founded?
+In what year was the neurton first discovered?
+In what year was the original woodstock celebration held?
+In what year was the Panama Canal opened?
+In what year was the planet pluto discovered?
+In what year was the POLAROID CAMERA invented?
+In what year was the song moon river recorded?
+In what year was the st. lawrence seaway completed?
+In what year was the Star Spangled Banner made the US National Anthem?
+In what year was the SUEZ CANAL opened?
+In what year was the Taj Mahal finished?
+In what year was the tape recorder invented?
+In what year was the telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell?
+In what year was the telephone invented?
+In what year was the telephone patented?
+In what year was the tomb of Tutenkamun found?
+In what year was the U S transcontinental railway completed?
+In what year was the US atomic submarine Nautilus launched?
+In what year was the us constitution ratified?
+In what year was the US stock market crash?
+In what year was the winter olympics changed to be 2years after the summer olympics instead of in the same year?
+In what year was the world's first cash dispenser installed?
+In what year was the world's first speed limit regulation introduced?
+In what year was the world's first test tube bay born in Britain?
+In what year was the X-ray discovered?
+In what year was theodore roosevelt elected president?
+In what year was Toto Schillaci top scorer in the World Cup Finals?
+In what year was Trotsky murdered?
+In what year was ufo formed?
+In what year was UNIX created?
+In what year was Walt Disney's snow white and the seven dwarfs first shown?
+In what year was Walter Raleigh born?
+In what year were cosmetics first used?
+4000 b c
+In what year were neon lights invented?
+In what year were radiohead formed?
+In what year were safty matches patented?
+In what year were Swiss women first allowed to vote?
+In what year were the first dot matrix printers marketed?
+In what year were the Olympics marred by the massacre of eleven Israeli athletes?
+In what year were the population of Naples dusted with DDT to kill lice?
+In what year were the salem witch trials?
+In what year were the Winter Olympics re-adjusted to take place midway between summer games instead of being in the same year?
+In what year were women first allowed to compete in the olympics?
+In which country would you be if you were at the farthest point in the world from the sea?
+In which James Bond film does the villain cheat at golf?
+In which 1916 film did seena owen play?
+In which 1932 film does marlene dietrich play the prostitute shanghai lil?
+Shanghai express
+In which 1945 film did humphrey bogart play a martinique bar-owner who was opposing the nazis?
+To have and have not
+In which 1945 film starring Lauren Bacall, did Humphrey Bogart play a Martinique bar-owner who was opposing the Nazis?
+To have and have not
+In which 1949 film do Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepbum play, married opposing lawyers in an attempted murder trial?
+Adam's rib
+In which 1949 film do spencer tracy and katherine hepbum play, married opposing lawyers?
+Adam's rib
+In which 1949 film does Alec Guinness portray 8 members of the D'Ascoyne family?
+Kind hearts and coronets
+In which 1952 film, directed by john ford, did the character sean thornton appear?
+The quiet man
+In which 1955 play did Humphrey Bogart make his sole T.V. appearance?
+The Petrified Forest
+In which 1968 film did the husband of an unsuspecting wife become involved with a witches coven?
+Rosemary's baby
+In which 1970's us soap did actor john forsythe star as 'blake carrington'?
+In which 1970's US TV show would you meet the characters 'Radar' and 'Hot Lips'?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Mash", "M*A*S*H"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In which 1971 film did Jane Fonda play a prostitute fearing for her life?
+In which 1972 film was Paul Newman almost upstaged by a beer drinking bear?
+The life and times of judge roy bean
+In which 1973 film did Yul Brynner play an indestructible robot gunslinger?
+In which 1974 disaster movie did fireman steve mcqueen need a long ladder?
+The towering inferno
+In which 1975 film does Richard Dreyfuss paly a marine biologist called 'Hooper'?
+In which 1975 film does richard dreyfuss play a marine biologist called 'hooper'?
+In which 1975 smash hit film did the male star own a fishing boat called Orca?
+In which 1992 film was Kevin Costner hired to look after Whitney Houston?
+The bodyguard
+In which 1999 film was Anna Scott the world's most famous film star in London when she met bookseller William Thacker?
+Notting hill
+In which 20th century decade was the first angle-poise lamp sold?
+In which 20th-century decade was Barbie's boyfriend Ken first made?
+In which actual city is the television series Casualty filmed?
+In which African city & country do the white Nile & blue Nile converge?
+Khartoum, sudan
+In which African country is the city of Bulawayo?
+In which African country would you find the towns of Kumasi and Cape?
+In which alcoholic spirit might you find a worm in the bottle?
+In which alpine resort were the first ever Winter Olympics held in 1924?
+In which American city can the Liberty Bell be found?
+In which American city is the film minority report set?
+Washington dc
+In which American state are the towns of anaconda, moscow and also the salmon river?
+In which American state are Toledo, Cincinnati and Dayton?
+In which American state is Baltimore?
+In which American state is Cincinnati?
+In which American state is it illegal to cross state lines with a duck on your head?
+In which American state is Pittsburgh?
+In which American state is San Antonio?
+In which American state is stanford university'?
+In which American state is the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor?
+In which American state was the first atomic bomb test carried out in july 1945?
+New Mexico
+In which American state would you find the gold depository at fort knox?
+In which andrew lloyd-webber did madonna take part?
+In which art form was Donald Mcgill a specialist in the early 20th century?
+In which asian country did the long march take place in the 1930's?
+In which Australian city do The Sullivans go on and on and on and on?
+In which Australian state is gundagai?
+New south wales
+In which Australian State is Kalgoorlie?
+Western Australia
+In which Australian State is Wagga Wagga?
+New south wales
+In which Australian state or territory is the Flinders Range and Lake Eyre?
+South Australia
+In which Australian state or territory is the Kimberley Plateau and Eighty Mile Beach?
+Western Australia
+In which battle did Davy Crockett die in 1836. The Battle for...?
+The Alamo
+In which battle of 1571 did the combined Spanish and Venetian forces defeat the Turkish navy?
+In which battle of 1709 did the allied English army under Marlborough defeat French force led by Marshal Villars?
+In which battle was King Harold killed?
+In which battle were 4 Japanese carriers destroyed?
+In which bay will you find the Belcher Islands?
+In which black township near Johannesburg was there a massacre in March 1960?
+In which body of water are the Turks & Caicos Islands?
+Caribbean Sea
+In which body of water is Haiti?
+Caribbean sea
+In which book did the heroine serve as governess to the ward of the mysterious and moody edward rochester?
+Jane eyre
+In which book did the Hispaniola feature?
+Treasure island
+In which book is 'big brother'?
+In which book of the bible are the Ten Commandments first listed?
+In which book of the New Testament is Armageddon named as the gathering place of the Day of Judgement?
+In which branch of maths do you get the result of zero when you add the sides of a triangle?
+In which British city are the constituencies of Wavertree, Garston and riverside?
+In which British city would you find Murrayfield stadium?
+In which British comedy film did Kevin Kline win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in 1988?
+A fish called wanda
+In which British country are the Brecon Beacons?
+In which British county is Bishop Auckland?
+In which British county is the land of the Prince Bishops?
+County durham
+In which British film can you hear the song you sexy thing?
+The full monty
+In which British town did Michael Ryan run riot killing 14 people?
+In which British town is the Lowry centre?
+In which British town or city is there a Bridge of sighs?
+In which building did the funeral of Princess Diana take place?
+Westminster abbey
+In which building in Washington d.c. does the united states congress meet?
+The capitol
+In which California city does poltergeist take place?
+Cuesta verde
+In which Canadian province is the capital named Fredericton?
+New brunswick
+In which Canadian province is the capital named Halifax?
+Nova scotia
+In which Canadian province is the capital named Regina?
+In which Canadian province is the capital named Toronto?
+In which Canadian province would you find the SkyDome?
+In which Carry On film did Richard O'Brien of Rocky Horror fame appear as an extra?
+Carry on cowboy
+In which carry on film did Richard o` Brien appear as an extra?
+Carry on cowboy 
+In which cartoon series did the chartacter 'snagglepuss' first appear?
+Yogi bear
+In which Cathedral is Jane Austen buried?
+In which century did Marco Polo first travel to China?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["13th", "thirteenth"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In which century did pagan Midwinter feast become Christain christmas?
+The ninth century
+In which century did Sir Martin Frobisher discover and name Frobisher Bay in the Arctic Ocean?
+16th century
+In which century was margarine invented?
+In which century was Sir Isaac Newton born?
+In which century was the first skyscraper built?
+In which century was the Ming Dynasty founded in China?
+In which century was the poet robert frost born?
+In which Charles dickens novel does herbert pocket appear?
+Great expectations
+In which Charles Dickens' novel do the characters, Mrs Pardiggle and the Jarndyce family appear?
+Bleak house
+In which Chinese city is the Terracotta Army?
+In which Chinese city is the tomb of Sun Yat Sen?
+In which city are the Headquarters of INTERPOL located?
+In which city are the Headquarters of OPEC located?
+In which city did Inspector Taggart operate?
+In which city did Roger Bannister become the first athlete to run a mile in under 4 mins?
+In which city did steve redgraves win his first gold medal?
+Los angeles
+In which city did the 1998 Tour de France cycle race begin?
+In which city did Zlata Filipovic write a diary in the 1990's which began just before her 11th birthday?
+In which city do the golden state warriors play their home games?
+In which city does Rocky live in the film of the same name?
+In which city is Britain's Royal Observatory located?
+In which city is De Montfort University?
+In which city is jan smuts airport?
+In which city is lion's gate bridge?
+In which city is Napier University?
+In which city is the Alhambra Palace?
+In which city is the Blue Mosque?
+In which city is the Colisseum located?
+In which city is the Colliseum located?
+In which city is the eastern terminus of the Trans-Siberian railway?
+In which city is the Eiffel Tower?
+In which city is the Empire State Building?
+New york
+In which city is the encyclopaedia britannica based and published today?
+In which city is the European Court of Justice located?
+In which city is the grande canal?
+In which city is the Grosvenor Museum situated?
+In which city is the hockey hall of fame located?
+Toronto, Canada
+In which city is the horse race the Palio run?
+In which city is the Kaaba, the holy muslim building?
+In which city is the Prater funfair?
+In which city is the Sistine Chapel?
+In which city is the street that winds the most?
+San francisco
+In which city is the sugar bowl played?
+New orleans
+In which city was Abraham born?
+In which city was Gianni Versace shot dead?
+In which city was Michael Hutchence found dead?
+In which city was Mozart born?
+In which city was the 'skyscraper' invented in 1885?
+In which city was the American live aid concert held?
+In which city was the communist party set up in 1848?
+In which city was the first of the Rocky films shot?
+In which city was the White Star liner 'Titanic' built?
+In which city was the worlds first underground railway?
+In which city were the 1928 summer olympic games held?
+In which city were the 1932 summer olympic games held?
+Los angeles
+In which city were the Equestrian events held in the 1956 Olympics?
+In which city were the hanging garden?
+In which city were the summer Olympic Games of 1900 held?
+In which city where the 1956 Olymipic games staged?
+In which city will you find the Spanish riding school?
+In which city would you find a district called Hells Kitchen?
+New york
+In which city would you find anne franks house?
+In which city would you find the Hancock Tower and Filene's bargain basement?
+Boston, mass
+In which city would you find the Wailing Wall?
+In which city would you find tuff gong international studios, built by the late bob marley?
+In which city would you have been spending your 1505 summer holiday if you had bumped into Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci?
+In which city, other than New York, would you find the Statue of Liberty?
+In which classic western film did the character will kane appear?
+High noon
+In which comedy is the famous scene of marilyn monroe's white dress billowing up while she stands on a subway grating?
+Seven year itch
+In which comic did Dan Dare originally appear?
+The eagle
+In which Commonwealth country is Cobra beer brewed?
+In which Commonwealth country is Waitangi Day the national day?
+New Zealand
+In which constellation are the Seven Sisters?
+In which constellation is the first magnitude, giant star Aldebaran?
+In which constellation is the night's brightest star, Sirius?
+Canis major
+In which constellation is the star cluster Pleiades?
+In which continent did the passion fruit originate?
+South America
+In which continent is Mt Erebus?
+In which continent is the country of Benin?
+In which continent would you find the ob' river?
+In which counrty were the Mau-mau active?
+In which country are 'fajitas' a traditional dish?
+In which country are Cape Otway, Mount Gambier, and the Grampian Mountains?
+In which country are Mariachi bands traditional?
+In which country are men legally allowed to have sex with animals?
+In which country are the mountains that Ptolemy named the Mountain of the Moon?
+In which country are the remains of the Mycenaean culture?
+In which country are the Southern Alps?
+New zealand
+In which country are the Transylvanian Alps?
+In which country are twins usually called taiwo and kehinde?
+In which country could you buy a chocolate bar called plopp?
+In which country did Alexander the Great mount his great campaign of 327-325 BC?
+In which country did Arthur C Clarke make his home?
+Sri lanka
+In which country did france carry out its first nuclear test?
+In which country did Ned Kelly become an outlaw?
+In which country did orienteering originate?
+In which country did the ancient Olmecs live?
+In which country did the battle of plassey in 1756 take place?
+In which country did the boer wars take place?
+South africa
+In which country did the drink Saki originate?
+In which country did the gallipoli campaign take place?
+In which country did the industrial revolution start?
+In which country did the R101 airship make its maiden flight?
+In which country did the rumba originate?
+In which country did the samba originate?
+In which country did the Satsuma Rebellion occur?
+In which country did the wartime Anzio Landings take place?
+In which country do the Ashanti people live in the Province of Ashanti?
+In which country do the indri and sifaka lemurs live?
+In which country do the Khmer people live?
+Cambodia or kampuchea
+In which country do the Sinhala people live?
+Sri lanka
+In which country do the women of the Padaung wear 20 pounds of brass rings around their neck?
+In which country does bribery turn most rife?
+In which country does the Henley-Todd Regatta take place?
+In which country does the serengeti lie?
+In which country is A Midsummer Nights Dream dreamed?
+In which country is Brest?
+In which country is Bukhara?
+In which country is cludeos colonel mustard known as madame curry?
+In which country is Cluedos Col Mustard known as Madame Curry?
+In which country is dominion day celebrated?
+In which country is Gander airport?
+In which country is HoChi Minh City?
+In which country is innsbruck?
+In which country is Mount Ossa?
+In which country is Pravda a newspaper?
+In which country is Schiphol airport?
+In which country is Shinto one of the major religions?
+In which country is the Atacama Desert where rain has never fallen?
+In which country is the Banff National Park?
+In which country is the capital named Ottawa?
+In which country is the cheese Bolbo produced?
+In which country is the cheese Tome produced?
+In which country is the chief range of Drakensberg Mountains?
+South africa
+In which country is the city of Mandalay?
+In which country is the city of Omdurman?
+In which country is the city of Samarkand?
+In which country is the Fiordland National Park?
+New zealand
+In which country is the fortress of Sacsahuaman?
+In which country is the highest european waterfall?
+Ormeli, norway
+In which country is the Itatinga waterfall?
+In which country is the Laurentian Shield?
+In which country is the lazio region?
+In which country is the Masai Mara game reserve?
+In which country is the pilgrim centre of Fatima?
+In which country is the port of Chittagong?
+In which country is the port of fray bentos?
+In which country is the port of Stravangar?
+In which country is the seaport of Trabzon, or Trebizond?
+In which country is the site of the Battle of Waterloo?
+In which country is the style of beer called LAMBIC brewed?
+In which country is the town originally called Angostura, a place which gave its name to a herbal bitter drink?
+In which country is the Tv news agency Visnews based?
+In which country is the US naval base of Guantanamo?
+In which country is the volcano cotopaxi?
+In which country is the volcano popocatepetl?
+In which country is the wine Liebfraumilch produced?
+In which country is the world's highest capital?
+In which country is the world's most southern capital?
+New zealand
+In which country is Timbuktu?
+In which country is Tobruk, scene of heavy fighting during WW2?
+In which country originated Spaghetti?
+In which country was Bjorn Borg born?
+In which country was block printing first used?
+In which country was England cricket captain Nasser Hussain born?
+In which country was Europes first motorway built?
+In which country was Ferdinand Porsche born?
+In which country was film star ray milland born?
+In which country was former Nazi officer Klaus Barbie arrested?
+In which country was Graham Greene's novel 'A Burnt Out Case' set?
+Belgian Congo
+In which country was guitarist Django Reinhardt born?
+In which country was Lord Beaverbrook born?
+In which country was Nelson Piquet born?
+In which country was paper first used?
+In which country was Pilsner beer originally brewed?
+Czech republic
+In which country was Robert Maxwell born?
+In which country was rudyard kipling born?
+In which country was table tennis invented?
+In which country was the AIDS virus first recognized?
+In which country was the Auschwitz death camp located?
+In which country was the caesar salad invented?
+In which country was the film lord of the rings made?
+New zealand
+In which country was the first Football World Cup held?
+In which country was the first military tank invented?
+In which country was the first modern motorway created?
+In which country was the high speed train the TGV introduced?
+In which country was the liberty bell made?
+In which country was the Pahlavi family a ruling dynasty?
+In which country was the war of the Three Henrys fought?
+In which country was the yo-yo originally a weapon?
+In which country was US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright born?
+In which country were cars first mass produced?
+United states
+In which country were fortune cookies invented?
+United states
+In which country were the first edible tableware pioneered?
+In which country would a tunnel dug straight through the earth from new zealand?
+In which country would one find the atlas mountains?
+In which country would you find both the rivers oder and vistula, which flow into the baltic sea?
+In which country would you find glastonbury and stonehenge?
+In which country would you find karachi?
+In which country would you find Lake Tuz?
+In which country would you find mclaks (grilled salmon sandwich) on the mcdonalds menu?
+In which country would you find Quechuan indians?
+In which country would you find the 'Angel Fall's?
+In which country would you find the asiatic lion living in the wild?
+In which country would you find the holiday destination of sousse?
+In which country would you find the ida mountains?
+In which country would you find the Kremista Dam?
+In which country would you find the motor racing circuit called kyalami?
+South africa
+In which country would you find the Pripyet Marshes?
+In which country would you find the River Meander?
+In which country would you find the ruins of the city of troy?
+In which country would you find the site of the world war one battle of tannenberg?
+In which country would you find the towns of lausanne and locarno?
+In which country would you now find the site of the world war one battle of caporetto?
+In which county did the north bound m1 end when it opened in 1959?
+In which county did the north bound M1 end when it opened?
+In which county does the River Mersey rise?
+In which county in the UK are the Heights of Abraham?
+In which county is Charnwood Forest?
+In which county is Combe Martin?
+In which county is Corfe Castle?
+In which county is Stanstead Airport?
+In which county is the market town of leek?
+In which county is the stately home Kedleston Hall?
+In which county is the town of Market Harborough?
+In which county was John Majors constituency in the 1992 General Election?
+In which county were Charles Dickens and Jane Austen born?
+In which county would you find the Blue John Mines?
+In which creatures does formic acid occur?
+In which cult novel do gang members known as 'droogs' appear?
+A clockwork orange
+In which decade did Jacques Garnerin make the first parachute descent (from a balloon)?
+In which decade did Kool and the Gang have their first hit?
+In which decade did leeds first win the fa cup?
+In which decade did Lester Piggott first win the Derby?
+In which decade did people last get the chance to see Halley's Comet?
+In which decade if the 20 century was the first Filofax sold?
+In which decade was Madonna born?
+In which decade was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born?
+1860s (1869)
+In which decade were talking movies introduced?
+The 1920s
+In which dickens novel does dr. slammer appear?
+The pickwick papers
+In which dickens novel would you find the characters jonh jarndyce and mrs jellyby?
+Bleak house
+In which direction do the best surfing beaches face?
+In which disney cartoon does 'belle' appear?
+Beauty and the beast
+In which disney film is the song 'so this is love'?
+In which dr. seuss book did the word 'nerd' first appear?
+If i ran the zoo
+In which drink will a raisin in a glass keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom?
+In which ealing film comedy do alec guinness, herbert lom and peter sellers try and fail to commit a major crime?
+The ladykillers
+In which Egyptian town was the Rosetta Stone found?
+In which English city are St Davids and St Thomas Railway stations?
+In which English city are St. Chads RC and St Philips Cathedrals?
+In which English city is Elgar High School?
+In which English city is the Martyr's Memorial?
+In which English county is gotham?
+In which English county is the military academy of sandhurst?
+In which English county is Thetford?
+In which English county is Tolpuddle?
+In which English town is the Headquarters of the S.A.S?
+In which English town or city would you find The Christmas Steps?
+In which English town was the Spode pottery works established in the 1760s?
+In which englsih town was William Shakespeare born?
+In which European capital is the Kon-Tiki museum?
+In which European city are the headquarters of OPEC (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries)?
+In which European city is Templehof airport?
+In which european city is the International Museum of the Reformation which includes statues of John Knox and John Calvin?
+In which European city is the Montjuic stadium and the Parc Gruell?
+In which European city is the new Guggenheim Museum?
+In which European city is the Vasco da Gama Bridge?
+In which European city would you find the tallest standing paper clip?
+In which european country did the dance the mazurka orginate?
+In which European country do one hundred grochen equal one schilling?
+In which European country is gambling illegal?
+In which European country is Romansch one of the official languages?
+In which European country is the world's deepest known cave?
+In which European country is Tokay wine produced?
+In which European country would you find the town of Eupen?
+In which European Palace are the State Apartments called the Hall of Mirrors?
+In which Eurpoean city are the head-quarters of the cellular/mobile telephone company Nokia?
+In which everyday household products would find alkyl benzene sulphonate?
+In which fictional land did 'a girl and her dog travel to the Emerald City'?
+In which field did Agatha Christie become famous?
+Crime fiction
+In which field did Wayne Sleep achieve fame?
+In which field event did jan zelezny specialise?
+In which field of science is the history of the universe studied?
+In which field was Dame Ellen Terry famous?
+In which field was maria montessori famous?
+In which field were the Boulting Brothers famous?
+In which film based on a James Jones novel does Deborah Kerr embrace on the beach with Burt Lancaster?
+From here to eternity
+In which film did Elvis Presley sing the song 'Wooden Heart'?
+G.i. blues
+In which film did frank sinatra win his only oscar in an acting role?
+From here to eternity
+In which film did gene kelly dance with a cartoon mouse?
+Anchors aweigh
+In which film did Gregory Peck pretend to have his hand eaten by a rock?
+Roman holiday
+In which film did groucho marx play the veterinary doctor hugo z. hackenbush'?
+A day at the races
+In which film did Henry fonda play a fallen priest?
+The fugitive
+In which film did Henry fonda portray a fallen priest?
+In which film did Henry thomas play 'elliot'?
+In which film did humphrey bogart and lauren bacall first appear together?
+To have and have not
+In which film did jay leno play 'mookie'?
+American hot wax
+In which film did Jennifer lopez play selena?
+In which film did john wayne play davy crocket?
+The alamo
+In which film did johnny depp play a latin lover?
+Don juan demarco
+In which film did Kevin Costner make his directorial debut?
+Dances with wolves
+In which film did lee marvin throw boiling coffee in gloria graham's face?
+The big heat
+In which film did leonardo di caprio and kate winslet play 'jack' and 'rose'?
+In which film did matthew modine play a schizophrenic war veteran?
+In which film did orson welles play 'Harry lime'?
+The third man
+In which film did Paul newman and robert redford hold hands and jump into a river?
+Butch cassidy and the sundance kid
+In which film did Paul Newrnan eat 50 hard-boiled eggs?
+Cool hand luke
+In which film did Robert Shaw play Captain Quint?
+In which film did Roger Moore first appear as James Bond?
+Live and let die
+In which film did the actor Sterling Hayden say ' I do not avoid women but I do deny them my bodily essence?
+Doctor strangelove
+In which film did tom hulce play 'mozart'?
+In which film did whoopi goldberg play a character called deloris?
+Sister act
+In which film does Elvis Presley play an American soldier based in Germany?
+Gi blues
+In which film does Kim Bassinger play a hooker who looks like Veronica Lake?
+LA Confidential
+In which film does robert de niro play a 1950's hollywood director?
+Guilty as suspected
+In which film is danny devito the voice of 'phil'?
+In which film is the line, 'I could have been a contender'?
+On the waterfront
+In which film starring humphrey bogart and set in martinique, did he play a character called Harry morgan?
+To have and have not
+In which film was Charlie Chaplin first heard to speak?
+The great dictator
+In which film was goldie hawn the body double for julia roberts?
+Pretty woman
+In which film were the entire cast nominated for oscars?
+Who's afraid of Virginia woolf
+In which film, starring james cagney, with pat o'brien as father connolly did he play a character called rocky sullivan?
+Angels with dirty faces
+In which film, when advised that the girl he was chasing was actually a man, did the actor Joe E Brown say 'Well nobody's perfect'?
+Some like it hot
+In which forest did Robin Hood take refuge?
+In which forest does the River Danube rise?
+Black forest
+In which Fox TV show did Johnny Dep play an undercover cop in high school?
+21 Jump Street
+In which French city did the German Army surrender on the 7th May 1945?
+In which french island territory would you find the towns bastia and calvi?
+In which French province did the allies land on D-day in 1944?
+In which fritz lang film of 1926 do impoverished workers live beneath a city?
+In which game are there hashmarks on each five-yard line?
+In which game can a person have a 'full house'?
+In which game could you 'plink with your plonker' and 'squopp' your opponent?
+In which game do players change service after five points?
+Table tennis
+In which game do players try to reduce their score to zero?
+In which game is banjo and tooty?
+In which game is gruntilda the witch?
+In which game must skittles not be knocked down?
+Bar billiards
+In which game or sport can a person be 'skunked'?
+In which game/sport are 'staunton' pieces used?
+In which game/sport can a person be 'skunked'?
+In which game/sport is a 'zamboni' used?
+Ice hockey
+In which geographical feature is a caldera found?
+A volcano
+In which German city does the annual 'oktoberfest' beer festival take place?
+In which German city was the composer Pachelbel born?
+In which Gilbert and Sullivan opera did Col. Fairfax marry Elsie?
+Yeoman of the guard
+In which group of islands in Britain were the Churchill Barriers constructed during wwii to ptrotect the British fleet anchored there?
+The orkneys
+In which group of islands was Ferdinand Magellan killed?
+In which group would you find Jarvis Cocker?
+In which group would you have found the Appleton sisters?
+All saints
+In which hampshire village would you find the national motor museum?
+In which hemesphereis the tropic of capricorn?
+In which house did Charles dickens live from 1857 to his death in 1870?
+Gad's hill
+In which incident was tea dumped into the harbour?
+Boston tea party
+In which Indian city did Mother Teresa do her good works?
+In which industry did alfred nobel make his fortune?
+In which Irish county is the Blarney Stone?
+In which Isle of Wight town would you find the History of Smuggling Museum?
+In which Italian city is the original of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper to be seen?
+In which Italian city would you find the headquarters of the Pirelli company?
+In which Italian town were the greatest violins made?
+In which Jane Austen novel does Fanny Price appear?
+Mansfield park
+In which job did casanova spend the last thirteen years of his life?
+In which John le Carre novel does George Smiley first appear?
+Call for the dead
+In which Kent town is the Indian princess, Pocahontas, buried?
+In which language was Bambi originally published in 1929?
+In which language was the poem 'Beowulf' written?
+Old English
+In which large bay would you find the Belcher Islands?
+Hudson bay
+In which Latin American country is the Quetzal the main unit of currency?
+In which learned discipline would you expect to come across the Sieve of Eratosthenes?
+In which literary work does Mrs Do-As-You-Would-Be-Done-By appear?
+Water babies
+In which London hospital is the Florence Nightingale Museum?
+St thomas'
+In which London park did Queen give a free concert in 1976?
+Hyde park
+In which london park do deer roam free?
+In which london park would you find speakers' corner?
+Hyde park
+In which london square is the American embassy situated?
+Grosvenor square
+In which London thoroughfare is the famous Hamley's Toy Shop?
+Regent street
+In which Los Angeles Club did Elton John perform in the US for the first time?
+In which magazine did sarah ferguson make the 'worst dressed list' five times?
+People's magazine
+In which Mediterranean Sea are the Cyclades islands?
+The aegean
+In which Middle Eastern country is the site of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon understood to have been?
+In which modem country is the site of Carthage?
+In which modem country was there a region called Acadia?
+In which modem day country did the battle of austerlitz take place in 1805?
+Czech republic
+In which modern country is Mesopotamia?
+In which modern country is the biblical land of Sheba?
+In which modern country is the region known as Cappadocia?
+In which modern country is the site of the Battle of Balaklava?
+In which monarchs reign was the word electricity first used?
+Elizabeth I
+In which month do russians celebrate the october revolution?
+In which month does the Kentucky Derby take place?
+In which month does the Le Mans 24 hour race take place?
+In which month does the Quarter Day in Scotland known as Martinmas fall?
+In which month is the Earth nearest the Sun?
+In which month is the feast of Epiphany?
+In which month is the Le Mans 24 hour race held?
+In which month of 1940 did the Battle of Britain begin?
+In which month of the year are Nobel Prizes presented?
+In which month was Julius Caesar born?
+In which mountain range would you find the worlds highest railway?
+The Andes
+In which mountains would you find the highest active volcano?
+In which movie is happy bob barker's partner?
+Happy gilmore
+In which movie, in 1962, did Muhammad Ali appear?
+Requiem for heavyweight
+In which musical did Barbra Streisand disguise herself as a man?
+In which musical is the song Day by Day?
+In which musical is the song, 'Hey Big Spender' featured?
+Sweet charity
+In which musical work is there a jester called Jack Point?
+Yeomen of the guard
+In which musical work of 1925 would you hear the song summertime?
+Porgy and bess
+In which musical work would you hear the song as long as he needs me?
+In which musical would you hear 'Consider Yourself'?
+In which mythology does the Happy Hunting Ground feature?
+North American Indian
+In which mythology was Marduk the supreme God?
+In which national park is the mauna loa volcano located?
+Hawaii volcanoes national park
+In which naval battle was antony and cleopatra defeated by octavius?
+Battle of actium
+In which newsapaper did the strip cartoon Jane appear?
+The daily mirror
+In which newspaper does Rupert Bear appear?
+Daliy Express
+In which north American city would you find the 1815 feet high c.n. tower?
+In which North Italian city is a world renowned opera season held annually in the Roman arena during July and August?
+In which North-West town or city is Rylands Library?
+In which North-West town or city is the Ashton Memorial?
+In which northern city is the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra based?
+In which novel by George Eliot is Eppie Cass adopted by a miser whose gold has been stolen by her father?
+Silas marner
+In which novel by george eliot would you find the characters 'maggie' and 'tom tulliver'?
+The mill on the floss
+In which novel did edgar linton marry catherine earnshaw?
+Wuthering heights
+In which novel is Harry Feversham the hero?
+The four feathers
+In which novel is Phoebe Caulfield the hero's younger sister?
+Catcher in the rye
+In which novel is Winston Smith the main character?
+In which novel of 1874 does Sergeant Troy appear?
+Far from the madding crowd
+In which novel would Big Brother be watching you?
+In which novel would you find the characters 'Amelia Sedley' and 'Becky Sharp'?
+Vanity fair
+In which novel, by Charles Dickens, do the characters Herbert Pocket and Joe Gargery appear?
+Great expectations
+In which novel, by Charles Dickens, do the characters Stephen Blackpool and Thomas Gradgrind appear?
+Hard times
+In which ocean are the Galapagos?
+Pacific ocean
+In which ocean are the seychelles?
+Indian ocean
+In which ocean are the Turks and Caicos Islands?
+The caribbean
+In which ocean is mauritius?
+Indian ocean
+In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles?
+Indian Ocean
+In which ocean was the mary celeste found abandoned and adrift?
+In which ocean would you find the islands of Sao Tome and Principe?
+In which of Charles dickens' novels would you find the character dora spenlow?
+David copperfield
+In which of coleridge's poems does an albatross appear?
+Rime of the ancient mariner
+In which of Goldsmith's Comedies does Kate Hardcastle appear?
+She stoops to conquer
+In which of the world's continents would you find mount erebus?
+In which Olympics did Mark Spitz achieve a new Olympic record by winning seven gold medals?
+In which Olympics did Mark Spitz win seven gold medals?
+In which opera do Ping, Pang and Pong appear?
+In which opera does leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover?
+Don giovanni
+In which opera does the US naval officer Lieutenant B.F. Pinkerton appear?
+Madam butterfly
+In which opera is the Anvil Chorus?
+Il trovatore
+In which organ is a clear watery solution known as the 'aqueous humor' found?
+In which organ is insulin produced?
+Pancreas In what year did the national 
+In which organ is your 'hypothalmus' located?
+In which other country does london stand on the thames?
+In which other series other than Dallas would you find one of the Ewings?
+Knots landing
+In which palace was Queen Elizabeth I born?
+In which pantomine does old buttercup the cow appear?
+Jack and the beanstalk
+In which paris cemetery is the canine film star rin tin tin buried?
+In which paris museum and art gallery is the mona lisa?
+The louvre
+In which Park was the New York marathon run until 14970?
+Central Park
+In which part of Britain did Boadicea's Iceni live?
+East anglia
+In which part of the mind according to Freud lies the conscience and sense of morality?
+Super ego
+In which part of the world is the EC dollar a unit of currency?
+In which play did Mrs Malaprop first appear?
+The rivals
+In which play did shakespeare write a whole scene entirely in french?
+Henry v
+In which play does dame pliant appear?
+In which province would you find Glacier Bay?
+Nova scotia
+In which puccini opera of 1896 is the christmas duet?
+La boheme
+In which region of France is the red wine Chateauneuf du Pape produced?
+Rhone valley
+In which region of France is the wine Chablis produced?
+In which region of Italy are the Chianti Hills?
+In which region of Italy is the wine Chianti produced?
+In which religion are cows sacred?
+In which religion is the mystic formula Om Mani Padme Hum chanted?
+In which religion is the Talmud a saced text?
+in which revolution was emiliano zapata an important figure?
+Mexican revolution
+In which river did the pied piper drown the rats of hamelin?
+In which river was jesus baptised?
+In which Royal residence did both George V and George VI die?
+In which ruins were the first known written advertisement found?
+In which sci-fi novel do the Morlocks live underground?
+The time machine
+In which science would you expect to come across the Witch of Agnesi?
+In which sea do eels spawn?
+In which sea do sea eels lay their eggs?
+Sargasso sea
+In which sea would you find the island of Bornholm?
+Baltic sea
+In which season are coyote pups usually born?
+In which series of adventure stories and films are John Clayton and Jane Porter the leading characters?
+In which series would you find Mr Legge,Miss Booth and Mrs Wallace?
+Grange hill
+In which Shakespeare play are the lines 'There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'?
+In which Shakespeare play are the lines 'What's in a name. That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet.'?
+Romeo and juliet
+In which Shakespeare play do Katherine and her sister Bianca appear?
+Taming of the shrew
+In which Shakespeare play do Toby Belch and Andrew Aguecheek appear?
+Twelfth night
+In which Shakespeare play would you find Constable Elbow?
+Measure for measure
+In which shakespeare play would you find the line: 'this royal throne of kings'?
+King richard ii
+In which Shakespeare play would you find the lines: 'This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, this earth of 'majesty, this other Eden'?
+King richard ii
+In which Shakespeare play would you find the song, 'Who is Sylvia'?
+Two gentlemen of verona
+In which Shakespeare. play does Lancelot Gobbo appear?
+The merchant of venice
+In which ship did Captain Scott sail to the Antarctic on his ill-fated expedition of 1910 to 1912?
+Terra nova
+In which ship did John Cabot sail to the New World in 1497?
+In which ship did scott amundsen sail to the antarctic?
+In which song did 10cc say they`d had an eyeful of the tower in France?
+Life Is A Minestrone
+In which song did Glen Campbell go 'ridin' out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo'?
+Rhinestone cowboy
+In which song did hall and oates tell you to watch out for that sharkey girl?
+Man eater
+In which South African town were over sixty people murdered by the police, during a campaign against the Pass laws in March 1960?
+In which south American country does the plateau of borborema lie?
+In which South American country is duelling legal if both protagonists are blood donars?
+In which South/Central American country is the active volcano Arenal?
+Costa rica
+In which South/Central American country is the active volcano Cotopaxi?
+In which spencer tracy film was a teacher accused of teaching the theory of evolution?
+Inherit the wind
+In which sphere of industry or commerce is the name of Arthur Maiden famous?
+In which sport are terms 'spare' and 'gutter' used?
+Tenpin bowling
+In which sport can you score strikes and spares?
+Ten pin bowling
+In which sport could you perform a 'cross buttock', a 'flying mare' or an 'Irish whip'?
+In which sport did Harold Sakata, who played Oddjob in the Bond films, win an Olympic silver medal?
+Weight lifting
+In which sport do they compete for the Iroquois Cup?
+In which sport do you find hazard chases, a grille and a winning gallery?
+Real tennis
+In which sport does a player address the ball?
+In which sport does the term 'to win hands down' originate?
+Horse racing
+In which sport is mick hte miller a famous name?
+Greyhound racing
+In which sport is the admiral's cup competed for?
+In which sport is the America's Cup awarded?
+In which sport is the davis cup played for?
+In which sport is the Melbourne Cup awarded?
+Horse racing
+In which sport is the term 'love' used?
+In which sport is the term 'wishbone' used?
+In which sport might you see a googly?
+In which sport might you see an axel-Paulsen and a double lutz?
+Ice skating
+In which sport or game is the term 'rook' used?
+In which sport to competitors encounter hairpins?
+Motor racing
+In which sport was Argentinian Juan Fangio associated?
+Motor racing
+In which sport was Daley Thompson an Olympic champion?
+In which sport was Knut Rockne a famous coach?
+American football
+In which sport was mary peters an olympic gold medalist?
+In which sport would a player find himself sitting in a penalty box?
+In which sport would you compete for the Grand Challenge Cup?
+In which sport would you find turkeys and spares?
+Ten pin bowling
+In which sport would you find, in a team of ten, a cover point, a goalkeeper, and a third home?
+In which sport would you perform a snatch?
+In which sport would you see a dolphin bent knee, a walk over front and a catalina?
+Synchronized swimming
+In which sport would you use a pommel horse?
+In which sport/game are the terms 'pin', 'fork' and 'skewer' used?
+In which sport/game is a 'hole-in-one' possible?
+In which sport/game is the America's cup awarded?
+Sailboat racing
+In which sport/game is the cy young trophy awarded?
+In which sport/game is the davis cup awarded?
+In which sport/game is the term 'hang ten' used?
+In which sport/game is the term 'love' used?
+In which sport/game is the term 'rook' used?
+In which sport/game is the term 'wishbone' used?
+In which sport/game would you find a 'slapshot'?
+In which sporting activity are the manoeuvres Fliffus, Miller, Adolph and Barani executed?
+In which state are the principal headwaters of the Missouri river?
+In which state did both Kennedy and Johnson die?
+In which state does the mighty mississippi river begin?
+In which state is Cape Hatteras?
+North Carolina
+In which state is Cornell University?
+New york
+In which state is Detroit?
+In which state is Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in North America?
+In which state is Temple University?
+In which State is the Little Bighorn, scene of Custer's last stand?
+In which state is Yale University?
+In which state of Australia is the coastal region of Swanland?
+Western Australia
+In which state of the u.s.a. would you find mount rushmore?
+South dakota
+In which state was Homer born?
+North Carolina
+In which state were the most u.s. president born?
+In which state would you find the geographical centre of the contiguous united states of America?
+In which state would you find the Jack Daniels distillery?
+In which Suffolk castle was Mary Tudor proclaimed Queen?
+In which team sport does every player play every position?
+In which television series do the characters doctor carter and doctor benton appear?
+E r
+In which television series do the characters doctor green and doctor lewis appear?
+E r
+In which theater was abe lincoln shot?
+Ford's theater
+In which three famous historical places did yanni perform at (alphabetically)?
+Acropolis forbidden city taj mahal
+In which tongue did Jesus speak?
+In which town did Albert Spaggiari carry out the worlds biggest bank robbery?
+In which town did F.W. Woolworth open his first store in 1879?
+In which town did the first U S congress meet in 1789?
+New york
+In which town does the comic hero Desperate Dan live?
+In which town in the US did the Gunfight at the OK Corral take place?
+Tombstone, arizona
+In which town is the British Army's main prison, known to all soldiers, past and present, as The Glasshouse?
+In which town or city in the north-west is the Ashton memorial?
+In which town or city in the north-west is the Rylands Library?
+In which town or city is the national Museum for Photography?
+In which town or city was the novelist Sir Waiter Scott born?
+In which town was Tom Browns school?
+In which town would you find the Great Western Railway Museum?
+In which track event do you get wet even if it's not raining?
+In which trade are composing frames and sticks used?
+In which traditional pantomime does Dandini appear?
+In which trials were former Nazi leaders tried as war criminals?
+Nuremburg trials
+In which tunnel between france and Italy died more then 40 people because of a fire?
+Mont blanc tunnel
+In which Turkish town was St Paul born?
+In which tv series are joey potter, pacey witter, dawson leary and Jennifer lindley?
+Dawson's creek
+In which tv series did Clint eastwood star?
+In which tv series did michael Douglas first make his mark?
+The streets of san francisco
+In which Tv series did Nick Nolte play Tom Jordache?
+Rich man,poor man
+In which tv series do james van der beek, katie holmes, joshua jackson and michelle williams play?
+Dawson's creek
+In which tv series does courtney cox play monica geller?
+In which tv series does fred savage play kevin arnold?
+The wonder years
+In which TV soap would you find Reverend Ashley Thomas?
+In which two counties is Curling most popular?
+Canada and Scotland
+In which U S state do the most bald eagles live?
+In which U.K. town or city is Napier University based?
+In which U.K. town or city is Robert Gordon University based?
+In which u.s city does the boeing aerospace company have its headquarters?
+In which U.S. state is Fort Knox?
+In which unusual place did Sarah Bernhardt take to sleeping?
+In which us city is Carnegie Hall?
+New york
+In which US city is the Sears tower?
+In which US City is the TV programme' Ali McBeal' based?
+In which US city was Elvis born?
+In which US city was the first skyscraper built?
+In which us city were the first electric traffic lights installed?
+Cleveland, oh
+In which us state are the black hills?
+North dakota
+In which US State is Mount St Helens?
+Washington state
+In which us state is new orleans?
+In which US state is Quantico, home to an FBI training and research facility and a similar one for the Marine Corps?
+In which US state is the city of Minneapolis?
+In which US state is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park?
+In which US state is the Lowell Observatory?
+In which us state is the painted desert located?
+In which US state is the Pentagon?
+In which US state is the Petrified Forest located?
+In which US state is the Shenandoah National Park?
+In which US state was Davy Crockett born?
+In which US state was the world's first 'silicon valley'?
+In which US state would you find Tulsa?
+In which US TV soap opera were the 'Barnes Family'?
+In which USA state is Frankfort the capital?
+In which USA state is Raleigh the capital?
+North carolina
+In which Walt Disney film is princess aurora?
+Sleeping beauty
+In which war did the Battle of Jutland take place?
+First world war
+In which war did the battle of Sedan take place?
+In which war did the Lancastrians fight the Yorkists?
+The wars of the roses
+In which war did the poet Wilfred Owen fight?
+World War one
+In which war did the Royalists fight the Parliamentarians?
+English civil war
+In which war did Ulysses Grant & Robert Lee fight on the same side?
+In which war did ulysses grant and robert lee fight on the same side?
+Mexican war
+In which war was th ebattle of Verdun?
+World war i
+In which war was the 'battle of isandlwana'?
+Zulu war
+In which war was the Victoria Cross medal first awarded?
+Crimean War
+In which war were the battles of Bull Run & Gettysburg?
+American civil war
+In which war were the most americans killed in?
+Civil war
+In which weight category did john conteh fight for the world title?
+Light heavyweight
+In which Welsh county is Beddgelert?
+In which Welsh town is the Royal Mint?
+In which western film did the character will munny appear?
+In which wine producing country would you find the Padthaway region?
+In which woody allen film was allen's character visited by the ghost of humphrey bogart?
+Play it again sam
+In which year did a military coup overthrow President Allende of Chile?
+In which year did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone?
+In which year did Andy Warhol die?
+In which year did Bette Davis die?
+In which year did both China and Japan launch their first satellites?
+In which year did Britain's coinage go decimal?
+In which year did captain cook first sight the coast of Australia?
+In which year did Charles de Gaulle die?
+In which year did colour tv start and was francis chichester knighted?
+In which year did Columbus set sail for his famous journey?
+In which year did Crossroads hit our screens?
+In which year did Fidel Castro overthrow General Batista in Cuba?
+In which year did Gordon Richards ride his first Derby winner?
+In which year did Great Britain first apply for membership of the Common Market?
+In which year did Halley's Comet last pass round the sun?
+In which year did heinz first make tomato ketchup?
+In which year did hong kong revert to chinese rule?
+In which year did it become illegal to beat your sernants to death in the Mississippi basin area?
+In which year did James Brady try to assassinate Roanald reagan?
+In which year did john hinkley try to assassinate roanald reagan?
+In which year did Judy Garland first follow the 'Yellow Brick Road'?
+In which year did Lenin die?
+In which year did Lester Piggott ride his first Derby winner?
+In which year did mark spitz win 7 olympic gold medals?
+In which year did melvyn bragg first present the south bank show?
+In which year did Michelangelo finish painting the Sistine Chapel?
+In which year did Mussolini invade Ethiopia (Abyssinia)?
+In which year did Nelson die?
+In which year did prohibition end in the USA?
+In which year did Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip marry?
+In which year did Red Rum win his last Grand National?
+In which year did robbie williams leave take that?
+In which year did Roger Bannister run the first sub-four minute mile?
+In which year did shergar win the derby?
+In which year did Sir Winston Churchill die?
+In which year did small faces' steve marriott die?
+In which year did the airship Hindenburg explode and crash?
+In which year did the American Civil War end?
+In which year did the battle of the little bighorn take place?
+In which year did the battle of the nile take place?
+In which year did the cannes film festival first take place?
+In which year did the Confederate forces surrender, to end the U.S. Civil War?
+In which year did the following occur: Green Bay Packers won their first Superbowl, Barbra Streisand played to 135,000 people in Central Park?
+In which year did the following occur: Martina Navratilova defected to the west; Emperor Haile Salassie died?
+In which year did the Hindenburg explode and crash?
+In which year did the last main-line steam train leave Liverpool Lime Street station?
+In which year did the mir space station go into space?
+In which year did the Pilgrim Fathers sail for the Americas?
+In which year did the play, the mousetrap , open in london, and king farouk of egypt abdicated?
+In which year did the Soviet Union launch the first man-made satellite, Sputnik 1?
+In which year did the Spanish Civil War end?
+In which year did the st. valentine's day massacre take place in Chicago?
+In which year did the sydney harbour bridge open?
+In which year did the u.s recognize the ussr?
+In which year did the union of Great Britain and Ireland come into force?
+In which year did the USSR collapse?
+In which year did the world's first launderette open?
+In which year did the zulu wars take place?
+In which year did Yuri Gagarin become the first man in space?
+In which year is it now generally believed that jesus was born?
+Four bc
+In which year the Mormons was first settle in Nevada?
+In which year this century were there 3 popes?
+In which year was 'Operation Desert Storm'?
+In which year was Apollo 13 launched?
+In which year was aspirin invented?
+In which year was Diana, Princess of Wales born?
+In which year was Dorando Pietri disqualified from the Olympic Marathon?
+In which year was gandhi's famous march to the sea?
+In which year was harvard university founded?
+In which year was Japanese emperor hirohito born?
+In which year was jfk shot?
+In which year was king faisal assassinated?
+In which year was Leon Trotsky killed?
+In which year was Louis the Sixteenth of France executed?
+In which year was nato formed and the 'comet' air liner made its maiden flight?
+In which year was prohibition repealed in the USA?
+In which year was rasputin assassinated?
+In which year was teletext introduced into britain?
+In which year was th eold age pension introduced?
+In which year was the 'walkman' invented?
+In which year was the 'Yom Kippur' war?
+In which year was the automatic toaster invented?
+In which year was the Battle of Copenhagen, where Nelson attacked the Danish fleet?
+In which year was the Battle of Corunna?
+In which year was the battle of hastings?
+In which year was the Battle of the Alamo?
+In which year was the Berlin Wall built?
+In which year was the chernobyl disaster?
+In which year was the first artificial satellite launched?
+In which year was the first ever fatality from legionnaires disease?
+In which year was the first pantomime produced in Britain?
+In which year was the first person killed in a powered plane crash?
+In which year was the Gulf War?
+In which year was the infamous Salem witch trials held?
+In which year was the Israeli commando raid on Entebbe?
+In which year was the liner Queen Elizabeth 2 launched?
+In which year was the maiden flight of the space shuttle?
+In which year was the poet Wilfred owen killed?
+World war I
+In which year was the sculptor and painter Alberto Giacommetti born?
+In which year was the silicon chip invented?
+In which year was the St Lawrence Seaway completed?
+In which year was the Statue of Liberty given to America?
+In which year was the US space station Skylab destroyed?
+In which year was the US space station Skylab launched?
+In which year was the vw beetle first introduced?
+In which year were 'lego' bricks launched?
+In which year were audio cassette tapes first marketed?
+In which year were Old Age Pensions introduced in the UK?
+In which year were Premium Bonds first sold in Britain?
+In which year were the first of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered?
+In which year were the infamous Pendle witch trials held?
+In which year were the Monkees formed?
+In which year were the olympic games held in antwerp?
+In which year were the olympic games held in st. louis?
+In which year will the olympics be held in athens again?
+In which year, in World War Two, did Germany invade Denmark?
+IN WHICH YEAR. The worlds first test tube baby born in UK?
+IN WHICH YEAR. William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood?
+In whose honour was the high level computer language Ada named?
+Augusta ada king
+In wich year was formed in Germany, the disco band Boney M?
+In World War 2, where was the defensive line known as The Gin Drinkers Line?
+Hong kong
+In wwii, of what was heinrich himmler the head?
+In wwii, when did Russia declare war on Japan?
+In wwii, who was the head of the gestapo?
+Heinrich himmler
+In years past, spermaceti oil - from the sperm whale - was used as ____ in Rolls-Royce automobiles
+Transmission oil
+In yoga how is the lotus position performed?
+Sitting cross-legged
+In Yorkshire dialect what does to caffle mean?
+To hesitate
+In zoology, what order does a turtle belong to?
+In____ , 20% of all publications sold are comic books
+In____ , Christmas is celebrated with fireworks
+In____ , kids as young as 15 can be jailed for cheating on their finals
+In____ , six drops make a dash
+In____ , the colour of mourning is violet
+In____ , they sell toupees for dogs
+In-the film world, whose real name is Melvin Kaminsky?
+Mel brooks
+Inanna is the sumerian goddess of ____
+Love, fertility and war
+Inches who at buckingham palace wears bearskins?
+Independence who played george costanza on 'seinfeld'?
+Jason alexander
+India and Pakistan were fighting about a county...what county?
+India became independent in what year?
+India has a Bill of Rights for?
+Indian song withimprovised usually topical words?
+Indiana is known as ____
+Hoosier state
+Indiana was the name given to the Indiana Territory by the United States Congress. It means?
+Land of Indians
+Indianapolis is the capital of ____
+Indians where is sand creek?
+Indonesia is the world's largest producer of?
+Liquefied natural gas
+Indonesian method of cloth design using wax?
+Induction, compression, ignition and exhaust are the main elements of what?
+4 stroke engine cycle
+Industrial Claus Larsen is the only member of both LeatherStrip & this band?
+Industrial Name of Die Krupps' album of Metallica remixes?
+A tribute to metallica
+Industrial The real name of Skinny Puppy vocalist Nivek Ogre?
+Kevin ogilvie
+Inert gases?
+Infectious virus disease of the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis?
+Inflammation of the gums?
+Inflammatory disorder of the mucous membrane of the nose; nasal catarrh?
+Information from a reliable source is said to come from where?
+Horse's mouth
+Ingrown toe nails are____
+Inky & dinky were the nephews of what comic book cat?
+Felix the cat
+Inland sea, lying between southeastern Europe & Asia minor?
+Black sea
+Inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, southeastern New York, at the mouth of the Hudson River?
+New york bay
+Insects take in oxygen through their ____?
+Instead of what does the royal family use rose petals?
+Institution for young offenders having a tough quasi-military regime?
+Boot camp
+Institution founded in 1705 by Peter the Great?
+Moscow university
+Instrument for measuring radio activity?
+Geiger counter
+Instrument for measuring wind force?
+Instrument measuring atmospheric pressure?
+Instrument that records, on paper or film, wave patterns that are equivalent to the oscillations of an electric voltage, or that converts mechanical oscillations into an equivalent electric current before recording them on paper or film in the form of wave patterns?
+Instrument that utilizes the phenomenon of interference of light waves for the ultraprecise measurement of wavelengths of light itself, of small distances, & of certain optical phenomena?
+Instrument used to measure electric current?
+Instrument with windbag for pumping air through reeded pipes?
+Instrumental: how many pedals does a grand piano have?
+Instruments made from tea chests and washboards were a feature of which specific type of music?
+Insulin is commonly used to treat which condition?
+Insulin is produced in the ____
+Intelligence: Who founded the SAS?
+David Stirling
+Intense aerial bombing is called what?
+Interesting Fact - More people are killed by donkeys every year than are killed in ____
+Plane crashes
+Internal Organs?
+International airport of malaysia?
+International airport of the Netherlands?
+International capitals: Australia?
+International capitals: Belarus?
+International capitals: Burma?
+International capitals: Costa Rica?
+San jose
+International capitals: India?
+New delhi
+International capitals: Venezuela?
+International geophysical program, initiated in 1984, for surveying the deep ocean floor & its resources?
+Ocean drilling program 4
+International toy fair 'g.i joe was introduced at the annual American international toy fair in 1963, 1964 or 1967?
+Internet domains: identify the country: es?
+Internet domains: identify the country: il?
+Into what bay does the Ganges River flow?
+Bay of bengal
+Into what bay does the golden gate strait lead?
+San francisco bay
+Into what kind of animal was Pinocchio temporarily turned?
+A donkey
+Into what ocean does the Zambezi river flow?
+Into what sea does the mackenzie river flow?
+Beaufort sea
+Into what sea does the river Volga flow?
+Into where does the 53rd weather reconnaissance squadron fly?
+Tropical storms and hurricanes
+Into which bay does the ganges river flow?
+Bay of bengal
+Into which body of water does the river danube flow?
+Into which ocean does the Zambezi river flow into?
+Into which of the Great Lakes do the waters of Niagara flow?
+Introduced in Switzerland in 1938, the first brand of instant coffee?
+Inventions: the whistling teakettle, invented in 1921 in what country?
+Inventions: who invented the reflecting telescope?
+Isaac newton
+Inventions: who is recognized as the creator of blue jeans?
+Levi Strauss
+Inventor of the air-conditioning unit?
+William carrier
+Inventor of the barometer?
+Inventor of the battery?
+Inventor of the denim jeans?
+Levi strauss
+Inventor of the dynamo?
+Michael faraday
+Inventor of the first automatic machine gun?
+Richard gatling
+Inventor of the kodak camera?
+George eastman
+Inventor of the method of coordinate geometry?
+Inventor of the microscope?
+Zacharias janssen
+Inventor of the telescope(full name)?
+Galileo galilei
+Inventor of the television?
+Inventor of x-ray, and first physics nobel prize winner?
+Inventors: Who invented 'bifocal' lenses for eyeglasses?
+Benjamin Franklin
+Inventors: Who invented the most common projection for world maps?
+Gerardus Mercator
+Inventors: who was the inventor of dynamite?
+Alfred nobel
+Investigation of physical, chemical, & biological conditions at the bottom of the ocean, for scientific & commercial purposes?
+Deep sea exploration
+Involuntary audible spasm of respiratory organ?
+IRC Networks?
+Ireland has the highest per capita consumption of ____
+Ireland's River Shannon flows into which ocean?
+Irene was the greek goddess of ____
+Irian Jaya is the name for the western part of which island?
+New guinea
+Irish-born English scientist, who was an early proponent of the scientific method and a founder of modern chemistry?
+Iron block on which metals are worked?
+Iron deficiency causes the most common form of ____
+Ironically, jimmy angel's plane crashed near this place in 1937?
+Angel falls
+Irregular line drawn on the map of the pacific ocean, near, & in many places coincident with, the 180th meridian?
+International date line
+Is a 'light-year' a measure of time or distance?
+Is a baseball or a softball heavier?
+Is a benign tumour usually dangerous?
+Is a blue moon the first or second full moon in a month?
+Is a coconut a fruit or a nut?
+A fruit
+Is a computer itself called 'hardware' or 'software'?
+Is a dog's normal temperature higher or lower than a human's?
+Is a person's mandible above or below the tongue?
+Is a piccolo larger or smaller than a flute?
+Is argon in its natural state a liquid, a solid or a gas?
+Is kelso racecourse a flat or jump course?
+Is someone suffered from halitosis, what would the problem be?
+Bad breath
+Is South America or Australia closer to the Antarctic?
+South America
+Is talcum powder animal, mineral or vegetable?
+Is the 'bell lap' the first or the last lap of a race?
+Is the arctic circle near the north or the south pole?
+North pole
+Is the maximum lifespan of a rabbit 10, 15 or 20 years?
+Is the product of greece and the greek colonies from about 1100b bc to the 1st century bc?
+Greek art and architecture
+Is the seahorse a fish?
+Is the thumb considered to be a finger?
+Is the universe supposed to be getting bigger or smaller?
+Is the very centre of a hurricane stormy or calm?
+ISBN stands for?
+International standard book number
+Island infectious virus disease of the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis?
+Island republic, in the north Atlantic Ocean, about 300 km (about 185 mi) east of Greenland & about 1000 km (about 620 mi) west of Norway?
+Island, British Isles, the westernmost & second largest of the group, in the north Atlantic ocean, & separated from Great Britain by Saint Georges Channel on the southeast, the Irish Sea on the east, & the North Channel on the northeast?
+Island, south western Alaska, largest island of the Kodiak Archipelago, in the gulf of Alaska?
+Island, southeastern New York, in New York Bay, the site of the Statue of Liberty?
+Liberty island
+Island, southern Indonesia, one of the Lesser Sunda Islands, in the Indian Ocean?
+Islands what is ice cube's real name?
+O'shea jackson
+Israel Baline, born in Temum, Russia, on 1lth May 1898, became famous under what name?
+Irving Berlin
+Israel occupied the Golan Heights. Whose territory was it?
+Israel's equivalant to the dollar is ____
+Issac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every ____ -decimal category
+Istanbul straddles the border between which two continents?
+Asia & Europe
+It can be a sphere, the globe, or an eyeball?
+It can take as long as ____ hours to hard-boil an ostrich egg
+It costs more to send someone to reform school than it does to send them to?
+It has been estimated that the typical American will spend an average of ____ years of his/her life reading newspapers
+It has been estimated that there are something like ____ ____ million cats in the U.S
+It is a criminal offence to drive around in a dirty car in?
+It is believed that millions of years ago the earth's entire landmass was one supercontinent called Panagea. Panagea is a Greek word which means what?
+All Earth
+It is commonly called the funny bone, where is it?
+It is estimated that ____ light bulbs are manufactured each year in the United States
+1.8 billion
+It is estimated that a single toad may catch and eat as many as ____ insects in the course of a summer
+It is estimated that at any one time, ____ of the world's population are drunk
+It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world's population are____
+It is estimated that manatees live a maximum of ____ years
+It is estimated that millions of trees are planted by forgetful____
+It is estimated that millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by ____ who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them
+It is estimated that the average person living in North America opens the fridge ____ times daily
+It is estimated that you will spend a whole year of your life looking for ____
+Lost objects
+It is illegal to be a prostitute in Siena,Italy, if your name is?
+It is illegal to eat ____ while bathing in California
+It is illegal to frown at ____ in Bladworth, Saskatchewan
+It is illegal to hunt ____ in the state of Arizona
+It is illegal to play tennis in the streets of?
+It is physically impossible for ____ to look up in the sky
+It is physically impossible for pigs to do what?
+Look up into the sky
+It is said that caffeine is a proof positive remedy for waking up in the morning, however, there is something else that is more efficient? What is it?
+It is the region where most of electrons are apt to be found?
+It is what carotenes are converted in the human body?
+Vitamin a
+It means to peddle one's wares by calling out, perhaps like a bird of prey?
+it only takes a ____ to get a fire going
+It requires ____ muscles to raise your eyebrows
+It runs through 12 countries of the world what is it?
+The equator
+It snowed in the Sahara desert on 18 February?
+It takes ____ head of cattle to produce one pound of adrenaline
+It takes ____ minutes for light to get from the sun to earth
+It takes ____ minutes to cool hot chocolate into a Hershey's kiss
+It takes ____ to hardboil an ostrich egg
+Four hours
+It takes ____ watts to run an electric toaster
+It takes 12,000 head of cattle to produce one pound of____
+It takes 3,000 cows to supply the nfl with enough leather for a year's supply of ____
+It takes 8.5 minutes for light to get from the ____ to earth
+It takes a lobster approximately ____ years to grow to be one pound
+It takes a sloth ____ weeks to digest the food it eats
+It takes about ____ hours for a snake to digest one frog
+It takes about ____ hours for a snake to digest one frog
+It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook macaroni, and about a ____ to clean the pot
+It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook____ , and about a gallon to clean the pot
+It takes approximately ____ venom extractions from the coral snake to fill a 1-pint container
+It takes how long to cool hot chocolate into a Hershey's Kiss?
+28 minutes
+It takes how many muscles to frown?
+It takes more than ____ peanuts to make one 12-ounce jar of peanut butter
+It takes one fifteen-to-twenty-year-old tree to produce ____ paper grocery bags
+It takes the insect-eating ____ Flytrap plant only half a second to shut its trap on its prey
+It took Henry Ford's Motor Company seven years to manufacture 1 million automobiles. One hundred thirty-two working days after this figure was reached (in 1924), the company had made ____ more cars
+It was a marvelous night when who recorded 'moondance' in 1970?
+Van morrison
+It was considered unfashionable for Venetian women, during the Renaissance to have anything but ____ ____ hair
+Silvery blonde
+It was Greek to me is a line from which Shakespearean play?
+Julius caesar
+It was King Edward II of England (1324) who decreed the ____ to be equal to three barleycorns end to end
+It was once against the law to have a pet dog in a city in____
+It was once against the law to slam your car door in a city in____
+It was quite common for the men of Ancient Greece to exercise in public ____
+It was reported in 1990 that former President ____'s autobiography, A Life, was a financial catastrophe. Publisher Simon and Schuster had paid the former actor-U.S. leader $7 million in advance for his autobiography and a collection of his speeches. Of the 500,000 copies produced, nearly 300,000 were returned to the publisher, forcing them to revise their advance-payment policy
+Ronald reagan
+It was the custom in Ancient Rome for the men to place their right hand on their testicles when taking an oath. The modern term ____ is derived from this tradition
+It would require an average of ____ hummingbirds to weigh in at 1 ounce
+It would take more than ____ years to drive a car to the sun
+It would take more than 150 years to drive a car to the____
+It's a 'homicidal' phrase for achieving two goals with a single effort?
+Killing two birds with one stone
+It's against the law to burp, or sneeze in a certain church in?
+Omaha, nebraska
+It's been estimated that an opera singer burns an average of more than ____ calories per minute during a performance
+It's cold outside: what's the better known identity of minus 273.15 degrees celsius?
+Absolute zero
+It's common knowledge that crystal gayle and loretta lynn are sisters. who is the other singing sister?
+Peggy sue
+It's impossible to get water out of a ____ tire
+It's impossible to get water out of a ____ tyre
+It's impossible to have ____ eyes
+It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes____
+It's metallica now, but what band's name originally appeared on beavis's t-shirt?
+It's not over till the ____ sings
+Fat lady
+It's rumored that sucking on a ____ ____ will cause a breathalyzer to read 0
+Copper penny
+It's rumored that sucking on a copper penny will cause a breathalyzer to read____
+It's the soul mass transit system. Who said it?
+Don Cornelius 
+Italian: variety of cabbage with a green flower head?
+Italy's equivalant to the dollar is ____
+Its Not Kansas: Imagined location of the 1956 novel by Grace Metalious?
+Peyton place
+Its Not Kansas: Sarawak is a real Malaysian state in ____
+Its Not Kansas: The island of Greek legend which supposedly sank into the ocean?
+Its Not Kansas: Timbuktu is a real town in central ____
+Ivan the terrible claimed to have 'deflowered thousands of virgins and butchered a similar number of resulting?
+Ixchel is the mayan goddess of ____
+Earth and moon
+Ixchel is the mayan patroness of ____
+Pregnant women
+J worthington foulfellow was the fox in what disney cartoon?
+Jabez stone sold this to the Devil?
+His soul
+Jack haley played the tin man in 1939's the wizard of oz. the tin man had a 'name'. what was it?
+Hickory twicker
+Jack Merridew is a character in which novel, first published in 1954?
+Lord of the flies
+Jack Nicholson and Jessica Lange starred in the remake of the film 'The Postman Always Rings Twice' in what year?
+Jack what is the world's deepest lake?
+Lake baikal
+Jackals have one more pair of ____ than dogs or wolves
+Jackals have one more pair of chromosomes than ____ or wolves
+Jackals have one more pair of chromosomes than dogs or____
+Jackdaws and magpies belong to which group of birds?
+Jackrabbits are powerful jumpers. A 20-inch adult can leap ____ feet in a single bound
+Jacks what's an egg that floats on water?
+Very old
+Jackson is the capital of ____
+Jacqueline du Pre was a soloist on which instrument?
+Jacques Cousteau made his name in underwater exploration. What was the name of his scientific survey ship?
+Jahangir, a 17th-century Indian Mughal ruler, had 5,000 women in his harem and 1,000 ____. He also owned 12,000 elephants
+Young boys
+Jakarta is the capital of ____
+James Abbott McNeill were the first names of which artist?
+James Bond: how does james bond like his martinis?
+Shaken not stirred
+James Bond: what is goldfinger's first name?
+James Bond: what james bond story does the climax occur aboard the orient express?
+From Russia with love
+James Bond: what was the first james bond film?
+Dr. no
+James Bond: Who tells james bond where to go?
+James Brooke an ex employee of the east India Company ruled which independent state on the island of Borneo between 1841 and 1946?
+James Cagney won an oscar for his part in which musical?
+Yankee doodle dandy
+James dean bradfield is the lead singer with which pop group?
+Manic street preachers
+James Hargreaves' invention revolutionised the cotton textiles industry. What was it?
+Spinning jenny
+James hepburn, the fourth earl of bothwell, died in 1578, who did he marry in 1567?
+Mary queen of scots
+James honeyman-scott was a member of what group before his death?
+James hunt was disqualified after winning which grand prix?
+1976 British
+James i succeeded to the throne of England in which year?
+James l succeeded to the throne of England in which year?
+James O'Barr authored this graphic novel which was made into a movie?
+The crow
+James stewart starred in hitchcock's rear window, who was his female co-star?
+Grace kelly
+James taylor slowed things down when he re-did which hit first released by jimmy jones in january of 1960?
+Jamestown is the capital and chief port of which atlantic island?
+St. helena
+Jane asher's (Paul mccartney's 60's girlfriend) brother was in what early 60's group?
+Peter & gordon
+Janis joplin started her career with which group backing her up?
+Big brother
+January is National ____ month
+Japan did not have an organized chess federation until ____
+Japan what is the capital of kenya?
+Japan's equivalant to the dollar is ____
+Japanese Electronics company, worlds second biggest computer manufacturer behind IBM?
+Japanese mattress used as a bed?
+Japanese profesional hostess and entertainer?
+Japheth, shem and ham were sons of which biblical man?
+Jason Robards won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in 1976 and in 1977. Name either of the films. all the presidents men?
+Java is part of what country?
+Javelinas are very noisy animals among each other and squeal, snort, woof, and click their teeth to?
+Jazz musician Bud Powell was best known for playing what instrument?
+Jean Harlow was the first actress to appear on the cover of ____ magazine
+Jean Valjean is the central character in which novel?
+Les miserables
+Jefferson city is the capital of what state?
+Jefferson how did leonardo da vinci's alarm clock wake a sleeper?
+Rubbing the feet
+Jefferson what can be tulip, balloon or flute?
+Wine glasses
+Jello biafra is the principal singer-songwriter for what irreverent san francisco punk band?
+The dead kennedys
+Jeopardy whose father boxed for the iranian olympic team?
+Andre agassi
+Jeremy Thorpes successor as leader of the Liberal Party?
+David steel
+Jergens lotion was created in 1880, 1885 or 1900?
+Jergens lotion was created in what year?
+Jerome napoleon bonaparte died in 1942, 1945 or 1949?
+Jerome napoleon bonaparte died in 1945 of injuries sustained from tripping over his ____
+Dog's leash
+Jerry Lee Lewis had Great ____ Of Fire
+Jesse Owens is associated with what sport?
+Jesus Christ died at what age?
+Jet lag was once called ____ lag, before there were jets
+Jewish patriarch, father of isaac?
+Jill St. John, ____ , Diana Ross, Carol Burnett and Cher have all worn braces as adults
+Jack klugman
+Jill St. John, Jack Klugman, ____ , Carol Burnett and Cher have all worn braces as adults
+Diana ross
+Jill St. John, Jack Klugman, Diana Ross, ____ and Cher have all worn braces as adults
+Carol burnett
+Jill St. John, Jack Klugman, Diana Ross, Carol Burnett and ____ have all worn braces as adults
+Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison were all ____ years old when they died
+Jimmy carter once thought he saw a ufo, what was it?
+Jimmy Carter's family grew goober peas in Georgia. What's their more familiar name?
+Jimmy clanton sang about which goddess with an earthly flair in 1962?
+Venus in blue jeans
+Jimmy Connors won the men's doubles at Wimbledon in the 1970s with which partner?
+Ilie nastase
+Jingoism is over-excessive ____
+joan priednieks somerset, uk, grew a celery plant that measured ____ tall in 1998
+9 feet
+Jodie Foster directed the film 'Little Man Tate' in what year?
+Jodie foster won the oscar for best actress in 1988 for which film?
+The accused
+Joe jackson looked mighty good on which 1979 album?
+Look sharp
+Joe jones was 'talking' about his girlfriend in which september 1960 hit?
+You talk too much
+Joe Louis became World Champion in which year?
+Joe Shuster brought this comic-book hero to life...?
+Johann Gutenberg was famous for inventing what in 1455?
+The printing press
+John ____ has entered over 5000 contests...and never won anything
+John & Alice Clayton, Tarzan's parents, were better known as ____
+Lord & lady greystoke
+John augustus larson invented what in 1921?
+Lie detector
+John Bellavia has entered over ____ contests...and never won anything
+John Cassidy wrote what book?
+Juggling for the complete klutz
+John D. Rockefeller gave away over US$ ____ during his lifetime
+John F. Kennedy was one of how many children?
+John F. Kennedy's rocking chair was auctioned off for____
+John Garfield and Lana Turner starred in the film 'The Postman Always Rings Twice' what year was it released?
+John Glenn, the American who first orbited the Earth, was showered with ____ tonnes of ticker tape when he got back
+John Hancock was the only one of ____ signers of the Declaration of Independence who actually signed it on July
+John Harmon is the hero in which Dickens novel?
+Our mutual friend
+John Harmon is the hero of which Dickens novel?
+Our mutual friend
+John lennon and yoko ono marry in gibralter on march 20th and honeymoon in?
+John lennon once visited which country artist in his las vegas dressing room and kissed his feet. who was he?
+Jerry lee lewis
+John lennon's middle name was____
+John Lilburne was a leader of which group?
+John McClane was fighting terrorists in a skyrise in which eighties movie?
+Die Hard
+John Paul Getty, once the richest man in the world, had a ____ in his mansion
+John Quincy Adams took his last skinnydip in the ____ on his seventy-ninth birthday
+John stafford smith composed the tune of which national anthem?
+Star spangled banner
+John Wetteland was a hero in which sporting event in 1996?
+World Series
+John Winthrop introduced the fork to the American dinner table for the first time on 25 June?
+Johnny and the moondogs was the original name of which pop group?
+The Beatles
+Johnny Carson was born in____ , Iowa and grew up in Norfolk, Nebraska
+Johnny Depp made his first big screen appearance in which movie?
+Nightmare on elm street
+johnny got his gun_?
+Dalton trumbo
+Johnny marr was famously the guitarist with which influential group?
+The smiths
+Johnny rivers sang 'secret ____ man'
+Johnson who married george harrison's former wife?
+Eric clapton
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  A girl's best ____ is her 'lie'ability
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  A streaker is someone who is ____ for his work
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Baseball all wrong____man with ____ balls can't walk
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Even the greatest of ____ is helpless in middle of desert
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Girls who rides ____, peddles ass all over town
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  He who ____ in another man's well often catches crab
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  He who ____ in church, sits in own pew
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  He who ____ without a handkerchief takes matters into his own hands
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  He who eats too many ____, sits on toilet many moons
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who ____ a girl with no bust has right to feel low down
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who drop watch in ____, bound to have shitty time
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who fight with wife all day, get no ____ at night
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who gets kicked in ____, left holding the bag
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who go to bed with ____ wake up with smelly finger
+Itchy butt
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who go to bed with sex on mind wake up with ____ in hand
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who have hand in pocket not just jingling ____
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who have head up ass, have ____ outlook on life
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who kisses girl's ____, gets crack in face
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who lay ____ on hill not on level
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who lay woman on ground, get ____ on earth
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who leap off cliff jump to ____
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who live in ____, dress in basement
+Glass house
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who run behind car get ____
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man who wants pretty nurse, must be ____
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man with holes in ____, feels cocky all day
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Man with tight ____ is pressing his luck
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Nail on board is not good as ____ on bench
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Secretary not permanent, till ____ on desk
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Seven days on ____ make one hole weak
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Sleepy man who stand in front of car get ____
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Squirrel who ____ up woman's leg not find nuts
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Support bacteria ____ it's the only ____ some people have!
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Virginity like ____, one prick, all gone
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Woman who ____ on inner-spring this spring, gets off-spring next spring
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Woman who cooks beans and ____ in same pot very unsanitary
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Woman who dance while wearing jock strap have make believe ____
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Woman who fly plane ____ have crackup
+Upside down
+Jokes: Confuscious Says:  Woman who spends much time on bedspring, may have ____
+Joni mitchells hit from ladies of the canyon album says what came and took away her old man?
+Big yellow taxi
+Jonquil is a shade of which colour?
+Joseph & Etienne Montigolfier, inventers of the hot air balloon, first believed that their balloon didnt rise due to hot air but an invisible gas given off by fire. What did they name this gas?
+Montigolfier gas
+Joseph Adams served as the minister at Newington for how many years?
+Joseph and etienne montigolfier, inventers of the hot air balloon, first believed that their balloon didn't rise due to hot air but an invisible gas given off by fire. what did they name this gas?
+Montigolfier gas
+Jr how many tunes blared from the 1948 wurlitzer model 1100 jukebox?
+Twenty four
+Juan Ponce de Leon landed on the shores of northeast Florida in April of 1513. What was he looking for?
+The Fountain of Youth
+Juan What type of animal is a wallaby?
+JUBILEE 2002: Hosted by Jamie Theakston, starring rock stars from across the ages, what was it called?
+Party at the palace
+JUBILEE 2002: How did the Queen travel to church on her Jubilee Day?
+Gold state coach
+JUBILEE 2002: Who/what did a ceremonial flypast along the mall?
+Concorde and the red arrows
+Judd nelson, ally sheedy, demi moore, and molly ringwald were members of what 80s hollywood in-group?
+Brat pack
+Judge dredd, future law enforcer, judges over which city?
+Megacity one
+Judy garland made her show business debut under what name?
+Baby frances
+Julie Nixon, daughter of ____ married David Eisenhower, son of Dwight Eisenhower
+Richard nixon
+Julie nixon, daughter of richard nixon married David eisenhower, son of____
+Dwight eisenhower
+Julie Nixon, daughter of Richard Nixon married____ , son of Dwight Eisenhower
+David eisenhower
+Juliet 'i melt with you' was which band's signature hit released on their 'after the snow' album in 1982?
+Modern English
+Juliet binoche won an academy award for best supporting actress in which film?
+The English patient
+Juliette binoch won an academy award for best supporting role in which film?
+English patient
+Juliette binoche won an academy award for best supporting actress in which film?
+The English patient
+Julius Caesar & Napoleon Bonaparte both suffered from what?
+Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover the onset of?
+July 2002, name of the American balloonist to complete the first solo circumnavigation of the globe?
+Steve fossett
+June Allyson played the part of 'Jo' in the 1949 version of Emily Dickenson's 'Little Women' Who portrayed 'Jo' in the original 1932 film?
+Katherine Hepburn
+June of 1968, Dr Benjamin Spock is arrested for aiding & counseling ____
+Draft evaders
+Juneau is the capital of ____
+Juneau is the capital of what state?
+Junior embassy officail?
+junk Food & Drink: British: fish and ____
+junk Food & Drink: contorted bread sticks with salt crystals on the outside?
+junk Food & Drink: coors, budweiser, miller, samuel adams, old milwaukee?
+Junk Food & Drink: Donut-shaped roll made with no yeast; flavors include onion, raisin, garlic, ses?
+junk Food & Drink: flavourful product mixed with your own sugar and water; a kid's favourite?
+Kool aid
+Junk Food & Drink: Folgers, Nescafe, Sanka, Eight O'Clock, Brothers, Taster's Choice?
+junk Food & Drink: former u.s. president george bush's favorite junk food?
+Pork rinds
+junk Food & Drink: fried yeast product with a hole in the middle; usually glazed or frosted?
+junk Food & Drink: frozen dairy product in various flavors like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry?
+Ice cream
+Junk Food & Drink: Orange, elongated puffy things with a cheese flavoring?
+junk Food & Drink: orville reddenbacher, jiffy pop, movietime?
+Junk Food & Drink: Oscar Meyer, Armour, Sigmans, Ball Park?
+Hot dogs
+junk Food & Drink: peter pan, jif, skippy?
+Peanut butter
+junk Food & Drink: puffy white soft pillows of sugar; good raw or roasted over a campfire?
+junk Food & Drink: spun sugar on a stick; often found at carnivals?
+Cotton candy
+junk Food & Drink: the manufacturer of twinkies?
+junk Food & Drink: this product comes in a little box with a sailor on it?
+Cracker jacks
+Jupiter is ____ kilometres in diameter
+Jupiter is ____ miles in diameter
+Jupiter is ____ million kilometres from the Sun
+Jupiter is the Roman name for which god of Greek mythology?
+Jupiter was the roman god of ____
+Light and sky
+Just after the first moon walk, Pan-American Airlines announced that they were willing to take enquires about future commercial flights to the moon. They received ____ requests almost immediately
+Just for fun: what us state contains the counties of macon and bacon?
+Justitia is the roman goddess of ____
+K-mart. Definately. Definately K-mart?
+Kabul is the capital of ____
+Kalium. is the Latin name for which element?
+Kampala is the capital of ____
+Kappelkoff is the real surname of which actress?
+Doris day
+Karl landsteiner was awarded the nobel prize for his findings in the field of haematology, what was his discovery?
+Human blood groups
+Karl Landsteiner won a Nobel prize in 1930 for which medical discovery?
+Blood groups
+Karoke means empty orchestra in____
+Kate Jackson, Jaclyn Smith and Farrah Fawcett were?
+Charlie's Angels
+Kate Winslet and her film director husband Jim Threapleton have split. In happier times, what did they choose for their wedding banquet?
+Bangers and mash
+Kate winslet in which film did leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet play 'jack' and 'rose'?
+Katmandu is the capital of ____
+Keats Who was the first astronaut to return to space?
+Gus grissom
+Kelper is slang for an inhabitant of which island group?
+The falklands
+Kelsey grammar sings and plays the theme song for which tv show?
+Kelts,alevins and grilse are all forms of what?
+Ken thompson & dennis ritchie, colleagues at bell labs, teamed up & wrote the second version of which operating system?
+Kenny g is the best-selling ____
+Kenny rogers sang someone who cares for what film?
+Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea which may lead to ____
+Kerimski Church in Finland is the world's biggest church made of____
+Kermit the Frog has ____ points on his collar around his neck
+Kermit the frog is____
+Ketchup is excellent for cleaning brass, especially ____ or corroded brass
+Khartoum is the capital of ____
+Khrushchev what was the sequel to 'going my way'?
+The bells of st mary's
+Khu-fu is more commonly known as?
+Kids Favourite Pokemon?
+kids in the hall: bruce instructed kevin how to be a fan of this band?
+The doors
+kids in the hall: bruce wished that this dead celebrity could be his landlord?
+kids in the hall: dave foley has a positive attitude toward this female body process?
+kids in the hall: the kids discovered this to be the cause of cancer?
+Bruce mcculloch
+Kids in the Hall: This character visits people standing in long lines?
+Flying pig
+kids in the hall: this kid argued that nudity was the key to popularity?
+Mark mckinney
+kids in the hall: underling to mc simon milligan?
+kids in the hall: usually spotted wearing a towel?
+Paul bellini
+Killer tomatoes what album holds the world record for copies sold?
+Killers ____ serial and otherwise ____ full names
+Charles Manson
+Killing a person painlessly especially one suffering from an incurable disease?
+Killing for reasons of mercy is known as?
+Killing ones wife?
+Kim dae-jung was awarded the nobel peace prize for working towards reconciliation, of which country was he president?
+South korea
+Kind of Afro American dance music originally from Southern Louisiana?
+Kind of mild pale Welsh cheese?
+Kind of skin inflammation?
+Kind of Swiss cheese with holes in?
+Kind of white heron?
+King Faisal was assassinated in 1975. Of which country was he king?
+Saudi arabia
+King farouk the ,first of egypt, spent his exiled years mainly in which country?
+King Farouk the First of Egypt was overthrown in 1952 and spent his exiled years mainly in which country, of which he became a citizen?
+King Francis I of France is reported to have paid master artist Leonardo da Vinci 4,000 gold crowns for his masterpiece ____ but the king did not get immediate possession. Da Vinci kept the painting hanging on a wall of his chateau to the day he died
+Mona lisa
+King George III suffered from a disease known as Porphyria which caused his urine to be what colour?
+King George III was declared violently insane in ____, 9 years before he died
+King Louis the XIV was also referred to as the '____' King
+King Ludwig of Bavaria was patron of which composer?
+King Tut's tomb contained ____ coffins. The third coffin was made from 2,500 pounds of gold. And in today's market is worth approximately $13,000,000
+King Tut's tomb contained FOUR coffins. The third coffin was made from ____ pounds of gold. And in today's market is worth approximately $13,000,000
+King Tut's tomb contained FOUR coffins. The third coffin was made from 2,500 pounds of____ . And in today's market is worth approximately $13,000,000
+Kingston the capital of ____
+Kinsey millhone is a recurring character in this author's series of novels?
+Sue grafton
+Kinshasa is the capital of ____
+Kirk Douglas was in which of the armed services in WWII?
+Kitchen Appliances?
+Kitchen utensils used for stirring?
+Kiwi eggs, when not completely white, are tinged with?
+Kiwis are the only birds that hunt by the sense of ____
+Kleenex tissues were originally used as ____ in gas masks
+Kneeling cushion in church?
+Knife, clown and pencil are types of ____
+Knowledgeable folks know that a 'cete' is a group of these carnivores?
+Known as 'England's Darling' who led a resistance against William the Conqueror, on the Isle of Ely in 1070?
+Hereward the wake
+Known as 'The Ace of Aces', who was the leading American fighter pilot of World War One?
+Eddie rickenbacker
+Known as 'the Butcher of Lyons', name the World War Two Gestapo chief who was captured in South America and tried in Lyons in 1987?
+Klaus barbie
+Known by their initials: journalist and essayist Henry louis?
+H. l. mencken
+Known by their initials: maine retailer leon leonwood?
+L l bean
+Known by their initials: singer kathryn dawn?
+K.d. lang
+Koalas never drink____ . They get fluids from the eucalyptus leaves they eat
+Kong what member of ac/dc died in 1980?
+Bon scott
+Kool-aid was a deadly cocktail for the inhabitants of a temple in which guyanese town?
+Kos,delphi and patras are part of what country?
+Kotex was first manufactured as____ , during WW
+Kr is the chemical symbol for which element?
+Krone, yuan and ringgit are all units of what?
+Kuala lumpur is the capital of ____
+Kudzu is not indigenous to the South, but in that climate it can grow up to ____ inches a day
+Kwame Nkrumah was the first president of which country?
+L is the roman numeral for what number?
+L'eggs is the best-selling ____ in America
+Panty hose
+La paz is the capital of ____
+La Paz, Bolivia, is the highest large city in the world at how many feet above sea-level?
+La Picardy is a region of which European country?
+La Sila lies in which region of Italy?
+La Who played the title role In the film The Madness of King George?
+Nigel hawthorne
+Label for person whose i.q is 110-120?
+Label for person whose i.q is 80-90?
+Ladys delight is more commonly called what?
+The violet
+Lagos is the capital of ____
+Lake Baikal is the ____ lake in the world
+Lake Eyre, Australia's lowest point , is in which state?
+South Australia
+Lake in southwestern Nicaragua, the largest lake in central America?
+Nicaragua lake
+Lake Nyasa forms most of which country's eastern border?
+Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile, lies in which country?
+Lake Tanganyika was first sighted in 1858 by John Speke and which other English explorer?
+Sir richard burton
+Lake titicaca lies in which two countries?
+Bolivia and peru
+Lake Vanern is the largest lake in which country?
+Lake, central north America, bordered on the north by the Canadian province of Ontario & on the south by the state of New York?
+Lake ontario
+Lamb where were the 1956 summer olympics?
+Lampedusa is a small island lying between malta and the coast of which north african country?
+Lancelot where is 'the breadbasket of Russia'?
+Land Animals: Any and every spermologist knows that the cheetah is the world's fastest mammal, but only the best can name number two?
+Pronghorn Antelope
+Land Animals: Insects and Spiders are the most abundant animal class. Which class holds the number two spot?
+Land Animals: This animal has the longest gestation period, at 660 days?
+African Elephant
+Land locked country in NW Asia,capital Yerevan?
+Land measure, 4840 sq yards?
+Landing on leyte in 1944, this general proclaimed 'i have returned'?
+Gen. Douglas macarthur
+Lang Martin balanced ____ golf balls vertically without adhesive at Charlotte, NC on 9 February 1980
+Language: 17th Century: A Swedish philologist claimed that in the garden of eden, adam spoke ____
+Language: 17th Century: A Swedish philologist claimed that in the garden of eden, god spoke ____
+Language: 17th Century: A Swedish philologist claimed that in the garden of eden, the serpent spoke ____
+Language: Afrikaans developed from which language?
+Language: Aussie Slang: 'ave a Gander?
+Have a look
+Language: Aussie Slang: Aerial ping pong?
+Aussie rules football
+Language: Aussie Slang: Aggro?
+Upset about something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Amber fluid?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Ankle biter?
+Young child
+Language: Aussie Slang: Arse over tit?
+Fall over
+Language: Aussie Slang: Arvo?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bagged someone?
+Critisise someone
+Language: Aussie Slang: Balls up?
+Terrible mistake
+Language: Aussie Slang: Barbie or B.B.Q?
+Barbecue cooking
+Language: Aussie Slang: Battler?
+Someone who works hard
+Language: Aussie Slang: Beanie?
+Ski hat
+Language: Aussie Slang: Beauty?
+Something has gone really well
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bewdy?
+Good or the best
+Language: Aussie Slang: Beyond the Black stump?
+Far from the city
+Language: Aussie Slang: Big note?
+Make yourself out to be important
+Language: Aussie Slang: Billabong?
+A waterhole
+Language: Aussie Slang: Billy cart?
+A cart built by a child
+Language: Aussie Slang: Billy?
+Container used to make a cup of tea
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bingle?
+Car accident
+Language: Aussie Slang: Biscuit?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Blimey?
+Surprised by something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bloke?
+Australian male
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bloods worth Bottling!?
+Someone has done you a good deed
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bloody oath?
+Agree with someone
+Language: Aussie Slang: Blotto?
+Someone being drunk
+Language: Aussie Slang: Blowies?
+Blow flies
+Language: Aussie Slang: Blowing your dough?
+Spending all your money
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bludger?
+Someone who is lazy
+Language: Aussie Slang: Blue ass fly?
+Someone doing something very fast
+Language: Aussie Slang: Blue Heeler?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bluey?
+A nickname for someone with red hair
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bo-peep?
+Have a look at something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bob's your uncle?
+Something that has worked out well
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bombed out?
+Unsuccessful or drunk
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bonzer?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Boomer?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Booze bus?
+Van used by police to random test motorists for alcohol
+Language: Aussie Slang: Booze?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bottler of an idea?
+Great idea
+Language: Aussie Slang: Brekky?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Brown-eye?
+Moon someone
+Language: Aussie Slang: Buckley's chance?
+Not a chance
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bugger?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Builders bum?
+Top of the buttocks exposed above pants
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bull dust?
+A lie
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bunyip?
+Mythical outback creature
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bush telegraph?
+The town gossip network
+Language: Aussie Slang: Bushed?
+Lost or tired
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cactus?
+Somethings had it
+Language: Aussie Slang: Carked it?
+Someones died
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cheeky?
+Someone who teases in a fun way
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cheesed off?
+Fed up with something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Chew the fat?
+Have a good talk together
+Language: Aussie Slang: Chewy?
+Chewing gum
+Language: Aussie Slang: Chinwag?
+Having a conversation
+Language: Aussie Slang: Chocker?
+Something is full
+Language: Aussie Slang: Chook?
+A chicken, rooster or hen
+Language: Aussie Slang: Chunder?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Clod hoppers?
+Your feet
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cobber?
+A friend
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cobberdobber?
+Someone who dobs in a mate
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cockie?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Coldie?
+A cold beer
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cooee?
+Call for greeting someone at a distance in the bush
+Language: Aussie Slang: Corroboree?
+Aboriginal festival dance
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cot case?
+A drunk or exhausted person
+Language: Aussie Slang: Couch potato?
+A person who spends all their time watching television
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cozzie?
+Swimming costume
+Language: Aussie Slang: Crapper?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Crook?
+Feeling ill or a criminal
+Language: Aussie Slang: Cuppa?
+Have cup of tea or coffee
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dacks?
+Trousers or shorts
+Language: Aussie Slang: Damper?
+Flour and water bread mix cooked in the coals of a camp fire
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dead marine?
+Empty beer bottle
+Language: Aussie Slang: Deadset?
+Without a doubt
+Language: Aussie Slang: Digger?
+Australian soldier
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dijeridu?
+Aboriginal wind musical instrument
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dilly Dally?
+Someone that taking there time to go someone where
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dinki-di?
+Something good from a Australia or originating from downunder
+Language: Aussie Slang: Do the lolly?
+To get very angry
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dodgy?
+Something suspicious and underhanded is going on
+Language: Aussie Slang: Donk?
+Engine in a car, boat or motor bike
+Language: Aussie Slang: Drongo?
+Someone who is stupid
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dropped your bundle?
+To lose control of the situation
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dry as a dead dingo's donger?
+Drought or very dry climate
+Language: Aussie Slang: Duck's Guts?
+Something that is interesting
+Language: Aussie Slang: Dunny?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Earbashing?
+Someone talking to you for a long time
+Language: Aussie Slang: Eat a horse, and chase the jockey?
+You are very very hungry
+Language: Aussie Slang: Esky?
+Portable ice box
+Language: Aussie Slang: Fair crack of the whip!?
+Give me a fair go
+Language: Aussie Slang: Fair dinkum?
+Honest, genuine
+Language: Aussie Slang: Fair enough?
+Agree, acceptable
+Language: Aussie Slang: Fat chance?
+Little to no chance of something happening
+Language: Aussie Slang: Fella?
+Person or a male
+Language: Aussie Slang: Fibber?
+Someone who tell lies
+Language: Aussie Slang: Five finger discount?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Flog?
+To sell something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Footy?
+Ozzie rules football
+Language: Aussie Slang: Fossick?
+Search for something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Fruit cake?
+Mentally unstable
+Language: Aussie Slang: Full as a boot?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Full as a goog?
+Either full of food or alcohol
+Language: Aussie Slang: Full of it?
+Someone telling a load of garbage
+Language: Aussie Slang: G 'day?
+A freindly welcome
+Language: Aussie Slang: Garbo?
+Garbage collector
+Language: Aussie Slang: Get nicked?
+To get caught
+Language: Aussie Slang: Go off like a bucket of prawns in the hot sun?
+To create a commotion
+Language: Aussie Slang: Goer?
+Something or someone that works well
+Language: Aussie Slang: Gone round the bend?
+Gone crazy or mental
+Language: Aussie Slang: Gone to the dogs?
+Something or someplace that is no longer any good
+Language: Aussie Slang: Good on ya Mate!?
+Well done
+Language: Aussie Slang: Grog?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Grot?
+Person who is very dirty or untidy
+Language: Aussie Slang: Grouse?
+Something is great,terrific
+Language: Aussie Slang: Gutful?
+More than enough
+Language: Aussie Slang: Hair of the dog?
+Have another drink of alcohol to try and get rid of a hangover
+Language: Aussie Slang: Hang on a tick?
+Wait for minute
+Language: Aussie Slang: Happy as a pig in mud?
+Very happy
+Language: Aussie Slang: Having a Blue?
+Having a fight or argument
+Language: Aussie Slang: Hit the deck?
+To duck or put ones head down
+Language: Aussie Slang: Holy-dooly?
+An expression of surprise
+Language: Aussie Slang: Hoo-roo?
+Saying goodbye to someone
+Language: Aussie Slang: Hoon?
+A show-off with limited intelligence
+Language: Aussie Slang: Howzat?
+Asking someone how something is
+Language: Aussie Slang: In the Nick?
+Language: Aussie Slang: In your dreams?
+Telling someone that it isn't going to happen
+Language: Aussie Slang: Jack-in-the-box?
+Someone who can not sit still
+Language: Aussie Slang: Jarmies?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Jigged?
+Its broken or no long useful
+Language: Aussie Slang: Jigging?
+Truanting from school
+Language: Aussie Slang: Jocks?
+Male underpants
+Language: Aussie Slang: Jumbuck?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Just down the road?
+Could be just down the road or it could be 20 km's away
+Language: Aussie Slang: Kick in?
+To help out with money
+Language: Aussie Slang: Kick the bucket?
+To die
+Language: Aussie Slang: Kip?
+Short rest or sleep
+Language: Aussie Slang: Kiwi?
+Someone who lives in new zealand
+Language: Aussie Slang: Knackers?
+Male testicles
+Language: Aussie Slang: Knock-off?
+To steal
+Language: Aussie Slang: Knock?
+To critisise
+Language: Aussie Slang: Knocker?
+Someone who makes derogatory remarks
+Language: Aussie Slang: Lav or Lavvy?
+Outdoor tiolet
+Language: Aussie Slang: Like a hornet in a bottle?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Lingo?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Lippie?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Liquid amber?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Loaded?
+Extremely wealthy
+Language: Aussie Slang: Lolly?
+Language: Aussie Slang: M'oath?
+On my oath
+Language: Aussie Slang: Macca's?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Mad as a cut snake?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Manchester?
+Household linen
+Language: Aussie Slang: Mate?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Matilda?
+A blanket roll carried by a swagman
+Language: Aussie Slang: Middie?
+285 ml beer glass
+Language: Aussie Slang: Missus?
+Your wife
+Language: Aussie Slang: Mozzie?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Mucking around?
+Playing around stupidly
+Language: Aussie Slang: Mug?
+You fool
+Language: Aussie Slang: Mulga?
+Rough country
+Language: Aussie Slang: Nackered?
+Absolutely exhausted or very tied
+Language: Aussie Slang: Never Never?
+Mythical place in the outback
+Language: Aussie Slang: Nick off?
+Go away
+Language: Aussie Slang: Nick?
+Steal something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Nifty?
+Language: Aussie Slang: No-hoper?
+An incompetent person
+Language: Aussie Slang: Noggin'?
+Head or brains
+Language: Aussie Slang: Not the full Quid?
+Short on brains
+Language: Aussie Slang: Nulla-nulla?
+Wooden club used by aborigines
+Language: Aussie Slang: Ocker?
+Stereotype Australian that likes beer, sport women and uncultured
+Language: Aussie Slang: Off the beaten Track?
+Seldom used roads
+Language: Aussie Slang: Oldies?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Out house?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Outback?
+Remote part of Australia
+Language: Aussie Slang: Oz?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Paddock?
+Grazing field for sheep and cattle
+Language: Aussie Slang: Pat-malone?
+You are on your own
+Language: Aussie Slang: Pester?
+Annoy or bother someone
+Language: Aussie Slang: Pommy or Pom?
+English person
+Language: Aussie Slang: Poo tickets?
+Toilet paper
+Language: Aussie Slang: Possie?
+Great position
+Language: Aussie Slang: Postie?
+Mail delivery person
+Language: Aussie Slang: Pot hole?
+Hole in the road
+Language: Aussie Slang: Pot?
+285 ml glass of beer
+Language: Aussie Slang: Prang?
+Automotive crash
+Language: Aussie Slang: Prezzies?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Pub?
+Place for buying and drinking alcohol
+Language: Aussie Slang: Pull your head in?
+Tell someone to mind their own business
+Language: Aussie Slang: Pull your socks up?
+Try harder
+Language: Aussie Slang: Push-bike?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Rack off?
+Told to go away angrily
+Language: Aussie Slang: Rafferty's Rules?
+Something with no rules at all
+Language: Aussie Slang: Raining cats'n'dogs?
+Heavy storm & rain
+Language: Aussie Slang: Ratbag?
+Not a nice person
+Language: Aussie Slang: Reckon?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Ridgie didge?
+True or genuine article
+Language: Aussie Slang: Righto?
+Okay or that's right
+Language: Aussie Slang: Ring-in?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Rip off?
+To have been cheated
+Language: Aussie Slang: Rip snorter?
+Something is great
+Language: Aussie Slang: Ripper?
+It's really great
+Language: Aussie Slang: Road train?
+Multi-trailered semi truck
+Language: Aussie Slang: Sacked?
+Put off from work
+Language: Aussie Slang: Sanga?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Schooner?
+Large beer glass
+Language: Aussie Slang: Servo?
+Service station for cars
+Language: Aussie Slang: She'll be right!?
+Everything will be ok
+Language: Aussie Slang: Sheila?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Shonky?
+Poor quality
+Language: Aussie Slang: Shoot through?
+To leave in a hurry
+Language: Aussie Slang: Shout?
+Usually means buy some friends a beer at the pub, after your turn then it is theirs
+Language: Aussie Slang: Shove off!?
+Told to get lost in a angry way
+Language: Aussie Slang: Sickie?
+A day taken off work not necessarily from illness
+Language: Aussie Slang: Skip?
+Australian born
+Language: Aussie Slang: Skite?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Snag?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Sparkie?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Spit the dummie?
+End result from getting upset about something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Spud?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Squatter?
+Someone who lives on someone else's land or house with out permission
+Language: Aussie Slang: Stickybeak?
+Someone can not mind their own business
+Language: Aussie Slang: Stone the crows!?
+Shocked at something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Stone the crows?
+Exclamation of amazement
+Language: Aussie Slang: Strewth?
+Shock at something
+Language: Aussie Slang: Stubby?
+Small bottle of beer
+Language: Aussie Slang: Stuffed?
+Very tired
+Language: Aussie Slang: Stunded mullet?
+To describe someone who has a surprised look on their face
+Language: Aussie Slang: Suss it out?
+Check something out
+Language: Aussie Slang: Swag?
+Canvas bag or cover that you keep all your belonging and bedroll in, to protect it from the weather when camping out
+Language: Aussie Slang: Swagman?
+A man who travels around the country on foot
+Language: Aussie Slang: Ta or Tar?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Tax?
+To steal
+Language: Aussie Slang: Tea?
+Evening meal
+Language: Aussie Slang: The John?
+The toilet
+Language: Aussie Slang: The Nuddy?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Thongs?
+Sandals made from rubber
+Language: Aussie Slang: Thunder box?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Tinnie?
+Can of beer or a aluminum boat
+Language: Aussie Slang: Too right!?
+Something is absolutely right & correct
+Language: Aussie Slang: True blue?
+Totally Australian
+Language: Aussie Slang: Tucker?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Tuckerbag?
+A bag for storing food in the bush
+Language: Aussie Slang: Turn it up?
+Take a look at yourself for a moment
+Language: Aussie Slang: Two-up?
+Traditional Australian heads or tails gambling game with two coins originally played by the diggers in the war
+Language: Aussie Slang: undees?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Up shit creek?
+Things are going wrong for you
+Language: Aussie Slang: Up your nose?
+Something that annoys you
+Language: Aussie Slang: Up yourself?
+Full of yourself
+Language: Aussie Slang: Veg-out?
+To relax
+Language: Aussie Slang: Vegies?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Wag?
+Skip school, truency
+Language: Aussie Slang: Walkabout?
+Go for a long walk, aboriginals used this period for spiritual enlightenment
+Language: Aussie Slang: Wally?
+Someone who keeps making mistakes
+Language: Aussie Slang: Wanker?
+A male that is really stupid but they think they are the greatest
+Language: Aussie Slang: Waterhole?
+Pub or hotel
+Language: Aussie Slang: White pointer?
+Great white shark
+Language: Aussie Slang: Whopper?
+Something surprisingly big
+Language: Aussie Slang: Winge?
+Complain and carry on unnecessarily
+Language: Aussie Slang: Woomera stick?
+Used by aborigines to throw spears
+Language: Aussie Slang: Woop woop?
+Somewhere a long way from civilization
+Language: Aussie Slang: Wowser?
+A killjoy
+Language: Aussie Slang: Wrapped?
+Excited about something good that has happened
+Language: Aussie Slang: Yabbie?
+Freshwater Australian crayfish
+Language: Aussie Slang: Yakka?
+Hard work
+Language: Aussie Slang: Yarn?
+A story that can be true or fictional
+Language: Aussie Slang: Yobbo?
+Stupid or uncultivated person
+Language: Aussie Slang: Yonks?
+A long period of time
+Language: Aussie Slang: Zebra crossing?
+Painted white lines on the black road used as a pedestrain crossing on a roadway
+Language: Aussie Slang: Zits?
+Language: Aussie Slang: Zonked?
+Really really tired
+Language: Derived from Dutch and used in South Africa?
+Language: Francophone Quebeckers speak?
+Language: From what Irish words is 'Dublin' derived?
+Dubh linn
+Language: From what language is the term 'finito'?
+Language: In the Philippines, ____ means Hello
+Language: In the philippines, mabuhay means____
+Language: Language of the Pathans?
+Language: Many Meanings: Fuel, vapor, flattulence, helium. What is it?
+Language: Mardi Gras is French for ____
+Fat tuesday
+Language: Merging the words 'melt' and 'weld' created which word?
+Language: Multiple Meanings: Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers?
+Language: Multiple Meanings: Slamming your hands together quickly, or a venereal disease?
+Language: Of the gypsies?
+Language: Other than Germany, whose official language is German?
+Language: Subject, verb and object are parts of a ____
+Language: The word rodent comes from the Italian 'rodere', which means?
+Language: This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia?
+Language: Type of Alphabet used in Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian etc?
+Language: Type the English alphabet?
+Language: What city's name is derived from the words 'dubh linn'?
+Language: What does 'alma mater' mean in English?
+Bountiful mother
+Language: What does 'majuba' mean?
+Place of rock pigeons
+Language: What does 'shogun' mean in English?
+Military governor
+Language: What does the Irish 'dubh linn' mean?
+Black pool
+Language: What does the word 'karate' translate to in English?
+Open hand
+Language: What is 'blackpool' in Irish?
+Dubh linn
+Language: What is 'bountiful mother' in Latin?
+Alma mater
+Language: What is 'military governor' in Japanese?
+Language: What is the English word for 'fiesta'?
+Language: What is the Israeli 'knesset'?
+Language: What is the language of Hungary?
+Language: What is the literal meaning of 'pince-nez'?
+Pinch nose
+Language: What is the meaning of the Mercedes Benz motto 'Das beste oder nichts'?
+The best or nothing
+Language: What is the official language of Austria?
+Language: What is the Old English word for 'sneeze'?
+Language: What is the only English word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet?
+Language: What is the Spanish word for 'festival'?
+Language: What kind of words are mine, your, his, her, our, and their?
+Possessive pronouns
+Language: What letter ends all Japanese words not ending with a vowel?
+Language: What ONE word fits ____hood; ____hole; ____date
+Language: What ONE word fits ____stream; ____hill; ____pour
+Language: What two words make the word 'meld'?
+Melt and weld
+Language: What was the language of ancient India?
+Large 3 sided S.American nut?
+Large amphibious broad tailed rodent?
+Large brown seed with edible white lining enclosing milky juice?
+Large dog of a breed of wolfhound?
+Large extinct flightless bird?
+Large gland behind the stomach?
+Large group of naturally occurring & synthetic lipids, or fat-soluble chemicals, with a great diversity of physiological activity?
+Large rich eloborate cake?
+Large shop selling many different types of goods?
+Large South American constrictor snake?
+Large voracious tropical sea fish?
+Large wicker en-cased bottle?
+Largest artery in the body?
+Largest body of fresh water in the world, in east central north America, bounded on the north & east by Ontario, on the south by Michigan & Wisconsin, & on the northwest by Minnesota?
+Lake superior
+Largest custard-pie fight - on april 11, 2000, 3,312 custard pies were thrown in three minutes by ____ people, london, uk
+Largest easter egg hunt on march 20, 1999, Easter fair at kooyong, victoria, Australia. How many solid chocolate eggs were hidden?
+Largest flower in the world?
+Largest internal organ of vertebrates, weighing 3-4 pounds?
+Largest island of the continental united states, southeastern New York?
+Long island
+Largest living land mammal, what during the pleistocene epoch roamed every landmass except Australia & Antarctica?
+Largest moon of jupiter and cupbearer to zeus?
+Largest, rarest, and most powerful anthropoid ape?
+Larry flynt publishes which men's magazine?
+Larry Fortensky was one of this much-married actress's husbands.Who is she?
+Elizabeth taylor
+Lassa fever is named after the village in which it was first detected in 1969, where is lassa?
+Last name of the man that invented the point bidding system in bridge?
+Last name of the man who created famous jeweled & enameled eggs?
+Last names of the two men who invented spectrum analysis?
+Bunsen and kirchhoff
+Lateral line & dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ____
+latin American dance with gliding steps?
+Latin: And you, Brutus?
+Et tu brute
+Latin: Great charter?
+Magna carta
+Latin: Nourishing mother?
+Alma mater
+Latin: Something for something?
+Quid pro quo
+Latin: That is?
+Id est
+Latin: Time is?
+Latin: What means without limit, an infinite extend?
+Ad infinitum
+Latour is first division,Montrose second division and Palmer third division,what are the divisions?
+Classifications of wine
+Laughing gas and dental anesthetic is also known as?
+Nitrous oxide
+Laurie london was just 13 when she recorded which classic religious-type ballad in 1957?
+He's got the whole world in his hands
+Law: In which country was it once against the law to slam your car door?
+Law: What is an accident against which ordinary skill and foresight could not stop?
+Act of providence
+Law: What's an antecedent claim?
+Preexisting claim
+Lawn game with hoops, wooden balls and mallets?
+Lazy susans are named after who?
+Thomas edison's daughter
+Leaders of the Anglo saxons?
+Horsa & hengist
+Leading Arab astronomer & mathematician of his time?
+Al battani
+Leaflike part of a fern or palm?
+Leaflike part of plant growing before flower?
+Leaks can be costly. A leak of only one drop per second wastes about ____ ____ litres of water per year
+Ten thousand
+Leanne rhimes made a cameo apperance in what movie?
+Coyote Ugly
+Leap year was introduced with which calendar?
+Julian calendar
+Leatherjackets are the larvae of which insect?
+Leaves forming the protective case of a flower bud?
+Lee Harvey Oswald's body tag was auctioned off for____
+Lee Majors played in what Television series?
+The Fall Guy
+Lee Marvin won his only Best Actor Oscar for the dual role of Kid Sheleen and Tim Strawn in which film?
+Cat ballou
+Lee Where were the Toltecs from?
+Left-handed people are ____ percent more likely to sample a forkful of food from the plates of fellow diners than are right-handed people
+Legendary city of gold in south America?
+El dorado
+Legendary King with the golden touch?
+Legendary lover of Leander?
+Legendary nymph who loved Narcissus?
+Leif Erikson was the first European to set foot on North America in the year ____ . NOT Colombus
+Lemons contain more ____ than strawberries do
+Lemons have more sugar than____
+Length of a beard an average man would grow if he never shaved is ____ feet
+Length: 220 yards = 1 ____
+Lenin what country is the world's biggest coffee exporter?
+Lennie baker, saxophone for sha na na, was once a member of this 50's group?
+Danny and the juniors
+Lenny Kravitz's mother played the part of Helen on the____
+Lentigines is the medical term for what?
+Leo Hirschfield named a new candy after his daughter, Clara. What is the name of that candy?
+Tootsie Roll
+Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and ____ with the other at the same time
+Leonardo Da Vinci invented the?
+Leonardo da Vinci played the?
+Leonardo da Vinci spent ____ years painting the Mona Lisa's lips
+Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael How many squares are on a Shogi (Japanese chess) board?
+Eighty one
+Leonine refers to what kind of animal?
+Leporine refers to what kind of animal?
+Les Paul and charlie christian were exponents of which musical instrument?
+Less than ____ of Nestle's sales are for chocolate
+Less than ____ of the population donates blood
+Less than 1% of the ____ Islands are inhabited
+Less than 3% of Nestle's sales are for____
+Less than 7% of the population donates____
+Less than two percent of the water on Earth is____
+Let's play blue's clues: what's the name of blue's pinkish dog friend?
+Lets you laugh at the weather' is the advertising slogan for which coat company?
+London Fog
+Letterman who did David letterman pay four cartons of marlboro to be on his show?
+Letters on a keyboard?
+Li Hung-chang is the ____ of Chop Suey
+Libra, the Scales, is the only ____ symbol in the zodiac
+Libreville is the capital of which African country?
+Licking what uses one tenth of a calorie?
+Life on Earth probably developed in an oxygen-free atmosphere. Even today there are microorganisms that can live only in the absence of____
+Life on the mississippi was the autobiography of which American author?
+Mark twain
+Life on the planet earth first evolved where?
+In the sea
+Light brown cane sugar?
+Light is ____ ____ radiation
+Electro magnetic
+Light silvery metallic element?
+Light stick held by painter to support and steady the hand?
+Light Venetian canal boat?
+Light-sensitive organ of vision in animals?
+Light, colorless fluid obtained from the fractional distillation of petroleum?
+Lightest inflammable gas known?
+Lighting strikes the Earth about ____ times a second
+Lightning strikes about ____ times per minute on this planet
+Lightweight tropical American wood used for making models?
+Like a lady in 'the simpsons', sideshow bob's criminal number is the same as what character in 'les miserables'?
+Jean valjean
+Like Dionysus, their master ____ are spirits of wild life
+Satyrs and centaurs
+Like eggs benedict, eggs sardou is topped with this creamy sauce?
+Hollandaise sauce
+Like fingerprints, what other print is individual?
+Like what can a fully ripened cranberry be dribbled?
+Lilac Time is a film which tells the life story and uses the music of which composer?
+Franz schubert
+Lima is the capital of ____
+Lima is the capital of this country?
+Lime-flint, lead-flint and jena are all types of what?
+Line of hereditary rulers?
+Linguistics: What language family do Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian belong to?
+Linn's Stamp News is the world's largest weekly newspaper for ____ collectors
+Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river?
+The danube
+Lioness in Born Free?
+Lions have been exported to ____ by Windsor Safari Park in England
+Liquid food of oatmeal boiled in milk or water?
+Liquid substance that dissolves or breaks down another substance into a more elementary form & is usually present in greater quantity than that substance?
+Liquid that circulates in plants, as distinguished from liquid plant products, such as turpentine & perfume oils, that must be extracted from plant tissues?
+Liquids that solidify when exposed to air, & are used to cover surfaces for decorative & protective purposes?
+Paint & varnish
+Lisbon is a variety of which type of garden vegetable?
+Lisbon is the capital of ____
+The city of Lisbon lies on which river?
+Litearture: What's the nationality of agatha christie's detective hercule poirot?
+Literature: ____ Anthony, prolific sci-fi and fantasy author
+Literature: ____ is the magic phrase in ali baba and the forty thieves
+Open sesame
+Literature: 'Four legs good, two legs bad' is a quotation from which novel?
+Animal farm
+Literature: 'Frodo. Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins are all characters from what?
+The lord of the rings
+Literature: 'I sing of arms and the man' is the first line of which famous work?
+The aeneid
+Literature: 'Pip' is the hero in which novel by Charles Dickens?
+Great expectations
+Literature: 'Riotous Assembly' was the first novel by which author?
+Tom sharpe
+Literature: 'the 900 days' is a chronicle about what group's siege of leningrad?
+Literature: 'the 900 days' is a chronicle of the nazi siege of what city?
+Literature: 1950s: across the river and into the trees?
+Literature: 1950s: andersonville?
+Mackinlay kantor
+Literature: 1950s: Author: a death in the family?
+James agee
+Literature: 1950s: Author: Atlas Shrugged?
+Ayn rand
+Literature: 1950s: Author: By Love Possessed?
+James gould couzzens
+Literature: 1950s: Author: From Here to Eternity?
+James jones
+Literature: 1950s: Author: On the Road?
+Jack kerouac
+Literature: 1950s: Author: Sieze the Day?
+Saul bellow
+Literature: 1950s: Author: The Caine Mutiny?
+Herman wouk
+Literature: 1950s: Author: The Last Hurrah?
+Edwin oconner
+Literature: 1950s: Author: The Mandarians?
+Simone debeauvoir
+Literature: 1950s: D H Lawrence novel was the center of a legal row over obscenity?
+Lady chatterleys lover
+Literature: 1950s: William Goldings 1955 novel about boys stranded on an island?
+Lord of the flies
+Literature: 1960s: Author: Goodbye, Columbus?
+Phillip roth
+Literature: 1960s: Author: Night?
+Elie wiesel
+Literature: 1960s: Author: Rabbit, Run?
+John updike
+Literature: 1960s: Author: Slaughterhouse-Five?
+Kurt vonnegut
+Literature: 1960s: Author: The Painted Bird?
+Jerzy kosinski
+Literature: 1960s: What 1960 novel by harper lee was prefaced with the Charles lamb quotation 'lawyers, i suppose, were children once'?
+To kill a mockingbird
+Literature: 1960s: What 1968 book by norman mailer won both the pulitzer prize and national book award in 1969?
+Armies of the night
+Literature: 1970s: Author: A Book of Common Prayer?
+Joan didion
+Literature: 1970s: Author: born on the fourth of july?
+Ron kovic
+Literature: 1970s: Author: Deliverance?
+James dickey
+Literature: 1970s: Author: Falconer?
+John cheever
+Literature: 1970s: Author: far tortuga?
+Peter matthiessen
+Literature: 1970s: Author: India: A Wounded Civilization?
+V. s. naiPaul
+Literature: 1970s: Author: JR?
+William gaddis
+Literature: 1970s: Author: Losing Battles?
+Eudora welty
+Literature: 1970s: Author: One Hundred Years of Solitude?
+Gabriel garcia marquez
+Literature: 1970s: Author: orsinian tales?
+Ursula leguin
+Literature: 1970s: Author: Rabbit Redux?
+John updike
+Literature: 1970s: Author: Ragtime?
+E. l. doctorow
+Literature: 1970s: Author: Roots?
+Alex haley jr
+Literature: 1970s: Author: something happened?
+Joseph heller
+Literature: 1970s: Author: the friends of eddie coyle?
+George v. higgins
+Literature: 1970s: Author: The Summer before the Dark?
+Doris lessing
+Literature: 1970s: Author: The Uses of Enchantment?
+Bruno bettleheim
+Literature: 1984, novel The Camomile Lawn, was written by whom?
+Mary wesley
+Literature: 1990s: Author: Awarded the Premio Cervantes in Dec. 1993?
+Miguel delibes
+Literature: 1990s: In 1992 What British actor penned the autobiography 'what's it all about'?
+Michael caine
+Literature: 1990s: In 1992, what line of children's books celebrated its 50th anniversary?
+Little golden books
+Literature: 1990s: In 1992, who hit the bestseller list yet again with wlt: a radio romance?
+Garrison keillor
+Literature: 1990s: Who detailed her romance with bill clinton in the 1992 December Penthouse?
+Gennifer flowers
+Literature: 2000s: Which actor has written an autobiography entitled Lucky Man:A Memoir?
+Michael J Fox
+Literature: a big whang of a novel by julie edwards. (aka julie andrews)?
+Last of the really great whangdoodles
+Literature: A biography written by the subject is called a ____
+Literature: A book entitled The Contemplative mans recreation is concerned with which pastime?
+Literature: A classic childrens' novel filled with wordplay. (also a cartoon movie)?
+Phantom tollbooth
+Literature: a novel about a small boy on other planets?
+The little prince
+Literature: A pseudonym of Rene Raymond, novelist known for No orchids for Miss Blandish?
+James hadley chase
+Literature: according to erma bombeck, this is the second oldest profession?
+Literature: According to the Brothers Grimm, how tall was Tom Thumb?
+Five and a half inches
+Literature: Agatha Christie's elderly female crimesolver?
+Miss marple
+Literature: Alex Haley novel in which he traces his lineage back to Africa?
+Literature: alexander ripley's sequal to gone with the wind?
+Literature: All I Really Need To Know I Learned in ____
+Literature: Anna quindlen was the basis of which novel?
+One true thing
+Literature: Anna Tellwright is the title character in a book by which author?
+Arnold bennett
+Literature: Anne Rice writes about these bloodsuckers?
+Literature: arthur hailey's novel of the auto industry?
+Literature: As what did H.G. Wells refer to Adolf Hitler?
+A certifiable lunatic
+Literature: At which school did Mr Chips teach latin?
+Literature: Author:  1990s: A Return to Love?
+Marianne williamson
+Literature: Author:  1990s: Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons?
+Bill watterson
+Literature: Author:  1990s: Dolores Claiborne?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author:  1990s: I Can't Believe I Said That?
+Kathie lee gifford
+Literature: Author:  1990s: More Wealth Without Risk?
+Charles givens
+Literature: Author:  1990s: Sam Walton?
+Sam walton
+Literature: Author:  1990s: The Firm?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author:  1990s: The Pelican Brief?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author:  1990s: You Just Don't Understand?
+Deborah tannen
+Literature: Author: 'a thing of beauty is a joy forever'?
+John keats
+Literature: Author: A Dolls House?
+Literature: Author: A Farewell to Arms?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: a prayer for owen meany?
+Literature: Author: A Study in Scarlet?
+Sir arthur conan doyle
+Literature: Author: a swiftly tilting planet, a wind in the door?
+Literature: Author: Alice in wonderland (pen name)?
+Lewis carroll
+Literature: Author: Anatomy of a Murder?
+Robert traver
+Literature: Author: Arrowsmith?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: Author: Australian Fantasy writer who wrote the axis trilogy and the wayfarer redemption?
+Sara douglass
+Literature: Author: Author of 'Coming of Age in Samoa', the mostly widely read book in the field of anthropology?
+Margaret mead
+Literature: Author: Author of gulliver's travels?
+Jonathan swift
+Literature: Author: Author of such children books as the enchanted wood, famous five?
+Enid blyton
+Literature: Author: Author Richard Bach is known for which 'flighty' novel?
+Jonathan Livingston Seagull
+Literature: Author: born in 1933 - he wrote the power of one and april fool's day?
+Bryce courtenay
+Literature: Author: Brighton rock?
+Literature: Author: broca's brain?
+Carl sagan
+Literature: Author: Buffalo Girls?
+Larry mcmurtry
+Literature: Author: Catch-22, No Laughing Matter, God Knows?
+Joseph heller
+Literature: Author: Congo, The Terminal Man?
+Michael crichton
+Literature: Author: daisy miller?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Darkness at Noon?
+Arthur koestler
+Literature: Author: Deadly Rich, Ballerina, The Privileged Lives?
+Literature: Author: Diana?
+Andrew morton
+Literature: Author: diplomacy?
+Henry kissinger
+Literature: Author: Dracula?
+Bram stoker
+Literature: Author: dragonsdawn?
+Anne mccaffrey
+Literature: Author: Every Living Thing?
+Literature: Author: Exit Earth?
+Literature: Author: Exodus?
+Literature: Author: Fear Of Flying, How To Save Your Own Life. What First Name?
+Literature: Author: Fear Of Flying, How To Save Your Own Life?
+Literature: Author: gift of the magi?
+O. Henry
+Literature: Author: He created Tarzan of the Apes?
+Edgar Rice Burroughs
+Literature: Author: he won a Pulitzer prize for 'profiles in courage'?
+John Fitzgerald Kennedy
+Literature: Author: Hideaway?
+Dean koontz
+Literature: Author: how to win friends and influence people?
+Dale carnegie
+Literature: Author: I Robot?
+Isaac asimov
+Literature: Author: I, The Jury?
+Mickey spillane
+Literature: Author: illusions: the adventures of a reluctant messiah?
+Richard bach
+Literature: Author: In cold blood?
+Truman capote
+Literature: Author: intruder in the dust, a rose for emily?
+Literature: Author: Invisible Man?
+Ralph ellison
+Literature: Author: Jewels?
+Danielle steel
+Literature: Author: Last of the Mohicans?
+James fenimore cooper
+Literature: Author: last of the really great whangdoodles?
+Literature: Author: Look Homeward Angel?
+Thomas wolfe
+Literature: Author: Maine, The Beans Of Egypt?
+Literature: Author: Marjorie Morningstar?
+Herman wouk
+Literature: Author: Me?
+Katharine hepburn
+Literature: Author: Men to Match My Mountains?
+Irving stone
+Literature: Author: Moll Flanders?
+Daniel defoe
+Literature: Author: of Matilda,James and the Giant Peach and Willy Wonka?
+Roald Dahl
+Literature: Author: one flew over the cuckoo's nest?
+Literature: Author: One Police Plaza, 1984 best-seller?
+Literature: Author: picture of dorian gray?
+Oscar wilde
+Literature: Author: Presumed Innocent?
+Scott turow
+Literature: Author: prizzi's honor?
+Richard condon
+Literature: Author: rabbit redux?
+Literature: Author: Red Storm Rising?
+Literature: Author: Steppe, Juxtaposition, Fractal Mode?
+Piers anthony
+Literature: Author: Tekwar?
+William shatner
+Literature: Author: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?
+Stephen covey
+Literature: Author: The Diary of Adam and Eve (short story)?
+Mark twain
+Literature: Author: The Doom that Came to Sarnath and other short stories?
+Hp lovecraft
+Literature: Author: The Drifters, Tales Of The South Pacific, Toko-ri?
+James michener
+Literature: Author: The Godfather?
+Mario puzo
+Literature: Author: the great and secret show, weaveworld, imajica?
+Literature: Author: The Great And Secret Show, Weaveworld, Imajica?
+Clive barker
+Literature: Author: The Gunslinger?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: the hot rock?
+Donald e. westlake
+Literature: Author: the lords of discipline?
+Pat conroy
+Literature: Author: the mouse that roared?
+Leonard wibberley
+Literature: Author: the name of the rose?
+Umberto eco
+Literature: Author: the ninja, the miko, the jian, angel eyes?
+Literature: Author: The novels Black Heart and Sirens were written by him?
+Eric van lustbader
+Literature: Author: The Old Man and the Sea?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: The Onion Field, The New Centurions. What First Name?
+Literature: Author: The Prince of Tides?
+Literature: Author: the puppet masters?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Author: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich?
+William shirer
+Literature: Author: The Satanic Verses?
+Literature: Author: the secret sharer?
+Joseph conrad
+Literature: Author: The Sword Of Shannara, Magic Kingdom For Sale ____ Sold
+Terry brooks
+Literature: Author: The Third Man?
+Graham greene
+Literature: Author: The Turn Of The Screw?
+Literature: Author: the twits?
+Roald dahl
+Literature: Author: the wizard of earthsea?
+Ursula leguin
+Literature: Author: This Perfect Day?
+Ira levin
+Literature: Author: Time Enough For Love?
+Robert a. heinlein
+Literature: Author: Tom Browns Schooldays?
+Thomas Hughes
+Literature: Author: Tom Jones?
+Henry fielding
+Literature: Author: two years before the mast?
+Richard Henry dana
+Literature: Author: War and Remembrance?
+Herman wouk
+Literature: Author: What was Eric Segal's novel?
+Love Story
+Literature: Author: Where the Sidewalk Ends?
+Shel silverstein
+Literature: Author: Which writer's first novel, published in 1948, was Never Love a Stranger - his 23rd and latest, published in 1997, is Tycoon?
+Harold robbins
+Literature: Author: White Fang?
+Jack london
+Literature: Author: Who created anna karenina?
+Leo tolstoy
+Literature: Author: Who created Cass Timberlane?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: Author: Who created cheri?
+Literature: Author: Who created Dodsworth?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: Author: Who created Dracula?
+Bram stoker
+Literature: Author: Who created frankenstein?
+Mary shelley
+Literature: Author: Who created Henry Esmond?
+William thackery
+Literature: Author: Who created Humbert Humbert?
+Vladimir nabokov
+Literature: Author: Who created jane eyre?
+Charlotte bronte
+Literature: Author: Who created Natasha Rostova?
+Leo tolstoy
+Literature: Author: Who created Nostromo?
+Joseph conrad
+Literature: Author: Who created Rebecca?
+Daphne dumaurier
+Literature: Author: Who wrote - Man was born free and everywhere he is in chains?
+Jean jacques rousseau
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'a clockwork orange'?
+Anthony burgess
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'across the river and into the trees'?
+Ernest hemmingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'andromeda strain'?
+Michael crichton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'beach music'?
+Pat conroy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven'?
+William wordsworth
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'born free', 'living free' and 'forever free'?
+Joy adamson
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'crime and punishment' and 'the brothers kamarazov'?
+Fyodor dostoevsky
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'crime and punishment'?
+Fedor dostoevsky
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'cruel shoes'?
+Steve martin
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'don quixote'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'Ender's Game'?
+Orson Scott Card
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'for whom the bell tolls'?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'Foxy Lady'?
+Jimi hendrix
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'from the earth to the moon'?
+Jules verne
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'Heart of Darkness'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'?
+Dale carnegie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'i, claudius'?
+Robert graves
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'la traviata'?
+Guiseppe verdi
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'moon river' with Henry mancini?
+John mercer
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'moon river' with john mercer?
+Henry mancini
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'Neither a borrower nor a lender be'?
+William shakespeare
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'No man is an island...never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'Octopus's Garden'?
+Ringo starr
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'psycho'?
+Alfred hitchcock
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'salesman in beijing', which was published in 1984?
+Arthur miller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'shogun'?
+James clavell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'sleepers'?
+Lorenzo carcaterra
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'The Ascent of Man'?
+Jacob bronowski
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the birds'?
+Alfred hitchcock
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'The Camomile Lawn'?
+Mary wesley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the day of the jackal'?
+Frederick forsyth
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the dragons of eden'?
+Carl sagan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the godfather'?
+Mario puzo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the grapes of wrath'?
+John steinbeck
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the grinch who stole christmas'?
+Dr seuss
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the happy prince'?
+Oscar wilde
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy'?
+Douglas adams
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the hobbit'?
+J.r.r tolkien
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the iliad'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the invisible man'?
+H.g wells
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the joy of sex'?
+Alex comfort
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the kitchen god's wife'?
+Amy tan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the prince and the pauper'?
+Mark twain
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the scarlatti inheritance'?
+Robert ludlum
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'the sun also rises'?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'The Wind in the Willows'?
+Kenneth Grahame
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'The Wizard of Oz'?
+Frank Baum
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'unsafe at any speed'?
+Ralph nader
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 'xanth'?
+Piers anthony
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 101 Uses for a Dead Cat?
+Simon bond
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 1919?
+John de passos
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 1985?
+Anthony burgess
+Literature: Author: Who wrote 42nd Parallel?
+John de passos
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Boring Story?
+Anton chekhov
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Brave New World?
+Aldous huxley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Bridge to Far?
+Cornelius ryan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Christmas Carol?
+Charles dickens
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Clockwork Orange?
+Anthony burgess
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Farewell to Arms?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A French Lieutenants Woman?
+John fowles
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A History of English Speaking Peoples?
+Winston churchill
+Literature: Author: Who wrote a man of the people?
+Chinua achebe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote a piano piece inspired by Hartmanns painting of the witch Baba-Yagas hut?
+Modest mussorgsky
+Literature: Author: Who wrote a poem about his raven?
+Edgar allen poe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote a poem about Vasari and painting the Sistine Chapel?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Prayer for Owen Meany?
+John irving
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Red Badge of Courage?
+Stephen crane
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Room with a View?
+E m forster
+Literature: Author: Who wrote a series of novels about C.I.A. analyst, Jack Ryan?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A Time to Kill?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote a total of 54 western romances?
+Zane grey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote A View for the Bridge?
+Arthur miller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote about his experiences in professional football in the book 'Paper Lion'?
+George Plimpton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote about nils holgersson?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote About Samuel Johnson?
+James boswell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Absolom Xl?
+William faulkner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?
+Lewis carroll
+Literature: Author: Who wrote an ode to the railway bridge over the Tay and a lament when it collapsed?
+William mcgonagall
+Literature: Author: Who wrote and directed the 1977 film 'Annie Hall'?
+Woody allen
+Literature: Author: Who wrote and sang 'Where do you go to my lovely'?
+Peter sarstedt
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Andromeda Strain?
+Michael creighton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Animal Farm?
+George orwell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Anne of Green Gables?
+L m montgomery
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Anthem?
+Ann rand
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Around the World in Eighty Days?
+Jules verne
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Arrowsmith?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Art of Love?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote As I Lay Dying?
+William faulkner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote At Freddies?
+Penelope fitzgerald
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Atlas Shrugged?
+Ayn rand
+Literature: Author: Who wrote auld lang syne?
+Robert burns
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Babbitt?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Bedside Showjumping?
+Harvey smith
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Beloved?
+Toni morrison
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Big Green Book?
+Robert graves
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Big Money?
+John de passos
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Billy Budd?
+Herman melville
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Bobok?
+Fydor dostoyevsky
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Born Free?
+Joy adamson
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Brideshead Revisited?
+Evelyn waugh
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Bridget Jones' Diarv?
+Helen fielding
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Brief History of Time?
+Stephen hawkings
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Brocas Brain?
+Carl sagan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Burmese Days?
+George orwell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Cakes and Ale?
+W somerset maugham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Call of Wild?
+Jack london
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Cantebury Tales?
+Geoffrey chaucer
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Captain Courageous?
+Rudyard Kipling
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Cardinal of the Kremlin?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Carrie?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Catch 22?
+Joseph heller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Catcher in the Rye?
+J d salinger
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Centennial?
+James mitchener
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Chronicles of Narnia?
+Cs lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Cider with Rosie?
+Laurie lee
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Citizen Kane?
+Orson welles
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Citizen of the Galaxy?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Clear and Present Danger?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Collector's Choice?
+John Paul getty
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Counte of Monte Christo?
+Alexander dumas
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Crime and Punishment?
+Fydor dostoyevsky
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Cry the Beloved Country?
+Alan paton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Cunning Man?
+Robertson davies
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Daisy Millers?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Das Capital?
+Karl marx
+Literature: Author: Who wrote das kapital?
+Karl marx
+Literature: Author: Who wrote David Copperfield?
+Charles dickens
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Death Comes for the Archbishop?
+Willa cather
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Death of a Salesman?
+Arthur miller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Debt of Honour?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Deerslayer?
+James fenimore cooper
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Deptford Mice Trilogy?
+Robert jarvis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Deptford Trilogy?
+Robertson davies
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Devil's Dictionary?
+Ambrose pierce
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Don Quixote?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Door into Summer?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Double Star?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Dr. Zhivago?
+Boris pasternak
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Dragon's Egg?
+Robert forward
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Dragons of Eden?
+Carl sagan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Dubliners?
+James Joyce
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Dung Beetle?
+Hans christian andersen
+Literature: Author: Who wrote East of Eden?
+John steinbeck
+Literature: Author: Who wrote El Gringo?
+Carlos fuentes
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Elmer Gantry?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Embraced by the Light?
+Betty j eadie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Enders Game?
+Orson scott card
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Evangeline?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Every Living Thing?
+James herriot
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Fahrenheit 451?
+Ray bradbury
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Far From the Madding Crowd?
+Thomas Hardy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Father Brown Mysteries?
+Gilbert keith chesterton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Fear of 50?
+Erica jong
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Fear of Flying?
+Erica jong
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Female Eunoch?
+Germaine greer
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Fifth Business?
+Robertson davies
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Finnegan's Wake in 1939?
+James joyce
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Finnegans Wake?
+James Joyce
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Fire next Time?
+James a baldwin
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Firestarter?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Flauberts Parrot and England, England?
+Julian barnes
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Flowers in the Attic?
+V c andrews
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Flying?
+Charles de lint
+Literature: Author: Who wrote For Whom the Bells Toll?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Frankenstein?
+Mary shelley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote From Here to Eternity?
+James Joyce
+Literature: Author: Who wrote From this Moment On?
+Cole porter
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Gai-jim?
+James clavell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote generation x?
+Douglas coupland
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Golden Bowls?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Gone with the Wind?
+Margaret mitchell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Good Earth?
+Pearl s buck
+Literature: Author: Who wrote goodbye mr chips?
+James hilton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Gravitys Rainbow?
+Thomas pyncheon
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Greenmantle?
+Charles de lint
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Guilty Pleasures?
+Laurell k hamilton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Gullivers travels?
+Jonathon swift
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Handmaid's Tale?
+Margaret attwood
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Hard Times?
+Charles dickens
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Heart Is a Lonely Hunter?
+Carson mccullers
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Heart of Darkness?
+Joseph conrad
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Heart of the Matter?
+Graham green
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Henderson the Rain King?
+Saul bellow
+Literature: Author: Who wrote High Wind in Jamaica?
+Richard hughes
+Literature: Author: Who wrote his Journal of the Plague Year at the age of five?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy?
+Douglas adams
+Literature: Author: Who wrote horror tales such as The fall of the House of Usher?
+Edgar allan poe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Hotel?
+Arthur hailey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote House of 7 Gables?
+Nathanial lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote House of Seven Gables?
+Nathanial hawthorne
+Literature: Author: Who wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People?
+Dale carnegie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Hunchback of Notre Dame?
+Victor hugo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Hunt for Red October?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote I Am Legend?
+Richard matt
+Literature: Author: Who wrote I Claudius?
+Robert graves
+Literature: Author: Who wrote I Robot?
+Isaac asimov
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Ice Palace?
+Edna furber
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Iceman Cometh?
+Eugene oneill
+Literature: Author: Who wrote If Only They Could Talk?
+James herriot
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Il Principe&?
+Niccolo macchiavelli
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Illusions?
+Richard bach
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Imajica?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote In Cold Blood?
+Truman capote
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Incarnations of Immortality?
+Piers antony
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Interview with a Vampire?
+Anne rice
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Invisible Man?
+Ralph ellison
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Invitation to a Beheading?
+Vladimir nabokov
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Ironweed?
+William Kennedy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Islands in the Stream?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote It Should't Happen to a Vet?
+James herriot
+Literature: Author: Who wrote It?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Ivanhoe?
+Sir walter scott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Jane Eyre?
+Charlotte bronte
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Jaws?
+Peter benchley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Joy of Collecting?
+John Paul getty
+Literature: Author: Who wrote just one novel called savrola?
+Winston churchill
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Keep the home fires burning?
+Ivor novello
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Kim?
+Rudyard Kipling
+Literature: Author: Who wrote King Arthur?
+Thomas malory
+Literature: Author: Who wrote La Marseillaise?
+Captain Claude Rouget de Lisle
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Lady with Lapdog?
+Anton chekhov
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Last of the Mohicans?
+James fenimore cooper
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Les Miserables?
+Victor hugo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Let Sleeping Vets Lie?
+James herriot
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Leviathan?
+Thomas hobbes
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Light in August?
+William faulkner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Lightning?
+Dean Koontz
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Little Country?
+Charles de lint
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Little Men?
+Louisa may alcott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Little Women?
+Louisa may alcott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Lodore?
+Mary shelley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Lolita?
+Vladimir nabokov
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Lonesome Dove?
+Larry mcmurtry
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Long Goodbye?
+Raymond chandler
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Lord Jim?
+Joseph conrad
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Lord of the Flies?
+William golding
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Lord Of The Rings?
+J.r.r. tolkien
+Literature: Author: Who wrote love is all around?
+Reg presley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Madame Bovary?
+Gustav flaubert
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Main Street?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Maltese Falcon?
+Dashiell hammett
+Literature: Author: Who wrote man and superman?
+George bernard shaw
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Man in the Iron Mask?
+Alexander dumas
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Mansfield Park?
+Jane austen
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Marlow?
+Arthur conan doyle
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Martian Chronicles?
+Ray bradbury
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Mask?
+Dean Koontz
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Mein Kampf?
+Adolf hitler
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Memory and Dreams?
+Charles de lint
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Microserfs?
+Douglas coupland
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Middlemarch?
+George elliot
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Midnight Children?
+Salman rushdie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Millengro?
+Charles de lint
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Misfits?
+Arthur miller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Miss Marple?
+Agatha christie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Mission Earth?
+L ron hubbard
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Moby Dick?
+Herman Melville
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Moll Flanders?
+Daniel defoe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Moon Is a Harsh Mistress?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Moonheart?
+Charles de lint
+Literature: Author: Who wrote most of the new testament books?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Mountain Greenery?
+Rodgers and hart
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Movable Feast?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Mulengro?
+Charles de lint
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Murders of Rue Morgue?
+Edgar allan poe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote My Antonia?
+Willa cather
+Literature: Author: Who wrote My Favourite Hero?
+James Joyce
+Literature: Author: Who wrote My Friend Flicka?
+Mary o'hara
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Mythago Wood?
+Robert holdstock
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Naked Lunch?
+William s burroughs
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Necroscope?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Never Bet the Devil on Your Head?
+Edgar allan poe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Night Chills?
+Dean Koontz
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Nightwork?
+Irwin shaw
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Nore Dame de Paris?
+Victor hugo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Nostromo?
+Joseph conrad
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Nothing Lasts Forever?
+Sidney sheldon
+Literature: Author: Who wrote O Pioneer!?
+Willa cather
+Literature: Author: Who wrote ode to a nightingale?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Of Human Bondage?
+W somerset maugham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Old Curiousity Shop?
+Charles dickens
+Literature: Author: Who wrote On the Beach?
+Neville shute
+Literature: Author: Who wrote On the Road?
+Jack Kerouac
+Literature: Author: Who wrote One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest?
+Ken Kesey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote One of Ours?
+Willa cather
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Other Side of Midnight?
+Sidney sheldon
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Pale Fire?
+Vladimir nabokov
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Parades End?
+Ford madox ford
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Paradise Lost?
+John milton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Patriot Games?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Pelican Brief?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Peter Pan?
+James m barrie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Pilgrims Progress?
+John bunyan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Point Counterpoint?
+Aldous huxley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Portnoy's Complaint?
+Philip roth
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Portrait of a Ladys?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Pride and Prejudice?
+Jane austen
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Principia Mathernatica. with Alfred North Whitehead, between 1910 and 1913?
+Bertrand russell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Psycho a country song whose narrator kills four people and a puppy?
+Leon payne
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Psycho?
+Richard bloch
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Puppet Masters?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Rainbow?
+D h lawrence
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Rainmaker?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Rebecca?
+Daphne du maurier
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Red Storm Rising?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Rip van Winkle?
+Washington irving
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Rob Roy?
+Sir walter scott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Roots?
+Arthur hailey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Russia House?
+John le carre
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sahara?
+Clive cussler
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sailing Alone Around the World?
+Joshua slocum
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Satanic Verses?
+Salman rushdie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Secret Sharer?
+Joseph conrad
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sense and Sensibility?
+Jane austen
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sheltering Sky?
+Paul bowles
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Shock Wave?
+Clive cussler
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Silas Marner?
+George elliot
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Simon Templar?
+Leslie charteris
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Single and Single?
+John le carre
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Slay Ride?
+Dick francis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
+The brothers grimm
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Someplace to Be Flying?
+Charles de lint
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Something Wicked this Way Comes?
+Ray bradbury
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sometimes a Great Notion?
+Ken Kesey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Song of Solomon?
+Toni morrison
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sons and Lovers?
+D h lawrence
+Literature: Author: Who wrote sons and lovers?
+D.h. lawrence
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sound and the Fury?
+William faulkner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sparkling Cyanide and Death on the Nile?
+Agatha christie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Starquake?
+Robert forward
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Starship Troopers?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Storm Warning?
+Jack higgins
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Stranger in a Strange Land?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Strangers?
+Dean Koontz
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Study in Scarlet?
+Arthur conan doyle
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Submarine?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sum of All Fears?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Sun Also Rises?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Swallows and Amazons?
+Arthur ransome
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Tai-pen?
+James clavell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Tale of Two Cities?
+Charles dickens
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Tender Is the Night?
+F scott fitzgerald
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Terra Nostra?
+Carlos fuentes
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Testament?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote that the female of the species is more deadly that the male?
+Rudyard Kipling
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 'Aeneid'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 'dragonriders of pern' series?
+Anne mcaffrey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 'father brown' crime stories?
+G k chesterton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 'Odyssey'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 'pledge of allegiance' to the flag of the united states?
+Francis bellamy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 'salem witchcraft trials'?
+Arthur miller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 'The Dam Busters March' for the 1954 film of that name?
+Eric coates
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 'waverley novels'?
+Walter scott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 1955 play Long Day's Journey into Night?
+Eugene o'neill
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 1958 play Five Finger Exercise?
+Peter shaffer
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 1977 TV mini-series Roots?
+Alex Haley 
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the 1996 best selling book 'It Takes A Village'?
+Hilary Clinton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Age of Reason?
+Thomas paine
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Ambassadors?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the autobiographical book my family and other animals in 1956?
+Gerald durrell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the autobiography 'Managing My Life'?
+Sir alex ferguson
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Bad Child's Book of Beasts, first published in 1896?
+Hilaire belloc
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the ballad Paul Reveres Ride?
+Henry wadsworth longfellow
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the baroque conserto grosso?
+Johann sebastian bach
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Battenburg Concertos?
+J s bach
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Bear?
+William faulkner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the best selling book on which the film 'Jurassic Park was based'?
+Michael crichton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the best selling novel polo?
+Jilly cooper
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The birthday Party?
+Harold Pinter
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Black Cat?
+Edgar allan poe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book 'Animal Farm'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book 'Jaws'?
+Peter benchley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book 'Portrait of a Lady'?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book 'Something Happened'?
+Joseph heller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book 'the client'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'?
+C.s. lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book 'The Origin of Species'?
+Charles Darwin
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book 'Zen and the Art of Motorcvcle Maintenance'?
+Robert persig
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book coral island?
+R. m. ballantyne
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book Jurasic Park?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book Longitude, about John Harrison's invention of the chronometer?
+Dava sobel
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book of proverbs?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book on which Donizetti based his opera Lucia di Lammermoor?
+Sir walter scott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book on which the Oscar winning film 'The Godfather' was based?
+Mario puzo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the book the Jewel in the Crown?
+Paul scott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the booker prize-winning novel oscar and lucinda?
+Peter carey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Booker Prize-winning novel The Old Devils?
+Kingsley amis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the books on which the television series The Darling lands of May was based?
+H e bates
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the brandenburg concertos?
+J s bach
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Chamber?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the children's novel The Secret Garden?
+Francis hodgson burnett
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the children's novel The Story of Doctor Doolittle?
+Hugh lofting
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the children's story Badjelly the Witch?
+Spike milligan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the childrens book the borrowers?
+Mary norton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the childrens classic 'The Borrowers'?
+Mary norton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the childrens work 'Peter and the Wolf'?
+Sergei prokofiev
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the choral work the Messiah?
+George frederick handel
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the classic novel' Anne of Green Gables'?
+L m montgomery
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Client?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the color purple?
+Alice walker
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the crime fiction books 'Black Notice' and 'Point of Origin'?
+Patricia cornwell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the crime fiction books 'Blind Date' and 'Staring at the Light'?
+Francis fyfield
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Cruel Sea?
+Nicholas monsarrat
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Deliverance?
+James dickey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Eagle Has Landed?
+Jack higgins
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Earth's children series?
+Jean manuel
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the English patient?
+Michael ondaatje
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the epic poem Paradise ost?
+John milton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Exorcist?
+William peter blatty
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the fairy story Hansel and Gretel?
+Brothers grimm
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the famous hardy boys mystery series?
+Franklin w. dixon
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the famous mirc program?
+Khaled mardam-bey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the famous poem daffodils?
+William wordsworth
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Firm?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the first detective story ever published?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the first draft of the US constitution?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Fountainhead?
+Ayn rand
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Godfather?
+Mario puzo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
+F scott fitzgerald
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the great gothic classic, the mysteries of udolpho?
+Ann radcliffe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Ground Beneath Her Feet?
+Salman rushdie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the history of mr polly?
+H g wells
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the hit musical West Side Story?
+Leonard bernstein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the horror story The Pit and the Pendulum?
+Edgar allan poe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Hunchback of Notre Dame?
+Victor hugo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the hunt for red october?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the ipcress file?
+Len deighton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the James Bond novel Colonel Sun under the pseudnym Robert Markham?
+Kingsley amis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Jungle Book?
+Rudyard Kipling
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Jungle?
+Upton Sinclair
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Just So Stories?
+Rudyard Kipling
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Last Tycoon?
+F scott fitzgerald
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the little prince?
+Antoine de saint-exupery
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the lord of the rings (full name)?
+John ronald reuel tolkien
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Lottery?
+Shirley jackson
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the love poem beginning with 'how do i love thee let me count the ways'?
+Elizabeth barrett browning
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the lyrics to Andrew Lloyd Webbers Starlight Express?
+Richard stilgoe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the lyrics to my fair lady?
+Alan jay lerner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the magician's nephew?
+C s lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Magus?
+John fowles
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Moneychangers?
+Arthur hailey
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Monkees hit I'm a Believer?
+Neil diamond
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Moviegoer?
+Walker percy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the music for Carmen?
+Georges bizet
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the music for local hero?
+Mark knopfler
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the music for the 1948 film 'Scott of the Antarctic' and made a symphony out of it?
+Vaughan williams
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the music for walk on by for dionne warwick?
+Burt bacharach
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the music to west side story?
+Leonard bernstein
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the musical 'cats'?
+Andrew lloyd webber
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the musical porgy and bess?
+George gershwin
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Mystery of Marie Roget?
+Edgar allan poe
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the myth series?
+Robert asprin
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the name of the rose?
+Umberto eco
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the neverending story?
+Michael ende
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Night of the Iguana?
+Tennessee williams
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the nonsense poem The Jabberwocky?
+Lewis carroll
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel ' Anna of the Five Towns'?
+Arnold bennett
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'King Solomon's Mines'?
+H rider haggard
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'Les Miserables'?
+Victor hugo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'Little Women'?
+Louisa may alcott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'Orlando'?
+Virginia woolf
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'The Call of the Wild'?
+Jack london
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'The Magic Mountain'?
+Thomas mann
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'The Picture of Dorian Grey'?
+Oscar wilde
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel 'The Van'?
+Roddy doyle
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel Enigma in 1995, about the wartime German coding machines?
+Robert harris
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel Jonathan Livingston Seagull?
+Richard Bach
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel Steppenwolf?
+Herman hesse
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel The Last of the Mohicans, first published in 1820?
+James fenimore cooper
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel the Valley of the Dolls?
+Jaqueline susann
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel which the movie apocalypse now was based on?
+Joesph conrad
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novel' The Turn of the Screw'?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novels 'From Here to Eternity', 'The Pistol' and 'The Thin Red Line'?
+James jones
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novels 'The Naked and the Dead', 'The Deer Park' and 'The Executioner's Song'?
+Norman mailer
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the novels on which the films 'carrie' and 'the shining' were based?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Nutcracker Suite?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Old Man and the Sea?
+Ernest hemingway
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera 'carmen'?
+George bizet
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera 'don pasquale'?
+Gaetano donizetti
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera 'i pagliacci'?
+Ruggiero leoncavallo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera 'Pogy and Bess'?
+George gershwin
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera 'rigoletto'?
+Guiseppe verdi
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera 'samson and delilah'?
+Camille saint-saens
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera 'the flying dutchman'?
+Richard wagner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera Carmen?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera Fortinbras?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera La Traviata?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera madame butterfly?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera Pagliacci?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera Rodelinda?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera the Snow Maiden?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera Tosca?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera: The Merry Widow?
+Franz lehar
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the opera' The Turn of the Screw'?
+Benjamin britten
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the original sherlock holmes stories?
+Sir arthur conan doyle
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Partner?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Pirates of Penzance?
+Gilbert & sullivan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Plague Dogs?
+Richard adams
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the play 'Chips with Everything'?
+Arnold wesker
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the play 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstein' are dead?
+Tom stoppard
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the play 'Under Milk Wood'?
+Dylan thomas
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the play all my sons in 1947?
+Arthur miller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the play Heartbreak House?
+George bernard shaw
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the play Look Back in Anger?
+John osborne
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem 'Hudibras'?
+Samuel butler
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem 'mending wall'?
+Robert frost
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem 'the waste land'?
+T s eliot
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem Anthem for Doomed Youth?
+Wilfred owen
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem beginning with 'this is my letter to the world'?
+Emily dickinson
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem goblin market?
+Christina rossetti
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem that this line comes from 'water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink'?
+Samuel coleridge
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem the lady of shallot?
+Alfred lord tennyson
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem to see a world?
+William blake
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the poem, the lines were composed a few miles above, tintern abbey?
+William wordsworth
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the psalms?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Rama Series?
+Arthur c clarke
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the razor's edge?
+Somerset maugham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Recognition?
+William gaddis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Red Shoes?
+Hans christian anderson
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the rights of man?
+Thomas paine
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?
+Samuel Taylor Coleridge
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the robocomm computer program?
+Dan parsons
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Runaway Jury?
+John grisham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Russian novel 'The Brothers Karamazov'?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the satanic verses, and was condemned to death by the ayatollah khomeini?
+Salman rushdie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Scarlett Letter?
+Nathanial hawthorne
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the science fiction book The Midwich Cuckoos?
+John wyndham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the science fiction books Consider Her Ways and Chocky?
+John wyndham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the screenplay for day of the dolphin?
+Buck Henry
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole?
+Sue townsend
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the semi-autobiographical novel 'Of Human Bondage?
+Somerset maughan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the shining and pet cemetary?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the shining?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the shinning and pet cemetary?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the sign of four and the valley of fear?
+Conan doyle
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Snopes Trilogy?
+William faulkner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the song 'Anything Goes'?
+Cole porter
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the song 'See My Baby Jive'?
+Roy wood
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the song 'There's no business like show business'?
+Irving Berlin
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the song of songs?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Stand?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Stars Look Down and Hatter's Castle?
+A j cronin
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Summa Theologica?
+Thomas aquinas
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the supernatural tale the turn of the screw?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the Swiss family robinson?
+J r wyss
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the tao of pooh?
+Benjamin hoff
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the thriller jurassic park?
+Michael crichton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the thriller the name of the rose?
+Umberto eco
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Town?
+William faulkner
+Literature: Author: Who wrote The Ugly Duckling?
+Hans christian anderson
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the unbearable lightness of being?
+Milan kundera
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the uncle remus tales?
+Joel chandler harris
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the utopian novel Woman on the Edge of Time?
+Marge piercy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the vampire series that featured lestat as the main character?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the water babies?
+Charles kingsley
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the words of the hymn 'amazing grace'?
+John newton
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the words that are engraved on the Statue of Liberty?
+Emma lazarus
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the words to the American presidential official song, 'Hail to the chief'?
+Sir Walter Scott
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the words to the popular victorian ballad Come into the garden Maud?
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the world according to garp?
+John irving
+Literature: Author: Who wrote the young lions and rich man, poor man?
+Irwin shaw
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Third Man?
+Graham green
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Thorn Birds?
+Colleen mccullough
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Three men in a boat?
+Jerome k jerome
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Three Musketeers?
+Alexander dumas
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Through the Looking Glass?
+Lewis carroll
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Timberlaine?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy?
+John le carre
+Literature: Author: Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird?
+Harper lee
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Tobacco Road?
+Erskine caldwell
+Literature: Author: Who wrote tom jones?
+Henry fielding
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Town like Alice?
+Neville shute
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Trader?
+Charles dickens
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Travels?
+Marco polo
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Tropic of Cancer?
+Henry miller
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Trustee in the Toolroom?
+Neville shute
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Ulysses?
+James Joyce
+Literature: Author: Who wrote under the pen name of George Eliot?
+Marian evans
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Under the Volcano?
+Malcolm lowry
+Literature: Author: Who wrote USA Trilogy?
+John de passos
+Literature: Author: Who wrote V?
+Thomas pyncheon
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Vanity Fair?
+William thackeray
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Vet in Harness?
+James herriot
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Watchers?
+Dean Koontz
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Watership Down?
+Richard adams
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Way of All Flesh?
+Samuel butler
+Literature: Author: Who wrote We the Living?
+Ayn rand
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Wheel of Time Series?
+Robert Jordan
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Where the Air Clears?
+Carlos fuentes
+Literature: Author: Who wrote whisky galore?
+Compton mackenzie
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Wild Sargasso Sea?
+Jean rhys
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Wind in the Willows?
+Kenneth graham
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Wings of the Doves?
+Henry james
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Winnie the Pooh?
+Aa milne
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Without Remorse?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Wizard of Oz?
+L frank baum
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Women in Love?
+D h lawrence
+Literature: Author: Who wrote World According to Garp?
+John irving
+Literature: Author: Who wrote Wuthering Heights?
+Emily bronte
+Literature: Author: Who wrote'Chopsticks'?
+Arthur de lulli
+Literature: Author: Working?
+Studs terkel
+Literature: Author: Zorba the Greek?
+Nikos kazantzakis
+Literature: award for childrens' literature?
+Newberry award
+Literature: Before coming a full time author, what was the profession of Frederick Forsyth?
+Literature: Before he won over countess Lyndon, what was Barry Lyndon's name?
+Redmond barry
+Literature: Behind Shakespeare, who is the second most published author of all time?
+Charles Dickens 
+Literature: Belgium's most famous detective?
+Hercule poirot
+Literature: Ben Hurs rival in the great chariot race?
+Literature: Births: What famous writer was born may 25, 1803?
+Ralph waldo emerson
+Literature: British novelist best known for The Cruel Sea?
+Nicholas monsarrat
+Literature: British writer best known for his memoirs Cider with Rosie and as I walked out one Midsummer morning?
+Laurie lee
+Literature: British writer known for The Ipcress file,Funeral in Berlin?
+Len Deighton
+Literature: Brother Cadfael belonged to which order of monks?
+Literature: Bury My Heart at ____ ____ by Brown
+Wounded knee
+Literature: Caliph Harun al-Rashid of Baghdad featured in which series of eastern stories?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["The arabian nights", "A Thousand and One Arabian Nights"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Literature: camoes wrote in this language?
+Literature: Captain Hook, Tiger Lily, and Tinker Bell are characters in what story?
+Peter pan
+Literature: Cervantes is from this country?
+Literature: Character in David Copperfield?
+Uriah heep
+Literature: Chesterton's sleuth?
+Father brown
+Literature: Childrens' series that is really a religious allegory. (C.S. Lewis)?
+Chronicles of narnia
+Literature: Clive Barker: Calhoun Mooney discovers the Fugue while chasing what (Weaveworld)?
+A pigeon
+Literature: Clive Barker: Gentle used to be The Maestro ____ (Imajica)
+Literature: Clive Barker: how many more books of blood were released in the uk than in the us?
+Literature: Clive Barker: Name of the books released in the US that was a Book of Blood in the UK?
+Literature: Clive Barker: to the seerkind, normal people are known as ____ (weaveworld)
+Literature: Clive Barker: What did the Nuncio transform Tommy-Ray into (Books of the Art)?
+The death boy
+Literature: Clive Barker: what is the dream sea (the books of the art)?
+Literature: Clive Barker: what was randolf jaffe transformed into by the nuncio (books of the art)?
+The jaff jaff
+Literature: Clive Barker: Who is Hapexamendios' son on Earth, eventually leads to his death (Imajica)?
+Literature: Clive Barker: Who is the God of the Imajica?
+Literature: Clive Barker: Who possesses the coat of lights (Weaveworld)?
+Literature: Clive Barker: Whose body is Raul tranfered into (Books of the Art)?
+Tesla bombeck
+Literature: Complete the title of the Charles Dickens novel 'Martin?
+Literature: Complete the title of the Umberto Eco book 'The Name of the...?
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: another country, go tell it on the mountain?
+James baldwin
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: Being There, The Painted Bird?
+Jerry kosinski
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: Clear and Present Danger, Red Storm Rising?
+Tom clancy
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: Fear of Flying, How to Save Your Own Life?
+Erica jong
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: Half Moon Street, The Mosquitoe Coast?
+Paul theroux
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: journey to ixtlan, a separate reality, the teachings of don juan?
+Carlos castaneda
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: King used this penname to write Thinner and The Long Walk, et al?
+Richard bachman
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: Maia, The Plague Dogs, and Watership Down?
+Richard adams
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: The Bell Jar?
+Sylvia plath
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: The Crying of Lot 49, and V?
+Thomas pynchon
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: The French Lieutenant's Woman, The Collector?
+John fowles
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: The Great Train Robbery, The Terminal Man, The Andromeda Strain?
+Michael crichton
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: The Hotel New Hampshire, The World According to Garp?
+John irving
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: The Odessa File, The Fourth Protocol?
+Frederick forsyth
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: various short stories including the mangler, quitters, inc., & trucks?
+Stephen King
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: Washington d.c., myra breckinridge?
+Gore vidal
+Literature: Contemporary: Author: Won the Pulitzer Prize for The Cancer Ward?
+Alexander solzhenitsyn
+Literature: Crusoe met his future servant & companion on this day of the week?
+Literature: Daniel defoes first novel was published in which year?
+Literature: Dario Fo won the Nobel Prize for Literature in which year?
+Literature: Deaths: How did Virginia Woolf die?
+Committed suicide
+Literature: dick gregory called his autobiography this derogatory slang word?
+Literature: Difficult detective stories for children, but excellent?
+The complete sherlock holmes
+Literature: Don Vito's (the Godfather) last name?
+Literature: donald trump's books all start with this word?
+Literature: Dorothea Brooke is the central character in which classic?
+Literature: Douglas Adams is famous for writing what?
+The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
+Literature: Dr. Seuss wrote this book: The Cat in the____
+Literature: Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about his animal?
+Literature: Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about this animal?
+Literature: empedocles, socrates, isocrates, lucion are of this nationality?
+Literature: English dramatist and poet famous for plays such as Tamburlaine the Great, Dr Faustus?
+Christopher Marlowe
+Literature: English Romantic poet of Don Juan?
+Literature: Family name of Meg, Jo and Amy in Louisa May Alcotts book Little Women?
+Literature: Feb 2002, latest Joan Collins novel?
+Star Quality
+Literature: French writer (Le Pere Goriot, La Comedie Humaine)?
+Honore de Balzac
+Literature: french writer whose works include Les Miserables?
+Vicotr hugo
+Literature: From Russia, with love?
+Literature: From what source did Aldous Huxley take the title of his 1936 novel Eyeless in Gaza?
+Samson agonistes
+Literature: From whom did the animals seize the farm in Animal farm?
+Mr Jones
+Literature: hat hans christian andersen fairy tale character is immortalized in a famous statue in copenhagen's harbor?
+The little mermaid
+Literature: her dog had no bone?
+Old mother hubbard
+Literature: His Way was a Kitty Kelly unauthorized biography of him?
+Frank sinatra
+Literature: hitchhiker's guide: a mind-boggingly stupid, but very very ravenous, animal?
+Ravenous bugblatter beast of traal
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: About the most massively useful thing a hitchhiker can have?
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: every time he was reincarnated, he ended up being killed by arthur dent?
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: Ford Prefect's home was a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of ____
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: He especially liked designing the crinkly bits in fjords?
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: if you stick it in your ear,it acts as a translator by feeding on brain energy?
+Babel fish
+Literature: hitchhiker's guide: most worlds in the galaxy have invented a drink which sounds like this?
+Gin & tonic
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: Name of the Paranoid Android?
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: Name of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: The company motto of the hugely successful Sirius Cybernetics Corporation?
+Share and enjoy
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: the latest revision of the hitchhiker's guide has this to say about the earth:?
+Mostly harmless
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: The most savage psychic torture a sentient being can undergo?
+Total perspective vortex
+Literature: hitchhiker's guide: the names of the two white mice?
+Benjy & frankie
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: the planet vacated by over fifteen million hairdressers, tv producers, etc?
+Literature: hitchhiker's guide: the total perspective vortex was powered by a piece of this (specific):?
+Fairy cake
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: they write the third worst poetry in the universe?
+Literature: hitchhiker's guide: unbeknownst to many, the president's job is not to wield power, but to...?
+Draw attention away from it
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: Vastly hyperintelligent pandimensional beings appear in our dimension as this?
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: what race writes the third worst poetry in the universe?
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: Words inscribed in large, letters on the cover of the Hitchhiker's Guide?
+Dont panic
+Literature: Hitchhiker's Guide: wowbagger the infinitely prolonged goal is to do this to everybody?
+Literature: Homer wrote this account of the Trojan war?
+The iliad
+Literature: Homer's Iliad describes the siege of where?
+Literature: Homer's odyssey consisted of how many books?
+Literature: Homers Iliad tells of the siege of which city?
+Literature: How is Samuel Clemens better known?
+Mark Twain
+Literature: how many attended the march hare's tea party?
+Literature: How many books are there in Anne Rice's vampire series?
+Literature: How many lines are in a sonnet?
+Literature: How many lines are in a sonnet?
+Literature: How many stories did enid blyton publish in 1959?
+Literature: Hunter S Thompson wrote about 'Fear and Loathing' in which city?
+Las vegas
+Literature: In 'A Christmas Carol', how many ghosts visited Scrooge?
+Literature: In 'A Christmas Carol', what was the name of the miser?
+Ebenezer Scrooge
+Literature: In 'a christmas carol', what was the name of the miser?
+Literature: In 'Alice In Wonderland', who never stopped sobbing?
+Mock Turtle
+Literature: In 'alice in wonderland', with what were the words 'eat me' written on the cake?
+Literature: In 'Pilgrim's Progress' this is Christian's ultimate destination?
+Celestial city
+Literature: In 'Romeo and Juliet', who gave a long monologue about Queen Mab?
+Literature: In 'Romeo and Juliet', who said 'I have a faint cold, fear thrills through my veins'?
+Literature: In 'Romeo and Juliet', who says 'make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies?
+Literature: In 'Romeo and Juliet', who says 'what must be must be'?
+Literature: in childrens lit, how many chronicles of Narnia did CS Lewis write?
+Literature: In Cosmos this astronomer expounds upon billions and billions of years?
+Carl sagan
+Literature: In George Orwells 1984 what is Britain called?
+Airstrip one
+Literature: In Goethes Faust, the evil spirit to whom Faust sells his soul?
+Literature: In hich famous childrens book what was Cedric Errols title?
+Lord fauntleroy
+Literature: In legend what was the name of King Arthur's sword?
+Literature: In one of Donald Horne's novels, as what was Australia dubbed?
+The lucky country
+Literature: In one of Donald Horne's novels, which was 'the lucky country'?
+Literature: In Shakespeare who gives his sons the advice neither a borrower nor a lender be?
+Literature: In shakespeares play who told Macbeth that he would eventually become king?
+The three witches
+Literature: In Swifts Gullivers Travels what is the name of the land of giants?
+Literature: In Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, what was the name of Death's apprentice?
+Literature: In the 1982 childrens book The BFG by Roald Dahl what does BFG stand for?
+Big friendly giant
+Literature: In the anglo-saxon poem, who killed grendel?
+Literature: In the book '1984', who is watching?
+Big brother
+Literature: In the book Goodbye Mister Chips, what subject did Mr. Chipping teach?
+Literature: In the book treasure island which character owns the spyglass inn?
+Long john silver
+Literature: In the Brother's Grimm version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, what was the heroine's name?
+Literature: In the childrens book Wind in the Willows, which animal befriended Rat,Mole and Toad?
+Mister badger
+Literature: In the Dickens' novel 'Great Expectations' what was the Christian name of the convict 'Magwitch'?
+Literature: In the Dr Seuss books, which elephant hatched an egg?
+Literature: In the famous Beckett play, for whom were Vladimir and estragon waiting?
+Literature: In the famous childrens book, what was Cedric Errol's title?
+Lord fauntleroy
+Literature: In the Famous Five books, what is the name of the dog?
+Literature: In the famous newspaper article, 'Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus', what was the surname of little Virginia?
+Literature: In the famous story who was Passepartouts master?
+Phileas Fogg
+Literature: In the fictional tale, who fought with quarterstaffs on a log bridge?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Robin hood and little john", " Robin Hood & Little John", "Robin Hood, Little John"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Literature: In the Harry Potter books, who or what is Hedwig?
+Harry's pet owl
+Literature: In the kama-sutra, the art of which game is recommened for women to study?
+Literature: In The Merchant of Venice, how much money did Antonio borrow from Shylock?
+3,000 ducats
+Literature: In the original story, of what were cinderella's slippers actually made?
+Literature: In the PG Wodehouse novels what was Jeeves Christian name?
+Literature: In The Pilgrim's Progress, which city of Christian's final destination?
+Celestial city
+Literature: In the Sherlock Holmes stories, of what subject was professor Moriarty a professor?
+Literature: In the Tarzan stories what was the name of Tarzans monkey friend?
+Literature: In Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure which city did he call Christminster?
+Literature: In Treasure Island, who apart from JimHawkins narrates part of the story?
+Dr Livesey
+Literature: In Treasure Island, who gets black spot from Blind Pew?
+Billy Bones
+Literature: In what book is jean valjean?
+Les miserables
+Literature: In which area did Thomas Hardy set his novels?
+Literature: In which book did four ghosts visit Scrooge?
+A Christmas Carol
+Literature: In which book did people find Shangri-La?
+The Lost horizon
+Literature: In which book did the heroine serve as governess to the ward of the mysterious and moody edward rochester?
+Jane eyre
+Literature: In which book is Scheherazade a story teller?
+Arabian Nights
+Literature: In which classic novel did Inspector Javert hunt down Jean Valjean?
+Les miserables
+Literature: In which country was Salman Rushdie born?
+Literature: In which Daphne du Maurier novel was Mrs Danvers the housekeeper at Manderlay?
+Literature: in which Dickens novel does the midwife Sarah Gamp appear?
+Martin chuzzlewit
+Literature: In which novel by George Eliot is Eppie Cass adopted by a miser whose gold has been stolen by her father?
+Silas marner
+Literature: In which novel did Michael Henchard sell his wife for 5 guineas?
+The mayor of Casterbridge
+Literature: In which novel do Athos,Porthos and Aramis all appear?
+Vicomte de Bragelonne
+Literature: In which novel does Angela Quested accuse a local doctor of rape?
+A passage to India
+Literature: In which play does Gwendolyn Fairfax love Jack Worthing, who was found in a handbag as a baby?
+The importance of being earnest#
+Literature: In which series of books would you find the fortress of Salamandastron?
+Literature: In which Shakespeare play do Beatrice and Benedick apeear?
+Much ado about nothing
+Literature: In which story does Bob Cratchit have a crippled son called Tiny Tim?
+A christmas carol
+Literature: James Bond: To who is Miss Moneypenny secretary?
+Literature: jean anouilh's play about Henry ii's problem with the archbishop of canterbury?
+Literature: Jimmy Buffett: Name one of the novels Jimmy Buffett published?
+Tales from margaritaville
+Literature: john naisbitt's 10 letter book of 10 year trends?
+Literature: Judy Blume's first childrens' best seller?
+The tales of a fourth grade nothing
+Literature: lake wobegon is located in this state?
+Literature: Last name of the author 'Roots'?
+Literature: Last name of the author: 'Doctor Zhivago'?
+Literature: Last name of the author: 'Goldfinger'?
+Literature: Last name of the author:'Dune'?
+Literature: Last name of the author:'The Mirror Cracked'?
+Literature: Last name of the Jacob and Wilhelm brothers?
+Literature: lawson's book about a mouse and a famous historic figure. (franklin)?
+Ben and me
+Literature: Leo Argyle, Rachel Argyle and Donald Craig are all characters from which Agatha Christie novel?
+Ordeal of innocence
+Literature: Leonard Wibberly on the Duchy of Grand Fenwick?
+The mouse that roared
+Literature: Little boys are made of frogs, ____, and puppy-dogs tails
+Literature: Little girls are made of sugar, spice, and ____ ____
+Everything nice
+Literature: Lloyd Alexander's classic feline tale?
+Time cat
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: According to the LOR poem, where do shadows lie?
+In the land of mordor
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: frodo is chosen to deliver the ring into the heart of what?
+Mount doom
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: from whom did bilbo obtain the ring?
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: gandalf's elven name?
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: What did Frodo title Bilbo's diary?
+The downfall of the lord of the rings and the return of the king
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: what is the name of gandalf's horse?
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: What is the name of Gandalf's ring?
+Narya the great
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: What were the last words spoken in LOR?
+Well im back
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: who had decieved the lord of rohan for a number of years?
+Literature: Lord of the Rings: Who is Elrond's daughter?
+Literature: Marin Cruz Smith's first mystery took place in this Moscow park?
+Gorky park
+Literature: men against the sea was part two of this trilogy?
+Literature: millie's book was barked to her?
+Barbara bush
+Literature: Name of a barrister in Dickens Pickwick Papers?
+Serjeant Buzfuz
+Literature: Name of Edith Wharton's heroine in The House of Mirth?
+Literature: Name of the book about the Watergate scandal written by Washington Post reporters Bernstein and Woodward?
+All the Presidents Men
+Literature: Name of the cat in the satirical H Allen Smith novel where the cat inherited a baseball team?
+Literature: Name of the central character in Middlemarch?
+Dorothea Brooke
+Literature: Name That Celebrity: Author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings?
+J.r.r. tolkien
+Literature: Name the Belgian crime writer who created 'Inspector Maigret'?
+Georges simenon
+Literature: Name the British novelist, a successful member of the Bloomsbury Group, who drowned herself in 1942?
+Virginia woolf
+Literature: Name the Character: also know as mistress betty this English adventuress is a creation of defoe?
+Moll flanders
+Literature: Name the Character: American expatriate who joins the loyalists in 'for whom the bell tolls'?
+Robert jordan
+Literature: Name the Character: He is an orphan and the unwanted ward of his sister in 'Great Expectations'?
+Philip pirrip
+Literature: Name the Character: in Melville's 'Moby Dick' he hails from the south sea island of kovovoko?
+Literature: Name the Character: the boy who will not grow up?
+Peter pan
+Literature: Name the Character: The ever sobbing animal in 'Alice in Wonderland'?
+Mock turtle
+Literature: Name the Character: the invisible man in h.g. wells's novel?
+Literature: Name the Character: This impecunious man is always 'waiting for something to turn up'?
+Wilkins micawber
+Literature: Name the little elephant in books by jean de brunhoff?
+Literature: Name the principal horse in George Orwells Animal Farm?
+Literature: Name the Shakespeare play from this ultra short plot summary: Urged on by his wife, a man murders his king in order to take his place?
+Literature: Nathaniel west novel?
+The day of the locust
+Literature: New England state mentioned in a Mark Twain title, he also lived there?
+Literature: Nobels: 1950s: Russian author who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1958?
+Boris pasternak
+Literature: noble house can be found in this British colony?
+Hong kong
+Literature: Novel by Laurie Lee?
+Cider with rosie
+Literature: Novel by Mrs Henry Wood, heroine Lady Isabel Vane?
+East Lynne
+Literature: NOvel written by Charles Reade as a sequel to his Love me little, love me long?
+Hard cash
+Literature: Novelist famous for Jamaica Inn,rebecca?
+Daphne Du Maurier
+Literature: Old Moore's Almanac was founded in what year?
+Literature: On what book was 'Three Days Of The Condor' based?
+Six Days Of The Condor
+Literature: Original Titles: 1805 by Leo Tolstoy?
+War and peace
+Literature: Original Titles: A Daughter of the D'Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy?
+Tess of the dubervilles
+Literature: Original Titles: Arms and the Covenant by Winston Churchill?
+While England slept
+Literature: Original Titles: Beauty and Ashes by Somerset Maugham?
+Of human bondage
+Literature: Original Titles: Ernest Pontifex by Samuel Butler?
+The way of all flesh
+Literature: Original Titles: Great White by Peter Benchley?
+Literature: Original Titles: The Neon Wilderness by Nelson Algren?
+The man with the golden arm
+Literature: Original Titles: The Whale by Herman Melville?
+Moby dick
+Literature: Original Titles: Trimalchio in West Egg by F. Scott Fitzgerald?
+The great gatsby
+Literature: p.l. travers's most famous literary creation (first and last name)?
+Mary poppins
+Literature: Pamela Lyndon Travers, pen name P. L. Travers - wrote her famous children's book ____ in 1934
+Mary poppins
+Literature: Pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson?
+Lewis carroll
+Literature: Play by Dylan Thomas about a welsh seaside village?
+Under milk wood
+Literature: Poem of 14 lines?
+Literature: Poem or song narrating popular story?
+Literature: Poems: Author: a dream deferred?
+Langston hughes
+Literature: Poems: Author: daddy?
+Sylvia plath
+Literature: Poems: Author: dulce et decorum est?
+Wilfred owen
+Literature: Poems: Author: in just-?
+E.e. cummings
+Literature: Poems: Author: Kubla Kahn?
+Samuel taylor coleridge
+Literature: Poems: Author: Morns abed and daylight slumber?
+Literature: Poems: Author: self-portrait in a convex mirror?
+John ashberry
+Literature: Poems: Author: The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft a-gley,?
+Literature: Poems: Author: Underneath this stone doth lie?
+Literature: Poet and novelist whose first novel was Lucky Jim?
+Sit kingsley amis
+Literature: Poet Henry wadsworth longfellow was the first American to have what installed in his house, in 1840?
+Literature: Poet Robert Frost & the white mountains, both call this state home?
+New hampshire
+Literature: Pulitzer prize winning novelist who authored 'the grapes of wrath'?
+John steinbeck
+Literature: reminiscences, the longest one word title, was written by this general?
+Douglas macarthur
+Literature: Rockwell's book of disgusting eating habits of small boys?
+How to eat fried worms
+Literature: roots begins when he comes to America as a slave?
+Kunta kinte
+Literature: Sallust, Livy, Tacitus are of this nationality?
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: Author of lord valentine's castle?
+Robert silverberg
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: Author of �Big Sky River� and �Tides Of Light�?
+Gregory benford
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: creator of the dune series?
+Frank herbert
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: creator of the meg & timothy series?
+Madeleine lengle
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: creator of the narnia series?
+C.s. lewis
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: creator of the neuromancer series?
+William gibson
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: Creator of the Stainless Steel Rat series?
+Harry harrison
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: creator of the valentine series?
+Robert silverberg
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: �Friday�?
+Robert heinlein
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: �godbody�?
+Clifford simak
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Author: �The Day Of The Triffids�?
+John wyndham
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Charles Platt novel where human personalities are stored in computers?
+Silicon man
+Literature: Sci-Fi: H.G. Wells novel where earth is invaded by martians?
+War of the worlds
+Literature: Sci-Fi: in 2061, dr. floyd's ship first lands on this object?
+Halleys comet
+Literature: Sci-Fi: In Lord Valentine's Castle, Sleet's hair turned white during one of these?
+Literature: Sci-Fi: in lord valentine's castle, valentine's profession until his memory returns?
+Literature: Sci-Fi: l. ron hubbard began writing this series but died before finishing?
+Mission earth
+Literature: Sci-Fi: name the child who became a magician's apprentice in feist's magician?
+Literature: Sci-Fi: Piers Anthony's series about death, time, war, evil, fate, etc.?
+Incarnations of immortality
+Literature: Sci-Fi: publisher who used to write sci-fi short stories, lester ____ ____
+Del rey
+Literature: Sci-Fi: The aliens in Mission Earth used one of these to power cities?
+Black hole
+Literature: Sci-Fi: The geometric name of Madeline L'Engles time-space wrinkle?
+Literature: Sci-Fi: the mystical leaders of the invading force in magician?
+Great ones
+Literature: Sci-Fi: The name of the invaluable spice in Dune?
+Literature: Sci-Fi: The number of Rama spacecraft to reach the solar system?
+Literature: Sequel to Steinbeck's Sweet Thursday?
+Cannery row
+Literature: she loves Hamlet in Shakespeares play?
+Literature: sherlock holmes: 'the five orange pips' saw holmes oppose this racist organization?
+Ku klux klan
+Literature: Sherlock Holmes: According to Holmes he was the second most dangerous man in London?
+Col sebastian moran
+Literature: Sherlock Holmes: Dr Watson took part in the British army campaign in this country?
+Literature: Sherlock Holmes: For Holmes she is always 'the woman'?
+Irene adler
+Literature: sherlock holmes: he is the 'most indispensible man in England' according to holmes?
+Mycroft holmes
+Literature: sherlock holmes: he is the founder member of the 'diogenes club' in london?
+Mycroft holmes
+Literature: Sherlock Holmes: Holmes and Moriarty fought at which famous falls?
+Literature: Sherlock Holmes: Holmes first met Dr Watson in this year?
+Literature: sherlock holmes: holmes made his first appearance in 1887 in this novel?
+A study in scarlet
+Literature: sherlock holmes: name the team that holmes uses to do the legwork for him?
+Baker street irregulars
+Literature: sherlock holmes: the number of adventures that are related by holmes himself?
+Literature: sherlock holmes: to where does holmes finally retire?
+Sussex downs
+Literature: Sherlock Holmes: What is Professor Moriarty's first name?
+Literature: sherlock holmes: what is the last book of holmes stories?
+Case book of sherlock holmes
+Literature: Sherlock Holmes' assistant?
+Literature: Shirley Jackson thriller about Eleanor Vance's adventures in a haunted house?
+Haunting of hill house
+Literature: Short Stories: Author: A Good Man is Hard to Find?
+Flannery oconnor
+Literature: Short Stories: Author: Barn Burning?
+William faulkner
+Literature: Short Stories: Author: Harrison Bergeron?
+Kurt vonnegut
+Literature: Short Stories: Author: Strawberry Ice Cream Soda?
+Irwin shaw
+Literature: Short Stories: Author: Young Man Axelbrod?
+Sinclair lewis
+Literature: steinbeck's horse book?
+The red pony
+Literature: Stephen King: 'Pet ____'
+Literature: Stephen King: 'Salem's ____'
+Literature: Stephen King: 'The Dead ____'
+Literature: Stephen King: early novel turned screenplay starring arnold schwartzenegger?
+The running man
+Literature: Stephen King: eventually causes the demise of the dark man in the stand?
+Nuclear bomb
+Literature: Stephen King: has written 5 books under what pseudonym?
+Richard bachman
+Literature: Stephen King: Kings literary foray into the medieval fantasy genre?
+Eyes of the dragon
+Literature: Stephen King: maine city which king calls his home?
+Literature: Stephen King: Movie modeled after an old comic book series?
+Literature: Stephen King: name of the evil clown in it?
+Literature: Stephen King: Name of the killer car?
+Literature: Stephen King: Name of the town where Abigail Freemantle lives in The Stand? (2 words)?
+Hemingford home
+Literature: Stephen King: Name of the zombie cat in Pet Semetary?
+Literature: Stephen King: novel co-written with peter straub?
+The talisman
+Literature: Stephen King: novel featuring a writer held captive by a psychopathic fan?
+Literature: Stephen King: Short story featuring a home-made, magic computer?
+Word processor of the gods
+Literature: Stephen King: short story featuring a tiger in a grade-school bathroom?
+Here there be tygers
+Literature: Stephen King: what trail of harold's does stu redmen follow cross country in the stand?
+Snickers bar wrappers
+Literature: Stephen King: where the good guys settle in the stand? (city state)?
+Boulder colorado
+Literature: Ted Hughes poet laureate died in which year?
+Literature: the ayatollah khomeni put a $1 million bounty on his head?
+Salman rushdie
+Literature: The Bell Jar was the only novel of which American poet?
+Sylvia plath
+Literature: The Devil promised 24 years of happiness to this doctor in Marlowe's play?
+Literature: The first horror novel to reach the top, it became a Linda Blair movie?
+The exorcist
+Literature: The Greek title of the Book of Revelation?
+Literature: The Hardy Boys and ____
+Nancy Drew
+Literature: The job in Men at Work?
+Literature: The Little Prince was the work of this author?
+Antoine de saint-exupery
+Literature: The only #1 best selling novel in the us to be published anonymously?
+Inner shrine
+Literature: the parsifal ____ by ludlum
+Literature: the place where gulliver found a race of tiny people?
+Literature: The push me pull you appears in which stories?
+Doctor dolittle
+Literature: The sequal to Love Story?
+Olivers story
+Literature: the shortest bestselling title, by either hepburn or king?
+Literature: The subject of which 1964 novel by illiam Golding is the building of a medieval cathedral?
+The spire
+Literature: The Thorn Birds takes place in this country?
+Literature: The wolf impersonated her in Little Red Riding Hood?
+Literature: The works of Mrs Darrell Waters have been translated into 128 languages, who was she?
+Enid Blyton
+Literature: This author wrote about the fictional 'march girls'?
+Louisa alcott
+Literature: this book by richard rhodes won the pulitzer prize?
+Making of the atomic bomb
+Literature: This event prompted Mailer to write The Naked and the Dead?
+Pearl harbor
+Literature: This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam?
+Anne frank
+Literature: This Shakespearean king was the actual king of Scotland for 17 years?
+Literature: Tool that Mike Mulligan used. (Seuss)?
+Steam shovel
+Literature: Trespassing animals disliked by Betsy in Dickens David Copperfield?
+Literature: trinity takes place in this country?
+Literature: TV/Film: sherlock holmes: this adventure of holmes has the most film versions?
+Hound of the baskervilles
+Literature: Unfinished poetic work by Geoffrey Chaucer begun around 1387?
+The canterbury tales
+Literature: US poet and essayist?
+Ralph waldo emerson
+Literature: what aesop animal assumed the grapes he couldn't reach were sour anyway?
+The fox
+Literature: what are the first three words in the bible?
+In the beginning
+Literature: what beautiful youth pined for the love of his reflection?
+Literature: what book is subtitled the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life?
+The origin of species
+Literature: What book is the film Blade Runner based on?
+Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
+Literature: what category of writing are the hugo and nebula awards given for?
+Science fiction
+Literature: What Charlotte wrote in her web to save the swine?
+Some pig
+Literature: what colour was Alexandre Dumas' tulip?
+Literature: What controversial book did Germaine Greer write?
+The Female Eunuch
+Literature: what cornelius ryan book chronicles the events of d-day?
+The longest day
+Literature: what detective retired to become a beekeeper?
+Sherlock holmes
+Literature: What did Sherlock Holmes keep in the toe of a Persian slipper?
+Pipe tobacco
+Literature: What Dr Seuss character steals Christmas?
+Literature: what drug did sherlock holmes take at the start of his career?
+Literature: What is Louisa May Alcotts most famous book?
+Little Women
+Literature: what is the most commonly-used punctuation mark?
+The comma
+Literature: What is the name of Arthur Ransomes famous childrens book published in 1931?
+Swallows and amazons
+Literature: What is the name of Jean Elliotts poetic lament for the scots killed at the battle of Flodden in 1513?
+Flow'rs o' the forest
+Literature: What is the second best-selling book of all time?
+Quotations from the Works of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung
+Literature: what joel chandler harris book tells the stories of br'er fox and br'er rabbit?
+Uncle remus
+Literature: what language is stern magazine published in?
+Literature: What links the following Mein Kampf,Pilgrims Progress and History of the World?
+Written in prison
+Literature: what little marcella found in her grandmothers attic (by johnny gruelle)?
+Raggedy ann
+Literature: What novel begins with the sentence, 'In my younger and more vulnerable years, my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since.'?
+The Great Gatsby
+Literature: What novel by geoffrey household was about an attempt to kill hitler?
+Rogue male
+Literature: What novel centres on the romances of Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen?
+Women in love
+Literature: What novel contains the line 'who promoted major major?'?
+Literature: What novel did Daphne du Mauruer write about Cornish Shipwreckers?
+Jamaica inn
+Literature: What novel opens with 'the great fish moved silently through the night water'?
+Literature: What novel recounts john blackthorne's adventures in 16th century Japan?
+Literature: What novel was alexandra ripley hired to pen a sequel to?
+Gone with the wind
+Literature: What novel was subtitled memoirs of a woman in pleasure?
+Fanny hill
+Literature: What novel was the basis for paper moon?
+Addie pray
+Literature: What novel was written by mary shelley at the age of 19?
+Literature: What other name does Stephen King write under?
+Richard bachman
+Literature: What publication was subtitled The What's New Magazine?
+Popular science
+Literature: what richard adams book includes an account of bigwig's encounter with a fox?
+Watership down
+Literature: What Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem tells of a sailor who kills an albatross?
+The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
+Literature: What series has Robert Jordan written?
+Wheel of Time
+Literature: What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses?
+Romeo and juliet
+Literature: What shakespearean play refers to the date of epiphany?
+Twelfth Night
+Literature: what sort of creature was tarka?
+Literature: What story features flopsy, mopsy and cottontail?
+Peter Rabbit
+Literature: What subject did 'Mr. Chips' teach?
+Literature: what tom wolfe book is about the mercury astronauts?
+The right stuff
+Literature: What trilogy did J.R.R. Tolkien write?
+Lord of the Rings
+Literature: What type of novels were written by Zane Grey?
+Literature: What US presidential mother wrote an autobiography titled Times to Remember?
+Rose Kennedy
+Literature: what vladimir nabokov novel features professor humbert in love with a twelve year old girl?
+Literature: What was Andrew Motions first poem as poet laureate?
+An epithalamium
+Literature: What was H.G Wells' first novel?
+The Time Machine
+Literature: What was John Dawkins nickname in Oliver Twist?
+The artful dodger
+Literature: what was lady chatterley's first name?
+Literature: What was Lestat's last name?
+De Lioncourt
+Literature: what was lost and regained by poet john milton?
+Literature: what was Mark Twain's real name?
+Samuel langhorne clemens
+Literature: What was the name of Beatrix Potters hedgehog laundress?
+Mrs tiggy winkle
+Literature: What was the name of David Copperfields old nurse?
+Literature: What was the name of Mother Goose's son?
+Literature: what was the pen name of English novelist mary ann evans?
+George eliot
+Literature: What was the pen name of the 19th century author Maria Louisa de la Ramee?
+Literature: What was the pseudonym of Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin,Baronne Dudevant?
+George sand
+Literature: What were the dolls in the novel 'Valley Of The Dolls'?
+Literature: What were the two cities in 'A Tale Of Two Cities'?
+London and Paris
+Literature: What word is Isaac Asimov famous for coining?
+Literature: what writer is copenhagen's little mermaid a memorial to?
+Hans christian andersen
+Literature: What's Penthouse's sister publication for women?
+Literature: what's the name of the little people in frank baum's the wonderful wizard of oz?
+Literature: what's the name of the old gray donkey in winnie-the-pooh?
+Literature: where does ray bradbury's chronicles take place?
+Literature: where would you arrive by going second to the right and straight on till morning?
+Never-never land
+Literature: Which 14th century write told the story of pilgrims travelling to Canterbury?
+Geoffrey chaucer
+Literature: Which 1954 play by Brendan Behan was about life in an Irish Prison on the eve of an execution?
+The quare fellow
+Literature: Which 20th novel, made into a film, concerns the friendship of a teacher called Fielding and a doctor called Aziz?
+A passage to India
+Literature: Which adventure novel featured Gagool,Twala and Umbopa?
+King Solomon's mines
+Literature: Which American wrote Astoria, The legend of sleepy hollow and Bracebridge Hall?
+Washington Irving
+Literature: which author penned the hunchback of notre dame?
+Victor hugo
+Literature: which author penned the maltese falcon?
+Dashiell hammett
+Literature: Which book by Harriet Beecher Stowe was subtitled Life among the lowly?
+Uncle toms cabin
+Literature: Which book by James Joyce takes palce on a single Dublin day in June 1904?
+Literature: Which book by Peter Wright did Margaret Thatcher try to supress?
+Literature: Which book caused a minor controversy in 1997 when a survey of Waterstone's customers voted it the best book of the twentieth century?
+Lord of the rings
+Literature: Which book co written by Peter Wright did the government try to ban in 1986?
+Literature: Which book contains the service of the mass for the whole year?
+Literature: Which book did Mark Chapman read while waiting to be arrested after the murder of John Lennon?
+The Catcher in the Rye
+Literature: Which book featured the miser Scrooge?
+A Christmas Carol
+Literature: Which book features the love affair of Connie and mellors?
+Lady chatterleys lover
+Literature: Which book first featured the character Felix Leiter?
+Casino royale
+Literature: Which book has to do with instructions about sacrificial worship?
+Literature: Which book is the story of moses to be found?
+Literature: Which book of the bible tells of goliath's slaying by David?
+Literature: Which book of the bible tells of the death of moses?
+Literature: Which book of words has a latin name that means 'treasure'?
+Literature: Which book opens with the words - Of late years an abundant shower of curates has fallen upon the north of England?
+Literature: Which book opens with the words-the primroses were over?
+Watership down
+Literature: Which book starts Marley was dead?
+A christmas carol
+Literature: Which book won the booker of bookers in 1993?
+Midnight's children
+Literature: Which book written by Edith Holden became a best seller recently, well after her death?
+The country diary of an edwardian lady
+Literature: Which book written by Isaac Newton is regarded as the greatest single work of science?
+Principia mathematica
+Literature: Which British poet died in greece in 1824?
+Literature: Which British poet is revered as a hero in Greece?
+Literature: Which character rode a horse called Rosinante?
+Don Quixote
+Literature: Which characters main opponent was Von Stalheim?
+Literature: Which classic of English Literature centres around theGordon riots of 1780?
+Barnaby Rudge
+Literature: Which controversial writer wrote Time for a Tiger and The kingdom of the Wicked?
+Anthony burgess
+Literature: Which country was Stephen King born in?
+Literature: Which criminal was made into a romantic figure in the novel Rookwood?
+Dick Turpin
+Literature: Which detective story writer created the amateur detective Albert Campion?
+Margery allingham
+Literature: which dickens novel takes place during the french revolution?
+A tale of two cities
+Literature: Which duo first appeared in The man with two left feet?
+Bertie Wooster and Jeeves
+Literature: Which ex soldier wrote The seven pillars of Wisdom?
+T E Lawrence
+Literature: Which famous adventure story was originally called The Sea Cook?
+Treasure Island
+Literature: Which famous novel has the characters the Cheeryble brothers,Mulberry Hawk, Madeline Bray and Newman Noggs?
+Nicholas Nickleby
+Literature: Which famous writers first major publication was a biology textbook?
+H G Wells
+Literature: Which fantasy novel published in 1937 has an alterantive title There and Back again?
+The hobbit
+Literature: Which film is based on Conrads Heart of Darkness?
+Apocalypse now
+Literature: Which German scholar sold his soul to the devil in return for power and kmowledge?
+Literature: Which is the longest part written by Shakespeare, at 11,610 words?
+Literature: Which is the only book written by Margaret Mitchell?
+Gone With The Wind
+Literature: Which John Steinbeck novel deals with the Joad family's move from Oklahoma dustbowl to California?
+The grapes of wrath
+Literature: Which New Zealand writer created Roderick Alleyn of Scotland Yard?
+Ngaio Marsh
+Literature: Which Noel Coward play features Elyot and Amanda?
+Private Lives
+Literature: Which novel by h g wells describes the invasion of earth by martians?
+The war of the worlds
+Literature: Which novel by Jane Austen features the Woodhouse family?
+Literature: Which novel by Louis de Bernieres is set in Cephalonia?
+Captain corelli's mandolin
+Literature: Which novel by michael crichton was the number one best-selling paperback in 1993?
+Jurassic park
+Literature: Which novel did Ernest Hemingway say that all modern American literature comes from?
+Huckleberry finn
+Literature: Which novel features Major Major and Milo Mindbender?
+Catch 22
+Literature: Which novel features Room 101?
+Literature: Which novel finds Milo Minderbinder elected as mayor of half a dozen Italian cities?
+Catch 22
+Literature: Which novel of the Russian Revolution did Boris Pasternak write?
+Dr zhivago
+Literature: Which novel preceded Paradise Regained?
+Paradise lost
+Literature: Which novel starts it is a truth universally acknowleged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife?
+Pride and prejudice
+Literature: Which novel was the character svengali from?
+Literature: Which novel was the subject of a famous 1960's trial?
+Lady chatterley's lover
+Literature: Which novel, when broadcast in America, was believed by many people to be a real news report, and it caused widespread panic?
+The war of the worlds
+Literature: Which novelist born in 1886 had the initials H.G?
+Literature: Which novelist created Crown Prosecutor Helen West?
+Frances fyfield
+Literature: Which novelist created pathologist Kay Scarpetta?
+Patricia cornwell
+Literature: Which novelist died of typhoid after drinking water in paris?
+Arnold bennett
+Literature: Which novelist explained how the rhino got his skin,the camel his hump and the leopard his spots?
+Rudyard kipling
+Literature: Which novelist gave their name to a slang word for 2000 pounds?
+Jeffrey archer
+Literature: Which novelist wrote The guns of Navarone,Ice Station Zebra and Where eagles Dare?
+Alistair maclean
+Literature: Which novelist wrote tilly trotter and the glass virgin?
+Catherine cookson
+Literature: Which of Mr Pickwicks friends married Arabella Allen?
+Nathaniel winkle
+Literature: Which poet is buried in Grasmere churchyard?
+Literature: Which poet wrote The Borderers and The Prelude?
+William Wordsworth
+Literature: Which religious prisoner wrote his autobiography Grace Abounding and also began the allegory about Christians journey to the celestial city while in prison?
+John bunyan
+Literature: Which Rosemary Sutcliffe novel concerned a Roman legion?
+The scarlet pimpernel
+Literature: Which Russian poet had african blood and died in a duel?
+Literature: Which science fiction writer in his 1972 book The Lost Worlds of 2001 wrote -Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic?
+Arthur c clarke
+Literature: Which Scottish writer resurrected the caddish Harry Flashman from Tom Browns schooldays in a series of Flashman Novels?
+George macdonald fraser
+Literature: Which Shakespeare play features Petruchio,Katharina and Bianca?
+The taming of the shrew
+Literature: Which shakespearean character ahs a dog called Crab which he describes as the sourest natured dog that lives?
+Literature: Which Tennesee Williams play is about a Sicilian-American woman?
+The Rose Tattoo
+Literature: Which term for Ireland was first used by Dr Drennan in his poem Erin?
+Emerald isle
+Literature: Which three writers used the pseudonyms Currer,Ellis and Acton Bell?
+Charlotte,emily and anne bronte
+Literature: Which Tolstoy heroine threw herself under a train?
+Anna Karenina
+Literature: Which Trojans story is told in the Aeneid by Virgil?
+Literature: Which US Playwright wrote The Odd couple?
+Neil Simon
+Literature: Which US poetess married Ted Hughes and committed suicide aged 31?
+Sylvia Plath
+Literature: Which welsh language poet wrote The Gododdin in about AD600?
+Literature: Which writer created the lost world of Pellucidar, lost city of Opar, John Carter, Warlord of Mars and Carson of Venus?
+Edgar rice burroughs
+Literature: Which writer married Annabel Lee and died of alcohol?
+Edgar Allan Poe
+Literature: Who created 'Horton' the elephant?
+Dr. Seuss
+Literature: Who created 'Maudie Frickett'?
+Jonathan Winters
+Literature: Who created 'The Saint'?
+Leslie Charteris
+Literature: who created nicole in tender is the night?
+F. scott fitzgerald
+Literature: Who created Sherlock Holmes?
+Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
+Literature: Who created the naval charcter Hornblower?
+C S Forester
+Literature: Who did author Leslie Charteris create?
+The Saint
+Literature: Who did Macduff kill?
+Literature: Who dubbed Australia 'the lucky country'?
+Donald Horne
+Literature: who found ms. magazine?
+Gloria steinem
+Literature: Who is associated with the address 221B Baker Street, London?
+Sherlock Holmes
+Literature: Who is the fourth Musketeer?
+Literature: Who is the hero of Captain W E Johns best known stories?
+Literature: Who is the heroine of Shakespeares As you like it?
+Literature: Who is the leading character of a story that features a fairy called Tinkerbell?
+Peter Pan
+Literature: who is the subject of irving stone's the origin?
+Charles darwin
+Literature: Who killed Macbeth in Shakespeares play?
+Literature: Who killed Macbeth?
+Literature: Who left The weir of Hermiston unfinished?
+Robert louis stevenson
+Literature: who maintained law and order in noddy's toyland?
+Mr. plod
+Literature: who penned the purloined letter?
+Edgar allen poe
+Literature: Who said 'But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks'?
+Literature: Who set stories in the imaginary county of Barsetshire?
+Anthony Trollope
+Literature: Who shot achilles' in the heel?
+Literature: Who slew the monster Grendel in an old poem?
+Literature: who solves the crime in death on the nile?
+Hercule poirot
+Literature: Who stated, 'In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart'?
+Anne Frank
+Literature: Who tells stories about Brer Rabbit?
+Uncle remus
+Literature: who turned all he touched into gold?
+King midas
+Literature: Who was Becky Thatchers boyfriend?
+Tom sawyer
+Literature: who was minnehaha's husband?
+Literature: Who was Sherlock Holmes' house keeper and landlady?
+Mrs Hudson
+Literature: Who was the author of 'Dracula'?
+Bram Stoker
+Literature: Who was the bully in Tom Browns Schooldays?
+Literature: Who was the guzzling and greedy giant created by Rabelais?
+Literature: Who was the human companion of Willow?
+Mad Mardigan
+Literature: Who was the incurable optimist in David Copperfield?
+Mr micawber
+Literature: Who was the tallest of Robin Hood's men?
+Little John
+Literature: Who was the wife of King Arthur?
+Literature: Who was the wizard who assisted Arthur in the legends?
+Literature: Who was Winnie the Pooh's neighbour?
+Literature: Who won the Booker Prize for The Old Devils?
+Kingsley amis
+Literature: Who wrote '1984'?
+George Orwell
+Literature: Who wrote 'A Christmas Carol'?
+Charles Dickens
+Literature: Who wrote 'A Tale Of Two Cities'?
+Charles Dickens
+Literature: Who wrote 'Alice In Wonderland'?
+Lewis Carroll
+Literature: Who wrote 'Don Quixote'?
+Literature: Who wrote 'Gone With The Wind'?
+Margaret Mitchell
+Literature: Who wrote 'little lamb, who made thee'?
+William Blake
+Literature: Who wrote 'Psycho'?
+Robert Bloch
+Literature: Who wrote 'The Birds'?
+Daphne du Maurier
+Literature: Who wrote 'The Female Eunuch'?
+Germaine Greer
+Literature: Who wrote 'The Hobbit'?
+J.R.R. Tolkien
+Literature: Who wrote 'The Rose Tattoo'?
+Tennessee Williams
+Literature: Who wrote 'The Time Machine'?
+H.G. Wells
+Literature: Who wrote 'Valley Of The Dolls'?
+Jacqueline Susann
+Literature: Who wrote 'Weird Harold and Fat Albert'?
+Bill Cosby
+Literature: Who wrote A handful of Dust, Vile Bodies and Decline and Fall?
+Evelyn waugh
+Literature: Who wrote All quiet on the Western Front?
+Erich Remarque
+Literature: Who wrote An ideal Husband?
+Oscar wilde
+Literature: Who wrote Arms and the Man?
+George Bernard Shaw
+Literature: Who wrote Brighton rock?
+Graham Greene
+Literature: Who wrote chitty chitty bang bang?
+Ian fleming
+Literature: Who wrote Dr Zhivago?
+Boris Pasternak
+Literature: Who wrote Fair stood the wind for France?
+H E Bates
+Literature: Who wrote Finnegans wake?
+James Joyce
+Literature: Who wrote Frenchmans Creek and My cousin Rachel?
+Daphne du maurier
+Literature: Who wrote Journey to the centre of the earth?
+Jules Verne
+Literature: Who wrote Kublai Khan?
+Samuel taylor coleridge
+Literature: who wrote marjorie morningstar?
+Herman wouk
+Literature: Who wrote Marys Little Lamb?
+Sarah Josepha Hale
+Literature: Who wrote Mill on the Floss?
+George Elliot
+Literature: Who wrote Ode to the West Wind?
+Literature: Who wrote the 'Dragonriders Of Pern' series?
+Anne McCaffrey
+Literature: Who wrote the 'Father Brown' crime stories?
+G.K. Chesterton
+Literature: Who wrote the 'Myth' series?
+Robert Asprin
+Literature: Who wrote the 'Noddy' books?
+Enid Blyton
+Literature: Who wrote the Belgariad?
+Leigh and David Eddings
+Literature: Who wrote the book Schindlers Ark?
+Thomas kenneally
+Literature: Who wrote the boys stories Stalky & Co?
+Rudyard Kipling
+Literature: Who wrote the childrens Mr Men series?
+Roger Hargreaves
+Literature: Who wrote The Count of Monte Cristo?
+Alexandre Dumas
+Literature: Who wrote The Day of the Jackal?
+Frederick Forsyth
+Literature: Who wrote the Discworld series?
+Terry Pratchett
+Literature: Who wrote the epic poem Odyssey?
+Literature: Who wrote the first essays in English?
+Francis Bacon
+Literature: Who wrote the Forsyte Saga?
+John Galsworthy
+Literature: Who wrote The French Lieutenants Woman?
+John Fowles
+Literature: Who wrote The Good Companions?
+J B Priestley
+Literature: Who wrote The History of Mr Polly?
+H G Wells
+Literature: Who wrote the novel Kipps?
+H G Wells
+Literature: Who wrote the novel The Card?
+Arnold bennett
+Literature: Who wrote the poem Maud?
+Literature: who wrote the scarlatti inheritance?
+Rober ludlum
+Literature: Who wrote the shortest ever letter?
+Victor Hugo
+Literature: Who wrote the Three Musketeers?
+Alexandre dumas
+Literature: Who wrote the vampire series that featured Lestat as the main character?
+Anne Rice
+Literature: Who wrote To the lighthouse and Mrs dalloway?
+Virginia Woolf
+Literature: Who wrote Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn?
+Henry Miller
+Literature: who wrote: 'rose is a rose is a rose is a rose'?
+Gertrude stein
+Literature: Who's last words were 'Thus with a kiss I die'?
+Literature: who's the only us president to have won a pulitzer prize?
+John f kennedy
+Literature: Whom did Sherlock Holmes refer to as THE Woman?
+Irene Adler
+Literature: Whom does Viola love in Twelfth Night?
+Duke Orsino
+Literature: Whose plays were published in the First Folio?
+Literature: wieland, herder, lesoing, schilling are from this country?
+Literature: With which of his novels did michael odantje jointly win the booker prize?
+The English patient
+Literature: With whom did Jenny live according to a controversial childrens book?
+Eric and martin
+Literature: Wizard Of Oz: In the book, the inhabitants of the land of the west?
+Literature: Writers. Question Value: 300.XX: The Silence of the Lambs?
+Thomas harris
+Literature: wrote the teachings of don juan: a yaqui way of knowledge?
+Literature: Zorro was the secret identity of what wealthy landowner?
+Don Diego de la Vega
+Literature: �Humbert Humbert' is a character in which book?
+LITRATURE: What is the title of Chestertons poem - with monstrous head and sickening cry and ears like errant wings?
+The donkey
+Litterature: Homer wrote this account of the Trojan War?
+Little Jimmy Osmond topped the charts with 'Long Haired Lover from...?
+Little round chocolate candies are known as _andms?
+Live Aid was to benefit which starving country?
+Liverpool M.P. William Huskisson, who died in 1839, was the first person in the world to die by what method?
+He was hit by a train
+LIVING WORLD: Found in the Fens, the Swallowtail is Britains largest native ewhat?
+LIVING WORLD: Mulberry leaves are the staple food of which animal?
+Livingroom furniture?
+Liz Taylor, Bruce Springsteen and Frank Sinatra all converted to this religion?
+Lizard able to change colour for camouflage?
+Loafers, espadrilles and brogues are all types of what?
+Lobster like freshwater crustacean?
+Lobsters have blue?
+Located in northern Arizona, established as a national monument in 1908 & as a national park in 1919?
+Grand canyon national park
+Lockjaw is another name for which disease?
+Logo is dervied from the greek word meaning what?
+Loincloth worn by male Hindus?
+London boasts the oldest public museum in the world, founded in 1753. Which is it?
+The British Museum
+London residence of the Arch bishop of Canterbury?
+Lambeth palace
+London, to whom is the Cross at Charing Cross a memorial?
+Eleanor of castile
+Londons red double decker buses are painted with which other colour running in a horizontal stripe round the middle?
+Long ago, the people of ____ believed that if they threw beautiful young women into a volcano it would stop erupting
+Long before starship, which group hit the san francisco scene?
+Jefferson airplane
+Long billed wading bird with a musical cry?
+Long case clock are the proper name for what?
+Grandfather clocks
+Long What was Dorothy's aunt's name in The Wizard of Oz?
+Aunt em
+Loose thick usually cotton trousers worn for sports or leisurewear?
+Lord byron had a ____ foot
+Lorne Green had one of his nipples bitten off by an ____ while host of Lorne Green's Wild Kingdom
+Los Angeles and San Francisco become ____ inches closer together each year because they are on opposite sides of the San Andreas fault
+Los Angeles's full name is El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula ____and can be abbreviated to ____ of its size: L.A
+Lots of us had C-64s or Vic-20s, made by this company:?
+Lottery commence in britain?
+Louis IV of France had a stomach the size of ____ regular stomachs
+Louis Pasteur developed a vaccine for what?
+Louis XIV ____ once a year
+Louis XIV had forty personal wigmakers and almost ____ wigs
+louis, 1 think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship are the last words of which film?
+Louisa May Alcott, author of the classic Little Women, hated____ . She only wrote the book because her publisher asked her to
+Louisiana is another state, that bears the mark of Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle. The first European to descend the Mississippi River to the delta, this French explorer named the area La Louisianne after who in 1682?
+Louis XIV of France
+Love in bloom was the theme song of this comedy show?
+Jack benny show
+Lowest member of the British nobility?
+Luanda is the capital of ____
+Lucifer is latin for?
+Light bringer
+Luis Marcus, a San Francisco cosmetic manufacturer invented which popular hair accessory?
+The bobbypin
+Luke Skywalker's last name was changed at the last minute from ____ in order to make it less violent
+Luke Vandervelde is the new head of which retail business?
+Marks & spencer
+Lunar revolutionary who hated the handle `Why not'?
+Wyoming knott
+Lusaka is the capital of ____
+Lyndon B. Johnson was the first president of the United States to wear ____ lenses
+Lyrics: A week without you but I forget two weeks without you and I still haven't gotten over you yet?
+Vacation The Go-Go's
+Lyrics: And mama always told me be careful what you do don't go around breaking young girls' hearts?
+Billie Jean Michael Jackson
+Lyrics: Before I put another notch in my lipstick case you better make sure you put me in my place!?
+Hit Me With Your Best Shot Pat Benatar
+Lyrics: By now the fighting will be close at hand?
+Silent Running On Dangerous Ground Mike and the Mechanics 
+Lyrics: can you hear them they talk about us telling lies well that's no surprise?
+Our lips are sealed
+Lyrics: Can you hear them? They talk about us telling lies well that's no surprise?
+Our Lips Are Sealed The Go-Go's
+Lyrics: do you ever dream of me do you ever see the letters that i write?
+Lyrics: Do you ever dream of me? Do you ever see the letters that I write?
+Nikita Elton John 
+Lyrics: Don't drink Don't smoke what do ya do?
+Goody Two Shoes Adam Ant
+Lyrics: don't drink don't smoke what do ya do?
+Goody two shoes
+Lyrics: Get to know the feeling of liberation and relief [or release]?
+Don't Dream It's Over Crowded House 
+Lyrics: get to know the feeling of liberation and relief or release?
+Don't dream it's over
+Lyrics: He's licking his lips he's ready to win on the hunt tonight for love at first sting?
+Rock You Like a Hurricane Scorpions
+Lyrics: I have a picture pinned to my wall?
+Hold Me Now The Thompson Twins
+Lyrics: I knew right from the beginning that you would end up winnin' I knew right from the start you'd put an arrow through my heart?
+Round and Round Ratt
+Lyrics: I know a good thing must come to an end but it's hard to take losing a friend?
+I Know There's Something Going On Frida
+Lyrics: i know a guy who's tough but sweet. he's so fine he can't be beat?
+I want candy
+Lyrics: i know you're not mine anymore-anyway-anytime?
+I keep forgettin
+Lyrics: I never meant to be so bad to you. One thing I said that I would never do?
+Heat of the Moment Asia
+Lyrics: I tried my imagination but I was disturbed?
+867-5309/Jenny Tommy Tutone
+Lyrics: I was a high school loser never made it with a lady 'til the boys told me somethin I missed?
+Walk This Way Run-D.M.C. w/ Aerosmith
+Lyrics: i'll kick you out of my home if you don't cut that hair?
+Fight for your right to party
+Lyrics: I'm gonna buy me a one way ticket nothin's gonna hold me back. Your love's like a slow train comin and I can feel it comin down the track- whoah?
+When The Going Gets Tough Billy Ocean
+Lyrics: I'm only lookin' for a fantasy an interlude from reality?
+Tonight Im Yours Rod Stewart
+Lyrics: It's time to bring this ship in to the shore and throw away the oars forever?
+Can't Fight This Feeling REO Speedwagon
+Lyrics: just like adam and eve 'cept you set me free?
+You dropped a bomb on me
+Lyrics: just pick it up and throw it into shape?
+What you need
+Lyrics: No April rain no flowers' bloom no wedding Saturday within the month of June?
+I Just Called To Say You Stevie Wonder
+Lyrics: now the mist across the window hides the lines?
+Steppin' out
+Lyrics: Once upon a time there was light in my life but now there's only love in the dark?
+Total Eclipse of the Heart Bonnie Tyler
+Lyrics: Ooh baby do you know what that's worth?
+Heaven Is a Place On Earth Belinda Carlisle
+Lyrics: ooh baby do you know what that's worth?
+Heaven is a place on earth
+Lyrics: Sailed away to China in a little row boat to find ya you said you had to get your laundry done?
+Break My Stride Matthew Wilder
+Lyrics: She got me rappin' to the beat then I knew that she was hot?
+Der Kommissar After The Fire 
+Lyrics: she's as heavy as a chevy pure excitement...?
+Lyrics: So now I'll go the minstrel road without you?
+Take It Easy on Me Little River Band
+Lyrics: So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills you know the one Dr. everything be all right?
+Let's Go Crazy by Prince
+Lyrics: Somebodies callin after somebody somebody turns the corner out of sight. Lookin for somebody somewhere in the night?
+Tender Is the Night by Jackson Browne
+Lyrics: Stop walking down my street. Who do you expect to meet?
+Don't Come Around Here No More Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
+Lyrics: strange voices are saying ah what did they say things. i can't understand?
+Cruel summer
+Lyrics: Strange voices are saying ah what did they say? Things. I can't understand?
+Cruel Summer Bananarama
+Lyrics: That's right here's where the talkin' ends?
+You've Got Another Thing Comin' Judas Priest
+Lyrics: The school bell rings you know it's my cue I'm gonna meet the boys on floor number two?
+Smokin' in the Boys' Room by M?tley Cr?e
+Lyrics: Tried my imagination but I was disturbed?
+867-5309/Jenny Tommy Tutone
+Lyrics: We could dance and party all night and drink some cherry wine?
+We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off Jeramine Stewart
+Lyrics: Well I like takin' off don't like burnin' out every time you turn it on makes me wanna shout?
+Cool the Engines Boston
+Lyrics: Well then close your eyes and know the words are coming from my heart?
+That's What Friends Are For Dionne & Friends 
+Lyrics: What does love want me to do?
+Let the Music Play Shannon 
+Lyrics: what does love want me to do?
+Let the music play
+Lyrics: What else can I do to get closer to you?
+Let It Whip The Dazz Band
+Lyrics: where ye goin' what you lookin' for?
+Sister christian
+Lyrics: Where ye goin'? What you lookin' for?
+Sister Christian Night Ranger 
+Lyrics: Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?
+What's Love Got To Do With It? Tina Turner
+Lyrics: who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?
+What's love got to do with it
+Lyrics: Who's gonna block your ears when you scream?
+Drive The Cars
+Lyrics: who's gonna block your ears when you scream?
+Lyrics: With my body and soul I want you more than you'll ever know?
+I've Had TheTime Of My Life Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes
+Lyrics: You tell me that you want me you tell me that you need me you tell me that you love me and I know that I'm right cause I hear it in the night?
+Talking In Your Sleep The Romantics
+Lyrics: You're moving in circles won't you dilate?
+Too Shy Kajagoogoo 
+Lyrics: you're moving in circles won't you dilate?
+Too shy
+M-a-s-h: what are col blake's two favorite outdoor sports?
+Fishing and golf
+M-a-s-h: what is nurse dish's first name?
+M-a-s-h: what sport was father mulcahy's sister into?
+M-a-s-h: where did radar's mother send him when the cat had kittens?
+To the movies
+M-a-s-h: who played hawkeye and trapper john in the m-a-s-h movie?
+Elliot gould and donald sutherland
+M&M's stands for the last names of ____ Mars, Sr. then candymaker and his associate Bruce Murrie
+M&M's stands for the last names of Forrest Mars, Sr. then candymaker and his associate ____ Murrie
+M&M's stands for the last names of Forrest Mars, Sr. then candymaker and his associate Bruce____
+M&M's stands for the last names of Forrest____ , Sr. then candymaker and his associate Bruce Murrie
+M&M's were developed so soldiers could eat the candy without getting their fingers____
+Macau will be reverted to chinese control after being under which country's rule?
+Mace is the outer covering of which common spice?
+Machine that decreases the volume & increases the pressure of a quantity of air by mechanical means?
+Air compressor
+Machine used to separate the fibers of cotton from the seeds?
+Cotton gin
+Maclaine how many letters (maximum) can a thoroughbred horse can have in its name?
+Madame Tussard the waxwork founder was born in which city?
+Made In Canada: City where Motley Crue recorded Dr. Feelgood?
+Made In Canada: City where the big Faith No More/Metallica/Guns'N'Roses riot occured in '91?
+Made In Canada: James Labrie's band previous to Dream Theater:?
+Winter rose
+Made In Canada: The name of the major copyright corporation in Canada?
+Made In Canada: The only Canadian band to win Yamaha's International MusicQuest?
+Made in the Netherlands, what are Edam and Gouda?
+Madison is the capital of ____
+Madison is the capital of what US State?
+Madonna has a tattoo of this persons face on her butt?
+Marilyn Monroe
+Madonna has had 8 number 1 's in the UK singles chart, yet her best selling single only reached number 3. Name it?
+Like a virgin
+Madonna Songs?
+Bedtime Story
+Madrid & Lisbon are both located near this river?
+Tagus river
+Madrid and lisbon are both located near which river?
+Tagus river
+Madrid is the capital of ____
+Madrid Missouri who lived at 1313 mockingbird lane?
+Mae West was once dubbed 'The statue of____
+Maersk, Premiair and Sterling are all current airlines from which European country?
+Maestro fresh wes hails from what country?
+MAFIA is an acronym for Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela, or ____
+Death to the french is Italy's cry
+MAFIA is an acronym for____ , or Death to the French is Italy's Cry
+Morte alla francia italia anela
+Magazine Titles?
+Rolling Stone
+Magazine Titles?
+Magazines: John Leonard was one in a long line of editors-in-chief for this magazine?
+Vanity fair
+Magazines: Magazine famous for its Norman Rockwell cover paintings?
+Saturday evening post
+Magazines: this magazine chronicled the man of bronze and the fabulous five?
+Doc savage
+Magazines: This magazine features an obituary on its last page?
+Rolling stone
+Magazines: This magazine selects the man of the year?
+Magazines: this magazine used to boast a circulation of 7,777,777?
+Better homes and gardens
+Magazines: womens magazine launched by New York in the 70's?
+Maggots were once used to treat a ____ infection called osteomyelitis
+Maggots were once used to treat a bone infection called____
+Magic the Dog and Morgan Fairchild have appeared in commercials for which popular clothing store chain?
+Old Navy
+Magician David Kotkin managed to change his name to what?
+David Copperfield
+Mahatma gandhi was cremated in 1948, 1952 or 1959?
+Major in greek mythology, who was visited by zeus in the form of a swan, and became the mother of helen and pollux?
+Malaria is traditionally spread by which insect?
+Malaria is transmitted by the female ____ mosquito
+Malaysians protect their babies from disease by bathing the in____
+Male monkeys lose the ____ on their heads in the same way men do
+Male voice above normal range?
+Mammal characterized by short, strong legs; elongated feet that are more or less plantigrade (heels touch the ground); & straight, strong toes adapted to burrowing?
+Mantle what is the official name of michael knight's car?
+Knight Industries 2000
+Many a slugabed has been reminded that 'the early bird catches' this?
+The worm
+Many ancient mayan ruins are located on which peninsula?
+Yucatan peninsula
+Many sailors used to wear ____ earrings so that they could afford a proper burial when they died
+Marcel ____ had a swordfish at home
+Marcel Prousthave had a ____ at home
+Marconi transmitted radio signals across which ocean?
+Atlantic ocean
+Mares' tails are examples of which type of cloud?
+Margaret made a trade with Charles to train the nurses. What did she have to do in return?
+A classical record
+Marie curie won nobel prizes in which two categories?
+Physics and chemistry
+Marie Osmond has only had one UK hit single as a solo artist name it?
+Paper roses
+Marijuana is Spanish for what?
+Mary jane
+Marilyn Monroe had six?
+Marinated limbs of fowl?
+Chicken wings
+Marine creature with tusks?
+Mariner Chinese: What do you call a Chinese sailing ship?
+Maritime Trivia - On a ship, what is the line that indicates the maximum load that may be transported?
+Plimsoll Line
+Mark David Chapman was famous for what in 1980?
+Shooting John Lennon
+Mark dinning released which tear-jerker that went to the top of the charts in november 1959?
+Teen angel
+Mark mcguire tied and went on to beat whose record of 61 home runs in one major league season?
+Roger maris
+Mark Mishon ate 61 of these in 7 minutes at The Obelix Creperie?
+Mark Twain died at age 75 in ____
+Mark Twain was born on a day in 1835 & he died in 1910, what was in view on both occasions?
+Halleys comet
+Mark, rouble and escudo are all types of what?
+Marley what did actor john wayne win from rudd weatherswax in a poker game?
+Marley Who still receives an estimated 25 pieces of junk mail per year at Walden Pond?
+Marley whose likeness is depicted on the purple heart?
+George Washington
+Marlon Brando starred in 'Last Tango in Paris' which actress was he tangoing with?
+Maria schneider
+Marlon Brando was born in which decade of the century?
+Marmorial is the adjective pertaining to what substance?
+Marshall Field was the founder, in 1941, of what Chicago paper?
+Chicago sun
+Martin British rock-music group that rivaled the popularity of the group's early contemporaries, The Beatles?
+The rolling stones
+Martin Luther King Day was declared a national public holiday in the US by which president?
+Ronald Reagan
+Martin Luther King was the youngest recipient of what?
+Nobel peace prize
+Martin what 1980's tv series starred bruce willis?
+Martina Navratilova has been on the winning side in the Federation Cup for which two countries?
+Czechoslovakia & USA
+Mary and martha lived in this town and so did lazarus, sometimes?
+Mary Anne Nichols, Martha Turner, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, and Catherine Eddowes were London prostitutes who were murdered and dismembered by the notorious ____ in the autumn of 1888. The perpetrator of these chilling atrocities was never found, although many theories as to his/her identity persist to this day
+Jack the ripper
+Mary Donaldson was the first woman to hold which post?
+Lord mayor of london
+Mary j blige born 11 jan 1971?
+Atlanta, georgia
+Mary magdalene is the patron saint of ____
+Mary Pickford was born in ____
+Mary Queen of Scots belonged to which royal house?
+Mary robinson became president of Ireland in which year?
+Mary robinson became president of which country in 1990?
+Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein at the age of____
+Maryland State Quarter depicts the dome of the____, the largest wooden dome in the country built without nails
+Maryland Statehouse
+Maseru is the capital of ____
+Maseru is the capital of which african country?
+Mash: name the operator radar talks to on the telephone where did the most powerful earthquake in us history occur during 1811?
+Mash: what was radar o'reilly's real first name?
+Mash: when hawkeye called hollywood, who did he ask for?
+Marilyn monroe
+Masked pantomime character in diamond patterned costume?
+Mass murder especially among a particular race or nation?
+Massachusetts gained statehood in 1788, and has sent four of her own to become President of the United States?
+John F. Kennedy, Calvin Coolidge, John Adams and John Quincy Adams 
+Massacre who was the narrator of the film 'texas chainsaw massacre'?
+John larroquette
+Masters & Johnson were famous for books on what topic?
+Human sexuality
+Material burned to give fragrant fumes?
+Material withheld from civilian use in WW II because it was needed to make parachutes?
+Material world who played the male lead in the 1965 film entitled the war lord?
+Mathematics: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... is call a ____ series
+Mathematics: 1 + 9 =?
+Mathematics: 1 x 1 =?
+Mathematics: 1+1?
+Mathematics: 10-5?
+Mathematics: 100 zeros after the number 1 is a very very large number called what?
+Mathematics: 2+1?
+Mathematics: 50 + 50 =?
+Mathematics: 67 - 48 =?
+Mathematics: 7 x 8?
+Mathematics: 9 p.m. In military time is how many hours?
+Mathematics: A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) ____
+Mathematics: A triangle with three equal sides is called ____
+Mathematics: A triangle with two equal sides is called ____
+Mathematics: A U.S. dime is worth ____ cents
+Mathematics: A U.S. dime is worth ____ cents
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: -10x - 19 = 19 - 8x?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: -11+10x+11-33=x+2x+100?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: -32 = x + 3?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: -6 + 2x + 3x = 29?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 0x + 7 + 5x = 2x + 30 + 40?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 10 - 20x-10=15x-5x+90?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 100x + -89x = 121?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 10x + 3x = 100 + 69?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 10x = 130?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 10x+5+0= 2x - 3x + 60?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 12 = -x + 1?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 12x + 0 = 144?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 14 = -2x?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 15 + 5x = 0?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 17x - 12 = 114 + 3x?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 29 - x = 13?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 2x - 10 = 10 - 3x?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 2x + 6 = 4x - 2?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 2x = 10?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 46 = 47 - x?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 4x + 6 = -10?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 4x = 16?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 5x+9+5x=30+7x- -15+ + 15?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 6x - 2 + 2x = -2 + 4x + 8?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: 99 + 5x = 2000 - 5x - 911?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: x - 6 = 9?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: x + 3 = 5?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Define the value of X: x + 9 = 18 - 2x?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Solve it: 14a x 3a - 8a ? 2?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Solve it: 3x + 2x?
+Mathematics: Algebra: Solve it: 7y - 2y + 3y?
+Mathematics: An angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees is a(n) ____ angle
+Mathematics: An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be ____
+Mathematics: An angle greater than 90 degrees is said to be ____
+Mathematics: An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n) ____
+Mathematics: Approximately how many inches are there in one meter?
+Mathematics: Approximately how many inches are there in one meter?
+Thirty nine
+Mathematics: Arc, radius, and sector are parts of a(n) ____
+Mathematics: How many corners are there in a cube?
+Mathematics: How many different letters are used in the roman numeral system?
+Mathematics: How many nickels (5 cents) are there in 2.25?
+Forty five
+Mathematics: If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be?
+Mathematics: Name the number system which uses only the symbols 1 and 0?
+The binary system
+Mathematics: The angles inside a square total ____ degrees
+Mathematics: The mathematical study of properties of lines, angels, etc., is ____
+Mathematics: The space occupied by a body is called its ____
+Mathematics: The square root of 1 is?
+Mathematics: Two angles that total 180 degrees are called ____
+Mathematics: What geometric shape has 4 equal sides?
+Mathematics: What is 65% of 60?
+Mathematics: what is seventy percent of seventy?
+Mathematics: What is the maximum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle?
+Three hundred and fifty nine
+Mathematics: What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an acute angle?
+Eighty nine
+Mathematics: What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle?
+One hundred and seventy nine
+Mathematics: What is the minimum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle?
+One hundred and eighty one
+Mathematics: What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an acute angle?
+Mathematics: What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle?
+Mathematics: What is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value?
+Mathematics: What is the square root of -1?
+Mathematics: What is the square root of 729?
+Mathematics: what's a number called if it's equal to the sum of its divisors other than itself?
+Mathematics: What's the number ten to the power of 100?
+A googol
+Mathematics: Who invented logarithms?
+John Napier
+Mathematics: Who proved Fermat's Last Theorem?
+Andrew Wiles
+Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons, incorporated his initials into the drawing of____ . M is his hair and G is his ear. Check it out!
+Matthew perry plays which character in the television series friends?
+Mature ovary in flowering plants, together with all inseparably connected parts of the flower?
+Mbabane is the capital of ____
+Mckinley what u.s secretary of state bought Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars?
+MDMA is another name for which illegal drug?
+Meaning 'Black Knife' in Gaelic what is the dagger worn in the sock with full Highland Dress?
+Skean dhu
+Measured from base to summit, what is the highest mountain?
+Mauna kea
+Measurement: 1 mile is how many yards?
+Measurement: 1 pm In military time is how many hours?
+Measurement: 10' of what equals 1' of rain in water content?
+Measurement: 11 am In military time is how many hours?
+Measurement: 11:37 pm In military time is how many hours?
+Measurement: 15 pounds per square inch equal?
+One atmosphere
+Measurement: 1k equals how many bytes?
+Measurement: 220 yards equals one?
+Measurement: 3.26 light years equals one ____
+Measurement: 5:45 pm In military time is how many hours?
+Measurement: 7:25 pm In military time is how many hours?
+Measurement: A ____ is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second
+Measurement: A ____ is the only standard international unit of measure still defined by a physical object, a bar composed of two elements
+Measurement: A ____ measures blood pressure
+Measurement: A 60-minute cassette contains ____ feet of tape
+Measurement: A calorie is a unit of what?
+Measurement: A stack of $1 dollar bills one-mile high would be worth more than ____ dollars
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Fourteen million", "14,000,000"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Measurement: In the Celsius scale, what is nought degrees Kelvin, to the nearest whole number?
+Minus 273 degrees
+Measurement: In the Gregorian calendar after 10,000 years by how many days will the calendar be wrong by?
+Measurement: Ratio of the mass of a body to its volume, usually expressed as its specific gravity?
+Measurement: The term Sesquibicentennial represents how many years?
+Measurement: What instrument measures walking distance?
+Measurement: What is the distance of the Olympic Biathlon?
+20 kilometres
+Mechanical device that produces a force, or thrust, along the axis of rotation when rotated in a fluid, gas or liquid?
+media what is liverpool's own regional daily paper called?
+Liverpool echo
+media which newspaper did the sun replace in 1964?
+Daily herald
+Medical examination of a dead human body, including the internal organs, to determine the cause of death or to study pathological changes?
+Medical experts say you should sleep on your right side to improve ____
+Medical researchers contend that no disease ever identified has been completely____
+Medical treatment involving needles?
+Medically, what are lentigenes?
+Medicinal root of a plant found in E.Asia and N.America?
+Medieval Jewish mystics practiced rolling in the snow to purge themselves from ____ urges. They were the first snow angels
+Medieval weapon consisting of an iron or steel spearhead joined to a long pole?
+Medina is located in what country?
+Saudi arabia
+Meeting place for public discussion?
+Melons are made up of approximately what percentage of water?
+Melpomene was the muse of what?
+Melting an ____ in your mouth burns 3 calories
+Ice cube
+Member of a fraternity for mutual help with secret rituals?
+Member of French Light Infantry corps originally formed of Algerians and retaining their oriental uniform?
+Member of male non enclosed religious order?
+Members of the nazi ss had their blood type tattooed where?
+On their armpits
+Members of the phylum rhodophyta, a large group of aquatic plants with approximately 6000 species?
+Red algae
+Members of this religion meet in what are called Kingdom Halls?
+Jehovah's Witnesses
+Members of which religion might worship in a gurdwara?
+Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by ____ than women
+Men are ten times more likely to be ____ than women
+Color blind
+Men get ____ more often than women
+Men have on average ____% more red blood cells than women
+Men's Cologne?
+Old Spice
+Men's Cologne?
+Meniere's disease affects the?
+Mentioned in many westerns, which Texan city, situated at the base of the Franklin Mountains, stands on the Rio Grande?
+El paso
+Mercury is ____ kilometres in diameter
+Mercury is ____ miles in diameter
+Meridians converge at the ____
+Messina was damaged by an earthquake in what year?
+Metal framework on a vehicle to protect it in the event of a collision with a large animal?
+Bull bar
+Meteorologists claim they're right ____ of the time
+Meteorology: If the groundhog sees his shadow on Feb. 2, there will be how many more weeks of bad weather?
+Meteorology: This dry, warm wind flows eastward down the slopes of the Rocky Mountains?
+Metonic cycle is a concept in this field?
+Metric crown, metric demy and metric royal are sizes of what?
+Meursault, the title character in Albert Camus' famous novel The Stranger, had a first name what was mentioned only in Camus' personal journals, what was it?
+Mexican (and tex-mex) Dishes ____ yummy!
+Mexican (and Tex-Mex) dishes - yummy! - 10?
+Carne asada
+Mexican jumping beans jump because of a ____ ____ inside the bean
+Moth larva
+Mexican jumping beans jump because of a ____ larva inside the bean
+Mexico City is sinking at a rate of 6 to 8 inches a year because its built on top of what?
+An underground reservoir
+Mexico gave up the state of California with the Treaty of Guadalupe and California became a territory during which war?
+Mexican-American war 
+Mexico shares a southern border with Guatamala and which other country?
+Mexico's equivalant to the dollar is ____
+Mice, ____ , elephants, giraffes and man all have seven neck vertebra
+Mice, whales, ____ , giraffes and man all have seven neck vertebra
+Mice, whales, elephants, ____ and man all have seven neck vertebra
+Mice, whales, elephants, giraffes and ____ all have seven neck vertebra
+Mice, whales, elephants, giraffes and man all have ____ neck vertebra
+Mice, whales, elephants, giraffes and man all have seven?
+Neck vertebra
+Michael Caine's autobiography is titled?
+What's It All About?
+Michael Collins was a famous revolutionary in which country?
+Michigan state university is located in what city?
+East lansing
+Microsoft CEO Bill Gates, launched his business career in 1969, at age 14 by forming a company named Lakeside Programming Group. Gates and his friend ____ signed an agreement with Computer Center Corporation to report bugs in PDP-10 software, in exchange for computer time
+Paul allen
+Military: As a result of their wearing high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres, as what were the first US marines known?
+Military: Operations above the surface of the earth?
+Air warfare
+Military: What do the letters 'SAM' mean in SAM missiles?
+Surface To Air
+Military: What is the mascot of the US naval academy?
+Military: What is the naval equivalent of an army Major?
+Lieutenant Commander
+Military: Where is the biggest calibre cannon?
+Military: With which hand do soldiers salute?
+Milk, cheese and meat are good sources of which nutrient needed for a healthy diet?
+Milo what is the binot-simon scale used to measure?
+Mind your manners: where are wine glasses placed at a table setting?
+To the right
+Minerals: a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz of various shades of white, gray, yellow, brown, green, & blue?
+Minerals: Graphite dust is formed when what is cut with a laser?
+Minerals: Minerals that are treasured for their beauty & durability?
+Minerals: the most abundant ore of iron, composed of ferric oxide, fe2o3?
+Minerals: What forms when a diamond is cut with a laser?
+Graphite dust
+Minerals: What is also known as the 'bishop's stone'?
+Minerals: What is the violet variety of quartz otherwise known as?
+Mining: Approximately how deep are the deepest mines (in km)?
+Mining: In which country is the largest gold refinery?
+South Africa
+Mining: What is the deepest mine in the world?
+Western Deep Levels Mine
+Mining: What is the name of the largest gold refinery?
+Rand Refinery
+Mining: Where are the deepest mines?
+South Africa
+Minus ____ degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus ____ degrees Fahrenheit
+Mir is the highest point in which mountain range?
+Hindu kush
+Miss Scarlet is the only female single character in____
+Misty for me what statue did dobie gillis mimic while contemplating life and love?
+Mittwoch is what day of the week?
+Mittwoch means Wednesday in what language?
+Mixing blue and yellow gives you?
+Mixture, blend alloy of any metal with mercury?
+Mnemosyne, mother of the muses, was the goddess of?
+Moctuzuma is better known as...?
+Modern ballroom dance, of argentinian origin?
+Modern Military: Country possessing the Largest armed forces (2,340,000 active troops)?
+Modern Military: Country possessing the Smallest armed forces (150 active troops)?
+Antigua and Barbuda
+Mogadishu is the capital of ____
+Mohican and dreadlocks are both types of what?
+Moisture, not air causes ____ to dry
+Super glue
+Mold is in which now restored Welsh county?
+Flint shire
+Moles are able to tunnel through ____ feet of earth in a day
+Monaco boasts the highest per capita ownership of ____ in the world. An early 1990s survey put the figure at one for every 65 people
+Rolls royces
+Monaco's national ____ is bigger than its army
+Monetary unit of Greece?
+Monetary unit of guatemala and bird by the same name?
+Money is made of woven____ , not paper
+MONEY: What is 2 Grand + A Monkey + A Score ?
+MONEY: What is A Monkey + 2 Ponies ?
+MONEY: What is A Ton + A Pony + A Score ?
+Mongolia is the largest ____ country
+Mongooses were brought to Hawai'i to kill rats. This plan failed because rats are ____ while the mongoose hunts during the day
+Monopoly (tm) Properties?
+Monopoly (tm) Properties?
+Marvin Gardens
+monopoly: cost to buy electric company?
+monopoly: cost to buy New York avenue?
+monopoly: cost to buy oriental avenue?
+monopoly: cost to buy vermont avenue?
+monopoly: get out of jail?
+Mont dore is the highest point in which french mountain range?
+Massif central
+Montana whom did aristotle onasis ditch for jacqueline kennedy?
+Maria callas
+Monte corno, at 9554 feet, is the highest point in which Italian mountain range?
+Montgomery and rommel directed the forces in which battle?
+Battle of el alamein
+Montgomery is the capital of ____
+Month named after the Roman god of war?
+Months that begin with a Sunday will always have a?
+Friday the 13th
+Montpelier is the capital of ____
+Montpelier is the capital of which American state?
+MONTPELIER is the capitol of what state?
+Montpelier, vermont is the only u.s state capital without a ____
+Monty python: the deformed knight had this many heads?
+Monuments: Which man has the most monuments erected in his honour?
+Monuments: Which woman has the most monuments erected in her honour?
+Virgin Mary
+Moon soo king has represented which country at badminton?
+South korea
+Moored in halifax harbour is a replica of this famous schooner?
+Bluenose ii
+More ____ money is printed in a year, than real money printed throughout the world
+More bullets were fired in ____ Troopers than in any other movie made
+More money is spent each year on alcohol and cigarettes than on?
+Life insurance
+More money is spent on ____ than on any other hobby
+More people are killed by ____ annually than are killed in plane crashes
+More people are killed by ____ than die in a plane crash annually
+More people are killed by donkeys every year than are killed in ____
+Plane crashes
+More people are killed each year from ____ than snakes
+More people speak English in ____ than the United States
+More people speak English in ... than in the USA?
+More people use ____ toothbrushes than red ones
+More people use ____ toothbrushes, than red ones
+More people use blue toothbrushes, than ____ ones
+More redheads are born in ____ than in any other country: 11 percent of its population has red hair
+More redheads are born in Scotland than in any other country: what percent of the Scottish population has red hair?
+More than ____ descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach have been cathedral organists
+More than ____ of all the countries in the world are north of the equator
+More than 10 percent of all the ____ produced annually in the world is used to de-ice American roads
+More than 100 descendants of ____ have been cathedral organists
+Johann sebastian bach
+More than 100 descendants of Johann Sebastian Bach have been ____ organists
+More than 20 percent of men and 10 percent of women say they've forgotten their ____ at least once
+Wedding anniversary
+More than 75% of all the countries in the world are ____ of the equator
+More than half the American men surveyed in a recent poll admit to having sex with women they____
+More than one half of New Brunswick is surrounded by?
+More then ____ of the world's forest are in Siberia
+More water flows over ____ ____every year than over any other falls on earth
+Niagara falls
+Mork and Mindy was a spinoff of what TV show?
+Happy Days
+Morphine was given its name in what year?
+Mortuary custom, the art of preserving bodies after death, generally by the use of chemical substances?
+Moscow is the capital of ____
+Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most popular boat name requested?
+Most common of all minerals, composed of silicon dioxide, or silica, sio2?
+Most digital watches have lcd displays, what does lcd mean?
+Liquid crystal display
+Most dust particles in your house are made from?
+Dead skin
+most expensive house built hearst castle at san simeon, California, usa was built between 1922-39 for a total cost of more than us$?
+30 million
+Most fossils are found in this type of rock?
+Most gemstones contain several elements. Except the diamond which is all what?
+Most humans can guess someone's sex with ____ percent accuracy just by smelling their breath
+Most lipstick contains?
+Fish scales
+Most men do this each morning, using a razor?
+Most men have what every hour to hour & a half during sleep?
+Most of the border between Canada and the USA runs along which line of latitude?
+Most people blink about ____ times a day
+Most people have lost fifty per cent of their taste buds by the time they reach the age of?
+Most people wear a watch on their ____ wrist
+Most powerful chess piece?
+Most reported cases of poltergeist activity, reveals that one or more ____ is present
+Most salad dressings derive the majority of their calories from____
+Most successful single of the 90's?
+Everything i do i do it for you/bryan adams
+Mother the car what's the name of garfield's teddy bear?
+Mother what is the real name of the painting 'whistler's mother'?
+Arrangement in
+Motley crue covered 'smokin' in the boys room' on which album released in 1985?
+Theatre of pain
+Mount Athos is famous for its many monasteries of which religion?
+Greek orthodox
+Mount citlalteptl is the tallest mountain in which latin country?
+Mount Dashan is in which African country?
+Mount Mitchell is the highest peak in which mountain range?
+Mount Rushmore state?
+South dakota
+Mount Stuart lies at the centre of which country?
+Mount usborne, at 2,312 feet, is the highest peak in which British dependency?
+Falkland islands
+Mount Vesuvius is near which Italian city?
+Mount victoria is the highest peak of which island country?
+Mountain Climbing - Who conquered the Matterhorn in 1865?
+Edward Whymper
+Mountain peak, south central Asia, in the Himalayas, on the frontier of Nepal & Tibet, the highest peak in the world?
+Mount everest
+Mountains are formed by a process called?
+Mr Boddy is the murder victim in what board game?
+Mr Wizard debuts, making simple scientific phenomena fascinating for kids of?
+All ages
+Mr. Peanut was invented in what year?
+Mrs Tiggie Winkle appears in what series of books?
+The Tales Of Beatrix Potter
+Mrs. Nicky Bove ate 125 of these at the Great Escargot Eating Contest?
+Mt vernon, Washington grows more tulips than the entire country of ____
+Mucal invader, is there no end to you ____
+Much loved by Scrabble players, what kind of creature is a zebu?
+Much of the current we use today is in ac/dc form, its popularity and practicality was attributed to this person?
+Mungo Scott travelled the River Niger in what year?
+Murcia is a region in which european country?
+Murphy's oil soap is the chemical most commonly used to clean____
+Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all ____
+Mustardseed is a character from which Shakespeare play?
+A midsummer nights dream
+my answer is the name of the syndicated daily column of what minister?
+Billy graham
+My dad was a big kid,a big RICH KID. What show was I on?
+Silver Spoons
+Myositis affects the ____
+Mythology, who blinded Polyphemus?
+Mythology: Animals: Animal's body that the griffin has?
+Mythology: Apollo was the Greek god of ____
+Prophecy and archery
+Mythology: Assyrian: The god that created all the other gods?
+Mythology: Babylonian: the god of heaven?
+Mythology: Celtic: The place the heroes went to in death?
+Mythology: Celtic: trjstan's lover?
+Mythology: Chinese: the monkey god was captured in?
+Buddha's palm
+Mythology: Creature with the head and arms of a man, and the body and legs of a horse?
+Mythology: Daughter of Agammemnon and Clytemnestra, this mythological character watched the murders of both her father and his lover, the doomed prophet Cassandra?
+Mythology: Dionysus was the greek god of ____
+Mythology: Egyptian: He was the sun god?
+Amen Ra
+Mythology: Egyptian: The god of the Dead?
+Mythology: Ferryman of the styx?
+Mythology: Greek - what was the name of the place of punishment and perpetual torment in the underworld?
+Mythology: Greek: Aesculapius was the greek god of?
+Mythology: Greek: Amphityron was said to be a prince of which city?
+Mythology: Greek: Andromache was the wife of which Greek hero?
+Mythology: Greek: Female warriors who had their own country?
+Mythology: Greek: First he was known as a sender of plagues, then as the god of healing?
+Mythology: Greek: Giant that supported the universe on his shoulders?
+Mythology: Greek: God killed by a boar at the request of Aphrodite?
+Mythology: Greek: He led the Greeks to Troy?
+Mythology: Greek: She showed Theseus how to escape from the labyrinth?
+Mythology: Greek: Son of Zeus and the nymph Aegina?
+Mythology: Greek: The giant Antaeus was killed by strangulation by which Greek hero?
+Mythology: Greek: The goddess of love?
+Mythology: Greek: The goddess of mischief?
+Mythology: Greek: The goddess of nature?
+Mythology: Greek: The men who sailed to Colchis to fetch the golden fleece?
+Mythology: Greek: The river god?
+Mythology: Greek: What was Ulysses' dog called?
+Mythology: Greek: who was turned into a stag and hunted by his own dogs for watching Artemis bathe?
+Mythology: Hindu: The god of fire?
+Mythology: In Egyptian mythology, what is the life force called?
+Mythology: In Egyptian mythology, who is known as the god of the desert?
+Mythology: In Egyptian mythology, who is the god of the underworld?
+Mythology: In Egyptian mythology, who was Horus' mother?
+Mythology: In Egyptian mythology, who was Isis the wife of?
+Mythology: In English mythology, who caused the death of the Lady of Shallot?
+Sir Lancelot
+Mythology: In greek and roman mythology, what food of the gods was said to make immortal anyone who ate it?
+Mythology: In greek mythology what did atlanta want to do until she was defeated in a footrace?
+Remain unmarried
+Mythology: In Greek mythology who did Athena turn into a spider?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, how many heads did Hydra have?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, into what did Athena turn Arachne?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, the riddle of what did Oedipus solve?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, what animal is associated with Athena?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, what did Daedalus construct for Minos?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, what was Minos the king of?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, where did Perseus kill his grandfather?
+Larrisan games
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who did Jocasta marry?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who did Minos hire to construct the labyrinth?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who had nine heads?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who hired Daedalus to construct the labyrinth?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who ruled over the island of Samos?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who solved the riddle of the Sphinx?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who turned Arachne into a spider?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who was Jason's wife?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who was Medea's husband?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who was the only mortal gorgon?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who was the son of Peleus and Thetis?
+Mythology: In Greek mythology, who were Achilles' parents?
+Peleus and Thetis
+Mythology: Ishtar is the babylonian goddesss of ____
+Love and fertility
+Mythology: Name Santa Claus' Reindeer?
+Mythology: Neptune was the Roman god of the ____
+Mythology: Norse: Collective name for the Gods and Goddesses of Scandinavia?
+Mythology: Norse: father of thor?
+Mythology: Norse: god of mischief and brother of thor?
+Mythology: Norse: Norse god of thunder?
+Mythology: Norse: place where norse gods resided?
+Mythology: Norse: queen of the norse gods and odin's wife?
+Mythology: Norse: The giant of the seashore?
+Mythology: Norse: The home of the Norse gods?
+Mythology: Norse: what killed baldur?
+Mythology: Norse: winged creatures that carried the dead to valhalla?
+Mythology: Persephone was the Greek goddess of ____
+Mythology: Poseidon was the Greek god of the ____
+Mythology: Race of female warriors?
+Mythology: Roman - what is the name for the god of fire and metal working?
+Mythology: Roman: The roman god of love?
+Mythology: the judgement of the dead which Egyptian god weighed the heart?
+Mythology: The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) ____
+Mythology: This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods?
+Mythology: Venus, Aphrodite and Hathor are all goddesses of what?
+Mythology: What egyptian object is also known as 'the key to the Nile'?
+Mythology: What has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic?
+Mythology: What mythical Scottish town appears for one day every 100 years?
+Mythology: What was supposed to flow in the veins of the Greek Gods?
+Mythology: What's heaven to fallen Norse warriors?
+Mythology: Where did Robin Hood supposedly live?
+Sherwood forest
+Mythology: Where does Nessie live?
+Loch Ness
+Mythology: Where in the heck is 'nessie' purported to live?
+Loch ness, Scotland
+Mythology: Which ancient continent is said to be submerged?
+Mythology: Which Norse god had the Valkyries as handmaidens?
+Mythology: Which Titan had snakes for hair?
+Mythology: Who are santa's reindeer, in alphabetical order?
+Blitzen, comet, dancer, dasher, prancer and vixen
+Mythology: Who created the round table?
+Mythology: Who did the Norse god Odin have as handmaidens?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Cupid?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Diana?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Discordia?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Juno?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Jupiter?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mars?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mercury?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Minerva?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Neptune?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Pluto?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Venus?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vesta?
+Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vulcan?
+Mythology: Who is the Greek messenger god?
+Mythology: Who is the mother of Apollo and Artemis?
+Mythology: Who is the Norse god of justice?
+Mythology: Who is the Norse god of lightning?
+Mythology: Who is the Norse god of mischief?
+Mythology: Who is the Norse god of poetry?
+Mythology: Who is the Norse god of the sky and thunder?
+Mythology: Who is the Norse god of thunder and war?
+Mythology: Who is the Norse Watchman of the Gods?
+Mythology: Who ruled the seas in Greek mythology?
+Mythology: Who was Ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, love and beauty?
+Mythology: Who was Ancient Egyptian moon god?
+Mythology: Who was Hercules' father?
+Mythology: Who was Hercules' stepmother?
+Mythology: who was telemachus' father?
+Mythology: Who was the ancient Egyptian goddess of the sky and queen of heaven?
+Mythology: Who was the Greek god of fire?
+Mythology: Who was the Greek god of prophecy and archery?
+Mythology: Who was the Greek god of wine?
+Mythology: Who was the Greek goddess of spring?
+Mythology: Who was the roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility?
+Mythology: Who was the son of saturn and ops, and the husband of juno?
+Mythology: Who was the Sun god of ancient Egypt?
+Mythology: Who was the Swedish god of skiing, bowshooting & hunting?
+Mythology: Who was the third king of israel?
+Mythology: Who was the three-headed, dog-like monster of Greek Mythology, guarding the underworld?
+Mythology: Who, in Egyptian mythology, is the god of the dead?
+Mythology: Winged horse in Greek mythology?
+Mythology: Youth who fell in love with his own reflection?
+Mythology: Zeus is to Jupiter as Mercury is to ____
+Mythology: Zeus' father, Cronus, was also known to the Romans as ____
+N'Djamena is the capital of which African country?
+Na is the chemical symbol for which element?
+Nadine Gordimer was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in which year?
+Nairobi is the capital of what country?
+Naked means to be unprotected-nude means____
+Name 1 of the 3 well-known female sex symbols in myra breckinridge?
+Farrah fawcett
+Name 10 CC's first UK No 1?
+Rubber bullets
+Name a Canadian university offering forestry studies?
+Name a flattened, wingless insect that lives on warm-blooded animals?
+Name a mainland South American country where cars are normally driven on the left hand side of the road?
+Name all five New Kids On The Block?
+Danny Donny Jordan Joe Jon
+Name an Egyptian queen who was the lover of Mark Antony?
+Name angelica huston's father?
+Name applied originally to naturally occurring esters of fatty acids & monohydric alcohols, but now applied to both natural & manufactured products resembling these esters?
+Name applied to a ship to indicate that it is a very fast sailer?
+Name applied to any craft having twin hulls?
+Name applied to any plant that retains its foliage through two or more consecutive seasons?
+Name applied to several types of skin eruptions characterized by formation of blisters?
+Name beaver cleaver's brother?
+Name both of the cities to represent a letter in the phonetic alphabet?
+Lima & quebec
+Name Buck Rodgers' pal?
+Name captain smollett's ship in treasure island?
+Name Changes: Her real name is Sheila Escovedo?
+Sheila e
+Name cheech's cousin in the movie 'cheech & chong's up in smoke'. (hint- portrayed by tom skerritt)?
+Name Dolly Parton's Smokey Mountain theme park?
+Name either of the churches that merged in 1972 to form the United Reformed Church?
+Name for a large seawater aquarium for keeping sea animals?
+Name for an idler in fashionable society?
+Lounge lizard
+Name Fruit?
+Name given to a fine woollen cloth?
+Name given to a person who will eat no food of animal origin?
+Name given to large merchant sailing ship?
+Wind jammer
+Name given to that part of north America first seen in or about 986 by bjarni herjlfsson, who was driven there by a storm during a voyage from Iceland to greenland?
+Name given to the religious of Iran?
+Name Jacues Cousteau's research ship?
+Name of a mechanical model that reproduces the movements of the planets?
+An orrery
+Name of a perfume made of orris,spices,civet and musk and named after the Italian family that created it?
+Name of cosette's mother in les miserables?
+Name of monaco's ruling house?
+Name of one of the early supermodels, nicknamed The Shrimp?
+Jean Shrimpton
+Name of scale used to judge the brightness of stars?
+Hertzprung-russel diagram
+Name of the 2 athletes celebrated in Chariots of Fire?
+Harold abrahams and Eric liddell
+Name of the band of Vince de la Cruz,Kimberley Rew,Alex Cooper and Katrina Leskaniel?
+Katrina and the waves
+Name of the brewery which supplies the rovers return?
+Newton and ridley
+Name of the capital of the Newfoundland province (Canada)?
+St john's
+Name of the capital of the Nova Scotia province (Canada)?
+Name of the character who sings 'castle on a cloud' in les miserables?
+Name of the city Japanese immigrants settled in California's rural areas in the early 1900s?
+Little Tokyo 
+Name of the decorative style of the 1920 and 30s?
+Art deco
+Name of the dinosaur with jagged plates on its back?
+Name of the educationalist who rewrote the rules of educating young children?
+Maria montessori
+Name of the far right Dutch politician shot dead in the Netherlands in May 2002?
+Pim Fortuyn
+Name of the first cloned sheep?
+Name of the form of dance which originated in the US- disjointed robotic movements and spinning on your head?
+Break dancing
+Name of the four Inns of Court of London?
+Grays inn
+Name of the Gallic tribe inhabiting the Ile de la cite in Paris at the end of the 3rd century?
+Name of the German ww2 military code?
+Name of the German wwii military code?
+Name of the glass that is poured onto molten tin to achieve a perfect finish and avoid grinding, invented by Pilkington?
+Float glass
+Name of the greek goddess of retribution?
+Name of the highest volcano in the world?
+Cerro aconcagua
+name of the holes in a ships sides at deck level to let the water out?
+Name of the indigenous people of Jamaica?
+Name of the largest city in new Mexico?
+Name of the machine that selects the Premium Bonds?
+Name of the river over which the romans believed they had to travel to get to the afterlife?
+River styxx
+Name of the saturn probe launched in 1998, amid controversy over its nuclear fuel?
+Name of the space program designed to place a man on the moon & return him safely to earth?
+Name of the violin soloist who travel's with yanni's orchestra?
+Karen briggs
+Name one Federalist US President?
+John adams Washington
+Name one of the 3 movies that ingrid bergman won an oscar for?
+Name one of the 3 movies that ingrid bergman won an oscar for?
+Murder on the orient express
+Name one of the bilboard ads Homer stops to read on the first of the month. (Homie the Clown)?
+This year give her English Muffins, Best in the West BBQ sauce, Clown school 
+Name one of the birds which Noah released from the Ark?
+Raven or dove
+Name one of the countries to join the Commonwealth in 1995.cameroon?
+Name one of the three Bronte sisters?
+Name one of the three most common names in china?
+Name one of the two capitals of the republic of South Africa?
+Cape town
+Name one of the two types of techniques used in the high jump?
+Fosbury flop
+Name people to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice?
+Noel chev asse
+Name the 2 democratic republics which existed in 1800?
+France and the usa
+Name the 3-headed dog that guards Hades?
+Name the airline which was the first to provide air sickness bags?
+Pitcairn Airlines
+Name the American president assassinated in 1901 in buffalo, New York state?
+William mckinley
+Name the American space shuttle, its crew including a teacher, which exploded killing all on board after lift-off?
+Name the ancient region that corresponds roughly to modern day tuscany?
+Name the apostle who replaced judas iscariot?
+Name the Austrian physicist who gave his name to a unit of relative velocity?
+Name the author of 'the pumphouse gang'?
+Tom wolfe
+Name the author of gone with the wind?
+Margaret mitchell
+Name the author of the book this movie was based on: 'the silence of the lambs'?
+Thomas harris
+Name the best medical school in the world?
+Johns hopkins
+Name the biggest hit for the animals in 1964?
+House of the rising sun
+Name the bird in prokofiev's, 'peter and the wolf'?
+Name the black agricultural chemist (b.1864-d.1943) known for agronomical innovations in the southern US?
+George Washington carver
+Name the British King who supposedly lost his jewels in The Wash?
+King john
+Name the British nuclear submarine that sank the General Belgrano?
+Hms conqueror
+Name the British painter who is the grandson of sigmund freud?
+Lucian freud
+Name the British winner of the second Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1902?
+Sir ronald ross
+Name the chauffeur of the car in which the princess of wales died?
+Henri Paul
+Name the chess playing computer designed by Ken Thompson?
+Name the chief port of Iraq?
+Name the church, believed to be the site of Christ's crucifixion?
+The church of the holy sepulchre
+Name the city where 'romeo and juliet' takes place?
+Name the classic dish of mussels cooked in white wine with garlic and onion?
+Moules mariniere
+Name the clothing wrinkle remover that sounds like a kind of metal?
+Name the clown from Stephen King's 'It'?
+Pennywise the clown
+Name the cocktail which consists of scotch and drambuie?
+Rusty nail
+Name the cold south-west wind which blows from the Andes across the South American pampas to the Atlantic Ocean?
+Name the company which manufactured the first electric toothbrush?
+Name the computer developed fromTuring's bombes at Bletchley Park to decode the German Enigma codes during World War 2?
+Name the computer which beat World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov in 1997?
+Deep blue
+Name the condiment which is excellent for cleaning brass?
+Name the condition of the mind that leads to a need to steal things?
+Name the control centre beneath Derby House in Liverpool where the Battle of the Atlantic was plotted during World War 2?
+Western approaches
+Name the delivery service operated between Missouri and California starting in 1860?
+Pony express
+Name the desert located in south-east California?
+Name the director of the film 'American beauty'?
+Sam mendes
+Name the Disney cartoon in which the character 'Belle' appears?
+Beauty and the Beast
+Name the distinctive crumbly white low fat Greek cheese?
+Name the duo who had a hit with everybody wants to rule the world?
+Tears for fears
+Name the eating disorder that suppresses the urge to eat causing the sufferer to lose huge ammounts of weight?
+Name the Egyptian god with the head of a jackal, or dog?
+Name the eighties sitcom in which Bob Ueker was upstaged by an obese butler regularly?
+Mr. Belvedere
+Name the English king who met King Francis 1st of France on the Field of the Cloth of Gold?
+Henry vii
+Name the English PM?
+Tony Blair
+Name the English ship on which Benedict Arnold fled to England in 1870?
+Name the European hit, now an animated series about underwater people?
+The snorks
+Name the famous London department store that began as a small grocery store?
+Name the famous millionaire who went down with the titanic?
+Name the famous musketeers?
+Name the fat, rich detective with a passion for beer, food and orchids?
+Nero wolfe
+Name the female British climber while killed trying to climb K2 in 1995?
+Alison hargreaves
+Name the female Broadway columnist who was a regular panelist on the T.V. show, What's My Line?
+Dorothy Kilgallen
+Name the female comedy star who once had a show on Fox, that had a pop hit in the early eighties?
+Tracy Ullman
+Name the female version of the jewish bar mitzvah, celebrating a girl reaching the age of thirteen?
+Bat mitzvah
+Name the fifth largest of the Channel Islands?
+Name the film: 1939 Family/Fantasy/Adventure/Musical, Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Billie Burke, Margaret Hamilton?
+The Wizard of Oz
+Name the film: 1946 Drama/Fantasy, James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell?
+It's A Wonderful Life
+Name the film: 1958 Comedy/Romance, Clark Gable, Doris Day, Gig Young, Mamie Van Doren, Marion Ross?
+Teacher's Pet
+Name the film: 1960 Crime/Adventure, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. Peter Lawford, Angie Dickinson, Joey Bishop?
+Ocean's Eleven
+Name the film: 1965 Music/Family, Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Eleanor Parker, Heather Menzies, Angela Cartwright?
+The Sound of Music
+Name the film: 1967 Comedy/Romance, Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, Katharine Ross, William Daniels?
+The Graduate
+Name the film: 1968 Action/Sci-fi, Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans?
+Planet of the Apes
+Name the film: 1968 Comedy, Lucille Ball, Henry Fonda, Van Johnson, Tim Matheson, Tom Bosley?
+Yours, Mine and Ours
+Name the film: 1969 Western, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross, Strother Martin?
+Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
+Name the film: 1971 Action/Thriller, Clint Eastwood, Harry Guardino, Reni Santoni, John Vernon?
+Dirty Harry
+Name the film: 1972 Crime/Drama, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Robert Duvall?
+The Godfather
+Name the film: 1973 Crime/Comedy, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw, Charles Durning, Ray Walston?
+The Sting
+Name the film: 1973 Drama/Horror, Ellyn Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Lee J. Cobb, Linda Blair, Jason Miller?
+The Exorcist
+Name the film: 1974 Action/Thriller/Drama, Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, William Holden, Faye Dunaway, O.J. Simpson, Robert Wagner?
+The Towering Inferno
+Name the film: 1974 Comedy/Horror, Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman, Madeline Kahn, Cloris Leachman, Teri Garr?
+Young Frankenstein
+Name the film: 1974 Comedy/Western, Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Slim Pickens, Alex Karras, Mel Brooks, Harvey Korman, Madeline Kahn?
+Blazing Saddles
+Name the film: 1975 Comedy/Horror/Musical/Sci-Fi, Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Richard O'Brien, Meat Loaf?
+The Rocky Horror Picture Show
+Name the film: 1975 Thriller, Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary?
+Name the film: 1976 Action/Drama, Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith?
+Name the film: 1977 Action, Robert Shaw, Bruce Dern, Marthe Keller?
+Black Sunday
+Name the film: 1977 Comedy/Action, Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jerry Reed, Mike Henry, Paul Williams, Pat McCormick?
+Smokey and the Bandit
+Name the film: 1977 Comedy/Romance, Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts, Carol Kane, Paul Simon, Shelley Duvall?
+Annie Hall
+Name the film: 1977 Drama/Musical/Comedy/Romance, John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney, Barry Miller, Joseph Cali, Paul Pape, Donna Pescow?
+Saturday Night Fever
+Name the film: 1977 Sci-fi, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness?
+Star Wars
+Name the film: 1977 Sci-fi, Richard Dreyfuss, Melinda Dillon, Francois Truffaut, Teri Garr?
+Close Encounters of the Third Kind
+Name the film: 1978 Action/Fantasy/Family/Adventure/Sci-Fi, Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Christopher Reeve, Ned Beatty , Jackie Cooper, Margot Kidder?
+Name the film: 1978 Comedy, John Belushi, Tim Matheson, John Vernon, Verna Bloom, Tom Hulce, Mary Louise Weller?
+Animal House
+Name the film: 1978 Comedy/Musical/Romance, John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing, Jeff Conaway, Didi Conn?
+Name the film: 1979 Action/War, Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen, Frederic Forrest?
+Apocalypse Now
+Name the film: 1979 Sci-fi/Horror, Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, Yaphet Kotto?
+Name the film: 1980 Action/Comedy/Musical, John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, James Brown, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin?
+The Blues Brothers
+Name the film: 1980 Comedy, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Michael O'Keefe, Bill Murray, Sarah Holcombe?
+Name the film: 1980 Comedy, Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton, Dabney Coleman, Elizabeth Wilson?
+Nine to Five
+Name the film: 1980 Comedy, Robery Hays, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Leslie Nielsen, Robert Stack, Peter Graves, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?
+Name the film: 1980 Drama, Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch, Timothy Hutton, M. Emmett Walsh?
+Ordinary People
+Name the film: 1981 Comedy, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Warren Oates, Sean Young, John Candy, John Laroquette?
+Name the film: 1981 Comedy/Romance, Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelli, John Gielgud, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Jill Eikenberry?
+Name the film: 1981 Drama, George C Scott, Timothy Hutton, Ronny Cox, Sean Penn, Tom Cruise?
+Name the film: 1982 Action/Adventure, Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm Elliott?
+Raiders of the Lost Ark
+Name the film: 1982 Action/Sci-fi, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, George Takei, Paul Winfield, Ricardo Montalban?
+Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
+Name the film: 1982 Comedy/Drama/Romance, Richard Gere, Debra Winger, David Keith, Robert Loggia, Lisa Blount, Lisa Eilbacher, Lou Gossett Jr?
+An Officer and a Gentleman
+Name the film: 1982 Drama, Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn, Jane Fonda, Doug McKeon, Dabney Coleman?
+On Golden Pond
+Name the film: 1982 Family/Sci-Fi/Adventure/Fantasy, Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore, Robert MacNaughton, Dee Wallace-Stone?
+E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
+Name the film: 1982 Horror/Thriller, JoBeth Williams, Craig T. Nelson, Beatrice Straight, Dominique Dunne, Heather O'Rourke?
+Name the film: 1983 Comedy, Tom Cruise, Rebecca De Mornay, Joe Pantoliano, Richard Masur, Bronson Pinchot?
+Risky Business
+Name the film: 1983 Comedy/Drama, Shirley Maclaine, Jack Nicholson, Debra Winger, Danny DeVito, Jeff Daniels, John Lithgow?
+Terms of Endearment
+Name the film: 1983 Drama/Comedy, Tom Berenger, Glenn Close, Jeff Goldblum, Kevin Kline, Meg Tilly, Mary Kay Place?
+The Big Chill
+Name the film: 1983 Drama/Romance/Musical, Jennifer Beals, Michael Nouri, Lilia Skala, Sunny Johnson, Kyle T. Heffner?
+Name the film: 1984 Action/Adventure/Romance, Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny DeVito, Zack Norman?
+Romancing the Stone
+Name the film: 1984 Adventure/Sci-fi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Paul Winfield?
+The Terminator
+Name the film: 1984 Comedy/Sci-fi/Fantasy, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Annie Potts?
+Name the film: 1984 Drama, Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer, John Lithgow, Dianne Wiest, Chris Penn, Sarah Jessica Parker?
+Name the film: 1985 Adventure/Family, Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen, Corey Feldman, Kerri Green, Martha Plimpton, Jonathan Ke Quan?
+The Goonies
+Name the film: 1985 Comedy/Sci-Fi/Drama/Fantasy, Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn, Brian Dennehy, Tahnee Welch, Steve Guttenberg?
+Name the film: 1985 Drama, Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg, Margaret Avery, Oprah Winfrey, Rae Dawn Chong?
+The Color Purple
+Name the film: 1985 Family/Adventure/Comedy/Sci-Fi, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover, Thomas F. Wilson?
+Back to the Future
+Name the film: 1986 Action/Drama/Romance, Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards, Tom Skerritt?
+Top Gun
+Name the film: 1986 Action/Drama/War, Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen, Forest Whitaker, Francesco Quinn?
+Name the film: 1986 Adventure/Comedy/Romance, Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski, John Mellon, David Gulpilil?
+Crocodile Dundee
+Name the film: 1986 Adventure/Drama, Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell?
+Stand by Me
+Name the film: 1986 Comedy, Danny DeVito, Bette Midler, Judge Reinhold, Helen Slater, Bill Pullman?
+Ruthless People
+Name the film: 1987 Action/Crime/Drama, Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Charles Martin Smith, Andy Garcia, Robert De Niro?
+The Untouchables
+Name the film: 1987 Comedy/Family, Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson, Nancy Travis, Margaret Colin?
+Three Men and a Baby
+Name the film: 1987 Comedy/Horror, Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Veronica Cartwright?
+The Witches of Eastwick
+Name the film: 1987 Comedy/Romance, Cher, Nicolas Cage, Vincent Gardenia, Olympia Dukakis, Danny Aiello?
+Name the film: 1987 Crime/Comedy, Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Mitch Ryan?
+Lethal Weapon
+Name the film: 1987 Drama/Horror/Thriller, Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Anne Archer, Ellen Hamilton Latzen, Fred Gwynne?
+Fatal Attraction
+Name the film: 1987 Fantasy / Family / Adventure / Comedy / Romance, Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Chris Sarandon, Christopher Guest, Andre the Giant, Robin Wright?
+The Princess Bride
+Name the film: 1988 Action/Thriller, Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia, Reginald VelJohnson, Alan Rickman, James Shigeta?
+Die Hard
+Name the film: 1988 Comedy, Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, James Earl Jones, John Amos, Madge Sinclair?
+Coming to America
+Name the film: 1988 Comedy/Drama, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino, Bonnie Hunt?
+Rain Man
+Name the film: 1988 Comedy/Romance, Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffith, Sigourney Weaver, Alec Baldwin, Joan Cusack?
+Working Girl
+Name the film: 1989 Action/Thriller/Crime/Fantasy, Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger, Robert Wuhl, Pat Hingle?
+Name the film: 1989 Comedy/Drama, Dianne Wiest, Steve Martin, Mary Steenburgen, Jason Robards, Rick Moranis, Tom Hulce?
+Name the film: 1989 Comedy/Romance, Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher, Bruno Kirby?
+When Harry Met Sally
+Name the film: 1989 Drama, Morgan Freeman, Jessica Tandy, Dan Aykroyd, Patti LuPone, Esther Rolle?
+Driving Miss Daisy
+Name the film: 1989 Drama, Sally Field, Dolly Parton, Shirley Maclaine, Daryl Hannah, Olympia Dukakis, Julia Roberts, Tom Skerritt?
+Steel Magnolias
+Name the film: 1989 Horror/Thriller, Nicole Kidman, Billy Zane, Sam Neill, Rod Mullinar?
+Dead Calm
+Name the film: 1990 Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi/Thriller, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin, Sharon Stone, Ronny Cox, Michael Ironside?
+Total Recall
+Name the film: 1990 Action/Crime, Warren Beatty, Glenne Headly, Al Pacino, Madonna, Dustin Hoffman?
+Dick Tracy
+Name the film: 1990 Action/Thriller, Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, Sam Neill, James Earl Jones?
+The Hunt for Red October
+Name the film: 1990 Comedy/Romance, Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Ralph Bellamy, Jason Alexander, Laura San Giacomo?
+Pretty Woman
+Name the film: 1990 Comedy/Romance/Thriller, Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Goldwyn?
+Name the film: 1990 Crime/Drama, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco, Paul Sorvino?
+Name the film: 1990 Crime/Thriller, Harrison Ford, Brian Dennehy, Raul Julia, Bonnie Bedelia, Greta Sccchi?
+Presumed Innocent
+Name the film: 1991 Action/Drama, Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey Keitel, Michael Madsen, Brad Pitt?
+Thelma and Louise 
+Name the film: 1991 Adventure/Comedy, Billy Crystal, Daniel Stern, Bruno Kirby, Helen Slater, Jack Palance?
+City Slickers
+Name the film: 1991 Comedy/Sports, Russell Crowe, Hank Azaria, Mary McCormack, Burt Reynolds, Colm Meaney?
+Mystery, Alaska
+Name the film: 1991 Drama, Kathy Bates, Mary Stuart Masterson, Mary-Louise Parker, Jessica Tandy, Cicely Tyson?
+Fried Green Tomatoes
+Name the film: 1991 Drama/Romance, Nick Nolte, Barbra Streisand, Blythe Danner, Kate Nelligan, Melinda Dillon?
+The Prince of Tides
+Name the film: 1991 Family/Comedy, Steve Martin, Diane Keaton, Kimberly Williams, Kieran Culkin, Martin Short?
+Father of the Bride
+Name the film: 1991 Thriller/Crime/Horror, Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Anthony Heald, Don Brockett?
+The Silence of the Lambs
+Name the film: 1992 Comedy, Joe Pesci, Ralph Macchio, Marisa Tomei, Mitchell Whitfield?
+My Cousin Vinny
+Name the film: 1992 Comedy, Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Rob Lowe, Tia Carrere, Brian Doyle-Murray, Lara Flynn Boyle?
+Wayne's World
+Name the film: 1992 Comedy/Crime, Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith, Kathy Najimy, Harvey Keitel, Wendy Makkena?
+Sister Act
+Name the film: 1992 Comedy/Drama, Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna, Lori Petty, Rosie O'Donnell?
+A League of Their Own
+Name the film: 1992 Drama, Craig Sheffer, Brad Pitt, Tom Skerritt, Brenda Blethyn?
+A River Runs Through It
+Name the film: 1992 Drama, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland?
+A Few Good Men
+Name the film: 1992 Mystery/Crime/Thriller, Michael Douglas, Sharon Stone, George Dzundza, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Wayne Knight?
+Basic Instinct
+Name the film: 1992 Sci-fi, Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh?
+Blade Runner
+Name the film: 1993 Action/War, Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes, Caroline Goodall, Jonathan Sagall?
+Schindler's List
+Name the film: 1993 Action/Western, Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe?
+Name the film: 1993 Adventure/Action/Thriller, Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow, Janine Turner, Michael Rooker?
+Name the film: 1993 Comedy, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Ann-Margret, Burgess Meredith, Kevin Pollak?
+Grumpy Old Men
+Name the film: 1993 Comedy/Drama, Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Juliette Lewis, Mary Steenburgen?
+What's Eating Gilbert Grape
+Name the film: 1993 Comedy/Family/Drama, Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan, Harvey Fierstein, Polly Holliday?
+Mrs. Doubtfire
+Name the film: 1993 Comedy/Romance, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Bill Pullman, Ross Malinger, Rosie O'Donnell, Rita Wilson?
+Sleepless in Seattle
+Name the film: 1993 Drama/Mystery, Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington, Sam Shepard, John Heard, John Lithgow?
+The Pelican Brief
+Name the film: 1993 Drama/Romance, Robert Redford, Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, Oliver Platt, Billy Bob Thornton?
+Indecent Proposal
+Name the film: 1993 Fantasy/Comedy/Romance, Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Brian Doyle Murray?
+Groundhog Day
+Name the film: 1993 Horror/Sci-Fi/Adventure/Thriller/Action, Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough, Wayne Knight?
+Jurassic Park
+Name the film: 1993 Thriller/Drama, Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Gene Hackman, Hal Holbrook, Wilford Brimley, Ed Harris?
+The Firm
+Name the film: 1994 Action/Adventure/Comedy, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold, Bill Paxton, Tia Carrere?
+True Lies
+Name the film: 1994 Action/Thriller, Harrison Ford, Willem Dafoe, Anne Archer, Joaquim de Almeida, Henry Czerny?
+Clear and Present Danger
+Name the film: 1994 Action/Thriller, Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Joe Morton, Jeff Daniels, Dennis Hopper?
+Name the film: 1994 Comedy/Adventure, Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly, Mike Starr, Charles Rocket?
+Dumb & Dumber
+Name the film: 1994 Crime/Thriller/Action/Drama, Tim Roth, John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Ving Rhames?
+Pulp Fiction
+Name the film: 1994 Drama/Comedy, Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Sally Field, Mykelti Williamson?
+Forrest Gump
+Name the film: 1996 Action/Sci-fi, Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch?
+Independence Day
+Name the film: 1996 Comedy/Drama/Romance, Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renee Zellweger, Kelly Preston, Jerry O'Connell?
+Jerry Maguire
+Name the film: 1996 Crime/Thriller/Drama/Mystery, Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, Gwyneth Paltrow?
+Name the film: 1996 Drama, Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, Ed Harris, Kathleen Quinlan?
+Apollo 13
+Name the film: 1996 Drama/Thriller, Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, Oliver Platt?
+A Time To Kill
+Name the film: 1997 Action/Adventure/Thriller, Pierce Brosnan, Jonathan Pryce, Judi Dench, Teri Hatcher, Desmond Llewelyn?
+Tomorrow Never Dies
+Name the film: 1997 Action/Thriller, John Travolta, Nicolas Cage, Joan Allen, Harve Presnell?
+Name the film: 1997 Action/Thriller, Nicolas Cage, Monica Potter, John Cusack, Steve Buscemi, John Malkovich?
+Con Air
+Name the film: 1997 Action/Thriller/Adventure, Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Wendy Crewson, Liesel Matthews?
+Air Force One
+Name the film: 1997 Comedy, Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Cooper, Cary Elwes, Jennifer Tilly?
+Liar Liar
+Name the film: 1997 Comedy, Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley, Michael York, Robert Wagner, Seth Green?
+Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
+Name the film: 1997 Comedy/Romance, Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Cameron Diaz, Rupert Everett, M. Emmet Walsh?
+My Best Friend's Wedding
+Name the film: 1997 Drama, Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver?
+Good Will Hunting
+Name the film: 1997 Drama/Romance, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates, Bill Paxton?
+Name the film: 1997 Romance/Drama, Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear, Cuba Gooding Jr?
+As Good As It Gets
+Name the film: 1997 Sci-fi/Comedy, Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda Fiorentino, Vincent D'Onofrio, Rip Torn?
+Men in Black
+Name the film: 1998 Action/Drama, Tom Hanks, Edward Burns, Tom Sizemore, Matt Damon?
+Saving Private Ryan
+Name the film: 1998 Action/Romance/Sci-fi, Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Steve Buscemi?
+Name the film: 1998 Comedy/Drama, Eddie Murphy, Jeff Goldblum, Kelly Preston, Robert Loggia, Jon Cryer?
+Holy Man
+Name the film: 1998 Comedy/Romance, Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon, Ben Stiller, Chris Elliott?
+There's Something About Mary
+Name the film: 1998 Drama/Fantasy, Nicolas Cage, Meg Ryan, Andre Braugher, Dennis Franz, Colm Feore?
+City of Angels
+Name the film: 1998 Drama/Romance, Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, Sam Neill, Dianne Wiest, Scarlett Johnson?
+The Horse Whisperer
+Name the film: 1998 Fantasy/Romance, Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Forlani, Jake Weber?
+Meet Joe Black
+Name the film: 1998 Romance/Comedy, Gwyneth Paltrow, Geoffrey Rush, Tom Wilkinson, Joseph Fiennes?
+Shakespeare in Love
+Name the film: 1999 Action/Thriller, Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd, Benjamin Weir, Jay Brazeau, Bruce Greenwood?
+Double Jeopardy
+Name the film: 1999 Action/Thriller/Sci-fi, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Gloria Foster?
+The Matrix
+Name the film: 1999 Adventure/Action/Horror, Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo?
+The Mummy
+Name the film: 1999 Comedy/Romance, Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Richard McCabe, Rhys Ifans, James Dreyfus?
+Notting Hill
+Name the film: 1999 Comedy/Romance, Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan Cusack, Hector Elizondo, Rita Wilson?
+Runaway Bride
+Name the film: 1999 Drama, Tobey Maguire, Charlize Theron, Delroy Lindo, Paul Rudd, Michael Caine?
+The Cider House Rules
+Name the film: 1999 Drama, Tom Hanks, David Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Michael Clarke Duncan?
+The Green Mile
+Name the film: 1999 Drama/Fantasy/Sports, Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta, Burt Lancaster?
+Field of Dreams
+Name the film: 1999 Drama/Sports, Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, James Woods, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J?
+Any Given Sunday
+Name the film: 1999 Drama/Thriller, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Cate Blanchett?
+The Talented Mr. Ripley
+Name the film: 1999 Drama/Thriller, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Madison Eginton, Jackie Sawiris?
+Eyes Wide Shut
+Name the film: 1999 Drama/Thriller/Horror, Bruce Willis, Toni Collette, Haley Joel Osment, Olivia Williams, Donnie Wahlberg?
+The Sixth Sense
+Name the film: 1999 Family/Comedy/Fantasy, Michael J. Fox (voice), Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie, Jonathan Lipnicki, Nathan Lane (voice)?
+Stuart Little
+Name the film: 2000 Action/Sci-fi, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian Mckellen, Famke Janssen, Halle Berry, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos?
+Name the film: 2000 Adventure/Drama, Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, Nick Searcy, Chris Noth?
+Cast Away
+Name the film: 2000 Adventure/Drama/Action, George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Diane Lane, Karen Allen, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio?
+The Perfect Storm
+Name the film: 2000 Adventure/Sci-fi, Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, James Garner?
+Space Cowboys
+Name the film: 2000 Comedy, Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt, Marisa Tomei, Alan Alda?
+What Women Want
+Name the film: 2000 Comedy, Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Teri Polo, Blythe Danner, Owen Wilson?
+Meet the Parents
+Name the film: 2000 Drama, Robert De Niro, Cuba Gooding Jr., Charlize Theron, Aunjanue Ellis?
+Men of Honor 
+Name the film: 2000 Drama/Action, Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Oliver Reed, Richard Harris, Connie Neilsen?
+Name the film: 2001 Action/Adventure, Angelina Jolie, Jon Voight, Iain Glen, Noah Taylor, Daniel Craig?
+Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
+Name the film: 2001 Adventure/Horror/Fantasy, Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo, Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson?
+The Mummy Returns
+Name the film: 2001 Animated/Romance/Comedy, VOICES of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow?
+Name the film: 2001 Crime/Adventure, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Carl Reiner, Elliott Gould?
+Ocean's Eleven
+Name the film: 2001 Crime/Thriller, John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Don Cheadle, Sam Shepard?
+Name the film: 2001 Drama/Romance, Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris, Christopher Plummer, Judd Hirsch?
+A Beautiful Mind
+Name the film: 2001 Drama/Sci-fi, Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor, Brenda Gleeson, William Hurt?
+Artificial Intelligence
+Name the film: 2001 Drama/War, Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, William Lee Scott?
+Pearl Harbour
+Name the film: 2001 Fantasy/Adventure, Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Astin, Cate Blanchett?
+Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
+Name the film: 2001 Fantasy/Adventure, Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, Daniel Radcliffe, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman?
+Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
+Name the film: 2002 Action/Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Thriller/Crime/Drama/Mystery, Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, Max von Sydow, Lois Smith?
+Minority Report
+Name the film: 2002 Action/Sci-fi, Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson?
+Name the film: 2002 Comedy, Mike Myers, Beyonce Knowles, Michael Caine, Seth Green, Verne Troyer, Michael York?
+Austin Powers in Goldmember
+Name the film: 2002 Comedy/Romance, Adam Sandler, Winona Ryder, John Turturro, Steve Buscemi, Conchata Ferrell?
+Mr. Deeds
+Name the film: 2002 Drama/Sci-fi/Fantasy, Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Cherry Jones, Rory Culkin, M. Night Shyamalan?
+Name the first automobile racetrack in America?
+Indianapolis motor speedway
+Name the first byrd's album?
+Mr tambourine man
+Name the first element, alphabetically?
+Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture?
+Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
+Name the first king to ever make an official visit to communist china?
+Juan carlos
+Name the first live supertramp lp?
+Name the first manned mission to orbit the moon?
+Apollo 8
+Name the first manned spacecraft to be launched into orbit for the second time?
+Name the first president of the American red cross?
+Clara barton
+Name the first ship from which Gulliver was shipwrecked in 'Gulliver's Travels'?
+Name the first state of the U S A?
+Name the first successful us hydroplane built in 1911?
+Flying fish
+Name the first woman to race in the indianapolis 500?
+Janet guthrie
+Name the Florida governor who was also a us president?
+Name the former topless model who inherited $300 million from her late husband J. Howard Marshall II?
+Anna nicole smith
+Name the four states in the USA that start with the letter A?
+Alabama, Arizona, arkansas, Alaska
+Name the fourth book of the Old Testament?
+Name the French artist who died in 1863, famous for his painting Liberty Guiding the People?
+Name the french blue-veined cheese that is ripened in limestone caves?
+Name the French boxer who was World Heavyweight Champion from 1920 to 1922, best remembered for his title fight with Jack Dempsey in 1921?
+Georges carpentier
+Name the French dance from Offenbach's opera Orpheus In The Underworld?
+Name the French salad containing tuna, anchovies, french beans and hard boiled eggs?
+Salade nicoise
+Name the German winner of the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901?
+Wilhelm rontgen
+Name the giant who had 100 eyes who was made to guard Heifer IO?
+Name the god of the beginning and the end?
+Name the Gold Medal winner in the Men's High Jump at the 1968 Olympic Games?
+Dick fosbury
+Name the Gold Medal winner in the Men's Long Jump at the 1964 Olympic Games?
+Lynn davies
+Name the Greek dish using aubergines and minced lamb?
+Name the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Juno?
+Name the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Saturn?
+Name the group that did the song-turned-pop-culture-icon 'stairway to heaven'?
+Led zeppelin
+Name the group that organist barry andrews left xtc to join?
+League of gentlemen
+Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog?
+St. Bernard
+name the hero of The Hobbit?
+Bilbo baggins
+Name the Hindu god with the head of an elephant?
+Name the honolulu detective whose favourite foe was 'wo fat'?
+Steve mcgarrett
+Name the image set up by Aaron while Moses was on Mount Sinai?
+The golden calf
+Name the implement that removes water from your windshield on your car?
+Name the Indian triangular pastries stuffed with meat or vegetables?
+Name the individual, who in 1980, set out to run across Canada to raise money for cancer?
+Terry Fox
+Name the inventor of the Richter scale?
+Charles richter
+Name the Italian dish made from pasta squares filled with meat?
+Name the Italian President of the Christian Democrats and five times Prime Minister, who was kidnapped and murdered by the Red Brigade guerrillas in 1978?
+Aldo moro
+Name the Italian-born American inventor whose form of hydrotherapy has become a popular facility in home or hotel?
+Candido jacuzzi
+Name the Japanese Stock Exchange Index?
+Name the last men on the Moon (last name only)?
+Cernan and schmitt
+Name the last state to ratify the us constitution?
+Rhode island
+Name the man who developed the first practical pneumatic tyre?
+John dunlop
+Name the mathematician credited with developing an algebra for symbolic logic?
+George boole
+Name the minister who was hanged at Salem, Massachusetts for witchcraft?
+George burroughs
+Name the missing pac-man ghost, Iinky, Pinky, Blinky & ____
+Name the monarch who holds the record of the longest reign in world history?
+Ramses ii
+Name the month in the French Republican calendar which is also the title of a novel by Emile Zola?
+Name the moody blues first lp?
+Lose your money
+Name the most north-easterly of the 48 contiguous U S states?
+Name the most popular sport in Britain?
+Name the muscle at the front of the shoulder and above the biceps which serve to raise the arm laterally?
+Name the nevil shute novel set in post-ww3 Australia that became a 1959 film starring gregory peck and ava gardner?
+On the beach
+Name the north african spicy dish of steamed semolina served with meat stew?
+Cous cous
+Name the number one 2002 album released by cold play?
+A rush of blood to the head
+Name the NYC club where Blondie and the Ramones got their start?
+Name the old type of window which housed cords attached to counterweights in order to hold it open at any height?
+Name the olympic ice sport in which the players do not wear skates?
+Name the only animal whose main source of food is the porcupine?
+Name the only animal with retractable horns?
+Name the only bird that can swim but can't fly?
+Name the only country with a national dog?
+Name the only English word with three dots in a row?
+Name the only film made by the monkees?
+Name the only flexible murder weapon in the game Clue/Cluedo?
+Name the only major Greek God whose Roman counterpart has the same name?
+Name the only mythical creature featured in the Chinese calender?
+Name the only nfl team with no logo on its helmets?
+Cleveland browns
+Name the only nhl player to play over 80 games in an 80 game season?
+Brad marsh
+Name the only number one single for boy george and the culture club?
+Karma chameleon
+Name the only president to be married for the first time while in office?
+Grover cleveland
+Name the only senator whose parents had also served in the senate?
+Russell long
+Name the only sisters to both win acting oscars?
+Joan fontaine and olivia de haviland
+Name the only state with an official grass?
+South dakota
+Name the only two mammals with hymens?
+Humans and horses
+Name the only two species that have sex for pleasure?
+Humans and dolphins
+Name the only war to end on the same day that the us draft ended?
+Vietnam war
+Name the only woman suspect in the game of Clue/Cluedo who isnt married?
+Miss scarlett
+Name the only woman to win 2 Nobel prizes?
+Marie curie
+Name the oppressive hot dry wind on the north coast of Africa, that comes from the Sahara during the spring and summer?
+Name the organisation for which jim bergerac worked?
+Bureau des etrangers
+Name the organs that are involved in a triple transplant?
+Heart lungs and liver
+Name the original comic strip Bill The Cat appeared in?
+Bloom County
+Name the painting medium which involves the use of egg yolks?
+Name the painting that features a non-smiling farmer with his pitchfork standing next to his non-smiling wife?
+American gothic
+Name the performer that inadvertently became a Broadway star as a result of a guest appearance on the T.V. show, What's My Line?
+Pearl Bailey
+Name the person from the game tomb raider?
+Lara croft
+Name the person who was never a beatle. pete best , stuart sutcliffe , mike stoller, george harrison?
+Mike stoller
+Name the philistine giant whom David slew?
+Name the plant that translates from the latin as 'fair lady'?
+Bella donna
+Name the player who has hit the most home runs in one season (70)?
+Mark mcgwire
+name the poet: a red, red rose?
+Robert burns
+name the poet: a valediction: forbidding mourning?
+John donne
+name the poet: on his blindness?
+John milton
+name the poet: ozymandias?
+Percy bysshe shelley
+name the poet: song: to cynthia?
+Ben jonson
+name the poet: the book of nightmares?
+Galway kinnell
+name the poet: the branch will not break?
+James wright
+name the poet: the rape of a lock?
+Alexander pope
+name the poet: ulysses?
+Lord tennyson
+name the poet: variation of a theme by william carlos williams?
+Kenneth koch
+Name the police staion in tv's the bill?
+Sun hill
+Name the popular child's game when you would hear the familiar phrase 'all-y, all-y in free'?
+Hide 'n' seek
+Name the port at the mouth of the River Seine?
+Le havre
+Name the primeval supercontinent which split into Gondwanaland and Laurasia between 250 and 300 million years ago?
+Name the private residence of the English monarch in Scotland?
+Balmoral castle
+Name the product that was advertised by the song, 'My Sharona'?
+Sirocco Automobiles
+name the queen who tells the stories of One Thousand and One Nights?
+Name the road tunnel that runs under the Hudson River from New York City to Jersey City?
+Name the Rock guitarist who was ordered to perform a benefit concert for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind after being charged with drug possession?
+Keith Richards
+Name the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Nike?
+Name the ruling family of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914?
+Name the Scottish Island author George Orwell was residing on when he wrote the novel 'Animal Farm'?
+Name the sea between korea and china?
+Yellow sea
+Name the sea north of Murmansk, Russia?
+Barents sea
+Name the sea west of Alaska?
+Bering sea
+Name the seaport of Tokyo?
+Name the second-largest continent after Asia?
+Name the seven dwarfs?
+Name the ship in which sir ernest shackleton sailed to the antarctic?
+Name the ship lost off Zuyder Zee in 1799 from which a famous item was salvaged in 1858?
+Name the singer who won the 1998 Eurovision Song Contest with the song Diva?
+Dana international
+Name the sitcom that featured Judd Hirsch, Andy Kaufman, Tony Danza and Danny Devito?
+Name the skipper in `20,000 leagues under the sea'?
+Captain nemo
+Name the small fried cakes made from chick peas, eaten in the middle east?
+Name the South African author of 'Cry, the Beloved Country'?
+Alan paton
+Name the state in which bill clinton was born?
+Name the strait joining the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea?
+Strait of gibraltar
+Name the stretch of water which lies between new brunswick, maine and nova scotia?
+Bay of fundy
+Name the sugar babes album?
+Angels with dirty faces
+Name the sweet's only number 1 hit?
+Name the swimmer who became a hollywood star in the 1940's and 50s in films such as bathing beauty and neptune's daughter?
+Esther williams
+Name the Swiss magnate whose European hotels were known as high-class lodgings?
+Cesar Ritz
+Name the theory which proposed that a person's mental development could be measured by a skull examination?
+Name the three children on kate and ali?
+Jenny,chip and emma 
+Name the three gorgons alphabetically?
+Euryale medusa nemesis 
+Name the three graces, signifying brilliance, joy and bloom?
+Aglaia euphrosyne thalia
+Name the three largest countries in the world in order?
+Russia, Canada, china
+Name the three main bands featured on the cartoon series 'jem' during it's entire 3 year run?
+Jem and the holograms,the misfits,the stingers
+Name the three south American countries that the equator crosses?
+Name the title which, together with Berlin Game and London Match completes Len Deighton's trilogy?
+Moscow set
+Name the toy that consisted of color pencils and plastic which you would put in the oven to create?
+Shrinky Dinks
+Name the traditional Jewish dish of stuffed fish cooked in a broth?
+Gefilte fish
+Name the treaty of 1929 which recognised Papal authority within the Vatican City?
+Lateran treaty
+Name the TV show which featured an average housewife teamed up with a secret agent?
+Scarecrow and Ms. King
+Name the twins on the thundercats?
+Wily kit and wily kat
+Name the two artists that received 1.5m at the 1983 'us' festival?
+David bowie & van halen
+Name the two festive islands that lie in the pacific ocean?
+Christmas & easter islands
+Name the two flower pot men?
+Bill and ben
+Name the two giant stars in the constellation of Orion?
+Rigel and betelgeuse
+Name the two main families on Soap?
+The Tates and The Campbells
+Name the two mammals which lay eggs?
+Duck billed platypus and spiny anteater
+Name the two national parks in wyoming?
+Yellowstone and grand teton
+Name the two Ross brothers who are both TV and radio presenters?
+Jonathon and Paul
+Name the two sisters who were part of all saints?
+Natalie & nicole appleton
+Name the two sons of king duncan of Scotland. (macbeth) and?
+Malcolm donaldbain
+Name the two species that cannot walk backwards?
+Emus and Kangaroos
+Name the U.S.S.R. leader with a birthmark on his forehead?
+Name the Unix network file system developed at CMU?
+Name the US state with the smallest population?
+Name the variety of brassica , whose thickened stem, resembling a turnip, is eaten as a vegetable?
+Name the ventriloquist who gave us Lamb Chop?
+Shar Lewis
+Name the wife of King Ahab, who Jehu ordered to be thrown to her death from a window?
+Name the wife who survived Henry VIII?
+Catherine parr
+Name the world tallest tree?
+Coastal redwood
+Name the world's 3 largest oceans, in order of size:?
+Pacific atlantic Indian
+Name the world's first nuclear powered merchant ship?
+Name the Wright brothers 1903 plane?
+Name the Year: -BC- Traditional date of the foundation of Rome?
+Name the Year: ?1 coin introduced in United Kingdom?
+Name the Year: .C. Cleopatra died?
+30 B
+Name the Year: .C. Julius Caesar slain?
+44 B
+Name the Year: .C. Roman forces under Julius Caesar invaded Britain?
+55 B
+Name the Year: 'Baby M', famed surrogate, born in?
+Name the Year: 'Marvelous' Marvin Hagler (in New Jersey), boxer, born in?
+Name the Year: 'Pepe Le Pew' debuts in his first cartoon?
+Name the Year: (AUSTRIA) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer, dies aged 37?
+Name the Year: (Bahamas) Bahamas achieves internal self-government & cabinet responsibility?
+Name the Year: (England) Ben Kingsley, Scarborough, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: (England) Britain recognizes Communist government of China?
+Name the Year: (England) Catherine of Aragon 1st wife of England's King Henry VIII, dies?
+Name the Year: (England) Charles Babbage, mathematician and developer of the speedometer, born in?
+Name the Year: (England) EMI records drop punk rock group Sex Pistols?
+Name the Year: (England) F. Scott Fitzgerald, author, died?
+Name the Year: (England) John Flamsteed observes Uranus but doesn't realize it's undiscovered?
+Name the Year: (England) King Henry VIII of England married his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves?
+Name the Year: (England) Planet Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel?
+Name the Year: (England) Richard II, Bordeaux, France, king of England (1377-99), born in?
+Name the Year: (England) Rowan Atkinson, comedian/actor (Never Say Never Again, Mr. Bean, Blackadder), born in?
+Name the Year: (England) Syd Barrett, rocker (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born in?
+Name the Year: (France) Calais, last English possession in France, retaken by French?
+Name the Year: (FRANCE) Claude Monet, imperssionist painter, dies?
+Name the Year: (France) Ether first used as an anasthetic in childbirth?
+Name the Year: (France) Gerard Depardieu, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: (France) Henri Matisse, impressionist painter, born in?
+Name the Year: (France) Jacques Montgolfier, aeronaut (1st pioneer balloonist), born in?
+Name the Year: (France) Joan of Arc, Domremy, martyr, born in?
+Name the Year: (Geneva, Switzerland) China and Austria added to Leauge of Nations?
+Name the Year: (Germany) Hugo Junkers completes the first all metal airplane?
+Name the Year: (Germany) Louis III, last king of Bavaria (1913-18), born in?
+Name the Year: (Germany) Marlene Dietrich, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: (Ireland) Martial Law Declared?
+Name the Year: (Italy) Alessandro de' Medici of Florence, assassinated?
+Name the Year: (Italy) Galileo discovers 1st 3 Jupiter satellites, Io, Europa & Ganymede?
+Name the Year: (Italy) Giovanni Cassini discovers Rhea, a satellite of Saturn?
+Name the Year: (Italy) Jose Greco, dancer, born in?
+Name the Year: (Japan) Emperor Hirohito of Japan, dies at 87 after 62-year reign?
+Name the Year: (Lebanon) Khalil Gibran, mystic poet (The Prophet, Broken Wings), born in?
+Name the Year: (Messina, Italy) Earthquake (nearly 80,000 died)?
+Name the Year: (Romania) Dr Petru Groza premier of Romania, dies at 74?
+Name the Year: (Russia) Boris Godunov seizes the Russian throne on death of Feodore I?
+Name the Year: (Scotland) Richard Arkwright, invented spinning frame?
+Name the Year: (UK) King George V crowned Emperor of India and founds New Dehli to replace Calcutta as the capital?
+Name the Year: (US) Gugliemo Marconi sends the first wireless message across the Atlantic?
+Name the Year: (USA) 1st battery to convert radioactive energy to electrical announced?
+Name the Year: (USA) 1st performance of the Beach Boys?
+Name the Year: (USA) Charles Addams, cartoonist (New Yorker, Addams Family), born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Coffee Percolator invented?
+Name the Year: (USA) Denzel Washington, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Edison gives 1st public demonstration of his incandescent lamp?
+Name the Year: (USA) For the 1st time a ball drops at Times Square to signal the new year?
+Name the Year: (USA) Gypsy Rose Lee, stripper, born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Ira Gershwin, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Joesph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) John Denver singer, born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) John Steinbeck, author, died?
+Name the Year: (USA) Nicolas Cage, actor (The Rock, Face/Off), born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Patent for reducing zinc ore granted to Samuel Wetherill?
+Name the Year: (USA) Plane broke height altitude record at 11474 feet?
+Name the Year: (USA) Pres Truman announces development of the hydrogen bomb?
+Name the Year: (USA) President Truman officially proclaims end of WW-II?
+Name the Year: (USA) Ratification of UN Charter completed?
+Name the Year: (USA) Richard Clayderman, pianist, born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Robert Englund, actor (V, Nightmare on Elm Street), born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Rube Goldberg, inventor and cartoonist, dies?
+Name the Year: (USA) Rutan and Yeager make first around-the-world flight without refueling?
+Name the Year: (USA) Samuel Morse made 1st public demonstration of telegraph?
+Name the Year: (USA) Theodore Roosevelt dies at his home in Oyster Bay, NY, at 60?
+Name the Year: (USA) Tom Mix silent screen cowboy actor, born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Transistor invented by Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley in Bell Labs?
+Name the Year: (USA) Val Kilmer, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: (USA) Walt Disney born?
+Name the Year: (Vietnam) Vietnamese forces capture Phnom Penh from Khmer Rouge?
+Name the Year: (Wales) Anthony Hopkins, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: (Yugoslavia) Alexander I establishes a royal dictatorship in Yugoslavia?
+Name the Year: 10 suffragists arrested as they picket the White House?
+Name the Year: 10,000 Chinese soldiers are blocked by 100,000 citizens protecting students demonstrating for democracy in Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
+Name the Year: 10,000 die in an earthquake in western Iran?
+Name the Year: 10th modern Olympic games opens in Los Angeles?
+Name the Year: 11 Israeli athletes are slain at Munich Olympics?
+Name the Year: 113 killed in Eastern Boeing 727 crash at JFK airport?
+Name the Year: 11th Amendment of American Constitution ratified, Judicial powers construed?
+Name the Year: 12 nations sign a treaty for scientific peaceful use of Antarctica?
+Name the Year: 1211-kg great white shark becomes largest fish ever caught on a rod?
+Name the Year: 135 acre Disney's MGM studio officially opens to the public?
+Name the Year: 14 US Communist Party leaders convicted of sedition?
+Name the Year: 140,000 attend Atlanta Pop Festival featuring Led Zepplin and Janis Joplin?
+Name the Year: 14th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet?
+Name the Year: 156-day strike against Westinghouse ended?
+Name the Year: 175-kph winds cause blackout in London, much of southern England?
+Name the Year: 18-month-old Jessica McClure is rescued 58 hours after she fell 22 feet into a well shaft in Midland, TX?
+Name the Year: 18th Space Shuttle Mission (Discovery 5) returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: 18th Summer Olympic Games opened in Tokyo?
+Name the Year: 19 year old Pete Sampras beats Andre Agassi to win the US Open?
+Name the Year: 19th amendment passes ____ women's suffrage granted (about time!)
+Name the Year: 19th modern Olympic games opens in Mexico City?
+Name the Year: 1st 33 1/3 rpm recording released (Beethoven's 5th)?
+Name the Year: 1st 4 engine aircraft built & flown (Igor Sikorsky-Russia)?
+Name the Year: 1st abdication of Napoleon; he is exiled to Elba?
+Name the Year: 1st all Australian women's US Open final, (Margaret Court beats Yvonne Goolagong)?
+Name the Year: 1st all-glass windowless structure in US completed, Toledo, Ohio?
+Name the Year: 1st all-talking motion picture shown, in NY?
+Name the Year: 1st American marathon ran, John J McDermott wins in 2:55:10 (Boston)?
+Name the Year: 1st ascent of Mt. Erebus, Antarctica?
+Name the Year: 1st attempt at motion pictures (used 12 cameras, each taking 1 picture) done to see if all 4 of a horse's hooves leave the ground?
+Name the Year: 1st auto to exceed 100 mph (161 kph), A.G. MacDonald, Daytona Beach?
+Name the Year: 1st baby born on Alcatraz Island?
+Name the Year: 1st BASIC program run on a computer (Dartmouth)?
+Name the Year: 1st British jet fighter used in combat (Gloster Meteor)?
+Name the Year: 1st Canadian parliament opens in Kingston, Ontario?
+Name the Year: 1st color photograph of Earth from outer space?
+Name the Year: 1st color video recording on magnetic tape presented, Charlotte North Carolina, USA?
+Name the Year: 1st commercial computer, UNIVAC 1, enters service at Census Bureau?
+Name the Year: 1st commercial flight across the Pacific, Pan Am?
+Name the Year: 1st commercial jet plane, BOAC Comet?
+Name the Year: 1st commercially produced synthetic rubber manufactured?
+Name the Year: 1st commercially-made ice cream sold (NY)?
+Name the Year: 1st controlled nuclear chain reaction (University of Chicago)?
+Name the Year: 1st documented case of a robot killing a human in US?
+Name the Year: 1st Doughnut created?
+Name the Year: 1st Dutch settlers arrive (from NJ), to colonize Manhattan Island?
+Name the Year: 1st earthquake recorded in US, at Plymouth, Mass?
+Name the Year: 1st edition of Peter Roget's Thesaurus published?
+Name the Year: 1st electric blanket manufactured; sold for US$39.50?
+Name the Year: 1st English child born in the New World (Virginia Dare)?
+Name the Year: 1st English Parliament called into session by Earl of Leicester?
+Name the Year: 1st English Parliament formally convened (some authorities)?
+Name the Year: 1st Ferris wheel premieres (Chicago's Columbian Exposition)?
+Name the Year: 1st flight of the autogiro (Juan de la Cierva, Madrid Spain)?
+Name the Year: 1st French Republic declared?
+Name the Year: 1st human heart transplant performed (Dr Christian Barnard, S Africa)?
+Name the Year: 1st inoculation (for rabies) of a human being, by Louis Pasteur?
+Name the Year: 1st International Workers Day, according to the 2nd International?
+Name the Year: 1st jet fighter used in combat (Messerschmitt 262)?
+Name the Year: 1st large-scale US Army ground units arrive in South Vietnam?
+Name the Year: 1st Le Mans Grand Prix d'Endurance was run?
+Name the Year: 1st legal off-track betting system begins (OTB-New York)?
+Name the Year: 1st long distance telephone call without operator assistance?
+Name the Year: 1st McDonalds in Russia opens in Moscow, world's biggest McDonalds?
+Name the Year: 1st men on Moon, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Apollo 11?
+Name the Year: 1st merry-go-round seen at a fair (Philippapolis, Turkey)?
+Name the Year: 1st military use of trained dolphins (US Navy in Persian Gulf)?
+Name the Year: 1st Miss America crowned (Margaret Gorman of Washington DC)?
+Name the Year: 1st modern Olympic Games officially opens in Athens?
+Name the Year: 1st Mother's Day held (Phila)?
+Name the Year: 1st newspaper cartoon strip?
+Name the Year: 1st nonhuman primate (baboon) conceived in a lab dish, San Antonio?
+Name the Year: 1st of 3 massacres by Sikh extremists takes place in India?
+Name the Year: 1st opium war-2 British frigates engage several Chinese junks?
+Name the Year: 1st parachute wedding?
+Name the Year: 1st parlimentary election in newly reunified Germany?
+Name the Year: 1st permanent artificial heart successfully implanted (U of Utah) in retired dentist Barney Clark; lived 112 days with the Jarvic-7 heart?
+Name the Year: 1st permanent settlement in US forms (St Augustine, Florida)?
+Name the Year: 1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration?
+Name the Year: 1st quadrophonic concert (Pink Floyd in London)?
+Name the Year: 1st running of the Indianapolis 500?
+Name the Year: 1st Spanish settlement in New World founded by Columbus?
+Name the Year: 1st Spanish settlement in Philippines, Cebu City, forms?
+Name the Year: 1st stored computer program run, on Manchester Mark I?
+Name the Year: 1st successful separation of Siamese twins?
+Name the Year: 1st successful test flight of a Saturn V?
+Name the Year: 1st sun-powered automobile demonstrated, Chicago, Ill?
+Name the Year: 1st TRS-80 computer sold?
+Name the Year: 1st US-to-Australia flight lands (Sir Charles Kingford-Smith)?
+Name the Year: 1st use of seeing eye dog?
+Name the Year: 1st western pop star to tour the USSR-Elton John?
+Name the Year: 1st woman to fly solo from England to Australia takes-off (Amy Johnson)?
+Name the Year: 1st written record of Scotch Whiskey appears in Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Friar John Cor is the distiller?
+Name the Year: 1st Zeppelin air raid over England?
+Name the Year: 1st zeppelin raid (on Paris)?
+Name the Year: 2 French balloonists die in world's 1st fatal aviation accident?
+Name the Year: 2 killed, many dazed when lightning strikes Ascot racetrack, England?
+Name the Year: 2 million gallons of molasses flood Boston, USA, drowning 21?
+Name the Year: 2 Skylab 3 astronauts walk in space for a record 7 hours?
+Name the Year: 2,000 die from Union Carbide poison gas emission in Bhopal, India?
+Name the Year: 2,500 US marines invade Nicaragua; US remains until 1925?
+Name the Year: 20,000 attend the Human Be-In, SF?
+Name the Year: 200 die as train derails near Tcherny, Russia?
+Name the Year: 200,000 gays march for civil rights in Washington?
+Name the Year: 20th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 6 is launched?
+Name the Year: 21st Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 1 is launched?
+Name the Year: 21st Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 1 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: 22nd Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 9 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: 22nd Space Shuttle Mission, Challenger 9, is launched carrying eight crewmen (2 Germans, 1 Dutch)?
+Name the Year: 23rd Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 2 is launched?
+Name the Year: 241 US Marines and sailors die in a terrorist suicide attack on their barracks in Beriut?
+Name the Year: 24th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 7 is launched?
+Name the Year: 25,000 die in Iranian Earthquake?
+Name the Year: 25,000 women marched in NYC, demanding the right to vote?
+Name the Year: 250 miners die in a fire at St. Paul Mine at Cherry, Ill?
+Name the Year: 250,000 protesters peacefully demonstrate against Vietnam War?
+Name the Year: 25th Olympic Summer games opens in Barcelona, Spain?
+Name the Year: 26th Olympic Summer games closes in Atlanta, Georgia?
+Name the Year: 26th Olympic Summer games opens in Atlanta, Georgia?
+Name the Year: 26th Space Shuttle mission, Discovery 7 launched?
+Name the Year: 28 former Jap leaders indicted in Tokyo as war criminals?
+Name the Year: 28 nations, at war with Axis, pledge no separate peace?
+Name the Year: 29 year old French woman gives birth to sextuplets in Paris?
+Name the Year: 2nd abdication of Napoleon (after Waterloo)?
+Name the Year: 2nd Balkan War ends, Treaty of Bucharest, Bulgaria loses?
+Name the Year: 2nd Council of Constantinople (5th ecumenical council) opens?
+Name the Year: 2nd French empire established; Louis Napoleon becomes emperor?
+Name the Year: 2nd modern Olympic games opens in Paris (lasted 5 months)?
+Name the Year: 2nd Republic of Austria forms?
+Name the Year: 3 cosmonauts die as Soyuz XI depressurizes during reentry?
+Name the Year: 3 members of 2 Live Crew acquitted on obsenity charges in Florida?
+Name the Year: 31st recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet?
+Name the Year: 33 years after Soviet tanks crushed the Prague Spring, Hungary declares itself a republic?
+Name the Year: 35 die in rioting between British & Italians at European Cup Football?
+Name the Year: 39 German states unite under the Act of Confederation?
+Name the Year: 4 Dutch television crew members were shot dead in El Salvador?
+Name the Year: 4 students at Kent State University killed by Ohio National Guard during anti-war protest?
+Name the Year: 4,500 people die when a pair of earthquakes struck NW Algeria?
+Name the Year: 400 people mostly children killed in a gas explosion in Texas?
+Name the Year: 41 Pilgrims signed a compact aboard Mayflower?
+Name the Year: 41 suffragists are arrested in front of the White House?
+Name the Year: 4th French republic established?
+Name the Year: 4th modern Olympic games opens in London?
+Name the Year: 5,000 drown in a storm at Ganges Delta region in India?
+Name the Year: 5.9 earthquake in New England/Canada; last one was in 1855?
+Name the Year: 500 Marseillaisian men sing France's national anthem for 1st time?
+Name the Year: 582 die in aviation's worst disaster KLM 747 crashes into Pan Am 747 on a foggy runway?
+Name the Year: 5th modern Olympic games opens in Stockholm?
+Name the Year: 5th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 5 is launched (first commercial flight)?
+Name the Year: 6,000 Armenians massacred by Turks in Kurdistan?
+Name the Year: 6th space shuttle mission, Challenger 1 launched?
+Name the Year: 7 top NY Mafia bosses sentenced to 100 years in prison each?
+Name the Year: 7th modern Olympic games opens in Antwerp?
+Name the Year: 7th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet?
+Name the Year: 7th Shuttle Mission (Challenger 2) launched. Sally Ride is the first U.S. woman in space?
+Name the Year: 7th Space Shuttle Mission (Challenger 2) returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: 8 of the 9 planets aligned for the first time in 400 years?
+Name the Year: 800 people killed as Kamikaze attacked USS Franklin off Japan?
+Name the Year: 8th and last crusade is launched?
+Name the Year: 8th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet?
+Name the Year: 9 hostages and 28 prisoners die in take over a Attica State Prison?
+Name the Year: 9-year-old Edward VI succeeds Henry VIII as king of England?
+Name the Year: 9,000 scientists of 43 nations petition UN for nuclear test ban?
+Name the Year: 9th modern Olympic games opens in Amsterdam?
+Name the Year: 9th Olympic Games closes in Amsterdam?
+Name the Year: 9th Winter Olympic games open in Innsbruck, Austria?
+Name the Year: A 20-cent coin was authorized by U.S. Congress (It only lasted 3 years)?
+Name the Year: A general election results in a hung Parliament in the UK. James MacDonald, of the UK Labor Party wins the follow-up election next year?
+Name the Year: A Hatfield marries a McCoy, ending a long feud in W. VA?
+Name the Year: A hotel in Boston becomes the first to have indoor plumbing?
+Name the Year: A London pedestrian walks 20 miles backward and 20 miles forward in 8 hours?
+Name the Year: A mail carrier in Edmond, Okla., shot 14 fellow workers dead?
+Name the Year: A new war government takes office in France?
+Name the Year: A. Bonar Law (C), British prime minister (1922-23), born in?
+Name the Year: A.J. Cronin, English author, born in?
+Name the Year: Aaron Burr, duelist, born in?
+Name the Year: Abbas I Shah of Persia (1588-1629), dies at 57?
+Name the Year: Abbie Hoffman, inventor of LSD?
+Name the Year: Abdul-Aziz ibn Sa'ud founder of Saudi Arabia, dies (born c 1880)?
+Name the Year: Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Jordan's King, assassinated in Jerusalem, born in?
+Name the Year: Abolhassan Bani-Sadr was installed as president of Iran?
+Name the Year: Abolitionist Elijah Lovejoy murdered by mob at Alton, Ill?
+Name the Year: About midday, near-total darkness descends on much of New England to this day it's cause is still unexplained?
+Name the Year: Abraham De Moivre French mathematician (De Moivre's theorem), born in?
+Name the Year: Abraham Lincoln was elected to his second term as President?
+Name the Year: Abraham Lincoln, 16th President (1861-1865), born in?
+Name the Year: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Sharjah & Umm ak Qiwain form the United Arab Emirates?
+Name the Year: Academy Awards ceremony telecast for the first time?
+Name the Year: Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences forms?
+Name the Year: According to Shakespeare, this is Romeo and Juliet's wedding day?
+Name the Year: According to South Africa, Venda gained independence. Not recognized as an independent country outside of South Africa?
+Name the Year: Ace Frehley Bronx NY, heavy metal rocker (Kiss), born in?
+Name the Year: Achsah Young becomes 1st woman known to be executed as a witch (MA)?
+Name the Year: Act of Uniformity requires English to accept book of Common Prayer?
+Name the Year: Actor Natalie Wood drowns off Santa Catalina, Calif., at 43?
+Name the Year: Actor Tyrone Power dies of a heart attack at 44?
+Name the Year: Actors Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy are married?
+Name the Year: Ada Lovelace (future first computer programmer) meets Charles Babbage?
+Name the Year: Adam Ant [Stuart Goddard], punk rocker (If I Strip For You), born in?
+Name the Year: Adam Smith (in Kirkcaldy, Scotland), economist, born in?
+Name the Year: Adelaide, South Australia founded?
+Name the Year: Adlai E. Stevenson, statesman, born in?
+Name the Year: Admiral Chester Nimitz, in charge of Pacific Fleet in WWII, born in?
+Name the Year: Admiral R.E. Byrd makes first South Pole flight?
+Name the Year: Adolf Hitler (in Braunau, Austria), dictator of Nazi Germany, born in?
+Name the Year: Adolf Hitler and wife Eva Braun commit suicide?
+Name the Year: Adolf Hitler named German Chancellor?
+Name the Year: Adolph Hitler opens Berlin Olympic Games?
+Name the Year: Adolph Sutro SF mayor, built Cliff House, railways, tunnels, born in?
+Name the Year: Adrian IV only English pope (1154-59), dies (birth date unknown)?
+Name the Year: Afghanistan revolution (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Agnes Moorehead actress (Endora-Bewitched), dies at 67?
+Name the Year: Agustin I de Iturbide, emperor of Mexico (1822-23), born in?
+Name the Year: Akbar, Indian Mughal emperor (1556-1605), born in?
+Name the Year: Akira Kurosawa, movie director, born in?
+Name the Year: Al Capone convicted of tax evasion, sentenced to 11 years in prison?
+Name the Year: Al Capone, Crime Boss, born in?
+Name the Year: Al Hirt, trumpet player?
+Name the Year: Al Jarreau, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Al Jolson jazz singer/silent film actor (Mamie, Swanee), born in?
+Name the Year: Al Martino, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Al Oerter, US discus thrower, born in?
+Name the Year: Al Pacino NYC, actor (Godfather, Carlito's Way), born in?
+Name the Year: Al Rosen, baseball player and executive, born in?
+Name the Year: Al Unser, auto racer (Indianapolis 500-1970, 71), born in?
+Name the Year: Alamo is besieged by Santa Anna, entire garrison eventually killed?
+Name the Year: Alan Alda NYC, actor (Hawkeye Pierce-MASH), born in?
+Name the Year: Alan Alexander Milne author (Winnie-the-Pooh), born in?
+Name the Year: Alan B. Shepard, Jr., first American in space (Freedom 7, Apollo 14)?
+Name the Year: Alan Bates, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Alan Turing mathematician pioneer in computer theory (Turing Machine), born in?
+Name the Year: Alaric sacks Rome?
+Name the Year: Albania becomes a kingdom, with Zogu I as king?
+Name the Year: Albania becomes a republic?
+Name the Year: Albania liberated from Nazi control (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Albert Ascoli Italian developed anti-tuberculosis vaccine, dies?
+Name the Year: Albert Einstein (in Ulm, Germany), scientist, born in?
+Name the Year: Albert Einstein arrives in the US, a refugee from Nazi Germany?
+Name the Year: Albert Einstein, scientist, born in?
+Name the Year: Albert Finney, actor (Oliver, The Twelve Chairs)?
+Name the Year: Albert Hofmann, Swiss chemist, discoverer of LSD, born in?
+Name the Year: Albert Schweitzer, doctor/humanitarian/organist (Nobel 1952), born in?
+Name the Year: Alberto Salazar, marathon runner, born in?
+Name the Year: Albrecht D?rer N?rnberg Germany, Renaissance painter/print maker, born in?
+Name the Year: Albrecht von Haller, the father of experimental physiology?
+Name the Year: Alcatraz federal pen in San Francisco Bay was closed?
+Name the Year: Aldous Huxley, author (Brave New World), born in?
+Name the Year: Aleister Crowley, occultist dies at 74?
+Name the Year: Aleksandr Borodin, Russian composer?
+Name the Year: Aleksandr Pushkin, poet, novelist, dramatist, killed in a duel?
+Name the Year: Alessandro Manzoni, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Alessandro Scarlatti, Palermo Italy, composer (Tigrane), born in?
+Name the Year: Alexander Alekhine of Russia, world chess champion (1927-46)?
+Name the Year: Alexander Bell in New York calls Thomas Watson in San Francisco?
+Name the Year: Alexander Calder, sculptor (mobiles, stabiles), born in?
+Name the Year: Alexander Dubcek, head of Czech Communist Party (1968-69)?
+Name the Year: Alexander Godunov, composer?
+Name the Year: Alexander Graham Bell files an application for a patent for the telephone?
+Name the Year: Alexander Graham Bell received a patent for his telephone?
+Name the Year: Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, born in?
+Name the Year: Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the US Treasury, born in?
+Name the Year: Alexander I, tsar of Russia (1801-25), born in?
+Name the Year: Alexander II Tsar of Russia (1855-81), born in?
+Name the Year: Alexander III the Great, king of Macedonia, emperor?
+Name the Year: Alexander Nevsky of Novgorod defeats Teutonic Knights?
+Name the Year: Alexander Pope England, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Alexander S Pushkin Russia, writer (Eugene Onegin), born in?
+Name the Year: Alexander VI divides non-Christian world between Spain & Portugal?
+Name the Year: Alexandra Kollontai of Russia becomes 1st woman ambassador?
+Name the Year: Alexandre Dumas, France, author (3 Musketeers), born in?
+Name the Year: Alexandre Dumas, playwright/novelist (Camille), born in?
+Name the Year: Alexandrine-Pieternella-Fran?oise Tinn, explored the White Nile, born in?
+Name the Year: Alexei Kosygin, Soviet Premier, born in?
+Name the Year: Alfonso VI of Castile captured Toledo, Spain, and brought the Moorish center of science into Christian hands?
+Name the Year: Alfonso X (the Wise), king of Castile and Leon (1252)?
+Name the Year: Alfonso X Spanish king (Castile & Leon), dies at 62?
+Name the Year: Alfred Bernhard Nobel (in Stockholm, Sweden), created dynamite and Peace Prizes, born in?
+Name the Year: Alfred Butts, inventor of the game 'Scrabble', born in?
+Name the Year: Alfred Hitchcock dies in Calif at 80?
+Name the Year: Alfred Hitchcock director (Psycho), dies at 80, born in?
+Name the Year: Alfred Hitchcock knighted ____ Good Evening
+Name the Year: Alfred Hitchcock, London, director (Psycho, Birds, Rear Window), born in?
+Name the Year: Alfred Kinsey entomologist/sexologist (Kinsey Report), born in?
+Name the Year: Alfred Krupp, German arms merchant, born in?
+Name the Year: Alfred Lord Tennyson, poet laureate of England, born in?
+Name the Year: Alfred Nobel dies; Swedish Nobel Prize ceremony on this date?
+Name the Year: Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel prize?
+Name the Year: Alfred Nobel invents dynamite?
+Name the Year: Algeria gained independence after 132 years of French rule?
+Name the Year: Algerian Revolution against French ends (Algeria gained independence on 5th July)?
+Name the Year: Alice Cooper, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Alleged Nazi Kurt Waldheim elected pres of Austria?
+Name the Year: Allen Funt, voyuer, 'Candid Camera' creator, born in?
+Name the Year: Allen Ginsberg, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Allied forces invade North Africa?
+Name the Year: Allied forces liberate Luxembourg from Nazis?
+Name the Year: Allies invade Italy?
+Name the Year: Allies refuse Japan's surrender offer to retain Emperor Hirohito?
+Name the Year: Allies turned back Germans in WW I's Battle of Verdun?
+Name the Year: Aloys Senefelder, inventor of lithography?
+Name the Year: Alyassa Milano, actor (Who's the Boss)?
+Name the Year: Ambose Bierce, cynic?
+Name the Year: Ambrose Bierce Ohio, writer (The Devils Dictionary), born in?
+Name the Year: Amedeo Avogadro, made famous by picking 6.022 x 10 ^ 23?
+Name the Year: Amelia Earhart completes transcontinental flight?
+Name the Year: Amelia Earhart flies from Hawaii to California (non-stop, of course)?
+Name the Year: Amelia Earhart is first woman to cross the Atlantic?
+Name the Year: Amelia Earhart is first woman to make solo crossing of the Atlantic?
+Name the Year: America's first auto race starts; 6 cars, 55 miles, winner averages a blazing 7 MPH?
+Name the Year: American and Filipino forces overwhelmed by Japanese at Bataan?
+Name the Year: American Express founded?
+Name the Year: American forces launched the invasion of Okinawa during WW II?
+Name the Year: American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South Dakota?
+Name the Year: American network ABC begins the tradition of Saturday morning kid shows?
+Name the Year: American poet Emily Dickinson died?
+Name the Year: American Republican Party formed at Ripon, Wisconsin?
+Name the Year: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals organized?
+Name the Year: American suffragist Susan B. Anthony died?
+Name the Year: American swimmer Mark Spitz becomes the first athlete to win seven olympic gold medals?
+Name the Year: Amerigo Vespucci, explorer and namesake of America (lucky they didn't call it Vespuccia)?
+Name the Year: Amilcar Cabral, worked for independence of Portuguese Africa, born in?
+Name the Year: Amnesty International Anniversary?
+Name the Year: Amundsen of Norway reaches the south pole?
+Name the Year: Anatoly Karpov, USSR retains world chess championship?
+Name the Year: Anders Celsius, scientist, invented centigrade temperature scale?
+Name the Year: Andie MacDowell Gaffney SC, actress (Greystroke, Green Card), born in?
+Name the Year: Andre Agassi U.S., tennis pro (US & French Open finalist-1990), born in?
+Name the Year: Andre Michelin, France, industrialist/tire manufacturer (Michelin), born in?
+Name the Year: Andre-Gustave Citroen, French automaker, born in?
+Name the Year: Andre-Jacques Garnerin makes the first parachute jump from a balloon (Paris, France)?
+Name the Year: Andre-Marie Ampere France, discovered electromagnetism, born in?
+Name the Year: Andrea Doria, Genovese statesman, admiral?
+Name the Year: Andrei Tarkovski, Russian director (Stalker), dies at 54?
+Name the Year: Andres Bello, Venezuelan diplomat, author, humanist?
+Name the Year: Andres Segovia Spanish guitarist, dies at 94?
+Name the Year: Andres Segovia, guitarist, born in?
+Name the Year: Andrew Carnegie, steel industrialist, library builder?
+Name the Year: Andrew Lloyd Webber, composer (Evita, Cats, J.C. Superstar), born in?
+Name the Year: Andrew S. Hallidie, inventor of the Cable Car, born in?
+Name the Year: Andy Bell, rocker (Erasure), born in?
+Name the Year: Andy Gibb singer, Australia?
+Name the Year: Andy Griffith Mount Airy NC, actor (Andy Griffith Show, Matlock), born in?
+Name the Year: Andy Taylor, guitarist with Duran Duran, born in?
+Name the Year: Andy Warhol, artist, movie producer?
+Name the Year: Angela Bowie reveals that ex husband David slept with Mick Jagger?
+Name the Year: Angela Lansbury, actor (Sweeney Todd; Murder, She Wrote)?
+Name the Year: Angie Dickinson (in Kulm, ND), actor?
+Name the Year: Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu named Nobel Peace Prize winner?
+Name the Year: Anglo-Egyptian country of Sudan forms?
+Name the Year: Anita Ekberg, Sweden, actress (La Dolce Vita, War and Peace), born in?
+Name the Year: Anjelica Huston, actress, born...?
+Name the Year: Ann Peebles Missouri, soul singer (I Can't Stand the Rain), born in?
+Name the Year: Ann Ward Radcliffe, English Gothic novelist (The Italian), born in?
+Name the Year: Anna Pavlova, St Petersburg Russia, ballerina/choreographer, born in?
+Name the Year: Anna Taylor, first to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel and live?
+Name the Year: Anne Bancroft AKA Mrs Mel Brooks, Bronx, actress (Graduate), born in?
+Name the Year: Anne Boleyn wife of Henry VIII, beheaded?
+Name the Year: Anne Frank, 15, (Diary of Anne Frank) is arrested by Nazis?
+Name the Year: Annette Bening, actress (Bugsy, Valmont), born in?
+Name the Year: Annette Funichello (in Utica, NY), mouseketeer, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Annette O'Toole (in Houston, TX), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Anni-Frid (in Lyngsdtad, Sweden), singer (ABBA)?
+Name the Year: Annie Oakley, frontierswoman (Buffalo Bill's Wild West), born in?
+Name the Year: Announcement of discovery of atomic element 102 - nobelium?
+Name the Year: Ansel Adams, knows how to handle a camera, born in?
+Name the Year: Antarctica discovered by U.S. Navy Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer?
+Name the Year: Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker, Dutch aircraft pioneer?
+Name the Year: Anthony Quayle England, actor (Anne of 1000 Days, Lawrence of Arabia), born in?
+Name the Year: Anthony Quinn, Mexico, actor (Zorba the Greek, Lawrence of Arabia), born in?
+Name the Year: Antiwar protest marches begin in 20 US cities (US-Iraq)?
+Name the Year: Anton Bruckner (in Austria), Wagner disciple?
+Name the Year: Anton Checkov (in Russia), writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Anton Pavlovich, Chekhov Russia, writer (Cherry Orchard), born in?
+Name the Year: Antonin Dvorak, Nelahozeves, Czechoslovakia, composer (New World Symphony), born in?
+Name the Year: Antoninus Pius, Roman Emperor?
+Name the Year: Antonio Egas Moniz, Portuguese lobotomist (Nobel 1949)?
+Name the Year: Antonio Salieri Italy, composer (Tatare), born in?
+Name the Year: Antonio Stradivari, violin maker, dies?
+Name the Year: Anwar El Sadat, president of Egypt, born in?
+Name the Year: Anwar Sadat assassinated?
+Name the Year: Anwar Sadat became 1st Egyptian president to officially visit the US?
+Name the Year: Anwar Sadat elected president of Egypt, succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser?
+Name the Year: Apollo 10 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Apollo 11, first manned ship to land on the moon, is launched?
+Name the Year: Apollo 12 is launched?
+Name the Year: Apollo 12 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Apollo 13 launched to Moon; unable to land, returns in 6 days?
+Name the Year: Apollo 13 limps back safely, Beech-built oxygen tank no help?
+Name the Year: Apollo 13's Beech-built oxygen tank explodes?
+Name the Year: Apollo 15 launched to the Moon?
+Name the Year: Apollo 15 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Apollo 16 astronauts explore the surface of the moon?
+Name the Year: Apollo 16 takes off for the Moon?
+Name the Year: Apollo 17 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Apollo 9 is launched?
+Name the Year: Apollo 9 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Apollo/Soyuz, the first US/USSR linkup in space?
+Name the Year: Apple Computer incorporated?
+Name the Year: Apple Computer ships its 1st Apple II?
+Name the Year: Apple records closes down (Beatles first record company)?
+Name the Year: Approx 2,000 students begin hunger strike in Tiananmen Square, China?
+Name the Year: Archduke Ferdinand & wife Sofia of Austria assassinated (starts WW I)?
+Name the Year: Aretha Franklin (in Detroit, MI), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Aretha Franklin arrested in Detroit for creating a disturbance?
+Name the Year: Arganat Comm publishes report concerning the Yom Kippur War?
+Name the Year: Argentina complains to UN about Israeli illicit transfer of Eichman?
+Name the Year: Argentina declared its independence from Spain. (Argentinian Independance Day)?
+Name the Year: Argentina declares independence from Napoleonic Spain (Natl Day)?
+Name the Year: Argentina seized the disputed Falkland (Malvinas) Islands from Britain?
+Name the Year: Argentina surrenders to Britain on S Georgia near Falkland Island?
+Name the Year: Argentine pres. Isabel Peron was deposed by her country's military?
+Name the Year: Aristotle Onassis, Greece, rich shipping magnate, born in?
+Name the Year: Armand Assante, actor (Q&A, Judge Dredd)?
+Name the Year: Armenia votes on whether to remain in the Soviet Union?
+Name the Year: Armistice Day ____ WW I ends (at 11AM on Western Front)
+Name the Year: Armistice divides Vietnam into two countries?
+Name the Year: Armistice signed ending Korean War?
+Name the Year: Armistice talks to end the Korean conflict began at Kaesong?
+Name the Year: Army launched US's third successful satellite Explorer III?
+Name the Year: Army of England's Protestant King William III defeats Roman Catholic King James II in Battle of the Boyne in Ireland?
+Name the Year: Arnold Palmer golfer (PGA Golfer of the Year 1960, 1962), born in?
+Name the Year: Arnold Schoenberg, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austria, actor (Commando, Terminator, Twins, Batman and Robin), born in?
+Name the Year: Arnold Toynbee, historian, born in?
+Name the Year: Around the World Autombile Race ends in Paris?
+Name the Year: Arrest of burglars starts the Watergate affair?
+Name the Year: Art Blakey, jazz drummer (Jazz Messengers), born in?
+Name the Year: Art Carney, actor (Honeymooners, Harold and Maude)?
+Name the Year: Art Garfunkel, singer/actor (Sounds of Silence, Carnal Knowledge), born in?
+Name the Year: Arther C Clarke proposes relay satellites in geosynchronous orbit?
+Name the Year: Arthur C. Clarke, science-fiction author (2001, Childhood's End), born in?
+Name the Year: Arthur Earl Balfour (C), British PM (1902-05), born in?
+Name the Year: Arthur Miller, playwright (Death of a Salesman, The Crucible), born in?
+Name the Year: Arthur Mitchell, dancer, dance company director, born in?
+Name the Year: Arthur Murray, dance instructor, born in?
+Name the Year: Arthur Murray, dance instructor, dies at 95?
+Name the Year: Arthur Penn, stage and film director, born in?
+Name the Year: Arthur Rimbaud, France, poet/adventurer (Illuminations), born in?
+Name the Year: Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., historian, born in?
+Name the Year: Arthur Wellesley General/Duke of Wellington, dies at 83?
+Name the Year: Arthur Wellsley Duke of Wellington, British PM (C) (1828-30), born in?
+Name the Year: Artificial heart recipient Murray P. Haydon died in Louisville, KY?
+Name the Year: Arturo Toscanini (in Italy), conductor, born in?
+Name the Year: As he vowed, General Douglas MacArthur returned to the Philippines?
+Name the Year: Asaph Hall discovers Mars' moon Phobos?
+Name the Year: Asaph Hall discovers Mars's moon Deimos?
+Name the Year: Asaph Hall, astronomer, discovered the moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, born in?
+Name the Year: Assorted Russian republics form together to found the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?
+Name the Year: Asteroid 54, Kalypso discovered (named for goddess of silence)?
+Name the Year: Astrological Harmonic Convergence ____ Dawn of New Age
+Name the Year: At 10:35AM, for 12 seconds, first sustained motorized aircraft flight (36 meters) by Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, NC?
+Name the Year: At approx. 1:00 am Baghdad local time, allied forces attacked, beginning Gulf War?
+Name the Year: At Montgomery, Alabama, the Confederate States are organized?
+Name the Year: At Waynesborough, Gen. Early's army is defeated?
+Name the Year: Atahualpa last Incan King of Peru, murdered by Spanish conquerors?
+Name the Year: Atlanta pharmacist John Styth Pemberton invents Coca Cola?
+Name the Year: Atom Bomb dropped on Hiroshima by the 'Enola Gay' (Pacific Time)?
+Name the Year: Atomic fusion (thermonuclear) bomb dropped from plane-Bikini Atoll?
+Name the Year: Attempting to rid area of Palestine guerrillas Israel invades Lebanon?
+Name the Year: Audie Murphy Kingston Tx, WWII hero/actor (Destry, Joe Butterfly), born in?
+Name the Year: Audrey Hepburn (Hepburn-Ruston Edda van Heemstra), Brussels, Belguim (Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady), born in?
+Name the Year: August Ferdinand Mobius, mathematician, inventor of Mobius strip?
+Name the Year: Auguste Lumiere, made 1st movie (Workers Leaving Lumiere Factory), born in?
+Name the Year: Auguste Rodin, sculptor (Kiss)?
+Name the Year: Australia defeats US for tennis' Davis Cup?
+Name the Year: Australia grants self-government to Papua New Guinea?
+Name the Year: Australia II won the America's Cup yacht race?
+Name the Year: Australia takes control of the Cocos Islands?
+Name the Year: Australia's 1st amateur radio satellite (Oscar 5) launched?
+Name the Year: Australian Antarctic Territory created?
+Name the Year: Australian Pat Cash wins Wimbledon, upsets #1 seed Ivan Lendl?
+Name the Year: Australian Rules Football is created?
+Name the Year: Australian wombat dies in London Zoo at 26; oldest known marsupial?
+Name the Year: Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina?
+Name the Year: Austria becomes a republic?
+Name the Year: Austria regains full independence after 4-power occupation?
+Name the Year: Austrian Archduke Maximilian became emperor of Mexico?
+Name the Year: Austro-Hungarian Empire disolves?
+Name the Year: Author Geoffrey Chaucer dies in London?
+Name the Year: Auto speed record set ____ 63 kph
+Name the Year: Ava Gardner, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Axis forces in North Africa surrender?
+Name the Year: Ayatollah Khomeini (86) dies from complications due to surgery leading to days of loud, hysterical mourning?
+Name the Year: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Iran's spiritual leader, born in?
+Name the Year: Azerbaijan SSR joins the USSR (1st time)?
+Name the Year: Aztec calendar stone discovered in Mexico City?
+Name the Year: B. B. King, singer, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: B.C. 1st known prediction of a solar eclipse?
+Name the Year: B.C. Assyrians record total solar eclipse event on clay tablet?
+Name the Year: B.C. Athenians defeat second Persian invasion of Greece at Marathon?
+Name the Year: B.C. Cicero, Roman statesman, born in?
+Name the Year: B.C. Confucius (as celebrated in Taiwan), born in?
+Name the Year: B.C. Gautama Buddha (as celebrated in Japan-Kambutsue), born in?
+Name the Year: B.C. Julius Caesar, Roman emperor?
+Name the Year: B.C. Noah's ark grounded, Mt Ararat (calculated date)?
+Name the Year: B.C. Persia defeats Spartan king Leonidas at Thermopylae?
+Name the Year: B.C. Plato (Aristocles), philosopher/writer, Athens, born in?
+Name the Year: B.C. Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) Rome, warrior, born in?
+Name the Year: B.C. Universe created at 8:00 PM, according to the 1650 pronouncement of Anglican archbishop James Usher?
+Name the Year: Bab (Bah '? prophet) executed in Tabriz, Iran?
+Name the Year: Babe Ruth hits 40th of 60 homers?
+Name the Year: Baby Fae, who received a baboon's, heart died at a California medical center?
+Name the Year: Bah'i New Year?
+Name the Year: Baha'Ullah (Mirza Husayn Ali), founded Baha'i faith?
+Name the Year: Bahamas became independent after 3 centuries of British rule?
+Name the Year: Bahrain gained independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Ballet introduced to the U.S. at Bowery Theatre, New York City?
+Name the Year: Bangladesh windstorm kills 17,000?
+Name the Year: Bank of California opens its doors?
+Name the Year: Bank robbery in Beirut nets $20-50 million (record)?
+Name the Year: Bao Dai's Republic of Vietnam gained independence from France?
+Name the Year: Barbados gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Barbara Bain (in Chicago, IL), actor (Mission Impossible, Space: 1999), born in?
+Name the Year: Barbara Eden (in Arizona), actor (I dream of Jeannie), born in?
+Name the Year: Barbara Feldon (in Pittsburgh, PA), actor (Get Smart's 99), born in?
+Name the Year: Barbara Hale, (in Dekalb, IL), actor (Perry Mason), born in?
+Name the Year: Barbara Hale, actor (Perry Mason), born in?
+Name the Year: Barbara Hershey (in Atlanta, Georgia), actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Barbara Hershey (in Atlanta, Georgia), born in?
+Name the Year: Barbara Hutton, actress?
+Name the Year: Barbara Stanwyck, actor?
+Name the Year: Barbra Streisand (in Brooklyn, NY), singer, actress, profile, born in?
+Name the Year: Barings Bank disaster. Nick Leeson loses billions of Pounds Sterling in offshore investments, ruining Barings Bank?
+Name the Year: Barney Clark, 1st to receive a permanent artificial heart, born in?
+Name the Year: Barnum and Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth opens in Madison Square Garden in New York City?
+Name the Year: Baroness de Laroche of Paris becomes first licensed female pilot?
+Name the Year: Barry Manilow, singer, jingle writer (Like a Good Neighbor...)?
+Name the Year: Barry White, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Bartolomeu Dias discovers Cape of Good Hope?
+Name the Year: Baseball legend Babe Ruth died in New York at the age of 53?
+Name the Year: Basketball rules first published?
+Name the Year: Bastille Day-citizens of Paris storm Bastille prison?
+Name the Year: Batman Comics hit the street?
+Name the Year: Battle for Khafji in Saudia Arabia(begins)?
+Name the Year: Battle of Agincourt, Welsh longbow defeats the armored knight?
+Name the Year: Battle of Aisne begins between Germans and French during WW I?
+Name the Year: Battle of Alcantara, Spain defeats Portugal?
+Name the Year: Battle of Alcazarquivir, Morrocans defeat Portugese?
+Name the Year: Battle of Alcolea, causes Queen Isabella II of Spain to flee to France?
+Name the Year: Battle of Amiens ends in WW I, Allies beat Germans?
+Name the Year: Battle of Angora (Ankara)-Tatars defeat Turkish Army?
+Name the Year: Battle of Auray, English forces defeat French at Brittany?
+Name the Year: Battle of Boyac ; Bolivar defeats Spanish in Colombia?
+Name the Year: Battle of Britain began as Germany launched air attacks?
+Name the Year: Battle of Chattanooga begins?
+Name the Year: Battle of Corinth ends?
+Name the Year: Battle of Dupplin Moor (in Scotland)?
+Name the Year: Battle of Dupplin Moor; Scottish dynastic battle?
+Name the Year: Battle of Eniwetok Atoll (U.S. victory on Feb 22)?
+Name the Year: Battle Of Falkirk, Scotland?
+Name the Year: Battle of Flodden Fields; English defeat James IV of Scotland?
+Name the Year: Battle of France begins in WW II?
+Name the Year: Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror wins England?
+Name the Year: Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa; end of Moslem power in Spain?
+Name the Year: Battle of Midway begins. First naval battle won in the air?
+Name the Year: Battle of Midway turning point in war in Pacific began?
+Name the Year: Battle of Poltava; Russians defeat Swedes?
+Name the Year: Battle of Puebla; Mexicans defeat Maximilian's forces (Cinco de Mayo)?
+Name the Year: Battle of San Jacinto, in which Texas wins independence from Mexico?
+Name the Year: Battle of Sekigahara sets Tokugawa clan as Japan's rulers (shoguns)?
+Name the Year: Battle of Somme, ends?
+Name the Year: Battle of the Ages-Heavyweight champ Evander Hollyfield beats 42 year old George Foreman?
+Name the Year: Battle of the Bulge begins?
+Name the Year: Battle of Vertieres, in which Haitians defeat French?
+Name the Year: Battle of Waterloo ____ British and Prussians defeat Napoleon
+Name the Year: Bavaria proclaims itself a republic?
+Name the Year: BBC began domestic radio service?
+Name the Year: BC Alexander of Macedon defeats Persian army at Gaugamela?
+Name the Year: BC Aristotle dies of indigestion?
+Name the Year: BC Babylon falls to Cyrus the Great of Persia?
+Name the Year: BC Euripides, ancient Greek playwright (Trojan Women) (or 480 BC), born in?
+Name the Year: BC Phidippides runs first marathon, to announce the victory of Sparta over Persia?
+Name the Year: Beatle John Lennon married Yoko Ono in Gibraltar?
+Name the Year: Beatle Paul McCartney married Linda Eastman in London?
+Name the Year: Beatle Ringo Starr marries actress Barbara Bach?
+Name the Year: Beatle's Shea Stadium concert?
+Name the Year: Beatles 1st appearance in Billboard Chart (I Want to Hold Your Hand-#35)?
+Name the Year: Beatles meet Rolling Stones for 1st time?
+Name the Year: Beatles receive their 1st silver disc (Please Please Me)?
+Name the Year: Beatles release Please Please Me & Ask Me Why?
+Name the Year: Beatles replace Pete Best with Ringo Starr?
+Name the Year: Beatles second appearance on Ed Sullivan?
+Name the Year: Beatles sign a petition in The Times to legalize marijuana?
+Name the Year: Beatles' Helter Skelter is played at the Charles Manson trial?
+Name the Year: Beatles' Second album goes #1 & stays #1 for for 5 weeks?
+Name the Year: Beatles' third appearance on Ed Sullivan?
+Name the Year: Beatrix Potter England, children's author (Tale of Peter Rabbit), born in?
+Name the Year: Bechuanaland gained independence from England, becomes Botswana?
+Name the Year: Beethoven's Ninth Symphony presented for first time?
+Name the Year: Beijing students take over Tiananmen Square in China?
+Name the Year: Bela Lugosi, horror actor (Dracula, Body Snatcher), born in?
+Name the Year: Belgium annexes Congo Free State?
+Name the Year: Belgium gained independence from Netherland, Leopold I made king?
+Name the Year: Belgium revolts against Netherlands?
+Name the Year: Belinda Carlisle, (GoGos lead singer, Heaven on Earth), born in?
+Name the Year: Belize gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Bell labs announces 1st solar battery (NYC)?
+Name the Year: Bell Labs tests coaxial cable for TV use?
+Name the Year: Belle Starr, entertainer of the wild west, born in?
+Name the Year: Ben Vereen, dancer, actor, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Benazir Bhutto 1st female leader of a Moslem nation (Pakistan), born in?
+Name the Year: Benazir Bhutto named 1st female PM of a Moslem country (Pakistan)?
+Name the Year: Benedict XV, 258th Roman Catholic pope (1914-22)?
+Name the Year: Benelux treaty signed by Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg?
+Name the Year: Benigno Aquino, Jr., Philippine opposition leader; assassinated?
+Name the Year: Benin (Dahomey) gained independence from France?
+Name the Year: Benito Juarez, Mexician leader, born in?
+Name the Year: Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) becomes premier of Italy?
+Name the Year: Benito Mussolini (Il Duce), Italian facist dictator?
+Name the Year: Benito Mussolini dismissed as premier of Italy during WW II?
+Name the Year: Benito Mussolini Fascist leader & mistress captured, tried, & shot?
+Name the Year: Benito Mussolini founded his Fascist movement in Milan, Italy?
+Name the Year: Benito Mussolini takes control of Italy's government?
+Name the Year: Benjamin Britten, English composer?
+Name the Year: Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman, born in?
+Name the Year: Benjamin Franklin, famous kite flyer, statesman, wit, born in?
+Name the Year: Benjamin Kubelski (AKA Jack Benny), actor, comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Benjamin Spock, pediatrician/author (Common Sense Book of Baby Care), born in?
+Name the Year: Benny Goodman the clarinet playing King of Swing, dies in NY at 77?
+Name the Year: Benny Goodman, bandleader, king of swing, born in?
+Name the Year: Benny Hill, Southampton England, comedian (Benny Hill Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Berlin Wall opens in East Germany?
+Name the Year: Bernadette Peters (in Queens, New York), actress, Tony winner, born in?
+Name the Year: Bernard MacFadden, publisher (Physical Culture, True Romances), born in?
+Name the Year: Bernardo O'Higgins, won independence for Chile, born in?
+Name the Year: Bertolt Brecht, born in?
+Name the Year: Bertrand Russell England, mathematician/philosopher (Nobel 1950), born in?
+Name the Year: Beryl Burton UK, won record (7) women's cycling titles, born in?
+Name the Year: Betsy Johnson fashion designer (1971 Winnie Award), born in?
+Name the Year: Bette Davis dies at 81?
+Name the Year: Bette Davis Lowell Mass, famous eyes (Of Human Bondage, Jezebel), born in?
+Name the Year: Bette Midler, singer/actress (Do You Want to Dance?), born in?
+Name the Year: Betty Boop debutes in Max Fleischer's animated cartoon Dizzy Dishes?
+Name the Year: Betty Boop, animation, created?
+Name the Year: Betty Cuthbert Australia 100m/200m/400m dash (Olympic-gold-1956, 64) , born in?
+Name the Year: Betty Grable (in St. Louis, MO), actor?
+Name the Year: Bhadwan Shree Rajneesh, Indian guru, dies at 58?
+Name the Year: Bicycle with a back-pedal brake patented?
+Name the Year: Big earthquake in Long Beach (W.C. Fields was making a movie when it struck and the cameras kept running)?
+Name the Year: Big Tea Party in Boston Harbor. Indians welcome. British unwelcome?
+Name the Year: Bilbo Baggins (in Shire Reconning), born in?
+Name the Year: Bill Bixby, SF Calif, actor (Incredible Hulk, My Favorite Martian), born in?
+Name the Year: Bill Clinton elected US President?
+Name the Year: Bill Haley Mich, (andthe Comets-Rock Around the Clock), born in?
+Name the Year: Bill Murray Evanston Ill, comedian (SNL, What About Bob, Stripes), born in?
+Name the Year: Billie Holiday, blues singer?
+Name the Year: Billie Jean King (in California), tennis pro?
+Name the Year: Billy Crystal, comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Billy Dee Williams, actor (Star Wars, Batman)?
+Name the Year: Billy Idol, rocker (White Wedding)?
+Name the Year: Billy Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match?
+Name the Year: Billy Joel (in the Bronx, NY), singer, pianoman?
+Name the Year: Billy the Kid (William H. Bonney), criminal?
+Name the Year: Billy Wilder movie director (Some Like It Hot, Apartment, Stalag 17), born in?
+Name the Year: Bing Crosby (claimed this to be his Birthdate: True Date May 3 1903), crooner/actor (Going My Way), born in?
+Name the Year: Bing Crosby dies in Madrid, Spain?
+Name the Year: BINGO invented by Edwin S Lowe?
+Name the Year: Birth of Charles W. Fry, the English musician who, along with his three sons, formed the first Salvation Army brass band?
+Name the Year: Bjorn Borg, tennis player, born in?
+Name the Year: Bjorn Ulvaeus, rock vocalist/guitarist (ABBA), born in?
+Name the Year: Black Friday ____ Wall Street panics after Gould and Fisk attempt to corner gold
+Name the Year: Blaise Pascal, mathematician, born in?
+Name the Year: Blake Edwards, writer/director (Breakfast at Tiffany's), born in?
+Name the Year: Blizzard struck the northeastern United States. 400 people died?
+Name the Year: Bloody coup overthrows government of South Yemen?
+Name the Year: Bo Derek (in Long Beach, CA), actor? (10; Tarzan, Ape Man)?
+Name the Year: Bob Crane actor (Hogan's Heroes), murdered at 59?
+Name the Year: Bob Crane Waterbury Ct, actor (Hogan's Heroes), born in?
+Name the Year: Bob Dylan cancels appearance on Ed Sullivan?
+Name the Year: Bob Dylan walks off Ed Sullivan Show?
+Name the Year: Bob Dylan's 1st appearance at Folk City, Greenwich Village?
+Name the Year: Bob Dylan's 1st NY performance?
+Name the Year: Bob Hope makes his first TV appearance?
+Name the Year: Bob Hoskins, Suffolk, England, actor (Brazil, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?), born in?
+Name the Year: Bob Marley reggae singer, dies at 36 of brain & lung cancer?
+Name the Year: Bob Newhart Oak Park Ill, actor/comedian (Bob Newhart Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Bobby Brown, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Bobby Brown, singer, married to Whitney Houston, born in?
+Name the Year: Bobby Fischer, chess player, born in?
+Name the Year: Bobby Sands IRA activists dies in his 66th day of his hunger strike?
+Name the Year: Bobby Unser, auto racer, born in?
+Name the Year: Body of assassinated Indian PM Indira Gandhi cremated?
+Name the Year: Body of Dr. Josef Mengele, Nazi war criminal, located and exhumed?
+Name the Year: Body of JFK moved from a temporary grave to a permanent memorial?
+Name the Year: Boeing 767 sets nonstop commercial flight distance record, Seattle, U.S.A. to Narobi, Kenya?
+Name the Year: Bolivia gained independence from Spain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Bolshevik revolution begins?
+Name the Year: Bolsheviks overthrew Russian govt in St Petersburg?
+Name the Year: Bomb explodes in U.S. Capitol, causing heavy damage but no injuries?
+Name the Year: Bombs planted by Irish Republican Army explode in 2 London parks?
+Name the Year: Bond (U.S.) and Lassell (England) independently discover Hyperion?
+Name the Year: Bonnie and Clyde shot in Louisana ambush?
+Name the Year: Bonnie Raitt (in Los Angeles, CA), guitarist, singer?
+Name the Year: Bono aka Paul Hauson, rocker (U2), born in?
+Name the Year: Boris Karloff, actor (Frankenstein, Isle of the Dead)?
+Name the Year: Boris Spassky, chess player, born in?
+Name the Year: Boris Yegorov, Soviet cosmonaut (Voskhod 1)?
+Name the Year: Borman and Lovell Splash down in Atlantic. Ends two week Gemini VII flight?
+Name the Year: Borman, Lovell and Anders first men to orbit moon?
+Name the Year: Botswana gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Bourbon Whiskey is first distilled from corn by Reverend Elijah Craig in Bourbon County, Kentucky?
+Name the Year: Bowling ball invented?
+Name the Year: Brasilia becomes the capital of Brazil?
+Name the Year: Brazil abolishes slavery?
+Name the Year: Brazil beats Italy 4-1 in Football's 9th World Cup at Mexico City?
+Name the Year: Brazil beats Sweden 5-2 in Football's 6th World Cup at Stockholm?
+Name the Year: Brazil declares independence from Portugal (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Brenda Vaccaro (in Brooklyn, NY) actor (Midnight Cowboy)?
+Name the Year: Brian Dennehy, actor (Silverado, Cocoon, Gorky Park), born in?
+Name the Year: Brian Eno, singer, songwriter, born in?
+Name the Year: Brian Jones founder of the Rolling Stones, drowns?
+Name the Year: Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones drowns to death at 25?
+Name the Year: Brian Keith, actor?
+Name the Year: Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada, born in?
+Name the Year: Brian Mydland, keyboardist (Grateful Dead), dies at 38?
+Name the Year: Brigham Young marries number 27, his final wife?
+Name the Year: Brightest known super-nova (Crab Nebula) starts shining (23 days)?
+Name the Year: Brigitte Nielsen actress (Red Sonja, Rocky IV, Domino), born in?
+Name the Year: Britain abolishes slavery in colonies; 700,000 slaves freed?
+Name the Year: Britain annexes Cyprus?
+Name the Year: Britain arrested Indian nationalist Mohandas K. Gandhi?
+Name the Year: Britain bans broadcast interviews with IRA members?
+Name the Year: Britain celebrates golden jubilee of Queen Victoria?
+Name the Year: Britain declares war against Holland?
+Name the Year: Britain declares war on Germany. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada?
+Name the Year: Britain ends suspects right to remain silent in crackdown on IRA?
+Name the Year: Britain evacuated New York, their last military position in U.S?
+Name the Year: Britain grants independence to the crown colony of Cyprus?
+Name the Year: Britain grants internal self-government to Swaziland?
+Name the Year: Britain grants Royal Letters Patent to New Zealand?
+Name the Year: Britain introduced the concept of voting by secret ballot?
+Name the Year: Britain invades Egypt?
+Name the Year: Britain occupies the Cape of Good Hope?
+Name the Year: Britain opened its offensive on the Western front during WW I?
+Name the Year: Britain proclaims protectorate over kingdom of Tonga?
+Name the Year: Britain's House of Commons voted to nationalize steel industry?
+Name the Year: Britain's Princess Anne marries a commoner, Capt. Mark Phillips?
+Name the Year: Britain's Princess Elizabeth, marries Duke Philip Mountbatten in London's Westminster Abbey?
+Name the Year: Britain's Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip visit the White House?
+Name the Year: Britain's Queen Victoria crowned in Westminster Abbey?
+Name the Year: Britian and US signed treaty on seal hunting in Bering Sea?
+Name the Year: British aircraft carrier Ark Royal sank in Mediterranean?
+Name the Year: British and French defeat Russians at Alma, in the Crimea?
+Name the Year: British and French workers meet in English Channel's tunnel (Chunnel)?
+Name the Year: British annex Natal (South Africa)?
+Name the Year: British arrest Irish nationalist Daniel O'Connell for conspiracy?
+Name the Year: British Broadcasting Corp. began transmitting overseas?
+Name the Year: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) established?
+Name the Year: British complete miracle of Dunkirk by evacuating 300,000 troops?
+Name the Year: British Empire Day?
+Name the Year: British Guiana gained independence, takes the name Guyana?
+Name the Year: British House of Commons passes Irish Home Rule?
+Name the Year: British humor magazine `Punch' first published?
+Name the Year: British naval forces raid Nazi occupied French port of St. Nazaire?
+Name the Year: British New Hebrides becomes independent and takes name Vanuatu?
+Name the Year: British PM Chamberlain visits Hitler at Berchtesgarden?
+Name the Year: British Royal family changes its name from Hanover to Windsor?
+Name the Year: British troops capture Addis Ababa Ethiopia?
+Name the Year: British troops intervened militarily in Northern Ireland?
+Name the Year: British under Adm Horatio Nelson beat French at Battle of Nile?
+Name the Year: Brooke Shields (in New York City), actor, model, born in?
+Name the Year: Brooklyn's Clarence Birdseye puts the first individually packaged frozen foods on sale, in Springfield, Mass?
+Name the Year: Brooklyn's last day as a city, it incorporates into NYC (1/1/1898)?
+Name the Year: Bruce Willis, actor (Moonlighting, Die Hard), born in?
+Name the Year: Brunei gains complete independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Bruno Hauptmann, convicted Lindbergh baby killer, executed?
+Name the Year: BSD UNIX 3.0 released?
+Name the Year: Buckingham Palace announces separation of Princess Margaret?
+Name the Year: Buddy Ebsen, actor (Beverly Hillbillies, Barnaby Jones), born in?
+Name the Year: Buddy Holly singer (Peggy Sue, That'll Be the Day), born in?
+Name the Year: Budweiser rocket car reaches 1190 kph (record for wheeled vehicle)?
+Name the Year: Buffalo Bill Cody presents 1st wild west show, North Platte, Nebraska, U.S.A...?
+Name the Year: Building of the Berlin Wall begins?
+Name the Year: Bulgaria declares independence from Turkey, Ferdinand I becomes Tsar?
+Name the Year: Bulgaria liberated from Nazi control (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Burgess Meredith, actor (Batman, Rocky)?
+Name the Year: Burl Ives Hunt Ill, folk singer/actor (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof), born in?
+Name the Year: Burmese National Day?
+Name the Year: Burt Bacharach composer (I'll Never Fall in Love Again), born in?
+Name the Year: Burt Lancaster NYC, actor (From Here to Eternity, Elmer Gantry), born in?
+Name the Year: Burt Reynolds, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Burt Ward LA Calif, actor (Robin-Batman T.V. Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Burundi and Rwanda gain independence from Belgium (National Days)?
+Name the Year: Bush and Gorbachev meet in Helsinki and urge Iraq to leave Kuwait?
+Name the Year: Butch Cassidy, famous entrepreneur?
+Name the Year: By 2/3 majority, Panamanians vote to approve the new Canal treaties?
+Name the Year: By a vote of 37-12, Israel becomes 59th member of UN?
+Name the Year: By treaty of Lyons, French cede Naples to Ferdinand of Aragon?
+Name the Year: C Battle of Actium; Octavian defeats Mark Antony and becomes Emperor Augustus?
+31 B
+Name the Year: C Cleopatra 7th and most famous queen of Egypt, commits suicide?
+30 B
+Name the Year: C Octavian (Augustus Caesar), first Roman emperor, born in?
+63 B
+Name the Year: C Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) (Mantua, Italy), poet (Aeneid), born in?
+70 B
+Name the Year: C.S. Forester, historical novelist, created Horatio Hornblower?
+Name the Year: C.S.A. President Jefferson Davis is inaugurated at Montgomery, AL?
+Name the Year: Calagary Flames become 1st NHL team to play in USSR, win 4-2?
+Name the Year: Calais reoccupied by Allies?
+Name the Year: California University makes the Dead Sea Scrolls public?
+Name the Year: Calvin Coolidge, 30th US President, died?
+Name the Year: Calvin Klein, clothes designer?
+Name the Year: Cambodia (now Kampuchea) gained independence within French Union?
+Name the Year: Camera exposure meter patented, W. N. Goodwin?
+Name the Year: Cammie Lusko LA Calif, Guinness' World Strongest Woman, born in?
+Name the Year: Camp David peace treaty between Israel and Egypt?
+Name the Year: Canada's North West Mounted Police force (The Mounties) first established?
+Name the Year: Canadian Army troops arrive in North Africa?
+Name the Year: Canadian Football League plays first game (Winnipeg 29, Edmonton 21)?
+Name the Year: Candice Bergen (in Beverly Hills), actor (Murphy Brown)?
+Name the Year: Cape Cod was discovered by the English navigator Batholomew Gosnold?
+Name the Year: Cape Verde Is gain independence after 500 years of Portuguese rule?
+Name the Year: Capt Cook arrives in New South Wales?
+Name the Year: Capt James Cook stumbles over Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands)?
+Name the Year: Capt. Cook passes through Bering Strait?
+Name the Year: Captain Cook discovers Maui (in the Sandwich Islands)?
+Name the Year: Captain Cook runs aground on Australian Great Barrier Reef?
+Name the Year: Captain Kidd is hanged in London after convicted of piracy and murder?
+Name the Year: Caracalla [Marcus Aureiius Antoniius], Roman emperor, dies?
+Name the Year: Caracalla Roman emperor (211-17), born in?
+Name the Year: Caravaggio Italy, painter (or 1573), born in?
+Name the Year: Cardinal A Jean de Plessicide de Richelieu, King Louis XIII of France's chief minister, born in?
+Name the Year: Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice becomes Pope John Paul I?
+Name the Year: Cardinal Giacome della Chiesa becomes Pope Benedict XV?
+Name the Year: Cardinal Jules Mazarin, the chief minister of France, died?
+Name the Year: Cardinal Montini elected Pope Paul VI, 262nd head of RC Church?
+Name the Year: Cardinal Thomas Wolsey adviser to England's King Henry VIII, died?
+Name the Year: Cargo airlines first licensed by US Civil Aeronautics Board?
+Name the Year: Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematician of all time?
+Name the Year: Carl Lewis duplicates Jesse Owens' 1936 feat, wins 4 Olym track golds?
+Name the Year: Carl Lewis runs 100m in 9.86 seconds?
+Name the Year: Carl Lewis US, olympic track and field star (Gold-1984, 1988), born in?
+Name the Year: Carl Lewis wins gold medal in 100-meter dash at LA Summer Olympics?
+Name the Year: Carl Ritter, cofounder of modern science of geography, born in?
+Name the Year: Carl Sagan, NYC, astronomer/author/professor (Cosmos, Broca's Brain), born in?
+Name the Year: Carlos Saavedra Lamas, Argentine jurist (Nobel Peace Prize 1936)?
+Name the Year: Carlos Salinas de Gortari elected president of Mexico?
+Name the Year: Carlos Santana Mexico, musician (Santana-Black Magic Woman), born in?
+Name the Year: Carnegie Hall opens in NYC with Tchaikovsky as guest conductor?
+Name the Year: Carol Channing, actress (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes), born in?
+Name the Year: Carole Bayer Sager (in New York), wife of Burt Bachrach, born in?
+Name the Year: Carolyn Jones actress (Morticia-Addams Family), dies at 54 of cancer?
+Name the Year: Carolyn Jones Amarillo Texas, actress (Morticia-Addams Family), born in?
+Name the Year: Carrie Fisher (in Beverly Hills), actor (Star Wars, Blues Brothers), born in?
+Name the Year: Carry Nation, scourge of barkeepers and drinkers?
+Name the Year: Cary Elwes, actor (Glory, Princess Bride, Robin Hood - Men In Tights), born in?
+Name the Year: Cary Grant actor (Arsenic & Old Lace, North by Northwest), born in?
+Name the Year: Cary Grant, dies in Davenport, Iowa, at 82?
+Name the Year: Casey Jones, locomotive engineer, born in?
+Name the Year: Casey Kasem Detroit, radio personality (American Top 40), born in?
+Name the Year: Cassini reports seeing a satellite orbiting Venus?
+Name the Year: Cassius Clay (aka Muhammad Ali) has first Madison Square Garden fight?
+Name the Year: Cassius Clay beats Sonny Liston for the heavyweight championship?
+Name the Year: Cassius Clay captures the olympic light heavyweight gold medal?
+Name the Year: Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam, rocker (Peace Train, Father and Son), born in?
+Name the Year: Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, died?
+Name the Year: Catherine Deneuve (in Paris, France), (Repulsion), born in?
+Name the Year: Catherine II (the Great) empress of Russia (1762-96), born in?
+Name the Year: Catherine of Aragon, first wife of Henry VIII, born in?
+Name the Year: Catholic countries switch to Gregorian calendar cut 10 prior days?
+Name the Year: Cavern Club opens on Matthews Street in England?
+Name the Year: Cease fire between Iran and Iraq takes effect after 8 years of war?
+Name the Year: Cecil B deMille Mass, directed God (10 Commandments), born in?
+Name the Year: Cecil Blount de Mille, producer (10 Commandments), dies 77?
+Name the Year: Celluloid patented by John Wesley Hyatt, Albany, NY?
+Name the Year: Central African Rep made autonomous member of French Commonwealth (Nat'l Day)?
+Name the Year: Central African Republic and Chad proclaim independence from France?
+Name the Year: Cesar Franck (in Belgium), composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Cesar Romero, actor who played the Joker in the TV version of Batman, born in?
+Name the Year: Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) gained independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Ceylon becomes Republic of Sri Lanka as its constitution is ratified?
+Name the Year: Chad declares independence?
+Name the Year: Chai Kai-shek leader (Taiwan), dies?
+Name the Year: Chaim Herzog elected president of Israel?
+Name the Year: Chaim Weizmann 1st pres of Israel, dies at 57?
+Name the Year: Chaim Weizmann becomes the first Israeli president?
+Name the Year: Chaim Weizmann, Israeli statesman?
+Name the Year: Challenger astronauts complete 1st in space satellite repair?
+Name the Year: Challenger crew perform a spacewalk - first by US in 9 years?
+Name the Year: Chardonnet, France inventor (rayon), born in?
+Name the Year: Charlemagne German emperor, dies at 71?
+Name the Year: Charlemagne, emperor (Holy Roman Empire), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles A. Beard, American historian?
+Name the Year: Charles A. Lindburgh, 'Lucky Lindy', born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Addams cartoonist (Addams Family), dies at 76 of heart attack?
+Name the Year: Charles and M.N. Roberts ascend 2,000' in a hydrogen balloon?
+Name the Year: Charles Aznavour Paris France, singer (Monsieur Carnavel), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Babbage, English inventor (calculating machine), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Barkley, Star player for the Pheonix Suns and Houston Rockets basketball teams, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Boycott, estate manager in Ireland, caused boycotts, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Bronson Penns, actor (Death Wish, Dirty Dozen), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Bukowsky (in Andernanch, Germany), poet, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Darwin, evolutionist, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles de Gaulle becomes premier of France?
+Name the Year: Charles de Gaulle says 'Vive le Quebec libre! Long live free Quebec!'?
+Name the Year: Charles de Gaulle, pres of France (1958-69), general?
+Name the Year: Charles DeGaulle French pres, dies at 79?
+Name the Year: Charles Dickens (in England), author, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Dickens, author, dies in England?
+Name the Year: Charles Dudley Warner, US newspaperman, author, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Duryea takes 1st American-made auto out for a spin?
+Name the Year: Charles Edward Pickering, pioneer American spectroscopist, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Fabry, discovered the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Ferdinand Dowd US, standardized time zones, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Funk of Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopaedias, dies at 76?
+Name the Year: Charles Graham of N. Y. was granted a patent for artificial teeth?
+Name the Year: Charles Henry Dow, co-founder of Dow Jones, first editor of the Wall Street Journal?
+Name the Year: Charles I King of England, Scotland, and Ireland ascends to throne?
+Name the Year: Charles I, king of England (1625-49); later executed by Parliament?
+Name the Year: Charles II (the Bald) king of France (843-77), emperor (875-77), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles II grants a charter to establish Royal Society in London?
+Name the Year: Charles II king of England (1660-85), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles II, last Habsburg king of Spain (1665-1700)?
+Name the Year: Charles III [The Simple], king of France (893-923), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles III king of Spain (1759-88), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles IV, king of Spain (1788-1808)?
+Name the Year: Charles Kowal discovers Leda, 13th satellite of Jupiter?
+Name the Year: Charles Lamb (in England), writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Lindbergh, died at his home in Hawaii at the age of 72?
+Name the Year: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (you may know him as Lewis Carroll), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Macintosh of Scotland begins selling raincoats (Macs)?
+Name the Year: Charles Messier catalogs M41 (galactic cluster in Canis Major)?
+Name the Year: Charles Messier observes the Crab Nebula and begins catalog?
+Name the Year: Charles Perrault France, lawyer/writer (Mother Goose), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Phillip Arthur George Windsor, Prince of Wales?
+Name the Year: Charles Proteus Steinmetz, electronics pioneer, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Richter, Earthquakes seismologist (Richter scale), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Rocket clearly says a four-letter word on Saturday Night Live?
+Name the Year: Charles Schultz, Peanuts Creator?
+Name the Year: Charles Sturt, England, explorered Australia, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles V (the Wise), king of France (1364-80), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles VI [the Well-Beloved], king of France (1380-1422), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles VI, Holy Roman emperor (1711-40)?
+Name the Year: Charles VII, Holy Roman emperor (1742-45), born in?
+Name the Year: Charles VIII king of France (1483-98), invaded Italy, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles Wesley, cofounder of Methodist movement?
+Name the Year: Charles X, king of France (1824-30); deposed, born in?
+Name the Year: Charles X, Versailles, France, Duke of Prussia, born in?
+Name the Year: Charley Pride, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Charlie Byrd, guitarist, born in?
+Name the Year: Charlie Chaplin, actor, comedian, movie director, born in?
+Name the Year: Charlie Sheen, actor (Wall St, Platoon), born in?
+Name the Year: Charlotte Bronte, Tornton England, novelist (Jane Eyre), born in?
+Name the Year: Charlotte Rampling (in England), actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Charlotte Rampling (in England), born in?
+Name the Year: Charlotte, grand duchess of Luxembourg (1919-64), born in?
+Name the Year: Charlton Heston, actor (Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, Planet of the Apes)?
+Name the Year: Che Guevara executed in Bolivia?
+Name the Year: Cher, rocker/actress (I got you babe, Jack Lalane, Mask), born in?
+Name the Year: Cheryl Tiegs (in Minnesota), model and actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Chester F. Carlson, invented xerography, born in?
+Name the Year: Chester Gould, cartoonist (gave Dick Tracy a job)?
+Name the Year: Chet Atkins Luttrell Tenn, guitarist (Me & My Guitar), born in?
+Name the Year: Chet Baker jazz trumpeter fell to death out of a hotel window at 59?
+Name the Year: Chevy Chase, comedian, actor (SNL, Vacation, Fletch, Caddyshack), born in?
+Name the Year: Chiang Kai-Shek becomes president of China?
+Name the Year: Chiang Kai-shek took the oath of office as president of China?
+Name the Year: Chicago Bulls win their first NBA championship in a 4-1 series against the Los Angeles Lakers?
+Name the Year: Chile declares independence from Spain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Chile's President, Salvador Allende, deposed in a military coup?
+Name the Year: China announces its population at 1 billion people plus?
+Name the Year: China becomes world's 5th nuclear power?
+Name the Year: China cedes Hong Kong to the British?
+Name the Year: China cedes Taiwan to Japan under Treaty of Shimonoseki?
+Name the Year: China declares martial law in Beijing?
+Name the Year: China declares war on Germany and Austria at start of WW I?
+Name the Year: China enters Korean conflict?
+Name the Year: China leases Hong Kong's new territories to Britain for 99 years?
+Name the Year: China regains sovereignty of Hong Kong?
+Name the Year: China Revolutionaries under Sun Yat-sen overthrew Manchu dynasty?
+Name the Year: Chinese and North Koreans capture Seoul, South Korea?
+Name the Year: Chinese government puts down student democracy protest in Beijing ... thousands die in Tiananmen Square?
+Name the Year: Chinese Ming dynasty occupies Taiwan?
+Name the Year: Chinese republic proclaimed in Tibet?
+Name the Year: Chinese revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen died?
+Name the Year: Chinese troops crossed the 38th Parallel in Korea?
+Name the Year: Ching-Kao Chiang president of Taiwan, dies at 81?
+Name the Year: cholars' calculate this as the date that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified by Roman troops in Jerusalem?
+30 S
+Name the Year: Chop suey invented in NYC by chef of visiting Chinese Ambassador?
+Name the Year: Chris Chubbock, newscaster, shoots self on air?
+Name the Year: Chris Young Penn, actor (Bryce Lynch-Max Headroom, Great Outdoors), born in?
+Name the Year: Chrissie Hynde, rocker (Pretenders), born in?
+Name the Year: Christiaan Huygens discovers Martian south polar cap?
+Name the Year: Christian Dior, Normandy France, fashion designer (long-skirted look), born in?
+Name the Year: Christian Doppler, discovered Doppler Effect (color shift)?
+Name the Year: Christian II of Denmark & Norway defeats the Swedes at Lake Asunde?
+Name the Year: Christian Lacroix, French couturier, born in?
+Name the Year: Christian V became King of Denmark and Norway?
+Name the Year: Christie Brinkley, model, born in?
+Name the Year: Christie Hefner, daughter of Hugh Hefner?
+Name the Year: Christine Jorgensen, pioneer transsexual, born in?
+Name the Year: Christopher Colombus explorer, dies in poverty in Spain at 55?
+Name the Year: Christopher Columbus discovered the island of Trinidad?
+Name the Year: Christopher Columbus discovers Puerto Rico?
+Name the Year: Christopher Columbus learns of maize (corn) from the Indians of Cuba?
+Name the Year: Christopher Columbus signs contract with Spain to find the Indies?
+Name the Year: Christopher Hornsrud chosen PM of Norway at age 101?
+Name the Year: Christopher Lloyd, actor (Taxi, Star Trek III, Back to the Future, Addams Family), born in?
+Name the Year: Christopher Reeve, actor (Superman, Somewhere in Time), born in?
+Name the Year: Christopher Wilder, FBI's 'most wanted man' accidentally killed self?
+Name the Year: Chrysanthemums are introduced into England from China?
+Name the Year: Chubby Check (musician) born?
+Name the Year: Chuck Berry, St Louis, USA, rocker (Roll over Beethoven), born in?
+Name the Year: Chuck Connors, actor (The Rifleman), born in?
+Name the Year: Chuck Jones animator (Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck), born in?
+Name the Year: Chuck Mangione, jazz musician, composer?
+Name the Year: Chuck Yeager pilots the world's first supersonic flight (Mach 1.015 at 12,800 m) at Muroc, CA?
+Name the Year: Churchill resigns as Britain's PM?
+Name the Year: Cincinnati jury acquits art gallery of obsentity (Mappelthorpe photos)?
+Name the Year: Cindy Williams (in Van Nuys, CA), actor (Laverne and Shirley), born in?
+Name the Year: Cities of Constantinople and Angora changed to Istanbul and Ankara?
+Name the Year: City of Lichfield, England established?
+Name the Year: City of Quebec founded by Samuel de Champlain?
+Name the Year: Civil War Battle of Chickamauga, near Chattanooga, Tenn, ended?
+Name the Year: Clara Maass army nurse sacrificied her life at 25 to prove that the mosquito carries yellow fever?
+Name the Year: Clara Wieck Schumann, German pianist, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Clarence Birdseye markets frozen peas?
+Name the Year: Clarence Darrow, lawyer, born in?
+Name the Year: Clarence Nash, the voice of Donald Duck, died?
+Name the Year: Clark Gable, actor (didn't give a damn about Scarlet O'Hara)?
+Name the Year: Claude Debussy (in France), composer (La Mer, Clair de lune), born in?
+Name the Year: Claude Helvetius born, French philosopher?
+Name the Year: Claude Levi-Strauss, Belgian social anthropologist?
+Name the Year: Claude Monet, impressionist painter?
+Name the Year: Claude Rains London, actor (Invisible Man, Casablanca), born in?
+Name the Year: Claudia Schiffer Rheinbach Germany, super model (Elle, Rolling Stone), born in?
+Name the Year: Claus Von Bulow accused of murdering his wife, born in?
+Name the Year: Clement Clarke Moore, American author ('Twas the Night Before Xmas)?
+Name the Year: Clement III 1st antipope (1084-1100), dies (birth date unknown)?
+Name the Year: Clement IX Pistoia, Italy, 238th Roman Catholic pope (1667-69), born in?
+Name the Year: Clement Studebaker, automobile pioneer, born in?
+Name the Year: Clement V pope (1305-14) who moved papacy to Avignon, dies?
+Name the Year: Clint Eastwood elected mayor of Carmel, California. It made his day?
+Name the Year: Clint Eastwood, actor (Dirty Harry, Heartbreak Ridge, City Heat), born in?
+Name the Year: Clive Barker, novelist (Hell Raiser)?
+Name the Year: Coca-Cola is created (it had cocaine at the time)?
+Name the Year: Coelacanth, a fish thought to have been extinct for 65 million years caught of the coast of South Africa?
+Name the Year: Col. John Nixon gave first public reading of American Decleration of Independence?
+Name the Year: Col. Tom Parker Elvis Presley's manager, born in?
+Name the Year: Coleman Hawkins, virtually created the tenor saxophone for jazz?
+Name the Year: Colley Cibber, English dramatist, poet laureate (Love's Last Shift)?
+Name the Year: Colombia declared independence from Spain?
+Name the Year: Colombian troops ends 27-hour siege of Bogota's Palace of Justice?
+Name the Year: Colorado militia kills 150 peaceful Cheyenne Indians?
+Name the Year: Columbia grants Panama independence?
+Name the Year: Columbus arrives in Cuba?
+Name the Year: Columbus left Spain on his 4th and final trip to the New World?
+Name the Year: Columbus sights the isle of San Salvador?
+Name the Year: Comet Halley's closest approach to Earth?
+Name the Year: Commercial TV begins in England?
+Name the Year: Commonwealth Day?
+Name the Year: Communist coup is crushed in USSR in 2 days?
+Name the Year: Communist Labor Party of America formed in Chicago?
+Name the Year: Communists take over Czechoslovakia?
+Name the Year: Comoros proclaimed a French colony?
+Name the Year: Composer Franz Josef Hayden died in Vienna, Austria?
+Name the Year: Composer Ludwig van Beethoven died in Vienna?
+Name the Year: Composer Sergei Rachmaninoff died?
+Name the Year: Comte de Lambert of France sets airplane altitude record of 300 m?
+Name the Year: Confederaci?n Granadina (now Colombia) forms?
+Name the Year: Congo (Brazzaville) gained independence from France (Nat'l Day)?
+Name the Year: Congo Free State established by King Leopold II of Belgium?
+Name the Year: Congress approved daylight saving time?
+Name the Year: Congress creates the Territory of Nevada?
+Name the Year: Congress decided US flag is 13 red and white stripes and 20 stars?
+Name the Year: Congress outlawed polygamy?
+Name the Year: Congress passes Tonkin Resolution, official start of Vietnam war?
+Name the Year: conjunction of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Moon?
+Name the Year: Connie Stevens (in Brooklyn, NY), singer?
+Name the Year: Conrad Aiken, American poet, short story writer, critic, born in?
+Name the Year: Constantine?
+Name the Year: Constantinople (later Istanbul) founded?
+Name the Year: Constantinople falls to Muhammad II (Turks); ends Byzantine Empire. Also considered the end of the Middle Ages?
+Name the Year: Constantius II, Roman emperor (337-61), born in?
+Name the Year: Constitution of Tunisia promulgated (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Construction began on 1st private thorium-uranium nuclear reactor?
+Name the Year: Construction begins on Disneyland?
+Name the Year: Construction of Cologne Cathedral is begun?
+Name the Year: Construction of Cologne Cathedral is completed?
+Name the Year: Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge begins?
+Name the Year: Construction on Berlin Wall begins in East Germany?
+Name the Year: Continuous moving assembly line introduced by Ford (1 car every 2.5 minutes)?
+Name the Year: Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral?
+Name the Year: Copernicus makes his 1st observations of Saturn?
+Name the Year: Corbin Bernsen North Hollywood Calif, actor (Arnie Becker-LA Law), born in?
+Name the Year: Cornelius Otto Jansen of France, Roman Catholic reform leader?
+Name the Year: Cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty laid?
+Name the Year: Cornerstone is laid for Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg observatory?
+Name the Year: Cornerstone laid for Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC?
+Name the Year: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey?
+Name the Year: Corpernicus' DE REVOLUTIONIBUS placed on Catholic Forbidden index?
+Name the Year: Cosmonaut Gagarin, first man to orbit earth died in a plane crash?
+Name the Year: Cosmonaut Gherman Titov circles Earth for a full day in Vostok 2?
+Name the Year: Cosmonaut Komarov is first to die in space aboard Soyuz 1?
+Name the Year: Cosmonaut Popovich in space first time 2, manned craft in space?
+Name the Year: Cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya became 1st woman to walk in space?
+Name the Year: Cosmonauts Popov and Ryumin set space endurance record of 184 days?
+Name the Year: Cosmonauts Titov and Strekalov are saved from exploding Soyuz T-10?
+Name the Year: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua gain independence?
+Name the Year: Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, invented the electric battery, born in?
+Name the Year: Count Basie jazz piano great, dies at 79?
+Name the Year: Count Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, inventor, born in?
+Name the Year: Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin's 1st airship LZ-1, flies?
+Name the Year: Coup overthrows Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Courtney Cox Birmingham Ala, actress (Monica on Friends), born in?
+Name the Year: Cracow declared a free republic?
+Name the Year: Crete unites with Greece?
+Name the Year: Crew of Soyuz 29 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 31?
+Name the Year: Crystal Gayle (in Kentucky), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Cuban missile crisis began as JFK becomes aware of missiles in Cuba?
+Name the Year: Curtis Mayfield, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Cybill Shepherd (in Memphis, TN), actress (Moonlighting, Sybil), born in?
+Name the Year: Cyclone kills estimated 300,000 in Bangladesh?
+Name the Year: Cyd Charisse (in Amarillo, Texas), actor, dancer, born in?
+Name the Year: Cyrano de Bergerac French dramatist/novelist, dies in Paris?
+Name the Year: Cyrano de Bergerac, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Czechoslovak National Day?
+Name the Year: Czechoslovakia declares independence from Austria?
+Name the Year: D-Day. Invasion of Europe; Allies storm Normandy, France?
+Name the Year: D.D. Palmer of Davenport, Iowa, becomes the first Chiropractor?
+Name the Year: Dabney Coleman, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Dalai Lama, religious leader, born in?
+Name the Year: Dale Carnegie, author (How to Win Friends and Influence People)?
+Name the Year: Dame Agatha Christie mystery writer (Murder on the Orient Express), born in?
+Name the Year: Dame Margaret Rutherford, England, actress (Murder Most Foul), born in?
+Name the Year: Dame Margot Fonteyn England, ballerina (partner of Nureyev), born in?
+Name the Year: Dame Nellie Melba, Australian Opera Singer, reveals secret of her now famous toast?
+Name the Year: Dan Aykroyd, Ottawa Canada, comedian/actor (SNL, Dragnet), born in?
+Name the Year: Dan Haggerty, actor (Grizzly Adams)?
+Name the Year: Dan Marino NFL quarterback (Miami Dolphins), born in?
+Name the Year: Dan Quayle, U.S. Vice-president (1989-1992), alleged twit, born in?
+Name the Year: Dana Carvey, comedian (Sat Night Live, Wayne's World), born in?
+Name the Year: Dana Delaney, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Dana Plato (in Maywood, CA)?
+Name the Year: Danes defeat Saxons at Battle of Assandun (Ashingdon)?
+Name the Year: Daniel Bernoulli, Basel, Switzerland, mathematician, born in?
+Name the Year: Daniel Boone frontiersman/explorer, born in?
+Name the Year: Daniel Burnham, American architect, built skyscrapers?
+Name the Year: Daniel J. Travanti, actor (Hill Street Blues)?
+Name the Year: Daniel Ortega Saavedra, president of Nicaragua (1984- )?
+Name the Year: Danny Bonaduce actor (Danny-Partridge Family) (1959 approx), born in?
+Name the Year: Danny DeVito, actor (Taxi, Ruthless People, Twins), director (War of the Roses)?
+Name the Year: Danny Kaye Bkln NY, UNICEF/comedian/actor (Danny Kaye Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Dante Alighieri Day?
+Name the Year: Daphne du Maurier novelist (Rebecca, The Parasites), born in?
+Name the Year: Darius Milhaud, composer?
+Name the Year: Darwin returns to England aboard the HMS Beagle?
+Name the Year: Dave Stewart, rocker (Eurythmics-Here Comes the Rain Again), born in?
+Name the Year: David Ben-Gurion founding father of Israel dies in Tel Aviv at 87?
+Name the Year: David Bowie releases his 1st record (Can't Help Thinking About Me)?
+Name the Year: David Bowie, musician, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: David Byrne Dunbartin Scotand, rocker (Talking Heads-Psycho Killer) , born in?
+Name the Year: David Carradine, actor (Kung fu, Death Race 2000), born in?
+Name the Year: David Cassidy, Shirley Jones' kid on TV and real life, born in?
+Name the Year: David Faustino, actor (Married With Children's Bud Bundy), born in?
+Name the Year: David Frost, pundit?
+Name the Year: David Geffen, record company president, born in?
+Name the Year: David Hasselhoff, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: David Hume England, empiricists (Treatise of Human Nature), born in?
+Name the Year: David Lee Roth, rocker, born in?
+Name the Year: David Letterman, late night television talk show host, born in?
+Name the Year: David Lynch, director (Dune, Eraserhead), born in?
+Name the Year: David McCallum, actor (Ilya Kuryakin in Man from U.N.C.L.E.), born in?
+Name the Year: David Niven, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: David O Selznick Gone With the Wind's producer, dies at 63?
+Name the Year: David O Selznick Pittsburgh Pa, producer (Gone With the Wind), born in?
+Name the Year: David Rappaport 3'11' actor (wizard), shoots himself at 38?
+Name the Year: David Russell Lange PM (L) New Zealand, born in?
+Name the Year: Davidson Black, Canada, doctor of anatomy (identified Peking Man), born in?
+Name the Year: Davy Crockett US, frontiersman/adventurer/politician, born in?
+Name the Year: Daylight meteor seen from Utah to Canada. Only known case of a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere and leaving it again?
+Name the Year: Dean Martin, singer, actor?
+Name the Year: Dean of St Paul's Cathedral perfects a way to bottle beer?
+Name the Year: Death of Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy?
+Name the Year: Death of Tomas de Torquemada, inquisitor who burned 10,000 people?
+Name the Year: Debbie Reynolds (in El Paso, TX), actor, dancer, born in?
+Name the Year: Deborah Harry singer (Blondie) actress (Videodrome, Hairspray), born in?
+Name the Year: Deborah Harry, rocker (Blondie-Heart of Glass), born in?
+Name the Year: Deborah Kerr (in Helensburg, Scotland), actor (King and I, Night of the Iguana)?
+Name the Year: Debra Winger (in Columbus, Ohio), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Decca awards Bing Crosby a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million?
+Name the Year: Decca signs the Rolling Stones on advice of Beatle George Harrison?
+Name the Year: Declaration of Independence is read aloud to Gen. George Washington's troops in New York?
+Name the Year: Declaration of Independence-US gained independence from Britain (U.S. Independence Day)?
+Name the Year: DeForest Kelley Atlanta Ga, actor (Dr Leonard McCoy-Star Trek), born in?
+Name the Year: DeForest Kelly actor (Dr McCoy-Star Trek), born in?
+Name the Year: Dem. Rep of Germany (East) formed (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Demi Moore, actor (Ghost)?
+Name the Year: Demolition began in NYC for new permanent headquarters of the UN?
+Name the Year: Deng Xiao Peng, Chinese leader, born in?
+Name the Year: Denise Nichols (in Detroit, MI)?
+Name the Year: Denmark becomes a constitutional monarchy?
+Name the Year: Dennis Gabor, inventor of holography (3D laser photography), born in?
+Name the Year: Dennis Hopper actor (True Grit, Blue Velvet, Easy Rider), born in?
+Name the Year: Dennis Quaid, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Dentist William T. Morton demonstrated the effectiveness of ether?
+Name the Year: Deposed Shah of Iran arrived in NY for medical treatment?
+Name the Year: Desi Arnaz actor (Ricky Ricardo-I Love Lucy), dies at 69?
+Name the Year: Desi Arnaz, famous Cuban, bandleader, born in?
+Name the Year: Desmond Tutu installed to lead south African Anglican Church?
+Name the Year: Desmond Tutu, Anglican Archbishop of South Africa (Nobel Peace Prize 1982), born in?
+Name the Year: Destructive eruption of Vesuvius?
+Name the Year: Deusdedit III begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: Deutsches Museum, Munich, first Walther Bauersfeld's Zeiss Planetarium?
+Name the Year: Diana Ladd?
+Name the Year: Diana Rigg Doncaster England, actress (Emma Peel-Avengers, Hospital), born in?
+Name the Year: Diana Ross (in Detroit, Michigan), singer (The Supremes), born in?
+Name the Year: Diane Keaton (in Los Angeles, CA), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Dick Clark, America's oldest teenager (American Bandstand)?
+Name the Year: Dick Sargent Carmel Calif, actor (Darrin-Bewitched), born in?
+Name the Year: Digging begins to link England and France under the English Channel?
+Name the Year: Digital Equipment Corp introduces the PDP-11 minicomputer?
+Name the Year: Digital Equipment Corp. founded?
+Name the Year: Diligenti quintuplets born in Buenos Aires, Argentina?
+Name the Year: Dimout regulations implemented in San Francisco?
+Name the Year: Diner's Club issues its 1st credit cards?
+Name the Year: Dirk Bogarde, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Disaster on USSR launch pad killed missle expert Nedelin and team (unconfirmed); USSR claims he was killed in plane crash?
+Name the Year: Disney Co. founded?
+Name the Year: Disneyland opens its doors in rural Orange County?
+Name the Year: Divine (Harris Glenn Milstead) film actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Dizzy Gillespie, trumpeter, a creator of modern jazz, born in?
+Name the Year: Djibouti National Day?
+Name the Year: Dmitri Shostakovich, Russian composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Dodge Morgan sailed solo nonstop around the world in 150 days?
+Name the Year: Dolly Parton, country singer (Dolly, 9 to 5), born in?
+Name the Year: Dolph Lundgren actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Dom DeLuise Bkln NY, comedian, actor (End, Cannonball Run, Fatso), born in?
+Name the Year: Dom Pedro crowned emperor of Brazil?
+Name the Year: Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, deposed; republic proclaimed?
+Name the Year: Dom Perignon invents champagne?
+Name the Year: Dominican Order of Friars confirmed by the Pope?
+Name the Year: Dominican Republic gains it's independence?
+Name the Year: Dominion of Canada formed (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec)?
+Name the Year: Don Adams actor, secret agent 86 (Get Smart), born in?
+Name the Year: Don Ameche, actor (Cocoon, Trading Places), born in?
+Name the Year: Don Henley, musician (Eagles), born in?
+Name the Year: Don Knotts Morgantown WV, actor (Amdy Griffth Show, 3's Company), born in?
+Name the Year: Don McLean, singer, songwriter (American Pie, Vincent)?
+Name the Year: Donald Duck, famous fowl, born in?
+Name the Year: Donald Sutherland, actor (M-A-S-H), born in?
+Name the Year: Donald Trump master builder (Trump Towers/Plaza/Castle), born in?
+Name the Year: Donald Wills Douglas, founded an aircraft company?
+Name the Year: Donald Wolf, computer game creator?
+Name the Year: Donald Woods, a banned white editor flees South Africa?
+Name the Year: Donati's comet becomes the 1st to be photographed?
+Name the Year: Donna McKechnie (in Pontiac, Michigan)?
+Name the Year: Donna Reed (in Denison, Iowa), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Donny Osmond, singer born?
+Name the Year: Donovan (Leitch) Scotland, rock singer (Mellow Yellow), born in?
+Name the Year: Donus ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: Doris Day (in Cincinnatti, Ohio), actor, girl next door, born in?
+Name the Year: Dorothy L Sayers England, novelist (9 Taylors), born in?
+Name the Year: Dorothy Lamour (in New Orleans, LA), actor (Road to Bali), born in?
+Name the Year: Douglas Fairbanks, first and greatest of Hollywood's swashbucklers, born in?
+Name the Year: Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, actor (Ghost Story) born?
+Name the Year: Douglas Hyde (a protestant) becomes 1st president of Eire?
+Name the Year: Douglas MacArthur US general (Pacific theater-WW II), dies at 84?
+Name the Year: Dow Jones closes above 1,000 for first time (1003.16)?
+Name the Year: Dr C. Long first used ether as an anesthetic during a minor operation?
+Name the Year: Dr Carl Gustav Jung, founded analytic psychology, born in?
+Name the Year: Dr Howard T Engstrom Boston, a designer of Univac computer, born in?
+Name the Year: Dr John F Mahoney developed pencillin treatment of syphillis, born in?
+Name the Year: Dr Spock indicted on draft law violations?
+Name the Year: Dr Verwoerd South African PM, assassinated in assembly?
+Name the Year: Dr. Albert Sabin, polio vaccine discoverer?
+Name the Year: Dr. Albert Schweitzer received Nobel Peace Prize for 1952?
+Name the Year: Dr. Christiaan Barnard, performed first human heart transplantation?
+Name the Year: Dr. Christian Barnard performs the second successful heart transplant?
+Name the Year: Dr. Denton Cooley implants first temporary artificial heart?
+Name the Year: Dr. Frederick Banting, co-discoverer of insulin, knighted?
+Name the Year: Dr. Jonas Salk announced a new vaccine against polio?
+Name the Year: Dr. Jonas Salk, who made polio a fear of the past?
+Name the Year: Dr. Joseph Guillotin, guess what he invented, born in?
+Name the Year: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee?
+Name the Year: Dr. Priestly discovers oxygen?
+Name the Year: Dr. Sam Sheppard freed after 9 years in jail, by a jury?
+Name the Year: Dr. William Cosby, comedian, actor?
+Name the Year: Drew Barrymore, actress, member of the Barrymore clan, born in?
+Name the Year: Drogheda, Ireland falls to Puritan troops; inhabitants massacred?
+Name the Year: Duchess of Windsor, famous divorcee, born in?
+Name the Year: Dudley Moore actor (10, Arthur, Bedazzled, 6 Weeks), born in?
+Name the Year: Duke Ellington bandleader (Take the A Train), born in?
+Name the Year: Duke of Windsor [King Edward VIII of England] (briefly in 1936), born in?
+Name the Year: Dumitru Prunariu, first Rumanian space traveler (on board Soyuz 40), born in?
+Name the Year: Dumont's first TV Broadcast for home reception, NY city?
+Name the Year: During the Korean War, United Nations forces recaptured Seoul?
+Name the Year: During World War I Germany launched the Somme Offensive,?
+Name the Year: During World War II, US forces crossed the Rhine River?
+Name the Year: During WW I British and German fleets fought the Battle of Jutland?
+Name the Year: During WW II Allied bombers began 4 days of raids over Germany?
+Name the Year: During WW II, Britain launches major offensive at El Alamein, Egypt?
+Name the Year: During WW II, German planes destroyed most of Coventry, England?
+Name the Year: During WWII Germany completed their occupation of France?
+Name the Year: Dustin Hoffman, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Dutch and French agree to divide St. Maarten, Leeward Islands?
+Name the Year: Dutch govt refuses to turn over ex-kaiser of Germany to the allies?
+Name the Year: Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th president, died in Washington at age 78?
+Name the Year: Dwight Lyman Moody, evangelist, born in?
+Name the Year: Dylan Thomas author-poet, dies in NY at 39?
+Name the Year: Dylan Thomas, Swansea, Wales, poet (Child's Christmas in Wales), born in?
+Name the Year: e e cummings, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: e. e. cummings poet, dies at 67?
+Name the Year: E. Kidner opens the first cooking school, in Great Britain?
+Name the Year: E.B. White writer (Charlotte's Web, Elements of Style), born in?
+Name the Year: Eadweard Muybridge, pioneered study of motion in photography, born in?
+Name the Year: Earl of Moray, regent of Scotland, assassinated; civil war breaks out?
+Name the Year: Earl S Tupper invented Tupperware, born in?
+Name the Year: Eartha Kitt born (in South Carolina)?
+Name the Year: Earthquake destroys central Managua, Nicaragua?
+Name the Year: Earthquake gives San Francisco the shakes?
+Name the Year: Earthquake in California?
+Name the Year: Earthquake in Kobe?
+Name the Year: Earthquake kills 250,000 in Antioch, Syria?
+Name the Year: Earthquake strikes Alaska, 8.4 on the Richter scale, 100 killed?
+Name the Year: East Berlin opens its borders?
+Name the Year: East German border guards shot and kill Peter Fechter, 18, attempting to cross Berlin Wall into western sector?
+Name the Year: East German workers began building the Berlin Wall?
+Name the Year: East Germans begin their flight to the west (via Hungary and Czech)?
+Name the Year: East Germany drops the communist monopoly from its constitution?
+Name the Year: East Pakistan proclaimed independence taking the name Bangladesh?
+Name the Year: Ebenezer Butterick inventor (tissue paper dress pattern), born in?
+Name the Year: EC recognises Slovenian and Croatian independence?
+Name the Year: Echo I, first passive satellite launched?
+Name the Year: Ecuador and Iraq join the United Nations?
+Name the Year: Ecuador becomes independent?
+Name the Year: Ecuador declares independence from Spain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Ed Asner, actor (Lou Grant)?
+Name the Year: Ed Begley, Jr., actor (St. Elsewhere, Real Genius, Spinal Tap), born in?
+Name the Year: Ed McMahon, #1 second banana, famed announcer, sweepstakes harbinger, born in?
+Name the Year: Ed Sullivan TV host (Ed Sullivan Show), dies at 73?
+Name the Year: Eddie Fisher, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Eddie Murphy, comedian, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Eddie Rabbitt, singer?
+Name the Year: Eddie Rickenbacker, aviator, born in?
+Name the Year: Eden Phillpotts, English novelist, poet, playwright?
+Name the Year: Edgar Allan Poe, Boston, author (Pit & the Pendulum), born in?
+Name the Year: Edgar Allen Poe dies in Baltimore at 40?
+Name the Year: Edgar Degas, French impressionist painter, born in?
+Name the Year: Edgar Rice Burroughs, novelist (Tarzan, John Carter Of Mars Saga), born in?
+Name the Year: Edison Pele, Football player extraordinaire, born in?
+Name the Year: Edmond Hoyle games expert, dies (birth date unknown)?
+Name the Year: Edmund Halley (in London), sky watcher, namesake of Halley's Comet, born in?
+Name the Year: Edmund Halley genius eclipsed by Newton, dies at 86?
+Name the Year: Edmund Halley receives MA from Queen's College, Oxford?
+Name the Year: Edna St. Vincent Millay, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Edouard Manet, France, Impressionist painter, born in?
+Name the Year: Edouard Manet, French painter, born in?
+Name the Year: Eduardo Barrios, Chilean novelist (The Love-Crazed Boy)?
+Name the Year: Edvard Grieg, Bergen Norway, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Edward Furlong Pasedina Calif, actor (John Connor-Terminator 2), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward G. Gibson, astronaut (Skylab 4)?
+Name the Year: Edward Gibbon England, historian (Decline & Fall of Roman Empire), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward Gibson England, historian (Decline & Fall of the Roman Emp), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward H. White II, astronaut (Gemini 4)?
+Name the Year: Edward Heath (C), British prime minister (1970-74), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward II king of England (1307-1327), dies at 43?
+Name the Year: Edward II, king of England (1307-27), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward III, king of England (1327-77)?
+Name the Year: Edward IV, king of England (1461-70, 1471-83), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward Jenner England, physician, started vaccination, born in?
+Name the Year: Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccination is introduced?
+Name the Year: Edward John Trelawney, English traveler, author?
+Name the Year: Edward Lear England, landscape painter, writer of nonsense verse, born in?
+Name the Year: Edward Teller, Budapest, Hungary, fathered H-bomb (Manhattan Project), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward the black prince, prince of Wales (1343-1376), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward Thompson US archeologist who explored Mayan ruins, born in?
+Name the Year: Edward VI king of England (1547-53), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward VII of England crowned after death of his mother Victoria?
+Name the Year: Edward VII, king of England (1901-10), born in?
+Name the Year: Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor married Wallis Warfield Simpson in France?
+Name the Year: Edward Woodward England, actor (Breaker Morant, Equalizer), born in?
+Name the Year: Edwin Armstrong, radio pioneer (invented FM)?
+Name the Year: Edwin Booth, American actor?
+Name the Year: Edwin Budding of England signs an agreement for manufacture of his invention, the lawn mower?
+Name the Year: Edwin Drake, drilled first productive oil well in US, born in?
+Name the Year: Edwin Hubble, US astronomer, discoverer of galaxies, red shift?
+Name the Year: Edwin Land, founded instant photography (Polaroid), born in?
+Name the Year: EE Barnard at Lick discovers Amalthea, 5th Jupiter moon?
+Name the Year: EEC Anniversary?
+Name the Year: Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., actor (77 Sunset Strip, The Untouchables)?
+Name the Year: Egypt and Morocco troops land in Saudi Arabia to prevent Iraqi invasion?
+Name the Year: Egypt proclaimed a republic?
+Name the Year: Egypt seizes Suez Canal?
+Name the Year: Egyptian Pres Anwar Sadat first meeting with President Jimmy Carter?
+Name the Year: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat arrives in Israel?
+Name the Year: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat became first Arab leader to address Israel's Knesset?
+Name the Year: Egyptian president Nassar closes Straits of Tiran to Israel?
+Name the Year: Egyptian President Sadat formally accepts invitation to visit Israel?
+Name the Year: Eighteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 5 is launched?
+Name the Year: Einstein's Theory of General Relativity presented?
+Name the Year: Eisenhower and Italian Marshal Pietro Badoglio sign an armistice?
+Name the Year: Eisenhower orders US troops to desegregate Little Rock schools?
+Name the Year: Ejnar Hertzsprung, Danish astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram), born in?
+Name the Year: Ejnar Hertzsprung, Danish astrophysicist dies at 94?
+Name the Year: El Salvador's 1st battle against Spain for independence?
+Name the Year: Elbridge Gerry, 5th VP, gov. of Mass., invented gerrymandering, born in?
+Name the Year: Electric neon sign patented?
+Name the Year: Element 103, lawrencium, first produced in Berkeley, California lab?
+Name the Year: Element 98 - californium announced?
+Name the Year: Element mendelevium announced - element 101?
+Name the Year: Eleventh Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 5 is launched?
+Name the Year: Eleventh Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 5 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Eli Whitney applies for patent for the cotton gin?
+Name the Year: Eli Whitney received patent for cotton gin?
+Name the Year: Elias Howe (in Spencer, Mass), sewing machine inventor, born in?
+Name the Year: Elias Howe patents the sewing machine?
+Name the Year: Elie Wiesel, author (Souls on Fire), Nazi hunter (Nobel 1986)?
+Name the Year: Eliot Ness untouchable (FBI agent-Chicago), born in?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor II, queen of England (1952- ), born in?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth Ann Seton of New York was beatified. She was sainted in 1975?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth I ascends English throne upon death of Queen Mary?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth I crowned queen of England in Westminster Abbey?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth II becomes queen of Great Britain?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth Taylor (in London, England), actress, had many husbands, born in?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth Taylor weds for the 8th time (Larry Fortensky)?
+Name the Year: Elizabeth, empress of Russia (to Peter the Great and Catherine I)?
+Name the Year: Ella Fitzgerald, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Ellis Island (NYC) opens as a US immigration depot?
+Name the Year: Ellis Island Historical Site opens on Eliis Island, NYC?
+Name the Year: Elmer A Sperry inventor (gyrocompass), born in?
+Name the Year: Elton John becomes 1st pop star to perform in Israel?
+Name the Year: Elton John, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorce after 6 years?
+Name the Year: Elvis Costello [Declan Patrick McManus], rocker (Allison), born in?
+Name the Year: Elvis Presley appears on a Frank Sinatra TV special?
+Name the Year: Elvis Presley appears on national TV for 1st time (Ed Sullivan)?
+Name the Year: Elvis Presley records his first two singles at Sun Record Studios?
+Name the Year: Elvis Presley was inducted into the Army in Memphis, Tenn?
+Name the Year: Elvis Presley, dies of heart ailment at Graceland at age 42 . . . or goes into hiding. (Your Choice.)?
+Name the Year: Elvis Presley, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Emanuel Ungaro, fashion designer, born in?
+Name the Year: Emiliano Zapata, Mexican revolutionary, peasant leader?
+Name the Year: Emilio Estevez actor (Breakfast Club, Young Guns)?
+Name the Year: Emilio Estevez actor (Young Guns), born in?
+Name the Year: Emily Bronte, novelist (Wuthering Heights), born in?
+Name the Year: Emily Dickinson (in Amherst, Mass), poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Emily Dickinson, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Emily Post authority on social behavior, writer (Etiquette), born in?
+Name the Year: Emma Lazarus, whose poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, born in?
+Name the Year: Emmett Kelly, circus clown (Weary Willie) born?
+Name the Year: Emmylou Harris (in Alabama), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Emperor Haile Selassie (Ethiopia) visits Kingston Jamaica?
+Name the Year: Emperor Hirohito of Japan (1926-89), born in?
+Name the Year: Emperor Napoleon married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise?
+Name the Year: Empress Maria Theresa, Austria (Wife of Napolean), born in?
+Name the Year: Empress of China sets sail on first New York to China route?
+Name the Year: En route to Halley's Comet, USSR's Vega 2 drops lander on Venus?
+Name the Year: End of USSR experimental calendar?
+Name the Year: England & France declare war on Emperor Charles V of Spain?
+Name the Year: England and colonies adopt Gregorian calendar, 11 days disappear, rioting ensues?
+Name the Year: England beats West Germany 4-2 for Football's 8th World Cup in London?
+Name the Year: England becomes 6th nation to have a satellite (Prospero) in orbit?
+Name the Year: England passes Act of Grace, forgiving followers of James II?
+Name the Year: England's House of Commons detroyed in a blitz?
+Name the Year: England's King Henry VIII 6-month marriage to Anne of Cleves annulled?
+Name the Year: England's King Henry VIII weds Catherine Parr (6th and last wife)?
+Name the Year: England's King Richard I (the Lion-Hearted) crowned in Westminster?
+Name the Year: England's King Richard III crowned?
+Name the Year: English defeat French at Battle of Blenheim?
+Name the Year: English defeat French at Battle of Poitiers?
+Name the Year: English defeat Scots at Battle of Falkirk?
+Name the Year: English explorer Henry Hudson enters the Hudson River?
+Name the Year: English fleet attacks the Spanish armada?
+Name the Year: English fleet defeats Spanish armada?
+Name the Year: English king Ethelred II launches massacre of Danish settlers?
+Name the Year: English longbows defeat French in Battle of Crecy?
+Name the Year: English Parliament adopts Bill of Rights after Cromwell's Revolution?
+Name the Year: English standing army first founded?
+Name the Year: English, Dutch and Austrians defeat French in Battle of Malplaquet?
+Name the Year: Enrico Caruso (in Italy), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Enrico Fermi, Italy, nuclear physicist, born in?
+Name the Year: Enver Hoxha, post-war leader of Albania?
+Name the Year: Enzo Ferrari, car designer and manufacturer, born in?
+Name the Year: Episcopal Church approves ordination of women as priests and bishop?
+Name the Year: Equatorial Guinea gained independence from Spain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Eric Burdon rocker (Animals-House of the Rising Sun), born in?
+Name the Year: Eric Burdon, rocker (Animals-House of the Rising Sun)?
+Name the Year: Eric Clapton, guitarist, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Eric Drummond 1st Secretary-General of League of Nations (1919-33), born in?
+Name the Year: Eric Morecambe comedian (Morecambe & Wise), dies at 58?
+Name the Year: Erich Warsitz makes first jet-propelled flight (in a Heinkel He-178)?
+Name the Year: Erich Weiss (aka Harry Houdini), escapist?
+Name the Year: Erich Weiss, better known as Magician Harry Houdini, dies?
+Name the Year: Erik Estrada, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Erika Eleniak, actress (Under Siege, Beverly Hillbillies), born in?
+Name the Year: Erle Stanley Gardner, writer, created Perry Mason, born in?
+Name the Year: Ernest Hausen of Wisconsin sets chicken-plucking record-4.4 sec...?
+Name the Year: Ernest Hemingway shot himself to death in Ketchum, Idaho?
+Name the Year: Ernest Hemmingway, author, (Nobel 1954), born in?
+Name the Year: Ernest Lord Rutherford England, physicist; discovered atomic nucleus, born in?
+Name the Year: Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, Italian journalist (Nobel Peace Prize 1907)?
+Name the Year: Erno Rubik Budapest, inventor (Rubik's cube), born in?
+Name the Year: Ernst Heinkel demonstrates 800-kph rocket plane to Hitler?
+Name the Year: Errol Flynn actor (Captain Blood, Robin Hood, Against All Flags), born in?
+Name the Year: Errol Walton Barrow, PM of Barbados (DLP) (1966-76, 1986-?), born in?
+Name the Year: ERTS 1 (Earth Resources Technology Satellite), later called LANDSAT, launched to start its multi-spectral scans of Earth?
+Name the Year: Erwin Rommel, German field marshall, brilliant tactician?
+Name the Year: Erwin Schrodinger Austria, physicist (had a cat), born in?
+Name the Year: Estee Lauder CEO (Estee Lauder's cosmetics), born in?
+Name the Year: Estelle Getty NYC, actress (Sophia Petrillo-Golden Girls), born in?
+Name the Year: Esther Williams (in Inglewood, CA), actor, swimmer?
+Name the Year: Esther Williams, swimmer, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Ethel Merman stage & screen actress (Anything Goes, Call Me Madam), born in?
+Name the Year: Eugene Ionesco, French dramatist (Rhinoceros)?
+Name the Year: Eugene O'Neill, playwright (Desire Under the Elms) (Nobel 1936)?
+Name the Year: European community proposes a boycott of Iraq?
+Name the Year: European Space Agency launches Giotto Sattelite to Halley's Comet?
+Name the Year: Eva Gabor (Budapest, Hungary), actress (Green Acres), born in?
+Name the Year: Eva Peron, Argentine first lady, born in?
+Name the Year: Evander Hollyfield, 2-time Heavyweight boxing champ, born in?
+Name the Year: Everlasting League forms, basis of Swiss Confederation (Nat'l Day)?
+Name the Year: Excelsior diamond (blue-white 995 carats) discovered?
+Name the Year: Experimental reactor kills three in Idaho Falls, Idaho?
+Name the Year: Explorer VI reveals an intense radation belt around the Earth?
+Name the Year: Explosive eruption blows 1.2 km off the top of volcano Papandayan, Java, kills 3,000?
+Name the Year: Ezra Daggett & nephew Thomas Kensett patent food storage in tin cans?
+Name the Year: Ezra Pound (in Hailey, Idaho)?
+Name the Year: F. Murray Abraham, actor (Amadeus, Name of the Rose), born in?
+Name the Year: F. Scott Fitzgerald (in St. Paul, MN), writer (Great Gatsby), born in?
+Name the Year: Fabian Gottlieb von Bellinghausen 1st to circumnavigate Antarctica, born in?
+Name the Year: Facsimile high-speed radio transmission demonstrated, Washington DC?
+Name the Year: Fahd becomes king of Saudi Arabia when King Khalid dies at 69?
+Name the Year: Faisal II, King of Iraq, born in?
+Name the Year: Fanny Burney, England, author (Camille, Evelina), born in?
+Name the Year: Farrah Fawcett-Major (in Texas), actress (Charlie's Angels), born in?
+Name the Year: Fatal Apollo I fire kills Grissom, Chaffee, and White?
+Name the Year: Fats Domino, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Fats Waller jazz pianist, composer (Ain't Misbehavin'), born in?
+Name the Year: Fay Wray Alberta Canada, actress-King Kong's main squeeze, born in?
+Name the Year: Fay Wray, actress (King Kong), born in?
+Name the Year: Faye Dunaway, actress (Chinatown, Bonnie & Clyde), born in?
+Name the Year: FBI arrests John A Walker Jr, convicted of spying for USSR?
+Name the Year: FBI captures 8 Nazi saboteurs from a sub off NY's Long Island?
+Name the Year: FDR appoints Gen Eisenhower supreme commander of Allied forces?
+Name the Year: FDR grants future independence to the Philippines?
+Name the Year: FDR orders any Axis ship found in American waters be shot on sight?
+Name the Year: Federal Bureau of Investigation established?
+Name the Year: Federal jury found Lynette Fromme guilty of attempted assassination?
+Name the Year: Federal Republic of [West] Germany created under 3-power occupation?
+Name the Year: Federal Voting Rights Act guarantees black voting rights?
+Name the Year: Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), Football's World governing body forms?
+Name the Year: Federation of Mali (& Senegal) becomes independent of France?
+Name the Year: Federico Fellini Italian director (Satyricon, La Dolce Vita), born in?
+Name the Year: Felix Bloch, U.S. physicist (Nobel 1952), born in?
+Name the Year: Felix the Cat, cartoon character, born in?
+Name the Year: Felix Wankel, Germany, inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine), born in?
+Name the Year: Ferdinand de Lesseps, French diplomat, built Suez Canal?
+Name the Year: Ferdinand Foch, believed to be the leader responsible for Allies winning World War I?
+Name the Year: Ferdinand Magellan world traveler, killed by Filipino natives?
+Name the Year: Ferdinand Marcos deposed president of Phillipines, dies?
+Name the Year: Ferdinand Marcos Philippines Pres (1965-86), born in?
+Name the Year: Ferdinand VI, king of Spain (1746-59), born in?
+Name the Year: Fess Parker, actor (Davy Crockett, Gunsmoke), born in?
+Name the Year: Fidel Castro announces there will be no more elections in Cuba?
+Name the Year: Fidel Castro became Premier of Cuba?
+Name the Year: Fidel Castro declares he's a Marxist, & will lead Cuba to Communism?
+Name the Year: Fidel Castro leads attack on Moncada Barracks, begins Cuban Revolution?
+Name the Year: Fidel Castro makes a speech on Cuban pirate radio Rebelde?
+Name the Year: Fidel Castro siezes power in Cuba?
+Name the Year: Fidel Castro, Cuban political leader (1959-?), born in?
+Name the Year: Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein (in Moville, Ireland)?
+Name the Year: Fifteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 3 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Fifth Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 5 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Fiji gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Final European scheduled run of the Orient Express (94 years)?
+Name the Year: Finland awarded 1940 Olympic games after Japan withdraws?
+Name the Year: Finland declares war on the U.S.S.R?
+Name the Year: Finland enters WW II against Russia?
+Name the Year: Finland surrendered to the Soviet Union during World War II?
+Name the Year: Fire of Moscow?
+Name the Year: First air conditioned automobile (Packard) exhibited, Chicago, IL?
+Name the Year: First airplane flight from the deck of a ship?
+Name the Year: First airplane flight in Europe?
+Name the Year: First airplane flight to Los Angeles from San Francisco?
+Name the Year: First airplane to exceed 1800 mph - HA Hanes, Palmdale Ca?
+Name the Year: First all solid propellant rocket put into orbit from Wallops Island, VA?
+Name the Year: First all-color television station to televise live local programs?
+Name the Year: First ambassador to Canada, Ray Atherton, nominated?
+Name the Year: First American expeditionary force to land in Africa (WW II)?
+Name the Year: First American offensive in Pacific in WW2, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is?
+Name the Year: First American pilot to shoot down German fighter plane, SF Junkin?
+Name the Year: First American satellite to reach moon launched from Cape Canaveral?
+Name the Year: First American school for the deaf (Hartford, Connecticut)?
+Name the Year: First and only live murder on TV - Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald?
+Name the Year: First animals fired into space and rescued, Cape Canaveral?
+Name the Year: First animated cartoon is copyrighted?
+Name the Year: First Artificial heart recipient Dr. Barney Clark died after 112 days?
+Name the Year: First astronauts - selection announced by NASA?
+Name the Year: First atomic blast, Trinity Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico?
+Name the Year: First atomic explosion witnessed by troops, NM?
+Name the Year: First atomic power clock exhibited ____ New York City
+Name the Year: First atomic reactor for research and development, Richland, Wa?
+Name the Year: First Automated return of lunar sample by Luna 16?
+Name the Year: First automobile to exceed 400 mph, John Cobb, Bonneville Salt Flats?
+Name the Year: First automobile/airplane combination tested, Santa Monica, Ca?
+Name the Year: First aviator to bail out at supersonic speed - G. F. Smith?
+Name the Year: First B-29 bombing raid one plane lost; engine failure?
+Name the Year: First balloon crossing of Pacific completed (Double Eagle V)?
+Name the Year: First black player in National Basketball Association, Fort Wayne, IN?
+Name the Year: First blood bank established, Chicago, IL?
+Name the Year: First Boeing 737 rolls out?
+Name the Year: First book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible?
+Name the Year: First broadcast by a 'ham' operator ____ Einar Dessau of Denmark
+Name the Year: First Cable Car is patented by Andrew S. Hallidie?
+Name the Year: First child born in aircraft, Miami, Fl?
+Name the Year: First civilian to exceed speed of sound ____ H. H. Houver at Edwards Air Force Base, CA
+Name the Year: First color network telecast in compatible color Boston, MA?
+Name the Year: First color TV demonstration NY city?
+Name the Year: First commercial coal pipeline placed in operation?
+Name the Year: First commercially designed helicopter tested at Bridgeport, CT?
+Name the Year: First computer chess tournament?
+Name the Year: First Davis Cup tennis matches, held in Boston. The U.S. defeats Britain?
+Name the Year: First drinking straw is patented by M.C. Stone in Washington, D.C?
+Name the Year: First drive-in theatre opens, in Camden, New Jersey?
+Name the Year: First electric burglar alarm is installed in Boston, Mass?
+Name the Year: First electric power generated from atomic energy sold commercially?
+Name the Year: First electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition?
+Name the Year: First electric razor marketed by Schick, Inc?
+Name the Year: First electric watch introduced at Lancaster, PA?
+Name the Year: First electronic wrist watch placed on sale, NY city?
+Name the Year: First Emmy Awards are given out?
+Name the Year: First flight Junkers F13 advanced monoplane airliner?
+Name the Year: First FM radio transmission?
+Name the Year: First FORTRAN computer program run?
+Name the Year: First German ship in WW2 captured by US ship (Busko)?
+Name the Year: First guided missile destroyer launched, the Dewey, Bath, Me?
+Name the Year: First helicopter licensed for commercial use - New York City?
+Name the Year: First helicopter transatlantic flight began?
+Name the Year: First house with built-in bomb shelter exhibited, Pleasant Hills, Pa?
+Name the Year: First Human Rights Day?
+Name the Year: First hydrogen device exploded at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific?
+Name the Year: First hydrogen-filled balloon ascent (unmanned)?
+Name the Year: First In-flight movie is shown (on TWA)?
+Name the Year: First Income Tax imposed?
+Name the Year: First indoor swimming pool opens at Goodman's Fields, London?
+Name the Year: First infra-red photograph, Rochester, NY?
+Name the Year: First instant develop camera demonstrated in NY City by E. H. Land?
+Name the Year: First interment in US National Cemetary at Presidio?
+Name the Year: First Israeli election?
+Name the Year: First Italian Parliament met at Turin?
+Name the Year: First Japanese ambassador to the U.S?
+Name the Year: First jazz record in United States is cut?
+Name the Year: First jet plane combat victor in Korea - RJ Brown?
+Name the Year: First jet propelled airplane tested?
+Name the Year: First known ascent in a hot-air balloon, by Father Bartolomeu de Gusmao of Portugal (indoors!)?
+Name the Year: First known auto race?
+Name the Year: First known photo of Loch Ness monster (or whatever) is taken?
+Name the Year: First landing by an airplane at geographic North Pole?
+Name the Year: First lion to be seen in America was exhibited in Boston?
+Name the Year: First live, nationally televised, Presidential news conference (JFK)?
+Name the Year: First Lt. William L. Calley, Jr. found guilty in the MyLai massacre?
+Name the Year: First major tidal power plant opened at Rance estuary, France?
+Name the Year: First man-powered flight (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor)?
+Name the Year: First manned balloon flight across Pacific Ocean ended?
+Name the Year: First manned rocket flight (by auto maker Fritz von Opel)?
+Name the Year: First Meteor photograph?
+Name the Year: First meteorite known to have struck a woman - Sylacauga, Alabama?
+Name the Year: First mobile electric power plant delivered, Philadelphia PA?
+Name the Year: First Mormon temple was dedicated in Kirtland, Ohio?
+Name the Year: First motion picture shown in NY City?
+Name the Year: First motorcycle race, Manhattan Beach, N.Y?
+Name the Year: First museum devoted exclusively to atomic energy, Oak Ridge, TN?
+Name the Year: First New York City subway line was opened to the public?
+Name the Year: First New York to Paris auto race (via Alaska and Siberia) begins. George Schuster wins after 88 days behind the wheel?
+Name the Year: First Nobel Peace Prizes (to Jean Henri Dunant, Frederic Passy)?
+Name the Year: First non-stop, round-the-world airplane flight completed?
+Name the Year: First North Pole jet crossing?
+Name the Year: First nylon parachute jump Hartford Ct Adeline Gray?
+Name the Year: First official St. Patrick's Day?
+Name the Year: First oil drill seagoing rig placed in service?
+Name the Year: First partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia and Russia?
+Name the Year: First passenger to fly commercially around the world in less than 100 hours?
+Name the Year: First pineapples planted in Hawaii?
+Name the Year: First plastic lens for cataract patients fitted, Philadelphia, PA?
+Name the Year: First postcards are issued in Vienna?
+Name the Year: First practical rectangular TV tube announced ____ Toledo, Oh
+Name the Year: First printing press in America?
+Name the Year: First professional golf tournament held?
+Name the Year: First protestant ministry society in New England?
+Name the Year: First public announcement about Walt Disney World?
+Name the Year: First public demonstration of television?
+Name the Year: First public display of the telephone at the Philedelphia Exhibition?
+Name the Year: First public game of basketball?
+Name the Year: First published reference to the game of Poker describes it as a Mississippi riverboat game?
+Name the Year: First radar signal to moon, Belmar, NJ?
+Name the Year: First radio-assisted rescue at sea?
+Name the Year: First radio-telescope news messages transmitted from U.S. to England?
+Name the Year: First radioactive substance produced synthetically (radium E)?
+Name the Year: First recorded bicycle race, 2 kilometers in Paris?
+Name the Year: First regular steam train passenger service starts?
+Name the Year: First reported sighting of Flying Saucers, near Mt. Rainier, Washington by Kenneth Arnold of Boise, Idaho?
+Name the Year: First rocket air mail flight, Greenwood Lake, NY?
+Name the Year: First rocket to exceed 150 mile altitude - White Sands, NM?
+Name the Year: First rocket to intercept an airplane, White Sands, NM?
+Name the Year: First rocket to reach outer space launched at White Sands, NM?
+Name the Year: First rocket with nuclear warhead fired, Yucca Flat, Nevada?
+Name the Year: First round-the-world trip by a woman on a bicycle (took 15 months)?
+Name the Year: First round-the-world trip by yacht (Cornelius Vanderbilt)?
+Name the Year: First self-propelled locomotive on rails demonstrated, in Wales?
+Name the Year: First self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction demonstrated in one of the squash court under Stagg Field, University of Chicago?
+Name the Year: First settlement established by the English in Australia. AUSTRALIA DAY !?
+Name the Year: First shipload of Chinese immigrants arrives in San Francisco, CA?
+Name the Year: First shipment of canned pineapple from Hawaii?
+Name the Year: First Soviet liquid rocket attains altitude of 261 ft?
+Name the Year: First Space Shuttle - Columbia 1 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: First speed-boat to exceed 200 miles per hour (D.M. Campbell, pilot)?
+Name the Year: First submarine captured and boarded on high seas - U 505?
+Name the Year: First successful helicopter flight, Stratford, Ct?
+Name the Year: First successful oil well drilled near Titusville, Penn?
+Name the Year: First Sunday football game in Philadelphia (previously illegal)?
+Name the Year: First synthetic detergent for home use marketed?
+Name the Year: First synthetic rubber tire exhibited Akron, OH?
+Name the Year: First Tape Recorder is sold?
+Name the Year: First Teddy Bear introduced in America. Made by Morris and Rose Michtom, Russian immigrants?
+Name the Year: First telecast of atomic explosion?
+Name the Year: First telegraph company in Hawaii opens?
+Name the Year: First Telephone book is issued, in New Haven, Conn?
+Name the Year: First telephone exchange in San Francisco opens with 18 phones?
+Name the Year: First telephone installed in the White House?
+Name the Year: First televised tennis match?
+Name the Year: First thermonuclear bomb detonated - Marshall Islands?
+Name the Year: First transatlantic jet passenger trip?
+Name the Year: First transatlantic radio broadcast?
+Name the Year: First transatlantic round-trip air flight?
+Name the Year: First transatlantic telephone cable goes into operation?
+Name the Year: First transcontinental telegram sent?
+Name the Year: First treaty signed by female ambassador - Eugenie Anderson?
+Name the Year: First typesetting machine (photo engraving) used at Quincy, Mass?
+Name the Year: First ultra high frequency (UHF) television station, Portland, OR?
+Name the Year: First underground atomic explosion, Frenchman Flat, Nevada?
+Name the Year: First underground railway opens in London?
+Name the Year: First US ambassador to the USSR (W.C. Bullitt)?
+Name the Year: First US lunar orbiter?
+Name the Year: First US Presidential airplane christened?
+Name the Year: First vaudeville theater opens?
+Name the Year: First video recording on magnetic tape televised coast-to-coast?
+Name the Year: First wartime conscription law in US went into effect?
+Name the Year: First Wimbledon tennis championships held?
+Name the Year: First Winter Olympics held at Lake Placid, NY?
+Name the Year: First Women's Rights Convention. Seneca Falls, NY ... featuring the introduction of the first Bloomers?
+Name the Year: First X-ray moving picture process demonstrated?
+Name the Year: Fish, rock vocalist (Marillon), born in?
+Name the Year: Five year truce between England and Scotland began?
+Name the Year: Flamsteed sees solar eclipse, first known astronomical observation?
+Name the Year: Flavius Ricimer general of the Western Roman Empire, kingmaker, born in?
+Name the Year: Flemish woman introduces practice of starching linen into England?
+Name the Year: Flight 255 out of Metro Airport in Detroit crashes just miniutes after take off, killing all but one small child?
+Name the Year: Florence Bascom US, 1st American woman PhD, born in?
+Name the Year: Florence Henderson (in Indiana), actress (Alice in The Brady Bunch), born in?
+Name the Year: Florence Nightingale Florence, Italy, nurse (Crimean War), born in?
+Name the Year: Florenz Ziegfeld staged first `Follies' on the roof of the NY Theater?
+Name the Year: Florenz Ziegfeld, of Follies fame, born in?
+Name the Year: Flush toilet is patented by Mr. Thomas Crapper (honest!!)?
+Name the Year: Folk-rock begins, Dylan uses electricity at Newport Folk Festival?
+Name the Year: Football Association forms in England, standardizing Football?
+Name the Year: For one second this afternoon, the time is 12:34:56, 7-8-90?
+Name the Year: Ford Motor Co. introduced the Edsel! (Oh boy !)?
+Name the Year: Ford Motor Company cancels the Edsel?
+Name the Year: Ford Motor Company manufactures its 10 millionth automobile?
+Name the Year: Formal reunification of North & South Vietnam?
+Name the Year: Formosus ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: Forrester issued a patent for computer core memory?
+Name the Year: Fort Sumter, SC, shelled by Confederate troops under General Beauregard. The American Civil War begins?
+Name the Year: Four planes take off on first successful around-the-world flight?
+Name the Year: Four-wheeled roller skates patented by James Plimpton of New York?
+Name the Year: Fourteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 2 is launched?
+Name the Year: Fourteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 2 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Fourth Space Shuttle Mission (Columbia 4) launched?
+Name the Year: Fox TV network premiers showing Married With Children & Tracey Ullman?
+Name the Year: France & Spain agree to donate arms to American rebels?
+Name the Year: France and Algerian rebels agreed to a truce?
+Name the Year: France announce it will send 4,000 troops to the Persian Gulf?
+Name the Year: France asks Germany for terms of surrender in WW II?
+Name the Year: France became world's 5th thermonuclear power?
+Name the Year: France cedes Roussillon & Cerdogne to Spain by treaty of Barcelona?
+Name the Year: France declares war on Austria, Prussia & Sardinia?
+Name the Year: France grants Mauritania independence?
+Name the Year: France grants Togo independence (Natl Day)?
+Name the Year: France issues first driving licenses, including a required test?
+Name the Year: France launches first satellite, a 92-pound A1 capsule?
+Name the Year: France proclaims a protectorate over Chad?
+Name the Year: France recognizes the independance of the 13 US colonies?
+Name the Year: France recognizes Tunisia's independence?
+Name the Year: France, the U.S.S.R., Great Britain, and the U.S. signed away their control over a partitioned Germany?
+Name the Year: France's Protestant King Henri IV converts to Roman Catholic?
+Name the Year: Frances Drake completres circumnavigation of the world?
+Name the Year: Francie Larrieu, track runner?
+Name the Year: Francis Bacon, England, statesman/essayist (Novum Organum), born in?
+Name the Year: Francis Ford Coppola, director?
+Name the Year: Francis Gary Powers convicted of spying by USSR (U-2 incident)?
+Name the Year: Francis I forced to give up claims in Burgundy, Italy & Flanders?
+Name the Year: Francis II, king of France (1559-60), born in?
+Name the Year: Francisco de Zurbarin, Spanish Baroque painter?
+Name the Year: Francisco Jose de Goya, artist, born in?
+Name the Year: Francisco Madero, Mexican revolutionary, president (1911-13)?
+Name the Year: Francois Coty, perfumemaker, born in?
+Name the Year: Francois Ren, de Chateaubriand, French poet, novelist, statesman?
+Name the Year: Francois-Andre Philidor, France, chess champion/musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Francoise duc de la Rochefoucald Paris France, writer (Memoires), born in?
+Name the Year: Frank Capra director (It's a Wonderful Life), dies at 94?
+Name the Year: Frank Capra movie director (Its a Wonderful Life, Arsenic & Old Lace), born in?
+Name the Year: Frank Herbert, sci-fi writer (Dune), born in?
+Name the Year: Frank Nelson Doubleday, publisher and founder of Doubleday and Co., born in?
+Name the Year: Frank Oz Heresford England, puppeteer (Sesame St, Muppet Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Frank Thring, Australian actor (El Cid, Ben-Hur), dies at 68?
+Name the Year: Frankie Avalon, singer (Four Seasons), born in?
+Name the Year: Frankie Laine, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Frankie Valli, seasonal singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Franklin D. Rooseveldt dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Ga?
+Name the Year: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston S. Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter?
+Name the Year: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President (1933-1945) in New Hyde Park NY, born in?
+Name the Year: Franz Josef I becomes emperor of Austria and King of Hungary?
+Name the Year: Franz Josef II, prince of Liechtenstein (1938- ), born in?
+Name the Year: Franz Kafka, Czechoslavakia, author (Metamorphosis, Trial, Amerika), born in?
+Name the Year: Franz Liszt (in Hungary), Romantic composer, virtuoso pianist, born in?
+Name the Year: Franz Peter Schubert, Lichtenthal Austria, composer (Unfinished Symphony), born in?
+Name the Year: Fred Astaire actor/dancer, dies at Century City Hospital in LA at 88?
+Name the Year: Fred Astaire Omaha Neb, tap dancer/actor (Easter Parade, Swingtime), born in?
+Name the Year: Fred Gwynne, actor (The Munsters), writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Fred Haise, astronaut (Apollo 13)?
+Name the Year: Freddie Mercury, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Frederic A. Bartholdi, sculptor who created the Statue of Liberty, born in?
+Name the Year: Frederic Chopin, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Frederic Chopin, pianist, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Frederick I the Warlike, elector of Saxony, born in?
+Name the Year: Frederick II king of Denmark, dies?
+Name the Year: Frederick III Innsbruck Austria, German Emperor (1440-1493), born in?
+Name the Year: Frederick Krupp, Arms manufacturer, born in?
+Name the Year: Frederick R Spofforth Australia, cricketer (Demon), born in?
+Name the Year: Frederick VI Danish king (1808-39); lost Norway to Sweden (1814), born in?
+Name the Year: Frederick William I, king of Prussia, born in?
+Name the Year: Free black commission of Philadelphia petitioned Congress to abolish slavery?
+Name the Year: French agents sink Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand?
+Name the Year: French army revolts in Algeria?
+Name the Year: French fortress of Verdun captured by Germans?
+Name the Year: French manufacturer debuts 1st folding umbrella (Paris)?
+Name the Year: French navy at Toulon scuttled its ships and submarines to prevent them from falling into hands of Nazis?
+Name the Year: French president Georges Pompidou died in Paris?
+Name the Year: French republic proclaimed?
+Name the Year: French revolutionary writer Jean Paul Marat murdered by Charlotte Corday?
+Name the Year: French-Egyptian forces under Napolean I beat Turks at Battle of Abukir?
+Name the Year: Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian Arctic explorer, humanitarian (Nobel 1922), born in?
+Name the Year: Friedrich Engels, Marx's collaborator?
+Name the Year: Friedrich Nietzsche philosopher, dies in Weimar, Germany?
+Name the Year: Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher, Ubermensch, born in?
+Name the Year: Frits Zernike, inventor of phase-contrast microscope (Nobel 1953)?
+Name the Year: Fritz Leiber, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Friz Freleng animator (Bugs Bunny-Emmy 1982), born in?
+Name the Year: Frontenac becomes governor of New France (Canada)?
+Name the Year: Frontiersman Daniel Boone died in Missouri at the age of 85?
+Name the Year: Funeral for Japan's Emperor Hirohito costs his government $80-billion dollars, attracts all major world leaders?
+Name the Year: Funeral of Pope Paul VI?
+Name the Year: Funeral services held in Moscow for leader Konstantin Chernenko?
+Name the Year: Funeral services held in Moscow's Red Square for Leonid I. Brezhnev?
+Name the Year: Fyodor Dostoevsky, author?
+Name the Year: Fyodor Dostoyevsky (in Russia), author (Crime and Punishment)?
+Name the Year: G. Gordon Liddy, tough guy, Watergate celebrity?
+Name the Year: Gabon gained independence from France (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, invented the thermometer?
+Name the Year: Gabriela Sabatini, tennis professional, raqueteer, born in?
+Name the Year: Galba, Roman emperor, killed by Praetorian guard in the Forum, Rome?
+Name the Year: Galileo demonstrates his 1st telescope to Venetian lawmakers?
+Name the Year: Galileo Galilei discovers Callisto, 4th satellite of Jupiter?
+Name the Year: Galileo Galilei, astronomer, born in?
+Name the Year: Galileo may have unknowingly viewed undiscovered planet Neptune?
+Name the Year: Galileo passes within 600 miles of asteroid Ida?
+Name the Year: Galileo perfects the telescope?
+Name the Year: Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt (1954-1971?), born in?
+Name the Year: Gambian National Day?
+Name the Year: Garfield, famous cat (big fat hairy deal), born in?
+Name the Year: Garros sets world altitude record of 4,250 m (13,944 ft)?
+Name the Year: Garth Brooks, C&W singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Gary Coleman, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Gary Cooper, 2 time Academy award winning actor, dies at 60?
+Name the Year: Gary Cooper, actor (High Noon, The Plainsman), born in?
+Name the Year: Gary Glitter [Paul Gadd] England, rocker (Rock & Roll Part II), born in?
+Name the Year: Gary Kasparov (USSR) becomes World Chess Champion at age of 22?
+Name the Year: Gary Player (in South Africa), golfer?
+Name the Year: Gary Snyder beat poet (Rip Rap & Cold Mountain Poems), born in?
+Name the Year: Gavin MacLeod, actor (Love Boat, Mary Tyler Moore Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Geena Davis, actress (Beetlejuice, Fly), born in?
+Name the Year: Gemini 10 launched?
+Name the Year: Gemini 3 launched, first US 2-man space flight?
+Name the Year: Gemini 5 returned after 12 days, 7 hours, 11 minutes, 53 seconds?
+Name the Year: Gemini IV is launched. Ed White first American to walk in space?
+Name the Year: Gemini IV returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Gemini IX is launched?
+Name the Year: Gemini IX returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Gemini VI returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Gemini VIII is launched?
+Name the Year: Gemini X returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Gemini XI is launched?
+Name the Year: Gemini XI returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Gemini XII launched on four-day flight (the final Gemini flight)?
+Name the Year: Gemini XII returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Gen George C. Marshall named special U.S. envoy to China?
+Name the Year: Gen Omar Bradley last 5-star general, dies in NY at 88?
+Name the Year: Gen Stonewall Jackson dies from wounds received at Chancellorsville?
+Name the Year: Gen. Douglas MacArthur born, he did return!?
+Name the Year: Gen. Douglas MacArthur left Bataan for Australia?
+Name the Year: Gen. Douglas MacArthur named commander-in-chief, UN forces in Korea?
+Name the Year: Gen. Eisenhower declared German defenses on Western Front broken?
+Name the Year: Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, former US Army chief of staff?
+Name the Year: Gene Autry, singer/actor/Calif Angels owner, born in?
+Name the Year: Gene Hackman, actor (Target, Uncommon Valor), born in?
+Name the Year: Gene Kelly, dancer, actor, singer in the rain, born in?
+Name the Year: Gene Roddenberry suggests 16 names including Kirk for Star Trek Captain?
+Name the Year: Gene Simmons Queens, NY, rocker (KISS), born in?
+Name the Year: Gene Tunney defeats Jack Dempsey for world heavyweight boxing title?
+Name the Year: Gene Wilder, comedic actor, born in?
+Name the Year: General Augustin de Iturbide crowned Augustin I, 1st emperor of Mexico?
+Name the Year: Geneva Convention signed, by 12 nations?
+Name the Year: Genghis Khan Mongol conqueror, died?
+Name the Year: Gennadi M. Strekalov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-3, T-8, T-11)?
+Name the Year: Geo Ligowsky patents device to throw clay pigeons for trapshooters?
+Name the Year: Geoffrey Plantagenet France, conquered Normandy, born in?
+Name the Year: Georg Philipp Telemann, leading German late-baroque composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Georg Simon Ohm, scientist, born in?
+Name the Year: George Bernard Shaw, Dublin Ireland, dramatist (Pygmalion-Nobel 1925), born in?
+Name the Year: George Burns [Nathan Birnbaum], NYC, actor/comedian (Oh God), born in?
+Name the Year: George Bush becomes the first sitting vice-president of the U.S. in 150 years to win a presidential election?
+Name the Year: George Canning (C) British PM (1827), born in?
+Name the Year: George Eastman (at Waterville, NY), inventor of the Kodak camera?
+Name the Year: George Eastman patents first rollfilm camera and registers Kodak?
+Name the Year: George Eastman patents paper-strip photographic film?
+Name the Year: George Eliot (in England), novelist (Silas Marner)?
+Name the Year: George Foreman, boxer, born in?
+Name the Year: George Frideric Handel, Baroque composer in Germany, born in?
+Name the Year: George Gershwin composer (American in Paris), dies at 38?
+Name the Year: George Gershwin, (in Brooklyn, NY), composer (Rhapsody in Blue), born in?
+Name the Year: George Grant wins patent for his golf tee?
+Name the Year: George Grenville, British prime minister (1763-65), born in?
+Name the Year: George H. Gallop, pollster (what's your opinion?)?
+Name the Year: George Harrison sings the lumberjack song with Monty Python?
+Name the Year: George Harrison, singer (Beatles), born in?
+Name the Year: George Herbert Walker Bush, former President of the United States, born in?
+Name the Year: George Herman 'Babe' Ruth, born in?
+Name the Year: George II king of England (1727-60), born in?
+Name the Year: George II returns to Greece and regains monarchy?
+Name the Year: George III ascends the British throne?
+Name the Year: George III of England, king, born in?
+Name the Year: George IV king of England (1820-30), born in?
+Name the Year: George Lucas director (Star Wars), born in?
+Name the Year: George Macdonald, Scottish novelist (Lilith), born in?
+Name the Year: George Mifflin Dallas (D), 11th Vice President (1845-49), born in?
+Name the Year: George Orwell, author (Animal Farm, 1984), dies in London at 46?
+Name the Year: George Orwell, British novelist, dies in London at 46?
+Name the Year: George Peppard, actor (Breakfast at Tiffany's, Blue Max, A-Team)?
+Name the Year: George S. Patton, U.S. military leader?
+Name the Year: George Sanders, actor (Mr Freeze-Batman TV series), dies at 65?
+Name the Year: George Santayana, philosopher, poet, humanist, born in?
+Name the Year: George Sax inventor (the saxophone), born in?
+Name the Year: George Segal, actor, banjo player, born in?
+Name the Year: George Steinbrenner, NY Yankees owner/ship builder/horse owner, born in?
+Name the Year: George VI's coronation in Great Britain?
+Name the Year: George Washington creates the Order of the Purple Heart?
+Name the Year: George Washington resigned as US Army's commander-in-chief?
+Name the Year: George Washington, father figure for U.S., President (1789-1796), born in?
+Name the Year: George Wendt, actor (Cheers), born in?
+Name the Year: Georges Bizet, composer?
+Name the Year: Georges Claude, inventor of the neon light, born in?
+Name the Year: Georges Seurat France, painter/pointillist (Grande Jatte), born in?
+Name the Year: Georgia becomes a protectorate of tsarist Russia?
+Name the Year: Georgia Tech defeats Cumberland College 222-0 in gridiron (record)?
+Name the Year: Georgian Social Democratic Republic declared independence from Russia?
+Name the Year: Gerald P. Carr, US astronaut (Skylab 4), born in?
+Name the Year: Geraldine Page (in Kirksville, MO), actor (Trip to Bountiful)?
+Name the Year: Geraldo Rivera opens Al Capone's vault on TV & finds nothing?
+Name the Year: Gerhardus Mercator, geographer & map maker?
+Name the Year: Gerhart Hauptmann, German writer (Before Dawn) (Nobel 1912)?
+Name the Year: Germaine Greer, Melbourne, Australia, feminist/author (Female Eunich), born in?
+Name the Year: German airship Graf Zeppelin ends a round-the-world flight?
+Name the Year: German battleship Tirpitz was sunk off Norway?
+Name the Year: German Chancellor Willy Brandt visits Israel?
+Name the Year: German Democratic Republic accepts the Deutsche Mark as its currency?
+Name the Year: German Empire proclaimed by Kaiser Wilhelm I?
+Name the Year: German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel commits suicide rather than face trial for his part in an attempt to overthrow Hitler?
+Name the Year: German forces occupied Brussels, Belgium, during World War I?
+Name the Year: German Kingdom of Westphalia abolished?
+Name the Year: German Reichstag granted Adolf Hitler dictatorial powers?
+Name the Year: German rocket engineers begin work in U.S?
+Name the Year: German rocket engineers begin work in USSR?
+Name the Year: German scientist Robert Koch discovered bacillus cause of TB?
+Name the Year: German SS kills 25,000 Jews in Minsk, Belorussia?
+Name the Year: German U-boats begin harassing shipping on US east coast?
+Name the Year: Germans begin punching holes in the Berlin Wall?
+Name the Year: Germans defeat Russians in Battle of Tannenberg?
+Name the Year: Germans scuttle their own fleet?
+Name the Year: Germany annexes Sudetenland (1/3 of Czechoslovakia)?
+Name the Year: Germany begins dropping incendiary bombs on London (WW II)?
+Name the Year: Germany blitzes Conventry, England?
+Name the Year: Germany completed annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland?
+Name the Year: Germany declares war on Belgium; Britain declares war on Germany?
+Name the Year: Germany declares war on Russia in WW I?
+Name the Year: Germany declares war on Soviet Union during WW II?
+Name the Year: Germany invades Austria?
+Name the Year: Germany invades Belgium and declares war on France in WW I?
+Name the Year: Germany invades Norway and Denmark in WW II?
+Name the Year: Germany occupies Brussels, Belgium & begins invasion of France?
+Name the Year: Geronimo, Apache Indian Chief, died?
+Name the Year: Geronimo, Apache Indian, finally surrenders ending last major US-Indian war?
+Name the Year: Gertrude Stein, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Ghana becomes a republic?
+Name the Year: Gherman S. Titov, second Russian in space aboard Vostok 2?
+Name the Year: Gherman Titov USSR, 1st man to spend a day in space (Vostok 2), born in?
+Name the Year: Giacomo Matteotti Italian socialist deputy, assassinated by fascists?
+Name the Year: Giacomo Puccini Italy, operatic composer (Madama Butterfly), born in?
+Name the Year: Giant fireball impacts in Central Siberia (Tunguska Event)?
+Name the Year: Gibraltar votes 12,138 to 44 to remain British?
+Name the Year: Gideon Society established to place bibles in hotels?
+Name the Year: Gilbert claims Newfoundland (first English colony in North America)?
+Name the Year: Gilda Radner comedienne (Sat Night Live), dies at 42 of cancer?
+Name the Year: Gilda Radner Detroit, comedienne (Saturday Night Live), born in?
+Name the Year: Gillette patents 1st disposable razor?
+Name the Year: Gina Lollobrigida, Subiaco Italy, actress (Trapeze, Falcon Crest), born in?
+Name the Year: Giovanni Cassini discovers Iapetus, satellite of Saturn?
+Name the Year: Giovanni Domenico Cassini discovered 4 satellites of Saturn?
+Name the Year: Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) founded in Savanah, Ga?
+Name the Year: Giuseppe Arcimboldo 1st surrealist painter, dies (birth date unkn)?
+Name the Year: Giuseppe Garibaldi, unified Italy, born in?
+Name the Year: Giuseppe Piazzi, discovered first asteroid, Ceres?
+Name the Year: Giuseppe Piazzi, discoverer of first asteroid, dies?
+Name the Year: Giuseppe Sarto elected Pope Pius X?
+Name the Year: Giuseppe Verdi, composer of operas (Rigoletto, Aida, Otello), born in?
+Name the Year: Gladys Knight, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Glenda Jackson, actor (Hopscotch), born in?
+Name the Year: Glenn Close (in Greenwich, Connecticut), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Glenn Shorrock vocalist (Little River Band-Help Is On Its, Way), born in?
+Name the Year: Gloria Estefan released from the hospital after her accident?
+Name the Year: Gloria Estefan, Cuba, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Gloria Gaynor Newark NJ, disco singer (I Will Survive), born in?
+Name the Year: Gloria Steinem (in Toledo, OH), feminist, former Playboy bunny, born in?
+Name the Year: Gloria Vanderbilt, fashion designer (Don't my jeans look great!), born in?
+Name the Year: Goddard demonstrates tube-launched solid propellant rockets?
+Name the Year: Gold fields discovered in Australia?
+Name the Year: Gold is discovered on Klondike River?
+Name the Year: Gold ownership legalized in Australia?
+Name the Year: Golda Meir became prime minister of Israel?
+Name the Year: Golda Meir, Israeli leader, born in?
+Name the Year: Golden Gate Bridge ground-breaking ceremony held at Crissy Field?
+Name the Year: Golden Gate International Exposition closes (first closure)?
+Name the Year: Golden Gate International Exposition opens on Treasure Island (built for the occasion) in San Francisco Bay?
+Name the Year: Goldie Hawn (in Washington, DC), actor (Butterflies Are Free, Foul Play, Private Benjamin)?
+Name the Year: Goodyear patents vulcanization of rubber?
+Name the Year: Gorbachev resigns as head of USSR Communist Party?
+Name the Year: Gordon Cooper Jr., astronaut, born in?
+Name the Year: Gordon Lightfoot, folksinger?
+Name the Year: Gottlieb Daimler receives German patent for a motorcycle?
+Name the Year: Gottlieb Daimler, automobile pioneer, born in?
+Name the Year: Gottlob Frege, German mathematician, logician, philosopher?
+Name the Year: Gough Whitlam (ALP) Australia, PM (1972-75), born in?
+Name the Year: Grace Kelly (in Philadelphia, PA), actor, Princess of Monaco?
+Name the Year: Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier of Monaco (civil ceremony)?
+Name the Year: Grace Kelly princess of Monaco, dies at 52 in a car crash?
+Name the Year: Grace Lee Whitney, actor (Star Trek), born in?
+Name the Year: Grace Slick (in Chicago, IL), singer (Jefferson Airplane/Starship)?
+Name the Year: Gracie Allen, Mrs George Burns/comedian (Burns and Allen), born in?
+Name the Year: Graf Zeppelin II, world's largest airship, makes maiden flight?
+Name the Year: Graham Chapman, member of the Monty Python team, dies from cancer?
+Name the Year: Graham Greene, prolific English novelist (Brighton Rock)?
+Name the Year: Grateful Dead members busted on LSD charges?
+Name the Year: Grateful Dead's Bob Weir & Mickey Hart are arrested for incitement?
+Name the Year: Great Brink's robbery in Boston, $28 million?
+Name the Year: Great Britain imposed direct rule over Northern Ireland?
+Name the Year: Great Britain takes Gibraltar from Spain?
+Name the Year: Great Britain via treaty grants Saudi Arabia's kingdom independence?
+Name the Year: Great Fire of London starts; destroys St. Paul's Church?
+Name the Year: Great London Fire begins in Pudding Lane. 80% of London is destroyed?
+Name the Year: Great Mauna Loa eruption (volcano in Hawaii)?
+Name the Year: Great panic occurs in Europe over the close approach of a comet?
+Name the Year: Great Train Robbery in England?
+Name the Year: Great Train Robbery; 7 men make off with $98,000 in cash?
+Name the Year: Greece gains it's independence?
+Name the Year: Greek Pres George Papadopoulos ousted in a bloodless military coup?
+Name the Year: Greenwich Observatory is damaged by World War II flying bomb?
+Name the Year: Greg Norman, golfer, born in?
+Name the Year: Gregor Mendel, geneticist who discovered laws of heredity, born in?
+Name the Year: Gregorian calendar introduced in Italy, other Catholic countries?
+Name the Year: Gregory Hines, actor, dancer, born in?
+Name the Year: Gregory Peck La Jolla Calif, actor (To Kill a Mockingbird, MacArthur), born in?
+Name the Year: Gregory XIII, pope, born in?
+Name the Year: Greta Garbo (in Stockholm, Sweden), actor (Ninotchka, Grand Hotel), born in?
+Name the Year: Grigori Rasputin, Russian monk?
+Name the Year: Griswold Lorillard wears the first dinner jacket to the Autumn Ball in Tuxedo Park. Thus the name 'tuxedo.'?
+Name the Year: Groucho Marx, comedian?
+Name the Year: Groucho Marx, died in Los Angeles at the age of 86?
+Name the Year: Groucho, Chico and Harpo's final TV appearance together?
+Name the Year: Ground breaking for Disneyland, the Magic Kingdom, in Anaheim, CA?
+Name the Year: Ground broken for Suez Canal?
+Name the Year: Groundbreaking in Washington, D.C., for Vietnam Veterans Memorial?
+Name the Year: Guerrillas battle with government forces in El Salvador?
+Name the Year: Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, opens in New York?
+Name the Year: Guglielmo Marconi Bologna Italy, inventor (radio) (Nobel 1909), born in?
+Name the Year: Guglielmo Marconi patents the radio?
+Name the Year: Guided tours of Alcatraz (by Park Service) begin?
+Name the Year: Guillaume Apollinaire, French poet?
+Name the Year: Guillermo Valencia, Colombian poet, translator, statesman, born in?
+Name the Year: Guillotine 1st used, executes highwayman Nicolas J Pelletier?
+Name the Year: Guinea votes for independence from France?
+Name the Year: Guinea-Bissau gained independence from Portugal?
+Name the Year: Guitarist Eric Clapton marries Patti Boyd?
+Name the Year: Guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn dies in a helicopter accident?
+Name the Year: Gunpowder Plot; Catholics try to blow up English Parliament. Plot uncovered & leader Guy Fawkes hanged?
+Name the Year: Gunter Grass, German novelist, poet (The Tin Drum)?
+Name the Year: Gustav Hertz, German quantum physicist (Nobel 1925), born in?
+Name the Year: Gustav Kirchoff, discoverer of the laws of spectroscopy, dies?
+Name the Year: Gustav Klimt, Austria, Art Nouveau painter, born in?
+Name the Year: Gustavus II Adolphus, king who made Sweden a major power (1611-32)?
+Name the Year: Gutenberg Day?
+Name the Year: Guy de Maupassant (in France), writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Gypsy Rose Lee (in Seattle, WA), stripper, born in?
+Name the Year: Gypsy Rose Lee stripper/actress, dies at 56?
+Name the Year: Gypsy Rose Lee, burlesque entertainer born?
+Name the Year: H. Ross Perot, billionaire, founder of EDS, owner of one of three original copies of the Magna Carta, attempted to run for US Presidency?
+Name the Year: H.H. Asquith (Liberal), British prime minister (1908-16), born in?
+Name the Year: H.L. Mencken, satirist, critic, dies in Baltimore at 75?
+Name the Year: H(erbert) G(eorge) Wells Bromley, England (War of the Worlds), born in?
+Name the Year: Haakon VII Charlottenlund Denmark, King of Norway, born in?
+Name the Year: Haakon VII king of Norway, dies, Olaf succeeds him?
+Name the Year: Habib Bourguiba, 1st president of Tunisia, born in?
+Name the Year: Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74), founder of the Rastafarian religion?
+Name the Year: Hal Holbrook, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Hal Wallis movie producer (Maltese Falcon, Barefoot in the Park), born in?
+Name the Year: Halley's Comet makes closest approach to Earth this trip, 63 M km?
+Name the Year: Halley's Comet passes 29th recorded perihelion at 87.9 million km?
+Name the Year: Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut?
+Name the Year: Hamburger invented?
+Name the Year: Hana Mandlikova, tennis player, born in?
+Name the Year: Hank Aaron tied Babe Ruth's home-run record by hitting his 714th?
+Name the Year: Hank Ketcham, cartoonist (Dennis the Menace), born in?
+Name the Year: Hans Christian Andersen, danish storyteller, born in?
+Name the Year: Hans Christian Oersted, physicist, chemist?
+Name the Year: Hans Lippershey offers the Dutch government a new invention ____ the telescope
+Name the Year: Hard Rock Cafe opens in Las Vegas Nevada?
+Name the Year: Hardhat diving suit patented by Leonard Norcross, Dixfield, Maine?
+Name the Year: Harland Sanders, Kentucky Fried Chicken founder/colonel, born in?
+Name the Year: Harlow Shapley discoverer of the Sun's position in the galaxy, dies?
+Name the Year: Harold MacMillan becomes British PM?
+Name the Year: Harold Pinter, playwright, born in?
+Name the Year: Harold Wilson resigns as British PM?
+Name the Year: Harold Wilson, former British Prime Minister, born in?
+Name the Year: Harper Lee author (To Kill a Mockingbird), born in?
+Name the Year: Harpo Marx comedian (Marx Bros), dies at 75?
+Name the Year: Harriet Quimby flies the English Channel, first woman to do so?
+Name the Year: Harrison Ford actor (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Frantic), born in?
+Name the Year: Harry A. Blackmun, U.S. Supreme Court justice?
+Name the Year: Harry Belafonte, entertainer, born in?
+Name the Year: Harry Belefonte calypso singer (The Banana Boat Song), born in?
+Name the Year: Harry Froboess dives 110 m from airship into Bodensee & survives?
+Name the Year: Harry Morgan (in Detroit, MI), actor (Dragnet, MASH), born in?
+Name the Year: Harry S Truman Missouri, 33rd US President (D) (1945-1949), born in?
+Name the Year: Harry Truman, 33rd US Pres (1945-53), dies in KC Mo at 88?
+Name the Year: Harvard College, first US college founded?
+Name the Year: Harvard Observatory takes first photograph of a star (Vega)?
+Name the Year: Harvard University was named for clergyman John Harvard?
+Name the Year: Harvey Korman, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Hassan II, king of Morocco (1961- ), born in?
+Name the Year: Hawaii becomes a U.S. territory?
+Name the Year: Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, gives US exclusive canal rights through Panama?
+Name the Year: Hayley Mills (in London, England), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Haymarket riot in Chicago; bomb kills 7 policemen?
+Name the Year: Head of El Salvadoran Human Rights Comm assassinated by death squads?
+Name the Year: Heathen religions banned in Poland?
+Name the Year: Heather Locklear, actor, born...?
+Name the Year: Heavyweight champ, Rocky Marciano, retires undefeated from boxing?
+Name the Year: Hedy Lamarr, actress (Ecstacy, Samson and Delilah), born in?
+Name the Year: Heinrich Himmler, Nazi SS leader?
+Name the Year: Heinrich Schwabe discoverer of 11-year sunspot cycle, dies?
+Name the Year: Helen Gurly Brown in Portland Maine, publisher (Cosmopolitan), born in?
+Name the Year: Helen Hunt LA Calif, actress (Mad About You), born in?
+Name the Year: Helen Keller blind & deaf, dies at 87?
+Name the Year: Helen Keller, blind-deaf author-lecturer?
+Name the Year: Helen Mirren [Eleni Mironova], England, actress (Prime Suspect), born in?
+Name the Year: Helen Reddy (in Melbourne, Australia), singer (I am Woman)?
+Name the Year: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Dutch physicist (Nobel 1902)?
+Name the Year: Henre de Toulouse-Lautrec (in France), painter?
+Name the Year: Henri Dutrochet, discovered & named process of osmosis?
+Name the Year: Henrik Ibsen (in Norway), author, born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality?
+Name the Year: Henry Cavendish, English physicist, chemist?
+Name the Year: Henry David Thoreau jailed for tax resistance?
+Name the Year: Henry David Thoreau published `Walden'?
+Name the Year: Henry Engelhard Steinway, piano maker, born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Fonda (in Grand Island, Nebraska), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Ford announces the five day work week?
+Name the Year: Henry Ford II, businessman?
+Name the Year: Henry Ford introduces assembly line for cars?
+Name the Year: Henry Ford patents a method of constructing plastic auto bodies?
+Name the Year: Henry Ford stops producing Model T car (begins Model A)?
+Name the Year: Henry Ford, Michigan, USA, auto maker (Ford), born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Hudson discovers Manhattan island?
+Name the Year: Henry II King of England (1154-89), dies at 56?
+Name the Year: Henry III, Holy Roman emperor (1046-56)?
+Name the Year: Henry III, king of England (1216-72)?
+Name the Year: Henry IV, Holy Roman emperor (1036-1106)?
+Name the Year: Henry John Heinz, founded a prepared-foods company, born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Kendall Australian poet, dies of tuberculosis at 43?
+Name the Year: Henry L. Mencken, newspaperman, critic, Baltimore's son, born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Mancini, composer, flutist, born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Morgan is first to take off shirt on TV?
+Name the Year: Henry Norris Russell, astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram)?
+Name the Year: Henry Stanley journalist/explorer (found Livingston in Africa), born in?
+Name the Year: Henry V, king of England (1413-22), born in?
+Name the Year: Henry VII king of England (1485-1509), born in?
+Name the Year: Henry VIII ascended to the throne of England?
+Name the Year: Henry VIII becomes King of England?
+Name the Year: Henry VIII declares himself head of English Church?
+Name the Year: Henry VIII King of England (1509-47), dies at 55?
+Name the Year: Henry VIII of England (1509-47), born in?
+Name the Year: Henry VIII, King of England (1509-47), born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (in Portland, Maine), poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Henry Winkler, actor (Happy Days as the Fonz)?
+Name the Year: Herbert Hoover 31st president of US, dies in NY at 90?
+Name the Year: Herbie Hancock, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Hermann Broch, Austrian novelist (Sleepwalkers, Bewitchment)?
+Name the Year: Hernando De Soto claims the US state of Florida for Spain?
+Name the Year: Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi River?
+Name the Year: High-denomination banknotes withdrawn in USSR?
+Name the Year: Highest velocity wind ever recorded on Mt Washington, 231 mph?
+Name the Year: Hillary & Tenzing become 1st humans to reach top of Mt Everest?
+Name the Year: Hindenburg takes office as president of Germany?
+Name the Year: Hirohito enthroned as Emperor of Japan?
+Name the Year: Hiroshima Peace Day ____ atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima by the 'Enola Gay' (at 8:15 EDT)
+Name the Year: Hitler and Stalin sign the Soviet-German non-agression treaty. Hitler got peace in the east; Stalin got a piece of Europe?
+Name the Year: Hitler announces he has no intention of war with Britain and France?
+Name the Year: Hitler breaks Treaty of Versailles by sending troops to Rhineland?
+Name the Year: Ho Chi Minh North Vietnamese president, dies?
+Name the Year: Ho Chi Minh trail blazer/leader of Vietnam (1946, 1969), born in?
+Name the Year: Holly Hunter, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Home rule introduced to Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)?
+Name the Year: Homing pigeon completes 11,000 km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days?
+Name the Year: Honduras declares independence of Central American Federation?
+Name the Year: Hong Kong was proclaimed a sovereign territory of Britain?
+Name the Year: Honor Blackman (in London, England), actor (The Avengers), born in?
+Name the Year: Honore de Balzac France, novelist (Pere Goriot), born in?
+Name the Year: Hopalong Cassidy becomes first network western?
+Name the Year: Hope Emerson, actress (I Married Joan, Peter Gunn), dies at 62?
+Name the Year: Horace Greeley, editor (told young men to go west), born in?
+Name the Year: Horatio Nelson Burnham Thorpe, Britain, naval hero at Trafalgar, born in?
+Name the Year: Houdini escapes chains underwater at Aquatic Park in 57 seconds?
+Name the Year: House Judiciary Committee begin formal hearings on Nixon impeachment?
+Name the Year: House of Wax, first feature-length 3-D movie, released in New York?
+Name the Year: Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamen?
+Name the Year: Howard Carter finds the Pharoah Tutankhamun?
+Name the Year: Howard Carter, Egyptologist who found King Tutankhamen?
+Name the Year: Howard Hughes reclusive billionaire, dies at 72?
+Name the Year: Howard Hughes, reclusive billionaire/inventor, born in?
+Name the Year: Howard Jones, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Howard Nemerov, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Howard Staunton world chess champion, designer of chess pieces, dies?
+Name the Year: Howie Mandel, actor (St Elsewhere, Walk Like a Man), comedian?
+Name the Year: Hua Guo-feng succeeds Mao Tse-tung as chairman of Communist Party?
+Name the Year: Hubble space telescope is placed into orbit by shuttle Discovery?
+Name the Year: Hubert Gautier engineer, wrote 1st book on bridge building, born in?
+Name the Year: Hugh Hefner, publisher of Playboy, made bunnies famous, born in?
+Name the Year: Hugo Gernsback, responsible for science fiction becoming an independent literary form, born in?
+Name the Year: Hulk Hogan [Terry Bollea], Ga, WWF heavyweight champion (1984-89), born in?
+Name the Year: Humphrey Bogart actor, dies at 57?
+Name the Year: Humphrey Bogart, actor (Casablanca, Caine Mutiny, African Queen), born in?
+Name the Year: Humphrey Bogart, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Hundreds killed in anti-French rioting in Morocco and Algeria?
+Name the Year: Hungarian National Day?
+Name the Year: Hungarian Republic crushed by Austria and Russia?
+Name the Year: Hungary appeals for UN assistance against Soviet invasion?
+Name the Year: Hungary liberated from Nazi occupation (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist?
+Name the Year: Husain ibn 'Ali, Shi'i religious leader, enters martyrdom?
+Name the Year: Hussein I, king of Jordan (1953- )?
+Name the Year: Hussein proclaimed king of Jordan?
+Name the Year: Hyman L. Lipman of Philadelphia patented a pencil with an attached eraser?
+Name the Year: I.O.C. votes Mexico City to host 1968 Olympics?
+Name the Year: Ian Curtis musician (Joy Division), dies?
+Name the Year: Ian Fleming writer (James Bond), dies at 80?
+Name the Year: Ian Fleming, writer (James Bond series)?
+Name the Year: IBM announces System 370 computer?
+Name the Year: Iceberg twice the size of Rhode Island sighted in Antarctic?
+Name the Year: Iceland becomes independent state under the Danish crown?
+Name the Year: Iggy Pop [James Osterberg], Mich, rocker (Lust For Life, Search and Destroy), born in?
+Name the Year: Ignace Jan Paderewski, Polish composer, pianist, patriot?
+Name the Year: Igor Sikorsky developed a working helicopter, born in?
+Name the Year: Igor Stravinsky, composer (Firebird Suite, The Rite of Spring)?
+Name the Year: Il Bronzino, Florentine painter?
+Name the Year: Iman model/David Bowie's wife/actress (Star Trek VI), born in?
+Name the Year: Imelda Marcos former 1st lady (Philipines)/shoe collector, born in?
+Name the Year: In accordance with Camp David, Israel completes Sinai withdrawl?
+Name the Year: In Fatima Portugal, a Spanish priest with a bayonet is stopped prior to his attempt to attack Pope John Paul II?
+Name the Year: In Hawaii, the Great Mahele (division of lands) is signed?
+Name the Year: In occupied Rome the Nazis executed more than 300 civilians?
+Name the Year: In Poland, Germans Nazi troops massacred the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto?
+Name the Year: In Victoria, helmetless bike riding becomes illegal?
+Name the Year: In which year did britain abolish the death penalty for murder?
+Name the Year: Inaugural AIDS awareness day?
+Name the Year: Independence of Poland proclaimed by Jozef Pilsudski?
+Name the Year: India adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic?
+Name the Year: India and Pakistan granted independence within British Commonwealth after some 200 years of British rule?
+Name the Year: India annexes Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao and Diu?
+Name the Year: India becomes a republic ceaseing to be a British dominion. Indian Republic Day Celebrated?
+Name the Year: India files suit against Union Carbide over Bhopal disaster?
+Name the Year: Indian princess Pocahontas marries English colonist John Rolfe?
+Name the Year: Indianapolis 500 car race run for first time. Winning driver Ray Harroun takes it with a blazing 75 mph?
+Name the Year: Indians sell Manhattan Island for $24 in cloth & buttons?
+Name the Year: Indira Gandhi resigned as prime minister of India?
+Name the Year: Indira Gandhi, Indian prime minister (1966-77, 1980-84)?
+Name the Year: Indonesia declares independence from Netherlands (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Indonesia takes control of Irian Jaya (west New Guinea) from Netherlands?
+Name the Year: Industrialist John D. Rockfeller died in Ormond Beach, FL?
+Name the Year: Ingmar Bergman, Uppsala Sweden, director (Cries and Whispers), born in?
+Name the Year: Ingrid Bergman Sweden, actress (Casablanca, Cactus Flower), born in?
+Name the Year: Inigo Lopez, Marques de Santillana, Spanish poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Innocent IX, 230th Roman Catholic pope (1591), born in?
+Name the Year: Innocent XI 240th Roman Catholic pope (1676-89), born in?
+Name the Year: Innocent XIII, 244th Roman Catholic pope (1721-24), born in?
+Name the Year: Intel Corporation is incorporated?
+Name the Year: Intel introduces 32-bit 80386 microcomputer chip?
+Name the Year: Intelsat communications satellite launched?
+Name the Year: International Atomic Energy Agency established by UN?
+Name the Year: International Committee of the Red Cross is founded (Nobel 1917, 1944, 1963)?
+Name the Year: International Monetary Fund began operations?
+Name the Year: International War Crimes Tribunal opens trial of Nazi leaders in Nuremberg?
+Name the Year: International Women's Day?
+Name the Year: Intl Olympic Committee votes admission to West Germany & Japan in '52?
+Name the Year: IRA bombs hotel where Margaret Thatcher is staying?
+Name the Year: Ira Gershwin, lyricist, dies in Beverly Hills, Cal, at 86?
+Name the Year: Ira Levin, author (Rosemary's Baby, Sleuth, This Perfect Day)?
+Name the Year: Iran agrees to resume dimplomatic ties with Iraq?
+Name the Year: Iran proclaimed an Islamic Republic following the fall of the Shah?
+Name the Year: Iranian PM Jaafar Sharif-Emami resigns to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi?
+Name the Year: Iraq accepts Bush's offer for talks?
+Name the Year: Iraq declares Kuwait it's 19th province?
+Name the Year: Iraq invades and occupies Kuwait?
+Name the Year: Iraq President Saddam Hussein says he is ready to resolve the Gulf crisis if Israel withdraws from occupied territories?
+Name the Year: Iraq pulls out of talks with Kuwait?
+Name the Year: Iraqi army overthrows monarchy; republic replaces Hashemite dynasty?
+Name the Year: Iraqi Pres Saddam Hussein urges Arabs to rise against the West?
+Name the Year: Iraqi troops seize part of Iran in a border dispute; war begins?
+Name the Year: Iraqi troops seized Iranian territory in a border dispute?
+Name the Year: Iraqi troops surround US and other embassies in Kuwait City?
+Name the Year: Ireland divided into two parts, each with its own parliament?
+Name the Year: Irene Cara (in New York), actor, dancer, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Iris Murdoch, Irish novelist?
+Name the Year: Irish Free State forms?
+Name the Year: Irish Republic comes into existence?
+Name the Year: IRS reveals Jimmy Carter paid no taxes in 1976?
+Name the Year: Irving Berlin [Isadore Balin], Temun, Russia, composer (White Xmas), born in?
+Name the Year: Isaac Asimov, scientist-writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Isaac Hayes, composer, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Isaac Kauffman Funk US, publisher (Funk and Wagnalls), born in?
+Name the Year: Isaac Newton receives MA from Trinity College, Cambridge?
+Name the Year: Isaac Newton's PRINCIPIA published by Royal Society in England?
+Name the Year: Isaac Watts (in England), writer and preacher, born in?
+Name the Year: Isabella Rossellini, actor (Blue Velvet)?
+Name the Year: Isamu Noguchi, sculptor?
+Name the Year: Isolation of pituitary hormone announced?
+Name the Year: Israel & Lebanon sign a peace treaty?
+Name the Year: Israel & West Germany exchange letters beginning diplomatic relations?
+Name the Year: Israel acquires 4 of the 7 dead sea scrolls?
+Name the Year: Israel and Syria sign an agreement concerning the Golan Heights?
+Name the Year: Israel and Syria stop fighting in Lebanon?
+Name the Year: Israel announced capture of Nazi Adolf Eichmann in Argentina?
+Name the Year: Israel attacks targets in southern Lebanon?
+Name the Year: Israel Bak created 1st hebrew printing press, dies?
+Name the Year: Israel captures Wailing Wall?
+Name the Year: Israel destroys alleged Iraqi plutonium production facility?
+Name the Year: Israel formally signs Sinai accord with Egypt?
+Name the Year: Israel invades Lebanon to drive out the PLO?
+Name the Year: Israel launches rescue of 103 Air France crew and passengers being held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda by pro-Palestinian hijackers?
+Name the Year: Israel shoots down 13 Syrian MIG-21s?
+Name the Year: Israel signs an agreement with European Economic Market?
+Name the Year: Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt begin Six-Day War?
+Name the Year: Israel's cabinet approved diplomatic relations with West Germany?
+Name the Year: Israel's General Moshe Dayan dies at 66?
+Name the Year: Israel's parliament approved a peace treaty with Egypt?
+Name the Year: Israeli forces began pouring into west Beirut?
+Name the Year: Israeli forces withdraw from the Sinai Penisula?
+Name the Year: Israeli hmuel Yosef Agnon wins Nobel Prize for literature?
+Name the Year: Israeli paratroopers drop into the Sinai to open Straits of Tiran?
+Name the Year: Israeli soldiers capture Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires?
+Name the Year: Israeli troops reach the Suez Canal for the first time?
+Name the Year: It was made legal in Scotland for women to propose to men?
+Name the Year: Italian composer Giacomo Puccini died in Brussels?
+Name the Year: Italian Jesuit Niccolo Zucchi, 1st to see 2 belts on Jupiter surface?
+Name the Year: Italian King Umberto I assassinated?
+Name the Year: Italian people chooses republic over monarchy (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Italian Somalia gained independence, unites with Somali Republic?
+Name the Year: Italo Marchiony granted patent for the ice cream cone?
+Name the Year: Italy annexed Ethiopia?
+Name the Year: Italy annexes Rome and the Papal States; Rome made Italian capital?
+Name the Year: Italy attacks Turkey, takes Tipoli & Cyrenaica?
+Name the Year: Italy beats Czechoslovakia 2-1 (OT) in Football's 2nd World Cup at Rome?
+Name the Year: Italy beats West Germany 3-1 for Football's 12th World Cup in Madrid?
+Name the Year: Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary in World War I?
+Name the Year: Italy declares war against Germany during WW I?
+Name the Year: Italy declares war on former ally Germany?
+Name the Year: Italy invaded by Attila the Hun?
+Name the Year: Italy surrenders to the allies in WW II?
+Name the Year: Ivan III (the Great) grand prince of Russia, born in?
+Name the Year: Ivan IV (the Terrible) 1st tsar of Russia (1533-84), born in?
+Name the Year: Ivan IV the Terrible crowned 1st tsar of Russia?
+Name the Year: Ivan Lendl, retired tennis player, born in?
+Name the Year: Ivan Lendl, retired tennis player, born. In 1975 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin met with President Carter?
+Name the Year: Ivan Lendl, tennis player, born in?
+Name the Year: Ivan Pavlov, Russia, physiologist/pioneer in psychology, born in?
+Name the Year: Ivan Turgenev, Russia, novelist/poet/playwright (Fathers and Sons), born in?
+Name the Year: Ivo Andric, Yugoslav novelist (Bridge on the Drina) (Nobel '61), born in?
+Name the Year: Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Upper Volta and Niger declare independence?
+Name the Year: Izaac Walton, fisherman, writer (Compleat Angler), born in?
+Name the Year: J Edgar Hoover Mr FBI, born in?
+Name the Year: J. Arthur Rank, USA filmmaker, born in?
+Name the Year: J. Frank Duryea, with his brother, invented first auto built and operated in the US?
+Name the Year: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Manhattan Project physicist, born in?
+Name the Year: J.R.R. Tolkien, linguist, author (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings), born in?
+Name the Year: J.W. Goodrich introduces rubber galoshes to the public?
+Name the Year: Jack Benny (Violin) and Richard Nixon (Piano) play their famed duet?
+Name the Year: Jack Cade's Rebellion-Kentishmen revolt against King Henry VI?
+Name the Year: Jack Dempsey, boxer (The Manassa Mauler)?
+Name the Year: Jack Klugman Phila (Oscar-Odd Couple, Quincy, Goodbye Columbus), born in?
+Name the Year: Jack Lemmon, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Jack London, writer (Call of the Wild), born in?
+Name the Year: Jack Nicholson, actor (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shining), born in?
+Name the Year: Jack Nicklaus, golfer (Player of Yr 1967,72,73,75,76), born in?
+Name the Year: Jack Palance, actor (Believe It...Or Not), born in?
+Name the Year: Jack Ruby, assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald, died?
+Name the Year: Jack the Ripper kills last victim?
+Name the Year: Jack Thompson Australia, actor (Breaker Morant), born in?
+Name the Year: Jack Warden, actor (Verdict, Brian's Song), born in?
+Name the Year: Jack Webb, actor (Dragnet, The D.I.), born in?
+Name the Year: Jackie Gleason, Comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Jackie Joyner-Kersee, runner, born in?
+Name the Year: Jackie Milburn, English Football star (Newcastle United)?
+Name the Year: Jackie Stewart, race-car driver, Ford spokesperson, born in?
+Name the Year: Jackson Pollack abstract artist (Lavender Mist), born in?
+Name the Year: Jackson Pollock abstract artist, dies in auto accident (East Hampton)?
+Name the Year: Jaclyn Smith, actress (Charlie's Angel, Nightkill), born in?
+Name the Year: Jacob Fussell, Baltimore dairyman, sets up 1st ice-cream factory?
+Name the Year: Jacob Grimm (in Germany), storyteller?
+Name the Year: Jacobite Scottish Highlanders defeat royal force at Killiecrankie?
+Name the Year: Jacqueline Kennedy marries Aristotle Onassis?
+Name the Year: Jacqueline Kennedy's 1st public appearance (TV) since assassination?
+Name the Year: Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis 1st lady (1961-63), born in?
+Name the Year: Jacqueline Susann, writer (Valley of the Dolls), born in?
+Name the Year: Jacques Cartier French explorer, dies (birth date unknown)?
+Name the Year: Jacques Tati actor/director, dies of pulmonary embolism?
+Name the Year: Jacques Tati, director (Traffic, Playtime, My Uncle), born in?
+Name the Year: Jacques Yves Cousteau (in France), marine explorer, born in?
+Name the Year: Jakob Bohme, German philosophical mystic, dies (birth date unknown)?
+Name the Year: Jamaica gained independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: James A Bailey circus showman (Barnum & Bailey), dies at 58?
+Name the Year: James A. Naismith, inventor of basketball?
+Name the Year: James Anthony Bailey, Detroit, U.S.A., circus impresario (Barnum and Bailey), born in?
+Name the Year: James Boswell (in Scotland), Samuel Johnson's biographer, born in?
+Name the Year: James Bridger, scout, fur trader, mountain man par excellance, born in?
+Name the Year: James Brown, singer (I Feel Good . . . HEH!), born in?
+Name the Year: James Cagney died at his farm in Stanfordville, NY, at age 86?
+Name the Year: James Cagney, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: James Callaghan, former British Prime Minister, born in?
+Name the Year: James Christy's discovery of Pluto's moon Charon announced?
+Name the Year: James Clavell, author (Shogun, Tai Pan, King Rat, Noble House, Whirlwind), born in?
+Name the Year: James Coburn Laurel Nebr, actor (Our Man Flint, Magnificent Seven), born in?
+Name the Year: James Cook, captain/explorer, discovered Sandwich Islands and led First Fleet to Australia, born in?
+Name the Year: James Dean, actor (Rebel Without a Cause), born in?
+Name the Year: James Dean, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: James Dean, actor, died in a car crash (born Feb 08, 1931)?
+Name the Year: James Earl Jones, actor, narrator, voice of Darth Vader, born in?
+Name the Year: James Garner, actor (Maverick movies and series, etc.)?
+Name the Year: James Hetfield heavy metal rocker (Metallica), born in?
+Name the Year: James Hilton, hotel magnate (Hilton Hotels), born in?
+Name the Year: James I king of England (1603-25), dies at 92?
+Name the Year: James II king of England (1685-88), dies at 68?
+Name the Year: James II, king of England (1685-88), born in?
+Name the Year: James Ingram. actor, born in?
+Name the Year: James J. Jeans, astrophysicist, dies on his 69th birthday?
+Name the Year: James J. Jeans, cosmologist and astrophysicist, born in?
+Name the Year: James Jesse Strang, America's only crowned king (king of the Mormons), born in?
+Name the Year: James Joyce novelist, dies in Zurich, Switzerland, at 58?
+Name the Year: James Joyce, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: James M. Barrie (in Scotland), Author (Peter Pan)?
+Name the Year: James Mason actor, dies at 75 of a heart attack?
+Name the Year: James Michener, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: James Pike, clergyman, born in?
+Name the Year: James Prescott Joule, physicist, born in?
+Name the Year: James Ritty patents the first cash register, to combat stealing by bartenders in his Dayton, Ohio saloon?
+Name the Year: James Taylor, singer, songwriter, born in?
+Name the Year: James van Allen discovers radiation belt around Earth?
+Name the Year: James Van Allen, discovered Van Allen radiation belts, born in?
+Name the Year: James VI signs the 2nd Confession of Faith in Scotland?
+Name the Year: James Watt, Scotland, inventor (steam engine), born in?
+Name the Year: Jamie Lee Curtis (in Los Angeles, CA), actor, (Halloween, Trading Places, True Lies), Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh's daughter?
+Name the Year: Jan Luyts, Dutch scholar, physicist, mathematician, astronomer, born in?
+Name the Year: Jan Vermeer (in Holland), painter (Procuress, The Astronomer)?
+Name the Year: Jane Austen (in England), novelist (Pride and Prejudice), born in?
+Name the Year: Jane Pauley (in Indianapolis, IN), newcaster for CNN?
+Name the Year: Jane Russell, actress full-figured gal (The Outlaw), born in?
+Name the Year: Jane Seymour [Joyce Frankenberg], Middlesex England, actress (Dr Quinn, East of Eden, Lassiter), born in?
+Name the Year: Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII, dies?
+Name the Year: Janet Jackson, singer, Michael's sister, born in?
+Name the Year: Janet Leigh, actress, She's in the shower (Psycho), born in?
+Name the Year: Janis Joplin dies at age 27?
+Name the Year: Janis Joplin, bluesy rock singer (Down on Me), born in?
+Name the Year: Japan admitted to the United Nations?
+Name the Year: Japan announces willingness to surrender to Allies provided the status of Emperor Hirohito remained unchanged?
+Name the Year: Japan defeats China in Battle of Ping Yang?
+Name the Year: Japan launches its first satellite in to space?
+Name the Year: Japan receives League of Nations mandate over Pacific islands?
+Name the Year: Japan surrenders ending WW II (US date, 9/2 in Japan)?
+Name the Year: Japanese and Chinese troops clash, which will become the asian theatre of WW II?
+Name the Year: Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour. The USA join Allies in fighting the Axis forces soon after?
+Name the Year: Japanese forces in the Philippines surrender to Allies?
+Name the Year: Japanese forces on Okinawa surrender to US during WW II?
+Name the Year: Japanese forces retreated in the World War II Battle of Midway?
+Name the Year: Japanese forces surrender to U.S. forces ending World War II?
+Name the Year: Japanese in S Korea, Taiwan, China, Indochina surrender to Allies?
+Name the Year: Japanese Junko Tabei became first woman to reach Mt Everest's summit?
+Name the Year: Japanese occupied Manila?
+Name the Year: Japanese premier Tojo sentenced to death by war crimes tribunal?
+Name the Year: Jaqueline Bisset (in England), actor (Deep), born in?
+Name the Year: Jason Alexander (George in Seinfeld), born in?
+Name the Year: Jason Priestley Vancouver BC, actor (Brandon-Beverly Hills 90210), born in?
+Name the Year: Javier Perez de Cuellar, Lima, Peru, 5th secretary-general of UN (1982-1996), born in?
+Name the Year: Jawaharlal Nehru, first Indian PM (1947-64), made fashion statement?
+Name the Year: Jay Forrester patents computer core memory?
+Name the Year: Jay Leno New Rochelle, comedian (Tonight Show host), born in?
+Name the Year: Jay Wright Forrester invented random-access magnetic core memory?
+Name the Year: Jayne Mansfield actress, dies in a car crash at 34?
+Name the Year: Jayne Mansfield Bryn Mawr Pa, actress (Guide for the Married Man), born in?
+Name the Year: Jazz drummer Art Blakey dies?
+Name the Year: Jean Baptiste Lully, French composer, musician?
+Name the Year: Jean Cocteau France, writer/artist/film maker (Le Potamak), born in?
+Name the Year: Jean d'Alembert, French mathematician, scientist, philosopher?
+Name the Year: Jean Genet, French novelist and playwright (The Blacks)?
+Name the Year: Jean Harlow, sex goddess of the 30s, born in?
+Name the Year: Jean Henri Dunant Switzerland, founded Red Cross, YMCA (Nobel 1901), born in?
+Name the Year: Jean Moulin hero of the French Resistance during WW II, born in?
+Name the Year: Jean Perrin, French physicist, studied Brownian motion (Nobel 1926)?
+Name the Year: Jean Phillippe Rameau, French composer (baptized), born in?
+Name the Year: Jean Piaget, pioneer developmental psychologist, born in?
+Name the Year: Jean Pilftre de Rozier makes captive-balloon ascent?
+Name the Year: Jean Rey, of Belgium, president of European Commission (1967-70)?
+Name the Year: Jean Simmons, London England, actress (Thorn Birds, Guys & Dolls), born in?
+Name the Year: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium, actor (Kickboxer, No Retreat)?
+Name the Year: Jean-Francois Champollion, deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics?
+Name the Year: Jean-Loup Chritien, first French traveler in space (on Soyuz T-6), born in?
+Name the Year: Jean-Paul Marat, philosopher?
+Name the Year: Jean-Paul Sartre, France, philosopher/writer (Nobel 1964; declined), born in?
+Name the Year: Jean-Rene Lacoste France, tennis champ/alligator shirt designer, born in?
+Name the Year: Jeff Beck, musician?
+Name the Year: Jeff Buckley (singer, son of Tim Buckley)?
+Name the Year: Jeff Goldblum, actor (The Fly, Silverado, Buckaroo Bonzai, ID4), born in?
+Name the Year: Jennifer Beals (in Chicago), actor (Flashdance)?
+Name the Year: Jeremy Irons, English actor (French Lieutenant's Woman), born in?
+Name the Year: Jerome Kern, Broadway composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Jerry Falwell televangelist, Moral Majority head, born in?
+Name the Year: Jerry Garcia SF, rocker (Grateful Dead), born in?
+Name the Year: Jerry Hall Mesquite Tx, model, born in?
+Name the Year: Jerry Lee Lewis, singer (Great Balls of Fire, Breathless), born in?
+Name the Year: Jerry Lewis, French god, American humanitarian, comedian, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Jerry Mathers, Sioux City Iowa, actor (Beaver-Leave It To Beaver), born in?
+Name the Year: Jerry Seinfeld comedian (Seinfeld), born in?
+Name the Year: Jesse James commits the 1st train robbery?
+Name the Year: Jesse James Missouri, outlaw, born in?
+Name the Year: Jesse James shot dead in St. Joseph Mo. by Robert Ford?
+Name the Year: Jesse Owens equals or breaks 6 world records in one hour?
+Name the Year: Jesse Owens won his fourth gold medal of the Berlin Olympics?
+Name the Year: Jesse Owens, athlete, spoiled Hitler's Olympic plans in 1936, born in?
+Name the Year: Jessica Lange Cloquet Minnesota, actress (King Kong, Tootsie) , born in?
+Name the Year: Jessica Tandy (in London, England), actor (Driving Miss Daisy, Cocoon), born in?
+Name the Year: Jews attack Nazi occupation forces at Warsaw Ghetto?
+Name the Year: Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto begin resistance of Nazis?
+Name the Year: JFK and Nixon clashed in 4th and final pres debate?
+Name the Year: JFK imposes naval blockade on Cuba, beginning missile crisis?
+Name the Year: Jigme Dori Wangchuck, king of Bhutan, dies?
+Name the Year: Jigme Singye Wangchuk, king of Bhutan (1972- )?
+Name the Year: Jill Ireland (in London, England), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Jim Backus actor (Magoo, Gilligan's Island), dies at 76 of pneumonia?
+Name the Year: Jim Bakker, televangelist, con-man, born in?
+Name the Year: Jim Belushi, Chicago Ill, comedian (Sat Night Live, Trading Places), born in?
+Name the Year: Jim Davis cartoonist (Garfield), born in?
+Name the Year: Jim Jones, reverend, poisoned over 100 in Guyana, born in?
+Name the Year: Jim Morrison rocker (Doors), dies of heart failure in Paris?
+Name the Year: Jim Nabors, actor (Gomer Pyle, USMC; Mayberry RFD), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Jim Thorpe, Olympic athlete, born in?
+Name the Year: Jim Weaver, Oregon Representative (D)?
+Name the Year: Jimi Hendrix & Peter Townshend wage a battle of guitars?
+Name the Year: Jimi Hendrix, guitarist?
+Name the Year: Jimmy Connors, tennis player, born in?
+Name the Year: Jimmy Connors, tennis player?
+Name the Year: Jimmy Dorsey, bandleader, born in?
+Name the Year: Jimmy Durante NYC, comedian (Jimmy Durante Show), dies at 86?
+Name the Year: Jimmy Durante, comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Jimmy Hoffa, missing labor leader, born in?
+Name the Year: Jimmy Smits, actor (L.A. Law), born in?
+Name the Year: Jimmy Stewart, actor (Mr Smith Goes to Wash, Wonderful Life), born in?
+Name the Year: Joan Baez (in Staten Island, NY), folk singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Joan Collins (in London), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Joan Crawford, actor, dearest mommy (No wire hangers, ever!), born in?
+Name the Year: Joan of Arc burned at the stake in Rouen, France at age 19?
+Name the Year: Joan of Arc captured by Burgundians who sold her to the English?
+Name the Year: Joan of Arc leads Orleans, France, to victory over English?
+Name the Year: Joan of Arc was canonized in Rome?
+Name the Year: Joan Rivers (in Brooklyn, NY), comedian?
+Name the Year: Joan Sutherland, opera star?
+Name the Year: Joanna Kerns, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Joanna Lumley, Kashmir India, actress (Absolutely Fabulous, The Avengers), born in?
+Name the Year: Joanne Woodward (in Thomasville, GA), actress, wife of Paul Newman, born in?
+Name the Year: Jodie Foster (in Los Angeles, CA), actor (Silence of the Lambs, Nell, The Accused)?
+Name the Year: Joe Cocker England, rock musician (You can leave your hat on), born in?
+Name the Year: Joe Engle in X-15 reaches 80 km?
+Name the Year: Joe Frazier, boxer, born in?
+Name the Year: Joe Kittinger completes first solo balloon crossing of Atlantic?
+Name the Year: Joe Walker in X-15 reaches 105 km?
+Name the Year: Joe Walker in X-15 test plane reaches 106 km (67 miles), straight up?
+Name the Year: Johann Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest find the planet Neptune?
+Name the Year: Johann Lambert, Swiss mathematician, proved pi is irrational?
+Name the Year: Johann Lukas Schonlein, helped establish scientific medicine?
+Name the Year: Johann Nikolaus Forkel, musicologist and first biographer of Bach, born in?
+Name the Year: Johann Sebastian Bach (in Eisenach, Germany), composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Johann Sebastian Bach German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at 65?
+Name the Year: Johann Strauss the Younger, composer, Waltz King?
+Name the Year: Johann Strauss, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Johannes Brahms, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Johannes Kepler, planetary law-maker, dies?
+Name the Year: John & Yoko begin their 2nd bed-in (Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal)?
+Name the Year: John and Yoko guest-host The Mike Douglas Show for the entire week?
+Name the Year: John Arbuthnot Scottish writer (Alexander Pope), born in?
+Name the Year: John Astin, actor (Gomez in TV Addams Family), born in?
+Name the Year: John B. Meyenberg of St Louis patented evaporated milk?
+Name the Year: John Backus, inventor (FORTRAN computer language), born in?
+Name the Year: John Barrymore, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: John Boyd Dunlop, developed the pneumatic rubber tire, born in?
+Name the Year: John Brunner, British sci-fi author (Sheep Look Up), born in?
+Name the Year: John Bunyan, English cleric, author (Pilgrim's Progress)?
+Name the Year: John Burroughs, founded what later became the Burroughs Corporation, born in?
+Name the Year: John Candy, actor (Second City TV, Splash, Blues Brothers)?
+Name the Year: John Carpenter, director/composer (Halloween, The Thing), born in?
+Name the Year: John Chapman 'Johnny Appleseed' died in Allen County, Ind?
+Name the Year: John Chapman, alias Johnny Appleseed, born in?
+Name the Year: John Cleese comedian/actor (Monty Python, Fawlty Towers), born in?
+Name the Year: John Coltrane, saxophonist, born in?
+Name the Year: John Constable (in England), painter, born in?
+Name the Year: John Cougar Mellencamp, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: John D Rockefeller Jr philanthropist, dies at 86?
+Name the Year: John D. Rockefeller, financier, born in?
+Name the Year: John Dean begins testifying before the Senate Watergate Committee?
+Name the Year: John Deere, pioneer manufacturer of agricultural implements, born in?
+Name the Year: John Dillinger one of America's Most Wanted, born in?
+Name the Year: John Dillinger shot and killed in Chicago movie theatre?
+Name the Year: John Dryden, first poet laureate of England (Absalom and Achitophel), born in?
+Name the Year: John Ehrlichman, Former Nixon White House aide, born in?
+Name the Year: John Entwistle, rocker (The Who), born in?
+Name the Year: John F. Kennedy, Jr?
+Name the Year: John Fitch granted a US patent for his working steamboat?
+Name the Year: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th U.S. President (1961-1963), born in?
+Name the Year: John Flamsteed observes Uranus for 6th time?
+Name the Year: John Flamsteed, first astronomer royal of England, born in?
+Name the Year: John Glenn aboard Friendship 7, is first American to orbit the Earth?
+Name the Year: John Goodman actor (Roseanne, Everyone's All American), born in?
+Name the Year: John Hampson patents venetian blind?
+Name the Year: John Harvard, English clergyman, scholar, founder of Harvard U?
+Name the Year: John Harvey Kellogg, English Corn Flake inventor?
+Name the Year: John Hathaway completes a bicycle tour of every continent in the world and cycling 50,600 miles?
+Name the Year: John Heard, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: John Heathcoat, invented lace-making machinery, born in?
+Name the Year: John Hurt, England, actor (Elephant Man, Alien, Midnight Express), born in?
+Name the Year: John Huston, film director, writer, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: John II Byzantine emperor, dies in an accident?
+Name the Year: John II ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: John III ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: John Jacob Astor, merchant, born in?
+Name the Year: John Keats, Romantic poet?
+Name the Year: John Kenneth Galbraith, economist, born in?
+Name the Year: John L. Sullivan wins by KO in 75 rounds in last bareknuckle bout?
+Name the Year: John Landis actor (American Werewolf in London), born in?
+Name the Year: John Landis director (Twilight Zone), born in?
+Name the Year: John Larroquette, actor (Night Court, Star Trek III)?
+Name the Year: John Lennon (15) & Paul McCartney (13) meet for the 1st time as Lennon's rock group The Quarrymen perform at a church dinner?
+Name the Year: John Lennon takes delivery of his psychedelic painted Rolls Royce?
+Name the Year: John Lennon, rocker/Beatle, born in?
+Name the Year: John Lithgow, actor (Harry and the Hendersons, 3rd Rock From The Sun), born in?
+Name the Year: John Logie Baird, Scotland, inventor (father of TV), born in?
+Name the Year: John Loudon McAdam created macadam road surface (asphalt), born in?
+Name the Year: John Mayall, blues singer?
+Name the Year: John Maynard Keynes (in Cambridge, England), another economist, born in?
+Name the Year: John McEnroe, tennis player, brat, born in?
+Name the Year: John Milton, poet and puritan (Paradise Lost) born?
+Name the Year: John Montague 4th Earl of Sandwich, inventor of sandwich, born in?
+Name the Year: John Paul II becomes 1st pope to visit a communist country (Poland)?
+Name the Year: John Phillip Souza, march king (Stars and Stripes Forever, etc)?
+Name the Year: John Presper Eckert, co-inventor of first electronic computer (ENIAC), born in?
+Name the Year: John Reed, journalist who reported on Mexican, Russian revolutions, born in?
+Name the Year: John Ringling North, circus director?
+Name the Year: John Steinbeck, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: John Stuart Mill philosopher/political economist/Utilitarian, born in?
+Name the Year: John T Scopes arrested for teaching evolution in Tennessee?
+Name the Year: John Travolta, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: John Updike, poet and novelist, born in?
+Name the Year: John W. Dean tells Watergate Committee about Nixon's `enemies list'?
+Name the Year: John W. Young, astronaut (Gemini 3, 10, Apollo 10, 16, STS-1, 9), born in?
+Name the Year: John Weissmuller, actor (Tarzan)/100m swimmer (Olympic-gold-1924, 28), born in?
+Name the Year: John Wilkes Booth assassin of Abraham Lincoln, born in?
+Name the Year: John Wilkes Booth, Abraham Lincoln's assassin, is shot dead?
+Name the Year: John Wycliffe English religious reformer, bible translator, dies?
+Name the Year: John XXIII (born Angelo Roncalli near Bergamo, Italy), 261st pope (1958-63)?
+Name the Year: John XXIII encyclical On peace in truth, justice, charity & liberty?
+Name the Year: John Young & Charles Duke explores Moon (Apollo 16)?
+Name the Year: Johnny Carson, pundit (Tonight Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Johnny Cash, singer, The Man in Black, born in?
+Name the Year: Johnny Mathis, singer?
+Name the Year: Johnny Ramone, rock guitarist, born in?
+Name the Year: Johnny Rotten [John Lydon], rocker (Sex Pistols-God Save the Queen), born in?
+Name the Year: Johnny Rotten & Joan Collins appear together on BBC's Juke Box Jury?
+Name the Year: Johnny Weismuller actor (Tarzan, Jungle Jim), dies in Acapulco at 79?
+Name the Year: Jon Voight, Yonkers, NY, actor (Deliverance, Midnight Cowboy), born in?
+Name the Year: Jonathan Pollard spy for Israel pleads guilty?
+Name the Year: Jonathan Swift, satirist (Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal)?
+Name the Year: Joni Mitchell, singer?
+Name the Year: Joost van den Vondel, Dutch poet, dramatist?
+Name the Year: Jordan gained independence from Britain (Natl Day)?
+Name the Year: Jordan's King Hussein marries Elizabeth Halaby, 26-yr-old American?
+Name the Year: Jose Feliciano, singer/songwriter (Light my Fire), born in?
+Name the Year: Jose Miguel Carrera, president of Chile (1811-14), born in?
+Name the Year: Jose Raul Capablanca of Cuba, world chess champion (1921-27)?
+Name the Year: Jose' Santos Zelaya (L), ruler of Nicaragua (1893-1910)?
+Name the Year: Josef Stalin died?
+Name the Year: Josef Stalin, Russian dictator, born in?
+Name the Year: Joseph Caspar Mezzofanti, Cardinal/linguist (understood 70 languages), born in?
+Name the Year: Joseph Doherty & 3 other IRA men arrested for murder?
+Name the Year: Joseph Farwell Glidden, inventor (1st coml useable barbed wire), born in?
+Name the Year: Joseph Hansom of London receives patent for Hansom cabs?
+Name the Year: Joseph Jaques Montgolfier becomes the first to fly (10 minute) in a hot-air balloon?
+Name the Year: Joseph Kittinger parachutes from a balloon at 31,330 m (record)?
+Name the Year: Joseph McCarthy commie hunting senator, dies at 47?
+Name the Year: Joseph Norman Lockyer discovered Helium/founded Nature magazine, born in?
+Name the Year: Joseph Priestly (father of soda pop) invents carbonated water?
+Name the Year: Joseph Pulitzer, awarded newspaper prizes, born in?
+Name the Year: Josiah Wedgewood, English pottery designer, manufacturer?
+Name the Year: Journalist Terry Anderson is abducted in Lebanon by pro-Iranian terrorists?
+Name the Year: Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, born in?
+Name the Year: Juan Peron becomes dictator of Argentina?
+Name the Year: Juan Peron, president of Argentina (1946-55, 1973-74), born in?
+Name the Year: Juan-Manuel Fangio, wins his last auto World Championship at 46?
+Name the Year: Judd Hirsch, actor (Taxi), born in?
+Name the Year: Judy Collins, singer (Send in the Clowns, Clouds), born in?
+Name the Year: Judy Garland singer/actress, dies in London at 47?
+Name the Year: Judy Garland, singer/actress, dies at 48 of an alcohol overdose?
+Name the Year: Jules Leotard performs the first Flying Trapeze circus act in Paris. He also designed the garment that bears his name?
+Name the Year: Jules Romains, French novelist, dramatist, poet (Men of Good Will)?
+Name the Year: Jules Verne (in France), author who pioneered what later became science fiction, born in?
+Name the Year: Jules Verne dies in Amiens at 76 years old?
+Name the Year: Julia Louis-Dreyfus NYC, comedienne (SNL, Steinfeld, Day by Day), born in?
+Name the Year: Julian Lennon, musician, son of John Lennon, born in?
+Name the Year: Juliana becomes queen of the Netherlands?
+Name the Year: Julie Andrews, actor, singer (Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, S.O.B.)?
+Name the Year: Juliet Mills (in London, England)?
+Name the Year: Julio Iglesias, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, atomic spies, sentenced to death?
+Name the Year: Julius III Counter-Reformation pope (1550-55), born in?
+Name the Year: Junko Tabei Japan, 1st woman to climb Mount Everest, born in?
+Name the Year: Jury finds John Wayne Gacy guilty of murders of 33 men and boys?
+Name the Year: Jury in Dallas found Jack Ruby guilty of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald?
+Name the Year: Just past midnight, a sharp jolt causes Lake Merced to drop 30 feet?
+Name the Year: Justine Bateman (in Rye, NY), actress (Family Ties), born in?
+Name the Year: K. L. Harding discovers Juno, third known asteroid?
+Name the Year: Kahlil Gibran, philosopher, born in?
+Name the Year: Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates after German defeat in WW I?
+Name the Year: Kakuei Tanaka Japanese PM convicted of bribe-taking, born in?
+Name the Year: Kapiolani defies Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives?
+Name the Year: Karen Carpenter (in Connecticut), drummer for the Carpenters, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Karen Foster Lufkin Tx, playmate (Oct, 1989), born in?
+Name the Year: Karen Silkwood killed in a car crash?
+Name the Year: Karl Branting, Swedish statesman, diplomat (Nobel Peace Prize 1921)?
+Name the Year: Karl Ferdinand von Grafe, helped create modern plastic surgery, born in?
+Name the Year: Karl Freidrich Benz automobile engineer (Mercedes), dies?
+Name the Year: Karl Jansky, discoverer of cosmic radio emissions in 1932, born in?
+Name the Year: Karl Marx philospher (Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital), born in?
+Name the Year: Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto, born in?
+Name the Year: Karl Marx, founder of Communism, died?
+Name the Year: Karl Nessler demonstrates the first 'permanent wave' for hair, in London?
+Name the Year: Karl Wilhelm Siemens inventor (laid undersea cables), born in?
+Name the Year: Katanga becomes part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
+Name the Year: Kate Bush, England, singer/songwriter (Babushka, Running Up That Hill), born in?
+Name the Year: Kate Jackson (in Alabama), actor (Charley's Angels, Making Love), born in?
+Name the Year: Katherine Hepburn (in Connecticut), actor (African Queen, On Golden Pond)?
+Name the Year: Kathleen Quinlan (in Mill Valley, CA), actor (Twilight Zone)?
+Name the Year: Kathleen Turner, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Katie Pierson vocals/guitarist (B-52's-Rock Lobster, Love Shack), born in?
+Name the Year: Keenen Ivory Wayans comedian (In Living Color), born in?
+Name the Year: Keith Haring Kutztown Pa, graffiti artist (Vanity Fair, Paris Review), born in?
+Name the Year: Keith Richard, guitarist (Rolling Stones)?
+Name the Year: Kelly McGillis, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Kemal Atarok 1st pres of Turkey, dies?
+Name the Year: Ken Howard, actor, director, born in?
+Name the Year: Ken Rosewall, Sydney, Australia, tennis star (US Open 1956), born in?
+Name the Year: Kenneth Grahame, author (The Wind in the Willows), born in?
+Name the Year: Kenneth Warby sets world speed record on water (514 kph)?
+Name the Year: Kenny Rogers singer (Lady) actor (Coward of the County), born in?
+Name the Year: Kenyan Independance Day?
+Name the Year: Kevin Bacon, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Kevin Costner actor (Fandango, Silverado, Bull Durham), born in?
+Name the Year: Kevin Kline, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve established (first underwater park)?
+Name the Year: Khmer Republic (Cambodia) declares independence?
+Name the Year: Khrushchev becomes First Secretary of the Communist Party?
+Name the Year: Khrushchev claims to have a 100-megaton nuclear bomb?
+Name the Year: Kiki Dee (in Yorkshire, England), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Kilauea Volcano's most spectacular eruption (in Hawaii)?
+Name the Year: Kim Alexis (in Lockport, NY), Sports Illustrated swimsuit covergirl?
+Name the Year: Kim Cattrall, Liverpool England, actress (Mannequin, Star Trek VI), born in?
+Name the Year: Kim Novak (in Chicago, Illinois), actress, born in?
+Name the Year: King Alexander I & Queen Dragia of Serbia are assassinated?
+Name the Year: King Alfred the Great, dies?
+Name the Year: King Camp Gillette, inventor of the safety razor, born in?
+Name the Year: King Charles IX orders massacre of thousands of French Protestants?
+Name the Year: King Faisal II PM of Iraq, assassinated at Baghdad?
+Name the Year: King George V of Britain dies, succeeded by Edward VIII?
+Name the Year: King George V of England crowned?
+Name the Year: King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon marriage declared null and void by the newly formed Church of England?
+Name the Year: King Henry VIII of England orders bowling lanes to be built at Whitehall, in London?
+Name the Year: King John signs Magna Carta at Runnymede, England?
+Name the Year: King Kong 1st televised?
+Name the Year: King Louis XVI caught trying to escape French Revolution?
+Name the Year: King Ludwig II of Bavaria drowns?
+Name the Year: King of Denmark cedes Norway to King of Sweden by treaty of Kiel?
+Name the Year: King of Naples flees before the advancing French armies?
+Name the Year: King Tut's Tomb is discovered in Egypt?
+Name the Year: King Victor Emmanual III of Italy, becomes Emperor of Ethiopia?
+Name the Year: King William III of Orange?
+Name the Year: King William IV of England, dies?
+Name the Year: King Zog of Albania marries Countess Geraldine of Hungary?
+Name the Year: Kingdom of Italy annexes Venetia?
+Name the Year: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia formed (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Kiribati (Gilbert and Ellice Is.) gained independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Kirk Douglas, actor (Gunfight at the OK Corral, 7 Days in May)?
+Name the Year: Kirstie Alley, actress (Cheers, Star Trek II), born in?
+Name the Year: Kiss performs their 1st concert?
+Name the Year: Kissinger and Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize?
+Name the Year: Konrad Lorenz, zoologist, ethologist, writer (Nobel 1973)?
+Name the Year: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, pioneer in rocket and space research, born in?
+Name the Year: Korea declares independence from China, asks for Japanese aid?
+Name the Year: Korean Boeing 747 strays into Siberia and is shot down by a Soviet jet?
+Name the Year: Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim fatally injured when KOed by Ray Mancini?
+Name the Year: Korean Conflict begins; North Korea invades South Korea?
+Name the Year: Korean Hangual alphabet devised?
+Name the Year: Kosygin and Brezhnev replace Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev?
+Name the Year: Krakatoa began erupting with increasingly large explosions?
+Name the Year: Krakatoa, west of Java, blew apart; top that, St. Helens!?
+Name the Year: Kris Kristofferson singer/actor (Amerika, Millenium), born in?
+Name the Year: Krzysztof Penderecki, Polish composer (Hiroshima Threnody)?
+Name the Year: Kurt Russell, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., author (Slaughterhouse Five, Sirens of Titan)?
+Name the Year: Kwame Nkrumah president of Ghana, dies at 62?
+Name the Year: La Paz, Bolivia is founded?
+Name the Year: Ladies Home Journal begins publication?
+Name the Year: Lady Astor sworn-in as 1st female member of British Parliament?
+Name the Year: Lady Diane Spencer (Princess Di), born in?
+Name the Year: Lady Godiva takes a ride through Coventry?
+Name the Year: LaGuardia Airport opened in New York City?
+Name the Year: Lana Turner (in Wallace, Idaho), actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Lana Wood (in Santa Monica, CA), actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Landslide in Huancavelica Province Peru creates a natural dam?
+Name the Year: Laos accepts constitution for parliamentary democracy?
+Name the Year: Laos becomes associated state within French Union?
+Name the Year: Laos gains full independence from France?
+Name the Year: Laos gains its independence?
+Name the Year: Laos People's Democratic Republic founded (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Larry Bird beats out Magic Johnson for NBA rookie of year?
+Name the Year: Larry Flint, publisher (Hustler)?
+Name the Year: Larry Flynt paid hitman $1M to kill Hefner, Guccione and Sinatra?
+Name the Year: Larry Hagman Fort Worth Tx, actor (I Dream of Jeannie, JR-Dallas), born in?
+Name the Year: Larry Hagman, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Lars Ulrich, Danish/US heavy metal drummer (Metallica-Kill 'em All), born in?
+Name the Year: Last Americans evacuated from Saigon?
+Name the Year: Last bare knuckle champion John L. Sullivan KOs Paddy Ryan in Miss?
+Name the Year: Last Czar of Russia, Nicholas II, crowned?
+Name the Year: Last day of Julian calendar in Alaska?
+Name the Year: Last day of Julian calendar in Britain, British colonies?
+Name the Year: Last day of Julian civil calendar (in parts of Bulgaria)?
+Name the Year: Last Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney movie released (Girl Crazy)?
+Name the Year: Last US troops leave Vietnam, 9 yrs after the Tonkin Resolution?
+Name the Year: Later that day, Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets, dies from pneumonia and complications?
+Name the Year: Latvia declares independence from Russia?
+Name the Year: Latvia's parliment votes 138-0 (1 abstention) for Independence?
+Name the Year: Launch of Mariner 2 which makes first Venus flyby?
+Name the Year: Launch of Mariner V for Venus fly-by?
+Name the Year: Launch of Voskhod 1, 1st 3 man crew (Komarov, Feokistov, Yegorov)?
+Name the Year: Laura Branigan singer (Gloria), born in?
+Name the Year: Lauren Bacall (in Staten Island, NY), actor, whistler (Dark Passage, Key Largo, Always), born in?
+Name the Year: Lauren Hutton (in South Carolina), model, actor (American Gigolo, Lassiter)?
+Name the Year: Laverne Andrews (in Minneapolis, MN), singer (Andrew Sisters)?
+Name the Year: Lawrence Welk, bandleader, bubble maker, born in?
+Name the Year: LBJ sets up Warren comm to investigate assassination of JFK?
+Name the Year: Leadbelly, blues 12 string guitarist (Rock Island Line), born in?
+Name the Year: League of Nations assembles for last time?
+Name the Year: League of Nations established?
+Name the Year: League of Nations holds first meeting, in Geneva?
+Name the Year: League of Nations went out of business, replaced by the U.N?
+Name the Year: Lebanese magazine Ash Shirra reveals secret US arms sales to Iran?
+Name the Year: Lebanese Shiite Moslem gunmen hijack TWA 847 after Athens' takeoff?
+Name the Year: Lebanon and Syria are made independent?
+Name the Year: Lebanon gained independence from France (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Lech Walesa wins the Nobel Peace Prize?
+Name the Year: Lech Walesa, Popowo Poland, leads Polish Solidarity (Nobel 1983), born in?
+Name the Year: Led Zepplin's Debut Album released?
+Name the Year: Lee De Forest (in Council Bluffs, Iowa), invented the Audion vacuum tube (radio tube)?
+Name the Year: Lee Harvey Oswald announces in Moscow he will never return to U.S?
+Name the Year: Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK's assassin, born in?
+Name the Year: Lee Horsley, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Lee Marvin dies in Tucson, Ariz at 63?
+Name the Year: Lee Marvin, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Lee Trevino, golfer (US Open 1968,71), born in?
+Name the Year: Leipzig Observatory discovers short-period (6.2 yrs) Comet d'Arrest?
+Name the Year: Lenin returns to Russia to start Bolshevik Revolution?
+Name the Year: Lenny Bruce comedian, arrested on obsenity charges, born in?
+Name the Year: Lenny Bruce comedian, dies of a morphine overdose?
+Name the Year: Lens to provide zoom effects patented (F.G. Back)?
+Name the Year: Leo Sayer [Gerard], England, singer (When I Need Love), born in?
+Name the Year: Leo Tolstoy Russia, novelist (War and Peace, Anna Karenina), born in?
+Name the Year: Leo XIII, 257th Roman Catholic pope (1878-1903), born in?
+Name the Year: Leon Trotsky assassinated in Mexico City by agents of Stalin?
+Name the Year: Leon Trotsky dies of wounds inflicted by an assailant the day before?
+Name the Year: Leon Trotsky expelled from Russia?
+Name the Year: Leon Trotsky, Russian Communist theorist, Bolshevik?
+Name the Year: Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary (pres of 1st Soviet), born in?
+Name the Year: Leonard Bernstein conductor/composer/pianist/egotist, born in?
+Name the Year: Leonard Cohen, Montreal, singer/songwriter (Death of Ladies Man), born in?
+Name the Year: Leonard Nimoy, actor, director, born in?
+Name the Year: Leonardo Da Vinci artist/scientist, dies at 67?
+Name the Year: Leonid Brezhnev (in Ukraine), Soviet statesman, in the Ukraine?
+Name the Year: Leonid Brezhnev named president of USSR?
+Name the Year: Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet 1st sectretary, dies of a heart attack at 75?
+Name the Year: Leonid D. Kizim, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-3, T-10, T-15), born in?
+Name the Year: Leopold I Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, dies at 64?
+Name the Year: Leopold I, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, born in?
+Name the Year: Leroy Deans awarded first Order of Purple Heart in Korea?
+Name the Year: Leslie Ann Warren (in New York City), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Leslie-Anne Down (in London, England), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Lesotho (Basutoland) gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Levi Eshkol dies, Golda Meir becomes premier of Israel?
+Name the Year: Levi Strauss markets blue jeans with copper rivets, price $13.50 doz?
+Name the Year: Lewis Carroll creates Alice in Wonderland for Alice P Liddell?
+Name the Year: Lewis Carroll writer (Alice in Wonderland), dies at 65?
+Name the Year: Li Hung Chang, chinese statesman, born in?
+Name the Year: Li Ta-chao cofounder with Mao Tse-tung of Chinese Communist Party, born in?
+Name the Year: Liberia declares independence?
+Name the Year: Liberia was proclaimed an independent republic?
+Name the Year: Liberius begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: Libyan revolution, Col Moammar Gadhafi deposes King Idris?
+Name the Year: Lie detector first used in court at Portage, WI?
+Name the Year: Lighthouse established on Alcatraz Island?
+Name the Year: Lillehammer, Norway upsets Anchorage to host 1994 Winter olympics?
+Name the Year: Lillian Gish, silent film and stage actor (Birth of a Nation), born in?
+Name the Year: Lin Yi-t'ang, Chinese writer (My Country and My People), born in?
+Name the Year: Lincoln Deachey performs first airplane loop-the-loop?
+Name the Year: Linda Blair, St Louis Mo, actress (Exorcist, Chained Heat, Savage St), born in?
+Name the Year: Linda Eastman McCartney, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Linda Evans, actor (Dynasty), born in?
+Name the Year: Linda Ronstadt (in Tucson, Arizona), singer?
+Name the Year: Lindbergh turned over $50,000 as ransom for kidnapped son?
+Name the Year: Lindburgh lands in Paris, after 1st solo air crossing of Atlantic?
+Name the Year: Lindsay Wagner LA Ca, actress (Bionic Woman, Paper Chase, Nighthawks), born in?
+Name the Year: Lionel Barrymore actor (A Free Soul, David Cooperfield, Dr Kildaire), born in?
+Name the Year: Lisa Bonet (in San Francisco, CA), actor (Cosby Show)?
+Name the Year: Lisa Marie Presley, actress?
+Name the Year: Lithauania, Estonia and Latvia hold their 1st joint session?
+Name the Year: Lithuania seize & annex the country of Memel?
+Name the Year: Lithuanian SSR is accepted into the USSR?
+Name the Year: Little Richard gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame?
+Name the Year: Liv Ullman (in Tokyo, Japan), actor (Cries and Whispers), born in?
+Name the Year: Live Aid, a rock concert in London, Phila, Moscow and Sydney?
+Name the Year: Liverpool's Cavern Club, the home of the Beatles, reopens?
+Name the Year: Liza Minnelli (in Los Angeles, CA), singer, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Lloyd Bridges, actor (Sea Hunt, Roots, Flying High), born in?
+Name the Year: Lloyd Cole, guitar/vocals (& the Commotions-Rattlesnakes), born in?
+Name the Year: Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov, published?
+Name the Year: Lon Chaney Jr actor (Hawkeye, Pistols 'n' Petticoats), dies at 67?
+Name the Year: Lon Chaney, actor, man of a thousand faces, born in?
+Name the Year: London Gazette, oldest surviving journal, is founded?
+Name the Year: Lord Cecil of Chelwood, UK, helped form League of Nations (early version of the UN), born in?
+Name the Year: Lord Chesterfield letter writer; introduced Gregorian calendar (1752), born in?
+Name the Year: Lord George Gordon Noel Byron, England, romantic poet (Don Juan), born in?
+Name the Year: Lord Kitchener retakes Sudan for Britain?
+Name the Year: Lord Oliver Cromwell British king (1653-58), dies at 59?
+Name the Year: Lord Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts, born in?
+Name the Year: Lord Snowdon, photographer, born in?
+Name the Year: Loretta Lynn (in Kentucky), Ms. Country Music, coal miner's daughter, born in?
+Name the Year: Loretta Swit (in Passaic, NJ), actor (MASH)?
+Name the Year: Lorne Greene actor (Bonanza, Battlestar Galactica), dies at 72?
+Name the Year: Lorne Greene, actor (Bonanza, Battlestar Galactica), born in?
+Name the Year: Los Angeles founded in the Valley of Smokes (Indian Name)?
+Name the Year: Los Angeles Railway (with 5 streetcar lines) forced to close?
+Name the Year: Lou Diamond Philips, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Louis B Mayer, Minsk Russia, motion-picture executive (MGM), born in?
+Name the Year: Louis Braille, developed reading system for the blind?
+Name the Year: Louis Comfort Tiffany, glassmaker, born in?
+Name the Year: Louis I (the Great), king of Hungary (1342-82), Poland (1370-82)?
+Name the Year: Louis IX, king of France (1226-70), born in?
+Name the Year: Louis Lumiere with brother Auguste made 1st motion picture in 1895, born in?
+Name the Year: Louis Pasteur dies?
+Name the Year: Louis Pasteur, French bacteriologist, born in?
+Name the Year: Louis Reard's bikini swimsuit design debuts at Paris fashion show?
+Name the Year: Louis VIII [Coeur-de-Lion] king of France (1223-26), born in?
+Name the Year: Louis Waterman begins experiments that invent the fountain pen?
+Name the Year: Louis X (the Stubborn), king of France (1314-16)?
+Name the Year: Louis XI king of France (1461-83), born in?
+Name the Year: Louis XI king of France (1461-83), dies at 60?
+Name the Year: Louis XIII, king of France (1610-43), born in?
+Name the Year: Louis XIV crowned King of France?
+Name the Year: Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, outlaws Protestantism, hastens onset of French Revolution?
+Name the Year: Louis XIV the great, king of France (1643-1715), born in?
+Name the Year: Louis XIV the great, king of France (1643-1715), dies at 76?
+Name the Year: Louis XVI French king, beheaded by French revolutionaries?
+Name the Year: Louis XVI, king of France (1774-92); guillotined, born in?
+Name the Year: Louis XVIII, first post-revolutionary king of France (1814-24)?
+Name the Year: Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, developed a method of photography?
+Name the Year: Louisa May Alcott, author (Little Women)?
+Name the Year: Louise Brooks, silent screen star (American Venus, Pandora's Box)?
+Name the Year: Lt Col Oliver North began public testimony at Iran-Contra hearing?
+Name the Year: Luciano Pavarotti Moderna Italy, operatic tenor (Oh Giorgio), born in?
+Name the Year: Lucille Ball (in New York, NY), comedian, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Lucille Ball comedienne/actress dies at 78 of a massive heart attack?
+Name the Year: Ludvig Baron Holberg, a founder of Danish & Norwegian literature, born in?
+Name the Year: Ludwig II mad king of Bavaria (1864-86), born in?
+Name the Year: Ludwig III crowned king of Bavaria?
+Name the Year: Ludwig von Beethoven (in Bonn, Germany), composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Luigi Pulci, Italian poet (Morgante), born in?
+Name the Year: Lulu, Glasgow, Scotland, singer/actress (To Sir With Love), born in?
+Name the Year: Luna 1 launched by USSR; first spacecraft to impact on the moon?
+Name the Year: Luna 1(USSR) launched?
+Name the Year: Luna 10, first lunar orbiter?
+Name the Year: Luna 16 lands on Moon's Mare Fecunditatis, drills core sample?
+Name the Year: Luna 16 leaves the Moon?
+Name the Year: Luna 9, first lunar landing?
+Name the Year: Lunar Orbiter 1 takes first photograph of earth from the moon?
+Name the Year: Luxembourg gained independence?
+Name the Year: Lynda Carter Phoenix Az, Miss USA/actress (Wonder Woman, Billie Jo)?
+Name the Year: Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President (1963-1969)?
+Name the Year: Lynn Redgrave (in London, England), actor, political activist, born in?
+Name the Year: Lynne Cox swims 4.3 km from US to USSR in 4? C (39? F) Bering Sea?
+Name the Year: M. C. Garlow becomes the first aviator to fly a million miles in a jet airplane?
+Name the Year: M. L. Byrn of New York patented a corkscrew?
+Name the Year: M. Scott Carpenter aboard Aurora 7 is launched?
+Name the Year: Macbeth, King of Scotland, slain by the son of King Duncan?
+Name the Year: Mack Sennett, created Keystone Kops, born in?
+Name the Year: Madagascar gained independence from France (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie, discovered radium (Nobel 1903, 1911)?
+Name the Year: Madonna (Ciccone) (in Bay City, MI), singer, actor?, born in?
+Name the Year: Mae West dies at age 88?
+Name the Year: Mae West, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Magellan begins crossing the Pacific Ocean?
+Name the Year: Magellan starts first successful circumnavigation of the world?
+Name the Year: Magellan's ship set sail to circumnavigate the Earth?
+Name the Year: Mahatma Gandhi India's pacifist, assassinated?
+Name the Year: Mahatma Gandhi's 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in S Africa?
+Name the Year: Mahatma K. Ghandi (at Porbandar, Kathiawad, India), pacifist?
+Name the Year: Mahlon Loomis receives patent for wireless ... the radio is born?
+Name the Year: Mahmud I Ottoman sultan, fought Austrians and Russians, born in?
+Name the Year: Main span of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge joined?
+Name the Year: Maj. Dale R. Buis and Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand first American soldiers to be killed during the Vietnam War?
+Name the Year: Major streets lit by coal gas for first time?
+Name the Year: Malawi (then Nyasaland) gained independence from Britain (Natl Day)?
+Name the Year: Malawi becomes a republic?
+Name the Year: Malaya (Malaysia) gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Malcolm McDowell, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Malcolm McLaren founded rock group (Sex Pistols-God Save the Queen), born in?
+Name the Year: Malcolm X assassinated?
+Name the Year: Malcolm X Omaha NB, assassinated leader of black muslims, born in?
+Name the Year: Mali (without Senegal) gained independence from France (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Malta gained independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Mance Lipscomb, blues musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Manchester Massacre; English police charge unemployed demonstrators?
+Name the Year: Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen [the Red Baron], German WW I ace, born in?
+Name the Year: Manfred Mann, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Manuel Quezon, first president of Philippine Commonwealth (1935-42), born in?
+Name the Year: Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese communist party chairman (1949-76), dies at 82?
+Name the Year: Marcel Duchamp painter (Nude Descending a Staircase), born in?
+Name the Year: Marcel Marceau, mime, born in?
+Name the Year: Marcel Proust, French novelist (Remembrance of Things Past), born in?
+Name the Year: Marcello Mastroianni actor (La Dolce Vita), born in?
+Name the Year: March by civil rights demonstrators was broken up in Selma, Alabama?
+Name the Year: Marcus Aurelius 16th Roman emperor (161-80), philosopher, born in?
+Name the Year: Marcus Garvey dies at 52 in London England?
+Name the Year: Marcus Garvey, began back-to-Africa movement among US blacks, born in?
+Name the Year: Marcus Whitman, missionary?
+Name the Year: Margaret Dumont, actress-Marx Brothers' foil, born in?
+Name the Year: Margaret Dupont tennis champion, born in?
+Name the Year: Margaret Hamilton, actor (Wizard of Oz ____ Wicked Witch of the West) born
+Name the Year: Margaret Hamilton, actor (Wizard of Oz), played Wicked Witch of the West, born in?
+Name the Year: Margaret Jones of Charlestown became the first person tried and executed for witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts?
+Name the Year: Margaret Lockwood actress (Lady Vanishes), born in?
+Name the Year: Margaret Mitchell, author (Gone With the Wind)?
+Name the Year: Margaret Owen sets world typing speed record of 170 wpm for 1 min?
+Name the Year: Margaret Sanger opens the first public birth control clinic (Brooklyn, NY)?
+Name the Year: Margaret Smith Court, Australian tennis pro?
+Name the Year: Margaret Thatcher becomes prime minister of England?
+Name the Year: Margaret Thatcher, (Tory) British PM (1979-90), Iron Lady, born in?
+Name the Year: Margarine is patented in Paris, for use in the French Navy?
+Name the Year: Margaux Hemingway (in Portland, Oregon), actress, daughter of Ernest, born in?
+Name the Year: Margot Kidder (in Yellowknife), actor (Superman), born in?
+Name the Year: Maria Callas American-born prima donna dies in Paris at 53?
+Name the Year: Maria Mitchell discovers a non-naked-eye comet?
+Name the Year: Maria Shriver & Arnold Schwarzenegger marry?
+Name the Year: Maria Shriver, Newscaster, married to Arnold Schartznegger?
+Name the Year: Maria Theresa became ruler of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia?
+Name the Year: Marie and Pierre Curie isolated the radioactive element radium?
+Name the Year: Marie Antoinette beheaded in France?
+Name the Year: Marie Antoinette executed?
+Name the Year: Marie Antoinette married the future King Louis XVI of France?
+Name the Year: Marie Curie, discoverer of radium?
+Name the Year: Marie-Antoinette Queen of France, born in?
+Name the Year: Marie, queen consort of Ferdinand I of Rumania, born in?
+Name the Year: Mariel Hemingway (in Ketchum, Idaho), actor (Star 80, Manhattan, Personal Best)?
+Name the Year: Marilyn Monroe [Norma Jean Baker], actress (Some Like It Hot), born in?
+Name the Year: Marilyn Monroe dies at age 36?
+Name the Year: Marilyn Monroe marries baseball star Joe DiMaggio?
+Name the Year: Marilyn Vos Savant St Louis Mo, writer/world's highest IQ (Guinness), born in?
+Name the Year: Mariner 10, Mercury flyby?
+Name the Year: Mariner 2 launched for first planet flyby (Venus)?
+Name the Year: Mariner 2 launched to Venus; flyby mission?
+Name the Year: Mariner 4 launched. First spacecraft to fly by Mars?
+Name the Year: Mariner 5 makes fly-by of Venus?
+Name the Year: Mariner 7 flies past Mars?
+Name the Year: Mariner 9 launched?
+Name the Year: Mariner 9, first orbit of another planet, first orbit of Mars?
+Name the Year: Mariner I launched to Mars falls into Atlantic Ocean?
+Name the Year: Marines land on Iwo Jima?
+Name the Year: Mario A Gianini creator of the maraschino cherry, dies?
+Name the Year: Mario Puzo, author (Godfather), born in?
+Name the Year: Marion Ross (in Minnesota), actor (Played Mrs. Cunningham in Happy Days)?
+Name the Year: Maris hits his 50th of 61 homers?
+Name the Year: Mark David Chapman assassin of John Lennon, born in?
+Name the Year: Mark Hamill, actor (Star Wars), born in?
+Name the Year: Mark Knopfler guitar/vocals (Dire Straits), born in?
+Name the Year: Mark Rothko, painter, born in?
+Name the Year: Mark Russell, raconteur, born in?
+Name the Year: Mark Spitz, swimmer, born in?
+Name the Year: Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens], author, dies in Redding Conn?
+Name the Year: Marlo Thomas (in Detroit, Michigan), actor (That Girl)?
+Name the Year: Marlon Brando, actor (The Godfather, Last Tango in Paris), born in?
+Name the Year: Marquis de Sade, 1st known sadist, writer (Justine), born in?
+Name the Year: Mars 2, Mars landing. First crash landing on Mars?
+Name the Year: Mars 3 launched. First spacecraft to soft land on Mars?
+Name the Year: Marshall Islands (in the Pacific) become self-governing?
+Name the Year: Martha Place of Brooklyn, became first woman to die by electrocution?
+Name the Year: Martin Gardner, Scientific American math and puzzles columnist, born in?
+Name the Year: Martin Landau, actor (Mission Impossible, Space 1999, Tucker), born in?
+Name the Year: Martin Luther King Jr arrested in Atlanta sit-in?
+Name the Year: Martin Luther King, Jr. begins march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala?
+Name the Year: Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses, begins Protestant Reformation?
+Name the Year: Martin Luther publicly burned papal edict demanding that he recant?
+Name the Year: Martin Luther, Eisleben, Germany, founded Protestantism, born in?
+Name the Year: Martin Luther, protestant reformer?
+Name the Year: Martin Scorsese, director (Mean Streets, NY, NY)?
+Name the Year: Martin Sheen actor (Men At Work, Wall St), born in?
+Name the Year: Martina Navratilova, Prague, Czech Republic, tennis champion (Wimbeldon 1989,79,82-87), born in?
+Name the Year: Marvin Gaye gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame?
+Name the Year: Marvin Gaye shot to death by his father Marvin Gaye Sr in LA?
+Name the Year: Marvin Hamlisch, US composer/pianist (The Sting, Chorus Line), born in?
+Name the Year: Marvin Minsky, artificial intelligence guru, born in?
+Name the Year: Mary Ann Nicholls a 42-year-old prostitute, was found stabbed to death in London, 1st of at least five murders by Jack the Ripper?
+Name the Year: Mary Ashton Livermore, American reformer, women's suffrage leader?
+Name the Year: Mary Celeste sails from NY to Genoa; found abandoned 4 weeks later?
+Name the Year: Mary Queen of Scots executed?
+Name the Year: Mary Queen of Scots thrown into Lochleven Castle prison?
+Name the Year: Mary Tyler Moore, Brooklyn, actress (Mary Tyler Moore, Ordinary People), born in?
+Name the Year: Mary Wilson, singer (Supremes), born in?
+Name the Year: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley London England, author (Frankenstein), born in?
+Name the Year: Mata Hari executed by firing squad outside of Paris?
+Name the Year: Mata Hari, dancer, courtesan, spy, born in?
+Name the Year: Matsuo Basho greatest Japanese haiku poet, dies?
+Name the Year: Matt Dillon, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Matt Frewer, actor (Doctor Doctor, Max Headroom), born in?
+Name the Year: Matthew Broderick, actor (Project X, Ladyhawk), born in?
+Name the Year: Matthew Modine, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Maud Adams (in Sweden), born in?
+Name the Year: Maureen O'Hara, actress (Miracle on 34th St), born in?
+Name the Year: Maurice Chevalier, actor, singer (Gigi), ultimate Frenchman, born in?
+Name the Year: Maurice Ravel (in Cibourne, France), composer (Bollero), born in?
+Name the Year: Maurice Ravel, composer (Bolero), born in?
+Name the Year: Mauritania gained independence from France (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Max Factor Jr CEO (Max Factor Cosmetics), born in?
+Name the Year: Max Roach, jazz drummer, born in?
+Name the Year: Max von Sydow, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Maya Plisetkaya, prima ballerina?
+Name the Year: Mayflower Compact signed by Pilgrims in Providencetown, MA harbor?
+Name the Year: Mayflower departs from Plymouth, England with 102 pilgrims?
+Name the Year: Mayflower sets sail from Southampton with 102 Pilgrims?
+Name the Year: Maytag invented the washing machine?
+Name the Year: McLean Stevenson, actor (MASH)?
+Name the Year: Medal of Freedom awarded posthumously to Rev Martin Luther King Jr?
+Name the Year: Mehmed VI, last sultan of Ottoman Empire (1918-22), born in?
+Name the Year: Mel Brooks comedian/actor/director (Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs), born in?
+Name the Year: Mel Gibson, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Mel Smith author/comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Melanie Griffith & Don Johnson remarry?
+Name the Year: Melanie Griffith, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Melvil Dewey, created the Dewey Decimal System for libraries?
+Name the Year: Menachem Begin, Israeli PM (1977-83) (Nobel 1978), born in?
+Name the Year: Menelik II King of Ethiopia (1896-1913), born in?
+Name the Year: Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia, died?
+Name the Year: Mercury 5 launches a chimp (Ham/Enos)?
+Name the Year: Merle Haggard, musician?
+Name the Year: Merle Haggard, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Merle Oberon (in Tasmania), born in?
+Name the Year: Merle Oberon dies at age 68?
+Name the Year: Meryl Streep NJ, actress (French Lieutenant's Woman, Sophie's Choice), born in?
+Name the Year: Meteor falls near Estherville, Iowa?
+Name the Year: Meteorites fall in L'Aigle, France?
+Name the Year: Meuse-Argonne offensive against the Germans began during WWI?
+Name the Year: Mexican radio station erronously reports Mike Tyson dies in car crash?
+Name the Year: Mexico becomes a republic?
+Name the Year: Mexico first declares independence from Spain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Mexico sells U.S. Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona?
+Name the Year: Mexico took control of foreign-owned oil properties on its soil?
+Name the Year: Mexico's deposed emperor Maximilian is executed?
+Name the Year: Mia Farrow (in Los Angeles, CA), actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Adams in X-15 reaches altitude of 80 km?
+Name the Year: Michael Andretti Indy-car racer/Auto Hall of Fame (elected 1986), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Caine, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Collins, astronaut (Gemini 10, Apollo 11)?
+Name the Year: Michael Crawford England, Broadway star (Phantom of the Opera), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Crichton, author (Andromeda Strain, Jurrasic Park, Rising Sun), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Douglas, actor, producer, born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Faraday discovered principle of electric motor, born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Fish British TV weatherman, born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Hutchence, Australia, rocker (Inxs-I Need You Tonight), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael J Fox, Edmonton, Canada, actor (Family Ties, Back to the Future, Spin City), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Jackson attempts to buy Elephant Man's remains?
+Name the Year: Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (including the rights to every Beatle song) for $47 million?
+Name the Year: Michael Jackson, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Jordan, gravity-defying hoopster, born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Keaton, actor (Pacific Heights, Batman, Multiplicity), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Landon actor (Bonanza, Highway to Heaven), dies at 54 from cancer?
+Name the Year: Michael Landon, actor?
+Name the Year: Michael Palin comedian (Monty Python, Fish Called Wanda), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Stipe (REM Lead Singer), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael Winslow, actor/comedian (Police Academy), born in?
+Name the Year: Michael York, actor (Three Musketeers), born in?
+Name the Year: Michelangelo, Renaissance artist, born in?
+Name the Year: Michelle Pfeiffer Calif, actress (Batman Returns, Married to the Mob), born in?
+Name the Year: Michelle Pfeiffer, U.S. actress (Batman Returns), born in?
+Name the Year: Mick Fleetwood, musician?
+Name the Year: Mick Jagger, Rolling Stone singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Mick Jones rocker (The Clash, Big Audio Dynamite), born in?
+Name the Year: Mickey Mantle announces his retirement?
+Name the Year: Mickey Mantle, NY Yankee home run slugger, born in?
+Name the Year: Mickey Mouse, cartoon character, sired by Walt Disney's pen?
+Name the Year: Mickey Rooney, actor (too many credits to mention), born in?
+Name the Year: Mickey Spillane, mystery writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Miguel de Cervantes, novelist (Don Quixote), born in?
+Name the Year: Miguel DeCervantes Saavedra, author (The Man Of LaMancha), born in?
+Name the Year: Miguel Hidalgo father of Mexican independence, born in?
+Name the Year: Miguel Indurain of Spain wins the Tour de France bicycle race?
+Name the Year: Miguel Vasquez makes first public quadruple somersault on trapeze?
+Name the Year: Mike Tyson hires Donald Trump as an advisor?
+Name the Year: Mike Tyson is accused of raping a Miss Black America contestant?
+Name the Year: Mikhail Baryshnikov, ballet dancer, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head of the Soviet Union?
+Name the Year: Miles Davis jazz musician, dies at 65 from pneumonia?
+Name the Year: Miles Davis trumpeter; pioneered cool jazz (Porgy & Bess), born in?
+Name the Year: Millionaire Howard Hughes sets transcontinental air record (7h28m25s)?
+Name the Year: Milton Friedman, economist, born in?
+Name the Year: Milton Hinkes (AKA Soupy Sales), comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Milton S. Hershey, US chocolate manufacturer, philanthropist, born in?
+Name the Year: Mobs in Paris attack the palace of Louis XVI?
+Name the Year: Modern Olympics Anniversary. (First modern Olympiad)?
+Name the Year: Modest Moussorgsky, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Aryamehr, Shah of Iran (1941-79), born in?
+Name the Year: Mohammed Ali, boxer?
+Name the Year: Mohammed V King of Morocco (1953, 1955-61), born in?
+Name the Year: Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq, Pakistani president and US ambassador killed in plane crash?
+Name the Year: Mohandas Gandhi began 200-mile march protesting British salt tax?
+Name the Year: Mohandas K. Gandhi sentenced in India to six years' imprisonment?
+Name the Year: Moise Tshombe, president of Katanga, then premier of the Congo (Zaire), born in?
+Name the Year: Moli?re, France, dramatist (Tartuffe, Les Misanthrope), baptized?
+Name the Year: Moliere, French Dramatist, died?
+Name the Year: Molly Ringwald (in Los Angeles, CA), actress (Pretty in Pink), born in?
+Name the Year: Monarchy in Tunisa abolished in favor of a republic?
+Name the Year: Monarchy overthrown in Egypt (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Mongolia gained independence from China (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Monica Seles tennis star (French Open-1990), born in?
+Name the Year: Monica Seles wins the US Open?
+Name the Year: Montgomery (Br) defeats Rommel (Ger) in battle of Alamein (WW II)?
+Name the Year: Montgomery Clift actor, dies at 45?
+Name the Year: Morgan Fairchild (in Dallas, TX), actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Morgan Freeman actor (Driving Mrs Daisy), born in?
+Name the Year: Morocco gains its independence?
+Name the Year: Morrissey, (Steven Patrick) British rocker (The Smiths & solo artist), born in?
+Name the Year: Mort Sahl comedian/political satirist/beatnik (Big Party)?
+Name the Year: Moses Mendelssohn, philosopher, critic, Bible translator, born in?
+Name the Year: Moshe Dayan Israeli general/politician, born in?
+Name the Year: Moss Hart, playwright, born in?
+Name the Year: Most Arab oil producing nations end US embargo?
+Name the Year: Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini canonized as 1st American saint?
+Name the Year: Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Nobel 1979)?
+Name the Year: Mother Teresa of India was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
+Name the Year: Motion Picture Association of America adopts film rating system?
+Name the Year: Mount Etna erupts in Sicily Italy?
+Name the Year: Mount St Helens blows its top in Washington State?
+Name the Year: Mr T [Lawrence Tero], Chicago, actor, (A-Team, Rocky III, T & T), born in?
+Name the Year: Mrs. Elizabeth Blackwell becomes first woman physician in U.S...?
+Name the Year: Mrs. Kennedy gives the TV audience a tour of the White House?
+Name the Year: Mt Palomar Observatory first to detect Halley's comet on 13th return?
+Name the Year: Mt Vesuvius erupts, buries Pompeii and Herculaneum?
+Name the Year: Mt Vesuvius erupts?
+Name the Year: MTV premiers at 12:01 AM?
+Name the Year: Muddy Waters [McKinley Morganfield], guitarist (Hoochie Coochie Man), born in?
+Name the Year: Muhammad Ali beats WBA heavyweight champion Leon Spinks?
+Name the Year: Muhammad Ali convicted of refusing induction into armed services?
+Name the Year: Muhammad Ali KOs George Foreman in 8th round in Kinshasa, Zaire?
+Name the Year: Muhammad Ali talks a despondent 21 year old out of committing suicide?
+Name the Year: Muhammad ibn Hazm, historian, jurist, writer of Islamic Spain?
+Name the Year: Muhammed Ali, boxer who floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, born in?
+Name the Year: Munich Agreement-forces Czechoslovakia to give territory to Germany?
+Name the Year: Mussolini forms cabinet in Italy?
+Name the Year: Mutiny on HMS Bounty?
+Name the Year: N. Korea reports 100% election turnout, 100% vote for Workers' Party?
+Name the Year: N. Vietnam agreed to meet US reps to set up preliminary peace talks?
+Name the Year: N.A.S.A. launch Apollo 8 to fly around the moon?
+Name the Year: N.E. Guerin of New York receives a patent for his cork filled life preserver?
+Name the Year: N.Y. Highlander (Yankees) tickets first go on sale?
+Name the Year: N.Y. Yankees purchase 20 acres in the Bronx for Yankee Stadium?
+Name the Year: Nadia Comaneci (in Romania), Olympic gymnist?
+Name the Year: Nancy Sinatra Jersey City, singer, (These boots were made for walking), born in?
+Name the Year: Nancy Wilson (in San Francisco, CA), singer (Heart), born in?
+Name the Year: Napolean I defeats Austria at Battle of Abensberg, Bavaria?
+Name the Year: Napoleon became Emperor of France?
+Name the Year: Napoleon becomes 1st French emperor, placing crown on his own head?
+Name the Year: Napoleon becomes dictator (1st consul) of France?
+Name the Year: Napoleon begins his retreat from Moscow?
+Name the Year: Napoleon Bonaparte (Corsica), resident of Elba (Emperor of France 1804-13, 1814-15), born in?
+Name the Year: Napoleon Bonaparte captured?
+Name the Year: Napoleon Bonaparte married Josephine de Beauharnais?
+Name the Year: Napoleon captures Alexandria, Egypt?
+Name the Year: Napoleon defeats Russians & Austrians at Austerlitz?
+Name the Year: Napoleon enters Paris, beginning his Hundred Days rule?
+Name the Year: Napoleon III captured at Sedan?
+Name the Year: Napoleon occupies Moscow?
+Name the Year: Napoleon's retreat from Russia begins?
+Name the Year: NASA announced the start of the space shuttle program?
+Name the Year: NASA announces first seven astronauts with The Right Stuff?
+Name the Year: NASA civilian pilot Neil A Armstrong takes X-15 to 54,600 m?
+Name the Year: NASA confirmed Voyager 2's discovery of 3 more moons of Neptune designated temporarily 1989 N2, 1989 N3 and 1989 N24?
+Name the Year: NASA launch Pioneer III?
+Name the Year: NASA launches Intelsat V?
+Name the Year: NASA launches its first Orbital Geophysical Observatory (OGO-1)?
+Name the Year: NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., dedicated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower?
+Name the Year: Nat King Cole, entertainer, father of Natalie, born in?
+Name the Year: Natal (in South Africa) is made a British colony?
+Name the Year: Natalia Maskarova (in Lenningrad), ballerina?
+Name the Year: Natalie Cole (in Los Angeles, CA), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Natalie Wood [Natasha Gurdin], SF, (Gypsy, Rebel Without a Cause), born in?
+Name the Year: Nathan Birnbaum (aka George Burns), entertainer, actor, dies at 100 years old?
+Name the Year: Nathan Briggs, New Hampshire, gets patent for the washing machine?
+Name the Year: Nation of Zimbabwe founded (formerly Rhodesia)?
+Name the Year: National Baseball League formed with 8 teams?
+Name the Year: National Geographic Society founded (Washington, DC)?
+Name the Year: National Geographic Society founded in Washington, DC?
+Name the Year: National Security Act establishes the CIA?
+Name the Year: National Socialist (Nazi) Party formed in Germany?
+Name the Year: Nationalist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-Shek died at the age of 87?
+Name the Year: Nauru gained independence from Australia (1982 pop 8,421)?
+Name the Year: Nautilus, 1st atomic powered submarine launched?
+Name the Year: Navigator Henry Hudson discovered the island of Manhattan?
+Name the Year: Nazi blitz conquest of France began by crossing Muese River?
+Name the Year: Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald liberated by US 80th Division?
+Name the Year: Nazi General Von Keitel surrenders to Russian Marshal Zhukov near Berlin?
+Name the Year: Nazi Germany began persecution of Jews boycotting Jewish businesses?
+Name the Year: Nazi Hermann Goering poisons himself in prison?
+Name the Year: Nazi Himmler committed suicide while in prison at Luneburg, Germany?
+Name the Year: Nazim Pasha, Turkey's PM assassinated?
+Name the Year: Nazis force 4.5 mil Warsaw Jews to live in walled ghetto?
+Name the Year: NBC forms first full sized symphony orchestra exclusively for radio?
+Name the Year: Neil Armstrong steps on the Moon at 2:56:15 AM (GMT)?
+Name the Year: Neil Armstrong, X-15 pilot, first moonwalker (Gemini 8, Apollo 11), born in?
+Name the Year: Neil Finn rocker (Split Enz-I Got You, Crowded House), born in?
+Name the Year: Neil Simon, playwright (Odd Couple, Plaza Suite, Biloxi Blues), born in?
+Name the Year: Neil Young, singer/songwriter?
+Name the Year: Nelson Mandela begins a long jail term in South Africa?
+Name the Year: Nelson Mandela meets Chief Buthelezi in Durban?
+Name the Year: Nelson Mandela recieves a BA from University of South Africa?
+Name the Year: Nelson Mandela, South African civil rights leader & politician, born in?
+Name the Year: Nelson Mandella, human rights activist, former political prisoner?
+Name the Year: Neptune becomes outermost planet (Pluto moves closer)?
+Name the Year: Neptune's moon Triton discovered by William Lassell?
+Name the Year: Netherlands & Denmark liberated from Nazi control?
+Name the Year: Netherlands grants Surinam independence (Natl Day)?
+Name the Year: Netherlands recognizes US?
+Name the Year: Nevada legalized gambling?
+Name the Year: Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupts in Colombia, kills 25,000?
+Name the Year: Neville Chamberlain, English PM and statesman, born in?
+Name the Year: New Nicaraguan constituion takes effect?
+Name the Year: New Orleans elects first black mayor, Ernest `Dutch' Morial?
+Name the Year: New socialist constitution of East Germany takes effect?
+Name the Year: New York City becomes the capitol of the United States?
+Name the Year: New York City traffic regulation creates the first one-way street?
+Name the Year: New Zealand claims Ross Dependency in Antarctica?
+Name the Year: New Zealand Day?
+Name the Year: Ngo Dinh Diem proclaims Vietnam a republic with himself as president?
+Name the Year: Nguyen Van Thieu president of South Vietnam, born in?
+Name the Year: Nia Peeples born?
+Name the Year: Niagara Falls stops flowing ____ for 1 day ____ because of an ice jam
+Name the Year: Nicaragua becomes 1st nation to formally accept UN Charter?
+Name the Year: Nicaragua holds first free elections in 56 years; Sandinistas win 63%?
+Name the Year: Nicaragua Liberation Day; Sandinistas take over from Somoza?
+Name the Year: Niccolo Paganini, Genoa, Italy, composer/violin virtuoso (Princess Lucca), born in?
+Name the Year: Nicholas I Russia, Tsar (1825-55), born in?
+Name the Year: Nicholas II last Russian tsar (1894-1917), born in?
+Name the Year: Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Nick Nolte, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Nicolas Appert, inventor of food canning, bouillon tablet, born in?
+Name the Year: Nicolas-Jacque Conte inventor (modern pencil), born in?
+Name the Year: Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, designed and built first automobile, born in?
+Name the Year: Nicolaus Copernicus (in Poland), astronomer, born in?
+Name the Year: Nicolo Amati, Italy, violin maker (Stradivari and Guarneri), born in?
+Name the Year: Niels Bohr, physicist, expanded quantum physics (Nobel 1922), born in?
+Name the Year: Nigel Hawthorne actor (Tartuffe, Pope John Paul II (Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes Minister), Richard III), born in?
+Name the Year: Niger gains autonomy within French Community (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Niger gained independence from France?
+Name the Year: Nigeria gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Nikita Khrushchev became Soviet premier and first secretary of Communist Party?
+Name the Year: Nikita Khrushchev dies of a heart attack at 77?
+Name the Year: Nikola Tesla, physicist who developed alternating current and radio, born in?
+Name the Year: Nikolai Andrianov, USSR, gymnist (Olympic-gold-1972, 76, 80), born in?
+Name the Year: Nikolai N. Rukavishnikov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 10, 16, 33), born in?
+Name the Year: Nina Simone (in Tyron, NC), born in?
+Name the Year: Nineteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 is launched?
+Name the Year: Nineteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Ninth Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 6 is launched?
+Name the Year: Nixon & Haldeman agree to use CIA to cover up Watergate?
+Name the Year: Nixon announces resignation of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, et al?
+Name the Year: Noah Webster, lexicographer?
+Name the Year: Norbert Wiener, inventor of cybernetics, absentminded-professor?
+Name the Year: Norman Lockyer, editor of NATURE, discoverer of helium in sun, dies?
+Name the Year: Norman Parkinson, England, fashion photographer (Harper's Bazaar), born in?
+Name the Year: Norman Rockwell, artist, born in?
+Name the Year: North and South Korea joins the UN?
+Name the Year: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established?
+Name the Year: Northern Rhodesia becomes part of Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland?
+Name the Year: Northern Territory of Australia becomes self-governing?
+Name the Year: Northern Territory passes from New South Wales to South Australia?
+Name the Year: Nostradamus French astrologer/physician/prophet, dies in Salon?
+Name the Year: Novelist and critic Virginia Woolf died?
+Name the Year: Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island near Middletown, PA?
+Name the Year: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed?
+Name the Year: Nuremberg Laws deprives German Jews of citizenship and makes the swastika the official symbol of Nazi Germany?
+Name the Year: NY Yankees purchase Babe Ruth from the Red Sox?
+Name the Year: NY's Penn Station opens as world's largest railway terminal?
+Name the Year: NYC experiences 25 hr black-out?
+Name the Year: NYC welcomes home Gen John J Pershing and 25,000 WW I soldiers?
+Name the Year: Nylon patented by W. H. Carothers?
+Name the Year: Nylon stockings go on sale in the U.S. for the first time?
+Name the Year: Nylon stockings on sale for the first time in the United States?
+Name the Year: O.J. Simpson gains 273 yards for Buffalo vs. Detroit?
+Name the Year: Oahu Railway begins public service in Hawaii?
+Name the Year: OAO 1, the 1st orbiting astronomical observatory, launched?
+Name the Year: October Revolution overthrows Russian Provisional Government?
+Name the Year: Ogden Nash poet/TV panelist (Masquerade Party), dies at 68?
+Name the Year: Ogden Nash, American humorous poet (I'm a Stranger Here Myself), born in?
+Name the Year: Oil tanker Exxon Valdez runs aground in Alaska's Prince William Sound ____ causes world's worst oil spill
+Name the Year: OJ Simpson acquitted for double murder of his Ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman?
+Name the Year: Olaus Roemer, first to accurately measured speed of light, born in?
+Name the Year: Olav V, King of Norway (1957), born in?
+Name the Year: Oldest exactly dated printed book (c. 3 years after Gutenberg)?
+Name the Year: Ole Evinrude inventor (outboard marine engine), born in?
+Name the Year: Oleg Cassini Paris France, fashion designer for Jackie Kennedy, born in?
+Name the Year: Olga Korbut (in Russia), gymnast, born in?
+Name the Year: Oliver Cromwell, Puritan lord protector of England (1653-58), born in?
+Name the Year: Oliver Evans, pioneered the high-pressure steam engine, born in?
+Name the Year: Oliver Fisher Winchester, rifle maker?
+Name the Year: Oliver Hardy Harlem Ga, comedy team member (Laurel & Hardy), born in?
+Name the Year: Oliver North, arms dealer, born in?
+Name the Year: Oliver Stone NYC, director (Wall St, Good Morning Vietnam, Platoon), born in?
+Name the Year: Oliver Wendell Holmes, famous Supreme Court Justice, born in?
+Name the Year: Olivia d'Abo, London England, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Olivia Newton-John (in Cambridge, England), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Omar Sharif, actor (Tamarind Seed, Dr. Zhivago), born in?
+Name the Year: Only one day after the U.N. decrees Israel's right to exist, Jewish settlements are attacked?
+Name the Year: OPEC cut oil prices for the first time in 23 years?
+Name the Year: Operation Desert Storm begins. US & 27 allies attack Iraq for occupying Kuwait (US times)?
+Name the Year: Opium exempted from federal tariff duty?
+Name the Year: Oprah Winfrey, actress/TV host (Color Purple), born in?
+Name the Year: Orangeman's Day ____ Battle of the Boyne, Protestant victory in Ireland
+Name the Year: Orbiter 1 Launched to moon?
+Name the Year: Orenthal James (O.J.) Simpson, NFL running back (Buffalo Bills), born in?
+Name the Year: Orson Welles, actor (Citizen Kane), director, genius, born in?
+Name the Year: Orville Redenbacher, popcorn king?
+Name the Year: Orville Wright, an aviator, born in?
+Name the Year: Oscar (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills) Wilde (Dublin, Ireland), author (Picure of Dorian Gray), wit, dandy?
+Name the Year: Oscar Arias Sanchez, president of Costa Rica (1986- ) (Nobel 1987), born in?
+Name the Year: Oscar de la Renta, designer, born in?
+Name the Year: Oscar Hammerstein II, lyricist who worked with Richard Rodgers?
+Name the Year: Oscar Hammerstein patents first practical cigar-rolling machine?
+Name the Year: Oscar Torp, Norwegian premier, dies?
+Name the Year: Otis Redding, Georgia, rocker (Sitting on the Dock of the Bay), born in?
+Name the Year: Otto Hahn, co-discoverer of nuclear fission, born in?
+Name the Year: Otto I (the Great), German king, Holy Roman emperor (962-73)?
+Name the Year: Otto von Bismarck, statesman, born in?
+Name the Year: Otto von Guericke, invented the air pump?
+Name the Year: Outer Mongolia and Mauritania become the 102nd and 103rd members of UN?
+Name the Year: Owen K. Garriott, astronaut (Skylab 3, STS-9)?
+Name the Year: Ozzie and Harriet Nelson married?
+Name the Year: Ozzy Osbourne heavy metal musician, born in?
+Name the Year: P.D. James mystery writer (Cover Her Face), born in?
+Name the Year: P.T. Barnum & his circus begin 1st tour of US?
+Name the Year: Pablo Picasso artist, dies near Mougins, France, at 91?
+Name the Year: Pablo Picasso, doodler (Guernica) (or 10-05)?
+Name the Year: Pacific and Atlantic mix as engineers blow Gamboa Dam, opening the Panama Canal?
+Name the Year: Pacific Stock Exchange formally opens?
+Name the Year: Pacific Stock Exchange opens (as the Local Security Board)?
+Name the Year: Pacific SW Airlines Boeing 727 and a Cessna private plane collide?
+Name the Year: Pakistan became independent within the British Commonwealth?
+Name the Year: Pakistan gained independence from Britain rule?
+Name the Year: Palestinian Liberation Organization leaves Lebanon?
+Name the Year: Pam Dawber Detroit, actress (Mindy-Mork and Mindy), born in?
+Name the Year: Pamela Anderson, Ladysmith BC, Canada, (Home Improvement, Baywatch), born in?
+Name the Year: Pamela Sue Martin (in Connecticut), actor (Dallas), born in?
+Name the Year: Pan Am places $525,000,000 order for 25 Boeing 747's?
+Name the Year: Papal States annexed by France?
+Name the Year: Papua New Guinea gained independence from Australia (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Paris evacuated before the German advance?
+Name the Year: Paris liberated from Nazi occupation?
+Name the Year: Park Chung-hee South Korean President is assassinated?
+Name the Year: Parker Brothers launches game of Monopoly?
+Name the Year: Parliament Act reduces power of House of Lords?
+Name the Year: Parthenon destroyed in war between Turks and Venetians?
+Name the Year: Passage of Earth through tail of Halley's Comet causes near-panic?
+Name the Year: Pat Benatar, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Pat Cash tennis player (Wimbeldon 1987), born in?
+Name the Year: Pat Morrow (in Los Angeles), actor (Peyton Place), born in?
+Name the Year: Patent filed in US for H-Bomb?
+Name the Year: Patent granted for a process of making color photographs?
+Name the Year: Patent granted for the thimble?
+Name the Year: Patent granted on the electric range?
+Name the Year: Patricia Hearst convicted of armed robbery?
+Name the Year: Patricia Morison, actor (Peyton Place), born in?
+Name the Year: Patrick Duffy, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Patrick McGoohan, actor, director (The Prisoner, Silver Streak), born in?
+Name the Year: Patrick Stewart actor (Capt Picard-Star Trek Next Generation), born in?
+Name the Year: Patrick Swayze Houston Tx, actor/dancer (Dirty Dancing, Ghost), born in?
+Name the Year: Patsy Cline Va, country singer (Walkin' After Midnight), born in?
+Name the Year: Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copus, and Hawkshaw Hawkins die in a plane crash?
+Name the Year: Patti Labelle, singer?
+Name the Year: Patty LaBelle, singer?
+Name the Year: Paul Carrack rocker (Squeeze/Ace-How Long), born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Cezanne, France, impressionist painter (Bathers), born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Doumer Pres of France, assassinated by Russia's Paul Gargalov?
+Name the Year: Paul Gauguin, French post-impressionist painter, born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Hindemith (in Germany), composer?
+Name the Year: Paul Hogan & Linda Koslowski wed in Byron Bay, Eastern Australia?
+Name the Year: Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist, born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Julius, Baron von Reuter, founded Reuters news service, born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Klee, Swiss abstract painter?
+Name the Year: Paul McCartney announces the formation of his group Wings?
+Name the Year: Paul McCartney, musician (Wings, Beatles)?
+Name the Year: Paul Newman born, actor, racer, popcorn and salad dressing mogul?
+Name the Year: Paul Osborn, playwright?
+Name the Year: Paul Schaeffer, musician (Saturday Night Live, David Letterman), actor (This Is Spinal Tap), Thunder Bay, Ont?
+Name the Year: Paul Simon, singer (Kodachrome, Graceland), born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Stanley, rock guitarist (KISS), born in?
+Name the Year: Paul VI, 262nd Roman Catholic pope (1963-78), born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Von Hindenburg becomes chief-of-General-Staff in Germany?
+Name the Year: Paul von Hindenburg elected first German president (Hitler was the second)?
+Name the Year: Paul Weller guitar (Jam-This is the Modern World, Style Council), born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Williams, singer, composer, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Paul Zindel, playwright, born in?
+Name the Year: Paula Abdul, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Paulette Goddard, born in?
+Name the Year: Paulina Porizkova, Sports Illustrated swimsuit covergirl, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Pauline Collins, London England, actress (Shirley Valentine), born in?
+Name the Year: Peabo Bryson, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Peace of Utrecht; France cedes Maritime provinces to Britain?
+Name the Year: Peace protocol ends Spanish-American War, signed?
+Name the Year: Pedro I 1st emperor of Brazil (1822-31), king of Portugal, born in?
+Name the Year: Pennsylvania granted to William Penn by King Charles II?
+Name the Year: Penny Marshall (in New York City), actor (Laverne and Shirley), born in?
+Name the Year: People's Democratic Republic of Korea proclaimed?
+Name the Year: People's Rep of China proclaimed (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Peoples Rebulic of China proclaimed?
+Name the Year: Percy Bysshe Shelley England, romantic poet (Adonais), born in?
+Name the Year: Perry Como singer/TV (Perry Como Show, What did Delaware?), born in?
+Name the Year: Peru declares independence from Spain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Pete Knight in X-15 reaches 85 km about Earth?
+Name the Year: Peter Carl Goldmark, developed color TV & LP records, born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Cook, British actor, comedian?
+Name the Year: Peter Cushing England, actor (Hound of the Baskervilles), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Falk, actor (Colombo, Princess Bride, In-Laws), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Fonda, actor, son of Henry, born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Gabriel, rocker (Genesis-Against All Odds), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Graves, actor (Mission Impossible, Airplane), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Henry Emerson, 1st to promote photography as an independent art, born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Russian composer (1812 Overture), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter O'Toole Ireland, actor (Lord Jim, Beckett, Lawrence of Arabia), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Roget, thesaurus fame, inventor (slide rule, pocket chessboard), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Sellers England, actor (Pink Panther, Being There, Goon Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Sellers, comedian and actor, dies at 54?
+Name the Year: Peter Tosh reggae singer shot dead at 43 in Jamacia?
+Name the Year: Peter Tosh, Jamaica, reggae musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Townsend singer (Who-Tommy), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Ustinov, actor (Fiddler on the Roof, Death on the Nile), born in?
+Name the Year: Peter Weiss, German dramatist, novelist (Marat/Sade)?
+Name the Year: Petula Clark (in England), singer?
+Name the Year: Phil Collins, England, singer/drummer (Genesis-Against All Odds), born in?
+Name the Year: Phil Collins, musician (Genesis), actor (Buster), born in?
+Name the Year: Phil Hartman comedian (SNL, Newsradio, Simpsons (Voice of Troy McLure)), born in?
+Name the Year: Phil Lynott, Thin Lizzy Lead Singer, died?
+Name the Year: Phil Ochs rock producer, dies?
+Name the Year: Philip Glass, composer (Einstein on the Beach), born in?
+Name the Year: Philip I (the Handsome), first Habsburg king of Spain (1506), born in?
+Name the Year: Philip II Augustus 1st great Capetian king of France (1179-1223), born in?
+Name the Year: Philip II king of Spain (1556-98) & Portugal (1580-98), born in?
+Name the Year: Philip IV king of Spain & Portugal (1621-65), born in?
+Name the Year: Philip John Noel-Baker, statesman, disarmament advocate (Nobel '59)?
+Name the Year: Philip the Good Duke of Burgundy, born in?
+Name the Year: Philip V, first Bourbon king of Spain (1700-46)?
+Name the Year: Philippe Petit walks tightrope strung between the twin towers of the World Trade Center, New York?
+Name the Year: Philippine legislature accepts US proposal for independence?
+Name the Year: Philippine nationalists declared their independence from Spain. Phillipine Independance day?
+Name the Year: Philippines gained independence from US?
+Name the Year: Philippines President Ferdinand E. Marcos flees in defeat, takes up residence in Hawaii with wife Imelda?
+Name the Year: Phineas Taylor Barnum Bethel Conn, circus promoter (Barnum and Bailey), born in?
+Name the Year: Phyllis Diller, comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Phyllis George (in Denton, Texas), commentator, former Miss America?
+Name the Year: Physical Review publishes 1st paper to deal with black holes?
+Name the Year: Pianist & statesman Ignace Paderewski becomes 1st premier of Poland?
+Name the Year: Pierce Brosnan (in Israel), actor (current James Bond), born in?
+Name the Year: Pierre Cardin, Paris, France, fashion designer (Unisex), born in?
+Name the Year: Pilftre de Rozier and Marquis d'Arlandes make first free balloon flight?
+Name the Year: Pilgrims reach Cape Cod on the Mayflower?
+Name the Year: Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth England to the New World?
+Name the Year: Pineapple introduced to Hawaii?
+Name the Year: Pioneer 1 launched; first spacecraft launched by NASA?
+Name the Year: Pioneer 10 becomes 1st man-made object to leave Solar System?
+Name the Year: Pioneer 10 launched. First to traverse asteroid belt, leave system?
+Name the Year: Pioneer 10 passes Jupiter (1st fly-by of an outer planet)?
+Name the Year: Pioneer 11 launched. First spacecraft to flyby Saturn?
+Name the Year: Pioneer 11 makes 1st fly-by of Saturn, discovers new moon, rings?
+Name the Year: Pioneer 11 transmitted images of Saturn and its rings?
+Name the Year: Pioneer Venus 2 drops 5 probes into atmosphere of Venus?
+Name the Year: Pioneer-Venus 2 Multi-probe launched to Venus?
+Name the Year: Pizarro seizes Incan emperor Atahualpa?
+Name the Year: Placido Domingo, Madrid Spain, opera tenor, born in?
+Name the Year: Planet Pluto discovered by Clyde W. Tombaugh?
+Name the Year: Playwright Eugene O'Neill dies in Boston at 65?
+Name the Year: PLO's first hijacking of an El Al plane?
+Name the Year: Pluto again becomes the outermost planet?
+Name the Year: PM Tojo, 6 other Japanese hung for war crimes by US?
+Name the Year: PM Winston Churchill announced that Britain had its own atomic bomb?
+Name the Year: Poet Walt Whitman died in Camden, New Jersey?
+Name the Year: Poland proclaims independence from Russia after WW I?
+Name the Year: Poland's Solidarity labor union founded?
+Name the Year: Police find 219 grains of cannabis resin in John and Yoko's apartment?
+Name the Year: Polish airliner crash kills all 87 aboard (22 are US amateur boxers)?
+Name the Year: Polish Army captures Vilno, Lithuania from Soviet Army?
+Name the Year: Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected supreme pontiff-Pope John Paul II?
+Name the Year: Polish constitution adopted (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Ponce de Leon arrives in Puerto Rico?
+Name the Year: Pony Express begins service, from St. Joseph, Missouri?
+Name the Year: Poon Lim found after being adrift 133 days?
+Name the Year: Popcorn is introduced by an Indian named Quadequina to the English colonists at their first Thanksgiving dinner?
+Name the Year: Pope Clement VII excommunicated England's King Henry VIII?
+Name the Year: Pope Hilarius, born in?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul I dies after 33 days as pope?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul II 264th Roman Catholic pope (1978- ), born in?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul II becomes 1st pope to visit Ireland?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul II began 5 day visit to West Germany?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul II gets out of hospital after attempt on life?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul II is 1st Pope to visit the White House?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul II met Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff at Rome synagogue?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul II proclaimed Rev. M Kolbe, who volunteered to die in place of another inmate at Auschwitz concentration camp, a saint?
+Name the Year: Pope John Paul II shot, wounded by assailant in St Peter's Square?
+Name the Year: Pope John XXIII convenes 21st Roman Catholic ecumenical council, Vatican II, in Rome?
+Name the Year: Pope Julius II excommunicates Italian state of Venice?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul II deposed and excommunicated King Henry VIII?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul III excommunicated England's King Henry VIII?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul III, born in?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds John XXIII?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul VI encyclical On the regulation of birth?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul VI makes 19th-cent bishop John Neumann first US male saint?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul VI proclaims Jews not collectively guilty for crucifixion?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul VI visits Jordan and Israel?
+Name the Year: Pope Paul VI wounded in chest during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest?
+Name the Year: Pope Pius X canonized a saint?
+Name the Year: Pope Pius XII ex-communicated Argentine President Juan Peron?
+Name the Year: Pope Pius XII was crowned in ceremonies at the Vatican?
+Name the Year: Pope Stephen II elected to succeed Zacharias, died 2 days later?
+Name the Year: Pope Urban II preaches first Crusade?
+Name the Year: Pope's authority declared void in England?
+Name the Year: Portugal grants Angola independence (Natl Day)?
+Name the Year: Portugal overthrows monarchy, proclaims republic?
+Name the Year: Portugal regained independence after 60 years of Spanish rule?
+Name the Year: Portugese President Sidonio Paes is assassinated?
+Name the Year: Portuguese defeat Castilians at Aljubarrota, retain independence?
+Name the Year: Portuguese rebels seize cruise ship Santa Maria?
+Name the Year: Post Hospital at Presidio renamed Letterman General Hospital?
+Name the Year: Potsdam Conference (Roostevelt, Stalin, Churchill) holds first meeting?
+Name the Year: Power plant at Niagara Falls begins operation?
+Name the Year: Pravda announces high-level Chernobyl staff fired for stupidity?
+Name the Year: Pres Bush is hospitalized for erratic heartbeat?
+Name the Year: Pres Eisenhower suffered a heart attack on vacation in Denver?
+Name the Year: Pres Harry S Truman formally ends state of war with Germany?
+Name the Year: Pres Jackson orders 1st use of US troops to suppress a labor dispute?
+Name the Year: Pres Jimmy Carter pardons almost all Vietnam War draft evaders?
+Name the Year: Pres Reagan meets with Pope John Paul II and Queen Elizabeth?
+Name the Year: Pres Reagan was elected to a second term, winning 49 states?
+Name the Year: Pres Truman orders US troops into Korea?
+Name the Year: Pres William McKinley assassinated by Leon Czologosz in Buffalo, New York?
+Name the Year: Pres. Eisenhower signs into law National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Space Act of 1958?
+Name the Year: Pres. Reagan greeted predecessors Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford and Richard Nixon before their trip to Egypt for Anwar Sadat's funeral?
+Name the Year: Pres. Reagan shot and wounded by John W. Hinckley Jr?
+Name the Year: Pres. Theodore Roosevelt (first American) awarded Nobel Peace Prize?
+Name the Year: Pres. Truman ordered the Air Force and Navy into the Korean conflict?
+Name the Year: Pres. Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany?
+Name the Year: Present constitution of Liechtenstein comes into effect?
+Name the Year: President Abraham Lincoln shot in Ford's Theatre by J.W. Booth?
+Name the Year: President Andrew Johnson formally declared the Civil War over?
+Name the Year: President Bush announces DOUBLING of US forces in Gulf?
+Name the Year: President FDR signed into law the Lend-Lease Bill?
+Name the Year: President Galtieri resigns in Argentina?
+Name the Year: President Harry Truman seizes steel industry to avoid a strike?
+Name the Year: President Jimmy Carter welcomes Shah of Iran?
+Name the Year: President John Kennedy assasinated in Dallas; Lee Harvey Oswald is assumed to have been the assasin?
+Name the Year: President Jose Antonio Remon of Panama assassinated?
+Name the Year: President Lincoln delivers his famous address at Gettysburg, PA?
+Name the Year: President McKinley asks for Spanish-American War declaration?
+Name the Year: President Nixon agrees to turn over White House tape recordings?
+Name the Year: President Nixon and Chinese Premier Chou En-lai issued the Shanghai Communique?
+Name the Year: President Nixon visits China?
+Name the Year: President Reagan signs a bill establishing Martin Luther King day?
+Name the Year: President Richard Nixon resigns in the wake of the Watergate scandal?
+Name the Year: President Truman announced atomic bomb secret shared with Britain and Canada?
+Name the Year: President Truman asked Congress to formally end the state of war with Germany?
+Name the Year: President-elect Eisenhower visits Korea to assess the war?
+Name the Year: Prince Albert of Monaco, born in?
+Name the Year: Prince Andrew, Second eldest son of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, born in?
+Name the Year: Prince Edward of England, royalty, born in?
+Name the Year: Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales, 3rd in British sucession, born in?
+Name the Year: Prince Ito of Japan is assassinated by a Korean?
+Name the Year: Prince Philip Mountbatten, Greece, current Duke of Edinburgh, born in?
+Name the Year: Prince Rainier of Monaco, born in?
+Name the Year: Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, heir apparent, born in?
+Name the Year: Prince William of Wales, second in line to English throne (Son of Prince Charles), born in?
+Name the Year: Prince, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Princess Anne of England, born in?
+Name the Year: Princess Caroline Louise Marguerite of Monaco, born in?
+Name the Year: Princess Caroline of Monaco, born in?
+Name the Year: Princess Grace of Monaco dies at 52 in a car crash?
+Name the Year: Princess Ingeborg of Sweden, born in?
+Name the Year: Princess Margaret England (Sister of Queen Elizabeth II), born in?
+Name the Year: Princess Sarah 'Fergie' Ferguson, the Duchess of York, born in?
+Name the Year: Princess Stephanie of Monaco?
+Name the Year: Princess Victoria Ingrid Alicia Desirie, heir apparent of Sweden?
+Name the Year: Principality of Liechtenstein created within Holy Roman Empire?
+Name the Year: Priscilla & Elvis Presley wed?
+Name the Year: Priscilla Presley, actor, wife of Elvis?
+Name the Year: Prisoners revolt at Alcatraz, 5 die?
+Name the Year: Production announced-first pilot plant to produce man-made diamonds?
+Name the Year: Provisional government of Russia established, Republic proclaimed?
+Name the Year: PTL leader Jim Bakker resigns?
+Name the Year: Publius Helvius Pertinax Roman emperor (193 AD), born in?
+Name the Year: Puerto Rico Discovery Day?
+Name the Year: Pumping begins to build Treasure Island, San Francisco?
+Name the Year: Pyotr I. Klimuk, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 13, 18, 30), born in?
+Name the Year: Qatar declares independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Qatar regains complete independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Queen Elizabeth I England, (1558-1603) daughter of Henry VIII, born in?
+Name the Year: Queen Isabella I, funded Christopher Columbus, born in?
+Name the Year: Queen Liliuokalani, last queen of Hawaii (1891-93)?
+Name the Year: Queen Mary I, first reigning queen of Great Britain, born in?
+Name the Year: Queen Mother Wilhelmina Netherlands (1890-1948), born in?
+Name the Year: Queen Victoria at 18 ascends British throne following death of uncle King William IV. She ruled for 63 years until 1901?
+Name the Year: Queen Victoria, Britain's Queen, dies at 82?
+Name the Year: Queen Victoria, British ruler?
+Name the Year: Quincy Jones, composer, conductor, born in?
+Name the Year: R Buckminster Fuller inventor/philosopher, dies in LA at 87?
+Name the Year: R. Buckminster Fuller, architect, inventor, philosopher, inventor of the geodesic dome?
+Name the Year: Radar first bounced off sun, Stanford California?
+Name the Year: Radio arrives in the White House?
+Name the Year: Radio Prague (Czech) at 12:50 AM announces a soviet led invasion?
+Name the Year: Radio Shack announces their color computer 2 (the Coco2)?
+Name the Year: Railroad transportation is born with first track in England?
+Name the Year: Rajan Mahadevan recites 31,811 digits of pi from memory?
+Name the Year: rajan, 13th Roman emperor (98-117), conqueror of Ctesiphon, born in?
+53 T
+Name the Year: Rajiv Gandhi Indian Prime Minster, assassinated?
+Name the Year: Rajiv Gandhi, PM of India (1984-1991), born in?
+Name the Year: Ralph J. Bunche, a founder and diplomat of UN (Nobel 1950), born in?
+Name the Year: Ralph Waldo Emerson US, essayist/philosopher, born in?
+Name the Year: Randolph Hearst newspaper publisher, born in?
+Name the Year: Randolph Scott, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Randy Newman, singer (Raindrops), songwriter?
+Name the Year: Randy Travis country singer (Always & Forever), born in?
+Name the Year: Ranger 7 launched toward the Moon; sent back 4308 TV pictures?
+Name the Year: Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji India, cricketer/politician, born in?
+Name the Year: Ransom Eli Olds, auto (Oldsmobile) and truck (REO) manufacturer, born in?
+Name the Year: Raquel Welch Chic (Myra Breckenridge, 1,000,000 BC, 100 Rifles), born in?
+Name the Year: Raul Alfonsin, President of Argentina, born in?
+Name the Year: Raul Julia, actor (Gomez in the Addams Family), born in?
+Name the Year: Ray Bolger actor/dancer (Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz), dies at 82?
+Name the Year: Ray Bradbury, science fiction author (Fahrenheit 451), born in?
+Name the Year: Ray Charles, entertainer extraordinaire, born in?
+Name the Year: Ray Kroc founder of MacDonalds/owner San Diego Padres, dies at 82?
+Name the Year: Ray Kroc Illinois, founder of MacDonalds/baseball team owner (San Diego Padres), born in?
+Name the Year: Ray Parker Jr rocker (Ghostbusters theme), born in?
+Name the Year: Raymond Poincar, French prime minister (1912), president, born in?
+Name the Year: RC Carrington and R Hodgson make 1st observation of solar flare?
+Name the Year: RCA manufactures the first COLOR television set?
+Name the Year: Reagan administration exceeds SALT II arms limitations for first time?
+Name the Year: Reba McEntire, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Rebecca De Mornay actress (The Hand That Rocker The Cradle), born in?
+Name the Year: Record 23,000 start in a marathon (Mexico City)?
+Name the Year: Record for a throw-and-return boomerang toss is set (121m)?
+Name the Year: Red Buttons, comedian, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Red Cross Anniversary?
+Name the Year: Redd Foxx, actor (Sanford and Son), comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Reichstag building in Berlin was set afire, Nazis blame Communists?
+Name the Year: Religion of Islam (submission) founded in Mecca?
+Name the Year: Rembrandt van Rijn, Dutch painter?
+Name the Year: Rene Magritte, painter (This is Not a Pipe)?
+Name the Year: Renoir, painter, born in?
+Name the Year: Representatives of Israel and Egypt open talks in Washington?
+Name the Year: Republic Day in Sierra Leone?
+Name the Year: Republic of Cameroon declared as constitution is ratified?
+Name the Year: Republic of Iceland proclaimed at Thingvallir, Iceland?
+Name the Year: Republic of Ireland gains consultative role in Northern Ireland?
+Name the Year: Republic of Korea (South Korea) proclaimed (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Republic of Korea founded?
+Name the Year: Republic of Maldives gained independence from Britain (Nat'l Day)?
+Name the Year: Republic of Rwanda proclaimed?
+Name the Year: Republic of the Congo becomes Republic of Zaire?
+Name the Year: Republic of Upper Volta becomes Burkina Fasso (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Republican calendar replaces Gregorian calendar in France?
+Name the Year: Republican Convention in New Orleans select Bush-Quayle ticket?
+Name the Year: Republicans start convention at the Cow Palace, San Francisco?
+Name the Year: Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Atlanta, dreamer (Nobel 1964), born in?
+Name the Year: Rev Jim Jones leads 911 people in suicide in Jonestown, Guyana?
+Name the Year: Rev Martin Luther King Sr, dies in Atlanta at 84?
+Name the Year: Rev. William Archibald Spooner, invented 'spoonerisms' (ie When you get you bords wackwards and you can't palk troperly.), born in?
+Name the Year: Revolution broke out in Mexico, led by Francisco I. Madero?
+Name the Year: Revolution by workers and students in Guatemala?
+Name the Year: Revolution in France replaces Charles X with Louis Philippe?
+Name the Year: Revolution in Mexico overthrows President Diaz?
+Name the Year: Revolution in the Seychelles Islands?
+Name the Year: Rex Harrison England, actor (My Fair Lady, Cleopatra), born in?
+Name the Year: Rex Harrison, actor?
+Name the Year: Rhodesia proclaimed independence from Britain by PM Ian D. Smith?
+Name the Year: Ricardo Montalban, actor (Fantasy Island, Star Trek II)?
+Name the Year: Rich Little (in Canada), impressionist?
+Name the Year: Richard Bonynge, Sydney Australia, conductor (Australian Orchestra Sydney-1976), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Brinsley Sheridan, playwright (Rivals, School for Scandal)?
+Name the Year: Richard Burton, Wales, actor (Cleopatra, Virginia Woolf), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Byrd and crew flies over the South Pole?
+Name the Year: Richard Carpenter, musician (Carpenters), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Crenna, actor?
+Name the Year: Richard Cromwell, lord protector of England (1658-59)?
+Name the Year: Richard Dreyfuss, actor (Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard E. Byrd, polar explorer?
+Name the Year: Richard F Attenborough environmentalist/zoologist/filmmaker (BBC), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Gere Phila Pa, actor (Breathless, Cotton Club), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Greene Plymouth England, actor (Adv of Robin Hood), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard H. Truly, U.S. astronaut (STS-2, 8)?
+Name the Year: Richard I [Richard the Lion Hearted], King of England (1189-99), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard III slain at Bosworth Field - Last of the Plantagenets?
+Name the Year: Richard III usurps English throne?
+Name the Year: Richard Jordan Gatling, US inventor of hand-cranked machine gun, born in?
+Name the Year: Richard M. Nixon, 37th President (1968-1974), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Martin of London takes out the first life insurance policy, on William Gibbons. The premium is 383 pounds?
+Name the Year: Richard Nixon first American president to visit China?
+Name the Year: Richard Pryor, comedian/actor (Lady Sings the Blues, Stir Crazy), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Roose boiled to death for trying to poison an archbishop?
+Name the Year: Richard Strauss (in Germany), composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Wagner Leipsig Germany, composer (Ring, Flying Dutchman, Ride of the Valkries), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Wright rocker (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born in?
+Name the Year: Richard Wright, American author (Native Son, Uncle Tom's Children)?
+Name the Year: Richie Sambora guitarist (Bon Jovi-You Give Love a Bad Name), born in?
+Name the Year: Rick James, musician?
+Name the Year: Ricki Lake actress (Hairspray, Ricki Lake Show), born in?
+Name the Year: Rickie Lee Jones (in Chicago), singer?
+Name the Year: Ringo Starr, Beatles' drummer, born in?
+Name the Year: Riot in San Francisco celebrating end of World War II?
+Name the Year: Riots in Argentina after Falklands/Malvinas defeat?
+Name the Year: Rita Hayworth (in New York), actor, alzheimer victim, born in?
+Name the Year: Rita Hayworth actress, dies at 68 of Alzheimer's disease?
+Name the Year: Rita Rudner comedienne, born in?
+Name the Year: Ritchie Valens, singer (Donna, La Bamba), born in?
+Name the Year: River Phoenix, born in?
+Name the Year: River Rhine (Germany) polluted by chemical spill?
+Name the Year: RMS Titanic sets sail for its first and last voyage?
+Name the Year: Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, discoverer of South Pole?
+Name the Year: Rob Lowe, actor, famous for home-made movies, born in?
+Name the Year: Rob Reiner, actor, director (All in the Family, Spinal Tap), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert 'Evel' Knievel, motorcycle daredevil, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert A Heinlein sci-fi writer, dies of heart failure at 80?
+Name the Year: Robert A Heinlein, sci-fi author (Stranger in a Strange Land), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Altman, director (MASH), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Blake, actor (Little Rascals, Baretta), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Bridges, poet laureate of England (The Testament of Beauty), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Browning, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Burns Scottish poet, dies?
+Name the Year: Robert Burns, Scottish poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Crumb cartoonist (Father Time), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Culp, actor (I Spy), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert De Niro, actor (Bang the Drum Slowly, Taxi Driver), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Duvall, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert E Lee General of the Confederate Army, dies at 63?
+Name the Year: Robert Emmett's insurrection in Dublin?
+Name the Year: Robert Flaherty, father of the documentary film, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Frost (in San Francisco, CA), poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Fulton, built first commercial steamboat?
+Name the Year: Robert Fulton, inventor, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Goddard, rocketry pioneer, died?
+Name the Year: Robert Goulet (in Canada), singer, actor?
+Name the Year: Robert Greene Elizabethan dramatist (Friar Bacon), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert J.L. Hawke (Labor), prime minister of Australia (1983-1991) born?
+Name the Year: Robert Kennedy (in Brookline, Mass), Democratic Senator from New York, U.S. Attorney General; later assassinated?
+Name the Year: Robert Lord Clive, founded British empire in India, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Louis Stevenson (in Scotland), writer (Treasure Island)?
+Name the Year: Robert Ludlum spy novelist (Bourne Identity), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Mitchum, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Redford Calif, actor (Sting, Candidate, Natural, Great Gatsby), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Runcie, archbishop of Canterbury?
+Name the Year: Robert Smith rock guitarist/vocalist (Cure), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Stack LA Calif, actor (Eliot Ness-Untouchables, Airplane), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert the Bruce Scotland, King (1328-1329), born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Vaughn, actor (Man from U.N.C.L.E)?
+Name the Year: Robert Wagner, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Robert Zimmerman (a.k.a. Bob Dylan) (in Minnesota), folk singer?
+Name the Year: Roberta Flack (in North Carolina), singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Robespierre and 22 other terrorists executed to thunderous cheers?
+Name the Year: Robin Williams Chicago Ill, comedian (Mork and Mindy, Awakenings), born in?
+Name the Year: Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked (according to Defoe)?
+Name the Year: Robinson Crusoe leaves his island after 28 years (as per Defoe)?
+Name the Year: Robinson Crusoe, according to Daniel Defoe?
+Name the Year: Rock Hudson (in Winnetka, Ill), actor (Pillow Talk, A Farewell to Arms, McMillan and Wife)?
+Name the Year: Rocker Alice Cooper falls of stage in Vancouver, breaks 6 ribs?
+Name the Year: Rocker Chubby Checker arrest for marijuana pocession?
+Name the Year: Rocky Graziano boxer, dies at 71, of heart failure?
+Name the Year: Rocky Graziano, pugilist, born in?
+Name the Year: Rocky Marciano former heavyweight champ, dies in a plane crash?
+Name the Year: Rocky Marciano, heavyweight champion boxer (1952-56), born in?
+Name the Year: Rod Laver, tennis player, born in?
+Name the Year: Rod Serling writer/host (Twilight Zone, Night Gallery), dies at 60?
+Name the Year: Rod Steiger, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Rod Stewart, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Rodolphe Kreutzer, French composer, virtuoso violinist?
+Name the Year: Roger Bannister breaks the 4 min mile in 3:59:4?
+Name the Year: Roger Moore, actor, (The Saint, numerous James Bond movies), born in?
+Name the Year: Roger Taylor rock drummer (Duran Duran), born in?
+Name the Year: Roger Waters, (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born in?
+Name the Year: Roger Waters, singer (Pink Floyd), born in?
+Name the Year: Rohini 1, first Indian satellite, is launched?
+Name the Year: Rolling Stones 1st tour (opening act for Bo Diddley and Everly Bros)?
+Name the Year: Roman Polanski director (Knife in the Water, Repulsion, Macbeth), born in?
+Name the Year: Rome liberated from the Fascist armies of Mussolini?
+Name the Year: Rome overrun by Visigoths, symbolized fall of Western Roman Empire?
+Name the Year: Rommel takes Tobruk in North Africa?
+Name the Year: Romulus Augustulus, last Roman emperor in west, is deposed?
+Name the Year: Ron Howard, actor (Mayberry RFD, Happy Days, American Graffiti), director (Splash, Cocoon, Backdraft), born in?
+Name the Year: Ron Kovic disabled vietnam vet (Born on 4th of July was based on his life), born in?
+Name the Year: Ron Perlman, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Ronald Reagan is knighted by Queen Elizabeth?
+Name the Year: Ronald Reagan, 40th President (1981-1989), born in?
+Name the Year: Roosevelt establishes diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union?
+Name the Year: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met at Tehran?
+Name the Year: Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin began a conference at Yalta?
+Name the Year: Ropert L Ripley cartoonist (Believe It or Not), dies at 55 in NY?
+Name the Year: Rose Kennedy, Mother of a President, an Attorney General, and a Senator, born in?
+Name the Year: Roseanne Barr Arnold Salt Lake City, comedienne/TV star (Roseanne), born in?
+Name the Year: Rosemary DeCamp (in Arizona)?
+Name the Year: Rotary Club is founded by four men in Chicago?
+Name the Year: Rouben Mamoulian, movie director, born in?
+Name the Year: Rowan Atikinson (Comedian), born in?
+Name the Year: Roy Emerson Australia, tennis player (Wimbeldon '64, '65), born in?
+Name the Year: Roy Lichtenstein, Pop art painter; painted comic book panels, born in?
+Name the Year: Roy Orbison, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Roy Scheider Orange NJ, actor (All That Jazz, Jaws), born in?
+Name the Year: Royal Air Force established in Britain?
+Name the Year: Royal Bank of Canada took over the Quebec Bank?
+Name the Year: Royal Flying Corps established in England?
+Name the Year: Royal Greenwich Observatory established in England by Charles II?
+Name the Year: Rubber is patented?
+Name the Year: Rube Goldberg who made the easy outrageously difficult, born in?
+Name the Year: Rudolf Diesel, invented an engine, born in?
+Name the Year: Rudolf Hess, Hitler's Deputy Fuhrer, only prisoner at Spandau, born in?
+Name the Year: Rudolf Nureyev, ballet star, born in?
+Name the Year: Rudolph Hess, Nazi, dies at 93, after 46 years in Spandau Prison?
+Name the Year: Rudolph Valentino, silent film star, sheik?
+Name the Year: Rudyard Kipling author, dies in Burwash, England?
+Name the Year: Ruins of Mashkan-shapir (occupied 2050-1720 BC) found in Iraq?
+Name the Year: Rumania liberated from Nazi occupation (Romanian National Day)?
+Name the Year: Russell L. (Rusty) Schweickart, astronaut (Apollo 9)?
+Name the Year: Russia cedes Livonia & Estonia to Poland, loses access to the Baltic?
+Name the Year: Russia lands unmanned remote-controlled vehicle on Moon?
+Name the Year: Russia launches first Soyuz mission?
+Name the Year: Russia launches second and final Voshkoid. The first spacewalk is made by Aleksei Leonov?
+Name the Year: Russia proclaimed a republic by Alexander Kerensky?
+Name the Year: Russia publicly acknowledges a test detonation of a hydrogen bomb?
+Name the Year: Russia shoots down Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane over Sverdlovsk?
+Name the Year: Russia takes Berlin?
+Name the Year: Russian calendar adjusted so Russian New Year occurs on January 1st, instead of September 1st?
+Name the Year: Russian cruisers Variag and Korietz sunk off Korean coast by Japanese?
+Name the Year: Rutger Hauer, actor (Blade Runner, Ladyhawke, Osterman Weekend), born in?
+Name the Year: Ruth Gordon (in Mass.), actor (Rosemary's Baby, Harold and Maude)?
+Name the Year: Rwanda & Burundi become independent?
+Name the Year: Ryan O'Neal, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: S?ren Kierkegaard Denmark, philosopher, founded Existentialism, born in?
+Name the Year: S.S. Ceylon begins first round-the-world cruise from Liverpool?
+Name the Year: S.S. Strathleven arrives in London with first successful shipment of frozen mutton from Australia?
+Name the Year: Sabra Starr finishes longest recorded belly dance (100 hrs)?
+Name the Year: Sack of Rome - End of the Renaissance?
+Name the Year: Sadat pledges to regain arab terrority from Israel?
+Name the Year: Saddam Hussein declares America can't beat Iraq?
+Name the Year: Saddam Hussein president of Iraq (1979- ), born in?
+Name the Year: Saddam says Israel will be Iraq's 1st target?
+Name the Year: Saddam threatens to hit Israel with a new missile?
+Name the Year: Saidi, great Persian poet (Orchard, Rose Garden) dies?
+Name the Year: Salk polio vaccine safe and effective; four billion dimes marched?
+Name the Year: Sally Field (in Pasadena, CA), actor (Flying Nun, Norma Rae)?
+Name the Year: Sally Jesse Raphael TV talk show host (Sally), born in?
+Name the Year: Sally Kellerman, Long Beach Cal, actress (MASH, Back to School), born in?
+Name the Year: Salvador Allende Gossens elected president of Chile?
+Name the Year: Salvador Dali, Spain, surrealist artist (Crucifixion), born in?
+Name the Year: Salvador Dali, Spanish surrealist painter, dies in Spain at 84?
+Name the Year: Salvatore Quasimodo, Italian poet, critic, translator (Nobel 1959), born in?
+Name the Year: Sam Elliott, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Sam Houston elected president of the Republic of Texas?
+Name the Year: Sam Melville, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Samuel Beckett, playwright, born in?
+Name the Year: Samuel Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain) (at Hannibal, MO), author (Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn)?
+Name the Year: Samuel Colt, invented the Colt Revolver (made men equal), born in?
+Name the Year: Samuel F.B. Morse completes 1st telegraph line?
+Name the Year: Samuel F.B. Morse, the developer of the electric telegraph, died?
+Name the Year: Samuel Goldwyn, pioneer filmmaker?
+Name the Year: Samuel Johnsons Dictionary standardises English spelling?
+Name the Year: Samuel Kanyon Doe president of Liberia, assassinated?
+Name the Year: Samuel Pepys reports on first blood transfusion (between dogs)?
+Name the Year: Samuel S. McClure, organizer of the first news syndicate, born in?
+Name the Year: Samuel Taylor Coleridge (in England), poet, born in?
+Name the Year: San Francisco Bay's Golden Gate Bridge opens?
+Name the Year: San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk shot by Dan White?
+Name the Year: Sandra Bernhard, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Sandro Botticelli, Italian painter (Birth of Venus), born in?
+Name the Year: Santiago, Chile founded?
+Name the Year: Santo Domingo (Dominican Rep) proclaims independence from Spain?
+Name the Year: Sao Tome Principe gained independence from Portugal (Nat'l Day)?
+Name the Year: Sara Gilbert, actress (Melissa-Roseanne), born in?
+Name the Year: Sara Teasdale, poet?
+Name the Year: Sarah Moore Grimke, American antislavery, women's rights advocate?
+Name the Year: Sardines were first canned, in Eastport, Maine?
+Name the Year: Saudi Prince Faisal Ibn Mussed Abdul Aziz beheaded in Riyadh shopping center parking lot for killing his uncle the king?
+Name the Year: Scotch tape 1st marketed by 3-M Company?
+Name the Year: Scotland Yard formed in London?
+Name the Year: Scotland, under King Robert I, defeats England?
+Name the Year: Scott Bakula, actor (Quantum Leap, The Invaders), born in?
+Name the Year: Scott Hamilton Toledo, figure skating champion (Olympic-gold-1984), born in?
+Name the Year: Scottish settlers arrive at Pictou, Nova Scotia (Canada)?
+Name the Year: Sculptor August Rodin died in Meudon, France?
+Name the Year: Sean Connery actor (James Bond, Man Who Would Be King), born in?
+Name the Year: Sean MacBride Ireland, commander of Irish Republican Army, dies at 83?
+Name the Year: Sean Penn, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Second French Republic was proclaimed?
+Name the Year: Second Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 2 is launched. First time a spacecraft is launched twice?
+Name the Year: Second Space Shuttle Mission, Columbia 2, returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Second test of the Space Shuttle Enterprise?
+Name the Year: Security Council Resol 338 - a cease fire to the Yom Kippur War?
+Name the Year: Seismic sea waves created by the Krakatoa eruption create a rise in the English Channel 32 hrs after the explosion?
+Name the Year: Semi-automatic rifles adopted by US army?
+Name the Year: Sen. Robert F. Kennedy assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles (by Sirhan Sirhan) after winning the Democratic Primary?
+Name the Year: Senegal gained independence from France?
+Name the Year: Senegalese National Day begins?
+Name the Year: Sergei Kirov Josef Stalin's collaborator, assassinated in Leningrad?
+Name the Year: Sergei Rachmaninoff (in Novgorod Province, Russia), composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Sergio Mendes, artist, born in?
+Name the Year: Seve Ballesteros, golfer, born in?
+Name the Year: Seventeenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 7 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Severe earthquake at 7:53 a.m., centered in Hayward, Calif?
+Name the Year: Severe earthquake in New England?
+Name the Year: Sex Pistols' final concert (Winterland, SF)?
+Name the Year: Seychelles gained independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Seymour Cray inventor (Cray I computer), born in?
+Name the Year: Sgt. Alvin York single-handedly kills 25, captures 132 Germans?
+Name the Year: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahavala of Iran, dies in Cairo at 60?
+Name the Year: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi of Iran flees Iran for Egypt?
+Name the Year: Shah of Iran crowns himself after 26 years on Peacock Throne?
+Name the Year: Shane Warne takes a hat-trick v England at cricket MCG?
+Name the Year: Shari Lewis (in Bronx, NY), puppeteer (Lambchop), born in?
+Name the Year: Shaun Cassidy, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Sheena Easton Glasgow Scotland, singer/Jack LaLane spokesperson, born in?
+Name the Year: Shelley Long (in Fort Wayne, IN), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Shigeki Tanaka, survivor of Hiroshima A-bomb, wins Boston Marathon?
+Name the Year: Shigeru Yoshida Japanese PM (most of 1946-54), born in?
+Name the Year: Shirley Bassey (in Wales), born in?
+Name the Year: Shirley Bassey (Singer), born in?
+Name the Year: Shirley MacLaine (in Richmond, Virginia), actor (in this life), born in?
+Name the Year: Shirley Temple (in Santa Monica, CA), child actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Shmuel Agnon, Israeli novelist (Day Before Yesterday) (Nobel 1966), born in?
+Name the Year: Sholem Asch, Yiddish novelist, playwright (Three Cities)?
+Name the Year: Shozo Fujii judo champion, born in?
+Name the Year: Shultz warns US will withdraw from UN if they vote to exclude Israel?
+Name the Year: Siam renames itself Thailand?
+Name the Year: Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker, arrived in Boston to be exhibited?
+Name the Year: Sid Vicious [John Beverly], bassist (Sex Pistols), born in?
+Name the Year: Sidney Poitier became first black man to win Oscar for best actor?
+Name the Year: Siege of Leningrad by Nazi troops began during WW II?
+Name the Year: Sierra Leone becomes a republic (Natl Day)?
+Name the Year: Sigmund Freud, cigar smoker, psychiatrist, born in?
+Name the Year: Sigourney Weaver (in Los Angeles), actor (Aliens, GhostBusters), born in?
+Name the Year: Silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth celebrated with fireworks?
+Name the Year: Simon Bolivar named president of Peru?
+Name the Year: Simon Bolivar, freed 6 Latin American republics from Spanish rule, born in?
+Name the Year: Simon de Montfort, English baron, dies in battle?
+Name the Year: Simon Le Bon, rocker (Duran Duran), born in?
+Name the Year: Simone De Beauvoir, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Singapore gained independence from Malaysia (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Singer Nat Cole attacked on stage of Birmingham theater by whites?
+Name the Year: Singer Otis Redding dies in plane crash at 26?
+Name the Year: Sino-Portuguese treaty recognizes Portugal's control of Macao?
+Name the Year: Siobhan Fahey rocker (Bananarama), born in?
+Name the Year: Sioux Indian leader Sitting Bull, surrenders to federal troops?
+Name the Year: Siouxsie [Susan Ballion], (Siouxsie & the Bandshee-Wild Thing), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Alec Guiness, thespian (credits-too-numerous-to-mention), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Alexander Fleming, cashed in on penicillin (Nobel 1954), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Ambrose Fleming, inventor of the diode?
+Name the Year: Sir Apirana Turupa Ngata Kawaka NZ, Maori political/cultural leader, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle UK, brought Sherlock Holmes to life twice, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Arthur Sullivan, London, England, of Gilbert & Sullivan fame, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Austen Chamberlain, British foreign secretary (Nobel 1925)?
+Name the Year: Sir Benjamin Lee, Baronet Guinness, Irish brewer, Dublin mayor?
+Name the Year: Sir Bob Geldof pop musician (Boomtown Rats, Band Aid), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Charles Lyell, geologist?
+Name the Year: Sir Christopher Wren, England, astronomer/great architect, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Edmond Halley, astronomer, first to calculate a comet's orbit?
+Name the Year: Sir Edmund Barton 1st PM of Australia (1900-03), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Edmund Hillary one of 1st 2 men to scale Mt Everest, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Edmund Hillary reached South Pole overland?
+Name the Year: Sir Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic explorer, died aboard his ship?
+Name the Year: Sir Francis Drake English navigator, dies at about 50?
+Name the Year: Sir Francis Drake lands on the coast of California?
+Name the Year: Sir Frank Dyson, proved Einstein right about light bent by gravity, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Georg Solti, conductor, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Henry Havelock British soldier (War in Afghanistan 1838-39), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Henry Royce, one of the founders of Rolls-Royce, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Humphrey Davy of London patents the miner's safety lamp?
+Name the Year: Sir Humphry Davy, discovered several chemical elements?
+Name the Year: Sir Isaac Newton died in London?
+Name the Year: Sir Issac Newton, scientist, discovered laws of gravity?
+Name the Year: Sir John Gielgud, actor, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir John Hawkins, wrote first history of music in English, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Julian Huxley London, biologist/philosopher, Darwin's Bulldog, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Julius Benedict, composer?
+Name the Year: Sir Laurence Olivier acting great, dies at 82?
+Name the Year: Sir Martin Ryle, British radio astronomer, astronomer royal 1972-82, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Max Beerbohm England, caricaturist/writer/wit (Saturday Review), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Noel Coward, playwright, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Richard Attenborough actor/director (Gandhi, Young Winston), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Richard Burton, explorer, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Richard Hadlee Christchurch, NZ, New Zealand Cricket Legend, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Robert Walpole (Whig), British prime minister, 1721-42?
+Name the Year: Sir Rowland Hill introduced 1st adhesive postage stamp (1840)?
+Name the Year: Sir Samuel Cunard, founded first regular Atlantic steamship line?
+Name the Year: Sir Stamford Raffles 1st lands in Singapore?
+Name the Year: Sir Stamford Raffles founded Singapore, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Thomas Beecham, English composer, founded London Philharmonic, born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Thomas Herriot introduces potatoes to England, from Colombia?
+Name the Year: Sir Thomas Lipton tea magnate (Lipton Tea), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Thomas More executed in England for treason?
+Name the Year: Sir Thomas More went on trial in England charged with treason?
+Name the Year: Sir Thomas Pope, English politician, benefactor, dies at about 52?
+Name the Year: Sir W.S. Gilbert, playwright (of Gilbert and Sullivan fame)?
+Name the Year: Sir Walter Raleigh brings 1st tobacco to England from Virginia?
+Name the Year: Sir Walter Raleigh is executed in London?
+Name the Year: Sir Walter Scott, Scottish novelist, poet (Lady of Lake, Ivanhoe), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir Watson-Watt granted a patent for RADAR?
+Name the Year: Sir William Blackstone, English jurist (Blackstone's Commentaries), born in?
+Name the Year: Sir William Herschel discovers Saturn's moon Enceladus?
+Name the Year: Sir William Herschel, astronomer discovered Uranus?
+Name the Year: Sir William Parry, British Arctic explorer?
+Name the Year: Sir Winston Churchill (C), Brit. PM (1940-45, 1951-55) (Nobel 1953)?
+Name the Year: Six Persian Gulf nations double their oil prices?
+Name the Year: Sixth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 1 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Skylab 4 and its crew are launched into earth orbit (The final Skylab mission)?
+Name the Year: Skylab 4's astronauts land?
+Name the Year: Skylab launched, the 1st Space Station?
+Name the Year: Slave trade abolished in DC, but slavery allowed to continue?
+Name the Year: Slavery is abolished in the US territories?
+Name the Year: Slavery outlawed in England?
+Name the Year: Slaves revolt in Haiti (later suppressed)?
+Name the Year: Smokey Robinson, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius Loyola?
+Name the Year: Solidarity grants legal status in Poland?
+Name the Year: Solomon Is gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Somerset Maugham, poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Son of Sam shot to death 20-year-old Stacy Moskowitz?
+Name the Year: Sonny and Cher resumes on TV despite real life divorce?
+Name the Year: Sophia Loren (in Rome, Italy), actor (Desire Under the Elms, Black Orchid)?
+Name the Year: Sophia, regent of Russia (1682-89), born in?
+Name the Year: South Africa became an independent republic?
+Name the Year: South Africa begins implementing apartheid; no mixed marriages?
+Name the Year: South Africa begins trial of Nelson Mandela and 8 others on conspiracy?
+Name the Year: South Africa elects a nationalist govt with apartheid policy?
+Name the Year: South Africa passes Group Areas Act segregating races?
+Name the Year: South African Bishop Desmond Tutu received his Nobel Peace Prize?
+Name the Year: South African prisoner Nelson Mandela sees his wife for 1st time in 22 years?
+Name the Year: South African women demonstrate against pass laws?
+Name the Year: South Carolina passes Ordinance of Nullification?
+Name the Year: South Korea liberated from Japanese rule. (Liberation Day in South Korea), born in?
+Name the Year: South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim was legally declared dead?
+Name the Year: South Korean President Park Chung-Hee escaped an assassination?
+Name the Year: South Korean voters overwhelmingly approved a new constitution?
+Name the Year: South Pole first reached, by Norwegian Roald Amundsen?
+Name the Year: Soviet author Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn awarded Nobel Prize for Lit?
+Name the Year: Soviet Luna 3, 1st successful photographic spacecraft, impacts Moon?
+Name the Year: Soviet Lunik 2 becomes first human-made object to crash on moon?
+Name the Year: Soviet Mars 3 is 1st to soft land on Mars?
+Name the Year: Soviet novelist Boris Pasternak, wins Nobel Prize for Literature?
+Name the Year: Soviet Party Congress unanimously approves a resolution removing Josef Stalin's body from Lenin's tomb in Red Square?
+Name the Year: Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin resigns, due to illness?
+Name the Year: Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin suffered a fatal heart attack at 76?
+Name the Year: Soviet Premier Khrushchev arrives in US to begin a 13-day visit?
+Name the Year: Soviet space station Salyut 6 launched into Earth orbit?
+Name the Year: Soviet spacecraft Venera 9 lands on Venus?
+Name the Year: Soviet troops enter Berlin?
+Name the Year: Soviet troops invade Czechoslovakia during WW II?
+Name the Year: Soviet troops invade Yugoslavia?
+Name the Year: Soviet Union agrees to allow teaching of Hebrew?
+Name the Year: Soviet Union and Saudi Arabia restore diplomatic ties?
+Name the Year: Soviet Union annexes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania?
+Name the Year: Soviet Union conducts secret test of its 1st hydrogen bomb?
+Name the Year: Soviet Union invades Poland during WW II?
+Name the Year: Soviet Union launches Phobos 1 to probe Martian moon (unsuccessful)?
+Name the Year: Soviet unmanned Space Shuttle completes 2 day test, lands just 8 miles from launch site in central Asia?
+Name the Year: Soviet Venera 4 becomes the 1st probe to send data back from Venus?
+Name the Year: Soviet-German treaty agree on 4th partition of Poland (WW II) and gives Lithuania to the USSR?
+Name the Year: Soviets announce they broke the long Nazi siege of Leningrad?
+Name the Year: Soviets blockades Berlin from the west?
+Name the Year: Soviets launch first unmanned Space Shuttle in two-day test?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 12 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 13 launched into earth orbit for 8 days?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 14 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 15 carries 2 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 3?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 17 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 18B is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 19 and Apollo 18 launched; rendezvous 2 days later?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 22 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 23 launched to Salyut 6, but return without docking?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 23 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 24 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 24 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 26 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 26 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 28 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 28 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 30 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 30 spacecraft touches down in Soviet Kazakhstan?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 31 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 33 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 35 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 37 crew returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 36?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 37 ferries 2 cosmonauts (1 Vietnamese) to Salyut 6?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 38 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Cuban) to Salyut 6 space station?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 38 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 39 is launched - First Monoglian in space?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 39 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 8 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz 9 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz T-10 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz T-12 carries 3 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 7?
+Name the Year: Soyuz T-2 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz T-5 returns to Earth, 211 days after take-off?
+Name the Year: Soyuz T-6 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz T-7 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Soyuz T-9 is launched?
+Name the Year: Soyuz T-9 returns to Earth, 149 days after take-off?
+Name the Year: Space Mountain opens (Disneyland)?
+Name the Year: Space shuttle astronauts snared a satellite first space salvage?
+Name the Year: Space shuttle Atlantis makes second flight, carries 7 (1 Mexican)?
+Name the Year: Space shuttle Enterprise makes 1st atmospheric flight?
+Name the Year: Space Shuttle STS 37 (Atlantis 8) launched?
+Name the Year: Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba?
+Name the Year: Spain became the 16th member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization?
+Name the Year: Spain ceded Florida to the United States?
+Name the Year: Spain cedes Guam to US?
+Name the Year: Spain cedes the Falkland Islands to Britain?
+Name the Year: Spain declares war on U.S., rejecting ultimatum to withdraw from Cuba?
+Name the Year: Spain grants Dominican Rep independence?
+Name the Year: Spain's Gen. Francisco Franco dies in Madrid at 82?
+Name the Year: Spanish Armada sails to overthrow England's Queen Elizabeth I?
+Name the Year: Spanish Armada sets sail for Lisbon, bound to England?
+Name the Year: Spanish Civil War began as Gen. Francisco Franco led uprising?
+Name the Year: Spanish Civil War end as Madrid fell to Francisco Franco?
+Name the Year: Spanish conquerors captured Mexico City from Aztecs?
+Name the Year: Spanish navigator Juan de Elcano returns to Spain, completes 1st circumnavigation of globe, expedition begins under Ferdinand Magellan?
+Name the Year: Spanish-American War begins?
+Name the Year: Spanish-American War ends ____ U.S. acquires Guam, Puerto Rico, the Phillipines, and Cuba from Spain
+Name the Year: Spanish-American War ends?
+Name the Year: Spanky McFarland, actor, little rascal?
+Name the Year: Speech by Khrushchev blasting Stalin made public?
+Name the Year: Spencer Perceval (Tory), British PM (1809-12)?
+Name the Year: Spencer Tracy actor (Father's Little Dividend, Adam's Rib), born in?
+Name the Year: Spencer Tracy actor (Guess Who's Coming to Dinner), born in?
+Name the Year: Spike Lee, director, actor (She's Gotta Have It, Jungle Fever), born in?
+Name the Year: Spinach growers of Crystal City, TX, erect a statue of Popeye?
+Name the Year: Spokeswoman for Rock Hudson confirmed he had AIDS?
+Name the Year: Sputnik 1 destroyed on reentry?
+Name the Year: Sputnik 5 carries 3 dogs into orbit (later recovered alive)?
+Name the Year: St Adrian III begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Agapitus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Benedict II ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Boniface IV ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Celestine I ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Christopher-Nevis gained independence from Britain (Nat'l Day)?
+Name the Year: St Colette abbess/reformer (Poor Clares), born in?
+Name the Year: St Eugene I begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Gregory I begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Gregory II begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Gregory VII, pope (1073-85), dies (birth date unknown)?
+Name the Year: St Hormisdas begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St John I begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St John I ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Leo II begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Leo II ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Nicholas I (the Great), pope (858-67) dies?
+Name the Year: St Patrick - the patron saint of Ireland - died in Saul?
+Name the Year: St Paul I begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Paul I ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Petersburg, Russia changes name to Petrograd?
+Name the Year: St Pius X, 257th Roman Catholic pope (1903-14), born in?
+Name the Year: St Pontianus begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Sava, son of Serbia's king, dies?
+Name the Year: St Sergius I ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Stephen I begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: St Vincent and the Grenadines becomes independent of UK (Nat'l Day)?
+Name the Year: St Vincent and the Grenadines gains associated status with Britain?
+Name the Year: St. Augustine of Hippo (in Numidia, Algeria)?
+Name the Year: St. Clare of Assissi declared patron saint of television?
+Name the Year: St. David's Day?
+Name the Year: St. Edward the Confessor, died?
+Name the Year: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (Mother Cabrini), first US saint?
+Name the Year: St. Francis Xavier, missionary?
+Name the Year: St. George's Day?
+Name the Year: St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus died in Rome?
+Name the Year: St. Louis Police try a new investigation method - fingerprints?
+Name the Year: St. Patrick's Day first celebrated in New York City, at the Crown and Thistle Tavern?
+Name the Year: St. Philip of Moscow martyred by Ivan the Terrible?
+Name the Year: St. Thorfinn, Norwegian Bishop, Died?
+Name the Year: St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago, 7 gangsters killed by rivals disguised as cops (The Night Chicago Died)?
+Name the Year: St. Vladimir's Day?
+Name the Year: Stan Freberg, writer, producer, comedian, cartoon-voice, born in?
+Name the Year: Stan Laurel comedian (Laurel & Hardy), born in?
+Name the Year: Stanislaw Lem, Polish science-fiction writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Stanley Kubrick, director (2001, Dr Strangelove, Lolita), born in?
+Name the Year: Star in Cygnus goes nova becoming 4th brightest in sky?
+Name the Year: Star of India and other jewels are stolen in NY?
+Name the Year: Start of Islamic calendar?
+Name the Year: Start of USSR experimental calender?
+Name the Year: Statue of Liberty arrived in NYC aboard the French ship `Isere'?
+Name the Year: Statue of Liberty presented to US in Paris?
+Name the Year: Stefan Edberg, Sweden, tennis player (Wimbeldon 1988), born in?
+Name the Year: Stefanie Powers (in Hollywood, CA), actor (Hart to Hart)?
+Name the Year: Steffi Graf, West Germany, tennis player (Grand Slam 1988), born in?
+Name the Year: Stephane Beacham, actrss, born in?
+Name the Year: Stephanie Zimbalist NYC, actress (Remington Steele, Centennial), born in?
+Name the Year: Stephen Crane, poet (Red Badge of Courage)?
+Name the Year: Stephen II ends his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: Stephen IV begins his reign as Catholic Pope?
+Name the Year: Stephen King suspense writer (Shining, Kujo), born in?
+Name the Year: Stephen Sondheim, composer, lyricist (West Side Story, A Little Night Music), born in?
+Name the Year: Steve Jones runs Chicago Marathon in world record 2 h 8 m 5 s?
+Name the Year: Steve McQueen, actor?
+Name the Year: Steve Ptacek in Solar Challenger makes first solar-powered flight?
+Name the Year: Steve Tyler, Aerosmith's lead singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Steve Winwood England, rocker (A Higher Love), born in?
+Name the Year: Steve Wozniak cofounded Apple Computer, born in?
+Name the Year: Steven Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer, born in?
+Name the Year: Steven Spielberg, director (Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc.)?
+Name the Year: Stevie Nicks Phoenix Az, rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Bella Donna), born in?
+Name the Year: Stevie Nicks, rocker (Fleetwood Mac), born in?
+Name the Year: Stevie Wonder, singer/songwriter (You are The Sunshine of My Love), born in?
+Name the Year: Stewart Copeland, drummer (Police), composer?
+Name the Year: Sting, musician (Police), actor (Dune)?
+Name the Year: Stockard Channing (in New York), born in?
+Name the Year: Stones at Stonehenge, England, sold at auction for ?6,600?
+Name the Year: Sue Press is 1st woman golfer to hit consecutive holes-in one?
+Name the Year: Suez Canal reopens (after 6 Day War caused it to close)?
+Name the Year: Sugar Ray Leonard regains WBC welterweight championship?
+Name the Year: Sultan of Brunei promulgates a constitution?
+Name the Year: Sultan of Turkey Abdul Hamid II is overthrown?
+Name the Year: Summer Olympics opened in Munich, West Germany?
+Name the Year: Summer Olympics opens in London?
+Name the Year: Sun Yat-sen, father of modern China (ROC and PRC)?
+Name the Year: Superman Comics launched?
+Name the Year: Supernova observed by Chinese and Japanese astronomers?
+Name the Year: Supernova seen in Cassiopia?
+Name the Year: Supersonic Concorde, 1st commercial flights, by Britain & France?
+Name the Year: Supreme Court backs the one-man-one-vote apportionment of seats in state legislatures?
+Name the Year: Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart retires. (replaced by Sandra Day O'Connor first woman on the high court)?
+Name the Year: Supreme Court overturns draft evasion conviction of Muhammad Ali?
+Name the Year: Supreme Court unanimously rules Nixon must turn over Watergate tapes?
+Name the Year: Surrogate Baby M case begins in Hackensack, NJ?
+Name the Year: Susan 'Tuesday' Weld (in New York City), actor?
+Name the Year: Susan B. Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote for President?
+Name the Year: Susan B. Anthony, Woman's suffaregette, born in?
+Name the Year: Susan Dey, actor (First Love, LA Law), born in?
+Name the Year: Susan Hayward dies at age 56?
+Name the Year: Susan Sarandon (in New York City), actor (Great Waldo Pepper)?
+Name the Year: Susan Sontag NYC, author/film director (1966 Pol Award), born in?
+Name the Year: Susannah York (in London, England), actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Suzannah York, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Suzanne Vega rocker (My Name is Luka), born in?
+Name the Year: Suzi Quatro (in Detroit, Michigan), musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Svetlana Alliluyeva (Josef Stalin's daughter) defects in NYC?
+Name the Year: Svetlana Savitskaya accompanies Vladimir Dzhanibekov on EVA outside Salyut 7, becoming first woman to walk in space?
+Name the Year: Svetlana Stalina, daughter of Josef Stalin, born in?
+Name the Year: Swaziland gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Sweden's constitution adopted?
+Name the Year: Sydney General Post Office opens?
+Name the Year: Sydney Greenstreet actor (Maltese Falcon), dies at 74?
+Name the Year: Sydney Poitier, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Sylvester Stallone NYC, actor/director (Rocky, Rambo, Cobra), born in?
+Name the Year: Synthetic rubber first produced?
+Name the Year: Syzygy: 8 of 9 planets aligned on same side of sun?
+Name the Year: T. E. Lawrence, writer (aka Lawrence of Arabia), born in?
+Name the Year: T. H. White, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) dies in a motorcycle crash?
+Name the Year: T.S. Eliot, Anglican, playwright (Waste Land) (Nobel 1948), born in?
+Name the Year: Taj Mahal NYC, singer/songwriter (The Real Thing), born in?
+Name the Year: Takamiyama [Jesse Kuhaulua] Hawaii, 1st non-Japanese sumo champion, born in?
+Name the Year: Talia Shire, actor (Rocky (as Adrian))?
+Name the Year: Talleyrand, French statesman and diplomat, born in?
+Name the Year: Tallulah Bankhead, Huntsville Ala, actress (Lifeboat, Die Die Darling), born in?
+Name the Year: Tancredo Neves becomes 1st elected president of Brazil in 21 years?
+Name the Year: Tanganyika & Zanzibar unite to form Tanzania (Tanzanian Union Day)?
+Name the Year: Tanganyika becomes independent within the British Commonwealth?
+Name the Year: Tanganyika gained independence from Britain?
+Name the Year: Tanganyika granted full internal self-government by Britain?
+Name the Year: Tape measure enclosed in a circular case patented?
+Name the Year: Tarzan of the Apes, according to Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel?
+Name the Year: Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, king of Tonga (1965-?), born in?
+Name the Year: Ted Cassidy Pittsburgh, actor (Lurch-Addams Family), dies at 46?
+Name the Year: Ted Danson, SD Calif, actor (Sam Malone-Cheers, 3 Men & a Baby), born in?
+Name the Year: Ted Hughes, English poet laureate (1984- ), born in?
+Name the Year: Ted Turner manages an Atlanta Braves game?
+Name the Year: Ted Turner's Cable News Network (CNN) begins broadcasting?
+Name the Year: Teenager fires 6 blanks at Queen Elizabeth II?
+Name the Year: Teiichi Igarashi Japan, climed Mt Fuji at age 99, born in?
+Name the Year: Telescope maker Alvin Clark discovers dwarf companion of Sirius?
+Name the Year: Television is first demonstrated by John Logie Baird in London?
+Name the Year: Telly Savalas Garden City NJ, actor (Acapulco, Kojak), born in?
+Name the Year: Telstar, first geosynchronous communications satellite, launched?
+Name the Year: Ten Nazi leaders hanged as war criminals after Nuremberg trials?
+Name the Year: Tennessee law prohibits teaching of evolution?
+Name the Year: Tennessee Williams (in Columbus, Miss.), playwright, born in?
+Name the Year: Tennis is 1st mentioned in an English sporting magazine?
+Name the Year: Tens of thousands of people in Peru died in an earthquake?
+Name the Year: Tenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 4 is launched?
+Name the Year: Tenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 4 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Terrence Trent D'Arby, musician, born in?
+Name the Year: Territory of Guam created?
+Name the Year: Terry Thomas England, actor (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World), born in?
+Name the Year: Texas declares its independence from Mexico?
+Name the Year: The 'Orient Express' begins its first run, linking Turkey to Europe by rail?
+Name the Year: The 17th Olympic games close in Rome?
+Name the Year: The Alamo falls. (Remember it!)?
+Name the Year: The Allies, along with Free France declare war on Japan?
+Name the Year: The Arab oil embargo begins. It will last until March, 1974?
+Name the Year: The assault on Anzio begins?
+Name the Year: The Battle of Britain began as Nazi forces attacked by air?
+Name the Year: The Beatles have their last recording session at EMI studios?
+Name the Year: The Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift begin?
+Name the Year: The British parliament voted for the abolition of death penalty?
+Name the Year: The Bulgarian Government adopts a Communist Constitution?
+Name the Year: The city of Sydney inaugurates steam motor tram route?
+Name the Year: The crew of Soyuz 32 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 34?
+Name the Year: The Cullinan diamond, the world's largest, is found?
+Name the Year: The dirigible Hindenburg explodes in flames at Lakehurst, NJ?
+Name the Year: The Eastman Film Company manufactured the first commercial motion picture film?
+Name the Year: The Equal Rights Amendment goes down to defeat?
+Name the Year: The fab fours' first recording session under the name Beatles (they were formerly the Silver Beatles)?
+Name the Year: The final episode of TV show MASH?
+Name the Year: The first armored car is introduced?
+Name the Year: The first auto repair shop opens in Boston, MA?
+Name the Year: The first baseball game played in enclosed field in San Francisco, at 25th and Folsom?
+Name the Year: The first beauty contest is held, in Spa, Belgium. The winner is an 18 year old girl from the West Indies?
+Name the Year: The first commercial jet transport airplane built in US is tested (Boeing 707)?
+Name the Year: The first dishwashing machine is marketed in Chicago?
+Name the Year: The first guided missile launched from nuclear powered submarine is launched from the USS Halibut?
+Name the Year: The first Jewish film and TV festival?
+Name the Year: The first jukebox is installed, at a saloon in San Francisco?
+Name the Year: The first newsboy in the US hired (Barney Flaherty), by the NY Sun?
+Name the Year: The first one-way streets are established ____ in London
+Name the Year: The first patent is granted for a fire escape ... a wicker basket on a pully and a chain, designed by a London watchmaker?
+Name the Year: The first practical typewriter is finished by Italian Pellegrini Turri. He built it for a blind friend?
+Name the Year: The first Spanish ship, 'San Carlos', enters San Francisco bay?
+Name the Year: The first telephone call made by Alexander Graham Bell?
+Name the Year: The flag of Israel is adopted?
+Name the Year: The Fork is introduced to American dining by Gov. Winthrop?
+Name the Year: The French philosopher Voltaire died?
+Name the Year: The Gold Coast gained independence and takes the name Ghana?
+Name the Year: The Holland Tunnel, first underwater vehicular tunnel, opened between New York and New Jersey?
+Name the Year: The Hubble space telescope is brought on-line. Unfortunately, its mirror is slightly warped?
+Name the Year: The Ice Cream Cone is invented?
+Name the Year: The ill-fated revolt in Communist Hungary starts ____ The Prague Spring. It was later crushed by Soviet tanks
+Name the Year: The Juliana, the first steam-powered ferryboat, begins operation?
+Name the Year: The Louvre, in Paris, was opened to the public?
+Name the Year: The match is patented?
+Name the Year: The Mayflower departs from Plymouth, England with 102 pilgrims headed for the 'New World'?
+Name the Year: The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth with 102 Pilgrims?
+Name the Year: The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth was launched at Glasgow?
+Name the Year: The official news agency of the Soviet Union TASS was established?
+Name the Year: The Panama Canal opened to traffic?
+Name the Year: The Panama Canal opens for use?
+Name the Year: The passing of Norton I, Emperor of the US, Protector of Mexico?
+Name the Year: The pencil is invented?
+Name the Year: The Prince of Wales, later to become King Edward VII, becomes the first British royalty to visit the United States?
+Name the Year: The Queen of the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) arrives in New York City, the first queen to visit the United States?
+Name the Year: The Reshef - Israel's missile boat - is unveiled?
+Name the Year: The RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg at 11:40 p.m?
+Name the Year: The Roman politician, Cicero, is slain?
+Name the Year: The Salvation Army of England sends group to U.S. to begin welfare and religious activity here?
+Name the Year: The soapie General Hospital tapes its 7,000th episode?
+Name the Year: The Soviet Union invaded Austria during World War II?
+Name the Year: The Soviet Union invades Finland over a border dispute?
+Name the Year: The Soviet Union launched Sputnik III?
+Name the Year: The Suez Canal opens?
+Name the Year: The typewriter is patented?
+Name the Year: The U.S. Navy launched the Vanguard 1 satellite?
+Name the Year: The U.S. State Department starts requiring photographs for passports?
+Name the Year: The UN Security Council voted 14-0, with the US abstaining, to condemn Israel's declaration that all of Jersualem was its capital?
+Name the Year: The United Nations gets approval from the U.S. government for issuing postage stamps?
+Name the Year: The US imposes an embargo on exports to Cuba?
+Name the Year: The US-Canada border defined by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty?
+Name the Year: The Uzbek SSR forms?
+Name the Year: The Verrazanno Narrows Bridge (Brooklyn to Staten Island) opens, becoming the world's longest suspension bridge?
+Name the Year: The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer?
+Name the Year: The yacht 'America' wins the first Royal Yacht Squadron Cup, now known as the America's Cup, at a regatta in England?
+Name the Year: The Young Men's Christian Association founded in London?
+Name the Year: Theodor Herzl, founded Zionist movement, born in?
+Name the Year: Theodore Giesl (Dr. Seuss), author, born in?
+Name the Year: Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of US (1901-09) (Nobel 1906), born in?
+Name the Year: Theodore Roosevelt is shot in the chest in Milwaukee while campaigning for President with the Bull Moose Party?
+Name the Year: Theophilus Van Kannel of Philadelphia receives a patent for his revolving door ____ described as a storm door structure
+Name the Year: Third partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia and Russia?
+Name the Year: Third Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 3 is launched?
+Name the Year: Third Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 3 returns to Earth?
+Name the Year: Third test of the Space Shuttle Enterprise?
+Name the Year: Thomas A Edison patents Kinetoscope, (produces moving pictures)?
+Name the Year: Thomas Alva Edison (in New Jersey), inventor who lit up your life, born in?
+Name the Year: Thomas Alva Edison inventor, dies in West Orange, NJ, at 84?
+Name the Year: Thomas Alva Edison patents the phonograph?
+Name the Year: Thomas Aquinas Day?
+Name the Year: Thomas Beckett, archbishop, assassinated by 4 knights of King Henry II?
+Name the Year: Thomas Cromwell King Henry VIII's chief minister, executed?
+Name the Year: Thomas Davenport, invented the first commercially successful electric motor, born in?
+Name the Year: Thomas Edison commercially perfects the light bulb?
+Name the Year: Thomas Edison granted patent for an electric incandescent lamp?
+Name the Year: Thomas Edison invents the Edisonphone, a sound recording device?
+Name the Year: Thomas Edison patents motion picture camera?
+Name the Year: Thomas Edison says Americans prefer silent movies over talkies?
+Name the Year: Thomas Edison shows his 1st motion picture?
+Name the Year: Thomas H. Gallaudet, pioneer of educating the deaf, born in?
+Name the Year: Thomas Hardy, England, poet/novelist (Mayor of Casterbridge), born in?
+Name the Year: Thomas Henry Huxley scientist/humanist/Darwinist, born in?
+Name the Year: Thomas Paine publishes his first 'American Crisis' essay?
+Name the Year: Thomas Paine, political essayist (Common Sense, Age of Reason), born in?
+Name the Year: Thomas Selfridge becomes 1st fatality of powered flight?
+Name the Year: Thomas Stearns (T.S.) Eliot, poet, died?
+Name the Year: Thor Heyerdahl crosses the Atlantic on reed raft 'Ra'?
+Name the Year: Thor Heyerdahl Norway, anthropologist/explorer (Kon Tiki, Aku-Aku), born in?
+Name the Year: Thousands opposing Vietnam War tried to storm the Pentagon?
+Name the Year: Three Japanese PFL terrorists kill 24, wound 72 at Tel Aviv's Lydda airport?
+Name the Year: Three-man crew of Skylab II make safe splashdown in Pacific after 59 days?
+Name the Year: Tibet abolishes serfdom?
+Name the Year: Tibet is made an autonomous region of China?
+Name the Year: Tide turns in Battle of Britain in WW II, RAF beats Luftwaffe?
+Name the Year: Time magazine first published?
+Name the Year: Timothy Dalton, actor, James Bond #4, born in?
+Name the Year: Timothy Hutton, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Timothy Leary, psychologist, drug testing advocate, born in?
+Name the Year: Tina Louise, actor (Gilligan's Island), born in?
+Name the Year: Tina Turner (in Brownsville, Texas), singer, actor?
+Name the Year: Tiny Tim, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Tippi Hedren Minnesota, actress (The Birds), born in?
+Name the Year: TIROS I (Television and Infra-Red Observation Satellite) launched to improve weather prediction?
+Name the Year: Titania & Oberon, moons of Uranus, discovered by William Herschel?
+Name the Year: Tokyo incendiary raids, using B-29's, damage Imperial Palace?
+Name the Year: Tokyo is opened for foreign trade?
+Name the Year: Tom Berenger, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Bosley, actor (Happy Days, Murder She Wrote)?
+Name the Year: Tom Brokaw, journalist, born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Cruise, Syracuse, New York, actor (Risky Business, Color of Money, Rainman), born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Hanks, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Jones, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Petty, Florida, USA, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Poston, comedian, actor (Newhart), born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Selleck, actor (Lance-Rockford Files, Magnum PI), born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Skerritt Detroit Mich, actor (Ryan's Four, Alien, Big Bad Mama), born in?
+Name the Year: Tom Watson, Golfer?
+Name the Year: Tomato is proven nonpoisonous?
+Name the Year: Tommy Dorsey, band leader?
+Name the Year: Tommy Lee drummer of Motley Crue marries Heather Locklear?
+Name the Year: Tommy Lee Jones actor (Volcano, Batman Forever, Under Siege), born in?
+Name the Year: Tony Curtis [Real Name Bernard Schwartz], Bronx New York, actor (Some Like it Hot), born in?
+Name the Year: Tony Curtis, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Tony Randall, actor (The Odd Couple), born in?
+Name the Year: Tony Sheridan and Beatles produce My Bonnie and The Saints?
+Name the Year: Tortoise reportedly given to Tonga's king by Capt. Cook (1773), dies?
+Name the Year: Total solar eclipse captured on a daguerreotype photograph?
+Name the Year: Total solar eclipse is seen in Hawaii?
+Name the Year: Townsend Speakman 1st sells fruit-flavored carbonated drinks (Phila)?
+Name the Year: Traci Lords, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Transatlantic cable laid-Pres Buchanan spoke to Queen Victoria?
+Name the Year: Transatlantic phone service begins between New York and London?
+Name the Year: Transistor as a substitute for Radio tubes announced (Bell Labs)?
+Name the Year: Transit of Earth as seen from Mars?
+Name the Year: Transit of Venus (between Earth and Sun) will occur?
+Name the Year: Transkei gained independence, not recognized outside of South Africa?
+Name the Year: Travelers cheque patented?
+Name the Year: Treaty banning atmospheric nuclear tests signed by US, UK, USSR?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ends War of Austrian Succession?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ends War of Devolution?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Baden-French retain Alsace, Austria gets right bank of Rhine?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Bardo, Tunisia becomes a French protectorate?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Dardanelles was concluded between Britain and France?
+Name the Year: Treaty of London constitutes Belgium an independent kingdom?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Paris ratifies; Spain cedes Puerto Rico to US?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Shimonoseki signed, ends first Sino-Japanese War (1894-95)?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations rejected by U.S. Senate?
+Name the Year: Treaty of Versailles ending WW I signed?
+Name the Year: Trial of Mary, Queen of Scots, for conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth I, begins?
+Name the Year: Trinidad and Tobago becomes a republic?
+Name the Year: Trinidad and Tobago gain independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Tripoli (Libya) passes from Turkish to Italian control?
+Name the Year: Trotsky expelled from Soviet CP; Stalin becomes undisputed dictator?
+Name the Year: Truman Capote author (In Cold Blood), dies?
+Name the Year: Truman Capote, a short short story writer (In Cold Blood)?
+Name the Year: Truman, Stalin and Churchill final Allied summit meeting of WWII?
+Name the Year: Trygve Lie, first Secretary-General of UN (1946-52)?
+Name the Year: Tsar Ivan IV defeats the False Dmitri, who claims to be the true tsar?
+Name the Year: Tsar Nicholas II grants Russia a constitution?
+Name the Year: Turkestan ASSR established in Russian SFSR?
+Name the Year: Turkey cedes the island of Crete to the Egyptians?
+Name the Year: Turkey declared in remnants of the Ottoman Empire?
+Name the Year: Turkey invades Cyprus?
+Name the Year: Turkey is proclaimed to have a republican government?
+Name the Year: Turkey makes peace with Armenia?
+Name the Year: Turkey switches from Arabic to Roman alphabet?
+Name the Year: Turkish fleet defeated by Spanish and Italians in Battle of Lepanto?
+Name the Year: Turkish siege of Malta broken by Maltese and Knights of St John?
+Name the Year: Turks conquer Cairo?
+Name the Year: TV game show scandal investigation starts?
+Name the Year: Twiggy (Leslie Hornby) (in England), model, actor (Blues Brothers), born in?
+Name the Year: Two workers killed in accident testing space shuttle Columbia?
+Name the Year: Tyne Daly (in Madison, WI), actress (Cagney and Lacey), born in?
+Name the Year: Tyrone Power actor (Mark of Zorro, Alexander's Ragtime Band), born in?
+Name the Year: U. Thant, Burma, 3rd UN sec-genl (1962-72), born in?
+Name the Year: U.N. General Assmebly allows for a Jewish state in Palestine?
+Name the Year: U.S. 15th Amendment passes, guarantees right to vote regardless of race?
+Name the Year: U.S. and Britain invade Sicily in WWII?
+Name the Year: U.S. and Canada begin the use of standard time zones (standard time zones established by the railroads in both countries)?
+Name the Year: U.S. and Philippine forces recaptured Corregidor?
+Name the Year: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission confirmed?
+Name the Year: U.S. backed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba. Ended in failure?
+Name the Year: U.S. breaks relations with Cuba?
+Name the Year: U.S. casts first veto in UN Security Council (Support England)?
+Name the Year: U.S. Congress authorizes smallest U.S. silver coin, the 3-cent piece?
+Name the Year: U.S. Congress backs war in Gulf?
+Name the Year: U.S. Congress established Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona?
+Name the Year: U.S. declares martial law in Dominican Republic?
+Name the Year: U.S. ends participation in multinational peace force in Lebanon?
+Name the Year: U.S. fighter jets force Egyptian plane carrying hijackers of Italian ship Achille Lauro to land in Italy, gunmen were placed in custody?
+Name the Year: U.S. forces invade Korea by crossing the 38th parallel?
+Name the Year: U.S. invades Nicaragua, later overthrows President Zelaya?
+Name the Year: U.S. launches Pioneer Venus probe?
+Name the Year: U.S. Navy frigate USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, launched in Boston?
+Name the Year: U.S. Patent system established?
+Name the Year: U.S. presented with oldest known copy of the Magna Carta?
+Name the Year: U.S. President Johnson orders a halt to all bombing of North Vietnam?
+Name the Year: U.S. receives rights to Pearl Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii?
+Name the Year: U.S. recognized Franco govt in Spain at end of the Spanish civil war?
+Name the Year: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission imposes a record $100 million penalty against inside-trader Ivan Boesky?
+Name the Year: U.S. Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles for second time?
+Name the Year: U.S. sent 20,000 troops to the Mexican border?
+Name the Year: U.S. sprinter, Jesse Owens sets 100 meter record at 10.2 seconds?
+Name the Year: U.S. sub locates missing hydrogen bomb in Mediterranean?
+Name the Year: U.S. Supreme Court struck down segregation of races on public buses?
+Name the Year: U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld the 19th Amendment (woman's right to vote)?
+Name the Year: U.S. Viking 2 goes into Martian orbit after an 11-month flight from Earth?
+Name the Year: U.S. Voyager I takes the first space photograph of the earth and moon together?
+Name the Year: U.S. wins Battle of Bismark Sea over Japan?
+Name the Year: U.S.'s First automobile seat belt legislation is enacted in Illinois?
+Name the Year: Uganda abolishes traditional tribal kingdoms, becomes a republic?
+Name the Year: Uganda asks UN to condemn Israeli hostage rescue raid on Entebbe?
+Name the Year: Uganda becomes a republic within the British Commonwealth?
+Name the Year: Ugandan dictator Idi Amin overthrown; Tanzania takes Kampala?
+Name the Year: UK grants Sierra Leone independence?
+Name the Year: Ukraine declares independence from the USSR?
+Name the Year: Ukraine proclaimed a free republic (German puppet)?
+Name the Year: Ukranian people vote for independence?
+Name the Year: Umberto II king of Italy (1946), born in?
+Name the Year: UN announces Earth population has hit 3 billion?
+Name the Year: UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization formed. (UNESCO)?
+Name the Year: UN forces entered Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea?
+Name the Year: UN Gen Assembly unanimously approves Convention on Genocide?
+Name the Year: UN General Assembly admits Mainland China and expels Taiwan?
+Name the Year: UN General Assembly adopts Universal Declaration on Human Rights?
+Name the Year: UN General Assembly condemns South Africa for apartheid?
+Name the Year: UN General Assembly meets for first time?
+Name the Year: UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar meets with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad?
+Name the Year: UN Secretary-General U Thant dies in NY of cancer at 65?
+Name the Year: UN Security Council demanded Argentina withdraw from Falkland Islands?
+Name the Year: UN Security Council issues formal cease fire with Iraq declaration?
+Name the Year: UN Security council passes resolution 242, declaring that Israel must give back land won in the 6 day war?
+Name the Year: UN Security Council unanimously condemns 'acts of hostage-taking'?
+Name the Year: UN set up temporary HQ at Hunter College in the Bronx?
+Name the Year: UN troops in Korean War recaptured South Korean capital of Seoul?
+Name the Year: UN turns over Eritrea to Ethiopia?
+Name the Year: UN's deadline for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait passes - (they don't)?
+Name the Year: UN's WHO announces first global effort to combat AIDS?
+Name the Year: UN's World Health Organization forms?
+Name the Year: Union of South Africa becomes a dominion?
+Name the Year: Union of South Africa was founded?
+Name the Year: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed?
+Name the Year: Union of Utrecht signed, forming protestant Dutch Republic?
+Name the Year: United Airlines 747 jet rips open in flight from Honolulu to New Zealand, 9 passengers sucked out of plane, many injuries?
+Name the Year: United Kingdom of Libya gained independence from Italy via the UN?
+Name the Year: United Nations Charter goes into effect?
+Name the Year: United Nations Charter hearing?
+Name the Year: United Nations founded at San Francisco?
+Name the Year: United Nations General Assembly convenes in New York for first time in Flushing Meadow?
+Name the Year: University of Texas at Arlington becomes the first accredited school to offer a course in belly dancing?
+Name the Year: Unmanned Gemini 1 launched?
+Name the Year: Unmanned Mercury test explodes on launch pad?
+Name the Year: Unsuccessful uprising of Macedonians against Turkey?
+Name the Year: Uprising against French occupation begins in Madrid?
+Name the Year: Uranium atom 1st split, Columbia University?
+Name the Year: Urbain J.J. Leverrier, codiscoverer of Neptune, dies?
+Name the Year: Ursula Andress (in Switzerland), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Uruguay beats Argentina 4-2 for Football's 1st World Cup in Montevideo?
+Name the Year: Uruguay declares independence from Brazil (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Uruguay joined the United Nations?
+Name the Year: US & Iran sign agreement to release 52 American hostages?
+Name the Year: US 1st army begins battle of Aachen?
+Name the Year: US 7th army captured German city of Nuremberg?
+Name the Year: US actress Grace Kelly marries Monaco's Prince Rainier III?
+Name the Year: US Airmail begins between Wash DC, Philadelphia and New York?
+Name the Year: US Ambassador tells Iraq, US won't take sides in Iraq-Kuwait dispute?
+Name the Year: US and Canada sign the Migratory bird treaty?
+Name the Year: US and Libya clash in the Gulf of Sidra?
+Name the Year: US and North Vietnam signed a cease-fire agreement?
+Name the Year: US and Panama agree to resume diplomatic relations?
+Name the Year: US and USSR sign $10 billion grain pact?
+Name the Year: US and USSR sign Lend-Lease agreement during World War II?
+Name the Year: US Apollo 15 lands on Mare Imbrium on the Moon?
+Name the Year: US appeals to International Court on hostages in Iran?
+Name the Year: US Army accepts delivery of 1st military airplane?
+Name the Year: US Army turned over Long Bihn base to South Vietnamese army?
+Name the Year: US began its heaviest bombing of North Vietnam?
+Name the Year: US begins air drops to Kurdish refugees in Northern Iraq?
+Name the Year: US bombers staged 1st independent raid on Europe attack Rouen, France?
+Name the Year: US declares war on Germany (WWI)?
+Name the Year: US denounces Soviet blockade of Berlin?
+Name the Year: US Dept of Justice offers $25,000 reward for Dillinger, dead or alive?
+Name the Year: US diplomats find at least 40 secret mics in the Moscow embassy?
+Name the Year: US drops atom bomb on Bikini atoll (4th atomic explosion)?
+Name the Year: US drops second atomic bomb on Japan destroying part of Nagasaki. An estimated 74,000 people died. The original target was Kokura?
+Name the Year: US explodes world's first hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok Atoll?
+Name the Year: US forces defeat Japanese at Iwo Jima?
+Name the Year: US forces land in Iceland to forestall Nazi invasion?
+Name the Year: US forces land on Corregidor (complete conquest on March 3)?
+Name the Year: US gives Britain 50 destroyers in exchange for Newfoundland base lease?
+Name the Year: US House of Representatives begins TV broadcasts of its day-to-day business. C-SPAN is born?
+Name the Year: US invades Grenada, a country with 1/2000 its population?
+Name the Year: US Lab detects high-temperature microwave radiation from Venus?
+Name the Year: US launches 1st artificial satellite, Explorer 1?
+Name the Year: US launches Mariner 3 toward Mars; no data returned?
+Name the Year: US liberates Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, Germany?
+Name the Year: US Marines attack shores of Tripoli?
+Name the Year: US Marines landed in Nicaragua to protect US citizens?
+Name the Year: US Marines raise flag on Iwo Jima, famous photo and statue?
+Name the Year: US missile shot down an incoming missile in space for 1st time?
+Name the Year: US Navy destroys 41 Japanese ships in the Battle of South China Sea?
+Name the Year: US Navy is created?
+Name the Year: US officially submits to jurisdiction of World Court?
+Name the Year: US Ranger 7 transmits the 1st lunar close-up photos before impact. Takes 4,316 pictures before crashing on moon?
+Name the Year: US recalls William Bowdler, ambassador to South Africa?
+Name the Year: US sells Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to Israel?
+Name the Year: US Skylab enters atmosphere over Australia and disintegrates?
+Name the Year: US space probe Voyager I approaches 77,000 miles of Saturn?
+Name the Year: US Surveyor III lands on Moon?
+Name the Year: US Syncom 2, 1st geosynchronous communications satellite, launched?
+Name the Year: US takes formal possession of Alaska from Russia ($7.2 million)?
+Name the Year: US trial of former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega begins?
+Name the Year: US troops captured Aachen, first large German city to fall (WW II)?
+Name the Year: US troops occupy Lebanon, stay 3 months?
+Name the Year: US troops withdraw from Korea after WW II?
+Name the Year: US warships destroy 2 Iranian oil platforms in Persian Gulf?
+Name the Year: US-Soviet effort free 2 grey whales from frozen Arctic?
+Name the Year: US, Australia and New Zealand sign ANZUS treaty?
+Name the Year: US, Japan, UK & France sign a treaty aimed at controlling naval build-up in the Pacific Ocean?
+Name the Year: US, Russia and England sign nuclear test ban treaty?
+Name the Year: US's first commercial radio, 8MK (later WWJ), Detroit began daily broadcasting?
+Name the Year: US's Magellan spacecraft lands on Venus?
+Name the Year: US/UK launch of Ariel satellite; 1st international payload?
+Name the Year: US/USSR signed an agreement to discuss joint space efforts?
+Name the Year: USA beats Finland and wins the Olympic Gold Medal (4-2)?
+Name the Year: USA beats the Russians in Olympic Hockey (4-3)?
+Name the Year: USA declares war on the Prussian-Hungarian forces, joining World War One on the side of the Allies?
+Name the Year: Using phone lines TV was sent from Washington DC to New York City?
+Name the Year: USSR adopts experimental calendar?
+Name the Year: USSR announces it will not participate in LA Summer Olympics?
+Name the Year: USSR announces plan for 2-yr manned mission to Mars?
+Name the Year: USSR announces successful test of intercontinental ballistic missile?
+Name the Year: USSR calendar conversion?
+Name the Year: USSR detonates its 1st atomic bomb?
+Name the Year: USSR fires defense minister, Marshal Georgi Zhukov (Zhukov lead USSR into Berlin during WW2)?
+Name the Year: USSR frees dissident Andrei Sakharov from internal exile?
+Name the Year: USSR Kosmos 186 and 188 make first automatic docking. Also, Venera 13 is launched?
+Name the Year: USSR launches 1st intercontinental multistage ballistic missile?
+Name the Year: USSR launches Luna 11 for orbit around Moon?
+Name the Year: USSR launches Luna 16; returns samples from lunar Sea of Fertility?
+Name the Year: USSR launches Mars 2, 1st spacecraft to crash land on Mars?
+Name the Year: USSR launches Mars 6?
+Name the Year: USSR launches Sputnik 2 with a dog (Laika), 1st animal in orbit?
+Name the Year: USSR launches Sputnik I, the first artificial earth satellite?
+Name the Year: USSR launches Zond 2 towards Mars?
+Name the Year: USSR Luna 3 sent back first photos of Moon's far side?
+Name the Year: USSR Pres Mikhail S Gorbachev meets Pope John Paul II at the Vatican?
+Name the Year: USSR recognizes independence of the 3 Baltic republics (Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia)?
+Name the Year: USSR recovered 2 dogs; 1st living organisms to return from space?
+Name the Year: USSR releases US journalist Nicholas Daniloff confined on spy charges?
+Name the Year: USSR Venera 10 made day Venus landing?
+Name the Year: USSR's Kosmos 186 and 188 complete the 1st automatic docking?
+Name the Year: USSR's Phobos II enters Martian orbit?
+Name the Year: USSR's Sputnik 5 launched with 2 dogs?
+Name the Year: Uta Hagen, born in?
+Name the Year: V-E Day; Germany signs unconditional surrender, WW II ends in Europe?
+Name the Year: V-J Day; formal surrender of Japan aboard USS Missouri?
+Name the Year: Valentina Tereshkova (in Russia), cosmonaut, first woman in space, born in?
+Name the Year: Valentina Tereshkova, first woman in space, returns to earth?
+Name the Year: Valentinian III Roman emperor (425-55), born in?
+Name the Year: Valentino, Milan Italy, fashion designer (Jacquline Kennedy Onasis), born in?
+Name the Year: Valeri V. Ryumin, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 25, 32), born in?
+Name the Year: Valerie Harper (in Sufferin, NY), actor (Mary Tyler Moore Show, Rhoda), born in?
+Name the Year: Van Morrison Belfast, singer (Here Comes the Night), born in?
+Name the Year: Vanessa Redgrave (in London, England), actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Vanessa Williams (in Millwood, NY), first black Miss America, born in?
+Name the Year: Vanity [Dee Dee Williams], singer/actress (Action Jackson), born in?
+Name the Year: Vanna White (in South Carolina), game show hostess (Wheel of Fortune), born in?
+Name the Year: Vasco da Gama Portuguese navigator dies in Cochin, India?
+Name the Year: Vasco Nuez de Balboa is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean?
+Name the Year: Vatican City (world's Smallest Country) is made an enclave of Rome?
+Name the Year: Vatican City becomes a soverign state?
+Name the Year: Venera 2 launched by Soviet Union toward Venus?
+Name the Year: Venera 3 launched. (Later, the first man-made object to land on another planet when it crashed into Venus.)?
+Name the Year: Venera 3, Venus landing?
+Name the Year: Venera 5 launched. First successful landing on another planet?
+Name the Year: Venera 5, Venus landing. First successful landing on another planet?
+Name the Year: Venera 7 launched by USSR for soft landing on Venus?
+Name the Year: Venera 9, first craft to orbit the planet Venus launched?
+Name the Year: Venetian senate examines Galileo Galilei's telescope?
+Name the Year: Venezuela, 1st South American country to gain independence from Spain?
+Name the Year: Vera Miles, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Verney Cameron is first European to cross equatorial Africa from sea to sea?
+Name the Year: Veronica Hamel (in Philadelphia, PA), actor (Hill Street Blues)?
+Name the Year: Veronica Lake actress, dies at 58?
+Name the Year: Veronica Lake, actress?
+Name the Year: Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope network dedicated?
+Name the Year: Victor Borge, pianist, comedian, born in?
+Name the Year: Victor Emmanuel II, the King of Italy, born in?
+Name the Year: Victor Hugo, French author, born in?
+Name the Year: Victoria Cross established to acknowledge bravery?
+Name the Year: Victoria Principal (in Japan), actor (Dallas), born in?
+Name the Year: Victoria Principal, actress, born in?
+Name the Year: Victoria Woodhull becomes 1st woman nominated for US president?
+Name the Year: Videotapes released showing sunken remains of the Titanic?
+Name the Year: Vietnam declares independence from France (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Vietnam War Memorial dedicated in Washington, DC?
+Name the Year: Viking 1 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing?
+Name the Year: Viking 2 goes into orbit around Mars?
+Name the Year: Viking 2 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing?
+Name the Year: Viking 2 soft lands on Mars (Utopia), returns photos?
+Name the Year: Vincent Price St Louis Mo, actor (The Fly, Laura), born in?
+Name the Year: Vincent Van Gogh, artist who always lent an ear, born in?
+Name the Year: Violent bread riots at Montreal?
+Name the Year: Virginia Madsen Chicago Ill, actress (Dune, Highlander, Class), born in?
+Name the Year: Virginia Mayo (in St Louis, MO)?
+Name the Year: Virginia McMath (a.k.a. Ginger Rogers), dancer, actor?
+Name the Year: Virginia Woolf, author, born in?
+Name the Year: Viscount Dunrossil, Scotland, Governor General of Australia (1959-61), born in?
+Name the Year: Viscount Goderich (Tory), British PM (1827-28)?
+Name the Year: Vitus Bering, Dutch navigator and explorer, died?
+Name the Year: Vivian Blaine, actor (Guys and Dolls)?
+Name the Year: Vivian Leigh Scarlet in Gone with the Wind, dies at 53?
+Name the Year: Vivien Leigh, actress (Gone With Wind), born in?
+Name the Year: Vladimir Horowitz, pianist?
+Name the Year: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Russian leader, dies of a stroke at 54?
+Name the Year: Vladimir Mayakovsky, Soviet Georgia, poet (Ode to Revolution), born in?
+Name the Year: Vladimir Mayakovsky, Soviet poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Vladimir Remek, first Czechoslovakian space traveler (Soyuz 28), born in?
+Name the Year: Vladislav N. Volkov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 7, 11)?
+Name the Year: Volcanic eruption in Cameroon releases poison gas, killing 2,000?
+Name the Year: Volcano eruptions on Tristan de Cunha (South Atlantic)?
+Name the Year: Volstead Act passed by U.S. Congress, starting Prohibition?
+Name the Year: Voltaire, thinker?
+Name the Year: Voluntary Euthanasia Society publishes how-to-do-it suicide guide?
+Name the Year: Voyager 2 begins a flyby of the planet Neptune?
+Name the Year: Voyager 2 discovers 2 partial rings of Neptune?
+Name the Year: Voyager 2 encounters Saturn?
+Name the Year: Voyager 2 launched for fly-by of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. It carries a record containing greetings?
+Name the Year: Voyager 2 makes its closest approach to Neptune (0400 GMT)?
+Name the Year: Voyager 2, first Uranus flyby?
+Name the Year: Voyager 2's closest approach to Saturn (63,000 miles/100,000 km)?
+Name the Year: Voyager I's closest approach to Jupiter?
+Name the Year: Voyager II flies past Jupiter?
+Name the Year: Voyager's closest approach to Saturn enroute to Uranus and Neptune?
+Name the Year: W. C. Fields, actor, Philadelphian, born in?
+Name the Year: W. K. Kellogg, founded a cereal company?
+Name the Year: W.C. Fields [Claude William Dukenfield], actor (Bank Dick), born in?
+Name the Year: Waffle iron invented?
+Name the Year: Wagner's opera Tannhauser performed for 1st time?
+Name the Year: Wally Schirra, astronaut, born in?
+Name the Year: Walt Disney Art School created?
+Name the year: Walt Disney dies, Hastings Banda becomes Malawi's first President, and Nelson's pillar in O'Connell Street, History: What year is Dublin blown up?
+Name the Year: Walt Disney starts 1st job as an artist; $40 week with KC Slide Co...?
+Name the Year: Walt Disney World's 100-millionth guest?
+Name the Year: Walt Disney World's 200-millonth guest?
+Name the Year: Walt Whitman (in West Hills, NY), poet, born in?
+Name the Year: Walter Chrysler, founded a car company, born in?
+Name the Year: Walter Koenig Chicago Ill, actor (Chekov-Star Trek), born in?
+Name the Year: Walter Matthau, actor (Odd Couple, Bad News Bears, Hopscotch)?
+Name the Year: Walter Percy Chrysler founded the Chrysler Corporation?
+Name the Year: Walter Reed, who proved mosquitoes transmit yellow fever, born in?
+Name the Year: Walter Susskind, Praha (Prague) Czechoslovakia, conductor, born in?
+Name the Year: Walther Bauersfeld, invented first modern projection planetarium?
+Name the Year: Waltz introduced into English ballrooms. Most observers consider it disgusting & immoral. No wonder it caught on!?
+Name the Year: War broke out in Indochina as Ho Chi Minh attacked the French?
+Name the Year: War of 1812 begins as US declares war against Britain?
+Name the Year: War of the Reform (Mexico); Liberals establish capital at Vera Cruz?
+Name the Year: Warren Beatty, actor, ladies man, born in?
+Name the Year: Warren Commission found that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?
+Name the Year: Warsaw Pact forces enter Czechoslovakia to end reform movement?
+Name the Year: Washington and his troops cross the Delaware River?
+Name the Year: Washington Irving, writer (Rip Van Winkle, Legend of Sleepy Hollow), born in?
+Name the Year: Washington lays cornerstone of the Executive Mansion (White House)?
+Name the Year: Wayne Gretzky born, hockey player?
+Name the Year: Wayne Newton, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Weekly airmail route starts between Australia and the United Kingdom?
+Name the Year: Wembley Stadium opens-Bolton Wanderers vs West Ham United (FA Cup)?
+Name the Year: Wenceslas II king of Bohemia and Poland (1278-1305), born in?
+Name the Year: Wendell Stanley, biochemist, first to crystallize a virus (Nobel '46), born in?
+Name the Year: Werner von Braun, rocket scientist, born in?
+Name the Year: Wernher von Braun named head of German liquid-fuel rocket program?
+Name the Year: West begins Berlin Airlift to get supplies around Soviet blockade?
+Name the Year: West Germany beats Hungary 3-2 for Football's 5th World Cup in Bern?
+Name the Year: West Germany beats Neth 2-1 for Football's 10th World Cup in Munich?
+Name the Year: West Germany joins North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?
+Name the Year: West Germany was proclaimed?
+Name the Year: When was the great plague of London?
+Name the Year: Whitney Houston, singer, born in?
+Name the Year: Whitsunday Term Day?
+Name the Year: Wilbur Wright, of aeroplane fame, born in?
+Name the Year: Wild Bill Hickok cowboy, born in?
+Name the Year: Wild Bill Hickok shot dead (from behind) by Jack McCall while poker. He held a pair of Aces and a pair of 8's?
+Name the Year: Wilfred Burchett, Australian Communist, journalist, writer, born in?
+Name the Year: Wilhelm Beer, first to map Mars?
+Name the Year: Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, composer, son of J.S. Bach?
+Name the Year: Wilhelm Karl Grimm, story teller, born in?
+Name the Year: Wilhelm Olbers, discoverer of asteroids Pallas and Vesta, born in?
+Name the Year: Wilhelm Ostwald, German physical chemist (Nobel 1909)?
+Name the Year: Wilhelm Rintgen discovers x-rays?
+Name the Year: Willard Scott, weatherman, original Ronald McDonald, born in?
+Name the Year: Willem Dafoe, actor, born in?
+Name the Year: Willem Drees PM of Netherland (1948-58), born in?
+Name the Year: William A. Anders, astronaut (Apollo 8), born in?
+Name the Year: William A. Fowler, US astrophysicist (Nobel 1983), born in?
+Name the Year: William Beaumont, surgeon, studied digestion?
+Name the Year: William Blake, poet (Songs of Innocence and Experience)?
+Name the Year: William Bligh nasty ship's captain and New South Wales governor (HMS Bounty), born in?
+Name the Year: William Bond obtains first photograph of moon through a telescope?
+Name the Year: William Booth founded Salvation Army in London?
+Name the Year: William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, born in?
+Name the Year: William Bundy invents the first timecard clock?
+Name the Year: William Butler Yeats Irish poet, dies in France at 73?
+Name the Year: William Christopher, actor (Father Mulcahy-MASH), born in?
+Name the Year: William Cowper, English poet?
+Name the Year: William Crapo Durant incorporates General Motors?
+Name the Year: William Edward Boeing, founded aircraft company?
+Name the Year: William Gilbert Grace, Victorian England's greatest cricketer?
+Name the Year: William Golding, English novelist (Lord of the Flies) (Nobel 1983), born in?
+Name the Year: William H. Seward, who bought Alaska at $0.02/acre, born in?
+Name the Year: William Handy, blues musician, established the popularity of the blues in band music?
+Name the Year: William Hanna, animator (Hanna-Barbera), born in?
+Name the Year: William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia and becomes the first U.S. president to die in office?
+Name the Year: William Herschel discovered Uranus, dies at 85?
+Name the Year: William Herschel discovers 1st binary star, Xi Ursae Majoris?
+Name the Year: William Herschel discovers Mimas, satellite of Saturn?
+Name the Year: William Huggins discoverer of stellar nature of Andromeda, dies?
+Name the Year: William I The Conqueror, King of England and Duke of Normandy, dies?
+Name the Year: William IV king of England (1830-37), born in?
+Name the Year: William James, Philospher, born in?
+Name the Year: William Lassell discovers Ariel and Umbriel, satellites of Unranus?
+Name the Year: William Makepeace Thackeray, Victorian novelist (Vanity Fair)?
+Name the Year: William Morris (in England), artist and poet?
+Name the Year: William Morris first uses ether in the first tooth extraction under anesthesia at Charlestown, Mass?
+Name the Year: William of Holland Holy Roman emperor, dies at about 28?
+Name the Year: William of Ockham forced to flee from Avignon by Pope John XXII?
+Name the Year: William Parson, third Earl of Rosse and maker of large telescopes dies?
+Name the Year: William Pitt the Elder (Whig), British PM (1756-61, 1766-68)?
+Name the Year: William Schroeder, becomes second to receive Jarvik-7 artificial heart?
+Name the Year: William Seward Burroughs inventor (recording adding machine), born in?
+Name the Year: William Shakespeare, bard, born in?
+Name the Year: William Shatner, actor (Star Trek, T.J. Hooker), author (Tek War), born in?
+Name the Year: William the Conqueror lands in England?
+Name the Year: William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, engineer/mathematician/physicist, born in?
+Name the Year: William Walker filibuster, president of Nicaragua (1856-57), born in?
+Name the Year: William Webster, FBI director, born in?
+Name the Year: William Wordsworth (in England), poet?
+Name the Year: Willie Nelson, singer, actor?
+Name the Year: Willis Haviland Carrier, developed air-conditioning equipment?
+Name the Year: Willis Reed, basketball player?
+Name the Year: Willy Brandt (SD), chancellor of West Germany (1969-74) (Nobel '71)?
+Name the Year: Wilt Chamberlain NBA great center (LA Laker, 5 time MVP), born in?
+Name the Year: Winston Churchill knighted by Queen Elizabeth II?
+Name the Year: Winston Churchill resigns as British PM, Anthony Eden succeeds him?
+Name the Year: Winston Churchill succeeds Neville Chamberlain as British PM?
+Name the Year: Wladziu Valentino Liberace, pianist, born in?
+Name the Year: Wolfe defeats Montcalm on Plains of Abraham; Canada becomes English?
+Name the Year: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, musical prodigy, composer, born in?
+Name the Year: Women get the vote in Turkey?
+Name the Year: Women in France allowed to vote for the first time?
+Name the Year: Women's Equality Day?
+Name the Year: Woodrow Wilson holds the first Presidential Press Conference?
+Name the Year: Woodstock festival begins in New York?
+Name the Year: Woodstock Music and Art Fair opened in New York State?
+Name the Year: Woody Allen [Allen Stuart Konigsberg] (Zelig, Annie Hall, Manhattan Murder Mystery), born in?
+Name the Year: Woody Harrelson, actor?
+Name the Year: Work on Golden Gate Bridge begins, on Marin County side?
+Name the Year: World Food Day?
+Name the Year: World Health Organization is established?
+Name the Year: World War II ends in Europe. Nazis surrender to General Eisenhower at Reims, France?
+Name the Year: World's first commercial cheese factory is established in Switzerland?
+Name the Year: World's first nuclear powered ship, USS Nautilus?
+Name the Year: World's largest gold nugget (215 kg) found in New South Wales?
+Name the Year: World's largest office building, Pentagon, completed?
+Name the Year: Worldwide Red Cross organized in Geneva?
+Name the Year: Worst nuclear disaster, Chernobyl USSR, 31 die?
+Name the Year: Wrestler Antonino Rocca dies at 49?
+Name the Year: Writer Oscar Wilde is arrested?
+Name the Year: WW I Battle of Verdun begins?
+Name the Year: WW I Peace Congress opens in Versailles, France?
+Name the Year: WW II Gestapo official Adolf Eichmann hung in Israel?
+Name the Year: WW II Pacific peace treaty takes effect?
+Name the Year: WW II starts, Germany invades Poland, takes Danzig?
+Name the Year: Wynton Marsalis, New Orleans La, jazz trumpeter (Grammy 1983), born in?
+Name the Year: Yakut ASSR formed in Russian SFSR?
+Name the Year: Yalta Conference agreed that Russia would enter WWII against Japan?
+Name the Year: Yamaoka Tesshu Japanese swordsman, master of kendo, born in?
+Name the Year: Yannick Noah France, tennis player (French 1983), born in?
+Name the Year: Yasuhiro Nakasone elected PM of Japan succeeding Zenko Suzuki?
+Name the Year: Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, born in?
+Name the Year: Yellow fever vaccine for humans announced?
+Name the Year: Yemen Arab Republic proclaimed (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Yen Jo-chu, Chinese scholar of Ch'ing dynasty?
+Name the Year: Yevgeny V Khrunov USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 5), born in?
+Name the Year: Yitzhak Rabin replaces resigning Prime Minister Golda Meir?
+Name the Year: Yo-Yo Ma, cellist, born in?
+Name the Year: Yoko Ono (in Tokyo, Japan), singer, wife of John Lennon, born in?
+Name the Year: Yom Kippur War begins as Syria and Egypt attack Israel?
+Name the Year: Yom Kippur War ends - Israel 65 miles from Cairo, 26 from Damascus?
+Name the Year: Yosemite Valley is discovered in California?
+Name the Year: Yuan Shik-K'ai elected the first President of the Republic of China?
+Name the Year: Yugoslav Republic Day?
+Name the Year: Yugoslavia adopts new constitution, becomes a federal republic?
+Name the Year: Yugoslavia elects it's 1st president (Marshal Tito)?
+Name the Year: Yul Brynner actor (King and I, 10 Commandments), born in?
+Name the Year: Yuri A. Gagarin becomes first man to orbit Earth aboard Vostok 1?
+Name the Year: Yuri A. Gagarin, first man in orbit?
+Name the Year: Yuri Gagarin, first man into space, born in?
+Name the Year: Yuri N. Glazkov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 24)?
+Name the Year: Yuri P. Artyukhin, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 14), born in?
+Name the Year: Yuri V. Andropov succeeds Leonid Brezhnev?
+Name the Year: Yuri V. Malyshev, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-2, T-11)?
+Name the Year: Yves Montand actor (Lets Make Love, Z), dies at 70?
+Name the Year: Yves Montand actor, dies at 70 from a heart attack?
+Name the Year: Yves Montand, France, actor/singer (Z, Napoleon), born in?
+Name the Year: Yves Saint-Laurent fashion designer (Opium, Obsession), born in?
+Name the Year: Yvonne De Carlo, Vancouver BC, actress (Lily Munster in the Munsters), born in?
+Name the Year: YWCA is founded in New York City?
+Name the Year: Zaire (then Belgian Congo) gained independence from Belgium?
+Name the Year: Zambia (N. Rhodesia) gained independence from Britain (National Day)?
+Name the Year: Zanzibar gained independence from Britain?
+What year was Zero Mostel (actor in Fiddler on the Roof) born in?
+What year was Zsa Zsa Gabor (in Budapest), actress, ex-con, born in?
+Name the Year: Zsa Zsa Gabor begins a 3 day jail sentence for slapping a cop?
+Name the Year: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto former Pakistani president, hanged in Pakistan?
+Name the year. South African police kill 56 people in Shatpeville, Israeli intelligence agents capture Adolf Eichmann, and Nigeria gains its independence?
+What job did Alan Paton have?
+What job did Barbara Jordan have?
+What job did barry commoner have?
+What job did billie jean king have?
+What job did Billy Sunday have?
+What job did Chuck Yeager have?
+What job did Claude Pepper have?
+What job did David Dinkins have?
+Nyc mayor
+What job did don king have?
+Fight promoter
+What job did ellen goodman have?
+What job did Garry Trudeau have?
+What job did Gorgeous George have?
+What job did h.l. mencken have?
+What job did harold stassen have?
+What job did Helen Gurley Brown have?
+What job did Jane Addams have?
+Social worker
+What job did Jane Goodall have?
+What job did Jane Pauley have?
+What job did jean-pierre rampal have?
+What job did june allyson have?
+What job did Manuel Noriega have?
+What job did Mark Rothko have?
+What job did Martha Graham have?
+What job did marvin mitchelson have?
+Divorce lawyer
+What job did Masters and Johnson researched this have?
+What job did Pat Buchanan have?
+What job did Rupert Murdoch have?
+What job did Sandra Day O'Conner have?
+Supreme court
+What job did swifty lazar have?
+Hollywood agent
+What job did Wernher von Braun have?
+Rocket scientist
+Name three of the seven Duffs?
+Surly, Remorseful, Tipsy, or Queasy
+Name three planets with rings?
+Name two of the nuclear plant workers who had to watch the bee?
+Homer and Bernie 
+Name types of insect belonging to the order Hymenoptera?
+In US politics, who are the four Kennedy brothers?
+John, Robert, Ted & Joe
+Name Woody Allen's black and white romantic study of his home town?
+Named after a European country, which strait lies between Iceland and Greenland?
+Denmark strait
+Named for an Al Capp comic strip character, on which holiday do women ask men to dances?
+Sadie Hawkins Day
+Named for its abundance of plant life, this inlet was the site of captain cook's first landing in Australia?
+Botany bay
+Names for numbers: 1 followed by 42 zeroes =?
+Names for numbers: 1 followed by 48 zeroes =?
+Names for numbers: one followed by 18 zeros?
+Names formed from the initial letters of other words?
+Nancy Cartwright and Yeardley Smith provide the voices for which brother & sister on TV?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Bart & Lisa Simpson", "Bart and Lisa Simpson"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Nanotechnology has produced a guitar no bigger than a ____
+Blood cell
+Nantucket Island is part of which American state?
+Napolean had his boots worn by ____ to break them in before he wore them
+Napolean's last battle?
+Napoleon bonaparte died in 1942, 1945 or 1949?
+Napoleon bonaparte died in 1945 of injuries sustained from tripping over his ____
+Dog's leash
+Napoleon drew his battle plans in a?
+Sand pit
+Napoleon had connections with three islands, he was imprisoned on elba and died on st. helena, where was he born?
+Napoleon was a fearless soldier, but he had a manic phobia of?
+Napthalene is commonly found in what household item?
+Narcotics were prohibited in the u.s in 1905, 1909 or 1914?
+Narrow strip of cloth attached to a string round waist for covering genitals?
+Nashville is the capital of what American State?
+Nassau is the capital of?
+National Anthems: At your feet, two oceans roar for your noble mission?
+National Anthems: Fellow Slavs, the spirit of your ancient breed triumphs?
+National Anthems: The hope of 2000 years, To be a free people in our land, the land of ____
+National Anthems: The United Provinces of the South, their throne full of dignity opened?
+National Anthems: Yes,we love this country,as it arises rugged, storm-scarred, above the water?
+Native americans never actually ate turkey; killing such a timid bird was thought to indicate____
+Native Americans never actually ate____ ; killing such a timid bird was thought to indicate laziness
+Native Americans: he was chiricahua apache chief (1829-1909)?
+Native Americans: lakota medicine man and chief was considered the last sioux to surrender to the u.s. government?
+Chief sitting bull
+Native Americans: Native Americans used beads as currency. What was it called?
+Native Americans: north American indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder?
+Native Americans: the 2nd largest Indian tribe in the united states with more than 200,000 tribal members is the?
+Cherokee nation
+Native Americans: trail used in the cruel relocation of American indians around 1838?
+Trail of tears
+Natives of New Zealand are called what?
+Nato is short for?
+North atlantic treaty organization
+Nature: A calm ocean region near the equator?
+Nature: A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) ____
+Nature: A great wave resulting from an earthquakes is called a (an) ____
+Nature: A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a ____
+Nature: A relationship between two different types of organism which live together for their mutual benefit?
+Nature: During pregnancy, how many times its normal size does the human uterus expand?
+Nature: Natural formations that are reminiscent of something else, such as camel rock in new Mexico, are known as?
+Nature: Natural The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ____
+Nature: Naturally occurring community of flora and fauna adapted to the conditions in which they occur?
+Nature: Naturally occurring oily, bituminous liquid composed of various organic chemicals?
+Nature: Naturally occurring sand & gravel mix, used in making concrete?
+Nature: The world's worst epidemic, killing an estimated 75,000,000 people between 1347-1351 in Europe and Asia?
+Black Death
+Nature: What has approximately 1/4 pound of salt in every gallon?
+NATURE:Larva of the cranefly?
+Naval escort vessel?
+Navy ranks: stars a 'commodore' has?
+Navy ranks: stars a 'rear admiral' has?
+Navy ranks: stars an admiral has?
+Nazi secret police?
+Ndjamena is the capital of ____
+Near to which town were jaffa oranges first cultivated?
+Near which German town would you find fredrick the great's retreat, shloss sanssouci?
+Near-sighted model, Grace Robin was the first to show off contact lenses in?
+Nearly a quarter of all human bones can be found in the?
+Nearly a third of all bottled drinking water purchased in the US is contaminated with ____
+Nebraska what is the mascot of the u.s naval academy?
+Neck-ties were first worn in what country?
+Needlework of hooked yarn producing lacy patterned fabric?
+Negatives what is the term for the union of two dissimilar sexual cells or gametes to form a new individual?
+Negligee derives from the French word meaning?
+Negligence derives from the French word meaning?
+Negotiations conducted by a mediator who travels countries at brief intervals?
+Shuttle diplomacy
+Neil diamond wrote this song which was covered by tony tribe?
+Red red wine
+Nephrite is a variety of which substance?
+Neptune is ____ million kilometres from the Sun
+Nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of ____
+Rocking chairs
+Ness What are panatelas?
+Nest of wasps?
+NetHack: Carrying this corpse protects you from being petrified by a cockatrice?
+nethack: never put this wand in your bag of holding!?
+NetHack: The genre of games which NetHack belongs to is called that?
+Roguelike games
+NetHack: This beast can help you identify your gems?
+nethack: this tool will instantly get your pets around you?
+Magic whistle
+nethack: wizards always start the game with this weapon?
+nethack: you can always buy these items in minetown?
+nethack: you cannot enter shops while carrying this tool?
+Neture: What do oak trees grow from?
+Never to much was a hit for which soul singer?
+Luther vandross
+New Amerykah is the title of a 2008 R&B album by an artist with what last name?
+New Orleans first mardi gras celebration was held in what year?
+New Orleans: These buildings bordering Jackson Square are the oldest apt bldgs. in the US?
+Pontalba apartments
+New Orleans: This is the largest housing project in the US____ located in New Orleans
+Desire housing project
+New Orleans: This open air market in the Vieux Carre is more like a huge garage sale?
+The french market
+New year's eve, or december 31st, is dedicated to which saint?
+St sylvester
+New York City contains ____ kilometres of shoreline
+New York was once?
+New amsterdam
+New York's Central Park opened in?
+New york's first St. Patrick's day parade was held on what date?
+March 17, 1762
+New York's Saratoga Springs is home to the ____ Hall of Fame
+Horse Racing
+New Zealand was discovered by whom?
+Abel tasman
+New Zealand was the first country to give women the vote, in 1893. In 1902, which country was 2nd?
+New Zealand's first hospital was opened in?
+New Zealand's National Day, the 6th February, is named after a Treaty of 1840. What is the day called?
+Waitangi day
+New zealand's rugby team is know as the ____
+All blacks
+Newcastle residents are called?
+Newkirk c3p0 is the first character to speak in which film?
+Star wars
+NEWS 2002: Name of the defeated French Prime Minister who announced his retirement from politics following the success of the far-right in the presidential elections?
+Lionel Jospin
+NEWS 2002: Name the first man to appear on the cover of Marie Claire?
+David Beckham
+NEWS 2002: The arts, Name of the autobiographical musical by Boy George?
+NEWS 2002: What is the Queen celebrating this year?
+Golden Jubilee
+NEWS 2002: Which French politician caused shock waves across Europe by coming second in the first round of the French Presidential elections?
+Jean-Marie Le Pen
+NEWS 2002: Which tv company went into receivership after its ?178.5million deal with the Football League hit trouble?
+ITV Digital
+NEWS 2002: Who succeeded William Hague as leader of the Conservative party?
+Iain Duncan Smith
+Newton's tome on the explanation of physical laws is the?
+Principia mathematica
+NFL Teams (name, not city) 10?
+NFL teams (names not cities)?
+Nhl goalie who had the most penalty shots scored on him in 1990-91 (2)?
+Jacques cloutier
+NHL teams (just the name, not the city)?
+NHL teams (just the name, not the city)?
+Nicholson what u.s president's home is located in columbia, tennessee?
+James polk
+Nick name of William F Cody?
+Buffalo bill
+Nick of Major Frank Burns (Larry Linville) in the T.V. Sitcom MASH?
+Ferret face
+Nickname of the vancouver team who won the stanley cup in 1914-1915?
+Nicole's number one won the Eurovision Song Contest for which country?
+Nicosia is the capital of which island?
+Nicotinic acid is listed on breakfast cereal boxes as?
+Night live to where did jackie gleason move his 1960's variety series?
+Night of the Hunter was the only film directed by which actor?
+Charles laughton
+Niklaus Wirth developed which programming language in 1968?
+Nine pennies weigh exactly how much?
+One ounce
+Ninetails,pikachu,vileplume & weepinbell are all types of what?
+Ninety eight per cent of the weight of water is made up from?
+Ninth planet from the sun & outermost known member of the solar system?
+Nitroglycerin is used to relieve what pain?
+Nitroglycerin was developed by?
+Ascanio sobrero
+No piece of square dry paper can be folded more than ____ times in half
+No rain has ever been recorded falling in the Atacama desert in?
+No stopwatch was used for the first two shows of this program that aired October 8 and October 15, 1968. Can you name the program?
+60 Minutes
+Nobel laureate and leader of the opposition in her country. husband died in mid-1999?
+Aung san suu-kyi
+Nobel: 1970s: Famous mother who won the nobel prize in 1979?
+Nobel: Austrian physicist and nobel laureate, best known for his mathematical studies of the wave mechanics of orbiting electrons?
+Nobleman between a marquis and viscount?
+Non dairy creamer is ____
+North America's first underwater telegraph cables were laid by ____
+Frederick grisborne
+North American Indian, Sitting Bull, died on 15th December of which year>?
+North American Indians ate Watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the ____
+North American Indians used the teepee as their nomadic dwelling, however, what was the name of the their permanent living accommodation called?
+North American tribe, of the iroquoian linguistic family and the southeast culture area?
+North Americans spend much of their summer leisure time going to Garage Sales. What is a garage sale known as in Britain?
+A Boot Sale
+North Sea Jazz festival is held in what country?
+Northern most & western most state of the U S, & the largest state of the union?
+Nose prints are used to identify?
+Nostradamus was famous for making what?
+Not harmful to the environment?
+Nouakchott is the capital of ____
+Nova scotia is the new name for which Canadian province?
+November of 1963 saw the introduction of this new device, from at&t?
+Touch tone phone
+Now in modern Tanzania, which port is the historic meeting place of Stanley and Livingstone in 1871?
+Nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are parts of a ____
+Nuku'alofa is the capital of ____
+Numerology: how do you write the number 99 (ninety nine) in roman numerals?
+Nunaat island, southern indonesia, one of the lesser sunda islands, in the Indian ocean?
+Nungatta National Park is nearest what large Australian city?
+Nursery Rhymes: In the song 'Skip To My Lou', in what beverage are the flies?
+Nursery Rhymes: Jack and Jill went up a ____ to fetch a pail of water
+Nursery Rhymes: Name the nursery rhyme mother whos last name is that of a bird?
+Nursery Rhymes: Where did Little Miss Muffet sit?
+On her tuffet
+Nursery Rhymes: Who is Mother Goose's son?
+Nursery Rhymes: Who sat on her tuffet?
+Little Miss Muffet
+Nylon was invented simultaneously at these two cities?
+New york london
+Oakley what are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms?
+Oaks of dodona what did the white house have before it had an indoor bathroom?
+Oasis were great fans of which British group?
+Oberon is a moon of which planet?
+Obsessive desire to lose weight by dieting?
+Anorexia nervosa
+Obsidian, used by American Indians for tools, weapons and ornaments, is dark ____ glass
+October 2002, name of the TV presenter who caused a rumpus with her autobiography Honest?
+Ulrika jonsson
+Of all canadians, ____ percent rely on groundwater for domestic use
+Of sin, cos or tan, which graph is not differentiable at all points?
+Of the 15,000-odd known species of orchids in the world, 3,000 of them can be found in ____
+Of the 262 men who have held the title of pope, how many have died by violence?
+Of the 266 men who have been pope, how many have died violently?
+Thirty three
+Of the 266 popes, how many died violently?
+Thirty three
+Of the seven colours of the rainbow which is the middle one?
+Of the Somme With what acid do nettles cause irritation?
+Formic acid
+Of the twenty brightest stars in the sky, what one is the furthest north?
+Of the two chipmunks, Chip and Dale, ____ has the black nose
+Of these three bond films, which was the first to be released the man with the golden gun, live and let die or the spy who loved me?
+Live and let die
+Of waterloo Common name for the family comprising a peculiar group of spiny, fleshy plants native to America?
+Of what are 'smores' made?
+Graham crackers, marshmallow and chocolate
+Of what are an arc, radius and sector a part?
+Of what are corolla, filament and stigma a part of?
+Of what are dartboards made?
+Of what are epidermal cells, palisade cells and veins a part?
+Of what are Syrah, Merlot and Pinot Noir favourites?
+Of what are the central processing units of modern computers mostly composed?
+Of what are throat, foxing and platform parts?
+Of what are walrus tusks made?
+Of what battle was a horse named Comanche the only losing survivor?
+Battle of little big horn
+Of what building did Galile? drop his balls?
+The leaning tower of Pisa
+Of what continent is cyprus a part?
+Of what country did Napoleon make his brother, Jerome, king?
+Of what country did Napoleon make his brother, Louis, king?
+Of what country is Holger Danske the national hero?
+Of what country is Lagos the capital?
+Of what country is samsoe is the national cheese?
+Of what country is the monetary unit the rupee?
+Of what country is Tripoli capital?
+Of what country was nebuchadnezzar king?
+Of what did aristotle say all things were made up?
+Air, earth, fire, water
+Of what did israel acquire 4 out of 7 in 1955?
+Dead sea scrolls
+Of what did robert the bruce, king of Scotland, die in 1329?
+Of what did Sir Francis Drake die?
+Of what do baby robins eat 14 feet of every day?
+Of what do you use one tenth if you lick a stamp?
+Of what does a bicaudal cow have two?
+Of what does a human being lose an average of 40 to 100 per day?
+Of what does a Poker Full House consist?
+Three of a kind and a pair
+Of what element is the sun mostly composed?
+Of what form of artistic expression is Caedmon the first named British exponent?
+Of what has alberta, Canada been completely free since 1905?
+Of what has Ry Cooder only one,that most men have two?
+Of what is '9' the billionth digit?
+Of what is 'soweto' in south africa an abbreviation?
+South west township
+Of what is 16% of human body weight made up?
+Of what is a Queen Alexandra Birdwing the worlds largest variety?
+Of what is a rhinocerous horn made?
+Of what is a smuck a group?
+Of what is agrostology the study?
+Of what is cetology a study?
+Of what is dendrology the study?
+Of what is lake victoria the source?
+White nile
+Of what is mycology the study?
+Of what is pedology the study?
+Of what is petrology the study?
+Of what is st clare patron saint of?
+Of what is the word 'fortnight' a contraction?
+Fourteen nights
+Of what metal are meteorites composed?
+Of what mineral is limestone composed of?
+Of what modern mammal is the Mastodon an early relative?
+Of what nutrient is egg white composed?
+Of what origin is 'spanakopita'?
+Of what planet is 'io' a moon?
+Of what planet is titan a moon?
+Of what species is the firefly a member?
+Of what substance are teeth made?
+Of what was charlie chaplain's cane made?
+Of what was charlie chaplin's cane made?
+Of what was john bentham one of the founders?
+Of what was napoleon terrified?
+Of what was snow white's coffin made?
+Of what was the first lightbulb filament made?
+Of what was the greek Goddess Nyx the personification?
+Of what was vadim viktorovich bakatin the last chairman?
+Of what were ancient egyptian pillows made?
+Of which academy is a goat the mascot?
+U.s naval academy
+Of which african country is lilongwe the capital?
+Of which ancient country was Akhenaten a ruler?
+Of which Australian band, still rocking after 20 years, is angus young the brains?
+Of which British politician was it said 'He delivers all his statements as though auditioning for the speaking clock'?
+John major
+Of which co star did tony curtis say its like kissing hitler?
+Marilyn monroe
+Of which country does the group of about 100 islands, known variously as the Spice Islands, the Moluccas, Maluku and Pulau Seribu, form part?
+Of which country is Amharic an official language?
+Of which country is constanta the major port city?
+Of which country is Khartoum the capital?
+The sudan
+Of which country is Maseru the capital?
+Of which country is the flame flower a native?
+South africa
+Of which country is the flower the French Marigold a native?
+Of which country is voodoo the national religious folk cult?
+Of which country was achmed sukarno president from 1945 - 1962?
+Of which country was Admiral Miklos Horthy the political leader during World War 2?
+Of which country was Anastasio Somoza president during the 1960s and '70s?
+Of which country was Andreas Papandreou prime minister?
+Of which country was Antonio Salazar once dictator?
+Of which country was Anwar Sadat the president?
+Of which country was faisal, assassinated in 1975, king?
+Saudi arabia
+Of which country was Henry the Navigator a prince in the 1400s?
+Of which country was louis philippe the last king?
+Of which country was Salvador Allende president?
+Of which country were nasser and king farouk heads of state?
+Of which family are watermelons a member?
+Of which family is the tamaraw, one of the world's rarest animals?
+Of which fruit is 'Red Gauntlet' a variety?
+Of which island group is viti levu, the largest?
+Of which Londaon Palace is the Banqueting House the only surviving part?
+The palace of whitehall
+Of which metal is azurite the ore?
+Of which metal is sperrylite the ore?
+Of which people was Genghis Kahn a war leader?
+The Mongols
+Of which people was William Tell a national hero?
+The Swiss
+Of which planet is luna the moon?
+Of which precious stone is aquamarine a variety?
+Of which ship was miles standish captain?
+Of which Spanish province is Santander the capital city?
+Of which Spanish province is Seville the capital city?
+Of which State was Jimmy Carter Governor before he became president?
+Of who did the u.s postal service print 500 million stamps in 1993?
+Elvis presley
+Of who was atahualpa king?
+Of who was eva braun the mistress?
+Adolf hitler
+Of who was oedipus king?
+Of who were castor and pollux the twin sons?
+Zeus and leda
+Of whom was Diana Prince the alter ego?
+Of whom was it said by Gerald Ford, 'He doesn't dye his hair - he's just prematurely orange'?
+Ronald reagan
+Off of what countries coast do you find the great barrier reef?
+Off the coast of which Australian state is the Great Barrier Reef?
+Off what coast was 'prison island'?
+French guiana
+Off what country lies the island of Zanzibar?
+Offa's Dyke divided which 2 countries?
+England And Wales
+Offered a new pen to write with, 97% of all people will write what?
+Their own name
+Office what is the name of the film in which steven segal's character dies?
+Executive decision
+Officers how many British officers were forced by Indian troops into the black hole of calcutta?
+One hundred and forty six
+Officers in which army were given copies of 'les miserables'?
+Confederate army
+Official scrutiny of accounts?
+Official taxis in london are usually what colour?
+Official taxis in New York are what colour?
+Officially recorded as sustaining a fart for 2 mins 42 seconds was ____ Clemmens of London
+Often drunk, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows?
+Often made around a campfire, what has graham crackers, marshmallow and chocolate?
+Often seen on warning signs, what two words are combined for form the term 'Hazmat'?
+Hazardous material
+Ogdensburg, New York is the only city in the U S situated on what river?
+St lawrence river
+Ogdensburg, New York is the only city in the United States situated what river?
+St lawrence
+Oh no, Beta. Who said it?
+Oklahoma city is the capital of ____
+Old fashioned word for a prostitute?
+Old maps show Terra Australis Incognita, what was it?
+Unknown southern continent
+Old pointed cavalry weapon?
+Oliver Reed had an eagle tattooed on this part of his anatomy?
+His penis
+Oliver's Story was the sequel to which best-seller by Erich Segal?
+Love story
+On 'dragnet', who did Harry morgan play?
+Officer bill gannon
+On 'dragnet', who played officer bill gannon?
+Harry morgan
+On 'speaking in tongues' which group was 'burning down the house' in 1983?
+Talking heads
+On 'the flintstones' what was the name of the futuristic rock band?
+On 'the flintstones' who are bambam's parents?
+Barney and betty rubble
+On 'the lucy show', who played vivian bagley?
+Vivian vance
+On 'the roseanne show', as what was David jacob known?
+On 'the roseanne show', who was d.j?
+David jacob
+On 9 February ____, soap rationing began in Britain
+On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the extreme left-hand letter on the bottom row?
+On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the extreme left-hand letter on the middle row of letters?
+On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the letter in between the B and the C key?
+On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the letter in between the D and the G key?
+On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the letter in between the J and the L key?
+On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the letter in between the W and the R key?
+On a bingo card of 90 numbers, there are approximately ____ ways to make B-I-N-G-O
+On a chemical what does a skull and cross-bone mean?
+On a cluedo board how many rooms are there?
+On a compass what do the initials NEbE stand for?
+North-east by east
+On a dartboard, what number is on top?
+On a darts board what number is directly opposite 10?
+On a dice, what is on the opposite side of the '5'?
+On a German white wine what does the word 'Spatlese' (pronounced 'shpate-laser') signify?
+Late picked
+On a hallmark, which metal is indicated by a Lion passant in England and a lion rampant in Scotland?
+Sterling silver
+On a human body, hair grows out of pits in the skin. What are these pits called?
+On a london underground map, what colour is the district line?
+On a map, how is a parallel also known?
+On a Monopoly Board, what colour is Regent Street?
+On a monopoly board, what lies between st Charles place and states ave?
+Electric company
+On a music score what name is given to the key and meter (or time) signs at the beginning of a composition?
+On a pack of cards which way does the king of clubs face?
+On a ship, what is the plimsoll line?
+Loading line
+On airwolf, what instrument does hawke play?
+On an analogue clock, what number faces 4?
+On august 26 1990, after finishing an encore jam featuring Eric clapton, buddy guy and robert cray, whose helicopter crashed on his way from wisconsin to Chicago?
+Stevie ray vaughan
+On average, an iceberg weighs ____ tons
+On average, elephants sleep for about ____ per day
+Two hours
+On average, people fear spiders more than they do?
+On average, there are 333 squares of ____ on a roll
+Toilet paper
+On average, which game takes the longest to play?
+On Beverly Hills 90210 What was the name of Brandon's first car?
+ON Beverly Hills 90210,where did the Walshes live before they moved to Beverly Hills?
+On boy meets world,what is the crazy older brother's name?
+On cars gb stands for what country?
+Great britain
+On Children's TV who has friends called Wendy, Muck and Scoop?
+Bob the builder
+On clothing labels what is the meaning of a symbol consisting of a circle within a square crossed out?
+Do not tumble dry
+On clothing, what does the symbol of a circle crossed-out indicate?
+Do not dry clean
+On clothing, what does the symbol of a circle inside a square indicate?
+Can be tumble dried
+On december 1, 1917, who opened boys town, a farm village for wayward boys, near omaha, nebraska?
+Father edward flanagan
+On december 1, 1990, workers from france and England met in what structure in the middle of the English channel?
+On Diff'rent Strokes,what pet did Arnold keep in his room?
+On Different Strokes,who got kidnapped?
+On every episode of the a-team, mr t is deathly afraid of?
+On FRIENDS what was the name of Ross's monkey?
+On friends,what did phoebe promise to give chandler if he never smoked again?
+On Friends,what did Phoebe promise to give Chandler if her never smoked again?
+On Full House Uncle Jesse had a last name before it became Katsopolis what was it?
+On full house, what was jesse's real first name?
+On Full House,what was Jesse's REAL first name?
+On George Martin's farewell album In My Life, which actor sings the title song?
+Sean connery
+On German pottery, which factory's mark was from 1724 a pair of crossed swords?
+On get smart, who was seldom called by his name thaddeus?
+On gilligan's island, what was ginger's last name?
+On Happy Days,what animal did Fonzie jump his motorcycle over?
+A shark
+On hee haw, what was edgar owen's nickname?
+On how many continents must a sport be played regularly before it is accepted into the olympics?
+On international automobile license plates, what country is represented by the letter e?
+On irc, how do you ask age, sex, location?
+On irc, what is a/s/l?
+Age, sex, location
+On january 1, 1993, this european nation split into two separate sides?
+On january 17th 1920, the volstead act, the legislation implementing prohibition, took effect. that just so happened to be the 21st birthday of a man whose name would be tied intimately with the prohibition era, namely?
+Al capone
+On July 16 1969, when Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins took off on our first expedition to the surface of the moon, they were carried by a?
+Saturn V Launch Vehicle
+On June 16, 1456, King Charles VII of France annulled a judgment of heresy against ____, 25 years after she had been burnt at the stake
+Joan of arc
+ON june 21 2001 a total eclipse will be seen in...?
+South Africa
+On Laverne & Shirley,what was Laverne's favorite drink?
+Milk and Pepsi
+On Leonardo Da Vinci's painting 'The Last Supper'how many people are depicted?
+On Little House on the Prairie,what was Laura's horse's name?
+On little house on the prairie,what was the original name for the school teacher?
+Miss beatle 
+On Little House on the Prarie,what was the original name for the school teacher?
+Miss Beatle 
+On maps, what is the 'you are here' arrow?
+Ideo locator
+On maps, what is the technical name for the 'you are here' arrow?
+Ideo locator
+On March 29, 1848, Niagara Falls stopped flowing for 30 hours because of what?
+Ice jam
+On March 29, 1848, Niagara Falls stopped flowing for 30 hours. What caused this?
+Ice jam blocking the niagara river
+On mash, what was walter 'radar' o'reilley's home town?
+On mash,what was the name of bj's wife?
+On May 16, 1991, Queen ____ became the first British monarch in history to address Congress during her U.S. tour
+Elizabeth ii
+On mr ed, what was wilbur's last name?
+On MTV's Blame Game what is the name of the Judge?
+Judge Reed
+On my three sons, which character did william demarest play?
+Uncle charley
+On night Court what was Bull's IQ?
+On Night Court,who was Harry's idol?
+Mel Torme
+On november 26, 1941, what did president roosevelt declare will always be celebrated on the fourth thursday in november?
+On One Day at a Time,what were the two daughter's names?
+Barbara and Julie 
+On petticoat junction, what was the name of the train?
+On porter waggoner's tv show, who was his first singing partner?
+Norma jean
+On Punky Brewster,how was she abandoned by her mother?
+Her mother went in to the grocery store and never came out.
+On Saved By The Bell,what was the name of the beach club that the gang worked at?
+Malibu Sands Beach Club
+On the 11th day of christmas, my true love gave to me?
+Eleven pipers piping
+On the andy williams show, what did the bear like to eat?
+On the banks of which mighty river did a Spanish explorer spot a group of native female warriors in the 1540s?
+The amazon
+On the beaufort scale what is the minimum speed of a hurricane (mph)?
+On the body what is a calcaneium?
+Heel bone
+On the border between Brazil and which other south American country would you find the itaipu dam?
+On the border of which two states are the smoky mountains?
+Tennessee and north carolina
+On the bullwinkle show, what was boris's last name?
+On the cartoon show 'the jetsons', how old is judy?
+On the chinese calendar, 1998 is the year of the ____
+On the chinese calendar, the year 2000 will be the year of the what?
+On the coast of which modern country did the Phoenicians live?
+On The Drew Carey Show what foreign country did Mimi send Drew to?
+On the fahrenheit scale, how many degrees are there between freezing point and boiling point?
+One hundred and eighty
+On the fahrenheit scale, there are 180 degrees between boiling point and ____
+Freezing point
+On the fahrenheit scale, there are 180 degrees between freezing point and ____
+Boiling point
+On the London Underground, one station has adifferent name on two of its platforms. They are?
+Bank & monument
+On the muppet show, who is the commanding officer of the starship swinetrek?
+Captain link hogthrob
+On the old kids' show winky dink & you, what was woofer?
+On the shore of which lake are Chicago & Milwaukee?
+Lake michigan
+On the shores of which lake are Chicago and Milwaukee?
+Lake michigan
+On the show cheers, what was the name of the restaurant above the bar?
+On the show friends what is phoebes twin sisters name?
+On the show FRIENDS what was Phoebes twin sisters name?
+On the show Kight Rider,what was the name of K.I.T.T.s evil double?
+On The Simpsons, baby Maggie's first words we gurgled by who?
+Elizabeth Taylor
+On the simpsons, who is mr. burns' assistant?
+Waylon smithers
+On the skull and crossbones flag, what kind of bones are the crossbones?
+On the stone temples of ____ in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of gods and goddesses
+On the stress scale, what rates the highest?
+On the T.V. series MASH, Corporal Klinger hailed from which Midwestern city?
+On the T.V. show 'The Beverley Hillbillies', what was the street address of the Clampett Mansion?
+518 Crestview Drive
+On the tv show 'seinfeld', what is kramer's first name?
+On the TV show 'The Simpsons', What color is Marge Simpson's hair?
+On the tv show 'the simpsons', what is the name of the school janitor?
+On the tv show m-a-s-h, what object was stolen out of Henry blake's office using a helicopter?
+On This Day: 01 April 1970 ____ release hoax they are having dual sex change operations
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["John & Yoko", "John Lennon & Yoko Ono", "John Lennon and Yoko Ono"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+On This Day: 01 August 1960 Benin (Dahomey) gained independence from ____
+On This Day: 01 August 1971 George Harrison's concert for ____ takes place in NYC
+On This Day: 01 December 1970 Independent People's Republic of ____ becomes the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
+South yemen
+On This Day: 01 December 1973 Australia grants self-government to ____
+Papua new guinea
+On This Day: 01 December 1973 Jack ____ becomes 1st golfer to earn $2M in a year
+On This Day: 01 February 1960 Extreme right-wing rebels in ____ surrender
+On This Day: 01 February 1970 Stalled commuter train rammed by express in____ , 139 die
+On This Day: 01 February 1970 West-Germany & ____ sign gas contract
+On This Day: 01 January 1960 ____ plays 1st of many free concerts behind bars
+Johnny cash
+On This Day: 01 January 1960 Bank of ____ issues new franc, worth 20?
+On This Day: 01 January 1960 Cameroon (French Cameroon) gained independence from ____
+On This Day: 01 January 1960 Montserrat adopts ____
+On This Day: 01 January 1970 Revised ____ for Western (RC) Church goes into effect
+On This Day: 01 January 1971 ____ advertisements banned on TV
+On This Day: 01 January 1972 People's Republic of China performs ____ at Lop Nor People's Rebulic of China
+Nuclear test
+On This Day: 01 January 1973 47th Australian Women's Tennis Margaret Court beats ____ (64 75)
+On This Day: 01 January 1973 Britain, Ireland & Denmark become 7th-9th members of ____ Market
+On This Day: 01 January 1973 West ____ Economic Community formed (Benin, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Upper Volta)
+On This Day: 01 January 1975 Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell & Mardian convicted of ____ crime
+On This Day: 01 January 1975 Sweden adopts ____
+On This Day: 01 July 1960 ____ becomes a republic
+On This Day: 01 June 1975 ____ replaces Mick Taylor as Rolling Stone guitarist
+Ron woods
+On This Day: 01 March 1970 End of US commercial ____ hunting
+On This Day: 01 March 1970 Kreisky's social-democrats win ____ parliamentary election
+On This Day: 01 March 1970 White government of Rhodesia declares independence from ____
+On This Day: 01 March 1974 George ____ announces his concert tour of US in November
+On This Day: 01 March 1974 Ian & Greg ____ make 264 partnership vs New Zealand cricket at Wellington
+On This Day: 01 March 1975 17th Grammy Awards: I Honestly Love You, Marvin ____ wins
+On This Day: 01 May 1960 ____ shoots down Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane over Sverdlovsk
+On This Day: 01 October 1960 Nigeria gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+On This Day: 01 October 1971 Walt Disney World in____ , Florida opens
+On This Day: 01 October 1975 ____ grants internal self-government to Seychelles
+On This Day: 01 September 1971 Qatar declares independence from ____
+On This Day: 01 September 1972 ____ (US) defeats Boris Spassky (USSR) for world chess title
+Bobby fischer
+On This Day: 02 April 1972 ____ Academy Awards presented
+On This Day: 02 April 1972 Prime Minister Begin visits ____
+On This Day: 02 February 1960 Michale Eufemia sinks 625 balls in ____ without a miss
+Pool match
+On This Day: 02 February 1971 ____ ousts Milton Obote to become dictator of Uganda
+Idi amin
+On This Day: 02 January 1960 John Reynolds sets age of solar system at ____ years
+On This Day: 02 January 1960 Roger Sessions' 4th ____ premieres
+On This Day: 02 January 1960 Senator____ , announces his candidacy for President
+John f kennedy
+On This Day: 02 January 1971 A barrier collapses at Ibrox Park football ground at end of a Football match in Glasgow____ , killing 66
+On This Day: 02 January 1972 Mariner 9 begins mapping ____
+On This Day: 02 January 1974 55 MPH speed limit imposed by Richard ____
+On This Day: 02 January 1974 Worst fire in ____ history destroys 1.2 million acres
+On This Day: 02 January 1975 US Department of Interior designates ____ a threatened species
+Grizzly bear
+On This Day: 02 March 1970 ____ becomes independent republic
+On This Day: 02 March 1970 Supreme Court ruled ____ can not be penalized after 5 years
+Draft evaders
+On This Day: 02 March 1972 Pioneer 10 launched for ____ flyby
+On This Day: 02 March 1974 Greg ____ makes 247 vs New Zealand, 410 minutes, 29 fours 1 six
+On This Day: 02 May 1960 Harry ____ 's 2nd Carnegie Hall performance
+On This Day: 02 May 1974 Former Vice President ____ is disbarred
+Spiro agnew
+On This Day: 02 May 1975 ____ records closes down
+On This Day: 02 October 1972 Aeroflot Il-18 crashes near ____ resort of Sochi, kills 105
+Black sea
+On This Day: 03 April 1974 148 ____ are reported over an area covering a dozen states
+On This Day: 03 April 1975 ____ stripped of world chess title for refusing to defend
+Bobby fischer
+On This Day: 03 August 1960 Niger gained independence from ____
+On This Day: 03 August 1971 Paul McCartney announces the formation of his group ____
+On This Day: 03 August 1974 Guitarist Jeff Baxter quits ____ & joins Doobie Brothers
+Steely dan
+On This Day: 03 December 1972 Convair 990A charter crashes in ____ Canary Island, 155 die
+On This Day: 03 December 1973 Pioneer 10 passes ____ 1st fly-by of an outer planet)
+On This Day: 03 January 1974 Arias Navarro succeeds Carrero Blanco as premier of ____
+On This Day: 03 January 1974 Burma accepts its ____
+On This Day: 03 July 1970 200,000 attend ____ Pop Festival
+On This Day: 03 March 1971 South African Broadcasting Corp lifts its ban on the ____
+On This Day: 03 March 1971 Winnie ____ sentenced to 1 year in jail in South Africa
+On This Day: 03 March 1974 George Foreman KOs ____
+Ken norton
+On This Day: 03 March 1974 World's worst air disaster, Turkish DC-10 crashes in ____ 246 die)
+Paris france
+On This Day: 03 March 1975 Linda McCartney is charged in US with possession of ____
+On This Day: 03 May 1971 Nixon administration arrests ____ anti-war protesters in 3 days
+On This Day: 03 November 1970 Salvador Allende inaugurated as President of ____
+On This Day: 04 April 1975 ____ is arrested for burning his girlfriend's clothes
+Steve miller
+On This Day: 04 August 1970 Jim ____ arrested for drunkenness
+On This Day: 04 August 1971 US launches 1st ____ into lunar orbit from manned spacecraft
+On This Day: 04 December 1974 Dutch DC-8 charter crashes in ____ killing 191 Moslem pilgrims
+Sri lanka
+On This Day: 04 February 1970 US performs ____ test at Nevada Test Site
+On This Day: 04 February 1971 British car maker ____ declared itself bankrupt
+Rolls royce
+On This Day: 04 February 1974 ____ Nim Chimsky signs his 1st word, at 21/2 months
+On This Day: 04 February 1974 Gas rationing ends in ____
+On This Day: 04 February 1974 Patricia ____ 19), daughter of publisher Randolph Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army
+On This Day: 04 January 1960 European Free Trade Association forms in ____
+On This Day: 04 January 1970 ____ ends hosting weekly documentary
+Walter cronkite
+On This Day: 04 January 1970 ____ last recording session at EMI studios
+On This Day: 04 January 1971 Dr Melvin H Evans inaugurated as 1st elected Governor of ____ Islands
+On This Day: 04 July 1960 America's new 50-star flag honoring ____ statehood unfurled
+On This Day: 04 June 1970 Tonga gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+On This Day: 04 March 1960 Lucille Ball files divorce from ____
+Desi arnaz
+On This Day: 04 March 1972 ____ & USSR signs cooperation treaty
+On This Day: 04 March 1974 Harold ____ replaces resigning Ed Heath as British premier
+On This Day: 04 September 1972 US swimmer ____ becomes 1st athlete to win 7 olympic gold medals
+Mark spitz
+On This Day: 05 April 1971 Mount ____ erupts in Sicily Italy
+On This Day: 05 April 1974 Then tallest building, ____ opens in NYC 110 stories)
+World trade center
+On This Day: 05 August 1973 ____ launches Mars 6
+On This Day: 05 February 1974 Maximum speed on ____ reduced to 100 kph
+On This Day: 05 January 1960 Continental League, a proposed third____ , gets an assurance of congressional support from New York Senator Kenneth Keating
+Major league
+On This Day: 05 January 1971 1st one-day international, Australia vs ____ at the MCG
+On This Day: 05 January 1971 Harlem ____ lose 100-99 to New Jersey Reds, ending 2,495-game win streak
+On This Day: 05 January 1972 NASA announces development of ____
+Space shuttle
+On This Day: 05 January 1973 Mali & Niger break diplomatic relations with ____
+On This Day: 05 January 1973 Netherlands recognizes ____ Democratic Republic
+On This Day: 05 July 1970 Air Canada DC-8 crashes 7 miles from ____ 's airport killing 109
+On This Day: 05 July 1973 ____ begins issuing their own postage stamps
+Isle of man
+On This Day: 05 June 1975 ____ reopens (after 6 Day War caused it to close)
+Suez canal
+On This Day: 05 March 1960 ____ ends 2-year hitch in US Army
+Elvis presley
+On This Day: 05 May 1970 US performs nuclear test at ____ test Site
+On This Day: 05 September 1960 Cassius ____ captures the olympic light heavyweight gold medal
+On This Day: 05 September 1972 11 Israeli athletes are slain at ____
+Munich olympics
+On This Day: 06 April 1973 Pioneer 11 launched toward Jupiter & ____
+On This Day: 06 February 1971 1st time a golf ball is hit on the ____ (by Alan Shepard)
+On This Day: 06 February 1974 Dutch speed limit set at 100 km due to ____
+Oil crisis
+On This Day: 06 June 1971 Soyuz 11 takes 3 ____ to Salyut 1 space station
+On This Day: 06 June 1975 British voters decide to remain in ____ Market
+On This Day: 06 March 1972 Jack Nicklaus passes ____ as golf's all-time money winner
+Arnold palmer
+On This Day: 06 March 1974 An Italian loses a record $1,920,000 at roulette in ____
+Monte carlo
+On This Day: 06 May 1960 England's Princess ____ marries Antony Armstrong-Jones (Lord Snowdon)
+On This Day: 06 May 1960 President ____ signs Civil Rights Act of 1960
+On This Day: 06 May 1960 Students attack Dutch embassy in ____
+On This Day: 06 May 1970 Yuchiro Miura of Japan skis down Mount ____
+On This Day: 06 November 1975 1st appearance of the ____
+Sex pistols
+On This Day: 06 October 1973 Yom Kippur War begins as Syria & Egypt attack ____
+On This Day: 06 September 1972 ____ appear on Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon
+John & yoko
+On This Day: 07 August 1970 1st computer ____ tournament
+On This Day: 07 December 1972 Phillippine 1st lady Imelda ____ stabbed & wounded by an assailant
+On This Day: 07 February 1960 Old handwriting found in at____ , near the Dead Sea
+On This Day: 07 February 1970 US female ____ championship won by Janet Lynn
+Figure skating
+On This Day: 07 February 1970 US male ____ championship won by Tim Wood
+Figure skating
+On This Day: 07 February 1971 Women win the right to vote in ____
+On This Day: 07 February 1974 Grenada gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+On This Day: 07 January 1972 Iberian Airlines crashes into 800' peak on island of____ , 104 die
+On This Day: 07 January 1973 US poet James Merrill wins ____ Prize
+On This Day: 07 January 1974 Dutch rations ____
+On This Day: 07 January 1975 ____ fans riot before Boston concert, causing $30,000 damage
+Led zeppelin
+On This Day: 07 July 1960 USSR shoots down a US aircraft over ____ sea
+On This Day: 07 July 1972 Billie Jean King beats Evonne ____ to win Wimbeldon
+On This Day: 07 June 1970 The Who's Tommy is performed at NY's ____
+Lincoln center
+On This Day: 07 June 1971 Soviet Soyuz 11 crew completes 1st transfer to orbiting ____
+On This Day: 07 June 1972 German Chancellor Willy Brandt visits ____
+On This Day: 07 March 1971 Egypt refuses to renew the ____ ceasefire
+On This Day: 07 March 1973 Sheik Mujib ur-Rahman's Awami League wins election in ____
+On This Day: 07 March 1974 1st general striking in ____
+On This Day: 07 May 1960 Leonid ____ replaces Kliment Voroshilov as President of USSR
+On This Day: 07 November 1970 Race riots in Daytona Beach ____
+On This Day: 08 August 1960 Ivory Coast declares ____
+On This Day: 08 February 1971 South Vietnamese troops invade ____
+On This Day: 08 February 1973 Senate names 7 members to investigate ____ scandal
+On This Day: 08 February 1975 1800 Unification church couples' wed in ____
+On This Day: 08 January 1971 29 pilot ____ beach themselves & die at San Clemente Island CA
+On This Day: 08 January 1973 Greg ____ 's best Test bowling, 5-61 vs Pakistan at SCG
+On This Day: 08 January 1973 Secret peace talks between US & ____ resumed near Paris
+North vietnam
+On This Day: 08 January 1973 USSR launches ____ 21 for Moon landing
+On This Day: 08 January 1974 ____ photographed
+Loch ness monster
+On This Day: 08 June 1975 2 passenger trains collided near ____ Germany killing 35
+On This Day: 08 June 1975 USSR launches Venera 9 for ____ landing
+On This Day: 08 March 1971 Joe Frazier beats ____ at Madison Square Garden (New York NY)in 15, retains heavyweight boxing title
+Muhammad ali
+On This Day: 08 March 1972 1st ____ flown over Britain in 20 years (Europa)
+On This Day: 08 March 1972 1st flight of the ____ blimp
+On This Day: 08 March 1973 Paul & Linda McCartney are fined ?100 for growing ____
+On This Day: 08 March 1974 Charles ____ Airport opens in Paris France
+De gaulle
+On This Day: 08 May 1960 USSR & ____ resume diplomatic relations
+On This Day: 08 May 1971 ____ beats Muhammad Ali at Madison Square Garden
+Joe frazier
+On This Day: 08 May 1972 Sabena aircraft at Lod International, Tel Aviv, captured by ____
+On This Day: 08 May 1974 Canadian Government of ____ falls
+On This Day: 08 September 1974 Pres ____ pardons former Pres R Nixon of all federal crimes
+Gerald ford
+On This Day: 09 April 1970 ____ announces official split of the Beatles
+Paul mccartney
+On This Day: 09 April 1972 Jack ____ wins Masters golf tournament
+On This Day: 09 August 1960 Race riot in Jacksonville ____
+On This Day: 09 August 1972 Rockwell receives NASA contract to construct the ____
+Space shuttle
+On This Day: 09 August 1973 ____ launches Mars 7
+On This Day: 09 August 1973 Henry McCullough & Denny Seiwell quit ____
+On This Day: 09 February 1971 Quake in ____ Valley kills 65 & causes over $1/2 billion damage
+San fernando
+On This Day: 09 January 1960 Building of Aswan dam in____ , begins
+On This Day: 09 January 1970 Constitution of ____ enacted
+On This Day: 09 January 1972 Billionaire Howard ____ said Clifford Irving's biography is a fake
+On This Day: 09 January 1972 Passenger ship ____ destroyed by fire
+Queen elizabeth
+On This Day: 09 January 1975 Australia beat ____ by 171 runs in 4th Test to regain Ashes
+On This Day: 09 July 1972 1st tour of Paul McCartney & ____ (France)
+On This Day: 09 June 1972 ____ signs a record deal with Columbia
+Bruce springsteen
+On This Day: 09 June 1974 Supergroup Blind ____ 's (Clapton, Windwood, Baker) 1st concert
+On This Day: 09 May 1960 ____ becomes a member of the British Commonwealth
+On This Day: 09 May 1960 US is 1st country to use the ____ pill legally
+Birth control
+On This Day: 09 May 1970 100,000s demonstrate against ____ War
+On This Day: 09 May 1971 Friends of Earth return 1500 non-returnable bottles to ____
+On This Day: 09 October 1970 Khmer Republic (Cambodia) declares ____
+On This Day: 09 October 1973 Elvis & ____ Presley divorce after 6 years
+On This Day: 09 October 1975 Emperor ____ of Japan visits SF
+On This Day: 09 October 1975 Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov wins ____ Prize
+Nobel peace
+On This Day: 09 September 1971 John Lennon & ____ appear on the Dick Cavett Show (ABC-TV)
+Yoko ono
+On This Day: 09 September 1975 ____ 2 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing
+On This Day: 10 April 1960 Arnold ____ wins his 2nd Masters golf tournament
+On This Day: 10 August 1960 ____ 13 launched into orbit; returned 1st object from space
+On This Day: 10 February 1971 Royal Albert Hall bans scheduled concert featuring Frank ____
+On This Day: 10 February 1974 Iran/____ border fight breaks out
+On This Day: 10 January 1960 Bollingen Prize for ____ awarded to Delmore Schwartz
+On This Day: 10 January 1971 Bollingen Prize for ____ awarded to Richard Wilbur
+On This Day: 10 July 1973 Bahamas gain independence after 300 yrs of ____ rule (Nat'l Day)
+On This Day: 10 June 1973 ____ launches Radio Astronomy Explorer 49 into lunar orbit
+On This Day: 10 March 1960 USSR agrees to stop ____
+Nuclear testing
+On This Day: 10 March 1973 Morocco adopts ____
+On This Day: 10 March 1974 Christian Democrats win ____ parliamentary election
+On This Day: 10 May 1972 Overloaded South ____ bus plunges into reservoir, killing 77
+On This Day: 10 November 1971 US table tennis team arrived in ____
+On This Day: 10 November 1975 PLO leader Yasser ____ addresses UN in NYC
+On This Day: 10 October 1970 Fiji gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+On This Day: 10 October 1975 Liz Taylor's ____ marriage (re-marries Richard Burton)
+On This Day: 10 September 1960 Running barefoot, Ethiopian Abebe Bikila wins ____ Olympic marathon
+On This Day: 10 September 1973 Muhammad Ali defeats ____
+Ken norton
+On This Day: 10 September 1974 Guinea-Bissau gained independence from ____
+On This Day: 11 April 1960 1st ____ satellite launched (Tiros 1)
+On This Day: 11 August 1960 Chad declares ____
+On This Day: 11 August 1974 Lee ____ wins PGA championship
+On This Day: 11 February 1970 ____ becomes 4th nation to put a satellite (Osumi) in orbit
+On This Day: 11 February 1970 ____ pays ?1,344 fines for 96 protesting the South African rugby team playing in Scotland
+John Lennon
+On This Day: 11 February 1973 1st one-day international for Pakistan & ____
+New zealand
+On This Day: 11 February 1975 Margaret Thatcher defeats Edward ____ for Conservative leadership
+On This Day: 11 January 1960 Chad declares independence from ____
+On This Day: 11 January 1960 Lamar Clark sets pro boxing record of 44 consecutive ____
+On This Day: 11 January 1972 East-Pakistan becomes independent state of ____
+On This Day: 11 January 1973 Trial of the ____ burglars begins in Washington DC
+On This Day: 11 July 1960 Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Upper Volta & Niger declare ____
+On This Day: 11 March 1960 ____ launched into solar orbit between Earth & Venus
+Pioneer 5
+On This Day: 11 March 1974 Mount Etna in ____ erupts
+On This Day: 11 March 1975 ____ military coup under General Spinola fails
+On This Day: 11 May 1960 Israeli soldiers capture Adolf ____ in Buenos Aires
+On This Day: 11 May 1972 ____ says his phone is tapped by FBI on Dick Cavett Show
+John lennon
+On This Day: 11 May 1975 ____ signs an agreement with European Economic Market
+On This Day: 11 November 1975 Angola gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+On This Day: 11 September 1960 The 17th Olympic games close in ____
+On This Day: 11 September 1973 Chile's President, Salvador____ , deposed in a military coup
+On This Day: 12 April 1970 Yankees dedicate plaques to Mickey Mantle & Joe ____
+On This Day: 12 August 1960 Echo 1, 1st ____ satellite, is launched
+On This Day: 12 December 1970 Small Astronomy Satellite Explorer 42 launched to study ____
+On This Day: 12 December 1975 Sara Jane Moore pled guilty to trying to kill President ____
+Gerald ford
+On This Day: 12 February 1960 Chinese army kills 12 ____ soldiers
+On This Day: 12 January 1970 Boeing ____ makes its maiden voyage
+On This Day: 12 July 1960 Congo, Chad & Central African Republic declare ____
+On This Day: 12 July 1960 Echo I, 1st passive ____ launched
+On This Day: 12 July 1960 USSR's Sputnik 5 launched with 2 ____
+On This Day: 12 July 1970 Janis ____ debuts in Kentucky
+On This Day: 12 March 1971 Rolling Stone ____ marries Bianca P?rez Morena de Macias
+Mick jagger
+On This Day: 12 May 1960 ____ appears on a Frank Sinatra special
+Elvis presley
+On This Day: 12 May 1971 Rolling Stone ____ weds Bianca Macias at St Tropez Town Hall
+Mick jagger
+On This Day: 12 October 1972 Mariner 9 takes pictures of ____ north pole
+On This Day: 12 October 1973 Nixon nominates ____ to replace Spiro Agnew as VP
+Gerald ford
+On This Day: 12 September 1970 ____ launches Luna 16; returns samples from lunar Sea of Fertility
+On This Day: 13 April 1960 ____ 1B, 1st navigational satellite, placed in Earth orbit
+On This Day: 13 April 1960 ____ becomes the 4th nuclear nation exploding an A-Bomb in Sahara
+On This Day: 13 April 1970 ____ launched to Moon; unable to land, returns in 6 days
+Apollo 13
+On This Day: 13 April 1975 Jack ____ wins his 5th Masters golf tournament
+On This Day: 13 December 1974 Malta becomes a ____
+On This Day: 13 February 1960 ____ performs 1st nuclear test at Reggane Proving Grounds Algeria
+On This Day: 13 February 1971 12,000 South Vietnamese troops cross into ____
+On This Day: 13 February 1974 Dissident Nobel writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn expelled from ____
+On This Day: 13 February 1975 ____ premier Denktash proclaims Turkish-Cypriot Federation
+On This Day: 13 March 1973 Syria adopts ____
+On This Day: 13 May 1960 1st launch of Delta ____ launching vehicle; it failed
+On This Day: 13 November 1960 ____ marries Swedish actress May Britt
+Sammy davis jr
+On This Day: 13 November 1970 Cyclone kills estimated 300,000 in Chittagong ____
+On This Day: 13 November 1971 Mariner 9, 1st to orbit another ____ (Mars)
+On This Day: 13 October 1972 Aeroflot Il-62 crashes in large pond outside____ , 176 die
+On This Day: 13 October 1972 Uruguay to Chile plane crashes in ____ Mountain, 12/23 rescue)
+On This Day: 13 September 1970 ____ announces System 370 computer
+On This Day: 14 August 1971 Bahrain proclaims independence after 110 years of ____ rule
+On This Day: 14 August 1971 British begin internment without trial in ____ Ireland
+On This Day: 14 August 1973 US bombs ____
+On This Day: 14 February 1960 Marshal Ayub Khan elected President of ____
+On This Day: 14 February 1971 Richard ____ installs secret taping system in White House
+On This Day: 14 January 1960 Tuindorp-Oostzaan in Northern____ , flooded
+On This Day: 14 January 1960 US Army promoted ____ to Sergeant
+Elvis presley
+On This Day: 14 January 1973 Grateful Dead bass player, Phil Lesh, busted for ____ in California
+On This Day: 14 January 1975 ____ breaks trade agreement with US
+On This Day: 14 July 1973 Phil Everly storms off stage declaring an end to the ____
+Everly brothers
+On This Day: 14 March 1971 South Vietnamese troops flee ____
+On This Day: 14 March 1971 The Rolling Stones leave England for ____ to escape taxes
+On This Day: 14 March 1973 Liam Cosgrave appointed president of ____
+On This Day: 14 May 1960 USSR launch 1st (unmanned) space ____
+On This Day: 14 May 1973 ____ launched, the 1st Space Station
+On This Day: 14 May 1973 US Supreme court approves equal rights to ____ in military
+On This Day: 14 May 1975 French press reports massive deportation from ____
+On This Day: 14 November 1973 Britain's Princess ____ marries commoner, Capt Mark Phillips
+On This Day: 14 September 1973 ____ shoots down 13 Syrian MIG-21s
+On This Day: 15 April 1971 ____ Academy Awards presented
+On This Day: 15 April 1974 Military coup in ____
+On This Day: 15 August 1960 ____ is sighted by 3 California patrolmen
+On This Day: 15 August 1971 Bahrain gained independence from ____
+On This Day: 15 August 1973 Black ____ kills 3 wounds 55 Athens
+On This Day: 15 August 1974 South ____ President Park Chung-Hee escapes assassination
+On This Day: 15 February 1970 Nationalists disrupt UN session on ____
+On This Day: 15 February 1971 After 1200 years Britain abandons 12-shilling system for ____
+On This Day: 15 January 1972 Heavyweight ____ KOs Terry Daniels
+Joe frazier
+On This Day: 15 January 1973 Pope Paul VI has an audience with Golda ____ at Vatican
+On This Day: 15 January 1973 President ____ suspends all US offensive action in North Vietnam
+On This Day: 15 January 1975 ____ signs accord for Angola's independence
+On This Day: 15 March 1970 Expo '70 opens in Osaka, ____
+On This Day: 15 March 1971 ____ make their debut on the Internet
+On This Day: 15 March 1972 ____ airliner hit mountain in Sheikdom of Oman killing 112
+On This Day: 15 March 1972 Assassination attempt on Governor ____ of Alabama
+George wallace
+On This Day: 15 March 1972 NASA selects 3 part configuration for ____
+Space shuttle
+On This Day: 15 May 1960 ____ 4 launched into Earth orbit; later recovery failed
+On This Day: 15 May 1970 ____ performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
+On This Day: 15 May 1970 South-Africa excluded from ____ play
+On This Day: 15 May 1972 Bus plunges into ____ River killing 50 pilgrims (Minia Egypt)
+On This Day: 15 November 1972 Small Astronomy Satellite Explorer 48 launched to study ____
+Gamma rays
+On This Day: 15 September 1970 Decca awards ____ a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million
+Bing crosby
+On This Day: 16 April 1972 2 giants ____ arrive in the US, from China
+On This Day: 16 August 1960 Britain grants independence to crown colony of ____
+On This Day: 16 August 1960 Republic of the ____ (Zaire) forms
+On This Day: 16 December 1970 1st successful landing on ____ (USSR)
+On This Day: 16 December 1971 Pakistan army surrenders to Indian army in ____
+On This Day: 16 December 1973 ____ becomes 1st NFLer to rush 2,000 yard in a season
+O.j. simpson
+On This Day: 16 February 1960 US ____ submarine USS Triton set off on underwater round-world trip
+On This Day: 16 February 1973 West Indies vs Australia at____ , 1st time since 1955 without Sobers
+On This Day: 16 January 1970 Colonel Kadhaffi becomes premier of ____
+On This Day: 16 June 1970 Race riots in ____ Florida
+On This Day: 16 March 1970 New English ____ published
+On This Day: 16 March 1972 ____ are served with deportation papers
+John & yoko
+On This Day: 16 May 1974 Helmut ____ becomes West German chancellor
+On This Day: 16 May 1975 ____ TKOs Ron Lyle in 11 for heavyweight boxing title
+Muhammad ali
+On This Day: 16 November 1973 ____ 4 launched into Earth orbit
+On This Day: 16 October 1970 Anwar ____ elected president of Egypt, succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser
+On This Day: 16 September 1973 Buff Bill OJ ____ rushes 250 yards 2 TDs), beating NE Pats 31-13
+On This Day: 16 September 1975 Papua New Guinea gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+On This Day: 17 April 1960 American Samoa sets up a ____ government
+On This Day: 17 April 1975 Khmer Rouge captures____ , Cambodia (Kampuchea Natl Day)
+Phnom penh
+On This Day: 17 August 1970 Venera 7 launched by USSR for soft landing on ____
+On This Day: 17 August 1973 Lee Trevino's 1st ____
+On This Day: 17 December 1971 Cease-fire between India & Pakistan in ____
+On This Day: 17 December 1971 Radio ____ begins transmitting
+On This Day: 17 December 1972 New line of control agreed to in Kashmir between India & ____
+On This Day: 17 February 1970 Jeffrey McDonald slices up his ____
+Wife & daughter
+On This Day: 17 February 1970 Joni Mitchell's final ____ (Royal Albert Hall)
+On This Day: 17 February 1971 ____ regains cricket Ashes with a 2-0 series win
+On This Day: 17 February 1974 49 die in stampede for seats at Football match, Cairo, ____
+On This Day: 17 January 1960 Mickey Wright wins LPGA Sea Island Women's ____ Invitational
+On This Day: 17 January 1972 Section of Memphis' Highway 51 South renamed ____ Blvd
+Elvis presley
+On This Day: 17 January 1973 City of Amsterdam decides to support ____
+On This Day: 17 January 1973 New Philippine constitution names ____ president for life
+On This Day: 17 July 1974 ____ is ordered to leave the US in 60 days
+John lennon
+On This Day: 17 July 1974 1st ____ studio in UK is open by the Moody Blues
+On This Day: 17 July 1975 ____ & Maureen Cox divorce
+Ringo starr
+On This Day: 17 June 1972 5 arrested for burglarizing Democratic Party HQ at ____
+On This Day: 17 March 1973 Queen Elizabeth II opens new London ____
+On This Day: 17 March 1973 St Patrick's Day marchers carry 14 coffins commemorating ____
+Bloody sunday
+On This Day: 17 May 1971 Washington State bans ____
+Sex discrimination
+On This Day: 17 May 1975 ____ punches a restaurant window, gets 20 stitches
+Mick jagger
+On This Day: 17 November 1970 Russia lands Lunokhod 1 unmanned remote-controlled vehicle on ____
+On This Day: 18 December 1972 US began its heaviest bombing of North ____
+On This Day: 18 February 1960 8th Winter ____ games open in Squaw Valley CA
+On This Day: 18 February 1974 NASA launches Italian satellite ____ C-2 235/843 km)
+San marcos
+On This Day: 18 February 1975 2nd American ____ Award
+On This Day: 18 February 1975 Italy broadens ____ law
+On This Day: 18 January 1960 US & Japan sign joint ____ treaty
+On This Day: 18 January 1974 Israel & ____ sign weapons accord
+On This Day: 18 June 1972 BEA Trident crashes after takeoff from ____ killing 118
+On This Day: 18 March 1970 Mail service paralyzed by 1st major postal ____
+On This Day: 18 March 1975 Kurds end fight against ____ army
+On This Day: 18 May 1971 President ____ rejects 60 demands of Congressional Black Caucus
+On This Day: 18 May 1973 Russian party leader ____ visits West Germany
+On This Day: 18 May 1974 India becomes 6th nation to explode an ____
+Atomic bomb
+On This Day: 18 November 1960 Copyright office issues its 10 millionth ____
+On This Day: 18 September 1974 Hurricane Fifi strikes ____ with 110 mph winds, 5,000 die
+On This Day: 18 September 1975 Heiress/bank robber Patricia Campbell ____ captured by FBI in SF
+On This Day: 19 April 1971 ____ Salyut 1 launched; 1st manned lab in orbit
+On This Day: 19 April 1971 Russia launches its 1st ____ space station
+On This Day: 19 April 1971 Sierra ____ becomes a republic (Natl Day)
+On This Day: 19 April 1975 India launches 1st ____ with help of USSR
+On This Day: 19 August 1960 Sputnik 5 carries 2 dogs, 3 ____ into orbit (later recovered alive)
+On This Day: 19 December 1971 NASA launches ____ 4 F-3 for COMSAT Corp
+On This Day: 19 February 1960 Protest strike in Poznan ____
+On This Day: 19 February 1970 USSR launches ____ 52 & Molniya 1-13 communications satellite
+On This Day: 19 February 1974 1st American ____ Award
+On This Day: 19 January 1960 Eisenhower & Premier Kishi sign US-Japanese ____ pact
+On This Day: 19 January 1970 Dutch ____ says he is in favor of married priest
+On This Day: 19 January 1970 UCLA fires Angela Davis for being a ____
+On This Day: 19 January 1971 Beatles' ____ is played at the Charles Manson trial
+Helter skelter
+On This Day: 19 January 1974 ____ government of Leburton falls
+On This Day: 19 July 1974 David ____ 's Diamond Dog tour ends in NYC
+On This Day: 19 March 1970 West German chancellor & East German premier Willy ____ meet
+On This Day: 19 March 1972 India & ____ sign friendship treaty
+On This Day: 19 March 1974 Jefferson ____ begins their 1st tour
+On This Day: 19 May 1975 Junko Tabei is 1st woman to climb to the top of Mount ____
+On This Day: 19 October 1960 ____ arrested in Atlanta sit-in
+Martin luther king jr
+On This Day: 19 October 1960 ____ grants Mauritania independence
+On This Day: 19 October 1960 The US imposes an embargo on exports to ____
+On This Day: 20 April 1970 US troops invade ____
+On This Day: 20 August 1975 ____ 1 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing
+On This Day: 20 December 1972 President ____ halts bombing of North Vietnam & announces peace talks
+On This Day: 20 December 1975 Constitution of Democratic Republic of ____ comes into force
+On This Day: 20 February 1971 Major General Idi Amin Dada appoints himself President of ____
+On This Day: 20 February 1974 Cher files for separation from husband ____
+Sonny bono
+On This Day: 20 January 1960 CIA oks ____ to produce a new U-2 aircraft (Oxcart)
+On This Day: 20 January 1960 Patrice Lumumba sentenced to 6 months in ____
+Belgian Congo
+On This Day: 20 January 1960 Riot curtails third day's play at Port-Of-Spain West Indies vs ____
+On This Day: 20 January 1960 US female ____ championship won by Carol Heiss
+Figure skating
+On This Day: 20 January 1960 US male ____ championship won by David Jenkins
+Figure skating
+On This Day: 20 January 1971 ____ meets Yoko Ono's parents in Japan
+John lennon
+On This Day: 20 January 1971 Dennis ____ takes 5-84 in his 1st Test bowl, vs England
+On This Day: 20 January 1972 Pakistan withdraws from the ____
+On This Day: 20 January 1973 ____ plays their 1st show (Coventry Club in Queens NY)
+On This Day: 20 January 1974 USSR performs ____ at Eastern Kazakstan/Semipalatinsk USSR
+Nuclear test
+On This Day: 20 July 1960 1st submerged submarine to fire ____ missile (George Washington)
+On This Day: 20 July 1960 USSR recovered 2 dogs; 1st living ____ to return from space
+On This Day: 20 July 1970 1st baby born on ____ Island
+On This Day: 20 July 1974 Turkey invades ____
+On This Day: 20 June 1975 Cher, just 4 days after divorcing Sonny Bono marries ____
+Gregg allman
+On This Day: 20 March 1970 ____ wins its 8th straight world hockey championship
+On This Day: 20 March 1972 19 mountain climbers killed on Japan's ____ during an avalanche
+Mount fuji
+On This Day: 20 March 1972 North Vietnamese troops enter ____
+South vietnam
+On This Day: 20 May 1970 100,000 march in ____ supporting US policies in Vietnam
+New york
+On This Day: 20 May 1970 2 die in a NYC ____ accident
+On This Day: 20 May 1971 36 hospitalized during ____ concert; after drinking LSD apple juice
+Grateful dead
+On This Day: 20 May 1971 US ____ 9 1st satellite to orbit Mars launched
+On This Day: 20 November 1975 Dahomey becomes ____
+On This Day: 20 October 1973 ____ oil embargo begins
+On This Day: 20 October 1974 Muhammad Ali KOs ____ in 8th round in Kinshasa, Za?re
+George foreman
+On This Day: 20 September 1960 ____ premiers 1st prime time animation show)
+On This Day: 20 September 1970 ____ 16 lands on Moon's Mare Fecunditatis, drills core sample
+On This Day: 20 September 1972 Police find ____ growing on Paul & Linda McCartney's farm
+On This Day: 20 September 1973 Billie ____ beats Bobby Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match
+Jean king
+On This Day: 21 April 1960 ____ becomes the capital of Brazil
+On This Day: 21 August 1971 Dave Scott becomes 1st person to drive a ____ on the Moon
+On This Day: 21 August 1972 1st hot air balloon flight over the ____
+On This Day: 21 December 1970 Congress authorizes the ____ dollar coin
+On This Day: 21 December 1970 Paul McCartney files a ____ to dissolve the Beatles
+On This Day: 21 December 1971 UN Security Council chooses Kurt ____ as 4th secretary general
+On This Day: 21 December 1972 Soviet Union signs a separate peace with ____
+East Germany
+On This Day: 21 December 1973 Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, US & USSR meet in ____
+On This Day: 21 February 1973 Israeli fighters shoot ____ aircraft down, killing 108
+On This Day: 21 February 1974 ____ forces leave western Suez
+On This Day: 21 February 1974 Yugoslavia adopts ____
+On This Day: 21 January 1960 Little Joe 4 suborbital ____ test reaches 16 km
+On This Day: 21 January 1970 Grateful Dead members busted on ____ charges
+On This Day: 21 January 1972 Aretha ____ sings at Mahalia Jackson's funeral
+On This Day: 21 January 1972 Birenda, becomes leader of ____
+On This Day: 21 January 1972 Military coup ousts civilian government of ____
+On This Day: 21 January 1974 McDonald's founder ____ buys San Diego Padres
+Ray kroc
+On This Day: 21 July 1960 The country of Katanga forms in ____
+On This Day: 21 July 1973 USSR launches ____ for fly-by 2600 km) of the red planet
+Mars 4
+On This Day: 21 March 1972 Official ____ Fan Club closes down
+On This Day: 21 March 1974 Attempt made to kidnap Princess ____ in London's Pall Mall
+On This Day: 21 March 1975 ____ ends monarchy after 3000 years
+On This Day: 21 May 1970 ____ performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
+On This Day: 21 May 1974 Israel & ____ sign an agreement concerning Golan Heights
+On This Day: 21 November 1975 Linda McCartney ____ in US are dropped
+Drug charges
+On This Day: 21 October 1970 Caledonian Airways takes over British ____ Airways
+On This Day: 21 September 1972 ____ declares martial law in the Philippines
+On This Day: 22 April 1971 ____ 10 launched
+On This Day: 22 April 1974 Barbara Walters becomes news co-anchor of the ____
+Today show
+On This Day: 22 February 1971 Lieutenant General Hafiz al-Assad becomes President of ____
+On This Day: 22 February 1974 ____ police shoot at demonstrators
+On This Day: 22 January 1960 French President ____ escapes attempt by General Massu
+De gaulle
+On This Day: 22 January 1960 Paul Pender beats Sugar Ray Robinson for ____ boxing title
+On This Day: 22 January 1970 1st commercial Boeing 747 flight (Pan Am), New York to ____ in 61/2 hours
+On This Day: 22 January 1973 George ____ TKOs Joe Frazier in 2 for heavyweight boxing title
+On This Day: 22 January 1975 Landsat 2, an Earth Resources ____ Satellite, launched
+On This Day: 22 July 1972 Venera 8 makes soft landing on ____
+On This Day: 22 March 1960 1st patent for____ , granted to Arthur Schawlow & Charles Townes
+On This Day: 22 March 1971 ____ performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
+On This Day: 22 May 1970 ____ terrorists kill 9 children & 3 adults on a school bus
+On This Day: 22 May 1970 France performs nuclear test at ____ Island
+On This Day: 22 May 1972 ____ becomes Republic of Sri Lanka as its constitution is ratified
+On This Day: 22 May 1972 US President ____ begins visit Moscow
+On This Day: 22 May 1973 President Nixon confesses his role in ____ cover-up
+On This Day: 22 September 1973 ____ , sworn in as America's 1st Jewish Secretary of State
+Henry kissinger
+On This Day: 23 December 1972 16 plane crash survivors rescued after 70days, survived by ____
+On This Day: 23 December 1972 Earthquake destroys central Managua, ____
+On This Day: 23 December 1973 6 Persian Gulf nations double their ____
+Oil prices
+On This Day: 23 February 1970 ____ becomes a republic (National Day)
+On This Day: 23 February 1971 George ____ is fined & his driving license is suspended for 1 year as a result of several speeding tickets and a dispute with the police
+On This Day: 23 January 1970 ____ 's 1st amateur radio satellite (Oscar 5) launched (California)
+On This Day: 23 January 1970 Dolle Mina burns her ____ in Amsterdam
+On This Day: 23 January 1970 US launches 2nd generation ____ satellite, ITOS 1
+On This Day: 23 January 1970 US performs ____ test at Nevada Test Site
+On This Day: 23 January 1972 Entire population of ____ under 24 hour house arrest
+On This Day: 23 June 1970 Rocker Chubby ____ arrest for marijuana pocession
+On This Day: 23 June 1972 Nixon & Haldeman agree to use CIA to cover up ____
+On This Day: 23 June 1975 Rocker ____ falls off stage in Vancouver, breaks 6 ribs
+Alice cooper
+On This Day: 23 March 1960 ____ (8) fails to reach Earth orbit
+On This Day: 23 March 1970 US performs ____ test at Nevada Test Site
+On This Day: 23 March 1971 USSR performs ____ nuclear test
+On This Day: 23 March 1972 ____ breaks 93 bones after successfully clearing 35 cars
+Evil knievel
+On This Day: 23 May 1971 Rock group Iron ____ disbands
+On This Day: 23 May 1974 ____ performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
+Great britain
+On This Day: 23 November 1960 Tiros 2, a ____ satellite is launched
+On This Day: 23 September 1973 Former Argentine President Juan ____ returns to power
+On This Day: 24 April 1970 ____ becomes a republic within the Commonwealth
+On This Day: 24 December 1970 9 Jews are convicted in ____ of hijacking a plane
+On This Day: 24 February 1960 US beats ____ in Olympics hockey finals round, 9-1
+On This Day: 24 February 1974 Pakistan officially recognizes ____
+On This Day: 24 January 1960 Algeria uprises against French President ____
+De gaulle
+On This Day: 24 March 1972 Great Britain imposes direct rule over ____
+Northern Ireland
+On This Day: 24 March 1975 ____ TKOs Chuck Wepner in 15 to retain the heavyweight boxing title
+Muhammad ali
+On This Day: 24 May 1960 1 millionth ____ telephone installed
+On This Day: 24 May 1970 Peter Green quits ____ to join a religious cult
+Fleetwood mac
+On This Day: 24 May 1974 ____ Show, last airs on NBC-TV
+Dean martin
+On This Day: 24 October 1973 ____ sues US govt to admit the FBI is tapping his phone
+John lennon
+On This Day: 24 October 1973 ____ War ends, Israel 65 miles from Cairo, 26 from Damascus
+Yom kippur
+On This Day: 24 September 1960 1st nuclear-powered____ , launches (USS Enterprise)
+Aircraft carrier
+On This Day: 25 April 1960 1st submerged ____ of Earth completed (Triton)
+On This Day: 25 April 1974 Dictator Ant?nio Salazar overthrown in ____
+On This Day: 25 August 1960 17th summer olympics opens in ____
+On This Day: 25 December 1974 ____ virtually destroys Darwin Australia
+Cyclone tracy
+On This Day: 25 January 1971 Charles ____ & 3 women followers convicted of Tate-LaBianca murders
+On This Day: 25 January 1971 Military coup in ____ under General Idi Amin Dada
+On This Day: 25 January 1974 B?lent Ecevit forms government in ____
+On This Day: 25 January 1974 Christian ____ transplants 1st human heart without removal of old
+On This Day: 25 July 1973 ____ launches Mars 5
+On This Day: 25 July 1973 George Harrison pays ?1,000,000 tax on his ____ concert & album
+On This Day: 25 June 1975 Mozambique gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+On This Day: 25 March 1960 1st guided missile launched from ____ powered sub (Halibut)
+On This Day: 25 March 1970 ____ makes its 1st supersonic flight (700 MPH/1,127 KPH)
+On This Day: 25 March 1975 Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz, king of ____ 1964-75), shot by nephew
+On This Day: 25 May 1972 Heavyweight ____ KOs Ron Stander
+Joe frazier
+On This Day: 25 November 1960 1st atomic ____ for research & development, Richland Wa
+On This Day: 25 November 1973 Bloodless military coup ousts Greek President George ____
+On This Day: 25 November 1975 ____ grants Surinam independence (National Day)
+On This Day: 25 October 1960 1st electronic ____ placed on sale, NYC
+Wrist watch
+On This Day: 25 September 1973 3-man crew of Skylab II make safe splashdown in ____ after 59 days
+On This Day: 26 April 1974 Landslide in Huancavelica Province ____ creates a natural dam
+On This Day: 26 August 1972 Summer Olympics open in____ , West Germany
+On This Day: 26 December 1973 2 Skylab 3 astronauts ____ for a record 7 hours
+Walk in space
+On This Day: 26 February 1960 Soviet premier Khrushchev voices support for ____
+On This Day: 26 February 1960 USA's David Jenkins wins the ____ for men's figure skating
+Olympics gold
+On This Day: 26 February 1975 1st televised ____ transplant (Today Show)
+On This Day: 26 January 1971 Charles ____ convicted of murder
+On This Day: 26 January 1972 Stewardess Vesna Vulovic survives 10,160m fall without ____
+On This Day: 26 June 1960 ____ gained independence from France (National Day)
+On This Day: 26 June 1974 Liz Taylor's ____ divorce (Richard Burton)
+On This Day: 26 June 1975 Indian PM Indira ____ declares a state of emergency
+On This Day: 26 March 1960 ____ executes 30 after attack on President Kassem
+On This Day: 26 March 1970 500th ____ announced by the US since 1945
+Nuclear explosion
+On This Day: 26 March 1971 Bangladesh (East Pakistan) declares its ____
+On This Day: 26 May 1971 Soviet Union's____ , TU-144, makes its 1st appearance
+On This Day: 26 May 1972 Nixon & ____ signs SALT accord
+On This Day: 26 May 1973 Bahrain adopts it's ____
+On This Day: 26 May 1974 During a ____ concert in London a 14 year old is trampled
+David cassidy
+On This Day: 26 October 1975 Anwar ____ became 1st Egyptian president to officially visit the US
+On This Day: 26 September 1960 1st of 4 TV debates ____ & Kennedy took place (Chicago)
+On This Day: 26 September 1960 Longest speech in UN history (4 hrs, 29 mins, by____ )
+Fidel castro
+On This Day: 26 September 1973 ____ flies from Washington DC to Paris in 3h33m
+On This Day: 27 April 1960 ____ grants Togo independence (Natl Day)
+On This Day: 27 April 1960 1st atomic powered electric-drive ____ launched (Tullibee)
+On This Day: 27 April 1972 NYC Mayor John Lindsey appeals that ____ not be deported
+John lennon
+On This Day: 27 April 1974 Pan Am 707 crashes into mountains of____ , killing 107
+On This Day: 27 February 1960 Oil pipe line from ____ to Ruhrgebied opens
+On This Day: 27 February 1973 American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South ____
+On This Day: 27 February 1973 Pope ____ publishes constitution motu proprio Quo aptius
+Paul vi
+On This Day: 27 January 1973 US & Vietnam sign____ , ending longest US war & military draft
+On This Day: 27 June 1960 British Somaliland becomes part of ____
+On This Day: 27 March 1970 ____ performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
+On This Day: 27 March 1972 Venera 8 launched to ____
+On This Day: 27 March 1973 Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) stopped for speeding & ____ possession
+On This Day: 27 May 1960 Military coup overthrows democratic government of ____
+On This Day: 27 November 1970 Pope ____ wounded in chest during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest
+Paul vi
+On This Day: 27 November 1971 Soviet ____ becomes 1st spacecraft to crash land on Mars
+Mars 2
+On This Day: 28 April 1974 Last Americans evacuated from ____
+On This Day: 28 December 1974 More than 5,200 people killed in ____ earthquake
+On This Day: 28 February 1960 8th winter ____ games close at Squaw Valley CA
+On This Day: 28 February 1960 US wins Olympics hockey gold medal by defeating ____ 9-4
+On This Day: 28 February 1960 Winter ____ at Squaw Valley CA closes
+On This Day: 28 February 1970 ____ permitted to cross Golden Gate Bridge
+On This Day: 28 February 1974 ____ Party wins British parliamentary election
+On This Day: 28 January 1960 1st ____ bounced off Moon, Washington DC
+On This Day: 28 January 1960 Goon Show's ____ on BBC
+Final episode
+On This Day: 28 January 1970 Lubom?r Strougal succeeds Cernik as premier of ____
+On This Day: 28 June 1971 Supreme Court overturns draft evasion conviction of ____
+Muhammad ali
+On This Day: 28 June 1975 Golfer ____ is struck by lightning at Western Open (Ill)
+Lee trevino
+On This Day: 28 March 1960 ____ factory explodes burying 20 firefighters (Glasgow Scotland)
+On This Day: 28 March 1970 1,086 die when 7.3 ____ destroys 254 villages (Gediz Turkey)
+On This Day: 28 March 1972 ____ performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
+On This Day: 28 May 1971 USSR ____ launched, 1st spacecraft to soft land on Mars
+Mars 3
+On This Day: 28 November 1960 Mauritania gained independence from ____ (National Day)
+On This Day: 28 October 1970 US/USSR sign an agreement to discuss joint ____ efforts
+On This Day: 28 October 1971 England becomes 6th nation to have a ____ (Prospero) in orbit
+On This Day: 28 September 1974 1st lady Betty Ford undergoes a radical ____
+On This Day: 29 April 1975 US Forces pull out of ____
+On This Day: 29 December 1972 Eastern Tristar Jumbo Jet crashes near ____ killing 101
+On This Day: 29 February 1960 1st____ , featuring bunnies, opens in Chicago
+Playboy club
+On This Day: 29 February 1960 Earthquake kills 1/3 of Agadir ____ population 12,000) in 15 seconds
+On This Day: 29 January 1970 USSR performs ____ test at Eastern Kazakstan/Semipalatinsk USSR
+On This Day: 29 June 1970 US ends 2 month military offensive into ____
+On This Day: 29 June 1972 USSR launches ____ 2 into earth orbit (549/200,000 km)
+On This Day: 29 March 1971 Conrad Van Emde Boas becomes West Europe's 1st ____ professor
+On This Day: 29 March 1971 Development of a serum hepatitis ____ for children announced
+On This Day: 29 March 1973 Last US troops leave____ , 9 years after Tonkin Gulf Resolution
+On This Day: 29 May 1974 ____ is brought under direct rule from Westminster
+Northern Ireland
+On This Day: 29 November 1975 Kilauea Volcano erupts in ____
+On This Day: 29 October 1960 Muhammad Ali's (Cassius Clay's) 1st professional fight, beats Tunney ____ in 6
+On Three's Company, what is the name 'Chrissy' is short for?
+On Three's Company, what is the name?
+On Three's Company,what city did the trio live in?
+Santa Monica
+On three's company,what was Chrissy's father's ocupation?
+A Reverend
+On Three's Company,what was Jack's retaurant that he opened and was head chef ?
+Jack's Bistro
+On Three's Company,what's the first name of Mr. Furley's (landlord) tight wad brother who owned the building?
+On TV what was the name of the Beverly Hillbillies bank manager?
+Mr drysdale
+On TV which character runs the Woolpack pub in 'Emmerdale'?
+Bernice blackstock
+On TV which pub is Del Boy's local?
+Nag's head
+On what circuit was the 1965 south african grand prix?
+East london
+On what continent did the incas live?
+South America
+On what continent is kilimanjaro on?
+On what continent is Mt. Everest?
+On what continent would you find an echidna?
+On what continent would you find ash trees?
+North America
+On what date did America become an independant nation?
+July 4th 1776
+On what date did the united states declare war on Germany and Italy?
+December 11, 1941
+On what date does St Andrew's Day fall?
+30th november
+On what date does St George's day fall?
+23rd april
+On what date is Boxing day In Canada?
+Dec 26
+On what date is national sovereignty day/children's day celebrated in turkey?
+Apr 23
+On what date is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in Canada?
+October 12
+On what date is Veteran's Day celebrated in the US?
+Nov 11
+On what date is Victoria Day in Canada?
+May 18
+On what date was D-Day?
+June 6, 1944
+On what date was singapore admitted to the un general assembly?
+September 21 1965
+On what date was singapore declared independent from malaysia (e.g. december 31st 9999)?
+August 9th 1965
+On what day did Cyclone Tracy hit and destroy Darwin, Australia?
+Christmas day
+On what day of the week did the Second World War begin?
+On what day of the year does grouse shooting end?
+December 10th
+On what day was mother teresa awarded the nobel peace prize?
+October 17, 1979
+On what do honeybees have a type of hair?
+On what does an artist support his canvas?
+On what does the firefly depend to find mates?
+On what game in 1994 did norman schwarzkopf post the highest score?
+Celebrity jeopardy
+On what game show, hosted by Peter Tomarken, would contestants lose all their money if they got a 'whammy'?
+Press You Luck
+On what hill is singapore's registry of marriages situated?
+Fort canning
+On what is an 'octothorpe' found?
+On what is the mona lisa painted?
+On what island did the greek civilization begin?
+On what island is the u.s naval base, guantanamo?
+On what island was the bbc programme castaway 2000 filmed?
+On what Japanese city was the second atomic bomb dropped during world war ii?
+On what large island are birds of paradise primarily found?
+New guinea
+On what material does a topiarist work?
+Hedges and shrubs
+On what might you serve bearnaise sauce?
+Grilled meat
+On what moor did ian brady and myra hindley dispose of their child victims?
+Saddleworth moor
+On what mountain are four presidents' faces carved?
+Mount rushmore
+On what number is the decimal system based?
+On what number is the sexagesimal system based?
+On what object would you find a barb,a shaft and a quill?
+A feather
+On what offshore island is Kennedy International Airport located?
+Long island
+On what part of the body are campers prone to being bitten by vampire bats?
+Big toe
+On what peninsula are Spain & Portugal located?
+The iberian peninsula
+On what plain is stonehenge?
+Salisbury plain
+On what river is London, England?
+On what river is rome built?
+On what river is the city of cincinnati located?
+Ohio river
+On what river will you find kew gardens?
+On what scale are there 180 degrees between freezing point & boiling point?
+Fahrenheit scale
+On what sea is the port of Marseilles?
+On what show did Dano get to book the bad guy?
+Hawaii 5-0
+On what show did rosanne rosanna-dana help give the news?
+Saturday night live
+On what show was 'run d.m.c' the first rap group?
+American bandstand
+On what show would you find Gary Gnu?
+The Great Space Coaster
+On what show would you see the clinkers?
+Shields & yarnell
+On what side of the road do the Japanese drive?
+On what soap was the robot sico featured?
+Days of our lives
+On what street did dennis the menace live?
+Elm street
+On what street in new rochelle did rob and laura petrie live?
+Bonnie meadow way
+On what surface are the tennis matches played in wimbledon?
+On what tower being built to reach the heavens, was work stopped because of a confusion of languages?
+On what was the declaration of independence written?
+Hemp paper
+On what was the world's first adhesive used?
+Postage stamp
+On what were the ten commandments written?
+Stone tablets
+On what would you perform a randolph?
+On which aircraft carrier did the Duke of York serve during the Falklands War?
+Hms hermes
+On which album did janis joplin belt out the porgy and bess tune 'summertime'?
+Cheap thrills
+On which Athens hill top would you find the Parthenon?
+The acropolis
+On which caribbean island are the blue mountains?
+On which caribbean island did voodoo originate?
+On which circuit is Motor racing's Grand Prix D'Endurance run?
+Le mans
+On which city did Charles Darrow base his original game of Monopoly?
+Atlantic city
+On which city estate are europes highest residential towers?
+The barbican
+On which continent are the Iguaca waterfalls?
+South America
+On which continent did citrus originate?
+On which continent is the country of South Korea?
+On which continent is the Limpopo River?
+On which continent would you be standing if you were visiting the Republic of Surinam?
+South America
+On which day are Hot Cross Buns traditionally eaten?
+Good Friday
+On which day are the most collect calls made?
+Father's day
+On which day of the week are US elections always held?
+On which day of the week is the moslem sabbath?
+On which day of the year would you 'firstfoot'?
+January 1st
+On which Far eastern island did Mick Jagger marry Jerry Hall?
+On which farm did Worzel Gummidge live?
+On which farm site is johannesburg?
+On which fictional street does 'Freddy Kruger' live out a nightmare?
+Elm street
+On which finger is the wedding ring worn in Germany and France?
+Third finger of the right hand
+On which game show would you find carroll merril?
+Lets make a deal
+On which great lake are buffalo and cleveland?
+Lake erie
+On which ground did Brian Lara score 501 not out?
+On which hawaiian island is waikiki beach?
+On which island are the Troodos mountains?
+On which island is it a criminal offence to shout 'ship ahoy' when there is no ship in sight?
+Picarn island
+On which island is the capital of Hawaii?
+On which island is the Sir Garfield Sober Sports Stadium?
+On which island is the volcanic mountain Big Ben?
+Heard island
+On which island is wall street?
+On which islands are the world's largest species of tortoise found?
+Galapagos islands
+On which kids' weekday program would you find cosmo allegretti?
+Captain kangaroo
+On which label did johnny mathis begin recording?
+On which label would you have found goombay dance band and abba?
+On which major river are The Owen Falls dam?
+On which Mediterranean island did the mythical creature the Minotaur live?
+On which Mediterranean island was Napoleon Bonaparte born?
+On which mode of transportation would you find a plimsoll line?
+A ship
+On which motorway are the Michael Wood and Gordano service areas?
+On which motorway are the Trowell and Woodhall service areas?
+On which mountain did moses receive the ten commandments?
+Mount sinai
+On which mountain did noah's ark run aground?
+Mount ararat
+On which mountain near Troy did the Judgement of Paris in Greek Legend take place?
+Mount ida
+On which night is Top Of The Pops?
+On which object would you find a crown, a waist, a sound-bow and a clapper?
+On which of the canary island would you find the holiday destination of corralejo?
+On which other animals does the pill work?
+On which planet would you find the Caloris Basin?
+On which planet would you find the Red Spot?
+On which planet, other than earth, did a man made object first land?
+On which popular game board would you find 225 squares?
+On which racecourse is the Kentucky Derby run?
+Churchill downs
+On which racecourse is the Lincoln Handicap run?
+On which river does Amsterdam stand?
+On which river does Balmoral Castle stand?
+On which river does Berlin stand?
+On which river does durham stand?
+The wear
+On which river does Melbourne stand?
+On which river does melbourne, Australia, stand?
+On which river does St. Petersburg in Russia stand?
+On which river does the city of oporto stand?
+On which river does the u.s. capital Washington d.c. stand?
+On which river does Washington DC stand?
+On which river is 'Three Men in a Boat' set?
+On which river is linz, Austria a leading port?
+On which river is london located?
+On which river is the city of Florence situated?
+On which river is the city of Mandalay situated?
+On which river is the grand coulee dam?
+Columbia river
+On which river is the kariba dam situated?
+On which river is Warsaw to be found?
+On which Saint's day was the battle of Agincourt fought in 1415?
+St crispin
+On which scale are there 180 degrees between freezing point and boiling point?
+Fahrenheit scale
+On which scale is the hardness of minerals measured?
+The mohs scale
+On which Scottish island is the malt whisky, Talisker, produced?
+On which series would you find linc hayes, julie barnes & pete cochran?
+Mod squad
+On which shakespeare play was the film forbidden planet loosely based?
+The tempest
+On which ship did Sir Francis Drake receive his knighthood?
+The golden hind
+On which show were we introduced to ernestine the operator?
+Laugh in
+On which side of the Berlin wall was the Brandenburg Gate?
+The east side
+On which side of the road do cars drive in Canada?
+On which side of the road do the Japanese drive?
+On which Spanish costa would you find the resort of Alicante?
+Costa blanca
+On which street is heartbreak hotel?
+Lonely street
+On which subject did richard strauss write 'gay viennese ballet'?
+Whipped cream
+On which subject did Richard Strauss write a 'Gay Viennese Ballet'?
+Whipped cream
+On which Suffolk river does Ipswich stand?
+On which temperature scale does water freeze at 0 degrees and boil at 80 degrees?
+On which tv show did mork first appear?
+Happy days
+On which U. S. river is the Grand Coulee Dam?
+On which West Yorkshire river does Halifax stand?
+On who is the novel 'one true thing' based?
+Anna quindlen
+On who's estate does thomas magnum live?
+Robin masters
+On who's show did carol burnett rise to prominence?
+Gary moore
+On who's show would you see the German character, keeglefarven?
+Red buttons
+On whose death did Shelley write his elegy Adonais?
+On whose feast day did Good King Wenceslas look out?
+St stephen's
+On whose life is the film 'The Music Lovers', based?
+On whose novel was the tv mini series Lace based?
+Shirley conran
+On whose shoulders did the Old Man of the Sea hoist himself?
+Sinbad the Sailor's
+On wings, what were the names of the 2 airlines at the airport?
+Sandpiper air and aeromass
+Once a year on this island, millions of red crabs make a journey to the ocean, then return inland. Which island?
+Christmas Island
+Once married to Ted Hughes, which American poet committed suicide in 1963?
+Sylvia plath
+Once used to make women appear slender, these undergarments were actually known to cause skeletal damage?
+One drive 64 km/hr ...How many Mph am I driving?
+One For The Spoon Buffs - Approximately how many spoons are there in the New Jersey Spoon Museum?
+One gram of 2,4 d, a common household herbicide can contaminate ____ litres of drinking water
+Ten million
+One gram of pcbs can make up to ____ litres of water unsuitable for freshwater aquatic life
+One billion
+One hit wonders aneka got to no 1 in 1981 name the song?
+Japanese boy
+One Hit Wonders: What was the only hit song for the band 'It's a Beautiful Day'?
+One in every ____ Americans has appeared on television
+One light year is equivalent to how many million kilometres?
+One light year is equivalent to how many million miles?
+One Liners: Did you hear that the Polish Hockey Team died?
+Drowned in spring training
+One Liners: Did you hear the one about the two feminists?
+Thats not funny!
+one liners: how many californians to screw in a light bulb?one to do it and four to...?
+Share the experience
+one liners: knock knock/who's there/oj/oj who?
+You can be on the jury
+one liners: this bum told me he hadnt had a bite in days, so ____ ____ ____?
+I bit him
+One Liners: Waiter! What's this fly doing in my soup?
+The backstroke
+One Liners: What do ghosts have for dessert?
+I scream
+One Liners: What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
+A pretty good start
+one liners: when she sits around the house?
+She really sits around the house
+one liners: why did the chicken cross the road?
+To get to the other side
+One need only be 16 to do what (without parental consent) in Georgia?
+One of a native American people now living chiefly in Oklahoma and North Carolina?
+One of a set of posts supporting a stair handrail?
+One of ferdinand magellen vessels completed the first circumnavigation of the world in which year?
+One of Queen Victoria's wedding gifts was a 3 metre diameter, half tonne?
+One of the earliest centers of urban civilization, in the area of modern iraq and eastern syria between the tigris and euphrates rivers?
+One of the five main senses, by which sound waves are perceived by the ear in vertebrate animals?
+One of the five special senses (sense organs) by what odors are perceived?
+One of the hard protuberances that grows from the foreheads or snouts of various hoofed mammals, such as rhinoceroses, deer, giraffes, goats, & cattle?
+One of the majors at Brigham University- ____ dancing
+One of the many Tarzans, Karmuela Searlel, was mauled to death on the set by a?
+One of the planets in the solar system, the second in distance from the sun?
+One of the reasons marijuana is illegal today is because cottongrowers in the 30s lobbied against ____ farmers - they saw it as competition
+One of the smallest living mammals in the world is known as a ____
+One of the so called simple machines in ancient times is the wheel and the?
+One of the world's great estuaries, divides Maryland into two parts?
+Chesapeake Bay
+One of the worst fires in American history gutted the 26-storey MGM Grand Hotel in the 1980's In which town was the hotel situated?
+Las Vegas
+One of the worst fires in American history gutted the twenty-six storey MGM Grand Hotel in 1988. In which city was the hotel situated?
+Las vegas
+One of the worst hotel fires in history erupts at the ____ in san juan
+Dupont plaza hotel
+One of Willa Cather's most famous works is 'Death Comes For The ____'
+One out of every three British males between the ages of 17 and 35 was killed in ____
+World war i
+One pound of tea can make how many cups of the beverage?
+One quarter of the bones in your body are in your?
+One ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen?
+One square inch of human skin contains ____ sweat glands
+One thousandth of a second is a____
+one ton of locusts, a fraction of a swarm, can eat the same amount of food in one day as around ____ people
+One who belongs to a class that exercises power by virtue of its wealth?
+One who fought professionally in roman arenas was a ____
+One who greatly admires England or the English?
+One who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n) ____
+One word in this question is mispelled. what is it's correct spelling peptidoglycan, euphrates, cytokinesis, atrioventricular?
+One-term (or less) presidents (last name only)?
+One-two-three-hop - which dance was introduced to Paris in 1843?
+The Polka
+Oneirology is a study and interpretation of what?
+Onions get their distinctive smell by soaking up ____ from the soil
+Only ____ mosquitoes bite
+Only 14% of americans say they've done this with the opposite sex, what is it?
+Skinny dipping
+Only male canaries can?
+Only one Canadian Province has declared itself officially bilingual. Which province is it?
+New Brunswick
+Only one person in ____ will live to be 116 or older
+Two billion
+Only one person in two billion will live to be ____ or older
+Only one satellite has been ever been destroyed by a meteor ____ the European Space Agency's ____ in 1993
+Only one satellite has been ever been destroyed by a meteor ____ the European Space Agency's ____
+Only the ____ nightingale sings
+Only three countries have both atlantic and mediterranean coasts france Spain and what other?
+Open embroidery on usually white cotton or linen?
+Broderie anglaise
+Open in the early 20th century, what was used to treat epilepsy?
+Rattlesnake venom
+Opening in 1972, the action in which musical takes place at rydell high school?
+Opperman what is the capital of iowa?
+Des moines
+Oral refers to what part of the body?
+Orange who wrote 'a clockwork orange'?
+Anthony burgess
+Oranges and lemons, the bells of ____
+St clements
+Oranges cease to ____ after picking
+Oranges, lemons, watermelons, & tomatoes are all what?
+Order of insects containing more than 100,000 species, including ants, bees, wasps, sawflies, chalcids, & ichneumons?
+Organ of the digestive system?
+Organic chemical compounds containing a group of two nitrogen atoms attached to each other?
+Diazo compounds
+Organic chemistry is the study of materials that must contain what?
+Organisation founded by Chad Varah?
+Oriental detective of Earl Derr Biggers?
+Charlie chan
+Orienteering originated in?
+Original inhabitants of new zealand, of polynesian stock?
+Orlando is the capital of ____
+Ornamental hanging light fittings with holders for several candles or electric light bulbs?
+Ortho- and recto- in latin both mean?
+Oscar Monet painted in this style?
+Oseoporosis primarily affects?
+Osiris was the egyptian god of ____
+Underworld and vegetation
+Oslo is the capital of ____
+Other than in london, where is nelson's column?
+Great yarmouth
+Other than martha Washington, which two women have been represented on u.s currency?
+Pocahontas and susan b anthony
+Other than meat, what is also known as a leg of mutton?
+A kind of sleeve
+Other than pocahontas, which two women have been represented on u.s currency?
+Susan b anthony and martha Washington
+Other than susan b anthony, which two women have been represented on u.s currency?
+Martha Washington and pocahontas
+Other than the U.K. and Eire, name two European countries where cars are driven on the left hand side of the road?
+Cyprus and malta
+Ottawa is the capital of ____
+Otter when a player hits a double in darts, what can he do?
+Start scoring
+Otto Stich was president of which country in 1988 and 1994?
+Ouagadougou is the capital of ____
+Burkino faso
+Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our ____ and ____ never stop growing
+Nose & ears
+Our galaxy is commonly known as the ____
+Milky Way
+Our galaxy is commonly known called ____
+The Milky Way
+Out of 220 registered premiership footballers at the start of this season how many were not British?
+Out of what did the ancient celts make the jack-o-lantern?
+Out of what is paper money made?
+Outside poland, where is the largest polish population?
+Outside which building in London was Charles I executed?
+The banqueting house
+Outside which building was john lennon shot?
+Dakota building
+Outside which government building were the first traffic lights used in 1868?
+Houses of parliament
+Outside which london building were traffic lights first installed?
+Houses of parliament
+Over ____ birds a year die from smashing into windows
+Over ____ different languages are spoken throughout what used to be known as the Soviet Union
+Over ____ left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people
+Over 2500 people are killed annually from using products intended for ____
+Right-handed people
+Over 400 films have been made based on the plays of which famous writer?
+Over here we have a current account with a bank, what do the Americans call it?
+Checking account
+Over where does the uvula dangle?
+Over which 13-year-old girl did riots between christians and muslims break out in 1950?
+Maria hertogh
+Over which country did king gustav v reign?
+Over which Indian building are aircraft banned from flying?
+Taj mahal
+Over which islands did britain and argentina fight in 1982?
+Falkland islands
+Over which islands does the Spanish flag fly?
+Canary islands
+Overhead metal bar strengthening the frame of a vehicle and protecting the occupants if it overturns?
+Roll bar
+Ovine refers to what kind of animal?
+Owls are one of the only birds who can see which colour?
+Owls are the only birds that can see what colour?
+Owls have eyeballs that are ____ in shape, because of this, they cannot move their eyes
+Own it all is the advertising slogan for which board game?
+Oxide film that forms on bronze or copper?
+Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen make up ____% of the human body
+Pablo picasso was abandoned by the midwife just after his birth because she though he was stillborn. by who was he saved?
+An uncle
+Pacing & trotting are the two types of ____ racing
+Paco rabanne is born in what country?
+Paganini played what instrument?
+Paint by number: what Italian artist painted birth of venus?
+Painting in water colour on fresh plaster?
+Painting of inanimate objects?
+Still life
+Pair of briefs consisting of small panels connected with strings?
+Palaeontology is the study of what?
+Fossil remains
+Palermo is the capital of which island?
+Pampas grass is a native plant of which continent?
+South America
+Pan is the greek god of ____
+Shepherds and flocks
+Pancake mix was introduced in 1763, 1791 or 1812?
+Pancho was whose faithful sidekick?
+Cisco kid's
+Pandas bleat, elephants trumpet, monkeys chatter & bark. What do kangaroos do?
+Pandas spend about ____ hours a day eating bamboo
+Pantelleria, ustica and lampedusa are all islands belonging to which country?
+Papal ambassador?
+Papeete is the capital of which overseas area of France?
+French polynesia
+Paper Lace told Billy not to be a hero in which year?
+Paper money was first used in?
+Paper towels were invented when paper intended to be used to make ____ ____ was made too thick and wrinkled for it's intended purpose
+Toilet paper
+Paper was invented in China in?
+100 a d
+Paper was invented in the early second century by a chinese ____
+Parallel lines made to appear not parallel by short oblique intersecting lines?
+Zollner lines
+Parallel of latitude at 2327' south of the equator, delineating the southernmost point at what the sun can appear directly overhead at noon?
+Tropic of capricorn
+Parchment was made from?
+Goat skin
+Parenthetical Titles: (Darling Boy)?
+Beautiful boy
+Parenthetical Titles: (Every Time You Leave)?
+Fading like a flower
+Parenthetical Titles: (If I Had A Photograph Of You)?
+Parenthetical Titles: (Live At Glasgow)?
+Coming up
+Parenthetical Titles: (Man In Motion)?
+St elmos fire
+Parenthetical Titles: (Shake, Shake, Shake)?
+Shake your booty
+Parenthetical Titles: (This Bird Has Flown)?
+Norwegian wood
+Parenthetical Titles: (Worlds Apart)?
+Separate ways
+Paris is the administrative centre of which French region?
+Ile de france
+Paris is the capital of ____
+Parliament what is the capital of bulgaria?
+Part of a city occupied by a minority group?
+Part of a plant that serves primarily as the plants food-making organ in a process called photosynthesis?
+Part of a theatre for the audience?
+Part of a womans dress, above the waist?
+Particles of sand or stone mixed with cement to make concrete?
+Particularly fond of dahlias and chrysanthemums, which garden insect has the scientific name forficula auricularia?
+Parton what is the official birthplace of country music?
+Paso what did welch's grape juice become a favorite substitute for when the 18th amendment passed?
+Passport endorsement?
+Pasta Dishes?
+Pasteur & ____ proved germs cause diseases
+Pasteur developed a vaccine for rabies in which year?
+Patsy cline is the most noted with pop-country crossovers. which other singer should not be overlooked for her hits 'break it to me gently' and 'fool no. 1'?
+Brenda lee
+Patterson what do you call a person that stuffs dead animals?
+Patty + Selma's pet?
+Jub jub 
+Paul heaton fron the beautiful south used to belong to which band?
+He housemartins
+Paul hewson is the real name of which popular singer?
+Paul Keating was elected prime minister of Australia in which year?
+Paul mccartney & george harrison attend ringo starr's and ____ wedding
+Barbara bach
+Paul McCartney's mother was a?
+Paul newman has starred in three movies bearing one word titles starting with h. name them in alphabetical order?
+Harper hombre hud
+Paul Newman married which actress?
+Joanne woodward
+Paul Revere was a?
+Pavarotti popularized Nessun dorma but what does it mean?
+None shall sleep
+Pax is the roman goddess of ____
+Peace treaty that signified the end of world war i?
+The treaty of versailles
+Peanuts are used in the production of?
+Peanuts are what?
+Pearls melt in?
+Pears are a member of which family?
+Pedals were added to the bicycle in?
+Pegasus, Kibris and Onur are all current airlines from which European country?
+Penguins can jump over ____ feet
+Penicillin causes about ____ deaths in the United States every year
+Penicillin is derived from what?
+Penicillium roquefortii effects these foods by ripening them as it rots them?
+Blue cheeses
+Pennsylvania was the first colony to legalize____
+People eaters what tools are used to crewel?
+People from Manchester, England are called what?
+People in ____ read more books than people anywhere else in the world per capita
+People in Siberia often buy ____ frozen on a stick
+People with which disease were cared for by Father de Veuster on the Hawaiian island of Molokai?
+people: American author best known for Moby Dick?
+Herman melville
+people: American dramatist whose plays include death of a salesman and the crucible?
+Arthur miller
+people: American movie director whose films include e.t. and jaws?
+people: American psychologist known for his experiments with hallucinogenics in the 60s?
+Timothy leary
+People: Anthony Quinn played him in a 1964 movie?
+Zorba the greek
+people: bernard ____ was an industrial and economic advisor during wwi and wwii
+people: burmese diplomat, secretary general to the united nations 1962-1972?
+U thant
+people: clare booth ____ was a playright, diplomat, and us rep
+People: Czar of Russia, 1682-1725, instituted a beard tax?
+Peter the great
+people: director of the fbi who lived from 1895-1972?
+J. edgar hoover
+people: Dutch post-impressionist painter, lived 1853-1890?
+Van gogh
+People: English king more interested in fighting crusades than ruling England?
+Richard the lionhearted
+people: first female cabinet member?
+Oveta hobby
+people: he is an American lawyer and consumer advocate?
+Ralph nader
+People: He made Prussia into a European power; composed some music still played?
+Frederick the great
+PEOPLE: Hebrew patriarch from whom all jews trace their decent?
+People: His dog Snert says voof instead of woof?
+Hagar the horrible
+People: In 1570 his army destroyed Novgorod and he had thousands executed?
+Ivan the terrible
+People: Last of the Hebrew prophets?
+John the baptist
+People: Red Skelton's hobo character?
+Freddy the freeloader
+people: the first name of the American statistician who established the gallup poll?
+People: They had an album and a song entitled 'All the Young Dudes'?
+Mott the hoople
+people: tina turners first charted record with ike turner was this song?
+Fool in love
+People: Weak English king, ruled 978-1016?
+Ethelred the unready
+Pepper's lonely hearts club band Energy waves produced by the oscillation or acceleration of an electric charge. Electromagnetic waves have both electric and magnetic components?
+Electromagnetic radiation
+Pepsin, lactase and amylase are types of what?
+Per a 1995 poll, 3.9 percent of the women surveyed said they don't wear ____
+Per capita, Canada has more ____ shops than any other country
+Per the Beatles, how many holes does it take to fill the Albert Hall?
+Percent in which county are all ten of England's highest peaks?
+Percent what was the final destination of the first u.s. paddle wheel steamboat, what departed from pittsburgh?
+New orleans
+Performing Arts: : From a play by which greek comedy dramatist does the expression Cloud cuckoo land come?
+Performing Arts: : From which play,first performed in 1956 was the term Angry young men derived?
+Look back in anger
+Performing Arts: : George Bernard Shaws play Arms and the Man was made into which operetta in 1894?
+The chocolate soldier
+Performing Arts: : In a Midsummers Nights Dream, whose head did Puck turn into that of an ass?
+Performing Arts: : In the theatrical world, what name is given to the financial backer of a stage production?
+Performing Arts: : In traditional English drama, who was Columbines lover?
+Performing Arts: : In what sphere was Karsh of Ottawa famous?
+Performing Arts: : In which European art galleries are the 2 versions of Leonardo Da Vincis Virgin of the Rocks?
+The louvre & the national gallery
+Performing Arts: : In which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta does Pooh Bah appear?
+The mikado
+Performing Arts: : In which Puccini opera is a seamstress named Mimi the heroine?
+La boheme
+Performing Arts: : Of which theatre is Alan Ayckbourn artistic director?
+The stephen joseph theatre
+Performing Arts: : What form of entertainment sprang out of the old Commedia dell'arte?
+Performing Arts: : What is a closet drama?
+One for reading
+Performing Arts: : What term was given to dramatists whose work attacked the values of the establishment?
+Angry young men
+Performing Arts: : What was the former name of the Royal Ballet?
+Sadlers wells ballet
+Performing Arts: : What was the name of Stravinskys first ballet which was first performed in 1910, which he shortened into a suite as it was too long and patchy?
+The firebird
+Performing Arts: : What was the name of the Jew of Malta in the play by Christopher Marlowe?
+Performing Arts: : What was the name of the town in which Gilbert and Sullivans The Mikado set?
+Performing Arts: : Which ballet dancers 1998 autobiography was entitled Life in Dance?
+Darcey bussell
+Performing Arts: : Which comedian made his operatic debut in The Mikado?
+Jasper carrott
+Performing Arts: : Which dups theatrical performances were called At the drop of a hat?
+Flanders and swann
+Performing Arts: : Which English poet and dramatist was jailed for murder after killing the actor Gabriel Spencer in a duel in 1598?
+Ben jonson
+Performing Arts: : Which form of dancing features charaters from the Robin Hood stories,along with Bavian the fool, Malkin the Clown and a hobby horse?
+Morris dancing
+Performing Arts: : Which former ballet dancer was the first director of the Royal Ballet which she had founded in 1931?
+Dame ninette de valois
+Performing Arts: : Which playwright was arrested for homosexuality in 1895?
+Oscar wilde
+Performing Arts: : Which theatre in London did Bernard Miles found in 1951 and name after a tavern destroyed in the Great Fire of London?
+The mermaid
+Performing Arts: : Which was the last ballet directed by Rudolf Nureyev in 1992?
+La bayadere
+Performing Arts: : Who was principal conductor of the Halle Orchestra from 1949 - 1970?
+Sir john barbirolli
+Performing Arts: 18th Century: 18th century French dance?
+Performing Arts: 1960s: Completed in 1966, which is the world's largest opera house?
+Metropolitan in New York
+Performing Arts: Adrienne Barbeau and Barry Bostwick were stars of this long-running musical?
+Performing Arts: American prima ballerina with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo & NYC ballet?
+Maria tallchief
+Performing Arts: appear in 4 Shakespearian plays; Julius Caesar, Richard III, Hamlet and Macbeth?
+Performing Arts: British choreographer of Sadler's Wells (now Royal) Ballet?
+Sir frederick ashton
+Performing Arts: British playwright (This is where we came in, Invisible friends)?
+Alan Ayckbourn
+Performing Arts: Cuban dancer & choreographer soloed withe American Ballet Theater and Broadway?
+Alicia alonso
+Performing Arts: Famous musical based on the legend of Pygmalion and Galatea?
+My fair lady
+Performing Arts: Founder of the Dance Theater of Harlem, first black classical dance company?
+Arthur mitchell
+Performing Arts: French creator of modern classical ballet, he created Sleeping Beauty?
+Marius petipa
+Performing Arts: From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: To be or not to?
+Performing Arts: Greatest ballerina of her generation, she is noted for her role in Dying Swan?
+Anna pavlova
+Performing Arts: In 'Romeo and Juliet', about what was Mercutio's long monologue?
+Queen Mab
+Performing Arts: In the opera 'don giovanni', who was leporello?
+Performing Arts: In the opera 'La Traviata', what does La Traviata mean?
+The fallen woman
+Performing Arts: In the opera 'La Traviata', what was Violetta's occupation?
+Performing Arts: In the opera, what kind of factory did carmen work in?
+Cigarette factory
+Performing Arts: In the original version of 'romeo and juliet', who played juliet?
+Robert Goffe
+Performing Arts: in what opera did cherubino serve count almaviva?
+Marriage of figaro
+Performing Arts: Known for Western Symphony and the ballets The Chase and Irish Fantasy?
+Jacques damboise
+Performing Arts: Member and director of the Royal Danish Ballet, known for Swan Lake and Giselle?
+Erik bruhn
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera 'Eugene Onegin'?
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera 'Macbeth'?
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera buffo the golden cockerel in 1909?
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera I Pagliacci?
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera Lakme and the ballet Coppelia?
+De libes
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera Lakme?
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera Lulu?
+Alban berg
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera the flying dutchman in 1843?
+Richard wagner
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the opera tosca?
+Performing Arts: Music: Who composed the orchestral suite the planets?
+Gustav holst
+Performing Arts: Noel Coward's play, Private Lives was based on what taboo subject?
+Divorce & adultery
+Performing Arts: Noel Coward's play, The Vortex, was based on what taboo subject?
+Performing Arts: Shakespeare: In which work by Shakespeare do the Earls of Pembroke,Essex & Salisbury and the Lord Bigot appear?
+The life and death of King John
+Performing Arts: Shakespeare: In which work do Leontes,King of Sicilia and Mansillius, the yound prince appear?
+The winter's tale
+Performing Arts: Shakespeare: Name the Moor of Venice?
+Performing Arts: The Crucible is a play set during which trials?
+Salem witchcraft trials
+Performing Arts: This American owned his own company and choreographed for the New York Opera?
+Robert joffrey
+Performing Arts: Three of Shakespeare's plays contain a ghost - Hamlet is one, name the others?
+Macbeth and julius caesar
+Performing Arts: what is the setting for the Opera Billy Budd?
+Performing Arts: Which theatre staged the musical Cats from 1981 - 2002?
+New London Theatre
+Performing Arts: Who is the Big Yin?
+Billy Connolly
+Performing Arts: Who wrote the play �Our Town'?
+Thornton Wilder
+Performing Arts:What anthony shaffer two man play opens in the living room of andrew wykes norman manor house?
+Perfume from the fruit of a dwarf orange tree?
+Perhaps Canada's tallest tree, the Sitka spruce is called?
+Carmanah giant
+Period from birth to approximately 18 months of age?
+Period where a person reaches sexual maturity?
+Periodic movements of animals from one place to another is called (____)
+Periodic table: what is np?
+Persian, siameses and abyssinian are types fo what?
+Person aged from 40 to 49?
+Person aged from 50 to 59?
+Person appointed to administer the funds of a society or company?
+Person of erratic mind, mixture of genius and fool?
+Person who believes that knowledge of a Supreme Being is impossible?
+Person who studies ceremonies particularly magical or religious ones?
+Person who throws gloom over social enjoyment?
+Person who undertakes commercial venture?
+Person with an uncontrollableand recurring urge to drink alcohol?
+Perspiration is odorless. What causes body odor?
+Pete townsend , john entwistle , roger daltery name the 4th member?
+Keith moon
+Peter gabriel and phil collins split from this group?
+Peter hook and bernard sumner are members of which Manchester band who reformed in 2001?
+New order
+Peter Lorre was born in what year?
+Peter Sellers had a top ten hit in 1960 with which other film star?
+Sophia loren
+peter the great was leader of this country?
+Petrography is concerned with what?
+Pets: anoles are commonly sold as ____ in pet stores
+Petula clark sings 'if you're feeling sad and lonely, there's a service i can render'. what is it?
+Call me
+Phalanges are bones found in a human what?
+Phil Collins won an Oscar for Best Original Song in 2000. In which film?
+Philip k dick's novel 'do androids dream of electric sleep' was made into what film?
+Blade runner
+Philip Pirrip is the main character in which Charles Dickens novel?
+Great expectations
+Philosophy: The last line of which document is 'working men of all countries, unite!'?
+Communist Manifesto
+Philosophy: What is the name of the belief that many gods exist, but only one should be worshipped?
+Phineas barnum opened his circus in what year?
+Phnom-penh is the capital of ____
+Phobos and deimos are moons of which planet?
+Phobos is a moon of which planet?
+Phoenix is the capital city of which US state?
+Phoenix is the capital of ____
+phonetic radio call signs: chingada?
+Charlie hotel India november golf alpha delta alpha
+phonetic radio call signs: crouch?
+Charlie romeo oscar uniform charlie hotel
+phonetic radio call signs: drksky?
+Delta romeo kilo sierra kilo yankee
+phonetic radio call signs: ear?
+Echo alpha romeo
+phonetic radio call signs: mach?
+Mike alpha charlie hotel
+phonetic radio call signs: mrtyrone?
+Mike romeo tango yankee romeo oscar november echo
+phonetic radio call signs: nathan?
+November alpha tango hotel alpha november
+phonetic radio call signs: nztca?
+November zulu tango charlie alpha
+phonetic radio call signs: sabi?
+Sierra alpha bravo India
+phonetic radio call signs: spinner?
+Sierra papa India november november echo romeo
+phonetic radio call signs: sturm?
+Sierra tango uniform romeo mike
+Phrases: Bated ____
+Phrases: Blushing ____
+Phrases: Free as ____ ____
+A bird
+Phrases: In seventh ____
+Phrases: None the worse ____ ____
+For wear
+Phrases: Who said 'Everything must either be or not be, whether in the present or in the future'?
+Phrases: Who said 'Give me a firm place to stand and I will move the Earth'?
+Phrases: Who said 'The greater our knowledge increases, the more our ignorance unfolds'?
+John F. Kennedy
+Phrases: Who said 'The way of the warrior is the resolute acceptance of death'?
+Miyamoto Musashi
+Phylum or superphylum of common but inconspicuous, often microscopic worms?
+Physcrophilia is the sexual arousal by?
+Physical or behavioral resemblance of one species to another to benefit itself or, in effect, sometimes both species?
+Physics: At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow (in degrees)?
+Physics: In the equation E=MC2, what does the C stand for?
+Speed of light
+Physics: The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion is called ____
+Physics: The force that brings moving bodies to a halt is ____
+Physics: The pivot point of a lever is called the ____
+Physics: The process of water changing to water vapor is known as ____
+Physics: The rate of change of velocity is known as ____
+Physics: The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to ____
+Physics: True Or False- Contrary to popular belief, a lightbulb actually absorbs darkness?
+Physics: Two 1.5 volt batteries, when connected in series, produces ____ volts
+Physics: Water freezes at ____ degrees Celcius
+Physics: Water freezes at ____ degrees Celcius
+Physics: Water freezes at ____ degrees Fahrenheit
+Physics: Waves 'break' when their height is how much more than the depth of the water?
+Seven tenths
+Physics: What are the units of measurement for Energy?
+Physics: What are the units of measurement for Force?
+Physics: What are the units of measurement for Frequency?
+Physics: What are the units of measurement for Power?
+Physics: What are the units of measurement for Pressure?
+Physics: What device is used to measure weather pressure?
+Physics: What device was used to determine a ship's latitude?
+Physics: What has superseded Newtonian mechanics of the atomic scale?
+Quantum mechanics
+Physics: What is measured by a Geiger counter?
+Physics: What is the formal name for when a substance breaks down on heating?
+Thermal Decomposition
+Physics: What is the luminous intensity of light measured in?
+Physics: What is the name for 0.1 Newtons?
+Physics: What is the name given to elementary particles originating in the sun and other stars, that continuously rain down on the earth?
+Cosmic rays
+Physics: What is the second derivative of distance?
+Physics: What scale is used to measure wind speed?
+Physics: When light waves pass from one medium into another they change direction. This is called ____
+Physics: Which scale is based on the speed of sound?
+Physics: Work done, equals force multiplied by ____
+Physiological systems that enable organisms to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature, such as the cycles of day & night & of the seasons?
+Biological clocks
+Pickled herrings were invented in what year?
+Picture representing word or syllable?
+Picturesque cave?
+Pieces of vegetable coated in seasoned flour and deep fried?
+Pienaar what gender is a snail?
+Piercing of holes other than the ear lobes?
+Body piercing
+Pierre boulle's novel monkey planet was the basis for what 1968 movie?
+Planet of the apes
+Pigs, walruses & light-colored horses can get a ____
+Pigs, walruses, and light-colored horses can be?
+Pinatubo The application of science to law?
+Forensic science
+Pinball: 1992 Bally machine based upon a British childrens TV series?
+Dr. who
+pinball: 1994 data east game based on the pinball-themed broadway play?
+pinball: all pinball machines are made near this city, the pinball capital of the world?
+pinball: in the addams family, this ai-enabled flipper will make the shot for you?
+Pinball: Pinball fanatics on the Internet read this Usenet group?
+Pinball: Slash, a big pinball fan, co-designed this 1994 Data East game?
+Guns n roses
+pinball: this 1976 bally machine featured elton john on the backglass?
+Captain fantastic
+pinball: this 1988 lawlor game has a vertical playfield instead of a normal backglass?
+Banzai run
+pinball: this mammoth 1979 atari game featured a pool-ball sized pinball?
+pinball: this world champion pinball player became a programmer for data east?
+Lyman sheats
+Pinchbeck is an alloy of copper and what else?
+Pink elephants? In regions of India where the soil is red, elephants take on a permanent pink tinge because they regularly spray dust over their bodies to protect themselves against ____
+Pink floyd followed up 'dark side of the moon' with which release in 1975, whose title sounds like a note on a postcard?
+Wish you were here
+Pinocchio is Italian meaning what?
+Pine eyes
+Pistols were first used in the Olympic games shooting events in?
+Pitcairn Island was settled by crew members of which ship?
+Pitchblende is an ore of which metal?
+Pitcher w. a. cummings introduced what to baseball in 1866?
+Curve ball
+Pitches with what is charcoal and saltpetre mixed to make gunpowder?
+Place of shelter for ships?
+Place the following musical terms in order of increasing speed Lento, Largo, Andante, Allegro and Presto?
+Lento, largo, andante, allegro and presto
+Place where weapons are made or stored?
+Plane figure with 7 sides and angles?
+PLANTS:By what name is the flower convallaria better known?
+Lily of the Valley
+PLANTS:Edible subterranean fungus?
+PLANTS:What do coconut, date and sago all have in common?
+Types of palm
+Plashing is the term to describe the collecting of what kind of nut?
+Plastic wrapping material in sheets containing numerous air filled bladders?
+Bubble wrap
+Plato founded the academy in athens in 398 bc, 387 bc or 364 bc?
+387 bc
+Pleurisy is effects which organ?
+The lungs
+Plus fours, the type of trousers much loved by golfers, are an example of which type of men's fashion?
+Pluto is ____ kilometres in diameter
+Pluto is ____ miles in diameter
+Plutonium was developed by deuteron bombardment of uranium-238 in a?
+Poisonous substance especially a pesticide?
+Pokemon: Every Eevee evolution has been owned by a main or recurring character in the anime except for one, which one is it?
+Pokemon: Excluding dual type Pokemon. What three types of Pokemon has Ash never officially caught?
+Steel, psychic and ghost
+Pokemon: Generation 1 legendaries?
+Pokemon: Generation 2 legendaries?
+Pokemon: Generation 3 legendaries?
+Pokemon: Generation 4 legendaries?
+Pokemon: Generation 5 legendaries?
+Pokemon: How many badges could you obtain in the Orange League?
+Pokemon: How many badges do you need to enter the Pokemon League?
+Pokemon: How old was Ash when he started his journey?
+Pokemon: Name the first two Pokemon we see Brock use?
+Geodude and Onyx
+Pokemon: What are the final evolutions of Nidoran?
+Nidoking and Nidoqueen
+Pokemon: What fully evolved Pokemon can't learn any TMs?
+Pokemon: What is the final evolution of Bulbasaur?
+Pokemon: What is the final evolution of Charmander?
+Pokemon: What is the final evolution of Dratini?
+Pokemon: What is the final evolution of Pidgey?
+Pokemon: What is the final evolution of Squirtle?
+Pokemon: What is the name of the lady who operates the various Pokemon centres?
+Nurse Joy
+Pokemon: What is the name of the resident police officer?
+Officer Jenny
+Pokemon: What is the only legendary Pokemon that Ash has never encountered?
+Pokemon: What is the only Pokemon in Generation 3 thats name begins with the letter i?
+Pokemon: What item of Mistys did Ash break when the two first mer?
+Pokemon: What town is Ash from?
+Pallet town
+Pokemon: What type of Pokemon does Misty specialise in?
+Pokemon: What was the first fire type Pokemon Ash caught?
+Pokemon: What was the first flying type Pokemon that Ash caught?
+Pokemon: Which city does Brock come from?
+Pewter City
+Pokemon: Who are the gym leaders in Opelucid City?
+Drayden and Iris
+Pokemon: Who are the gym leaders in Striation City?
+Cilan, Chili and Cress
+Pokemon: Who does Meowth evolve into?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Azalea Town?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Blackthorn City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Canalive City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Castelia City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Celdaon City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Cerulean City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Cianwood City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Cinnabr Island?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Dewford Town?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Drigtveilt City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Ecruteak City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Eterna City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Fortree City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Fuchsia City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Goldenrod City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Hearthome City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Icirrus City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Lavaridge Town?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Magogany Town?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Mauville City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Mistralton City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Mossdeep City?
+Tate and Liza
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Nacrene City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Nimbasa City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Olivine City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Oreburgh City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Pastoria City?
+Crasher Wake
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Petalburg City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Pewter City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Rustburo City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Saffron City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Snowpoint City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Sootopolis City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Sunnyshore City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Veilstone City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Vermilion City?
+Lt. Surge
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Violet City?
+Pokemon: Who is the gym leader in Viridian City?
+Pokemon: Who is the mascot of Pokemon?
+Pokemon: Who is the Professor in Kanto?
+Professor Oak
+Pokemon: Who were Ash's first two traveling companions?
+Brock and Misty
+Poland has its only coastline on which sea?
+Poland: As of 1999, Poland was the _th largest country in Europe. (+/- 1)?
+Poland: If you write 3 4 + 9 2 - instead of (3+4)x(9-2), you are using?
+Reverse polish notation
+Poland: In his short career, he composed 58 mazurkas, 27 etudes, 26 preludes et al?
+Poland: This famous woman scientist won two Nobel prizes in physics & chemistry?
+Poland: True or False: There are bisons living in Polish forests?
+Polar bears can run as fast as ____ km/h
+Policy of acceding to the demands of a potentially hostile country in the hope of maintaining peace?
+Policy of seeking to recover lost territory?
+Polio is also known as ____
+Infantile paralysis
+Polish & German jews are known as?
+Ashkenazi jews
+Politics: For what does O.P.E.C. stand?
+The organization of petroleum exporting countries
+Politics: He was elected President of France, in 1981?
+Francios Mitterrand
+Politics: He was elected President of France, in 1981?
+Politics: In England, what is the Speaker of the House not allowed to do?
+Politics: is Romania a unicameral or a bicameral republic?
+Politics: Name Ronald Reagan's first wife?
+Politics: Of which island do Ireland, Britain, Iceland and Norway dispute ownership?
+Politics: System in which total power is vested in a single individual or a group of rulers?
+Politics: UK Ministers: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain between 1766 and 1768?
+William Pitt
+Politics: UK Ministers: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain between 1841 and 1846?
+Sir Robert Peel
+Politics: UK Ministers: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain between 1874d 1880?
+Benjamin Disraeli
+Politics: UK Ministers: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain between 1916 and 1922?
+David Lloyd George
+Politics: UK Ministers: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain between 1964 and 1970?
+Harold Wilson
+Politics: UK Ministers: Who was the Prime Minister of Britain between 1970 and 1974?
+Edward Heath
+Politics: What does Israel call its parliament?
+Politics: What is PLO an abbreviation for?
+Palestine Liberation Organization
+Politics: What type of government does Thailand have?
+Politics: Which island do the nationalist Chinese occupy?
+Politics: Which nation calls its parliament 'The Knesset'?
+Politics: Who succeeded Charles de Gaulle as president of France?
+Georges Pompidour
+Pollsters say that ____ of dog and cat owners carry pictures of their pets in their wallets
+Polyhymnia was the muse of what?
+Sacred poetry
+Polyp, fish, worm, plant, crab, mollusk, and plankton in symbiotic relationship, make up what?
+Coral reef
+Pooley's guide is used by amateurs and professionals in which profession and hobby?
+Poor whites in Florida and georgia are called 'crackers' because of the name of their principal staple food which is what?
+Cracked corn
+Pop a 12 ounce can of soda pop contains the equivalent of how many teaspoons of sugar?
+popular name for the Weat German guerrilla group?
+Bader-Meinhoff Gang
+Port au prince is the capital of ____
+Port said lies on which waterway?
+The suez canal
+Portable underwater breathing apparatus?
+Portugals old currency?
+Postage stamps were first introduced in to britain in what year?
+Potentially dangerous to human life on earth, what is filtered out by the ozone layer?
+Ultra violet radiation
+Powdered red pepper?
+Powdered Tea was once used as a snuff to stop bleeding ____
+Powdered wood formed by the activity of a woodworm?
+Power Tools?
+Skill Saw
+Practice of driving recklessly in a stolen car?
+Prague is the capital of ____
+Premises used for prostitution?
+Premnium bond selector?
+Present lucasian professor of mathematics and author of a brief history of time?
+Stephen hawkings
+President clinton's campaign song 'don't stop' by fleetwood mac, was off which album recorded years earlier?
+President fd roosevelt appeared in the 1943 comedy princess o'rourke as what?
+President Kaunda of ____ once threatened to resign if his fellow countrymen didn't stop drinking so much alcohol
+president known to have sex with his mistress nan britton in the white house,?
+Warren harding
+President Lincoln proclaimed the first national thanksgiving day in what year?
+President roosevelt had a landslide victory in 1932, who did he defeat?
+Herbert hoover
+President six u.s presidents never had ____
+President who resigned over watergate?
+Presidential pets?
+Presidents named John or James (last name only)?
+Presidents U.S. President, Woodrow ____
+Presidents who have been shot or shot at (last name only)?
+Presidents who have died in office (last name only)?
+Presley elvis presley appeared on how many stamps in 1993?
+Five hundred million
+Press Hybrid offspring of the jackass (male ass) and the mare, much used and valued in many parts of the world as a beast of burden?
+Previous to having their own flag, Canada flew the flag of?
+Prince Andrew married Sarah Ferguson at Westminster Abbey in what year of the 1980s?
+Prince George of England and his brother, Prince Albert Victor, witnessed this legendary ghost ship in 1881?
+The Flying Dutchman
+Princess Ann was the only competitor at the 1976 Montreal Olympics that did not have to undergo a ____ test
+Princess Anne has appeared on which television quiz show?
+A question of sport
+Princess Bride: Domingo Montoya's profession?
+princess bride: fezzik is played by this big guy?
+Andre the giant
+Princess Bride: Life is ____, Highness!
+princess bride: man with the dead father?
+Princess Bride: Montoya's original workplace?
+Princess Bride: Number of years that Inigo has searched for Roga?
+Princess Bride: Roberts' profession?
+Princess Bride: Roga's first name?
+princess bride: the little kid is played by this actor?
+princess bride: vizzini's homeland?
+princess bride: wesley's first profession?
+Farm boy
+Princess Victoria, Duchess of Vastergotland, is the heir presumptive to the throne of which European country?
+Princeton University is in which state?
+New jersey
+Principal artery of the body that carries oxygenated blood to most other arteries in the body?
+Prior to 1857, how could a divorce be obtained in England?
+Act of parliament
+Prior to 1960, what was the capital of Brazil?
+Rio de janeiro
+Prior to 1998 who was the last non-American to win the U.S. Masters golf championship?
+Nick faldo
+Prior to David Coulthard this year, who was the last British driver to win the Monaco Grand Prix?
+Jackie stewart
+Prior to migration a goose will consume the equivalent of up to ____ percent of its body weight per day, accumulating large amounts of fat
+Prior to their 1999 UK number 1 hit 'Maria', which record was Blondie's last number 1 in the UK singles chart?
+The tide is high
+Process by what an organism becomes better adapted to exist in an environment different from the one to what it was indigenous?
+Process by which the body uses sugar for energy?
+Sugar metabolism
+Process of heat treatment by what glass & certain metals & alloys are rendered less brittle & more resistant to fracture?
+Process of printing developed in 1798 by the German map inspector aloys senefelder?
+Produced by the decomposition of dead plants and animals in the mud, ____ gas can often be seen bubbling up from the bottom of ponds.
+Produced by thomas dolby, which album did joni mitchell release in 1985?
+Dog eat dog
+Product of a chicken, come in styles poached, broiled or fried to name a few?
+Products What was the only nation to register zero births in 1983?
+Vatican City
+Profession concerned with vision problems & eye health?
+Progressive opacity of eye lens?
+Prometheus' brother and pandora's husband?
+Promise of future benefits e.g. pensions or share options for those who stay with a company?
+Golden handcuffs
+Promotion of friendly relations between countries?
+Property of a fluid that tends to prevent it from flowing when subjected to an applied force?
+Proportional to their weight, men are stronger than____
+Proposed in 1944, a 'spat' was a unit of distance equal to 1012 metres (ten to the power twelve metres), for use in what science?
+Prosthetics deals with the making of ____
+Artificial limbs
+PROVERB: Still waters...?
+Run deep
+Proverb: the early bird ____
+Catches the worm
+Proverb: two wrongs ____
+Dont make a right
+Proverbially, what is rubbed into the wound to make things worse?
+PROVERBS:A bad workman...?
+Blames his tools
+PROVERBS:A barking dog...?
+Never bites
+PROVERBS:A blind mans wife needs no...?
+PROVERBS:Adversity makes...?
+Strange bedfellows
+PROVERBS:After dinner rest a while, after supper...?
+Walk a mile
+PROVERBS:An army marches...?
+On its stomach
+PROVERBS:Appearances are...?
+PROVERBS:April showers bring forth...?
+May flowers
+PROVERBS:As you bake, so shall you...?
+PROVERBS:Bad news...?
+Travels fast
+PROVERBS:Beauty is only...?
+Skin deep
+PROVERBS:Better to be envied than ____
+PROVERBS:Birds of a feather...?
+Flock together
+PROVERBS:The bigger they are...?
+The harder they fall
+Providence is the capital of what state?
+Rhode island
+Prowse What foreign country's phone book is alphabetized by first name?
+Psephology comes from the Greek word psephos, which means?
+Psephology, the study of elections comes from the greek word psephos meaning what?
+Pseudonyms: 36-inch tall Charles Sherwood was better known as ____
+General tom thumb
+Pseudonyms: As who is Vincent Furnier known?
+Alice Cooper
+Pseudonyms: Born Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe, claimed he invented jazz?
+Jelly roll morton
+Pseudonyms: By what name do we know actor Herbert Charles angelo kuchacevich de schluderpacheru?
+Herbert lom
+Pseudonyms: By what name do we know Marion Michael Morrison?
+John wayne
+Pseudonyms: By what name is Rose Louise Hovick better known?
+Gypsy Rose Lee
+Pseudonyms: By what name is the 16th century painter Domenikos Theotokopoulos better known?
+El greco
+Pseudonyms: By which name is Vera Welch better known?
+Vera Lynn
+Pseudonyms: By which name was the boxer Walker Smith better known?
+Sugar Ray Robinson
+Pseudonyms: comedian John Marwood Cheese?
+John Cleese
+Pseudonyms: Edson Arantes do Nascimento?
+Pseudonyms: hich American writer was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens?
+Mark twain
+Pseudonyms: How was Gertrud margarete Zelle better known in wwii?
+Mata hari
+Pseudonyms: Punk musician, Simon Ritchie, by what name is he better known?
+Sid Vicious
+Pseudonyms: singer Henry John Deutchendorf?
+John Denver
+Pseudonyms: singer James Jewel Osterburg?
+Iggy Pop
+Pseudonyms: singer Janis Fink?
+Janis Joplin
+Pseudonyms: spooky actor William Pratt?
+Boris Karloff
+Pseudonyms: Under which name did Nigel John Davies shape the early career of Twiggy?
+Justin de villeneuve
+Pseudonyms: Walker Smith?
+Sugar Ray Robinson
+Pseudonyms: What is Alice Cooper's real name?
+Vincent Furnier
+Pseudonyms: What is Alice Coopers real name?
+Vincent furnier
+Pseudonyms: What is Conway Twitty's real name?
+Harold Lloyd Jenkins
+Pseudonyms: What is Harold Lloyd Jenkins' stage name?
+Conway Twitty
+Pseudonyms: What is the stage name of entertainer Robert Davies?
+Jasper carrot
+Pseudonyms: What is Wynonna Judd's real name?
+Christina Clair Ciminella
+Pseudonyms: What name is john lyndon better know?
+Johnny rotten
+Pseudonyms: Which British actor of Dutch descent was born derek Van den Bogaerd?
+Dirk bogarde
+Pseudonyms: Which comedian was born Nathan Birnbaum?
+George burns
+Pseudonyms: Which novelist was born Mary Ann Evans?
+George eliot
+Pseudonyms: Which Oscar winning actress was born Susan Tomaling in 1946 and is known by her former married name?
+Susan sarandon
+Pseudonyms: Which punk star was born John Richie?
+Sid vicious
+Pseudonyms: Which singer/actor was born Dino Crocetti in 1917?
+Dean martin
+Pseudonyms: Who has written books under the name Barbara Vine?
+P d james
+Pseudonyms: Who is Allen Stewart Konigsberg?
+Woody Allen
+Pseudonyms: Who is Anne Mae Bullock better known as?
+Tina Turner
+Pseudonyms: Who is Christina Claire Ciminella otherwise known as?
+Wynonna Judd
+Pseudonyms: Who is Terry Nelhams better known as?
+Adam Faith
+Pseudonyms: Who was born Joe Yule?
+Mickey Rooney
+Pseudonyms: Who was Vladimir I Ulyanov?
+Psychology: Approximately how many dreams does a person have every year?
+Psychology: Of what did Sigmund Freud have a morbid fear?
+Psychology: Who wrote 'Sexual Behavior In The Human Male' in 1948?
+Alfred Kinsey
+Psychology: With what branch of medicine is Franz Mesmer associated?
+Published in 1952, The Old Man and the Sea earned which American author the Nobel Prize for literature the following year?
+Ernest Hemingway
+Publishing: What actor was the first man to appear on the cover of McCall's in more than 100 years of publication, in July, 1978?
+John Travolta
+Puff The Magic Dragon lived in which land?
+Pulkovo airport serves which Russian city?
+Pulp, crown and root are parts of a ____
+Pulp, crown, & root are parts of a(n) ____
+Pungent crystalline substance used in medicine and mothballs?
+Punt, coracle and kayaks are all types of what?
+Purina how often do chimpanzees build new sleeping nests?
+Pussycat sings 'i've been crying today, threw my memories away, something died as i cried for my ____'
+Broken souvenirs
+Pussycat sings 'you're lost every night and your mommy's worried and your daddy's uptight...'. what's the song title?
+Teenage queenie
+Put the 5 vowels in order!?
+Put up your dukes: what boxer was hailed by hitler as a paragon of teutonic manhood?
+Max schmeling
+puzzles: a butt holder or trash in pig latin?
+Puzzles: A tangelo is a cross between a tangerine and a?
+puzzles: a tigon mom?
+puzzles: alive is to parasite as dead is to?
+Puzzles: C-D+I-L+M-V+X to Caesar?
+puzzles: film is to oscar as mystery novel is to?
+Puzzles: Heller's Catch / Number of Confederate States?
+puzzles: what is the acronym for agitatsiya propaganda?
+Puzzles: What is the acronym for fliegerabwehrkanonen?
+Pyongyang is the capital of ____
+North korea
+Pyrotechnics means a display of what?
+Pyrotechnics pertains to what?
+The Art of Fire 
+Q is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the ____
+United states
+QANTAS, the name of the airline, is an acronym for...?
+Queensland and northern territory aerial services
+Qms is an acronym for what?
+Queue management system
+Quantum Leap: How many degrees does Sam have, including one in ancient languages?
+Quart bottle or vessel for wine?
+Quarter pint measure?
+Quasimodo lived in what church?
+Notre Dame
+Quayle-isms:The sitcom Murphy Brown got even with Dan Quayle's insults by mocking his spelling of what word?
+Quayle-isms:which sitcom was the target of Dan Quayle's criticism?
+Murphy Brown
+Quebec and newfoundland are the only two Canadian provinces which do not allow ____
+Personalised licence plates
+Queen Berengaria never came to England, although she was married to the King. Which King?
+Richard the first
+Queen Elizabeth I passed a law which forced everyone except for the rich to wear a flat cap on?
+Queen Victoria lost her husband, Albert, when he was 42. How did he die?
+Queen Victoria was a carrier of which disease that was responsible for the death of her son, Leopold?
+Queen Victoria was one of the first women ever to use ____ to combat pain during childbirth
+Quercus is the generic name for which tree?
+Quick !All of the numbers on your keyboard!!?
+Quick quick Acronyms: ty?
+Thank you
+Quick quick Acronyms: wd?
+Well done
+Quick quick Acronyms: yw?
+You're welcome
+Quick! Quick! There are ____ seconds in a minute
+Quick! Quick!: How is the state of Mississippi spelled?
+Quick! Quick!: Name the circular plastic media you put in a CD-ROM drive?
+Quick! Quick!: On a standard computer keyboard, this is the letter just to the right of Z?
+Quick! Quick!: The longest key on your keyboard is the ____ bar
+Quick! Quick!: The season ____ comes right after Spring
+Quick! Quick!: There are ____ seconds in a minute
+Quick! Quick!: This is required to make all electric things work?
+Quick! Quick!: What color is a blue crayon?
+Quick! Quick!: What color is a green crayon?
+Quick! Quick!: What color is a red crayon?
+Quick! Quick!: What company makes Microsoft Windows 2000?
+Quick! Quick!: Whats radar spelled backwards?
+Quick! Quick!: Whats the abbreviation for United States of America?
+Quinine is an alkaloid extract of the bark of the ____ tree
+Quinine is an alkaloid extract of the bark of which tree?
+Cinchona tree
+Quinine is obtained from what part of an evergreen tree?
+Dried bark
+quite a year for plums_?
+Bailey white
+Quito is the capital of ____
+Quotations: 'Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.'?
+George Bernard Shaw
+Quotations: 'Do one thing at a time, and do that one thing as if your life depended on it.'?
+Eugene Grace
+Quotations: 'Doctors can bury their mistakes, Architects can only advise their clients to plant vines.'?
+Frank Lloyd Wright
+Quotations: He's dead, Jim?
+Quotations: I'll make him an offer, he don't refuse?
+Don vito corleone
+Quotations: I'm the only Western reporter here in Baghdad?
+Peter arnett
+Quotations: It's almost Funny Five time?
+Dr. demento
+Quotations: It's the economy, stupid?
+Quotations: May the bird of paradise bite you on the bippy?
+Quotations: My wife wears a good Republican cloth coat?
+Richard nixon
+Quotations: Open channel D?
+Quotations: You're soaking in it?
+Quoted from President Bill Clinton?
+I did not have sex with that woman
+Quotes: A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices?
+William James 
+Quotes: A little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation?
+CE Ayres
+Quotes: A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea?
+Victor Hugo
+Quotes: All paid employments absorb and degrade the mind?
+Quotes: Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party?
+Joseph mccarthy
+Quotes: Arise!Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached?
+Swami vivekananda
+Quotes: Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire?
+George bernard shaw
+Quotes: Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again?
+Franklin P Jones
+Quotes: Few people know how to be old Who by?
+La rochefoucauld
+Quotes: Finish this quote :Its time to vote off?
+The Weakest Link
+Quotes: How do I love thee?
+Elizabeth browning
+Quotes: I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying?
+Woody Allen
+Quotes: If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all?
+Quotes: In his private heart no man much respects himself?
+Mark Twain
+Quotes: No one ever went broke underestimating the inteligence of the American public?
+Quotes: Take the A Train?
+Duke ellington
+Quotes: The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it?
+Franklin P Jones 
+Quotes: To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady?
+Wilson Mizner
+Quotes: Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house...?
+Quotes: War is hell?
+William sherman
+Quotes: �He means well' is ____ unless he does well. - Plautus
+QVC, launched in the UK in 1993 by BskyB, what does it stand for?
+R kelly sings 'if i can see it then i can do it, if i just believe it, there's nothing to it' what's the song title?
+I believe i can fly
+Ra is the chemical symbol for which element?
+Rabbits like ____
+Rabbits love this black stuff?
+Racehorses have been known to wear out new ____ in one race
+Rachael was the wife of ____
+Racing who was the second male actor to refuse a best actor oscar?
+Marlon brando
+Radar is an example of a ____ word
+Radiation Military operations above the surface of the earth?
+Air warfare
+Radical political group responsible for the October Crisis of 1970 (Init.)?
+Radical Russian marxists are known as?
+Radioactive carbon, used for dating fossils?
+Carbon 14
+Radioactive hydrogen isotope of atomic mass 3 & symbol 1h3 or t?
+Raiders what is the oakland raiders' motto?
+Commitment to excellence
+Railings on a balcony are called a...?
+Railway with two cars connected by a wire cable wound around a drum at the top of a steep hill?
+Funicular railway
+Rainfall is measured with a?
+raison d'etre means?
+Reason for existence
+Ralph and Carolyn Cummins had ____ children between 1952 and 1966, all were born on the 20 February
+Ralph Freeman designed which Australian landmark?
+Sydney harbour bridge
+Ralph's incompetent dad?
+Chief wiggum
+Ramon Mercador assassinated whom?
+Leon trotsky
+Ranch what famous building did sir john vanbrugh design?
+Blenheim palace
+Rank of a knight between bachelor and baron?
+Ranma's father in Ranma 1/2 is transformed into this animal?
+Rats can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for ____ days straight
+Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over ____ descendents
+Rats, mice, beavers, and squirrels are all ____
+Raw vegetebles served as an hors d'oeuvre are called what?
+Ray and Dave Davies were members of what group?
+The kinks
+Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, and Jose Feliciano share what physical characteristic?
+Ray saunders built what famous vancouver landmark?
+Gastown steam clock
+ray-ban sunglasses sold ____ units worldwide in 1998
+10 million
+Reaching number two in the UK charts in 1991, which was the first hit single for Right Said Fred?
+I'm too sexy
+Reagan and Nancy Davis What 19th century novelist spent his last days as an inspector at New York's Customs House?
+Herman Melville
+Real ____, kept below 55 degrees F, will sweat when brought too quickly to room temperature
+Real gone kid was a top 10 hit for who?
+Deacon blue
+Real name of the Supermodel nicknamed The Body?
+Elle Macpherson
+Really useless, what is a gibus?
+Collapsible top hat
+Reams and quires are units of measure for?
+Recompense usually for evil done?
+Reconnaissance squadron into where does the 53rd weather reconnaissance squadron fly?
+Tropical storms
+Recorded Media - Who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes 'Tae Bo'?
+Billy Blanks
+Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch T.V for ____ hours
+Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch t.v for ____
+Three hours
+Red blood cells are produced in the ____
+Bone marrow
+Red means stop, ____ means go
+Reddish-brown colour alluding to hair?
+Reeves who produced 'sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band'?
+George martin
+Referring of political question to electorate for direct decision by general vote?
+Refusal of a group to trade or associate with another group, an individual, an organization, or a nation?
+Regional dialect especially in France?
+Regligion: On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
+Regular oval shape?
+Regularly held international conferences of eminent scientists to discuss world problems?
+Pugwash conferences
+Rehaven, elberta, desert gold & sunhaven are all varieties of ____
+Rejected Authors: Cornhuskers?
+Carl sandburg
+Rejected Authors: Lord of the Flies?
+William golding
+Rejected Authors: The Good Earth?
+Pearl buck
+Rejected Authors: Valley of the Dolls?
+Jacqueline susann
+Rejected Authors: Winesburg, Ohio?
+Sherwood anderson
+Relating to cookery what are 'lokshen', used in a type of Jewish soup?
+Relating to food a Charentais is a variety of what?
+Relating to food of what is 'lollo biondo' a variety?
+Relating to food what are 'quenelles' type of?
+Relating to food what is 'halloumi'?
+Cypriot cheese
+Relating to food what is 'pancetta' a type of?
+Relating to food what is another name for 'tamarillo'?
+Tree tomato
+Relating to food what is porcini a type of?
+Relating to food what meat is the dish 'saltimbocca' made with?
+Relating to food, what are 'loquats'?
+Relating to food, what is 'Polenta' made from?
+Relating to or using signals over a range of frequencies?
+Relax was a massive hit for which scouse band?
+Frankie goes to hollywood
+Religion: A catholic minister is known as a?
+Religion: According to all four Gospels the precursor of Jesus Christ, born in Judea, the son of the priest Zacharias and Elisabeth, cousin of Mary, the mother of Jesus?
+John the baptist
+Religion: According to an old proverb, what is 'the soul of wit'?
+Religion: According to genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the____
+Religion: According to Hindu myth, what river once flowed through heaven?
+The ganges
+Religion: According to the bible what did god create on the fourth day?
+Land and sea
+Religion: According to the Bible, how many pearly gates are there?
+Religion: According to the bible, what is the root of all evil?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Love of money", "the love of money"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Religion: According to the Bible, what kind of woman had a price above rubies?
+A virtuous woman
+Religion: According to the Bible, what substance was used to caulk Noah's ark and to seal the basket in which the infant Moses was set adrift on the Nile?
+Pitch or natural asphalt
+Religion: According to the bible, what was man made from?
+Religion: According to the Bible, what weapons was the Philistine giant Goliath carrying when he was slain by David?
+A sword and a spear
+Religion: According to the Buddhist tradition, deceased people who have followed the eightfold path will be freed from the cycle of reincarnation & gain what state of total peace?
+Religion: According to the ceremonial customs of orthodox Judaism, it is officially sundown when you cannot tell the difference between what?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["A black thread and a red one", "a black and red thread"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Religion: According to the Gospel of Saint John, what 'lay on the other side of the Brook of Cedron'?
+Garden of gethsemane
+Religion: According to the Holy Bible, where did Cain go after killing Abel?
+Land of nod
+Religion: According to the King James version of the twenty-third psalm, 'yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no ____'
+Religion: According to the Muslim calendar, what year began in August 2000?
+Religion: according to the old testament, he planted the first vineyard?
+Religion: According to the Old Testament, who was the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac?
+Religion: According to the Talmud, who was the first wife of Adam?
+Religion: Although not named in the new testament, tradition names the two thieves crucified at the same time as Jesus as?
+Religion: Anahita is the persian goddess of ____
+Water, fertility and war
+Religion: Animals: To signal the end of the flood which bird brought back a twig to Noah?
+Religion: Bible: According to the Talmud, what did God do with 7 handfuls of earth brought ot him by the angel Azrael?
+He made adam
+Religion: Bible: after cain murdered his brother abel, he 'went out from the presence of the lord, and dwelt in which land?
+Religion: Bible: after jonah spent time underwater, god sent him here?
+Religion: Bible: Brother of Japheth and Ham?
+Religion: Bible: David spoke his last words to this person?
+Religion: Bible: Doubting apostle?
+Religion: Bible: Father of Isaac?
+Religion: Bible: From which affliction did the patient Job suffer in the Bible?
+Religion: Bible: god gave solomon his great wisdom through this?
+Religion: Bible: Goliath was the champion of which people or tribe?
+Religion: Bible: He battled King Og at Edrei?
+Religion: Bible: how is the decalogue more commonly known?
+Ten commandments
+Religion: Bible: How many books of the Bible, generally known as the letters of Paul, are between Romans & Philemon (inclusive)?
+Religion: Bible: How many gospels are there in the bible?
+Religion: Bible: How many people took refuge on Noah's Ark?
+Religion: Bible: How many suicides are recorded in the bible?
+Religion: Bible: In the Book of Judges who delivered Israel from the Midianites?
+Religion: Bible: In the Hebrew Bible, Judges 16, the Philistine woman who betrays Samson?
+Religion: Bible: In the Hebrew Bible, which King of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem?
+Religion: Bible: In the Hebrew Bible, who consulted the Witch of Endor?
+King saul
+Religion: Bible: In the Hebrew Bible, who was the mighty hunter and son of Cush?
+Religion: Bible: In the Old Testament, from what kind of wood was the Ark of the Covenant made?
+Religion: Bible: In the parable of the Good Samaritan, to which city was the Samaritan travelling?
+Religion: Bible: In the sermon on the mount who did Jesus warn would appear as wolves in sheeps clothing?
+False prophets
+Religion: Bible: In which book is the plague of toads described?
+Religion: Bible: in which village did Lazarus live?
+Religion: Bible: isaiah and ezekiel foretell this grisly practice?
+Religion: Bible: name of john the baptist's father?
+Religion: Bible: Name of the Angel who told Mary she was to carry God's son?
+Religion: Bible: noah's ark is supposed to have rested on this mountain after deluge?
+Religion: Bible: Second bird to be released from Noahs ark?
+Religion: Bible: Substance miraculously supplied as food to the Israelites in the wilderness?
+Religion: Bible: the book of Psalms is attributed to King David, to who is the book of Ecclesiastes attributed?
+Religion: Bible: the book of psalms say god has this many chariots?
+Religion: Bible: The brother of Moses, he became the first Jewish high priest?
+Religion: Bible: The first five books of the Old testament are together called as?
+Religion: Bible: The gutsy Razis tossed this at the 500 soldiers send to kill him?
+Religion: Bible: The name of Moses' wife?
+Religion: Bible: The name of which book comes form the greek word for origin?
+Religion: Bible: the nebuchadnezzar king was of this nation?
+Religion: Bible: The slave who became ruler of Babylon because he told a King's dream?
+Religion: Bible: The symbol of which apostle is a club, the weapon by which he was killed?
+St jude
+Religion: Bible: this part of king saul's belongings was displayed in the temple of dagon?
+His head
+Religion: Bible: this person in genesis was raped by his daughters?
+Religion: Bible: This was Abraham's name before God changed it?
+Religion: Bible: To what does the adjective diluvial refer?
+The flood
+Religion: Bible: To which mountain did Elijah summon Ahab to choose between God and Baal?
+Mount carmel
+Religion: Bible: to whom is the book of Lamentations attributed?
+Religion: Bible: Tower erected by the descendants of Noah (Genesis ii)?
+Religion: Bible: what did god call the firmament?
+Religion: Bible: What instrument did David play?
+Religion: Bible: What is the fifth book of the New Testament?
+Acts of the Apostles
+Religion: Bible: what is the first commandment?
+Thou shalt have no other god before me
+Religion: Bible: What is the longest name in the Bible?
+Religion: Bible: what is the name of the region where Cain went after killing Abel?
+Land of nod
+Religion: Bible: what occured on Calvary?
+The Crucifixion of Jesus
+Religion: Bible: What took place at Golgotha?
+Christ's crucifixion
+Religion: Bible: What was the name given to the chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper and later given to Joseph of Arimathea?
+Holy grail
+Religion: Bible: what was the name of the region of natural fertility promised to the Israelites by God?
+Land of milk and honey
+Religion: Bible: Which apostle replaced Judas Iscariot?
+St Matthias
+Religion: Bible: which book follows the four gospels?
+Religion: Bible: which chapter immediately follows 1st timothy?
+2nd timothy
+Religion: Bible: which city was destroyed on God's command to Joshua and the people of Israel, by walking around it seven times whilst blowing loudly on horns?
+Religion: Bible: which city was destroyed on god's command to joshua and the people of israel?
+Religion: Bible: Which disciple denied knowing Jesus Christ three times?
+Religion: Bible: which ethnic group took Samson prisoner in Gaza, resulting in him pushing down the temple of Dagon?
+Religion: Bible: which ethnic group took samson prisoner in gaza?
+Religion: Bible: Which gospel writer has the lion as his symbol?
+Religion: Bible: Which idol did the Israelites make when they believed that Moses would not return from Mount Sinai?
+The golden calf
+Religion: Bible: Which wife of Ahasuerus of Persia risked her life to save her people from Hamans plot to have them killed?
+Religion: Bible: who 'went out from the presence of the lord, and dwelt in the land of nod'?
+Religion: Bible: Who allegedly ordered the slaughter of all the children in Bethlehem?
+King Herod
+Religion: Bible: Who annointed Saul and David as Kings of Israel?
+Religion: Bible: who authorises the Crucifixion?
+Pontius pilate
+Religion: Bible: who built the Golden Calf for the Israelites to worship?
+Religion: Bible: Who came from Gath?
+Religion: Bible: who cut sampson's hair, taking his strength?
+Religion: Bible: who did cain murder?
+Religion: Bible: who is generally considered responsible for writing most of the Psalms -74 in all?
+King David
+Religion: Bible: who is recorded in' Acts' as purchasing a plot of land known as Potter's Field?
+Judas iscariot
+Religion: Bible: who is the Book of Proverbs attributed to?
+Religion: Bible: who is the Book of Psalms attributed to?
+Religion: Bible: who is the sister of lazarus and mary?
+Religion: Bible: who led 10,000 soldiers into battle against the midianites?
+Religion: Bible: who murdered abel?
+Religion: Bible: who sold his birthright for a mess of potage?
+Religion: Bible: Who successfully interpreted the Pharoahs dreams?
+Religion: Bible: Who tried Jesus and sentenced him to be executed?
+Pontius Pilate
+Religion: Bible: who was Abraham's first son?
+Religion: Bible: who was asked to sacrifice his only son?
+Religion: Bible: who was credited with killing tens of thousands of the Philistines, when his king was only credited with killing thousands of the Philistines?
+Religion: Bible: who was credited with killing tens of thousands of the philistines?
+Religion: Bible: Who was King Solomons mother?
+Religion: Bible: who was responsible for the Hebrew poetry in the book Lamentations?
+Religion: Bible: who was Sarah's Egyptian servant, the mother of Ishmael?
+Religion: Bible: Who was the father of disciples James and John?
+Religion: Bible: who was the mother of Ishmael?
+Religion: Bible: who went out from the presence of the Lord, & dwelt in the land of Nod?
+Religion: Bible: Who were Isaacs two sons?
+Jacob and Esau
+Religion: Bible: who wore a coat of many colors?
+Religion: Bible: Who wrote The Epistles?
+St Paul
+Religion: Bible: who's name was changed to israel?
+Religion: Biblical Character: First martyr after the resurrection of Jesus?
+Religion: Biblical Character: high priest of israel when samuel was born?
+Religion: Biblical Character: King of Judah who was wicked before he repented?
+Religion: Biblical Character: married ruth after she followed her mother-in-law into israel?
+Religion: Biblical Character: Mother of John the Baptist?
+Religion: Biblical Character: Non-Jew known to have written part of the New Testament?
+Religion: Biblical Character: Paul asked him to forgive his runaway slave?
+Religion: Biblical Character: the only explorer than joshua who was allowed into the promised land?
+Religion: Biblical Character: told peter about jesus?
+Religion: Book of the old testament, third of the five biblical books called the pentateuch?
+Religion: Books of the Bible?
+Religion: Books of the Bible?
+Religion: Books of the Bible?
+Religion: Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva are gods in which religion?
+Religion: Buddhism: Zen is the form of Buddhism in which country?
+Religion: By what name is Siddhartha Gautama better known?
+Religion: Cain & Abel were two of the sons of Adam & Eve. Name the third?
+Religion: China has the largest Buddhist population (107,000,000). Name the countires with the 2nd and 3rd largest Buddhist populations?
+Japan and Thailand
+Religion: Christianity has over a billion followers. ____ is next in representation with half this number
+Religion: Christianity: Festival on January 6th commemorating the visit of the Magi to Christ?
+Religion: Christianity: First preached by arius in the 4th centruy, what term is used for the belief that jesus is not the equal of god?
+Religion: Christianity: How long did it take God to create the Universe?
+Six days
+Religion: Christianity: How many children did Noah have?
+Religion: Christianity: How many sayings did Jesus say from the cross?
+Religion: Christianity: How many times did Peter deny Jesus?
+Religion: Christianity: How old was Sarah when she had a child?
+Religion: Christianity: Name the three branches of the Methodist church that merged in 1932 to form the current church?
+Wesleyan, primitive, united
+Religion: Christianity: On which day was the resurrection of Christ?
+Easter Sunday
+Religion: Christianity: What are the first three words of The Bible?
+In the beginning
+Religion: Christianity: What two biblical cities did God destroy with fire and brimstone?
+Sodom and Gomorrah
+Religion: Christianity: Which two books in the Old Testament list the ten commandments (in order of appearance)?
+Exodus and Deuteronomy
+Religion: Christianity: Who killed Goliath?
+Religion: Christianity: Who replaced Moses as the prophet of the Israelites?
+Religion: Christianity: Whose name did God change to Israel?
+Religion: Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus is the?
+Religion: Christians that gather in a place called a Meeting House?
+Religion: Egyptian and ethiopian christians are called?
+Coptic christians
+Religion: Followers of the Unification Church are called ____
+Religion: Followers of the unification church are nicknamed ____
+Religion: Followers of which religion use prayer wheels?
+Religion: Food & Drink: Bagels are a traditional bread baked by followers of which religion?
+Religion: George Fox founded which religious group?
+Religion: Guru nanak was the founder of which religion?
+Religion: He led the Israelites out of Egypt?
+Religion: He led the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake?
+Religion: He was the first King of the Hebrews?
+Religion: He was the second King of Israel?
+Religion: Hinduism: creator of the universe?
+Religion: How long did the israelites wander in the desert after the exodus?
+Forty years
+Religion: How much time did Jonah spend in the belly of the whale?
+Three days and three nights
+Religion: In ancient Egypt which animal was considered sacred?
+Religion: In China why were kites flown on the ninth day of every month?
+To banish evil
+Religion: In Christianity and Judaism, with whom was the first covenant of God?
+Adam & eve
+Religion: In the christian calendar, what is the alternative name for the feast of pentecost?
+Religion: In the christian calendar, what is the sunday before easter called?
+Palm sunday
+Religion: In the New Testament who was beheaded by Herod at the request of Salome?
+John the baptist
+Religion: In the Old Testament, who was Jezebel's husband?
+Ahab, King of Israel
+Religion: In the Roman Catholic church, what is a devotion of prayers or services on nine consecutive days called?
+A novena
+Religion: In what city does a certain church forbid burping or sneezing?
+Omaha, Nebraska
+Religion: In what month is Christmas observed?
+Religion: Initiation of Jewish boy at 13?
+Bar mitzvah
+Religion: Israel has a Jewish population of 4.8 million people. Which country has more?
+United States
+Religion: King Solomon of Israel had about ____ wives as well as hundreds of mistresses
+Religion: Mithra is the persian god of ____
+Religion: Muslim religion?
+Religion: Muslims fast during this month?
+Religion: Name of an ancient persian religion?
+Religion: Name the Apostle who replaced Judas?
+Religion: Name the holiest day in the Jewish calendar?
+Yom kippur
+Religion: Name the last book of The Old Testament?
+Religion: Name the two books of the Bible named after women.?
+Ruth and Esther
+Religion: Nepal has a Hindu population of 21.3 million. Which country has more, at 824 million?
+Religion: Of the 266 popes, how many died violently?
+Religion: On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
+Religion: Patron Saints: In 461 St Patrick - the patron saint of ____ - died in Saul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Many female children are named 'friday' after which patron saint of oxford?
+St frideswide
+Religion: Patron Saints: Saint vladimir is the patron saint of what country?
+Religion: Patron Saints: St bernard the patron saint of ____
+Religion: Patron Saints: St christopher the patron saint ____
+Religion: Patron Saints: St Frideswide the patron saint ____
+Religion: Patron Saints: St george is the patron saint of England and which other country?
+Religion: Patron Saints: St lucia and st vincent belong to which group of islands?
+Windward islands
+Religion: Patron Saints: St nicholas is the patron saint of ____
+Religion: Patron Saints: St patrick the patron saint of ____
+Religion: Patron Saints: St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, was not?
+Religion: Patron Saints: St Vincent of Saragossa is the patron saint of what?
+Religion: Patron Saints: St. Bernard the patron saint of ____
+Religion: Patron Saints: St. Christopher the patron saint of ____
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of children?
+St nicholas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of domestic missions?
+St francis
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of domestic missions?
+St theresa
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of England?
+St george
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of foreign missions?
+St francis
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of hopeless causes?
+St jude
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of hospitals?
+St camillus
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of housekeepers?
+St anne
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of housewives?
+St anne
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Hungary?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of hunters?
+St hubert
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of immigrants?
+St francis
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of impenitence?
+St barbara
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of impossible Situations?
+St jude
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of insanity?
+St dymphna
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of invalids?
+St roque
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
+St patrick
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of iron workers?
+St sebastian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of jewelers?
+St luke
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of journalists?
+St francis de sales
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of judges?
+St ives
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of knowledge holy?
+Holy spirit
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of laborers?
+St james
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lace makers?
+Our lady of loretto
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of latin America?
+St rose of lima
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lawyers?
+St genesius
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lawyers?
+St ives
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lawyers?
+St thomas more
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lead workers?
+St sebastian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of leather workers?
+St catherine
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lepers?
+St vincent de Paul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of librarians?
+Saint jerome
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lightning?
+St barbara
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lithographers?
+St john the evangelist
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of loneliness?
+St rita
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of long life?
+St kevin
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of long life?
+St peter
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lost articles?
+St anthony
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lovers?
+St raphael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of lumbago?
+St lawrence
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of machinists?
+St hubert
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mariners?
+St brendan
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mariners?
+St michael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mariners?
+Star of the sea
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of married couples?
+St joseph
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of masons?
+St peter
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mass servers?
+St john berchman
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mathematicians?
+St hubert
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of medical records librarian?
+St raymond
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of medical technicians?
+St albert
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of medical technologists?
+St albert
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mental illness?
+St dymphna
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of merchants?
+St francis of assisi
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of miners?
+St barbara
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of missioners?
+St francis
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of monastics?
+St benedict
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of monks?
+St benedict
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of montebanks?
+St genesius
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mothers?
+St anne
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mothers?
+St gerard
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of motorcyclists?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of motorists?
+St christopher
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of mountain?
+St bernard
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of musicians?
+St Cecile
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of navigators?
+St brendan
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of navigators?
+Star of the sea
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of needle workers?
+St francis of assisi
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of nerves?
+St dymphna
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of net makers?
+St peter
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of never failing hope?
+Our lady of perpetual help
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of New Zealand?
+St francis
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of norway?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of notaries?
+St ives
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of notaries?
+St luke
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of notaries?
+St mark
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of nurses?
+St camillus
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of nurses?
+St raphael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of nursing services?
+St elizabeth
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of obstetricians?
+St raymond
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of organ makers?
+St genesius
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of orphans?
+St louise
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the Patron Saint of painters?
+Saint luke
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of painters?
+St luke
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of paper makers?
+St john the evangelist
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of paratroopers?
+St michael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of parish priests?
+St john vianney
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of pawn brokers?
+St nicholas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of peasants?
+St lucy
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of peddlers?
+St lucy
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of pencil makers?
+St thomas aquinas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of peril at sea?
+St michael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Peru?
+St joseph
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of pharmacists?
+St cosmas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Philippines?
+St rose of lima
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of philosophers?
+St catherine
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of physicians?
+St luke
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of physicians?
+Sts. cosmas & damian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of piety?
+Holy spirit
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of pilgrims?
+St james
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of pioneers?
+St joseph
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of plague patients?
+St sebastian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of plague?
+St roque
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of poisoning?
+St benedict
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of police officers?
+St michael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of poor?
+St anthony
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of poor?
+St lawrence
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of poor?
+St martin de porres
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of porters?
+St christopher
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Portugal?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of potters?
+St sebastian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of pregnant women?
+St gerard
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of press?
+St francis de sales
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of press?
+St Paul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of priests?
+St john vianney
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of prisoners?
+St vincent de Paul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of prophecy?
+St daniel
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of prostitutes?
+Mary magdalene
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of public relations hospitals?
+St Paul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of publishers?
+St john the evangelist
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of publishers?
+St Paul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of racquet makers?
+St sebastian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of radiologists?
+St michael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of rape victims?
+St dymphna
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of rheumatism?
+St james
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of runaways?
+St dymphna
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Russia?
+St andrew
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Russia?
+St nicholas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of saddlers?
+St lucy
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of safe journey?
+St raphael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sailors?
+St brendan
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sailors?
+St michael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sailors?
+Star of the sea
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of salespeople?
+St lucy
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of scholars?
+St thomas aquinas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of school student?
+St thomas aquinas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of schools?
+St thomas aquinas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of scientists?
+St albert
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Scotland?
+St andrew
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of scribes?
+St catherine
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sculptors?
+St luke
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of seafarers?
+St brendan
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of seafarers?
+St michael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of secretaries?
+St catherine
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of secretaries?
+St genesius
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of secular priests?
+St john vianney
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of seminarians?
+St Charles borromeo
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of servicewomen?
+St joan of arc
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sheep raisers?
+St raphael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of ship builders?
+St peter
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of shoemakers?
+St crispin
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Sicily?
+St nicholas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sick poor?
+St martin de porres
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sick?
+St camillus
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sickness?
+St camillus
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of singers?
+St gregory
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of single women?
+St andrew
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of skiers?
+St bernard
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of skiers?
+St. Bernard
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of skin diseases?
+St peregrine
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of snake bite?
+St patrick
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of soldiers?
+St george
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of soldiers?
+St joan of arc
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of solitary death?
+St francis of assisi
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of South America?
+St rose of lima
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of speleologists?
+St benedict
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of spiritual directors?
+St Charles borromeo
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of spiritual help?
+St vincent de Paul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stained glass workers?
+St mark
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stationers?
+St peter
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stenographers?
+St catherine
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stepparents?
+St thomas more
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stockbrokers?
+St matthew
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stomach trouble?
+St Charles borromeo
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stomach trouble?
+St timothy
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stone masons?
+St barbara
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stone masons?
+St sebastian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of stone workers?
+St stephen
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of storms?
+St barbara
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of sudden death?
+St barbara
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of surgeons?
+St luke
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of surgeons?
+Sts. cosmas & damian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of swans?
+St sebastian
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Switzerland?
+St nicholas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of tanners?
+St james
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of tax collectors?
+St matthew
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of teachers?
+St francis de sales
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of television?
+Saint claire
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of temptation?
+St michael
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of tertiaries?
+St elizabeth
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of theologians?
+St thomas aquinas
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of throat?
+St cecile
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of tongue?
+St catherine
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of toothache?
+St patrick
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of travel?
+St christopher
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of travel?
+St Paul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of travelers?
+St christopher
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of travellers?
+St christopher
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of truck drivers?
+St christopher
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of tuberculosis?
+St theresa
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of tumors?
+St rita
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of ulcers?
+St Charles borromeo
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of understanding?
+Holy spirit
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of United States?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of universal church?
+St joseph
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of vanity?
+St rose of lima
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of veterinarians?
+St james
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of virgins?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of virgins?
+St joan of arc
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of vocalists?
+St cecile
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of Wales?
+St. David
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of warehouses?
+St barbara
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of widowers?
+St thomas more
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of widows?
+St elizabeth ann seton
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of widows?
+St louise
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of winemakers?
+St francis
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of wisdom?
+Holy spirit
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of wolves?
+St peter
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of women in labor?
+St anne
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of workers?
+St joseph
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of writers?
+St francis de sales
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of writers?
+St Paul
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of yachtsmen?
+St brendan
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of yachtsmen?
+Star of the sea
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who is the patron saint of youth?
+St john berchman
+Religion: Patron Saints: Who lived at 1313 mockingbird lane?
+The munsters
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Albert?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Andrew?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Andrew?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Andrew?
+Single Women
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Anne?
+Women In Labor
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Anthony?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Anthony?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Barbara?
+Ammunition workers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Barbara?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Barbara?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Barbara?
+Stone Masons
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Barbara?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Barbara?
+Sudden Death
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Barbara?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Benedict?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Benedict?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Bernard?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Bernard?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Brendan?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Brendan?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Camillus?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Camillus?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Catherine?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Catherine?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Catherine?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Catherine?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Catherine?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Cecile?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Cecile?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Charles Borromeo?
+Apple orchards
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Charles Borromeo?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Charles Borromeo?
+Spiritual Directors
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Charles Borromeo?
+Stomach Trouble
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Charles Borromeo?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Christopher?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Christopher?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Christopher?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Christopher?
+Truck Drivers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Daniel?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St David?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Dominic?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Dymphna?
+Rape Victims
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Dymphna?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Elizabeth Ann Seton?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Elizabeth?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis de Sales?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis de Sales?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis de Sales?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis de Sales?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis of Assisi?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis of Assisi?
+Solitary Death
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis Xavier?
+Apostleship of payer
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis Xavier?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Francis Xavier?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Genesius?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Genesius?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St George?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Gerard?
+Pregnant Women
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Gregory?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Helen?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Ives?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St James?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St James?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St James?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St James?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St James?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Joan of Arc?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Joan of Arc?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Joan of Arc?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St John Berchman?
+Altar servers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St John Berchman?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St John the Evangelist?
+Art dealers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St John the Evangelist?
+Asia minor
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St John the Evangelist?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St John Vianney?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St John Vianney?
+Secular Priests
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Joseph?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Joseph?
+Universal Church
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Joseph?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Lawrence?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Louise?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Lucy?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Lucy?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Luke?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Luke?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Luke?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Mark?
+Stained Glass Workers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Matthew?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Matthew?
+Tax Collectors
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Michael?
+Police Officers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Michael?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Michael?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Michael?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Michael?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Miraculous?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Nicholas?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Nicholas?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Nicholas?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Patrick?
+Snake Bite
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Patrick?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Paul?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Paul?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Paul?
+Public Relations Hospitals
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Paul?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Paul?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Peregrine?
+Skin Diseases
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Peter?
+Ship Builders
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Peter?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Peter?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Raphael?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Raphael?
+Safe Journey
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Raphael?
+Sheep Raisers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Rita?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Roque?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Roque?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Rose of Lima?
+South America
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Rose of Lima?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Sebastian?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Sebastian?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Sebastian?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Sebastian?
+Plague Patients
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Sebastian?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Sebastian?
+Racquet Makers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Sebastian?
+Stone Masons
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Sebastian?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Stephen?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Stephen?
+Stone Workers
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Theresa?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Thomas Aquinas?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Thomas Aquinas?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Thomas Aquinas?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Thomas Aquinas?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Thomas More?
+Adopted children
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Thomas More?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Thomas More?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Timothy?
+Stomach Trouble
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Vincent de Paul?
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St Vincent de Paul?
+Spiritual Help
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is St William?
+Adopted children
+Religion: Patron Saints: Whose patron is Sts. Cosmas & Damian?
+Religion: Sephardim are followers of which religion?
+Religion: St. John was the only one of the 12 ____ to die a natural death
+Religion: The Bible: became the adopted son of mary the mother of jesus?
+Religion: The Bible: father of methuselah?
+Religion: The Bible: Father-in-law of Moses?
+Religion: The Bible: initial co-worker of Paul in his second mission?
+Religion: The Bible: jew who became queen of another country?
+Religion: The Bible: pleaded for jesus to heal his dying daughter?
+Religion: The Bible: What's the name of the second book in the Bible?
+Religion: The Bible: When mentioned together with her husband, she is generally named first?
+Religion: the hindu text which contains bhagavad-gita?
+Religion: The muslim calendar reckons time from this event (one word)?
+Religion: This country has the world's largest Muslim population, at over 182.5 million people?
+Religion: To where do Muslims make pilgrimage?
+Religion: What animal is mentioned most frequently in both the New and Old Testaments?
+The Sheep
+Religion: What Arab nation has the highest percentage of Christians?
+Religion: What biblical epic was the top-grossing movie of the 1950's?
+The Ten Commandments
+Religion: What book did Christians often place on their foreheads to cure insomnia in medieval times?
+The Bible
+Religion: What city did Napoleon occupy in 1798, sending Pope Pius VI to the south of France?
+Religion: What country boasts the largest number of Catholics?
+Religion: What does an ecclesiophobic evangelist fear?
+Religion: What does god create in the first sentence of the bible?
+Heaven and earth
+Religion: What follows mass as the most popular activity in U.S. Catholic churches?
+Religion: What fruit is depicted in Leonardo's Last Supper, even though it did not arrive in the Holy Land until long after Jesus' death?
+The Orange
+Religion: What has been the symbol of Islam since the time of Muhammad?
+There is none
+Religion: What is a person who has made a pilgimage to Mecca?
+Religion: What is God called in the Muslim faith?
+Religion: What is the definitive holy book of Islam?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Quran", "Koran"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Religion: What is the only domesticated animal not mentioned in the Bible?
+The Cat
+Religion: What is there more of in the world- nonreligious people, Hindus or Muslims?
+Nonreligious people
+Religion: What language is Jesus believed to have spoken?
+Religion: What name has been shared by the most popes?
+Religion: What nation has 1,000 permanent inhabitants and produces no export goods?
+Vatican City
+Religion: What nation's Catholics saw the Pope make a triumphant homecoming visit in 1980?
+Religion: What political movement got its name from the hill in Jerusalem boasting the Temple of Solomon?
+Religion: What religion was founded by Guru Nanak?
+Religion: What religion was founded by Lao-tzu?
+Religion: What religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama?
+Religion: What religious movement began with Martin Luther's attack on the sale of indulgences?
+The Reformation
+Religion: What religious movement was founded by William Booth?
+Salvation Army
+Religion: What Saudi Arabian city was the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad?
+Religion: What storied city on the Euphrates River was 55 miles south of Baghdad?
+Religion: What symbol did St. Patrick use to explain his theory of the Holy Trinity?
+The Shamrock
+Religion: What two countries claim two-thirds of the world's 2,000-plus registered saints?
+Italy and France
+Religion: What was the world's principal Christian city before it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453?
+Religion: What were the names of the three wise men?
+Balthazar, Caspar and Melchior
+Religion: What word appears exactly 773,692 times in the King James Bible?
+Religion: What's the only 100 percent Christian nation on Earth?
+Vatican City
+Religion: Where was Methodism founded?
+Oxford University
+Religion: Which city is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims?
+Religion: Which group of people elect the pope?
+Religion: Which tree do Druids regard sacred?
+Religion: Which two wicked cities were destroyed by God in Genesis?
+Sodom and Gomorrah
+Religion: Who founded Mormonism?
+Joseph smith
+Religion: Who founded the People's Temple Commune?
+Jim jones
+Religion: Who founded the Salvation Army?
+William Booth
+Religion: Who is the Linux operating system named after?
+Linus torvalds
+Religion: Who is the persian god of light?
+Religion: Who is the persian goddess of water, fertility and war?
+Religion: Who is the prophet of Allah?
+Religion: Who ruled rome when christ was born?
+Caesar augustus
+Religion: Who was the first pope?
+St. Peter
+Religion: Who was the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah?
+John the baptist
+Religion: Who was the wife of Moses?
+Religion: Who were the parents of King Solomon?
+David and Bathsheba
+Religion: Who wore clothes made of camel's hair?
+John the baptist
+ReligionL Meat from animal killed according to Muslim law?
+Remove forcibly or exile to another country?
+Renal failure is the failure of which organs?
+Rene descartes & Pierre de Fermat are credited with significant development of ____ theory
+Rene laennec invented which aid to medicine in 1819?
+Rennet is used to make...?
+Reno The assassination of what country's Archduke led to World War I?
+Reo speedwagon bust on the scene in 1971, but this chart topper which included the song 'keep on loving you' came off which album in 1982?
+High infidelity
+Repetition of the initial letter (generally a consonant) or first sound of several words, marking the stressed syllables in a line of poetry or prose?
+Reporters of which newspaper uncovered the Watergate scandal?
+Washington post
+Republic in south eastern Africa, formerly the British protectorate of Nyasaland, bounded on the north by Tanzania, on the east by Lake Nyasa (malawi), on the southeast & south by Mozambique, & on the west by Zambia?
+Republic in south western Asia, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea?
+Republic in southeastern Europe, bounded on the north by Austria, on the northeast by Hungary, on the south by Croatia, and on the west by Italy?
+Republic in southern central America, bounded on the north by Nicaragua, on the east by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, & on the southwest & west by the Pacific Ocean?
+Costa rica
+Reputed to haunt the White House, who was the first US president to be assassinated?
+Abraham lincoln
+Research indicates that ____ are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas
+Research indicates that mosquitos are attracted to people who have recently eaten____
+Researchers don't know why killer whales like to rub their sensitive stomachs on the bottom of shallow beaches, but they think it may be a form of?
+Residential & business district, Manhattan, New York City?
+residents of this country use the baht to buy things =)?
+Results of a survey show that 76 percent of women make their bed every day, compared to ____ percent of men
+retro is latin for what?
+Rhinitis affects which part of the body?
+The Nose
+Rhinoceros horn, when powered, is believed in some countries to increase a persons?
+Sexual potency
+Rhinos are in the same family as horses, and are thought to have inspired the myth of the____
+Rhinos are in the same family as____ , and are thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn
+Rhoda was a spinoff from what other popular tv show?
+Mary tyler moore show
+Rhode Island's providence atheneum was used by a poet to court his sweetheart?
+Edgar allen poe
+Ribbons, feathers & rosettes on hats are called:?
+Rice originated from what continent?
+Rice what was lestat's mother's name?
+Rich blue-veined Italian cheese?
+Rich crescent shaped roll?
+Richard Drew came up with this 'sticky' invention in 1929?
+Scotch tape
+Richard drew produced an all purpose sticky tape, under what name was it sold in europe?
+Richard Gere was married to which model?
+Cindy crawford
+Richard I was the son of which English monarch?
+Henry ii
+Richard II died aged ____ in 1400. A hole was left in the side of his tomb so people could touch his royal head, but 376 years later some took advantage of this and stole his ____
+33 & jawbone
+Richard iii belonged to which royal house?
+Richard M Nixon was the President of the US from 1969-1974 What does the M stand for?
+Richard Nixon published a book called ____
+Six crisis
+Richard Nixon was the 1st U S president to visit China in february of what year?
+Rickenbacker who gave millions of dollars to britain in 1930?
+Edward s harkness
+Ride on time reached no1 1989 for who?
+Black box
+Ride'em cowboy: how many seconds must a cowboy stay aboard a rodeo bronc?
+Right handed people live, on average, ____ years longer than left handed people do
+Rio de janeiro is the capital of ____
+Ripken What planet is farthest from the sun in the Milky Way?
+Rising about 100 miles northwest of Valencia and flowing east to the Atlantic, which is the longest river of the Iberian peninsula?
+The tagus
+Rising in lesotho and flowing east to the atlantic, which is the longest river in south africa?
+The orange
+River in the central U S, the largest & most important river in North America?
+River Providence is the capital of what state?
+Rhode island
+River that flows through Maidstone, Chatham and Gillingham... The?
+Riveting is a method of joining pieces of what?
+Roads on which trains of freight & passenger cars, drawn by locomotives, travel on tracks formed by pairs of parallel metal rails (locomotive)?
+Roald Dahl's children's story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was made in to a film, what was the title?
+Willie wonka and the chocolate factory
+Robert Baden-Powell founded this group in 1907?
+Boy scouts
+Robert de Niro won Best Actor Oscar for which film in 1980?
+Raging bull
+Robert f kennedy was a senator for what us state?
+New york
+Robert fulton invented the submarine in 1800, 1830 or 1860?
+Robert Goddard, Hermann Oberth and Konstantin Tsilovsky were all responsible for what?
+Beginning of Space Age
+robert heinlein: character who conquered old age in time enough for love?
+Lazarus long
+robert heinlein: editor of astounding sf to whom heinlein made his first sale?
+John campbell
+robert heinlein: paradoxical term for his stories about a probable course of events?
+Future history
+robert heinlein: rah never owned a farm, but often used this pen name?
+Anson macdonald
+robert heinlein: space vehicle named after famous Italian scientist?
+Rocket ship galileo
+Roberts in which film was goldie hawn the body double for julia roberts?
+Pretty woman
+Robin hood was also known as?
+Robin of loxley
+Robodoc is the first robot to help in which common replacemant operation?
+Rock, the original composition & texture of which has been altered by heat & pressure deep within the earths crust?
+Rocky Horror Characters?
+Franken Furter
+Rod as a symbol of sovereignty?
+Rod Stewarts most recent ex wife?
+Rachel Hunter
+Rod, chain and furlong are all units of what?
+Rodgers who discovered the grand canyon?
+Francisco coronado
+Rodney dangerfield left what career to return to show business?
+Paint salesman
+Roe made the first flight in to Britain in a British plane in which year?
+Rogers what film features the song 'born free'?
+Born free
+Roland Orzabel and Curt Smith were better known as what?
+Tears for fears
+Rolling Stone's Songs?
+Let It Bleed
+Roman Catholic ecclesiatics skull cap?
+Roman God of love?
+Roman numeral lxxii is equivalent to?
+Roman numerals: what is equivalent of cc?
+Roman numerals: what is equivalent of clx?
+Roman numerals: what is equivalent of cm?
+Roman numerals: what is equivalent of mdcix?
+Roman numerals: what is equivalent of xix?
+Roman numerals: what is equivalent of xl?
+Roman numerals: what is equivalent of xviii?
+Romanian comunist president shot in december 1989?
+Nicolae ceausescu
+Romanian Football team wich won the European Champions League in 1986(in final with CF Barcelona)?
+Steaua bucuresti
+Ron howard's directed his first film in 1977. what was it called?
+Grand theft
+Ronald reagan's v.p?
+George bush
+Ronnie bond drummed with what group?
+Room or space immediately under the roof of a house?
+Room used for meals in monasteries, colleges etc?
+Rooms or places of total privacy?
+Roosevelt had a landslide victory over hoover in which year?
+Rose, single, buttercup, & pea are all type of ____ on chickens
+Rotating metal disc of a record player turntable?
+Rotating on its axis will not accumulate an accretion of bryophytic vegetation?
+A rolling stone gathers no moss
+Rotheim invent the aerosol in 1919, 1926 or 1931?
+Roughly ____ percent of the population of the under-developed world is under 15 years old
+Roughly a quarter of the world's people live in?
+Roughly how many bananas does the U S consume per year?
+11 billion
+Roughly how many stone slabs are there in the Great Pyramid?
+Two million
+Round which planet do the moons Ganymede and Callisto orbit?
+Roy Chapman became baseball's first fatality in which year?
+Roy orbison has his second #1 hit with?
+Pretty woman
+Roy orbison says 'you have to pick up your feet, you've got a deadline to meet, because you're ____'
+Working for the man
+ROYGBIV in a rainbow, what color does the I stand for?
+Rubber is an impertinent ingredient in the manufacture of?
+Bubble gum
+Rubens is considered to be the supreme master of which style of painting?
+Rubies are a red variety of corundum. What name is given to corundum gemstones of any other colour?
+Rudolph valentinos movie premiere was in which year?
+Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, was created in what year?
+Rugby's man mountain Jonah Lomu plays for which country?
+New Zealand
+Ruler of the ussr during the second world war?
+Josef stalin
+Rulers of what ancient civilization were buried in rock-cut tombs in the arid valley of the kings near its capitol of Thebes?
+Ruling families: which principality has the house of grimaldi ruled since the middle ages?
+Run away to marry secretly?
+Run off you girls;boys in view helps us remember what?
+Colours of the rainbow
+Russian country cottage?
+Russian emperors were known as czars; what was the czars wife known as?
+Russian triangular musical instrument?
+Rustic or awkward person?
+Ruthin is in which now restored Welsh county?
+S is the us mint mark for what city?
+San francisco
+S j perelman wrote the screen plays for many of the films starring which zany comedians?
+Marx brothers
+S-s-s-snake: The ____ ____, which can grow as long as 4.3m (14ft), is one of the deadliest snakes. In the absence of treatment, its bite has a fatality rate of nearly 100 percent
+Black Mamba
+S. American rodent with soft grey fur?
+S.American cowboy?
+Sable is the heraldic name for which colour?
+Sadat what athlete released the photo book rare air in 1993?
+Michael jordan
+Saddam hussein was the leader of ____
+Sage mountain on tortola, is the highest point at 1,781 feet, of which British caribbean dependency?
+British virgin islands
+Sahara mean ____ in Arabic
+Saigon is the capital of ____
+South vietnam
+Sailors lacking vitamin c would contract which disease?
+Saint and one of the archangels usually represented slaying a dragon?
+Saint patrick was Ireland's first ____
+Saint Paul is the capital of ____
+SaintPaulia is the botanical name for which houseplant?
+African violet
+Sakhmet was the egyptian god of ____
+War and divine vengeance
+Salad of sliced raw cabbage,carrot and apple?
+Salad plant, its root can be roasted and ground and used as coffee?
+Salem is the capital of which US state?
+sales of what men's underwear item plummeted after clark gable revealed he didn't wear ____
+An undershirt
+Salt lake city is the capital of what state?
+Salvador Allende former president of Chile was assassinated in what year?
+Sam cooke belonged to which gospel group before he turned to rock'n'roll?
+Soul stirrers
+Samuel Adams Boston Lager is brewed in this US state?
+Samuel johnson's dictionary was published in what year?
+Samuel Sewall, John Hathome and William, Stoughton were the presiding judges at which series of 17th Century trials?
+Salem witch trials
+San Antonio international airport is in which state?
+San Francisco lies on which dangerous geological feature?
+San andreas fault
+San jose is the capital of ____
+Costa rica
+San salvador is the capital of ____
+El salvador
+Sandra day o'connor becomes the first woman to be appointed a?
+Supreme court justice
+Sanford what presidential candidate from indiana lost to roosevelt in 1940?
+Santa Cruz is the capital of which holiday island?
+Santa fe is the capital of what state?
+New Mexico
+Santa's reindeer in the order of the song (minus rudolph) are how many?
+Santa's Reindeer?
+Santas reindeer in the order of the song (minus rudolph) are what?
+Dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, cupid, donner, blitzen
+Sapphire is the birthstone for what month?
+Sapphire is the birthstone for which month?
+Sarcastic remark, clever saying?
+Sasheen Little-Feather accepted an Academy Award in 1972 for which actor?
+Marlon Brando
+Sashimi is often served with what vegetable?
+Satan means?
+Saturday is named for which planet?
+Saturn is ____ kilometres in diameter
+Saturn is ____ miles in diameter
+Saturn is the only planet that is less dense than ____
+Saturn is the roman god of ____
+Saturn takes just over ____ Earth years to circle the Sun
+Saying: a bird in the hand is worth two in the?
+Saying: a penny saved is a penny...?
+Saying: don't switch horses in...?
+Saying: out of sight, out of...?
+Saying: the road to hell is paved with...?
+Good intentions
+Saying: too many cooks spoil the...?
+Scafell Pike is the highest mountain in?
+Scalene, isosceles and equilateral are all types of what?
+Scents: Aromatic Indian grass with fragrant roots?
+Scents: Charlie and Jontue manufacturer?
+Scents: Fragrant wood used in carved fans?
+Scents: Good smells for better health?
+Scents: Opium pusher?
+Yves st. laurant
+Scents: Scent filled orb worn as a pendant?
+Scents: Tagalog for flower of flowers?
+Scents: The only orchid used in perfume (and ice cream)?
+Scents: They uncovered a Tresor?
+Scents: This flower is distilled into an attar, an oil, and a water?
+Sci-Fi: Harry Harrison character who is the greatest criminal mind in the universe?
+Stainless steel rat
+Sci-Fi: Heinlein novel in which characters zip through alternate dimensions?
+The number of the beast
+Sci-Fi: The conquerers of Earth in Battlefield Earth?
+Sci-Fi: The favorite sport of Jettero Heller in Mission Earth?
+Bullet ball
+Sci-Fi: The second book of Feist's Magician series?
+Science: A flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a(n) ____
+Erlenmeyer flask
+Science: A manometer measures the pressure of what?
+Science: A phrenologist reads ____
+Science: A point to which rays of light converge is called a(n) ____
+Science: A shallow dish with a cover, used for science specimens is a(n) ____
+Petri dish
+Science: A silvery-white metallic element used in falsh bulbs and foreworks?
+Science: Acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as ____
+Science: Acid turns Litmus paper which colour?
+Science: Acute febrile virus disease of tropical Africa?
+Lassa fever
+Science: Against which disease was the salk vaccine developed?
+Science: Alchemists preparation for turning metal into gold?
+Science: Alkaloid obtained from the plant nux vomica used as a tonic although poisonous?
+Science: An instrument for examining the interior of the eye?
+Science: Arch, loop and whorl are all parts of what?
+SCIENCE: Artificial satellite used as a base for scientific and medical research?
+Space station
+Science: As what is minus forty celcius the same?
+Minus forty fahrenheit
+Science: As what is minus forty fahrenheit the same?
+Minus forty celcius
+SCIENCE: Astronomy, a satellite of saturn discovered by Christiaan Huygens in 1655?
+SCIENCE: Belgian cosmologist, proposed the Big Bang theory?
+Georges Lemaitre
+Science: Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of ____
+SCIENCE: Bright spots of sunlight seen around the edge of the moon just before & after an eclipse?
+Bailys beads
+Science: Brightest star in orion?
+SCIENCE: British fertility expert?
+Lord Robert Winston
+Science: By what chemical process do plants manufacture food?
+Science: By what name is acetyl-salicylic acid better known?
+Science: By what name is Lysergic acid diethylamide better known?
+Science: Calamine, used to treat stings and burns is a carbonate of which element?
+Science: Calciferol is more commonly known as which vitamin?
+Vitamin d
+Science: Calcium Carbonate is more commonly known as what?
+Science: Cetology is the study of ____
+Science: Circuits can be wired in series or in ____
+Science: Cocci, Spirilla, and Streptococci are types of ____
+Science: Compound of oxygen?
+SCIENCE: Computer language?
+Science: Consisting of or containing the monovalent group C2h5(5)?
+Science: Contagious disease of birds transmissable to humans in the form of pneumonia?
+Science: Counting outwards from the sun which is the third planet in our solar system?
+The earth
+Science: Cumulus and Cirrus are types of what?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Clouds", "cloud"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Science: Dark substance forming the first faeces of new born infant?
+Science: Deoxyribonucleic acid is better known as ____
+Science: Dermatitis affects the ____
+SCIENCE: Dog star?
+Science: Epidermal cells, palisade cells, and veins are parts of a(n) ____
+Science: Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles... How?
+SCIENCE: Examination of the internal organs & tissues of a dead body to establish the cause of death?
+Science: Field of control systems and communications?
+Science: For which discovery did immunologist and pathologist Karl Landsteiner win the 1930 Nobel Prize for medicine?
+ABO blood typing system
+Science: For which method of three dimensional photography did scientist Dennis Gabor win the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1971?
+Science: Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of ____
+SCIENCE: formation of living organisms from non living substances?
+Science: French physicist and mathematician,developed the rule for determining the direction of the magnetic field associated with an electric current?
+Andre Marie Ampere
+Science: From the bark of which tree was aspirin originally obtained?
+Science: From which American Nobel prize winners Lectures on Physics was the book Six easy pieces taken?
+Richard feynmann
+Science: Fullerenes, discovered in 1985, were a new form of which element?
+Science: Gas that forms nearly four fifths of air?
+Science: Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as ____
+Science: He designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine?
+Science: He designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine?
+Karl Freidrich Benz
+Science: He transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic in 1901?
+Enrico Marconi
+Science: How many beams of light are used to record a holograph?
+Science: How many bits, handled as one unit, constitute a byte?
+Science: How many degrees does the earth rotate each hour?
+Science: How many of the nine planets have moons?
+Science: How many times more than the brain does the human body typically weigh?
+Science: If you suffer from comedones, what have you got?
+Science: In biology which rusiian physiologist was known chiefly for conditioning dogs to salivate upon hearing a bell?
+Ivan petrovich pavlov
+Science: In the constellation Gemini, who are the twins?
+Castor and pollux
+Science: In what does a rhinologist specialise?
+Human nose
+Science: In what was the strength of early lasers measured?
+Science: In which branch of science are monocotyledon and dicotyledon terms?
+Science: In which constellation is the star Betelgeuse?
+Science: In which country was the match invented?
+Science: In which field would you encounter the Pons Asinorum?
+Science: Inert gaseous element, atomic no 18 discovered by Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsey in 1894?
+Science: Instrument for measuring the force of an earth quake?
+Science: Instrument for measuring the heat radiated from the sun?
+Science: June 2002, name of the asteroid that narrowly missed - by 75000 miles- colliding with the earth?
+Science: Lowest melting point of any metal?
+Science: Metal added to tin to make bronze?
+Science: Meteorology is the study of ____
+Science: MMR the vaccination, what does it stand for?
+Measles, mumps & rubella
+Science: Name all the different organelles of a eukaryotic cell?
+Science: Name given to a positive electrode?
+Science: Name of the 17th century British surgeon and anatomist who wrote Anatomy of the Human body, texts used by anatomy students for nearly a century?
+William chelsden
+Science: Name of the inventor of the stethoscope?
+Dr Rene Laennec
+Science: Name of the medical device invented to preserve female patients modesty?
+Science: Name that planet,a giant ball of hydrogen and helium, appx 480 million miles from earth?
+Science: Name that planet,about the same size as earth, shrouded in thick clouds of carbon dioxide,lashed by sulphuric acid rain?
+Science: Name that planet,closest to the sun,a rocky moon like planet,surface is hot enough to melt lead?
+Science: Name that planet,second largest planet, made mostly of hydrogen gas -would float if put in a big enough bowl!!!!?
+Science: Negative electrode?
+Science: Nephrology is the study of which organs?
+Science: Nitrous oxide is better known as ____
+Laughing gas
+Science: Nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are parts of a(n) ____
+Science: Of or connected to the lungs?
+Science: Of what did Aristotle say all things were made up?
+Air, earth, fire, and water
+Science: Of what is genetics the study?
+Science: One who studies the distribution, conservation and use of the water of the earth and its atmosphere?
+Science: Opening through which light enters a camera?
+SCIENCE: Outgrowth of a plant that contains no vascular tissue and does not develop into a leaf, stem etc?
+Science: Paedology is the study of ____
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 1, symbol H?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 10, symbol Ne?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 100, symbol Fm?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 101, symbol Md?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 102, symbol No?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 103, symbol Lr?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 11, symbol Na?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 12, symbol MG?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 13, symbol Al?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 14, symbol Si?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 15, symbol P?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 16, symbol S?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 17, symbol Cl?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 18, symbol Ar?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 19, symbol K?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 2, symbol He?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 20, symbol Ca?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 21, symbol Sc?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 22, symbol Ti?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 23, symbol V?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 24, symbol Cr?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 25, symbol Mn?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 26, symbol Fe?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 27, symbol Co?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 28, symbol Ni?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 29, symbol Cu?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 3, symbol Li?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 30, symbol Zn?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 31, symbol Ga?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 32, symbol Ge?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 33, symbol As?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 34, symbol Se?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 35, symbol Br?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 36, symbol Kr?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 37, symbol Rb?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 38, symbol Sr?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 39, symbol Y?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 4, symbol Be?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 40, symbol Zr?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 41, symbol Nb?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 42, symbol Mo?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 43, symbol Tc?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 44, symbol Ru?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 45, symbol Rh?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 46, symbol Pd?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 47, symbol Ag?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 48, symbol Cd?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 49, symbol In?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 5, Symbol B?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 50, symbol Sn?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 51, symbol Sb?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 52, symbol Te?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 53, symbol I?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 54, symbol Xe?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 55, symbol Cs?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 56, symbol Ba?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 57, symbol La?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 58, symbol Ce?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 59, symbol Pr?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 6, symbol C?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 60, symbol Nd?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 61, symbol Pm?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 62, symbol Sm?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 63, symbol Eu?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 64, symbol Gd?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 65, symbol Tb?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 66, symbol Dy?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 67, symbol Ho?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 68, symbol Er?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 69, symbol Tm?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 7, symbol N?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 70, symbol Yb?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 71, symbol Lu?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 72, symbol Hf?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 73, symbol Ta?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 74, symbol W?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 75, symbol Re?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 76, symbol Os?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 77, symbol Ir?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 78, symbol Pt?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 79, symbol Au?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 8, symbol O?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 80, symbol Hg?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 81, symbol Tl?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 82, symbol Pb?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 83, symbol Bi?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 84, symbol Po?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 85, symbol At?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 86, symbol Rn?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 87, symbol Fr?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 88, symbol Ra?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 89, symbol Ac?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 9, symbol F?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 90, symbol Th?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 91, symbol Pa?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 92, symbol U?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 93, symbol Np?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 94, symbol Pu?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 95, symbol Am?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 96, symbol Cm?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 97, symbol Bk?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 98, symbol Cf?
+Science: Periodic Table: Element, atomic number 99, symbol Es?
+Science: Pulp, crown, and root are parts of a(n) ____
+SCIENCE: Qualified doctors specialising in the administration of drugs causing the loss of bodily sensation?
+Science: Quinine is added to water to make ____
+Tonic water
+Science: Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of which branch of alternative medicine?
+SCIENCE: Scientific study of language?
+SCIENCE: Soft greenish grey rock resembling clay?
+Fullers earth
+SCIENCE: Soft, ductile silver- white metallic element?
+Science: Sound Navigation Ranging is better known as ____
+Science: Sugar found in fruit is known by what name?
+Science: Suns rays that turn the body brown?
+Ultra violet
+Science: The best conductor of electricity is which metal?
+Science: The body, in the human body the two major female sex hormones are progeterone and which other?
+Science: The body, Iodine is necessary for the functioning of which gland?
+Science: The body, the adjective cutaneous refers to what?
+Science: The Body, what contains the choroid,sclera and fovea?
+The eye
+Science: The body, what is affected by osteomyelitis?
+The bones
+Science: The body, what is the name of the skin separating the nostrils?
+Science: The body, what is the popular name for toxaemia?
+Blood poisoning
+Science: The body, what part of your body would interest a rhinologist?
+Science: The body, which acid builds up in the muscles during strenuous exercise?
+Lactic acid
+Science: The body, which bone is between your femur and your tibia?
+Science: The chinese invented this black powder to make fireworks?
+Science: The curved line between any two points on a circle is referred to as what?
+An arc
+SCIENCE: The earth takes less than 24 hours of mean solar time to spin once on its axis, how much less?
+3 minutes 56 seconds
+Science: The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of ____
+SCIENCE: The human body, name given to the vocal apparatus of the larynx?
+Science: The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n) ____
+Science: The Kelvin scale is used to measure ____
+Science: The most sensitive of the senses is what?
+Science: The name for the Russian equivalent of Skylab is ____
+Science: The noise that a jet makes when it breaks the sound barrier?
+Sonic boom
+Science: The point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite the zenith?
+Science: The presence of which organic substance is revealed by Benedicts test?
+Science: The second nearest planet to the sun visible as a bright morning or evening star?
+Science: The second space shuttle was named ____
+Science: The second space shuttle was named ____
+Science: The splitting of spectrum line into several components by magnetic field?
+Zeeman effect
+Science: The study of tumours?
+Science: The vernal equinox is the beginning of ____
+Science: These creatures were used to bleed patients in the nineteeth century?
+Science: Thin high cloud?
+Science: This is like an airplane but has its propeller on top instead?
+Science: This is the most common element in the universe?
+Science: This is the reading system used by the blind?
+Science: This metal is liquid at room temperature?
+Science: This Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes?
+Ivan Pavlov
+Science: This science deals with the motion of projectiles?
+Science: This word describes the force that pulls objects to the middle of the earth?
+Science: Titania,Oberon, Miranda and Ariel are all moons of which planet?
+Science: To make a car go backwards you have to put it in what gear?
+Science: Unit for measuring wavelengths od electromagnetic radiations, named after a Swedish physicist?
+Science: Unit of sound intensity?
+Science: US Space programme aimed at a lunar landing?
+Science: What are tempel-tuttle and Kohoutek?
+Science: What are these: Ceres, Juno, Iris, and Flora?
+Science: What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air?
+Science: What C word defines a substance that speeds a chemical reaction without being consumed?
+Science: What can be Forked, Sheet or ball?
+Science: What color does litmus turn when dipped into acid?
+SCIENCE: What colour is iridium?
+Steel grey
+Science: What continent is subjected to the world's largest ozone hole?
+Science: What cooking fuel is produced by heating wood without oxygen?
+Science: What did an IBM 7090 computer calculate to 100,265 decimal places in 1961?
+Science: What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884?
+Fountain pen
+Science: what did Lister use to improve the hygiene of surgical operations?
+Carbolic acid
+Science: What did navigators measure using an astrolabe?
+Altitude of stars
+Science: What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895?
+SCIENCE: What do we call the scientific study of mountains?
+Science: What does a meteorologist study?
+Science: What does breaking the sound barrier cause?
+A sonic boom
+Science: What does the 'c' in the equation e=mc^2 stand for?
+Speed of light
+Science: What does the Binet test measure?
+Science: What does the Rankine scale measure?
+Science: What energy unit is defined as the heat required to raise one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius?
+One Calorie
+Science: What explosive cosmic event was seen with the naked eye in 1987, for the first time in 383 years?
+A supernova
+Science: What falls from the sky and erodes buildings?
+Acid rain
+Science: What founding father was knocked unconscious while attempting to electrocute a turkey?
+Benjamin Franklin
+Science: What has a face, hands and wheels?
+Science: What important compound was found on the moon in 1998?
+Science: What is Acetic Acid more commonly known as?
+Science: What is Deoxyribonucleic acid commonly referred to as?
+Science: What is known as the Universal solvent?
+Science: What is measured in Criths?
+Mass of gases
+Science: What is measured in oktas?
+Cloud cover
+Science: What is measured on the PH scale?
+Science: What is name applied to the study of soil?
+Science: What is Ribonucleic acid commonly referred to as?
+SCIENCE: What is studied in the science of somatology?
+The body
+Science: What is th ecommon name for myocardial infarction?
+Heart attack
+Science: What is th epopular name for the constellation Crux?
+Southern cross
+Science: What is the antimatter equivalent of the electron?
+Science: What is the common name for the scapula?
+Shoulder blade
+Science: What is the full name for Economy Class Syndrone (DVT)?
+Deep vein thrombosis
+Science: What is the lightest known substance?
+SCIENCE: What is the most distant planet visible with the naked eye?
+SCIENCE: What is the most radiation sensitive part of the body?
+The Blood
+Science: What is the name for loss of hair?
+Science: What is the name given to metals that dont tarnish in air or water and have a good resistance to acids?
+SCIENCE: What is the name given to molten rock that is ejected as lava?
+Science: What is the name of the process by which a solid substance turns into a gas without first becoming a liquid?
+Science: What is the number of blue razor blades a given beam can puncture?
+Science: What is the scientific name for brimstone?
+Science: What is the scientific name for earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust?
+Science: What is the study of flight and control of aircraft?
+Science: What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals?
+Science: What is the study of the composition of substances and the changes they undergo?
+Science: What is the study of the earth's physical divisions termed?
+Science: what is the symbol for the element oxygen?
+Science: What is the term for mass per unit volume?
+Science: What is the term that refers to the search for the existence of ghosts?
+Science: What is varicella better known as?
+Science: What name is given to a dying star which has exhausted the supply of hydrogen at its centre,become enlarged and begun to burn hydrogen as a fuel?
+Red giant
+Science: What O-word describes oxygen with molecules that have three atoms instead of two?
+Science: What percentage water is your brain?
+Science: What planet is closest in size to our moon?
+SCIENCE: What planet lies between Venus and Mars?
+The earth
+Science: What process involves heating an ore to obtain a metal?
+Science: What process involves treating rubber with sulfur to harden it?
+Science: What remedy of no medicinal value is given to humour a patient?
+Science: What scale of zero to 14 is used to measure acidity or alkalinity?
+The pH scale
+Science: What science is concerned with matter and energy?
+Science: What sea creature can have an eye measuring 16 inches across, the largest in the animal kingdom?
+A squid
+Science: What species Amazonian electric variety packs a 650 volt wallop?
+The eel
+Science: What three terms are represented in Newton's second law of motion F = ma?
+Force, mass, acceleration
+Science: What two months contain equinoxes?
+March and September
+Science: What type of trees yield the resin used to produce turpentine?
+Pine trees
+Science: What unit of electrical power is equal to one joule per second?
+The Watt
+Science: What unit of measure do you multiply by .39 to convert it to inches?
+Science: What was Apollo iis landing module called?
+Science: What was the first recorded message?
+Mary had a little lamb
+Science: What were exterminated from Harvard's bio labs when they were found to be carrying radioactive chemicals into the walls?
+Science: What's defined as the distance between a lens and its focal point?
+Focal Length
+Science: What's removed from water in the process of desalination?
+Science: What's the base unit of mass in the metric system?
+The kilogram
+Science: What's the common name for a cubic decimeter?
+Science: What's the most malleable metal?
+Science: What's the only metal that's not a solid at room temperature?
+Science: What's the U. S. equivalent of 0.45 kilograms?
+One pound
+SCIENCE: When coke burns what dangerous gas is given off?
+Carbon monoxide
+Science: When drawing circles what instrument would you use?
+Science: When Edward Jennerfirst developed the vaccine for smallpox in 1796 from which animal disease did he produce the vaccine?
+Science: When Litmus paper is in contact with Alkaline what colour does it become?
+Science: Where in the body would you find the fontanelle?
+Science: where in the heck is the thyroid gland?
+The neck
+Science: Where in the human body would you find the scaphoid bone?
+Science: where is the human skin the thickest?
+The back
+Science: Which branch of mathematics deals with the relationship between the sides and angels of triangles?
+Science: Which chemical element is found in all proteins?
+Science: Which chemical element takes its name from the greek word for colour?
+Science: Which disease is tested for by the Schich Test?
+Science: Which drug is obtained from the Yellow Cinchona plant?
+Science: Which element has the atomic no 1?
+Science: Which element is found in bones, teeth and shells?
+Science: Which English scientist designed computers in the 1820&30s named the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine?
+Charles babbage
+Science: Which freezes faster - hot or cold water?
+Science: Which grow upwards Stalactites or Stalagmites?
+Science: Which handicapped physicist wrote a brief history of time?
+Stephen Hawking
+SCIENCE: Which instrument measures the intensity of earth quakes?
+Science: Which is the most prevalent infectious disease to threaten man?
+SCIENCE: Which is the nearest galaxy to our own?
+Science: Which metal comes from the ore cinnabar?
+Science: Which physical property allows a needle to float on water?
+Surface tension
+Science: Which physicist was in charge of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos to develop the atomic bomb and subsequently promoted the peaceful use of atomic energy?
+Robert oppenheimer
+Science: Which principle first enunciated by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927 attempts to define unpredictability?
+The uncertainty principle
+Science: Which Russian chemist first successfully tabulated the elements in ascending order of their atomic weight in his periodic table?
+Dmitri mendeleyev
+Science: Which scientist known for his great discoveries also invented the cat flap?
+Sir isaac newton
+Science: Which Scottish chemist and physicist invented the vacuum flask?
+James dewar
+Science: Which Scottish physicist wrote Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism in 1873?
+James clerk maxwell
+Science: Which series of UK satellites were launched by USA from 1962 to 1979?
+Science: Which theory of combustion did Antoine Lavoisier demolish in the late 18th century?
+Phlogiston theory
+Science: Which was the longest dinosaur?
+Science: Which will yield the most BTUs of energy____a gallon of oil, a pound of coal or a gallon of gasoline?
+A gallon of oil
+Science: Who developed the laws of electrolysis?
+Michael Faraday
+Science: Who discovered X-rays?
+Wilhelm Roentgen
+Science: Who first transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic?
+Enrico Marconi
+SCIENCE: Who first used mercury in a thermometer?
+Daniel Fahrenheit
+Science: Who invented dynamite?
+Alfred Nobel
+Science: Who is known as the father of genetics?
+Gregor Mendel
+Science: Who is known as the father of genetics?
+Science: Who produced the Laws of Motion?
+Isaac newton
+Science: Who said all things were made up of air, earth, fire, and water?
+Science: Who spoke the first recorded message?
+Thomas Edison
+Science: Who was the third man to set foot on the moon?
+Pete conrad
+Science: Whose law states that equal volumes of gas contain equal numbers of molecules when at the same temperature and pressure?
+SCIENCE: With what do we measure the wavelength of light?
+Science: X-rays were discovered in 1850, 1895 or 1924?
+SCIENCE: Zymase is a natural catalyst which acts on glucose to create which drug?
+Science:How many moons has the planet Mercury?
+Scientists at Oxford University's Imperial Cancer Research Fund found that people who eat ____ daily had 24 percent fewer heart attacks and 32 percent fewer strokes
+Fresh fruit
+Scotch mist is a type of what?
+Scotia What would you call the act of making a mark on a body by burning?
+Scott Hamilton won Olympic gold for the USA on what surface?
+Scottish is the language called Gaelic, whereas Irish is actually called?
+Scottish sailor alexander selkirk became inspiration for what novel?
+Robinson crusoe
+Scottish Terrier's name in Disney's 'Lady and the Tramp'?
+Scottish valley?
+Sculptors which of the four teenage mutant ninja turtles was named after an artists and/or sculptor that did not occur in the same time period as the other three?
+Scurvy is caused by a lack of ____
+Vitamin c
+Sea cucumbers are a type of what?
+Sea World of Florida is in this city?
+Sean Connery was the sexiest man in the 20th century according to who?
+New women
+Seattle which is the largest theme resort hotel?
+Lost city
+Sedimentary and igneous are types of what?
+Sedimentary rocks are usually formed in ____
+Sedimentary rocks often contain ____
+See spot run: what is the smallest breed of dog?
+Seeds of SE Asian aromatic plant used as a spice?
+Selene was greek god of what?
+Selenology is the study of what?
+Selma and Patty's favourite star?
+Selva is another name for what?
+Tropical rain forest
+Semaphore is a method of sending signals using what?
+Sephardim jews are jews from which two countries?
+Spain, Portugal
+Sepia is obtained from which sea creature?
+September's birthstone?
+Septicaemia is better known as ____
+Blood poisoning
+Seretse Khama was the first President of which country?
+Sericulture involves raising which animals?
+Series of chemical elements that share similar electron orbital structures and hence similar chemical properties?
+Transition Elements
+Serotine, Leislers and Noctule are all varieties of which nianinial?
+Service where is the largest circulation of sunday papers?
+Los angeles
+Set of 25 cards with 5 different symbols used in ESP research?
+Zener cards
+Set of written symbols, each representing a given sound or sounds, which can be variously combined to form all the words of a language?
+Seventy percent of house dust is made up of dead ____
+Severe infant disorder of communication & behavior that develops before the age of three?
+Sewing term for: Bar, Cord, Core, Filler, Hitch, Mounting, Sinnet?
+Sex burns 360 ____ per hour
+Sexy female anagram: evil lass in erotica?
+Alicia Silverstone
+Shah Jahan of India built what famously beautiful building as a memorial to his favorite wife?
+Taj mahal
+Shakespeare Plays?
+Romeo And Juliet
+Sharp pointed projection on a plant?
+Shbat is arabic for what month?
+She had the great misfortune of living in Paris during the reign of terror, & she was forced to make death masks of the people who had been guillotined. Later she moved to Britain, & these death masks became the basis of a famous wax museum. She was Madame ____
+She monster with a lion's head, goat's body & serpent's tail?
+She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar?
+Helen Keller
+She was Sports Illustrated's first female 'Man of the Year'?
+Billie Jean King
+She was the country singing sensation that Homer managed?
+Lurleen Lumpkin
+She was the daughter of Anne Boleyn & Henry VII?
+Queen elizabeth i
+She was the first woman premier of Israel?
+Golda Meir
+She was the first woman to fly the atlantic solo?
+Amelia earhart
+She was the first woman to swim the English channel?
+Gertrude Caroline Ederle
+She won the judgement of Paris?
+Sheet or ring of rubber to seal joint between metal surfaces?
+Shell Oil was developed by Marcus Samuel, what was the original family business?
+Importing sea shells
+Shepherd's pie is meat hash covered with a layer of this?
+Mashed potatoes
+Sherwood park, Alberta, Canada is the largest ____ in the world
+Ships designed for the various operations involved in modern naval warfare?
+Shock treatment for ____ was once administered by electric catfish
+Shock treatment for epilepsy was once administered by electric____
+Shop selling exotic cooked meats and cheeses?
+Short in stature, long on talent, doug flutie wins the?
+Heisman trophy
+Short, high-freuency radio waves lying roughly between very-high-freuency (infrared) waves & conventional radio waves (electromagnetic radiation; radio)?
+Short, simple, descriptive poem idealizing country life?
+Show How many tines are in a standard dinner fork?
+Shower what is a tokinese?
+Shridnar Chillal grew his thumb one 41 inches?
+Shrub with flowers attractive to butterflies?
+SI Units of Frequency?
+SI Units of Magnetic Flux?
+Sidekicks: Astrological twins: Castor?
+Sienna is a shade of what colour?
+Sigmund Freud brought his first sample of ____ for $1.27 per gram
+Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, was born in what country?
+Signal or time after which people must remain indoors?
+Signor Bona Slang hung by his nose to arouse the desires of young girls,by what name is he better known?
+Daring young man on the flying trapeze
+Silky case spun by larva to protect it as a pupa?
+Similes: As bold as?
+Similes: As clean as a(n)?
+Similes: As clear as a(n)?
+Similes: As cute as a(n)?
+Similes: as dry as a?
+Similes: As easy as?
+Similes: As fit as a(n)?
+Similes: As good as?
+Similes: As graceful as a(n)?
+Similes: as happy as a ____
+Similes: as happy as a?
+Similes: As large as?
+Similes: As loud as?
+Similes: as neat as a?
+Similes: As pale as a(n)?
+Similes: As pleased as?
+Similes: As pretty as a(n)?
+Similes: As proud as a(n)?
+Similes: as proud as a?
+Similes: as quick as a?
+Similes: As quiet as a(n)?
+Similes: as regular as?
+Similes: As right as?
+Similes: As sick as a(n)?
+Similes: As sly as a(n)?
+Similes: As smart as a(n)?
+Similes: as thin as a?
+Similes: as tough as?
+Similes: as white as a?
+Similes: drink like a ____
+Similes: dumb as a box of____
+Similes: Fresh as a(n)?
+Similes: happy as a ____
+Similes: slick as____
+Similes: useless as a screen door on a ____
+Similes: you lie like a ____
+Simon Peter and his brother were both disciples. What was the brother's name?
+Sinbad faced this arabian mythical bird of prey name the bird?
+Since 1514, which of the 12 Livery Companies of London has taken precedence over the others?
+Since 1600, 109 species and subspecies of what have become extinct?
+Since 1978, at least 37 people have died as a result of ____, in an attempt to get free merchandise. More than 100 have been injured
+Shaking vending machines
+Since a reorganization in 1979, Libya's Colonel Gadhafi has held no formal position, but continues to rule under what ceremonial title?
+Leader of the Revolution
+Since Hindus don't eat beef, the Mcdonald's in New Delhi makes its burgers with what?
+Since its introduction in February 1935, more than 150 million ____ board games have been sold worldwide
+Since the beginning of the modern olympics, which are the only 2 countries to compete in them all (list alphabetically)?
+Australia & greece
+Since Thomas Jefferson was a widower, who became unofficial first lady during his administration?
+Dolly madison
+Since when has instant coffee been around?
+18th century
+Since white tigers have pigmented stripes and blue eyes, they are not?
+Singapore football's foreign import from Australia, and scorer of a hat-trick in the last malaysia cup final, but was charged with match-fixing and faded away?
+Abbas saad
+Singapore football's foreign import from the czech republic, but he was tried for match-fixing and jumped bail, fleeing in acrimony?
+Michal vana
+Singapore lies at the end of which peninsula?
+Singapore uses the colours blue and yellow at funerals to ward off ____
+Evil spirits
+Singapore was a colony of which european power?
+Singer Sarah Brightman was the second wife of which composer?
+Andrew lloyd webber
+Single celled micro-organism?
+Single-celled fungus used to make beer & bread rise?
+Singularly speaking, where was George Michael in 1998?
+Singularly, who was Born In The USA?
+Bruce springsteen
+Sir Archibald MacIndoe was a pioneer in which field during WW2?
+Plastic surgery
+Sir emest swinton was a British colonel credited with the invention of which weapon?
+Sir Isaac Newton was obsessed with the?
+Occult and supernatural
+Sir Isaac Newton was only ____ ____ years old when he discovered the law of universal gravitation
+Sir Paul Mcartneys photographer daughter?
+Mary Mcartney
+Sir Richard Marsh was Chairman of British Rail in the 1970s and 1980s. He had earlier been prominent in what field?
+Politics (cabinet minister)
+Sir Robert Watson-Watt was a pioneer in which field during WW2?
+Sir Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' cloakroom after his mother went into labour during a dance at?
+Blenheim palace
+Sir Winston Churchill's mother was descended from a?
+Red Indian
+Sirocco, mistral and chinook are all types of what?
+Sister ship of the German battleship bismarck?
+Six ounces of what contains the minimum daily requirement for vitamin c?
+Orange juice
+Six u.s presidents never had ____
+Sixteen pounds is the maximum legal weight of what sporting device?
+Bowling ball
+Sixties Tunes: How much did Little Anthony & the Imperials hurt?
+Sixties Tunes: Three Dog Night night hit about a number?
+Sixtieth anniversary is the ____ anniversary
+Sixty percent of big-firm executives said the ____ is as important or more important than the r?sum? itself when you're looking for a new job
+Cover letter
+Sixty six mhz Italy's equivalant to the dollar is ____
+Sixty what lives in a fornicary?
+Ska Probably the first ska band. Led by Tommy McCook, they once backed Marley?
+Ska Sweet sounding Boston band that seduced us with a Simple Song?
+Bim skala bim
+Skiing: Japan houses the only ski resort of this type?
+Skiing: Skis with these on them supposedly make the initiation of turns easier?
+Skiing: The Swix company manufactures poles as well as this skiing/racing essential?
+Skiing: This is the largest company that manufactures skis, boots, & bindings?
+Skiing: This Utah resort averages more snow anually than any other in the 48 states?
+Skill in devising or contriving; inventive talent?
+Skin is thickest where?
+Skopelos, thasos and andros are all what?
+Greek islands
+Skydivers accelerate to a terminal velocity of ____ mph
+Slang term for ?25?
+Slang term for Toronto (Moo)?
+Slang word for ?25?
+Slang word for huge or enormous?
+Slang word meaning aggressively blatent or provocative?
+Slang:A promiscuous woman?
+Slang:Person with very short hair or very little?
+Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of what?
+Slave trading was abolished in the British empire in 1807, 1825 or 1855?
+Slayer of the gorgon & the kraken and husband of andromeda?
+Sliced bread was patented by Mrs P. Ride, a mother of 5, on 1 April?
+Slippery when wet was a hit album for what rock band?
+Bon jovi
+Slivovitz is a brandy made from what?
+Sloths spend ____% of their lives asleep
+Slowest flying bird?
+American woodcock
+Slugs and snails belong to which class of molluscs?
+Small area on a computer screen in which the user is prompted to provide information, select commans etc?
+Dialogue box
+Small beetle destructive to the potato?
+Small buns made from choux pastry, filled with cream and covered in chocolate are called what?
+Small chalet on the costa del magnifico...'?
+Twisting by the pool
+Small deer with white spotted reddish brown summer coat?
+Small flat emblem worn as a sign of office?
+Small graceful antelope?
+Small hole for passing cord through?
+Small ornamental species of domestic chicken?
+Small parrot often kept as a pet?
+Small piece of bread or pastry with a savoury topping?
+Small pieces of bread or crackers with a savoury topping are called what?
+Small pieces of fried or toasted bread usually served with soup?
+Small polecat used in catching rabbits and rats?
+Small rectangular instrument played by blowing and sucking air through it?
+Small shell fish clinging to rocks?
+Small terrestrial lizard inhabiting warm regions of the Old World?
+Small vegetable like a marrow?
+Small, active, carnivorous freshwater fish, found in the islands of the southern caribbean sea & in northern south America?
+Smallest particle of a substance having the specific chemical properties of that substance?
+Smallish lunchtime pizzas from Pizza Hut are called?
+Personal pan
+Smallpox is also known as ____
+Smelling ____ or green apples can help you lose weight
+Smelling bananas and/or green apples (smelling, not eating) can help you lose?
+Smelling bananas or ____ can help you lose weight
+Green apples
+Smetana in what novel do we find winston smith living in the nation of oceania and battling doublespeak and the thought police?
+Smew, garganey and shoveler are all types of what bird?
+Smoke, fog, & mist are all...?
+Smooth barked glossy leaved tree?
+Smurfs: Failing in his efforts to deceive the smurfs, Gargamel created this smurf?
+Smurfs: Smurfette is the only smurf who has this in front of her house?
+Flower garden
+Smurfs: The only mechanical smurf?
+Clockwork smurf
+Smurfs: There are this many smurfs?
+Smurfs: This character is Yohan's best friend?
+Smurfs: This is the color of a smurf that has been bitten by a gnapp?
+Smurfs: This is the only character in the introductory song who speaks?
+smurfs: this is the youngest of all the smurfs?
+Baby smurf
+smurfs: this smurf is the only smurf who wears glasses?
+Brainy smurf
+Smurfs: When conducting the orchestra, Papa Smurf stands on this?
+Snails can sleep for ____ without eating
+3 years
+Snails have no teeth and no jaws, how do they eat?
+File their food with their tongue
+Snails mate only once in their lifetime, but it can take up to ____ hours
+Snakes are reptiles. What are frogs?
+Snakes: how does a python kill it's prey?
+By suffocating it
+Snakes: two fluid ounces of a this snake's venom is all it takes to kill an elephant or 20 people?
+King cobra
+Snooker originated in?
+snow crash: name the book's main character?
+Hiro protagonist
+snow crash: name the hacker who is infected with snow crash, owner of the black sun:?
+snow crash: name the mafia henchman who wields reason:?
+Snow Crash: Nova Sicilia, Narcolombia, Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong, etc, are what?
+snow crash: what does ng industries specialize in?
+Snow Crash: What does Y.T. stand for?
+Yours truly
+Snow Crash: What is Jason Breckenridge's mafia nickname?
+The iron pumper
+snow crash: what is the language spoken by taxi drivers?
+Snow Crash: What is the largest religious franchulate (whole name)?
+Reverend waynes pearly gates
+snow crash: what is the name of y.t.'s kourier boyfriend?
+snow crash: what is your image or icon called in the metaverse?
+snow crash: what security company arrests y.t. at the beginning of the book?
+Snow Crash: Who gives Y.T. his dogtags?
+Uncle enzo
+Snow Crash: Who is the head of the mafia?
+Uncle enzo
+Snow Crash: Who removes dead avatars from The Black Sun?
+Graveyard daemons
+Soap Operas (old and new)?
+General Hospital
+Soap was originally made by boiling fat and adding ____ to it
+Soap what's the capital of illinois?
+Sodium barcarbonate is better known as ____
+Baking soda
+Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as ____
+Sofia is the capital of ____
+Soft drinks are American's favorite beverage. Water ranks #2, and milk is #3. The average American drinks about ____ gallons of soft drinks per year
+Softball began being played in Chicago in what year?
+Softball is a variation on which game?
+Software: Who invented Tetris?
+Alexi Pazhitnov
+Solfatara in Southern Italy is a what?
+Solidified milk fat, especially cows milk, used principally as a food item?
+Solzhenitsyn What were Christmas tree icicles originally made from?
+Some Chinese typewriters have ____ characters
+Some Eskimos have been known to use ____ to keep their food from freezing
+Some hotels in Las Vegas have ____ floating in their swimming pools
+Gambling tables
+Some moral purists in the Middle Ages believed that women's ____ ought to be covered up because the Virgin Mary had conceived a child through them
+Some ribbon worms will eat ____ if they cant find any food
+Some snakes can take as long as ____ ____ hours to copulate
+Some soft drinks are made sweeter by adding?
+Some very Orthodox Jew refuse to speak Hebrew, believing it to be a language reserved only for the?
+Somebody who rings bells?
+Someone able to use both hands equally well?
+Someone abstaining from sexual relations?
+Someone who grinds their teeth is a?
+Someone who is prejudiced against Jews?
+Someone who talks too much is said to 'talk the hind legs?
+Off a donkey
+Someone who treats feet and their ailments?
+Someone with firmly fixed opinions is said to be dyed in what?
+The wool
+Something arousing sexual desire?
+Something free of charge?
+Something smaller than an electron, with 1/3 of its charge?
+Something that containing both letters and numbers?
+Somethings gotten hold of my heart was a hit in january 89 for who?
+Marc almond & gene pitney
+Somewhere out there is a song from what movie?
+An American tail
+Somnus was the roman god of ____
+Son of laius, and later, killed his father to marry his mother?
+Sonar is also known by its British name of?
+Song title: ticket to ____
+Song writers: who wrote woodstock?
+Joni mitchell
+Songs & Songwriters: What Bob Dylan song introduced Sonny and Cher to the world?
+I Got You, Babe
+Sorrowful song or poem?
+Sound travels fastest in which form of medium?
+South africa has mines deeper than any other country in the world, at depths of almost 4 kilometres at the?
+Western deep levels mine
+South Africa produces two-thirds of the world's?
+South Africa's Robben Island takes its name from which creatures?
+South American gauchos were known to put raw steak under their saddles before starting a day's riding, in order to ____ the meat
+South of Tucson, Arizona, most of the road signs are in what system?
+South West Africa is the previous name of which country?
+Southern comfort is made from a base of bourbon whiskey and flavouring from which fruit?
+Southpaw to us means a boxer who leads with his right hand; but in which sport did the term originate?
+Space for bells in a church tower?
+Space satellite was launched in april 1962, named after a character in shakespeare's the tempest?
+Spaceman Spiff was a charcter on which eighties cartoon strip?
+Calvin and Hobbes
+Spaniard rodrigo diaz de viva was better known as?
+El Cid
+Spanish bull fighter?
+Spanish dictator Franco nominated whom as his successor?
+Prince juan carlos
+Spanish or Italian name for a bar or wine shop?
+Spanish word for redhead?
+Spasibo is Russian for...?
+Thank you
+Speaker's Corner is a feature of which London park?
+Hyde park
+Speaking of underwear, what does bvd stand for?
+Bradley, vorhees & day
+Spear, apple and pepper are types of which plant?
+Specialist in psychology?
+Species what country are you stuck in if you're doing hard time at boniato prison?
+Specifically, what is the westernmost point in the contiguous u.s?
+Cape alava, Washington
+Spectacles protecting the eyes from harm?
+Speech disorder characterized by involuntary hesitations & rapid repetitions of speech elements (speech & speech disorders)?
+Spice Girl Mel B's former husband, Jimmy Gulzar, was found guilty of a charge of common assault. What is the name of the couple's daughter?
+Phoenix Chi 
+Spiral slide at a funfair?
+Spiral staircases in medieval castles are running in what direction?
+Spirit obtained from petroleum and used as a cleaning agent?
+Spirit of the times,trend of thought and feeling in a period?
+Sport: Olympics: Who swept the men's Alpine skiing events at the 1968 Winter Olympics?
+Jean-Claude Killy
+Sports: ____ is used as a center for golf balls and in antifreeze mixtures
+Sports: (?) Which American became world chess champion in 1972?
+Bobby Fischer
+Sports: (2002) Name the last non European driver to win the FormulaOne drivers championship?
+Jacques Villeneuve
+Sports: 1950s: who was England's youngest ever footballer till 1998 and possessed one of the most powerful shots in the history of football, but died of his injuries after the fateful 1958 Munich crash?
+Duncan edwards
+Sports: 1950s: who was merely a teenager when the fateful 1958 Munich crash occured, survived it, and later became one of England's greatest players, captaining Manchester united to their first european cup trophy?
+Sir bobby charlton
+Sports: 1950s: who was the manager of Manchester united on board the fateful plane when it crashed on the munich runway in 1958, and suffered critical injuries, only to make a comeback at the end of the season?
+Sir matt busby
+Sports: 1950s: who was the Manchester united captain on board who perished along with seven of his teammates on that tragic day in 1958 in Munich?
+Johnny carey
+Sports: 1956, which Manchester City goalie unknowingly completed the FA Cup Final against Birmingham City with a broken neck?
+Bert trautman
+Sports: 1965, Which became the first team to play in consecutive League Cup Finals?
+Leicester City
+Sports: 1970s: Which horse won the Grand National for the first of three times in 1973?
+Red Rum
+Sports: 1976, who lost his British heavyweight title to Joe Bugner in round one?
+Richard Dunn
+Sports: 1978 World Cup final. Dick Nanninga of Holland made sporting history,how?
+First sub to score
+Sports: 1980s: In 1981, largely thanks to the efforts of Ian Botham and Bob Willis, from whom did the England cricket team snatch a remarkable victory?
+Sports: 1980s: What puckmaster played as an Aero, Redwing, and a Whaler?
+Gordie howe
+Sports: 1980s: Who was the VIP tosser who started the 1985 Baseball World Series?
+Ronald reagan
+Sports: 1990s: In 1992, what San Francisco 49ers star was listed as the highest paid?
+Joe montana
+Sports: 1990s: In 1992, what Spanish cyclist won his second tour de france?
+Miguel indurain
+Sports: 1990s: In 1992, what tennis star made the cover of the magazine longevity?
+Jimmy connors
+Sports: 1990s: In 1992, what tennis star played in her 20th wimbledon?
+Martina navratilova
+Sports: 1990s: In 1993, this Algerian broke the 8-year old world record for the mile?
+Yabes ondieki
+Sports: 1990s: In 1993, this city won the bid for the 2000 Summer Olympics?
+Sports: 1990s: In the 1994 Japanese grand prix, whose car hit a marshal?
+Martin brundle
+Sports: 1990s: What baseball skipper was named national league manager of the year 1992?
+Jim leyland
+Sports: 19th Century: this game (involving a net) was introduced in 1874 as sphairistike?
+Sports: 2000s: 2001 world motocross champion?
+Jamie Dobb
+Sports: 2000s: 2002, sponsor of the football league?
+Sports: 2000s: 2002, which football club will play at a new stadium called Walkers Bowl next season?
+Leicester City
+Sports: 2000s: 2002, which jockey rode Bindaree to victory in this years Grand National?
+Jim Culloty
+Sports: 2000s: 2002, who beat Stephen Hendry to win the Embassy World Snooker championship?
+Peter Ebdon
+Sports: 2000s: 2002, who is the current chief executive of the Football Association?
+Adam Crozier
+Sports: 2000s: 2002, who to date has scored most points for Scotland in Rugby Union internationals?
+Gavin hastings
+Sports: 2000s: 2002, winners of the University Boatrace?
+Oxford, dark blues
+Sports: 2000s: 2002, Winter Olympics, which team defeated the USA to win the ice hockey gold?
+Sports: 90 minutes is the regulation length of what field based ball game?
+Sports: A 'featherie' was an early form of' which piece of sports equipment?
+Golf ball
+Sports: A bowling pin need only tilt how far in order to fall down (it's a decimal)?
+7.5 degrees
+Sports: A forfeited game in ____ is recorded as a 9-0 score. In football it is recorded as a 1-0 score
+Sports: A fun winter sport?
+Sports: A game of hocky starts with a ____
+Sports: A game of pool is referred to as a ____
+Sports: A game played with rackets and shuttlecock?
+Sports: A jogger's heel strikes the ground ____ times per mile
+Sports: A snooker table has how many pockets?
+Sports: A sporting outsider?
+Sports: A ten pin bowling ball has how many holes?
+Sports: AFL: West Coast ____
+Sports: AFL: Western ____
+Sports: Against which country was Maradona sent off during the 1982 world Cup finals?
+Sports: Alan Cork, with 145 goals holds the all time League scoring record for which football club?
+Sports: American city where the Suns play basketball?
+Sports: American Football: 1960s: This team won the first super bowl?
+Green bay
+Sports: American Football: 1980s: This team destroyed the Redskins in the 1984 superbowl?
+Sports: American Football: No nfl team which plays its home games in a domed stadium has ever won a ____
+Super bowl
+Sports: American Football: What football player rushed for 2,003 yards in 1973?
+OJ Simpson
+Sports: An olympic sized pool has how many lanes?
+Sports: Archie moore, was world champion in what sport from 1952-1962?
+Sports: As who is Cassius Clay now known?
+Mohammed Ali
+Sports: Aston Villas colours?
+Claret and Blue
+Sports: At which football ground would you find the Rous and Rookery stands?
+Sports: At which motor racing venue will you find the Niki LaudaKurve & the Jochen Rindt Kurve?
+A1 Ring, Austria
+Sports: At which motor racing venue would you find the Coca Cola Kurve, Ford Kurve and Dunlop Kurve?
+Sports: At which motor racing venue would you find the Jim Clark Kurve and the Ayrton Senna Kurve?
+Sports: At which sport was Fred Perry World champion in 1929?
+Table tennis
+Sports: Australian john newcombe played in what sport?
+Sports: Australian Rules football was originally designed to give ____ something to play during the off season
+Sports: Ayrton Senna died in an accident at which grand prix?
+San Marino
+Sports: Badminton: Badminton star Liem Swie King represented which country?
+Sports: Baseball: 1990s: Hall of Famer and 2nd baseman for Pennant-winning 1941 Brooklyn Dodgers who died in the early 90s?
+Billy herman
+Sports: Baseball: An American league player to win the triple crown?
+Mickey mantle
+Sports: Baseball: Baseballer Joe Schlabotnik's greatest fan?
+Charlie brown
+Sports: Baseball: bill veeck wanted to move his st louis browns to this city in 1953?
+Los angeles
+Sports: Baseball: both ted williams (1938) and yaz (1960) played minor league ball here?
+Sports: Baseball: hank aaron received more of what than any other person?
+Personal mail
+Sports: Baseball: star Joe Dimaggio married which actress?
+Marilyn monroe
+Sports: Baseball: Teams (name, no city)?
+Sports: Baseball: The Atlanta ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Baltimore ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Boston ____
+Red Sox
+Sports: Baseball: the Boston Red____
+Sports: Baseball: The Chicago ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Cleveland ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Florida ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Houston ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Kansas City ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Milwaukee ____
+Sports: Baseball: The New York ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Philadelphia ____
+Sports: Baseball: The San Diego ____
+Sports: Baseball: the st louis ____
+Sports: Baseball: The St. Louis ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Texas ____
+Sports: Baseball: The Toronto ____
+Sports: Baseball: who is the career leader in rbis?
+Lou gehrig
+Sports: Baseball: who was the last American league player to win the triple crown?
+Mickey mantle
+Sports: Baseball: who was the last nl pitcher to win more than 25 games in a single season?
+Sandy koufax
+Sports: Baseball: Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap?
+Babe Ruth
+Sports: Basketball: NBA Stars (Past or Present)?
+Clyde Drexler
+Sports: Basketball: NBA Stars (Past or Present)?
+Michael Jordan
+Sports: Basketball: NBA Teams (ie, Bulls)?
+Sports: Basketball: NBA Teams (ie, Bulls)?
+Sports: Basketball: The Boston ____
+Sports: Basketball: the Chicago ____
+Sports: Basketball: The Denver ____
+Sports: Basketball: The Los Angeles ____
+Sports: Basketball: the Milwaukee ____
+Sports: Basketball: The Seattle ____
+Sports: Basketball: The Utah ____
+Sports: Basketball: Which position is usually played by the tallest member on a basketball team?
+Sports: Before 1850, golf balls were made of leather and were stuffed with____
+Sports: Billie Jean King competed in which modern sport?
+Sports: Bobby locke was the first south african golfer to win which open?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["British open", "British"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Sports: Brazilian Formula-1 champ in 81, 83, and 87 (careful)?
+Nelson piquet
+Sports: Brian Lara broke the record for the highest first class cricket innings by scoring 501 not out against which county in 1994?
+Sports: British decathlete,Olympic champion 1980 & 84?
+Daly thompson
+Sports: British golfers to have won post war Open championships?
+Fred Daly
+Sports: British motor racing World Champion 1992?
+Nigel mansell
+Sports: British sprinter, subject of the film Chariots of Fire?
+Harold Abrahams
+Sports: By which name is John Sholto-Douglas better known in the boxing world?
+Marquis of Queensberry
+Sports: Christine Child won six British titles in the 1970s, in which sport?
+Sports: Colourful chairman of Fulham F C?
+Mohamed Al fayed
+Sports: Cricket, West Indian paceman who captained Gloucestershire?
+Courtney Walsh
+Sports: Cricket: 1950s: Which Len captained England as they won the Ashes?
+Sports: David Beckhams nickname?
+Sports: During a bully-off how many times are hockey sticks tapped together?
+Sports: English decathlete?
+Daley Thompson
+Sports: English football team, nicknamed the baggies?
+West Bromwich Albion
+Sports: English ice dance champions?
+Torvill and Dean
+Sports: English National Hunt Jockey, champion jockey 1982 and 1986-1992?
+Peter Scudamore
+Sports: Female Pentathlon winner at the 1972 Olympics?
+Mary peters
+Sports: Female skater who won Olympic gold in 1988?
+Katarina Witt
+Sports: First Australian to win the Wimbledon mens singles title?
+Norman Brookes
+Sports: First presenter of Match of the Day?
+Ken Wolstenholme
+Sports: Football: 'Goldenballs' is also known as who?
+David Beckham
+Sports: Football: 1950s: ____ beats Sweden 5-2 in Football's 6th World Cup in 1958 at Stockholm
+Sports: Football: 1960s: What was the final score in England's victorious World Cup Final in 1966?
+Sports: Football: At which club did Rio Ferdinand begin his career?
+West ham
+Sports: Football: At which football ground did 52 people die in a fire in May 1985?
+Bradford city
+Sports: Football: For which Japanese club did Gary Lineker end his playing career?
+Grampus eight
+Sports: Football: From what country was Adriy Shevchenko?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Alessandro Del Piero?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Bobby Charlton?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Carlos Valderrama?
+Sports: Football: From what country was David Beckham?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Dennis Bergkamp?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Diego Maradona?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Edgar Davids?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Eric Cantona?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Eusebio?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Francesco Totti?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Franz Beckenbauer?
+Sports: Football: From what country was George Best?
+Northern Ireland
+Sports: Football: From what country was Gerd Muller?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Gianluigi Buffon?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Hristo Sotichkov?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Hugo Sanchez?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Ian Rush?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Jay Jay Okocha?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Johann Cruyff?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Jurgen Klinsman?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Kenny Dalglish?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Lilian Thuram?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Luis Enrique?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Luis Figo?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Marco Van Basten?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Michael Owen?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Michael Platini?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Oliver Kahn?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Patric Viera?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Pavel Nedved?
+Czech Republic
+Sports: Football: From what country was Pele?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Raul?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Rivaldo?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Robert Pires?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Roberto Baggio?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Roger Milla?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Romario?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Ronaldinho?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Ronaldo?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Ruud van Nistelrooy?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Socrates?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Zico?
+Sports: Football: From what country was Zinedine Zidane?
+Sports: Football: Host country of the 10th world Football championship in 1974?
+West Germany
+Sports: Football: Host country of the 12th world Football championship in 1982?
+Sports: Football: Host country of the 13th world Football championship in 1986?
+Sports: Football: Host country of the 6th world Football championship in 1958?
+Sports: Football: Host country of the 9th world Football championship in 1970?
+Sports: Football: How many times was Gary Lineker sent off during his career?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: Athletic Bilbao, Real Sociedad and F.C Levante?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: Bayer Levekusen, Borussia Monchengladbach and Hannover 96?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: Benfica, FC Porto and Sporting Lisbon?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: Celtic, Hearts & Hibernian?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: Everton, Chelsea, Wigan and Tottenham Hotspurs?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: FC Twente, Ajax and Feyenoord?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: Juventus, Lazio, Palermo and Internazionale?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: Olympiakos and Panathanaikos?
+Sports: Football: In what country would you find: PSG, Olympique Lyonnais and Marseilla?
+Sports: Football: In which year was Ryan Giggs the PFA Young Footballer of The Year?
+Sports: Football: Name scotlands oldest football club?
+Queens park
+Sports: Football: Ron Harris made 665 league appearances for which football club between 1962-1980?
+Sports: Football: Scorer of the 'hand of god' goal against England, only to silence the English fans later in the match as he sidewinded past five defenders and slotted the ball past peter shilton?
+Diego maradona
+Sports: Football: The Baltimore ____
+Sports: Football: The Buffalo ____
+Sports: Football: The Chicago ____
+Sports: Football: The Cincinnati ____
+Sports: Football: The Cleveland ____
+Sports: Football: The Dallas ____
+Sports: Football: The Denver ____
+Sports: Football: The Miami ____
+Sports: Football: The Minnesota ____
+Sports: Football: The New Orleans ____
+Sports: Football: The New York ____
+Sports: Football: The Pittsburgh ____
+Sports: Football: The San Diego ____
+Sports: Football: The Seattle ____
+Sports: Football: UK: 1950s: Which Billy became the first English football player to win 100 caps?
+Sports: Football: UK: what is Manchester united's home stadium called?
+Old trafford
+Sports: Football: UK: what is Manchester united's nickname?
+Red devils
+Sports: Football: UK: what is Manchester united's stadium nicknamed?
+Theatre of dreams
+Sports: Football: UK: what is newcastle united's nickname?
+Sports: Football: UK: what is norwich city's nickname?
+Sports: Football: UK: Which Arsenal manager won six trophies in eight years?
+George graham
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club became the first London club to win the league in 1935?
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club first played a league game in 1888?
+Aston villa
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club is haunted by former manager Frank Chapman?
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club only won 3 games in the season 1912-1913?
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club only won one game in 1912-1913?
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club paid ?3.5 million for Savo Milosevic in 1995?
+Aston villa
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club played at Perry Bar in 1876?
+Aston villa
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club received ?5.5 million for David Platt in 1991?
+Aston villa
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club was disbanded in 1901?
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club was formerly called Dial Square?
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club was formerly called Woolwich Reds?
+Sports: Football: UK: Which club was founded in 1886?
+Sports: Football: UK: who was the first player to score a total of 100 goals in the newly-formed English premier league?
+Alan shearer
+Sports: Football: UK: who was the scotsman who guided Manchester united to an unprecedented English league, fa cup and european cup treble, and was later to be knighted on qeii's birthday?
+Sir alex ferguson
+Sports: Football: UK: winners of the premiership title 2002?
+Sports: Football: What is the top division in England known as?
+Premier League
+Sports: Football: What is the top division in France known as?
+Ligue 1
+Sports: Football: What is the top division in Germany known as?
+Sports: Football: What is the top division in Holland known as?
+Sports: Football: What is the top division in Italy known as?
+Serie A
+Sports: Football: What is the top division in Portugal known as?
+Primeira Liga
+Sports: Football: What is the top division in Spain known as?
+La Liga
+Sports: Football: What relation, if any, is there between Rio and Les Ferdinand?
+They are cousins
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Anfield?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Celtic Park?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Estadio da Luz?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Estadio do Dragao?
+FC Porto
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Estadio Santiago Bernabeu?
+Real Madrid
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Frankenstadion?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Hampden Park?
+Queens Park
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Ibrox Stadium?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Juventus Stadium?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Mercedes-Benz Arena?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at MMArena?
+Le Mans
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Munich Olympiastadion?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Nou Camp?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Old Trafford?
+Manchester United
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at San Siro?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Stade Velodrome?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Stadio Olimpico?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Stadium Municipal?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at The Stadium of Light?
+Sports: Football: What team would you find playing at Vicente Calderon Stadium?
+Athletico Madrid
+Sports: Football: Which Arsenal forward was given his own chat show on national television in 1998?
+Ian wright
+Sports: Football: Which beer sponsored the 1998/99 League Cup?
+Sports: Football: Which British star was named European Footballer of The Year in 1968?
+George best
+Sports: Football: Which club was Eric Cantona playing for before he joined Manchester United?
+Leeds united
+Sports: Football: Which colourful character was European & English footballer of the year in 1968?
+George best
+Sports: Football: Which computer tycoon became chairman of Tottenham Hotspur in 1991?
+Alan sugar
+Sports: Football: Which country had 2 players sent off in the 1990 World Cup Final?
+Sports: Football: Which Dutch club plays in the stadium called 'de kuip'?
+Sports: Football: Which former England manager would you associate with turnips?
+Graham taylor
+Sports: Football: Which former Liverpool player became the player/manager at Swansea in the 1990's?
+Jan molby
+Sports: Football: Which former Tottenham keeper went on to become manager of Barnet?
+Ray clemence
+Sports: Football: Which goalkeeper became the first player to reach 200 Premiership appearances?
+Neville southall
+Sports: Football: which is the first country to win three world cups?
+Sports: Football: Which is the only position in Football allowed to handle the ball?
+Sports: Football: Which manager was sacked at Chelsea before taking over at Newcastle?
+Ruud gullit
+Sports: Football: Which player finished as top-scorer in the Euro '96 Finals?
+Alan shearer
+Sports: Football: Which player top-scored for Arsenal with 16 premiership goals during the 1997/98 season?
+Dennis bergkamp
+Sports: Football: Which player top-scored for Leeds with 16 premiership goals during the 1997/98 season?
+Jimmy floyd hasselbaink
+Sports: Football: Which player was booked for showing the ref a yellow card, when it fell from his pocket during the game, in 1995?
+Paul gascoigne
+Sports: Football: Which Premiership club shared Crystal Palace's ground in 1996?
+Sports: Football: Which team from the North East is supported by Tony Blair?
+Sports: Football: Which team lost both Cup Finals in addition to being relegated from the Premiership in 1997?
+Sports: Football: Which team were Manchester United playing when Eric Canona aimed his infamous flying kick at a spectator?
+Crystal palace
+Sports: Football: which was the first country to host the world cup?
+Sports: Football: which was the first country to win the world cup?
+Sports: Football: Who became the most expensive defender in the world when he signed for Manchester United, for ?10.75m, in April 1998?
+Jaap stam
+Sports: Football: Who did Manchester United beat to go through to the 1999 European Cup Final?
+Sports: Football: Who did Manchester United buy for ?12.6 million on August 20th 1998?
+Dwight yorke
+Sports: Football: Who scored a hat-trick on his league debut in 1988, for Southampton against Arsenal?
+Alan shearer
+Sports: Football: Who scored his 250th club goal during the 1999 FA Cup Final?
+Teddy sheringham
+Sports: Football: Who was the first player to ever score 5 goals in a Premiership game?
+Andy cole
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1956?
+Real Madrid
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1961?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1963?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1964?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1966?
+Real Madrid
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1967?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1968?
+Manchester United
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1969?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1970?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1971?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1974?
+Bayern Munich
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1977?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1979?
+Nottingham Forest
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1981?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1982?
+Aston Villa
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1983?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1984?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1985?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1986?
+Steaua Bucuresti
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1987?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1988?
+PSV Eindhoven
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1989?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1991?
+Red Star Belgrade
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1992?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1993?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1994?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1995?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1996?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1997?
+Borussia Dortmund
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1998?
+Real Madrid
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 1999?
+Manchester United
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2000?
+Real Madrid
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2001?
+Bayern Munich
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2002?
+Real MAdrid
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2003?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2004?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2005?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2006?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2007?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2008?
+Manchester United
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2009?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2010?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Champions League in 2011?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1960?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1964?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1968?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1972?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1976?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1980?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1984?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1988?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1992?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 1996?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 2000?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 2004?
+Sports: Football: Who won the Euros in 2008?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1930?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1934?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1950?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1954?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1958?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1966?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1970?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1974?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1978?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1982?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1986?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1990?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1994?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 1998?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 2002?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 2006?
+Sports: Football: Who won the World Cup in 2010?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does abdullah sulaiman play for?
+Saudi arabia
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does Celestine Babayaro play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does christian ziege play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does dietmar hamann play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does frank leboeuf play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does Fredrik Ljungberg play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does Grabriel Batistuta play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does jason mcateer play for?
+Republic of Ireland
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does Juan Sebastian Veron play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does kasey keller play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does luigi di biagio play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does mark kinsella play for?
+Republic of Ireland
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does mohammad al-shlhoub play for?
+Saudi arabia
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does muzzy izzet play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does Nicklas Alexandersson play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does Nwankwo Kanu play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does patrick vieira play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does pierre njanka play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does rigobert song play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does roberto carlos play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, which team does ronaldo play for?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, who was the most capped England player?
+David seaman
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, who was the oldest player in the England squad?
+David seaman
+Sports: Football: World Cup: In 2002, who's broken foot kept him out of the England Squad?
+Gary neville
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1966 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1970 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1974 world cup hosted?
+West Germany
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1978 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1982 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1986 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1990 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1994 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 1998 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 2002 world cup hosted?
+South Korea and Japan
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 2006 world cup hosted?
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 2010 world cup hosted?
+South Africa
+Sports: Football: World Cup: Where was the 2014 world cup hosted?
+Sports: For what does Real stand in Real Madrids name?
+Sports: For which club was Marco van asten playing when he was European Footballer of the year 1988,1989 & 1992?
+A C Milan
+Sports: Formal game or sports event in which people or teams compete against each other?
+Sports: Former golf club, equiv to the modern No5 or 6 Iron used for approach shots?
+Sports: French auto racer, 3 time Formula 1 champ (85-86, 89)?
+Alain prost
+Sports: French motor racing driver who won the world championship 1985,86 and 89?
+Alain Prost
+Sports: From which famous bridge does the boat race start?
+Sports: From which sport does the phrase' to win hands down' come?
+Horse racing
+Sports: From which team did marlboro switch its backing to mclaren in the 1974 season?
+Sports: Golf, what is the American name for an albatross?
+Double eagle
+Sports: Golf: Three under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) ____
+Sports: Golf: which country has the world's highest golf course?
+Sports: Golf: Who hit the first golf shot on the moon?
+Alan Sheppard
+Sports: Golfers warning cry?
+Sports: Grand National race course?
+Sports: He holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during the regular season?
+Wayne gretzky
+Sports: He was manager of Liverpool football club 1985-91?
+Kenny dalglish
+Sports: he was the first man to run the mile in less than four minutes?
+Roger bannister
+Sports: He was the NBA, MVP in 1976, 77, and 80?
+Kareem abdul-jabbar
+Sports: Hockey: one of three 20 minute segments making up the game?
+Sports: Hockey: The Boston ____
+Sports: Hockey: The Buffalo ____
+Sports: Hockey: The Calgary ____
+Sports: Hockey: The Detroit ____
+Red wings
+Sports: Hockey: The Edmonton ____
+Sports: Hockey: The Los Angeles ____
+Sports: Hockey: The Montreal ____
+Sports: Hockey: The Pittsburgh ____
+Sports: Hockey: The st louis ____
+Sports: Hockey: The St. Louis ____
+Sports: Hockey: The Toronto ____
+Maple leafs
+Sports: Hockey: The Vancouver ____
+Sports: Hockey: what divides the rink laterally into three equal areas?
+Blue line
+Sports: Hockey: who won the hart trophy in 1991?
+Brett hull
+Sports: Home to Bristol City?
+Ashton Gate
+Sports: How many dimples does a golf ball have?
+Sports: How many FA Challenge cup trophies have there been?
+Sports: How many feet high is a basketball net?
+Sports: How many games must you win to win a normal set in tennis?
+Sports: How many innings make up a standard game of baseball?
+Sports: How many innings must a starting pitcher pitch to get a victory?
+Sports: How many minutes is a major penalty in hockey?
+Sports: How many minutes is each period of hockey?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["20", "twenty"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Sports: How many Olympic gold medals has Mark Spitz won?
+Sports: How many pieces are found in a chess set?
+Sports: How many players are there on a Football team?
+Sports: How many players are there on a water polo team?
+Sports: How many players in a hurling team?
+Sports: How many players make up a field hockey team?
+Sports: How many points are awarded for a safety touch in football?
+Sports: How many points for a brown on a snooker table?
+Sports: How many red balls would you find in snooker?
+Sports: How many seams are there on a football (American)?
+Sports: How many sides does a baseball homeplate have?
+Sports: How many sides does a home-plate have?
+Sports: How many stitches are on a regulation baseball?
+Sports: How many teams formed the original Football League in 1888?
+Sports: If Brazil had won the 1998 tournament, how many times would they have won the Football World Cup?
+Sports: If you were standing in a diamond which sport would you be playing?
+Sports: In 1905 which inside forward and goal scorer was transferred from Middlesbrough to Sunderland for a fee of ?1000 which provoked the FA to limit transfer fees to ?350?
+Alf common
+Sports: In 1981 which football club manager was quoted in The Sunday Times saying Football is not a matter of life and death, its much more important than that?
+Bill shankly
+Sports: In 1983-4 who was the first British footballer to win the european Golden Boot?
+Ian rush
+Sports: In 1986, what was the maximum fuel capacity (in litres) imposed in Formula 1 racing?
+Sports: In 1997 Graham Souness managed which Italian club for three months?
+Sports: In 1998,which athlete broke the world record for the mens 10,000 metres twice in 13 days?
+Haile Gebrselaisse
+Sports: in April 2000 who were selected as the five greatest cricketers of the 20th century?
+Don bradman
+Sports: In baseball, who won their first world series in 1969?
+New York Mets
+Sports: In billiards a shot that is pocketed after striking another ball?
+Sports: In Campania SW Italy on a peninsula between the Bay of Naples and the Gulf of Salerno?
+Sports: In cricket 111 is believed to be unlucky, what is it called?
+Sports: In cricket where is a yorker pitched to land?
+On or just inside the crease
+Sports: In cricket, who scored Englands first Test century?
+W G Grace
+Sports: In golf if a hole is 249 yards long, what par is it?
+Sports: In golf what would you put in your shag bag?
+Practice balls
+Sports: In golf where would you keep your practice balls?
+Shag bag
+Sports: In hockey, what is the equivalent of a rugby scrum?
+Sports: In judo if the referee shouts sono mama what do the players do?
+Sports: In judo what does the referee shout to make players freeze?
+Sports: In motorracing what colour flag denotes Danger no overtaking?
+Sports: In rugby, what is the equivalent of a hockey face-off?
+Sports: In showjumping what is the penalty for three refusals?
+Sports: In showjumping, how many points are incurred for knocking down a fence?
+Sports: In ten-pin bowling, how many points does a perfect game consist of?
+Sports: In the 1976 Olympics, who was the only female competitor not to be given a sex test?
+Princess anne
+Sports: In the 1980s who was the only non American or european to win the Ladies singles at Wimbledon?
+Evonne Cawley
+Sports: In the decathlon, which event comes third on the first day?
+Shot put
+Sports: In the English f.a cup, what does 'f.a' mean?
+Football association
+Sports: In this team sport each player gets a chance to play every position?
+Sports: In what game would you use the terms suidgers and squopping?
+Sports: In what sport did the word 'crestfallen' originate?
+Sports: In what sport do you find 'coursing'?
+Greyhound racing
+Sports: In what sport is a 'chukka' a period of play?
+Sports: In what sport is the Heisman trophy awarded?
+American football
+Sports: In what sport is the term 'terminal speed' used?
+Drag Racing
+Sports: In what year did Torvell & Dean win the world championships?
+Sports: In which city are the US football team The Redskins based?
+Sports: In which city in North America were the 1976 Summer Olympics held?
+Sports: In which city is the Cotton Bowl played?
+Sports: In which city is the Hockey Hall of Fame located?
+Sports: In which city is the worlds largest indoor games convention held annually?
+Sports: In which event did Great Britain win their only Winter Olympic medal(bronze) in 1998 in Japan?
+Four-man bobsleigh
+Sports: In which event did Richard Meade win Olympic gold?
+Sports: In which Scottish town do Morton play their home matches?
+Sports: In which Scottish town do Queen of the South play their home matches?
+Sports: In which Scottish town do Raith Rovers play their home matches?
+Sports: In which Scottish town do Ross County play their home matches?
+Sports: In which sport are Peter Nicol and Cassie Campion leading names?
+Sports: In which sport can you legally perform a body slam or a double leg pick up?
+Sports: In which sport did Britains Jason Queally win an Olympic gold medal in Sydney 2000?
+Sports: In which sport did Phil Read win many World Championships?
+Motor cycling
+Sports: In which sport does Hashim Khan excel?
+Sports: In which sport is the America's Cup awarded?
+Sports: In which sport is the Cy Young Trophy awarded?
+Sports: In which sport is the Davis Cup awarded?
+Sports: In which sport is the macrobertson International Shield contested?
+Sports: In which sport is the Thomas Cup contested?
+Sports: In which sport is the Uber Cup contested?
+Ladies badminton
+Sports: In which sport would you come across the terms?
+Sports: in which sport would you find a hooker in a scrum?
+Sports: In which sport would you go to a basho?
+Sumo wrestling
+Sports: In which weight category did John Conteh fight?
+Light heavyweight
+Sports: In which year did archery in its present form become an olympic sport?
+Sports: In which year did Ian Botham receive his first cap?
+Sports: in which year did Santa Claus win the DerbY?
+Sports: In which year was Baseballs American League formed?
+Sports: In which year was Baseballs National League formed?
+Sports: In which year was basketball invented?
+Sports: In which year was FIFA formed?
+Sports: In which year was the 3rd division added to the football league?
+Sports: In which year was the 4th division added to the football league?
+Sports: In which year was the F A cup instituted?
+Sports: In which year was the F A Cup stolen from a Birmingham shop window?
+Sports: In which year was the F a Cup trophy presented to Lord Kinnaird on completion of 21 years as F A President?
+Sports: In which year was the Federation Internationale de Tir a l'Arc, world governing body of archery formed?
+Sports: In which year was the Football Association fromed?
+Sports: In which year was the football world cup first held?
+Sports: In which year was the International Amateur Athletic Fed formed?
+Sports: In which year was the second division added to the football league?
+Sports: In which year were the first British Archery Championships held?
+Sports: Instituted in 1955, what is the original name of the UEFA cup?
+Inter-cities Fair Cup
+Sports: Is parachuting an olympic sport?
+Sports: Jamaican test venue?
+Sabina Park
+Sports: Jimmy Hill gave up his job as manager of which football club in 1967 to become a tv presenter?
+Coventry city
+Sports: June 2002, name of the discgraced South African cricketer killed in a plane crash?
+Hansie cronje
+Sports: KAOS, F1 drivers with surnames beginnign with H who have won the world championship?
+Mike Hawthorn
+Sports: Lacrosse was the traditional game of this Native American groub of tribes?
+Sports: Left handed play is banned in which sport?
+Sports: Location of the 2002 F A cup Final?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1896?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1900?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1904?
+St Louis,USA
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1908?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1920?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1924?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1928?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1936?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1948?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1952?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1956?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1960?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1964?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1968?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1972?
+Munich,West Germany
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1976?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1980?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1984?
+Los Angeles,USA
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1988?
+Seoul,South Korea
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1992?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1996?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 2000?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in` 1912?
+Sports: Location of the summer Olympic Games in` 1932?
+Los Angeles,USA
+Sports: Loosing finalists in Italia 90?
+Sports: Louis is the capital of which island state in the Indian Ocean?
+Sports: March 2002, which 1992 Barcelona Olympic 5000m gold medal winner recently returned to sport after a drugs ban?
+Dieter Baumann
+Sports: March 2002, which cricketer has been voted Trinidad & Tobagos sportsman of the year for the fourth time?
+Brian Lara
+Sports: May 2002, which driver won this years Monaco Grand Prix?
+David coulthard
+Sports: may 29th 1985, 41 people were killed at which stadium tragedy?
+Heysel stadium
+Sports: Motor Racing: From which team did Marlboro switch its backing to Mclaren in the 1974 season?
+Sports: Motor Racing: How many pole positions did Ayrton Senna score?
+Sports: Motor Racing: In 1976, James Hunt was disqualified after winning which Grand Prix?
+Sports: Motor Racing: Motor racing across country or on unmade roads is called?
+Sports: Motor Racing: Name the first automobile racetrack in America?
+Indianapolis Motor Speedway
+Sports: Motor Racing: Over what time period is the Le Mans endurance motor race?
+Twenty four hours
+Sports: Motor Racing: To which team did Marlboro switch its backing from BRM in the 1974 season?
+Sports: Motor Racing: What colours was the Ferrari Formula 1 car in the 1964 US Grand prix?
+Blue and white
+Sports: Motor Racing: What event marked the 1954 french grand prix?
+The return of Mercedes
+Sports: Motor Racing: what is the name of the grand prix race track in Germany?
+Sports: Motor Racing: Where do the Italians host the Grand Prix?
+Sports: Motor Racing: Which car won the 1953 Italian Grand Prix?
+Sports: Motor Racing: Which new engine regulation replaced the 2.5 litre rule at the start of the 1961 season?
+1.5 liter rule
+Sports: Motor Racing: Who hosts the Monza Grand Prix?
+Sports: Motor Racing: Who qualified for pole position in the 1984 Brazilian Grand Prix?
+Elio de Angelis
+Sports: Motor Racing: Who was disqualified after winning the 1976 British Grand Prix?
+James Hunt
+Sports: Motor Racing: Who was the driver for the Jordan team in the 1998 Grand Prix?
+Damon Hill
+Sports: Motor Racing: Who won the 1966 F1 championship?
+Jack Brabham
+Sports: Multiple f-1 grand prix championship winner, survivor of a horrific f-1 crash and owner of his own airline is this personality?
+Nikki lauda
+Sports: Munich hosted the Olympic games in which year?
+Sports: Name englands most famous steeplechase?
+The grand national
+Sports: Name given in golf to a putt short enough to be conceded?
+A gimmie
+Sports: Name Lancashires cricket ground?
+Old trafford
+Sports: Name of Andre Agassi and Steffi Grafs baby son?
+Jaden gil
+Sports: Name of the Argentinian footballer responsible for breaking David Beckhams foot and jeopardising Englands World Cup hopes?
+Aldo Duscher
+Sports: Name of the Republic of Irelands coach who famously sent home Roy Keane?
+Mick mccarthy
+Sports: Name of the UEFA Cup trophy?
+Henry Delauney Trophy
+Sports: Name the British heavyweight who beat Berndt August for the European championship?
+Richard Dunn
+Sports: Name the famous Swiss bobsleigh course?
+The Cresta Run
+Sports: Name the first English classic horse race run in 1776?
+St leger
+Sports: Name the first English club to play 4000 league(Football League and Nationwide League) matches?
+Notts County
+Sports: Name the first football team from Holland to win the European Cup?
+Sports: Name the first team to play in successive Wembley FA Cup finals (1933&34)?
+Manchester City
+Sports: Name the first Yorkshire club to win footballs FA Cup?
+Sheffield Wednesday
+Sports: Name the footballer who clinched Englands 1966 World cup win?
+Geoff Hurst
+Sports: Name the hockey trophy awarded to the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship?
+The lady byng trophy
+Sports: Name the Rangers stadium?
+Sports: name the two skills which make up the winter biathlon?
+Cross-country skiing and target shooting
+Sports: Nick name of Chicagos American Football Team?
+Sports: No score in tennis?
+Sports: Old Trafford, home of which football team?
+Manchester United
+Sports: Olympics: 1940s: The 1948 Summer Olympics opens in ____
+Sports: Olympics: 1980s: In 1984, ____ duplicates Jesse Owens' 1936 feat, wins 4 Olympic track golds
+Carl lewis
+Sports: Olympics: 1980s: In 1984, Carl Lewis duplicates ____ ' 1936 feat, wins 4 Olympic track golds
+Jesse owens
+Sports: Olympics: 1980s: In 1984, which music accompanied Torvill and Dean's Olympic victory in Sarajevo?
+Ravel's Bolero
+Sports: Olympics: 1990s: In 1992, what country topped winter olympics medalists with a total of 26?
+Sports: Olympics: 1990s: In 1992, what gymnastics coach announced retirement at the Barcelona olympic?
+Bela karolyi
+Sports: Olympics: Athens 1896: In the first modern summer Olympic games, how many countries competed?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Armenia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Azerbaijan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Belarus?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Burundi?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Costa Rica?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Croatia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Czech Republic?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Ecuador?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Ethiopia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Hong Kong, China?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Kazakhstan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Latvia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Moldova?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Russia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Slovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by South Africa?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by The Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Tonga?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Turkey?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Ukraine?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many BRONZE medals were won by Uzbekistan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Belarus?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Czech Republic?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Ireland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Kazakhstan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Moldova?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Russia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by The Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Turkey?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Ukraine?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many GOLD medals were won by Uzbekistan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Algeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Argentina?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Armenia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Azerbaijan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Belarus?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Burundi?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Costa Rica?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Croatia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Czech Republic?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ecuador?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Georgia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Greece?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Hong Kong, China?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by India?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Indonesia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ireland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Israel?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Jamaica?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Kazakhstan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Latvia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Lithuania?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Malaysia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Moldova?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Mozambique?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Nigeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by North Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Russia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Slovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by South Africa?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Switzerland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Thailand?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by The Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Tonga?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Trinidad and Tobago?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Tunisia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Uganda?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ukraine?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Uzbekistan?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Belarus?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Czech Republic?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Georgia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Greece?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by India?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Israel?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Mozambique?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Russia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Switzerland?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by The Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Trinidad and Tobago?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Tunisia?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Uganda?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by Ukraine?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: How many SILVER medals were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Trinidad and tobago
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Costa rica
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Hong kong, china
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 4 Silver, 3 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 6 Silver, 8 Bronze, 15 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 8 Silver, 5 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Great britain
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 13 Gold, 10 Silver, 12 Bronze, 35 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 14 Gold, 20 Silver, 12 Bronze, 46 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 14 Gold, 6 Silver, 14 Bronze, 34 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 27 Bronze, 63 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+North korea
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 4 Silver, 2 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 25 Gold, 20 Silver, 14 Bronze, 59 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+South africa
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 11 Silver, 7 Bronze, 21 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+New zealand
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 0 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 9 Bronze, 15 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze, 11 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 6 Silver, 5 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 6 Silver, 5 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 3 Silver, 10 Bronze, 17 in Total?
+The Netherlands
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 9 in Total?
+Czech republic
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 4 Silver, 0 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 4 Silver, 6 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 6 Silver, 9 Bronze, 19 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 42 Gold, 31 Silver, 25 Bronze, 98 in Total?
+United states of America
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 6 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 7 Gold, 15 Silver, 5 Bronze, 27 in Total?
+South korea
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 7 Gold, 3 Silver, 10 Bronze, 20 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 7 Gold, 9 Silver, 21 Bronze, 37 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 9 Gold, 2 Silver, 13 Bronze, 24 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Atlanta 1996: This countries medal tally was 9 Gold, 8 Silver, 8 Bronze, 25 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Algeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Austria?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Chinese Taipei?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Czechoslovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Estonia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Ethiopia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Greece?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Mexico?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Morocco?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Namibia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by South Africa?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Switzerland?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by The Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Unified Team 1992?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many BRONZE medals were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Belgium?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Iran?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by The Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Unified Team 1992?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many GOLD medals were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Argentina?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Austria?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Bahamas?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Belgium?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Chinese Taipei?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Croatia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Czechoslovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Estonia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ethiopia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ghana?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Indonesia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Iran?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ireland?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Israel?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Jamaica?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Latvia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Lithuania?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Malaysia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Mexico?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Mongolia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Morocco?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Namibia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Nigeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by North Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Philippines?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Puerto Rico?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Qatar?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Slovenia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by South Africa?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Suriname?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Switzerland?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by The Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Turkey?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Unified Team 1992?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Argentina?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Bahamas?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Croatia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Czechoslovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Denmark?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Estonia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Ethiopia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Ghana?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Indonesia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Latvia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Lithuania?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Malaysia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Mongolia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by North Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Philippines?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Puerto Rico?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Qatar?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Slovenia?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Suriname?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by The Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by Unified Team 1992?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  How many SILVER medals were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Puerto rico
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992:  This countries medal tally was 44 Gold, 37 Silver, 29 Bronze, 110 in Total?
+Unified team 1992
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Chinese taipei
+Sports: Olympics: Barcelona 1992: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Hockey: 1980s: what state gave birth to more than half of the 1980 us olympic hockey team?
+Sports: Olympics: Holland hosted the Olympics in which year?
+Sports: Olympics: how many lanes does an olympic swimming pool have?
+Sports: Olympics: In ancient Greece, where were the original Olympics held?
+Sports: Olympics: London 1908: Forrest Smithson carried this with him while hurdling?
+Sports: Olympics: London 1948: The 1948 ____ Olympics opens in London
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Colombia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Egypt?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Ireland?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Ivory Coast?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Morocco?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Nigeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Pakistan?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Peru?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Syria?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Thailand?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many BRONZE medals were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Denmark?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Jamaica?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Nigeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many GOLD medals were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Algeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Austria?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Belgium?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Cameroon?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Colombia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Denmark?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Dominic Republic?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Egypt?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Greece?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Iceland?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ireland?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ivory Coast?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Jamaica?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Mexico?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Morocco?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Nigeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Pakistan?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Peru?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Portugal?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Puerto Rico?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Switzerland?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Syria?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Taiwan?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Thailand?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Turkey?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Venezuela?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Zambia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Algeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Cameroon?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Dominic Republic?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Iceland?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Jamaica?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Mexico?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Portugal?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Taiwan?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Turkey?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Venezuela?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: How many SILVER medals were won by Zambia?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Dominic republic
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Ivory coast
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Puerto rico
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 5 Silver, 2 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 10 Gold, 18 Silver, 16 Bronze, 44 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 10 Gold, 8 Silver, 14 Bronze, 32 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 14 Gold, 6 Silver, 12 Bronze, 32 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 15 Gold, 8 Silver, 9 Bronze, 32 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 17 Gold, 19 Silver, 23 Bronze, 59 in Total?
+West Germany
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 11 Silver, 6 Bronze, 19 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 20 Gold, 16 Silver, 17 Bronze, 53 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 2 Silver, 6 Bronze, 13 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 8 Silver, 12 Bronze, 24 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 5 Gold, 11 Silver, 7 Bronze, 19 in Total?
+Great britain
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 5 Gold, 7 Silver, 15 Bronze, 27 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 5 Gold, 8 Silver, 6 Bronze, 13 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 7 Gold, 4 Silver, 7 Bronze, 18 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 8 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 11 in Total?
+New zealand
+Sports: Olympics: Los Angeles 1984: This countries medal tally was 83 Gold, 61 Silver, 30 Bronze, 174 in Total?
+United states
+Sports: Olympics: Malcolm Cooper is an Olympic gold medal winner in which sport?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Czechoslovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Denmark?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Monaco?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Soviet Union?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by Trinidad?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many BRONZE medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by Soviet Union?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many GOLD medals were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Austria?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Belgium?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Bermuda?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Czechoslovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Denmark?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Iran?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Jamaica?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Mexico?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Monaco?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by North Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Portugal?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Soviet Union?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Switzerland?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Trinidad?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Venezuela?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Bermuda?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by North Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Soviet Union?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: How many SILVER medals were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 4 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 5 Silver, 6 Bronze, 11 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+North korea
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 4 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+South korea
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 10 Gold, 12 Silver, 17 Bronze, 39 in Total?
+West Germany
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+New zealand
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 4 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 4 Bronze, 9 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 7 Silver, 4 Bronze, 13 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 5 Silver, 5 Bronze, 13 in Total?
+Great britain
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 34 Gold, 35 Silver, 25 Bronze, 94 in Total?
+United states
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 5 Silver, 13 Bronze, 22 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 9 Silver, 14 Bronze, 27 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 40 Gold, 25 Silver, 25 Bronze, 90 in Total?
+East Germany
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 49 Gold, 41 Silver, 35 Bronze, 125 in Total?
+Soviet union
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 6 Gold, 4 Silver, 3 Bronze, 13 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 6 Gold, 9 Silver, 7 Bronze, 22 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 7 Gold, 6 Silver, 13 Bronze, 26 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Montreal 1976: This countries medal tally was 9 Gold, 6 Silver, 10 Bronze, 25 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Czechoslovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Monaco?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Soviet Union?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Tanzania?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many BRONZE medals were won by Zimbabwe?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many GOLD medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many GOLD medals were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many GOLD medals were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many GOLD medals were won by Soviet Union?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Austria?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Belgium?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Czechoslovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Denmark?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ethiopia?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Finland?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Greece?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Guyana?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Lebanon?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Mexico?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Monaco?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Soviet Union?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Switzerland?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Tanzania?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Zimbabwe?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Czechoslovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Guyana?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Lebanon?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by North Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Soviet Union?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: How many SILVER medals were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: Nadia Comaneci was judged to have given a perfect performance on the asymmetrical bars and which other exercise?
+The beam
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was0 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+North korea
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was1 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was1 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was2 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was2 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was2 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was2 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was2 Gold, 2 Silver, 5 Bronze, 9 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was2 Gold, 3 Silver, 4 Bronze, 9 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was2 Gold, 3 Silver, 9 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was3 Gold, 1 Silver, 4 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was3 Gold, 14 Silver, 15 Bronze, 32 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was3 Gold, 3 Silver, 6 Bronze, 12 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was47 Gold, 37 Silver, 42 Bronze, 126 in Total?
+East Germany
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was5 Gold, 7 Silver, 9 Bronze, 21 in Total?
+Great britain
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was6 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was6 Gold, 6 Silver, 13 Bronze, 25 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was7 Gold, 10 Silver, 15 Bronze, 32 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was8 Gold, 16 Silver, 17 Bronze, 41 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was8 Gold, 3 Silver, 4 Bronze, 15 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was8 Gold, 7 Silver, 5 Bronze, 20 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Moscow 1980: This countries medal tally was80 Gold, 69 Silver, 46 Bronze, 195 in Total?
+Soviet union
+Sports: Olympics: Number of medals awarded Norway at the 1968 winter olympics?
+Sports: Olympics: Number of medals awarded the USSR at the 1972 summer olympics?
+Sports: Olympics: Runner paavo nurmi hails from what country?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by Indonesia?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by Netherland Antilles?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by Senegal?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by USSR?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by Virgin Islands?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many BRONZE medals were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by USSR?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many GOLD medals were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Argentina?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Belgium?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Denmark?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Djibouti?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Greece?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Indonesia?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Iran?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Netherland Antilles?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Poland?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Portugal?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Senegal?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Sweden?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Turkey?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by USSR?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Virgin Islands?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by Djibouti?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by East Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by United States?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by USSR?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: How many SILVER medals were won by West Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Costa rica
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Netherland antilles
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Virgin islands
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 4 Silver, 7 Bronze, 11 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 10 Gold, 12 Silver, 13 Bronze, 35 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 11 Gold, 14 Silver, 15 Bronze, 45 in Total?
+West Germany
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 11 Gold, 6 Silver, 6 Bronze, 23 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 12 Gold, 10 Silver, 11 Bronze, 33 in Total?
+South korea
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 5 Bronze, 9 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 0 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 5 Silver, 9 Bronze, 16 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 5 Bronze, 10 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 8 Bronze, 13 in Total?
+New zealand
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 4 Silver, 5 Bronze, 12 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 6 Silver, 5 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 36 Gold, 31 Silver, 27 Bronze, 94 in Total?
+United states
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 37 Gold, 35 Silver, 30 Bronze, 102 in Total?
+East Germany
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 3 Silver, 7 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 5 Gold, 10 Silver, 9 Bronze, 24 in Total?
+Great britain
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 5 Gold, 11 Silver, 12 Bronze, 29 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 5 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 9 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 55 Gold, 31 Silver, 46 Bronze, 132 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 6 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 6 Gold, 4 Silver, 6 Bronze, 16 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Seoul 1988: This countries medal tally was 7 Gold, 11 Silver, 6 Bronze, 24 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Belarus?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Kazakhstan?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Lithuania?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Morocco?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Russia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Saudi Arabia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by South Africa?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Taiwan/Republic of China?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Trinidad and Tobago?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Ukraine?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Uruguay?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many BRONZE medals were won by Vietnam?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Azerbaijan?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Russia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Saudi Arabia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Taiwan/Republic of China?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by Ukraine?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many GOLD medals were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Algeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Argentina?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Armenia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Azerbaijan?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Bahamas?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Barbados?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Belarus?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Belgium?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Brazil?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Bulgaria?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Canada?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Chile?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by China?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Costa Rica?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Cuba?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Czech Republic?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Estonia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ethiopia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by France?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Georgia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Germany?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Greece?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Indonesia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Iran?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Italy?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Jamaica?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Japan?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Kazakhstan?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Kenya?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Kuwait?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Kyrgyzstan?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Lithuania?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Macedonia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Morocco?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Netherlands?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Nigeria?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by North Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Norway?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Romania?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Russia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Saudi Arabia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Slovakia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by South Korea?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Spain?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Sri Lanka?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Switzerland?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Taiwan/Republic of China?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Thailand?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Turkey?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Ukraine?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Uruguay?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Uzbekistan?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Vietnam?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by Yugoslavia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Australia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Barbados?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Belarus?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Chile?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Great Britain?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Greece?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Hungary?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Kuwait?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Kyrgyzstan?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Macedonia?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by New Zealand?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Sri Lanka?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by Taiwan/Republic of China?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: How many SILVER medals were won by United States of America?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sri lanka
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Costa rica
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 6 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Saudi arabia
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Trinidad and tobago
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+North korea
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 4 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 4 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Taiwan/republic of china
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+South africa
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 3 Silver, 0 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 4 Silver, 3 Bronze, 7 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 0 Gold, 6 Silver, 6 Bronze, 12 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+New zealand
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 1 Gold, 6 Silver, 2 Bronze, 9 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 11 Gold, 10 Silver, 7 Bronze, 28 in Total?
+Great britain
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 11 Gold, 11 Silver, 7 Bronze, 29 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 11 Gold, 6 Silver, 9 Bronze, 26 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 12 Gold, 9 Silver, 4 Bronze, 25 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 13 Gold, 14 Silver, 11 Bronze, 38 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 13 Gold, 17 Silver, 26 Bronze, 56 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 13 Gold, 8 Silver, 13 Bronze, 34 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 16 Gold, 25 Silver, 17 Bronze, 58 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 3 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 7 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Czech republic
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 28 Gold, 16 Silver, 15 Bronze, 59 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 5 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 10 Silver, 10 Bronze, 23 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 11 Bronze, 17 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 5 Bronze, 11 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 8 Bronze, 14 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 3 Gold, 4 Silver, 0 Bronze, 7 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 32 Gold, 28 Silver, 28 Bronze, 88 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 8 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 10 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze, 12 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 4 Gold, 6 Silver, 3 Bronze, 13 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 40 Gold, 24 Silver, 33 Bronze, 97 in Total?
+United states of America
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 5 Gold, 6 Silver, 2 Bronze, 13 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 5 Gold, 8 Silver, 5 Bronze, 18 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 8 Gold, 10 Silver, 10 Bronze, 28 in Total?
+South korea
+Sports: Olympics: Sydney 2000: This countries medal tally was 8 Gold, 6 Silver, 3 Bronze, 17 in Total?
+Sports: Olympics: the mascot for the 1980 moscow olympic games was a friendly bear named?
+Sports: Olympics: The Olympic motto 'citius, altius, fortius' means what?
+Faster, higher, stronger
+Sports: Olympics: What city hosted the first winter olympics in asia?
+Sapporo, Japan
+Sports: Olympics: What distance is the Olympic steeplechase contested over (in metres)?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three thousand", "3000"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Sports: Olympics: What is the Olympic motto in the original Latin?
+Citius, altius, fortius
+Sports: Olympics: what is the only host country not to win gold at its own summer olympics?
+Sports: Olympics: What speed skater won 5 gold medals at the 1980 winter olympics?
+Sports: Olympics: Where were the 1956 Summer Olympics held?
+Melbourne, Australia
+Sports: Olympics: Where were the 1960 summer Olympics held?
+Rome, Italy
+Sports: Olympics: Who did Zola Budd trip in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?
+Mary Decker
+Sports: Olympics: Who tripped Mary Decker in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?
+Zola Budd
+Sports: On what type of surface are the tennis matches at Wimbledon played?
+Sports: On which circuit is motor racings Grand Prix d'Endurance run?
+Le mans
+Sports: One of two or more contesting teams or factions?
+Sports: Other than England, which european country took part in the 1996 cricket World Cup?
+Sports: Other than skiing, which sport takes place on a piste?
+Sports: Over which course is the Stewards Cup run?
+Sports: Polo consists of 8 periods called what?
+Sports: Popular English jockey with a unique high riding style,champion jockey 11 times between 1960 and 1982?
+Lester Piggott
+Sports: Popular in North America what kind of sport is 'birling'?
+Log rolling
+Sports: Popular term for Montreal Canadiens hockey club?
+Sports: Popular venues for which sport are at Romford, Hackney and Wimbledon?
+Greyhound racing
+Sports: Ray Wilkins won 22 England Caps whilst playing for which Italian Club?
+A C Milan
+Sports: Renamed in 1960, what was the UEFA cup tournaments second name?
+European Fairs Cup
+Sports: Royal Porthcawl is one of the Royal golf courses in wales, name the other?
+Royal St Davids
+Sports: Rugby League: Auckland ____
+Sports: Rugby League: Manly ____
+Sea Eagles
+Sports: Rugby was introduced to new zealand in 1867, 1870 or 1888?
+Sports: Scottish town north of Ayr, famous for its golf course?
+Sports: Sheffield venue for snooker?
+The Crucible Theatre
+Sports: Shinguards were introduced into football in which year?
+Sports: Since 1950, motor racings British Grand Prix has been held at Silverstone, Brands Hatch and which other venue?
+Sports: Since 1969, who is the only ma apart from Stephen Hendry to have won 4 successive world snooker championships?
+Ray Reardon
+Sports: Sir Alf Ramsey lost his first match in charge of England against which country in 1963?
+Sports: Snooker star nicknamed the whirlwind?
+Jimmy white
+Sports: Sport resembling hang-gliding using a parachute like canopy attached to the body by a harness?
+Sports: Sports that do not use a ball or vehicle (keep it clean!)?
+Sports: Sports with balls?
+Sports: Sports with balls?
+Sports: Steve Hislop won which trophy several times on a Honda?
+Isle of Man TT trophy
+Sports: Tennis: 1980s: he was the first tennis player exceed $10 million in career earnings?
+Ivan lendl
+Sports: Tennis: acclaimed as the best swede to step on court since bjorn borg, and arguably the best serve-and-volleyer of all time?
+Stefan edberg
+Sports: Tennis: Tennis Players (past and present, last name only)?
+Sports: Tennis: Tennis Players (past and present, last name only)?
+Sports: Tennis: what area falls between the baseline & the service line?
+Back court
+Sports: Tennis: who is the only person in history to acheive a 'gold slam', i.e. the four grand slams and the olympic gold all in one year?
+Steffi graf
+Sports: Tennis: who was nicknamed 'muscles'?
+Ken rosewall
+Sports: Tennis: who won the us open in 1989?
+Boris becker
+Sports: Tha oldest organised angling club, established 1829?
+The Ellem Club
+Sports: The 1976 Summer Olympics were held in this city?
+Sports: The All-England club at Wimbledon is often referred to by its post code, what is it?
+S W 19
+Sports: The clash of opposing linemen at every down in American Football?
+Sports: The Eclipse Stakes is the main race run at which race course?
+Sandown park
+Sports: The first cricket one-day international was held between England and ____
+Sports: The Hawthorns, home of which football team?
+West Bromwich Albion
+Sports: The Heisman Trophy is awarded to the outstanding college player in qhich sport?
+American football
+Sports: The Japanese martial art of fencing is called ____
+Sports: The LA Lakers play what sport?
+Sports: The last grey horse to win the Grand National did so in 1961, what was the name of the horse?
+Nicolaus Silver
+Sports: The Oaks racecourse?
+Sports: The person who carries the golfer's clubs is called a(n) ____
+Sports: The person who carries the golfer's clubs is called a(n) ____
+Sports: The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ____
+Hash marks
+Sports: The winning horse of the 1988 St Leger was bred and ridden by Willie Carson, name the horse?
+Minster son
+Sports: This cricketer was known as 'Beefy'?
+Ian Botham
+Sports: This is the most coveted trophy in Candian football?
+Grey cup
+Sports: This RB won the Heisman at USC in 1968?
+Oj simpson
+Sports: This sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play?
+Sports: This Swede was 1988 tennis player of the year, 3 time French Open Champ?
+Mats wilander
+Sports: This team won their first World Series in 1969?
+New york mets
+Sports: This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring?
+Sports: Tic-Tac-Toe is based on which game?
+Nine men morris
+Sports: To which former umpire have Yorkshire dedicated their new clock high above Headingleys western terraces?
+Dickie bird
+Sports: To whom was the second F A Cup trophy presented on his completion of 21 years as F A President?
+Lord Kinnaird
+Sports: TV/Film: What annually televised sporting event always brings a mention for Craven Steps?
+The boat race
+Sports: Two under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) ____
+Sports: Types Of Balls (include Ball)?
+Tennis Ball
+Sports: UK basketball - 2002, which team won this years League trophy and National Cup?
+Chester Jets
+Sports: US swimmer who won a record seven gold medals at the 1973 Olympic Games?
+Mark Spitz
+Sports: Welsh golfer who became the first UK player to win the World Match play Championship in 1987?
+Ian Woosnam
+Sports: what are a.c. milan, ajax and real madrid?
+Football clubs
+Sports: What are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms?
+Sports: What are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms?
+Sports: What are the five colours of the traditional archery target?
+Sports: What are the two basic aids in orienteering?
+Map and compass
+Sports: What ball contains 216 stitches?
+Official baseball
+Sports: What ball sport has the same name as a vegetable?
+Sports: What baseball legend appeared as himself in the 1938 movie, Western Rawhide?
+Lou Gehrig
+Sports: What baseball manager's eatery was closed due to rat infestation?
+Tommy lasordas
+Sports: What baseball pitcher has the most strike-outs?
+Nolan ryan
+Sports: What baseball player has the most hits?
+Pete rose
+Sports: What baseball player was walked the most times?
+Babe ruth
+Sports: What baseball team began playing home gates at Mile High Stadium?
+The Colorado Rockies
+Sports: What basketball star played a genie in 'kazaam'?
+Shaquille o'neal
+Sports: What basketballer was dubbed the nba's identified flying object?
+Julius erving
+Sports: What colour flag is used when a starter brings the horses in line for a race?
+Sports: What CR lost in the 1879 FA Cup Final but won in the following year?
+Claoham Rovers
+Sports: What describes completing a hole in golf three strokes below par?
+Sports: What do runners pass to each other in a relay race?
+Sports: What do sumo wrestlers throw into the ring before a match?
+Sports: what do the letters al stand for?
+American league
+Sports: What do the letters ERA mean in baseball?
+Earned run average
+Sports: what does the bell rung during the 1,500-metre race signify?
+One lap to go
+Sports: What does TKO stand for?
+Technical knock out
+Sports: What game features the largest ball?
+Sports: what golfer had the nickname super mex?
+Lee trevino
+Sports: What is a luge?
+Small toboggan
+Sports: What is Alex Higgins nickname?
+Sports: What is baseballs equivalent of the cup final?
+The World Series
+Sports: What is Daley Thomsons first name?
+Sports: What is Football star Pele's real name?
+Edson Arantes do Nascimento
+Sports: What is Gillian Gilks ganme?
+Sports: What is it called when a football team loses possession of the ball due to a misplay?
+Sports: what is spaceball played on?
+A trampoline
+Sports: What is the Chess ranking system called?
+Sports: What is the correct name for the high jump event in showjumping?
+Sports: What is the English equivalent of an Australian cricketing term bosie?
+Sports: What is the favourite sport of the kennedy clan?
+Sports: What is the heaviest class of weight-lifting?
+Super heavyweight
+Sports: What is the highest possible score under the present score system for a double round in archery?
+Sports: what is the horseshoe pitching equivalent of a bullseye?
+A ringer
+Sports: What is the last evet in a decathlon?
+1500 metres
+Sports: What is the lightest weight category in boxing?
+Light flyweight
+Sports: What is the location of the Football Associaiton in London?
+16 lancaster gate
+Sports: What is the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round?
+Sports: What is the maximum number of clubs allowed in a competition in golf?
+Sports: What is the maximum score in archery under the present scoring system for a single round?
+Sports: What is the misshapen ear that boxers often have called?
+Cauliflower ear
+Sports: What is the name for a right handers off break delivered with a leg break action?
+Sports: What is the name given to a rower who competes in an individual event?
+Sports: What is the name of Huddersfield Town FC former stadium before the Mcalpine stadium opened in 1994?
+Leeds road
+Sports: What is the name of Manchester Uniteds training ground?
+Sports: What is the name of the area at Old Trafford where the Manchester United fans gather?
+Stretford End
+Sports: What is the name of the board that Baduk is player on?
+Sports: What is the name of the home ground of York ity FC?
+Bootham crescent
+Sports: What is the name of the theme tune to BBCs match of the Day?
+Sports: What is the regulation height for a pin in tenpin bowling (in inches)?
+Sports: What is the score of a forfeited baseball game?
+Sports: What is the score of a forfeited softball game?
+Sports: What is the sport for which Sabina Park is famous?
+Sports: What is tiger woods real first name?
+Sports: What is traditioinal Japanese wrestling called?
+Sports: What is your sport if you get off on a dock start, a beach start or a scooter start?
+Water skiing
+Sports: What is your sport if you lift the Heisman trophy?
+American football
+Sports: What name is given to a golf course next to the sea?
+Sports: What nationality is Fomula One driver Pablo Montoya?
+Sports: What nationality is Gabriela Sabatini?
+Sports: What nationality was Gottfried Dienst who took charge of 1966 World Cup Final that England won?
+Sports: what nationality was tennis star vitas gerulaitis?
+Sports: What nationaltiy is the F1 racing driver Mika Hakkinen?
+Sports: What number wood is a driver in golf?
+Sports: what provides the power in a soap box derby?
+Sports: What shadow team driver was killed testing, prior to the 1974 south african grand prix?
+Peter revson
+Sports: What sort of athletes do sit spins, axel jumps and flying camels?
+Figure skaters
+Sports: What sport are barbells used in?
+Sports: What sport did James Naismith invent?
+Sports: What sport do the Harlem Globetrotters play?
+Sports: what sport do you rack your balls in?
+Sports: what sport features a 'railroad split'?
+Sports: What sport has a hooker in a scrum?
+Sports: What sport has sprint, tandem and team pursuit events?
+Sports: What sport is played by Steffi Graf?
+Sports: What sport is sometimes called 'rugger'?
+Rugby union
+Sports: What sport would you helicopter to the Bugaboos for?
+Sports: What sport/game is Chris Evert associated with?
+Sports: What swimming stroke is named after an insect?
+Sports: What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL play-offs?
+Stanley cup
+Sports: What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL playoffs?
+Stanley Cup
+Sports: What was added to football pitches in 1936-7?
+The arc in the penalty area
+Sports: What was bullfighter manuel benitez perez's professional name?
+El cordobes
+Sports: What was Christopher Deans job before he became a professional ice skater?
+Sports: What was football player Dick Lane's nickname?
+Night train
+Sports: What was Jack Nicklaus' nickname?
+Golden Bear
+Sports: what was kareem abdul-jabbar's name before he became a muslim?
+Lew alcindor
+Sports: What was Lester Piggotts first Derby winner?
+Never say die
+Sports: What was Mohammed Ali's original name?
+Cassius Clay
+Sports: What was the name of the first yacht to win the Americas cup?
+Sports: What was the name of the London Inn at which the Football Association was founded on 26 Oct 1863?
+The freemasons tavern
+Sports: What was the predessor to the FIFA World Cup trophy called?
+Jules Rimet Trophy
+Sports: What was the venue in 1894 for Golfs Open Championship on the first occasion that the event was held on an English course?
+Sports: What was the worst team in major league baseball in 1991?
+Cleveland indians
+Sports: What weighs between 37 - 39 gms?
+Table tennis ball
+Sports: what were first used by john l sullivan and james j corbett in 1892?
+Boxing gloves
+Sports: what's another term for a badminton bird?
+Sports: What's the national sport of Japan?
+Sumo wrestling
+Sports: What's the nfl penalty for an invalid fair catch signal?
+Five yards
+Sports: What's the nickname of Chicago's cuccessful NBA basketball team?
+Sports: What's the nickname of the University of Georgia football team?
+Sports: What's the nickname of wisconsin's football team?
+Sports: what's the only major sport that allows substitutions while play is in progress?
+Sports: what's the point value of the outer bullseye on a dartboard?
+Sports: what's the traditional dish served at wimbledon?
+Strawberries and cream
+Sports: what's the world's largest legal bookmaking firm?
+Ladbrokes of london
+Sports: When Alf Ramsey became the manager of the English team in 1963 of which league club did he manage?
+Ipswich town
+Sports: When did the New York Mets win their first World Series?
+Sports: Where are the racecourses The Rowley Mile and the July course?
+Sports: Where are the U.S. Tennis Open Championships held?
+Flushing meadows, ny
+Sports: Where are there horse racing venues called Sha in and Happy valley?
+Hong Kong
+Sports: where did the sport of caber-tossing originate?
+Sports: Where in Austria did John Curry win his Winter Olympic Gold in 1976?
+Sports: Where in England would you find a greyhound venue called abbey stadium?
+Sports: Where in Rome do Italy play home rugby union internationals?
+Flamingo Stadium
+Sports: where in the USA did Robin Cousins win his winter Olympic gold for figure skating in 1980?
+Lake Placid
+Sports: Where is Capitol Hill?
+Washington DC
+Sports: where is gasoline alley?
+The indianapolis motor speedway
+Sports: Where is Kite flying a professional sport?
+Sports: where was golf's first first hole?
+St. andrews, Scotland
+Sports: Where was the first British Grand Prix held in 1926?
+Sports: Where was the first three day event held in Britain?
+Sports: Where was the fist organised game of Australian Rules Football played?
+Sports: Where were the 1896 Olympics held?
+Athens, Greece
+Sports: Where were the 1900 Olympics held?
+Paris, France
+Sports: Where were the 1906 Olympics held?
+Athens, Greece
+Sports: Where were the 1908 Olympics held?
+London, England
+Sports: Where were the 1912 Olympics held?
+Stockholm, Sweden
+Sports: Where were the 1920 Olympics held?
+Antwerp, Belgium
+Sports: Where were the 1924 Olympics held?
+Paris, France
+Sports: Where were the 1928 Olympics held?
+Amsterdam, the Netherlands
+Sports: Where were the 1928 Olympics held?
+Sports: Where were the 1936 Olympics held?
+Berlin, Germany
+Sports: Where were the 1948 Olympics held?
+London, England
+Sports: Where were the 1952 Olympics held?
+Helsinki, Finland
+Sports: Where were the 1956 Olympics held?
+Melbourne, Australia
+Sports: Where were the 1960 Olympics held?
+Rome, Italy
+Sports: Where were the 1964 Olympics held?
+Tokyo, Japan
+Sports: Where were the 1968 Olympics held?
+Mexico City, Mexico
+Sports: Where were the 1972 Olympics held?
+Munich, West Germany
+Sports: Where were the 1980 Olympics held?
+Moscow, U.S.S.R.
+Sports: Where were the 1988 Olympics held?
+Seoul, South Korea
+Sports: Where were the 1992 Olympics held?
+Barcelona, Spain
+Sports: Where were the 1996 Olympics held?
+Atlanta, USA
+Sports: Where were the 2000 Olympics held?
+Sydney, Australia
+Sports: Where were the 2004 Olympics held?
+Athens, Greece
+Sports: Where were the 2008 Olympics held?
+Beijing, China
+Sports: Where were the 2012 Olympics held?
+London, United Kingdom
+Sports: Where were the 2016 Olympics held?
+Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
+Sports: Which 15 year old took the womens doubles title with Helen Sukova in 1996 at Wimbledon?
+Martina Hingis
+Sports: Which 19 year old rugby player made his debut for the All Blacks in 1994 aged 19 years 45 days?
+Jonah Lomu
+Sports: Which 1st div football team tackled hooliganism in the 1986-7 season by banning away supporters from their ground?
+Luton town
+Sports: Which 2 countries played in Dickie Birds 66th and last test as an umpire?
+India and England
+Sports: Which 21 year old Australian golfer won 2002 Qatar Masters in Doha?
+Adam scott
+Sports: Which 46 year old won the 1986 US Masters golf title?
+Jack Nicklaus
+Sports: which 5 clubs have won European Cup finals at Wembley?
+AC Milan
+Sports: which American golfer who has never won the event was runner up on 4 occasions in the US Masters?
+Tom Weiskopf
+Sports: Which American man broke the world record for 100 metres in his first race in Europe in 1994?
+Leroy Burrell
+Sports: Which American President was once offered professional terms for American football team Chicago Bears?
+President Ford
+Sports: which asian city boasts the world's largest bowling alley?
+Tokyo, Japan
+Sports: Which Australian was the only golfer to win the Open three times in succession during the 20th century?
+Peter thomson
+Sports: Which BA are cricket fans following England?
+Barmy Army
+Sports: Which boxer became known as The Punchin Preacher after a ten year absence from the sport during which time he became a church minister?
+George foreman
+Sports: Which boxer defeated Frank Bruno at Wembley in 1986 in a WBA world heavyweight title fight?
+Tim Witherspoon
+Sports: which boxer is nicknamed the Battersea Bomber?
+Howard eastman
+Sports: Which boxer portrayed on film by Robert de Niro was nicknamed The bronx Bull?
+Jake La Motta
+Sports: Which boxing legend was nicknamed Homicide Hank?
+Henry Armstrong
+Sports: Which British driver finished fourth in 2002 Malaysian Grand Prix?
+Jenson Button
+Sports: Which British football team is known as The Bhoys?
+Sports: Which British skater won Olympic, European and World titles in 1976?
+John curry
+Sports: Which British swimmer was the youngest member of the 1976 Montreal Olympic Team?
+Sharon davies
+Sports: Which Briton was World Motor racing champion in 1962 and 1968?
+Graham hill
+Sports: Which Briton was World Motor racing Champion in 1969,71 & 73?
+Jackie stewart
+Sports: Which car maufacturer designed Chris Boardmans gold medal winning bike?
+Sports: Which city has staged the most European Cup football finals?
+Sports: Which club did Arsenal defeat in both the FA Cup and the Football League Cup in 1993?
+Sheffield Wednesday
+Sports: Which club did Graham Taylor manage to the 4th div championship in 1976?
+Lincoln City
+Sports: Which club lost successive FA Cup Finals in 1998 & 1999?
+Newcastle United
+Sports: Which colour would seperate the black and red on an archery target?
+Sports: Which commentator uttered the famous words...They think its all over... it is now.As England won the 1966 World Cup?
+Ken Wolstenholme
+Sports: Which company sponsors the London Marathon?
+Sports: Which country always leads the opening Olympic procession?
+Sports: Which country did England defeat in a penalty shoot out at Euro 96?
+Sports: Which country do the All Blacks represent?
+New Zealand
+Sports: which country has won Badmintons Thomas Cup most often?
+Sports: Which country won the World Cup of Football in 1982?
+Sports: Which county won the very first John Player League?
+Sports: Which cricket player holds the world record for the highest individual score in first-class cricket?
+Brian Lara
+Sports: Which cricketer played in 78 test matches and also played football for Arsenal?
+Denis Compton
+Sports: Which cricketer who also played football for Arsenal and England made a series of Brylcreem ads just after WWii?
+Dennis compton
+Sports: Which div one football club used to be called Heaton Norris Rovers?
+Sports: Which English bowler took 9 wickets in an innings against south africa in 1994?
+Devon malcolm
+Sports: Which English footballer joined Hambury FC in 1977?
+Kevin Keegan
+Sports: Which English league football team is nicknamed The Posh?
+Peterborough united
+Sports: Which English rugby union club are nick named The Tigers?
+Sports: Which European capital will stage the World Athletics championship in 2005?
+Sports: Which exercises are designed to increase oxygen consumption & speed circulation?
+Sports: which famous Italian football team play in red and black striped shirts?
+A C Milan
+Sports: Which football club did the Yorkshire Cricket Club share its ground with between 1855 and 1973?
+Sheffield united
+Sports: Which football club lost three successive First Div play off semi finals before gaining promotion to the Premier League in 2000?
+Ipswich town
+Sports: Which football clubs recording of Blue is the Colour reached no 5 in the charts in 1972?
+Sports: Which football team won the European Championship Cup 3 times in succession from 1974?
+Bayern munich
+Sports: Which footballer did Alf Ramsey describe as being ten years ahead of his time?
+Martin peters
+Sports: Which footballer was the first for whom an English club paid a ?1 million transfer fee?
+Trevor francis
+Sports: Which former British male tennis player is now a presenter on GMTV?
+Andrew Castle
+Sports: Which former Conservative Party deputy Chairman became president of the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association in 1997?
+Lord Archer
+Sports: Which former featherweight champion was nicknamed The Clones Cyclone?
+Barry McGuigan
+Sports: Which former Gloucestershire and England fast bowler was nicknamed Syd?
+David lawrence
+Sports: Which former showjumping televison commentator is uncle of the 2002 Badminton Horse Trials winner Pippa Funnell?
+Raymond brooks-ward
+Sports: Which French boxer was World Light Heavyweight champion from 1920-1922 and later fought Jack Dempsey for the World Heavyweight title?
+Georges carpentier
+Sports: Which French footballer was elected European footballer of the year on three successive years 1983-85?
+Michel Platini
+Sports: Which Frenchman was defeated by Pete Sampras in the singles final at Wimbledon in 1997?
+Cedric Pioline
+Sports: Which game has 361 intersections?
+Sports: Which German won the mens singles at Wimbledon in the nineties?
+Michael Stich
+Sports: Which golf commentator won the Whyte and Mackay PGA championships in 1957,1962 & 1965?
+Peter Alliss
+Sports: Which golfer was the runner up in the world match play championship in 1984 and 1985?
+Bernhard Langer
+Sports: Which Grand National Winner in 1991 shared its name with the races sponsors?
+Sports: Which greek football club who play in black and white stripes reached the quarter finals of the European cup winners cup in 1974?
+PAOK Salonica
+Sports: Which horse race, run over two and threequarter miles on the last day of Royal ascot each year is the longest flat race in Britain?
+Queen Alexandra Stakes
+Sports: Which horse that won the 1977 St Leger fir the Queen has the same name aa a town in Scotland?
+Sports: Which horse won the 1993 Grand National?
+There was no winner
+Sports: Which horse won the Derby,St Leger and 2000 Guineas in 1970?
+Sports: Which Irishman, twice winner of the cross country World Championship in 1978&79 was the first person to be given the Freedom of the city of Waterford?
+John treacy
+Sports: Which is Englands longest cycle race?
+The Milk race
+Sports: Which is the Canon Football Leagues oldest club, founded in 1862?
+Notts County
+Sports: Which is the longest Classic race?
+St leger
+Sports: Which is the oldest rugby club in existence?
+Guy's hospital rfc
+Sports: Which is the only capital city to host the winter olympics?
+Sports: Which Italian goalkeeper went 517 minutes withour conceding a goal in the World Cup final stages in 1990?
+Walter zenga
+Sports: which Italian team were killed in a plane crash in 1949?
+Sports: Which jockey rode 7 winners at Ascot on Sat 28 Sept 1996?
+Frankie dettori
+Sports: Which jockey with over 1000 winners in Great Britain rode his last winner on Sir Francis at Brighton in april 2000?
+Walter Swinburn
+Sports: Which lake in Hyde Park do members of a local swimming club traditionally take a Christmas day dip?
+The serpentine
+Sports: Which manager led both Aston Villa and Manchester City to their first League Cup final success?
+Joe Mercer
+Sports: Which motor racing team is named after Indias sacred flower?
+Sports: Which Nationwide football league club was formed by the amalgamation of west Herts FC and St Marys FC?
+Sports: Which new water sport was added to the Olympics in 1984?
+Synchronised swimming
+Sports: Which nhl franchise holds the record for the longest unbeaten streak?
+Philadelphia flyers
+Sports: which nine clubs won the Football League Cup in the 90s?
+Nottingham forest
+Sports: Which one day cricket team are nicknamed The Crusaders?
+Sports: Which owners first winner under National Hunt rules was Monaveen in the Queen Elizabeth Chase at Hurst Park in 1950?
+The Queen Mother
+Sports: Which pre war world heavyweight boxing champion was nicknamed The Cinderella Man?
+James J Braddock
+Sports: Which pre war world heavyweight boxing champion was nicknamed The Fighting Marine?
+Gene Tunney
+Sports: Which quarterback was the first player to be voted Most Valuable Player three times in the Superbowl?
+Joe Montana
+Sports: Which Royal golf course in England is sometimes also known as Westwood Ho?
+Royal North Devon
+Sports: Which rugby league club palys home matches at Belle Vue?
+Wakefield Trinity Wildcats
+Sports: Which rugby league club play home matches at Wilderspool?
+Warrington Wolves
+Sports: Which rugby league club plays home matches at Griffin Park?
+London Broncos
+Sports: Which rugby player was known as the Peer of Wigan?
+Billy boston
+Sports: Which Scottish football club lost in successive FA Cup Finals in 1884 and 1885?
+Queens park
+Sports: Which song did the England football World Cup squad take to no 1 in the charts in 1970?
+Back Home
+Sports: Which sport allows substitutions without stoppage in play?
+Sports: Which sport do the French call Jeu a treize?
+Rugby League
+Sports: Which sport featured in the BBCs first television broadcast of a sporting event in 1931?
+Horse racing
+Sports: Which sport has 'drop-outs' and 'conversions'?
+Rugby union
+Sports: Which sport is enjoyed by the Leander Club?
+Sports: Which sport uses stones and brooms?
+Sports: Which Spurs player scored for both sides in the 1987 FA Cup Final when playing against Coventry City?
+Gary mabbutt
+Sports: Which star Portuguese footballer has a tattoo of a little devil on his right ankle?
+Luis figo
+Sports: Which Swedish golfer is the son of his countrys best known comedian?
+Jesper Parnevik
+Sports: Which swimming stroke is named after an insect?
+Sports: Which Swiss city hosted the 1954 World Cup Final?
+Sports: which team did Arsenal defeat to earn their place in the 2002 FA Cup final?
+Sports: Which team did Chelsea defeat to earn their place in the 2002 FA Cup final?
+Sports: Which team were the first winners in 1911 of the present FA Challenge Cup?
+Bradford City
+Sports: Which team won seven Formula One constructors championships between 1984 - 1991?
+Sports: Which tennis player became British No.1 in 1982?
+Sue baker
+Sports: Which tennis star wore denim shorts during matches?
+Andre Agassi
+Sports: Which three American venues have staged the Winter Olympics?
+Lake Placid
+Sports: Which three England players scored penalties in the famous penalty shoot out against West Germany in the semi final of the 1990 World Cup?
+Gary Lineker
+Sports: Which three English clubs won the European Cup winners cup in the 90s?
+Manchester United
+Sports: Which two footballers scored goals in Englands 1966 World Cup victory?
+Geoff Hurst and Martin Peters
+Sports: Which two players have defeated Goran Ivanisevic in Wimbledon singles finals?
+Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi
+Sports: Which two teams lost out on FA Cup final places in 2002?
+Fulham and Middlesbrough
+Sports: Which two teams meet in the 2002 FA Cup Final?
+Arsenal and Chelsea
+Sports: Which was the first British team to win European Cup?
+Sports: Which was the first country to win the World Cup 3 times?
+Sports: Which was the first country to win the world cup in its own country?
+Sports: Which was the first English Club to achieve FA Cup and League double?
+Preston North End
+Sports: Which Yorkshire cricketer scored his hundredth century at Headingley in 1977 ina test match against Australia?
+Geoffrey boycott
+Sports: Whihc British tennis player was married to Chris Evert from 1979-87?
+John lloyd
+Sports: Who beat Holland in the 1978 World Cup Final?
+Sports: Who became US Masters Champion at only 21?
+Tiger Woods
+Sports: Who broke Roger bannisters mile record?
+John Landy
+Sports: Who captained Spurs when they did the double in 1961?
+Danny Blanchflower
+Sports: Who did 'Tennis World' name rookie of the year in 1974?
+Martina Navratilova
+Sports: Who did Roberto Duran fight in 1980 in a famous fight dubbed The brawl in Montreal?
+Sugar ray leonard
+Sports: Who did Sammy Mcllroy succeed as manager of Northern Ireland in 2000?
+Lawrie mcmenemy
+Sports: Who had the nickname 'Golden Bear'?
+Jack Nicklaus
+Sports: Who has played in the most consecutive baseball games?
+Cal Ripken Jr
+Sports: Who has scored most tries for South africa in International rugby union matches?
+Joost van der Westhuizen
+Sports: Who holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during a regular season?
+Wayne Gretzky
+Sports: Who hosted the 1999 cricket World Cup?
+Sports: Who in 1974 was the first black golfer to win a tournament on the US PGA tour?
+Le elder
+Sports: Who in 1990 was the last golfer to win the US Masters in a play - off?
+Nick Faldo
+Sports: Who in 1991 was the first British male tennis player for 17 years to win an ATP tournament when he won in the Korean Open?
+Jeremy Bates
+Sports: Who in 1993 became the highest scoring Test batsman of all time?
+Alan border
+Sports: Who in 1996, became the first footballer to play in 1000 league games?
+Peter shilton
+Sports: Who in 1998, jusst 22 seconds after coming on as substitute, scored Chelseas winning goal in the European Cup Winners Cup Final in Stockholm?
+Gianfranco Zola
+Sports: Who invented basketball?
+Dr James Naismith
+Sports: Who is Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known as?
+Sports: Who Leads The Major League Baseball In Career Steals?
+Sports: Who leads the national hockey league in all-time playoff penalty minutes?
+Dale hunter
+Sports: Who leads the NBA in the 2000-2001 season for most points in a game?
+Sports: who lost the British light heavyweight title to Chris Finnegan?
+Johnny Frankham
+Sports: Who managed Argentina when they won footballs world cup in 1978 and later took charge of Barcelona?
+Cesar Luis Menotti
+Sports: Who married Lucy Heald at the end of 1999?
+Tim henman
+Sports: Who play football at Goodison Park?
+Sports: Who played against the USA in golf's Walker Cup?
+Great Britain
+Sports: Who quarterbacked the miami dolphins in 1990-1991?
+Dan marino
+Sports: who scored 100 points in a basketball game on march 3, 1962?
+Wilt chamberlain
+Sports: Who scored the goal that sent Chelsea to the FA Cup Final 2002?
+John Terry
+Sports: Who scored the own goal that gifted Arsenal a place in the 2002 FA Cup Final?
+Gianluca Festa
+Sports: Who scored with the hand of God in the semifinal of the worldchampionchip Football in 1993?
+Sports: Who spoiled Muhammad Ali's 1980 comeback?
+Larry Holmes
+Sports: Who stepped in as England captain whilst David Beckham was resting his broken foot?
+Michael Owen
+Sports: who stopped bjorn borg's string of five wimbledon singles titles at five?
+John mcenroe
+Sports: Who was Olympic Boxing light heavyweight gold madallist in 1960?
+Cassius Clay
+Sports: Who was the 1978 Wimbledon Women's Singles champ?
+Martina navratilova
+Sports: Who was the 1990 Wimbledon women's singles runner-up?
+Zina Garrison
+Sports: Who was the first batsman to score a century in a cricket World Cup Final,doing so in 1975?
+Clive Lloyd
+Sports: Who was the first British Speedway Rider to win the Long Track World Championship?
+Michael Lee
+Sports: Who was the first golfer to record two rounds of 63 in different Majors?
+Greg norman
+Sports: Who was the first man to win the World Professional Snooker Title at the Crucible?
+John spencer
+Sports: Who was the first negro boxer to be world heavyweight champion?
+Jack Johnson
+Sports: Who was the first NHL player to score 50 goals in one season?
+Maurice richard 
+Sports: Who was the first to win the grand slam of tennis?
+Don Budge
+Sports: Who was the first West Indian Cricketer to be knighted?
+Sir Learie Constantine
+Sports: Who was the first woman to swim the English channel?
+Gertrude Ederle
+Sports: Who was the first woman to win an individual medal in the Olympic Games showjumping event?
+Marion Mould
+Sports: Who was the French lawyer who provided the World Cup Trophy in 1930 and after whom it was named in 1946?
+Jules rimet
+Sports: Who was the last Briton to win the men's singles at Wimbledon?
+Fred Perry
+Sports: Who was the NBA MVP in 1976, 1977 and 1980?
+Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
+Sports: Who was the NBA's most valuable player in 1976, 1977 and 1980?
+Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
+Sports: Who was the only boxer to knock out Mohammed Ali?
+Larry Holmes
+Sports: who was the only swede to hold the world heavyweight boxing championship?
+Ingemar johansson
+Sports: Who was the second British runner after Roger Bannister to run a sub four minute mile in 1955?
+Chris Chataway
+Sports: Who was the world record holder for the long jump before Ralph Boston took it in 1960?
+Jesse Owens
+Sports: Who was voted PFA Player of the Year 2002?
+Ruud van Nistelrooy
+Sports: Who was womens Wimbledon champion in 1994?
+Conchita Martinez
+Sports: Who was world darts champion 5 times between 1980 and 1986?
+Eric Bristow
+Sports: Who were the holders of the FA Cup in 1895 when it was stolen from a Birmingham shop window?
+Aston Villa
+Sports: Who won the 1982 Football world cup?
+Sports: Who won the 2002 London Marathon?
+Paula Radcliffe
+Sports: Who won the 2002 malaysian grand prix?
+Ralf Schumacher 
+Sports: Who won the first F A Challenge cup in 1872?
+Sports: Who won the marathon in the first modern Olympic Games in 1896?
+Spyridon louis
+Sports: Who won the mens shot put at the 1974 Commonwealth Games?
+Geoff Capes
+Sports: Who won the Tour de France for the third successive time in 1993?
+Miguel indurain
+Sports: Who won theScottish FA Cup 3 times between 1982 and 1984?
+Sports: Who, in the 1968 European Championships,became the first England footballer to be sent off in an international?
+Alan Mullery
+Sports: Whom did New Zealand beat 145-17 in the 1995 Rugby Union World Cup?
+Sports: Why was Linford Christie disqualified from the Olympic 100 metres final in 1996?
+Two false start
+Sports: Winner of the British Open Golf in 1979/1984 & 1988?
+Severiano Ballesteros
+Sports: With what did cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi frequently play with in his hands?
+Glass eye
+Sports: With what sport is Chris Boardman associated?
+Sports: With what sport is Gabriela Sabatini associated?
+Sports: With what sport is Jack Nicklaus associated?
+Sports: With which city would you associate the Brough Park greyhound venue?
+Sports: With which country do you associate Petr Korda?
+The czech republic
+Sports: With which sport do you associate Bob Falkenberg,Dick Savitt and Ted Schoeder?
+Sports: With which sport do you associate James Wattana?
+Sports: With which sport is aryton senna identified?
+Grand prix racing
+Sports: With which sport is Babe Ruth associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Bjorn Borg associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Bobby Moore associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Chirs Evert-Lloyd associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Chris Evert Lloyd identified?
+Sports: With which sport is Greg Norman identified?
+Sports: With which sport is hans gunter winkler associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Jack Nicklaus associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Jimmy Connors identified?
+Sports: With which sport is Joe Calzaghe associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Michael & retti identified?
+Indy cart racing
+Sports: With which sport is Michael Andretti identified?
+Indy cart racing
+Sports: With which sport is Muhammad Ali associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Muhammed Ali associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Pele associated?
+Sports: With which sport is Pete Sampras identified?
+Sports: With which sport is Siverstone most associated?
+Motor racing
+Sports: With which sport is willie mays associated?
+Sports: With which sport was the late aga Khan connected?
+Horse racing
+Sports: With which sport would you associate Alberto Tomba?
+Sports: With which sport would you associate Carl Stonehewer,Scott Nicholls and Tomasz Gollob?
+Sports: With which sport would you associate the Harmsworth Trophy?
+Powerboat racing
+Sports: World Cup 1978, which Scottish footballer was sent home for taking drugs?
+Willie johnstone
+Sports: World Cup 2002, name of the German captain and goalie?
+Oliver kahn
+Sports: World Cup 2002, which Brazilian player assumed hero status after scoring the 2 winning goals?
+Sports: Yorkshire bowler who took 5 for 51 in his test debut against Pakistan in 1954?
+Bob appleyard
+Sports: You might 'catch a crab' in which sport?
+Sports: You might 'slam dunk' in which sport?
+Sports: Yugoslavian tennis player stabbed by a spectator in 1993 during the Hamburg Open?
+Monica Seles
+Sports: Zinzan Brooke, John Gallagher and Dick Best have all coached which rugby union club?
+Sports: �soling star' and 'fin' are categories in which sport?
+Spread out, the walls of the human intestines would cover an area of about?
+One hundred square feet
+Spring bulb with trumpet shaped yellow flowers?
+Springfield is the capital of what state?
+Springfield's shrink?
+Dr. Marvin Monroe 
+Square cap worn by RC priests?
+Square of cloth used to wipe nose?
+Squid can commit suicide by eating their own?
+Squid, octopus and cuttlefish are all types of what?
+St petersburg was first known as ____ then leningrad
+St petersburg was first known as stalingrad and then ____
+St. Francis Xavier University, founded in 1853 is located in what Nova Scotia town?
+Stableman at an inn?
+Stadler and Waldorf were critics who appeared in which TV show?
+The muppets
+Stage of maturation between childhood & adulthood?
+Stage who made her show business debut under the name of 'baby frances'?
+Stagecoach and fort apache starred which actor?
+John wayne
+Stake put by poker players before receiving cards?
+Stalingrad who was the only sister on petticoat junction to marry?
+Betty jo
+Stanwyck what phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon?
+Star running back Paul hornung played what college position?
+Star that, by the gravitational effects of its mass, dominates the planetary system that includes the earth?
+Starliters what's the only video game that became a television show?
+Starr-edwards, carpentier, ball-cage are types of?
+Heart valves
+Starting the engine of a car by bypassing the ignition switch?
+Starved Rock State Park, Crab Orchard & Cahokia Mounds are in what state?
+State in the east central U S, bordering the Ohio River?
+State in the east north central U S?
+State in the north central U S?
+State in the south eastern U S, bordering the Atlantic Ocean?
+South carolina
+State in the west north central U S?
+State Nicknames: Alabama?
+The heart of dixie
+State Nicknames: Hawkeye State?
+State Nicknames: Lone Star State?
+State Nicknames: Mountain State?
+West Virginia
+State Nicknames: Yellowhammer State?
+State of being forgotten or disregarded?
+Statehood had been proposed many times throughout Hawaii's history, but it was not until 1959 that Hawaii became the?
+50th state of the United States
+Station which south American country has both a pacific and atlantic coastline?
+Statistically speaking, every day 110 golfers make a what?
+Hole in one
+Statistically speaking, the most dangerous job in the United States is that of ____
+Sanitation worker
+Statistically, traveling by ____ is the safest means of transportation
+Steenburgen What sheriff claimed to be Walking Tall?
+Buford pusser
+Stephens College is in which state?
+Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are best known as the creators of the ____ computer
+Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak designed a popular arcade game for Atari called?
+Steve miller released a song about this, which he hoped wouldn't carry him too far away?
+Jet airliner
+Stevie Wonder won the 1984 Oscar for Best Song for I Just Called to Say I Love You. For which film was this song written?
+The woman in red
+Stew of meat and vegetables seasoned with paprika?
+Sticky tape was produced in which year?
+Still running at St. Martin's Theatre, who wrote the play 'The Mousetrap'?
+Agatha christie
+Stingy or ungenerous?
+Stock Latin Phrases: A god from a machine?
+Deus ex machina
+Stock Latin Phrases: A new order of the ages (Vergil; also on U.S.A. $1 bill)?
+Novus ordo seclorum
+Stock Latin Phrases: Not of sound mind?
+Non compos mentis
+Stock Latin Phrases: There is no disputing about tastes?
+De gustibus non est disputandum
+Stock Latin Phrases: To the stars by hard ways (motto of Kansas)?
+Ad astra per aspera
+Stockholm is the capital of ____
+Stoicism was founded by?
+Stoppered glass container for wine or spirits?
+Storehouse or place where vehicles are kept?
+Strabismus is another name for which affliction?
+Strabismus is the medical term for which complaint?
+Crossed eyes
+Stranger in what prehistoric kingdom does 'alley oop' live?
+Stranger than strange: what ship was found mysteriously abandoned four weeks after leaving boston for genoa in november, 1872?
+The mary celeste
+Strasbourg is the administrative centre of which French region?
+Strategic defense of a country against a foreign military attack?
+Defense systems
+Strip where is 'the strip' that was designated an official scenic byway?
+Las vegas
+Stroking the sole of the foot produces the ____ reflex
+Strong shoe used for walking?
+Strong spirit distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice?
+Strong synthetic fibre?
+Stronger how many legs does a crab have?
+Structure for hanging criminals?
+Study of living things and their environment?
+Study of organisms of microscopic size, including bacteria, protozoans, viruses, and?
+Study of prehistoric animal & plant life through the analysis of fossil remains?
+Study of the processes by which living cells use, store, & release energy?
+Study of the substances found in living organisms, & of the chemical reactions underlying life processes?
+Stuffed vine or cabbage leaves are called what?
+Stupid Dog Tricks?
+Stupid things to do ;-): If you look at the sun long enough, you go ____
+Style of Architecture and design originating in early 18th century?
+Substance that is a poor conductor of electricity and that will sustain the force of an electric field passing through it?
+Substance that neutralizes alkalis and turns litmus paper red?
+Sudden overthrow of government?
+Coup d'etat
+Sue randall played this schoolteacher of beaver's in leave it to beaver?
+Miss landers
+Sue went to the store and bought $5.25 worth of sodas and $2.80 worth of bread. What will be the subtotal of her bill?
+Sugar was first added to chewing gum in ____ . . . by a dentist ( William Semple)
+Sugar,water and white of egg were the only ingredients of what popular victorian childrens treat?
+Barley sugar
+Summer Holiday was a sixties hit for who?
+Cliff richard
+Summertime: This is the sandy area nearest the ocean?
+Sun Which US president bought a place in Colorado to ski during vacations?
+Sunbeams that shine down through the clouds are called?
+Crepuscular rays
+Sung by the bee gees in 1978, the song is called 'stayin' ____'
+Super glue is used to lift fingerprints from what surfaces?
+Superstition says that this birds feathers should never be inside a house?
+Superstition says the feathers of which bird shouldn't be used as house decorations?
+Supposed paranormal force moving objects at a distance?
+Sural refers to what part of the body?
+Surgical pincers?
+Surgical removal of the kidney is what?
+Surrounding or blocking of a place by an enemy?
+Suspension of tiny particles of one substance, called the dispersed phase, in another phase, called the dispersion medium?
+Suzy Bogguss is 1 of 3 kids. Was she the oldest,middle,youngest?
+Swahili is a combination of African tribal languages?
+Arabic & Portuguese
+Swahili is a combination of arabic and ____
+Swahili is a combination of Portuguese and ____
+Swedish Sylvia sang Y Viva... where?
+Sweet opaque jelly of flavoured cornflour and milk?
+Sweet or fermented juice of apples, used as a beverage and for making vinegar?
+Swelling of tissues due to abnormal fluid accumulation?
+Symbol si, semimetallic element that is the second most common element on earth, after oxygen?
+Symbolic addmission to Christianity and name giving?
+Synthetic hormone used to build muscle?
+Anabolic steroid
+System of compulsory enrollment of men and women into the armed forces?
+System of winds producing fine weather?
+System what are fields of rice called?
+Sysyem used especially in tape recording to reduce hiss?
+Taking its name from the adjacent country, which channel lies between mainland Africa and Madagascar?
+Mozambique channel
+Talc is a hydrated silicate of which metal?
+Talk about an IQ!: With a weight averaging 7,800kg (17 lbs), this critter boasts having the heaviest brain?
+Sperm Whale
+Tall revolving wheel at fairgrounds?
+Tallahassee is the capital of ____
+Tallinn is the capital of which country?
+Tanzania is the country that resulted from the union of tanganyika and ____
+Tanzania is the country that resulted from the union of zanzibar and ____
+Tarantula's can survive ____ years without food
+Two and a half
+Tarlike mixture of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum?
+tarom airlines belong to which country?
+Tarquin the proud was the last king of where?
+Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a ____
+Tatum O'Neal's ex husband?
+John McEnroe
+Technology: List some computer manufacturers?
+Technology: List some computer manufacturers?
+Technology: List some computer manufacturers?
+Technology: What was launched on the 4th December 1996?
+Mars Pathfinder
+Technology: What was the Earth's first artificial satellite?
+Sputnik 1
+Technology: What was the first lighthouse?
+Pharos of Alexandria
+Technology: What was the name of the first plane ever to fly?
+Technology: Which was the first manned aircraft to exceed the speed of sound?
+Bell X-1
+Technology: Who invented the Hovercraft?
+Sir Christopher Cockerell
+Technology: Who invented the Telephone?
+Alexander Graham Bell
+Teheran is the capital of ____
+Teichi igarashi climbed what mountain at the age of 99?
+Mount fuji
+Teiichi igarashi climbed what mountain at the age of 99?
+Mount fuji
+Temperature at which a liquid congeals into the solid state at a given pressure?
+Freezing point
+Temperature when condensation occurs is called the?
+Dew point
+Temporary encampment without tents?
+Ten degrees celsius is the equivalent of how many degrees fahrenheit?
+Fifty degrees
+Ten Things you see at an Airport (singular)?
+Tenth greek letter?
+Terlingua, Texas is the annual site of what cook off?
+International chili society
+Term applied loosely to any of a number of chemical compounds in the carbohydrate group that are readily soluble in water; are colorless, odorless, & usually crystallizable; & are more or less sweet in taste?
+Term applied to a migratory people of southern China?
+Term applied to cultivation of plants in nutrient solutions without use of soil?
+Term applied to the edible portions of domestic mammals such as cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, & swine?
+Term applied to the group of plant or animal organs that are necessary for or that are accessory to the reproductive processes (reproduction)?
+Reproductive system
+Term applied to the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical & natural sciences, gained by study, experience, & practice, is applied to the efficient use of the materials & forces of nature?
+Term applied to the ripened ovule of a seed plant before germination?
+Term for animals in the class including the scorpions and spiders?
+Term for the role the atmosphere plays in insulating and warming the earth's surface?
+Greenhouse effect
+Term indicating the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution, a measure of the solutions acidity?
+Term meaning `rest' which titled a posthumous RAH retrospective?
+Term originally meaning any kind of bird, & later applied chiefly to edible species?
+Term popularly applied to a visible growth of fungi or bacteria on wet clothes, food, or other objects?
+Term used to designate a crew member for manned space flights of the united states space program?
+Termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life?
+Terms of endearment won best picture oscar in 1980, 1982 or 1983?
+Terpsichore was the muse of what?
+Terry knight was the original producer of what group?
+Grand funk railroad
+Test of metal or ore for ingredients and quality?
+Tests on drugs and poisons determine the ld-50 dose. what does ld stand for?
+Lethal dose
+Tet is a three day celebration marking the new year in which country?
+Texas chainsaw massacre, there was a guy in a wheelchair. what was his name?
+Texas name the lead singer?
+Harleen spiteri
+Thalia was the muse of what?
+Thanks for the fab picture Marge, I hung it on me wall. Who said it?
+Ringo Star
+Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday in 1863, 1868 or 1892?
+That is your zodiacal sign if you're born on july 15?
+The ____ ____ supplies the liver with oxygen
+Hepatic artery
+The ____ E. Cheese franchise was created by Atari, a restaurant combining robotic
+The ____ got its name from the corruption of the words ' Day's eye'
+The ____ has 14,174 teeth (105 rows, 135 teeths in each)
+Garden snail
+The ____ hours are matins, lauds, prime, tierce, sext, nones, vespers and compline
+The ____ includes the spinal cord and the brain
+Central Nervous System
+The ____ Indian language was used successfully as a code by the United States in World War II
+The ____ is a fish that can actually walk on land
+The ____ is born under water
+The ____ is illegal as a high school sport in all states except Rhode Island
+The ____ is the largest building from ancient Rome that survives intact
+The ____ is the only animal whose evidence is admissible in an American court
+The ____ is the only mammal that can't jump
+The ____ is the U.S. Marine tilt-rotor transport that takes off and lands like a helicopter, but flies like an airplane
+The ____ kills more people world wide than all the poisonous snakes combined
+The ____ Ocean covers the world's longest mountain range
+The ____ revolution began in 1905 on 'bloody sunday' when troops fired at demonstrators
+The ____ sea is not mentioned in the Bible
+The ____ was acquired by King Louis XIV in 1668. It was worn 120 years later by Marie Antoinette and it now resides in the Smithsonian Institution. This beautiful natural blue diamond weighs 44.5 carats today
+Hope diamond
+The ____ was wrongly named after what was thought to be its country of origin
+The ____ were the first Asian colony to become independent following World War II. Today the country's population is approximately 60,000,000, and is comprised of many ethnicity. Many citizens are of Malay, Chinese, or Spanish descent
+The ____, Seventh-century native Mexicans, went into battle with wooden swords so as not to kill their enemies
+The ____burned the White House during the War of 1812
+The ' funny bone' is not a bone but a?
+The 'Alligator Pear' is better known as the?
+The 'Bay of Pigs' fiasco took place in this country?
+The 'canebrake', 'timber' and 'pygmy' are types of what?
+The 'Crystal Palace' at the Great Exhibition of 1851, contained ____ square metres of glass
+The 'frigorifique' was the names of the world's first what?
+Refrigerator ship
+The 'green mountain state' is...?
+The 'Long John Silver Collection' housed on the Cutty Sark is the nations largest collection of what?
+Ship's figureheads
+The 'love apple' is more commonly known as what?
+The 'male' part of a flower, which encompasses the filament and the anther is generally termed the what?
+The 'purple heart' medal was created in 1668, 1701 or 1782?
+The 'screwdriver' was invented by ____, who used the tool to stir the drink
+The 'sockeye' is a species of which fish?
+The 'stickman', 'boxer' and 'shooter' are three of the participants in which casino game?
+Craps or dice
+The 'Thing', from the movie of the same name, had ____ blood
+The 'Wife of Bath' is a character from what tale?
+Canterbury tales
+The 'windflower' is the common name for which flowering bulb?
+The (extinct) tasmanian tiger is formally known as?
+The (you are here arrow) on a map is called the ____ locator
+The 10 best U.S. Presidents (last name only)?
+The 10 worst U.S. Presidents (last name only)?
+The 18th century artist Richard Wilson is known chiefly for his paintings of which mountain in the UK?
+The 1917 Declaration about the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine was named after which Prime Minister?
+The 1948 musical 'Where's Charley' was based on which English farce?
+Charley's aunt
+The 1950s saw an upsurge in the popularity of science fiction writing. Which forefather of modern SF wrote his first novel in 1952, called Player Piano?
+Kurt Vonnegut
+The 1971 film The Music Lovers was about which composer?
+Pyotr illyich tchaikovsky
+The 1976 Olympic Mascot for Montreal, Canada was a beaver. What was the beaver's name?
+The 1980s band were Scritti...what?
+The 1982 football strike lasted how many days?
+The 1984 winter olympics were held at what site?
+The 1990 national championship in women's indoor track was won by?
+The 1991 national championship in women's volleyball was won by?
+The 1st buffalo ever born in captivity was born at Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo in what year?
+The 1st personal computer went on sale in what year?
+The 1st U S federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King, jr. Was in what year?
+The 1st u.s federel penitentiary was completed in 1900, 1906 or 1912?
+The 1st US minimum wage law was instituted in what year?
+The 2 months added when the Roman calendar was expanded from 10 to 12 months?
+January & february
+The 25th U S president always wore a red carnation. He was ____ ____
+William mckinley
+The 3 largest newspaper circulations are?
+The aardvark is the first animal listed in a dictionary but what is the second?
+The aardvark was named by Dutch settlers in Africa, what does its name mean?
+Earth pig
+The acol system is used in which game?
+The acorn is the fruit of which tree?
+The act of a vampire turning a human into another vampire of their clan is called the ____
+The action of which operetta is centred around Venice and the fictional land of Barataria?
+The gondoliers
+The active ingredient in Chinese Bird's nest soup is?
+The active ingredient in smelling salts is?
+The addition of what turns a Welsh rarebit into a Buck rarebit?
+Poached egg
+The Adelie penguin is native to what continent?
+The Adi Granth is the Holy Book of which religion?
+The Admiralty islands are part of which country?
+Papua new guinea
+The agen plum first planted in 1856, 1857 or 1858?
+The agen plum was the basis of what giant u.s industry?
+The ailment known as conjunctivitis is also referred to by what colourful name pink eye?
+The Alaska highway terminal is in?
+The Albert Canal links Liege with which city?
+The alcohol found in wine, beer & liquor is known as grain alcohol or what?
+The aleutian islands can be found in which ocean?
+Pacific Ocean
+The Amayra guides of Bolivia are said to be able to keep pace with a trotting horse for a distance of?
+100 kilometres
+The America's Cup left home for the first time to go where?
+The American flag first flew over a foreign fort in what country?
+The American name for an academic term?
+The American pilot Charles Lindbergh received the Service Cross of the German Eagle from ____ ____ in 1938
+Hermann goering
+The American Robert Oppenheimmer is best known for the development of what?
+Atom bomb
+The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (aspca) was formed in what year?
+The American word 'suspenders' is used for which accessory in Britain?
+The American's held the first election in which colony in 1619?
+The Americans refer to them as Potato Chips. What do the British refer to them as?
+Potato Crisps
+The Amhara, people inhabit which African country?
+The amount of carbon in the human body is enough to fill about ____ 'lead' pencils
+The amount of what substance in granite determines its color?
+The ancient cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa were in which country?
+The Ancient Egyptians trained ____ to wait at their tables
+The ancient greeks played a form of football known to them as ____
+The ancient mesopotamian civilization was cradled in between which two 'life-giving' rivers?
+Euphrates tigris
+The ancient town of Luxor stood on which river?
+The Angel falls in Venezuela are nearly ____ times taller than Niagara falls
+The angel of independence in Mexico City was built by who?
+Salvador rivas mercado
+The anglo nubian, toggenburg and murcian are breeds of which animal?
+The aniseed-flavoured drink absinthe contained, originally, an extract of which plant?
+The annual vermont ceramic show is held in what town?
+Essex junction
+The anschluss joined which two countries in a union in 1938?
+Germany and Austria
+The ant always fall over on its right side when ____
+The ant always falls over on its right side when?
+The Aorta is in which organ in the body?
+The application of chemical principles & techniques to geologic studies, to understand how chemical elements are distributed in the crust, mantle, & core of the earth?
+The application of science to law?
+Forensic science
+The aquatic animal, the Red Sponge, can be broken into a thousand pieces and still ____ itself
+The architect Edwin Lutyens is best known for his plans for which capital city?
+New delhi
+The arrangement of individual characters of a particular typeface into words, sentences, paragraphs, & so on, for the purpose of printing & publishing (printing; type)?
+The art of moving quietly and with extreme care?
+the artist Louis daguerre is often credited with the invention of photography but who was his partner whose invention he refined?
+Joseph niepce
+The ashes is played between which 2 countries (alphabetical order)?
+Australia England
+The ashes of the average cremated person weighs how many pounds?
+The assassin in the man with the golden gun was played by who?
+Christopher lee
+The assassination of what country's Archduke led to World War I?
+The assault on starfleet by the borg was at?
+Wolf 359
+the associated press first began wire service in this city?
+New york
+The astronomical entity known as the pleiades is a?
+Star cluster
+The Atlanta Braves baseball team has retired # 35 which used to belong to ____
+Phil niekro
+The Atlanta Hawks basketball team have retired 23 which used to belong to ____
+Lou hudson
+The Atomium is a famous tourist attraction in which city?
+The Auricularis muscles are used to move the____
+The Australian term for extras in cricket are?
+The Austrians invented them in the 19th century by hanging them from balloons, what were they?
+Aerial bombs
+The author Jules Verne was born in which city?
+The author of 'the yearling' and 'cross creek' was ____ ____ ____
+Marjorie kinnan rawlings
+The authorities do not allow tourists to take pictures of ____ in Zambia
+The automobile company that makes beetles?
+The average 6-month accumulation of barnacles on the hull of a ship can produce enough drag to force the vessel to burn ____ percent more fuel than normal when cruising
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Forty", "40"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+The average 60-minute audio cassette tape has ____ feet of tape in it
+The average adult human has 32 of these?
+The average American drinks approximately how many sodas per yer?
+The average American will eat 35,000 ____ during their life span
+The average American's diet today consists of 55 percent ____
+Junk food
+The average American/Canadian drinks about ____ sodas a year
+The average American/Canadian will eat about 11.9 pounds of ____ per year
+The average automatic dishwasher uses how many litres of water per wash cycle?
+The average bank teller loses about how many dollars every year?
+The average bra size sold at Frederick's of Hollywood in 1966 was a 34B. Today, it's a ____
+The average chocolate bar has ____ insects' legs in it
+The average garden variety ____ has 248 muscles in its head
+The average garden variety caterpillar has ____ muscles in its head
+The average human body contains enough ____ to kill all fleas on an average dog
+The average human body contains enough fat to make how many bars of soap?
+The average human body contains enough phosphorous to make how many match heads?
+The average human brain weighs ____ kg
+The average human eats ____ spiders in their lifetime at night
+The average human produces how many quarts of spit in a lifetime?
+The average human uses which muscles most?
+The eye
+The average ice berg weighs ____ tons
+The average person falls asleep in?
+Seven minutes
+The average person has 1,460 of these each year?
+The average person has over ____ dreams a year
+The average person laughs ____ times a day
+The average porcupine has about ____ quills
+The average weekly poultry slaughter by TYSON Foods Inc in 1994 was____?
+The B-2 Stealth Bomber is designed to fly undetected by?
+The baby ruth candy bar was named after which u.s president's daughter?
+Grover cleveland
+The background radiation in ____ is twice that of the rest of Great Britain
+The badger is a memebr of which family of animals?
+The Bahamas lie off which US state?
+The balboa is the unit of currancy in which country?
+The bald-headed eagle is the national bird of ____
+The Balfour Declaration by Great Britain was in what year?
+The band Duran Duran got their name from an astronaut in the 1968 Jane Fonda movie?
+The baptist What New World mammal did Columbus say resembled mermaids?
+The manatee
+The Barents Sea is an arm of which ocean?
+The base of the great pyramid of Egypt is large enough to cover how many football fields?
+The basic ingredients of a ploughmans lunch is bread & what?
+The basis of all scientific agriculture, what involves six essential practices: proper tillage; maintenance of a proper supply of organic matter in the soil; maintenance of a proper nutrient supply; control of soil pollution; maintenance of the correct soil acidity; & control of erosion?
+Soil management
+The basis of all scientific agriculture, which involves six essential practicesproper tillage; maintenance of a proper supply of organic matter in the soil; maintenance of a proper nutrient supply; control of soil pollution; maintenance of the correct soil acidity; & control of erosion?
+Soil management
+The Batavian Republic was set up by France in 1795 in which European country?
+The batter with the most strikeouts is?
+Reggie jackson
+The battle of Austerlitz was fought in Monrovia.In which modern country is it?
+The Battle of Inkerman took place in which war?
+The battlefield of Austerlitz is in which modern day country?
+Czech republic
+The Bay of Naples and the Gulf of Salerno are inlets of which sea?
+The Bear and the Dragon is the last novel by which writer?
+Tom clancey
+The bear is the ____ ____ of bern
+Heraldic emblem
+The belcher islands are in what bay?
+The bering strait lies between Alaska and ____
+The bering strait lies between Russia and ____
+The Berlin air lift was known as?
+Operation vittles
+The Big Crunch is considered the reverse of what event?
+The big bang
+The big four television broadcasting networks in the us?
+Nbc cbs abc fox
+The biggest beer selling establishment in the world is the Mathaser. In what city, the capital of Bavaria, is the Malthaser located?
+The biggest bell is the ____, cast in the kremlin in 1733. it weighs 216 tons, but alas, it is cracked and has never been rung
+Tsar kolokol
+the biggest butterfly in the world is the queen alexandra's birdwing. it lives in ____, and has a wingspan greater than 11 inches (28 centimeters)
+Papua new guinea
+The biggest selling album of all time?
+The biological clock is also known as?
+Circadian rhythm
+The biro brothers invented the ballpoint pen in 1936, 1938 or 1939?
+The birthplace of Prince Phillip, uke of Edinburgh in 1921?
+The birthstone for which month is opal?
+The bishop's throne in a cathedral is called a...?
+The bite from which insect caused the death of the poet Rupert Brook?
+The black country is in which area of England?
+West midlands
+The Black Death claimed roughly ____ lives in the thirteenth century
+The black jews of ethiopia are known as?
+The Black Prince was the first holder of which Royal title?
+Duke of cornwall
+The black widow spider can devour as many as ____ 'mates' in a single day
+The blesbok, a South African ____, is almost the same color as grapejuice
+The blesbok, a south african antelope, is almost the same color as?
+The bliss of mrs blossom starred what actress in the title role?
+Shirley maclaine
+The blood of a grasshopper is?
+The blood of mammals is what color?
+The Blue Mountains are a feature of which Caribbean Island?
+The blue mountains can be found on which caribbean island?
+The Blue Ridge Mountains lie in Virginia and which other state?
+The blue whale is the largest animal on earth. how long can it get (in feet)?
+100 feet
+The board game monopoly is based upon streets in what u.s. city?
+Atlantic City, New Jersey
+The body of an aircraft?
+The body of an insect is divided into how many sections?
+The bones of a ____ weigh less than it's feathers
+A pigeon
+The book '1984' written in 1949, 1950 or 1959?
+The book 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' won the Nobel Prize for Literature in what year?
+The book 'Wamyouruijoshou' was the first to use what word?
+The book by Copernicus, which suggested that the Sun and not the Earth was the centre of the solar system, was banned officially banned by the Papacy until?
+The book called 'the cocktail party' was written by ____
+Ts eliott
+The Boomtown Rats were averse to which day of the week?
+The boondocks J Worthington Foulfellow was the fox in what Disney cartoon?
+The Bosman ruling was a legal decision relating to which sport?
+The bosphorus links which two seas?
+Black and marmara
+The boss is also known as ____
+Bruce springsteen
+The Brady Bunch?
+The brain uses more than ____% of the oxygen used by the human body
+The branch of which tree is a symbol of peace?
+The Braves moved to Atlanta from where?
+The bridge connecting boston and cambridge via massachusetts avenue is commonly know as the ____
+Harvard bridge
+The bridge of sighs were usually crossed by ____
+The British colonial law in India monopolizing salt production provoked whose rebellious march to the sea?
+Mahatma ghandi
+The British did not release the body of Napoleon Bonaparte to the French until ____ days after his death
+The British Mediterranean Fleet defeated Italian naval forces at which battle in May 1941?
+Cape matapan
+The brothers don and phil formed which singing group?
+Everly brothers
+The brothers of zeus?
+Hades poisedon
+The burrowing boodie of Australia is the only kangaroo in the world that lives ____
+The busiest muscles in the body are found where?
+The caduceus is the symbol of what profession?
+The calypso originated on which West Indian island?
+The Canadian air force won the 1948 olympic gold medal for what sport?
+The Canadian province of ____ ____ leads the world in exporting lobster, wild blueberries, & christmas trees
+Nova scotia
+The Canadian shield is formed of what?
+Maple leaf
+The cap and bells formed the insignia of which group of people?
+The capital of Romania?
+The capital of the African country Liberia is named after which American President?
+James Monroe
+The cardinal is the state bird of 5, 7 or 9 u.s states?
+The Cassini division is associated with which planet?
+the caterpillar has more than ____ muscles
+The caterpillar is the larval stage of which animal?
+The catfish has over ____ taste buds, that makes the catfish rank #1 for animal having the most taste buds
+The Caucasus lie between which two stretches of water?
+Black and caspian sea's
+The cause of what color fever was discovered in 1900?
+The cecum is part of the?
+Large intestine
+The cecum is the pouch at the beginning of the...?
+Large intestine
+The Cedar Point theme park in Ohio is in this city?
+The celtic queen, Boudicca (Boadicea), allegedly took poison to prevent torture by the Romans after they defeated her rebel forces in battle. Where is she thought to be buried?
+Kings cross station
+The centigrade scale is also known as the ____ scale
+The chador is a robe worn by women of which religion?
+The chameleon has a tongue that is ____ times the length of its body
+The Channel between England and France grows about ____ millimetres each year
+The character captain queeg appeared in which film?
+The caine mutiny
+The character charley allnut appeared in which film?
+The african queen
+The characteristic artistic style of an indivual, school etc?
+The characters lister and rimmer appear in which tv sitcom?
+Red dwarf
+The characters, farmer boulderwood and sergeant troy appear in which thomas hardy novel?
+Far from the madding crowd
+The Charles Bridge and St Vitus' Cathedral are in which European city?
+The Charleston was indroduced in which year?
+The chemical ____, found in ripe fruit, causes jam to set when cooling
+The chemical ethylene glycol is most commonly used as what?
+The chemical formula for rubidium bromide is rbbr. It is the only chemical formula known to be a what?
+The chemical formula H2O2 refers to what?
+Hydrogen Peroxide
+The chemical phenylethylamine, which your brain produces when you fall in love, is found in what food?
+The chicken can travel up to ____ miles per hour
+The chief food for more than half the people in the world is ____
+The children's classic Charlotte's Web features a pig, what is he called?
+The childrens story 'The Rose and The Ring' was written by which 19th century novelist?
+William thackeray
+The childrens' nursery rhyme 'Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses' actually refers to the Black Death which killed about ____ people in the fourteenth-century
+The chinese almanac is also called the ____
+I ching
+The Chinese call fossilized dinosaur teeth 'dragon's teeth' What are they used for?
+The Chinese ideograph with two women under one roof means what?
+The Chinese used fingerprints as a method of identification as far back as AD?
+The Chinese were using aluminum to make things as early as ____ ad
+The chinese were using what metal to make things as early as 300 ad?
+The christian calendar, which we use today, was invented by?
+The christian names of the three Bronte sisters?
+The chrysanthemum is the flower for what month?
+The Chuck E. ____ franchise was created by Atari, a restaurant combining robotic
+The Chuck E. Cheese franchise was created by____ , a restaurant combining ____
+The Chuck E. Cheese franchise was created by____ , a restaurant combining robotic
+The church of santa maria delle grazie is a world heritage site, in which Italian city would you find it?
+The city of ____ ____ contains a district called 'Hell's Kitchen'
+New york
+The city of ____ left the Industrial Promotion Centre standing as a monument the atomic bombing
+The city of Istanbul straddles two separate continents, ____ & ____
+Europe & asia
+The City of London police are reigning Olympic champions for Britain in what sport?
+Tug of War
+The city of Mt. Vernon, Washington grows more ____ than the entire country of Holland
+The city of Rouen stands on which river?
+The city of Sheffield stands on the River Sheaf; and on which other, major, river?
+The city of Tours stands on which river?
+The city of winnipeg Manitoba's by-pass is known as ____
+Duff's ditch
+The city seal of Liverpool features a cormorant, this is a poor drawing of which bird that was on the original seal?
+The city with the most riders in it's subway system is what?
+The clash had only one number 1 hit what was it?
+Should i stay or should i go
+The Clifton Suspension Bridge spans which river?
+The closest relative to the spiny anteater is what?
+The closest relatives to anteaters are what?
+Sloths & armadillos
+The closure of which British nuclear re-processing plant was announced in 1998?
+The CN Tower is in which Canadian city?
+The coast line around this lake in North Dakota is longer than the California coastline along the Pacific Ocean?
+Lake Sakakawea
+The code name for the allied invasion of Italy in WW II was operation ____
+The coelacanth, once thought to be extinct, is what kind of creature?
+The coldest temperature ever recorded was ____ deg Celsius, in Siberia
+The collecting of Beer mats is called?
+The collection of poems called barrack room ballads and other verses was written by whom in 1892?
+Rudyard kipling
+The color ____ was first used in the Afghan War in 1880 - the color was considered good camouflage
+The Color of Money starring Paul Newman was released in this year?
+The color of the blood of an octopus is?
+Bluish green
+The colour of what in China indicated a mandarins rank?
+Button on his hat
+The commander of the Apollo 11 command module & the first woman shuttle commander share this same last name?
+The common garden flower TAGETES is a variety of which popular plant?
+The common term for a member of the bee genus 'Bombus' is the?
+The composer Berlioz married Harriet Smithson in which year?
+The compound carotene gives the ____ its colour
+The condensed water vapor trail left behind by jets and rockets is called a?
+The conqueror Temujin was better known by what name?
+Genghis khan
+The constellations canis major and canis minor are said to represent the dogs of the greek hunter?
+The construction of which famous New York City building was completed in 1931?
+The empire state
+The continuous decorative moulding between a wall and the ceiling?
+The convex surface of a road?
+The cortex & medulla are parts of what organ?
+The cortex and medulla are parts of what human organ?
+The cost of the first pay-toilets installed in England was?
+The cotton mouth is a member of which family?
+Pit viper
+The countries of Sarawak and Brunei lie on which island?
+The Country Cut-ups was the original name of what country & western music group?
+The Oak Ridge Boys
+The country name for which bird is 'merle'?
+The country name for which bird is the 'ruddock'?
+The country of Benin changed its name from Dahomey in?
+The country of siam was renamed to what in 1939?
+The covering on the tip of a shoelace is a(n) ____
+The cranial nerves ( clue! -OOOTTAFAGVAH)?
+The crayfish isn't a fish at all - it is related to the?
+The creature hirudo medicinalis was used extensively by doctors, what is it?
+The crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. If pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a ____ motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of direction
+The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only ____ for each gallon of diesel that it burns
+Six inches
+The crystalline quartz, Amethyst was once believed to prevent?
+The cucumber is a ____, not a vegetable
+The current line-up of which POP group includes John McVie, Christine McVie, Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham?
+Fleetwood mac
+The Daiquiri cocktail is named after a place in which country?
+The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy comes from which piece by Tchaikovsky?
+Nutcracker suite
+The date of which christian festival was fixed in 325 ad by the council of nicaea?
+The day after Christmas day?
+Boxing day
+The Dead Sea lies on the border of Israel and which other country?
+The dead sea scroll was discovered in what year?
+The Death of a Traveling Salesman, was published in 1936. Who was the author?
+Eudora Welty 
+The decorations of which English woodcarver adorn the walls of Hampton Court and Windsor Castle?
+Grinling gibbons
+The deepest ocean trench in the world?
+The democrats nominate Massachusetts governor ____ for president
+Michael dukakis
+The desert fox was?
+Erwin rommel
+The detective miss marple was created by which writer?
+Agatha christie
+The devil?
+Old nick
+The diagrammatic representation of subway maps, circuit boards and many other complicated networks is called?
+The dial tone of a normal telephone is in what key?
+The diameter of the Moon is ____ km
+The diameter of wool is measured in?
+The digestive juices of crocodiles contain so much ____ that they have dissolved iron spearheads and 6-inch steel hooks that the crocodiles have swallowed
+Hydrochloric acid
+The dirt road that General Washington and his soldiers took to fight off General Clinton during the Battle of Monmouth was called the?
+Burlington path
+The Dirty Harry franchise ran to five films what was the title of the final 1988 film?
+The dead pool
+The discovery of gold in which region of yukon provoked a rush?
+The disease Tuberculosis, is best known as ____
+The distance around the outside of a circle is its ____
+The dodo became extinct in 1581, 1593 or 1681?
+The dodo was native to wich island?
+MauritWhich actress stared in the film 
+The dog and the turkey were the only two domesticated animals in ancient?
+The dogon are an ____
+African tribe
+The dolby sound system was introduced in which year?
+The dollar was established as the official currency of the U S in what year?
+The dome of the rock is a shrine in which middle eastern city?
+The dot over the letter 'i' is called what?
+The Dotmatrix printer was developed for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games by the Japanese company?
+The double helix is most associated with the structure of what?
+The drug digitalis is obtained from which plant?
+The duckbill platypus of Australia can store up to ____ worms in its large cheek pouches
+The Duke of Beaufort learned a game called Poona in India in the late nineteenth century. What game is Poona known as now?
+The duodenum and the jejunum are two of the three sections of the small intestine. Which is the third?
+The dust and gas surrounding an active comet's nucleus?
+The Dutch in general prefer their french fries with?
+The early personal computer, the Sinclair ZX80, had ____ of internal memory
+1 kilobyte
+The ears of the Asiatic ____ bears are larger than those of other bear species
+The earth doesnt take exactly 24hours to rotate - is it faster or slower?
+The Earth is pear shaped, the North Pole radius being ____ mm longer than the South Pole radius
+The Earth weighs around ____ tons
+The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as ____
+The earth's average velocity orbiting the sun is ____ km per hour
+The earth's circumference is approximately how many miles?
+The Earth's core consists primarily of which 2 metals?
+Iron and nickel
+The earths atmosphere & the space beyond is known as ____
+the echo and courier satellites transmitted these?
+The Ecuadorian poet, Jos? Olmedo, has a statue in his honour in his home country. But, unable to commission a sculptor, due to limited funds, the government brought a second-hand statue ... Of the English poet?
+Lord byron
+The Edge plays in what band?
+The edges of a roof that project over the walls?
+The Egyptian ____ for 100,000 is a tadpole
+The egyptian god Horus has the head of which bird?
+The egyptian god horus is usually depicted by what member of the animal kingdom?
+A falcon
+The Egyptian godess Bastet was depicted with the head of which creature?
+The Egyptian hieroglyph for ____ is a tadpole
+The egyptian hieroglyph for 100,000 is a____
+The Egyptian hieroglyph for 100,000 is what?
+The Eiffel Tower is how many feet high?
+984 feet
+The Eiffel Tower receives a fresh coat of paint every ____ years
+The electric chair was first used in 1890, 1900 or 1910?
+The electric chair was invented by a?
+The electric eel is the most shocking animal on Earth - no other animal packs such a big charge. If attacking a large prey, a 9-foot-long eel can discharge about ____ volts
+The electrically conducive gaps surrounding nerve endings are?
+The elephant can smell water up to how many miles away?
+The elephant is the only mammal that can't?
+The elevator was invented by?
+Elisha otis
+The ELO system is used to rate players of which board game?
+The Emu gets its name from the ____ word for ostrich
+The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion is called ____
+Kinetic energy
+The England World Cup team released a song called Back Home in which year?
+The English city of Salisbury stands on which river?
+The English parliament abolished christmas in 1644, 1645 or 1647?
+The eohippus was an early form of which animal?
+The era that followed the Mesozoic?
+The Exosphere merges with the ____
+The expression checkmate comes from the Arabic expression ?shah mat?, what does it mean?
+The king is dead
+The Extensor digiti minimi manus is used to extend the?
+Little finger
+The extinct elephant bird was native to which island?
+The extraordinary legal process which orders a jailer to bring the prisoner before the judge immediately is called a writ of____
+Habeas corpus
+The eyes have it: what part of the eye continues to grow throughout a person's life?
+The lens
+The falketing is the parliament of which country?
+The famous 'To be or not to be' speech is in which Shakespeare play?
+The famous bridge at Avignon was built over which river?
+The famous last theorem, an = bn = cn, n=2, belonged to?
+Pierre de fermat
+The famous last words 'go away... I'm alright' were uttered by whom?
+H.g. wells
+The famous Rosetta Stone was found in 1799 near the town of Rosetta in north , on the Nile?
+The far side of the moon was first photographed by a Russian satellite in?
+The fastest tectonic movement on earth is 240 mm per year, at the Tonga micro-plate near?
+The female side of a family tree is known as the distaff side. what is the male side called?
+The female version of Homer?
+Mindy Simmons
+The fibre sisal is chiefly used to make what?
+The fibrous form of several minerals and hydrous silicates of magnesium?
+The first 'talking' film was released in what year?
+The first 18 minutes of which film is in black and white?
+Wizard of oz
+The first academy awards were presented in 1927, 1930 or 1941?
+The first American advertisement for tobacco was published in what year?
+The first American satellite was launched in which year?
+The first atom bomb was dropped on which Japanese city?
+The first atomic submarine, was built in Maine. What was it called?
+The Swordfish
+The first automobile to cross the United States took ____ days in 1903 to travel from San Francisco to New York
+The first baby born on this ship during its voyage to the New World was named Oceanus Hopkins. The second child born after the ship set anchor was named Peregrine White?
+The first battle in the war of American independence took place where?
+The first book in the bible after the gospels?
+Acts of the apostles
+The first book of ____ was introduced on april 10, 1924
+The first breakfast cereal was produced in 1893. What was it?
+Shredded wheat
+The first city in the world to have a population of over one million was?
+The first combined national championship in skiing was held in what year?
+The first commercial flight of the Boeing 747 took place on January 22, 1970. Where did it fly 'from' and 'to'?
+New York London
+The first commercial opera house opened in which year?
+The first commercial passenger airplane began flying in?
+The first commercial passenger airplane with a bathroom began flying in?
+The first Corvette rolled off the Chevrolet assembly line in Flint, MI. in what year?
+The first country to host the summer & the winter olympics in the same year?
+The first English printer, born around 1422?
+William caxton
+The first ever international cricket test match was held between England and ____
+The first example of which type of brain-teaser appeared in the New York World newspaper in 1913?
+The first felt-tip pen to be introduced to the market?
+The first five books of the bible are known as?
+Torah (pentauch)
+The first internal combustion engine was developed in 1885 by?
+Karl benz
+The first international cricket match ever, was held between Canada & ____
+U s a
+The first international cricket match ever, was held between Canada and ____
+The first International floodlight football match took place in what year?
+The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in ____ B.C
+The first known contraceptive was crocodile____ , used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C
+The first known encyclopedias date back to ancient ____
+The first manned balloon flight was in which year?
+The first mass production began in 1808, what was the product?
+Wooden pulley blocks
+The first modern Olympiad was held where?
+The first Modern Olympics were held in Athens in 1896, where in 1900 were the second games held?
+The first names of the carpenters. (k r)?
+Karen richard
+The first names of the corrs. (a c j s)?
+Andrea caroline jim sharon
+The first newspaper horoscopes were published in 1920, 1930 or 1940?
+The first nuclear chain reaction in 1942 by Enrico Fermi & Arthur Compton was achieved in what U S city?
+The first nude Playboy centerfold was?
+Marilyn monroe
+The first of a successful series of children's books was published in 1952. What was it called?
+The Borrowers
+The first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in?
+The first person to have calculated the value of pi?
+The first person to swim the English channel did so in what year?
+The first postage stamp went on sale in England in 1835, 1838 or 1840?
+The first programmable machine was made in 1808, what was it?
+The first projection map of the world was by?
+The first recorded reference to cricket dates back to?
+The first Russian satellite was launched in which year?
+The first sets of dentures were used in which century?
+The first shopping mall was opened in 1922, 1932 or 1947?
+The first spaghetti western starring Clint Eastwood was made in what year?
+The first speed limit was set in 1903, 1906 or 1909?
+The first state to ratify the United States Constitution was also the first state to have it's own commemorative state quarter minted?
+The first steam engine arrived in America in this year?
+The first successful British/American space satellite was launched in April 1962, named after a character in Shakespeare's The Tempest?
+The first taxi with metered fares were operational in?
+The first telephone call was made in what year?
+The first telephone exchange was opened in the u.s in what year?
+The first toilet ever seen on television was on what show?
+Leave It To Beaver
+The first trees to move into a newly cleared forest area are called?
+Pioneer species
+The first U S marines wore high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres, hence the term ____
+The first video game was ____, introduced in 1972 by Noel Bushnell, who then created Atari
+The first washing machine was marketed by Hurley Machine Co in?
+The first woman in europe to use tobacco, she took it in a mixture of snuff - ____ de medici
+The fissure of Rolando, would be found in the ____
+Human brain
+The five w's of journalism, these items should begin every news story?
+Who what when where why
+The flagship known as Queen Anne's Revenge belonged to the famous pirate, Blackbeard. The ship sank in 1718. Blackbeard's real name was ____
+Edward teach
+The fleshy muscular organ joined to the hyoid bone is the ____
+The fleur de lys is the national flower of ____
+The Florida Martins won the World series baseball in this year?
+The flower nasturtium is native to which country?
+The flowering shrub Philadelphus is better known by what name?
+Mock orange
+The fluorescent tube uses ____% of the power to produce an equal amount of light as a tungsten filament bulb
+The flying fish has been known to glide up to ____ metres
+The Folketing is the parliament of which country?
+The followers of John Wycliffe were given what nickname by their enemies?
+The food of the Greek & Roman gods?
+The food tripe is made of?
+The foodstuff 'carambola' is known by what alternative name?
+The football club Galatasaray is based in which country?
+The football huddle originated at what university?
+The force that brings moving bodies to a halt is ____
+The former Edward viii?
+The Duke of Windsor
+The Fort George Point in Belize City was formed by the silt runoff of what hurricane?
+The founder of Springfield was?
+Jebidiah Springfield 
+The founder of the Mongol Empire took a name that translates as Emperor of all, what is the name?
+Genghis khan
+The four main elements of eath's atmosphere are exosphere, ionosphere, stratosphere and ____
+The four seasons took their name from what?
+Bowling alley
+The four teenage mutant ninja turtles?
+The four throwing events at the olympics are shotput, discus, javelin and ____
+Hammer throw
+The fourth planet from the sun is ____
+The French army were the first to use this type of communication?
+The French National Anthem...La?
+The French term 'cul-de-sac' literally means what?
+Bottom of the bag
+The French territory of Alsace-Lorraine was surrendered to Germany in this war?
+The French underground is called what?
+The french word for paperclip is the same as English and french for which instrument?
+The Frenchwoman Jeanne Poisson was better known by which name?
+Madame de pompadour
+The Fresh Prince of where was the subject of a sitcom of 140+ shows?
+Bel Air
+The front of a building?
+The Full Name for the explosive T.N.T?
+The funny papers: what kind of dog is marmaduke?
+Great dane
+The furthest point from any ocean would be in?
+The gallagher brothers are supporters of which football club?
+Manchester city
+The Galliard is a 16th century dance originating from which country?
+The game of badminton is known as what game in India?
+The game pelota vasca is also known as?
+Jai alai
+The gaseous material surrounding the earth and other planets is called the ____
+The gear which enables the drive wheels of a car to turn a corner while on the same axle?
+Differential gear
+The geiger counter was invented in 1913 to measure what?
+The George Cross was awarded to the entire population of which island?
+The German Opel family was known for the manufacture of what?
+The Germans call it Ostsee. What do we call it?
+Baltic sea
+The Germans name for their country?
+The ghost of Anne Boleyn might be expected to walk in which London palace?
+Hampton court
+The giant panda is native to what continent?
+The giant squid has the largest ____ in the world
+The gift (1982) was a No1 album for which band?
+The jam
+The gigantic Badshashi mosque is in which city in Pakistan?
+The gingerbread man should not have jumped onto whose back?
+The sly fox
+The girl's name Erica is also the Latin word for which plant, another girl's name?
+The glass snake is actually a ____?
+The gluteus maximus muscle is the bulk of the?
+The golden state warriors basketball team retired 42 which used to belong to ____
+Nate thurmond
+The Golden Temple at Amritsar is sacred to which religion?
+The Goliath frog of West Africa is nearly ____ feet long
+The gorbals is a district of which city?
+The graf zeppelin completed a 19,500 mile trip in what year?
+The grass on the prairie can be eaten up by 27 cattle in 6 weeks. If there are 23 cattle, the grass can be eaten up in 9 weeks. If there are 21 cattle, how many weeks would it take for the grass to be eaten?
+12 weeks
+The Great Barrier Reef is how many miles long?
+One thousand two hundred and fifty
+The great basin, great victoria and the great sandy are all what?
+The great gothic cathedral of Milan was started in 1386, and wasn't completed until what year?
+The Great Lakes are Lake Superior, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan & Lake?
+The Great Pyramid of Giza consists of ____ blocks each weighing 2.5 tons
+The Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for which Egyptian Pharaoh?
+The great salt lake lies in which American state?
+The great warrior ____ died in bed while having sex
+Ghenghis khan
+The greatest snowfall ever in a single storm was ____ inches at the Mount Shasta ski bowl in february, 1959
+The greatest tank battle of the second world war took place at?
+The greatest violin virtuoso of all time was?
+The Greek warrior Odysseus played a major role in which war?
+The Greek word phosphor translates to what in English?
+The green leaves of summer' is the theme from which john wayne western?
+The alamo
+The groove cut by a saw blade?
+The Guarani is the unit of currency in which South American country?
+The Guggenheim Museum in New York is the work of which architect?
+Frank lloyd wright
+The Guinness company is famous for making which product?
+The gulf of panama leads into which ocean?
+Pacific ocean
+The Gulfs of Taranto and Corinth are inlets of which sea?
+Ionian sea
+The gyrocompass was invented by?
+Elmer sperry
+The hamburger was invented in what year?
+The hard piece at the end of a shoelace or piece of clothing is called an____
+The Hardy boys & ____
+Nancy drew
+The Hawaiian alphabet has how many letters?
+The headquarters of the world health organisation (who) can be found in which city?
+The heart of giraffe is two feet long, and can weigh as much as ____ ____ pounds
+The heaviest tank ever to see action in world war ii, weighing in at 68 tons?
+The hebrew word for peace, used as both a greeting and a farewell?
+The Heights of Abraham is in which Canadian province?
+The highest known score for a single word in competition Scrabble is ____
+The highest lifetime yield of milk for a single cow is ____ lbs
+The highest man-made temperature - ____ million degrees Celsius - was generated at Princeton University in a fusion power experiment in 1978
+The highest mountain in North America?
+Mount mckinley
+The highest point in Missouri is ____ at 1,772 feet above sea level
+Taum sauk mountian
+The highest temperature ever recorded occurred in Libya in 1922. What was the temperature (fahrenehit)?
+The highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls in Venezuela, has a total drop of how many feet?
+The highjump method of jumping head first and landing on their back is called the?
+Fosbury flop
+The hippocampus, amyglada and mammary bodies are?
+Parts of the brain
+The hollow part of a pipe or tube?
+The hood on a monks habit is call a?
+The horizontal part of a step?
+The hottest flame known is produced with carbon subnitride (C4N2), which can generate a temperature of ____?C
+The Hound of the Baskervilles was published in which year?
+The House of Windsor rules England. The Netherlands is ruled by the House of ____
+The housefly hums in the middle octave, key of?
+The Houston Astrodome was opened in what year?
+The human body contains about sixthy thousand miles of ____ ____
+Blood vessels
+The human body contains enough carbon to make ____
+900 pencils
+The human body contains enough of what to kill all the fleas on an average dog?
+The human body contains enough of what to make 2,200 match heads?
+The human body contains enough of what to make 900 pencils?
+The human body contains enough phosphorous to make ____
+2,200 match heads
+The human body contains enough sulphur to kill ____
+All the fleas on a dog
+The human body has about sixty thousand miles of ____
+Blood vessels
+The human body has enough fat to produce ____ bars of soap
+The human body has less muscles in it than a?
+The human body has over 600 what to account for 40% of the body's weight?
+The human body transmits nerve impulses at about ____ metres a second
+The Human Body: The most common health disorder, affecting both males and females?
+The human brain is ____% water
+The Human Condition: Norway is the country with the best quality of life (per the UN). Name the countries in 2nd and 3rd place?
+Australia and Canada
+The human head is a quarter of our total length at birth, but only an eighth of our total length by the time we reach?
+The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood how high?
+Thirty feet
+The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood ____ feet
+The human wrist contains more bones than the?
+the hundred secret senses_?
+Amy tan
+The hundred year war actually lasted how many years?
+116 years
+The Huron Indians believed that beards reduced what in a person?
+The Huron Indians thought the French Canadian men were physically inferior and ugly because of their excessive hairiness. The Indians particularly despised which type of facial hair?
+The hydrochloric acid in the human stomach is strong enough to dissolve a?
+The ice cream soda was invented in what year?
+The ideas of Marcus Garvey were behind the foundation of which religion?
+The image of what historical person is believed to be on the shroud of turin?
+The Imperial Throne of Japan has been occupied by the same family for the last ____ years
+The Inca civilization was located mainly in which modern country?
+The Indian god Hanuman is depicted as which animal?
+The Indian word for grizzly bear is the name for what Canadian city?
+The Indiana Pacers basketball team retired 35 which used to belong to ____
+Roger brown
+The Indonesian capital Jakarta is in which island?
+The indoor theatre at the new globe, being built in london, is named after which historical person?
+Inigo jones
+The indoor theatre at the new Globe, being built in London, will be named after which historical person?
+Inigo jones
+The infinity character on the keyboard is called a____
+The ingrediants in a kamikaze are:?
+Vodka triple sec lime juice
+The inhabitants of ____ are known as 'Monegasques'
+The initial milk that's expressed from a new mother?
+The initials TC stand for which cartoon character?
+Top cat
+The inquisition forced this person to recant his belief in the coppernican theory. who was he?
+The interior of which continent was explored by Gregory Blaxland in 1813, John Oxley in 1818 and Charles Stuart in 1829-30?
+The internal diameter of a gun, diameter of a bullet?
+The International Atomic Energy Agency and World Health organization are agencies of the?
+United Nations
+The international date line is in the?
+Atlantic ocean
+The international vehicle registration letters rch denotes which country?
+The irawaddy runs through which country?
+The Irish name for Ireland?
+The Irish Province of Connaught contains five counties. Sligo and Galway are two. Name the others.?
+Leitrim, mayo, roscommon
+The iron content of which vegetable was overstated due to the incorrect placement of a decimal point?
+The iron content of which vegetable was, for years, overstated due to the incorrect placement of a decimal point in U.S. Government's food tables?
+The Isis is the upper stretch of which English river?
+The island nation of ____ is proudly reclaiming its ancient honor of being the birthplace of the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, and now offers a tasteful re-creation of her ancient rites for visitors and locals
+The island of Formosa is now known by which name?
+The island of krakatoa was almost completely destroyed by a volcanic eruption in which year?
+The island of Mauritius lies in which ocean?
+The island of skorpios was the site of her 1968 wedding?
+Jacqueline kennedy
+The island of South Georgia belongs to which country?
+The Island of Tasmania is part of which country?
+The Islands of Langerhans won't be found on a map, they're a group of cells located in the?
+The Italian bread focaccia gets its name from the latin word for what?
+The Ivor Novello awards are given for achievement in which field?
+The Japanese art of growing miniature trees is called ____
+The Japanese word 'karate' can be translated as?
+Open hand
+The Jay belongs to which bird family?
+The Jefferson's was a spinoff of what show?
+All in the Family
+The Jeffersons was a spinoff from what show?
+All in the Family
+The Jordanian city Amman was once called what?
+The judds spent years in nashville shopping demos recorded on a ____
+Cassette recorder
+The juice of which berry can be used to prevent and treat urinary tract problems?
+The Kalahari Desert in is which continent?
+The Kalahari desert is mainly in which country?
+The Karakoram mountain range is on which continent?
+The karyotype describes the number, shape and size of which structures within a cell?
+The katydid bug hears through holes in its ____ legs
+The Kikuyu people inhabit which African country?
+The Kiss is probably the best known sculpture in a British Gallery -who is it by?
+Auguste rodin
+The Kiwi is the only bird with ____ at the end of its bill
+The koala eats the leaves from this tree?
+The Korat plateau in Thailand gives its name to what kind of animal?
+The kriegsmarine was which branch of nazi Germany's armed forces?
+The Kyber Pass connects which 2 Countries... ??? And ???
+Pakinstan And Afghanistan
+The lance ceased to be an official battle weapon in the British Army in?
+The language spoken by the ancient babylonians was which of the following?
+The large optics diamond turning machine has severed a single human hair, lenghtwise, how many times?
+The largest ____ bottle is a 170 ft. tall water tower
+The largest annual food fight is held in la tomatina every august - what country?
+The largest artificial lake in the world is?
+Lake volta
+The largest bone in the human body?
+The largest cell in the human body is the female reproductive cell?
+The ovum
+The largest eggs in the world are laid by a?
+The largest Great White Shark ever caught measured ____ feet
+The largest Great White Shark ever caught weighed ____ pounds
+The largest iceberg recorded ( in 1956 ) was 200 miles long and 60 miles wide, larger that the country of?
+The largest internal organ of the human body is?
+The largest jellyfish in the world has a bell that can reach ____ feet across
+The largest lake in africa is lake ____
+The largest land lizards known are?
+Komodo dragons
+The largest muscle in the human body is the?
+Buttock muscle
+The largest nerve in our body?
+The largest order of mammals, with about ____ species, is rodents
+The largest organ of the human body is the?
+The largest plane every built and flown by howard hughes?
+Spruce goose
+The largest shark ever caught with a rod was just less than ____ feet long
+The largest species of seahorse measures ____ inches
+The largest sundial was constructed in which year?
+The largest tree in the world grows in the U S; which tree is it?
+Redwood tree
+The largest tree in the world is nicknamed?
+General sherman
+The largest wave ever recorded was near the Japanese Island of Ishigaki in 1971. It was recorded at ____metres high
+The larva of which insect is known as a leatherjacket?
+The larva of which insect is known as the leatherjacket?
+Crane fly
+The larvae of flies are called what?
+The larygngeal cords are also known as?
+Voice box
+The last 12-cylinder car produced in the United States was the 1948 ____
+Lincoln continental
+The last day of public operation of the Liverpool Overhead Railway was December the 30th of which year?
+The last descendant of what musical family died on christmas day 1845?
+The last guillotine execution was in 1967, 1977 or 1984?
+The last incan king of peru was killed in 1501, 1533 or 1601?
+The last line of this document is 'Working men of all countries, unite'?
+Communist Manifesto
+The last line of which document is 'working men of all countries, unite'?
+Communist manifesto
+The last major American Indian resistance to white settlement was in 1860, 1875 or 1890?
+The last Nascar driver to serve jail time for running moonshine was who?
+Buddy arrington
+the last new England state to enter the union?
+The last of a cat's senses to develop is?
+The last of the thirteen original British colonies was named after England's King George II in 1733?
+The last person to be ____ in France, Hamida Djandoubi, was executed in 1977
+The last remaining tea clipper in the world which was launched in 1869 is kept at Greenwich, what is its name?
+Cutty sark
+The last what died on Dec.19,1959, in Franklin, Texas, at the age of 117?
+Civil war veteran
+The last word in the bible, in revelations?
+The latin qed spells out in full as?
+Quod erat demonstrandum
+The Latin word, in tota, means what in English?
+The leader of a pack of wolves is called a ____wolf?
+The ledge between a parapet & a moat is a(n)...?
+The leech has 32 ____
+The leech will gorge itself up to ____ times its body weight and then just fall off its victim
+The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for what?
+The left lung is smaller than the right lung, to make room for which organ?
+The left side of the brain is usually responsible for the control of?
+The legendary joe diamaggio was married to which diva?
+Marilyn monroe
+The Lempira is the currency of which country?
+The Lempira is the national currency of which country?
+The letter c on a water tap in france refers to what?
+Hot water
+The Lie Detector was invented by John Augustus Larson in?
+The life expectancy of the average mockingbird is ____ years
+The Lipari islands are a group of seven volcanic islands to the northeast of which major island in the Mediterranean Sea?
+The lipari islands are to the northeast of which major island in the mediterranean sea?
+The lira is the currency of ____
+The Little Bighorn, scene of Custer's last stand, is in which US State?
+The little bit of flesh at the back of the roof of your mouth?
+The little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, is called a(n) ____
+The Little Shop of Horrors (1986) takes place in what kind of shop?
+Florist shop
+The liver is the largest internal organ weighing about ____ kilograms
+The liver of what is highly intoxicating to eskimos?
+Polar bear
+The liver, alimentary canal, and pancreas are part of which system?
+The loach, plaice, remora and skate are all types of what?
+The lombard league was a mediavel coalition of cities in which european country?
+The long term effect of the sun's radiation on the rotating earth's varied surface & atmosphere?
+The longest bike weighed how much?
+More than a ton
+The longest fence in the world was built to keep out ____
+The longest living land mammal is?
+Homo sapiens
+The longest pregnancy of any mammal is?
+The longest recorded flight of a chicken is?
+Thirteen seconds
+The longest river in western Europe is ____
+The rhine
+The longest suspension bridge in the world is the Akashi Kaikyo, located where?
+The longest time someone has typed on a typewriter continuously is ____ hours, set by Violet Gibson Burns
+The longest time someone has typed on a typewriter continuously is 264 hours, set by whom?
+Violet burns
+The longest tunnel connects delaware and ____
+New york
+The longest tunnel connects New York and ____
+The longest tunnel in the world is located in what country?
+The longmuir brothers were members of which teeny bop band?
+The bay city rollers
+The loon, shoebill and grebe are all types of what?
+The Lord of the Rings_?
+J.r.r. tolkien
+The lotus is the national flower of what country?
+The lowest elevation in the usa is?
+Death valley
+The lowest string on a violin is in which key?
+G major
+The lumbar spine consists of how many vertebrae?
+The lungfish can live out of water in a state of suspended animation for ____ years
+The M25 motorway circles which city?
+The Mabinogion is a collection of legends from which country?
+The mad Emperor Caligula once decided to go to war with the Roman God of the sea, Poseidon, and ordered his soldiers to throw their spears into the ____ at random
+The Madeira islands lie in which ocean?
+the magic word?
+The Magnificent Seven is a version of what 1954 film?
+Seven samurai
+The maiden names of which two cartoon characters are slaghoople and mcbricker?
+Wilma flintstone and betty rubble
+The main cause of the condition known as Rickets is the lack of what?
+Vitamin D
+The main circle and trilithons at stonehenge are built of which rock?
+The main elements of the Exosphere are hydrogen and ____
+The main square in Venice is named after this saint?
+The main street in back to the future is also the main street in what other 80's movie?
+The main us army tank of the second world war?
+The malleus and the incus are two of the three auditory ossicles. Which is the third?
+The Man Who Would be King was released in what year?
+The Maori are native to what country?
+New zealand
+The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of which ocean?
+The Mariana Trench is the deepest point of the Pacific Ocean to what depth does it reach. Give answer in feet?
+The marimba is a deeper toned form of which instrument?
+The marine iguana is native to which island group?
+The Marquis of Blandford is heir to which British Peerage?
+Duke of marlborough
+The marquis of queensberry rules apply to what sport?
+The mascot for the 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade in WWI later went on to become this beloved children's character?
+Winnie the pooh
+The Mason-Dixon line ran between Maryland and which other American State?
+The massive skeleton of the African elephant accounts for about ____ percent of the body weight
+The Matami Tribe of West Africa play a version of football, the only difference being that they use a ____ ____ instead of a more normal ball
+Human skull
+The mathematical notation for a product is designated by what greek letter?
+The mathematical notation for a summation is designated by what greek letter?
+The mathematical study of properties of lines, angles, etc., Is ____
+The maximum flight speed of a Boeing 747-300 jetliner is ____ miles per hour
+The MBW Isetta was unveiled at an International Motor Show in London, England in 1955. What was the vehicle fondly dubbed as?
+The Bubble Car
+The medical journal the lancet was established in which year?
+The medical name for the voice box is the ____
+The medical term for a black eye is?
+Circumorbital haematoma
+The meetings of a court, legislature, judicial body etc?
+The Mercedes Benz car company is based in which German city?
+The mersey river runs through ____
+The metal ____ will melt in the heat of your hands
+The metal gallium will melt in the heat of your ____
+The metal part at the end of a pencil is twenty percent?
+The metal part of a lamp that surrounds the bulb and supports the shade is called a?
+The metallic salt of which metal is added to the mixture in a fireworks rocket to create the color blue?
+The Middle ear and the Pharynx are joined with the ____ tube
+The midget and the rentpayer are varieties of which vegetable?
+The broad bean
+the minimum age for marriage of Italian girls was raised by law what age in 1892?
+The minimum number of members required to be legal is known as a?
+The minimum wage in 1938 was how many cents per hour?
+The Missouri Compromise dealt with this subject?
+The Moa bird of New Zealand, which became extinct four hundred years ago, was over ____ feet tall
+The moaning sound of which animal was used as the sound of the Tornado in the film 'Twister?
+A Camel
+The mobo awards were held recently, what does mobo stand for?
+Music of black origin
+The model ape used in the 1933 movie ' King Kong ' was ____ inches tall
+The Model T Ford was produced from 1909 until 1927. Which revolutionary innovation was introduced in 1913?
+Mass production
+The modern African republic of Tanzania was formed when Tanganyika and which other nation were combined?
+The Modern Pentathlon event includes the disciplines fencing, cross-country running, riding, shooting and which other event?
+The Mojave Desert is mainly in which state?
+The mola mola, or ocean sunfish, lays up to how many eggs at one time?
+5 million
+The Molly Maguires was a secret organisation operating in which industry in 19th century America?
+Coal mining
+The Mona Lisa was painted by whom?
+Leonardo Da Vinci
+The monastic hours are matins, ____ , prime, tierce, sext, nones, vespers and compline
+The monastic hours are matins, lauds, ____ , tierce, sext, nones, vespers and compline
+The monastic hours are matins, lauds, prime, ____ , sext, nones, vespers and compline
+The monastic hours are matins, lauds, prime, tierce, ____ , nones, vespers and compline
+The monastic hours are matins, lauds, prime, tierce, sext, ____ , vespers and compline
+The monastic hours are matins, lauds, prime, tierce, sext, nones, ____ and compline
+The monastic hours are matins, lauds, prime, tierce, sext, nones, vespers and____
+The monastic hours are____ , lauds, prime, tierce, sext, nones, vespers and compline
+The month when most baby's are born?
+The moons of which planet are called Phobos and Deimos after two mythical horses that drew the chariot of the Roman god of war?
+The most abundant metal in the earths crust is what?
+The most carnivorous of all bears is the ____ bear
+The most common blood type in the world is ____
+Type o
+The most common form of cancer is ____ cancer
+The most common name in the world is?
+The most famous church in great britain, enshrining many of the traditions of the British people?
+Westminster abbey
+The most famous work by Edward Gibbon is on the decline and fall of which empire?
+The most memorable kiss in a motion picture was in ____, according to 25 percent of those polled
+Gone with the wind
+The most northerly point of mainland Africa is in which country?
+The most popular first name in the world is?
+The most prominent of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, a leader and missionary in the early church, and traditionally the first bishop of Rome?
+The most requested photo from the National Archives is Elvis posing with whom?
+Richard Nixon
+The most sensitive cluster of nerves is at the base of the ____
+The most sensitive finger is the?
+The most shoplifted book in the world is ____
+The bible
+The Most Trusted Name in Electronics is the advertising slogan for which company?
+The most venomous of all snakes, known as the ____, has enough venom in one bite to kill more than 200,000 mice
+The motor for Alberta, Canada is 'fortis et liber' which is Latin for what?
+Strong and Free
+The motto of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is Maitiens le droit. What does Maitens Le droit mean in English?
+Uphold the right
+The motto of which newspaper is All the news that is fit to print?
+The New York times
+The motto on the back of the great seal of the usa?
+Annuit coeptis
+The moulding around a door or window?
+The Mount of Jupiter and the Girdle of Venus are found on the ____
+Palm of your hand
+The movie the rose was inspired by what musician's life?
+Janice joplin
+The movie, Brian's Song, focused on Brian Piccolo. What football team did Brian Piccolo play for?
+The Chicago Bears
+The movies Toy Story and Toy Story 2 were created by Disney and ____
+The mullet fish only turns ____ after death
+The murderer Dr. Crippen was medically qualified, but what was he in London?
+A dentist
+The muscles of the heart are called the ____
+The muses were the goddesses of poetry and song, how many of them were there?
+The museum of modern art in New York City hung Matisse's 'Le Bateau' upside down for how long before an art student noticed the error: How many days?
+The music for advertisements is also called a ____
+The music in Walt Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' is based upon which composers version of the classic story?
+The musician Stephane Grappelli was famous for playing which instrument?
+The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint ____ no two lions have the same pattern of
+The mythical transformation of a person into a wolf?
+The Naira is the currency of which African country?
+The name Australia is derived from the Latin word 'australis' which means ____
+The name Felicity means what?
+The name fo which Soviet espionage organsation made familiar by the James Bond films comes from its motto meaning death to spies?
+The name for a person who's forever claiming to be suffering from one illness to another is?
+The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is ____
+The name for this semi precious stone comes from the latin for sea water?
+The name given to what kind of mechanism is derived from a czech word meaning compusary service?
+The name Jeep is a derivative of the expression 'G.P.' What doe G.P. mean in military slang?
+General Purpose Vehicle
+The name of all the ____ end with the same letter that they start with
+The name of iran's parliament?
+The name of israel's parliament?
+The name of Japan's parliament?
+The name of Rocky Balboa's pet goldfish in the film Rocky?
+Moby Dick
+The name of the 2-man capsule built by the americans?
+The name of the aztec/toltec god meaning flying serpent?
+The name of the barrier lowered to block a castles gateway?
+The name of the battleship sent to defend singapore from Japanese attack, only to be sunk?
+Prince of wales
+The name of the boy's summer camp setting of 'Adventures of Spin and Marty' segment of the children's TV Series ' the Mickey Mouse Club?
+Triple R Ranch
+The name of the British general who surrendered singapore to the Japanese?
+Arthur percival
+The name of the dog from 'the grinch who stole christmas' was?
+The name of the famous basalt pillars found on the Northern Ireland's coast?
+The Giants Causeway
+The name of the first manned capsule in space?
+The name of the ibm computer that sent gary kasparov into deep despair?
+Deep blue
+The name of the ill fated space shuttle that exploded shortly after lift off?
+The name of the largest city in new Mexico?
+The name of the little people in Frank Baum's the Wonderful Wizard of Oz?
+The name of the RAF's aerobatics team is?
+Red Arrows
+The name of the underworld in greek mythology?
+The name of the wolf companion of Lieutenant John Dunbar (Kevin Costner) in the film 'Dances with Wolves' was?
+Two Socks
+The name of what style of painting was taken from, the title of a claude monet work?
+The name of which constellation me 'harp'?
+The name of which disease comes from the Italian meaning 'bad air'?
+The name of which dog breed is also the name for an animals footprint?
+The name of which dynasty of English monarchs comes from the yellow flowering broom?
+The name of which element comes from the Greek for 'stranger'?
+The name of which element derives from Greek word for violet coloured?
+The name of which game is latin for I play?
+The name of which musical instrument is the Italian word for soft?
+The name of which of the seven hills of Rome is the origin of the word 'palace'?
+Palatine hill
+The name of which particle when translated from the greek means cannot be cut?
+The atom
+The name of which plant comes from the Greek meaning 'earth-apple'?
+The name of which poet is an anagram of toilets?
+T s eliot
+The name of which son of Zeus and a nymph has been given to a locking case for bottles of spirits?
+The name singapore means what?
+City of lions
+The names of theseven regiments which form the Royal Guard?
+The names of which cartoon husband and wife pair were used in army slang for pairs of medals which are normally worn together?
+Mutt and jeff
+The national anthem of greece is ____ verses long
+The National day of Ethiopia, 21st March, commemorates a victory at Adowa in 1896 over which country?
+The national flag of ____ was designed by Napoleon Bonaparte
+The national flag of which South American country bears a circle depicting stars in the night sky?
+The native inhabitants of Australia are called ____
+The natural process of rock disintegration is better known as ____
+The nba record of 100 points by a single person in a game was scored by?
+Wilt chamberlain
+The nerve fibres in the squid are ____ times thicker than a humans'
+The nest of an eagle or bird of prey is an?
+The new millenium starts on ____
+January 1, 2001
+The nickname of ballet star Mikhail Boryshnikov?
+The Nile crocodile averages about 45 years in the wild, and may live up to ____ years in captivity
+The Noddy Stories was written by whom?
+Enid Blyton
+The non stick frying pan was spin off from which area of research?
+The Non-Beatles CCR song, perhaps about a woman who is gloating?
+Proud mary
+The Non-Beatles Van Halen song, perhaps egging on a potential suicide victim?
+The normal body temperature in ____ degrees Celsius
+The normal body temperature of the Clydesdale horse is ____ degrees Fahrenheit
+The normal temperature of a cat is ____ degrees (it's a decimal)
+The Norse god of light & peace?
+The norse god of thunder?
+The North Star is also known as ____
+The northern most country claiming part of Antarctica is?
+The northern part of north America lies within the ____
+Arctic circle
+The nose continues to ____ throughout your life
+The Nova Zemlya Glacier in the (former) USSR is over ____ km long
+The now-extinct ancestor of the horse, ____, had a short neck, a pug muzzle, and stood no higher than a medium-sized dog
+The Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories are more usually known by what name?
+Jodrell bank
+The numbat, quokka and yapok are all types of what?
+The number of UFO sightings constantly increase when ____ is nearest the Earth
+The octal number system is based on the number ____
+The octopus has a funnel-shaped opening beneath its head through which hit secretes a black fluid when threatened. What is this funnel called?
+The Oedipus complex is the sexual love of a son for his mother. What is the equivalent complex of a daughter's sexual love for her father called?
+Electra complex
+The Oedipus Complex is the sexual love of a son for his mother. What is the sexual love of a daughter for her father called?
+Electra complex
+The official kevin bacon fan club claim they can connect kevin bacon with any other actor or actress in how many steps?
+The okapi is a member of which animal family?
+The old airport of hong kong, kai tek, was replaced by?
+Chek lap kok
+The Old English word 'fneosan' means what nowadays?
+To sneeze
+The old hindu practice of burning alive a widow is called?
+The oldest tree in Britain is a yew in Scotland, how old is it?
+1,500 years
+The Olduvai Gorge, famous for its fossils, is in which country?
+The olympic motto 'citius, altius, fortius' means what?
+Faster, higher,
+The one-foot measurement is based on one-third of the length of the arm of ____ (1068-1135) of England
+King Henry I
+The only actor to receive france's commander of arts and letters award?
+Jerry lewis
+The only American state whose name is just one syllable?
+The only capital letter in the Roman alphabet with exactly one endpoint is?
+The only country beside Azerbaijan that starts with a but doesn't end with a?
+The only diamond mine in north America is located in what state?
+The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is what?
+The only Italian masterpiece you can drive to work?
+The only person ever to decline a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction was Sinclair Lewis for his book?
+The only rock that floats in water is what?
+The only U S State that ends with 3 consonants?
+The only us state that celebrates its own independence day?
+The only white Koala bear in captivity was born in the San Diego Zoo. This Koala bear has white fur, a pink nose & pink eyes. His name is Onya-Birra. What does Onya-Birra mean in the language of the Australian Aboriginees?
+Ghost Boy
+The only wild camels in the world are found in?
+The only woman to pose nude for Sports Illustrated?
+Cathy rigby
+The opening part of a window?
+The opera falstaff was written by whom?
+The opera peter grimes was written by whom?
+Benjamin britten
+The opossum offspring say in their mothers pouch for the first ____ days
+The opposite of 'cross-eyed' is?
+Wall eyed
+The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to?
+The orang-utan's warning signal to would be aggressors is a loud?
+The ordinary house-fly beats its wings nearly ____ ____ times a second
+The ore bauxite is the chief commercial source of which element?
+The ore pitchblende is the major source of which element?
+The organisation RIBA represents which group of people?
+The organization that maxwell smart challenged was ____
+The original name for the butterfly was?
+The original name of Liquid Paper?
+Mistake Out
+The original plan for Disneyland included a land called what?
+The original source of the dye 'sepia' was the?
+The Osprey is also known as the?
+The Oubangi, Lulonga and Lamami rivers are tributaries of which river?
+River Congo
+The pacific ocean accounts for roughly what volume of the world's oceans?
+The Palio, held in Siena, is what kind of race?
+The Panama canal connects the pacific Ocean and which other body of water?
+Caribbean sea
+The Panmunjon talks ended which war?
+The parachute was invented in 1783 by?
+Louis lenormand
+The Paris stock exchange?
+The Parthenon in Athens is built in which architectural style?
+The peace of Aix-la-Chapelle was celebrated by which piece of music?
+Music for the royal fireworks
+The Pearl River flows south from which major Chinese city, entering the South China Sea between Hong Kong and Macao?
+The Pearlettes did an answer song to Gene Chandler's 'Duke Of Earl.' What was its title?
+Duchess Of Earl
+The pedal bicycle was invented in which year?
+The penguin is the only bird who can swim, but not?
+The penny-farthing was an early form of what transportation?
+The Pentagon uses, on average, about 666 rolls of ____ every day
+Toilet paper
+The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, has twice as many ____ as is necessary
+The peridot is which month's birthstone?
+The period immediately preceding the invasion of poland is often called?
+The phoney war
+The period lasting from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday?
+The person who carries the golfer's clubs is called a(n) ____
+The Peter Gabriel song 'in your eyes' was featured in what movie?
+Say Anything
+The Phillaphines excists out a lot of islands. How many?
+The phillips head screwdriver was invented where?
+The pied piper played his music at this town?
+The pinnacle trophy of the sport of badminton is known as the?
+Thomas cup
+The Pinotage grape is a native of which country?
+South africa
+The placement of a donkey's eyes in its' heads enables it to see all it's ____ at all times
+The planet closest to the sun is ____
+The planet pluto was discovered in what year?
+The plant Gypsophila Paniculata is grown predominantly for making bouquets what is its more common name?
+Babies breath
+The plant life in the oceans make up about what percent of all the greenery on the earth?
+The plant Lunaria Annua is grown mainly for its seed cases and used in flower arranging by what name is it more commonly known?
+The play 'Our Town' is set where?
+Grover's Corner
+The Playboy Magazine was founded by whom?
+Hugh Hefner
+The pleistocene epoch of geologic time is more commonly known as?
+The last ice age
+The pneumatic tyre was patented by John Dunlop in 1888, what was his profession?
+Veterinary surgeon
+The point from which all other measurements are taken?
+Datum point
+The point that is directly on the opposite side of the planet?
+Antipodal point
+The poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill about ____ people
+The poisonous ____ smells like fresh cut cucumbers
+The poisonous copperhead smells like fresh cut____
+The polar explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes has a triple barrelled surname. Give the other parts of his surname?
+Twistleton wykeham
+The Police Academy film franchise ran to seven films, what was the title of the final 1994 film?
+Police academy: mission to moscow
+The Polynesian country of ____ is a 170 square kilometre limestone rock emerging 60 metres from the Pacific
+The Ponte Vecchio, in Florence crosses which stretch of water?
+The pop star 'Moby' is the great-grandson ofwhich famous author?
+Herman mel ville
+The popular character of ____ was not created by Carolyn Keene, but was actually created by a man named Edward Stratemeyer
+Nancy drew
+The popular name for of which rare butterfly comes from the london Borough in which it was first discovered in the UK?
+Camberwell beauty
+The popular ski resort of aspen is in which us state?
+The population of the entire world in 5000 B.C., according to the National Population Council, was ____
+Five million
+The port of Chittagong is in which country?
+The port of Oran is the second city of which North African country?
+The port of Piraeus serves which European capital?
+The Portuguese capital, Lisbon, stands on which river?
+The positive electrode of a battery is called what?
+The potato arrived in Spain in which year?
+The potent spirit Akvavit is the national drink of which country?
+The pound cake got its name from the pound of ____ it contained
+The powerful ancient composite bow was made from what?
+The practice of turning less-precious metals into silver or gold is known as?
+The prairie dog is a member of which order of animals?
+The praying mantis is the only insect that can do what?
+Turn its head
+The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its?
+The prefix 'thio' in chemical compounds indicates the presence of which element?
+The prefix tetra, used in such words as tetrach, tetrapod, & tetrameter, means what?
+The presence of greater than five digits on the hands or feet is called?
+The pretzel was invented to comply with an order by whom?
+The price of greatness is responsibility.' who said this?
+Winston churchill
+The prime meridian passes through which English city?
+The Prince of Demons in the new testament was called ____
+The principal upright of a sailing vessel?
+The principle of uncertainty is also known as ____
+Heisenberg principle
+The proceeds from which play still finance a childrens hospital in London?
+Peter pan
+The process in which a solid changes directly to a gas is?
+The process of making cow's milk safe for consumption is?
+The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ____
+The process of splitting atoms is called?
+The process of voting in an election?
+The profession of barristers collectively?
+The Bar
+The property of matter that causes it to resist any change of its motion in either direction or speed?
+The prophet mohammed's flight in the quran is called?
+The prophet popularly regarded as the founder of Islam?
+The protea is the national flower of ____
+South africa
+The protection & improvement of the health of the public through community action, primarily by governmental agencies?
+Public health
+The protective barrier alongside a staircase or landing?
+The province of Alberta in Canada has been completely free of rats since what year?
+The Province of Quebec was not always known as Quebec. What was the Province's original name?
+Lower Canada
+The provincial flower of Nova Scotia is the ____
+The psychic energy-centers of the body are referred to by which Sanskrit word for 'wheel'?
+The puma, cougar, lynx & other wildcats are all?
+The Puni, Jari and Xinga rivers are tributaries of which river?
+The Puritans forbade the singing of ____ ____, judging them to be out of keeping with the true spirit of Christmas
+Christmas Carols
+The pyramids are built of which rock?
+The pythagorean theorem applies to what kind of triangle?
+The quality of quartz that allows digital timing of clocks?
+The Queen of Spades and Jack of Diamonds combine to form the key combination in which card game?
+The rabbit's foot came to be considered a____
+Good luck charm
+The rabble, disreputable or undesireable persons?
+Riff raff
+The RAF Red.Arrows have used British Aerospace Hawks since 1980. Which aircraft did they use prior to this date?
+Folland gnats
+The railway executive, Sir William Cornelius (1843 - 1915), is associated with the construction of which railway?
+The Canadian-pacific
+The railway executive, sir william cornelius (1843 - 1915), is associated with the construction of?
+The Canadian-pacific
+The raised reflective dots in the middle of highways are called what?
+Botz dots
+The rare metal gallium melts at ____ degrees Fahrenheit. It is safe to touch; if you hold a piece of it in your hand and wait, it will melt
+The rarest stamp in the world is generally accepted as the 1856 one cent black.Which country issued it?
+British Guiana
+The rate of Quadruplets are 1 (set) in every ____ births
+The Rausing brothers of Sweden became rich from manufacturing which packaging product?
+Tetra pack containers
+The real name of the count of monte cristo?
+Edmond dantes
+The reason our extremities develop faster than the rest of us is ____ recapitulation
+The rebuilding of the Globe Theatre in London was the 'brainchild' of which American actor, who died before the project was completed?
+Sam wanamaker
+The Red and Yellow Seas were named after colours: Name the other two?
+Black and White
+The Red Cross was initiated in what year?
+The Red Sea is part of which Ocean?
+Indian Ocean
+The rediscovery of whose piano rags made ragtime music popular again in the second half of the century?
+Scott joplin
+The refraction of light by ice crystals causes a what to form round the sun?
+The relative speed of the TRS-80 to the ENIAC is ____:1
+The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ____
+The republic of Austria excists since what year?
+The republic of Israel was established when?
+April 23, 1948
+The resistance of objects to any change in their speed results from?
+The revolving door was invented in 1888, 1908 or 1910?
+The revolving door was invented in?
+The Rialto Bridge is associated with which canal?
+The richest 10 per cent of the French people are approximately ____ times better off than the poorest 10 per cent
+The riksdag is the parliament of which country?
+The river Po flows into which sea?
+The river Volga flows into which sea?
+The roadrunner, found in the deserts of North America, is a member of which bird family?
+The roads on the island of Guam are made with what?
+The roads on the island of Guam are made with?
+The Roman philosopher Seneca was tutor to which emperor?
+The Romans built these to convey water?
+The Romans called it Venta Belgarum. What is it called today?
+The Rose Bowl, America's oldest college football contest, is held annually in which city?
+The Rosetta stone was discovered in which country?
+The royal collection of which animal is kept at London zoo?
+the royal family: edward viii's title after his abdication?
+Duke of windsor
+the royal family: fergie's father's title?
+The Royal Family: Genetically, the royals are mostly this nationality?
+the royal family: prince andrew's title?
+Duke of york
+The Royal Family: Prince Charles is 1st in line for the throne; this person is 3rd?
+the royal family: prince Charles is 1st in line for the throne; this person is 6th?
+the royal family: prince Charles's title?
+Prince of wales
+the royal family: prince Charles's younger son?
+The Royal Family: Prince Philip's royal great-aunt, who died in 1918?
+The Royal Family: Prince William, if/when he becomes king, will have this Roman numeral?
+the royal family: queen elizabeth's descriptive phrase for the year 1992?
+Annus horribilis
+the royal family: the British press's nickname for prince andrew before his marriage?
+Randy andy
+the royal family: the British press's nickname for princess diana before her marriage?
+Shy di
+the royal family: the relation princess margaret is to princess anne?
+The royal house of the Netherlands is?
+House of orange
+The Royal Liverpool Golf Course is not in Liverpool, where is it?
+The royal yacht britannia is now moored in the port area of which city?
+The Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, was exiled three times and eventually assassinated in which country?
+The Russian revolutionary, leon trotsky, was exiled three times in which country?
+The Russian sled drawn by 3 horses abreast?
+The sachem is a chief of what confederation?
+Algonquian confederation
+The sacred book of which religion is divided into 114 chapters called Suras?
+the sailor who fell from grace with the sea_?
+Yukio mishima
+The saints Clare and Francis are associated with which Italian town?
+The sale of lawn mowers got a great boost when lawn tennis came into vogue in England in?
+The sale of this treat is outlawed in singapore because it is a means of 'tainting an environment free of dirt.'?
+Chewing gum
+The Salvation Army was founded in what year?
+The sand on the beaches of Guam is actually?
+Ground coral
+The Santa Maria was the ship of which explorer?
+Christopher columbus
+The scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes?
+The Scapula is in which part of the body?
+Shoulder blade
+The scent of sex in an animal is called?
+The science of creating super micro miniaturizations of objects is called?
+The science of life?
+The science of providing men, equipment and supplies for military operations is called ____
+The scientific name for this fruit is ananas cosmosus?
+The scientific word 'quark' was first used in which novel?
+Finnigans wake
+The screw was invented after the ____
+The screwdriver was invented before the ____
+The sea gods had a three pronged spear called a(n) ____
+The second Beale code was encoded using what?
+The American Declaration of Independence
+The Second Highest Mountain in the World?
+The second largest body in the solar system is ____
+The second largest of the earths four oceans & the most heavily traveled?
+Atlantic ocean
+The second longest suspension bridge in the world is the Ismit Bay, located where?
+The second space shuttle is named ____
+The second tallest mountain on earth?
+The secret police of which country were known as the 'ton ton macoute'?
+The septum linguae is found on the?
+The seven deadly sins?
+The seven-branched candlestick called the Menorah is the official state emblem and appears on the president's flag of which country?
+The seventeen year locust is also know as a ____
+The sewing machine was patented in what year?
+The shape of plant collenchyma cells & the shape of the bubbles in beer foam are the same. What are they called?
+The shekel is the basic monetary unit of which middle eastern country?
+The shortest ball player (3ft 7in) ever was?
+Eddie gaedel
+The shortest war in history was between ____ in 1896
+Zanzibar & England
+The shortest war in history Zanzibar surrendered after ____ minutes
+The shortest war on record, between Britain and ____ in 1896, lasted just 38 minutes
+The shortest war, between Britain & Zanzibar, happened in what year?
+The Siberian ____ accounts for more than 20% of all the worlds trees
+The Sicilian Specialist by Norman Lewis is a thinly disguised fictional account of which assassination plot?
+J. F. Kennedy
+The silk road ran between europe and which country?
+The silver phyllis, a boeing 707, belonged to what financier?
+Robert vesco
+The Simplon Tunnel runs between which two countries?
+Italy & Switzerland
+The sindy doll has been recently released as a stewardess for which airline?
+The singer Marie Lawrie is better known as what?
+The sinking of the 'Herald of Free Enterprise' was one of Europe's worst shipping disasters, from which port did the ship sail?
+The site of Troy is in which modern country?
+The six main vitamins?
+The skin of which animal is used to make Morocco Leather?
+The small tree Camellia Sinensis provides us with which digestible product?
+The smallest bone in the body is the ____
+The smallest building blocks of proteins are?
+Amino acids
+The smallest cell in the human body is the?
+Male sperm
+The smallest guitar made by Nanotechnology is ____ long, has six strummable strings
+10 micrometers
+The smallest trees in the world are Greenland?
+Dwarf willows
+The Smithsonian Institute houses this 44 & 1/2 carat, cursed blue diamond?
+Hope diamond
+The snake river winds through which gorge?
+Hell's canyon
+The son of jerry lewis named his rock band what?
+The playboys
+The song ' yes, we have no bananas' was the subject of a law suit in 1923. What musical arrangement was it copyrighted from?
+Handel's Messiah
+The sound of which insect was once thought to be an omen of imminent death?
+Death watch beetle
+The southern alps are found in which country?
+New zealand
+The southern most tip of Africa is not the 'Cape of Good Hope' but?
+Cape agulhas
+The Soviet ____ is the first strike fighter with a toilet in it
+The Soviet Sukhoi-34 is the first ____ fighter with a toilet in it
+The Soviet Sukhoi-34 is the first strike fighter with a ____ in it
+The space between two adjacent neurones is called the?
+The Space Race - What was the name of the first space shuttle ever built?
+The spaceship voyager found geysers on triton, a moon of which planet?
+The Spanish abbreviation for ufo is what?
+The Spanish Inquisition once condemned the entire ____ to death for heresy
+The sperm of a ____ is longer than the sperm of an elephant
+The spinning wheel, introduced to Europe in the middle ages, was invented where?
+The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ____ galaxy
+The square root of 1 is?
+The St. Louis gateway arch had a projected death toll while it was being built. How many people died?
+The St. Moritz ski resort is in which European country?
+The staple food of blue whales?
+Krill or plankton
+The State Duma is the lower house of assembly in the parliament of which country?
+The state of Florida is bigger than?
+The state of Kansas was named after the river?
+The Kansas River 
+The State of Michigan derives from the Chippewa words, mici gama. What does 'mici gama' mean?
+Great Water
+The state of minnesota borders how many other states?
+The State of Nevada has a Spanish meaning. What does Nevada mean?
+The statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus commemorates which Victorian reformer?
+Earl of shaftsbury
+The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City in 1885 aboard what French ship?
+The Statue of Liberty stands on which island?
+Liberty island
+The stems and leaves of the tomato plant are?
+The stinking cedar and yellow-wood trees are also known as what?
+Gopher wood
+The Stone of Scone is a relic sacred to which country?
+The stone what dietary problem were 65 percent of brazilians suffering in 1985?
+The story of whose return from exile is celebrated by the Hindu festival of Divali?
+Rama and sita
+The straits of malacca separate malaysia from which country?
+The stratosphere is higher than the?
+The stress in Hungarian words always falls on what syllable?
+The strip of lead which holds the glass in a stained glass window?
+The study and exploration of caves is known as what?
+The study of 3-dimensional objects, it sounds like a substantial math course?
+Solid geometry
+The study of lighter than air craft such as balloons?
+The subject of the first printed book in England was?
+The Sublime Porte was the Court of Government of which Empire?
+The submarine was invented in 1620 by cornelius drebbel. name his country of origin?
+The suez canal was nationalized in what year?
+The sun has a core temperature of ____ Kelvin
+The sun is ____ times larger than the earth
+The Super Bowl, and never re-used the commercial?
+The supersonic Concorde jet made its first trial flight on what date?
+January 1, 1969
+The supreme court upholds the 14th amendment and outlaws racial segregation?
+Public schools
+The surface area of a human lung is equal to a?
+Tennis court
+The surface of the Dead Sea is ____ metres below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, which is only 75 km away
+The Swing riots of 1830-33 concerned which workers?
+Agricultural labourers
+The symbols used on a map are explained by the ____
+The system of racial segregation in south africa was called ____
+The t-34,M-4 and PZ iii were all what?
+The tablecloth in da Vinci's Last supper was?
+The tail end of the spinal cord?
+The taj mahal is made out of what?
+The Taj Mahal was built on the southern bank of which river?
+The tallest tree in the uk is what type of tree?
+Douglas fir
+The tapir is related to the horse and the ____?
+The Tarbela Dam in Pakistan stands on which river?
+The tarzan novels were created by whom?
+The Tehran hostages were released in 1980 after how many days of captivity?
+Four hundred and forty four
+The telephone country code 56 would connect you with?
+The telephone country code 82 would connect you with?
+The telephone country code 852 would connect you with ____
+Hong kong
+The telephone county code 39 would connect you with ____
+The telephone was invented in which year?
+The Teletubbies have two favourite foods. Name them?
+Tubby toast and tubby custard
+The television detective banacek was played by whom?
+George peppard
+The temperature at what dew forms is called the?
+Dew point
+The temperature at which a liquid gives off a vapour which can be ignited is called it's ____
+The temperature of the sun has to be achieved to create which potentially useful nuclear reaction?
+Nuclear fusion
+The tenth part of a Roman legion consisting of 600 men was known as what?
+A cohort
+The tenth sign of the Zodiac?
+The tenth wedding anniversary is commemorated with what?
+The term 'lupine' refers to which animal?
+The term Bicentennial represents how many years?
+The term Centennial represents how many years?
+The term Quadricentennial represents how many years?
+The term Quartocentennial represents how many years?
+The term Quincentennial represents how many years?
+The term Semicentennial represents how many years?
+The term Septiquinquennial represents how many years?
+The term Sesquincentennial represents how many years?
+The term Sesquiquadricentennial represents how many years?
+The term Sesquitercentennial represents how many years?
+The term Tercentennial represents how many years?
+The Thatcher Ferry Bridge crosses what canal?
+Panama Canal
+The theme from top gun was a hit for which european sounding group?
+The thickness of what is given an 'swg' rating?
+The thistle is the national flower of ____
+The three number systems commonly used in computers are binary, decimal and ____
+The three primary colours are red, yellow and blue. The three secondary colours are?
+Green, orange & purple
+The three scorers for Manchester united in the 1968 european cup final, which ended 4-1 in their favour. (b c k)?
+Best charlton kidd
+The thyroid cartilage is more commonly known as the ____
+Adam's apple
+The Tibetan Mountain people use yak's milk as their form of?
+the tick: color of the ticks costume?
+the tick: who has the ability to change the color of his costume?
+Caped chameleon
+The timber lining of a door frame?
+The Timor sea and the Arafura sea are off the north coast of which country?
+The tip of a rotary mower travels at over ____ km/hr
+The tips of fingers & the soles of feet are covered by a thick, tough layer of skin called the what?
+Stratum corneum
+The title of which 1961 book and 1970 film has come to mean a no win situation?
+Catch 22
+The title of which Moody Blues album is a mnemonic to remember the lines of the treble stave of a sheet of music?
+Every good boy deserves favour
+The title of which of Alan Bennetts plays is also the title of one of the Harrow School songs?
+Forty years on
+The Tony awards are named for what person?
+Antoinette perry
+The top layer of cement render?
+The top ranking title in sumo wrestling is known as?
+The top selling debut album of all time was ____ by ____
+Boston boston
+The Topkapi Palace was home to which emperors?
+The toronto maple leafs used to be originally called what?
+The toronto arenas
+The tower of London, during its lifetime has served many purposes, including a?
+The tower over a castle draw bridge is a(n)...?
+The town of Beersheba is in which country?
+The town of Grasse in France is famous for producing what?
+The town of Montelimar in France is famous for producing what?
+The town of pisa lies in which Italian region?
+The transcendental number 'e' was named after what mathematician?
+The treatment of disease by chemical substances which are toxic to the causative micro-organisms is called ____
+The treatment of which famous mythical ruling, by the artist Max Klinger in 1887, caused a storm of protest from art lovers?
+Judgment of paris
+The Treaty of Guadalupe: Hidalgo put an end to this conflict?
+Mexican War
+The tree dictated on the Lebanese flag is a?
+The Triassic, Jurrasic, and Cretaceous periods make up which era?
+Mesozoic Era
+The true seals are a diverse & widely distributed group of mostly marine & ____
+Aquatic mammals
+The tune rhapsody in blue was first performed in which year?
+The Turk's consider it considered unlucky to step on a?
+Piece of bread
+The twelve months according to George Ellis?
+The two airports that serve london?
+Heathrow and gatwick
+The two chambered parliament of Iceland?
+The two highest IQ's ever recorded (on a standard test) both belong to?
+The two lines that connect your top lip to the bottom of your nose are known as the?
+The two obelisks known as Cleopatra's Needles are in London and which other city?
+New york
+The Two Ronnies first appeared together in which TV series?
+The frost report
+The typical American eats 263 ____ in a year
+The typical housefly cruses at ____ km/hr
+The typical or normal amount, degree?
+The U S has never lost a war in which ____ were used
+The U S is made up of ____ states
+The U S patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins for what?
+The u.s got its first official currency in 1776, 1785 or 1882?
+The u.s has never lost a war where they used ____
+The u.s minted a 1787 copper coin with what tongue-in-cheek motto?
+Mind your business
+The uffizi is a museum and art gallery in which european city?
+The UK supermarket chain ASDA is owned by which American retail giant?
+The underground executioner is the favorite soap opera of which nation?
+The underside of a horse's hoof is called a what?
+The understanding of speech through observation of the lips, tongue and facial expressions is known as ____
+Lip reading
+The Underworld in Greek mythology?
+The United Nations building in New York was designed by whom?
+Le corbusier
+The universe what steve martin film had him go from rags to riches to rags?
+The jerk
+The uppermost level of the solar atmosphere?
+The Ural mountains are mainly in which country?
+The US Congress comprises the Senate and which other house or chamber?
+House of representatives
+The US declared war on which country after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
+The US state of Florida first saw the cultivation of oranges in?
+The use of astronomical phenomena to predict earthly & human events is called?
+The ussr & western allies pull out of ____ ending their 10-year joint ventur
+The vaccine for ____ was developed in 1798
+The vaccine mmr offers protection against which diseases?
+Measles mumps and rubella
+The vagus nerve, one of the major nerves of our body, gets its name from the latin meaning?
+The wanderer
+The variety of living organisms in a particular habitat or geographic area?
+The Venetian island of Murano is particularly associated with the manufacture of which product?
+The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that one gram of it can kill ____ people
+The Venus's flytrap can eat a whole____
+The vereves only no 1 was?
+The drugs dont work
+The vernal euinox is the beginning of ____
+The Verrazano Narrows bridge links Brooklyn to which island?
+Staten island
+The vertical part of a step?
+The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin during World War II killed the only ____ in the Berlin Zoo
+The very first bomb dropped by the allies on Berlin during world wwii killed the only ____ in the Berlin zoo
+The very first minimum wage law set the minimum hourly pay scale at?
+25 cents per hour
+The via appia went from brindisi to ____
+The via appia went from rome to ____
+The victoria falls seperate zimbabwe from which other country?
+The video for which eighties song features nothing but 5 cheerleaders?(Name the artist too)?
+Mickey Toni Basil
+The video game character Mario made his debut appearance in?
+Donkey kong
+The violet belongs to which genus of flowers?
+The Virginia opossum have a litter size of up to ____
+The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial (pouched mammal) indigenous to ____
+North America
+The Vistula flows into which sea?
+The volcano Mount Pelee is on which island?
+The volga river flows into what sea?
+Caspian sea
+The Volkswagen was originally called?
+The Joy Wagon
+The volume of the earth's moon is the same as the volume of what ocean?
+Pacific ocean
+The Voyage of the Beagle told of which scientist's discoveries?
+Charles Darwin
+The Walker Cup is competed for in which sport?
+The walking ____ can live on land
+The wallendas were noted as?
+High wire performers
+The warriors tribes of ____ used to hang the testicles of those they killed in battle on the ends of their spears
+The Washington Post received the 1973 Pulitzer prize for reporting what?
+Watergate scandal
+The weight at the end of a pendulum is a(n) ____
+The Welland Canal links Lake Erie to which other of the Great Lakes?
+Lake ontario
+The west what song did elton john and george michael sing as a duet?
+Don't let the sun
+The westernmost point in the contiguous U S is where?
+Cape alava, Washington
+The wheel was invented in about what year BC?
+The whistling swan has more than ____ feathers on its body
+The white elephant is the sacred animal of ____
+The white house had a telephone before it had an indoor ____
+The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ____
+Hash marks
+The white of our eyes is also called?
+The wide wall built along the banks of rivers to stop flooding is a(n) ____
+The willow ptarmigan is the state bird of ____
+The wind what is the best score in blackjack?
+Twenty one
+The wingspan of a ____ ____ jet is longer than the Wright Brothers' first flight
+Boeing 747
+The winners of the first five european cups?
+Real madrid
+The winter olympics were first held in which country?
+The Winter Olympics were held in Scandinavia for the first time in 1952. In which city?
+The woman of the Brazilin Apinaly Tribe bite their mates eyebrows during?
+The women of an African tribe make themselves more attractive by permanently ____ their faces
+The woolly mammoth, extinct since the Ice Age, had tusks almost ____ feet high
+the word gymnasium comes from the greek word gymnazein which means to ____
+Exercise naked
+The word taboo is derived from which language?
+The working title of the TV series Dallas was what?
+The world record speed for ____ is 143.08 mph
+Water skiing
+The world's costliest coffee, at $130 a pound , is called what?
+Kopi luwak
+The world's fastest reptile (21.7 mph) is a type of what?
+The world's fastest reptile (measured on land) is the spiny-tailed iguana of Costa Rica. It has been clocked at nearly ____ miles per hour
+The world's largest beer festival was munich's oktoberfest 99. how many people attended?
+7 million
+The world's largest delta was created by the river?
+The world's largest exporter of sugar is?
+The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs ____ tons at birth
+the world's largest moth, in terms of overall size, is the ____ ____ (attacus atlas), found natively in indonesia
+Atlas moth
+The world's largest omelette was made with ____ eggs
+The world's longest natural gas pipeline is in what country?
+The world's oldest man-made alloy is?
+The world's rarest coffee, Kopi Luwak, comes from which country?
+The world's smallest mammal is the ____ ____ of Thailand, weighing less than a penny
+Bumblebee bat
+The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1?
+The world's worst air disaster involved two Boeing 747s colliding on the runway at Tenerife in 1977. Name the two airlines whose planes were involved?
+Pan-am & klm
+The world's youngest parents were ____ & 9 years old
+The worlds first chocolate candy was produced in what year?
+the worlds first drive-in church was in this state?
+The worlds longest escalator is in Leningrad Metro, ____ metres long
+The worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is over ____ years old
+Nine thousand
+The worship of a material image that is held to be the abode of a superhuman personality?
+The worst circus fire was in the usa in what year?
+The worst sporting disaster was in hong kong when the stands collapsed at a race course killing 604 people in what year?
+The Wright brothers first powered airplane flight was in what year?
+The wrist, or the wrist bones?
+The wristwatch was invented by Louis Cartier in?
+The writer, Rudyard Kipling, only ever used ____ ink
+The ww ii air attack on the ploesti oil field in romania was known as?
+Operation soapsuds
+The ww ii projected German invasion of great britain was known as?
+Operation sea lion
+The yo yo both the toy & its name originated where?
+The young of which animals are called 'brockets'?
+The young Raphael sketched which famous work by Leonardo da Vinci while it was being painted?
+The mona lisa
+The Yucatan peninsula is mainly in which country?
+The zeedonk is a cross between which two animals?
+Zebra & donkey
+The zeppelin 'The Hindenburg' which exploded in a huge fireball, was filled with?
+Theatre: What J M Barrie play features John, Michael and Wendy?
+Peter Pan
+Theme Parks - Which is the largest theme resort hotel?
+Lost City
+Theory holds that the universe began with what event?
+Big bang
+There are ____ credit cards for every person in the United States
+There are ____ distinctive types of combs on chickens
+There are ____ known species of bats
+There are ____ known species of starfishes in the world
+There are ____ muscles and tendons in an elephant's trunk
+There are ____ phalanges (finger bones) in a human hand
+There are ____ semihemidemisemiquavers in a breve
+There are ____ species of parrotsthree hundred and twenty eight
+There are ____ white dots in a Pacman arcade game
+There are 1,929,770,126,028,800 different colour combinations of this object?
+Rubik's cube
+There are 15 peaks in Europe higher than Mont Blanc. In which mountain range are they?
+There are 16 ____ in a cup
+There are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play the ten opening moves in a game of____
+There are 2 annual publications devoted to the peerage. One is Burkes Peerage, what is the other?
+There are 2 way to give birth...Vaginally and ____
+There are 3 Great pyramids at?
+There are 318,979,564,000 possible ways of playing just the first four moves on each side in a game of?
+There are 325 days in a christian year; the rest are called ____
+There are 45 miles of what in the skin of a human being?
+There are 6,272,640 square inches in an ____
+There are 625 sweat glands in one square inch of human ____
+There are 625 sweat glands in what area of human skin?
+One square inch
+There are 63,360 inches in a ____
+There are about ____ species of coral known
+There are about ____ species of owl
+There are about 500 different kinds of cone snails around the world. All have a sharp, modified tooth that stabs prey with venom like a harpoon. Most cone snails hunt worms and other snails, but some eat fish. These are the ones most dangerous to people. The nerve toxin that stops a fish is powerful enough to also kill a?
+there are approximately ____ ____ bricks in the empire state building
+Ten million
+There are close to ____ known species of frogs, including toads
+There are fewer than ____ Bactrian camels left in the wild
+There are five types of simple machines: the ____, the pulley, the inclined plane, the screw, and the wheel and axle
+There are five types of simple machines: the lever, the ____, the inclined plane, the screw, and the wheel and axle
+There are five types of simple machines: the lever, the pulley, the ____, the screw, and the wheel and axle
+Inclined plane
+There are five types of simple machines: the lever, the pulley, the inclined plane, the ____, and the wheel and axle
+There are five types of simple machines: the lever, the pulley, the inclined plane, the screw, and the____
+Wheel and axle
+There are hefty pricetags on some Internet domain names. The highest-selling domain name to date,, went for ____ in 1999
+$7.5 million
+There are how many miles of nerves in the skin of a human being?
+There are more ____ flamingos in the U.S, than real ones
+There are more ____ in the world than all other animals together
+There are more ____ than any other kind of creature in the world
+There are more bald eagles in what Canadian province then there are in the whole U S?
+British columbia
+There are more statues of ____, Lewis & Clarks female Indian guide, in the U S than any other person
+There are more than ____ bricks in the Empire State Building
+10 million
+There are more than ____ different types of Barbie dolls
+There are more than ____ earthquakes throughout the world every year
+Fifty thousand
+There are more than ____ satellites orbiting earth solely for the purpose of private communications services, including pagers, telephones, and computers
+There are more than ____ species of finches throughout the world
+There are no clocks in Las Vegas ____
+There are no rivers in?
+Saudi arabia
+There are no what in las vegas gambling casinos?
+There are no wild deer of any kind in Australia, and the small red deer is the only one found in?
+There are only how many letters in the Hawaiian alphabet?
+There are over ____ dogs in the U.S
+Fifty-eight million
+There are over ____ religious denominations in the United States
+There are over ____ verses in the Bible
+There are over 100 million light sensitive cells in the?
+There are some ____ different species of sea snakes, and all of them are venomous
+There are three countries that have both an atlantic and a mediterranean coast, name them?
+France Spain and Morocco
+There are three types of rock - metamorphic, sedimentary and ____
+There are two perennial vegetables, asparagus & ____
+There are two years that will look the same when written right side up and upside down. The first is 1961. What is the other?
+There can be only one?
+There is a city called ____ in every continent
+There is a village near the Somme in ____ which is simply called Y
+There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs six times. What is it?
+There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs six times?
+There is actually a word for a 64th note ____ a
+There is enough iron in a human being to make ____
+One small nail
+There is more pigment in ____ eyes than blue
+There is no point in England more than ____ miles from the ocean
+There is no single word given to describe the back of the?
+There is only thought to be 0.5 grams of this naturally occuring element present in the earths crust?
+There wasn't a single pony in the 'pony express', only ____
+There wasn't a single pony in the Pony Express, just?
+There were no squirrels on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts until what year?
+There were three Kings of England in 1066. Harold and William, of course, and who else?
+Edward the confessor
+There were two Old Testament prophets who did not die, who were they?
+Elijah and enoch
+These animals were once used to bleed the sick?
+These are like fingerprints on cows (no two are identical)?
+These are the two highest valued letters in 'Scrabble'. 'Q' and ____
+These are the two highest valued letters in scrabble?
+Q & z
+These attach muscles to bones or cartilage?
+These bacteria spores that I love, commonly grown in feaces?
+These bodies of water have a combined area of 94,230 square miles?
+The great lakes
+These come in types like breakfast, pork, lamb, spiced, beef and thick?
+These gourmet mushrooms can be identified by their conical shape and hollow inside?
+These license plates are manufactured by prisoners in the state prison in Concord. What is the slogan on them?
+Live free or die
+These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships?
+These modern items can be seen, worn by some of the chariot racers in Ben Hur?
+These rabbits are prized for their long, soft fur, used to make very expensive sweaters?
+these type of letters were first used by the Italian printer aldo manuzio?
+They call it puppy love: An American Animal Hospital Association poll showed that ____ percent of dog owners admit that they talk to their dogs on the phone or leave messages on an answering machine while away
+They provide insurance and financial services to people in 69 countries?
+Thick light bark of S.European oak?
+Thick, light yellow portion of milk from which butter is made?
+Thief what hospital established the first us school of nursing?
+Things associated with the First day of School?
+Things associated with the first day of school?
+New Shoes
+Things found in a desert?
+Things Found in the Fridge?
+Things People Do During a Heatwave (10)?
+Jump in the pool
+Things to do on a lazy Sunday?
+Watch football
+Things you Can Order From McDonalds (singular)?
+Things you find in a Bathroom?
+Things you find in a Bathroom?
+Toilet Paper
+Things you find in a Bathroom?
+Things you find in a Hospital?
+Things you find in a Kitchen?
+Things you find in a Kitchen?
+Things you find in a Kitchen?
+Things you Need a License to Do?
+Things, people, places associated with tennis?
+Tennis racquet
+Things/people associated with Canada?
+Thinker who sang the 1963 hit 'it's my party'?
+Lesley gore
+Thinking that its parents were a camel and a leopard, the Europeans once called the animal a 'cameleopard' Today it's called?
+The Giraffe
+Third letter of the Greek alphabet?
+Thirty three degrees fahrenheit who sang 'islands in the stream' with dolly parton?
+Kenny rogers
+Thirty-two percent of computer data loss cases are due to ____ error
+This 1st Lady was valedictorian of her Plains, GA high school class?
+Rosalynn carter
+This actor directed himself in the horse whisperer, and matt damon and will smith in the legend of bagger vance?
+Robert redford
+This actor was the only person to win an academy award for Best Actor in a movie in which he also directed. Who was he?
+Laurence Olivier
+This actress appeared in 'St. Elmo's Fire', 'The Scarlett Letter', and 'Striptease'?
+Demi Moore
+This actress go her acting start in the T.V. series, 'Peyton Place' as Alison MacKenzie & then went on to become a famous movie star (who was once married to Woody Allen) Name her?
+Mia Farrow
+This African animal kills the most people?
+This african city was built on gold?
+This Alcatraz inmate was provided with identity 325?
+Alvin karpis
+This ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called ____
+This animal can be found in sub Saharan Africa & Gir National Forest in India?
+This animal is found at the beginning of an encyclopedia?
+This animal is the symbol of the U S Republican party?
+This annie hall actress went behind the cameras for the 1995 family drama unstrung heroes?
+Diane keaton
+This artificial sweeteners go the ax in 1969?
+This artist cut off his ear & sent it to his lover, before shooting himself dead in a cornfield?
+Vincent van gogh
+This assassin of Julius Caesar was his friend?
+Marcus brutus
+This award is the mystery writers equivalent of an Oscar?
+This ball-player had 4256 base hits over his 23 year career?
+Pete rose
+This band was formed in Germany in 1976 by writer and producer Frank Farian?
+Boney m
+This bird can also be found on a chess board?
+This bird lives in an eyrie?
+This branch of physics deals with the general laws governing the motion of material objects?
+This British composer born 1659 wrote the operatta dido and aeneas?
+Henry purcell
+This Canadian art-metal trio sings sci-fi themes a lot?
+This channel is called?
+This chemical element has the shortest name (3 letters)?
+This city in southwest Spain was founded by the Phonecians around 1100 BC?
+This city is known as the 'Venice of the orient'?
+This city is the home of the Fairy Investigation Society?
+This city on the Nile is where you will find the 'valley of the kings' & the temple of karnak, also the site of a tourist massacre in 1997?
+Luxor, egypt
+This city was the headquarters of the British East India Company until 1708?
+This cluster of stars is also known as the seven sisters?
+The pleiades
+This comet appears every 76.3 years?
+Halley's Comet
+This composer, singer, actor, writer, pilot, athlete was also a rhodes scholar?
+Kris kristofferson
+This country consumes more coca cola per capita than any other?
+This country contains the greater lengths of the tigris and euphrates rivers?
+This country has the lowest point in south America?
+This country occupies the 'horn of Africa'?
+This country's name literally means 'the land of rabbits'?
+This delightfully soft topping, care of your local bovine?
+This drink was advertised as brain tonic when first introduced in 1886? What drink were they referring to?
+This famous comedy actor was once voted by his classmates, Least Likely To Succeed?
+Robin Williams
+This famous female singer was once sacked from Dunk' Donuts for squirting jam at a customer?
+This famous heart-throb actor was once voted by his classmates, Least Likely To Succeed?
+Tom Cruise
+This famous person was born during a WWII air raid?
+Ringo starr
+This feature of Melbourne's Luna Park is classified by the National Trust?
+Mr Moon
+This four season's lead singer recorded 'can't take my eyes off you?
+Frankie valli
+This french actor appeared in 'The Big Blue' and 'The Professional'?
+Jean Reno
+This Frog has 11 points on his collar around his neck?
+This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo?
+Davy Crockett
+This game show required contestants to match prizes to the numbered squares?
+This gemstone is used to symbolize forty years of marriage?
+This German admiral (of which a battleship was later named) is famous for organizing and planning the ww1 submarine blockade of the British isles?
+this greek admiral of darius i sailed upto the the indus river in the 5thc?
+This handicapped man formed the x-men?
+Charles xavier
+This has been the only year in which there was no Stanley Cup winner?
+This Hungarian Queen ruled 40 years from 1740-1780, and her name would be?
+Maria Theresa
+This Indian group ruled in early Peru?
+This insect can carry 10 times their own weight?
+This is a type of carpet or a breed of cat?
+This is a type of small, fried, Indian bread?
+This is known as 'The Royal Disease'?
+This is the brains of a personal computer?
+This is the bridge with the longest span in the USA?
+This is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard?
+This is the name of a fairy in A Midsummer Nights Dream?
+This is the name of the ship powered by the Infinite Improbability Drive?
+Heart of gold
+This is the oldest operating airlines in the world?
+This is the only animal that can't jump?
+This is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island?
+The Bronx
+This is the only mammal with four knees?
+The elephant
+This is the only word in the song that the smurfs sing?
+This is the reading system used by the blind?
+This is Wonko the Sane's real name?
+John watson
+This island country is south of Malaysia?
+This island was ulysses' home?
+This large bean shaped lymph gland can expand & contract as needed?
+The spleen
+This latin word for 'king' sounds like a man's name?
+This magic word was in the movie, 'mary poppins'?
+This man died tragically in 1998. you may remember him from such shows as saturday night live, the simpsons, and newsradio?
+Phil hartman
+This marsupial native to Australia feeds on eucalyptus leaves?
+This means touch me not in Latin?
+Noli me tangere
+This military attack took place on Dec 7, 1941?
+Pearl Harbour
+This movie was the sequel to the pink panther?
+A shot in the dark
+This muscle is the only one not attached at both ends?
+The Tongue
+This mysterious explosion occured on June 20, 1908 at Tunguska?
+Great siberian explosion
+This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death?
+Joseph Goebbels
+This Netherlands Queen ruled 58 years from 1890-1948, and her name would be?
+This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now?
+This now-famous woman, was voted by her classmates, to become The Girl Most Likely To Get Her Name In Lights?
+Monica Lewinsky
+This order of insects contains the most species?
+This part of the human anatomy shares its name with a punctuation mark?
+This person used to announce cubs baseball in des moines, iowa?
+Ronald reagan
+This person used to shower more than 4 times a day- ____ Gable
+This person was once appointed Special Agent of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs?
+Elvis presley
+This pitcher tossed seven no-hitters in his illustrious career?
+Nolan ryan
+This place in Germany is also the name of a (popular) cake?
+Black forest
+This planet has an atmosphere that is 98 percent Helium?
+This player hit safely in 56 straight games?
+Joe dimaggio
+This player's shot accidentally killed a linesman at the US Open tennis 1983?
+Stefan edberg
+This pope died in 1471 while being sodomized by a page boy?
+Pope Paul II
+This Pope was murdered by an irate hubby who found him on top of his wife?
+Pope John XIII
+This pouty french beauty became world cinema's reigning sex symbol after marilyn monroe's death?
+Brigitte bardot
+This president wanted the u.s.A. to join the league of nations:?
+Woodrow Wilso
+This racist organisation was formed in Tennessee in 1865?
+Ku klux klan
+This racist organization was formed in tennessee in 1865?
+The ku klux klan
+This radical Agrarian communist organization controlled Cambodia in the 1970s until the Vietnamese removed them from power?
+Khmer rouge
+This re opened in 1975 after being closed for 8 years?
+Suez canal
+This Roman emperor had his own mother executed, murdered his wife, killed a girl who wouldn't marry him, and then put many Christian's to death after accu?
+This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium?
+Marc antony
+This Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes?
+Ivan pavlov
+This school won the first 5 national championships in women's gymnastics?
+This singer once broke into Elvis' home Graceland, in the hope of meeting his idol?
+Bruce Springsteen
+This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth?
+Pituitary gland
+This smurf is the only smurf with blonde hair?
+This software company produced hits such as 'Pagemaker' & 'Illustrator'?
+This song by Boney M?
+Brown girl in the ring
+This song by the shirelles, fought its way to the top of the pop chart?
+Soldier boy
+This song is by which band do you really want to earn me?
+The culture club
+This song made everything groovy for the troggs when it became #1?
+Wild thing
+This song reached no 1 in the uk and the us for the animals name the song?
+House of the rising sun
+This song singed by Boney M?
+Brown girl in the ring
+This sorceress daughter of Helios turned Odysseus' men into swine?
+This South African surgeon led the team that performed the first human heart transplant in 1968?
+Dr. christiaan n. barnard
+This space station killed a cow on re entry into earth's atmosphere?
+This state makes your heart pound and your senses tingle. The celebration of it symbolizes the intensity of spirit of Louisiana?
+Mardi Gras 
+This statue was found on the greek island of melos in 1820?
+The venus de milo
+This stone enabled scholars to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs?
+Rosetta stone
+This team won their first World Series in 1969?
+New York MetsMets
+This teen was sentenced to a caning in singapore in 1994?
+Michael fay
+This teen was sentenced to a public caning in singapore in 1994?
+Michael fay
+This term means compulsory enrollment of civilians into the military?
+This Tony Award-winning musical is actually a thinly veiled biography of Diana Ross and the Supremes?
+This town was close to Ponderosa Ranch?
+Virginia city
+This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring?
+Sumo wrestling
+This tree thrives best in low, moist and rather fertile ground?
+This tree's berries are used to flavour gin?
+This type of insect is named after a month?
+June bug
+This U S state touches 4 of 5 great lakes?
+This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881?
+James Garfield
+This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973?
+Henry Kissinger
+This U.S. volcano last erupted in 1914?
+This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear end?
+This UK Queen ruled 63 years, from 1837-1901, and her name would be?
+This underground cartoonist created Fritz the cat & Mr. Natural?
+Robert crumb
+This vegetable is a variety of broccoli?
+This Viatamin protects against night blindness?
+This was (until the Alaska purchase) the largest real estate deal in us history?
+The louisiana purchase
+This was originally published in the U.S. as _Murder in the Calais Coach?
+Murder on the orient express
+This was the sequel to 'Star Wars'?
+The Empire Strikes Back
+This was the sequel to 'The Empire Strikes Back'?
+Return of the Jedi
+This was the site of worse nuclear accident in history?
+This woman thought John Lennon to be cute upon first meeting him. Who was she?
+Linda McCartney
+This word can refer to either an Irish accent or an Irish shoe?
+This word comes from a knight whose lance was free for hire, (i.e. Not pledged to one master)?
+This word means 'soggy shrub' in navajo?
+Kemo sabe
+This word means 'split personality'?
+This word refers to a freshman at a military academy?
+This world capital once went by the unique name of By-town?
+This world class model recently crashed in a helicopter?
+Christie brinkley
+Thomas cook the travel agent was born in what year?
+Thomas Edison demonstrated the electric light for the first time in what year?
+Thomas Edison, lightbulb inventor, was afraid of the?
+Thomas Gradgrind and Sissy Jupe appear in which of Charles Dickens' novels?
+Hard times
+Thomas keneally's booker prize-winning novel was made into a film, what was the novel called?
+Shindlers' ark
+Thomas Magnum's dad was played by what actor?
+Robert Pine
+Thomas Savery & Thomas Newcomen invented the...?
+Steam engine
+Thomas Wedders, the English circus freak, had a ____ which was seven and a half inches long
+Thomas Young the Physicist and Egyptologist spoke how many language when he was 14?
+Thor is the god of thunder, loki is the god of ____
+Thorburn what canal connects lake ontario and lake erie?
+Welland canal
+Those such as Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis d'Arlandes?
+Though formed in the 60's this band became one of the most populas r&b groups of the 80's after 'celebration' hit the charts in late '79?
+Kool and the gang
+Though he was dead at the time?
+Bill the Cat
+Though it shares the name of a highly poisonous plant, tea made from the needles of the____tree is perfectly safe for consumption
+Thousand after what are the b52 bombers named?
+Fifties hairdo
+Thousand four hundred marconi transmitted radio signals across the atlantic in 1901, 1902 or 1903?
+Thousand on what river is liverpool?
+Thread made from intestines of sheep used for strings of musical instruments?
+Three chemical elements are magnetic, iron, nickel & what?
+Three fourths of household ____ is used to flush the toilet & take baths & showers
+Three hundred million of what die in the human body every minute?
+Three of the following U S Presidents appeared at one time or another on what's my line which one did not Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush?
+George bush
+Through ____ you spend half an hour of your waking day with your eyes closed
+Through what Canadian city does the red river run?
+Through what do insects breathe?
+Through what were dead egyptian pharaohs' brains extracted?
+Nasal passages
+Through which English city does the prime meridian pass?
+Through which music magazine did Elton John meet his song writer Bernie Taupin?
+New musical express
+Through which volcano did Jules Verne's explorers leave the centre of the Earth?
+Thumper was a rabbit from which film?
+Thursday before Easter?
+Maundy Thursday
+Tiger bay was her first movie name the actress?
+Hayley mills
+Tiger beer is brewed in which Commonwealth country?
+Tigers have striped ____, not just striped fur
+Tim Allerton & Linnet Doyle are characters from which Agatha Christie novel?
+Death on the nile
+Tim booth is the lead singer with which band?
+Timber cut form coniferous trees?
+Time ____ when you're having fun
+Time ____ when your having fun
+Time during which a machine esp. computer is out of action or unavailable for use?
+Down time
+Time magazine lists the second most powerful person in Washington in 1993?
+Hillary rodham clinton
+Time of the season (1969) was done by what group?
+Times: What month of the year sees the most babies born in the U.S?
+Tinca tinca is the Latin name for which fish?
+Tippi hedren is best known for her lead role in which film?
+Tissue or organ of the animal body characterized by the ability to contract, usually in response to a stimulus from the nervous system?
+Titan is a moon of which planet?
+Titus Oates was the instigator of which historical plot?
+To 3 decimal places, what is the value of pi?
+To a sailor, what is a hawser?
+To a yachtsman, a fresh breeze is about ____ knots
+To be young again, where did ralph take the gang?
+Roller skating
+To camber something is to ____ it:
+To coat metal with a protective layer by electrolysis?
+To determine the percentage of alcohol in a bottle of liquor, by how much is proof divided?
+To determine the percentage of alcohol in a bottle of liquor, what is divided by two?
+To drive out an evil spirit?
+To err is human, to forgive...?
+to everything there is a season is the subtitle of what 1960 hit?
+Turn turn turn
+To extract a tenth from - is a definition of which verb?
+To find a 'Glomerulus', you would need to look in what organ of your body?
+To find a 'Loop of Henle', you would need to look in what organ of your body?
+To find an 'atrium', you would need to look in what organ of your body?
+To finely sharpen a cutting edge?
+To give full discretionary power?
+Carte blanche
+To grill meat on a rack over charcoal?
+To listen is to 'here' or 'hear'?
+To make a daguerreotype, an early photograph, required a 15-minute average ____ time
+To make all the text align against the left or right margins is called?
+To make half a kilo of honey, bees must collect nectar from over ____ ____ individual flowers
+Two million
+To pack down firmly with repeated blows?
+To pass U.S. Army basic training, young female recruits must do 17 pushups in two minutes. Males must do ____ pushups in two minutes
+To pick the best from a group?
+To ponder is to 'wander' or 'wonder'?
+To refuel your car you go to a ____ station
+To remove fine shavings of wood with a chisel?
+To send transatlantic telegraph messages, 3,000 miles of cable were laid under the Atlantic in what year?
+To sratch a line with a pointed tool?
+To the nearest mile, how long is a full marathon race?
+26 miles
+To the nearest minute, how long does it take for light to travel from the sun to earth?
+To the nearest minute, how long does it take sunlight to reach earth?
+To the nearest one million miles, how far is the sun from the earth?
+Ninety three
+To what branch of the indo-european language family do french, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese belong?
+To what bug was a monument erected in enterprise, alabama?
+Boll weevil
+To what can keratitis lead?
+To what category of numbers does 'pi'belong?
+To what country did bangladesh belong before it became independent?
+To what country would a hiker go to assail mt ararat?
+To what did john lennon change his middle name?
+To what did Sir Francis Drake change the name of the boat The Pelican?
+The golden hind
+To what did the ancient papyrus exporting town of Byblos near present day Beirut give its name?
+The bible
+To what did touching the ark of the covenant lead?
+To what do the tendons attach the muscles?
+Bones or cartilage
+To what does the original term' cutty sark ' refer?
+To what elementary school did 'the brady bunch' go?
+Dixie canyon elementary
+To what everday product is flouride commonly added?
+To what fabric does the French city of Nimes give its name?
+To what family does the wigeon belong?
+To what family of plants do the following belong apples, pears, plums, cherries, almonds, peaches and apricots?
+Rose family
+To what family of vegetables does the popular zucchini or courgette belong?
+Gourd or squash
+To what great civilization/empire do we owe our custom of 60 minutes in an hour?
+Babylonian empire
+To what group of elements do cerium, praesiodymium and promethium belong?
+Rare earths
+To what instrument family do drums belong?
+To what is coal sometimes added for sweetening?
+To what is the area of a human lung equal?
+Tennis court
+To what is the chattanooga aquarium is devoted?
+Freshwater fish
+To what is the harvest moon nearest?
+Autumnal equinox
+To what language is the gypsy romany language related?
+To what Scandinavian country would you have to travel to watch the football team Malmo play at home?
+To what type of animal does the adjective 'ovine' refer?
+To what type of horse do The Oaks and the 1000 Guineas restrict themselves?
+To what was Britains school leaving age raised in 1947?
+To what was colonel potter, of 'mash' fame, allergic?
+Tomato juice
+To where did jackie gleason move his 1960's variety series?
+To where in Berkshire did CND march annually from London for many years?
+To which 16th century seafarer and mayor of Plymouth did Buckland Abbey belong to?
+Sir francis drake
+To which animal is the adjective caprine refer?
+To which artist was Rubens chief assistant?
+Van dyck
+To which Berkshire destination did C.N.D. march from London each Easter beginning in the late 1950s?
+To which bird family does the canary belong?
+To which British port was the Lusitania heading when it was sunk by a torpedo?
+To which continent do the seychelles belong?
+To which country are chrysanthemums native?
+To which country did America lose the coveted America's cup in 1995?
+New zealand
+To which country did Butch Cassidy and Sundance escape when things got too hot for them in the states?
+To which country do the Canary Islands belong?
+To which country do the Coral Sea Islands belong?
+To which country do the Galapagos Islands belong?
+To which country does greenland belong?
+To which country is the giant salamander indigenous?
+To which country was the murderer Dr Crippin trying to escape when he was caught?
+To which elemetary school did tv's 'the brady bunch' go?
+Dixie canyon elementary
+To which family of birds does the 'Goldeneye' belong?
+To which family of birds does the 'Linnet' belong?
+To which family of birds does the fieldfare belong?
+To which family of birds does the robin belong?
+To which family of fishes does the Sprat belong?
+To which family of fishes does the Tuna belong?
+To which god was mount Parnasus sacred?
+To which group of islands does Rhodes belong?
+To which holiday tour operator do the subsidiaries Sovereign and Enterprise belong?
+Britsh airways
+To which instrument does an orchestra normally tune?
+To which of its games did Hasbro give a red card in January 2000?
+To which part of the body does the adjective 'pulmonary' refer?
+To which part of the body does the adjective 'renal' refer?
+To which party did Countess Markievicz, the first female MP belong?
+Sinn fein
+To which planet does the moon iapetus belong?
+To which plant family (strictly genus) do jonquils and daffodils belong?
+To which S American country does Easter Island belong?
+To which saint is the cathedral in prague dedicated?
+Saint vitus
+To which saint is Westminster Abbey dedicated?
+St Peter
+To which team did marlboro switch its backing from brm in the 1974 season?
+To which tina turner song did chris eubank enter the ring?
+Simply the best
+To which tree family does the osier belong?
+To which tune is the battle hymn of the republic sung?
+John brown's body
+To which u.s state would you travel to sample authentic cajun cooking?
+To which us city would you travel to see the liberty bell?
+To which World War I alliance did Turkey and Bulgaria belong to?
+The Central Powers
+To who did 'topper' belong?
+Hopalong cassidy
+To who did boris spassky lose in the world chess championship?
+Bobby fischer
+To who did daniel ellsberg leak the pentagon papers?
+New york times
+To who did father damien minister from 1873 to his death?
+Molokai lepers
+To who did h.g wells refer to as a certifiable lunatic?
+Adolf hitler
+To who did Spain cede Florida?
+To who did the lady of the lake give excalibur?
+Sir lancelot
+To who did the sword excalibur belong?
+King arthur
+To who does dino the dinosaur belong?
+Fred flintstone
+To who is a polar bear's liver highly intoxicating?
+To whom did Alan Minter lose his world title?
+Marvin hagler
+To whom did denmark sell the virgin islands?
+United states
+To whom does Starship Enterprise belong?
+The federation
+To whom does the island of St Helena belong?
+United kingdom
+To whom is Sleeping Beauty betrothed?
+Prince charming
+To whom was Marie Antoinette married?
+Louis xvi
+To within 3 mph, at what speed in m.p.h. does a wind become a hurricane?
+To within 30 feet, how tall is the Eiffel Tower?
+Toho film studios produced most of which series of films?
+Toilets in Australia flush ____ clockwise
+Tokyo is the capital of ____
+Tom Clancy: What is CIA Agent Clark's real name?
+Tom Clancy: What is the only Tom Clancy novel to take place entirely before 1980?
+Without remorse
+Tom Clancy: What relation does fighter pilot Robby Jackson have to Jack Ryan, jr?
+Tom hallick was the first male host of which show?
+Entertainment tonight
+Tom Hanks did the voice acting for which of the Toy Story characters?
+Tom hanks won best actor oscar in 1993 for which film?
+Tom hanks won his 2 oscars for best actor in?
+Philadelphia and forrest gump
+Tom sawyer was the first novel written on a ____
+Tomblike monument to persons whose remains are elsewhere?
+Tommy and Bobby are the first names of which TV comedy duo?
+Cannon and ball
+Tomography is a scanning technique which uses X-rays for photographing particular slices of the what?
+Tony Curtis was in which of the armed services in WWII?
+Top 10 20th century presidential candidates who lost (last name only)?
+Top 10 first ladies (first and last name)?
+Dolley Madison
+Top 10 Presidential body parts in the news (past and present)?
+Top 10 Presidential kids (first and last name)?
+Chelsea Clinton
+Top 10 Presidential slogans, quotes or expressions?
+Top 10 Sleazeballs in the U.S. Congress (Last name only)?
+Top 10 Special places in the White House?
+Oval Office
+Top 10 vice presidents who did NOT become president (first and last name),10?
+Hubert Humphrey
+Top 10 vice presidents who later became president (last name only)?
+Top ten things Women look for in a Man?
+Top Ten Tools in Christina's toolbox (handy things)?
+Duct Tape
+Topeka is the capital of ____
+Torme Music: Who recorded Heartbreak Hotel in 1956?
+Elvis presley
+Total color blindness is medically know as what?
+Town in the west bank, near Jerusalem, controlled since 1967 by Israel though administered since 1995 by the Palestinian authority?
+Toys: 1960s: G.I. joe was introduced at the annual American international toy fair in?
+Toys: 1970s: What was the name given to the brightly coloured inflatable toys which had ears as handles?
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: Barbie is actually derived from this German doll, intended as a sexual gag?
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: Barbie model with changable hair color?
+Color magic
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: Barbie's English friend?
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: complete the barbie outfit name: gay ____
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: Complete the Barbie outfit name: Senior ____
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: complete the barbie outfit name: sorority ____
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: ken's black friend?
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: what ken wears when he visits Germany?
+Toys: Barbie Dolls: Where Barbie goes skiing?
+Sun valley
+Toys: Barbie:  sed to drive a Chevrolet Corvette. What was her vehicle of choice after she tired of the Corvette?
+Convertible Mustang
+Toys: Barbie: Barbie Doll was based upon a comic strip prostitute named who?
+Toys: barbie: barbie variety with suntanned skin?
+Toys: Barbie: Barbie's black friend?
+Toys: Barbie: Barbie's nautical-sounding sister?
+Toys: barbie: barbie's tiny twinned brother?
+Toys: barbie: complete the barbie outfit name: here comes the ____
+Toys: Barbie: Complete the Barbie outfit name: Senior ____
+Toys: Barbie: Doll copied from London's top teen model?
+Toys: Barbie: Ken's buddy?
+Toys: Barbie: Manufacturer of Barbie dolls?
+Toys: Barbie: Measurements if she were life size:?
+Toys: Barbie: Model of car Barbie drives?
+Toys: Barbie: The first airline Barbie was a stewardess for?
+Toys: Barbie: Type of house Barbie lives in?
+Toys: barbie: what barbie wears when she visits Japan?
+Toys: Barbie: What year did Barbie make her debut?
+Toys: Building tool named after Civil War president?
+Lincoln logs
+Toys: Design tool for budding Gloria Vanderbilts?
+Fashion plates
+Toys: Large plastic animals gobbled marbles in this game?
+Hungry hungry hippos
+Toys: leading manufacturer of toy cars?
+Hot wheels
+Toys: Little blue cartoon figurines?
+Toys: Mundane toy that involved sticking plastic pieces on scenes?
+Toys: name of barbie's hot pink sports-car?
+Toys: Once scarce, pudgy dolls that came with their own birth certificates?
+Cabbage patch kids
+Toys: Personal merry-go-round guaranteed to make you dizzy?
+Sit n spin
+Toys: Plastic vehicle equipped with spin-out brake?
+Big wheel
+Toys: talking toy that helped you do well on spelling tests?
+Speak n spell
+Toys: These popular block sets included a castle and a fire boat?
+Toys: Xavier Roberts was the name associated with which eighties toy?
+Cabbage Patch Kids
+Toys: You coloured these and then watched them contract in the oven?
+Shrinky dinks
+Toys: You inserted sticks into round blocks to build abstractions with these?
+Tinker toys
+Toys: you rotated blocks and matched up the colors to solve this puzzle?
+Rubiks cube
+Traditionally in what months should you not eat oysters?
+May to august
+Traditionally what anniversary is your 55th?
+Traditionally, how many colors are considered to be in a rainbow?
+Traditionally, the engagement ring mounted what type of stone?
+Traditionally, what color are most of the gondola boats in venice, Italy?
+Traditionally, witchetty grubs are eaten by which people?
+Australian aborigines
+Traffic jam affecting a whole network of intersecting streets?
+Traffic lights were first used in London in which year?
+Transom, poop and keel are all parts of a what?
+Transport Name two motor car companies starting with the letter V?
+Volvo and Vauxhall
+Transport system in which trains glide above a track, supported by magnetic repulsion?
+Transport: 160 cars can drive side by side on the Monumental Axis in____ , the world's widest road
+Transport: 1938 marked the introduction of this Volkswagen car?
+Transport: 1960s: what was the name of the Wolseley version of the Austin Mini?
+Transport: 1960s: Which company made a version of the Austin Mini, called the Elf?
+Transport: 1970s: In 1974, Production of which iconic car ended after 13 years on the road?
+E-type Jaguar
+Transport: 1990s: In 1992, what sports car did chevrolet make its one millionth of?
+Transport: combine a van & a car & you get this word?
+Transport: First started with ignition keys in?
+Transport: Hkj is the international index mark for vehicles in which country?
+Transport: name of honda's variable valve timing system?
+Transport: Name the city with the most Roll Royces per capita?
+Hong kong
+Transport: ransom eli olds started this company in 1897?
+Transport: sister car of the nissan quest?
+Mercury villager
+Transport: Sports Cars 10?
+Transport: the chrysler concorde, dodge intrepid, and eagle vision are known as...?
+Lh sedans
+Transport: the first auto accident on record occurred in this city?
+New york
+Transport: The first car with a non-U.S. nameplate to be classified as U.S. domestic?
+Mazda mx-6
+Transport: The first double-decker bus was introduced in this city?
+Transport: the first power steering was in this car?
+Transport: The first president to ride in an auto; he didn't care for it much?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Transport: the most expensive car produced by the chrysler corporation?
+Dodge viper
+Transport: The original name for this Pontiac car was the Banshee, for its mythicality?
+Transport: The Stutz-Bearcat is this type of car?
+Transport: volvo's chairman resigned in 1993 in protest of a merger with this automaker?
+Transport: What car company makes the Colt?
+Transport: What car manufacturer also makes airplane engines?
+Rolls royce
+Transport: What make of car is a 'Thunderbird'?
+Transport: What make of car is an 'Espace'?
+Transport: You park a car, but you ____ a boat
+Transport: Your car's engine has an anti-pollution device known as the pcv valve. what do those letters stand for?
+Positive crankcase ventilation
+Transposition of the letters of a word or phrase to form a new word or phrase?
+Transylvania is in which present day country?
+Trappist monks belong to which order?
+Treasure island, angel island and alcatraz can all be seen from which bridge?
+Golden gate
+Treat religious name or subject irreverently?
+Treatment of disease & correction of deformity or defect by manual & operative procedures, with or without the use of drugs?
+Treatment of disease by various approaches?
+tree living primate with a pointed snout and long tail native to Madagascar?
+Tree with a thin peeling bark the twigs also used for flogging?
+Trees give off excess water through microscopic holes in leaves called?
+Triassic, jurassic, & cretaceous are three periods during which era?
+Tropical American trees yielding large round fruits that are also known as bottle gourds?
+Troy was the last derby winner for which jockey?
+Willie carson
+Troy, this circle is you. Who said it?
+Brad Goodman 
+Truck, Canton and Hoist are amongst others parts of what?
+Trudeau 3399 what sport do you rack your balls in?
+True or false are bats blind?
+True or false do lionesses have manes?
+True or false rainwater is the purest form of water?
+True or False: All owls lay white eggs?
+True or False: Both Fleet Commanders in the Pacific Theater of World War II Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto for the Japanese, and Admiral Chester Nimitz for theUnited States were each missing 3 fingers as a result of accidents while younger officers onboard ship?
+False, 2
+True or false: Football rules allow players to be barefoot?
+True or false: gerry and the pacemakers' first three singles reached number one in the uk?
+True or False: It takes a week to make a jelly bean?
+True or False: Kermit the Frog has 11 points on his collar around his neck?
+True or False: No matter where you are in Australia you are never more than 1000 kilometers from the ocean?
+True or False: No words in the English language rhyme with orange, silver or purple?
+True or false: no words rhyme with month?
+True or False: The University of Texas system is the third-largest landowner in the United States?
+True or False: There are more Samoans in Los Angeles than on American Samoa?
+True or False: You can't tickle yourself?
+True or False: You can't trademark surnames?
+True or false:crystal skulls affect humans by shutting off their psychic abilities?
+True trivia: how many fingers did anne boleyn have?
+Truffles & mushrooms are edible ____
+Trunk lid name the only president to be married for the first time while in office?
+Grover cleveland
+Tsar kolokol in moscow is the world's largest what?
+Tubular sac attached to the large intestine?
+Turkish city and port on the Bosporus?
+Turn on, tune in and...?
+Drop out
+Tuscany is a major wine producing region of which country?
+What is 12 dozen also known as?
+Twenty two carat gold has ____ parts per thousand pure gold
+Twenty-five years after first playing James Bond, Sean Connery won an Oscar. For his part in which film?
+The untouchables
+Twisted tightly above a wound, this device is used to halt bleeding by compressing blood vessels?
+Two 1.5 volt batteries, when connected in series, produces ____ volts
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three", "3"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Two countries have names which mean Land of the South, what are they?
+Vietnam and Australia
+Two creatures support the Royal Coat of Arms, one is a lion what is the other?
+Two door car with a hard roof and slopping back?
+Two former members of what group formed hot tuna?
+Jefferson airplane
+Two in every three buyers pays the sticker price for what item without arguing?
+Two islands are situated in San Francisco harbour. One is Alcatraz, name the other?
+Angel island
+Two men who share a record number of swimming gold medals (11) are?
+Mark spitz and matt biondi
+Two objects have struck the earth with enough force to destroy a whole city. Each object, one in 1908 and again in 1947, struck regions of ____. Not one human being was hurt either time
+Two of the permanent residents of Fawlty Towers were old ladies. One is Miss Tibbs, what is the name of the other?
+Miss gatsby
+Two out of three adults in the United States have?
+Two short words are combined to give the name of which small stand with several shelves or layers for displaying ornaments?
+Two South American countries have no coastline, Bolivia is one what is the other?
+Two things grew on the little nut tree. A silver nutmeg & what else?
+Golden pear
+Tylenol, darvon, & aspirin are examples of ____
+Type four now, quickly :-)?
+Type of Dodge also a snake?
+Type of glazed earthenware?
+Type of public address loudspeaker system?
+Type of spongiform encaphalopathy affecting human beings and leading to dementia?
+Creutzfeldt-jakob disease
+Type the alphabet backwards?
+Tebahpla eht
+Types of fingerprints?
+Types Of Toothpaste?
+Typically, which type of literary form is an elegy?
+U S aircraft manufacturer?
+U S aviator, first solo non stop trans atlantic flight?
+Charles Lindbergh
+U S captials Arizona?
+U S captials Arkansas?
+Little rock
+U S captials Colorado?
+U S captials Delaware?
+U S captials Florida?
+U S captials Kentucky?
+U S captials Louisiana?
+Baton rouge
+U S captials Maine?
+U S captials Maryland?
+U S captials Montana?
+U S captials Nebraska?
+U S captials New Hampshire?
+U S captials North Carolina?
+U S captials Oregon?
+U S captials Pennsylvania?
+U S captials Washington?
+U S captials Wisconsin?
+U S captials Wyoming?
+U S health care programme introduced in 1965 by Johnson?
+U S president, Herbert C. ____
+U S President, John Quincy ____
+U S President, Woodrow ____
+U.s president chester alan ____
+U.S. Congress met for the very first time in this city?
+New York City
+U.S. President, Woodrow ____
+U.S. Presidents?
+Ugly carved figures projecting from roofs of churches, etc are?
+Ukulele's were first crafted in Hawaii in 1879 by Portuguese immigrants. The Instrument's name means what?
+Jumping flea
+Ulna, radius, & clavicle are types of ____
+Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of ____
+Ultramarine is a shade of what colour?
+Umber, sienna and sepia are all shades of which colour?
+ummertime This is the sandy area nearest the ocean?
+Un secretary general killed in a plane crash in africa, in 1961?
+Dag hammarskjold
+Uncle what is the name of the cord joining a mother and her unborn child?
+Uncultured or primative person?
+Under the leadership of nasser, this union of egypt and syria was proclaimed on feb 1, 1958?
+United arab republic
+Under what circumstances did Lord Castlereagh wound George Canning in 1809?
+A duel
+Under what name did 18th Century frenchman Francois-marie Arouet write?
+Under what name did andy mccluskey and Paul humphries enjoy hits with their synthesizer-based pop?
+Orchestral manoeuvres in the dark
+Under what name did michael barratt have four number one hits in the 1980s?
+Shakin' stevens
+Under what name did Nathan Birnbaum become famous?
+George Burns
+Under what name is thomas lanier williams better known?
+Tennessee williams
+Under what other name does Stephen King write?
+Richard bachman
+Under what pseudonym did William Connor write a column for the Daily Mirror from 1935 until his death in 1967?
+Under what pseudonym does Harry Paterson also write?
+Jack higgins
+Under what river does the holland tunnel run?
+Hudson river
+Under what structure was the first nuclear reactor built in Chicago?
+Football stadium
+Under which rules was boxing standardised?
+Marquise of queensberry
+Underground cemetery?
+Undershot, overshot and breastshot are what kinds of mechanical device?
+Underwear Brands, mens/womens?
+Joe Boxer
+Unfriendly, cold and sexually unresponsive?
+Unit of measure for energy?
+Unit of measurement originating in Anglo-saxon England,equal to 220 yards?
+Unit of weight measuring fineness of silk and nylon?
+United States: In the USA, for how many years is a patent good?
+United States: In what year was the first black mayor of Chicago elected?
+United States: What is on a 5000 acre landfill at the head of Jamaica Bay near New York City?
+John F. Kennedy Airport
+United States: What is the most popular street name in the US?
+Park Street
+United States: What was Jane Wyman Reagan's birth name?
+Sarah Jane Fulks
+United States: What was Nancy Davis Reagan's birth name?
+Anne Frances Robbins
+United States: What was the Statue Of Liberty originally named?
+Liberty Enlightening The World
+United States: Where is Stone Mountain?
+United States: Where were Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore freshman roommates?
+Harvard University
+United States: Which city is a 'player with railroads, and the nation's freight handler'?
+United States: Which two cities are known as the twin cities?
+Minneapolis and Saint Paul
+United States: Who is the only man to have been both chief justice and president of the US?
+William Taft
+United States: Who was Al Gore's freshman roommate at Harvard?
+Tommy Lee Jones
+United States: Who was born Anne Frances Robbins?
+Nancy Davis Reagan
+United States: Who was born Sarah Jane Fulks?
+Jane Wyman Reagan
+United States: Who was the first black mayor of Chicago?
+Harold Washington
+United States: Who was Tommy Lee Jones' freshman roommate at Harvard?
+Al Gore
+Universal donors have what type of blood?
+Unix is a play on words on which '60's operating system?
+Unlike a zebra or a leopard, this animal comes in both spotted and striped varieties?
+Unlike other rna viruses, which viruses (which includes hiv) replicate backwards as dna rather than rna genomes inside their hosts, by means of an enzyme they carry called reverse transcriptase?
+Unscramble 'topucrem'?
+Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it's known as?
+Until 1796, which state in the U S was known as Franklin?
+Until 1947, what did 'gripe water' contain?
+Until 1947, what mixture used for calming babies contained opium?
+Gripe water
+Until 1985 Pat Simmons talked to us all, who was she?
+Talking clock
+Until at least 1980 the country of bhutan had no what?
+Until her recent death who held the record as the most prolific living author?
+Barbra cartland
+Until the 18th century ____ produced almost all the worlds diamonds
+Until the 18th century, who produced almost all the world's diamonds?
+Until the dinner plate was introduced in the 15th century, it was customary to eat on what?
+Until the introduction of the Julian Calender in 1752, New Year's Day fell on which date?
+25 march
+Until the late 19th century this country controlled the wild rubber market?
+Until when was California a part of Mexico?
+Unu and Ne Win have been leading figures in the post- 1945 history of which country?
+Up until 1918, transylvania was part of which european country?
+Upon his death in 1931, all non essential lights in the U S were turned off for one minute in his honor?
+Thomas edison
+Upon which river did Babylon stand?
+Upon which towns streets was Monopoly originally based?
+Atlantic city
+Upper house of the US legislature?
+Urania was the Greek muse of what?
+Urania was the muse of what?
+Uranus is ____ kilometres in diameter
+Uranus is ____ miles in diameter
+Uranus is ____ million kilometres from the Sun
+Uranus' moons are all named after?
+Shakespearean women
+Urea is essentially made up of carbon dioxide and which other chemical?
+Uri Geller, the professional psychic was born on December 20 ____
+Urine was once used to?
+Wash clothes
+Ursa minor is the name of a group of stars,what does it mean?
+Little bear
+US Aeronautics - Where is the Kennedy Space Centre?
+Cape Canaveral, Florida
+US astronomer?
+Edwin hubble
+Us city nicknames: what city is the city of brotherly love?
+US HISTORY: What is the birthplace of President Andrew Jackson?
+Hermitage, Tennessee
+Us marines fought in peking in 1900 what military campaign?
+Boxer rebellion
+US Presidents (Last Names Only)?
+US slang: stupid or insignificant person?
+US slang:a person who habitually takes the drugs freebase or crack?
+US slang:bean-counter?
+Us State capitals: alabama?
+Us State capitals: Alaska?
+US, Canada and Other Holidays?
+Labor Day
+US, Canada and Other Holidays?
+New Year's Day
+US, West Germany and Japan not participate in the 1980 Olympic games in Moscow, as a protest because of Soviet activity in which country?
+USA: Geography: Pseudonyms: Chicago, illinois?
+Windy city
+USA: Geography: Pseudonyms: hawaii?
+Aloha state
+USA: Geography: Pseudonyms: north carolina?
+Tar heel state
+USA: Geography: Pseudonyms: North Dakota?
+Sioux state
+USA: Geography: Pseudonyms: old towne, maine?
+Canoe city
+USA: Geography: Pseudonyms: paris, france?
+City of light
+USA: Geography: Pseudonyms: South Dakota?
+Coyote state
+USA: Geography: Pseudonyms: tennessee?
+Volunteer state
+USA: History: Civil War: Democratic nominee for president in 1864?
+George mcclellan
+USA: History: Civil War: Replaced Joseph Hooker as Army of the Potomac commander on June 26, 1863?
+George meade
+USA: History: Civil War: Unit formed when 3 divisions were placed under a single command?
+USA: History: Civil War: USA Colonel who led the famed bayonet charge down Little Round Top?
+Joshua lawrence chamberlain
+Usa: name the river that flows through oklahoma and texas?
+Usa: oklahoma's only national historic site marks the site of general custer's 1868 attack on the village of this Indian chief?
+Chief black kettle
+Usa: one of oklahoma's most prominent mountains is?
+Mount scott
+USA: Presidents: Has B.Franklin ever been president of the U.S.? (yes/no)?
+USA: Presidents: In what year did A.Lincoln die?
+USA: Presidents: In what year did J.F.Kennedy die?
+USA: Presidents: Was Ulysses S. Grant a Republican? (yes/no)?
+USA: Presidents: What party did Andrew Jackson represent?
+USA: Presidents: Who had to resign from the presidency?
+USA: Presidents: Who preceded F.D.Roosevelt?
+USA: Presidents: Who reigned during the Korean War?
+USA: Presidents: Who reigned during the War of 1812?
+USA: Presidents: Who reigned for 4 years, then not and then again 4 years?
+USA: Presidents: Who succeeded Abraham Lincoln?
+USA: Presidents: Who succeeded F.D.Roosevelt?
+USA: Presidents: Who succeeded George Washington?
+USA: Presidents: Who succeeded James Madison?
+USA: Presidents: Who succeeded Jimmy Carter?
+USA: Presidents: Who succeeded John Quincy Adams?
+USA: Presidents: Who succeeded Richard Nixon?
+USA: Presidents: Who was Eisenhowers' vice president?
+USA: Presidents: Who was John Adams' vice president?
+USA: Presidents: Who was Kennedy's vice president?
+USA: Presidents: Who was Nixon's first vice president?
+USA: Presidents: Who was president during World War I?
+USA: Presidents: Who was president in 1900?
+USA: Presidents: Who was the first Democrat president of this century?
+USA: Presidents: Who was the first president of the U.S?
+USA: Presidents: Who was the last Whig president?
+USA: Presidents: Who was the only Federalist party president?
+USA: Presidents: Who was the third president of the U.S.A?
+USA: Presidents: Who was vice president under J.Q.Adams and A.Jackson?
+USA: States:  Birmingham is a big city in what state?
+USA: States:  Can we find South Carolina at the Eastcoast (yes or no)?
+USA: States:  Dallas is in what state?
+USA: States:  District of Columbia is in what city?
+USA: States:  Duluth is in what state?
+USA: States:  How many colonies founded the U.S.A?
+USA: States:  How many states form the U.S. (answer in numbers)?
+USA: States:  In what state can we find Atlanta?
+USA: States:  In what state can we find Chicago?
+USA: States:  In what state can we find Memphis?
+USA: States:  In what state can we find New York?
+New york
+USA: States:  In what state can we find Phoenix?
+USA: States:  In what state can we find San Francisco?
+USA: States:  In what state can we find the largest mountain?
+USA: States:  In what state can we find the Mount Rushmore?
+South dakota
+USA: States:  In what state is Las Vegas?
+USA: States:  Montpelier is the capital of what state?
+USA: States:  Near what city do the Mississippi and the Missouri meet?
+USA: States:  Omaha is in what state?
+USA: States:  Orlando is in what state?
+USA: States:  Route 66 connects Los Angeles to...?
+USA: States:  What city has the largest number of inhabitants?
+New york
+USA: States:  What city is famous for it's car factories?
+USA: States:  What is the capital of Minnesota?
+USA: States:  What river is the south border of Texas?
+Rio Grande
+USA: States:  What state has no borders on land?
+USA: States:  What state has the largest land mass?
+USA: States:  What state has the largest number of inhabitants?
+USA: States:  What state has the smallest number of inhabitants?
+USA: States:  What state is named after the first president of the USA?
+USA: States:  What state is the smallest?
+Rhode island
+USA: States:  What's Louisiana's largest city?
+New orleans
+USA: States:  What's Pennsylvania's largest city?
+USA: States:  What's the capital of Kansas?
+USA: States:  What's the capital of Mississippi?
+USA: States:  What's the capital of New york state?
+USA: States:  What's the capital of Virginia?
+USA: States:  What's the capital of Wisconsin?
+USA: States:  What's the largest city in Colorado?
+USA: States:  What's the largest city to be found at the Westcoast?
+Los angeles
+USA: States:  What's the U.S. northern neighbour country called?
+USA: States:  What's the U.S. southern neighbour country called?
+USA: States:  What's Utah's largest city?
+Salt Lake City
+USA: States:  Yellowstone National Park is in what state?
+USA: States: Capitals: hawaii?
+USA: States: Capitals: Idaho?
+USA: States: Capitals: Minnesota?
+St. Paul
+USA: States: Capitals: Virginia?
+USA: States: Wyoming was named after what pennsylvania town?
+Wyoming valley
+USA: States: Yosemite Park is in which American state?
+Usa: theme park in oklahoma city?
+Frontier city
+Usa: this oklahoma lake is fed by streams from the wichita mountains?
+Lake lawtonka
+Use your head: how often are brain cells replaced?
+Useless trivia:____ , a brink's car guard, was killed when $50,000 worth of quarters crushed on him
+Hrand araklein
+Useless trivia:____ , daughter of richard nixon married David eisenhower, son of dwight eisenhower
+Julie nixon
+Useless trivia:____ , jack klugman, diana ross, carol burnett and cher have all worn braces as adults
+Jill st. john
+Useless trivia:____ , koalas and komodo dragons all have two penises
+Useless trivia:____ , Mexico, zambia, kiribati, fiji and egypt all have birds on their flags
+Useless trivia:____ , not caffeine, are more efficient at waking up in the morning
+Useless trivia:____ , whales, elephants, giraffes and man all have seven neck vertebra
+Usenet group dedicated to discussion of brewing?
+Using morse code, what is transmitted using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots?
+Distress signal
+Using morse code, what is trasmitting using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots?
+Distress signal
+Ussr how much did David letterman pay to have miss ussr on his show?
+Four cartons
+Utah belongs to which group of states?
+Rocky mountain
+Uther pendragon was the father of ____
+King arthur
+Valence when did the first man walk on the moon?
+Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to do what in 1963?
+Travel in space
+Valentine in an average lifetime, the average American gives flowers 136 times on ____
+Mother's day
+Valois wine is produced by which European country?
+Vampire Bats can hear sound frequencies which are over ____ times higher than any picked up by the human ear
+Vampires: Favourite place to sleep (and it's portable!)?
+Vampires: Most effective spot to pierce with a wooden stake?
+Vampires: Muppet vampire enjoyed doing this?
+Vampires: Often, a vampire's pallor?
+Vampires: Substance required for survival?
+Vampires: These teeth grow especially long in vampires?
+Vancouver, BC ____ people, places, things
+Nanaimo Bars
+Vancouver, people, places and things?
+Bryan Adams
+Vancover Island & British Columbia became one colony in?
+Vanessa Bell was the artist sister of which writer?
+Virginia woolf
+Vanilla flavouring is derived from which flower?
+Vanilla is the extract of fermented & dried pods of several species of what?
+Varietal name applied to two different minerals?
+Various methods used to prevent pregnancy from occurring?
+Birth control
+Vasco da gama rounded the cape of good hope in what year?
+Vast region comprising the eastern part of the Asian portion of Russia, bounded on the west by the Ural mountains; on the north by the Arctic Ocean; on the east by the Pacific Ocean; & on the south by China, Mongolia, & Kazakstan?
+VCRs: DSS stands for this (Hint:Audio related)?
+Dolby surround sound
+vcrs: nth America uses this format of tape?
+vcrs: the standard type of vcr is this (ie beta)?
+vcrs: this company produces vcr's with apc(automatic picture control)?
+vcrs: this standard records at 1/2 normal speed?
+Long play
+VCRs: This standard records at normal speed?
+Standard play
+vcrs: vcr stands for this?
+Video cassette recorder
+VCRs: VCR's with only one audio channel are known as this type?
+VCRs: VCR's with two audio channel's are known as this type?
+Vega mechanical device that produces a force, or thrust, along the axis of rotation when rotated in a fluid, gas or liquid?
+Vegetable with green or purple leaves forming a round head?
+Vegetable with greenish flower heads?
+Vehicle designed for the transportation of the sick or injured?
+Velveteen is made from a mixture of Silk and which other fibre?
+Venerated by rastafarians as a God?
+Emperor Haile Selassie
+Vermont became the 14th state of the U S in 1791, 1792 or 1793?
+Very hard rain would pour down at the rate of about ____ miles per hour
+Very small clouds that look like they have been broken off of bigger clouds are called?
+VH is the civil aircraft international prefix for which country?
+vh1: this sexy swimsuit model hosted a 'body language' special?
+Kathy Ireland
+Victor Emmanuel III was the last king of what country?
+Victor hugo's les miserables contains one of the longest sentences in the french Language: how many words?
+823 words
+Victoria is the capital of ____
+Hong kong
+Victoria is the capital of the ____
+Victorian women tried to enlarge their breasts by bathing in ____
+Video Games: 'secret of evermore' was entirely produced in which country?
+Video Games: Adventure: Game series by Sierra that's 'fit for a King'?
+Kings quest
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: ...and finally... FINALLY... nothing much happens. That must be an invalid code. Try again.?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers", "Space Quest 4", "Space Quest IV"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: As usual, you've been a real pantload!?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers", "Space Quest 4", "Space Quest IV"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Consider the common graveyard. There, the boundary between the living and the dead, is... indistinct.?
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Destiny shall draw the Lightning down from Heaven; roll its thunder far across the Sea, to where I wait upon the Shore of Wonder, on the day the Sky is Opened, and the Tree is split asunder.?
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Don't worry, we'll return your missing abominations back into your protective care before you can read the Koran.?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sam & Max Hit the Road", "Sam and Max Hit the Road", "Sam & Max", "Sam and Max"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Ducks are meant to be eaten. Not heard.?
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: I am Chaos. Join me.?
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: I can hold my breath for ten minutes!?
+The secret of monkey island
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: I haven't seen that much twine since that night in Tokyo in '68.?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sam & Max Hit the Road", "Sam and Max Hit the Road", "Sam & Max", "Sam and Max"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: I like to keep it next to where my heart used to be?
+Grim fandango
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: I'm not a malefactor, I'm a lagomorph!?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sam & Max Hit the Road", "Sam and Max Hit the Road", "Sam & Max", "Sam and Max"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: if a woodchuck could chuck and would chuck some amount of wood, what amount of wood would a woodchuck chuck?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Monkey island 2: lechuck's revenge", "monkey island 2", "lechuck's revenge"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: If you try to look down my shirt one more time, I'm leaving.?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers", "Gabriel Knight"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: It shone, pale as bone, as I stood there alone. And I thought to myself how the moon, that night, cast its light on my heart's true delight and the reef where her body was strewn.?
+Grim fandango
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Run, you pigeons. It's Robert Frost.?
+Grim fandango
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Sit! Eat up your stew!?
+Simon the Sorcerer
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Sometimes I do stupid stuff, and I don't even know why. As if my body were being controlled by some demented, sadistic puppet master.?
+Day of the Tentacle
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: The weapons you pick up along the way help. At least they help you do less talking.?
+Full Throttle
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Think big, like the Americans. Think of bombs!?
+Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: This must be that Woodstock place Mom and Dad are always talking about!?
+Day of the Tentacle
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: Violets are blue. Roses are read. We're coming aboard. Prepare to eat lead.?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Monkey island 2: lechuck's revenge", "monkey island 2", "lechuck's revenge"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: WARNING: Do not play in or around dumpster. Do not kick dumpster. Do not sleep in dumpster. Usage of this dumpster for the disposal of human remains, may be a violation of local health ordinances.?
+Full Throttle
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: You make me think somebody already did.?
+The secret of monkey island
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: You unlock the door. Tada! That's 500 points; you're halfway through the game.?
+Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist
+Video Games: Adventure: Quotes: You're looking hale and hearty, lil' buddy.?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sam & Max Hit the Road", "Sam and Max Hit the Road", "Sam & Max", "Sam and Max"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Video Games: Advertised briefly as the bloodiest video game in existence?
+Mortal kombat
+Video Games: atari competitor that featured better graphics?
+Video Games: CEO of Origin's nickname, also a character in the Ultima series?
+Lord British
+Video Games: Company that made Atari games like Kaboom and Megamania?
+Video Games: Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 are known in Japan as what?
+SaGa 1-3
+Video Games: First person shooter with true 3D movement by Interplay?
+Video Games: Gran Turismo is exclusive to 1 console, what is it?
+Sony Playstation
+Video Games: How many buttons (excluding the control pad) did the original NES controller have?
+Video Games: How many fighters are playable in 'Street Fighter II'?
+Video Games: How many gears do you have in 'Pole Position'?
+Video Games: How many levels are there in Doom II?
+Video Games: How much money do you start with in the game 'Wall Street Kid'?
+Video Games: If you're killing a goomba, what game are you playing?
+Super Mario Bros
+Video Games: In 'Adventure', which castle had a dark maze in it when you played on any but the easiest difficult level?
+The Black Castle
+Video Games: In 'Pac-Man' for the Atari 2600, how many points were each pellet worth?
+Video Games: In Adventure, which castles require the bridge to explore fully?
+Black and White Castles
+Video Games: In Sonic the Hedgehog, the character Knuckles is what species?
+Video Games: In Super Mario Bros. 2, how many extra lives do you get for spinning three 7s on the slot machine?
+Video Games: in the 'extreme battle' mini-game in 'resident evil 2', what characters are selectable?
+Video Games: In the computer game 'super mario land', who is mario's sidekick?
+Video Games: In the game 'banjo-kazooie' what is the witch's name?
+Video Games: In the game 'banjo-kazooie' who is tooty's big brother?
+Video Games: In the game 'banjo-kazooie', who is banjo's little sister?
+Video Games: in the game joust, what animal was your mount?
+An ostritch
+Video Games: in the intro movie of 'xenogears', what message appears over and over again on the ship's monitors?
+Ye shall be as gods
+Video Games: In the Mystical Ninja series, who is Goemon's sidekick?
+Video Games: In the original All-C Saga game, who kills Mandy and Matthew?
+Video Games: In the original Kingdom Hearts, who is Sora looking for?
+Video Games: In the Sonic the Hedgehog series, what serves as your energy?
+Video Games: in ultimate mortal kombat 3, what animal does mileena turn into in her animality?
+A skunk
+Video Games: In what game did Mario make his first appearance?
+Donkey Kong
+Video Games: In what game do you collect Jiggies, Jinjos, and Feathers (amongst other things)?
+Video Games: In what series of video games did Master Chief appear?
+Video Games: In which Mega Man game did Mega Man first gain the ability to charge up his shots?
+Mega Man 4
+Video Games: Konami's classic shooter Salamander is better known in the U.S. as what?
+Life Force
+Video Games: Lara Croft is a character in which computer game?
+Tomb raider
+Video Games: Lucas Arts' very popular space shooter?
+Rebel assault
+Video Games: Manjimaru is the main character of which game?
+Kabuki Klash
+Video Games: Manufacturer of the 2600 and 5200 video game systems?
+Video Games: Mario first starred in this game against a giant gorilla?
+Donkey kong
+Video Games: Mega Man's traditional nemesis in the Mega Man series is whom?
+Dr. Wily
+Video Games: Music: who created the music for n2o- nitrous oxide?
+The crystal method
+Video Games: Music: Who is the famed musical director for Square's Final Fantasy series?
+Nobuo Uematsu
+Video Games: Name all of the main characters from each Final Fantasy game, in order (Final Fantasy 2 and 4-10 only)?
+Frionel,Cecil,Butz,Terra,Cloud,Squall,Zidane,and Tidus
+Video Games: name all of the main characters from each final fantasy game?
+Video Games: Name all the playable characters from Final Fantasy VII?
+Video Games: Name the final boss from each Final Fantasy game (1-8, in that order)?
+Chaos, Emperor from Hell, Dark Cloud, Zeromus, Deathgyunos, Kefka, Sephiroth, and Ultimecia
+Video Games: Nintendo's mascot, Mario, has a last name. What is it?
+Video Games: Nolan Bushnell, creator of the first arcade game, also founded the video arcade chain now known as what?
+Chuck E. Cheese's
+Video Games: On what non-Nintendo console can you find Zelda games?
+Philips CD-I
+Video Games: One of the first 3-D screen games, it had a ship resembling the space shuttle?
+Video Games: One of the first 4-player, speech synthesizer games, featured Valkyrie and Elf?
+Video Games: One of the most popular in gaming history, featuring the BFG 9000?
+Video Games: Popular Computer Games?
+Video Games: Samus Aran is the femme-fatale of which series of games?
+Video Games: Sid Meir's revolutionary strategy game of epic proportions?
+Video Games: Tetris game where the object is to stack objects on people's heads?
+Video Games: The enemy, 'cat-like' race in Wing Commander?
+Video Games: The Hylians come from what game series?
+The Legend of Zelda
+Video Games: The Minus World of Super Mario Bros. is a never-ending version of what stage?
+Video Games: The Nintendo 64 was titled under what name during production?
+Project Reality
+Video Games: The Sega Genesis game about two lost aliens looking for their spaceship was called what?
+ToeJam and Earl
+Video Games: This adventure game series stars Roger Wilco?
+Space quest
+Video Games: This hugely popular game was created by two brothers, aka Cyan?
+Video Games: This revolutionary, first person game was set in a Nazi stronghold?
+Wolfenstein 3d
+Video Games: Video Games: In the game 'banjo-kazooie', what is gruntilda?
+Video Games: What alternate dimension does Link find himself in in Majora's Mask?
+Video Games: What arcade game did Shigeru Miyamoto design Donkey Kong as a replacement for?
+Video Games: What are names of the two brothers in the Double Dragon games?
+Billy and Jimmy
+Video Games: What color is the 1-up mushroom in Super Mario Bros.?
+Video Games: What did the letters in ROB (the old NES peripheral) stand for?
+Robotic Operating Buddy
+Video Games: What do you need to collect 100 of to get an extra life in Super Mario Bros.?
+Video Games: What entertainment product did Nintendo make before entering the video game business?
+Playing cards
+Video Games: What fuzzy animal does Croc rescue?
+The Gobbos
+Video Games: What game mixed both Disney characters with Final Fantasy characters?
+Kingdom Hearts
+Video Games: What game takes place on the fantastic island of Koholint?
+Link's Awakening
+Video Games: What happened to the innocent residents of the Mushroom Kingdom when Bowser Koopa took over?
+They became bricks and powerup blocks
+Video Games: What is Celine Jules's (Star Ocean- The Second Story) favorite food?
+Baby rabbit risotto
+Video Games: What is Mario's profession?
+Video Games: What is Mario's surname?
+Video Games: What is Ozzie's hyper sister's name in the original 'All-C Saga' game?
+Video Games: What is the development team at Nintendo headed by Shigeru Miyamotocalled?
+Video Games: What is the most powerful whip in 'Castlevania 2'?
+Flame Whip
+Video Games: What is the name of the cloud-riding, glasses-wearing koopa in the Super Mario Bros. series?
+Video Games: What is the name of the Playstation controller that uses two analog joysticks?
+Dual Shock
+Video Games: what is the name of the star fox team's cocky wingman?
+Falco lombardi
+Video Games: What is the name of the video game inspired by the movie Alien?
+Video Games: What is the signature move of the Bombs in the Final Fantasyseries?
+Video Games: What is your character's name in the 'Legend of Zelda' series?
+Video Games: what item's sound effect was removed from smash brothers when it was ported from Japan to the united states?
+The beam sword
+Video Games: what member of the original starfox team betrays the group to join starwolf?
+Pigma dengar
+Video Games: what new female fighter is introduced in 'virtua fighter 4'?
+Vanessa lewis
+Video Games: What object did you need to get to the secret room in Atari's 'Adventure'?
+The dot
+Video Games: What special track is unlocked in 'Excite Bike 64' if you finish the tutorial?
+Classic NES Excite Bike
+Video Games: What video game made the Golden Gun famous?
+Video Games: what video game starts out with koma pigs stealing your treasured bracelet?
+Video Games: What was Mario's original name?
+Video Games: What was Nintendo's first Arcade game?
+Video Games: What was the first Arcade game ever released?
+Computer Space
+Video Games: What was the first cartridge that had a battery backed save feature?
+The Legend of Zelda
+Video Games: What was the first game created by Rare?
+Video Games: What was the first home console system released by Sega?
+Sega Master System
+Video Games: What was the hybrid pinball/video game in the Pac-Man series?
+Baby Pac-Man
+Video Games: When was the first 'Final Fantasy' created?
+Video Games: Whenever I smell asphalt, I think of?
+Video Games: Which body part is found in Bodley Mansion in 'Castlevania II- Simon's Quest'?
+An eye
+Video Games: Which character was introduced in 'Super Street Fighter II'?
+Video Games: Which company made the original 'Donkey Kong'?
+Video Games: Who invented Tetris?
+Alexey Pazhitnov
+Video Games: Who is Mega Man's creator?
+Dr. Light
+Video Games: Who is Mega Man's sister?
+Video Games: Who is the boss of the SNES game, 'Ranma 1/2- SUPER Hard Battle'?
+Video Games: Who is the developer at Nintendo responsible for classics like Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., and The Legend of Zelda?
+Shigeru Miyamoto
+Video Games: Who is the first gym leader you fight in 'Pokemon' for the Game Boy?
+Video Games: Who is the main character from Final Fantasy IX?
+Zidane Tribal
+Video Games: Who is the main character from Final Fantasy VII?
+Cloud Strife
+Video Games: Who is the main character from Nintendo's 'Earthbound'?
+Video Games: Who is the main character in Kingdom Hearts?
+Video Games: Who is the main character in the 'DeathQuest' series?
+Video Games: Who is the main character of Final Fantasy VIII?
+Squall Lionheart
+Video Games: who is the third opponent in 'super smash brothers'?
+Fox mccloud
+Video Games: Who manufactured the first home video game system?
+Video Games: Who programmed Roller Coaster Tycoon?
+Chris Sawyer
+Video Games: Who was Sega's mascot?
+Sonic the Hedgehog
+Video Games: Who was the main character in the original 'Street Fighter'?
+Vienna is the capital of ____
+Vientiane is the capital of ____
+Vietnam, laos, cambodia, thailand and malaysia is known by what name?
+Vietnam, laos, cambodia, thailand and malaysia, were influenced by who in early times?
+China and India
+Vigesimal is which base numbering system?
+Base twenty
+Vikings what was the nickname given to the minnesota vikings' defensive unit?
+Vince Lombardi & Brian Picollo both died in ____
+Vincent Minelli directed which Oscar winning musical in 1958?
+Vincent Van Gogh sold exactly one painting while he was alive, what was it?
+Red vineyard at arles
+Vinnie Jones is associated with which sport?
+Virago is the name of a publisher of feminist books but what does the word actually mean?
+Loud,violent and bad tempered woman
+Virginia woolf what two rivers join forces on the outskirts of st louis?
+Missouri and
+Viscous black liquid produced in the destructive distillation of coal to make coke & gas?
+Coal tar
+Vissi D'Arte is a famous aria from a Puccini opera in which the eponymous heroine is an opera singer. Name the opera?
+Visual representation of individual people, distinguished by references to the subject's character, social position, wealth, or profession?
+Vodka, milk, coca-cola and kahula mixed together makes this?
+Vodka Paralyser
+Voiceless it cries, wingless it flutters, toothless it bites, mouthless it mutters?
+The wind
+Volcanic lake in Romania:?
+Lake st ana
+von ebner's gland may be found in this part of the human body?
+Voted best band in the world and best act of the millenium in kerrang magazine in 1999 name the band?
+Black sabbath
+War heroine violette bushell was better known by her married surname - what is it?
+War: 1950-1953?
+Warm current of the North Atlantic ocean, flowing in a generally northeastern direction from the straits of Florida to the grand banks, east & south of Newfoundland?
+Gulf stream
+Warren harding's v.p?
+Calvin coolidge
+Warsaw is the capital of ____
+Was richmal crompton a man or woman?
+Was the battle of jutland a land, sea or air battle?
+Sea battle
+Watches Brand names?
+Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called ____ ____
+Soda water
+Water filled tank, usually with glass sides, in which aquatic plants & animals, particularly fish, are kept?
+Water found below the surface of the land?
+Water freezes at ____ degrees Celcius
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Zero", "0"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Water in vapor state, used in the generation of power & on a large scale in many industrial processes?
+Wax colouring stick?
+Wax like substance from the sperm whale used in perfumes?
+Way Religious phenomenon in which a message is sent by God (or by a god) to human beings through an intermediary, or prophet?
+Way who lived on bonnie meadow way in new rochelle?
+Rob and laura petrie
+Wayne rogers plays this character in house calls?
+Charlie michaels
+WD-40 Company products are sold in more than ____ countries around the world
+We all know the phrase- the global village, but where is it from?
+The gutenberg galaxy
+Weapon consisting of a long, sharp edged or pointed blade fixed in a hilt (a handle that usually has a protective guard at the place where the handle joins the blade)?
+Weapon resembling a short sword or a dagger, designed to be attached to the muzzle of a rifle or musket?
+Weather: 34-40 knots wind speed signifies what weather condition?
+Weather: in summer, the average maximum temperature in new zealand ranges between?
+20-30 c
+Weather: the highest temperature ever recorded in new zealand was?
+42 c
+Weather: the lowest temperature ever recorded in new zealand was?
+-22 c
+Weather: what's the boundary between two air masses called?
+A front
+Wedding rings are normally worn on what finger of your hand?
+Ring finger
+Weight carrying structure that can travel through the air, supported either by its own buoyancy or by the dynamic action of the air against its surfaces?
+Weissmuller what do you call the hollow spaces in the bones surrounding your nose?
+Well known places (start with A)?
+Well-to-do parents were temporarily resident?
+Florence nightingale
+Well, Blow me Down!: What was the name of Popeye's adopted son?
+Welsh mercenary bowmen in the medieval period only wore one ____ at a time
+Welsh rabbit is a food made from?
+Were can you find the hanging gardens?
+Were ignition keys first used to start cars in 1910, 1936 or 1949?
+Were is pop singer bryan adams from?
+Western civilization discovered aluminium in 1727, 1787 or 1827?
+Western U.S. States?
+Western United States?
+Westminster Abbey was originally a monastery of which order of monks?
+Wha is the highest fence in the grand national?
+The chair
+Whales can't swim?
+Whales increase in weight 30,000,000,000 times in their first ____ years
+Whare would you find a dog with no legs?
+Where you left him
+What '27 baseball team had a crew of heavy hitters called murderer's row?
+What 'outlaw's' first hit was luchenbach, texas?
+Waylon jennings
+What 'saturday night live' star played in the film 'stripes'?
+Bill murray
+What 'Y' usually has 365 but sometimes 366?
+What 'Z' is far-out humour?
+What % of men did not read a single book last year?
+What 1,300- foot column of basalt do wyoming indians want to keep people from climbing?
+Devil's tower
+What 100 plus island group includes palm island and mustique?
+What 10cc song got to nuber 1in 1978?
+Dreadlock holiday
+What 10th century ohemian King became a hero at the hands of Victorian hymn writer JM Neale?
+King wenceslas
+What 17th century explorer was buried with a pipe and a box of tobacco?
+Sir walter raleigh
+What 1839 innovation changed the face of mail delivery?
+The envelope
+What 1872 presidential candidate founded the New York tribune in 1841?
+Horace greeley
+What 18th century tourist attraction is at the end of berlins Unter den Linden?
+Brandenburg gate
+What 1902 children's book continues to sell over 50,000 copies per year?
+The tale of peter rabbit
+What 1920's cowboy star rode tony the wonder horse?
+Tom mix
+What 1936 quasi-documentary has been known as tell your children, doped youth and love madness?
+Reefer madness
+What 1937 movie was seen by 20 million within three months of its release?
+Snow white and the seven dwarfs
+What 1942 movie did the song white christmas come from?
+Holiday inn
+What 1942 naval engagement saw the sinking of four Japanese aircraft carriers?
+What 1949 book was a bestseller 35 years later?
+What 1950 film class was nominated for a record 14 oscars and won six?
+All About Eve
+What 1954 movie pushed rock 'n' roll into the social mainstream and made for an entire generation of terrified parents?
+The Blackboard Jungle
+What 1955 fad was good for New York City fur dealers?
+Coonskin hats
+What 1956 film was cecil b. demille's last?
+The ten commandments
+What 1960 movie inspired the rash of beach party movies?
+Where the boys are
+What 1968-69 tv series did joan blondell star in?
+Here come the brides
+What 1968-71 tv series did ken berry star in?
+Mayberry rfd
+What 1969 film did glenn campbell appear in?
+True grit
+What 1969 john fowles novel centered on abandoned mistress sarah woodruff?
+The french lieutenant's woman
+What 1969 sex spoof had a different author for every chapter?
+Naked came the stranger
+What 1970 film tells of the soaring relationship of a boy and a kestrel?
+What 1970 movie hit was banned on military bases?
+What 1970's tv series gave larry hagman his start?
+I dream of genie
+What 1971 series depicted robert powell as a scientific watchdog?
+What 1972 connoisseur's guide opened with a chapter called starters and included main courses, sauces and pickles, and problems?
+The joy of sex
+What 1972 film was shot on location on the chattooga river in the appalachians?
+What 1972 musical saw David essex as jesus christ?
+What 1979 tv series did james best appear in?
+Dukes of hazzard
+What 1980 vietnam flick was re-released in 1987?
+Apocalypse now
+What 1980's tv series starred bruce willis?
+What 1982 film starred nick nolte and eddie murphy?
+48 hours
+What 1982 horror film starred JoBeth Williams as a woman whose youngest child is carried off into a TV set?
+What 1982 movie stars Henry winkler as a morgue attendant?
+Night shift
+What 1988 movie reunited william hurt and kathleen turner?
+Accidental tourist
+What 1994 olympic gold-winning figure skater was an orphan?
+Oksana baiul
+What 1998 film broke the opening weekend box-office record?
+The waterboy
+What 19th century novelist spent his last days as an inspector at New York's Customs House?
+Herman Melville
+What 19th century war between Russia and England, turkey, britain and france, was named for a peninsula in the black sea?
+Crimean war
+What 19th-century humourist cabled home from europe: 'the report of my death was an exaggeration'?
+Mark twain
+What 2 countries border the Dead Sea?
+Israel and jordan
+What 2 countries lie closest to Antarctica?
+Argentina and chile
+What 2 countries share the Khyber pass?
+Afghanistan and pakistan
+What 2 drinks make a spritzer?
+White wine and soda
+What 2 products did Frederich Albrecht Winzer extract in one process from coal?
+Gas and coke
+What 2 skills make up the winter biathlon?
+Cross country skiing and target shooting
+What 2 word title has provided the title for 12 American chart records?
+Hold on
+What 2 words do most of the episodes of friedns begin with?
+The one
+What 20th century monarch reigned only 325 days?
+Edward viii
+What 20th-century American president was so obsessed with secrecy that he often wrote 'burn this' on personal letters?
+Lyndon johnson
+What 25 year old ex presidential daughter announced plans to marry in 1993?
+Amy carter
+What 265m high peak is located in wyoming?
+Devil's tower
+What 38 years old heavyweight couldn't answer the 11th round bell in 1980?
+Muhammad ali
+What 42 year old Panamanian boxer won his 89th pro fight in 1993?
+Roberto duran
+What 80's cartoon theme song did Ricky Martin sing?
+Rubic-the Amazing Cube
+What 80's cartoon was a showcase for 'New Wave' Music videos?
+Kidd Video
+What 80's movie did michael keaton squeeze the biggest bucks from?
+What 80's Pro-Wrestler was turned into a G.I. Joe character?
+Sgt. Slaughter
+What 80's spin off of a 70's tv show did Martin Lawrence play on?
+What's Happening Now
+What 80s show is Frasier a spinoff of?
+What abbreviation come from libra, meaning pound in latin?
+What abbreviation comes from libra, meaning pound in Latin?
+What ability has the silkworm moth lost through domestication?
+What Aboriginal boxer died in an accident while training for a world title fight?
+Dave Sands
+What academic title did nazi propaganda minister josef goebbels hold?
+What according tho Edward Young and headmasters the world over,is the thief of time?
+What according to Margaret Thatcher would the government ban from being put into British fridges?
+What acid is produced in the stomach?
+What acid is the cause of a nettles sting?
+What act was called DORA?
+Defence of the realm act
+What activity is it helpful to have a green thumb in?
+What activity might include the cobra,the camel,the locust and the plough?
+What activity other than hopping do kangaroos excel at?
+What activity traditionally takes place under mistletoe?
+What actor authored the 1978 historical book the outlaw trail?
+Robert redford
+What actor filled in as a big brother on the Junior camper river-rafting trip?
+Ernest Borgnine 
+What actor heartthrob was born michael shalboub in 1932?
+Omar sharif
+What actor is one of the world's top professional Bridge players?
+Omar Sharif
+What actor or actress from tv's 'cheers' made and appearance in 'the empire strikes back'?
+John ratzenberger
+What actor played batman in the first batman movie?
+What actor played benson?
+Robert guillaume
+What actor played charlie, the border patrol guard, in the border?
+Jack nicholson
+What actor played george cooper in my favorite husband?
+Barry nelson
+What actor played Harry callahan?
+Clint eastwood
+What actor played john wayne's son in red river?
+Montgomery clift
+What actor played lt frank ballinger in m squad?
+Lee marvin
+What actor played seven roles in no way to treat a lady?
+Rod steiger
+What actor played socrates miller in the people's choice?
+Jackie cooper
+What actor played the lead in the remake of breathless?
+Richard gere
+What actor played the psychopath hitchhiker in the hitcher?
+Rutger hauer
+What actor played the title role in monsignor?
+Christopher reeve
+What actor played trapper john, md?
+Pernell roberts
+What actor plays al bundy on the tv show 'married with children'?
+What actor portrayed neil brock in the drama series east side/west side?
+George c scott
+What actor portrayed pretty boy floyd in young dillinger?
+Robert conrad
+What actor tried his hand at recording with the 1962 entry old rivers?
+Walter brennan
+What actor was freshman college roommate to al gore?
+Tommy lee jones
+What actor was married to carole lombard between 1939 to 1942?
+Clark gable
+What actor was on stage when the 1974 academy awards were streaked?
+David niven
+What actor was one of the world's top professional bridge players?
+Omar sharif
+What actor's real name is Maurice Micklewhite?
+Michael Caine
+What actress and singer is part Armenian,part red Indian, a fromer Ronette and a vogue model?
+What actress had the role of the mother in six weeks?
+Mary tyler moore
+What actress has received the most oscar nominations?
+What actress hold the record for the biggest gap between oscar wins, with 38 years between her best actress and best supporting actress statuette?
+Helen Hayes
+What actress made 10million by the age of 10?
+Shirley temple
+What actress played jane foster in the series east side/west side?
+Cicely tyson
+What actress played jane miller in the good life?
+Donna mills
+What actress played Laura and Almonzo's niece on Little House on the Prairie?
+Shannen Doherty 
+What actress played mrs margaret williams in the danny thomas show?
+Jean hagen
+What actress played rhoda?
+Valerie harper
+What actress played sarah in the movie the bible?
+Ava gardner
+What actress played the female cop on hill street blues?
+Betty thomas
+What actress portrayed cassie cranston in the sitcom it's a living?
+Ann jillian
+What actress starred in America gigolo?
+Lauren hutton
+What actress starred in haywire?
+Lee remick
+What actress starred in playing for time?
+Vanessa redgrave
+What actress was born frances ethel gumm?
+Judy garland
+What actress wrote the autobiography call me anna?
+Patty duke
+What actress's legs were insured for one million dollars?
+Greta garbo
+What adjective describes an animal that eats both plants and animals?
+What adjective is used to describe trees which shed their leaves periodically?
+What adjective means 'of the North wind' or 'of the North'?
+What adjective was used to describe the flavour of Beech-Nut Gum?
+What ads stopped being shown on television during the 1970's?
+What aerosmith song was written about vince neil of motley crue?
+Dude looks like a lady
+What aesop animal assumed the grapes he couldnt reach were sour anyway?
+What affectionate nickname did Princess Diana have for Prince Charles?
+What african animal kills the most people?
+What african city is built on gold?
+What African country is alphabetically first?
+What african country is home to air ivoire?
+Ivory coast
+What African country was founded by freed American slaves in 1847?
+What African fly transmits sleeping sickness?
+Tsetse fly
+What african mountain is known as the mountain of the cold devils?
+Mount kilimanjaro
+What african nation gave independence to eritrea in 1993?
+What african nation won its independence from ethiopia in 1993?
+What African peak is known as The Mountain of the Cold Devils?
+What African relative of the pig can weigh four tonnes?
+What African republic's name was inspired by its thriving elephant tusk trade?
+The Ivory Coast
+What age did karen carpenter reach?
+What age did mozart become director of concerts for the archbishop of salzburg?
+What age does a filly become a mare at?
+What age is adolescence considered to end at?
+What age of exploration began october 4, 1957?
+Space age
+What age preceded the iron age?
+Bronze age
+What aging male tennis player did Billie Jean King play in a battle of the sexes?
+Bobby Riggs
+What aid to cooking was first manufactured by mark gregoire in 1954?
+Non stick pans
+What aid to grooming was invented by Col Jacob Schick in 1928?
+Electric razor
+What ailing founding father was carted to the Constitutional Convention in a sedan chair carried by four prisoners?
+Benjamin franklin
+What airborne predator was the first animal to be put on the endangered species list?
+The peregrine falcon
+What airline is Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services?
+What airline is the westin hotel chain associated with?
+What airplane first broke the 'sound barrier'?
+What airport in uganda was the scene of a rescue drama in 1977?
+What airport is identified by dfw?
+Dallas fort worth
+What airport is on the Piccadilly subway line?
+What airport lies across the channel from Rikers Island Penitentiary?
+La guardia
+What airport saw Israeli commandos free 103 hostages on July 4th 1976?
+What alabama city is called the cradle of the confederacy?
+What album by george michael won the grammy in 1988?
+What album got arrowsmith a gold lp in 1975?
+Get your wings
+What alcoholic beverage is made from honey and water?
+What alcoholic drink is distilled from molasses?
+What Alex Haley manuscript fetched at a 1992 auction?
+The autobiography of malcolm x
+What alice cooper album simulated an execution during a song?
+What alkaloid is derived principally from the bark of the cinchona tree?
+What allowed Mexican, andean and some north American indians to hurl their spears a great distance?
+What alloy do copper and tin form?
+What alloy do tin and lead form?
+What Alpine country's women got the right to vote in 1971?
+What alternative name is given to the barn owl because of its harsh cry?
+Screech owl
+What American building is the largest office building in the world?
+What American city did Cadillac found?
+What American city is prone to strong winds?
+What American dice rolling game can be won with an initial throw of seven or eleven?
+What American federal holiday falls the second monday in october?
+Columbus day
+What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar?
+Susan B. Anthony
+What American Indian tribe drank 'tizwin'?
+What American playwright titled his autobiography Timebends?
+Arthur miller
+What American president had a marijuana patch in his backyard?
+George Washington
+What American president had the biggest feet?
+George Washington
+What American president made the decision to use the atom bomb?
+Harry truman
+What American president was a peanut farmer?
+Jimmy carter
+What American spoiled Hitler's Aryan dream at the 1936 Olympics?
+Jesse owens
+What American sport sees pennant winners playing off in a world series?
+What American state capital is found on the island of oahu?
+What American state did English clergyman Roger Williams found?
+Rhode island
+What American state has no houseflies?
+What American state has the highest per capita personal income?
+What American state is Dodge City in?
+What American state is famous for its black hills?
+South dakota
+What American state is Memphis in?
+What American state's capital is Indianapolis?
+What American tv show centred on the cleaver family?
+Leave it to beaver
+What American university provides the setting for love story?
+What amphibians do you raise if you run a ranarium?
+What anagram of 'English' is at home on the beach?
+What ancient greek had the world on his shoulders?
+What ancient hunting weapon did the aborigines of Australia employ?
+What ancient man's brain was larger than that of modern man?
+What ancient measure is the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger?
+What ancient measure was the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger?
+What ancient middle east kingdom spread to it's greatest extent under king ashurnasirpal in 663 bc?
+What ancient middle east kingdom spread to it's greatest extent under?
+What ancient people started mining and smelting coper ore, in 5000 BC?
+The Egyptians
+What ancient people were the first to keep records of lunar eclipses?
+The Mesopotamians
+What ancient sovereign married two of her brothers?
+What and where is the longest group of coral reefs in the world?
+Great barrier reef
+What anesthetic did wt morton introduce in 1846?
+What angle do 90 degrees make?
+Right angle
+What annually, according to a recent survey of council employees, is the time spent on cigarette breaks by the average smoker?
+Three weeks
+What antifungal, which is sometimes used for treating thrush, is named after New York State institute for health?
+What antipodean wonder did Londoners flock to the Lyceum Theatre to see for the first time in 1791?
+First imported live kangeroo
+What ape is the best acrobat?
+What apollo lunar landing was canceled after a tank explosion?
+Apollo 13
+What apparatus do weavers weave on?
+What appear when the sun activates your melanocytes?
+What apple computer cofounder sponsored the us festival?
+Steve wozniak
+What appreciation society calls its members The Sons of the Desert?
+Laurel and hardy society
+What Arabian country claims the world's longest water pipeline?
+Saudi arabia
+What arabian peninsula nations recently merged under communist leadership?
+What arch can you see from the 'place de la concorde'?
+The arc de triomphe
+What arch can you see from the place de la Concorde?
+Arch de Triomphe
+What architect's story was told in wizard of the dome?
+Buckminster fuller
+What are 'carcinogens' liable to cause?
+What are 'duck tails', 'flat tops' & 'afros'?
+What are 'electric shadows' to the Chinese?
+What are 'Finnan haddies'?
+Smoked haddock
+What are 'Mongrel' cats referred to as?
+What are 'rods in pickle'?
+Troubles in store
+What are 'snowballs' to a hot-rodder?
+White-walled tires
+What are 35% of people using personal ads for dating?
+What are a bat's wings made of?
+What are a group of gulls called?
+What are a group of locusts known as?
+What are a group of magpies called?
+A tittering
+What are a group of ostriches called?
+A pride
+What are a group of starlings known as?
+What are a group of storks known as?
+What are a group of unicorns called?
+What are a group of wolves known as?
+A gam
+What are a jockey's silks?
+What are a tiger's paw prints called?
+Pug marks
+What are a tiger's paw prints?
+Pug marks
+What are a whales breathing organs called?
+What are abadi,courier and garamond?
+Word processing fonts
+What are adherents to the Society of Friends called?
+What are affected by phylloxera?
+What are alabaster marbles?
+What are Alvin, Simon, and Theodore?
+What are animals called if they live both on land & in water?
+What are animals that chew the cud called?
+What are animals that live in tree called?
+What are auctioned at Tattersalls?
+What are B&O, Reading, Pennsylvania and Short Line on an American Monopoly board?
+What are big chunks of ice that have broken off glaciers and drifted into the sea?
+What are billiard,bulldog,zulu and meershaum varieties of?
+Smokers pipes
+What are bloaters a type of?
+What are born with fur and their eyes open?
+What are bright regions of the sun's photosphere?
+What are built & repaired in 'dry dock'?
+What are Canada's great lakes alphebetically?
+Erie, huron, michigan, ontario, superior
+What are cannon & balls first names?
+Tommy & bobby
+What are catalogued under the Dewey decimal system?
+What are catalogued under the dewey decimal system?
+What are caught in a kheda?
+What are cavicorns?
+Animals with hollow horns
+What are chanterelles and morels?
+What are characterised by patterns such as loops, whorls and arches?
+What are Cherubim & Seraphim?
+What are chitterlings?
+Animal intestines
+What are chrysolite, beryl, jasper and tourmaline?
+What are chrysolite, beryl, jasper, and tourmaline?
+What are cirrus, cumulus and cirrostratus?
+What are Cobol, Fortran and Ada types of?
+Computer languages
+What are cocci, spirilla and streptococci?
+What are cone bearing trees called?
+What are conifers?
+Cone bearing trees
+What are conspicuous by their absence in Las Vegas gambling casinos?
+What are Covent Garden, La Scala & the Met?
+Opera houses
+What are crayons made of?
+What are daffodils, reesias & hyacinths normally grown from?
+What are dannocks?
+Thick gloves
+What are death caps?
+Poisonous fungi
+What are dense seawater swamps along coasts of hot countries?
+What are described by the terms rep, challis & foulard?
+What are dim sum?
+Chinese snacks
+What are dolly parton's working hours?
+9 to 5
+What are dolly,dimmer,rocker?
+Types of light switches
+What are double sixes called on dice?
+What are drumlins and eskers formed by?
+What are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific?
+American Time Zones
+What are elementary particles originating in the sun and other stars, that continuously rain down on the earth?
+Cosmic rays
+What are emblazoned on the jolly roger?
+Skull & crossbones
+What are Empire Monkey,Pretty Park, Concept and Melissa?
+Computer viruses
+What are English,Orator and Elite?
+What are exploding stars ten billion times more luminous then the sun?
+What are falling stars?
+What are FAQs?
+Frequently asked questions
+What are fawn or pale brown cows called?
+What are feathers made from?
+What are feta and portella?
+What are fields of rice called?
+What are followers of the Society of Friends called?
+What are followers of the Unification Church called?
+What are followers of the unification church?
+What are fossilised dinosaur droppings?
+What are found in oyster shells?
+What are fungal remains in coal?
+What are good friends when you are lonely?
+What are great waves resulting from earthquakes?
+Tsunami waves
+What are Hale & Pace's first names?
+Gareth and Norman
+What are half human & half horse figures called?
+What are hills and ridges composed of drifting sand?
+What are hiragana and katakana?
+Japanese alphabets
+What are horseshoe crabs?
+Spiders and scorpions
+What are human thigh bones stronger than?
+What are igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary the three classes of?
+What are inhabitants of naples called?
+What are iron pyrites often mistaken for?
+What are jack rabbits?
+What are Kayobi, Doyobi, and Kinyobi?
+Japanese days of the week
+What are Kislev,Teveth, Sivan and Av?
+Months in the jewish calendar
+What are knackers to a Norwegian?
+Crisp bread
+What are kreplach?
+Jewish ravioli
+What are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms?
+What are leokocytes more commonly known as?
+White blood cells
+What are lime deposits growing up from the floor of a cave called?
+What are Lincoln Red, Galloway and Welsh Black?
+What are listed in the Stanley Gibbons catalogue?
+Postage stamps
+What are loose rocks on a mountainside called?
+What are looser then normal in a double jointed person?
+What are love apples?
+What are lust, pride, and, envy, sloth, avarice and gluttony collectively known as?
+Seven deadly sins
+What are lust, pride, anger, envy, sloth, averice and gluttony?
+Seven deadly sins
+What are map makers called?
+What are marbles made from alabaster called?
+What are mazurka, fandango and polonaise types of?
+What are members of the organisation with the acronym RCMP more commonly known as?
+The mounties
+What are mentioned in the book of Ezra for the first time in the Bible?
+What are meteors?
+Falling stars
+What are most of the solar system's planets named for?
+Roman gods
+What are most of the solar system's plantes named for?
+Roman gods
+What are Muharram, Rajab and Safar?
+Months in the muslim calendar
+What are mustard and ketchup?
+What are nbs des?
+National bureau of standards data encryption standar
+What are noctilucent, cirrus, and cirrostratus categories of?
+What are non-precious metals called?
+Base metals
+What are obstacles like sand traps and ponds called in golf?
+What are officers of 46 u.s federal agencies authorised to carry?
+What are old boys of Winchester College called?
+What are Olive Oyl's vital statistics?
+What are ornithophilous flowers?
+Flowers pollinated by birds
+What are osiers?
+Branches of willow
+What are ovens used for baking clay pots or sculptures called?
+What are painted ladies,speckled woods and wall browns?
+What are panatelas?
+What are pearls found in?
+Oyster shells
+What are people encouraged to kiss under?
+What are people who collect stamps called?
+What are phalanges?
+Finger bones
+What are pillows in south korean inns filled with?
+Wheat husks
+What are pot bellies, scandinavians & franklins?
+What are pug marks?
+Tiger paw prints
+What are pulex irritans?
+Human fleas
+What are pyramid, bean, snapper lead and running shot all varieties of?
+Sinkers for Fishing
+What are quasi-stellar radio sources better known as?
+What are quasi-stellar radio sources?
+What are Queenslanders called?
+Banana Benders
+What are rain boots called?
+What are rats unable to do, making them extra vulnerable to poison?
+What are religious ascetics who practise scourging or mutual whipping for bodily discipline or penance?
+What are Ren and Stimpy's last names?
+Ren Ho?k Stimpy Cadoogan
+What are ren and stimpy's last names?
+Ren hoek & stimpy cadoogan
+What are repaired in the shop in which Bullman is based?
+What are responsible for a lot of the worlds pollution as they produce the largest amount of methane out of all animals?
+What are ringers and jillaroos?
+Australian cowboys and girls
+What are robots called in the movie Star Wars?
+What are rocks and boulders carried by valley glaciers called?
+What are romney marsh, suffolk and swaledale?
+What are Romney Marsh, Swaledale and Suffolk types of?
+What are Russian astronauts called?
+What are Saddlebacks, Middle Whites and Berkshires?
+What are scallops?
+What are seraphim and cherubim?
+Ranks of angels
+What are sheep if cats are feline?
+What are ship captains' special sea maps called?
+What are siblings?
+Brothers & sisters by blood
+What are slicks in auto racing jargon?
+What are snacks eaten with drinks before a meal?
+What are sometimes called the backbone of England?
+What are Springfield's two theatres called?
+The Aztec and the Googolplex 
+What are squirrel hairs used to make?
+Camel hair brushes
+What are Swedish buns?
+What are terra cotta objects baked from?
+What are tested in the Trial of the Pyx ceremony?
+Coins of the realm
+What are Texas told to remember?
+The Alamo
+What are the 'irons' in horse racing?
+What are the 2 languages spoken in Malta?
+English and maltese
+What are the 2 main divisions of chemistry?
+Organic and inorganic
+What are the 3 big colleges of the Ivy League (name them alphabetically)?
+Harvard, princeton, yale
+What are the 3 big colleges of the Ivy League?
+(name them alphabetically)Harvard, Princeton, Yale
+What are the 3 types of swords used in olympic fencing (in alphabetical order, no commas)?
+Epee foil sabre
+What are the 4 aristotelian elements?
+What are the 50 days immediately preceding easter known as?
+What are the amish also known as?
+Pennsylvania Dutch
+What are the annual awards for the best billboards (obies) named after?
+What are the barrels used to age Bordeaux made of?
+What are the Boyoma and Tugela?
+What are the bread slots in a toaster called?
+Toast wells
+What are the Buckingham Palace guards commonly known as?
+What are the busiest days for hospital emergency departments?
+What are the call letters of Springfield's radio station?
+What are the cherubim and seraphim?
+What are the christian names of Cannon and Ball?
+Tommy and bobby
+What are the christian names of the novelist p d james?
+Phyllis dorothy
+What are the clay targets in trap shooting called?
+What are the clouds of magellan?
+What are the colors of the Swedish flag?
+Yellow blue
+What are the crushed chick peas used in middle eastern cuisine?
+What are the cutting teeth called?
+What are the deepest parts of the oceans?
+Ocean trenches
+What are the dots called on dominoes?
+What are the dots on dominoes?
+What are the famed hills of South Dakota?
+Black hills
+What are the first & middle names of the famous poet E.E. Cummings?
+Edward Estlin
+What are the first four words of we are the world?
+There comes a time
+What are the first names of the couple in 'cat on a hot tin roof'?
+Brick and maggie
+What are the first six words of dicken's a tale of two cities?
+It was the best of times
+What are the first three words of the us constitution?
+We the people
+What are the flat treeless plains of Argentina called?
+What are the following pig,craps and Everest?
+Dice games
+What are the four basic methods of calculation in mathematics?
+Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
+What are the four colours of croquet balls?
+Red, yellow, blue, black
+What are the four most used languages in North America (In alphabetical order)?
+English French Italian Spanish
+What are the four seas named after colours?
+Red sea, white sea, black sea, yellow sea
+What are the front cutting teeth called?
+What are the fundamental constituents of tissue building drugs?
+Anabolic steroids
+What are the grinding teeth called?
+What are the height and width of a horse measured in?
+What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table?
+Thirty Five to One
+What are the hole punchings on a postage stamp called?
+What are the identification letters for Chicago's o'hare airport?
+What are the ingredients of a daiquiri?
+Rum and lemon
+What are the initials 'vcp'?
+Video cassette player
+What are the initials 'vcr'?
+Video cassette recorder
+What are the initials for deoxyribonucleic acid?
+What are the islands called in the north of the Netherlands?
+What are the largest oceans in order of size?
+Pacific, atlantic, Indian
+What are the lime deposits hanging from the ceiling of a cave called?
+What are the longest cells in the human body?
+What are the main divisions of a play or opera called?
+What are the main ingredients of both financiere and perigueux sauces?
+Madeira and truffles
+What are the main ingredients of the Irish dish 'colcannon'?
+Green cabbage and potatoes
+What are the male organs of a flower called?
+What are the membranes enveloping the brain and spinal cord called?
+What are the mineral deposits in caves growing upward called?
+What are the more common terms for the maxilla and mandible?
+Upper and lower jaw
+What are the most common initials of superman's friends and enemies?
+What are the most repulsive warring creatures in the lord of the rings?
+What are the moufflon & bighorn?
+What are the names of angelica's parents in the rugrats?
+Drew and charlotte
+What are the names of daisy duck's nieces?
+April, may and june
+What are the names of Lisa's and Bart's hockey teams?
+Mighty Pigs and the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers 
+What are the names of Mickey Mouses' two nephews?
+Ferdy & Mordy
+What are the names of the Flanders' children?
+Rod & Todd 
+What are the names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order?
+Donatello Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael
+What are the names of the Simon brothers from Simon & Simon?
+Rick & AJ
+What are the names of the tallest and shortest of Bond henchmen?
+Jaws and Nick Nack
+What are the names of the three dimaggio brothers (d v j )?
+Dom vince joe
+What are the names of the three little characters on a Kellogg's rice bubbles box?
+Snap, crackle, pop
+What are the names of the three wise monkeys (in the order of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil)?
+Mizaru, mikazaru, mazaru
+What are the names of the two famous disney chipmunks?
+Chip and dale
+What are the names of the two stone lions in front of the New York public library?
+Patience & fortitude
+What are the natives of Tangier called?
+What are the nine letters on the center row of a standard qwerty keyboard (from left to right)?
+What are the odds for s club 7 according to their hit record?
+2 in a million
+What are the odds that a professional golfer will get a hole-in-one?
+One in 15,000
+What are the official languages of malta?
+Maltese and English
+What are the only 2 poisonous lizards in the world?
+Gila monster & beaded lizard
+What are the only animals that copulate face to face?
+What are the only canines whose hair has a hook (or barb) on each individual follicle?
+What are the only food that astronauts do not have to treat & dehydrate when flying in space?
+What are the only numbers where they are the values of the numbers of factors they have?
+1 & 2
+What are the only primes that end in 2 or 5?
+2 & 5
+What are the only three nations with Jewish populations over one million?
+Israel, Russia, u.s.a
+What are the only two commonly ingested items pure enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream directly through the stomach walls?
+Honey and alcohol
+What are the only two landlocked countries in South America (alphabetical order)?
+Bolivia & paraguay
+What are the only two London boroughs that start with the letter 'e'?
+Ealing & enfield
+What are the only two perennial vegeatbles?
+Rhubarb & asparagus
+What are the only two places that dogs have sweat glands?
+Nose and paws
+What are the only two poisonous lizards in the world?
+The gila monster and the bearded lizard
+What are the Perseids?
+Summer meteor showers
+What are the playing pieces of dominoes?
+What are the primary colors?
+Red, yellow and blue
+What are the residents of the island of Lesbos called?
+What are the rhea and cassowary both types of?
+Flightless birds
+What are the roaring forties?
+What are the sacred Hindu texts called?
+What are the sava, drava and soca?
+What are the scientists who study dinosaur fossils called?
+What are the scientists who study volcanoes called?
+What are the seed-bearing fruits of pine,cedar and fir trees called?
+What are the seven letters on the bottom row of a standard qwerty keyboard (from left to right)?
+What are the seven things Sheffield and Rome have in common?
+What are the siberian prison islands also known as?
+Gulag archipelego
+What are the smallest blood-carrying 'tubes' in the human body called?
+What are the smallest blood-carrying 'tubes' in the human body?
+What are the stage names of William Mitchell and John Payne?
+Peter Finch & Jack Thompson
+What are the star of africa and cullinan ii?
+What are the stinging cells of a man of war called?
+What are the surnames of the two men who determined the structure of dna?
+Crick and watson
+What are the tallest trees?
+California redwoods
+What are the three anatomical parts of an insect?
+Head thorax abdomen
+What are the three breeds of dog known as the setter?
+English, gordon, Irish
+What are the three capital cities of south africa (c j p)?
+Cape town johannesburg pretoria
+What are the three clours in germanys national flag?
+Black red gold
+What are the three colors on the German flag?
+Black, red and gold
+What are the three colors on the west German flag?
+Black Red and Gold
+What are the three colours on a roulette wheel?
+Black, green & red
+What are the three great pyramids of egypt?
+Cheops chephren mycernius
+What are the three largest countries in order?
+Russia, Canada, china
+What are the three main types of greek columns?
+Doric, ionic and corinthian
+What are the three operative words on a ouija board?
+Yes no goodbye
+What are the trails left in the sky by aircraft composed of?
+Condensed water vapour
+What are the transitional periods of the zodiac called?
+What are the Twin Cities?
+Minneapolis and St Paul
+What are the two basic aids in the sport of orienteering?
+A map and compass
+What are the two christian names of HE Bates?
+Herbert ernest
+What are the two cities in Charles Dickens 1859 novel 'A Tale Of Two Cities?
+London & paris
+What are the two cities in Charles dickens' 1859 novel a tale of two cities?
+London and paris
+What are the two ends of a magnet called?
+What are the two highest consecutive numbers that can be multiplied together to give a number less than 1,000?
+31 & 32
+What are the two hottest months at the equator?
+March and september
+What are the two kinds of blood corpuscles in vertebrates?
+White and red
+What are the two languages of malta?
+English maltese
+What are the two largest cities in Scotland?
+Glasgow edinburgh
+What are the two main gases that make up our breathable air?
+Oxygen and nitrogen
+What are the two main ingredients of a Lyonnaise sauce?
+White wine & onions
+What are the two main islands of the Philippines?
+Mindanao & luzon
+What are the two official languages of Canada?
+English & french
+What are the two primary ingredients in cracker jack?
+Popcorn and
+What are the two stone lions in front of the New York public library?
+Patience and fortitude
+What are the types of limestone deposits that form from dripping water in calcite?
+Stalactites, stalagmites and helictites
+What are the world's tallest trees?
+Coast redwoods
+What are the young of a rabbit called?
+What are the young of seals called?
+What are the youngest letters in the English language alphabetically?
+J, v, w
+What are there 10 of in a kilometre?
+What are there 100 of to the Drachma in Greece?
+What are thribbles and censers?
+Vessels for burning incense
+What are tiny cracks in the glaze of pottery?
+What are train drivers called in the U.S.A?
+What are Trawsfynnydd (Trous-fun-uth) and Wylfa (Wilva) in Wales?
+Nuclear power stations
+What are two numbers that have no divisors in common?
+Relatively prime
+What are two of the softest minerals?
+Aluminite and talc
+What are two people who are both monozygotic?
+Identical twins
+What are u doing here - |r|e|a|d|i|n|g|?
+Reading between the lines
+What are venomous water moccasins of the pit viper family?
+Cotton mouths
+What are voussoirs?
+Wedge shaped blocks
+What are Walrus tusks made of?
+What are white dwarfs and red giants?
+What are wrapped in rashers of bacon to make the dish Angels on Horseback?
+What are you caught in if a haboob blows up?
+What are you caught in, if a haboob blows up?
+A sandstorm
+What are you doing if you are ledgering?
+What are you fi your described as dextral?
+Right handed
+What are you forbidden to fly an aeroplane over in India?
+Taj mahal
+What are you forbidden to fly an airplane over in India?
+Taj mahal
+What are you if you suffer from baker's leg?
+Knock kneed
+What are you if you're hirsute?
+What are you if your IQ is below 25?
+What are you wearing if you have a dogging heel?
+Cowboy boots
+What are young eels called?
+What are young hares called?
+What are young herrings?
+What are young rats called?
+What Argentine Football player was hailed as the world's best when he arrived at the 1982 World Cup?
+Diego Maradona
+What argentinian boxer was shot dead outside a nevada brothel in may 1976?
+Oscar bonavena
+What army publishes the newspaper The War Cry?
+The Salvation Army
+What army publishes the newspaper The War Cry?
+Salvation army
+What armys motto is blood and fire?
+Salvation army
+What arrives at your table in Madrid if you say 'La cuenta, por favor'?
+What artery carries blood inside the heart to the heart tissue?
+Coronary artery
+What Arthur Miller play recounts his marriage to Marilyn Monroe?
+After the fall
+What arthurian knight had the strength of ten because his heart was pure?
+Sir galahad
+What artificial organ was first developed by Canada's Gordon Murray?
+What artificial sweetener is some 400 times sweeter than sugar?
+What artificial sweeteners got the ax in 1969?
+What artificial waterway links the black sea to the baltic via leningrad?
+Volga-baltic canal
+What artist composed the classical work Tannhauser?
+What artist cut off his right ear?
+Vincent van gogh
+What artist had the surname Buonarroti?
+What artist had the surname buonarrotti?
+What artist was the subject of the book the agony and the ecstasy?
+What artist's first British hit was the little shoemaker in 1954?
+Petula clark
+What artist's surname was van rijn?
+What artistic term was named after a French finance minister?
+What artists real name is marshall mathers iii?
+What as girlschool's most successful album?
+Hit & run
+What as the name applied to plays after wwii in which aspects of household life were presented fairly realistically?
+Kitchen-sink dramas
+What asian capital boasts the 80,000 seat workers stadium?
+What Asian city boasts the world's biggest bowling alley?
+What asian country did james michener take readers to in his 1963 novel caravans?
+What asian country is bordered by the soviet union and china?
+What asian country is home to most speakers of telugu?
+What Asian country used to be ruled by a shah?
+What Asian country was acupuncture first practised in?
+What asian politician was in prison when time named him man of the year for 1930?
+What astronaut later went into the wasp-breeding business?
+Scott carpenter
+What astronaut soared into history on february 20, 1962?
+John glenn
+What astronomer-architect designed the present st. Paul's cathedral in london?
+Christopher wren
+What astronomical unit of distance is used for measurements beyond the solar system?
+What athlete released the photo book rare air in 1993?
+Michael jordan
+What attach skeletal muscles bones?
+What attaches the muscles to the bones or cartilage?
+What attack did Isoroku Yamamota plan and lead?
+Pearl harbour
+What attack was planned & lead by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto?
+Pearl harbour
+What attack was planned and lead by isoroku yamamoto?
+Pearl harbour
+What attracted eight and a half million people top Battersea Pleasure Gardens between may and Sept 1951?
+Festival of britain
+What attribute did Ralph give to Jesus?
+He had wheels 
+What Aussie was the first world champion boxer to retire with a perfect record?
+Jimmy Carruthers
+What Australian city had the country's first steam and electric trains?
+What Australian city was named after the wife of king william iv?
+What Australian food was discovered by john macadam?
+Macadamia nuts
+What Australian jockey was called The Demon Darb?
+Darby Munro
+What Australian marsupial is often mistaken for a monkey?
+What Australian mother won gold medals in running and hurdling at the Melbourne Olympics?
+Shirley Strickland
+What Australian state boasts mount isa, the worlds largest town by area?
+What Australian state capital was named after a city in Scotland?
+What Austrian city hosted olympic games 12 years apart?
+What Austrian city was named for it's mining & trading of salt?
+What Austrian city was named for its mining and trading of salt?
+What author landed a 468 pound marlin without harness in the early 1930's?
+Ernest hemingway
+What author of couples suggested in a 1969 paris review piece that we 'take coitus out of the closet'?
+John updike
+What author of sex and the single girl went on to edit cosmopolitan into a money-making magazine?
+Helen gurley brown
+What author said 'accidents will occur in the best regulated families'?
+Charles dickens
+What auto company raised a giant three pointed star above the Stuttgart skyline?
+Daimler benz
+What automaker bought Rolls Royce in 1998?
+What automobile company makes the Corvette?
+General motors
+What automobile company makes the ram?
+Daimler chrysler
+What avenue is New York City's famed easter parade held on?
+Fifth avenue
+What avenue runs along the east side of central park, New York?
+Fifth avenue
+What averted an arab boycott of the 1948 summer olympics?
+Israel's exclusion
+What award can baseball pitchers earn?
+Cy young award
+What award did Washington create in 1782 as a decoration to recognize merit in enlisted men and non-commissioned officers?
+Purple heart
+What award, founded in 1901, is funded with the help of the Bank of Sweden?
+The Nobel Prize
+What B is a name for a room which translates literally as a place for skulking?
+What bank is owned by the prudential?
+Egg bank
+What bars do kids belly up to on playgrounds?
+Monkey bars
+What battle cry inspired Texas troops after the Alamo fell?
+Remember the alamo
+What battle resulted in the largest number of German POWs?
+Battle of stalingrad
+What battle took place in 1815?
+What battle was a horse named comanche the only losing survivor of?
+Battle of little big horn
+What beach provided the most resistance to Allied forces on D Day?
+What bean is used in the production of chocolate?
+What bean shaped organs filter waste products from the blood?
+What beating victim's 23 lawyer defense team handed the city of Los Angeles for $4.4 million?
+Rodney king
+What beating victim's 23-lawyer defense team handed the city of Los Angeles for million?
+Rodney king
+What beatle reportedly slept with a light on?
+John lennon
+What beatle song includes a girl with kaleidoscope eyes?
+Lucy in the sky with diamonds
+What Beatles album came with a 24-page full-colour picture book?
+Magical mystery tour
+What Beatles album featured back in the u.s.s.r?
+The white album
+What Beatles album spent the longest time atop the charts, at 15 weeks?
+Sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band
+What Beatles ballad, including french lyrics, won a 1966 grammy as song of the year?
+What Beatles song did fats domino hit with in 1968?
+Lady madonna
+What Beatles tune made mention of a villainous character named dan?
+Rocky raccoon
+What beautiful hotel commands a matchless view of quebec city?
+Chateau frontenac
+What beautiful street in paris begins at the arc de triomphe?
+Champs elysees
+What became a national holiday in the u.s in 1890?
+What became America's first organized sport, in 1664?
+Horse racing
+What became Spain on july 9th, 1947?
+What became the 50th American state?
+What became the biggest use for aluminum starting in 1960?
+Tin cans
+What beer is sold in shelbyville?
+What beer was named after president Jimmy Carter's brother?
+Billy beer
+What began August 15th 1969 on Max Yasgur's dairy farm?
+What begins - If music be the food of love?
+Twelfth night
+What beloved object does Homer sell to get counselling for his family? (There's No Disgrace Like Home)?
+Their TV 
+What berries are commonly used to flavour English gin?
+Juniper berries
+What berries give gin its flavour?
+Juniper berries
+What best describes an agent provocateur?
+What beverage did Louis Pasteur first pasteurise in 1864?
+What beverage do people drink 311,000 of per minute worldwide?
+What beverage product took to claiming: 'life without caffeine is stimulating enough'?
+What biblical character lost his strength when his hair was cut?
+What biblical figure is known as the father of the human race?
+What biblical phenomenon did a group of scientists conclude in 1982 was a super nova?
+The star of bethlehem
+What biblical relic is astronaut James Irwin famous for seeking?
+Noah's ark
+What billy joel album was 1979's top seller?
+52nd street
+What bird builds a nest about 12 feet deep and eight and a half feet wide?
+Bald eagle
+What bird can fly the whole day without flapping its wings?
+What bird can swim but cant fly?
+What bird can swim but not fly?
+What bird did benjamin franklin advocate as the us national symbol?
+The turkey
+What bird do shuttlecock feathers come from?
+What bird familey does the bunting belong to?
+What bird feathers were used as quills for writing?
+What bird has a 46 foot long small intestine?
+What bird has double-plumed feathers?
+What bird has two toes?
+What bird in Greek legend was given the 100 eyes of Argus?
+What bird is a shag?
+What bird is a symbol of peace?
+What bird is also known as the gooney bird?
+What bird is associated with lundy island?
+What bird is associated with the birth of children?
+What bird is associated with the Tower of London?
+What bird is famed for nesting on chimneys?
+What bird is the offspring of a cob & a pen?
+What bird is the offspring of a cob and a pen?
+What bird is the reminder to us of a personal burden?
+The albatross
+What bird is the symbol of the United States?
+What bird lays an egg that is roughly a quarter of its body weight?
+What bird lays an egg the size of a pea?
+What bird lays the largest egg?
+What bird makes an excellent watchdog?
+What bird provided the quills that were used for writing?
+What bird's feathers does superstition say should never be in a house as decoration?
+What birds will lay eggs only in the early morning?
+What birthstone melts in vinegar?
+What Bishop was killed in Rome on February 14 270 a d?
+St valentine
+What bit of Bobby Goldsboro sirup focused on a dying young wife?
+What bit of Bobby Goldsboro syrup focused on a dying young wife?
+What bites campers on the big toe?
+Vampire bat
+What black comic always had a poem for his audience?
+Nipsy russell
+What black magazine was founded by john h johnson in 1947?
+What Black Sabbath's song which title stands for the British slang to 'cocainomane'?
+What blew up at lakehurst, new jersey, on may 6, 1937?
+The hindenburg
+What blew up at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on May 6th 1937?
+What blonde was the subject of the four most expensive Andy Warhol works sold at auction?
+Marilyn monroe
+What blood sport originated the word crestfallen?
+What blood type has been found in less than a dozen people since it was first discovered?
+Type ah
+What blue creature does alice find sitting on a mushroom in wonderland?
+What board game derives its name form the Persian word for king?
+What board game derives its name from the persian word for king?
+What board game did humphrey bogart excel at?
+What board game gets its name from the persian word for king?
+What board game is called checkers in North America?
+What board game is known as The Game of four Winds?
+Mah jong
+What board game was originally called criss cross?
+What board game's name is derived from the Latin for 'I Play'?
+What boat is found on the canals of Venice?
+What bodily function can reach a break neck speed of 200 mph?
+What bodily function can reach the breakneck speed of 200 miles per hour?
+What body of water does the danube river flow into?
+Black sea
+What body of water does the rhone river empty into?
+What body of water is fed from the south by the Wadi Araba & from the north by the river Jordan?
+The dead sea
+What body of water is the old port of marseilles on?
+What body of water rises in the Yukon & flows south to British Columbia?
+Lizard river
+What body of water separates Alaska from Russia?
+Bering strait
+What body of water separates Australia and new zealand?
+Tasman sea
+What body of water were ridgway and blyth the first to row across?
+The atlantic ocean
+What body organs did mae west say could be an asset if you hide them?
+What body parts are oversized in a man suffering from gynecomastia?
+What bombay-born writer was called the bard of empire?
+Rudyard kipling
+What bone connects your shoulder blade & elbow joint?
+The humerus
+What book about a horse was written by the Victorian Anna Sewell?
+Black beauty
+What book did Bobby Riggs write?
+Court hustler
+What book did Christians often place on their foreheads to cure insomnia in medieval time?
+The bible
+What book did forrest gump keep in his suitcase?
+Curious george
+What book does Dr. Wolfe, the dentist, show Ralph?
+The Big Book Of British Smiles
+What book does Holden Caufield appear in?
+The catcher in the rye
+What book explains how to obtain & keep political power?
+The prince
+What book features Jim Hawkins?
+Treasure island
+What book is the connection between E. Nesbitt and railways?
+The railway children
+What book, written by Isaac Newton, is considered the world's greatest single work of science?
+Principia Mathematica
+What books does me jane read?
+What bore was the largest cannon ever made?
+What Boston Celtic's player think that Woody's hometown is full of idiots?
+Larry bird
+What Boston craftsman made George Washington's false teeth?
+Paul revere
+What boundary did Hyde Park mark until the end of the 19th century?
+Teh london boundary
+What boxer played the lead in the broadway musical buck white?
+Muhammad ali
+What boxer received a barrage of criticism for leaving Australia for the U.S.A. in 1916?
+Les Darcy
+What boxer was nicknamed gentleman jim?
+James corbett
+What boxer's nickname was gentleman jim?
+James j corbett
+What boxing division has Britain held the most world titles in?
+What boy time-travelled with mr. peabody in the 'rocky and bullwinkle' cartoon?
+What boys name comes of the latin word for small?
+What boys swear they will 'be prepared'?
+Boy scouts
+What boys' toy was introduced at the annual American international toy fair in New York on feb. 9, 1964?
+G.i joe
+What branch of biology concentrates on heredity?
+What branch of chemistry deal with fermentation as applied in wine-making and brewing?
+What branch of law did professor Kingsfield teach in the paper chase?
+What branch of mathematics was devised by Sir Isaac Newton?
+What branch of science studies heat, electricity and magnetism?
+What branch of science studies the structure of an organism?
+What branch of the camel family is found only in the andes mountains?
+The llama
+What brand and color of underwear is marty wearing in back to the future?
+Purple calvin klein briefs
+What brand computer performed the first valentine's day wedding in 1981?
+What brand name did Galvin Manufacturing give to its line of radios for motorists?
+What brand name of playing cards is the most popular in America?
+What brand of Bourbon is Marge caught stealing at the Kwik-E-Mart?
+Kernel Kwik-E-Mart's 
+What brand of cheese celebrated its 60th birthday in 1988?
+What brand of footwear is endorsed by dr j?
+What brand of footwear was invented by adolf dassler?
+What brand of syrup did gary carter admit to pouring on pancakes?
+Aunt jemima
+What brand of whipped cream first appeared on store shelves in 1947?
+What brassy songstress played lola lasagne on tv's batman?
+Ethel merman
+What breakfast cereal celebrated its centenary in 1994?
+Kellogg's Corn Flakes
+What breakfast dish was ordered by a writer as a hangover cure?
+Eggs benedict
+What bred of dog is snoopy?
+What breed horse is the favourite among cowboys?
+Quarter horse
+What breed of cat has no tail?
+Manx cat
+What breed of cats are seal points and blue points?
+What breed of dog advertises hush puppies?
+What breed of dog got its name from the German for growler?
+What breed of dog was Nipper, the RCA dog?
+A Mongrel
+What breed of horse was Mr. Ed (The TV Talking horse?
+A palomino
+What breed of sheepdog was developed in Australia from Scottish collies?
+What brewing aid is obtained from the sturgeon?
+What bridge connects Anglesey with the mainland?
+What bridge crosses the Thames between Vauxhall and Westminster bridges?
+What British actor got 2.25 percent of the profits from Star Wars?
+Alec guinness
+What British airport was james earl ray captured at?
+What British battlecruiser did German warships bismarck and prinz eugen sink in may 1941?
+Hms hood
+What British bird are smaller than a wren?
+Goldcrest and firecrest
+What British car was the Le Mans success story of the 1950's?
+What British city did Adolf Hitler study art in?
+What British city did Adolph Hitler study art in?
+What British firm manufactures sports cars under the initials mg?
+Morris garage
+What British monarch reigned the longest?
+Queen victoria
+What British newspaper switched from an all-ads front page to news on may 3, 1966?
+The times of london
+What British prime minister claimed 'hitler has missed the bus'?
+Neville chamberlain
+What British studio pounded out numerous schlocky, low-budget horror films in the 60's?
+Hammer studios
+What British tv series featured 'emma peel'?
+What broadway musical was inspired by cervantes's 'don quixote'?
+Man of la mancha
+What Broadway show went through 2,488 pounds of yak hair between 1982 & 1995?
+What Bronze Age civilisation emerged on the Greek Island of Crete about 2500 BC?
+What building are British monarchs crowned in?
+Westminster abbey
+What building defect was the title of along running TV comedy series?
+Rising damp
+What building material was extensively used by the romans and then forgotton until the 18th century?
+What bullfight participants wield lances while atop blindfolded horses?
+What bumbling andy griffith show character has the middle initial b?
+Barney fife
+What business did brothers Maurice & Charles start in 1970, to become the worlds 5th largest of its type by 1985?
+Saatchi & Saatchi
+What business did brothers Maurice and Charles start in 1970 to become the worlds 5th largest of its type by 1985?
+Saatchi & saatchi
+What business was the source of john d. rockefeller's fortune?
+What butterfly has the same name as a punctuation mark?
+What buxom bellower noted: 'recording gospel has become big business. every saint and sinner does it now'?
+Mahalia jackson
+What by product of the manufacture of coca cola is sold to pharmaceutical companies?
+What c word defines a substances that speeds a chemical reaction without being consumed?
+What calibre should a firearm be to be classed as artillery?
+Over 20mm
+What California city in Hollywood as a suburb of?
+Los angeles
+What California city is Walt Disney studios located in?
+What came down on jesus' head after he was baptised?
+What came first electric kettle, electric toaster or electric vacuum?
+Electric vacuum
+What can babies do, but not adults, while they drink?
+What can be classified as, 'Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange and Charm'?
+What can be described as a Flemish Bond?
+What can be described as An orbiting device which transmits information or can be used for communication?
+What can be either new, last or gibbous?
+The moon
+What can be found over a door or at the back of a boat?
+What can be measured in angstroms?
+What can be tulip, balloon or flute?
+Wine glasses
+What can be, right, acute or reflex?
+An angle
+What can go without water longer than a camel?
+What can last longer without water than a camel can?
+What can release approximately one billion grains of pollen?
+Ragweed plant
+What can run faster uphill than they can (or want to) downhill, because of the bone structure of their legs?
+What can smell a drop of blood a quarter of a mile away?
+What can stop the duke of earl?
+What can withstand hundreds of bee stings?
+Honey badger
+What can you be a maximum of 75 miles from in England?
+What can you buy in a bar that Japanese farmers massage into their cows to make the meat tender?
+What can you hold without touching?
+Your Breath
+What can you not catch a lot of when you can not catch a lot of catchalot?
+What can't an elephant do?
+What can't roosters do if they can't fully extend their necks?
+What can't two pigs do in kingsville, texas on the city's airport property?
+Have sex
+What Canadian broadcaster created the radio character old Rawhide?
+Max ferguson
+What Canadian city features a clam shaped city hall?
+What Canadian city was carling beer first brewed in?
+What Canadian group performs on the we are the world lp?
+Northern lights
+What Canadian horse won the 1964 Kentucky derby?
+Northern dancer
+What Canadian island has a capital named charlottetown?
+Prince edward island
+What Canadian jockey, later crippled, rode Secretariat to the Triple Crown in 1973?
+Ron Turcotte
+What Canadian Prime Minister retired in 1984?
+Pierre Trudeau
+What Canadian professional snooker player is nicknamed the grinder?
+Cliff thorburn
+What Canadian province contains towns by the name of Elbow and Eyebrow?
+What Canadian province covers the smallest land mass?
+Prince edward island
+What Canadian province was largely taken over by Irish rebels for a month in the 19th century?
+What Canadian province was named after a daughter of Queen Victoria?
+What Canadian province was the site of England's first overseas possession?
+What Canadian sketch comedy show helped launch John Candy's career?
+What Canadian Territory was established as a homeland for the Inuit in April of 1999?
+What canal connects lake ontario and lake erie?
+Welland canal
+What canal did gaugin help build as a labourer?
+Panama canal
+What canal did Gaugin help to build as a labourer?
+Panama canal
+What canal does port said stand on?
+Suez canal
+What canal parts redesigned by Leonardo da Vinci in 1497 are still in use today?
+What canal separates Africa from Asia?
+Suez canal
+What candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth?
+Baby ruth
+What candy bar was first introduced by dropping them from airplanes over 40 American cities?
+What candy did president reagan keep on his desk in the white house?
+Jelly beans
+What candy received it's name because the machine that makes them looks like it is kissing the conveyor belt?
+Hershey kisses
+What cannot be trademarked?
+What cap was first made in and named after a Moroccan city?
+What caped hero had a dog named ace?
+What capital city does the liffey river flow through?
+What capital city is found near the headwaters of the Bosna River?
+What capital city overlooks the River Tagus?
+What capital city overlooks the tagus river?
+What capital city's old section centres on Puerta del Sol?
+What capital rises where the Blue Nile nad White Nile converge?
+What car did Caractacus Potts drive?
+Chitty chitty bang bang
+What Caribbean island did the Ra II land at after a 3200 mile ocean voyage?
+What Caribbean state is made up of 700 islands the largest of which is New Providence?
+The bahamas
+What carly simon hit became the music for a heinz ketchup commercial?
+What carries blood to the heart?
+What carries signals from the retina to the brain?
+Optic nerve
+What cartoon and comic strip character had measurements of 19-19-19?
+Olive oyl
+What cartoon character was created by Georges Herge?
+What cast member of tv's f troop served in the us cavalry in real life?
+Forrest tucker
+What castle is The Blarney Stone found in?
+What castle was built for Henry III?
+What Castro trademark did the CIA try to lace with poison?
+His cigar
+What cat is unable to draw its claws into its paws?
+What catastrophe was caused by a shipment of argentinian corned beef to britain in 1964?
+Outbreak of typhoid
+What category of Oscar was the only award for the film Star Wars?
+Sound track
+What catholic bishop was killed in rome on february 14 in 270 ad?
+St valentine
+What cause iron to rust?
+What caused 20 million deaths in 1918?
+What caused a separation of Baja, California and the rest of Mexico?
+The San Andreas Fault
+What caused d h lawrence's early death?
+What caused fjords?
+What caused the computer in Electric Dreams to become alive?
+Spilled Champagne
+What caused the crab nebula?
+What caused the gremlins in the movie Gremlin to become evil?
+Eating after midnight
+What caused the origin of the term 'debugging'?
+What causes gout?
+Uric acid
+What ceased to be legal tender in 1970?
+Half crown
+What ceased to be legal tender in the U.K. on 21st November 1970?
+The ten shilling note
+What ceased to be legal tender in the U.K. on 30th June 1980?
+The sixpence
+What celebrated photographer snapped shots of Yosemite for 67 straight years?
+Ansel adams
+What celestial body has a diameter of 864,000 miles?
+What celestial body is the centre of the jovian system?
+What cemetery is Karl Marx buried in?
+What central American country's airline is lancia?
+What century saw the War of the Roses?
+The 15th century
+What century was the Domesday Book written in?
+What cereal box hero battles bad guys named Magnolia Bulkhead and Jean Lafoot?
+Cap'n Crunch
+What chain did ray kroc build?
+What champion galloper did 73-year-old Tommy Woodcock train to a string if victories in 1977?
+What channel seperates Denmark from Norway?
+What character became the eventual leader on blake's seven?
+What character did abe vigoda play in the sitcom fish?
+Phil fish
+What character did james farentino play in the series the lawyers?
+Neil darrel
+What character did james macarthur play in hawaii five-0?
+Danny williams
+What character did michael j fox play in the film back to the future?
+Marty mcfly
+What character did robert urich play in SWAT?
+Jim street
+What character does snoopy pretend to fight?
+Red baron
+What character encountered by alice never stopped sobbing?
+Mock turtle
+What character has been portrayed by reginald owen, alistair sim and albert finney?
+What character on `M-A-S-H` has never had his/her left hand shown on T.V?
+What character was invented to respond to questions from Gold Medal Flour customers?
+Betty crocker
+What character was j r r tolkien inspired to create after seeing the painting the mountain spirit on a postcard?
+What character was played by phil silvers on the phil silvers show?
+Sgt ernie
+What character's shoes have been filled by roger moore, george lazenby iii, and David niven?
+James bond
+What character's story contains the line 'new lamps for old'?
+What characterises someone referred to as a Bob Acres?
+What cheese comes from the caves of causses,France?
+What chemical agent does Bart use to write his name in the field?
+Sodium Tetrasulfate 
+What chemical component is found in fellowes duster product?
+What chemical element has the abbreviation 'au'?
+What chemical element has the abbreviation 'o'?
+What chemical element is also known as quicksilver?
+What chemical element is composed of two protons, usually two neutrons and usually two electrons?
+What chemical element's discovery in 1774 made bleached paper possible?
+What chemical substance can halophytic bacteria tolerate?
+What chemical symbol is used for the element actinium?
+What chess piece is usually valued as 5 points?
+What Chicago intersection is called the busiest in the world?
+Madison & state
+What chicken part is the snack of choice for Chinese movie goers?
+What chief justice headed the commission that declared 'lee harvey oswald...acted alone'?
+Earl warren
+What child star's picture appeared on the cover of the sgt. pepper album?
+Shirley temple
+What childhood disease did 312 Americans have in 11993, a record low?
+What childhood disease did only 312 americans have in 1993?
+What children's author's real name was theodor geisel?
+Dr. seuss
+What children's book did Forrest Gump keep in his suitcase?
+Curious George
+What children's tale contains the line 'come CinderSlut and hold this skein of wool for me'?
+What children's tale contains the line: come cinderslut, & hold this skein of wool for me?
+What chilean president was killed in a 1973 coup d'etat?
+Salvador allende
+What Chinese city is the world's largest noncapital?
+What Chinese city was leveled by an earthquake in 1976?
+What Chinese city's name became a synonym for kidnapping?
+What chinese region is nicknamed the roof of the world?
+What Chinese river is known as The Child of the Ocean?
+What chocolate bar was named the official snack of the 1984 olympic games?
+What chocolate is named after a planet?
+Mars bar
+What chris tarrant saturday children's programme became cult viewing for adults?
+What chuck berry hit does marty mcfly play, in back to the future?
+Johnny be good
+What chuck berry song was the rolling stone's first single?
+Come on
+What cigar-chewing comedian observed: 'you're only as old as the woman you feel'?
+Groucho marx
+What cigarette claimed to 'separate the men from the boys'?
+Lucky strike
+What cities expressways, built on a radial pattern dating from the eighteenth century, are so overloaded that traffic often grinds to a halt for 30 to 40 miles outside the city?
+What cities were the start and finish of the first intercontinental auto race in 1908?
+New york & paris
+What citrus fruit shares it's name with a major Chinese language?
+What city are you in if you stroll in the piazza san marco & visit torcello, burano & murano?
+What city are you in if you take the tube to Oxford Circus?
+What city became the U S federal capital in 1789?
+New york
+What city boasts a world of coca cola pavilion featuring futuristic soda fountains?
+What city boasts a World of Coca Cola pavillion featuring futuristic soda fountains?
+What city boasts Leonardo's famed fresco of the Last Supper?
+What city boasts the copacabana beach and impanema?
+Rio de janeiro
+What city boasts the only royal palace in the US?
+What city burned in 64 ad?
+What city contains the Quartier Latin?
+What city did Adolf Hitler plan to rename Germania?
+What city did cable cars first roll down clay street in 1873?
+San francisco
+What city did general sherman burn in 1864?
+What city did Jacques Guernerin make the first parachute jump over, in 1797?
+What city did the atlanta braves transfer from for the 1966 season?
+What city do batman and robin patrol?
+What city does leonardo da vinci airport serve?
+What city does Prestwick Airport serve?
+What city exists on every continent?
+What city features the exclusive Copacabana beach?
+Rio de Janeiro
+What city had the first zoo in the US?
+What city has 400 hotels, but no cemeteries?
+Miami beach, fl
+What city has been air rated the cleanest in the nation for a city its size?
+What city has been air-rated the cleanest in the US for a city its size?
+What city has been hailed as The Athens of the North?
+What city has more homeless cats per square mile than any other city in the world?
+What city has the fictional zipcode 90210?
+Beverly hills
+What city has the most taxis in the world?
+New york
+What city has the most underground stations?
+New york
+What city has the most unlisted phone numbers in the phone book?
+Las vegas
+What city has the tallest building outside the united states?
+Toronto, Canada
+What city has the world's largest black population?
+New york
+What city has the world's largest bus fleet?
+Sao Paulo, Brazil
+What city has the world's longest subway system?
+What city holds the warana festival every spring?
+What city hosted the 1936 summer olympics?
+What city hosted the 1976 summer olympics?
+What city in India was famous for a black hole?
+What city in southern Jordan did john burgon speak of when he described it as 'a rose red city, half as old as time'?
+What city in the world has the lowest birth rate?
+Vatican city
+What city is across the golden gate bridge from San Francisco?
+What city is almost home to almost half of michelangelos statues?
+What city is also known as City, U.S.A?
+What city is April wine from?
+What city is at the eastern end of the st lawrence seaway?
+What city is at the end of the line when leaving Nice on the Mistral?
+What city is at the head of the Nile River Delta?
+What city is Canada's steel capital?
+What city is famed for its rive gauche?
+What city is graced by michelangelo's David?
+What city is graced by the arch of titus?
+What city is home to almost half of michelangelo's statues?
+What city is home to europe's tallest building?
+What city is home to the famed manneke pis fountain?
+What city is home to the main airport on the costa del sol?
+What city is known as auld reekie?
+What city is known as little havana?
+What city is known as the 'windy city'?
+What city is known as the river capital of the world?
+What city is known as The Venice of The North?
+What city is located at the head of the Nile delta?
+What city is located on the southernmost tip of the malay peninsula?
+What city is near the mouth of the Amazon river?
+What city is on the west end of lake ontario?
+What city is served by dulles airport?
+Washington dc
+What city is served by Narita Airport?
+What city is signified by the 'd' stamped on some American coins?
+What city is the Kremlin located in?
+What city is the queen of the pacific?
+San francisco
+What city is the setting for the u.s sitcom cheers?
+What city is the setting of victor/victoria?
+What city is wiener schnitzel named after?
+What city provided the setting for One day at a time?
+What city ranks second after New York as America's advertising hub?
+What city was beseiged for 880 days during World War II?
+What city was bunker hill near?
+What city was called 'The Rose red city, half as old as time?
+What city was conquored by Joshua?
+What city was destroyed by Little Boy?
+What city was destroyed by Mongols in 1258, Tamerlane in 1400, the Persians in 1524, & nearly by U S bombers in 1991?
+What city was home to Canada's first zoo?
+What city was martin luther king jr assassinated in?
+What city was named after francis of assisi?
+San francisco
+What city was named for it's mining and trading of salt?
+What city was originally called edo?
+What city was the birthplace of the United Nations?
+San francisco
+What city was the first home to the Statue of Liberty?
+What city was the leader of the delian league?
+What city was the original Dixie?
+New orleans
+What city was the setting for 'Gone With the Wind'?
+What city was the site for the 1956 summer olympics?
+What city was the site of the first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly?
+What city would you be in if you were feeding the pigeons in the Piazza San Marco?
+What city would you reach if you dialled 031 from London?
+What city would you visit to see Phar Lap's huge heart on display?
+What city would you visit to see Wenceslaus Square?
+What city's baseball stadium is known as the coliseum?
+What city's drivers owe over $460 million in parking fines?
+New York City
+What city's harbour does The Little Mermaid hail grace?
+What city's magazine broke the Iran contra scandal in a 1986 article?
+What city's main thoroughfare is o'connell street?
+What city's main thoroughfare is the grand canal?
+What city's name is derived from 'dubh linn'?
+What city's old quarter is called the plaka?
+What city's sewer tour gets no stars in the Michelin Green Guide?
+What city's siege is chronicled in harrison salisbury's the 900 days?
+What city's underground railroad system has the most stations (458) of any in the world?
+New york
+What civil war was fought between 1936 and 1939?
+Spanish civil war
+What civilisation invented the arch?
+What class is categorized as the bourgeoisie?
+Middle class
+What class of animals makes up more than two thirds of all known species?
+What class of animals makes up more then two thirds of known species?
+What class of creatures are sometimes called hexapods?
+What class of fruit are mandarins, limes & grapefruit?
+What class of ship was the caine?
+What classical piece of music serves as the Lone Ranger's theme song?
+William tell overture
+What cleaned like a white tornado?
+What clergyman wrote the best selling boom the power of positive thinking?
+Norman vincent peale
+What close relative of the wallaby is good at climbing trees?
+Tree kangaroo
+What clothing got its name from dungri, a suburb of bombay?
+What club did barry manilow call the hottest spot north of havana?
+The copacabana
+What club did joe hunt lead before being sentenced to life in prison?
+Billionaire boys club
+What co-founder of the actors studio directed james dean in east of eden?
+Elia kazan
+What coalition brought a new version of the Donna Summer no1 into the charts in 1985?
+Bronski beat with marc almond
+What coast of Australia is Sydney on?
+What cocktail does bourbon, sugar and mint make?
+Mint julep
+What cocktail is made from brandy and white creme de menthe?
+What cocktail is made from gin and collins?
+Tom collins
+What cocktail is made from rum, lime and cola?
+Cuba libre
+What cocktail is made from triple sec, tequila and lemon or lime juice?
+What cocktail is made from vodka and kahlua?
+Black Russian
+What cocktail is made from whiskey, hot coffee and whipped cream?
+Irish coffee
+What cocktail is made of rum and lemon?
+What cocktail is made up of vodka, orange juice and galliano?
+Harvey wallbanger
+What codename had the German assault on Moscow in WW II?
+What coffee concoction is named after the capuchin monks?
+What coffee growing country is the largest in South America?
+What coin was discontinued for 41 years, beginning in 1935?
+Silver dollar
+What cole porter tune received its second wind from fred parris and the five satins?
+In the still of the night
+What collective name is given to march 25th,June 24th,September 29th and December 25th?
+The quarter days
+What collective term derived from the latin word for swaddling clothes describes books printed before 1500?
+What colleen mccullough novel commanded a record sum for paperback rights?
+The thorn birds
+What college did barry sanders attend?
+What college did chris webber attend?
+What college did grant hill attend?
+What college did Heisman trophy winner Barry Saunders play football for?
+Oklahoma state university
+What college did jim plunkett play football for?
+What college handbook edited by Lisa Birnbach described how to be really top drawer?
+The official preppy handbook
+What college has won the most NCAA Mens basketball championships?
+What collegiate sport includes 3 match periods, one shorter than the other?
+What color are a beaver's teeth?
+What color are a Siamese cat's eyes?
+What color are a zebra's stripes during the first six months of life?
+What color are an albino elephant's toenails?
+What color are the clovers in lucky charms?
+What color are the majority of candies in a package of m&m's?
+What color are the scallops 35 eyes?
+What color collar does lady wear, in lady and the tramp?
+What color do turnips turn when sunburnt?
+What color do you get in mirc using control code number 2?
+Dark blue
+What color does litmus turn in the presence of acid?
+What color eyes did the boys from Brazil have?
+What color is a granny smith apple?
+What color is a mix of yellow with red?
+What color is a yaks milk?
+What color is an emerald?
+What color is an orange?
+What color is chlorophyll?
+What color is demerara sugar?
+What color is malachite?
+What color is mary poppin's umbrella?
+What color is mr spock's blood?
+What color is produced by the complete absorption of light rays?
+What color is produced from the complete absorption of light rays?
+What color is the car that Starsky & Hutch drive?
+Red with a white swoop
+What color is the last and most valuable ball a snooker player must pocket?
+What color is the lion on the side of the detroit lions football helmet?
+What color is the M in McDonald's?
+What color is the milk of a tibetian yak?
+What color is the nut of a pistachio?
+What color is the skin of the polar bear?
+What color is the stripe on a mountie's dress pants?
+What color is the tip of a Canada lynx's tail?
+What color light has the greatest wavelength?
+What color marks the only group of monopoly properties with three u.s. State names?
+What color of mandm is the most prevalent in each bag of mandm's (30%)?
+What color square does the white king start a chess game on?
+What color top hat does jiminy cricket sport, in pinocchio?
+What color was Coca Cola originally?
+What color was Moby Dick?
+What color were E.T's eyes?
+What colour are a scallop's 35 eyes?
+What colour are a siamese cat's eyes?
+What colour are blue tit's breasts?
+What colour are emu eggs?
+What colour are mickey mouse's gloves?
+What colour are most basketballs?
+What colour are most of Venices gondolas?
+What colour are rupert the bear's trousers?
+Yellow and black
+What colour are shelled pistachio nuts?
+What colour are the C strings on a harp?
+What colour are the castellated walls of the kremlin?
+What colour are the cliffs of dover?
+What colour are the corner squares of a scrabble board?
+What colour are the flowers of the mustard plant?
+What colour are the flowers of the saffron?
+What colour are the guest bathrobes and towels at the very exclusive Riz Hotel in Paris?
+What colour are the properties Kentucky, illinois, and indiana in monopoly?
+What colour are Venetian gondolas, except those of high public officials?
+What colour beards grow the quickest?
+What colour belt does a first-degree dan wear with his karate garb?
+What colour belt does a junior beginner wear in judo?
+What colour bottles do good rhine wines come in?
+What colour clothing is traditionally worn by tennis players?
+What colour comes between yellow & blue in a rainbow?
+What colour container does a big mac come in?
+What colour do people in China wear when they are in mourning?
+What colour does a chameleon turn when its angry?
+What colour does blue,red and green light make?
+What colour does copper give to a firework?
+What colour does jaundice make the skin?
+What colour does litmus paper turn if it is dipped in lemon juice?
+What colour does the bride wear in a chinese wedding?
+What colour does the prefix 'leuco-' refer to?
+What colour dots does the winner of the tour de france mountain stage wear on his jersey?
+What colour eyes did the boys from Brazil have?
+What colour flag indicates an EEC approved clean beach?
+What colour flag means danger if it is waved during a motor race?
+What colour flag should you wave if you want to declare a truce?
+What colour gloves do snooker referees wear?
+What colour is a Granny Smith apple?
+What colour is a male blackbird?
+What colour is a New York taxi?
+What colour is a palamino horse?
+Golden with white mane and tail
+What colour is a robin's egg?
+What colour is amethyst?
+What colour is an aircraft's 'black box' flight recorder?
+What colour is an emerald?
+What colour is angelica, used in decorating cakes?
+What colour is bianco wine?
+What colour is bistre, a pigment used in artist's paints and inks?
+What colour is cerulean?
+What colour is Chablis?
+What colour is cinnabar?
+What colour is demerara sugar?
+What colour is diamond dust?
+What colour is grover?
+What colour is malachite?
+What colour is mars said to be?
+What colour is Max Headrooms hair?
+What colour is mr spock's blood?
+What colour is normally associated with cowardice?
+What colour is produced by the complete absorption of light rays?
+What colour is puce?
+Purple brown
+What colour is pure molten gold?
+What colour is Riesling wine?
+What colour is Supergirl's hair?
+What colour is the 'Cookie Monster' from the programme Sesame Street?
+What colour is the albumen in a hard boiled egg?
+What colour is the all clear flag in motor racing?
+What colour is the bullseye on an official archery target?
+What colour is the car that starsky & hutch drive?
+Red with a white stripe
+What colour is the Central line as shown on London underground maps?
+What colour is the circle on the flag of Bangladesh?
+What colour is the coolest part of a flame?
+What colour is the cross on the Swedish national flag?
+What colour is the cross on the Swiss national flag?
+What colour is the cue ball in snooker?
+What colour is the danger flag in auto racing?
+What colour is the danger flag in motor racing?
+What colour is the District Line as shown on maps of the London underground?
+What colour is the European Flag?
+What colour is the ferrari emblem?
+What colour is the hammer and sickle on Russia's flag?
+What colour is the hammer and sickle on the Soviet Union's flag?
+What colour is the inside of a pistachio nut?
+What colour is the leather in the House of Commons?
+What colour is the left hand circle of the Olympic rings?
+What colour is the mineral malachite?
+What colour is the number 13 on a roulette wheel?
+What colour is The Queens blotting paper?
+What colour is the result of mixing red and yellow?
+What colour is the sea around the yellow submarine?
+What colour is the star on the flag of Vietnam?
+What colour is the stone in an amethyst ring?
+What colour is the stripe on a Canadian Mountie's dress pants?
+What colour is the stripe on a mountie's dress uniform?
+What colour is the umbilical cord?
+What colour is viridian?
+What colour is worn by the number 5 dog in greyhound racing?
+What colour is yak's milk?
+What colour is zz-top's car?
+What colour lenses are required to view a 3-d film?
+Red and green
+What colour light do ships display on the starboard side?
+What colour light is displayed on the port side of a boat?
+What colour of boxing trunks was Muhammad Ali partial to?
+What colour on Monopoly properties are landed on most often?
+What colour represents the piccadilly line on london's tube?
+What colour results from mixing red & blue?
+What colour shirts did Garibaldis followers wear?
+What colour shirts must table tennis players wear in official competition?
+What colour shirts must table tennis players wear in official competitions?
+What colour square does the white king start a game of chess on?
+What colour upset the heroine of hitchcock's marnie?
+What colour was Judas Escariot's hair?
+What colour was Moby Dick?
+What colour was monica lewinsky's dress in her encounter with clinton?
+What colour was the first artificial dye, discovered in 1855, by WH Perkins?
+What colour was the hundred billionth crayola crayon?
+Periwinkle blue
+What colour was the maltese falcon?
+What colour was the penny black postage stamp changed to in 1841?
+What colour were the blackout lights at Waterloo station during World War II?
+What colour would one associate with the Spanish volunteer force on the eastern front in the second world war?
+What colour would one associate with the Spanish volunteer force on the eastern front in the WWII?
+What colour would the sky be if viewed from mars?
+What coloured jersey is worn by the leader of the Tour de France cycling race?
+What colourless liqueur is made from cherries?
+What colourless, odourless light gas is used to lift airships?
+What colours do the major pittsburgh sports teams wear?
+Black and gold
+What colours was the ferrari formula 1 car in the 1964 u.s.a grand prix?
+Blue and white
+What combat sport did Dr Jigoro Kano devise in Japan in 1882?
+What combination of nitrogen and hydrogen is in part produced commercially as a by-product of coal-gas manufacturing?
+What comedian has played god in two movies?
+George burns
+What comedian is known as 'the Imelda Marcos of White Nikes'?
+Jerry Seinfeld
+What comedian noted at the oscar ceremonies that his suit was fireproof?
+Richard pryor
+What comedian performed at caesar's palace on his 97th birthday in 1993?
+George burns
+What comedian was booted out of a Peoria grammar school when nuns learned his grandmother operated a number of brothels?
+Richard Pryor
+What comedian's life is hashed out in the book jackie, oy?
+Jackie mason
+What comedienne's baby appeared on the first cover of tv guide?
+Lucille ball
+What comedy team's films included 'hollywood or bust' and 'living it up'?
+Dean martin and jerry lewis
+What comes after deuce in tennis?
+What comes before jet ? and after mumbo?
+What comic actor starred with richard pryor in stir crazy?
+Gene wilder
+What comic features dennis the menace?
+What comic hero got married at a 1987 New York mets baseball game?
+What comic strip canine turned 35 in 1985?
+What comic strip character grew a 7 inch bicep & 20 inch forearm?
+What comic strip character has been declared to have the lowest IQ in America?
+Li'l Abner
+What comic strip character is Beetle Bailey's sister?
+What comic strip did berkeley breathed create?
+Bloom county
+What comic strip did garry trudeau create?
+What comic strip duck is a billionare?
+Scrooge mcduck
+What comic strip kids with German accents did rudolph dirks create in 1897?
+The katzenjammer kids
+What comic was korky the cat in?
+What comic-strip character married the horn-helmeted helga?
+What commercial was Michael Jackson singing for when his hair caught on fire?
+What committee eventually developed a standard for the 'c' programming language?
+What commodity was offered to young ladies in hound dog orange, tutti frutti red and heartbreak hotel pink?
+What common ailment can't you catch at the north pole?
+A cold
+What common ailment cant you catch at the north pole?
+What common allergens are the male sex cells of plants?
+What common animal is the only animal that can see both infra red & ultra violet light?
+What common garden bird has the Latin name 'troglodytes troglodytes'?
+What common household pet sleeps an average of 14 hours a day?
+What common illness is known for causing people to have 'seizures'?
+What common medical technique was introduced to Britain from Turkey in 1721 and tried out on condemned criminals?
+What common pests does new zealand not have?
+What common phrase originated when 'bedsprings' were ropes woven through wooden bed frames and needed to be kept from sagging by using a key to stretch them?
+Sleep tight
+What common tool has a head & a claw?
+What common word used by road users is derived from the Hindu god Jagganath?
+What commonwealth country's national flower is the wattle?
+What company cleverly called its camcorder canovision 8?
+What company created a computer dubbed Jackintosh?
+What company created the Wave (.wav) file type?
+What company decided incubus was a good name for a womens running shoe?
+What company developed the first nylon bristles?
+What company did the discoverer of kevlar work for?
+What company has the following advertising slogan 'Finger Lickin' Good'?
+What company has/had the following advertising slogan 'oh what a feeling'?
+What company introduced trash compactors to the market?
+What company invented abs brakes for cars?
+What company invented the compact disk in 1972?
+What company is sometimes known as 'BIG BLUE'?
+What company is the largest aircraft manufacturer in the world?
+What company is the worlds largest user of silver?
+What company made doom?
+What company made PacMan?
+Bally Midway
+What company made the first color arcade game?
+What company makes a car called the accord?
+What company makes Pampers disposable diapers?
+Proctor & gamble
+What company makes scotch tape?
+What company makes vegemite?
+What company makes windows 98?
+What company owns Technics?
+What company owns the world's second largest truck fleet?
+Coca cola
+What company produces 'Cheerios'?
+General mills
+What company produces baby ruth and butterfinger candy bars?
+What company produces flight simulator?
+What company produces SoundBlaster sound cards?
+What company produces the game Doom?
+What company produces the orange drink tang?
+What company produces the software 'first aid'?
+What company produces the software 'pc anywhere'?
+What company produces thinkpad computers?
+What company sponsored tv's college bowl quiz show?
+General electric
+What company supplied the imperial Russian court with vodka from 1886 to 1917?
+What company supplied uniforms for the first green bay packers football team?
+Acme packing company
+What company used the little aligators as it's symbol on clothing?
+What company was formed by the Swede, Ingvar Kamprad?
+What company was founded by Sir Allan Lane in 1935?
+Penguin books
+What company was the first news wire service?
+Associated press
+What company was the major sponsor for the show studio one?
+What company's logo is the world's second most recognized symbol, after the christian cross?
+Coca cola
+What competitive failure did Norway achieve in 1963,1978 and 1981?
+Nil points
+What complaint do you suffer fron if you have podobromhidrosis?
+Smelly feet
+What completed a journey of 19,500 miles with only three stops in August 1929?
+The graf zeppelin
+What completes this well known saying...'An Englishman's home?
+Is his castle
+What compony produces the software program Winamp?
+What composer had the forenames piotr illyich?
+What composer wrote the opera 'tosca'?
+Giacomo puccini
+What compound is often added to water supplies to help prevent toth decay?
+What compound is the major constituent of limestone, coral and seashells?
+What compound might you expect to find in diet soft drinks?
+What comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk?
+What computer company tv ad showed a woman throwing a javelin through a tv?
+What computer game featured a disco leftover looking for love?
+Leisure Suit Larry
+What computer language was named after ada lovelace?
+What computer predicted, correctly, that eisenhower would win a landslide victory in the 1952 elections?
+What computer-generated Matt Frewer character starred in Coke commercials, and British and American TV?
+Max headroom
+What concentration camp is the name of anne frank's burial site?
+Bergen belsen
+What conclusive battle ended the french stay in viet nam?
+Dien bien phu
+What condiment gets its name from the malay word for 'taste' or 'fish sauce'?
+What conflict was known as 'Truman's folly'?
+The Korean War
+What connecticut town introduced the first telephone directory in 1878?
+New haven
+What connects kabul with peshawar?
+Khyber pass
+What connects the Rhine to other rivers?
+What conqueror died june 13, 323 b.c. at Babylon?
+Alexander the great
+What consists of brahma, shiva, and vishnu?
+Hindu trinity
+What consists of the troposphere, the stratosphere, and the ionosphere?
+The Atmosphere
+What console was the game 'Stradius' for?
+What constellation contains the twins Castor and Pollux?
+What constellation embraces polaris?
+The little dipper
+What constellation is known as The Water Bearer?
+What constellation is named after a legendary flying horse?
+What constellation is represented by a bull?
+What constellation is represented by a crab?
+What constellation is represented by a fish?
+What constellation is represented by a goat?
+What constellation is represented by a hunter with a club and shield?
+What constellation is represented by a lion?
+What constellation is represented by a scorpion?
+What constellation is represented by a water carrier?
+What constellation represents a hunter with club and shield?
+What constituency did Margaret Thatcher represent in Parliament?
+What constitutes 12 percent of an eggs weight?
+What consumer durable will you find in 96.6% of British households?
+What contagious disease was scheduled for complete eradication on June 30, 1999?
+What contains as much caffeine as eighteen ounces of an average cola drink?
+A cup of coffee
+What continent boasts the greatst number of Roman Catholics?
+South America
+What continent contains Queen Maud Land, Wilkes Land and Bird Land?
+What continent did Britain first begin to colonise in 1788?
+What continent did Christopher Columbus think he was on when he landed in the Americas?
+What continent did Mungo Park explore in the early 1800s?
+What continent did the ballroom dance called the 'tango' come from?
+South America
+What continent dit the potato plant originally come from?
+South America
+What continent has the highest average elevation?
+What continent has the lowest highest mountain?
+What continent has the most people per square mile?
+What continent is bounded on the north by the Timor Sea, The Arafura Sea & the Torres Straights?
+What continent is cut almost in half by the equator?
+What continent is Egypt in?
+What continent is home to half the world's people?
+What continent is home to jaguars?
+South America
+What continent is home to most of the world's penguins?
+What continent is home to one third of the world's languages?
+What continent is home to the largest number of countries?
+What continent is Lake Titicaca in?
+South America
+What continent is part of both the east and west hemispheres?
+What continent is Sierra Leone in?
+What continent is sierre leone in?
+What continent is submerged?
+What continent is the country of cameroon in?
+What continent pushes up the atlas mountains?
+What continent should you live in if you want to speak bantu every day?
+What continent's westernmost point is called Cape Verde?
+What controversy arose in the 1972 olympics ussr-usa basketball game?
+What cookbook opened: 'the cook, said saki, was a good cook, as cooks go, and as cooks go, she went'?
+The joy of cooking
+What cooking device was invented to use aboard us spaceships?
+Microwave oven
+What cooking school is in paris?
+Cordon bleu
+What cool snack was first introduced to America in 1923?
+The Popsicle
+What could roman catholics do in good conscience for the first time on dec 5, 1966?
+Eat meat on friday
+What couldn't jack sprat's wife eat?
+What counntry is Kuala Lumpur the capital of?
+What counrty would you visit to ski in the Dolomites?
+What countries are known as the abc powers?
+Argentina Brazil chile
+What countries does the Mont Blanc Tunnel join?
+France and Italy
+What countries shores meet the Sargasso Sea?
+What countries still have not signed a peace treaty for wwii?
+Russia and Japan
+What country accepted 75,000 convicts between 1790 and 1840?
+What country administers Greenland?
+What country administers the caribbean hideaway of martinique?
+What country are the Nobel prizes awarded in?
+What country are the ships Sun Viking & Nordic Prince registered in?
+What country are toyota cars built in?
+What country are you in if you woo in the Wu dialect?
+What country are you stuck in if you're doing hard time at boniato prison?
+What country artist and sausage company owner sang the hit song 'Big Bad John'?
+Jimmy Dean
+What country boasts the Chrysanthemum Dynasty?
+What country boasts the Krishna River?
+What country boasts the most cars per mile of road?
+What country boasts the most coastline?
+What country boasts the most dams?
+United states
+What country boasts the most subway passengers?
+What country boasts the southernmost point in continental Europe?
+What country boasts the worlds largest supply of Fresh water?
+What country borders kenya to the south?
+What country brews peroni beer?
+What country calls itself Suomi?
+What country ceded Florida to the US in 1819?
+What country claimed rubens, van dyck and breugel as citizens?
+What country claimed the first us warship sunk in world war ii?
+What country comes last in an alphabetical list?
+What country consist of 700 islands?
+What country consists mainly of the jutland peninsula?
+What country consists mostly of the jutland peninsula?
+What country consists of some 13,000 islands stretching for almost 5,000 kilometers?
+What country consumes more coca-cola per capita than any other nation?
+What country consumes the most wine per capita?
+What country contains Africa's northern most point?
+What country contains over half the world's geysers?
+United states
+What country contains South America's highest and lowest points?
+What country contains the easternmost point in South America?
+What country contains the greater lengths of the tigris and euphrates rivers?
+What country contains the largest icefield in Europe?
+What country contains the region of assam?
+What country controls access to the North Sea from the rivers Schelde, Meuse and Rhine?
+What country could you expect to have an afternoon tiffin in?
+What country covers an entire continent?
+What country covers more then 194,000 square miles of the Iberian Peninsula?
+What country cried after the death of their king hussein?
+What country declared war on both Germany and the Allies in World War II?
+What country declared war to Germany at the start of wwi?
+What country defeated britain in the davis cup at wimbledon in july 2000?
+What country did artist rene magritte call home?
+What country did Christopher Columbus insist Cuba was a part of?
+What country did European explorers call Cathay?
+What country did Fidel Castro organise his 26th of July movement in?
+What country did Fidel Castro take over as leader of in 1959?
+What country did Germany invade on September 1st 1939?
+What country did golf originate in?
+What country did Italy annex in 1939?
+What country did King Gustav V reign over from 1907 to 1950?
+What country did kung fu get started in?
+What country did lord haw haw broadcast propaganda for in world war ii?
+What country did Morocco and Tunisia fight to win their independance from?
+What country did Olympic marathon gold medallist Abebe Bikila represent?
+What country did president carter ban exports to on april 7, 1980?
+What country did roulette originate in?
+What country did the allies invade in world war ii's operation avalanche?
+What country did the battle of el alamein take place in?
+What country did the fandango originate in?
+What country did the first performance of Handel's Messiah take place in?
+What country did the houses of Rurik and Romanov rule?
+What country did the Mau Mau Uprising take place in?
+What country did the Pope visit after Britain in 1982?
+What country did the romans call hibernia?
+What country did the U S import 36 million gallons of beer from in 1987?
+West Germany
+What country did venetian blinds originate from?
+What country did venetian blinds originate in?
+What country did victor emmanuel iii reign over as its last king?
+What country did volvo & Saab cars originate?
+What country do Fiats & Alfa Romeos come from?
+What country do Geishas come from?
+What country do the balearic islands belong to?
+What country do walloons call home?
+What country does cricketer Imran Khan come from?
+What country does Gotland belong to?
+What country does Paul Hogan come from?
+What country does queen beatrix rule?
+What country does the Galapagos Islands belong to?
+What country does the inventor of the Rubik's cube come from?
+What country does the tourist mecca of Bali belong to?
+What country experienced both a gold rush and a jade rush in the mid-ninteenth century?
+New Zealand
+What country exports goods through the port of durban?
+South africa
+What country first attempted to build a canal across panama?
+What country first claimed the Mississippi River in 1682?
+What country first thrilled to twiggy ice cream?
+What country forms a 2,000-mile archipelago along the east coast of asia?
+What country gave the Statue of Liberty to the US?
+What country generates the most hydroelectric power?
+What country governs the camayan islands?
+What country had europe's fastest economic growth rate in 1988?
+What country had the highest investments in china in 1937?
+What country had the largest military force in the Middle East at the beginning of August 1990?
+What country has 100 mongo to the tugrik?
+What country has a territoral dispute with Spain?
+United Kingdom
+What country has been called the queen of the antilles?
+What country has by far the largest pig population?
+What country has international registration letter M?
+What country has more than 150 volcanoes, including 60 active volcanoes?
+What country has not been at war since 1814?
+What country has the 2nd largest desert in the world?
+What country has the best defensive position in the board game Diplomacy?
+What country has the biggest population in the world?
+What country has the car registration letter T?
+What country has the e-mail address '.za'?
+South africa
+What country has the highest per capita consumption of cheese?
+What country has the highest population density?
+What country has the largest number of soldiers?
+What country has the largest sheep population?
+What country has the longest chairlift in europe?
+What country has the lotus flower as its national symbol?
+What country has the most sheep?
+What country has the most war power?
+What country has the port of haifa?
+What country has the southern cross on it's flag?
+What country has the third most satellites in orbit?
+What country has the word 'Hellas' on its stamps?
+What country has the world's highest population density?
+What country has the worlds highest golf course?
+What country has threatened Belize for many years with territorial claims?
+What country has won the most Contract Bridge world championships?
+What country has won the most Olympic hockey gold medals?
+What country have most popes come from?
+What country hosted Football's 1978 world cup?
+What country hosted the 1982 world cup of Football?
+What country invaded Cyprus in 1974?
+What country invented bowling?
+What country invented high octane gasoline in 1930?
+What country invented the fiber tip marker in 1962?
+What country is accessed with the international telephone calling code 43?
+What country is accessed with the international telephone calling code 60?
+What country is accessed with the international telephone calling code 671?
+What country is also a continent?
+What country is also known as helvetia?
+What country is angel falls in?
+What country is bordered by france, Germany, Austria, and Italy?
+What country is bordered by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt?
+What country is bounded in part by the Indian ocean and coral and tasman seas?
+What country is bounded in part by the Indian ocean, coral and tasmen seas?
+What country is called Bharat in Hindi?
+What country is considered the cradle of horse racing?
+What country is credited with the invention of the toothbrush?
+What country is directly east of Portugal?
+What country is headed by King Fahd Ibn Abdul Iziz, one of 44 sons sired by a 22 wife dad?
+Saudi arabia
+What country is home for Europe's largest glacier?
+What country is home to Heineken beer?
+What country is home to Olympic airways?
+What country is home to sabena airlines?
+What country is home to shakespeare's hamlet?
+What country is home to the bank of alexandria?
+What country is home to the blue grotto?
+What country is home to the dresdner bank?
+What country is home to the Flemings and walloons?
+What country is home to the football team Anderlecht?
+What country is home to the Matterhorn?
+What country is home to the sphinx?
+What country is home to the TAP airline?
+What country is home to Varig Airlines?
+What country is Hudson Bay in?
+What country is identified by the letters ma?
+What country is identified by the letters nl?
+What country is known as Helvetia?
+What country is known as the land of the White Eagle?
+What country is loftleider airlines based in?
+What country is made up of 13000 islands stretching almost 5000 kms?
+What country is magyar spoken in?
+What country is Men Without Hats originally from?
+What country is mount everest in?
+What country is named after a line of latitude?
+What country is national park 'de meinweg' in?
+What country is North of Zambia?
+What country is represented by the letters sf on international license plates?
+What country is responsible for avia wines?
+What country is ruled by the house of orange?
+What country is Santo Domingo the capital of?
+The dominican republic
+What country is Seoul the capital of?
+South korea
+What country is sometimes called Eire?
+What country is Tehran the capital of?
+What country is the band `A-Ha` from?
+What country is the dalai lama's place in?
+What country is the E.E.C's smallest member?
+What country is the group queen from?
+What country is the Hellenic republic?
+What country is the helvetian republic?
+What country is the Holy Land to Chinese Buddhists?
+What country is the island of Sicily part of?
+What country is the largest exporter of frogs legs?
+What country is the largest per capita consumer of beer?
+What country is the largest producer of olive oil?
+What country is the larget per capita consumer of beer?
+West Germany
+What country is the only one that has a Bible on its national flag?
+Dominican republic
+What country is the Panama Canal found in?
+What country is the resort city of st moritz in?
+What country is the setting for colleen mccullough's the thorn birds?
+What country is the setting for edgar allen poe's the pit and the pendulum?
+What country is the setting for The Thorn Birds?
+What country is the world leader in cobalt mining, producing two-thirds of the world's cobalt supply?
+What country is the world's biggest coffee exporter?
+What country is the world's biggest producer of wool?
+What country is the world's deepest mine located?
+South Africa
+What country is the world's largest exporter of frog's legs?
+What country is the world's largest supplier of nickel?
+What country is the world's leading exporter of beef & veal?
+What country is the Yucatan Peninsula the southern part of?
+What country is timbuktu in?
+What country is transylvania in?
+What country is ulan bator the capital of?
+What country is well known for producing champion long distance runners?
+What country issued a platinum coin in 1988 bearing a koala?
+What country joined the E.E.C. with the Uk?
+What country joins Central America to South America?
+What country lies between Nicaragua and Panama?
+Costa rica
+What country lies directly south of detroit?
+What country lies north of france and south of holland?
+What country lifted a ban on Aristotle, Shakespeare & Dickens in 1978?
+What country lifted a ban on aristotle, shakespeare and dickens on feb 11, 1978?
+What country lifted a ban on Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens on February 11th 1978?
+What country lost the Crimean War?
+What country measures road distances in versts?
+What country music 'outlaw' gave up his airplane seat to the big bopper?
+Waylon jennings
+What country must import river sand from Scotland for construction & camels from North Africa?
+Saudi arabia
+What country occupies the 'Horn of Africa?
+What country offered albert einstein its presidency in 1952?
+What country offers the only overland exit from South America?
+What country officially limits women to one child?
+What country owns corsica?
+What country owns Elba, Capri and Ischia islands?
+What country owns the azores?
+What country owns the island of sicily?
+What country played host to the 1982 Football World Cup Finals?
+What country played West Germany in Footballs world cup finals in both 1986 & 1990?
+What country posesses the Nicobar Island?
+What country produces carlsberg, tuborg and wiibroe beer?
+What country produces the most olive oil?
+What country produces the original Edam cheese?
+What country produces Wiibroe beer?
+What country prohibited the importing of barbie dolls because they were considered 'anti-islamic'?
+What country provided the birthplace of Christopher Columbus?
+What country provides the setting for the novel summer of the seventeenth doll?
+What country saw the origin of lawn tennis?
+What country saw the origin of the asain flu?
+What country saw the origin of the Asian flu?
+What country sees 41 million people speak Hakka as a first language?
+What country shares a 1,030 mile border with Sweden?
+What country singer's duets with loretta lynn ended when he died at age 59?
+Conway twitty
+What country sprang from the union of tanganyika and zanzibar?
+What country star learned ventriloquism when he was 6?
+Mark chestnutt
+What country suffered a potato famine in 1845?
+What country suffered the most combat deaths in world war ii?
+Soviet union
+What country surrounds the Republic of San Marino?
+What country tested it's first nuclear bomb in 1974?
+What country used the deadly nerve gas SARIN against Kurdish minority factions in the 1990s?
+What country uses the markka as currency?
+What country was a terrible beauty to leon uris?
+What country was annexed by Mussolini in 1936?
+What country was Anwar Sadat president of before his assassination?
+What country was basketball invented in?
+U s a
+What country was called botany bay and new holland until 1820?
+What country was called Caledonia by the Romans?
+What country was divided at the 38th parallel?
+What country was formerly called Ceylon?
+Sri lanka
+What country was formerly known as East Pakistan?
+What country was formerly Portuguese east africa?
+What country was idi amin dictator?
+What country was liberated during the gulf war?
+What country was Mother Teresa origionally from?
+What country was mother's day first celebrated in?
+U s a
+What country was originally known as Terra Australis Incognita?
+What country was Phar Lap born in?
+New zealand
+What country was potato chips invented in?
+What country was ruled by pol pot, leader of the khmer rouge party?
+What country was sir edmund hillary born in?
+New zealand
+What country was St Patrick born in?
+What country was the bridge of san luis rey in?
+What country was the first in the world to allow women voters?
+New zealand
+What country was the most heavily bombed in the Vietnam war?
+What country was the scene of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900?
+What country was the scene of the maori wars?
+New zealand
+What country was the setting for 'Casablanca'?
+What country was the setting for 'Doctor Zhivago'?
+What country was the setting for 'The King and I'?
+Siam (Thailand)
+What country was the setting for ali baba and the forty thieves?
+What country was the setting for ivor the engine?
+What country was the setting of 'you only live twice'?
+What country was the talent spotting hughie green raised in?
+What country was the target of Germany's planned but canned Operation Sea Lion?
+What country was the victim of a Russian invasion in 1956?
+What country were pekingese dogs once considered sacred in?
+What country were the incas from?
+What country which has the same name as a bird?
+What country won 29 medals at the 1988 winter olympics?
+Soviet union
+What country won its second Olympic ice hockey gold medal in 1980?
+The U.S.A.
+What country won the first gold medal in the first modern-day Olympics?
+What country would a Bulgarian with a good sense of direction walk through to reach Armenia by foot?
+What country would you be in if you landed smack in the middle of Plock?
+What country would you be in if you were holidaying in suva?
+What country would you be in if your train's engine had S.N.C.F. painted on it?
+What country would you come up in if you drilled a hole straight throught the earth from Buenos Aires?
+What country would you have to visit to see the ruins of troy?
+What country would you visit to see Ayers Rock?
+What country would you visit to see Casablanca?
+What country would you visit to ski in the Dolomites?
+What Country-Pop artist was once a cheerleader alongside classmate Brenda Lee at Maplewood High School in Nashville?
+Rita coolidge
+What country's 2 dollar note pictures 6 eskimos, 2 kayaks and 2 harpoons?
+What country's air force was destroyed on the ground on the morning of June 5th 1967?
+What country's airline is TAP?
+What country's alps surround lake lucerne?
+What country's answer to the oscars is the cesar?
+What country's anthem begins 'O God Bestower of the blessings of the Swazi'?
+What country's been the site of the most European battles?
+What country's border would an Azerbaijani reach by hiking due south across rhe Talish Mounains?
+What country's capital is Lagos?
+What country's capital is montevideo?
+What country's capital is tirana?
+What country's capital is Tripoli?
+What country's cavalry used dried milk as long ago as the 13th century?
+What country's currency features a portrait of John Tebbutt?
+What country's currency is considered the most difficult to counterfeit?
+What country's entire population was condemned to death by the Spanish inquisition?
+What country's explorers discovered the site of pensacola, Florida?
+What country's flag flies over Spitsbergen?
+What country's flag flies over the Azores?
+What country's flag flies over the Canary Islands?
+What country's flag flies over the Faroe Islands?
+What country's flag flies over the island of Corfu?
+What country's flag flies over the snow covered Queen Elizabeth Islands?
+What country's flag flutters over the Galapagos Islands?
+What country's flag has a big red maple leaf on it?
+What country's flag has fifty stars on it?
+What country's flag has lasted the longest without change?
+What country's flag is called the union jack?
+What country's flag is incorporated most often in others?
+What country's flag is made up of the Union Jack and the Southern Cross?
+What country's flag was Christopher Columbus sailing under when he discovered America?
+What country's flag was reversed to yield the Red Cross flag?
+What country's forces assisted in the overthrow of Idi Amin in 1979?
+What country's holidays include discovery day, natal day & fete nationale?
+What country's language is called Magyar?
+What country's largest city is Sao Paulo?
+What country's major airline is Alitalia?
+What country's major seaport is alexandria?
+What country's most popular tourist area is called the algarve?
+What country's national folk hero is called Holger Danske?
+What country's note pictures 6 eskimos, 2 kayaks and 2 harpoons?
+What country's original name contained the words 'terra incognita'?
+What country's parliament is discussing asking britain to return the koh-i-noor diamond?
+What country's people call their language Magyar?
+What country's people developed the crossbow?
+What country's people stand up for the anthem 'the reign of our emporer'?
+What country's people stand up for the anthem the reign of our emperor?
+What country's people were taxed for using salt in the 17th century?
+What country's port of Dunwich fell into the sea?
+What country's president zia perished in a 1988 plane crash?
+What country's travel requirements include a contribution to save nubian monuments?
+What country's typical foods include tacos, enchiladas & tortillas?
+What countrys capital was formed when Pesth and Buda merged?
+What countrys flag is made up of the Union Jack and the Southern Cross?
+What countrys national flower is the wattle?
+What countrys people were found to be the worlds top television viewers in a 1990 survey?
+What countrys travel requirements include a 3 dollar contribution to save Nubian monuments?
+What county attracts tourists to the seaside village of Clovelly?
+What county boasts englands largest fish and chip shop?
+What county can jamaica inn be found in?
+What county is Broadmoor in?
+What county is Chicago?
+Cook county
+What county is corfe castle in?
+What county is home of the Quantocks and Mendips?
+What county is john constable most closely associated with?
+What county is known as The Garden of England?
+What county is stonehenge in?
+What coutnry did 300,000 Chinese troops invade in February, 17979?
+What coverted greek items lie in the British museum?
+The elgin marbles
+What cowboy star sings blueberry hill in the 1941 movie the singing hills?
+Gene autry
+What craft are lark's heads, half hitches and Chinese crown knots associated with?
+What craft toy involved cutting plastic figures, coloring them in, and then baking them in the oven?
+Shrinky Dinks
+What craft uses a kiln and a kick wheel?
+What craft uses a kiln and kick wheel?
+What creature acts as a carrier of the diseae bilharzia?
+Freshwater snail
+What creature appears on the flag of Wales?
+What creature can jump 200 times its own length?
+The flea
+What creature can turn it's stomach inside out?
+What creature does the Galapagos Islands take their name from?
+What creature is athena, greek goddess of wisdom associated with?
+What creature is the subject of Roald Dahl's children's book Esio Trot?
+What creature was the early symbol for christ?
+What creatured squirts blood from its eyes at its' attackers?
+Horned toad
+What creatures call an apiary home?
+What creatures do the Galapagos islands take their name from?
+What creatures do the galpagos islands take their name from?
+What creatures live in an apiary?
+What creatures of Greek mythology are part man and part horse?
+What credit card features a centurion on its face?
+American express
+What crime did Burke and Hare commit?
+Body snatching
+What crime did sid vicious commit in 1978?
+What crisis is known in the therapist biz as Forties Fever?
+Midlife crisis
+What crooner produced inauguration balls for JFK & Ronald Reagan?
+Frank sinatra
+What crooner was nicknamed 'der bingle'?
+Bing crosby
+What crop is grown in the most countries?
+What crop was brought to malaya from Brazil, and was to become malaya's chief export?
+What crop was brought to malaya from Brazil, and was to become malaya's?
+What crucial battle took place in 1815?
+What crystalline salt is frequently used to enhance the flavor to TV dinners?
+Monosodium glutamate
+What culinary treat did John Montagu invent so he didnt have to leave the gambling tables?
+The sandwich
+What cult film made an instant star out of a rotund rocker named Meat Loaf?
+The Rocky Horror Picture Show
+What cult of people do Stonehenge and Eisteddfods have in common?
+What cult-fav eighties movie features John Lithgow from another dimension?
+The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
+What currency must a foreigner use to pay the $20 airport tax to fly out of Zimbabwe?
+U S dollars
+What current cast member of ER was on an 80's show of the same name?
+George Clooney
+What current popular sitcom star played Michael P. Keaton's girlfriend Lauren Miller on Family Ties?
+Courteney Cox
+What Czech runner blitzed the opposition at the 1952 Olympics?
+Emil Zatopek
+What dam is said the be the largest hydroelectric station in the world?
+What dance craze did singer chubby checker start?
+The twist 
+What dance gained renown in New York City's peppermint lounge?
+What dance involves bending over backwards to get under a low bar?
+What dance is most associated with Buenos Aires?
+What dance movie resurrected the great Eric carmen's singing career?
+Dirty dancing
+What dance was developed from the rumba and african dances?
+What danger does Homer see in going into space?
+The Planet of the Apes
+What dangerous insulation material is known as the woolly rock?
+What dangles over the tongue from the palate?
+What Daniel Defoe character lived on an island?
+Robinson crusoe
+What date did FDR say would live in infamy?
+December 7, 1941
+What date is boxing day observed on?
+December 26
+What date is St George's day?
+23rd April
+What date is the 'ides' of march?
+What date is the beginning of the astrological year?
+March 32st
+What date of the year may a fool fool a fool?
+April 1
+What date on the calender is Abraham Lincoln's birthday?
+Feb 12
+What date was black tuesday?
+October 29, 1929
+What date was V E day?
+May 8 1945
+What daughter of Czar Nicholas II is said to have escaped death in the Russian Revolution?
+What day commemorates the gallipoli campaign?
+Anzac day
+What day does garfield hate most?
+Monday the 13th
+What day is St Georges Day?
+23 april
+What day of the week did King Henry VIII die on?
+What day of the week did solomon grundy die?
+What day of the week did the Romans call dies solis?
+What day of the week did world war ii start?
+What day of the week is the national gallery of Canada closed?
+What day of the week was JFK assassinated on?
+What day of the week was John F. Kennedy assassinated on?
+What day of the week was solomon grundy married on?
+What day of the week will January 1st 2001 be?
+What day of the week would visitors be permitted to view the House of Commons and House of Lords session in London, England?
+What dead african leader was originally known as Ras Taffari?
+Haile selassie
+What deceased singer's material did Paul mccartney acquire rights to?
+Buddy holly
+What deck of card contains the wheel of fortune and the lovers card?
+What deck of cards includes the Lovers and Death?
+Tarot cards
+What deck of cards includes the wheel of fortune, the lovers & death?
+Tarot cards
+What declaration warned against interference in the America's?
+Monroe doctrine
+What defense lawyer's clients included lenny bruce and jack ruby?
+Melvin belli
+What degree is 'dds'?
+Doctor of dental surgery
+What delicacy is also known as pickled roe?
+What delicacy is known indelicately as pickled roe?
+What Democratic hopeful's birth date received a draft lottery #311?
+Bill clinton
+What denomination in the us has the most churches?
+Southern baptist
+What denotes a clean pollution-free beach?
+Blue flag
+What department store says 'Always Low Prices, Always.'?
+What deposed ruler had his spleen removed in egypt in 1980?
+Shah of iran
+What derogatory name is derived from a remark given by the Kaiser to members of the British Expeditionary Force under Sir John French, in 1914?
+Old contemptibles
+What derogatory term for new military recruits gave its name to a popular game?
+What describes one complete turn of a rotating object?
+What desert country borders saudi arabia, iraq and the persian gulf?
+What desert covers most of southern Mongolia?
+The gobi desert
+What desert has a land mass as large as Europe?
+What desert has been called the garden of allah?
+What desert has the highest sand dunes?
+What desert lies in Mongolia?
+What desert spreads from botswana into south west africa?
+What detective agency's motto is 'We never sleep'?
+What detective aided escaping slaves on the underground railroad?
+Allan pinkerton
+What detective debuted in 'a study in scarlet'?
+Sherlock holmes
+What detective duo was featured in mystery at devil's paw?
+Joe and frank hardy
+What detective lives on punchbowl hill and has 11 children?
+Charlie chan
+What determines the winners of the people's choice awards?
+Gallup poll
+What detroit based record company was founded by barry gordy jnr?
+What device changes the voltage of alternating currents?
+What device converts alternating current into direct current?
+What device demonstrates the movement of the earth and other bodies in the solar system?
+What device is Isaac Merritt Singer famous for?
+Singer sewing machine
+What device is normally used to measure wind direction?
+Weather vane
+What device might you use to stem the flow of blood?
+What device quietens a car's exhaust?
+What device used to be called a 'spyglass'?
+What device was known to pilots in the Korean War as the panic attack?
+The ejection seat
+What dickens character said 'please sir i want some more'?
+Oliver twist
+What Dickens work features Mr Wardle?
+Pickwick papers
+What did 'd.m.z' stand for in the vietnam war?
+Demilitarized zone
+What did 'Enigma' return to in January 1994?
+What did 'wonderwoman' use to deflect bullets?
+Golden bracelets
+What did 65 members of the women liberation movement of New York and new jersey torch at the 1968 miss America pageant?
+Their brassieres
+What did 80,000 men cut to build solomon's temple?
+The cedars of lebanon
+What did a Cordwainer make?
+What did a Great Dane called Caliph unfortunately do whilst on trial for his life for biting?
+Bit the judge
+What did a man named Dunlop invent in the 1880's?
+Pneumatic tyre
+What did a medieval knight wear on his back and his chest?
+What did a pack of cards not include until 1857?
+What did a pouncet usually contain?
+Vinegar soaked sponge
+What did a scuttlebutt hold?
+Drinking water
+What did a ship called the Ancon travel through first, on August 15, 1914?
+The panama canal
+What did abebe bikila go without in winning the 1960 olympic marathon?
+What did actor john wayne win from rudd weatherswax in a poker game?
+What did adolphe sax invent?
+What did air cadet frank whittle invent in 1928?
+Jet engine
+What did AJ stand for in Simon & Simon's AJ Simon?
+Andrew Jackson
+What did Al Capone's business card say he was?
+Used furniture dealer
+What did Alan Webster fire 1,231 yards to set a world record in 1982?
+What did alchemists believe they could turn metals into?
+What did Alessandro Volta first manufacture in 1800?
+What did Alexander Graham Bell invent in 1881 to help doctors caring for Pres James Garfield agfter he was shot?
+A metal detector
+What did alexander graham bell invent?
+What did Alexander Graham Bell muffle to keep it from interrupting his work?
+His telephone
+What did Alfred Cruickshank claim to have seen in 1923?
+Loch ness monster
+what did alfred cruickshank claim to have seen in 1923?
+The loch ness monster
+What did Alfred Nobel's father, Immanuel Nobel invent?
+What did American Abolitionists try to end?
+What did American Harland D. Sanders give to the world in 1939?
+Kentucky fried chicken
+What did americans call the first cuban in space?
+What did americans celebrate the end of in 1933?
+What did Americas tacky National Enquirer ask Dr Christiaan Barnard to transplant for a $2500000 fee in 1979?
+Human head
+What did Amerigo Vespucci realize was a new continent & not part of Asia, in 1502?
+South America
+What did an earthquake destroy at halicarnassus?
+What did ancient Egyptian women do with the metal antimony?
+Paint their eyes
+What did ancient Egyptians make from the tall water plant papyrus?
+What did andrew jergens create?
+Jergens lotion
+What did AOL claim had been found, on April Fool's Day in 1996?
+Life on Jupiter
+What did Archie Bunker call his son-in-law?
+What did Archie Bunker on 'All In The Family' call his son-in-law Mike?
+What did Archimedes say after discovering the principle of buoyancy?
+What did aristotle believe the heart was?
+Seat of intelligence
+What did aristotle say all things were made up?
+Air, earth, fire, water
+What did artist Toulouse-Lautrec revolutionize in the art world?
+Poster Design
+What did Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton sell two-thirds of his interest in for 283 dollars and 29 cents in 1887?
+Coca cola
+What did Australia receive its first shipment of in 1788?
+What did Aztec Indians smoke in 1522?
+What did benjamin franklin tie to his kite?
+What did Bill Gates' wife say on their wedding night?
+What did Blaise Pascal make in 1640?
+Mechanical calculator
+What did bob geldof & Paula yates name their first born child?
+What did bock's car drop, in 1945?
+An atom bomb on nagasaki
+What did boxer cassius clay change his name to?
+Muhammed ali
+What did Brahms compose for the University of Breslau after they gave him an honorary PhD?
+Academic festival overture
+What did British motorists have to contend with for the first time in 1960?
+Traffic wardens
+What did British symphony orchestras do without until 1820?
+What did channel four launch as its first soap opera?
+What did Charles conrad of apollo 12 become in november 1969?
+Third man on the moon
+What did Charles goodyear invent by accident in 1839?
+Vulcanized rubber
+What did Charles Richter invent a scale to measure?
+What did clarence birdseye perfect in 1924?
+Frozen food
+What did cleaning crews remove 600 pounds of from the Statue of Liberty in 1990?
+Chewing Gum
+What did clio represent in the nine muses?
+What did Col Thomas Blood try to steal in 1675?
+The crown jewels
+What did Colonel Blood try to steal in 1671?
+British crown jewels
+What did cowboys refer to as 'tonsil paint'?
+What did cowboys refer to as tonsil plant?
+What did d.w griffith invent?
+False eyelashes
+What did dan aykroyd and john belushi quit 'saturday night live' to become?
+Blues brothers
+What did daniel ellsberg leak to the New York times?
+Pentagon papers
+what did del boy and rodney auction for ?6 million in an episode of only fools and horses?
+A watch
+What did denmark sell to the u.s?
+Virgin islands
+What did dice players call a six in the old west?
+Johnny hicks
+What did dick whittington achieve that jeffrey archer didnt?
+Lord mayor of london
+What did Disraeli refer to as a 'milestone round our necks'?
+What did Dougal Haston excel at?
+What did dr bart hughes create?
+What did dr David banner become when he got angry?
+Incredible hulk
+What did dr godfrey invent in 1762?
+Fire extinguisher
+What did dr john pemberton invent in atlanta, georgia in 1886?
+Coca cola
+What did dr john pemberton invent?
+Coca cola
+What did dr john s pemberton invent?
+What did dr seuss' grinch steal?
+What did early sailors call the islands where cinnamon,cloves and nutmegs were grown?
+The spice islands
+What did easau sell his birthright to jacob for?
+What did East Pakistan become?
+What did Edwin Land invent in the 1940's?
+Polaroid camera
+What did Einstein publish in 1905?
+Special theory of relativity
+What did Eire leave in 1949?
+What did Elisha Otis invent in 1852?
+What did Elisha Otis invent in 1853?
+The passenger lift
+What did Emerson, Lake & Palmer burn on stage during their concerts?
+The American flag
+What did Emerson, Lake and Palmer burn on stage during their concerts?
+What did epicurus found?
+Epicurean philosophyWhat toyota vehicle takes its name of the latin word for crown
+What did Eric morley found?
+Miss world competition
+What did Esso become?
+What did father edward flanagan found near omaha, nebraska?
+Boys town
+What did father flanagan found?
+Boys town
+What did fletch's initials (i. m.) stand for?
+Irwin maurice
+What did foucault demonstrate with his pendulum?
+The rotation of the earth
+What did France,West Germany,Belgium,Luxembourg<Holland and Italy sign in 1958?
+The treaty of rome
+What did frank sinatra call 'my kind of town'?
+What did friar roger bacon invent?
+Magnifying glass
+What did Gabriel Fahrenheit invent?
+What did gail borden give to the world in 1853?
+Condensed milk
+What did Gatling invent in 1863?
+Rapid firing gun
+What did gene autry name his ranch?
+Melody ranch
+What did General wade construct in the Highlands from 1724 to 1730?
+What did gentleman jim do for a living?
+What did George Stephenson call his steam engine?
+What did God change Abram's name to?
+What did goldilocks eat?
+What did grace darling's father keep?
+What did Grace Kelly become in 1956?
+What did Graham Sutherland design for the rebuilt Coventry Cathedral?
+The altar tapestry
+What did gregor mendel study?
+What did hans christian anderson always travel with in case of fire?
+What did hansel and gretel find in the witch's house?
+A treasure
+What did Harry Connick put after his name?
+What did He-man say when he lifted his sword and gained his strength?
+By the power of Grayskull I am He-Man
+What did Henry shrapnel invent?
+Exploding shell
+What did hercules have to kill for his first labour?
+Nemean tiger
+What did Hercules use to clean the Augean stables?
+A river
+What did homer write about in 'the iliad'?
+Trojan war
+What did Horatio Nelson lose at the age of 40?
+What did inventor Whitcomb Judson perfect in the 1800's?
+The zipper
+What did ira remsen discover in 1879, perhaps proclaiming 'how sweet it is'?
+What did it say on the bottle Alice drank from when she shrank?
+Drink Me
+What did Italian dictator Mussolinis title Il Duce mean?
+The leader
+What did Jack Horner eat in the corner?
+Christmas pie
+What did jack the ripper sign on his first note?
+Yours truly
+What did janis joplin die from?
+What did Japanese athlete Suburaya do after failing to win in the 1964 Olympics?
+Committed hari-kiri
+what did Jason and the Argonauts seek?
+The golden Fleece
+What did jim henson create?
+What did jim rockford call his father?
+What did john augustus larson invent?
+Lie detector
+What did John F Kennedy claim was his biggest mistake as president?
+Bay of pigs invasion
+What did john glenn name the first mercury capsule to orbit the earth?
+Friendship 7
+What did Johnny Staccato do when he wasn't busy as a private eye?
+Jazz pianist
+What did Joseph Bloch invent in 1921?
+The Whistling Tea Kettle
+What did joseph priestely discover?
+What did joseph priestley invent?
+Carbonated soda water
+What did joseph smith found?
+What did Joseph Swan invent?
+Electric lamp
+What did Julia Ward Howe originate?
+Mothers day
+What did karen and richard carpenter call the apartment building they built with the royalties from their first hit?
+Close to you
+What did Karl Marx write with Friedrich Engles, in 1848?
+The Communist manifesto
+what did kenneth williams , william wordsworth & napoleon all suffer from?
+What did Kenneth Williams,William Wordsworth and Napoleon all suffer from?
+What did Kenneth Williams,William Worsworth and Napolean all suffer from?
+What did Kennington Oval become during wwii?
+Prisoner of war camp
+What did Leo Sayer wear to promote the song I Won't Let The Show Go On?
+A clown suit
+What did Leon Gaumont produce for the first time in france before 1900?
+Talking films
+What did Leonard Nimoy name his 1995 book sequel to I Am Not Spock?
+I Am Spock
+What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884?
+The fountain pen
+What did Lilius invent< Clavius complete and Pope Gregory XIII introduce?
+Gregorian calander
+What did Lippershey invent in 1608 that Galileo often gets the credit for?
+Refracting telescope
+What did little bo peep lose?
+Her sheep
+What did Lloyd George describe as 'Balfour's Poodle'?
+House of lords
+What did Lloyd's first admit on January 1st 1970?
+What did Longfellow declare to be the universal language of mankind?
+What did lonnie donnegan has his listeners?
+Does your chewing gum lose its flavour on the bedpost overnight
+What did Lorraine Chase famously advertise on TV?
+What did louis waterman invent in 1884?
+Fountain pen
+What did lyndon johnson declare war against on january 8, 1964?
+What did marconi transmit across the atlantic?
+Radio signals
+What did Marie Antoinette and Jayne Mansfield have in common?
+Bust size
+What did marie curie die of on 4th july 1934?
+Radiation poisoning
+What did Mary Baker Eddy found in the late 1800s?
+The christian science movement
+What did Mary Beth and Harvey Lacey call their first son?
+Harvey jnr
+What did mary phelps jacobs invent?
+What did Mary Poppins say helped the medicine go down?
+A spoon full of sugar
+What did maynard g krebs say his middle initial stood for?
+What did medieval artists use to bind their pigment paints?
+Egg yolk
+What did Melita Bentz discover in 1908?
+The Coffee Filter
+What did members of the nazi ss have tattooed in their armpits?
+Blood type
+What did michael collins found?
+What did Miss Muffet sit on?
+What did Moldavia & Walachia unite to become?
+What did Moses do for a living before he was called by God?
+What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai?
+Ten commandments
+What did Mother Hubbard look for in her cupboard?
+A bone
+What did Mr Bojangles do to amuse his cell mates?
+He danced
+What did my favorite martian have to do before he could become invisible?
+Raise his antenna
+What did NASA launch a$100 million search for in 1992?
+What did neptune hold in his hand?
+What did one of the earliest mixtures of toothpaste consist of?
+Wine & pumice
+What did Otto Titzling invent?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Brassiere", "bra"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What did Pandora release when she opened her box?
+Troubles and misery
+What did pat conroy write?
+Beach music
+What did Paul Benier leave in his locked getaway car while he robbed a bank in Swansea, Massachusetts?
+His car keys
+What did Percy Shaw invent and market 2 years after a foggy drive in 1933?
+Cats eyes
+What did percy shaw invent?
+Cat's eyes
+What did Perseus's helmet do for him?
+Made him invisible
+What did peter minuit buy for the equivalent of 24 dollars?
+Manhattan island
+What did peter sellers use as an ink blotter in the wrong box?
+What did physicist Lord Rutherford discover inside the nucleus of the atom?
+What did plato found in 387 bc?
+The academy
+What did pocahontas do to entertain the colonists?
+What did pocahontas wear while entertaining the colonists?
+What did Pope Pius V do to Queen Elizabeth in 1570 (lets keep it clean, huh?)?
+Excommunicated her
+What did Pope Pius V do to Queen Elizabeth in 1570?
+Excommunicated her
+What did president lincoln proclaim a national holiday in 1863?
+What did presidents Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Garfield have in common?
+The first name JamesFirst name
+What did puritans ban the singing of?
+What did pythagoras recommend for scorpion bites?
+What did Queen Elizabeth II do for the first time in 1957?
+Appeared on TV
+What did Queen Elizabeth's godson design for her in 1596?
+A flush toilet
+What did Queen Victoria call 'a pretty little castle in the old scotch style'?
+What did Regan due to the striking air traffic controllers?
+Fired them
+What did Richard Nixon have on the left side of his scalp, from forehead to neck?
+What did Rip van winkle do for 20 years?
+What did Roald Amundsen reach first?
+South pole
+What did robert bunsen invent?
+Bunsen burner
+What did robert fulton invent?
+What did Robert Watson-watt invent in the 1930s?
+What did rod serling create?
+Twilight zone
+What did roger buell do for a living in the mothers-in-law?
+Television writer
+What did roland garros create in 1915?
+A fighter plane
+What did Rontgen discover to win the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901?
+X rays
+What did Royal Navy officers have to start wearing after 1748?
+What did Russell Day do on the River Thames in 1983 that hadnt been done there for 150 years?
+Caught a salmon
+What did Russian defector victor belenko deliver to the Japanese in september, 1976?
+A mig 25
+What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair?
+A bow
+What did Sandy Fowler invent for drinkers that had he patented it would have made him millions?
+Tea bag
+What did scientists build in a squash court under a football stadium at the university of Chicago in 1942?
+Nuclear reactor
+What did she wear when she went into the water?
+An itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka-dot bikini
+What did shirley temple always have in her hair?
+What did sir arnold lunn begin in Switzerland?
+Slalom skiing
+What did Sir Christopher Cockerell invent?
+What did Sir Ernest Swinton invent in 1914?
+Military tank
+What did Sir Humphrey Davy discover in 1801?
+What did Sir Humphrey Davy invent in 1815?
+Miners safety lamp
+What did Sir John Harington design for his own home in 1589?
+First water closet
+What did Sir Lancelots adultery prevent him from finding?
+The Holy Grail
+What did Sir Rowland Hill introduce in Britain in 1840?
+What did Sir Thomas Blanket first manufacture in 1340?
+What did sisko's father use to call his family?
+Taste testers
+What did soldier Phillip Williams temporarily lose in the Falklands?
+What did soldiers during World Wars I & II use Kleenix(R) for?
+To dress wounds
+What did Stanislaw J. Lec call the first requisite for immortality?
+What did steve martin once call terre haute?
+Nowhere u.s.a
+What did the 'x' in x-ray stand for?
+What did the 1944 education act extend?
+Secondary education
+What did the 1980 U S naval academy class have for the first time in history?
+Women graduates
+What did the 1980 US naval academy class have for the first time in history?
+A woman
+What did the 1st u.s federal legislation in 1909 prohibit?
+What did the Adamson Act establish in the US?
+Eight hour workday
+What did the Americans prohibit the drinking of in 1775?
+What did the ancient greeks call any group of numbers more than 10,000?
+What did the archbishop of krakow become in 1978?
+What did the Austrian govt sell in 1909 at ?10,000 for a single gramme?
+What Did The Average White Band Pick Up in 1975...The?
+What did the big bang create?
+What did the call letters of Chicago radio and TV station WLS originally stand for, in reference to Sears Roebuck (its former owner)?
+World's Largest Store
+What did the Celts consider sacred because it communicated moisture from the ground into the air?
+What did The Chief nickname Starsky's car on Stasky and Hutch??
+The Striped Tomato
+What did the chinese not refer to themselves as?
+Silk people
+What did the combination act forbid?
+Formation of trade unions
+What did the contestants in the Greek olympics wear?
+What did the Crane brothers run the length of in a record 101 days in 1983?
+What did the Egyptian bakers use to knead dough in 4000 bc?
+Their feet
+What did the egyptians believe your 'spiritual double' was called?
+What did the esso 'blee dooler' sell?
+What did the film crew call the shark in 'jaws'?
+What did the Franks commision report on?
+The falklands war
+What did the ghan railway get its name from?
+Camel drivers
+What did the government blame the high inflation figures on in Dec 1987?
+Computer error
+What did the Greeks call Roman goddess, minerva?
+What did the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha change it's name to?
+House of Windsor
+What did the inmates of changi prison camp build?
+Burma railway
+What did the israelites eat in the desert after the exodus?
+What did the knave of hearts steal?
+What did the lady of the lake give king arthur?
+What did the license plate on the Delorean in Back To The Future spell out?
+What did the Lloyd's of London Insurance group start out as?
+A Coffee House
+What did the M stand for in J M Barrie's name?
+What did the Manhattan project set out to develop in 1941?
+Atomic bomb
+What did the massachusetts bay colony outlaw in 1641?
+What did the Montgolfier brothers rise to fame in?
+What did the mysterious db cooper jump out of (what type)?
+Boeing 727
+What did the name 'battenberg' become?
+What did the name 'saxe-coburg' become?
+What did the old woman in the shoe give her children to eat?
+What did the old woman who lived in a shoe give her children for supper?
+Broth without any bread
+What did the Oshkosh steamer win?
+First automobile race
+What did the papal treaty of tordesillas divide between the Spanish and the portugese?
+The world
+What did the person chained to wall in Goonies want?
+A Baby Ruth candy bar
+What did the Perthians conquer in 141 bc?
+What did the repair technicians of the first 'modern' computers wear while working?
+Shorts and roller skates
+What did the republicans call the platform they hyped in the 1994 congressional elections?
+Contract with America
+What did the roman emperors and the rich people of rome carried on?
+What did the Romans call London?
+What did the Romans call Scotland?
+What did the Romans call the tenth part of a legion - between 300 and 600 men?
+A cohort
+What did the Scott Brothers call Toilet Paper after they brought it stateside from England?
+Waldorf Tissue
+What did the shire's reeve become when the concept was brought to the u.s?
+What did the song '867-5309/jenny' spawn for tommy tutone?
+What did the Soviet Union call its supreme policy making body?
+What did the sparrow kill Cock Robin with?
+Bow & arrow
+What did the steamship Savannah cross in 1819?
+The atlantic ocean
+What did the Tennessee radio programme WSM Barndance change its name to?
+The grand ole opry
+What did the three bears leave to cool when they went for a walk?
+What did the three little kittens lose?
+Their mittens
+What did the title character in john fowles's the collector collect?
+What did the title of joyce jillson's rebuttal to real men don't eat quiche say real women don't do?
+Pump gas
+What did the townspeople give up in cold turkey?
+What did the Ugly Duckling grow up to be?
+What did the US buy from Russia at two cents an acre?
+What did the us declare indians were in 1924?
+What did the white house have before it had an indoor bathroom?
+What did the young Don Bradman practise hitting with a cricket stump to improve his batting?
+A Golf Ball
+What did thomas sheraton design and produce?
+What did thousands ogle for the first time when it served as a pace car for a race in Alabama in 1964?
+The mustang
+What did to decimate originally mean in military terms?
+Kill every tenth man
+What did tom, tom, the piper's son steal?
+What did Tommie Smith wear at his victory ceremony in the 1968 Olympics?
+Black glove
+What did tommy kirk shoot because of hydrophobia?
+Old yeller
+What did Tory MP Keith Best apply for 6 lots of when he was only allowed one lot?
+British telecom shares
+What did victorian women try to enlarge by bathing in strawberries?
+What did Victorian women try to enlarge by massaging with crushed strawberries?
+Their breasts
+What did Wallace Carothers invent?
+What did walter hunt invent in 1849?
+Safety pin
+What did walter huston remove to perform in the movie the treasures of the sierra madre?
+What did Watson, Crick and Wilkins discover?
+What did Webster call his adoptive parents?
+Ma'am and George 
+What did welch's grape juice become a favorite substitute for when the 18th amendment passed?
+What did wham! say to do before you go go?
+Wake me up
+What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895?
+X rays
+What did William Hunt invent in 1849 to hold things together?
+The safety pin
+What did William II,Richard I,Edward II,James I and William III all have a reputation for being?
+What did William Morris repair before he started to build cars?
+What did William Seward buy from Russia in 1867?
+What did Winston Churchill describe as 'a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma'?
+What did Woody ask Kelly's father when they first met?
+He asked if they could date
+What did yoko hire to wish john lennon a happy 40th birthday?
+What did you do 10 million times last year?
+What did you do if you took the Kings shilling?
+Joined the army
+What didn't wolfman jack do until the 1970's?
+Reveal his face
+What dietary problem were 65 percent of brazilians suffering in 1985?
+What differentiates a ferrous alloy from a non ferrous alloy?
+Contains iron
+What dire straits song says 'we're going on a holiday now, gonna take a villa, a small chalet on the costa del magnifico...'?
+Twisting by the pool
+What direction do horses run around a racetrack in Victoria?
+What direction do many northern birds fly when autumn arrives?
+What direction do the best surfing beaches face?
+What direction does the sphinx face?
+What direction does the Tower of London face across the Thames?
+South west
+What direction is the sahara desert expanding in by half a mile a year?
+What direction is the sahara expanding in by a half a mile a year?
+What direction is the Sahara expanding in by half a mile a year?
+What dirty building did heracles clean by diverting a river?
+Augean stables
+What disability did Heather Whitestone rise above to become Miss America?
+What disaster hit Ireland between 1845 & 1849?
+Potato famine
+What disease did august von wassermann develop a scientific test for in 1906?
+What disease did august von wassermann develop a specific test for in 1906?
+What disease did bark beetles introduce to The Netherlands in 1919?
+Dutch elm disease
+What disease did mary mallon carry?
+Typhoid fever
+What disease do the French call 'la rage'?
+What disease do you get if you eat too many christmas decorations?
+What disease has been used to control the rabbit population?
+What disease is most common in soap operas?
+What disease results from a lack of Vitamin C?
+What disease was first encountered at the Siege of Mecca in 569?
+What disease was known as the white plague?
+What disease was once known as phthisis?
+What disease was the so-called miracle drug krebiozen, ultimately found to be totally useless, supposed to cure?
+What disease's sufferers were required to carry rattles to warn people of their approach in 15th century England?
+What disk jockey did the guess who put into musical history?
+Wolfman jack
+What disney character sang 'when you wish upon a star'?
+Jiminy cricket
+What Disney character shared the front cover of Disney Adventures magazine with Michael Jackson in 1993?
+What disney character's picture did the N Y Times wrongly call goofy?
+What disney film boasts the song that's what uncle remus said?
+Song of the south
+What disney film do parisians know as blanche neige aet les sept nains?
+Snow white and the seven dwarfs
+What disney film stars bette davis?
+Watcher in the woods
+What disney movie about sultans and beggers starred robin williams, jonathan freeman and gilbert gottfried?
+What disney movie features an owl named big mama?
+Fox & the hound
+What disney movie stars merlin the magician and wart the boy king?
+Sword in the stone
+What distant planet circles the sun every 84 years?
+What divides the American north from the south?
+Mason dixon line
+What do 100 Egyptian piastres make?
+One pound
+What do 100 kopecks make?
+One ruble
+What do 12% of mississippi households lack?
+What do 25% of Americans secretly bite?
+Their toenails
+What do 87 percent of all professional boxers suffer from?
+Brain damage
+What do a hundred piastres make in egypt?
+What do a kangaroo, an anteater and a seahorse have in common?
+What do a pen and a cob produce?
+What do agrophobics fear?
+Open spaces
+What do airplane mechanics call motor oil?
+Pickle juice
+What do airplane mechanics refer to as 'pickle juice'?
+Motor oil
+What do Alaskan sled drivers should to get their dog teams moving?
+What do all the seven dwarfs except dopey have?
+What do American golfers call a hole in one?
+What do Americans call 'candy floss'?
+Cotton candy
+What do americans call chick peas?
+Garbanzo beans
+What do americans call nappies?
+What do Americans call the silencer on a car?
+What do americans call the vegetable swede?
+What do americans receive the most amount of radiation from?
+What do architects claim Chicago's Tacoma Building to be the first of?
+What do Australians call dust storms?
+What do ba barraca's initials stand for?
+Bad attitude
+What do bank holidayers in France mean when they say they plan to 'faire le pont' if the holiday falls midweek?
+Take the rest of the week off
+What do bees collect?
+What do birds use their feathers for apart from keeping warm and flying?
+What do breeders and trainers use to identify dogs?
+Nose prints
+What do British tabloids often refer to as buck house?
+Buckingham palace
+What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers & laser printers all have in common?
+All invented by women
+What do butchers call the edible internal part of an animal?
+What do butterflies eat grubs, nectar or nothing?
+What do camels store in their humps water, fat or milk?
+What do chefs cal The Master Spice?
+What do chicken breeders add to their chickens diets in an effort to improved the smell of their rearing sheds?
+What do chickens do during a total solar eclipse?
+What do Christians call the period of fasting before Easter?
+What do Christians call the place which the Hebrews called Golgotha, (Place of Skulls)?
+What do climbers call a peak higher than 914 m (3,000ft)?
+A munro
+What do Colley Cibber, John Masefield and john Betjeman have in common?
+Poets laureate
+What do cricket umpires take off to show that it is time for lunch?
+What do dendrochronologists count?
+Tree rings
+What do diners in a restaurant use to take away their leftovers?
+Doggy bag
+What do Dogs and Trees have in common?
+What do dominica, Mexico, zambia, Spain, kiribati, fiji and egypt all have on their flags?
+What do eccrine glands produce?
+What do elephants do on average 2 hours a day?
+What do English speakers call the city that ltalians call Torino?
+What do English speakers call the region that the Spanish know as 'el pais vasco'?
+The basque country
+What do englishmen weigh themselves in?
+What do enzymes in a beer's mash convert the starch into?
+What do enzymes start while food is still in the mouth?
+Breakdown of food
+What do eskimos get from sitting on the ice?
+What do exeter city and newcastle united have in common?
+St james park
+What do farms, clocks, and audiences all have?
+What do fish say when they hit a concrete wall?
+What do fletchers make?
+What do four pecks make?
+A bushel
+What do four quadrant make?
+A circle
+What do french speakers call the German town that germans call aachen?
+What do frogs have in their mouths that toad's dont?
+What do gasoline and napthenic and palmatic acids combine to form?
+What do goldfish lose if kept in dimly lit or running water?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Colour", "color"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What do goldfish lose if kept in running or dimly lit water?
+What do gorillas do when they get nervous?
+Beat their chests
+What do Hansel & Gretel push the witch into?
+The oven
+What do Hari Georgeson,George O'hara Smith and Son of Harry share?
+George harrisons pseudonyms
+What do herpetologists study?
+What do humans catch zoonose diseases from?
+What do humans completely shed and regrow every 27 days?
+What do humans shed about 1.5 pounds of every year?
+What do huntsmen call out when a fox is sighted?
+What do huntsmen traditionally call out upon sighting a fox?
+What do ice hocky players hit instead of a ball?
+What do Indianapolis 500 winners traditionally drink in the winners circle?
+What do insects do through their spiracles?
+What do Italians call Florence?
+What do Italians call Rome?
+What do italians call their motorways?
+What do jamaicans refer to as 'ganja'?
+What do Jim Bowen and Franz Schubert have in common?
+Both schoolteachers
+What do julius caeser, ghandi and trotsky have in common?
+All assassinated
+What do koala bears dine on?
+Eucalyptus leaves
+What do ladybugs do in the winter?
+What do like charges do?
+What do mc and mac mean when used in surnames?
+Son of
+What do Mcdonalds & Burger King do to their fries so they will turn golden brown?
+They sugar coat them
+What do men do half as much as women?
+What do meteorologists call a thundercloud?
+What do Moscow residents substitute for toilet paper during shortages?
+What do Muslims call their pilgrimage to Mecca?
+The Hajj
+What do navel oranges lack?
+What do New Zealanders claim Jack Lovelock did in 1935?
+Run a four minute mile
+What do nictitating women do to men?
+Wink at them
+What do nine pennies weigh?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["1 ounce", "one ounce"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What do norwegians call norway?
+What do omnivores eat?
+Plants and meat
+What do opposite charges do?
+What do opposite faces of a die always add up to?
+What do ornithologists study?
+What do osteologists study?
+What do pangolins eat?
+What do Patty + Selma say you can't spell without I.O.U.?
+What do peacocks mate with?
+What do people do when they 'tie the knot'?
+Get married
+What do people in cold climates add to the water in a car's radiator in winter?
+Anti freeze
+What do people use to propel kayaks?
+What do pigments give to your hair & skin?
+What do professional crammers do?
+Individual coaching for exams
+What do pterylologists study?
+What do rabbits love?
+What do Rastafarians generally refer to God as?
+What do runners pass each other in a relay race?
+What do runners pass to each other in a relay race?
+A baton
+What do scuba divers ditch first if they have to ascend in a hurry?
+Weight belts
+What do Spanish dancers hold in their hands?
+What do spelunkers explore?
+What do spider monkeys like?
+Banana daquiries
+What do spiders and ticks have in common?
+Eight legs
+What do stock market vets call october 19, 1987?
+Black monday
+What do strikers call those that refuse to strike?
+What do supertankers carry?
+What do table tennis players change after five points?
+What do table tennis rules say you must be able to see when you serve?
+What do tendons join to bones?
+What do tha Albert Memorial and St Pancras Station have in common?
+Same architect
+What do the ailurophobis fear?
+What do the aperture & shutter let into a camera?
+What do the argentines call the falkland islands?
+What do the broken chains at the bottom of the statue of liberty symbolise?
+Overthrow of tyranny
+What do the canadians and americans call the Scottish 'shinny'?
+What do the cheeses gruyere and emmenthal have in common?
+What do the dodo, moa and great auk have in common?
+They are extinct
+What do the five olympic rings represent?
+What do the following words all have in common Sussex,Pond,Cabinet and Eves?
+All puddings
+What do the french appellation d'origin controlee laws regulate?
+What do the French call la manche?
+The English channel
+What do the Greeks call the Elgin marbles?
+Parthenon marbles
+What do the group of mammals known as monotremes do?
+Lay eggs
+What do the initials 'crt' stand for among computer buffs?
+Cathode ray tube
+What do the initials bvm stand for?
+Blessed virgin mary
+What do the initials cbi stant for?
+Confederation of British industry
+What do the initials DIY usually stand for?
+Do it yourself
+What do the initials F W stand for in Woolworths?
+Frank winfield
+What do the initials IMF stand for?
+International monetary fund
+What do the initials in j.r.r tolkien's name mean?
+John ronald reuel
+What do the initials j.p. stand for after a person's name?
+Justice of the peace
+What do the initials nasa stand for?
+National aeronautics and space administration
+What do the initials of the meat substitute tvp stand for?
+Textured vegetable protein
+What do the initials of the painter J M W Turner stand for?
+Joseph mallord william
+What do the initials RBC mean?
+Red blood cell
+What do the initials snp stand for?
+Scottish nationalist party
+What do the initials U.F.O stand for?
+Unidentified flying object
+What do the initials V.S.O.P stand for on a bottle of brandy?
+Very special old pale
+What do the Italian, French and Irish flag have in common?
+Vertical stripes
+What do the Japanese call Japan?
+What do the Japanese traditionally fly on new year's day?
+What do the letter RCMP stand for?
+Royal Canadian mounted police
+What do the letters 'r.e.m.' stand for?
+Rapid eye movement
+What do the letters 's.a.m' mean in sam missiles?
+Surface to air missiles
+What do the letters 'T' and 'S' stand for in T. S. Eliot's name?
+Thomas stearns
+What do the letters F.D. on British coins mean?
+Defender of the Faith
+What do the letters HB stand for on a pencil?
+Hard black
+What do the letters IMF mean?
+International monetary fund
+What do the letters in SAM missiles refer to?
+Surface-to-air missile
+What do the letters std stand for?
+Sexually transmitted disease
+What do the locals call the cloud that covers Table Mountain in Cape Town?
+What do the Nidd, Wharfe, Aire, Calder and Don rivers all rise in?
+What do the paiute indians call ?kaibab' or ?mountain-lying-down'?
+Grand canyon
+What do the pig, horse and rat have in common?
+Chinese astrology
+What do the plants laburnum and broom have in common?
+Yellow flowers
+What do the rose and the apple have in common?
+Belong to the same family
+What do the san joaquin kit fox, hawaiian hawk and ocelot have in common?
+Endangered species
+What do the Scottish call hockey?
+What do the seven rays atop the statue of libertys head represent?
+7 seas and 7 continents 
+What do the seven stripes on the American flag represent?
+The seven original states
+What do the Simpsons buy to keep up with the Flanders?
+An R.V. 
+What do the skunk, magpie and otter have in common they are all?
+Black and white
+What do the Spaniards call Spain?
+What do The Specials,The Fun Boy Three and The Colour Field have in common?
+Terry hall
+What do the STP Corporation's initials stand for?
+Scientifically Tested Products
+What do the tendons attach to the bones or cartilage?
+What do the words 'par avion' on the outside of an envelope mean?
+What do the words nick and tuck refer to?
+Cosmetic surgery
+What do they call an automatic pitching machine?
+Iron mike
+What do trees get 90 percent of their nutrients from?
+What do trees get 90% of their nutrients from?
+What do vampire bats usually go for on sleeping humans?
+What do vulcanologists study?
+What do Washington state's personalized plates revenues fund?
+Saving endangered animals
+What do we call a small personal ornament of no great value?
+What do we call in English the type of painting known to the french as 'nature morte'?
+Still life
+What do we call strong self interest and self admiration?
+What do we call the first day of lent?
+Ash Wednesday
+What do we call the first visitor after midnight on New Years Eve?
+First foot
+What do we call the jagged tops of castle walls through which archers could fire?
+What do we call the noise made by a sudden spasm closing the windpipe?
+What do we call the study of fossils?
+What do wet Formula1 tyres have that dry ones don't?
+What do whales eat?
+What do women do nearly twice as much as men?
+What do x & y chromozomes combine in making?
+What do x and y chromosomes combine in making?
+What do you add to a screwdriver to get a harvey wallbanger?
+What do you associate with hatton garden in london?
+What do you burn more when you sleep than when you watch tv?
+What do you call a boomerang that won't come back?
+A stick
+What do you call a chemical structure that is not superimposable on its mirror image?
+What do you call a chinese sailing ship?
+A junk
+What do you call a creature that is going to change into a frog?
+What do you call a female calf?
+What do you call a french Canadian pork pie?
+What do you call a large area covered with trees and underbrush?
+A forest
+What do you call a large linear molecule that is formed from many simple molecules?
+What do you call a left arm bowler's off break to a right handed batsman?
+What do you call a line of steep rock cliffs?
+What do you call a man who has never been married?
+What do you call a man with a paper bag on his head?
+What do you call a man with a rabbit on his head?
+What do you call a man with a seagull on his head?
+What do you call a man with a spade on his head?
+What do you call a Penguin in the Desert?
+What do you call a person that stuffs dead animals?
+What do you call a person whose iq is between 110-120?
+What do you call a poker hand including the black aces and eights?
+Dead mans hand
+What do you call a substance containing only one kind of atom?
+An element
+What do you call a three line Japanese verse of 5,7 and 5 syllables?
+What do you call a weasel whose coat turns white during the winter?
+An ermine
+What do you call an emasculated ram, whether or not he wears a bell?
+What do you call an infant whale?
+What do you call an invoice that comes before the goods?
+Pro forma
+What do you call cheese that isn't yours?
+Nacho cheese
+What do you call chips that are not yours?
+Nacho chips
+What do you call hair like or feathery clouds?
+What do you call marine echinoderms having 5 arms extending from a central disc?
+What do you call someone who relapses into crime?
+What do you call substances that will not let thermal heat pass through them?
+What do you call the divider between your nostrils?
+What do you call the explosion of a giant star?
+A supernova
+What do you call the feeling of having experienced something before?
+Deja vu
+What do you call the hollow spaces in the bones surrounding your nose?
+What do you call the machine that cleans the ice in skating rinks?
+What do you call the moslem sacred scriptures?
+What do you call the name of a factory where oil is processed?
+What do you call the nuts of an oak tree?
+What do you call the person who carries a golfer's clubs?
+What do you call the person who institutes a suit in a court?
+The plaintiff
+What do you call the playing pieces in dominoes?
+What do you call the process for prosecuting a US president while in office?
+What do you call the process of stamping a blank coin with a design?
+What do you call the stock market that is on the rise?
+Bull market
+What do you call the technique of partially baking a flan case before filling it?
+Baking blind
+What do you call the three wires on a transistor?
+Emitter, Base, Collector
+What do you call the underground systems in both paris and newcastle?
+What do you call water that moves beneath the earth's surface?
+What do you catch at a stazione ferroviaria in Italy?
+What do you do when you cogitate?
+What do you gain by crossing the international date line to the east?
+One day
+What do you get by adding Lactobacillus Bulgaricus to milk?
+What do you get by mixing gin and vermouth?
+What do you get if you add fresh fruit to red wine?
+What do you get if you add quinine to water?
+Tonic water
+What do you get if you mix potassium with acid?
+An explosion
+What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman?
+What do you give for a 55 year wedding anniversary?
+What do you give for a one year wedding anniversary?
+What do you give for a two year wedding anniversary?
+What do you have alot of if you are hisute?
+What do you have plenty of if you are hirsute?
+What do you have to break to make omelettes?
+What do you kiss to be endowed with great powers of persuasion?
+Blarney stone
+What do you lose when suffering from phalacrosis?
+What do you mix with equal amounts of coffee to make 'cafe au lait'?
+What do you need to be able to operate a lever?
+What do you need to sup with the devil?
+Long spoon
+What do you part with when suffering from phalacrosis?
+What do you put on bread & butter to make fairy bread?
+Hundreds & thousands
+What do you say when you raise a glass at munich's oktoberfest?
+What do you take dramamine for?
+Motion sickness
+What do you type in dos prompt to see if you are being icmp flooded?
+Arp -a
+What do you use if you fortell the future by conchomancy?
+What do you usually do with an artichoke?
+Eat it
+What doctor discovered the source of malaria in 1880?
+Charles laveran
+What document did button gwinnett sign on the upper left hand side?
+Declaration of independence
+What document is needed for one to enter a foreign country?
+What Dodger struck out 2,396 batters in 2,324 innings?
+Sandy koufax
+What dodgers and cubs first baseman left baseball to take up acting?
+Chuck connors
+What dodgers and cubs first-baseman dropped baseball to take up actin?
+Chuck connors
+What dodgers and cubs first-baseman dropped baseball to take up acting?
+Chuck connors
+What does .com stand for?
+What does 'a.m' stand for?
+Ante meridian
+What does 'aandw' of root beer fame mean?
+Allen and wright
+What does 'alma mater' mean?
+Bountiful mother
+What does 'anasazi' mean?
+The ancient ones
+What does 'c'est la vie' mean?
+That's life
+What does 'cassata' ice cream contain?
+Fruit and nuts
+What does 'cc' stand for in motor mechanics?
+Cubic centimetre
+What does 'dan' mean?
+What does 'dvd' mean?
+Digital video disc
+What does 'entre nous' mean?
+Between ourselves
+What does 'faux pas' mean?
+What does 'g.m.t' stand for?
+Greenwich mean time
+What does 'gnp' stand for?
+Gross national product
+What does 'haem' refer to in words such as 'haemophilia' & 'haemoglobin'?
+What does 'HTTP' stand for?
+Hypertext Transfer Protocol
+What does 'i.b.m' stand for?
+International business machines
+What does 'i.o.u' mean?
+I owe unto
+What does 'i.r.a' mean?
+Irish republican army
+What does 'jejune' mean?
+What does 'karate' mean?
+Open hand
+What does 'laser' mean?
+Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
+What does 'll Trovatore', as in the opera, mean?
+The troubador
+What does 'm&m' stand for?
+Mars and murray
+What does 'majuba' mean?
+Place of rock pidgeons
+What does 'n.b.a' mean?
+National basketball association
+What does 'n.f.l' mean?
+National football league
+What does 'orang-utan' mean?
+Man of the woods
+What does 'p.m' stand for?
+Post meridian
+What does 'pelindaba' mean?
+The end of the affair
+What does 'rijsttafel' mean?
+Rice table
+What does 'rio de janeiro' mean in Portuguese?
+January river
+What does 'the cherry orchard' have in common with the original 'startrek'?
+Mr checkhov
+What does 'unicef' mean?
+United nations childrens' emergency fund
+What does 'Ursa Major' mean in everyday English?
+Great bear
+What does 'vtec', honda's trademarked acronym mean?
+Variable valve timing and electronic lift control
+What does 'yahoo' mean?
+Yet another hierarchical officious oracle
+What does 180 degrees make?
+Straight line
+What does 2thwrk do for a living?
+What does 3 d mean?
+Three dimensional
+What does 360 degrees make?
+What does 4wd on a car indicate?
+Four wheel drive
+What does a 'canophilist like?
+What does a 'postman' normally receive in kids' party games?
+What does a baby elephant suck with?
+Its mouth
+What does a barber do with his strop?
+Sharpen a razor
+What does a barometer measure?
+Atmospheric pressure
+What does a Bedouin use an agal to secure?
+Head cloth
+What does a bibliophile enjoy?
+What does a botanist study?
+What does a boxer's second throw into the ring to stop a fight?
+What does a bryologist study?
+What does a burglar call a crow bar?
+What does a butterfly clip usually hold in position?
+What does a camel's hump contain?
+What does a carpologist study?
+Fruit and seeds
+What does a cartographer do?
+Makes maps
+What does a cat use to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through?
+What does a catoptrophic narcissist fear?
+What does a cb radio operator refer to as a pregnant roller skate?
+A Volkswagen
+What does a cobbler mend?
+What does a colporter sell?
+Religious books
+What does a compass needle point to?
+What does a compass's needle point to?
+Magnetic north
+What does a conchologist study?
+What does a cooper make?
+What does a craftsman called a bodger make?
+Chair parts
+What does a deltiologist collect?
+What does a depilatory remove?
+What does a dipsomaniac crave?
+What does a dolorimeter measure?
+What does a dowser do?
+Find water
+What does a farrier put shoes on?
+What does a fishmonger do for a living?
+Sells fish
+What does a Football player have to do when the referee shows him a red card?
+Leave the game
+What does a frog close when it swallows?
+Its eyes
+What does a gallophobic englishman fear?
+What does a gallophoic englishman fear?
+What does a gynephobic man fear?
+What does a gynophobic man fear?
+What does a hamlet need to be a village?
+What does a heliologist study (the)?
+What does a heliologist study?
+What does a herpetologist study?
+Reptiles and amphibians
+What does a hippophobic fear?
+What does a horologist measure?
+What does a i stand for?
+Artificial intelligence
+What does a king cobra normally eat beetles, rodents or snakes?
+What does a kleptomaniac suffer from?
+What does a la carte mean in a restaurant?
+According to the menu
+What does a lepidopterist collect?
+Butterflies and moths
+What does a linguist study?
+What does a mahout mind?
+What does a man suffering from diphallic terata have?
+Two penises
+What does a marsupial mouse have that other mice don't?
+A pouch
+What does a meteorologist study?
+What does a month beginning with a sunday always have?
+Friday the 13th
+What does a mosque's mihrab indicate the direction to?
+What does a mosquito vibrate to make its buzzing sound?
+What does a mycologist study?
+What does a myologist study?
+What does a narcomaniac crave?
+What does a nihilist believe in?
+What does a notaphile collect?
+Bank notes
+What does a numismatist collect?
+Coins and medals
+What does a panaphobe fear?
+What does a panophobe fear?
+What does a pedologist study?
+What does a pedometer measure?
+Walking distance
+What does a person look like if described as 'wan'?
+What does a person suffering from kleptomania want to do?
+What does a person who is suffering from macrodontia have?
+Big Teeth
+What does a petrologist study?
+What does a philatelist collect?
+What does a phillumenist collect?
+Matchbox labels
+What does a philluminist collect?
+Match box labels
+What does a philogynist like?
+What does a phonophobe fear?
+What does a phrenologist feel and interpret?
+Skull features
+What does a phrenologist read?
+What does a phycologist study?
+What does a phyllophagus animal eat?
+What does a piscatologist do?
+What does a piscatologist excel at?
+What does a piscivorous creature eat?
+What does a pluviometer measure?
+What does a pomologist study?
+What does a postilion ride?
+A horse
+What does a priest distribute with an aspergillum?
+Holy water
+What does a pteridologist study?
+What does a pulsar emit?
+Radio waves
+What does a red flag mean in auto racing?
+What does a road sign showing the rear of a car and wavy lines mean?
+Slippery when wet
+What does a ruminant do?
+Chew the cud
+What does a ship flying the yellow jack flag have on board?
+What does a sinophobic Russian fear?
+What does a speleologist study?
+What does a spermologer collect?
+What does a stallion have that a gelding used to?
+What does a stevedore do?
+Load and unload ships
+What does a stoat wear in winter?
+What does a taxidermist do?
+Stuff animals
+What does a testator make?
+What does a town need to be a city?
+What does a wainwright make?
+Wagons and carts
+What does a woman commit if she murders her child?
+What does a zoologist study?
+What does a.d. actually stand for?
+Anno domini
+What does a.d. stand for in the christian calendar?
+Anno domini
+What does a.n.c stand for?
+African national congress
+What does AIDS stand for?
+Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
+What does aka stand for?
+Also known as
+What does al capone's headstone say?
+My jesus mercy
+What does ALF stand for?
+Alien Life Form
+What does ally sheedy say she likes to drink in the breakfast club?
+What does ally sheedy use to decorate her picture in the breakfast club?
+What does am/fm stand for?
+Amplitude modulation/frequency modulation
+What does amd stand for?
+Advanced micro devices
+What does Amoco stand for?
+American oil company
+What does an abecedarian study?
+What does an accordion have that a concertina doesn't?
+What does an agriologist study?
+Primitive cultures
+What does an agrologist study?
+What does an agrostologist study?
+What does an androphobic maiden fear?
+What does an anemologist study?
+What does an anemometer measure?
+Wind velocity
+What does an animal have if it is a bird?
+What does an animal have if it is a fish?
+What does an anthropophagist eat?
+What does an archer carry his arrows in?
+What does an archer carry in his quiver?
+What does an army march on according to Napoleon?
+Its stomach
+What does an artist's easel support?
+What does an aurist study?
+What does an Austrian call Austria?
+What does an autophobe avoid mentioning?
+What does an autophobe avoid referring to?
+What does an average person use approximately six times per day?
+What does an ecclesiophobic fear?
+What does an ichthyologist study?
+What does an insect do through its spiracles?
+What does an insect do when it moults?
+Sheds its skin
+What does an odometer measure?
+What does an oenologist make?
+What does an ombrometer measure?
+What does an oologist collect or study?
+Birds eggs
+What does an optician make?
+What does an orometer measure?
+Height above sea level
+What does an Orrery illustrate in model form?
+The solar system
+What does an otologist study?
+What does an vexillologist study?
+What does aplanonologist collect?
+What does ascii mean?
+American standard code for information interchange
+What does atp stand for?
+Adenine triphosphate
+What does av stands for on a television?
+Audio visual
+What does AWOL stand for?
+Absent without leave
+What does barley become when prepared for brewing?
+What does Bart get tattooed on his arm?
+What does Bart name his elephant?
+What does basf stand for?
+Baden aniline & soda factory
+What does basic stand for?
+Beginner's all purpose symbolic instruction code
+What does bbiab mean?
+Be back in a bit
+What does bbl mean?
+Be back later
+What does bbs mean?
+Be back soon
+What does bcs stand for in college football?
+Bowl championship series
+What does Beetlejuice eat when he reaches out of his grave in the scale model of the town?
+A Fly
+What does bette davis' headstone say?
+She did it the hard way
+What does black represent in colour coded household wiring?
+What does blt stand for?
+Bacon, lettuce, tomato
+What does BMW stand for?
+Bavarian Motor Works
+What does bmx stand for?
+Bicycle motocross
+What does boardwalk cost on the monopoly board?
+Four hundred dollars
+What does bonhomme de neige mean in French?
+What does bovine mean?
+What does brb mean?
+Be right back
+What does breaking the sound barrier cause?
+Sonic boom
+What does britain lose the lease on in 1997?
+Hong kong
+What does btu stand for?
+British thermal unit
+What does C minus LXXIX equal?
+What does c.i.a stand for?
+Central intelligence agency
+What does c.o.d. mean in the business world?
+Cash on delivery
+What does captain furillo's main squeeze, joyce davenport, do for a living?
+Assistant da
+What does car doc do for a living?
+Automobile mechanic
+What does carditis affect?
+What does cat stand for?
+Computerised axial tomography
+What does cb stand for?
+Citizen's band
+What does cbs stand for?
+Columbia broadcasting system
+What does CNN stand for on the TV or Internet?
+Cable news network
+What does cnn stand for?
+Cable network news
+What does cobol stand for?
+Common business oriented language
+What does COD stand for?
+Cash on delivery
+What does conus stand for?
+Continental united states
+What does cpr stand for?
+Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
+What does cpu mean in computer language?
+Central processing unit
+What does CRT stand for?
+Cathode Ray Tube
+What does csis stand for?
+Canadian secret information service
+What does cvs stand for?
+Consumer value service
+What does cyprus have on its flag?
+What does ddt (banned insecticide) stand for?
+What does ddt stand for?
+Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane
+What does dean martin's California license plate say, on his stutz blackhawk?
+What does deoxyribonucleic acid also know as?
+What does dermatitis affect?
+What does dew stand for?
+Distant early warning
+What does dimel stand for?
+Direct memory execute & local
+What does DNA stand for?
+Deoxyribonucleic acid
+What does DOS stand for?
+Disk operating system
+What does dr stand for in drdos?
+Digital research
+What does E stand for in Eisteins famous equation?
+What does ebcdic mean?
+Extended binary coded decimal interchange code
+What does ecg stand for?
+What does elly may call her pets in the beverly hillbillies?
+What does encephalitus affect?
+What does entymology deal with?
+Word origins
+What does epcot stand for?
+Experimental prototype community of tomorrow
+What does ETA stand for?
+Estimated time of arrival
+What does f.b.i. stand for?
+Federal bureau of investigation
+What does FBI stand for?
+Federal bureau of investigation
+What does fm stand for?
+Frequency modulation
+What does fortran stand for?
+Formula translation
+What does gastritis affect?
+What does gatt stand for?
+General agreement on tariffs and trade
+What does GDP stand for?
+Gross Domestic Product
+What does gestapo stand for?
+Geheime staatspolizei
+What does gravid mean?
+What does hdpe stand for?
+High density polyethylene
+What does Herman sell?
+Military antiques and surplus 
+What does hiv stand for?
+Human immuno defficiency virus
+What does Homer call the monster which has enslaved Marge?
+What does Homer's note to himself say in Halloween Special IV?
+Dear Homer, IOU one emergency donut
+What does Homer's shirt say under his Gulp N' Blow uniform?
+I Shot J.R.
+What does Hosannah mean in Hebrew?
+Save us
+What does html stand for?
+Hypertext markup language
+What does i.r.c stand for?
+Internet relay chat
+What does icbm stand for?
+Intercontinental ballistic missle
+What does insuru do for a living?
+Insurance salesman
+What does Inuit mean in the Inuit Language?
+The People
+What does IQ stand for?
+Intelligence Quotient
+What does iron become if a little carbon is added?
+What does IRS stand for?
+Internal revenue service
+What does isp stand for?
+Internet service provider
+What does it say on the bottom of New Jersey & Victorian (Aus)license plates?
+Garden state
+What does it take saturn almost 30 years to complete?
+Circuit of the sun
+What does jeep stand for?
+General purpose vehicle
+What does jefferson davis' headstone say?
+At rest, an American soldier and defender of the constitution
+What does jester do for a living?
+What does jvc stand for?
+Japan victor company
+What does keanu mean in hawaiian?
+Cool breeze over the mountains
+What does kemo sabe mean?
+Soggy shrub
+What does l on a weather map man?
+Low pressure
+What does lacrimal fluid lubricate?
+What does lan stand for?
+Local area network
+What does las vegas mean, in Spanish?
+The meadows
+What does laser stand for?
+Light amplification by the simulated emission of radiation
+What does lbw stand for in cricket?
+Leg before wicket
+What does lcd stand for?
+Liquid crystal display
+What does ldpe stand for?
+Low density polyethylene
+What does led stand for?
+Light emitting diode
+What does letaba mean?
+Sandy river
+What does Lisa steal from all the teachers at Springfield Elementary?
+The teacher's edition textbooks 
+What does Lisa's valentine to Ralph say?
+I Choo choo choose you
+What does lisp mean?
+List processor
+What does LL Cool J.'s name stand for?
+Ladies Love Cool James
+What does M.A.S.K. stand for?
+Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand
+What does madonna mean?
+My lady
+What does Mark Twain actually mean?
+Two fathoms deep
+What does mg stand for?
+Morris garages
+What does MI stand for in the spy business?
+Military intelligence
+What does michele remeber the formula for in romy and michele's high school renuion?
+Post-it glue
+What does milk do?
+It Does The Body Good
+What does milk1 do for a living?
+Dairy farmer
+What does mo stand for?
+Modus operandi
+What does montenegro mean?
+Black mountain
+What does most lipstick contain?
+Fish scales
+What does mta stand for among frisbee freaks?
+Maximum time aloft
+What does munificent mean?
+What does myositis affect?
+What does NATO stand for?
+North Atlantic Treaty Organization
+What does nhl stand for?
+National hockey league
+What does np stand for?
+No problem
+What does nurolg do for a living?
+What does NYD mean to an ER doctor?
+Not yet diagnosed
+What does o.p.e.c stand for?
+Organisation of petroleum exporting countries
+What does oestrogen protect against?
+Heart attacks
+What does one call a tyrolean mountaineer's modulated melody?
+What does one call the two areas on either side of the seine river in France?
+Left bank & right bank
+What does one square inch of human skin contain 625 of?
+Sweat glands
+What does Orphan Annie's dog always say?
+What does osteomyelitis affect?
+What does P stand for in the abbreviation PLO?
+What does p.s. stand for at the end of a letter?
+What does paye stand for?
+Pay as you earn
+What does pbs stand for?
+Public broadcasting system
+What does pbx stand for?
+Private branch exchange
+What does peritonitis affect?
+What does persona non grata translate to in English?
+Unwelcome person
+What does peter pan call captain hook?
+Cod fish
+What does pipedr do for a living?
+What does poltergeist mean?
+Noisy Ghost
+What does ppmd do for a living?
+What does ppp stand for?
+Point to point protocol
+What does punch do for a living?
+What does pvc stand for?
+Polyvinyl chloride
+What does qb vii refer to in leon uris's title?
+Queen's bench no 7
+What does radar spell backwards?
+What does radar stand for?
+Radio detecting and ranging
+What does RAMDAC stand for?
+Random access memory digital to analogue converter
+What does RCMP stand for?
+Royal Canadian mounted police
+What does ronald reagan use to keep his hair in place?
+What does s.o.s stand for?
+Save our souls
+What does salk vaccine prevent?
+What does SALT stand for?
+Strategic arms limitation treaty
+What does sar stand for?
+Search & rescue
+What does sase stand for?
+Self addressed stamped envelope
+What does scotch refer to in hopscotch?
+What does sctv stand for?
+Second city television
+What does sdi, more popularly known as Star Wars, stand for?
+Strategic defense initiative
+What does seal stand for?
+Sea, air, & land
+What does seti stand for?
+Search for extraterrestrial intelligence
+What does shazam stand for?
+Solomon, hercules, atlas, zeus, achilles & mercury
+What does sideshow bob of 'the simpsons' and jean valjean of 'les miserables' have in common?
+Criminal number
+What does Simon Wiesenthal hunt?
+Fugitive Nazis
+What does SJ stand for?
+Society of jesus
+What does smtp stand for?
+Simple mail transfer protocol
+What does somnolent mean?
+Sleepy or drowsy
+What does spago mean in Italian?
+What does Spam stand for?
+Shoulder pork and ham
+What does sputnik mean?
+Fellow traveller
+What does sro stand for?
+Standing room only
+What does SSB stand for?
+Single Side Band
+What does std stand for?
+Sexually transmitted disease
+What does sub rosa mean, not literally but in plain English?
+In secret
+What does susan b. anthony's middle initial stand for?
+What does Sweden call itself on its stamps?
+What does t.i.d. mean on a doctor's prescription?
+Three times a day
+What does T.S. refer to in drag racing?
+Terminal Speed
+What does tba stand for?
+To be announced
+What does tgif stand for?
+Thank god its friday
+What does the 'B' stand for in the automobile company B.M.W?
+What does the 'c' in the equation e=mc2 stand for?
+Speed of light
+What does the 'catchfly' plant feed on?
+What does the 'd' in franklin d roosevelt mean?
+What does the 'E stand for in Email?
+What does the 'e' in e=mc2 represent?
+What does the 'lithosphere' refer to?
+The earth's crust
+What does the 'm' in e=mc2 represent?
+What does the 'mad cow disease', bse, stand for?
+Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
+What does the 'O' in O.J. Simpson stand for?
+What does the 'o' used as a prefix in Irish surnames mean?
+Descendent of
+What does the 'touch of midas' turn everything into?
+What does the 'x' mean when referring to the speed of a cd-rom (ie... 32x)?
+Times faster than a single speed
+What does the a in 'dna' stand for?
+What does the aandw of root beer fame stand for?
+Allen & wright
+What does the abbreviation a.m stand for?
+Ante Meridian
+What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for?
+Ante meridian
+What does the abbreviation BP, used in hospitals, stand for?
+Blood pressure
+What does the abbreviation cwt. stand for?
+What does the abbreviation e.g. stand for?
+Exempli gratia
+What does the abbreviation REME stand for?
+Royal electrical and mechanical engineers
+What does the acronym BUPA stand for?
+British united provident association
+What does the acronym camra stand for?
+Campaign for real ale
+What does the acronym CIA stand for?
+Central intelligence agency
+What does the acronym ERNIE stand for?
+Electronic random number indicator equipment
+What does the acronym lan stand for?
+Local area network
+What does the acronym NIMBY mean?
+Not in my back yard
+What does the acronym SCUBA stand for?
+Self contained underwater breathing apparatus
+What does the acronym vhs mean?
+Video home system
+What does the acronym wysiwyg stand for?
+What you see is what you get
+What does the angora cat enjoy?
+What does the Australian word 'duuny' mean?
+What does the average human grow 7.5 metres of in a lifetime?
+What does the average person do approximately 15 times a day?
+What does the aviation term VTO stand for?
+Vertical take off
+What does the beast become in beauty & the beast?
+A prince
+What does the Bessemer process do?
+Make steel
+What does the c stand for in the acronym unicef?
+What does the camera shutter speed b stand for?
+What does the campbell-stokes recorder measure?
+Duration of sunshine
+What does the character quest for in the dungeons of doom?
+The amulet of yendor
+What does the Colorado Whip-poor-will do that distinguishes it from every other kind of bird?
+Hibernates in winter
+What does the columella separate?
+What does the company binney and smith produce?
+Crayola crayons
+What does the computer abbreviation dip stand for?
+Dual inline package
+What does the computer abbreviation prom stand for?
+Programmable read only memory
+What does the computer acronym EFTPOS stand for?
+Electronic fund transfer at point of sale
+What does the computer acronym IKBS stand for?
+Intelligent knowledge based system
+What does the computer program 'yacc' mean?
+Yet another compiler compiler
+What does the computer term 'alu' mean?
+Arithmetic logic unit
+What does the computer term 'fpu' mean?
+Floating point unit
+What does the computer term 'mmu' mean?
+Memory management unit
+What does the computer term 'tcp' mean?
+Transmission control protocol
+What does the computer term 'vliw' mean?
+Very long instruction word
+What does the constellation Vulpecula represent?
+What does the country zimbabwe mean?
+Stone houses
+What does the dalmatian have on each individual hair follicle?
+What does the Dewey decimal system classify?
+Library books
+What does the disease Impetigo affect?
+What does the dominican republic have on its flag?
+What does the double-o indicate in 007?
+Licensed to kill
+What does the E stand for in the equation E=mc2?
+What does the E. in E.coli stand for?
+What does the electrical abbreviation db stand for?
+What does the electrical term 'ac' stand for?
+Alternating current
+What does the electrical term 'dc' stand for?
+Direct current
+What does the F stand for in FBI?
+What does the Fleetwood Mac inspired plaque on Bill Clinton's desk read?
+Don't stop thinking about tomorrow
+What does the french word brut mean on a wine bottle?
+What does the French word Hourderve translate to in English?
+Outside of work
+What does the G represent for Italian brandy distilled from post-pressed grape residue?
+What does the garden of eden mean?
+What does the greek word eureka mean?
+I have found it
+What does the Greek word polis mean, as in Metropolis?
+What does the horned toad squirt from it's eyes when it's angry?
+What does the hummingbird weigh less than?
+A penny
+What does the Irish 'dubh linn' mean?
+What does the Italian word paparazzi mean in the English language?
+What does the j in j Paul getty's name stand for?
+What does the Kelvin scale measure?
+What does the king of spades hold in his left hand?
+What does the lacrimal gland produce?
+What does the latin 'carpe diem' mean?
+Seize the day
+What does the latin ante mortem mean?
+Before death
+What does the latin circa before a date mean?
+What does the Latin expression 'in toto' mean?
+What does the Latin phrase 'Cave Canem' mean?
+Beware of Dog
+What does the Latin phrase Deo Volente mean?
+God willing
+What does the latin phrase Errare humanum est mean?
+To err is human
+What does the Latin RIP stand for?
+Requiescat in pace
+What does the latin word 'circa' before a date mean?
+What does the Latin word 'clarus' mean?
+What does the Latin word 'Veto' mean in English?
+I forbid
+What does the letter E stand for in the abbreviation E-mail?
+What does the mathematical symbol that look like an 8 on it's side mean?
+What does the medical abbreviation 'g.p.' stand for?
+General practitioner
+What does the medical abbreviation LD stand for?
+Lethal dose
+What does the medical abbreviation pm stand for?
+Post mortem
+What does the mighty Thor throw at his enemies?
+What does the musical term 'largo' mean?
+What does the musical term 'pesante' mean?
+What does the musical term diminuendo mean?
+Gradually decreasing in volume
+What does the name 'Caligula' mean in Latin?
+Little boots
+What does the name aardvark mean?
+Earth pig
+What does the name Agnes symbolise?
+What does the name Alice mean?
+What does the name barbarossa mean?
+Red beard
+What does the name klee wyck mean?
+What does the name Mary mean?
+Star of the sea
+What does the name of the Russian newspaper pravda mean?
+What does the name Triceratops mean?
+Three horned lizard
+What does the national geographic society call the longest river in the world?
+What does the navajo term 'kemo sabe' mean?
+Soggy shrub
+What does the New York City police's catch mean?
+Computer assisted terminal criminal hunt
+What does the painting The Battle of Gettysburg claim to be?
+Worlds largest
+What does the postage stamp cancellation o.h.m.s. mean on (his/her) majesty's service?
+On his her majesty's service
+What does the prefix 'pseudo' mean?
+What does the prefix mega mean when it's used precisely in science?
+One million
+What does the red blood cell not have?
+What does the red spot on the Japanese flag represent?
+Sincerity and passion
+What does the River Kennet join at Reading?
+What does the royal family use as confetti?
+Rose petals
+What does the sarsaparilla root flavour?
+Root beer
+What does the SI prefix 'pico' mean?
+One millionth millionth
+What does the sign above the entrance to the 4077 MASH say?
+Best care anywhere
+What does the sign BYO, seen outside some Australian eating places, mean?
+Bring your own booze
+What does the six footed Musca domestica become when it flies into your home?
+House fly
+What does the Statue of Liberty hold in her right hand?
+What does the statue of liberty wear on her feet?
+What does the sun convert into helium?
+What does the symbol 'sm' represent?
+What does the term '30' mean to a newspaper editor?
+The end
+What does the term 'gps' mean?
+Global positioning system
+What does the term dj mean?
+Disc jockey
+What does the term Honking mean to a cyclist?
+Standing out of the saddle
+What does the tiger symbolise on singapore's coat-of-arms?
+What does the typical American eat 263 of each year not pizza?
+What does the typical American eat 263 of each year?
+What does the typical man have 13,000 of?
+What does the typical person do 295 times during the dinner hour?
+What does the typical tv viewer do every three minutes and 42 seconds?
+Change channels
+What does the u stand for in the abbreviation i.o.u?
+What does the ureter carry?
+What does the wind speed have to be below (in miles per hour) in order to be rated 'calm' by the National Weather Service?
+One mile per hour
+What does the word 'khaki' mean in Hindi?
+What does the word 'maudlin' mean?
+What does the word antediluvian mean?
+Before the flood
+What does the word chicane mean in the context of a game of bridge?
+A hand without any trumps
+What does the word contubernial mean?
+Occupy the same tent
+What does the word dinosaur literally mean?
+Terrible lizard
+What does the word dinosaur mean?
+Terrible lizard
+What does the word khaki mean?
+What does the world 'Volvo' mean in Latin?
+I Roll
+What does tla stand for?
+Three letter acronym
+What does tnt stand for?
+What does ttyl mean?
+Talk to you later
+What does turpentine come from?
+What does unesco stand for (omit punctuation)?
+United nations educational scientific and cultural organization
+What does UNESCO stand for?
+United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
+What does unicef stand for?
+United nations international children's emergency fund
+What does urako think of you?
+You're a knockout
+What does uranus circle every 84 years?
+What does url stand for?
+Uniform resource locator
+What does ursa major mean in everyday English?
+Big bear
+What does v.i.r.c stand for?
+Visual internet relay chat
+What does v.s.o.p. stand for on a bottle of brandy?
+Very superior old pale
+What does VAX stand for?
+Virtual Access eXtension
+What does vhs stand for?
+Video home system
+What does vince mcmahon own?
+What does vista stand for?
+Volunteers in service to America
+What does wac stand for?
+Women's army corps
+What does WAN stand for?
+Wide area network
+What does wonder woman carry on her right hip?
+Magic lasso
+What does wonder woman have all over her blue shorts?
+Yellow stars
+What does worm mean when referring to worm drives?
+Write once read many
+What does wyatt earp's headstone say?
+...that nothing's so sacred as honor and nothing's so loyal as love
+What does wysiwyg stand for?
+What you see is what you get
+What does yellow gold contains 10% of?
+What does ZZT stand for?
+Zang tuum tumb
+What doesn't a pineapple do after it is picked?
+What dog appears in the wacky races?
+What dog is named after a Mexican state?
+What dog shares his owner with Garfiled the Cat?
+What dog, named after a state in Mexico, is famous for being the world's smallest breed?
+What domestic animal sometimes gets footrot?
+What domestic cat enjoys swimming?
+What domestic fowl lives the longest?
+What doris day tune was no. 6 on the charts in 1956?
+Que sera sera
+What Dr. Seuss character steals Christmas?
+The grinch
+What drink contains as many types of rum as possible?
+A zombie
+What drink do cockroaches like?
+What drink do you get by mixing ginger ale with grenadine and a cherry?
+A shirley temple
+What drink does Bart make for the mobsters?
+A Manhattan
+What drink does gin, honey & lemon juice make?
+Bees knees
+What drink is a mixture of white wine and blackcurrant syrup or liqueur?
+What drink is a traditional cause of burnt lips due to being served on fire with a floating coffee bean?
+What drink is also known as Adam's Ale?
+What drink is made of rum, coconut milk and pineapple?
+Pina colada
+What drink is the best thirst quencher?
+What drink is traditionally served at the Kentucky derby?
+Mint julep
+What drink is unique to the Kwik-E-Mart?
+What drink was invented by oilmen, who used their tools to stir it?
+What drink was invented by oilmen, who used their tools to stir the drink?
+What drink was named after queen mary i of England?
+Bloody mary
+What drink was named after Queen Mary l of England?
+Bloody mary
+What drink, often alcoholic is made from fermented apple juice?
+What drug can be found in tonic water?
+What drug can be obtained from the foxglove?
+What drug did sherlock holmes abuse?
+What drug is given to control diabetes?
+What drug is obtained from the cinchona tree?
+What drug is obtained from the dried bark of an evergreen tree native to south America?
+What drug is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant?
+What drug is obtained from the poppy plant?
+What drug is taken for diabetes?
+What drug was introduced commercially by Bayer A G of Leverkusen, Germany in 1899?
+What drug was named after morpheus, god of dreams?
+What drug was named for morpheus, the greek god of dreams?
+What drug was referred to as hydroponic?
+What dry wind blows down the eastern slopes of the rockies?
+What duke is the author of the duke of flatbush?
+Duke snider
+What dummy recieved an honary degree from northwestern university?
+Charlie mccarthy
+What dungeons & dragons characters need more dexterity than anything else?
+What duo had a hit with 'islands in the stream'?
+Dolly parton and kenny rogers
+What duo had a number one hit with whispering grass in 1975?
+Windsor davies and don estelle
+What duo lost their Grammy for Best New Artist from the eighties?
+Milli Vanilli
+What Dutch master painted 64 self portraits?
+What early automobile was called the flying teapot?
+Stanley steamer
+What earthshaking event occurred on april 18, 1906?
+San francisco earthquake
+What East African island was known as the Spice Island?
+What East Anglian town is at Britain's most extreme eastern point?
+What east coast city was arthur fiedler born in?
+What east european country's people spend stotinki?
+What eats 14 feet of earthworms every day?
+Baby robins
+What eats cactus branches in the galapagos islands?
+What edible fungi sometimes appear in fields overnight?
+What Edwin Budding invention began changing the face of English landscapes in the 1820s?
+The lawnmower
+What effect causes a siren to change in pitch as it passes by?
+Doppler effect
+What effect do doctors produce by stroking the sole of the foot?
+Babinski effect
+What egyptian city was founded by Alexander The Great in 331 BC?
+What Egyptian god of chaos embodies the principle of hostility and evil?
+What egyptian sovereign married two of her brothers?
+What egyptian writing material gave us the word paper?
+What eighties TV show starred Bruce Willis in a detective agency?
+What eighties TV show starred Tom Hanks in women's clothing?
+Bosom Buddies
+What elaborate white marble tomb did India's shah jahan build in memory of his favourite wife?
+Taj mahal
+What element did the doc's time machine operate on in back to the future?
+What element do all organic compounds contain?
+What element does the chemical symbol ca stand for?
+What element does the symbol 'at' represent?
+What element has an atomic number of 74?
+What element has the abbreviation F on the periodic table?
+What element is azoth the ancient name for?
+What element is lacking in a diet causes goitre?
+What element is most abundant in our air?
+What element is represented by the chemical symbol pb?
+What element on the periodic table has the symbol w?
+What element, common to milk, are most kidney stones made of?
+What element's chemical symbol is Pb?
+What element's properties are atomic clocks based on?
+What elements chemical symbol is I?
+What elton john record label did kiki dee join in 1973?
+Rocket records
+What emperor was known as the lion of judah?
+Haile selassie
+What ends when the winner breasts the tape?
+A footrace
+What enduring burden did William Pitt the Younger impose on Britain in 1799?
+Income tax
+What English actor made macarthur park into a mega-hit?
+Richard harris
+What English artist had the forenames joseph mallord william?
+What English children's book character had a special love for marmalade?
+Paddington bear
+What English china company has a lion as it's logo?
+Royal Doulton
+What English city did the perceptive allen ginsberg call in 1964 'the centre of the consciousness of the human universe'?
+What English city has a counterpart in Alabama?
+What English county borders with only one other?
+What English county has the smallest perimeter?
+Isle of wight
+What English county has the world's largest brickfields?
+What English county is nearest to the Isles of Scilly?
+What English explorer discovered and named Virginia?
+Sir walter raleigh
+What English Football team does sporty spice support?
+What English king is said to have commanded the sea to retreat?
+King canute
+What English king married his brother's widow?
+Henry viii
+What English meadow saw the signing of the Magna Carta?
+What English philosopher was one of the founders of utilitarianism?
+John bentham
+What English poet always carried a supply of poison in case he had the urge to die?
+What English prison was built to hold captured French soldiers in 1805?
+What English word can be made from the letters of insatiable?
+What English word comes from the old french covrefeu meaning 'cover fire'?
+What English word comes from the old french word covrefeu, meaning cover fire?
+What English writer said 'give me a decent bottle of poison and i'll construct the perfect crime'|agatha christie?
+Agatha christie
+What entertainer said in a 1978 interview: 'look, i'd go out with women my age, but there are no women my age'?
+George burns
+What epithet did Theodore Roosevelt coin for tenacious journalists?
+What era of capital punishment was cut short in france in 1985?
+Death by guillotine
+What era preceeded the cenozoic?
+What era were the first traces of land life believed to appeared?
+What ernest hemingway novel depicts the lives of rebels during the Spanish civil war?
+For whom the bell tolls
+What escape route did john brown run?
+Underground railroad
+What esteemed position does Bart receive for bringing justice to the school?
+Hall Monitor
+What European capital celebrated it's 2000th anniversary in 1951?
+What european capital first saw the gulag archipelago 1918-1956 published?
+What European capital is 208 miles from London by air?
+What European city boasts the Luxembourg Garden?
+What european city boasts the prado?
+What european city is considered the center of world banking and finance?
+What european city is considered the centre of world banking and finance?
+What european city is headquarters for the commonwealth of nations?
+What European city is known as The Bride of the Sea?
+What European city is named after the goddess Athena?
+What european city is served by sheremetyevo and vnukova airports?
+What european city would you visit to see apache dancing?
+What European city would you visit to stroll on the Via Veneto?
+What european city's subway system is called the metropolitana?
+What European city's underground is called the Metropolitana?
+What European country are Rotterdam & the Hague in?
+The Netherlands
+What European country celebrates new year's day by drinking 'glogg'?
+What european country colonized mozambique and angola?
+What European country is 38% below sea level?
+What european country is alphabetically first?
+What european country is threatened by over 100 active volcanoes?
+What European country looks like a boot when you see it on a map?
+What european country numbers 26 cantons?
+What european country rejected the euro in a referendum in autumn 2000?
+What european country remained neutral in both world wars?
+What European country stages the most bullfights?
+What European country was Brazil once a colony of?
+What european country witnessed lord byron's death?
+What european country won olympic Football gold in 1984?
+What european country's airlines are luxair and cargolux?
+What european country's currency is favored in guadeloupe?
+What European country's most common last name is Martin?
+What european disaster during the 14th century killed one in four people?
+Black death
+What european language is most closely related to mongolian?
+What european peak does disneyland boast a scale replica of?
+What European ruler made a pope his prisoner?
+Napoleon bonaparte
+What evangelist is a cousin of singers jerry lee lewis and mickey gilley?
+Jimmy swaggart
+What event at Sydney's Royal Easter Show once cost competitor Jim Burke four toes?
+What event led to hirohito ascending to the japanse throne in 1926?
+His fathers death
+What event marked the 1954 french grand prix?
+Return of mercedes
+What event marked the climax of wouk's the winds of war?
+Attack on pearl harbor
+What event pulled the worlds biggest Tv audience on July 13th 1985?
+Live aid concert
+What event was the interview of the natural born killer, mickey, to be held during?
+The superbowl
+What eventually killed Oliver Cromwell?
+What ever so humble ballad was composed by Sir Henry Rowley Bishop?
+Home sweet home
+What everyday element is 755 times heavier than air?
+What everyday item was named after St.Pantaleon?
+What ex-girl friend of prince andrew appeared naked on screen?
+Koo stark
+What ex-president missed the slab of pork while showing off his ax-wielding skills to a group of Moscow butchers?
+Richard Nixon
+What exactly is 'big ben'?
+A bell
+What excuse does Homer use (on his insurance form) for buying Dimoxinil?
+To keep brain from freezing 
+What explorer first recorded the Polynesian sport of canoe surfing in 1771?
+Captain James Cook
+What explosive was first tested at Lydd,Sussex in 1888?
+What expression did clark kent's newspaper boss like to use?
+Great caesar's ghost
+What expression is used to describe a child who closely resembles a parent?
+Chip off the old block
+What extends from the arctic to the aral sea in Russia?
+Ural mountains
+What extra month did SE accidentally print on its calendars?
+What exxon oil tanker fouled Alaskan coastal waters in 1989?
+What fabled bird rose from the ashes of its nest?
+The phoenix
+What fabled bird sprang to new life from the ashes of its nest?
+What fabled city do Moroccans call el Dar el Beida?
+What fabric are harris, lewis and donegal examples of?
+What fabric are Harris, Lewis and Donegal the leading examples of?
+What fabric derives its name from the French for cord of the king?
+What fabric often used for tea towels is made from flax?
+What facial feature contains approximately 550 hairs?
+What facial feature contains the sperm whale's spermactei?
+What facial feature does not feature on the mona lisa?
+What facial feature typically contains about 550 hairs?
+What facility for passengers was shannon airport the first in the world to provide?
+A duty free shop
+What facility on a space shuttle includes a footrest,hand grips,seat belt and a suction fan?
+What factory does Bart's class visit in Bart Gets Famous?
+Box factory 
+What fairy tale character from enid blyton's books was termed offensive to the blacks?
+What falls is near where jimmy angel crashed his plane in 1937?
+Angel falls
+What falls on 15th July?
+St Swithins day
+What famed butler did p g wodehouse create?
+What famed plane was piloted by colonel Paul tibbets jr?
+The enola gay
+What famed romantic spent the last 13 years of his life as a Bohemian librarian?
+What famed ship did Christopher Jones captain?
+What family included six Aboriginal brothers who were all professional boxers?
+The Sands
+What family is a horse?
+What family is a rhinocerous?
+What family of animals do chipmunks belong to?
+What family of plants, in addition to flowers, gives us apples, pears, plums, cherries, almonds, peaches & apricots?
+The rose family
+What family ties cast member has a cat named spencer?
+Michael j fox
+What famous 1960's fashion store closed it's doors in London in July 1975?
+What famous actor had a policeman father and a telephone operator mother?
+Eddie murphy
+What famous actor's given name is issur danielovitch?
+Kirk Douglas
+What famous airborne event occurred may 21, 1927?
+Lindbergh flight
+What famous American house has a Red Room, a Green Room, a Blue Room and a Rose Room?
+White house
+What famous ancient greek writer could not see?
+What famous band was jon, of jon and vangelis, the lead singer for?
+What famous battle was fought on st chripins day?
+What famous bird first appeared on tv september 1957?
+Nbc peacock
+What famous brothers lived at hawthorn hill in dayton, ohio?
+Wright brothers
+What famous building did sir john vanbrugh design?
+Blenheim palace
+What famous building in New York City is built with vermont marble?
+Un building
+What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf?
+Ludwig van Beethoven
+What Famous congressman was on an episode of the Golden Girls?
+Sonny Bono
+What famous director makes a cameo appearance in the blues brothers?
+Steven spielberg 
+What famous early American was known as 'the walking question mark' during his university days at Yale?
+Noah Webster
+What famous English artist painted rain, steam and speed?
+What famous even occured at Appomattox?
+End of U.S. Civil War
+What famous fashion designer was murdered outside his home in 1997?
+What famous french prison was stormed on july 14, 1789?
+What famous general was dressed in skirts by his mother until he was eight years of age?
+General Douglas MacArthur
+What famous gift did King Arthur receive when he wed Queen Guinevere?
+Round table
+What famous greek philosopher, accused of corrupting the youth, was compelled to drink a poisonous cup of hemlock?
+What famous guitarist died on sept 18, 1970?
+Jimi Hendrix
+What famous landmark was built to celebrate the Paris Exhibition of 1889?
+Eiffel tower
+What famous mountain is often photographed by film of the same name?
+What famous mutiny took place in 1857?
+The Indian mutiny
+What famous occurrence happened at Ujiji in 1871?
+Stanley found livingstone
+What famous painting was also known as la Gioconda?
+Mona lisa
+What famous person was murdered on the Ides of March?
+What famous person's real name is allen stewart konigsberg?
+Woody allen
+What famous priest ministered to the molokai lepers from 1873 until his death?
+Father damien
+What famous racehorse is the grandfather of sea biscuit?
+Man of war
+What famous sailor was born in Norfolk Engalnd?
+Horatio nelson
+What famous sentence uses every letter of the alphabet?
+The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
+What famous Shakespeare play did Voltaire review as vulgar & barbarous?
+What famous ship did Christopher Jones captain?
+What famous singer-songwriter wrote about his father in the song, 'Adam Raised a Cain'?
+Bruce Springsteen
+What famous soap opera duo reigned on General Hospital in the eighties?
+Luke and Laura
+What famous stone structure is located near Salisbury?
+What famous structure connects a state prison with a Doges palace?
+The bridge of sighs
+What famous thinker proved a lunar eclipse is the circular shadow of the earth on the moon?
+What famous trials were held in 1692?
+Salem witch trials
+What famous Wham! frontman went on to record a multiplatinum record in 1987?
+George Michael
+What famous world war ii fighter plane was developed from a seaplane?
+The spitfire
+What famous writer was born may 25, 1803?
+Ralph waldo emerson
+What famous WW II fighter pilot lost both his legs?
+Douglas Bader
+What famously happened on 6th August 1945?
+The atom bomb was dropped on hiroshima
+What famously happened on 7th December 1941?
+Japanese attack on pearl harbour
+What fantasia suite features autumn fairies and frost fairies?
+What fantasy world was introduced in piers anthony's 'a spell for chameleon'?
+What farm animals does bacon come from?
+What fashionable fantasy game is known as D&D?
+Dungeons and dragons
+What fast food chain did Ray Kroc build?
+What fast food chain was hit with five racial discrimination suits in 1993?
+What fast-food chain was named for brothers forrest and leroy raffel in 1964?
+What fast-food container does the hero use as a lampshade, in rocky?
+Kentucky fried chicken bucket
+What fastener did Whitcomb Judson patent in 1893?
+What feat of aviation was achieved by john alcock and arthur brown in 1919?
+First non-stop transatlantic flight
+What feature film attracted the largest tv audience of 1980?
+What features of the African elephant are larger than those of the Indian elephant?
+What feline is the baboons chief natural enemy?
+What fell into the pool in Caddyshack which caused a major exodus?
+A Baby Ruth candy bar
+What female animal has a pseudo (false) penis?
+What female athlete holds the most figure skating titles?
+Sonja henie
+What female co-starred in most woody allen flicks of the 80's?
+Mia farrow
+What female fought hard to end slavery in the years before the Civil War?
+Susan B Anthony 
+What female holds the most figure skating titles?
+Sonja henie
+What female rock star did mike wallace interview in 1969?
+Janis joplin
+What feminist wrote Sexual Politics & Flying?
+Kate millett
+What festive song did Adam Sandler write & sing?
+The Hannukhah Song
+What fictional character 'had a great fall' & went to pieces?
+Humpty dumpty
+What fictional detective was created by Lesley Charteris?
+Simon templar
+What fighting machine was originally codenamed a 'cistern' or 'reservoir'?
+What fighting unit is headquartered in corsica?
+French foreign legion
+What figure in greek mythology gave fire to man?
+What figure of greek mythology gave fire to man?
+What figure sits on guard over the Great Pyramid?
+What figure sits on guard over the Great Pyramids?
+What filipino toy became an American craze in 1929 and is still popular?
+Yo yo
+What fills the bottle of a molotov cocktail?
+What film couple was portrayed by marjorie main and percy kilbride?
+Ma and pa kettle
+What film did liza minnelli play the part of sally bowes in?
+What film did Paul neuman play fast eddie felson in?
+What film did Rock Hudson and Doris Day star in together in 1959?
+Pillow talk
+What film featured dennis weaver vs a scuzzy gasoline tanker truck?
+The duel
+What film featured jack nicholson as a California private eye?
+What film featured melina mercouri, maximilian schell and peter ustinov as jewel thieves?
+What film featured melina mercouri, maximillian scnell and peter ustinov as jewel thieves?
+What film features the song 'born free'?
+Born free
+What film had bette davis creating a scandal by wearing a daring red gown to a society ball?
+What film has marlon crane stabbed to death in the bate's motel?
+What film introduced the song 'the first time ever i saw your face'?
+Play misty for me
+What film is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the California fruit valleys?
+Grapes of wrath
+What film is generally considered the worst film ever made?
+Attack of the
+What film links cher, michelle pfeiffer and susan sarandon?
+The witches of eastwick
+What film marked james cagney's return to the screen after 20 years?
+What film offered the line 'you had it in you to be a great fighter, but you were lazy'?
+What film saw clint eastwood die from eating poisoned mushrooms?
+The beguiled
+What film saw jack nicholson lament: 'this used to be a fine country, what went wrong?'?
+Easy rider
+What film starred barbara streisand and walter matthau?
+Hello dolly
+What film starred barbra streisand and walter matthau?
+Hello dolly
+What film starred drew barrymore, mary-louise parker, and matthew mcconaughney?
+Boys on the side
+What film starred helen hunt, gary elwes and bill paxton?
+What film starred rosie o'donnell, rita wilson and meg ryan?
+Sleepless in seattle
+What film starred sir laurence olivier as the brooding max de winter?
+What film starring richard beymer and natalie wood won the oscar for best picture in 1961?
+West side story
+What film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the tv series 'happy days'?
+American graffiti
+What film studio produced most of the 'godzilla' films?
+What film takes place in the fictional town of Burkittsville, Maryland?
+Blair witch project
+What film was about the life of jerry lee lewis?
+Great balls of fire
+What film was based on the play everybody comes to rick's?
+What film was originally advertised with this slogan, 'Of all the bright young men to make it through the hang-ups, the mix-ups, the foul-ups, and the grown-ups'?
+The Graduate
+What film was playing at the drive-in in the film 'twister'?
+The shining
+What film was the first to feature sensurround?
+What film was the last featuring mel blanc's voice?
+What film was the last for marilyn monroe and clark gable?
+What film was the musical original song featured in?
+What film was the play 'everybody comes to ricks' based on?
+What film won julie christie an oscar for her portrayal of an amoral model?
+What film won the most number of oscars?
+Schindler's list
+What film won the oscar for best picture in 1987?
+The last emperor
+What film won the oscar for best picture in 1989?
+Driving miss daisy
+What film won the oscar for cinematography?
+Schindler's list
+What final event did gladstone and churchill share?
+State funeral
+What finals did miroslav mercir win at the 1988 olympics?
+Men's singles tennis
+What finger is the most sensitive?
+What finger nail grows the fastest?
+Middle finger
+What firm markets the b25 microcomputer?
+What first went on sale to the public in pharmacies on may 9, 1960?
+The pill
+What fish eating bird of prey has recently re established itself in Scotland?
+Teh osprey
+What fish famed for its teeth,has no bones in its skeleton?
+What fish has both lungs & gills?
+What fish is served up as kippers, whitebait and bloaters?
+What fish, weighing in at 388 pounds, is the largest ever caught in a British river?
+What fish's skin was once used commercially as sandpaper?
+What fitness program did Judy Sheppard-Missett create by blending jazz dance and exercise?
+What five lettter word describes an animal that is produced as an exact copy of another?
+What flag flies over gibraltar?
+Union jack
+What flat area do you get by cutting a solid sphere vertically, horizontally or on a slant?
+What flavors are in original fruit starburst?
+Cherry lemon orange strawberry
+What flavour ice-cream is enjoyed by Sesame Street's Kermit the Frog?
+Dragonfly Ripple
+What flavour is added to LAMBIC beers to make them into KRIEK?
+What flavour is Grand Marnier?
+What flavour of ice cream is eaten the most?
+What flightless bird became extinct in 1681 after being devoured by Europeans for food?
+Dodo bird
+What floor did lee harvey oswald allegedly shoot jfk from?
+What florentine held that the ends justified the means?
+What flower asks not to be forgotten?
+Forget me not
+What flower bulb is often mistaken for onions?
+What flower is associated with dame edna everage?
+What flower is particularly associated with the Netherlands?
+What flower is the national symbol of India?
+What flower is used in the manufacture of opium?
+What flower produces blue flowers in acidic soil?
+What flower produces pink and white flowers in alkaline soil?
+What flower that grows in flanders fields is used as the symbol of remembrance day?
+What flower was named after a Roman gladiator's sword?
+What flower's petals are used by the royal family as confetti?
+What flower's petals does the British royal family use as confetti?
+The rose
+What fluid lubricates the eye?
+Lacrimal fluid
+What fluid lubricates the joints?
+What fluid was used as a lubricant for the first contact lenses?
+Boiled Grape Juice
+What fly higher during the day than at night?
+What folksinger's 1968 autobiography was titled bound for glory?
+Woody guthrie
+What follows beta, gamma and delta?
+What food did e.t. cause elliot to drop in fright in his backyard?
+What food did John Mongatu invent so that he wouldn't have to leave the gambling tables?
+The sandwich
+What food did Marco Polo introduce into Italy?
+What food did Tigga in Winnie the Pooh finally find he liked?
+Extract of malt
+What food does garfield hate the most?
+What food does Paddington Bear like best?
+Marmalade sandwiches
+What food got its name from the way it hung in bunches like grapes?
+What food growing process uses water & plant nutrients but no soil?
+What food is made from infecting milk with bacteria?
+What food is the leading source of salmonella poisoning?
+What food links Dundee, Chorley and Eccles?
+What food of the three bears did goldilocks eat?
+What foot doctor held over 300 patents?
+Dr scholl
+What Football club won three consecutive league titles in the 1930's?
+What football player ran for 1,863 yards in a season during 1963?
+Jim brown
+What football player rushed for 2,003 yards in 1973?
+O.j. simpson
+What Football player was known as The Black Pearl?
+What football team calls Vetch Field home?
+What football team has won the most Rose Bowls?
+Southern California
+What football team was previously known as the frankford yellow jackets?
+Philadelphia eagles
+What footballer was paid $10,000 to shave off his moustache in a 1974 tv ad?
+Joe namath
+What force is the opposite of centripetal force?
+Centrifugal force
+What foreign country's phone book is alphabetized by first name?
+What forest was home to robin hood?
+Sherwood forest
+What form did the three heads of Hecate take?
+What form of communication uses only dots, dashes & spaces?
+Morse code
+What form of execution did St Stephen the Martyr suffer?
+What form of horse racing boasts the little brown jug?
+Harness racing
+What form of hunting is regulated by the iwc?
+What form of light comes at wavelengths below 360 nanometers?
+Ultra violet
+What form of propulsion did Frank Whittle pioneer?
+Jet propulsion
+What form of racial segregation was introduced in south africa in 1948?
+What form of transport did Kirkpatrick Macmillan invent in 1839?
+Pedal bicycle
+What form of transport did Sir Christopher Cockerell invent?
+What former African leaded held his country's boxing title for nine years?
+Idi amin
+What former beatle's 1982 album gone troppo was ripped by critics?
+George harrison
+What former British colony has a famed jade market on canton road?
+Hong kong
+What former British colony's largest retailer was duty free shoppers?
+Hong kong
+What former footballer titled his exercise video bubba until it hurts?
+Bubba smith
+What former monkee produced lionel richie's video all night long?
+Mike nesmith
+What former New York Islander swung his stick at Mario Lemieux's face?
+Rich Pilon
+What former resistance fighter was Israel's first Likud Party prime minister?
+Menachem begin
+What former South African prisoner had an 11-day, 8-city tour of the U.S. in 1990?
+Nelson Mandela
+What former talk show host guested on the 92-93 finale of the simpsons?
+Johnny carson
+What former U.S. president's son began hosting his own nightly talk show in 1991?
+Ronald Reagan
+What former US drug czar once had a blind date with Janis Joplin?
+William Bennett
+What former us president blew out 75 birthday candles on july 14, 1988?
+Gerald ford
+What former us vice president was the title star of meet the veep?
+Alben w
+What fortification was built between 1929 and 1934 along france's frontier?
+Maginot line
+What fortress was built by william the conqueror to protect london?
+The tower of london
+What four letters are put at the end of an invitation if a reply is needed?
+What four letters were placed on the cross on which christ was crucified?
+What four tournaments make up golf's grand slam, the open, u.s open, u.s masters?
+U.s pga
+What four words are the traditional beginning of a fairytale?
+Once upon a time
+What four-time national league batting champ was killed in a plane crash in 1972?
+What fraction of a metre is a micron?
+A millionth
+What fraction of a persons life passes in sleep?
+One third
+What fraction of an iceberg shows above water?
+One ninth
+What fraction of an ounce is equal to a dram?
+One sixteenth
+What fraction of the earth's gravity is the moon's?
+One sixth
+What fraction of us schools include geography in their cirriculum?
+One fourth
+What fraction pure is 18-carat gold?
+Three quarters
+What frank Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby-doo in?
+Strangers in the night
+What fraternity do the lewis and gilbert join in revenge of the nerds?
+Lambda lambda lambda
+What french automobile company merged with American motors?
+What French city is famous for its champagne?
+What French coast claims Antibes, Nice, Mont, Carlo, and St. Tropez?
+What french designer introduced the sack dress in the '50's?
+Christian dior
+What french district produces graves, medoc and st emilion wines?
+What french district produces graves, medoc, and st. emilion?
+What French emperor died in Kent?
+Napoleon iii
+What french engineer built a tower for the 1889 Paris Exhibition?
+Alexandre eiffel
+What french engineer built a tower for the 1889 paris exposition?
+Alexandre eiffel
+What french painter gained renown for his posters?
+Henri de toulouse-lautrec
+What French painter is famous for his pictures of ballet dancers?
+Edgar degas
+What french painter was the subject of somerset maugham's 'the moon and sixpence'?
+What french phrase means 'well informed'?
+Au courant
+What french poet wrote les miserables?
+Victor hugo
+What french port did 200,000 British troops flee on June 4, 1940?
+What french stockbrocker fled his homeland to paint in the South Pacific?
+Paul gaugin
+What french word describes the painting technique which uses separate dots of pure colour instead of mixed pigments?
+What french word is used for 'dry'?
+What french words are on an air mail letter?
+Par avion
+What french writer served 27 years in prison for sexual offenses?
+The marquis de sade
+What french writer server 27 years in prison for sexual offences?
+Marquis de sade
+What french writer spent 27 years of his life in prison for sexual offense?
+Marquis de sade
+What Frenchman designed Italy's flag?
+What Fridays are supposed to be unlucky?
+Friday 13th
+What friend of Noddy's lives in a toadstool house?
+Big ears
+What frog mc's the muppet show?
+What fruit are claret, hock & burgundy made from?
+What fruit bear the latin name 'citrus grandis'?
+What fruit did elvis most often layer on his peanut butter sandwiches?
+What fruit did the stranglers sing about?
+What fruit do viticulturists grow?
+What fruit does the 'stackspur golden delicious' tree produce?
+What fruit does the stackspur golden delicious produce?
+What fruit has an exocarp, a crown & spikes?
+What fruit has both meat & milk?
+What fruit has the most calories?
+Avocado pear
+What fruit is missing seeds?
+Navel orange
+What fruit is packed with the most calories?
+What fruit is perry made from?
+What fruit is the basis for guacamole?
+What fruit is used in the dye for government inspectors' meat stamps?
+The grape
+What fruit is usually used to make marmalade?
+What fruit produces a herb?
+What fruit were the golden apples of greek mythology?
+What fruit will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom of a glass of champagne?
+What fruit's stone does Laetrile come from?
+What fruits are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them?
+What fuel is used in a bunsen burner?
+What fungus is used in making bread?
+What funny 'Laugh-in' character could be heard every Monday night asking, 'is this the party to whom I am speaking'?
+Ernestine Tomlin
+What furry creatures is a myophobic housewife afraid of?
+What future famous actors played spicolli's sidekicks in fast times at ridgemont high?
+Eric stolz and anthony edwards
+What future sitcom megastar began wearing her hair red in 1942?
+Lucille Ball
+What future yippie leader was the first male cheerleader at brandeis?
+Abbie hoffman
+What gambling game has a 'croupier' spinning a wheel?
+What game are the Pilgrim Fathers known to have played on the Mayflower?
+What game became popular aboard ocean liners during the nineteenth century?
+What game became popular aboard oceanliners during the 19th century?
+What game can you peg out in?
+What game can't Lisa play because she is too sad?
+What game challenges you to double in and double out?
+What game did Charles monro introduce to new zealand in 1870?
+What game did Denis Compton play?
+What game do players flip 'winks' in?
+What game does the New York Institute for the Investigation of Rolling Speroids specialise in?
+What game does the New York Institute for the Investigation of Rolling Spheroids specialize in?
+What game does the queen of hearts order alice to play?
+What game has combinations?
+Rubiks cube
+What game invented by Sir John Suckling can you peg out in?
+What game is also called pocket billiards?
+What game is played on a Bally Captain Fantastic?
+What game made Monte Carlo?
+What game of chance was originally called 'beano'?
+What game show had dr joyce brothers as a panelist from 1978 to 1980?
+Gong show
+What game sometimes challenges you to double-in and double-out?
+What game takes place in the sewer in Guys and Dolls?
+What game tiles were first made with a pocket knife?
+What game usually starts with 'is it animal, vegetable or mineral'?
+Twenty questions
+What game was regularly played at Artillery Ground London in the 18th century?
+What gane was Sir Francis Drake playing when the Spanish Armada came?
+What gangster was nicknamed the lord high executioner?
+Albert anastasia
+What garment did a roman drape over his tunic?
+A toga
+What garment of clothing was named after French aerial gymnist, Julius Leotard?
+What gas did joseph priestley discover in 1774?
+What gas did Joseph Priestly discover in 1774?
+What gas glows red when an electric current is passed through it?
+What gas is produced in plants in the process of photosynthesis?
+What gas is produced using the Haber-Bosch process?
+What gas makes little Johnny's balloon rise?
+What gas station does Homer go to about the strange thumping noise he hears?
+What gas that animals exhale do plants utilize?
+Carbon dioxide
+What gas to we breathe out in the process of respiration?
+Carbon dioxide
+What gate does the three-headed dog cerberus guard?
+The gate of hades
+What gate opens on East and West Germany?
+What gem did the Roman Pliny say out greened nature itself?
+What gender is a snail?
+What genetic disorder was/is known as mongolism?
+Downs syndrome
+What genre of fiction is honored by the Nebula awards?
+Science fiction
+What geographic term describes a hill with sharply sloping sides & a flat top?
+What geographical location was the first word spoken from the moon?
+What geographical point did Robert Peary claim to have reached?
+North pole
+What geographical term is the fourth letter of the greek alphabet?
+What geological era preceeded the cenozoic?
+What geological period followed the jurassic?
+What geometric shape has ten sides?
+What geometric shape is a stop sign?
+What geometric shape is a tennis court?
+What george bernard shaw play inspired my fair lady?
+What george bernard shaw play is my fair lady based on?
+What georgia city does delta airlines fly to from london?
+What Georgia park features carvings on the world's largest piece of exposed granite?
+Stone mountain
+What georgia town did the first dukes of hazzard episodes take place?
+Covington, georgia
+What German city is best known for its oktoberfest?
+What German city was the site of the war crime trials following wwii?
+What German city were the released iran hostages flown to from algeria?
+What German military leader of the afrika korps was known as 'the desert fox'?
+Erwin rommel
+What German philosopher claimed morality required a belief in god and freedom?
+Immanuel kant
+What German town's problem with rats was handled by the pied piper?
+What German was selected time's man of the year for 1970?
+Willy brandt
+What Germanic race gave its name to acts of wanton destruction?
+What get larger when one thinks harder?
+What gets wet, the more you dry?
+A Towel
+What geyser erupts every hour at yellowstone national park?
+Old faithful
+What giant tapestry shows the story of the Norman invasion of England?
+Bayeux Tapestry
+What gift reputedly outlived Captain Cook by approximately 300 years?
+What gift was given on the 10th day, according to the 12 days of christmas?
+Ten lords a leaping
+What gilbert and sullivan opera is about the emperor of Japan?
+The mikado
+What gives beer its distinctive bitter flavour?
+What gives its name to a protein found in the human blood?
+The rhesus monkey
+What gives water its unusual properties?
+Hydrogen bonds
+What gland is found just below the optic chiasma of your brain?
+Pituitary gland
+What gland tissue did they use to clone dolly the sheep?
+What gland washes the eyes?
+Tear gland
+What Godsend was introduced to dairy farmers in 1894?
+The Mechanical Milker
+What goes round and round in a police cars light?
+What goes with it on the 1995 hit for oasis?
+What goes with ruby, emerald and sapphire to make up the world's most valuable gems?
+What gold rush was started by skookum jim, tagish charlie and george carmacks?
+The klondike gold rush
+What golfer literally sports the strangest name?
+Curtis strange
+What golfer was nicknamed 'the golden bear'?
+Jack nicklaus
+What golfing accessory was patented by George Grant on december 12th, 1899?
+What got its name from a bridgeport pie company's name and light-weight pie tins?
+What government position is held by the resident of 11 downing street, london?
+Chancellor of the exchequer
+What graceful ice skater published an autobiography entitled: My Sergei: A Love Story?
+Ekaterina Gordeeva
+What Grade in highschool comes from the greek term wise fool?
+What grain is Australia's most important crop?
+What grain is used to make spaghetti?
+What Grand Duchy is bordered by Belgium, West Germany and France?
+What grandson of genghis khan was the founder of the il-khanid dynasty?
+What grass has a capability of growing 36 inches in one day?
+What grass is the favourite food of pandas?
+What Greek artist painted View of Toledo?
+El greco
+What greek letter was incorporated in the green ecology flag?
+What greek mythological character was part man and part horse?
+What greek phrase means 'the masses'?
+Hoi polloi
+What Greek runner of 5 bc is said to have run 241 km in 48 hours to summon help for Athens?
+What greek slave wrote animal stories with morals?
+What greek slave wrote fables?
+What greek word relates to the head?
+What Greek wrote Meteorologica, popularizing that name for the study of weather?
+What green vegetable comes in varieties such as cos & mignonette?
+What greenish cylindrical fruit is the cucumis sativus?
+What greeting did lionel richie take to the top in 1984?
+What group backed up wayne fontana?
+The mindbenders
+What group caused an overnight fashion revolution among blacks in 1968?
+Sly and the family stone
+What group did earl carroll join in 1960?
+What group did freddie mercury attain stardom with?
+What group did tommy james leave in 1970?
+What group founded brother records?
+Beach boys
+What group had a top ten hit in 1970 with Ride a White Swan?
+T rex
+What group kidnapped and murdered Italian premier aldo moro?
+The red brigades
+What group landed in America in 1620?
+What group name is used by Chris Lowe and Neil Tennant?
+Pet shop boys
+What group of American indians formerly ranged from texas and arizona, south to the Mexican state of durango, until rounded up in 1886?
+What group of animals do crabs, lobsters, barnacles and woodlice belong?
+What group of British islands contains zetland?
+What group of English funnymen made movies such as life of brian and the meaning of life?
+Monty python
+What group of minerals are beryl, emerald and aquamarine a part?
+What group of minerals are corundum, sapphire and ruby a part?
+What group of minerals are diamond, coal and graphite a part?
+What group of people founded liberia in 1847?
+Freed American slaves
+What group of stars is named after a farmers tool?
+What group of superheroes display the number 4 on their chests?
+The fantastic four
+What group of us workers went out on strike june 1, 1943?
+Coal miners
+What group released the album 10 in 1997?
+Wet wet wet
+What group rose to no. 2 in worldwide record sales without major American market success?
+What group sang wasn't born to follow in easy rider?
+The byrds
+What group tasted chart success with breakfast in America?
+What group took its name from a line by William Blake?
+The doors
+What group was jesse colin young with in the early seventies?
+What group's biggest-ever hit was be my baby?
+What grows faster fingernails or toenails?
+What grows faster in the morning than at any other time of the day?
+Your hair
+What guitarist had '50s hits with rebel rouser, ramrod and cannonball?
+Duane eddy
+What gun cannot be silenced, due to all the noisy gasses which escape the cylinder gap at the rear of the barrel?
+What habit forming plant did Columbus find on his first new world trip?
+What hair color of people do mosquitoes seem to be the most attracted to?
+What hairstyle did chris evert sport in her first us open tennis champions?
+What hairy creature did Dora Bryan want for christmas in 1963?
+What hall of fame was opened in 1990 in Canastota, New York?
+What hand does god give life to adam with on the ceiling of the sistine chapel?
+What handicraft requires you to interlace your warp and weft?
+What handsome welterweight boxer appeared in Aussie films and was screen tested in Hollywood?
+Tommy Burns
+What hans christian andersen fairy tale character is immortalized in a famous statue in copenhagen's harbor?
+The little mermaid
+What happened at 2:56 on the 21st July 1969?
+Manned moon landing
+What happened at 3am August 3rd 1963, at Sears Crossing in Buckinghamshire, England?
+The great train robbery
+What happened at 3am on Aug 3 1963 at Sears Crossing,Bucks?
+The great train robbery
+What happened at Golgotha?
+Jesus was crucified
+What happened at Sears Crossing, England in 1963?
+The great train robbery
+What happened at the Pollard Rock on 18/3/67?
+Torrey canyon disaster
+What happened in the last episode of the odd couple?
+Felix remarried gloria
+What happened in tulbach on september 29, 1969?
+What happened on red sunday, june 25, 1876?
+Custer was defeated
+What happened on the Hawaiian island of Oahu on dec 7 1941?
+Pearl harbor bombing
+What happened on the R100s maiden flight?
+It flew to Canada and back
+What happened to Attila the Hun on his wedding night?
+Died of excess alcohol
+What happened to lady jawara , the president of gambia's wife when he was at prince Charles wedding?
+She was kidnapped
+What happened to the Mona Lisa in 1911?
+It was stolen
+What happened with tom hanks at the end of the movie saving private ryan?
+What happens if you get pepper in your proboscis?
+You sneeze
+What happens to a surfer who wipes out?
+Falls his board
+What happens to male ants soon after they mate?
+They die
+What happens when reverse peristalsis takes place?
+You puke
+What has 1792 steps?
+Eiffel tower
+What has 3 feet but can not walk?
+What has 336 dimples?
+A golf ball
+What has 336 dimples?
+Golf ball
+What has 35 blue eyes?
+What has 480 sheets of paper?
+What has a 21 inch tongue?
+What has a bitch done if she has just whelped?
+Given birth
+What has a horse in a maiden race never done?
+Won a race
+What has a phyllo-dough crust and filled with spinach?
+What has a range of 28 miles?
+Aim-7 sparrow
+What has a rectangular pupil?
+What has a testatrix done?
+Made a will
+What has a type of hair on their eyes?
+What has accumulated in the muscles in someone suffering from emphysema?
+What has albumen and a yolk?
+What has become a custom from armored knights raising their visors to identify themselves when they rode past their king?
+What has been called 'the most famous car ever on television'?
+General lee
+What has been clinically demonstrated to work twice as well as dramamine for fighting motion sickness, with no side effects?
+What has dna but is arguably not alive?
+What has more than 80,000 arms?
+Basket starfish
+What has no reflection, is afraid of daylight and cant stand the smell of garlic?
+What has no reflection, no shadow and can't stand the smell of garlic?
+A vampire
+What has no reflection, no shadow and cant stand the smell of garlic?
+What has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic?
+What has only one surface?
+Mobius band
+What has over 100 million light sensitive cells?
+What has superseded Newtonian mechanics of the atomic scale?
+Quantam mechanics
+What has to be missing out of anhydrous compounds?
+What has to be produced in a writ of habeas corpus?
+What has u.s. patent no 174,465?
+What has yale college been serving for more than 100 years?
+Apple pie
+What hat originated in ecuador?
+What hat was first made in and named after a Moroccan city?
+What have over 80% of boxers suffered?
+Brain damage
+What have Roman siege armies and the Royal Navy used in agression?
+The catapult
+What have Thomas Keneally,JM Coetzee and Anita Brookner all won in recent years?
+The booker prize
+What have woodpecker scalps, porpoise teeth and giraffe tails all been used as?
+What Hawaii town lies very close to Volcanoes National Park?
+What health centre did Marge vacation to?
+Rancho Relaxo 
+What healthful practice is chewing an acacia twig a substitute for in India?
+Brushing teeth
+What heavyweight boxer defended his title the most?
+Joe louis
+What heavyweight boxer drew his first breath in waco, north carolina?
+Floyd patterson
+What heavyweight boxer retired in 1988 with a record of 31 wins and one loss?
+Michael spinks
+What heavyweight boxing champion was nicknamed the Manassa Mauler?
+Jack dempsey
+What hebrew word means 'so be it'?
+What height was the model of King Kong used in the making of the film (Answer in inches only!!)?
+What heisman trophy winner returned his first nfl kickoff for a touchdown?
+Tim brown
+What helps build strong bodies 12 ways?
+Wonder Bread
+What hemisphere are you in if your water drains clockwise?
+What henri charriere best seller describes his escape from devil's island?
+What heraldic term describes a human-faced sun surrounded by rays?
+What heraldic term describes a swallow without feet?
+What herb is most often used as a garnish?
+What herb is used in the sauce traditionally served with roast lamb?
+What herb is usually on a pizza base?
+What herb seed can be either black or white, & yields an oil that resists turning rancid?
+What herbivore sleeps one hour a night?
+What hereditary defect of vision is sex-linked affecting more men than women?
+Colour blindness
+What herman hess book gave its name to a rock group?
+What hermann hesse book gave its name to a rock group?
+What heroic group did d'artagnan lead?
+Three musketeers
+What hi fi innovation was a spin off from the ill fated laser video?
+Compact audio disc
+What high altitude movie did sylvester stallone, john lithgow and janine turner star?
+What hill lies to the north-west of the Acropolis in Athens?
+What historic exhibition was opened in London by the Queen in March 1972?
+What historical character has been portrayed more times in films than any other?
+What historical event ended on november 11, 1918?
+What hit by the band contained the line: 'take the load off fanny'?
+The weight
+What hit does weird al yankovic parody with rye or the kaiser?
+Eye of the tiger
+What hit lp did rockpile release in 1980?
+Seconds of pleasure
+What hit song would you hear singer, David Gray babbling on about?
+What hobby does 2stepr enjoy?
+Ballroom dancing
+What hobby was developed by the Palmer Paint Company of Detriot?
+Paint by numbers
+What hockey trophy is awarded to the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship?
+Lady byng trophy
+What holds up the volunteer fire department as they are trying to rescue Homer?
+Ducks crossing the street
+What holey food empire sprang from william rosenberg's lunch service?
+Dunkin donuts
+What holiday is celebrated on july 14th in French Polynesia?
+Bastille day
+What holiday is held on April 25 in Australia & New Zealand?
+Anzac day
+What holiday is on the first sunday after the first full moon after march 20?
+What holiday is on the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 20th?
+What holiday is the Indianapolis 500 traditionally run on?
+Memorial day
+What holidays were instigated by Sir John Lubbock?
+Bank holidays
+What Hollywood actress was The Oomph Girl?
+Ann Sheridan
+What Hollywood legend once complained, 'I'm sick of carrying guns and beating up women'?
+James Cagney
+What horse carried Lester Piggott to his record breaking Derby win in 1983?
+What horse survived the Hyde Park bombing to rise to stardom?
+What horse was ridden by Walter Swinburn Jr for his first Derby win?
+What horse won the 1993 grand national?
+What hospital established the first us school of nursing?
+What household appliance has a tube & an agitator?
+Washing machine
+What huge firm did Thomas Watson found in 1924?
+International business machines
+What human organ does a pacemaker pace?
+What human organ houses your amygdala & thalamus?
+The brain
+What hybrid do an ass & horse produce?
+What hybrid do an ass and a horse produce?
+What hymn did john steinbeck get his title the grapes of wrath from?
+Battle hymn of the republic
+What hymn was written by julia howe to the tune of john brown's body?
+Battle hymn of the republic
+What Iceni queen battled the Romans?
+What identifies the leader in the Tour de France?
+Yellow jumper
+What ill fated auto bit the dust in 1959 after losses of millions?
+What illinois town was superman's boyhood home?
+What illness did Bart fake to avoid taking his History test?
+Amonia Phlebitis 
+What illness is controlled by taking insulin?
+What illustrated sex guide did alex comfort write?
+The joy of sex
+What imaginary island did sir thomas more create in a 1516 work?
+What imaginary island did Sir Thomas More create?
+What imaginary line encircling the earth is 90 degrees from both poles at every point?
+What imitation drink did Bart discover he was having at lunchtime?
+What imperial dynasty in Russia ended with the abdication of Nicholas II?
+What important historic artifact was found in November of 1922?
+King tutankhamun's tomb
+What imprisoned cult leader has a son named Zezozose Zadfrack?
+Charles Manson
+What improbable instrument does Finland's current pop star Kimmo Pohjanen play?
+The accordion
+What in 1781 became the first new planet to be discovered since ancient times?
+What in ancient greece was an amphora?
+A two handled vase
+What in astronomy is indicated by the mnemonic Men very easily make jugs serving useful necessary purposes?
+The initials of the planets
+What in astronomy is the red spot?
+Storm on jupiter
+What in Dickensian London was the Marshalsea?
+Debtors prison
+What in Germany is the name of the central bank?
+What in golf is the name given for two under par for the hole?
+An eagle
+What in korea does one win if one wins won?
+What in medical terms does the abbreviation A & E represent?
+Accident & emergency
+What in muslim countries is a' taj?
+Brimless hat
+What in Paris was erected to celebrate the anniversary of the French revolution?
+The eiffel tower
+What in Queensland Australia , is the worlds longest at 3,450 miles?
+What in sound reproduction is the name of a slow fluctuation in pitch?
+A wow
+What in the building trade is called harling in Scotland?
+Pebble dash
+What in the heck do you get when you add lactobacillus bulgaricus to milk?
+what in the heck is a meerschaum?
+A pipe
+What in the medical world was first classified into the A.O.B. system in 1902?
+What in the roman catholic sense is a devils advocate?
+Official who puts the case against canonization
+What in the US is known as Old Glory?
+The national flag
+What in the USA is a shamus?
+What in the USA is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November?
+What in the USA is the name of the central bank?
+Federal reserve
+What Indian city is served by Dum Dum airport?
+What Indian maiden rescued Captain John Smith and later married John Rolfe?
+What Indian people established Mexico city?
+What Indian tribe defeated Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn?
+What Indian tribe did Custer encounter at the Battle of Little Big Horn?
+What indiana city did steve martin once call 'nowhere u.s.a'?
+Terre haute
+What indians defeated general custer?
+What indoor track milestone was Jim Beatty the first to break in 1962?
+Four minute mile
+What industry featured in the TV mini series Bare Essence?
+What inert gas is used in flourescent lights?
+What inert gas is used in fluorescent lights?
+What infamous criminal ultimately served time in alcatraz for tax evasion?
+Al capone
+What ingredient in smelling salts produces the dreadful smell?
+What ingredient is contained in beer but not ale?
+What ingredient with brandy and lemon juice completes a sidecar cocktail?
+What inhabitant of rivers and lakes plays host to the bilharzia worm?
+What innovation did London's fire brigade first acquire in 1866?
+What insect can jump 200 times its own height?
+What insect depends on sight to locate mates?
+What insect does an isopterpophobic homeowner fear?
+The termite
+What insect family has the most varieties, making up 290,000 of the 751,000 insect classes?
+The beetle
+What insect gives its name and body to a food colouring?
+What insect has a king as well as a queen?
+What insect is the most popular official state insect?
+What insect lends its name and gives its body to a food colouring?
+What insect stars on Channel Ocho?
+Bumblebee Man
+What insect transmits yellow fever?
+What insecticide was discovered in 1939 by Paul Muller?
+D d t
+What insects do isopterpophobics fear?
+What inside corn makes it pop?
+What institutions race their boats from Putney to Mortlake on the Thames every year?
+Oxford and Cambridge Universities
+What instrument are you playing if you perform a rim shot?
+What instrument did Gene Hackman play in The Conversation?
+What instrument did glenn miller play?
+What instrument did jazz legend Louis Armstrong play?
+What instrument did jazz musician, Chet Baker, play?
+What instrument did jazz musician, Woody Herman, play?
+What instrument do doctors usually have around their necks?
+What instrument does Billy Joel hold on the cover of his album 52nd Street?
+What instrument does george harrison play on norwegian wood?
+What instrument does Homer replace Lisa's saxophone with after it is stolen?
+What instrument does Itzhak Perlman play?
+The Violin
+What instrument does kenny g play?
+What instrument does Lisa play in the whacking day episode? (not the saxophone)?
+Bass Guitar 
+What instrument does woody allen play professionally?
+What instrument does woody allen play?
+What instrument in an automobile measures distance travelled?
+What instrument introduces Rhapsody in Blue?
+The clarinet
+What instrument is larry adler famed for?
+What instrument is used for measuring the distance between two points on a curved surface?
+What instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?
+What instrument is used to measure the pressure of gases?
+What instrument is used to measure the strength of a magnetic field?
+What instrument of execution was used on Marie Antoinette?
+What instrument on a car measures distance?
+What instrument was named after Laurens Hammond?
+What instrument was played by jazz musician Chet Baker?
+What instruments are used to measure air pressure?
+What insurance company in the u.s stopped using their slogan 'own a piece of the rock' after rock hudson died of aids?
+Prudential life
+What international award was worth 365 dollars mineral value in 1988?
+Olympic gold medal
+What international distress signal comes from 'help me' in French?
+What invaders from the north was the Great Wall built to repel?
+The mongols
+What invention allows you to see through walls?
+A window
+What invention was named for the 1926 ad 'zip, its open, zip, it's closed?
+What inventor blew up a telegraph station in a battery experiment?
+Thomas edison
+What inventor said Genious is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration?
+Thomas edison
+What IQ is considered to be characteristic of a genius?
+What iq level is considered to be the beginning of genius?
+What Irish born playwright was sentenced to 2 years hard labour for homosexuality?
+Oscar wilde
+What Irish County contains Bray?
+What Irish name means red?
+What Irish poet is buried by Ben Bulben?
+What is 'applejack'?
+Fermented cider
+What is 'au contraire' in English?
+On the contrary
+What is 'au courant' in English?
+Well informed
+What is 'bobba' in English?
+What is 'bresaola'?
+Fillet of beef
+What is 'chowder' a type of?
+Thick soup
+What is 'confederatio helvetica' in English?
+Helvetic confederation
+What is 'daikon'?
+What is 'deuterium oxide' more commonly known as?
+Heavy water
+What is 'grandmother' in yiddish?
+What is 'guacamole'?
+Mexican avocado dip
+What is 'gypsy rose lee' to a cockney?
+What is 'hawing'?
+Speaking with hesitation
+What is 'hoi polloi' in English?
+The masses
+What is 'honcho' in English?
+Squad leader
+What is 'hoummous'?
+Crushed chick peas
+What is 'html'?
+Hypertext markup language
+What is 'Irish Moss'?
+What is 'january river' in Portuguese?
+Rio de janeiro
+What is 'memo' short for?
+What is 'mother's ruin'?
+What is 'mpd'?
+Multiple personality disorder
+What is 'nutty slack'?
+What is 'old faithful'?
+What is 'perestroika' in English?
+What is 'rijsttafel'?
+Hot rice
+What is 'samsoe'?
+What is 'sapodilla' a type of?
+What is 'sashimi'?
+Sliced raw fish
+What is 'shogun' in English?
+Military governer
+What is 'tahina'?
+Sesame seed paste
+What is 'The City of Lights'?
+What is 'the helvetic confederation' in latin?
+Confederatio helvetica
+What is 'the soul of wit'?
+What is 'tilapia' a type of?
+What is 'tizwin'?
+Indian corn beer
+What is 'vichyssoise'?
+Chilled soup
+What is 1 days and 2 hours in hours?
+What is 113 in Roman numerals?
+What is 1970 in Roman numerals?
+What is 2 + 2?
+What is 240 minutes in hours?
+What is 3 days and 6 hours in minutes?
+What is 3.14159 better known as?
+What is 30% of 90?
+Twenty seven
+What is 32 decimal expressed in hex?
+What is 40 percent of 40?
+What is 400 in Roman numerals?
+What is 44 in roman numerals?
+What is 49 in roman numerals?
+What is 550 times sweeter than cane sugar?
+What is 65% of sixty?
+Thirty nine
+What is 69 in roman numerals?
+What is 7 days and 10 hours in minutes?
+What is 778 feet higher than k2?
+What is 9 metres high, 7 metres wide and 2,500 kilometres long?
+Great wall of china
+What is 900 in roman numerals?
+What is 99 in roman numerals?
+What is 99% of 200?
+What is a 'Blenheim Orange.'?
+What is a 'bunker' in a game of golf?
+Sand trap
+What is a 'California long white'?
+What is a 'colander'?
+What is a 'crossbuck'?
+An x
+What is a 'fody' a type of?
+What is a 'gilt'?
+Young female pig
+What is a 'hotel-dieu' in france?
+What is a 'kartoffel' in Germany?
+What is a 'kiwano' a type of?
+What is a 'man of the woods'?
+What is a 'niblick'?
+Golfer's nine iron
+What is a 'nucha'?
+The nape of the neck
+What is a 'palas'?
+Queen of spades
+What is a 'rail'?
+What is a 'shillelagh'?
+What is a 'snickerdoodle'?
+What is a 'tandoor'?
+Clay oven
+What is a 'virgule' or 'solidus'?
+What is a 'yesterday, today and tomorrow'?
+What is a 300th anniversary called?
+What is a artificial egg hatching device called?
+What is a avocet?
+What is a baby bird known as?
+What is a baby eel?
+What is a baby frog called?
+What is a baby goose called?
+What is a baby goose?
+What is a baby kangaroo?
+What is a baby owl called?
+An owlet
+What is a baby oyster known as?
+What is a baby oyster?
+What is a baby rooster?
+What is a baby seal called?
+What is a baby swan called?
+What is a baby vampire bat called?
+What is a baby whale called?
+What is a bad Dream?
+What is a balalaika?
+A Russian musical instrument
+What is a bangtail?
+Perforated tag
+What is a bantam?
+What is a barefoot car to a car salesman?
+Bald Tires
+What is a bayadere?
+Hindu dancing girl
+What is a belted galloway?
+A breed of cow
+What is a belvedere?
+Viewing turret
+What is a better known name for a polygraph?
+Lie detector
+What is a better known name of Switzerland's Mont Cervin?
+The matterhorn
+What is a bibliothek in frankfurt?
+What is a black molly?
+Tropical fish
+What is a bleak?
+Freshwater fish
+What is a boats speed measured in?
+What is a Bolero?
+A Spanish dance
+What is a Bombay Duck?
+What is a bone specialist?
+What is a booby?
+Tropical bird
+What is a bouvier des flanders?
+What is a bowler credited with when no runs are scored off his over?
+Maiden over
+What is a branch of a river?
+What is a bridge built on flat-bottomed boats or floating piers which are moored to the riverbed called?
+What is a bridge hand with no cards in one suit called?
+What is a buckey ball made of?
+What is a bullace?
+What is a bushback?
+An antelope
+What is a bushranger?
+Australian bandit
+What is a calm ocean region near the equator?
+What is a calumet?
+Pipe of peace
+What is a camberwell beauty?
+What is a camel's hair brush made of?
+Squirrel fur
+What is a cancer causing substance?
+What is a cancerous tumour?
+What is a Canis Lupus?
+What is a canologist?
+Beer Can Collector
+What is a cartographer?
+Map drawer
+What is a carytid?
+A pillar
+What is a castrated bull called?
+A Steer
+What is a castrated ram?
+What is a castrated sheep called?
+What is a castrated shy sheep called?
+What is a catalogue of languages?
+What is a cello's real name?
+What is a Chelonian a type of?
+What is a chief of the algonquian confederation?
+What is a chihuahua named after?
+Mexican state
+What is a chuckwalla?
+A lizard
+What is a church district called?
+What is a citizen of the city of Los Angeles called?
+What is a clerihew?
+Humorous verse
+What is a clinophobic scared of?
+Going to bed
+What is a cloud of dust and gas in interstellar space called?
+What is a cob and a pen?
+What is a cockchafer?
+A beetle
+What is a cockerel?
+Baby rooster
+What is a coho a type of?
+What is a collector of butterflies and moths called?
+What is a colombophile?
+Pigeon fancier
+What is a condition that causes abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling?
+What is a conundrum?
+What is a cookie in new England?
+What is a cotton mouth?
+What is a cottontail?
+What is a cpu?
+Central processing unit
+What is a crime worse than a misdemeanor?
+What is a cryptogam?
+A plant
+What is a cyclone?
+Area of low pressure
+What is a cyclonic tropical storm with winds at the centre in excess of 74 miles per hour?
+What is a dactylogram?
+What is a dactyologram?
+What is a dasd?
+Direct access storage device
+What is a depilatroy use to eradicate?
+What is a device to stem the flow of blood called?
+What is a dialogue?
+A conversation
+What is a diseased condition resulting from the overuse of beverages such as whisky?
+What is a dish of fried potato often eaten for breakfast?
+Hash browns
+What is a dodecagon?
+A polygon with 12 sides
+What is a dogfish called when it is bought for food?
+Rock salmon
+What is a draped female figure supporting an entablature?
+What is a dried plum called?
+A prune
+What is a dried plum?
+What is a drug or other substance used to produce unconciousness and insensibility to pain?
+What is a dugong?
+A marine mammal
+what is a durmast?
+Oak tree
+What is a epicenter?
+The Center of an earthquake
+What is a faucet to an American?
+What is a fedora?
+What is a female ogre called?
+What is a flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck?
+Erlenmeyer flask
+What is a flat, round hat sometimes worn by soldiers?
+What is a follower of bacchus called?
+What is a french 'German shepherd'?
+What is a french policeman called?
+What is a funambulist?
+Tightrope walker
+What is a galeophobic afraid of?
+What is a gambling game played on numbered cards?
+What is a gastropod?
+A snail
+What is a gatling gun?
+Machine gun
+What is a German 'alsatian'?
+German shepherd
+What is a giant sequoia?
+Redwood tree
+What is a googol?
+A very large number
+What is a government in which power is restricted to a few?
+What is a guanaco?
+Wild llama
+What is a gulag?
+Prison camp
+What is a hajji?
+A pilgrim to mecca
+What is a halberd a type of?
+What is a harness racer's vehicle called?
+What is a heart attack?
+Myocardial infarct
+What is a heavenly body moving under the attraction of the sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail?
+What is a hemidemisemiquaver?
+64th note
+What is a high ranking chess player called?
+What is a hirsute person?
+What is a horse's foot called?
+What is a hot spring that shoots steam into the air?
+What is a hotel-Dieu known as, in France?
+A hospital
+What is a husky most likely to be pulling?
+What is a Jacaranda a type of?
+What is a jampan?
+Sedan chair
+What is a jockey's uniform called?
+What is a julep?
+Iced drink
+What is a killick?
+Stone anchor
+What is a king of egypt?
+What is a kinkajou?
+An animal
+what is a kinkajou?
+What is a kissing gourami?
+Tropical fish
+What is a Klaxon?
+Loud hooter
+What is a kookaburra?
+What is a kurdistan?
+What is a lacrosse ball made of?
+What is a langouste?
+What is a leech a type of?
+What is a Lent Lily also known as?
+What is a Lent lily otherwise known as?
+What is a line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side?
+What is a line of columns supporting a horizontal or arched superstructure?
+What is a linnet?
+What is a lipid?
+What is a long legged snooker rest called?
+What is a long wire wound in a close-packed helix and carrying a current?
+What is a loosely woven fabric generally used for clothing called?
+What is a loss of memory?
+What is a louisville slugger?
+Baseball bat
+What is a low layer of cloud called?
+A nimbostratus
+What is a lux a measure of?
+What is a lycanthrope better known as?
+What is a magazine, temporary fashion, and sung by Madonna?
+What is a malamute?
+Eskimo dog
+What is a male ass?
+What is a male cat?
+What is a male cougar called?
+What is a male deer called?
+What is a male deer?
+What is a male giraffe called?
+A bull
+What is a male sheep?
+What is a male swine called (giggle no ex boyfriends names...)?
+What is a male swine called (no ex boyfriends names...)?
+What is a male whale called?
+What is a male witch called?
+What is a male witch?
+What is a mamba?
+A snake
+What is a man's name ? and means yes?
+What is a mandrill?
+What is a manometer used to measure?
+What is a marmite?
+Earthenware cooking pot
+What is a marsupium?
+What is a mayonnaise flavoured with garlic called?
+What is a meerschaum?
+What is a merman?
+Male mermaid
+What is a Mexican afternoon nap?
+What is a Mexican avocado dip?
+What is a Mexican hairless?
+What is a military governer in Japanese?
+What is a missive?
+What is a moist, fertile spot inside a desert called?
+What is a monkey puzzle?
+What is a moon in its first quarter?
+Two-bit moon
+What is a more common name for the space term, eva?
+Space walking
+What is a more popular name for St.Nicholas?
+Father christmas
+What is a mud puppy?
+What is a musical trill ? and a curly potato snack?
+What is a myocardial infarct?
+Heart attack
+What is a naevus (nevus)?
+What is a narwhal?
+What is a natatorium?
+Swimming pool
+What is a native of tangiers called?
+What is a natterjack?
+What is a nautical knot (international)?
+1.1508 statute miles/hour
+What is a necklace of flowers called in hawaii?
+What is a nephron?
+Filtering unit in the kidney
+What is a nibong a type of?
+Palm tree
+What is a nickelodeon?
+Juke box
+What is a nightjar?
+What is a nilgai?
+A large antelope
+What is a noggin?
+A small cup
+What is a non-cancerous tumour?
+What is a novella?
+Short novel
+What is a one humped camel called?
+What is a one legged camera support called?
+What is a painful stiffness of the muscles and joints?
+What is a paradiddle?
+Drum roll
+What is a perfect score in a game of 10 pin bowling?
+What is a period of play in polo?
+What is a person in his eighties?
+What is a person obstructing progress in a legislative assembly called?
+What is a person who learns late in life called?
+What is a person who maliciously starts fires?
+What is a person with a strong desire to steal?
+What is a pharaoh?
+King of egypt
+What is a pinto a type of?
+Piebald horse
+What is a pipistrel or a flittermouse?
+What is a place where bees are kept called?
+What is a place where oil is processed called?
+What is a planet's apogee?
+Furthest point from the earth
+What is a poilu in France?
+What is a poke in 'a pig in a poke'?
+What is a poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair?
+Full house
+What is a popular anagram of santa?
+Santa claus
+What is a popular name for the sunday before advent?
+Stir up sunday
+What is a popular name for the wood hyacinth?
+What is a Portuguese man o' war?
+What is a Portuguese man of war?
+What is a pregnant goldfish?
+What is a prestidigitator?
+What is a pretzel?
+Salted biscuit
+What is a putsch?
+Revolution attempt
+What is a pyrotechnic display?
+What is a quarterlight?
+Small side window in a car
+What is a radiogram?
+Radio and gramophone
+What is a Rastafarian hair style?
+What is a raven also know as?
+A crow
+What is a receptacle for holy water?
+What is a red blood cell?
+What is a redwood tree?
+Giant sequoia
+What is a regurgitation of acid from the stomach into the aesophagus?
+What is a relationship between two different types of organisms living together for mutual benefit?
+What is a resident of Manchester?
+What is a resident of Moscow called?
+What is a resident of moscow?
+What is a rhinoceros horn made of?
+What is a rhinocerous horn made of?
+What is a Rhodesian Ridgeback?
+What is a ria?
+Flooded river valley
+What is a roll or a knot of hair worn at the back of the head?
+What is a Roman Catholic devotion consisting of prayers or services on nine consecutive days called?
+What is a rood one quarter of?
+What is a rower who competes in an individual event?
+What is a runnel?
+A small stream
+What is a sampan?
+What is a sand mason?
+A worm
+What is a sardine?
+Young herring
+What is a satellite's perigee?
+Closest point to the earth
+What is a sauce made with tomatoes, onions, capers, black olives, anchovies, oregano, and garlic?
+What is a scallion?
+Young onion
+What is a scimitar?
+A sword
+What is a scut?
+A short tail
+What is a second full moon in a month called?
+Blue moon
+What is a set or series of a hundred called?
+A century
+What is a shadow clock?
+What is a shakuhachi?
+Japanese flute
+What is a shallow dish with a cover that is used for science specimens?
+Petri dish
+What is a shark's skeleton made of?
+What is a shazadah?
+Rhesus monkey
+What is a shepherds purse?
+A plant
+What is a siesta?
+Mexican afternoon nap
+What is a sirocco?
+What is a six sided polygon called?
+What is a sixty year anniversary?
+Emerald anniversary
+What is a slang name for diamonds?
+What is a sleepwalker?
+What is a small fertile area in a desert called?
+What is a smooth blenny?
+What is a snailery?
+Snail farm
+What is a snake doing when it sloughs?
+Shedding its skin
+What is a somnambulist?
+What is a sopwith camel?
+What is a sorcerer who deals in black magic called?
+What is a sorcerer who deals in black magic?
+What is a sound called when it bounces back to the person who made it?
+What is a south african coin containing 1 troy ounce of gold called?
+What is a south african coin containing 1 troy ounce of gold?
+What is a spat?
+Baby oyster
+What is a speech at the beginning of a play called?
+What is a sphygmomanometer used to measure?
+Blood pressure
+What is a star called that has a fainter companion?
+Double star
+What is a sternocleidomastoid?
+A muscle
+What is a strobilus?
+Pine cone
+What is a successful contract to win 12 tricks called in bridge?
+A little slam
+What is a sultan's wife called?
+What is a sultan's wife?
+What is a sultana's husband?
+What is a sun dried grape?
+What is a sunbeam that shines down through the clouds called?
+Crespucular rays
+What is a supplement to a will?
+What is a system of government in which states are united for certain purposes, but for others are independent?
+What is a taipan?
+What is a tennis shot hit in the air when close to the net?
+What is a Tibetan priest?
+What is a tightrope walker?
+What is a toboggan course?
+Cresta run
+What is a tokinese?
+What is a tombstone inscription?
+What is a tourbillion?
+What is a trainee jockey under 21 years of age called?
+What is a tremor on the moons surface called?
+What is a triangle whose sides are all of different lengths?
+What is a triangle with a 90 degree angle in it called?
+Right angled triangle
+What is a triangle with three equal sides called?
+What is a triangle with two equal sides called?
+What is a trimaran?
+Boat with three hulls
+What is a trireme?
+A ship
+What is a troika a type of?
+Horse drawn vehicle
+What is a troubadour?
+Wandering minstrel
+What is a Tsunami?
+Tidal wave
+What is a turkey's furcula commonly known as?
+What is a turkey's wishbone?
+What is a turtle?
+What is a twelfth of a foot called?
+An inch
+What is a twenty five year anniversary?
+Silver anniversary
+What is a two-bit moon?
+First quarter
+What is a two-humped dromedary?
+What is a type of painting which is a series of three painted panels that are folded called?
+What is a vade mecum?
+Handy reference book
+What is a vast cloud of dust and gas in interstellar space called?
+What is a vein or fissure in a rock containing mineral deposits called?
+What is a very thin pastry used in Mediterranean cooking?
+What is a violincello?
+What is a VLCC?
+Oil tanker
+What is a wallaby?
+What is a war between parties of the same country?
+Civil war
+What is a warlock?
+Male witch
+What is a water moccasin?
+What is a water taxi?
+What is a wether?
+A castrated ram
+What is a whale's penis called?
+What is a willy willy to australians?
+A hurricane
+What is a wind with a speed of 74 miles or more?
+What is a woolly bear?
+What is a word formed from the initials of other words?
+What is a writ used to produce prisoners at court?
+Habeas corpus
+What is a xerophobic afraid of?
+What is a yellow shafted flicker?
+What is a young beaver called?
+What is a young duck called?
+What is a young female racehorse called?
+A filly
+What is a young fish called?
+What is a young hare called?
+What is a young hawk?
+What is a young horse or pony called?
+What is a young Irish girl called?
+What is a young lion called?
+What is a young onion?
+What is a young otter called?
+What is a young whale?
+What is a young zebra called?
+What is a zeppelin?
+What is abyssinia known as today?
+What is acclaimed as the world's hottest spice?
+What is acetylsalicyclic acid?
+What is acquired immune deficiency syndrome better known as?
+What is acute hasopharyngitis?
+A cold
+What is added to a Welsh Rarebit to make a Buck Rarebit?
+Poached egg
+What is added to brandy to make a sidecar?
+What is added to chalk to produce cement?
+What is added to clay to make bone china?
+Powdered bone
+What is added to rubber when it is vulcanised?
+What is added to soap to make it clear?
+What is added to the ice & water mixture in domestic ice cream makers in order to lower the temperature?
+What is added to water to make tonic water?
+What is advertised on television as being 'reassuringly expensive'?
+Stella artois
+What is africa's second longest river?
+What is air-dried fillet of beef, thinly sliced and used for antipasto?
+What is alberta's most famous lake?
+Lake louise
+What is Alberta's most important tree?
+What is Alberta's most popular annual events?
+Calgary stampede
+What is alfred e neuman's motto?
+Whta, me worry
+What is alfred e neumans motto?
+What me worry
+What is all hallow's eve?
+What is Allen Iverson's son's name?
+Allen ii
+What is amber?
+Fossilized pine resin
+What is ambergis used in the making of?
+What is ambergris?
+Waxy product of the sperm whales stomach
+What is an 'aceituna' in English?
+What is an 'armsaye' in clothing?
+What is an 'earth pig'?
+What is an 'eskimo roll'?
+What is an 'esky' in Australia?
+Beer cooler
+What is an 'islet'?
+Small island
+What is an 'ocarina'?
+Wind instrument
+What is an 'octothorpe'?
+Pound or number symbol
+What is an aasvogel?
+A vulture
+What is an acturial table used for?
+Indicate life expectancy
+What is an ad Valorum tax?
+Property tax
+What is an algonquin?
+What is an allograph?
+Signature made for one person by another
+What is an alloy?
+A mixture of metals
+What is an amulet?
+Lucky charm
+What is an ancient word for a pharmacist?
+What is an angle called if it is less than 90 degrees?
+What is an angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees?
+What is an angle greater than 90 degrees?
+What is an angle less than 90 degrees?
+What is an animal stuffer?
+What is an animal without a backbone called?
+What is an apthong?
+Silent letter
+What is an Argentine cowboy called?
+What is an Australian bandit also known as?
+What is an Australian bushmans Matilda?
+His pack
+What is an eagles nest called?
+What is an ecdysiast?
+What is an economic system characterized by private ownership and competition?
+What is an eight sided polygon called?
+What is an electrical device used to resist the flow of electrical current?
+What is an elver?
+Baby eel
+What is an enclosed car hung from a cable at a ski slope?
+What is an enlargement of the thyroid?
+What is an erythrocyte?
+Red blood cell
+What is an ethnologue?
+Catalogue of languages
+What is an example of a totally untraceable poison?
+What is an example of a tree harvesting method in Canada (c)?
+Clear cutting
+What is an example of a tree harvesting method in Canada (s)?
+Strip cutting
+What is an example of a tree harvesting method in Canada (sel)?
+Selection cutting
+What is an explosive sound, fizzy drink and type of song?
+What is an extra lane on an uphill stretch of motorway provided for slow-moving vehicles called?
+Crawler lane
+What is an extract of fermented and dried orchid pods?
+What is an eyas?
+Young hawk
+What is an eyrie?
+Eagles nest
+What is an ideo locator?
+'you are here' arrow
+What is an igloo built out of?
+What is an illness caused, or made worse by mental factors?
+What is an infant eagle called?
+What is an informal term for the clothing industry?
+Rag trade
+What is an instrument for indicating the depth of the sea beneath a moving vessel called?
+What is an integer that is greater than 1 and divisible only by itself and 1?
+Prime number
+What is an island formed by a volcanic eruption?
+What is an mflop?
+Million floating point operations per second
+What is an object worn as a charm?
+What is an objects abiltiy to store an electrical charge called?
+What is an off break ball that is bowled with a leg break action called?
+What is an ogee curve?
+What is an old word for the letter Z?
+What is an olive in Spanish?
+What is an ophthalmologist?
+Eye doctor
+What is an ornithorhynchus?
+What is an osteopath?
+Bone specialist
+What is an s curve?
+Ogee curve
+What is an SUV to off roaders?
+Sports utility vehicle
+What is an Ulster?
+Long overcoat
+What is an unfledged pigeon called?
+What is anaemia?
+Iron deficiency
+What is annabel chong's real name?
+Grace quek
+What is another name for 'okra'?
+Ladies finger's
+What is another name for a black leopard?
+What is another name for a castle in chess?
+What is another name for a football?
+What is another name for a fruit that is often called a pawpaw?
+What is another name for a lexicon?
+What is another name for a mavis?
+Song thrush
+What is another name for a may tree?
+What is another name for a pigskin?
+What is another name for a red blood cell?
+What is another name for a spiny anteate?
+What is another name for a spiny anteater?
+What is another name for a tomato?
+Love apple
+What is another name for a tombstone inscription?
+What is another name for crude oil?
+Black gold
+What is another name for gristle?
+What is another name for Mount Godwin Austen?
+What is another name for Nitre?
+What is another name for Plexiglass?
+What is another name for termites?
+White ants
+What is another name for tetanus?
+What is another name for the beak of a bird?
+What is another name for the card game 'blackjack'?
+Twenty one
+What is another name for the card game 'twenty one'?
+What is another name for the constellation auriga?
+What is another name for the coyote?
+Prairie wolf
+What is another name for the egg plant?
+What is another name for the energy of motion?
+Kinetic energy
+What is another name for the Feast of the Annunciation?
+Lady day
+What is another name for the prairie wolf?
+What is another name for the sport of logrolling?
+What is another name for the wonder drug Drinamyl and also a medal awarded to wounded US servicemen?
+Purple heart
+What is another name for the Yeti?
+Abominable snowman
+What is another name for thong sandals?
+Flip flops
+What is another name for varicella?
+Chicken pox
+What is another name for vitamin A?
+What is another name for vitamin B1?
+What is another name of iris, that connects heaven and earth?
+What is another term for a badminton bird?
+What is another term for a police informer?
+What is another term for radiolocation?
+What is another term for the instrument sometimes called a 'mouth organ'?
+What is another term for the sternum?
+What is another term for Wildebeest?
+What is apache Indian corn beer?
+What is April's birthstone?
+What is Apu's last name?
+What is aqua fortis?
+What is aquaculture the scientific name for?
+Fish farming 
+What is ars antiqua?
+Musical style
+What is athens' old quarter?
+What is attribution of divine honours on persons (living or dead) called?
+What is Australia's favourite pizza topping?
+What is Australia's island state?
+What is Australia's longest river?
+What is Australias most popular religion?
+What is Baccarat?
+Card game
+What is bad breath?
+What is banana oil produced from?
+What is barbi's full name?
+Barbara millicent roberts
+What is barney rubble's son called?
+What is Barney's short film called (A Star is Burns)?
+What is Bart paid for giving blood?
+$12 and a cookie 
+What is Bart's big brother's name?
+What is basmati?
+What is batman's off-duty name?
+Bruce wayne 
+What is bed-wetting?
+What is Bedfordshire's famous open zoo?
+What is being described - a half spherical framework which can resist forces in any direction and can enclose huge volumes?
+Geodesic dome
+What is bell metal an alloy of?
+Tin & copper
+What is Ben Matlock's trademark outfit?
+A grey suit
+What is best viewed from two tourist viewpoints - the North Rim and the South Rim?
+Grand canyon
+What is better than stone in the paper, stone and scissors game?
+What is between panama and nicaragua?
+Costa rica
+What is big & small?
+Jumbo shrimp
+What is bigger on an african elephant then on an Indian elephant?
+What is Birchibald T. Barlows book called?
+Only Turkeys have left wings 
+What is black gold?
+Crude oil
+What is blackpool in Irish?
+Dubh linn
+What is bladder wrack?
+What is Bok Choy?
+Chinese vegetable
+What is borscht?
+What is bovine spongiform encephalopathy more commonly known as?
+Mad cow disease
+What is bovine spongiform encephalopathy?
+Mad cow disease
+What is brady's profession?
+What is brandy's profession?
+What is brimstone?
+What is Britain's largest wild mammel?
+Grey seal
+What is Britain's second city?
+What is britains largest freshwater fish?
+What is britains largest lake?
+Loch lomond
+What is Britains longest river?
+What is Britains tallest cathedral spire?
+What is British Columbias capital?
+What is bruce wayne's heroic identity?
+What is bruce willis' blues band called?
+What is BSE in humans called?
+What is buckram?
+Coarse linen cloth
+What is Burma now known as?
+What is Burns' oldest dog's name?
+What is c-60 nicknamed?
+What is calcium oxide?
+What is calcium sulphate hemihydrate?
+Plaster of paris
+What is called the Sport of Kings?
+Horse racing
+What is Camilla Parker Bowles' nickname?
+What is Canada nationa animal?
+What is Canada's highest city?
+What is Canada's highest waterfall?
+Della falls
+What is Canada's national animal?
+What is Canada's national sport?
+What is Canada's newest territory?
+What is canis lupus?
+What is Cape Kennedy now called?
+Cape canaveral
+What is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon?
+What is caviar?
+Fish roe
+What is ccdos?
+Chinese character disk operating system
+What is celebrated on 14 July in France?
+Bastille day
+What is changed into a coach for Cinderella?
+What is Chartres Cathedral in France famous for having 160 of?
+Stained glass windows
+What is china's sorrow?
+Yellow river
+What is Chinese checkers played with?
+What is chorizo?
+Spanish salami
+What is christofer columbus known as in Spanish?
+Christobal colon
+What is cl the chemical symbol for?
+What is cliff richard's real name?
+Harry webb
+What is close to Londons Isle of Dogs which leads it to have street names such as Cuba Street,Tobago Street etc?
+West India docks
+What is comedian Rodney Dangerfield's real name?
+Jacob Cohen
+What is comic strip photographer peter parker's secret identity?
+What is commemorated by the Hindu festival of Janmashtami?
+Birth of krishna
+What is commited if a person murders his father?
+What is common spadefoot?
+European toad
+What is commonly considered the fifth sense?
+What is compressed snow also called?
+What is connected to the throat by the eustachian tube?
+What is considered history's greatest military evacuation?
+What is considered tennis's most illustrious championship?
+What is considered the luckiest number in the world?
+What is considered the luckiest number worldwide?
+What is considered the most highly specialised mammal?
+What is considered the sister language of English?
+What is constructed using the Isherwood system?
+What is consumption otherwise known as?
+What is consumption?
+What is converted into alchohol during the brewing process?
+What is created when the speed of sound is exceeded?
+Sonic boom
+What is Cuba's national sport, at which Castro himself was proficient?
+What is cumberland sauce usually served with?
+What is cuneiform?
+Writing system
+What is currer bell's real name?
+Charlotte bronte
+What is dagwood's dog's name?
+What is damask?
+What is Damsulegna's first name?
+What is dan quayle's first name?
+What is Dapnes butlers name in a pup named scooby doo?
+What is Dave (QPR555's) favourite word?
+What is de name of the Dutch ship that sunk at the Australian coast hint: an authentic replica is built in holland?
+What is December's birthstone?
+What is defined as 'a dramatic but unstaged musical composition for soloists, chorus and orchestra, based on a religious theme'?
+What is defined as 'Dry winged fruits, as of ash or maple, often hanging with others in bunches'?
+What is dendrochronology?
+Tree ring dating
+What is dennis the menace's surname?
+What is desserts backwards?
+What is dick turpin's horse's name?
+Black bess
+What is dirty Harry's badge number?
+What is dirty Harry's surname?
+What is divination by means of lines and figures drawn in the earth?
+What is dolomite?
+Mineral found by limestone
+What is Dorian's surname in the TV comedy Birds of a Feather?
+What is dr bombay's real nationality?
+What is dr death's real name (he's a euthanasia facilitator)?
+Dr jack kevorkian
+What is dram?
+Dynamic random access memory
+What is drawing wild but politically favorable electoral districts?
+What is dried marjoram called?
+What is dropped so a plane can land?
+What is dulse?
+An edible seaweed
+What is duplex radiant ring on an electric cooker?
+Two stage ring
+What is e.g. an abbreviation of?
+Exempli gratia
+What is e.t famous for saying?
+E.t phone home
+What is earth's galaxy called?
+Milky way
+What is earwax?
+What is Einstein famous for?
+The Theory of Relativity
+What is Elton John's first band , before he started the solo career?
+What is Elton John's real name?
+Reginald kenneth dwight
+What is elvis costellos real name?
+Declan mcmanus
+What is elvis presley's middle name?
+What is England's best known rifle range?
+What is enuresis?
+What is epidaurus famous for?
+Greek theatre
+What is Esperanto. A...?
+What is Europe's largest island?
+What is Europe's longest river?
+What is Europes longest river?
+The volga
+What is evonne cawley's maiden name?
+Evonne goolagong
+What is exalting one's country above all others?
+What is examined by an otoscope?
+The ear
+What is excessive emphasis on financial gain?
+What is excessive enthusiasm or zeal for a cause?
+What is family name of the Dukes of Wellington?
+What is Fidel Castro's real first name?
+What is finely ground powdered sugar called?
+Icing sugar
+What is foil brand name Alcan an abbreviation of?
+Aluminium of Canada
+What is folk singer Peggy Seegers pop singing daughter called?
+Kirsty mccoll
+What is football called in Italy?
+What is Footballs equivalent of the American football positon called safety?
+What is formed when the Earth comes betwen the Sun and the Moon?
+Lunar eclipse
+What is Formosa otherwise known as?
+What is found in abundance in the north sea?
+What is france's national flower?
+Fleur de lys
+What is france's oldest brandy?
+What is francois marie arouet better known as?
+What is Frasier's surname in the TV sitcom?
+What is french for honey?
+Le miel
+What is French for Saturday?
+What is french national anthem?
+What is frozen carbon dioxide better known as?
+Dry ice
+What is further from the equator____tasmania, tanzania or transylvania
+What is ganja in jamaica?
+What is general wade famous for constructing in the Scottish highlands between 1724 and 1730?
+What is geophagy?
+Practise of eating soil
+What is George W. and Laura Bush's Scottish Terrier name?
+What is gluhwein?
+Mulled wine
+What is Grandma Bouvier's first name?
+What is graphically illustrated in a karnaugh diagram?
+What is Greece's largest island?
+What is greek pita?
+What is green in a pure molten form?
+What is Gregory Pecks first name?
+What is Grimace of the McDonald's characters?
+A tastebud
+What is grimace of the Mcdonald's characters?
+What is ground being 'rested' for a season?
+What is growing plants in liquids rather than soil?
+What is guano?
+Bird and bat droppings
+What is gutzon borglum's most famous work?
+Mount rushmore
+What is haemophilia?
+Hereditary defect that prevents blood clotting
+What is haggis?
+Sheep stomach
+What is hagiology the study of?
+What is halitosis?
+Bad breath
+What is halloween?
+All hallow's eve
+What is Hansard?
+Official record of debates in the house of commons
+What is Harold Macmillans first name?
+What is Harry Houdini famous for being?
+What is harvard university's dramatic society, established in 1848, called?
+Hasty pudding club
+What is having a hole drilled through the cranium supposedly enabling people to reach a higher state of consciousness?
+What is he the chemical symbol for?
+What is Heaven according to Belinda Carlisle?
+A place on earth
+What is heaven called in the Pilgrims Progress?
+Celestial city
+What is heavier, a baseball or a softball?
+What is hercule poirot's nationality?
+What is histology?
+Study of tissues
+What is holland also known as?
+What is Holland's largest ever flood control project called?
+Delta plan
+What is Homer Simpson's favorite beer?
+What is Homer's little brothers name?
+What is horseshoes equivalent to a bulls-eye?
+What is hulk hogan's real name?
+Terry bollea
+What is hypertext markup language?
+What is ichthyology?
+Study of fishes
+What is improved if you sleep on your right side?
+What is in apple pips?
+What is indiana jones main weapon?
+His whip
+What is installed in the world's deepest mine in carletonville?
+Refrigeration plant
+What is Interpol short for?
+International criminal police commision
+What is Interpol short for?
+International Criminal Police Commission
+What is interpol?
+International criminal police
+What is iodine fuming for?
+Latent fingerprints
+What is Iola cat that died on the episode of Mamma's Family?
+What is is group of kangaroos?
+What is it - What is 9 metres high, 7 metres wide and 2,500 kilometres long?
+Great Wall of China
+What is it impossible to keep open while sneezing?
+What is it that walks on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?
+What is it that you kiss to bring you the gift of the gab?
+Blarney stone
+What is it that's inside a barrel of a gun that allows a straighter flight of a bullet?
+What is it to steal property entrusted to one's care?
+What is it when five or fewer water molecules bond tightly together in a ring?
+What is ix?
+What is Jainism?
+Ancient religion
+What is jamaica's nickname?
+Regaa boyz
+What is james herriots other occupation?
+What is january's birthstone?
+What is joanna lumley's role in the new avengers?
+What is John Powell's middle name?
+What is john robertson osbourne's stage name?
+Ozzy osbourne
+What is john wayne's real name?
+Marion morrison
+What is juliet's last name?
+What is June's birthstone?
+What is Kanga's son's name in the Winnie The Pooh stories?
+Baby roo
+What is katmandu the capital of?
+What is Kendo?
+Japanese sword fighting
+What is kept in a portfolio?
+What is kept in the house to keep vampires away?
+What is Kimberley, South Africa well known for?
+What is known as 'the father of waters'?
+Mississippi river
+What is known as amundsen scott station?
+South pole
+What is known as The Bishops Stone?
+What is known as the Lost Continent?
+What is known as The Royal Disease?
+What is known as the royal game?
+What is known as the ship of the desert?
+What is kohlrabi?
+What is Kris Kristoffersons CB handle in Convoy?
+Rubber duck
+What is l'il abner's son named?
+Honest abe
+What is LCD an abbreviation of?
+Liquid Crystal Display
+What is likely to have a watermark?
+What is liquid clay used in pottery?
+What is liquor distilled from the fermented mash of cereal grains and containing about 40 to 50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume?
+What is Lisa's future occupation according to the CANT test?
+What is located at 350 fifth avenue in New York City?
+Empire state building
+What is london's most famous book shop?
+What is Londons Central Criminal Court called?
+The Old Bailey
+What is MacGyver's first name?
+What is madame tussaud's?
+Wax museum
+What is made by heating carbon plasma to 20,000 degrees and condensing it under ultra high pressure?
+What is made from a tree bark that turns a gin pink?
+Angostura bitters
+What is made from chicle?
+Chewing gum
+What is made from the bark of the cinchona tree?
+What is made from wood pulp?
+What is made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and covered with 100% pure blue wool?
+A policemans helmet
+What is made up of England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland?
+United kingdom
+What is made up of the duodenum, jejenum and ileum?
+Small intestine
+What is made with a mix of charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur?
+What is mafia lingo for 'our thing'?
+La cosa nostra
+What is magma?
+Hot molten rock
+What is mainland europes most heavily populated city?
+What is man's most common ailment?
+What is man's most common pain?
+What is Manchester united's nickname?
+Busby babes
+What is march's birthstone?
+What is marchpane?
+What is Margaret Thatcher's middle name?
+What is martha's vineyard?
+An island
+What is Martin's Favourite video game?
+My Diner With Andre
+What is Martin's IQ?
+What is mary westmacott's real name?
+Agatha christie
+What is maryland's state song?
+Maryland my maryland
+What is mauna kea?
+What is max in 'the grinch who stole christmas?
+What is meant by the cookery term ' A La Crecy'?
+Served with carrots
+What is meant by the cooking term farci?
+What is meant in computing terminology by the acronym wysiwyg?
+What you see is what you get
+What is measured by the kelvin scale?
+What is measured in bathy,abyssal and hadal zones?
+Ocean depth
+What is measured in curies?
+What is measured in decibels?
+What is measured in fathoms?
+Depth of water
+What is measured on the Cephalic Index?
+Human head
+What is measured on the Mohs scale?
+Hardness of minerals
+What is measured with a Dines Tilting Syphon?
+What is measured with a hygrometer?
+What is measured with a sphygnomanometer?
+Blood pressure
+What is meat slaughtered according to Muslim law?
+What is Meg Ryan's real name?
+Margaret Hyra
+What is mercury also known as?
+What is michael bolton's real name?
+Michael bolotin
+What is Michael Jackson's middle name?
+What is missing from a navel orange?
+What is missing from the 'venus de milo'?
+What is mixed with Kahlua or Tia Maria to make a Black Russian?
+What is mixed with kahlua to make a 'black Russian'?
+What is mixed with tin to produce bronze?
+What is Mo Mowlam's first name?
+What is Mongolia often called to distinguish it from an autonomous region in China?
+Outer mongolia
+What is Mongolia's famed desert?
+What is Montreal's subway known as?
+What is more addictive than all illicit drugs except crack and heroin combined?
+What is more effective than caffeine for waking up in the morning?
+What is Moscow's famed opera house?
+The bolshoi
+What is Mr. Burns and Bart's blood type?
+Double O Negative 
+What is Mr. Roger's first name?
+What is Mrs. Krabappel's first name?
+What is my favorite dj?
+Funkmaster flex
+What is myrrh?
+Gum resin
+What is name of the tubes that connect the ear & throat?
+What is named after amerigo vespucci?
+What is named after the chequered cloth upon which the reckoning of revenues took place?
+The exchequer
+What is narcissism?
+What is necessary to play a game of pinochle?
+What is new brunswicks highest point at 820 m?
+Mount carleton
+What is New York City's 'street of forgotten men'?
+What is new, last or gibbous?
+What is next higher prime number after 23?
+What is nick leeson's (man who broke barings bank) favourite football club?
+Manchester city
+What is Nintendo mario's brother's name?
+What is nitrous oxide?
+Laughing gas
+What is normal body temperature for an adult human (in degrees fahrenheit)?
+What is normal body temperature for an adult human?
+What is normal body temperature in Celcius?
+What is north America's deepest gorge?
+Hell's canyon
+What is north americas most popular snack food?
+Potato chips
+What is northern rhodesia now known as?
+What is not being able to remember the word you want?
+What is november's birthstone?
+What is now known as the Belgium Congo?
+What is nyoil?
+Nylon impregnated with oil
+What is obtained by placing a fodder crop in an airtight structure and letting it ferment?
+What is odeon an acronym for?
+Oscar deutsch entertains our nation
+What is on a 5000 acre landfill at the head of jamaica bay near New York City?
+John f kennedy airport
+What is on lonely street?
+Heartbreak hotel
+What is on the banks of the river jumna?
+Taj mahal
+What is one of the flavors that make up neopolitan ice cream?
+What is one of the items that the wood of the sycamore tree is used for?
+What is one of the more expensive automobiles in the world?
+What is opposition to the jewish race called?
+What is Oprah Winfrey's real name?
+Oprah Winfrey
+What is ornamental work in silver or gold thread?
+What is paedology?
+Study of soil
+What is Pak Choy?
+Chinese vegetable
+What is Palermo the capital of?
+What is par on a 245 yard golf hole?
+What is pargeting?
+What is pate de fois gras made from?
+Goose livers
+What is Paul mccartney's first name?
+What is penicillin made of?
+Cheese mould
+What is peppermint patty's last name?
+What is permanently frozen sub soil called?
+What is piloted by a pilot fish?
+What is plastic and coated with a film of magnetic iron oxide one ten thousandth of an inch thick?
+Magnetic tape
+What is poisoning caused by a toxin in improperly prepared food?
+What is polio?
+Infantile paralysis
+What is polytetrafluoroethylene?
+What is pontoon called when it is played in a casino?
+What is present day sentosa formally known as?
+Pulau blankang mati
+What is pro football quarterback sonny jurgenson's christian name?
+What is produced when a magnetic chip is put under a magnetic field?
+Magnetic bubble
+What is prosciutto?
+Italian smoked ham
+What is psephology?
+Study of elections
+What is public ownership of the basic means of production, distribution, and exchange?
+What is pure china clay?
+What is quicksilver better known as?
+What is quicksilver?
+What is radar an acronym for?
+Radio detection and ranging
+What is Radio Shack's main brand name?
+What is raku?
+Japanese pottery
+What is Rapec?
+Type of snuff
+What is ray bradbury's illustrated man illustrated with?
+What is receding from Earth by half an inch a year?
+What is recorded with two beams of light?
+What is removed in a splenectomy?
+What is removed with an orchidectomy?
+What is resident of moscow called?
+What is roachford's christian name?
+What is rolled down Cooper's hill in Gloucestershire?
+What is Ronald Reagan's middle name?
+What is Rosemary Clooney's relationship to actor George Clooney?
+What is Rumpoles first name?
+What is Russia's primary spaceport?
+What is rust on copper called?
+What is sad?
+Seasonal affective disorder
+What is sade's real name?
+Helen adu
+What is said to be the mother of all invention?
+What is salicyclic acid better known as?
+What is sally ride's scientific calling?
+What is SALT an acronym for?
+Strategic arms limitation talks
+What is saltimbocca?
+An Italian dish of ham and veal
+What is samian ware?
+Fine pottery
+What is san francisco known as?
+Queen of the pacific
+What is san francisco's equivalent to sydney's 'city to surf' race?
+Bay to breakers footrace
+What is schizophrenia?
+Hallucinations and delusions
+What is sclerotinite?
+Fungal remains
+What is Scotlands Oil City?
+What is SCUBA an acronym for?
+Self contained underwater breathing apparatus
+What is Sebastian Coe's middle name?
+What is semiotics?
+Study of signs and symbols
+What is sex on the internet called?
+What is Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night' also known as?
+What you will
+What is Shakespeares shortest play?
+What is shed when you desquamate?
+What is shed when you desuamate?
+What is shredded to make sauerkraut?
+What is Siberia's Baikal the worlds deepest example of?
+What is singapore's main airport?
+Changi international airport
+What is Sir John De Mentieth famous for?
+Capturing sir william wallace
+What is sir robert helpman's field of fame?
+What is sliced into very thin sheets to make a marquetry picture?
+What is sliced raw fish?
+What is smut?
+Plant disease
+What is so distinctive about a palmiped's feet?
+They're webbed
+What is something that allows electricity to pass through it?
+A conductor
+What is sometimes added to softdrinks to make them sweeter?
+What is sorghum?
+Cereal crop
+What is south africa's national flower?
+What is south America's largest country?
+What is South America's version of the Ostrich?
+What is southern rhodesia now known as?
+What is Spain's biggest source of income?
+What is Spain's highest mountain?
+Mount teide
+What is speaking with hesitation?
+What is spoken defamation called?
+What is Springfields equivalent to Hard Copy?
+Rock Bottom 
+What is st clare patron saint of?
+What is St Nicholas the patron saint of?
+What is St.Clare the patron saint of?
+What is statistically the safest age of life?
+What is Sting's real name?
+Gordon sumner
+What is stolen by tom, tom the piper's son?
+What is stored in a camel's hump?
+What is striped on a tiger, besides it's fur?
+It's skin
+What is stuffed with a sheep's carcass stuffed with chickens stuffed with fish stuffed with eggs?
+Roast camel
+What is stuka an acronym for?
+What is supposed to bring bad luck if you break it?
+What is Surrey Cricket Club's home ground?
+What is surrounded by amniotic fluid?
+Unborn baby
+What is susan hampshire's surprising disability?
+What is sushi?
+Raw fish
+What is switching letters (e.g saying jag of flapan instead of flag of Japan)?
+What is Switzerland's most spoken language?
+What is Switzerland's official neutral name?
+Helvetic confederation
+What is sydney's equivalent to the san francisco 'bay to breakers' footrace?
+City to surf race
+What is taedium vitae?
+Weariness of life
+What is tansy?
+What is tattooed on glen campbell's arm?
+What is tattooed on popeye's arm?
+What is Tennessee Williams' real name?
+Thomas lanier williams
+What is th ecollective name for rain,snow, hail and sleet?
+What is th ename of an unmanned spacecraft on an exploratory mission?
+What is th ename of the huge 3 tiered roman aqueduct built in AD14 between Uzes and Nimes in France?
+Pont du gard
+What is th ename of the northern light phenomenon caused by charged particles striking the earths atmosphere?
+Aurora borealis
+What is th eterm for the driver of a team of Huskies?
+What is th eworlds driest desert?
+Atacama desert
+What is thanatology the scientific study of?
+What is the 'American pastime'?
+What is the 'big bang' said to have created?
+What is the 'bishop's stone'?
+What is the 'bole' of a tree?
+What is the 'codename' for netscape's navigator web browser?
+What is the 'cresta run'?
+Toboggan course
+What is the 'd' in dwight d eisenhower's name?
+What is the 'f' in john f kennedy?
+What is the 'freemantle doctor', that occurs most afternoons in perth?
+What is the 'lambeth walk'?
+A dance
+What is the 'nickname' of the university of minnesota?
+Golden gophers
+What is the 'pound' or 'number' symbol on the telephone?
+What is the 'stinky rose'?
+What is the 'word' used for multiple personality disorder?
+What is the 'x' on a railroad crossing?
+What is the 100 year old safe in Washington dc?
+Centennial safe
+What is the 13.5 ton chime on london's tower clock?
+Big ben
+What is the 15' by 18' cell that 146 captured British officers were forced into by Indian troops in the 19th century?
+Black hole of calcutta
+What is the 18th letter of the English alphabet?
+What is the 1983 bryan adams album which features the hit 'cuts like a knife'?
+Cuts like a knife
+What is the 25,000 year old treasure of Altamira?
+Cave painting
+What is the 2nd fastest fish in the world?
+What is the 2nd fastest mammel in the world?
+What is the 2nd largest continent?
+What is the 2nd largest country in South America?
+What is the 2nd largest ocean?
+What is the 2nd largest planet in the solar system?
+What is the 2nd largest provience in Canada?
+What is the 30th longest river in the world?
+The Thames
+What is the 3rd book of the Bible?
+What is the 3rd largest island by area in the Republic of Indonesia?
+What is the 4th in the Harry Potter series of books?
+Harry potter and the goblet of fire
+What is the a baby herring known as?
+What is the abbreviation for lake minnetonka?
+Lake tonka
+What is the abbreviation for the organisation founded in 1824 to enforce laws to protect animals?
+What is the abbreviation of trinitrotoluene?
+What is the ability to move objects with mind power called?
+What is the acronym for 'yet another hierarchical officious oracle'?
+What is the acronym for an image produced by aligning molecular crystals?
+What is the act of founding settlements abroad?
+What is the active ingredient in head and shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo?
+Zinc pyrithione
+What is the active ingredient in oxy anti pimple cream?
+Benzoyl peroxide
+What is the active ingredient in smelling salts?
+What is the actor's union known as?
+What is the actual vat in Romania?
+What is the address Donald Duck lives at?
+1313 webfoot walk, duckburg, calisota
+What is the administrative centre of Hampshire?
+What is the Aloha State?
+What is the alternative name for a line of latiitude on a map?
+What is the alternative name for a line of longitude on a map?
+What is the alternative name for a line of meridian on a map?
+What is the alternative name for Indian Corn?
+What is the alternative name for rabies?
+What is the alternative name for the coastal plant the sea pink, which featured on the reverse of the old threepenny bit?
+What is the alternative name for the Galaxy?
+Milky way
+What is the alternative name for Xrays?
+Rontgen rays
+What is the alternative name of Beethoven's sonata number 14 in C sharp minor?
+What is the alternative name of the foodstuff called scallions?
+Spring onions
+What is the alternative name of the foodstuff called sea asparagus?
+What is the American equivalent of the nikkei?
+Dow jones index
+What is the anatomical name for the bones of a human's fingers and toes?
+What is the anatomical term for the voice box?
+What is the ancient chinese art of placement called?
+Feng shui
+What is the ancient religious language of India?
+What is the animated videogame by Don Bluth, where the hero had to work his way through a trap infested castle?
+Dragons lair
+What is the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?
+What is the applied science to the study of society?
+What is the approximate speed of light?
+186,000 miles per second
+What is the approximate temperature on the planet Pluto?
+Minus 230 degrees celsius
+What is the aquatic nickname of Schubert's Piano Quintet in A?
+The trout quintet
+What is the arabic answer to the roman subtraction ' m minus ix '?
+What is the area code for cruise ships in the Atlantic Ocean?
+What is the area of water between Alaska and Russia?
+Bering strait
+What is the Armenian religion?
+What is the arrow of a crossbow called?
+A bolt
+What is the art of bell-ringing called?
+What is the art of composing dances?
+What is the art of fighting with gloves on the hand?
+What is the art of paper folding called?
+What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them?
+What is the art of writing decoratively called?
+What is the artificial international language invented in 1887 called?
+What is the asiatic cordial kumiss made from?
+Cows milk
+What is the assumption that natural things have feelings like human beings called?
+Pathetic fallacy
+What is the astringent lotion obtained from north American trees?
+Witch hazel
+What is the astronomical name for a group of stars?
+What is the atomic mass of bromine?
+What is the atomic mass of lithium?
+What is the atomic mass of molybdenum?
+What is the atomic mass of platinum?
+What is the atomic mass of sulphur?
+What is the atomic number for californium?
+Ninety eight
+What is the atomic number for hydrogen (h)?
+What is the atomic number for oxygen?
+What is the atomic number for palladium?
+Forty six
+What is the atomic number for thalium?
+Eighty one
+What is the atomic number of cesium?
+What is the atomic number of tungsten?
+What is the atomic weight of arsenic?
+Seventy five
+What is the atomic weight of uranium?
+Ninety two
+What is the attribution of human attributes to a deity?
+What is the Australian sea wasp?
+What is the average duration of sexual intercourse for humans?
+Two minutes
+What is the average iq level of all living people?
+What is the average lifespan of a major league baseball?
+Five to seven pitches
+What is the average lifespan of a tastebud?
+Ten days
+What is the average longevity of a chipmunk?
+6 years
+What is the average speed of a running pig?
+7.5 mph
+What is the average temperature (f) at the South Pole?
+What is the b-17 bomber's nickname?
+Flying fortress
+What is the back boundary line in tennis called?
+What is the back boundary line in tennis?
+What is the back boundry line in tennis called?
+What is the back of a ship called?
+What is the back seat of a motorbike called?
+What is the ball on top of a flagpole called?
+What is the banking system in the u.s known as?
+Federal reserve system
+What is the base number in the duodecimal system?
+What is the base twenty numbering system?
+What is the basic flavouring of kahlua?
+What is the basic unit of currency for albania?
+What is the basic unit of currency for algeria?
+What is the basic unit of currency for andorra?
+What is the basic unit of currency for angola?
+What is the basic unit of currency for antigua and barbuda?
+What is the basic unit of currency for argentina?
+What is the basic unit of currency for armenia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Australia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Austria?
+What is the basic unit of currency for azerbaijan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for bahamas?
+What is the basic unit of currency for bahrain?
+What is the basic unit of currency for bangladesh?
+What is the basic unit of currency for barbados?
+What is the basic unit of currency for belarus?
+What is the basic unit of currency for belgium?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Belize?
+What is the basic unit of currency for benin?
+What is the basic unit of currency for bhutan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for bolivia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for bosnia and herzegovina?
+What is the basic unit of currency for botswana?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Brazil?
+What is the basic unit of currency for brunei?
+What is the basic unit of currency for bulgaria?
+What is the basic unit of currency for burkina faso?
+What is the basic unit of currency for burundi?
+What is the basic unit of currency for cambodia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for cameroon?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Canada?
+What is the basic unit of currency for cape verde?
+What is the basic unit of currency for central african republic?
+What is the basic unit of currency for chad?
+What is the basic unit of currency for chile?
+What is the basic unit of currency for georgia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for India?
+What is the basic unit of currency for indonesia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for iran?
+What is the basic unit of currency for iraq?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Ireland?
+What is the basic unit of currency for israel?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Italy?
+What is the basic unit of currency for ivory coast?
+What is the basic unit of currency for jamaica?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Japan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for jordan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for kazakhstan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for kenya?
+What is the basic unit of currency for kiribati?
+What is the basic unit of currency for kuwait?
+What is the basic unit of currency for kyrgyzstan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for laos?
+What is the basic unit of currency for latvia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for lebanon?
+What is the basic unit of currency for lesotho?
+What is the basic unit of currency for liberia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for libya?
+What is the basic unit of currency for liechtenstein?
+What is the basic unit of currency for lithuania?
+What is the basic unit of currency for luxembourg?
+What is the basic unit of currency for macao?
+What is the basic unit of currency for macedonia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for madagascar?
+What is the basic unit of currency for malawi?
+What is the basic unit of currency for malaysia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for maldives?
+What is the basic unit of currency for mali?
+What is the basic unit of currency for malta?
+What is the basic unit of currency for marshall islands?
+What is the basic unit of currency for mauritania?
+What is the basic unit of currency for mauritius?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Mexico?
+What is the basic unit of currency for micronesia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for moldova?
+What is the basic unit of currency for monaco?
+What is the basic unit of currency for mongolia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Morocco?
+What is the basic unit of currency for mozambique?
+What is the basic unit of currency for myanmar?
+What is the basic unit of currency for namibia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for nauru?
+What is the basic unit of currency for nepal?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Netherlands?
+What is the basic unit of currency for new zealand?
+What is the basic unit of currency for nicaragua?
+What is the basic unit of currency for niger?
+What is the basic unit of currency for nigeria?
+What is the basic unit of currency for north korea?
+What is the basic unit of currency for norway?
+What is the basic unit of currency for oman?
+What is the basic unit of currency for pakistan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for palau?
+What is the basic unit of currency for panama?
+What is the basic unit of currency for papua new guinea?
+What is the basic unit of currency for paraguay?
+What is the basic unit of currency for peru?
+What is the basic unit of currency for philippines?
+What is the basic unit of currency for poland?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Portugal?
+What is the basic unit of currency for qatar?
+What is the basic unit of currency for romania?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Russia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for rwanda?
+What is the basic unit of currency for saint kitts and nevis?
+What is the basic unit of currency for saint lucia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for saint vincent and the grenadines?
+What is the basic unit of currency for tajikistan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for tonga?
+What is the basic unit of currency for uruguay?
+What is the basic unit of currency for uzbekistan?
+What is the basic unit of currency for vanuatu?
+What is the basic unit of currency for vatican city?
+What is the basic unit of currency for venezuela?
+What is the basic unit of currency for vietnam?
+What is the basic unit of currency for yemen?
+What is the basic unit of currency for Yugoslavia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for zambia?
+What is the basic unit of currency for zimbabwe?
+What is the basis of the dish 'Hummus'?
+Chick peas
+What is the basis of the Indian dish 'Riata'?
+What is the Basques national game?
+What is the Bayeux tapestry if it isnt a tapestry?
+An embroidery
+What is the bbc's longest running tv program?
+What is the beaufort scale used to measure?
+Wind speed
+What is the belief in living a very austere and self-denying life?
+What is the belief in the existence of a god or gods?
+What is the belief that there is no god?
+What is the belt of low pressure around the equator called?
+What is the best remembered crash to have occurred on october 29th, 1929?
+The wall street crash
+What is the best score in blackjack?
+Twenty one
+What is the best selling car of all time?
+Toyota corolla
+What is the best selling personal computer game of all time?
+What is the better known identity of minus 273.15 degrees celsius?
+Absolute zero
+What is the better known name for Romes Flavian Amphitheatre?
+The colosseum
+What is the better known name of Edson Arantes do Nascimento?
+What is the better known name of the elegant dancing star Tula Finklea?
+Cyd charisse
+What is the better known name of writer Madame Dudevant?
+George sand
+What is the better-known identity of the earl of huntingdon?
+Robin hood
+What is the better-known name of the card game Twenty-One?
+What is the big apple?
+New york city
+What is the biggest advertizer in the world?
+Procter and gamble
+What is the biggest bay on the north American continent?
+Hudson bay
+What is the biggest structure on earth made by living creatures?
+Great barrier reef
+What is the billionth digit of 'pi'?
+What is the binary equivalent of decimal 10?
+What is the binot simon scale used to measure?
+What is the birthplace (city) of the late john candy?
+What is the birthstone for april?
+What is the birthstone for january?
+What is the birthstone for november?
+What is the birthstone for the month of January?
+What is the birthstone of someone born on Christmas Day?
+What is the blue in blue cheese?
+What is the board game where it pays to know your trivia?
+Trivial pursuit
+What is the boiling point of water on the fahrenheit scale?
+What is the bone at the end of the spine?
+What is the bookmakers term for betting chances?
+What is the botanical name of the flower known as 'Autumn Crocus'?
+What is the bottom colour of a rainbow?
+What is the boundary of the southern frigid zone?
+Antartic Circle
+What is the bowling term for three straight strikes?
+What is the branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures?
+What is the branch of theology which concerns itself with the grounds and defense of the christian faith?
+What is the breastbone also known as?
+What is the brightest asteroid?
+What is the brightest common object in the sky after the sun and the moon?
+What is the brightest planet seen from earth?
+What is the brightest star in the night sky?
+What is the British dish made from cheddar cheese and beer?
+Welsh rarebit
+What is the British equivalent of the game known in America as 'Tick-Tack-Toe'?
+Noughts and crosses
+What is the British equivalent of the US Navy rank Rear Admiral (lower half)?
+What is the buchmans' child's name?
+What is the buchmans' dog's name?
+What is the bullseye worth in archery?
+What is the bundestag?
+German parliament
+What is the bunny called in Friar Wiggum's Fantastical Beastarium?
+What is the by-product of lightening?
+What is the cajun country of louisiana also known as?
+What is the cakewalk?
+A dance
+What is the call name for soviet mission control?
+What is the Canadian equivalent of the krugerrand?
+Maple leaf
+What is the cap on the fire hydrant called?
+What is the capiatal of haiti?
+Port au prince
+What is the capital city of Azerbaijan?
+What is the capital city of Botswana?
+What is the capital city of Papua New Guinea?
+Port moresby
+What is the capital city of Surinam?
+What Is The Capital City Of Switzerland?
+What is the capital city of Tennessee?
+What is the capital city of the cote d'ivoire?
+What is the capital city of the kingdom of tonga?
+What is the capital city of the middle east state of qatar?
+What is the capital of alabama?
+What is the capital of Alberta?
+What is the capital of antigua & barbuda?
+St john's
+What is the capital of arizona?
+What is the capital of bahamas?
+What is the capital of Bavaria?
+What is the capital of Brazil?
+What is the capital of burkino faso?
+What is the capital of Canada's neighboring city in quebec?
+What is the capital of Chechnya?
+What is the capital of columbia?
+What is the capital of connecticut?
+What is the capital of costa rica?
+San jose
+What is the capital of Croati?
+What is the capital of czechoslovakia?
+What is the capital of delaware?
+What is the capital of England?
+What is the capital of Florida?
+What is the capital of georgia?
+What is the capital of guinea?
+What is the capital of hawaii?
+What is the capital of holland?
+What is the capital of honduras?
+What is the capital of hong kong?
+What is the capital of indiana?
+What is the capital of iran?
+What is the capital of kazakstan?
+What is the capital of Kentucky?
+What is the capital of Kosovo?
+What is the capital of Lichtenstein?
+What is the capital of louisiana?
+Baton rouge
+What is the capital of Majorca?
+What is the capital of malta?
+What is the capital of massachusetts?
+What is the capital of minnesota?
+Saint Paul
+What is the capital of mississippi?
+What is the capital of Mongolia?
+What is the capital of nepal?
+What is the capital of nevada?
+Carson city
+What is the capital of new brunswick?
+What is the capital of new jersey?
+What is the capital of New Mexico?
+Santa fe
+What is the capital of New York?
+What is the capital of nigeria?
+What is the capital of north vietnam?
+What is the capital of nova scotia?
+What is the capital of of norway?
+What is the capital of oklahoma?
+Oklahoma city
+What is the capital of pennsylvania?
+What is the capital of Queensland?
+What is the capital of rhode island?
+What is the capital of San Salvador?
+El salvador
+What is the capital of South Dakota?
+What is the capital of south vietnam?
+What is the capital of Southern Australia?
+What is the capital of St Lucia?
+What is the capital of st vincent and the grenadines?
+What is the capital of Switzerland?
+What is the capital of tahiti?
+What is the capital of tanzania?
+What is the capital of Tasmania?
+What is the capital of the african country of the ivory coast?
+What is the capital of the Alsace region of France?
+What is the capital of the Australia's Northern Territory?
+What is the capital of the Canadian province of British Columbia?
+What is the capital of the Canadian province of Ontario?
+What is the capital of the central african republic?
+What is the capital of the district of kosovo?
+What is the capital of the former zaire?
+What is the capital of the Philippines?
+What is the capital of the seychelles?
+What is the capital of the Spanish province Cantabria?
+What is the capital of the Spanish region of aragon?
+What is the capital of the Spanish region of navarre?
+What is the capital of the state of California?
+What is the capital of the state of Connecticut?
+What is the capital of the state of Minnesota?
+St. Paul
+What is the capital of the state of Ohio?
+What is the capital of the state of Oklahoma?
+Oklahoma city
+What is the capital of the state of Virginia?
+What is the capital of the state of West Virginia?
+What is the capital of the state of Wisconsin?
+What is the capital of the Tuscany region of Italy?
+What is the capital of the US state of Delaware?
+What is the capital of the US state of Oregon?
+What is the capital of trinidad & tobago?
+Port of Spain
+What is the capital of utah?
+Salt lake city
+What is the capital of vermont?
+What is the capital of West Germany?
+What is the Capital of: Afghanistan?
+What is the Capital of: Albania?
+What is the Capital of: Algeria?
+What is the Capital of: American Samoa?
+Pago pago
+What is the Capital of: Andorra?
+Andorra la vella
+What is the Capital of: Angola?
+What is the Capital of: Anguilla?
+The valley
+What is the Capital of: Antigua and Barbuda?
+Saint john's
+What is the Capital of: Argentina?
+Buenos aires
+What is the Capital of: Armenia?
+What is the Capital of: Aruba?
+What is the Capital of: Austria?
+What is the Capital of: Azerbaijan?
+What is the Capital of: Bahamas, The?
+What is the Capital of: Bahrain?
+What is the Capital of: Bangladesh?
+What is the Capital of: Barbados?
+What is the Capital of: Belgium?
+What is the Capital of: Belize?
+What is the Capital of: Benin?
+What is the Capital of: Bermuda?
+What is the Capital of: Bhutan?
+What is the Capital of: Bolivia?
+La paz
+What is the Capital of: Bosnia and Herzegovina?
+What is the Capital of: Botswana?
+What is the Capital of: Brazil?
+What is the Capital of: British Virgin Islands?
+Road town
+What is the Capital of: Brunei?
+Bandar seri begawan
+What is the Capital of: Bulgaria?
+What is the Capital of: Burkina Faso?
+What is the Capital of: Burundi?
+What is the Capital of: Cambodia?
+Phnom penh
+What is the Capital of: Cameroon?
+What is the Capital of: Canada?
+What is the Capital of: Cape Verde?
+What is the Capital of: Cayman Islands?
+George town
+What is the Capital of: Central African Republic?
+What is the Capital of: Chad?
+What is the Capital of: Chile?
+What is the Capital of: China?
+What is the Capital of: Christmas Island?
+The settlement
+What is the Capital of: Cocos Islands?
+West island
+What is the Capital of: Colombia?
+What is the Capital of: Comoros?
+What is the Capital of: Congo ,Republic of the?
+What is the Capital of: Congo, Dem. Rep. of the?
+What is the Capital of: Cook Islands?
+What is the Capital of: Cote d'Ivoire?
+What is the Capital of: Croatia?
+What is the Capital of: Cuba?
+What is the Capital of: Cyprus?
+What is the Capital of: Czech Republic?
+What is the Capital of: Denmark?
+What is the Capital of: Djibouti?
+What is the Capital of: Dominica?
+What is the Capital of: Dominican Republic?
+Santo domingo
+What is the Capital of: Ecuador?
+What is the Capital of: Egypt?
+What is the Capital of: El Salvador?
+San salvador
+What is the Capital of: Equatorial Guinea?
+What is the Capital of: Eritrea?
+What is the Capital of: Estonia?
+What is the Capital of: Ethiopia?
+Addis ababa
+What is the Capital of: Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)?
+What is the Capital of: Faroe Islands?
+What is the Capital of: Fiji?
+What is the Capital of: Finland?
+What is the Capital of: France?
+What is the Capital of: French Guiana?
+What is the Capital of: French Polynesia?
+What is the Capital of: Gabon?
+What is the Capital of: Gambia ,The?
+What is the Capital of: Georgia?
+What is the Capital of: Germany?
+What is the Capital of: Ghana?
+What is the Capital of: Gibraltar?
+What is the Capital of: Greece?
+What is the Capital of: Greenland?
+What is the Capital of: Grenada?
+Saint george's
+What is the Capital of: Guadeloupe?
+What is the Capital of: Guam?
+What is the Capital of: Guatemala?
+What is the Capital of: Guernsey?
+Saint peter port
+What is the Capital of: Guinea-Bissau?
+What is the Capital of: Guinea?
+What is the Capital of: Guyana?
+What is the Capital of: Haiti?
+What is the Capital of: Holy See (Vatican City)?
+Vatican city
+What is the Capital of: Honduras?
+What is the Capital of: Hong Kong SAR?
+What is the Capital of: Hungary?
+What is the Capital of: Iceland?
+What is the Capital of: Indonesia?
+What is the Capital of: Iran?
+What is the Capital of: Iraq?
+What is the Capital of: Ireland?
+What is the Capital of: Israel?
+What is the Capital of: Italy?
+What is the Capital of: Jamaica?
+What is the Capital of: Japan?
+What is the Capital of: Jersey?
+Saint helier
+What is the Capital of: Jordan?
+What is the Capital of: Kazakhstan?
+What is the Capital of: Kenya?
+What is the Capital of: Kiribati?
+What is the Capital of: Korea North?
+What is the Capital of: Korea South?
+What is the Capital of: Kuwait?
+What is the Capital of: Kyrgyzstan?
+What is the Capital of: Laos?
+What is the Capital of: Latvia?
+What is the Capital of: Lebanon?
+What is the Capital of: Lesotho?
+What is the Capital of: Liberia?
+What is the Capital of: Libya?
+What is the Capital of: Liechtenstein?
+What is the Capital of: Lithuania?
+What is the Capital of: Luxembourg?
+What is the Capital of: Macau SAR?
+What is the Capital of: Macedonia?
+What is the Capital of: Madagascar?
+What is the Capital of: Malawi?
+What is the Capital of: Malaysia?
+Kuala lumpur
+What is the Capital of: Maldives?
+What is the Capital of: Mali?
+What is the Capital of: Malta?
+What is the Capital of: Man, Isle of?
+What is the Capital of: Marshall Islands?
+What is the Capital of: Martinique?
+What is the Capital of: Mauritania?
+What is the Capital of: Mauritius?
+Port louis
+What is the Capital of: Mayotte?
+What is the Capital of: Mexico?
+What is the Capital of: Micronesia, Federated States of?
+What is the Capital of: Moldova?
+What is the Capital of: Monaco?
+What is the Capital of: Mongolia?
+What is the Capital of: Montserrat?
+What is the Capital of: Morocco?
+What is the Capital of: Mozambique?
+What is the Capital of: Namibia?
+What is the Capital of: Nauru?
+No official capital
+What is the Capital of: Nepal?
+What is the Capital of: Netherlands Antilles?
+What is the Capital of: Netherlands?
+What is the Capital of: New Caledonia?
+What is the Capital of: New Zealand?
+What is the Capital of: Nicaragua?
+What is the Capital of: Niger?
+What is the Capital of: Nigeria?
+What is the Capital of: Niue?
+What is the Capital of: Norfolk Island?
+What is the Capital of: Northern Mariana Islands?
+What is the Capital of: Norway?
+What is the Capital of: Oman?
+What is the Capital of: Pakistan?
+What is the Capital of: Palau?
+What is the Capital of: Panama?
+What is the Capital of: Papua New Guinea?
+Port moresby
+What is the Capital of: Paraguay?
+What is the Capital of: Peru?
+What is the Capital of: Philippines?
+What is the Capital of: Pitcairn Islands?
+What is the Capital of: Poland?
+What is the Capital of: Portugal?
+What is the Capital of: Puerto Rico?
+San juan
+What is the Capital of: Qatar?
+What is the Capital of: Reunion?
+What is the Capital of: Romania?
+What is the Capital of: Russia?
+What is the Capital of: Rwanda?
+What is the Capital of: Saint Helena?
+What is the Capital of: Saint Kitts and Nevis?
+What is the Capital of: Saint Lucia?
+What is the Capital of: Saint Pierre and Miquelon?
+What is the Capital of: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines?
+What is the Capital of: Samoa?
+What is the Capital of: San Marino?
+San marino
+What is the Capital of: Sao Tome and Principe?
+Sao tome
+What is the Capital of: Saudi Arabia?
+What is the Capital of: Senegal?
+What is the Capital of: Serbia and Montenegro?
+What is the Capital of: Seychelles?
+What is the Capital of: Sierra Leone?
+What is the Capital of: Singapore?
+What is the Capital of: Slovakia?
+What is the Capital of: Slovenia?
+What is the Capital of: Solomon Islands?
+What is the Capital of: Somalia?
+What is the Capital of: South Africa?
+What is the Capital of: Spain?
+What is the Capital of: Sri Lanka?
+What is the Capital of: Sudan?
+What is the Capital of: Suriname?
+What is the Capital of: Svalbard?
+What is the Capital of: Swaziland?
+What is the Capital of: Sweden?
+What is the Capital of: Switzerland?
+What is the Capital of: Syria?
+What is the Capital of: Taiwan?
+What is the Capital of: Tajikistan?
+What is the Capital of: Tanzania?
+Dar es salaam
+What is the Capital of: Thailand?
+What is the Capital of: Togo?
+What is the Capital of: Tokelau?
+No official capital
+What is the Capital of: Tonga?
+What is the Capital of: Trinidad and Tobago?
+What is the Capital of: Tunisia?
+What is the Capital of: Turkey?
+What is the Capital of: Turkmenistan?
+What is the Capital of: Turks and Caicos Islands?
+Grand turk
+What is the Capital of: Tuvalu?
+What is the Capital of: Uganda?
+What is the Capital of: Ukraine?
+What is the Capital of: United Arab Emirates?
+Abu dhabi
+What is the Capital of: United Kingdom?
+What is the Capital of: United States?
+Washington dc
+What is the Capital of: Uruguay?
+What is the Capital of: Uzbekistan?
+What is the Capital of: Vanuatu?
+What is the Capital of: Vietnam?
+What is the Capital of: Virgin Islands?
+Charlotte amalie
+What is the Capital of: Wallis and Futuna?
+What is the Capital of: Yemen?
+What is the Capital of: Zambia?
+What is the Capital of: Zimbabwe?
+What is the capitol of the marshall islands?
+What is the captain of a curling foursome called?
+What is the captain of a yacht usually called?
+What is the captial of Libya?
+What is the captital of venezuela?
+What is the cardinal number for a set of 10 elephants?
+What is the Cat Burglar's real name?
+What is the centre division of a backgammon board called?
+What is the centre of a hurricane called?
+What is the centre of an archery target called?
+What is the chant of the hiding nerds?
+What is the character napoleon in one of george orwell's novels?
+What is the character of French wine described as 'mousseaux'?
+What is the chemical flouride said to prevent?
+Tooth decay
+What is the chemical formula for rubidium bromide, the only one known to be a palindrome?
+What is the chemical formula for water?
+What is the chemical name for the mineral known as 'fool's gold'?
+Iron sulphide
+What is the chemical name for vitamin c?
+Ascorbic acid
+What is the chemical name for water?
+Hydrogen oxide
+What is the chemical symbol for Aluminum?
+What is the chemical symbol for antimony?
+What is the chemical symbol for Arsenic?
+What is the chemical symbol for Boron?
+What is the chemical symbol for Bromine?
+What is the chemical symbol for Calcium?
+What is the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide?
+What is the chemical symbol for carbon?
+What is the chemical symbol for chlorine?
+What is the chemical symbol for fluorine?
+What is the chemical symbol for gallium?
+What is the chemical symbol for Nickel?
+What is the chemical symbol for Oxygen?
+What is the chemical symbol for platinum?
+What is the chemical symbol for plutonium?
+What is the chemical symbol for Rubidium?
+What is the chemical symbol for scandium?
+What is the chemical symbol for silicon?
+What is the chemical symbol for Sulfur?
+What is the chemical symbol for tin?
+What is the chemical symbol for vandium?
+What is the chemical symbol for Xenon?
+What is the chief characteristic of hydroponic cultivation of plants?
+No soil
+What is the chief food of most termites?
+What is the chief monetary unit of croatia?
+What is the chief ore of mercury?
+What is the chief river of Germany?
+What is the Chilean Pine commonly known as?
+Monkey puzzle
+What is the chilean pine tree better known as?
+Monkey puzzle
+What is the chinese practice of treating illness by inserting needles into the body called?
+What is the Christian (Latin) name for the place which the Hebrews called Golgotha, (In Aramaic, 'The Place of the Skulls)?
+What is the Christian name of H.G. Wells' Mr Polly?
+What is the Christian name of the Spanish conquistador Pizarro?
+What is the chronicle of the nazi siege of leningrad?
+The 900 days
+What is the Church of Englands smallest administrative unit?
+What is the cincinnati baseball team called?
+What is the circle of the earth at 0 degrees latitude?
+What is the claim to fame of Agra, India?
+Taj Mahal
+What is the clarified butter used in Indian cuisine?
+What is the classic fillies race run over the derby course?
+What is the clavicle?
+What is the cleveland baseball team called?
+What is the closely cut grass that surrounds a golf green?
+What is the closest county to the Isle of Wight?
+What is the closest distance that cuba is from the usa?
+90 miles
+What is the closest planet to the sun?
+What is the closest relationship your father's sister-in-law could be to you?
+Your mother
+What is the closest relative of the manatee?
+What is the clotting protein in blood called?
+What is the cluster of islands in Lake Superior known as?
+The Apostle Islands
+What is the code name of Adil, the foreign exchange student from Albania?
+What is the codename for the F-14 jet?
+What is the collarbone?
+What is the collective name for a group of foxes?
+What is the collective name for a group of frogs?
+What is the collective name for a group of hummingbirds?
+What is the collective name for a group of larks called?
+What is the collective name for beavers?
+What is the collective name of bingo, drooper, fleagle and snorky?
+Banana splits
+What is the collective noun for a group of bears?
+What is the collective noun for a group of crows?
+What is the collective noun for a group of tigers?
+An ambush
+What is the collective term for a body of goods and monies from which future income can be derived?
+What is the collective term for a group of mules?
+A barren
+What is the collective term for a group of nightingales?
+A watch
+What is the collective term for a group of ravens?
+What is the collective term for crows?
+What is the collective term for flying geese?
+What is the color of the #1 ball in pool?
+What is the colour of lobster's blood?
+What is the colour of mourning in Moslem countries?
+What is the colour of mr spocks blood?
+What is the colour of the Italian liqeuer galliano?
+What is the colour of the leather in the House of Lords?
+What is the colour of the maple leaf on the Canadian flag?
+What is the combination of fine clay and sand for making pottery?
+What is the common name for a coin operated record player?
+Juke box
+What is the common name for a hammer with a wooden head?
+What is the common name for acetylsalicylic acid?
+What is the common name for an animal's marsupium?
+What is the common name for ascorbic acid?
+Vitamin C
+What is the common name for Carbolic Acid?
+What is the common name for citrus grandis?
+What is the common name for corporations formed to act as trustees according to the terms of contracts known as trust agreements?
+Trust companies
+What is the common name for Hydrogen Hydroxide?
+What is the common name for hydrogen oxide?
+What is the common name for Larus argentatus?
+The herring gull
+What is the common name for lysergic acid diethylamide?
+What is the common name for many species of burrowing mollusks?
+What is the common name for myocardial infarction?
+Heart attack
+What is the common name for Seborrheic Dermatitis?
+What is the common name for sodium chloride?
+What is the common name for solid carbon dioxide?
+Dry ice
+What is the common name for Sturnus vulgaris?
+What is the common name for the 'pharynx'?
+What is the common name for the disease rubella?
+German measles
+What is the common name for the fever psittacosis, which is passed on to humans via birds?
+Parrot fever
+What is the common name for the garden flower Cheiranthus?
+What is the common name for the houseplant ChlorophytuM?
+What is the common name for the international criminal police organisation?
+What is the common name for the marine animals asteroidea?
+What is the common name for the psychological Rorschasch test?
+Ink blot test
+What is the common name for tinea, a fungal skin condition, when it attacks the feet?
+Athlete's foot
+What is the common name for white soft limestone?
+What is the common name given to the Australian Kookaburra bird for its distinctive cry?
+Laughing jackass
+What is the common name given to the larvae of a crane fly?
+What is the common name of scrivener's palsy?
+Writer's cramp
+What is the common name of Squatina angelus, a fish that has become popular in britain since the 70s?
+What is the common name of the compound c5_n3?
+Pentacarbon trinitride
+What is the common name of the compound nacl?
+What is the common name of the compound naoh?
+Sodium hydroxide
+What is the common name of the disease varicella?
+Chicken pox
+What is the common name of the element ar?
+What is the common name of the element ge?
+What is the common name of the element h?
+What is the common name of the family of plants which includes potatoes, peppers and tomatoes?
+What is the common name of the herb Melissa Officanalis?
+Lemon balm
+What is the common name of the plant calluna?
+What is the common name of the plant Impatiens?
+Busy lizzie
+What is the common name of the plant Myosotis?
+Forget me not
+What is the common name of the plant Nigella?
+Love in a mist
+What is the common name of the plant pelargonium?
+What is the common name of the vegetable Beta Vularis?
+What is the common term for a 'somnambulist'?
+What is the common term for the condition monochromatism?
+Colour blindness
+What is the common term for the tympanic membrane?
+What is the commonest name used in london streets?
+What is the compulsive desire to give gifts?
+What is the concave dish shape of a liquid inside a glass or tube?
+What is the condensed water vapour in the sky left behind jets?
+What is the condition resulting from prolongued muscular or mental activity?
+What is the connection between Good Times and Different Strokes?
+Janet Jackson
+What is the connection between Jeffersons and Good Times?
+Janet Dubois 
+What is the connection between Sandwich,Dover,Hythe,Hastings and Romney?
+Cinque ports
+What is the constellation leo in English?
+What is the correct chemical name for iron pyrites, sometimes known as 'Fool's gold'?
+Iron sulphide
+What is the correct form of address for a foreign ambassador?
+His/Her Excellency
+What is the correct name for a gazebo on the roof of a house?
+What is the correct name for an animal's pouch?
+What is the correct name for brown coal?
+What is the correct name for larceny froma consecrated building?
+What is the correct name for Yugoslav plum brandy?
+What is the correct name for Yugoslavian plum brandy?
+What is the correct term for a screwdriver with a 'star shaped' head?
+What is the country code to dial for belgium?
+What is the country code to dial for Germany?
+What is the country code to dial for Holland?
+What is the country with the biggest percentage of female heads of household?
+What is the county town of Devon?
+What is the covering on the tip of a shoelace?
+What is the crazy habit of inhaling noxious fumes?
+What is the crease called that is underneath your nose?
+What is the creature that is half eagle, half lion?
+What is the cricketing term for an off break bowled with a leg break action?
+What is the crime of embracery?
+Contempt of court
+What is the criminal number of jean valjean in 'les miserables'?
+What is the criminal number of sideshow bob in 'the simpsons'?
+What is the crystal anniversary?
+What is the cube of 20?
+Eight thousand
+What is the cube root of 27?
+What is the cube root of 64?
+What is the culinary term meaning to coat or sprinkle with flour or sugar?
+What is the cure of disease by faith in divine power?
+Faith healing
+What is the currancy unit of El Salvador?
+What is the currency of Argentina?
+What is the currency of Holland?
+What is the currency of Iran?
+What is the currency of Israel?
+What is the currency of poland?
+What is the currency of turkey?
+What is the current capital of laos?
+What is the current vat rate in south africa?
+What is the current vat rate in the uk?
+What is the darkest part of a shadow called?
+What is the darkest, strongest beer?
+What is the date of sherlock holmes, fictional birthday?
+January 6
+What is the date on Smirnoff Vodka bottles?
+What is the day after shrove tuesday?
+Ash wednesday
+What is the day before ash wednesday?
+Shrove tuesday
+What is the deciding qualification of a true cockney?
+Born within the sound of bow bells
+What is the decimal equivalent of binary 1111?
+What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10011?
+What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 11011?
+What is the decrease in size of a tissue or organ due to degeneration?
+What is the deepest cleft in the earths surface on land?
+The grand canyon
+What is the deepest lake in the world?
+Lake baikal
+What is the deepest land gorge?
+Grand canyon
+What is the deleterious gas in the air, which is exhaled by humans called?
+Carbon dioxide
+What is the densest planet in the solar system?
+What is the derivative of sin x?
+Cos x
+What is the designation of a us navy nuclear carrier?
+What is the destination of the Arlberg Express leaving Vienna every night at 8.10?
+What is the destination of the plane at the end of the film 'Casablanca'?
+What is the detailed mapping of an area?
+What is the detroit baseball team called?
+What is the Diamond Anniversary?
+What is the difference between the manchurian tiger and the Siberian tiger?
+No difference
+What is the dire straits song title for 'here comes johnny singing oldies, goldies ...'?
+Walk of life
+What is the discharge of a liquid from a surface, usually pores or incisions?
+What is the disease frequent in asia, africa and America, which is believed to result from eating polished rice?
+Beri beri
+What is the dish made from peppers, aubergines, courgettes and tomatoes called?
+What is the dish of chopped avocado with onions, tomatoes, chilli and seasoning called?
+What is the distance between the center and the edge of a circle called?
+What is the distance between two rails on a track called?
+What is the distance from earth to the sun?
+93 million miles
+What is the distance of straight-line sprints in drag racing?
+A quarter-mile
+What is the dogs name in peter pan?
+What is the drink 'southern comfort' flavoured with?
+What is the drug that is used to treat Parkinson's disease?
+What is the drummer's name in 'the muppet show'?
+What is the dry ingredient in a roux?
+What is the eardrum?
+Tympanic membrane
+What is the earth's atmosphere and the space beyond?
+What is the earth's layer just below the crust?
+What is the earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust?
+What is the easternmost city in Germany?
+What is the easternmost county in England?
+What is the ecclesiastical title and office next in rank to that of the pope?
+What is the echidna's favorite food?
+What is the effect of a beta blocker?
+Lower the blood pressure
+What is the effect of the earth's rotation on the wind called?
+What is the eighth sign of the zodiac?
+What is the element for the symbol Ac?
+What is the element for the symbol Ag?
+What is the element for the symbol Al?
+What is the element for the symbol Am?
+What is the element for the symbol Ar?
+What is the element for the symbol As?
+What is the element for the symbol At?
+What is the element for the symbol Au?
+What is the element for the symbol B?
+What is the element for the symbol Ba?
+What is the element for the symbol Be?
+What is the element for the symbol Bi?
+What is the element for the symbol Bk?
+What is the element for the symbol Br?
+What is the element for the symbol C?
+What is the element for the symbol Ca?
+What is the element for the symbol Cd?
+What is the element for the symbol Ce?
+What is the element for the symbol Cf?
+What is the element for the symbol Cl?
+What is the element for the symbol Cm?
+What is the element for the symbol Co?
+What is the element for the symbol Cr?
+What is the element for the symbol Cs?
+What is the element for the symbol Cu?
+What is the element for the symbol Dy?
+What is the element for the symbol Er?
+What is the element for the symbol Es?
+What is the element for the symbol Eu?
+What is the element for the symbol F?
+What is the element for the symbol Fe?
+What is the element for the symbol Fm?
+What is the element for the symbol Fr?
+What is the element for the symbol Ga?
+What is the element for the symbol Gd?
+What is the element for the symbol Ge?
+What is the element for the symbol H?
+What is the element for the symbol Ha?
+What is the element for the symbol He?
+What is the element for the symbol Hf?
+What is the element for the symbol Hg?
+What is the element for the symbol Ho?
+What is the element for the symbol Hs?
+What is the element for the symbol I?
+What is the element for the symbol In?
+What is the element for the symbol Ir?
+What is the element for the symbol K?
+What is the element for the symbol Kr?
+What is the element for the symbol La?
+What is the element for the symbol Li?
+What is the element for the symbol Lr?
+What is the element for the symbol Lu?
+What is the element for the symbol Md?
+What is the element for the symbol Mg?
+What is the element for the symbol Mo?
+What is the element for the symbol Mt?
+What is the element for the symbol N?
+What is the element for the symbol Na?
+What is the element for the symbol Nb?
+What is the element for the symbol Nd?
+What is the element for the symbol Ne?
+What is the element for the symbol Ni?
+What is the element for the symbol No?
+What is the element for the symbol Np?
+What is the element for the symbol Ns?
+What is the element for the symbol O?
+What is the element for the symbol Os?
+What is the element for the symbol P?
+What is the element for the symbol Pa?
+What is the element for the symbol Pb?
+What is the element for the symbol Pd?
+What is the element for the symbol Pm?
+What is the element for the symbol Po?
+What is the element for the symbol Pr?
+What is the element for the symbol Pt?
+What is the element for the symbol Pu?
+What is the element for the symbol Ra?
+What is the element for the symbol Rb?
+What is the element for the symbol Re?
+What is the element for the symbol Rf?
+What is the element for the symbol Rh?
+What is the element for the symbol Rn?
+What is the element for the symbol Ru?
+What is the element for the symbol S?
+What is the element for the symbol Sb?
+What is the element for the symbol Sc?
+What is the element for the symbol Se?
+What is the element for the symbol Sg?
+What is the element for the symbol Si?
+What is the element for the symbol Sm?
+What is the element for the symbol Sn?
+What is the element for the symbol Sr?
+What is the element for the symbol Ta?
+What is the element for the symbol Tb?
+What is the element for the symbol Tc?
+What is the element for the symbol Te?
+What is the element for the symbol th?
+What is the element for the symbol Ti?
+What is the element for the symbol Tl?
+What is the element for the symbol Tm?
+What is the element for the symbol U?
+What is the element for the symbol V?
+What is the element for the symbol W?
+What is the element for the symbol Xi?
+What is the element for the symbol Yb?
+What is the element for the symbol Yt?
+What is the element for the symbol Zn?
+What is the element symbol for Actinium?
+What is the element symbol for Aluminum?
+What is the element symbol for Americum?
+What is the element symbol for Antimony?
+What is the element symbol for Argon?
+What is the element symbol for Arsenic (gray)?
+What is the element symbol for Astatine?
+What is the element symbol for Barium?
+What is the element symbol for Berkelium?
+What is the element symbol for Berylium?
+What is the element symbol for Bismuth?
+What is the element symbol for Bohrium?
+What is the element symbol for Boron?
+What is the element symbol for Bromine?
+What is the element symbol for Cadmium?
+What is the element symbol for Calcium?
+What is the element symbol for Californium?
+What is the element symbol for Carbon?
+What is the element symbol for Cerium?
+What is the element symbol for Cesium?
+What is the element symbol for Chlorine?
+What is the element symbol for Chromium?
+What is the element symbol for Cobalt?
+What is the element symbol for Copper?
+What is the element symbol for Curium?
+What is the element symbol for Dubnium?
+What is the element symbol for Dysprosium?
+What is the element symbol for Einsteinium?
+What is the element symbol for Erbium?
+What is the element symbol for Europium?
+What is the element symbol for Fermium?
+What is the element symbol for Fluorine?
+What is the element symbol for Francium?
+What is the element symbol for Gadolinium?
+What is the element symbol for Gallium?
+What is the element symbol for Germanium?
+What is the element symbol for Gold?
+What is the element symbol for Hafnium?
+What is the element symbol for Hassium?
+What is the element symbol for Helium?
+What is the element symbol for Holmium?
+What is the element symbol for hydrogen?
+What is the element symbol for Indium?
+What is the element symbol for Iodine?
+What is the element symbol for Iridium?
+What is the element symbol for Iron?
+What is the element symbol for Krypton?
+What is the element symbol for Lanthanum?
+What is the element symbol for Lawrencium?
+What is the element symbol for Lead?
+What is the element symbol for Lithium?
+What is the element symbol for Lutetium?
+What is the element symbol for Magnesium?
+What is the element symbol for Manganese?
+What is the element symbol for Meitnerium?
+What is the element symbol for Mendelevium?
+What is the element symbol for Mercury?
+What is the element symbol for Molybdenum?
+What is the element symbol for Neodymium?
+What is the element symbol for Neon?
+What is the element symbol for Neptunium?
+What is the element symbol for Nickel?
+What is the element symbol for Niobium (Columbium)?
+What is the element symbol for Nitrogen?
+What is the element symbol for Osmium?
+What is the element symbol for Palladium?
+What is the element symbol for Phosphorous (white)?
+What is the element symbol for Platinum?
+What is the element symbol for Plutonium?
+What is the element symbol for Polonium?
+What is the element symbol for Potassium?
+What is the element symbol for Praseodymium?
+What is the element symbol for Promethium?
+What is the element symbol for Protactinium?
+What is the element symbol for Radium?
+What is the element symbol for Radon?
+What is the element symbol for Rhenium?
+What is the element symbol for Rhodium?
+What is the element symbol for Rubidium?
+What is the element symbol for Ruthenium?
+What is the element symbol for Rutherfordium?
+What is the element symbol for Samarium?
+What is the element symbol for Scandium?
+What is the element symbol for Seaborgium?
+What is the element symbol for Selenium (gray)?
+What is the element symbol for Silicon?
+What is the element symbol for Silver?
+What is the element symbol for Sodium?
+What is the element symbol for Strontium?
+What is the element symbol for Sulfur?
+What is the element symbol for Tantalum?
+What is the element symbol for Technetium?
+What is the element symbol for Tellurium?
+What is the element symbol for Terbium?
+What is the element symbol for Thallium?
+What is the element symbol for Thorium?
+What is the element symbol for Thulium?
+What is the element symbol for Tin (white)?
+What is the element symbol for Titanium?
+What is the element symbol for Tungsten?
+What is the element symbol for Uranium?
+What is the element symbol for Vanadium?
+What is the element symbol for Xenon?
+What is the element symbol for Ytterbium?
+What is the element symbol for Yttrium?
+What is the element symbol for Zinc?
+What is the element symbol for Zirconium?
+What is the eleventh letter of the greek alphabet?
+What is the eleventh month of the year?
+What is the end of the song 'it's beginning to look a lot like ____
+What is the English equivalent of the name ian?
+What is the English equivalent of the name ivan?
+What is the English equivalent of the Spanish boob day?
+April fool's day
+What is the English for umbrella?
+Little shaded area
+What is the English meaning of the constellation's name Canis Major?
+Big dog
+What is the English name for the constellation with Latin name Camelopardis?
+What is the English name for the constellation with the Latin name Monoceros It's a mythical creature?
+What is the English name for what Americans call confectioners sugar?
+Icing sugar
+What is the English nickname of Beethoven's opus 91, written to commemorate Wellington's victory at Vitoria?
+Battle symphony
+What is the English statute of 1689 guaranteeing the rights & liberty of the individual subject?
+Bill of rights
+What is the English title of the German opera, 'Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor'?
+The merry wives of windsor
+What is the English translation of the French fending term 'touche'?
+I was touched
+What is the English translation of the title of Giuseppe Verdi opera, LaTraviata?
+Falcon's Lair
+What is the English version of the American broiling?
+What is the English word for 'zorro'?
+What is the English word for marijuana?
+Mary jane
+What is the equivalent of minus 40 degrees celsius?
+Minus forty degrees fahrenheit
+What is the equivalent RAF rank to Sub-lieutenant RN and Lieutenant in the army?
+Flying officer
+What is the equivalent Spanish acronym for ufo?
+What is the escape velocity from the earth's gravity (mph)?
+25,000 mph
+What is the essential characteristic of aerobic exercise?
+Oxygen is consumed
+What is the estimated weight of the great pyramid of Egypt?
+6,648,000 tons
+What is The Eternal City?
+What is the European city of Culture for 1998?
+What is the European equivalnet of a Nonillion?
+What is the eve of All Saints Day?
+What is the exact translation of pot pourri?
+Putrid pot
+What is the explosion produced when fuel is exposed to a spark?
+What is the expulsion of evil spirits from persons or places through ritual methods?
+What is the exterior of the Taj Mahal made from?
+What is the f-117a better known as?
+Stealth fighter
+What is the fahrenheit equivalent of 20 degrees centigrade?
+Sixty eight
+What is the fairytale world of c s lewis's the lion, the witch and the wardrobe?
+What is the familiar name of the fair city also known as Baile Atha Cliath?
+What is the family link between Dallas and the King of Rock and Roll?
+Priscilla presley
+What is the family name in the h e bates story a little of what you fancy?
+What is the family name of the Dukes of Bedford?
+What is the family name of the Dukes of Northumberland?
+What is the family name of the Dukes of Somerset?
+What is the famous cave on the island of staffa?
+What is the fastest bird?
+Spine tailed swift
+What is the fastest fish in the world?
+What is the fastest flowing river in the world?
+What is the fastest land animal over a prolongued distance?
+What is the fastest land animal?
+What is the fastest stroke in swimming?
+What is the favorite plant of the monarch butterfly?
+What is the Feast of First Fruits on 1 August?
+What is the federal district in southeastern Australia, bordered by the state of new south wales?
+Australian capital territory
+What is the fibre from the husk of the coconut, now used in soil-less composts, called?
+What is the fictitious name of a defendent?
+Richard roe
+What is the fictitious name of a plaintiff?
+John doe
+What is the fifth day of the week?
+What is the fifth element in the periodic table?
+What is the fifth month of the year?
+What is the fifth most popular meal ordered in sit down restaurants in the U S?
+Baked ham
+What is the final event of a triathlon?
+The marathon
+What is the first book in the vampire chronicles?
+Interview with a vampire
+What is the first book of the Bible?
+What is the first book of the old testament?
+What is the first capital of laos?
+Luang prabang
+What is the first commandment?
+Thou shalt have no other god but me
+What is the first day of lent called?
+Ash wednesday
+What is the first day of the week?
+What is the first event in the Decathlon?
+100 metres
+What is the first ingredient in most soda pops?
+Carbonated water
+What is the first letter of the Greek alphabet?
+What is the first letter of the Russian alphabet?
+What is the first level of a computer memory hierarchy?
+What is the first month of the year?
+What is the first name of cricket captain Colin Cowderys test cricketing son?
+What is the first name of Natalie Wood's sister?
+What is the first name of Sean Connery's actor son?
+What is the first name of the French painter Matisse?
+What is the first name of the French painter Monet?
+What is the first name of the inventor of braille?
+What is the first name of the son of David and Victoria Beckham?
+What is the first name of the son of patsy kensit and liam gallagher?
+What is the first name of the title character in the Boris Pasternak novel Dr. Zhivago?
+What is the first name of U2's lead singer?
+What is the first name of webster, the man who published a dictionary still used today?
+What is the first post if it comes at 9.30pm?
+British army bugle call
+What is the first prime number after 1,000,000?
+What is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the ram?
+What is the first sign of the Zodiac?
+What is the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21?
+What is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox?
+Easter sunday
+What is the first thing that 97% of people will write when offered a new pen?
+Their name
+What is the first word played in the Scrabble rules demostration game?
+What is the flap which closes the windpipe so you can eat and not choke?
+What is the flattest continent?
+What is the flavour of the herb fennel?
+What is the flavouring in ouzo?
+What is the flower for the month of May?
+Lily of the valley
+What is the flower of January?
+What is the flower that stands for: ambassador of love?
+Cabbage rose
+What is the flower that stands for: an appointed meeting?
+Everlasting pea
+What is the flower that stands for: expectation?
+What is the flower that stands for: extent?
+What is the flower that stands for: extinguished hopes?
+Major convolvulus
+What is the flower that stands for: falsehood?
+Yellow lily
+What is the flower that stands for: fame?
+What is the flower that stands for: fantastic extravagance?
+Scarlet poppy
+What is the flower that stands for: farewell?
+Michaelmas daisy
+What is the flower that stands for: fashion?
+Lady's mantle
+What is the flower that stands for: fate?
+What is the flower that stands for: feasting?
+What is the flower that stands for: fecundity?
+What is the flower that stands for: female ambition?
+White hollyhock
+What is the flower that stands for: female fidelity?
+What is the flower that stands for: festivity?
+What is the flower that stands for: fickleness?
+Pink larkspur
+What is the flower that stands for: fidelity in love?
+Lemon blossoms
+What is the flower that stands for: filial love?
+Virgin's bower
+What is the flower that stands for: fine arts?
+What is the flower that stands for: finesse?
+Sweet william
+What is the flower that stands for: fire, flame?
+What is the flower that stands for: first emotions of love?
+Purple lilac
+What is the flower that stands for: fitness?
+Sweet flag
+What is the flower that stands for: flattery?
+Venus' looking-glass
+What is the flower that stands for: flee away?
+What is the flower that stands for: folly?
+What is the flower that stands for: foolishness?
+What is the flower that stands for: foresight?
+What is the flower that stands for: forget me not?
+What is the flower that stands for: forgetfulness?
+What is the flower that stands for: forsaken love?
+Creeping willow
+What is the flower that stands for: fraternal love?
+What is the flower that stands for: freedom?
+Water willow
+What is the flower that stands for: freshness?
+Damask rose
+What is the flower that stands for: friendship?
+Rose acacia
+What is the flower that stands for: gain?
+What is the flower that stands for: generosity?
+Orange tree
+What is the flower that stands for: generous and devoted affection?
+French honeysuckle
+What is the flower that stands for: genius?
+Plane tree
+What is the flower that stands for: girlhood?
+White rosebud
+What is the flower that stands for: gladness?
+What is the flower that stands for: good wishes?
+Sweet basil
+What is the flower that stands for: goodness?
+What is the flower that stands for: gossip?
+What is the flower that stands for: grace and elegance?
+Yellow jasmine
+What is the flower that stands for: grace?
+Multiflora rose
+What is the flower that stands for: gracefulness?
+Birch tree
+What is the flower that stands for: grandeur?
+Ash tree
+What is the flower that stands for: happy love?
+Bridal rose
+What is the flower that stands for: hatred?
+What is the flower that stands for: health?
+Iceland moss
+What is the flower that stands for: heart's mystery?
+Crimson polyanthus
+What is the flower that stands for: heartlessness?
+What is the flower that stands for: hidden worth?
+What is the flower that stands for: honesty?
+What is the flower that stands for: hope extinguished?
+Major convolvulus
+What is the flower that stands for: hope in adversity?
+Spruce pine
+What is the flower that stands for: hopeless love?
+Yellow tulip
+What is the flower that stands for: hopeless, not heartless?
+Love-lies bleeding
+What is the flower that stands for: hospitality?
+Oak tree
+What is the flower that stands for: i am too happy?
+Cape jasmine
+What is the flower that stands for: i am worthy of you?
+White rose
+What is the flower that stands for: i am your captive?
+Peach blossom
+What is the flower that stands for: i aspire to thy smile?
+Daily rose
+What is the flower that stands for: i attach myself to you?
+Indian jamsine
+What is the flower that stands for: i change but in death?
+Bay leaf
+What is the flower that stands for: i declare against you?
+What is the flower that stands for: i desire a return of affection?
+What is the flower that stands for: i die if neglected?
+What is the flower that stands for: i engage you for the next dance?
+Ivy geranium
+What is the flower that stands for: i feel your kindness?
+What is the flower that stands for: i have a message for you?
+What is the flower that stands for: i live for thee?
+Cedar leaf
+What is the flower that stands for: i love?
+Red chrysanthemum
+What is the flower that stands for: i surmount difficulties?
+What is the flower that stands for: i will not answer hastily?
+Monthly honeysuckele
+What is the flower that stands for: i will not survive you?
+Black mulberry
+What is the flower that stands for: imagination?
+What is the flower that stands for: immortality?
+What is the flower that stands for: impatience?
+Yellow balsam
+What is the flower that stands for: impatient resolves?
+Red balsam
+What is the flower that stands for: inconstancy in love?
+Wild honeysuckle
+What is the flower that stands for: inconstancy?
+Evening primrose
+What is the flower that stands for: incorruptible?
+Cedar of lebanon
+What is the flower that stands for: indiscretion?
+Almond tree
+What is the flower that stands for: ingenuity?
+Pencil-leaved geranium
+What is the flower that stands for: ingenuous simplicity?
+Mouse-eared chickweed
+What is the flower that stands for: injustice?
+What is the flower that stands for: insincerity?
+What is the flower that stands for: insinuation?
+Great bindweed
+What is the flower that stands for: inspiration?
+What is the flower that stands for: instability?
+What is the flower that stands for: Ireland?
+What is the flower that stands for: jest?
+What is the flower that stands for: joy?
+Wood sorrel
+What is the flower that stands for: joys to come?
+What is the flower that stands for: justice shall be done to you?
+What is the flower that stands for: keep your promises?
+Plum tree
+What is the flower that stands for: lamentation?
+Aspen tree
+What is the flower that stands for: lasting pleasure?
+Everlasting pea
+What is the flower that stands for: levity, lightness?
+What is the flower that stands for: life?
+What is the flower that stands for: lightheartedness?
+What is the flower that stands for: longevity?
+What is the flower that stands for: love in idleness?
+Wild violet
+What is the flower that stands for: love is dangerous?
+Carolina rose
+What is the flower that stands for: love of nature?
+What is the flower that stands for: love returned?
+What is the flower that stands for: love's oracle?
+What is the flower that stands for: lowliness?
+What is the flower that stands for: luxury?
+Chesnut tree
+What is the flower that stands for: malevolence?
+What is the flower that stands for: marriage?
+Ivy geranium
+What is the flower that stands for: maternal affection?
+What is the flower that stands for: maternal love?
+Moss rosebud
+What is the flower that stands for: maternal tenderness?
+Wood sorrel
+What is the flower that stands for: matrimony?
+American linden
+What is the flower that stands for: meekness?
+Birch tree
+What is the flower that stands for: mental beauty?
+What is the flower that stands for: message?
+What is the flower that stands for: modesty and purity?
+White lily
+What is the flower that stands for: momentary happiness?
+Virginian spiderwort
+What is the flower that stands for: my best days are past?
+Meadow saffron
+What is the flower that stands for: my compliments?
+What is the flower that stands for: my heart is in flames?
+Provence rose
+What is the flower that stands for: nature love?
+What is the flower that stands for: neglected beauty?
+What is the flower that stands for: never ceasing remembrance?
+What is the flower that stands for: night?
+Minor convolvulus
+What is the flower that stands for: old age?
+Tree of life
+What is the flower that stands for: only deserve my love?
+Campion rose
+What is the flower that stands for: ornament?
+Hornbeam tree
+What is the flower that stands for: painting?
+What is the flower that stands for: parental affection?
+What is the flower that stands for: patriotism?
+What is the flower that stands for: peace?
+Olive branch
+What is the flower that stands for: pensiveness?
+What is the flower that stands for: perfect excellence?
+What is the flower that stands for: perfected loveliness?
+White camelia japonica
+What is the flower that stands for: perform your promise?
+Plum tree
+What is the flower that stands for: perplexity?
+What is the flower that stands for: persecution?
+Chequered fritillary
+What is the flower that stands for: pity?
+What is the flower that stands for: platonic love?
+Rose acacia
+What is the flower that stands for: play?
+What is the flower that stands for: pleasant recollections?
+White periwinkle
+What is the flower that stands for: pleasure and pain?
+Dog rose
+What is the flower that stands for: pleasure?
+What is the flower that stands for: pleasures of memory?
+White periwinkle
+What is the flower that stands for: poetry?
+What is the flower that stands for: poverty?
+Evergreen clematis
+What is the flower that stands for: power?
+What is the flower that stands for: precaution?
+Golden rod
+What is the flower that stands for: precocity?
+May rose
+What is the flower that stands for: presumption?
+What is the flower that stands for: pretension?
+Spiked willow herb
+What is the flower that stands for: prettiness?
+Pompon rose
+What is the flower that stands for: promptness?
+Ten-week stock
+What is the flower that stands for: prudence?
+Mountain iash
+What is the flower that stands for: pure and ardent love?
+Double red pink
+What is the flower that stands for: pure and lovely?
+Red rosebud
+What is the flower that stands for: pure love?
+Single red pink
+What is the flower that stands for: purity and sweetness?
+White lily
+What is the flower that stands for: recall?
+Silver-leaved geranium
+What is the flower that stands for: refusal?
+Striped carnation
+What is the flower that stands for: regard?
+What is the flower that stands for: relieve my anxiety?
+Christmas rose
+What is the flower that stands for: rendezvous?
+What is the flower that stands for: reserve?
+What is the flower that stands for: resolution?
+Purple columbine
+What is the flower that stands for: restoration?
+What is the flower that stands for: retaliation?
+Scotch thistle
+What is the flower that stands for: return of happiness?
+Lily of the valley
+What is the flower that stands for: revenge?
+Birdsfoot trefoil
+What is the flower that stands for: reverie?
+Flowering gern
+What is the flower that stands for: reward of merit?
+Bay wreath
+What is the flower that stands for: reward of virtue?
+Garland of roses
+What is the flower that stands for: riches?
+What is the flower that stands for: rivalry?
+What is the flower that stands for: rupture of a contract?
+Broken straw
+What is the flower that stands for: rural happiness?
+Yellow violet
+What is the flower that stands for: rustic oracle?
+What is the flower that stands for: sadness?
+Dead leaves
+What is the flower that stands for: safety?
+Traveller's joy
+What is the flower that stands for: satire?
+Prickly pear
+What is the flower that stands for: self-esteem?
+Poet's narcissus
+What is the flower that stands for: sensitiveness?
+What is the flower that stands for: sensuality?
+Spanish jasmine
+What is the flower that stands for: separation?
+Carolina jasmine
+What is the flower that stands for: severity?
+Branch of thorns
+What is the flower that stands for: shame?
+What is the flower that stands for: sharpness?
+What is the flower that stands for: shyness?
+What is the flower that stands for: silliness?
+Fool's parsley
+What is the flower that stands for: simplicity?
+American sweet-brier
+What is the flower that stands for: sincerity?
+What is the flower that stands for: slander?
+Stinging nettle
+What is the flower that stands for: sleep?
+White poppy
+What is the flower that stands for: slighted love?
+Yellow chrysanthemum
+What is the flower that stands for: splendid beauty?
+What is the flower that stands for: steadfast piety?
+Wild geranium
+What is the flower that stands for: stoicism?
+Box tree
+What is the flower that stands for: surprise?
+What is the flower that stands for: suspceptibility?
+What is the flower that stands for: suspicion?
+What is the flower that stands for: sweet and secret love?
+Honey flower
+What is the flower that stands for: the first emotions of love?
+Purple lilac
+What is the flower that stands for: thou art all that is lovely?
+Austrian rose
+What is the flower that stands for: thoughts of absent friends?
+What is the flower that stands for: true love?
+What is the flower that stands for: unpretending excellence?
+Camellia japonica
+What is the flower that stands for: useful knowledge?
+What is the flower that stands for: warmth of sentiment?
+What is the flower that stands for: youthful gladness?
+Spring crocus
+What is the flower that stands for: youthful innocence?
+White lilac
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: a beauty?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: a belle?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: a heart ignorant of love?
+White rosebud
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: a smile?
+Sweet william
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: absence?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: acknowledgement?
+Canterbury bell
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: activity?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: addresses rejected?
+Ice plant
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: admiration?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: adoration?
+Dwarf sunflower
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: advice?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: affectation?
+Morning glory
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: afterthought?
+Michaelmas daisy
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: age?
+Guelder rose
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: agreement?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: alas! for my poro heart?
+Deep red carnation
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: always lovely?
+Indian double pink
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: am i forgotten?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: ambition?
+Mountain laurel
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: amiability?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: anticipation?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: anxious and trembling?
+Red columbine
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: appointed meeting?
+Everlasting pea
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: ardent love?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: argument?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: artifice?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: assiduous to please?
+Sprig of ivy with tendrills
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: assignation?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: attachment?
+Indian jasmine
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: audacity?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: austerity?
+Common thistle
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: avarice?
+Scarlet auricula
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: aversion?
+Indian single pink
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: bantering?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: bashful shame?
+Deep red rose
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: bashfulness?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: be mine?
+Four-leaved clover
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: beautiful eyes?
+Variegated tulip
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: beauty always new?
+China rose
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: beauty and prosperity?
+Red-leaved rose
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: belief?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: belle?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: benevolence?
+Potato flower
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: betrayal?
+Judas tere
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: beware of excess?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: blackness?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: bluntness?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: blushes?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: boaster?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: boldness?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: bonds of affection?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: bonds?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: bravery?
+Oak leaves 
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: bury me amid nature's beauties?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: call me not beautiful?
+Unique rose
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: change?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: changeable disposition?
+Rye grass
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: charity?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: charming?
+Cluster of musk roses
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: chaste love?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: cheerfullness in old age?
+American starwort
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: cheerfulness under adversity?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: childishness?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: chivalry?
+Great yellow daffodil
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: cleanliness?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: coldheartedness?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: color of my life?
+Coral honeysuckle
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: come down?
+Jacob's ladder
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: comforting?
+Scarlet geranium
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: compassion?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: concealed love?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: concealed merit?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: confession of love?
+Moss rosebud
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: confidence?
+Lilac polyanthus
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: conjugal love?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: consolation?
+Red poppy
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: cordiality?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: counterfeit?
+Mock orange
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: crime?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: criticism?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: cure?
+Balm of gilead
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: curiosity?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: dangerous pleasures?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: dauntlessness?
+Sea lavendar
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: death preferrable to loss of innocence?
+White rose
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: death?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: deceitful chams?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: deception?
+White cherry
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: declaration of love?
+Red tulip
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: dejection?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: delay?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: delicacy?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: delicate beauty?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: departure?
+Sweet pea
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: despair?
+Cypress and marigold
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: devotion?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: difficulties that i surmount?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: disappointment?
+Carolina syringa
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: distinction?
+Cardinal flower
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: distrust?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: divine beauty?
+American cowslip
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: do me justice?
+Sweet chestnut tree
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: do not abuse?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: domestic industry?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: early attachment?
+Thornless rose
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: early friendship?
+Blue periwinkle
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: early youth?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: education?
+Cherry tree
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: elegance and grace?
+Yellow jasmine
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: elevation?
+Scotch fir
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: enchantment?
+Holly herb
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: enduring affection?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: energy in adversity?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: esteem and love?
+Strawberry tree
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: esteem but not love?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: esteem?
+Garden sage
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: estranged love?
+Lotus flower
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: evanescent pleasure?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: lasting beauty?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: mature elegance?
+Pomegranate flower
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: menatl beauty?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: pensive beauty?
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: rustic beauty?
+French honeysuckle
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: unconscious beauty?
+Burgundy rose
+What is the flower/plant that stands for: unfading beauty?
+What is the flowering shrub syringa usually called?
+What is the force that brings moving bodies to a halt?
+What is the force that slows down or stops a moving thing?
+What is the formal name for when a substance breaks down on heating?
+Termal decomposition
+What is the former name of acadia national park, established in 1916?
+Sieur de monts
+What is the four word US national motto?
+In god we trust
+What is the four-word title of Hilary Clinton's 1996 best-selling book?
+It Takes a Village
+What is the fourth day of the week?
+What is the fourth dimension (apart from length, depth & width?
+What is the fourth estate?
+The press
+What is the fourth month of the year?
+What is the fourth sign of the zodiac?
+What is the french for hospital?
+What is the french phrase meaning 'on the contrary'?
+Au contraire
+What is the French Riviera's leading resort?
+What is the french word for 'mistake'?
+Faux pas
+What is the french word used for a type of enamelling in which a pattern is marked on to a surface by thin metal strips and coloured with enamels?
+What is the frequency of sound waves measured in?
+What is the full name of E. Coli?
+Escherichia coli
+What is the full name of the poet shelley?
+Percy bysshe shelley
+What is the function of a sheepshank knot?
+To shorten a length of rope
+What is the function of red corpuscles in the blood?
+Transport oxygen
+What is the furthest you can see on a clear day?
+93 million miles
+What is the game if your balls are black and blue and your opponents are red and yellow?
+What is the game we call Noughts and Crosses called in America?
+Tic tac toe
+What is the gardening term for a weed?
+What is the general designation for the period in English history from 1640 to 1660?
+English revolution
+What is the general name for a protein molecule which acts as a natural catalyst in the bodies of all bacteria, plants and animals?
+What is the general term for all chemical substances produced by the endocrine glands?
+What is the general term used for various forms of insanity and mental derangement?
+Mental illness
+What is the generic term for the following: king,emperor,jackass?
+What is the geographic centre of the u.s?
+South dakota
+What is the geographical term for a ring shaped coral island?
+What is the geometric shape of the cells in a honeycomb?
+What is the German name for the Easter Bunny?
+Oschter Haws
+What is the German parliament?
+What is the German word for Wednesday?
+What is the gestation period of a cow?
+Nine months
+What is the gift given at 50th wedding?
+What is the gift given at a 40th wedding?
+What is the gift that is supposed to be given for a 55th wedding anniversary?
+What is the glass capital of the world?
+What is the gluteus maximus the largest example of in the human body?
+What is the great mass of stone trees in the painted desert in arizona called?
+The petrified forest
+What is the Great Smoo?
+Scotland's largest cave
+What is the Greek version of the old testament called?
+The septuagent
+What is the greek word for the biblical book of revelation?
+What is the hardest mineral?
+What is the hardest naturally occuring substance?
+What is the hardest substance in the human body?
+What is the Hawaiian word of greeting?
+What is the headquarter of the British Metropolitan Police Force?
+Scotland Yard
+What is the heart rate of the blue whale?
+Nine beats per minute
+What is the heaviest bird of prey?
+What is the heaviest breed of domestic dog?
+St. bernard
+What is the heaviest domestic dog?
+St bernard
+What is the heaviest element?
+What is the heaviest snake?
+What is the hebrew word for peace used as both a greeting and a farewell?
+What is the height travelled by the world's longest escalator?
+Sixty metres
+What is the hellenic republic?
+What is the heraldic term for a diamond shape?
+What is the heraldic term for a small square division on a shield?
+What is the high flying swing in a circus called?
+What is the highest adult male singing voice?
+What is the highest award for bravery in the British army?
+The victoria cross
+What is the highest commissioned rank in the Royal Air Force?
+Marshal of the raf
+What is the highest commissioned rank in the Royal Navy?
+Admiral of the fleet
+What is the highest hand in poker?
+A run
+What is the highest lake in the world?
+Lake titicaca
+What is the highest military honour that can be conferred in the usa?
+Congressional medal of honor
+What is the highest military medal given in the United Kingdom?
+Victoria cross
+What is the highest mountain in Africa?
+What is the highest mountain in Canada called?
+Mount logan
+What is the highest mountain in Japan?
+What is the highest mountain in north America?
+Mount mckinley
+What is the highest mountain in Romania?
+Mt moldoveanu
+What is the highest mountain in South America?
+What is the highest mountain in the alps?
+Mont blanc
+What is the highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere?
+What is the highest mountain in the world?
+Mt everest
+What is the highest navigable lake in the world?
+What is the highest number does a bingo ball go to?
+What is the highest peak in Australia?
+Mount kosciusko
+What is the highest peak of the ural mountains?
+What is the highest point in China?
+Mount everest
+What is the highest point in north America?
+What is the highest rank in the British army?
+Field marshal
+What is the highest ranking suit in Bridge?
+What is the highest scoring English word in 'scrabble'?
+What is the highest soviet decoration?
+The order of lenin
+What is the highest U S mountain?
+Mt. mckinley
+What is the highest-pitched woodwind musical instrument?
+What is the hindu kush?
+National costume
+What is the hobbit's favourite food?
+What is the hobby of a 'twitcher'?
+Bird watching
+What is the hogs largest living relative?
+What is the holiest day in the jewish calendar?
+Yom kippur
+What is the hollow necktie-knot substitute that snugs a neckerchief at the throat on a Boy Scout's uniform called?
+A woggle
+What is the holy city of Islam?
+What is the home country of chris de burgh?
+What is the home ground of Manchester united?
+Old trafford
+What is the honeymoon capital of the world?
+Niagara falls
+What is the hottest chile in the world?
+What is the humorous term for an accountant?
+Bean counter
+What is the hungarian word for pepper?
+What is the hybrid of the grapefruit and the tangerine?
+What is the imaginary line on the surface of the earth approximately parallel to the geographical equator?
+Aclinic line
+What is the Imperial unit, for use in precious metal transactions, which was authorised for retention as specialist use when other imperial units were phased out in 1999?
+Troy ounce
+What is the increase in velocity per unit of time called?
+What is the Indian meaning for the name 'Canada'?
+Big village
+What is the infinity sign called?
+What is the inflammation of the stomach and intestines called?
+What is the inland empire a nickname of?
+What is the inscription on the squadron badge of 617 Squadron?
+Apres moi le deluge
+What is the International Criminal Police Organisation better known as?
+What is the international cry for help?
+What is the international radio code for the letter Z?
+What is the international radio code word for the letter B?
+What is the international radio code word for the letter F?
+What is the international radio code word for the letter O?
+What is the international radio code word for the letter Q?
+What is the international radio code word for the letter T?
+What is the international radio code word for the letter Y?
+What is the international radio code word for the letter Z?
+What is the international telephone code for the uk?
+What is the international telphone dialing code for Antarctica?
+What is the interval between Passion Plays held at Oberammergau in Germany?
+Ten years
+What is the ishihara test designed to detect?
+Colour blindness
+What is the island of taransay famous for?
+What is the israeli knesset?
+What is the jack of any suit called in bridge?
+A bower
+What is the Jack of Hearts holding up in a deck of cards?
+What is the Japanese art of miniature tree cultivation called?
+What is the Japanese equivalent of the dow jones index?
+What is the Japanese word for 'divine wind'?
+What is the Japanese word for 'empty orchestra'?
+What is the junction between two nerve cells called?
+What is the kansas city baseball team called?
+What is the key signature of E flat major?
+3 flats
+What is the kitchen on a ship called?
+What is the knee bone called?
+What is the large central inner tower of a castle called?
+What is the large stone circle on Salisbury Plain's called?
+What is the largest (in population) state/territory in Australia?
+New south wales
+What is the largest & most complicated joint in the body?
+What is the largest American city in the great lakes?
+What is the largest animal that ever lived?
+Blue whale
+What is the largest animal that has ever inhabited the planet Earth?
+Blue whale
+What is the largest antique ever sold?
+London Bridge
+What is the largest aquatic bird?
+What is the largest artery in the human body?
+What is the largest asteroid that has been observed?
+What is the largest bay in the world, (larger than England) bordering only one country Canada, & only two provinces & a territory?
+Hudson bay
+What is the largest bird after the ostrich?
+Australian emu
+What is the largest body of fresh water in the world?
+Lake superior
+What is the largest breed of domesticated cat in the world?
+What is the largest carnivore on land?
+Polar bear
+What is the largest cat in the Americas?
+What is the largest cell in a human body?
+What is the largest city between Ireland and Canada?
+What is the largest city in africa?
+What is the largest city in alabama?
+What is the largest city in Alaska?
+What is the largest city in Canada?
+What is the largest city in Europe?
+What is the largest city in India?
+What is the largest city in Ireland?
+What is the largest city in pakistan?
+What is the largest city in Texas?
+What is the largest city in the communist world?
+What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere?
+What is the largest city on the South island of New Zealand?
+What is the largest city south of the equator?
+Buenos aires
+What is the largest constellation in the sky?
+What is the largest country in africa?
+What is the largest country in Europe after the Soviet Union?
+What is the largest country in Oceania?
+What is the largest country in the Western Hemisphere?
+What is the largest country that is entirely within the southern hemisphere?
+What is the largest country wholly within Europe?
+What is the largest country?
+What is the largest county in Ireland?
+What is the largest county in the united states?
+San bernardino
+What is the largest cranial bone?
+What is the largest desert in the world?
+What is the largest dinosaur?
+What is the largest feline?
+What is the largest gem-quality diamond discovered?
+Cullinan diamond
+What is the largest gland in the human body?
+What is the largest gold refinery?
+Rand refinery
+What is the largest harbor in holland?
+What is the largest inhabited castle?
+Windsor castle
+What is the largest inland sea in the world?
+What is the largest island in Asia?
+What is the largest island in the mediterranean sea?
+What is the largest island in the West Indies?
+What is the largest item on any menu in the world?
+Roast camel
+What is the largest Japanese island?
+What is the largest kangaroo?
+Red kangaroo
+What is the largest lake in africa?
+What is the largest lake in Australia called?
+Lake eyre
+What is the largest lake in Australia?
+What is the largest lake in Central America?
+Lake nicaragua
+What is the largest lake in south America, which is half freshwater, half saltwater?
+What is the largest lake in South America?
+Lake titicaca
+What is the largest lake in the u.s?
+What is the largest lake in the world?
+The caspian sea
+What is the largest lake that is entirely within Canada?
+Great bear lake
+What is the largest land bird in europe?
+What is the largest land carnivore?
+Polar bear
+What is the largest landlocked country in the world?
+What is the largest landlocked country?
+What is the largest lizard on earth at ten feet long & up to 250 pounds?
+Komodo dragon
+What is the largest lizard?
+Komodo dragon
+What is the largest man made lake in the world?
+Lake mead
+What is the largest moon of saturn called?
+What is the largest museum?
+What is the largest native carnivore in England?
+What is the largest natural harbour in south africa?
+Saldanha bay
+What is the largest ocean on earth?
+What is the largest of the 'bow tie' pasta shapes?
+What is the largest of the dinosaur family?
+What is the largest of the great apes?
+What is the largest office building in the world?
+What is the largest one person residence in the world?
+What is the largest planet in the solar system?
+What is the largest planet?
+What is the largest plant ever to have grown on the planet Earth?
+Giant sequoia
+What is the largest port in France?
+What is the largest port on the gulf of lions?
+What is the largest province in Canada?
+What is the largest public square in the world?
+Tiananmen Square
+What is the largest real animal to have a year dedicated to it in the chinese calendar?
+The horse
+What is the largest river in ghana?
+What is the largest river in north America?
+What is the largest rodent?
+What is the largest rotary club in terms of members outside of north America (1999)?
+Rotary club of manila
+What is the largest satellite orbiting Earth?
+What is the largest Scandinavian country?
+What is the largest Sea in the world?
+What is the largest soviet republic?
+Russian republic
+What is the largest species of toad?
+Cane toad
+What is the largest structure ever made by living creatures?
+Great barrier reef
+What is the largest train station in britain?
+What is the largest type of warship?
+Aircraft carrier
+What is the largest US agricultural crop, by weight?
+What is the largest volcano in the solar system?
+Olympus mons
+What is the largest volcano on mars?
+Olympus mons
+What is the largest volcano?
+What is the largest web footed bird?
+What is the largest wholly Indonesian island?
+What is the larynx?
+Voice box
+What is the last animal in the dictionary?
+What is the last book in the bible?
+What is the last book of the bible?
+What is the last event in the decathlon?
+1500 metres
+What is the last film that stanley kubrick directed?
+Eyes wide shut
+What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet (written out in English)?
+What is the last letter of the greek alphabet?
+What is the last name of brothers dmitri, ivan, alyosha and smerdyakov?
+What is the last name of lucy and linus?
+Van pelt
+What is the last name of singer Madonna?
+What is the last name of the man who invented vulcanized rubber in 1939?
+What is the last name of the person who invented the gasoline driven car?
+What is the last word of the bible?
+What is the last word of the old testament?
+What is the latin anme for the polar star?
+What is the latin name for a moose?
+Alces alces
+What is the latin name for modern man?
+Homo sapiens
+What is the Latin name for moose?
+Alces alces
+What is the latin name of silver?
+What is the latin phrase meaning 'for the particular end or purpose at hand'?
+Ad hoc
+What is the latin phrase meaning 'in the original arrangement'?
+In situ
+What is the latin word 'trivia' in English?
+A junction of three roads
+What is the latin word for 'a junction of three roads'?
+What is the layer beneath the Earth's crust called?
+What is the lead in pencils made from?
+What is the leading university in Paris?
+What is the leaf of a fern called?
+What is the least dense substance in the world, at 0.08988 g/cc?
+Hydrogen gas
+What is the least most used letter in the alphabet?
+What is the least number of shots with which a player could win a tennis set?
+What is the left side of a ship called?
+what is the legal name for a spoken or written insult against religious belief or sacred objects?
+What is the legal term for a formal agreement enforceable by law?
+What is the legalised betting system on Football named?
+What is the legislative capital of South Africa?
+Cape town
+What is the length in metres of the sides of a square, which is one hectare in area?
+100m x 100m
+What is the length of a bombardon?
+16 feet
+What is the letter K worth in scrabble?
+What is the life span of a housefly two weeks, two months or two years?
+Two weeks
+What is the limit reached at -273.15 degrees centigrade?
+Lowest possible centigrade temperature
+What is the line frequency of the American power supply?
+What is the line in labrynith that sarah can never remember?
+You have no power over me
+What is the line of latitude dividing Canada from the usa?
+49th parallel
+What is the link between the actresses Mia Farrow & Maureen O'Sullivan?
+Mother and daughter
+What is the liqueur Kirsch made from?
+What is the literal English translation of the French phrase 'cordon bleu'?
+Blue ribbon
+What is the literal meaning of the word 'cenotaph'?
+Empty tomb
+What is the literal meaning of the word 'Pharaoh'?
+Great house
+What is the literal translation of aardvark?
+Earth pig
+What is the literal translation of the word brandy?
+Burnt wine
+What is the literary term for a play on words?
+What is the little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal right next to your temple?
+What is the loading line of a ship?
+Plimsoll line
+What is the London Underground?
+What is the long distance country code for Algeria?
+What is the long distance country code for Argentina?
+What is the long distance country code for Australia?
+What is the long distance country code for Austria?
+What is the long distance country code for Bangladesh?
+What is the long distance country code for Belgium?
+What is the long distance country code for Bosnia/Herzegovinia?
+What is the long distance country code for Brazil?
+What is the long distance country code for Canada?
+What is the long distance country code for Chile?
+What is the long distance country code for China?
+What is the long distance country code for Colombia?
+What is the long distance country code for Commonwealth of independant states?
+What is the long distance country code for Costa rica?
+What is the long distance country code for Crotia?
+What is the long distance country code for Cuba?
+What is the long distance country code for Cyprus?
+What is the long distance country code for Czech?
+What is the long distance country code for Denmark?
+What is the long distance country code for Egypt?
+What is the long distance country code for El Salvador?
+What is the long distance country code for Estonia?
+What is the long distance country code for Ethiopia?
+What is the long distance country code for Federale Republic Of Yugoslavia?
+What is the long distance country code for Finland?
+What is the long distance country code for France?
+What is the long distance country code for Fyr Macedonia?
+What is the long distance country code for Germany?
+What is the long distance country code for Greece?
+What is the long distance country code for Guatemala?
+What is the long distance country code for Haiti?
+What is the long distance country code for Hong Kong?
+What is the long distance country code for Hungary?
+What is the long distance country code for India?
+What is the long distance country code for Indonesia?
+What is the long distance country code for Iran?
+What is the long distance country code for Ireland?
+What is the long distance country code for Israel?
+What is the long distance country code for Italy?
+What is the long distance country code for Japan?
+What is the long distance country code for Kenya?
+What is the long distance country code for Kyrgyz Republic?
+What is the long distance country code for Latvia?
+What is the long distance country code for Lebanon?
+What is the long distance country code for Libya?
+What is the long distance country code for lithuania?
+What is the long distance country code for Malaysia?
+What is the long distance country code for Mexico?
+What is the long distance country code for Moldova?
+What is the long distance country code for Morocco?
+What is the long distance country code for Netherlands?
+What is the long distance country code for New Zealand?
+What is the long distance country code for Norway?
+What is the long distance country code for Pakistan?
+What is the long distance country code for Panama?
+What is the long distance country code for Peru?
+What is the long distance country code for Philipines?
+What is the long distance country code for Poland?
+What is the long distance country code for Portugal?
+What is the long distance country code for Romania?
+What is the long distance country code for Saudi Arabia?
+What is the long distance country code for Singapore?
+What is the long distance country code for Slovakia?
+What is the long distance country code for Slovenia?
+What is the long distance country code for South Africa?
+What is the long distance country code for South Korea?
+What is the long distance country code for Spain?
+What is the long distance country code for Sri Lanka?
+What is the long distance country code for Sudan?
+What is the long distance country code for Sweden?
+What is the long distance country code for Switzerland?
+What is the long distance country code for Taiwan?
+What is the long distance country code for Thailand?
+What is the long distance country code for Tunesia?
+What is the long distance country code for Turkey?
+What is the long distance country code for Ukraine?
+What is the long distance country code for United Arabe Emirates?
+What is the long distance country code for United Kingdom?
+What is the long distance country code for Venezuela?
+What is the longest bone in the body?
+What is the longest bone in the human body?
+What is the longest canal in the world?
+Grand canal of china
+What is the longest continuous footpath in the world?
+Appalachian trail
+What is the longest English word that can be typed using only the right hand?
+What is the longest English word that only has one vowel?
+What is the longest insect?
+Walking stick
+What is the longest living land mammal after man?
+What is the longest muscle in the human body?
+What is the longest navigable river in the world?
+The amazon
+What is the longest river in Asia?
+What is the longest river in europe?
+What is the longest river in Italy?
+What is the longest river in north America?
+What is the longest river in Scotland?
+What is the longest river in the americas?
+What is the longest river in the British isles?
+What is the longest river in the u.s?
+What is the longest river in the western hemisphere?
+What is the longest river in the world?
+What is the longest river in western europe?
+What is the longest running prime time cartoon show?
+The simpsons
+What is the longest running race at the olympic games?
+What is the longest running show in Broadway history?
+What is the longest running tv quiz show?
+University challenge
+What is the longest show running in Broadway History?
+What is the longest strait in the world?
+What is the longest tunnel on earth?
+What is the longest tunnel?
+Water supply tunnel
+What is the longest typed word (found so far) that alternates hands?
+What is the longest typed word that alternates hands?
+What is the longest undammed river west of the Mississippi?
+Yellowstone river
+What is the longest venomous snake?
+King cobra
+What is the longest word that alternates hands?
+What is the longest word that can be typed using only the left hand?
+What is the longest word that you can type using only the letters on the top line of a typewriter?
+What is the longest word typed with only the left hand?
+What is the longest-lasting, non-motorized sporting event in the world?
+Tour de france
+What is the longest-lived land animal?
+What is the lowest land surface on earth?
+Dead sea shoreline
+What is the lowest level of the Earth's atmosphere called?
+What is the lowest number on a set of pokerdices?
+What is the lowest rank of British nobility?
+What is the lowest rank of the British nobility?
+What is the lowest ranking suit in Bridge?
+What is the lowest weight category in boxing?
+Light flyweight
+What is the magic no that helped to bring down the walls of jericho?
+What is the magic word used in the movie mary poppins?
+What is the main acid produced in the stomach?
+Hydrochloric acid
+What is the main character's name in les miserables?
+Jean valjean
+What is the main characteristic of deciduous trees?
+Shed their leaves
+What is the main colour of earth when looked at from space?
+What is the main component of glass?
+What is the main constituent metal of the singapore 10-cent coin?
+What is the main constituent of natural gas?
+What is the main constituent of the Greek dish Dolmadas?
+Stuffed vine leaves
+What is the main export of jamaica, used in making of aluminium?
+What is the main food of mosquitoes?
+What is the main food of most bats?
+What is the main food of the oyster catcher?
+What is the main gas in venus' atmosphere?
+Carbon dioxide
+What is the main grape used in Barolo and Barbaresco?
+What is the main grape used in Chianti?
+What is the main ingredient in a guacamole dip?
+Avocado pear
+What is the main ingredient in an omelet?
+What is the main ingredient in bouillabaisse?
+What is the main ingredient in Coca Cola after water?
+What is the main ingredient in glass?
+What is the main ingredient of mock turtle soup?
+Calf's head
+What is the main ingredient of most shampoos?
+What is the main ingredient of risotto?
+What is the main ingredient of the French dish cassoulet?
+Haricot beans
+What is the main ingredient of the Indian dish 'dhal'?
+What is the main item stored in the hump of a camel?
+What is the main Japanese religion?
+What is the main job of a striker in Football?
+Score goals
+What is the main manufacturing industry in Detroit?
+Motor cars
+What is the main port of Bulgaria?
+What is the main product of the Jura Mountain region and the valley of Aar,Switzerland?
+Clocks and watches
+What is the main reason washing machines are fitted with a reverse tumble action?
+Stops clothes tangling
+What is the main river to flow through Hamburg?
+What is the main source of vitamin C?
+What is the main substance contained within pearls?
+What is the main unit of currency in Saudi Arabia?
+What is the main use of tinder?
+Lighting a fire
+What is the many- legged mythological sea creature of Scandinavia?
+What is the marseillaise?
+French national anthem
+What is the mascot of the u.s naval academy?
+What is the master gland of the body?
+What is the mathematical diagram in which sets are represented by overlapping circles?
+What is the mathematical term for a part of a whole, such as half or a quarter?
+What is the mathematics of multivariate input-output problems?
+Linear programming
+What is the Maths equivalent of the Nobel prize?
+Fields Medal
+What is the maximum amount of duty free whisky a person of 17 can bring into Britain?
+One litre
+What is the maximum distance between the moon and the earth?
+253,000 miles
+What is the maximum number of coins that can be turned up with four players of Spoof?
+What is the maximum number of coins that five Spoof players could produce at one call?
+What is the maximum number of consecutive terms that a US president can now serve?
+What is the maximum number of degrees in a reflex angle?
+Three hundred and fifty nine
+What is the maximum number of degrees in an acute angle?
+Eighty nine degrees
+What is the meaning of Bolshoi - as in the Bolshoi Ballet?
+What is the meaning of diurnal?
+What is the meaning of Sinn Fein?
+We ourselves
+What is the meaning of the German word Meerschaum the name given to a type of tabacco pipe?
+What is the meaning of the Italian word spago?
+What is the meaning of the Japanese 'karaoke'?
+Empty orchestra
+What is the meaning of the latin expression 'e pluribus unum'?
+One out of many
+What is the meaning of the mercedes benz motto 'das beste oder nichts'?
+What is the meaning of the name Irene, which comes from the Greek words eirenikos or eirene?
+Aiming at peace
+What is the meaning of the word 'Dodecanese'?
+Twelve islands
+what is the meaning of the word ballet?
+A little dance
+What is the meaning of the zoological term ruminant?
+Cud chewer
+What is the measure of monitor screen quality?
+What is the media simon and garfunkel recorded came in besides vinyl?
+8 track
+What is the medical name for 'hardening of the arteries'?
+What is the medical name for the shoulder blade?
+What is the medical name for the thigh bone?
+What is the medical name for the wind pipe?
+What is the medical term for 'loss of memory'?
+What is the medical term for an eyeball shaped like a rugby ball?
+What is the medical term for cancer of the blood?
+What is the medical term for ear wax?
+What is the medical term for pain and aching in the lower back?
+What is the medical term for short sightedness?
+What is the medical term for the cartilage in the nose?
+What is the medical term for the sudden and complete loss of memory?
+What is the medical term for whooping cough?
+What is the medical term for word blindness?
+What is the medical term given to the study of the brain and nervous system?
+What is the medium that can carry 672 telephone calls simultaneously along a fibre optics cable?
+What is the membrane that surrounds the heart known as?
+What is the membrane that surrounds the lungs known as?
+What is the metal favoured by most dart players?
+What is the metal part of a lamp surrounding the bulb and supporting the shade?
+What is the method of resolving disputes without resorting to law, strikes or lock-outs?
+What is the metric word for a million?
+What is the Mexican dish 'huevos rancheros' made from?
+Baked eggs
+What is the middle day of the year in a non leap year?
+July 2
+What is the middle name of author Arthur C. Clarke?
+What is the middle name of author H.G. Wells?
+What is the middle name of Cassius Clay?
+What is the mineral ranking 2 on the mohs' scale of hardness?
+What is the minimum age a US President has to be?
+Thirty five
+What is the minimum amount of mass required to form a black hole?
+Chandrasekhar limit
+What is the minimum annual earning requirement for an American express gold card?
+What is the minimum IQ score for the genius category?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["140", "one hundred and forty"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is the minimum iq score to be considered a genius?
+One hundred and forty
+What is the minimum number of bars on an abacus?
+What is the minimum number of degrees in an acute angle?
+One degree
+What is the minimum number of degrees in an obtuse angle?
+Ninety one degrees
+What is the minimum number of letters in the first word of a Scrabble game?
+What is the minimum number of masts on a schooner?
+What is the minimum number of secret service agents to accompany the u.s. president at all times?
+What is the MInistry of Peace responsible for in the novel Nineteen eighty four?
+What is the minnesota baseball team called?
+What is the misshapen ear that boxers often have?
+Cauliflower ear
+What is the mode of transport in venice?
+What is the modern day name of what the romans called aquae sulis?
+What is the modern equivalent of the English reeve?
+What is the modern name for Petrograd?
+St. petersburg
+What is the modern name for the the old hanseatic port danzig?
+What is the modern name of the Roman town of Glevum?
+What is the modern name of the Roman town of Lutetia?
+What is the monetary unit for Algeria?
+What is the monetary unit for Argentina?
+What is the monetary unit for Australia?
+What is the monetary unit for Austria?
+What is the monetary unit for Bangladesh?
+What is the monetary unit for Belgium?
+Belgian franc
+What is the monetary unit for Brazil?
+What is the monetary unit for Canada?
+What is the monetary unit for Chile?
+Chilean peso
+What is the monetary unit for China?
+What is the monetary unit for Colombia?
+Colombian peso
+What is the monetary unit for Denmark?
+Danish krone
+What is the monetary unit for Egypt?
+Egyptian pound
+What is the monetary unit for Federale Republic Of Yugoslavia?
+What is the monetary unit for Finland?
+What is the monetary unit for France?
+What is the monetary unit for Germany?
+What is the monetary unit for Greece?
+What is the monetary unit for Guatemala?
+What is the monetary unit for Hong Kong?
+What is the monetary unit for Hungary?
+What is the monetary unit for India?
+What is the monetary unit for Indonesia?
+What is the monetary unit for Iran?
+What is the monetary unit for Ireland?
+What is the monetary unit for Israel?
+She kel
+What is the monetary unit for Italy?
+What is the monetary unit for Japan?
+What is the monetary unit for Kenya?
+What is the monetary unit for Lebanon?
+Lebanese pound 
+What is the monetary unit for Libya?
+Libyan dinar
+What is the monetary unit for Malaysia?
+What is the monetary unit for Mexico?
+Mexican peso
+What is the monetary unit for Morocco?
+What is the monetary unit for Netherlands?
+What is the monetary unit for New Zealand?
+What is the monetary unit for Norway?
+What is the monetary unit for Pakistan?
+What is the monetary unit for Panama?
+What is the monetary unit for Peru?
+What is the monetary unit for Philipines?
+What is the monetary unit for Poland?
+What is the monetary unit for Portugal?
+What is the monetary unit for Romania?
+What is the monetary unit for Saudi Arabia?
+What is the monetary unit for Singapore?
+What is the monetary unit for South Africa?
+What is the monetary unit for South Korea?
+What is the monetary unit for Spain?
+What is the monetary unit for Sri Lanka?
+What is the monetary unit for Sudan?
+What is the monetary unit for Sweden?
+What is the monetary unit for Switzerland?
+Swiss franc
+What is the monetary unit for Thailand?
+What is the monetary unit for Tunesia?
+What is the monetary unit for Turkey?
+Turkish lira
+What is the monetary unit for United Kingdom?
+What is the monetary unit in Germany?
+Deutsche mark
+What is the monetary unit of Algeria?
+What is the monetary unit of Angola?
+What is the monetary unit of Botswana?
+What is the monetary unit of Cameroon?
+What is the monetary unit of Chad?
+What is the monetary unit of Ecuador?
+What is the monetary unit of Egypt?
+Egyptian pound
+What is the monetary unit of Ethiopia?
+What is the monetary unit of Gambia?
+What is the monetary unit of Ghana?
+What is the monetary unit of Kenya?
+What is the monetary unit used in Afghanistan?
+What is the more common name for 'self contained underwater breathing apparatus?
+What is the more common name for a quasi autonomous non governmental organisation?
+What is the more common name for grape sugar?
+What is the more common name for sodium chloride?
+What is the more common name for the bird also known as the windhover?
+What is the more common name for the canis familiaris?
+Domestic dog
+What is the more common name for the city of krung thep?
+What is the more common name for the condition 'hypermetropia'?
+What is the more common name of Africa's camelopard?
+What is the more common name of nitrous oxide?
+Laughing gas
+What is the more common name of the fruit the chinese gooseberry?
+Kiwi fruit
+What is the more common term for enuresis?
+Bed wetting
+What is the more common title of the sovereign of the state of Vatican City?
+What is the more familiar name of the banana boat song?
+What is the more familiar name to the British of the Swiss lake Vierwaldstattersee?
+Lake lucerne
+What is the more normal name for the tooth walking sea horse?
+What is the more popular name for the flower, Calendula?
+What is the more popular name for the plant convallaria majalis?
+Lily of the valley
+What is the more popular narne of the plants belonging to the genus galanthus?
+What is the more popular way of loading toilet paper?
+Over-the top
+What is the more scientific name of the funny bone?
+The humerus bone
+What is the more usual name for blue beryl?
+What is the more usual name for green beryl?
+What is the more usual name for the egg plant or guinea squash?
+What is the Morse code representation for the letter T?
+Single dash
+What is the most abundant element in the Sun?
+What is the most abundant mineral in the human body?
+What is the most air polluted city in the united states?
+Los angeles
+What is the most common atom in the universe?
+What is the most common atom?
+What is the most common blood type in humans?
+Type o
+What is the most common colour of amethyst?
+What is the most common colour of garnet?
+What is the most common colour of Lapis Lazuli?
+What is the most common colour of topaz?
+What is the most common disease in the world?
+Tooth decay
+What is the most common element in the earth's crust?
+What is the most common element in the universe?
+What is the most common fowl on earth?
+What is the most common German surname?
+What is the most common injury in tenpin bowling?
+Sore thumb
+What is the most common metallic ore in the earths crust?
+What is the most common name for a pub in Britain?
+The Red Lion
+What is the most common name in nursery rhymes?
+What is the most common name in the world?
+What is the most common Russian surname?
+What is the most common Spanish surname?
+What is the most common street name in the cities of the usa?
+Park street
+What is the most common surname among the Hmong people of Laos?
+What is the most common surname in the Barcelona telephone directory?
+What is the most common surname in the world?
+What is the most commonly eaten food in the world?
+What is the most commonly spoken language in belgium?
+What is the most commonly spoken language in India?
+What is the most commonly used punctuation mark?
+What is the most crucial part of ski jumping?
+The Takeoff
+What is the most dangerous job in the u.s?
+Commercial fishing
+What is the most dangerous shark?
+Great white
+What is the most dense planet in our solar system?
+What is the most distant planet from earth between 1979 and 2000?
+What is the most distant planet from the sun?
+What is the most exclusive hotel on London's Brook Street?
+What is the most extensively grown and eaten food?
+What is the most famous 500 mile car race in the U S?
+Indianapolis 500
+What is the most famous and often quoted Psalm?
+23rd psalm
+What is the most famous church designed by Sir Christopher Wren?
+St Pauls cathedral
+What is the most famous mausoleum in India?
+Taj mahal
+What is the most famous remaining structure from the 1889 Paris Exhibition?
+Eiffel tower
+What is the most filmed story?
+What is the most frequent occuring letter of alphabet?
+What is the most frequently rolled number with two dice?
+What is the most frequently used letter in the English alphabet?
+What is the most frequently used word in the English language?
+What is the most given answer on this trivia?
+Boy george
+What is the most important industry in Alaska?
+What is the most important mineral for strong bones & teeth?
+What is the most intelligent creature on Earth after man?
+What is the most intelligent subhuman primate?
+What is the most northerly major city in Canada?
+What is the most northerly town in Europe?
+What is the most Northern point of land in the World?
+Cape Morris K. Jesup
+What is the most nutritious food in the world?
+What is the most penetrating form of radiation?
+What is the most photographed, painted and climbed mountain in the world?
+What is the most popular beverage in north America?
+What is the most popular card game in the English speaking world?
+What is the most popular crop in U S home vegetable gardens?
+What is the most popular decoration on top of a toilet tank?
+Scented seashells
+What is the most popular drink in greece?
+What is the most popular finishing double in darts?
+What is the most popular meal ordered in sit down restaurants in the us?
+Fried chicken
+What is the most popular name for a dog in the U S?
+What is the most popular proprietary board game in the world?
+What is the most popular street name in the u.s?
+Park street
+What is the most popular theater in Japan called?
+What is the most popular type of holiday greeting card mailed in the U S?
+What is the most popular type of holiday greeting card mailed in the united states?
+What is the most populated country in Africa?
+What is the most powerful animal symbol of chinese mythology?
+What is the most prominent feature on jupiter's surface?
+Great red spot
+What is the most recent year that can be written upside-down and rightside-up and still look the same?
+What is the most rural state in the u.s?
+North dakota
+What is the most rural state in the USA?
+North Dakota
+What is the most sacred river in India?
+The ganges
+What is the most sensitive finger?
+What is the most shoplifted book in the usa?
+What is the most slippery substance known to man?
+What is the most southerly County of Ireland?
+What is the most unbelievable part of the warren report?
+Magic bullet theory
+What is the most used word in written English?
+What is the most venomous snake?
+King cobra
+What is the most volcanically active orb?
+What is the most westerly county of Ireland?
+What is the most westerly terminus of the Piccadily line?
+What is the most widely cultivated plant?
+What is the most widely spoken member of the iranian branch of the indo-iranian languages, a subfamily of the indo-european languages?
+What is the most widely used seasoning in the world?
+What is the most widely used tranquiliser in North America?
+What is the most-often printed sentence in the English language?
+Close cover before striking
+What is the motto of the BBC?
+Nation shall speak unto nation
+What is the motto of the boy scouts?
+Be prepared
+What is the motto of the rolling stone magazine?
+All the news that fits
+What is the motto of the three investigators?
+We investigate anything
+What is the motto of the three muskateers?
+All for one & one for all
+What is the musical form of Pygmalion?
+My fair lady
+What is the musical style called that mixes jazz with pop or other styles?
+What is the musical term for 'brisk time and lively'?
+What is the Muslim equivalent of Red Cross?
+Red Crescent
+What is the mythical creature with the head and arms of a man and the body and legs of a horse?
+What is the name by which U2's David Evans is better known?
+The edge
+What is the name for a legal document, used in court, in which a person swears that certain facts are true?
+What is the name for a limestone deposit hanging from the roof of a cave?
+What is the name for a line of longitude on a map?
+What is the name for a match of 3 games in bridge?
+What is the name for a narrow necked wine or spirit container of more than two gallon capacity?
+What is the name for a painting depicting objects such as fruit and flowers?
+Still life
+What is the name for a person hired to carry a golfer's clubs for him?
+What is the name for a person who eats no meat,fish or dairy products?
+What is the name for a person who you correspond with regularly?
+What is the name for a sexual disorder in which a person obtains gratification by receiving physical pain or abuse?
+What is the name for a triangle whose sides are all of different lengths?
+What is the name for a waterproof trousers with bib worn by skiers?
+What is the name for a woman who is superior of a convent in certain religious orders?
+What is the name for food permissable under Moslem dietry laws?
+What is the name for Jacques Cousteau's research ship?
+The Calypso
+What is the name for meat killed in the prescribed Muslim manner?
+What is the name for members of the cabbage family?
+What is the name for Russian beet soup?
+What is the name for someone who studies bird life?
+What is the name for the bone structure of a person or animal?
+What is the name for the creamy liver of lobster eaten as a delicacy?
+What is the name for the cutting and training of shrubs into decorative shapes?
+What is the name for the hole in the side of a volcanoe that gives off volcanic gases?
+What is the name for the kind of writing used by early egyptians?
+What is the name for the land beyond the tree line?
+What is the name for the load line on a ship?
+Plimsoll line
+What is the name for the outer part of a citrus fruit?
+What is the name for the part of the bone that fits into a socket to form hip and shoulder joints?
+What is the name for the scientific study of human efficiency in working environments?
+What is the name for the study of cells?
+What is the name for the study of liquid flow?
+What is the name for the symbol consisting of two dots which is placed above a letter in Germanic languages?
+What is the name for the theoretical end product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star?
+Black hole
+What is the name for the ugly red fleshy appendage that hangs from the neck of a turkey?
+What is the name given for an optical illusion caused by unusual atmospheric conditions?
+What is the name given of the Israeli national anthem?
+What is the name given originally by greek rhetoricians to a literary illustration?
+What is the name given to a chemical that is used when a dye will not fix directly on to the fabric?
+What is the name given to a cocktail of rum and lime juice?
+What is the name given to a fox's tail?
+What is the name given to a gem made from 2 stones arranged in differently coloured layers, with figures carved into the top layer, which is set in relief against the others?
+What is the name given to a group of doves?
+What is the name given to a group of geese?
+What is the name given to a group of porpoises?
+What is the name given to a loaf of bread which is made from two round lumps with the smaller on the top?
+Cottage loaf
+What is the name given to a pillar or supporting column in the shape of a woman?
+What is the name given to a place in the desert where there is water?
+What is the name given to a sculptured or pictorial representation of the virgin and the dead christ?
+What is the name given to a solid figure with 12 plane faces?
+What is the name given to a type of fossil resin?
+What is the name given to a victory whose cost is so great as to negate its value?
+Pyrrhic victory
+What is the name given to a wall of a mosque that faces Mecca?
+Qibla wall
+What is the name given to a white sauce flavoured with cheese?
+What is the name given to a widow of a king?
+What is the name given to a young fish?
+What is the name given to an early bicycle with a very big front wheel and a very small black wheel?
+What is the name given to an outwork which defended the entrance of a castle or fortified town?
+What is the name given to Asian countries and the East in general?
+What is the name given to Indian food cooked over charcoal in a clay oven?
+What is the name given to parrallel beams which stretch from one wall to another in a building to support the floors?
+What is the name given to part of the large intestine?
+What is the name given to sole cooked in white wine and cream with grapes?
+Sole veronique
+What is the name given to stoats when they have their winter coats?
+What is the name given to the dish of beef coated in pate and wrapped in pastry?
+Beef wellington
+What is the name given to the dish of prunes wrapped in bacon?
+Devils on horseback
+What is the name given to the flat piece of iron that connects railway rails?
+What is the name given to the fortified gateway of a castle?
+What is the name given to the house on a roman estate?
+What is the name given to the informal canon of good behaviour to which Internet users should adhere?
+What is the name given to the Japanese art of growing miniature trees?
+What is the name given to the salted roe of a sturgeon?
+What is the name given to the science of improving the population by controlled breeding?
+What is the name given to the setting of gems into stone for example on the marble walls of the Taj Mahal?
+Pietra dura
+What is the name given to the side opposite the right angle of a right-angled triangle?
+What is the name given to the system for categorising library books?
+Dewey Decimal System 
+What is the name given to the way in which stones such as diamonds are cut so as to have facets which reflect the light in different directions?
+What is the name given to the young of 'dragonflies' and 'damselflies'?
+What is the name given to thin pieces of crisp toast?
+What is the name given to young deer?
+What is the name in a planet's orbit when it is nearest to the sun?
+What is the name of a computer program that helps you perform claculations using rows of columns and figures?
+What is the name of a device used to stem the flow of blood?
+What is the name of a floor in a building between floors, especially between the ground and first floors?
+What is the name of a formal, written accusation of crime against a person, presented by a grand jury to a court, and upon which the accused person is subsequently tried?
+What is the name of a hairstyle in which the head is shaved except for a central strip?
+What is the name of a Japanese mattress whose design is 4,000 years old?
+What is the name of a mass produced electric circuit with conductive strips not wires?
+Printed circuit
+What is the name of a plant that turns to keep facing the sun?
+What is the name of a road crossing with traffic lights operated by pedestrians?
+Pelican crossing
+What is the name of a small computer introduced in 1975 by micro instrumentation telemetry systems of new Mexico?
+Altair 8800
+What is the name of a three humped camel?
+What is the name of a trellis used to train trees?
+What is the name of a two humped camel?
+Bactrian camel
+What is the name of alistair macleans ice station?
+What is the name of an animal that can pass on bacteria without being affected by the disease itself?
+What is the name of an Italian dessert made from egg yolks and marsala wine?
+What is the name of an organism that lives on or in another?
+What is the name of andy capp's wife?
+What is the name of barney rubble's wife?
+What is the name of basil's wife in fawlty towers?
+What is the name of BB Kings guitar?
+What is the name of Beatrix Potter's fishing frog?
+Jeremy fisher
+What is the name of Beethovens only opera?
+What is the name of betty rubble's husband?
+What is the name of Canada's nationally owned oil company?
+What is the name of Captain Kremmens large breasted buddy?
+What is the name of dagwood bumstead's dog?
+What is the name of dennis the menace's dog?
+What is the name of dilbert's company's competitor?
+Nirvana co
+What is the name of disney's latest cartoon film?
+Lilo and stitch
+What is the name of donald duck's girlfriend?
+Daisy duck
+What is the name of Donald Duck's sister?
+What is the name of dr dolittle's parrot?
+What is the name of Dr Whos time machine?
+The tardis
+What is the name of Dr. Seuss's egg hatching elephant?
+What is the name of elvis presley's private plane?
+Lisa marie
+What is the name of ex-blue peter presenter janet ellis's singing daughter?
+Sophie ellis bextor
+What is the name of Ferdinand Marcos widow?
+What is the name of film director Ron Howard's production company?
+Image Entertainment
+What is the name of Flanders' store?
+The Leftorium 
+What is the name of fred flintstone's dinosaur?
+What is the name of fred flintstone's wife?
+What is the name of garfield's owner?
+Jon arbuckle
+What is the name of george of the jungle's talking ape pal?
+What is the name of Goscinny and Uderzos menhir delivery man?
+What is the name of harvard university's satirical newspaper?
+What is the name of Hereford Cathedrals most famous map?
+Mappa mundi
+what is the name of Hugh Hefners super jet?
+Big Bunny
+What is the name of Jacques Cousteau's research ship?
+What is the name of jaleel white's character in the tv series 'family matters'?
+Steve erkel
+What is the name of jaleel white's character in the tv series 'family ties'?
+Steve erkel
+What is the name of jefferson's home, pictured on the back of a us nickel?
+What is the name of jonny quest's dog?
+What is the name of Jupiter's largest moon?
+What is the name of Lisa's pony?
+What is the name of little orphan annie's dog?
+What is the name of luke skywalker's troll like adviser in the empire strikes back?
+What is the name of Madonnas 2002 film release, directed by her husband Guy Ritchie?
+Swept away
+What is the name of marty's band that trys out for the dance in back to the future?
+The pinheads
+What is the name of Mary Quant's London Fashion shop in the 60's?
+What is the name of mighty mouse's girl friend?
+Pearl pureheart
+What is the name of Morticia's husband in TV's 'Addams Family'?
+What is the name of Morticia's son in TV's 'Addams Family'?
+What is the name of Mr.Krane's dog on Frasier?
+What is the name of mulder and scully's supervisor on The X-Files?
+Walter skinner
+What is the name of New Yorks main airport?
+Kennedy airport
+What is the name of one of daisy duck's nieces?
+What is the name of oprah winfrey's production company?
+What is the name of orphan annie's dog?
+What is the name of Pierce Brosnan's first James Bond film?
+What is the name of prince edward's production company?
+What is the name of Princess Anne's second husband?
+Tim laurence
+What is the name of puff the magic dragon's human friend?
+Jackie paper
+What is the name of rock group Chicago's boulder, colorado recording studio?
+Caribou ranch
+What is the name of Russia's state run travel agency?
+What is the name of snoopy's secretary?
+What is the name of sonny & cher's daughter?
+What is the name of the 'looney tunes' song?
+Merry-go-round broke down
+What is the name of the 19-year-old Serb nationalist who assasinated Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914?
+Gavrilo Princip
+What is the name of the 1982 Booker Prize Winner which caused a controversy about whether or not it was a novel?
+Schindlers ark
+What is the name of the 22 storey Canning Town tower block that collapsed in 1968?
+Ronan point
+What is the name of the airline that operates the ill-fated flight from la to Chicago in the movie airplane!?
+Trans American 
+What is the name of the airport on the falkland islands?
+Mount pleasant
+What is the name of the American architect who designed the house named Falling water which was built in 1936-7 in Bear Run Pennsylvania?
+Frank lloyd wright
+What is the name of the annual race car driving event held in Toronto, Ontario each July?
+Molson Indy
+What is the name of the asteroid that was believed to have killed the dinosaurs?
+What is the name of the Austrian monk who experimented with peas and is considered the founder of genetics?
+Gregor mendel
+What is the name of the author wrote the book 'little women'?
+Louisa may alcott
+What is the name of the background screen on which windows is displayed?
+What is the name of the bacterium that causes food poisoning in contaminated food?
+What is the name of the belief in the existence of many gods or divine beings?
+What is the name of the bell inside the clock tower at the houses of parliament square?
+Big ben
+What is the name of the Berlin cabaret where lola lola sang?
+Blue angel
+What is the name of the big cannon in Edinburgh castle?
+Mons Meg
+What is the name of the big muscle used in breathing that seperates the chest from the abdomen?
+What is the name of the board at a race track showing odds & results?
+Tote board
+What is the name of the board at a race track showing odds and results?
+What is the name of the boat that gives tourists a close-up view of Niagara Falls?
+Maid of the Mist
+What is the name of the body part which seperates the nostrils?
+What is the name of the bone at the base of the human spine?
+What is the name of the Boston baseball team based at Fenway Park?
+Boston red sox
+What is the name of the Buckinghamshire estate where the German Enigma codes were cracked during World War 2?
+Bletchley park
+What is the name of the Canadian secret service?
+What is the name of the Cannon ranch?
+The high chaparral
+What is the name of the cape at the southernmost tip of africa?
+Cape agulhas
+What is the name of the capital of Alberta (Canada)?
+What is the name of the capital of Ontario (Canada)?
+What is the name of the capital of Quebec (Canada)?
+Quebec city
+What is the name of the capital of quebec?
+Quebec city
+What is the name of the capital of Saskatchewan (Canada)?
+What is the name of the car Homer designs for Powell Motors?
+The Homer 
+What is the name of the cartilage flap at the trachea which prevents food going down the wrong way?
+What is the name of the cartoon character in the comic enclosed in 'Double Bubble Gum?
+What is the name of the cartoon character who features on the quiz show bullseye?
+What is the name of the cartoon giraffe mascot of the 'Toys R Us' retail chain store?
+What is the name of the cartoon that had ponies of all colors of the rainbow,and had a design on their butt,and they talked?
+My little ponies
+What is the name of the cartoon that had ponies of all colors of the rainbow,and had a design on their butt,there were pegasus,unicorns,and earth ponies and they talked?
+My Little Ponies
+What is the name of the cat in the smurfs?
+What is the name of the central tower of a castle, the innermost and strongest part?
+What is the name of the Chairman of the European Central Bank?
+Wim duisenberg
+What is the name of the Chicago baseball team based at Wrigley Field?
+Chicago cubs
+What is the name of the Chinese leader who died in 1997?
+Deng xiao-ping
+What is the name of the cia agent played by harrison ford in patriot games and clear and present danger?
+Jack ryan
+What is the name of the classic dessert of pancakes served in an orange sauce with alcohol?
+Crepe suzette
+What is the name of the classical rotunda which was built as a pagan temple in Rome and is now a Christian place of worship?
+The pantheon
+What is the name of the cold Spanish soup made from peppers and tomatoes?
+What is the name of the color used to describe old brown and white photos?
+What is the name of the coloured part of the eye?
+What is the name of the colourful cathedral on Red Square in Moscow?
+St basil's
+What is the name of the company that was the first shirt sponsor of Liverpool football club?
+What is the name of the computer in Stanley Kubrick's '2001- A Space Odyssey?
+What is the name of the container used for keeping cigars properly moist?
+Humidor Humidor
+What is the name of the cord joining a mother and her unborn child?
+Umbilical cord
+What is the name of the crispbread traditionally eaten by Jews at Passover?
+What is the name of the Danish parliament?
+The folketing
+What is the name of the dark fine grained rock of which the Giant's Causeway is formed?
+What is the name of the dark reddish-brown pigment obtained from the inky secretion of the cuttlefish?
+What is the name of the desert in California?
+What is the name of the desert region of south east Ethiopia over which Somalia also claims sovereignty?
+What is the name of the detective in john dickson carr novels?
+Gideon fell
+What is the name of the digital readouts that display the gallons and the amount of purchase on a gasoline pump?
+What is the name of the dish of eggs baked with spinach?
+Eggs florentine
+What is the name of the dog from the Grinch who stole christmas?
+What is the name of the dog in Peter Pan?
+What is the name of the dog in the cartoon 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas'?
+What is the name of the dog on the rca victor label?
+What is the name of the dog that recovered the lost world cup?
+What is the name of the Dukes of Hazzards car?
+General Lee 
+What is the name of the dwarf that could spin straw into gold?
+What is the name of the eating disorder where binging is followed by deliberate vomiting and purging?
+What is the name of the element whose symbol is Pm?
+What is the name of the elevated semi-desert region found in the northern and western Cape provinces of South Africa?
+What is the name of the engine developed for the Harrier jump jet?
+What is the name of the English naturalist that published the book 'the origin of species by means of natural selection'?
+What is the name of the evil spirit in polterguise?
+What is the name of the extension to the Louvre that was designed by Ieoh Ming Pei and built in 1983-93?
+The pyramid
+What is the name of the female figure who personifies France, the equivalent to Britain's Britannia?
+What is the name of the fibrous protein present in the outer layer of the skin and in hair and nails?
+What is the name of the fictional policeman created by Georges Simenon?
+What is the name of the film in which steven segal's character dies?
+Executive decision
+What is the name of the fin on a fish's back?
+Dorsal fin
+What is the name of the first album release of lil' kim?
+What is the name of the first manned module to land on the moon?
+What is the name of the first test tube baby?
+Louise brown
+What is the name of the frog on 'the muppett show'?
+What is the name of the frog on The Muppet Show?
+What is the name of the fruit that looks like a hairy lychee?
+What is the name of the German/Swiss/American mathematical physicist best remember for his theories on relativity?
+What is the name of the girlfriend sid vicious was charged with murdering?
+Nancy spungen
+What is the name of the gold-mining town in the musical Paint Your Wagon?
+No name city
+What is the name of the green rooster on the boxes of Kellogg's Corn Flakes?
+What is the name of the group of Muslim scholars who have fought for control of Afghanistan in recent years?
+What is the name of the hammer used by doctors to test a patient's reflexes?
+What is the name of the harbor in rome?
+What is the name of the high quality parchment made on a basis of goat or calf skin?
+What is the name of the home ground of liverpool football club?
+What is the name of the home pregnancy test Marge uses to see if she is going to have a fourth child?
+Barnacle Bill's Home Pregnancy Test
+What is the name of the horse in jingle bells?
+What is the name of the horse in the black stallion?
+The black
+What is the name of the house designed by Richard Norman Shaw and was the first in the world to have lights powered by hydro electricity?
+What is the name of the ice patrol ship that won a reprieve because of the Falklands conflict?
+What is the name of the Indian custom in which widows fling themselves on their husbands funeral pyres?
+What is the name of the indigenous music of the french speaking settlers of Louisisana?
+What is the name of the infection of the gums that causes them to bleed?
+What is the name of the injury caused by using a canoe or kayaking?
+Housemaid's Knee
+What is the name of the instrument that is used for measuring skin temperature?
+What is the name of the instrument that is used to test the level of charge in a car battery?
+What is the name of the Island that hosts the Australian 500cc Motorcycle Grand Prix?
+Phillip island
+What is the name of the island that separates the two waterfalls at Niagara?
+Goat island
+What is the name of the Itchy and Scratchy episode Bart and Lisa Write?
+Barbershop of Horrors 
+What is the name of the kangaroo trademark on pocket books?
+What is the name of the Kellogg's cereal prefixed with the word 'healthwise'?
+Bran flakes
+What is the name of the Kellogg's cereal prefixed with the word 'Optima'?
+Fruit and fibre
+What is the name of the knob at the end of a swords handle?
+What is the name of the knot which is used to make a fixed loop that should not slip or jam?
+What is the name of the Koala Bear featured in the advertisements for Qantas Airlines?
+what is the name of the large diamond acquired by the British on the annexation of Punjab in 1849, and placed in the crown jewels of Queen Victoria?
+What is the name of the large resort lake in the center of Disneyworld?
+Buena vista lake
+What is the name of the large screen for replays at Skydome, Home of the Toronto Blue Jays?
+The Jumbotron
+What is the name of the largest island in the bahamas chain?
+What is the name of the largest moon of jupiter?
+What is the name of the largest of the Japanese islands?
+What is the name of the largest south American lake?
+Lake maracaibo
+What is the name of the largest uncut diamond in the world?
+What is the name of the largest US wood products corporation?
+What is the name of the Laugh track machine used by many TV shows to provide canned laughter?
+What is the name of the lead singer for the Smiths?
+What is the name of the leading female star in an opera?
+Prima donna
+What is the name of the least dense element?
+What is the name of the legendary norweigan sea monster which awoke in the title of the 1953 science fiction novel by John Wyndham?
+The kraken
+What is the name of the lift used to raise boats from the River Weaver to the canal system called?
+Anderton lift
+What is the name of the lion in the narnian chronicles by cs lewis?
+What is the name of the little plasticine man developed by tony hart for childrens tv?
+What is the name of the magical kingdom in The LIon the witch and the wardrobe?
+What is the name of the main European broadcasting system?
+What is the name of the mall toy musical instrument which produces a sound close to those of a comb and tissue paper?
+What is the name of the man who gave his name to the World Cup Trophy?
+David rimet
+What is the name of the manipulator arm astronauts use to complete many tasks outside the space shuttle?
+What is the name of the medical disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable attacks of deep sleep?
+What is the name of the membrane surrounding the brain?
+What is the name of the metal discs in the rim of a tambourine?
+What is the name of the metal hoop that supports a lamp shade?
+A harp
+What is the name of the mgm lion?
+What is the name of the most southerly village in mainland britain?
+What is the name of the mountain range in north africa?
+Atlas mountains
+What is the name of the mountain where Moses received the ten commandments?
+Mount sinai
+What is the name of the multi coloured elephant in the books by David McKee?
+What is the name of the musical instrument consisting of a toilet seat with strings, used by Spike Jones orchestra?
+What is the name of the Nike sports logo?
+What is the name of the norwegian parliament?
+What is the name of the oath which doctor's must take?
+What is the name of the ocean southeast of Australia?
+Tasman sea
+What is the name of the office used by the president in the Whitehouse?
+Oval office
+What is the name of the official report of proceedings of the British parliament?
+What is the name of the official residence of the president of France?
+The elysee palace
+What is the name of the oil reservoir at the bottom of a crank case?
+The sump
+What is the name of the old grey donkey in winnie the pooh?
+What is the name of the oldest derby race in North America?
+The Queen's Plate
+What is the name of the only active volcano in europe?
+Mount vesuvius
+What is the name of the only private army in Britain?
+The atholl highlanders
+What is the name of the part of a church east of the crossing that contains the main altar,sanctuary and the choir?
+What is the name of the people's car?
+What is the name of the piece flipped into the cup in tiddlywinks?
+What is the name of the pig that Jim Davis draws?
+What is the name of the police inspector that is bent on getting valjean in les miserables?
+What is the name of the popes official summer residence?
+Castel gandolfo
+What is the name of the premium bonds computer?
+What is the name of the present king of Saudi Arabia?
+What is the name of the presenter of Jim'll fix it?
+Jimmy savile
+What is the name of the President of Peru, very much in the news during the siege of the Japanese Embassy in Lima?
+What is the name of the princess in Sleeping Beauty?
+What is the name of the process by which metal particles are compressed into a solid body under heat lower than melting point?
+What is the name of the process whereby plants lose water into the atmosphere?
+What is the name of the production company owned by Madonna?
+Madguy Films
+What is the name of the professor in Cluedo?
+What is the name of the protein present in red blood cells that is scarlet when combined with oxygen?
+What is the name of the Queen Mother's London home?
+Clarence house
+What is the name of the queen's Scottish residence?
+Balmoral castle
+What is the name of the rabbit in bambi?
+What is the name of the radio 2 sunday tea time programme which features the cliff adams singers?
+Sing something simple
+What is the name of the religious wars fought against the Turks?
+The crusades
+What is the name of the rich reddish brown pigment often preceded by the word 'burnt', a reference to its preparation by heat?
+What is the name of the ridge seperating two glacial valleys?
+What is the name of the river that runs on the border of California and arizona?
+What is the name of the Rolls Royce jet engines that power Concorde?
+What is the name of the roman god of the underworld?
+What is the name of the royal family still alive to this day used to be in power in the austro-hungarian empire, Spain and the Netherlands?
+What is the name of the rules governing British boxing?
+Queensbury rules
+What is the name of the Russian czar's daughter who might-or-might-not have survived the Russian revolution?
+What is the name of the science of drugs and their effects?
+What is the name of the Scottish liqueur which is made of whisky and heather honey?
+What is the name of the seaport of Perth, Western Australia?
+What is the name of the seat for the lord chancellor in British Parliament when presiding over the sittings of the House of Lords?
+What is the name of the second book of the bible?
+What is the name of the ship in which Captain Ahab seeks Moby Dick?
+What is the name of the sign which is put over the letter 'n' in Spanish, to give a 'nya' sound?
+What is the name of the singer that sings 'hot legs'?
+Rod stewart
+What is the name of the skullcap of various colours worn by Roman Catholic clergymen?
+What is the name of the skunk in the film, 'Bambi'?
+What is the name of the sledge in citizen kane?
+What is the name of the smaller currency unit that an Austrian schilling is divided into?
+What is the name of the source of the Nile?
+Ripon falls
+What is the name of the spaceship in the film 'Alien'?
+What is the name of the spicy paste that accompanies dishes such as couscous in North African cuisine?
+What is the name of the staff carried by a bishop?
+What is the name of the statue that landmarks Piccadilly Circus?
+What is the name of the steam train which gained the world speed record in 1938?
+What is the name of the stick used in hurling?
+What is the name of the store founded by Barbara Hulanicki in the 60's?
+What is the name of the straits that separate Sicily from Italy?
+What is the name of the stretch of water separating Mexico and Cuba?
+The yucatan channel
+What is the name of the stretch of water that separates Iceland and Greenland?
+Denmark strait
+What is the name of the strong, heavy grating lowered to block the entrance to a castle?
+What is the name of the tar like substance derived from petroleum?
+What is the name of the team who are an AA minor league affiliate of the New York Yankees?
+Norwich Navigators
+What is the name of the telescope that was placed in orbit in the eighties?
+What is the name of the temple on the Acropolis?
+What is the name of the theme song for the film 'the highlander'?
+Princes of
+What is the name of the theme song for the people's court?
+The big one
+What is the name of the theme song from MASH?
+Suicide is painless
+What is the name of the theme tune for the tv series MASH?
+Suicide is painless
+What is the name of the thing that hangs down the back of your throat?
+What is the name of the three-eyed fish?
+What is the name of the tissue layer which covers a growing antler?
+What is the name of the tokyo stock market index?
+What is the name of the tree of the world in Norse mythology?
+What is the name of the tropical fish with orange and black stripes?
+Clown Loach
+What is the name of the tube connecting the middle ear with the pharynx?
+Eustachian tube
+What is the name of the tunnel that joins Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan?
+The Windsor-Detroit Tunnel
+What is the name of the Ultimate Behemoth's satellite?
+VanStar I
+What is the name of the unit equal to 10 to the minus 10 of a metre?
+An angstom unit
+What is the name of the US bomber that is difficult to detect on radar?
+Stealth fighter
+What is the name of the vancouver hockey team?
+What is the name of the Volkswagen in the film, 'The Love Bug'?
+What is the name of the water-soluble simple sugar found in both honey and fruit?
+What is the name of the wave generator in a microwave oven?
+What is the name of the wave generator in a microwave overt'?
+What is the name of the weak attractive bonds which exist between molecules?
+Van der waals forces
+What is the name of the winged horse in greek mythology?
+What is the name of the wizard of id's wife?
+What is the name of the world wide organization initiated by jean henri dunant in 1962?
+The red cross
+What is the name of the wrought-iron tower in Paris?
+Eiffel Tower
+What is the name of the yellow bird in the comic strip 'peanuts'?
+What is the name of this sign '&'?
+What is the name of water paint mixed with gum?
+What is the name of Wordsworth's cottage in Grasmere?
+Dove cottage
+What is the name of Yogi Bears side kick?
+Boo boo
+What is the name that we use today for fluxioons, a mathematical concept developed by Sir Isaac Newton?
+What is the name used to describe materials that can be broken down by nature?
+What is the name used to describe the 'minor planets'?
+What is the name, in law, for the period, before the reign of Richard I?
+Time immemorial
+What is the narrow, inland sea, separating the Arabian peninsula, western Asia, from northeastern Africa?
+Red sea
+What is the national airline of Australia?
+What is the national airline of Brazil called?
+What is the national airline of singapore?
+Singapore airlines
+What is the national airline of the Netherlands called?
+What is the national animal of Australia?
+What is the national anthem of france?
+The marseillaise
+What is the national bird of America?
+Bald headed eagle
+What is the national cheese of denmark?
+What is the national flower of Austria?
+What is the national flower of Scotland?
+What is the national flower of singapore (name)?
+Vanda miss joaquim
+What is the national flower of wales?
+What is the national game of the basques?
+What is the national religion of Scotland?
+What is the national religious folk cult of haiti?
+What is the national sport of Japan?
+Sumo wrestling
+What is the nationality of agatha christie's detective hercule poirot?
+What is the native form in which dna most commonly found?
+Double stranded helix
+What is the native language of hungry?
+What is the nautical term for a distance of three miles?
+What is the near side on a horse?
+What is the nearest communist country to Key West?
+What is the nearest country to the UK to have staged the Winter Olympics?
+What is the nearest galaxy to our own?
+What is the nearest land to a spot in the sea, where zero latitude meets zero longitude at zero altitude?
+Cape three points
+What is the nearest republic to England?
+What is the nearest republic to the U.K?
+What is the nearest star to earth?
+What is the needlework which involves a hooked needle looping patterns called?
+What is the Netherlands also known as?
+What is the neutral number between alkalinity and acidity on the Ph scale?
+What is the new name of the mound metalcraft company?
+Tonka metalcraft
+What is the new name of the mound metalcraft company?
+Tonka metalcraft company
+What is the next logical entry in the following series: 1a,3c,5e,____
+What is the next logical number in this series -> 2,4,16,____
+What is the next-to-last event?
+What is the next-to-next-to-last event?
+What is the nick name of the sub machine gun invented by General JT Thompson?
+Tommy gun
+What is the nickname for Alaska?
+Land of the midnight sun
+What is the nickname for Allentown, Pennsylvania?
+Cement city
+What is the nickname for Birmingham, Alabama?
+Pittsburg of the south
+What is the nickname for Boston, Massachusetts?
+Hub of the universe
+What is the nickname for Charleston, South Carolina?
+Palmetto city
+What is the nickname for Idaho?
+Gem of the mountains
+What is the nickname for Indianapolis, Indiana?
+Railroad city
+What is the nickname for Kentucky?
+Bluegrass state
+What is the nickname for Maine?
+Pine tree state
+What is the nickname for Maryland?
+Free state
+What is the nickname for Missouri?
+Show me state
+What is the nickname for Mobile, Alabama?
+Gulf city
+What is the nickname for New Orleans, la?
+Crescent city
+What is the nickname for New Orleans?
+Crescent city
+What is the nickname for North Dakota?
+Sioux state
+What is the nickname for Oregon?
+Beaver state
+What is the nickname for Paterson, New Jersey?
+Silk city
+What is the nickname for Pennsylvania?
+Keystone state
+What is the nickname for Reading, Pennsylvania?
+Pretzel city
+What is the nickname for Rome, Italy?
+Eternal city
+What is the nickname for San Antonio, Texas?
+Alamo city
+What is the nickname for South Carolina?
+Palmetto state
+What is the nickname for South Dakota?
+Coyote state
+What is the nickname for Tennessee?
+Volunteer state
+What is the nickname for Texas?
+Lone star state
+What is the nickname of fifth avenue, New York?
+Millionaires' row
+What is the nickname of Hitchcock?
+Master of suspense
+What is the nickname of michael jordan?
+His airness
+What is the nickname of the Australian Rugby League side?
+What is the nickname of the Australian rugby union side?
+What is the nickname of the BBC?
+What is the nickname of the literary captain Hugh Drummond?
+What is the nickname of the nba superstar shawn kemp?
+The rainman
+What is the nickname of the NHL's Montreal Canadiens?
+What is the nickname of the university of georgia football team?
+What is the ninth month of the year?
+What is the nocturnal firefly?
+What is the North American word for aluminium?
+What is the northern most scandinavian country?
+What is the northernmost Canadian province?
+What is the northernmost city in Europe?
+Hammerfest, Norway
+What is the northernmost country in continental South Africa?
+What is the norway maple often mistaken as?
+Hard maple
+What is the number 174,465 that belongs to the telephone?
+U.s patent number
+What is the number of the beast?
+What is the oakland raiders' motto?
+Commitment to excellence
+what is the object most often choked on by americans?
+What is the occupation of a leprechaun?
+What is the occupation of eddie arcaro?
+What is the occupation of Mary Poppins?
+What is the occupation of tom hanks' character in bachelor party?
+School bus driver
+What is the oed?
+Oxford English dictionary
+What is the official animal of Canada?
+What is the official bird of the Yukon?
+Feathered Raven
+What is the official currency in Japan?
+What is the official language in the republic of yemen?
+What is the official language of afghanistan?
+What is the official language of Andorra?
+What is the official language of Brazil?
+What is the official language of Cambodia?
+What is the official language of Chile?
+What is the official language of Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco?
+What is the official language of equatorial guinea?
+What is the official language of Ethiopia?
+What is the official language of fiji?
+What is the official language of India?
+What is the official language of Liberia?
+What is the official language of Mexico?
+What is the official language of Mozambique?
+What is the official language of new caledonia?
+What is the official language of Nigeria?
+What is the official language of Pakistan?
+What is the official language of Papua New Guinea?
+What is the official language of somalia?
+What is the official name of michael knight's car?
+Knight industries 2000
+What is the official newspaper of capitol hill?
+Roll call
+What is the official Provincial bird of Alberta?
+The Great Horned Owl
+What is the official Provincial bird of British Columbia?
+Stellar's Jay
+What is the official Provincial bird of New Brunswick?
+Black-capped chickadee
+What is the official Provincial bird of Ontario?
+What is the official Provincial bird of Prince Edward Island?
+Blue Jay
+What is the official Provincial bird of Quebec?
+Snowy Owl
+What is the official Provincial bird of Saskatchewan?
+Sharp-Tailed Grouse
+What is the official term for the red fleshy growth from the base of a turkey's beak that hangs down over the break?
+A wattle
+What is the official unit of currency in Switzerland?
+Swiss frank
+What is the offspring of a female horse and a male donkey?
+What is the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey?
+What is the old name for solid sodium hydroxide?
+Caustic soda
+What is the old name of the city Istanbul?
+What is the old term for a golfer's nine iron?
+What is the oldest airline in the English speaking world, founded in 1920?
+What is the oldest and most numerous class of animals?
+What is the oldest brewery in the u.s?
+Yuengling brewery
+What is the oldest city in North America?
+Quebec city
+What is the oldest city in the US?
+St augustine, Florida
+What is the oldest country in all Europe, & the oldest republic in the world?
+San marino
+What is the oldest honor society in the us founded in 1776?
+Phi beta kappa
+What is the oldest known breed of domesticated dog?
+The Saluki
+What is the oldest living thing?
+Bristlecone pine
+What is the oldest original, professional baseball franchise dating back to the national league founding date of 1876?
+Chicago Cubs
+What is the oldest word in the English language?
+What is the oldest zoo in the world?
+Berlin zoo
+What is the olympic motto?
+Citius, altius, fortius
+What is the one thing every email address contains?
+What is the only 'real food' astronauts can take into space?
+Pecan nuts
+What is the only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter?
+What is the only active volcano on mainland Europe?
+Mount vesuvius
+What is the only active volcano on the European mainland?
+What is the only animal born with horns?
+The Giraffe
+What is the only animal which can chew in a figure 8 pattern?
+What is the only armoured mammal?
+What is the only asian country never ruled by a european power?
+What is the only bird in the world that can fly backwards?
+What is the only bird that can see the color blue?
+The owl
+What is the only bird that can swim but can't fly?
+What is the only bird that cannot fly, can swim, and walks upright?
+What is the only bird that gives us leather?
+What is the only bird to signify a Chinese year?
+What is the only breed of female deer with antlers?
+What is the only capital letter in the Roman alphabet with exactly one endpoint?
+What is the only clockwise rotating planet?
+What is the only colour johnny cash wears on stage?
+What is the only common word (English) to have the letters u-f-a in that particular order (root)?
+What is the only continent to incorporate the letters A E I O U?
+South America
+What is the only continent without reptiles or snakes?
+What is the only country crossed by both the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn?
+What is the only country in Southeast Asia to never be ruled by a European nation?
+What is the only country in the world that starts with the letter O in English?
+What is the only country in the world with a single coloured flag?
+What is the only country that is also a continent?
+What is the only country to have a single color flag?
+What is the only country to have qualified for all of the Football World Cup finals?
+What is the only country with a bible on its flag?
+Dominican republic
+What is the only country with one train station?
+What is the only day named for a planet?
+What is the only debut album by a British group to make Number 1 in the Billboard chart?
+What is the only dog to have a barb on each individual hair follicle?
+What is the only domestic animal not mentioned in the 'bible'?
+What is the only Elton John disco music album?
+Victim of love
+What is the only English city that begins with T?
+What is the only european city to claim a zero birth rate?
+The vatican
+What is the only European country that uses schillings?
+What is the only european country where monkeys live free?
+What is the only female animal that has antlers?
+What is the only flexible murder weapon in the game 'cluedo'?
+What is the only food cockroaches wont eat?
+What is the only head bone that a normal human can move?
+What is the only host country not to win a gold medal at its summer olympics?
+What is the only land mammal native to New Zealand?
+What is the only land mammal native to New Zeland?
+What is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the United States!?
+What is the only letter of the English alphabet with three syllables (no hints please)?
+What is the only mammal capable of true flight?
+What is the only mammal that can not fly that can fly?
+What is the only mammal that cant jump?
+What is the only mammal with four knees?
+What is the only man-made feature visible by telescope from the moon?
+The great wall of china
+What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature?
+What is the only month that can have fewer than four moon phases?
+What is the only n.y.c borough that is not on an island?
+What is the only native north American marsupial?
+What is the only New England state without a seacoast?
+What is the only non league football team to win the FA cup (in 1901)?
+Tottenham hotspur
+What is the only organ in the human body that produces insulin?
+What is the only part of the human body that cannot repair itself?
+What is the only place in Europe where ape's live free?
+What is the only planet that is less dense than water?
+What is the only planet with moons not named for roman mythology?
+What is the only prime number that is even?
+What is the only real food that U S astronauts are allowed to take into space?
+Pecan nuts
+What is the only river that flows both north and south of the equator, crossing it twice?
+What is the only Scandinavian country the Arctic Circle doesnt cut through?
+What is the only sport that has a rule against left handed players?
+What is the only state with an official state ship and hero?
+What is the only surviving wonder of the ancient world?
+The egyptian pyramids
+What is the only us state name that ends with three vowels?
+What is the only US state that ends with the letter G?
+What is the only us state with a diamond mine?
+What is the only word in the English language that begins and ends with 'und'?
+What is the only word in the English language that ends in the letters 'mt'?
+What is the only word in the English language with a double i?
+What is the only word with three consecutive double letters?
+What is the opening line of the Star Spangled Banner?
+Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
+What is the opposite of a utopia?
+What is the opposite of allopathy?
+What is the opposite of the nadir?
+What is the original meaning of the word Shambles?
+What is the original monster truck?
+What is the original name of the game 'softball'?
+What is the original name of the Michelin Man?
+What is the other common name for a peewit?
+What is the other name for Scotland's holy island?
+What is the other name for the card game Patience?
+What is the other official language of Sri Lanka, along with Tamil?
+What is the outermost layer of skin called?
+What is the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere called?
+What is the outermost planet of the solar system?
+What is the oxidation state of any element in its standard state?
+What is the paint remover that is made from pine resin?
+What is the paper anniversary?
+What is the part of the nose that separates the two nostrils?
+What is the part of the sole between the heel and the ball of the foot?
+What is the pattern of notes in Hindu music which provides the basis for improvisation?
+A raga
+What is the pen name of Theodor Geisel?
+Dr Seuss
+What is the penalty for drunken driving in sumatra?
+Loss of hand
+What is the perforated tag with advertisements that are put in mailer envelopes?
+What is the ph value of a neutral solution?
+What is the pigs name in the movie pig in the city?
+What is the pirate's flat with the skull and cross-bones called?
+Jolly Roger
+What is the placebo cure for the Japanese flu?
+Killer Bees 
+What is the play west side story based on?
+Romeo and juliet
+What is the plural of 'magus'?
+What is the plural of mongoose?
+What is the point in orbit of the moon or a satellite nearest earth called?
+What is the point in the moon's orbit which is farthest from the earth?
+What is the point to which rays of light converge?
+What is the point value of a 'j' in the game scrabble?
+What is the point value of the 'f' in scrabble?
+What is the point value of the letter C in Scrabble?
+What is the point value of the standard vowels in Scrabble?
+What is the political arm of the i.r.a?
+Sinn fein
+What is the poorest nationof south America?
+What is the pope's pontificial ring?
+Fisherman's ring
+What is the popular name for a small wafer of semiconductor material which forms the base for an integrated circuit?
+What is the popular name for nitrous oxide?
+Laughing gas
+What is the popular name for the crane fly?
+Daddy longlegs
+What is the popular name for the drug 'drinamyl'?
+Purple hearts
+What is the popular name for the painful spasmodic contractionof a muscle?
+What is the popular word for the umbilicus?
+Belly button
+What Is The Population Of Monaco (In Thousands)?
+What is the Portuguese territory opposite hong kong on the chinese mainland?
+What is the positive electrode of a battery called?
+What is the postal abbreviation for Idaho?
+What is the practice of training hawks called?
+What is the predominant religion in Mexico?
+Roman Catholic
+What is the preferred reading material for the 66% of americans who admit to reading in the bathroom?
+Reader's digest
+What is the present use of the tobacco factory which features in the opera carmen?
+University of seville
+What is the prettiest town that george hamilton iv has ever seen?
+What is the primary colour with the shortest name?
+What is the primary ingredient in cracker jack?
+What is the princess's name in the story the sleeping beauty?
+What is the principal female singer in an opera called?
+Prima donna
+What is the principal mountain chain in Romania?
+The carpatians
+What is the principal religion in Romania?
+What is the principal river of Ireland?
+Shannon river
+What is the prize money in a horse race or a boxing match called?
+What is the problem caused by the excessive streamlining on fast cars which the aerofoil counteracts?
+What is the process by which certain animals are able to reproduce themselves in successive female generations without intervention of a male of the species?
+What is the process called for coating the outside of a jellybean?
+What is the process called when milk is kept at 62degrees for half an hour?
+What is the process of splitting atoms called?
+What is the process whereby one metal is coated with a thin layer of another, more reactive metal?
+What is the process which gives a high lustre to cotton called?
+What is the product for 'get that 'just brushed freshness' with it'?
+What is the product for the slogan 'a crown appears on your head and trumpets sound when you taste it'?
+Imperial margarine
+What is the product for the slogan 'it has seven natural fruit juices in it'?
+Hawaiian punch
+What is the product for the slogan 'silly rabbit'?
+Trix cereal
+What is the product for the slogan 'the quicker-picker-upper'?
+What is the product of mass & velocity?
+What is the profession of nursery rhyme characters lucy locket and kitty fisher?
+What is the proffesion of jorge amado?
+What is the proper name for a falling star?
+What is the proper name for a moving stairway?
+What is the proper name for a watch pocket?
+Fob pocket
+What is the proper name for a whale's penis?
+What is the proper name for female cats?
+What is the proper name for Japanese ritual suicide?
+What is the proper name for marsh gas?
+What is the proper name for the queen of spades?
+What is the proper term for a guinea-pig?
+What is the province of Quebec's moto on their license plates?
+Je me souvien
+What is the psychiatric term for self love?
+What is the pupa of a moth or butterfly in a cocoon called?
+What is the pure spirit distilled from wine?
+What is the purpose of an analgesic drug?
+To reduce pain
+What is the race of female warriors said to have lived in asia Minor?
+What is the Radcliffe camera?
+A library
+What is the range of an aim-7 sparrow?
+Twenty eight miles
+What is the range, in miles, of an Aim-7 Sparrow?
+What is the rank above inspector in the British police?
+What is the rarest of the naturally occuring elements,estimated to be only half a gram of it in the earths crust?
+What is the ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound in the surrounding medium?
+Mach speed
+What is the real identity of aquaman?
+Arthur curry
+What is the real last name of clint eastwood?
+What is the real life relationship between My husband and I stars William Moore and Mollie Sugden?
+Husband and wife
+What is the real name of Boy George?
+George o'dowd
+What is the real name of cosmetic owner & founder Elizabeth Arden?
+Florence Nightingale Graham
+What is the real name of Jem from Jem and the Holograms?
+Jerrica Benton
+What is the real name of pop singer/actor Adam Faith?
+Terry nelhams
+What is the real name of the 'Boston Strangler' who admitted to 13 murders, and was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1967?
+Albert de salvo
+What is the real name of the 'man of arms' in 'he man and the masters of the universe'?
+What is the real name of the actor TV/Film: Who played the voice of the spaceship in flight of the navigator?
+Paul reubens
+What is the real name of The aint in Leslie Charteris' books?
+Simon templar
+What is the real name of the baby-sitter bandit?
+Lucille Botzcowski 
+What is the real name of the murderer known either as 'the .44 calibre killer' or 'the son of sam'?
+David berkowitz
+What is the real name of the painting 'whistler's mother'?
+Arrangement in grey and black #1
+What is the real name of Thomas Dolby?
+Thomas robertson
+What is the real name of Tony Curtis?
+Bernard schwartz
+What is the real surname of rock singer Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane?
+What is the rear portion of a horses head called?
+What is the reason behind the layout of the Qwerty keyboard?
+To #slowdown typing rates
+What is the recommended height in feet for a bird table?
+Five feet
+What is the red cross called in arab countries?
+The red crescent
+What is the red planet?
+What is the red substance eastern woodland nativeAmericans used in their war paint called?
+What is the region loosely defined by geography and culture, located in southwestern asia and northeastern africa?
+Middle east
+What is the registry number of the enterprise in the original Star Trek?
+What is the regulation height for a pin in tenpin bowling?
+Fifteen inches
+What is the relatively constant, but dynamic internal environment necessary for life?
+What is the religious society of friends more commonly known as?
+What is the resting place called of those buried at sea?
+Davy jones locker
+What is the result when any number is divided by zero?
+What is the revealing occupation of an ecdysiast?
+What is the richest country?
+What is the right hand page of a book called?
+What is the right of succession or inheritance belonging to the eldest son?
+What is the right side of a ship called?
+What is the roller on a typewriter called?
+What is the Roman Numeral equivalent to 10?
+What is the Roman Numeral equivalent to 5?
+What is the Roman Numeral equivalent to 500?
+What is the Roman numeral for 400, which is also the most popular way to purchase music?
+What is the Roman numeral for 50?
+What is the Roman numeral mcdxlii in decimal?
+What is the roughly circular hollow feature on the top of a volcano called?
+What is the round fruit of the sycamore tree called?
+A buttonball
+What is the Russian equivalent of the name john?
+What is the Russian name for 'fellow traveller'?
+What is the Russian word for citadel?
+What is the sacrament of anointing for dying persons?
+Extreme unction
+What is the sacred animal of India?
+What is the sacred river of India?
+What is the saltiest sea in the world?
+Dead sea
+What is the scandinavian word for a narrow inlet of sea, penetrating deeply inland between high cliffs?
+What is the scapula?
+What is the scent on the artificial rabbit that is used in greyhound races?
+What is the science based upon the assumption that planetary influences affect human affairs?
+What is the science of growing plant in liquid nutrients rather than soil?
+What is the science of growing plants in liquid nutrients rather than soil?
+What is the science of map and chart making called?
+What is the science of providing men, equipment and supplies for military operations?
+What is the science pertaining to the earth's interior heat?
+What is the science that deals with the motion of projectiles?
+What is the scientific study of the body of man and lower animals called?
+What is the scientific study of the structure of living things?
+What is the scientific term for the study of poisons?
+What is the scientist Mandlebrot famous for?
+What is the score of a forfeited football game?
+What is the Scottish equivalent of john?
+What is the Scottish equivalent of the name john?
+What is the Scrabble point value of the word jar on a double word score without blanks?
+What is the sculpture of a nude couple locked in a seemingly eternal embrace?
+The kiss
+What is the seaport capital of sardinia?
+What is the search for the existence of ghosts?
+What is the season before Christmas called?
+What is the second biggest country in South America after Brazil?
+What is the second biggest Maltese Island?
+What is the second biggest organ in the human body?
+What is the second book of the bible?
+What is the second book of the old testament?
+What is the second bridge built across the thames?
+Westminster bridge
+What is the second commonest name (after smith) in the usa?
+What is the second day of the week?
+What is the second full moon in a month?
+Blue moon
+What is the second full-moon in a month called?
+Blue Moon
+What is the second hardest mineral?
+What is the second highest mountain in the world?
+What is the SECOND largest (geographically) state in the USA?
+What is the second largest bird in the world?
+What is the second largest city in Ireland?
+What is the second largest continent?
+What is the second largest country in africa?
+What is the second largest country in south America?
+What is the second largest country in the world?
+What is the second largest country?
+What is the second largest lake in America?
+What is the second largest planet in the solar system?
+What is the second largest planet?
+What is the second largest state in the u.s?
+What is the second letter in the Greek alphabet?
+What is the second letter in the name Florence if you come from Italy?
+What is the second letter of the Greek alphabet?
+What is the second month of the year?
+What is the second most common Welsh surname?
+What is the second most common word in written English?
+What is the second most frequently used letter in the English language?
+What is the second most populous city of Zimbabwe?
+What is the second most used letter in English?
+What is the second of einstein's 1905 papers?
+Special theory of relativity
+What is the second oldest city in the US?
+St. mary's, georgia
+What is the second-longest river in europe?
+What is the secret identity of lysergic acid diethylamide?
+What is the secret ingredient in Gleem Toothpaste?
+What is the self adjusting device on a safety belt called?
+Inertia reel
+What is the service ceiling of an f-14a tomcat?
+68900 feet
+What is the sesame seed paste used in middle eastern cuisine?
+What is the setting of john le carre's a small town in Germany?
+What is the seven letter term for a person who shoes horses?
+What is the seventh day of the week?
+What is the seventh planet from the sun?
+What is the sfa associated with?
+What is the shadow-casting pointer on a sundial called?
+What is the shaft on the top of an umbrella called?
+What is the shape of the pasta 'tortlloni' based on?
+Venus's navel
+What is the shape of the US President's office?
+What is the Sheffield silver hallmark which has been used since 1773?
+What is the shin bone?
+What is the shortest and bloodiest of shakespeare's plays?
+What is the shortest and bloodiest of Shapespeare's plays?
+What is the shortest event in speed skating?
+500 metres
+What is the shortest French word with all five vowels?
+What is the shortest month of the year?
+What is the shortest word in English that contains the letters a, b, c, d, e and f?
+What is the SI unit of capacitance?
+What is the SI unit of force?
+What is the SI unit of pressure or stress?
+What is the SI unit of pressure?
+What is the side of a right angled triangle that does not form the 90 degree corner?
+What is the significance to the rubik cube of the number 43252003274489856000?
+Number of possible configurations
+What is the simplest gem in chemical composition?
+What is the simplest gem in chemical compostion?
+What is the singular of dice?
+What is the singular of Genera?
+What is the singular of gladioli?
+What is the singular of graffiti?
+What is the singular of scampi?
+What is the singular word for Inuit (Eskimo People)?
+What is the sixth day of the week?
+What is the sixth month of the year?
+What is the size of each angle in an equilateral triangle?
+Sixty degrees
+What is the skirt worn by a ballet dancer?
+What is the skullcap worn by the men of nigeria called?
+What is the slang for opening a locked door with a credit card?
+What is the slogan on license plates manufactured by prisoners in the state prison in concord?
+Live free or die
+What is the slogan on New Hampshire license plates?
+Live free or die
+What is the slowest moving land mammal?
+What is the small grey and brown titmouse?
+What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around neptune approximately every 16 hours?
+What is the smallest Australian state?
+What is the smallest bird in the world?
+What is the smallest bone in the body?
+Stirrup bone
+What is the smallest British mammal?
+Pygmy shrew
+What is the smallest cell in a human body?
+What is the smallest continent?
+What is the smallest country in the world?
+What is the smallest frog?
+Gold frog
+What is the smallest independent country in South America?
+What is the smallest independent state in the world?
+Vatican City
+What is the smallest lake in the world?
+What is the smallest mammal?
+What is the smallest member of the weasel family?
+What is the smallest state in the u.s?
+Rhode island
+What is the smallest time interval?
+A picosecond
+What is the smallest unit of length measurement?
+What is the smelliest member of the lily family?
+What is the smooth hard coating of the teeth called?
+What is the song title of neil diamond's 'vanilla soup, a double scoopie'?
+Porcupine pie
+What is the source of lanolin?
+Sheeps wool
+What is the southern cross?
+Star constellation
+What is the southern most city in the U S?
+Na'alehu, hawaii
+What is the southernmost city in the u.s?
+Brownsville, texas
+What is the southernmost country on the Balkan peninsula?
+What is the southernmost country?
+What is the southernmost state in the US?
+What is the southernmost us state?
+What is the soviet unions highest military honor?
+Order of lenin
+What is the space occupied by a body?
+What is the Spanish equivalent of the English 'april fool's day'?
+Boob day
+What is the Spanish word for 'black'?
+What is the Spanish word for 'fox'?
+What is the Spanish word for 'mary jane'?
+What is the Spanish word for navy?
+What is the special significance of the asteroid Ceres?
+Believed to be the largest one
+What is the specific gravity of water at 4 degrees Celsius?
+What is the speech at the beginning of a play called?
+What is the speed of a body expressed as a ratio with the speed of sound?
+Mach number
+What is the speed of light?
+186,000 miles per second
+What is the speed of sound?
+Mach 1
+What is the speed of the fastest tennis serve, in mph, ever recorded 'Britain 1963, Michael Sangster'?
+154 mph
+What is the spiral galaxy nearest ours?
+What is the spirit distilled from wine?
+What is the sport with the largest playing field?
+What is the Springfield equivalent to Barbie?
+Malibu Stacey
+What is the square in the centre of Moscow?
+What is the square root of 121?
+What is the square root of 144?
+What is the square root of 16?
+What is the square root of 4096?
+What is the square root of 65536?
+What is the square root of 81?
+What is the square root of 900?
+What is the square root of 9801?
+What is the square root of one quarter?
+One half
+What is the square root of the sum of 55+65+24?
+What is the square root of zero?
+What is the staff of life mentioned in the lord's prayer?
+What is the stage name of film actress betty joan perske born 1924?
+Lauren bacall
+What is the stage name of film actress Caryn Johnson born 1949?
+Whoopi goldberg
+What is the stage name of George Alan O'Dowd?
+Boy george
+What is the stage name of Greta Gustafson?
+Greta Garbo
+What is the stage name of roberta anderson?
+Joni mitchell
+What is the standard of strength of distilled alcoholic liquors called?
+What is the standard time for boiling a soft boiled egg?
+Three minutes
+What is the standard unit of measure for weighing gems?
+What is the staple diet of the koala bear?
+Eucalyptus shoots
+What is the star 'polaris' also know as?
+The north star
+What is the state bird of 7 u.s states?
+What is the state bird of alabama?
+What is the state bird of Alaska?
+Willow ptarmigan
+What is the state bird of Arizona?
+Cactus Wren
+What is the state bird of Arkansas?
+What is the state bird of California?
+California Valley Quail
+What is the state bird of Colorado?
+Lark Bunting
+What is the state bird of Connecticut?
+What is the state bird of Delaware?
+Blue Hen Chicken
+What is the state bird of Florida?
+What is the state bird of Georgia?
+Brown Thrasher
+What is the state bird of Hawaii?
+What is the state bird of Idaho?
+Mountain Bluebird
+What is the state bird of Illinois?
+What is the state bird of Indiana?
+What is the state bird of Iowa?
+Eastern Goldfinch
+What is the state bird of Kansas?
+Western Meadowlark
+What is the state bird of Kentucky?
+What is the state bird of Louisiana?
+Eastern Brown Pelican
+What is the state bird of Maine?
+What is the state bird of Maryland?
+Baltimore Oriole
+What is the state bird of Massachusetts?
+What is the state bird of Michigan?
+What is the state bird of Minnesota?
+Common Loon
+What is the state bird of Mississippi?
+What is the state bird of Missouri?
+What is the state bird of Montana?
+Western Meadowlark
+What is the state bird of Nebraska?
+Western meadowlark
+What is the state bird of Nevada?
+Mountain bluebird
+What is the state bird of New Hampshire?
+Purple Finch
+What is the state bird of new jersey?
+Eastern goldfinch
+What is the State Bird of New Mexico?
+What is the state bird of New York?
+What is the state bird of North Carolina?
+What is the state bird of North Dakota?
+Western Meadowlark
+What is the state bird of Ohio?
+What is the state bird of Oklahoma?
+Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
+What is the state bird of Oregon?
+Western Meadowlark
+What is the state bird of Pennsylvania?
+Ruffed Grouse
+What is the state bird of Rhode Island?
+Rhode Island Red
+What is the state bird of South Carolina?
+Great Carolina Wren
+What is the state bird of South Dakota?
+Ring-necked Pheasant
+What is the state bird of Tennessee?
+What is the state bird of Texas?
+What is the state bird of Utah?
+American Seagull
+What is the state bird of Vermont?
+Hermit Thrush
+What is the state bird of Virginia?
+What is the state bird of Washington?
+Willow goldfinch
+What is the state bird of West Virginia?
+What is the state bird of Wisconsin?
+What is the state bird of Wyoming?
+Western Meadowlark
+What is the state capital of Alaska?
+What is the state capital of Delaware?
+What is the state capital of Florida?
+What is the state capital of Nevada?
+Carson city
+What is the state capital of New York?
+What is the state capital of Pennsylvania?
+What is the state capital of South Australia?
+What is the state capital of South Dakota?
+What is the state capital of Texas?
+What is the state capital of Washington?
+What is the state capital of wisconsin?
+What is the state flower of Alaska?
+What is the state flower of South Dakota?
+What is the state flower of wisconsin?
+Wood violet
+What is the sternum also known as?
+What is the steward of a medieval great house called?
+What is the stinky gas called hydrogen sulphide said to smell like?
+Rotten eggs
+What is the storage polymer of plants?
+What is the stratosphere higher than?
+What is the strongest land animal?
+What is the strongest muscle?
+What is the study of animals known as?
+What is the study of bumps on the head called?
+What is the study of elections called?
+What is the study of fossils called?
+What is the study of heredity?
+What is the study of insects?
+What is the study of mankind called?
+What is the study of poisons called?
+What is the study of sciences connected to the sea called?
+What is the study of soil?
+What is the study of sound?
+What is the study of the cosmos called?
+What is the study of the earth's physical divisions?
+What is the study of the efficiency of people in their working environment called?
+What is the study of the flight path of projectiles under the influence of gravity known as?
+What is the study of tissues?
+What is the study of weather?
+What is the study of whales?
+What is the study of word origins?
+What is the style of decoration that gives the illusion of three dimensional reality to painted surfaces?
+Trompe l'oeil
+What is the subject of kyle onstott's mandingo?
+What is the substance lysergic acid diethylamide better known as?
+What is the substance obtained from acacia trees that is used in medicine?
+Gum arabic
+What is the sudy of humankind, societies and customs?
+What is the sum of 236 - 145?
+What is the sum of 27 + 52?
+What is the sum of 2741 + 3562?
+What is the sum of 2a + 5a?
+What is the sum of 2y + 32y + 56y?
+What is the sum of 32 + 49 + 765?
+What is the sum of 4 x 4 x 24 x 44?
+What is the sum of 444 x 2 x 2 - 1700?
+What is the sum of 47b + 96b?
+What is the sum of 67 + 67 + 67 + 67 + 67?
+What is the sum of 75 + 23 + 84 - 101 + 18?
+What is the sum of 91 x 452?
+What is the sum of 95 x 1?
+What is the sum of 9685z + 235z - 1800z + 2z?
+What is the sum of 99 - 33 - 33 - 33?
+What is the summer counterpart of hibernation?
+What is the sun, moon and earth called when they all form a straight line?
+What is the sun's most abundant element?
+What is the super bowl trophy called?
+Vince lombardy trophy
+What is the superlative form of the adverb 'badly'?
+What is the supreme goal of buddhists?
+What is the surface area inside the average adult human lung (in square feet only)?
+What is the surname of comic book hero roy of the rovers?
+What is the surname of former Take That member Jason?
+What is the surname of kojak?
+What is the surname of the author john ronald reuel?
+What is the surname of the brothers who make up the Bee Gees?
+What is the surname of the Footballplayer geels?
+What is the surname of u.s president herbert c ____
+What is the switching of letters called (e.g. saying jag of flapan instead of flag of Japan)?
+What is the symbol for iron?
+What is the symbol for the zodiacal sign Aries?
+What is the symbol for the zodiacal sign of Taurus?
+What is the symbol for tungsten?
+What is the symbol of the democratic party?
+What is the symbol of the sign of the zodiac Aries?
+What is the symbol of the zodiacal sign Gemini?
+What is the syrup drained from raw sugar?
+What is the tail of a fox called?
+What is the Taj Majal made of?
+What is the tallest and thickest kind of grass?
+What is the tallest bird in the world?
+What is the tallest building in calgary with 52 stories and 689 feet high?
+Petro Canada tower #2
+What is the tallest dinosaur?
+What is the tallest island?
+New guinea
+What is the tallest piece on a chessboard?
+The king
+What is the tartan skirt worn by Scottish men called?
+What is the technical name for the collarbone?
+What is the technical name for the extra wedge of fruit found in Navel oranges, Grapefruits, Temple Oranges & tangelos?
+Secondary fruit
+What is the technical name for the twisting of a stalk as it grows in response to a stimulus from a particular direction?
+What is the technical term for a palm reader?
+What is the technical term for blood poisoning?
+What is the technical term for long-sightedness?
+What is the technical term for the bones in the fingers and toes?
+What is the technical term for the wire that holds a champagne cork in place?
+What is the technique of painting straight onto wet plaster called?
+What is the telephone area code in new Mexico?
+What is the telephone's u.s patent number?
+What is the tennis term for missing on first and second service?
+Double fault
+What is the tenth month of the year?
+What is the tenth number in the Greek alphabet?
+What is the term called for making rings, jewellery & eyeglass hinges?
+Lost Wax Casting
+What is the term for a blind deer?
+No idea
+What is the term for a castrated rooster?
+What is the term for a collection of bells played together?
+What is the term for a curved naval sword?
+What is the term for a fine mist or fog which is dispersed in and carried by a gas?
+What is the term for a full grown female horse?
+What is the term for a limestone deposit hanging from the ceiling of a cave?
+What is the term for a limestone deposit rising from the floor of a cave?
+What is the term for a moon greater than half but less than full?
+What is the term for a painting of a person?
+What is the term for a person best known by three names?
+What is the term for a person who designs dance routines?
+What is the term for a person who reads a usenet newsgroup but never contributes to it?
+What is the term for a small umbrella used to protect a person from the sun?
+What is the term for a young hare?
+What is the term for an animal or plant that is both male and female?
+What is the term for any four sided figure?
+What is the term for arable land left unseeded for one season?
+What is the term for Japanese art of paper folding?
+What is the term for opposition to an electrical current in a conductor?
+What is the term for oscillation of water particles?
+What is the term for precipitation that has been polluted by sulfur dioxide & nitrogen oxides?
+Acid rain
+What is the term for self-love?
+What is the term for space devoid of matter?
+What is the term for the area in front of a fireplace?
+What is the term for the brain's nerve cells?
+What is the term for the course of training nearly 5000 potential taxi drivers undego in London?
+The knowledge
+What is the term for the curved naval sword?
+What is the term for the distance around a circle?
+What is the term for the hybrid offspring of a lion and tiger?
+What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space?
+What is the term for the period of change in form of an organism from the larval to the adult stage?
+What is the term for the physical disintegration of a nuclear reactor's core?
+What is the term for the rook in chess?
+What is the term for the study of friction, lubrication and wear?
+What is the term for the study of how the inherited characteristics of a human population can be improved by genetics?
+What is the term for the union of two dissimilar sexual cells or gametes to form a new individual?
+What is the term for the water induction process in plants?
+What is the term for unlimited authority?
+Carte blanche
+What is the term given for patients who are given medications with no active ingredients & they swear the medication did them some good?
+The placebo effect
+What is the term given to a medieval system in which lords granted land holdings in return for services?
+What is the term given to mammals which have hands that can grip?
+What is the term of an animal with pure white skin & hair & pink eyes?
+What is the term ph an abbreviation for?
+Potential of hydrogen
+What is the term used for a cancer causing substance?
+What is the term used to describe a container-grown plant whose roots have filled the container?
+Pot bound
+What is the term used to describe a word whose sound mimics the thing or action it describes?
+What is the term used to describe sound waves outside the audilbe range?
+What is the term used to describe the speed of memory?
+What is the term used when melting ice is reconstituted into vertical crystals?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["", " Candled Ice"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is the term which means using a gentler expression to soften a blunt one?
+What is the Texas Christians football team's nickname?
+Horned frogs
+What is the theory that man cannot prove the existence of god?
+What is the third book of the Old Testament?
+What is the third day of the week?
+What is the third dimension?
+What is the third letter of the greek alphabet?
+What is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet?
+What is the third month of the year?
+What is the third most popular meal ordered in sit down restaurants in the U S?
+What is the third movement of a symphony called?
+What is the third part of the 'lord of the rings' trilogy?
+Return of the king
+What is the third planet from the sun?
+What is the thirteenth letter of the English alphabet?
+What is the thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel?
+What is the throwing event making up part of the ancient greek pentathlon, in which a circular object had to be thrown?
+What is the tibia?
+Shin bone
+What is the title of beethovens only opera?
+What is the title of episode 1 in the new 'Star Wars' triliogy?
+The phantom menace
+What is the title of general george s patton's autobiography?
+War as i knew it
+What is the title of Geri Halliwell's recent book?
+If only
+What is the title of john lennon's first published book?
+In his own write
+What is the title of Lawrence Sanders ' First Deadly' novel?
+The First Deadly Sin
+What is the title of p.c. wren's novel of the french foreign legion?
+Beau geste
+What is the title of peter shaffer's play about mozart, also made into a film?
+What is the title of puff daddy's autobiographical movie?
+No way out
+What is the title of the Bond movie in which the 'baddie' is called Scaramanga?
+The man with the golden gun
+What is the title of the cliff richard song 'i want the world to know i'm happy as can be'?
+What is the title of the RCA painting of Nipper & the phonograph that we know of as 'His Master's Voice'?
+Dog and Trumpet
+What is the title of the sequel to the book Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos?
+Gentlemen marry brunettes
+What is the title of the world's widest painting?
+Panorama of the Mississippi
+What is the toothpick capital of the world?
+What is the top award at the Montreux television festival?
+Golden rose
+What is the top layer of a wedding cake?
+Groom's cake
+What is the top speed in mph that cheetahs have been clocked at?
+Seventy one
+What is the total of the three internal angles of a triangle?
+One hundred and eighty degrees
+What is the town locale in the tv serial search for tomorrow?
+What is the trade name for the construction kits introduced in 1907 consisting of metal strips with hoels,screws, nuts and bolts?
+What is the trade name for the strong woven synthetic material used for hulls and sails, radial tyres and bullet proof vests?
+What is the traditional (watson crick) base pair for adenine in dna?
+What is the traditional colour of mourning in Turkey?
+What is the traditional dessert on Thanksgiving Day?
+Pumpkin pie
+What is the traditional theatrical greeting before a performance to wish 'good luck'?
+Break a leg
+What is the traditional trade for aspiring Spanish Bullfighters?
+What is the traditional trade of aspiring bullfighters?
+What is the transformation of inhospitable planets into hospitable ones?
+What is the triangular muscle of the shoulder called?
+What is the troposphere lower than?
+What is the tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder?
+What is the twelfth month of the year?
+What is the tympanic membrane?
+What is the U.S equivalent of the British music hall entertainment called?
+What is the u.s military's newspaper?
+Stars and stripes
+What is the u.s.'s grand canyon state?
+What is the UK's largest publicly funded building, constructed in the 1900's?
+The British library
+What is the unabomber's real name?
+Ted kaczynski
+What is the underwater equivalent of radar?
+What is the unique capability of the knight in chess,apart from its L shaped motion?
+Can jump other pieces
+What is the unit of currency in hungary?
+What is the unit of currency in Jordan?
+What is the unit of currency in Poland?
+What is the unit of currency in RUSSIA?
+What is the unit of currency in Thailand?
+What is the unit of currency of venezuela?
+The bolivar
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of bahrain?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of Botswana?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of Chile?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of Gabon?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of greece?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of kiribati?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of Mongolia?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of Nigeria?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of South Korea?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of Tunisia?
+What is the unit of currency used in the country of Vanuatu?
+What is the unit of currently in Poland?
+What is the unit of Imperial measure equal to 1/10 of a nautical mile?
+What is the unit of measurement which is equal to the mean distance from the earth to the sun?
+Astronomical unit
+What is the united state's largest lake?
+Lake winnipesaukee
+What is the universally accepted birthday of every race horse?
+January 1
+What is the us city with the highest murder rate?
+What is the US Defence Dept headquaters building called?
+The pentagon
+What is the US equivalent of the S.A.S?
+Delta force
+What is the US's windy city?
+What is the usual age for a Jewish boy to celebrate hi Bar Mitzvah?
+What is the vaccine against polio called?
+Salk vaccine
+What is the value of Pi, rounded to 3 significant figures (two decimal places)?
+What is the venue for the coursing Waterloo Cup?
+What is the violet variety of quartz?
+What is the voice box?
+What is the warmest continent?
+What is the wbc?
+World boxing council
+What is the weight at the end of a pendulum?
+What is the weight of an astronaut's suit?
+57 lbs
+What is the Welcome Stranger found in 1869?
+Largest gold nugget ever found
+What is the Western-most point in continental Europe?
+Cabo de rocha, Portugal
+What is the wettest state in the union?
+What is the white of an egg?
+What is the white or yellowish substance obtained from the honeycomb of the bee?
+What is the white semicircle on a fingernail?
+What is the white, winged horse of Greek lore named?
+What is the widest river?
+What is the widest-ranging ocean bird?
+What is the wife of a baron called?
+What is the wife of a duke called?
+What is the wild dog of Australia?
+What is the windiest place on earth?
+Mount Washington
+What is the wingspan of a condor?
+Nine feet
+What is the winter counterpart of estivation?
+What is the winter counterpart to estivation?
+What is the winter sleep-like state for animals?
+What is the word for 'chewing the cud'?
+What is the word for cone-bearing trees?
+What is the word for descending a precipice by sliding down a rope?
+What is the word for excessive patriotism?
+What is the word for hallucinations and delusions?
+What is the word for sliding down a precipice on a doubled rope?
+What is the word used to describe species that are not extinct?
+What is the world's deepest lake?
+Lake baikel
+What is the world's fastest bird?
+Spine-tailed swift
+What is the world's fastest dog?
+What is the world's fastest land animal?
+What is the world's highest city?
+Lhasa, tibet
+What is the world's highest mountain?
+What is the world's largest chemical company?
+What is the world's largest desert, as determined by the least amount of precipitation?
+The antarctic
+What is the world's largest desert?
+What is the world's largest eagle?
+Harpy eagle
+What is the world's largest mural, found in California, called?
+Planet ocean
+What is the world's largest rodent?
+What is the world's largest water fowl?
+Trumpeter swan
+What is the world's largest weekly newspaper for stamp collectors?
+Linn's stamp news
+What is the world's leading importer of iron ore?
+What is the world's longest mountain range?
+What is the world's longest movie title (exclude all punctuation)?
+Night of the day of the dawn of the son of the bride of the return of the revenge of the terror of the attack of the evil mutant hellbound zombified flesheating subhumanoid living dead part 4
+What is the world's longest river?
+What is the world's most common compound?
+What is the world's most popular non-alcoholic organic beverage?
+What is the world's most popular spice?
+What is the world's most syndicated comic strip?
+What is the world's oldest newspaper(the name is Swedish)?
+Post och Inrikes Tidningar
+What is the world's oldest song?
+Shadouf chant
+What is the world's oldest university?
+Fez University
+What is the world's second hardest mineral?
+What is the world's second largest religion?
+What is the world's second most spoken language?
+What is the world's smallest mammal?
+The shrew
+What is the world's tallest grass?
+What is the world's wealthiest nation?
+What is the worlds #10 most populous city?
+New york city
+What is the worlds #11 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #12 most populous city?
+Delhi, India
+What is the worlds #13 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #14 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #15 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #16 most populous city?
+Hong kong
+What is the worlds #17 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #18 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #19 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #2 most populous city?
+Sao Paulo, Brazil
+What is the worlds #20 most populous city?
+Rio de janeiro
+What is the worlds #21 most populous city?
+Santafe de bogota, colombia
+What is the worlds #22 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #23 most populous city?
+Santiago, chile
+What is the worlds #24 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #25 most populous city?
+St. petersburg
+What is the worlds #26 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #27 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #28 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #29 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #3 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #30 most populous city?
+Pusan, south korea
+What is the worlds #4 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #5 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #6 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #7 most populous city?
+Mexico city
+What is the worlds #8 most populous city?
+What is the worlds #9 most populous city?
+What is the worlds best selling book?
+The bible
+What is the worlds biggest machine is the lep at cern (Switzerland), what does lep stand for?
+Large electron positron
+What is the worlds highest island mountain?
+Mauna kea
+What is the worlds highest mountain that isnt part of a range?
+What is the worlds largest animal?
+Blue whale
+What is the worlds largest inland sea?
+Caspian sea
+What is the worlds largest island?
+What is the worlds largest living bird, who's average male can weigh up to 345 lbs?
+What is the worlds largest museum?
+What is the worlds largest non-profit and educational organization?
+National Geographic Society
+What is the worlds longest snake?
+What is the worlds most common first name?
+What is the worlds most read comic strip?
+What is the worlds northern most national capital?
+What is the worlds oldest classic horse race?
+St leger
+What is the worlds warmest sea?
+Dead sea
+What is the wrought iron tower in paris?
+Eiffel tower
+What is the yellow of an egg?
+What is the young of the beaver called?
+What is this monarch's family name: kaiser wilhelm ii?
+What is Tiggy-oggie?
+Cornish pasty
+What is Tio Pepe?
+What is to blink deliberately?
+What is to breathe in?
+What is to hurt someone's feelings?
+What is traditionally associated with a Maypole?
+What is traditionally held in the middle of September?
+Farm animal awareness week
+What is true to life art known as?
+What is tuberculosis?
+What is Tuesdays child if Mondays child is fair of face?
+Full of grace
+What is Twyla Tharp's best known profession?
+What is unique about the sentence 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'?
+Uses every letter in the alphabet once
+What is unusual about the elements mercury & bromime?
+Liquid at room temperature
+What is unusual about the town of Kalgoolie, Western Australia?
+What is uruguay's chief port?
+What is used as a center for golf balls and in antifreeze mixtures?
+What is used as an antidote for poison arrows and as a thickener in cooking?
+What is used as the basis of tequila?
+What is used for constipation?
+What is used in a field to ward off unwelcome birds?
+What is used to lift fingerprints from difficult surfaces?
+Super glue
+What is used to measure horizontal and vertical angles in surveying?
+A theodolite
+What is used to measure pain?
+What is used to measure the depth of water?
+What is usually given to 'trick or treaters'?
+What is usually served at bedouin feasts?
+Roast camel
+What is usually sprinkled on top of cappuccino?
+What is usually thrown the farthest in a track and field competition?
+What is venezuela named after?
+What is viewed by a stroboscope?
+Rapidly moving objects
+What is viewed during a a pyrotechnic display?
+What is Wales's biggest island?
+What is white-skinned and pink-eyed?
+What is widely considered to be man's first celestial observatory?
+What is wild rice?
+What is William Hague's middle name?
+What is winnie-the-pooh's real name?
+Edward bear
+What is written defamation called?
+What is xerography?
+What is your father's brother?
+What is your job if you have the title Imam?
+Muslim leader
+What island colony was founded by Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles?
+What island country do cyprians call home?
+What island did Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis honeymoon on?
+What island did Balki from Perfect Strangers call home?
+What island did ernest hemingway spend much of his writing life on?
+What island do most of the North Atlantic icebergs come from?
+What island got its name from the Portuguese words for bearded fig tree?
+What island group contains jersey, guernsey, sark and herm?
+The channel islands
+What island group provides the sheltered port of Scapa Flow?
+What island has been called the jewel of the mediterranean?
+What island in San Francisco Bay once was the site of a prison?
+What island is due south of corsica?
+What island is the boot of Italy kicking?
+What island is the Canadian city of Victoria found on?
+What island nation was the first country to lagalize abortion, in 1935?
+What island was first sighted from a Dutch ship on easter day 1772?
+What island was Napoleon first exiled to?
+What island was Napoleon's first home in exhile?
+What island was seized by Indian activists in 1969?
+What island's attractions include dunn's river falls and rose hall?
+What island's entire population was awarded the George Cross?
+What islands got their name from the Spanish 'baja mar', meaning 'shallow water'?
+What islands population was awarded the George Cross?
+What islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain?
+The philippines
+What isnt outstanding about a Manx cat?
+What isnt present in a fillet?
+What israeli prime minister spent two years in a Russian concentration camp?
+Menachem begin
+What Israelite slave interpreted dreams for Pharoah and eventually became his second in command?
+What it the ninth sign of the zodiac, symbolized by an archer?
+What Italian artist is noted for his paintings of london?
+What Italian astronomer wrote The Starry Messenger?
+What Italian city had the Roman name Mediolanum?
+What Italian city is considered the fashion capital?
+What Italian city is the Monza grand prix held in?
+What Italian explorer is buried in the dominican republic?
+What Italian landmark has 296 steps?
+Leaning tower of pisa
+What Italian tower saw Galileo drop bullets and cannonballs to show that all objects fall at the same rate of speed?
+The Leaning Tower of Pisa
+What Italian wine area is famed for its sparkling wine?
+What Italian-born Australian boxer came out of retirement in 1979 to face Paul Ferreri?
+Rocky Gattellari
+What item does dogbert use to find empty chairs?
+Dowsing rod
+What item of lee harvey oswald sold at an auction for $6,600 in 1992?
+Cadaver tag
+What ivy league university was founded by joseph pulitzer?
+What jack london novel is about a dreaded sea captain named wolf larsen?
+The sea wolf
+What jamaican rum is named for a welsh pirate?
+Captain morgan
+What james clavell novel recounts john blackthorne's adventures in 16th century Japan?
+What james dickey novel tells the story of an ill-fated canoe trip?
+What james jones war novel won him a national book award in 1952?
+From here to eternity
+What james michener book is subtitled Spanish travels and reflections?
+What jane fonda film has duran duran as the villain?
+What Japanese city was the scene of a devastating earthquake in 1994?
+What Japanese video game system arrived in the western world in 1985?
+What jean Paul sartre novel had a sick title?
+What jerry van dyke sitcom is widely hailed as the worst in tv history?
+My mother the car
+What jetsetting author threw a much-talked-about masked ball at New York City's plaza hotel in 1965?
+Truman capote
+What jewish holiday is the day of judgment and remembrance?
+Rosh hashanah
+What jewish holiday saw the start of the 1973 mideast war?
+Yom kippur
+What job did the pianist paderewski hold in the newly created state of poland?
+Prime minister
+What job does a bkworm have?
+What job does murmur have?
+What job does up & down do for a living?
+Elevator operator
+What jockey teamed up with Bart Cummings to win Melbourne Cups on Light Fingers and Red Handed?
+Roy Higgins
+What jockey won the English Derby but failed to win a Melbourne Cup in 19 attempts?
+George Moore
+What john lennon-yoko ono hit had the Canadian chapter of the radha krishna temple in the chorus?
+Give peace a chance
+What john spyri story is about a little alpine lass?
+What john wyndham novel features triffids killing humans?
+The day of the triffids
+What joins muscles to bones?
+What jonathan spyri story is about a little alpine lass?
+What jules verne novel features scientists held captive in the submarine nautilus?
+20,000 leagues under the sea
+What Jules Verne novel is about scientists held captive in a submarine?
+20,000 leagues under the sea
+What keeps one from crying when peeling onions?
+Chewing gum
+What kenyan city is the safari centre for east africa?
+What key do most toilets flush in?
+E flat
+What kids tv show celebrated its 20th season in 1988?
+Sesame street
+What killed 5000 black tailed deer in the American state of Washington in 1980?
+Eruption of mount st helens
+What killed Brad Nowell?
+What killed hercules during the siege of troy?
+What killed janis joplin?
+A heroin overdose
+What killed the Greek playwright Aeschylus?
+A stone dropped by an eagle
+What kind of 'mate' produces a tie in a chess game?
+What kind of a head does a Criosphinx possess?
+What kind of aircraft is the c46 Commando built by Curtiss Wright?
+What kind of aircraft was a Short Sunderland?
+A seaplane
+What kind of animal builds a dam from sticks?
+What kind of animal has a tail pinned on it in a birthday party game?
+What kind of animal is a 'margay'?
+What kind of animal is a carnivore?
+A meat eater
+What kind of animal is a catamount?
+What kind of animal is a civet?
+What kind of animal is a gaur?
+Wild ox
+What kind of animal is a jacob?
+What kind of animal is a leatherback?
+What kind of animal is a peccary?
+What kind of animal is a possum?
+What kind of animal is babar?
+What kind of animal is chesty pagett, the marine corp's mascot?
+What kind of animal is named after the botanist PeterPallas?
+What kind of animal was Black Beauty?
+What kind of animal was napoleon frightened of?
+What kind of animal was Rikki Tikki Tavi in The Jungle Book?
+What kind of animal was the now extinct Dodo?
+What kind of animals are impalas, elands & kudus?
+What kind of animals terrified napoleon bonaparte?
+What kind of animals terrified Napoleon?
+What kind of animals was Napoleon terrified of?
+What kind of apple is on the Beatles' apple label?
+Granny smith
+What kind of athletes Schuss down a Piste?
+What kind of bet at the track asks you to select the first two past the post in either order?
+A Quinella
+What kind of bird is a 'poussin'?
+What kind of bird is a capercaillie?
+What kind of bird is a macaw?
+What kind of bird taught dr dolittle to talk to the animals?
+What kind of bird was Jonathon Livingston?
+What kind of birds are most commonly raced?
+What kind of birds would you find in a gaggle?
+What kind of biscuits were named after Australian & New Zealand soldiers?
+Anzac biscuits
+What kind of boat,invented in 1898 is held clear of the water by underwater wings?
+What kind of boats did Polynesians use for ocean voyages?
+Outrigger canoes
+What kind of bones once stiffened corsets?
+What kind of book did dr seuss pen five of ten best-sellers in u.s history by 1994?
+Children's books
+What kind of book did dr seuss pen five of ten best-sellers in u.s history?
+What kind of books does fodor's publish?
+Travel guides
+What kind of bug emerges in the 1975 movie the bug?
+What kind of cake is a wedding cake normally?
+Fruit cake
+What kind of cameras take instant, self developing photographs?
+What kind of cancer did Napoleon fear, because it ran in his family?
+What kind of car does Austin Powers drive?
+What kind of car does nick nolte's character in 48 hours?
+A sky blue cadillac convertible 
+What kind of carpenter's tools come in jig & coping styles?
+What kind of cat is used in purina(tm) commercials?
+White persian
+What kind of chair sits on curved runners?
+Rocking chair
+What kind of clay can potters heat to a higher temperature earthenware or stoneware?
+What kind of clock has no moving parts?
+What kind of condition is 'protanopia'?
+Colour blindness
+What kind of construction are both the Sydney Harbour and the Runcorn-Widnes bridges?
+Single span steel arch
+What kind of construction is Tower Bridge in London?
+Bascule bridge
+What kind of cowboy was john voight in 1969?
+Midnight cowboy
+What kind of craft was the mast atop the Empire State Building intended to moor?
+What kind of creature is a 'dunnock'?
+What kind of creature is a 'hoatzin'?
+What kind of creature is a 'Meadow Brown'?
+What kind of creature is a centaur?
+Half man, half horse
+What kind of creature is a funnel web?
+What kind of creature is a lorikeet?
+A parrot
+What kind of creature is a mudskipper?
+What kind of creature is a redpoll if it isn't a red cow?
+What kind of creature is a redpoll, other than a kind of cattle?
+What kind of creature is Sonic?
+What kind of creature is the griffin?
+Half eagle, half lion
+What kind of creature is the mOnarch that often journeys from Canada to Mexico?
+What kind of creature was Chewbacca in 'Star Wars'?
+What kind of creature was harvey?
+What kind of creatures are 'ratites'?
+What kind of creatures are flex & torsion on fraggle rock?
+What kind of creatures are Georgia jumpers and African night crawlers?
+What kind of creatures are the Canary Islands named after?
+What kind of creatures are the canary islands named for?
+What kind of creatures were Bilbo & Frodo?
+What kind of dance is the Blue Danube?
+What kind of dance to native women perform for tourists in hawaii?
+What kind of desires did gowan have in 1987?
+Moonlight desires
+What kind of dressing graces a Reuben sandwich?
+What kind of drum is beat beat in the first line of night and day?
+What kind of electricity is produced when you rub a balloon against your hair?
+Static electricity
+What kind of elephant grows to be four feet high?
+What kind of energy powers most communications satellites?
+Solar energy
+What kind of engine did the greek engineer Hero design in the 1st century?
+A steam engine
+What kind of eyes did 'lucy in the sky with diamonds' have?
+What kind of feathers does an emu have?
+What kind of fig tree is also known as the great maple?
+What kind of firearm was developed by Oliver Winchester in 1866?
+The repeating rifle
+What kind of fish attracted 16th century fishermen to the east coast of North America?
+The cod
+What kind of fish is a 'porbeagle'?
+What kind of floor covering is 'lino' a short form for?
+What kind of food is bel Paese?
+What kind of food was 'pottage'?
+A thick soup
+What kind of food was a medieval 'chewet'?
+A meat pie
+What kind of fronts are shown as points on lines on weather maps?
+Cold fronts
+What kind of fruit are Green Williams?
+What kind of fruit was named after Enoch Bartlett?
+What kind of fruit were prunes before they shrivelled?
+What kind of fruit were the golden apples of greek mythology?
+What kind of game is Aunt Sally?
+Funfair game
+What kind of glass, common in baking dishes, can resist very high temperatures?
+What kind of hat is depicted on lee trevino's golf cap?
+A sombrero
+What kind of hat took its name from a George Du Maurier novel?
+What kind of high intensity light beam was proposed by Einstein in 1917?
+The laser
+What kind of house was a hit for Blur?
+A house in the country
+What kind of insect is a 'whirligig'?
+What kind of instrument is an English horn?
+An oboe
+What kind of jump is performed on thick rubber bands?
+Bungee jump
+What kind of letters made up the Viking alphabet?
+What kind of machine is built to be 'booted'?
+What kind of machines are floppy discs used in?
+What kind of money, more than real money, is printed in a year throughout the world?
+What kind of money, more than real money, is printed in a year throughout?
+What kind of music imitates the fanfares, drum rolls, and commotion of a battle?
+What kind of music is Struss's 'Die Fledermaus'?
+What kind of nuts are ground up to make marzipan?
+What kind of nuts were originally used in the old shell game?
+What kind of oil was used for lighting purposes in biblical times?
+Olive oil
+What kind of pain is a migraine?
+What kind of pants were first worn during the California gold rush?
+Denim jeans
+What kind of peach has a smooth skin?
+What kind of pedestrian crossing is a silent crossing?
+What kind of pendulum twists instead of swings?
+What kind of plane is a ct-114 tutor?
+Jet trainer
+What kind of plant is peyote?
+What kind of plants are chervil, borage & thyme?
+What kind of poem has fourteen lines?
+What kind of poem its keats's 'to a Nightingale'?
+What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism?
+Lead poisoning
+What kind of products did Thomas Sheraton design and make?
+What kind of puppet is controlled by strings?
+What kind of races took place in the Circus Maximus in Rome?
+Chariot races
+What kind of rain was New York cop Michael Douglas running through in Japan in 1989?
+Black rain
+What kind of representation of the human body is given to the name ecorche?
+Skin removed
+What kind of rock is marble?
+What kind of rocks are basalt, granite and obsidian?
+What kind of school for dogs was first established in Nashville Tennessee in 1929?
+Guide dogs for the blind
+What kind of seeds can cause drug tests to trigger false positives for opium?
+Poppy seeds
+What kind of shark has killed the most people?
+Great white
+What kind of shark was the star of the Jaws films?
+Great white shark
+What kind of shoe is nailed above the door for good luck?
+what kind of siege weapon was a trebuchet?
+Giant sling shot
+What kind of skiing held its first world championship in 1979?
+Grass skiing
+What kind of slippers did the first cinderella wear?
+White ermine
+What kind of small glass bottle turns liquid perfume into a fine spray?
+What kind of spider devours it's mate after mating?
+Black widow
+What kind of sports field does John Lennon help to create in the desert in the film How I won the War?
+A cricket pitch
+What kind of sportsmen was Linda Jones the first woman to compete against in Australia?
+What kind of star sign is Gemini?
+What kind of steak is named after a french writer and statesman?
+What kind of stick does an artist rest his brush on?
+What kind of stone was sulphur once known as?
+What kind of storm is a haboob?
+What kind of surface is tennis' French open tournament played on?
+What kind of sword did Thundar the Barbarian have?
+A Sun Sword
+What kind of thermometer is used by women to determine the time of ovulation?
+What kind of tradesman uses a 'plunger'?
+A plumber
+What kind of transport were dreadnoughts?
+What kind of tree did James Markham obtain a patent for?
+What kind of tree grows acorns?
+What kind of tree is Alexander the Greats entire army said to have sheltered under?
+What kind of triangle has a hypotenuse?
+Right angle triangle
+What kind of trousers are special made for riding horses?
+What kind of vegetable is 'calabrese'?
+What kind of water does the caspian sea have?
+What kind of weapon was a Colt Peacemaker?
+A revolver
+What kind of weapon was a Lee Enfield?
+A rifle
+What kind of wood was the Kon Tiki raft made of?
+What king boycotted prince Charles's wedding?
+Juan carlos of Spain
+What king built the palace of versailles?
+Louis xiv
+What king dissolved the English monastries?
+Henry viii
+What king is said to have introduced golf to England?
+James 1
+What king of egypt built egypt's largest pyramid at giza?
+King cheops
+What king of wessex married judith of france?
+What king was murdered by macbeth?
+What kingdom claims the birthplace of Bhudda?
+What kingdom has at one time or another owned norway, Finland, the better part of the baltic states and land in modern day Germany, poland and Russia?
+What kipling character was raised by wolves?
+What kitchen appliance does the typical American open 22 times a day?
+The refrigerator
+What knighted actor titled his autobiography blessings in disguise?
+Alec guinness
+What label does rush record on in britain?
+What label does triumph record on in Canada?
+What lake is approximately 394,000 sq km?
+Caspian sea
+What lake is the source of the white nile?
+Lake victoria
+What lake is the world's largest, having an area of almost 394,000sq km?
+Caspian sea
+What lake was the victorian Sir Richard Burton the first to discover in Tanganyika?
+Lake tanganyika
+What language boasts the largest vocabulary?
+What language do gypsies speak?
+What language do most Pakistanis speak?
+What language does 'danke' mean 'thank you' in?
+What language does 'danke' mean 'thank you'?
+What language does an estimated 25% of Los Angeles speak?
+What language does obrigado mean 'thank you' in?
+What language evolved from latin, norman-french and anglo-saxon?
+What language gave us the word pyjamas?
+What language gave us the words kimono & futon?
+What language is a combination of arabic and Portuguese?
+What language is most widely spoken in Iran?
+What language is spoken in 85 percent of international phone calls?
+What language is the opera carmen generally sung in?
+What language originating in Europe, is most widely spoken aroung the world?
+What language was Eric clapton's 1979 marriage to patti boyd conducted in?
+What language was spoken by the ancient Romans?
+What large body of water does the Gulf of Panama lead into?
+What large red flower is the floral emblem of New South Wales?
+What large sea is between europe and africa?
+What las Vegas casino game gives the best odds?
+What lasted from april 3, 1860 to october 24, 1861?
+Pony express
+What late country singer with a smooth voice was nicknamed gentleman jim?
+Jim reeves
+What late night news show became popular in the eighties after the Iranian Hostage takeover?
+What late night show replaced Tom Synder's show?
+David Letterman
+What late rock star's estate earned 15 million in 1988?
+Elvis presley
+What Latin American country is home to the World Boxing Council?
+What latin word is used for information of little use?
+What latin word means 'little shaded area'?
+What lawn sport's popularity put an abrupt end to the croquet craze if the late 1800's?
+What lawyer died five days after the Scopes Trial in 1925?
+William Jennings Bryan
+What leg of Colonel Steve Austin was bionic?
+What legendary character is rooted in U S pioneer John Chapman?
+Johnny appleseed
+What legendary monster does Seattle secretary Katie Martin believe to be the father of her furry faced son?
+What legendary table seats 150?
+King arthur's round table
+What legendary us magazine publisher was born in tengchow, china?
+Henry luce
+What legume did George Washington Carver use as a basis for over 300 inventions?
+What leon uris novel deals with the Russian capture of Berlin?
+What leon uris novel recounts the birth of israel?
+What letter accounts for one of every eight used in written English?
+What letter appears on on the cold water tap in Spain?
+What letter appears on the most scrabble tiles?
+What letter begins the fewest words in the English language?
+What letter does a single raised dot represent in braille?
+What letter does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of elements?
+What letter in the English alphabet once went by the name izzard?
+What letter is missing: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz?
+What letter is missing: abcdefghijklmnopqrsuvwxyz?
+What letter is missing: abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz?
+What letter is missing: abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?
+What letter is most commonly found at the end of US state names?
+What letter is on the hot water tap in France?
+What letter is on the hot-water taps in france?
+What letter is on the left end of the middle row of the letters on a keyboard?
+What letter is on the left hand bottom row of a keyboard?
+What letter is probably on most cold water taps in frankfurt?
+What letter is to the left of G on a keyboard?
+What letter is to the right of k on a keyboard?
+What letter of the English alphabet is 'u'?
+What letter on a weather map indicates a high pressure system?
+What letter represents the number 500 in Roman Numerals?
+What letters appear over the number two on a telephone dial?
+A b c
+What letters are not on the telephone dial?
+Q and z
+What li'l abner animal gave milk & laid eggs?
+What license must Californians acquire before they can legally set up a mousetrap?
+A hunting license
+What lies about 15 miles north of Quito?
+What lies between Stockholm and Riga?
+Baltic sea
+What lies east of mauritius?
+What lies twitching at the bottom of the ocean?
+A nervous wreck
+What lifeboat gets launched from the coast of cornwall?
+Padstow lifeboat
+What line divides a circle into two semi circles?
+What line in the U S seperates the north from the south?
+Mason dixon line
+What line on a weather map links all points of equal pressure?
+What liner company operated the Titanic?
+White Star Liners
+What links cliff richard and viviean lee?
+Both were born in India
+What links sri lanka and an old detective series?
+What links the Isle of Portland to the mainland coast of Dorset?
+Chesil bank
+What liqueur is flavoured with the rind of bitter oranges?
+What liqueur makes a grasshopper green?
+Creme de menthe
+What liqueur stamped dom was first made by monks?
+What liquid is brandy distilled from?
+What liquid is known as the universal solvent?
+What liquid is metered in most households?
+What liquor joins coconut cream and pineapple juice to make a Pina colada?
+What literary sleuth was originally stuck with the first name Sherrinford?
+Sherlock Holmes
+What literary work gave Geoffrey Chaucer something to do from 1387 to 1400?
+The canterbury tales
+What live cargo did the Mayflower carry to America on it's second trip?
+What lively neapolitan dance was named after a spider?
+What liverpool club spawned the Beatles?
+What lives in a formicary?
+What lives in a fornicary?
+What living asterisk moves at 15cm per minute?
+The starfish
+What living organism can be 30 times the size of a blue whale?
+A giant sequoia
+What loaded gaming devices were found in the ruins of Pompei?
+What lollies are named after the safety devices they look like?
+Life savers
+What lollies are well known for rolling down the aisles at the movies?
+What lollies are you told you need 'at moments like these'?
+What London art gallery is named after a manufacturer of artificial silk?
+The Courtauld Institute
+What london palace was destroyed by fire in 1936?
+Crystal palace
+What London park is found on the south side of the Thames between the Albert and Chelsea bridges?
+What London railway station is The Old Vic found behind?
+What London station did Brunel's Great Western Railway terminate at?
+What London station would you take the train from to get to Gatwick?
+What London street is associated with Sweeney Todd?
+What London street is famous for mens tailoring?
+Savile row
+What london street is named after the forerunner of croquet?
+Pall mall
+What london street is the home of British journalism?
+Fleet street
+What long distance love story did tom hanks and meg ryan star?
+Sleepless in seattle
+What long poem did Oscar Wilde write in prison?
+Teh ballad of reading gaol
+What long range WWI German cannon was named for Bertha Krupp?
+Big bertha
+What long suffering teenager was created by Sue Townsend?
+Adrian mole
+What longtime cleveland browns quarterback was shipped off to dallas in 1993?
+Bernie kosar
+What looked like alka-seltzer but tasted like soda pop?
+What lose their color if they are kept in dim light or are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream?
+What loses colour if kept in dimly lit or running water?
+What love song featured elton john and kiki dee?
+Don't go breaking my heart
+What lucky charm does Luciano Pavarotti carry in his pocket whilst performing?
+A bent nail
+What M-A-S-H unit does Hawkeye Pierce operate in?
+What mach speed would send you hypersonic?
+Mach 5
+What machine is used to record the electrical activity in the brain?
+What made Michael Milken famous and rich?
+Junk Bonds
+What made the crew sick in the movie Airplane?
+The fish
+What made two monkeys famous in 1959?
+Space trip
+What made up all ethnic food orders in 1985?
+What made up the Bouquet in the 70's TV series starring Susan Penhaligon?
+Barbed wire
+What magazine did feminist expert shere hite pose for in 1971?
+What magazine did Harry Truman sell his memoirs to on February 21, 1953?
+What magazine is the cornerstone of bob guccione's publishing empire?
+What magazine started inviting readers to crease the back cover on folds a and b?
+What magazine was the first to be distributed widely through grocery stores?
+Family circle
+What magician dazzled at king arthur's court?
+What magician dazzled king aurthur's court?
+What mail-order business was founded during world war ii by 'fred' mallinger?
+Frederick's of hollywood
+What maine village is home for george bush's 26-room getaway?
+What major British disaster occurred in Beauvais, France, in 1930?
+Crash of the r101 airship
+What major Canadian city has a nickname called 'Hogtown'?
+What major city calls itself 'The Windy City'?
+What major city is close to the middle of the Iberian Peninsula?
+What major city is located at the westernmost point in Africa?
+What major city is on an island in the St Lawrence river?
+What major city is served by Gatwick airport?
+What major city was the 1939 worlds fair held?
+New york city
+What major German city suffered enormous civilian losses in operation thunderclap during the second world war?
+What major government body is based in oklahoma city?
+What major island lies 250 miles off the south eastern coast of Africa?
+What major law was violated in the movie smokey and the bandit?
+Smuggling beer
+What major league baseball team has a moose for a mascot?
+The seattle mariners
+What major league baseball team was forced to endure a 20-day road trip in 1996?
+The atlanta braves
+What major league team did luis tiant first go to the mound for?
+Cleveland indians
+What major sporting event took place at Sapporo Japan in 1972?
+Winter olympics
+What major western european country was a dictatorship less than 30 years ago?
+What make and model of car does Nash Bridges drive?
+A 1971 Plymouth Barracuda convertible.
+What make and model of car is closely associated with Nurse Gladys Emmanuel?
+Morris minor
+What make of automobile was pictured above the single word 'lemon' in a 1960 ad?
+A Volkswagen
+What make of British car won the Le Mans motor race five times from 1924 to 1930?
+What make of car boasted 'Grace, Space, Pace'?
+What make of car did Jim Clark die in?
+What make of car did simon templar first drive?
+What make of car did special agents of the fbi drive?
+What make of car is a carrera?
+What make of car is an espace?
+What make of car was Al Capone's favourite bullet proof car?
+What make of lighter does james bond light his ladies' cigarettes with?
+What make of piano did liberace play in his 50s series?
+What make up is french for red?
+What make was the first completely waterproof watch in 1926?
+What makes a doughnut a doughnut?
+The hole
+What makes a solution saline?
+What makes plants green?
+What makes stainless steel stainless?
+What makes up 10% of yellow gold?
+What makes up about 85% of all the greenery on earth?
+Ocean plants
+What male actor played the lead in the thief who came to dinner?
+Ryan o'neal
+What mammal always bears 4 identical young of the same sex?
+What mammal lives at a higher altitude than any other in the world?
+What mammal lives longest?
+What mammal lives the longest?
+What mammal moves so slowly that green algae can grow undisturbed on it's fur?
+What mammal ranks after man on the evolutionary scale?
+What mammals fly?
+What mammals travel in pods?
+What mammals travel with yellowfin tuna?
+What man had a wart on his face?
+Herbert hoover
+What man has the monuments erected to him?
+What man has the most monuments erected to him?
+What man-made structure is 4800 km long?
+Great Wall of China
+What man's gun was sold for use to the Texas Rangers?
+Samuel colt
+What manmade waterway is 100.76 miles long?
+Suez canal
+What manufacturer of pens & throw away razors also make sailboards?
+What marathon procession hit the headlines in 1936?
+The jarrow march
+What march did Felix Mendelssohn compose?
+Wedding march
+What maritime country has the shortest coastline, at three and a half miles?
+What maritime hazard is called a growler?
+Small ice berg
+What mark indicates British Standards Institute approval?
+What marlon brando film was widely banned?
+Last tango in paris
+What martial art's name means 'leisure time'?
+Kung fu
+What marvel Comics superhero carries a star spangled shield?
+Captain America
+What marx brother had real name julius Henry?
+What marx brother had real name milton?
+What mass produced item cost $950 in 1909 and $290 in 1925?
+Model t ford
+What master of question taste created the newlywed game?
+Chuck barris
+What material are calico, corduroy, gingham & velveteen made from?
+What material did cordwainers work with?
+What material did frenchman Pierre Carpentier invent in 1853?
+Corrugated iron
+What material did Michelangelo carve most of his sculptures out of?
+What material did the ancient egyptians write on?
+What material did the Ancient Greeks call elektron and from which we get the word electricity?
+What material is touched or knocked on for good luck?
+What material is used to make the plaster cast in which broken bones can set?
+Plaster of paris
+What material was banned by the English after the 1745 jacobite rbellion until 1782?
+What material were WW II troop-carrying gliders made from?
+What material were wwii troop carrying gliders made of?
+What mates with a drake?
+A duck
+What mayor welcomed john f kennedy to west Berlin?
+Willy brandt
+What meal would 'Mystery in the Alley' refer to?
+What means both 'hello' & 'goodbye' in Hawaii?
+What means never having to say you're sorry?
+What means of transport was invented in marin county, California, in the 1970s?
+Mountain bike
+What means of transport was pioneered by robert goddard?
+What means of transportation did nathan ames invent in 1859?
+What measure is used for the purity or fineness of gold?
+What measures blood pressure?
+What measures walking distance?
+What measures wind velocity?
+What meat do Muslims not eat?
+What meat is chopped into a traditional Quiche Lorraine?
+What meat is from deer?
+What meat is from sheep?
+What mechanical object do the dogs chase in greyhound racing?
+What media format did the denon company help pioneer?
+Compact discs
+What media icon invaded Network 23?
+Max Headroom
+What medical proceedure did Iceland become the first to legalize?
+What medical treatment was first used by chinese emperor shen-nung in 2700 bc?
+What medical use is made of the fox glove?
+Heart drugs
+What medicinal purpose can beaver fat relieve?
+What medicine hastens the emptying of the bowels?
+What Mediterranean island are Agrigento, Catania and Messina found on?
+What meets the Atlantic Ocean at the Cape of Good Hope?
+Indian ocean
+What Melbourne suburb is home to Victorian Lawn Tennis Association courts?
+What member of ac/dc died in 1980?
+Bon scott
+What member of the animal kingdom has the shortest known life span?
+What membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye?
+What men's magazine was originally to be called stag party?
+What men's odorizer obsesses calvin klein?
+What menacing character was best friends with tommy anderson?
+Dennis the
+What mercy doctor called for death row inmates to donate their organs in 1993?
+Jack kevorkian
+What message is 4me2no giving us?
+For me to know
+What message is ilbcnu giving us?
+I'll be seeing you
+What message is imb4u giving us?
+I'm before you
+What message is xqzmee giving us?
+Excuse me
+What metal are hot water pipes most often made of?
+What metal do fools mistake iron pyrites for?
+What metal forms one twelfth of the earth's crust?
+What metal has the chemical symbol al?
+What metal in it's purest state is so soft that it can be molded with the hands?
+What metal is obtained from bauxite?
+What metal is present in all amalgams?
+What metal makes up 10 percent of yellow gold?
+What metal makes up most of earth's centre copper, gold or iron?
+What metal makes up most of earth's centre?
+What metal stays liquid over a greater range of temperature than any other?
+What metal was danish astronomer tycho brahe's nose made of?
+What metallic element is essential to the red blood cells?
+What meteorological significance is traditionally attached to cows lying down?
+What method for brewing coffee was invented by James mason in 1865?
+What method of communication was invented in 1837?
+Morse code
+What method of transportation did Webster use to get from the upper level of the house to the lower level?
+The dumbwaiter
+What Mexican general attacked the alamo?
+Santa anna
+What mid day nap takes its name from the Spanish word sexta meaning sixth?
+What might be divided into stanzas?
+What might you be overtaken and passed by if you were driving down a road in Nairobi at a speed of 35 miles per hour?
+A rhinoceros
+What milk is Pecorino cheese made from?
+What milk product did the U S agriculture department propose as a substitute for meat in school lunches in 1996?
+What Milton Bradley game wants to make you a millionaire tycoon?
+What mineral did Jimmy think he could live without?
+What mineral is 9 on the moh's hardness scale?
+What mineral salt is an important constituent of bones and teeth?
+What mistake did Coca-Cola make in 1985?
+New Coke
+What mixture is used to calm crying babies?
+Gripe water
+What mode of transport is Phileas Fogg famous for using?
+Hot air balloon
+What mode of transport was invented in 1959 by the Canadian, Armand Bombardier?
+What mode of transportation first appeared in Venice in 1094?
+What mode of transportation will take you from dover to calais in 35 minutes?
+What model car was used in the classic tv series, route 66?
+What model of automobile is known for its water-tight characteristics?
+Volkswagen beetle
+What model of car did Starsky and Hutch drive?
+Red Torino
+What model said: 'beauty, after all, is just a point of view'?
+What model starred in the film the boyfriend?
+What modern competition was founded by Baron Pierre de Coubertin?
+Olympic games
+What modern day city used to be named edo?
+What modern day country did the Romans call Gaul?
+What modern day country used to be called bohemia?
+Czech republic
+What modern-day country was home to the ancient phoenicians?
+What molecular substance transmits characteristics from one generation to the next?
+What molecule did James Watson and Francis Crick unravel in 1944?
+What molecule, known by three letters, controls heredity?
+What monarch observed a jubilee in 1977?
+Queen elizabeth
+What monster is said to be living in a Scottish lake?
+Loch ness monster
+What month do we celebrate Commonwealth Day in?
+What month features the harvest moon?
+What month is grandparents day observed?
+What month of the year sees the earth at its nearest point to the sun?
+What month sees new zealand go on daylight time?
+What month was the Frankenstein monster created?
+What month were you born in if your birthstone is chrysolite?
+What Montreal brewer built Canada's first steamboat, in 1809?
+John molson
+What monty python member played basil fawlty on the British sitcom 'fawlty towers'?
+John cleese
+What more attractive name do fishmongers use for dogfish?
+Rock salmon
+What moscow locale formed the title of a 1983 thriller?
+Gorky park
+What motel chain can reached at 1-800-800-8000?
+Super Eight
+What mothballed atomic submarine, bearing no 571 became a museum?
+What motto do brownies pledge?
+Lend a hand
+What motto ends merrie melodies cartoons?
+That's all folks
+What motto was on the first officially sanctioned U.S. pennies that were minted in 1787?
+Mind Your Business
+What mountain erupted to destroy pompeii?
+Mount vesuvius
+What mountain has the figures of three mounted confederate heroes of the civil war?
+Stone mountain
+What mountain lies between china and nepal?
+Mount everest
+What mountain range includes the siwaliks & karakorams?
+What mountain range is Ben Nevis in?
+What mountain range is in New York state?
+Adirondack mountains
+What mountain range is the natural habitat of the Llama?
+What mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad in the world?
+What mountain range marks the border of France and Spain?
+What mountain range separates Europe from Asia?
+What mountain range seperates europe from asia?
+What mountain was Reinhold Messner the first to climb solo in 1980?
+Mount everest
+What mountainous description comes from the Spanish word for saw?
+What mountains are located on the border of tennessee and north carolina?
+Smoky mountains
+What mountains form the spine of Italy?
+What mountains seperate Eurpope from Asia?
+What move about in gaggles?
+What movie about a blind man starred al pacino and chris o'donnell?
+Scent of a woman
+What movie about military cover-ups did tom cruise, demi moore, jack nicholson and kevin bacon star in?
+A few good men
+What movie about the undead did gary oldman, winona ryder and anthony hopkins star?
+Bram stoker's dracula
+What movie cast shelley long as a violinist?
+Money pit
+What movie chronicles the life of pu yi?
+Last emperor
+What movie company was the woodstock flick sold to?
+Warner communications
+What movie did Dr. Hibbert want to see during the Film Festival?
+The Rocky Horror Picture Show 
+What movie ends with the line After all tomorrow is another day?
+Gone With the wind
+What movie featured Reece's Pieces as a crucial part of the story, because the director couldn't obtain the rights to use M&M's?
+What movie features McBain as a comedian?
+Let's get funny
+What movie had the famous line: use the force luke?
+Star wars
+What movie has william hurt's son killed at burger bonanza?
+Accidental tourist
+What movie produced by stanley kubrick was based on a novel by anthony burgess?
+A clockwork orange
+What movie star was called 'America's sweetheart'?
+Mary pickford
+What movie starred art carney & ellen burstyn?
+Harry and tonto
+What movie starred hayley mills as a pyro who liked to start fires?
+Chalk garden
+What movie starred julie harris & claire bloom?
+What movie starred lee remick & jack lemmon?
+Days of wine and roses
+What movie starred michael caine & angie dickinson?
+Dressed to kill
+What movie starred michael caine and angie dickenson?
+Dressed to kill
+What movie starred nick nolte & tuesday weld?
+Who'll stop the rain
+What movie starred patty duke & barbara parkins?
+Valley of the dolls
+What movie stars morgan freeman as a pimp known as fast black?
+What movie tarzan won the 400-metre freestyle at the 1932 olympics?
+Buster crabbe
+What movie theater has sold the most tickets?
+Radio city music hall
+What movie told of anna anderson's claim to be a Russian czar's daughter?
+What movie tough guy convinced sammy davis jr. to stop wearing an eye patch?
+Humphrey bogart
+What movie was adapted from a James Clavell novel?
+What movie was named number one in the mpaa top 100?
+Citizen kane
+What movie were the passengers on the plane in executive desicion watching?
+Born to be wild
+What movie won academy awards for best picture, best director, best screenplay, and best actress in 1977?
+Annie hall
+What movie won the academy award for best picture in 1969?
+Midnight cowboy
+What movie would you be watching if you saw a female character by the name of Holly Golightly?
+Breakfast At Tiffany's
+What movie, as of 1999, has had the most people on the end-credits?
+The lion king
+What much reported occurence interrupted Bill Beaumont half time team talk at Twickenham in 1981?
+Erica rowes streak
+What multinational is the biggest advertizer on the Dutch market?
+What multiple birth has odds of 600,000 to 1 against it occurring?
+What muppet co-anchored a nightline tv show with ted koppel?
+Kermit the frog
+What muscles provide about 200 pounds of force?
+Jaw muscles
+What museum houses the 'mona lisa'?
+What museum is home to half the paintings now attributed to Leondardo?
+The louvre
+What museum provides a home for whistler's mother?
+What musical format did the denon company help pioneer?
+Compact discs
+What musical group refused to be photographed without its make-up?
+What musical instrument did jack benny play?
+What musical instrument did sherlock holmes play?
+What musical instrument does John McEnroe play?
+What musical instrument does ravi shankar play?
+What musical instrument is pictured in the logo for Guinness Beer?
+A Harp
+What musical instrument was invented in 1846?
+What musical show discovered leslie uggams?
+Sing along with mitch
+What musical term means 'slowely and stately'?
+What musical term means 'slowly and stately'?
+What Muslim race invaded Spain in 711 AD?
+What Muslims practise shirling as a religious act?
+What must a las vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16?
+Take a card
+What must a Mensa member be?
+What must be exceeded to produce a sonic boom?
+Speed of sound
+What must be in position before the House of Commons can sit?
+What must remain on the floor in pocket billards?
+One foot
+What must the lord chancellor do when he or she presents the Queen's speech to the monarch?
+What myth is the rhinocerous thought to have inspired?
+What mythical creature carries an hourglass and a scythe?
+Father time
+What mythyical Scottish town appears for one day every 100 years?
+What name beginning with G was given to the hurricane that caused major devastation in Jamaica during 1988?
+What name did Frank Muir give to Joan Bakewell?
+The thinking man's crumpet
+What name did George Eastman invent in 1888 because it was easy to memorize, pronounce & spell?
+What name did Kresge's end up with?
+What name did napoleon bonaparte sign to his letters?
+What name did Octavius adopt on becoming the first Roman Emperor in 27 B.C?
+What name did pablo picasso sign to his paintings?
+What name did sailors give to the southern tip of Africa?
+Cape of Good Hope
+What name did the Romans give to Wales?
+What name did the Standard Oil Co. of California adopt?
+What name did vincent van gogh sign to his paintings?
+What name do private eye readers associate with princess margaret?
+What name from the Dutch for Mumblers was given to followers of John Wycliffe in the 14th century?
+What name have private eye readers come to associate with the queen?
+What name is given to a blood vessel which takes blood away from the heart?
+What name is given to a boxer who leads with his right hand?
+What name is given to a bridge (dating from prehistory) constructed from stone piers with slabs of stones spanning them?
+Clapper bridge
+What name is given to a case for carrying aroows?
+What name is given to a circular coral reef?
+What name is given to a countries song played on official occasions?
+National anthem
+What name is given to a division of a Hells Angels club?
+What name is given to a doctor who specialises in skin disorders?
+What name is given to a drink and a well known book of records?
+What name is given to a female calf?
+A heifer
+What name is given to a fibre from the husk of a coconut, used in rope making & matting?
+What name is given to a five line poem which might begin There was a young girl from Cheshunt?
+What name is given to a full length mirror on a swivel?
+What name is given to a group of lions?
+What name is given to a hill in the centre of any Greek city?
+What name is given to a male witch?
+What name is given to a man in charge of a dining room in a hotel or restaurant?
+Maitre d'
+What name is given to a marriage in which the wife does not acquire her husband's rank and the offspring do not inherit the title?
+What name is given to a mixture of champagne and orange juice?
+Buck's fizz
+What name is given to a planes automatic pilot?
+What name is given to a sentence that reads the same forwards and backwards?
+A palindrome
+What name is given to a settlement which is clustered around a central point?
+What name is given to a statistician employed by an insurance company to calculate risks?
+An actuary
+What name is given to a stone female figure who supports a ceiling on her head?
+What name is given to a substance in which resistance decreaces as temperature increases?
+What name is given to a tail that can grip things?
+What name is given to a vertical bar dividing a window?
+What name is given to a window that opens and shuts by moving up and down?
+Sash window
+What name is given to a year with 366 days?
+What name is given to an alloy of mercury and another metal?
+What name is given to an army chaplain?
+What name is given to an equilateral parallelogram which contains a right angle?
+A square
+What name is given to an isolated mountain peak protruding through an ice sheet?
+What name is given to any muscle with three heads?
+What name is given to bits of paper thrown at a bride and groom?
+What name is given to farms which specialise in growing crops?
+What name is given to farms which specialise in rearing animals?
+What name is given to fish cooked in browned butter?
+What name is given to grotesquely carved church water spouts?
+What name is given to music that constantly syncopates a straightforward tune?
+What name is given to people who fish with rod & line as a hobby?
+What name is given to scribblings or drawings on public walls?
+What name is given to small or immature cucumbers usually grown to be pickled?
+What name is given to sweet chestnuts preserved in syrup?
+Marrons glace
+What name is given to the 1913 show of artists' work in New York, which is often regarded as the beginning of public interest in progressive art in the U.S.A?
+The armory show
+What name is given to the 4th Sunday in Lent?
+Refreshment sunday
+What name is given to the abominable snowman?
+What name is given to the art of dwarfing trees?
+What name is given to the belt of low air pressure that is located at the equator?
+The doldrums
+What name is given to the blend of Black China and Darjeeling teas, flavoured with oil of Bergamot?
+Earl grey
+What name is given to the bonds which link amino acid molecules together to form proteins?
+Peptide bond
+What name is given to the broad gap between the outermost and the brightest of Saturn's rings?
+Cassini division
+What name is given to the cap worn by a cardinal?
+What name is given to the central single wedge-shaped block at the top of an arch, which is essentially a central voussoir?
+What name is given to the control column of an aircraft?
+What name is given to the crab that lives in an empty gastropod shell, moving to another shell when it outgrows its current home?
+Hermit crab
+What name is given to the crater at the top of a volcano caused by its collapse?
+What name is given to the current of warm water that flows across the Pacific to Peru?
+El nino
+What name is given to the curved arms which hold lifeboats?
+What name is given to the day after Christmas Day?
+Boxing day
+What name is given to the division between the nostrils?
+What name is given to the drink which is composed of equal parts of beer and stout?
+Black and tan
+What name is given to the effect that the Earth is gradually becoming warmer?
+Global warming
+What name is given to the fleshy part of a horses tail?
+The dock
+What name is given to the Friday in holy week?
+Good friday
+What name is given to the giant American transport plane, the C5?
+What name is given to the group of animals that eat meat?
+What name is given to the home of a squirrel?
+What name is given to the hypothetical super-continent which consisted of all the present continents before they split up?
+What name is given to the lace scarf worn on the head by Spanish women?
+What name is given to the larva of the click beetle?
+What name is given to the officials at a race meeting?
+What name is given to the part of the sundial that casts the shadow?
+What name is given to the process by which rocks break when they absorb water?
+What name is given to the projecting arm of a sundial?
+What name is given to the sedimentary rock that has changed after being subjected to heat and pressure, for example, Marble?
+What name is given to the small sac or cavity from which a hair grows?
+What name is given to the socket in the skull which holds the eye?
+What name is given to the spore-bearing leaf of a fern?
+What name is given to the staff or crook of a bishop?
+What name is given to the stand on which an artist rests his canvas?
+What name is given to the standard typewriter keyboard layout?
+What name is given to the straightaway opposite the one with the finish line in horse racing?
+The backstretch
+What name is given to the study of Hormones?
+What name is given to the study of lakes?
+What name is given to the study of living things in their environment?
+What name is given to the traditional, charcoal heated, Russian tea urn?
+What name is given to the two buttons a telephone receive rests on?
+What name is given to the type of window which opens on vertical hinges?
+What name is given to the unit of mass that weighs about 2.2046 pounds?
+What name is given to the volcano that broods over Catania?
+Mount etna
+What name is given to the wall of a mosque which faces Mecca?
+Qibla wall
+What name is given to the young of a kangaroo?
+What name is given to those days which have equal hours of daylight and darkness?
+What name is given to twins who are joined together by some part of their anatomy?
+What name is given to young herrings?
+What name is popularly applied to twins congenitally united in a manner not incompatible with life or activity?
+Siamese twins
+What name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens known by?
+Mark twain
+What name is sometimes given to the legislative assembly of a country that is derived from the latin for old man?
+What name is spray painted all over Springfield?
+El Barto 
+What name is used by Private Eye when referring to the Queen?
+What name is used in a restaurant for the extra charge made when you take in your own wine and they open it for you?
+What name was given to a small gaiter, worn over the instep?
+What name was given to an Indian soldier in the service of the British?
+What name was given to the 17 1h century chair with shafts, borne by two servants?
+Sedan chair
+What name was given to the 8th century Muslim invaders of Spain?
+What name was given to the Celtic priests?
+What name was given to the group of men who forced men into the army or navy?
+Press gang
+What name was given to the period during the French Revolution when 1400 of Robespierre's opponents were executed?
+Reign of terror
+What name was given to the period when Charles II regained the throne?
+What natinality was the jewller faberge?
+What nation did 23 African countries sever relations with in 1974?
+What nation did panama declare independence from in 1903?
+What nation does the Alphorn come from?
+What nation has had a monarchy the longest?
+What nation has had its own scandels dubbed muldergate & inkathagate?
+South africa
+What nation has its capital in Zagreb?
+What nation is nicknamed the 'regaa boyz'?
+What nation is the world's largest producer of tobacco?
+What nation was led by Genghis Khan?
+The mongols
+What nation's 90 man army is the world's oldest, dating back to 1506?
+Vatican city's
+What nation's populace watches the most TV, per capita?
+What national capital rises where the Blue Nile and White Nile converge?
+What national hamburger chain has square patties but the buns are still round?
+What national park is mount snowdon in?
+What national park sees the annual ten tors walk?
+What nationalilty is the film director Milos Forman?
+What nationality are roxette?
+What nationality is a breton?
+What nationality is a Sicilian?
+What nationality is athlete greta waitz?
+What nationality is designer Karl Lagerfield?
+What nationality is ex world motor racing champion Keke Rosberg?
+What nationality is footballer Davor Suker?
+What nationality is footballer Lucas Radebe?
+South african
+What nationality is Gerhard Berger?
+What nationality is golfer Paul Azinger?
+What nationality is Henry Kissinger by birth?
+What nationality is Jean Marc Bosman, famous for his ?Bosman Ruling' affecting football throughout Europe?
+What nationality is Marie Curie?
+What nationality is michael chang?
+What nationality is prince phillip?
+What nationality is Salman Rushdie?
+What nationality is the actor donald sutherland?
+What nationality is the artist Jackson Pollock?
+What nationality is the designer Galliano?
+What nationality is the film director milas forman?
+What nationality is the film director Milos Forman?
+What nationality is the Formula One driver Mika Hakkinen?
+What nationality is the keyboards wizard Vangelis?
+What nationality is the novelist Norman Mailer?
+What nationality is the racing driver Jean Alesi?
+What nationality is the singer Celine Dion?
+What nationality is the singer falco?
+What nationality is the singer/actress Bjork?
+What nationality is the speedway rider Ole Olson?
+What nationality is toho film studios?
+What nationality is Yehudi Menuhin?
+What nationality says spasibo for thank you?
+What nationality was Abel Tasman, discoverer of Tasmania?
+What nationality was actress greta garbo?
+What nationality was aladdin?
+What nationality was alexander graham bell?
+What nationality was Alfred Hitchcock?
+What nationality was benito mussolini?
+What nationality was bob marley's father?
+What nationality was boutros boutros ghali, once the secretary general of the united nations?
+What nationality was Boutros Boutros Ghali,Secretary General to the UN?
+What nationality was Charlie Chaplin?
+What nationality was chopin?
+What nationality was Christopher Columbus?
+What nationality was dr bart hughes?
+What nationality was Edvard Munch?
+What nationality was fairy tale author Hans Christian Andersen?
+What nationality was General Pershing?
+what nationality was Goethe?
+What nationality was goya?
+What nationality was Hans Christian andersen?
+What nationality was Heitor Villa-Lobos?
+What nationality was horror film actor Boris Karloff?
+What nationality was johnny weismuller?
+What nationality was King Cnut of England?
+What nationality was laszio biro inventer of the ball point pen?
+What nationality was Louis Braille?
+What nationality was Marie Curie?
+What nationality was Mata Hari?
+What nationality was motor racing legend Juan Fangio?
+What nationality was naturalist Carolus Linnaeus?
+What nationality was pablo picasso?
+What nationality was pocohontas?
+American Indian
+What nationality was prince albert?
+What nationality was Prince Henry the Navigator?
+What nationality was rembrandt?
+What nationality was teiichi igarashi?
+What nationality was the ancient general called hannibal?
+What nationality was the architect Le Corbusier?
+what nationality was the artist goya?
+What nationality was the artist Hieronymus Bosch?
+What nationality was the artist james whistler?
+What nationality was the artist Magritte?
+What nationality was the artist Whistler?
+What nationality was the athlete Emil Zatopek?
+What nationality was the composer Delius?
+What nationality was the entertainer victor borges?
+What nationality was the explorer Vitus Bering?
+What nationality was the famous murderer Dr. Crippen?
+What nationality was the farmer's daughter (tv or movie version)?
+What nationality was the first person who walked in space?
+What nationality was the last person executed by guillotine?
+What nationality was the person who ordered the killing of the last incan king of peru?
+What nationality was the person who ordered the killing of the last incan?
+What nationality was the playwright August Strindberg?
+What nationality was the ponderosa's cook?
+What nationality was the sculpture Brancusi?
+What nationality was the statesman Chiang Kai-shek?
+What nationality was the team that beat the British to the South Pole by four days?
+What nationality was Vasco da Gama?
+What nationality were the 123 people who died in the Black Hole of Calcutta?
+What nationality were the 1500 troops that attacked the Bay of Pigs?
+What nationality were wilde and shaw?
+What nationally recognized day originated in Grafton, WV, in 1908?
+Mother's day
+What Native American boat was used by the early explorers on narrow rivers?
+The canoe
+What native bird appears on the great seal of the united states?
+American bald eagle
+What native language did the USA use as a code in WWII?
+What natural disasters are ranked in severity by the Saffir Simpson scale?
+What natural hydrocarbon polymer comes from the hevea brasiliensis tree?
+What natural landscape has almost disappeared from the prairie state of illinois?
+What natural materials are tussah and habutai types of?
+What natural phenomenon is Iris the goddess of?
+What natural product is petrol refined from?
+What naval movie starred steven seagal, tommy lee jones and gary busey?
+Under seige
+What naval rank did Only Fools and Horses ncle Albert attain?
+What nba player is the all time points scored leader for the Boston Celtics?
+John havlicek
+What nba team chose Dominique Wilkins as their first round draft pick?
+Utah jazz
+What nba team plays home games at the Delta Center?
+Utah jazz
+What nba team plays its home games in the corestates center?
+What neatly stacked snack food features a man with a handlebar moustache on its can?
+What neck of water do you cross when sailing from Malaga to Tangier?
+Strait of gibralta
+What necktie knot was named for an English Duke who abdicated this throne for Wallis Simpson?
+What neighbouring country did Iraq go to war with in 1980?
+What nerve carries signals from the retina to the brain?
+Optic nerve
+What new deal agency is represented by nlrb?
+National labor relations board
+What new England state doesn't border the atlantic?
+What New England state is the fitting site for the town of Teaticket?
+What new England state would be home if you laid down roots in 'bald head'?
+What new England state would be home if you laid down roots in 'bald?
+What new European country shares the name of a greek provience?
+What new form of art was pioneered by WH Fox Talbot in the 1840's?
+What new gadget was Mark Twain referring to when he was quoted as saying 'a curiosity-breeding little joker'?
+The Typewriter
+What new territory was created in Canada in 1999?
+What new title was macbeth greeted with after returning from a victorious war?
+Thane of cawdor
+What new wavers' first north American hit was 1979's roxanne?
+The police
+What new world Indian empire built pyramids in guatemala?
+What new world mammal did columbus say resembled mermaids?
+The manatee
+What New York based baseball team did Emmett Kelly serve as the hobo mascot?
+Brooklyn dodgers
+What New York City's restaurant is alluded to in many stories by Damon Runyon?
+What New York street is famous for its theatres?
+What New York thoroughfare is known as 'millionaires' row'?
+Fifth avenue
+What new zealand native invented bungee jumping?
+Aj hackett
+What news anchor attended reagan high school?
+Dan rather
+What news magazine did Henry Luce and Briton Hadden found?
+What newspaper's motto is 'all the news that's fit to print'?
+The New York times
+What nfl quarterback made richard nixon's white house enemies list?
+Joe namath
+What NFL team did Vince Lombardi end his coaching career with?
+The Washington Redskins
+What nfl team lost a record 26 consecutive games?
+Tampa bay buccaneers
+What NFL team plays its home games in 3Com Park?
+What NFL team plays its home games in the RCA Dome?
+What nfl team was formerly known as the portsmouth spartans?
+What nhl hockey player was sports illustrated's 'sportsman of the year' for 1970?
+Bobby orr
+What nhl star was known as the roadrunner?
+Yvan cournoyer
+What nhl star was known as the thinking man's goalie?
+Ken dryden
+What nhl team won 28 consecutive games in the 1977-78 hockey season?
+Montreal canadiens
+What nickname did albert desalvo acquire?
+Boston strangler
+What nickname did Charles Dickens give to his character John Dawkins?
+The artful dodger
+What nickname did Imelda Marcos share with a heavey metal rock group?
+Iron butterfly
+What nickname did president john f kennedy give to air force one?
+What nickname is given to the clubhouse bar on a golf course?
+The 19th hole
+What nickname is given to the spectators who follow pro golfer Arnold Palmer around the golf course?
+Arnie's Army
+What nickname is given to the spectators who follow pro golfer Lee Trevino around the golf course?
+Lee's Fleas
+What nickname was given to the day when over ?100 billion was wiped off the value of shares in the city of London?
+Black monday
+What nickname was legally added to the full name of boxer Marvin Hagler?
+What night did whigfiels sing about?
+Saturday night
+What nocturnal bird is traditionally believed to be wise?
+What non mechanical sport achieves the highest speeds?
+What non-alcoholic syrup is made from pomegranate juice?
+What non-human company did Thoe Heyerdahl have on the Kon_Tiki?
+What non-surgical instrument do physicians use to explore bodily internals?
+What non-working, stingless bee mates with the queen?
+A drone
+What nonconformist group did london's daily express call 'the new barbarians' in 1958?
+What Norse explorer introduced Christianity to Greenland around 1000 A.D?
+Leif ericsson
+What north african country contains the largest area of the sahara?
+What north American Indian peoples' name meant 'the ancient ones'?
+What North American river was discovered by Sir Alexander Mackenzie?
+What northeastern european country's capital is tallinn?
+What northern country Helsinki the capital of?
+What northern England suspension bridge has a central span of 1410 metres?
+Humber bridge
+What northern nation's geyser heated soil allows it to grow bananas?
+What not so hep disease had its virus finally identified in 1984?
+What notable band did Vinnie Lopez play for?
+The East Street Band
+What note has a time value of two crotchets?
+What note is placed on the centre line of a treble clef?
+What note sounds at 261.6 hertz?
+Middle c
+What nuclear disaster greatly increased the relevance of the china syndrom?
+Three mile island
+What nuclear process takes place in an H-Bomb?
+What number American president is george W bush?
+What number can't be written in roman numerals?
+What number cant be represented in Roman numerals?
+What number did Adolf Hitler believe possessed supernatural powers?
+What number did Levi Strauss affix to the first pair of jeans sold?
+What number did Mickey Mantle Wear?
+What number do the roman numerals MDXCV represent?
+What number does 'a gross and a half' represent?
+What number does a heart denote on a Moroccan bank note?
+What number does Chris Webber wear?
+What number does the Roman numeral C represent?
+What number does VII mean in roman numerals?
+What number does Vince Carter wear?
+What number is at 12 o'clock on a darboard?
+What number is at 12 o'clock on a dart board?
+What number is at 6 o'clock on a dart board?
+What number is at the top of a dice if four is at the bottom?
+What number is on the opposite side of the 'five' on dice?
+What number is represented in morse code by five dashes?
+What number is represented in Morse code by five dots?
+What number is signified by the prefix mega'?
+One million
+What number lies between 1 & 5 on a dart board?
+What number on the Richter scale, does an earthquake have to reach to be considered major?
+What number results if you add the number of Commandments to the faces of a regular icosahedron?
+What number stays the same when you square it or cube it?
+What number when increased by 10%, the result of which is decreased by 10% gives you 99?
+One hundred
+What numbers can be found on the back of the U S $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial?
+What numbers does the binary system use?
+One and zero
+What numeber does allen iverson wear?
+What numerical computer language doesn't have pointer or recursion?
+What nursery rhyme character sang for his supper?
+Little tommy tucker
+What nursery rhyme character slept in the mountains for 20years?
+Rip van winkle
+What nursery rhyme character was arachnaphobic?
+Little miss muffet
+What nut is used in the manufacture of dynamite?
+What nutrient is required by the body in order to build up muscles?
+What nuts are used in the production of dynamite?
+What oath begins: I swear by Apollo?
+The hippcratic oath
+What oath do doctors take?
+What object is said to bring bad luck if it is broken?
+What object is usually attached to a life jacket?
+What object,later named Eureka was found by children in the dust at Hopetown in South Africa?
+Countrys first diamond
+What occupation did David Jason, Lech Walesa and Ricky Tomlinson all once have in common?
+What ocean contains the cape verde basin?
+What ocean current moderates the weather in north-western europe?
+Gulf stream
+What ocean does mauritania border?
+What ocean does the Gulf of Panama lead into?
+What ocean does the Zambezi River empty into?
+What ocean fills nearly a complete hemisphere of the earth's surface?
+Pacific ocean
+What Ocean is 64,186,000 square miles?
+What ocean is almost exactly half the size of the Pacific?
+What ocean is Mauritius in?
+What ocean is only a 12th of the size of the Pacific?
+What ocean is the Malay Sea considered part of?
+What ocean is zero degrees longitude, zero degrees latitude, found in?
+What ocean lies to the north of Alaska?
+Arctic ocean
+What ocean liner became a hotel in California?
+Queen mary
+What ocean liner burned and sunk in Hong Kong harbour?
+The queen elizabeth
+What ocean liner was christened on sept 20, 1967, at clydebank, Scotland?
+Queen elizabeth ii
+What ocean separates North America from Europe?
+What ocean surrounds Pitcairn Island?
+What ocean surrounds the Madeira Islands?
+What ocean surrounds the sargasso sea?
+What ocean's area is 64,186,000 square miles?
+Pacific ocean
+What office supply item does dilbert count?
+What officer of king pharoah bought joseph as a slave?
+What official residence is home to the worlds first golliwog?
+What oil does the flax plant produce?
+Linseed oil
+What oil is used on 'bruschetta'?
+Olive oil
+What oil tycoon left more then one billion dollars when he died in 1976?
+J Paul getty
+What old communist country is closest to the us?
+What old London asylum's name became an English word meaning a scene of uproar?
+What Olympic aquatic event includes such positions as the flamingo, crane & fishtail?
+Synchronized swimming
+What on a cat are its vibrissae?
+What once accidentally popped out when Kenneth Kendall was reading the news?
+One of his teeth
+What one metallic element could critically harm superman?
+What one type of cattle produces more than eighty percent of the UK's milk?
+What ONE word fits____hood; ____hole; ____date
+What ONE word fits____stream; ____hill; ____pour
+What one word makes sense when it precedes age, class and east?
+What one word makes sense when it precedes top, drive and rock?
+What one word may be added to news, carbon and wall?
+What operatic heroine kills herself on her fathers sword?
+Madame butterfly
+What operating system in used on an ibm as400?
+What operation did thai men receive free of charge in 1987?
+What or where is Europa?
+One of jupiters moons
+What orchestral piece did Sibelius write as a patriotic tribute to his homeland?
+What order of columns support the Parthenon in Athens?
+What order of insects contains the most species?
+What ore is aluminium made of?
+What organ contains the smallest bones?
+What organ did Aristotle think the blood cooled?
+What organ endured its first us transplant in 1954?
+What organ of the body is particularly affected by hepatitis?
+What organ will most often suffer permanent damage if you have amoebic dysentery?
+The liver
+What organic compound does the chemical formula 'C_12H_22_O11' represent?
+What organic compound does the chemical formula 'C_6H_12_O6' represent?
+What organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal?
+What organisation did illya kuryakin work for?
+What organisation did mr waverly assign agents for?
+What organization appreciates a gift of erythrocytes?
+Red cross
+What organization did benjamin chavis take over as head in 1993?
+What organization did rod stewart donate all his royalties from do ya think i'm sexy? to?
+What organization fought ecological battles from its flagship, Rainbow Warrior?
+What organization was given the only nobel peace price awarded during world war i?
+The red cross
+What organization was given the only Nobel peace price awarded during WW I?
+International red cross
+What organization was the forerunner to the cia?
+Office of strategic services
+What organization's launch was FDR preparing to attend when he died?
+The united nations
+What organs does Silicosis affect?
+The lungs
+What original member of nbc's saturday night live crew once wrote for mad magazine?
+Chevy chase
+What original monopoly property is known in france as avenue des champs elysees?
+Park place
+What originates from the dalmatian coast?
+What Orville and Wilbur Wrights achievement in 1903?
+First power driven flight
+What OS is primarily used in banks and ATMs only?
+What os was originally called dr-dos?
+What Oscar Wilde character possessed a supernatural picture?
+Dorian gray
+What other animal, beside a human, can stand on its head?
+The Asian Elephant
+What other common name is given to a rook in chess?
+What other element besides hydrogen does water contain?
+What other name did prince namor of atlantis go by?
+The sub-mariner
+What other relative of travolta's made a cameo in saturday night fever?
+His sister
+What other word describes The Young Cannibals?
+What ottawa Indian tribal chief led an uprising against the British?
+What outdoor sport does 'love' mean a score of zero in?
+What outfit merged with Time Warner in 1996 to form the world's largest entertainment company?
+Turner broadcasting systems
+What outweighs the world's humans 10-1?
+What oval shaped organ near the stomach purify's blood?
+What pachydermic nickname is given to an unwanted or useless gift which is expensive to maintain?
+White elephant
+What pacific atoll has been the site of numerous french nuclear tests?
+Muraroa atoll
+What pacific country's capital overlooks pegasus bay?
+New zealand
+What pacific island is Noumea the capital of?
+New caledonia
+What painting depicts the sister & the dentist of artist Grant Wood as rural farm folk?
+American gothic
+What painting medium was mastered by the victorians?
+What painting movement was conceived by pablo picasso and georges braque?
+What palace is found on the site of james i's mulberry orchard?
+What palace was build by the sun king ,louis xiv in the previous century?
+What paper is used to test acid and alkali?
+What paris restaurant is at 3 rue royal?
+What parker brothers game can be bought in 23 languages?
+What part did ray bolger play in the wizard of oz?
+What part of a bathroom tap most often needs to be replaced?
+What part of a camera clicks when a photograph is taken?
+What part of a chicken is the 'parson's nose'?
+What part of a face, according to research, do infants like most to look at?
+What part of a horse would you look at to determine its age?
+What part of a human takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip?
+What part of a knight's armour was a basinet?
+What part of a Persian king's attire has been adapted for use by women as evening wear?
+What part of a person's body must be clutched to feel the 'biceps'?
+Upper arm
+What part of a womans body grows during sex?
+What part of Britain is St. David the patron saint of?
+What part of David Livingstone is buried in Africa?
+His heart
+What part of europe did the normans leave to invade England in 1066?
+What part of highland dress is a filiberg?
+What part of Lenins body was found to be a quarter if its normal size?
+His brain
+What part of New York City was called broken land by the Dutch?
+What part of the body does a chiropodist treat?
+What part of the body does a cytologist study?
+What part of the body does a neuro-surgeon specialise in?
+Nervous system
+What part of the body does arthritis particularly affect?
+The bone joints
+What part of the body does lacrimal fluid lubricate?
+What part of the body goes to sleep when you experience taresthesia?
+What part of the body has a crown, a neck & a root?
+What part of the body has a thin drum like membrane stretched across a tube?
+What part of the body is a busby worn on?
+What part of the body is affected by conjunctivitis?
+The eye
+What part of the body is affected by rhinitis?
+What part of the body is also the name of a punctuation mark?
+What part of the body is inflamed by hepatitis?
+What part of the body is inflamed in hepatitus?
+What part of the body is particularly affected by pneumonia?
+What part of the body was protected by a hauberk in medieval armour?
+Neck & shoulders
+What part of the eye continues to grow throughout a person's life?
+What part of the eye is affected by cataracts?
+What part of the polar bear is highly intoxicating to eskimos?
+What part of the world did sir ernest shackleton explore most?
+What part of you is an orthodontist most interested in?
+What part of you is probably type a, b, ab or o?
+What part of your body can have a gastric ulcer?
+Your stomach
+What part of your body contains vertebrae?
+Your spine
+What part of your body hurts when you have mumps?
+What part of your body is elastic, waterproof, washable & fits you very well?
+What part was played by Patrick Newell in the series The Avengers?
+What parts of a building does a glazier instal?
+What parts of a car have drums & shoes?
+What parts of people's bodies contain their femurs?
+What parts of the rhubarb plant are poisonous?
+What passenger train once ran between london and edinburgh?
+Flying scotsman
+What pasta gets its name from the Italian word for tongue?
+What pastry is uded to make eclairs?
+What pastry is used to make eclairs?
+What Patsy Cline song put LeAnn Rimes in the limelight?
+What peace treaty ended WWI?
+Treaty of versailles
+What peanuts character clings to a security blanket?
+What peanuts character has a brother named spike?
+What peninsula do Spain and Portugal share?
+What peninsula does denmark occupy?
+What peninsula does Mexico occupy?
+Yucatan peninsula
+What peninsula is occupied by Norway & Sweden?
+What people first used fountain pens?
+Ancient egyptians
+What people were the first to use the rounded arch?
+What percent of adults believe that during the next century evidence will be discovered that shows other life in this or other galaxies?
+What percent of caffeine must be removed from coffee to be labeled as 'decaffeinated'?
+97 percent
+What percent of the world's water is potable (drinkable)?
+One percent
+What percent of ticket sales did arthur rubenstein demand from concerts?
+What percentage of a peanut is fat?
+What percentage of British homes have gardens?
+What percentage of Earth's circumference does the Great Wall span?
+What percentage of eligible voters voted in the 1988 u.s. presidential election?
+What percentage of melon is water?
+What percentage of people are left-handed?
+Seventeen percent
+What percentage of the Earth's crust is salty?
+Ninety two
+What percentage of the earth's surface is land, approximately?
+Thirty percent
+What percentage of the solar system mass is concentrated in the sun?
+What percentage of your weight is water 30, 50 or 70 percent?
+What period is the age of fish?
+What peter sellers movie did ringo starr appear in?
+Magic christian
+What peter shaffer play is about a boy who blinds six horses?
+What pets did lyndon johnson have?
+What phase of moon precedes a full moon?
+What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon?
+What philadelphia phillie often chewed 30 pieces of bubble gum per game?
+John kruk
+What philippine volcano erupted in 1991?
+Mt pinatubo
+What philosopher bears a breakfast item of the same name?
+Francis bacon
+What philosophy is associated with jean Paul sartre?
+What phone model did bell introduce for bedroom conversationalists?
+Princess phone
+What photographic device was invented by edwin land in 1947?
+Polaroid camera
+What phrase did the nazi adopt in the 1920s to label their new order?
+The third reich
+What phrase is another way of saying covered in bruises?
+Black and blue
+What phrase is associated with the happy face?
+Have a nice day
+What phrase meaning 'replacement or backup,' comes from the middle ages when an archer always carried an extra string in case the one on his bow broke?
+Second string
+What physical activity comes naturally to most animals but has to be taught to humans?
+What physical disability is also known as nanism?
+The condition of being a dwarf
+What physicist is considered the 'father of modern rocketry'?
+Robert goddard
+What pianist always wanted you to meet his brother george?
+What pictorial record of the Battle of Hastings?
+The bayeux tapestry
+What piece of bent wire, invented in 1899 replaced the pin and ribbon?
+Paper clip
+What piece of land did France sell to America in 1803?
+What piece of music commemorates military action that took place on 16th May 1943?
+The dam busters
+What piece of operatic music accompanies the transformation of a Russian prince into a vengeful insect?
+The flight of the bumble bee
+What piece stands to the left or right of a rook at the start of a chess game?
+What pigment affects the colour of the hair & skin?
+What pigment allows humans to see better at night?
+What pigment is missing from the skin of human albinos?
+What pigment is responsible for the red color in leaves?
+What pink floyd album topped all in 1980?
+The wall
+What Pink Floyd album was the best-selling album by a British act in the U.S?
+The Wall
+What pitcher gave up mcgwire's 70th homer?
+Carl pavano
+What pitcher was nicknamed 'oil can'?
+Dennis boyd
+What Pittsburgh Penguin star scored his 600th NHL goal on an Empty net?
+Mario Lemieux
+What pittsburgh pirate was killed in a 1972 plane crash?
+What place in the Yukon is known for its 1300 signposts?
+Watson pass
+What place is known as the garden of England?
+What place on earth gets the most rainfall?
+What planet did Alf come from?
+What planet did percival lovell discover?
+What planet did pioneer 11 take its first close look at on september 1, 1979?
+What planet did Star Treks Mr Spock come from?
+What planet did the Mariner space craft explore?
+What planet did the Thundercats live on?
+Third Earth.
+What planet did Viking 1 Land on?
+What planet does Star trek's Mr. Spock come from?
+What planet does the moon charon orbit?
+What planet gave birth to superman?
+What planet has a magnetic field 50 times stronger than that of earth?
+What planet has a pink sky?
+What planet has the great red spot?
+What planet has the longest day?
+What planet has the shortest year?
+What planet in the solar system is the largest?
+What planet is best known as both the morning and the evening star?
+What planet is closest to the sun in the solar system?
+What planet is considered the Earth's twin in size and mass?
+What planet is farthest from the sun in the milky way?
+What planet is often referred to as earth's sister planet?
+What planet is taken over by aliens called overlords in arthur c clarke's novel childhood's end?
+What planet is the brightest object in the sky, after the Moon and the Sun?
+What planet is third from the sun?
+What planet is tv's alf from?
+What planet travels around the Sun every 248 years?
+What planet was pummeled by pieces of Shoemaker levy 9 in 1994, producing 2000 mile high fireballs?
+What planet was Spock brought back to life on?
+What planet's diameter is almost the same as the earth's?
+What planet's moon was the destination in 2001 a space odyssey?
+What planet's moons include Io, Ganymede and Hades?
+What planet's orbit does Pluto's intersect?
+What plant did St. Patrick use to explain the Trinity?
+What plant does a natural vanilla flavouring come from?
+What plant family (strictly genus) do azaleas belong to?
+What plant has been used to relieve migraines?
+What plant has the largest seed?
+What plant is least botanically related to coffee?
+What plant is opium derived from?
+The poppy
+What plant is revered by the lovers of the stinky rose?
+What plant is rum made from?
+Sugar cane
+What plant is snuff made from?
+What plant is sometimes referred to as a 'sparrow grass'?
+What plant is the drug digitalis obtained from?
+What plant is the heart drug digitalis obtained from?
+What plant is the Welsh national emblem?
+What plant maybe 'black', 'green' or 'deadly'?
+What plant provides almost half the world's sugar?
+Sugar beet
+What plant takes its name from the Italian for 'Beautiful lady'?
+What plant was used as a model for corinthian columns?
+What plant's bulb can make you cry?
+What play contains the line 'something is rotten in the state of denmark'?
+What play has recorded more performances than any other in British theatre?
+What playboy and national lampoon cartoonist put together the book i paint what i see?
+Gahan wilson
+What player on a basketball team usually plays the post or pivot position?
+What player squats an average of 300 times during a doubleheader?
+The catcher
+What players silhouette is on the nba logo?
+Jerry west
+What poem begins 'twas brillig, and the slithy toves...'?
+What poem did Dante write about heaven & hell?
+The Divine Comedy
+What poem is recited as the finale to Disney's christmas festivities?
+A visit from st nicholas
+What poet won the pulitzer prize 4 times?
+Robert frost
+What poet wrote how do i love thee?
+Elizabeth barrett browning
+What poetic device did traditional anglo-saxon poetry use most often?
+What point did Scotsman John Napier introduce in a book in 1617?
+Decimal point
+What poke hand comprises three of a kind and a pair?
+Full house
+What poker hand comprises of a three of a kind and a pair?
+Full house
+What pole is colder the South Pole or the North Pole?
+The south pole
+What pole is considered the father of modern astronomy?
+Nicolas copernicus
+What police force were named in recognition after the statesman Sir Robert Peel who organized the force?
+London Bobbies
+What police force worked for mack sennett?
+Keystone kops
+What police show featured officers webster, gillis and danko?
+What polish composer established piano as a solo instrument free from choral or orchestral influence?
+What political conversion did pablo picasso make in 1944?
+What political figure was reported as having been seen at the home of marilyn monroe on the day of her death?
+Bobby kennedy
+What political position did Ronald Reagan hold before becoming President of the United States?
+Governor of California
+What Polynesian people inhabit New Zealand?
+What pop artist designed the cover for the rolling stones' sticky fingers album?
+Andy warhol
+What pop group was originally named 'the quarrymen'?
+The Beatles
+What pope died 33 days after his election?
+John Paul i
+What pops out of a cicadas ovipositor?
+What popular American tune was borrowd as the theme in the finale of Dvoraks New World Symphony?
+Yankee doodle
+What popular American writer coined the word nerd?
+Doctor seuss
+What popular brand named of sugar coated breakfast cereal contained so much iron when introduced in 1977 it could be picked up with a magnet?
+Kellogg's frosted rice cereal
+What popular card game originated in Turkey?
+What popular catch-phrase of the 70's appeared in Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar'?
+Right On
+What popular dance did the New York musical Runnin Wild introduce in 1923?
+The charleston
+What popular pastime was introduced in 1863?
+Roller skating
+What popular violin player was born in singapore?
+Vanessa mae
+What porno film title was used as a cover for a watergate informer?
+Deep throat
+What porno star had the longest penis?
+John Holmes
+What port city serves tokyo?
+What port in a computer is refered to as the netbios sharing port?
+What port in a computer is refered to as the SOCKS4 Firewall port?
+What port is served by the river Taff?
+What portable device did James Spengler invent in 1907, using a soap box, pillow case, a fan & tape?
+The vacuum cleaner
+What portable object is the teleram t-3000?
+What Portuguese territory will revert to china in 1999?
+What poseidon adventurer was playboy's playmate of the month for january 1960?
+Stella stevens
+What position did babe ruth play when he first entered major league baseball?
+What position did baseball legend cy young play?
+What position did mac davis play in north dallas forty?
+What position do baseball's 'cy young award' winners play?
+What position does a sloth spend its day in?
+Upside down
+What position does chris webber play?
+What position does shaquille o'neal play?
+What position has been held by 266 men, 33 of whom have died violently?
+What position was held by Javiar Perez de Cuellar in 1991?
+U.N general secretary
+What power source did stephen ptacek use to fly the English channel?
+What precedes: 'and never the twain shall meet'?
+East is east and west is west
+What precious metal did alchemists call luna?
+What precious metal does the U S store in fort knox?
+What precious stone is a deep red variety of corundum?
+What prescription drug is Krusty addicted to?
+What present does Herb give Bart in 8F23?
+NRA Membership
+What present-day state was purchased by the us in 1819?
+What president could write Latin with one hand & Greek with the other?
+James garfield
+What president ended his career on january 17, 1961?
+Dwight eisenhower
+What president had a slave for a mistress?
+Thomas jefferson
+What president had red hair?
+Thomas jefferson
+What president had solar panels installed on the white house roof?
+Jimmy Carter
+What president invented the odometer?
+Thomas jefferson
+What president promised a chicken in every pot?
+Herbert hoover
+What president was general omar bradley's classmate in 1915 at west point?
+Dwight eisenhower
+What president was nicknamed sword of the revolution?
+George Washington
+What president's wife saw him elected but died before his inauguration?
+Andrew jackson
+What president's youngest child was born when he was 70 years old?
+John tyler
+What presidential ticket featured the slogan: get America moving again?
+Carter and mondale
+What presidential ticket was dubbed bozo and the pineapple?
+Gerald ford and
+What presidents birthday is a national holiday?
+George Washington
+What prevented Sir Lancelot finding the Holy Grail?
+What primate, from the mountains of Japan, keeps warm in winter by bathing in hot volcanic springs?
+What prime-time soap opera debuted as a five-part miniseries in 1978?
+What prince lp did wal-mart refuse to stock in may, 1988?
+Love sexy
+What principality derives its revenues from casinos instead of taxes?
+What principality has the house of grimaldi ruled since the middle ages?
+What printer did seiko develop for the 1964 tokyo olympics?
+Dot matrix
+What printing system utilizes tiny dots?
+Dot matrix
+What prints are used by breeders and trainers to identify dogs?
+Nose prints
+What prison is found at princetown?
+What prison island was off the coast of french guiana?
+Devil's island
+What pro athlete did Fortune claim added $10 billion to the U.S. economy, in 1998?
+Michael jordan
+What probably caused the craters on the moon?
+What process allows plants receiving sunlight to make their own food?
+What process did Nicholas Appart develop after discovering that you could preserve fruit in a jar by sealing it and boiling it?
+The canning process
+What process does animal hide have to undergo to become leather?
+What process forms drumlins, eskers and cirques?
+What process involves the heating of milk to a temperature of about 60 degrees?
+What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata 'Sleepers Awake'?
+A Whiter Shade of Pale
+What produce did Molly Malone sell?
+Cockles and mussels
+What producer, dubbed king of the nudies, hit it big with vixen in 1968?
+Russ meyer
+What produces the natural gas which is New Zealand's contibution to the greenhouse effect?
+What product did farfel the dog advertise?
+Nestle's chocolate
+What product did Mary Holland advertise for 18 years?
+What product first produced in Germany had a formula that combined alcohol, lemon spirits, orange bitters and mint oil?
+What product orginally sold as 'the esteemed brain tonic & intellectual beverage'?
+Coca cola
+What product was advertised by the first commercial to portray nudity on us televison (1987)?
+Viola brassieres
+What product was endorsed by don meredith?
+Lipton tea
+What product was endorsed by ella fitzgerald?
+What product was endorsed by lorne greene?
+What product was the first to use a photograph of a nude woman in its advertisements?
+Woodbury Soap
+What product's tv commercial launched lorraine chase's career?
+What profession was lillian hellman?
+What professional sport does junkyard dog star in?
+What prompts Marge to talk about old romances?
+A Novel 
+What prophet led the children of israel to the promised land?
+What protruded from the rocks at the end of the film 'planet of the apes'?
+Statue of liberty
+What province of Canada has French as its major language?
+What public television show does Troy McClure urge people to sponsor?
+Edward the Penitent 
+What Pulitzer prize winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City?
+Norman mailer
+What pulitzer prize-winning play dramatized the life of black boxing champ jack johnson?
+The great white hope
+What pulitzer-prize winning author wrote sports in America?
+James michener
+What punishment was meted out to English poachers in the time of richard the lionheart?
+What purple flower is the emblem of Scotland?
+The thistle
+What purpose did the Bastille serve before it was stormed on July 14th 1789?
+What purpose does synovial fluid serve in the body?
+Lubricates joints
+What queen did edmund spenser dedicate his faerie queene to?
+Elizabeth i
+What queen is associated with detective stories?
+Ellery queen
+What queen married 2 of her brothers?
+What r&b group did gary brooker play with before procol harum?
+What race have both al and bobby unser won?
+The indianapolis 500
+What race of people suffered an estimated 35 million deaths at the hands of the Mongols?
+What race's winner is draped with a blanket of roses?
+Kentucky derby
+What racehorse of the 1920s was so hopeless that its name has become a term of derision?
+What racing number is Santa's Little Helpers girlfriend?
+Number 8
+What racket sport derives its name from the resilience of its ball?
+What radio sitcom is set in rural Ambridge?
+The archers
+What radioactive element is used to power modern heart pacemakers?
+What rags to riches film knocked out all competitors to win the 1976 best picture oscar?
+What railroad has 97 stops on its 5,799-mile route?
+Trans-siberian railway
+What range of hills runs up through Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire?
+What rare metal melts at 86 degress fahrenheit?
+What rare water creature gives its name to a river in Florida?
+What ray bradbury novel is named for temperature at which paper catches fire?
+Fahrenheit 451
+What reached London in 1665 with catastrophic results?
+Bubonic plague
+What record company's top song-writing production team was made up of brian holland, lamont dozier and eddie holland?
+What record did babe ruth break when he hit 60 homers?
+His own
+What record did Beamon break at the 1968 Olympics?
+Long jump
+What record did Bill Haley and the Comets release in 1955?
+Rock around the clock
+What record does the Khaki Campbell breed of duck hold?
+Egg laying
+What record label first captured the Beatles?
+What recording innovation was introduced in 1958?
+What red fruit is most often eaten in green salads?
+What reduction is indicated when a measurement is prefixd by the word pico?
+A million,millionth part
+What reference book published in 1852 classified words for the first time according to the ideas that they expressed?
+Rogets thesaurus
+What refinement to the wristwatch was patented by John Harwood in 1924?
+Self winding mechanism
+What region of China is the Dalai Lama's palace in?
+What region of the world did Hernando de Soto explore in the 1500s?
+The American southwest
+What relation is superman to supergirl?
+First cousin
+What relation is Whitney Houston to Dionne Warwick?
+What relation to you is your uncle's father?
+What relation was Genghis Khan to Kublai Khan?
+What relation was Louis XV of France to Louis XIV?
+Great grandson
+What relation was Queen Victoria to George III?
+What relation was William the Conqueror to Stephen (1096-1154)?
+What relationship are james arness and peter graves?
+What relationship was jesus to john the baptist?
+What relative of Genghis Khan let Marco Polo ride elephants on hunting trips?
+Kublai khan
+What releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 mph?
+What religion are i.r.a members?
+What religion celebrates Ramadan?
+What religion did bob marley belong to?
+What religion does a 'rabbi' practise?
+What religion follows the teachings of the prophet Mohammed?
+What religion has mosques as its places of worship?
+What religion is based on the teachings of saffhartha guatama?
+What religion was Queen Mary i of England?
+What religion were the Huguenots?
+What religious elements is voodoo a mixture of?
+Roman catholicism
+What religious figure does a Mariolater venerate?
+The virgin mary
+What religious group did brigham young lead to utah?
+What religious holiday immediately follows halloween?
+All saints day
+What religious movement did joseph smith found?
+What remained at the bottom of pandora's box?
+What remained closed for 3000 years until Feb 1923?
+Tutankhamuns tomb
+What remarkable record was set in 1997 by Jeanne Calment in France?
+Oldest ever person
+What remote region of Russia borders China, Kazakhstan & Mongolia?
+What repeated word forms the total lyrical content of the Entertainment USA signature tune?
+What replaced English as the official language of Kenya in 1974?
+What represent the body and blood of Christ in the service of Holy Communion?
+Bread and wine
+What reptilian feature evolved in feathers?
+What reptilian feature evolved into feathers?
+What reptilian movie starred sam neil, laura dern and jeff goldblum?
+Jurassic park
+What republic would a Finn reach by paddling due south from Helsinki?
+What resin used in varnish is a secretion of the lac insect?
+What resource is the Queen of England's salary drawn from?
+The Civil List
+What restaurant chain attempts to steal and then buy Flaming Moes from Moe?
+Tipsy McStagger's 
+What restaurant chain had served forty five thousand million hamburgers by 1983?
+What returned in 1985 that is pictured on the bayeux tapestry?
+Halley's comet
+What returns to the night sky every 76 years?
+Halleys comet
+What reusable drawing pad notched its 50 millionth sale in 1985?
+What revolutionary fought with Castro and died in Bolivia?
+Che guevara
+What rhino is the world's second largest land mammal?
+White rhino
+What rings the globe 23? degrees south of the north pole?
+Arctic circle
+What risk player wins tied dice rolls, the attacker or defender?
+What river are the cities of patna and calcutta on?
+What river boasts the worlds largest tidal barrier?
+What river did francisco de orellano become the first to travel the length of?
+What river did John baptize Christ in?
+What river divides the Dutch capital of amsterdam in two?
+What river does the Budapest Hilton afford a spectacular view of?
+What river flows between minneapolis and st. Paul?
+What river flows past the temple of karnak?
+What river flows through Rome?
+What river flows through Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade?
+What river forms at the confluence of the Allegheny & the Monongahela?
+Ohio river
+What river had 40 million fish killed by insecticide in 1969?
+What river had bodies floatin' in eve of destruction?
+The jordan river
+What river in the world is the longest?
+What river is called 'Old Man River'?
+What river is formed by the confluence of the Paranaiba and Grande rivers?
+What river is Gateshead on?
+What river is Glasgow on?
+What river is Hull on?
+What river is known as China's Sorrow because of its flooding?
+What river is nicknamed Old Muddy?
+What river is represented by the blue stripe on the Gambian flag?
+What river is spanned by the George Washington Bridge?
+What river is the temple of Karnak near?
+The nile
+What river joins the white nile at khartoum?
+The blue nile
+What river passes through cologne, france?
+What river runs through rome, the capital city of Italy?
+What river runs through the the Grand Canyon?
+The colorado river
+What river snakes through Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, & Bulgaria?
+The danube
+What river tumbles over victoria falls?
+What river was Francisco de Orellano the first to travel the length of?
+What river was India named after?
+What river were the Joan of Arc's remains cast into?
+The seine
+What river's cruises originate in aswan, luxor and cairo?
+What roars in the 'roaring forties'?
+What Robert Heinlein book title can be found in Exodus 2:22?
+Stranger in a strange land
+What robert louis stevenson adventure features the ship called covenant?
+What rock did graham greene write about?
+What rock group uses roman numerals on all of its album covers?
+What rock is formed from layers of mud & clay?
+What rock magazine that came out in the eighties is now Rolling Stone's major competitor?
+What rock makes the cheapest, softest form of sandpaper?
+What rock star attended the london school of economics for two years?
+Mick jagger
+What rock star joined the cast of general hospital?
+Rick springfield
+What rockers asked fans to pick the songs for slippery when wet?
+Bon jovi
+What rodent did the Normans bring over to Britain with them?
+What rodent is famous for building dams?
+What rodent was banned from Germany by Hitler?
+Mickey mouse
+What role did ken osmond play on leave it to beaver?
+Eddie haskell
+What role did michael sarrazin play in the tv movie frankenstein?
+Dr victor frankenstein
+What role won julie andrews her only oscar?
+Mary poppins
+What Roman emperor died in 117 a.d?
+What roman emperor does the King of Diamonds represent?
+Julius caesar
+What roman emperor made his horse a senator?
+What Roman Emporer gave Constantinople its name?
+What Roman galley was Judah Ben Hur a slave oarsman on?
+What Roman god is January named after?
+What roman governor tried christ?
+Pontius pilate
+What romance novel cover boy began hyping his new perfume mediterraneum?
+What Rome ruin is inhabited by hundreds of cats?
+What rome tourist attraction has 138 steps?
+Spanish steps
+What room did w c fields keep his library in?
+What root flavours root beer?
+What roundball team did abraham m saperstein establish and send on the road in 1928?
+Harlem globetrotters
+What route linked Canterbury and Winchester in medieval times?
+Teh pilgrims way
+What royal house did Henry viii belong to?
+What rum, lime and sugar cocktail is named for a town near santiago, cuba?
+The daiquiri
+What runner gets sick and tired of being called Michael Jackson?
+Michael Johnson
+What runs up and down on the rolling stones' sticky fingers album cover?
+What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum?
+What Russian city used to be called St Petersburg and Petrograd?
+What Russian city was formerly known as st petersburg, then petrograd, and until 1918 was the capital of the country?
+What Russian city's name translates to 'ruler of the east'?
+What Russian fighter was most encountered in the skies over korea?
+Mig 15
+What Russian spy was exchanged for u-2 pilot francis gary powers in 1962?
+Rudolf abel
+What Russian word 'restructuring'?
+What sailor's disease resulted from a deficiency of Vitamin C?
+What saint came to be known as santa claus?
+Saint nicholas
+What saint is the huge church in the Vatican named after?
+St peter
+What saint offerred jesus a handkerchief?
+St veronica
+What saint's day is march 17?
+St. patrick's
+What salad vegetable would you be eating if you were having a 'French Breakfast'?
+What sank in the sea in a single day and night of misfortune, according to Plato?
+What satellite carried the first trans-atlantic tv broadcast?
+What satellite series name was Russian for 'fellow traveller'?
+What satellite series' name is Russian for fellow traveler?
+What satellite spawned a hit single?
+What sauce is made of cream, eggs, parmesan & bits of bacon?
+What Saudi Arabian king was assassinated by his nephew in 1975?
+What saying was engraved on 'the thimble' token of the 1935 Monopoly game?
+For a Good Girl
+What scale measures temperature?
+Rankine scale
+What scandinavian city is called the white city of the north?
+What scandinavian city was terrorized in the 1962 sci-fi classic reptilicus?
+What scandinavian country boasts the world's highest per capita rate of borrowing from libraries?
+What scandinavian country is europe's biggest shipbuilder?
+What scandinavian country owned Iceland from 1262 to 1944?
+What scent does Lisa's braces release every so often?
+Obsession for Teeth 
+What school did billy bunter attend?
+What school did helen keller graduate with honors from in 1904?
+Radcliffe college
+What school does Harry Potter attend?
+What school does tom attend in tom brown's school days?
+What school is opposite windsor on the thames?
+What sci-fi novel by William Gibson popularized the word cyberspace?
+What sci-fi tv show of the 60's became a Filmation cartoon in the 70's?
+Star Trek
+What science combines botany and zoology?
+What science deals specifically with plant and animal life in the sea?
+Marine biology
+What science deals with the motion of projectiles?
+What science deals with the origin and structure of the universe?
+What science deals with the structure of the universe and it's origin?
+What science did gregor mendel establish in 1866?
+What science is celebrated on mole day, every october 23rd?
+What science studies animals by their droppings?
+What science was pioneered by Zygmunt Florenty von Wroblewsky?
+What scientific field did John Tebbutt excel at?
+What scientist developed the modern theory of evolution?
+Charles darwin
+What scientist is credited with the discovery that there are galaxies beyond our milky way?
+Edwin hubble
+What score does Sideshow Bob sing to Bart before he is going to kill him?
+The HMS Pinafore
+What score is not possible for a cribbage hand?
+What Scottish city does a Glaswegian call home?
+What Scottish city's patron saint is St Mungo?
+What Scottish pirate captained the 284 ton 34 gun ship adventure gallery?
+Captain william kidd
+What sctv character has the same name as a hill street detective?
+Johnny larue
+What sculptor is responsible for the kiss?
+What sculpture, the most often viewed work at St. Peter's Basilica, is the only one Michelangelo ever signed?
+The Pieta
+What sea animal looks like a pin cushion?
+Sea urchin
+What sea creature resembles a knight in chess?
+What sea creature squirts water from both holes when alarmed?
+Sea Squirts
+What sea did the Romans call mare nostrum?
+What sea does the Danube river flow into?
+Black sea
+What sea fossils can be found in the Himalayas at the height of 18,000 feet?
+What sea is between Australia & the Solomon Islands?
+What sea is Bombay on?
+What sea is situated between vietnam and the philippines?
+South china sea
+What sea is south of cuba?
+Caribbean sea
+What sea lies between new zealand and Australia?
+What sea lies between Riga and Stockholm?
+What sea lies to the west of Japan?
+The sea of Japan
+What sea separates Europe from North Africa?
+Mediterranean Sea
+What sea seperates Naples and Algiers?
+What sea sparkles between Asia Minor and Greece?
+What sea surrounds the Cayman Islands?
+What sea would you cross to travel from shanghai to korea?
+Yellow sea
+What seagulls have played at Wembley?
+What seaport's name was Spanish for 'white house' until being renamed?
+What season begins with the vernal equinox?
+What season is hail most prevalent in?
+What season is it in Australia when it is summer in England?
+What season is it in Australia when santa claus drops in?
+What season is statistically the most hazardous?
+What season is the setting for shakespeare's a midsummer nights dream?
+What season should you head to the pond to look for tadpoles?
+What seasoning is mentioned more than 30 times in the bible?
+What second division side defeated Manchester United in the 1975 F A Cup Final?
+What second world war airplane was named ?the wooden wonder?
+Dehavilland mosquito
+What section of manhattan is noted for its negro and latin American residents?
+What section of paris featured most prominently in the work of the french impressionists?
+What seductive WW I spy had a daughter named Banda who was also a spy?
+Mata hari
+What seed takes five years to yield consumable fruit?
+Coffee beans
+What segment of television receieves the ACE awards?
+What sense does a dying person lose first?
+What sense is most closely linked to memory?
+What separates the gulf of California from the pacific ocean?
+The baja peninsula
+What sequence is this the start of: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7?
+Natural numbers
+What sequence is this the start of: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64?
+Power of 2
+What sequence is this the start of: 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040?
+What sequence is this the start of: 1 3 12 60 360 2520?
+Even permutations
+What sequence is this the start of: 1 4 11 20 31 44 61 100?
+Octal squares
+What sequence is this the start of: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14?
+Even numbers
+What serial killer was better known as 'son of sam'?
+David berkowitz
+What serious umderwater ailment was named after a Victorian notion of chic posture?
+The bends
+What served as a cowboy's wash cloth, dust mask & water filter?
+A bandana
+What seven man group from camden town became the pop success of 1980?
+What sex is a filly?
+What sexually transmitted disease caused an epidemic in the 15th century?
+What shadow team driver was killed testing, prior to the 1974 south african grand prix?
+Peter revson
+What shakespeare character has the most lines with 1,422?
+What Shakespeare character is it considered bad luck to mention in a theater?
+What Shakespeare play features a character called Puck?
+A midsummer night's dream
+What shakespeare play features rosencrantz and guilderstein?
+What Shakespeare play has Portia as the heroine?
+Merchant of venice
+What Shakespeare play opens with a storm at sea?
+The tempest
+What Shakespeare's play was this line in ... 'A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse'?
+Richard III
+What shakespearean play featured shylock?
+The merchant of venice
+What shakespearean play features iago?
+What shakespearean play features rosencrantz and guilderstern?
+What shakespearean play features the line 'a plague on both your houses'?
+Romeo and juliet
+What shakespearean play is set in the 12th century at the kronborg castle?
+What Shakespearioan play has the main character declaring 'Get thee to a nunnery'?
+What shape are ice crystals?
+What shape are playing cards in India?
+What shape is a crystal of table salt a cube, oval or sphere?
+What shape is a goat's pupil?
+What shape is formed by one side of a pyramid?
+What shape is something that is cuneiform?
+Wedge shaped
+What shape is something that is reniform?
+Kidney shaped
+What shape is the head of an Allen key?
+What shape is the pasta 'fettuccini'?
+What shape is the pasta conciglie?
+What shape is the pasta Farfalle?
+What shape is the set of all points in a plane equidistant from a certain point?
+What shellfish is traditionally featured in the French dish, Coquilles St. Jacques?
+What shepherd god invented the flute?
+What shepherd god was the legendary inventor of the flute?
+What sheriff claimed to be walking tall?
+Buford pusser
+What ship bears the identification number ncc 1701?
+The starship enterprise
+What ship board disease did Captain Cook prevent by taking fresh food and fruit juice?
+What ship did jason sail on?
+What ship is in permanent dry dock in greenwich?
+Cutty sark
+What ship sank off Ireland in 1915?
+The lusitania
+What ship sank the battleship Hood?
+What ship sank the British battleship hood?
+The bismarck
+What ship was found drifting in 1872, but all the crew had disappeared?
+Marie celeste
+What ship was torpedoed and sunk off the coast of Ireland on May 7th 1915?
+What ship, nearly capsized in a storm in 1937, gave passenger Paul gallico the idea for the poseidon adventure?
+The queen mary
+What ship's survivors were rescued by the liner Carpathia?
+What shoe brand were all 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult wearing when they committed suicide in 1997?
+What shoe company has the slogan no slogans?
+What shoemaker was an underwriter for rock's 1988 human rights now tour?
+What shook San Francisco in 1906?
+What short lived tv western did rod serling produce after twilight zone?
+What short-lived sitcom featured Snow White and Prince Charming living as husband & wife?
+The Charmings
+What short-lived tv series starred ice-cube?
+The watcher
+What should a golfer shout as a warning?
+What should you ask for in the u.s if you want jam?
+What should you never leave home without?
+American express
+What shouts 'tip me over,pour me out' in a children's song?
+Little teapot
+What show did Claire Danes get her start on?
+My So-Called Life
+What Show did the Simpsons first appear?
+The Tracy Ullman Show
+What show ended with the sound of two hands clapping?
+Laugh in
+What show featured Nell Carter as a larger than life housekeeper?
+Gimme a Break
+What show has the character mike stivic?
+All in the family
+What show starred robert lansing as brigadier general frank savage?
+Twelve o'clock high
+What show topped the nielsen ratings for 1992?
+60 minutes
+What show topped the nielsen ratings for 1993?
+Home improvement
+What show topped the nielsen ratings for 1994?
+What show was a spin-off of Transformers?
+What show was Family Matters a spin-off of?
+Perfect Strangers. 
+What show was Just the 10 of us spin off of?
+Growing Pains
+What show's theme song was 'everybody knows your name'?
+What show's theme song was 'Suicide is Painless'?
+What shrinks on some birds to allow them to carry additional food on long flights?
+What si the name given to a semi circular recess behind the chancel containing the altar?
+What side of the brain is responsible for the right hand?
+What side would the wind be coming from on a starboard tack in sailing?
+The right
+What sidney sheldon novel included nuns among its main characters?
+Sands of time
+What sign is the water carrier the zodiacal symbol for?
+What sign of the zodiac covers November 22nd to December 21st?
+What silvery liquid metal is used in thermometers?
+What simple kitchen utensil is used to get lumps out of flour?
+What sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in?
+Strangers in the night
+What singer does Mr. Burns force to perform for Marge?
+Tom Jones 
+What singer's February 6th birthday is a national holiday in Jamaica?
+Bob Marley
+What singer/actress got her start in a gay bath house in New York?
+Bette midler
+What singing group consisted of laverne, maxine and patty?
+Andrews sisters
+What singing group felt glad all over?
+The dave clark five
+What singing group was once known as the quarrymen?
+What single colour is the Libyan flag?
+What single desert contains half the desert surface of the world?
+The sahara
+What single name is used by Ian Kilminster of Motorhead?
+What single word connects the Spanish Armada, and the two TV programmes, Danger Man and The Worker?
+What site staged the original Olympics?
+What six-time Olympic champion was known as The Flying Finn?
+Paavo Nurmi
+What size does the largest species of Seahorse measure?
+8 Inches
+What size of boot is thrown in a welly throwing competition?
+What size of paper measures 297 x 420mm?
+What size shoes did Clementine wear?
+What sleepy crooner's first million-seller was a tune called temptation?
+Perry como
+What slim volume began a record 161 week stint atop the hardcover fiction best sellar list in 1993?
+The bridges of madison county
+What slippery creatures slither to the Sargasso Sea to spawn?
+What small arctic rodents are said to, but don't, commit suicide in mass plunges into the sea?
+What small fish, often tinned, was named after a Mediterranean island?
+What snack food did a University of South Florida engineering professor spend six years studying the crunch of?
+Potato Chips
+What snake will roll over and fake a death to confuse its attacker?
+Eastern hognose
+What so london casinos do with playing cards at the end of the evening?
+Destroy them
+What soap was about the trials and tribulations of a vampire?
+Dark shadows
+What social insects are the favourite food of numbats?
+What society in England, dating from 1617, has it's own degree which allows a person to practice medicine?
+What soda is known as the un-cola?
+What soft white sweets can be roasted over a fire?
+What Somerset town claims the final resting place of the legendary King Arthur?
+What son of Henry II ascended to the throne in 1199 and was nicknamed Lackland?
+What song is dire straits singing about 'that ain't working, that's the way you do it, get your money for nothing, get your ____'
+Chicks for free
+What sort of celestial body is Uranus?
+What sort of coins are traditionally used in two-up?
+What sort of drum is the tympanum?
+What sort of garment is a dirndl?
+What sort of lenses float on eye fluid?
+Contact lenses
+What sort of lines never meet?
+What sort of lollies did ronald reagan keep on his desk?
+Jelly beans
+What sort of place was Bedlam in 18th century London?
+Lunatic asylum
+What sort of ship has a runway on its deck?
+Aircraft carrier
+What sort of stone floats on water?
+What sort of travel is associated with Cape Canaveral?
+Space travel
+What sort of winds lie either side of the doldrums?
+What sort of writing system did the ancient Egyptians use?
+What sort of writings would you associate with Raphael Holinshed?
+What sound made by people can be almost as loud as the noise of a pneumatic drill?
+What south American capital is the world's highest?
+La paz, bolivia
+What South American city does an 82 foot statue of Christ overlook?
+Rio de janeiro
+What south American country fittingly named its highest mountain for christopher columbus?
+What South American country has the world's highest golf course?
+What South American country is alphabetically first?
+What South American country produces the most coffee?
+What South American country takes its name from the latin for silvery?
+What South American country took its name from the Inca for 'cold winter'?
+What South American country took its name from the Latin for silvery?
+What South American country uses the same vowel three times in first five letters of its name?
+What South American country was named after Venice?
+What south American leader did pope pius xii excommunicate on june 16, 1955, a month after he ended tax exemptions on church property?
+Juan peron
+What South Pacific island country are Viti Levu & Vanua Levu part of?
+What South Seas island are you visiting if you land at President Duvalier Airport?
+What southern city is now located where fort dallas once stood in 1895?
+What southern U S state capital is said to have been named for the Western & Atlantic Railroad?
+What southwestern US state hosts an annual festival named after the fire ant?
+What soviet republic was devastated by an earthquake in 1988?
+What space precedes Park Lane on a Monopoly board?
+What space shuttle did Discovery replace?
+What Spanish artists surrelistic paintings feature items such as clock faces?
+Salvador dali
+What Spanish city gaves its name to sherry?
+What Spanish islands are Gomera, Hierro & Lanzarote a part of?
+Canary islands 
+What special talent did molly ringwald have in the breakfast club?
+She could apply lipstick with her breasts
+What sport can you play at indonesia's senayan statium?
+What sport causes 18,000 facial injuries each year in U.S. kids aged 5 to 14?
+What sport considers it a foul to hold an opponent's head under water?
+Water polo
+What sport could see six chinamen in a maiden and a nightwatchman with a duck?
+What sport did andre agassi's dad compete in?
+What sport did Australian Gordon johnson star in?
+What sport did burt reynolds play at Florida state university?
+What sport did Edward Greeves play well enough to win the first Brownlow medal in?
+Australian Rules Football
+What sport did leo seltzer develop from the dance marathons and walkathons of the 1920s and '30s?
+Roller derby
+What sport did Mark Twain describe as 'a good walk spoiled'?
+What sport did Mr. Moto, Lou Thesz, and Big Daddy Lipscomb star in?
+Professional Wrestling
+What sport did Olga Korbut excel at?
+What sport did Prussias Baron Gottfried von Cramm play at international level?
+What sport did the homestead grays and kansas city monarchs play?
+What sport did the Philadelphia Atoms and the Dallas Tornado play in the 1970's?
+What sport did two teams of Union Army soldiers play before a crowd of 40,000 at Hilton Head, South Carolina in 1862?
+What sport do Americans play on a diamond?
+What sport do Fuzzy Zoeller and Kermit Zarley play?
+What sport do players 'tee off' in?
+What sport do the competitors play for the Ryder Cup?
+What sport do the Kansas City monarchs participate in?
+What sport do you shag flies in?
+What sport do you throw bombs in?
+What sport exercises all the muscles at once?
+What sport featured Damn Yankees?
+What sport featured Mick McManus and Jackie Pallo?
+What sport features a railroad split?
+What sport features sculls, strokes and slides?
+What sport features snatches and clean jerks?
+What sport features the fastest moving ball?
+Jai alai
+What sport has 'screwballs', 'bunt' and 'flies'?
+What sport has a contest called an 'individual pursuit'?
+What sport has you hike out while close hauled?
+What sport involves bats & flies?
+What sport is associated with the clubs of essendon, hawthorn and collingwood?
+Australian rules football
+What sport is believed to have originated on Pentecost Island as an initiation ceremony?
+Bungee jumping
+What sport is central to Ernest Hemmingway's Death in the afternoon?
+What sport is considered the easiest for gamblers to fix?
+What sport is Frank Nobilo associated with?
+What sport is governed by the rules drafted by the Marquis of Queensbury?
+What sport is it recommended that you duck the boom in?
+What sport is known as 'the grand old game'?
+What sport is often called 'ping pong'?
+Table tennis
+What sport is played by the cardiff devils?
+Ice hockey
+What sport is played in more countries than any other?
+What sport is played on the largest field?
+What sport is sometimes called rugger?
+Rugby union
+What sport is the winner of the Harry Vardon trophy playing?
+What sport might you shoot a clout in?
+What sport might you tick-tack or walk the dog in?
+What sport originated when William Ellis grabbed a Football ball and ran with it in 1823?
+What sport penalizes players for spearing, slashing, boarding and butt-ending?
+Ice Hockey
+What sport requires stones to be thrown at houses?
+What sport sees stones thrown at a house?
+What sport takes place at a regatta?
+What sport takes place on the cresta run?
+What sport the most folks on Sports Magazine's list of the nine highest-paid athletes of 1990?
+What sport uses a map & a compass?
+What sport uses barrier stalls?
+Horse racing
+What sport uses clowns to protect the competitors?
+What sport uses crampons?
+Mountain climbing
+What sport uses plugs and leaders?
+What sport uses rubber cushions and slate beds?
+What sport uses stumps, bails and bats?
+What sport uses the term 'catching a crab'?
+What sport was Argentinian, Juan Fangio associated?
+Motor racing
+What sport was Boris Onishchenko caught cheating at in the Montreal Olympics?
+What sport was created when William Webb Ellis flouted the rules of football in 1823?
+Rugby football
+What sport was dominated by rod laver in the 1960's?
+What sport was featured in the film Kansas city bomber?
+Roller derby
+What sport was featured on the first cover of sports illustrated?
+What sport was obligatory for Kennedy males during Hyannis Port weekends?
+Touch football
+What sport was observed by Captain James Cook in 1771?
+What sport was standardised under the Queensberry rules?
+What sport was standardized under the marquise of queensberry rules?
+What sport was standardized under the Queensberry Rules?
+What sport would you be playing if the score was duece?
+What sport would you hear the term 'gorby' mentioned?
+What sport would you use a niblick or mashie in?
+What sport you would tick tack or walk the dog in?
+What sport's been the subject of the most American movies?
+What sport's umpire sat in a padded rocking chair before 1859?
+What sporting event first took place in 1903?
+Tour de france
+What sporting target has a point total of 1,335?
+What sports stadium has been called the eighth wonder of the world?
+Houston astrodome
+What sports team to played professionally on all seven continents?
+Harlem globetrotters
+What spy novelist was Moscow correspondent for Reuters & The Times of London?
+Ian fleming
+What stage name was adopted by lee yuen kam?
+Bruce lee
+What stage of a meal would you eat charlotte?
+What stands on the site of New York's old waldorf-astoria hotel?
+Empire state building
+What stands on top of the cactus on Mexicos flag?
+What star is at the centre of the solar system?
+The sun
+What star of the Breakfast Club was also part of the orginal cast of the facts of life?
+Molly Ringwald
+What star sign follows aquarius?
+What star sign is shared by John Major and Sir David Frost?
+What star's memphis home was bruce springsteen refused entry to in 1976?
+Elvis presley
+What starts the breakdown of food when it is still in the mouth?
+What state boasts the highest peak in the bighorn mountains?
+What state contains the following counties: Creek, Osage, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole?
+What state contains the most cacti, or cactuses?
+What state did sam mccloud come from?
+New Mexico
+What state fought more battles in the revoltionary war than any other?
+South carolina
+What state full of milk and honey was the destination in the grapes of wrath?
+What state has a former pro wrestler as governor?
+What state has the bluebonnet as it's flower?
+What state has the camellia as the state flower?
+What state has the forget-me-not as the state flower?
+What state has the golden poppy as the state flower?
+What state has the largest area of us forest land within its boundaries?
+What state has the most workers employed by the travel & tourism industry?
+What state has the scarlet carnation as the state flower?
+What state has the yellow hibiscus as the state flower?
+What state is 'the evergreen state'?
+What state is 'the garden state'?
+New jersey
+What state is 'the gopher state'?
+What state is 'the hoosier state'?
+What state is considered the vampire capitol of America?
+Rhode island
+What state is Devil's Tower located in?
+What state is Disneyland in?
+What state is harvard located in?
+What state is mount mckinley in?
+What state is only part of the U S by treaty?
+What state is only part of the united states by treaty?
+What state is proud to say it is the largest in the u.s?
+What state is the hat creek observatory located in?
+What state is the land of Lincoln?
+What state is the second largest of the U S?
+What state officially recognized baked beans as the state food?
+What state put sam nunn in the senate?
+What state was the 48th to join the US?
+What state would you be in, if you were in intercourse?
+What state's gourmets devour 3.6 cans of Spam per second, double the rate of the rest of the U.S.?
+What statue did dobie gillis mimic while contemplating life and love?
+Rodin's thinker
+What statue does Mr. Burns give to the Simpson Family?
+3000-year-old carved head of Xtapolapocetl
+What statuette is awarded annually to the best tv commercial?
+What steve martin film had him go from rags to riches to rags?
+The jerk
+What stinky item(s) can prevent your toolbox from rusting?
+What stone is associated with the orient?
+What stone is used in the manufacture of billiards tables?
+What stone is used to make snooker tables?
+What stonecutter number is assigned to Homer?
+What storied European mountain is known in Italy as Monte Cervino?
+The matterhorn
+What story features Flopsy,Mopsy and Cottontail?
+Tales of peter rabbit
+What strait joins the atlantic ocean to the mediterranean sea?
+Straits of gibraltar
+What strait links the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean?
+Strait of gibralter
+What street do the Simpsons live on?
+Evergreen Terrace
+What street does Milhouse's grandmother live on?
+257th Street 
+What street is maple leaf gardens on?
+Carlton st
+What strength-testing world championship is held every october in petaluma, California?
+What stretch of water separates South Yemen and Somalia?
+Gulf of aden
+What stretch of water seperates Australia from Tasmania?
+Bass strait
+What strikes a bell to make it ring?
+What strikes the ball in a game of fives?
+What strikes the Empire State Building more than 50 times a year?
+What stringed weapon fires a bolt?
+A crossbow
+What strongman was the original 97 pound weakling?
+Charles atlas
+What struck honshu island, Japan in 1934 killing 4,000 people?
+What structure consisting of many blood cells, feeds the foetus during pregnancy?
+What structure in the back of the brain governs motor control?
+What style of architecture is the Empire State Building?
+Art deco
+What style of art did al capp call 'a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered'?
+What style of dancing was popularized with rap music?
+Break Dancing
+What style of music was pioneered by jazzmen Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie?
+Be bop
+What style were the piano compositions of Scott Joplin?
+What subject did 'mr chips' teach?
+What subject did critic Mary Whitehouse teach?
+What subject is covered in the mag 'bondage'?
+James bond
+What subjects were early islamic artists forbidden to paint?
+Animals and plants
+What submarine had logged over 100,000 miles before being refueled in 1958?
+Uss nautilus
+What submarine vanished on may 21, 1968?
+The scorpion
+What substance are the beds of good snooker tables made from?
+What substance did Charles Best and Frederick Banting discover in 1922?
+What substance did fred macmurray invent in the absent minded professor?
+What substance did joseph priestley name for its ability to erase pencil marks?
+What substance in wine acts as a preservative and allows for ageing?
+What substance is a rhino's horn made of?
+What substance is realeased during an allergic reaction?
+What substance is used to make soil more productive and help plants grow?
+What substance must mix with food to give it taste?
+What suit is the suicide king?
+What sultry 1940's blonde dumped the names Constance Ockelman and Connie Keane?
+Veronica lake
+What sunk the luisitania?
+German submarine
+What sunken ship did us and french scientists discover in 1985?
+What superhero did Lindsay Wagner portray on TV?
+The bionic woman
+What supermarkets were founded by Sir John Cohen with the slogan 'Pile it high, sell it cheap'?
+What superpowers did batman acquire?
+What surface is basketball most frequently played on?
+What surface was a fresco painted on?
+Fresh plaster
+What surgical operation was done 115,000 times in us in 1986?
+Silicone breast
+What surname do Bobby, John and Teddy have in common?
+What surname links the singers Jim and Van?
+What surrey town is famed for its salts?
+What sweet fruit grows on certain kinds of palm tress?
+What swimmer broke 50 records and then became a famous actor?
+Johnny weissmuller
+What swimming stroke is named after an insect?
+What swings in a grandfather clock?
+What Swiss town has hosted two winter olympics?
+St. moritz
+What symbol appeared in green on white flags flown by U.S. relief ships during the Irish potato famine?
+What symbol appears on the tails of Qantas jets?
+Flying kangaroo
+What symbol did artist robert Paul create for hugh hefner?
+Playboy rabbit logo
+What symbol indicates the current entry position on a computer screen?
+What symbol on the Bacardi symbol is there because the soil where the sugar cane grows is fertile from the excessive guano?
+The bat
+What symbolises the election of a new Pope?
+White smoke
+What symphony includes a setting of Schillers Ode to Joy?
+Beethovens ninth symphony
+What system do the blind use for reading?
+What system is based on the number 10?
+What system is based on the number 60?
+What system was introduced in 1967 to deal with the loud hiss on cassettes?
+What T.V. Series changed the names to protect the innocent?
+What T.V. show about a bad cop does Homer like to watch?
+What t.v. show did john sebastian sing the theme for?
+Welcome back kotter
+What tailor was struck blind after looking at the nude lady godiva?
+Peeping tom
+What takes a human 17 muscles to do?
+What takes a human 43 muscles to do?
+What takes eight minutes to reach Earth?
+What talk show host did fred foy announce for?
+Dick cavett
+What talk show hostess gave her guests the fewest opportunities to speak, according to a 1996 msu survey?
+Oprah winfrey
+What talking doll introduced in 1960, said 'I'm Hungry', and Will you play with me?
+Chatty Cathy
+What tank did German general and tactical mastermind heinz guderian call ?the best tank in the world?
+What teaching aid is made mainly from soft limestone?
+What team did dean smith coach?
+North carolina tar heels
+What Team does David Beckham play for?
+Manchester United
+What team has won the most nba championships?
+Boston celtics
+What team has won the most stanley cup championships?
+Montreal canadiens
+What team has won the most stanley cup hockey championships?
+The montreal canadiens
+What team sport did Australia win its only gold medal in at the 1908 London Olympics?
+Rugby Union
+What team sport's rules were first printed in 1892 in the newspaper of a Springfield, Massachusetts YMCA training school?
+What team was called the New York highlanders before 1913?
+The yankees
+What team won super bowl vii?
+Miami dolphins
+What team won the first national college football championship?
+What team won the super bowl xii?
+Dallas cowboys
+What technique did Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards pioneer?
+In vitro fertilization
+What technique records and reproduces three-dimmensional images using light from a laser but without the need for cameras or lenses?
+What telephone company calls itself 'the right choice'?
+At & t
+What television character was born july 1, 21 bc in pompeii?
+What television fbi agent received a citation from general william westmoreland for narrating a film on the army reserve?
+Efrem zimbalist jr.
+What temperature in kelvin's is absolute zero?
+What temperature reads the same in both the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales?
+Minus forty degrees
+What ten volume tome did Victor Hugo give the world in 1862?
+Les miserables
+What Tennessee town sprang up as key research site of the Manhattan project?
+Oak ridge
+What tennessee williams play features blanche dubois and the kowalskis?
+A streetcar named desire
+What tennis ball company's logo is 'you've seen one you've seen them all'?
+What tennis player earned the nickname the Swedish steel?
+Bjorn borg
+What tennis star earned the nickname SuperBrat?
+John McEnroe
+What tennis star founded the magazine women's sports?
+Billie jean king
+What tennis term is said to come from the French word for egg?
+What tennis term is said to come from the french word for eggs?
+What term applies to the aroma of wine?
+What term applies to the consistency, thickness and substance of a wine?
+What term applies to the property of metals that allows them to be drawn out in to a thin wire?
+What term can describe a cheap disreputable nightclub, and a style of ragtime piano playing?
+Honky tonk
+What term comes from the catholic church practice of appointing someone to give opposing views on a nominee for sainthood?
+Devil's advocate
+What term denote the study of flags?
+What term describes a pain in the chest usually caused by lack of oxygen?
+What term describes an animal with a constant blood temperature?
+What term describes energy obtained from underground heat?
+What term describes the study of the behaviour of materials and substances at very low temperatures?
+What term for a pope was derived from a Latin word meaning bridge builder?
+What term is applied to animals or plants that are not nocturnal?
+What term is applied to rocks changed by heat and pressure?
+What term is applied to the natural process by which molecules will disperse evenly throughout a particular substance?
+What term is applied to the widow of a king?
+Queen dowager
+What term is derived from the practise of clans of long ago wanting to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them so burned their houses down instead?
+Getting fired
+What term is given to that part of the Earth which can support life?
+What term is given to the scientific study of all aspects of the life of fungi?
+What term is given to the seasonal movement of animals especially birds and fish?
+What term is used for the speed at which a piece of music is played?
+What term is used for the technique of growing plants without soil?
+What term is used in skittles to describe the knocking down of all the pins with a ball still left to throw?
+A spare
+What term is used to describe the mind functioning as the center of thought and behavior?
+What term is used to describe the process of extracting poison from snakes?
+What term is used to describe the warm front of a depression being overtaken by its cold front?
+What term originally meant instruction in all branches of knowledge, or a comprehensive education in a specific subject?
+What term was used from 1914 onwards to describe music emanating from New Orleans?
+What terrorist group was headed by donald defreeze?
+Symbionese liberation army
+What thames river bridge is nearest the tower of london?
+What the longest word that is typed with the left hand?
+What the most north eastern state of the contiguous U S?
+What the the 'L' stand for of author L. Frank Baum?
+What theme park are the looney toons associated with?
+Six flags
+What theme park is located in buena park, California?
+Knotts berry farm
+What theme park opened in 1968 in billund, denmark?
+What theory describes the beginning of our universe?
+Big bang
+What theory did John T Scopes teach, contrary to Tennessee law in 1925?
+What thick metal plate is thrown in the olympics?
+What thirst quencher was promoted with the line 'Probably the best lager in the world'?
+What thornton wilder play was made into a movie with music by aaron copland?
+Our town
+What three brothers named John, Dick and Ken all represented Australia in Rugby?
+The Thornetts
+What three categories are rocks divided, according to their formation?
+Igneous sedimentary metamorphic
+What three colours are present in the flag of Bulgaria?
+White, green & red
+What three colours make up the Rumanian flag?
+Blue, yellow & red
+What three European countries begin with the letter A?
+What three letter word means 'the front of a ship'?
+What three letter word means the same as 'to ingest'?
+What three letters are overly used to indicate 'Laugh Out Loud'?
+What three numbers divide into nine evenly?
+One, three, nine
+What three planets' first three letters spell sun?
+Saturn uranus neptune
+What three types of weapons are known in Pentagon-speak as ABC?
+Atomic, biological and chemical
+What three words follow Shakespeare's Now is the winter of our discontent?
+Made glorious summer
+What three words mean the same as 5,880,000,000,000 miles?
+One light year
+What Tibetan mammal lives at a higher altitude than any other in the world?
+What ticklish item did Susan Hibbard invent in 1876?
+The feather duster
+What time do Spanish bullfights start?
+Five pm
+What time does dennis rodman have tatooed on his wrist?
+What time piece has a gnomon in the middle?
+What time was it when the mouse ran down the clock?
+One o'clock
+What tiny animal, valued for its pale grey fur, lives higher than any other in the andes?
+What tiny european country lists its currencies as the franc and the peset?
+What tiny vessel connects an artery with a vein?
+What titan giant's name is also a book of maps?
+What titan had snakes for hair?
+What title character of a children's book turned his enemies into butter?
+What title did Zola give to the letter he wrote to the newspaper L'Aurore in 1898?
+What title is given to the head of state in Brunei?
+What title is reserved for the leader of the entire Ku Klux Klan?
+Grand wizard
+What title was given to Harold Macmillan on his 90th birthday?
+Earl of stockton
+What title was held by the governor of India before independence?
+What toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head?
+The big toe
+What toiletry was introduced to the United States in 1955?
+Roll-on deodorant
+What tokyo street glitters with famed department stores and nightclubs?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["The ginza", "ginza"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What toll free area code prefix went into service after the supply of 800 numbers began to dwindle?
+What tome did Nazis give newlyweds & parents of large families?
+Mein kampf
+What took artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's life in 1901?
+Paralytic stroke
+What took place on a Chicago squash court in 1941?
+First controlled atomic chain reaction
+What took place on a New York State dairy farm belonging to Max Yasgur in 1969?
+Woodstock festival
+What took Thomas Jefferson 18 days to write?
+The declaration of independence
+What tool gave a puzzle its name?
+What tools are used to crewel?
+What tools do you use to crewel?
+What tourist attraction in rome has 138 steps?
+Spanish steps
+What tower was climbed in the Beatles song i am the walrus?
+The eiffel tower
+What town did andy taylor and barney fife patrol?
+What town did billy joel call home?
+Long island
+What town is the tv show 'gunsmoke' set in?
+Dodge city
+What town lies at the opposite end of the Suez Canal to Port Said?
+What town was featured in z cars?
+What town was the site of lady godiva's famous ride?
+What towns from Arkansas and Texas did Harold Lloyd Jenkins combine for his country and western stage name?
+Conway twitty
+What toxic chemical indiscriminately killed vegetation in the vietnam war?
+Agent orange
+What toxin is found in apple seeds?
+Cysnogenic glycoside
+What toy company is the world's1 maker of female apparel?
+What toy company makes barbie dolls?
+What toy is launched on a string and has a tail?
+What toy was in short supply for the 1983 Chirstmas season?
+Cabbage Patch Kid
+What toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal?
+What track star was the first woman to receive the Jesse Owens Award, in 1982?
+Mary Decker Slaney
+What trade name was given to the phenol-formaldehyde resin developed as the first synthetic plastic in 1909?
+What trade was stated on Al Capone's business cards?
+Used furniture dealer
+What traditionally is used under the felt as the bed of a snooker table?
+What tragedy occurred two years to the day after the federal raid on the branch Davidian complex in Waco?
+Oklahoma city bombing
+What translates and executes your program?
+An interpreter
+What translates high-level languages into machine language?
+A compiler
+What transparent material is produced by heating lime, sand & soda?
+What trap is a greyhound running from if its in black and white stripes in England and orange in Ireland?
+Trap six
+What travels faster than light a laser beam, sound or nothing?
+What travels towards earth at between 100 and 1000mph and returns at 87000 mph?
+What treaty ended the American revolution?
+Treaty of paris
+What treaty saw the end of the American Civil War?
+Treaty of Appomattox
+What tree provided the laurel of classical wreaths?
+What tree was sacred to athena?
+What tree, other than maple, can be tapped to produce syrup?
+What trees are commonly found in English churchyards?
+Yew trees
+What trees live in wet salty swamps?
+What trees only produce acorns when they are fifty?
+What tribe did American Indian runner billy mills belong to?
+What tribe of American indians lent their name to a punk rock haircut?
+What tribe walked the 'trail of tears'?
+What triple crown-winning horse took the 1973 belmont stakes by 31 lengths?
+What trophy goes to the outstanding us college football player of the year?
+What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL play-offs?
+The Stanley Cup
+What tropic passes through Australia?
+Tropic of capricorn
+What tropical disease does an insect of the Anophales genus transmit?
+What tropical root is used to flavor soft drinks?
+What Turkish city has spread to both sides of the Bosporus Strait?
+What turns blue litmus paper red?
+What tusked creature helped embellish sailors' tails of Unicorns?
+What tv comedy show's theme song is rastatherian?
+Cosby show
+What tv dog had successive masters named jeff, timmy and corey?
+What tv movie by rod serling resulted in bomb threats during airing?
+Doomsday flight
+What TV musical drama written by Dennis Potter was named after a 1930s song?
+Pennies from heaven
+What tv network features programming just for children?
+What TV personality did Doritos commercials?
+Jay Leno
+What TV role did actress Shirley Booth play?
+What tv series did richard widmark star in?
+What tv series did stuart whitman star in?
+Cimarron strip
+What tv series featured robert shaw as dan tempest?
+What tv series featured the character 'rusty b company'?
+Rin tin tin
+What tv series featured the riddler, the penguin and the joker?
+What tv series from 1970-1974 starred susan dey?
+Partridge family
+What tv series set in newyork stars sarah jessica parker?
+Sex and the city
+What tv series was based on the series of books by laura ingalls wilder?
+Little house on the prairie
+What tv show dealt with life at the ponderosa?
+What tv show did john lennon and yoko ono co-host in 1972?
+Mike Douglas show
+What tv show was hosted by wine nipping culinary artist graham kerr?
+Galloping gourmet
+What TV show with married couples and family life appealed to those over the age of 29?
+What tv soap star was originally cast as the lead in cleopatra in 1963?
+Joan collins
+What tv western star rode a horse named tony?
+Tom mix
+What two '80's dance movies did cynthia rhodes have a major role in?
+Dirty dancing and flashdance
+What two airlines fly the concorde?
+British airways & air france
+What two animals are shown supporting the shield on Australia's coat of arms?
+The Kangaroo & the Emu
+What two asian countries went to war on july 7, 1937?
+China and Japan
+What two astrological signs begin with the letter a?
+Aquarius & aries
+What two baseball players broke roger maris' record of 61 home runs in a season?
+Mark mcgwire sammy sosa
+What two body organs benefit from cardiovascular exercise?
+Heart and lungs
+What two Canadian provinces don't border salt water?
+Alberta saskatchewan
+What two cities in Australia have hosted the olympic games?
+Melbourne & sydney
+What two colours are blood cells?
+Red & white
+What two colours are most colour blind people unable to distinguish between?
+Red & green
+What two colours feature on the flag of peru?
+Red and white
+What two commanders directed the forces at the battle of El Alamein?
+Montgomery & rommel
+What two countries contain the Sierra Nevada mountains?
+Spain & usa
+What two countries do Tyroleans come from?
+Austria and Italy
+What two countries is Andorra between?
+France & Spain
+What two countries sandwich the Dead Sea?
+Israel & jordan
+What two European states enjoy observer status at the United Nations?
+Switzerland and vatican city
+What two factors do meteorologists combine to determine the heat index?
+Temperature and humidity
+What two flavours make mocha?
+Coffee and chocolate
+What two H-elements (named alphabetically) were the first produced by the Big Bang?
+Helium and hydrogen
+What two Julies won best actress Oscars for 1964 and 1965?
+Andrews and
+What two large veins bring blood back to the heart from the upper and lower body?
+Vena cava
+What two letter word is found in the title of four of the Beatles' first eight singles?
+What two materials were the first aeroplance wings made of?
+Cloth & wood
+What two metals form the alloy white gold?
+Gold and silver
+What two mountain ranges did hannibal and his elephants march through in 218 b.c?
+Pyrenees and alps
+What two Olympic events require competitors to travel backwards in order to win?
+Rowing and Backstroke
+What two seasons do the equinoxes occur in?
+Spring & autumn
+What two south American countries don't border Brazil?
+Chile and ecuador
+What two states (named alphabetically) have the magnolia as the state flower?
+Louisiana and Mississippi
+What two states are not connected to the main part of U S?
+Hawaii & Alaska
+What two states contain the farthest separated points in the U S?
+Florida & hawaii
+What two states does death valley span?
+California nevada
+What two states in the US do NOT observe daylight saving's time?
+Hawaii and
+What two teams were the last co champions in ncaa division 1 a football?
+Colorado & georgia tech
+What two time all big eight defensive back at Colorado won three U S Open golf titles?
+Hale irwin
+What two types of food do England and America have the names of reversed?
+Biscuits and cookies
+What two word term is considered the lowest possible temperature?
+Absolute zero
+What two word term was used to describe a cheap unsanitary restaurant?
+Greasy spoon
+What two words were merged to create the word 'meld'?
+Melt and weld
+What two-person group recorded the song 'love will keep us together'?
+Captain and tennille
+What two-word pen-name is used by American etiquette expert Judith Martin?
+Miss Manners
+What type if people have an appetite for anthropophagy?
+What type of a punishment did Jon Bon Jovi receive from his dad when he was a teenager?
+What type of accident happened at Chernobyl in the USSR in 1986?
+A nuclear reactor caught fire
+What type of aircraft did the red baron fly during world war i?
+What type of aircraft is the p39 airacobra built by bell?
+What type of airplane did sky king use in sky king?
+What type of alcoholic drink is Manzanilla?
+What type of animal is 'shardik', in richard adams' novel of the same name?
+A bear
+What type of animal is a 'godwit'?
+What type of animal is a caribou?
+What type of animal is a dunnock?
+A bird
+What type of animal is a ewe?
+What type of animal is a wallaby?
+A kangaroo
+What type of animal is an 'agama'?
+What type of animal is an auklet?
+What type of animal is an Australian talking about when he refers to a jumbuck?
+What type of animal is rikki tikki tavi?
+What type of animal lives in a formicary?
+What type of animal was drooper on banana splits?
+What type of animal was Nana the nursemaid in 'Peter Pan'?
+What type of animal was observed by europeans on what is now groundhog's day in the usa?
+What type of animal was selected to test the first electric toothbrush?
+The dog
+What type of animals would you likely find in the stock market?
+Bulls and Bears
+What type of bacteria caused hysteria when it was found in soft cheeses in 1989?
+What type of bears are the best swimmers?
+Polar bears
+What type of beverage is Tio Pepe?
+What type of bird is a 'Beltsville'?
+What type of bird is a 'Khaki Campbell'?
+What type of bird is a lory?
+What type of bird is preserved at Lords since being bowled to death in 1936?
+What type of bird is South Africa's aasvogel?
+What type of bomb is a Mills bomb?
+What type of bomb was invented by Sir Barnes Wallis?
+Bouncing bomb
+What type of book is a 'cahier'?
+Note book
+What type of building has sails?
+What type of building is a bridewell?
+PrisonWho was the oldest singer to have 
+What type of bullet was named after an arsenal near calcutta?
+Dum dum
+What type of celestial body is andromeda?
+What type of charge do electrons carry?
+What type of charge does a proton carry?
+What type of chemical are adrenaline and oestrogen?
+What type of clothing is a filibeg?
+What type of cloud is a thundercloud?
+What type of clouds are also known as thunderheads?
+What type of clouds exists at the highest elevations?
+What type of craft is the u.s's airforce one?
+Boeing 747
+What type of creature is a basilisk?
+What type of creature is a coelacanth,once thought to be extinct but which made a come back in 1938?
+A fish
+What type of creature is a Fritillary?
+What type of creature is a marlin?
+What type of creature is a painted lady?
+What type of creature is a pollack?
+What type of creature is a sidewinder?
+A snake
+What type of creature is a Whirligig?
+Water beetle
+What type of creature lives in a sett?
+What type of creature was Dylan in TV's The Magic Roundabout?
+What type of dairy cow produces a distinctive yellowish milk?
+What type of dog can be Manchester, Skye or Greenland?
+What type of dog has a black/dark purple-colored tongue?
+What type of drink does Skinner offer Bart in 1F18?
+Diet, Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper
+What type of drink is arabica?
+What type of drug would be used to treat hay fever?
+What type of duck is really a fish?
+Bombay duck
+What type of ethnic food did Hitler ban in 1933?
+Kosher food
+What type of films did Marc Almond once make?
+What type of fish is most commonly caught on hempseed bait?
+What type of fish of the ocean which is 15ft long and has plumes?
+Rooster Fish
+What type of flag is shown to the winner of a Grand Prix motor race?
+What type of flower is cransbill?
+What type of food is 'Limburger'?
+What type of food is tortellini?
+What type of fruit is a pineapple?
+What type of game bird is a capercailzie?
+What type of hardware defines the fourth generation of computers?
+What type of hits did stan musial lead the national league in eight times?
+What type of humorous verse might begin 'there once was a man from nantucket'?
+What type of insect performs a waggle dance?
+Hive bee
+What type of instrument is a celeste?
+What type of lenses were used by Nero to view the Gladiator Games?
+Emerald coloured lenses
+What type of level is used for measuring the angle of a slope?
+What type of meat usually goes into frankfurters?
+What type of men did brian and michael sing about?
+Matchstalk men & matchstalk cats & dogs
+What type of men's jacket featured it's name on the outer breast pocket,and ePaulets on the shoulders?
+Member's Only
+What type of metal is used in the filament of an electric light bulb?
+What type of movie does ucaufo enjoy?
+Science fiction
+What type of number describes the ratio of the speed of a plane to the speed of sound?
+What type of number has no factors other than 1 and itself?
+What type of occupation did Boy George hold as a teenager?
+Fruit picker
+What type of people are members of the NUS?
+What type of person is a fence?
+Someone who recieves stolen goods
+What type of personality trait would have if you withdraw from social situations?
+What type of plane flew long range to bomb the Falklands?
+What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell?
+Venus nose trap
+What type of plant is tequila made from?
+What type of pottery is the collingwood ontario area noted for?
+Blue mountain
+What type of rock is sandstone?
+What type of rocks result from the wastage of pre-existing rocks?
+What type of scientific equipment was named after the German Bunsen?
+What type of shoes did Run-D.M.C. sing about, which were what most rappers in the early eighties were into?
+What type of shoes were favored by skateboarders? (Hint, it's 4 letterslong)?
+What type of shop first opened in Britain in 1948?
+What type of shorts almost reach your knees?
+Bermuda shorts
+What type of show did Charles Cruft establish in the 19th century?
+Dog show
+What type of singing does Pavarotti use?
+What type of singing was associated with st gregory the great?
+Gregorian chant
+What type of snake is the Egyptian asp?
+What type of solution is made when a base dissolves in water?
+What type of steel did englishman Harry brearley invent in 1913?
+What type of steel did Englishman Harry Brearly invent in 1913?
+What type of steel did Harry Brearley invent?
+What type of stories does j t edson specialise in?
+What type of storm has a central calm area, called the eye, which has winds spiraling inwardly?
+What type of sword was excalibur?
+Long sword
+What type of tests were National League umpires ordered to undergo in 1911?
+Eye tests
+What type of tree do conkers come from?
+Horse chestnut
+What type of tree has a specimen known to be 4,764 years old?
+Bristlecone pine
+What type of vehicle was Charles Rolls (Rolls Royce) in when he died?
+What type of vessel did the Royal Navy first launch in 1901?
+What type of water-based phenomenon is formed by an eddy?
+What type of weapon is a bazooka?
+Hand held rocket launcher
+What type of wool is obtained from angora goats?
+What types of creatures belong to the order Chelonia?
+Turtle, terrapin and tortoise
+What typewriter brand was invented by a man whose father made a well known flintlock rifle?
+What typist's aid did secretary bette claire graham set up what became a multi-million-dollar company to market in 1956?
+Liquid paper
+What U S army general was captured by North Koreans during the Korean war?
+William dean
+What U S artillery piece fired the last shot of WWI?
+Calamity jane
+What U S city is considered the unofficial capital of the south?
+What U S city is home to the Pentagon?
+What U S city is named after St Francis of Assisi?
+San francisco
+What U S general was known as old blood & guts?
+George s patton jr
+What U S highway is the longest, starting in Cape Cod, Massachusetts going through 14 states, & ending in Bishop, California?
+Route 6
+What U S national park contains gumbo limbo trail?
+Everglades national park
+What U S president was the target of two assassination attempts in 17 days?
+Gerald ford
+What U S president wrote 37 books?
+Theodore roosevelt
+What U S senator gives out the golden fleece awards?
+William proxmire
+What U S spacecraft landed on the planet mars in 1976?
+Viking 2
+What U S state borders the most Canadian provinces?
+What U S state has the smallest population?
+What U S state has the worlds champion chili cookoff every year?
+What U S state includes the telephone area code 317?
+What U S state includes the telephone area code 419?
+What U S state includes the telephone area code 504?
+What U S state includes the telephone area code 816?
+What U S state is the golden state?
+What U S state was named for Lord de la Warr, early governor of Virginia?
+What U S state was once an independent republic?
+What u.s president did robert montgomery coach for tv?
+Dwight eisenhower
+What u.s president was castigated for picking up his pet beagles by the ears?
+Lyndon johnson
+What u.s president's home is located in columbia, tennessee?
+James polk
+What u.s secretary of state bought Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars?
+What u.s state has no telephones in 12% of its households?
+What u.s state has the longest coastline?
+What u.s state has the most biggest cities?
+What U.S. city did Indiana Jones take off from on his adventures in Raiders of the Lost Ark?
+San Francisco
+What U.S. city was once know as Federal City?
+Washington, D.C.
+What U.S. city's drivers log 142 million miles daily, as far as from Earth to Mars?
+Los Angeles
+What u.s. city's state capitol is located 5280 ft. above sea level?
+What u.s. president did actor robert montgomery coach for tv?
+Dwight eisenhower
+What U.S. state boasts the famous Calumet race on horse farms?
+What U.S. state boasts the most car owners?
+What u.s. state boasts the world's largest mass of exposed granite?
+What U.S. state gave the world Louis Armstrong, Fats Domino, Mahalia Jackson and Jelly Roll Morton (and, dare I say, Britney Spears)?
+What u.s. state has the longest border with Canada?
+What U.S. state is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean?
+What u.s. state is mount rushmore in?
+South dakota
+What u.s. state is mount st helen's in?
+What u.s. state's ocean shores have yielded the most sunken treasure?
+What u.s. vice-president said 'some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it'?
+Spiro agnew
+What uncomely creature inspired sailors tales of mermaids?
+What uncomely creature inspired sailors' tales of mermaids?
+The manatee
+What underground line is Heathrow Airport on?
+What underwater explosive missiles are shot from a submarine?
+What unexpected event stopped play in the FA Cup Final of 1947?
+The ball burst
+What unfashionable football team does robbie williams support?
+Port vale
+What uniform number was worn by Larry Bird & Kareem Abdul Jabbar?
+What union did duran duran sing of in 1983?
+Union of the snake
+What unit is magnetic field strength measured in?
+What unit is used to measure electrical resistance?
+What unit of currency is used in Italy?
+What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan and Tunisia?
+What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia?
+What unit of length is equal to ten raised to the negative ten meter?
+What unit of measurement is used to rate the loudness of sound?
+What unit of measurement was the distance from the elbow to the tip of the index finger?
+What unit of speed is equal to one nautical mile per hour?
+1 knot
+What unit of weight measurement derives from the carob seed?
+What united states president was in office during the civil war?
+Forty three
+What units are used to measure the size of pearls?
+What university did Peyton Manning attend?
+University of tennessee
+What university has the fightin 'blue hen' as there mascot?
+University of delaware
+What university would you find in the city of Palo Alto in western California?
+What unrecognised phenomenon was discovered when Comet aircraft started to fall out of the sky?
+Metal fatigue
+What unsightly feature did Abraham Lincoln have on his face?
+What unusual items used to be temporarily stored in pub cellars?
+What us academy is located in colorado springs, colorado?
+Air force
+What US academy is located in Kings Point, New York?
+Us merchant
+What us city briefly dropped the last letter of its name?
+What us city contains a full-scale replica of the ancient parthenon?
+What us city has a newspaper called the plain dealer?
+What us city has the most chapels per capita?
+Las vegas
+What us city is called the gateway to the west?
+St louis
+What US City is known as The River capital of the world?
+What US city is nicknamed 'The Cradle of Texas Liberty'?
+San antonio
+What us city is often called 'the insurance capital of the world'?
+What us city skyline boasts the gateway arch?
+St louis
+What US city was called The Birthplace of the Skyscraper?
+What us city was named after British prime minister william pitt?
+What us city was named after st francis of assisi?
+What US city was the capital from 1789 to 1790?
+New York City
+What us city's symphony was led for most of the 80's by seiji ozawa?
+What us general was known as old blood and guts?
+George s patton jr
+What US government agency is nicknamed the company?
+What us national park contains gumbo limbo trail?
+What us navy rank is indicated by three stripes?
+What US president once starred in the movie 'Bedtime for Bonzo'?
+What us president served two seperate terms in office?
+What us president was born in New York City?
+Teddy roosevelt
+What us president was born july 11, 1767?
+John quincy adams
+What us president was born september 15, 1857?
+William taft
+What US state are the Aleutian Islands part of?
+What us state boasts the most deer?
+What us state boasts the most gasoline stations?
+What us state borders British columbia, alberta, and saskatchewan?
+What US state borders Montana, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, and Idaho?
+What US state capital comes first alphabetically?
+What us state contains cape hatteras?
+North carolina
+What us state contains our six largest national parks?
+What us state does the continental divide leave to enter Canada?
+What US state doesn't have borders?
+What us state gets the least amount of rainfall?
+What us state grants the most fishing licenses?
+What US state has lived under six flags?
+What us state has sagebrush as its state flower?
+What us state has the largest cranberry crop?
+What US state has the longest coastline?
+What us state has the most rainfall?
+What us state has the second longest coastline?
+What US state has the state song 'Home on the Range'?
+What US state has the Worlds Champion Chili Cookoff every year?
+What US state includes the San Juan Islands?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 501?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 503?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 505?
+New Mexico
+What us state includes the telephone area code 507?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 508?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 509?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 510?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 513?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 515?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 516?
+New york
+What us state includes the telephone area code 517?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 601?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 602?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 603?
+New hampshire
+What us state includes the telephone area code 605?
+South dakota
+What us state includes the telephone area code 607?
+New york
+What us state includes the telephone area code 608?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 609?
+New jersey
+What us state includes the telephone area code 610?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 612?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 614?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 615?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 701?
+North dakota
+What us state includes the telephone area code 702?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 703?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 704?
+North carolina
+What us state includes the telephone area code 706?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 707?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 708?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 712?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 713?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 714?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 715?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 716?
+New york
+What us state includes the telephone area code 717?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 718?
+New york
+What us state includes the telephone area code 719?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 801?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 802?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 803?
+South carolina
+What us state includes the telephone area code 804?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 805?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 806?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 808?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 810?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 812?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 813?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 814?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 815?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 817?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 818?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 901?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 903?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 904?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 906?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 907?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 908?
+New jersey
+What us state includes the telephone area code 909?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 910?
+North carolina
+What us state includes the telephone area code 912?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 913?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 914?
+New york
+What us state includes the telephone area code 915?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 916?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 917?
+New york
+What us state includes the telephone area code 918?
+What us state includes the telephone area code 919?
+North carolina
+What US State is bordered by Colorado,Arizona,Nevada and Idaho?
+What us state is columbia university located in?
+New york
+What US state is Disney world in?
+What us state is free of houseflies?
+What US state is George Washington's Mount Vernon in?
+What US state is immediately south of Montreal, Canada?
+New York
+What us state is known as the 'show me' state?
+What US state is nicknamed, is the 'Blue Hen' state?
+What us state is northwestern university located in?
+What us state is sixth alphabetically?
+What us state pays librarians best?
+New york
+What US state receives the least sunshine?
+What us state records the least rainfall?
+What us state song is named for a river within the state?
+Swanee river
+What US state was John F Kennedy assassinated in?
+What us state was named in the late 1500's in honor of queen elizabeth?
+What us state's fish is the bluegill?
+What US state's flag is the only one that features the Union Jack in its design?
+What us state's marijuana fields were busted most often in 1987?
+What us state's name begins but doesn't end with the letter a?
+What US town was the site of the last battle between Britain and the US?
+New orleans
+What US university is located in Ann Arbor?
+What us war killed brent and stuart, the tarleton twins?
+Civil war
+What used to be thrown away as a useless by-product of crude oil until the gas engine made it useful?
+What useful device was invented and marketed by Charles Moncky?
+The monkey wrench
+What Utah city became the 37th in the U S to reach one million in population?
+Salt lake city
+What utah site are land speed records set at?
+Bonneville salt flats
+What Utah town plays host to the Sundance Film Festival?
+Park city
+What utopian community in Florida experienced its first armed robbery in 1998?
+What vacation did the Simpsons go on just before Marge went to Rancho Relaxo?
+Mystic Caverns 
+What valley boasts the devil's golf course?
+Death valley
+What valuable edible fungus grows undergound?
+What Van Gogh painting did the Getty Museum pick up after Alan Bond was unable to pay the 53.9 million he agreed to pay Sotheby's?
+What variety of quartz is amethyst?
+What vegetable comes last in the dictionary?
+What vegetable did gregor mendel use in his studies?
+What vegetable did Shelbyvile drink to celebrate their victory over Springfield?
+Turnip Juice 
+What vegetable has a name that sounds like a letter of the alphabet?
+What vegetable is the essential ingredient in borsch?
+What vegetable is the Welsh national emblem?
+What vegetable is typical of a tap root plant?
+What vegetable offers the highest source of calcium?
+What vegetable varieties include snowball, white horse, & igloo?
+What vegetable was the original Jack-O-Lantern?
+A turnip
+What vegetable will a chasseur add to your food?
+What vegetable yields the most pounds of produce per acre?
+What vegetables are sometimes called 'spuds'?
+What vehicles compete in the Tour de France?
+What vehicles take part in the 'tour de france'?
+What Venetian traveler's printed journal did Columbus have a copy of?
+Marco polo's
+What verse is the exact center of the Bible?
+Psalm 118:8
+What very lightweight wood is often used for rafts & model aeroplanes?
+What very rude nickname was given to suede shoes with rubber soles in the 1950s?
+Brothel creepers
+What veteran actor plays dominic santini on the adventure series airwolf?
+Ernest borgnine
+What veteran of tv commercials died at the advanced age of 17?
+Morris the cat
+What Victorian sprinter was disqualified in the 200-metre event at the Montreal Olympics?
+Raelene Boyle
+What video game do Homer and Bart play?
+Video Boxing 
+What video of n.w.a is/was banned on mtv?
+Straight outta compton
+What Viking god is Thursday named after?
+What village is featured in the archers?
+What viral disease killed 14 million people from 1981 to 1988?
+What viral skin condition does folklore say is caused by handling toads?
+What visitors to his home did elvis presley tell: 'look, if you're just going to sit there and stare at me all night, i'm going to bed'?
+The Beatles
+What vitamin deficiency causes rickets?
+Vitamin d
+What vitamin found in carrots is good for the eyes?
+Vitamin a
+What vitamin is also called absorbic acid?
+What vitamin is also called ascorbic acid?
+Vitamin c
+What vitamin is ascorbic acid?
+What vitamin is essential for the production of several factors involved in the blood clotting process?
+What vitamin is most commonly added to milk, becasue it is not found in milk naturally?
+Vitamin d
+What vitamin is most commonly added to milk, because it is not found in milk naturally?
+Vitamin d
+What vitamin is sometimes called the 'sunshine vitamin'>?
+Vitamin d
+What vitamin promotes blood clotting?
+What vladimir nabokov novel features professor humbert in love with a 12 year old girl?
+What volcanic peak can you see from naples?
+What volcanic peak is visible from naples?
+Mount vesuvius
+What volcano destroyed pompeii?
+Mount vesuvius
+What vowel do all esperanto nouns end in?
+What war began in 1899 with the invasion of natal, and ended in 1902 with the peace of vereeniging?
+Boer war
+What war did florence nightingale tend the troops in?
+Crimean war
+What war ended when the us and great britain signed the treaty of ghent?
+War of 1812
+What war followed 'the shot heard round the world'?
+American revolution
+What war involving England began in 1899 and ended in 1902?
+Boer war
+What war was fought by the houses of York and Lancaster?
+War of the Roses
+What war was rudely interrupted by the bubonic plague?
+The hundred years war
+What was 'The Beatles' first film?
+A hard days night
+What was 'xanth'?
+Fantasy world
+What was 19 oct 1987 otherwise known as in financial circles?
+Black monday
+What was 1990's second largest country, measured by land mass?
+What was 1990s most populous U S state?
+What was a 'lucifer' known as to soldiers during the war period?
+A Wooden Match
+What was a big hit for the pipes, drums, and military band of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards in 1972?
+Amazing grace
+What was a bo peep to a 19th century cockney street vendor?
+What was a bombard invented in about 1340?
+A cannon
+What was a ducat?
+A coin
+What was a ducat?
+What was a junk, invented by the chinese?
+Sailing ship
+What was a large cask with a lidded opening, used to hold day's supply of drinking water for a ship's crewmen?
+What was a Lazy day for the Small Faces?
+What was a Mae West on a battleship?
+Life jacket
+What was a psaltery?
+Musical instrument
+What was a reeve in a shire?
+What was a sheriff during feudal rule in England?
+What was a sopwith camel?
+First world war fighter plane
+What was a symbol of welcome in the 1700's to 1800's and can often be seen on doorknockers today?
+What was a.a. milne's first name?
+What was Abelard's punishment for his romance with Heloise?
+He was castrated
+What was abolished by the English parliament in 1647?
+What was abolished in britain in december 1969?
+What was abolished in the British empire in 1807?
+Slave trading
+What was accomplished for the first time by the Gossamer Albatross in 1979?
+Man powered flight across the channel
+What was adam faith's major tv role?
+What was adam sandler's occupation in big daddy?
+A tollbooth worker
+What was adamski's 1990 hit?
+What was adolf hitler's religion?
+Roman catholic
+What was adopted by the US on 3rd March 1931?
+Star spangled banner
+What was advertised in the first interactive British TV ad shown on Ch4 on 26 mar 2000?
+Chicken tonight
+What was advertised with the slogan 'Gives a meal man appeal'?
+What was al capone finally arrested for?
+Tax evasion
+What was al capone's favorite bullet proof car?
+What was al capone's nickname?
+What was alan sheppard's ship?
+Freedom seven
+What was alanis morissette's first album?
+Jagged little pill
+What was Alaska before 1867?
+Russian America
+What was albert einstein's favorite musical instrument?
+What was ALF's girlfriend from Melmac's name?
+What was ALF's real name?
+Gordon Shumway
+What was Alfred Hitchcock's nickname in his childhood?
+What was All Saints' record label?
+What was America's favorite television program in 1988?
+Bill cosby show
+What was America's military equivalent of Germany's kubelwagen?
+The jeep
+What was an egyptian king called?
+What was andrew jergens' profession?
+What was Angel Beast?
+A card game
+What was Angela's son's name in Who's the Boss?
+What was Anita Bryant known as because of the product she advertised?
+Coke girl
+What was Anna Pavlovas most famous balletic role?
+The dying swan
+What was Anne's surname in Anne of Green Gables?
+What was another city that the usfl Boston Breakers eventually played in?
+New orleans
+What was another name for the Atlantic Penguin which became extinct in 1844?
+Great auk
+What was Aristotle Onassis learned middle name?
+What was astronaut edwin aldrin's nickname?
+What was atomic kittens first uk chart single?
+Right now
+What was attacked on december 7, 1941?
+Pearl harbour
+What was Attila the Hun doing when he died?
+Having sex
+What was attomic kittens first uk chart single?
+Right now
+What was austin powers' middle name?
+What was Australia's Grant Torrens on when he set a world record of 219 kilometres an hour in 1977?
+Water Skis
+What was Australia's original name?
+Terra australis incognita
+What was awarded to a football player who scored 3 goals in one match?
+What was B Witched's foreign sounding title?
+C'est la vie
+What was balki bartokamus' occupation when he lived in mypos?
+Sheep herder
+What was banned in bermuda until 1946?
+What was banned in England in 1665 in an attempt to stop the spread of the plague?
+What was barbara Castle parliamentary constituency?
+What was barbra streisand's first film?
+Funny girl
+What was beaver cleaver's first name?
+What was Beck's first UK hit?
+What was benito mussolini also called?
+Il duce
+What was betty grable's nickname?
+The legs
+What was Betty Rubble's Maiden name?
+Betty Jean Mcbricker
+What was BGM's $1500 a day habit?
+Faberge eggs 
+What was bill fraser's army game role?
+What was billy squier's first band called?
+What was billy squier's first solo lp called?
+Tale of the tape
+What was bjorn borg's nickname?
+What was Blair Peach's profession?
+What was bo diddley's real name?
+Ellas mcdaniels
+What was bob dylan's real name?
+Robert zimmerman
+What was Bob Hopes book Confession of a hooker about?
+What was boo, maryjane and Mary Warner?
+What was Boyzone's second album?
+A different beat
+What was Britains first motorway?
+What was Britains first pirate radio station?
+Radio caroline
+What was Britains last French mainland possession?
+What was britains last territory in latin America?
+What was British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's maiden name?
+What was broadcast causing us radio listeners, to flee for their lives fearing an attack by aliens?
+The war of the worlds
+What was bruce springsteen's first video?
+Dancing in the dark
+What was bruce wayne's heroic identity?
+What was Bruce Willis' occupation prior to his stardom?
+What was buffalo bill cody's real name?
+William frederick cody
+What was built on the site of an unsolved London murder?
+Scotland yard
+What was Buzz Aldrin's mother's maiden name?
+What was California's largest cash crop by the mid-1980's?
+What was called the powder keg of europe?
+What was called the war to end all wars?
+World war one
+What was Canada's first chartered bank?
+Bank of montreal
+What was Canada's first national park?
+Banff national park
+What was capability brown's real first name?
+What was Capability Browns Christian name?
+What was Capability Browns first given name?
+What was captain ahab's peg leg made of?
+What was captain marvel's magic word?
+What was Captain Matthew Webb the first to swim across?
+The English Channel
+What was casey jones's real name?
+John luther jones
+What was Cecil B. De Mille's Middle name?
+What was Charlemagne also known as?
+Charles the great
+What was Charles Blondins claim to fame?
+He crossed niagara falls on a tightrope
+What was cheyenne's last name?
+What was chim on sheena, queen of the jungle?
+What was Christ's zodiacal sign?
+What was Chuck Berry's first #1 hit on BOTH sides of the Atlantic Ocean?
+My ding a ling
+What was Cilla Black's real surname before she was married?
+What was cinderella's real name?
+What was Cinderellas first name?
+What was Citizen Kane's first name?
+What was Coco Chanels christian name?
+What was cologne magnate, Coco Chanel's lucky number?
+What was comedienne Grace Allen's nickname for her husband (George Burns)?
+What was computer pioneer niklaus wirth's nickname at stanford?
+What was concealed in Napoleon Solos pen?
+A two way radio
+What was considered an aphrodisiac by the ancient greeks?
+What was Constantinople's name changed to?
+What was constructed to seperate England from Scotland?
+Hadrians wall
+What was created by James I in 1606 as a symbolic means of uniting England and Scotland but was disliked by both nations?
+The union jack
+What was created by the Manhattan Project?
+Atomic bomb
+What was created when James Wright blended boric acid and silicon oil?
+Silly putty
+What was crocketts first name on Miami Vice?
+What was custer's first name?
+What was cyndi laupers dog named?
+What was Daffy Duck's favorite insult?
+You're dispicable!
+What was Danny De Vito's occupation prior to his becoming an actor?
+A hairdresser 
+What was dave winfield's first mlb team?
+What was David Bowies first hit?
+Space oddity
+What was David Livingstones job?
+What was David Miller the first person to be arrested for burning, in 1966?
+Draft card
+What was David Shepherd's position before he became Bishop of Liverpool?
+Bishop of woolwich
+What was debussy's christian name?
+What was def leopard's latest album after what happened to the drummer?
+What was defined by law as precisely 4840 square yards in 1305?
+The acre
+What was Dennis the Menace's last name?
+What was designed to - carry four adults wearin hats and clogs, along with 50kilos of potatoes?
+Citroen 2cv
+What was detective Harry o's surname?
+What was Dirt Harry's last name?
+What was discovered at Sutter's Mill, California in 1848?
+What was discovered by the chance contamination of a dish at St Marys Hospital in 1928?
+What was discovered first codeine or aspirin?
+What was discovered in the northern tip of Vancover Island in 1835?
+What was doc holiday's trade?
+What was Donald Fagen's first solo album title (1982)?
+The Nightfly
+What was doris lessing's first novel?
+The grass is singing
+What was dorothy's aunt's name in the wizard of oz?
+Aunt em
+What was Dorothy's last name in 'The Wizard of Oz'?
+What was dr kildare's first name?
+What was dr. livingstone's first name?
+What was Dr. Zhivago's first name?
+What was duke ellington's real name?
+Edward kennedy
+What was Dusty Springfield's first No. 1 hit?
+You don't have to say you love me
+What was E.T.'s favorite candy?
+Recee's Pieces
+What was Early Bird?
+First commercial satellite
+What was el cid's nationality?
+What was elton john referring to when he asked: 'what happened here?'?
+John lennon's death
+What was Elton John's father's job?
+Royal air force pilot
+What was Elton John's first label record?
+Dick james music
+What was Elvis Presley's home town?
+What was elvis presley's twin brother's first name?
+What was Elvis Presleys real name?
+Elvis presley
+What was Elvis Presleys sport in Kid Galahad?
+What was elvis' first big hit song?
+Heartbreak hotel
+What was elvis' last top ten single?
+Burning love
+What was ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month?
+What was Enrico Carusos claim to fame?
+What was erich segal's sequel to love story?
+Oliver's story
+What was Ethel Cain the first to record?
+The speaking clock
+What was ethiopia formerly known as?
+What was exchanged in fair exchange?
+Teenage daughters
+What was extracted through the nasal passages of dead pharaohs?
+What was Field Marshall Montgomerys first name?
+What was first advertised on the back of a match cover?
+What was first aired in the US on sept 13 1969?
+Scooby-doo where are you!
+What was first marketed as gayetty's medicated paper?
+Toilet paper
+What was first opened in 1922 by national department stores in saint louis?
+Shopping mall
+What was first played at ballarrat gold fields, Australia in 1853?
+Australian rules football
+What was first recorded in 240 bc, and returns every 76 years?
+Halley's comet
+What was first seen on British television in 1982?
+Channel 4
+What was first sold at the 1904 St Louis worlds fair?
+Ice cream cones
+What was first used as a medical treatment in 2700 bc by Chinese emperor Shen Nung?
+What was first used as an anaesthetic at St Bartholomews Hospital in 1847?
+What was flip wilson's California license plate?
+What was formerly called the Christian Revival Association and the East London Christian Mission?
+Salvation army
+What was found buried at Sutton Hoo in 1939?
+Saxon Ship
+What was frances gumm's screen name?
+Judy garland
+What was francine lawrence's nickname?
+What was frankensteins first name?
+What was Fred Astaire's real name?
+Frederick austerlitz
+What was gainsborough's first name?
+What was gangster Charles floyd's nickname?
+Pretty boy
+What was Gary Gnu's catch phrase?
+No Gnus is Good Gnus
+What was gary puckett's backup band?
+Union gap
+What was General Electric engineer James Wright really trying to create when he made silly putty?
+Synthetic rubber
+What was george custer's horses' name?
+What was George Hepplewhite's profession?
+Furniture maker
+What was george lazenby's only bond film?
+On her majesty's secret service
+What was George of the Jungle always running in to?
+A tree
+What was George Washington's favorite horse's name?
+What was given on the seventh day of Christmas?
+Seven swans a swimming
+What was glen campbell's theme song?
+Gentle on my mind
+What was Goebbels' role when he served under Hitler during WWll?
+Minister for propaganda
+What was goofy's original name?
+Dippy dawg
+What was great archaeological find was found near xi-an in march 1974?
+Terracotta army
+What was H.G. Wells' first novel?
+The time machine
+What was hank aaron's jersey number?
+Forty four
+What was Harry nilsson's biggest hit?
+Without you
+What was held in the Crystal Palace in 1851?
+The great exhibition
+What was hemingway's tough romantic anti-war novel?
+A farewell to arms
+What was herbert khaury's nickname?
+Tiny tim
+What was hg well's first novel?
+Time machine
+What was Hilary Clinton's maiden name?
+What was hitler's plan for the invasion of England?
+Operation sea lion
+What was horatio nelson's most famous ship?
+What was howdy doody's sister's name?
+Heidi doody
+What was hoyt wilhelm's best pitch?
+What was Huddie Ledbetter's professional name?
+What was Hungarian inventor Rubik's first name?
+What was in catherine's crucifix in the movie cruel intentions?
+What was in the sandwich in the 1983 hit 'down under'?
+What was installed in the London Zoo in 1925 to cheer up the animals?
+Electric Lights
+What was introduced to our roads in 1967 to make motoring safer?
+Breath test
+What was introduced to supermarkets in 1974?
+Bar codes
+What was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube & a chocolate bar melted in his pocket?
+What was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket?
+Microwave oven
+What was invented by a Swiss guy who was inspired by the way burrs attached to clothing?
+What was invented by John Walker of Stockton on Tees in 1827 and called Congreaves?
+Friction matches
+What was invented by Joseph Bramah?
+What was invented by Ludovic Zamenhof?
+What was invented in roughly 3,500 bc in mesopotamia?
+The wheel
+What was invented in Sumeria in 3200BC?
+The wheel
+What was invented over 3,000 years ago that is now considered the first 'computer'?
+What was Irene Cara's character name in the movie, Fame?
+Coco Hernandez
+What was israel known as before its independence?
+What was it that Captain Cook fed his crew and was made of cabbage pickled in vinegar?
+Sour krout
+What was it that frightened Miss Muffet away?
+A spider
+What was jack nicholson's first film?
+Cry baby killer
+What was Jacquline Kennedy Onassis maiden name?
+What was james dean's last movie?
+What was Jane Austens first published novel?
+Sense and sensibility
+What was Jane Russells real first name?
+What was jane wyman reagan's birth name?
+Sarah jane fulks
+What was Japan's most famous WWll aeroplane?
+What was jayne russels real first name?
+What was jean-claude van damme's original stage name?
+What was JFK's nickname for his daughter Caroline?
+What was jimmy rodger's first hit in 1957 which included the lyrics 'god made the bees and the bees made the honey...'?
+What was johanna spyri's story about a little alpine lass?
+What was john lennon's original middle name?
+What was john wayne's last movie?
+What was johnny appelseed's real name?
+John chapman
+What was Jon Bon Jovi's mother's occupation?
+A Playboy Bunny
+What was journey's first very successful lp?
+What was Junko Tabei the first woman to reach?
+Summit of mount everest
+What was kansas's first hit single?
+Carry on
+What was karl marx's term for owners of capitalist production?
+What was karl marx's term for wage laborers in modern capitalist systems?
+What was kept in a medieval 'stew pond'?
+What was killed by the first bomb dropped by the allies on Berlin during wwii?
+What was kind old Benjamin Franklin the first to do to a lamb,a chicken and a turkey?
+Electrocute them
+What was King Alfred supposed to have burnt?
+What was king arthur's sister's name?
+What was King Arthur's sword called?
+What was King Ethelred IIs nickname?
+The unready
+What was king george vi's first name?
+What was King John of England forced to sign in 1215?
+Magna Carta
+What was king tut's original name?
+What was Kleenex(R) known as when invented during World War I?
+What was known as Formosa?
+What was known as the Englishmens drink?
+What was known as the spice island?
+What was known to fussy GI's in Vietnam as a ptomaine domain?
+The mess hall
+What was kohoutek, the dud of 1973?
+A comet
+What was kojak's first name?
+What was Krakatoa?
+A volcanic island
+What was landscape gardener Lancelot Brown's nickname?
+What was lech walesa's job before he founded solidarity?
+What was led by major Adams?
+Wagon train
+What was lenin's real name?
+Vladimir ilyich yulyanov
+What was Linus Yale's occupation?
+What was liquorice used for in ancient Egypt?
+What was lisa stansfields first no 1?
+All around the world
+What was little miss muffet eating when she sat on her tuffet?
+Curds & whey
+What was Long John Silvers parrot called?
+Captain flint
+What was Lord John Oaksey's highest ever placing in the Grand National?
+What was Lord Louis Mountbattens relationship to Queen Victoria?
+Her great grandson
+What was lou christies' real name?
+Lugee sacco
+What was Louise Joy Brown the first of?
+Test tube baby
+What was ludwig von beethoven once arrested for?
+What was lulu's top ten single?
+What was made by the Bessemer process?
+What was Madonna's first single to enter the UK singles chart?
+What was Maggie Seaver's maiden name on Growing Pains?
+Maggie Malone
+What was Marco Polo's home town?
+What was Marco Polo's nationality?
+What was Margaret Thatcher's maiden name?
+What was margaret thatcher's nickname?
+Iron lady
+What was marian's profession in the music man?
+What was Marilyn Monroe's real full name?
+Norma jeane baker
+What was Mark Twain's real name?
+Samuel clemens
+What was martin frobisher looking for?
+North west passage
+What was mary mallen's nickname?
+Typhoid mary
+What was Mary Queen of Scots first to employ on a golf course?
+What was Massachusetts' logical choice for an official state dessert, in 1996?
+Boston cream pie
+What was maurice micklewhite's screen name?
+Michael caine
+What was Max Headroom's network number?
+What was maxwell smart's control agent number?
+Eighty six
+What was Michael Jackson advertising when he was nearly killed?
+What was michael jackson advertising when he was set on fire?
+What was Michelangelo's last name?
+What was mickey mouse's first film?
+Steamboat willie
+What was Mike Scosia diagnosed with?
+Accute Radiation poisoning
+What was mildred ella didrikson's nickname?
+What was Mir?
+Russian space station
+What was Miss Marple's first name?
+What was mixed with vodka in 1946 to make a Moscow Mule?
+Ginger ale
+What was Moe selling at the flea market?
+Lucille Ball Oysters
+What was mona lisa's surname?
+What was montrose's second lp called?
+Paper money
+What was Moonie leader-Reverend Moon jailed for in 1976?
+Tax fraud
+What was Mother Theresa's Christian name before she became a nun?
+What was motown's first film in 1976?
+Lady sings the blues
+What was Mowglis pet mongooses name?
+Rikki tikki tavi
+What was Mozarts favourite instrument?
+What was mr munster's first name?
+What was mr spock's blood type?
+What was mr. magoos first name?
+What was mrs fawlty's christian name?
+What was Much Binding in the Marsh before it became a country club and then a radio show?
+An raf station
+What was mussogorsky's first name?
+What was mussogorsky's profession?
+What was Mussolini forced to do when the allies landed in Sicily?
+What was namibia formerly known as?
+South west africa
+What was nancy davis reagan's birth name?
+Anne frances robbins
+What was Napoleon's last name?
+What was napoleon's surname?
+What was Ned Flanders' job before he opened the Leftorium?
+What was Ned's brush with the law?
+Mistaken for Ed Flanders
+What was neil young's first film?
+Journey through the past
+What was New Order previously known as?
+Joy division
+What was Nikita Khrushchev's wife's name?
+What was noah's ark made of?
+Gopher wood
+What was odd about Crayola senior crayon maker Emerson Moser?
+He was colourblind
+What was odysseus called by the romans?
+What was officially called the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America?
+Hays Office
+What was Oliver Cromwells title as ruler?
+Lord protector of the commonwealth
+What was oliver hardy's real name?
+What was Oliver Mellors' daytime job?
+What was one of Homers lifelong/boyhood dreams?
+Work in a bowling alley 
+What was one of the main finds at Sutton Hoo burial ground?
+Ancient battle helmet
+What was originally known as fruit smack flavoured syrup?
+What was originally known as terra australis incognita?
+What was painted on peter fonda's helmet motorcycle helmet in 'easy rider'?
+Stars and stripes
+What was pat nixon's real first name?
+What was patrick mcgoohan's number in the prisoner?
+What was Paul cezanne's nationality?
+What was Paul revere's only #1 hit?
+Indian reservation
+What was Paul Scotts sequel to the Raj Quartet?
+Staying on
+What was Paul Tibbett's claim to fame, established on August 6th 1945?
+Pilot of the plane which dropped atom bomb on hiroshima
+What was pc gamer's 1995 game of the year?
+Warcraft 2
+What was pegasus in greek mythology?
+Winged horse
+What was peter dimmock's long running sports programme?
+What was phileas fogg's valet's name?
+What was pinocchio's father's name?
+What was pope john Paul ii's original name?
+Karol wojtyla
+What was potsie webber's real first name on 'happy day's'?
+What was potsie's last name on happy days?
+What was President Clinton's wife called?
+What was President Yeltsin's first name?
+What was Princess Diana's maiden name?
+What was Princess Dianas middle name?
+What was privatised with the slogan - Tell Sid?
+British gas
+What was produced by a 'spinning jenny'?
+Cotton thread
+What was punky brewster's best friends name?
+What was Queen Victoria's mother tongue?
+What was radical German student leader rudi dutschke known as?
+Red rudi
+What was re erected at Lake Havasa City, Arizona?
+London bridge
+What was rembrandt's surname?
+Van rijn
+What was removed from Mussolini's body before it was buried?
+What was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in 1975?
+What was replaced on the tail planes of British Airways planes, by a design meant to represent its international status?
+Union jack
+What was Reverend Jims real last name on TAXI?
+What was Rex Hunt that brought him worldwide headlines in 1982?
+Governor of the falkland islands
+What was rhoda's maiden name?
+What was Richard Bach's best selling adult fairy tale?
+Jonathan livingston seagull
+What was richard bach's best selling book?
+Jonathan livingston seagull
+what was richard iii's nickname?
+Crookback dick
+What was ringo starr's solo effort called?
+Goodnight vienna
+What was rizzo's real name in grease?
+What was rob roy's surname?
+What was robert montgomery's profession?
+What was rocky balboa's nickname in the ring?
+The Italian stallion
+What was rod serling's last television series?
+Night gallery
+What was Rod Stewart's occupation before he became a singer?
+A Grave Digger
+What was Rod Stewarts first hit?
+Reason to believe
+What was Rodney's middle name in Only Fools and Horses?
+What was roger moore's first 'james bond' film?
+Live and let die
+What was romeo's family name?
+What was ronnie barker's porridge role?
+What was Roscoe's dogs name on the Dukes of Hazzard?
+What was ruben's first name?
+What was Russian America after 1867?
+What was said to be hitlers favorite film?
+King kong
+What was salar in the book by Henry williamson?
+What was Sarah, Duchess of York's maiden name?
+What was school boy William Hague given at a Conservative conference which caused him to hit the headlines?
+Standing ovation
+What was Scotland Yard's emergency phone number?
+What was scotsman john laurie's profession in his dad's army role?
+What was seen in 1681 for the last time?
+The dodo
+What was set as the maximum age when the original 7 US astronauts were selected?
+What was set up in 1792 due to the treat of a French Invasion, and published its first official series in 1805?
+Ordnance survey
+What was Shakespear's Sister's number one hit from 1992?
+What was Shakespeares last play?
+The tempest
+What was shirley maclains first film?
+Trouble with Harry
+What was Sid Vicious' real name?
+John simon ritchie
+What was signed on 15 june 1215?
+Magna carta
+What was signed on the 15th june 1215?
+Magna carta
+What was simple minds firsy uk number one?
+Belfast child
+What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother's pail?
+What was Sir Alec Guinness's role in 'Star Wars'?
+Obi-Wan Kenobi
+What was sir alexander flemming's life saving discovery?
+What was Sir Christopher Cockerell's uplifting invention?
+What was Sir Donald Bradmans test batting average?
+What was Sir Edmund Hillary's profession before climbing Mt Everest?
+What was Smokey the Bear's middle name?
+What was sold to cure sore throat, neuralgia, nervousness, headache, colds & sleeplessness in the 1880s?
+What was sonny liston's best punch?
+Left hook
+What was South Crofty in Cornwall, closed in 1998?
+Tin mine
+What was special about the Heinkel He-178 plane, first flown in 1939?
+First jet plane
+What was Spode the first to make in 1797, by adding bone ash to hard paste porcelain?
+Bone china
+What was spun into gold in the story of rumpelstiltskin?
+What was sri lanka's former name?
+What was St. Paul's trade before he converted?
+Tent maker
+What was st. petersburg called immediately before its name was changed to leningrad?
+What was stalin's real name?
+Iosif vissarionovich dzhugashvili
+What was Stephensons first locomotive called?
+What was steven spielberg's first film?
+The duel
+What was stored in a Leyden Jar?
+Electrical charge
+What was stormed in Paris in 1789?
+What was substituted for snow for the making of the Canadian film Toby McTeague?
+Instant Mashed Potatoes
+What was superman's name on his home planet, krypton?
+What was superman's true name when he was on krypton?
+What was supermans alias?
+Clark kent
+What was surgeon Dr. W.S. Halstead first to use in 1890?
+Rubber gloves
+What was suzy parker doing to earn $100,000 in the early 1950s?
+What was t e lawrence better known as?
+Lawrence of arabia
+What was Tarzan's mate Jane's last name?
+What was tarzan's true identity?
+Lord greystoke
+What was Terry's surname in the television series Minder?
+What was th ename given to the first Spanish invaders of Central and South America?
+What was th ename of Alison Moyet and VinceClarkes group?
+What was th ename of the first artificail plastic?
+What was th ename of the first British built electronic digital computer?
+What was the 'oxbow incident'?
+A movie about a lynching
+What was the (West) German capital before the 'Wiedervereinigung'?
+What was the #10 girl's name in Canada in 1990?
+What was the #4 goods exported from Canada in 1993?
+Agricultural products
+What was the #7 movie (1981) to the end of 1988 with 115 million gross?
+Raiders of the lost ark
+What was the #8 movie (1988) to the end of 1988 with 109 million dollars gross?
+Indiana jones and the temple of doom
+What was the 10th Elton John album?
+What was the 1950's slang term for 3-D movies?
+What was the 1995 bestselling non-fiction hardcover book?
+Men are from mars women are from venus
+What was the 1998 Boyzone number one taken from a Lloyd-Webber musical?
+No matter what
+What was the 24 disc John Gabel Entertainer the first example of?
+What was the 57 mile long Marcia built by the romans?
+What was the 5th country to get The Bomb?
+What was the 5th largest city in the Roman Empire in 50 AD?
+What was the abode of gods in norse mythology?
+What was the acronym for the car in knight rider?
+What was the active ingredient in the Victorian sedative called Laudanum?
+What was the age limit when the original seven astronauts were chosen?
+What was the age of 'Lola' in the musical 'Damn Yankees'?
+What was the alias of kidnapped newspaper heiress, Patty Hearst?
+What was the allied code name for Winston Churchill during World War II?
+Colonel Warden
+What was the alternative name for the Second World Warplane known as the B17?
+Flying fortress
+What was the ancient system of picture writing used in Ancient Egypt?
+What was the anme of the first commercial hovercraft designed by Christopher Cockerell?
+What was the annihilation of the jews in wwii called?
+What was the anti-trust law which broke up the standard oil trust?
+Sherman act
+What was the apsotle Matthews job?
+Tax collector
+What was the average age of US soldiers in the Vietnam war?
+What was the average lifespan of a European peasant in 1300?
+Twenty five years
+What was the basis of the giant u.s prune industry?
+Agen plum
+What was The Beatles first (USA) No.1 Hit?
+I want to hold your hand
+What was the Beatles first record on the Apple label?
+Hey jude
+What was the Beatles' second film?
+What was the best chariot route from rome to brindisi?
+Via appia
+What was the beverly hillbillies' family name?
+What was the Big Bopper's real name?
+Jiles Perry Richardson
+What was the biggest known theft of computer chips?
+What was the birth name of the late Dr. Seuss?
+Theodore geisel
+What was the blue dye, used by ancient britons to colour their skin, called?
+What was the board game introduced in the eighties which featured six categories of questions and little pie shaped pieces you had to collect?
+Trivia Pursuit
+What was the Bountys cargo at the time of its most famous mutiny?
+Breadfruit plants
+What was the bridge of san luis rey made of?
+What was the Bristol Brabazon?
+Worlds largest airliner
+What was the British nickname for William Joyce the broadcaster of wwii?
+Lord haw haw
+What was the Canadian literacy rate in 1987?
+Ninety nine percent
+What was the capital of Kenya prior to Nairobi?
+What was the capital of vietnam?
+What was the cartoon mouse that was Gene Kelly's dancing partner in the film Anchors aweigh?
+What was the cause of death of female author Margaret Mitchell?
+Automobile Accident 
+What was the cavalry's first regiment called?
+Rough riders
+What was the CB radio handle used by former First Lady Betty Ford when she was residing in the White House?
+First Mama
+What was the ceaseless medieval search for a method of turning base metals to gold called?
+What was the ceremony called where the hopi indians carry live rattlesnakes even in their mouths?
+Snake dance
+What was the challanging method of catching a fly in Karate Kid?
+Using chopsticks
+What was the character name of michael crawford's wife in some mother's do 'ave em?
+What was the character name of Patti Duke's father on the Patti Duke Show?
+Martin Lane
+What was the character name of starsky & hutch's captain?
+Captain dobey
+What was the character name of the female star of the film Breakfast At Tiffany's?
+Holly Golightly
+What was the chief Roman silver coin?
+What was the christian name of Jesse james brother?
+What was the Christian name of the French painter Pisarro?
+What was the christian name of the furniture designer Chippendale?
+What was the christian name of the newspaper cartoonist Lancaster?
+What was the chuckwagon used for on cattle drives?
+What was the city of Istanbul called before 330 AD?
+What was the city symbol of Pompeii, the ancient Roman resort town destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius' eruption?
+Winged penis
+What was the classical standard language of ancient India?
+What was the claymation Domino's Pizza thing to avoid?
+The Noid
+What was the club house of the Get Along Gang?
+A red Caboose
+What was the code name for the us rescue mission in iran?
+Eagle claw
+What was the code name of the D-Day invasion?
+Operation OVERLORD
+What was the codename for the development of the atom bomb?
+Manhattan project
+What was the codename given for the normandy landings?
+What was the codename of the aborted German invasion of England in 1940?
+Operation sealion
+What was the codename of the allied invasion of north africa in 1942?
+Operation torch
+What was the codename of William Stephenson, chief of British Intelligence in New York during WWII?
+What was the colonial name of mali?
+French sudan
+What was the colour of christ's hair in st john's vision?
+What was the colour of the 1985 film that gave Whoopi Goldberg her first Oscar?
+What was the composer Dvorak's christian name?
+What was the connection between Family Matters & Full House?
+Steve Urkel
+What was the connection between the facts of life and er?
+George clooney
+What was the country of Botswana called before 1966?
+What was the crime committed for those dwelling in dante's lowest level of hell in his work, 'the inferno'?
+What was the date and time when all of the digits on a ten digit watch were displayed in numerical order?
+12.34 and 56 seconds 7th august 1990
+What was the date in 1955 did marty from back to the future arrive on?
+November 5th,1955
+What was the deadly bug that afflicted the world in 1918 to 1919?
+What was the department of defense formerly known as?
+Department of war
+What was the destination of the Mary Celeste on it's final voyage?
+What was the Dire Straits album featuring a guitar on a blue background?
+Brothers in arms
+What was the discovey made by Frederick Banting & Charles Best?
+What was the district in New York where mario puzo, the author of 'the godfather' was raised nicknamed?
+Hell's kitchen
+What was the duck's name on the burns & allen show?
+What was the earliest form of shoe?
+What was the earliest known symbol of christianity?
+What was the elementary penguin singing?
+Hare krishna
+What was the european city of culture for 1998?
+What was the eventual title of a book which was originally called Incident at West Egg?
+The great gatsby
+What was the everly brothers first hit?
+Bye bye love
+What was the exact date of the start of the Russian revolution?
+November 7, 1917
+What was the fairytale world created by C.S. Lewis?
+What was the family name of the British royal family at the time of the coronation?
+What was the family name of the green hornet & the lone ranger?
+What was the famous line uttered by an old woman in Wendy's ads?
+Where's The Beef?
+What was the famous prison of 18th century London?
+What was the fat boy's nickname in Lord of the Flies?
+What was the favorite expression of captain marvel?
+Holy moley
+What was the favorite weapon of george kelly and kate barker?
+Machine gun
+What was the favorite weapon of the Mongols?
+Bow and arrow
+What was the favourite colour of the novelist Barbra Cartland?
+What was the fight between Argentina and Great Britan over?
+Faulkland Islands
+What was the final destination of the first u.s. paddle wheel steamboat, what departed from pittsburgh?
+New orleans
+What was the final destruction of the world in norse mythology?
+What was the final score in the 1999 football match between England and Luxemburg (to England)?
+What was the first album roger waters released after leaving pink floyd?
+Pros and cons of hitch hiking
+What was the first album to be released on the Virgin Record label?
+Tubular bells
+What was the first American warship lost in world war ii?
+Reuben james
+What was the first animal named to the usa's animal hall of fame in 1969?
+What was the first animal on the endangered species list?
+Peregrine falcon
+What was the first artificial earth satellite called?
+Sputnik 1
+What was the first big game craze on computers and game systems?
+What was the first boy's name listed in the 1963 book name your baby?
+What was the first brand of instant coffee, introduced in Switzerland in 1938?
+What was the first brand of Wrigley's chewing gum called?
+What was the first candy?
+Orange peel
+What was the first capital of British Columbia?
+New westminster
+What was the first cartoon character called?
+Oswald the rabbit
+What was the first cartoon to feature sound?
+Steamboat Willie
+What was the first cd pressed in the u.s?
+Born in the u.s.a
+What was the first chinese dynasty?
+What was the first city to be leveled by a plutonium based atomic bomb?
+What was the first colony to legalise witchcraft?
+What was the first commercial airliner?
+What was the first commercial readymix food?
+Pancake mix
+What was the first computer software company to go public on the New York Stock Exchange?
+What was the first country to approve aid drug azt?
+What was the first country to legalize abortion, in 1935?
+What was the first czechoslovakian to win the wimbledon women's singles tennis title?
+Martina navratilova
+What was the first day of the Roman month called?
+The calends
+What was the first desert rodent to spin its wheels into popular petdom?
+What was the first disney film to feature stereophonic sound?
+What was the first domesticated bird?
+What was the first English play written exclusively for children?
+Peter pan
+What was the first European book printed?
+The Bible
+What was the first event decided at the 1896 olympics?
+Triple jump
+What was the first ever feature length cartoon with sound and colour?
+Snow white and the seven dwarfs
+What was the first ever product to be sold using a bar-code reader?
+Wrigley's juicy fruit chewing gum
+What was the first ever talking film?
+The jazz singer
+What was the first ever telegraphed message?
+What hath god wrought
+What was the first fairy tale Walt Disney adapted for a cartoon?
+Little red riding hood
+What was the first film to team jack lemmon and walter matthau?
+What was the first full length movie with sound, made in 1927?
+The Jazz Singer
+What was the first game graze on the computer?
+What was the first game show on Mtv?
+Remote Control
+What was the first grand slam tennis title won by steffi graf?
+French open
+What was the first hit song the platters served up?
+Only you
+What was the first ironclad warship launched?
+Hms warrior
+What was the first known lighthouse?
+What was the first line of frozen foods?
+Bird's eye
+What was the first London street to be lit by gas lamps in 1807?
+Pall mall
+What was the first london street to be lit by gas lamps?
+Pall mall
+What was the first major us city to present jai-alai?
+What was the first man made insecticide?
+What was the first metal used by man for tools bronze, copper or iron?
+What was the first metal used by man?
+What was the first microprocessor?
+Intel 4004
+What was the first movie Disney released through a subsidary company that carried an R rating?
+Down and Out In Beverly Hills
+What was the first movie filmed in sensurround?
+What was the first name of 'Count ' Basie?
+What was the first name of 'Duke' Ellington?
+What was the first name of Baden-Powell the founder of the Scout movement?
+What was the first name of Captain Bligh, of 'Mutiny on the Bounty' fame?
+What was the first name of Captain Dobey on Starsky & Hutch?
+What was the first name of dom perignon, the monk who gave us champagne?
+What was the first name of marshal torrance in the rifleman?
+What was the first name of mr tibbs?
+What was the first name of sherlock holmes' dr. watson?
+What was the first name of the baby girl who fell down the well?
+What was the first name of the bartender on The Love Boat?
+What was the first name of the explorere Shackleton?
+What was the first name of the Israeli man who invented a rapid fire weapon in 1953?
+What was the first name of the Reverebd Varah, the founder of the Samaritans?
+What was the first name of Titanic survivor known as The Unsinkable Molly Brown?
+What was the first name of tycoon Donald Trump's first wife?
+What was the first name of viscount montgomery of alamein?
+What was the first nation to resign from the united nations?
+What was the first newspaper owned by william randolph hearst, senior?
+The san francisco examiner
+What was the first no 1 for the shadows?
+What was the first object made from aluminum?
+A Rattle
+What was the first offical international boat race?
+Hundred guineas cup
+What was the first official currency of the u.s?
+What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person?
+What was the first parachute jump made from?
+What was the first peanuts comic strip called?
+Good ol' charlie brown
+What was the first personal computer: Kenbak, Scelbi, or Apple1?
+What was the first piece of Tupperware to be sold?
+A bathroom tumbler
+What was the first plastic to be manufactured?
+What was the first postage stamp called?
+Penny black
+What was the first product to have a UPC bar code on its packaging?
+Wrigley's gum
+What was the first rap group to appear on 'American bandstand'?
+Run d.m.c
+What was the first ready mix food to be sold commercially?
+Aunt jemima pancake flour
+What was the first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal?
+Shredded cereal
+What was the first recruiting station for the Marine Corps?
+Tun tavern
+What was the first reusable space shuttle?
+What was the first safety feature patented for an automobile and attached to a front fender?
+Safety net
+What was the first samuel beckett play to hit broadway?
+Waiting for godot
+What was the first sherlock holmes book?
+A study in scarlet
+What was the first ship to reach the titanic after it sank?
+What was the first song played on armed forces radio during operation desert shield?
+Rock the casbah
+What was the first space shuttle to orbit the earth?
+What was the first spacecraft ever to go into space a second time?
+What was the first sport to be covered by a British radio broadcast?
+What was the first staple that the U.S. government rationed during World War II?
+What was the first state of the union?
+What was the first submarine named?
+What was the first subway nicknamed because of its odour?
+What was the first successful Jupiter probe?
+Pioneer 10
+What was the first talking motion picture with the sound on the film?
+Jazz singer
+What was the first team to play in what is now wrigley field?
+Chicago whales
+What was the first team to win the super bowl?
+Green bay packers
+What was the first technology known to man?
+What was the first thing Ned thought would influence Tod's bad language?
+Bumper Stickers 
+What was the first thing Noah did upon setting foot on dry land?
+He built an altar
+What was the first thing off the ark when it stopped raining?
+What was the first tony winning play?
+Mister roberts
+What was the first top 30 hit by the Rolling Stones?
+Come on
+What was the first trade mark to be registered in 1875?
+The bass red triangle
+What was the first u.s consumer product sold in the soviet union?
+Pepsi cola
+What was the first u.s state to seccede from the union on december 20, 1860?
+South carolina
+What was the first US National Monument?
+Devil's tower
+What was the first US National Park?
+What was the first us sitcom to be exported to britain?
+I love lucy
+What was the first us state to secede from the union on december 20, 1860?
+South carolina
+What was the first version of MS Windows to have networking capabilities?
+Windows for workgroups
+What was the first version of MS Windows?
+Windows 286
+What was the first video ever shown on mtv?
+Video killed the radio star
+What was the first video game?
+What was the first video Mtv played?
+Video Killed the Radio Star
+What was the first womens magazine published in 1693?
+The Ladies' Mercury
+What was the first world war also called?
+Great war
+What was the first x-rated animated cartoon film?
+Fritz the cat
+What was the first year that women could vote in norway?
+What was the food of the greek gods called?
+What was the forerunner of croquet?
+Pall mall
+What was the former capital of Australia?
+What was the former German name of the czech town of ceske budejovice?
+What was the former name for the african country of malawi?
+What was the former name of Belize?
+British honduras
+What was the former name of Burkina Faso in Africa?
+Upper volta
+What was the former name of Kampuchea?
+What was the former name of the building which now houses the Tate Modern on the South Bank of the Thames?
+Bankside power station
+What was the former name of the cape of good hope?
+Cape of storms
+What was the former name of the czech town of kalovy vary?
+What was the former name of the island nation Sri Lanka?
+What was the former name of the North Sea?
+German Ocean
+What was the former name of the Southern African country of Zambia?
+Northern rhodesia
+What was the former name of Zambia?
+Northern rhodesia
+What was the former name of Zimbabwe?
+Southern rhodesia
+What was the four seasons' first hit, cut only 15 minutes after being written?
+What was the french resistance movement called in WWII?
+The maquis
+What was the frenchman marat cleanly murdered in?
+What was the full name of Mangum P.I.?
+Thomas Magnum
+What was the full name of the cat?
+Thomas hewitt edward cat
+What was the full name of the eminent physicist who dipped a piece of o ring into a glass of water in a demonstration, & proved that low temperatures at the launhpad were responsible for the challenger disaster?
+Richard phillips feynman
+What was the full name of the eminent physicist who dipped a piece of o-ring into a glass of water in a demonstration, and proved that low temperatures at the launchpad were responsible for the challenger disaster?
+Richard phillips feynman
+What was the full name of the eminent physicist who dipped a piece of o-ring into a glass of water in a demonstration, and proved that low temperatures at the launhpad were responsible for the challenger disaster?
+Richard phillips feynman
+What was the full title of the long running series about wyatt earp?
+Life and legend of wyatt earp
+What was the German Hans Joachim von Ohain the first to put into practice narrowly beating englishman Frank Whittle?
+Jet engine
+What was the gift from the gods in the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy?
+A coke bottle
+What was the Graf Zeppelin?
+German airship
+What was the great discovery of william Harvey?
+Circulation of blood
+What was the great gatsby's first name?
+What was the hang out of the 90210 gang?
+The peach pit
+What was the happiest day of Ralph's life?
+When the Doctor said he didn't have worms anymore
+What was the heaviest known dinosaur?
+What was the highest grossing American silent movie?
+Birth of a nation
+What was the highest man-made structure at the start of the 20th Century?
+Eiffel tower
+What was the home of Douglas fairbanks and mary pickford called?
+What was the hospital for lunatics set up by Henry viii called?
+What was the hospital where Dr Kildare worked called?
+Blair general
+What was the huge glass building erected in London for the Great Exhibition in 1851?
+The crystal palace
+What was the inexpensive designer watch of choice amongst teenagers during the eighties?
+What was the infamous pseudonym of broadcaster iva toguri d'aquino?
+Tokyo rose
+What was the invasion password for WW II's D day invasion of Normandy, France on June 6, 1944?
+Mickey mouse
+What was the language if ancient Rome?
+What was the language of nineteen eighty four?
+What was the largest city in the communist world?
+What was the largest city in the U.S. when the first census was taken in 1790?
+What was the largest confederate military prison during the civil war?
+What was the largest real estate deal in colonial us history?
+Louisiana purchase
+What was the largest town in Britain before it became a city in 1992?
+What was the last album the Beatles recorded together?
+Abbey road
+What was the last animal to be tamed as a food source?
+What was the last country to join the European Economic Community?
+What was the last james bond movie to be released in the 80s?
+License to kill
+What was the last major German counteroffensive of world war ii?
+Battle of the bulge
+What was the last name of Adolf Hitler's mother?
+What was the last name of Isadora, the famous dancer?
+What was the last name of the American that invented root beer soft drink?
+What was the last planet discovered, in 1930?
+What was the last port into which the titanic docked?
+What was the last state according to date of entry into the union?
+What was the Leaning Tower of Pisa actually built as?
+A bell tower
+What was the Leaning Tower Of Pisa originally used for?
+Bell tower
+What was the license number on the ghostbusters' car?
+What was the living room war?
+What was the location for the first winter olympics in 1924?
+What was the location of the first official ufo sighting?
+Mt rainier
+What was the longest war in history?
+The hundred years' war
+What was the love that dared not speak its name in Victorian England?
+What was the magical land created in a series of book by CS Lewis?
+What was the maid's name in fawlty towers?
+What was the maid's name in the tv series 'the brady bunch'?
+What was the maiden name of astronaut Buzz Aldrin's Mother?
+Marion Moon
+What was the maiden name of Peg Bundy (Katey Sagal) in the T.V. Sitcom 'Married with Children'?
+What was the major royal ceremony that Queen Victoria attended in 1838?
+Her coronation
+What was the manic street preachers' first post-richey single?
+Design for life
+What was the martial song of the confederacy in US Civil war?
+Land of dixie
+What was the maximum weight permitted for the first flight attendants in 1930?
+115 pounds
+What was the middle name of 'Our Town' playwright Thornton Wilder?
+What was the middle name of illustrator Norman Rockwell?
+What was the mode of transportation for the butcher, baker & candlestick maker?
+What was the mode of transportation for wynken, blynken & nod?
+Wooden shoe
+What was the model number of the only American plane downed in the kosovo bombings?
+What was the most common automobile colour in the depression?
+What was the most common cause of US workplace deaths in 1993?
+What was the most famous ship ever built in Canada and launched 1921?
+What was the most important weapon used by the English & Welsh at Agincourt in 1415?
+The longbow
+What was the most popular female doll of the 1960's?
+What was the most popular semi automatic hand gun in Nazi Germany?
+The luger
+What was the most prescribed drug in the U K in 1985?
+What was the most recent year that could be written both upside down & rightside up & appear the same?
+What was the most significant battle fought on Belgian soil in 1815?
+The battle of waterloo
+What was the most significant world event of august 6 1945?
+Atomic bomb at hiroshima
+What was the most successful single of the 80's?
+Two tribes/frankie goes to hollywood
+What was the most you would pay for a single item at a Woolworth store in 1879?
+Ten cents
+What was the movie did kate winslet next appear in after titanic?
+Hideous kinky
+What was the name (4 letters) of the New York night club that helped launch the career of several early new wave groups?
+What was the name and number of the pow camp in which hogan's heroes were held?
+Stalag 13
+What was the name for the anicent territory now known as Spain and Portugal that shares its name with an ocean-liner sunk by a German u-boat in 1917?
+What was the name for the first commercial computer produced in the USA which was used for forecasting the 1952 election results?
+Univac 1
+What was the name for the Japanese protectorate proclaimed in manchuria in 1933?
+What was the name for the wooden head of a woman with a clay pipe in her mouth at fairs?
+Aunt sally
+What was the name given to German V-1 rockets, during WWII?
+What was the name given to the 11 french knights who in 1119 took monastic vows and bound themselves to protect pilgrims?
+What was the name given to the 3rd Indian Division that operated under the command of Brigadier Wingate during World War II?
+What was the name given to the a bomb dropped on Nagasaki?
+Fat man
+What was the name given to the anti-communist hysteria in America from 1947 - 1954?
+What was the name given to the beautiful girls in the jackie gleason show?
+Glea girls
+What was the name given to the legendary greek herald who could shout as loudly as 50 ordinary men, his name gave rise to a word meaning loud voiced?
+What was the name given to the short bobbed hairstyle, popular amongst upper class women of the 1920s?
+Eton crop
+What was the name given to the short bobbed hairstyle?
+Eton crop
+What was the name of Admiral Richard E Byrd's fox terrier?
+What was the name of Adolf Hitler's mistress?
+Eva braun
+What was the name of alexander the great's black stallion?
+What was the name of Alexander the Great's favourite horse?
+What was the name of alley oop's girlfriend?
+What was the name of Aristotle Onassis's yacht?
+What was the name of Aristotle's school?
+What was the name of Armstrong and Aldrin's lunar module?
+What was the name of arnold's fish on diff'rent strokes?
+What was the name of Arnold's fish on Different Strokes?
+What was the name of Ashley Wilkes' plantation in 'Gone With the Wind'?
+Twelve Oaks
+What was the name of austin power's car?
+What was the name of australias most famous cricketer, born in 1908?
+Donald bradman
+What was the name of Bill Sykes' dog in Oliver Twist?
+What was the name of Billy Bunters school?
+What was the name of blue peter's first dog?
+What was the name of Bob Crosby's band in the 1940's?
+The bobcat5
+What was the name of bob's wife in the likely lads?
+What was the name of Brotherhood Of Man's shepherd boy?
+What was the name of buffy's doll in the 1970's show 'family affair'?
+What was the name of bullwinkle's squirrel friend?
+What was the name of Captain Blighs famous ship?
+The bounty
+What was the name of captain geoffrey thorpe's pirate ship in the sea hawk?
+What was the name of Captain Hook's pirate ship?
+The jolly roger
+What was the name of captain kid's ship?
+Adventure galley
+What was the name of Charles Darwin's survey ship?
+What was the name of Charlie Chaplins film satire of Nazi Germany?
+The great dictator
+What was the name of Columbus's flagship in 1492?
+Santa Maria
+What was the name of David Hasselhoff's talking car in Knight Ridder?
+What was the name of diana's young daughter in i'm a big girl now?
+What was the name of dion's group?
+What was the name of doctor who's dog?
+What was the name of Don Quixotes horse?
+What was the name of Dorothy's dog in 'The Wizard of Oz'?
+What was the name of Douglas fairbanks and mary pickford's hollywood mansion?
+What was the name of dr doolittle's pet duck?
+Dab dab
+What was the name of dr frankenstein's crippled assistant?
+What was the name of dr jekyll's butler?
+What was the name of Earths single continent before it spit up into the continents as they are today?
+What was the name of Eddie Murphy's character in Beverly Hills Cop?
+Axel Foley
+What was the name of eliza's father in my fair lady (first and last name)?
+Alfred doolittle
+What was the name of Elvis Presley's original backup group?
+The Blue Moon Boys
+What was the name of Ernest Shackleton's ship which was trapped and crushed by polar ice in 1915?
+What was the name of Ernest Shakletons ship that was crushed by ice in 1915?
+What was the name of Facts of Life's Mrs. Garret's gourmet food shop?
+Edna's Edibles 
+What was the name of fdr's faithful Scottish terrier?
+What was the name of flo's best friend in the sitcom flo?
+What was the name of frankie goes to hollywood's follow-up single to relax?
+Two tribes
+What was the name of Fred Astaire's dancing sister?
+What was the name of Freddy lakers cheap transatlantic air service?
+What was the name of French mime Marcel Marceau's alter-ego?
+What was the name of Garfield's teddy bear?
+What was the name of Garfield's vet?
+What was the name of gene autry's horse?
+What was the name of genghis khan?
+What was the name of george of the jungle's ape friend?
+What was the name of gepetto's cat in pinocchio?
+What was the name of geppetto's son?
+What was the name of Germany's largest world war II battleship?
+The Bismarck
+What was the name of Hannibal's father?
+Hamilcar barca
+What was the name of He-man's legless,wizard friend?
+What was the name of He-Man's magician sidekick?
+What was the name of hitler's dog?
+What was the name of Hitlers mountain retreat?
+What was the name of hopalong cassidy's horse?
+What was the name of hopalong cassidy's ranch?
+Bar-20 ranch
+What was the name of humble pie's first lp?
+Town & country
+What was the name of Ian Fleming's Caribbean retreat?
+What was the name of Indira Gandhis father?
+Pandit jawaharlal nehru
+What was the name of inspector clouseau's man servant?
+What was the name of jacques cousteau's research ship?
+What was the name of jason's ship?
+What was the name of Jill Chances Crossroads brother?
+Sandy richardson
+What was the name of jim henson's muppet hound on the jimmy dean show?
+What was the name of Joan Fontaine's actress sister with whom she had a notoriously bad relationship?
+Olivia de havilland
+What was the name of Jodie Foster's 1991 film that she directed?
+Little man tate
+What was the name of John Cabots boat?
+The matthew
+What was the name of john lennon and cynthia lennon's son?
+What was the name of Johnny Calhoun's spoken word album that ruined his career?
+These/This Things I Believe 
+What was the name of Johnny O'Keefe's band?
+The dee jays
+What was the name of judge smales grandson in the movie 'caddyshack'?
+What was the name of kellogg's cartoon toaster?
+What was the name of king arthur's castle?
+What was the name of king arthur's sword?
+What was the name of King Arthurs treacherous nephew?
+What was the name of l'il abner's pig?
+What was the name of Lady Chatterley's lover?
+What was the name of long john silver's parrot?
+Captain flint
+What was the name of luke mccoy's wife in the real mccoys?
+What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in 'The Empire Strikes Back'?
+What was the name of macbeth's castle?
+What was the name of Magnum PI's suave superspy alterego?
+Sebastian Sabre
+What was the name of Mary Pickford's and Douglas Fairbanks mansion?
+What was the name of matt dillon's band in singles?
+Citizen dick
+What was the name of Michael Jackson's 1995 album?
+What was the name of mighty mouse's comic book girlfriend?
+What was the name of milla jovovich's character in the fifth element?
+What was the name of Minnie Caldwell's cat in Coronation Street?
+What was the name of Moses' wife?
+What was the name of mr magoo's dog?
+What was the name of Murphy Brown's news program?
+What was the name of Nelson's flagship?
+What was the name of nero's murdered mother?
+What was the name of Norm's wife on Cheers?
+What was the name of Norman Beaton's barber's shop which was also the title of the TV series?
+What was the name of Odin's horse?
+What was the name of old testament moses' sister?
+What was the name of p t barnum's giant elephant?
+What was the name of President Eisenhower's wife?
+What was the name of prince hamlet's father in the play hamlet?
+What was the name of Princess Anne's horse of which she had a bad fall and knocked her unconscious at the 1976 British Olympic Three-Day event?
+What was the name of Punky Brewster's dog?
+What was the name of Queen Elizabeth II's childhood pet corgi?
+What was the name of Raleighs first and unsuccessful colony in North America?
+What was the name of rip van winkles dog?
+What was the name of Rochesters house in Jane Eyre?
+Thornfield hall
+What was the name of romeo's personal servant?
+What was the name of rosco p. coltrain's dog in the series dukes of hazzards?
+What was the name of samson's father?
+What was the name of sapper's bulldog?
+What was the name of Sherlock Holmes landlady?
+Mrs hudson
+What was the name of Sherlock Holmes' brother?
+What was the name of sherlock holmes's smarter brother?
+What was the name of Sir Isaac Newton's pet Pomeranian dog?
+What was the name of stalin's daughter who defected to the u.s in 1967?
+What was the name of Steptoe and Son's horse?
+What was the name of steptoes horse?
+What was the name of tarzan's son in the books by edgar rice burroughs?
+What was the name of the 1950's bird mascot of 7-up?
+Fresh-up Freddie
+What was the name of the 1979 theme album by Barbra Streisand whose song titles all contained a reference to water?
+What was the name of the Addams family's giant man-eating plant?
+What was the name of the african lioness in born free?
+What was the name of the aircraft produced in 1939 at Fisherman's Bend in Victoria?
+What was the name of the Akla-Seltzer boy?
+What was the name of the Albanian-born Roman Catholic nun, founder of the Missionaries of Charity?
+Mother Teresa
+What was the name of the American lunar module?
+What was the name of the ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean area?
+The silk road
+What was the name of the ant people created by zeus?
+What was the name of the attempted invasion of Cuba in 1961?
+The bay of pigs
+What was the name of the aunt in the western how the west was won?
+What was the name of the b-29 that dropped the bomb on hiroshima?
+The enola gay
+What was the name of the banqueting hall gutted by a fire at Windsor Castle in 1992?
+St george's hall
+What was the name of the bar on Dukes of Hazzard?
+Boars Nest
+What was the name of the bar/restaurant on THREE'S COMPANY?
+Regal Beagle
+What was the name of the bartender on The Love Boat?
+Isaac Washington
+What was the name of the bear in the life & times of grizzly adams?
+What was the name of the Beatles own film label which released Magical Mystery Tour?
+Apple films
+What was the name of the Beatles' corporation after it was known as 'the Beatles and company'?
+What was the name of the Beatles' corporation before it was renamed 'apple'?
+Beatles and company
+What was the name of the Beatles' longest lasting single?
+Hey jude
+What was the name of the Bjork-fronted 80's band?
+The Sugarcubes
+What was the name of the boat in which Gulliver was shipwrecked?
+The antelope
+What was the name of the book and film about a boy who kept and trained rats?
+What was the name of the boy who befriended 'E.T' in the film of the same name?
+What was the name of the British policewoman killed in the 1984 libyan embassy protest?
+Yvonne fletcher
+What was the name of the bullfrog in joy to the world?
+What was the name of the bus company that Ralph Kramdem worked for in the T.V. sitcom, The Honeymooners?
+The Gotham Bus Company
+What was the name of the camel on the package of Camel Cigarettes?
+What was the name of the capsule in which john glenn orbited earth?
+What was the name of the car in which Donald Campbell broke the land speed record?
+What was the name of the cartoon bird mascot of the U.S. Forest Service whos slogans included 'Give a hoot, don't pollute' and 'lend a hand, care for the land'?
+Woodsy Owl
+What was the name of the castle that gave He-Man his powers?
+What was the name of the character on the 1st Garbage Pail Kids Pack?
+Blasted Billy or Adam Bomb
+What was the name of the character played by David Jason in the T. V comedy series 'Open all hours'?
+What was the name of the character played by marilyn monroe in the film some like it hot?
+Sugar kane
+What was the name of the character, played by Bruce Willis, in the Die Hard films?
+John mclaine
+What was the name of the charter granted by King John?
+Magna carta
+What was the name of the childhood pet horse owned by President Franklin D. Roosevelt?
+What was the name of the circus freak elephant man?
+John merrick
+What was the name of the city in the Bible which was built by Cain and named after his son?
+what was the name of the club that was formed in 1700 by whigs who dined at the house of the pastry cook Christopher Cat?
+The kit-kat club
+What was the name of the comic book character who couldn't talk, but replied to all by making sounds?
+Gerald mcboing boing
+What was the name of the command module of Apollo 11, the first to orbit the moon (X-Jester's interjection: Apollo 8's command module (CSM-103) was the?
+What was the name of the company founded by Prince Rupert in 1670 to trade furs with the North American Indians?
+Hudson bay company
+What was the name of the company that the characters on Taxi worked for?
+Sunshine Cab Company
+What was the name of the computer game Ken Thompson wanted to develop but had to write a faster operating system called Unix before he could make it?
+Space wars
+What was the name of the craftsmen who built Pinocchio?
+What was the name of the craftsmen who built pinocchios?
+What was the name of the crosseyed lion in daktari?
+What was the name of the deadly virus that agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) must destroy or recover in the film Mission Impossible 2?
+What was the name of the demarcation line proposed in 1919 which formed the basis for the Soviet-polish border after the second world war?
+Curzon line
+What was the name of the detective agency in Moonlighting?
+Blue Moon Detective Agency
+What was the name of the dog in Fraggle Rock?
+What was the name of the dog owned by nick and nora Charles in the thin man?
+What was the name of the dolphin who, for more than two decades, guided steamships through perilous waters into safe harbour off new zealand?
+Pelorus jack
+What was the name of the drug used as an anti-cancer agent and extracted from the blue periwinkle?
+What was the name of the Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo?
+Arthur Wellesley
+What was the name of the dynasty of the french kings that ended under the french revolution?
+What was the name of the eagle that escaped from Regent's Park Zoo in 1965?
+What was the name of the eagle that famously escaped from London Zoo in 1965?
+What was the name of the educational computer toy with speech synthesiser produced by Texas Instruments in 1978 for teaching spelling?
+Speak and spell
+What was the name of the failed Pop Star who made the semi-finals of Pop Idol?
+What was the name of the family featured in `father knows best'?
+What was the name of the fashionable coats worn by Mods on their scooters in the 1960's?
+What was the name of the film John Candy was in the process of making when he suddenly passed away?
+Wagons East
+What was the name of the film star Gene Autry's horse?
+What was the name of the film, starlette Natalie Wood was working on at the time of her untimely death in 1981?
+What was the name of the final adversary in the video game super mario bros. 2?
+What was the name of the first 'talking movie'?
+The jazz singer
+What was the name of the first artificial satellite?
+Sputnick 1
+What was the name of the first atomic aircraft carrier?
+Uss enterprise
+What was the name of the first cartoon Scratchy was in?
+That Happy Cat
+What was the name of the first chimpanzee to travel in space?
+What was the name of the first drive-in restaurant to open in the U.S.A. in Dallas, Texas?
+The Pig Stand
+What was the name of the first lighter than air airship to fly around the world?
+Graf zeppelin
+What was the name of the first man made object to orbit the earth?
+Sputnik i
+What was the name of the first motel which opened in California in 1925?
+Milestone Mo-Tel
+What was the name of the first nuclear powered merchant ship?
+What was the name of the first scheduled 747 Jumbo passenger flight, Jan 22 1970?
+Clipper young America
+What was the name of the first sequel to king kong?
+Son of kong
+What was the name of the first solo album by james iha?
+Let it come down
+What was the name of the first space shuttle ever built?
+What was the name of the first steam-powered warship?
+What was the name of the first synthetic plastic made in 1908?
+What was the name of the first US atomic submarine?
+What was the name of the first us communications satellite to amplify radio & tv signals?
+What was the name of the fisherman in Hemingway's 'The Old Man & The Sea'?
+What was the name of the flintstone's pet dinosaur?
+What was the name of the forbidden planet in the forbidden planet?
+Altair iv
+What was the name of the French Line that faced Germanys Siegfried Line?
+The maginot line
+What was the name of the funky van Scooby Doo and friends rode in?
+The Mystery Machine
+What was the name of the gang that were responsible for the St. Valentines Day Massacre?
+Bugsy Moran Gang
+What was the name of the German military intelligence and counter-intelligence organization in the second world war?
+What was the name of the German Republic of 1918-1933 overthrown by Hitler?
+Weimar republic
+What was the name of the ghostly st bernard in topper?
+What was the name of the giant panda in the moscow zoo in 1977?
+What was the name of the girl who went to see The Wizard of Oz?
+Dorothy gale
+What was the name of the girlfriend of Bazooka Joe in the comics included with Bazooka Bubble Gum?
+What was the name of the goldfish listed in the Guinness Book of Records who was the world's oldest goldfish?
+What was the name of the good witch in the wizard of oz?
+What was the name of the government newspaper in ancient Rome?
+Acat Diurna Daily Happenings
+What was the name of the group that nazi supporters formed in America?
+What was the name of the guardian angel in the film its a wonderful life?
+What was the name of the helicopter on Riptide?
+The Mimi
+What was the name of the helicopter service that was the cover for Airwolf?
+Santini Air
+What was the name of the highly trained killers of feudal Japan?
+What was the name of the hill near Jerusalem where where Jesus was crucified?
+What was the name of the hit by the archies?
+Sugar sugar
+What was the name of the hollow hole-covered plastic ball kids used to hit instead of a baseball?
+Wiffle ball
+What was the name of the home of the Care Bear Cousins?
+Forest of Feelings
+What was the name of the home that sofia patrillo lived in before moving in with her daughter on the golden girls?
+Shady pines
+What was the name of the horse ridden by napoleon bonapart at waterloo?
+What was the name of the horse who reputedly could do arithmetic?
+Clever hans
+What was the name of the host of Double Dare?
+Mark Summers
+What was the name of the hotel which the unlikely duo checked into in the academy-acclaimed flim scent of a woman?
+Waldorf astoria
+What was the name of the hound-dog puppet in the 1950's-60's tv commercials for Nestle's chocolate?
+What was the name of the housekeeper in doctor finlays casebook?
+What was the name of the Hunchback of Notre dame?
+What was the name of the i.b.m. computer which played chess against gary kasparov?
+Deep blue
+What was the name of the inventor of root beer?
+Charles Hires
+What was the name of the island from which wonder woman was discovered?
+Paradise island
+What was the name of the Japanese emperor in power until the end of the second world war?
+What was the name of the killer plant that ate humans in the movie, The Little Shop of Horrors?
+Audrey II
+What was the name of the King of Siam? (the King of who's life is portrayed in The King and I)?
+What was the name of the land of the title character in in the Peter, Paul and Mary song, 'Puff the Magic Dragon'?
+What was the name of the largest British battleship in WW II?
+Hms vanguard
+What was the name of the largest diamond ever found, presented to Edward VII by the south african govt and now set into the English Crown Jewels?
+Cullinan diamond
+What was the name of the largest German WWII battleship?
+What was the name of the largest pearl ever found, with a circum. of four and a half inches?
+The hope pearl
+What was the name of the last film where george burns played god?
+Oh god, you
+What was the name of the last King of Egypt?
+What was the name of the last Shah of Iran's secret police force?
+What was the name of the little girl who owned Bagpuss in the children's TV series?
+What was the name of the local wateringhole (bar) in the TV Sitcom, Mad About You?
+Riff's Bar
+What was the name of the London society founded by Whig politicians at the time of James II?
+Kit kat club
+What was the name of the lunar lander used on apollo 11?
+What was the name of the magazine on Suddenly Susan?
+The Gate
+What was the name of the male stunt dog who was the first collie to portray 'Lassie' on screen, in the film ' Lassie, Come Home?
+What was the name of the mayor's son in the series lobo?
+What was the name of the medical journal established by Dr Thomas Wakely?
+The lancet
+What was the name of the memory game of the 80's which was a random-sequincing unit that your were made to recall an ever growing series of colours and notes?
+What was the name of the monster that attacked luke in the trash compactor in Star Wars?
+A dianogain 
+What was the name of the most hunted group of German terrorists during the 1970's?
+What was the name of the movement founded by the pole lech walesa?
+What was the name of the multi-colored cube you had to re-organize?
+Rubik Cube
+What was the name of the navajo Indian sidekick of red ryder?
+Little beaver
+What was the name of the nazi party deputy who was held in captivity for 46 years until his alleged suicide in 1987?
+Rudolf hess
+What was the name of the neighbors that lived next door to ALF??
+Raquel and Trevor Achmanic
+What was the name of the newspaper published by Charles foster kane?
+What was the name of the nightclub owner in 'Casablanca'?
+Rick stein
+What was the name of the North Sea oil rig that overturned in 1980?
+Alexander keilland
+What was the name of the nose-twitching witch in the sitcom bewitched?
+Samantha stevens
+What was the name of the nuclear missle defense system Reagan proposed?
+Star Wars
+What was the name of the number one single by Tamperer featuring Maya?
+Feel it
+What was the name of the old fireman on 'leave it to beaver'?
+What was the name of the older brother on Happy Days?
+Chuck Cunningham
+What was the name of the once Morrissey-fronted band in the 80's?
+The Smiths
+What was the name of the operatic diva who gave her name to a peach dessert?
+Dame nellie melba
+What was the name of the original MGM lion mascot?
+What was the name of the owner of the talking horse, Mr. Ed on TV?
+Wilbur post
+What was the name of the party dog that that was Budwiser's mascot in the late eighties?
+Spuds McKenzie
+What was the name of the pet German shepherd owned by Eddie Haskell in the TV sitcom, Leave it to Beaver?
+What was the name of the pet mongrel dog of President Lyndon Johnson found by Johnson's daughter Luci at a Texan gas station?
+What was the name of the pet monkey aboard the ship venture?
+What was the name of the Phantom's horse?
+What was the name of the pinball machine in the film 'tommy'?
+What was the name of the plane that Charles Kingsford Smith flew across the Pacific in 1928 (the)?
+Southern cross
+What was the name of the plane that Charles lindbergh used to cross the atlantic solo?
+Spirit of st louis
+What was the name of the plane to drop the SECOND atomic bomb on Japan in WW II?
+Bock's car
+What was the name of the police character played by roy scheider in the film jaws?
+Martin brody
+What was the name of the previous ?1 coin?
+The sovereign
+What was the name of the Prime Minister in Yes Prime Minister?
+Jim hacker
+What was the name of the principal on Saved By the Bell?
+Mr. Richard Belding
+What was the name of the Protestant revolt against the supremacy of the Pope?
+What was the name of the research aircraft flown by Chuck Yeager when he broke the sound barrier in 1947?
+Bell x-1
+What was the name of the restaurant above Cheers?
+What was the name of the robot on Buck Rogers?
+What was the name of the Royal Navy's first nuclear submarine?
+H m s dreadnought
+What was the name of the ruling dynasty of scottland from 1371 to 1714?
+What was the name of the ruling house of France at the time of the French Revolution?
+What was the name of the Russian submarine that perished with all her crew on board last year?
+What was the name of the school mistress in The facts of Life?
+Mrs. Edna Garrett
+What was the name of the Scottish hero in Braveheart?
+William wallace
+What was the name of the seasick sea serpent?
+What was the name of the SECOND moon landing mission?
+Apollo 12
+What was the name of the second Pope?
+St linus
+What was the name of the secret empire?
+What was the name of the sect that invaded the 1972 olympics, killing eleven israeli athletes?
+Black september
+What was the name of the sharp witted butler in soap?
+What was the name of the ship commanded by Captain James Cook on his first circumnavigation of the globe from 1768 to 1771?
+What was the name of the ship that came to the rescue of 700 of the titanic's survivors?
+The carpathia
+What was the name of the ship that took King Edward III (known as the Duke of Windsor) to France after his abdication?
+HMS Fury
+What was the name of the ship, the survivors of which were rescued by Grace Darling, her father and others?
+What was the name of the short lived spin-off of Three's Company?
+The Ropers
+What was the name of the short man on fantasy island that always rang the bell in the begging?
+What was the name of the short stabbing sword used by Roman soldiers?
+What was the name of the show that featured Larry Appleton and his zany foreign cousin?
+Perfect Strangers
+What was the name of the show that featured Sniglets?
+Not Necessarily The News
+What was the name of the silent clown on the howdy doody show?
+What was the name of the site where the Boston Tea party occurred in December of 1773?
+Griffin's Wharf
+What was the name of the smooth-talking alter ego of Latka Gravas (Andy Kaufman) who speaks perfect, unaccented English in the TV sitcom Taxi?
+Vic Ferrari
+What was the name of the South African Prime Minister murdered in 1966?
+Hendrik verwoerd
+What was the name of the Soviet Security Service immediately after the October Revolution?
+What was the name of the space shuttle that exploded in mid air shortly after takeoff?
+What was the name of the space shuttle that exploded?
+What was the name of the space station restaurant in 2001:a space odyssey?
+Howard johnson's
+What was the name of the submarine that sank in the Barents Sea in August this year?
+What was the name of the submarine which sank the General Belgrano during the Falklands conflict?
+Hms conqueror
+What was the name of the supercomputer in the TV Series Quantum Leap?
+What was the name of the Swedish Prime Minister who was assassinated in 1986?
+Olof palme
+What was the name of the Swedish Prime Minister, assassinated in Stockholm in 1986 as he was walking home from the cinema with his wife?
+Olaf palme
+What was the name of the sword that young arthur pulled from a stone?
+What was the name of the synagogue ruler whose daughter Jesus raised?
+What was the name of the tavern where all the folks of hazzard county used to hang out?
+Boar's nest
+What was the name of the teenage witch on the archie show?
+What was the name of the Texas grocery store robbed by Clyde Barrow to impress Bonnie Parker in the film, Bonnie & Clyde?
+Ritt's Groceries
+What was the name of the tiny crackers that were shaped like the suits of playing cards?
+What was the name of the Titanic's sister ship?
+What was the name of the town the beverly hillbillies came from?
+What was the name of the toy spaceman in Toy Story?
+Buzz lightyear
+What was the name of the train on the tv series petticoat junction?
+What was the name of the two space shuttles in 'armegeddon'?
+Freedom and
+What was the name of the union jack that was used to capture blackbeard off ocracoke island in 1718?
+What was the name of the Volkswagen in Walt Disney's the love bug?
+What was the name of the warner bros. animated cartoon in which bugs bunny made his 27th july 1940 debut?
+A wild hare
+What was the name of the Webwoman's sidekick?
+What was the name of the wright brothers plane?
+What was the name of the young orphaned clerk in the iron horse?
+What was the name of this song released by 'the romantics' in february 1980?
+What i like about you
+What was the name of thor heyerdahl's bamboo and balsa wood boat?
+What was the name of tim holt's horse?
+What was the name of tv's channel islands detective?
+What was the name of Vanessa's last boyfriend on The Cosby Show?
+What was the name of ventriloquist Paul Winchell's most popular dummy?
+Jerry mahoney
+What was the name of Wagner's last Opera, first performed in 1882?
+What was the name of Wilbur Posts talking horse?
+Mr ed
+What was the name of Woodrow Wilson's pet ram?
+Old Ike
+What was the name of zorro's chief foe in zorro?
+What was the name pf the British Policewoman killed in the 1984 Libyan embassy protest?
+Yvonne fletcher
+What was the nationality of Franz Liszt?
+What was the nationality of hans christian andersen?
+What was the nationality of Paul Cezanne?
+What was the nationality of sir winston churchill's mother?
+What was the nationality of the composer Arnold Schoenberg?
+What was the nationality of the composer Cesar Franck?
+What was the nationality of the first woman in space?
+What was the nationality of the very first man to stand on the sumit of Mount Everest?
+New zealander
+What was the native language of Bach, Goethe & Freud?
+What was the native language of jesus christ?
+What was the natural disaster that killed 4 people and damaged 1200 buildings in the Colchester area in 1884?
+What was the New Kids On The Block number one from January 1990?
+Hangin' tough
+What was the nick name of the German Army division that was fighting in North Africa in WWII?
+Afrika korps
+What was the nick name of the historian Thomas Carlyle?
+The sage of chelsea
+What was the nickname for Henry Coopers left hook?
+Henrys hammer
+What was the nickname for the model T Ford?
+Tin lizzie
+What was the nickname of bank robber Charles Floyd, killed in a shoot-out in 1934?
+Pretty boy
+What was the nickname of Charles Heidsick, the 19th Century French wine producer?
+Champagne charlie
+What was the nickname of Dr McCoy in Star Trek?
+What was the nickname of English statesman Oliver Cromwell?
+Old Noll
+What was the nickname of film comedian Joseph Francis Keaton?
+What was the nickname of former Oasis guitarist Paul Arthurs?
+What was the nickname of frontierswoman Martha Jane Burk?
+Calamity Jane
+What was the nickname of George,Prince of Wales,son of GeorgeIII?
+What was the nickname of New York financier james buchanan brady?
+Diamond jim
+What was the nickname of Peter I of Russia?
+The great
+What was the nickname of poet Robert Service?
+The Canadian Kipling
+What was the nickname of singer Mel Torme?
+The Velvet Frog
+What was the nickname of Steffi Graf?
+Fraulein Forehand
+What was the nickname of the Apollo 16 command module?
+What was the nickname of the basketball player Earvin Johnson?
+What was the nickname of the British pirate edward teach?
+What was the nickname of the first typerwriter , invented by Christopher Sholesand and patented in 1866?
+Literary Piano
+What was the nickname of the German fighter pilot Baron von Richthofen?
+The red baron
+What was the nickname of the one time cartoon mascot of Esso (Standard Oil of New Jersey?
+Little Oil Drop
+What was the nickname of the pirate Edward Teach?
+What was the nickname of the world war 1 German flying ace?
+The red baron
+What was the nickname of TLC's Lisa Lopez?
+Left eye
+What was the nickname of US Civil War general Thomas Jackson?
+What was the nickname of William I of England?
+The conqueror
+What was the nilometer used for in Ancient Egypt?
+Measure the depth of the nile
+What was the number of the m.a.s.h. unit in the film and television series of the same name?
+What was the number of the squadron which flew the Dambusters mission in 1943?
+What was the obsessive philosophy of the small-endians in Gullivers Travels?
+Boiled eggs should be opened at the small end
+What was the occupation of Charlie Brown's father?
+What was the occupation of jack the ripper's five victims?
+What was the occupation of jay gatsby?
+What was the occupation of most American presidents prior to politics?
+What was the occupation of the person that invented the fortune cookie?
+Noodle maker
+What was the officail residence of the British monarch before Buckingham Palace?
+St james palace
+What was the official soft drink of the 1988 summer olympics?
+What was the only #1 hit of van halen's career?
+What was the only book that Margaret Mitchell wrote?
+Gone with the wind
+What was the only dummy awarded an academy award?
+Charlie mccarthy
+What was the only easel picture michelangelo painted?
+Holy family
+What was the only episode of Star Trek to run in two parts?
+What was the only film starring mae west and wc fields?
+My little chickadee
+What was the only hit single by Jaggerz?
+The Rapper
+What was the only nation to register zero births in 1983?
+Vatican City
+What was the only novel to be written by Emily Bronte?
+Wuthering heights
+What was the only state McGovern carried in the 1972 election?
+What was the operative name of WWI spy Geertruida Zelle?
+Mata hari
+What was the Oregon Pine renamed to honour its discoverer, a Scottish botanist?
+Douglas fir
+What was the original color of the white house?
+What was the original colour of post boxes?
+What was the original function of Dr George Merryweathers Tempest Prognosticator, a machine activated by the movement of leeches?
+Forecast storms
+What was the original name Charles Schultz had for Peanuts?
+Li'l Folks
+What was the original name for the drivers safety device on electric and diesel trains?
+Dead mans handle
+What was the original name given by Lord Stanley for Hockey's Stanley Cup?
+The Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup
+What was the original name of Astroturf?
+What was the original name of brown university?
+Rhode island college
+What was the original name of Duran Duran?
+What was the original name of Los Angeles?
+El pueblo de nuestra senora la reina de Los Angeles del rio porciuncula
+What was the original name of President Tito of Yugoslavia?
+Josip broz
+What was the original name of the communications satellite Intelsat?
+Early bird
+What was the original name of the country music group, The Oak Ridge Boys?
+The Country Cut-ups
+What was the original name of the famous Avon Cosmetic Company?
+California Perfume Company
+What was the original name of the first Tupperware product sold by Earl Tupper in 1947?
+Wonder Bowl
+What was the original name of the Frisbee?
+Pluto Platter
+What was the original name of the internet?
+What was the original name of the Italian republic?
+Cisalpine republic
+What was the original name of the singer tina turner?
+Annie mae bullock
+What was the original surname of the British royal family before it was changed to windsor?
+What was the original title of the game show 'to tell the truth'?
+Nothing but the truth
+What was the original trade of william morris the car manufacturer?
+Bicycle repairman
+What was the original working title of the Broadway musical West Side Story?
+East Side Story
+What was the painter Picasso's first name?
+What was the pen name of Eric Blair?
+George orwell
+What was the pen name of Samuel Clements?
+Mark twain
+What was the pen name of samuel langhorne clemens?
+Mark twain
+What was the pen-name of Eric Arthur Blair?
+George orwell
+What was the penalty (in britain) in 1810 for stealing a pocket handkerchief?
+What was the period of conflict between singapore and indonesia in the mid-1960s called?
+What was the pharon?
+What was the philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre called?
+What was the pink panther in the film the pink panther?
+What was the poet Percy Shelleys middle name?
+What was the popular name for the paper currency issued by the Federal government during the American Civil War?
+What was the popular term for the dividing line between the West and the Eastern Bloc?
+The iron curtain
+What was the pre-Christian definition of a gentile?
+What was the pre-war German name for the Baltic city which is now Russian and called Kaliningrad?
+What was the price ascribed to the tag on the country comedienne Minnie Pearls hat?
+What was the Princess of Wales's maiden name?
+What was the principal wood used by Thomas Chippendale during the 18th century?
+What was the principial unit of the Roman army (3000 to 6000 soldiers)?
+What was the print left on the car in the boat in the movie titanic?
+A handprint
+What was the profession of Andrea Palladio?
+What was the profession of Dick Derrick after whom the Derrick crane was named?
+What was the profession of J.B.Dunlop, inventor of the pneumatic tyre?
+What was the profession of lancelot 'capability' brown?
+Landscape gardener
+What was the profession of our man higgins?
+What was the profession of Ted Bundy?
+What was the profession of the 2 ladies in the childrens nursery rhyme Lucy Locket?
+What was the profession of the father of the Hardy boys?
+What was the profession of the singer of the 1963 hit dominique?
+What was the profession of William Semple who in 1869 became the first man to add sugar to chewing gum?
+What was the pseudonym of Vladimir Illych Ulyanov?
+Nikolai Lenin
+What was the purchase price of the Eastman Kodak 'Brownie' camera when introduced in 1900?
+One dollar
+What was the queen mothers maiden name?
+What was the real first name of Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) in the film, 'Breakfast At Tiffany's?
+What was the real first name of Tennessee Williams?
+What was the real name of Boris Karloff?
+William Henry pratt
+What was the real name of fred astaire?
+Frederick austerlitz
+What was the real name of malcolm X?
+Malcolm little
+What was the real name of oscar wilde?
+Fingal o'flahertie wills
+What was the real name of the actress, Gloria Swanson?
+Gloria may josephine svensson
+What was the real name of the boxer Sugar Ray Robinson?
+Walker smith
+What was the real name of the gangster known as pretty boy?
+Charles floyd
+What was the real name of the hospital on St. Elsewhere?
+St. Eligius
+What was the real name of the monk known as rasputin?
+Grigori efimovich
+What was the real name of the novelist George Eliot?
+Mary Ann Evans
+What was the reform movement in malaysia and indonesia during the asian economic crisis called?
+What was the registration number of the original 'enterprise' on startrek?
+What was the religion of Indias Mogul emperors?
+What was the Rocket built by Robert Stephenson in 1829?
+A steam engine
+What was the Rolling Stones' first No. 1 hit?
+It's all over now
+What was the Roman name for Odysseus?
+What was the royal name 'mountbatten' originally?
+What was the royal residence after st james court?
+Buckingham palace
+What was the royal residence before buckingham palace?
+St james court
+What was the royal surname 'windsor' originally?
+What was the Russian city of St. Petersburg called from 1924 to 1991?
+What was the Russian equivalent of Skylab?
+What was the scarecrow in the wonderful wizard of oz lacking?
+What was the scorpions first lp called?
+Lonesome crow
+What was the screen name of the lead character in The Untouchables?
+What was the second biggest movie hit of 1987 after beverly hills cop ii?
+Fatal attraction
+What was the secret identity of don diego de la vega?
+What was the secret identity of private jack weston in comic books?
+Minute man
+What was the secret service code name for Lyndon Johnson?
+What was the secret service code name for singer Frank Sinatra?
+What was the secret service codename for Caroline Kennedy?
+What was the serial number of the uss enterprise?
+What was the series of campaigns to take the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks called?
+What was the setting for 'The Sound of Music'?
+What was the setting for walk, don't run?
+Tokyo olympics
+What was the setting of the john wayne film the quiet man?
+What was the shape of the first dirigible?
+What was the silver wedding year for the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh?
+What was the sister ship of the Olympic?
+What was the site of the baby m trial?
+New jersey
+What was the site of the first modern day Olympic Games?
+What was the slogan of the Bolsheviks at the time of the Russian Revoluation?
+Peace! Bread! Land!
+What was the song name of diana ross' 'every time you touch me i become a hero'?
+When you tell me that you love me
+What was the specified fuel for f1 use at the start of the 1958 season?
+Aviation spirit
+What was the Spice Girls' first single after the departure of Geri Halliwell?
+Viva forever
+What was the sport of bowling called in the 19th century?
+What was the sport of brothers max and buddy baer?
+What was the sr-ni which made its first English channel crossing on 25th july 1959?
+What was the stage name of asa yoelson?
+Al jolson
+What was the stage name of Steve McGarret's sidekick, Danno, in the Hawaii 5-O tv series?
+James MacArthur
+What was the subject matter of the 1952 talk show mr arsenic?
+What was the supreme policy making bureau of the Soviet Communist Party?
+What was the surname of author ford maddox?
+What was the surname of Nicholas II, lamented czar of Russia?
+What was the surname of Rob Roy?
+What was the surname of the brothers who invented the ballpoint pen in 1938?
+What was the surname of the English King Henry VIII?
+What was the surname of the sisters in Little Women?
+What was the surname of the story writers Jakob and Wilhelm?
+What was the symbol for the house of lancaster?
+Red rose
+What was the tate gallery criticised for buying 128 of in 1976?
+What was the ten percent levy of farm produce given to the church known as?
+What was the term for a printers errand boy and a boy who took the printed sheets off the press?
+Printers devil
+What was the the Flying Hamburger?
+Diesel train
+What was the theme name of Expo 67, The Montreal World's Fair of 1967?
+Man and his World
+What was the theme song for 'the wizard of oz'?
+Over the rainbow
+What was the theme song in the series the greatest American hero?
+Believe it or not
+What was the theme song of the Glenn Miller Orchestra?
+Moonlight Serenade
+What was the theme song og the rome olympics?
+Arrivederci roma
+What was the then title of the man who married Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon in 1923?
+Duke of york
+What was the ticket price for the 3 day Woodstock concern in 1969?
+What was the ticket price to Frank Sinatra's first solo performance at the Paramount Theatre in New York City in 1942?
+35 cents
+What was the time for j l herlihy's cowboy?
+What was the title bestowed to Roman emperors from Augustus to Hadrian?
+What was the title of Agatha Christie's first Hercule Poirot novel?
+The mysterious affair at styles
+What was the title of Art Garfunkels 1979 theme song for Watership Down?
+Bright eyes
+What was the title of bon jovi's first album?
+Bon jovi
+What was the title of Charles Dicken's unfinished novel?
+The mystery of edwin drood
+What was the title of Charlie Chaplin's last film?
+What was the title of Joe Loss's signature tune?
+In the mood
+What was the title of Jung Chang's account of growing up in China?
+Wild swans
+What was the title of kevin's byline story in st. elmos fire?
+The meaning of life
+What was the title of Lulu's first top ten single?
+What was the title of Mantovani's signature tune?
+What was the title of oasis's first uk no 1?
+Some might say
+What was the title of Oliver Cromwell when he was head of the Commonwealth?
+Lord protector
+What was the title of polanski's horror spoof?
+Dance of the vampires
+What was the title of sonny bono's solo show?
+Sonny comedy revue
+What was the title of the commodores' hit 'she's mighty mighty just lettin' it all hang out'?
+Brick house
+What was the title of the follow-up to the television series Please Sir?
+The fenn street gang
+What was the title of the novel character Paul Sheldon working on in the Stephen King film 'Misery'?
+Fast Cars
+What was the title of the novel which won the 1998 Booker prize?
+What was the title of the Shakin' Stevens hit which topped the charts in 1981?
+Green door
+What was the title of the soap opera segment on the carol burnett show?
+As the stomach turns
+What was the title of the winning song in the 1997 Eurovision Song Contest?
+Love shine a light
+What was the title of william golding's book about boys marooned on an island in the pacific?
+Lord of the flies
+What was the title of zz tops first single released in1969?
+Salt lick
+What was the top rental movie of 1988?
+Who framed roger rabbit
+What was the top single in 1973 by dawn?
+Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree
+What was the top single record in 1950 by the weavers?
+Goodnight irene
+What was the top single record in 1956 by elvis presley?
+Don't be cruel
+What was the top single record in 1957 by debbie reynolds?
+What was the top technology manual of 1996, at over one million sales?
+Windows 95 for dummies
+What was the top-rated series for the 1980-81 season?
+What was the tortoise called in the childrens programme the flower pot men?
+What was the trademark of mobile gasoline?
+Flying red horse
+What was the Tyburn Tree famous for?
+What was the unit of work in the c.g.s. system, which was replaced by the Joule in the S.I. system?
+The erg
+What was the venue for the 1990 World Snooker championship?
+The crucible theatre
+What was the very first james bond movie that was shown in the 80'swhat was the last?
+For your eyes only and licence to kill
+What was the very first lifesaver flavour?
+What was the war during Regan's first term that took place on an island in the carribean?
+What was the winged horse of greek mythology?
+What was the world land speed record in 1906?
+128 mph
+What was the world's longest fence built to keep out?
+What was the world's principal Christian city before it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453?
+What was the worlds first breakfast cereal sold commercially?
+Sgredded wheat
+What was the worlds first city with more than one tv station?
+New york
+What was the worst team in major league baseball in 1991?
+Cleveland indians
+What was the wright bothers' first plane called?
+What was the year of the Suez crisis?
+What was the year of the three day week?
+What was the youngest age at which someone was allowed to work in Britain after 1819?
+Nine years old
+What was the zaire river formerly known as?
+What was the. first bird that Noah sent from the Ark?
+What was theme song of the 1960 Rome olympics?
+Arrivederci roma
+What was then name of the eagle that famously escaped from London zoo in 1965?
+What was Thomas Edison's middle name?
+What was Thomas Hardys original profession?
+What was thr first non English club to win the FA Cup?
+Cardiff city
+What was Timothy Evans given in 1966 after being hanged in 1950?
+A pardon
+What was tokyo originally known as?
+What was Tony Nelson's job in the 1960s sitcom 'I Dream of Jeannie'?
+What was transformed into a carriage for cinderella?
+What was Trotsky's first name?
+What was true love's gift on the second day of christmas?
+Two turtle doves
+What was tv's top-rated series from 1957 to 1961?
+What was TW3?
+That was the week that was
+What was u2's first album released in the u.s?
+What was unsuccessfully laid as a trail by hansel?
+What was unusual about the 1985 production of The Taming of the Shrew at the Theatre Royal Stratford East?
+An all woman cast
+What was unusual about the Roman Consul Incitatus?
+It was a horse
+What was used for blood in the film 'psycho'?
+Chocolate syrup
+What was used in ancient egypt to measure the depth of the Nile?
+What was used to kindle life in Dr. Frankenstein's monster?
+What was used to signal advance into battle in world war i for the east surrey regiment?
+A man dribbling a Football ball
+What was Van Halen's first album after Dave Lee Roth left?
+What was Venus (Goddess of Love) most favoured flower?
+What was Verdi's last Opera, first performed in 1893?
+What was victor's wife called in one foot in the grave?
+What was W H Carriers real cool invention?
+Air conditioning
+What was Wells Fargos main form of transport?
+The stagecoach
+What was Wembley's Olympic year?
+What was Wild Bill Hockok's nickname when he was a kid?
+Duck Bill
+What was Will Smiths character called in the 1999 Blockbuster 'Enemy of the state'?
+Robert dean
+What was William Golding's first novel, published in 1953?
+Lord of the Flies
+What was William H. Bonney's nickname?
+Billy the kid
+What was william tell's nationality?
+What was william the conqueror's survey of England prepared from 1085-85 called?
+Domesday book
+What was Wilma Flintstone's maiden name?
+Wilma Slaghoopal
+What was winston churchill's middle name?
+What was Winston Churchill's only novel?
+What was winston churchill's wife's name?
+What was won by John Steinbeck in 1962 and Sir Winston Churchill in 1953?
+Nobel prize for literature
+What was world war 1 known as before world war 2?
+The great war
+What was writer Charles Dodgson's pseudonym?
+Lewis Carroll
+What was wrong with lord byron's foot?
+What was wyatt earp's long barreled pistol called?
+Buntline special
+What was yankee doodle riding on when he came to town?
+What was yosser's catchword?
+What was zambia formerly known as?
+Northern rhodesia
+What was zimbabwe formerly known as?
+Southern rhodesia
+What was zorro's real name?
+Don diego de la vega
+What was zorro's trademark?
+What watch was the official timekeeper of the 1988 olympics?
+What water sport, other than fishing, might you catch crabs in?
+What waterway did Britain buy a share of in 1875?
+Suez canal
+What waveform is at the longest end of the electromagnetic spectrum?
+Radio waves
+What weapon did Samson employ to slay a thousand Philistines?
+Jawbone of an ass
+What weapon did The ancient Mariner use to shoot down the albatross?
+A crossbow
+What weapon did the crossed slits in English castles accommodate?
+What weapon is tattooed on glen campbell's arm?
+What weapon was fixed to the bow of an ancient Egyptian warship?
+A ram for sinking ships
+What weapon was used by the Germans against Russia in 1915?
+Tear gas
+What weekday do more colds begin on than any other?
+What weighed 46,328 tons/882.5 feet high/3.5 city blocks long?
+What weighs 5,500 billion billion tons?
+What weighs less than a penny?
+What well known Chinese dish was actually invented in New York?
+Chop suey
+What well known drug comes from the yellow cinchona plant?
+What well known liquor is made from the agave plant?
+What well known singing duo started out as Tom & Jerry?
+Simon and Garfunkel
+What went from 405 to 625 lines?
+What went into space for the first time on 3rd november 1957?
+A dog
+What were 'ivories' to an Old West gambler?
+What were Allen and Evans the last to go to in Britain?
+What were Andy Pandy's two friends called?
+Looby lou & teddy
+What were Babe Ruth's christian names?
+George herman
+What were Barbary corsairs?
+What were Bart's first words?
+Ay Carumba
+What were Bill Haley & The Comets known as before becoming Bill Haley & The Comets?
+The Saddlemen
+What were Bradburys issued in 1914 by the British government?
+Pound note
+What were broccoli and cauliflower developed from?
+What were Charles de gaulle's final words?
+It hurts
+What were christmas tree icicles originally made from?
+What were Club Nouveu originally known as?
+Timex Social Club
+What were comfrey baths were believed to restore?
+What were dachshunds bred to hunt?
+What were first presented at hollywood's roosevelt hotel on may 16th 1929?
+What were first presented at hollywood's roosevelt on may 16, 1929?
+The academy awards
+What were fuchs and hillary the first to cross?
+What were George Washington's false teeth made of?
+What were george Washington's teeth made of?
+What were hairnets worn by women in the Victorian Era known as?
+What were J.B. Priestley's christian names?
+John boynton
+What were king arthur's knights called?
+Knights of the round table
+What were ladies asked not to wear at Prince Edward's UK wedding?
+What were last delivered to Australia in 1849?
+What were made compulsory on cars in britain in 1954?
+Flashing indicator lights
+What were moe howard, larry fine and curly howard better known as?
+Three stooges
+What were more than 99.9% of all the animal species that have ever lived on earth before the coming of man?
+What were New Order called before Ian Curtis died?
+Joy division
+What were once know as 'peelers'?
+What were originally known in britain as love apples?
+What were Paula Wilcox and Richard Beckinsale according to a tv programme title?
+What were raced in Greek and Roman hippodromes?
+What were the 1948 olympic games known as?
+The austerity games
+What were the 3 Chipettes names on Alvin and the Chipmunks?
+Brittney,Jeanette,and Eleanor
+What were the alleged last words of Julius Caesar?
+Et tu, Brute?
+What were the ancient egyptian pyramids once covered in?
+What were the B-52's named after? (Hint, it's not a plane)?
+What were the dolls in jaqueline susann's valley of the dolls?
+What were the favourite subjects of Victorian artist Edwin Landseer?
+What were the first dominant land animals on earth?
+What were the first names of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde?
+Henry & edward
+What were the first names of T E Lawrence, known as Lawrence of Arabia?
+Thomas edward
+What were the first names of the Blues Brothers?
+Elwood Jake
+What were the first names of the comedy duo laurel and hardy?
+Stan and oliver
+What were the first passengers in a hot air balloon?
+Chicken duck rooster
+What were the first set of eye glasses made of?
+What were the first surfboards made of fibreglass, redwood or styrofoam?
+What were the first two British coins to be minted with decimal values?
+5p and 10p
+What were the first two words of woody woodpecker in his 1950 cartoon debut?
+Guess who
+What were the ghostbusters' names?
+Peter venkman,egon spengler,ray stantz ,winston zedmore
+What were the last word uttered on the final episode of 'cheers'?
+Sorry we are closed
+What were the lone three fighter planes which defended Malta in World War II nicknamed?
+Faith, hope & charity
+What were the main divisions of the Roman army called?
+What were the myrmidons who were created by zeus?
+Ant people
+What were the name of the parents of B.J. Hunnicutt (Mike Farrell) for whom he was named, in the tv sitcom MASH?
+Bea and Jay
+What were the names of Amanda's boys on Scarecrow and Mrs. King?
+Phillip and Jamie
+What were the names of noah's children?
+Shem ham and japheth
+What were the names of Odin's two brothers?
+Vile & ve
+What were the names of Odin's two wolves?
+Freke & gere
+What were the names of Odins two ravens?
+Hugin & munin
+What were the names of the 3 Cartwright sons?
+Adam, Hoss and Joe
+What were the names of the first so-called 'Siamese Twins'?
+Chang and eng
+What were the names of the four main characters of the Facts of Life?
+Jo Blair Natalie Tootie
+What were the names of the mice who befriended Cinderella?
+Gus and Jaq
+What were the names of the Saturday morning cartoon critters who lived in air-vents and befriended a boy who kept their secret hidden?
+The Littles
+What were the names of the three wise men?
+What were the nicknames of the dean brothers who pitched for the st louis cardinals?
+Daffy and dizzy
+What were the only two words spoken by Clarabelle the Clown on the final episode of the Howdy Doody Show?
+Goodbye, Kids
+What were the original rules of conduct in boxing called?
+Queensberry rules
+What were the poor knights of the Temple of Solomon otherwise known as?
+Knights templar
+What were the Russian atrocities against the jews called?
+What were the short-barrelled rifles used by cavalrymen?
+What were the sides of the US fighting ship nicknamed Old Ironside made of?
+What were the spice islands formerly known as?
+What were the tramps Estragon and Vladimir waiting for?
+What were the two birds that noah sent out from the ark?
+Raven and dove
+What were the two cities in genesis destroyed by fire and brimstone?
+Sodom and gomorrah
+What were the two dogs names on Magnum PI?
+Apollo and Zeus
+What were the two forenames of dramatist and novelist J.M. Barrie?
+James matthew
+What were the words that changed the world from Martin Luther King Jr?
+I have a dream
+What were there 368,000 of in 1961 and 2,295,000 of in 1981?
+What were unsuccessfully launched as APTs in 1981?
+Advanced passenger trains
+What were used to paint snuff bottles from the Qing Dynasty?
+Bamboo pens
+What were v1s and v2s supposed to do upon landing?
+What were visible in the pictures John F Kennedy pored over on October 16, 1962?
+Russian missiles in Cuba
+What West Australian town has been called the port of pearls?
+What west coast carrier did delta airlines buy in 1986?
+Western airlines
+What west coast U.S. state would you be in if you were honeymooning in Humptulips?
+Washington state
+What West German company builds both cars & motorcycles?
+What western Canadian province boasts Yoho National Park?
+British columbia
+What western explorer discovered the Hawaiian Islands in 1778?
+Captain james cook
+What western outlaw died on his 27th birthday?
+Sam bass
+What western state led the U.S. in percent increase in population from 1980 to 1989?
+What western US outfit boasts the world's largest brewery on a single site?
+What what Dr. Zorba's first name?
+What wheel did blaise pascal invent in a search for perpetual motion?
+Roulette wheel
+What wheel in a car does the driver use to control direction?
+Steering wheel
+What white suburban rappers made a hit by fighting 'for their right to party'?
+Beastie boys
+What wife of a us president was accused of being a spy?
+Mary todd lincoln
+What wild cat is native only to north America?
+What wild cat was often kept as a pet by the forest Indians of South America?
+What will happen if you lock your knee while standing long enough?
+Pass out
+What will peat eventually turn into if left in the ground?
+What winged hindu god of love carries a bow and arrow?
+What witch has a cat called 'mog'?
+What woman holds the record for most Wimbledon tennis championships?
+Billie Jean King
+What woman is the fictitious symbol of general mills products?
+Betty crocker
+What woman is the wife of Prince Phillip, the mother of Anne, & rew, Charles & Edward, & the daughter of George VI?
+Elizabeth ii
+What woman is the wife of prince phillip, the mother of anne, andrew, Charles and edward, and the daughter of george vi?
+Elizabeth ii
+What woman was arrested for voting in the 1872 election for U.S. president?
+Susan B. Anthony
+What woman was the first to paint her face?
+What woman won 6 gold medals in the Olympic Summer games?
+Kristin Otto
+What women wear yashmaks?
+Moslem women
+What women's tennis star was affectionately called little mo?
+Maureen connolly
+What won the tony award for the best musical of 1987?
+Les miserables
+What wonder was Louis Hennepin the first white man to see?
+Niagara falls
+What wood did noah use to make the ark?
+Gopher wood
+What wood is a cricket bat made from?
+What wood is chippendale furniture made from?
+What wood is obtained from the tectona tree?
+What woody allen film featured an orgasmatron?
+What word, made up of the latin for 'water' and the greek for 'sailor', made its first appearance in the 60s?
+What word's first two letters mean a man, first three letters mean a woman, & first four letters mean a great man?
+What words opened Ali Baba's cave?
+Open sesame
+What work begins 'go placidly amid the noise & haste & remember what peace there may be in silence'?
+What work by the who did the royal Canadian ballet dance to on tour?
+What world championship is the 'bermuda bowl'?
+What world famous artist founded the cubist movement?
+Pablo picasso
+What world leader was shot by her bodyguards in 1986?
+Indira gandhi
+What world war i hero received 50 medals?
+Alvin york
+What World War II commander had the forename Erwin?
+What worm prefers mulberry?
+What worm prefers the mulberry?
+What worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food?
+Ribbon worms
+What would a book collector understand by the initials t.e.g?
+Top edge gilt
+What would a bushwalker most likely use to boil his water in?
+Billy can
+What would a car have if its specification included A.B.S?
+Anti-lock braking system
+What would a car have if its specification included P.A.S?
+Power assisted steering
+What would a gardener do with secateurs?
+Prune plants
+What would a tongan do with his pa' angas?
+Spend them
+What would americans call a spring onion?
+What would an American call a car bonnet?
+What would an artist put on a wooden stretcher?
+What would barbies measurements be if she were life size?
+39 23 33
+What would be kept in a humidor?
+What would be the defining characteristic of a narcissistic person?
+What would be your astrological sign if your birthday was 1st April?
+What would be your astrological sign if your birthday was 1st September?
+What would happen if you were defenestrated?
+Thrown out of a window
+What would happen to you if you were tonsured?
+Top of your head would be shaved
+What would have to be 50 000 times bigger then its actual size to break a spiders web?
+What would one call a group of leopards called?
+What would you be called if the soles of your feet rested completely on the ground?
+Flat footed
+What would you be doing if you were 'stripping the willow'?
+What would you be doing if you were pollarding?
+Pruning a tree
+What would you be doing to the instructions k1, p1, k2tog?
+What would you be examining if you used a tastevin?
+What would you be if you had an iq of 100?
+What would you be if you were dextral?
+Right handed
+What would you call a pilchard less than a year old?
+A sardine
+What would you call the act of making a mark on a body by burning?
+What would you do in a cambio?
+Exchange money
+What would you do with a Hispano Suiza?
+Drive it
+What would you do with a John Collins?
+Drink it
+What would you do with a julep?
+Drink it
+What would you do with a liquorice paper?
+Roll a cigarette
+What would you do with a swizzle stick?
+Stir a drink
+What would you do with a tulwar?
+What would you do with a Wandering Sailor?
+Plant it
+What would you expect to find in a vespiary?
+What would you find a sally on the end of?
+Bell rope
+What would you get from a vintner?
+What would you go to an optometrist to have tested?
+What would you have if you had rutilism?
+Red hair
+What would you keep in a bandolier?
+What would you measure with a sphygmomanometer?
+Blood pressure
+What would you probably be doing if you were using a splade?
+What would you use a gettoni token for in Italy?
+Call from a phone box
+What would you use if you practiced ikebana?
+What would you use to play a game of rummy?
+What would you use your zygomaticus muscle for?
+To smile
+What would you usually find hanging down above a stalgmite?
+What writer was nicknamed Papa?
+Ernest hemingway
+What writing implement was invented by John T. Loud in 1888? It wasn't until 1938 that a hungarian made a successful cheap working version?
+Ball point pen
+What written order must a policeman have before searching a house?
+What ws Balki Bartokamus' occupation when he lived in Mypos?
+Sheep Herder
+What wwi carrier pigeon helped save the lost battalion?
+Cher ami
+What wwii leader dallied with clara petacci?
+Benito mussolini
+What year did 'papa doc' president of haiti die?
+What year did an Indian factory release 30 tons of pesticide, killing over 3500 people?
+What year did brasilia become capital of Brazil?
+What year did Britain take over direct rule of Northern Ireland?
+What year did Captain James Cook discover Australia?
+What year did Carnegie Hall open?
+What year did Charles Lindbergh cross the Atlantic Ocean?
+What year did Chernobyl explode?
+What year did coca-cola first go on sale?
+What year did Columbus sail to America?
+What year did Concorde first take to the skies?
+What year did Emily Pankhurst chain herself to 10 Downing Street?
+What year did Ernest Rutherford discover the proton?
+What year did Fidel Castro seize power in Cuba?
+What year did Finland become independant?
+What year did football's Munich air disaster happen?
+What year did george Washington become us president?
+What year did hitler become chancellor of Germany?
+What year did jason williams get drafted?
+What year did laurel and hardy first perform together?
+What year did London factorys emit acid pollution, leading to mass fatalities?
+What year did Napoleon retreat from Moscow?
+What year did Neil Armstrong land on the moon?
+What year did newsday call 'carole king year'?
+What year did Pascal invent the adding machine?
+What year did Playboy magazine first appear?
+What year did president lincoln deliver his gettysburg address?
+What year did princess grace die?
+What year did Queen Elizabeth II commence her reign?
+What year did Roger Maris hit 61 homeruns?
+What year did rolf harris have an Australian top 10 hit with 'two little boys, with two little toys...'?
+What year did sir richard whittington die?
+What year did Sir Winston Churchill die?
+What year did space oddity first reach no 1?
+What year did the 'The Bay of Pigs' take place?
+What year did the Beatles first go to no 1?
+What year did the Bolsheviks overthrow the Russian government?
+What year did the first baby boomers turn 50?
+What year did the first female pilot make her first flight?
+What year did the first motel open?
+What year did the first nudist colony open?
+What year did the lights go out?
+What year did the Pilgrims first land in America?
+What year did the u.s. mint issue the susan b. anthony dollar coin?
+What year did the UK join the E.E.C?
+What year did theodore roosevelt die?
+What year did was the great stock market crash that lead to the great depression?
+What year did Yuri Gagarin become the first human in space?
+What year followed 1 b.c?
+A.d. 1
+What year in the 20th century saw three kings on the throne in England?
+What year saw sugar jump from nine cents to fifty-eight cents a pound?
+What year saw the 50th anniversary of the Bttle of Britain?
+What year saw the first colour broadcast of the F A Cup Final?
+What year saw the first golf shot on the moon?
+What year saw the first League Cup final played at Wembley?
+What year saw the launch of Sputnik I?
+What year seen the death of BOTH Janice Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix?
+What year seen the death of BOTH Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix?
+What year was a u2 pilot shot down for spying?
+What year was Aaron Copeland born?
+What year was allen iverson born?
+What year was Archduke Ferdinand assassinated?
+What year was Aunt Jemima pancake flour invented?
+What year was billy the kid born?
+What year was dna first determined?
+What year was film introduced to replace glass in making photographic negatives?
+What year was Germany united?
+What year was Geronimo captured in?
+What year was Mr. Burns introduced to atom smashing?
+What year was neptune discovered?
+What year was operation Desert Fox?
+What year was Paris liberated?
+What year was Picasso born?
+What year was robert the bruce crowned king of Scotland?
+What year was Shaquille O'neal born?
+What year was the americans first atomic submarine launched?
+What year was the battle of bannockburn?
+What year was the battle of hastings?
+What year was the Battle of Trafalgar fought?
+What year was the battle of trafalgar?
+What year was the Berlin Wall erected?
+What year was The Bible printed using moveable type?
+What year was the car seat belt first patented?
+What year was the constitution fully ratified?
+What year was the dental drill invented?
+What year was the first a&w rootbeer made?
+What year was the first commercial opera house opened?
+What year was the first motorcycle race run?
+What year was the first oreo sold in?
+What year was the first tooth extraction under anaesthetic performed?
+What year was the first world series game played?
+What year was the great train robbery?
+What year was the habitat company founded?
+What year was the intel pentium processor introduced?
+What year was the last woman hung in England?
+What year was the Live Aid concert?
+What year was the movie the apostle released?
+What year was the movie The Love Bug released?
+What year was the nba formed?
+What year was the sony walkman introduced?
+What year was theodore roosevelt born?
+What year was Walt Disney born?
+What year was yasser arafat born?
+What year were jelly belly jelly beans first sold?
+What year were jellybeans introduced to the United States?
+What year were most of the American hostages released by Iran?
+What year were the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan?
+What year were x-rays discovered?
+What year will the Ferrari F-60 be released?
+WHAT YEAR:Double helix structure of DNA discovered by F Crick & J watson?
+WHAT YEAR:Existence of blood groups discovered by K Landsteiner of Austria?
+WHAT YEAR:First domestic videotape system introduced by Japanese company Sony?
+WHAT YEAR:First heart transplant carried out by C Barnard of South Africa?
+WHAT YEAR:First underwater cable laid under the English Channel?
+WHAT YEAR:Genetic fingerprinting developed by A Jeffreys(UK)?
+WHAT YEAR:World health Organisation declares the world free of smallpox?
+What year's winter olympics introduced the super giant slalom?
+What yellow fossilized resin was used in jewellery by the greeks and romans?
+What yellow, fossilised resin did the Greeks and Romans use in jewellery?
+What yellow, fossilized resin did the greeks and romans use in jewellery?
+What yellow, fossilized resin did the Greeks and Romans use in jewelry?
+What Yorkshire port witnessed the departure of Captain Cook on his epic voyages?
+What Yorkshire town is famous for being a conference centre?
+What yorkshireman wrote all creatures great and small?
+James herriot
+What young animal is an offspring of a nanny & a billy?
+What yugoslav republic's name translates to 'black mountain'?
+What Yukon region was the scene of a famous gold rush?
+What yummy snack is used in the construction of dynamite?
+What zodiac sign is represented by fish?
+What zodiacal sign is represented by a bull?
+What zodiacal sign is represented by fish?
+What zodiacal sign is represented by the balance, or scales?
+What zone lies between the tropics of Capricorn & Cancer?
+Tropical zone
+What zone lies between the tropics of Capricorn and cancer?
+The tropical zone
+What zone varies from batter to batter in baseball?
+The strike zone
+What, according ot the saying, makes waste?
+What, according to Hilaire Belloc's cautionary verse, was Matilda's problem?
+She told such dreadful lies
+What, according to joni mitchell, 'took away my old man'?
+A big yellow taxi
+What, according to tradition, will leave Gibraltar before the British?
+What, apart from air & fuel, is filtered in a car?
+What, during World War Two, was the German or Nazi equivalent to the Japanese Kempei Tai?
+What, in 1975, did 18 Nobel laureates claim has no basis on fact?
+What, in Australian English is a coolabah?
+What, in general terms, accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being changed?
+What, in Japan, is the Yakusa?
+Organised crime syndicates
+What, in knitting, do 'cable', 'purl' & 'popcorn' refer to?
+What, in population terms, is the largest Spanish speaking country in the world?
+What, made from the dried stamens of cultivated crocus flowers, is the most expensive cooking spice?
+What, on an Italian menu, is 'zuppa inglese'?
+What, translated literally is the 10th month?
+What, translated literally, is the ninth month?
+What, with arabic, is the official language of mauritania?
+What,mainly,is added to iron to make steel resistant to corrosion?
+What's a 10-20 to a police officer?
+What's a bee's home called?
+What's a block & tackle used for?
+Lifting weights
+What's a Canadian two penny black?
+What's a coelacanth?
+What's a computer screen's display made up of?
+What's a dead body of an animal called?
+What's a disk of gas orbiting a star of black hole called?
+Accretion disk
+What's a dried plum?
+What's a family group of lions called?
+What's a farm that has both cattle and crops called?
+Mixed farm
+What's a flat, broad bodied, odorous insect?
+What's a funambulist?
+A tightrope walker
+What's a ginkgo?
+What's a goober?
+What's a group of ferrets called?
+What's a group of kittens called?
+What's a langur?
+What's a liuor of apricot pits?
+What's a meerschaum?
+A Pipe
+What's a microchip made of?
+What's a more proper name for artificial or false teeth?
+What's a okapi?
+What's a person who does not eat meat called?
+What's a plant or animal that is food for parasites called?
+What's a policeman's favorite Dupont Kevlar product?
+Bulletproof vest
+What's a telephone pbx?
+Private branch exchange
+What's a truffle?
+Edible fungus
+What's a unit of magnetic field strength called?
+What's a warm puppy, by Charles m schulz's reckoning?
+What's a warm puppy, by Charles schultz's reckoning?
+What's an earth station receiver most commonly called?
+Satellite dish
+What's an egg that floats on water?
+Very old
+What's an illegal move by a baseball pitcher called?
+A balk
+What's an other name for cannabis?
+What's another name for a mountain lion?
+What's another name for allspice?
+What's another name for the aurora australis?
+Southern lights
+What's another name for the yellow poplar tree?
+What's another term for a camelopard?
+A giraffe
+What's another word for stewardess?
+Air hostess
+What's april's birthstone?
+What's Australia's island state?
+What's belgium's main port?
+What's bill cosby's full name on the cosby show?
+Heathcliff huxtable
+What's bottled in jeroboams?
+What's Britain's highest military decoration?
+Victoria cross
+What's californias most famous fault?
+San andreas
+What's captain buck roger's first name?
+What's ccdos?
+Chinese character disk operating system
+What's codasyl?
+Conference of data system languages
+What's considered the most highly-specialized mammal?
+The whale
+What's considered the sister language of English?
+What's David bowie son's name?
+Zowie bowie
+What's dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethane better known as?
+What's divided into the temporal, parietal, occipital and frontal lobes?
+What's excision of the breast called?
+What's for dinner: what two vegetables are combined in succotash?
+Corn and beans
+What's for supper: what in the heck does an anthropophagist eat?
+What's george bush's full name?
+George herbert walker bush
+What's gerald ford's middle name?
+What's hdtv short for to a video buff?
+High definition television
+What's headquartered on New York's East River between 42nd and 48th streets?
+United Nations
+What's ibm's motto?
+What's Iceland's main industry?
+What's january's birthstone?
+What's krypton's state at standard temperature and pressure?
+What's mach i?
+Speed of sound at sea level
+What's malcolm x's real name?
+Malcolm little
+What's margaret houlihan's nickname?
+Hot lips
+What's margaret thatcher's middle name?
+What's Mauritania's official language?
+What's miami's most famous suburb?
+Miami beach
+What's mick dundee's necklace made from?
+Crocodile teeth
+What's missing from a woman suffering from amazia?
+What's missing from a women suffering from Amazia?
+What's mixed with kahlua or tia maria to make a black Russian?
+What's Mulder's nickname?
+What's nero wolfe's favorite drink during office hours?
+What's nm to a sailor?
+Nautical mile
+What's north America's largest lake?
+What's one round of a polo match called?
+What's pennsylvania's state tree?
+Mountain laurel
+What's played at Wembley Stadium every May?
+The F.A.Cup Football final
+What's popeye's official age?
+Thirty four
+What's Prince Charles' favorite cereal?
+What's princess aurora's better-known name?
+Sleeping beauty
+What's receding from earth by 1/2 inch per year?
+The moon
+What's ringo starr's real last name?
+What's Robin Williams' middle name?
+What's shredded to make sauerkraut?
+What's spaceball played on?
+What's Spain's biggest source of income?
+What's sporting field is 78 feet long?
+Tennis court
+What's steve martin's nosiest movie?
+What's stevie wonder's real name?
+Steveland morris
+What's the 1st name of wayne gretzky's father?
+What's the abbreviation for a Grownuo Mature Professional born after WW II?
+What's the all-time best selling popular novel?
+Gone with the wind
+What's the American term for a flat?
+What's the ancient language of India?
+What's the average duration for food to pass through the digestive system?
+24 hours
+What's the average number of murders a child has seen on tv by the age 16?
+Eighteen thousand
+What's the basic unit for measuring electric energy?
+What's the bay of fundy in maritime Canada noted for?
+What's the best known artificial international language?
+What's the best possible poker hand?
+Royal flush
+What's the best time of day to buy a pair of shoes?
+Late afternoon
+What's the better known name of the card game twenty one?
+What's the better-known name of edson arantes do nascimento?
+What's the biggest living bird?
+What's the brightest star in the night sky?
+What's the capital city of the province of prince edward island in Canada?
+What's the capital of antigua and barbuda?
+What's the capital of Australia?
+What's the capital of azerbaidzjan?
+What's the capital of bahamas?
+What's the capital of bahrain?
+What's the capital of Bhutan?
+What's the capital of colombia?
+What's the capital of colorado?
+What's the capital of comoros?
+What's the capital of denmark?
+What's the capital of ecuador?
+What's the capital of England?
+What's the capital of estonia?
+What's the capital of france?
+What's the capital of gaungdong province in china?
+What's the capital of ghana?
+What's the capital of illinois?
+What's the capital of iowa?
+Des moines
+What's the capital of iran?
+What's the capital of Ireland?
+What's the capital of Italy?
+What's the capital of jordan?
+What's the capital of Katar?
+What's the capital of Kentucky?
+What's the capital of Liberia?
+What's the capital of malawi?
+What's the capital of malaysia?
+Kuala lumpur
+What's the capital of michigan?
+What's the capital of montana?
+What's the capital of Netherlands?
+What's the capital of nevada?
+Carson city
+What's the capital of Nicaragua?
+What's the capital of North Dakota?
+What's the capital of ohio?
+What's the capital of oman?
+What's the capital of paraguay?
+What's the capital of peru?
+What's the capital of qatar?
+What's the capital of Russia?
+What's the capital of south carolina?
+What's the capital of Sweden?
+What's the capital of Syria?
+What's the capital of the central african empire?
+What's the capital of the Comoros?
+What's the capital of the northwest territories?
+What's the capital of uruguay?
+What's the capital of vanuatu?
+What's the capital of vermont?
+What's the capital of wales?
+What's the capital of West Virginia?
+What's the capital of western samoa?
+What's the capital of wyoming?
+What's the cause of surface ocean currents?
+What's the centre division of a Backgammon board called?
+The Bar
+What's the chemical formula for table salt?
+What's the christian penitential season from end of november to christmas?
+What's the circulation of winds around a low pressure system called?
+What's the claim to fame of aleksei leonov?
+First space walk
+What's the claim to fame of chang and eng bunker?
+First siamese twins
+What's the claim to fame of lhasa, tibet?
+World's highest city
+What's the claim to fame of san bernardino county?
+Largest in the us
+What's the common name for calcium carbonate?
+What's the common name for hydrogen hydroxide?
+What's the common name for leucocytes, found in the blood?
+White blood cells
+What's the common name for vitriolic acid?
+Sulfuric acid
+What's the common name of hydrogen hydroxide?
+What's the common term for a cubic decimetre?
+What's the common term for precipitation infused by sulfuric & nitric acids?
+Acid rain
+What's the common term for xerography?
+What's the connection between Benson & Growing Pains?
+Missy Gold and Tracey Gold,
+What's the connection between the carol burnett show and mama's family?
+Eunice and mama 
+What's the cray-2 immersed in?
+Subzero flurocarbon fluid
+What's the crystal anniversary?
+What's the cubed root of 27?
+What's the currency in algeria?
+What's the currency in bangladesh?
+What's the currency of Bulgaria?
+What's the currency of laos?
+What's the currency of san marino?
+What's the curved line between any two points on a circle?
+What's the decimal equivalent of the binary number 101?
+What's the deepest trench in the Indian Ocean?
+Java Trench
+What's the easternmost point in the usa?
+West quoddy head maine
+What's the echidna's favorite food?
+What's the Eskimo word for a moccasin type boot?
+What's the fahrenheit equivalent of zero degrees centigrade?
+32 degrees
+What's the fastest sea dwelling mammal?
+The dolphin
+What's the fastest stroke in swimming?
+What's the fastest swimming marine mammal?
+The killer whale
+What's the favorite food of dragonflies?
+What's the fifth largest country in the world?
+What's the first book of the old testament?
+What's the first day of the week?
+What's the first instruction given runners by the started of a race?
+On your marks
+What's the first quotation in the bible attributed to god?
+Let there be light
+What's the first sign of the zodiac?
+What's the first video game to become a television show?
+Pac man
+What's the flavor of angelica?
+What's the formula for the area of a rectangle?
+Length times width
+What's the fourth book of the new testament?
+What's the gaelic name for dublin?
+Baile atha cliath
+What's the general name for germ fighting drugs such as penicillin & streptomycin?
+What's the greatest source of lead poisoning?
+Leaded gasoline
+What's the hardest bone in the human body?
+What's the hardest substance in the human body?
+What's the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous U S states?
+What's the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous u.s. States?
+Mount whitney
+What's the highest position attained in the loyal order of moose lodge?
+Supreme governor
+What's the hoosier state?
+What's the infamous contraction of Geheime Staatspolizei?
+What's the largest airport in the us?
+Dallas, fort worth
+What's the largest alluvial flood plain in the U.S?
+The mississippi delta
+What's the largest and most powerful of the American cats?
+What's the largest animal alive with teeth?
+Sperm whale
+What's the largest aquatic bird?
+What's the largest artery in the human body?
+What's the largest cat in the americas?
+What's the largest city between Ireland and Canada?
+What's the largest city in china?
+What's the largest city in the Spanish speaking world?
+Mexico city
+What's the largest commercial passenger plane?
+The 747
+What's the largest continent in the world?
+What's the largest island in the arctic ocean, with 195,928 square miles?
+What's the largest island in the Atlantic?
+What's the largest island in the British isles, with 84,200 square miles?
+Great britain
+What's the largest island in the mediterranean sea?
+What's the largest lake in South America?
+Lake maracaibo
+What's the largest museum in the world?
+What's the largest port in france?
+What's the largest scandinavian country?
+What's the largest urban park in the world, located in philadelphia pa?
+Fairmount park
+What's the largest us agricultural crop by weight?
+What's the largest usa metro area without an nba franchise?
+St louis
+What's the largest usa metro area without an nhl franchise?
+What's the last line of dicken's a christmas carol?
+God bless us everyone
+What's the last name of the most famous ornithologist?
+What's the last of the cat's senses to develop?
+What's the leading female singer in an opera called?
+The prima donna
+What's the leading radio-audience survey company in the us?
+What's the light sensitive layer on photographic film called?
+What's the locale for barney miller (tv show)?
+New york city
+What's the locale for sgt bilko?
+Fort baxter
+What's the locale for the farmer's daughter?
+Washington dc
+What's the location for newhart?
+What's the longest non mechanical sporting event?
+Tour de france
+What's the longest river in the British isles?
+What's the longest river in the U S?
+Mississippi river
+What's the longest river in western europe?
+The rhine
+What's the longest running soap-series in the USA?
+What's the longest tendon in the body?
+Achilles tendon
+What's the lord of the flies in the book of the same name?
+A pig's head
+What's the magic phrase in ali baba and the forty thieves?
+Open sesame
+What's the main boulevard of paris?
+Champs elysee
+What's the main ingredient in glass?
+What's the maximum number of players in a game of Chinese chequers?
+What's the maximum rent payable for landing on a monopoly railroad?
+What's the meaning of the zoological term ruminant?
+Cud chewer
+What's the middle day of a non-leap year?
+July 2nd
+What's the minimum number of players on an nfl team?
+What's the more common name for the constellation ursa major?
+Great bear
+What's the more familiar name of the Himalayas Yeti?
+Abominable Snowman
+What's the more familiar name of the himalayas' yeti?
+The abominable snowman
+What's the most common christian name of us presidents?
+What's the most common color of topaz?
+What's the most common colour of topaz?
+What's the most common first name in the world?
+What's the most common fowl on earth?
+What's the most common name in nursery rhymes?
+What's the most common term for a rotary wing aircraft?
+What's the most common term of endearment in the U.S?
+What's the most commonly-spoken language in Belgium?
+What's the most effective insulator brick, fibreglass or wood?
+What's the most extensively grown and eaten food?
+What's the most frequently ingested mood altering drug?
+What's the most illustrious trophy in yachting?
+The America's cup
+What's the most mountainous country in europe?
+What's the most popular form of bridge?
+Contract bridge
+What's the most popular ice cream flavour in north America?
+What's the most popular registered dog in America?
+The poodle
+What's the most popular sport in South America?
+What's the most powerful type of microscope?
+What's the most sensitive finger on the human hand?
+The index finger
+What's the most us common street name?
+Park street
+What's the most valuable crop in burma, laos and thailand?
+What's the most widely-played game card in the world?
+What's the most widely-used seasoning in the world?
+What's the most-often-spoken western language in czechoslovakia?
+What's the motto that appears in the mgm circle above the lions head?
+Ars gratia artis
+What's the name designated to pay grade E-2 in the US Marine Corps?
+Private first class
+What's the name designated to rank o-5 in the us marine corps?
+Lieutenant colonel
+What's the name for a pen for pigs?
+What's the name for the grotesque figures that hold waterspouts to throw water away from buildings?
+What's the name of garfield's rubber chicken?
+What's the name of garfield's teddy bear?
+What's the name of the archipelago at the tip of south America?
+Tierra del fuego
+What's the name of the bear in jungle book?
+What's the name of the dragon in the Ivor the Engine stories?
+What's the name of the Dutch racer in the F1?
+Jos Verstappen
+What's the name of the hill in jerusalem where jesus was crucified?
+What's the name of the holy book of Islan?
+The koran
+What's the name of the large prominent vein in the side of your neck?
+Jugular vein
+What's the name of the largest area of the brain?
+What's the name of the piece flipped into the cup in tiddlywinks?
+The Wink
+What's the name of the point at which condensation begins?
+The dew point
+What's the name of the very small shrew?
+Pygmy shrew
+What's the newfoundland term that describes catching squid for bait?
+Squid jigging
+What's the official color of IBM?
+What's the official currency of monte carlo?
+French franc
+What's the official language of bangladesh?
+What's the official language of egypt, tunisia and Morocco?
+What's the official language of st lucia?
+What's the official language of the most serene republic of san marino?
+What's the official state bird of the state of utah?
+What's the official state sport of Alaska?
+Dog sledding
+What's the offspring of a lioness & a tiger called?
+What's the oldest fraternity in America?
+Phi beta kappa
+What's the oldest stroke used in competitive swimming?
+What's the oldest university in rhode island?
+Brown university
+What's the only 5 point letter in scrabble?
+What's the only alcoholic beverage on sale before noon in Finland?
+What's the only animal, aside from man, that can get leprosy?
+What's the only Australian city to have hosted the olympic games?
+What's the only base unit of measure still defined by an artifact?
+What's the only base unit of measurement still defined by an artifact?
+What's the only bird that can fly upside down?
+The hummingbird
+What's the only city on new providence island in the bahamas?
+What's the only day named for a planet?
+What's the only dog which doesn't have a pink tongue?
+The chow
+What's the only east european country that officially discourages tipping?
+What's the only element capable of tarnishing and damaging gold?
+What's the only female animal that has antlers?
+What's the only horse to be disqualified after winning the Kentucky derby?
+Dancer's image
+What's the only insect that produces food humans eat?
+The honeybee
+What's the only mammal that can't jump?
+What's the only man-made structure visible from space?
+The great wall of china
+What's the only nation with a non-rectangular flag?
+What's the only North American marsupial?
+What's the only property an orthodox Hindu woman can own?
+What's the only u.s. state to end in the letter k?
+New york
+What's the only us state that ends with a k?
+New york
+What's the only us state to grow coffee?
+What's the only US state which borders only a Canadian province?
+What's the only video game that became a television show?
+What's the opposite of 'synonym'?
+What's the opposite of the orient?
+The occident
+What's the opposite of windward?
+What's the other name for the card game patience?
+What's the particle reponsible for gravitational forces?
+What's the plural of 'larva'?
+What's the point scored immediately after deuce in tennis?
+What's the point value of the outer bullseye on a dartboard?
+Twenty Five
+What's the point where a planet is farthest from the sun called?
+What's the positive electrode of a battery called?
+The anode
+What's the principal river of Ireland?
+What's the process of splitting atoms called?
+What's the psychological term for self-love?
+What's the real name of the french philosopher voltaire?
+Francois marie arouet
+What's the region immediately below the earth's crust?
+What's the respiratory organ of most fish?
+What's the resting place of those buried at sea?
+Davey jones locker
+What's the roofing material for montreal's olympic stadium?
+What's the royal dog of china?
+What's the second brightest star visible from earth?
+What's the second largest asteroid in this solar system?
+What's the second largest continent?
+What's the second largest desert in africa?
+Kalahari desert
+What's the second most spoken language on earth?
+What's the second Xanth novel?
+The Source of Magic
+What's the seventh sign of the zodiac?
+What's the shortest day of the year?
+December 21
+What's the shortest verse in the bible?
+Jesus wept
+What's the singular of graffiti?
+What's the sky king's home, near the town of grover, called?
+Flying crown
+What's the smallest mammal?
+What's the smallest paper size - A3, A4 or A5?
+What's the smallest state (in area) west of the Mississippi?
+What's the soft tissue inside bones called?
+What's the solid core of a comet called?
+What's the song title of ringo starr's song 'peaches and cream, lips like strawberry wine, you're beautiful and your mine'?
+You're sixteen
+What's the song title of rod stewart's song 'can you hear me, can you hear me through the dark night far away'?
+What's the song title of the queen song 'it's not easy, but you've got friends you can trust'?
+Friends will be friends
+What's the Spanish word for cottonwood tree?
+What's the square root of 121?
+What's the square root of one-quarter?
+One half
+What's the state bird of utah?
+Sea gull
+What's the state flower of Alaska?
+Forget me not
+What's the study of gases in motion called?
+What's the Swiss family robinson's destination when shipwrecked?
+What's the tallest mountain in Canada?
+What's the telephone area code for Chicago?
+What's the term for a bet before cards are dealt?
+What's the term for a configuration of stars?
+What's the term for a resident of liverpool?
+What's the term for pleasure-seeking as a way of life?
+What's the term for the blood pressure reading when the heart is at rest?
+What's the term for the giant forest hog's social unit?
+What's the theme song for midnight cowboy?
+Everybody's talkin'
+What's the third largest lake in the world?
+Lake victoria
+What's the third smallest continent?
+What's the top selling campus snack according to the American Association of College Stores?
+Oreo Cookies
+What's the traditional trade for aspiring Spanish bullfighters?
+What's the unit of measure for a racehorse's height?
+What's the unit used to measure sound?
+What's the United Kingdom's largest ethnic minority?
+The scots
+What's the unofficial anthem of the musical theater?
+There's no business like show business
+What's the usa's largest legal cash crop?
+What's the usa's most popular spectator sport?
+What's the usa's second most popular spectator sport?
+Horse racing
+What's the Weather Like: With a highest recorded temperature of 58.0 Celsius, this location is the world's hottest?
+Al'Az-iz-iyah, Libya
+What's the Weather Like: With a lowest recorded temperature of -89.2 Celsius, this location is the world's coldest?
+Vostok, Antarctica
+What's the Weather Like: With an annual average of 335 days per year, this location is the world's wettest?
+Waialeale, Hawaii
+What's the Weather Like: With an annual average rainfall of .7mm, this location is the world's driest?
+Arica, Chile
+What's the Weather Like: With an average of 4,127 annual hours of sunshine, this location is the world's sunniest?
+Yuma, Arizona
+What's the Weather Like: With an average of only 736 annual hours of sunshine, this location is the world's cloudiest?
+Ben Nevis, Scotland
+What's the winter counterpart to estivation?
+What's the women's tennis equivalent to the davis cup?
+The federation cup
+What's the world largest basilica?
+St. peter's
+What's the world's highest mountain that isn't part of a range?
+Mount kilimanjaro
+What's the world's largest cat?
+What's the world's largest fresh-water island?
+What's the world's most common compound?
+What's the worlds highest waterfall?
+Angel falls
+What's the worlds largest tourist attraction?
+Walt disney world
+What's the zodiacal sign for capricorn?
+The goat
+What's the zodiacal symbol for Virgo?
+What's traditionally the first event in a rodeo?
+Bareback riding
+What's ulster?
+Northern Ireland
+What's used to make grenadine syrup?
+What's usually thrown the farthest in a track and field competition?
+What's white sugar mixed with to make brown sugar?
+What's your aglet?
+Tips of your shoe laces
+What's your sign: how many degrees are there in each house of the zodiac?
+What/who, in the original draft was called Too Much?
+Whats a bibliothek in frankfurt?
+A library
+Whats a community of ants called?
+A colony
+Whats a female ogre called?
+Whats a group of Peacocks called?
+Whats a male witch called?
+Whats a snowstorm called in Alaska?
+Whats a sudden & violent burning called?
+Whats a Sultans wife called?
+Whats another name for a third molar?
+Wisdom tooth
+Whats another name for tetanus?
+Whats is Football legend Pele's real name?
+Edson arantes do nascimento
+Whats the capital of Bermuda?
+Whats the capital of chile?
+Whats the capital of Saudi Arabia?
+Whats the capital of Texas?
+Whats the capital poland?
+Whats the colour of jealousy?
+Whats the common name for the Australian parakeet?
+Whats the common name for the drug acetaminophen?
+Whats the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
+Anyone can roast beef
+Whats the first day of lent?
+Ash wednesday
+Whats the first name of u2's leadsinger?
+Whats the German name for their own country?
+Whats the highest adult male singing voice?
+Whats the highest mountain in the Alps?
+Mont blanc
+Whats the highest score possible with three darts?
+One hundred and eighty
+Whats the Italian game thats similar to lawn bowling?
+Whats the largest library in the world?
+The library of congress
+Whats the largest man made structure visable from space?
+Great wall of china
+Whats the last word of the bible?
+Whats the latest province of holland?
+Whats the main ingredient in bouillabaisse?
+Whats the maximum number of wives permitted at any one time under Islamic law?
+Whats the meaning of the Latin battle cry 'ad arma, ad arma?
+To arms to arms
+Whats the most abundant element in the sun?
+Whats the Muslim name of God?
+Whats the name for an organism that live on or in another?
+Whats the name given a star that has collapsed into no dimensions?
+Black hole
+Whats the name of bart simpsons best friend?
+Whats the name of curry soup?
+Whats the name of El Ninos lesser known little sister?
+La nina
+Whats the name of Jacques Cousteaus research ship?
+Whats the name of the boy in Jungle Book?
+Whats the name of the large wooded area in which Robin Hood was supposed to have lived?
+Sherwood forest
+Whats the name of the magician who helped the hobbits?
+Whats the name of the moviedirector of dr. strangelove and a clockwork orange?
+Stanly kubrick
+Whats the name of the New Zealand Rugby teams pre-match war dance?
+The haka
+Whats the name of the orca who played in free Willy?
+Whats the national airline of Ireland?
+Aer lingus
+Whats the nickname for Indiana?
+Hoosier state
+Whats the official animal of Canada?
+Whats the official language of Morocco?
+Whats the oldest brewery in continuous operation in North America?
+Whats the only US state name that ends in three vowels?
+Whats the opposite of orient?
+Whats the opposite of the nadir?
+Whats the opposite of the orient?
+Whats the piece of plastic used for strumming a guitar called?
+Whats the plural of mongoose?
+Whats the point value of the bullseye outer on a dartboard?
+Whats the Russian word for east which was given to early space capsules?
+Whats the second largest city in Oregon?
+Whats the secret identity of Don Vito Corleone?
+The godfather
+Whats the singular of dice?
+Whats the smallest breed of dog?
+Whats the surname of the mediaeval author of Canterbury Tales?
+Whats the sweet life in Rome?
+La dolce vita
+Whats the symbol of the zodiacal sign Gemini?
+Whats the telephone area code for Chicago?
+Whats the term for a mass of diffused gas & ice particles in solar orbit?
+Whats the term used for the submerged fringe of a continent?
+Continental shelf
+Whats the termfor pleasure seeking as a way of life?
+Whats the third most common language in the world?
+Whats the warmest continent?
+Whats the worlds largest church?
+St peters, vatican city
+Whats the worlds largest coral reef?
+Great barrier reef
+Whats the worlds largest sea?
+Whats the worlds longest snake?
+Whats the worlds second most spoken language?
+Whats towns problem with rats was solved by the Pied Piper?
+Whatt are a jockeys clothes called?
+which is the biggest selling car of all time?
+Volkswagen beetle
+Wheel according to bonnie tyler, what hits you when it's too late?
+Wheeled vehicle, specifically, a vehicle for carrying persons, designed to be drawn by one or more draft animals?
+When ____ president Juan Per?n died on July 1, 1974, he was succeeded by his wife and vice president, Isabel, who became the first woman president in the Western Hemisphere
+When a a positive & negative plate are placed together in an electrical circuit which stores a charge in the form of an electric field it is called a ____
+When a coffee seed is planted, it takes how many years to yield consumable fruit?
+When a female horse & male donkey mate, the offspring is called a what?
+When a man died in ancient ____, the females in his family would smear their heads and faces with mud and wander through the city beating themselves and tearing off their clothes
+When a piece of glass cracks, how fast does the crack travel?
+3,000 miles per hour
+When a piece of glass cracks, the crack travels faster than ____ miles per hour
+Three thousand
+When a player hits a double in darts, what can he do?
+Start scoring
+When a rabbit scratches its dowsets, it has itchy?
+When a U S army bomber crashed into the New York's Empire State Building, how many people did it kill?
+When Albert Einstein died, his final words died with him. The nurse at his side didn't understand?
+When angered, the ears of Tazmanian devils turn what color?
+Pinkish red
+When angered, the ears of what animal turn a pinkish red?
+Tazmanian devil
+When are finger prints formed?
+3rd week in the womb
+When are new states admitted to the u.s?
+Noon, july 4th
+When are shadows shorter, in summer or winter?
+When are the most collect calls made?
+Father's day
+When are the only 2 occasions that Catch 22 characters are allowed to go in to see Major Major?
+When hes out
+When asked what she wore to bed, marilyn monroe responded that she wore what?
+Chanel #5
+When Bart spray painted a picture of Skinner,what was his principal saying?
+I am a Weiner 
+When basketball first started how many players were on a team?
+When basketball first started, how many players were on the field?
+When Coca-Cola was first introduced in 1886, what was it advertised as?
+Brain Tonic
+When completed in 1931, it was the tallest building in the world, at one-fifth of a mile high?
+Empire State Building
+When cutting a diamond with a laser, ____ dust is formed
+When did Alaska become the 49th US state?
+When did Andy Warhol die?
+When did Baden Powell found the Boy Scout movement?
+When did Brazil move its capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia?
+When did cape verde become independed?
+When did Castro take power in Cuba?
+When did chuck berry's first rock and roll classic hit the charts?
+When did colgate and crest first offer toothpaste in a pump dispenser?
+When did disneyland open?
+When did elizabeth ii turn 21?
+When did England's lease on hong kong expire?
+When did Henry Ford build his first car?
+When did India become independant?
+When did India go metric?
+When did israel declare independence?
+14 may 1948
+When did it snow in the sahara desert?
+18 february 1979
+When did leif erikson set foot on north America?
+1000 ad
+When did Levi Strauss produce the first jeans?
+When did macau revert to china?
+When did man first set foot on the moon?
+When did Mark and Engels write the Communist Manifesto?
+When did Nostradamus live?
+1503 1566
+When did Pope Paul Vl say that fasting was still obligatory on certain days?
+When did prohibition end in the usa?
+When did prohibition in the u.s come to an end?
+When did richard burton die?
+When did richard burton finish his last film?
+When did shakespeare marry anne hathaway?
+November 27, 1582
+When did shires have reeves?
+Feudal times
+When did singapore last play in the malaysia cup?
+When did sir walter scott write ivanhoe?
+When did skylab crashland in western Australia?
+July 11, 1979
+When did the ancient Egyptians devise the 365 day calendar?
+2500 BC
+When did the British empire become the commonwealth?
+When did the film 'braveheart' win the oscar for best picture?
+When did the first man walk on the moon?
+When did the first World Series game take place?
+When did the Fuller Brush Company begin using catalogs?
+When did the last execution in the Tower of London take place?
+When did the series 'lost in space' premier on cbs?
+When did the spaniards finally expel the last of the moors and the jews?
+When did the three points for a win system start in the football league?
+When did the titanic sink?
+April 15, 1912
+When did the Walt Disney resort in Florida open to the public?
+When did vincent marotta develop the mr coffee machine?
+When did william lyon mackenzie king retire?
+When did women get the right to vote in the us?
+August 26, 1920
+When do children grow fastest?
+When do diurnal animals sleep?
+Night time
+When do parallel lines meet?
+When do you plant winter wheat?
+In the fall
+When does a full moon always rise?
+When does macau revert to china?
+When does the uterus expand 500 times its normal size?
+During pregnancy
+When driving from Innsbruck in Austria to Bolzano in Italy, you cross the 'Bridge of Europe' as you climb which Alpine pass?
+Brenner pass
+When Franklin D. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, ____ became the first U.S. president to take office in the midst of a war
+Harry truman
+When George I became King of England in 1714, his wife did not become Queen. He placed her under house arrest for ____ years
+When he died, the Romans re named September after him, but soon turned back to September. Who was he?
+When honey is swallowed, it enters the blood stream within a period of how many minutes?
+20 minutes
+When hydrogen burns in the air, ____ is formed
+When is 'trick or treat'?
+When is a crepuscular animal active?
+When is Farm animal awareness week traditionally held?
+Middle of september
+When is halley's comet next due to appear?
+When is it best to shop for shoes-at the begining of the day or at the end of the day?
+The end
+When is it impossible to sneeze?
+With your eyes open
+When is Jean Baptiste day in Quebec?
+June 24
+When is Saint George's day celebrated?
+April 23rd
+When is St. Patrick's day?
+March 17
+When is the best month to plant tulip bulbs?
+When is the longest day in the northern hemisphere?
+When is the longest day in the southern hemisphere?
+When is the only time a flag should be flown upside down?
+When is the shortest day in the northern hemisphere?
+When is the shortest day in the southern hemisphere?
+When is the top layer of a wedding cake usually eaten?
+First anniversary
+When John F. Kennedy was president, who was his attorney general?
+Robert kennedy
+When Jonathan Edwards smashed the world triple-jump in 1995, by how much did he increase it?
+0.31 metres
+When kicked in the groin, a Football player has been?
+When light waves pass from one medium to another it is called?
+When measuring a horse, how many inches are there in one 'hand'?
+When ocean tides are at their highest, they are called what?
+Spring tides
+When ocean tides are at their highest, they are called?
+Spring tides
+When ocean tides are at their lowest, they are call what?
+Neap tides
+When ocean tides are at their lowest, they are call?
+Neap tides
+When olive oil is described as 'extra virgin', what has happened to it to make it so?
+First pressing of the olive
+When read upside down, what does the term 'umop apisdn' signify?
+Upside down
+When recognising someone's face, you use the ____ side of your brain
+When Saigon fell the signal for all Americans to evacuate was what song by Bing Crosby being played on the radio?
+White christmas
+When Saigon fell, the signal for all Americans to evacuate was this Bing Crosby song playing on the radio?
+White Christmas
+When shipped to the US, the London bridge ( thought by the new owner to be the more famous Tower Bridge ) was classified by US customs to be a 'large?
+When solid substances in the blood are removed, what name is given to the remaining liquid?
+When someone is a hanger on or serves no purpose, he is called this?
+Fifth wheel
+When something is completely different it is said to be one of these of a different color?
+When Spencer Tracy won his first Academy award in 1937, his Oscar statuette mistakenly bore the name of which detective?
+Dick tracy
+When stung by a nettle what kind of poisoning is it?
+Acidic poisoning
+When the Amazon Lily opens What colour is the flower?
+When the Beatles kicked off their 1964 world tour from copenhagen, denmark - where was ringo?
+In the hospital 
+When the Hoovers did not want to be overheard by White House guests, they spoke to each other in what language?
+When the Titanic left Southampton in April 1912, what was its first port of call?
+When they mate, a yak and a cow produce a?
+When tomatoes were first imported from Peru into Europe what were they fondly referred to as?
+Love Apples
+When two words are combined to form a single word (e.g., motor + hotel = motel, breakfast + lunch = brunch) the new word is called a?
+When two words are combined to form a single word (e.g., Motor + hotel = motel, breakfast + lunch = brunch) what is the new word called?
+A portmanteau
+When used to describe a camera, what does SLR stand for?
+Single lens reflex
+When using a telephone, you must wait for a ____ tone before starting your call
+When was Abraham Lincoln elected?
+When was apartheid introduced in south africa?
+When was big ben completed?
+When was black the most common colour for automobiles?
+During the depression
+When was Braille printing invented?
+When was buckingham palace built?
+When was Butch Cassidy Born?
+When was chewing gum patented?
+When was Clinton first elected president of the U S?
+When was crystal palace destroyed?
+When was d-day?
+June 6, 1944
+When was decimalisation in the u.k?
+February 4, 1971
+When was Dr. Seuss born?
+March 2, 1904
+When was flavored soda pop invented?
+When was gas lighting invented?
+When was george jones inducted into the country music hall of fame?
+When was helium discovered?
+When was hiroshima bombed?
+August 6, 1945
+When was insulin discovered?
+When was ivory soap introduced?
+When was Lady Diana Frances Spencer born?
+July 1, 1961
+When was Mount Everest first climbed?
+When was nelson mandela released from prison?
+When was nelson mandela released from robben island?
+When was pearl harbour attacked?
+December 7, 1941
+When was Sean Connery born?
+When was the addressograph invented?
+When was the Berlin wall erected?
+When was the cascade tuning radio receiver invented?
+When was the cash register invented?
+When was the cathode ray tube invented?
+When was the chair developed?
+2181 bc
+When was the constitution fully ratified?
+When was the descent of the holy spirit on the apostles?
+When was the dynamic loudspeaker invented?
+When was the earthquake in tulbach?
+September 29, 1969
+When was the Eiffel Tower completed?
+When was the electromagnet invented?
+When was the English and Scottish parliament united?
+When was the Fascist party founded in Italy?
+When was the first Australian cricket tour to England?
+When was the first beta of Counter-Strike released?
+June 19, 1999
+When was the first binding international ban on human cloning signed?
+January 12, 1998
+When was the first black mayor of Chicago elected?
+When was the first credit card issued?
+When was the first daytime bank robbery?
+February 14, 1866
+When was the first jet aircraft flown?
+When was the first leap year?
+46 bc
+When was the first Mad Max film released?
+When was the first major road race from Paris to Bordeaux?
+When was the first play staged at Londons Globe Theatre?
+When was the first public radio broadcast?
+February 23, 1920
+When was the first seeing eye dog presented to a blind person?
+April 25, 1938
+When was the first space shuttle launched?
+April, 1981
+When was the first suburban shopping mall opened?
+When was the first telephone used?
+March 10, 1876
+When was the first test tube baby born?
+When was the first toothbrush with bristles invented?
+When was the first transatlantic solo flight?
+When was the forked plow invented?
+Before 3000 b c
+When was the gas turbine invented?
+When was the incandescent lamp invented?
+When was the internet first establish[19-something]?
+When was the Kon-Tiki expedition?
+When was the laser invented?
+When was the last Supernova in our galaxy?
+When was the last time comet hale bop was last seen?
+When was the last time the Olympic games were held in London?
+When was the leaning tower of pisa completed?
+When was the magnetic telegraph invented?
+When was the maiden voyage of the 'Titanic'?
+When was the miss world competition founded?
+When was the newspaper 'pravda' first published?
+When was the perestroika policy started in the soviet union?
+January 1988
+When was the photoelectric cell invented?
+When was the polaroid land camera invented?
+When was the quadruplex telegraph invented?
+When was the rechargable storage battery invented?
+When was the record breaking flood of the North Sea?
+When was the resurrection?
+When was the revolving door invented?
+When was the Rosetta Stone decoded?
+When was the rosetta stone discovered?
+When was the Russian satellite Sputnik 1 launched?
+October 4, 1957
+When was the safety pin patented?
+When was the sewing machine patented?
+August 12, 1851
+When was the shortest war in history?
+When was the smoke detector invented?
+When was the stock ticker invented?
+When was the tea bag developed?
+When was the the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
+When was the tuberculosis bacterium discovered?
+When was the typewriter invented?
+When was the union of south africa founded?
+When was the v.90 technology implemented?
+February 1998
+When was the war of 1812?
+When was the watergate break in?
+When was the Womens land army founded?
+June 1939
+When was the worlds first human heart transplant performed?
+When were 'instamatic' cameras first sold?
+When were airplanes first used in war?
+When were bank holidays first indroduced into Britain?
+When were false eyelashes invented?
+When were film audiences treated to a flushing toilet for the first time?
+When were fortune cookies invented?
+When were jeans invented?
+When were the Dead Sea scrolls discovered?
+When were the first scheduled air mail runs?
+When were the salem witch trials?
+When will smith was known as fresh prince, who was his rap partner?
+Dj jazzy jeff
+When will the time capsule from the 1984 summer olympics be opened?
+When you agree to end a quarrel with someone, you bury this?
+When you blush, your also ____ reddens
+Stomach lining
+When you drive in your car, 120 Mph how long will it take to drive 90 miles?
+45 mins
+When you go partying around the town, you paint the town this color?
+When you quit a job, you do not want to be a jerk; you don't want to burn these behind you?
+When young, black sea basses are mostly female, but at the age of ____ years many switch sexes to male
+When, prior to the 2001 outbreak was the last time that a foot and mouth epidemic broke out in Britain?
+Where are 25% of the world's pigs?
+Where are 47 czars buried?
+Where are a cow's sweat glands?
+Where are a snail's reproductive organs?
+Where are American presidents carved in stone?
+Mount rushmore
+Where are bangtails found?
+Mailer envelopes
+Where are birds kept in captivity?
+Where are chinese gooseberries from?
+New zealand
+Where are Eriador, Rhun, Gondor and the Bay of Belfalas?
+Middle earth
+Where are gettysburg and the liberty bell?
+Where are Graz and Linz?
+Where are icebergs usually larger?
+Where are metamorphic rocks usually found?
+Mountain ranges
+Where are panama hats originally made?
+Where are phalanges?
+Where are plaques of humans wearing nothing?
+Pioneer spacecraft
+Where are queen mary's gardens?
+Regents park
+Where are Swedish buns found?
+Where are the 2006 Commonwealth Games to be held?
+Where are the 2006 Winter Olympics to be held?
+Where are the Appalachians?
+North America
+Where are the Austerlitz and Victor Hugo underground stops?
+Where are the cheddar caves?
+Where are the colours blue and yellow used at funerals for warding off evil spirits?
+Where are the convolutions of Broca?
+Where are the crown jewels kept?
+Tower of london
+Where are the Descartes highlands?
+On the moon
+Where are the elgin marbles?
+The British museum
+Where are the everglades?
+Where are the famed tivoli gardens?
+Where are the finger lakes?
+New york
+Where are the greatest tides recorded?
+Bay of fundy
+Where are the guards who wear bearskins?
+Buckingham palace
+Where are the Guiana Highlands?
+Northern south America
+Where are the headquarters for the c.i.a?
+Langley, Virginia
+Where are the islands of langerhans?
+Where are the katydid bug's ears?
+Hind legs
+Where are the most expensive seats at a bullfight?
+In the shade
+Where are the mountains of mourne?
+Northern Ireland
+Where are the pampas?
+Where are the pitti and uffizi art galleries?
+Where are the Queen Elizabeth Islands?
+Where are the smallest bones in the human body located?
+Where are the two steepest streets in the u.s.a?
+San francisco
+Where are the Vosges Mountains?
+Where are there over 58 million dogs?
+U s a
+Where are three quarters of the world's pineapples grown?
+Where are your metatarsals?
+In your feet
+Where can Pikes Peak be found?
+Where can pulmonary disease be found?
+Where can tuolumne meadows and the hetch hetchy reservoir be found?
+Yosemite national park
+Where can you buy a cup of coffee with cruzeiros?
+Where can you find the smallest bone in the human body?
+Where can you make a meal of Spaghetti Junction?
+Where can you see kheops pyramid?
+Where could one find a stevie ray vaughan memorial?
+Austin texas
+Where did 'paella' originate?
+Where did 19 year old babe ruth hit his first professional home run?
+Maple leaf park
+Where did 24 democratic and republican national conventions take place?
+Where did a court rule that women were breaking the law by camping on a common because the common they were camping on wasnt a common?
+Greenham common
+Where did a shire have a reeve?
+Where did abraham lincoln gave his historic speech?
+Gettysburg, pennsylvania
+Where did Adolph Hitler write Mein Kampf?
+In prison
+Where did anne frank die?
+Where did Anne Hathaway live?
+Stratford on avon
+Where did apple computers get its gui interface?
+Where did aristotle believe the seat of intelligence was?
+Where did bagpipes originate?
+Middle east
+Where did bill and hilary clinton switch on christmas lights in 1995?
+Belfast, Ireland
+Where did brigham young lead the mormons?
+Great salt lake
+Where did Chiang Kai Shek take refuge?
+Where did chop suey originate from?
+United states
+Where did Clark Kent usually change into his Superman Costume in the Daily Planet building?
+Store Room
+Where did cuneiform originate?
+Where did De Gaulle flee to after France surrendered to Germany?
+Where did dorothy's house land in 'the wizard of oz'?
+On the wicked witch of
+Where did Dr Zachary Smith get lost?
+In space
+Where did edam cheese originate?
+Where did Edward III keep his greyhounds?
+Isle of dogs
+Where did forrest gump keep the book 'curious george'?
+In his suitcase
+Where did General Douglas Macarthur return to?
+Where did georgo and laszlo biro invented the ball point pen?
+Where did gladiators fight professionally?
+Roman arenas
+Where did gulliver find a race of tiny people?
+Where did Harley Proctor find the name 'Ivory' for what is fondly known today as 'Ivory Soap?
+The Bible
+Where did Hendrik the Dutch boy stick his finger?
+Where did Hitler's 1923 Beer Hall Putsch take place?
+Where did Howdy Doody live?
+Where did Ian Botham score his 149 not out Test snatching innings in 1981?
+Where did ice hockey originate?
+Where did israeli agents grab adolf eichmann?
+Where did Japonica originate?
+Where did Kikkoman Soy Sauce originate from?
+Where did Laika the first dog in space die?
+In space
+Where did little miss muffet sit?
+On her tuffet
+Where did Lord Byron die?
+Where did Mighty Mouse get his superpowers?
+Where did moses receive the ten commandments?
+Mount sinai
+Where did Mr Badger live in _The Wind in the Willows?
+The wild wood
+Where did napoleon die?
+St. helena
+Where did napoleon suffer his final defeat?
+Where did nelson lose his eye?
+Battle of calvi
+Where did nikki lauda get his disfiguring burns?
+Where did north vietnam pt boats attack the uss maddox in 1964?
+Gulf of tonkin
+Where did orienteering originate?
+Where did over 300 defiant Indians head off to, after Sitting Bull was killed?
+Wounded knee
+Where did people go to avoid the draft during the vietnam war?
+Where did petula clark advise you not to sleep?
+Where did phileas fogg begin and end his trip around the world?
+Where did Phyllis Nelson invite us to Move in the 1980s?
+Where did Prince Charles not want to see - a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much loved friend?
+The national gallery
+Where did Robert Clive find fame and fortune in the 1700s?
+Where did robert preston land a helicopter after buzzing cars on the baltimore-Washington parkway on feb 17, 1974?
+White house lawn
+Where did Russian dressing originate from?
+The united states
+Where did Simon & Simon take place?
+San Diego
+Where did skylab crash land?
+Where did snooker originate?
+Where did Stalin, Churchill, Attlee and Truman meet in 1945 to determine the future of Germany after their unconditional surrender?
+Where did surfing originate?
+Where did the 1948 winter olympics take place?
+St moritz
+Where did the 1972 winter olympics take place?
+Where did the Bay Of Pigs fiasco take place?
+Where did the bayonet originate?
+Bayonne, france
+Where did the burglary that led to the resignation of an American President take place?
+Watergate Building, Washington DC
+Where did the celts believe dead heroes went?
+Where did the coffee plant originally grow in the wild?
+Where did the deposed Shah of Iran finally find refuge?
+Where did the deposed Shah of Iran find refuge?
+Where did the dormouse finish up at the Mad Hatter's tea party?
+In the teapot
+Where did the eentsy-weentsy spider climb?
+Up the water spout
+Where did the exxon valdez oil spill occur?
+Prince william sound
+Where did the famous shootout at the ok corral occur?
+Where did the flower Lupin originate?
+Where did the Ghost of Christmas Present take Scrooge first?
+His clerk's
+Where did the Great fire of London break out in 1666?
+A bakers shop in Pudding Lane
+Where did the greek gods live?
+Mount olympus
+Where did the incas live?
+Where did the industrial revolution start?
+Where did The Iron Duke triumph over The Man of Destiny?
+Where did the judds spend years shopping demos recorded on a cassette recorder?
+Nashville, tennessee
+Where did the lib dems hold there conference this year(2002)?
+Where did the Mafia originate?
+Where did the most powerful earthquake in us history occur during 1811?
+New madrid Missouri
+Where did the oil tanker Torrey Canyon come from?
+Where did the olympic games originate?
+Where did the olympics originate?
+Where did the Orient Express end its run from Istanbul?
+Where did the original thugs come from?
+Where did the Polka originate?
+Where did the Rainbow Bridge replace the Honeymoon Bridge?
+Niagra falls
+Where did the ricardos move to when they left New York City?
+Where did the rumba originate?
+Where did the Simpsons find Santa's Little Helper?
+Springfield Downs Dog Track
+Where did the story of cinderella originate?
+Where did the suffragette Emily Davison die?
+Where did the term 'hay fever' originate?
+Where did the word 'biscuit' originate?
+Where did the world's first successful human heart transplant take place?
+Cape town
+Where did thelast scene of The Graduate take place?
+On a bus
+Where did Thomas Magnum grow up as a kid?
+San Diego
+Where did tom brown graduate to from rugby?
+Where did two Boeing 747 aeroplanes collide on a runway in 1977, with 583 fatalities?
+Where did two boeing 747's collide in 1977?
+Canary islands
+Where did Vasco da Gama sail to in 1498?
+Where did voodoo originate?
+Where did wilt chamberlain play collegiate ball?
+Where did Wolfe defeat the French under Montcalm?
+Where do 'open-collar workers' work?
+Where do arboreal animals live?
+Where do bees convert nectar to honey?
+Their digestive tract
+Where do cars carrying GBZ identification plates come from?
+Where do cars with GBA identity plates come from?
+Where do cars with GBZ number plates come from?
+Where do cricketers rub linseed oil?
+Their bats
+Where do divers leap from a 100 foot cliff between the Quebrada rocks?
+Where do divers leap from a 100 foot cliff into waters between the Quebrada rocks?
+Where do Drivada people live?
+Where do Eskimos wear mukluks?
+Where do gallinaceous birds nest?
+On the ground
+Where do gaur cattle come from?
+Where do Grand Prix drivers put their cars at the beginning of a race?
+Where do Gurkhas come from?
+Where do hikers sleep, was founded by George Williams and sung about by Village People?
+Where do hippopotamuses do 80%of their vocalizations?
+Where do newts spend their adult life?
+On land
+Where do nice ladies buy their knickers?
+Marks & Spencer
+Where do patients with biliary colic experience pain?
+Right upper quadrant
+Where do penguins come from?
+South pole
+Where do pilgrims go to march around the Kaaba and kiss The Black Stone?
+Where do pulp come from?
+Where do red onions originate?
+Where do saunas originate from?
+Where do scousers come from?
+Where do swallows migrate to for the winter?
+South africa
+Where do the amish live?
+Where do the atlanta braves play their home games?
+Turner field
+Where do the italians host the grand prix?
+Where do the New York giants and New York jets play their home games?
+New jersey
+Where do the seas never have water in them?
+Where do the stars leave their footprints in wet cement?
+Grauman's chinese theatre
+Where do the Super Bowl winning Cowboys come form?
+Where do you go to row on the Po?
+Where do you pass through Pedro Miguel Lock?
+The panama canal
+Where do you pass through the Pedron Miguel lock?
+Panama canal
+Where does 'rijsttafel' originate?
+Where does a breast buffer work?
+A shoe factory
+Where does a camel store its reserve of water?
+Where does a car with a sticker bearing the letters CH come from?
+Where does a cow have its sweat glands?
+In its nose
+Where does a john dory live on land, in the air or in the water?
+Where does a librocularist read?
+In bed
+Where does a tortoise have an upturned shell at its neck so it can eat cactus brances?
+Galapagos islands
+Where does alfred hitchcock appear in 'lifeboat'?
+Where does Aslan live?
+Where does Barney become trapped in his Plow King truck?
+Widow's Peak 
+Where does bruce willis originally come from?
+Where does Carousel begin?
+In heaven
+Where does clifton clowers live with his daughter?
+Wolverton mountain
+Where does Dilbert think of inventions?
+In the bathtub
+Where does Greg Norman come from?
+Where does Homer put his first stop sign?
+Gee St. and Guelph 
+Where does maple syrup come from?
+Where does Milhouse's dad work?
+The Cracker Factory
+Where does most of the worlds oxygen originate from?
+Where does nessie live?
+Loch ness Scotland
+Where does nodding the head mean no, and shaking it mean yes?
+Where does Otto immediately move to upon losing his job?
+A Trash-Co. Waste Disposal Unit 
+Where does queen elizabeth live when she's in london?
+Buckingham palace
+Where does sin-jin like to vacation?
+St johns
+Where does the curious crawling parrot called the kakapo live?
+New zealand
+Where does the Dali Lama come from?
+Where does the embryo implant itself in a tubal pregnancy?
+A fallopian tube
+Where does the european parliament meet?
+Where does the famous 'running of the bulls' take place?
+Where does the girl come from in astrid gilberto's most famous song?
+Where does the head of the Kwik-E-Mart reside?
+Where does the Iditarod dog sled race take place?
+Where does the island of surtesy lie?
+Off Iceland
+Where does the kangaroo's tail have to be situated in order for it to jump?
+Touching the ground
+Where does the Lutine Bell hang?
+Lloyds of London
+Where does the Rialto Bridge span the Grand Canal?
+Where does the three appear between seventeen and nineteen?
+On a dartboard
+Where does the u.s government keep it's supply of silver?
+West point academy
+Where does the umpire at the batsman's end stand on a cricket field?
+At Square Leg
+Where does the univerity of maryland's football team play its home games?
+Byrd stadium
+Where does the wine Mateus come from?
+Where does the word denim originate?
+De nimes
+Where does the Yellow brick road go?
+The emerald city
+Where in a tree does photosynthesis occur?
+Where in an old house would you find wattle?
+Where in ancient greece were the original olympics held?
+Where in Britain can you see a grape vine that is certified 300 years old?
+Hampton court
+Where in britain was the first combined heart and lung transplant performed?
+Harefield hospital
+Where in England did lady godiva bare all?
+Where in England is princess diana buried?
+Where In Europe Is It Illegal For Residents To Gamble But Allowed By Non-Residents?
+Monte Carlo
+Where in Europe is the Barbary ape found in the wild?
+Where in Europe would you visit the village of Y?
+Where in France is the summer residence of thle French President?
+Where in Germany are the Passion Plays held?
+Where in Huddersfield was the Rugby League formed in 1895?
+The george hotel
+Where in India is the Golden Temple, centre of the Sikh religion?
+Where in Italy is the wine Marsala made?
+Where in its body might a pony suffer from laminitis?
+Where in london are there four bronze lions?
+Trafalgar square
+Where in London is Rotten Row?
+Hyde park
+Where in London is the Jerusalem Chamber?
+Westminster abbey
+Where in London was the Great Exhibition of 1851 held?
+Hyde park
+Where in scandinavia could you visit the village of a?
+Where in the americas is it only 47 miles from the atlantic to the pacific?
+Where in the Ancient World, were the Pillars of Hercules?
+Straits of gibraltar
+Where in the body are the Haversian canals?
+Inside bones
+Where in the body is the axilla?
+Where in the body is the labyrinth?
+The ear
+Where in the body would you find the Bowman's capsule?
+Where in the body would you find the carpals?
+Where in the body would you find the left ventricle?
+Where in the body would you find the malleus, incus and stapes?
+Inner ear
+Where in the heck do you go to row on the po?
+Where in the heck is the coccyx?
+Base of the spine
+Where in the heck would you find the gum department store?
+Where in the heck would you find the medulla oblongata?
+The brain
+Where in the human body is the Malleus bone?
+Where in the human body is the round window?
+Where in the human body is the ulna?
+Your arm
+Where in the United States would you find the country's only royal palace?
+Where in the US is Great Salt Lake?
+Where in the USA is Yale university?
+Where in the world are most diamonds found?
+Where in the world is El Salvador?
+Central America
+Where in the world would you find Adelie Land?
+Where in the world would you find the Provinces of Santa Cruz, Rio Negro, Chubut and Neuquen?
+Where in the world would you find the town of Dildo?
+Where inEngland is the tradional Furry Dance held annually in May?
+Where is 'kicking horse pass'?
+Where is 'old faithful'?
+Yellowstone national park
+Where is 'rijsttafel' a speciality?
+Where is 'the breadbasket of Russia'?
+Where is 'the loop' and the 'magnificent mile'?
+Where is 'the strip' that was designated an official scenic byway?
+Las vegas
+Where is a 'crossbuck'?
+Railroad crossing
+Where is a fish's caudal fin?
+The tail
+Where is a nave, apse, atrium and narthex?
+Where is a shrimps heart?
+In its head
+Where is abbotsford?
+Where is Albuquerque?
+New Mexico
+Where is alsace-lorraine?
+Where is America's largest rosary is located?
+Fatima shrine in holliston, massachusetts
+Where is amundsen scott station?
+South pole
+Where is an Axminster carpet now made?
+Where is an insect's skeleton?
+Outside the body
+Where is ancient troy?
+Where is antofagasta?
+Where is Apalachee Bay?
+Where is appomattox?
+Where is arthur c. clarke presently residing (as of 1999)?
+Sri lanka
+Where is banff national park?
+Where is Bernebeu stadium?
+Where is big ben?
+Where is bill gates' company based?
+Redmond, Washington
+Where is bond street?
+Where is brest?
+Where is Britains first cast iron bridge?
+Where is carnaby street?
+Where is Casablanca?
+Where is Charles Darwin buried?
+Westminster Abbey
+Where is charlottetown?
+Prince edward island
+Where is chobe national park?
+Where is christopher columbus buried?
+Where is concord?
+New hampshire
+Where is crystal palace?
+Where is cusco?
+Where is de nimes?
+Where is disneyland?
+Where is disneyworld?
+Where is dizengoff square?
+Tel aviv
+Where is Dronning Maud land to be found?
+Where is drury lane?
+Where is dueling legal as long as both parties are registered blood donors?
+Where is duelling legal as long as both parties are registered blood donors?
+Where is Enclyclopaedia Britannica based and published?
+Where is Euston Station located?
+Where is frostbite falls?
+Where is fujiyama?
+Where is gasoline alley?
+Indianapolis motor speedway
+Where is george Washington buried?
+Mount vernon
+Where is gorki park?
+Where is greenwich village?
+New york
+Where is guantanamo?
+Where is halicarnassus?
+Asia minor
+Where is Harry's New York Bar?
+Where is hell's canyon?
+Idaho-Oregon boundary
+Where is hell's kitchen?
+New york
+Where is honshu island?
+Where is hoover dam?
+Where is huracan stadium?
+Buenos aires
+Where is Hurst Castle, built by publisher William Randolph Hearst?
+San simeon, California
+Where is insulin produced?
+Where is it a criminal offence to drive a dirty car?
+Where is it bad luck to say 'macbeth'?
+In a theatre
+Where is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests?
+Where is karachi?
+Where is karl marx buried?
+Where is kruger national park?
+South africa
+Where is la figaro published?
+Where is lahore?
+Where is lake baikal?
+Where is lake como?
+Where is Lake Winnebago?
+Where is Las Palmas?
+Canary islands
+Where is Le Figaro published?
+Where is legoland?
+Where is lionel richie dancing?
+On the ceiling
+Where is llanfaipollgwyngyllgogerychwyrndobll llantisiliogogoch?
+Where is loch ness?
+Where is London's famous Spaniard's Inn?
+Where is Londons whispering gallery?
+St Pauls cathedral
+Where is madras?
+Where is mandalay?
+Where is mauna kea?
+Where is maxim's restaurant?
+Where is milk the most popular beverage?
+North America
+Where is Montevideo?
+Where is montmartre?
+Where is mount augustus?
+Western Australia
+Where is Mount Etna?
+Where is mount mckinley?
+Where is Mount Oylmpus?
+Where is mount rushmore?
+South dakota
+Where is mount st helens?
+Where is mount vernon?
+Where is mount vesuvius?
+Where is Mount Victoria?
+Where is nelson's monument?
+Trafalgar square, london
+Where is noah's ark believed to have landed?
+Mount ararat
+Where is noah's ark thought to have landed?
+Mount ararat
+Where is normandy?
+Where is nuuk?
+Where is one place that the U S flag flies full staff 24 hours a day, is never raised or lowered, & is never saluted?
+On the moon
+Where is poet's corner?
+Westminster abbey
+Where is Prince of Wales Island?
+Where is Pushtu mainly spoken?
+Where is Queen Vctoria's former home, Osborne House?
+Isle of wight
+Where is Rangoon?
+Where is red square?
+Where is roast camel usually served?
+Bedouin feasts
+Where is rocky and bullwinkle's home?
+Frostbite falls
+Where is Ruritania?
+Where is saint Paul's cathedral?
+Where is salzburg?
+Where is sand creek?
+Where is sapporo?
+Where is sclerotinite found?
+Where is Shangri La hidden according to the novelist James Hilton?
+Himalayan valley
+Where is Shangri-La supposed to be?
+Where is sir herbert baker buried?
+Westminster abbey
+Where is Sir Winston Churchill buried?
+Where is soweto?
+South africa
+Where is Spain the southernmost?
+Continental europe
+Where is St Paul's Cathedral?
+Where is taipei?
+Where is terre haute?
+Where is th epoet Robert Browning buried?
+Westminster Abbey
+Where is the 'cutty sark' in permanent dry dock?
+Where is the 'Day of the Dead' celebrated?
+Where is the 'grand canyon state'?
+Where is the 'graveyard of the atlantic'?
+Cape hatteras
+Where is the 'whispering gallery'?
+St Paul's cathedral
+Where is the 19th hole on a golf course?
+In the clubhouse
+Where is the 2,000 Guineas run?
+Where is The Abominable Snowman said to wander?
+Where is the Alhambra?
+Where is the ancient game of shinty played?
+Scottish highland
+Where is the ancient world wonder, the mausoleum?
+Where is the annual all-American soap box derby held?
+Akron, ohio
+Where is the arc de triomphe?
+Where is the arch of hadrian?
+Where is the areopagus?
+Athens, greece
+Where is the Australian dependency of Kaiser Wilhelm's Land?
+Where is the bank of England?
+Threadneedle street
+Where is the Bay of Campeche?
+Where is the Bernabau stadium?
+Madrid, Spain
+Where is the Bernebau Stadium?
+Where is the bernini bristol hotel?
+Where is the best brandy bottled?
+Cognac, france
+Where is the biggest calibre cannon?
+Where is the blarney stone?
+Blarney castle
+Where is the blue grotto?
+Capri, Italy
+Where is the bridge of sighs?
+Where is the calabria region?
+Where is the Cambrian mountain range?
+Where is the cape of good hope?
+Cape town, south africa
+Where is the capital of the mormons?
+Salt lake city
+Where is the centennial safe?
+Washington dc
+Where is the chief source of gem-quality topaz?
+Where is the circus hall of fame?
+Sarasota, fl
+Where is the cleanest air?
+Where is the clear watery solution known as the 'aqueous humor'?
+Where is the colisseum?
+Where is the colorado desert?
+Southern California
+Where is the columella?
+Where is the constellation Scorpius located?
+Southern skies
+Where is the cordon bleu school of cooking?
+Where is the cotton bowl played?
+Where is the dalai lama's palace?
+Where is the dam square?
+Where is the Devil's Tower?
+Wyoming usa
+Where is the dewey classification system used?
+Where is the district 'elephant and castle'?
+Where is the driest place on earth (place, country)?
+Arica chile
+Where is the Dutch seat of government?
+The hague
+Where is the famed Arch of Hadrian?
+Where is the famed Crazy Horse Saloon?
+Where is the famed kew gardens?
+Where is the famous haight street?
+San francisco
+Where is the fashion capital of the world?
+Milan, Italy
+Where is the fashion capital?
+Milan, Italy
+Where is the fictional television station bdrx located?
+Where is the fissure of rolando?
+Where is the fonz's leather jacket today?
+Smithsonian institute
+Where is the Formula One British Grand Prix held?
+Where is the Gateway Arch monument?
+St louis, Missouri
+Where is the golden gate bridge?
+San francisco
+Where is the grande canal?
+Where is the great victoria desert?
+Where is the greatest collection of Leonardo da Vincis drawings kept?
+Windsor Castle
+Where is the guggenheim museum?
+New york city
+Where is the Gulf of Carpentaria?
+Where is the GUM department store?
+Where is the hall of mirrors?
+Palace of versailles
+Where is the headquarters of the united nations?
+New york
+Where is the highest point in south America?
+Where is the Highland Park Ford Plant?
+Detroit, Michigan
+Where is the hockey hall of fame?
+Where is the holy shrine established by st bernadette?
+Where is the home location of the 'blue angels'?
+Pensacola, fl.
+Where is the home of golf?
+St andrews, Scotland
+Where is the house of seven gables located?
+Where is the houston space centre?
+Where is the hq of interpol?
+Where is the hub of the world, according to the international flat earth society?
+North pole
+Where is the human skin least sensitive?
+Where is the human skin the thickest?
+Where is the Indian chief geronimo buried?
+Fort sill, ok
+Where is the International Court of Justice?
+Where is the island of korcula?
+Where is the isthmus of corinth?
+Where is the kennedy space centre?
+Cape canaveral, Florida
+Where is the key hidden in the play dial m for murder?
+The fifth step
+Where is the Khyber Pass, scene of the 19th century massacre?
+Afghanistan-pakistan border
+Where is the kitty hawk?
+Where is the krishna river?
+Where is the largest aquarium in the u.s?
+Where is the largest circulation of sunday papers?
+Los angeles
+Where is the largest gold refinery?
+South africa
+Where is the largest lighthouse?
+North carolina
+Where is the largest population of reindeer found?
+Where is the largest volcano?
+Where is the largest water clock?
+Abbotsford, British columbia
+Where is the last battle scheduled to take place on the Day of Judgement?
+Where is the leaning tower?
+Where is the line of life?
+Where is the little mermaid?
+Where is the London Bridge which the current Thames Bridge replaced?
+Where is the Longchamps race track?
+Where is the longest train tressle bridge in Canada found?
+Lethbridge, Alberta
+Where is the Louvre located?
+Where is the louvre?
+Where is the lowest point in europe?
+Caspian sea
+Where is the lowest point in south America?
+Where is the mad river?
+Where is the malleus bone located?
+Where is the Marsh of Decay?
+Where is the mayo clinic?
+Where is the mekong river delta?
+Where is the meteorological office?
+Where is the modern site of the biblical land of goshen?
+Where is the most sensitive cluster of nerves?
+Base of the spine
+Where is the mound of mars positive?
+On the palm of the hand
+Where is the natchez trail?
+Where is the National Exhibition Centre?
+Where is the National Motor Museum?
+Where is the Nep stadium?
+Where is the new hampshire international speedway located?
+Where is the notorious maze prison?
+Northern Ireland
+Where is the notre dame cathedral?
+Where is the Ocean of Storms located?
+On the moon
+Where is the old quarter 'plaka'?
+Athens, greece
+Where is the oldest brewery in the u.s?
+Pottsville, pennsylvania
+Where is the oldest rock salt mine in the US?
+Avery island, la
+Where is the only bone not broken because of a skiing accident?
+Inner ear
+Where is the only country you would find the Bengal tiger?
+Where is the only north American museum dedicated entirely to prostitutes?
+Washington dc
+Where is the only place in great britain where the queen cannot go?
+House of commons
+Where is the original Harris tweed spun and woven?
+Outer Hebrides
+Where is the original home of bacardi?
+Where is the original Raffles Hotel?
+Where is the painted desert?
+Where is the parthenon?
+Where is the plumas national forest?
+Where is the plymouth rock?
+Plymouth massachusetts
+Where is the port of Durban located?
+South Africa
+Where is the Portuguese Grand Prix held in the Formula 1 world motor racing championship?
+Where is the prado museum?
+Where is the primary settings for the ww2 epic 'the thin red line'?
+Where is the proof of the pudding according to the saying?
+In the eating
+Where is the richest source of mineral sand?
+Where is the river lethe?
+Where is the Rose Bowl located?
+Pasadena, California
+Where is the royal liver building?
+Where is the San Diego Zoo?
+Where is the San Marino Grand Prix held in the Formula 1 world motor racing championship?
+Where is the Sea of Showers?
+Where is the sea of tranquility?
+Where is the sear's tower?
+Where is the seat of the marquis of bath?
+Where is the setting for 'the bridge on the river kwai'?
+Where is the shannon river?
+Where is the site of the us bullion depository?
+Fort knox
+Where is the smithsonian institute?
+Where is the statutory inscription, 'he's ain't heavy, he's my brother' (format - city, state)?
+Boy's town, nebraska
+Where is the sternocleidomastoid located?
+In the neck
+Where is the tallest tower in the world?
+Where is the thames river?
+Where is the thyroid gland?
+Where is the tomb of the Venerable Bede?
+Where is the town North Pole located?
+Where is the town of Tequila?
+Where is the trevi fountain?
+Where is the us sixth fleet stationed?
+Mediterranean sea
+Where is the valley of ten thousand smokes?
+Where is the vatican city?
+Where is the volta river?
+Where is the wabash river?
+Where is the Waterford of crystal fame?
+Where is the welsh grand national run?
+Where is the world's biggest national park?
+Where is the world's largest computer manufacturing plant?
+Where is the world's largest Football stadium?
+Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
+Where is the world's largest library?
+Washington dc
+Where is the world's largest restaurant?
+Where is the world's most prestigious 24-hour motor racing race held annually?
+Le mans
+Where is the worlds largest wine cask?
+Heidelberg, Germany
+Where is there a hill named Taumatawhakatangihangaoauauotameteaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu?
+New zealand
+Where is thunder bay?
+Where is times square?
+New york
+Where is tobruk?
+Where is tupelo?
+Where is vladivostok?
+Where is wall street?
+New york
+Where is walla walla?
+Where is waterloo?
+Where is wembley stadium?
+Where is westminster abbey?
+Where is Yale University?
+New haven, ct
+Where might you find a ha-ha and a knot?
+In a garden
+Where on a cheque is a sorting code printed?
+Top right hand corner
+Where on a cowboy's attire would you find jinglebobs, a heel chain and a rowel?
+Where on a horse are the withers?
+Between the shoulder blades
+Where on a horse is the pastern?
+Above the hoof
+Where on the body is the jugular vein?
+Where on the body is the vena cava?
+Where on the body should an helmet be worn?
+On the head
+Where on the human body is the ulnar loop?
+Where on the human skeleton would you find the ilium?
+Where on the Iberian peninsular is the Trafalgar Graveyard?
+Where on the North Yorkshire moors is the landscape dominated by three giant spheres?
+Where on TV would you find guests Major Gowen and Miss Tibbs?
+Fawlty towers
+Where on your body is your oxter?
+Where on your body would you normally put a rucksack?
+Where on your body would you wear flippers?
+Where Robin Hoods bay?
+North yorkshire
+Where to peanuts grow?
+Under the ground
+Where was a soviet republic formed in 1919 which lasted only 4 weeks?
+Where was adolf hitler born?
+Where was Antonio Vivaldi born?
+Where was aristotle born?
+Where was atahualpa king?
+Where was bob hope born?
+Where was Bobby Kennedy shot?
+Where was bruce willis born?
+Where was budweiser first brewed?
+Where was Captain Cook murdered?
+Where was coinage invented?
+Where was cornflakes invented?
+Battle creek sanitarium
+Where was Daniel thrown into the lion's den?
+Where was Draco's law created?
+Where was el greco born?
+Where was emily dickinson's home?
+Where was enrico caruso born?
+Naples, Italy
+Where was entertainer glen ford born?
+Quebec city
+Where was entertainer john candy born?
+Where was entertainer william shatner born?
+Where was film director ingmar bergman born?
+Where was first time, in 1894, the Mormons settled?
+Where was formed the disco band Boney M in 1976?
+Where was frank sinatra born?
+Hoboken, new jersey
+Where was george a custer defeated?
+Battle of little bighorn
+Where was Graf Spee scuttled?
+Where was Hannibal from?
+Where was Hawkeye Pierce's hometown in the show MASH ?
+Crab Apple Cove
+Where was it always winter but never Christmas?
+Where was it once against the law to slam your car door?
+Where was jesus born?
+Where was jesus crucified?
+Where was jock ewing flying over when his private jet disappeared?
+South America
+Where was judas buried?
+Potters field
+Where was king arthur's court?
+Where was lenin born?
+Where was marco polo born?
+Island of korcula
+Where was Mary Queen of Scots executed?
+Fotheringay castle
+Where was miss piggy's birthplace?
+Hog springs
+Where was mohammed born?
+Where was mohammed, the founder of islam born?
+Where was Mother Teresa of Calcutta born?
+Where was napoleon bonaparte born?
+Where was napoleon born?
+Where was nixon's western white house?
+San clemente
+Where was oliver goldsmith's vicar from?
+Where was omar shariff born?
+Where was paper invented?
+Where was paper money first used?
+Where was president kennedy assassinated?
+Dallas, texas
+Where was Prime Minister Spencer Perceval assassinated?
+House of commons
+Where was printing by movable type invented?
+Where was randolph churchill when he said: 'i didn't come here to meet vulgar people like the kellys'?
+Where was room 222?
+Walt whitman high school
+Where was rory gallagher born?
+Where was Salman Rushdie born?
+Where was shakespeare born?
+Where was sir ernest shackleton on his way to when he died?
+Where was Sir Winston Churchills country home?
+Where was skiing invented?
+Where was slave trading abolished in 1807?
+British empire
+Where was snoooker invented?
+Where was steel first made?
+Where was supermodel Iman born?
+Where was the 'Australian' swimmer john konrads born?
+Where was the 1962 world's fair?
+Where was the 1975 tube disaster?
+Where was the 1979 riot at a who concert?
+Where was the 1995 rugby world cup held?
+South africa
+Where was the 1999 rugby world cup held?
+Where was the 1st u.s federal penitentiary?
+Leavenworth, kansas
+Where was the academy that plato founded in 387 bc?
+Where was the agen plum first planted?
+Where was the airfield where Charles Lindbergh landed to end his historic solo trans atlantic flight?
+Where was the Armistice, between the Allies and Germany, signed on the 11th November 1918?
+Where was the Australian gold rush?
+Where was the bakery that started the Great Fire of London?
+Pudding lane
+Where was the beast, the first mobile robot, developed?
+Johns hopkins
+Where was the bloodiest collapse of communism?
+Where was the boxer rebellion?
+Where was the capital, established in 1862, of the Confederate States of America?
+Richmond, Virginia
+Where was the coldest temperature on earth recorded?
+Where was the colossus of rhodes?
+Rhodes harbour
+Where was the compass invented?
+Where was the creator of the comic book character Tintin born?
+Where was the crossbow invented?
+Where was the decimal system developed?
+Where was the earthquake on september 29, 1969?
+Where was the empire ruled by Akbar the Great?
+Where was the first American skyscraper built?
+Where was the first beachhead established in the Falklands' War?
+San carlos
+Where was the first binding international ban on human cloning signed?
+Paris, france
+Where was the first by-election for the Scottish Parliament held?
+Where was the first FA Cup Final held?
+Kennington oval
+Where was the first football world cup?
+Where was the first glass made?
+Where was the first gold strike in California, setting off the 1849 gold rush?
+Sutter's mill
+Where was the first known lighthouse?
+Where was the first practical typewriter built?
+Where was the first Pugwash Conference held?
+Nova scotia
+Where was the first pyramid constructed?
+Where was the first shopping mall opened?
+Saint louis
+Where was the first shot in the American civil war fired?
+Fort sumter
+Where was the first skyscraper in the world built?
+Where was the first speed limit regulation of 20 mph set?
+Where was the first subway built?
+Where was the first test match played?
+Melbourne, Australia
+Where was the first Three Tenors concert held?
+Where was the first toothbrush with bristles developed?
+Where was the first unattended 24 hour self service laundromat?
+Austin, texas
+Where was the football ground stampede that caused 66 deaths in 1971?
+Where was the forked plow invented?
+Where was the golfer Severiano Ballesteros born?
+Where was the Grand National run between 1916 and 1918?
+Where was the great library?
+Where was the greatest snowfall ever recorded in a single storm?
+Mount shasta
+Where was the home of maine's first governor?
+Where was the home of the amoskeag indians?
+Where was the home of the flintstones?
+Where was the immense fireball that flattened a 12 mile radius of pine forest, and was though to be an alien weapon in 1908?
+Where was the last battle fought on English soil?
+Where was the last major American Indian resistance to white settlement?
+Wounded knee
+Where was the match invented?
+Where was the monty python film 'the life of brian' banned?
+Where was the newspaper 'pravda' first published?
+Where was the painting by Michaelangelo , valued at ?8 million pounds recently found, after remaining unrecognised for more than 250 years?
+Castle howard
+Where was the Piper Alpha oil rig belonging to the US Occidental Petroleum Corporation when it exploded in 1988?
+The North Sea
+Where was the Promised Land of the ancient Israelites?
+Where was the record for most snowfall in a day, on february 7 1916?
+Where was the rosetta stone found?
+Where was the Royal Mint situated until 1810?
+Tower of london
+Where was the second atomic bomb dropped?
+Where was the second capital of assyria?
+Where was the septuagint written?
+Where was the setting for 'shogun'?
+Where was the Titanic mainly built?
+Belfast, Ireland
+Where was the toxic gas leak at an insecticide plant that killed over 6000 people in 1984?
+Where was the venue for the 1994 world cup final?
+Rose bowl
+Where was the world's first adhesive postage stamp available?
+Where was the world's first dam built?
+Where was Thomas a Becket murdered?
+Canterbury cathedral
+Where was William Shakespeare born?
+Stratford on avon
+Where were 'foul lane', 'stinking lane' and 'bladder street'?
+Where were arabic numerals first used?
+Where were Archie and Edith Bunker's chairs enshrined?
+The smithsonian institute
+Where were donald duck comics banned because he doesn't wear pants?
+Where were George Mallory & Andrew irvine heading when they were last seen alive?
+Summit of everest
+Where were ira levin's boys from?
+Where were mirrors first made in Europe?
+Where were most of the first punic wars fought?
+Where were murdering sisters Delfina & Maria de Jesus Gonzales from?
+Where were Omaha, Juno and Gold beaches?
+Where were the 1936 summer olympics held?
+Where were the 1952 Summer Olympics?
+Where were the 1956 summer olympics held?
+Where were the 1956 summer olympics?
+Where were the 1960 summer olympics held?
+Where were the 1972 summer olympics?
+Where were the 1980 olympic games held?
+Where were the 1999 channel newsasia scrabble masters held (country)?
+Where were the ancient olympics held?
+Where were the cancelled 1940 summer olympics to have been held?
+Where were the first atomic and hydrogen bombs designed?
+Los alamos
+Where were the first gambling casinos?
+Where were the first parking meters installed in London?
+Where were the first parking meters introduced in 1935?
+Oklahoma city
+Where were the first us automobile races held?
+Narragansett rhode island
+Where were the Monkees trying to catch the last train to?
+Where were the oldest pair of Levi jeans found?
+The Mojave Desert
+Where were the toltecs from?
+Where were tommy lee jones and al gore freshman roommates?
+Where were women first given the vote, in 1880?
+Isle of man
+Where will children as young as 15 be jailed for cheating on their finals?
+Where will the 2004 Olympic games be held?
+Where will the next winter olympics take place?
+Where will you find the greater & lesser trochanters?
+The femur
+Where will you find twenty moons on the human body?
+The base of the nails
+Where would a Vietnamese put his dong?
+In a bank
+Where would find a woofer and tweeter?
+In a loudspeaker
+Where would one find the islands of langerhans?
+Where would one have borscht?
+Poland or Russia
+Where would u look at a Snellen Chart?
+Where would you be if you ate al fresco?
+Where would you be if you landed at Dum Dum airport?
+Where would you be if you were visiting the Asian city of O?
+Where would you be most likely to see a 'gazebo'?
+Where would you eat a taco?
+Where would you eat taramasalata washed down with retsina?
+Where would you expect a rabbit punch to land?
+On the neck
+Where would you experience serious pain if someone dropped a concrete block on your hallus?
+Your big toe
+Where would you find a daisy wheel?
+Where would you find a fontanelle?
+Babies head
+Where would you find a j-curve?
+Economics chart
+Where would you find a Juttock Plate?
+Ships mast
+Where would you find a kalamein door?
+Modern office building
+Where would you find a quokka?
+Where would you find a serif?
+On a printed letter
+Where would you find a snail's reproductive organs?
+Where would you find a tasset, a bevor and a cuirass?
+A suit of armour
+Where would you find an escapement?
+In a clock
+Where would you find an inner and outer bailey?
+A castle
+Where would you find Black Rod?
+The house of lords
+Where would you find Central Bay, Moscow Sea and the Bay of Heats?
+Where would you find crofters?
+Where would you find Fiordland National Park?
+New zealand
+Where would you find medulla oblongata?
+Where would you find murals painted?
+Where would you find the 'cornea'?
+Where would you find the 'ocean of storms'?
+On the moon
+Where would you find the Akond of Swat?
+In a nonesense poem
+Where would you find the British prime minister?
+10 downing street
+Where would you find the city of Ukkel?
+Where would you find the empire state building?
+New york city
+Where would you find the Fissure of Rolando?
+In the brain
+Where would you find the following - couter, Pauldron, vambrace and cuisse?
+In a suit of armour
+Where would you find the Matterhorn?
+Where would you find the medulla oblongata?
+Where would you find the oldest underground system in the world?
+Where would you find the only freshwater seals in the world?
+Lake baikal
+Where would you find the palmer research station?
+Where would you find the Pensacola Mountains?
+Where would you find the sea of tranquillity?
+On the moon
+Where would you find the volcano loki?
+On jupiter's moon i0
+Where would you find the vox humana and the vox angelica together?
+On an organ
+Where would you find the yoruba people?
+Where would you find tricounis, clinkers and muggers?
+On the soles of old hiking boots
+Where would you find vitreous humour?
+In your eye
+Where would you find vox humana and vox angelica together?
+On an organ
+Where would you find your radius and ulna?
+Where would you hurt if you were kicked on the Tarsus?
+The ankle
+Where would you see a horse jump over the chair?
+Where would you wear espadrilles?
+Where, in 1955, was one of the worst accidents in motor racing history, when 82 spectators were killed?
+Le mans
+Where, in new Mexico, was the first atomic bomb detonated in july 1945?
+Where, on a horse are its withers?
+Where, on cattle, is the dewlap?
+Under the throat
+Where, traditionally is the best stone for making curling stones obtained?
+Ailsa craig
+Where's America's oldest zoo?
+Where's the 19th hole on a golf course?
+Club house
+Where's the costa del sol?
+Where's the famed arch of hadrian?
+Where's the world's largest bullfighting ring?
+Mexico City
+Whhich art movement originated in Paris in 1905 with the founding of the Salon d'Automne?
+Whhich English cricket captain suffered from epilepsy?
+Tony grieg
+Whic man made material is named after the french words for velvet and hook?
+WHIC YEAR:treaty of Vereeninging end the Boer war?
+Which ?Charlie' was the drummer with the Rolling Stones?
+Charlie watts
+Which 'brothers' had a hit with, 'the sun ain't gonna shine anymore'?
+Walker brothers
+Which 'brothers' had a hit with, 'this old heart of mine'?
+Isley brothers
+Which 'Eastenders' character was found guilty of the murder of Saskia?
+Matthew rose
+Which 'first lady of jazz' died in june 1996?
+Ella fitzgerald
+Which 'Sidney' made his film debut at the age of 61 in 'The Maltese Falcon'?
+Sidney greenstreet
+Which 'Sidney' won a best actor Oscar for, 'Lilies of the Field'?
+Sidney poitier
+Which 12 a side stick and ball game is played principally in Scotland?
+Which 15 a side stick and ballgame was once outlawed by the Statute of Kilkenny?
+Which 16 year old was turned down when he applied for admission to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute?
+Albert einstein
+Which 17th century carver is known for his carvings of acanthus leaves, fruit, flowers, acorns and cherubs heads?
+Grinling gibbons
+Which 17th century greman engineer invented the vacuum pump?
+Otto von guericke
+Which 18th century french innovation was a term for the method of gilding furniture and clocks?
+Which 18th Century poet was known as 'The Bard of Ayrshire'?
+Robert burns
+Which 18th century Yorkshire entrepreneur founded the Marylebone Cricket Club?
+Thomas lord
+Which 1912 hoax regarding mans ancestry was not exposed until 1953?
+Piltdown man
+Which 1949 comedy film featured Scottish islanders looting a stricken ship laden with Scotch?
+Whisky galore
+Which 1950 musical is based on the characters of Damon Runyon?
+Guys and dolls
+Which 1956 film about the pocket battleship Graf Spec starred John Gregson?
+Battle of the river plate
+Which 1960s number one begins: 'i love the colourful clothes she wears, and the way the sunlight plays upon her hair'?
+Good vibrations
+Which 1966 drama/documentary led to the establishment of Shelter the charity for the homeless?
+Cathy come home
+Which 1978 film from the book of the same name by Ira Levin, tell of the cloning of Adolf Hitler?
+The boys from Brazil
+Which 1980s band had a front man who married Chrissie Hynde and Patsy Kensit?
+Simple minds
+Which 1980s mass murderer said that he occasionally took a body from under the floorboards to watch tv with him?
+Dennis nielson
+Which 1985 film involved senior citizens deciding whether to go with aliens to a Utopian world or stay on Earth?
+Which 1986 film, from the book of the same name by Umberto Eco, tells of a 10th century detective and monk?
+The name of the rose
+Which 1990 film had the stuntmen outnumber the credited cast by more than 2:1?
+The rookie
+Which 1998 film stars robert redford as a hero blessed with a gift for healing?
+The horse whisperer
+Which 19th century artist was awarded a farthing in a libel case?
+Which 19th century French artist painted 'Bathers at Asnieres'?
+Georges seurat
+Which 19th Century novelist's writings included travel sketches called Pictures From Italy and American Notes?
+Charles dickens
+Which 19th Century poet was known as 'The Bard of Rydal Mount'?
+William wordsworth
+Which 19th century polish pianist and composer has been called The poet of the piano?
+Which 19th century Russian chemist formulated the Periodic Table of Elements?
+Which 19th century traveller and linguist first translated the 'Arabian Nights'?
+Sir richard burton
+Which 2 elements in the air were first named by Lavoisier in 1777?
+Oxygen and nitrogen
+Which 2 elements make up water?
+Hydrogen & Oxygen
+Which 2 metals are combined to make brass?
+Copper and zinc
+Which 2 sports are combined in a biathlon?
+Skiing and shooting
+Which 2001 film starred john cleese & woody harrelson?
+Which 20th century Italian dictator was called 'Il Duce'?
+Benito Mussolini
+Which 20th century king reigned for less than a year?
+Edward viii
+Which 20th century leader introduced the custom of carrying a flaming torch from Athens to the site of each Olympic games?
+Adolf hitler
+Which 3 colours are on the Dutch flag?
+Red, white & blue
+Which 3 olympic events restrain throwers in a circle?
+Shot, hammer & discus
+Which 4800 km long highway was built by the incas?
+Great royal road
+Which 50's actress was born vera jayne palmer?
+Jane mansfield
+Which 50's singer changed his name from harold jenkins?
+Conway twitty
+Which 50s singer changed hos name from Harold Jenkins?
+Conway twitty
+Which 60s pop star played Len Faircloughs son stanley in Coronation Street?
+Peter noone
+Which 60s radio show with John Cleese and Tim Brooke-Taylor featured ferrets, rhubarb tarts and wombats?
+I'm sorry i'll read that again
+Which 70s pop group included Rick Wakeman and Hudson Ford duo in its union?
+The strawbs
+Which 80's singer 's real name is stuart goddard?
+Adam ant
+Which 90s Grand National Winner was trained by Martin Pipe?
+Which 937 foot tanker caused the worlds worst oil pollution disaster in 1989?
+The exxon valdez
+Which academy is located in annapolis, maryland?
+United states navy
+Which account did homer write of the trojan war?
+The iliad
+Which acid builds up in the body during excessive exercise?
+Which acid is found in nettle stings?
+Which acid is found in unripe apples and other fruit?
+Malic acid
+Which acid is found in yoghurt?
+Which acid is used in most car batteries?
+Sulphuric acid
+Which activity, which can be described as a sport, was initially a coming-of-age initiation ceremony on pentecost island?
+Bungee jumping
+Which actor and muscle man, a former 'Mr. Universe', gained fame and fortune in Italy, playing mythical heroes such as Hercules?
+Steve reeves
+Which actor and muscle man, gained fame and fortune in Italy, playing hercules?
+Steve reeves
+Which actor had a top ten hit in 1987 with respect yourself?
+Bruce willis
+Which actor has played Fagin on both the stage and in the 1968 film Oliver!?
+Ron moody
+Which actor is the dad of Jamie Lee Curtis?
+Tony Curtis
+Which actor played 'Marcus Welby, MD'?
+Robert young
+Which actor played Alain Chanier in The French Connection?
+Fernando rey
+Which actor played in all of these films Shadowlands, Nixon and The Mask of Zorro?
+Anthony hopkins
+Which actor played seven different characters in the 1965 film The Family Jewels?
+Jerry lewis
+Which actor played the first doctor who?
+William hartnell
+Which actor played the marine expert matt hooper in the film jaws?
+Richard dreyfuss
+Which actor plays the leading part in the movie Prophecy?
+Christopher Walken
+Which actor plays with the band dog star?
+Keanu reeves
+Which actor portrayed 'Al Lonely' the Maytag Repairman in TV Commercials from 1967 to 1989?
+Jesse White
+Which actor portrayed head of Tommy Lee Jones department in the film Men In Black?
+Rip torn
+Which actor portrayed Sam, the piano player, in the film Casablanca?
+Dooley wilson
+Which actor provided the macabre voice overs at the end of Michael Jacksons Thriller hit single?
+Vencent price
+Which actor provided the voice of 'charlie' in the tv series 'charlie's angels'?
+John forsythe
+Which actor said his epitaph should read - He was lucky and he knew it?
+Cary grant
+Which actor started his film career as a giggling psychotic killer in the gangster movie kiss of death?
+Richard widmark
+Which actor took over Paul Scofields role in The shooting Party when he broke his leg?
+James mason
+Which actor took the male lead in the Hitchcock thriller The Birds?
+Rod taylor
+Which actor was born maurice micklewhite?
+Michael caine
+Which actor was Howard Hughes describing when he said 'His ears make him look like a taxi cab with both dooors open'?
+Clarke gable
+Which actor was nominated for Best Actor for his role in The Insider?
+Russell Crowe
+Which actor was the first to play Robin Hood on television?
+Richard greene
+Which actor won an Oscar for his portrayal of Gauguin in the film Lust For Life?
+Anthony quinn
+Which actor wore nothing but black for the last 45 years of his life?
+Yul brynner
+Which actor wrote a short walk from harrods in 1993?
+Dirk bogarte
+Which actor, best known for his portrayal of a hero of the Napoleonic wars, secretly married Abigail Cruttenden in November 1997?
+Sean bean
+Which actor, who played Dr, Who collapsed and died at a Dr, Who convention?
+Patrick troughton
+Which actor's autobiography is entitled dear me?
+Peter ustinov
+Which actor's life was based on the Neil Simon movie ' The Goodbye Girl'?
+Dustin Hoffman
+Which actor's real name is Emmanuel Goldenberg?
+Edward g robinson
+Which actor/actress signed the first $1 million movie contract?
+Mary pickford 
+Which actor/director was responsible for the rebuilding of the Globe Theatre?
+Sam wanamaker
+Which actor/singer wrote the autobiography 'Parcel Arrived Safely, Tied With String'?
+Michael crawford
+Which actress and singer played 'Breathless Mahoney' in the film Dick Tracy?
+Which actress co-starred with michael Douglas in the film war of the roses?
+Kathleen turner
+Which actress has the real name Diane Hall?
+Diane keaton
+Which actress left 'The Queen Vic' in 1999 to begin a solo singing career?
+Martine mccutcheon
+Which actress played katy in the sitcom the farmer's daughter?
+Inger stevens
+Which actress played the Bond girl Honeychile Rider in Doctor No?
+Ursula andress
+Which actress said 'Sometimes I'm so sweet even l can't stand it'?
+Julie andrews
+Which actress spent a month in a rome prison in 1982 for tax irregularities?
+Sophia loren
+Which actress stareed in cat ballou, barbarella and klute?
+Jane fonda
+Which actress starred in the film Love Story?
+Ali mcgraw
+Which actress was briefly married to Alexander Korda & played Cathy in the 1939 film of ;Wuthering Heights?
+Merle oberon
+Which actress was in the TV movies: The Oddyssey,and Merlin?
+Isabella Rosselini
+Which actress won an Oscar for her role in the 1938 film Jezebel?
+Bette davis
+Which actress's real name was jane peters?
+Carole lombard
+Which actress/actor hired a private investigator to find David strickland before it was too late?
+Brooke shields
+Which aeronautical engineer designed the Scneider Trophy winning Supermarine S6 seaplanes and the spitfire?
+Reginald j mitchell
+Which Aerosmith song was re-made by Run D.M.C.?
+Walk this way
+Which aerospace maufacturer produced the Flying Fortress a prototype of which was first flown in 1935?
+Which african capital city is named from the greek meaning 'three towns'?
+Which African capital is named after a 19th century American president?
+Which african country had its capital transferred to abuja?
+Which african country had its capital transferred to dodoma?
+Which african country has the letters eak as its international vehicle registration?
+Which african leader did the special aka sing about?
+Nelson mandela
+Which African leader emerged from prison after 27 years to lead his party again?
+Nelson Mandela
+Which african river did Henry Morton Stanley explore in the 1870s?
+The Congo
+which african river was explored by john hanning speke in the 1860s?
+The nile
+Which Agatha Christie title comes from a nursery rhyme involving a mouse?
+Hickory dickory dock
+Which Agatha Christie title comes from a nursery rhyme involving birds?
+Pocket full of rye
+Which age do the hindus believe we are now living, characterized by wickedness and disaster?
+Which ageing rocker flopped with the solo album 'goddess in the doorway' in 2001?
+Mick jagger
+Which aircraft set the record for the first piloted supersonic flight?
+Bell x-1
+Which aircraft was designed by sir christopher cockerell?
+Which airforce rank is equivalent to an army major?
+Which airline has its home base in Atlanta, Georgia?
+Which airplanes flew the first mission in 'desert storm'?
+Stealth bombers
+Which Alabama city was the first capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War?
+Which Alan Parker film dealt with racial murders in America?
+Mississippi burning
+Which Alastair is a member of the Channel 4 horse racing team?
+Alastair Down
+Which album released on august 11 1969 was a collaboration between donovan and jeff beck?
+Which album won the best album award at the 1997 brits for manic street preachers?
+Everything must go
+Which alcoholic drink was once banned as it was believed it could make you mad?
+Which Alistair is a member of the Channel 4 horse racing team?
+Alistair Down
+Which alternative ceomedian called his first novel Stark?
+Ben elton
+Which amber globe was named after a 1930s minister of transport?
+Belisha Beacon
+Which amendment is the 'lame duck' amendment?
+Which American actor starred in Casablanca and the big sleep?
+Humphrey bogart
+Which American aircraft company makes the F15 Eagle?
+Mcdonnell Douglas
+Which American astronaut played golf on the moon?
+Alan shepard
+Which American author wrote Moby Dick?
+Herman Melville
+Which American author wrote the million pound sellers 'The Witches of Eastwick' and 'The Poorhouse Fair'?
+John updike
+Which American blacksmith invented the steel plough in 1837?
+John deere
+Which American Blues singer originally recorded 'Smokestack Lightning'?
+Howlin' wolf
+Which American chat show hostess apppeared in the film 'The Color Purple'?
+Oprah winfrey
+Which American city is known colloquially as 'Foggy Bottom'?
+Washington d c
+Which American city is named after an ancient capital of egypt?
+Which American city is nicknamed 'The Big Easy'?
+New Orleans
+Which American city is served by Dulles Airport?
+Washington d c
+Which American city is served by Logan International Airport?
+Which American clarinettist and bandleader created the jazz idiom known as swing?
+Benny goodman
+Which American clarinettist bandleader was known as 'The King of Swing'?
+Benny goodman
+Which American company, originally a manufacturer of explosives, first produced nylon in 1938?
+Which American composer wrote the ballet Appalachian Spring'?
+Aaron copland
+Which American criminal was known as Scarface?
+Al capone
+Which American crowned a great 1998 by winning at Wentworth?
+Mark o'neara
+Which American devised a noise reduction system, now in general use, for tape-recorders etc?
+Ray dolby
+Which American driver won formula one world championships in 1978?
+Mario andretti
+Which American female vocalist had a hit in 1985 with 'We Don't Need Another Hero'?
+Tina turner
+Which American footballer won four Super Bowls with the San Francisco 49ers?
+Joe montana
+Which American general commanded the American defense of the Phillipines (1941-2) and defeated the Japanese in the Pacific (1944-5)?
+Which American group named itself after an American firetruck?
+Reo speedwagon
+Which American inventor and manufacturer patented the cylinder lock in 1861?
+Linus yale
+Which American inventor produced the Kodak camera?
+George eastman
+Which American league outfielder stole 130 bases in 1982?
+Rickey henderson
+Which American league player won the cy young award in 1983?
+Lamarr hoyt
+Which American magician & escapologist was born Erich Weiss in 1874?
+Harry Houdini
+Which American mulit millionaire recluse died on his private jet on 5th april 1976?
+Howard hughes
+Which American president could write Latin with one hand and Greek with the other, simultaneously?
+James Garfield
+Which American president had the middle name milhous?
+Richard nixon
+Which American president holds the record for the most consecutive hand shakes at an official function?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Which American president is credited with the plan of 'vietnamization'?
+Which American President ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb?
+Harry S Truman
+Which American president said, 'It is not best to swap horses when crossing streams'?
+Abraham lincoln
+Which American president said, 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?
+F d roosevelt
+Which American president won the biggest vote in Amercan election history?
+Ronald reagan
+Which American president won the biggest vote in American election history?
+Ronald reagan
+Which American presindent was known as Tricky dicky?
+Richard nixon
+Which American river caused serious flood damage in 1993?
+Which American RnB rockers were known as CCR?
+Creedance clearwater revival
+Which American said I have a dream?
+Martin luther king
+Which American secretary of state has won the nobel peace prize?
+Henry kissinger
+Which American state calls itself The Last Frontier?
+Which American state forms the border of Missouri?
+Which American state has a Union Jack on its flag?
+Which American state has Boise as its capital?
+Which American state has orange blossom as its official flower?
+Which American state is called 'The Silver State'?
+Which American state is known as the Lone Star State?
+Which American state is nicknamed 'the empire state of the south' or 'peach state'?
+Which American state is nicknamed 'the sioux state' or 'flickertail state'?
+North dakota
+Which American state is nicknamed the 'beehive' state?
+Which American state is nicknamed the 'evergreen' state?
+Which American state passed a bill declaring Pi to be 3?
+Which American state was the first, in 1780, to abolish slavery?
+Which American statesman won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973?
+Henry kissinger
+Which American swimmer won 8 olympic medals between 1984 & 1992?
+Matt biondi
+Which American tourist attraction was carved by Gutzon Borglum?
+Mount rushmore
+Which American writer and lecturer was deaf and blind?
+Helen keller
+Which American writer created John Carter of Mars and David Innes of Pellucidar?
+Edgar Rice Burroughs
+Which American writer described Wagners music as being better than it sounds?
+Mark twain
+Which American's first successful play was 'All My Sons'?
+Arthur miller
+Which amusement park opened near Los Angeles in 1955?
+Which ancient body controls the grazing rights in the New Forest?
+The court of verderers
+Which ancient chinees game is usually played by 4 people using 2 dice and 136 tiles?
+Which ancient city did the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann?
+Which ancient greek thought that sight was caused by rays emitted by the eye?
+Which ancient ship was brought up from the sea in 1982?
+The mary rose
+Which ancient town, capital of the legendary King Minos, was excavated and reconstructed by Sir Arthur Evans between 1899 and 1935?
+Which ancient town, was excavated and reconstructed by sir arthur evans between 1899 and 1935?
+Which ancient world wonder was located at halicarnassus?
+Which angel did God send to visit the young girl Mary?
+Which angry young man wrote Epitaph for George Dillon?
+John osborne
+Which animal (on average) can travel a distance of 30 to 40 miles a night?
+Which animal always gives birth to identical quadruplets?
+Which animal always grows new teeth to replace the old?
+Which animal appears on the national flag of Sri Lanka?
+Which animal became extinct in Britain in 1683?
+Wild boar
+Which animal can endure temperatures below freezing whilst in hibernation?
+The bat
+Which animal can mate over 50 times a day?
+Which animal does ermine come from?
+Which animal eats wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music?
+Which animal family does the mandrill belong to?
+Which animal floats in water?
+Which animal gives us nutria fur?
+Which animal has been known to steal milk directly from a cow?
+Which animal has breeds called Briards and Griffons?
+Which animal has the largest brain?
+Blue whale
+Which animal has the largest eyes?
+Giant squid
+Which animal has the latin name 'Bos grunniens'?
+Which animal has the smallest babies in relation to the size of the adult?
+Which animal has varieties called 'Cornish Rex', 'Rag Doll' and 'Scottish Fold'?
+Domestic cat
+Which animal has varieties called, Bank, Water, Field and Orkney?
+Which animal has varieties called, Water, Common and Pygmy?
+Which animal is associated with the beginning of a MGM film?
+A lion
+Which animal is known as 'mouton' to the french and 'schaf' to the germans?
+Which animal is known as 'zorro' in Spanish and 'volpe' in Italian?
+Which animal is known as the 'prairie wolf'?
+Which animal is the official emblem of Canada?
+Which animal is unable to stick out its tongue?
+Which animal lives at the highest altitude?
+Which animal lives in a holt?
+Which animal might be described as 'hircine'?
+Which animal secretes the pigment sepia?
+Which animal sleeps with one eye open?
+Which animal survives only on eucalyptus leaves?
+Which animal was once called the 'camelopard?
+Which animal, if seen, is said to be a sign of spring?
+Which animal's name is the greek for 'river horse'?
+Which animal's nickname is 'ship of the desert'?
+Which animals breasts go into terrine de canard a l'orange?
+Which animals fur is used to make a musquash coat?
+Musk rat
+Which animals meatphorically constitute a heavy rainstorm?
+Cats and dogs
+Which animals metaphorically constitute a heavy rainstorm?
+Cats and dogs
+Which animated characters would you find on the ss pennsyltucky?
+Rocky & bullwinkle
+Which anniversary is dubbed the crystal anniversary?
+The fifteenth
+Which annual award is given for distinguished contribution to children's literature?
+Newbery medal
+Which ape is normally known as man of the woods?
+Which Apollo mission took the first man to the moon?
+Apollo eleven
+Which Apostle didn't believe in the resurrection until he had seen the Saviour's wounds?
+Which apostle is the patron of bankers, book-keepers and tax collectors?
+Which Apostle refused to believe in Christ's resurrection until he had seen His wounds?
+Which apostle was the only one to die a natural death?
+St john the evangelist
+Which apparatus is used for weaving?
+A loom
+Which arabic sailor featured in the Arabian Nights?
+Which archangel is the patron of television and radio workers, messengers and postal workers?
+Which architect designed Brighton pavilion?
+John Nash
+Which architect designed st Paul's cathedral in london?
+Sir christopher wren
+Which architect designed the Crystal Palace for the Great Exhibition of 1851?
+Joseph paxton
+Which architect designed the Guggenheim Museum in New York?
+Frank lloyd wright
+Which architect designed the Queens House at Greenwich which is now part of the National Maritime Museum?
+Inigo jones
+Which architect designed the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, UK?
+Sir christopher wren
+Which architect was responsible for many of Barcelona's famous buildings?
+Antonio gaudi
+Which are barnacles, plants or animals?
+Which are organs, which have the production of urine as their primary function?
+Which are the biggest and most powerful warships today?
+Aircraft carriers
+Which are the most used muscles in the body?
+Eye muscles
+Which are the only three teams in european Football history to attain the famed treble (alphabetically)?
+Ajax celtic Manchester united
+Which are the only two mammals with hymens?
+Humans and horses
+Which are the three longest rivers in order?
+Nile, amazon, mississippi
+Which are the twin cities?
+Minneapolis and saint Paul
+Which area of water lies between china and korea?
+Yellow sea
+Which Argentinian golfer, aged 44,won the British Open in 1967?
+Roberto de vicenzo
+Which Argentinian in 1967 became the oldest-ever winner of the Open Golf Championship at the age of 44?
+Roberto de vicenzo
+Which Argentinian politician commanded the invasion of the Falkland Islands?
+General galtieri
+Which arm did King George V have a large blue and red dragon tattoo on?
+Which arm of the British armed forces did t e lawrence join?
+Royal air force
+Which army rank is equivalent to the naval rank of Lieutenant-Commander?
+Which aromatic rice is traditionally used in Indian cookery?
+Which art gallery is the home of Rodin's ' The Kiss' and Picasso's The Three Dancers'?
+Tate modern
+Which art gallery would you visit to see Botticelli's ' Birth of Venus'?
+The uffizi, florence
+Which arteries carry blood to the head and neck?
+Which Arthur first conceived the idea of geostationary satellites?
+Arthur c clarke
+Which arthur miller play is set during the salem witchcraft trials?
+The crucible
+Which Arthur Miller play uses the witch trials of Salem to comment on the so called McCarthy witchhunts?
+The crucible
+Which artist did the stage design for the ballet 'Parade'?
+Which artist first sketched the principal of the parachute?
+Leonardo da vinci
+Which artist fixed the image of Santa Claus in our minds?
+Thomas Nast
+Which artist painted 'Guernica'?
+Which artist painted the picture guernica?
+Pablo picasso
+Which artist painted the picture known as the haywain?
+Which artist painted the picture tahitian women?
+Paul gaugin
+Which artist painted the work popularly known as 'Bubbles'?
+Which artist painted Venus of Urbino?
+Which artist produced more than 200 paintings while he was in the asylum in st. remy?
+Vincent van gogh
+Which artist went mad after being sent to work as a priest in Belgium?
+Vincent van gogh
+Which artist, born in Russia in 1887, painted Self Portrait With Seven Fingers, Birthday and Bouquet With Flying Lovers?
+Marc chagall
+Which artist, remembered more for his portraits than his landscapes, was born in Sudbury, Suffolk, in 1717?
+Which artists life is depicted in Moulin Rouge?
+Which artists won the Turner Prize in 1986?
+Gilbert & george
+Which Asian city was designed by Sir Edwyn Lutyens as a grand symbol of the British Empire?
+New delhi
+Which Asian country is split east to west by the Hindu Kush?
+Which astrological sign both begins and ends the calendar year?
+Which astronaut did Tom Hanks play in the film Apollo 13?
+Jim lovell
+Which astronaut was the first to orbit the earth?
+Yuri garagin
+Which astronauts mothers maiden name was moon?
+Buzz aldrin
+Which astronomer and military band conductor discovered Uranus in 1781?
+W f herschel
+Which astronomer discovered the planet Uranus in 1781?
+William herschel
+Which astronomical unit is equal to 3.26 light years?
+Which athenian historian wrote history of the peloponnesian war?
+Which athlete withdrew from the Sydney Olympics claiming she had been confronted by a stranger in her hotel room?
+Marie-jose perec
+Which athletes do sit spins, axle jumps and flying camels?
+Figure skaters
+Which athletics event is sometimes known as the metric Mile?
+1500 metres
+Which Athletics world record was held by cricketer C B Fry?
+Long jump
+Which austere Christian sect, founded in 1650, rejects cultural rites and an ordained ministry?
+Which Australian and New Zealand Prime Ministers are commemorated in Westminster Abbey in London?
+Billy Hughes and Richard Seddon
+Which Australian animal rolls into a spiky ball when in danger?
+Which Australian anti hero gave rise to the tourist industry in the town of Glenrowan?
+Ned kelly
+Which Australian author wrote illywhacker and oscar and lucinda?
+Peter carey
+Which Australian city hosted its final Formula 1 race in 1995?
+Which Australian city is known as 'The City of Light'?
+Which Australian city is named after william iv's queen?
+Which Australian city stands on the port jackson inlet?
+Which Australian coast is Perth on?
+Which Australian national park was included on the World Heritage List in 1981?
+Kakadu National Park
+Which Australian pioneer's son refused a baronetcy because of his father's involvement in the Rum Rebellion?
+Edward, son of John Macarthur
+Which Australian State allows the cultivation of opium poppies to produce drugs?
+Which Australian state capital was named in honour of a British naturalist?
+Which Australian state capital was named in honour of a British Prime Minister?
+Which Australian state has the waratah the state flower?
+New South Wales
+Which Australian tennis star was nicknamed The Rockhampton Rocket?
+Rod laver
+Which Australian throwing stick is supposed to return to the thrower?
+Which Australian was the only man to win the tennis Grand Slam twice?
+Rod laver
+Which Austrian born composer who was superstitious about numbers died on fri 13th at 13 mins to midnight?
+Arnold schonberg
+Which Austrian president was engulfed in a storm over his Nazi past in 1988?
+Kurt waldheim
+Which author created svengali?
+Georges du maurier
+Which author created the character hannibal lecture?
+Thomas harris
+Which author created the detectives Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot?
+Agatha christie
+Which author died on the same day as Shakespeare?
+Which author edited Household Words?
+Charles dickens
+Which author introduced the phrase 'the beat generation' in his novel entitled on the road?
+Jack kerouac
+Which author wrote about the fictional Napoleonic war hero Sharpe?
+Bernard cornwell
+Which author wrote plays about love, hate, marriage, emancipation, and vd?
+Which author wrote the 'Stone Diaries'?
+Carol shields
+Which author wrote the belgariad series?
+David eddings
+Which author wrote the novel tom jones?
+Henry fielding
+Which author wrote the two World War 2 books 'Fighter' and 'Bomber'?
+Len deighton
+Which author, famous for such novels as 'The Naked Lunch', died in 1997?
+William s burroughs
+Which author's book saw a huge surge in sales in 1984?
+George orwell
+Which avenue can be found along the right bank of the seine?
+Champs elysees
+Which Bach compsositions were never performed for the nobleman to whom they were dedicated?
+The brandenburg concertos
+Which bad guy in the James Bond movies didnt have his heart in the right place?
+Dr. No
+Which balding actor donned a pigtail for his role in the film Medicine Man?
+Sean connery
+Which ballet company is based at the Maryinsky Theatre?
+Kirov ballet
+Which ballet position is named after the French for bent?
+Which ballet star had a nickname of Misha?
+Mikhail Boryshnikov
+Which band backed singer Jimmy James?
+The vagabonds
+Which band comprises Shaznay and Melanie plus sisters Natalie and Nicole?
+All saints
+Which band comprises sisters Andrea, Sharon, and Caroline with their brother Jim?
+The corrs
+Which band covered nilsson's 'one' and brought it to the top ten in 1969?
+Three dog night
+Which band did David bowie and the 'sons of soupy sales' form?
+Tin machine
+Which band did three of The Specials form when they left?
+Fun boy three
+Which band had a member called left eye?
+Which band had members Robert palmer, Andy and John Taylor, and Tony Thompson?
+The Power Station
+Which band had top ten hits with robert de niro's waiting and i want you back?
+Which band leader is associated with take the a train?
+Duke ellington
+Which band leader was killed in a plane crash?
+Glenn miller
+Which band member was Boy George allegedly seeing in Culture Club during the eighties? (Just name the instrument he plays)?
+The Drummer
+Which band of the 60s and 70s recorded Live at Pompeii?
+Pink floyd
+Which band reached no 8 in 1985 with 'johnny come home'?
+Fine young cannibals
+Which band reached number two in the charts in 1988 with the album The First of a Million Kisses?
+Fairground attraction
+Which band recorded a song called Bank Holiday?
+Which band recorded the album parachutes?
+Which band recorded the live album 'Live and Dangerous'?
+Thin lizzie
+Which band recorded the live album 'Strangers in the Night'?
+Which band took there name from a character from to kill a mocking bird?
+Boo radleys
+Which band topped the singles charts in 1999-19yrs after the previous number1?
+Which band was Sid Vicious in before he joined the Sex Pistols?
+Siouxsie and the banshee
+Which band were named after a 1950 film starring Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders and Celeste Holm?
+All about eve
+Which band's 1986 album was titled `London 0 Hull 4`?
+The Housemartins
+Which bandleader died in an air crash over the English Channel during World War II?
+Glenn Miller
+Which bands 1986 album was called London 0 Hull4?
+The housemartins
+Which bank did the jailed Nick Leeson work for and ruin?
+Which bank lies to the left of a canoeist paddling upstream, the left or the right?
+Which baseball team did Jackie Robinson play for in 1947?
+Brooklyn Dodgers
+Which battle is sometimes called the Battle of Three Emperors?
+Which battle took place between May 3-8 1942 and was the first great aircraft carrier battle?
+Battle of the coral sea
+Which battle took place in Leicestershire in 1485?
+Bosworth field
+Which battle was fought by Wellington two days before Waterloo?
+Quatre bras
+Which bay was the site of the first Australian settlement?
+Botany Bay
+Which BBC TV comedy featured spoof news and current affairs, and introduced Alan Partridge?
+The day today
+Which beatle admitted: 'we can't sing. we can't do anything. we're just having a good time'?
+Paul mccartney
+Which beatle almost did at the age of six when his appendix burst?
+Ringo starr
+Which beatle played the pope in the film lisztomania?
+Ringo star
+Which beatle posed in his bare feet on the abbey road album?
+Which beatle sang backing vocals on David bowies fame?
+John lennon
+Which beatle song features sweet loretta?
+Get back
+Which beatle took up auto racing?
+George harrison
+Which beatle took up racing cars?
+George harrison
+Which beatle wrote the score for the 1966 film the family way?
+Paul mccartney
+Which Beatles on the cover to the album 'Abbey Road' has no shoes or socks?
+Which Beatles song is the most recorded song of all time?
+Which Beatles song is the most recorded?
+Which beautiful woman was stolen from her husband and caused the Trojan war?
+Helen of troy
+Which beer was first brewed in Leuven in 1366?
+Stella artois
+Which Belgian port saw the Herald of Free Enterprise set sail with its bow doors open in 1987?
+Which best selling author had already made and lost a million pound fortune in the food business before he ever started writing?
+Harold robbins
+Which best selling author once represented Louth in Parliament?
+Jeffrey archer
+Which best-selling author writes novels featuring the pathologist dr. kay scarpetta?
+Patricia cornwell
+Which beverage is a Quaker Oats product?
+Which Beverly Hillbilly invented 'Critter Country Classic Pet Cologne'?
+Elly Mae Clampett 
+Which biblical character had 12 sons?
+Which Billy Joel album earned him a Grammy Award in 1979?
+52nd Street
+Which Billy Rose song, written with Al Jolson and Dave Dreyer, was a hit as a duet for Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jnr. in 1962?
+Me and my shadow
+Which biologist has written the books The Selfish Gene and Climbing Mount Improbable?
+Richard dawkins
+Which bird can walk under water?
+Which bird eats with its bill upside down?
+Which bird family are the Anserinae?
+Which bird family are the Columbidae?
+Doves and pigeons
+Which bird had the largest wingspan?
+Wandering albatross
+Which bird has nostrils at the end of its beak?
+Which bird has plumes onits head resembling the quills secretaries used to put behind their ears?
+Secretary bird
+Which bird has the largest wing span?
+Which bird has the largest wingspan?
+The wandering albatross
+Which bird in flight is the symbol ofSt John the Apostle?
+Which bird is also known as the butcher bird?
+Which bird is known as the laughing jackass?
+The kookaburra
+Which bird is known as the Sea Parrot?
+Which bird is nicknamed the Pharoahs chicken?
+Egyptian vulture
+Which bird is the international symbol of happiness?
+Which bird lays its eggs in other birds nests?
+Which bird took manfred mann to no 1 in 1966?
+Pretty flamingo
+Which bird turns its head upside down to eat?
+Which bird was described by Wordsworth as 'A Wandering Voice'?
+Which bird,one of the commonest in the world in 1814,became extinct a century later?
+Passenger pigeon
+Which birds are kept in lofts and are used for racing?
+Which birds are the only ones to fly backwards?
+Which birth sign precedes Cancer?
+Which biscuit is named after a french royal family?
+Which biscuit is names after an Italian revolutionary leader?
+Which black actress played jane foster in east side/west side?
+Cicely tyson
+Which blood vessels carry blood from the heart to the various parts of the body?
+Which Blue Peter presenter had a dog called Shep?
+John noakes
+Which board game do Rod and Todd Flanders like to play?
+Good Samaritan
+Which board game is said to have come from the Welsh for little battle?
+Which board game was invented by Alfred Butts?
+Which Bob Dylan song was a hit for Jimi Hendrix in 1968?
+All along the watchtower
+Which bob marley hit, recorded in london, took six years to reach the uk top-ten (this song was later recorded by the group, boney m)?
+No woman no cry
+Which bob went on tour during the summer of 1999 with Paul simon?
+Which body of water links the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea?
+Sea of marmara
+Which body of water seperates France from Great Britain?
+English channel
+Which Bohemian ruler featured in a popular translation of a Czechoslovakian carol was murdered by his brother?
+Good king wenceslas
+Which bomb used in the Dambuster raids was invented by Barnes Wallis?
+Bouncing bomb
+Which Bond films theme tune was sung by Duran Duran?
+A view to a kill
+Which bone in the human body is at the front but sounds like it should be at the back?
+Which Bonn musician left for Vienna in 1792 to study Haydn?
+Which bony structure includes the zygomatic, ethmoid, and vomer bones'?
+Which bottled water originates in Dovedale?
+Which bowie classic contains the lines: 'sailors fighting in the dance halls, oh man! look at those cavemen go!'?
+Life on mars
+Which boxer broke Muhammed Ali's jaw?
+Ken norton
+Which boxer came out of retirement in April 1987 to surprisingly take the WBC middleweight title from Marvin Hagler?
+Sugar ray leonard
+Which boxer gave up halfway through a title fight with Sugar Ray Leonard?
+Roberto duran
+Which boxer holds the record for the longest-reign as World Heavyweight Champion?
+Joe louis
+Which boxer is heaviest a bantamweight, middleweight or welterweight?
+Which boxer starred as prizefighter John Gully in the 1975 film Royal Flash?
+Henry cooper
+Which boxer was Cliff Morgans opposing captain in the first edition of A Question of Sport?
+Henry cooper
+Which boxers nick name was The Ambling Alp?
+Primo carnera
+Which boy did Sister Sledge take to number 1?
+Which boyband did joey mcintyre begin his professional singing career with?
+New kids on the block
+Which boys name means javelin?
+Which branch of science is concerned with the study of matter and energy?
+Which brand of sportswear takes its nape from a South African gazelle?
+Which brass instrument has a slide?
+Which Brazilian footballer was nicknamed Little Bird?
+Which Brazilian made his formula 1 grand prix debut in the 1978 German grand prix?
+Nelson piquet
+Which breakfast cereal did Tori Amos sing about?
+Which breakfast cereal's advertising slogan was 'For breakfast it's dandy, for snack it's quite handy, or eat it like candy?
+Post Sugar Crisp
+Which breed of dog did Queen Victoria own?
+Which breed of dog was developed from the Bullenbaiser?
+Which breed of dog was introduced to Britain from Seistan province of Persia by John Barff, who exhibited it at the Kennel Club in 1907?
+Afghan hound
+Which breed of dog was known as The Coach Dog?
+Which breed of large dog, used by German nobility in the 17th Century to hunt boar and stags, is known there as the Deutsche Dog?
+Great dane
+Which brewery sponsored the 1987 Melbourne Cup?
+Which bridge in England designed by Robert Adam and built in 1769-74 was inspired by the Ponte Vecchio in Florence?
+The pulteney bridge
+Which British actor wrote his autobiography titled, What's It All About?
+Michael Caine 
+Which British actor, famous for roles in horror films, was the cousin of author lan fleming?
+Christopher lee
+Which British aircraft company produced a classic car marque and also made buses and trucks in the post war era?
+Which British aircraft designer created the hawker Hurricane in 1935?
+Sir sydney camm
+Which British airport has the identification code EMA?
+East midlands
+Which British animal has the scientific name Lutra Lutra?
+Which British animal has the scientific name Meles Meles?
+which British architect designed the 1995-9 alterations to the Reichstag in Berlin for which he was awarded the Pritzer Prize?
+Sir norman foster
+Which British athlete was disqualified in the 1984 Olympic womens 3000 metres?
+Zola budd
+Which British author created sherlock holmes?
+Sir arthur conan doyle
+Which British author has the first names John Ronald Reuel?
+JRR Tolkien
+Which British band recorded both these albums: my generation and odds and sods?
+The who
+Which British bird is the largest of the European grouse?
+Which British Boxer made a winning comeback in Jan 1991?
+Lloyd honeyghan
+Which British coin was minted from silver until 1672?
+The half penny
+Which British colony was returned to the Chinese in 1997?
+Hong kong
+Which British columbia city began as a logging mill called hastings mill?
+Which British commander drove th efrench fromQuebec in 1759?
+James wolfe
+Which British director founded the Theatre Workshop in Manchester in 1945?
+Joan littlewood
+Which British driver won five British Grand Prix races in the 1960s?
+Jim clark
+Which British Dukes stately home is at Stratford Saye?
+Duke of Wellington
+Which British film, set in the north of England during the miners' strike, had a massive release in the U.S.A. in November 2000?
+Billy elliot
+Which British football team was nearly wiped out by a plane crash at Munich in 1958?
+Manchester united
+Which British Football team was owned by Elton John?
+Which British football team won the 1967 European Cup?
+Which British hero's statue stands on a column in trafalgar square?
+Horatio nelson
+Which British islands are the farthest north?
+Which British king gave his name to a potato?
+King edward
+Which British King had the-longest reign?
+George iii
+Which British king said 'i don't like abroad, i've been there'?
+George v
+Which British Military leader had a horse called Copenhagen?
+Duke of wellington
+Which British Monarch could neither speak nor write English?
+George I
+Which British monarch had the shortest reign?
+Lady jane grey
+Which British monarch was known as The Sailor King?
+William IV
+Which British motor manufacturer produced a model called the 'Elf'?
+Which British motor manufacturer produced a model called the 'Hunter'?
+Which British novelist wrote the 'jewel in the crown'?
+Paul scott
+Which British physician, 1749 to 1823, developed the first effective vaccine against smallpox?
+Edward jenner
+Which British politician was held at gunpoint after landing at the wrong airport in 1988?
+Neil kinnock
+which British prime minister also wrte film scripts?
+Winston churchill
+Which British Prime Minister brought in a 10.30 pm TV curfew in 1973?
+Edward heath
+Which British prime minister introduced the 3 day week?
+Edward heath
+Which British prime minister said 'You never had it so good'?
+Harold macmillan
+Which British Prime Minister was born in Canada?
+Andrew bonar law
+Which British Prime Minister wrote the novels Coningsby and Sybil?
+Benjamin disraeli
+Which British Queen was excommunicated by the Pope?
+Elizabeth i
+Which British race track would you visit to see Clearways?
+Brands hatch
+Which British racecourse gives its name to racecourses in Perth,Australia and Toronto,Canada?
+Which British Railway station has the greatest number of platforms?
+Which British rock group released a 1990s album called Parklife?
+Which British royal took tea with Adolf Hitler?
+Duke of windsor
+which British saint is famous for slaying a dragon?
+St. george
+Which British scientist invented a safety lamp for miners?
+Which British sport apart from tennis has is hq at Wimbledon?
+Which British sports car took its name from the Morris garages where it was developed?
+The mg
+Which British stage and film director won an Oscar in 2000?
+Sam mendes
+Which British statesman, Minister of Labour in the National Government (1940-1945) became Foreign Secretary in Attlee's Cabinet (1945-1951)?
+Ernest bevin
+Which British statesman, Minister of Labour in the National Government 1940-45, became Foreign Secretary in 1945?
+Ernest bevin
+Which British tennis player was the husband of Chris Evert?
+John lloyd
+Which British theatre has a permanent backdrop of sea and sky?
+Minack theatre of cornwall
+Which British town did the Romans call DUBRIS?
+Which British town is famous for its cutlery production?
+Which British university is the only one named after an engineer?
+Which British warrior was the queen of the iceni?
+Which Briton won the gold medal in the 100 metres in Moscow in 1980?
+Allan wells
+Which Briton, in 1987, made the first transatlantic flight by balloon?
+Richard branson
+Which broadway actress had a piece of wwii army equipment named after her?
+Mae west
+Which Broadway musical opened on March 31, 1943?
+Which brothers published the storybook entitled 'Household Tales' in the 19th century?
+The brothers grimm
+Which buff coloured cotton comes from China?
+Which building in Washington dc gave its name to a political scandal?
+Which calendar starts 3760 years before the birth of Jesus Christ?
+Jewish calendar
+Which californian town was john steinbeck's famous cannery row set in?
+Which camera company produces the popular 'sureshot'?
+Which camera company produces the popular 'trip'?
+Which camera was introduced by Eastman Kodak in 1900 & was originally sold for one dollar?
+Which can go longer without drinking water: a.camel b. buzzard c. giraffe?
+C. giraffe
+Which Canadian actor died during the filming of Wagons East &?
+John Candy
+Which Canadian athlete was cleared to compete for his country in 1990 after a positive drugs test at the 1988 Olympics?
+Ben johnson
+Which Canadian based baned released mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm in 1994?
+Crash test dummies
+Which Canadian city was originally called Bytown?
+Which Canadian island is the setting for 'Anne of Green Gables?
+Prince edward island
+Which Canadian Prime Mister set out to create a 'Just Society'?
+Pierre Trudeau
+Which Canadian province has the largest population?
+Which Canadian province produces the most maple syrup?
+Which Canadian province was formerly called acadia?
+Nova scotia
+Which canal links Lakes Ontario and Erie?
+Which canal links the Baltic to the North Sea?
+Which canal was nationalised in 1956?
+Which canary sings the male or female?
+The male
+Which candy was selling poorly until the movie E.T. popularized it?
+Reese's Pieces
+Which capital city has a statue of a mermaid in its harbour?
+Which capital city has Old Fort Denison located in its harbour?
+Which capital city has the fewest cinemas in relation to its population?
+Which capital city is built on the site of ancient Tenochtitlan?
+Mexico city
+Which capital city means ` black pool`?
+Which capital city stands near the delta of the irrawaddy river?
+Which capital city stands on the north shore of the river plate estuary?
+Which capital city was originally scheduled to hold the 1940 Summer Olympics, and had to wait for twenty-four years?
+Which capital city was scheduled as second choice to hold the 1944 Summer Olympics, and had to wait for another twelve years?
+Which capital is the largest city in Africa?
+Which car company makes the 'Avensis'?
+Which car company makes the almera?
+Which car company makes the Xsara?
+Which car company took over Mitsubishi in March 2000?
+Which car company tried harder because they were number two?
+Which car company, originally called Horch after its founder, changed its name to its Latin equivalent?
+Which car emblem consists of four linked circles?
+Which car introduced in 1907, required 48 feet to stop from speed of 25mph?
+Rolls royce silver ghost
+Which car make has a double diamond as its logo?
+Which car maker produced the car known as the javelin?
+Which car manufacturer built a model called 'oxford', first produced in 1913?
+Morris motors
+Which car manufacturer makes the Xantia model?
+Which car manufacturer takes its name from the Latin for 'I roll'?
+Which car manufacturer was the first to fit seat belts to their vehicles?
+Which car manufacturer was the first to introduce front wheel drive in 1934?
+Which car manufaturer produces a model called the 'Laguna'?
+Which car number does Mika Hakkinen have in 2000?
+Which car was named after the daughter of an investor?
+Mercedes benz
+Which car won the 1953 Italian grand prix?
+Which carbohydrate makes jam gel?
+Which caring organisation was founded in 1953 by chad varah?
+The samaritans
+Which Carthaginian general defeatd the romans after an epic mountain march?
+Which carton series includes a dog called Spike?
+Tom and jerry
+Which cartoon character was the fastest mouse in all Mexico?
+Speedy Gonzales
+Which cartoon character's vital statistics were 19-19-19 -in inches?
+Olive oyl
+Which cartoon show would you hear the exclamation 'I hate meeces to pieces'?
+The Huckelberry Hound Show
+Which cartoonist created Andy Capp?
+Reg smythe
+Which cartoonist created George and Gaye Gambol who appeared in the Daily Express from 1951 to 1994?
+Barry appleby
+which cartoonist created St Trinians?
+Ronald Searle
+Which castle in London was built at around the time of William the Conqueror?
+Tower of London
+Which Castle, home of the Dukes of Rutland, is near Grantham in Lincolnshire?
+Belvoir castle
+Which cathedral city, sixty miles from Paris, has two spires?
+Which cecil b. de mille classic carried the publicity tag, 'the mightiest dramatic spectacle of all the ages'?
+The ten commandments
+Which celebrated scientist was also a poet,musician,architect,sculptor,engineer and artist?
+Leonardo da vinci
+Which celebratory song was written by music publisher Clayton F Summy and plagiarised by Stravinsky?
+Happy birthday to you
+Which cellphone company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, started as a telegraph repair shop?
+Which cellular structures are composed of DNA?
+Which century saw the construction of the Taj Mahal?
+Which century was hadrians wall built in?
+Which cereal diseases can cause food poisoning and gangrene of the fingers if consumed?
+Which chain of stores was founded by Selim Zilkha?
+Which chancellor was accused of taxing fish and chips?
+Nigel lawson
+Which character appears in most Shakespeare plays?
+Which character did Berlioz, Gounod and Liszt all compose music about?
+Which character did David jason play in the t.v. series porridge?
+Which character did jodie foster play in bugsy malone?
+Which character did Lewis Carroll's Alice meet, sitting on a mushroom smoking a 'long hookah'?
+The caterpillar
+Which character from a comic was known as The Pilot of the Future?
+Dan Dare
+Which character from beavis and Butthead has their own show?
+Which character from The Archers thinks he is also a country and western star?
+Eddie grundy
+Which character in 'Forrest Gump' loved shrimp?
+Which character in Bond films has been played by Donald Pleasance, Telly Savalas, and Charles Gray?
+Which character in TV's Red Dwarf is a hologram?
+Which character in TV's Red Dwarf is obsessed with fashion?
+Which character is the narrator of Melville's Moby Dick?
+Which character of the southpark series gets killed in every volume?
+Which character on TV's 'M-A-S-H'was played by an actor mising several fingers?
+Which character refers to himself as 'An Old Bailey hack'?
+Which character sang, 'when you wish upon a star...' in disney's 'pinocchio'?
+Jiminy cricket
+Which character was played by Roger Mooore in 'The Saint'?
+Simon templar
+Which character was portrayed by meryl streep in the film out of africa?
+Karen blixen
+Which character was portrayed by robert redford in the film out of africa?
+Dennis finch hatton
+Which characters in the bible had no uncles,aunts and only one set of grandparents?
+Cain and abel
+Which charismatic but controversial European never won Wimbledon but was the first ATP number one ranked male tennis player in 1973?
+Ilie nastase
+Which Charles dickens novel was brought to the screen by David lean?
+Oliver twist
+Which chart song was based upon psalm 137?
+Rivers of babylon
+Which chart topper spent his 1985 birthday on a hi jacked TWA aircraft?
+Demis roussos
+Which chat show host flirted with Miss Piggy and was floored by Emu?
+Michael parkinson
+Which cheese is traditionally put on pizza?
+Which chemical compound in the body is linked to hardening of the arteries?
+Which chemical element emits a greenish glow in air, and, unless kept in water, burns of its own accord?
+Which chemical element has the ancient name Stannum?
+Which chemical element is named after die Latin word for 'red'?
+Which chemical element is named after the 1959 winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics?
+Which chemical element is named after the Greek word for 'green'?
+Which chemical element takes its name from a German word for goblin?
+Which chemical element, with atomic number 3, is named after the Greek word for 'stone'?
+Which chemical element, with atomic number 54, is named after the Greek word for 'stranger'?
+Which chess computer made history by beating a grand master by a score of 3.5 to 2.5 in a series of games in 1997?
+Deep blue
+Which chess move allows you to move two of your own pieces?
+Which chess piece can moved as many squares as you like in any direction?
+Which chess player was beaten by IBM's 'Deep Blue' in 1997?
+Gary kasparov
+Which child hero did Anthony Buckeridge create in 1948?
+Which children's book authored by Margaret Wise Brown features a little rabbit and a 'quiet old lady whispering hush?
+Goodnight Moon
+Which childrens character has a cat called Jess?
+Postman pat
+Which childrens classic did johann David wyss write?
+The Swiss family robinson
+Which childrens classic was written by Anna Sewell?
+Black beauty
+Which childrens stiry takes place in St Petersburg Missouri?
+Tom sawyer
+Which childrens TV presenter released records as Bombalurina?
+Timmy mallett
+Which childrens tv signature gave the Settlers their only hit?
+Which childrens' show premiered on T.V., December 27, 1947?
+The Howdy Doody Show
+Which chinese leader wrote The little Red Book?
+Mao tse-tung
+Which Chinese teacher & philospher's ideas deeply influenced the cultures of Asia?
+Which christian feast is celebrated on 15th august?
+Assumption of virgin mary
+Which christian feast is celebrated on 1st november?
+All saints
+Which christian saint is famous for his love of animals?
+St francis of assisi
+Which christmas decoration is said to have been an important symbol at Druid Human sacrifices?
+Which chubby actress portrayed topanga lawrence on tv's 'boy meets world'?
+Danielle fishel
+Which cicada is the noisy one the male or the female?
+Which city 50 miles from the coast is America's eighth busiest port?
+Which city became the capital of czechoslovakia in 1918?
+Which city did Crocket and Tubbs spend most of their time in?
+Miami Vice
+Which city does Orly airport serve?
+Which city does the Liffey flow through?
+Which city gives its name to the french national anthem?
+Which city has a ram as its emblem?
+Which city has the famous opera house La Scala?
+Which city has the highest murder rate, 43 per 100,000?
+Cape town
+Which city has the longest metro system?
+Which city has the two steepest streets in the usa?
+San francisco
+Which city hosted the 1952 winter olympics?
+Which city hosted the 1956 summer olympics?
+Which city hosted the 1968 summer olympics?
+Mexico city
+Which city hosted the 1988 summer olympics?
+Which city hosted the first modern olympics in 1896?
+Which city hosted the first winter olympics in 1924?
+Which city hosted the olympics in 1920?
+Which city hosted the second olympics in 1900?
+Which city hosted the third olympics 1904?
+St louis
+Which city houses the hq of the EEC?
+Which city in Central Alabama was the first capital of the Confederacy (1861) during the Civil War?
+Which city in Lombardy is the second largest city in Italy?
+Which city in north-west England was a roman fortress named deva?
+Which city is a 'player with railroads, and the nation's freight handler'?
+Which city is at the west end of lake superior?
+Which city is built upon a group of islands?
+Which city is directly northwest of windsor, ontario?
+Which city is dominated by Sugar Loaf mountain?
+Rio de janeiro
+Which city is home to Coleman's mustard?
+Which city is home to nine of the 10 largest hotels in the world?
+Las vegas
+Which city is home to the White City tennis courts?
+Which city is on the east coast of Australia?
+Which city is served by fornebu airport?
+Which city is served by schwekat airport?
+Which city is the capital of the Austrian province of Tyrol?
+Which city is the capital of the Italian region of Tuscany?
+Which city is the home of New Zealands House of Representatives?
+Which city is the home of spider man?
+New york
+Which city is the home of the Fiat motor company?
+Which city is the home of the sundae?
+Two rivers
+Which city is the home town of The Beatles?
+Which city is the location for the 1998 commonwealth games?
+Kula lumpur
+Which city is the setting for Bizet's Carmen?
+Which city is the title of Mozart's 36th Symphony?
+Which city is, in terms of population, the second largest in Mexico?
+Which city lies at the eastern terminus of the Trans-Siberian railway?
+Which city sees Hyman Roths birthday celebrations in The Godfather Part II?
+Which city was Axel Foley a cop in?
+Which city was devastated first by an earthquake and then by a fire in 1906?
+San francisco
+Which city was faced with a $1 billion debt after staging the Olympic Games?
+Which city was first known as stalingrad and then leningrad?
+St petersburg
+Which city was first the capital of Wessex, then England?
+Which city was formerly two individual cities, but merged in 1873?
+Which city was linked to New York by Alexander Graham Bells first cross country telephone call?
+Which city was the capital of British India until 1912?
+Which city was the capital of Scotland from the 12 century until 1452?
+Which city was the first in the world to use house numbers in the 18th-century?
+Which city was the first to be surrounded by a wall?
+Which city was the first with one million inhabitants?
+Which city was the location for the 1994 winter olympics?
+Lillehammer, norway
+Which city was the seat of the Holy Roman Emperors in the 17th century?
+Which city was the setting for the film 'dirty Harry'?
+San francisco
+Which city would you visit to see raphael's madonna with the golden finch?
+Nswer florence
+Which city, capital of the Assyrian Empire, was destroyed by fire in 612 B.C?
+Which city's airport is the home base for Cathay Pacific Airlines?
+Hong kong
+Which citys olympics were the setting for the film Dont walk run?
+Which civil war was fought in the 1930's?
+Which civilisation instigated the 7 day week?
+Roman civilisation
+Which clash lp cover shows them standing on a railway track?
+Combat rock
+Which class of racing yacht has the same name as a Shakespeare play?
+Which class of racing yacht has the same name as a Wagner opera?
+Flying dutchman
+which classic 60s song begins: 'dirty old river, must you keep rolling, flowing into the night'?
+Waterloo sunset
+Which classic British car company of the 1940s and 1950s now produces armoured vehicles for the British military?
+Which classic dish contains strips of steak cooked in a wine sauce with sour cream?
+Which classic film finally had a sequel made 46 years after its release?
+The wizard of oz
+Which classic film of 1948 was advertised as, 'Greed, Gold and Gunplay on a Mexican Mountain of Malice'?
+Treasure of the sierra madre
+Which classic french dish contains chicken, bacon and red wine?
+Coq au vin
+Which classic serial starred Jeremy Irons & Anthony Andrews?
+Brideshead revisited
+Which classical composer was nicknamed 'The Red Priest'?
+Which club did Eusebio play for throughout the 1960s?
+Which code helps children to cross the road safely?
+Green cross code
+Which coffee company has the advertising slogan Drink it and sleep?
+Which collection of stories was told by Scheherazade?
+The thousand and one nights
+Which colour goes before angel & bayou on Roy Orbison's singles?
+Which colour has been potted in snooker if the break goes from 23 points to 28?
+Which colour is by far the favorite ink color in dabbers used by bingo players?
+Which colour moves first in draughts?
+Which colourless, odourless light gas is used to lift airships?
+Which colourless, odourless, light gas lifts airships?
+Which comedian created the character of maude frickert?
+Jonathan winters
+Which comedian had a number one single about a milkman?
+Benny hill
+Which comedian rowed for the defeated Cambridge crew in the 1980 university boat race?
+Hugh laurie
+Which comedian said 'If they liked you, they didn't applaud, they just let you live'?
+Bob hope
+Which comedian was Sherlock Holmes to Arthur Lowes watson?
+John cleese
+Which comedian, born in 1893, was 'The man who found the Lost Chord'?
+Jimmy durante
+Which comedian's catch phrase was I won't take my coat oft, I'm not stopping?
+Ken platt
+Which comedians catchphrase was Hello Playmates?
+Arthur askey
+Which comedians revived randall & hopkirk(deceased)?
+Reeves and mortimer
+Which comedienne's alternative persona is 'Mrs. Merton'?
+Caroline aherne
+Which comedy duo did the famous, 'Who's on first' routine?
+Abbott and Costello
+Which comedy duo first performed together in 1926?
+Laurel and hardy
+Which comedy duo had the 1991 hit the stonk?
+Hale & pace
+Which comedy duo lived in oil drum lane?
+Steptoe and son
+Which comes first in a butteryfly's life being a caterpillar or being a pupa?
+Which comet did the space probe Giotto whizz past in 1986?
+Halleys comet
+Which comet has an orbital period of 2900 years?
+Which comet has an orbital period of 6.7 years?
+Biela's comet
+Which comet struck Jupiter in July 1994?
+Which comic actor who died in 1977 entered a competition to find his look alike, anonymously, and only came third?
+Charlie chaplin
+Which comic book hero, with an alter ego of Steve Rogers, did Joe Simon and Jack Kirby create?
+Captain America
+Which comic is drawn by sam keith?
+The maxx
+Which comic opera by gilbert and sullivan had a Japanese theme?
+The mikado
+Which comic strip character's owner is named Jon Arbuckle?
+Which comic strip did chic young create?
+Which comic strip did sam keith draw?
+The maxx
+Which common animal looks like a long-legged rabbit?
+Which common french phrase used to describe a road closed at one end translates to 'Bottom of the Bag'?
+Cul de sac
+Which common household gadget uses the same frequencies as radar?
+Microwave oven
+Which common object gets its name from the latin for Little tail?
+Which common substance is obtained by boiling down horns, hides and hoofs?
+Which common word has 5 consecutive vowels?
+Which community has the highest level of rh-negative blood in the world?
+The basque
+Which company built the first spiral escalator in the 1980's?
+Which company developed 'instant' coffee in the 1930s?
+Which company has a logo officially called 'The Swoosh'?
+Which company introduced Cranberry juice cocktail in 1930?
+Ocean Spray
+Which company is the largest buyer of sugar in the world?
+Which company is the shirt sponsor for Leicester football club?
+Walker's crisps
+Which company launched the first clone of an IBM personal computer in 1982?
+Which company made magic carpet?
+Which company made the command & conquer series?
+Which company made the Cross Your Heart bra?
+Which company made worms?
+Which company makes Jelly Tots?
+Which company makes Quality Street chocolates?
+Which company makes Rolos?
+Which company makes Roses chocolates?
+Which company makes smarties?
+Which company markets the perfume 'Allure'?
+Which company markets the perfume 'L'Air du Temps'?
+Nina ricci
+Which company of architects designed the Millennium Dome?
+Richard rogers partnership
+Which company owns mtv and aol?
+Which company patented the pneumatic tyre?
+Which company pioneered the first trans-Pacific passenger flights?
+Pan American
+Which company produced the acclaimed fifa computer game series?
+Electronic arts
+Which company produced the first nylon?
+Which company produced the syndicated mouse factory series?
+Walt disney
+Which company produced the world war two aeroplane, the 'lightning'?
+Which company produces the sf-4900c digital diary?
+Which company produces the software cubase?
+Which company released it's first personal computer on august 12, 1981?
+Which company rented out the vehicles that were used in the oklahoma city and world trade centre bombings?
+Ryder trucks
+Which company sponsors rugby leagues super league?
+Which company was ordered to perform safety checks on 1755 of its jets in 1989?
+Which company, based at Westgate Brewery, Bury St. Edmonds, produces Abbot Ale?
+Greene king
+Which company, during the 1984 Super Bowl, aired what is considered one of the best commercials in TV history?
+Which company, formed by Cecil Rhodes in 1888, was an amalgamation of several diamond companies and is still going strong?
+De beers
+Which competition was organised by Mecca Ltd. to coincide with the 1951 Festival of Britain?
+Miss world
+Which compny makes the perfume 'Coco'?
+Which composer and pianist also became prime minister of Poland?
+Which composer and pianist became Prime Minister of Poland in 1919?
+Which composer dedicated his first symphony to Harriet Smithson and later married her?
+Which composer is especially associated with good food?
+Which composer originally dedicated his third symphony to Napoleon, but changed his mind when his hero declared himself Emperor?
+Which composer was given the soubriquet' IL PRETE ROSSO I?
+Which composer was so anti semitic that he would only conduct Medelssohns music if he was wearing gloves?
+Which composer wrote `The Damnation Of Faust`?
+Which composer wrote a quintet to a fish?
+Franz schubert
+Which composer wrote a work for instrumentalists and short wave radios?
+Karlheinz stockhausen
+Which composer, born in Russia in 1882, became a French citizen in 1934, and died in New York in 1971?
+Which composer, born in Russia in 1882, became a french citizen in 1934?
+Which composer's second symphony was called the Resurrection, his tenth was unfinished?
+Which compound comes from the nux vomica tree?
+Which compound forms about 70% of the human body?
+Which computer firm made a model called Amiga?
+Which computer firm made a model numbered ZX80?
+Which computer game gave the Ambassadors of Funk featuring MC Mario a 1992 hit?
+Which computer manufacturer in 1984 advertised their new computer during the Superbowl?
+Which computer whizz developed the C5 car?
+Clive Sinclair
+Which computer whizz kid developed the C5 car?
+Sir clive sinclair
+Which computerized diagnostic technique is godfrey hounsfield credited with inventing?
+Cat scan
+Which concert hall is now the home of the Halle orchestra?
+Bridgewater hall
+Which condition often involving muscle rigidity or overactivity is the name of a pop group?
+Which conqueror led his army from Greece to western India?
+Alexander the great
+Which conqueror started with a small tribe at the age of 13 and had conquered empires from the Black Sea to the Pacific by the time he died in 1227?
+Genghiz khan
+Which Conservative MP wrote the recent novel 'The Clematis Tree?
+Ann widdecombe
+Which constellation contains the stars castor and pollux?
+Which constellation contains the the red super-giant star betelguese?
+Which constellation is known as the bull?
+Which constellation is the water-bearer?
+Which consumer affairs programme had Esther Rantzen and John Pitman as assistants?
+The braden beat
+Which continent has the fewest species of flowering plants?
+Which continent has the highest mountain outside Asia?
+South America
+Which continent has the most countries?
+Which continent has the shortest coastline of all the continents?
+Which continent stretches further Aouth Africa or South America?
+South America
+Which continent was explored by frenchman Jacques Cartier in the 1530s?
+North America
+Which continent was named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci?
+Which continent was the original home to the humble potato?
+South America
+Which continent's highest mountain is made up of three extinct volcanoes, Mawensi, Shira, and Kibo, the youngest and highest?
+Which convenience food did Joel Cheek develop?
+Instant coffee
+Which cookery dish is named after a Napoleonic battle?
+Chicken marengo
+Which Cornishman invented the first steam locomotive in 1803?
+Richard Trevithick
+Which coronation street character aquired a new pair of glasses in 2001?
+Deirdre rachid
+Which Coronation Street character was played by Jean Alexander?
+Hilda ogden
+Which cosmetics giant began in 1886 as the California Perfume company?
+Which countries occupy the iberian peninsula?
+Spain and Portugal
+Which countries occupy the scandinavian peninsula?
+Norway and Sweden
+Which countries were joined politically in 1707?
+England and Scotland
+Which country (as of 2000) has the lowest crime rate in the world?
+Which country (capital Kiev) lies just south of Belarus?
+Which country (capital Luanda) lies just south of Zaire?
+Which country adopted the world's first 'plastic currency' in 1988?
+Which country and western singer is known as the 'okie from muskogee'?
+Which country are the world conker champions?
+Great britain
+Which country banned e.t dolls because there is a law against selling dolls without human faces?
+Which country became the second to issue postage stamps in 1843?
+Which country boasts San Marcos University,the oldest active university in the Americas?
+Which country boasts the largest area, Australia, Brazil or India?
+Which country borders all of Lethoso?
+South Africa
+Which country borders China,South Korea and the Soviet Union?
+North korea
+Which country can be reached by bridge from Singapore?
+Which country cancelled national beauty contests 1992, claiming they were degrading?
+Which country completley surrounds san merino?
+Which country completly enclosed Berlin?
+East Germany
+Which country contains 1/4 of the worlds cattle population?
+Which country controlled angola prior to its independence?
+Which country covers the largest area, iran or iraq?
+Which country developed the TGV high speed train?
+Which country did Abba win the Eurovision Song Contest for in 1974?
+Which country did boxer Lennox Lewis represent in the 1988 Olympics?
+Which country did Britain and her allies fight against in the Crimean War?
+Which country did Burke and wills explore?
+Which country did Chiang Kai-shek found in 1949?
+Which country did Konrad Adenauer lead from 1949 to 1963?
+West Germany
+Which country did mussolini invade in 1935?
+Which country did the allies invade in 'Operation Avalanche'?
+Which country did the u.s buy from Russia for two cents per acre?
+Which country do the pop group Black Box come from?
+Which country does Bryan Adams come from?
+Which country does Luxembourg share a border with?
+Which country does mariah carey originate from?
+Which country does the lion represent on the queen's coat of arms?
+Which country fought against Japan in the Battle of the Coral Sea?
+Which country had a foreign minister called Lee Bum Suk?
+South korea
+Which country had a parliament called the Duma?
+Which country had Asias fastest growing economy during the 70s?
+South korea
+Which country had four kings called malcolm?
+Which country had the first steam railway?
+Which country had the worlds first woman prime minister?
+Which country has a flag depicting a cedar tree in the centre?
+Which country has a map on it's flag?
+Which country has a Mount Bruce?
+Which country has a national flag whose design symbolises the country's geographical position on the globe?
+Which country has a single cedar tree on its flag?
+Which country has international registration letter P?
+Which country has never won the World Cup?
+Which country has over 135,000 amway distributors?
+Which country has over 40% of its land below sea level?
+Which country has regions named Cyreniaca, Tripolitania and Fezzan?
+Which country has Robert Mugabe as its Prime Minister?
+Which country has the e-mail address '.ie'?
+Republic of Ireland
+Which country has the largest army in the world?
+Which country has the longest coastline?
+Which country has the most daily newspapers?
+Which country has the most southerly city?
+Which country has the most telephones per 100 inhabitants?
+Which country has the most world championship wins for angling?
+Which country has the worlds highest divorce rate?
+Which country has virtually the same size population as uk?
+Which country has won the Eurovision Song Contest most times?
+Which country has won the most eurovision contests?
+Which country has won the most Nobel Prizes for Literature?
+Which country has won the most Nobel Prizes for Peace?
+U s a
+Which country has won the most olympic gold medals at 10,000 metres?
+Which country has won the most tug of war world championships?
+Which country headed the ottoman empire?
+Which country hosted the Battle of Waterloo?
+Which country improbably beat England in the 1950 World Cup - at Belo Horizonte in Brazil?
+U s a
+Which country in Africa has the largest area?
+Which country in southern african was previously known as bechuanaland?
+Which country inspired the English word serendipity,meaning unexpected delight?
+Sri lanka
+Which country introduced the first compulsory primary education?
+Which country invaded The Falkland Islands in the 1980's?
+Which country is 2790 miles long but only 250 miles wide at its widest point?
+Which country is also the world's largest archipelago?
+Which country is called Misr by its natives?
+Which country is completly surrounded by Italy?
+San marino
+Which country is credited with the discovery of the paper making process?
+Which country is denominated by the initials za?
+South africa
+Which country is divided at the 38th parallel?
+Which country is home to flamenco dancing?
+Which country is indicated by the car identification letters ra?
+Which country is indicated by the car identification letters wal?
+Sierra leone
+Which country is known as the Hashemite Kingdom?
+Which country is known as the land of the 1000lakes?
+Which country is made up of over 800 islands including viti levu?
+Which country is mount kilimanjaro in?
+Which country is nearest to the island of Jersey?
+Which country is part of ANZUS security alliance along with New Zealand & the USA?
+Which country is ruled by two Captains Regent?
+San marino
+Which country is the biggest consumer of wine?
+Which country is the Dalai Lama's palace in?
+Which country is the largest in Africa?
+Which country is the largest producer of cheese?
+Which country is the only one to have won the Rugby Union World Cup twice?
+Which country is the only one which doesnt print its name on its postage stamps?
+Which country is the setting for the ballet Giselle?
+Which country is the world top fishing nation in tonnage?
+Which country is widely acknowledged to have the largest Jewish population?
+United states
+Which country joined the Commonwealth in 1995 despite never having been a British possession?
+Which country joined WWII as an ally of Nazi Germany?
+Which country left the Commonwealth in 1949 and has not rejoined?
+Which country left the Commonwealth in 1987 and has not rejoined?
+Which country lies between Tunisia and Egypt?
+Which country makes panama hats?
+Which country music legend was known as 'the drifting cowboy'?
+Hank williams
+Which country never issues a house address number thirteen?
+Which country occupies the horn of africa?
+Which country occupies the jutland peninsula?
+Which country occupies the yucatan peninsula?
+Which country only introduced telephones in 1983?
+Which country originated the Carpetbag Steak?
+Which country other than Scandinavia, American coastline, Iceland and Greenland has fjords?
+New zealand
+Which country owns Macdonald Island?
+Which country owns the island of Corsica?
+Which country owns the Suez Canal?
+Which country placed a ban on the playing of all video and computer games?
+Which country produced almost all of the worlds diamonds until the 18th century?
+Which country produces Dao wine?
+Which country produces Franconia wine?
+Which country produces most of the worlds gold?
+South africa
+Which country recently became world extreme ironing champions?
+Which country refers to the native people as 'first nation's people'?
+Which country refused to join the EEC in 1973?
+Which country rejected joining the euro currency in a referendum?
+Which country rejected membership of the E.E.C. in 1972?
+Which country Rugby team dances the Haka before each game?
+New zealands
+Which country ruled Papua New Guinea until its independence in 1975?
+Which country saw the Mau Mau uprising?
+Which country singer 'walked the line'?
+Hank williams
+Which country singer made an appearance in the film true grit?
+Glen campbell
+Which country singer wrote the song 'Your Cheatin' Heart?
+Hank williams
+Which country suffered bomb attacks by ETA?
+Which country supplies almost 80% of the worlds jute?
+Which country used to be referred to by the initials ddr?
+East Germany
+Which country used Zero fighter planes during World War II?
+Which country uses the 'yen' for currency?
+Which country uses the international vehicle registration letters et?
+Which country uses the international vehicle registration letters ma?
+Which country wants britain to return the koh-i-nor diamond?
+Which country was crossed for the first time by Burke & Wills?
+Which country was founded by Muslim leader Mohammed Ali Jinnah?
+Which country was invaded by Soviet troops in August 1968?
+Which country was invaded by Soviet troops in December 1979?
+Which country was known as 'the Cockpit of Europe'?
+Which country was known to explorers as the Roof of the World?
+Which country was led by Kemal Atatturk?
+Which country was named after the sea people known as Peleset or Philistines?
+Which country was once ruled by a Mikado?
+Which country was once ruled by Tsars?
+Which country was originally known as terra australis?
+Which country was ruled by female monarchs throughout the 20th century?
+Which country was the first to elect a woman as head of state?
+Which country was the first to give women the vote?
+New zealand
+Which country was the first to legalise abortion?
+Which country was the first to win the Football World Cup 3 times?
+Which country was the setting for the flame trees of thika?
+Which country were Nubia and Kush a part of until they gained their independence in 1085 bc?
+Which country were the first edible Easter Bunnies made?
+Which country won the 2002 Football World Cup?
+Which country won the first Cricket World Cup?
+West indies
+Which country won the gold medal for football at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics?
+Which country, per capita, uses the most umbrellas?
+Which country, the most populous in Africa, was suspended from the Commonwealth in 1995 for anti-democratic behaviour?
+Which country's alps surround Lake Lucerne?
+Which country's borders was established in 1919 by the 'Treaty of St.Germain'?
+Which country's coastline did Matthew Flinders explore in about 1800?
+Which country's coins depict a harp on one side and animals on the other?
+Which country's currency is the forint?
+Which country's currency is the markka?
+Which country's entire population was condemned to death by the Spanish Inquisition?
+Which country's football team won the 1978 World cup?
+Which country's highest mountain is named after a Polish patriot who never went there?
+Which country's kings used to be crowned on tara hill?
+Which country's name means the savior?
+El salvador
+Which country's national flag consists of a white crescent and star, offset left of centre, on a red field?
+Which country's national flag consists of five-pointed yellow stars, one large and four smaller, in the top left corner on a red field?
+Which country's national flag consists only of a green field?
+Which country's national flag has a bird and a snake depicted in combat?
+Which country's national flag has a tree depicted on it?
+Which country's national symbol is the harp?
+Which country's ships fly under the Union Jack?
+Which country's troops sustained the greatest number of deaths in WWll?
+Which countrys army was led by Gustavus Adolphus in the 1600s?
+Which countrys curency is the real?
+Which countrys exceedingly large king brought his own chair to Prince Charles' wedding?
+Which countrys flag did ferdinand magellan fly when he went on his world cruise?
+Which countrys football teams play in the bundesliga?
+Which countrys national anthem is Inno di mameli?
+Which countrys national flower is the wattle?
+Which countrys soldiers might wear a stiff skirt called a fustanella?
+Which county are you in if you are On Ilkley Moor bah't 'at?
+North yorkshire
+Which county has an 88 mile footpath called Robin Hood Way?
+Which county has two little londons?
+Which county includes most of the Cotswold Range?
+Which county lies between the north sea and greater london?
+Which county would you head for if the Prime Minister invited you to the officail country seat?
+Which countys villages still follow the old custom of well dressing?
+Which couple were exiled from the philippines in 1986?
+Ferdinand and imelda marcos
+Which course did Homer fail in high school?
+Remedial Science 1A
+Which cow disease was first identified in Britian in 1986 and by 1996 had claimed 158,000 cattle?
+Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
+Which creature can lift 50 times its own body weight?
+An ant
+Which creature did Oliver Reed have tattooed on his genitals?
+Which creature do Eskimos (or Inuit) call a nanook?
+Polar bear
+Which creature does not have a brain (no, vinyljunkie is not an acceptable answer :o)?
+A starfish
+Which creature taught dr. doolittle how to talk to the animals?
+His parrot
+Which creature was half horse, half man?
+Which creatures transmit Bubonic Plague?
+Rat fleas
+Which cricket ground is the headquarters of the MCC?
+Which cricketer achieved a hat-trick for England in January 1999?
+Darren gough
+Which cricketer achieved a hat-trick in successive Test Matches in March 1999?
+Wasim akram
+Which cricketer captained England and also won honours in fencing?
+Rachel heyhoe-flint
+Which cricketer has played more tests than any other?
+Allan border
+Which cricketer is known as the 'Rawalpindi Express'?
+Shoaib akhtar
+Which cricketer played in 52 test matches and averaged 99.94 runs?
+Sir don bradman
+Which cricketer was dropped for 2 months for admitting hed smoked dope when he was a student?
+Ian botham
+Which cricketer won his England cap before his county?
+Brian close
+Which crime fiction writer's titles have a numerical theme. e.g. 1 for the money, 2 for the Dough?
+Janet evanovich
+Which crime fiction writer's titles have an alphabetical theme. e.g A is for Alibi and E is for evidence?
+Sue grafton
+Which crime novelist has a hero called 'Mike Hammer'?
+Mickey spillane
+Which crosby, stills, and nash's debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes?
+Sweet judy blue eyes
+Which cross was the symbolof the Free French during World War 2?
+Cross of lorraine
+Which crowded house hit begins 'walking ?round the room singing ?stormy weather' at 57 mount pleasant street'?
+Weather with you
+Which crown is placed on an English monarchs head at the moment of coronation?
+St edwards crown
+Which Cuban heavyweight won his third consecutive gold medal in Moscow in 1980?
+Teofilo stevenson
+Which culinary term means to be cooked with onion?
+Which current British rock/pop star was at one time a teacher?
+Which czech dramatist became the president of czechoslovakia in 1989?
+Vaclav havel
+Which Czech village seas destroyed by the Germans in retaliation, following the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in World War Two?
+Which dam in the USA was known as the Boulder Dam between 1933 and 1947?
+Hoover dam
+Which dance in 2/4 time originated in Bohemia in the early 19th century?
+Which dance in treble time originated as a peasant dance in France and was adopted by the French court in the 18th century?
+Which dance is musically associated with Matilda?
+Which dance, which became popular in the music halls of Paris about 1840, has a named derived from a French word meaning 'scandal'?
+Which dancer found guilty of espionage was shot dead during WWll?
+Mata hari
+Which Daniel Defoe character was born in Newgate Prison?
+Moll flanders
+Which Danish author wrote The Snow Queen?
+Hans Christian Andersen
+Which Danish philosopher, wrote The Concept of Dread and later had his views used as the basis for existentialism?
+Soren kierkegaard
+Which danish philosopher, wrote the concept of dread?
+Soren kierkegaard
+Which Danish philosopher's name translates as 'churchyard'?
+Which Danish word means 'play well'?
+Which date is inscribed on the book held by the statue of liberty?
+July 4
+Which day is the first day of Holy Week in the Christian calendar?
+Palm sunday
+Which day of the week is named after the moon?
+Which day of the week links an Easybeats single, a killer called Jason and Robinson Crusoe?
+Which day of the week saw the official start of wwii?
+Which day of the year used to be known as St Distaffs Day?
+7th january
+Which deadly disease seems to strike through commercial airconditioners?
+Legionnaires disease
+Which denomination bank note did the Bank of England introduce in 1752 and withdraw in1945?
+Which department is the itu in a hospital?
+Intensive therapy unit
+Which Derbyshire born aeronautical engineer designed the R100 airship,the bouncing bomb and the first swing wing aircraft?
+Sir barnes neville wallis
+Which desert is in south-east California?
+Mojave desert
+Which designer markets clothes under the 'Emporio' label?
+Giorgio armani
+Which dessert is named after a ballerina?
+Which detective had an assistant called Tinker?
+Sexton blake
+Which detective novelist caused a sensation by disappearing for ten days in 1926?
+Agatha christie
+Which detective played the violin and and took cocaine for relaxation?
+Sherlock holmes
+Which detective story writer created the character tommy beresford?
+Agatha christie
+Which detective was played by Jack Webb in Dragnet?
+Sgt joe friday
+Which detective was played by Robert Stack on TV and by Kevin Costner in a film?
+Eliott ness
+Which device did thomas brown invent in 1810?
+Which diamond is named after the persian for 'mountain of light'?
+Which Dickens character teaches Oliver Twist to pick pockets?
+The artful dodger
+Which dickens character was 'ever so umble'?
+Uriah heep
+Which Dickens work featured Mr & Mrs Micawber?
+David copperfield
+Which Dickensian character had a nurse called Clara Peggotty?
+David copperfield
+Which diminutive Hollywood villain was born Laszlo Loewenstein in 1904?
+Peter lorre
+Which dinosaur ahd a huge sharp claw on its foot?
+Which dinosaur is the longest ever recorded?
+Which dire straits song tells of 'the monster mash,and most of the taxis,and the whores are only taking calls for cash'?
+Your latest trick
+Which direction are greyhound races run in, clockwise or anticlockwise?
+Which direction did Charles dickens have to face in order to sleep?
+Which direction does a merry-go-round turn?
+Which director/producer started his career as a student with the film THX-1138 which he later reworked for his feature-directing debut?
+George lucas
+Which disaster movie included the song We may never love this way again?
+The towering inferno
+Which disease is now known as Hansen's disease?
+Which disease is tested for using the 'schick test'?
+Which disease is transmitted to humans by the mosquito?
+Yellow fever
+Which disease was known as the Kings Evil?
+Which Disney character became an agent for Timothy Mouse?
+Dumbo the elephant
+Which Disney film features the ballad 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
+The lion king
+Which Disney film hit the box office in 1942?
+Which disney film was the first to have a completely human cast?
+Song of the south
+Which Disney movie includes the song The Bear Necessities?
+The jungle book
+Which Disney movie was based on a novel by French writer Victor Hugo?
+The Hunchback of Notre Dame
+Which dj was a regular mr fix it?
+Jimmy saville
+Which do you usually become aware of first thunder or lightning?
+Which doctor loved Lara Antipova?
+Dr zhivago
+Which dog name is a slang term for a detective?
+Which dog was originally bred by a tax collector in Germany for protection on his rounds?
+Which dog was originally bred to hunt badgers?
+Which dormant volcano is the highest peak in Japan?
+Which dress designer was shot dead in the summer of 1997?
+Gianni versace
+Which drink beloved of the 19th century Parisians was flavoured with wormwod and is now illegal?
+Which drink does Melanie Sykes advertise on TV?
+Which drink is named after the Ethiopian city Kaffa?
+Which drink is named after the ethiopian city of 'kaffa'?
+Which drink should be served in a glass called a copita?
+Which drink was advertised as 'The Wodka from Varrington'?
+Which drink was advertised by Leonard Rossiter and Joan Collins?
+Which drink was advertised on TV by David Bowie's wife Iman?
+Tia maria
+Which driver won the British Grand Prix four years running from 1962 to 1965?
+Jim clark
+Which drug can be extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree?
+Which drug is used in medicine to dilate the pupils of the eyes?
+Which Dukes seat is Badminton?
+Duke of beaufort
+Which duo's best-selling album, The Innocents, topped the album charts in January 1989?
+Which Dutch actor is very famous in Hollywood?
+Rutger Hauer
+Which Dutch physicist invented the first pendulum clock in 1657?
+Christian huygens
+Which dynasty has ruled the Netherlands since 1815?
+Which ear can most people hear better with?
+Which early central American people built pyramids and invented a calendar?
+The maya
+Which early Hollywood film star originally named Gladys Mary Smith was known as Americas Sweetheart?
+Mary pickford
+Which early state was founded as a haven for Catholics?
+Which early type of bicycle had a large front wheel and a small back one?
+Penny farthing
+Which East African leader gave himself the title of 'Conqueror of the British Empire'?
+Idi amin
+Which east anglian county shares its name with a city in Virginia, usa?
+Which eastender featured on mike sarne's 1962 hit come outside?
+Wendy richards
+Which EC country takes up part of the Balkan Peninsula?
+Which economist wrote 'The Affluent Society'?
+J k galbraith
+Which edible nut of the American hickory tree is similar to a Walnut?
+Which edible vegetable relative of the sunflower has nothing to do with the artichoke and doesnt come from the middle east?
+Jerusalem artichoke
+Which edifice was built on the orders of Shih Huang Ti?
+Great wall of china
+Which educational establishment in Utah is known as B.Y.U?
+Brigham young university
+Which EEC member uses more microwave ovens than the rest put together?
+Great britain
+Which egyptian pharaohs tomb was discovered in 1922?
+Which Egyptian prime minister nationalized the Suez Canal?
+Which eighties album, that sold 20 million plus copies, featured Vincent Price?
+Which eighties band comprised of George Michael & Andrew Ridgley?
+Which eighties fashion accessory consisted of a saftey pin and small beads?
+Friendship pins 
+Which eighties musician got sued by a music related company for using their name as part of his pseudonym?
+Thomas Dolby
+Which eighties sitcom featured Tom Hanks in drag on a regular basis?
+Bosom Buddies
+Which element derives its name from the Greek for 'bringer of light'?
+Which element has an atomic number of 23 and the symbol V?
+Which element has an atomic number of 62 and the symbol Sm?
+Which element has exactly the same name as a planet?
+Which element has the chemical symbol Cs; capital C lower-case s?
+Which element has the chemical symbol Sr; capital S lower-case r?
+Which element has the highest melting point?
+Which element has the lowest boiling point?
+Which element has the symbol fe?
+Which element is used in computer chips?
+Which element was once known as Kalium?
+Which element was once known as Wolfram?
+Which element, atomic number 55, takes its name from the Greek for heavy?
+Which element, atomic number 74, takes its name from the Swedish for Heavy Stone?
+Which element, discovered by pierre and marie curie, did she name after the country of her birth?
+Which elementary particle orbits the nucleus of an atom and has a mass 1836 times smaller than that of a proton?
+Which elephant can't be domesticated, the African or Indian?
+Which Elvis Presley film did not star Elvis?
+Love me tender
+Which eminent French novelist defended Dreyfus when he was accused of betraying military secrets?
+Which eminent Greek philosopher famously tutored Alexander the Great?
+Which eminent Labour politician is a devoted supporter of Sheffield Wednsday?
+Roy hattersley
+Which emperor is credited with standardizing dec. 25 as christmas day?
+Which emperor said wellington wasnt a good general?
+Which empire did Cortes destroy in 1521?
+The aztecs
+Which empire was conquered by Pizarro?
+Inca empire
+which empire was once ruled by Nero?
+Ancient rome
+Which employee of the Arthur Wilkinson pottery became well known for her Bizarre Ware?
+Clarice cliff
+Which emu sits on the eggs the male or the female?
+The male
+Which end of a 1.5 volt household battery is the negative terminal?
+Bottom end
+Which end of its body does a horse raise first when it gets up from lying down?
+Which enduring character was created by Bob Clampett for the 1938 cartoon Porky's Hare Hunt?
+Bugs Bunny
+Which English actor won his first Oscar for a role in 'Arthur' at the age of 77?
+Sir john gielgud
+Which English actress appeared on TV in 'Edge of Darkness' and 'The Singing Detective' and the film 'Scandal'?
+Joanne whalley
+Which English actress was most famous for her role in wilde's the importance of being earnest?
+Dame edith evans
+Which English agriculturist invented the seed drill?
+Jethro tull
+Which English agriculturist's name was adopted and well-known in the pop music world?
+Jethro tull
+Which English agriculturist's name was adopted to become well-known in the pop music world?
+Jethro tull
+Which English Benedictine monk is known as the Apostle of Germany?
+St boniface
+Which English book was written without using the letter 'E' once?
+A Void
+Which English bowler achieved his test career best when he took 7 wickets for 46 runs against South Africa in December 1999?
+Andrew caddick
+Which English Cathedral has a clock with no face?
+Which English cathedral is famous for its whispering gallery?
+St Paul's
+Which English city has an annual Goose Fair?
+Which English comedian became the first Moomba King in 1967?
+Robert Morley
+Which English comedy star was born blind but gained his sight after a coughing fit?
+George Formby
+Which English composer was born in Bradford in 1862 and died in 1934?
+Frederick delius
+Which English composer was born near Worcester in 1857 and died in 1934?
+Edward elgar
+Which English county is named after the East Saxons?
+Which English county precedes its name with Royal?
+Which English cricket captain was given the nickname Sardine in Australia?
+Douglas jardine
+Which English engineer developed the safety lamp for miners at the same time as Humphrey Davy?
+George stephenson
+Which English entrepreneur produced the first synthetic dye?
+William perkin
+Which English general won the battle of Blenheim?
+Which English house had the red rose as its symbol?
+House of lancaster
+Which English humourists christian names were Pelham Grenville?
+P.g wodehouse
+Which English king did robert the bruce defeat at bannockburn?
+Edward ii
+Which English king married Berengaria of Navarre, who never set foot on English soil?
+Richard the first
+Which English King met Francis I of France on the 'Field of the Cloth of Gold'?
+Henry viii
+Which English king was killed at the Battle of Hastings?
+Which English king was known as The Hammer of the Scots?
+Edward I
+Which English king was one of the princes in the tower?
+Edward v
+Which English king's coronation was postponed because he was suffering from appendicitis?
+Edward vii
+Which English Leader's body was exhumed from Westminster Abbey and his dead body hanged at Tyburn?
+Oliver cromwell
+Which English magician & occultist described himself as the 'beast of the apocalypse'?
+Alister crowley
+Which English novelist and playwright was once a full time cinema critic?
+Graham greene
+Which English physicist worked on thermodynamics and has a unit of energy named for him?
+James prescott joule
+Which English playwright and actor wrote the play Blithe Spirit in 1941?
+Noel coward
+Which English playwright was murdered by his lover in 1967?
+Joe orton
+Which English poet created The Jumblies and The Dong with the Luminous nose?
+Edward lear
+Which English poet died in 1824 helping Greece in her revolt against the Turks?
+Lord byron
+Which English poet wrote 'No man is an island, entire of itself.'?
+John donne
+Which English poet wrote The Iron Man?
+Ted Hughes
+Which English porcelain factory used an anchor as its mark?
+Which English quaker founded pennsylvania?
+William penn
+Which English reformer was instrumental in abolishing slavery in the British empire?
+William wilberforce
+Which English river has the same name as a Russian one?
+Which English romantic poet was expelled from oxford for atheism?
+Percy bysshe shelley
+Which English royal palace did one critic call a collection of stone pumpkins and pepper pots?
+Brighton pavilion
+Which English scientist invented the electric light bulb?
+Joseph swan
+Which English statesman was awarded the nobel prize for literature?
+Winston churchill
+Which English woman campaigned for improved prison conditions in the 19th century?
+Elizabeth fry
+Which English word can describe both a type of fruit pie and one who mends shoes?
+Which English word is a combination of the first 2 letters of the Greek alphabet?
+Which English writer is reported to have been stabbed to death in a pub?
+Christopher marlowe
+Which English writer was named after a Staffordshire lake?
+Rudyard kipling
+Which englishman bettered his own 1980 Olympic 1500 metres time when he won the race in 1984?
+Seb coe
+Which englishman journeyed into antarctica in the quest for the south pole, only to find that the norwegian flag had been planted there 35 days earlier, and perished on his journey back (full name)?
+Robert falcon scott
+Which Englishman kept a famous diary from 1660 to 1669?
+Samuel Pepys
+Which entertainer said 'I cried all the way to the bank'?
+Which entertainer was known as the armed forces sweetheart?
+Vera lynn
+Which entire novel is set in June 16th 1904?
+Which epic film was based on a novel by Lew Wallace?
+Ben hur
+Which eponymous animal in a children's story had friends called Merrylegs and Ginger?
+Black beauty
+Which eponymous, or title female, cartoon character was created by Max Fleischer?
+Betty boop
+Which er doctor was in the 'revenge of the nerds'?
+Anthony edwards
+Which ethnic group of people lived in the biblical city of nineveh before it was sacked in 612 b.c?
+Which European capital city is heated by volcanic springs?
+Which european capital stands on the river vltava?
+Which european city has a cathedral located inside an old mosque?
+Which european city is called mailand by the germans?
+Which european city is home to the imfamous 'concrete cows'?
+Milton keynes
+Which European city is regarded as the clock making capital of the world?
+Which European city is served by Barajas airport?
+Which European city is served by Cointrin airport?
+Which European city is served by Findel airport?
+Which European city is served by Fiumicino airport?
+Which european city is served by galileo galilei airport?
+Which european city is served by turnhouse airport?
+Which European country (excluding the USSR) produces the most crude petroleum?
+United kingdom
+Which European country has regions named Limburg, Drente and Brabant?
+Which European country has the largest percentage of forest and woodland?
+Which European country has the largest population?
+Which european country is a grand duchy?
+Which european country is bordered on three sides by communist countries?
+Which European country is ruled jointly by the Spanish Bishop of Urgel and the President of France?
+Which european country is the world's biggest producer of wine bottle corks?
+Which European country produces the most wine?
+Which european country suffered a violent coup attempt in 1981?
+Which european country uses the most soap?
+Great britain
+Which european country was ruled by Tito from 1945 to 1980?
+Which European Country was the paper clip invented in?
+Which european country will lose its independence if there is no heir to the throne?
+Which european countrys capital stands on the island of Zealand?
+Which european monarchy was restored in 1975?
+Which European nation was the first to drink tea?
+The Dutch
+Which european peak was first conquered in 1865 by English mountaineer edward whymper?
+The matterhorn
+Which european people were the first to settle in Greenland?
+The vikings
+Which Eurovision song contest winning song was originally written for the Samaritans?
+Love shine a light
+Which eurovision song winning group's line-up was mike nolan, bobby g, jay ashton and cheryl baker?
+Buck's fizz
+Which event of 1995 was advertised by the complete day's print of 'The Times' newspaper being offered to the public free of charge?
+Launch of windows 95
+Which events world record has been held by Nordwig,Bubka,Seagren and Foss?
+Pole vault
+Which every day item has an inertia wheel?
+Car seat belt
+Which everyday labour-saving device was patented by Cecil Booth in 1901?
+Vacuum cleaner
+Which ex-president died in 1973, five days before an agreement was signed in Paris ending the fighting in Vietnam?
+Lyndon B Johnson
+Which exploration of black identity in America was published in 1952?
+Invisible Man
+Which explorer discovered the island of Spitsbergen?
+Willem barents
+Which explorer has the middle name Twistleton-Wykeham?
+Sir ranulph fiennes
+Which explorers first names were Robert Falcon?
+Which explores trip was sponsored by Ferdinand and Isabella?
+Christopher columbus
+Which explosive was invented in 1866?
+Which exponent of solidarity was awarded the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize?
+Lech walesa
+Which expression for a devoted couple originates in a 1735 poem?
+Darby and joan
+Which extravagant and insensitive Austrian widow was guillotined in 1793?
+Marie antoinette
+Which eye did Moshe Dayan wear a patch over?
+Which f1 engine manufacturer built its own four wheel drive car for 1969, but never raced it?
+Which F1 racing driver, after receiving the last rites, went on to win 2 world championships?
+Niki lauda
+Which famed English site is found on Salisbury Plain?
+Which familiar feature of underground stations first appeared in 1894 as a joy ride at Coney Island,New York?
+Which family lived at Brideshead?
+The marchmains
+Which family of animals include the Dik Dik, Bongo and Kudu?
+Which familys life is the basis for The sound of Music?
+Von trapps
+Which famous adventure was based on the real life of Alexander Selkirk?
+Robinson crusoe
+Which famous American lived at San Simeon?
+William randolph hearst
+Which famous American playwright was marilyn monroe married to?
+Arthur miller
+Which famous artist died the same year that Shakespeare was born?
+Which famous artist painted the potato eaters?
+Vincent van gogh
+Which famous artist painted the sunflowers picture?
+Van gogh
+Which famous artist took up painting with his left hand when he lost the use of his right hand at the age of sixty?
+Leonardo da Vinci
+Which famous artist wrote in ?mirror writing?
+Leonardo da Vinci
+Which famous athlete was was a Tory M.P. from 1959-66 and 1969-74; latterly holding ministerial office?
+Chris chataway
+Which famous author is mary ann evans better known as?
+George eliot
+Which famous baseball player uttered this noteable quote, 'It ain't over till it's over'?
+Yogi Berra
+Which famous battle took place in 1916?
+Battle of the Somme
+Which famous battle took place on july 1st to 3rd 1863?
+Which famous battle was fought this day In 490 BC?
+Which famous bell ringer killed Archdeacon Frollo?
+Which famous book was complied by Henry Baker with William Monk in 1861?
+Hymns ancient and modern
+Which famous building was erected for the Great Exhibition of 1851?
+Crystal Palace
+Which famous canine cartoon character was created by Hanna-Barbera in 1958 for the first all-animated television series?
+Huckleberry hound
+Which famous car was designed by Alec Issigonis in 1959?
+The mini
+Which famous cigar smoker was born on the same day as Robert Runcie,the former Archbishop of Canterbury?
+Groucho marx
+Which famous conservationist was murdered by Somali bandits?
+George adamson
+Which famous couple were married in 1981?
+Charles and diana
+Which famous cup is the worlds oldest international sporting trophy?
+The americas cup
+Which famous daily newpaper used to be based in Manchester?
+The guardian
+Which famous dance of the 1920's took its name from a city in the southern united states?
+The charleston
+Which famous dancing troupe was formed by Margaret Kelly?
+Bluebell Girls
+Which famous detective lives in 221b Baker Street?
+Sherlock holmes
+Which famous English school had Thomas arnold as its headmaster?
+Which famous Englishwoman was born in Florence on 12th May 1820,where her well-to-do parents were temporarily resident?
+Florence nightingale
+Which famous fictional creature lived in the 'Great Grimpen Mire?
+Hound of the baskervilles
+Which famous fighter pilot lost both of his legs in wwii?
+Group captain Douglas bader
+Which famous fighter plane did R J Mitchell design in 1936?
+Which famous film actor, who died of lung cancer in 1957, used his real name but dropped his middle name of de Forest?
+Humphrey bogart
+Which famous footballer was uncle to jack and bobby charlton?
+Jackie milburn
+Which famous french prophet and astrologer predicted that the world would end in july 1999?
+Which famous Hollywood landmark is famous for the handprints and signatures in its forecourt?
+Graumans chinese theatre
+Which famous London street name contains six consonants unseparated by vowels?
+Which famous military group has its HQ at Aubagne near Marseilles?
+Foreign legion
+Which famous motor race is run every year at the Brickyard?
+Indianapolis 500
+Which famous museum opened in london in april 1928?
+Madame tussaud
+Which famous opera house in milan, Italy rose to its greatest heights under toscanini?
+La scala
+Which famous painter was portrayed on screen by Kirk Douglas?
+Van gogh
+Which famous painting is also known as 'la gioconda'?
+Mona lisa
+Which famous painting was completed in 1506?
+Mona lisa
+Which famous person said 'Hell is other people'?
+Jean-Paul sartre
+Which famous piece of artwork depcits the Battle of Hastings?
+Bayeux Tapestry
+Which famous pilot was shot down over Vaux-sur-seine France on 21st April 1918?
+Manfred von richtofen,the red baron
+Which famous play write was a great crusader for the simplification of spelling & punctuation?
+George Bernard Shaw
+Which famous poem features a hamlet called Auburn?
+Goldsmith's the deserted village
+Which famous racehorse was kidnapped in Ireland?
+Which famous racing town is close to Tintern Abbey?
+Which famous radio and television family appeared in the show 'Take It From Here'?
+The glums
+Which famous radio comic called his show hos Halfhour?
+Tony hancock
+Which famous radio family live in the county of Borsetshire?
+The archers
+Which famous rugby player was also wimbledon junior tennis champion?
+Jpr williams
+Which famous scientist's first published work was a monograph on barnacles?
+Charles Darwin
+Which famous screen character was played by champion swimmer Johnny Weissmuller?
+Which famous showjumper is the brother of show jumper Liz edgar?
+David broome
+Which famous singer lived at 20 Forthlin Road,Liverpool?
+Paul mccartney
+Which famous soldier was assassinated whilst sailing round the coast of Ireland?
+Earl mountbatten of burma
+Which famous soviet dissident was a nuclear physicist who developed the nuclear bomb for the soviet union?
+Andrei sakharov
+Which famous sporting venue is above NewYorks Pennsylvania Station?
+Madison square gardens
+Which famous talk show host made a guest apearence on Laverne & Shirley?
+Jay Leno 
+Which famous thinker's name was the latinized version of venerable master kong?
+Which famous university is in paris?
+Which famous US crooner died on a golf course in Spain?
+Bing crosby
+Which famous US pioneer paved the way for settlers in 1775?
+Daniel Boone
+Which famous William Golding novel begins with the words. 'The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way towards the lagoon'?
+Lord of the Flies
+Which famous writer was imprisoned in reading Jail for nearly 2 years?
+Oscar wilde
+Which famous writers first names were Edward Morgan?
+E m forster
+Which Farm album was the same title as a Kirk Douglas film?
+Which fashion designer died september 1985 aged 50?
+Laura ashley
+Which fast food chain did Chris Waddle, Stuart Pearce and Gareth Southgate promote in TV adverts?
+Pizza hut
+Which fast suburban railway system in Ireland runs from Howth in the North to Bray in the South?
+Which father and daughter starred in the film 'Paper Moon'?
+Ryan and tatum o'neal
+Which father and son have both played cricket for England?
+Colin and chris cowdrey
+Which feature length Disney cartoon had a Scottish Terrier called Jock in it?
+Lady and the tramp
+Which feature of the night sky is also known as a 'shooting star'?
+Which female actress played opposite Jack Nicholson in the movie 'Chinatown'?
+Faye Dunaway
+Which female British model was known as 'The Shrimp?
+Jean Shrimpton
+Which female comedy characters surname was Morgenstern?
+Which female East Anglian leader rebelled against Roman rule in AD122?
+Which female icon was created by ruth hande in 1959?
+Which female icon was created by Ruth Handler in 1959?
+Which female vocalist had a number one U.K. hit in 1955 with Softly, Softly?
+Ruby murray
+Which female vocalist sang the title song to the bond film tomorrow never dies?
+Sheryl crow
+Which female-led new wave band released the albums parallel lines and plastic letters?
+Which festival did the first popular greetings card celebrate?
+Valentines day
+Which fiberous, sulphur-rich protein occurs naturally in hair, horns, hooves and feathers?
+Which fictional character first appeared in 194 i, when she came to America from her Amazon homeland of Paradise Island to help the US defeat the Nazis?
+Wonder woman
+Which fictional character gave her name to California?
+Queen calafia
+Which fictional character was introduced in a study in scarlet?
+Sherlock holmes
+Which fictional city is Superman's home?
+Which fictional country was ruled by the Elphbergs?
+Which fictional land was used to describe John F Kennedy's term as president?
+Which fictional little girl expolred Wonderland?
+Which fictional park is the home of Yogi Bear?
+Which fictional private detective solved their last case in 1952?
+Mike Hammer
+Which fictional sailor was captain of a ship called the Black Pig?
+Captain pugwash
+Which fictitious character lives at Bywater Street, Chelsea?
+George smiley
+Which fictitious private detective solved cases over the air on a local radio station?
+Eddie shoestring
+Which fifties singer changed his name from Harold Jenkins?
+Conway Twitty
+Which Fijian golfer won the 1998 US Masters?
+Vijay singh
+Which film about Arnhem in WW2 was criticized as 'A Film Too Long'?
+A bridge too far
+Which film actor is known as 'the muscles from brussels'?
+Jean claude van damme
+Which film actor was nicknamed 'The Duke'?
+John wayne
+Which film actor's real name was reginald truscott-jones?
+Ray milland
+Which film actress, in 1991, appeared nude and in a state of late pregnancy on the cover of 'Vanity Fair' magazine?
+Demi moore
+Which film and TV role links, Leslie Howard, David Niven, Barry K Barnes and Anthony Andrews?
+The scarlet pimpernel
+Which film character owned a newspaper called 'The Enquirer'?
+Citizen kane
+Which film covers the life of George Cohan?
+Yankee doodle dandy
+Which film covers the life of John Reed?
+Which film ends with 'after all, tomorrow is another day'?
+Gone with the wind
+Which film ends with the line, 'What we have here is a failure to communicate'?
+Cool hand luke
+Which film featured the characters called Fast Eddie Felson and Minnesota Fats?
+The hustler
+Which film finds jack nicholson in the Los Angeles oriental district?
+Which film followed the career of athletes Eric Henry liddell and harold abrahams?
+Chariots of fire
+Which film heard Gordon Gekko remarking Lunch is for Wimps?
+Wall street
+Which film links Harrison Ford and novelist Scott Turon?
+Presumed innocent
+Which film links novelist Ira Levin and Sharon Stone?
+Which film preceded 'magnum force' and 'the enforcer'?
+Dirty Harry
+Which film producer said 'Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined?
+Samuel goldwyn
+Which film role links Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Olivia de Havilland and Audrey Hepburn?
+Maid marian
+Which film soundtrack featured Glenn Frey,Patti Labelle, Shalamar and the pointer Sisters?
+Beverley hills cop
+Which film star dog had three names each containing three letters?
+Rin tin tin
+Which film star is the real life husband of goldie hawn?
+Kurt russell
+Which film star's biography was called neither shaken nor stirred?
+Sean connery
+Which film starred Dustin Hoffman in drag as Dorothy?
+Which film starring julie andrews and christopher plummer won the oscar for best picture in 1965?
+Sound of music
+Which film stars spencer tracy as a war veteran with a mission to deliver a posthumous medal?
+Bad day at black rock
+Which film tells the story of 'fast' eddie felson?
+The hustler
+Which film was revamped and re-released mid 1997?
+Star wars
+Which film won best picture oscar in 1983?
+Terms of endearment
+Which film won the oscar for best picture in 1987?
+The last emperor
+Which film won the oscar for best picture in 1995?
+Which film, directed by jonathan demme, won the 1991 academy award for best picture?
+Silence of the lambs
+Which film, directed by Oliver Stone, won Best Film Oscar in 1986?
+Which film, directed by sydney pollack, won the 1985 academy award for best picture?
+Out of africa
+Which films are about the corleone family?
+The godfather
+Which financial pirate had a parrot called Captain Flint?
+Long john silver
+Which firm manufactures 'Shreddies'?
+Which firm provides tyres to all Formula One Motor Racing teams?
+Which first baseman is known as 'the big hurt'?
+Frank thomas
+Which fish can kill by electrocution?
+Electric eel
+Which fish is pickled to make rollmops?
+Which fishing port in California was the setting for Steinbeck's novels 'Cannery Row' and 'Tortilla Flat'?
+Which five teams have defeated Arsenal in F A Cup Finals?
+Huddersfield Town
+Which flag flies over the canary islands?
+Which flavours of ice cream are used for Neopolitan ice cream?
+Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry
+Which flesh eating monster was slain by Beowulf?
+Which Fletwood Mac album cost $1 million to produce in 1979?
+Which Flintstone character never made it into the bottles of Flintstone vitamins?
+Betty Rubble
+Which Florida city is the oldest in the usa?
+St augustine
+Which flower became a craze in 17th century holland?
+The tulip
+Which flower is a corruption of the french for lions tooth?
+Which flower is the emblem of Holland?
+Which flower is the emblem of Scotland?
+Which flower was the emblem of the yorkists in the war of the roses?
+The white rose
+Which flower, associated with the city of Parma is used to make perfume?
+Which flowering plant family includes the cherry, plum and apple?
+Which flying mouse, a cross between Superman and Mickey Mouse, appears in over seventy short cartoons in the Terrytoons series?
+Mighty mouse
+Which Food and Drug Store Chain had the highest gross sales (over 22 Billion) in 1994?
+Kroger company
+Which food crop has the latin name 'Saccharum officinarum'?
+Sugar cane
+Which food product did Henry Cooper advertise in 1984?
+Shredded wheat
+Which foot did Neil Armstrong first put down on the moon?
+Which footbal club won the European Cup the first 5 years in which it was held?
+Real madrid
+Which football club plays at Cold Blow Lane?
+Which football club plays at Spotland?
+Which football club used to be called The London Ironworks?
+West ham united
+Which Football club was nicknamed 'the busby babes'?
+Manchester united
+Which football club won the European Cup the first five years it was held?
+Real madrid
+Which football manager lifted the F.A. Cup in May 1997?
+Ruud gullit
+Which football player was nicknamed 'the galloping major'?
+Ferenc puskas
+Which football Premier League manager was sacked on 12 September 2000?
+Gianluca vialli
+Which football team does Alf Garnett famously support?
+West ham united
+Which Football team in the 1994 world cup had all 11 players' surnames ending with the letters 'ov'?
+Which football team plays at Anfield?
+Which football team plays at Craven Cottage?
+Which football team plays at Elland Road?
+Leeds united
+Which football team plays at Ewood Park?
+Blackburn rovers
+Which football team plays at Filbert Street?
+Leicester city
+Which football team plays at Goodison Park?
+Which football team plays at Highbury?
+Which football team plays at Old Trafford?
+Manchester united
+Which football team plays at Portman Road?
+Ipswich town
+Which football team plays at Pride Park?
+Derby county
+Which football team plays at St James' Park?
+Newcastle united
+Which football team plays at St marys' Stadium?
+Which football team plays at Stamford Bridge?
+Which football team plays at The Boleyn Ground?
+West ham united
+Which football team plays at The Reebok Stadium?
+Bolton wanderers
+Which football team plays at The Riverside Stadium?
+Which football team plays at The Stadium of Light?
+Which football team plays at The Valley?
+Charlton athletic
+Which football team plays at Villa Park?
+Aston villa
+Which football team plays at White Hart Lane?
+Tottenham hotspur
+Which football team plays home games at Gay Meadow?
+Which football team was known as the 'flying magyars'?
+Which football team was nicknamed the 'Orange Crush'?
+Denver Broncos
+Which football team won the First Division Championship in the 1970s but is now in the lower divisions?
+Derby county
+Which footballer starred in the film lock stock and two smoking barrels?
+Vinnie jones
+Which footballer was responsible for the hit single geordie boys?
+Paul gascoigne
+Which foreign former actor received an honorary knighthood in 1989?
+Ronald reagan
+Which forename, deriving from the Germanic 'rulehard', has been held by three English kings?
+Which form of light is used to treat skin diseases?
+Which form of transport moves along on a cushion of air?
+Which form of wrestling is won by forcing the opponent to touch the ground with any part of his body but his feet?
+Sumo wrestling
+Which former 'Neighbours' star had a hit with 'Any Dream Will Do'?
+Jason donovan
+Which former Archbishop of Canterbury was burned alive in 1556?
+Thomas cranmer
+Which former big breakfast star is the daughter of a comedian?
+Liza tarbuck
+Which former British colony is now called Ghana?
+Gold coast
+Which former child star made his debut on the London stage in October 2000?
+Macaulay culkin
+Which former dishwasher had his movie premiere in 1921?
+Rudolph valentino
+Which former Etonian author served once as a policeman in Burma?
+George orwell
+Which former footballer is the Brazilian sports minister?
+Which former Marine published the first volume of his diaries in 2000?
+Paddy ashdown
+Which former member of the group 'Cream' received the OBE in 1995?
+Eric clapton
+Which former member of the Shadows was electrocuted by his guitar?
+John Rostill
+Which former MP unsuccessfully staged his own suicide in 1973?
+John stonehouse
+Which former NBA player is married to dancer/choreographer Debbie Allen?
+Norm Nixon
+Which former Oxford University student and English literature teacher wrote Help me make it through the night?
+Kris kristofferson
+Which former racing driver owns Austria's second largest airline company?
+Niki lauda
+Which former sex symbol starred in Bittersweet Love in 1976?
+Lana turner
+Which former Soviet Republic in Central Asia has Alma Ata as its capital?
+Which former Soviet Republic in Central Asia has Tashkent as its capital?
+Which former Spanish soldier founded the Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits?
+Ignatius loyola
+Which former US first lady worked as an editor for the publishers Viking and Doubleday?
+Jackie onassis
+Which former US Secretary of State was born in Bavaria?
+Henry kissinger
+Which formula one grand prix takes place at the spa circuit?
+Which formula one racing team is unlikely to finish this season due to financial problems?
+Which fort did Custer depart from on May 17, 1876, with the Seventh Cavalry on his way to the Little Big Horn?
+Fort Abraham Lincoln
+Which fossil fuel is dug up by miners?
+Which four herbs were the title of an album by Simon & Garfunkel?
+Parsley sage rosemary & thyme
+Which four herbs were the title of an album by simon and garfunkel?
+Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
+Which four-leafed plant is considered lucky?
+Which French actor and crooner sings the theme tune to Disney's The Aristocats?
+Maurice chevalier
+Which french actor director takes the role of 'monsieur hulot' in films such as mon oncle and traffic?
+Jacques tati
+Which french artist made his name with his depictions of ballet dancers?
+Which French artist painted 'The Bridge at Argenteuil', and 'The Magpie'?
+Claude monet
+Which French artist, in 1883, gave up his job as a stockbroker to paint full time?
+Paul gauguin
+Which French athlete won both the 200m and the 400m on the track at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games?
+Maria-jose perec
+Which French Atlantic port was the target of a raid on March 28th 1942, code-named 'Operation Chariot'?
+St nazaire
+Which french author and philosopher was the cousin of nobel prize-winner albert schweitzer?
+Jean Paul sartre
+Which French book illustrator of the middle 19th Century became widely known for his illustrations of such books as Dante's Inferno and Don Quixote?
+Gustav dore
+Which French book was written without using the letter 'E' once?
+La Disparition
+Which French brothers were responsible for the development of cinematography?
+Which french city is famous for its production of mustard?
+Which French city stands at the confluence of the Rhone & Saone rivers?
+Which French composer wrote 'La Mer'?
+Which French dramatist was originally named Jean Baptiste Poquelin?
+Which french dramatist's works include Phedre and Andromaque?
+Jean racine
+Which french illustrator became widely known for his books,dante's inferno and don quixote?
+Gustav dore
+Which French novelist wrote the book 'Gigi'?
+Which French novelst also palyed goalkeeper for the algerian football team?
+Albert camus
+Which french painter of the 19th century went to live in the south seas?
+Paul gauguin
+Which french patriot was known as the maid of orleans?
+Joan of arc
+Which french philosopher and political thinker wrote the social contract in 1762?
+Which French phrase means 'required by fashion'?
+De rigueur
+Which french revolutionary said 'the surest way to remain poor is to be honest'?
+Napoleon bonaparte
+Which french revolutionary was stabbed in his bath by charlotte corday?
+Jean Paul marat
+Which french ruler referred to the English as a nation of shopkeepers?
+Which French town is famous for Porcelain and less famous as H.Q. of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures?
+Which French towns name became famous after the discovery there of prehistoric skeletons in 1868?
+Cro magnon
+Which French underwater explorer invented the aqualung?
+Jacques cousteau
+Which French writer said Everything I know about morals I learnt on a football field?
+Albert camus
+Which French writer won the Nobel Prize for Fiction in 1952?
+Francois Mauriac
+Which fresh water fish has the Latin name 'Esox Lucius?
+Which Friends actress appeared in the video for Bruce Springsteen's Dancing In The Dark?
+Courtney cox
+Which frontiersman died at the alamo?
+Davey crockett
+Which fruit can be found in Black Forest Gateau?
+Which fruit comes from bramble bushes?
+Which fruit did columbus discover in guadalupe in 1493?
+Which fruit has edible seeds?
+Which fruit has its seeds on the outside?
+Which fruit is affected by Noble Rot?
+Which fruit is used in the drink cassis?
+Which fungal plant disease particularly affects brassicas?
+Club root
+Which future president drafted the Declaration of Independence?
+Thomas Jefferson
+Which future president was the United States Representative to the UN under the Nixon administration?
+George Bush
+Which game bird season runs from oct 1st to feb 1st?
+Which game is played at 12 a-side for women, but at 10 a-side for men?
+Which game uses the largest ball?
+Which games company produced alpha centauri, the sequel to civilisation?
+Firaxis games
+Which games company produced civilization and civilization ii?
+Which gang was responsible for the first train robbery in the us?
+Reno brothers
+Which gangster film starred only children?
+Bugsy malone
+Which gangster tried to make that town his own in the song 'the night Chicago died' by paper lace?
+Al capone
+Which gangster was shot dead by the FBI on 22 July 1934 as he came out of the Biograph cinema in Chicago?
+John dillinger
+Which garden pest, which can cause great damage to lawns, is the grub of the crane fly?
+Which garden plant has varieties called nelly moser and hagley hybrid?
+Which Gareth's summer miss of 1996 made him a household name?
+Which gas forms bubbles in the bloodstream when a diver gets the bends?
+Which gas glows red when an electric current is passed through it?
+Which gas has the characteristic smell of rotten eggs?
+Hydrogen sulphide
+Which gas is the most abundant in the atmosphere?
+Which gas was named after the Greek word for 'sun'?
+Which gas was named after the Greek word for green?
+Which gemstone has the highest value per carat?
+Which gender firefly produces light?
+Which general has been described as 'The Black Eisenhower'?
+Colin powell
+Which general was in charge of the us occupation of Japan after WWII?
+Which general was killed at the seige of khartoum in 1885?
+General gordon
+Which genetic trait, often passed from mother to son, was first recognised by John Dalton, who was himself a sufferer?
+Colour blindness
+Which genetic trait, often passed from mother to son, was first recognised by john dalton?
+Colour blindness
+Which genus of redwood conifers was named to commemorate a great Cherokee Indian?
+Which geologic era saw the development of man?
+Which geologic era saw the end of the dinosaurs?
+Which geologic era saw the first primitive plants and animals?
+Which geologic era saw the rise and fall of the dinosaurs?
+The mesozoic era
+Which George Michael hit was also a hit for Robbie Williams?
+Which German brother collected three famous volumes of fairy tales?
+Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm
+Which German city is associated with a round patty of minced beef served in a bun?
+Which German city is famed for producing scent?
+Which German city is famous for a scent it produces?
+Which German City is the home to the Becks brewery?
+Which German city stands at the confluence of the Elbe and Alster rivers?
+Which German city stands on the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers?
+Which German city was the birthplace of the poet heinrich heine?
+Which German city was the target of the first 'thousand bomber raid?
+Which German computer pop oldies came back in 2000 with Expo 2000?
+Which German film director made the film m, in 1951?
+Fritz lang
+Which German firm produced the World War Two plane the Condor?
+Which German General was nicknamed The Desert Fox?
+Which German town hosts the annual Wagner Festival?
+Which German town is called aix-la-chapelle by the french?
+Which German was the first man to win the Nobel prize for Physics, doing so in 1901 for a major discovery made in 1895?
+Wilhelm roentgen
+Which ghost ship is the theme of a richard wagner opera?
+Flying dutchman
+Which Gilbert and Sullivan Opera is subtitled The Slave of Duty?
+Pirates of penzance
+Which Gilbet and Sullivan opera is sub titled Bunthornes Bride?
+Which girl's name links Stephen King novel, Cliff Richard single and Princess Leia in 'Star Wars'?
+Which girl's name of six letters is a palindrome?
+Which girls name means serpent?
+Which glam rock group was led by marc bolan?
+T rex
+Which gland is enlarged in the condition known as 'goitre'?
+Thyroid gland
+Which gland, situated at the base of the skull regulates growth and metabolism?
+Pituitary gland
+Which Gloucestershire town, famous for its abbey, lies on the confluence of the Severn and Avon?
+Which goal keeper was the first to win the European Footballer of the year award?
+Lev yashin
+Which goalkeeper broke his neck in the 1956 cup final?
+Bert trautmann
+Which goalkeeper won 119 caps for northern Ireland?
+Pat jennings
+Which golfer has won the British Open most times since its inception?
+Harry vardon
+Which golfing term signifies as many holes in front of an opponent as there are holes left to play?
+Which government (British) section was the first consignment of ballpoint pens meant for?
+Royal air force
+Which government department is responsible for broadcasting and the media, the arts, sport and recreation?
+National heritage
+Which government minister turned up at Molesworth Peace Camp wearing a flak jacket?
+Michael heseltine
+which graduate of Oxford University designed the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford in 1662?
+Christopher wren
+Which grammatical term is used to describe deliberate understatement?
+Which grammatical term is used to describe unnecessary repetition?
+Which grandma had the most beautifull legs in the world?
+Marlene Dietrich
+Which grandson of genghis khan founded the yuan dynasty?
+Kublai khan
+Which great African empire was founded in about AD750?
+Which great artist and sculptor designed the fortifications when the Florentine Republic was besieged by the Medicis in 1530?
+Which great Asian river flows into the sea near Karachi?
+The indus
+Which great cathedral was completed in 1717?
+St Pauls cathedral
+Which great city replaced its hereditary kings with chief magistrates in 683 bc?
+Which great Italian city was sacked by the Goths in AD410?
+Which great lake has tides?
+Which great lake is the second largest, after Lake Superior?
+Lake huron
+Which great lord admiral attended norwich grammar school?
+Horatio nelson
+Which great roman leader wrote an account of his campaigns in Gaul?
+Julius caesar
+Which greek city-state fought against Athens in the Peloponnesian war?
+Which greek composer has a studio near Marble Arch called Nemo?
+Which greek figure carried the world on his shoulders?
+Which Greek god was zeus' number 2?
+Which Greek hero sailed to Crete to battle the Minotaur?
+Which Greek inventor discovered the laws of levers and pulleys?
+Which Greek island is also a variety of lettuce?
+Which greek island is said to be the birthplace of apollo?
+Which Greek island was the home of the Minoan bull culture?
+Which greek philosopher showed his contempt for materialism by living in a tub?
+Which Greek philosopher was appointed tutor to Alexander the Great in 342 B.C?
+Which Greek scientist is remembered for his work on buoyancy?
+Which green pigment absorbs light to make plants look green?
+Which group backs James Brown, the self-styled 'Godfather of Soul'?
+The famous flames
+Which group did janis joplin form in 1970?
+Full tilt boogie
+Which group did lou reed front, who, in the 60's recorded 'heroin' and 'sweet jane'?
+Velvet underground
+Which group did Paul Weller form after the Jam?
+The style council
+Which group did Steve Winwood join at the age of 16?
+The spencer davis group
+Which group does Axl Rose front?
+Guns n' roses
+Which group dropped ?9,500 in pound notes onto the heads of fans at a concert?
+Steeleye span
+Which group had a British number one hit in the 1970s with I Don't Like Mondays?
+Boomtown rats
+Which group had a British top five hit in the 1960s with Monday, Monday?
+Mamas and the papas
+Which group had a hit in 1985 with Everybody wants to Rule the World?
+Tears for fears
+Which group had a no1 hit in 1966 with Keep on Running?
+Spencer davis group
+Which group had a number one hit with `Tiger Feet`?
+Which group had the hit album 'Urban Hymns'?
+The verve
+Which group had the hit album 'White on Blonde'?
+Which group had their first U.K. number one hit ill 1973 with Rubber Bullets?
+Ten cc
+Which group had their first U.K. number one tilt ill 1974 with Down Down?
+Status quo
+Which group included Merryl, Jay and Alan?
+The osmonds
+Which group is rick wright with?
+Pink floyd
+Which group kidnapped and murdered Italian premier aldo moro?
+The red brigade
+Which group named itself after an American firetruck?
+REO speedwagon
+Which group named themselves after the hit record Boys To Men?
+Boyz II men
+Which group of Atlantic Islands were, for a time, known as the Flemish Islands, after Faial was gifted to Isabella of Burgundy in 1466?
+The azores
+Which group of Australian origin had a top twenty hit in 1965 with The Carnival is Over?
+The seekers
+Which group of islands lie between Iceland and the UK?
+The faeroes
+Which group of people is traditionally banned from Mount Athos in Greece?
+Which group realised ghetto romance?
+Which group recorded 'alley-oop', their only hit?
+Hollywood argyles
+Which group recorded 'psycho killer'?
+Talking heads
+Which group recorded the album, 'By Request'?
+Which group recorded the albums Regatta de Blanc and Ghost in the Machine?
+The police
+Which group sang 'everybody have fun tonight'?
+Wang chung
+Which group sang Love Me For A Reason in 1994?
+Which group sang the theme tune to the james bond film the living daylights?
+Which group was formed in 1972 by Don Henley and Glen Fry?
+The eagles
+Which group was founded by friends at Charterhouse school?
+Which group was the biggest challenger to the Beatles?
+Dave clark five
+Which group's 1986 hit was 'Waiting for the Ghost Train'?
+Which group's best of album is entitled like you do?
+Lightning seeds
+Which group's first release was 'i ain't gonna eat out my heart anymore'?
+Which group's first single didn't even scrape the bottom of the top 40, but their second, '867-5309/jenny' peaked and went gold in 1982?
+Tommy tutone
+Which guitarist is known as slow hand?
+Eric clapton
+Which Guitarist was in the original line up of Thin Lizzie?
+Eric bell
+Which hampshire airshow is held biennially?
+Which hand did charlie chaplin carry his cane in?
+Which hand do Arabian desert nomads not eat with?
+Which hand does eros hold his bow in?
+Which hand does the hook replace on captain hook?
+Which hand is used for the scout handshake?
+Which hangs from the ceiling stalagmites or stalactites?
+Which hard substance, closely resembling bone, makes up the bulk of a tooth?
+Which has more bones the little finger or the thumb?
+Little finger
+Which has more English speakers, china or the united states?
+Which has the greater circumference, the equator or the poles?
+Which have a better chance of running you down on land, alligators or crocodiles?
+Which have teeth: toads or frogs?
+Which have warts, frogs or toads?
+Which heavenly movement did Copernicus establish?
+Earth goes round the sun
+Which helpful organisation was founded in 1953 by the Rev Chad Varah?
+Which hemisphere has more countries, northern or southern?
+Which hemisphere has more countries, the northern or southern?
+Which Hemisphere of the planet contains the most countries is it the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere?
+Southern hemisphere
+Which heraldic term means flying?
+Which heraldic term means sleeping?
+Which herb is similar in appearance to parsley, but its leaves have a slight flavour of aniseed?
+Which herb is sometimes called vegetable oyster plant?
+Which herb is used to flavour the tomato based sauce on a pizza?
+Which herb is used to make the garnish 'gremolata'?
+Which herb seed can be either black or white, & yields an oil that resists turning rancid?
+Which herb sends cats into ecstasy?
+Which herb whose leaves and blue flowers are both edible, is used in drinks such as 'pimms'?
+Which hereditary form of anaemia largely affects people of sub-Saharan African descent?
+Sickle cell anaemia
+Which hero of tv and cinema fights an unending battle for 'truth, justice, and the American way?
+Which heroic group did D'Artagnan lead?
+Three musketeers
+Which hills form the border between Avon and Somerset?
+Which Himalayan hybrids of yaks and cows are invaluable to Scrabble players?
+Which hindu deity has the head of an elephant?
+Which Hindu god has an elephants head?
+Which Hindu gods name is now also used to describe heavy lorries?
+Which Hindu sect strangled travellers and worshipped Kali?
+Which historian wrote about the end of history in 1992?
+Francis fukuyama
+Which historical character is often referred to as 'the mad monk'?
+Which historical men had only one testicle?
+Hitler and napoleon
+Which hit by the 'bobby fuller four' lives on even after his death at age 22?
+I fought the law
+Which hitchcock film starred margaret lockwood and michael redgrave?
+The lady vanishes
+Which hollywood actor combined gibraltar and a river to create his name?
+Which Hollywood actor was born Roy Scherer Jnr?
+Rock hudson
+Which hollywood actress was born shirley schrift?
+Shelley winters
+Which Hollywood director made a cameo appearance at the end of The Blues Brothers?
+Steven spielberg
+Which Hollywood heart throbs real name was Roy Scherer?
+Rock hudson
+Which Hollywood legend won an Oscar for her starring role in Jezebel?
+Bette davis
+Which hollywood smoothie was born dino crocetti in 1917?
+Dean martin
+Which Hollywood star was born Fredrick Austerlitz?
+Fred astaire
+Which holy man became a favorite of the Tsars family just before the Russian revolution?
+Which holywood actress was nicknamed profesional virgin?
+Doris day
+Which horror movie actor's real name was William Pratt?
+Boris karloff
+Which horror movie has had 6 sequels to date?
+Friday the 13th
+Which horse fell heavily in the 1999 belmont stakes and terminated its triple crown dreams, and would never race again?
+Which horse had to run farther to win the Melbourne Cup-Peter Pan or Think Big?
+Peter Pan
+Which horse has won the Grand National 3 times?
+Red rum
+Which horse won the 1998 Aintree Grand National?
+Earth summit
+Which horse won the 1999 belmont stakes?
+Lemon drop kid
+Which horse won the 1999 Kentucky derby?
+Which horse won the 1999 preakness stakes?
+Which horse won the 2000 grand national?
+Which horse won the Grand National in 2000?
+Which horticultural fungicide, consisting of equal parts of copper sulphate and lime, bears the same name as a French port?
+Bordeaux mixture
+Which horticultural fungicide, consisting of equal parts of copper sulphate and lime, has the same name as a French port?
+Bordeaux mixture
+Which hospital once stood on the site of the Imperial War Museum?
+Which hot, dusty wind blows into Egypt, from the south in early spring and summer?
+Which house did winston churchill live in from 1922 to his death?
+Which household machine was invented by hubert cecil booth?
+Vacuum cleaner
+Which human organ stores bile?
+Gall bladder
+Which humorists middle name was Klapka?
+Jerome k jerome
+Which hungarian composer was said to be the greatest pianist of the 19th century?
+Franz liszt
+Which hunting weapon used by Australian aboriginals was also used by ancient egyptians?
+Which husband and wife were the only British monarchs to rule jointly as king and queen?
+William iii and mary ii
+Which hymn first appeared in Holsts Plane Suite?
+I vow to thee my country
+Which ice cream was advertised to the tune of It's Now Or Never?
+Which ice or snow sport was the first to gain olympic status?
+Figure skating
+Which impressionist painter once worked as a teacher in ramsgate?
+Van gogh
+Which independent family company is Britain's oldest brewer, having been brewing on the site in Faversham since 1698?
+Shepherd neame
+Which Indian prime minister was killed by her bodyguards in 1984?
+Indira Gandhi
+Which Indian river is holy to Hindus?
+The Ganges
+Which Indian smoked fish recipe was adopted by 19th century British as a breakfast dish?
+Which Indian tribe is mainly associated with the state of Florida?
+Which individual had the highest income of anyone in the USA in the 1920s?
+Al capone
+Which indonesian fruit is known for its unpleasant smell?
+Which inert gas is a fission product of uranium nuclear reactors?
+Which infectious disease is characterized by a swelling of the parotid and salivary glands?
+Which infectious disease is known as kissing disease?
+Glandular fever
+Which influential book on mathematics did Euclid write?
+Elements of geometry
+Which initials did rapper Hammer lose?
+Which insect chews into wood to make a nest?
+The wasp
+Which insect has a hearing organ in one of it's wing veins which enables it to hear the shriek of bats?
+Lacewing butterfly
+Which insect has ears just below its knees on its front legs?
+Which insect is so-called because it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the middle ages?
+Which insect is sometimes known as the 'darning needle'?
+Which insect is the most eaten as a delicacy?
+Which insect plays bass with the Chilli Peppers?
+Which insects use the substance propolis to glue together their homes?
+Which instrument developed from African and Latin-American origins features in a modern orchestra as a bass xylophone?
+Which instrument did jazz musician jack teagarden principally play?
+Which instrument did jazz musician louis bellson play?
+Which instrument did Jazz musician Thelonius Monk play?
+Which instrument did paganini play?
+Which instrument did the Jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie play?
+Which instrument did the musician Paganini play?
+Which instrument does tv chef jamie oliver play in his pop group?
+Which instrument was played by the jazz musician Miles Davis?
+Which instrumental album launched the Virgin record label?
+Tubular bells
+Which internal combustion engine works on the principal of a rotating triangular shaft?
+Wankel engine
+Which international alliance was set up in Vienna in 1960 to control the production and pricing of a specific commodity?
+O p e c
+Which international footballer was known as 'Black Panther'?
+Which international organisation was set after wwi with the purpose of achieving world peace?
+League of nations
+Which international organisation was set up in the aftermath of the first world war with the aim of attaining world peace?
+The league of nations
+Which invader won a battle at Panipat in India in 1526?
+Which invention did Mark Twain become the first famous author to use?
+Which invention is credited Thomas Savery & Thomas Newcomen?
+Steam engine
+Which invention of Whitcomb Judson of Chicago in 1891 was originally called the calsp locker and unlocker for shoes?
+Zip fastener
+Which invention was made by joseph swan and also by thomas edison?
+Electric light bulb
+Which Irish adventurer attempted to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London in 1671?
+Colonel blood
+Which Irish ghost is said to wail outside houses where a death is imminent?
+Which Irish novelist won the 1993 booker prize?
+Roddy doyle
+Which Irish playwrights middle names are Fingall O'Flahertie Wills?
+Oscar wilde
+Which Irish pop band consists of' Paul Hewson, Larry Mullen, David Evans and Adam Clayton?
+Which Irish saint was once captured and sold as a slave?
+Saint Patrick
+Which Irish whiskey comes from the worlds oldest legal distillery?
+Which Irishman set up shelters for over 50,000 homeless children?
+Thomas Barnardo
+Which iron warship is docked close to HMS Victory at Portsmouth?
+Hms warrior
+Which is Africas most populous nation?
+Which is Argentina's second most populous city?
+Which is Britain's largest native carnivore?
+Which is cape town's major choir?
+Philharmonic choir
+Which is colder, minus 40 degrees centigrade or minus 40 degrees fahrenheit?
+Which is colder, north or south pole?
+Which is colder, the north of south pole?
+South pole
+Which is colder, the north or south pole?
+South pole
+Which is considered the most powerful piece on the chess board?
+Which is Edvard Munch's most famous painting?
+The scream
+Which is Elton John's first album?
+Empty sky
+Which is Englands oldest golf club?
+Royal blackheath
+Which is Europe's largest country after Russia?
+Which is farthest north, Bombay, Calcutta or Rangoon?
+Which is farthest north, Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania?
+Which is farthest north, Helsinki, Oslo or Stockholm?
+Which is farthest south, Athens, Madrid or Rome?
+Which is farthest west, Birmingham, Bristol or Liverpool?
+Which is farthest west, Dublin, Glasgow or Lisbon?
+Which is found in an ocean the North Pole or the South Pole?
+The north pole
+Which is furthest north Perth, Adelaide or Sydney?
+Which is furthest west ____ dublin, glasgow, or lisbon?
+Which is Hamilton, Ontario, Canada closer to: North Pole, Tokyo, Egypt or the equator?
+Which is harder quartz or steel?
+Which is larger a microcomputer or a minicomputer?
+Which is larger, the British or US pint?
+Which is Londons most frequently stolen road sign?
+Abbey road
+Which is longer a baseball bat or a cricket bat?
+Baseball bat
+Which is longer in humans the small intestine or the large intestine?
+Small intestine
+Which is more fattening a baked potato or a hamburger patty?
+Hamburger patty
+Which is more one tablespoon or two teaspoons?
+One tablespoon
+Which is more tender, the left or right leg of a chicken?
+Which is most valuable an ounce of gold, platinum or silver?
+Which is oasis' bestselling album to date (full name)?
+What's the story (morning glory)
+Which is oldest spring lamb, hoggett or mutton?
+Which is Romania's greatest harbour?
+Which is sculptor gutzon borghun's most famous work?
+Mount rushmore
+Which is the 'quiet' ocean?
+Pacific ocean
+Which is the 3rd nearest star to the solar system?
+Barnard's star
+Which is the best Poker hand?
+Royal flush
+Which is the closest town to Ayres Rock?
+Alice springs
+Which is the country having the highest divorce rate, with a rate of 10.97 per 1,000?
+Which is the country having the lowest divorce rate, with a rate of .11 per 1,000?
+Which is the deepest known cave near carlsbad, new Mexico?
+Lechuigilla cave
+Which is the deepest mine?
+Western deep levels mine
+Which is the deepest ocean?
+Which is the farthest west: Barbados, Haiti or Jamaica?
+Which is the farthest west: The Aegean, Ionian ot Tyrrhenian sea?
+What is the fastest production car to date?
+Mclaren F1
+What is the first animal listed in the Oxford English Dictionary?
+What is the fourth planet from the sun?
+What is the galaxy closest to the Milky Way?
+Which is the geological period before the Ordovician?
+Which is the highest capital city in Europe?
+Which is the highest hill in Singapore?
+Timah hill
+Which is the highest mountain in Canada?
+Mount Logan
+Which is the highest mountain in England?
+Scafell Pike
+Which is the highest mountain in Germany?
+Which is the highest mountain outside Asia?
+Which is the highest peak in the Andes?
+Which is the highest poker hand 2 pairs or three of a kind?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three of a kind", "3 of a kind"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which is the home state of former US President Jimmy Carter?
+Which is the lake that is half in California and half in Nevada?
+Lake Tahoe
+Which is the larger of the rhinocerous, white or black?
+Which is the largest (in area) of the Australian states and territories?
+Western Australia
+Which is the largest and heaviest instrument in a concert orchestra?
+Which is the largest aquatic bird?
+Which is the largest artery in the human body?
+Which is the largest bird of prey native to England?
+Which is the largest candy consuming nation?
+Which is the largest cathedral?
+St peter's
+Which is the largest channel island?
+Which is the largest city in India?
+Which is the largest city in Pakistan?
+Which is the largest city of the Balearic Islands?
+Which is the largest city on Lake Michigan?
+Which is the largest county in Ireland?
+Which is the largest English county?
+North Yorkshire
+Which is the largest freshwater Scottish lake?
+Loch lomond
+Which is the largest island in the caribbean?
+Which is the largest island in the world?
+Which is the largest joint in the human body?
+Which is the largest key on a standard keyboard?
+The Space Bar
+Which is the largest known butterfly?
+Queen alexandra's birdwing
+Which is the largest landlocked country?
+Which is the largest living bird?
+Which is the largest member of the kingfisher family?
+Which is the largest moon in the Solar System?
+Which is the largest mountain chain in eastern u.s.a?
+Which is the largest museum in the world?
+Which is the largest ocean?
+Which is the largest of neptune's moons?
+Which is the largest of the Asteroids?
+Which is the largest of the Balearic Islands?
+Which is the largest of the Canadian provinces and territories?
+Northwest territories
+Which is the largest of the Canary Islands?
+Which is the largest of the Egyptian Pyramids?
+Pyramid of Cheops
+Which is the largest of the Greek islands?
+Which is the largest of the Italian lakes?
+Which is the largest of the National Parks of England and Wales?
+Lake district
+Which is the largest of the Seychelles?
+Which is the largest of the Society Islands?
+Which is the largest of the solomon islands?
+Which is the largest of the United states?
+Which is the largest planet in our solar system?
+Which is the largest planet?
+Which is the largest primate?
+Which is the largest province of Canada?
+Which is the largest river forming part of the u.s-Mexico border?
+Rio grande
+Which is the largest Scandinavian country?
+Which is the largest theme resort hotel?
+Lost city
+Which is the largets of the Scilly isles?
+St marys
+Which is the last book of the Old Testament?
+Which is the last of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments to be played in the year?
+Us open
+Which is the last of the year's four quarter days?
+Christmas day
+Which is the last of the years four quarter days?
+Christmas day
+Which is the longest bone in the body?
+Which is the longest river - not river system - in the U.S.A?
+The Missouri
+Which is the longest river in asia?
+Which is the longest river in France?
+Which is the longest river in Italy?
+Which is the longest river in Mexico?
+Rio grande
+Which is the longest river in nigeria?
+Which is the longest river in the British isles?
+Which is the longest river in the United Kingdom?
+Which is the longest river in the western hemisphere?
+Which is the longest river system in Australia?
+The murray-darling
+Which is the longest snake in the western hemisphere?
+Which is the longest word that can be made from one row on a keyboard?
+Which is the lowest Perfect Number?
+Which is the lowest ranking suit in Contract Bridge?
+Which is the morning star if Venus is the evening star?
+Which is the most abundant element in the universe?
+Which is the most densely populated state?
+New jersey
+Which is the most effective drug for preventing malaria?
+Which is the most imp0rtant piece in chess?
+Which is the most Northerly African country through which the Greenwich meridian passes?
+Which is the most Northerly African country?
+Which is the most photographed & climbed mountain?
+Mount fuji
+Which is the most photographed and climbed mountain?
+Mount fiji
+Which is the most populated continent in the world?
+Which is the most populated territory in Australia?
+New south wales
+Which is the most venomous spider?
+Black widow
+Which is the most watched news channel internationally?
+Which is the most westerly South American country through which the Equator passes?
+Which is the most widely used expression in any language?
+Which is the most-consumed, man-made beverage in the world?
+Which is the name for classical music played by a small group of instruments?
+Chamber music
+Which is the nearest galaxy to our own, excluding the magellanic clouds?
+Which is the nearest seaside resort to london?
+Which is the oldest city in britain?
+Which is the oldest functioning university in the world?
+Which is the oldest of the major college football bowl games?
+Rose bowl
+Which is the oldest passenger railway station in London?
+London bridge
+Which is the only 10 letter word that can be spelt just using the top row of letters on a keyboard?
+Which is the only animal other than humans that can get leprosy?
+Which is the only arab country without a desert?
+Which is the only Australian state capital that is not named after a person?
+Which is the only bird that can see the colour blue?
+Which is the only body cell with no nucleus?
+Red blood cell
+Which is the only central American country without an atlantic coastline?
+El salvador
+Which is the only city still in existence that is mentioned in Genesis?
+Which is the only city where all major sports teams have the same colours?
+Which is the only country that has every type of climate?
+New zealand
+Which is the only country to never have imposed censorship for movies intended for adults?
+Which is the only country to represent a letter in the phonetic alphabet?
+Which is the only county in Northern Ireland that does NOT border Lough Neagh?
+Which is the only English word to both begin and end with the letters U-N-D?
+Which is the only european country where the wife does not traditionally take the husbands name on marriage?
+Which is the only king in a deck of cards without a moustache?
+King of hearts
+Which is the only liquid metal element at room temperature?
+Which is the only living bird with two toes on each foot?
+Which is the only London Underground station with a platform bar?
+Sloan square
+Which is the only mammal capable of true flight?
+Which is the only mammal with four knees?
+Which is the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet?
+Polar bear
+Which is the only native north American marsupial?
+Which is the only one of the great lakes entirely within the u.s?
+Which is the only one of the seven dwarfs not to have a beard?
+Which is the only one of the seven dwarfs without a beard?
+Which is the only part of an oar that should get wet?
+Which is the only position in Football allowed to handle the ball?
+Which is the only president of the usa in the 20th century not to be depicted on film (full name)?
+Warren gamaliel harding
+Which is the only Shakespeare play with the name of an English town in the title?
+The merry wives of windsor
+Which is the only shakespearean play without songs?
+Comedy of errors
+Which is the only sport at which one person could win 8 Olympic golds in the same year?
+Which is the only u.s state capital without a mcdonald's?
+Montpelier, vermont
+Which is the only US State due south of Alaska?
+Which is the only work by Dukas most people have ever heard of?
+The sorcerer's apprentice
+Which is the only work by Leoncavallo most people have ever heard of?
+I pagliacci
+Which is the penultimate book of the New Testament?
+Which is the principal river of Romania?
+Which is the second largest city in England?
+Which is the second largest city in Norway?
+Which is the second largest city in Sweden?
+Which is the second largest of the great lakes of north America?
+Lake huron
+Which is the second largest of the Japanese islands?
+Which is the second longest river in the world?
+Which is the slowest land animal?
+Which is the smallest ocean?
+Which is the smallest of the untied states?
+Rhode island
+Which is the smallest u.s state?
+Rhode island
+Which is the stately home of the Devonshire family?
+Which is the tallest breed of dog?
+Irish wolfhound
+Which is the third highest mountain in the world?
+Which is the trailing edge of an aircraft wing?
+The rear edge
+Which is the US Mormon State?
+Which is the war with the third-highest casualties of all time?
+Sino-Japanese war
+Which is the windy city?
+Which is the World's 3rd highest mountain?
+Which is the world's deepest lake?
+Lake baikal
+Which is the world's largest monolith?
+Mount augustus
+Which is the world's second largest monolith?
+Ayers rock
+Which is the world's warmest sea?
+Red sea
+Which is the worlds biggest glider first used in 1982?
+US space shuttle
+Which is the worlds busiest international airport?
+Which is the worlds hottest capital city?
+Which is the worlds largest museum - in area it covers?
+New york natural history
+Which is the worlds oldest stock exchange?
+Which is the worlds second largest French speaking city?
+Which is the worlds tallest grass?
+Which is your sternum your breastbone or tailbone?
+Which island has over 1000 stone statues scattered around?
+Easter island
+Which island includes the New York boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn?
+Long island
+Which island is called Kalaallit Nunaat in its own language?
+Which island is known to its inhabitants as Kerkyra?
+Which island left the E.E.C. in 1985?
+Which island lies off the North West coast of Anglesey?
+Holy island
+Which island lies off the southern end of the Isle of Man?
+Calf of man
+Which island lies to the west of Australia?
+Which island was defended by Faith, Hope, and Charity during WW2?
+Which island was the centre of US immigration?
+Which island's roads are paved with coral?
+Which islands lie to the east of kenya in the Indian ocean?
+The seychelles
+Which islands natives are called Vectians?
+Isle of wight
+Which islands way of life and culture is described as Bajun?
+Which islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain?
+The Philippines
+Which Italian actress was voted the Most Beautiful Italian Girl in Tunis 1957?
+Claudia Cardinale
+Which Italian artist, circa 1267 - 1337, is reputed to have been able to draw a perfect circle, freehand?
+Which Italian artist, circa 1487-1576 gave his name to a hair colour?
+Which Italian born US physicist won the 1938 Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on radioactive elements?
+Enrico fermi
+Which Italian city is the setting for 'romeo and juliet'?
+Which Italian city was once ruled by a doge?
+Which Italian city was severely damaged by an earthquake in 1908?
+Which Italian composer's funeral in 1924 reputedly 'brought Italy to a standstill?
+Which Italian composer's funeral in 1924 was said to have brought Rome to a standstill?
+Which Italian cruise ship was attacked in 1985?
+Achille lauro
+Which Italian dish consists of filled tubes of pasta baked in a sauce?
+Which Italian dramatist wrote the play 'Accidental Death of an Anarchist'?
+Dario fo
+Which Italian hard cheese is especially good for grating?
+Which Italian inventor first transmitted signals across the English Channel?
+Which Italian scientist is said to have dropped cannon balls from a tower to study how they fell to earth?
+Galileo galilei
+Which Italian seaport city is called 'La Superba'?
+It's not venice, as you might think.genoa
+Which Italian tourist attraction was exposed as a mediaeval fake in 1988?
+Turin shroud
+Which Italian won the 1998 Tour de France cycle race?
+Marco pantani
+Which Italian writer wrote the periodic table?
+Primo levi
+Which italianate village did Clough Williams-Ellis design in North Wales?
+Which item of clothing do Eskimos (or Inuit) call mukluks?
+Sealskin boots
+Which Ivan was Terrible?
+Ivan iv
+Which Jane Austen novel was originally entitled First Impressions?
+Pride and prejudice
+Which jars of clay album has a platinum record?
+Jars of clay
+Which jazz trumpet virtuoso is credited as having invented scat' singing?
+Louis Armstrong
+Which jello is the only jello flavor that comes from real fruit, not artificial flavoring?
+Which jethro tull lp cover showed a man leading two horses?
+Heavy horses
+Which jeweller established the term sterling as the standard for silver in the United States in 1851?
+Which jewish American singer became a born again christian in 1979?
+Bob dylan
+Which jewish feast remembers the salvation in Egypt?
+Which jockey became a best selling thriller writer?
+Dick francis
+Which jockey rode a derby winner called pinza?
+Gordon richards
+Which jockeys first Derby winner was Never say die?
+Lester piggott
+Which John Updike novel features three divorcees on the make who are seduced by the devil?
+The witches of eastwick
+Which John Wayne film was a hit for Ultravox in 1982?
+Reap the wild wind
+Which John Wayne Western was described by a critic as, 'Grand Hotel on Wheels'?
+Which kids were ?On The Block' in 1990?
+Which kind of religious followers refuse to pledge allegiance to anything but god?
+Jehovah's witnesses
+Which king built a huge palace and church called the Escorial?
+Philip II of Spain
+Which king did Daniel defy that led to him being thrown into the lions den?
+Which King had Daniel thrown into the Lion's den?
+Which king had the longest reign in British history?
+George iii
+Which King introduced the statute which instituted hall marking in England?
+Edward I
+Which king led the English at the battle of Agincourt?
+Henry v
+Which king married charlotte of mecklenberg strelitz?
+George the third
+Which King of England died in 1910?
+Edward vii
+Which king of England married Catherine of Valois, and died in 1422?
+Henry v
+Which king of England met the king of france on the field of the cloth of gold?
+Henry viii
+Which King of England was the son of Edward the Black Prince?
+Richard the second
+Which king of Great Britain won world wide recognition as a stamp collector?
+George v
+Which King of the Scots was succeeded by his stepson Lulach?
+Which king ordered the compilation of the Doomsday Book?
+William i
+Which king supposedly ordered the waves to turn back?
+Which king turned whatever he touched into gold?
+Which king was known as 'The Hammer of the Scots'?
+Edward i
+Which king was nicknamed Coeur de Lion?
+Richard i
+Which kingdom was ruled by Herod the Great?
+Which kitchen appliance was first designed in 1927 by the American Charles strite?
+Automatic toaster
+Which kitchen appliance was invented by fred waring?
+Which kitchen device contains a magnetron?
+Microwave oven
+Which Knight caused the death of the Lady of Shallott?
+Sir lancelot
+Which knight of the Round Table fought the Green Knight?
+Sir gawain
+Which knight of the round table guarded the holy grail?
+Sir perceval
+Which knight of the Round Table was the lover of Queen Guinevere?
+Which Labelle hit did All Saints take to number 1?
+Lady marmalade
+Which Labour MP faked suicide by a supposed drowning in 1974?
+John stonehouse
+Which Labour Mp lost his front bench trade and industry post for taking a part time job on Sky television?
+Austin mitchell
+Which Labour weekly did Michael Foot edit for 9 years?
+Which Lakeland poet was born in 1770?
+William wordsworth
+Which Lancashire city is home to the Old Trafford cricket ground?
+Which land animal can reach the highest?
+Which land was discovered by Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy?
+Which land was explored by the viking Erik the Red in about 982?
+Which language calls itself Vlaams?
+Which language do Walloons speak a version of?
+Which language does flemish most closely resemble?
+Which large marsh, once a haunt of smugglers, lies between Hythe and Rye on the south coast?
+Romney marsh
+Which large marsh, once thought bottomless, lies between Liverpool and Manchester?
+Chat moss
+Which Latin American author wrote 'The War of the End of the World'?
+Mario vargas llosa
+Which Latin American dance involves forming a chain?
+Which Latin motor-manufacturing name was originally that of a subsidiary of S.K.F. - the bearing makers - for whom the car's design engineers worked?
+Which Latin phrase translates into English as 'peace be with you'?
+Pax vobiscum
+Which latter day gameshow host had a hit with anyone who had a heart?
+Cilla black
+Which law did sir isaac newton discover when he was only twenty three years old?
+Law of universal gravitation
+Which lawyer broke the law by refusing to be finger-printed in the Transvaal during 1907?
+Which leader introduced reforms in Czechoslovakia in the late 60s?
+Alexander dubcek
+Which leader was defeated at the battle of Salamis?
+Which leader won the battle of Austerlitz in 1805?
+Which leader wrote his thoughts in a little red book?
+Chairman Mao
+Which legendary American golfer was played by Glenn Ford in the 1951 movie Follow the Sun?
+Ben hogan
+Which legendary beauty does Mephistopheles procure for Dr Faustus?
+Helen of troy
+Which legendary hero left the ruins of Troy and sailed to Italy to found the city of Rome?
+Which legendary king of cyprus fell in love with a statue?
+Which legendary ship is doomed to sail forever?
+The flying dutchman
+Which leisure activity was handed to the world by an American pie company in around 1900?
+Which letter and number signyfy the vitamin riboflavin?
+Which letter do more capital cities start with than any other?
+Which Lewis Carroll animal faded away until nothing was left but a grin?
+Cheshire cat
+Which lifesavers flavour can emit sparks when chewed in the dark?
+Which lighthouse designer was swept away in his lighthouse in a storm in Nov 1703?
+Henry winstanley
+Which line of latitude separates North and South Korea?
+Which liqueur has blackcurrant as its main source?
+Which liqueur is the French equivalent of Curacao?
+Grand marnier
+Which literary character was supposedly based on Vlad the Impaler?
+Which literary traveller was accompanied by Passepartout?
+Phileas fogg
+Which literary traveller was accompanied by the dog Toto?
+Which living bird has the longest wingspan?
+The albatross
+Which lizard gave Culture Club a smash hit?
+Which local team did Eastenders Arhtur support?
+Walford united
+Which loch lies closest to Glasgow?
+Loch lomond
+Which locksmith issued the following challenge about the lock that he made- any artist who can make an instrument that will pick or open this will receive 200 guineas?
+Joseph bramah
+Which loin of beef did Charles ii insist on knighting because he liked it so much?
+Which London airport was once a race track?
+Which London art gallery caused a furore by exhibiting a pile of bricks?
+The tate
+Which London club saw the start of Phileas Fogg's journey?
+The reform club
+Which London house was the home of the Duke Of Wellington. It was also known as No. 1 London?
+Apsley house
+Which london landmark is now the depository of the royal coronation regalia?
+The tower of london
+Which London MP is more famous as an actress?
+Glenda jackson
+Which London shopping arcade is patrolled by Beadles?
+Burlington arcade
+Which london station handles trains directly to the continent, through the channel tunnel?
+Which London Street identifiable by its name was inhabited by a French community in the 16th century?
+Petty france
+Which London street is associated with bespoke tailors?
+Savile row
+Which London street is associated with Sweeney Todd?
+Fleet street
+Which london street is famous for its hotels?
+Park lane
+Which London theatre house is built on the site of a well once famous for its medicinal properties?
+Sadlers wells
+Which London tube line is usually red on maps?
+Which London Underground line goes to Heathrow?
+Piccadilly line
+Which London Underground Line has been extended to the Millennium Dome?
+Which London Underground Line was the last to use steam passenger trains in 1961?
+Metropolitan line
+Which London Underground station had its name changed to Barbican in 1968?
+Which london's church's other name is the collegiate church of st. peter?
+Westminster abbey
+Which long motor race is held in france every june?
+Le mans 24 hour
+Which lover of Romeo was a hit for The Four Pennies?
+Which lump of rock is the worlds largest monolith?
+Ayers rock
+Which madame popularised luncheon vouchers in the 1980's?
+Cynthia payne
+Which made them safe enough for general use?
+Elisha g. otis
+Which Magazine does Marge consult about parenting?
+Fretful Mother 
+Which magazine features alfred e. newman?
+Mad magazine
+Which magazine is subtitled 'The International Magazine for Men'?
+Which magazine was founded by John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1995?
+Which magazine was founded by the American Dewitt Wallace?
+Reader's digest
+Which magician did lothar assist?
+Which major 1970 box office success centred on the relationship between characters played by Ryan O'neal and Ali Macgraw?
+Love story
+Which major car manufacturer will take over the Benetton Formula 1 team next years?
+Which major computer network was launched in 1984?
+The Internet
+Which major Danish tourist attraction is built out of miniature bricks?
+Which major food company grew out of the Sanitas Food Company of Battle Creek, Michigan?
+Which major horserace is held in Australia on the first tuesday in november?
+The melbourne cup
+Which major jazz composer and bandleader was known as 'Duke'?
+Edward Kennedy Ellington
+Which major land offensive began on the 1st July, 1916?
+Battle of the somme
+Which major league baseball team has its stadium in south bronx?
+New york yankees
+Which major New York leisure area was laid out by Fred Olmstead and Calvert Vaux and opened in 1876?
+Central park
+Which major novel takes place entirely on the day of June 16 1904?
+Which major planet spins in the opposite direction to the rest?
+Which major river flooded and cut all rail links to Derby in November 2000?
+The derwent
+Which major river flooded York in November 2000?
+The ouse
+Which major river flows through gloucester?
+Which major US city hosts an annual grand prix auto race on its streets?
+Which major US city is in Dade County?
+Which malaysian state is kuala lumpur in?
+Which male actor won an Academy Award in 1965 for his performance in Cat Ballou?
+Lee Marvin
+Which male christian name derives from the gaelic word for 'handsome'?
+Which mammal boasts the most nipples the cat, horse or pig?
+Which Mammal has the highest blood pressure?
+Which mammal has the longest lifespan?
+Which mammals name is said to have come from an Italian word meaning 'old woman'?
+Which man has made the highest individual innings at Lord's, an innings of 333?
+Graham gooch
+Which man who invented the microphone in 1876 died on august 2, 1922?
+Alexander graham bell
+Which man's name means Bearer of Christ?
+Which manufacturing company was founded by Lord Nuffield?
+Morris motors
+Which many headed monsters blood killed Hercules?
+which map drawn about 1290 and showing Jerusalem at the centre of a falt world is kept at Hereford Cathedral?
+Mappa mundi
+Which Marilyn Monroe film was adapted for a stage play starring Daryl Hannah in London in 2000?
+Seven year itch
+Which Mark Twain classic was remade by Disney in 1993?
+Adventures of huckleberry finn
+Which marlon brando film won best picture award in 1972?
+Which married couple won the Nobel prize for science in 1903?
+Marie and pierre curie
+Which marsupial is native to North America?
+Which Marx Brothers film features a bunch of Nazis trying to make off with stolen treasure?
+A night in Casablanca
+Which massacre took place 24 august 1572?
+Massacre of st bartholomew
+Which massacre took place on 24th August 1572?
+The massacre of St Bartholomew
+Which material can you not use in a microwave oven, plastic,glass or metal?
+Which measure of length used in land surveying was named after the mathematician Edmund Gunter?
+The chain
+Which meat do Hindus not eat?
+Which meat on a roast turkey has more calories, white or dark?
+Which medical condition is detected using the Ishiharo Test?
+Colour blindness
+Which medical instrument for listening to the sounds of the chest was invented in 1819?
+Which medical pioneer taught his students under the shade of a plane tree on the island of Cos?
+Which medical soap premiered on april fool's day, 1963?
+General hospital
+Which medication company's slogan is wake up your liver bile?
+Carter's Little Liver Pills
+Which Mediterranean island has coasts on three seas - Mediterranean, Ionian, and Tyrrhenian?
+Which Mediterranean island is named after a metal?
+Which Mediterranean island is named after the soldiers who were skilled in the use of slings?
+The balearics
+Which Mediterranean island once housed Napoleon?
+Which Mediterranean island was divided into two in 1974?
+Which member of 'the oak ridge boys' is a former radio disc jockey?
+Duane allen
+Which member of Led Zeppelin died, leading to the breakup of the band?
+Which member of Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet was once an airline pilot?
+Norman tebbit
+Which member of Queen had a top ten hit with Love Kills?
+Freddie mercury
+Which member of the British parliament is known as The beast of Bolsover?
+Dennis skinner
+Which member of the Cabinet draws the largest salary?
+Lord chancellor
+Which member of the camel family has no hump?
+Which member of the carp family is most regularly sold by British pet shops?
+Which member of the Dynasty cast was born near Paddington Station on 23 may 1933?
+Joan collins
+Which member of the European birch tree family produces edible nuts of the same name?
+Which member of the Monty Python team turned up as an English sheriff in the spoof western Silverado?
+John cleese
+Which member of the peanuts gang once said 'there's no heavier burden than a great potential'?
+Which member of the Royal Family has a daughter called Gabriella Windsor?
+Princess Michael of Kent
+Which member of the royal family was born in the Hampshire village of Dummer?
+Duchess of york
+Which member of the royal family was christened on Dec 21 1984?
+Prince Harry
+Which member of the royal family was described as a kinky devil by his former girlfriend Vicki Hodge?
+Prince andrew
+Which member of the UK government resigned after a scandal in 1983?
+Cecil parkinson
+Which member of the wkrp staff did loni anderson play?
+Which member of Wings went bankrupt in 1986?
+Denny laine
+Which meridian does the international date line approximately follow through the pacific ocean?
+180 degree meridian
+Which metal is always present in an amalgam?
+Which metal is combined with lead to make pewter?
+Which metal is extracted from the ore haematite?
+Which metal is in liquid state at ordinary room temperature?
+Which metal is liquid at normal temperatures?
+Which metal is normally liquid?
+Which metal is represented by the symbol ba?
+Which metal is used for the element in the electric light?
+Which metal, with the atomic number 3, is the lightest known solid element?
+Which Mexican rebel was shot to death in 1923?
+Pancho Villa
+Which michael jackson song could have referred to a tennis star?
+Billie jean
+Which Middle eastern city is the home of the Evil Council?
+Which middle eastern country's official name is al-lubnan?
+Which middle name did UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill share with Charlie Chaplin?
+Which military commander won the victories of Blenheim,Ramilles,Oudenarde and Malplaquet?
+Duke of marlborough
+Which milk has more fat than cow milk?
+Which Millais painting was later used in adverts for soap?
+Which Milton Bradley 'Capture-the-flag' board game features spies, scouts and bombs?
+Which Mindbenders track did Phil Collins take to number 1?
+Groovy kind of love
+Which mineral has the chemical formula fes2?
+Iron pyrites
+Which mineral is 9 on the moh's hardness scale?
+Which minister traditionally lives at no 11 Downing Street?
+Chancellor of the exchequer
+Which minister was hanged at salem massachusetts for witchcraft?
+George burroughs
+Which ministerial post has a higher salary than Prime Ministers?
+The lord chancellor
+Which miracle did Jesus perform at Cana?
+Water into wine
+Which mobster first built a gambling resort in the nevada desert that became las vegas?
+Bugsy siegel
+Which model was a judge for the 1999 Whitbread Literary Prize?
+Jerry hall
+Which modem country was formerly Nyasaland?
+Which modern author wrote the regeneration trilogy?
+Pat barker
+Which modern city was once called Byzantium?
+Which modern country made up most of Gaul in modern times?
+Which modern country occupies the former Roman province of Lusitania?
+Which modern country was called Siam?
+Which modern Irish writer's novels include dublin four and evening class?
+Maeve binchy
+Which monarch bought the estate of Sandringham?
+Queen victoria
+Which monarch signed the Magna Carta at Runnymede?
+King john
+Which monarch was the first to appear on a postage stamp?
+Queen victoria
+Which Monopoly token was voted most popular by players in 1998?
+The Race Car
+Which monster legend first came into being in 1921 when large footprints were photographed in the snow?
+The yeti
+Which month gives its name to the Hawthorn Blossom?
+Which month has an extra day every 4 years?
+Which month was named after caesar augustus?
+Which month was named after julius caesar?
+Which months are named after men who actually lived?
+July and august
+Which Months have 28 Days?
+All of them
+Which Moody Blues album takes its title from the famous mnemonic spelling out the lines of the treble stave?
+Every good boy deserves favour
+Which moon was discovered on 22 June 1978?
+Which mother and daughter supersatrs were both coached by Kay Thompson?
+Judy garland and liza minelli
+Which motor company has the emblem of the prancing horse?
+Which motor company produces the alhambra?
+Which motor manufactuer made a model called the acclaim?
+Which motorway is, being developed as a ring motorway round Manchester?
+Which mountain is considered to be the earths largest volcano?
+Mauna loa
+Which mountain is the highest in the Alps?
+Mont blanc
+Which mountain peak is the highest in the Western Hemisphere?
+Which mountain range acts as a physical boundary between Europe and Asia?
+The urals
+Which mountain range forms a geographical boundary between Europe and Asia?
+Which mountain range is climbes by the worlds highest railway?
+The andes
+Which mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad?
+Which mountain range reaches from the Black Sea through Georgia to the Caspian Sea?
+Which mountain shares its name with one of the three musketeers?
+Which mountain was the home of the Greek Gods?
+Mount olympus,
+Which mountains are between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea?
+Which mountains did Lewis and Clark lead an expedition across?
+The rockies
+Which mountains form the spine of Italy?
+The apennines
+Which move faster, frogs or toads?
+Which moves faster, frogs or toads?
+Which movie about a tv news show won peter finch a posthumous oscar?
+Which movie actor starred in From Here to Eternity,Elmer Gantry and Birdman of Alcatraz?
+Burt lancaster
+Which movie did cher, michelle pfeiffer & susan sarandon star together in?
+The withches of eastwick
+Which movie did Skinner take Patty to see?
+Space Mutants V: The Land Down Under
+Which movie had a device known as a flux-capacitor?
+Back to the Future
+Which movie holds the record for the most number of kisses, at 127?
+Don juan
+Which movie prompted the style of wearing cutoff sweatshirts over the shoulder?
+Which movie was NOT directed by Inoshiro Honda? A.Godzilla, King of Monsters. B.Latitude Zero. C.Mothra D.8 Man?
+D.8 Man
+Which movie won the most oscars?
+Ben hur
+Which MP introduced a bill in 1876 making a loading line on ships compulsory?
+Samuel plimsoll
+Which much loved character was killed off in a fire on BBC radio to compete for an audience tuning in to the first ITV broadcast?
+Grace archer
+Which municipal appointment did Richard Whittington hold?
+Lord mayor of london
+Which muscian was halfway between the gutter?
+Fat boy slim
+Which museum houses the Venus de Milo?
+The louvre
+Which museum in Washington DC is said to be the largest in the world?
+The smithsonian institute
+Which museum now occupies the site of the old Bedlam Hospital in London?
+Imperial war museum
+Which music group played at the halftime show of the super bowl?
+Hooray for Everything 
+Which musical contains the songs: Tonight and Maria?
+West side story
+Which musical featured the song 'If I ruled the world'?
+Which musical features the song 'Happy Talk'?
+South pacific,
+Which musical features the song some enchanted evening?
+South pacific
+Which musical includes the Barbara Dickson/Elaine Page song I Know Him So Well?
+Which musical instrument did Dizzy Gillespie play?
+Which musical instrument did Pablo Casals play?
+Which musical instrument does Bill Clinton play?
+Which musical instrument has a mouthpiece called a 'fipple'?
+Which musical is set around The taming of the shrew?
+Kiss me kate
+Which musical note is the longest?
+Which musical term denotes that a piece is to be played 'sweetly'?
+Which musical term denotes that the pitch of a note is lowered by a semitone?
+Which musical term means a mass for the dead?
+Which musical was based on H.G.Wells' novel 'Kipps'?
+Half a sixpence
+Which musical was based on the play The Matchmaker?
+Hello Dolly
+Which musical won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1961?
+West side story
+Which musician fronted the Tubeway Army?
+Gary numan
+Which musician holds the record for the most carreer gold records?
+Paul mccartney
+Which musician is married to Cleo Laine?
+John dankworth
+Which musician of non-u.k. citizenship was awarded an honorary knighthood (kbe) in 1986?
+Bob geldof
+Which musician was awarded the National Humanties Medal for his efforts to preserve WaldenWoods?
+Don Henley
+Which mutiny was directed against Captain Queeg?
+The caine mutiny
+Which mythical animal is half man half seal?
+Which mythical creature has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail?
+which mythical creature was the symbol of virginity?
+Which mythical land was supposed to lie between Cornwall and the Scilly Isles?
+L yonesse
+Which mythological creature was half man, half horse?
+Which name has been most frequently chosen by roman catholic popes?
+Which nation has Dzongkha as its officail language?
+Which nation has the longest predicted life expectancy for both men and women?
+Which nation provided reinforcements for the British at Waterloo?
+Which nation recently won the Alfred Dunhill Cup at St. Andrews?
+Which nation was led by Genghis Khan?
+The mongols
+Which nation won the most medals in the 1994 winter olympics?
+Which nation, on average, takes the longest time over its meals?
+Which national park contains the lowest point in the western hemisphere?
+Death valley national park
+Which nationalist assumed the title govenor of Scotland in 1297?
+William wallace
+Which nationality was matthias grunewald?
+Which Native American princess saved the life of settler John Smith in 1606?
+Which NATO country is the world's largest producer of Uranium?
+Which natural feature has been nicknamed The Lamp of Phoebus?
+The sun
+Which natural phenomenon can be measured on the mercalli scale?
+Which natural wonder did Cook explore off eastern Australia?
+The great barrier reef
+Which nazi broadcaster was known as lord haw-haw?
+William joyce
+Which nazi leader had his 6 children poisoned prior to his own death?
+Which Nepalese mountain was first climbed by Maurice Herzog?
+Which new engine regulation replaced the 2.5 litre rule at the start of the 1961 season?
+1.5 litre
+Which new London airport was opened by the queen in 1987?
+London city airport
+Which new M.P. for Oldham entered Parliament in 1900, the year his first novel was published?
+Winston churchill
+Which New Mexico town adopted the name of a radio quiz show?
+Truth or consequences
+Which new wave icon appears as himself in the film the wedding singer?
+Billy idol
+Which New York City building was finished in 1931?
+Empire state building
+Which new zealand model did rod stewart marry in 1990?
+Rachel hunter
+Which new zealand novelist won the booker prize with her novel the bone people?
+Keri hulme
+Which new-wave band rocked the Casbah?
+The Clash
+Which newspapaer launched a ferry aid single that managed to include large chested Linda Lusardi in its list of pop stars?
+The sun
+Which newspaper did mahatma ghandhi edit during his stay in south africa?
+Indian opinion
+Which newspaper owner's name became an exclamation of surprise or disbelief?
+Gordon bennett
+Which NFL team's defensive unit was nicknamed 'The Purple People Eaters'?
+Minnesota Vikings
+Which nglish county boasts the longest stretch of coastline?
+Which nhl franchise holds the record for the longest unbeaten streak?
+Philadelphia flyers
+Which NHL Montreal Canadien goalie had a nickname of Jake the Snake?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Jacques Plante ", " "]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which nhl team won the stanley cup in both 1997 and 1998?
+Detroit red wings
+Which nigerian won the booker prize in 1991 with 'the famished road'?
+Ben okri
+Which nightingale sings the male or the female?
+Which nineteenth century author is buried in Samoa?
+Robert louis stevenson
+Which Nobel Prize was won by Henry Kissinger?
+Which Nobel Prize winner wrote 'The Old Man and the Sea?
+Ernest hemingway
+Which Noel Coward play formed the basis for the film 'Brief Encounter'?
+Still life
+Which norman king of England began building the tower of London?
+William I
+Which Norse goddess kept the apples of youth?
+Which north african city was first visited by the europeans in the 1820s?
+Which north western Italian city is known in that country as Torino?
+Which northern Italian city has a summer open air opera season?
+Which Northumberland castle is claimed to be the second largest inhabited castle in the world?
+Which note does a symphony orchestra tune to?
+Which notorious Australian robber was hanged at Melbourne in 1880?
+Ned kelly
+Which notorious British murderer appears in alban berg's unfinished opera lulu?
+Jack the ripper
+which notorious citizen of York was born in stonegate and hanged n London in 1606?
+Guy fawkes
+Which number completes the group's name: s club - what?
+Which number could not be represented in the Roman numbering system?
+Which number is at the top of a dartboard?
+Which number on a roulette wheel is coloured green?
+Which number psalm begins, 'The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want'?
+Which number results if you add the number of Apostles to the number of sides in a decagon?
+Which number system only uses 1 and 0?
+Binary system
+Which nurse organized a hospital for British troops during the Crimean War?
+Florence Nightingale
+Which nursery rhyme is supposed to be based in the 'Black Death'?
+Ring o ring o roses
+Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording?
+Mary had a little
+Which nut is used to make Marzipan?
+Which object was known as a Churchwarden?
+Long clay pipe
+Which ocean are the West Indies on?
+Which ocean can you swim in from the Seychelles?
+Which ocean does the Zambezi river empty into?
+Indian ocean
+Which ocean has an area of approximately 166 sq km?
+Pacific ocean
+Which ocean is at its deepest in the Puerto Rico trench?
+Which ocean is deeper the Atlantic or the Pacific?
+Which ocean is the worlds deepest on average?
+Which ocean lies north of Guyana?
+Which ocean liner made its maiden voyage in may 1936?
+Queen mary
+Which ocean surrounds hawaii?
+Which ocean was Balboa the first european to see in 1513?
+Which oceanic plate lies off the Andes?
+Which of allegro, presto and andante is the fastest in music?
+Which of Arthurs knights undertook the Seige Perilous?
+Which of Atlanta, St Louis and San Franciso is a US state capital?
+Which of boston, Chicago and New York City is a u.s. state capital?
+Which of Charles dickens' novels in set partly in America?
+Martin chuzzlewit
+Which of Charles Dickens' novels is mainly set in the Marshalsea Prison?
+Little dorritt
+Which of Dicken's novels is set during the Gordon Riots?
+Barnaby rudge
+Which of Henry VIII's wives was his siter-in-law?
+Catherine of aragon
+Which of Henry VIIIs wives outlived him?
+Catherine parr
+Which of his old songs, with new lyrics, did Elton John record as a tribute to Diana?
+Candle in the wind
+Which of his operas did Sullivan have to rewrite in America because hed left the music in England?
+The pirates of penzance
+Which of hitler's deputies parachuted into Scotland to negotiate peace terms?
+Rudolf hess
+Which of India's states is thought to have the largest Sikh population?
+Which of its products did Heinz try to squeeze out in November 1999?
+Salad cream
+Which of Jacobs sons had a coat of many colours?
+Which of Jesus' desciples was described as doubting?
+Which of Mars, Mercury & Neptune cannot be seen with the naked eye?
+Which of Mary's arms supports Jesus in Michelangelo's 'Pieta'?
+Which of maryland, massachusetts and vermont isnt one of the us's new England states?
+Which of Shakespeare's plays begins with the line 'Now is the winter of our discontent.'?
+Richard the Third
+Which of Shakespeare's plays contains the most number of words?
+Which of Shakespeare's plays involves a pound of flesh?
+The merchant of venice
+Which of Shakespeare's plays is about a black soldier?
+Which of Shakespeare's plays is set in the Forest of Arden?
+As you like it
+Which of snow white's dwarfs was mute?
+Which of tea leaves or coffee beans have more caffeine?
+Tea leaves
+Which of the 48 contiguous U.S. states has the fewest people?
+Which of the 5 senses is less sharp after you eat too much?
+Which of the American Marshal Islands became famous as a nuclear test site?
+Bikini atoll
+Which of the Beatles group played piano on Don't Pass Me By?
+Ringo starr
+Which of the Bee Gees' Gibb brothers is NOT a twin?
+Which of the big cats lives in the mountains of Asia?
+The snow leopard
+Which of the brightest stars is furthest north?
+Which of the channel islands is famous for its lack of cars?
+Which of the five great lakes is entirely in the us?
+Which of the five senses are you most likely to lose if hit by lightning?
+Which of the five senses develops first?
+Which of the five senses is less sharp after you eat too much?
+Which of the following authors had more of their books borrowed from libraries in the UK in the year 2000 than the others? Danielle Steel, Ruth Rendell or Patricia Cornwell?
+Daniell Steel 
+Which of the following is NOT the name of an American Indian tribe? Iroquois, Sunni or Navajo?
+Which of the following is the smallest paper size; A3, A4, or A5?
+Which of the four seasons should a tulip bulb be planted in?
+Which of the four teenage mutant ninja turtles was named after an artists and/or sculptor that did not occur in the same time period as the other three?
+Which of the goodies on tv was a doctor?
+Graham garden
+Which of the Great Train Robbers became a florist outside Waterloo station?
+Buster edwards
+Which of the halogens is liquid at room temperature?
+Which of the hawaiian islands has active volcanoes?
+Which of the Hawaiian islands have active volcanoes?
+Which of the London underground lines was the world's first?
+Which of the major planets isnt named after a god?
+Which of the Marx brothers wore a painted on false moustache?
+Which of the Old Testarnent prophets was taken up to Heaven in a fiery chariot?
+Which of the primary colors of light has the highest energy?
+Which of the proffessionals was played by martin shaw?
+Which of the senses does the olfactory nerve serve?
+Which of the senses is poorly developed in most birds?
+Which of the senses outlasts all others in a human lifetime?
+Which of the services resolved the Balcombe Street siege?
+Which of the seven dwarfs is ashamed to take his hat off?
+Which of the seven dwarfs plays the organ?
+Which of the seven dwarves comes first alphabetically?
+Which of the seven hills of Rome gives its name to the Italian presidential palace?
+Quirinal hill
+Which of the seven wonders of the ancient world was alive?
+The hanging gardens of babylon
+Which of the seven wonders of the ancient world was built by a ruler's sister/widow?
+Mausoleum of halicarnassus
+Which of the seven wonders of the world was constructed by the sculptor phidias about 430 b.c?
+Statue of zeus
+Which of the seven wonders of the world was in Babylon?
+The hanging gardens
+Which of the twelve largest islands in the World lies directly between Borneo and New Guinea?
+Which of the two chipmunks has a black nose?
+Which of the two hits by 'the fireflies' made it to number 22 in 1959?
+You were mine
+Which of the United States is nicknamed the Equality State?
+Which of the wright brothers flew their plane, based on the toss of a 50-cent piece?
+Which of these animals does not grow one or more horns? The caribou, the giraffe or the rhinoceros?
+The caribou
+Which of these is NOT a computer: MANIAC, SILLIAC, BRAINIAC, ILLIAC, JOHNNIAC?
+Which of these is not a prime number-5,7,9,11?
+Which of these is not one of the Corrs-Andrea,Colleen,Sharon?
+Which of these islands is the largest - anglesey or mull?
+Which of these nuts is not actually a nut - peanut, cashew nut, macademia nut?
+Which officer commands a platoon?
+Which oil bearing substance did Noah use to coat the Ark and make it waterproof?
+Which old testament figure was the father of ham, shem and japheth?
+Which Old Testament King was succeeded by his son Rehoboam?
+Which Oliver Stone film won the Oscar for the best film in 1986?
+Which Olympic event did Mary Peters win in 1972?
+Womens pentathlon
+Which Olympic event involves throwing a 5lb 6.55oz object?
+Mens discus
+Which Olympic gold medallist became the MP for Falmouth and Camborne in 1992?
+Sebastian coe
+Which Olympics did the US boycott?
+Which once-common disease was also known as the 'white death'?
+Which one does most of the hunting the male or the female lion?
+Which one is Frankenstein the monster or the man who made him?
+Man who makes him
+Which one is smallest boulder, pebble or stone?
+Which one man band released the album 'mellow gold'?
+Which one of edgar bergen's dummies claims snerdsville, iowa as his hometown?
+Mortimer snerd
+Which one of holden caulfield's brothers died of leukemia in the novel catcher in the rye?
+Which one of rc, rl and rlc circuits which one oscillates charge?
+Which one of the a team was a pilot?
+Which one of the Beverley Sisters was not a twin?
+Which one of the world's four largest countries doesn't have any stars on its flag?
+Which one of these are NOT are a part of the endocrine system...pituitary gland, the thyroid or the duodenum?
+Which one seldom goes in the water a frog or a toad?
+Which one wears a small moustache Laurel or Hardy?
+Which one word can mean all of the following: a water bird, to bend down or zero score?
+Which one word connects Illinois, Mary O'Brien and 'The Simpsons'?
+Which one word describes all of the following, a type of sandpiper, an Elizabethan collar and to trump at cards?
+Which one word links a Scottish river, the captain of the New Zealand Rugby Union team, and a BBC comedy programme?
+Which one-armed civil war veteran led the first expedition through the grand canyon on the colorado river?
+John wesley powell
+Which Ontario town claims to be the birthplace of A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh?
+White River
+Which opear tells the story of a girl who works in a cigarette factory?
+Which opera is 20 hours long and had a special theatre built for its first performance?
+Der ring des nibelungen
+Which opera singer sang Perhaps Love with John Denver?
+Placido domingo
+Which opera was comissioned by the Khedive of Egypt?
+Verdis aida
+Which opera, based on Bizet's Carmen, is set in a parachute factory?
+Carmen jones
+Which opera, composed by saint-saens, and first performed in 1877, is set in palestine?
+Samson and delilah
+Which opera's cast list includes an owl,woodpecker,gnat,badger,jay,frog,grasshopper and a fox?
+The cunning little vixen
+Which opera/musical is set in Catfish Row?
+Porgy & bess
+Which operetta is subtitled 'The Slave of Duty'?
+Pirates of penzance
+Which organ in the body is inflamed in nephritis?
+Which organ of the body produces bile?
+Which organisation has the motto Blood and Fire?
+The salvation army
+Which organisation has the motto For home and country?
+The womens institute
+Which organisation is the subject of Stephen Knights book The Brotherhood?
+Which organisation killed Aldo Moro?
+The red brigade
+Which organisation said to Mrs Thatcher, we only have to be lucky once, you have to be lucky always?
+The ira
+Which organisation was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest in 1865?
+Ku klux klan
+Which organisation was founded by William Booth?
+Salvation army
+Which organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize during WWll?
+The red cross
+Which organs do the renal arteries carry blood too?
+Which oscar winning actress married media mogul Ted Turner in 1991?
+Jane fonda
+Which Oscar winning film portrayed events about the Khmer Rouge massacres in Cambodia?
+The Killing Fields
+Which Oscar-winning actor's only film as a director was the 1961 Western One-Eyed Jacks?
+Marlon brando
+Which oscar-winning film of the 1980s was directed by hugh hudson?
+Chariots of fire
+Which other left wing faction did the Bolsheviks defeat to take control after the Russian revolution?
+Which outlaw is the favourite subject of the artist Sidney Nolan?
+Ned kelly
+Which outlaws real name was William Bonney?
+Billy the kid
+Which ovine expression is used for a disreputable member of a family or group?
+Black sheep
+Which ovine expression is used to describe a wishful amorous glance?
+Sheep's eyes
+Which Oxford College's Chapel is also Oxford's Cathedral?
+Christ church
+Which Pacific republic was formerly known as the New Hebrides?
+Which pain relieving product was subjected to a public relations scare in the eighties?
+Which painter drew early ideas for a helicopter?
+Da vinci
+Which painter gave his name to a shade of red?
+Which painter threw a knife at Paul Gauguin in the french town of Arles?
+Vincent van gogh
+Which painter, famous for his pop-art, died in 1997?
+Roy lichtenstein
+Which painting medium is an emulsion of egg yolks and water?
+Which pair of 19th century showmen ran The Greatest Show on Earth?
+Phineas barnum and james bailey
+Which Pakistani cricketer married heiress Jemima Goldsmith?
+Imran khan
+Which Palace has over 600 rooms?
+Which palace was built by Henry VIII on the site of a leper hospital?
+Saint james's
+Which Paradise was a hit for Coolio featuring LV?
+Which parent determines the gender of their offspring?
+Which Paris building has a glass pyramid in its forecourt?
+The louvre
+Which Paris fashion house produced the perfume Ma Griffe?
+Which parrot attacks sheep?
+Which part of a book is also a type of finger?
+Which part of a car's engine regulates the mixture of air and petrol?
+The carburetor
+Which part of Africa was known as 'The Land of Gold'?
+Which part of the body is affected by encephalitis?
+Which part of the body is affected by phlebitis?
+Which part of the body is affected by the condition nephritis?
+Which part of the body is affected by the condition stomatitis?
+Which part of the body is associated with the adjective 'pulmonary'?
+Which part of the body is associated with the adjective 'renal'?
+Which part of the body is most affected by the disease diptheria?
+Which part of the body is operated on in a menisectomy?
+Which part of the body is technically known as the Thorax?
+Which part of the body may be described as Varicose?
+Which part of the body suffers from opthalmia?
+Which part of the human body does Gingivitus affect?
+Which part of the human eye controls the size of the pupil?
+Which part of the human eye may be removed and kept in an eye bank?
+Which part of the pig is used for ham?
+Top of the hind legs
+Which part of the tree produces the aromatic bitter of Angostura Bitters?
+Which part of the world was explored by Fridtjof Nansen?
+The artic
+Which part of the world was explored by Mungo Park?
+West africa
+Which part of your body has rods & cones?
+Which part of your body might suffer from a stigmatism?
+Which part of your body would be affected if you suffer from chilblaines?
+Which particles, when emitted by radioactive nuclei, are known as beta particles?
+Electrons or positrons
+Which partner of Mary Ford designed and gave his name to a famous guitar?
+Les Paul
+Which partnership was responsible for the musical Paint Your Wagon?
+Lerner & loewe
+Which pastry is traditionally used to make the Greek dish baklava?
+Which patriotic pop song creeps in at the end of the New World Symphony?
+Yankee doodle
+Which peak overlooks the city of Cape Town?
+Table mountain
+Which peanuts character made their debut on august 22, 1960?
+Sally brown
+Which peanuts character plays the piano?
+Which peaople did ghengis khan lead?
+Which peculiar bird had a shoe-polish named after it?
+Which pedigree dog breed is the tallest?
+Irish wolfhound
+Which pen name does the author Harry Patterson also use?
+Jack higgins
+Which peninsula do Spain and Portugal occupy?
+Iberian peninsula
+Which peninsula is occupied by norway and Sweden?
+Scandinavian peninsula
+Which people are excluded from inheritance and succesion from salic law?
+Which people are known in their own language as Saami?
+Which people first brought the cat to Europe?
+The Romans
+Which people first used fountain pens?
+Ancient egyptians
+Which people fought in regiments called impis?
+The zulus
+Which people invented the compass?
+Which people slide down a pole to help them to get to work quickly?
+Which people's republic stands between the Bay of Bengal and the foothills of the Himalayas, bordered by India and Burma?
+Which peoples creation is told in the Dreamtime stories?
+Australian aborigines
+Which peoples name means Eaters of Raw meat?
+Which period followed Picasso's Blue period?
+Which Persian astronomer is best known for his poems or 'Rubaiyat'?
+Omar Khayyam
+Which Persian poet's work first came to popular attention in the famous translation by Edward Fitzgerald?
+Omar khayyam
+Which person's name is an anagram of 'nigel fetch an iron leg'?
+Florence nightingale
+Which peter cetera song came from the film 'the karate kid, part ii'?
+Glory of love
+Which Peter chose the right Flava to get to number one?
+Which pharaoh built the great temple at Abu Simbel?
+Ramses ii
+Which philosopher carried round a lantern, looking for an honest man?
+Which philosopher founded the Stoic school?
+Which philospher is buried in Highgate cemetary in London?
+Karl marx
+Which phone number was introduced to the uk in 1937?
+Which photographer, in 1976, told us that we'd take great snaps if we used an Olympus?
+David bailey
+Which phrase is taken from the French meaning blank sheet of paper?
+Carte blanche
+which phrase is taken from the french meaning white paper?
+Carte blanche
+Which phrase means computer simulation that seems life like?
+Virtual reality
+Which physicist and former surveyor discovered the law which bears his name explaining the tension of a spring?
+Robert hooke
+Which pianist is said to have coined the phrase I cry all the way to the bank?
+Which piece of office equipment did Milwaukee newspaper editor Christopher Scholes invent in 1868?
+Which piece of opaque variety of quartz found in most parts of Scotland was set into the gold and silver baton that commemorated the 1986 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh?
+Which pigment produces the colour of hair or skin in animals?
+Which pirate fought in the battle of new orleans?
+Jean laffite
+Which pistol favoured by James Bond did Adolf Hitler use to commit suicide?
+Walther 7.65
+Which place is the driest in the world?
+Atacama desert
+Which plane made the first man-powered cross-channel flight?
+Gossamer albatross
+Which planet circles the sun every 84 years?
+Which planet did john couch adams and urbain leverrier work out the existence and position of before it could actually be seen?
+Which planet does the moon iapetus belong to?
+Which planet has a moon called Charon?
+Which planet has a moon called Europa?
+Which planet has a satellite called cordelia?
+Which planet has a year lasting approx. 88 earth days?
+Which planet has prometheus as a satellite?
+Which planet has the greatest gravity, Mars or Uranus?
+Which planet has the hottest surface?
+Which planet has the shortest day because it rotates the fastest?
+Which planet in the solar system was discovered in 1846?
+Which Planet is 228 million kilometres from the Sun and has an orbital time of 1.88 years?
+Which Planet is 2872 million kilometres from the Sun and has an orbital time of 84 years?
+Which planet is closest in size to the earth?
+Which planet is closest to the Sun?
+Which planet is fourth closest to the sun?
+Which planet is named after the sky God in Greek mythology?
+Which planet is nearest in size to that of the Earth?
+Which planet is orbited by the moon charon?
+Which planet orbits the sun the fastest?
+Which planet other than mercury does not have moons?
+Which planet takes 225 days to orbit the sun?
+Which planet takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds to revolve once on its axis?
+The earth
+Which planet takes the longest to revolve around the sun?
+Which planet was discovered by William Herschel in 178l?
+Which planet was discovered in 1846?
+Which planet was first seen in 1846?
+Which planet was furthest from the sun in 1988?
+Which planet was the 'planet of the apes'?
+Which planet was visited by the Galileo probe in 1995?
+Which planet with at least eighteen known moons is sixth closest to the sun?
+Which planet's largest satellite is titan?
+Which planets year is shorter than its day?
+Which plant did the indians use to paint their faces and tomahawks?
+Which plant does the farmer grow for sugar?
+Sugar beet
+Which plant does the hallucinogen mescaline come from?
+Which plant does this describe - leaves in equal pairs,dull purple flowers and black,cherry sized berries?
+Deadly nightshade
+Which plant has flower parts apparently resembling the instruments of Christ's crucifixion?
+Passion flower
+Which plant has gills, a veil and scales?
+Which plant has the alternative name Lonicera?
+Which plant has the latin name Centaurea cyanus?
+Which plant has the scientific name Convallaria?
+Lily of the valley
+Which plant is processed for linseed oil?
+Which plant is the national emblem of Scotland?
+Scotch thistle
+Which plant of the daisy family provides a medicine used for the treatment of bruises?
+Which play has had a continuous 50-year run?
+The Mousetrap 
+Which play won the pulitzer prize for drama?
+South pacific
+Which player in nba history has the most career points?
+Kareem abdul-jabbar
+Which playwright and dissident became President of Czechoslovakia in 1989?
+Vaclav havel
+Which playwright invented the name Wendy?
+J m barrie
+Which playwright was chalie chaplins father in law?
+Eugene o'neill
+Which playwright wrote blithe spirit?
+Noel coward
+Which playwright wrote lady windermere's fan?
+Oscar wilde
+Which pleated instrument did Friedrich Buschman invent in 1822?
+The accordian
+Which plumbers mate was discovered by ollywood after being called to unblock producer mack Sennets drains?
+Fatty arbuckle
+Which poet and garden designer was married to Harold Nicholson?
+Vita sackville-west
+Which poet composed Paradise Lost?
+John milton
+Which poet described autumn as 'the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'?
+John keats
+Which poet died of self administered arsenic at the age of 17?
+Thomas chatterton
+Which poet died on an American lecture tour at the age of 39?
+Dylan thomas
+Which poet dies off the Italian coast at the age of 30?
+Which poet gave his name to a cape south of Brisbane?
+Which Poet Laureate declared 'I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and sky'?
+John masefield
+Which poet laureate was married to sylvia plath?
+Ted hughes
+Which Poet Laureate wrote about 'Miss Joan Hunter-Dunn and the anthology 'New Bats in Old Belfries?
+John betjeman
+Which poet played cricket for Harrow against Eton in 1805?
+Which poet wrote 'Ode to the West Wind'?
+Which poet wrote jerusalem?
+William blake
+Which poet wrote my love is like a red red rose?
+Robert burns
+Which poet wrote ode to a skylark?
+Which poet wrote the song of hiawatha?
+Henry longfellow
+Which poets Tiger was burning bright?
+William blake
+Which poker hand consist of cards all of one suit?
+Which polar explorer died in a plane crash, while searching for a missing Italian airship?
+Ronald amundsen
+Which policeman gave up his job to become a professional snooker player?
+Ray reardon
+Which Polish astronomer proposed that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe?
+Which politicain is best known as the architect of the National Health Service?
+Aneurin bevan
+Which political party did Margaret Thatcher lead?
+Which political party was founded in West Germany in 1972 by the late Petra Kelly?
+The green party
+Which politician famously said 'What is our task? To make britain a fit country for heroes to live in.'?
+David lloyd george
+Which politician is commemorated at a museum in Llanystumdwy,Wales?
+Lloyd george
+Which politician was known as the Welsh wizard?
+David lloyd george
+Which pop duo had a hit in 1983 with 'Club Tropicana'?
+Which pop female singer did Bee Gee singer Maurice Gibb marry in 1969?
+Which pop group consisted of Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce & Ginger Baker?
+Which pop group had a hit with robert de niros' waiting?
+Which pop group included Brian, Carl & Dennis Wilson?
+Beach boys
+Which pop singer sang the theme of the Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun?
+Which pop song contains a similar melody to tchaikovsky's symphony in e minor?
+Annie's song
+Which pop star appeared in many of the 'gidget' films, and hit no 3 with the calliope sound of 'goodbye cruel world' in the early 60's?
+James darren
+Which pop star once recorded the Crossroads theme tune?
+Paul mccartney
+Which pop star received a mention from the organisers of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize?
+Bob geldof
+Which pop stars first major screen role was as an alien called thomas jerome newton?
+David bowie
+Which pop stars yacht capsized during the 1985 Fastnet race?
+Simon le bon
+Which pop tv programme invited a panel of star guests to judge a recent record a hit or a miss?
+Juke box jury
+Which Pope died in 1978 after a mere 33 days in office?
+John Paul I
+Which Pope died on today's date in 1978?
+John Paul 1
+Which popular association was originally called the Rosebuds?
+The brownies
+Which popular BBC radio presenter died of cancer in 1989?
+Ray moore
+Which popular perfume was originally thought to offer protection against the plague?
+Eau de cologne
+Which popular singer of the 60's &70's has the real name Clive Powell?
+Georgie fame
+Which popular singer of the 80's has the real name Christopher Davidson?
+Chris de burgh
+Which popular TV night show host wrote 'Leading with My Chin'?
+Jay Leno
+Which port is the capital of the Italian region of liguria?
+Which port on the River Douro is the second largest city in Portugal?
+Which Portuguese colony reverts to china in december 1999?
+Which position is not named in abbott and costello's 'who's on first' routine?
+Right field
+Which position is usually played by the tallest member of a basketball team?
+Which power station in Pennsylvania was the scene of a 1979 nuclear accident?
+Three mile island
+Which powerful medical tool was first discovered in Germany in 1895 by Wilhelm Rontgen?
+Which pre-metal group did a cover of the 1958 hit 'summertime blues'?
+Blue cheer
+Which precious stone formed from corundum is secomd only to diamond in hardness?
+Which premiership club moved to a new ground at the beginning of the 2001-2 season?
+Which premiership team moved to a new ground at the start of 2001/2002 season?
+Which president gave the first televised State of the Union address?
+Dwight D Eisenhower
+Which president had the nickname 'Old Hickory'?
+Ronald Reagan
+Which president married martha dandridge custis?
+George Washington
+Which president of singapore suffers from cancer?
+Ong teng cheong
+Which President of the Soviet Union died in 1953, aged 73?
+Joseph Stalin
+Which president said in a Playboy interview, that he had 'committed adultery in my heart many times'?
+Jimmy Carter
+Which president was elected 4 consecutive times?
+Harry S Truman
+Which president was responsible for the 'louisiana purchase'?
+Which pretender to the English throne was hanged in 1499?
+Perkin warbeck
+Which primary color has the shortest name?
+Which prime minister established Canada's own flag?
+Lester pearson
+Which prime minister felled trees for a hobby?
+William gladstone
+Which Prime Minister introduced Income Tax?
+Pitt the younger
+Which Prime Minister of Pakistan was deposed in a military coup in October 1999?
+Nawaz sharif
+Which princess is known by her husband's first name?
+Which principal conductor of both the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and the Halle Orchestra died in 1970?
+Sir john barbirolli
+Which principality has been ruled by the Grimaldi family since the 15th century?
+Which private eye hero did the author raymond chandler create?
+Philip marlowe
+Which process invented in 1855 converts pig iron into steel?
+Bessemer process
+Which producer took a drug overdose in 1966?
+Brian epstein
+Which product had the slogan 'You'll look a little lovelier each day?
+Camay soap
+Which product is measured by its octane rating?
+Which product was advertised as 'tested by dummies, driven by the intelligent'?
+Volvo cars
+Which professon would you belong to if you had FRIBA after your name?
+Which prominent african-American singer was nominated for a best actress oscar in 1972?
+Diana ross
+Which protein forms nails and hair?
+Which province provides 25% of Canadas agricultural income?
+Which psychologist and psychiatrist introduced the term 'inferiority complex'?
+Alfred adler
+Which publication features Larry King's weekly column?
+USA Today
+which Quaker chocolate maufacturer from York founded 3 charitable trusts which support research and development in the fields of housing, social care and social policy?
+Joseph rowntree
+Which Quaker founded the city of Philadelphia?
+William Penn
+Which quartet ends with the Division of the Spoils?
+The raj quartet
+Which quartet issued the Limehouse Declaration?
+Sdps gang of four
+Which queen had menstrual cramps eased with marijuana?
+Queen victoria
+Which queen outlived all her 17 children?
+Queen anne
+Which queen single was a xmas number one in 1975 and again in 1991?
+Bohemian rhapsody
+Which Queen was the subject of a film called Mrs Brown?
+Queen victoria
+Which quirky brunette was one of the first MTv VJ's?
+Martha Quinn
+Which quiz show became a programme in its own right after first appearing as part of Wednesday Night Out?
+Name that tune
+Which race built a cube spacecraft?
+The borg
+Which race tradionally end at mortlake?
+The boat race
+Which racing driver was killed whilst flying his own aircraft?
+Graham hill
+Which radio 2 presenter once had a hit with a single called The Man form Laramie?
+Jimmy young
+Which radio and TV presenter made the hit parade in 1978 with a version of the Cornish Floral dance?
+Terry wogan
+Which radioactive gas is emitted by granite rock formations?
+Which railway engineer designed the locomotives Sans Pareil and Royal George?
+Timothy hackworth
+Which railway line built before 1891 and 1905 is the worlds longest?
+Trans siberian
+Which railway station has a fictional bear named after it?
+Which railway station in london is known by two names?
+Bank and monument
+Which railway station in London, designed by Edward Wilson and opened in 1874, serves East Anglia?
+:liverpool street
+Which railway tunnel, 20 kilometres long, joining Isselle in Italy with Brig in Switzerland, is cut under Mount Leone in the Alps?
+Simplon tunnel
+Which rap group was totally crossed out?
+Kris kross
+Which raw meat is most likely to contain a trichina worm?
+Which Ray Charles rocker was an adaptation of the hymn Jesus is all the world to me?
+I gotta woman
+Which readio programme was presented by Roy Plomley from 1942 to 1985?
+Desert Island Discs
+Which real cartoon features the ultra-violent duo of itchy & scratchy?
+The simpsons
+Which real island was daniel defoe's robinson cruesoe based on?
+Juan fernandez
+Which real life brothers played the kray twins in the film the krays?
+Martin and gary kemp
+Which record label is owned by Elton John?
+Rocket records
+Which red dwarf actor presents robot wars?
+Craig Charles
+Which red-haird slide guitar player won a grammy in 1989 for her album 'nick of time'?
+Bonnie raitt
+Which red-head won Star Search and then went on a shopping mall singing tour that took America by storm in 1987 and 1988?
+Which reggae duo charted with twist and shout in the 1990s?
+Chaka demus and pliers
+which regiment formed in 1688 has its headquarters amd museum in Richmond North Yorkshire?
+The green howards
+Which region of france do germans call lothringen?
+Which region of Germany has Munich as its capital?
+Which region of Spain has Barcelona as its capital?
+Which regular Private Eye Feature lists cock ups by sports commentators?
+Which regular solid has a faces which are all pentagons?
+Which relative of john travolta's made a cameo appearance in saturday night fever?
+His mother
+Which religion believes in the four noble truths?
+Which religion has the kathina festival as a National Holiday?
+Which religion uses pagodas?
+Which religion's holiest shrine is the Golden Temple at Amritsar?
+Which religion's holiest shrine's are in the Ise Shima National Park near Osaka?
+Which religions various branches claims 100% of Afghanistans population?
+Which religious group grew out of the Watch Tower Society?
+Jehovah's witnesses
+Which religious group whipped themselves into a frenzy in the middle ages?
+The flagellants
+Which religious group whipped thewselves into a frenzy in the Middle Ages?
+The flagellants
+Which religious leader is said to have found enlightenment while sitting under a tree?
+Which religious order was founded by Saint Bruno?
+Which rem song features kate from the b-52s?
+Shiny happy people
+Which Renaissance City was severely flooded in November 1966?
+Which resort is located at the north-eastern edge of Exmoor?
+Which resort was the setting for the first butlins holiday camp?
+Which retail entrepreneur founded the body shop in 1976?
+Anita roddick
+Which Rhinestone Cowboy was a former Beach Boy?
+Glen campbell
+Which Richard Adams book featured a fox terrier called Snitter?
+The plague dogs
+Which river did Julias Caesar cross and, by doing so, cause a civil war?
+Which river features in the title of a famous waltz?
+The danube
+Which river flows over the Niagara Falls?
+Niagara river
+Which river flows over the Victoria Falls?
+Which river flows through Innsbruck?
+The inn
+Which river flows through munich?
+Which river flows through the grand canyon?
+Which river flows under the bridge linking Scotland and England at Coldstream?
+River tweed
+Which river forms most of the boundary between Mexico and USA?
+Rio grande
+Which river forms part of the southern boundary of the state of Indiana, separating it from Kentucky?
+Which river forms the eastern border between England and Scotland?
+The tweed
+Which river is dammed by the hoover dam?
+Colorado river
+Which river is reputed to be haunted by the Lorelei?
+The rhine
+Which river marks the border of the United States and Mexico?
+Rio grande
+Which river passes through Germany, Austria, slovakia, hungary, croatia, Yugoslavia, romania, blugaria and ukraine before arriving at the black sea?
+Which river runs through Cambridge?
+The cam
+Which river runs through St Petersburg?
+Which river runs through the Swiss city of Basle?
+Which river runs through Vienna,Bratislava and Belgrade?
+The danube
+Which river seperates buenos aires from montivideo?
+River plate
+Which river was Jesus baptised in?
+The jordan
+Which rivers estuary boasts Foulness Island?
+The thames
+Which road is the main shopping area in singapore?
+Orchard road
+Which rock and roller and his son Ricky wrote a string of hit songs for his daughter?
+Kim wilde
+Which rock band's albums include 'beggar's banquet and exile on main street?
+Rolling stones
+Which rock group of the eighties gave away a silver keychain at every concert, which was supposed to bring good luck to whoever caught it?
+Which rock is the result of limestone undergoing a metamorphic change due to heat and pressure in the earth?
+Which rock musician committed suicide in scattle on 5th april 1994?
+Kurt cobain
+Which rock star has the nickname ?Slowhand'?
+Eric clapton
+Which rock star is known as The Groover From Vancouver?
+Bryan adams
+Which rock trio had a hit album with Mussorgskis Pictures at an Exhibition?
+Emerson,lake and palmer
+Which role was played by tim mcinerny on tv's 'blackadder iv'?
+Captain darling
+Which Roman ampitheatre was built by Emperor Vespasian in around 70ad?
+Which Roman emperor founded Constantinople?
+Which Roman emperor ordered the building of a frontier wall across northern England in AD122?
+Which Roman emperor was reputedly poisoned by his wife Agrippina?
+Which Roman fortification ran from the Firth of Clyde to the Firth of Forth?
+Antonine wall
+Which Roman poet wrote the poem The Aeneid?
+Which room did napolean keep the mona lisa in?
+Which rowing club stages the Henley Regatta?
+Which royal house did Queen victoria belong to?
+Which Royal Navy ship featured in the B.B.C. television documentary Sailing?
+Ark royal
+Which royal residence on the Isle of Wight now belongs to the nation?
+Osborne house
+Which royal survived a kidnap attempt in 1974?
+Princess anne
+Which royal was married to lord snnowdon?
+Princess margaret
+Which royals portrait by Brian Organ was carved up by both critics and a slasher?
+Princess diana
+Which Rusian city endured Bloody Sunday on January 5th?
+St petersburg
+Which Russian (1880-1942) choreographed the dying swan for?
+Pavlova kokine
+Which Russian choreographer (1904-1983) moved to the USA and became a founder member of the School of American ballet?
+Which Russian city used to be called Leningrad & Petrograd?
+St petersburg
+Which Russian composer caused a riot with his ultra-modern Rite of Spring?
+Igor Stravinsky
+Which Russian composer wrote the opera 'mozart and salieri' in 1897?
+Which Russian Czar was the first cousin of George V?
+Nicholas ii
+Which Russian jeweller exhibited his mperial Easter Eggs at a Paris Exhibition of 1900?
+Carl faberge
+Which Russian leader introduced glasnost and perestroika?
+Mikhail Gorbachev
+Which Russian president encouraged 'glasnost'?
+Which Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes?
+Ivan pavlov
+Which Russian Tsar died at Ekaterinburg in 1918?
+Nicholas ii
+Which Russian word means openness?
+Which russion ballet star defected to the west in 1961?
+Rudolph nureyev
+Which sacred volcano last erupted in 1707?
+Mount fuji or fujiyama
+Which saint died about 601 AD?
+Which saint founded a monastery at Iona in the sixth century?
+Saint columba
+Which saint gave her name to a firework?
+Which saint has the deer as his iconographical emblem?
+St francis
+Which saint is on a ?20 note?
+Which Saint translated the Vulgate bible?
+Which Saint was canonised in 1920, 489 years after she was burned at the stake?
+Joan of arc
+Which saint was the first Bishop of Paris?
+St denis
+Which saint would you call upon if you had lost something?
+Saint antony of padua
+Which saint's emblem is two breasts on a dish?
+St agatha
+Which saint's emblem is two eyes in a dish?
+St lucy
+Which saints day is July 15th?
+St Swithin
+Which salford brewer gave his name to the s.i. unit of energy?
+Which sands off the coast of Kent coast are known as The Widow Maker?
+Goodwin sands
+Which sauce has the same name as a state in Mexico?
+Which saxophonist joined David A Stewart in the charts on 'Lily Was Here'?
+Candy dulfer
+Which saying is attributed to author Henry David Thoreau?
+Any fool can make a rule
+Which scale named after a German mineralogist is used to measure the hardness of minerals?
+Which scandanavian group had a hit with doctor jones?
+Which Scandinavian alcoholic spirit is made from potatoes?
+Which scandinavian country is known as suomi in its own language?
+Which scandivanian prime minister was assassinated in 1986?
+Olaf palme
+Which scheme allows a person's legal costs to be paid by public funds?
+Legal aid
+Which school of architecture was founded in Weimar in 1919?
+Which school of modern architecture in Germany was closed by the Nazis in 1933?
+Which school took Grandma to number 1?
+St. winifred's
+Which sci-fi author predicted artificial satellites in 1945?
+Arthur c clark
+Which Sci-Fi Sitcom star like to eat cats?
+Which sci-fi writer adapted his own book for the movie Pet Sematary?
+Stephen King
+Which science deals with matter and energy?
+Which science fiction author used the penname Edward Powys Bradbury?
+Michael moorcock
+Which science fiction book by william gibson won the hugo and nebula award?
+Which science fiction novel has its title from the flash point of paper?
+Farenheit 451
+Which science fiction writer developed a series of ethics for robots known as the Laws of Robotics?
+Isaac asimov
+Which science fiction writer is also a fully qualified biochemist?
+Isaac asimov
+Which scientist discovered Oxygen?
+Joseph priestley
+Which scientist was born so prematurely that his mother said he could have been put into a quart mug?
+Isaac newton
+Which scientists name is given to the heat treatment of milk?
+Louis pasteur
+Which Scotiish town was devastated after a mid air explosion on a Boeing 747?
+Which Scots-born engineer devised the loading mechanism of the rifle which was the standard weapon for British forces in both World Wars?
+James lee
+Which Scottish born machinist became America's first environmentalist?
+John muir
+Which Scottish city lies between the mouths of the rivers dee and don?
+Which Scottish driver drives f1 cars for mclaren?
+David coulthard
+Which Scottish engineer gave his name to the S.I. unit of power?
+Which Scottish inventor pioneered the television?
+John Logie Baird
+Which Scottish quarter day is on august 1st?
+Which Scottish singer married a German Hare Krichna devotee?
+Annie lennox
+Which Scottish town is considered the capital of the Highlands?
+Which Scottish vet invented the pneumatic tyre in 1888?
+John boyd dunlop
+Which screen role has been played by, among others, Elliot Gould and Humphrey Bogart?
+Philip marlowe
+Which SE student has been killed and brutally beaten?
+Which sea area lies between Plymouth and Wight?
+Which sea does the river Rhone flow into?
+Which sea is between asia minor and greece?
+Aegean sea
+Which sea is between Australia and tasmania?
+Tasman sea
+Which sea is between korea and china?
+Yellow sea
+Which sea is linked to the Ionian Sea by the Corinth Canal?
+Which sea is north of Alaska?
+Beaufort sea
+Which sea is north of murmansk, Russia?
+Bering sea
+Which sea is the city of Beirut on?
+Which sea is to the east of the Scottish mainland?
+North sea
+Which sea route connects the north atlantic with the beaufort sea and the pacific ocean?
+The northwest passage
+Which sea route did Amundsen navigate in 1903-1906?
+The north-west passage
+Which sea separates Turkey from Greece?
+Aegean sea
+Which sea-green incorruptible was guillotined in 1794?
+Which sea, with no placename in its name, lies between korea and shanghai?
+Which seaside resort is on the fylde?
+Which seaside resort offers views of Thatchers Rock?
+Which seattle-based band had a hit with 'daughter'?
+Pearl jam
+Which Secretary of State for Education was responsible for introducing the National Curriculum?
+Kenneth baker
+Which sex has the shorter human vocal cords?
+Which sex is michael jackson[hint:no one knows]?
+Which sex is twice as likely to contract leprosy?
+Which sex of the lion does 90% of the hunting?
+The female
+Which sex wolf is always leader of the pack?
+Which Shakespeare play features Cordelia, Regan, and Goneril?
+King lear
+Which Shakespeare play features the characters Demetrius, Lysander, Helena and Hermia?
+A midsummer night's dream
+Which Shakespeare play features the line 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark?
+Which Shakespeare play has female characters, Bianca and Katherine?
+The taming of the shrew
+Which Shakespeare play has only two female characters, Portia and Calpurnia?
+Julius caesar
+Which shakespeare play is set in the forest of arden?
+As you like it
+Which Shakespeare play was the inspiration for the hit musical West Side Story?
+Romeo & juliet
+Which Shakespearean character has the most lines?
+Which shakespearean character provided the plot for verdi's only comedy?
+Which Shakespearean play inspired music by Bernstein,lyrics by Sondheim and a character called Officer Krupke?
+Romeo and juliet
+Which Shakespearean role has been played on film by Leslie Howard, Laurence Harvey and Leonard Whiting?
+Which Shawnee chief became a British Army officer in 1812?
+Which shellfish is sometimes called a Queenie?
+Which ship canal by-passes the niagara fails?
+Welland canal
+Which ship wrecked sailor settled a war between King Bombo and King Little?
+Which shipping area covers the North coast of Ireland?
+Which shoe company did Michael Jordan famously promote?
+Which shoulder go superstitious people throw salt over?
+Which show featured Q,anna and dee as the little ladies?
+Rock follies
+Which show introduced Lou Grant?
+The mary tyler moore show
+Which show tune starts: 'isn't it rich, are we a pair'?
+Send in the clowns
+Which shrimp like crustaceans are the principal food of baleen whales in the Antarctic Ocean?
+Which shrub is tapioca made from?
+Which side did britain support in the us civil war?
+Which side of a book are the even numbered pages usually on?
+Which side of a Chicken has the most Feathers?
+The Outside
+Which side of a commercial jet does the pilot sit on?
+Which side of the bed does superstition say is the wrong side of the bed?
+Which side of the bed does superstition say is the wrong side?
+Which side of the boat is the stern?
+Which side of the human body is controlled by the left side of the brain?
+Right side
+Which side of the road do people drive on in France?
+Which side of the road would be travel on if you were driving in Japan?
+Which side used a Trojan horse to enter the city of Troy?
+The greeks
+Which side won the Spanish civil war, Nationalists or Republicans?
+Which Sidney Pollack film won the Oscar for best film in 1985?
+Out of africa
+Which sign of the zodiac has a sting in the tail?
+Which sign of the Zodiac is represented by a crab?
+Which sign used in punctuation denotes interrogation?
+Question mark
+Which simple minds album spent 83 weeks in the uk charts?
+Once upon a time
+Which singer did Sissy Spacek portray in Coal Miners Daughter?
+Loretta lynn
+Which singer died a happy man on a Spanish golf course in 1977?
+Bing crosby
+Which singer died an unhappy man when his father shot him in 1984?
+Marvin gaye
+Which singer famously said 'you aint heard nothing yet'?
+Al jolson
+Which singer had a Number 1 hit in 1960 with Three Steps to Heaven?
+Eddie cochran
+Which singer had top ten hits in the 1980s with sledgehammer and games without frontiers?
+Peter gabriel
+Which singer has albums called blonde on blonde and blood on the tracks?
+Bob dylan
+Which singer is known as the 'Walrus of Love'?
+Barry white
+Which singer is the son of former bandleader and singer Ross McManus?
+Elvis costello
+Which singer married chris judd in 2001?
+Jennifer lopez
+Which singer played billie holliday in lady sings the blues?
+Diana ross
+Which singer recorded the album, 'I've Been Expecting You'?
+Robbie williams
+Which singer released a 1974 album titled `Caribou`?
+Elton John
+Which singer sang 'The Rose'?
+Bette Midler
+Which singer was given the nickname 'the killer'?
+Jerry lee lewis
+Which singer went solo after performing with the Commodores?
+Lionel richie
+Which singer who died in the 70s was born Ellen Naomi Cohen?
+Mama cass
+Which singer/actor was born with the christian names Harry lillis?
+Bing crosby
+Which singer/comedian travelled to the USA to see how he could adapt his material to American Football?
+Max boyce
+Which singer/songwriter had a hit in 2000 with babylon?
+David gray
+Which singer/songwriter won a grammy in 1988 with 'don't worry, be happy'?
+Bobby mcferrin
+Which singing celebrity approached President Nixon in the hopes of becoming a drug enforcement officer?
+Elvis Presley
+Which singing duo found fame and regonition via a tv beer advert?
+Chas and dave
+Which singing king died in 1965?
+Nat king cole
+Which single word connects a Beethoven composition, a Glenn Miller melody and some Terry's chocolates?
+Which sitcom helped launch Michael J. Fox's career by portraying him as a money-grubbing teenager?
+Family Ties
+Which sitcom starred Richard Beckinsale and Paula Wilcox as geoffrey and Beryl?
+The lovers
+Which six letter word contains no vowels?
+Which size of paper measures 210 x 297mm?
+Which ska band was fronted by busta bloodvessel?
+Bad manners
+Which ski resort in the us was the site of the 1960 winter olympics?
+Squaw valley
+Which slang word for prison came into use from the name of a famous gaol in Southwark in London?
+Which small animal caused the death of William III?
+A mole
+Which small animals reportedly march to the sea to drown?
+Which small french car first designed in 1939 is affectionately known as the tin snail?
+Citroen 2cv
+Which small republic is situated on the slopes of Monte Titano in Italy?
+San marino
+Which small republic makes up Yugoslavia with Serbia?
+Which snake appears on the crown of the Egyptian Pharoahs?
+Which snake kills the most humans?
+King cobra
+Which sneaker is named after the greek god of victory?
+Which soap did playwright ernest thompson (on golden pond) act in?
+Which soap did rhoda's husband end up on after his first prime time divorce?
+General hospital
+Which soap duet hit with Especially For You?
+Kylie minogue & Jason donovan
+Which soap first had a pregnancy in its storyline?
+Search for tomorrow
+Which soap is set on a built up corner of Lord Derbys estate?
+Which soap oprea is set mostly in Albert Square?
+Which son of zeus was a messenger and herald of the gods?
+Which song and dance star of British musicals became Mrs Dale on radio?
+Jessie matthews
+Which song composed by Sir Arthur Sullivan in sorrow over his brother's death became the most popular ballad of the nineteenth century?
+The lost chord
+Which song did aretha franklin sing in the original 'blues brothers' film?
+Which song did neil diamond write that was covered by tony tribe?
+Red red wine
+Which song did sonny & cher sing at the end of their show?
+I've got you babe
+Which song did the easybeats record that everyone sang at the end of a work week?
+Friday on my mind
+Which song did the Illinois Police Commission add to their blacklist of drug orientated records in 1971?
+Puff the magic dragon
+Which song gave rolf harris a number one in 1970?
+Two little boys
+Which song has charted twice for Jimmy Young in 2 different versions?
+Unchained melody
+Which song includes the words nothing is real ,nothing to get hung up about?
+Strawberry fields
+Which song is also known as lsd?
+Lucy in the sky with diamonds
+Which song was a hit for both Elvis Presley and the Pet Shop Boys?
+Always on my mind
+Which song was a hit for both pat benatar and john cougar mellencamp?
+I need a lover
+Which song was a hit for Elvis Costello in 1979?
+Oliver's army
+Which song was Britain's first Eurovision Song Contest winner?
+Puppet on a string
+Which song was released by Billy Joe Royal and written by Joe South?
+Down in
+Which south african newspaper was edited by mahatma gandhi?
+Indian opinion
+Which south african oil company has estblished the only commercially proven 'oil from coal' operations in the world?
+Which south african president was assassinated in 1966?
+Hendrik verwoerd
+Which South African word means 'segregation?
+Which South African word means 'seperate development' or segregation?
+Which south American capital is the world's highest?
+La paz
+Which South American city is built in the shape of an aeroplane?
+Which South American country has borders only with Brazil and Argentina?
+Which South American country has borders with only Colombia and Peru?
+Which south American country produces Maracaibo coffee?
+Which South American national flag consists of nine blue and white horizontal stripes with a golden sun in the top left corner?
+Which south east Asian city was formerly called Krung Threp?
+Which South Seas volcano blew up in 1883?
+Which south-east Asian city is served by Kimpo International airport?
+Which southwestern city is the home of the National Lifeboat Museum?
+Which soviet cosmonaut was the first woman to walk in space?
+Svetlane savitskaya
+Which Soviet leader backed down over the Cuban missile crisis in 1962?
+Which Soviet leader called himself ?Man of Steel?
+Josef Stalin
+Which space probe passed Halleys Comet on 1986?
+Which spaceship carried the codename NCC1701?
+Which Spanish explorer named the amazon river?
+Which Spanish football team play at the Nou Camp stadium?
+Which species is the largest of the bear family?
+Polar bear
+Which species of animal has sub-species which include Maasai, Reticulated and Rothschild's?
+Which species of bird gave Darwin his theory of evolution?
+Which species of fir is named after the plant collector. who sent its seeds back to Britain in 1827?
+Douglas fir
+Which Spice Girl quit in 1998?
+Which spicy soup literally means 'pepper water'?
+Which spirit is added to sugar and egg yolks to make advocaat?
+Which spirit is the base of a White Lady Cocktail?
+Which spiritual song, made famous by Joan Baez, became the anthem for American Civil Rights movement in the 1960s?
+We shall overcome
+Which sport do Australia & NZ play when battling for the manning cup?
+Which sport do the Atlanta Braves play?
+Which sport do you most associate with Badminton House?
+Three-day eventing
+Which sport has a lane 60ft long from the foul line to the centre of the head pin?
+Ten Pin bowling 
+Which sport has a movement called a 'telemark'?
+Which sport has a name which literally means 'gentle way'?
+Which sport has had these world champions,Lionel van Praag,Jerzy Szczakiel,Ivan Mauger?
+Which sport is contested for the Swaythling Trophy?
+Table tennis
+Which sport is played by l.a. lakers?
+Which sport is played by the Sheffield Steelers?
+Ice hockey
+Which sport is practiced in nets?
+Which sport is Wayne Gretzky famous for?
+Ice hockey
+Which sport requires stones to be 'thrown' at houses?
+Which sport used a Pavarotti performance as its theme in 1990?
+Which sport uses the terms knuckleball, cycle, and bunt?
+Which sport uses the terms nock, fletching and shaft?
+Which sport would you associate Alberto Tomba?
+Which sport would you practice if you were a toxophilite?
+Which sporting event has the largest live attendance in the world?
+Tour de france
+Which sporting event was won 5 times by Eddy Merckx?
+Tour de france
+Which sportsman is told that his balls mustnt weigh more than 1.62 ounces each?
+Which sportsman, who died in 1999, was nicknamed the Yankee Clipper?
+Joe di maggio
+Which sportswear company is named after a Greek Goddess?
+Which sportswear company was founded in Germany by a certain Dr. Dassler?
+Which Springfield resident was chosen to become an astronaut?
+Barney Gumbel 
+Which spy plane, piloted by Gary Powers, was shot down over Russia in 1960?
+Which star appears brightest in the northern constellation Lyra -it is also the fourth brightest in the night sky?
+Which star appears brightest in the northern constellation lyra?
+Which star comes from Luton but feels at home wherever his hat is?
+Paul young
+Which star died during the filming of his movie Game of Death in 1973?
+Bruce lee
+Which star in his 50s still has a curvaceous figure and averages 15 costume changes during a performance?
+Danny la rue
+Which star of British films was born in the Old Kent Road and was called Maurice Mickelwhite?
+Michael caine
+Which star of films such as 'Ryan's Daughter' died in 1997?
+Robert mitchum
+Which star of films such as 'The Philadelphia Story' died in 1997?
+James stewart
+Which star of Stand By Me died in 1993 of drug-induced heart failure?
+River Phoenix
+Which Star Wars cast member was a regular on general hospital?
+Mark hamill
+Which state became the 14th state of the u.s?
+Which state became the 14th state of the u?
+Which state distills the most whiskey?
+Which state forms an enclave at the heart of the city of Rome?
+Vatican city
+Which state had the largest population increase between 1847 and 1860?
+Which state is called the Golden state?
+Which state is called the pelican state?
+Which state is called the volunteer State?
+Which state is known as the gem state?
+Which state of Australia lays claim to Lizard & Heron Islands?
+Which state was affected by the Dust Bowl in America in the 1930's?
+Which state was proclaimed by David Ben-Gurion?
+Which state's official flag is in the shape of a pennant?
+Which state's song was originally old folks at home?
+Which states share Death Valley in the USA?
+California and nevada
+Which station in London is the terminal of th Great Western Railway?
+Which statue is missing its arms?
+Venus de milo
+Which steeplechase has the longest run of sponsorship of any British horserace?
+Whitbread gold cup
+Which Steinbeck novel tells of a family migrating to California?
+The grapes of wrath
+Which Stephen King story was made into the movie Stand By Me?
+The body
+Which steven spielbereg film pits dennis weaver against a truck with an unseen driver?
+Which Steven Spielberg film was based on a book by Peter Benchley?
+Which stone fruit has a kernel that can be used as a flavouring?
+Which story and film were inspired by a World war ii shipwreck off the island of Barra?
+Whisky galore
+Which story had a fairy called Tinkerbell?
+Peter pan
+Which story is narrated by ishmael?
+Moby dick
+Which story of the foreign legion was written by p.c. wren?
+Beau geste
+Which strait separates Russian and Alaska?
+Bering strait
+Which strait separates Tierra del Fuego from mainland South America?
+Magellan's strait
+Which stretch of water separates denmark from Sweden?
+Which stretch of water separates Sardinia and Corsica?
+Strait of bonifaccio
+Which stretch of water seperates Tierra del Fuego from the rest of South America?
+Strait of magellan
+Which strong wine gets its name from a city in Northern Portugal?
+Which style of architecture is distinguished by vertical lines of tall pillars and by pointed arches?
+Which style of collar was popularised in the 1930s by Shirley Temple, whose dresses had collars of this type?
+Peter pan
+Which substance causes milk to curdle, and is used to make cheese?
+Which substance may be added in the preparation of jams to make them set?
+Which substance used as a bleach, can also be used as the oxidizing agent in rocket fuel?
+Hydrogen peroxide
+Which substance, occurring naturally in fruit, causes jams and preserves to set?
+Which supergroup said The Winner Takes It All?
+Which superhero has been portrayed on screen by Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer and George Clooney?
+Which supermodel, a former Miss Denmark, was born on Christmas day 1968?
+Helena Christensen
+Which superstar film actor's real narne is t.c. mapother iv?
+Tom cruise
+Which surname connects Henry, Peter, Jane and Bridget?
+Which surname is shared with Carly and Paul?
+Which Swedish car manufacturer once admitted price fixing in Britain?
+Which Swedish naturalist developed the system of plant and animal classification which is still used today?
+Carolus linnaeus
+Which Swedish Prime Minister was shot dead as he walked home through Stockholm?
+Olof palme
+Which sweet-sounding fungus kills trees?
+Honey fungus
+Which swinging swimmer retired in 1929 with 67 records to his credit?
+Johnny weissmuller
+Which Swiss artist, born in 1879, painted Landscape With Yellow Birds, The Twittering Machine and Fish Magic?
+Paul klee
+Which Swiss psychoanalyst identified a collective as well as a personal unconscious in the human psyche?
+Carl jung
+Which Swiss town hosts the annual golden rose television festival?
+Which sydney landmark opened in 1973?
+Opera house
+Which system requires that one-mile in every five must be straight? These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of wars or other emergencies?
+The Eisenhower Interstate System
+Which tatty TV series which started in 1977 has been filmed with Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu playing the title roles?
+Charlie's angels
+Which teacher did maggie smith play in the 1969 film of muriel spark's novel?
+Miss jean brodie
+Which team does larry bird coach?
+Indiana pacers
+Which team plays at Abbey Stadium?
+Cambridge United
+Which team plays at Boundary Park?
+Oldham Athletic
+Which team plays at Carrow Road?
+Norwich City
+Which team plays at Celtic Park?
+Which team plays at City Ground?
+Nottingham Forest
+Which team plays at Deepdale?
+Preston North End
+Which team plays at Edgeley Park?
+Stockport County
+Which team plays at Gigg Lane?
+Which team plays at Goodison Park?
+Which team plays at Hawthorns?
+West Bromwich Albion
+Which team plays at Ibrox Stadium?
+Glasgow Rangers
+Which team plays at Layer Road?
+Colchester United
+Which team plays at Maine Road?
+Manchester City
+Which team plays at Molineux?
+Wolverhampton Wanderers
+Which team plays at Oakwell Ground?
+Which team plays at The County Ground?
+Swindon Town
+Which team plays at The Den?
+Which team plays at Turf Moor?
+Which team plays at Victoria Ground?
+Stoke City
+Which teenage actress was the first to be given her own American television show during the years 1963-1966?
+Patty Duke
+Which television and radio personality wrote the historical novel credo in 1996?
+Melvyn bragg
+Which television island gave well-heeled guests the chance to live out their dreams in the 1970's?
+Fantasy island
+Which television programme did Roy Castle present for 22 years?
+Record breakers
+Which television western series always ended with the words 'head 'em up, move 'em out'?
+Which temperature scale begins at minus 273.15 degrees Celsius?
+Which tennesee williams play is about a sicilian-American woman?
+Rose tattoo
+Which Tennessee Williams play features a character called 'Big Daddy'?
+Cat on a hot tin roof
+Which tennessee Williams play features the characters Maggie and Brick?
+Cat on a hot tin roof
+Which tennis player defected to the west in 1975?
+Martina navratilova
+Which tennis player was known as 'Little Mo'?
+Maureen connolly
+Which tennis player was known as the 'Rockhampton Rocket'?
+Rod laver
+Which tennis player was stabbed while on court?
+Monica seles
+Which term connects a type of match and a nickname for the Devil?
+Which term is used in the Christian calendar for the last few days leading up to Easter Sunday?
+Holy week
+Which term was coined by environmentalists in the 1990s for a strip of land sown with perrenial grasses to create an environment in which aphid eating insects can thrive?
+Beetle bank
+Which terminal of a battery is indicated by a plus sign?
+Which territory of North Africa, situated on the southern side of the Strait of Gibraltar, belongs to Spain?
+Which terrorist group killed 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics?
+Black september
+Which the second longest river in the world?
+Which thick custard-like food is made when fresh milk is artificially curdled by bacteria?
+Which Third world leader was assassinated by members of her bodyguard in 1984?
+Mrs Indira Gandhi
+Which Thomas Harris novel was the top selling adult fiction novel of the year 2000 in the UK?
+Which three cities did Lyle Lanley sell monorails to before Springfield?
+Ogdenville, Brockway, and North Haverbrook 
+Which three colours are in Germanys national flag?
+Black,red and gold
+Which three countries make up Benelux?
+Belgium,the Netherlands,luxembourg
+Which three man band lost their leader brad nowell, who died tragically of a heroin overdose in 1996?
+Which three meanings does the word shalom have in hebrew?
+Peace hello bye
+Which three races make up horseracing's triple crown (alphabetically)?
+Belmont stakes Kentucky derby preakness stakes
+Which three sectarian groups are involved in the conflict in Bosnia and Herzogovina?
+Serbs, Croats and Muslims
+Which three states form the straits settlement?
+Malacca penang singapore
+Which three words complete the full title of shakespeare's play hamlet - - -?
+Prince of denmark
+Which three-letter word can precede each of the following to make a new word each time -belt, -fare and -light?
+Which three-letter word can precede each of the following to make a new word each time?
+-rot, -mine and
+Which title goes before the name of a man who has been knighted?
+Which title was john flamsteed the first to hold in 1675?
+Astronomer royal
+Which Tom Jones song spent most weeks at number one in 1966?
+Green green grass of home
+Which tom wait's song was a hit for rod stewart?
+Downtown train
+Which tommy edwards tune begins with 'many a tear has to fall ...'?
+It's all in the game
+Which town in Brazil, 1,000 miles up the Amazon, was at one time the major port for the rubber trade?
+Which town in the u.s had clint eastwood as its mayor?
+Which town is famous for it's Salts and it's Racecourse?
+Which town is the administrative hq of Shropshire?
+Which town is the birthplace of Jesus Christ?
+Which town is the home to Hugh,Pugh,Barney,McGrew,Cuthbert,Dibble and Grub?
+Which town stands at the mouth of the Great Ouse?
+Kings lynn
+Which town was the seat of the French government in WWII?
+Which town would you be leaving if you were sailing away from the capital of the Flemish coast?
+Which Townsend Thoreson ferry capsized off Zeebruge in 1987?
+The herald of free enterprise
+Which toy was voted toy of the 20th century?
+Which toy, popular in the 80s, was 'easily', but not correctly, solved by removing the stickers or blocks to win?
+Rubik's cube
+Which track in Hyde Park is thought to be a coruption of the french route du roi?
+Rotton row
+Which travel company cater exclusively for the over 50s?
+Which travellers set off in the Mayflower in 1620?
+The pilgrim fathers
+Which Treasury Minister was murdered by an IRA bomb outside his home in 1990?
+Ian Gow
+Which tree has the same name as a part of your hand?
+Which tree was used for making longbows?
+Common yew
+Which tribe did chief Cetewayo lead to a victory over the British in 1879?
+The zulus
+Which trio was originally known as the 'primettes'?
+Which trophy did John Jeffrey damage to earn a five month suspension from rugby?
+The calcutta cup
+Which trophy was Ronald Reagan referring to when he said dont bolt that cup down too tightly?
+The americas cup
+Which tropic passes through Taiwan?
+Tropic of cancer
+Which tropical fruit has black seeds in the centre?
+Which tube line goes to Brixton?
+Which tube line runs to Heathrow Airport?
+Piccadilly line
+Which Turkish town was the birthplace of St Paul?
+Which turn-of-the-century french dramatist is famous for his farces?
+Georges feydeau
+Which tv cartoon series based in springfield started life on the tracey ullman show?
+The simpsons
+Which tv character drives a car with the reg. number J 1610?
+Jim bergerac
+Which TV character has a horse called Hercules?
+Harold steptoe
+Which TV comedian wrote Katy and the Nurgla?
+Harry secombe
+Which tv cook is the daughter of a former chancellor of the exchequer?
+Nigella lawson
+Which tv cowboy had pancho as his sidekick?
+Cisco kid
+Which TV current affairs presenter also owns a chain of local newspapers?
+David dimbleby
+Which TV detective series is set in the town of Denton?
+Which tv drama showed the effect of a nuclear bomb falling on Sheffield?
+Which tv game ends with the Star Spin round?
+Takeover bid
+Which tv game show is considered to be the most successful in recent decades?
+Wheel of fortune
+Which TV Golden Girl was once the Vice-President of the Los Angeles Zoo Commission?
+Betty White
+Which TV newsreader was once the editor of the Daily Express?
+Alastair burnet
+Which TV programme has been presented by four people called Robinson - Kenneth, Robert Anne, and Tony?
+Points of view
+Which TV secret agent's real name was Paul Metcalfe?
+Captain scarlett
+Which TV series based on moadern classic featured Yorkshires Castle Howard in the title role?
+Brideshead revisited
+Which tv series ended each episode with the bedroom lights being switched off & the family saying goodnight?
+The waltons
+Which TV series ends every episode with bedroom lights being switched off and evryone saying goodnight?
+The waltons
+Which tv series featured clarence the cross eyed lion?
+Which TV series featured Florence, Dougal and zebedee?
+The magic roundabout
+Which TV series has a Mountie as a central character?
+Due south
+Which Tv series invented The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate award?
+Rowan and martins laugh in
+Which TV series is set in the village of Adensfield?
+Which TV series starred James Bolam as Jack Ford?
+When the boat comes in
+Which tv series was set in Londons Eaton Place?
+Upstairs downstairs
+Which TV show portrayed the lives of performing arts high school students?
+Which Tv show used a clapometer to select winners?
+Opportunity knocks
+Which tv show was compered by a frog?
+The muppets
+Which tv sitcom originated from a stage play called The Banana Box?
+Rising damp
+Which tv soap celebrated its 40th birthday in 2000?
+Coronation street
+Which tv soap do the woolpackers originate from?
+Which twins were the brothers of Helen of Troy?
+Castor & pollux
+Which two americans comprised the 1999 wimbledon men's finals?
+Pete sampras andre agassi
+Which two ballet dancers were Marguerite and Armand created for?
+Fonteyn and nureyev
+Which two biblical cities were destroyed by fire and brimstone?
+Sodom and gomorrah
+Which two birds assisted Noah in finding dry land?
+Dove and raven
+Which two bodies of water separate Britain from mainland Europe?
+The English channel and the north sea
+Which two cities are linked by the M8?
+Glasgow & edinburgh
+Which two coins together make up an ols fashioned bicycle?
+Penny and farthing
+Which two colours appear on the Bangladesh flag?
+Green & red
+Which two colours appear on the Vietnam flag?
+Yellow & red
+Which two countries became independent in 1957?
+Ghana & malaysia
+Which two countries boundaries were decided by the Asburton Treaty?
+Usa and Canada
+Which two countries formed tanzania?
+Tanganyika and zanzibar
+Which two countries fought the Hundred Years War?
+England & France
+Which two countries were involved in the 'Battle of the Thames'?
+Britain & Canada
+Which two countries' national anthem does not mention the country's name?
+United states and holland
+Which two early 19th century German brothers wrote a collection of fairy tales?
+Grimm brothers
+Which two elements is the sun mainly composed of?
+Hydrogen helium
+Which two English football teams are nicknamed the magpies?
+Newcastle united & notts county
+Which two explorers had a heady, and as yet still unresolved dispute over the first to reach the north pole in the early 1900s (fc rp)?
+Frederick cook robert peary
+Which two fighting ships other than the 'arizona' were sunk at pearl harbor?
+Oklahoma and utah
+Which two fighting ships other than the 'oklahoma' were sunk at pearl harbor?
+Arizona and utah
+Which two fighting ships other than the 'utah' were sunk at pearl harbor?
+Arizona and oklahoma
+Which two kicks in football must be played forwards?
+Penalty kick and kick-off
+Which two Latin words nearly always abbreviated mean 'course of life'?
+Curriculum vitae
+Which two letters are worth 10 points in the board game Scabble?
+Q & Z
+Which two letters in Scrabble are worth two points?
+D & g
+Which two male fish give birth?
+Sea horse and pipe fish
+Which two man series of space missions preceded the Apollo missions?
+Which two months are named for men?
+July and august
+Which two oceans are joined by the bering strait?
+Pacific and arctic
+Which two of New York's boroughs are actually islands?
+Manhattan & staten island
+Which two rugby teams compete for the Calcutta Cup?
+England and Scotland
+Which two sciences are a part of biology?
+Botany and zoology
+Which two songs by fats domino have colour in them?
+Blueberry hill and blue heaven
+Which two South American countries do not share a land boundary with Brazil?
+Chile & ecuador
+Which two sports are combined in a biathlon?
+Skiing & shooting
+Which two sports do you go backwards to win?
+Rowing & tug of war
+Which two teams automatically qualified for the france '98 Football world cup?
+France and Brazil
+Which two u.s presidents had the same surname?
+Which two US Presidents shared 1924 as the year of their birth?
+George bush & jimmy carter
+Which type of aircraft was the most successful during the Battle of Britain?
+Which type of greek play writers were aeschylus, sophocles and euipedes?
+Which type of paint dries faster oil or acrylic?
+Which type of reference book summerises items of general knowledge listed in alphabetical order?
+Which type of sport is Indianapolis famous for?
+Indy racing
+Which type of wheat yields flour used to make best quality spaghetti?
+Which type of wood is used to smoke meats?
+Which types of wood are most often used for firewood in the home?
+Which tyre company withdrew from formula 1 at the end of 1986?
+Which U S President achieved the highest grade in the boy scouts?
+Gerald Ford
+Which u s president was fatally shot in 1881?
+Which U. S. State did Ray Charles have on his mind on a 1960 single?
+Which U. S. State provided the title of a Bee Gees hit single?
+Which U.K. Football star has 'Brooklyn' tattooed on his backside?
+David Beckham
+Which U.S City is the home of the Mowton Record Company?
+Which u.s film actress was married to mickey rooney and frank sinatra?
+Ava gardner
+Which u.s native American culture includes 'the snake dance'?
+Hopi indians
+Which u.s president said 'the buck stops here'?
+Harry truman
+Which u.s president was the first to use 'fireside chats' and informal radio broadcasts to explain important issues to the u.s public?
+Franklin d roosevelt
+Which u.s soul singer was known as 'lady day'?
+Billie holiday
+Which u.s state gets the most rainfall?
+Which u.s state has the smallest population?
+Which U.S. baseball player was known as the 'Yankee Clipper'?
+Joe di maggio
+Which U.S. biologist has published collections of essays entitled Bully for Brontosaurus and Dinosaur in a Haystack?
+Stephen jay gould
+Which U.S. city is named after an ancient capital of Egypt?
+Which U.S. government branch includes the President and Vice President?
+Which u.s. president entertained his friends by writing latin with one hand and greek with the other?
+James a. garfield
+Which U.S. president gave the 'four freedoms of democracy' speech- ie freedom from want; freedom from fear; freedom of worship and freedom of speech?
+Franklin d roosevelt
+Which U.S. President had 10 children?
+Which U.S. president is on the five-dollar bill?
+Abraham Lincoln
+Which U.S. President liked Fresca soda so much, he had a tap installed in the White House?
+Lyndon Baines Johnson
+Which U.S. President pardoned Robert E. Lee posthumously of all crimes of treason?
+Gerald Ford
+Which U.S. President, early in his political life, was accused of trying to win votes by plying voters with alcohol?
+George Washington
+Which U.S. state coined a name with an invented Indian meaning, 'Gem of the Mountains'?
+Which u.s. state is hit by the most tornadoes annually?
+Which U.S. state is nick named 'the First State' because it was the first to ratify the American Constitution in 1787?
+Which u.s. state is sometimes known as 'seward's folly'?
+Which ugandan President wasnt invited to the 1977 meeting of Commonwealth Heads of State?
+Idi amin
+Which UK city, other than London, has a station called Charing Cross?
+Which UK premiership Football team moved to a new ground at the start of 2001/2002 season?
+Which ultimately disgraced person was 'surveyor of the queen's pictures' until 1972?
+Anthony blunt
+Which UN Secretary-General was killed in an air crash in 1961?
+Dag hammarskold
+Which unfortunate Greek god gave his name to the word tantalize?
+Which unit is defined as the power necessary to lift 33,000 pounds a distance of 1 foot in 1 minute?
+One horsepower
+Which university did the prince attend in The Student Prince?
+Which University has a rowing eight called Isis?
+Which university offers bag piping as a major?
+Carnegie mellon
+Which university uses the radio and tv as its lecture theatre?
+The open university
+Which US actress gave her name to an inflatable life jacket?
+Mae west
+Which US airman flew over both the north and south poles?
+Richard e byrd
+Which us boxer was known as 'the manessa mauler'?
+Jack dempsey
+Which US city is known as Beantown?
+Which US city is known as the biggest little city in the world?
+Reno, nevada
+Which us city was bombed by terrorists in 1995?
+Oklahoma city
+Which us city was called new amesterdam in the earyl 17th century?
+New york
+Which US city was named after the only person to be governor of 2 states?
+Which US coin has 118 ridges around the edge?
+Which US gangster town gave its name to the group who had a no 1 with 'if you leave me now'?
+Which US golfer was killed when his plane crashed in 1999?
+Payne stewart
+Which US government branch includes the president & vice president?
+Executive branch
+Which US Labrador fur trader set up a frozen food business in 1924?
+Clarence birdseye
+Which US President brought in prohibition in 1919?
+Woodrow wilson
+Which us president delivered the gettysburg address?
+Abraham lincoln
+Which US President ordered the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
+Which US president received & 10% of the profits when he was interviewed by David frost?
+Richard nixon
+Which US President was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace?
+Woodrow wilson
+Which US President won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for his mediation in the Russo-Japanese War?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Which US President won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919 for securing the League of Nations covenant at Versailles?
+Woodrow wilson
+Which us showman established the 'greatest show on earth' in 1871?
+Which US singer is nicknamed the 'Queen of Soul'?
+Aretha franklin
+Which US state borders a Canadian territory?
+Which US state did Thomas Jefferson describe as 'A jewel among the states'?
+Which us state has the fewest gas stations?
+Which us state has the most vehicles and highways per square mile?
+New jersey
+Which US state has the postal abbreviation IN?
+Which US state is farthest east, Alabama, Louisiana or Mississippi?
+Which US state is farthest north, Nebraska, Nevada or North Carolina?
+Which us state is known as 'the last frontier'?
+Which US State is known as the Mother of Presidents?
+Which US State is known as the Pelican State?
+Which US state is the ?Lone Star' state?
+Which us state receives the most rainfall?
+Which US state was the 50th?
+Which US states way of life and culture is described as Cajun?
+Which US tourist attraction is known as the Shrine of Democracy?
+Mount rushmore
+Which US university saw its National Guardsmen open fire on its students in 1970?
+Kent state university
+Which US writer wrote The Naked and the Dead?
+Norman mailer
+Which useful household item is made from naphthalene?
+Which vaccine was developed by Louis Pasteur?
+Which valuable element has the atomic number 79?
+Which valuable material has the same atoms as coal?
+Which vatican building was built for pope sixtus lv?
+The sistine chapel
+Which vegetable has varieties called: Enorma, Red Knight and Red Emperor?
+Runner bean
+Which vegetable is a bud, and can be eaten red or green?
+Which vegetable is referred to as 'eggplant' in the u.s.a?
+Which vegetable is the emblem of Wales?
+Which vegetable is used if a dish is described as 'a la Bretonne'?
+Haricot beans
+Which vegetable is used if a dish is described as 'a la Crecy'?
+Which vegetable is used to make Moussaka?
+Which vegetable, relative of the cauliflower do we know by its Italian name?
+Which Venezuelan river has the distinction of sharing a name with a womble?
+Which verdi opera has the aria 'la donna e mobile'?
+Which version of Bible Bombardment do Bart, Lisa and Maggie play with the Flanders in 3F01?
+The Vulgate of St. Jerome 
+Which vertebrate holds the record for the longest recorded life span?
+Which very fast ball game is also known as Jai Alai?
+Which very select organisation has a table as its logo?
+Which veteran country singer is known as ?the man in black'?
+Johnny cash
+Which veteran West Indies fast bowler announced his retirement from cricket in 2001?
+Curtly Ambrose
+Which Victorian became the world's most famous sufferer of neurofibromatosis?
+John merrick/elephant man
+Which victorian was poet laureate for 40 years?
+Alfred, lord tennyson
+Which voilet blue variety of quartz was used by the ancient greeks for making cups and goblets because it was regarded as a charm against inebriety?
+Which volcano could erupt over the town of Ottaviano?
+Which volcano erupted in AD 62, killing the occupants of Pompeii?
+Which VTOL fighter was nicknamed the Jump Jet?
+Which war began on june 25, 1950?
+Korean war
+Which war film used the music of The Doors and Wagner?
+Apocalypse now
+Which war hero gave his name to a type of footwear?
+Duke of wellington
+Which war was ended by the Treaty of Westphalia?
+30 years war
+Which war was formally concluded at Paris in 1856?
+Which war was fought between 1861 and 1865?
+The American civil war
+Which warm wind from the south which is drawn into the valleys of the Northern Alps, helps to melt the snow in the spring?
+Which wars featured the Battle of Quatre Bras?
+The napoleonic wars
+Which was britain first pirate radio staion?
+Radio caroline
+Which was David Platt's first professional club?
+Manchester united
+Which was Dickens' first novel?
+Pickwick papers
+Which was th efirst pop band to tour China?
+Which was the 1st winner of the academy award for best picture, and the only silent film to achieve that honor?
+Which was the best selling single of 1981?
+Dont you want me , human league
+Which was the biggest dinosaur in terms of overall length?
+Which was the destination port on the titanic's maiden voyage?
+New york
+Which was the first 'indiana jones' film?
+Raiders of the lost ark
+Which was the first 'james bond' novel?
+Casino royale
+Which was the first 'spaghetti western' starring clint eastwood?
+A fistful of dollars
+Which was the first animated full-length cartoon?
+Snow white
+Which was the first apostle to be stoned to death?
+Which was the first book to tell the story of the lioness elsa?
+Born free
+Which was the first British group to have 3 consecutive U.K. No. 1 hits that went straight to No. 1 upon release?
+Gerry and the pacemakers
+Which was the first city to open a length of underground railway?
+Which was the first country to give women the right to vote?
+New zealand
+Which was the first country to host 2 Football world cups?
+Which was the first country to introduce vat?
+Which was the first country to produce `PopStars'?
+New Zealand
+Which was the first credit card?
+Diners club
+Which was the first Disney cartoon to show a girls belly button?
+Which was the first James Bond book written by Ian Fleming in 1953?
+Casino royale
+Which was the first Japanese city bombed in 1945?
+Which was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover?
+Which was the first of the National Parks in England and Wales?
+Peak district
+Which was the first Pinball game that used flippers?
+Humpty dumpty
+Which was the first south American country to gain independence from Spain?
+Which was the first spacecraft to go up and down and up and down again?
+Space shuttle colombia
+Which was the first state to secede from the union?
+South carolina
+Which was the first US city to stage the summer Olympics?
+St louis
+Which was the last country to host both the Summer and the Winter Olympic Games in the same year?
+Which was the last major country to welcome monopoly?
+Which was the last nfl team to have an all-white roster?
+Washington redskins
+Which was the last port of call from which the Titanic sailed?
+Which was the last rascals hit in 1968?
+People got to be free
+Which was the last US battalion to leave Vietnam?
+3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry
+Which was the only EEC country to vote against stronger health warnings on cigarette packets in 1989?
+Which was the only film actor who was one of The Magnificent Seven and also one of The Dirty Dozen?
+Charles bronson
+Which was the sacred animal of ancient egypt?
+Which was the second 'james bond' novel to be made into a film?
+From Russia with love
+Which was the second Japanese city bombed in 1945?
+Which was the world's first space station?
+Salyut 1
+Which waterfall has the highest drop in the world?
+Angel falls
+Which way do the clocks go in winter?
+Which way does the jack of hearts usually face?
+Which way is up: how many compass point names are there?
+Which wedding anniversary is coral?
+Thirty fifth
+Which wedding anniversary is wood?
+Which weighs more hot water or cold water?
+Hot water
+Which well known character also operates under the following names; Old Harry,Clootie,Auld Hornie?
+The devil
+Which well known modern writer is descended from the creator of the dahlia?
+Roald dahl
+Which well known novelist, has written a children book called 'Haroun and the Sea of Dreams?
+Salman rushdie
+Which well-known author wrote the james bond novel colonel sun under the pseudonym robert markham?
+Kingsley amis
+Which Welsh band released the album International Velvet?
+Which Welsh island is called the Isle of the Saints?
+Bardsey island
+Which welsh village provided the setting for The Prisoner?
+Which West Bengal town is the centre of production of the tea called 'The Champagne of Teas' because of its grape aroma?
+Which West End musical stars Elaine Paige and Jason Scott Lee?
+The king & i
+Which West End musical stars Lucy Arnaz and Ian McShane?
+Witches of eastwick
+Which west Indian spin bowlers are immortalised in a calypso?
+Ramadhin and valentino
+Which West Indies and Hampshire fast bowler died of cancer in 1999?
+Malcolm marshall
+Which West Texas town was a hit for Marty Robins?
+El paso
+Which wild flower is also known as Fireweed, because it is the first to grow back after a fire?
+Rose bay willow herb
+Which wild west train robber is thought to have escaped his pursuers and adopted a new life in New York running a weighing machine business?
+Butch cassidy
+Which wine has the varieties Malmsey and Sercial?
+Which winged horse was said to have sprung from the blood of medusa?
+Which woman athlete won britain a silver medal at the Mexico Olympics but subsequently dies of cancer?
+Lillian board
+Which woman flew solo from England to Australia in 1930?
+Amy johnson
+Which woman's name shares the title with a new hit tv show on the wb network?
+Which wooded area of Nottingham was originally a royal park where kings hunted deer?
+Sherwood forest
+Which word can precede the following; -count -bath -bank?
+Which word derived from Polynesian means forbidden?
+Which word describes 2 lines which are always the same distance apart?
+Which word describes a male singer singing in a high register?
+Which word describing chaos first appeared in Milton's Paradise Lost?
+Which word do we usually think of as simply meaning strong emotion, also means the suffering of Christ on the cross?
+Which word follows Juliet, Kilo and Lima?
+Which word follows, side, oil and ear?
+Which word for the metric unit of electric current is taken from the name of a French physicist?
+Which word is related to these three rat, blue, cottage?
+Which word is the Latin for 'pebble' and is now, applied to a branch of mathematics?
+Which word is used to mean a serious meditative poem, especially a lament for the dead?
+Which word is used to mean, malicious enjoyment at the misfortunes of others?
+Which word meaning sudden fear is derived from the name of the greek god Pan?
+Which word means a signed document in support of a particular action?
+A petition
+Which word means one tenth of a nautical mile?
+Which word means salary particularly that paid to a clergy?
+Which word means sliding down a rope to get to the bottom?
+Which word means the minimum number who must attend a meeting to make it valid?
+Which word means to turn a ship on one side for cleaning and caulking?
+Which word other than renege means 'to neglect to follow suit at cards'?
+Which word refers to all the animal life of a specific place or time?
+Which word refers to farm land where no crops have been sown?
+Which word refers to the internal diameter of a gun barrel?
+Which World Champion heavyweight boxer held the title for the longest?
+Joe louis
+Which World Famous news agency began life in 1850 using carrier pigeons?
+Which world famous song and dance man died on the same day as Muppeteer Jim Henson?
+Sammy davis jnr
+Which world famous sporting track is demolished and rebuilt every year?
+Cresta run
+Which world saving puppets lived on 'Tracy Island'?
+Which world-wide organisation was founded in 1865 as the Christian Mission?
+Salvation army
+Which worldwide tv station is devoted to music?
+Which would usually live longer, a giraffe or a zebra?
+Which wrestler complained in 1990 that some airlines made him pay for 2 seats instead of 1?
+Giant haystacks
+Which wright brother was involved in the first aircraft accident?
+Which writer & illustrator was fired in july 1992 by King Features over an abortion rights story line in his daily comic strip Popeye?
+Bobby london
+Which writer became a Governor General of Canada?
+John buchan
+Which writer created Detective-Inspector Bucket?
+Charles dickens
+Which writer created Sergeant Cuff?
+Wilkie collins
+which writer created The Saint?
+Leslie Charteris
+Which writer established the three laws of robotics?
+Isaac asimov
+Which writer left a fortune in his will to develop a new phonetic alphabet?
+G b shaw
+Which writer of the 17th and 18th Centuries first penned the line 'For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.'?
+Alexander pope
+Which writer produced the Foundation Saga?
+Isaac asimov
+Which writer quoted, 'Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses'?
+Dorothy parker
+Which writer's latest work, Birds of Prey , features the Courtneys - the family that appeared in his first, When the Lion Feeds , published in 1964?
+Wilbur smith
+Which writer's widow changed the family's name to Holland after his death to avoid scandal?
+Oscar wilde
+Which writers books were relaunched in 1990 with absolutely no mention of gollywogs?
+Enid blyton
+Which WW2 fighter-bomber did de Havilland's make out of wood?
+Which WW2 Norwegian collaborator's name became synonymous with treachery?
+Which WWF wrestler died after being breaking loose from a cable lowering him to the ring?
+Owen Hart
+Which WWI German fighter ace gave his name to an aerial turning manoeuvre - a half loop followed by a half roll?
+Max immelmann
+Which wwii fanfare by Aaron Copland was a 1977 hit for Emerson,Lake and Palmer?
+Fanfare for the common man
+Which wwii nazi was seized in buenos aires in 1960, tried and executed?
+Adolf eichmann
+Which year did jemima goldsmith marry imram kahn?
+Which year did Niagara Falls freeze?
+Which year did shakespeare's sister get to no1 with 'stay'?
+Which year first saw women taking part in Olympic track and field events?
+Which year lasted 445 days?
+46 bc
+Which year marked the bi-centenary of Kentucky joining the Union?
+Which year Nasser and De Gaulle died and Allende was elected President of Chile?
+Which year of the Chinese calander began in the year 2000?
+Which year saw America's final withdrawal from Vietnam?
+Which year was the St. Valentines Day Massacre?
+Which year were the 'Jesse Owens' olympic games?
+Which year were the Jesse Owen Olympic games?
+WHICH YEAR: Arizona admitted to the Union?
+WHICH YEAR: Battle of Bannockburn?
+WHICH YEAR: Battle of Blenheim?
+WHICH YEAR: Battle of the Boyne?
+WHICH YEAR: Beginning of the Boer war?
+WHICH YEAR: Black Death ravages England?
+WHICH YEAR: Boston Tea Party?
+WHICH YEAR: Britain captured Gibraltar from Spain?
+WHICH YEAR: Buckingham Palace?
+WHICH YEAR: Charge of the Light Brigade?
+WHICH YEAR: Charles darwin publishes Origin of the Species?
+WHICH YEAR: Concorde entered commercial service?
+WHICH YEAR: Did Apache chief Cochise die?
+WHICH YEAR: Did the Seminole Indian Tribe sign a peace treaty with the United States?
+WHICH YEAR: Elizabeth ii becomes queen?
+WHICH YEAR: Emmeline Pankhurst launches the suffragette movement?
+WHICH YEAR: First photocopier marketed?
+WHICH YEAR: Francis Drake sets off around the world?
+WHICH YEAR: Great Fire of London?
+WHICH YEAR: Great plague ravages England?
+WHICH YEAR: Greenwich Mean time adopted?
+WHICH YEAR: Gregory I became pope?
+WHICH YEAR: Harrods opens?
+WHICH YEAR: Henry Tudor becomes Henry viii?
+WHICH YEAR: Henry VIII met Francis I on the Field of the cloth of gold?
+WHICH YEAR: Hong Kong returned to China?
+WHICH YEAR: India gained independence?
+WHICH YEAR: Michaelangelo born?
+WHICH YEAR: Prince Charles born?
+WHICH YEAR: Prince Charles marries?
+WHICH YEAR: The dissolution of the monasteries?
+WHICH YEAR: The falklands war?
+WHICH YEAR: The gulf war?
+WHICH YEAR: W G Grace born?
+Which Yorkshire river is formed by the confluence of the Swale and Ure?
+Which yorkshire town has the same name as the capital of nova scotia?
+Which young animals clock an amazing 31 mph at full speed and cover about 3 times their body length per leap?
+Which Yuppie banker did Rodney marry in Only Fools and Horses?
+Which zodiacal sign is represented by a goat?
+Whih royal wedding of the eighties is now scandelously coming apart?
+Charles and Di
+Whihc biblical epic was written by a former governot of New Mexico?
+Ben hur
+Whihc British Prime minister was born in Edinburgh in 1953?
+Tony blair
+Whihc novelist was exiled to the channel islands?
+Victor hugo
+Whihc popular actress starred in a barely credible 1967 TV series about a nun who could fly?
+Sally fields
+While at Havard University, Edward Kennedy was suspended for cheating on a ____ exam
+While experimenting with speeding up a tape, David seville created three voice characters and released a christmas song in 1958. which nutty group was this?
+While performing her duties as queen, cleopatra sometimes wore a fake ____
+While rain was falling on the street, guards atop the building alongside it were having a snowball fight on nov 13 1958. what was this building?
+Empire state building
+While serving in Congress, ____ introduced a bill that attempted to bar slavery from all future states admitted to the Union, a measure that might later have prevented the U.S. Civil War if it had not been defeated - by a single vote
+Thomas Jefferson
+While sleeping, one man in eight does what?
+While sleeping, one man in ten does what?
+Grinds his teeth
+While the ancient ____ may be the best-known mummy makers, they were far from the first. A very sophisticated fishing tribe called the Chinchoros, who lived on the north coast of what is now Chile, were embalming their dead as early as 5000 B.C
+While the earth's atmosphere is divided into 4 main zones, which is the highest zone?
+While the world was busy welcoming the arrival of the twentieth century on December 31, 1900, a forceful gale on England's Salisbury Plain blew over one of the ancient monumental stones at ____
+Whish actress was nominated for an Oscar for her part as a prostitute in the 1995 film Leaving Las Vegas?
+Elizabeth shue
+Whiskey made from maize and rye?
+White and the seven dwarfs Where is the Plumas National Forest?
+White river is the principal tributary of which indiana river?
+Wabash river
+White-out was invented by who's mother?
+Mike nesmith
+White, crystalline solid that has the formula c6h4(oh)cooh?
+Salicylic acid
+Whitney houston's first album, featuring the hit song ____ is released
+Saving all my love for you
+Who 'came whiffling through the tulgey wood'?
+Who 'mixes it with love and makes the world go around'?
+Who 'schusses' down a piste?
+Snow skiers
+Who 'walked on the wild side'?
+Lou reed
+Who abolished christmas in 1647?
+English parliament
+Who according to Greek mythology was the first woman?
+Who accused lancelot of sleeping with guinevere?
+Who achieved the first perfect nine innings baseball game (pitcher pitches 27 out, no hits, no runs)?
+John lee richmond
+Who acquired 4 of the 7 dead sea scrolls in 1955?
+Who acquired cyrix?
+National semiconductor
+Who administers martinique?
+Who adopted the title 'Il Caudillo'?
+Who advertises post's sugar crisp cereal on tv?
+Sugar bear
+Who advocated the planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco (i.e. crop rotation)?
+George Washington carver
+Who allegedly killed officer J D Tippett?
+Lee harvey oswald
+Who allegedly threatened the rolling stones because of altamont?
+Hell's angels
+Who always ended his show in a white e type jaguar?
+Simon dee
+Who always had 56 curls in her hair?
+Shirley temple
+Who announced his retirement from football after nine seasons in the NFL on the set of The Dirty Dozen in London?
+Jim Brown
+Who anonymously entered a contest in Monaco to find his lookalike and came third?
+Charlie chaplin
+Who appeared in the films pulp fiction, primary colors and staying alive?
+John travolta
+Who appeared on Jackanory reading his own book The Old man of Lochnagar?
+Prince Charles
+Who appeared on the back of a u.s banknote in 1875?
+Who appeared on the back of the $20 bill in 1875?
+Who appeared on the British WWl recruitment poster?
+Lord kitchener
+Who appears on the 10,000 dollar (US) note?
+Salmon Chase
+Who appears on the 100,000 dollar (US) note?
+Woodrow Wilson
+Who appears on the 5,000 dollar (US) note?
+James Madison
+Who appears on the us 5,000 dollar bill?
+James madison
+Who appears when Aladdin rubs the lamp?
+Who are film actress Jamie Lee Curtis's famous parents?
+Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh
+Who are Itchy and Scratchy's European counterparts?
+Worker & Parasite
+Who are jeffrey hyman, thomas erdelyi, Douglas colvin, mark bell, and john cummings?
+The ramones
+Who are known as ' the three 'B's' in musical composition?
+Bach, Beethoven and Brahms
+Who are remembered for the first successful hot air balloon?
+Montgolfier brothers
+Who are santa's reindeer, in alphabetical order?
+Blitzen, comet, dancer,
+Who are second to Russia in the all time Winter Olympic medals table?
+Who are the 2 main characters in Miltons Paradise Lost?
+Adam and eve
+Who are the 5 simpsons in alphabetical order?
+Bart, homer, lisa, maggie and marge
+Who are the bronte sisters in alphabetical order?
+Anne, charlotte, emily
+Who are the Clampetts?
+Beverley hillbillies
+Who are the composer and the lyricist for 'the sound of music', respectively?
+Richard rodgers oscar hammerstein ii
+Who are the creators of south park?
+Trey parker matt stone
+Who are the first act listed in the 14th edition of the Guinness Book of British Hit Singles?
+Who are the Nepalese soldiers who have served with the British army since world war i?
+The gurkhas
+Who are the only band to have made a debut appearance as bill toppers in front of 120000 people in Hyde Park?
+Blind faith
+Who are the only brothers to win the pga tournament?
+Lionel and jay hebert
+Who are the queen's best mates in bee hives?
+Who are the twins in Bart's class?
+Sherri & Terri 
+Who are the two male stars of the movie 'Se7en'?
+Brad Pitt Morgan Fairchild
+Who are Yum-Yum and Nanki-Poo?
+Lovers in the mikado
+Who assassinated william mckinley?
+Leon czolgosz
+Who assembled steve austin as the bionic man?
+Dr rudy wells
+Who ate chicken little?
+Foxy loxy
+Who ate the three bears' porridge?
+Who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder?
+Who authored 'ivanhoe'?
+Sir walter scott
+Who authored the grapes of wrath?
+John steinbeck
+Who averaged receiving 21,000 letters a day in 1993?
+Bill clinton
+Who backed up sam the sham?
+Who backed wayne fontana?
+Who baptised jesus?
+John the baptist
+Who baptized christ?
+John the baptist
+Who barely received passing grades for some of his film performances, but had a no. 1 hit with 'young love' in january 1957?
+Tab hunter
+Who battled with MC Tunes on his 1990 top 10 hit The Only Rhyme That Bites?
+808 state
+Who beat Captain Robert Scott in the race to the south pole in 1912?
+Roald amundsen
+Who beat sonny liston to become world champion for the first time?
+Cassius clay
+Who beat the belles of tennessee?
+Yellow rose of texas
+Who becam an actor after being dismissed by Marks and Spencer training scheme because of his outrageous clothes?
+Edward fox
+Who became a genius whenever he put on the fabulous kurwood derby?
+Who became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1990?
+Norman lamont
+Who became emperor of france in 1804?
+Who became famous for his Madhouse?
+Russ Abbot
+Who became famous for photographing the civil war?
+Mathew brady
+Who became france's first woman prime minister in 1991?
+Edith cresson
+Who became leader of Iran in 1979?
+Ayatollah khomeini
+Who became president of south africa in 1989?
+F.w de klerk
+Who became Prime Minister following the assassination of Spencer Percival in 1812?
+Robert banks jenkinson
+Who became roman emperor in ad 138?
+Antoninus pius
+Who became the first englishman to win the Nobel prize for literature in 1907?
+Rudyard kipling
+Who became the first father-and-son team to win oscars for the film 'treasure of sierra madre'?
+Walter and john huston
+Who became the first President of Cyprus in August 1960?
+Archbishop makarios
+Who became the first president of the french fifth republic in 1958?
+Charles de gaulle
+Who became the first Prime Minister of Malawi in 1964?
+Hastings banda
+Who became the first Prime Minister of Tanganyika in 1961?
+Julius nyerere
+Who became the king of Jordan in 1952?
+Who became U.S. president following the assassination of William McKinley in 1901?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Who became World Motor Racing Champion in 1976?
+James hunt
+Who became' Chief Executive' of Pakistan in October 1999?
+General pervaiz musharraf
+Who began her career making death masks from the severed heads of those executed by the guillotine after the French Revolution?
+Madame tussaud
+Who began his career with 'the yardbirds' and is established as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation?
+Eric clapton
+Who believe that the City of God will be founded in the USA?
+The Mormons
+Who believed that a prism split light because of 'corpuscles' of varied mass?
+Isaac newton
+Who belonged to the fraternal lodge mystic knights of the sea?
+Amos and andy
+Who betrayed jesus to the romans?
+Judas iscariot
+Who betrayed king arthur by sleeping with his wife guinevere?
+Sir lancelot
+Who betrayed samson to the philistines?
+Who bought manattan island for the equivalent of 24 dollars?
+Peter minuit
+Who bought the American Chrysler car company in 1998?
+Daimler benz
+Who bought the Times in 1981?
+Rupert Murdoch
+Who breathes through spiracles?
+Who broke into the queens bedroom in 1982?
+Michael fagan
+Who broke off his engagement to Natasha Rostov in War and Peace?
+Prince andrei bolkonsky
+Who broke Wayne Gretzky's string of 8 straight NHL MVP awards?
+Mario lemieux
+Who brought fire to man in greek mythology?
+Who brought panic in the us with his programm war of the worlds?
+Orson welles
+Who built a city in India called Bucephala in memory of his horse?
+Alexander the great
+Who built a loyal following with the release of 'the pretender' in 1976?
+Jackson browne
+Who built and commanded nazi Germany's luftwaffe?
+Hermann goering
+Who built frosty the snowman into a 1952 hit?
+Gene autry
+Who built Hampton Court?
+Cardinal wolsey
+Who built Peking's Winter Palace?
+Kubla khan
+Who built the 'cherokee' and 'commanche' aircraft?
+Who built the ancient city of machu picchu in peru?
+Who built the concorde?
+Britain and france
+Who built the first steam engine to run on rails?
+Richard trevithick
+Who built the Menai Suspension Bridge?
+Thomas telford
+Who built the world's largest yacht, atlantis?
+Aristotle onassis
+Who buy's corner blocks?
+Stamp Collectors
+Who calculated the amount of energy that appears when matter disappears?
+Albert einstein
+Who called Billy Idol `the Perry Como` of punk?
+Johnny Rotten
+Who called her autobiography Courting Triumph?
+Virginia wade
+Who called Rush Limbaugh the most dangerous man in America?
+Rush Limbaugh
+Who called the County Cricket Board selectors Gin-slinging dodderers?
+Ian botham
+Who calls its parliament 'the knesset'?
+Who calls munich the 'monaco of bavaria'?
+Who calls the moslem faithful to prayer?
+Who came to the English throne on the death of Henry I?
+Who came to the throne on the death of Edward IV?
+Edward v
+Who camped by a billabong?
+Who can sue the Queen?
+Who captained Australia in the famous 1960 Tied Test?
+Richie benaud
+Who captained HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar?
+Captain Hardy
+Who captained the English Football team during the 1966 world cup?
+Bobby moore
+Who captained the English Football team that won the World Cup in 1966?
+Bobby Moore
+Who captained the Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar?
+Captain hardy
+Who captured three U.S. Open amateur golf titles before reaching the age of 20?
+Tiger Woods
+Who carried on Charles babbage's work when he died?
+His son
+Who carried out the first manned orbit of the earth?
+John glenn
+Who carried the Olympic flame into the Melbourne Cricket Ground in 1956?
+Ron Clarke
+Who carried the Union Jack at the opening ceremony in the Sydney Olympics?
+Matthew pinsent
+Who carries arrows in his quiver?
+Who carved the famed medici tombs in florence?
+Who carved the heads at Mount Rushmore?
+Gutzon Borglum
+Who carved the worlds tallest totem pole out of one log?
+Mungo martin
+Who carves the roast beast at the who feast?
+Who catained the argentinian world cup winners in 1986?
+Diego maradona
+Who caused samson's downfall?
+Who ceded Florida to britain?
+Who celebrated his 40th birthday in 1987 with 1500 guests in a converted tram shed near Aston Villa football ground?
+Prince Charles
+Who celebrated their 25th anniversary in 1991 by recording a live tribute album in red deer, alberta, Canada?
+Nitty gritty dirt band
+Who chaired the controversial report into the future of the Royal Ulster Constabulary?
+Chris patten
+Who charted with Over Rising?
+Who chauffeured lady penelope?
+Who cheered the apple of the eye?
+Glenway wescott
+Who choked on her own vomit at age 27?
+Janis joplin
+Who claimed he was the first man to wet his pants on the moon?
+Buzz Aldrin
+Who claimed that in the garden of eden god spoke Swedish, adam spoke danish, and the serpent spoke french?
+Swedish philologist
+Who claimed that the sun wasn't 'gonna shine anymore?
+Walker brothers
+Who claimed that, in the garden of eden, god spoke Swedish, adam spoke danish, & the serpent spoke french?
+Swedish philologist
+Who claimed to be 'Anastasia', daughter of the murdered Tsar Nicholas II?
+Anna Anderson
+Who claimed to be the world's most perfectly-developed man?
+Charles atlas
+Who climbed mount fuji at age 99?
+Teiichi igarashi
+Who climbed Mt Fuji at age 99?
+Teiichi igarashi
+Who co-anchored the nbc nightly news before tom brokaw went solo?
+Roger mudd
+Who co-owns a horse (with Krusty the Clown) named Kruddler?
+Bette Midler
+Who co-wrote the communist manifesto with marx?
+Who co-wrote The Communist Manifesto?
+Marx and engels
+Who coached president eisenhower for tv?
+Robert montgomery
+Who coached the bad news bears?
+Morris buttermaker
+Who coached the Celtics to 6 NBA championships?
+Bob cousy
+Who coined the phrase 'good to the last drop'?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Who coined the phrase Global village in 1962?
+Marshall mcluhan
+Who coined the term 'assassination'?
+William shakespeare
+Who coined the term 'proletariat'?
+Karl marx
+Who coined the term, 'the evil empire'?
+Ronald reagan
+Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun?
+Who coined the word 'bourgeoise'?
+Karl marx
+Who coined the word sociology?
+Auguste comte
+Who collects banknotes?
+Who collects coins or medals?
+Who collects match box labels?
+Who collects stamps?
+Who comanded the Confederate Forces in the American Civil War?
+General robert e lee
+Who comes directly after scotty in the enterprise's chain of command?
+Who comes hopping down the bunny trail?
+Peter cottontail
+Who commanded the English fleet which defeated the Spanish Armada?
+Admiral howard
+Who commanded the rough riders in Cuba in the Spanish American War?
+Leonard wood
+Who commanded the Russian navy on the Black Sea from 1788 1789?
+John Paul jones
+Who competes for the Dunmow Flitch?
+Happily married couples
+Who conned Springfield into buying a monorail?
+Lyle Lanley
+Who conquered Mexico?
+Hernando cortez
+Who conquered the castle of elvas (Portugal)?
+Geraldo geraldes
+Who conquered the matterhorn in 1865?
+Edward whymper
+Who consumes 25% of the world's energy?
+United states
+Who controlled Canada's hudson bay company?
+Who controlled the government of china before mao tse tung?
+Chiang kai-chek
+Who controls more than 80% of the world's rough diamond supply?
+De beers
+Who could distinguish 140 forms of tobacco ash?
+Sherlock holmes
+Who counted himself out on march 31, 1968?
+Lyndon johnson
+Who courageously proved that lightning was electricity?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who covered the Diana Ross and The Supremes song You Can't Hurry Love in 1983?
+Phil collins
+Who crashed out of the 1995 Tour de France after just 92 seconds?
+Chris boardman
+Who created 'dennis the menace'?
+Hank ketcham
+Who created 'horton'?
+Dr seuss
+Who created 'peter rabbit'?
+Beatrix potter
+Who created 'the muppet show'?
+Jim henson
+Who created 'the simpsons'?
+Matt groening
+Who created 'trepanning'?
+Dr bart hughes
+Who created British master spy george smiley?
+John le carre
+Who created detective nero wolfe?
+Rex stout
+Who created dr. jekyll and mr. hyde?
+Robert louis stevenson
+Who created hagar the horrible?
+Dik browne
+Who created Harry Lime?
+Graham greene
+Who created james bond?
+Ian fleming
+Who created jergens lotion?
+Andrew jergens
+Who created john blackthorne?
+James clavell
+Who created master spy George Smiley?
+John le carre
+Who created Miss Marple?
+Agatha christie
+Who created philip marlowe?
+Raymond chandler
+Who created Rambling Sid Rumpole?
+Kenneth williams
+Who created such tv series as Star Trek and earth final conflict?
+Gene roddenberry
+Who created the 'grinch'?
+Dr seuss
+Who created the 'purple heart' decoration in 1782?
+George Washington
+Who created the 'twilight zone'?
+Rod serling
+Who created the cartoon character 'Bugs Bunny'?
+Chuck jones
+Who created the character E.L. Whisty?
+Peter cook
+Who created the character Walter Mitty?
+James thurber
+Who created the comic strip 'blondie'?
+Chic young
+Who created the comic strip 'bloom county'?
+Berkeley breathed
+Who created the comic strip 'doonesbury'?
+Garry trudeau
+Who created the detectives Dalziel and Pascoe?
+Reginald hill
+Who created the discworld series of novels?
+Terry pratchett
+Who created the fictional detective Cordelia Gray?
+P d james
+Who created the fictional detective Nero Wolfe?
+Rex stout
+Who created the first flavored soda pop?
+Townsend speakman
+Who created the idea of using atomic numbers for elemental identification?
+Henry moseley
+Who created the Metropolitan Police Force?
+Sir robert peel
+Who created the muppets?
+Jim henson
+Who created the musical les miserables?
+Alain boublil
+Who created the myrmidons?
+Who created the Scottish detective, Inspector Rebus?
+Ian rankin
+Who created the secret seven?
+Enid blyton
+Who created the Teletubbies?
+Anne wood
+Who created wal-mart?
+Sam walton
+Who created winne-the-pooh?
+A a milne
+Who created woody woodpecker?
+Walter lantz
+Who cremated on the banks of the ganges river on january 31, 1948?
+Mahatma gandhi
+Who crowned napoleon?
+Who currently holds the world transfer record for a Football player?
+Christian vieri
+Who cut off Van Gogh's ear?
+Who danced the Dance of the seven veils?
+Who deciphered the Rosetta stone?
+Jean champollion
+Who declared in 1962 that having a hole drilled through the cranium enabled people to reach a higher state of consciousness?
+Dr bart hughes
+Who defeated Charles iiat the battle of worcester in 1651?
+Oliver cromwell
+Who defeated napoleon at waterloo?
+Duke of wellington
+Who defeated sugar ray leonard in the brawl in montreal?
+Roberto duran
+Who defended john scopes in the monkey trial?
+Clarence darrow
+Who define heat in ergs per calorie?
+James joule
+Who defined the contagion theory (infectious diseases caused by living agent transmitted from person to person) in 1546?
+Girolamo Fracastoro
+Who defined the continental drift theory in 1858?
+Antonio snider-pellegrini
+Who denied jesus three times?
+Who deposed Helmut Kohl as Chancellor of the Federal German Republic in 1998?
+Gerhard schroder
+Who described the 1972 World Chess Championship as The free world against the lying,cheating, hypocritical russians?
+Bobbie fischer
+Who designed Coventry Cathedral and Sussex University?
+Besil spence
+Who designed hearst castle?
+Julia morgan
+Who designed Madonna's famous pointed corset?
+Jean Paul gaultier
+Who designed the ak-47 assault rifle?
+Mikhail kalashnikov
+Who designed the bouncing bomb in World War II?
+Barnes wallis
+Who designed the Clifton suspension bridge?
+Who designed the dome of St Peter's, Rome?
+Who designed the famous cover of 'sgt peppers lonely heart club band'?
+Peter blake
+Who designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine?
+Karl f benz
+Who designed the Houses of Parliament but died before they were completed?
+Sir Charles barry
+Who designed the Marble Arch in London?
+John nash
+Who designed the modern stained glass window at the Church of All Saints, Tudeley Kent?
+Marc chagall
+Who designed The Monument in London?
+Sir christopher wren
+Who designed the Palace of Westminster?
+Sir Charles barry
+Who designed the pascal programming language?
+Niklaus wirth
+Who designed the steam engines Flying Scotsman and Mallard?
+Sir nigel gresley
+Who designed the tapestry that hangs behind the altar at Coventry Cathedral?
+Graham Sutherland
+Who designed the uniforms for the vatican city's Swiss guards?
+Who designed the union buildings?
+Sir herbert baker
+Who designed the voortrekker monument?
+Gerard moerdijk
+Who detailed her romance with Bill Clinton in the December Penthouse?
+Jennifer flowers
+Who developed the first cylinder lock?
+Linus yale
+Who developed the first internal pacemaker?
+Clarence lillehie
+Who developed the first jet fighter?
+Who developed the first nuclear reactor?
+Enrico fermi
+Who developed the first successful totally artificial heart?
+Robert jarvik
+Who developed the Ice age theory in 1840?
+Louis agassiz
+Who developed the jet engine in the 1930's?
+Frank Whittle
+Who developed the laws of planetary motion?
+Johannes kepler
+Who developed the LCD (liquid crystal display)?
+Hoffmann-la roche
+Who developed the periodic table of chemical elements?
+Dimitri medeleev
+Who devised a method of map projection that is named after him?
+Who devised the package tour?
+Thomas Cook
+Who devoured a cake with the words 'eat me' written on it in currants?
+Who did a 1960 gallup poll reveal had the most famous name in the world?
+Elvis presley
+Who did a cover version in 1995 of the oasis hit wonderwall?
+Mike flowers
+Who did Achilles kill and drag three times around the walls of Troy?
+Who did Adolf Hitler dictate Mein Kampf to while in prison?
+Rudolf Hess
+Who did Adolf Hitler marry?
+Eva braun
+Who did Adolph Hitler keep a framed photograph of on his desk?
+Henry ford
+Who did albino luciani become on aygyst 26, 1978?
+Pope john Paul i
+Who did always rescue sweet Polly Purebred?
+Who did amd acquire to develop the k6 microprocessor?
+Who did American John Brown's underground movement help?
+Who did Anna Anderson claim to be?
+Who did Anne Boleyn lose her head over?
+Henry viii
+Who did Anthony Eden succeed as British prime minister in 1955?
+Winston churchill
+Who did Arthur H. Bremer try to assassinate on may 13, 1972?
+George wallace
+Who did Bilbo Baggins get his ring of invisibility from?
+Who did Bob Hope mean in 1977, when he said 'we've lost the most recognizable voice in the world'?
+Bing crosby
+Who did bobby fischer beat to win the world chess championship?
+Boris spassky
+Who did Boris Becker defeat in the mens singles finals at Wimbledon in 1985?
+Kevin curran
+Who did boy george become on stars in their eyes 2001?
+David bowie
+Who did brigham young lead to utah?
+Who did caesar and cleo become?
+Sonny and cher
+Who did cassius stab?
+Julius caesar
+Who did Christina Onassis grudgingly give $25 million to, in 1977?
+Jacqueline onassis
+Who did Cicero describe as the father of history?
+Who did David kill?
+Who did David letterman pay four cartons of marlboro to be on his show?
+Miss ussr
+Who did Davy Crockett beat in a keelboat race, from Disney's perspective?
+Mike fink
+Who did dick van dyke play on the 'dick van dyke show'?
+Rob petrie
+Who did Dickens base his Mr Micawber character on?
+His father
+Who did Elton John originally duet with on Don't Go Breaking My Heart?
+Kiki Dee
+Who did gawain accuse lancelot of sleeping with?
+Who did gawain accuse of sleeping with guinevere?
+Sir lancelot
+Who did general francisco franco designate as his successor in Spain in 1969?
+King juan carlos
+Who did george bush lose a 1970 texas senate election to?
+Lloyd bentsen
+Who did God ask that he sacrifice his only son?
+Who did hank ketcham create?
+Dennis the menace
+Who did Hayley Mills think the murderer was who she sheltered in her shed in Whistle down the wind?
+Who did Henry Ford name the Edsel car after?
+His son
+Who did Henry viii of England divorce to marry anne boleyn?
+Catherine of aragon
+Who did Hercules persuade to go and get the Golden Apples for him?
+Who did israeli agents kidnap in argentina?
+Adolf eichmann
+Who did James Earl Ray murder in 1968?
+Martin luther king
+Who did Jimi Hendrix once praise on the Jimmy Carson TV show as one of Americas most promising guitarists?
+Billy gibbons
+Who did Jimmy Carter defeat to win the Presidency of the USA?
+Gerald ford
+Who did John F Kennedy succeed as US president?
+Dwight d eisenhower
+Who did Joseph Stalin succeed as premier of Russia?
+Who did Jusuf Habibie succeed as President of Indonesia?
+Who did Krusty steal the crank-call bit from?
+Steve Allen 
+Who did larry hagman portray in the tv series 'dallas'?
+J.r ewing
+Who did lennox lewis represent at the olympics?
+Who did leon czolgosz assassinate?
+William kinley
+Who did leonardo dicaprio play in the movie titanic?
+Jack dawson
+Who did madeline kahn play in the film 'paper moon'?
+Trixie delight
+Who did Mark David Chapman shoot on December 8, 1980?
+Who did Mary Quant call 'the knock out beauty of our time'?
+Who did milton describe as 'eyeless in gaza at the mill with the slaves'?
+Who did New York's Cosmos buy for $4.5 million in 1975?
+Who did orson welles play in the film 'the third man'?
+Harry lime
+Who did patrick duffy portray in the tv series 'dallas'?
+Bobby ewing
+Who did patrick macnee portray in the spy drama the avengers?
+Jonathan steed
+Who did perseus kill?
+Who did pocahontas entertain in the nude?
+Who did pussy cat go to see in London?
+Who did queen elizabeth ii marry?
+Prince phillip
+Who did ray davis provide lead vocals for?
+Who did Richard Nixon call the ayatollah of the press corps?
+Sam donaldson
+Who did ringo starr marry in 1981?
+Barbara bach
+Who did robin hood constantly wage war with?
+Sheriff of nottingham
+Who did rocky marciano defeat to first take the title in 1952?
+Who did Roger Bannister beat at the Commonwealth Games of 1954?
+John landy
+Who did ron howard play in 'happy days'?
+Who did Russia sell Alaska to?
+Who did Samson fall in love with?
+Who did shakespeare call the the moor of venice?
+Who did sidney say would play her in sream 2?
+Tori spelling
+Who did Simple Simon meet on the way to the fair?
+Who did sitting bull call little sure shot?
+Annie oakley
+Who did Sonny Liston succeed as world heavyweight boxing champion?
+Floyd Patterson
+Who did Spain fight in the 1808-1814 Peninsular War?
+Who did star the movie black sabbath was named after?
+Boris karloff
+Who did the barons Fitzurse, De Tracy, De Morville and Le Breton conspire to murder?
+Thomas becket
+Who did the factory that Charlie Bucket visited in a Roald Dahl story belong to?
+Willy wonka
+Who did the golan heights belong to before israel?
+Who did the golliwogs become in 1968?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Who did the mg's back up?
+Booker t
+Who did the Miracle Mets defeat to win the 1969 world series?
+Who did the national enquirer offer 250,000 dollars to perform a human head transplant?
+Dr christian barnard
+Who did the New York jets sign to a 427,000 dollars contract on january 2, 1965?
+Joe namath
+Who did the owl and pussycat buy their ring from?
+Who did the roman general publius scipio africanus defeat?
+Who did The Saturday Evening Post dub in 1959 as 'the ultimate material girl?
+Who did the u.s pay for the purchase of Alaska?
+Who did the voice for the cartoon character betty boop?
+Mae questel
+Who did the voice of the Grinch in the animated version of 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
+June Foray
+Who did the voices of bugs bunny, sylvester and tweety pie?
+Mel blanc
+Who did the Walrus and the Carpenter take for a walk?
+The oysters
+Who did valeri solanis shoot?
+Andy warhol
+Who did yusufa k. lule replace as his african country's leader in 1979?
+Idi amin dada
+Who didn't invent the passenger lift in 1852 but did invent a safety device which made them safe enough for general use?
+Elisha g. otis
+Who died at Gravesend in March 1617 when she was about to embark for her homeland in America?
+Who died in the arms of the last German Kaiser?
+Queen victoria
+Who died on french soil august 31st 1997?
+Princess diana
+Who died whilst attempting to discover the source of the Nile?
+Stanley livingstone
+Who dies in every episode of the cartoon series south park?
+Who dies in the back of a powder blue cadilac on New Years day 1953?
+Hank williams
+Who dined on mince and slices of quince?
+The owl and the pussycat
+Who directed 'the breakfast club'?
+John hughes
+Who directed 'the french connection' and 'the exorcist'?
+William friedkin
+Who directed 'the godfather'?
+Francis ford coppola
+Who directed A Streetcar Named Desire?
+Llywellen Sinclair 
+Who directed and starred in 'the little tramp'?
+Charlie chaplin
+Who directed Spartacus?
+Stanley kubrick
+Who directed the 1916 film 'intolerance'?
+D.w griffith
+Who directed the 1946 'it's a wonderful life'?
+Frank capra
+Who directed the 1954 movie 'The Blackboard Jungle'?
+Richard Brooks
+Who directed the 1971 film macbeth?
+Roman polanski
+Who directed the 1974 film chinatown starring jack nicholson?
+Roman polanski
+Who directed the 1976 film All The President's Men?
+Alan j pakula
+Who directed the 1978 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
+Philip Kaufman
+Who directed the 1989 film the war of the roses?
+Danny devito
+Who directed the 1998 gangster film lock, stock and two smoking barrels?
+Guy ritchie
+Who directed the 1999 movie eyes wide shut?
+Stanley kubrik
+Who directed the buttery classic 'Last Tango in Paris'?
+Who directed the classic movie High Noon?
+Fred Zinnemann
+Who directed the commercially successful the way we were?
+Sydney pollack
+Who directed the dark crystal (2 people jh fo)?
+Jim henson frank oz
+Who directed the film 'aliens'?
+Who directed the film 'bowfinger'?
+Frank oz
+Who directed the film 'jfk'?
+Oliver stone
+Who directed the film 'ordinary people'?
+Robert redford
+Who directed the film 'the duel'?
+Steven spielberg
+Who directed the film 'titanic'?
+James cameron
+Who directed the film a fistful of dollars?
+Sergio leona
+Who directed the film born on the fourth of july?
+Oliver stone
+Who directed the film gandhi?
+Richard attenborough
+Who directed the film Lawrence of Arabia?
+David lean
+Who directed the film MASH?
+Robert altman
+Who directed the film Rain Man?
+Barry levinson
+Who directed the film silence of the lambs?
+Jonathan demme
+Who directed the film the purple rose of cairo?
+Woody allen
+Who directed the films 'carrie' and 'the untouchables'?
+Brian de palma
+Who directed the films 'La Strada' and 'La Dolce Vita'?
+Who directed the films, mrs miniver, ben hur and funny girl?
+William wyler
+Who directed the musical 'My Fair Lady'?
+George cukor
+Who directed where the boys are?
+Harry levin
+Who discovered Alaska?
+Vitus bering
+Who discovered bacteria in 1683?
+Anton van leeuwenhoek
+Who discovered Botany Bay?
+Captain Cook
+Who discovered Florida?
+Ponce de leon
+Who discovered gamma rays?
+Ernest rutherford
+Who discovered in 1860 that carbolic acid is an antiseptic?
+Dr lister
+Who discovered king tut's tomb, and in what year was it discovered?
+Howard carter in 1922
+Who discovered morphine?
+Friedrich saturner
+Who discovered natural radioactivity?
+Antoine becquerel
+Who discovered oxygen?
+Joseph priestley
+Who discovered radioactivity?
+Antoine henri becquerel
+Who discovered radiocarbon dating?
+Willard libby
+Who discovered saturn's rings?
+Who discovered Tasmania?
+Abel tasman
+Who discovered that galaxies were all red shifted i.e the universe was expanding?
+Edwin hubble
+Who discovered the binomial theory at the age of 21?
+Isaac newton
+Who discovered the cholera micro-organism?
+Who discovered the circulation of blood?
+William harvey
+Who discovered the electron?
+Jj thomson
+Who discovered the fermentation process in 1860?
+Louis pasteur
+Who discovered the mississippi river?
+Hernando de soto
+Who discovered the neutron in 1932?
+Sir james chadwick
+Who discovered the neutron?
+James chadwick
+Who discovered the ozone?
+Christian schonbein
+Who discovered the planet Uranus?
+William herschel
+Who discovered the positron in 1932?
+Carl anderson
+Who discovered the proton in England in 1919?
+Ernest rutherford
+Who discovered the River Zambezi?
+David livingstone
+Who discovered the tomb of Tutenkhamen?
+Howard carter
+Who discovered the Zambezi river?
+David livingstone
+Who discovered their dream girls, the chipettes in an 1987 flick?
+Who discovered uranus in 1781?
+Sir william herschel
+Who discovered victoria falls?
+David livingston
+Who discovered x rays?
+Wilhelm roentgen
+Who do Brain of Britain and Stop the Week have in common?
+Robert robinson
+Who do Brazilians call Huguinho, Zezinho & Luisinho?
+Huey dewey louie
+Who do the Japanese call Miki Mauso?
+Mickey mouse
+Who does alice follow down the hole?
+White rabbit
+Who does Bart have to sit beside on the filed trip to SNPP?
+Who does Bart play in the President's Day play?
+John Wilkes Booth
+Who does christina applegate play on the tv sitcom 'jesse'?
+Who does David Soul play in Starsky and Hutch?
+Who does fred savage play on 'the wonder years'?
+Kevin arnold
+Who does kate jackson play on the tv series 'charlie's angels'?
+Sabrina duncan
+Who does Linus wait for each Halloween?
+Great pumpkin
+Who does Mr. Burns credit his long life to?
+Who does Springfield believe is trapped down a well?
+Timmy O'Toole
+Who does the Mona Lisa depict?
+Madonna Lisa Gherardini
+Who does the statue, the Colossus of Rhodes, depict?
+Who drafted most of the American declaration of independence?
+Who drafted the first periodic table?
+Who draws the cartoon Fred bassett?
+Who draws the far side series of cartoons?
+Gary larson
+Who dreamed about the sun, moon & stars bowing down to him?
+Who drew the comic 'the maxx'?
+Sam keith
+Who drew the first comic strip in 1896, 'the yellow kid'?
+Richard felton outcault
+Who drew the Mr Men?
+Roger hargreaves
+Who drew the peanuts series of cartoons?
+Charles schulz
+Who drinks the most tea per capita?
+Who earned $50 playing harmonica on a Harry Belafonte album in 1960?
+Bob dylan
+Who earned a Nobel Prize for peace for his role in ressolving the Russo Japanese War?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Who eats the most turkey per capita?
+Who edited the 'Indian opinion' during his stay in south africa?
+Mahatma gandhi
+Who eloped with the pussycat?
+Who enacted a law requiring cigarette manufacturers to put health warnings on their packages?
+Lyndon b johnson
+Who enjoyed a first flight in Concorde on 6 aug 1985?
+The queen mother
+Who entered the uk charts at no 7in sept 2002with its written in the stars?
+Paul weller
+Who entertained the colonists by doing cartwheels in the nude?
+Who established horse power as a unit of measurement?
+James watt
+Who established the modern theory of biological evolution?
+Charles darwin
+Who established the Presbyterian form of Protestantism in Switzerland?
+John calvin
+Who experimented with the idea of contact lenses?
+Leonardo da vinci
+Who explained the secrets of Life on Earth?
+David attenborough
+Who famously faked Samuel Palmer's paintings?
+Tom keating
+Who famously said 'We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.'?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who fathered cher's son, elijah blue?
+Gregg allman
+Who fathered three successive sovereigns?
+Henry viii
+Who fell asleep in the catskills for twenty years?
+Rip van winkle
+Who fell inlove with Little White Dove?
+Running bear
+Who fell through the ice at Dingley Dell?
+Mr pickwick
+Who figured out how to win friends and influence people?
+Dale carnegie
+Who first believed that the earth was round?
+The ancient greeks
+Who first calculated 'pi' around 250 bc?
+Who first designed the mini-skirt?
+Mary quant
+Who first discovered the existence of Neptune?
+Johann galle
+Who first incorporated amorphous phosphorus in the manufacture and use of safety matches, by 1855?
+Lundstrom brothers
+Who first postulated the cosamic string theory?
+Thomas kibble
+Who first proposed the concept of atomic structure in 1911?
+Ernest rutherford
+Who first recognised the u.s in 1776?
+Who first said Awop-bop-a-loo-mop-alop-bam-boom?
+Little richard
+Who first settled maryland?
+Lord baltimore
+Who first split light into the colours of the rainbow?
+Isaac Newton
+Who first swum the English channel in 1875?
+Matthew webb
+Who first titillated press and public not so much by his single White Boy as by his looks in 1982?
+Boy george
+Who first uk no 1 hit was into the groove?
+Who first used acupuncture?
+Emperor shen-nung
+Who first used antiseptics?
+Jospeh lister
+Who first wore red racing stripes on his spacesuit during a moonwalk?
+Alan shepard
+Who first wrote about haggis?
+Who flew above sleeping beauty castle from 1961 to 1977?
+Tinker bell
+Who flew the rocket powered Bell X IAa at a record mach 2.5?
+Chuck yaeger
+Who flew too close to the sun and had his wings melted?
+Who flew too close to the sun?
+Who flew too near the sun waering wings attached with wax?
+Who flew too near the sun wearing wings attached with wax?
+Who flies into the centre of hurricanes?
+Hurricane hunters
+Who followed Alexander Haig as US foreign secretary in 1982?
+George schultz
+Who followed Grover Cleveland as US President in 1889?
+Benjamin harrison
+Who followed Grover Cleveland as US President in 1897?
+William mckinley
+Who followed Henry VIII to the throne?
+Edward vi
+Who followed up beetlejuice with clean and sober?
+Michael keaton
+Who followed up his runaway hit with hats off to larry?
+Del shannon
+Who followed walk right back with temptation?
+Everly brothers
+Who formed Microsoft with Bill Gates?
+Paul allen
+Who formed the nhl players' association?
+Alan eagleson
+Who formulated the laws which first explained the movements of the planets properly?
+Who fought george foreman in the 'rumble in the jungle'?
+Mohammed ali
+Who fought mohammed ali in the 'rumble in the jungle'?
+George foreman
+Who fought mohammed ali in the fight billed as the thriller in manila?
+Joe frazier
+Who fought muhammad ali in the thrilla in manila?
+Joe frazier
+Who fought over the falkland islands in 1982?
+Britain and argentina
+Who fought Tommy Burns for the world heavyweight boxing championship in Sydney in 1908?
+Jack Johnson
+Who found himself flying on the island laputa?
+Who found himself flying on the island of Laputa?
+Who found the long lost explorer David livingston?
+Henry stanley
+Who founded 'boys town'?
+Father flanagan
+Who founded 'live aid' and 'band aid'?
+Bob geldof
+Who founded a monastery on Lindisfarne in AD 635?
+Saint aidan
+Who founded Atari?
+Nolan bushnell
+Who founded avogadro's law?
+Amadeo avogadro
+Who founded histology?
+Marie bichat
+Who founded London Zoo in Regents Park?
+Sir stamford raffles
+Who founded Microsoft with Bill Gates?
+Paul allan
+Who founded the 'habitat' company in 1971?
+Sir terence conran
+Who founded the 'sas'?
+David stirling
+Who founded the academy in athens?
+Who founded the American red cross?
+Clara barton
+Who founded the ballets russe in 1909?
+Serge diaghilev
+Who founded the boy scout movement?
+Robert baden powell
+Who founded the boy scouts of America?
+Daniel beard
+Who founded the boy scouts?
+Sir robert baden-powell
+Who founded the church of England?
+King Henry viii
+Who founded the Church of Scientology?
+L. ron hubbard
+Who founded the economist magazine in 1843?
+James wilson
+Who founded the Fascist party in Italy in 1919?
+Benito mussolini
+Who founded the foundation for infantile paralysis?
+Franklin roosevelt
+Who founded the Girl Guides?
+Robert baden-powell
+Who founded the girl scouts?
+Juliette gordon low
+Who founded the Irish republican army?
+Michael collins
+Who founded the jefferson airplane?
+Paul kantner
+Who founded the knowledge of blood circulation?
+William harvey
+Who founded the London Metropolitan Police?
+Sir robert peel
+Who founded the Methodist faith?
+John Wesley
+Who founded the miss world competition?
+Eric morley
+Who founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1948?
+Mother theresa
+Who founded the National Viewers and Listeners Assoc?
+Mary whitehouse
+Who founded the Persian empire?
+King cyrus
+Who founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848?
+Dante gabriel rossetti
+Who founded the Rocket record label?
+Elton john
+Who founded the UKs National viewers and listeners Association?
+Mary Whitehouse
+Who founded the ymca in 1844?
+George williams
+Who founded troy?
+Who gained fame as a mind over matter spoon bender?
+Uri geller
+Who gather together in covens?
+Who gave a 1.25 million charity cheque to Bob Geldof in Oct 1986 that he couldnt have given to him 3 months later?
+Terry waite
+Who gave a piano concert in moscow in april 1986 having left Russia 61 years earlier?
+Vladimir horowitz
+Who gave excalibur to king arthur?
+Lady of the lake
+Who gave kent allard permission to use his name in the comic book series, the shadow?
+Lamont cranston
+Who gave marilyn monroe a poodle named 'mafia'?
+Frank sinatra
+Who gave the U. S.A. the Statue of Liberty?
+Who gets bitten by vampire bats on the big toe?
+Who gets the 'picayune intelligence'?
+Frostbite falls
+Who gives manicures at the salon east beauty parlor?
+Who got his 100-meter dash gold medal stripped away due to his steroid use in the 1988 Olympics?
+Ben Johnson
+Who got his 100-meter dash gold medal stripped away due to to steroid use in the 1988 Olympics?
+Ben Johnson
+Who got his name because of a yellow & black striped shirt he wore until it literally fell apart?
+Who got his name because of a yellow-and-black striped shirt he wore until it literally fell apart?
+Who got in the basket with teddy& andy pandy?
+Looby loo
+Who got knocked out by muhammad ali in kinshasha, zaire, in 1974?
+George foreman
+Who got lost in the fog in his search for the America's Cup in 1970?
+Baron Bich
+Who got slimmed first in Ghostbusters?
+Peter Venkman
+Who got the world's worst circumcision?
+John bobbit
+Who grew the famous White garden at Sissinghurst?
+Vita Sackville West
+Who gyred and gimbled in the wabe?
+The slithy toves
+Who had 60s hits with Zabadak and the Legend of Xanadu?
+Dave dee,dozy,beaky,mick and titch
+Who had a 1961 hit with '(Home in) Pasadena'?
+Temperance seven
+Who had a 1965 hit with 'Windmill in old Amsterdam'?
+Ronnie hilton
+Who had a 1970s number one with Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs?
+Brian and michael
+who had a 1980s number one with let's party?
+Jive bunny & the mastermixers
+Who had a 1981 number one with Don't You Want Me?
+The human league
+Who had a 1985 christmas number one with saving all my love for you?
+Whitney houston 
+Who had a 1998 hit with Last Thing On My Mind?
+Who had a 1999 hit with Blue?
+Eiffel 65
+Who had a 30 year love affair with lillian hellman?
+Dashiel hammett
+Who had a 30-year love affair with dashiel hammett?
+Lillian hellman
+Who had a best selling single in 1972 with 'Amazing Grace?
+Royal scots dragoon guards
+Who had a childhood fanatsy that she was really Marilyn Monroe's daughter?
+Debbie Harry
+Who had a cleaner called Mrs Scrubbit?
+The woodentops
+Who had a dog called Gnasher?
+Dennis the menace
+Who had a hit with 'calendar girl'?
+Neil sedaka
+Who had a hit with 'stand by your man'?
+Tammy wynette
+Who had a hit with anyone can fall in love in 1986?
+Anita dobson
+Who had a hit with classical gas?
+Mason williams
+Who had a hit with the song '24 hours from Tulsa'?
+Gene pitney
+Who had a hit, in 1997, with Postcards from Heaven?
+The lighthouse family
+Who had a man servant named cato?
+Inspector clouseau
+Who had Brass In Pocket?
+The pretenders
+Who had chanel no. 5 sprayed in the ring before he wrestled?
+Gorgeous george
+Who had her uninsured jewellery stolen at an airport in 1995?
+Duchess of york
+Who had hiccups for 69 years?
+Charles osborne
+Who had hit records with 'You Love Us' and 'Kevin Carter'?
+Manic street preachers
+Who had hits with Bed Sitter and Torch?
+Soft cell
+Who had hits with I Am a Rock and The Boxer?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Who had over 1000 patents registered to him when he died?
+Thomas edison
+Who had poachers castrated?
+Richard the lionheart
+Who had six fingernails on one hand , but only five fingers on that hand?
+Anne boleyn
+Who had teenage sidekicks Zan, Wendy, Jayna & Marvin?
+Super friends
+Who had the 1936 miss hungary title taken away from her because she was underage?
+Zsa zsa gabor
+Who had the first central heating systems?
+Who had the first ever official number one in 1952?
+Al martino
+Who had the nickname 'golden bear'?
+Jack nicklaus
+Who had the role of the piano man in lady sings the blues?
+Richard pryor
+Who had the u.s. army's dog tag number 533 107 61?
+Elvis presley 
+Who had the UK Christmas NO 1 single in 1995 with Earth Song?
+Michael jackson
+Who had the vision that resulted in the book of revelations?
+Who had their first no 1 with message in a bottle?
+Who had three breasts?
+Anne boleyn
+Who had top ten hits in the 1960s with 'together, somewhere' and 'hold me'?
+P.j. proby
+Who had top ten hits in the 1980s with Run to the Hills, Can I Play With Madness and The Evil That Men Do?
+Iron maiden
+Who has a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg?
+Mr. McCraig
+Who has a line of sports shoes for nike?
+Micheal Jordan
+Who has a record 5 wins in f-1 racing?
+Juan manuel fangio
+Who has a series of books called the wheel of time?
+Robert jordan
+Who has a statue in leicester square?
+Charlie chaplin
+Who has been in power in Cuba since declaring the country a socialist nation over 30 years ago?
+Fidel Castro
+Who has been married to joan, joanne, joanna and alexis?
+Johnny carson
+Who has been nicknamed Dr Death in the 1990s?
+Dr jack kevorkian
+Who has been Pope the longest in the 20th century?
+John Paul II
+Who has been serving apple pie for more than 100 years?
+Yale college
+Who has daughters named Jade, Elizabeth, Scarlett and Georgia?
+Mick jagger
+Who has had hits with heartbeat, 5-6-7-8 and tragedy?
+Who has more chromosomes, Tarzan or Cheetah?
+Who has presented his weekly radio monologue 'letter from America' for the bbc without a break since march 1946?
+Alistair cooke
+Who has stolen the most bases in baseball?
+Ricky henderson
+Who has the biggest percentage of female heads of household?
+Who has the highest per capital consumption of cheese?
+Who has the most cars per mile of road?
+Who has the most personalised licence plates?
+Who has the most u.s banknotes?
+Who has the most wins in 500cc grand prix racing, with 8 wins?
+Giacomo agostini
+Who has the nickname, the divine miss m?
+Bette midler
+Who has the voice of bugs bunny, sylvester and tweety pie?
+Mel blanc
+Who has won the most best actress academy award oscars?
+Katherine hepburn
+Who has written many books about Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin?
+Patrick o'brian
+Who hated mozart with a deadly passion?
+Who headed the task force that proposed the space shuttle?
+Spiro agnew
+Who heard it through the grapevine in 1968?
+Marvin gaye
+Who held out his hand and miraculously parted the waters of the Red sea so that the Israelites could pass to safety?
+Who helped George Harrison produce 'My Sweet Lord'?
+Phil spector
+Who hid in a house at 263 Princengracht, Amsterdam, for two years?
+Anne frank
+Who hired The Jackal?
+Who hit a golf shot on the moon?
+Alan sheppard
+Who hit a homerun in his first at bat in college, the olympics, & the major leagues?
+Will clark
+Who holds England's all time record for international Football caps?
+Viv anderson
+Who holds the career home run record in major league baseball?
+Hank aaron
+Who holds the modern day record for most errors by an outfielder?
+Ty cobb
+Who holds the record for most touchdown passes in one season?
+Dan marino
+Who holds the world on his shoulders?
+Who hosted the 1982 Football world cup?
+Who hosted the show this is your life?
+Ralph edwards
+Who hosted tv's longest running tv show?
+Ed sullivan 
+Who hosts the monza grand prix?
+Who in 1497 established the first Portuguese colony in India?
+Vasco da gama
+Who in 1994 knocked out Michael Moore to become the oldest man ever to win a version of the World Heavyweight Boxing title?
+George foreman
+Who in 1994 knocked out Michael Moorer to become the oldest man ever to win a version of the World Heavyweight Boxing title?
+George foreman
+Who in baseball was known as king kong?
+Dave kingman
+Who in fiction was the arch-enemy of Flash Gordon?
+Ming the merciless
+Who in greek mythology had snakes instead of hair?
+who in Greek mythology who took out the family chariot before he had learned to drive it and came to grief?
+Who in mythology was condemned to sit under a sword suspended by a hair?
+Who in nba history has blocked the most shots?
+Hakeem olajuwon
+Who in shakespeare was the ?moor of venice'?
+Who in the 1983/4 season became the first British footballer to win the European Golden Boot award?
+Ian rush
+Who in the 20th century is credited with building the first successful helicopter, which flew in 1939?
+Igor sikorsky
+Who in the 60s produced the 'Space Age' collection?
+Pierre cardin
+Who in the Bible received thirty pieces of silver?
+Who in the bible was the brother of Esau?
+Who initiated the works of the Bible?
+King solomon
+Who interpreted the writing on the wall?
+Who introduced racial segregation in south africa?
+National party
+Who introduced rugby to new zealand?
+Charles monro
+Who introduced the christmas tree to England from bavaria?
+Prince albert
+Who introduced the first designer collection for men?
+Pierre cardin
+Who introduced the idea that electrons move round the nuclei of atoms in well defined orbits?
+Niels bohr
+Who introduced the printing press into England in 1476?
+William caxton
+Who introduced the terms negative and positive in relation to electricity?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who introduces Bart to Herman?
+Grampa Simpson
+Who introduces Channel 4's Time Team programme?
+Tony robinson
+Who introduces the animals on the tv show?
+Mr greenjeans
+Who invented a screw which lifts water to a higher level?
+Who invented aluminum manufacture, (by electrolytic action)?
+Charles hall
+Who invented analytic geometry?
+Who invented anesthetic: (first use of anesthetic-ether-on humans)?
+Crawford long
+Who invented aspirin?
+Dr felix hoffman
+Who invented barbed wire in 1873?
+Joseph e. glidden
+Who invented bifocal glasses?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who invented braille in 1829?
+Louis braille
+Who invented braille?
+Louis Braille
+Who invented carbonated soda water?
+Joseph priestley
+Who invented cat's eyes?
+Percy shaw
+Who invented cement in 1824?
+Joseph aspdin
+Who invented chewing gum in 1848?
+John curtis
+Who invented coca cola?
+Dr john pemberton
+Who invented condensed milk in 1853?
+Gail borden
+Who invented condensed milk?
+Gail borden
+Who invented Cornflakes?
+John harvey kellog
+Who invented false eyelashes?
+D.w griffith
+Who invented fiber optics?
+Narinder kapany
+Who invented James Bond?
+Ian fleming
+Who invented levi's jeans?
+Levi strauss
+Who invented mass car production?
+Henry ford
+Who invented Penicillin?
+Alexander fleming
+Who invented plate tectonics?
+Alfred wegener
+Who invented popsicles?
+Frank Epperson
+Who invented psychoanalysis?
+Sigmund freud
+Who invented rabies immunization?
+Louis pasteur
+Who invented scissors?
+Leonardo Da Vinci
+Who invented shorthand in 1588?
+Sir timothy bright
+Who invented sluice gates, swimming belts, and scissors?
+Leonardo da vinci
+Who invented teflon?
+Who invented television?
+John baird
+Who invented the 'bunsen burner'?
+Robert bunsen
+Who invented the 'spinning jenny'?
+James hargreaves
+Who invented the 1st generation machine gun in 1718?
+James puckle
+Who invented the 2nd generation machine gun in 1861?
+Richard j gatling
+Who invented the aerosol can?
+Erik rotheim
+Who invented the air conditioner?
+Willis carrier
+Who invented the alloy pinchbeck?
+Thomas pinchbeck
+Who invented the aqualung while fighting with the French Resistance during the secomd world war?
+Jacques cousteau
+Who invented the assembly line?
+Henry ford
+Who invented the automatic rifle?
+John browning
+Who invented the automobile in 1885?
+Karl benz
+Who invented the barometer in 1643?
+Evangelista torricelli
+Who invented the bifocal lens in 1780?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who invented the blast furnace?
+Henry Bessemer
+Who invented the bolometer?
+Samuel p langley
+Who invented the bra?
+Mary phelps jacobs
+Who invented the cash register in 1879?
+James ritty
+Who invented the chair?
+Who invented the chemical battery?
+Alessandro Volta
+Who invented the clockwork radio?
+Trevor bayliss
+Who invented the conical bullet?
+Claude minie
+Who invented the difference engine?
+Charles babbage
+Who invented the dumb waiter?
+Thomas jefferson 
+Who invented the dynamo, transformer and direct current motor?
+Michael faraday
+Who invented the electric bass guitar?
+Leo fender
+Who invented the electric battery?
+Alessandro volta
+Who invented the electric chair?
+Dr alphonse rockwell
+Who invented the electric cooking range?
+Thomas ahearn
+Who invented the electric fan?
+Schuyler wheeler
+Who invented the electric flatiron?
+Henry seely
+Who invented the electric razor in 1928?
+Jacob schick
+Who invented the electric shaver?
+Jacob schick
+Who invented the electric transformer?
+William stanley
+Who invented the electric washing machine?
+Alva fisher
+Who invented the electrical bass?
+Leo fender
+Who invented the ferris wheel?
+Who invented the first accurate seismograph?
+John milne
+Who invented the first bifocal lens?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who invented the first chocolate candy?
+Conrad j van houten
+Who invented the first completely automated robotic milking machine?
+Who invented the first continuous stitch sewing machine?
+Isaac singer
+Who invented the first electric razor?
+Jacob schick
+Who invented the first flush toilet?
+Thomas crapper
+Who invented the first fully-automatic machine gun?
+Hiram maxim
+Who invented the first MODERN bicycle in 1884?
+James starley
+Who invented the first oil well?
+Edwin drake
+Who invented the first polaroid camera in 1947?
+Edwin land
+Who invented the first practical radar?
+Sir robert watson-watt
+Who invented the first practical steam engine?
+Thomas newcomen
+Who invented the first sewing machine?
+Elias howe
+Who invented the food processor in 1947?
+Kenneth wood
+Who invented the fountain pen in 1884?
+Lewis waterman
+Who invented the geodesic dome?
+Buckminster fuller
+Who invented the hamburger?
+Louis lassen
+Who invented the holograph?
+Dennis gabor
+Who invented the Hoovercraft?
+Cristopher cockrell
+Who invented the ice cream soda?
+Robert green
+Who invented the ice cream sundae?
+William garwood
+Who invented the java programming language?
+Sun microsystems
+Who invented the kinetoscope?
+Thomas edison
+Who invented the lie detector?
+John augustus larson
+Who invented the light bulb?
+Thomas edison
+Who invented the lightning conductor in June 1752?
+Bejamin franklin
+Who invented the lightning rod?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who invented the liquid-fuelled rocket?
+Robert goddard
+Who invented the magnifying glass?
+Friar roger bacon
+Who invented the microphone?
+Charles wheatstone
+Who invented the microwave oven?
+Percy spencer
+Who invented the military tank?
+Sir ernest swinton
+Who invented the mini skirt?
+Mary quant
+Who invented the moving assembly line in 1913?
+Henry ford
+Who invented the pendulum clock in 1656?
+Christian huygens
+Who invented the phonograph?
+Thomas edison
+Who invented the pneumatic tyre from a section of garden hose?
+John dunlop
+Who invented the Polaroid camera?
+Edwin land
+Who invented the potato chip?
+George crum
+Who invented the pressure cooker (early version)?
+Denis papin
+Who invented the revolver?
+Samuel colt
+Who invented the rifle in 1520?
+Joseph kotter
+Who invented the safety lamp for miners in 1816?
+Humphrey Davy
+Who invented the safety pin?
+Walter hunt
+Who invented the sewing machine?
+Elias howe
+Who invented the Spinning Frame?
+Richard arkwright
+Who invented the stethoscope?
+Rene laennec
+Who invented the submarine?
+Robert fulton
+Who invented the system of paying for postage with stamps?
+Rowland Hill
+Who invented the tape recorder (magnetic steel tape)?
+Valdemar poulsen
+Who invented the telegraph?
+Samuel morse
+Who invented the thermometer?
+Galileo galilei
+Who invented the toothbrush?
+William Addis
+Who invented the vacuum flask?
+James dewar
+Who invented the vulcanizationprocess of rubber?
+Charles goodyear
+Who invented the windmill?
+Who invented the Windows o s?
+Bill gates
+Who invented the World Wide Web?
+Tim berners-lee
+Who invented the yo yo?
+Donald f duncan
+Who invented the zip fastener in 1893?
+Whitcomb judson
+Who invented Utopia?
+Sir thomas moore
+Who invented wax paper?
+Thomas Edison
+Who is a 'wild and crazy guy'?
+Steve martin
+Who is a successful recording artist, talented landscape artist, and author of children's books?
+Ricky Van Shelton
+Who is agent mulder's nemisis on The X-Files?
+Cigarette smoking man
+Who is Al Gores running mate in the 2000 Presidential election campaign?
+Joe liebermann
+Who is also known as Mr. Warmth?
+Don Rickles
+Who is always the victim the game of Cluedo?
+Dr. black
+Who is America's biggest trading partner?
+Who is anna mae bullock?
+Tina turner
+Who is anne mae bullock?
+Tina turner
+Who is befriended by buttons?
+Who is better known as william jefferson blythe?
+Bill clinton
+Who is Betty in A private function?
+A pig
+Who is Bleedin' Gums Murphy's younger brother?
+Dr. Hibbert
+Who is britain's defender of the faith?
+Queen elizabeth ii
+Who is Britains best known former kindergarten teacher?
+Who is broomhilda's buzzard buddy?
+Who is buried under the arc de triomphe?
+Unknown soldier
+Who is c3po's sidekick?
+Who is called the father of the h bomb?
+Edward teller
+Who is Capitol City's mascot?
+Who is christina claire ciminella?
+Wynonna judd
+Who is cinderella's stepmother?
+Lady tremaine
+Who is considered the doctor of medicine?
+Who is considered the father of modern geology?
+James hutton
+Who is considered the patron saint of travellers?
+St christopher
+Who is country music hall of fames only 2 time inductee?
+Roy rogers
+Who is credited as the 'father of alternating current'?
+Nikola tesla
+Who is credited with coining the phrase, 'm'kay'?
+Mr. vandresen
+Who is credited with inventing scat singing?
+Louis armstrong
+Who is credited with inventing television?
+John baird
+Who is credited with inventing the fountain pen in 1848?
+Lewis waterman
+Who is credited with inventing the game of baseball?
+Who is credited with inventing the light bulb?
+Who is credited with inventing the transistor?
+Dr william shockley
+Who is credited with inventing the world's first mechanical calculating machine?
+Blaise pascal
+Who is credited with invention of the nuclear reactor?
+Enrico Fermi
+Who is credited with the invention of Bakelite?
+Dr. baekeland
+Who is credited with the invention of the cylinder lock?
+Elihu yale
+Who is daisy duck's boyfriend?
+Donald duck
+Who is Dick Tracy's sweetheart?
+Tess trueheart
+Who is dionne warwicks famous cousin?
+Whitney houston
+Who is donald duck's girlfriend?
+Daisy duck
+Who is edson arantes do nascimento?
+Who is Elton John lyrics writer?
+Bernie taupin
+Who is Emperor of Japan?
+Who is famous for the saying?
+Smokey the bear
+Who is famously buried in the churchyard at Bamburgh, Northumberland?
+Grace darling
+Who is first of the 7 dwarfs alphabetically?
+Who is flash gordon's arch enemy?
+Ming the merciless
+Who is fond of saying 'i will gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today'?
+Who is fourth in line to the English throne?
+Prince andrew
+Who is frank cujo now known as?
+Jean-claude van damme
+Who is fred flintstone's best friend?
+Barney rubble
+Who is Gabbo's puppeteer?
+Arthur Crandell
+Who is gaylord the buzzard's buddy?
+Who is Gog's companion in London's Guild Hall?
+Who is goldie hawns actor partner?
+Kurt russell
+Who is Hamlet's tragic suicidal girlfriend?
+Who is harold lloyd jenkins?
+Conway twitty
+Who is hector hugh munro better known as?
+Who is Homer Simpson's brother?
+Herb Powell
+Who is in every episode of the tv series 'seinfeld'?
+Who is in the car with the Japanese restaurant owner?
+Mrs. Krabappel 
+Who is Jeeves' young master?
+Bertie wooster
+Who is King of Jordan?
+Abdullah ii
+Who is known as 'mr perfect' in singapore bowling?
+Jack wong
+Who is known as a collector of trivia?
+Who is known as big mama in ladies pro golf?
+Joanne carner
+Who is known as the 'father of the atomic bomb'?
+Robert oppenheimer
+Who is known as the father of genetics?
+Gregor mendel
+Who is known as the father of geometry?
+Who is known as the father of muneralogy?
+Georgius agricola
+Who is known as the father of western philosophy?
+Who is known for the 'theory of evolution'?
+Charles darwin
+Who is known in England as the tatty detective?
+Who is known in golf as the emperor jones?
+Bobby jones
+Who is Kodos?
+An alien
+Who is Krusty's father?
+Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky
+Who is Krusty's monkey?
+Mr. Teeny
+Who is Krusty's secretary?
+Lois Pennycandy
+Who is Lady Haden-Guest better known as?
+Jamie Lee Curtis
+Who is Leslie Hornby better known as?
+Who is Liam Gallagher's famous ex-wife?
+Patsy kensit
+Who is likely to have a faster pulse a man or a woman?
+A woman
+Who is listed as the most decorated American soldier of the korean war?
+Anthony herbert
+Who is Marge's art teacher?
+Mr. Lombardo (John Lovitz)
+Who is Marge's date for the prom?
+Artie Ziff 
+Who is married to eddie van halen?
+Valerie bertanelli
+Who is married to her co presenter John Stapleton?
+Lynn faulds wood
+Who is married to valerie bertanelli?
+Eddie van halen
+Who is marty wildes daughter?
+Kim wilde
+Who is maureen o'sullivan's daughter?
+Mia farrow
+Who is McBain's nemesis?
+Who is melanie griffith's mother?
+Tippi hedren
+Who is mia farrow's mother?
+Maureen o'sullivan
+Who is mickey mouse's girlfriend?
+Minnie mouse
+Who is minnie mouse's boyfriend?
+Mickey mouse
+Who is miss piggy in love with?
+Who is most likely the most famous vegeterian ever to live?
+Adolf hitler
+Who is most likely to be the victim of a black bear attack?
+A menstruating woman
+Who is mother goose's son?
+Who is Mr. Warmth?
+Who is nba history has the most asssists?
+John stockton
+Who is nba history has the most steals?
+John stockton
+Who is Ned Flanders' wife?
+Maude Flanders
+Who is nick and nora Charles' dog?
+Who is no longer the manager of Chelsea, having been sacked in 2000?
+Gianluca vialli
+Who is often referred to as the thinking man's beagle?
+Who is olive oyl's boyfriend?
+Who is on a U S $20 bill?
+Andrew jackson
+Who is on a U S $5,000 bill?
+James madison
+Who is on a U S $50 bill?
+Ulysses s grant
+Who is on a u.s. $100 bill?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who is on a u.s. bill?
+Benjamin franklin
+Who is on the Canadian bill?
+Who is othello's wife?
+Who is popeye's adopted son?
+Who is popeye's arch enemy?
+Who is popeye's girlfriend?
+Olive oyl
+Who is president of Germany?
+Roman herzog
+Who is President of the Czech Republic?
+Vaclav havel
+Who is President of the European Central Bank?
+Wim duisenberg
+Who is president of the european commission?
+Jacques santer
+Who is prime minister of Australia?
+John howard
+Who is prime minister of Canada?
+Jean chretien
+Who is quoted as having said The sound of the ball hitting the batsmans skull was music to my ears?
+Jeff thomson
+Who is Radioactive Man's sidekick?
+Fallout Boy
+Who is reputed to have invented the googly?
+B j t bosanquet
+Who is robert zimmerman now known as?
+Bob dylan
+Who is Robert Zimmermann?
+Bob dylan
+Who is said to have brought the Holy Grail from Palestine to England?
+Joseph of arimathea
+Who is said to have planted the first potatoes grown in Ireland?
+Sir walter raleigh
+Who is Sally Brown's sweet baboo?
+Linus van pelt
+Who is second in command on the starship enterprise?
+Who is Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer?
+Francis maude
+Who is Shirley McLaine's famous brother?
+Warren beatty
+Who is shroeder's favourite composer?
+Who is Skinner's superior?
+Superintendent Chalmers
+Who is Snoopy's arch enemy?
+The red baron
+Who is Stuart?
+Duck who works at SNPP 
+Who is supermodel Iman's pop star husband?
+David Bowie
+Who is swee'pea's adopted father?
+Who is the 'invisible' star of the film ' Hollow Man'?
+Kevin bacon
+Who is the 20th century zoologist who wrote The Naked Ape?
+Desmond morris
+Who is the A in A&M?
+Herb alpert
+Who is the all time top baseball pitcher in strikeouts?
+Nolan ryan
+Who is the all time top baseball player in home runs?
+Hank aaron
+Who is the all time top baseball player in runs scored?
+Ty cobb
+Who is the all-time leading scorer in ncaa men's basketball?
+Pete maravich
+Who is the American inventor of photographic materials?
+George eastman
+Who is the author of Dune?
+Frank herbert
+Who is the author of Jude the Obscure?
+Thomas hardy
+Who is the author of mirc?
+Khaled mardam-bey
+Who is the author of the Jim Chee mysteries?
+Tony Hillerman
+Who is the author of the science fiction book I, Robot?
+Isaac asimov
+Who is the babylonian goddess of love and fertility?
+Who is the bad boy that leads pinocchio astray?
+Who is the Barber of Seville?
+Who is the beano bear?
+Who is the beautiful french girl Paul mccartney sings about?
+Who is the belly dancer Homer is caught with?
+Princess (Shauna) Kasimir 
+Who is the best-selling saxophonist?
+Kenny g
+Who is the biggest producer and exporter of mohair?
+South africa
+Who is the Buddhist leader of the Tibetan people?
+The Dalai Lama
+Who is the buxom bosom buddy of captain kremmen?
+Who is the C E O of Apple Computers?
+Steve jobs
+Who is the career assists leader in the NBA?
+John stockton
+Who is the career hits leader in Major League baseball?
+Who is the central figure in Peter C Newmans 'The Establishment Man'?
+Conrad black
+Who is the chairman of the US Federal Reserve Bank?
+Alan greenspan
+Who is the chief of lamaism in tibet and mongolia?
+Dalai lama
+Who is the clown in shakespeare's Henry iv and the merry wives of windsor?
+Who is the commonwealth secretary general?
+Emeka anyaoku
+Who is the coordinator of dalnet?
+Who is the current captain of the Australian cricket team (1999/2000)?
+Steve waugh
+Who is the current monarch of belgium?
+Albert ii
+Who is the current monarch of the Netherlands?
+Who is the current Secretary of State for Social Security?
+Alastair darling
+Who is the daily mirror's long running cartoon strongman?
+Who is the designer of the games civilization, civilization ii and colonization?
+Sid meier
+Who is the director father of madonna's son, rocco?
+Guy ritchie
+Who is the dog in 'the grinch who stole christmas'?
+Who is the egyptian goddess of love?
+Who is the English aristocrat that forms part of the Thunderbirds team?
+Lady penelope
+Who is the exchange student from Germany?
+Who is the father of the atom?
+Who is the female presenter of the TV programme Fort Boyard?
+Melinda messenger
+Who is the first cartoon character to ever have been made into a balloon for a parade?
+Who is the first character to speak in 'Star Wars'?
+Who is the first dead man to help Bart and Lisa unravel Sideshow Bob's electoral fraud?
+Edgar Neubauer
+Who is the first female qualifier at wimbledon to reach the semi-finals?
+Alexandra stevenson
+Who is the first male qualifier at wimbledon to reach the semi-finals?
+John mcenroe
+Who is the first modern head of government to bear a child while in office?
+Benazir bhutto
+Who is the first person to make a wish on the monkey's paw?
+Who is the first world cup trophy named after?
+Jules rimet
+Who is the founder of modern-day singapore (full name title)?
+Sir thomas stamford raffles
+Who is the Frenchman's donkey?
+Who is the front man for 'nine inch nails'?
+Trent reznor
+Who is the ghost that walks?
+Who is the gifted daughter of Rev C L Franklin?
+Aretha franklin
+Who is the god of thunder and war in norse mythology?
+Who is the goddess of fortune?
+Who is the great-grandmother of King David?
+Who is the greatest?
+Who is the greek counterpart of hercules?
+Who is the greek counterpart of juno?
+Who is the greek counterpart of jupiter?
+Who is the greek counterpart of mercury?
+Who is the greek counterpart of neptune?
+Who is the greek counterpart of venus?
+Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god amor?
+Who is the Greek equivalent of the Roman goddess Diana?
+Who is the greek equivalent of the roman goddess venus?
+Who is the greek equivalent of vulcan?
+Who is the greek god of archery?
+Who is the greek god of shepherds and flocks?
+Who is the Greek god of war?
+Who is the guest star at the Springfield auto show?
+Adam West 
+Who is the head of Itchy and Scratchy?
+Roger Meyers 
+Who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church?
+The pope
+Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts school in the Harry Potter books?
+Professor dumbledore
+Who is the helmsman of the boat when you are sailing into Hades?
+Who is the hero of Rider Haggard's adventure, King Solomon's Mines?
+Alan quartermain
+Who is the hero of the oldest epic preserved in writing?
+Who is the heroine of Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal. (Full name)?
+Clarice starling
+Who is the hindu god of good fortune?
+Who is the historical figure most often portrayed in movies?
+Napoleon bonaparte
+Who is the huge black assistant of mandrake the magician?
+Who is the idol of the German organization of non-commercial supporters of donaldism?
+Donald duck
+Who is the Jolly Green Giant's helper?
+Little green sprout
+Who is the Labour MP for Stevenage, married to a best selling author?
+Barbara follett
+Who is the largest land bridge in singapore named after?
+Benjamin sheares
+Who is the last Italian-born driver to have been Motor Racing Formula One world champion?
+Mario andretti
+Who is the lead singer for 'nine inch nails'?
+Trent resnor
+Who is the lead singer of 'hole'?
+Courtney love
+Who is the lead singer of Hootie and the Blowfish?
+Darius Rucker
+Who is the lead singer of the band?
+Axl rose
+Who is the lead singer of the group doors?
+Jim morrison
+Who is the lead singer of the smiths?
+Who is the leader of iraq?
+Saddam hussein
+Who is the leader of the inkatha freedom party?
+Mangosuthu buthelezi
+Who is the leadsinger of Depeche Mode?
+David Gahan
+Who is the lone ranger's Indian companion?
+Who is the longest serving Head of State who is not a member of a Royal Family?
+Fidel castro
+Who is the lunch lady at Springfield Elementary?
+Lunchlady Doris 
+Who is the main script writer for the Victoria Wood show?
+Victoria wood
+Who is the male lead in the 'Naked Gun' movies?
+Leslie Nielsen
+Who is the male lead in the film 'volcano'?
+Tommy lee jones
+Who is the master of the Shakespearean brute Caliban?
+Who is the mayan earth and moon goddess, and patroness of pregnant women?
+Who is the mesopotamian god of vegetation?
+Who is the most famous inhabitant of Yellowstone Park?
+Yogi bear
+Who is the most translated author in the world?
+Who is the most translated British author after Shakespeare?
+Agatha christie
+Who is the most widely translated French author?
+Jules verne
+Who is the most-capped Scottish footballer?
+Kenny dalglish
+Who is the mother of achilles?
+Who is the mother of hercules?
+Who is the motorcycle daredevil?
+Capt. Lance Murdock
+Who is the music teacher at Springfield Elementary?
+Mr. Dewey Largo
+Who is the naked chef?
+Jamie oliver
+Who is the narrator of 'the thousand and one nights'?
+Who is the new President of Yugoslavia?
+Vojislav kostunica
+Who is the norse god of evil and mischief?
+Who is the Norse god of fertility, sun, & rain?
+Who is the Norse god of thunder & war?
+Who is the oldest artist to have a number 1 hit?
+Louis armstrong
+Who is the oldest female solo singer to top the charts?
+Who is the one eyed giant of greek mythology?
+Who is the one remaining (sane) ringer on the baseball team?
+Daryl Strawberry 
+Who is the only actor to have been cast as his own great-grandfather?
+Michael palin
+Who is the only actor to have received a posthumous oscar?
+Peter finch
+Who is the only American author to win both the pulitzer and nobel prizes?
+John steinbeck
+Who is the only author to have a book in every dewey decimal category?
+Isaac asimov
+Who is the only baseball player to have been killed in a major league game?
+Raymond chapman
+Who is the only cricketer in Wisden 2000's Five cricketers of the Century not to have a knighthood?
+Shane warne
+Who is the only female tennis player to win the grand Slam and an Olympic gold medal in the same year?
+Steffi graf
+Who is the only greek god in greek mythology with a mortal mother and an immortal father?
+Who is the only host country not to win gold at its own summer olympics?
+Who is the only man in the history of the open era to win six wimbledons singles titles?
+Pete sampras
+Who is the only man to have been both chief justice and president of the u.s?
+Who is the only NHL player to score five different goals in a game?
+Who is the only person in history of the open era to win 5 wimbledons signles titles in a row?
+Bjorn borg
+Who is the only president to be buried in Washington DC?
+Theodore Roosevelt
+Who is the only real person to ever have been the head on a Pez dispenser?
+Betsy Ross
+Who is the only singer to have no. 1 hits in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's?
+Cliff richard
+Who is the only unmarried woman suspect in the game of 'cluedo'?
+Miss scarlett
+Who is the only us president born in nebraska?
+Gerald ford
+Who is the onrse goddess of love and beauty?
+Who is the original master of the Shakespearean jester Lancelot Gobbo?
+Who is the owner of the largest collection of Da Vinci drawings?
+The queen
+Who is the patron saint of messengers?
+St gabriel
+Who is the principal character in fiddler on the roof?
+Who is the roman counterpart of aphrodite?
+Who is the roman counterpart of hephaestus?
+Who is the roman counterpart of hera?
+Who is the roman counterpart of heracles?
+Who is the roman counterpart of hermes?
+Who is the roman counterpart of poseidon?
+Who is the roman counterpart of zeus?
+Who is the roman equivalant of the greek god eros?
+Who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Dionysus?
+Who is the Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Nike?
+Who is the roman god amor's mother?
+Who is the roman god of agriculture?
+Who is the roman god of fire?
+Who is the roman god of light and sky?
+Who is the roman god of war?
+Who is the roman goddess of childbirth?
+Who is the roman goddess of harmonious relations?
+Who is the roman goddess of hunting?
+Who is the roman goddess of justice?
+Who is the roman goddess of peace?
+Who is the roman messenger god?
+Who is the second highest wicket taker in Test Cricket history?
+Kapil dev
+Who is the silhouette on the major league baseball logo?
+Harmon killebrew
+Who is the singer of nightwish?
+Who is the sinister party man who apparently befriends Winston Smith in Orwell's 1984?
+Who is the sister of actress Olivia De Havilland?
+Joan Fontaine
+Who is the smallest member of the european union?
+Who is the Smurfs arch-enemy?
+Who is the son of Scott Young, one of Canadas best known sports columnists?
+Neil young
+Who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes 'tae bo'?
+Billy blanks
+Who is the subject of Anouilh's play L'Alouette ( The Lark )?
+Joan of arc
+Who is the sumerian goddess of love, fertility and war?
+Who is the super-hero that runs around wearing a red cape and tights?
+Who is the surviving member of the two fat ladies?
+Clarissa dickson wright
+Who is the tiger of malaya?
+Tomoyuki yamashita
+Who is the U S of America named after?
+Amerigo vespucci
+Who is the US sate of Virginia named after?
+Queen Elizabeth i
+Who is the ventriloquist who created Lamb Chop?
+Shari Lewis
+Who is the victim of the murder in the game of Cluedo?
+Who is the voice of 'phil' in the film 'hercules'?
+Danny devito
+Who is the widow of ex-Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain?
+Courtney love
+Who is the wife of Sam Shepard?
+Jessica lange
+Who is the world's biggest wool producer?
+Who is the youngest winner of the nobel prize for literature?
+Albert camus
+Who is third in line to the English throne?
+Prince Henry
+Who is tippi hedren's daughter?
+Melanie griffith
+Who is to replace john parrot as one of the captains in 'a question of sport'?
+Frankie dettori
+Who is tristessa's idol?
+Boy george
+Who is Vincent Furnier more commonly known as?
+Alice cooper
+Who is was the chief rocket scientist on the American moon project and a notable export from the third reich?
+Werner von braun
+Who is wendy darling's friend?
+Peter pan
+Who is William H. Bonney?
+Billy the kid
+Who is woodstock's beagle friend?
+Who is woody woodpecker's girlfriend?
+Winnie woodpecker
+Who is younger, Serena or Venus Williams?
+Who is your idol if you are a Bardologist?
+William shakespeare
+Who is zoe ball married to?
+Norman cook
+Who isolated adrenaline in 1897?
+John jacob abel
+Who k.o'ed joe louis in 1936 and was k.o'ed by him in 1937?
+Max schmeling
+Who kept insisting that he wasnt a number but a free man?
+Patrick mcgoohan
+Who kept searching for his long lost salt shaker?
+Jimmy buffet
+Who kept the book 'curious george' in his suitcase?
+Forrest gump
+Who kidnapped adolf eichmann?
+Israeli agents
+Who killed 5 london prostitutes in 1888?
+Jack the ripper
+Who killed Alexander Hamilton?
+Aaron burr
+Who killed Chicago?
+Al capone
+Who killed cock robin?
+Who killed kenny?
+Who killed king william ii?
+Sir walter tyrell
+Who killed Laura Palmer on Twin Peaks?
+Her father,Leland Palmer.
+Who killed lee harvey oswald on national television?
+Jack ruby
+Who killed medusa?
+Who killed mr and mrs thomas wayne, parents of batman?
+Joey chill
+Who kills macbeth?
+Who kissed the girls and made them cry?
+Georgie porgie
+Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
+The Shadow
+Who largely took over ontario for a month in the 19th century?
+Irish rebels
+Who laughed when the cow jumped over the moon?
+Little dog
+Who launched a cultural revolution in april 1966?
+Mao tse-tung
+Who leaked the pentagon papers to the New York times?
+Daniel ellsberg
+Who led a French army to raise the Siege of Orleans?
+Joan of Arc
+Who led the 'dambusters'?
+Guy gibson
+Who led the 'kon-Tiki expedition in 1947?
+Thor heyerdahl
+Who led the argonauts in search of the golden fleece?
+Who led the British to victory at Quebec in 1759?
+Who led the children of Israel on their voyage towards the Promised Land?
+Who led the first band of outlaws to rob a U.S. train, in Adair, Iowa in 1873?
+Jesse james
+Who led the first major movement of fascists in europe?
+Benito mussolini
+Who led the iceni against the romans?
+Who led the mormons to the great salt lake?
+Brigham young
+Who led the movement for votes for women?
+Emmeline pankhurst
+Who led the raid on harper's ferry in 1859?
+John brown
+Who led the revolt against Henry III during the Baron Wars of 1264 to 1267?
+Simon de montfort
+Who led the revolt of Roman slaves and gladiators in 73 AD?
+Who led the revolt of roman slaves and gladiators in 73 b.c?
+Who led the revolt of roman slaves in A.D.73?
+Who led the settler's of pitcairn island?
+Fletcher christian
+Who led the U N forces in the gulf war?
+General colin powell
+Who led the unsuccessful Roman slave revolt in73 BC?
+Who led the us air force band in europe during wwll?
+Glen miller
+Who left Coronation Street to look after Dr Lowther?
+Hilda ogden
+Who left Dynasty to star in a movie which she co wrote called Torchlight?
+Pamela sue martin
+Who left his five day tenure as West Point's superintendent to lead the Confederate army?
+Who left his money to University College Hospital on the condition that his body be preserved and brought to all board meetings?
+Jeremy bentham
+Who left Rugby League football to become a great Australian fast bowler of the 1940s and 50s?
+Ray Lindwall
+Who left take that in july 1995?
+Robbie williams
+Who left three pt boat tie clasps on top of the yukon's mount kennedy in 1965?
+Robert kennedy
+Who lit the eternal flame on the grave of John F kennedy?
+Jaqueline kennedy
+Who lit the Olympic flame at Sydney?
+Cathy freeman
+Who live in monasteries?
+Who live longer, on average men or women?
+Who lived at 704 hauser street, queen's, New York?
+Who lived at Batemans, Burwash, Sussex?
+Rudyard kipling
+Who lived at Tara?
+The o'haras
+Who lived in Ivor The Engine's boiler?
+Idris the dragon
+Who lived on bonnie meadow way in new rochelle?
+Rob and laura petrie
+Who lived to the age of 969?
+Who lived to the ripe old age of 969?
+Who lives at 1 Snoopy Place in Santa Rosa, California?
+Charles schulz
+Who lives at 10 Downing St, London?
+British prime minister
+Who lives at Lambeth Palace?
+Archbishop of canterbury
+Who lives at Ray Mill House in Wiltshire?
+Camilla parker bowles
+Who lives at the neverland valley ranch?
+Michael jackson
+Who lives in buckingham palace?
+English monarchs
+Who loaned Shakespeares Antonio 3000 ducats?
+Who looks like a big bottle of glue and uses his glue guns to fight enemies?
+Dr. mucilage
+Who lost 41 of a crew of 98 to scurvy in 1868, on his first voyage to the south pacific?
+Captain cook
+Who lost 47 pounds for the film 'wyatt earp'?
+Dennis quaid
+Who lost her sheep?
+Little bo peep
+Who lost his 'precious' to a hobbit?
+Who loved in ivor the negines boiler?
+Idris the dragon
+Who made a 1990's cover version of The Monkees 'I'm a Believer'?
+Vic reeves
+Who made a famous jump on his horse Red Lancer on a cliff's edge near Mount Gambier?
+Adam Lindsay Gordon
+Who made a hit of he ain't heavy, he's my brother?
+Who made chinese film actress chiang chin his fourth wife?
+Mao tse tung
+Who made george Washington's false teeth?
+Paul revere
+Who made headlines in 1987 when 2 of her cousins previously listed as dead were found living in a mental home?
+The queen
+Who made her 1985 screen debut acting in a film with her mother and playing the same part?
+Joely richardson
+Who made her show business debut at the age of 2 1/2 as part of her family's vaudeville act on the 'new grand theater stage'?
+Judy garland
+Who made his first appearance as sherlock holmes in the 1939 film the hound of the baskervilles?
+Basil rathbone
+Who made his name in 'i dream of jeannie'?
+Larry hagman
+Who made history having their first 6 releases top the uk charts?
+Spice girls
+Who made it big with 'tiptoe through the tulips' in 1968?
+Herbert khaury
+Who made the first practical microscope?
+Anton van leenwenhoek
+Who made the first solo round the world flight?
+Wiley post
+Who made the first solo transatlantic flight in 1927?
+Charles lindbergh
+Who made the first solo transatlantic flight?
+Charles lindbergh
+Who made the first successful balloon flight across the Atlantic?
+Ben abruzzo, maxie erson & larry newman
+Who made the first vaccine against rabies?
+Louis Pasteur
+Who made the Great trek across south Africa?
+The boers
+Who made the movie 'a cloclwork orange'?
+Stanley kubrick
+Who made the third us manned space flight which sank on landing?
+Virgil grissom
+Who made their debut in disneyland after dark in 1962?
+Osmond brothers
+Who made their first royal visit to Canada in 1951?
+Princess elizabeth
+Who made wings for himself and his son to escape from the island of crete?
+Who makes barrels?
+Who makes Major league Baseball's?
+Who makes maps?
+Who makes robitussin cough syrup?
+Ah robins
+Who makes Scooby Doo?
+Hanna barbera
+Who makes the impulse se camera?
+Who makes wine?
+Who managed to win atalanta by dropping three golden apples?
+Who managed to win Atlanta by dropping three golden apples?
+Who many gallons of fuel does a jumbo jet use during take off?
+Four thousand
+Who marched his elephants through the Pyrenees & the Alps in 218 b.c?
+Who married alec baldwin?
+Kim basinger
+Who married antonio banderas, her co-star in the film too much?
+Melanie Griffith
+Who married Bianca de Macias on 12th May 1971?
+Mick Jagger
+Who married both Margaret Kempson and Margaret Roberts?
+Denis thatcher
+Who married Elizabeth I?
+Who married elizabeth taylor in a las vegas synagogue?
+Eddie fisher
+Who married george harrison's former wife?
+Eric clapton
+Who married john lange?
+Shania twain
+Who married kim basinger?
+Alec baldwin
+Who married Marie Louise of Austria because he wanted an heir?
+Who married prince albert of saxe-coburg-gotha?
+Queen victoria
+Who married prince albert?
+Queen albert
+Who married queen victoria?
+Prince albert
+Who married shania twain?
+John lange
+Who married the actor Liam Neeson?
+Natasha richardson
+Who married the Owl and The Pussycat?
+The turkey
+Who married the poet robert browning in secret in 1846?
+Elizabeth barrett
+Who married Thelma Catherine Patricia Ryan?
+Richard nixon
+Who married to Jenny Von Westphalen in 1843?
+Karl marx
+Who meets at 10 downing street in london?
+British cabinet
+Who met cyclops on his third voyage?
+Who met in yalta in 1945?
+Churchill, roosevelt and stalin
+Who met jeff in 1908?
+Who met the giants of brobdingnag?
+Who might refer to humans as 'long pig'?
+Who might use a seismograph?
+Who missed a point blank volley when the score was tied at 1-1 against alex stepney in the 1968 european cup final for benfica, only to rue the fact that more delicate placing would have won the cup for benfica?
+Who moved his 1960's variety series to miami?
+Jackie gleason
+Who mumbled, 'i could of been a contenda' in 'on the waterfront'?
+Marlon brando
+Who murdered julius caesar?
+Marcus brutus
+Who must you kill to be convicted of patricide?
+Your father
+Who named the st lawrence river?
+Jacques cartier
+Who narrated the thomas the tank stories on tv?
+Ringo starr
+Who obtained the vote for women in Argentina?
+Eva peron
+Who occupies taiwan?
+Nationalist chinese
+Who offered dr christian barnard 250,000 dollars to perform a human head transplant?
+National enquirer
+Who on tv played jeeves to hugh lawrie's bertie wooster?
+Stephen fry
+Who once dressed up as a carrot stick to hype his tv exercise program?
+Richard simmons
+Who once entered a charlie chaplin contest in monte carlo and placed third?
+Charlie chaplin
+Who once kept live mice in a desk drawer so they'd be available when he wanted to sketch one?
+Walt disney
+Who once vowed to erect a statue to adolf hitler in kampala?
+Idi amin
+Who opened for the monkees on their 1968 American tour?
+Jimi hendrix
+Who opened the almost immediately criticised M25 with the carp - I cannot stand those who carp and criticise?
+Margaret thatcher
+Who opened the circus 'the greatest show on earth' in brooklyn in 1871?
+Phineas barnum
+Who opened the first unattended 24 hour self service laundromat?
+Nelson puett
+Who opens up Springfield's casino?
+Mr. Burns
+Who or what ate a duck but was outwitted by a bird,a small boy and his grandfather?
+Prokofievs wolf
+Who or what is the empress of blandings?
+A pig
+Who or what is the Pink Panther, in the film of the same name?
+A priceless diamond
+Who or what might be given an Apgar rating?
+Who or what sang to Beatrice Harrisons cello accompaniement in a famous early BBC outside broadcast?
+Who or what was 'Rosebud' in the film Citizen Kane?
+Kane's Sled
+Who or what was Rosanna Arquette seeking in 1985?
+Who or what would be looked after in a creche?
+Who or what would somebody write about in an autobiography?
+Who ordered the Domesday Book to be written?
+William the conqueror
+Who ordered the killing of the last incan king of peru?
+Francisco pizarro
+Who originally designed the Washington Monument?
+Robert mills
+Who originally made the jack-o-lantern?
+Ancient celts
+Who originally patented the safety pin?
+Walter hunt
+Who originally spoke quechua?
+Who owned the chocolate factory in Roald Dahls 1964 childrens story Charlie and The chocolate Factory?
+Willie wonka
+Who owns head and shoulders shampoo?
+Procter and gamble
+Who owns: wall street journal?
+Dow jones
+Who paid ?3000 for a turkey in 1995?
+Linda mccartney
+Who paid miss ussr four cartons of marlboro to be on his show?
+David letterman
+Who painted 'The 3rd of May' (1808)?
+Francisco de goya
+Who painted 'the night watch'?
+Who painted 6000 square feet of the ceiling of the sistine chapel?
+Who painted 64 self-portraits?
+Who painted a reproduction of The Last Supper on the wall of his house and covered it with wall paper as a surprise for the next owners?
+Ralph steadman
+Who painted diana and the bathers?
+Who painted les parapluies in about 1883?
+Pierre auguste renoir
+Who painted marriage d la mode in 1743?
+William hogarth
+Who painted Six Bells, Abertillery, Rhondda?
+L s lowry
+Who painted Starry Night?
+Vincent van gogh
+Who painted The Blue Boy?
+Thomas gainsborough
+Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
+Who painted the famous picture of Marat assassinated in his bath?
+Who painted the famous picture Water-Lilies in about 1921?
+Claude Monet
+Who painted the Hay Wain?
+John Constable
+Who painted The Laughing Cavalier?
+Frans hals
+Who painted the night watch and the mill?
+Who painted the picture mr. and mrs. andrews circa 1750?
+Who painted the picture the light of the world in 1854?
+Holman hunt
+Who painted the picture, entitled mares and foals in a landscape, in 1762?
+George stubbs
+Who painted the portrait La Gioconda?
+Leonardo da vinci
+Who painted the portrait of Winston Churchill that was loathed by its subject and destroed by his family?
+Graham sutherland
+Who painted the Rockerby Venus?
+Who painted the sistine chapel?
+Who painted' A Bar at the Folies Bergere' (1882)?
+Edouard manet
+Who palyed Mork from Ork's son?
+Johnathen Winters 
+Who partnered Garfunkel?
+Who patented a waterproof material consisting of cloth coated with India rubber?
+Charles macintosh
+Who patented a waterproof material in 1835 consisting of cloth coated with India rubber?
+Charles macintosh
+Who patented the coin operated telephone patented?
+William gray
+Who patented the first photograph?
+Thomas edison
+Who patented the safety razor in 1895?
+King gillette
+Who patented the sewing machine?
+Isaac singer
+Who patrols gotham city?
+Batman and robin
+Who penned 'Leaves of Grass'?
+Walt Whitman
+Who penned a guide for duffers titled golf my way?
+Jack nicklaus
+Who penned five of the ten best-selling children's books in u.s history by 1994?
+Dr seuss
+Who penned the song freedom, written as a fund-raiser for New York police and firemen?
+Paul mccartney
+Who perfected the first American revolver?
+Who performed Heart Attack and Vine for a Levi's advert?
+Screamin' jay hawkins
+Who performed the first heart transplant?
+Professor christian barnard
+Who performed the first successful heart transplant?
+Christian barnard
+Who performed the last act in the British Live Aid concert before the grand finale?
+Paul mccartney
+Who performed the title song of grease?
+Frankie valli
+Who performed the world's worst circumcision?
+Lorena bobbit
+Who performed the worlds first human heart transpant?
+Dr christian barnard
+Who pianted the hay wain?
+John constable
+Who pined 'but soft, what light through yonder window breaks'?
+Who pioneered frozen food production?
+Clarence birdseye
+Who pitched the last perfect game in American league?
+David wells
+Who placed seven songs on the charts and five gold albums in the top 20 in 1966, a feat never matched?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Who placed the New Forest under forest law?
+William I
+Who planned and led the attack on pearl harbour?
+Isoroku yamamoto
+Who played Sportin' Life in the film Porgy and Bess?
+Sammy Davis Jr
+Who preceded Bobby Robson as England Football Manager?
+Ron greenwood
+Who preceded John Paul II as Pope?
+John Paul I
+Who preceded richard nixon as president of the u.s.a?
+Lyndon b johnson
+Who predicted in the 1500s that a man named Franco would provoke a civil war in Spain?
+Who prescribed marijuana for queen victoria's menstrual cramps?
+Her doctor
+Who present-day Canadian corporation is credited with inventing the snowmobile?
+Who presents ITV's arts show The South Bank Show?
+Melvyn bragg
+Who presides over debates in the house of commons?
+The speaker
+Who priced himself out of the lead role in Apocalypse now by demanding $3 million for three weeks work?
+Steve mcqueen
+Who proclaimed thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863?
+Abraham lincoln
+Who produced an electric bicycle called a zike in 1992?
+Sir clive sinclair
+Who produced multiple screen prints of Marilyn Monroes face?
+Andy warhol
+Who produces Pokemon?
+Who produces the male fragrance Eau Sauvage?
+Christian dior
+Who promised their customers any colour so long as its black?
+Henry ford
+Who proposed the theory of natural selection?
+Charles darwin
+Who protects themselves from from blowing dust with three eyelids?
+Who provided the original voice for Mickey mouse?
+Walt disney
+Who publishes the newspaper, The Australian?
+Rupert Murdoch
+Who pulled the thorn from the lion's paw?
+Who pushed the paperwork reduction act through US congress?
+Jimmy carter
+Who put Sweeney Todds victims into her pies?
+Mrs Lovett
+Who ran after the farmer's wife?
+Three blind mice
+Who ran over Snowball I?
+Mayor quimby
+Who ran the 'underground railroad'?
+Harriet tubman
+Who ran the hospital at scutari during the crimean war?
+Florence nightingale
+Who ran the marathon barefoot in the '60 games in rome and won?
+Abebe bikila
+Who ran through the town,upstairs, downstairs in his nightgown?
+Wee willie winkie
+Who ran unsuccesfully against Regan in 1984?
+Walter Mondale
+Who re-released You're The One That I Want with Olivia Newton John in 1998?
+John travolta
+Who reached as first in 1911 the southpole?
+Who reached the South Pole just ahead of Captain Scott?
+Captain roald amundsen
+Who reached the summit of Everest with Hillary in 1953?
+Sherpa tensing
+Who reads skulls?
+Who realised 'things i've seen '?
+Who realised a 1987 album called 'document'?
+Who received $50,000 in back salary when he was released from a Russian prison in 1962?
+Francis gary powers
+Who received a Nobel Prize for Physiology in 1904 for work on conditioned reflexes?
+Ivan pavlov
+Who received seven perfect scores for gymnastics at the Montreal Olympics?
+Nadia comaneci
+Who received seven perfect scores in gymnastics at the 1976 montreal olympics?
+Nadia comaneci
+Who received the Nobel Physics prize jointly with the Curies in 1913 for their work on radioactivity?
+Antoine becouerel
+Who recieved the brit award for outstanding contribution to the British musiic industry in 1996?
+David bowie
+Who refused to leave the table when gambling & invented a new meal?
+Earl of sandwich
+Who refused to shake Jessie Owens' hand at the 1936 summer olympics?
+Adolf hitler
+Who reigns over Japan an emperor, a king or a queen?
+Who remixed Brimful of Asha for Cornershop in 1998?
+Norman cook
+Who renders a verdict in a court?
+Who replaced Alun Michael as the Labour Leader in the Welsh Assembly?
+Rhodri morgan
+Who replaced bernie leadon of the eagles in 1975?
+Joe walsh
+Who replaced Bo and Luke Duke?
+Coy and Vance
+Who replaced Sideshow Bob?
+Sideshow Mel
+Who replaced signe toly as vocalist in jefferson airplane?
+Grace slick
+Who replaced Skinner as principal?
+Ned Flanders
+Who resides at 24 sussex drive in ottawa?
+Canadian prime minister
+Who resigned as Britains secretary for war in 1963?
+John profumo
+Who resigned as Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1947 over a Budget leak?
+Hugh dalton
+Who retired as coach of the kansas city chiefs in 1998?
+Marty schottenheimer
+Who retired in 1913 as The Master of Australian Rugby League?
+Dally Messenger
+Who returned to space in 1998 at the age of 77?
+John Glen
+Who revolutionized the textile industry with the invention of the power loom?
+Who rides in procession to the London Courts of Justice every November?
+The lord mayor
+Who rode 'Party Politics' to win the Grand National in 1992?
+Carl llewellyn
+Who rode a horse called Copenhagen?
+Duke of wellington
+Who rowed Bonnie Prince Charlie to safety in 1746?
+Flora Macdonald
+Who ruled France during the Franco-Prussian War?
+Napoleon iii
+Who ruled judea and had john the baptist beheaded at the request of salomen?
+Herod antipas
+Who ruled the Soviet Union from 1924 - 1953?
+Who runs Andy Capp's favorite pub?
+Who runs the country according to Smithers germs?
+Free Masons 
+Who sad of taxidermy - the chemicals are the only thing that cost anything?
+Norman bates
+Who said 'A woman drove me to drink and i never had the courtesy to thank her'?
+W.c. fields
+Who said 'ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country'?
+John f kennedy
+Who said 'damn the torpedoes! full speed ahead'?
+Admiral David glasgow farragut
+Who said 'et tu brute'?
+Julius caesar
+Who said 'hitch your wagon to a star'?
+Ralph waldo emerson
+Who said 'i fear, too early for my mind misgives some consequence yet hanging in the stars'?
+Who said 'i want to be alone'?
+Greta garbo
+Who said 'i've had such a curious dream'?
+Who said 'If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.'?
+Margaret Thatcher
+Who said 'love means never having to say you're sorry'?
+Ryan o'neal
+Who said 'Marriage is a wonderful invention but so is the bicycle repair kit?
+Laurence olivier
+Who said 'So far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality they are not certain. And so far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.'?
+Albert einstein
+Who said 'The no-mind not-thinks no-thoughts about no-things'?
+Who said 'there, i guess king george can read that'?
+John hancock
+Who said 'thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth'?
+Who said 'what, me worry'?
+Alfred e neuman
+Who said 'when power corrupts, poetry cleanses'?
+John f kennedy
+Who said 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going'?
+Knute rockne
+Who said all things were made up of air, earth, fire, water?
+Who said Dr Livingstone I presume?
+Henry stanley
+Who said he could distinguish between 140 different types of tobacco ash?
+Sherlock holmes
+Who said he killed cock robin?
+Who said I have signed legislation today that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in 5 minutes?
+Ronald reagan
+Who said If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought?
+George orwell
+Who said Mad dogs and englishmen go out in the mid-day sun?
+Noel coward
+Who said men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses?
+Dorothy parker
+Who said of American Football-It has become so complicated that students will find it recreation to go to classes?
+T s eliot
+Who said of quantum theory 'god does not play dice'?
+Albert einstein
+Who said Religion is the opium of the people?
+Karl marx
+Who said that all matter comes from fire, water, earth & air?
+Who said that business with Hitler didnt bother me, I didnt go there to shake hands with him anyway?
+Jesse owens
+Who said There is no terror in a bang, only in the anticipation of it?
+Alfred hitchcock
+Who said We're more popular than Jesus Christ now?
+John lennon
+Who said, 'Whenever meditating over a disease, I never think of finding a remedy for it, but instead a means of preventing it?
+Louis pasteur
+Who said, in song, The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore?
+The walker brothers
+Who said: 'ich bin ein berliner'?
+John f kennedy
+Who said: 'Let them eat cake'?
+Marie Antoinette
+Who said: 'Soldiers win the battles and generals get the credit'?
+Who sailed from Spain in the Santa Maria in 1492?
+Christopher columbus
+Who sailed in a ship called the Argo?
+Who sailed to adventure in the argo?
+Who sailed to the antarctic in the ship 'discovery'?
+Scott amundsen
+Who sank the royal oak in scapa flow, 1939?
+Gunther prien
+Who sat in a corner, according to the nursery rhyme?
+Little jack horner
+Who sat on her tuffet?
+Little miss muffet
+Who sat on the bench for the Simpson murder trial?
+Judge ito
+Who saught to create the great society?
+Lyndon johnson
+Who says 'parting is such sweet sorrow'?
+Who scored 9 goals in the 1966 World Cup tournament?
+Who sculpted 'the kiss'?
+Auguste rodin
+Who searched for the holy grail?
+Knights of the round table
+Who seized the gold of Nibelungs before being killed himself?
+Who sent her taped conversations with Monika Lewinsky to Kenneth Starr?
+Linda tripp
+Who sent the first radio telegraphic signal across the Atlantic?
+Who sentenced St. Valentine to death?
+Claudius II
+Who served 27 years in prison for sexual offenses?
+Marquis de sade
+Who set the train speed record of 552 kph on april 14 1999(nationality)?
+Who set up the first concentration camp in the boer wars?
+Who shared the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize with Menachem Begin?
+Anwar sadat
+Who shared the 1993 nobel peace prize with nelson mandela?
+F. w. de klerk
+Who shot andy warhol?
+Valeri solanis
+Who shot himself mortally in the mouth in Idaho in 1961?
+Ernest hemingway
+Who shot lee harvey oswald?
+Jack ruby
+Who shot marvin gaye in 1984?
+His father
+Who shot the Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914, sparking World War I?
+Gavrillo Princip
+Who should questions be emailed to?
+Who signed the declaration of independence?
+John hancock and Charles thomson
+Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation?
+Abraham Lincoln
+Who signed the usa for africa poster with his thumbprint?
+Stevie wonder
+Who singed the King of Spains beard?
+Francis drake
+Who sold turbo c++?
+Who sought to create the great society?
+Lyndon johnson
+Who spun straw into gold?
+Who started a giant fast food chain in 1928 in a hut near Bradford, Yorkshire?
+Harry ramsden
+Who started on the san francisco scene with 'oh well', but are probably best known for their album 'rumors'?
+Fleetwood mac
+Who started the dragonlance series?
+Margaret weiss and tracy hickman
+Who still receives an estimated 25 pieces of junk mail per year at Walden Pond?
+Who stole Eddie Fisher away from Debbie Reynolds?
+Liz taylor
+Who stopped Bjorn Borg's wimbledon winning streak?
+John mcenroe
+Who strangled two snakes that attacked him & his brother in their cradle?
+Who struck recording gold with lightning is striking again?
+Lou christie
+Who stuck up an instant friendship with Eleanor Roosevelt upon her visit to the United States?
+The Queen Mother
+Who study & predict earthquakes?
+Who succeded spiro agnew as us vice president?
+Who succeeded bob costas as host of nfl live?
+Jim lampley
+Who succeeded Bonar Law as British Prime Minister in 1923?
+Stanley baldwin
+Who succeeded Brezhnev as Soviet leader?
+Yuri andropov
+Who succeeded brezhnev as the general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union?
+Yuri andropov
+Who succeeded Caligula as Roman Emperor?
+Who succeeded Charles de gaulle as president of france?
+Georges pompidou
+Who succeeded Churchill when he resigned in 1955?
+Anthony eden
+Who succeeded george vi to the British throne?
+Elizabeth ii
+Who succeeded Georges Pompidou as President of France?
+Valery giscard d'estaing
+Who succeeded hitler as fuhrer of nazi Germany?
+Karl doenitz
+Who succeeded hitler in 1945?
+Admiral donitz
+Who succeeded John Betjeman as Poet Laureate?
+Cecil day lewis
+Who succeeded joseph stalin as Russian premier?
+Georgy malenkov
+Who succeeded joseph wapner as the judge on the people's court?
+Who succeeded Khrushchev as first seretary of the communist party?
+Leonid brezhnev
+Who succeeded lee kuan yew as the prime minister of singapore?
+Goh chok tong
+Who succeeded Lorenz Hart as lyricist to Richard Rodgers?
+Oscar hammerstein
+Who succeeded nelson mandela as south africa's president?
+Thabo mbeki
+Who succeeded Pompidou as French president?
+Valery giscard d'estaing
+Who succeeded queen elizabeth i to the throne in 1603?
+James i
+Who succeeded Queen Elizabeth l to the throne in 1603?
+James i
+Who succeeded the Queen Mother as Chancellor of london University?
+Princess anne
+Who succeeded U Thant as Secretary General of the United Nations in 1972?
+Kurt waldheim
+Who succeeded u thant as secretary general of the united nations?
+Kurt waldheim
+Who succeedeed president Marcos?
+Mrs corazon aquino
+Who successfully marketed the first safety razor?
+King gillette
+Who suceeded joao havelange as president of fifa?
+Sepp blatter
+Who surpassed George Halas for most career NFL coaching victories in 1993?
+Don shula
+Who surrendered singapore to the British after the Japanese surrender?
+Who swam the Hellespont every night to see his lover Hero?
+Who taught alexander the great?
+Who taught the theory of evolution in 1925 contrary to tennessee law?
+John scopes
+Who took dictation from perry mason?
+Della street
+Who took eight days to do the first solo round the world flight in 1933?
+Wylie post
+Who took his library wherever he went?
+Abdul kassem ismael
+Who took the first photograph?
+Nicephore niepce
+Who took the first space walk?
+Aleksei leonov
+Who took the Olympic oath on behalf of all the athletes competing in Melbourne in 1956?
+John Landy
+Who topped the charts with son of my father?
+Chickory tip
+Who topped the uk charts with so you win again?
+Hot chocolate
+Who transmitted radio signals across the atlantic?
+Who travelled over a thousand miles to see with her own eyes, if the stories of Solomon's wealth and wisdom were indeed true?
+Queen of Sheba
+Who tried to blow up the British Houses of Parliament in 1605?
+Guy Fawkes
+Who tried to create the 'great society'?
+Lyndon johnson
+Who tried to kill gerald ford in september 1975?
+Squeaky fromme
+Who turned down an offer to appear in Flashdance which included one percent of the estimated ?50 million takings?
+Bob geldof
+Who turned down the Oliver Reed role in the 1969 film Women in Love because of the nude wrestling scene with Alan Bates?
+Michael caine
+Who turned down the role of Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind, because he thought it would flop?
+Gary Cooper
+Who turned the word walkies into a command?
+Barbara woodhouse
+Who turned Ulysses' men to swine?
+Who uses a signalling system known as tick tack?
+Who uses roosevelt's phrase 'good to the last drop'?
+Maxwell house coffee
+Who uses the Autex system?
+Who uses the slogan 'aol'?
+American online
+Who visited a country governed by horses?
+Who visited Australia and new zealand, then surveyed the pacific coast of north America?
+Captain george vancouver
+Who voiced the character 'Lumiere' (Candlestick character) in the Disney animated film, 'Beauty and The Beast'?
+Jerry Orbach
+Who voices the cowboy doll 'woody' in the film 'toy story'?
+Tom hanks
+Who walked to the South Pole then flew to the North Pole?
+Who wanted to buy a copy of his own book fly fishing?
+J.r hartley
+Who wanted to go the distance with Apollo Creed?
+Rocky balboa
+Who was 'the elephant man'?
+John merrick
+Who was 'The King of Swing'?
+Who was 'The Mad Monk'?
+Who was 'the peekaboo girl'?
+Veronica lake
+Who was 'the postman'?
+Kevin costner
+Who was 'too sexy for his shirt'?
+Right said fred
+Who was 'uncle milty'?
+Milton berle
+Who was & romedas mother?
+Who was 1964,s First African-American Best Actor Oscar?
+Sydney Poitier 
+Who was 45 when he became the oldest heavyweight boxing champion?
+George foreman
+Who was 77 years old when he made his second trip in space?
+John glenn
+Who was a co founder of the German Gree party in 1979 and became one of the best known green mps in the world?
+Petra kelly
+Who was a member of 'the great society' before she joined 'jefferson airplane'?
+Grace slick
+Who was a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, a British MP and a silver medalist in the 1920 Olympic mens 1500m?
+Philip noel baker
+Who was a One Man Band in the 1970s?
+Leo sayer
+Who was Abbotts comedy partner?
+Who was abdul kassem ismael in tenth century persia?
+Grand vizier of persia
+Who was Abraham Lincoln's first choice to lead the Union Army?
+Robert e. lee
+Who was accused of smuggling $225 million out of the Philippines?
+Imelda marcos
+Who was acquired from the daisy hill puppy farm?
+Who was adam and eve's third child?
+Who was adolf hitler's mistress?
+Eva braun
+Who was al gore's freshman roommate at harvard?
+Tommy lee jones
+Who was albert einstein's father?
+Hermann einstein
+Who was Alexander the Great's father?
+Phillip ii
+Who was alexander the great's horse?
+Who was alexander the great's wife?
+Who was always setting up mr bill to be squished by sluggo?
+Mr hands
+Who was America named after?
+Amerigo Vespucci
+Who was America's first billionaire?
+Who was America's first public enemy no 1?
+John dillinger
+Who was American pilot license #1 issued to?
+Glenn curtis
+Who was an ordained priest in the Church of England?
+Sir isaac newton
+Who was Ancient Egyptian fertility god?
+Who was Ancient Egyptian moon god?
+Who was Angel Falls named after?
+Jimmy Angel
+Who was anne hathaway's husband?
+William shakespeare
+Who was appointed Headmaster of Rugby School in 1828?
+Thomas arnold
+Who was appointed Ireland's first bishop in the 5th century?
+Saint patrick
+Who was archie andrews' sidekick?
+Jughead jones
+Who was Arthur Scargill's predecessor as President of the NUM?
+Joe gormley
+Who was asleep between the march hare and the hatter?
+Who was assasinated by Gavrilo Princip to spark the beginning of World War I?
+Archduke Ferdinand
+Who was assassinated at Sarajevo to start WW1?
+Archduke ferdinand
+Who was assassinated in Mexico in 1940?
+Who was assassinated on november 22, 1963 in dallas?
+President john f kennedy
+Who was assigned to steal the girdle of the amazon queen hippolyte?
+Who was atahualpa?
+King of the incas
+Who was Australia's first great tennis star, winning the Wimbledon singles title in 1907?
+Norman Brookes
+Who was Australia's wicketkeeper during the years that Richie Benaud was captain?
+Wally Grout
+Who was awarded the 1973 nobel peace prize along with le duc tho?
+Henry kissinger
+Who was awarded the nobel peace prize after dying in a plane crash?
+Dag hammarskjold
+Who was backed by the Yellowcoats on the theme music for Hi de Hi?
+Paul shane
+Who was barney rubble's best friend?
+Fred flintstone
+Who was bart maverick's smarter brother?
+Who was beaten at the battle of Actium by Octavian?
+Mark antony
+Who was becky thatcher's boyfriend?
+Tom sawyer
+Who was beheaded by Henry viii after writing utopia?
+Thomas more
+Who was ben casey's boss?
+Dr zorba
+Who was Big Ben named after?
+Sir benjamin hall
+Who was Biggles' evil German adversary?
+Von stalhein
+Who was Bob Dylan referring to on his song, 'Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands', on the hit album, 'Blonde on Blonde'?
+The Statue of Liberty
+Who was born anne frances robbins?
+Nancy davis reagan
+Who was born doris kappelhoff?
+Doris day
+Who was born iosif vissarionovich dzhugashvili?
+Who was born marion Michael Morrison?
+John wayne
+Who was born michael bolotin?
+Michael bolton
+Who was born on krypton?
+Who was born on the island of korcula?
+Marco polo
+Who was born sarah jane fulks?
+Jane wyman reagan
+Who was born vladimir ilyich yulyanov?
+Who was born when pluto, the astrological sign for death, was directly above dallas, texas?
+John f kennedy
+Who was born william bailey but changed his name to be an anagram of oral sex?
+Axl rose
+Who was both the 22nd & the 24th president of the US?
+Stephen grover cleveland
+Who was bram stoker's most infamous character?
+Who was Britain's second Labour Prime Minister?
+Clement attlee
+Who was Britains first telephone subscriber?
+Queen victoria
+Who was British Prime Minister at the outbreak of WWI?
+Herbert asquith
+Who was British Prime Minister at the time of the General Strike in 1926?
+Stanley baldwin
+Who was British prime minister from 1955 to 1957?
+Anthony eden
+Who was British Prime Minister on Sunday 3rd September 1939?
+Neville chamberlain
+Who was brooke shields famous husband?
+Who was bruce lee's son?
+Jason lee
+Who was called 'the wronged woman' in the elizabeth taylor-eddie fisher affair?
+Debbie reynolds
+Who was called kal-el on krypton?
+Who was called the father of Psychoanalysis?
+Sigmund freud
+Who was called the hero of san juan hill?
+Who was Canada's first prime minister?
+Who was Canadian parliaments first Inuk member?
+Peter ittinuar
+Who was candice bergen's father?
+Edgar bergen
+Who was Captain Edward J. Smith?
+Captain of the titanic
+Who was captain of the titanic?
+Edward smith
+Who was carl in five easy pieces before going to walton's mountain?
+Ralph waite
+Who was carried off by a great bird called Roc?
+Sinbad the Sailor
+Who was cast adrift following the mutiny on HMS Bounty?
+Captain bligh
+Who was cast adrift from The Bounty after the mutiny?
+Captain bligh
+Who was castrated in the time of richard the lionheart?
+Who was Chairman of British Coal during the miners strike of the 1980s?
+Ian mcgregor
+Who was Chancellor of the Exchequer during the 1949 devaluation of the Pound?
+Sir stafford cripps
+Who was cloned in boys from Brazil?
+Who was commissioned to carve the faces on mount rushmore?
+Gutzon borglum
+Who was considered the wisest king to rule Jerusalem in the Old Testament?
+Who was corsica's most famous son?
+Who was court painter to Charles i?
+Van Dyck
+Who was credited with saving the kuwaiti water supply in 1964, after a freighter containing 6,000 sheep capsized and threatened to poison the water with rotting carcasses?
+Donald duck
+Who was cremated on the banks of the Ganges river on January 31, 1948?
+Mahatma gandhi
+Who was crowned czar of Russia in 1547?
+Ivan the terrible
+Who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800AD?
+Who was crowned king of England on christmas day 1066?
+William the conqueror
+Who was Dan Dares evil adversary?
+The mekon
+Who was daniel boone's Indian companion?
+Who was defeated at Mantinea in the Peloponnesian war?
+Who was defeated at the battle of little bighorn?
+George a custer
+Who was defeated at the Battle of Zama by Scipio Africanus?
+Who was delaware named after?
+Lord de la warr
+Who was dictator of Spain from 1937 to 1975?
+Francisco franco
+Who was dingaan's predecessor?
+Who was dipped in the river styx?
+Who was disqualified after winning the 1976 British grand prix?
+James hunt
+Who was disqualified during the 1908 Olympic Marathon?
+Dorando pietri
+Who was disqualified of a 100m olympics gold medal after testing positive for steroid use?
+Ben johnson
+Who was doggie daddy's son?
+Augie doggie
+Who was don rickles?
+Mr warmth
+Who was dr seuss' egg-hatching elephant?
+Who was dr zhivago's great love?
+Who was e.t's best friend?
+Who was elected leader of the liberal party in 1990?
+Jean chretien
+Who was elected president of france, in 1981?
+Francois mitterand
+Who was elected prime minister of Australia in 1991?
+Paul keating
+Who was elected US president four times?
+Franklin d roosevelt
+Who was elia?
+Charles lamb
+Who was elizabeth barrett in love with?
+Robert browning
+Who was Elizabeth I's mother?
+Anne Boleyn
+Who was elvis presley's manager?
+Colonel tom parker
+Who was emil jellinek's daughter?
+Who was emperor of China when Marco Polo arrived in 1275?
+Kulai Khan
+Who was Englands first Norman king?
+William the conqueror
+Who was English potter Josiah Wedgwood's very famous grandson?
+Charles Darwin
+Who was Eric Clapton yearning for in his love song Layla?
+Patti boyd
+Who was executed in 1936 for the kidnapping and murder of Charles lindbergh junior?
+Bruno hauptman
+Who was first to be voted out of the original British Big Brother house?
+Who was fond of saying 'i will gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today'?
+Who was forced by Indian troops into the black hole of calcutta?
+Who was forced into a hairdressing job by his mother although it was the thing that he least wanted to do?
+Vidal sassoon
+Who was forced into a hairdressing job by his mother, though it was the last thing he wanted to do?
+Vidal sassoon
+Who was forced to resign as head of the Dome in early 2000, and is now with Railtrack?
+Jenny page
+Who was forced to return his olympic gold medals after it was learned he had played semipro baseball?
+Jim thorpe
+Who was frances gumm better known as?
+Judy garland
+Who was Frances Octavia Smith better known as?
+Dale Evans
+Who was fred flintstone's best friend?
+Barney rubble
+Who was french prime minister at the end of world war 1?
+Georges clemenceau
+Who was george burns' wife, whom he had a popular tv show with?
+Gracy allen
+Who was George Foremans opponent in Norman Mailers book The Fight?
+Who was george gershwin's brother?
+Who was Germany's chancellor in 1932?
+Franz von papen
+Who was given a ticker tape parade in New York after his 1927 flight to Paris?
+Charles lindbergh
+Who was given the only nobel peace prize award during wwi?
+International red
+Who was goyathlay?
+Who was half man, half vulcan?
+Who was hamlet's girlfriend (hint, not his mom )?
+Who was handed the first complete printed copy of his book On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres on the last day of his life?
+Who was hanged & decapitated two years after he had died?
+Oliver cromwell
+Who was hebert c hoover's vice president?
+Charles curtis
+Who was Helen of Troy's husband?
+Menelaus of sparta
+Who was helen of troy's trojan lover?
+Who was Helen of Troys husband?
+Who was Henry viii fifth wife?
+Catherine howard
+Who was Herbert Hoover's Vice President?
+Charles Curtis
+Who was hitler's foreign secretary (full name)?
+Joachim von ribbentrop
+Who was Hitler's propaganda minister?
+Who was Homer's secretary when he was promoted?
+Who was Hornungs famous jewel thief?
+Who was howard carter's sponsor during his discovery of the tomb of tutankhamen?
+Lord carnarvon
+Who was igraine?
+King arthur's sister
+Who was il duce?
+Benito mussolini
+Who was immediately preceded by Breshnev and Andropov?
+Who was imprisoned for faking howard hughes's autobiography?
+Clifford irving
+Who was in the parlour eating bread and honey?
+The queen
+Who was India's first prime minister?
+Jawaharlal nehru
+Who was irma's first roommate in my friend irma?
+Jane stacy
+Who was israel's only woman prime minister?
+Golda meir
+Who was israeli prime minister yitzhak rabin assassinated by?
+Yigal amir
+Who was it that 'the untouchables' were formed to stop?
+Al capone
+Who was it that gave the speech beginning I have a dream?
+Martin luther king
+Who was Jack the Ripper's first victim?
+Mary ann nichols
+Who was Jane Torvill's ice-skating partner?
+Christopher dean
+Who was jason lee's father?
+Bruce lee
+Who was jethro tull?
+Who was Jimmy Carter's Vice-President?
+Walter mondale
+Who was john merrick?
+Elephant man
+Who was john the baptist's mother?
+Who was john wayne's musical co-star in true grit?
+Glen campbell
+Who was johnny carson's first guest on 'the tonight show' on october 1st, 1962?
+Joan crawford
+Who was josef vissarionovich dzhugashvili better known as?
+Who was juliet's cousin?
+Who was jungle jim's pet dog?
+Who was kaiser of Germany during world war i?
+Wilhelm ii
+Who was kicked out of the Be-Sharpes and replaced by Barney?
+Chief Wiggum
+Who was kidnapped on the night of march 1, 1932?
+Who was killed defending quebec in 1759?
+Louis montcalm
+Who was killed while watching the play 'Our American Cousin'?
+Abraham Lincoln
+Who was king arthur's champion?
+Sir lancelot
+Who was king arthur's court wizard?
+Who was king arthur's father?
+Uther pendragon
+Who was king arthur's queen and lancelot's lover?
+Who was king arthur's wife?
+Who was king juan carlos' predecessor?
+General francisco franco
+Who was king lear's favourite daughter?
+Who was king of Egypt from 1375 to 1358 b.c?
+Amenhotep iv
+Who was king of Egypt in 570 till 526 BC?
+Who was King of France from breakfat until tea time on 2 august 1830?
+Louis XIX
+Who was king of macedonia from 336 to 323 b.c?
+Alexander the great
+Who was king of mycenae and commander of the greek forces in the trojan war?
+Who was king of the Franks from 768 to 814 a.d?
+Who was king of the Huns from 406 to 453?
+Who was king solomon's mother?
+Who was known as 'America's Sweetheart'?
+Mary pickford
+Who was known as 'the iron lady'?
+Margaret thatcher
+Who was known as 'the last of the red hot mommas'?
+Sophie tucker
+Who was known as 'The Railway King'?
+George hudson
+Who was known as `The Flanders Mare`?
+Anne of Cleves
+Who was known as guardian of the safety of the world?
+Captain video
+Who was known as the 'Godfather of Soul'?
+James Brown
+Who was known as the 'lady of the lamp'?
+Florence nightingale
+Who was known as the big mooseketeer?
+Roy williams
+Who was known as the King of Hollywood?
+Clark gable
+Who was known as the louisville lip?
+Muhammad ali
+Who was known as the maid of orleans?
+Joan of arc
+Who was known as the person who hated Christmas?
+Who was known as the serpent of the nile?
+Who was known by the nickname 'satchmo'?
+Louis armstrong
+Who was lady chatterley's lover?
+Who was Lady Emma Hamilton's famous lover?
+Lord nelson
+Who was lancelot's son in arthurian legend?
+Who was laugh-ins sock-it-to-me girl?
+Judy Carne
+Who was lead singer and main writer with Take That?
+Gary barlow
+Who was lead singer and principal songwriter with the American pop group Bread?
+David gates
+Who was lead singer with dexys midnight runners?
+Kevin rowland
+Who was lead singer with The Commodores?
+Lionel richie
+Who was left orbiting the moon while Armstrong was getting all the glory?
+Michael collins
+Who was Lisa's jazz-playing mentor?
+Bleedin' Gums Murphy
+Who was lord mayor of london in 1398, 1406 and 1419, and is most famous for his legendary cat?
+Richard whittington
+Who was Lord Protector of England 1653-1658?
+Oliver cromwell
+Who was lugee sacco?
+Lou christie
+Who was made lord protector and ruled England after the civil war?
+Oliver cromwell
+Who was made the first Holy Roman Emperor?
+Who was made the first honorary citizen of the USA?
+Winston churchill
+Who was Mallory Keaton's fiance?
+Nick Moore
+Who was Marge's bowling teacher?
+Who was Margret Thatcher?
+Prime Minister of Great Britan
+Who was married to Francis II, Lord Darnley and The Earl of Bosworth?
+Mary, queen of scots
+Who was married to frank sinatra from 1966-1968?
+Mia farrow
+Who was married to Leofric Earl of Mercia in the 11th century?
+Lady godiva
+Who was martha in the McCartney hit Martha my dear?
+His old English sheepdog
+Who was Michelle's first boyfriend on Full House?
+Who was mike schmidt's last major league manager?
+John vukovich
+Who was Milhouse's first girlfriend?
+Samantha Stanky
+Who was minister for education from 1981-1986?
+Keith joseph
+Who was miss hungary in 1936?
+Zsa zsa gabor
+Who was mohandas gandhi's assassin?
+Nathuram godse
+Who was montreal canadiens 1st captain?
+Newsy lalonde
+Who was mortally wounded in the heel by an arrow from Paris?
+Who was mr wizard?
+Don herbert
+Who was Mr. Wizard?
+Don Herbert
+Who was mrs jumbo's son?
+Who was murdered by the Manson family in 1969?
+Sharon tate
+Who was Myrna Loy's scree partner in 'The Thin Man' movie series?
+William Powell
+Who was named Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board by Ronald Reagan in 1987, a post he still (February '99) holds?
+Alan greenspan
+Who was napoleon's first wife?
+Who was nicknamed The Little Corporal?
+Who was no 1 in xmas 1983 with the song only you?
+Flying pickets
+Who was nominated for a BAFTA Award in 1997 as a result of an interview with the Duchess of York?
+Ruby wax
+Who was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar for the film Mary, Queen of Scots?
+Vanessa redgrave
+Who was not an original 'charlie's angel'?
+Cheryl ladd
+Who was not offered the lead role in a fistful of dollars due to his high fee?
+Henry fonda
+Who was oedipus' father?
+Who was oedipus' mother?
+Who was on the first cover of people?
+Mia farrow
+Who was on the wooden raft in Bart's daydream about skipping school?
+Abraham Lincoln and Huck Finn
+Who was once fired by 'The San Francisco Examiner with a pink slip stating 'He just doesn't know how to use the English language?
+Rudyard Kipling
+Who was once known as dippy the goof?
+Who was ordered to apologize for slapping Private Paul G. Bennett in the fact?
+General George S Patton, Jr.
+Who was Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills better known as?
+Oscar Wilde
+Who was othello's wife?
+Who was perry mason's private investigator?
+Paul drake
+Who was Peter Sellers married to when he died?
+Lynn fredrick
+Who was pictured on a 1997 Time magazine cover that sold a record 1,183,758 copies?
+Princess diana
+Who was Poet Laureate during World War One?
+Robert bridges
+Who was Poet Laureate during World War Two?
+John masefield
+Who was Poet Laureate from 1843 to 1850, during which period he wrote no poetry at all?
+William wordsworth
+Who was Poet Laureate from 1930-1968?
+John masefield
+Who was poopdeck pappy's best known son?
+Who was pope during world war ii?
+Pius xii
+Who was Portugals star player in the 1966 World Cup?
+Who was president of France form 1981 to 1995?
+Francois mitterand
+Who was president of france's first fifth republic?
+Charles de gaulle
+Who was president of the soviet union from 1977-82?
+Leonid brezhnev
+Who was president of the united states at the end of the war?
+Harry s truman
+Who was president when Charles lindbergh flew into history?
+Calvin coolidge
+Who was Prime Minister at the end of World War One?
+Lloyd george
+Who was Prime Minister at the start of World War One?
+Who was Prime Minister of Afghanistan from 1993 to 1994?
+Gulbuddin Hematyar
+Who was Prime Minister of France at the outbreak of World War I I?
+Edouard daladier
+Who was Prime Minister of Japan during World War 2?
+Hideki tojo
+Who was Prince Charles' mistress while he was married?
+Camilla parker bowles
+Who was proclaimed empress of India in 1877?
+Queen victoria
+Who was puff the magic dragon's human friend?
+Little jackie paper
+Who was Queen Elizabeth IIs father?
+George VI
+Who was Queen of England for only nine days?
+Lady Jane Grey
+Who was reportedly the strongest man on earth?
+Who was reputedly the father of Cleopatra's first child?
+Julius caesar
+Who was responsible for the American style of spelling?
+Noah Webster
+Who was responsible for the comedy classic 'whose on first'?
+Abbott and costello
+Who was responsible for the infamous assination attempt on then President Reagan?
+John Hinkley Jr.
+Who was rising star in the western, the electric horseman?
+A horse
+Who was romeo in love with before meeting juliet?
+Who was Rudolph Raspes baron who told such tall stories?
+Who was sacked from her job at New York fast food restaurant dunkin doughnuts for squirting jam at a customer?
+Who was said to be the final casualty of the U.S. Civil War, killed five days after it ended?
+Abraham lincoln
+Who was said to have used a monocle made of emerald to improve his vision at the arena?
+Emperor nero
+Who was samuel langhorne clemens?
+Mark twain
+Who was scarlet o'hara's first husband?
+Charles hamilton
+Who was scott evil's biological mother?
+Frau farbissina
+Who was seated beneath a sword suspended by a human hair?
+Who was second in command of the starship enterprise?
+Who was second roman emperor?
+Who was Secretary General of the UN from 1946 to 1952?
+Trigvye lie
+Who was Secretary General of the UN from 1962 - 1971?
+U thant
+Who was sent to kill the nine headed monster hydra?
+Who was sgt bilko's commanding officer?
+Colonel hall
+Who was shaka's successor?
+Who was shakespeare's fairy king?
+Who was shakespeare's wife?
+Anne hathaway
+Who was Sherlock Holmes arch-enemy?
+Professor moriaty
+Who was Sherlock Holmes archenemy?
+Professor Moriarty
+Who was shipwrecked for 28 years, two months and 19 days?
+Robinson crusoe
+Who was shot as he left the Washington Hilton in 1981?
+Ronald reagan
+who was shot at the playhouse by john wilkes booth?
+President lincoln
+Who was shot only hours after Annie Leibovitz took a nude photo of him for Rolling Stone?
+John lennon
+Who was singer with generation xbefore branching out into a successful solo career?
+Billy idol
+Who was sir galahad's father?
+Sir lancelot
+Who was sir lancelot's son?
+Sir galahad
+Who was sir laurence olivier's second wife?
+Vivien leigh
+Who was Sir Percy Blakeney?
+The scarlet pimpernel
+Who was Sir Winston Churchill referring to when he was quoted as saying 'the maggot is in the apple'?
+Rudolf Hess
+Who was Sitting Bull's right hand man?
+Crazy horse
+Who was south africa's last apartheid president?
+Willem de klerk
+Who was spandau prison's last inmate?
+Rudolf hess
+Who was Speaker of the House of Commons immediately prior to Betty Boothroyd?
+Bernard weatherill
+Who was sports illustrateds sportsman of the year in 1954?
+Roger bannister
+Who was steve martin's dance partner in pennies from heaven?
+Bernadette peters
+Who was still the owner of 3 of atlantic city's 12 casinos in 1993?
+Donald trump
+Who was supreme commander of the allies?
+Dwight eisenhower
+Who was svetlana aliluyeva's father?
+Joseph stalin
+Who was swallowed by a lion at Blackpool zoo in the famous monologue by Stanley Holloway?
+Who was swallowed by a whale?
+Who was syphilis?
+A shepherd
+Who was tarzan's son in the books by edgar rice burroughs?
+Who was Tasmania's famous swashbuckler?
+Errol flynn
+Who was th efirst member of the royal family to be killed while flying on active duty?
+Duke of kent
+Who was the 'baddie' in spaghetti westerns?
+Lee van cleef
+Who was the 'serpent of the nile'?
+Who was the 'stupid boy' in Dad's Army?
+Private Pike
+Who was the #4 us advertising company in 1987?
+Sears roebuck
+Who was the 10th president of the U S?
+John tyler
+Who was the 15th president of the U S?
+James buchanan
+Who was the 16th century physician who revolutionized anatomy by performing post-mortems?
+Andreas vesalius
+Who was the 16th president of the united states?
+Abraham lincoln
+Who was the 1973 nobel peace prize winner?
+Henry kissinger
+Who was the 1990 wimbledon women's singles runner up?
+Zena garrison
+Who was the 1993 world footballer of the year?
+Roberto baggio
+Who was the 1994 footballer writers' English footballer of the year?
+Eric cantona
+Who was the 1997 world footballer of the year?
+Who was the 1998 world footballer of the year?
+Zinedine zidane
+Who was the 19th century founder of communism?
+Karl marx
+Who was the 25th president of the u.s?
+William mckinley
+Who was the 26th president of the U S?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Who was the 2nd president of the U S?
+John adams
+Who was the 30th president of the U S?
+Calvin coolidge
+Who was the 30th president of the US?
+Who was the 31st president of the U S?
+Herbert c hoover
+Who was the 32nd president of the U S?
+Franklin d roosevelt
+Who was the 35th president of the U S?
+John f kennedy
+Who was the 3rd king of Scotland?
+Who was the 3rd president of the U S?
+Thomas jefferson
+Who was the 4th president of the U S?
+James madison
+Who was the 4th US president to be assassinated in office?
+John f. kennedy
+Who was the 4th vice president of the u.s?
+Bill clinton
+Who was the 6o's singer who sang 'Jack the Knife'?
+Bobby Darin
+Who was the accused in the trial of the century which opened jan 1, 1935?
+Bruno richard hauptmann
+Who was the actor who played bobby ewing in dallas?
+Patrick duffy
+Who was the actor who played lt columbo in the series columbo?
+Peter falk
+Who was the actress betty joan perske better known as?
+Lauren bacall
+Who was the actress in the 1944 film that said 'you know how to whistle, don't you? You just put your lips together - and blow.'?
+Lauren bacall
+Who was the actress that played Ferris Bueller's sister?
+Jennifer Grey
+Who was the actress to star in the first 'Gidget' movie?
+Sandra Dee
+Who was the afro-American woman who refused to give up her seat in a bus in alabama in 1955?
+Rosa parks
+Who was the alleged witch born in 1488 in a cave near Knaresborough who predicted the Defeat of the Spanish Armada and the Great Fire of London?
+Mother shipton
+Who was the alter ego of 'the incredible hulk'?
+Dr David banner
+Who was the American millionaire, given an honorary knighthood in 1980?
+John Paul getty jnr
+Who was the American president from 1869 to 1877?
+Ulysses s grant
+Who was the American president from 1923 to 1929?
+Calvin coolidge
+Who was the American psychologist known for his experiments with hallucinogenics in the 60s?
+Timothy Leary
+Who was the American religious leader who founded the Christian Science Movement?
+Mary baker eddy
+Who was the architect of the new Coventry Cathedral?
+Basil spence
+Who was the architect of the Queens House at Greenwich?
+Inigo Jones
+Who was the assistant to the fbi director in the fbi?
+Arthur ward
+Who was the attorney who defended jack ruby, oswald's assassin?
+Melvin belli
+Who was the Australian prime minister who put his arm aroung the queen of England?
+Paul keating
+Who was the author of 'deliverance'?
+James dickey
+Who was the author of 'Of Mice and Men'?
+John Steinbeck
+Who was the author of 'The Inheritors', and 'Rites of Passage'?
+William golding
+Who was the author of breakfast at tiffany's?
+Truman capote
+Who was the author of catcher in the rye?
+Jd salinger
+Who was the author of lolita?
+Vladimir nabokov
+Who was the author of the anthropological work 'Coming of Age in Samoa'?
+Margaret Mead
+Who was the author of the moonstone?
+Wilkie collins
+Who was the author of the series of novels referred to as the Raj Quartet?
+Paul scott
+Who was the author of the story Pinnochio?
+Carlo collodi
+Who was the backup band for Cyndi Lauper's #1 album 'She's So Unusual'?
+The hooters
+Who was the BBcs sports personality of the year in 1971?
+Princss anne
+Who was the Beatles manager?
+Brian epstein
+Who was the beautiful youth aphrodite loved?
+Who was the black assistant of mandrake the magician?
+Who was the blind Norse god of who shot balder?
+Who was the bowler whom sobers hit for 6 sixes n an over (cricket)?
+Malcolm nash
+Who was the brave Norse god of war & justice?
+Who was the British intelligence agent who provided austin powers with his information?
+Basil exposition
+Who was the British prime minister from 1945-1951?
+Clement attlee
+Who was the British signatory to the Japanese surrender?
+Louis mountbatten
+Who was the bully who terrorized Arnold on Different Strokes?
+The Gooch
+Who was the bush kangaroo?
+Who was the captain of the Pequod in Moby Dick?
+Captain Ahab
+Who was the captain of the pottsville maroons football team in 1925?
+Charles berry
+Who was the catcher on the peanuts gang's baseball team?
+Who was the cause of the Trojan wars?
+Helen of troy
+Who was the celebrity captain of the Los Angeles kings in 1991-92?
+John candy
+Who was the champion jockey in flat racing for the four years from 1974-77?
+Pat eddery
+Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer during the 1956 Suez Crisis?
+Harold macmillan
+Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer when Britain returned to the gold standard?
+Winston churchill
+Who was the Chancellor of West Germany in 1989 when the wall came down?
+Helmut kohl
+Who was the Chicago police commissioner at the time of the St Valentine's Day massacre?
+William F Russell
+Who was the Chief Designer of the AVRO Lancaster bomber aircraft?
+Ray chadwick
+Who was the Chief Designer of the Hawker Hurricane fighter aircraft?
+Sidney camm
+Who was the Chief Designer of the Supermarine Spitfire?
+Reginald mitchell
+Who was the chief mousketeer of the original mickey mouse club?
+Jimmie dodd
+Who was the chief pig in Animal farm?
+Who was the chief spokesman for the lost generation?
+F scott fitzgerald
+Who was the child star in the 1947 movie version of Miracle on 34th Street?
+Natalie Wood
+Who was the child star of the film, Home Alone?
+Macauley culkin
+Who was the cisco kid's faithful sidekick?
+Who was the command module pilot of apollo 11?
+Michael collins
+Who was the command module pilot of apollo 13?
+Fred haise
+Who was the command pilot of apollo 11?
+Neil armstrong
+Who was the command pilot of apollo 13?
+James lovell
+Who was the commander of the first shuttle flight?
+John young
+Who was the commanding general of the us army air force during world war i?
+Henry hap arnold
+Who was the communist leader of romania from 1965 to 1992?
+Nicolae ceausescu
+Who was the Confederate commander at Chickamauga?
+Braxton bragg
+Who was the creator of basketball?
+Who was the creator of the Heimlich Maneuver?
+Dr. Henry Heimlich
+Who was the creator of the movies halloween and the thing?
+John carpenter
+Who was the daugher of mary wollstonecraft and william godwin?
+Mary shelley
+Who was the daughter of a prime minister,the mother of a prime minister and was also a prime minister herself?
+Mrs ghandi
+Who was the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft & William Godwin?
+Mary shelley
+Who was the defeated Labour Prime Minister in the Israeli General Election of May 1996?
+Shimon peres
+Who was the defeated Socialist Prime Minister in the Spanish General Election of March 1996?
+Felipe gonzalez
+Who was the democratically elected President of Chile killed during a military coup in 1973?
+Salvador allende
+Who was the Designer of the Vickers Wellington bomber aircraft?
+Barnes wallace
+Who was the detective in The Big Sleep?
+Philip marlow
+Who was the dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968?
+Who was the dictator of uganda from 1971 to 1979?
+Idi amin
+Who was the director of the fbi from 1924 to 1974?
+John edgar hoover
+Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus?
+Who was the discoverer of the vaccine for polio?
+Jonas salk
+Who was the dragon in the film 'dragonheart'?
+Who was the driver for the jordan team in the 1998 grand prix?
+Damon hill
+Who was the egyptian god of darkness?
+Who was the egyptian god of the dead?
+Who was the egyptian god of the nile, depicted in human form with a beard, large belly, & a crown of aquatic?
+Who was the egyptian god of the underworld and vegetation?
+Who was the egyptian god of underworld and judge of dead?
+Who was the egyptian god of war and divine vengeance?
+Who was the egyptian goddess/mother of the sun and moon?
+Who was the eighties group that was named after the inventor of the radio?
+Who was the eldest member of the Beatles?
+John lennon
+Who was the emcee for tvs 20,000 dollars pyramid?
+Dick clark
+Who was the emcee for tvs let's make a deal?
+Monty hall
+Who was the emperor of france until 1871?
+Napoleon iii
+Who was the English born Surveyor-General of India who completed the first trigonometrical survey of the Sub-Continent?
+Sir george everest
+Who was the English statesman who lost his head after arranging the disastrous marriage between Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves?
+Thomas cromwell
+Who was the fairest woman in the world (greek mythology)?
+Who was the famous abolitionist who operated one of the most famous and successful underground railroads (Escape Roots) to the North for slaves?
+Harriet Tubman 
+Who was the famous first editor of the New Yorker?
+Harold ross
+Who was the famous son of Philip II of Macedonia?
+Alexander the great
+Who was the famous TV painter from the 80's?
+Bob Ross
+Who was the fastest random speaker in the world?
+President kennedy
+who was the father of Cleopatras first child born 44BC?
+Julius caesar
+Who was the father of English poetry?
+Geoffrey chaucer
+Who was the father of icarus?
+Who was the father of King Richard 1?
+Henry ii
+Who was the father of modern bullfighting?
+Juan belmonte
+Who was the father of Odin, Vile & Ve?
+Who was the FBI's 1st 'most wanted' criminal?
+John dillinger
+Who was the featured artist with salt n pepa on let's talk about sex?
+Who was the featured vocalist of the miracles?
+Smokey robinson
+Who was the female co-star of the TV series: The Dick Van Dyke Show?
+Mary tyler moore
+Who was the female lead in the paper chase?
+Lindsay wagner
+Who was the female leading star in Neil Simon's film, The Goodbye Girl?
+Marsha Mason 
+Who was the female Prime Minister of England throughout the eighties?
+Marget Thatcher
+Who was the female principal dancer in the show River Dance when it opened?
+Jean butler
+Who was the female star of 'The Graduate'?
+Anne bancroft
+Who was the female star of my little margie?
+Gale storm
+Who was the female star of the film 'barefoot in the park'?
+Jane fonda
+Who was the female star of the film 'Seperate Tables'?
+Deborah kerr
+Who was the female star of the film Klute?
+Jane fonda
+Who was the female vocalist in yahoo?
+Alison moyet
+Who was the fictional inhabitant of Skull Island?
+King kong
+Who was the fifth wife of Henry viii?
+Catherine howard
+Who was the final mayflower survivor?
+Mary allerton cushman
+Who was the first (and last) catholic president?
+Who was the first actor to receive an Oscar postumously?
+Peter finch
+Who was the first african American to play in the American league?
+Larry doby
+Who was the first african to receive a nobel prize for literature in 1986?
+Wole soyinka
+Who was the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth?
+John glenn
+Who was the first American born child of English settlers?
+Virginia dare
+Who was the first American born poet to win the Nobel Prize for literature?
+T s eliot
+Who was the first American in outer space?
+Alan shepard
+Who was the first American in space?
+Alan shepard
+Who was the first American in sub-orbital space flight?
+Alan shepard
+Who was the first American to walk in space?
+Edward white
+Who was the first American woman to travel in space?
+Sally ride
+Who was the first animal named to the animal hall of fame?
+Who was the first animalnaut?
+Who was the first astronaut to orbit earth 3 times?
+John glenn
+Who was the first astronaut to return to space?
+Gus grissom
+Who was the first athlete to clear eight feet in the high jump?
+Javier sotomayor
+Who was the first athlete to hit a major league home run and make a professional football touchdown in the same week?
+Jim Thorpe
+Who was the first Australian aboriginal to play international tennis?
+Evonne goolagong
+Who was the first Australian secretary general to the general assembly of the united nations?
+Dr herb evatt
+Who was the first black actress to win an oscar?
+Hattie macdaniel
+Who was the first black American in space?
+Guion bluford
+Who was the first black heavyweight boxing champion of the world?
+Jack Johnson
+Who was the first black major league baseball captain?
+Willie mays
+Who was the first black major league baseball manager?
+Frank robinson
+Who was the first black mayor of Chicago?
+Harold Washington
+Who was the first black nation to gain freedom from european colonial rule?
+Who was the first black to win the U.S. men's national tennis title?
+Arthur Ashe
+Who was the first black Wimbledon singles champion?
+Althea gibson
+Who was the first British female singer to have two consecutive number 1 singles?
+Helen shapiro
+Who was the first British football club to install undersoil heating?
+Who was the first British football club to onstall undersoil hetaing?
+Who was the first British monarch to live in Buckingham Palace?
+Queen victoria
+Who was the first British monarch to travel by train?
+Queen Victoria
+Who was the first British monarch to visit new zealand?
+Elizabeth ii
+Who was the first British president of the European Commision?
+Roy jenkins
+Who was the first British Prime Minister, although he did not use the title?
+Sir robert walpole
+Who was the first British royal to make people magazine's 'worst dressed list' five times?
+Sarah ferguson
+Who was the first British Royal to make People magazine's Worst Dressed list five times?
+Sarah Ferguson
+Who was the first Briton to sail around the world?
+Sir francis drake
+Who was the first Briton to win the Nobel Prize for Literature?
+Rudyard kipling
+Who was the first Canadian woman to swim across lake ontario?
+Marilyn bell
+Who was the first captain to oppose Emlyn Hughes' team on A Question of Sport?
+Gareth jones
+Who was the first chancellor of Germany after WW II?
+Konrad adenauer
+Who was the first chancellor of reunited Germany in 1990?
+Helmut kohl
+Who was the first chancellor of the German federal republic?
+Konrad adenauer
+Who was the first chancellor of West Germany after WW II?
+Konrad Adenauer
+Who was the first chancellor to have his budget televised?
+John major
+Who was the first civilian astronaut to fly?
+Neil armstrong
+Who was the first comic strip character?
+Yellow Kid
+Who was the first Coronation Street regular to move to the new Docklands developement?
+Mike baldwin
+Who was the first country to host two Football world cups?
+Who was the first cricketer to score 10,000 Test match runs?
+Sunil gavaskar
+Who was the first czechoslovakian to win the wimbledon women's singles tennis title?
+Martina navratilova
+Who was the first Danish king of England?
+Who was the first defenseman to win the nhl scoring championship?
+Bobby orr
+Who was the first designer to show a collection for men?
+Pierre Cardin
+Who was the first director of britain's national theatre?
+Laurence olivier
+Who was the first DJ to be heard on Radio 1?
+Tony blackburn
+Who was the first Dutch player to become european footballer of the year?
+Johan cruyff
+Who was the first engineer to introduce steam to an engine with a piston?
+Thomas newcomen
+Who was the first English King from the House of Lancaster?
+Henry vi
+Who was the first English woman to qualify in medicine?
+Elizabeth garrett anderson
+Who was the first Englishman to sail around the world?
+Sir Walter Raleigh
+Who was the first european explorer to reach India by sea?
+Vasco da gama
+Who was the first European to cross the Indian Ocean?
+Vasco da Gama
+Who was the first european to set foot on north America?
+Leif erikson
+Who was the first ever person to test positive for a banned substance at the wimbledon championships?
+Petr korda
+Who was the first explorer to set foot on all continents except Antartica?
+Captain cook
+Who was the first fallen angel?
+Who was the first female film star to appear on the cover of life?
+Jean harlow
+Who was the first female prime minister of India?
+Indira gandhi
+Who was the first female scientist to recieve two nobel prizes?
+Marie curie
+Who was the first female to enter the billboard charts in 1985?
+Who was the first film star depicted on a postage stamp?
+Grace kelly
+Who was the first first lady to be privately received by the pope?
+Jackie kennedy
+Who was the first footballer to be knighted?
+Sir stanley matthews
+Who was the first hollywood celebrity to be tried for murder?
+Roscoe arbuckle
+Who was the first host of truth or consequences?
+Ralph edwards
+Who was the first leader of the Canadian federal ndp?
+Tommy Douglas
+Who was the first losing candidate in a U S presidential election?
+Thomas jefferson
+Who was the first Major League Baseball player to have his number retired?
+Who was the first male host of 'entertainment tonight'?
+Tom hallick
+Who was the first man in outer space?
+Yuri gagarin
+Who was the first man in space?
+Yuri gagarin
+Who was the first man to achieve the grand slam of tennis, twice?
+Rod laver
+Who was the first man to appear on the cover of playboy magazine?
+Peter sellers
+Who was the first man to appear on the cover of playboy?
+Peter sellers
+Who was the first man to drive at more than 400mph?
+John cobb
+Who was the first man to fly at Mach 1, the speed of sound at sea level?
+Charles yeager
+Who was the first man to pee his pants on the moon?
+Buzz aldrin
+Who was the first man to reach the south pole on 14th dec 1911?
+Roald amundsen
+Who was the first man to run the mile in less than four minutes?
+Roger Bannister
+Who was the first man to walk on the moon?
+Neil armstrong
+Who was the first man to win the Formula One motor racing championship?
+Who was the first manager to win the premier league?
+Alex ferguson
+Who was the first martyr?
+Who was the first member of the royal family to be interviewed on tv?
+Prince philip
+Who was the first member of the royal family to pay homage to the queen after her coronation?
+Prince philip
+Who was the first non human to win an oscar?
+Mickey mouse
+Who was the first novelist to present a typed manuscript to his publisher?
+Mark twain
+Who was the first of the original Spice Girls to have a completely solo chart single?
+Geri halliwell
+Who was the first overlord of England and wales?
+Egbert of wessex
+Who was the first person ever to win two nobel prizes?
+Marie curie
+Who was the first person named by 'people magazine' as 'the sexiest man of the year'?
+Mel gibson
+Who was the first person reputed to have been born by Caesarian section?
+Julius caesar
+Who was the first person to be buried in London's St. Paul's Cathedral?
+Sir christopher wren
+Who was the first person to beat Muhammad Ali in a professional fight?
+Joe frazier
+Who was the first person to complete 'The Adventurer's Grand Slam', of climbing the highest peak on each continent?
+David hempleman-adams
+Who was the first person to make People magazine's Most Beautiful People list five times?
+John f. kennedy jr
+Who was the first person to make the first realistic application of solar energy using parabolic solar reflector to drive caloric engine on steam boiler?
+John ericsson
+Who was the first person to prove that planets move in elliptical orbits?
+Who was the first person to reach the North Pole, in 1909?
+Robert peary
+Who was the first person to reach the South Pole, in 1911?
+Roald amundsen
+Who was the first person to receive radio noise signals from outside our galaxy?
+Karl jansky
+Who was the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes?
+Who was the first person to wear a baseball glove?
+Who was the first person to win the indianapolis 500 four times?
+Aj foyt
+Who was the first person whose death was linked to radiation poisoning?
+Marie curie
+Who was the first pilot to fly faster than the speed of sound?
+Chuck yeager
+Who was the first Plantagenet king?
+Henry ii
+Who was the first Plantaggenet King of England?
+Henry i
+Who was the first player elected to the baseball hall of fame?
+Ty cobb
+Who was the first pope?
+Saint Peter
+Who was the first president born in a hospital?
+Jimmy carter
+Who was the first president for republican party?
+Abraham lincoln
+Who was the first president of independent Kenya in 1964?
+Jomo kenyatta
+Who was the first president of israel?
+Chaim weizmann
+Who was the first president of singapore?
+Enche yusof bin ishak
+Who was the first president of the fifth republic of france?
+Charles de gaulle
+Who was the first president of the Royal Academy?
+Sir joshua reynolds
+Who was the first president of the usa to die in office?
+William Henry harrison
+Who was the first president to be born in the 20th century?
+John F Kennedy
+Who was the first president to only serve one term?
+Who was the first president to visit all 50 states?
+Richard Nixon
+Who was the first president to win the Nobel Peace prize?
+Theodore Roosevelt
+Who was the first president whose mother was eligible to vote for him?
+Franklin delano roosevelt
+Who was the first presidential jogger?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Who was the first prime minister of Israel?
+David ben gurion
+Who was the first prime minister of singapore?
+Lee kuan yew
+Who was the first Prime Minister of the Australian Commonwealth from 1901 to 1903?
+Sir edmund barton
+Who was the first professional footballer to be knighted?
+Stanley matthews
+Who was the first protestant Archbishop of Canterbury?
+Thomas cranmer
+Who was the first recipient of the jarvik-7 artificial heart?
+Barney clark
+Who was the first Republican-President of the United States?
+Abraham lincoln
+Who was the first resident of singapore?
+Major william farquhar
+Who was the first Roman Emperor to adopt Christianity?
+Constantine i
+Who was the first Roman Emperor to become a christian?
+Who was the first Roman Emperor?
+Who was the first secretary-general of the united nations?
+Trygve lie
+Who was the first south african golfer to win the British open?
+Bobby locke
+Who was the first South African in space?
+Mark shuttleworth
+Who was the first sports announcer to address Muhammed Ali by his Muslim name?
+Howard Cosell
+Who was the first test-tube baby?
+Louise joy brown
+Who was the first thoroughbred horse to win one million dollars?
+Who was the first tight end to be elected to the pro football hall of fame?
+Mike ditka
+Who was the first to climb Mt Everest?
+Sir edmund hillary
+Who was the first to reach the bottom of the marianas trench, the deepest point in the oceans of the world?
+Jacques piccard
+Who was the first to sign the U S declaration of independence?
+John hancock
+Who was the first to use rubber gloves during surgery?
+Dr w.s halstead
+Who was the first to win five straight wimbledon singles tennis titles?
+Bjorn borg
+Who was the first to win the grand slam of tennis?
+Don budge
+Who was the first U S president to attend monday night football?
+Jimmy carter
+Who was the first U S president to be photographed at his inauguration?
+Abraham lincoln
+Who was the first U S President to visit China?
+Richard m nixon
+Who was the first U S secretary of the treasury?
+Alexander hamilton
+Who was the first u.s president to travel in a car, plane and submarine?
+Theodore roosevelt
+Who was the first U.S. President to hold a televised news conference?
+Dwight Eisenhower
+Who was the first U.S. President to use a word processor?
+Jimmy Carter
+Who was the first united states secretary of state?
+Thomas jefferson
+Who was the first unseeded man to win Wimbledon?
+Boris becker
+Who was the first US President to appear on TV while in office?
+Who was the first US President to have a brother in the Senate?
+John f kennedy
+Who was the first US president to have been divorced?
+Ronald reagan
+Who was the first us president to live in the white house?
+Who was the first us president to resign office?
+Richard nixon
+Who was the first US president to visit Japan?
+Who was the first us president to visit moscow?
+Who was the first victim of the electric chair?
+William kemmler
+Who was the first White House cat since Amy Carter's Misty Malarky Yin Yang?
+Who was the first wife of zeus?
+Who was the first winner of the oscar for best actor?
+Emil jannings
+Who was the first woman doctor?
+Elizabeth blackwell
+Who was the first woman elected to congress in 1917?
+Jeanette rankin
+Who was the first woman elected to the u.s senate?
+Hattie caraway
+Who was the first woman golfer to earn a million dollars?
+Kathy witworth
+Who was the first woman golfer to earn a million?
+Kathy whitworth
+Who was the first woman premier of israel?
+Golda meir
+Who was the first woman scientist to be awarded a Nobel prize?
+Madame curie
+Who was the first woman to climb Mount Everest?
+Sharon Wood
+Who was the first woman to fly the Atlantic alone?
+Amelia Earhart
+Who was the first woman to fly the Atlantic?
+Amelia earhart
+Who was the first woman to lead a British trade union?
+Brenda Dean
+Who was the first woman to read the Nine O'clock News on BBC TV?
+Angela rippon
+Who was the first woman to sail single-handed around the world?
+Naomi james
+Who was the first woman to swim the English channel in both directions?
+Florence chadwick
+Who was the first women to fly solo across the Atlantic?
+Amelia Earhart
+Who was the founder and conductor of the Black and White Minstrels?
+George mitchell
+Who was the founder of boy's town?
+Father flanagan
+Who was the founder of Islam?
+Who was the founder of Live Aid?
+Bob Geldof
+Who was the founder of Methodism?
+John wesley
+Who was the founder of microsoft?
+Bill gates
+Who was the founder of the 'epicurean' philosophy?
+Who was the founder of the basotho nation?
+Who was the founder of the Salvation Army?
+William booth
+Who was the founder of the South African Students Assoc who dies whilst under arrest in 1977?
+Steve biko
+Who was the founder of wendy's hamburgers?
+Dave thomas
+Who was the founding father of the Sikh relgion?
+Guru nanak
+Who was the fourth president of singapore?
+Wee kim wee
+Who was the fourth president of the United States?
+Who was the French revolution leader who was later guillotined by Robespierre?
+Who was the French sculptor of the Statue of Liberty?
+Frederic bartholdi
+Who was the front man for tubeway army?
+Gary numan
+Who was the general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union from 1964 to 1982?
+Leonid brezhnev
+Who was the German munitions minister largely responsible for the large output of weapons in late ww2?
+Albert speer
+Who was the German National Socialist official, notorious as the head of the Nazi police forces?
+Who was the giant wife of the Norse god Njord?
+Who was the girl in peter seller's soup?
+Goldie hawn
+Who was the girl in peter sellers's soup?
+Goldie hawn
+Who was the girl that helped Bonnie Prince Charlie to flee to the Isle of Skye?
+Flora macdonald
+Who was the god of hades?
+Who was the god of the seas?
+Who was the goddess of motherhood and fertility in egyptian mythology?
+Who was the goddess of victory?
+Who was the goodie-goodie presenter of the Fame Game?
+Tim brooke-taylor
+Who was the grandfather of Gina Hemphill who carried the Olympic torch into the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic stadium?
+Jesse owens
+Who was the greatest king of the first babylonian dynasty, noted for law reform?
+Who was the greek cup-bearer to the gods?
+Who was the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Cupid?
+Who was the Greek equivalent of the Roman god Vulcan?
+Who was the greek father of medicine?
+Who was the greek god of beauty, poetry and music?
+Who was the greek god of dreams?
+Who was the greek god of love?
+Who was the greek god of physicians and thieves?
+Who was the greek god of retribution?
+Who was the greek god of sleep?
+who was the greek god of the sea?
+Who was the greek god of war?
+Who was the Greek goddess of love & beauty?
+Who was the greek goddess of love?
+Who was the greek goddess of marriage?
+Who was the greek goddess of peace?
+Who was the Greek Goddess of retribution?
+Who was the greek goddess of the hunt?
+Who was the Greek goddess of the rainbow?
+Who was the greek mathematician who claimed that the earth was a sphere rotating on its own axis?
+Who was the Greek Muse of Comedy?
+Who was the Greek Muse of Tragedy?
+Who was the Greek philosopher who decided he'd rather drink hemlock than deny his beliefs?
+Who was the guitarist in the 70's and 80's band, Be-Bop Deluxe?
+Bill nelson
+Who was the Head of State of Vichy France?
+Who was the head of the National Unity party in Norway in 1942?
+Who was the hero of a dairy of a nobody?
+Mr pooter
+Who was the hero of Australia in the 1999 world cup, taking 8 wickets in the semis and final?
+Shane warne
+Who was the highest scoring American ace of world war i?
+Eddie rickenbacker
+Who was the horse in early mickey mouse cartoons?
+Horace horsecollar
+Who was the host for the popular game show?
+Monty hall
+Who was the host of Take your pick?
+Michael miles
+Who was the hunchbacked bell ringer of notre dame?
+Who was the husband of Jennie Van Westphalen?
+Karl marx
+Who was the hypnotic magician in george du maurier's trilby?
+Who was the influential monk at the court of Tsar Nicholas II?
+Who was the inspiration for blueberry jelly belly jelly beans?
+Ronald reagan
+Who was the inventor of the calculating machine in 1614?
+John napier
+Who was the inventor of the digital calculator in 1642?
+Blaise pascal
+Who was the inventor of the phosphorus match?
+Francois derosne
+Who was the inventor of the slide rule in 1632?
+William oughtred
+Who was the Italian captain who skied a penalty in the 1994 world cup final's penalty shootout?
+Franco baresi
+Who was the Jackal's intended victim?
+Charles de gaulle
+Who was the Japanese detective in novels by john phillips marquand?
+Mr moto
+Who was the Japanese emperor during WW II?
+Who was the journalist who pried into the standard oil trust and published articles about its wrongdoing?
+Ida tarbell
+Who was the king of England during the American revolution?
+George iii
+Who was the king of England from 1509-1547, and founder of the Church of England?
+Henry viii
+Who was the king of England when the American revolution broke out?
+George iii
+Who was the king of Judah (800-783 bc)?
+Who was the king of Sparta?
+Who was the king of Sweden from 1907 to 1950?
+King gustav v
+Who was the king of the Roman gods?
+Who was the kitten with a whip?
+Who was the Lady of the Lamp?
+Florence nightingale
+Who was the last Anglo Saxon King of England?
+Who was the last astronaut to fly alone in a spacecraft?
+Ron evans
+Who was the last British general who surrendered near Jamestown, Virginia?
+Who was the last chairman of the k.g.b?
+Vadim viktorovich bakatin
+Who was the last communist leader of East Germany?
+Egon krenz
+Who was the last czar of Russia?
+Nicholas ii
+Who was the last Danish king of England?
+Who was the last earl of wessex before it was conferred on Prince Edward in 1999?
+King harold godwinsson
+Who was the last emperor of Russia?
+Nicholas ii
+Who was the last Ferrari driver before Michael Schumaker to win the Formula 1 World Championship?
+Jody schechter
+Who was the last incan king of peru?
+Who was the last king of france?
+Louis philippe
+Who was the last King of Italy?
+Umberto ii
+Who was the last king of Troy?
+Who was the last king to be crowned in Scotland?
+Charles ii
+Who was the LAST man to walk on the moon?
+Gene cernan
+Who was the last member of the bonaparte family?
+Jerome napoleon bonaparte
+Who was the last monarch to lead his troops in battle in 1743?
+George II 
+Who was the last native-born Prince of Wales?
+Owen glendower
+Who was the last New Zealander to win the Olympic 1500 metres track race?
+John walker
+Who was the last of the 'red hot mamas'?
+Sophie tucker
+Who was the last person executed by the guillotine?
+Hamida djandoubi
+Who was the last person hired for the first saturday night live troupe?
+John belushi
+Who was the last player to win 2 Heisman trophies?
+Who was the last president of the usa, as of 1998, to die in office?
+John f. kennedy
+Who was the last Prime Minister of Northern Ireland before the stormont Parliament was suspended in 1972?
+Brian Faulkner
+Who was the last reigning King of Egypt?
+Who was the last Roman Catholic monarch of England?
+James the second
+Who was the last Roman Emperor of the Julio-Claudian family?
+Who was the last ruler in the Egyptian dynasty of the Ptolemies?
+Who was the last to stab Caesar in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?
+Who was the last to win then lose the heavyweight crown to ali?
+Leon spinks
+Who was the last Tsar of Russia?
+Nicholas ii
+Who was the last tudor monarch?
+Elizabeth I
+Who was the last viceroy of India?
+Lord mountbatten
+Who was the last woman hanged in England?
+Ruth ellis
+Who was the latin bombshell that played selena in the selena bio-pic?
+Jennifer lopes
+Who was the law for a shire?
+Who was the lead singer for the (now disbanded) stone temple pilots?
+Scott weiland
+Who was the lead singer of the Cure?
+Robert Smith
+Who was the lead singer of the e-street band?
+Who was the leader of Cubas rebel 26th July movement?
+Fidel castro
+Who was the leader of czechoslovakia when the russians rolled in, in 1968?
+Alexander dubcek
+Who was the leader of the bad guys on Hulk Hogan's Rock N Wrestling that annoyed Hulk Hogan and his freinds?
+Rowdy Roddy Piper
+Who was the leader of the good Transformers?
+Optimus Prime
+Who was the leader of the Liberal Party before David Steele?
+Jeremy thorpe
+Who was the leader of the Solidarity movement in Poland?
+Lech walesa
+Who was the leader of the Transformers?
+Optimus Prime
+Who was the leading conspirator in Shakespeares Julius Caesar?
+Who was the legendary first ruler of Japan?
+Jimmu tenno
+Who was the legendary front man for the band roxy music?
+Brian ferry
+Who was the liberator of South America?
+Simon bolivar
+Who was the longest reigning european monarch?
+Louis xiv
+Who was the longest serving president in French history?
+Francois mitterand
+Who was the losing democratic candidate in the 1968 u.s. presidential election?
+Hubert humphrey
+Who was the losing Democratic candidate when Dwight D Eisenhower was re-elected as US President in 1956?
+Adlai stevenson
+Who was the losing republican candidate in the 1964 u.s. presidential election?
+Barry goldwater
+Who was the lunar module pilot of apollo 11?
+Edwin aldrin
+Who was the lunar module pilot of apollo 13?
+Jack swigert
+Who was the mad monk of Russia?
+Who was the male lead character in Gershwins musical that featured the song Summertime?
+Who was the male lead in 'hello dolly'?
+Walter matthau
+Who was the male lead in the 1965 film the war lord?
+Charlton heston
+Who was the male principal dancer in the show Riverdance when it opened?
+Michael flatley
+Who was the male star in the 1967 film Bonnie & Clyde?
+Warren beatty
+Who was the male star in the film true grit?
+John wayne
+Who was the male star in the original movie?
+James stewart
+Who was the male star of the 1967 film barefoot in the park?
+Robert redford
+Who was the male star of the 1998 'blockbuster' film titanic?
+Leonardo di caprio
+Who was the male star of the film fatal attraction?
+Michael Douglas
+Who was the male star of the movie 'speed'?
+Keanu reeves
+Who was the male top billing in Neil Simon's film, The Goodbye Girl?
+Richard Dreyfuss 
+Who was the man of 'Lambarene'?
+Albert Schweitzer
+Who was The Man of Destiny in George Bernard Shaw's play of that name?
+Napoleon bonaparte
+Who was the mascot of kellogg's sugar frosted flakes when they were launched in 1942?
+Tony the tiger
+Who was the master of disguise Sir Peter Blakney?
+Scarlet pimpernel
+Who was the mastermind behind the 'ahead of its time mother of inventions'?
+Frank zappa
+Who was the mc of the original amateur hour?
+Ted mack
+Who was the mistress of D.H. Lawrence's Wragley Hall?
+Lady chatterley
+Who was the most famous gorgon?
+Who was the most revered god of North American Indians?
+Who was the most revered god of the north American indians?
+Who was the most senior serving Nazi to be tried at Nuremberg?
+Hermann goering
+Who was the mother of Charles i?
+Anne of denmark
+Who was the mother of Elizabeth I?
+Anne boleyn
+Who was the mother of King John?
+Eleanor of aquitaine
+Who was the mouse in the krazy kat comics?
+Who was the narrator in Herman Melville's Moby Dick?
+Who was the narrator of the film 'texas chainsaw massacre'?
+John larroquette
+Who was the nba, mvp in 1976, 1977 and 1980?
+Kareem abdul-jabbar
+Who was the nba's most valuable player in 1976, 1977 and 1980?
+Who was the Norse god of light, beauty & peace?
+Who was the Norse god of peace & prosperity?
+Who was the norse god of poetry?
+Who was the norse goddess of love and fertility?
+Who was the norse goddess of lust and fertility?
+Who was the office boy for the daily planet on superman?
+Jimmy olsen
+Who was the oldest heavyweight boxing champion?
+George forman
+Who was the oldest man ever to play Test cricket when he represented England against West Indies in 1930 aged 52?
+Wilfred rhodes
+Who was the oldest man to hold a boxing title?
+Archie moore
+Who was the oldest man to hold a world boxing title, at 44?
+Archie Moore
+Who was the oldest marx brother?
+Who was the oldest member of 'The Beatles'?
+Who was the oldest woman in the charts in 1998 with Believe?
+Who was the only 'miss America' to resign her crown?
+Vanessa williams
+Who was the only actor to become president of the u.s.a?
+Ronald reagan
+Who was the only American soldier to be executed for desertion in wwii?
+Eddie slovik
+Who was the only astronaut to lose his spacecraft?
+Gus grissom
+Who was the only Canadian Prime Minister to win the Nobel Peace Prize?
+Lester B. Pearson
+Who was the only civil war soldier executed for war crimes?
+Major Henry
+Who was the only daughter of jawaharlal nehru?
+Indira gandhi
+Who was the only English pope?
+Adrian iv
+Who was the only female athlete at the 1976 summer Olympics not given a sex test?
+Princess anne
+Who was the only female member of Edward Heaths cabinet when he first became Prime Minister?
+Margaret thatcher
+Who was the only golfer to win the U.S. and British Opens and Amateurs in the same year?
+Bobby Jones
+Who was the only man to knock out Muhammad Ali in a heavyweight title fight?
+Larry holmes
+Who was the only person to appear on both 'kids in the hall' and 'saturday night live'?
+Mark mckinney
+Who was the only person to run across Canada with one leg?
+Terry fox
+Who was the only player to win mvp in both leagues?
+Frank robinson
+Who was the only pope born in England?
+Adrian iv
+Who was the only president born in Illinois, the land of lincoln?
+Ronald reagan
+Who was the only President of the Confederate States of America?
+Jefferson davies
+Who was the only president to be elected for two non-consecutive terms?
+Who was the only president to get stuck in the White House bath tub?
+William Howard Taft
+Who was the only president to serve in both World Wars?
+Bill Clinton
+Who was the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms in office?
+Grover Cleveland
+Who was the only prophet that never died?
+Who was the only Russian born prime minister of Israel?
+Golda meir
+Who was the only sister on petticoat junction to marry?
+Betty jo
+Who was the only starting pitcher in a world series to bat anywhere but ninth?
+Babe Ruth
+Who was the only U.S. president to have earned a Ph.D.?
+Woodrow Wilson
+Who was the only undefeated heavyweight boxer?
+Rocky marciano
+Who was the only unmarried president?
+James buchanan
+Who was the original deep purple lead singer?
+Rod evans
+Who was the original female smurf?
+Who was the original Hollywood 'it' girl?
+Clara bow
+Who was the original host of the quiz show break the bank?
+Bert parks
+Who was the original host of the tv game show 'i've got a secret'?
+Garry moore
+Who was the original killer in friday the 13th?
+Jason's mother
+Who was the original lead singer with the Moody Blues?
+Denny laine
+Who was the original presenter of 'Points of View'?
+Robert robinson
+Who was the original singer for black sabbath?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Who was the owner of the soda fountain on sesame street?
+Mr hooper
+Who was the partron goddess of Athens?
+Who was the people's commissar of foreign affairs (foreign minister) before vyacheslav molotov?
+Maxim litvinov
+Who was the personification of peace?
+Who was the pharoah akhenaton's famous wife?
+Who was the pilot hero of captain w e john's stories?
+Who was the pilot in the first fatal plane crash?
+Orville wright
+Who was the poet laureate before ted hughes?
+Sir john betjeman
+Who was the ponderosa's chinese cook?
+Hop sing
+Who was the Pope who served for the shortest time?
+Urban vii
+Who was the president at the time of the 1929 stock market crash?
+Herbert Hoover
+Who was the president of France 1947 54?
+Vincent auriol
+Who was the president of the merchant bank of Beverly Hills?
+John cushing
+Who was the president of the standard oil trust?
+John d. rockerfeller
+Who was the Prime Minister of Malta between 1971 and 1984?
+Dom mintoff
+Who was the prime minster of britain at the start of the war?
+Neville chamberlain
+Who was the princess in Sleeping Beauty?
+Who was the principal in the drama series lucas tanner?
+Margaret blumenthal
+Who was the principal when Homer and Marge were in High School?
+Who was the producers' first choice to portray columbo?
+Bing crosby
+Who was the queen of sparta?
+Who was the queen of the Iceni who rode into battle against the romans?
+Who was the responsible for the construction of the clifton Suspension Bridge,Rotherhithe Tunnel and the Great Eastern?
+Isambard kingdom brunel
+Who was the richest man to be vice president of the U S?
+Nelson rockefeller
+Who was the roman emperor from 54 to 68ad that committed suicide?
+Who was the Roman equivalent of the Greek God Zeus?
+Who was the roman equivalent of the greek goddes athena?
+Who was the roman god of crops and harvest?
+Who was the roman god of sleep?
+Who was the roman god of the sea?
+Who was the roman god of two faces?
+Who was the roman god of war?
+Who was the roman goddess of grain?
+Who was the roman goddess of hunting?
+Who was the roman goddess of love?
+Who was the roman goddess of war?
+Who was the roman's equivalent of the greek's heracles?
+Who was the Russian foreign minister from 1957 to 1985?
+Who was the Russian prime minister after khruschev?
+Alexei kosygin
+Who was the Russian prime minister before kosygin?
+Who was the Russian-born French painter, one of the originators of abstract art, who died in 1944?
+Vasily kandinsky
+Who was the ruthless chief pig in Orwell's Animal Farm?
+Who was the Scottish mathematician who drew up the first logarithmic tables?
+John napier
+Who was the sculptor of the statue of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, London?
+George frampton
+Who was the second king of israel?
+Who was the second male actor to refuse a best actor oscar?
+Marlon brando
+Who was the second man on the moon?
+Buzz aldrin
+Who was the second man to set foot on the moon?
+Buzz Aldrin
+Who was the second man to step onto the Moon in 1969?
+Buzz aldrin
+Who was the second man to win the Formula One motor racing championship?
+Who was the second president of singapore?
+Benjamin sheares
+Who was the second president of the U S?
+John adams
+Who was the second Soviet cosmonaut to successfully orbit the Earth?
+Who was the second u.s president?
+John adams
+Who was the second wife of Henry VIII?
+Anne boleyn
+Who was the second woman in space?
+Who was the second woman to be elected head of state in 1990?
+Mary robisnaon
+Who was the secretary of housing and urban development in 1976?
+Patricia roberts harris
+Who was the shortest British monarch?
+Charles i
+Who was the shortest ever mature human?
+Gul Mohammed
+Who was the singing voice of miss piggy, in the muppet movie?
+Johnny mathis
+Who was the smurfs biggest nemesis?
+Who was the star of 'riverdance' and 'lord of the dance'?
+Michael flatly
+Who was the wife of Robert Browning?
+Elizabeth barrett browning
+Who was the winner of the 1991 Kentucky derby?
+Strike the gold
+Who was the world's first public computer information service?
+Who was the world's shortest man?
+Calvin phillips
+Who was the writer of the novel' Anna of the Five Towns'?
+Arnold bennett
+Who was the writer/director of the Blackboard Jungle?
+Richard Brooks
+Who was the youngest Conservative candidate in the 1951 General Elections?
+Margaret hilda roberts
+Who was the youngest elected president of the U S?
+John f. kennedy
+Who was the youngest man to ever win wimbledon?
+Boris becker
+Who was the youngest man to win a nobel peace prize?
+Martin luther king
+Who was the youngest of the anderson children in father knows best?
+Who was the youngest world heavyweight boxing champion?
+Floyd patterson
+Who was the zairean dictator who was deposed in a military coup in 1998?
+Laurent kibila
+Who was thomas hardy's most obscure character?
+Who was Time Magazine woman of the year in 1936?
+Wallis simpson
+Who was time magazine's 'man of the year' for 1952?
+Queen elizabeth ii
+Who was time magazine's 'man of the year' in 1938?
+Adolph hitler
+Who was time magazine's 'person of the year' for 1952?
+Queen elizabeth 2
+Who was time's man of the year for 1979?
+Ayatollah ruholla khomeini
+Who was to marry romeo and juliet?
+Friar laurence
+Who was told by the Vienna Academy of Fine arts that his gift lay in architecture when he failed the entrance exam in 1908?
+Adolf hitler
+Who was told that he could run for your life?
+Paul bryan
+Who was tom thumb's female counterpart?
+Who was tommy lee jones' freshman roommate at harvard?
+Al gore
+Who was uncas the last of?
+Who was united nation's first general secretary?
+Trygve lie
+Who was upper Canada's first chief justice?
+William osgoode
+Who was US president during the depression?
+Franklin d roosevelt
+Who was vice president to jimmy carter, and the democratic nomination for the presidency in 1984?
+Walter mondale
+Who was Vice President when Ronald Reagan was President?
+George bush
+Who was voted out of power in july 1943 after the invasion of Sicily?
+Who was W.C. Field's co-star in the film 'My Little Chickadee'?
+Mae west
+Who was William Bonney also known as?
+Billy the kid
+Who was William Claude Dukenfield better known as?
+W C Fields
+Who was William Powell's screen partner in 'The Thin Man' movie series?
+Myrna Loy 
+Who was william shakespeare's wife?
+Ann hathaway
+Who was with patricia hearst the night she was kidnaped?
+Steven weed
+Who was woden to the anglo-saxons?
+Chief god
+Who was world champion in boxing from 1952-1962?
+Archie moore
+Who was would-be presidential assassin john hinckley jr was infatuated with?
+Jodie foster
+Who was young cricketer of the year in 1963?
+Geoff boycott
+Who wasn't afraid to call James Joyce 'A greasy undergraduate'?
+Virginia wolfe
+Who waxed truly, you are, and my love?
+Lionel richie
+Who wears The Fisherman's Ring?
+The pope
+Who went around nicking knickers off washing lines and was a hit for Pink Floyd?
+Arnold layne
+Who went form the Ponderosa to Battlestar Galactica?
+Lorne greene
+Who went on to become an Eastern Communist leader after working as a pastry chef at London's Carlton Hotel?
+Ho Chi Minh
+Who went to sea with silver buckles at his knees?
+Bobby shaftoe
+Who were adam and eve's first two sons?
+Cain and abel
+Who were Argentina playing in the 1966 World Cup when their captain Rattin was sent off?
+Who were Athos, Porthos and Aramis?
+The three musketeers
+Who were believed to celebrate Walpurgis Night on the eve of May Day?
+Who were cain and abel's parents?
+Adam and eve
+Who were David soul and Paul michael glaser better known as?
+Starsky and hutch
+Who were defeated by the Mets in the 1969 world series?
+The orioles
+Who were estrogon and vladimir waiting for, in the famous play by beckett?
+Who were forbidden fromwatching Olympic Games in ancient greece?
+Who were Gaspar, Melchior & Balthasar?
+The three wise men
+Who were Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons?
+Hollywood gossip columnists
+Who were howard, robbie, mark, gary and jason?
+Take that
+Who were Kate Jackson, Jacklyn Smith and Farrah Fawcett Majors?
+Charlie's angels
+Who were lucy and ricky's next door neighbours and best friends?
+Fred and
+Who were moe howard, larry fine and curly howard?
+Three stooges
+Who were mr magoo's nephews?
+Waldo and presley
+Who were once known as 'ona friday'?
+Who were Patti, Maxine and Laverne?
+Andrews sisters
+Who were Pumping On Your Stereo in 1999?
+Who were supposed to obey the laws of chivalry?
+Medieval knights
+Who were the 'star crossed lovers'?
+Romeo & juliet
+Who were the 1991 nba champions?
+Chicago bulls
+Who were the 2 sons of adam and eve?
+Cain and abel
+Who were the attendants of dionysus?
+Who were the enemies of the federation?
+Who were the enemy at the Battle of Rorke's Drift?
+Who were the everly brothers trying to wake up?
+Little susie
+Who were the fabled twins, raised by a wolf that supposedly founded Rome?
+Romulus & remus
+Who were the famous feuding hillbilly families in pike cnty, Kentucky?
+Hatfields mccoys
+Who were the famous feuding hillbilly families in Pike County, Kentucky?
+Hatfields & mccoys
+Who were the first known settlers of Russia?
+Who were the first people to be elected into the aviation hall of fame?
+Wright brothers
+Who were the first people to make paper?
+The Chinese
+Who were the first rock band to play 4 consecutive nights at Wembley Stadium?
+Who were the first winners of the european cup in football?
+Real madrid
+Who were the group hue and cry looking for?
+Who were the guests on Johnny Carson's final tonite show?
+Bette midler and
+Who were the learned class of the ancient Celts whose name means 'knowing the oak tree'?
+Who were the legendry founders of Rome?
+Romulus and remus
+Who were the main combatants in the punic wars?
+Rome and carthage
+Who were the native people of New Zealand when the europeans arrived?
+Who were the rulers of early peru?
+Who were the three men who perished aboard apollo 1 on a lauchpad fire (last names, c g w)?
+Chaffee grissom white
+Who were the three musketeers?
+Athos, porthos and aramis
+Who were the twin sons of zeus and leda?
+Castor and pollux
+Who were the two commanders who directed the forces in the battle of el alamein?
+Montgomery and rommel
+Who were the two conspirators made infamous for their assassination of Julius Caesar?
+Brutus and Cassius
+Who were the two disappointed candidates when Richard Nixon was elected as US President in 1968?
+Hubert humphrey and george wallace
+Who were the two left-handed Beatles?
+Paul mccartney and ringo starr
+Who were Thors two sons (the brave & the powerful)?
+Modi & magni
+Who when talking about poor countries said The US has much to offer the Third World War?
+Ronald reagan
+Who who played the leading role in 'the good, the bad, and the ugly?
+Clint eastwood
+Who wielded a sword called excalibur?
+King arthur
+Who won ?85,010 in libel damages against Private Eye in 1983?
+Sir james goldsmith
+Who won 24 grand slam titles?
+Who won 4 tennis grand slams before she was 18?
+Monica seles
+Who won a Best Actress Academy award for her performance in Annie Hall?
+Diane keaton
+Who won a pulitzer prize for his play cat on a hot tin roof?
+Tennessee williams
+Who won a Pullitzer prize for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof?
+Tennessee williams
+Who won a record 7 gold medals at the 1972 Olympics?
+Mark spitz
+Who won a storybook race against a hare?
+Who won all 3 gold medals in alpine skiing at the 1968 olympics?
+Jean-claude killy
+Who won an academy award for best supporting actress in the film 'the English patient'?
+Juliet binoche
+Who won an Academy Award in 1968 as Director of Midnight Cowboy?
+John schlesinger
+Who won an Oscar as Best Supporting actor in the 1993 film 'The Fugitive'?
+Tommy lee jones
+Who won best actor for his role in a man for all seasons?
+Paul scofield
+Who won best actor oscar for a man for all seasons?
+Paul scofield
+Who won best actor oscar for gandhi?
+Ben kingsley
+Who won best actor oscar for on golden pond?
+Henry fonda
+Who won best actor oscar for separate tables?
+David niven
+Who won best actor oscar for stalag 17?
+William holden
+Who won best actress for her role in darling?
+Julie christie
+Who won best actress for her role in hud?
+Patricia neal
+Who won best actress oscar for come back, little sheba?
+Shirley booth
+Who won best actress Oscar in 2000 for 'Boys don't Cry'?
+Hilary swank
+Who won best director for ordinary people?
+Robert redford
+Who won best director for reds?
+Warren beatty
+Who won best director oscar for my fair lady?
+George cukor
+Who won best international male in the 2000 brit awards?
+Who won best supporting actor for his role in a thousand clowns?
+Martin balsam
+Who won best supporting actress for her role in melvin & howard?
+Mary steenburgen
+Who won best supporting actress for her role in the last picture show?
+Cloris leachman
+Who won best supporting actress for the film butterflies are free?
+Eileen heckart
+Who won best supporting actress oscar for zorba the greek?
+Lila kedrova
+Who won best supporting actress Oscar in 2000 for 'Girl Interrupted'?
+Angelina jolie
+Who won each of golfs four grand slam tournaments at least three times?
+Jack nicklaus
+Who won golf's 1999 British open championship?
+Peter lawrie
+Who won his sixth Australian Open golf title in 1978?
+Jack Nicklaus
+Who won Super Bowl X?
+Who won the 1940 pulitzer for fiction for 'the grapes of wrath'?
+John steinbeck
+Who won the 1942 Nobel Peace Prize?
+No one
+Who won the 1952 Olympic 10000 metres on the same day that his wife Dana won the javelin?
+Emil zatopek
+Who won the 1957 world series?
+Milwaukee braves
+Who won the 1959 u.s grand prix?
+Bruce mclaren
+Who won the 1960 Olympic Marathon without shoes?
+Abebe bikila
+Who won the 1965 south african grand prix?
+Jim clark
+Who won the 1966 f1 championship?
+Jack brabham
+Who won the 1968 f a cup final?
+West bromwich albion
+Who won the 1969 eurovision contest with boom bang-a-abang?
+Who won the 1972 nobel peace prize?
+No one
+Who won the 1979 nobel peace prize?
+Mother teresa
+Who won the 1980 Pullitzer prize for literature for 'The Executioner's Song'?
+Norman mailer
+Who won the 1982 best actor oscar?
+Ben kingsley
+Who won the 1982 Pulitzer Prize for her novel: The Colour Purple?
+Alice walker
+Who won the 1986 Canadian Grand Prix?
+Nigel mansell
+Who won the 1986 Super Bowl?
+Who won the 1990 nobel peace prize?
+Who won the 1995 ncaa men's basketball championship?
+Who won the 1995 rugby world cup?
+South africa
+Who won the 1997 World Series?
+Who won the 1998 asian television award for best comedic actor?
+Gurmit singh
+Who won the 1998 college football national championship?
+University of tennessee
+Who won the 1998 goodwill games men's basketball gold medal?
+Who won the 1998 mlb world series?
+Los angeles dodgers
+Who won the 2000 Booker prize?
+Margaret atwood
+Who won the 2001 ncaa mens' basketball championship?
+Who won the Best Actor Oscar in 1984 for his role in Amadeus?
+F murray abraham
+Who won the best actor oscar in 1992 for the film 'scent of a woman'?
+Al pacino
+Who won the best actor oscar in 1993 for the film 'philadelphia'?
+Tom hanks
+Who won the Best Actress Oscar in 1987 for her role in Moonstruck?
+Who won the Booker Prize for the novel 'The Bone People'?
+Keri hulme
+Who won the British Grand Prix in 1999?
+David coulthard
+Who won the County Cricket Championship in 2001?
+Who won the county cricket championship of 2001?
+Who won the eurovision song contest twice?
+Johnny logan
+Who won the first Grand Prix World Motor-racing Championship in 1950?
+Guiseppe farina
+Who won the first single handed round the world yacht race?
+Robin knox-johnston
+Who won the first superbowl in nfl history?
+Greenbay packers
+Who won the first Women's Modern Pentathlon to feature in the Olympics in Sydney 2000?
+Stephanie cook
+Who won the grammy award for best male pop vocalist in 1983?
+Michael jackson
+Who won the men's singles title in the first open Wimbledon championship?
+Rod Laver
+Who won the nobel peace prize in 1964?
+Martin luther king jr
+Who won the nobel peace prize in 1983?
+Lech walesa
+Who won the nobel prize for chemistry in 1911?
+Marie curie
+Who won the nobel prize for literature in 1923?
+William butler yeats
+Who won the nobel prize for physics in 1922?
+Niels bohr
+Who won the Nobel prize in physics in 1921?
+Albert einstein
+Who won the oscar for best actress 1987 in the film 'moonstruck'?
+Who won the oscar for best actress in 1936 and 1938?
+Luise rainer
+Who won the oscar for best actress in 1988 for the film 'the accused'?
+Jodie foster
+Who won the oscar for best director for the film the deer hunter in 1978?
+Michael cimino
+Who won the oscar for best director for the film the french connection in 1971?
+William friedkin
+Who won the pulitzer prize for her novel to kill a mockingbird?
+Harper lee
+Who won the Russian power struggle to succeed lenin?
+Who won the sea battle of Sluys in 1346?
+The English
+Who won the US Open golf title?
+Jack nicklaus
+Who won the Wimbledon in 1972/73?
+Billie jean king
+Who won the Wimbledon singles in 1998 after twice losing in the final?
+Jana Novotna
+Who won the woman's 400 m hurdles in the 1992 olympics?
+Sally gunnell
+Who won the Women's 400m race in the Sydney 2000 Olympics?
+Kathy freeman
+Who won the world cup in 1998?
+Who won the World Drivers Championship in 1975 and 1977?
+Niki lauda
+Who won the world figure skating men's singles title in 1987?
+Brian orser
+Who won the world Football championship in 1934?
+Who won the world Football championship in 1954?
+West Germany
+Who won the world Football championship in 1958?
+Who won the world Football championship in 1974?
+West Germany
+Who won the world Football championship in 1982?
+Who won the world professional snooker championship 15 times between 1927 and 1946?
+Joe davis
+Who won the world series in 1998?
+New york yankees
+Who won this year's Nobel peace prize?
+Kim dae jung
+Who won two 500 gp morrace this year (2001)?
+Valentino rossi
+Who wore 2 shirts at his execution so people would not think him afraid if he shivered?
+Charles i
+Who wore clothes made of camel's hair?
+John the baptist
+Who wore laceless shoes and was said to regard undone shoelaces as unlucky?
+Anthony perkins
+Who wore the coat of many colours?
+Who worked for dr zorba?
+Ben casey
+Who worked for the computer agency, intertech?
+Joe mannix
+Who worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'aint no sunshine when shes gone'?
+Bill withers
+Who works from home?
+Open-collar workers
+Who would a jerquer work for?
+Customs and excise
+Who would be described as a 'sophomore'?
+Who would be interested in definitives, overprints and tete-beches?
+A stamp collector
+Who would finally say 'and now it's time for bed'?
+Who would use a hammer & tongs?
+A blacksmith
+Who would use a Jacquard?
+Who would use a Snellen chart in his/her work?
+Who would use an 'embouchure' in their work?
+Who writes a weekly Letter from America?
+Alistair cooke
+Who wrote, 'Goodbye to all That'?
+Robert graves
+Who wrote, 'This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper'?
+T s eliot
+Who ws nicknamed the poision dwarf in dallas?
+Lucy ewing
+Who, according to a diary entry, said on march 17 1912 ?i am just going outside and may be some time?
+Captain oates
+Who, according to a song, damaged her foot on a piece of wood and fell into a raging torrent?
+who, according to the bible, was the brother of jacob?
+Who, aged 56, topped the poll of 50 sexiest brits ever (2002)?
+Joanna lumley
+Who, as at November 28th 2000, is still the manager of Middlesbrough Football Club?
+Bryan robson
+Who, as of October 1998, is the Prime Minister of Israel?
+Benjamin netanyahu
+Who, by john dean's reckoning, was deep throat?
+Alexander haig
+Who, immediately prior to maurice greene, was the fastest sprinter ever?
+Ben johnson
+Who, in 1655, discovered Saturn's rings?
+Christiaan huygens
+Who, in 1865, was the first U S president to be assassinated?
+Abraham lincoln
+Who, in 1874, painted the picture called La Loge?
+Auguste renoir
+Who, in 1889, painted the picture called The Starry Sky?
+Vincent van gogh
+Who, in 1902, made the first million selling record?
+Enrico caruso
+Who, in 1943, wrote the book The Gremlins, which was later turned into a successful film?
+Roald dahl
+Who, in 1947, was the first man to break the sound barrier?
+Chuck yeager
+Who, in 1948, became the first Prime Minister of Israel?
+David ben-gurion
+Who, in 1952, became the only winner of the 5000m, 10000m and marathon in the same games?
+Emil zatopek
+Who, in 1957, was the first-black player to win a singles title at Wimbledon?
+Althea gibson
+Who, in 1968, became the oldest singer to get a number 1 hit in britain?
+Louis armstrong
+Who, in 1975 was the first rock and roller to appear simultaneously on the covers of time and newsweek?
+Bruce springsteen
+Who, in 1977, was the first woman to ride in the Grand National?
+Charlotte brew
+Who, in 1984, repeated jesse owens' feat of winning the 100, 200, long jump and 4x100 relay?
+Carl lewis
+Who, in 1990, was the first professional boxer to beat Mike Tyson?
+James (buster) Douglas
+Who, in an effort to prove the danger of using ac (alternating current) in homes, carried out experiments where he electrocuted dogs with ultra-high voltages?
+Thomas edison
+Who, in egyptian mythology, is the god of the dead?
+Who, in Greek mythology, was chained to rock with an eagle picking at his liver?
+Who, in Greek mythology, was condemned to eternally roll a stone uphill, where it continually rolled back down again?
+Who, in literature, is eligible to be nominated for the annual award called the Carnegie Medal?
+Authors of children's books
+Who, in the 18th Century, was known as 'sea green incorruptible'?
+Who, in the bible, was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot?
+Who, in the Holy Bible, was the father of David?
+Who, in world war two, was the Japanese equivalent of 'lord haw haw'?
+Tokyo rose
+Who, on his deathbed, said that he did not wish Queen Victoria to visit him because she would only give him a message for Albert?
+Who, or what is a trogon?
+Tropical bird
+Who, or what, is or was a bridewell?
+Who, or what, is Petrushka in Stravinsky's ballet of the same name?
+A puppet
+Who, posthumously, was the Formula 1 Drivers' World Champion in 1970?
+Jochen rindt
+Who, recently, has been appointed as patron saint of politicians?
+Thomas moore
+Who, when he won the Formula 1 World Championship in 1972, was the youngest driver to win it?
+Emerson fittipaldi
+Who, with assets valued at 7.5 billion dollars in 1996, co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates?
+Paul allen
+Who, with the First Edition, had a number two hit in 1969 with 'Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town'?
+Kenny rogers
+Who, with william gaunt and stuart damon, played the lead parts in television's the champions?
+Alexandra bastedo
+Who's 1983 album was titled hearts & bones?
+Paul simon
+Who's advertisement ends 'The ultimate active sports vehicle?
+' BMW
+Who's album 'Pearl' was released posthumously?
+Janis joplin
+Who's album is titled missundaztood?
+Who's best of album is called paint the sky with stars?
+Who's black bra fetched ?4,600.00 at auction in 1997?
+Who's black bra fetched 4,600at auction in 1997?
+Who's britain's best-known former kindergarten teacher?
+Who's bugs bunny's archenemy?
+Elmer fudd
+Who's children are named prince Albert and princess Caroline?
+Grace Kelly
+Who's coat of arms bears the motto El Tono Es Bueno, (The Sound is Good)?
+Elton John
+Who's considered the first important native American novelist?
+James fenimore cooper
+Who's considered the patron saint of travellers?
+Who's current album is entitled 'Sing when you're winning'?
+Robbie williams
+Who's Eric Cartman's father?
+His mother
+Who's expected to cry throughout a Finnish wedding?
+The bride
+Who's head did courtney cox say was on her body in scream 2?
+Jennifer aniston
+Who's known as the father of geometry?
+Who's kofi annan's predecessor as un secretary-general?
+Boutros boutros ghali
+Who's last in the line as the seven dwarfs trudge home?
+Who's loretta lynn's singing sister?
+Crystal gayle
+Who's name appears fourth in credits for the honeymooners?
+Joyce randolph
+Who's name is associated with the invention of the miners safety lamp?
+Sir humphrey davy
+Who's olive oyl's brother?
+Castor oyl
+Who's on the other line when you call 1-600-DOCTORB?
+Dr. Nick Riviera 
+Who's painted soft self-portrait with grilled bacon?
+Salvador dali
+Who's presently commander-in chief of the united states?
+President of the united states
+Who's queen aleta's husband?
+Prince valiant
+Who's recorded the album imagine?
+Eva cassidy
+Who's shakespeare's moorish general in the service of venice?
+Who's smarter than the average bear?
+Who's son formed a group called fred zeppelin?
+Frank zappa
+Who's the bitty apprentice of the evil witch in the little lulu comics?
+Little itch
+Who's the lead singer of simply red?
+Mick hucknall
+Who's the leading rebounder in nba playoff history?
+Bill russell
+Who's the only president buried in Washington, dc?
+Woodrow wilson
+Who's the patron saint of Scotland?
+Who's voice was rex the robot for disneyland's star tours?
+Pee wee herman
+Who's woodstock's beagle buddy?
+Whom did Andrew Motion succeed as Poet Laureate?
+Ted hughes
+Whom did aristotle onasis ditch for jacqueline kennedy?
+Maria callas
+Whom did Colin Baker replace as Doctor Who on television?
+Peter davison
+Whom did David Steel succeed as leader of the Liberal Party?
+Jeremy thorpe
+Whom did Isabel Peron succeed as President of Argentina in 1974?
+Juan peron
+Whom did joe walcott defeat at age 37 to win the heavyweight title?
+Ezzard Charles
+Whom did mary pickford proclaim as her favorite star?
+Mickey mouse
+Whom did Michael Portillo succeed as M.P. for Kensington and Chelsea in November 1999?
+Alan clark
+Whoose lasting testament was 'Cubum autem in duos cubos, aut quadratoquadratum in duos quadratoquadratos, et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatem in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere: cujus rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet.'?
+Whos first album for almost a decade was the 2001 release sex,age,death?
+Bob geldof
+Whos funeral was the biggest televised event in history?
+Diana princess of wales
+Whose 'talking heads 77' first release includes this song 'a statement of demented purpose'?
+Psycho killer
+Whose 1984 album 'Private Dancer' sold 10 million copies?
+Tina turner
+Whose 1985 hit was Run To You?
+Bryan adams
+Whose 1986 hit was 'Walk Like an Egyptian'?
+The bangles
+Whose 1992 book was titled sex?
+Whose 1997 biography is entitled Appetite for Life?
+Julia Child
+Whose 2001 album was titled whoa nelly?
+Nely furtado
+Whose 31st and 38th Symphonies are the Paris and the Prague?
+Whose abduction of Helen of Troy brought about the Trojan War?
+Whose address is 221-b baker st?
+Sherlock holmes
+Whose adventures are told in a book subtitled adventures in a desert island?
+Swiss family robinson
+Whose album was moon safari?
+Whose appearance on the same stage as the Monkees was campaigned against by the Daughters of the American Revolution?
+Jimi hendrix
+Whose arch enemy is killer kane?
+Buck rogers
+Whose army were canned foods developed to feed?
+Whose artificial heart clicked for 112 days?
+Barney clark
+Whose assassination precipitated WWi?
+Archduke franz ferdinand of Austria
+Whose associate was j. wellington wimpy?
+Whose attention drawing gimmicks have included waving a pair of handcuffs around at a tory party conference?
+Edwina currie
+Whose auto biography did James Boswell write in 1791?
+Dr johnsons
+Whose autobiographical novel was called The Bell Jar?
+Sylvia plath
+Whose autobiography is called ' All of me'?
+Barbara windsor
+Whose autobiography is called Where's the Rest of Me?
+Ronald reagan
+Whose autobiography is entitled 'Part My Soul'?
+Winnie mandela
+Whose autobiography is Parcel Arrived Safely: Tied With String?
+Micheal crawford
+Whose autobiography is titled 'Memoirs of a Professional Cad?
+George Sanders
+Whose autobiography is titled my wicked, wicked ways?
+Errol flynn
+Whose autobiography was entitled My Wicked Wicked Ways?
+Errol flynn
+Whose autobiography was titled 'In my own fashion'?
+Oleg Cassini
+Whose baby was a frightening success for ira levin?
+Whose bama lama bamo loo hit the charts in 1964?
+Little richard
+Whose band was known as the herd or thundering herd?
+Woody herman
+Whose best-selling album is An Innocent Man which reached number two in the charts in 1983?
+Billy joel
+Whose big break was playing Vinnie Barbarino on Welcome Back Kotter?
+John Travolta
+Whose biography is entitled 'the dark side of genius'?
+Alfred hitchcock
+Whose biography was titled The Other Side of the Rainbow?
+Judy garland's
+Whose birth name was Thomas Mapother IV?
+Tom Cruise
+Whose bones did pop star michael jackson offer the london medical college 1 million dollars for?
+John merrick (the elephant man)
+Whose books describe the career of 'horatio hornblower'?
+C s forester
+Whose boxing troupe was a familiar sight at Australia's fairs for nearly 50 years?
+Jimmy Sharman's
+Whose business cards identified the holder as a furniture dealer?
+Al capone
+Whose car, when found in Dallas in 1963, contained brass knuckles, a pistol holder, and a newspaper detailing JFK's motorcade route?
+Jack Ruby
+Whose case did Charles VII reopen in 1455, 24 years after she had been sentenced to death?
+Joan of arc
+Whose castle was camelot?
+King arthur
+Whose catchphrase is 'can we talk'?
+Joan Rivers
+Whose character name was also the title of the show?
+Punky Brewster
+Whose comment on the first moon landing was This is the greatest week in the history of the world since creation?
+Richard nixon
+Whose court was at Camelot?
+King Arthurs
+Whose daughters were Regan,Goneril and Cordelia?
+King lear
+Whose day long funeral in february 1989 was attended by 55 heads of state?
+Emperor hirohito
+Whose death prompted RCA to keep its Indianapolis plant open 24 hours a day?
+Elvis Presley
+Whose debut album is named Hot?
+Melanie b
+Whose dictionary of the English language was published in 1755?
+Samuel johnson
+Whose dog was gala poochie?
+Rootie kazootie
+Whose epitaph reads - if you seek his memorial, look around you?
+Christopher wren
+Whose epitaph reads 'workers of all lands unite...'?
+Karl marx
+Whose equations first suggested that mass and energy are interchangeable?
+Whose face has Madonna got tattooed on her bottom?
+Marilyn monroe
+Whose face is on the front of a quaker oat box?
+William penn
+Whose face was crossed out in red on the cover of a 1945 issue of time?
+Adolf Hitler
+Whose famous movie tagline is?
+Whose father boxed for the iranian olympic team?
+Andre agassi
+Whose figure was used as a model for disney's 'tinkerbell'?
+Marilyn monroe
+Whose films include 'giant','written on the wind' and 'a farewell to arms'?
+Rock hudson
+Whose films include 'spartacus', 'the vikings' and 'ulysses'?
+Kirk Douglas
+Whose first 2 books are entitled the lost continent and neither here nor there?
+Bill bryson
+Whose first album 'truth' was released in 1968?
+Jeff beck
+Whose first album was 'jagged little pill'?
+Alanis morissette
+Whose first novel was 'Saturday Night and Sunday Morning'?
+Alan sillitoe
+Whose first novel was The man Within?
+Graham greene
+Whose first novel was where angels fear to tread?
+E m forster
+Whose first number one was Nothing Compares 2U?
+Sinead o'connor
+Whose first play was Widowers Houses?
+George bernard shaw
+Whose first published book, in 1961, was 'Call for the Dead'?
+John le carre
+Whose first release was 'talking heads 77'?
+Psycho killer
+Whose first Top Ten hit record was 5,4,3,2,1?
+Manfred mann
+Whose first words after being shot were �Honey I forgot to duck�?
+Ronald reagan
+Whose flying circus did Eric idle and terry gilliam belong to?
+Monty python
+Whose friends were Bill Badger, Algy Pug and Edward Trunk?
+Rupert bear
+Whose funeral train traveled from Washington, D.C. to Springfield, Illinois?
+Abraham lincoln's
+Whose funeral train traveled from Washington, D.C. to Springfield,Illinois?
+Abraham lincoln
+Whose garter is alleged to have inspired the foundation of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in 1348?
+The countess of salisbury
+Whose grandson got the first phone call from a commercial cellular system, in 1983?
+Alexander graham bell's
+Whose hamburger patties weigh 1.6 oz?
+Whose head of state is Prince Hans-Adam II?
+Whose head was given to herod's wife on a plate?
+John the baptist
+Whose headstone reads '...that nothing's so sacred as honor and nothing's so loyal as love'?
+Wyatt earp
+Whose headstone reads 'at rest, an American soldier and defender of the constitution'?
+Jefferson davis
+Whose headstone reads 'looking into the portals of eternity teaches that the brotherhood of man is inspired by god's word; then all prejudice of race vanishes away'?
+George Washington
+Whose headstone reads 'my jesus mercy'?
+Al capone
+Whose headstone reads 'she did it the hard way'?
+Bette davis
+Whose headstone reads 'that's all folks'?
+Mel blanc
+Whose hit I Will Survive became an anthem for Women's Lib?
+Gloria gaynor
+Whose home was mount vernon?
+George Washington
+Whose image is alleged to be on the shroud of turin?
+Whose image was alleged to be on the Shroud of Turin?
+Whose interpretation of dreams sold only 351 copies during its first 2 years in print?
+Sigmund freud
+Whose is the first Canterbury tale?
+The knights
+Whose label signed jimi hendrix in 1967?
+Frank sinatra
+Whose last play was 'What the Butler Saw'?
+Joe orton
+Whose last words were 'thank god i have done my duty'?
+Horatio nelson
+Whose last words were 'thus with a kiss i die'?
+Whose last words were reportedly, 'i shall hear in heaven!'?
+Whose last words were supposed to have been 'Let not poor Nelly starve'?
+Charles ii
+Whose last words were: 'Die, my dear Doctor, that is the last thing I shall do!'?
+Lord palmerston
+Whose latest album is G.O.A.T. (Greatest of all time)?
+L l cool j
+Whose latest bestseller is entitled' look to Windward'?
+Lain m banks
+Whose law illustrates that when a cork is inserted into a flask, and great amounts of pressure are forced upon the cork, the flask will explode?
+Whose law is summarised as bad money drives out good?
+Greshams law
+Whose laws first described the motion of the planets round the sun?
+Whose legs were insured for one million dollars?
+Betty grable
+Whose life story is titled 'fly me, i'm freddie!'?
+Freddie laker
+Whose life was portrayed in the film 'great balls of fire'?
+Jerry lee lewis
+Whose likeness is depicted on the purple heart?
+George Washington
+Whose likeness is displayed on the purple heart medal?
+George Washington
+Whose Los Angeles residence was described by biographer frank brady as a '30-room xanadu'?
+Hugh hefner
+Whose manhattan triplex boasts 29 marble columns in the living room?
+Donald trump
+Whose memoirs are entitled long walk to freedom?
+Nelson mandela
+Whose middle names are Charles Linton?
+Tony blair
+Whose military autobiography was titled Crusade in Europe?
+Dwight d eisenhower
+Whose moral of the story was 'dont count your chickens before they're hatched'?
+Whose moral of the story was: 'don't count your chickens before they're hatched'?
+Whose most recent book is called 'The Brethren'?
+John grisham
+Whose most recent book is called 'The White House Connection'?
+Jack higgins
+Whose motto is 'Be prepared'?
+Boy Scouts
+Whose motto is 'das beste oder nichts'?
+Mercedes benz
+Whose murder precipitated world war i?
+Archduke francis ferdinand
+Whose music was used in Death in Venice?
+Whose nametag was sewn inside the ratty Prince Albert-style coat worn by actor, Frank Morgan, in 'The Wizard of Oz'?
+L. Frank Baum
+Whose nickname was 'babe'?
+Mildred ella didrikson
+Whose novels always began with: 'the case of the . . .'?
+Erle stanley gardner
+Whose novels include 'Restoration' and 'The Way I Found Her'?
+Rose tremain
+Whose novels include 'The Cement Garden' and 'Comfort of Stangers'?
+Ian mcewan
+Whose novels include 'The Ice-Cream Wars' and 'Brazzaville Beach'?
+William boyd
+Whose novels include 'The Joy Luck Club' and The Kitchen God's Wife?
+'amy tan
+Whose number 1 was You Make Me Wanna...?
+Whose official neutral name is 'the helvetic confederation'?
+Whose only loss in 1983 was to kathy horvath?
+Martina navratilova
+Whose orchestra did 'wonderland by night'in 1960?
+Bert kaempfert
+Whose orchestra was awarded the first ever Gold Disc in 1941?
+Glenn miller
+Whose painting was stolen from Dulwich Art Gallery on four seperate occasions?
+Whose patron is Star of the Sea?
+Whose Pepsi commercial was dumped after complaints from Christian groups?
+Whose plan was 'operation sea lion' for the invasion of England?
+Adolf hitler
+Whose porridge did goldilocks eat?
+Three bears
+Whose portrait appeared on the reverse of the last ?1 note?
+Isaac newton
+Whose portrait appears on the back of a ?50.00 note?
+Sir Christopher Wren
+Whose presidential competency was questioned when he insisted during a debate that there was no Soviet domination in Poland?
+Gerald Ford
+Whose profession is considered the greatest insurance risk in the US?
+Whose quartet provided the musical accompaniment to the Goon Show?
+Ray ellington
+Whose real name is Douglas Trendle?
+Buster bloodvessel
+Whose real name is vince furnier?
+Alice cooper
+Whose real name was ellas mcdaniels?
+Bo diddley
+Whose recent album is called Painting It Red?
+Beautiful south
+Whose recent books include 'Crisis Four' and 'Firewall'?
+Andy mcnab
+Whose recent books include 'Shattered' and 'Second Wind'?
+Dick francis
+Whose record breaking performance in winning Olympic Gold in 1968 stood as a World record for 23 years?
+Bob beamon
+Whose record did Babe Ruth break when he hit 60 home runs in 1927?
+Babe ruth's 
+Whose rule is used to solve simultaneous linear equations by using determinants?
+Whose second album was the chart-topping 'no need to argue'?
+Whose Second Symphony is called The Little Russian?
+Whose shrewish wife was named Xantippe?
+Whose single season strikeout record did Nolan Ryan beat by one?
+Sandy koufax
+Whose solo release in 1970 included 'that would be something', 'maybe i'm amazed' and 'every night'?
+Paul mccartney
+Whose song 'keep the home fires burning' was one of the most successful during wwi?
+Ivor novello
+Whose song 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' was one of the most successful during WWl?
+Ivor novello
+Whose stories were illustrated by 'phiz'?
+Charles dickens
+Whose story did the books 'born free', 'living free' and 'forever free' tell?
+The lioness elsa
+Whose symphonies include the 'Reformation', the 'Italian' and the 'Scotch'?
+Felix mendelssohn
+Whose tale of why he didn't get drafted was the hit of the 1967 newport folk festival?
+Arlo guthrie
+Whose teachings are collected in the Hadith?
+Whose tees are closer to the green in golf men's or women's?
+Whose tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922?
+Whose tomb was opened by howard carter and lord carnarvon?
+Whose variety show featured the bright family, the dumbest in the world?
+Dick van dyke
+Whose victories in the 1936 olympics upset hitler?
+Jesse owens
+Whose Watching the Detectives was the first hit single on the Stiff record label?
+Elvis costello
+Whose wife did the editing on American graffiti and Star Wars?
+George lucas
+Whose wife was roxana, his horse bacephalus?
+Alexander the great
+Whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt?
+Whose wife's divorce settlement was his nobel prize?
+Albert einstein's
+Whose work is never done, according to a popular saying?
+A woman's
+Whta card game is scored by using pegs in a wooden board?
+Whta is the name of the art movement which uses small dots and brush strokes to create a large picture?
+Why did 2 and a half million dutchmen have to walk home in 1982?
+Bicycles were stolen
+Why did eating potatoes not make King Henry VIII so fat?
+He died before they reached England
+Why did howdy doody have exactly forty-eight freckles?
+One for each state
+Why did islanders from Tristan da Cunha arrive in Britain in 1961?
+Volcanic eruption
+Why did louis washkansky achieve world wide fame in 1967?
+First human heart transplant
+Why did Mehmet Ali Agca become famous in 1981?
+Shooting pope jean Paul ll
+Why did Monica Coghlan make headlines in 1986?
+Jeffrey archer tried to pay her off
+Why did scrooge's nephew come to his office on christmas eve?
+Invite him for dinner
+Why did the House of Commons vote itself a day off on a June Wednesday in 1848?
+Go to the epsom derby
+Why did the so called Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland ban Lord Mackay from their services?
+He attended two catholic funerals
+Why do crocodiles swallow stones?
+To act as stabilisers
+Why do flies rub their legs together?
+Clean themselves
+Why do gardeners plant milk bottles in their lawns?
+To scare moles
+Why do the Swiss have no navy?
+They have no coast
+Why do woodpeckers peck trees?
+To catch insects
+Why do you not hear Irish gardeners complaining about moles?
+There are no moles in Ireland
+Why does a pendulum clock run slower in hot weather?
+It expands and swings slower
+Why does Stonefish warrant a mention in the Guinness Book of Records?
+Worlds most venomous fish
+Why has actor robert duvall named several of his pet dogs boo radley?
+In honor of his film role
+Why is carbon dioxide put into certain types of fire extinguishers?
+Stop electrical fires
+Why is Caspian Sea a misnomer?
+Its a lake
+Why is Fleet Street so called?
+Fleet river passes beneath
+Why is glass transparent?
+Light passes through it
+Why is Goldbachs Conjecture not called a theory?
+It is unproven
+Why is Homer declared insane?
+Because he wore a pink shirt 
+Why is marsha wash 'gonna go out and let herself get absolutely soaking wet'?
+It's raining men
+Why is Paul burrel in the news at the moment?
+Lady di's butler
+Why is so hard to start a fire in la paz, bolivia?
+Little oxygen
+Why is St. Paul's cathedral unique amongst English cathedrals?
+Only one with a dome
+Why is the bates motel famous?
+Why is the funny bone so called?
+It's the humerus
+Why is the sky blue?
+The colour wavelength of blue is smaller than the other colours
+Why is there a theory that Napoleon died by poisoning when he was imprisoned on St Helena?
+Walls contained arsenic
+Why must Santa's Little Helper get an operation?
+He has a twisted stomach
+Why was a last minute decision made to bomb Nagasaki rather than the chosen target of kokura?
+Because it was obscured by clouds
+Why was Elm Street in the news in 1963?
+John f. kennedy was shot there
+Why was Finn Volmari Iso-Hollo's 1932 steeplechase win exceptional?
+He ran an extra lap by mistake
+Why was lead added to petrol?
+Reduce engine knock
+Why was the dinosaur Triceratops so called?
+Three horns
+Why was the year 1842 significant for Queen Victoria?
+She took her first journey by train
+Why was tile making a dangerous job in the 19th century?
+Lead in the glaze
+Why was turkey primarily barred from e.u entry?
+Human rights abuse
+Why were pneumatic tires always bursting when they were introduced?
+Air pressure was too high
+Why, I guess you don't know everything about women yet?
+The empire strikes back
+Why, in 1969, did the French flag appear on some British postage stamps?
+To commemorate concorde's maiden flight
+Wide muscular partition separating the thoracic, or chest cavity, from the abdominal cavity?
+Widely used designation in the United States, Canada, and several other countries for the association of more than 2000 community-based organizations that work to meet local health and human-care needs?
+United Way
+Widespread disease caused by the infestation of the human body by flukes fluke commonly called blood flukes, of the genus schistosoma?
+Widespread occurrence of a disease?
+Widows in equatorial ____ actually wear sackcloth and ashes when attending a funeral
+Wiesmuller what was Canada's first national park?
+Banff national park
+Wife and sister of zeus?
+Wife of Rajah?
+Wig or patch of false hair worn to conceal a bald spot?
+Wilco name the only animal with retractable horns?
+Wild Australian dog?
+Wild Bill Hickok was shot in the back by a stranger during a poker game. The hand he was holding aces & eights is known to poker players as what?
+Dead man's hand
+Wild canine animal with red or grey fur?
+Wild flowers: what's blue, comes out in spring, and smells like hyacinth?
+Wild hairy monster of Native American lore?
+Wile E. Coyote, gets all his traps to try to catch the Road Runner from what company?
+William Golding won the Nobel Prize for literature in which year?
+William Henry harrison served the shortest term of any u.s. president. how long was his term?
+32 days
+William McIlvanney wrote the novel The Big Man, who played the title role in the film adaptation?
+Liam neeson
+William Shakespeare's father's first name was?
+Willie Nelson is known for organizing concerts to aide what group of people?
+Willie Nelson tune hummed by Donkey in the movie 'Shrek'?
+On the road again
+Wilma Flinestone's maiden name was?
+Wilma slaghoopal
+Wind Instruments?
+Wind speed is measured by a(n)...?
+Windhoek is the capital of ____
+Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for the windmills in?
+Winner of four oscars, which film featured the characters joe buck and ratso?
+Midnight cowboy
+Winners of the FA Cup in the 1980s?
+West Ham
+Winston Churchill married in 1908, what was his wife's christian name?
+Winston Smith is the central character in which novel by george Orwell?
+Nineteen eighty four
+With a specific gravity of 22.57, what is the densest of all measurable elements?
+With an average age of 16.6 yrs, this is the country where WOMEN marry the youngest?
+Democratic Republic of Congo
+With an average age of 22.0, this is the country where MEN marry the youngest?
+With the development of which computer language was grace hopper associated?
+With what acid do nettles cause irritation?
+Formic acid
+With what are alligators often confused?
+With what are camel hair brushes made?
+Squirrel hairs
+With what band was harvey schmidt?
+The fantasticks
+With what book is 'the hispaniola' associated?
+Treasure island
+With what branch of medicine is mesmer associated?
+With what branch of science do you associate the words bug and bootstrap?
+Computer science
+With what branch of the arts is Rudolf Von Laban associated?
+With what charge was al capone imprisoned?
+Tax evasion
+With what city is alcatraz associated?
+San francisco
+With what country is prince rainier iii associated?
+With what country was catherine the great associated?
+With what day does a month start if it has a friday 13th?
+With what day does a month start if it has a Friday the 13th?
+With what did David kill goliath?
+With what did writers replace the pouncepot?
+Blotting paper
+With what do butterflies taste?
+Back legs
+With what do camels protect themselves from blowing sands?
+Three eyelids
+With what does Dr. Seuss' name rhyme?
+With what instrument is the jazz musician Chet Baker associated?
+With what instrument is the jazz musician Dexter Gordon associated?
+Tenor saxophone
+With what invention is the name James Oughtred associated?
+Slide rule
+With what is 'Grand Marnier' flavoured?
+With what is 'spanakopita' filled?
+With what is a diamond cut if it forms graphite dust?
+With what is a thanatologist concerned?
+With what is charcoal and saltpetre mixed to make gunpowder?
+With what is charcoal and sulphur mixed to make gunpowder?
+With what is rainfall measured?
+With what is sulphur and charcoal mixed to make gunpowder?
+With what is sulphur and saltpetre mixed to make gunpowder?
+With what is the inventor Charles Babbage linked?
+With what is the organisation CERN concerned?
+Nuclear research
+With what is the organisation UKAEA concerned?
+Atomic energy
+With what is the society called concerned?
+With what kind of pen were allied bomb crews issued?
+Biro pens
+With what line of work was mandy rice-davies associated?
+With what metal do alchemists associate Mars?
+With what name did pablo picasso sign his paintings?
+With what part of the body is a chiropodist concerned?
+With what sport is frank thomas associated?
+With what sport is the Zimbabwean Heath Streak associated?
+With what sport was mildred ella didrikson associated?
+With what three words does the bible start?
+In the beginning
+With what type of meat would you make the dish Marengo?
+With what type of painting was john singer sargent principally associated?
+With what type of reference book is Joseph Whitaker associated?
+With what vegetable song did dee dee sharp score big?
+Mashed potato time
+With what was the Triangular Trade chiefly associated?
+With what were queen victoria's menstrual cramps eased?
+With what were scrabble tiles first made?
+Pocket knife
+With which 17th century plot was Francis Tresham associated?
+Gunpowder plot
+With which 19th century plot was Arthur Thistlewood associated?
+Cato street conspiracy
+With which 3 words does the Bible start?
+In the beginning
+With which art form was Donald Mcgill particularly associated?
+Seaside postcards
+With which art form would you associate the name Karsh of Ottawa?
+With which band did Boy George sing, besides Culture Club?
+Bow wow wow
+With which cartoon strip is garry Trudeau most associated?
+With which city do you associate the band 'Oasis'?
+With which contemporary issue is us writer james baldwin associated?
+Civil rights
+With which country did Britain break off diplomatic relations in April 1984?
+With which country did Britain break off diplomatic relations in February 1991?
+With which country do you associate a group called the Tamil Tigers?
+Sri lanka
+With which country is Prince Rainier III identified?
+With which creature was the Egyptian God Horus identified?
+With which early twentieth century artistic movement do you associate Picasso and Braque?
+With which football team did Angus Deayton have trials?
+Crystal palace
+With which form of transport was Otto Lilienthal associated?
+With which four words did samuel pepys end his diary each day?
+And so to bed
+With which hand do soldiers salute?
+Right hand
+With which identification system is Francis Galton associated?
+With which natural phenomena are Baily's Beads associated?
+Solar eclipse
+With which type of medicine is Magdi Yacoub most associated?
+Heart surgery
+Within a few years of Columbus' discovery of America, the ____ had killed one and a half million Indians
+Wizard Of Oz: According to the Scarecrow, this is the only thing he is afraid of?
+Lighted match
+Wolfram is the alternative name for which element?
+Womans loose gown in 17-18th century?
+Women and children first name the lifeboat drill?
+Birkenhead Drill
+Women blink nearly ____ as much as men
+Women burn fat more slowly than men, by a rate of about how many calories a day?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["50", "fifty"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Wonder woman is a descendant of what race?
+Wooden soled shoe?
+Woodworking tools?
+Woollen covering for head and neck?
+Balaclava helmet
+What English word comes from the old French "covrefeu", meaning cover fire?
+Worker ants may live up to how many years?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seven", "7"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is a workshop for casting metal known as?
+World heavyweight boxing champion, Gene Tunney also lectured on Shakespeare at ____ University later in his life
+World leaders: Who emerged from the civil war as Spain's leader?
+Francisco franco
+World's largest bookstore without a storefront?
+Worn in ancient Greece, what was a 'petasus'?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Hat", "A hat"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is awreath of flowers used as a decoration?
+Wrigley's promoted what new flavor chewing gum in 1915 by mailing 4 sample sticks to each of the 1.5 million names listed in us telephone books?
+Wrought-iron tower in Paris, a landmark and an early example of wrought-iron construction on a gigantic scale?
+Eiffel Tower
+What is an X-ray of the breast known as?
+Xizang is now a province of China. What is its other name?
+Yale college has been serving apple pie for more than ____
+100 years
+Yamoussoukro is the capital of which country?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cote D'ivoire", "Ivory Coast"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Yasser Arafat was leader of the PLO starting what year?
+In what year did the Battle of Balaklava take place?
+In what year was the first manned space flight?
+What is the yellow alloy of copper and zinc known as?
+What does yellow gold contain 10% of?
+Yellowish fossil resin used in jewellry?
+Yellowstone National Park delights visitors with incredible scenery, waterfalls, geysers, and lakes. It is located in whch state?
+Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus was a famous newspaper response written by columnist Frank P. Church. For which New York newspaper did Frank P. Church work?
+The New York Sun
+You are in a room where all walls face south. A bear walks by. What color is it?
+In baseball, you have to run 360 feet if you hit a ____
+Home run
+You see a statue named the Little Mermaid. Where are you?
+Copenhagen, Denmark
+You will find none of these in Las Vegas Casinos?
+You would find a mummy in one of these stone coffins?
+you would find information on what in Debretts?
+The peerage
+You're just as likely to die by falling out of bed then you are to get struck by lightning; each is a 1 in ____ chance
+2 million
+Zelda Sayre was the wife of which us novelist?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["F. Scott Fitzgerald", "Francis Scott Fitzgerald", "F Scott Fitzgerald"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Zenith introduced the first TV remote control 1950. What was the remote control labelled?
+Lazy Bones
+Zephyr is the poetic name for what?
+West wind
+Zip code 12345 is assigned to ____ ____ in Schenectady, New York
+General Electric
+Zoologist and writer gerald durrell spent part of his childhood on which greek island?
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
index d4662c6ce6..c9e7dffb81 100644
--- a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+-- QA metadata begin?
+    "category_name": "Music, Movies, & Entertainment"
+-- QA metadata end
 Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin all belong to what unofficial organization?
 The 27 Club
@@ -30,7 +36,7 @@ What musical artist played a whopping 27 different instruments on their debut al
-Where did the band ABBA form?
+In what country did the band ABBA form?
@@ -43,7 +49,11 @@ Christopher
 How old was Taylor Swift when she took home her first Album of the Year Grammy?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twenty", "20"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Starchild, Demon, Spaceman (or Space Ace), and Catman are the on-stage personas of what band?
@@ -51,7 +61,11 @@ KISS
 How many members does BTS have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seven", "7"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What was The Beach Boys' first No. 1 single, out of a total of four?
@@ -91,11 +105,20 @@ Alison Krauss
 What is the name of Led Zeppelin's fourth studio album, which includes the song "Stairway to Heaven"?
-It's untitled! Although it's most often referred to as Led Zeppelin IV
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Untitled", "No title", "It's untitled", "It has no title", "It doesn't have a title"],
+	"answerFact": "Although it has no title, it's most often referred to as Led Zeppelin IV"
+-- Answer metadata end
 Ariana Grande started her career at age 15 in what Broadway musical?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Thirteen", "13"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What movie is the Oscar-nominated song "Journey to the Past" from?
@@ -114,6 +137,18 @@ What is the highest-grossing movie of all time?
+In the movie Avatar, what is the name of the moon they travel to, the home of the Na'vi?
+In the movie Avatar, Pandora is the home to what highly intelligent species?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Na'vi", "The Na'vi"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What specific shade does Meryl Streep's Miranda Priestly dedicate a monologue to in The Devil Wears Prada?
@@ -123,15 +158,31 @@ Paris is Burning
 What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released?
-Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Snow White and the Seven Dwarves", "Snow White and the 7 Dwarves"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What character is played perfectly by Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park and significantly less perfectly by Goldblum in The Lost World: Jurassic Park?
 Ian Malcolm
+What year was the original "Jurassic Park" movie released?
+Who played park owner John Hammond in Jurassic Park?
+Richard Attenborough
 What famous real-life Hollywood couple starred in the film adaptation of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
-Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton", "Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor", "Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton", "Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What's the name of the dance number performed toward the beginning of Rocky Horror Picture Show?
@@ -143,7 +194,12 @@ Amity Island
 What musical group is the movie Dreamgirls purportedly based on?
-Although the movie is a fictional blend of multiple Motown female-led singing groups, it's thought to most draw on the Supremes
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["The Supremes"],
+	"answerFact": "Although the movie is a fictional blend of multiple Motown female-led singing groups, it's thought to most draw on the Supremes"
+-- Answer metadata end
 In Titanic, where is Jack Dawson from?
@@ -163,11 +219,20 @@ Clueless
 Who is the only Disney princess to have been inspired by a real person?
-Pocahontas - although given Disney's historical inaccuracies, let's go ahead and call this one capital-L Loosely inspired.
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Pocahontas"],
+	"answerFact": "Given Disney's historical inaccuracies, this one could be loosely inspired"
+-- Answer metadata end
-How many suns does the planet Tatooine, Luke's home, have in Star Wars?
+How many suns does Luke's home planet Tatooine have in Star Wars?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two", "2"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What was the first - and still only - horror movie to win the Oscar for Best Picture?
@@ -183,11 +248,19 @@ The Bates Motel
 How many times has the movie A Star is Born been remade?
-Four times
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Four", "4"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Why is Ally Sheedy's character in detention in The Breakfast Club?
-She "didn't have anything better to do."
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Didn't have anything better to do", "She didn't have anything better to do"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Who was the first Black actress to win an Oscar?
@@ -222,10 +295,6 @@ Who played Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate?
 Anne Bancroft
-What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released?
-Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
 In The Matrix, does Neo take the blue pill or the red pill?
@@ -242,7 +311,7 @@ What's the name of the skyscraper in Die Hard?
 Nakatomi Plaza
-What flavor of Pop Tarts does Buddy the Elf use in his spaghetti in Elf? 
+What flavor of Pop Tarts does Buddy the Elf use in his spaghetti in Elf? ?
@@ -254,10 +323,6 @@ What pop vocal group performs at the wedding in Bridesmaids?
 Wilson Phillips
-What real-life on-again off-again Hollywood power couple starred in the film Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
-Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton
 What American writer/director starred in several iconic European-produced "Spaghetti Westerns"?
 Clint Eastwood
@@ -266,8 +331,6 @@ Who played Juror Number 8 in 12 Angry Men?
 Henry Fonda
-Related: The 100 Best Movies of All Time, Ranked 
 The head of what kind of animal is front-and-center in an infamous scene from The Godfather?
 A horse
@@ -280,16 +343,10 @@ What critically panned 1984 country-musical comedy starring Dolly Parton and Syl
-Who played park owner John Hammond in Jurassic Park?
-Richard Attenborough
-In what 1976 thriller does Robert De Niro famously say "You talkin' to me?"
+In what 1976 thriller does Robert De Niro famously say "You talkin' to me?"?
 Taxi Driver 
-Related: 50 Fun Christmas Trivia Questions (with Answers)
 What's the name of the anthemic dance near the beginning of The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
 The Time Warp
@@ -298,7 +355,7 @@ For what movie did Steven Spielberg win his first Oscar for Best Director?
 Schindler's List 
-What is the name of the courtesan played by Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge! 
+What is the name of the courtesan played by Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge! ?
@@ -322,8 +379,6 @@ Who played Martin Luther King Jr. in the 2014 biopic Selma?
 David Oyelowo
-Related: 100+ Best TV Shows on Netflix Right Now 
 Who directed Boris Karloff in the classics Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein?
 James Whale
@@ -341,7 +396,11 @@ Bill Murray
 In Risky Business, what song did Tom Cruise famously lip-sync to in his underwear?
-Old Time Rock and Roll by Bob Seger
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Old Time Rock and Roll", "Old Time Rock and Roll by Bob Seger"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Who is the only actor to receive an Oscar nomination for acting in a Lord of the Rings movie?
@@ -368,7 +427,7 @@ What 1994 crime film revitalized John Travolta's career?
 Pulp Fiction 
-Who voiced the sultry Jessica Rabbit in Who's Afraid of Roger Rabbit? 
+Who voiced the sultry Jessica Rabbit in Who's Afraid of Roger Rabbit? ?
 Kathleen Turner
@@ -388,9 +447,6 @@ The stage play Everybody Comes to Rick's was adapted for the screen to become wh
-Related: 250 Best Trivia Team Names
 In what 1979 James Bond movie does the famous spy go to outer space?
@@ -399,10 +455,18 @@ Who wrote the famous, scary theme music from Halloween?
 John Carpenter
-What animated classic was the first film of the late-twentieth-century "Disney Renaissance?"
+What animated classic was the first film of the late-twentieth-century "Disney Renaissance?"?
 The Little Mermaid
+Who performs the character of Mark Zuckerberg in the movie "The Social Network"?
+Jesse Eisenberg
+Alicia Silverstone starred in this Movie?
+Love's labour's lost
 In Apocalypse Now, Robert Duvall says, "I love the smell of _____ in the morning."
@@ -412,15 +476,13 @@ The Orca
 What's the name of Charlie Chaplin's most famous, recurring character?
-"The Tramp"
+The Tramp
 Aaron Sorkin won an Oscar for writing what 2010 drama about the creation of Facebook?
 The Social Network 
-Related: 101 Disney Trivia Questions and Answers!
 Who played iconic femme fatale Phyllis Dietrichson in classic 1946 film noir Double Indemnity?
 Barbara Stanwyck
@@ -449,8 +511,6 @@ Who played the "Unsinkable" Molly Brown in Titanic?
 Kathy Bates
-Related: Grab the Popcorn! These Are the 14 Best Movie Streaming Sites For At-Home Screenings
 In the action thriller Speed, why is Annie (Sandra Bullock)'s driver's license suspended?
 She was speeding
@@ -487,8 +547,6 @@ What was Quentin Tarantino's first feature as writer/director?
 Reservoir Dogs 
-Related: We Ranked All Batman Movies, Including The Batman
 Which Oscar-winning blonde bombshell played James Stewart's love interest Lisa Carol Fremont in Rear Window?
 Grace Kelly
@@ -497,7 +555,7 @@ Who is the only person ever to receive an Oscar nomination for acting in a Star
 Alec Guinness
 What actress' name, who voices Princess Elsa in the Frozen films, did John Travolta botch at the 2014 Oscars?
 Idina Menzel
@@ -514,10 +572,6 @@ Three of Jim Carrey's blockbusters The Mask, Dumb and Dumber and Ace Ventura: Pe
-How many suns does Luke's home planet of Tatooine have in Star Wars?
 What movie holds the record for most Oscar wins without winning Best Picture (eight wins total)?
@@ -538,10 +592,6 @@ What is the highest-grossing movie of all time when taking inflation into accoun
 Gone With the Wind 
-What is the highest-grossing movie of all time when not taking inflation into account?
 What's the Los Angeles hotel prominently featured in Pretty Woman?
 The Beverly Wilshire by Four Seasons
@@ -558,7 +608,7 @@ What is the name of the spaceship in Alien?
 USCSS Nostromo
-This acclaimed, Oscar-winning filmmaker directed Happy Feet, Babe: Pig in the City and Mad Max: Fury Road.
+This acclaimed, Oscar-winning filmmaker directed Happy Feet, Babe: Pig in the City and Mad Max: Fury Road.?
 George Miller
@@ -686,10 +736,12 @@ What is the name of Humperdinck's kingdom in The Princess Bride?
-Related: Best Psychological Thriller Movies of All Time 
 How many screenwriting Oscars has Quentin Tarantino won?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two", "2"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What actress exited the set of apocalyptic comedy This is the End over objections to appearing in a scene that involved cannibalism?
@@ -768,7 +820,6 @@ Keith Moon and John Entwistle of The Who are said to have inspired the name of w
 Led Zeppelin
-Golden Simple World Intellectual Property Day Social Media Graphic (3)
 In The Big Lebowski, The Dude can't stand which band?
 The Eagles
@@ -782,7 +833,7 @@ Peter Gabriel
 What was Madonna's first top 10 hit?
 What rock star moonlights as a horror movie writer and director?
@@ -842,15 +893,17 @@ Dionne Warwick
 "The Day the Music Died" refers to the tragic deaths of which artists?
-Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper", "Ritchie Valens, Buddy Holly, and The Big Bopper", "The Big Bopper, Buddy Holly, and Ritchie Valens", "The Big Bopper, Ritchie Valens, and Bdudy Holly"]
+-- Answer metadata end
-What singer is known as "The Vocal Bible?"
+What singer is known as "The Vocal Bible?"?
-Related: Best Rock Bands of All Time
 Which classical composer was deaf?
 Ludwig van Beethoven
@@ -871,7 +924,7 @@ David Crosby says who is the best singer of all time?
 Bonnie Raitt
-What book do The Police reference in "Don't Stand So Close to Me?"
+What book do The Police reference in "Don't Stand So Close to Me?"?
@@ -883,7 +936,7 @@ Where was Tupac Shakur born?
 East Harlem, New York
-Missy Elliott references what infamous celebrity couple in "Let Me Fix My Weave?"
+Missy Elliott references what infamous celebrity couple in "Let Me Fix My Weave?"?
 Ben Affleckand Jennifer Lopez
@@ -895,24 +948,28 @@ What singer was born Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou?
 George Michael
-Which astronomer is namedropped in "Bohemian Rhapsody?"
+Which astronomer is namedropped in "Bohemian Rhapsody?"?
 Which Alanis Morissette song contains the phrase "jagged little pill" (the title of her debut album)?
-"You Learn"
+You Learn
 Frank Sinatra changed the lyrics of "The Lady is a Tramp" to "The Lady is a" what?
 Who was the first lead guitarist of Metallica?
 Dave Mustaine
-The Weekndsamples which '80s megahit in "Blinding Lights?"
-Take On Me by A-ha
+The Weekndsamples which '80s megahit in "Blinding Lights?"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Take On Me by A-Ha", "Take On Me"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which Super Bowl Halftime Show performer was upstaged by a dancing shark?
@@ -920,7 +977,11 @@ Katy Perry
 How many coaches (full and part-time) from The Voice have won Grammys?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twelve", "12"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What does Lady Gaga affectionately call her fans?
@@ -936,7 +997,11 @@ Joe Alwyn
 Cardi Bstarred on what reality show?
-Love & Hip Hop
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Love & Hip Hop", "Love and Hip Hop", "Love & Hip-Hop", "Love and Hip-Hop"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What iconic Nashville club does Garth Brooks call "the beginning and the mecca, the end"?
@@ -944,7 +1009,7 @@ Bluebird Cafe
 George Harrison wrote what song for Eric Clapton about his sweet tooth?
-"Savoy Truffle"
+Savoy Truffle
 What was the first rap single to hit the Billboard Top 40?
@@ -956,7 +1021,11 @@ Slash
 Though made most famous by Ike and Tina Turner, "Proud Mary" was first recorded by whom?
-Creedence Clearwater Revival
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Creedence Clearwater Revival", "CCR"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Who sang the Spongebob Squarepants theme song for the movie?
@@ -968,10 +1037,14 @@ Miranda Lambert
 What languages does Shakira speak?
-English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian and Portuguese
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian, and Portuguese", "English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese", "English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, and Portuguese"]
+-- Answer metadata end
-What one hit wonder act is behind "Barbie Girl?"
+What one hit wonder act is behind "Barbie Girl?"?
@@ -996,11 +1069,19 @@ Dee Snider of Twisted Sister
 What was the first music video to ever air on MTV?
-Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles", "Video Killed the Radio Star"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 U2 wrote the song "Stuck in a Moment" about what late frontman?
-Michael Hutchence of INXS
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Michael Hutchence of INXS", "Michael Hutchence", "INXS frontman Michael Hutchence"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 Which member of Kiss wore makeup to look like a cat?
@@ -1011,7 +1092,7 @@ Billie Eilish is obsessed with which classic TV show?
 The Office
-Taylor Swiftnamed her debut country single after which singer? 
+Taylor Swiftnamed her debut country single after which singer? ?
 Tim McGraw
@@ -1024,7 +1105,11 @@ Nikki Sixx
 The Wu-Tang Clan recommends protecting which body part?
-Your neck
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Neck", "Your neck"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What legendary pop group got their name from "Brothers Gibb"?
@@ -1039,7 +1124,7 @@ What Rolling Stones song title is also a restaurant chain?
 Ruby Tuesday
-What smells are described in "Don't Stop Believin'?"
+What smells are described in "Don't Stop Believin'?"?
 Wine and cheap perfume
@@ -1048,7 +1133,11 @@ The Marcy Projects
 Members of Wilson Phillips are the daughters of which music legends?
-Brian Wilsonof The Beach Boys and John and Michelle Phillips of The Mamas & The Papas
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Brian Wilsonof The Beach Boys and John and Michelle Phillips of The Mamas & The Papas", "Brian Wilsonof The Beach Boys and John and Michelle Phillips"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 John Mayer wrote a song about which law of physics?
@@ -1087,7 +1176,7 @@ Which member of The Runaways competed on Jeopardy!?
 Jackie Fox
-Which rapper inspired an entire accredited course at Syracuse University called "Hip-Hop Eshu: Queen B***h 101?"
+Which rapper inspired an entire accredited course at Syracuse University called "Hip-Hop Eshu: Queen B***h 101?"?
 Lil' Kim
@@ -1104,14 +1193,22 @@ Bernie Taupin
 Which Backstreet Boys are first cousins?
-Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrell
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrell", "Brian Littrell and Kevin Richardson"]
+-- Answer metadata end
 What do Drake, Taylor Swift and The Beatles have in common?
-They all replaced themselves at No. 1 on the Hot 100
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Replaced themselves at #1 on the Hot 100", "Replaced themselves at No. 1 on the Hot 100"]
+-- Answer metadata end
-What artists recorded two of their bestselling albums while they were behind bars?
+What artist recorded two of their bestselling albums while they were behind bars?
 Johnny Cash
@@ -1205,4 +1302,127172 @@ David Bowie
 What character did Michael J. Fox play in 'Back to the Future'?
 Marty McFly
+In "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," what keeps the three-headed dog asleep?
+Enchanted harp
+In the Harry Potter series, what is the name of Hagrid's half-brother?
+In the Harry Potter series, what's the name of Ginny's Pygmy Puff?
+In the Harry Potter series, what is Hermione's Patronus?
+What species of fish is Nemo?
+Clown Fish
+What is the name of Boba Fett's ship in "Star Wars"?
+Slave 1
+What comic series is the CW's "Riverdale" based on?
+In what year was "Jaws" released?
+In "Star Wars," who built C-3P0?
+Anakin Skywalker
+"The Princess and the Frog" is set in which American city?
+New Orleans
+Who was the first woman ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
+Aretha Franklin
+Who voiced Ms. Frizzle on the children's television series "Magic School Bus"?
+Lily Tomlin
+Which astronomer is called out in the Queen song "Bohemian Rhapsody"?
+Who is the villain in "Peter Pan"?
+Captain Hook
+What is the school's mascot in "High School Musical"?
+Wild Cats
+What country does "The Jungle Book" take place in?
+What major movie actor's first role was in "A Nightmare On Elm Street"?
+Johnny Depp
+Which 2008 comedy had the tagline "Put this in your pipe and smoke it"?
+Pineapple Express
+Music: Polish composer and pianist of the 19th century?
+Frederic chopin
+Music: ____ got their name from a sexual device depicted in the book, The Naked Lunch
+Steely dan
+Music: ____ in the name of love
+Music: ____ stands for ' Electrical and Musical Instruments'
+Music: ____ Zappa daughter of Frank; named after celestial object
+Music: ____- Pebbles
+Music: ____- R.E.M
+Music: ____- The Beach Boys
+Music: ____- U2
+Music: ____2 U - The Jets
+Music: ____All - Cher & Peter Cetera
+Music: ____And Day - Al B. Sure!
+Music: ____Blue - Icehouse
+Music: ____Girl - New Kids On The Block
+Music: ____In The Wind - Elton John
+Music: ____It - Def Leppard
+Music: ____It Real - The Jets
+Music: ____It's Love - Van Halen
+Music: ____Me With Your Love - Surface
+Music: ____My Eyes (Forever) - Lita Ford W/ Ozzy Osbourne
+Music: ____Of You - Sa-Fire
+Music: ____On Movin' - Soul II Soul
+Music: ____On Water - Eddie Money
+Music: ____Red Wine - UB40
+Music: ____The Seeds Of Love - Tears For Fears
+Music: ____To Me - Ann Wilson & Robin Zander
+Music: ____To The Jungle - Guns N' Roses
+Music: ____Up - Paula Abdul
+Music: ____Wit'cha - Bobby Brown
+Music: ____World - Huey Lewis & The News
+Music: ?blood sugar sex and magik was a hit for this spicy LA band in 1991?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: ?I can't do the talk like they talk on tv, and I can't do a love song like the way it's meant to be ...' What's the Dire Straits song title?
+Romeo and juliet
+Music: ?Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree' begins which Burke & Garner song?
+Music: ?Moving On Up' by M-people was released in what year?
+Music: ?Slow Ride' was Foghat's biggest hit from this album released in 1975?
+Fool for the City
+Music: ?summer of 69' was a hit for which canuck in 1984?
+Bryan adams
+Music: ...but what I really want to know is...?
+Lenny kravitz (are you gonna go my way)
+Music: ...sometimes i feel like my only friend...?
+Red hot chili peppers (under the bridge)
+Music: ...who headlined the very first Lollapalooza Festival in 1991?
+Janes addiction
+Music: ...who sings lead vocals alongside Chris Cornell in Temple of the Dog?
+Eddie vedder
+Music: ' ____ of Love' by Frankie Lymon
+Music: '...he went down to dinner in his sunday best...____ they all said...' what is the title of this popular warren zevon tune
+Excitable boy
+Music: '...i got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses...' what is the name of this 1980's timbuk 3 smash hit?
+Future's so bright i gotta wear shades
+Music: '2112' Was the first in a long line of gold & platinum albums for which Canadian trio?
+Music: 'Another one bites the ____
+Music: 'as free as the wind blows, as free as the grass grows' . what is the song title?
+Born free
+Music: 'Beat It' by Michael Jackson was the single of the year What year was it?
+Music: 'Blood, Sugar, Sex & Magik was a hit for this spicy L A band in 1991?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: 'Bowser' and 'Jocko' have been two prominent members of what very successful rock and roll nostalgia act?
+Sha Na Na
+Music: 'Destroyer' & 'Rock & Roll Over' were two best selling albums by what decidedly unusual rock band?
+Music: 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart' was performed by ____
+Elton john and kiki dee
+Music: 'Dr. Feelgood' was which group's last album with Vince Neill?
+Motley Crue
+Music: 'fall down' was a hit for which santa barbara band?
+Toad the wet sprocket
+Music: 'finished with my woman cause she couldn't help me with my mind...' what is the title of this popular black sabbath tune?
+Music: 'From The Big Pink' (1968) was done by what group?
+Music: 'give me just a little more time' was recorded by which group in 1970?
+Chairman of the board
+Music: 'go and get yourself some...' what is the name of this popular zz-top tune?
+Cheap sunglasses
+Music: 'Going Undergound' was a hit for The Jam in which year?
+Music: 'gonna be on sixth street in a second hand store, didn't know how to play it...but he knew for sure...' what is the Music:name of this top 20 hit by foriegner?
+Jukebox hero
+Music: 'Hang On Sloopy' was the official rock song of which band?
+Music: 'Hotel California' by the Eagles was single of the year and 'Rumours' by Fleetwood Mac was the album of the year. Which year was it?
+Music: 'i just close my eyes again...climbed aboard the ____ train...' what is the name this gary wright hit
+Music: 'i'll never fall in love again' came from which musical?
+Promises promises
+Music: 'I'm Getting Sentimental Over You' was who's theme song?
+Tommy dorsey
+Music: 'I'm Gonna Be'(500 miles) was a hit for who?
+The proclaimers
+Music: 'it's a mystery to me, the game commences for the usual fee ... 'what's the dire straits song title?
+Private investigations
+Music: 'it's a shame about ray' was released in 1992 and rereleased later with a cover of simon and garfunkel's 'mrs robinson. which band was it?
+Music: 'lady when you're with me i'm smiling' were lyrics from which group's 1973 second album?
+Music: 'Lady when you're with me I'm smiling' were lyrics from which groups 1973 second album?
+Music: 'middle of the road' was recorded by which group in 1984?
+Music: 'my name is mud' was on pork soda released in 1993 by which group?
+Music: 'new miserable experience' was which group's first album in 1993?
+Gin blossoms
+Music: 'now look at them yo-yo's, that's the way you do it ...' what is the dire straits song title?
+Money for nothing
+Music: 'One Tin Soldier' recorded by Coven, was the theme song for what movie?
+Billy Jack
+Music: 'piano man' was which man's first successful album in 1974?
+Billy joel
+Music: 'pushin' too hard' was the notable song recorded by which group in the 60's?
+Music: 'Send in the Clowns' is a song from which Sondheim musical?
+A little night music
+Music: 'siamese dream' was which chicago-based group's breakthrough second album?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: 'teenage riot' and 'silver rocket' are two cuts off which alternative rock group's 1988 'daydream nation' album?
+Sonic youth
+Music: 'the girls'll go crazy for a...' what is the name of this zz-top tune?
+Sharp dressed man
+Music: 'The Merry Man and his Maid', is the alternate title for which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta?
+Yeoman of the guard
+Music: 'the morning sun when it's in your face really shows your age' which classic song?
+Maggie may
+Music: 'the problem is all inside your head she said to me, the answer's easy if you take it logically' is the beginning of which paul simon single?
+50 ways to leave your lover
+Music: 'The Sabre Dance' is a well-known piece by which composer?
+Music: 'The Slave of Duty', is the alternate title for which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta?
+Pirates of penzance
+Music: 'this ain't no party, this ain't no disco ...' were lyrics from which group's 1979 release 'life during wartime'?
+Talking heads
+Music: 'tres hombres' was the 1973 release by which el paso texas band known for the beards?
+Zz top
+Music: 'under my wheels' and 'be my lover' were cuts of whose 1971 'killer' release?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 'we had joy, we had fun ...' what is the song title?
+Seasons in the sun
+Music: 'We Love you Baby' is the message embossed in Braille on the back of Paul McCartney and Wings, Red Rose Speedway. For which pop singer was this message intended for?
+Stevie Wonder
+Music: 'White Room' was a hit off which Eric Clapton album?
+Music: 'you get a shiver in the dark, it's raining in the park ...' what's the dire straits song title?
+Sultans of swing
+Music: (It's Just) The Way That You Love Me - ____Abdul
+Music: 1-2-3 - ____Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
+Music: 15th Century: A popular 15th-century form in England was the two-part ____
+Music: 15th Century: The principal English composer of the first half of the 15th century?
+John dunstable
+Music: 16th Century: Kind of polyphony said to reach its ultimate degree of perfection (16th c.)?
+Music: 16th Century: Name one of the two best known Spanish composers of the 16th century?
+Music: 1930s: Song: This Bing Crosby-Guy Lombardo duet was one of the best-selling songs of 1935?
+Red sails in the sunset
+Music: 1940s: In 1944, Glenn ____ vocalist (Little River Band-Help Is On Its, Way), was born.
+Music: 1950s: A 1957 title recorded by the Crickets, was a line taken from the classic John Ford western 'the Searchers'. What was the title?
+That'll be the day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: 'Till Then?
+The hilltoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: 'Till There Was You?
+Anita bryant
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: 'Till We Two Are One?
+Georgie shaw
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: 'Till?
+Roger williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: ('Til) I Kissed You?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (All of a Sudden) My Heart Sings?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (Bazoom) I Need Your Lovin'?
+The cheers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (How Little It Matters) How Little We Know?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (I'll Be with You in) Apple Blossom Time?
+Tab hunter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (I'm Always Hearing) Wedding Bells?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (I'm Gettin') Nuttin' for Christmas?
+Ricky zahnd & the blue jeaners
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (If You Cry) True Love, True Love?
+The drifters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (It's Been a Long Time) Pretty Baby?
+Gino & gina
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (Love Is) The Tender Trap?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (Mama) He Treats Your Daughter Mean?
+Ruth brown
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (My Baby Don't Love Me) No More?
+The dejohn sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (Now and Then There's) A Fool Such As I?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (There'll Be) Peace in the Valley (for Me)?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (We're Gonna) Rock Around The Clock?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: (You've Got) The Magic Touch?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: 11th Hour Melody?
+Al hibbler
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: 16 Candles?
+The crests
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: 26 Miles (Santa Catalina)?
+The four preps
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Big Hunk O' Love?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Boy Without A Girl?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Carnival in Venice?
+The mills brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Casual Look?
+The six teens
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Certain Smile?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Fallen Star?
+Nick noble
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Girl, A Girl (Zoom-Ba Di Alli Nella)?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Guy Is A Guy?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A House with Love in It?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Letter to an Angel?
+Jimmy clanton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Little Love Can Go a Long, Long Way?
+The dream weavers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Lover's Question?
+Clyde mcphatter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Man Chases a Girl (Until She Catches Him)?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Part of Me?
+Jimmy clanton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Poor Man's Roses (or a Rich Man's Gold)?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Rose and a Baby Ruth?
+George hamilton iv
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Story Untold?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Sweet Old Fashioned Girl?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Tear Fell?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Teen Age Prayer?
+Gloria mann
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Teenager In Love?
+Dion & the belmonts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Teenager's Romance?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Very Precious Love?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A White Sport Coat (and a Pink Carnation)?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Woman in Love?
+The four aces featuring al alberts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Wonderful Time Up There?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: A Worried Man?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: After School?
+Randy starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: After the Lights Go Down Low?
+Al hibbler
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ain't That A Shame?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Alabama Jubilee?
+Ferko string band
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: All At Once You Love Her?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: All I Have To Do Is Dream?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth?
+Spike jones
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: All My Love (Bolero)?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: All Over Again?
+Johnny cash & the tennessee two
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: All Shook Up?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: All the Time?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: All the Way?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Allegheny Moon?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Almost Grown?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Almost Paradise?
+Roger williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Alone (Why Must I Be Alone)?
+Shepherd sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Along Came Jones?
+The coasters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Alvin's Harmonica?
+The chipmunks & David seville
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Always You?
+Betty madigan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Always?
+Sammy turner
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Am I a Toy or a Treasure?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Among My Souvenirs?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Amukiriki (The Lord Willing)?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: An Affair to Remember (Our Love Affair)?
+Vic damone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Anastasia?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: And That Reminds Me (My Heart Reminds Me)?
+Della reese
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Anema E Core (With All My Heart and Soul)?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Angel Baby?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Angels in the Sky?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Another Time, Another Place?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Anyway You Want Me (That's How I Will Be)?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ape Call?
+Nervous norvus
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: April In Paris?
+Count basie & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: April Love?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Are You Really Mine?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Are You Satisfied?
+Rusty draper
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Are You Sincere?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: At My Front Door (Crazy Little Mama)?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: At the Darktown Strutters Ball (Italian Style)?
+Lou monte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: At the Hop?
+Danny & the juniors
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Auctioneer?
+Leroy van dyke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart?
+Vera lynn and chorus
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Baby Baby Baby?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Baby Doll?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Baby Talk?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Back In the U.S.A?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bad Boy?
+The jive bombers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ballad Of A Teenage Queen?
+Johnny cash & the tennessee two
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ballad Of Davy Crockett?
+Bill hayes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Banana Boat (Day-O)?
+Harry belafonte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Battle Hymn of the Republic?
+The mormon tabernacle choir
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Baubles, Bangles and Beads?
+Kirby stone four
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Baubles, Bangles, and Beads?
+Peggy lee
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Be My Guest?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Be My Life's Companion?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Be My Love?
+Mario lanza
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Be-Bop Baby?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Be-Bop-A-Lula?
+Gene vincent & his blue caps
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Beautiful Brown Eyes?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Because Of You?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Been So Long?
+The pastels
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Beep Beep?
+The playmates
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Believe Me?
+Royal teens
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Believe What You Say?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bell Bottom Blues?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Belle, Belle, My Liberty Belle?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Belonging to Someone?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bernadine?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Betty and Dupree?
+Chuck willis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Betty Lou Got a New Pair of Shoes?
+Bobby freeman
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bewitched?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Big Bopper's Wedding?
+Big bopper
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Big Man?
+The four preps
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Billy?
+Kathy linden
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bimbombey?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bird Dog?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Birth of the Boogie?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Black Denim Trousers?
+The cheers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Black Slacks?
+Joe bennett & the sparkletones
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Blue Blue Day?
+Don gibson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Blue Hawaii?
+Billy vaughn & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Blue Monday?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Blue Suede Shoes?
+Carl perkins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Blueberry Hill?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Blues In the Night?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bo Weevil?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bobby Sox To Stockings?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bongo Rock?
+Preston epps
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bony Moronie?
+Larry williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Boom Boom Boomerang?
+The decastro sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Born to Be With You?
+The chordettes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Born Too Late?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Botch-A-Me (Ba-Ba-Baciami Piccina)?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Breathless?
+Jerry lee lewis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Broken-Hearted Melody?
+Sarah vaughan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Burn That Candle?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Butterfly?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Buzz-Buzz-Buzz?
+Hollywood flames
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Bye Bye Love?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: C.C. Rider?
+Chuck willis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: C'est La Vie?
+Sarah vaughan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: C'est Si Bon (It's So Good)?
+Eartha kitt
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: C'mon Everybody?
+Eddie cochran
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ca, C'est L'amour?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Call Me?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Can I Steal a Little Love?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Can You Find It in Your Heart?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cannonball?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cara Mia?
+David whitfield with mantovani & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Caravan?
+Ralph marterie
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Caribbean?
+Mitchell torok
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Carol?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Catch A Falling Star?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cerveza?
+Boots brown & his blockbusters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cha-Hua-Hua?
+The pets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Chains Of Love?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Chances Are?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Chanson D'Amour (Song of Love)?
+Art & dotty todd
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Chantilly Lace?
+Big bopper
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Charlie Brown?
+The coasters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Chattanoogie Shoe-Shine Boy?
+Red foley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Chee Chee-Oo Chee (Sang the Little Bird)?
+Perry como & jaye p. morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cherry Pink (and Apple Blossom White)?
+Alan dale
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Choo'n Gum?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Chop Chop Boom?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Christmas Alphabet?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Christmas Dragnet (Parts 1 &?
+Stan freberg
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ciao, Ciao Bambina?
+Jacky noguez & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cinco Robles (Five Oaks)?
+Russell arms
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cinnamon Sinner?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: City of Angels?
+The highlights
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Claudette?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Click Clack?
+Dicky doo & the don'ts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cocoanut Woman?
+Harry belafonte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cold Cold Heart?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Come Go with Me?
+The dell-vikings
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Come Into My Heart?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Come On and Get Me?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Come On-a My House?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Come Softly to Me?
+The fleetwoods
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Come What May?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Confidential?
+Sonny knight
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cool Shake?
+The dell-vikings
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Could This Be Magic?
+The dubs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep)?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Crazy 'Bout Ya Baby?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Crazy Eyes for You?
+Bobby hamilton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Crazy Love?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Crazy, Man, Crazy?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Croce Di Oro (Cross of Gold)?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cross Over the Bridge?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Crossfire?
+Johnny & the hurricanes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cry Baby?
+Bonnie sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cry Me A River?
+Julie london
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cry?
+Johnnie ray and the four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Crying In the Chapel?
+The orioles
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Cuddle Me?
+Ronnie gaylord
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Daddy-O?
+The fontane sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Daddy's Little Girl?
+Mills brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dance Everyone Dance?
+Betty madigan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dance Only with Me?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dance to the Bop?
+Gene vincent & his blue caps
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dance With Me Henry (Wallflower)?
+Georgia gibbs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dance With Me?
+The drifters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dancin' With Someone (Longin' For You)?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Danger! Heartbreak Ahead?
+Jaye p. morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Danny Boy?
+Conway twitty
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dark Moon?
+Gale storm
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Deck of Cards?
+Wink martindale
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dede Dinah?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Deep Purple?
+Billy ward and his dominoes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Delicado?
+Percy faith & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Delicious!?
+Jim backus & friend
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Delilah Jones?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dennis the Menace?
+Rosemary clooney and jimmy boyd
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Detour?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Devoted to You?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Diana?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dim, Dim the Lights (I Want Some Atmosphere)?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ding Dong?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dixie Danny?
+The laurie sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Do You Wanna Dance?
+Bobby freeman
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dogface Soldier?
+Russ morgan & chorus
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Domani (Tomorrow)?
+Julius larosa
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Ask Me Why?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Be Angry?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Be Cruel?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Forbid Me?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Go Home?
+The playmates
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Go to Strangers?
+Vaughn monroe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Go?
+Roy hamilton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Let the Stars Get In Your Eyes?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Pity Me?
+Dion & the belmonts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Take Your Guns to Town?
+Johnny cash & the tennessee two
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Take Your Love From Me?
+The three suns
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't Worry 'bout Me?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't You Know?
+Della reese
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Don't?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Doncha' Think It's Time?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Donna?
+Ritchie valens
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dottie?
+Danny & the juniors
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Down the Aisle of Love?
+The quin-tones
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dragnet?
+Ray anthony & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dream Lover?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Dungaree Doll?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Early in the Morning?
+Buddy holly
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)?
+The penguins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ebb Tide?
+Frank chacksfield & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Eddie My Love?
+The fontane sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: El Paso?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: El Rancho Rock?
+The champs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Eloise?
+Kay thompson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Empty Arms?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Enchanted Island?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Enchanted?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Endless Sleep?
+Jody reynolds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Endlessly?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: English Muffins and Irish Stew?
+Sylvia syms
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ev'ry Day of My Life?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Every Night (I Pray)?
+The chantels
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Everybody Likes To Cha Cha Cha?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Everybody Loves A Lover?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Everybody's Got a Home But Me?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Experience Unnecessary?
+Sarah vaughan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fabulous Character?
+Sarah vaughan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fabulous?
+Charlie gracie
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fallin'?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Farmer John?
+The premiers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fascination?
+Jane morgan & the troubadors
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Feet Up (Pat Him On the Po-Po)?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fibbin'?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Firefly?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: First Date, First Kiss, First Love?
+Sonny james
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Flowers Mean Forgiveness?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Flying Saucer the 2nd?
+Buchanan & goodman
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fooled?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fools' Hall of Fame?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: For A Penny?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: For My Good Fortune?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: For Your Love?
+Ed townsend
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: For Your Precious Love?
+Jerry butler & the impressions
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Forever Darling?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Forget Me Not?
+Kalin twins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fortune in Dreams?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Forty Miles of Bad Road?
+Duane eddy & the rebels
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Four Walls?
+Jim reeves
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Frankie?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Fraulein?
+Bobby helms
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Free?
+Tommy leonetti
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Freight Train?
+Rusty draper
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Friendly Persuasion (Thee I Love)?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: From the Candy Store on the Corner to the Chapel on the Hill?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: From the Vine Came the Grape?
+The gaylords
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Garden of Eden?
+Joe valino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gee Whittakers!?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gee, But It's Lonely?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gee?
+The crows
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Get A Job?
+The silhouettes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ghost Town?
+Don cherry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gilly Gill Ossenfeffer Katzenelle Bogen by the Sea?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ginger Bread?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Give Us This Day?
+Joni james
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Glad Rag Doll?
+Crazy otto
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Glendora?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Go on with the Wedding?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: God Bless America?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Goin' Steady?
+Tommy sands
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gone?
+Ferlin husky
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gonna Find Me a Bluebird?
+Marvin rainwater
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gonna Get Along Without Ya Now?
+Patience & prudence
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gonna Get Along Without You Now?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Good and Lonesome?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Good Golly, Miss Molly?
+Little richard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Goodbye Baby?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Goodbye Jimmy, Goodbye?
+Kathy linden
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Goody Goody?
+Frankie lymon & the teenagers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Got a Match?
+The daddy-o's
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gotta Travel On?
+Billy grammer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Graduation Day?
+The rover boys
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Graduation's Here?
+The fleetwoods
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Great Balls of Fire?
+Jerry lee lewis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Green Door?
+Jim lowe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Grenada?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Guess Things Happen That Way?
+Johnny cash & the tennessee two
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Guess Who?
+Jesse belvin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Guitar Boogie Shuffle?
+The virtues
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Gum Drop?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Half As Lovely (Twice as True)?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Half As Much?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Handy Man?
+Jimmy jones
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hang Up My Rock & Roll Shoes?
+Chuck willis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Happiness Street?
+Georgia gibbs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Happy Christmas, Little Friend?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Happy Days and Lonely Nights?
+The fontane sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Happy, Happy Birthday Baby?
+The tune weavers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Harbor Lights?
+Sammy kaye & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hard Headed Woman?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hard To Get?
+Gisele mackenzie
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: He'll Have to Go?
+Jim reeves
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: He's Got the Whole World (In His Hands)?
+Laurie london
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: He's Mine?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: He?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Heart And Soul?
+The four aces
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Heartaches By the Number?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Heartbreak Hotel?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hearts Of Stone?
+The fontane sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Heaven on Earth?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Heavenly Lover?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hello, Young Lovers?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Here Comes Summer?
+Jerry keller
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Here In My Heart?
+Al martino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Here?
+Tony martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hernando's Hideaway?
+Archie bleyer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hey Little Girl?
+Dee clark
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hey There?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hey, Mr. Banjo?
+The sunnysiders
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hey! Jealous Lover?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hey! Little Girl?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hi-lili Hi-lo?
+Leslie caron and mel ferrer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hideaway?
+The four esquires
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: High Hopes?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me)?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: High School Confidential?
+Jerry lee lewis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: High School U.S.A?
+Tommy facenda
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: High Sign?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hit and Run Affair?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me?
+Karen chandler
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hold My Hand?
+Don cornell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Honest I Do?
+Jimmy reed
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Honey-Babe?
+Art mooney & chorus
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Honeycomb?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Honky Tonk (Parts 1 &?
+Bill doggett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hoop-Dee-Doo?
+Perry como with the fontane sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hot Diggity (Dog Ziggity Boom)?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hound Dog Man?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hound Dog?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: How Are Ya' Fixed for Love?
+Frank sinatra & keely smith
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: How Blue?
+The mills brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: How High the Moon?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: How Important Can It Be?
+Joni james
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: How the Time Flies?
+Jerry wallace
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hula Love?
+Buddy knox
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Humming Bird?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hummingbird?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Hushabye?
+The mystics
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Ain't Never?
+Webb pierce
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Almost Lost My Mind?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Beg of You?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Believe?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Can Dream, Can't I?
+The andrews sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Can't Love You Enough?
+Lavern baker
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Can't Tell a Waltz from a Tango?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Confess?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Could Have Danced All Night?
+Sylvia syms
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Could Have Told You?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Cried a Tear?
+Lavern baker
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Cried?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Cross My Fingers?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Dreamed?
+Betty johnson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Feel Good?
+Shirley & lee
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Get So Lonely (When I Dream About You)?
+The four knights
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Got a Feeling?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Got a Wife?
+The mark iv
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Got Stung?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Hear You Knocking?
+Gale storm
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Just Don't Know?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Like Your Kind of Love?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Live Each Day?
+Jerry vale
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Love My Baby (My Baby Loves Me)?
+Jill corey
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Love You Madly?
+The four coins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Loves You, Porgy?
+Nina simone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Need You Now?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Need Your Love Tonight?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Only Have Eyes For You?
+The flamingos
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Only Know I Love You?
+The four aces
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Really Don't Want to Know?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus?
+Jimmy boyd
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Speak to the Stars?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Spoke Too Soon?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat?
+Mel blanc
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Understand (Just How You Feel)?
+The four tunes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Waited Too Long?
+Lavern baker
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Walk the Line?
+Johnny cash & the tennessee two
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Want To Walk You Home?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Want You All to Myself (Just You)?
+Kitty kallen
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Want You to Be My Baby?
+Georgia gibbs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Want You to Be My Girl?
+Frankie lymon & the teenagers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Want You to Know?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Want You, I Need You, I Love You?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Was the One?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Went to Your Wedding?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Wish I Wuz?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Won't Cry Anymore?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Wonder Why?
+Dion & the belmonts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I Wouldn't Know Where To Begin?
+Eddy arnold
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Home?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Satisfied?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'll Come Running Back To You?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'll Never Stop Loving You?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'll Remember Today?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'll Remember Tonight?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'll Wait for You?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'll Walk Alone?
+Don cornell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm a Fool to Care?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm a Hog for You?
+The coasters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm a Man?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Available?
+Margie rayburn
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Be a Wheel Someday?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Get Married?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm in Love Again?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Movin' On?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Never Gonna Tell?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Ready?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Sorry I Made You Cry?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Sorry?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Walkin'?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Walking Behind You?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I'm Walking?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I've Been Around?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I've Come of Age?
+Billy storm
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I've Got the World On A String?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I've Got You Under My Skin?
+Stan freberg
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: I've Had It?
+The bell notes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: If Dreams Came True?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: If I Had a Girl?
+Rod lauren
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: If I Had A Penny?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: If Teardrops Were Pennies?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: If You Don't Want My Love?
+Jaye p. morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: If You Love Me (Really Love Me)?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: If?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: In a Shanty in Old Shanty Town?
+Somethin' smith & the redheads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: In the Chapel in the Moonlight?
+Kitty kallen
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: In the Middle Of An Island?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: In the Middle of the House?
+Vaughn monroe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: In the Still Of the Night (I'll Remember)?
+The five satins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Indiscretion?
+Jo stafford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Innamorata?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Island In the Sun?
+Harry belafonte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Isle of Capri?
+The gaylords
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Istanbul (Not Constantinople)?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It Doesn't Matter Anymore?
+Buddy holly
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It Isn't Right?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It May Sound Silly?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It Only Hurts for a Little While?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It Was I?
+Skip & flip
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It Worries Me?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's a Sin to Tell a Lie?
+Somethin' smith & the redheads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's A Woman's World?
+The four aces featuring al alberts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's All in the Game?
+Tommy edwards
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's Almost Tomorrow?
+The dream weavers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's In the Book (Parts 1 &?
+Johnny standley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's Just A Matter Of Time?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's Late?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's Not for Me To Say?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's Only Make Believe?
+Conway twitty
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's Time To Cry?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's Too Soon To Know?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: It's You I Love?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Italian Hucklebuck?
+Lou monte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Itchy Twitchy Feeling?
+Bobby hendricks
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ivory Tower?
+Cathy carr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ivy Rose?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Jailhouse Rock?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Jamaica Farewell?
+Harry belafonte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Jennie Lee?
+Jan & arnie (jan & dean)
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Jenny, Jenny?
+Little richard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Jilted?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Jim Dandy?
+Lavern baker & the gliders
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Jingle Bell Rock?
+Bobby helms
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Jo-Ann?
+The playmates
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Joey?
+Betty madigan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: John and Marsha?
+Stan freberg
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Johnny B. Goode?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Judy?
+Frankie vaughan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Juke Box Baby?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: June Night?
+Jimmy dorsey orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just a Dream?
+Jimmy clanton & his rockets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just a Little Too Much?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just As Much As Ever?
+Bob beckham
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just Ask Your Heart?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just Because?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just Between You and Me?
+The chordettes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just Born (to Be Your Baby)?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just Keep It Up?
+Dee clark
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just Married?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just to Hold My Hand?
+Clyde mcphatter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Just Walking in the Rain?
+Johnnie ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Kansas City?
+Wilbert harrison
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Kathy-O?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Keep A Knockin'?
+Little richard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Keep It Gay?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Kewpie Doll?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Kiss Me Another?
+Georgia gibbs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Kiss Of Fire?
+Georgia gibbs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Kissin' Time?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Knee Deep in the Blues?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ko Ko Mo (I Love You So)?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Kookie, Kookie (Lend Me Your Comb)?
+Edward byrnes with connie stevens
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: La Bamba?
+Ritchie valens
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: La Dee Dah?
+Billy & lillie
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: La Mer (Beyond the Sea)?
+Roger williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: La Paloma?
+Billy vaughn & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: La-Do-Dada?
+Dale hawkins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Land of Dreams?
+Hugo winterhalter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lasting Love?
+Sal mineo
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lavender-Blue?
+Sammy turner
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lay Down Your Arms?
+The chordettes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lazy Mary?
+Lou monte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lazy Summer Night?
+The four preps
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Learnin' the Blues?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Left Right Out of Your Heart (Hi Lee Hi Lo Hi Lup Up Up)?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Leroy?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Let Me Go, Lover?
+Joan weber
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Let the Bells Keep Ringing?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Let the Four Winds Blow?
+Roy brown
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Let the Good Times Roll?
+Shirley & lee
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Liechtensteiner Polka?
+Will glahe & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lies?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lips of Wine?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lipstick and Candy and Rubbersole Shoes?
+Julius larosa
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lipstick On Your Collar?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lisbon Antigua (in Old Lisbon)?
+Mitch miller & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lisbon Antigua?
+Nelson riddle & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Little Bitty Pretty One?
+Thurston harris
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Little Blue Riding Hood?
+Stan freberg
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Little Darlin'?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Little Sandy Sleighfoot?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Little Space Girl?
+Jesse lee turner
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Little Star?
+The elegants
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Little White Lies?
+Betty johnson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Living Doll?
+Cliff richard & the drifters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lollipop?
+The chordettes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lonely Blue Boy?
+Conway twitty
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lonely Boy?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lonely for You?
+Gary stites
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lonely Island?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lonely Street?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lonely Teardrops?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lonesome Town?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Long Tall Sally?
+Little richard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Longing For You?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Look Homeward Angel?
+Johnnie ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Look Out the Window (And See How I'm Standin' In the Rain)?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lotta Lovin'?
+Gene vincent & his blue caps
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love and Marriage?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love I You (You I Love)?
+The gaylords
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Is a Golden Ring?
+Frankie laine & easy riders
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing?
+The four aces
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Is All We Need?
+Tommy edwards
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Is Strange?
+Mickey & sylvia
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Letters In the Sand?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Makes the World Go 'Round?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Me Forever?
+Eydie gorme
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Me or Leave Me?
+Sammy davis, jr.
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Me Tender?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Me to Pieces?
+Jill corey
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Me?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love of My Life?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love Potion #9?
+The clovers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Love You Most of All?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lovely One?
+The four voices
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lovin' Spree?
+Eartha kitt
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Loving You?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lucille?
+Little richard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lucky Devil?
+Carl dobkins, jr.
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lucky Ladybug?
+Billy & lillie
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lucky Lips?
+Ruth brown
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Lullaby of Birdland?
+Blue stars
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: M.T.A?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mack the Knife?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Magic Moments?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Make Love to Me!?
+Jo stafford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Make Me a Miracle?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Makin' Love?
+Floyd robinson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mama from the Train?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mama Look At Bubu?
+Harry belafonte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mama, Teach Me to Dance?
+Eydie gorme
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mambo Italiano?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mambo Rock?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mandolino?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mangos?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Manhattan Spiritual?
+Reg owen & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Marianne?
+The hilltoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Marie?
+The four tunes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Marina?
+Rocco granata & the international quartet
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mary Lou?
+Ronnie hawkins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mary's Boy Child?
+Harry belafonte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: May You Always?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Maybe Baby?
+Buddy holly & the crickets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Maybellene?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mecque, Mecque?
+The gaylords
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Melancholy Me?
+Eddy howard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Melodie D'Amour (Melody of Love)?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Memories Are Made Of This?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Memories Of You?
+The four coins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mexican Hat Rock?
+The applejacks
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Midnight Stroll?
+The revels
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mighty Good?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Miracle of Love?
+Eileen rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mister And Mississippi?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Misty?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mixed Emotions?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mockin' Bird Hill?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Moments to Remember?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Money Burns a Hole in My Pocket?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mood Indigo?
+The norman petty trio
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Moon Talk?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Moonlight and Roses (Bring Mem'ries of You)?
+The three suns
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Moonlight Bay?
+Bing & gary crosby
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Moonlight Gambler?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Moonlight Swim?
+Tony perkins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: More?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Morgen?
+Ivo robic & the songmasters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Most of All?
+Don cornell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mostly Martha?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mr. Blue?
+The fleetwoods
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mr. Lee?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mr. Sandman?
+The chordettes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mr. Wonderful?
+Sarah vaughan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Muskrat Ramble?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Mutual Admiration Society?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Baby Just Cares For Me?
+The hi-los
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Baby Left Me?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Blue Heaven?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Bonnie Lassie?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Boy flat top?
+Dorothy collins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Bucket's Got a Hole in It?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Dream?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Friend?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Happiness?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Heart Cries for You?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Heart Is an Open Book?
+Carl dobkins, jr.
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Heart Reminds Me (and That Reminds Me)?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Little Angel?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Love and Devotion?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Melancholy Baby?
+Tommy edwards
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My One and Only Heart?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Own True Love?
+Jimmy clanton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Prayer?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Restless Lover?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Special Angel?
+Bobby helms
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Treasure?
+The hilltoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My True Love?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Truly, Truly Fair?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: My Wish Came True?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Near You?
+Roger williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Nee Nee Na Na Na Na Nu Nu?
+Dicky doo & the don'ts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Need You?
+Donnie owens
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare)?
+Domenico modugno
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Never Be Anyone Else But You?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Never Turn Back?
+Al hibbler
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ninety Nine Years (Dead or Alive)?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ninety-Nine Ways?
+Tab hunter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No Arms Can Ever Hold You (Like These Arms of Mine)?
+Georgie shaw
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No Chemise, Please?
+Gerry granahan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No Love (But Your Love)?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No Moon At All?
+The ames brothers with les brown
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No More?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No One Knows?
+Dion & the belmonts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No Other Arms (No Arms Can Ever Hold You)?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No Other Arms, No Other Lips?
+The chordettes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: No, Not Much?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Nobody But You?
+Dee clark
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Nola?
+Billy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Noodlin' Rag?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Not One Minute More?
+Della reese
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Now and for Always?
+George hamilton iv
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Nuttin' for Christmas?
+Barry gordon & art mooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: O Mein Papa (Oh! My Papa)?
+Ray anthony & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Off Shore?
+Richard hayman
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh Julie?
+The crescendos
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh Lonesome Me?
+Don gibson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh-Oh, I'm Falling in Love Again?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh, Boy!?
+Buddy holly & the crickets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh, Mein Papa (Oh! My Papa)?
+Eddie calvert
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh, What a Night?
+The dells
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh! Carol?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh! My Papa (O Mein Papa)?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oh! Susanna?
+The singing dogs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Old Cape Cod?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: On London Bridge?
+Jo stafford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: On My Word of Honor?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: On the Alamo?
+The norman petty trio
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: On the Outgoing Tide?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: On the Street Where You Live?
+Vic damone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Once In A While?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: One in a Million?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: One Little Candle?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: One Night?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: One Summer Night?
+The danleers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Only One Love?
+George hamilton iv
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Only Sixteen?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Only You (and You Alone) (Loin de Vous)?
+Franck pourcel's french fiddles
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Only You (and You Alone)?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ooh! My Soul?
+Little richard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Oop-Shoop?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Open Up Your Heart (and Let the Sunshine In)?
+The cowboy church sunday school
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Our Heartbreaking Waltz?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind?
+The five keys
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Over the Mountain, Across the Sea?
+Johnnie & joe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: P.S. I Love You?
+The hilltoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pa-Paya Mama?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Padre?
+Toni arden
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Papa Loves Mambo?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Party Doll?
+Buddy knox
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pass the Jam, Sam?
+Dinah shore
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Peanuts?
+Little joe & the thrillers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Peek-A-Boo?
+The cadillacs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Peggy Sue?
+Buddy holly & the crickets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pepper-Hot Baby?
+Jaye p. morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Personality?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Peter Gunn?
+Ray anthony & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Petite Fleur (Little Flower)?
+Chris barber's jazz band
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Philadelphia U.S.A?
+The nu tornados
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Picnic?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pink Shoe Laces?
+Dodie stevens
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Plain Jane?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Plantation Boogie?
+Lenny dee
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Play Me Hearts and Flowers (I Wanna Cry)?
+Johnny desmond
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Playing for Keeps?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Please Mr. Sun?
+Tommy edwards
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Please, Mr. Sun?
+Johnny ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pledge of Love?
+Ken copeland
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pledging My Love?
+Johnny ace
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Point Of Order?
+Stan freberg & daws butler
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Poison Ivy?
+The coasters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Poor Butterfly?
+The hilltoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Poor Jenny?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Poor Little Fool?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pretty Blue Eyes?
+Steve lawrence
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pretty Girls Everywhere?
+Eugene church
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Primrose Lane?
+Jerry wallace with the jewels
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Priscilla?
+Eddie cooley & the dimples
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Problems?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Promise Me, Love?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Pussy Cat?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Put a Light in the Window?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Put a Ring on My Finger?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Put Your Head on My Shoulder?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Queen of the Hop?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Queen of the Senior Prom?
+The mills brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Quiet Village?
+The exotic sounds of martin denny & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: R-O-C-K?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rag Mop?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rags to Riches?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ragtime Cowboy Joe?
+The chipmunks & David seville
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rain, Rain, Rain?
+Frankie laine & the four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rainbow?
+Russ hamilton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ramrod?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Raunchy?
+Bill justis & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rave On?
+Buddy holly & the crickets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Raw-Hide?
+Link wray and the wraymen
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Razzle-Dazzle?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rebel-'Rouser?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Red River Rock?
+Johnny & the hurricanes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Red River Rose?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Remember You're Mine?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Return to Me?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Reveille Rock?
+Johnny & the hurricanes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ricochet (Rick-O-Shay)?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ring-a-Ling-a-Lario?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rip It Up?
+Little richard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: River of No Return?
+Marilyn monroe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Robbin' the Cradle?
+Tony bellus
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay?
+Danny & the juniors
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock and Roll Music?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock and Roll Waltz?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock Island Line?
+Lonnie donegan & his skiffle group
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock Love?
+The fontane sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock Right?
+Georgia gibbs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock Your Little Baby to Sleep?
+Buddy knox
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock-a-Beatin' Boogie?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock-a-Billy?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody?
+Jerry lewis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rock-in Robin?
+Bobby day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rocka-Conga?
+The applejacks
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Roll Over Beethoven?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rosie Lee?
+The mello-tones
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Round and Round?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ruby Baby?
+The drifters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Ruby?
+Richard hayman & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rudy's Rock?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Rumble?
+Link wray & his ray men
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Runaround?
+The three chuckles
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Running Bear?
+Johnny preston
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sadie Thompson's Song (Blue Pacific Blues)?
+Richard hayman
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sail Along Silvery Moon?
+Billy vaughn & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Same Old Saturday Night?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Santa and the Satellite (Parts 1 &?
+Buchanan & goodman
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Santa Baby?
+Eartha kitt
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Santo Natale (Merry Christmas)?
+David whitfield
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Say Man?
+Bo diddley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Say You're Mine Again?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Scarlett Ribbons (for Her Hair)?
+The browns
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: School Day?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sea Cruise?
+Frankie ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sea of Love?
+Phil phillips with the twilights
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Searchin'?
+The coasters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Second Fiddle?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Secret Love?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Secretly?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: See Saw?
+The moonglows
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: See You In September?
+The tempos
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: See You Later, Alligator?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sentimental Journey?
+Les brown & ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sentimental Me?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Seven Little Girls Sitting In the Back Seat?
+Paul evans & the curls
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Seventeen?
+The fontane sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sh-Boom (Life Could Be a Dream)?
+The crew-cuts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Shake, Rattle and Roll?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Shangri-La?
+The four coins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: She Say (Oom Dooby Doom)?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: She Was Five and He Was Ten?
+The mills brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: She Was Only Seventeen (He Was One Year More)?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: She Wears Red Feathers?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: She's Neat?
+Dale wright
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Shimmy, Shimmy, Ko-Ko-Bop?
+Little anthony & the imperials
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Shish-Kebab?
+Ralph marterie & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Short Fat Fannie?
+Larry williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Short Shorts?
+Royal teens
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sick and Tired?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Silhouettes?
+The rays
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Silver Dollar?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sin?
+Eddy howard & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Since I Don't Have You?
+The skyliners
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Since I Met You Baby?
+Ivory joe hunter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Since You've Been Gone?
+Clyde mcphatter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sincerely?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sing Boy Sing?
+Tommy sands
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Singing the Blues?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sittin' in the Balcony?
+Eddie cochran
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Six Nights a Week?
+The crests
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sixty Minute Man?
+Billy ward and his dominoes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Skinnie Minnie (Fish Tail)?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Skinny Minnie?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Skokiaan (South African Song)?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Skokiaan?
+Ralph marterie & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sleep Walk?
+Santo & johnny
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sleep?
+Les paul
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Slippin' and Slidin' (Peepin' and a-Hidin')?
+Little richard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Slow Poke?
+Pee wee king & his golden west cowboys
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Small World?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Smiles?
+Crazy otto
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: So Close?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: So Fine?
+The fiestas
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: So Many Ways?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: So Rare?
+Jimmy dorsey & his orchestra & chorus
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Soft?
+Bill doggett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Some Day?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Some Kind-a Earthquake?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Somebody Bad Stole De Wedding Bell?
+Eartha kitt
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Somebody Touched Me?
+Buddy knox with the rhythm orchids
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Somebody Up There Likes Me?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Someone Else's Love Song?
+Georgie shaw
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Someone?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Something's Gotta Give?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Somewhere There Is Someone?
+Lou monte
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Song Of The Barefoot Contessa?
+Hugo winterhalter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Song Of the Dreamer?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sorry (I Ran All the Way Home)?
+The impalas
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sparrow In the Treetop?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Speedoo?
+The cadillacs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Splish Splash?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: St. George and the Dragonet?
+Stan freberg
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: St. Louis Blues Mambo?
+Richard maltby & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: St. Therese of the Roses?
+Billy ward and his dominoes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Stagger Lee?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Standing on the Corner?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Star Dust?
+Billy ward and his dominoes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Stardust Mambo?
+Richard maltby & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Start Movin' (in My Direction)?
+Sal mineo
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Steam Heat?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Stood Up?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Story of My Love?
+Conway twitty
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Stranded In the Jungle?
+The cadets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Stupid Cupid?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Such a Night?
+Johnnie ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Suddenly There's a Valley?
+Gogi grant
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sugar Moon?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sugartime?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Summertime Blues?
+Eddie cochran
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Summertime, Summertime?
+The jamies
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Susie Darlin'?
+Robin luke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Suzie-Q?
+Dale hawkins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Swanee River Rock (Talkin' 'Bout That River)?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sway?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sweet and Gentle?
+Alan dale
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sweet Little Sixteen?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Sweeter Than You?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Take A Message To Mary?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Talk That Talk?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Talk to Me, Talk to Me?
+Little willie john
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Talkin' to the Blues?
+Jim lowe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tall Cool One?
+The wailers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tall Paul?
+Annette with the afterbeats
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tammy?
+Debbie reynolds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tea for Two Cha Cha?
+Tommy dorsey orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Teach Me Tonight?
+The decastro sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Teacher, Teacher?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tear Drop?
+Santo & johnny
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tear Drops?
+Lee andrews & the hearts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tears on My Pillow?
+Little anthony & the imperials
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Teasin'?
+Quaker city boys
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Teen Age Prayer?
+Gale storm
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Teen Beat?
+Sandy nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Teenage Crush?
+Tommy sands
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tell Him No?
+Travis & bob
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tell Me Why?
+Four aces
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tell Me, Tell Me?
+June valli
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tenderly?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Thank You for Calling?
+Jo stafford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Thank You Pretty Baby?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: That'll Be the Day?
+Buddy holly & the crickets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: That's All I Want from You?
+Jaye p. morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: That's Amore?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: That's How Much I Love You?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: That's My Boy?
+Stan freberg
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: That's What I Like?
+Don, dick & jimmy
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: That's Why (I Love You So)?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The All American Boy?
+Bobby bare
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Angels Listened In?
+The crests
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Autumn Waltz?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Bandit (O'Cangaceiro)?
+Eddie barclay & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Banjo's Back in Town?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Battle Of Kookamonga?
+Homer & jethro
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Battle Of New Orleans?
+Johnny horton
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Bible Tells Me So?
+Don cornell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Big Beat?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Big Hurt?
+Miss toni fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Bird on My Head?
+David seville
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Blob?
+The five blobs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Book of Love?
+The monotones
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Breeze and I (Andalucia)?
+Caterina valente
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Bus Stop Song (A Paper of Pins)?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Chain Gang?
+Bobby scott
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)?
+The chipmunks
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Church Bells May Ring?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Class?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Crazy Otto (Medley)?
+Johnny maddox
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Creep?
+Ralph marterie & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Cry Of the Wild Goose?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Day the Rains Came?
+Jane morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Diary?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Doggie in the Window?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Enchanted Sea?
+The islanders
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The End?
+Earl grant
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Flying Saucer (Parts 1 &?
+Buchanan & goodman
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Fool?
+Sanford clark
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Freeze?
+Tony and joe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Gal That Got Away?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Girl with the Golden Braids?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Glow-Worm?
+The mills brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Great Pretender?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Green Years?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Hanging Tree?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Happy Reindeer?
+Dancer, prancer & nervous
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Happy Wanderer?
+Frank weir
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Happy Whistler?
+Don robertson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Hawaiian Wedding Song (Ke Kali Nei Au)?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Heat's On?
+Rita hayworth & jose ferrer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Hot Canary?
+Florian zabach
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The House of Blue Lights?
+Chuck miller
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Hula Hoop Song?
+Georgia gibbs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Italian Theme?
+Cyril stapleton & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Joker (That's What They Call Me)?
+The hilltoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Jones Boy?
+The mills brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Kentuckian Song?
+The hilltoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Kid's Last Fight?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Little Blue Man?
+Betty johnson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Little Drummer Boy?
+Harry simeone chorale
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Little Shoemaker?
+The gaylords
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Little White Cloud That Cried?
+Johnnie ray and the four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Lonely One?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Lonesome Polecat?
+The mcguire sisters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Longest Walk?
+Jaye p. morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Magic Tango?
+Hugo winterhalter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Mama Doll Song?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Man in the Raincoat?
+Marion marlowe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Man Upstairs?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Man with the Banjo?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Mocking Bird?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Money Tree?
+Margaret whiting
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Morning Side Of the Mountain?
+Tommy edwards
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Mummy?
+Bob mcfadden & dor
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Night Before Christmas?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Old Master Painter?
+Richard hayes
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Old Philosopher?
+Eddie lawrence
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Popcorn Song?
+Cliffie stone and his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Purple People Eater?
+Sheb wooley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Roving Kind?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Saints Rock 'N' Roll?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Secret?
+Gordon macrae
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Shifting, Whispering Sands?
+Rusty draper
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Story of My Life?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Stroll?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Swingin' Shepherd Blues?
+Moe koffman quartette
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Syncopated Clock?
+Leroy anderson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Ten Commandments of Love?
+Harvey & the moonglows
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Tennessee Waltz?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Thing?
+Phil harris
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Things I Didn't Do?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Three Bells (Les Trois Cloches)?
+The browns
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Tijuana Jail?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Tumbling Tumbleweeds?
+Billy vaughn & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Twelfth of Never?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Village of St. Bernadette?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Walk?
+Jimmy mccracklin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Way I Walk?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Ways of a Woman in Love?
+Johnny cash & the tennessee two
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Wayward Wind?
+Gogi grant
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Witch Doctor?
+David seville
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The Wonder of You?
+Ray peterson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: The World Outside?
+The four coins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There Goes My Baby?
+The drifters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There Goes My Heart?
+Joni james
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There Must Be a Way?
+Joni james
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There Never Was A Night So Beautiful?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There'll Be No Teardrops Tonight?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There's A Big Blue Cloud (Next To Heaven)?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There's A Gold Mine In the Sky?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There's No Boat Like A Rowboat?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: There's Only One of You?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: They Were Doin' the Mambo?
+Vaughn monroe
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Things That I Used to Do?
+Guitar slim
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Think It Over?
+Buddy holly & the crickets
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: This Friendly World?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: This I Swear?
+The skyliners
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: This Little Girl of Mine?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: This Little Girl's Gone Rockin'?
+Ruth brown
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: This Ole House?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: This Should Go On Forever?
+Rod bernard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Three Coins In the Fountain?
+The four aces featuring al alberts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Three Stars?
+Tommy dee with carol kay & the teen-aires
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tiger?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Till I Waltz Again With You?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Till We Two Are One?
+Eddy howard
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Time Waits for No One?
+The hilltoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tina Marie?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: To Be Loved?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: To Ev'ry Girl, to ev'ry boy (the meaning of love)?
+Johnnie ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: To Know Him, Is To Love Him?
+The teddy bears
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: To Know You (Is To Love You)?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: To the Aisle?
+The five satins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: To You, My Love?
+Nick noble
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tom Dooley?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tomboy?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tonight You Belong To Me?
+Patience & prudence
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Too Close for Comfort?
+Eydie gorme
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Too Much?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Topsy I?
+Cozy cole
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Topsy II?
+Cozy cole
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Torero?
+Renato carosone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Torquay?
+The fireballs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tra La La?
+Georgia gibbs
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tragedy?
+Thomas wayne with the delons
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Transfusion?
+Nervous norvus
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Treasure of Love?
+Clyde mcphatter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Treasure of Your Love?
+Eileen rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Treat Me Nice?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tricky?
+Ralph marterie & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Try the Impossible?
+Lee andrews & the hearts
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Try?
+Stan freberg
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tucumcari?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Tulips and Heather?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Turn Me Loose?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Turvy II?
+Cozy cole
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Twilight Time?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Twixt Twelve and Twenty?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Two Different Worlds?
+Don rondo
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Two Hearts?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Two Lost Souls?
+Perry como & jaye p. morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Two Purple Shadows?
+Jerry vale
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Uh! Oh! (Part?
+The nutty squirrels
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Unless?
+Guy mitchell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Valley of Tears?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Vaya Con Dios (May God Be with You)?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Veni-Vidi-Vici (I Came, I Saw, I Conquered)?
+The gaylords
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Venus?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wait and See?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Waitin' in School?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wake the Town and Tell the People?
+Les baxter & his orchestra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wake Up Little Susie?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Walk Hand In Hand?
+Tony martin
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Walkin' After Midnight?
+Patsy cline
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Walkin' My Baby Back Home?
+Johnnie ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Walkin' to Missouri?
+Sammy kaye
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Walking Along?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wanted?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wanting You?
+Roger williams
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Waterloo?
+Stonewall jackson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Watermelon Weather?
+Perry como and eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: We Belong Together?
+Robert & johnny
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: We Got Love?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: We'll Meet Again?
+Vera lynn
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wear My Ring Around Your Neck?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Weary Blues?
+The mcguire sisters and lawrence welk
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Week End?
+The kingsmen
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Western Movies?
+The olympics
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: What A Diff'rence A Day Makes?
+Dinah Washington
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: What A Dream?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: What Am I Living For?
+Chuck willis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: What Is Love?
+The playmates
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: What It Was, Was Football (Parts I & II)?
+Andy griffith
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: What'd I Say (Part?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Whatever Lola Wants (Lola Gets)?
+Dinah shore
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Whatever Lola Wants?
+Sarah vaughan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wheel Of Fortune?
+Kay starr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: When I Fall In Love?
+Doris day
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: When I See You?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: When My Dreamboat Comes Home?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: When the Boys Talk About the Girls?
+Valerie carr
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: When You Dance?
+The turbans
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: When?
+Kalin twins
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Where Were You (on Our Wedding Day)?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Whispering Bells?
+The dell-vikings
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: White Christmas?
+Bing crosby
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: White Silver Sands?
+Don rondo
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Whither Thou Goest?
+Les paul & mary ford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Who Kissed Me Last Night?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Who Needs You?
+The four lads
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Who's Sorry Now?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On?
+Jerry lee lewis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Whole Lotta Loving?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Why Baby Why?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
+Gale storm
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Why Don't They Understand?
+George hamilton iv
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Why Don't You Believe Me?
+Joni james
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Why?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wild Cherry?
+Don cherry
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wild Horses?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wild Is the Wind?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Willie and the Hand Jive?
+Johnny otis show
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Win Your Love for Me?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Winter Wonderland?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wisdom of a Fool?
+The five keys
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wish You Were Here?
+Eddie fisher
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wishing for Your Love?
+The voxpoppers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Witchcraft?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: With All My Heart?
+Jodie sands
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: With My Eyes Wide Open I'm Dreaming?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: With Open Arms?
+Jane morgan
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: With the Wind and the Rain In Your Hair?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: With Your Love?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Without Love (There Is Nothing)?
+Clyde mcphatter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Woman (Uh-Huh)?
+Jose ferrer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Woman?
+Johnny desmond
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wonderful You?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wonderful! Wonderful!?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wondering?
+Patti page
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Woo-Hoo?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Words of Love?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wringle Wrangle?
+Fess parker
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Wun'erful, Wun'erful! (Sides Uh-One & Uh-Two)?
+Stan freberg
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Y'all Come?
+Bing crosby
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Yakety Yak?
+The coasters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Yep!?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Yes, Tonight, Josephine?
+Johnnie ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Alone?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Are My Destiny?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Are My Love?
+Joni james
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Belong To Me?
+Jo stafford
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Better Know It?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Can Make It if You Try?
+Gene allison
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Cheated?
+The shields
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Don't Know Me?
+Jerry vale
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Don't Owe Me a Thing?
+Johnnie ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Got What it Takes?
+Marv johnson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Need Hands?
+Eydie gorme
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Send Me?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Were Made for Me?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You Were Mine?
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You You You?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You'd Be Surprised?
+Johnnie ray
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You'll Never Get Away?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You'll Never Know?
+Rosemary clooney
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You'll Never Never Know?
+The platters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You're Cheatin' Yourself (If You're Cheating On Me)?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You're Gonna Miss Me?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You're My One and Only Love?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You're So Fine?
+The falcons
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: You?
+The aquatones
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Young Abe Lincoln?
+Don cornell
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Young and Warm and Wonderful?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Young Blood?
+The coasters
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Young Love?
+Tab hunter
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Young-At-Heart?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Your Wild Heart?
+Joy layne
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Yours (Quireme Mucho)?
+Dick contino
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Zing Zing-Zoom Zoom?
+Perry como
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Zip Zip?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1950s: Artist/Band: Zorro?
+The chordettes
+Music: 1950s: for what crime was Merle Haggard imprisoned in 1956?
+Armed robbery
+Music: 1950s: In the 1958 hit 'purple people eater', what is the last word spoken by the purple people eater?
+Music: 1950s: What band did james brown tour and record with in the 1950's?
+Famous flames
+Music: 1950s: What song about christmas was a hit in mid summer in 1956?
+I'm walking backwards for christmas
+Music: 1950s: What was a 1959 number one hit for Shirley Bassey?
+As I Love You
+Music: 1960s:  In 1968 this infectious summons to unity was The Rascals last hit?
+People got to be free
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 'Round Every Corner?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 'Til?
+The angels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 'Till Death Do Us Part?
+Bob braun
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 'Till Then?
+The classics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 'Till?
+The vogues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (All of a Sudden) My Heart Sings?
+Mel carter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Come 'Round Here) I'm the One You Need?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Dance the) Mess Around?
+Chubby Checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Dance with the) Guitar Man?
+Duane eddy & the rebelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Do the New) Continental?
+The dovells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Down At) Papa Joe's?
+The dixiebelles with cornbread & jerry
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Ghost) Riders In the Sky?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Girls, Girls, Girls) Made to Love?
+Eddie hodges
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (He's My) Dreamboat?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (He's) the Great Impostor?
+The Fleetwoods
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I Can't Help You) I'm Falling Too?
+Skeeter davis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I Do the) Shimmy Shimmy?
+Bobby freeman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I Know) I'm Losing You?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I Love You) Don't You Forget It?
+Perry como
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I Wanna) Love My Life Away?
+Gene Pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I Wanna) Testify?
+The parliaments
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I Washed My Hands In) Muddy Water?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I'm a) Road Runner?
+Jr. walker & the all-stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I'm the Girl on) Wolverton Mountain?
+Jo ann campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (I've Got) Bonnie?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Just Like) Romeo & Juliet?
+The reflections
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Loneliness Made Me Realize) It's You That I Need?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Love Is Like a) Baseball Game?
+The intruders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Marie's the Name) His Latest Flame?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Remember Me) I'm the One Who Loves You?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Say) You're My Girl?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Sittin' on) the Dock of the Bay?
+Otis redding
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Such an) Easy Question?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Sweet Sweet Baby) Since You've Been Gone?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (The Graduation Song) Pomp and Circumstance?
+Adrian kimberly
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (The Lament of the Cherokee Indian) Indian Reservation?
+Don fardon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Theme from) Valley of the Dolls?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (There Was a) Tall Oak Tree?
+Dorsey Burnette
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Today I Met) The Boy I'm Gonna Marry?
+Darlene love
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (We Ain't Got) Nothin' Yet?
+Blues magoos
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Welcome) New Lovers?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (When She Needs Good Lovin') She Comes to Me?
+The chicago loop
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (You Don't Have To) Paint Me a Picture?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (You Don't Know) How Glad I Am?
+Nancy wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (You Keep Me) Hangin' On?
+Joe simon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (You Were Made for) All My Love?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (You're Gonna) Hurt Yourself?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (You're My) Soul and Inspiration?
+The righteous brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (You're the) Devil in Disguise?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (You've Got to) Move Two Mountains?
+Marv johnson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 1-2-3?
+Len barry
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 1,2,3 Red Light?
+1910 fruitgum company
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 1432 Franklin Pike Circle Hero?
+Bobby russell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 18 Yellow Roses?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 19th Nervous Breakdown?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 20-75?
+Willie mitchell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 500 Miles Away From Home?
+Bobby bare
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 634-5789 (Soulsville, U.S.A.)?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 7 and 7 Is?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 7 Rooms of Gloom?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 96 Tears?
+? & the mysterians
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: 98.6?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A 1960s group and also the place in St Pauls where monks finished their paternoster on Corpus Christi day?
+Amen corner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Banda (Ah Bahn-da)?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Beautiful Morning?
+The rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Boy Named Sue?
+Johnny cash
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Brand New Me?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Change Is Gonna Come?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Fool in Love?
+Ike & tina turner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Fool Never Learns?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Girl Like You?
+The young rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Groovy Kind of Love?
+The mindbenders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Hazy Shade of Winter?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Hundred Pounds of Clay?
+Gene McDaniels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Little Bit of Heaven?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Little Bit of Soap?
+The jarmels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Little Bitty Tear?
+Burl ives
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Love She Can Count On?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Love So Fine?
+The chiffons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Lover's Concerto?
+The toys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Man Without Love (Quando M'innamoro)?
+Engelbert humperdinck
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Mess of Blues?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Million To One?
+Jimmy charles & The Revelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Must to Avoid?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Natural Woman (You Make Me Feel Like)?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Place in the Sun?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Question of Temperature?
+The balloon farm
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Ray of Hope?
+The rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Rockin' Good Way (to Mess Around and Fall in Love)?
+Dinah Washington & brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Satisfied Mind?
+Bobby hebb
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Sign of the Times?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Steel Guitar and a Glass of Wine?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Summer Song?
+Chad & jeremy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Sweet Woman Like You?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Swingin' Safari?
+Billy vaughn & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Taste Of Honey?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Tear?
+Gene mcdaniels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Thousand Stars?
+Kathy young with The Innocents
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Walk in the Black Forest?
+Horst jankowski
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Walkin' Miracle?
+The essex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Well-Respected Man?
+The kinks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Whiter Shade of Pale?
+Procol harum
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Woman, a Lover, a Friend?
+Jackie Wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Wonder Like You?
+Rick nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A Wonderful Dream?
+The majors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A World Of Our Own?
+The seekers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: A World Without Love?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Abilene?
+George hamilton iv
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: About This Thing Called Love?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Agent Double-O Soul?
+Edwin starr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ahab, the Arab?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't Gonna Lie?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't It True?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't No Mountain High Enough?
+Marvin gaye & tammi terrell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't No Way?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing?
+Marvin gaye & tammi terrell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't Nothing You Can Do?
+Bobby bland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't She Sweet?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't That A Shame?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't That Just Like a Woman?
+Fats Domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't That Loving You Baby?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't That Peculiar?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ain't Too Proud to Beg?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Alice in Wonderland?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Alice Long (You're Still My Favorite Girlfriend)?
+Tommy boyce & bobby hart
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All Alone Am I?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All Along the Watchtower?
+The jimi hendrix experience
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All Day And All Of The Night?
+The kinks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All I Could Do Was Cry?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All I Have To Do Is Dream?
+Richard chamberlain
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All I Need?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All I Really Want to Do?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All I See Is You?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All in My Mind?
+Maxine brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All Strung Out?
+Nino tempo & april stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All You Need Is Love?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: All?
+James darren
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Alley Cat?
+Bent fabric & his piano
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Alley-Oop?
+Hollywood argyles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Almost Persuaded?
+David houston
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Alone At Last?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Alone?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Along Came Jones?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Along Comes Mary?
+The association
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Alvin's Orchestra?
+The chipmunks & David seville
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Am I Losing You?
+Jim reeves
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Am I the Man?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ame Caline (Soul Coaxing)?
+Raymond lefevre & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Amor?
+Ben e. king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: An Open Letter to My Teenage Son?
+Victor lundberg
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: And Get Away?
+The esquires
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: And I Love Her?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: And Roses and Roses?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: And When I Die?
+Blood, sweat & tears
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Angel Baby?
+Rosie & the originals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Angel of the Morning?
+Merrilee rush & the turnabouts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Angel on My Shoulder?
+Shelby flint
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Angela Jones?
+Johnny ferguson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Another Saturday Night?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Another Sleepless Night?
+Jimmy clanton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Any Day Now (My Wild Beautiful Bird)?
+Chuck jackson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Any Way You Want It?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Anybody But Me?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Anymore?
+Teresa brewer
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Anyone Who Had a Heart?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Anything That's Part of You?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Apache?
+Jorgen ingmann & his guitar
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Apple Green?
+June valli
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Apple of My Eye?
+Roy head & the traits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie?
+Jay & the techniques
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In (The Flesh Failures)?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Are You Happy?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Are You Lonely for Me?
+Freddie scott
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Are You Lonesome Tonight?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Are You There (with Another Girl)?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Arizona?
+Mark lindsay
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Artificial Flowers?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: As If I Didn't Know?
+Adan wade
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: As Usual?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Asia Minor?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ask Me?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ask the Lonely?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: At the Scene?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: At the Zoo?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Atlantis?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Attack?
+The toys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Autumn of My Life?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: B-A-B-Y?
+Carla thomas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby (You've Got What It Takes)?
+Dinah Washington & brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Blue?
+The echoes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Don't Go?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Don't You Do It?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Don't You Weep?
+Garnet mimms & the enchanters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby I Love You?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby I'm for Real?
+The originals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Let's Wait?
+The royal guardsmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Love?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Oh Baby?
+The shells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Sittin' Boogie?
+Buzz clifford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Take Me in Your Arms?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby What You Want Me To Do?
+Jimmy reed
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby Workout?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby You Got It?
+Brenton wood
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby, Baby Don't Cry?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby, Come Back?
+The equals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby, Don't You Cry (The New Swingova Rhythm)?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby, I'm Yours?
+Barbara lewis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby, Now That I've Found You?
+The foundations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby, Scratch My Back?
+Slim harpo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby, The Rain Must Fall?
+Glenn yarbrough
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby, You're a Rich Man?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Baby's First Christmas?
+Connie Francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Back In My Arms Again?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Back On the Street Again?
+The sunshine company
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Backfield In Motion?
+Mel & tim
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Backstage?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bad Girl?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bad Man Blunder?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bad Moon Rising?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bad to Me?
+Billy j. kramer & the dakotas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ball of Fire?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ballad Of the Alamo?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ballad Of the Green Berets?
+Staff sgt. barry sadler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Band of Gold?
+Mel carter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bang-Shang-A-Lang?
+The archies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Barbara?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Barefootin'?
+Robert parker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Batman Theme?
+Neal hefti & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Battle Hymn of the Republic?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Be Anything (But Be Mine)?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Be Careful of Stones That You Throw?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Be My Baby?
+The ronettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Be True to Your School?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Be True to Yourself?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Beans in My Ears?
+The serendipity singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Beatnik Fly?
+Johnny & the hurricanes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Beautiful People?
+Bobby vee & the strangers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Because They're Young?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Because?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Beechwood 4-5789?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Before and After?
+Chad & jeremy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Beg, Borrow and Steal?
+Ohio express
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Beggin'?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bella Linda?
+The grass roots
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bend Me, Shape Me?
+The American breed
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bernadette?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Best of Both Worlds?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Better Tell Him No?
+The starlets
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bewildered?
+James brown & the famous Flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Beyond the Sea?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Big Bad John?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Big Boss Man?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Big Cold Wind?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Big Girls Don't Cry?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Big Iron?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Big John (Ain't You Gonna Marry Me)?
+The shirelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Big Man in Town?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bill Bailey?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Billy and Sue?
+B.j. thomas & the triumphs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bird Dance Beat?
+The trashmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Birdland?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Birthday Party?
+The pixies three
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Birthday?
+Underground sunshine
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bits And Pieces?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Black is Black?
+Los bravos
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Black Pearl?
+Sonny charles & the checkmates, ltd
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blame It On the Bossa Nova?
+Eydie gorme
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bless Our Love?
+Gene chandler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bless You?
+Tony orlando
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue Angel?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue Autumn?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue Bayou?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue Moon?
+The marcels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue on Blue?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue Tango?
+Bill black's combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue Velvet?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue Winter?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blue's Theme?
+Davie allan & the arrows
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Blues (Stay Away from Me)?
+Ace cannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bobby's Girl?
+Marcie blane
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bonanza?
+Al caiola & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bongo Stomp?
+Little joey & the flips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bonnie Came Back?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Boogaloo Down Broadway?
+The fantastic johnny c
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Born a Woman?
+Sandy posey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Born to Be Wild?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Boss Guitar?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bossa Nova Baby?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Both Sides Now?
+Judy collins
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bottle of Wine?
+The fireballs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bowling Green?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Brass Buttons?
+The string-a-longs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bread and Butter?
+The newbeats
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Break Away (from That Boy)?
+The newbeats
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Break it to Me Gently?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Break Your Promise?
+The delfonics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Breakin' In a Brand New Broken Heart?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Breakin' Up Is Breakin' My Heart?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bring It Up?
+James brown & the famous flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bristol Stomp?
+The dovells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bristol Twistin' Annie?
+The dovells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Brown Eyed Girl?
+Van morrison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Build Me Up Buttercup?
+The foundations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bulldog?
+The fireballs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bumble Bee?
+The searchers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bumble Boogie?
+B. bumble & the Stingers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Burning Bridges?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bus Stop?
+The hollies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bust Out?
+The busters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Busted?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: But It's Alright?
+J.j. jackson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: But You Know I Love You?
+Kenny rogers & the first edition
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: But You're Mine?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Butterfly Baby?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: C'est Si Bon (It's So Good)?
+Conway twitty
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: C'mon and Swim?
+Bobby freeman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: C'mon Marianne?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cab Driver?
+The mills brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Calcutta?
+Lawrence welk
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Calendar Girl?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: California Dreamin'?
+The mamas & the papas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: California Girls?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: California Nights?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: California Soul?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: California Sun?
+The rivieras
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Call Me Lightning?
+The who
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Call Me Mr. In-Between?
+Burl ives
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Call Me?
+Chris montez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Call On Me?
+Bobby bland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Can I Change My Mind?
+Tyrone davis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Can I Get a Witness?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Can't Buy Me Love?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Can't Get Used To Losing You?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Can't Help Falling in Love?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Can't Take My Eyes off You?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Can't You Hear My Heartbeat?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Can't You See That She's Mine?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Candy Girl?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Candy Man?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cara Mia?
+Jay & the americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cara-Lin?
+The strangeloves
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Caroline, No?
+Brian wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Carpet Man?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Carrie-Anne?
+The hollies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Carry Me Back?
+The rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Casino Royale?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Catch the Wind?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Catch Us If You Can?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Caterina?
+Perry como
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cathy's Clown?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chain Gang?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chain of Fools?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chained?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chains?
+The cookies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chapel in the Moonlight?
+The bachelors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chapel of Love?
+The dixie cups
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Charms?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chattanooga Choo Choo?
+Floyd cramer
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cherish?
+The association
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cherry Hill Park?
+Billy joe royal
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cherry Pie?
+Skip & flip
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cherry, Cherry?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chewy Chewy?
+Ohio express
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Child of Clay?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: China Doll?
+The ames brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chip Chip?
+Gene mcdaniels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Choice of Colors?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Choo Choo Train?
+The box tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Chug-a-Lug?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cinderella?
+Jack ross
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cindy's Birthday?
+Johnny crawford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cinnamon?
+Derek (johnny cymbal)
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cissy Strut?
+The meters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Classical Gas?
+Mason williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Clean Up Your Own Backyard?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Clementine?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Clinging Vine?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Close to Cathy?
+Mike clifford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Close Your Eyes?
+Peaches & herb
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cold Sweat (Part?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cold Turkey?
+John lennon & the plastic ono band
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Color Him Father?
+The winstons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Color My World?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come A Little Bit Closer?
+Jay & the americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come and Get These Memories?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come and Stay with Me?
+Marianne faithfull
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come Back Silly Girl?
+The lettermen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come Back When You Grow Up?
+Bobby vee & the strangers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come Home?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come On Down to My Boat?
+Every mothers' son
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come On Little Angel?
+The belmonts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come On, Let's Go?
+The mccoys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come On?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come Running Back?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come See?
+Major lance
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come To the Sunshine?
+Harpers bizarre
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Come Together?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Comin' Home Baby?
+Mel torme
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Coming Home Soldier?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Coming on Strong?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Commotion?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Concrete and Clay?
+Unit four + two
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Conscience?
+James darren
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cool Jerk?
+The capitols
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Corinna, Corinna?
+Ray peterson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cotton Candy?
+Al hirt
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cotton Fields?
+The highwaymen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Count Every Star?
+Donnie & the Dreamers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Count Me In?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Country Boy?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Country Girl, city man?
+Billy vera & judy clay
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Court of Love?
+The unifics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cousin of Mine?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cowboys to Girls?
+The intruders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cradle of Love?
+Johnny preston
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crazy Arms?
+Bob beckham
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crazy Downtown?
+Allan sherman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crazy?
+Patsy cline
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Creeque Alley?
+The mamas & the papas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crimson and Clover?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cross Fire!?
+The orlons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crossroads?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cry Baby Cry?
+The angels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cry Baby?
+Garnet mimms & the enchanters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cry Like A Baby?
+The box tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cry To Me?
+Betty harris
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cry?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crying In the Chapel?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crying In the Rain?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crying Time?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Crystal Blue Persuasion?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Cycles?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: D.W. Washburn?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Walked Me Home)?
+The crystals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Daddy Sang Bass?
+Johnny cash
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Daddy's Home?
+Shep & the limelites
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Daddy's Little Man?
+O.c. smith
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Daisy Petal Pickin'?
+Jimmy gilmer & the fireballs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dance on Little Girl?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dance to the Music?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dance, Dance, Dance?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dancin' Party?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dancing in the Street?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dandelion?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dandy?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dang Me?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Danke Schoen?
+Wayne newton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Darlin'?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Darling Be Home Soon?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dawn (Go Away)?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Day for Decision?
+Johnny sea
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Day Is Done?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Day Tripper?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Daydream Believer?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Daydream?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Days of Wine and Roses?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dead End Street?
+Lou rawls
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dead Man's Curve?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dear Heart?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dear Ivan?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dear One?
+Larry finnegan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dedicated Follower of Fashion?
+The kinks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Deep Purple?
+Nino tempo & april stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Delaware?
+Perry como
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Delilah?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Denise?
+Randy & the rainbows
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Desafinado?
+Stan getz & charlie byrd
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Desert Pete?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Devil Or Angel?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Devil with a Blue Dress On / Good Golly Miss Molly?
+Mitch ryder & the detroit wheels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Devil Woman?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Diamonds and Pearls?
+The paradons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Diane?
+The bachelors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Did You See Her Eyes?
+The illusion
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Different Drum?
+Linda ronstadt & the stone poneys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead?
+The fifth estate
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ding-a-Ling?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dirty Water?
+The standells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Distant Shores?
+Chad & jeremy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dizzy?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do I Love You?
+The ronettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do It Again a Little Bit Slower?
+Jon & robin & the in crowd
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do It Again?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do Something to Me?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do the Bird?
+Dee dee sharp
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do the Boomerang?
+Jr. walker & the all-stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do the Clam?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do the Freddie?
+Freddie & the dreamers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do Wah Diddy Diddy?
+Manfred mann
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do You Believe in Magic?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do You Know the Way to San Jose?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do You Wanna Dance?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do You Want to Know a Secret?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do Your Thing?
+Watts 103rd st. rhythm band
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do-Re-Mi?
+Lee dorsey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Do-Wacka-Do?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Does Anybody Know I'm Here?
+The dells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor?
+Lonnie donegan & his skiffle group
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Does Your Mama Know About Me?
+Bobby taylor & the vancouvers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Doggin' Around?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Doggone Right?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Doll House?
+Donnie brooks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dominique?
+The singing nun
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Be Afraid, Little Darlin'?
+Steve lawrence
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Be Cruel?
+Bill black's combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Bet Money Honey?
+Linda scott
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Blame Me?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Blame the Children?
+Sammy davis, jr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Break the Heart That Loves You?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Bring Me Down?
+The animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Come Knockin'?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Cry Daddy?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Cry, Baby?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Forget I Still Love You?
+Bobbi martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Give in to Him?
+Gary puckett & the union gap
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Give Up?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Go Near the Indians?
+Rex allen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Go Out Into the Rain (You're Going to Melt)?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Go to Strangers?
+Etta jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Hang Up?
+The orlons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Just Stand There?
+Patty duke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood?
+The animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Me Down?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Let the Joneses Get You Down?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Let the Rain Come Down (Crooked Little Man)?
+The serendipity singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Let the Rain Fall Down on Me?
+The critters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying?
+Gerry & the pacemakers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Make Me Over?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Mess Up A Good Thing?
+Fontella bass & bobby mclure
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Mess with Bill?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Play That Song (You Lied)?
+Ben e. king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Say Goodnight and Mean Goodbye?
+The shirelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Say Nothin' Bad (About My Baby)?
+The cookies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Set Me Free?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Sleep In The Subway?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Take It So Hard?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Think Twice, It's All Right?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Think Twice?
+Wonder who? (4 seasons)
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Throw Away All Those Teardrops?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Throw Your Love Away?
+The searchers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Touch Me?
+Bettye swann
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Worry Baby?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't Worry?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't You Believe It?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Don't You Care?
+The buckinghams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Donna the Prima Donna?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Double Shot (of My Baby's Love)?
+Swingin' medallions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Down At Lulu's?
+Ohio express
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Down By the Station?
+The four preps
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Down In the Boondocks?
+Billy joe royal
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Down On the Corner?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Down the Aisle (Wedding Song)?
+Patti labelle & the blue belles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Downtown?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Drag City?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dream A Little Dream of Me?
+Mama cass elliot
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dream Baby (How Long Must I Dream)?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dream On Little Dreamer?
+Perry como
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dreamin'?
+Johnny burnette
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dreams of the Everyday Housewife?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dreamy Eyes?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Drip Drop?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Drownin' My Sorrows?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Drums Are My Beat?
+Sandy nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dry Your Eyes?
+Brenda & the tabulations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Duke of Earl?
+Gene chandler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dum Dum?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dum-De-Da?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Dutchman's Gold?
+Walter brennan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Early in the Morning?
+Vanity fare
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Easier Said Than Done?
+The essex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: East West?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Easy to Be Hard?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ebony Eyes?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Echo Park?
+Keith barbour
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Eight Days a Week?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Eight Miles High?
+The byrds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: El Matador?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: El Watusi?
+Ray barretto y su charanga moderna
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Elenore?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Eli's Coming?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Elusive Butterfly?
+Bob lind
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Emotions?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Engine Engine #9?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: England Swings?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Epistle to Dippy?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Eso Beso (That Kiss!)?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Eve of Destruction?
+Barry mcguire
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Even the Bad Times Are Good?
+The tremeloes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everlasting Love?
+Robert knight
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everlovin'?
+Rick nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Every Beat of My Heart?
+Gladys Knight & The Pips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Every Little Bit Hurts?
+Brenda holloway
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Every Step of the Way?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody Knows (I Still Love You)?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody Loves a Clown?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody Loves a Lover?
+The shirelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody Loves Me But You?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody Loves Somebody?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody Needs Love?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody Needs Somebody to Love?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody's Somebody's Fool?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody's Talkin'?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everybody?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everyday People?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everyone's Gone to the Moon?
+Jonathan king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everything That Touches You?
+The association
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Everything's Alright?
+The newbeats
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Explosion in Your Soul?
+Soul survivors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Expressway To Your Heart?
+Soul survivors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song)?
+Otis redding
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Face It Girl, It's Over?
+Nancy wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fakin' It?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Falling?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fame and Fortune?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fannie Mae?
+Buster brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Feel So Fine (Feel So Good)?
+Johnny preston
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fell in Love on Monday?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ferry 'Cross The Mersey?
+Gerry & the pacemakers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fever?
+The mccoys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Find Another Girl?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Finger Poppin' Time?
+Hank ballard & the midnighters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fingertips, pt. 2?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fire?
+The crazy world of arthur brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: First Name Initial?
+Annette with the afterbeats
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: First of May?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: First Quarrel?
+Paul & paula
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Five O'Clock World?
+The vogues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Flaming Star?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Flamingo?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Flowers On the Wall?
+The statler brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Follow That Dream?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Follow the Boys?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Folsom Prison Blues?
+Johnny cash
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fool #1?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fool for You?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Foolish Little Girl?
+The shirelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear to Tread)?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fools Rush In?
+Rick nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Foot Stomping (Part?
+The flares
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Footsteps?
+Steve lawrence
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: For Lovin' Me?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: For My Baby?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: For Once in My Life?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: For What It's Worth (Stop, Hey What's That Sound)?
+The buffalo springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: For You?
+Rick nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Forever Came Today?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Forget Him?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fortunate Son?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Friday on My Mind?
+The easybeats
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Friday's Child?
+Nancy sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Friendship Train?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Frogg?
+The brothers four
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: From A Jack To A King?
+Ned miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: From a Window?
+Billy j. kramer & the dakotas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Fun, Fun, Fun?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Funky Broadway?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Funky Street?
+Arthur conley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Funny How Time Slips Away?
+Jimmy elledge
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Funny Way of Laughin'?
+Burl ives
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: G.T.O?
+Ronny & the daytonas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gallant Men?
+Senator everett mckinley dirksen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Galveston?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Games People Play?
+Joe south
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gee Whiz (Look At His Eyes)?
+Carla Thomas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gee Whiz?
+The innocents
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gentle on My Mind?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Georgia on My Mind?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Georgy Girl?
+The seekers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Get Back?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Get It Together (Part?
+James brown & the famous flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Get Me to the World on Time?
+The electric prunes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Get Off of My Cloud?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Get on Up?
+The esquires
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Get Ready?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Get Together?
+The youngbloods
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gettin' Together?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'?
+Crazy elephant
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gimme Little Sign?
+Brenton wood
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gimme Some Lovin'?
+Spencer davis group
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gina?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ginnie Bell?
+Paul dino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ginny Come Lately?
+Brian hyland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue)?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girl Come Running?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girl in Love?
+The outsiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girl of My Best Friend?
+Ral donner & The Starfires
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girl on a Swing?
+Gerry & the pacemakers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girl Watcher?
+The o'kaysions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girls Can't Do What the Guys Do?
+Betty wright
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girls Grow Up Faster Than Boys?
+The cookies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Girls in Love?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gitarzan?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Give Him a Great Big Kiss?
+The shangri-las
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Give It Up or Turn It a Loose?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Give Peace a Chance?
+John lennon & the plastic ono band
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Give Us Your Blessings?
+The shangri-las
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Giving Up?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Glad All Over?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Glad to Be Unhappy?
+The mamas & the papas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gloria?
+The shadows of knight
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Go Ahead and Cry?
+The righteous brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Go Now!?
+The moody blues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Go Tell It on the Mountain?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Go Where You Wanna Go?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Go, Jimmy, Go?
+Jimmy clanton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: God Only Knows?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: God, Country and My Baby?
+Johnny Burnette
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goin' Out of My Head / Can't Take My Eyes Off You?
+The lettermen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goin' Out of My Head?
+Little anthony & the imperials
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Going Going Gone?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Going in Circles?
+The friends of distinction
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Going to a Go-Go?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Going Up the Country?
+Canned heat
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goldfinger?
+Shirley bassey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gone, Gone, Gone?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gonna Give Her All the Love I've Got?
+Jimmy ruffin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goo Goo Barabajagal (Love Is Hot)?
+Donovan with the jeff beck group
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Lovin' Ain't Easy to Come By?
+Marvin gaye & tammi terrell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Lovin'?
+The young rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Luck Charm?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Morning Starshine?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good News?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Old Rock 'N' Roll?
+Cat mother and the all night news boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Thing?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Time Baby?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Times?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Timin'?
+Jimmy jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Good Vibrations?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goodbye Baby (Baby Goodbye)?
+Solomon burke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goodbye Cruel World?
+James darren
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goodbye My Love?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goodbye?
+Mary hopkin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goodnight?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Goody Goody Gumdrops?
+1910 fruitgum company
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Got a Girl?
+The four preps
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Got to Get You Off My Mind?
+Solomon burke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gravy (for My Mashed Potatoes)?
+Dee dee sharp
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Green Grass?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Green Light?
+The American breed
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Green Onions?
+Booker t. & the mg's
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Green River?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Green Tambourine?
+The lemon pipers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Green, Green Grass of Home?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Green, Green?
+The new christy minstrels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Greenback Dollar?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Greenfields?
+The brothers four
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Groovy Grubworm?
+Harlow wilcox and the oakies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Guantanamera?
+The sandpipers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Gypsy Woman?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hair?
+The cowsills
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Half Heaven, half heartache?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Handy Man?
+Del shannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hang 'Em High?
+Booker t. & the mg's
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hanky Panky?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Happenings Ten Years Time Ago?
+The yardbirds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Happy Birthday Blues?
+Kathy young with The Innocents
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen?
+Neil Sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Happy Heart?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Happy Jack?
+The who
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Happy Summer Days?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Happy Together?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Happy-Go-Lucky-Me?
+Paul evans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Harbor Lights?
+The platters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Harlem Nocturne?
+The viscounts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Harper Valley P.T.A?
+Jeannie c. riley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Harry the Hairy Ape?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hats Off to Larry?
+Del shannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Haunted House?
+Jumpin' gene simmons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Have a Good Time?
+Sue thompson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Have I the Right?
+The honeycombs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Have You Looked into Your Heart?
+Jerry vale
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Having A Party?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hawaii Five-0?
+The ventures
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hawaii Tattoo?
+The waikikis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: He Knows I Love Him Too Much?
+The paris sisters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: He Will Break Your Heart?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: He'll Have To Stay?
+Jeanne black
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: He's a Rebel?
+The crystals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: He's So Fine?
+The chiffons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: He's Sure the Boy I Love?
+The crystals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: He?
+The righteous brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heart and Soul?
+The cleftones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heart Full of Soul?
+The yardbirds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heart in Hand?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heart of Stone?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heartaches By the Number?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heartaches?
+The marcels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heartbreak (It's Hurtin' Me)?
+Little willie john
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hearts Of Stone?
+Bill black's combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heat Wave?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heather Honey?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heaven Knows?
+The grass roots
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heaven?
+The rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello Goodbye?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello Heartache, Goodbye Love?
+Little peggy march
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello Mary Lou?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh! (A Letter from Camp)?
+Allan sherman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello Stranger?
+Barbara lewis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello Walls?
+Faron young
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello Young Lovers?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello, Dolly!?
+Louis armstrong & the all stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hello, I Love You?
+The doors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Help Me Girl?
+Eric burdon & the animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Help Me, Rhonda?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Help Yourself?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Help!?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Her Royal Majesty?
+James darren
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Here Comes My Baby?
+The tremeloes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Here Comes the Judge?
+Shorty long
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Here Comes the Night?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Here I Go Again?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Here It Comes Again?
+The fortunes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Here We Go Again?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Heroes and Villains?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey Baby (They're Playing Our Song)?
+The buckinghams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey Harmonica Man?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey Jean, Hey Dean?
+Dean & jean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey Joe?
+The leaves
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey Jude?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey Little Cobra?
+The rip chords
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey Little Girl?
+Major lance
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey Paula?
+Paul & paula
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey There Lonely Boy?
+Ruby & the romantics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey, Bobba Needle?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey, Girl?
+Freddie scott
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey, Leroy, Your Mama's Callin' You?
+Jimmy castor
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey, Let's Twist?
+Joey dee & the starliters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey, Western Union Man?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey! Baby?
+Bruce channel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hey! Little Girl?
+Del shannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hide 'Nor Hair?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hide & Go Seek (Part?
+Bunker hill
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hide Away?
+Freddy king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Him or Me, what's it gonna be?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hip City (Part?
+Jr. walker & the all-stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hip Hug-Her?
+Booker t. & the mg's
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hippy Hippy Shake?
+The swinging blue jeans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: History Repeats Itself?
+Buddy starcher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hit the Road Jack?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hitch Hike?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hitch It to the Horse?
+The fantastic johnny c
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hold Me Tight?
+Johnny nash
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me?
+Mel carter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hold On! I'm A-Comin'?
+Sam & dave
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hold What You've Got?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Holiday?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Holly Holy?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Holy Cow?
+Lee dorsey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Homburg?
+Procol harum
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Home of the Brave?
+Jody miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Homeward Bound?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Honest I Do?
+The innocents
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Honey Chile?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Honey?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Honky Tonk Women?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Honolulu Lulu?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hooka Tooka?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hooked On A Feeling?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hooray for Hazel?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hootenanny?
+The glencoves
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hopeless?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hot Fun in the Summertime?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hot Pastrami with Mashed Potatoes (Part?
+Joey dee & the starliters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hot Pastrami?
+The dartells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hot Rod Lincoln?
+Johnny bond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hot Smoke and Sassafrass?
+The bubble puppy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hotel Happiness?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Houston?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: How About That?
+Dee clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: How Can I Be Sure?
+The young rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: How Do You Catch a Girl?
+Sam the sham & the pharaohs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: How Do You Do It?
+Gerry & the pacemakers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: How Does That Grab You, Darlin'?
+Nancy sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: How Sweet It Is (to Be Loved By You)?
+Jr. walker & the all-stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: How'd We Ever Get This Way?
+Andy kim
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hully Gully Baby?
+The dovells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hungry for Love?
+San remo golden strings
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hungry?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hurdy Gurdy Man?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hurt?
+Timi yuro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Husbands and Wives?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hush...Hush Sweet Charlotte?
+Patti page
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hush?
+Deep purple
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Hypnotized?
+Linda jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I (Who Have Nothing)?
+Ben e. king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Adore Him?
+The angels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Am a Rock?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Believe?
+The bachelors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can Hear Music?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can Make It With You?
+Pozo-seco singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can Never Go Home Anymore?
+The shangri-las
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can See for Miles?
+The who
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can Sing a Rainbow / Love Is Blue?
+The dells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can Take or Leave Your Loving?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Get Next to You?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Grow Peaches on a Cherry Tree?
+Just us
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With You)?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Help Myself?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't See Myself Leaving You?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Stand Myself (When You Touch Me)?
+James brown & the famous flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Stay Mad At You?
+Skeeter davis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Stop Dancing?
+Archie bell & the drells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Stop Loving You?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Stop Talking About You?
+Steve lawrence & eydie gorme
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Can't Turn You Loose?
+The chambers brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Chose to Sing the Blues?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You)?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Couldn't Live Without Your Love?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Count the Tears?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Dig Rock and Roll Music?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Do Love You?
+Billy stewart
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Do?
+The marvelows
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Don't Wanna Be a Loser?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Don't Wanna Lose You Baby?
+Chad & jeremy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want Nobody to Give Me Nothing (Open the Door, I'll?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want to Cry?
+Chuck jackson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want to See You Again?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want to Spoil the Party?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want to Take a Chance?
+Mary Wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Dreamed Of A Hillbilly Heaven?
+Tex Ritter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Fall To Pieces?
+Patsy cline
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Feel Fine?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Feel So Bad?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Fought the Law?
+Bobby fuller four
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Found a Girl?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Found a Love (Part?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Get Around?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Get the Sweetest Feeling?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Go to Pieces?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Got a Line on You?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Got Rhythm?
+The happenings
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Got the Feelin' (Oh No, No)?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Got the Feelin'?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Got What I Wanted?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Got You (I Feel Good)?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Got You Babe?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Gotta Dance to Keep from Crying?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Gotta Know?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Had a Dream?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Had Too Much to Dream (Last Night)?
+The electric prunes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Have a Boyfriend?
+The chiffons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Hear A Symphony?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Hear Trumpets Blow?
+The tokens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Just Don't Understand?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Knew You When?
+Billy joe royal
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Know (You Don't Love Me No More)?
+Barbara george
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Know A Place?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Left My Heart In San Francisco?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Like it Like That (Part?
+Chris Kenner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Like It?
+Gerry & the pacemakers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Like the Way?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Love the Way You Love?
+Marv johnson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Love You 1000 Times?
+The platters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Love You Because?
+Al martino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Love You Drops?
+Vic dana
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Love You in the Same Old Way?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Love You More and More Every Day?
+Al martino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Love You the Way You Are?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Make a Fool of Myself?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Met Her in Church?
+The box tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Miss You So?
+Little anthony & the imperials
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Must Be Seeing Things?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Need Somebody?
+? & the mysterians
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Need Your Loving?
+Don gardner & dee dee ford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Never Loved a Man (the Way I Love You)?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Only Want to Be with You?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Really Love You?
+The stereos
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Remember You?
+Frank ifield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Rise, I Fall?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Saw Her Again (Last Night)?
+The mamas & the papas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Saw Her Standing There?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Saw Linda Yesterday?
+Dickey lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Second That Emotion?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I See the Light?
+The five americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Sold My Heart to the Junkman?
+The blue belles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Started a Joke?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Take It Back?
+Sandy posey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Thank the Lord for the Night Time?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Thank You?
+Sam & dave
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Think We're Alone Now?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Turned You On?
+The isley brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be Around?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Live?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Love Him So Bad?
+The jelly beans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Thank You?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Want Candy?
+The strangeloves
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Want to (Do Everything for You)?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Want To Be Wanted?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Want To Go With You?
+Eddy arnold
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Want To Hold Your Hand?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Want to Stay Here?
+Steve lawrence & eydie gorme
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Want You Back?
+The jackson 5
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Want You?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman?
+Whistling jack smith
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Was Made to Love Her?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Was Such a Fool (to Fall in Love with You)?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Will Always Think About You?
+The new colony six
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Will Follow Him?
+Little peggy march
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Will?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wish I Were a Princess?
+Little peggy march
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wish It Would Rain?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wish That We Were Married?
+Ronnie & the hi-lites
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wish You Love?
+Gloria lynne
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I Wonder?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'd Wait A Million Years?
+The grass roots
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Always Love You?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Doggone?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Be In Trouble?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Cry Instead?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Keep Holding On?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Keep You Satisfied?
+Billy j. kramer & the dakotas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Make All Your Dreams Come True?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Never Dance Again?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Never Find Another You?
+The seekers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Never Smile Again?
+The platters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Save the Last Dance for You?
+Damita jo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll See You in My Dreams?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Take Care of Your Cares?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Take Good Care of You?
+Garnet mimms
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Take You Home?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Touch a Star?
+Terry stafford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'll Try Anything?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm A Believer?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm a Better Man?
+Engelbert humperdinck
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm a Fool to Care?
+Joe barry
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm a Fool?
+Dino, desi & billy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm a Happy Man?
+The jive five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm a Midnight Mover?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm A-Telling You?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Blue (The Gong-Gong Song)?
+The ikettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Comin' Home, Cindy?
+Trini lopez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Comin' on Back to You?
+Jackie Wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Crying?
+The animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Free?
+The who
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Gettin' Better?
+Jim reeves
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Be Strong?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Knock on Your Door?
+Eddie Hodges
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Make You Mine?
+Lou christie
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Henry VIII I Am?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Hurtin'?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm in the Mood for Love?
+The chimes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Into Something Good?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Learning About Love?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Leaving It Up to You?
+Dale & grace
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Livin' In Shame?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Not Afraid?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm On the Outside (Looking In)?
+Little anthony & the imperials
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Ready for Love?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry?
+B.j. thomas & the triumphs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm So Proud?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Sorry?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Telling You Now?
+Freddie & the dreamers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Wondering?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Your Puppet?
+James & bobby purify
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I'm Yours?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Been Hurt?
+Bill deal & the rhondels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Been Lonely Too Long?
+The young rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Been Loving You Too Long (to Stop Now)?
+Otis redding
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Got a Tiger By the Tail?
+Buck owens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Got a Woman (Part?
+Jimmy mcgriff
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Got Sand in My Shoes?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Got to Be Somebody?
+Billy joe royal
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Got You Under My Skin?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Gotta Be Me?
+Sammy davis, jr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Gotta Get A Message To You?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Never Found a Girl (to Love Me Like You Do)?
+Eddie floyd
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Passed This Way Before?
+Jimmy ruffin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: I've Told Every Little Star?
+Linda Scott
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If a Man Answers?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If a Woman Answers (Hang Up the Phone)?
+Leroy van dyke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If I Can Dream?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If I Could Build My Whole World Around You?
+Marvin gaye & tammi terrell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If I Didn't Care?
+The platters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If I Had a Hammer (The Hammer Song)?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If I Had A Hammer?
+Trini lopez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If I Loved You?
+Chad & jeremy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If I Ruled the World?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If My Pillow Could Talk?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If You Can Want?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If You Gotta Make a Fool of Somebody?
+James ray
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If You Need Me?
+Solomon burke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: If You Wanna Be Happy?
+Jimmy soul
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Iko Iko?
+The dixie cups
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Image of a Girl?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In a Moment?
+The intrigues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In and Out of Love?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In Dreams?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In My Little Corner of the World?
+Anita bryant
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In My Room?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In the Chapel in the Moonlight?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In the Ghetto?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In the Heat of the Night?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In the Middle of a Heartache?
+Wanda Jackson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In the Midnight Hour?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In the Misty Moonlight?
+Jerry wallace
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In the Still Of the Night?
+Dion & the belmonts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus)?
+Zager & evans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida?
+Iron butterfly
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Incense and Peppermints?
+Strawberry alarm clock
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Indescribably Blue?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Indian Giver?
+1910 fruitgum company
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Indian Lake?
+The cowsills
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Inside, looking out?
+The animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Irresistible You?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Is a Blue Bird Blue?
+Conway twitty
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Is It Something You've Got?
+Tyrone davis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Is It True?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Is That All There Is?
+Peggy lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Is There Any Chance?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Israelites?
+Desmond dekker & the aces
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Ain't Me Babe?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Hurts Me?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Hurts To Be In Love?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Keeps Rainin'?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Might As Well Rain Until September?
+Carole king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Must Be Him?
+Vikki carr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Only Happened Yesterday?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Should Have Been Me?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Started All Over Again?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Takes Two?
+Marvin gaye & kim weston
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Tears Me Up?
+Percy sledge
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It Was a Very Good Year?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's a Man's Man's Man's World?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's All in the Game?
+Cliff richard
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's All Over Now?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Getting Better?
+Mama cass elliot
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Gonna Be Alright?
+Gerry & the pacemakers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Gonna Work Out Fine?
+Ike & tina Turner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Growing?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's My Life?
+The animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's My Party?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Not Unusual?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Now Or Never?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Now Winter's Day?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Only Love?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's the Same Old Song?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Too Late?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Up to You?
+Rick nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Wonderful?
+The young rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: It's Your Thing?
+The isley brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Itchycoo Park?
+Small faces
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini?
+Brian hyland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jackson?
+Nancy sinatra & lee hazlewood
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jam Up and Jelly Tight?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jambalaya (On the Bayou)?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: James (Hold the Ladder Steady)?
+Sue thompson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jamie?
+Eddie holland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Java?
+Al hirt
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jealous Kind of Fella?
+Garland green
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jealous of You (Tango Della Gelosia)?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jean?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jennifer Eccles?
+The hollies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jennifer Juniper?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jenny Take a Ride!?
+Mitch ryder & the detroit wheels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jeremiah Peabody's Poly Unsaturated ... Pills?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jesus is a Soul Man?
+Lawrence reynolds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jimmy Mack?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jimmy's Girl?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jingle Bell Rock?
+Bobby rydell & Chubby Checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Johnny Angel?
+Shelly fabares
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Johnny Get Angry?
+Joanie sommers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Johnny Jingo?
+Hayley mills
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Johnny Loves Me?
+Shelly fabares
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Johnny Will?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Josephine?
+Bill black's combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Journey to the Center of the Mind?
+The amboy dukes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ju Ju Hand?
+Sam the sham & the pharaohs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Judy in Disguise (with Glasses)?
+John fred & his playboy band
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Judy's Turn to Cry?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jumpin' Jack Flash?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Jura (I Swear I Love You)?
+Les paul & Mary Ford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just a Little Bit Better?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just a Little Bit?
+Roy head & the traits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just as Much as Ever?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just Be True?
+Gene chandler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just Come Home?
+Hugo & luigi and chorus
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just Dropped In (to See What Condition My Condition Was In)?
+Kenny rogers & the first Edition
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just For Old Time's Sake?
+The McGuire Sisters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just Like a Woman?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just Like Me?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just Once in My Life?
+The righteous brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just One Look?
+Doris troy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just One Time?
+Don gibson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just Out of Reach (of My Two Open Arms)?
+Solomon burke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Just You?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kansas City Star?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kansas City?
+Trini lopez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Keem-O-Sabe?
+The electric indian
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Keep on Dancing?
+The gentrys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Keep on Lovin' Me, Honey?
+Marvin gaye & tammi terrell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Keep on Pushing?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Keep Searchin' (We'll Follow the Sun)?
+Del shannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Keep the Ball Rollin'?
+Jay & the techniques
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Keep Your Hands Off My Baby?
+Little eva
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kicks?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kiddio?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Killer Joe?
+The rocky fellers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kind Of A Drag?
+The buckinghams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: King of the Road?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: King of the Whole Wide World?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kiss Away?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kiss Me Goodbye?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kiss Me Quick?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kiss Me Sailor?
+Diane renay
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kissin' Cousins?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Kissin' on the Phone?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Knight in Rusty Armour?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: L-O-N-E-L-Y?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: La La La (If I Had You)?
+Bobby sherman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: La-La Means I Love You?
+The delfonics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lady Bird?
+Nancy sinatra & lee hazlewood
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lady Godiva?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lady Jane?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lady Luck?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lady Madonna?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lady Willpower?
+Gary puckett & the union gap
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lady?
+Jack jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lalena?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Language of Love?
+John d. loudermilk
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Last Chance To Turn Around?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Last Date?
+Floyd cramer
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Last Kiss?
+J. frank wilson & the cavaliers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Last Night?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Last Train to Clarksville?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Laugh at Me?
+Sonny bono
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Laugh, Laugh?
+The beau brummels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Laughing Boy?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Laughing?
+The guess who
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Laurie (Strange Things Happen)?
+Dickey lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lay Lady Lay?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lazy Day?
+Spanky & our gang
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lazy Elsie Molly?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lazy River?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Leader of the Laundromat?
+The detergents
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Leader of the Pack?
+The shangri-las
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Leah?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Leaning on the Lamp Post?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Leaving on a Jet Plane?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Les Bicyclettes De Belsize?
+Engelbert humperdinck
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let A Man Come in and Do the Popcorn (Part?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let A Woman Be A Woman, let a man be a man?
+Dyke & the blazers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let It Out (Let It All Hang Out)?
+The hombres
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let Love Come Between Us?
+James & bobby purify
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let Me Be?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let Me Belong to You?
+Brian hyland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let Me In?
+The sensations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let Me?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let the Four Winds Blow?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let the Good Times Roll / Feel So Good?
+Bunny sigler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let the Little Girl Dance?
+Billy bland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let There Be Drums?
+Sandy nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Dance?
+Chris montez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Do the Freddie?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Fall in Love?
+Peaches & herb
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Go (Pony)?
+The routers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Go Again (Where We Went Last Night)?
+Hank ballard & the midnighters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Go Get Stoned?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Go Steady Again?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go?
+Hank Ballard & The Midnighters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Hang On?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Have a Party?
+Wanda jackson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Kiss and Make Up?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Limbo Some More?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Live for Today?
+The grass roots
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Lock The Door (And Throw Away The Key)?
+Jay & the americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Start All Over Again?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Think About Living?
+Bob luman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Turkey Trot?
+Little eva
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Let's Twist Again?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Letter from Sherry?
+Dale ward
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Letter Full of Tears?
+Gladys knight & The Pips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Liar, Liar?
+The castaways
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Licking Stick?
+James brown & the famous flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lie To Me?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lies?
+The knickerbockers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lightnin' Strikes?
+Lou christie
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lightning's Girl?
+Nancy sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Like A Baby?
+Len barry
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Like a Rolling Stone?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Like An Old Time Movie?
+Scott mckenzie
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Like Strangers?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Like to Get to Know You?
+Spanky & our gang
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Like, Long Hair?
+Paul revere & the Raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lil' Red Riding Hood?
+Sam the sham & the pharaohs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Linda?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Listen People?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Arrows?
+Leapy lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Band of Gold?
+James gilreath
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Bit o' Soul?
+The music explosion
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Bitty Girl?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Bitty Pretty One?
+Clyde mcphatter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Black Book?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Boy Sad?
+Johnny burnette
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Children?
+Billy j. kramer & the dakotas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Coco Palm?
+Jerry wallace
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Deuce Coupe?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Devil?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Diane?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Egypt (Ying-Yang)?
+The Coasters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Girl?
+Syndicate of sound
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Green Apples?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Honda?
+The hondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Latin Lupe Lu?
+Mitch ryder & the detroit wheels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Man?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Ole Wine Drinker, Me?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Ole' Man (Uptight everything's alright)?
+Bill cosby
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Red Rented Rowboat?
+Joe dowell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Red Rooster?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Sister?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Things?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Town Flirt?
+Del shannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Little Woman?
+Bobby sherman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Living A Lie?
+Al martino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lo Mucho Que Te Quiero (The More I Love You)?
+Rene & rene
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Loddy Lo?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lonely Man?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lonely Teenager?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lonely Weekends?
+Charlie rich
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Long Live Our Love?
+The shangri-las
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Long Lonely Nights?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Look For A Star (Part?
+Gary mills
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Look in My Eyes?
+The chantels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Look Through Any Window?
+The hollies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Look Through My Window?
+The mamas & the papas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Look What You've Done?
+Pozo-seco singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Looking Through the Eyes Of Love?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Loop De Loop?
+Johnny thunder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Losing You?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lost Love?
+H.b. barnum
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love (Can Make You Happy)?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love (Makes the World Go 'Round)?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Bug Leave My Heart Alone?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Came to Me?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Child?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Eyes?
+Nancy sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Is a Hurtin' Thing?
+Lou rawls
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Is All Around?
+The troggs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Is Blue (L'Amour Est Bleu)?
+Paul mauriat & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Is Here and Now You're Gone?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Is Like an Itching in My Heart?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love is Strange?
+Peaches & herb
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Makes A Woman?
+Barbara acklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Makes the World Go 'Round?
+Deon jackson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Me Do?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Me Tonight?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Me Two Times?
+The doors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Me Warm and Tender?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Me with All of Your Heart?
+The bachelors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Me With All Your Heart (Cuando Calienta El Sol)?
+Ray charles singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Potion #9?
+The searchers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Power?
+The sandpebbles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Walked In?
+Dinah Washington
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love Will Find a Way?
+Jackie deshannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love You So?
+Ron holden
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Love's Made a Fool of You?
+Bobby fuller four
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lover Please?
+Clyde mcphatter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lover's Holiday?
+Peggy scott & jo jo benson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lovers by Night, Strangers by Day?
+The fleetwoods
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lovers Who Wander?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lovers' Island?
+The blue jays
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lovey Dovey?
+Buddy knox
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lovin' You?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lucille?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Lullaby of Love?
+Frank gari
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: MacArthur Park?
+Richard harris
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mack the Knife?
+Ella fitzgerald
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Magic Bus?
+The who
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Magic Carpet Ride?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Magic Town?
+The vogues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Make Believe?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Make Me Belong To You?
+Barbara lewis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Make Me Your Baby?
+Barbara lewis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Make Me Yours?
+Bettye swann
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Make Your Own Kind of Music?
+Mama cass elliot
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Making Every Minute Count?
+Spanky & our gang
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Making Memories?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mama Didn't Lie?
+Jan bradley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mama Said?
+The shirelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mame?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Many Tears Ago?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Maria Elena?
+Los indios tabajaras
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Marie?
+The bachelors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Marlena?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Marrakesh Express?
+Crosby, stills & nash
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mary Ann Regrets?
+Burl ives
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mary In the Morning?
+Al martino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mary's Little Lamb?
+James darren
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mashed Potato Time?
+Dee dee sharp
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Master Jack?
+Four jacks & a jill
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Matchbox?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: May I?
+Bill deal & the rhondels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Maybe I Know?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Maybellene?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mean Woman Blues?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mecca?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Medicine Man (Part?
+Buchanan brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mellow Yellow?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Memories?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Memphis Soul Stew?
+King curtis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Men Are Gettin' Scarce?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mendocino?
+Sir douglas quintet
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mercy, Mercy?
+Don covay & the goodtimers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mercy?
+Ohio express
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Message to Michael?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mexico?
+Bob moore & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Michael (Row the Boat Ashore)?
+The highwaymen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Michelle?
+David & jonathan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mickey's Monkey?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Midnight Confessions?
+The grass roots
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Midnight In Moscow?
+Kenny ball & his jazzmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Midnight Mary?
+Joey powers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mighty Quinn (Quinn the Eskimo)?
+Manfred mann
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Miller's Cave?
+Bobby bare
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mind, Body and Soul?
+The flaming ember
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mirage?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Missing You?
+Ray peterson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mission Bell?
+Donnie brooks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Misty?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mixed-Up, Shook-Up Girl?
+Patty & the emblems
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mockingbird?
+Inez & charlie foxx
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Model Girl?
+Johnny maestro, the voice of the crests
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mohair Sam?
+Charlie rich
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Monday, Monday?
+The mamas & the papas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Money (That's What I Want)?
+Barrett Strong
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Money?
+The kingsmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Monster?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Monterey?
+Eric burdon & the animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mony Mony?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Moody River?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Moody Woman?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Moon River?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Moonflight?
+Vik venus
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: More Love?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: More Money for You and Me (Medley)?
+The four preps
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: More Today Than Yesterday?
+Spiral starecase
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: More?
+Kai winding
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Morning Girl?
+The neon philharmonic
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Most People Get Married?
+Patti page
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mother Popcorn (You Got to Have a Mother for Me) (Part?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mother-in-Law?
+Ernie k-doe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mother's Little Helper?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Move Over?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Bass Man?
+Johnny cymbal
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Businessman?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Custer?
+Larry verne
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Dieingly Sad?
+The critters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Dream Merchant?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Lonely?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Lucky?
+Henry mancini & his Orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Spaceman?
+The byrds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Sun, Mr. Moon?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mr. Tambourine Man?
+The byrds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mule Skinner Blues?
+The fendermen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Multiplication?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Museum?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mustang Sally?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Baby Loves Me?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Baby Must Be a Magician?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Baby?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Back Pages?
+The byrds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Bonnie (Lies Over the Ocean)?
+The beatles with tony sheridan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Boomerang Won't Come Back?
+Charlie drake
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Boy Lollipop?
+Millie small
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Boyfriend's Back?
+The angels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Cherie Amour?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Coloring Book?
+Kitty kallen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Cup Runneth Over?
+Ed ames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Dad?
+Paul petersen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Dearest Darling?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Empty Arms?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Girl Has Gone?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Girl Sloopy?
+The vibrations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Girl?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Girl/Hey Girl?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Guy?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Heart Belongs to Only You?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Heart Cries for You?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Heart's Symphony?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Home Town?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Kind of Girl?
+Matt monro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Last Date (with You)?
+Skeeter davis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Love, Forgive Me (Amore Scusami)?
+Robert goulet
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Love?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Mammy?
+The happenings
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Own True Love?
+The duprees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Pledge of Love?
+Joe jeffrey group
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Song?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Special Angel?
+The vogues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Summer Love?
+Ruby & the romantics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Town, My Guy, and Me?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My True Confession?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My True Story?
+The jive five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Way?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Whole World Ended (the Moment You Left Me)?
+David ruffin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My Whole World Is Falling Down?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: My World Is Empty Without You?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Mystic Eyes?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nadine (Is It You?)?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nag?
+The halos
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nashville Cats?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Natural Born Lover?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Naturally Stoned?
+The avante-garde
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nature Boy?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Navy Blue?
+Diane renay
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Need to Belong?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Needles and Pins?
+The searchers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Neon Rainbow?
+The box tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Never Give You Up?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Never My Love?
+The association
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: New Mexican Rose?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: New York Mining Disaster 1941 (Have You Seen My Wife, Mr. Jo)?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: New York's a Lonely Town?
+The trade winds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Next Door to an Angel?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Next Plane to London?
+The rose garden
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Night Time?
+The strangeloves
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Night Train?
+James brown & the famous flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Night?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Niki Hoeky?
+P.j. proby
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: No Arms Can Ever Hold You?
+The bachelors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: No Ifs no ands?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: No Matter What Shape (Your Stomach's In)?
+The t-bones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: No Matter What Sign You Are?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: No Milk Today?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: No Particular Place To Go?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: No, Not Much?
+The vogues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nobody But Me?
+The human beinz
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nobody But You Babe?
+Clarence reid
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nobody I Know?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nobody Loves Me Like You?
+The Flamingos
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Norman?
+Sue thompson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: North To Alaska?
+Johnny horton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Not Me?
+The orlons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Not the Lovin' Kind?
+Dino, desi & billy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nothing But a Heartache?
+The flirtations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nothing But Heartaches?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nothing Can Change This Love?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nothing Can Stop Me?
+Gene chandler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nothing's Too Good for My Baby?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nowhere Man?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nowhere to Run?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Nut Rocker?
+B. bumble & the stingers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: O Dio Mio?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oh Baby Don't You Weep (Part?
+James brown & the famous flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oh Happy Day?
+Edwin hawkins singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oh How Happy?
+Shades of blue
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oh Me, Oh My (I'm a Fool for You Baby)?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oh No, Not My Baby?
+Maxine brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oh Yeah?
+The shadows of knight
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oh, Little One?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oh, Pretty Woman?
+Roy orbison & the candymen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ol' MacDonald?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Old Rivers?
+Walter brennan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ole Buttermilk Sky?
+Bill black's combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: On A Carousel?
+The hollies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: On Broadway?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: On the Rebound?
+Floyd cramer
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: On the Road Again?
+Canned heat
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: On the Street Where You Live?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: On Top Of Spaghetti?
+Tom glazer
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Once In Awhile?
+The chimes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Broken Heart for Sale?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Dyin' and a Buryin'?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Fine Day?
+The chiffons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Has My Name (The Other Has My Heart)?
+Barry young
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Kiss for Old Times' Sake?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Mint Julep?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One More Heartache?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One More Time?
+Ray charles singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One of Us (Will Weep Tonight)?
+Patti Page
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Summer Night?
+The diamonds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Tin Soldier?
+The original caste
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One Track Mind?
+Bobby lewis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: One?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Only in America?
+Jay & the americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Only Love Can Break A Heart?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Only the Lonely (Know How I Feel)?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Only The Strong Survive?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Oo Wee Baby, I Love You?
+Fred hughes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ooh Baby Baby?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ooh Poo Pah Doo (Part?
+Jessie hill
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Open the Door to Your Heart?
+Darrell banks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Opus 17 (Don't You Worry 'Bout Me)?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Our Day Will Come?
+Ruby & the romantics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Our Winter Love?
+Bill pursell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Out & About?
+Tommy boyce & bobby hart
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Out Of Limits?
+The marketts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Out Of My Mind?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Out Of Sight?
+James brown & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Outside My Window?
+The fleetwoods
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Over and Over?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Over the Mountain (Across the Sea)?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Over the Rainbow?
+The demensions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Over Under Sideways Down?
+The yardbirds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Over You?
+Gary puckett & the union gap
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: P.S. I Love You?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: P.T. 109?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Paint It, Black?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Painted, Tainted Rose?
+Al martino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pandora's Golden Heebie Jeebies?
+The association
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Papa's Got a Brand New Bag (Part?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Papa's Got a Brand New Bag?
+Otis redding
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Paper Cup?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Paper Roses?
+Anita bryant
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Paper Tiger?
+Sue thompson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Paperback Writer?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Part Time Love?
+Little johnny taylor
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Party Lights?
+Claudine clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pata Pata?
+Miriam makeba
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Patches?
+Dickey lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pay You Back with Interest?
+The hollies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Paying the Cost to Be the Boss?
+B.b. king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Peaches 'N' Cream?
+The ikettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Peanut Butter?
+The marathons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Penetration?
+The pyramids
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pennies from Heaven?
+The skyliners
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Penny Lane?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: People Are Strange?
+The doors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: People Get Ready?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: People Got To Be Free?
+The rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: People Say?
+The dixie cups
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pepe?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pepino the Italian Mouse?
+Lou monte
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Peppermint Twist (Part?
+Joey dee & the starlighters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Percolator (Twist)?
+Billy joe & the checkmates
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Perfidia?
+The ventures
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Peter Gunn?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pickin' Wild Mountain Berries?
+Peggy scott & jo jo benson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pictures of Matchstick Men?
+The status quo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pinball Wizard?
+The who
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pineapple Princess?
+Annette with the Afterbeats
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pipeline?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pleasant Valley Sunday?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Please Don't Ask About Barbara?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Please Don't Go?
+Ral donner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Please Don't Talk to the Lifeguard?
+Diane ray
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Please Help Me, I'm Falling?
+Hank Locklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Please Mr. Postman?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Please Please Me?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Please Return Your Love to Me?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Please Stay?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pocketful of Miracles?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Poetry In Motion?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Point It Out?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Point Of No Return?
+Gene mcdaniels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Polk Salad Annie?
+Tony joe white
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pony Time?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Poor Fool?
+Ike & tina turner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Poor Little Rich Girl?
+Steve lawrence
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Poor Side of Town?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pop Pop Pop-Pie?
+The sherrys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Popeye (The Hitchhiker)?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Popsicle?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Popsicles and Icicles?
+The murmaids
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Positively 4th Street?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pretty Ballerina?
+The left banke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pretty Flamingo?
+Manfred mann
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pretty Little Angel Eyes?
+Curtis lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pretty Little Baby?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pretty Paper?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pride and Joy?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Princess In Rags?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Princess?
+Frank gari
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Prisoner Of Love?
+James brown & the famous flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Promises, Promises?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Proud Mary?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Proud?
+Johnny crawford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Psychotic Reaction?
+Count five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pucker Up Buttercup?
+Jr. walker & the all-stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Puff the Magic Dragon?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Punish Her?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Puppet on a String?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pushin' Too Hard?
+The seeds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Pushover?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Put a Little Love in Your Heart?
+Jackie deshannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Queen of the House?
+Jody miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Quentin's Theme?
+Charles randolph grean sounde
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Question?
+Lloyd price
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Quick Joey Small (Run, Joey, Run)?
+Kasenetz-katz singing orchestral circus
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Quicksand?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Quiet Night Of Quiet Stars (Corcovado)?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Quite a Party?
+The fireballs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rag Doll?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rain on the Roof?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rain Rain Go Away?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rain?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Raindrops?
+Dee clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rainin' in My Heart?
+Slim harpo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rainy Day Women #12 & 35?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ram-Bunk-Shush?
+The ventures
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rama Lama Ding Dong?
+The edsels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ramblin' Gamblin' Man?
+Bob seger system
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Reach Out For Me?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Reach Out I'll Be There?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Reach Out of the Darkness?
+Friend & lover
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ready or Not Here I Come (Can't Hide from Love)?
+The delfonics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Reconsider Me?
+Johnny adams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Recovery?
+Fontella bass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Red Rubber Ball?
+The cyrkle
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Reelin' & Rockin'?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Reflections?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Release Me (and Let Me Love Again)?
+Engelbert humperdinck
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Release Me?
+Esther phillips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Remember (Walkin' in the Sand)?
+The shangri-las
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Remember Diana?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Remember Me?
+Rita pavone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Remember Then?
+The earls
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rescue Me?
+Fontella bass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Respectable?
+The outsiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Return to Sender?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Revenge?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Reverend Mr. Black?
+The kingston trio
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Revolution?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rhapsody in the Rain?
+Lou christie
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rhythm of the Rain?
+The cascades
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rhythm?
+Major lance
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ride Away?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ride the Wild Surf?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ride Your Pony?
+Lee dorsey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ride, Ride, Ride?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ride!?
+Dee dee sharp
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ring Dang Doo?
+Sam the sham & the pharaohs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ring of Fire?
+Johnny cash
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ringo?
+Lorne greene
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rip Van Winkle?
+The devotions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rock Me Baby?
+B.b. king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rock Me?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rock-a-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rockin' Little Angel?
+Ray smith
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ronnie?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Roses Are Red (My Love)?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Route 66 Theme?
+Nelson riddle & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rubber Ball?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ruben James?
+Kenny rogers & the first edition
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ruby Ann?
+Marty robbins
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ruby Baby?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ruby Duby Du?
+Tobin mathews & co
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ruby Tuesday?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town?
+Kenny rogers & the first edition
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ruby?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
+The Chipmunks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rumors?
+Johnny crawford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Run Away Child, Running Wild?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Run Baby Run (Back Into My Arms)?
+The newbeats
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Run Red Run?
+The coasters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Run Samson Run?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Run To Him?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Run, Run, Look and See?
+Brian hyland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Runaround Sue?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Runaway?
+Del shannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Running Scared?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Rusty Bells?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: S.Y.S.L.J.F.M. (The Letter Song)?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sacred?
+The castells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sad Mood?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sad Movies (Make Me Cry)?
+Sue thompson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sad, Sad Girl?
+Barbara mason
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sailor (Your Home is the Sea)?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sally, Go 'Round the Roses?
+The jaynetts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: San Antonio Rose?
+Floyd cramer
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: San Franciscan Nights?
+Eric burdon & the animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)?
+Scott mckenzie
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Santa Claus Is Coming To Town?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Satin Pillows?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Satisfaction?
+Otis redding
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Saturday Night at the Movies?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Saturday Night?
+The new christy minstrels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Save It for Me?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Save the Last Dance For Me?
+The Drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Save Your Heart for Me?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Saved?
+Lavern baker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Say I Am (What I Am)?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Say It Loud, i'm black and i'm proud?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Say Something Funny?
+Patty duke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Say You?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Scarborough Fair (Canticle)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sea of Heartbreak?
+Don gibson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Searching for My Love?
+Bobby moore & the rhythm aces
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Seattle?
+Perry como
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Second Hand Love?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Second-Hand Rose?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Secret Agent Man?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Secret Love?
+Billy stewart
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Security?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: See Saw?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: See the Funny Little Clown?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: See You in September?
+The happenings
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: See?
+The rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Selfish One?
+Jackie ross
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Send Me Some Lovin'?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: September In the Rain?
+Dinah Washington
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Set Me Free?
+The kinks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Seventh Son?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sha La La?
+Manfred mann
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shadrack?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shaggy Dog?
+Mickey lee lane
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shake a Tail Feather?
+James & bobby purify
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shake and Fingerpop?
+Jr. walker & the all-stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shake Me, Wake Me (When It's Over)?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shake Shake Shake?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shake, Rattle and Roll?
+Arthur conley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shake?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shakin' All Over?
+Chad allan & the expressions (the guess who)
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shame on Me?
+Bobby bare
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shame, Shame?
+Magic lanterns
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shape of Things to Come?
+Max frost & the troopers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shapes of Things?
+The yardbirds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Share Your Love With Me?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sharing You?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She Belongs to Me?
+Rick nelson & the stone canyon band
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She Can't Find Her Keys?
+Paul petersen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She Cried?
+Jay & the americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She Is Still a Mystery?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She Loves You?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She Understands Me?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She'd Rather Be with Me?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's a Fool?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's a Heartbreaker?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's a Rainbow?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's a Woman?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's About A Mover?
+Sir douglas quintet
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's Everything (I Wanted You to Be)?
+Ral donner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's Got You?
+Patsy cline
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's Just My Style?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's Lookin' Good?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's My Girl?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's Not There?
+The zombies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's Not You?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She's the One?
+The chartbusters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: She?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sheila?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sherry?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shoot 'Em Up, Baby?
+Andy kim
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shop Around?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shotgun?
+Jr. walker & the all-stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shout (Part?
+Joey dee & the starliters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shout! Shout! (Knock Yourself Out)?
+Ernie maresca
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Show Me?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shu Rah?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shut Down (Part?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Shutters and Boards?
+Jerry wallace
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sidewalk Surfin'?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Silence Is Golden?
+The tremeloes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Silhouettes?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Silver Threads and Golden Needles?
+The springfields
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Simon Says?
+1910 fruitgum company
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Since I Fell for You?
+Lenny welch
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Since I Lost My Baby?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Since You Showed Me How to Be Happy?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Single Girl?
+Sandy posey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sink the Bismarck?
+Johnny horton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sit Down, I Think I Love You?
+The mojo men
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sitting in the Park?
+Billy stewart
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Six Days On the Road?
+Dave dudley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Six O'Clock?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sixteen Reasons?
+Connie stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Skinny Legs and All?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Skip a Rope?
+Henson cargill
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sky Pilot (Part?
+Eric burdon & the animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Slaughter on Tenth Avenue?
+The ventures
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sleep?
+Little willie john
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Slip Away?
+Clarence carter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sloop John B?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Slow Down?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Slow Twistin'?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Small Sad Sam?
+Phil mclean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Smile A Little Smile For Me?
+The flying machine
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Smokie (Part?
+Bill black's combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Smoky Places?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Snap Your Fingers?
+Joe henderson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Snatching It Back?
+Clarence carter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Snoopy vs. the Red Baron?
+The royal guardsmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: So Good Together?
+Andy kim
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: So I Can Love You?
+The emotions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: So Long Baby?
+Del shannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: So Much in Love?
+The tymes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: So Sad (To Watch Good Love Go Bad)?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: So This Is Love?
+The castells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: So You Want to Be a Rock & Roll Star?
+The byrds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Society's Child (Baby I've Been Thinking)?
+Janis ian
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sock It To Me baby!?
+Mitch ryder & the detroit wheels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Softly As I Leave You?
+Matt monro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Softly, As I Leave You?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soldier Boy?
+The shirelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Some Day We're Gonna Love Again?
+The searchers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Some Enchanted Evening?
+Jay & the americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Some Kind of Wonderful?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Some Things You Never Get Used To?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Some Velvet Morning?
+Nancy sinatra & lee hazlewood
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Somebody to Love?
+Jefferson airplane
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Someday We'll Be Together?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Somethin' Stupid?
+Nancy & frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Something About You?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Something in the Air?
+Thunderclap newman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Something's Got a Hold on Me?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Something?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Somewhere In Your Heart?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Somewhere There's A Someone?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Somewhere, My Love?
+Ray conniff & the singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Son-of-a-Preacher Man?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sophisticated Cissy?
+The meters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soul Deep?
+The box tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soul Finger?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soul Man?
+Sam & dave
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soul Serenade?
+Willie mitchell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soul Twist?
+King curtis & the noble knights
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soul-Limbo?
+Booker t. & the mg's
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soulful Strut?
+Young-holt unlimited
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Soulshake?
+Peggy scott & jo jo benson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sound of Love?
+The five americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: South Street?
+The orlons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Southtown, U.S.A?
+The dixiebelles with cornbread & jerry
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Spanish Eyes?
+Al martino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Spanish Flea?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Spanish Harlem?
+Ben e. king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Spanish Lace?
+Gene mcdaniels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Special Delivery?
+1910 fruitgum company
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Special Occasion?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Speedy Gonzales?
+Pat boone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Spinning Wheel?
+Blood, sweat & tears
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Spinout?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Spooky?
+Classics iv
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stag-O-Lee?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stairway to Heaven?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stand By Your Man?
+Tammy wynette
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stand!?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Standing in the Shadows of Love?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Starbright?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stardust?
+Nino tempo & april stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stay Awhile?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stay in My Corner?
+The dells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stayin' In?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Steal Away?
+Jimmy hughes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Step by Step?
+The crests
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Step Out of Your Mind?
+The American breed
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stewball?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stick Shift?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sticks and Stones?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Still?
+Bill anderson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stoned Soul Picnic?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stop and Think it Over?
+Dale & grace
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stop Stop Stop?
+The hollies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stop the Music?
+The shirelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stop the Wedding?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stop! in the Name of Love?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stranger In Town?
+Del shannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Strangers In the Night?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Strawberry Fields Forever?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Strawberry Shortcake?
+Jay & the techniques
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Stuck on You?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Subterranean Homesick Blues?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Such a Night?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sugar Dumpling?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sugar Lips?
+Al hirt
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sugar On Sunday?
+The clique
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sugar Shack?
+Jimmy gilmer & the fireballs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sugar Town?
+Nancy sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sugar, Sugar?
+The archies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sukiyaki?
+Kyu sakamoto
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summer in the City?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summer Nights?
+Marianne faithfull
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summer Rain?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summer Samba (So Nice)?
+Walter wanderley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summer Set?
+Monty kelly & his Orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summer Wind?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summer's Gone?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summertime Blues?
+Blue cheer
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Summertime?
+Billy stewart
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunday and Me?
+Jay & the americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunday for Tea?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunday Will Never Be the Same?
+Spanky & our gang
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunny Afternoon?
+The kinks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunny?
+Bobby hebb
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunshine Girl?
+The parade
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunshine of Your Love?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunshine Superman?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sure Gonna Miss Her?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Surf City?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Surfer Girl?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Surfer's Stomp?
+The marketts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Surfin' Bird?
+The trashmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Surfin' Safari?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Surfin' U.S.A?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Surrender?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Susan?
+The buckinghams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Susie Darlin'?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Suspicion?
+Terry stafford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Suspicious Minds?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Suzie-Q (Part?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sway?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Blindness?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Caroline (Good Times Never Seemed So Good)?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Cherry Wine?
+Tommy james & the shondells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Cream Ladies, Forward March?
+The box tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Dreams?
+Tommy mclain
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Inspiration?
+The sweet inspirations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Nothin's?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Pea?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Soul Music?
+Arthur conley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet Talkin' Guy?
+The chiffons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweet William?
+Millie small
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Sweets For My Sweet?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Swingin' On A Rainbow?
+Frankie Avalon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Swingin' School?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Swinging On A Star?
+Big dee irwin with little eva
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: T.L.C. (Tender Love and Care)?
+Jimmie rodgers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ta Ta?
+Clyde mcphatter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Take A Letter, Maria?
+R.b. greaves
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Take Care of Your Homework?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Take Five?
+Dave brubeck quartet
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Take Good Care Of Her?
+Adam wade
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Take Me Back?
+Little anthony & the imperials
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Take Me For A Little While?
+Vanilla fudge
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Take These Chains From My Heart?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Take Time to Know Her?
+Percy sledge
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Talk Back Trembling Lips?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Talk Talk?
+The music machine
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Talk to Me?
+Sunny & the sunglows
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Talking About My Baby?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tapioca Tundra?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tar and Cement?
+Verdelle smith
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Teach Me Tonight?
+George maharis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tears and Roses?
+Al martino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Teddy?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Teen Age Idol?
+Rick nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Teen Angel?
+Mark dinning
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell Her No?
+The zombies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell Him?
+The exciters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell It Like It Is?
+Aaron neville
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell It on the Mountain?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell It to the Rain?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell Laura I Love Her?
+Ray peterson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell Mama?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell Me (You're Coming Back)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell Me to My Face?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tell Me?
+Dick & deedee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Telstar?
+The tornadoes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Temptation?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tenderly?
+Bert kaempfert & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Testify (I Wanna)?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Thank You Girl?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That Lucky Old Sun?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That Old Black Magic?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That Stranger Used to Be My Girl?
+Trade martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That's All You Gotta Do?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That's How Heartaches Are Made?
+Baby Washington
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That's It, i quit, i'm movin' on?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That's Life?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That's Old Fashioned (That's the Way Love Should Be)?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That's the Way Boys Are?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That's What Girls Are For?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: That's What Love Is Made of?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The (Best Part Of) Breakin' Up?
+The ronettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The (Lights Went Out in) Massachusetts?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The (Man Who Shot) Liberty Valance?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)?
+Harpers bizarre
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Alvin Twist?
+The chipmunks & David seville
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The April Fools?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Astronaut (Parts 1 &?
+Jose Jimenez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Ballad Of Bonnie and Clyde?
+Georgie fame
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Ballad Of Irving?
+Frank gallop
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Ballad Of John and Yoko?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Ballad of Paladin?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Beat Goes On?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Beginning Of My End?
+The unifics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Bilbao Song?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Birds and the Bees?
+Jewel akens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Boll Weevil Song?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Bounce?
+The olympics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Boxer?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Boy from New York City?
+The ad libs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Boy Next Door?
+The secrets
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Cajun Queen?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Cat in the Window (The Bird in the Sky)?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Cha-Cha-Cha?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Cheater?
+Bob kuban & the in-men
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)?
+The chipmunks & David seville
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Chokin' Kind?
+Joe simon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Cinnamon Cinder (It's a Very Nice Dance)?
+The pastel six
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Clapping Song (Clap Pat Clap Slap)?
+Shirley ellis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Composer?
+Diana ross & the supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Continental Walk?
+Hank ballard & The Midnighters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Crowd?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Dangling Conversation?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Dawn of Correction?
+The spokesmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Days of Sand and Shovels?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Dis-Advantages of You?
+The brass ring
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Door Is Still Open to My Heart?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Duck?
+Jackie lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The End of Our Road?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The End of the World?
+Skeeter davis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Entertainer?
+Tony clarke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Eyes Of A New York Woman?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Fish?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Fly?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Fool on the Hill?
+Sergio mendes & Brazil '66
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Funky Judge?
+Bull & the matadors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Girl from Ipanema?
+Stan getz & astrud gilberto
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Girl I Knew Somewhere?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Good Life?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly?
+Hugo montenegro & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Grass Is Greener?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Great Airplane Strike?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Greatest Hurt?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Gypsy Cried?
+Lou christie
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Hair on My Chinny Chin Chin?
+Sam the sham & the pharaohs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Happy Song (Dum-Dum)?
+Otis redding
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Hoochi Coochi Coo?
+Hank ballard & The Midnighters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Horse?
+Cliff nobles & co
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The House Of the Rising Sun?
+The animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The House That Jack Built?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Hucklebuck?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Hunter Gets Captured by the Game?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Impossible Dream (The Quest)?
+Jack jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Jam (Part?
+Bobby gregg & his friends
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Jerk?
+The larks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Joker Went Wild?
+Brian hyland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Jolly Green Giant?
+The kingsmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Kind of Boy You Can't Forget?
+The raindrops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Land of Milk and Honey?
+The vogues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Last Time?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Last Waltz?
+Engelbert humperdinck
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Last Word In Lonesome Is Me?
+Eddy arnold
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Lesson?
+Vikki carr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Lion Sleeps Tonight?
+The tokens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Little Girl I Once Knew?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Little Old Lady (From Pasadena)?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Loco-Motion?
+Little eva
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Lonely Bull (El Solo Torro)?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Lonely Surfer?
+Jack nitzsche
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Love I Saw in You Was Just a Mirage?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Love of My Man?
+Theola kilgore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Madison Time (Part?
+Ray bryant Combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Magnificent Seven?
+Al caiola & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Majestic?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Martian Hop?
+The ran-dells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Matador?
+Major lance
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Men in My Little Girl's Life?
+Mike douglas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Minotaur?
+Dick hyman & his electric eclectics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Monkey Time?
+Major lance
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The More I See You?
+Chris montez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Mountain's High?
+Dick & deedee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Name Game?
+Shirley ellis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The New Girl in School?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Night Has A Thousand Eyes?
+Bobby vee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Old Lamplighter?
+The browns
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The One Who Really Loves You?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Oogum Boogum Song?
+Brenton wood
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Other Man's Grass is Always Greener?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Pied Piper?
+Crispian st. peters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Pink Panther Theme?
+Henry mancini & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Popcorn?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Push and Kick?
+Mark valentino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Race Is On?
+Jack jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Rain, The Park, and Other Things?
+The cowsills
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Rains Came?
+Sir douglas quintet
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Return of the Red Baron?
+The royal guardsmen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The River Is Wide?
+The grass roots
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Same One?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Shelter Of Your Arms?
+Sammy davis, jr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)?
+Betty everett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Snake?
+Al wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Son of Hickory Holler's Tramp?
+O.c. smith
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Sounds of Silence?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Story of My Love?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Straight Life?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Stripper?
+David rose & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine (Anymore)?
+The walker brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Sweetest Thing This Side of Heaven?
+Chris bartley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Switch-a-Roo?
+Hank ballard & the midnighters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Tennessee Waltz?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Theme from Dixie?
+Duane eddy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Ties That Bind?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Twist?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Unicorn?
+The Irish rovers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Unknown Soldier?
+The doors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Very Thought of You?
+Rick nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Wah Watusi?
+The orlons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Wanderer?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Watusi?
+The vibrations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Way You Do the Things You Do?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Way You Look Tonight?
+The lettermen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Wedding?
+Julie rogers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Weight?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Wheel of Hurt?
+Margaret whiting
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Windmills of Your Mind?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Windows of the World?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Work Song?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The World We Knew (Over and Over)?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: The Writing on the Wall?
+Adam wade
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Theme for Young Lovers?
+Percy faith & His Orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Then He Kissed Me?
+The crystals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye?
+The casinos
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There Goes My Everything?
+Engelbert humperdinck
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There Is a Mountain?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There Is?
+The dells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There She Goes?
+Jerry wallace
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There Was a Time?
+James brown & the famous flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There Will Never Be Another You?
+Chris montez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There! I've Said It Again?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There'll Come A Time?
+Betty everett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There's a Kind of Hush?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There's a Moon Out Tonight?
+The capris
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There's Gonna Be a Showdown?
+Archie bell & the drells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There's Got to Be a Word!?
+The innocence
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There's No Other (Like My Baby)?
+The crystals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: There's Something on Your Mind (Part?
+Bobby marchan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: These Boots Are Made For Walkin'?
+Nancy sinatra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!?
+Napoleon xiv
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Things I Should Have Said?
+The grass roots
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Things I'd Like to Say?
+The new colony six
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Things?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Think I'll Go Somewhere and Cry Myself to Sleep?
+Al martino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Think Twice?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Bitter Earth?
+Dinah Washington
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Diamond Ring?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Door Swings Both Ways?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Girl is a Woman Now?
+Gary puckett & the union gap
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Girl's In Love with You?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Guy's In Love With You?
+Herb alpert
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Is My Country?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Is My Song?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Little Bird?
+Marianne faithfull
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Little Girl?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Old Heart of Mine (Is Weak for You)?
+The isley brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: This Time?
+Troy shondell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Those Oldies But Goodies (Remind Me of You)?
+Little caesar & the romans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Those Were the Days?
+Mary hopkin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Thou Shalt Not Steal?
+Dick & deedee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Three Hearts in a Tangle?
+Roy drusky
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Three Nights a Week?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Three O'Clock In the Morning?
+Bert kaempfert & his orchestra
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Three Window Coupe?
+The rip chords
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Through 1963 this duo's total record sales exceeded 18 million with successes including 'Cathy's Clown' and 'Wake Up Little Suzie'?
+The Everly Brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Thunderball?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ticket To Ride?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport?
+Rolf harris
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tighten Up?
+Archie bell & the drells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tijuana Taxi?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Time After Time?
+Chris montez
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Time for Livin'?
+The association
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Time Has Come Today?
+The chambers brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Time Is on My Side?
+The rolling stones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Time Is Tight?
+Booker t. & the mg's
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Time of the Season?
+The zombies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Time Won't Let Me?
+The outsiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tip-Toe Thru the Tulips with Me?
+Tiny tim
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tired of Waiting for You?
+The kinks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: To a Sleeping Beauty?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: To Each His Own?
+The platters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: To Give (The Reason I Live)?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: To Know You Is To Love You?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: To Know You, Is To Love You?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: To Love Somebody?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: To Sir With Love?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: To Susan on the West Coast Waiting?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tobacco Road?
+The nashville teens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Today?
+The new christy minstrels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Together Again?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Together?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Togetherness?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tom Cat?
+The rooftop singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tomorrow?
+Strawberry alarm clock
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tonight (Could Be the Night)?
+The velvets
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tonight I Fell in Love?
+The tokens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tonight My Love, Tonight?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tonight?
+Ferrante & teicher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Too Busy Thinking About My Baby?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Too Many Fish in the Sea / Three Little Fishes?
+Mitch ryder & the detroit wheels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Too Many Fish in the Sea?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Too Many Rivers?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Too Much of Nothing?
+Peter, paul & mary
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Too Much Talk?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Too Much Tequila?
+The champs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Too Weak to Fight?
+Clarence carter
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Torture?
+Kris jensen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tossin' and Turnin'?
+Bobby lewis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Touch Me?
+The doors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tower of Strength?
+Gene mcdaniels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Town Without Pity?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tra La La La Suzy?
+Dean & jean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tracy's Theme?
+Spencer ross
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tracy?
+The cuff links
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tragedy?
+The fleetwoods
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Train of Love?
+Annette with the Afterbeats
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Trains and Boats and Planes?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tramp?
+Otis redding & carla thomas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Travelin' Man?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Travlin' Man?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Treat Her Right?
+Roy head & the traits
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Triangle?
+Janie grant
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Trouble in Paradise?
+The crests
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Trouble Is My Middle Name?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: True Grit?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: True Love Never Runs Smooth?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: True Love Ways?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Trust in Me?
+Etta james
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Try A Little Kindness?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Try It Baby?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Try Too Hard?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon)?
+The moody blues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Tuff?
+Ace cannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Turn Around, Look At Me?
+The vogues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Turn Around?
+Dick & deedee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Turn on Your Love Light?
+Bobby bland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Turn-Down Day?
+The cyrkle
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)?
+The byrds
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twelve Thirty (Young Girls Are Coming to the Canyon)?
+The mamas & the papas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twenty Four Hours From Tulsa?
+Gene pitney
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twenty Miles?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twenty-Five Miles?
+Edwin starr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twine Time?
+Alvin cash & the crawlers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twinkle Toes?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twist It Up?
+Chubby checker
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twist-Her?
+Bill black's combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twistin' Matilda?
+Jimmy soul
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twistin' Postman?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twistin' the Night Away?
+Sam cooke
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Twistin' U.S.A?
+Danny & the juniors
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Two Faces Have I?
+Lou christie
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Two Little Kids?
+Peaches & herb
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Two Lovers?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Two Tickets To Paradise?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: U.S. Male?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um?
+Major lance
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Unchain My Heart?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Unchained Melody?
+The righteous brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Under the Boardwalk?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Under Your Spell Again?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Understand Your Man?
+Johnny cash
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Undun?
+The guess who
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Up on the Roof?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Up up and away?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ups and Downs?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Uptight (Everything's Alright)?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Uptown?
+The crystals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Use Your Head?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Utopia?
+Frank gari
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Vacation?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Valleri?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Venus in Blue Jeans?
+Jimmy clanton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Venus?
+The shocking blue
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Village of Love?
+Nathaniel mayer and the fabulous twilights
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Viva Las Vegas?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Volare?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Voodoo Woman?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wack Wack?
+The young-holt trio
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wait 'Till My Bobby Gets Home?
+Darlene love
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wait a Minute?
+The coasters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wait for Me?
+The playmates
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walk Away?
+Matt monro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walk Like A Man?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walk On the Wild Side (Part?
+Jimmy smith & the big band
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walk Right Back?
+The everly brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walk Right In?
+The rooftop singers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walkin' In the Rain?
+Jay & the americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walkin' In the Sunshine?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walkin' My Cat Named Dog?
+Norma tanega
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walking In the Rain?
+The ronettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walking Proud?
+Steve lawrence
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walking the Dog?
+Rufus thomas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Walking To New Orleans?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Warm and Tender Love?
+Percy sledge
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Warmed Over Kisses (Left Over Love)?
+Brian hyland
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Washington Square?
+The village stompers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Watch the Flowers Grow?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Water Boy?
+Don shirley trio
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Watermelon Man?
+Mongo santamaria
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: We Can Fly?
+The cowsills
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: We Can Work It Out?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: We Got More Soul?
+Dyke & the blazers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: We Gotta Get Out of This Place?
+The animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: We Love You Beatles?
+The carefrees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: We'll Sing In the Sunshine?
+Gale garnett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: We're a Winner?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: We're Gonna Make It?
+Little milton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wear Your Love Like Heaven?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wedding Bell Blues?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Welcome Home Baby?
+The shirelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Well, I Told You?
+The chantels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: West of the Wall?
+Miss toni fisher
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Western Union?
+The five americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wham!?
+Lonnie mack
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What A Party?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What A Price?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What A Surprise?
+Johnny maestro, the voice of the crests
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What A Woman In Love Won't Do?
+Sandy posey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Am I Living For?
+Conway twitty
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Becomes of the Brokenhearted?
+Jimmy ruffin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Color (Is a Man)?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Does It Take (to Win Your Love)?
+Jr. walker & the all-stars
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Have They Done To The Rain?
+The searchers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What in the World's Come Over You?
+Jack scott
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Kind of Fool (Do You Think I Am)?
+The tams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Kind of Fool Am I?
+Sammy davis, jr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am?
+Bill deal & the rhondels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Kind of Love Is This?
+Joey dee & the starliters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Now?
+Gene chandler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What the World Needs Now is Love?
+Jackie deshannon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What Will Mary Say?
+Johnny mathis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What'd I Say (Part?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What's A Matter Baby (Is It Hurting You)?
+Timi yuro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What's New Pussycat?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What's So Easy for Two Is So Hard for One?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What's So Good About Goodbye?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What's the Matter with You Baby?
+Marvin gaye & mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What's the Use of Breaking Up?
+Jerry butler
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: What's Your Name?
+Don & juan
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When A Man Loves A Woman?
+Percy sledge
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When I Die?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When I Fall In Love?
+The lettermen
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When I Grow Up (To Be A Man)?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When I Was Young?
+Eric burdon & the animals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When I'm Gone?
+Brenda holloway
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When Liking Turns to Loving?
+Ronnie dove
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When My Little Girl Is Smiling?
+The drifters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When the Boy in Your Arms (Is the Boy in Your Heart)?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When the Lovelight Starts Shining Through His Eyes?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When We Get Married?
+The dreamlovers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When Will I Be Loved?
+The everly Brothers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When You Walk in the Room?
+The searchers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When You Wish Upon a Star?
+Dion & The Belmonts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When You're Hot, You're Hot?
+Porter wagoner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: When You're Young and In Love?
+The marvelettes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Whenever He Holds You?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Where Did Our Love Go?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Where Do You Go?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Where Or When?
+Dion & the belmonts
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Where the Boys Are?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Where Were You When I Needed You?
+The grass roots
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Where Will the Words Come From?
+Gary lewis & the playboys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Where's the Playground Susie?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Whispering?
+Nino tempo & april stevens
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Whispers (Gettin' Louder)?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: White on White?
+Danny williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: White Rabbit?
+Jefferson airplane
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: White Room?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: White Silver Sands?
+Bill black's Combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who Am I?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)?
+Tony bennett
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who Do You Love?
+The sapphires
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit in 1966 with keep on running?
+Spencer davis group
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit in 1969 with something in the air?
+Thunderclap newman
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit record in 1964 with 'Don't Throw Your Love Away'?
+The searchers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit record in 1965 with 'I'm Alive'?
+The hollies
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who Is Gonna Love Me?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who Put the Bomp (In the Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)?
+Barry mann
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who Will Answer?
+Ed ames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who'll Be the Next in Line?
+The kinks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Who's Making Love?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Whole Lotta Love?
+Led zeppelin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Why Do Lovers Break Each Other's Heart?
+Bob b. soxx & the blue jeans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wichita Lineman?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wiggle Wobble?
+Les cooper & the soul rockers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wild Honey?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wild in the Country?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wild Weekend?
+The rebels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wild!?
+Dee dee sharp
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wildwood Days?
+Bobby rydell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Will You Be Staying After Sunday?
+The peppermint rainbow
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Willow Weep For Me?
+Chad & jeremy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Winchester Cathedral?
+The new vaudeville band
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Windy?
+The association
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wings Of A Dove?
+Ferlin husky
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wipe Out?
+The surfaris
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wish Someone Would Care?
+Irma thomas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wish You Didn't Have to Go?
+James & bobby purify
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wishin' and Hopin'?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Witchcraft?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: With A Girl Like You?
+The troggs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: With Pen in Hand?
+Vikki carr
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: With These Hands?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: With This Ring?
+The platters
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Without You?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wives and Lovers?
+Jack jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wolverton Mountain?
+Claude king
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Woman, Woman?
+Gary puckett & the union gap
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Woman's Got Soul?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Woman?
+Peter & gordon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wonderful Summer?
+Robin ward
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wonderful! Wonderful!?
+The tymes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wooden Heart?
+Joe dowell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wooly Bully?
+Sam the sham & the pharaohs
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Words of Love?
+The mamas & the papas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Workin' for the Man?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Workin' on a Groovy Thing?
+The 5th dimension
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Working in the Coal Mine?
+Lee dorsey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Working My Way Back to You?
+The 4 seasons
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Workout Stevie, Workout?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: World (Part?
+James brown
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Worried Guy?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wouldn't It Be Nice?
+The beach boys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Wrong for Each Other?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Ya Ya?
+Lee dorsey
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yakety Sax?
+Boots randolph
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Years from Now?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yeh, Yeh?
+Georgie fame & the blue flames
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yellow Balloon?
+The yellow balloon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yellow Bird?
+Arthur lyman group
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yellow Submarine?
+The beatles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yes Sir, That's My Baby?
+Ricky Nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yes, I'm Ready?
+Barbara mason
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yester Love?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yester-Me, Yester-You, Yesterday?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yesterday, When I Was Young?
+Roy clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yesterday's Gone?
+Chad & jeremy
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yogi?
+The ivy three
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Are Mine?
+Frankie avalon
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Are My Sunshine?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Are the Only One?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Baby?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Beat Me to the Punch?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Belong to Me?
+The duprees
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Better Move On?
+Arthur alexander
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Better Run?
+The young rascals
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Better Sit Down Kids?
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Can Depend On Me?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Can Have Her?
+Roy hamilton
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Can Never Stop Me Loving You?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Can't Hurry Love?
+The supremes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Can't Roller Skate in a Buffalo Herd?
+Roger miller
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Can't Sit Down (Part?
+Philip upchurch combo
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Can't Sit Down?
+The dovells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Didn't Have to Be So Nice?
+The lovin' spoonful
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Don't Have To Be A Baby To Cry?
+The caravelles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Don't Have To Say You Love Me?
+Dusty springfield
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Don't Know Me?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Don't Know What You've Got (Until You Lose It)?
+Ral donner
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Don't Own Me?
+Lesley gore
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Gave Me a Mountain?
+Frankie laine
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Got to Me?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Got What It Takes?
+The dave clark five
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Got Yours and I'll Get Mine?
+The delfonics
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Keep Running Away?
+Four tops
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Know What I Mean?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Lost the Sweetest Boy?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Mean Everything to Me?
+Neil Sedaka
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Met Your Match?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Must Believe Me?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Never Can Tell (C'est La Vie)?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Really Got Me?
+The kinks
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Really Know How to Hurt a Guy?
+Jan & dean
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Should Have Seen the Way He Looked at Me?
+The dixie cups
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Showed Me?
+The turtles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Talk Too Much?
+Joe jones
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Tell Me Why?
+The beau brummels
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Turn Me On (Turn On Song)?
+Ian whitcomb & bluesville
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Were Made for Me?
+Freddie & the dreamers
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Were Only Fooling (While I Was Falling in Love)?
+Vic damone
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You Win Again?
+Fats domino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You, I?
+The rugbys
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You'd Better Come Home?
+Petula clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You'll Lose a Good Thing?
+Barbara lynn
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You'll Never Get To Heaven (If You Break My Heart)?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You'll Never Walk Alone?
+Patti labelle & the blue belles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're a Wonderful One?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're All I Need to Get By?
+Marvin gaye & tammi terrell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're My Everything?
+The temptations
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're My World?
+Cilla black
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You?
+Dean martin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're Sixteen?
+Johnny burnette
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're the One?
+The vogues
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're the Reason I'm Living?
+Bobby darin
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You're the Reason?
+Bobby edwards
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You've Been Cheatin'?
+The impressions
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You've Been in Love Too Long?
+Martha & the vandellas
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You've Got to Hide Your Love Away?
+The silkie
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You've Got Your Troubles?
+The fortunes
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You've Really Got a Hold on Me?
+The miracles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: You?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Young and in Love?
+Dick & deedee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Young Emotions?
+Ricky nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Young Girl?
+Gary puckett & the union gap
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Young Lovers?
+Paul & paula
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Young World?
+Rick nelson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Cheatin' Heart?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Friends?
+Dee clark
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Good Thing (Is About to End)?
+Lou rawls
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Ma Said You Cried in Your Sleep Last Night?
+Kenny dino
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Nose Is Gonna Grow?
+Johnny crawford
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Old Stand By?
+Mary wells
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your One and Only Love?
+Jackie wilson
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Other Love?
+Connie francis
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Precious Love?
+Marvin gaye & tammi terrell
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Unchanging Love?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Your Used to Be?
+Brenda lee
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Yummy Yummy Yummy?
+Ohio express
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Zip Code?
+The five americans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah?
+Bob b. soxx & the blue jeans
+Music: 1960s: Artist/Band: Zorba the Greek?
+Herb alpert & the tijuana brass
+Music: 1960s: Couples slow danced to his dreamy eyes in 1962?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: 1960s: Gene Pitney hurt when he was in ____
+Music: 1960s: In 1969, this honey dripping song by the Archies spent four weeks at the top of the charts?
+Sugar sugar
+Music: 1960s: Instrumental group performed Alka-Seltzer theme?
+Music: 1960s: Mamas and Papas sure liked this day of the week?
+Music: 1960s: Micky Dolenz found fame in which simian-sounding group?
+The monkees
+Music: 1960s: Name of the 1963 Beatles debut album?
+Please please me
+Music: 1960s: On october 9, 1966, when the rolling stones gave a famous concert in london, the show was recorded to produce their first live album. Name that album?
+Got live if you want it
+Music: 1960s: Song: Critics said Donovan was a British copy of which US performer?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1960s: Song: Deep purple started their career with which one-word song in 1968?
+Music: 1960s: Song: Which dance was Chubby Checker doing at the start of the 60s?
+The twist
+Music: 1960s: Song: Which Marianne was linked with Mick Jagger?
+Music: 1960s: Song: Who backed Brian Poole?
+The tremeloes
+Music: 1960s: Status Quo first charted with Pictures of what type of Men?
+Music: 1960s: The Beatles: Beatle that was rumored to be dead in the late '60s?
+Music: 1960s: The Beatles: Song: Mccartney achieved his biggest ballad with which song released on the album help in 1965?
+Music: 1960s: This many members were in the group The Dave Clark Five?
+Music: 1960s: This musical about a New York mayor won the Pulitzer Prize in 1960?
+Music: 1960s: What 1960s female rock group consisted of two sets of sisters?
+Shangri las
+Music: 1960s: What was the Beatles' first single released in 1962?
+Love Me Do
+Music: 1960s: Which city did the Searchers come from?
+Music: 1960s: Which George produced the Beatles' records?
+Music: 1960s: Which part of her body did Sandie Shaw bare on stage?
+Her feet
+Music: 1960s: who had a big hit with Who's sorry now?
+Connie Francis
+Music: 1960s: Who was backed by Hermits?
+Music: 1960s: Who was Crying in the Chapel?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1960s: Whose Five were in Bits and Pieces?
+Dave clark
+Music: 1970s: 1970 chart-topper by Ernie of Sesame Street?
+Rubber duckie
+Music: 1970s: 1972 Deep Purple track?
+Smoke on the water
+Music: 1970s: 1973 rock classic, which group or artist released Freebird?
+Lynyrd Skynyrd
+Music: 1970s: 1975 Queen record?
+Bohemian Rhapsody
+Music: 1970s: 1976 Boston track?
+More than a feeling
+Music: 1970s: 1977 rock classic by Status Quo?
+Rockin all over the world
+Music: 1970s: 1977 rock classic, Rockin all over the world?
+Status Quo
+Music: 1970s: 1978 Toto track?
+Hold the Line
+Music: 1970s: America had a big hit in 1972 with this song?
+A horse with no name
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: (Don't Fear) The Reaper?
+Blue oyster cult
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: (You're) Havin' My Baby?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Cowboys Work Is Never Done?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Dose Of Rock 'N' Roll?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Fifth Of Beethoven?
+Walter murphy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Horse With No Name?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Letter To Myself?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Little Bit More?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Little More Love?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Man I'll Never Be?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Million To One?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Natural Man?
+Lou rawls
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Song Of Joy?
+Miguel rios
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: A Very Special Love Song?
+Charlie rich
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Abc?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Abra Ca Dabra?
+Defranco family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Absolutely Right?
+Five man electrical band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Action?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: After Midnight?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: After The Goldrush?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: After The Love Has Gone?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: After The Lovin'?
+Engelbert humperdinck
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Afternoon Delight?
+Starland vocal band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't Gonna Bump No More?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't Love A Bitch?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't No Mountain High Enough?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't No Stopin' Us Now?
+Mcfadden & whitehead
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't No Sunshine?
+Bill withers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't No Way To Treat A Lady?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't No Woman?
+Four tops
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing?
+Donny & marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't That A Shame?
+Cheap trick
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't Too Proud To Beg?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ain't Understanding Mellow?
+Jerry butler & brenda lee eager
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Airport Love Theme?
+Vincent bell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Albert Flash?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Alive Again?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Alive?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All By Myself?
+Eric carmen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All Day Music?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All I Ever Need Is You?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All I Have To Do Is Dream?
+Glen campbell & bobbie gentry
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All I Know?
+Art garfunkel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All Right Now?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All Strung Out On You?
+John travolta
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All The King's Horses?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All The Young Dudes?
+Mott the hoople
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: All You Get From Love Is A Love Song?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Almost Like Being In Love?
+Michael johnson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Almost Summer?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Alone Again?
+Gilbert o'sullivan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Already Gone?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Also Sprach Zarathustra (2001)?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Always And Forever?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Always Something There To Remind Me?
+R.b. greaves
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: American City Suite?
+Cashman & west
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: American Pie?
+Don mclean
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: American Tune?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: American Woman?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Americans?
+Byron macgregor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Amie?
+Pure prairie league
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Amos Moses?
+Jerry reed
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: An American Trilogy?
+Mickey newbury
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: An Everlasting Love?
+Andy gibb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: An Old Fashioned Love Song?
+Three Dog Night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: And I Love You So?
+Perry como
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Angel In Your Arms?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Angie Baby?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Angie?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Annie's Song?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Another Day?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Another Park, Another Sunday?
+Doobie Brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Another Rainy Day In New York City?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Another Saturday Night?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Another Star?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Anticipation?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Anything You Want?
+John valenti
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Anytime (I'll Be There)?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Are You Lonesome Tonight?
+Donny Osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Are You Man Enough?
+Four tops
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Are You Ready?
+Pacific gas & Electric
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ariel?
+Dean friedman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Armed And Extremely Dangerous?
+First Choice
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Arrow Through Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: As Tears Go By?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: As?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ask Me No Questions?
+B.b. king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ask Me What You Want?
+Millie jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: At Midnight?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: At Seventeen?
+Janis ian
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Attitude Dancing?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Aubrey?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Autobahn?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Automatically Sunshine?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Babe?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby Blue?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby Come Back?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby Come Closer?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me?
+Mac davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby Face?
+Wing & a prayer fife & drum corps.
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby I Love Your Way?
+Peter frampton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby I'm Burnin'?
+Dolly parton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby I'm-A Want You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby Let Me Kiss You?
+King floyd
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby Let Me Take You?
+Detroit emeralds
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby That's Backatcha?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baby, What A Big Surprise?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Back Home Again?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Back In Love Again?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Back In The Saddle?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Back In The U.S.A?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Back Off Boogaloo?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Back Stabbers?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Back Together Again?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Back When My Hair Was Short?
+Gunhill road
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bad Blood?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bad Case Of Loving You?
+Robert palmer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bad Girls?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bad Luck?
+Harold melvin & the blue notes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bad Time?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bad, Bad Leroy Brown?
+Jim croce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Baker Street?
+Gerry rafferty
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ball Of Confusion?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ballero?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ballroom Blitz?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Band Of Gold?
+Freda payne
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Band On The Run?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bang A Gong?
+T. rex
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bangla Desh?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Barracuda?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Barretta's Theme?
+Rhythm heritage
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Basketball Jones Featuring Tyrone Shoelaces?
+Cheech & chong
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Battle Hymn Of Lt. Calley?
+C company
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Be My Baby?
+Andy kim
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Be Thankful For What You Got?
+William devaughn
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Be?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Beach Baby?
+First class
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Beast Of Burden?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Beautiful Sunday?
+Daniel boone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Because The Night?
+Patti smith group
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Been To Canaan?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Beer Barrel Polka?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Before My Heart Finds Out?
+Gene cotton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Before The Next Teardrop Falls?
+Freddy fender
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Beginnings?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Behind Blue Eyes?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Behind Closed Doors?
+Charlie rich
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Believe In Humanity?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ben?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bennie And The Jets?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Betcha By Golly, Wow?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Beth?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Better Love Next Time?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bicycle Race?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Big City Miss Ruth Ann?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Big Shot?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Billy Don't Be A Hero?
+Bo donaldson & the heywoods
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Birds Of A Feather?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bite Your Lip?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bitter Bad?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Black & White?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Black Betty?
+Ram jam
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Black Dog?
+Led zeppelin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Black Friday?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Black Magic Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Black Water?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blinded By The Light?
+Manfred mann's earth band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bloody Well Right?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blow Away?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blowing Away?
+5th dimension
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blue Bayou?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blue Collar Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain?
+Willie nelson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blue Money?
+Van morrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blue Morning Blue Day?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Blue Suede Shoes?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bluebird?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bluer Than Blue?
+Michael johnson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bohemian Rhapsody?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie Child?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie Down?
+Eddie kendricks
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie Fever?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie Nights?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie On Reggae Woman?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie Oogie Oogie?
+A taste of honey
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie Shoes?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie Wonderland?
+Earth wind & fire with the emotions
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Booty Butt?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Border Song?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Born To Be Alive?
+Patrick hernandez
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Born To Run?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Born To Wander?
+Rare earth
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Brand New Key?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Brandy (You're A Fine Girl)?
+Looking glass
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Brazil?
+Ritchie family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Break Away?
+Art garfunkel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Break Up To Make Up?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Breakdown?
+Tom petty & the heartbreakers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do (Slow Ver.)?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Brick House?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bring The Boys Home?
+Freda payne
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Broken Hearted Me?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Brother Louie?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Brother Rapp?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Brown Sugar?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bungle In The Jungle?
+Jethro tull
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Burning Bridges?
+Mike curb congregation
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Burning Love?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Bustin' Loose?
+Chuck brown & the soul searches
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Butter Boy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: C'mon Marianne?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Call On Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Calling Dr. Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Calypso?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can I Get A Witness?
+Lee michaels
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can This Be Real?
+Natural four
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can We Still Be Friends?
+Todd rundgren
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can You Fool?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can't Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can't Get Enough?
+Bad company
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can't Get It Out Of My Head?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can't Hide Love?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can't Smile Without You?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can't Stop Dancin'?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Can't Stop Loving You?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Candida?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Car Wash?
+Rose royce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Carefree Highway?
+Gordon lightfoot
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Carolina In The Pines?
+Michael martin purphey
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Carry On Wayward Son?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Castles In The Air?
+Don mclean
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cat Scratch Fever?
+Ted nugent
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cat's In The Cradle?
+Harry chapin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cecilia?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Celebrate?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Change Of Heart?
+Eric carmen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes?
+Jimmy buffett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Charity Ball?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Chase?
+Giorgio moroder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Chattanooga Choo Choo?
+Tuxedo junction
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cheaper To Keep Her?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Check It Out?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Check Out Your Mind?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cheeseburger In Paradise?
+Jimmy buffett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cherish?
+David cassidy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cherry Baby?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cherry Cherry?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Chevy Van?
+Sammy johns
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Chicago?
+Graham nash
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Chick A Boom (Don't Ya Jes' Love It)?
+Daddy dewdrop
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: China Grove?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Chiquitita?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep?
+Mac & katie kissoon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Christine Sixteen?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Chuck E.'S Love?
+Rickie lee jones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cinderella?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Clair?
+Gilbert o'sullivan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Clap For The Wolfman?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Clean Up Woman?
+Betty wright
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cleopatra Jones (Theme)?
+Joe simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Close Encounters (Theme)?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (Theme)?
+John williams
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Close The Door?
+Teddy pendergrass
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Close To You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Close Your Eyes?
+Edward bear
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Closer To Home?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Coconut?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cold As Ice?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Colour My World?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come And Get It?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come And Get Your Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come Get To This?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come Monday?
+Jimmy buffett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come On Over?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come Running?
+Van morrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come Sail Away?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come Saturday Morning?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come To Me?
+France joli
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Come Together?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Confusion?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Conquistador?
+Procol harum
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Convention '72?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Convoy?
+C.w. mccall
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cook With Honey?
+Judy collins
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cool Aid?
+Paul humphrey
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cool Change?
+Little river band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Copacabana (At The Copa)?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Corazon?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Corner Of The Sky?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Could It Be Forever?
+David cassidy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Could It Be I'm Falling In Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Could It Be Magic?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Couldn't Get It Right?
+Climax blues band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Count On Me?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Country Boy?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Country Road?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Coward Of The County?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Crackerbox Palace?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cracklin' Rosie?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Crazy Horses?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Crazy Mama?
+J.j. cale
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Crazy On You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cried Like A Baby?
+Bobby sherman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Crocodile Rock?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cruel To Be Kind?
+Nick lowe
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cruisin'?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cry Me A River?
+Joe cocker
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cupid?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Cut The Cake?
+Average white band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: D.O.A?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: D'yer Mak'er?
+Led zeppelin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Da Doo Ron Ron?
+Shaun cassidy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Daddy Could Swear, I Declare?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast?
+Wayne newton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Daddy's Home?
+Jermaine jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Daisey Jane?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Daisy A Day?
+Jud strunk
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Damned If I Do?
+Alan parsons project
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dance The Night Away?
+Van halen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dance Wit Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dance, Dance, Dance?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dance?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dancin' Fool?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dancin' Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dancin' Shoes?
+Nigel olsson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dancing In The Moonlight?
+King harvest
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dancing Machine?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dancing Queen?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dangling On A String?
+Chairmen of the board
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Daniel?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Danny's Song?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dark Horse?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dark Lady?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Daughter Of Darkness?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Day After Day?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Day By Day?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Day Dreaming?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Days Gone Down?
+Gerry rafferty
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Daytime Friends?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dazz?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Deacon Blues?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dead Skunk?
+Loudon wainwright iii
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: December 1963 (Oh What A Night)?
+Four seasons
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Deep Purple?
+Donny & marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Deeper & Deeper?
+Freda payne
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Deeper Than The Night?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Deja Vu?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Delta Dawn?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dependin' On You?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Desiderata?
+Les crane
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Desiree?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Devil Woman?
+Cliff richard
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Devil's Gun?
+C.j. & co.
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Devotion?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dialogue?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Diamond Girl?
+Seals & crofts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Diamonds And Rust?
+Joan baez
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Diary?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Did You Boogie?
+Flash cadillac & the continental kids
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time)?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Different Worlds?
+Maureen mcgovern
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dim All The Lights?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ding Dong Ding Dong?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dirty White Boy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Disco Duck?
+Rick dees & his cast of idiots
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Disco Inferno?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Disco Lady?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Disco Lucy?
+Wilton place street band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Disco Nights?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Disco Queen?
+Hot chocolate
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Distant Lover?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do It Again?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do It Anyway You Wanna?
+Peoples choice
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do It Baby?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do It Or Die?
+Atlanta rhythm section
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do That To Me One More Time?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do The Funky Chicken?
+Rufus thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do What You Wanna Do?
+Five flights up
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do What You Want, Be What You Are?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With Me?
+Peter brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do Ya?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do You Believe In Magic?
+Shaun cassidy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do You Feel Like We Do?
+Peter frampton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do You Know What I Mean?
+Lee michaels
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do You See My Love?
+Jr. walker & the all stars
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do You Wanna Make Love?
+Peter mccann
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do You Want To Dance?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do Your Dance?
+Rose royce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Do Your Thing?
+Isaac hayes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Doctor My Eyes?
+Jackson browne
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Doctor Tarr And Professor Fether?
+Alan parsons project
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Doctor's Orders?
+Carol douglas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Does Your Mother Know?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted?
+Partridge family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dog & Butterfly?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Doing It To Death?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Domino?
+Van morrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Bring Me Down?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Call Us, We'll Call You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Change Horses?
+Tower of power
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Change On Me?
+Ray charles
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Cross The River?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Cry Out Loud?
+Melissa Manchester
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Do It?
+The band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Do Me Like That?
+Tom petty & the heartbreakers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Ever Be Lonely?
+Cornelius brothers & sister rose
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Ever Wanna Lose Ya?
+New England
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Give Up On Us?
+David soul
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Go Breaking My Heart?
+Elton john & kiki dee
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Hold Back?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue?
+Crystal gayle
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Knock My Love?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Leave Me This Way?
+Thelma houston
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Go?
+Isaac hayes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood?
+Santa esmeralda
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Let The Green Grass Fool You?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Look Back?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Play That Song?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Say You Don't Remember?
+Beverly bremers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Stop Believin'?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Stop?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Take Away The Music?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Take Your Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Tell Me Goodnight?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Throw It All Away?
+Andy gibb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Want To Live Without It?
+Pablo cruise
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't Worry Baby?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Don't You Write Her Off?
+Mcguinn, clark & hillman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Doraville?
+Atlanta rhythm section
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Double Barrel?
+Dave & ansel collins
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Double Lovin'?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Double Vision?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Down By The Lazy River?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Draggin' The Line?
+Tommy james
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dream Baby?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dream Merchant?
+New birth
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dream On [R] Orig. Charted 1973?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dream On?
+Righteous brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dream Police?
+Cheap trick
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dream Weaver?
+Gary wright
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dreaming?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dreams?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dreidel?
+Don mclean
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Drift Away?
+Dobie gray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Driver's Seat?
+Sniff 'n' the tears
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Drivin' Wheel?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Drowning In The Sea Of Love?
+Joe simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dueling Banjos?
+Eric weissberg & steve mandell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dusic?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dust In The Wind?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Dynomite?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Earache My Eye Featuring Alice Bowie?
+Cheech & chong
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Easy Come, Easy Go?
+Bobby sherman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Easy Livin?
+Uriah heep
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Easy Loving?
+Freddie hart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Easy To Love?
+Leo sayer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Easy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ebony Eyes?
+Bob welch
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ecstasy?
+Ohio players
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Edge Of The Universe?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ego?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Eighteen With A Bullet?
+Pete wingfield
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Eighteen?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: El Condor Pasa?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Elected?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Emma?
+Hot chocolate
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Energy Crisis '74?
+Dickie goodman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Engine Number 9?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Enjoy Yourself?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Eres Tu?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Escape-Ism?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Escape?
+Rupert holmes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Even Now?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Evergreen?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everlasting Love?
+Carl carlton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Every 1's A Winner?
+Hot chocolate
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Every Day Of My Life?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Every Kinda People?
+Robert palmer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Every Time I Think Of You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Every Time You Touch Me?
+Charlie rich
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Every Which Way But Loose?
+Eddie rabbitt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everybody Be Dancin'?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everybody Dance?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everybody Needs Love?
+Stephen bishop
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everybody Plays The Fool?
+Main ingredient
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everybody's Everything?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everybody's Got The Right To Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everybody's Out Of Town?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everything I Own?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everything Is Beautiful?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Everything's Tuesday?
+Chairmen of the board
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Evil Ways?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Evil Woman?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Express Yourself?
+Watts 103rd street rhythm band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Express?
+B.t. express
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Eyes Of Laura Mars (Theme)?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fairytale?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fallen Angel?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Falling?
+Leblanc & carr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fame?
+David bowie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Family Affair?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fancy Dancer?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fancy?
+Bobbie gentry
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fantasy?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fat Bottomed Girls?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Feelin' Stronger Every Day?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Feeling Alright?
+Joe cocker
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Feelings?
+Morris albert
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Feels Like The First Time?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Feels So Good?
+Chuck mangione
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fernando?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ffun?
+Con funk shun
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fight The Power?
+Isley brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Finally Got Myself Together?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fins?
+Jimmy buffett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fire And Rain?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fire And Water?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fire On The Mountain?
+Marshall tucker band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fire, Baby I'm On Fire?
+Andy kim
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fish Ain't Bitin'?
+Lamont dozier
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Flash Light?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Float On?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Floy Joy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fly Away?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fly Like An Eagle?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fly Robin Fly?
+Silver convention
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Flying High?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fm?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Follow You Follow Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fool To Cry?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fool?
+Chris rea
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fooled Around And Fell In Love?
+Elvin bishop
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fooling Yourself?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Footstompin' Music?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: For All We Know?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: For The Good Times?
+Ray price
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: For The Love Of Him?
+Bobbi martin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: For The Love Of Money?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: For The Love Of You?
+Isley brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Forever In Blue Jeans?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Found A Cure?
+Ashford & simpson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Fox On The Run?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Frankenstein?
+Edgar winter group
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Freddie's Dead?
+Curtis mayfield
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Free Bird?
+Lynyrd skynyrd
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Free Man In Paris?
+Joni mitchell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Free Ride?
+Edgar winter group
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: From His Woman To You?
+Barbara mason
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: From The Beginning?
+Emerson lake & palmer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Full Of Fire?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Funky Nassua?
+Beginning of the end
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Funky Stuff?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Funky Worm?
+Ohio players
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Funny Face?
+Donna fargo
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Future Shock?
+Curtis mayfield
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Galaxy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Games?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Garden Party?
+Rick nelson & the stone canyon band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: George Jackson?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Geronimo's Cadillac?
+Michael martin murphey
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Closer?
+Seals & crofts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Dancin'?
+Disco tex & the sex o lettes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Down Tonight?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Down, Get Down?
+Joe simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Down?
+Gilbert o'sullivan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get It On?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get It Right Next Time?
+Gerry rafferty
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get It Together?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Off?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get On The Good Foot?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Ready?
+Rare earth
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get The Funk Out Ma Face?
+Brothers johnson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Up And Boogie?
+Silver convention
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Up I Feel Like Being Like A Sex Machine?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Up, Get Into It, Get Involved?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Get Used To It?
+Roger voudouris
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Getaway?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gettin' Ready For Love?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Getting Closer?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ghetto Child?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gimme Dat Ding?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Girl Of My Dreams?
+Bram tchaikovsky
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Girls' School?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give A Little Bit?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give Ireland Back To The Irish?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give It To Me?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give It To The People?
+Righteous brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give It Up?
+Tyrone davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give It What You Got?
+B.t. express
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give Me Just A Little More Time?
+Chairmen of the board
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give Me Love?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give Me Your Love?
+Barbara mason
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give More Power To The People?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Give Your Baby A Standing Ovation?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Glasshouse?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gloria?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Glory Bound?
+Grass roots
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Go All The Way?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Go Away Little Girl?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Go Back?
+Crabby appleton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Go Down Gamblin'?
+Blood, sweat & tears
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Go Your Own Way?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: God, Love And Rock & Roll?
+Teegarden & van winkle
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Goin' Home?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gold?
+John stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Golden Years?
+David bowie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gone Too Far?
+England dan & john ford coley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gone?
+Joey heatherton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gonna Fly Now?
+Maynard ferguson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Friend?
+Mary macgregor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Girls Don't?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Hearted Woman?
+Willie nelson & waylon jennings
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Lovin' Gone Bad?
+Bad company
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Morning Heartache?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues?
+Danny o'keefe
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Times?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Timin'?
+Beach boys
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Good Vibrations?
+Todd rundgren
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Goodbye Girl?
+David gates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Goodbye Stranger?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Goodbye To Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Goodnight Tonight?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Got To Be Real?
+Cheryl lynn
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Got To Be There?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Got To Give It Up?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gotta Hold On To This Feeling?
+Jr. walker & the all stars
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gotta Serve Somebody?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Grease?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Green-Eyed Lady?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Groove Me?
+King floyd
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Groovey Situation?
+Gene chandler
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Grow Some Funk Of Your Own?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gypsy Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gypsy Woman?
+Brian hyland
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Half The Way?
+Crystal gayle
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Half-Breed?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hallelujah Day?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hallelujah?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hand Me Down World?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Handy Man?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hang On In There Baby?
+Johnny bristol
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Happiness Is Just Around The Bend?
+Main ingredient
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Happiness?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Happy Anniversary?
+Little river band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Happy Days?
+Pratt & mcclain
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Happy Music?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Happy People?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Happy?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hard Luck Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hard Rock Cafe?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Harry Hippie?
+Bobby womack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Harry Truman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Have You Never Been Mellow?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Have You Seen Her?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Haven't Got Time For The Pain?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Having My Baby?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: He Don't Love You (Like I Love You)?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: He's A Friend?
+Eddie kendricks
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: He's The Greatest Dancer?
+Sister sledge
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Head Games?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heard It In A Love Song?
+Marshall tucker band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heart Of Glass?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heart Of Gold?
+Neil young
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heart Of The Night?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heartache Tonight?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heartbeat It's A Lovebeat?
+Defranco family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heartbreaker?
+Dolly parton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heartless?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hearts Of Stone?
+Blue ridge rangers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heaven Help Us All?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heaven Must Be Kissing An Angel?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heaven Must Have Sent You?
+Bonnie pointer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heaven On The 7th Floor?
+Paul nicholas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heavy Makes You Happy?
+Staple singers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Heed The Call?
+Kenny rogers & the first edition
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Helen Wheels?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hello Hurray?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hello It's Me?
+Todd rundgren
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hello Old Friend?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hello Stranger?
+Yvonne elliman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Help Is On Its Way?
+Little river band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Help Me Rhonda?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Help Me?
+Joni mitchell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Here Come Those Tears Again?
+Jackson browne
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Here Comes The Sun?
+Richie havens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Here I Am?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Here You Come Again?
+Dolly parton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hey Big Brother?
+Rare earth
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hey Deanie?
+Shaun cassidy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hey Lawdy Mama?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hey Mister Sun?
+Bobby sherman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hey There Lonely Girl?
+Eddie holman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hey You?
+Bachman-turner overdrive
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hi-De-Ho?
+Blood, sweat & tears
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hi, Hi, Hi?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: High School Dance?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: High Time We Went?
+Joe cocker
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Higher Ground?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Higher Plane?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Highway Song?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hijack?
+Herbie mann
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hit The Road Jack?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hitchin' A Ride?
+Vanity fare
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hocus Pocus?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hold Back The Night?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hold Her Tight?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hold The Line?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hold Your Head Up?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Holdin' On To Yesterday?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hollywood Nights?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hollywood Swinging?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hollywood?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Home And Dry?
+Gerry rafferty
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Honesty?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Honey Come Back?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Honey,Honey?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Honky Cat?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hooked On A Feeling?
+Blue swede
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hopelessly Devoted To You?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Blooded?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Child In The City?
+Nick gilder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Legs?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Line?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Love, Cold World?
+Bob welch
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Number?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Pants?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Rod Lincoln?
+Commander cody & his lost planet airmen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Stuff?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hot Summer Nights?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hotel California?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: House Of The Rising Sun?
+Frijid pink
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How Can I Be Sure?
+David cassidy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How Can I Tell Her?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How Deep Is Your Love?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How Do You Do?
+Mouth & macneal
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How Much I Feel?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How Much Love?
+Leo sayer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How Sweet It Is?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: How You Gonna See Me Now?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hummingbird?
+Seals & crofts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hurricane?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hurt?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hurting Each Other?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Hurts So Good?
+Millie jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Ain't Got Time Anymore?
+Glass bottle
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Am I Said?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Am Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Am Somebody?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Am Woman?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Believe In Music?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Believe In You?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Believe You?
+Dorothy moore
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Belong To You?
+Love unlimited
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Can Help?
+Billy swan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Can See Clearly Now?
+Johnny nash
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Can Understand It?
+New birth
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Can't Hear You No More?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Can't Help Myself?
+Donnie elbert
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Can't Stand It No More?
+Peter frampton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Didn't Get To Sleep At All?
+5th dimension
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Didn't Know I Loved You?
+Gary glitter
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Do Love You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Don't Blame You At All?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Don't Like To Sleep Alone?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want To Do Wrong?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Feel A Song?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Feel Like A Bullet?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Feel Love?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Feel The Earth Move?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Get Lifted?
+George mccrae
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Go Crazy?
+Paul davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Got A Name?
+Jim croce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Got Ants In My Pants?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Got My Mind Made Up?
+Instant funk
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Got Stoned And I Missed It?
+Jim stafford
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Gotcha?
+Joe tex
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Hear You Knocking?
+Dave edmunds
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Honestly Love You?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Just Can't Help Believing?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Just Fall In Love Again?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Just Wanna Stop?
+Gino vannelli
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Just Want to Be Your Everything?
+Andy gibb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Just Want To Celebrate?
+Rare earth
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Just Want To Make Love To You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Know A Heartache When I See One?
+Jennifer warnes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Like Dreamin'?
+Kenny nolan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Like To Do It?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Like To Live The Love?
+B.b. king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Likes To Do It?
+Peoples choice
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Love Music?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Love My Friend?
+Charlie rich
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Love The Nightlife?
+Alicia bridges
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Love You For All Seasons?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Love You?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Love?
+Tom t. hall
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Need A Lover?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Need To Be In Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Need You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Never Cry?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Only Have Eyes For You?
+Art garfunkel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Only Want To Be With You?
+Bay city rollers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Play And Sing?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Really Don't Want To Know?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Saw The Light?
+Todd rundgren
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Shall Sing?
+Art garfunkel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Shot The Sheriff?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Still Have Dreams?
+Richie furay
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Think I Love You?
+Partridge family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be Where You Are?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be With You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be Your Lover?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Dance Wit' Choo?
+Disco tex & the sex o lettes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Get Next To You?
+Rose royce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Want You To Want Me?
+Cheap trick
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Want You Tonight?
+Pablo cruise
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Want You?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Want Your Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Want'a Do Something Freaky To You?
+Leon haywood
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Was Checkin' Out She Was Checkin' In?
+Don covay
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Was Made For Dancin'?
+Leif garrett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Was Made For Lovin' You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Was Only Joking?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Will Be In Love With You?
+Livingston taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Will Still Love You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Will Survive?
+Gloria gaynor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Wish?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Woke Up In Love This Morning?
+Partridge family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Won't Last A Day Without You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You?
+Alan parsons project
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I Write The Songs?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I.O.U?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'd Love To Change The World?
+Ten years after
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'd Love You To Want Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'd Really Love To See You Tonight?
+Endland dan & john ford coley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Always Love My Mama?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Around?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Good To You?
+Brothers johnson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Be The Other Woman?
+Soul children
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Be There?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Your Shelter?
+Luther ingram
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Do For You Anything You Want Me To?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song?
+Jim croce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Meet You Halfway?
+Partridge family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Never Love This Way Again?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Play For You?
+Seals & crofts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'll Take You There?
+Staple singers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm A Greedy Man?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm A Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm A Train?
+Albert hammond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm A Woman?
+Maria muldaur
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Comin' Home?
+Tommy james
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Coming Home?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Doin' Fine Now?
+New york city
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Easy?
+Keith carradine
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Every Woman?
+Chaka khan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Let My Heart Do The Walking?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Love You Just A Little More?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Take Care Of Everything?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm In Love?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm In You?
+Peter frampton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Just A Singer?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Leavin'?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Leaving It Up To You?
+Donny & marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Never Gonna Be Alone Anymore?
+Cornelius brothers & sister rose
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Not Gonna Let It Bother Me?
+Atlanta rhythm section
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Not In Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Not Lisa?
+Jessi colter
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Not Your Brothers Keeper?
+Flaming amber
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Sorry?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Still In Love With You?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Stone In Love With You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I'm Your Boogie Man?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Been Lonely For So Long?
+Frederick knight
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Been This Way Before?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Found Someone Of My Own?
+Free movement
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Got A Feeling?
+Al wilson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Got A Thing About You Baby?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Got Love On My Mind?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Got So Much To Give?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Got The Music In Me?
+Kiki dee
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Got To Use My Imagination?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Had Enough?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: I've Lost You?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If Ever I See You Again?
+Roberta flack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If I Can't Have You?
+Yvonne elliman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If I Could Reach You?
+5th dimension
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If I Lose This Heaven?
+Average white band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If I Said You Have A Beatiful Body?
+Bellamy brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If I Were A Carpenter?
+Johnny cash & june carter
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If I Were Your Woman?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If Not For You?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If There's A Hell Below?
+Curtis mayfield
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If We Make It Through December?
+Merle haggard
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Could Read My Mind?
+Gordon lightfoot
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Don't Know Me By Now?
+Harold melvin & the blue notes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Know What I Mean?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Leave Me Now?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Leave Me Tonight I'll Cry?
+Jerry wallace
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Love Me?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Really Love Me?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Remember Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Talk In Your Sleep?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Wanna Get To Heaven?
+Ozark mountain daredevils
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Want It?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You Want Me To Stay?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If You're Ready?
+Staple singers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: If?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Imaginary Lover?
+Atlanta rhythm section
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Imagine?
+John lennon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Immigrant Song?
+Led zeppelin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: In 1979, which group/artist sang Jane?
+Jefferson Starship
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: In The Midnight Hour?
+Cross country
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: In The Navy?
+Village people
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: In The Rain?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: In The Summertime?
+Mungo jerry
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Indian Reservation?
+Paul revere & the raiders
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Indiana Wants Me?
+R. dean taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Inner City Blues?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Inseparable?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Instant Karma?
+John lennon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Instant Replay?
+Dan hartman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Is She Really Going Out With Him?
+Joe jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Island Girl?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Isn't It A Pity?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Isn't It Time?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Isn't Life Strange?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It Don't Come Easy?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It Don't Matter To Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It Keeps You Runnin'?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It Must Be Love?
+Alton mcclain & destiny
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It Never Rains In Southern California?
+Albert hammond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It Only Takes A Minute?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It Sure Took A Long Long Time?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It Was Almost Like A Song?
+Ronnie milsap
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's A Crazy World?
+Mac mcanally
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's A Heartache?
+Bonnie tyler
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's A Laugh?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's A Long Way There?
+Little river band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's A Miracle?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's A New Day?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's A Shame?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's All Down To Goodnight Vienna?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's All In The Game?
+Four tops
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Ecstasy When You Lay Down Next To Me?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Going To Take Some Time?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Impossible?
+Perry como
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Ok?
+Beach boys
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's One Of Those Nights?
+Partridge family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Only Make Believe?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Only Rock 'N Roll?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Over?
+Boz scaggs
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Sad To Belong?
+England dan & john ford coley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's So Easy?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's The Same Old Song?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's Too Late?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: It's You That I Need?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jack And Jill?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jackie Blue?
+Ozark mountain daredevils
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jambalaya?
+Blue ridge rangers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jane?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jaws (Theme)?
+John williams
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jazzman?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jeans On?
+David dundas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jennifer Tomkins?
+Street people
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jesse?
+Roberta flack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jesus Is Just Alright?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jet Airliner?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jet?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jim Dandy?
+Black oak arkansas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jimmy Loves Mary-Anne?
+Looking glass
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jive Talkin'?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Joanne?
+Michael nesmith
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jody's Got Your Girl And Gone?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Join Together?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Josie?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Joy To The World?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Judy Mae?
+Boomer castleman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Julie Do Ya Love Me?
+Bobby sherman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jump Into The Fire?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jungle Boogie?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jungle Fever?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Jungle Love?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Junior's Farm?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Junk Food Junkie?
+Larry groce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just A Little Bit Of You?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just A Song Before I Go?
+Crosby stills & nash
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just Don't Want To Be Lonely?
+Main ingredient
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just My Imagination?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just Remember I Love You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just Seven Numbers?
+Four tops
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just The Way You Are?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just To Be Close To You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just Too Many People?
+Melissa Manchester
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just What I Needed?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just When I Need You Most?
+Randy vanwarmer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just You 'N' Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Just You And I?
+Melissa Manchester
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: K-Jee?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Keep It Comin' Love?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Keep Me Cryin'?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Keep On Singing?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Keep On Smilin'?
+Wet willie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Keep On Truckin'?
+Eddie kendricks
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Keeper Of The Castle?
+Four tops
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kentucky Rain?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Killer Queen?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Killing Me Softly With His Song?
+Roberta flack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: King Heroin?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: King Tut?
+Steve martin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kings Of The Party?
+Brownsville station
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kiss An Angel Good Mornin'?
+Charley pride
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kiss And Say Goodbye?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kiss In The Dark?
+Pink lady
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kiss You All Over?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kissing My Love?
+Bill withers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Knock On Wood?
+Amii stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Knock Three Times?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Knockin' On Heavens Door?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Knowing Me, Knowing You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kodachrome?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kung Fu Fighting?
+Carl douglas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Kung Fu?
+Curtis mayfield
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: La La Peace Song?
+Al wilson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ladies Night?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lady Blue?
+Leon russell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lady Love?
+Lou rawls
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lady Marmalade?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Last Child?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Last Dance?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Last Kiss?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Last Song?
+Edward bear
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Last Time I Saw Him?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Laughter In The Rain?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lay A Little Lovin' On Me?
+Robin mcnamara
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lay Down Sally?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lay Down?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Layla?
+Derek & the dominos
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Le Freak?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lead Me On?
+Maxine nightingale
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lean On Me?
+Bill withers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Leave Me Alone?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Leaving Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let A Man Come In And Do The Popcorn Ii?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Em' In?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Her In?
+John travolta
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let It Be?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let It Ride?
+Bachman-turner overdrive
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let It Shine?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Me Be There?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Me Go To Him?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Me In?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Me Serenade You?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let The Music Play?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Your Hair Down?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Your Love Flow?
+Bellamy brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let Your Love Go?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's All Chant?
+Michael zager band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Do It Again?
+Staple singers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Get It On?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Get Married?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Go?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Live Together?
+Road apples
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Pretend?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Put It All Together?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Stay Together?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Let's Straighten It Out?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Letting Go?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Levon?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Liar?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lido Shuffle?
+Boz scaggs
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Life In The Fast Lane?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Life Is A Rock?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Life's Been Good?
+Joe walsh
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Like A Sad Song?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Like A Sunday In Salem?
+Gene cotton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Listen To The Music?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Listen To What The Man Said?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Little Bit Of Soap?
+Nigel olsson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Little Bitty Pretty On?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Little Green Bag?
+George baker selection
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Little Willy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Live And Let Die?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Livin' For The Weekend?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Livin' For You?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Livin' In The Life?
+Isley brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Livin' It Up (Friday Night)?
+Bell & james
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Livin' Thing?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Living A Little, Laughing A Little?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Living For The City?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Living In A House Divided?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Living In The Past?
+Jethro tull
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Living Next Door To Alice?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Living Together, Growing Together?
+5th dimension
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lizzie And The Rainman?
+Tanya tucker
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lola?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: London Town?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lonely Boy?
+Andrew gold
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lonely Days?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lonely Night?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lonely People?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lonesome Loser?
+Little river band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Ago And Far Away?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Cool Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Dark Road?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Haired Lover From Liverpool?
+Little jimmy osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Lonesome Highway?
+Michael parks
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Long Time?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Long Way From Home?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Tall Glasses?
+Leo sayer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Time?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Long Train Runnin'?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Longfellow Serenade?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Look At Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Look In My Eyes Pretty Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Look What They've Done To My Song Ma?
+New seekers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Look What You Done For Me?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lookin' For A Love?
+Bobby womack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lookin' Out My Back Door?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lookin' Through The Windows?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Looking For A Love?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Looking For Space?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Looking Trhough The Eyes Of Love?
+Partridge family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Looks Like We Made It?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lorelei?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lost Without Your Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lotta Love?
+Nicolette larson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Being Your Fool?
+Travis wammack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Don't Live Here Anymore?
+Rose royce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Don't Love Nobody?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Fire?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)?
+Edison lighthouse
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Hangover?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Her Madly?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Hurts?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love In 'C' Minor?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love In The Shadows?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Is Alive?
+Gary wright
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Is In The Air?
+John paul young
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Is Like Oxygen?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Is The Answer?
+England dan & john ford coley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Is The Drug?
+Roxy music
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Jones?
+Brighter side of darkness
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Land?
+Watts 103rd street rhythm band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Machine?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Me For A Reason?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Me?
+Yvonne elliman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Means?
+Sounds of sunshine
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love On A Two-Way Street?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Or Leave?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Or Let Me Be Lonely?
+Friends of distinction
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Or Something Like It?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Pains?
+Yvonne elliman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Really Hurts Without You?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Rollercoaster?
+Ohio players
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love So Right?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Song?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Story?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Takes Time?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love To Love You Baby?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Train?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Will Find A Way?
+Pablo cruise
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Will Keep Us Together?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love Won't Let Me Wait?
+Major harris
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love You Inside Out?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love's Grown Deep?
+Kenny nolan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love's Lines Angles And Rhymes?
+5th dimension
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love's Theme?
+Love unlimited orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Love?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lovely Day?
+Bill withers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Loves Me Like A Rock?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lovin' You?
+Minnie riperton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Loving Her Was Easier?
+Kris kristofferson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Loving You Just Crossed My Mind?
+Sam neely
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Low Rider?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lucille?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Luckenbach, Texas?
+Waylon jennings
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lucretia Mac Evil?
+Blood, sweat & tears
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Lyin' Eyes?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ma Belle Amie?
+Tee set
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mac Arthur Park?
+Four tops
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Macarthur Park?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Machine Gun?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Macho Man?
+Village people
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mademoiselle?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Maggie May?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Magic Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Magic?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Magical Mystery Tour?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Magnet And Steel?
+Walter egan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mahogany (Theme)?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mainstreet?
+Bob seger
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Make It Easy On Yourself?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Make It Funky?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Make It With You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Make Me Smile?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Make Me The Woman That You Go Home To?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Makin' It?
+David naughton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Making Our Dreams Come True?
+Cyndi grecco
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mama Can't Buy You Love?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mama Told Me?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mama's Pearl?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mamma Mia?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mandy?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Margaritaville?
+Jimmy buffett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Married Men?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mary Had A Little Lamb?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Master Of Eyes?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Masterpiece?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Maybe I'm A Fool?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Maybe I'm Amazed?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Maybe Tommorrow?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Maybe?
+Three degrees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Me And Baby Brother?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Me And Mrs. Jones?
+Billy paul
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Me And My Arrow?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Me And You And A Dog Named Boo?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mercy Mercy Me?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Midnight At The Oasis?
+Maria muldaur
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Midnight Blue?
+Melissa Manchester
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Midnight Train To Georgia?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Midnight Wind?
+John stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mighty Clouds Of Joy?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mighty Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mighty Mighty?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mind Games?
+John lennon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Minute By Minute?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Miracles?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Misdemeanor?
+Foster sylvers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Miss You?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mississippi Queen?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mississippi?
+John phillips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mister Can't You See?
+Buffy sainte-marie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Misty Blue?
+Dorothy moore
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Misty?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Money Honey?
+Bay city rollers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Money?
+Pink floyd
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Montego Bay?
+Bobby bloom
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Moody Blue?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Moon Shadow?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Moonlight Feels Right?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: More Than A Feeling?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: More Than A Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: More, More, More?
+Andrea true connection
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mornin' Beautiful?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Morning Dance?
+Spyro gyra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Morning Has Broken?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Morning Side Of The Mountain?
+Donny & marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Most Of All?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mother And Child Reunion?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mother Freedom?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Motorcycle Mama?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Movin' On?
+Bad company
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Movin' Out?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Movin'?
+Brass construction
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mr. Big Stuff?
+Jean knight
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mr. Blue Sky?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mr. Bojangles?
+Nitty gritty dirt band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Mr. Jaws?
+Dickie goodman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Music Box Dancer?
+Frank mills
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Muskrat Love?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Must Of Got Lost?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Angel Baby?
+Toby beau
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Baby Loves Lovin'?
+White plains
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Best Freind's Girl?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Boy?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Ding-A-Ling?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Eyes Adored You?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Fair Share?
+Seals & crofts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Girl Bill?
+Jim stafford
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Heart Belongs To Me?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Life?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Little Town?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Maria?
+B.w. stevenson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Melody Of Love?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Music?
+Loggins & messina
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Sharona?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Sweet Lord?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Thang?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My Way?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: My World?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: N.Y., You Got Me Dancing?
+Andrea true connection
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nadia's Theme?
+Barry devorzon & perry botkin jr.
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nathan Jones?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Native New Yorker?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Natural High?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Neanderthal Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Neither One Of Us?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Never Been To Spain?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Never Ending Song Of Love?
+Delaney & bonnie & friends
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Never Gonna Fall In Love Again?
+Eric carmen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Never Had A Dream Come True?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Never Let Her Go?
+David gates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: New Kid In Town?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: New York Groove?
+Ace frehley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nice 'N' Naasty?
+Salsoul orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nice To Be With You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Night Fever?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Night Moves?
+Bob seger
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nightingale?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nights Are Forever Without You?
+England dan & john ford coley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nights In White Satin?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nights On Broadway?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No Charge?
+Melba montgomery
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No Love At All?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No Matter What?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No More Mr. Nice Guy?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No No Song?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No One To Depend On?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No Sugar Tonight?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No Tell Lover?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: No Time?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nobody Does It Better?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nobody Wants You When You're Down?
+Bobby womack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nothing From Nothing?
+Billy preston
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Nutbush City Limits?
+Ike & tina turner
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh Babe, What Would You Say?
+Hurricane smith
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh Darling?
+Robin gibb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh Girl?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh Happy Day?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh La De Da?
+Staple singers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh Me Oh My?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh My My?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh Very Young?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh Well?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oh What A Night For Dancing?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ohio?
+Crosby stills nash & young
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Old Days?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Old Fashioned Boy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Old Man?
+Neil young
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Old Schoolyard?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Old Time Rock & Roll?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: On Broadway?
+George benson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: On The Shelf?
+Donny & marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Once You Get Started?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Once You Understand?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Bad Apple?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Day At A Time?
+Marilyn sellars
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Fine Morning?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Hell Of A Woman?
+Mac davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Last Kiss?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Less Bell To Answer?
+5th dimension
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Less Set Of Footsteps?
+Jim croce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Love In My Lifetime?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Man Woman/One Woman Man?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Monkey Don't Stop No Show?
+Honey cone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Nation Under A Groove?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Of A Kind?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Of These Nights?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Piece At A Time?
+Johnny cash
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Toke Over The Line?
+Brewer & shipley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: One Way Or Another?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Only Love Can Break Your Heart?
+Neil young
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Only Love Is Real?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Only Sixteen?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Only The Good Die Young?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Only Woman?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Only Yesterday?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Only You Know And I Know?
+Delaney & bonnie & friends
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Only You?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ooh Baby Baby?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ooh Baby?
+Gilbert o'sullivan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ooh Child?
+Five stairsteps
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Operator (That's Not The Way It Feels)?
+Jim croce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Operator?
+Manhattan transfer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Our Day Will Come?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Our House?
+Crosby stills nash & young
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Our Love?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Out In The Country?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Out Of The Question?
+Gilbert o'sullivan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Outside Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Outta-Space?
+Billy preston
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Over My Head?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Overnight Sensation?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Overture From Tommy?
+Assembled multitude
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Oye Como Va?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Painted Ladies?
+Ian thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Paloma Blanca?
+George baker selection
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Papa Don't Take No Mess?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Papa Was A Rollin' Stone?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Paper Roses?
+Marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Paradise By The Dashboard Light?
+Meat loaf
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Part Of The Plan?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Patches?
+Clarence carter
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Pay To The Piper?
+Chairmen of the board
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Peace Of Mind?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Peace Pipe?
+B.t. express
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Peace Train?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Peace Will Come?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Peaceful Easy Feeling?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Peaceful?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Peg?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: People Gotta Move?
+Gino vannelli
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: People In Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: People Make The World Go Round?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: People Of The South Wind?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Philadelphia Freedom?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Photograph?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Piano Man?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Pick Up The Pieces?
+Average white band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Pieces Of April?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Pillow Talk?
+Sylvia (vanderpool)
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Pinball Wizard/See Me, Feel Me?
+New seekers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Play Me?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Play Something Sweet?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Play That Funky Music?
+Wild cherry
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Playground In My Mind?
+Clint holmes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Please Come Home For Christmas?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Please Come To Boston?
+Dave loggins
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Please Don't Go?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Please Don't Leave?
+Lauren wood
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Please Mr. Please?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Please Mr. Postman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Poetry Man?
+Phoebe snow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Point Of Know Return?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Poor Poor Pitiful Me?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Pop Muzik?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Pop That Thang?
+Isley brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Popcorn?
+Hot butter
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Power Of Love?
+Joe simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Power To The People?
+John lennon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Precious And Few?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Precious Love?
+Bob welch
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Precious, Precious?
+Jackie moore
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Pretty Girls?
+Melissa Manchester
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Prisoner Of Your Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Promised Land?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Promises?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Proud Mary?
+Ike & tina turner
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Prove It All Night?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Psychedelic Shack?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Puppy Love?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Push And Pull?
+Rufus thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Put Your Hand In The Hand?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Put Your Hands Together?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Queen Of My Soul?
+Average white band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Question?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Questions 67 And 68?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Radar Love?
+Golden earring
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rags To Riches?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rain Dance?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rainbow Connection?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rainy Day People?
+Gordon lightfoot
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rainy Days And Mondays?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rainy Night In Georgia?
+Brook benton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ramblin Man?
+Allman brothers band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Re'll Never Be?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Reach Out And Touch?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Reach Out I'll Be There?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ready To Take A Chance?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ready?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Reelin' & Rockin'?
+Chuck berry
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Reeling In The Years?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Reflections Of My Life?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Remember Me?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Remember What I Told You To Forget?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Reminiscing?
+Little river band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rendezvous?
+Hudson brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Respect Yourself?
+Staple singers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Reunited?
+Peaches & herb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rhiannon?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rhinestone Cowboy?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ride 'Em Cowboy?
+Paul davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ride Captain Ride?
+Blues image
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Riders On The Storm?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Right Back Where We Started From?
+Maxine nightingale
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Right Down The Line?
+Gerry rafferty
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Right On The Tip Of My Tongue?
+Brenda & the tabulations
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Right Time Of The Night?
+Jennifer warnes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rikki Don't Lose That Number?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ring My Bell?
+Anita ward
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ring The Living Bell?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rings?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rise?
+Herb alpert
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: River Deep, Mountain High?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: River's Risin'?
+Edgar winter group
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rivers Of Babylon?
+Boney m
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy?
+Bad company
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock 'N' Roll Soul?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll All Night?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Heaven?
+Righteous brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Love Letter?
+Bay city rollers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Lullaby?
+B.j. thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Music?
+Beach boys
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Part 2?
+Gary glitter
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll, Hoochie Koo?
+Rick derringer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock Around The Clock?
+Bill haley & his comets
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock Me Baby?
+David cassidy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock Me Gently?
+Andy kim
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock N' Roll?
+Mac davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock On?
+David essex
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock Steady?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock The Boat?
+Hues corporation
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock With You?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock Your Baby?
+George mccrae
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rock'n Me?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rocket Man?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rocket Ride?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rockin' All Over The World?
+John fogerty
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rockin' Chair?
+Gwen mccrae
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rockin' Pneumonia - Boogie Woogie Flu?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rockin' Robin?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rockin' Roll Baby?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rockin' Soul?
+Hues corporation
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rocky Mountain High?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rocky Mountain Way?
+Joe walsh
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rocky?
+Austin roberts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rolene?
+Moon martin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Roll On Down The Highway?
+Bachman-turner overdrive
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Roller?
+April wine
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rose Garden?
+Lynn anderson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rotation?
+Herb alpert
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Roundabout?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Roxanne?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rubber Biscuit?
+Blues brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Rubber Duckie?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Run For Home?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Run Joey Run?
+David geddes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Run Run Run?
+Jo jo gunne
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Run To Me?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Runaround Sue?
+Leif garrett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Runaway?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Runnin' Away?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Running On Empty?
+Jackson browne
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: S.W.A.T. (Theme)?
+Rhythm heritage
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sad Eyes?
+Robert john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sad Sweet Dreamer?
+Sweet sensation
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sail On?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sally G?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sam?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sara Smile?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sara?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Satin Sheets?
+Jeanne pruett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Satin Soul?
+Love unlimited orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Saturday In The Park?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Saturday Morning Confusion?
+Bobby russell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Saturday Night Special?
+Lynyrd skynyrd
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Saturday Night Sunday Morning?
+Thelma houston
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Saturday Night?
+Bay city rollers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Saturday Nights Alright For Fighting?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Saturday Nite?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Saturdaynight?
+Herman brood
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Save It For A Rainy Day?
+Stephen bishop
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Save The Country?
+5th dimension
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Save The Last Dance For Me?
+Defranco family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Save Your Kisses For Me?
+Brotherhood of man
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Say Has Anybody Seen My Sweet Gypsy Rose?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Say You Love Me?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Say You'll Stay Until Tommorrow?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: School Boy Crush?
+Average white band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: School's Out?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Scorpio?
+Dennis coffey & the detroit guitar band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sealed With A Kiss?
+Bobby vinton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Searchin' So Long?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Seasons in the Sun?
+Terry jacks
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Second Avenue?
+Art garfunkel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Secret Love?
+Freddy fender
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: See Me, Feel Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Send In The Clowns?
+Judy collins
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Send One Your Love?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sentimental Lady?
+Bob welch
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Separate Ways?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: September?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Serpentine Fire?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sexy Mama?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sha La La?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shadow Dancing?
+Andy gibb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shadows In The Moonlight?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shaft (Theme From Shaft)?
+Isaac hayes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shake It?
+Ian matthews
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shake Your Body?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shake Your Booty?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shake Your Groove Thing?
+Peaches & herb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shake Your Rump To The Funk?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shakedown Cruise?
+Jay ferguson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shakey Ground?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shambala?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shame, Shame, Shame?
+Shirley & company
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shannon?
+Henry gross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Share The Land?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sharing The Night Together?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shattered?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shaving Cream?
+Benny bell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She Believes In Me?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She Came In Through The Bathroom Window?
+Joe cocker
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She Did It?
+Eric carmen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She's A Lady?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She's All I Got?
+Freddie north
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She's Always A Woman To Me?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She's Gone?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She's Not Just Another Woman?
+8th day
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: She's Not There?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shilo?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shine A Little Love?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shinin' On?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shining Star?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ships?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shoeshine Boy?
+Eddie kendricks
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shop Around?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Short People?
+Randy newman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shout It Out Loud?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Show And Tell?
+Al wilson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Show Me The Way?
+Peter frampton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Show You The Way To Go?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Shower The People?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sideshow?
+Blue magic
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Signed Sealed Delivered?
+Peter frampton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Signs?
+Five man electrical band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Silly Love Songs?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Silver Bird?
+Mark lindsay
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Silver Star?
+Four seasons
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sing A Song?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sing?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sir Duke?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sister Golden Hair?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sister Mary Elephant?
+Cheech & chong
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sit Yourself Down?
+Stephen stills
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sitting?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Skin Tight?
+Ohio players
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sky High?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Slide?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Slip Slidin' Away?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Slippery When Wet?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Slippin' Into Darkness?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Slow Dancin' Don't Turn Me On?
+Addrisi brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Slow Ride?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Slowdown?
+John miles
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Small Beginnings?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Smiling Faces Sometimes?
+Undisputed truth
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Smoke From A Distant Fire?
+Sanford/townsend band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes?
+Blue haze
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Smoke On The Water?
+Deep purple
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Smokin' In The Boy's Room?
+Brownsville station
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Snowbird?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: So Far Away?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: So Good, So Right?
+Brenda russell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: So In To You?
+Atlanta rhythm section
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: So Very Hard To Go?
+Tower of power
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: So You Are A Star?
+Hudson brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: So You Win Again?
+Hot chocolate
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Softly Whispering I Love You?
+English congregation
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Solitaire?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Solitary Man?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Some Guys Have All The Luck?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Some Kind Of Wonderful?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Somebody To Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Somebody's Been Sleeping?
+100 proof aged in soul
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Somebody's Gettin' It?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Somebody's Watching You?
+Little sister
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Someday Never Comes?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Someone Saved My Life Tonight?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Somethin Bout Cha?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Something Better To Do?
+Olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Something He Can Feel?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Something's Burning?
+Kenny rogers & the first edition
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Something's Wrong With Me?
+Austin roberts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sometimes When We Touch?
+Dan hill
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sometimes?
+Facts of life
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Son Of Sagittarius?
+Eddie kendricks
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Song On The Radio?
+Al stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Song Sung Blue?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Songbird?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Soolaimon?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sooner Or Later?
+Grass roots
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sophisticated Lady?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sos?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Soul And Inspiration?
+Donny & marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Soul Makossa?
+Manu dibango
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Soul Man?
+Blues brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Soul Power?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Soul Song?
+Joe stampley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Southern Nights?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Space Oddity?
+David bowie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Space Race?
+Billy preston
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spaceman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spanish Harlem?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Speak Softly To Me?
+Andy williams
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Speak To The Sky?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spiders & Snakes?
+Jim stafford
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spirit In The Dark?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spirit In The Night?
+Manfred mann's earth band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spirit In The Sky?
+Norman greenbaum
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spirit Of The Boogie?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spooky?
+Atlanta rhythm section
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Spring Rain?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Springtime Mama?
+Henry gross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Squeeze Box?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stagger Lee?
+Tommy roe
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stand By Me?
+John lennon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stand By Your Man?
+Candi staton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stand Tall?
+Burton cummings
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Standing At The End Of The Line?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Star Baby?
+Guess who
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Star Wars (Main Title)?
+John williams
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Star Wars (Theme)?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Star?
+Stealers wheel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Starting All Over Again?
+Mel & tim
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stay Awhile?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stay With Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stayin' Alive?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Steal Away?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Steamroller Blues?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Step By Step?
+Joe simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Steppin Out?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Steppin' In A Slide Zone?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Steppin' Out?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stick Up?
+Honey cone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Still Crazy After All These Years?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Still The One?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Still The Same?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Still Water (Love)?
+Four tops
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Still?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stir It Up?
+Johnny nash
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stone Blue?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stoned Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stoned Out Of My Mind?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stones?
+Neil diamonds
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stoney End?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stop And Smell The Roses?
+Mac davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stop The War Now?
+Edwin starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stop, Look, Listen?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stormy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Straight On?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Straight Shootin' Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Strange Magic?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Strange Way?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Strawberry Letter 23?
+Brothers johnson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Street Corner Serenade?
+Wet willie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Street Life?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Street Singin'?
+Lady flash
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Struttin'?
+Billy preston
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stuck In The Middle With You?
+Stealers wheel
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stuff Like That?
+Quincy jones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Stumblin' In?
+Suzi quatro & chris norman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Suavecito?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Such A Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sugar Baby Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sugar Daddy?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sugar Sugar?
+Wilson pickett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sultans Of Swing?
+Dire straits
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Summer (The First Time)?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Summer Breeze?
+Seals & crofts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Summer Nights?
+John travolta & olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Summer Of 42 (Theme)?
+Peter nero
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Summer Sand?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Summer?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Summertime Blues?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sundown?
+Gordon lightfoot
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sunflower?
+Glen campbell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sunny Days?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sunrise?
+Eric carmen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sunshine On My Shoulders?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sunshine?
+Jonathan edwards
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Super Bad?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Super Fly Meets Shaft?
+John & ernest
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Superfly?
+Curtis mayfield
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Superman?
+Herbie mann
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Supernatural Thing?
+Ben e. king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Superstition?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Superwoman?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sure As I'm Sittin' Here?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Surfin' Usa (Re-Release)?
+Beach boys
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Surfin' Usa?
+Leif garrett
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Surrender?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Suspicions?
+Eddie rabbitt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Swamp Witch?
+Jim stafford
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Swayin' To The Music?
+Johnny rivers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Swearin' To God?
+Frankie valli
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet And Innocent?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet City Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Emotion?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Hitch-Hiker?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Home Alabama?
+Lynyrd skynyrd
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Inspiration?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Life?
+Paul davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Lui Louise?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Mary?
+Wadsworth mansion
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Maxine?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Seasons?
+Carole king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Sticky Thing?
+Ohio players
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Talkin' Woman?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Thing?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sweet Understanding Love?
+Four tops
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Swingtown?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Sylvia's Mother?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: T-R-O-U-B-L-E?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take A Chance On Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take A Look Around?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take It Easy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take It Like A Man?
+Bachman-turner overdrive
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take It To The Limit?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take Me Home Country Roads?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take Me Home?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take Me In Your Arms?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take Me To The River?
+Talking heads
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take The Long Way Home?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Take The Money And Run?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Takin' Care Of Business?
+Bachman-turner overdrive
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Takin' It To The Streets?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Talking In Your Sleep?
+Crystal gayle
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Talking Loud And Saying Nothing?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tangerine?
+Salsoul orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tangled Up In Blue?
+Bob dylan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Taurus?
+Dennis coffey & the detroit guitar band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Taxi?
+Harry chapin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Teach Your Children?
+Crosby stills nash & young
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tear The Roof Off The Sucker?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Teddy Bear Song?
+Barbara fairchild
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Teddy Bear?
+Red sovine
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Telephone Line?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Telephone Man?
+Meri wilson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tell Her She's Lovely?
+El chicano
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tell It All Brother?
+Kenny rogers & the first edition
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tell Me A Lie?
+Sami jo
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tell Me Something Good?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Temma Harbour?
+Mary hopkin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Temptation Eyes?
+Grass roots
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tennessee Bird Walk?
+Jack blanchard & misty morgan
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thank God I'm A Country Boy?
+John denver
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thank God It's Friday?
+Love & kisses
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thank You For Being A Friend?
+Andrew gold
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thank You?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That Lady?
+Isley brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That'll Be The Day?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That's Rock 'N' Roll?
+Shaun cassidy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That's The Way I Feel About Cha?
+Bobby womack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That's The Way I've Always Heard It?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That's The Way Of The World?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That's The Way?
+Kc & the sunshine band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That's When The Music Takes Me?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That's Where I Went Wrong?
+Poppy family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: That's Where The Happy People Go?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Agony And The Ecstasy?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Air That I Breathe?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Americans?
+Gordon sinclair
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Bells?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Bertha Butt Boogie?
+Jimmy castor bunch
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Best Disco In Town?
+Ritchie family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Bitch Is Back?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Boss?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Boys Are Back In Town?
+Thin lizzy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Breakdown?
+Rufus thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Candy Man?
+Sammy davis jr.
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Circle Is Small?
+Gordon lightfoot
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Cisco Kid?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The City Of New Orleans?
+Arlo guthrie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Closer I Get To You?
+Roberta flack & donny hathaway
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Cover Of The Rolling Stone?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Day I Found Myself?
+Honey cone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Devil Went Down To Georgia?
+Charlie daniels band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Drum?
+Bobby sherman
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The End Of The Road?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Family Of Man?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The First Cut Is The Deepest?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face?
+Roberta flack
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Gambler?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Greatest Love Of All?
+George benson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Groove Line?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Guitar Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Happiest Girl In The U.S.A?
+Donna fargo
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Heartbreak Kid?
+Bo donaldson & the heywoods
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Hurt?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Hustle?
+Van mccoy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Immigrant?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Joker?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Killing Of Georgie?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The King Is Gone?
+Ronnie mcdowell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Last Farewell?
+Roger whittaker
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Last Game Of The Season?
+David geddes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Letter?
+Joe cocker
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Lion Sleeps Tonight?
+Robert john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Load-Out?
+Jackson browne
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Loco Motion?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Logical Song?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Long And Winding Road?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Long Run?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Lord's Prayer?
+Sister janet mead
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Love I Lost?
+Harold melvin & the blue notes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Love We Had (Stays On My Mind)?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Love You Save?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Main Event?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Morning After?
+Maureen mcgovern
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Most Beautiful Girl?
+Charlie rich
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Name Of The Game?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Need To Be?
+Jim weatherly
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Next Step Is Love?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Nickel Song?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Night Chicago Died?
+Paper lace
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia?
+Vicki lawrence
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down?
+Joan baez
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Payback?
+James brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Plastic Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Power Of Gold?
+Dan fogelberg & tim weisberg
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Proud One?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Rapper?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Relay?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Right Thing To Do?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Rockford Files?
+Mike post
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Rubberband Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Runway?
+Grass roots
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Show Must Go On?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Sly, Slick, And The Wicked?
+Lost generation
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The South's Gonna Do It?
+Charlie daniels band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Story In Your Eyes?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Streak?
+Ray stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Tears Of A Clown?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Things We Do For Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Thrill Is Gone?
+B.b. king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Twelfth Of Never?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Way I Feel Tonight?
+Bay city rollers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Way I Want To Touch You?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Way Of Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Way We Were /Try To Remember?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Way We Were?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Way You Do The Things You Do?
+Rita coolidge
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The White Knight?
+Cledus maggard & the citizen's band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Witch Queen Of New Orleans?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Wizard Of Oz (Theme)?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The Wonder Of You?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: The World Is A Ghetto?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Theme From The Men?
+Isaac hayes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: There Goes Another Love Song?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: There Goes My Everything?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: There It Is?
+Tyrone davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: There Won't Be Anymore?
+Charlie rich
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: There's A Kind Of Hush?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: There's Nothing Stronger Than Love?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: They Just Can't Stop It?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thicker Than Water?
+Andy gibb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thin Line Between Love & Hate?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Think It Over?
+Cheryl ladd
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thinking Of You?
+Loggins & messina
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Third Rate Romance?
+Amazing rhythm aces
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Third Time Lucky?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Heart?
+Gene redding
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Is It?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Is Love?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Is The Way That I Feel?
+Marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Masquerade?
+George benson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Night Won't Last Forever?
+Michael johnson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This One's For You?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Song?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Time I'm In It For Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This Will Be?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: This World?
+Staple singers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Three Ring Circus?
+Blue magic
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Three Times A Lady?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thunder And Lightning?
+Chi coltrane
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thunder In My Heart?
+Leo sayer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Thunder Island?
+Jay ferguson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tight Rope?
+Leon russell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tighter, Tighter?
+Alive & kicking
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Til The World Ends?
+Three dog night
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Time For Livin'?
+Sly & the family stone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Time In A Bottle?
+Jim croce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Time Passages?
+Al stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Time To Get Down?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Times Of Your Life?
+Paul anka
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Timothy?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tin Man?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tired Of Being Alone?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: To Know You Is To Love You?
+B.b. king
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: To The Door Of The Sun?
+Al martino
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Toast And Marmalade For Tea?
+Tin tin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Today's The Day?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Together Let's Find Love?
+5th dimension
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tonight's The Night?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Too Hot Ta Trot?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Too Late To Turn Back Now?
+Cornelius brothers & sister rose
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Too Much Heaven?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Too Young?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Took The Last Train?
+David gates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Top Of The World?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Torn Between Two Lovers?
+Mary macgregor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Touch A Hand, Make A Friend?
+Staple singers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Touch Me in the Morning?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Touch Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tracks Of My Tears?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tragedy?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Train Of Thought?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Train, Train?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Trampled Under Foot?
+Led zeppelin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Trapped By A Thing Called Love?
+Denise lasalle
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Travelin' Band?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Treat Her Like A Lady?
+Cornelius brothers & sister rose
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Troglodyte (Cave Man)?
+Jimmy castor bunch
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Trouble Man?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tryin' To Get The Feeling Again?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tryin' To Love Two?
+William bell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Trying To Hold On To My Woman?
+Lamont dozier
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Trying To Make A Fool Of Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tubular Bells?
+Mike oldfield
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Turn Back The Hands Of Time?
+Tyrone davis
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Turn The Beat Around?
+Vicki sue robinson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Turn To Stone?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tush?
+Zz top
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Tusk?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Two Divided By Love?
+Grass roots
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Two Doors Down?
+Dolly parton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Two Fine People?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad?
+Meat loaf
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Two Tickets To Paradise?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Uncle Albert?
+Paul mccartney & linda mccartney
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Undercover Angel?
+Alan o'day
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Uneasy Rider?
+Charlie daniels band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ungena Za Ulimwengu?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Union Man?
+Cate brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: United We Stand?
+Brotherhood of man
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Until It's Time For You To Go?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Until You Come Back To Me?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Up Around The Bend?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Up In A Puff Of Smoke?
+Polly brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Up On The Roof?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Up The Ladder To The Roof?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Uptown Festival?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Use Me?
+Bill withers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Use To Be My Girl?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Ventura Highway?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Venus And Mars Rock Show?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Victim Of Love?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Video Killed The Radio Star?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Vincent?
+Don mclean
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Viva Tirado?
+El chicano
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Volare?
+Al martino
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: W-O-L-D?
+Harry chapin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wait For Me?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wake Up Everybody?
+Harold melvin & the blue notes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Walk A Mile In My Shoes?
+Joe south & the believers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Walk Away From Love?
+David ruffin
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Walk Like A Man?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Walk On The Wild Side?
+Lou reed
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Walk On Water?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Walk This Way?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Walkin' In The Rain With The One I Love?
+Love unlimited
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Walking In Rhythm?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Want Ads?
+Honey cone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: War?
+Edwin starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Warm Ride?
+Rare earth
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wasted Days And Wasted Nights?
+Freddy fender
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Watch Ou For Lucy?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Watching Scotty Grow?
+Bobby goldsboro
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Waterloo?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Way Down?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We Are Family?
+Sister sledge
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We Are The Champions?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We Can Work It Out?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We Can't Hide It Anymore?
+Larry santos
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We Don't Talk Anymore?
+Cliff richard
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We Gotta Get You A Woman?
+Todd rundgren
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We Just Disagree?
+Dave mason
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We May Never Pass This Way?
+Seals & crofts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We Will Rock You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We'll Never Have To Say Goodbye Again?
+England dan & john ford coley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We're All Alone?
+Rita coolidge
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We're An American Band?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We're Free?
+Beverly bremers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We're Getting Careless With Our Love?
+Johnnie taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We've Got To Get It On Again?
+Addrisi brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We've Got Tonight?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: We've Only Just Begun?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wedding Song?
+Paul stookey
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Weekend In New England?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Weekend?
+Wet willie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Welcome Back?
+John sebastian
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Werewolves Of London?
+Warren zevon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Westbound #9?
+Flaming amber
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wham Bam?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What A Diff'rence A Day Makes?
+Esther phillips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What A Fool Believes?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What Am I Crying For?
+Classics iv
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What Am I Gonna Do With You?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What Are You Doing Sunday?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What Cha Gonna Do With My Lovin'?
+Stephanie mills
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What Is Life?
+George harrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What Is Truth?
+Johnny cash
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What The World Needs Now Is Love?
+Tom clay
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What You Won't Do For Love?
+Bobby caldwell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What's Going On?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: What's Your Name?
+Lynyrd skynyrd
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Whatcha Gonna Do?
+Pablo cruise
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Whatever Gets You Thru The Night?
+John lennon & elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Whatever You Got I Want?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: When I Need You?
+Leo sayer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: When Will I Be Loved?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: When Will I See You Again?
+Three degrees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: When You Say Love?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: When You're Hot, You're Hot?
+Jerry reed
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Whenever I'm Away From You?
+John travolta
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Where Did Our Love Go?
+Donnie elbert
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Where Did They Go, Lord?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Where Is Your Love?
+Roberta flack & donny hathaway
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Where Peaceful Waters Flow?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Where Were You When I Was Falling In Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Where You Lead?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Which group/artist sang Parisienne Walkways in 1978?
+Gary Moore
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Which Way Is Up (Theme)?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Which Way You Goin' Billy?
+Poppy family
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Whispering?
+Dr. buzzard's original savannah band
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: White Lies, Blue Eyes?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who Are You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who Do You Think You Are?
+Bo donaldson & the heywoods
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who had a hit in 1974 with 'when will i see you again'?
+Three degrees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit in 1970 with in the summertime?
+Mungo jerry
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit with Shadow Dancing?
+Andy Gibb
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who Loves You?
+Four seasons
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who'll Stop The Rain?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who's In The Srawberry Patch With Sally?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who's Sorry Now?
+Marie osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Who's Your Baby?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Whodunit?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Why Can't I Touch You?
+Ronnie dyson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Why Can't We Be Friends?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Why Can't We Live Together?
+Timmy thomas
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Why Me?
+Kris kristofferson
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Why?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wild Horses?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wild Night?
+Van morrison
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wild Thing?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wild World?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wildfire?
+Michael martin murphey
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wildflower?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wildwood Weed?
+Jim stafford
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Will It Go Round In Circles?
+Billy preston
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Will You Still Love Me Tommorrow?
+Dave mason
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Willie And The Hand Jive?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Winners And Losers?
+Hamilton, joe frank & reynolds
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Winter World Of Love?
+Engelbert humperdinck
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wishing You Were Here?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Witchy Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: With A Little Luck?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: With Your Love?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Without Love?
+Tom jones
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Without You?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wolf Creek Pass?
+C.w. mccall
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Woman To Woman?
+Shirley brown
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Woman's Love Rights?
+Laura lee
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Won't Get Fooled Again?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wonderful Tonight?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wonderful World?
+Paul simon/art garfunkel/james taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Workin' At The Car Wash Blues?
+Jim croce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald?
+Gordon lightfoot
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Y.M.C.A?
+Village people
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Year Of The Cat?
+Al stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Yellow River?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Yes We Can Can?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Yes, I'm Ready?
+Teri desario with k.c.
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Yesterday Once More?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet?
+Bachman-turner overdrive
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You And I?
+Rick james
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You And Me Against The World?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You And Me?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Are Everything?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Are My Starship?
+Norman connors
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Are So Beautiful?
+Joe cocker
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Are The Sunshine Of My Life?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Are The Woman?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Belong To Me?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Can Do It?
+Dobie gray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Can Have Her?
+Sam neely
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Can't Change That?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Can't Turn Me Off?
+High inergy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Could Have Been A Lady?
+April wine
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Decorated My Life?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Don't Bring Me Flowers?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Don't Have To Be A Star?
+Marilyn mccoo & billy davis jr.
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Don't Have To Say You Love Me?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Don't Mess Around With Jim?
+Jim croce
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else?
+Jones girls
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Got The Love?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Haven't Done Nothin?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Light Up My Life?
+Debby boone
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Little Trustmaker?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Made Me Believe In Magic?
+Bay city rollers
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Make Loving Fun?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Make Me Feel Brand New?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Make Me Feel Like Dancing?
+Leo sayer
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Make Me Feel?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Need A Woman Tonight?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Need Love Like I Do?
+Gladys knight & the pips
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Needed Me?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Never Done It Like That?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Ought To Be With Me?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Really Got Me?
+Van halen
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Sexy Thing?
+Hot chocolate
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Should Be Dancing?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Take My Breath Away?
+Rex smith
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Thrill Me?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth?
+Meat loaf
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Turn Me On, I'm A Radio?
+Joni mitchell
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Want It, You Got It?
+Detroit emeralds
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Wear It Well?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You Won't See Me?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You'll Lose A Good Thing?
+Freddy fender
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You'll Never Find Another Love?
+Lou rawls
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You'll Never Get To Heaven?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're A Part Of Me?
+Gene cotton with kin carnes
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're A Special Part Of Me?
+Marvin gaye & diana ross
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're In My Heart?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're My Best Friend?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're My World?
+Helen reddy
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're No Good?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're Only Lonely?
+J.d. souther
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're Sixteen?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're So Vain?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're Still A Young Man?
+Tower of power
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're The First, The Last, My Everything?
+Barry white
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're The Love?
+Seals & crofts
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're The One That I Want?
+John travolta & olivia newton-john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You're The One?
+Little sister
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You've Got Me Runnin'?
+Gene cotton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: You've Got To Crawl?
+8th day
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Young Americans?
+David bowie
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Young Hearts Run Free?
+Candi staton
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Young Love?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Your Bulldog Drinks Champagne?
+Jim stafford
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Your Love Has Lifted Me Higher?
+Rita coolidge
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Your Mama Don't Dance?
+Loggins & messina
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Your Move?
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Your Smiling Face?
+James taylor
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Your Song?
+Elton john
+Music: 1970s: Artist/Band: Your Time To Cry?
+Joe simon
+Music: 1970s: Barry Manilow's first #1 was this 1975 song...?
+Music: 1970s: Daryl Hall and John Oates hat their first #1 in 1977 with this song...?
+Rich girl
+Music: 1970s: Elton John: Elton John and ____ had a No.1 hit in 1977 with 'Don't Go Breaking My Heart'
+Kiki Dee
+Music: 1970s: Gilbert O'Sullivan had a #1 with this song?
+Alone again
+Music: 1970s: Helen Reddy pronounced this to the world in 1972?
+I am woman
+Music: 1970s: In 1973 Deep Purple released this popular double live album here in the U S?
+Made in japan
+Music: 1970s: Instead of the newspaper, this Honey Cone title could be found on the radio?
+Want ads
+Music: 1970s: Johnnie Nash had a smash with this hit?
+I can see clearly now
+Music: 1970s: Lead Singer: band Sweet?
+Brian Connolly
+Music: 1970s: Mac Davis had a number #1 in 1972 with this song?
+Baby dont get hooked on me
+Music: 1970s: Name 1 of the 2 artists who shared the title of 1972 #1 sigles artist?
+Al green
+Music: 1970s: Name 1 of the 2 former Beatles that went to a solo #1 in 1971?
+Music: 1970s: Name the 1977 hit single for Elvis Costello?
+Watching the detectives
+Music: 1970s: Nilsson had a four week run at #1 with this song?
+Without you
+Music: 1970s: On the 1976 release, who 'wanted to fly like an eagle'?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1970s: She was named the #1 album artist of 1972?
+Roberta flack
+Music: 1970s: Song: Roberta Flack and Bad Company both had a song with this title?
+Feel like makin love
+Music: 1970s: The #1 male album vocalist in 1972?
+Cat stevens
+Music: 1970s: The #1 singles female of 1972?
+Music: 1970s: The #1 singles new artist of the year in 1972?
+Music: 1970s: The Bee Gees had their first #1 in this year...?
+Music: 1970s: The Chi-Lites hit #1 in 1972 with this song?
+Oh girl
+Music: 1970s: The number of #1's in 1971?
+Music: 1970s: The Temptations hit #1 in 1972 with this song?
+Papa was a rolling stone
+Music: 1970s: This 1972 #1 is the longest song to ever hit #1...?
+American pie
+Music: 1970s: This 1975 David Bowie #1 was also the title of an Irene Cara hit...?
+Music: 1970s: This 1976 Johnnie Taylor #1 was the first single certified platinum...?
+Disco lady
+Music: 1970s: This 1978 Frankie Valli #1 was written by the Bee Gees...?
+Music: 1970s: This animal is in the title of Harry Chapin's 1974 #1?
+Music: 1970s: This brother act had 4 #1's in 1970...?
+Jackson 5
+Music: 1970s: This Roberta Flack song was the #1 single of 1972?
+First time ever i saw your face
+Music: 1970s: This singer starred in Clams on the Half Shell Review?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1970s: This singer was the first to have his first 3 singles hit #1?
+Andy gibb
+Music: 1970s: This song about a rodent was one of Michael Jackson's first solo hits?
+Music: 1970s: This song spent more weeks at #1 than any other in the 70s?
+You light up my life
+Music: 1970s: This song was a 5 week #1 for Rod Stewart?
+Maggie may
+Music: 1970s: This Three Dog Night song was #1 for 6 weeks, the longest of 1971?
+Joy to the world
+Music: 1970s: This was a hit for Neil Diamond in July of 1972?
+Song sung blue
+Music: 1970s: This was Abba's only #1 song...?
+Dancing queen
+Music: 1970s: Which British artist changed personas once again and portrayed the 'thin white duke'?
+David bowie
+Music: 1970s: Which raucous strand of popular music made ample use of safety pins?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 1 2 3?
+Miami sound machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 10 9 8?
+Face to face
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 17?
+Rick james
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 18 And Life?
+Skid row
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 19?
+Paul hardcastle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 1999?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 65 Love Affair?
+Paul davis
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 853 5937?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 867 5309?
+Tommy tutone
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 9 To 5?
+Dolly parton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 99 Luftballons?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: 99?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Different Corner?
+George michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Fine Fine Day?
+Tony carey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Girl In Trouble?
+Romeo void
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Life Of Illusion?
+Joe walsh
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Little Bit Of Love?
+New edition
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Little In Love?
+Cliff richard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Little Respect?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Love Bizarre?
+Sheila e.
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Lover's Holiday?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Matter Of Trust?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Nightmare On My Street?
+D.j. jazzy jeff & the fresh prince
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Penny For Your Thoughts?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Shoulder To Cry On?
+Tommy page
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A View To A Kill?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Woman Needs Love?
+Ray parker jr. & raydio
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: A Word In Spanish?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Abacab?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Abracadabra?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Addicted To Love?
+Robert palmer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Adult Education?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Affair Of The Heart?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Africa?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: After All?
+Peter cetera/cher
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: After The Fall?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: After The Glitter Fades?
+Stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Against All Odds?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Against The Wind?
+Bob seger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ah! Leah!?
+Donnie iris
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ai No Corrida?
+Quincy jones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ain't Even Done With The Night?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ain't Nobody?
+Rufus & chaka khan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Album: Tel Aviv, Planet Earth, Girls on Film?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Alibis?
+Sergio mendes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Alien?
+Atlanta rhythm section
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Alive & Kicking?
+Simple minds
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Cried Out?
+Lisa lisa & cult jam
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Fired Up?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All I Need Is A Miracle?
+Mike + the mechanics
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All I Need?
+Jack wagner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All I Wanted?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All My Life?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Of You?
+Julio iglesias & diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Our Tommorrows?
+Eddie schwartz
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Out Of Love?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Over The World?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Right?
+Christopher cross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All She Wants Is?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All She Wants To Do Is Dance?
+Don henley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All The Love In The World?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All The Things She Said?
+Simple minds
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All This Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All This Time?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Those Years Ago?
+George harrison
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Through The Night?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: All Time High?
+Rita coolidge
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Allentown?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Almost Over You?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Almost Paradise?
+Mike reno & ann wilson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Alone?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Along Comes A Woman?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Alphabet St?
+Prince & the revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Always Something There To Remind Me?
+Naked eyes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Always?
+Atlantic starr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Amanda?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: America?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: American Heartbeat?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: American Music?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: American Storm?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: An American Dream?
+Dirt band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: An Innocent Man?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going?
+Jennifer holliday
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: And The Beat Goes On?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: And We Danced?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Angel Eyes?
+Jeff healey band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Angel In Blue?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Angel Of Harlem?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Angel Of The Morning?
+Juice newton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Angel Say No?
+Tommy tutone
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Angel?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Angel?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Angelia?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Animal?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Another Brick In The Wall?
+Pink floyd
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Another Day In Paradise?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Another Lover?
+Giant steps
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Another Night?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Another One Bites The Dust?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Another Part Of Me?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Answering Machine?
+Rupert holmes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Any Day Now?
+Ronnie milsap
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Any Way You Want It?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Anything For You?
+Miami sound machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Are We Ourselves?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Armageddon It?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: As We Lay?
+Shirley murdock
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ashes By Now?
+Rodney crowell
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: At This Moment?
+Billy vera & the beaters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Athena?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Atlanta Lady?
+Marty balin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Atomic?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Authority Song?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Automatic Man?
+Michael sembello
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Automatic?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Axel F?
+Harold faltermeyer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Baby Come To Me?
+Patti austin & james ingram
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Baby Don't Forget My Number?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Baby I Lied?
+Deborah allen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Baby Jane?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Baby Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Baby Talks Dirty?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Baby, I Love Your Way?
+Will to power
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Back In Black?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Back In The High Life Again?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Back On Holiday?
+Robbie nevil
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Back On My Feet Again?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Back On The Chain Gang?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Back Where You Belong?
+38 special
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Bad Medicine?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Bad?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ballerina?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Bang Your Head?
+Quiet riot
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Batdance?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Be Good To Yourself?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Be Mine Tonight?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Be My Lady?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Be Near Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Be Still My Beating Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Be With You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Beat It?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Beat's So Lonely?
+Charlie sexton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Because Of You?
+Cover girls
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Beds Are Burning?
+Midnight oil
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Being With You?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Believe It Or Not?
+Joey scarbury
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Betcha Say That?
+Miami sound machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Bette Davis Eyes?
+Kim carnes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Better Be Good To Me?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Big Fun?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Big Log?
+Robert plant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Big Love?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Big Time?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Biggest Part Of Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Billie Jean?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Birthday Suit?
+Johnny kemp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Black And Blue?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Blame It On The Rain?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Blessed Are The Believers?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Blue Eyes?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Blue Jean?
+David bowie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Bobbie Sue?
+Oak ridge boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Body Language?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Bop 'Til You Drop?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Borderline?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Born In The U.S.A?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Born To Be My Baby?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Boulevard?
+Jackson brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Boy From New York City?
+Manhattan transfer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Boy In The Box?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Boys Do Fall In Love?
+Robin gibb
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Boys Night Out?
+Timothy b. schmit
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Brand New Lover?
+Dead or alive
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Brass In Pocket?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Break It To Me Gently?
+Juice newton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Break It Up?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Break My Stride?
+Matthew wilder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Breakdance?
+Irene cara
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Breakdown Dead Ahead?
+Boz scaggs
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Breakin'... There's No Stopping Us?
+Ollie & jerry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Breaking Away?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Breaking Us In Two?
+Joe jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Breakout?
+Swing out sister
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Brilliant Disguise?
+Bruce springsteen & the e street band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Broken Wings?
+Mr. mister
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Bruce?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Buffalo Stance?
+Neneh cherry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Burnin' For You?
+Blue oyster cult
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Burning Down The House?
+Talking heads
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Bust A Move?
+Young mc
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: C I T Y?
+John cafferty & the beaver brown band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: C'est La Vie?
+Robbie nevil
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: California Girls?
+David lee roth
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Call It Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Calling America?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Can't Fight This Feeling?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Can't Help Falling In Love?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Can't Shake Loose?
+Agnetha faltskog
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Can't Stay Away From You?
+Miami sound machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Can't We Try?
+Dan hill
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Can'tcha Say/Still In Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Candle In The Wind?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Candy?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cannonball?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Careless Whisper?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Caribbean Queen?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Carol decker sang in which group?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cars?
+Gary numan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Casanova?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Catch Me I'm Falling?
+Real life
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Catch Me?
+Pretty poison
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Caught Up In The Rapture?
+Anita baker
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Caught Up In You?
+38 special
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Causing A Commotion?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Celebrate Youth?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Celebration?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Centerfold?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Centipede?
+Rebbie jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Chains Of Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Chariots Of Fire?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Check It Out?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cherry Bomb?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: China Girl?
+David bowie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Chloe?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Church Of The Poison Mind?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Circle In The Sand?
+Belinda carlisle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Clones (We're All)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cocaine?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cold Blooded?
+Rick james
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cold Hearted?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cold Love?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Come As You Are?
+Peter wolf
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Come Back And Stay?
+Paul young
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Come Back?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Come Dancing?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Come On Eileen?
+Dexys midnight runners
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Come On, Let's Go?
+Los lobos
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Comin' In And Out Of Your Life?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Coming Around Again?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Coming Home?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Coming Up?
+Paul mccartney & wings
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Communication?
+Power station
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Conga?
+Miami sound machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Control?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cool It Now?
+New edition
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cool Love?
+Pablo cruise
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cool Night?
+Paul davis
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Could I Have This Dance?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Could've Been?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cover Girl?
+New kids on the block
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cover Me?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cover Of Love?
+Michael damian
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crazy About Her?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crazy For You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crazy In The Night?
+Kenny rogers/kim carnes/james ingram
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crazy Little Thing Called Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crazy?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crimson And Clover?
+Joan jett & the blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cross My Broken Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cruel Summer?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crumblin' Down?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crush On You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cry?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cryin'?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Crying?
+Don mclean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cuddly Toy (Feel For Me)?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cult Of Personality?
+Living colour
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cum On Feel The Noise?
+Quiet riot
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cupid?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Cuts Like A Knife?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Da 'Butt?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Daddy's Home?
+Cliff richard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dance Hall Days?
+Wang chung
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dance Little Sister?
+Terence trent d'arby
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dancing In The Dark?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dancing In The Streets?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dancing On The Ceiling?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Danger Zone?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dare Me?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Day By Day?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Day In Day Out?
+David bowie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Daydream Believer?
+Anne murray
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dead Giveaway?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Deep Inside My Heart?
+Randy meisner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Delirious?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Der Kommissar?
+After the fire
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Desert Moon?
+Dennis deyoung
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Devil Inside?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dial My Heart?
+The boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Diamonds?
+Herb alpert
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Did It In A Minute?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Didn't I (Blow Your Mind)?
+New kids on the block
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Didn't We Almost Have It All?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Died In Your Arms?
+Cutting crew
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Digging Your Scene?
+Blow monkeys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Digital Display?
+Ready for the world
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dirty Diana?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dirty Laundry?
+Don henley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do I Do?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do It For Love?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do Right?
+Paul davis
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do They Know It's Christmas?
+Band aid
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do What You Do?
+Jermaine jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do You Believe In Love?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do You Love Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do You Love What You Feel?
+Rufus & chaka khan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Do You Wanna Touch Me?
+Joan jett & the blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Doctor! Doctor!?
+Thompson twins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Does It Make You Remember?
+Kim carnes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Doing It All For My Baby?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Domino Dancing?
+Pet shop boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dominoes?
+Robbie nevil
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Answer Me?
+Alan parsons project
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Close Your Eyes?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Come Around Here No More?
+Tom petty & the heartbreakers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Cry?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Disturb This Groove?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Forget To Dance?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Get Me Wrong?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Give It Up?
+Robbie patton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Know Much?
+Aaron neville/linda ronstadt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Know What You Got?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Leave Me This Way?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Go?
+Wang chung
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Him Go?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Him Know?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Let It End?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Look Back?
+Fine young cannibals
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Lose My Number?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Make Me Over?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Make Me Wait For Love?
+Kenny g
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Mean Nothing?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Need A Gun?
+Billy idol
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Play The Ferryman?
+Chris deburgh
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Rush Me?
+Taylor dayne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Say Goodnight?
+Isley brothers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Shed A Tear?
+Paul carrack
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Shut Me Out?
+Kevin paige
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Stand So Close To Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Stop Believin'?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Stop The Music?
+Yarbrough & peoples
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Talk To Strangers?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Tell Me Lies?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Tell Me You Love Me?
+Night ranger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Walk Away?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Wanna Lose You?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Want To Wait Anymore?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't Worry Be Happy?
+Bobby mcferrin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't You Get So Mad?
+Jeffrey osborne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Don't You?
+Simple minds
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Double Dutch Bus?
+Frankie smith
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Down Boys?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Down Under?
+Men at work
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Downtown Life?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Downtown Train?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Downtown?
+One 2 many
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dr. Feelgood?
+Motley crue
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dr. Heckyll & Mr. Jive?
+Men at work
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Draw Of The Cards?
+Kim carnes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dreamer?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dreamin' Is Easy?
+Steel breeze
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dreamin'?
+Vanessa williams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dreams?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dreamtime?
+Daryl hall
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dress You Up?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dressed For Success?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Drive?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Drivin' My Life Away?
+Eddie rabbitt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dude (Looks Like A Lady)?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Dynamite?
+Jermaine jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Early '80's British Punk band who's frontman was Mark E. Smith?
+The fall
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Earth Angel?
+New edition
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Eat It?
+Wierd al yankovic
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Edge Of A Broken Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Edge Of Seventeen?
+Stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Election Day?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Electric Avenue?
+Eddy grant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Electric Blue?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Electric Youth?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Elvira?
+Oak ridge boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Emergency?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Emotion In Motion?
+Ric ocasek
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Emotional Rescue?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Empty Garden?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Endless Nights?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Endless Summer Nights?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Eternal Flame?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Even It Up?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Even Now?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Even The Nights Are Better?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Every Breath You Take?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Every Little Kiss?
+Bruce hornsby & the range
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Every Little Step?
+Bobby brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Every Rose Has Its Thorn?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Every Step Of The Way?
+John waite
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Every Woman In The World?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everybody Dance?
+Ta mara & the seen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everybody Have Fun Tonight?
+Wang chung
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everybody Wants To Rule The World?
+Tears for fears
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everybody Wants You?
+Billy squire
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everyday I Write The Book?
+Elvis costello & the attractions
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everyday People?
+Joan jett & the blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everything In My Heart?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everything She Wants?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everything Your Heart Desires?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everything?
+Jody watley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everytime You Go Away?
+Paul young
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Everywhere?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Express Yourself?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Eye In The Sky?
+Alan parsons project
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Eye Of The Tiger?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Eyes Without A Face?
+Billy idol
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Face The Face?
+Peter townshend
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fade Away?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Faith?
+George michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Faithfully?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fake Friends?
+Joan jett & the blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fake?
+Alexander o'neal
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fall In Love With Me?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fallen Angel?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Falling In Love?
+Miami sound machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fame?
+Irene cara
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Family Man?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fantasy?
+Aldo nova
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Far From Over?
+Frank stallone
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Farewell My Summer Love?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fascinated?
+Company b
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fascination?
+Human league
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fast Car?
+Tracy chapman
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Father Figure?
+George michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Feel It Again?
+Honeymoon suite
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Feels So Good?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Feels So Right?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fight For Your Right?
+Beastie boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Find A Way?
+Amy grant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Find Another Fool?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Find Your Way Back?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Finish What Ya Started?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fire And Ice?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fire In The Morning?
+Melissa Manchester
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fire Lake?
+Bob seger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: First Time Love?
+Livingston taylor
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fishnet?
+Morris day
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Flames Of Paradise?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Flash Dance ... What A Feeling?
+Irene cara
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Flesh Of Fantasy?
+Billy idol
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fool For Your Loving?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fool In Love With You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fool In The Rain?
+Led zeppelin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Foolin'?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Foolish Beat?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Foolish Heart?
+Steve perry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Foolish Pride?
+Daryl hall
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Footloose?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: For Tonight?
+Nancy martinez
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: For Your Eyes Only?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Forever Man?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Forever Mine?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Forever Young?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Forever Your Girl?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Forever?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Forget Me Nots?
+Patrice rushen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fortress Around Your Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Four In The Morning?
+Night ranger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Free Fallin'?
+Tom petty
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Freedom Overspill?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Freedom?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Freeway Of Love?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Freeze Frame?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Fresh?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Friends And Lovers?
+Gloria loring & carl anderson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Friends?
+Jody watley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Funky Cold Medina?
+Tone loc
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Funky Town?
+Pseudo echo
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Funkytown?
+Lipps, inc.
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Games People Play?
+Alan parsons project
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Gee Whiz?
+Bernadette peters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Gemini Dream?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: General Hospi Tale?
+Afternoon delights
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Genius Of Love?
+Tom tom club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Get Closer?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Get Down On It?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Get It On?
+Power station
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Get On Your Feet?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Get Outta My Dreams?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Get That Love?
+Thompson twins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Getcha Back?
+Beach boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ghost Town?
+Cheap trick
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ghostbusters?
+Ray parker jr.
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Gimme All Your Lovin?
+Zz top
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Gimme Some Lovin'?
+Blues brothers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girl Can't Help It?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girl I'm Gonna Miss You?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girl You Know It's True?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girlfriend?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girls Are More Fun?
+Ray parker jr.
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girls Can Get It?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girls Just Want To Have Fun?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girls With Guns?
+Tommy shaw
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girls, Girls, Girls?
+Motley crue
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Girls?
+Dwight twilley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Give It All You Got?
+Chuck mangione
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Give It To Me Baby?
+Rick james
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Give It Up?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Give Me The Night?
+George benson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Give To Live?
+Sammy hagar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Giving It Up For Love?
+Delbert mcclinton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Giving Up On Love?
+Rick astley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Giving You The Best That I Got?
+Anita baker
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Glamour Boys?
+Living colour
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Gloria?
+Laura branigan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Glory Days?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Glory Of Love?
+Peter cetera
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Go Home?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Go Insane?
+Lindsey buckingham
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Goin' Down?
+Greg guidry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Going Back To Cali?
+L.l. cool j
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Going To A Go Go?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Gold?
+Spandau ballet
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Goldmine?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Good Thing?
+Fine young cannibals
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Goodbye Is Forever?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Goodbye?
+Night ranger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Goody Two Shoes?
+Adam ant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Got A Hold On Me?
+Christine mcvie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Got My Mind Set On You?
+George harrison
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Greatest Love Of All?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Groovy Kind Of Love?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Group who had success with fields of Fire and chance?
+Big Country
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Group whose lead singer Stuart Adamson died in 2001?
+Big Country
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Guilty?
+Barbra streisand & barry gibb
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Guitar Man?
+Elvis presley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Gypsy?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hand To Hold On To?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hang Fire?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hangin' Tough?
+New kids on the block
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hanging On A Heart Attack?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Happy?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hard Habit To Break?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hard To Say I'm Sorry?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hard To Say?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Harden My Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Harlem Shuffle?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hazy Shade Of Winter?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: He Can't Love You?
+Michael stanley band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: He'll Never Love You (Like I Do)?
+Freddie jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: He's A Liar?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: He's So Shy?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Head Over Heals?
+Tears for fears
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Head Over Heels?
+Go go's
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Head To Toe?
+Lisa lisa & cult jam
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Headed For A Fall?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Headed For A Heartbreak?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Healing Hands?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heart Attack?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heart Hotels?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heart Like A Wheel?
+Steve miller band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heart Of Mine?
+Boz scaggs
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heart Of The Night?
+Juice newton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heart To Heart?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heartbeat?
+Don johnson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heartbreak Beat?
+Psychedelic furs
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heartbreak Hotel?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heartlight?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hearts?
+Marty balin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heat Of The Moment?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heat Of The Night?
+Bryan adams & tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heaven Help Me?
+Deon estus/george michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heaven In Your Eyes?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Heaven Is A Place On Earth?
+Belinda carlisle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hello?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Here Comes The Rain Again?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Here I Am?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Here I Go Again?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Here With Me?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hey Baby?
+Henry lee summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hey Ladies?
+Beastie boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hey Nineteen?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hey There Lonely Girl?
+Robert john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: High On You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Higher Love?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hill Street Blues (Theme)?
+Mike post
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Him?
+Rupert holmes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hip To Be Square?
+Huey lewis & the News
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hit Me With Your Best Shot?
+Pat Benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hold Me Now?
+Thompson twins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hold Me Til The Mornin Comes?
+Paul Anka
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hold Me?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hold On Loosely?
+38 special
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hold On Tight?
+Electric light Orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hold On To My Love?
+Jimmy ruffin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hold On To The Nights?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Holdin' On?
+Tane cain
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Holding Back The Years?
+Simply red
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Holding On?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Holding Out For A Hero?
+Bonnie tyler
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Honestly?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hooked On Classics?
+Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hooked On Swing (Medley)?
+Larry Elgart & His Manhattan Swing Band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hooked On You?
+Sweet sensation
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hope You Love Me Like You Say You Do?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hot Girls In Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hot In The City?
+Billy idol
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hot Rod Hearts?
+Robbie dupree
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hourglass?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: How 'Bout Us?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: How Do I Make You?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: How Do I Survive?
+Amy holland
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: How Does It Feel To Be Back?
+Daryl Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: How Will I Know?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Human Nature?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Human Touch?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Human?
+Human league
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hungry Eyes?
+Eric carmen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hungry Heart?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hungry Like A Wolf?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hurts So Bad?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hurts So Good?
+John cougar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hyperactive?
+Robert palmer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hypnotize Me?
+Wang chung
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Hysteria?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Ain't Gonna Stand For It?
+Stevie Wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Am By Your Side?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Beg Your Pardon?
+Kon kan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Believe In You?
+Don williams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Believe?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can Dream About You?
+Dan hartman
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can Take Care Of Myself?
+Billy Vera & The Beaters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can't Drive 55?
+Sammy hagar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can't Help It?
+Olivia newton john & Andy Gibb
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can't Help Myself?
+Bonnie pointer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can't Hold Back?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can't Let Go?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can't Stand It?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Can't Tell You Why?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Could Never Miss You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Could Never Take The Place?
+Prince & The Revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Couldn't Say No?
+Robert ellis Orral
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Didn't Mean To Turn You On?
+Robert Palmer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Do What I Do?
+John taylor
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Do You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Do' Wanna Know?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Do?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Care Anymore?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Know Where To Start?
+Eddie Rabbitt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Mind At All?
+Bourgeois tagg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Need You?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want To Be A Hero?
+Johnny Hates Jazz
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want To Live Without You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want To Walk Without You?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want Your Love?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Drove All Night?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Feel For You?
+Chaka khan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Found Somebody?
+Glenn frey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Found Someone?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Get Excited?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Get Weak?
+Belinda carlisle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Got You Babe?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Hate Myself For Loving You?
+Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Heard A Rumour?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Just Called To Say I Love You?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Just Can't Stop Loving You?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Keep Forgettin'?
+Michael mcdonald
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Knew You Were Waiting?
+Aretha Franklin/George Michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Knew You When?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Know There's Something Going On?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Know What I Like?
+Huey lewis & the News
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Know You're Out There Somewhere?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Live By The Groove?
+Paul carrack
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Live For Your Love?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Love A Rainy Night?
+Eddir rabbitt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Love Rock 'N Roll?
+Joan jett & the Blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Love You?
+Climax blues band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Loved 'Em Every One?
+T.g. sheppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Made It Through The Rain?
+Barry Manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Miss You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Missed Again?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Need Love?
+L.l. cool j
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Need You Lovin'?
+Teena marie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Need You Tonight?
+Peter wolf
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Need You?
+Paul carrack
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Only Wanna Be With You?
+Samantha Fox
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Pledge My Love?
+Peaches & herb
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Ran (So Far Away)?
+Flock of Seagulls
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Really Don't Need No Light?
+Jeffrey osborne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Remember Holding You?
+Boys club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Remember You?
+Skid row
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Saw Him Standing There?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Should Be So Lucky?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Still Believe?
+Brenda k. starr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Still Can't Get Over Loving You?
+Ray parker jr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Thank You?
+Zz top
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Think It's Love?
+Jermaine jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Think We're Alone Now?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be A Cowboy?
+Boys don't cry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be The One?
+Stevie b
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Dance With Somebody?
+Whitney Houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Go Back?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Have Some Fun?
+Samantha fox
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Hear It From Your Lips?
+Eric Carmen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Want A New Drug?
+Huey lewis & the News
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Want Her?
+Keith sweat
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Want To Be Your Man?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Want To Know What Love Is?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Want You, I Need You?
+Chris Christian
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Want Your Sex?
+George michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wish I Had A Girl?
+Henry lee Summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Won't Back Down?
+Tom petty
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Won't Forget You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Won't Hold You Back?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Won't Stand In Your Way?
+Stray Cats
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wonder If I Take You Home?
+Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Would Die 4 U?
+Prince & the Revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I Wouldn't Have Missed It For The World?
+Ronnie milsap
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I.G.Y?
+Donald fagen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'd Rather Leave While I'm In Love?
+Rita coolidge
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'd Still Say Yes?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Always Love You?
+Taylor dayne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Alright Without You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Good To You?
+Ray Charles/Quincy Jones/Chaka Khan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Loving You (Forever)?
+New Kids On The Block
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Over You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Be There For You?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Still Be Loving You?
+Restless Heart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Tumble 4 Ya?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'll Wait?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Almost Ready?
+Pure prairie League
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Alright?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Coming Out?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Free?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Goin' Down?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Happy That Love Has Found You?
+Jimmy hall
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Not The One?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm On Fire?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm So Excited?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Still Searching?
+Glass tiger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Still Standing?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm That Type Of Guy?
+L.l. cool j
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I'm Your Man?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I've Been In Love Before?
+Cutting Crew
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I've Done Everything For You?
+Rick Springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I've Got A Rock N' Roll Heart?
+Eric Clapton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: I've Never Been To Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If Anyone Falls?
+Stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If Ever You're In My Arms Again?
+Peabo bryson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If I Could Turn Back Time?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If I Had My Wish Tonight?
+David Lasley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If I'd Been The One?
+38 special
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If It Isn't Love?
+New edition
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If She Knew What She Wants?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If She Would Have Been Faithful?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If The Love Fits Wear It?
+Leslie Pearl
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If This Is It?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If You Don't Know Me By Now?
+Simply Red
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If You Leave?
+Orchestral manoeuvres In The Dark
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: If You Should Sail?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Iko Iko?
+Belle stars
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In 1981, which group sang Dont stop believin?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In 1985, whose album Born in the USA was a massive bestseller?
+Bruce Springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In 1987, which group/artist sang Incommunicado?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In A Big Country?
+Big country
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In America?
+Charlie daniels band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In My Dreams?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In My Eyes?
+Stevie b
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In My House?
+Mary jane girls
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In Neon?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In The Air Tonight?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In The Dark?
+Billy squier
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In The Mood?
+Robert plant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In The Name Of Love?
+Naked eyes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In Too Deep?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In Your Eyes?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In Your Letter?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In Your Room?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: In Your Soul?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Indestuctible?
+Four tops
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Infatuation?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Into The Night?
+Benny mardones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Into Venus...?
+Stars on 45
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Invincible?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Invisible Hands?
+Kim carnes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Invisible Touch?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Invisible?
+Alison moyet
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Is It Love?
+Mr. mister
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Is It You?
+Lee ritenour
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Is There Something I Should Know?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Is This Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Is This Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Island Of Lost Souls?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Islands In The Stream?
+Dolly parton & Kenny Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It Ain't Enough?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It Might Be You?
+Stephen bishop
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It Must Be Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It Takes Two?
+Rob base & d.j. e z Rock
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It Would Take A Strong Strong Man?
+Rick astley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's A Love Thing?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's A Mistake?
+Men at work
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's A Sin?
+Pet shop boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's Gonna Take A Miracle?
+Deniece Williams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's Inevitable?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's My Life?
+Talk talk
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's My Turn?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's No Crime?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's No Secret?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's Not Enough?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's Not Over?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's Now Or Never?
+John schneider
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's Raining Again?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: It's Still Rock And Roll To Me?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Its A Miracle?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jack & Diane?
+John cougar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jacob's Ladder?
+Huey lewis & the News
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jam Tonight?
+Freddie jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jamie?
+Ray parker jr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jammin' Me?
+Tom petty & the Heartbreakers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Janie's Got A Gun?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jeopardy?
+Greg kihn band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jesse?
+Carly simon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jessie's Girl?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jimmy Lee?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Joanna?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jojo?
+Boz scaggs
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jones Vs. Jones?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Juke Box Hero?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jump Start?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jump To It?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jumpin' Jack Flash?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Jungle Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just A Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody?
+David lee roth
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just A Little Paradise?
+David lee Roth
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Another Night?
+Mick jagger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just As I Am?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Because?
+Anita baker
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Can't Win 'Em All?
+Stevie woods
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Got Lucky?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Got Paid?
+Johnny kemp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Like Heaven?
+The cure
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Like Jesse James?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Like Starting Over?
+John lennon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just Once?
+James ingram
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just So Lonely?
+Get wet
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just The Two Of Us?
+Bill withers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Just To See Her?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Karma Chameleon?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Keep On Loving You?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Keep On Movin'?
+Soul ii soul
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Keep The Fire Burnin'?
+Reo Speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Keep The Fire?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Keep Your Hands To Yourself?
+Georgia Satellites
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Keeping The Faith?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Key Largo?
+Bertie higgins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kids In America?
+Kim wilde
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Killin' Time?
+Fred knoblock & susan Anton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: King For A Day?
+Thompson twins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: King Of Pain?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: King Of The Hill?
+Rick pinette & oak
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kiss And Tell?
+Bryan ferry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kiss Him Goodbye?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kiss Me Deadly?
+Lita ford
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kiss Me In The Rain?
+Barbra Streisand
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kiss On My List?
+Daryl hall & john Oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kiss The Bride?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kisses On The Wind?
+Neneh cherry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kissing A Fool?
+George michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kokomo?
+Beach boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Kyrie?
+Mr. mister
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: La Bamba?
+Los lobos
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: La Isla Bonita?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lady (You Bring Me Up)?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lady Love Me (One More Time)?
+George Benson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Land Of Confusion?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Last Train To London?
+Electric light Orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Late In The Evening?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lawyers In Love?
+Jackson brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lay It Down?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Leader Of The Band?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lean On Me?
+Club nouveau
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Leather And Lace?
+Stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Leave A Light On?
+Belinda carlisle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Leave A Tender Moment Alone?
+Billy Joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Leave It?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Legs?
+Zz top
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lessons In Love?
+Level 42
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Go?
+Sharon bryant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Him Go?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let It Be Me?
+Willie nelson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let It Whip?
+Dazz band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Me Be The Clock?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Me Be The One?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Me Be Your Angel?
+Stacy lattisaw
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Me Go Lover?
+Nicolette larson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Me Go?
+Ray parker jr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Me Love You Tonight?
+Pure Prairie League
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let Me Tickle Your Fancy?
+Jermaine Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let My Love Open The Door?
+Peter Townshend
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let The Music Play?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Dance?
+David bowie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Get Serious?
+Jermaine jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Go All The Way?
+Sly fox
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Go Crazy?
+Prince & the Revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Go Dancin?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Go!?
+Wang chung
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Groove?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Hang On?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Hear It For The Boy?
+Deniece Williams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Stay Together?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Wait Awhile?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Let's Work?
+Mick jagger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Licence To Chill?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Life In A Northern Town?
+Dream Academy
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Life In One Day?
+Howard johnson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Light Of Day?
+Joan jett & the Blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lights Out?
+Peter wolf
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Like A Prayer?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Like A Rock?
+Bob seger & the silver Bullet Band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Like A Virgin?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Like No Other Night?
+38 special
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Listen To Your Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Little By Little?
+Robert plant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Little Jackie Wants To Be A Star?
+Lisa lisa and the cult jam
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Little Jeannie?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Little Liar?
+Joan jett & the Blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Little Lies?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Little Red Corvette?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Little Too Late?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Live And Die?
+Orchestral manoeuvres
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Live Every Moment?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Live Is Life?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Live My Life?
+Boy george
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Live To Tell?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Livin' In Desperate Times?
+Olivia Newton John
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Livin' On A Prayer?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Living In A Box?
+Living in a box
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Living In A Fantasy?
+Leo sayer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Living In America?
+James brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Living In Sin?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Living Inside Myself?
+Gino vannelli
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lonely Ol' Night?
+John cougar Mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Longer?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Look Away?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Look Out Any Window?
+Bruce hornsby & The Range
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Look What You've Done To Me?
+Boz Scaggs
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lookin' For Love?
+Johnny lee
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Looking For A New Love?
+Jody watley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Looking For A Stranger?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lost Her In The Sun?
+John stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lost In Emotion?
+Lisa lisa & cult Jam
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lost In You?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lost In Your Eyes?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Bites?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Changes?
+Climie fisher
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love In The Elevator?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love In The First Degree?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Is A Battlefield?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Is Alright Tonight?
+Rick Springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Is Forever?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Is In Control?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Is Like A Rock?
+Donnie iris
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Is Strange?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Is The Seventh Wave?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Light In Flight?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Me Tommorrow?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love On A Two Way Street?
+Stacy Lattisaw
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love On The Rocks?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Or Let Me Be Lonley?
+Paul davis
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Overboard?
+Gladys knight & the Pips
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Shack?
+B 52's
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Somebody?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Stinks?
+J. geils band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love The World Away?
+Kenny rogers & Kim Carnes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Touch?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Walks In?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Will Conquer All?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Will Find A Way?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Will Save The Day?
+Whitney Houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Will Show Us How?
+Christine Mcvie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Will Turn You Around?
+Kenny Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love You Down?
+Ready for the world
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love Zone?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Love's Been A Little Hard On Me?
+Juice newton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lovely?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Loverboy?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lovergirl?
+Teena marie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lovin' Every Minute Of It?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lucky In Love?
+Mick jagger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lucky Star?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Lucky?
+Greg kihn band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Luka?
+Suzanne vega
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mad About You?
+Belinda carlisle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Magnum P.I. (Theme)?
+Mike post
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Major Tom?
+Peter schilling
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Make A Little Magic?
+Dirt band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Make A Move On Me?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Make Believe?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Make It Real?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Make Love Stay?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Make Me Lose Control?
+Eric carmen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Making Love In The Rain?
+Herb alpert
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Making Love Out Of Nothing At All?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Making Love?
+Roberta flack
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mama Used To Say?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Man In The Mirror?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Man On The Corner?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Man On Your Mind?
+Little river band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Man Size Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mandolin Rain?
+Bruce hornsby & the range
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Maneater?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Maniac - Michael ____
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Maniac?
+Michael sembello
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Manic Monday?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Manic Monday?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mary's Prayer?
+Danny wilson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Master Blaster (Jammin') - Stevie ____
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Master Blaster?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Material Girl?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Me (Without You)?
+Andy gibb
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Me Myself And I?
+De la soul
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Me So Horny?
+2 live crew
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Meet Me Half Way?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Memory?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mercedes Boy?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Method Of Modern Love?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Miami Vice Theme?
+Jan hammer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mickey?
+Toni basil
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Middle Of The Road?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Midnight Blue?
+Lou gramm
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Midnight Rocks?
+Al stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Millionaire?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Miracles?
+Stacy lattisaw
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mirror Man?
+Human league
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mirror, Mirror?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Misled?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Miss Me Blind?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Miss Sun?
+Boz scaggs
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Miss You Like Crazy?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Miss You Much?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Missed Opportunity?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Missionary Man?
+Eurythmics & aretha franklin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mistake #3?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mister Sandman?
+Emmylou harris
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Misunderstanding?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mixed Emotions?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Modern Day Delilah?
+Van stephenson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Modern Girl?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Modern Love?
+David bowie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Modern Woman?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Money Changes Everything?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Money For Nothing?
+Dire straits
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Money$ Too Tight (To Mention)?
+Simply red
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Monkey?
+George michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Moonlighting?
+Al jarreau
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: More Love?
+Kim carnes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: More Than I Can Say?
+Leo sayer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: More Than Just The Two Of Us?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mornin'?
+Al jarreau
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Morning Train (Nine To Five)?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mothers Talk?
+Tears for fears
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Motortown?
+The kane gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mountains?
+Prince & the revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Move Away?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mr. Roboto?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mr. Telephone Man?
+New edition
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Murphy's Law?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Muscles?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Music Time?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Brave Face?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Ever Changing Moods?
+Style council
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Guy?
+Sister sledge
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Heart Can't Tell You No?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Heart Skips A Beat?
+Cover girls
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Hometown?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Kind Of Lady?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Love?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Mother's Eyes?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Oh My?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Perogative?
+Bobby brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: My Town?
+Michael stanley band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Mystery Lady?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Name the Academy Award-winning artist who scored a No. 1 hit with 'Chariots of Fire - Titles.'?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Name the late eighties band that named the sides of their first album Hardware and Software and also used samples from Star Trek movies in their songs?
+Information Society
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nasty?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Naughty Girls (Need Love Too)?
+Samantha fox
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Naughty Naughty?
+John parr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Need You Tonight?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Needles And Pins?
+Tom petty & the heartbreakers/stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Neutron Dance?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never As Good As The First Time?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Be The Same?
+Christopher cross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Been In Love?
+Randy meisner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Ending Story?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Gonna Give You Up?
+Rick astley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Gonna Let You Go?
+Sergio mendes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Knew Love Like This Before?
+Stephanie mills
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Knew Love Like This?
+Alexander o'neal
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Let Me Down?
+David bowie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Surrender?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Tear Us Apart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never Too Much?
+Luther vandross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Never?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: New Attitude?
+Patti labelle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: New Moon On Monday?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: New Romance?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: New Sensation?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: New Song?
+Howard jones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: New World Man?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: New York, New York?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nice Girls?
+Eye to eye
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nicole?
+Point blank
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Night Moves?
+Marilyn martin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Night Shift?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nightbird?
+Stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nightime?
+Pretty poison
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nikita?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nite And Day?
+Al b. sure!
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No Easy Way Out?
+Robert tepper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No Gettin' Over Me?
+Ronnie milsap
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No Lookin' Back?
+Michael mcdonald
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No More Lonely Nights?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No More Rhyme?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No More Words?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No Night So Long Long?
+Dionne warwick
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No One Is To Blame?
+Howard jones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No Reply At All?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No Time For Talk?
+Christopher cross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: No Way Out?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nobody Said It Was Easy?
+Le roux
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nobody Told Me?
+John lennon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nobody Wins?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nobody?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Not Enough Love In The World?
+Don henley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Not Just Another Girl?
+Ivan neville
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nothin' At All?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nothin' But A Good Time?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Object Of My Desire?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Obscene Phone Caller?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Obsession?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Off The Wall?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Oh Father?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Oh Girl?
+Boy meets girl
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Oh Julie?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Oh No?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Oh People?
+Patti labelle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Oh Sheila?
+Ready for the world
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Oh Sherri?
+Steve perry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Old Fashion Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: On Our Own?
+Bobby brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: On The Dark Side?
+John cafferty & the beaver brown band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: On The Loose?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: On The Radio?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: On The Road Again?
+Willie nelson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: On The Way To The Sky?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: On The Wings Of Love?
+Jeffrey osborne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Once Bitten Twice Shy?
+Great white
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Fine Day?
+Carole king
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One For The Mockingbird?
+Cutting crew
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Good Reason?
+Paul carrack
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Good Woman?
+Peter cetera
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Heartbeat?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Hit?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Hundred Ways?
+James ingram
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One In A Million You?
+Larry graham
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One In A Million?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Lonely Night?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Moment In Time?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One More Night?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One More Try?
+George michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Night In Bangkok?
+Murray head
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Night Love Affair?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Of The Living?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One On One?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Step Closer To You?
+Gavin chistopher
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Step Closer?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Step Up?
+Bruce springsteen & the e street band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Thing Leads To Another?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: One Trick Pony?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Only A Lonely Heart Sees?
+Felix cavaliere
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Only In My Dreams?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Only The Lonely?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Only The Young?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Only Time Will Tell?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Only When You Leave?
+Spandau ballet
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ooh Ooh Song?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Open Arms?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Open Your Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Operator?
+Midnight star
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Opportunities?
+Pet shop boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Orinoco Flow (Sail Away)?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Our House?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Our Lips Are Sealed?
+Go go's
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Out Here On My Own?
+Irene cara
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Out Of Mind Out Of Sight?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Out Of The Blue?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Out Of Touch?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Overjoyed?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Overkill?
+Men at work
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Owner Of A Lonely Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: P.Y.T?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pac Man Fever?
+Buckner & garcia
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pamela?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Panama?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Papa Don't Preach?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Paper In Fire?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Paperplate?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Paradise City?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Paradise?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Parents Just Don't Understand?
+D.j. jazzy jeff & the fresh prince
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Part Time Lover?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Party All The Time?
+Eddie murphy
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Partyman?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pass The Dutchie?
+Musical youth
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Passion?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Patience?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Penny Lover?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: People Are People?
+Depeche mode
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Perfect Way?
+Scritti politti
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Perfect World?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Personally?
+Karla bonoff
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Photograph?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Physical?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Piano In The Dark?
+Brenda russell
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pieces Of Ice?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pilot Of The Airwaves?
+Charlie dore
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pink Cadillac?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pink Houses?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Play The Game Tonight?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Please Don't Go Girl?
+New kids on the block
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Poison Arrow?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Poison?
+Alice cooper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Poor Man's Son?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pop Goes The Movies?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pop Goes The World?
+Men without hats
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pop Life?
+Prince & the revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pop Singer?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Posession Obsession?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pour Some Sugar On Me?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Power Of Love?
+Laura branigan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Precious To Me?
+Phil seymour
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Press?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pressure?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pretty Woman?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pride (In The Name Of Love)?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Prime Time?
+Alan parsons
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Private Dancer?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Private Eyes?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Promise Me?
+Cover girls
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Promises In The Dark?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Promises, Promises?
+Naked eyes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Prove Your Heart?
+Taylor dayne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pump Up The Jam?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Pump Up The Volume?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Purple Rain?
+Prince & the revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Push It?
+Salt n pepa
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Put A Little Love In Your Heart?
+Annie lennox & al green
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Put It In A Magazine?
+Sonny charles
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Put Your Mouth On Me?
+Eddie murphy
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Puttin' On The Ritz?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Queen Of Hearts?
+Juice newton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Queen Of The Broken Hearts?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Radio Ga Ga?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Radio Romance?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rag Doll?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rain On The Scarecrow?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rapper's Delight?
+Sugarhill gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rapture?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Raspberry Beret?
+Prince & the revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Read Em' And Weep?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Really Wanna Know You?
+Gary wright
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Red Red Wine?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Redhead who had back-to-back #1s in 1988?
+Rick astley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Refugee?
+Tom petty & the heartbreakers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Relax?
+Frankie goes to hollywood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Remember The Nights?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Respect Yourself?
+Bruce willis
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rhythm Is Gonna Get You?
+Miami sound machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rhythm Nation?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rhythm Of Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rhythm Of The Night?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ride Like The Wind?
+Christopher cross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Riders In The Sky?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Right By Your Side?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Right Here Waiting?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Right On Track?
+Breakfast club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rio?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ritual?
+Dan reed network
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock 'N' Roll Is King?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock And A Hard Place?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through?
+Jim steinman
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Girls?
+John fogerty
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock Me Amadeus?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock Me Tonight?
+Freddie jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock Me Tonite?
+Billy squier
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock Of Ages?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock Of Life?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock On?
+Michael damian
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock Steady?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock The Casbah?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock The Night?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock This Town?
+Stray cats
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock Wit'cha?
+Bobby brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rock You Like A Hurricane?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rocket 2 U?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rocket?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rockin' At Midnight?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Roll Me Away?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Roll With It?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Romancing The Stone?
+Eddy grant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Romeo's Tune?
+Steve forbert
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Roni?
+Bobby brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Room To Move?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rooms On Fire?
+Stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rosanna?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rough Boy?
+Zz top
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Round And Round?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Route 101?
+Herb alpert
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rumbleseat?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rumors?
+Timex social club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Run For The Roses?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Run Runaway?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Run To You?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Runaway?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Runner?
+Manfred mann's earth band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Runnin' Down A Dream?
+Tom petty
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Running Up That Hill?
+Kate bush
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Running With The Night?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Rush Hour?
+Jane wiedlin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Russians?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sacred Emotion?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sad Songs?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sailing?
+Christopher cross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Same Old Lang Syne?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sanctify Yourself?
+Simple minds
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sara?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Satisfied?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Saturday Love?
+Alexander o'neal
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sausalito Summernight?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Savannah Nights?
+Tom johnston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Save A Prayer?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Saved By Zero?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Saving All My Love For You?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say Goodbye To Hollywood?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say It Again?
+Jermaine stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say It Isn't So?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say Say Say?
+Paul mccartney & michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say What?
+Jesse winchester
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say You Will?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say You, Say Me?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say You'll Be Mine?
+Christopher cross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Say You're Wrong?
+Julian lennon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sayin' Sorry?
+Denise lopez
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Se La?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Seasons Change?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Second Chance?
+38 special
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Second Nature?
+Dan hartman
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Secret Lovers?
+Atlantic starr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Secret Rendezvous?
+Karyn white
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Secret Separation?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Self Control?
+Laura branigan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Send Her My Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Send Me An Angel '89?
+Real life
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Send Me An Angel?
+Real life
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sentimental Street?
+Night ranger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Separate Ways?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: September Morn'?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sequel?
+Harry chapin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Serious?
+Donna allen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Set Me Free?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Seven Bridges Road?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Seven Wonders?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Seven Year Ache?
+Rosanne cash
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Seventeen?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sex As A Weapon?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sexual Healing?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sexy + 17?
+Stray cats
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sexy Eyes?
+Dr. hook
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sexy Girl?
+Glenn frey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shadows Of The Night?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shake For The Sheik?
+Escape club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shake It Up?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shake You Down?
+Gregory abbott
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shake Your Love?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shakedown?
+Bob seger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shame On The Moon?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shame?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shanghai Breezes?
+John denver
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Share Your Love With Me?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shattered Dreams?
+Johnny hates jazz
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She Blinded Me With Science?
+Thomas dolby
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She Bop?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She Drives Me Crazy?
+Fine young cannibals
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She Wants To Dance With Me?
+Rick astley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She Won't Talk To Me?
+Luther vandross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She Works Hard For The Money?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She's A Bad Mama Jack?
+Carl carlton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She's A Beauty?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She's Got A Way?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She's Like The Wind?
+Patrick swayze
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She's Mine?
+Steve perry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She's Out Of My Life - ____Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She's Out Of My Life?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: She's So Cold?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shine On?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shine Shine?
+Barry gibb
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shining Star?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Ship Of Fools?
+World party
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shock The Monkey?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Should I Do It?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Should've Know Better?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Should've Never Let You Go?
+Neil sedaka & dara sedaka
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shout! Shout!?
+Ernie maresca
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shout?
+Tears for fears
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Show Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Show Some Respect?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Shower Me With Your Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sidewalk Talk?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sign 'O' The Times?
+Prince & the revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sign Your Name?
+Terence trent d'arby
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Silent Running?
+Mike + the mechanics
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Silhouette?
+Kenny g
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Simply Irresistible?
+Robert palmer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Since I Don't Have You?
+Don mclean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Since You've Been Gone?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sincerely Yours?
+Sweet sensation
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sister Christian?
+Night ranger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves?
+Aretha franklin & the eurythmics
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sitting At The Wheel?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Skeletons?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Skin Trade?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sledgehammer?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sleeping Bag?
+Zz top
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Slipping Away?
+Dave edmunds
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Slow Hand?
+Pointer sisters
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Small Town?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Small World?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Smokin' In The Boys Room?
+Motley crue
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Smoking Gun?
+Robert cray band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Smoky Mountain Rain?
+Ronnie milsap
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Smooth Criminal?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Smooth Operator?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Smuggler's Blues?
+Glenn frey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: So Alive?
+Love and rockets
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: So Bad?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: So Close?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: So Emotional?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: So Far Away?
+Dire straits
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: So In Love?
+Orchestral manoeuvres in the dark
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: So Wrong?
+Patrick simmons
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Soldier Of Love?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Solid?
+Ashford & simpson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Solitaire?
+Laura branigan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Some Days Are Diamonds?
+John denver
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Some Guys Have All The Luck?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Some Kind Of Friend?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Some Kind Of Lover?
+Jody watley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Some Like It Hot?
+Power station
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Somebody's Baby?
+Jackson brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Somebody's Knockin'?
+Terri gibbs
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Somebody's Out There?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Somebody's Watching Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Somebody?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Someday, Someday?
+Marshall crenshaw
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Someone That I Used To Love?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Something About You?
+Level 42
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Something Real?
+Mr. mister
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sometimes A Fantasy?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Somewhere Down The Road?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Songbird?
+Kenny g
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Soul City?
+Partland brothers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Soul Kiss?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Soul Provider?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Souls?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Southern Cross?
+Crosby stills & nash
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Space Age Love Song?
+Flock of seagulls
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Spanish Eddie?
+Laura branigan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Special Lady?
+Ray, goodman & brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Spice Of Life?
+Manhattan transfer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Spies Like Us?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Spirits In The Material World?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Spy In The House Of Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: St. Elmo's Fire (Love Theme)?
+David foster
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: St. Elmo's Fire?
+John parr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stages?
+Zz top
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stand Back?
+Stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stand By Me?
+Mickey gilley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stand?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stars On 45 Iii?
+Stars on 45
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stars On 45?
+Stars on 45
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Start Me Up?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Starting Over Again?
+Dolly parton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: State Of Shock?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: State Of The Heart?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stay With Me Tonight?
+Jeffrey osborne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Staying Together?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Staying With It?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Steal Away?
+Robbie dupree
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Steal The Night?
+Stevie woods
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Step By Step?
+Eddie rabbitt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Steppin' Out?
+Joe jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stick Around?
+Julian lennon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Still In Saigon?
+Charlie daniels band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Still Right Here In My Heart?
+Pure prairie league
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Still They Ride?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stomp!?
+Brothers johnson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stone Cold?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stone Love?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stop Draggin' My Heart Around?
+Tom petty & the heartbreakers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stop Draggin' Your Heart Around?
+Stevie nicks
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stop In The Name Of Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stop To Love?
+Luther vandross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Straight Up?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Strange But True?
+Times two
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stranger In My House?
+Ronnie milsap
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stranger In Town?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stray Cat Strut?
+Stray cats
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stronger Than Before?
+Carole bayer sager
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Strung Out?
+Steve perry
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Strut?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stuck On You?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Stuck With You?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Suddenly Last Summer?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sugar Daddy?
+Thompson twins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sugar Don't Bite?
+Sam harris
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sugar Free?
+Wa wa nee
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sugar Walls?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sukiyaki?
+A taste of honey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Summer Of '69?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sun City?
+Artist united against apartheid
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sunglasses At Night?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sunset Grill?
+Don henley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sunshine?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Super Freak?
+Rick james
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Supersonic?
+J.j. fad
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Superstitious?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Superwoman?
+Karyn white
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Surrender To Me?
+Ann wilson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sussudio?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Suzanne?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweet Baby?
+Stanley clarke & george duke
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweet Child O' Mine?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweet Dreams?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweet Freedom?
+Michael mcdonald
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweet Love?
+Anita baker
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweet Sixteen?
+Billy idol
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweet Time?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Sweetheart?
+Franke & the knockouts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Swept Away?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Swing The Mood?
+Jive bunny & the mastermixers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Symptoms Of True Love?
+Tracie spencer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Synchronicity Ii?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tainted Love?
+Soft cell
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take A Little Rhythm?
+Ali thomson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take It Away?
+Paul maccartney
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take It Easy On Me?
+Little river band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take It Easy?
+Andy taylor
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take It On The Run?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take Me Down?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take Me Home Tonight?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take Me Home?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take Me To Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take Me With U?
+Prince & the revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take My Breath Away?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take My Heart?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take Off?
+Bob & doug mckenzie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take On Me?
+A ha
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Take Your Time?
+S.o.s. band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Taken In?
+Mike + the mechanics
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Talk Dirty To Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Talking In Your Sleep?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tall Cool One?
+Robert plant
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tarzan Boy?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Teacher Teacher?
+38 special
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tears?
+John waite
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Telefone (Long Distance Love Affair)?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tell Her About It?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tell Her No?
+Juice newton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tell It Like It Is?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tell It To My Heart?
+Taylor dayne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tell Me Tommorrow?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tender Is The Night?
+Jackson brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tender Years?
+John cafferty & the beaver brown band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Thanks For My Child?
+Cheryl pepsii riley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That Ain't Love?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That Girl Could Sing?
+Jackson brown
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That Girl?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That Old Song?
+Ray parker jr. & raydio
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That Was Then, This Is Now?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That Was Yesterday?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That's All?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That's Love?
+Jim capaldi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That's The Way?
+Katrina and the waves
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That's What Friends Are For?
+Dionne warwick & friends
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: That's What Love Is All About?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Angel Song?
+Great white
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Beach Boys Medley?
+Beach boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Beatles Movie Medley?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Belle Of St. Mark?
+Sheila e
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Best Of Times?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Best?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Bird?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Border?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Borderlines?
+Jeffrey osborne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Boys Of Summer?
+Don henley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Breakup Song?
+Greg kihn band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Captain Of Her Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Clapping Song?
+Pia zadora
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Closer You Get?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Colour Of Love?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Curly Shuffle?
+Jump 'n the saddle
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Dock Of The Bay?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Doctor?
+Doobie brothers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Dream (Hold On To Your Dream)?
+Irene cara
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Edge Of Heaven?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The End Of The Innocence?
+Don henley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Final Countdown?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Finer Things?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The First Day Of Summer?
+Tony carey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Flame?
+Cheap trick
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Future's So Bright?
+Timbuk 3
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Girl Is Mine?
+Paul mccartney & michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Glamorous Life?
+Sheila e
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Goonies 'R' Good Enough?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Heart Of Rock & Roll?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Heat Is On?
+Glenn frey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Honeythief?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Kid's American?
+Matthew wilder
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Lady In Red?
+Chris deburgh
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Language Of Love?
+Dan fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Last Mile?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Last Time I Made Love?
+Joyce kennedy & jeffrey osborne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Last Worthless Evening?
+Don henley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Legend Of Wooley Swamp?
+Charlie daniels band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Living Years?
+Mike + the mechanics
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Loco Motion?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Longest Time?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Look Of Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Look?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Love In Your Eyes?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Love Parade?
+Dream academy
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Lover In Me?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Lucky One?
+Laura branigan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Night Is Still Young?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Night Owls?
+Little river band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Old Man Down The Road?
+John fogerty
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Old Songs?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The One I Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The One That You Love?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The One Thing?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The One You Love?
+Glenn frey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Other Guy?
+Little river band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Other Woman?
+Ray parker jr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Party's Over?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Pleasure Principle?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Politics Of Dancing?
+Re flex
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Power Of Love?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Prisoner?
+Howard jones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Promise?
+When in rome
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Reflex?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Right Thing?
+Simply red
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Rose?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Saftey Dance?
+Men without hats
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Salt In My Tears?
+Martin briley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Search Is Over?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Second Time Around?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Seduction (Love Theme)?
+James last
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Sign Of Fire?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Smile Has Left Your Eyes?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Stroke?
+Billy squier
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Sun Always Shines On T.V?
+A ha
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Sweetest Taboo?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Sweetest Thing?
+Juice newton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Tide Is High?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Time Of My Life?
+Jennifer warnes & bill medley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Twist?
+Fat boys with chubby checker
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Valley Road?
+Bruce hornsby & the range
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Voice?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Waiting?
+Tom petty & the heartbreakers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Wanderer?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The War Song?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Warrior?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Way He Makes Me Feel?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Way It Is?
+Bruce hornsby & the range
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Way That You Love Me?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Way You Love Me?
+Karyn white
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Way You Make Me Feel?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Wild Boys?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Winner Takes It All?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Woman In Me?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: The Woman In You?
+Bee gees
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: There Goes My Baby?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: There Must Be An Angel?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: There'll Be Sad Songs?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: There's That Girl?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: These Dreams?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: They Don't Know?
+Tracey ullman
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Things Can Only Get Better?
+Howard jones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Think About Me?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Think I'm In Love?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Think Of Laura?
+Christopher cross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Thinking Of You?
+Sa fire
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This Could Be The Night?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This Is Not America?
+David bowie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This Is The Time?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This Man Is Mine?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This One's For The Children?
+New kids on the block
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This singer had the #1 song of 1988 solo, and the #1 song of 1985 in a duo...?
+George michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This singer had the most #1s in the 1980s, a total of 9?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This Time I Know It's For Real?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: This Woman?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Three Times In Love?
+Tommy james
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Thriller?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Through The Storm?
+Aretha franklin/elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Through The Years?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Throwing It All Away?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tied Up?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Til My Baby Comes Home?
+Luther vandross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Time (Clock Of The Heart)?
+Culture club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Time After Time?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Time And Tide?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Time Is Time?
+Andy gibb
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Time Out Of Mind?
+Steely dan
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Time Will Reveal?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Time?
+Alan parsons project
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tired Of Toein' The Line?
+Rocky burnette
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: To Be A Lover?
+Billy idol
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Together Forever?
+Rick astley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Together?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tommorrow People?
+Ziggy marley & the melody makers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tomorrow Doesn't Matter Tonight?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tonight I'm Yours?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tonight She Comes?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tonight, I Celebrate My Love?
+Peabo bryson & roberta flack
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tonight, Tonight, Tonight?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tonight?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Too Hot?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Too Late For Goodbyes?
+Julian lennon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Too Much Time On My Hands?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Too Shy?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Too Tight?
+Con funk shun
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Torture?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Total Eclipse Of The Heart?
+Bonnie tyler
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Touch And Go?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Touch Me When We're Dancing?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Touch Me?
+Samantha fox
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Touch Of Grey?
+Grateful dead
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tough All Over?
+John cafferty & the beaver brown band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tragedy?
+John hunter
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Treat Me Right?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Trian In Vain?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: True Blue?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: True Colors?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: True Faith?
+New order
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: True Love?
+Glenn frey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: True?
+Spandau ballet
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Truly?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Try Again?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tuff Enuff?
+The fabulous thunderbirds
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tulsa Time?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Tunnel Of Love?
+Bruce springsteen & the e street band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Turn Me Loose?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Turn To You?
+Go go's
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Turn Up The Radio?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Turn Your Love Around?
+George benson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Turning Japanese?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Twilight World?
+Swing out sister
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Twilight Zone?
+Golden earring
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Twilight Zone/Twilight Tone?
+Manhattan transfer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Twilight?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Twist And Shout?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Twist Of Fate?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Two Less Lonely People In The World?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Two Occasions?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Two Of Hearts?
+Stacey q
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Two People?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Two Places At The Same Time?
+Ray parker jr. & raydio
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Two Sides Of Love?
+Sammy hagar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Two To Make It Right?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Typical Male?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: U Got The Look?
+Prince & the revolution
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Under Preasure?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Under The Milky Way?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Undercover Of The Night?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Understanding?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Union Of The Snake?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Upside Down?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Uptown Girl?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Urgent?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Vacation?
+Go go's
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Valerie?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Valley Girl?
+Frank zappa
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Valotte?
+Julian lennon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Velcro Fly?
+Zz top
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Venus?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Veronica?
+Elvis costello
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Victim Of Love?
+Bryan adams & tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Victory?
+Kool & the gang
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Vienna Calling?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Voices Carry?
+'til tuesday
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Voices Of Babylon?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Voices?
+Cheap trick
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Vox Humana?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Voyeur?
+Kim carnes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wait?
+White lion
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Waiting For A Girl Like You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Waiting For A Star To Fall?
+Boy meets girl
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Waiting On A Friend?
+Rolling stones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wake Me Up Before You Go Go?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wake Up Little Susie?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wake Up?
+Graham parker & the shot
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walk Away?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walk Like An Egyptian?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walk Of Life?
+Dire straits
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walk On Water?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walk The Dinosaur?
+Was (not was)
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walk This Way?
+Run d.m.c
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walking Away?
+Information society
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walking Down Your Street?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walking On A Thin Line?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Walks Like A Lady?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wanted Dead Or Alive?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: War?
+Bruce springsteen & the e street band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wasted On The Way?
+Crosby stills & nash
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Watching The Wheels?
+John lennon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We All Sleep Alone?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Are The World?
+Usa for africa
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Are The Young?
+Dan hartman
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Belong?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Built This City?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Connect?
+Stacey q
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Didn't Start The Fire?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Don't Have To?
+Jermaine stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Don't Need Another Hero?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Got The Beat?
+Go go's
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Live For Love?
+Pat benatar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Two?
+Little river band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We Were Meant To Be Lovers?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We'll Be Together?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We're In This Love Together?
+Al jarreau
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We're Not Gonna Take It?
+Twisted sister
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We're Ready?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: We've Got Tonight?
+Kenny rogers & sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Welcome To Heartlight?
+Kenny loggins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Welcome To The Boomtown?
+David & David
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Welcome To The Jungle?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: West End Girls?
+Pet shop boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What A Wonderful World?
+Louis armstrong
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What About Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What About Love?
+'til tuesday
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What Am I Gonna Do?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What Are We Doin' In Love?
+Dottie west/kenny rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What Have I Done To Deserve This?
+Dusty springfield/petshop boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What Have You Done For Me Lately?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What I Am?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What I Like About You?
+Michael morales
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What Is Love?
+Howard jones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What is the name of the disgraced duet that had three consecutive No. 1 songs in 1989 before surrendering their Grammy Award?
+Milli Vanilli
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What Kind Of Fool Am I?
+Rick springfield
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What Kind Of Fool?
+Barbra streisand & barry gibb
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What Kind Of Man Would I Be?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What musician produced four self-titled albums?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What You Don't Know?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What You Get Is What You See?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What You Need?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What You See Is What You Get?
+Brenda k. starr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What's Forever For?
+Michael martin murphey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What's Going On?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What's Love Got To Do With It?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: What's On Your Mind?
+Information society
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When A Man Loves A Woman?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When All Is Said And Done?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When Doves Cry?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When He Shines?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When I Looked At Him?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When I See You Smile?
+Bad English
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When I Think Of You?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When I Wanted You?
+Barry manilow
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When I'm With You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When It's Love?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When It's Over?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When She Was My Girl?
+Four tops
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When Smokey Sings?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When The Children Cry?
+White lion
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When The Going Gets Tough?
+Billy ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When The Lights Go Out?
+Naked eyes
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When The Night Comes?
+Joe cocker
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When We Kiss?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When We Was Fab?
+George harrison
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When You Close Your Eyes?
+Night ranger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: When Your Heart Is Weak?
+Cock robin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Where Are You Now?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Where Do Broken Hearts Go?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Where Do The Children Go?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Where The Streets Have No Name?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Which group/artist sang All night long in 1980?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Which instrumentalist played 'Chariots of Fire'?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: While You See A Chance?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Whip It?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Whirly Girl?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Whisper To A Scream?
+Icicle works
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: White Horse?
+Laid back
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: White Wedding?
+Billy idol
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who Can It Be Now?
+Men at work
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who Do You Give Your Love To?
+Michael morales
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who Do You Think You're Foolin'?
+Donna summer
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who Found Who?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who had a hit in 1983 with 'True'?
+Spandau ballet
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who had a hit in 1986 with 'Don't Leave Me This Way'?
+The communards
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who had a massive hit in 1985 with their album born in the usa?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who released Burning heart in 1985?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Anything For You'?
+Miami Sound Machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Can't Fight This Feeling'?
+REO Speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Carribean Queen'?
+Billy Ocean
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Eternal Flame'?
+The Bangles
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Every Rose Has It's Thorn'?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Funky Town'?
+Lipps Inc
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Head To Toe'?
+Lisa Lisa and the cult Jam
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Holding Back The Years'?
+Simply Red
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'One More Try'?
+George Michael
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Shakedown'?
+Bob Seger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Stuck With You'?
+Huey Lewis and the news
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'The One That You Love'?
+Air Supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'The Way It Is'?
+Bruce Hornsby and the range
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'?
+Bonnie Tyler
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Two Hearts'?
+Phil Collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang 'When I'm With You'?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who sang True?
+Spandau Ballet
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who teamed up with Jennifer Warnes on the song '(I've) Had The Time Of My Life'?
+Bill Medley
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who was the first country star to top the Top-40 charts in the 1980s?
+Kenny Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who was the teacher who saw success with 'Shake You Down,' a No. 1 ballad in 1987?
+Gregory Abbott
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who Wears These Shoes?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who Will You Run To?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who'll Be The Fool Tonight?
+Larsen feiten band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who's Crying Now?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who's Holding Donna Now?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who's Johnny?
+El debarge
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who's Making Love?
+Blues brothers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who's That Girl?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who's That Girl?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Who's Zoomin' Who?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Why Can't I Have You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Why Can't This Be Love?
+Van halen
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Why Do Fools Fall In Love?
+Diana ross
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Why Me?
+Irene cara
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Why Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Why Not Me?
+Fred knoblock
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Why You Treat Me So Bad?
+Club nouveau
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wild Thing?
+Tone loc
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wild Wild Life?
+Talking heads
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wild World?
+Maxi priest
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wild, Wild West?
+Escape club
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Will You Still Love Me?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wind Beneath My Wings?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Winds Of Change?
+Jefferson starship
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Winning?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wipeout?
+Fat boys
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wishing Well?
+Terence trent d'arby
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wishing?
+Flock of seagulls
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: With Every Beat Of My Heart?
+Taylor dayne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: With Or Without You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: With You I'm Born Again?
+Billy preston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Without You?
+Franke & the knockouts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Woman In Love?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Woman?
+John lennon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wondering Where The Lions Are?
+Bruce cockburn
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wonderland?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Word Up?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Words Get In The Way?
+Miami sound machine
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Working For The Weekend?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Working My Way Back To You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wot's It To Ya?
+Robbie nevil
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Would I Lie To You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wrack My Brain?
+Ringo starr
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wrap Her Up?
+Elton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Wrapped Around Your Finger?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Xanadu?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Yankee Rose?
+David lee roth
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah?
+Judson spence
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Years?
+Wayne newton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Yesterday's Songs?
+Neil diamond
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You And I?
+Eddie rabbitt
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Are My Lady?
+Freddie jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Are The Girl?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Are?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Be Illin'?
+Run d.m.c
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Belong To The City?
+Glenn frey
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Better You Bet?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Can Call Me Al?
+Paul simon
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Can Do Magic?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Can't Get What You Want?
+Joe jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Can't Hurry Love?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Could Have Been With Me?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Could Take My Heart Away?
+Silver condor
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Don't Know?
+Scarlett & black
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Don't Want Me Anymore?
+Steel breeze
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Dropped A Bomb On Me?
+Gap band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Give Good Love?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Give Love A Bad Name?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Got It (The Right Stuff)?
+New kids on the block
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Got It All?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Got It?
+Roy orbison
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Got Lucky?
+Tom petty & the heartbreakers
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Keep Me Hangin' On?
+Kim wilde
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Keep Runnin' Away?
+38 special
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Know I Love You Don't You?
+Howard jones
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Know That I Love You?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Make My Dreams?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You May Be Right?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Might Think?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Saved My Soul?
+Burton cummings
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Shook Me All Night Long?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Should Be Mine?
+Jeffrey osborne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Should Hear How She Talks About You?
+Melissa Manchester
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You Spin Me Around?
+Dead or alive
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You'll Accomp'ny Me?
+Bob seger
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You're A Friend Of Mine?
+Jackson browne
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You're Driving Me Out Of My Mind?
+Little river band
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You're My Girl?
+Franke & the knockouts
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You're Not Alone?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You're Only Human?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You're Supposed To Keep You Love For Me?
+Jermaine jackson
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You're The Inspiration?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You're The Only Woman?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Young Love?
+Air supply
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Young Turks?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Your Imagination?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy?
+Sammy hagar
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Your Love?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Your Mama Don't Dance?
+Music: 1980s: Artist/Band: Your Wildest Dreams?
+Moody blues
+Music: 1980s: Girl's name in the title of a 1986 #1 from Boston...?
+Music: 1980s: Guns N' Roses hit #1 in 1988 with this song...?
+Sweet child o mine
+Music: 1980s: How many No. 1 songs did Paula Abdul have in the 1980s?
+Music: 1980s: How many No. 1 songs were on Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' album?
+Music: 1980s: In 1982 which group declared they were 'hungry like the wolf'?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1980s: In 1983 #1 song by Dexy's Midnight Runners?
+Come on eileen
+Music: 1980s: In 1983, Frank Zappa wrote an anti ____ song
+Music: 1980s: In 1983, who sang Domo Origato Mr Roboto?
+Music: 1980s: In 1989 Michael Bolton won a Grammy with this song that asked a question?
+How am i supposed to live without you
+Music: 1980s: KC and the Sunshine Band's last #1, in 1980...?
+Please dont go
+Music: 1980s: Michael Jackson sang this song in 1987?
+Smooth criminal
+Music: 1980s: Song:  Boy versus girl in the world series of love?
+U got the look
+Music: 1980s: Song:  Didn't get to tell him all the things I had to say?
+The living years
+Music: 1980s: Song:  Don't go for second best, baby?
+Express yourself
+Music: 1980s: Song:  I'd sacrifice tomorrow just to have you here today?
+Seasons change
+Music: 1980s: Song:  I'm never gonna dance again?
+Careless whisper
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ 'O' The Times - Prince
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ (Clock Of The Heart) - Culture Club
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ About You - Level 42
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ After Time - Cyndi Lauper
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ All My Love For You - Whitney Houston
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ And Clover - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ And Ivory - Paul Mccartney & Stevie Wonder
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Arms - Journey
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ At Night - Corey Hart
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Baby - Jackson Browne
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Be Startin' Somethin' - Michael Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Blue - Madonna
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ By Me - Ben E. King
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Can It Be Now? - Men At Work
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Can Only Get Better - Howard Jones
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Can't This Be Love - Van Halen
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Carry - 'Til Tuesday
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Cat Strut - Stray Cats
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Change - Expose
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Christian - Night Ranger
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Dance - Pointer Sisters
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Days - Bruce Springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Dead Ahead - Boz Scaggs
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Do Me Like That - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Don't Preach - Madonna
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Doves Cry - Prince
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Down The House - Talking Heads
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Eyes - Eric Carmen
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ For A Day - Thompson Twins
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ For You - Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Girl - Lionel Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Girl - Madonna
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Girls (Need Love Too) - Samantha Fox
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Go With Me - Expose
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Have Fun Tonight - Wang Chung
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Heart - Bruce Springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ I Am (Just When I Thought I Was Over You) - Air Supply
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ I Lie To You? - Eurythmics
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ I'm In Love - Eddie Money
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ In Love - Jackson Browne
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ In The Stream - Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ In The U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ In Your Sleep - The Romantics
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Inside - INXS
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Inside Myself - Gino Vannelli
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Is A Place On Earth - Belinda Carlisle
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Is In Control (Finger On The Trigger) - Donna Summer
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It - Devo
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It - Michael Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It All Away - Genesis
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It Away - Paul Mccartney
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It Like It Is - Heart
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It Now - New Edition
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It To Me Gently - Juice Newton
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It Up - The Cars
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ It Up For Your Love - Delbert Mcclinton
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Like The Wolf - Duran Duran
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Lives - Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Lost That Lovin' Feeling - Daryl Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Love - Diana Ross & Lionel Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Love Of All - Whitney Houston
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Me Now - Thompson Twins
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ More Night - Phil Collins
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Much Time On My Hands - Styx
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ My Way Back To You/Forgive Me Girl - Spinners
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Of Heart - Cyndi Lauper
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Of Love - Aretha Franklin
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Of Shock - The Jacksons
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Of The Airwaves - Charlie Dore
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Of The County - Kenny Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Of The Heart - Rick Springfield
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Ol' Night - John Cougar Mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ On Feel The Noize - Quiet Riot
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ On Me - A-Ha
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ On The Ceiling - Lionel Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ On The Way - Crosby, Stills & Nash
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ On To The Nights - Richard Marx
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ On You - Lionel Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ On You - The Jets
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ One Is To Blame - Howard Jones
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Queen (No More Love On The Run) - Billy Ocean
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Rain - Bruce Hornsby & The Range
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Shade Of Winter - Bangles
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ She Comes - The Cars
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ She Wants - Wham!
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ She Was My Girl - Four Tops
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Sheila - Ready For The World
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Than I Can Say - Leo Sayer
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ That Girl - Madonna
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going - Billy Ocean
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ The Wind - Bob Seger
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ The Years - Kenny Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ This Town - Stray Cats
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ This Way - Run D.M.C
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Time - Peter Gabriel
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ To Heaven - Breathe
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ To Love - Robert Palmer
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Up In You - .38 Special
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Vice Theme - Jon Hammer
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ View To A Kill - Duran Duran
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Wings - Mr. Mister
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ With The Night - Lionel Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Without A Face - Billy Idol
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ You - John Waite
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ You Believe In Love - Huey Lewis & The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Your Hands On Me - Thompson Twins
+Music: 1980s: Song: ____ Zone - Kenny Loggins
+Music: 1980s: Song: '...i got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses...' what is the name of this 1980's timbuk 3 smash hit?
+Future's so bright i gotta wear shades
+Music: 1980s: Song: '65 Love Affair - ____Davis
+Music: 1980s: Song: 'til Tuesday?
+Voices carry
+Music: 1980s: Song: (I Just) Died In Your Arms - ____Crew
+Music: 1980s: Song: (I've Had) The ____Of My Life - Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes
+Music: 1980s: Song: (Keep Feeling) ____- Human League
+Music: 1980s: Song: (Oh) Pretty ____- Van Halen
+Music: 1980s: Song: (She's) Sexy + 17 - ____Cats
+Music: 1980s: Song: (There's) No Gettin' Over Me - ____Milsap
+Music: 1980s: Song: #1 ballad by Bryan Adams from 1985?
+Music: 1980s: Song: 1980 Rainbow song?
+All night long
+Music: 1980s: Song: 1985 Starship record?
+Nothing's gonna stop us now
+Music: 1980s: Song: 1987 spoof of Star Trek which hit #1 in the UK?
+Star trekkin
+Music: 1980s: Song: 38 Special?
+Second chance
+Music: 1980s: Song: 867-5309/Jenny - ____Tutone
+Music: 1980s: Song: 9 To 5 - ____Parton
+Music: 1980s: Song: 99 Luftballons?
+Music: 1980s: Song: A Different Corner - George ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: A Little In Love - ____Richard
+Music: 1980s: Song: A Woman Needs Love - Ray Parker Jr. & ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: A-ha?
+Take on me
+Music: 1980s: Song: ABC?
+Poison arrow
+Music: 1980s: Song: ABC?
+The look of love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Abracadabra - Steve ____Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Adam Ant?
+Goody two shoes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Adult ____- Daryl Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: Africa?
+Music: 1980s: Song: After the Fire?
+Der kommissar
+Music: 1980s: Song: Ain't Even ____With The Night - John Cougar
+Music: 1980s: Song: Air Supply?
+Lost in love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Air Supply?
+Making love out of nothing at all
+Music: 1980s: Song: Alan Parsons Project?
+Don't answer me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Alan Parsons Project?
+Eye in the sky
+Music: 1980s: Song: Alan Parsons Project?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Alive And Kicking - Simple ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: All ____- Christopher Cross
+Music: 1980s: Song: All ____Long (All Night) - Lionel Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: All ____Out - Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam W/ Full Force
+Music: 1980s: Song: All I Need - Jack ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: All I Need Is A ____- Mike + The Mechanics
+Music: 1980s: Song: All Out Of ____- Air Supply
+Music: 1980s: Song: All Over The World - Electric Light ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: All She ____To Do Is Dance - Don Henley
+Music: 1980s: Song: All Those Years Ago - ____Harrison
+Music: 1980s: Song: All Through The Night - ____Lauper
+Music: 1980s: Song: All you could do was wish on a four-leaf clover?
+Foolish beat
+Music: 1980s: Song: All your life is channel 13?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Almost ____- Mike Reno & Ann Wilson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Alone?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Alphaville?
+Forever young
+Music: 1980s: Song: Always ____There To Remind Me - Naked Eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Always On My Mind - ____Nelson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Amanda?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Ambrosia?
+Biggest part of me
+Music: 1980s: Song: America?
+Right before your eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: America?
+You can do magic
+Music: 1980s: Song: An ____Dream - Dirt Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: An ____Man - Billy Joel
+Music: 1980s: Song: Angel Of The ____- Juice Newton
+Music: 1980s: Song: Animotion?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Another ____In The Wall - Pink Floyd
+Music: 1980s: Song: Another One Bites The ____- Queen
+Music: 1980s: Song: Arthur's ____(Best That You Can Do) - Christer Cross
+Music: 1980s: Song: Asia?
+Heat of the moment
+Music: 1980s: Song: Asia?
+Only time will tell
+Music: 1980s: Song: At This ____- Billy Vera & The Beaters
+Music: 1980s: Song: Atlantic Starr?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Atlantic Starr?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Axel F - Harold ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: B-52s?
+Love shack
+Music: 1980s: Song: B-52s?
+Rock lobster
+Music: 1980s: Song: Baby Come To Me - ____Austin W/ James Ingram
+Music: 1980s: Song: Baby Love?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Baby, I Love Your Way/Freebird Medley - Will To ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Back On The Chain Gang?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bad ____- Bon Jovi
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bad Boy - Miami Sound ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bad English?
+When i see you smile
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bananarama?
+Cruel summer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bananarama?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Band-Aid?
+Do they know it's christmas?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bangles?
+Manic monday
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bangles?
+Walk like an egyptian
+Music: 1980s: Song: Barry Manilow?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Barry Manilow?
+Read 'em and weep
+Music: 1980s: Song: Basia?
+Cruising for bruising
+Music: 1980s: Song: Basia?
+Time and tide
+Music: 1980s: Song: Be Near ____- ABC
+Music: 1980s: Song: Beach Boys comeback hit in 1988 that went to #1...?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Beach Boys?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Being With You - ____Robinson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Belinda Carlisle?
+Circle in the sand
+Music: 1980s: Song: Belinda Carlisle?
+Mad about you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Benny Mardones?
+Into the night
+Music: 1980s: Song: Berlin?
+Take my breath away
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bertie Higgins?
+Key largo
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bette ____Eyes - Kim Carnes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bette Midler?
+The rose
+Music: 1980s: Song: Better Be Good To Me - Tina ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Better Love ____Time - Dr. Hook
+Music: 1980s: Song: Big ____- Fleetwood Mac
+Music: 1980s: Song: Big Country?
+In a big country
+Music: 1980s: Song: Biggest Part Of Me?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes?
+(i've had) the Time of My Life
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billie Jean - Michael ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Idol?
+Eyes without a face
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Idol?
+White wedding
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Joel?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Joel?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Joel?
+I go to extremes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Joel?
+It's still rock and roll to me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Joel?
+Leave a tender moment alone
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Joel?
+The longest time
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Joel?
+We didn't start the fire
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Ocean?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Squier?
+Everybody wants you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Squier?
+The stroke
+Music: 1980s: Song: Billy Vera & the Beaters?
+At this moment
+Music: 1980s: Song: Blondie?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Blondie?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Blondie?
+The tide is high
+Music: 1980s: Song: Blue ____- Elton John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Blue Jean - ____Bowie
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band?
+Against the Wind
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band?
+Old time rock & Roll
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band?
+Shame on the Moon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bob Seger?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bobby McFerrin?
+Don't worry, be happy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bon Jovi?
+Livin' on a prayer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bon Jovi?
+Never say goodbye
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bonnie Tyler?
+Total eclipse of the heart
+Music: 1980s: Song: Boston?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bourgeois Tagg?
+I don't mind at all
+Music: 1980s: Song: Boy From New York City - ____Transfer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Boys Don't Cry?
+I wanna be a cowboy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Brass In ____(I'm Special) - The Pretenders
+Music: 1980s: Song: Break My Stride - Mathew ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Breakin'...There's No ____Us - Ollie & Jerry
+Music: 1980s: Song: Breakout - Swing ____Sister
+Music: 1980s: Song: Breathe?
+Hands to heaven
+Music: 1980s: Song: Brilliant Disguise - Bruce ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bruce Hornsby & the Range?
+Mandolin rain
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bruce Hornsby & the Range?
+The way it is
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bruce Springsteen?
+Brilliant disguise
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bruce Springsteen?
+Hungry heart
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bruce Springsteen?
+I'm on fire
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bryan Adams?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bryan Adams?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bryan Adams?
+Straight from the heart
+Music: 1980s: Song: Bryan Adams?
+Summer of '69
+Music: 1980s: Song: Burning ____- Survivor
+Music: 1980s: Song: C'est La Vie - ____Nevil
+Music: 1980s: Song: California Girls - ____Lee Roth
+Music: 1980s: Song: Call Me?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Can't Fight ____Feeling - REO Speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Can't We Try - Dan ____W/ Vonda Sheppard
+Music: 1980s: Song: Can't you see, you belong to me?
+Every breath you take
+Music: 1980s: Song: Careless ____- Wham!
+Music: 1980s: Song: Carrie?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cars - Gary ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cars?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cars?
+My best friend's girl
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cars?
+You might think
+Music: 1980s: Song: Casanova?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Catch ____(I'm Falling) - Pretty Poison
+Music: 1980s: Song: Causing A ____- Madonna
+Music: 1980s: Song: Centerfold - J. Geils ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Chariots Of Fire?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Charlie Sexton?
+Hold me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cheap Trick?
+The flame
+Music: 1980s: Song: Chicago?
+Hard habit to break
+Music: 1980s: Song: Chicago?
+Will you still love me
+Music: 1980s: Song: China Girl - ____Bowie
+Music: 1980s: Song: Chris DeBurgh?
+Don't pay the ferryman
+Music: 1980s: Song: Chris DeBurgh?
+The lady in red
+Music: 1980s: Song: Chris Isaak?
+You owe me some kind of love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Christopher Cross?
+Arthur's theme (best that you Can Do)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Christopher Cross?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Christopher Cross?
+Think of laura
+Music: 1980s: Song: Church Of The Poison Mind - ____Club
+Music: 1980s: Song: Church?
+Under the milky way
+Music: 1980s: Song: Clash?
+Rock the casbah
+Music: 1980s: Song: Climax Blues Band?
+I love you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Come ____- The Kinks
+Music: 1980s: Song: Come On ____- Dexy's Midnight Runners
+Music: 1980s: Song: Comeback hit for Cheap Trick that hit #1 in 1988?
+The flame
+Music: 1980s: Song: Comin' In And ____Of Your Life - Barbra Streisand
+Music: 1980s: Song: Coming Up (Live At Glasgow) - ____Mccartney & Wings
+Music: 1980s: Song: Commodores?
+Night shift
+Music: 1980s: Song: Commodores?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Commodores?
+Sail on
+Music: 1980s: Song: Conga - ____Sound Machine
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cool ____- Little River Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cool Love - ____Cruise
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cool Night - Paul ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Corey Hart?
+Sunglasses at night
+Music: 1980s: Song: Could've Been?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cover Me - Bruce ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Crazy ____Thing Called Love - Queen
+Music: 1980s: Song: Crazy For You?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Crosby, Stills & Nash?
+Southern cross
+Music: 1980s: Song: Crosby, Stills & Nash?
+Wasted on the way
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cross My ____Heart - The Jets
+Music: 1980s: Song: Crowded House?
+Don't dream it's over
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cruel ____- Bananarama
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cruisin' - Smokey ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Crumblin' Down - John ____Mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Song: Crying - ____Mclean
+Music: 1980s: Song: Culture Club?
+Do you really want to hurt me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Culture Club?
+Karma chameleon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Culture Club?
+Time (clock of the heart)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cupid/I've Loved You For A ____Time - Spinners
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cure?
+Love cats
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cutting Crew?
+(i just) died in your arms
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cyndi Lauper?
+Girls just want to have fun
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cyndi Lauper?
+Time after time
+Music: 1980s: Song: Cyndi Lauper?
+True colors
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dan Fogelberg?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dan Fogelberg?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dan Fogelberg?
+Same old lang syne
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dan Hartman?
+I can dream about you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dancing In The Sheets?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Danny Wilson?
+Mary's prayer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dare Me - ____Sisters
+Music: 1980s: Song: Daryl Hall & John Oates?
+Kiss is on my list
+Music: 1980s: Song: Daryl Hall & John Oates?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Daryl Hall & John Oates?
+Private eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: David Bowie?
+China girl
+Music: 1980s: Song: David Bowie?
+Let's dance
+Music: 1980s: Song: David Bowie?
+Modern love
+Music: 1980s: Song: David Lee Roth?
+Just a gigolo
+Music: 1980s: Song: Daydream ____- Anne Murray
+Music: 1980s: Song: De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da - The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dead Milkmen?
+Bitchin' camaro
+Music: 1980s: Song: Def Leppard?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Del Fuegos?
+I still want you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dennis DeYoung?
+Desert moon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Depeche Mode?
+Blasphemous rumours
+Music: 1980s: Song: Depeche Mode?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Depeche Mode?
+The sun and the rainfall
+Music: 1980s: Song: Der ____- After The Fire
+Music: 1980s: Song: Desert Moon - ____Deyoung
+Music: 1980s: Song: Desire - Andy ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Devo?
+Whip it
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dexys Midnight Runners?
+Come on eileen
+Music: 1980s: Song: Diamonds - ____Alpert
+Music: 1980s: Song: Diana Ross & Lionel Richie?
+Endless love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Did It In A ____- Daryl Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: Didn't We ____Have It All - Whitney Houston
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dionne Warwick?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dire Straits?
+Money for nothing
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dire Straits?
+Sultans of swing
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dire Straits?
+Walk of life
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dire Straits?
+Why worry
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dirty ____- Don Henley
+Music: 1980s: Song: DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince?
+Parents just Don't Understand
+Music: 1980s: Song: Do I ____- Stevie Wonder
+Music: 1980s: Song: Do That To Me One ____Time - Captain & Tennille
+Music: 1980s: Song: Do What You Do - ____Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Do You ____Want To Hurt Me - Culture Club
+Music: 1980s: Song: Doctor! Doctor! - ____Twins
+Music: 1980s: Song: Doing It All For My ____- Huey Lewis & The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don Henley?
+Boys of summer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don Henley?
+Dirty laundry
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don Henley?
+End of the innocence
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't ____Me (When I'm Gone) - Glass Tiger
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't ____So Close To Me - The Police
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Cry?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Disterb This ____- The System
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Dream It's Over - ____House
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Fall In Love With A ____- Kenny Rogers/Kim Carnes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Get Me ____- Pretenders
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Let Go - Issac ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Let It End?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Lose My ____- Phil Collins
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Mean ____- Richard Marx
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Stop Believin'?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Talk To ____- Rick Springfield
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't Worry Be ____- Bobby Mcferrin
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't You ____Me - Human League
+Music: 1980s: Song: Don't You Want Me - Jody ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Donald Fagen?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Donna Summer?
+This time i know it's for real
+Music: 1980s: Song: Double?
+Captain of her heart
+Music: 1980s: Song: Down ____- Men At Work
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dream Academy?
+Life in a northern town
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dreaming - ____Richard
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dreamtime - ____Hall
+Music: 1980s: Song: Dress You Up?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Drivin' My ____Away - Eddie Rabbitt
+Music: 1980s: Song: Duran Duran?
+Hungry like the wolf
+Music: 1980s: Song: Duran Duran?
+Is there something i should know
+Music: 1980s: Song: Duran Duran?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Duran Duran?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Duran Duran?
+Save a prayer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Duran Duran?
+View to a kill
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eagles?
+Heartache tonight
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eagles?
+Hotel California
+Music: 1980s: Song: Easy Lover - Philip Bailey W/ Phil ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eddie Money?
+I think i'm in love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eddie Rabbitt and Crystal Gayle?
+You and i
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eddie Rabbitt?
+I love a rainy night
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eddy Grant?
+Electric avenue
+Music: 1980s: Song: Edge Of ____(Just Like The White Winged Dove)-S Nicks
+Music: 1980s: Song: Edie Brickell & New Bohemians?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Edie Brickell & New Bohemians?
+What i am
+Music: 1980s: Song: Election Day?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Electric Avenue - ____Grant
+Music: 1980s: Song: Electric Light Orchestra?
+All over the world
+Music: 1980s: Song: Electric Light Orchestra?
+Don't bring me down
+Music: 1980s: Song: Elton John?
+Blue eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Elton John?
+Candle in the wind
+Music: 1980s: Song: Elton John?
+I guess that's why they call it the Blues
+Music: 1980s: Song: Elton John?
+Little jeannie
+Music: 1980s: Song: Elvis Costello?
+Everyday i write the book
+Music: 1980s: Song: Elvis Costello?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Emotional Rescue - The ____Stones
+Music: 1980s: Song: Empty ____(Hey Hey Johnny) - Elton John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Endless ____Nights - Richard Marx
+Music: 1980s: Song: Enya?
+Orinoco flow (sail away)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eric Carmen?
+Make me lose control
+Music: 1980s: Song: Escape Club?
+I'll be there
+Music: 1980s: Song: Escape Club?
+Wild, wild west
+Music: 1980s: Song: Europe?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eurythmics?
+Here comes the rain again
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eurythmics?
+Sweet dreams (are made of this)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Even The Nights Are Better - ____Supply
+Music: 1980s: Song: Every ____In The World - Air Supply
+Music: 1980s: Song: Every ____You Take - The Police
+Music: 1980s: Song: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Every Rose Has It's Thorn?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Everybody ____To Rule The World - Tears For Fears
+Music: 1980s: Song: Everytime You Go Away - ____Young
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eye In The Sky - Alan ____Project
+Music: 1980s: Song: Eye Of The Tiger?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Faith - George ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Family Man - Daryl Hall & ____Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: Far From Over - Frank ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fat Boys & The Beach Boys?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Father ____- George Michael
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fine Young Cannibals?
+Good thing
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fine Young Cannibals?
+She drives me crazy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fire Lake - ____Seger
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fixx?
+One thing leads to another
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fixx?
+Saved by zero
+Music: 1980s: Song: Flashdance - ____Cara
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fleetwood Mac?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fleetwood Mac?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Flock of Seagulls?
+I ran
+Music: 1980s: Song: Foolish Beat - Debbie ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: For Your Eyes Only - ____Easton
+Music: 1980s: Song: Foreigner?
+I want to know what love is
+Music: 1980s: Song: Foreigner?
+That was yesterday
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fortress ____Your Heart - Sting
+Music: 1980s: Song: Frankie Goes to Hollywood?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Frankie Goes to Hollywood?
+The power of love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Frankie Goes to Hollywood?
+Two tribes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Freeze-Frame - J. ____Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Fresh - Kool & The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Frida?
+I know there's something going on
+Music: 1980s: Song: Friends ____Lovers - Gloria Loring & Carl Anderson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Gap Band?
+You dropped a bomb on me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Gary Numan?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Gemini ____- The Moody Blues
+Music: 1980s: Song: General Public?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Genesis?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Genesis?
+No reply at all
+Music: 1980s: Song: Genesis?
+That's all
+Music: 1980s: Song: George Harrison?
+All those years ago
+Music: 1980s: Song: George Harrison?
+When we was fab
+Music: 1980s: Song: George Michael?
+Kissing a fool
+Music: 1980s: Song: Georgia Satellites?
+Keep your hands to yourself
+Music: 1980s: Song: Gerry Rafferty?
+Right down the line
+Music: 1980s: Song: Get ____On It - Kool & The Gang
+Music: 1980s: Song: Get It On (____A Gong) - Power Station
+Music: 1980s: Song: Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Billy ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Giorgio Morodor?
+Together in electric dreams
+Music: 1980s: Song: Girls Just Want To ____Fun - Cyndi Lauper
+Music: 1980s: Song: Give Me The Night - George ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Giving You The Best That I Got - ____Baker
+Music: 1980s: Song: Glass Tiger?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Glenn Frey?
+The heat is on
+Music: 1980s: Song: Glenn Frey?
+You belong to the city
+Music: 1980s: Song: Gloria - ____Branigan
+Music: 1980s: Song: Glory Of Love - ____Cetera
+Music: 1980s: Song: Go ____- Stevie Wonder
+Music: 1980s: Song: Go-Go's?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Go-Go's?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Go-Go's?
+We got the beat
+Music: 1980s: Song: Goin' Down - Greg ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Golden Earring?
+Twilight zone
+Music: 1980s: Song: Goody Two ____- Adam Ant
+Music: 1980s: Song: Got A ____On Me - Christine Mcvie
+Music: 1980s: Song: Got My Mind Set On You - ____Harrison
+Music: 1980s: Song: Grateful Dead?
+Touch of grey
+Music: 1980s: Song: Greg Kihn Band?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Groovy Kind Of Love - Phil ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Grover Washington, Jr?
+Just the two of us
+Music: 1980s: Song: Guilty - Barbra ____& Barry Gibb
+Music: 1980s: Song: Guns-n-Roses?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hard Habit To Break?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hard To Say - ____Fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hard To Say I'm ____- Chicago
+Music: 1980s: Song: Harden My ____- Quarterflash
+Music: 1980s: Song: Harlem ____- The Rolling Stones
+Music: 1980s: Song: Harold Faltermeyer?
+Axel f (instrumental)
+Music: 1980s: Song: He's So ____- Pointer Sisters
+Music: 1980s: Song: Head ____Heals - Tears For Fears
+Music: 1980s: Song: Head Over ____- The Go-Go's
+Music: 1980s: Song: Head To Toe - ____Lisa & Cult Jam
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heart ____- Olivia Newton-John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heart And ____- T'Pau
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heart And Soul - Huey ____& The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heart To ____- Kenny Loggins
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heart?
+These dreams
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heartbeat - Don ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heartbreaker - Dionne ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hearts - ____Balin
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heat Of The ____- Asia
+Music: 1980s: Song: Heat Of The Night - Bryan ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hello Again - ____Diamond
+Music: 1980s: Song: Her Town Too - ____Taylor & J.D. Souther
+Music: 1980s: Song: Here ____The Rain Again - Eurythmics
+Music: 1980s: Song: Here I Go Again?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hey ____- Steely Dan
+Music: 1980s: Song: Higher ____- Steve Winwood
+Music: 1980s: Song: Him - Rupert ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hip To Be ____- Huey Lewis & The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hit Me With Your ____Shot - Pat Benatar
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hold Me - ____Mac
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hold On Tight - Electric ____Orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hold On?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Holding Back The Years - ____Red
+Music: 1980s: Song: Honeydrippers?
+Sea of love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hooked On ____- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hooters?
+And we danced
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hot ____In Love - Loverboy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hot Rod ____- Robbie Dupree
+Music: 1980s: Song: How ____I Fall? - Breathe
+Music: 1980s: Song: How Am I ____To Live Without You - Laura Branigan
+Music: 1980s: Song: How Do I ____You - Linda Ronstadt
+Music: 1980s: Song: How Will I Know - ____Houston
+Music: 1980s: Song: Howard Jones?
+Life in one day
+Music: 1980s: Song: Howard Jones?
+No one is to blame
+Music: 1980s: Song: Huey Lewis & the News?
+Do you believe in love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Huey Lewis & the News?
+If this is it
+Music: 1980s: Song: Huey Lewis & the News?
+The heart of rock & roll
+Music: 1980s: Song: Human - ____League
+Music: 1980s: Song: Human League?
+Don't you want me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Human League?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Human Nature - Michael ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hurt So Bad - Linda ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Hurts So Good - John ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: I ____A Rumour - Bananarama
+Music: 1980s: Song: I ____For You - Chaka Khan
+Music: 1980s: Song: I ____We're Alone Now - Tiffany
+Music: 1980s: Song: I ____Your Sex - George Michael
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Ain't Gonna Stand For It - Stevie ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Can ____About You - Don Hartman
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Can't Go ____That (No Can Do) - Daryl Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Can't Stand It - ____Clapton
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Can't Tell You Why?
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Can't Wait - Nu ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Didn't Mean To Turn You On - ____Palmer
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Don't Need You - ____Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Song: I feel her breath in my face?
+Shes like the wind
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Guess That's Why They Call It The ____- Elton John
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Just ____To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Just Can't Stop ____You - Michael J. & Siedah Garrett
+Music: 1980s: Song: I just get more attached to you?
+When i think of you
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Keep Fogettin' (____Time You're Near) - Michael Mcdonald
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) - ____F. & George M
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Know There's ____Going On - Frida
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Love A ____Night - Eddie Rabbitt
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Love Rock'n ____- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Love You - ____Blues Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Made It Through The Rain - ____Manilow
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Miss You?
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Ran (So Far Away) - A ____Of Seagulls
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For?
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Wanna Be Your ____- Prince
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Wanna Dance With ____- Whitney Houston
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Want A New Drug - Huey ____& The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Want To Know ____Love Is - Foreigner
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Won't Hold You Back?
+Music: 1980s: Song: I Wouldn't ____Missed It For The World - Ronnie Milsap
+Music: 1980s: Song: I'll Always Love You - ____Dayne
+Music: 1980s: Song: I'll Tumble 4 Ya - Culture ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: I'm ____- Kenny Loggins
+Music: 1980s: Song: I'm ____Out - Diana Ross
+Music: 1980s: Song: I'm ____Standing - Elton John
+Music: 1980s: Song: I'm On ____- Bruce Springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Song: I'm So Excited - ____Sisters
+Music: 1980s: Song: I'm Your ____- Wham!
+Music: 1980s: Song: I've ____In Love Before - Cutting Crew
+Music: 1980s: Song: I've Done ____For You - Rick Springfield
+Music: 1980s: Song: I've Never ____To Me - Charlene
+Music: 1980s: Song: Icicle Works?
+Birds fly (whisper to a scream)
+Music: 1980s: Song: If Ever You're In My Arms Again - Peabo ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: If This Is It - ____Lewis & The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: If You Leave - Orchestral ____In The Dark
+Music: 1980s: Song: If You Love Somebody Set Them Free?
+Music: 1980s: Song: In My ____- Mary Jane Girls
+Music: 1980s: Song: In Too Deep?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Infatuation - Rod ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Information Society?
+What's on your mind (pure Energy)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Into The Night - Benny ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Invincible - Pat ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Invisible Touch?
+Music: 1980s: Song: INXS?
+Need you tonight
+Music: 1980s: Song: Irene Cara?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Irene Cara?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Is It Love - Mr. ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Is There ____I Should Know - Duran Duran
+Music: 1980s: Song: It's ____Again - Supertramp
+Music: 1980s: Song: It's ____Take A Miracle - Deniece Williams
+Music: 1980s: Song: It's A ____- Men At Work
+Music: 1980s: Song: It's A Sin - Pet ____Boys
+Music: 1980s: Song: It's My ____- Diana Ross
+Music: 1980s: Song: It's Still ____And Roll To Me - Billy Joel
+Music: 1980s: Song: J. Geils Band?
+Music: 1980s: Song: J. Geils Band?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jack And Diane - John ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jack Wagner?
+All i need
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jackson Browne?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jackson Browne?
+Somebody's baby
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jacob's ____- Huey Lewis & The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jane - ____Starship
+Music: 1980s: Song: Janet Jackson?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Janet Jackson?
+Let's wait awhile
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jeff Healey Band?
+Angel eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jeopardy - ____Kihn Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jermaine Jackson?
+Do what you do
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jesse - ____Simon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jessie's ____- Rick Springfield
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jets?
+Make it real
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jim Carroll Band?
+People who died
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jimmy Harnen with Synch?
+Where are you now
+Music: 1980s: Song: Joan Jett & the Blackhearts?
+I love rock-n-roll
+Music: 1980s: Song: Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes?
+Up where we belong
+Music: 1980s: Song: Joe Jackson?
+Breaking us in two
+Music: 1980s: Song: Joe Jackson?
+Steppin' out
+Music: 1980s: Song: Joe Jackson?
+You can't get what you want
+Music: 1980s: Song: Joe Walsh?
+Life's been good
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Cougar Mellencamp?
+Cherry bomb
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Cougar Mellencamp?
+Pink houses
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Cougar?
+Hurts so good
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Cougar?
+Jack & diane
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Fogerty?
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Fogerty?
+Old man down the road
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Lennon?
+(just like) starting over
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Lennon?
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Lennon?
+Music: 1980s: Song: John Waite?
+Missing you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Johnny Hates Jazz?
+Turn back the clock
+Music: 1980s: Song: Journey?
+Don't stop believin'
+Music: 1980s: Song: Journey?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Journey?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Journey?
+Send her my love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Juice Newton?
+Angel of the morning
+Music: 1980s: Song: Julian Lennon?
+Too late for goodbyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Julian Lennon?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jump - ____Halen
+Music: 1980s: Song: Jump (For My Love) - ____Sisters
+Music: 1980s: Song: Just The Two Of Us - ____Washington Jr. W/ Bill Withers
+Music: 1980s: Song: Just To See Her - ____Robinson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kajagoogoo?
+Too shy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kansas?
+Play the game tonight
+Music: 1980s: Song: Karel Fialka?
+Hey matthew
+Music: 1980s: Song: Karla Bonoff?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Karma ____- Culture Club
+Music: 1980s: Song: Keep On Loving You - REO ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Keep The Fire Burnin' - ____Speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Keep Your Hands To ____- Georgia Satellites
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kenny Loggins?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kenny Loggins?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kenny Loggins?
+I'm alright
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kenny Rogers?
+Coward of the county
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kid Creole & the Coconuts?
+Annie i'm not your Daddy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kim Carnes?
+Bette davis eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kim Wilde?
+Kids in America
+Music: 1980s: Song: King Of ____- The Police
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kinks?
+Come dancing
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kiss On My List - Daryl Hall & ____Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kiss?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Knack?
+My sharona
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kon-Kan?
+I beg your pardon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kool & the Gang?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kool & The Gang?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kool & the Gang?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kool & The Gang?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kool & the Gang?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kool & The Gang?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Kyrie - Mr. ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: La ____- Los Lobos
+Music: 1980s: Song: La Isla Bonita?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Ladies ____- Kool & The Gang
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lady - ____Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lady (You ____Me Up) - Commodores
+Music: 1980s: Song: Land Of ____- Genesis
+Music: 1980s: Song: Late In The ____- Paul Simon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Laura Branigan?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Leader Of The Band - Dan ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lean On Me - Club ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Leather And Lace - ____Nicks W/ Don Henley
+Music: 1980s: Song: Legs - ZZ ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lenny Kravitz?
+It ain't over till it's over
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let It Whip - Dazz ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let Me Be The One?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let Me Love You Tonight - Pure ____League
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let My Love Open The Door - ____Townshend
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let The Music Play?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let's ____- Earth, Wind & Fire
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let's ____Awhile - Janet Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let's ____It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let's Dance - David ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let's Get Serious - ____Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let's Go ____The Way - Sly Fox
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let's Go Crazy - Prince & The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Let's go make a family?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Level 42?
+Something about you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Ley Largo - ____Higgins
+Music: 1980s: Song: Life In A ____Town - The Dream Academy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lights Out - Peter ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Like A Virgin?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lindsey Buckingham?
+Go insane
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lionel Richie?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lionel Ritchie?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lipps, Inc?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam?
+All cried out
+Music: 1980s: Song: Little ____- Elton John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Little Lies - ____Mac
+Music: 1980s: Song: Little Red ____- Prince
+Music: 1980s: Song: Little River Band?
+Cool change
+Music: 1980s: Song: Little River Band?
+Lonesome loser
+Music: 1980s: Song: Little River Band?
+Take it easy on me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Little River Band?
+We two
+Music: 1980s: Song: Live To Tell?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Livin' On A Prayer - ____Jovi
+Music: 1980s: Song: Living Colour?
+Cult of personality
+Music: 1980s: Song: Living In ____- James Brown
+Music: 1980s: Song: Look ____You've Done To Me - Boz Scaggs
+Music: 1980s: Song: Look Away?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lookin' For Love - ____Lee
+Music: 1980s: Song: Looking For A New Love - Jody ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lost In ____- Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lost In Love - Air ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lou Gramm?
+Just between you and me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love Bites - Def ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love Is A ____- Pat Benatar
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love On The Rocks - ____Diamond
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love Somebody - ____Springfield
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love Touch - ____Stewart
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love Will ____All - Lionel Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love Will Turn You Around - ____Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love Zone - Billy ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Love's ____A Little Bit Hard On Me - Juice Newton
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lovin' ____Minute Of It - Loverboy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Lucky Star?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Luka - ____Vega
+Music: 1980s: Song: M?
+Pop musik
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mad About You - ____Carlisle
+Music: 1980s: Song: Madness?
+Our house
+Music: 1980s: Song: Madonna?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Madonna?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Madonna?
+Crazy for you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Madonna?
+Into the groove
+Music: 1980s: Song: Madonna?
+La isla bonita
+Music: 1980s: Song: Magic - ____Newton-John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Magic - The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Make A Move On Me - ____Newton-John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Making Love - ____Flack
+Music: 1980s: Song: Making Love Out OF Nothing At All - Air ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Man In The ____- Michael Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Man On Your ____- Little River Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Maneater - Daryl ____& John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: Manhattans?
+Shining star
+Music: 1980s: Song: Markita?
+Toy soldiers
+Music: 1980s: Song: Martin Briley?
+Salt in my tears
+Music: 1980s: Song: Marvin Gaye?
+Sexual healing
+Music: 1980s: Song: Melissa Manchester?
+You should hear how she talks About You
+Music: 1980s: Song: Men At Work?
+Down under
+Music: 1980s: Song: Men At Work?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Men At Work?
+Who can it be now?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Men Without Hats?
+Safety dance
+Music: 1980s: Song: Method Of ____Love - Daryl Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney?
+The girl is Mine
+Music: 1980s: Song: Michael Jackson?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Michael Jackson?
+Billie jean
+Music: 1980s: Song: Michael Jackson?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Midnight Blue - ____Gramm
+Music: 1980s: Song: Midnight Oil?
+Beds are burning
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mike + the Mechanics?
+Living years
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mike + the Mechanics?
+Silent running
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mike + the Mechanics?
+Taken in
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mirror, ____- Diana Ross
+Music: 1980s: Song: Miss Me ____- Culture Club
+Music: 1980s: Song: Miss Sun - Boz ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Modern English?
+I melt with you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Money For Nothing - Dire ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Monkees?
+That was then, this is now
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mony ____- Billy Idol
+Music: 1980s: Song: Moody Blues?
+The voice
+Music: 1980s: Song: Moody Blues?
+Your wildest dreams
+Music: 1980s: Song: More ____- Kim Carnes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Morning ____(Nine To Five) - Sheena Easton
+Music: 1980s: Song: Motels?
+Only the lonely
+Music: 1980s: Song: Motels?
+Suddenly last summer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Moving Pictures?
+What about me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mr. ____- Styx
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mr. Mister?
+Broken wings
+Music: 1980s: Song: Mr. Mister?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Murray Head?
+One night in bangkok
+Music: 1980s: Song: Muscles - ____Ross
+Music: 1980s: Song: My ____- Bruce Springsteen
+Music: 1980s: Song: My Love - Lionel ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nails?
+88 lines about 44 women
+Music: 1980s: Song: Naked Eyes?
+Always something there to remind me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Naked Eyes?
+Promises, promises
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nasty - ____Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Natalie Cole?
+Miss you like crazy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Need You ____- INXS
+Music: 1980s: Song: Neil Diamond?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Neil Diamond?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nena?
+99 luftballons
+Music: 1980s: Song: Never ____- Corey Hart
+Music: 1980s: Song: Never ____Let You Go - Sergio Mendes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Never?
+Music: 1980s: Song: New Moon On ____- Duran Duran
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nick Lowe?
+Cruel to be kind
+Music: 1980s: Song: Night Ranger?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Night Ranger?
+Sister christian
+Music: 1980s: Song: Night Ranger?
+When you close your eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nik Kershaw?
+Wouldn't it be good
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nikita - ____John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nitty Gritty Dirt Band?
+An American dream
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nobody Told Me - John ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nobody?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nothing's ____Stop Us Now - Starship
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nothing's Gonna ____My Love For You - Glenn Medeiros
+Music: 1980s: Song: Nu Shooz?
+I can't wait
+Music: 1980s: Song: Oak Ridge Boys?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Oak Ridge Boys?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Obsession?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Oceans apart, day after day?
+Right here waiting
+Music: 1980s: Song: Off The ____- Michael Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Oh ____- Steve Perry
+Music: 1980s: Song: Oh No?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Oingo Boingo?
+Dead man's party
+Music: 1980s: Song: Olivia Newton-John?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Olivia Newton-John?
+Music: 1980s: Song: OMD?
+If you leave
+Music: 1980s: Song: On My Own - ____Labelle/Michael Mcdonald
+Music: 1980s: Song: On The Dark Side - John ____& The Beaver Brown Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: On The Radio - ____Summer
+Music: 1980s: Song: One ____Day - Carole King
+Music: 1980s: Song: One ____Leads To Another - The Fixx
+Music: 1980s: Song: One More Try - ____Michael
+Music: 1980s: Song: One Night In ____- Murray Head
+Music: 1980s: Song: One On One - Daryl Hall & John ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Only In My ____- Debbie Gibson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Only The ____- The Motels
+Music: 1980s: Song: Open Your Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Our House?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Out Of Touch - ____Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: Outfield?
+Your love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Overkill - Men At ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pac-Man ____- Buckner & Garcia
+Music: 1980s: Song: Part-Time ____- Stevie Wonder
+Music: 1980s: Song: Party All The Time - ____Murphy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Passion - Rod ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pat Benatar?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pat Benatar?
+Love is a battlefield
+Music: 1980s: Song: Paul Carrack?
+Don't shed a tear
+Music: 1980s: Song: Paul Davis?
+'65 love affair
+Music: 1980s: Song: Paul Hardcastle?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson?
+Say, say, say
+Music: 1980s: Song: Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder sang together on this 1982 hit...?
+Ebony and ivory
+Music: 1980s: Song: Paul McCartney?
+Take it away
+Music: 1980s: Song: Paul Simon?
+You can call me al
+Music: 1980s: Song: Penny ____- Lionel Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: Perfect Way - ____Politti
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pet Shop Boys?
+Opportunities (let's make lots of Money)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pet Shop Boys?
+West end girls
+Music: 1980s: Song: Peter Gabriel?
+In your eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Peter Gabriel?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Peter Schilling?
+Major tom (coming home)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Phil Collins & Philip Bailey?
+Easy lover
+Music: 1980s: Song: Phil Collins?
+Against all odds
+Music: 1980s: Song: Phil Collins?
+In the air tonight
+Music: 1980s: Song: Phil Collins?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Physical - ____Newton-John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pink Floyd?
+Another brick in the wall, part ii
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pink Houses - ____Cougar
+Music: 1980s: Song: Please Don't Go - KC & The ____Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Point Of No ____- Expose
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pointer Sisters?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Police?
+Don't stand so close to me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Police?
+Every breath you take
+Music: 1980s: Song: Police?
+Wrapped around your finger
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pop Life - Prince & The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pour Some Sugar On Me - ____Leppard
+Music: 1980s: Song: Power Station?
+Some like it hot
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pretenders?
+Brass in pocket (i'm special)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Pretenders?
+Chain gang
+Music: 1980s: Song: Prince?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Prince?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Prince?
+Little red corvette
+Music: 1980s: Song: Prince?
+When doves cry
+Music: 1980s: Song: Private Dancer - ____Turner
+Music: 1980s: Song: Private Eyes - ____Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: Promises, Priomises - ____Eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Psychedelic Furs?
+Pretty in pink
+Music: 1980s: Song: Purple ____- Prince & The Revolution
+Music: 1980s: Song: Puttin' On The ____- Taco
+Music: 1980s: Song: Quarterflash?
+Harden my heart
+Music: 1980s: Song: Queen Of Hearts - Juice ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Queen?
+Another one bites the dust
+Music: 1980s: Song: Queen?
+Crazy little thing called love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Quiet Riot?
+Cum on feel the noize
+Music: 1980s: Song: R.E.M?
+It's the end of the world as we know it
+Music: 1980s: Song: R.E.M?
+The one i love
+Music: 1980s: Song: R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A - John ____Mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Song: Randy Travis?
+Forever and ever, amen
+Music: 1980s: Song: Randy Vanwarmer?
+Just when i needed you most
+Music: 1980s: Song: Raspberry Beret - Prince & The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Ray Parker Jr?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Ray Parker, Jr?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Read 'Em And Weep - Barry ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Real Life?
+Send me an angel
+Music: 1980s: Song: Real Love - Doobie ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Refugee - Tom Petty & The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: REO Speedwagon?
+Can't fight this feeling
+Music: 1980s: Song: REO Speedwagon?
+Take it on the run
+Music: 1980s: Song: REO Speedwagon?
+Time for me to fly
+Music: 1980s: Song: Respect ____- Bruce Willis
+Music: 1980s: Song: Restless Heart?
+I'll still be loving you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rhythm Is ____Get You - Gloria Estefan & MSM
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rhythm Of The Night?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Richard Marx?
+Endless summer nights
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rick Astley?
+Never gonna give you up
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rick Springfield?
+Don't talk to strangers
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rick Springfield?
+Jessie's girl
+Music: 1980s: Song: Ride Like The ____- Christopher Cross
+Music: 1980s: Song: Right On Track - ____Club
+Music: 1980s: Song: Robbie Dupree?
+Steal away
+Music: 1980s: Song: Robert John?
+Sad eyes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Robert Palmer?
+Addicted to love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Robert Plant?
+Big log
+Music: 1980s: Song: Robert Plant?
+Ship of fools
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rock ____- The Whispers
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rock Me Amadeus?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rock The Casbah - The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rock With You - ____Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rockwell?
+Somebody's watching me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rod Stewart?
+Some guys have all the luck
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rod Stewart?
+Young turks
+Music: 1980s: Song: Roll With It - Steve ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Rolling Stones?
+Emotional rescue
+Music: 1980s: Song: Romantics?
+Talking in your sleep
+Music: 1980s: Song: Romeo's Tune - Steve ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Round And ____- Ratt
+Music: 1980s: Song: Roxette?
+It must have been love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Roxette?
+The look
+Music: 1980s: Song: Roy Orbison?
+You got it
+Music: 1980s: Song: Run To You - ____Adams
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sad ____(Say So Much) - Elton John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sade?
+Smooth operator
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sailing - ____Cross
+Music: 1980s: Song: Same Old Lang ____- Dan Fogelberg
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sammy Hagar?
+Your love is driving me crazy
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sara - Fleetwood ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sara?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Say It Isn't So - Daryl Hall & John ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Say You, Say Me - ____Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: Say, Say, Say - Paul Mccartney & ____Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Scandal?
+Goodbye to you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Scorpions?
+Still loving you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sea Of Love - The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Secret ____- Atlantic Starr
+Music: 1980s: Song: Self ____- Laura Branigan
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sentimental Street - ____Ranger
+Music: 1980s: Song: Seperate Ways (Worlds Apart)?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sexual ____- Marvin Gaye
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sexy Eyes - Dr. ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Shadows Of The ____- Pat Benatar
+Music: 1980s: Song: Shake You Down - ____Abbott
+Music: 1980s: Song: Shake Your Love - ____Gibson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Shame On The Moon - Bob ____& The Silver Bullet Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Share Your Love With Me - ____Rogers
+Music: 1980s: Song: She ____- Cyndi Lauper
+Music: 1980s: Song: She ____Me With Science - Thomas Dolby
+Music: 1980s: Song: She Works Hard For The Money - ____Summer
+Music: 1980s: Song: She's A ____- The Tubes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sheena Easton?
+Morning train
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sheriff?
+When i'm with you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Shining Star - The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Should I Do It - Pointer ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Should've Known Better - ____Marx
+Music: 1980s: Song: Shout - Tears For ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Silent ____(On Dangerous Ground) - Mike + The Mechanics
+Music: 1980s: Song: Simple Minds?
+Don't you forget about me
+Music: 1980s: Song: Simply ____- Robert Palmer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Simply Red?
+Holding back the years
+Music: 1980s: Song: Simply Red?
+If you don't know me by now
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sin?ad O'Connor?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Slade?
+My oh my
+Music: 1980s: Song: Slade?
+Run runaway
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sledgehammer - ____Gabriel
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sleeping Bag - ZZ ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Slow Hand - ____Sisters
+Music: 1980s: Song: Small Town - ____Cougar Mellencamp
+Music: 1980s: Song: Smiths?
+Please please please let me get what i Want
+Music: 1980s: Song: Smokey Robinson?
+Being with you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Smooth ____- Sade
+Music: 1980s: Song: So Emotional - ____Houston
+Music: 1980s: Song: Soft Cell?
+Tainted love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Solitare - Laura ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Some Like It Hot - ____Station
+Music: 1980s: Song: Somebody's ____Me - Rockwell
+Music: 1980s: Song: Somebody's Knockin' - ____Gibbs
+Music: 1980s: Song: Someday - ____Tiger
+Music: 1980s: Song: Something So Strong - ____House
+Music: 1980s: Song: Somewhere Out There - Linda ____& James Ingram
+Music: 1980s: Song: Song appearing first on the charts in 1984, the four years later to go to #1?
+Red red wine
+Music: 1980s: Song: Songbird - ____G
+Music: 1980s: Song: Spandau Ballet?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Special Lady - Ray, ____& Brown
+Music: 1980s: Song: Spies ____Us - Paul Mccartney
+Music: 1980s: Song: Spin Doctors?
+Little miss can't be wrong
+Music: 1980s: Song: Spinners?
+Working my way back to you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Spirits In The ____World - The Police
+Music: 1980s: Song: St. ____Fire (Man In Motion) - John Parr
+Music: 1980s: Song: Stand ____- Stevie Nicks
+Music: 1980s: Song: Starship?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Starship?
+We built this city
+Music: 1980s: Song: Start Me Up - The ____Stones
+Music: 1980s: Song: Steal ____- Robbie Dupree
+Music: 1980s: Song: Steely Dan?
+Hey 19
+Music: 1980s: Song: Step By ____- Eddie Rabbitt
+Music: 1980s: Song: Steppin' Out - Joe ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Steve Miller Band?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Steve Perry?
+Oh sherrie
+Music: 1980s: Song: Steve Winwood?
+Back in the high life again
+Music: 1980s: Song: Steve Winwood?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Stevie Nicks and Don Henley?
+Leather and lace
+Music: 1980s: Song: Stevie Wonder?
+I just called to say i love you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sting?
+Fortress around your heart
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sting?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Stomp! The ____Johnson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Stop ____My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks W/ Tom Petty
+Music: 1980s: Song: Stray Cats?
+Rock this town
+Music: 1980s: Song: Stray Cats?
+Stray cat strut
+Music: 1980s: Song: Strut - Sheena ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Stuck With You - Huey ____& The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: Styx?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Styx?
+Don't let it end
+Music: 1980s: Song: Styx?
+Mr. roboto
+Music: 1980s: Song: Suddenly - ____Ocean
+Music: 1980s: Song: Suddenly Last Summer - The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sukiyaki - Taste Of ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Summer Of '69 - ____Adams
+Music: 1980s: Song: Super ____(Part 1) - Rick James
+Music: 1980s: Song: Supertramp?
+It's raining again
+Music: 1980s: Song: Supertramp?
+Long way home
+Music: 1980s: Song: Supertramp?
+The logical song
+Music: 1980s: Song: Survivor?
+Eye of the tiger
+Music: 1980s: Song: Survivor?
+The search is over
+Music: 1980s: Song: Suzanne Vega?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sweet ____- Air Supply
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sweet ____(Are Made Of This) - Eurythmics
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sweet Child O' ____- Guns N' Roses
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sweet Freedom - Michael ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sweet Love - ____Baker
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sweetheart - Franke & The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Sylvia?
+Music: 1980s: Song: T'Pau?
+Heart and soul
+Music: 1980s: Song: Taco?
+Puttin' on the ritz
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tainted ____- Soft Cell
+Music: 1980s: Song: Take It ____On Me - Little River Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Take It On The ____- REO Speedwagon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Take Me ____- Phil Collins
+Music: 1980s: Song: Take Me Home ____- Eddie Money
+Music: 1980s: Song: Take Me To Heart?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Take My ____(You Can Have It If You Want It)- Kool & Gang
+Music: 1980s: Song: Take My Breath Away?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Take Your ____(Do It Right) - S.O.S. Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: Talk To Me - ____Nicks
+Music: 1980s: Song: Talking Heads?
+And she was
+Music: 1980s: Song: Talking Heads?
+Burning down the house
+Music: 1980s: Song: Taylor Dayne?
+I'll always love you
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tears for Fears?
+Everybody wants to rule the World
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tears for Fears?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Teena Marie?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Telefone (Long Distance Love Affair) - ____Easton
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tell Her ____It - Billy Joel
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tell It To My ____- Taylor Dayne
+Music: 1980s: Song: Terence Trent D'Arby?
+Wishing well
+Music: 1980s: Song: That ____- Stevie Wonder
+Music: 1980s: Song: That's All!?
+Music: 1980s: Song: That's What ____Are For - Dionne And Friends
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____- Cheap Trick
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____- Duran Duran
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____- Scandal/Patty Smyth
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Boys Medley - The Beach Boys
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Dance - Men Without Hats
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____In Red - Chris Deburgh
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____It Is - Bruce Hornsby & The Range
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Life - Sheila E
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Move Medley - The Beatles
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Of Love - Huey Lewis & The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Of Rock & Roll - Huey Lewis & The News
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Of Times - Styx
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Song (They Don't Write 'Em) - Greg Kihn Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Thing (I've Ever Known) - Juice Newton
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Things - Steve Winwood
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Time - Billy Joel
+Music: 1980s: Song: The ____Time I Fall - Peter Cetera And Amy Grant
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Boys Of Summer - Don ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Cars?
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Girl Is ____- Michael Jackson & Paul Mccartney
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Heat Is On - Glenn ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Language Of Love - Dan ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Long Run?
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Look Of Love (Part One)?
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Night ____- Little River Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: The One I ____- R.E.M
+Music: 1980s: Song: The One That You Love - ____Supply
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Other ____- Ray Parker Jr
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Other Guy - ____River Band
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Rose - ____Midler
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Search Is Over?
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Second Time ____- Shalamar
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Sweetest ____- Sade
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Tide Is High?
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Wanderer - ____Summer
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Way You ____Me Feel - Michael Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Wild ____- Duran Duran
+Music: 1980s: Song: The Winner Takes It All?
+Music: 1980s: Song: There are things that I don't want to learn?
+One more try
+Music: 1980s: Song: There'll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry) - ____Ocean
+Music: 1980s: Song: These ____- Heart
+Music: 1980s: Song: They Don't Know - ____Ullman
+Music: 1980s: Song: Think Of Laura - ____Cross
+Music: 1980s: Song: This Is It - ____Loggins
+Music: 1980s: Song: This is not the end of it all?
+What you need
+Music: 1980s: Song: This Little Girl - Gary U.S. ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: This song spent more weeks at #1 than any other in the 1980s?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Thomas Dolby?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Thomas Dolby?
+She blinded me with science
+Music: 1980s: Song: Thompson Twins?
+Hold me now
+Music: 1980s: Song: Thompson Twins?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tierra?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tim Cappello?
+I still believe
+Music: 1980s: Song: Timbuk3?
+The future's so bright i gotta wear Shades
+Music: 1980s: Song: Time - Alan ____Project
+Music: 1980s: Song: Timex Social Club?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Timothy B. Schmit?
+So in love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tina Turner?
+Private dancer
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tina Turner?
+What's love got to do with it
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tired Of Toein' The Line - Tocky ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: To All The Girls I've Loved Before - ____Iglasias/Willie Nelson
+Music: 1980s: Song: To Be A ____- Billy Idol
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers?
+Don't do me like That
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers?
+You got lucky
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tommy Conwell & the Young Rumblers?
+If we never Meet Again
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tommy Tutone?
+Jenny (867-5309)
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tones on Tail?
+Slender fungus
+Music: 1980s: Song: Toni Basil?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tonight, ____, Tonight - Genesis
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tonight, I ____My Love - Peabo Bryson & Roberta Flack
+Music: 1980s: Song: Too Hot - ____& The Gang
+Music: 1980s: Song: Too Late For ____- Julian Lennon
+Music: 1980s: Song: Too Shy?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Total ____Of The Heart - Bonnie Tyler
+Music: 1980s: Song: Toto Coelo?
+I eat cannibals
+Music: 1980s: Song: Toto?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Toto?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Toto?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Toto?
+Stranger in town
+Music: 1980s: Song: Touch Me (I Want Your____) - Samantha Fox
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tracey Ullman?
+They don't know
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tracy Chapman?
+Fast car
+Music: 1980s: Song: Traveling Wilburys?
+Handle with care
+Music: 1980s: Song: Treat Me Right - Pat ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Trio?
+Da da da
+Music: 1980s: Song: Trouble - ____Buckingham
+Music: 1980s: Song: True ____- Cyndi Lauper
+Music: 1980s: Song: True - ____Ballet
+Music: 1980s: Song: Truly - Lionel ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tryin' To Live My Life ____You - Bob Seger
+Music: 1980s: Song: Tubes?
+She's a beauty
+Music: 1980s: Song: Turn Your Love ____- George Benson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Twilight Zone - Golden ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Twist Of Fate - ____Newton-John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Twisted Sister?
+We're not gonna take it
+Music: 1980s: Song: Two Of Hearts - ____Q
+Music: 1980s: Song: Typical Male - ____Turner
+Music: 1980s: Song: U Got The Look?
+Music: 1980s: Song: U2?
+I still haven't found what i'm looking for
+Music: 1980s: Song: U2?
+Where the streets have no name
+Music: 1980s: Song: U2?
+With or without you
+Music: 1980s: Song: UB40?
+Red red wine
+Music: 1980s: Song: Union Of The Snake - ____Duran
+Music: 1980s: Song: Up Where We ____- Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes
+Music: 1980s: Song: Upside Down - ____Ross
+Music: 1980s: Song: Uptown Girl - ____Joel
+Music: 1980s: Song: Urgent?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Valerie - Steve ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Valotte - Julian ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Van Halen?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Van Halen?
+Hot for teacher
+Music: 1980s: Song: Van Halen?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Van Halen?
+Love walks in
+Music: 1980s: Song: Vapors?
+Turning japanese
+Music: 1980s: Song: Venus?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Victory - Kool & The ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Village People?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Violent Femmes?
+Blister in the sun
+Music: 1980s: Song: Violent Femmes?
+Prove my love
+Music: 1980s: Song: Waiting For A ____Like You - Foreigner
+Music: 1980s: Song: Waiting For A Star To Fall - ____Meets Girl
+Music: 1980s: Song: Waiting On A Friend - ____Rolling Stones
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wake Me Up ____You Go-Go - Wham!
+Music: 1980s: Song: Walk Like An ____- Bangles
+Music: 1980s: Song: Walk Of Life - ____Straits
+Music: 1980s: Song: Walking On Sunshine - ____& The Waves
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wall of Voodoo?
+Mexican radio
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wang Chung?
+Dance hall days
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wang Chung?
+Everybody have fun tonight
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wanted Dead Or Alive - ____Jovi
+Music: 1980s: Song: Warrant?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Watching The ____- John Lennon
+Music: 1980s: Song: We ____The Beat - The Go-Go's
+Music: 1980s: Song: We ____This City - Starship
+Music: 1980s: Song: We Are The World - USA For ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: We Belong - ____Benatar
+Music: 1980s: Song: We Don't Have To Take Our ____Off - Jermaine Sterwart
+Music: 1980s: Song: We Don't Need ____Hero (Thunderdome) - Tina Turner
+Music: 1980s: Song: We Don't Talk Anymore - Cliff ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: We'll Be Together?
+Music: 1980s: Song: We're saving our own lives?
+We are the world
+Music: 1980s: Song: We've Got Tonight - ____Rogers & Sheena Easton
+Music: 1980s: Song: Weather Girls?
+It's raining men
+Music: 1980s: Song: West End Girls - ____Shop Boys
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wham!?
+Careless whisper
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wham!?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wham!?
+Music: 1980s: Song: What ____You Done For Me Lately - Janet Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: What About Love?
+Music: 1980s: Song: What Are We Doing In Love - ____West
+Music: 1980s: Song: What is the title of Janet Jackson's first No. 1 song?
+When I think of you
+Music: 1980s: Song: What Kind Of Fool - Barbra ____& Barry Gibb
+Music: 1980s: Song: what was the title of Bryan Adams' only No. 1 song of the 1980s?
+Music: 1980s: Song: what was the title of Poison's only No. 1 hit?
+Every rose has its thorn
+Music: 1980s: Song: what was the title of the 1986 number one by the spitting image puppets?
+The chicken song
+Music: 1980s: Song: What You Need?
+Music: 1980s: Song: What's Forever For - ____Murphey
+Music: 1980s: Song: What's Love ____To Do With It - Tina Turner
+Music: 1980s: Song: When ____Sings - ABC
+Music: 1980s: Song: When I Think Of You - Janet ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: When in Rome?
+The promise
+Music: 1980s: Song: Where Do ____Hearts Go - Whitney Houston
+Music: 1980s: Song: While You See A Chance - Steve ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Whitesnake?
+Here i go again
+Music: 1980s: Song: Who will dance on the floor in the round?
+Billie jean
+Music: 1980s: Song: Who Will You Run To?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Who's Crying Now?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Who's Johnny - El ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Who's Zommin' ____- Aretha Franklin
+Music: 1980s: Song: Why Do Fools ____In Love - Diana Ross
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wild, Wild ____- Escape Club
+Music: 1980s: Song: Will to Power?
+Baby i love your way
+Music: 1980s: Song: Will You Still Love Me?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wishing Well - ____Trent D'Arby
+Music: 1980s: Song: With Or ____You - U2
+Music: 1980s: Song: With You I'm ____Again - Billy Preston & Syreeta
+Music: 1980s: Song: Woman In Love - ____Streisand
+Music: 1980s: Song: Word Up?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Words Get In The Way - ____Sound Machine
+Music: 1980s: Song: Wrapped Around Your ____- The Police
+Music: 1980s: Song: Xanadu - ____Newton-John
+Music: 1980s: Song: Yes, I'm ____- Teri Desario W/ KC
+Music: 1980s: Song: Yesterday's ____- Neil Diamond
+Music: 1980s: Song: You ____Be Mine (The Woo Woo Song) - Jeffrey Osboune
+Music: 1980s: Song: You ____Be Right - Billy Joel
+Music: 1980s: Song: You ____Hear How She Talks About You - M. Manchester
+Music: 1980s: Song: You ____It All - The Jets
+Music: 1980s: Song: You ____Me Hangin' On - Kim Wilde
+Music: 1980s: Song: You ____Think - The Cars
+Music: 1980s: Song: You ____To The City - Glenn Frey
+Music: 1980s: Song: You And I - ____Rabbitt W/ Crystal Gayle
+Music: 1980s: Song: You Are - ____Richie
+Music: 1980s: Song: You Can Do ____- America
+Music: 1980s: Song: You Can't Hurry Love - Phil ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: You Don't ____Me Anymore - Steel Breeze
+Music: 1980s: Song: You Give Good Love - ____Houston
+Music: 1980s: Song: You Give Love A ____Name - Bon Jovi
+Music: 1980s: Song: You Make My Dreams - ____Hall & John Oates
+Music: 1980s: Song: You say, 'go slow,' I fall behind?
+Time after time
+Music: 1980s: Song: You were just a girl I knew?
+The search is over
+Music: 1980s: Song: You're Only ____(Second Wind) - Billy Joel
+Music: 1980s: Song: You're The Inspiration?
+Music: 1980s: Song: Young Turks - Rod ____
+Music: 1980s: Song: Your ____Dreams - The Moody Blues
+Music: 1980s: Song: Your ____Is Driving Me Crazy - Sammy Hagar
+Music: 1980s: Song: Your Are My ____- Freddie Jackson
+Music: 1980s: Song: Your Love - The ____
+Music: 1980s: the biggest selling single from paul simon's graceland?
+You can call me al
+Music: 1980s: The first all-girl group to hit #1?
+Music: 1980s: The Flying Pickets took a cover version of this Yaz song to #1 in the U.K?
+Only you
+Music: 1980s: The group Styx had a hit with a sailing song in the 1970's ('Come Sail Away'). Who sang 'Sailing' in the 1980's?
+Christopher Cross
+Music: 1980s: The singer/model/transvestite Marilyn was this singer's lover circa 1984?
+Boy george
+Music: 1980s: This 1985 benefit song hit #1 and was the biggest selling single of the decade?
+We are the world
+Music: 1980s: This is the only album to ever have five #1s...?
+Music: 1980s: TV/Film: Song: Duran Duran hit #1 in 1985 with this movie song...?
+A view to a kill
+Music: 1990s: Album: What album did Jimmy Buffett release in 1996?
+Banana wind
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: ...Baby One More Time?
+Britney spears
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 'Til You Do Me Right?
+After 7
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: (Everything I Do I Do It For You?
+Brian adams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: (God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time On You?
+'n sync
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: (I Know I Got Skillz?
+Shaquille o'neal
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: (If There Was Any Other Way?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 1,2,3,4 (Sumpin'New)?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 100% Pure Love?
+Crystal waters
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 1979?
+The smashing pumpkins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 1st Of Tha Month?
+Bone thugs-n-harmony
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 2 Become 1?
+Spice girls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 2 Legit 2 Quit?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 3 A.M. Eternal?
+The klf
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 4 Seasons Of Loneliness?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 7?
+Prince and the new power generation
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: 70's Love Groove?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: A Better Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: A Little Love?
+Corey hart
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: A Song For Mama?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Achy Breaky Heart?
+Billy ray cyrus
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Across The River?
+Bruce hornsby and the range
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Addams Groove?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Adia?
+Sarah mclachlan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: After The Rain?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Again Tonight?
+John mellencamp
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Again?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ain't Nuthin' But A She Thing?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All 4 Love/Color Me Badd?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All About Soul?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All Around The World?
+Lisa stansfield
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All By Myself?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All For Love?
+Bryan adams/rod stewart/sting
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All I Have To Give?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All I Wanna Do?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All I Want?
+Toad the wet sprocket
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All My Life?
+Linda ronstadt & aaron neville
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All Or Nothing?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All That She Wants?
+Ace of base
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All The Man That I Need?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All The Places (I Will Kiss You)?
+Aaron hall
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All The Things (Your Man Won't Do)?
+Del amitri
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: All This Time?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Alright?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Always Be My Baby?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Always In My Heart?
+Tevin campbell
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Always The Last To Know?
+Del amitri
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Amazing?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: And Our Feelings?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: And So It Goes?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Angel Baby?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Angel Of Mine?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Anniversary?
+Tony! toni! tone!
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Another Night?
+Real mccoy
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Another Sad Love Song?
+Toni braxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Any Man Of Mine?
+Shania twain
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Any Time, Any Place/And On And On?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Anything I Want?
+Kevin paige
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Anything Is Possible?
+Debbie gibson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Anytime You Need A Friend?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Are You That Somebody?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Around The Way Girl?
+L.l. cool j
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: As I Lay Me Down?
+Sophie b. hawkins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ask Of You Raphael?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: At Your Best (You Are Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: B.B.D. (I Thought It Was Me?
+Bell biv devoe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Baby Baby?
+Amy grant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Baby Got Back?
+Sir mix-a-lot
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Baby Hold On To Me?
+Gerald levert
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Baby I Love Your Way?
+Big mountain
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Baby I'm Yours?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Baby-Baby-Baby?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Baby, It's Tonight?
+Jude cole
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Baby?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Back 2 Good?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Back And Forth?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Back For Good?
+Take that
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Back In The Day?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Back To The Hotel?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Bad Boys?
+Inner circle
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Bad Girl?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Bad Of The Heart?
+George lamond
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Bang And Blame?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Barbie Girl?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Barely Breathing?
+Duncan sheik
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Be Happy?
+Mary j. blige
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Be My Lover?
+La bouche
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Beautiful In My Eyes?
+Joshua kadison
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Beautiful Life?
+Ace of base
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Beauty And The Beast?
+Celine dion and peabo bryson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Because Of Love?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Because Of You?
+98 degrees
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Because The Night?
+10,000 maniacs
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Because You Loved Me?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Bed Of Roses?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Before I Let You Go?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Before You Walk Out Of My Life?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Best Friend?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Better Than You?
+Lisa keith
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Big Daddy?
+Heavy d
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Big Poppa?
+The notorious b.i.g.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Bitch?
+Meredith brooks
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Black Cat?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Black Or White?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Black Velvet?
+Alannah myles
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Blaze Of Glory?
+Jon bon jovi
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Blessed?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Blowing Kisses In The Wind?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Body & Soul?
+Anita baker
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Boom Shake The Room?
+Jazzy jeff and the fresh prince
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Boombastic?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Booti Call?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Born To Roll?
+Masta ace incorporated
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Both Sides Of The Story?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Break It Down Again?
+Tears for fears
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Breakfast At Tiffany's?
+Deep blue something
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Breakin' My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes?
+Mint condition
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Breathe Again?
+Toni braxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Broken Arrow?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Brokenhearted?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Brown Sugar?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Building A Mystery?
+Sarah mclachlan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Bullet With Butterfly Wings?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Bump N' Grind?
+R. kelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: By The Time This Night Is Over?
+Kenny g
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: C'Mon N'Ride It (The Train)?
+Quad city dj's
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can I Touch You... There?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can We Talk?
+Tevin campbell
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't Cry Anymore?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't Get Enough Of Your Love?
+Taylor dayne
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't Help Falling In Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't Let Go?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't Stop Fallin' Into Love?
+Cheap trick
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't Stop Lovin' You?
+Van halen
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't Stop This Thing We Started?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't Stop?
+After 7
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Can't You See Total featuring?
+The notorious b.i.g.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Candle In The Wind 1997?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Candy Rain?
+Soul for real
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Candy?
+Iggy pop
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Carnival?
+Natalie merchant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cat's In The Cradle?
+Ugly kid joe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cell Therapy?
+Goodie mob
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Change The World?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Change?
+Lisa stansfield
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Changes?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Chasin' The Wind?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cherry Pie?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Childhood?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Children (instrumental)?
+Robert miles
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Children Of The Night?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Choose?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Church Of Your Heart?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Circle Of Life?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Close To You?
+Maxi priest
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Closer To Free?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Club At The End Of The Street?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Coco Jamboo?
+Mr. president
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Colors Of The Wind?
+Vanessa williams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Come And Get Your Love?
+Real mccoy
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Come And Talk To Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Come As You Are?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Come Baby Come?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Come Back To Me?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Come Inside?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Come To My Window?
+Melissa etheridge
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Come Undone?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Comedown?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Comforter?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Coming Out Of The Dark?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Completely?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Connected?
+Stereo mc's
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Constant Craving?
+K.d. lang
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Constantly?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cotton Eye Joe?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Could This Be Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Count On Me?
+Whitney houston & ce ce winans
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Counting Blue Cars?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Couple Days Off?
+Huey lewis and the news
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cradle Of Love?
+Billy idol
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cruel Summer?
+Ace of base
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cruising For Bruising?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Crush?
+Jennifer paige
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cry For Help?
+Rick astley
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cry For You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Cryin'?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Da Dip?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover?
+Sophie b. hawkins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dare To Fall In Love?
+Brent bourgeois
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Daydreamin'?
+Tatyana ali
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dazzey Duks?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Deadbeat Club?
+The b-52's
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dear Mama?
+2 pac
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: December 1963 (Oh What A Night?
+The four seasons
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: December?
+Collective soul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dedicated?
+R. kelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Deeper And Deeper?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Deeper Shade Of Soul?
+Urban dance squad
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Diamonds And Pearls?
+Prince and the new power generation
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Diggin' On You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dirty Deeds?
+Joan jett
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Disappear?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ditty?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Divine Thing?
+The soup dragons
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do I Have To Say The Words?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do It To Me?
+Lionel richie
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do Me?
+Bell biv devoe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do You Believe In Us?
+Jon secada
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do You Know (What It Takes)?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do You Remember?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do You Sleep?
+Lisa loeb & nine stories
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do You Wanna Get Funky?
+C & c music factory
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Do You Want Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Does Anybody Really Fall In Love Anymore?
+Kane roberts
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Doin' It?
+Ll cool j
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Cry For Me Argentina?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Let Go (Love)?
+En vogue
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me?
+George michael/elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Take It Personal?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Take The Girl?
+Tim mcgraw
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Treat Me Bad?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Turn Around?
+Ace of base
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Walk Away?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Wanna Fall In Love?
+Jane child
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Don't Want To Be A Fool?
+Luther vandross
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Doo Wop (That Thing)?
+Lauryn hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Down Low (Nobody Has To Know)?
+R. kelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Down With The King?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dream About You?
+Stevie b
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dreaming Of You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dreamlover?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dreams?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Drive?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Dunkie Butt (Please Please Please?
+12 gauge
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Elevate My Mind?
+Stereo mc's
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Elevators (Me & You)?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Emotions?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: End Of The Road?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Endless Love?
+Luther vandross and mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Enjoy The Silence?
+Depeche mode
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Enter Sandman?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Epic?
+Faith no more
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Erotica?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Escapade?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Even Better Than The Real Thing?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everlasting Love?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Every Day Of The Week?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Every Heartbeat?
+Amy grant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Every Little Thing I Do?
+Soul for real
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Every Morning?
+Sugar ray
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Every Time I Close My Eyes?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everybody (Backstreet's Back)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everybody Everybody?
+Black box
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everybody Hurts?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everybody Plays The Fool?
+Aaron neville
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everybody's Free (To Feel Good?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everyday Is A Winding Road?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everyday?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everything About You?
+Ugly kid joe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everything Changes?
+Kathy troccoli
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everything's Gonna Be Alright?
+Father mc
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Everything?
+Jody wately
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ex-Factor?
+Lauryn hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Exhale (Shoop Shoop)?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Expression?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fa All Y'all?
+Da brat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Faded Pictures?
+Case & joe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fairweather Friend?
+Johnny gill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Faithful?
+Go west
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fall Down?
+Toad the wet sprocket
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fantastic Voyage?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fantasy?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Far Behind?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fast Love?
+George michael
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Feel Me Flow?
+Naughty by nature
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Feel So Good?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Feels So Good?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Feenin'?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fields Of Gold?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Finally?
+Cece pennison
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Flava In Ya Ear?
+Craig mack
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Flex?
+Mad cobra
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fly Away?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fly Like An Eagle?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Fly To The Angels?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Follow You Down?
+Gin blossoms
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Foolin' Around?
+Changing faces
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: For A Little While?
+Tim mcgraw
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: For You I Will?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: For You?
+The outfield
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Forever In Love?
+Kenny g
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Forever Love?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Forever My Lady?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Forever?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Found Out About You?
+The gin blossoms
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Freak Like Me?
+Adina howard
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Freak Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Free As A Bird?
+The beatles
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Free Your Mind?
+En vogue
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Freedom?
+George michael
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Freek'n You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Friday I'm In Love?
+The cure
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: From A Distance?
+Bette midler
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: From This Moment On?
+Shania twain
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Frozen?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Funkdafied?
+Da brat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Funky Y-2-C?
+The puppies
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: G.H.E.T.T.O.U.T?
+Changing faces
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Gangsta Lean?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Gangsta's Paradise?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Gangsta?
+Bell biv devoe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Gentle?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Georgia On My Mind?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Get A Leg Up?
+John cougar mellencamp
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Get Away?
+Bobby brown
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Get Down?
+Craig mack
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Get Here?
+Oleta adams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Get It Together?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Get Off?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Get Over It?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Get Ready For This?
+2 unlimited
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Gettin' Jiggy Wit It?
+Will smith
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Getting Away With It?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Getto Jam?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Gin And Juice?
+Snoop doggy dog
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Girl U For Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Girl, I've Been Hurt?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Girls Nite Out?
+Tyler collins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Give It 2 You?
+Da brat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Give It Up, Turn It Loose?
+En vogue
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Give Me One Reason?
+Tracy chapman
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Giving Him Something He Can Feel?
+En vogue
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Giving You The Benefit?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Gone Til November?
+Wyclef jean
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Good Enough?
+Bobby brown
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Good For Me?
+Amy grant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Good Stuff?
+The b-52's
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Good?
+Better than ezra
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Goodbye?
+Spice girls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Got A Love For You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Got Me Waiting?
+Heavy d and the boyz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Gotham City?
+R. kelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Groove Is In The Heart?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Groove Thang?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hands?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hang In Long Enough?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hanky Panky?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hard To Handle?
+The black crowes
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hat 2 Da Back?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Have I Told You Lately?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Have You Ever?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Have You Seen Her?
+M.c. hammer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Having A Party?
+Rod stewart (with ronnie wood
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hay?
+Crucial conflict
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hazard?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: He's Mine?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Heal The World?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Heart Like A Wheel?
+The human league
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Heartbeat?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hearts Don't Think (They Feel!?
+Natural selection
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Heat Of The Moment?
+After 7
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Here And Now?
+Luther vandross
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Here Comes The Hotstepper?
+Ini kamoze
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Here I Am (Come And Take Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Here We Are?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Here We Go Again?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hero?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hey Donna?
+Rhythm syndicate
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hey Jealousy?
+The gin blossoms
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hey Lover?
+L.l. cool j
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hey Mr. D.J?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: High Enough?
+Damn yankees
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hip Hop Hooray?
+Naughty by nature
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hippychick?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hit Me Off?
+New edition
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hold My Hand?
+Hootie & the blowfish
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hold On My Heart?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hold On To Me?
+John michael
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hold You Tight?
+Tara kemp
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hole Hearted?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Home Sweet Home '91?
+M?tley cr?e
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Honey Love?
+R. kelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Honey?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hook Blues?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hopelessly?
+Rick astley
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: House Of Love?
+Amy grant with vince gill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: House Of Pain?
+Faster pussycat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How About That?
+Bad company
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How Am I Supposed To Live Without You?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How Can I Ease The Pain?
+Lisa fischer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How Can We Be Lovers?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How Do I Live?
+Leann rimes
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How Do You Talk To An Angel?
+The heights
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How High?
+Redman & method man
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How Many Ways?
+Toni braxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How Much Is Enough?
+The fixx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: How's It Going To Be?
+Third eye blind
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Human Touch?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Humpin' Around?
+Bobby brown
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Husbands And Wives?
+Brooks & dunn
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Hypnotize?
+The notorious b.i.g.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Adore Mi Amor?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Believe I Can Fly?
+R. kelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Believe In You And Me?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Believe?
+Blessid union of souls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Belong To You (Every Time I See Your Face)?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Belong To You?
+Toni braxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Can Love You Like That?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Can See Clearly Now?
+Jimmy cliff
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Can't Dance?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Can't Make You Love Me?
+Bonnie raitt
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Can't Sleep Baby(If I)?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Can't Wait Another Minute?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Didn't Want To Need You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Don't Ever Want To See You Again?
+Uncle sam
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Don't Have The Heart?
+James ingram
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Don't Know Anybody Else?
+Black box
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Don't Wanna Cry?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Don't Wanna Fight?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want To Miss A Thing?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Don't Want To?
+Toni braxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Feel You?
+Depeche mode
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Finally Found Someone?
+Barbra streisand & bryan adams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Get Around/Keep Ya Head Up?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Go To Extremes?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Got 5 On It?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Got A Man?
+Positive k
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Got A Thang 4 Ya!?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Got Id?
+Pearl jam
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Hate U?
+Prince symbol
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Have Nothing?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Know?
+Dionne farris
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Like It, I Love It?
+Tim mcgraw
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Like It?
+The blackout allstars
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Like The Way (The Kissing Game?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Like?
+Kut klose
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Live My Life For You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Love You Always Forever?
+Donna lewis
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Love You Period?
+Dan baird
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Love Your Smile?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Never Seen A Man Cry (aka I Seen A Man Die)?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Saw Red?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Shot The Sheriff?
+Warren g
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Still Love You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Swear?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Touch Myself?
+The divinyls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be Down?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be Rich?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Love You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Wanna Sex You Up?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Want To Come Over?
+Melissa etheridge
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Will Always Love You?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Will Be Here For You?
+Michael w. smith
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Will Get There?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Will Remember You?
+Amy grant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Wish It Would Rain Down?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Wish The Phone Would Ring?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Wish?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I Wonder Why /A>?
+Curtis stigers
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'd Die Without You?
+P.m. dawn
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That?
+Meat loaf
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'd Give Anything?
+Gerald levert
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'd Lie For You (And That's The Truth)?
+Meat loaf
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Around Rappin'?
+4-tay featuring the spinners
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Be By Your Side?
+Stevie b
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Be There For You?
+The rembrandts
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Your Everything?
+Tommy page
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Be Your Shelter?
+Taylor dayne
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Be?
+Edwin mccain
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Do 4 U?
+Father mc
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Get By?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Give All My Love To You?
+Keith sweat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Make Love To You?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Never Break Your Heart?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Never Get Over You (Getting Over Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Never Let You Go (Angel Eyes?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Remember?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll See You In My Dreams?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Stand By You?
+The pretenders
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'll Take You There?
+General public
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Every Woman?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Free?
+Jon secada
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Goin' Down?
+Mary j. blige
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles?
+The proclaimers
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm In The Mood?
+Ce ce peniston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Not In Love?
+Will to power
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Ready?
+Tevin campbell
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Still In Love With You?
+New edition
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm The One You Need?
+Jody watley
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm The Only One?
+Melissa etheridge
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Too Sexy?
+Right said fred
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I'm Your Baby Tonight?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I've Been Thinking About You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: I've Got A Lot To Learn About Love?
+The storm
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ice Cream?
+Chef raekwon
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ice Ice Baby?
+Vanilla ice
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Iesha?
+Another bad creation
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If I Ever Fall In Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If I Ever Lose My Faith In You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If I Had No Loot?
+Tony! toni! tone!
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If I Wanted To?
+Melissa etheridge
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If It Makes You Happy?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If U Were Mine?
+The u-krew
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If Wishes Came True?
+Sweet sensation
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If You Asked Me To?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If You Go Away?
+New kids on the block
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If You Go?
+Jon secada
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If You Love Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If You Needed Somebody?
+Bad company
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If You Think You're Lonely Now?
+K-ci hailey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If Your Girl Only Knew?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: If?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Impulsive?
+Wilson phillips
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: In 1990, which group/artist sang Wind of Change?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: In My Bed?
+Dru hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: In My Dreams?
+The party
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: In The Closet?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: In The House Of Stone And Light?
+Martin page
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: In The Still Of The Nite (I'll Remember?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: In These Arms?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Indian Outlaw?
+Tim mcgraw
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Informer?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Insane In The Brain?
+Cypress hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Insensitive?
+Jann arden
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Inside Out?
+Eve 6
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Invisible Man?
+98 degrees
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Iris?
+Goo goo dolls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ironic?
+Alanis morissette
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Is It Good To You?
+Heavy d. & the boyz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It Hit Me Like A Hammer?
+Huey lewis and the news
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It Must Be Love?
+Ty hemdon
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It Must Have Been Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It Was A Good Day?
+Ice cube
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It's All About Me?
+Mya & sisqo
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It's All Coming Back To Me Now?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: It's Your Love?
+Tim mcgraw with faith hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Jam?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Jealousy?
+Natalie mercahnt
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Jerk Out?
+The time
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Jessie?
+Joshua kadison
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Jesus He Knows Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Joey?
+Concrete blonde
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Joyride?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Juicy?
+The notorious b.i.g.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Jump Around?
+House of pain
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Jump?
+Kris kross
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Jumper?
+Third eye blind
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just A Friend?
+Biz markie
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just A Girl?
+No doubt
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just Another Day?
+Jon secada
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just Another Dream?
+Cathy dennis
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just For Tonight?
+Vanessa williams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just Kickin' It?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just Take My Heart?
+Mr. big
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just The Way It Is, Baby?
+The rembrandts
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Just Want To Hold You?
+Jasmine guy
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Justify My Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Keep Coming Back?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Keep It Comin'?
+Keith sweat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Keep It Together?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Keep On Walkin'?
+Cece peniston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Keep The Faith?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Keep Their Heads Ringin'?
+Dr. dre
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Keep Ya Head Up?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Key West Intermezzo (I Saw You First)?
+John mellencamp
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: King Of Wishful Thinking?
+Go west
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Kiss From A Rose?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Kiss Them For Me?
+Siouxsie and the banshees
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Kiss This Thing Goodbye?
+Del amitri
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Kiss You Back?
+Digital underground
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Kissin' You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Kissing You?
+Keith Washington
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Knockin' Boots?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Knockin' Da Boots?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Lady?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Last Night?
+Az yet
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Layla?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Learning To Fly?
+Tom petty and the heartbreakers
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let Her Cry?
+Hootie & the blowfish
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let It Snow?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let Me Be The One?
+Blessid union of souls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let Me Clear My Throat?
+Dj kool
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let Me Let Go?
+Faith hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let Me Ride?
+Dr. dre
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let The Beat Hit 'Em?
+Lisa lisa and cult jam
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let's Get Rocked?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Let's Talk About Sex?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Letitgo?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Life Goes On?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Life Is A Highway?
+Tom cochrane
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Lift Me Up?
+Howard jones
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Like This And Like That?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Lily Was Here?
+David a. stewart & candy duffer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Linger?
+The cranberries
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Little Miss Can't Be Wrong?
+Spin doctors
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Live And Learn?
+Joe public
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Live And Let Die?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Live For Loving You?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Livin' On The Edge?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Living In Danger?
+Ace of base
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Look Into My Eyes Bone?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Looking Through Patient Eyes?
+P.m. dawn
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Loser?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Losing My Religion?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Loungin?
+Ll cool j
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love & Emotion?
+Stevie b
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love And Affection?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love And Understanding?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love At First Sight?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Can Move Mountains?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Child?
+Sweet sensation
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Don't Love You?
+En vogue
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Is A Wonderful Thing?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Is On The Way?
+Saigon kick
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Like This?
+Faith evans
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Makes Things Happen?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Me All Up?
+Stacy earl
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Me For Life?
+Stevie b
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Of A Lifetime?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love On A Rooftop?
+Desmond child
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Shoulda Brought You Home?
+Toni braxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Sneakin' Up On You?
+Bonnie raitt
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Takes Time?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love U 4 Life?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love U More?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Will Lead You Back?
+Taylor dayne
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Love Will Never Do (Without You?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Lucas With The Lid Off?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Lucky One?
+Amy grant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Lullaby?
+Shawn mullins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Lyin' To Myself?
+David cassidy
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Macarena?
+Los del rio
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Make It Happen?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Make Love Like A Man?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Make You Sweat?
+Keith sweat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mama Said Knock You Out?
+L.l. cool j
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mama, I'm Coming Home?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Man On The Moon?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mary Jane's Last Dance?
+Tom petty and the heartbreakers
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Masterpiece?
+Atlantic starr
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mental Picture?
+Jon secada
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mentirosa?
+Mellow man ace
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology / I Want You?
+Robert palmer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Miami?
+Will smith
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Miles Away?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mind Playing Tricks On Me?
+The geto boys
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Misery?
+Soul asylum
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mishale?
+Andru donalds
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Misled?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Miss You In A Heartbeat?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Missing You Now?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm?
+Crash test dummies
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mmmbop?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Money Don't Matter 2 Night?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Moneytalks?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: More And More?
+The captain hollywood project
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: More Than Ever?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: More Than Words Can Say?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: More Than Words?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Motownphilly?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mouth?
+Merril bainbridge
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Move Any Mountain (Progen 9?
+The shamen
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Moving On Up?
+M people
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mr. Loverman?
+Shabba ranks
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mr. Vain?
+Culture beat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mr. Wendal?
+Arrested development
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My All?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Baby?
+Daddy b-rock & the bizz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Body?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Boo?
+Ghost town dj's
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Favorite Mistake?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Heart Belongs To You?
+Russ irwin
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Heart Is Failing Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Heart Will Go On?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Kinda Girl?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Little Secret?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Love Is A Fire?
+Donny osmond
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Love Is For Real?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It?
+En vogue
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Name Is Not Susan?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Name Is Prince?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Side Of The Bed?
+Susanna hoffs
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My Way?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: My, My, My?
+Johnny gill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Mysterious Ways?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Naked Eye?
+Luscious jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Name?
+Goo goo dolls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Never A Time?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Never Ever?
+All saints
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Never Forget You?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Never Gonna Let You Down?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Never Keeping Secrets?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Never Lie?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Never Make A Promise?
+Dru hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Never Should've Let You Go?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: New Age Girl?
+Deadeye dick
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nice & Slow?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nicety?
+Michel'le (ruthless
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nights Like This?
+After 7
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No Mistakes?
+Patty smyth
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No More Lies?
+Michel'le (ruthless
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No Myth?
+Michael penn
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No One Else?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No Ordinary Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No Place That Far?
+Sara evans
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No Rain?
+Blind melon
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No Son Of Mine?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: No, No, No?
+Destiny's child
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nobody Knows?
+The tony rich project
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nobody's Supposed To Be Here?
+Deborah cox
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: None Of Your Business?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Not Enough Time?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Not Gon'Cry?
+Mary j.blige
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Not The Only One?
+Bonnie raitt
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nothin' My Love Can't Fix?
+Joey lawrence
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nothin' To Hide?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nothing Broken But My Heart?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nothing Compares 2 U?
+Sinead o'connor
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nothing Else Matters?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Notice Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: November Rain?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Now And Forever?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Now That We've Found Love?
+Heavy d. and the boyz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nu Nu?
+Lidell townsell & m.t.f.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nuthin' But A G Thang?
+Dr. dre
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Nuttin' But Love?
+Heavy d. & the boyz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: O.P.P?
+Naughty by nature
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Objects In The Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are?
+Meat loaf
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Oh Girl?
+Paul young
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Old Man & Me?
+Hootie & the blowfish
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: On A Sunday Afternoon?
+A lighter shade of brown
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: On And On?
+Erykah badu
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: On Bended Knee?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: On The Way Up?
+Elisa fiorillo
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One And Only Man?
+Steve winwood
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One Last Cry?
+Brian mcknight
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One More Chance / Stay With Me?
+The notorious b.i.g.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One More Time?
+Real mccoy
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One More Try?
+Timmy t.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One Of Us?
+Joan osborne
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One Sweet Day Mariah Carey w/?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One Week?
+Barenaked ladies
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One Woman?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: One?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Only Time Will Tell?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Only Wanna Be With You?
+Hootie & the blowfish
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Only You 112 feat?
+The notorious b.i.g.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Oochie Coochie?
+M.c. brains
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ooh Aah... Just A Little Bit?
+Gina g
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ooh Child?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ooops Up?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ordinary World?
+Duran duran
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: P.A.S.S.I.O.N?
+Rythm syndicate
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Paper Doll?
+Pm dawn
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Peace In Our Time?
+Eddie money
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: People Are Still Having Sex?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: People Everyday?
+Arrested development
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Personal Jesus?
+Depeche mode
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Piece Of My Heart?
+Tara kemp
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Place In This World?
+Michael w. smith
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Play That Funky Music?
+Vanilla ice
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Playaz Club?
+Rappin' 4-tay
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Player's Anthem?
+Junior m.a.f.i.a.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Player's Ball?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Playground?
+Another bad creation
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Please Don't Go?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Please Forgive Me?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Poison?
+Bell biv devoe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Policy Of Truth?
+Depeche mode
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Pop Goes The Weasel?
+3rd bass
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Possession?
+Bad English
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Power Of Love/Love Power (Medley?
+Luther vandross
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Power Windows?
+Billy falcon
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Practice What You Preach?
+Barry white
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Pray?
+M.c. hammer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Prayer For The Dying?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Praying For Time?
+George michael
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Pretty Girl?
+Jon b.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Price Of Love?
+Bad English
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Principal's Office?
+Young mc
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Pumps And A Bump?
+M.c. hammer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Pure?
+The lightning seeds
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Quality Time?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rain?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ray Of Light?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ready Or Not?
+After 7
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Real Love?
+Mary j. blige
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Real Real Real?
+Jesus jones
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Real World?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Reason To Believe?
+Rod stewart with ronnie wood
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Red Light Special?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Regret?
+New order
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Regulate?
+Warren g and nate dog
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Release Me?
+Wilson phillips
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Released the album Postcards from heaven?
+Lighthouse family
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Remember The Time?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rescue Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Restless Heart?
+Peter cetera
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Return Of The Mack?
+Mark morrison
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Return To Innocence?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rhythm Is A Dancer?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rhythm Of My Heart?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rico Suave?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ride The Wind?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Right Here, Right Now?
+Jesus jones
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Ring My Bell?
+D.j. jazzy jeff & the fresh prince
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Roam?
+The b-52's
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through?
+Meat loaf
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Roll To Me?
+Del amitri
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Romantic?
+Karyn white
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Romeo?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Room At The Top?
+Adam ant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Round And Round?
+Tevin campbell
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rub You The Right Way?
+Johnny gill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: RuffNeck?
+Mc lyte
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rump Shaker?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Run Away?
+Real mccoy
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Run To You?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Run-Around?
+Blues traveler
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Runaway Train?
+Soul asylum
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Runaway?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Running Back To You?
+Vanessa williams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rush Rush?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Rush?
+Big audio dynamite ii
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sacrifice?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sadeness (Part?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Said I Loved You...But I Lied?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sang Lifted?
+Lighthouse family
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sang Ocean Drive?
+Lighthouse family
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Save Me?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Save Some Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Save The Best For Last?
+Vanessa williams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Save Tonight?
+Eagle-eye cherry
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Save Up All Your Tears?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Saving Forever For You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Say A Prayer?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Say It?
+Voices of theory
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Say You'll Be There?
+Spice girls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Secret Garden?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Secret?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: See The Lights?
+Simple minds
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Semi-Charmed Life?
+Third eye blind
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sending All My Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sensitivity?
+Ralph tresvant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sentimental?
+Deborah cox
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Set Adrift On Memory Bliss?
+P.m. dawn
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Set The Night To Music?
+Roberta flack with maxi priest
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Set U Free?
+Planet soul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sex And Candy?
+Marcy playground
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: She Talks To Angels?
+The black crowes
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: She's Playing Hard To Get?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Shelter Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Shine?
+Collective soul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Shiny Happy People?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Shoop?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Short Dick Man?
+20 fingers featuring gillette
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Show Me Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Show Me The Way?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Shy Guy?
+Diana king
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Signs?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Silent Lucidity?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Simple Life?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sittin' In The Lap Of Luxury?
+Louie louie
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sittin' Up In My Room?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Six Feet Deep?
+The geto boys
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Slam?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sleeping Satellite?
+Tasmin archer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Slide?
+Goo goo dolls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Slow Motion?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Smells Like Teen Spirit?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: So Alone?
+Men at large
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: So Close?
+Daryl hall & john oates
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: So Much In Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Someday?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Someone To Hold?
+Trey lorenz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Someone To Love?
+Jon b.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Someone You Used To Know?
+Collin raye
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Somethin' 4 Da Honeyz?
+Montell jordan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Something Got Me Started?
+Simply red
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Something Happened On The Way To Heaven?
+Phil collins
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Something In My Heart?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Something In Your Eyes?
+Bell biv devoe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Something To Believe In?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Something To Talk About?
+Bonnie raitt
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Something's Goin' On?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough?
+Patti smyth & don henley
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sometimes She Cries?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Soon As I Get Home?
+Faith evans
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Soul To Squeeze?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Spend My Life?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Spending My Time?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Stand Beside Me?
+Jo dee messina
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Steam?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Steamy Windows?
+Tina turner
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Step By Step?
+The new kids on the block
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Stone Cold Gentleman?
+Ralph tresvant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Stranded?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Street Of Dreams?
+Nia peeples
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Streets Of Philadelphia?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Strike It Up?
+Black box
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Stroke You Up?
+Changing faces
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Strong Enough?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sugar Hill?
+Az the visualiza
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Suicide Blonde?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sukiyaki?
+4 p.m.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Summer Rain?
+Belinda carlisle
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Summer Time?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sunny Came Home?
+Shawn colvin
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sweet Dreams?
+La bouche
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sweet Potatoe Pie?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Sweet Thing?
+Mary j. blige
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Swing My Way?
+K.p. & envyi
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: T.L.C?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Take A Bow?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Take This Heart?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Take Time?
+Chris walker
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Taking Everything?
+Gerald levert
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tears In Heaven?
+Eric clapton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tell Me Something?
+Indecent obsession
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tell Me What You Want Me To Do?
+Tevin campbell
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tell Me When?
+The human league
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tell Me?
+Groove theory
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Temple Of Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Temptation?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tender Lover?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tennessee?
+Arrested development
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tha Crossroads Bone?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Thank U?
+Alanis morissette
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Thank You?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: That Girl I Used To Know?
+Brother beyond
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: That's The Way Love Goes?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: That's What Love Can Do?
+Boy krazy
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: That's What Love Is For?
+Amy grant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Arms Of The One Who Loves You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Ballad of Jayne?
+L.a. guns
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Best Things In Life Are Free?
+Luther vandross and janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Boy Is Mine?
+Brandy & monica
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Crying Game?
+Boy george
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Deeper The Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Dream Is Still Alive?
+Wilson phillips
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Earth,The Sun The Rain?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The First Night?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The First Time?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Freshmen?
+The verve pipe
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Heart Of The Matter?
+Don henley
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Humpty Dance?
+Digital underground
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Last Song?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Most Beautiful Girl In The World?
+The artist formally known as prince
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Motown Song?
+Rod stewart
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The One And Only?
+Chesney hawkes
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The One I Gave My Heart To?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The One?
+Elton john
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Other Side?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Place Where You Belong?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Power Of Good-Bye?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Power Of Love?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Power?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Promise Of A New Day?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Real Love?
+Bob seger
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Rhythm Of The Night?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Right Kind Of Love?
+Jeremy jordan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The River Of Dreams?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Sign?
+Ace of base
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Sound Of Your Voice?
+38 special
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Star Spangled Banner?
+Whitney houston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Sweetest Days?
+Vanessa williams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Truth?
+Tami show
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Unforgiven?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Way I Feel About You?
+Karyn white
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Way She Loves Me?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The Way You Do The Things You Do?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The What?
+The notorious b.i.g.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: The World I Know?
+Collective soul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: There Will Never Be Another Tonight?
+Bryan adans
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: These Are The Times?
+Dru hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: They Don't Know?
+Jon b.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: They Want Efx?
+Das efx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Thieves In The Temple?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Think?
+Information society
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Thinkin' Back?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Thinkin' Problem?
+David ball
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This Ain't A Love Song?
+Bon jovi
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This D.J?
+Warren g
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This House?
+Tracie spencer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This Is How We Do It?
+Montell jordan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This Is The Right Time?
+Lisa stansfield
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This Is Your Night?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This Kiss?
+Faith hill
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This Lil' Game We Play?
+Subway featuring 702
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: This Used To Be My Playground?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven?
+Bryan adams
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Three Little Pigs?
+Green jelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Thuggish-Ruggish-Bone?
+Bone thugs-n-harmony
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tic-Tac-Toe?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Time And Chance?
+Color me badd
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Time For Letting Go?
+Jude cole
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Time, Love, And Tenderness?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: To Be With You?
+Mr. big
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: To Love Somebody?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Together Again?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Together Forever?
+Lisette melendez
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tonight?
+New kids on the block
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tonite's Tha Night?
+Kris kross
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Too Blind To See It?
+Kym sims
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Too Close?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Too Funky?
+George michael
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Too Hot?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Too Late To Say Goodbye?
+Richard marx
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Too Many Walls?
+Cathy dennis
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Too Much Passion?
+The smithereens
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Too Much?
+Spice girls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tootsee Roll?
+69 boyz
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Top Of The World?
+Van halen
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Total Eclipse Of The Heart?
+Nicki french
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Touch It?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Touch Me (All Night Long?
+Cathy dennis
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: True Blue Love?
+Lou gramm
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Truly Madly Deeply?
+Savage garden
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Tubthumping?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Turn The Beat Around?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Turtle Power!?
+Partners in kryme
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Twisted?
+Keith sweat
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Two Princes?
+The spin doctors
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Two Steps Behind?
+Def leppard
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: U Can't Touch This?
+M.c. hammer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: U Send Me Swingin'?
+Mint condition
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: U Will Know?
+B.m.u. (black men united
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: U.N.I.T.Y?
+Queen latifah
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Uhh Ahh?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Un-Break My Heart?
+Toni blaxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Under The Bridge?
+The red hot chili peppers
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Understanding?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Unskinny Bop?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Until Your Love Comes Back Around?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Untill It Sleeps?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Up All Night?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Very Special?
+Big daddy kane
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Vibeology?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Vision Of Love?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Vogue?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Voices That Care?
+Voices that care
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Waiting For Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Waiting For That Day?
+George michael
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Walk On The Ocean?
+Toad the wet sprocket
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Walk Through Fire?
+Bad company
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Walking In Memphis?
+Marc cohn
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Walking On Broken Glass?
+Annie lennox
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wannabe?
+Spice girls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wannagirl?
+Jeremy jordan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Warm It Up?
+Kris kross
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Warning?
+The notorious b.i.g.
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Was It Nothing At All?
+Michael damian
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Water Runs Dry?
+Boyz ii men
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Waterfalls?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: We Can't Go Wrong?
+The cover girls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: We Got A Love Thang?
+Cece peniston
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: We Want The Funk?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: We're All In The Same Gang?
+The west coast rap all-stars
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Weak?
+Swv (sisters with voices
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Westside?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What About Us?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What About Your Friends?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted?
+Paul young
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What Comes Naturally?
+Sheena easton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What Is Love?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What It Takes?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What Kind Of Man Would I Be?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What Miami artist broke her back in March 1990?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What's My Name?
+Snoop doggy dog
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What's On Tonight?
+Montell jordan
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What's The Frequency, Kenneth?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: What's Up?
+4 non blondes
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When A Man Loves A Woman?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When I Can See You?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When I Fall In Love?
+Celine dion and clive griffin
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When I Look Into Your Eyes?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When I'm Back On My Feet Again?
+Michael bolton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When She Cries?
+Restless heart
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When The Lights Go Out?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When We Dance?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When You Believe?
+Whitney houston & mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When You Love A Woman?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: When You're Gone T?
+He cranberries
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Where Do You Go?
+No mercy
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Where Does My Heart Beat Now?
+Celine dion
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?
+Paula cole
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Where You Goin' Now?
+Damn yankees
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Whip Appeal?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Who Can I Run To?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Who Do U Love?
+Deborah cox
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Who had the top grossing concert?
+Billy joel
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Who Will Save Your Soul?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Whole Wide World?
+A'me lorain
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Whoomp (There It Is?
+Tag team
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Whoot, There It Is?
+95 south
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Why I Love You So Much?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Why?
+Annie lennox
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wicked Game?
+Chris isaak
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wiggle It?
+2 in a room
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wild Women Do?
+Natalie cole
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wild World?
+Mr. big
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wildside?
+Marky mark and the funky bunch
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Will You Be There (In The Morning?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Will You Be There?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Will You Marry Me?
+Paula abdul
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Willing To Forgive?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wind Of Change?
+The scorpions
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wishing On A Star?
+The cover girls
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: With You?
+Tony terry
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Without You?
+Motley crue
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Without You/Never Forget You?
+Mariah carey
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Woman In Chains?
+Tears for fears
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wonder?
+Natalie merchant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wonderful?
+Adam ant
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wonderwall?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Woo-Hah!! Got You All In Check?
+Busta rhymes
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Would I Lie To You?
+Charles and eddie
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Written All Over Your Face?
+Rude boys
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Wrong Again?
+Martina mcbride
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Are Not Alone?
+Michael jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Better Wait?
+Steve perry
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Can't Deny It?
+Lisa stansfield
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Could Be Mine?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Don't Have To Go Home Tonight?
+The triplets
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Don't Know How It Feels?
+Tom petty
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Got It?
+Bonnie raitt
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Gotta Be?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Know How We Do It?
+Ice cube
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Learn?
+Alanis morissete
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Lied To Me?
+Cathy dennis
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Make Me Wanna...?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Mean The World To Me?
+Toni braxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Must Love Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Remind Me Of Something?
+R. kelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Remind Me?
+Mary j. blige
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Remind Of Something?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Think You Know Her?
+Cause & effect
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Used To Love Me?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Want This?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Were Meant For Me/Foolish Games?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You Won't See Me Cry?
+Wilson phillips
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You'll See?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You're Amazing?
+Robert palmer
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You're Beginning To Get To Me?
+Clay walker
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You're Easy On The Eyes?
+Terri clark
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You're In Love?
+Wilson phillips
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You're Makin' Me High?
+Toni braxton
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You're Still The One?
+Shania twain
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You're The One?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You're The Only Woman?
+The brat pack
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: You?
+Jesse powell
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Your Baby Never Looked Good In Blue?
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Your Body's Callin'?
+R. kelly
+Music: 1990s: Artist/Band: Your Woman?
+White town
+Music: 1990s: Cyndi Lauper sang this song 1994?
+Hey now(girls just want to have fun)
+Music: 1990s: D?Arcy was the bass player of what 90's band?
+Smashing Pumpkins
+Music: 1990s: In 1990 Madonna made a documentary feature film. What was the title?
+Truth or dare
+Music: 1990s: In 1992, which album did neil young release as a sequel to his 1972 lp harvest?
+Harvest moon
+Music: 1990s: In 1993 why were Liz Taylor, Liza Minnelli, Guns N' Roses and Elton John all on the same London stage?
+Freddie mercury tribute
+Music: 1990s: name an album by Lighthouse family?
+Postcards from Heaven
+Music: 1990s: Song: According to this number one song everybody's free to wear...?
+Music: 1990s: Song: The first rap song to hit #1 in 1990 on the pop charts was by who?
+Mc hammer
+Music: 1990s: This rock satirist died in December 1993?
+Frank zappa
+Music: 1990s: what album did neil young release as a sequel to his 1972 lp harvest?
+Harvest moon
+Music: 1990s: What group's album sales were banned in Browling County , Florida?
+2 live crew
+Music: 1990s: What pop star chose to name one of her companies slutco in 1992?
+Music: 1990s: What pop star chose to name one of her companies Slutco?
+Music: 1990s: What rock group thought Incesticide would make a nice album title?
+Music: 1990s: What singer's sister, Laura, penned the memoir 'Love, Janis'?
+Janis joplin
+Music: 1990s: What song did Glen Medieros and Bobby Brown do together?
+She aint worth it
+Music: 1990s: What video did MTV refuse to play because it was too suggestive?
+Justify my love
+Music: 1990s: What was the song title used by both En Vogue and Wilson Phillips?
+Hold on
+Music: 1990s: Which boy band had three number ones in 1993?
+Take That
+Music: 1990s: Who did the Blonde Ambition tour?
+Music: 1990s: Who had animal rights activists angry over taking a panther on stage?
+Janet jackson
+Music: 1990s: Whose 1992 Bucharest concert had 22,000 policemen and security guards?
+Michael jackson's
+Music: 1993 Crash test dummies classic(?)?
+Mmm mmm mmm mmm
+Music: 1996 was the year of long-staying hits. How manly No 1s were there?
+Music: 2000s: 2002 album released by The Pet Shop Boys?
+Music: 2000s: 2002 crossroads name the artist?
+Blazin' squad
+Music: 2000s: 2002 name the artist 'too bad'?
+Music: 2000s: 2002 name the artist underneath your clothes?
+Music: 2000s: 2002 what is the sugarbabe secon hit single?
+Round round
+Music: 2000s: 2002 who sang kiss kiss?
+Holly valance
+Music: 2000s: 2002, a rare appearance in the UK charts for Marilyn Manson with which song?
+Tainted Love
+Music: 2000s: 2002, record in the Uk charts by Jennifer Lopez?
+Ain't it funny
+Music: 2000s: 2002, top 10 (UK) hit by faithless?
+One step too far
+Music: 2000s: 2002, top 20(UK) who ad a hit with Aint it funny?
+Jennifer Lopez
+Music: 2000s: 2002, which group featured in the UK chart with How you remind Me?
+Music: 2000s: 2002, who appeared in the UK charts with Ride wid us?
+So solid crew
+Music: 2000s: 2002, who sang the spoof record, Me Julia?
+Ali G and Shaggy
+Music: 2000s: 2002, whose double single Anything is Possible/Evergreen stormed the UK charts?
+Will Young
+Music: 2000s: 2002, whose reworking of the old Soft Cell record Tainted Love saw him make a rare popular chart appearace in 2002?
+Marilyn Manson
+Music: 2000s: Artist/Band: Who had a Number 1 hit in 2000 with 'American Pie'?
+Music: 2000s: June 2002, Kylies top ten hit?
+Love at first sight
+Music: 2000s: June 2002, Top 10 album for Kylie Minogue?
+Music: 2000s: June 2002, Top 10 hit for Scooter?
+The logical song
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, Eminems top 10 hit?
+Without me
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, Liberty Xs top 10 hit?
+Just a little
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, name of S Club Juniors top 20 hit?
+One step closer
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, Name of the World Cup anthem by ant and dec?
+We're on the ball
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, name of Westlifes top 20 hit?
+Bop bop baby
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, Ronan Keatings top 10 hit?
+Tomorrow never comes
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, top ten album by Liberty X?
+Thinking it over
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, top ten album by Ronan keating?
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, which vaughan williams violin piece has been voted top British classical composition of all time?
+The lark ascending
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, Who did the World Cup anthem?
+Ant and dec
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, Who had a top 10 hit with Escape?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, who had a top 10 hit with Kiss Kiss?
+Holly valance
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, who had a top 20 hit with Dont let me get me?
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, who had a top 20 hit with It takes more?
+Ms dynamite
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, who had a top 20 hit with Reason?
+Ian van dahl
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, Who had a top ten hit with Its Ok?
+Atomic kitten
+Music: 2000s: May 2002, Will Youngs 2nd No 1?
+Light my fire
+Music: 2000s: Who topped the uk charts with a blondie cover in 2002?
+Atomic kitten
+Music: 2000s: Whose 2002 album is called Release?
+Pet Shop Boys
+Music: 2010s: What 2015 song by Adele debuted at #1 on the Billboard charts?
+Music: 2010s: What dance move did Miley Cyrus famously perform at the Video Music Awards?
+Music: 2010s: What does the D stand for in EDM?
+Music: 2010s: What female singer's last name is something that you can order at Starbucks?
+Ariana Grande
+Music: 2010s: What headphones company, co-founded by Dr. Dre, was purchased by Apple?
+Music: 2010s: What is the real name of rapper Childish Gambino?
+Donald Glover
+Music: 2010s: What song by Mark Ronson dominated the radio airwaves during the spring of 2015?
+Uptown Funk
+Music: 2010s: What song by Psy is the most-viewed Youtube video of all time?
+Gangnam Style
+Music: 2010s: What two female singers have recorded the most U.S. #1 hits during the decade?
+Katy Perry and Rihanna
+Music: 2010s: Where does Hozier want you to take him?
+Music: 2010s: Who are the best-selling boy band of the decade?
+One Direction
+Music: 2010s: Who is the lead singer of Maroon 5?
+Adam Levine
+Music: 2nd Fiddles: Archie Bell and the ____
+Music: 2nd Fiddles: Herb Alpert and the ____
+Tijuana brass
+Music: 2nd Fiddles: MC Skat Kat and the ____ ____
+Stray mob
+Music: 2nd Fiddles: Paul Shaffer and the ____
+Worlds most dangerous band
+Music: 2nd Fiddles: Peaches and ____
+Music: 311 Got their name from a police code for what offense?
+Indecent exposure
+Music: A baby angel smoking a cigarette was the cover for this group's album?
+Van Halen
+Music: a beatles song sung by ringo starr with lyrics by other beatles?
+What goes on
+Music: A brass instrument which normally uses a slide?
+Music: A Cadence on a V chord is known most commonly in the US as what?
+Deceptive cadence
+Music: A dance from Brazil which was considered very very suggestive?
+Music: A gritty psychedelic version of Dale Hawkin's 'Suzy Q' was on which group's first album in 1968?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: A guitarist with the band Television?
+Richard lloyd
+Music: A lively Spanish dance in triple time to guitar and castanets?
+Music: A medieval bowed musical instrument of the violin family?
+Music: A method of voice production by male singers used to vocalise notes higher than their normal range?
+Music: A printed form of a composition showing vocal and instrumental parts on separate staves?
+Music: A short version of her name rhymes with dress?
+Music: Abbreviation of rinforzando?
+Music: Abbreviation of rinforzando?
+Music: Abbreviation of the minor scale?
+Music: Abbreviation of the minor scale?
+Music: About whose sister is John Lennons song Dear Prudence?
+Mia farrows
+Music: According to Elton John, what time is 'Zero Hour' in the song 'Rocket Man'?
+Music: According to many singers over the years ... What keep falling on their head?
+Music: According to Roy Orbison 'No one could look as good as____
+Pretty woman
+Music: According to the 70s no 1 what did video kill?
+The radio Star
+Music: According to the Duke, you take this to Harlem?
+The a train
+Music: According to this song by Blood, Sweat and Tears, what goes up must come down?
+Spinning wheel
+Music: According to Tommy Tutone, whose phone number is 867 5309?
+Music: According to Voice of the Beehive this is a flame from the devil's fire?
+The beat of love
+Music: Adam Ant advocates we do this in the title cut of his 1983 album?
+Music: Adam Ants first solo single?
+Goody two shoes
+Music: Adam Ants real name?
+Stuart Goddard
+Music: Adrian Belew's pop quartet?
+The bears
+Music: Aerosmith: Album: Includes the songs F.I.N.E. and What It Takes?
+Music: Aerosmith: Song about lust in a place you find in a department store?
+Love in an elevator
+Music: Aerosmith: Songs?
+Walk This Way
+Music: Aerosmith: What is the name of Aerosmith's first box set?
+Pandoras box
+Music: Aerosmith: What is the name of the Aerosmith fan club?
+Aero force one
+Music: Aerosmith: What song did Aerosmith perform live at MTV-10?
+Dream on
+Music: Aerosmith: When Joe Perry briefly left the group. who was his replacement?
+Jimmy crespo
+Music: Alan Parsons Project: David Paton plays this instrument for the Alan Parsons Project?
+Music: Alan Parsons Project: This video features a smiling moon?
+Dont answer me
+Music: Alan Parsons Project: Which album is based on the works of an artist?
+Music: Album: 'Sliver' 'Son of a Gun' 'Downer'?
+Music: Album: Biscuit, Sour Times, Glory Box (Portishead)?
+Music: Album: Breeder's songs Divine Hammer, Driving On Nine, No Aloha?
+Last splash
+Music: Album: First Police album?
+Outlandos damour
+Music: Album: Hyperactive, I Didnt Mean To Turn You On, Addicted to Love?
+Music: Album: Iris, Lime House, Doe?
+Music: Album: Name the album on which natalie cole sang 'duets' with her deceased father?
+Music: Album: need You Tonight, Devil Inside?
+Music: Album: Nick The Stripper, Cry, King Ink?
+Prayers on fire
+Music: Album: Paper Moon, Unforgettable, Route 66?
+Music: Album: Pissant, Spaced, Blue?
+Pisces iscariot
+Music: Album: Popscene, Sunday Sunday, For Tomorrow?
+Modern life is rubbish
+Music: Album: Queen Jane, Armchair Anarchist, Ten Years Asleep?
+Music: Album: Rolling Stones songs All Down the Line, Rocks Off, Sweet Virginia?
+Exile on main street
+Music: Album: Ruined in a Day, Young Offender, Special?
+Music: Album: Sarah, Reggaejunkiejew, Big Jilm?
+Pure guava
+Music: Album: Secrets, Forest, M?
+Seventeen seconds
+Music: Album: Shoop, Whatta Man?
+Very necessary
+Music: Album: Star Power, Marilyn Moore, Tom Violence?
+Music: Album: Suburbia, I Want A Lover, Later Tonight (Pet Shop Boys)?
+Music: Album: Suffer Little Children, Pretty Girls Make Graves?
+The smiths
+Music: Album: Sugar Hiccup, Glass Candle Grenades?
+Head over heels
+Music: Album: The Anchor Song, Violently Happy?
+Music: Album: The year, 1994. The artist, Pink Floyd?
+The division bell
+Music: Album: Too Young To Die, Blow Your Mind?
+Emergency on planet earth
+Music: Album: Used To Be, Out The Window?
+Why do birds sing
+Music: Album: What is the name of Dead Can Dance's 'greatest hits' album?
+Passage in time
+Music: Album: You, I Sho Do, Circle Dance, Love Sneaking Up On You?
+Longing in their hearts
+Music: Albums 2002, top 10 (UK) by Celine Dion?
+A new day has come
+Music: Albums 2002, top 10 (UK) by Darren Hayes?
+Music: Albums 2002, top 10 (UK) by Nickelback?
+Silver side up
+Music: Albums 2002, top 10 (UK) which artist/group - A new day has come?
+Celine Dion
+Music: Albums 2002, top 10 (UK) which artist/group - Spin?
+Darren Hayes
+Music: Albums 2002, top 10 album by Anastacia?
+Freak of nature
+Music: Albums 2002, which group/artist had a top 10 (UK) with Silver side Up?
+Music: Albums 2002, whose album is called Freak of nature?
+Music: Albums: Balls to the Wall, London Leatherboys, Head Over Heels?
+Balls to the wall
+Music: Albums: Captain Fantastic & The ____ ____ ____
+Brown dirt cowboy
+Music: Albums: Classic Sinatra with Count Basie in Las Vegas, 1966?
+Sinatra at the sands
+Music: Albums: Dark Side Of The ____ (pink floyd)
+Music: Albums: Down Under, Who Can It Be Now, Helpless Automaton?
+Business as usual
+Music: Albums: Dr Dre's debut, the funkiest thing since Parliament?
+The chronic
+Music: Albums: Every Heartbeat, Baby Baby?
+Heart in motion
+Music: Albums: Funky Jam, Struttin, (Im Gonna) Cry Myself Blind?
+Give out but dont give up
+Music: Albums: Guns In The Sky, Never Tear Us Apart, Devil Inside?
+Music: Albums: I Think That I Would Die, Violet, Gutless?
+Live through this
+Music: Albums: I Wish, Sir Duke?
+Songs in the key of life
+Music: Albums: Im Your Man, careless Whisper, freedom?
+Make it big
+Music: Albums: Keith Richards' solo debut?
+Talk is cheap
+Music: Albums: Kim The Waitress, Goin' Through Your Purse, She's Going Through My Head?
+Freak city soundtrack
+Music: Albums: Kinda I Want To, Sin, The Only Time?
+Pretty hate machine
+Music: Albums: Livin on A Prayer, You Give Love a Bad Name?
+Slippery when wet
+Music: Albums: Lose My Breath, Feed Me With Your Kiss?
+Isnt anything
+Music: Albums: Mars, Call Mr. Lee?
+Music: Albums: Miami 2017, Angry Young Man, I've Loved These Days?
+Music: Albums: Mick Jagger's solo album which has covers of James Brown and Bill Withers?
+Wandering spirit
+Music: Albums: New Kid In Town, Life in The Fast Lane, The Sad Cafe?
+Hotel California
+Music: Albums: New York new York, What Now My Love, Ive Got the World On A String?
+Music: Albums: One of the top selling albums of all time, Peter Frampton's live album?
+Frampton comes alive
+Music: Albums: Pale Blue Eyes, The Murder Mystery?
+The velvet underground
+Music: Albums: Paradise City, Sweet Child O Mine?
+Appetite for destruction
+Music: Albums: Pigs, Sheep, Dogs?
+Music: Albums: Posession, Mary, Circle, Ice Cream?
+Fumbling toward ecstasy
+Music: Albums: Romance, Heavenly Bodies, Bop 'Til You Drop?
+One size Fits All
+Music: Albums: Sledgehammer, Big Time, Dont Give Up?
+Music: Albums: Stayin Alive, How Deep Is Your Love, If I Cant Have You?
+Saturday night fever
+Music: Albums: Sub-culture, Sooner Than You Think, Face Up?
+Low life
+Music: Albums: Two Out of Three Aint Bad, Paradise By The Dashboard Light?
+Bat out of hell
+Music: Albums: Union Of The Snake, The Seventh Stranger, New Moon On Monday?
+Seven and the ragged tiger
+Music: Albums: When Doves Cry, I Would Die 4 U?
+Purple rain
+Music: Albums: While there are only a few actual songs, Denis Leary makes it all funny?
+No cure for cancer
+Music: Albums: Would, Sickman, Rooster?
+Music: Alice Cooper (original psycho rocker) played ____ for Bob Dylan before he was famous?
+Music: Alice In Chains: Album: Junkhead, Rooster, Rain When I Die?
+Music: All ____Time - Tiffany
+Music: All Over The World - Electric Light ____
+Music: All that she wants is another baby?
+All that she wants
+Music: Alt Tune: A heart, a heart that hurts is a heart, a heart that worked-Juliana Hatfield?
+Universal heart-beat
+Music: Alt Tune: Buying toys & gifts for friends youve been wasting gold on love...-Spookey?
+Music: Alt Tune: He walks in the cold sun & the wind All these years will not begin-Soundgarden?
+Room a thousand years Wide
+Music: Alt Tune: I love all of you Hurt by the cold So hard an lonely too-Red Hot Chili Peppers?
+My friends
+Music: Alt Tune: If you should die before me ask if you can bring a friend-Stone Temple Pilots?
+Still remains
+Music: Alt Tune: If youre lonely you get lazy If youre lazy you get lonely-Neds Atomic Dustbin?
+Who goes first
+Music: Alt Tune: Is there something you lack when Im flat on my back...-Elastica?
+Music: Alt Tune: LA Lakers Fast break makers Kings of the court Shake and bake...-R.H.C.P?
+Magic johnson
+Music: Alt Tune: She knows & she knows, she knows, she knows. And she knows...-Smashing Pumpkins?
+Music: Alt Tune: Stand up Youve got to manage I wont sympathize Anymore...-Bjork?
+Army of me
+Music: Alt Tune: The will outweighs the pain, hes already jumped in...-hHead?
+Music: Alt Tune: Thinning ice...14 hairdryers...-Bush [my favourite line :)]?
+Music: Alt Tune: When your chained to the mirror and the razor blade...-oasis?
+Morning glory
+Music: Although his early career was snuffed out in the same plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, this east L A kid had a memorable top ten hit about his girlfriend, Donna?
+Richie valens
+Music: Although the 'fabulous thunderbirds' sang 'i thank you' it was originally released by what soul duo in 1968?
+Sam and dave
+Music: Although the fabulous Thunderbirds sang 'I Thank You' it was originally released by this soul duo in 1968?
+Sam & dave
+Music: Alvin & the ____
+Music: Alvin and the Chipmunks sang about what colour 'People Eater'?
+Music: Always On My ____- Pet Shop Boys
+Music: Ambient-Pop English/French group founded by Laetitia Sadier and Tim Gane?
+Music: American composer who wrote the songs for the film 'Holiday Inn'?
+Irving Berlin
+Music: Amy's home is located just outside this Tennessee city?
+Music: An example of Renaissance secular music, this type of music is designed for mixed chorus and is usually about love?
+Music: An intrigue with future blank diary pages inspired her to write Book of Days?
+Music: An R&B song which catalogues many dance moves of the day?
+Land of 1000 dances
+Music: An underground party, with lots of dance music?
+Music: Andy Bell was in this group before Erasure?
+Music: Andy Warhol created an album cover for what band?
+The Velvet Underground
+Music: Angel ____- Jeff Healey Band
+Music: Angelia - ____Marx
+Music: Angry young man who leads Nine Inch Nails?
+Trent reznor
+Music: Angus Young takes his band on a highway to ____
+Music: Animaniacs Tunes: Magellan, in his ballad, is looking for...?
+East indies
+Music: Animaniacs Tunes: Planet forgotten by Yakko in the galaxy touring song...?
+Music: Animaniacs Tunes: Second place Magellan mistakes for the East Indies...?
+Music: Animaniacs Tunes: Song Titles: Wakko's America, Yakko's World, and Yakko's...?
+Music: Animaniacs Tunes: What famous singer does the voice of Rita, the musical cat?
+Bernadette peters
+Music: Another Day In Paradise - ____Collins
+Music: Architect of Bebop who outlived his contemporary C Parker by many decades?
+Dizzy gillespie
+Music: Art Of Noise remade this popular theme song by Mancini?
+Peter gunn theme
+Music: article of clothing worn by little girl in brian hyland's chart- topper?
+Itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polkadot bikini
+Music: Artis the Spoonman is the subject of a song by this Seattle band?
+Music: Artist talking about being a free man in Paris?
+Joni mitchell
+Music: Artist: Wise man says/Only fools rush in/But I can't help/Falling in love with you?
+Music: Artist/Band: ____ jett
+Music: Artist/Band: ...And Justice for All (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: ...Baby One More Time (Martin)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: ...come together with your hands, save me, I'm together with your plan...?
+Music: Artist/Band: '... Baby One More Time' & 'Sometimes'?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: '25 or 6 to 4'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'a kiss is just a kiss' in the film 'casablanca'?
+Dooley wilson
+Music: Artist/Band: 'all i want to do'?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: Artist/Band: 'all right now'?
+The free
+Music: Artist/Band: 'an innocent man'?
+Billy joel
+Music: Artist/Band: 'another one bites the dust'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'band on the run'?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: Artist/Band: 'beds are burning'?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: 'ben'?
+Michael jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: 'born in the u.s.a'?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: Artist/Band: 'bridge over troubled water'?
+Simon and garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: 'Champagne Supernova' & 'Don't Go Away'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'dreamy eyes' in 1962?
+Johnny tillotson
+Music: Artist/Band: 'Fire & Rain'?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: 'foolish games'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'Forever Young' and 'Big in Japan'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'friends in low places' and 'thunder rolls'?
+Garth brooks
+Music: Artist/Band: 'god told abraham kill me your son. abe said man you must be puttin' me on'?
+Bob dylan
+Music: Artist/Band: 'have you ever seen the rain'?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: 'I Don't Want To Miss A Thing' & 'Pink'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'i will always love you'?
+Whitney houston
+Music: Artist/Band: 'I'm a Believer'?
+The Monkees
+Music: Artist/Band: 'if a problem comes along, you must whip it ...'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'jet airliner'?
+Steve miller
+Music: Artist/Band: 'kind of a drag' in 1966?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'lonely boy'?
+Paul anka
+Music: Artist/Band: 'lullabye'?
+Shawn mullins
+Music: Artist/Band: 'moon river'?
+Andy williams
+Music: Artist/Band: 'mr sandman'?
+Andrews sisters
+Music: Artist/Band: 'my prerogative'?
+Bobby brown
+Music: Artist/Band: 'Popsicle', 'Hangin' Tough', 'Please Don't Go Girl' & 'Step By Step'?
+New kids on the block
+Music: Artist/Band: 'popsicle', 'hangin' tough', please don't go girl' and 'step by step'?
+New kids on the block
+Music: Artist/Band: 'respect'?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: Artist/Band: 'rockin' down the highway'?
+Grand funk railroad
+Music: Artist/Band: 'runaround'?
+Blues traveler
+Music: Artist/Band: 'The Sweetest Thing'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'think' in the original 'blues brothers' film?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: Artist/Band: 'tiptoe through the tulips' in 1969?
+Tiny tim
+Music: Artist/Band: 'Truly Madly Deeply'?
+Savage garden
+Music: Artist/Band: 'Two of Us'?
+Grover Washington with Bill Withers
+Music: Artist/Band: 'winonna's big brown beaver'?
+Music: Artist/Band: 'wooly bully'?
+Sham and the pharaohs
+Music: Artist/Band: (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth?
+Music: Artist/Band: (Don't Go Back to) Rockville (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: (Everything I Do I Do It For You?
+Bryan adams
+Music: Artist/Band: (I Know) I'm Losing You (Grand/Holland/Whitfield)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: (I'm Caught Between) Goodbye and I Love... (Bettis/Carpenter)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: (Just Like) Starting Over?
+John lennon
+Music: Artist/Band: (Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream (McCurdy)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: (Remember The Days Of The) Old School Yard?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: (Remember the Days of the) Old Schoolyard (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: (Something Inside) So Strong?
+Labi siffre
+Music: Artist/Band: (They Long to Be) Close to You (Bacharach/David)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: (Want You) Back in My Life Again (Chater/Christian)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: (You Drive Me) Crazy (Elofsson/Krueger/Magnusson/Martin)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: 1-2-3 (Estefan/Garcia)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: 1000 Miles Away - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: 11-17-70 (17-11-70 in Europe)?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: 16 Candles - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: 17 Days (Coleman/Fink/Melvion/Nelson)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: 1979 (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: 1996 ( Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: 2000 Miles (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: 3 a.m. (Goff/Stanley/Thomas/Yale)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: 4th of July (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: 665 (Cornell/Yamamoto)?
+Music: Artist/Band: 7 Chinese Brothers (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: 7 O'Clock News/Silent Night (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: 9-9 (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: 96 Tears ? And - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: A Day In The Life - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: A Day In The Life?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: a duet with Elton John that produced the hit 'Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me' in 1991?
+George Michael
+Music: Artist/Band: a duet with Peter Cetera on the song 'Next Time I Fall' in 1986?
+Amy Grant
+Music: Artist/Band: A Hard Day's Night - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: A Little Bit More?
+Dr hook
+Music: Artist/Band: A singer, she lost her Miss America crown because she posed in Penthouse?
+Vanessa williams
+Music: Artist/Band: a song inspired by 'alice in wonderland'?
+Jefferson airplane
+Music: Artist/Band: A Taste Of Honey?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: about 'the boogie boogie bugle boy of company b'?
+Andrews sisters
+Music: Artist/Band: about 'the bugle boy of company b'?
+Andrews sisters
+Music: Artist/Band: about a 'white wedding'?
+Billy idol
+Music: Artist/Band: About a Girl (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: about a pretty flamingo in 1966?
+Manfred mann
+Music: Artist/Band: about cars and girls in 1988?
+Prefab sprout
+Music: Artist/Band: about desmond & molly jones?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: about desmond and molly jones?
+Music: Artist/Band: about the 'Werewolves of London'?
+Warren zevon
+Music: Artist/Band: about the fall of man in 'the tall oak tree'?
+Dorsey burnette
+Music: Artist/Band: Absolute Beginners?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Abuse Me (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Acquiesce (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Across The Universe?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Act Naturally?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Adhesive (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Aero Zeppelin (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Aeroplane Flies High (Turns Left, Looks... (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Affirmation?
+Savage garden
+Music: Artist/Band: After All?
+Cher & peter cetera
+Music: Artist/Band: After Forever (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: After Jane's Addiction broke up the lead singer formed this band?
+Porno for pyros
+Music: Artist/Band: After The Love Has Gone?
+Earth, wind & fire
+Music: Artist/Band: Against The Wind?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: Artist/Band: Age of Innocence (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Ain't It Fun (Chrome/Laughner)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Ain't No Fun (Waiting Round to Be a... (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Ain't Too Proud To Beg - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Aja?
+Steely dan
+Music: Artist/Band: Al Despertar (Iglesias/Morales)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Albatross (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Album entitled Talk on corners?
+The Corrs
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Black Sunday?
+Cypress hill
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Blue Sky Mining?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Check Your Head?
+Beastie boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Disintegration?
+The cure
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Kerosene Hat?
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Kick?
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Mellow Gold?
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Rastaman Vibration?
+Bob marley
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: The Rhythm of the Saints?
+Paul simon
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: War?
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: What's Goin' On?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: Artist/Band: Albums: Wildflowers?
+Tom petty
+Music: Artist/Band: Ali Campbell sings lead with which group?
+Music: Artist/Band: Alien Nation (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Alive (Gossard/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: All Apologies (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: All Around (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: All Around the World (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: All by Myself (Carmen/Rachmaninov)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: All Down the Line (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Ask (Finn/Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Ever Need Is You (Holiday/Reeves)?
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Ever Wanted (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Ever Wanted (Ligertwood/Santana/Solberg)?
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Have To Do Is Dream - The?
+Everly Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Have To Do Is Dream?
+Bobby gentry & glen campbell
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Have to Give (Full Force)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Really Want to Do (Dylan)?
+Music: Artist/Band: All I Want Is You This Christmas (Briley/Calitri)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: All I've Got To Do?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: All in the Name of Rock & Roll (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: All My Loving - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: All My Loving?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: All night long at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics closing ceremony?
+Lionel richie
+Music: Artist/Band: All Round the World (Reprise) (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: All Saints [#] (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: All She Wants Is (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: All Sold Out (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: All the Voices (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: All the Way (Cahn/VanHeusen)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: All Things Must Pass?
+George harrison
+Music: Artist/Band: All Together Now?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: All You Get from Love Is a Long Song (Eaton)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: All Your Lies (Cornell/Thayil/Yamamoto)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Alma Mater (Smith)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Already Gone (Stradlund/Tempchin)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Alright (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Alright for an Hour (Davis/Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Although his career was snuffed out in the same plane crash that killed buddy 'this ain't no party, this ain't no disco ...' were lyrics from which group's 1979 release 'life during wartime'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Although his career was snuffed out in the same plane crash that killed buddy holly, which east l.a kid had a memorable top ten hit about his girlfriend donna?
+Richie valens
+Music: Artist/Band: Although the Sun Is Shining (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Although they recorded more that should have been u.s hits, 'tell her no', 'time of the season' and 'she's not there were the only ones to make it to the u.s top ten for which band?
+Music: Artist/Band: Always Crashing in the Same Car (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Always Have Always Will?
+Ace of base
+Music: Artist/Band: Always on the Run (Kravitz/Slash)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Am I Blue (Akst/Clark)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Am I Inside (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Amar Haciendo el Amor (Benito/Mann/Rich Denise)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: America (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Among the Living (Anthrax)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Amor (Barlow/Quintana/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Amy Ray, Emily Saliers?
+Indigo girls
+Music: Artist/Band: An Innocent Man?
+Billy joel
+Music: Artist/Band: An Old Raincoat Wont Ever Let You Down (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: And do you feel scared/I do/But I won't stop and falter?
+Howard jones
+Music: Artist/Band: And I Love You So?
+Don mclean
+Music: Artist/Band: And It Stoned Me (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: And So I Know (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: And you run and you run/To catch up with the sun/but it's sinking?
+Pink floyd
+Music: Artist/Band: And Your Bird Can Sing?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Angel (Hendrix)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Angel (Nicks)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Angel With the Scabbed Wings (Gacy/Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Angels (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Angry (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Angry Chair (Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Angus Young, Bon Scott?
+Music: Artist/Band: Animal Magic (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Animal?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Anji (Graham)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Anna (Go To Him)?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Another Girl?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Another Sad Love Song?
+Toni braxton
+Music: Artist/Band: Another Saturday Night (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Another Time, Another Place (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Answer to Our Life (Carter/Dorough/Littrell/McLean/Richardson)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Antichrist Superstar (Gacy/ Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Antisocial (Bonvoisin/Krief)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Any Time At All?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Anything (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Anything for You (Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Anywhere for You (Baker/Perry)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Apache Rose Peacock (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Applebite (Cameron/Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: April Come She Will (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: april love?
+Pat boone
+Music: Artist/Band: Aqua Marine?
+Music: Artist/Band: Aquarius - The?
+Fifth Dimension
+Music: Artist/Band: Are You Gonna Go My Way (Kravitz/Ross)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Are You in It for Love (Barry/Child)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Are You Lonesome Tonight?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Artist/Band: Argue (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Army Ants (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Around the Bend (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Around the World (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Art Decade (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Art School Girl (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: arthur's theme (best that you can do)?
+Christopher cross
+Music: Artist/Band: As Long as You Love Me (Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: As Sure as I Am (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Ashes in the Fall (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Ashes to Ashes (Bordin/Bottum/Gould/Hudson/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Ashes to Ashes (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Ashes To Ashes?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Asi Es la Vida (Escolar/Flores)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Ask Me Why?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: At the Zoo (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Atlanta (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Attitude (Danzig)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Attitude (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Ausl?nder (Glover/Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Avalon was a No1 hit album for which group?
+Roxy music
+Music: Artist/Band: Avalon?
+Bryan ferry
+Music: Artist/Band: Ave Maria (Public Domain)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Awakening (Cooper/Ezrin/Wagner)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Aye Davanita (Pearl)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Ayudame (Calderon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby Blue - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby Don't Cry (Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby Driver (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby I'm A Want You?
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby Oh Baby - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby One More Time?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby Please Don't Go (Williams)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby Please Dont Go?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby You're A Rich Man?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby, I Love Your Way?
+Peter frampton
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby, It's You?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby, Now That I Found You?
+The foundations
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby's Breath (Hydne/Kelly/Steinberg)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Baby's In Black?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Bacharach/David Medley (Bacharach/David) -?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Back for Good [live] (Barlow)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Back in Black (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Back In The U.S.S.R?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Back off Bitch (Huge/Rose)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Back on Earth [#] (Rhodes/Supa)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Back on the Borderline (Garrett/Hirst/James)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Back on the Chain Gang (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Back Street Kids (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Back to Your Heart (Baker/Blume/Richardson)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Back-up group for heavy D?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Apples (McKagan/Rose/Slash/Stradlin')?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Bad?
+Leroy Brown Jim Croce
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Boy Boogie (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Boy?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Boys Running Wild (Meine/Rarebell/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor Doctor)?
+Robert palmer
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad habit, Genocide, Killboy Powerhead?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Moon Rising (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Obsession (Arkeen/Stradlin')?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad Seed (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bad, Bad Leroy Brown (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: Bag it up?
+Melanie c
+Music: Artist/Band: Bailamos (Barry/Taylor)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Bailamos (Paul/Taylor)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Bailamos?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Bakerman [instrumental] (Hirst)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Ball of Confusion (Strong/Whitfield)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) (Bono)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Banks Of The Ohio?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Bare Trees (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Bark at the Moon (Osbourne)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Barney Greenway, Shane Embury, Mitch Harris, etc...?
+Napalm death
+Music: Artist/Band: Battery (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Be (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Be Bop A Lula?
+Gene Vincent
+Music: Artist/Band: Be Here Now (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Be My Baby - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Be My Wife (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Be the Man (Foster/Miles)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Beast of Burden (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Beating Around the Bush (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)?
+John lennon
+Music: Artist/Band: Beautiful Child (Nicks)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Beautiful Girl (Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Beautiful Noise?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: Beautiful People ( Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Beautiful World (Casale/Mothersbaugh)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Beauty and the Beast (Ashman/Menken)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Beauty and the Beast (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Because - The?
+Dave Clark 5
+Music: Artist/Band: Because We Are in Love (The Wedding Song) (Bettis/Carpenter)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Because You Loved Me (Warren)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Because You're Young (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Because?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Bed of Lies (Serletic/Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Bed of Nails (Child/Cooper/Warren)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Beechwood (Gaye/Gordy/Stevenson)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Beeswax (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Before the Beginning (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Before They Make Me Run (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Before You Accuse Me (McDaniels)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Behind the Wall of Sleep [#] (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Being With You in 1981?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: Artist/Band: Believe (Hirsch/Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Believe (Iha)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Believe in Love (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Believer (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Bella (Crew/Santana/Thompson)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bells (Iha)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Bells and Horns in the Back of Beyond (Midnight Oil)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Benedictus (Garfunkel/Simon/Traditional)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Bent (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Bernard Sumner ,Johnny Marr?
+Music: Artist/Band: Best of Both Worlds (Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Best of My Love (Frey/Henley/Souther)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Betcha Say That (Dermer/Galdo/Vigil)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Better Be Home Soon (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Better Man (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Better Man (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Better Than You (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Better the Devil You Know (Aitken/Stock/Stock)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Beyond the Wheel (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: big bad john?
+Jimmy dean
+Music: Artist/Band: Big Balls (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Big Bang Baby (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Big Bayou (Gilbeau)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Big Boat (Boyd)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Big City Nights (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Big Empty (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Big Girls Don't Cry - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Big In Japan?
+Music: Artist/Band: Big Long Now (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Biker (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Billion Dollar Babies (Bruce/Cooper/Reggie)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Billy, Don't Be A Hero?
+Bo donaldson and the Heywoods
+Music: Artist/Band: Birthday?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Bitch (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Biting Bullets (Hutchence/Pengilly)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bitter Creek (Leadon)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Black (Gossard/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Black & White People (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Cat (Jackson)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Girl (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Hole Sun - Spoonman - Superunknown?
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Hole Sun (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Leather (Jones)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen (Green/Szabo)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Majic Woman (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Sabbath (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Sabbath [#] (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Black Widow (Cooper/Ezrin/Wagner)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Blackbird?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Blackened (Hetfield/Newsted/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Blackout (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Blackout (Kittelsen/Meine/Rarebell/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Blank (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Bleed the Freak (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Bleed Together (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bleeding Me (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bleeker Street (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Bless the Beasts and Child (Botkin/Devorzon)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Blessed (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Blood Sugar Sex Magik (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Blood?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Blow up the Outside World (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Blue Jay Way?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Blue Moon - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Blue Skies Bring Tears (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Blue Suede Shoes?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Artist/Band: Blue Turk (Bruce/Cooper)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Blue?
+Joni mitchell
+Music: Artist/Band: Blues for Sister Someone (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Bob Weir, Jerry Garcia, etc...?
+Grateful dead
+Music: Artist/Band: Bobby's Girl?
+Marcie Blain
+Music: Artist/Band: Bomba (Escolar/Porter/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Bombon de Azucar (Engel/Kilpatrick/Laureano/Rolon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: bone thugs 'n ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Book Of Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bookends Theme (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Bookends Theme [instrumental] (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Boom boom boom boom name the group?
+Music: Artist/Band: Boot Camp (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Boot Scoot Boogie?
+Brooks and dunn
+Music: Artist/Band: Bootleg (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Born Again ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Born as Ghosts (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Born Georgios Panayiotou in England in 1963, by what name is this singer better known?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Born in the USA?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: Artist/Band: Born of a Broken Man (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Born on the Bayou (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Born to Make You Happy (Carlsson/Lundin)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Boxer (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Boy (Iha)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Boy George went as Lieutenant Lush when he sang with this group?
+Bow wow wow
+Music: Artist/Band: Boys?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Brain Salad Surgery (U.S. title)?
+Emerson lake and palmer
+Music: Artist/Band: Brandy?
+Looking Glass
+Music: Artist/Band: Breakerfall (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Breaking Glass (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Breaking the Girl (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Breathe (Ball/Minogue/Vauk)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Breathless?
+The Corrs
+Music: Artist/Band: Bridge over Troubled Water (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Bright Side of the Road (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Bright Side Of The Road?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Bring It On Down (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bring It on Home to Me/You Send Me (Cooke)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Bring the Noise (Anthrax/Chuck D./Shocklee)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bring the Noise (Anthrax/Ridenhour/Sadler/Shocklee)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bringin' da Noise (Chasez/Renn)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Bristol Stomp - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Broken Hearts (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Brother (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Brother Louie?
+Modern talking
+Music: Artist/Band: Brothers in Arms (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Brothers In Arms?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Brown Eyed Girl (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Brown Eyes (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Brown Sugar - The?
+Rolling Stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Brown Sugar (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Bruce, Baker, Clapton?
+Music: Artist/Band: buddy holly and the ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Bugs?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Buick MacKane (Big Dumb Sex) [medley] (Bolan/Buick/Cornell/Wizard)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Build Me Up Buttercup - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bullet the Blue Sky (Clayton/Evans/Hewson/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bullet With Butterfly Wings (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Burden in My Hand (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Burn (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Burn for You (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Burning Flag ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Burning of the Midnight Lamp (Hendrix)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Bury Me (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Bus Stop - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Bushfire (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Busted (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Butterfly (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: By All Means Necessary (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: By Baby (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Bye Bye Bye (Carlsson/Jake/Lundin)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Bye Bye Love - The?
+Everly Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Bye Bye Love (Bryant/Bryant)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: California Dreaming - The?
+Mamas & Papas
+Music: Artist/Band: California Girls - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Californication (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Call (Martin/Rami)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Call of Kyulu (Burton/Hetfield/Mustaine/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Call of the Ktulu (Burton/Hetfield/Mustaine/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Call the Man (Hill/Sinfield)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Calling All Nations (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Calling Elvis (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Calling Occupants of Interplanet Craft (Klaatu)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Calm Like a Bomb (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Cambia la Piel (Cirera)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Camera (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Can I Sit Next to You Girl (Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Can't Carry On (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Can't Help Myself - The?
+Four Tops
+Music: Artist/Band: Can't Keep It In (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Can't Live Without You (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Can't Make You Love Me (Carlsson/Lundin/Martin)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Can't Stay Away from You (Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Can't You Hear Me Knocking (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Canciones de mi padre?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: Artist/Band: Candy Girl - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Canned Heat?
+Music: Artist/Band: Captain Fantastic & The Brown Dirt Cowboy?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Cara Mia Jay & - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Careless Whisper (Michael/Ridgeley)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Carney?
+Leon russell
+Music: Artist/Band: Carolina in My Mind (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Carolina In My Mind?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Carousel Man (Durrill)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Carpe Diem Baby (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Carry That Weight?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Casi un Bolero (Escolar/Porter/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Casi un Bolero [instrumental] (Escolar/Porter/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Casino Boogie (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Cast No Shadow (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cat Dubh (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Catapult (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cathy's Clown - The?
+Everly Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Cecilia (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Celebration (Bell/Taylor)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Cemetery (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Certain Kind of Fool (Frey/Henley/Meisner)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Chains?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Champagne Supernova (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Changes (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Changes?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Chantilly Lace - The?
+Big Bopper
+Music: Artist/Band: Chapel Bells - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Chapel Of Dreams - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Chapel Of Love - The?
+Dixie Cups
+Music: Artist/Band: Charles Shaw, John Davis, & Brad Howe were the true singers for this group?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: Artist/Band: Charlie Brown - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Chastity Sun (AKA Ruby Jean and Billie... (Crofts/Seals)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Chatahoocie?
+Alan jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Cheap Love Song (Abbot/Morris/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Cherish - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cherry (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Cherub Rock (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Child of Mine (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Chill Factor (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: China In Your Hand?
+Music: Artist/Band: China White (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Chocolate Cake (Finn/Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an... (Torme/Wells)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Christmas Through Your Eyes (Estefan/Warren)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Chromatic Death (Benante/Lilker/Milano/Rosenfeld)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Church Bells May Ring - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Church on Tuesday (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Cicada (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cigarettes and Alcochol (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cigarettes and Alcohol (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Circle of Power (Thayil/Yamamoto)?
+Music: Artist/Band: City Of New Orleans?
+Arlo Guthrie
+Music: Artist/Band: Classified 1a (Bono)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cleaning Windows (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Clones (We're All) (Carron)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Close To You - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Closing (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Closing My Eyes (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Cloud 9?
+George harrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Cloudy (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Coast to Coast [live] (Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cold Cold Change (Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Cold Ethyl (Cooper/Ezrin)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Cold Turkey?
+John lennon
+Music: Artist/Band: Collision (Hudson/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Columbia (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Coma (Rose/Slash) -?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Coma Back ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Come as You Are (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Come Back to Me (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Come Go With Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Come Into My Life?
+Joyce sims
+Music: Artist/Band: Come on and Love Me (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Come Softly To Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Come to Me (Goodwin/Resnik/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Come Together - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Comin' Home (James)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Coming Home (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Coming Out of the Dark (Estefan/Estefan/Secada)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Coming Your Way (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Common People?
+Music: Artist/Band: Commotion (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Communication (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Como Decirte Adios (Flores)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Complicated (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Coney Island Baby - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Confusion (Cantrell/Staley/Starr)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Conga (Garcia)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Connection (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Control (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Cool, Calm and Collected (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Copperline (Price/Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Coraz?n (Angel/Porter)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Corazonado (Escolar/Porter/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Corduroy?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Cornflake Girl?
+Tori amos
+Music: Artist/Band: Cornucopia [live] (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Cosas del Amor (P?rez-Botija/Ramos)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Cotton Fields (Leadbelly)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Could This Be Magic - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Count to 6 and Die ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Country Comforts (John/Taupin)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Country Honk (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Country Road (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Cowboy Style (Anderson/Minogue/Seaman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Cowboy's Work Is Never Done (Bono)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cowboys and Angels (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Cracklin Rosie?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: Crazy About Her - Rod ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Crazy Babies (Castillo/Daisy/Osbourne/Wylde)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Crazy for You (Bertoni/Hamm)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Crazy Train (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Creeping Death (Burton/Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cross-Tie Walker (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Cruci-Fiction in Space ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Crunchy Granola Suite?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: Crush (Benante/Bush/Ian)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Crush (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Crutch (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Cry Baby Cry?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Cryhtorchid (Gacy/Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Crying In The Chapel?
+Sonny Til & The Orioles
+Music: Artist/Band: Crying Tree of Mercury (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Cuba Libre (Estefan/Estefan/Santander)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Cuba Libre [/version] (Estefan/Estefan/Santander)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Cui, Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorsky, and Balakierev?
+The Russian Five
+Music: Artist/Band: Cult of Personality (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Reid/Skillings)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Cult of Personality (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Skillings)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Curly MC, F. Gregorian, Angel?
+Music: Artist/Band: Cut Across Shorty (Walker/Wilkin)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Cyndi Lauper was the original singer of what group?
+The Blue Angels
+Music: Artist/Band: D.I.Y. (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: D'You Know What I Mean? (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Da Doo Ron Ron - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? (Appice/Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Daisy (DeLeo)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Dam That River (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Damage, Inc. (Burton/Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dame Mas (Blades/Gaitan/Gaitan/Noriega/Rosa/Secada)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Damn (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Dance Sister Dance (Baila Mi Hermana) (Chancler/Coster/Rubinson)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dancin' On The Ceiling?
+Lionel richie
+Music: Artist/Band: Dancing on the Jetty (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dangling Conversation (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Danny's Chant (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Dark Lady (Durrill)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Darlin' (Allen/Morton)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Darling Lorraine - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Darren Hayes is just 50% of Savage Garden, who makes up the other half?
+Daniel Jones
+Music: Artist/Band: Daughter?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: David Ball was the less flamboyant member of which duo?
+Soft cell
+Music: Artist/Band: David Gilmour, Rick Wright, Nick Mason?
+Pink floyd
+Music: Artist/Band: David's Song (Paich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Davies, Davies, Quaife, Avory?
+The kinks
+Music: Artist/Band: Dawn Go Away - The?
+Four Seasons
+Music: Artist/Band: Day I Tried to Live (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Day Without Me (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Daydream (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Daydream Believer - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dead Flowers (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Dead Horse (Rose)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Dear Diary (Blume/Spears/Wilde)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Dear Prudence?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Death Song ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Deceased musician, albums include Sheikh Yerbouti, Joes Garage?
+Frank Zappa
+Music: Artist/Band: Declan McManus is the real name of which pop singer?
+Elvis costello
+Music: Artist/Band: Declaration of Love (Gaudette/Jay)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Dedicated To The One I Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Deep (Ament/Gossard/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: deeply dippy?
+Right said fred
+Music: Artist/Band: Deformography (Manson/Ramirez/Renzor)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Department of Youth (Cooper/Ezrin/Wagner)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Desafinado (DeMoraes/Jobim)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Desirie - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Desperado?
+Music: Artist/Band: Desperate People (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Skillings)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Destination Unknown (Bozzio/Bozzio/Cuccurullo)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Devil In Her Heart?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Devil Inside (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Devil Or Angel - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Devil's Dance (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Devil's Food (Cooper/Ezrin/Jay)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Diamonds & Pearls - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Diary of a Madman (Daisley/Kerslake/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Did It Again (Anderson/Minogue/Seaman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album All mod cons?
+The jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Blow up your video?
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Bury the hatchet?
+The Cranberries
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Hooray for boobies?
+The bloodhound gang
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Invincible?
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Let there be rock?
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Out of the blue?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Stiff upper lip?
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Talk on corners?
+The corrs
+Music: Artist/Band: Did the album Trampoline?
+The mavericks
+Music: Artist/Band: Did Ye Get Healed? (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Didnt We Almost Have It All?
+Whitney houston
+Music: Artist/Band: Die Young (Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Died (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Difference Is Why (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Different Corner (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Dig A Pony?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Dig It?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Digital Bitch (Butler/Gillan/Iommi/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Digital Get Down (Chasez/Nicoll/Renn)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Digsy Diner (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: dion and the ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Dionne Warwick had a No.1 hit song, 'Then Came You,' with what artists?
+The Spinners
+Music: Artist/Band: Dirt (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dirty Women (Black Sabbath/Black Sabbath/Black Sabbath/Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Disarm (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Disposable Heroes (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Disposable Teens ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Dissident?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Disturbance at the Heron House (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stripe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dive (Cobain/Novoselic)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dixie Girl (Durrill)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dizzy Miss Lizzy?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Do Wah Diddy?
+Manfred Mann
+Music: Artist/Band: Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Do You Believe In Magic - The?
+Lovin' Spoonful
+Music: Artist/Band: Do You Love Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dock Of The Bay?
+Otis Redding
+Music: Artist/Band: Does Anybody Out There Even Care (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Dog Eat Dog (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Domino (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Ask Me To Be Lonely - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Believe Her (Meine/Rarebell/Schenker/Vallance)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Bother Me?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Cry for Me Agentina (Rive/Webber)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Damn Me (Lank/Rose/Slash)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Dream It's Over (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Ever Try to Close a Rose (Greco)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Forget to Remember (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Get Me Wrong (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Go Away (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Go Knockin' on My Door (Jake/Kronlund/Martin/Rami)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Hide Your Love (Greenfield/Sedaka)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Knock My Love?
+Diana ross and marvin gaye
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Know Much?
+Linda ronstadt & aaron neville
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know (Lange/Scott/Twain)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me (John/Taupin)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Let This Moment End (Blades/Dermer/Estefan/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Look Back in Anger (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Look Now (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Pass Me By?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Put It on Me (Bono)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Release Me (Dermer/Jean)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Release Me [] (Dermer/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Stop (Chirino/Estefan/Moran)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Stop (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Stop at the Top (Meine/Rarebell/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Talk Just Kiss?
+Right said fred
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't wanna be a girl like that do you wanna see a grown man cry?
+John Parr
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Wanna Lose You (Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Wanna Lose You Now (Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Want You Back (Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Don't Worry Baby - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Donald Fagen, Walter Becker, Michael McDonald, Rick Derringer...?
+Steely dan
+Music: Artist/Band: Doncha Bother Me (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Donde Estaras (Nogueras/Sansano)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Donna?
+Richie Valens
+Music: Artist/Band: Doobie Wah?
+Peter frampton
+Music: Artist/Band: Doolin Dalton (Browne/Frey/Henley/Souther)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Doolin Dalton [instrumental] (Browne/Frey/Henley/Souther)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Doolin Dalton/Desperado (Reprise) (Browne/Frey/Henley/Souther)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Door (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Door To Your Heart?
+The dramatics
+Music: Artist/Band: Double Shot - The?
+Swingin' Medallions
+Music: Artist/Band: Double Talkin' Jive (Stradlin')?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Down (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Down in a Hole (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Down on the Corner (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Down on the Farm (Garrett/Gibbs/Harper)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Down To The Waterline?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Downer (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dr. Robert?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Dragway 4z (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Drawing Flies (Cameron/Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dream A Little Dream Of Me?
+Mama cass
+Music: Artist/Band: Dreaming (Harry)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Dreaming of You (Barbeau/Nova)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Dreams (Anderson/Minogue/Seaman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Dreams (Nicks)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Dried up, Tried up, Dead to the World (Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Drift Away (Gray)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Drinking In LA?
+Bran van 3000
+Music: Artist/Band: Drive (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Drive My Car?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Drums of Heaven (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Drunk (Anderson/Minogue/Seaman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Dumb (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Duo who had a hit song with 'I got you babe'?
+Sonny and cher
+Music: Artist/Band: Dust (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Dust N' Bones (McKagan/Slash/Stradlin')?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Dusty (Cornell/Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dwayne Goettel was the keyboardist for what industrial band?
+Skinny puppy
+Music: Artist/Band: Dweller on the Threshold (Morrison/Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Dyers Eve (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Dynamite (Meine/Rarebell/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: E-Mail My Heart (White)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Each member of this family band from Tonga plays at least two instruments?
+Music: Artist/Band: Earth and Sun and Moon (Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Earth Angel - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Easily (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Easy?
+Lionel richie
+Music: Artist/Band: Eat a Peach?
+Allman brothers band
+Music: Artist/Band: Ebb Tide - The?
+Righteous Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Ecstasy of Gold (Morricone)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Eddie mahoney is better known as this pop singer?
+Eddie money
+Music: Artist/Band: Eddie My Love - The?
+Teen Queens
+Music: Artist/Band: Eddie Veddar and Jeff Ament?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Effigy (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Eine Kleine Nachtsmusik?
+Music: Artist/Band: El Condor Pasa (If I Could) (Milchberg/Robles/Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: El Nicoya (Areas)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a...?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Elected (Bruce/Buxton/Cooper/Dunaway/Smith)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Electric Co. (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Eleutheria (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Eleven fans were trampled to death at one of their concerts in 1979?
+Music: Artist/Band: Elizabeth Fraser, Robin Guthrie, Simon Raymonde?
+Cocteau twins
+Music: Artist/Band: Ella Es (Calderon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Elvis Is Dead (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Emitremmnus (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Empty (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Empty Hands (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Enamorado Por Primera Vez (Iglesias)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Endless Love?
+Diana Ross & Lionel
+Music: Artist/Band: Enter Sandman (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Entre el Amor y los Halagos (Calderon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Eres Como el Aire (Calderon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Es Mejor Decirse Adios (Calderon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Escapade (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Escape (Anthony/Cooper/Fowley)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Escape (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Especially for You (Aitken/Aitken/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Esperanza (Garcia/Iglesias)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Eternal Flame?
+The bangles
+Music: Artist/Band: Eternal Idol (Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Europa (Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile) (Coster/Santana)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Evacuation (Cameron/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Evan Dando's band?
+Music: Artist/Band: Even Flow - Jeremy - Alive?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Even Flow (Gossard/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Everlasting Gaze (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Every Beat Of My Heart?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Every Breath You Take - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Every Day Of The Week - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Every Little Step - ____Brown
+Music: Artist/Band: Every Little Thing?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Every Picture Tells a Story (Stewart/Wood)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Every Picture Tells a Story?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Every Time (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Everybody (Backstreet's Back) (Martin/Skinner)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Everybody Has the Blues (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Everybody Hurts (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Everybody's Everything (Brown/Moss/Santana)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me and My Monkey?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Everyday?
+Buddy holly
+Music: Artist/Band: Everyone (Carlsson/Lundin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Everything I Own (Gates)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Everything I Own?
+Boy george
+Music: Artist/Band: Everytime You Go Away?
+Daryl hall and john oates
+Music: Artist/Band: Evil Ways (Henry)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Evil Woman (Wiegand)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Exhuming McCarthy (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stripe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Exit (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Experiencia Religiosa (Garcia-Alonso)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Exposure (Fripp/Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Express Yourself?
+Music: Artist/Band: Eye of the Beholder (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Eyes - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Eyes Of Silver?
+The doobie brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Face Pollution (Cornell/Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Face the Change (Farriss/Hutchence/Pengilly)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fade Away (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fade in-Out (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fade to Black (Burton/Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fairies Wear Boots (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward) -?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Faith (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Fakin' It (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Fall at Your Feet (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Fall of Adam ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Falling into You (DUbaldo/Nowels/Steinberg)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Falling off the Edge of the World (Butler/Dio/Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Falta Tanto Amor (Iglesias/Morales)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Falta Tanto Amor (Morales/P?rez-Botija)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Fame Is (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Far Away Eyes (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Farewell (Quittenton/Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Fashion (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Fashion?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Fast Car - Tracy ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Fastlove (McFadden/Michael/Rushen/Washington)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Father & Son?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Father and Son (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Father Figure (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Faultline (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fear (Bonet/Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Fear the Voices (Cantrell/Staley/Starr)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Feeding Frenzy (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Feelin Groovy - Cecilia - Bridge Over Troubled Water?
+Simon and garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Feelin' [] (Dermer)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Feelin' Blue (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Felix Cavaliere and Dino Danelli were in which group?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fell on Black Days (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Female Vocalists: Bjork's real last name?
+Music: Artist/Band: Female Vocalists: Cher's first solo releases were released under this name?
+Music: Artist/Band: Female Vocalists: Deee-lite's singer?
+Lady miss kier
+Music: Artist/Band: Female Vocalists: The only constant member of the Supremes from 1960-1978?
+Mary wilson
+Music: Artist/Band: Female Vocalists: This singer renounced her US citizenship in 1937 to become French?
+Josephine baker
+Music: Artist/Band: Female Vocalists: This woman had a solo single that spent 9 weeks of 1981 at #1?
+Kim carnes
+Music: Artist/Band: Female Vocalists: This woman refused to see the movie based on her life?
+Tina turner
+Music: Artist/Band: Fields of Joy (Fredricks/Kamen)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Fields of Joy (Reprise) (Fredricks/Kamen)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Fight Fire with Fire (Burton/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fight Song ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Fighting for Madge (Fleetwood)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Find the River (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Findaway (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Finer Feelings (Stock/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Finest Worksong (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fire and Rain (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Fireplace (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: First name of the younger of the two Everly Brothers?
+Music: Artist/Band: First Noel (Traditional)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: First of May (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (MacColl)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: First Time?
+Robin beck
+Music: Artist/Band: Fish was lead singer with which band, before going solo?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fixing A Hole?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Fixxxer (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Flame trees, Cheap Wine, Breakfast at Sweethearts (Australian)?
+Cold chisel
+Music: Artist/Band: Flight 505 (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Florence - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Flotsam and Jetsam (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Flower (Cornell/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Flower Child (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Flowers for Zo? (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Flowers Never Bend With the Rainfall (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Fly (Galston/Goldman)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Fly Me To The Moon?
+Julie london
+Music: Artist/Band: Flying High Again (Daisley/Kerslake/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Flying Without Wings?
+Music: Artist/Band: Flying?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Fool for You (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: For All We Know (James/Karlin/Wilson)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: For No One?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: For the Girl Who Has Everything (Renn/Skinner)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: For Whom the Bell Tolls (Burton/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: For You Blue?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: For Your Precious Love?
+Jerry Butler
+Music: Artist/Band: Foreigner Suite (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Forever Texas (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Fortunate Son (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Four Horsemen (Hetfield/Mustaine/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Four Seasons in One Day (Finn/Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Foxy Lady - Purple Haze?
+Jimi hendrix
+Music: Artist/Band: Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on... (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Frank Zappa's sons' group?
+Music: Artist/Band: Frayed Ends of Sanity (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Freak (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Free Xone (Brown/Buti/Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Freedom 90 (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Freedom Train (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Fresh Tendrils (Cameron/Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Frogs (Cantrell/Inez/Kinney/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: From the Bottom of My Broken Heart (White)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: From the Heart Down (Hydne/Kelly/Steinberg)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Fuego de Noche, Nieve de Dia (Blake/Escolar/Porter)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Fuel (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Fueled (Benante/Bush/Ian)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Full Force Gale (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Fun Fun Fun - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Funeral For A Friend?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Funky Monks (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Funny Vibe (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: FXXXin' in the Bushes (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Garden (Ament/Gossard/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Garden (Arkeen/James/Rose)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Garden of Eden (Rose/Slash)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Gas Panic! (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Gasoline Alley (Stewart/Wood)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Geek U.S.A. (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Gene simmons, ace frehley, and paul stanley are members of which rock group?
+Music: Artist/Band: Generation Landslide (Bruce/Buxton/Cooper/Dunaway)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: George O'Dowd's nickname?
+Boy george
+Music: Artist/Band: Get A Job - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Get Another Boyfriend (Martin/Rami)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Get Back - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Get Born Again (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Get Down (You're the One for Me) (Aris/Cottura)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Get It Hot (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Get on the Snake (Cornell/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Get on Top (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Get on Your Feet (Casas/DeFaria/Ostwald)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Get over It (Frey/Henley)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Getting Better?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Ghostbusters?
+Ray parker jnr
+Music: Artist/Band: Gimmie Shelter (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Girl from Yesterday (Frey/Tempchin)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Girl in the Dirty Shirt (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Girl Like That (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Girl You Know Its True?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: Artist/Band: Girl?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Girls Got Rhythm (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Girls on Film (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Gitano (Peraza)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Give It Away (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Give It To You?
+Jordan knight
+Music: Artist/Band: Give It Up (Barlow/Estefan/Garcia)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Give Me Just a Little More Time (Dunbar/Wayne)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Give Peace A Chance?
+John lennon
+Music: Artist/Band: Given the Dog a Bone (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Glad All Over - The?
+Dave Clark 5
+Music: Artist/Band: Glamour Boys (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Glass and the Ghost Children (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Glass Onion?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Glide (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Gloria - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Gloria (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Glorified G?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Go Away (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Wimbish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Go Away [#] (Dermer/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Go Deep (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Go Down (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Go Let It Out (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Go Now?
+Moody blues
+Music: Artist/Band: Go Tell It on the Mountain (Traditional)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Go Your Own Way (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Go?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: God (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: God Am (Cantrell/Inez/Kinnewy/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on... (Rogers/Sturken)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: God Smack (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Godeatgod ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Gods' Dice (Ament)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Going Home (Jagger/Richards) -?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Going Nowhere (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Gold Dust Woman (Nicks)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Golden Slumbers?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Good & Bad Times (Hutchence/Pengilly)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Good Day Sunshine?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Good Golly Miss Molly (Blackwell/Marascalco)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Good Morning, Good Morning?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Good Night?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Good Vibrations - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Goodbye to Love (Bettis/Carpenter)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Goodbye to Romance (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Goodbye to Romance (Daisy/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Goody Goody?
+Frankie Lymon
+Music: Artist/Band: Got 'Til It's Gone (Elizondo/Fareed/Harris/Jackson/Lewis/Mitchell)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Got Me Under Pressure?
+Zz top
+Music: Artist/Band: Got Me Wrong (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Got That Feeling (Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Got the Time (Jackson)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Got to Be Certain (Aitken/Stock/Stock)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Got To Get You Into My Life?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Grace (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Gracias Por Pensar en Mi (Russo)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Grand Finale (Bernstein/Cooper/David/Dunaway/Elmer/Ezrin/Smith)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Graveyard Train (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Greased Lightnin'?
+Olivia newton john & john travolta
+Music: Artist/Band: Greatest Song I Ever Heard (Holler)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Green River (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Greeting Song (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Greg Ridley left Spooky Tooth to join what group?
+Humble pie
+Music: Artist/Band: Grievance (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Grind (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Groovin' - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Group composed of Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny, & Annifrid?
+Music: Artist/Band: Group stripped of a Grammy for not doing much more than posing for the cover?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: Artist/Band: Group with album _Head Games?
+Music: Artist/Band: Group with album _Nursery Cryme?
+Music: Artist/Band: Guerrilla Radio (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Guns in the Sky (Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Gutter Cats Vs. The Jets (Bernstein/Buxton/Dunaway/Sondheim)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Gypsys, Tramps and Thieves (Stone)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Habit (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Hagamos el Amor (Escolar/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Hail Hail (Ament/Gossard/McCready/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Hair of the Dog (Agnew/Charlton/Darrell/McCafferty/Sweet)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Hairspray Queen (Cobain/Novoselic)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Half (Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Half the World Away (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Half-Breed (Capps/Dean)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hand of Doom (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Hand on Your Heart (Aitken/Aitken/Aitken/Stock/Stock/Waterman/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Hand to Mouth (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Handbags and Gladrags (D'Abo)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Hands All Over (Cornell/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Handy Man (Blackwell/Jones)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Hang (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Happiness Is A Warm Gun?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Happy (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Happy Birthday Sweet 16?
+Neil Sedaka
+Music: Artist/Band: Happy Birthday to John F Kennedy for his 45th?
+Marilyn Monroe
+Music: Artist/Band: Happy Happy Birthday Baby - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Happy Together - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Happy Xmas (War Is Over)?
+John lennon
+Music: Artist/Band: Harbor Lights - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Harborcoat (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hard Day (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Hard Headed Woman (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Hard Road (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Harrisburg (Kevans/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Harvester of Sorrow (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hate to Feel (Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Have a Drink on Me (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Have I Told You Lately (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Have You Ever Been Mellow?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Have You Heard - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hawaiian Wedding Song?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Artist/Band: Hazy Shade of Winter (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Hazy Shade Of Winter?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother?
+The hollies
+Music: Artist/Band: He Ain't Heavy, He's My - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: He composed Night and Day, I Get a Kick Out of You?
+Cole porter
+Music: Artist/Band: He Didn't (Cameron/Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: He often ended a gig by destroying his guitar?
+Jimi hendrix
+Music: Artist/Band: He Was My Brother (Kane)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: He'll Never Know (Sklerov)?
+Music: Artist/Band: He's A Rebel - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: He's So Fine - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Head Creeps (Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Head Injury (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Headshrinker (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Heal the Pain (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Heart And Soul - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Heart Like a Wheel (Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Heart Like a Wheel?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: Artist/Band: Heart-Shaped Boc (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Heartache?
+Pepsi & shirlie
+Music: Artist/Band: Heartbreak Hotel?
+Elvis presley
+Music: Artist/Band: Heaven and Hell (Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Heaven and Hot Rods (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Heaven Beside You (Cantrell/Inez)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Heaven from Here (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Heaven Help (Britten/DeVeaux)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Heaven Sent (Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Heaven's What I Feel (Estefan/Santander)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Heaven's What I Feel (Santander)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Heavy Fuel (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Heavy Metal Machine (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hell Is Living Without You (BonJovi/Child/Cooper/Sambora)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Hello (Gallagher/Glitter/Leander)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hello, Goodbye?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Hello, Hooray (Kempf)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Hello, This Is Joannie?
+Paul Evans
+Music: Artist/Band: Hells Bells (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Help Me Rhonda - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Help Me Rhonda?
+The beach boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Help! - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Help! (Lennon/McCartney)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Helpless (Bordin/Gould/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Helps Me Helps You (Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Helter Skelter?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Henry Rollins led this group?
+Black flag
+Music: Artist/Band: Her maiden name was Gloria Fajardo?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Her Majesty?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Her real name is Sheila Escovedo?
+Shiela e
+Music: Artist/Band: Here Comes the Flood (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Here Comes the Night (Berns)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Here Comes The Sun?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Here We Are (Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Here We Go (Aris/Cottural)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Here, There and Everywhere?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Hero of the Day (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Heroes (Bowie/Eno)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Hey Bulldog?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) (Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hey Jude - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hey Now! (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hey, Mr. DJ (Keep Playin' This Song) (Allen/Campbell/Skinner)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: High and Dry (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: High Voltage (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Higher And Higher?
+Jackie Wilson
+Music: Artist/Band: higher at woodstock?
+Sly and the family stone
+Music: Artist/Band: Highway to Hell (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hit Between the Eyes (Meine/Rarebell/Schenker/Vallance)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hit the Lights (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hod Did I Fall in Love with You (Dorough/Fromm/MacColl)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Hold Me Tight?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Hold On (Thomas)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hole in the River (Finn/Rayner)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Hole in the Sky?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Holy Water (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Home for Christmas (Haase/Moorehead)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Home Sick Home (Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Homeward Bound (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Homeward Bound (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Honey Don't?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Honey Hi (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Honey Pie?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Honky Tonk Women - The?
+Rolling Stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Honolulu City Limits (Beamer)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Hooray! Hooray! It's a Holi-Holiday (Faria/Jay/Parnaspo)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Hope I die before I get old - and learned to live with it?
+Roger daltrey
+Music: Artist/Band: Hope You're Feeling Better (Rolie)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hopelessly Devoted To You?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Hot Legs (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Hot Line (Butler/Gillan/Iommi/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: hot love?
+T rex
+Music: Artist/Band: Hotel California - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hotel California - Your Lyin Eyes?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hotel California (Felder/Frey/Henley)?
+Music: Artist/Band: House of Fire (Child/Cooper/Jett)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: House Of The Rising Sun - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: How Can I Be Sure - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart (Gibb/Gibb)?
+Music: Artist/Band: How Deep Is Your Love (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: How Do You Do It?
+Gerry and the pacemakers
+Music: Artist/Band: How I Could Just Kill A Man (Freese/Muggerud/Reyes)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: How Much Did You Get for Your Soul? (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: How Sweet It Is (Dozier/Holland/Holland)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: How Sweet It Is?
+Marvin gaye
+Music: Artist/Band: How Will You Go (Finn/Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Human (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Human (McCentee/Pieken)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Human Being (Johansen/Thunders)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Humdrum (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Hummer (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Hungry Like the Wolf (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Hurting Each Other (Geld/Udell)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Husband to Bianca Perez Morena de Macia from 1971-1979?
+Mick jagger
+Music: Artist/Band: Hushabye - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Hymn for Her (Keene)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: I Am a Rock (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: I Am One (Corgan/Iha)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: I Am the Walrus [live] (Lennon/McCartney)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Am The Walrus?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I Am Waiting (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: I Am, I Said?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: I Am... I Said?
+Neil Diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: I Believe - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Believe My Time Ain't Long (Spencer)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: I Build This Garden for Us (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: I Call Your Name?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I Can See a Liar (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Can't Explain (Townshend)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Can't Have You Blues (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: I Can't Let Maggie Go?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Can't Make You Love Me (Reid/Shamblin)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: I Can't Remember (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: I Can't Tell You Why (Frey/Henley/Schmit)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Can't Watch This?
+Weird al
+Music: Artist/Band: I could drink to this Cop Killer's tunes?
+Ice t
+Music: Artist/Band: I Could Have Lied (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: I could say day/And you'd say night/Tell me it's black when I know it's white?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Don't Care About You (Ving)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: I Don't Know (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: I Don't Know (Galdston/Goldman/Kapler)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: I Don't Need Anyone (Bradfield/Jones/Minogue)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: I Don't Want to Change the World [live] (Castillo/Lemmy/Osbourne/Wylde)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: I Don't Want to Know (Nicks)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: I Don't Want to Talk About It (Whitten)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: I Don't Want Your Love (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: I Dont Want To Talk About It?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: I Drive Myself Crazy (Nowles/Rich/Shipley)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: I Feel Possessed (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: I FINALLY GOT MYSELF TOGETHER I'm a Changed Man?
+The impressions
+Music: Artist/Band: I Get Around - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: I Get Lonely (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: I Got a Name (Fox/Gimbel)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: I Got It Bad (And That Ain't Good) (Ellington/Webster)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Got the Blues (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: I Got You (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: I Got You Babe (Bono)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Guess It's Christmas Time (Bliss/Peiken)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: I Guess Thats Why They Call It The Blues?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: I Hate to Sleep Alone (Clinger)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Hate You Then I Love You (Falla/Newell/Renis/Testa/Testa)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: I Heard It Through the Grapevine (Strong/Whitfield) -?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: I Heard It Through The?
+Marvin Gaye
+Music: Artist/Band: I Honestly Love You?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: I Hope, I Think, I Know (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Hurt You (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: I Just Called To Say I Love?
+Stevie Wonder
+Music: Artist/Band: I Just Fall in Love Again (Dorff/Herbstrit/Lloyd)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: I Just Wanna Be Happy (Dermer)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: I Just Wanna Be Loved?
+Culture club
+Music: Artist/Band: I Just Wanna Be With You (Full Force)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: I Just Want to See His Face (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: I Just Want You (Osbourne/Vallance)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: I Kept on Loving You (Nicholas/Williams)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) (Climie/Morgan)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: I Know I'm Not Wrong (Bucki?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: I Like Dirt (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: I Love A Rainy Night?
+Eddie rabbitt
+Music: Artist/Band: I Love the Dead (Cooper/Ezrin)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: I Love You (Nova)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: I Me Mine?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I Miss You?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Need Love (Carolla)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: I Need Love?
+Ll cool j
+Music: Artist/Band: I Need to Be in Love (Bettis/Carpenter/Hammond)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: I Need You Tonight (Fromm)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: I Need You?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I Never Knew the Meaning of Christmas (Rogers/Sturken)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: I of the Mourning (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: I Only Have Eyes For You - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Promise You (With Everything I Am) (Hill)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: I Ran All The Way Home - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Remember You (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: I Saved The World Today?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Saw a Man and He Danced with His Wife (Durrill)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I See Your Smile [#] (Morejon/Secada)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: I Send a Message (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Should Be So Lucky (Aitken/Aitken/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: I Should Have Known Better?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I Stay Away (Cantrell/Inez/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Think We're Alone Now?
+Tommy James 
+Music: Artist/Band: I Thought She Knew (Wiley)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: I Walk Away (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: I Wanna Be Your Man?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I wanna sex you up who sang it?
+Color me badd
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want It That Way (Carlsson/Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want To Hold Your Hand - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want to Know (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want To Tell You?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want You (She's So Heavy)?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want You Back (Martin/Pop)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want You So Bad (Dermer/Galdo/Vigil)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want You to Need Me (Warren)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want You, I Need You, I Love?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Artist/Band: I want you/I need you/But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want Your Sex Pt. II (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: I Want Your Sex, Pt. 1 & 2 (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: I Was Only Joking (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: I Will Always Love You?
+Dolly parton
+Music: Artist/Band: I Will Be There (Carlsson/Martin)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: I Will Follow (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I Will Follow (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: I Will Still Love You (White)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: I Will?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I Wish It Would Rain [live] (Penzabene/Strong/Whitfield)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: I Won't Last a Say Without YOu (Nicholas/Williams)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: I Wonder Why?
+Curtis stigers
+Music: Artist/Band: I Woudn't Normally Do This Kind of Thing (Lowe/Tennant)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: I'd Rather Go Blind (Foster/Jordan)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: I'll Be Back?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I'll Be Good for You (Antunes/Calloway/Calloway/Pendergrass/Timberlake)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: I'll Be There - The?
+Jackson 5
+Music: Artist/Band: I'll Follow The Sun?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I'll Get You?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: I'll Never Break Your Heart (Manno/Wilde)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: I'll shine up my old brown shoes/I'll put on a brand new shirt?
+Cheap trick
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm A Loser?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm Gonna be (500 miles)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm Happy Just To Dance With You?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm Housin' (EPMD)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm In The Mood For Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: I'M LEAVING IT (All) UP TO YOU?
+Donny & marie osmond
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm Looking Through You?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm not in love/So don't forget it/It's just a silly stage I'm going through?
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm Only Sleeping?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm Open (Irons/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm So Excited?
+The pointer sisters
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm So Tired?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm So Young - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm the Man '91 (Anthrax/Rooney)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm the Man (Belladonna/Bello/Benante/Ian/Rooney/Spitz)?
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm Your Angel (Kelly)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: I'm Your Gun (Child/Cooper/McCurry)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: I've been around for you/Been up and down for you/but I can't get any relief...?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: Artist/Band: I've been trying to get down/To the heart of the matter/But my will gets weak/?
+Don henley
+Music: Artist/Band: I've Got A Feeling?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I've Got a Thing About Seeing My Grandson... [#] (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: I've Got You Under My Skin - The?
+Four Seasons
+Music: Artist/Band: I've Gotta Get a Message to You (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: I've just closed my eyes again/Climbed aboard the dream weaver train?
+Gary wright
+Music: Artist/Band: I've Just Seen A Face?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: I've paid my dues/Time after time/I've done my sentence/But committed no crime?
+Music: Artist/Band: Ian McCulloch, Les Pattinson, Will Sergeant, Pete de Freitas?
+Echo and the bunnymen
+Music: Artist/Band: Ideal World?
+The christians
+Music: Artist/Band: If Ever You're in My Arms Again?
+Music: Artist/Band: If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time?
+R kelly
+Music: Artist/Band: If I Fell - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: If I Fell?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: If I Needed Someone?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: If It's Hurting You (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: If Not For You?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: If That's What It Takes (Galdston/Goldman)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: If Walls Could Talk (Lange)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: If You Asked Me To (Warren)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: If You Ever Saw Her (Barry/Taylor)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: If You Have to Ask (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: If You Love Me (Let Me Know)?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: If You Want Blood (You've Got It) (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: If You Want It to Be Good Girl (Get... (Lange)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: If You Were With Me Now (Minogue/Stock/Stock/Washington)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: If You're Gone (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Ignoreland (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Image Of A Girl - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Imagination (Strong/Whitfield)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Immortality (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Immortality?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Imploding Voice (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: In A Lifetime?
+Clannad & bono
+Music: Artist/Band: In for the Kill (Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: In God's Country (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: In Love on Christmas (Bennett/Hailey/Hailey)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: In My Eyes (MacKaye/Minor Threat)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: In My Life - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: In My Life?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: In My Tree (Gossard/Irons/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: In the City (Devorzon/Walsh)?
+Music: Artist/Band: In the Lowlands (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: In the Shadow of the Valley of Death ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: In The Still Of The Night - The?
+5 Satins
+Music: Artist/Band: In the Valley (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: In The Year 2525?
+Zager & Evans
+Music: Artist/Band: In Trance [live] (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: in which Nick Cave's lead guitarist, Blixa Bargeld sings?
+Einstuerzende neubauten
+Music: Artist/Band: Inalcanzable (Iglesias/Martinelli)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Incessant Mace (Cornell/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Incident at Neshabur (Gianquinto/Santana)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Indians (Anthrax)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Indifference?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Indigo (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Infatuation?
+Music: Artist/Band: Inside Out (Benante/Bush/Ian)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Insignificance (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Interlude: Twisted Elegance?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Interstate Love Song (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Into Temptation (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Into the Heart (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Into the Void (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Iron Gland (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Irresponisible Hate Anthem (Berkowitz/Gacy/Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Is It Now? (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Is There Any Love in Your Heart (Kravitz/Ross)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Is There Something I Should Know? (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Israel's Son (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: issing to be Clever?
+Boy george
+Music: Artist/Band: It Ain't Like That (Cantrell/Kinney/Starr)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: It Ain't over Till It's Over (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: It Came Out of the Sky (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: It Doesn't Hve To Be This Way?
+Blow monkeys
+Music: Artist/Band: It Makes Me Ill (Briggs/Kandi)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: It Might as Well Stay Monday (From Now On) (Chandler)?
+Music: Artist/Band: It Won't Be Long?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna... (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: It's All Coming Back to Me Now (Steinman)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: It's All over Now (Womack/Womack)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: It's All Too Much?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Christmas (Ries/Thomas)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Gettin' Better (Man!!) (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Gonna Be Me (Carlsson/Martin/Rami)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Gonna Take A Miracle?
+Denise Williams
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Good to Be Free (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Gotta Be You (Lange/Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: It's No Game (Pt. 1) (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: It's No Secret (Aitken/Stock/Stock)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Not Easy (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Not the Spotlight (Goffin/Goldberg)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Only Love?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Only Natural (Finn/Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: It's Only Rock 'N Roll But I Like It?
+The rolling Stones
+Music: Artist/Band: It's So Easy?
+Buddy holly
+Music: Artist/Band: It's the End of the World as We Know It... (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stripe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: It's True (Carlsson/Martin/Richardson)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Italian Plastic (Hester)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Jack (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When You (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Jam on It?
+Music: Artist/Band: Jambalaya (On the Bayou) (Williams)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Japanese Boy?
+Music: Artist/Band: Je Ne Sais Pourquoi (Aitken/Stock/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Jealous Guy [live] (Lennon)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Jealous Guy?
+John lennon
+Music: Artist/Band: Jean Genie?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Jeremy (Ament/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: jerry butler & the ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Jerry Garcia's long lived group?
+The grateful dead
+Music: Artist/Band: Jessie's Girl?
+Rick springfield
+Music: Artist/Band: Jesus Christ Pose (Cameron/Cornell/Shepherd/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam (Kelly/McKee)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Jesus in a Camper Van (Chambers/Wainwright/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Jesus to a Child (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Jezabel (Amato/Child)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Jigsaw Puzzle Blues (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Jimmy Iovine produced an album for ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Jimmy Sharman's Boxers (Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Jingo (Olatunji)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Jive Talkin' (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: JIVE TURKEY?
+The ohio players
+Music: Artist/Band: Jodie (McLagan/Stewart/Wood)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Joe the Lion (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: John Barleycorn Must Die?
+Music: Artist/Band: Johnny Rotten, Sid Vicious, etc...?
+Sex pistols
+Music: Artist/Band: Johnson's Aeroplane (Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman, Steve Howe, etc...?
+Music: Artist/Band: Joy To The World?
+ThreeDog Night
+Music: Artist/Band: Julia?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Jump (Dougan/Minogue)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Jump in the Fire (Hetfield/Mustaine/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Jumping Jack Flash - The?
+Rolling Stones
+Music: Artist/Band: junior walker & the ____
+All stars
+Music: Artist/Band: Junkhead (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Jupiter's Lament (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Just a Little Bit of Love (Christensen/Jacobson/Roman)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Just Another Night (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Just Be a Woman (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Just For You?
+M people
+Music: Artist/Band: Just Got Paid (Griffin/Hall/Kemp/Riley)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Just the Blues (Boyd)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Just To Be With You - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey Hey?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Karma Killer (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Kathy's Song (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Kay, Edmonton, McJohn, Monarch, Moreve?
+Music: Artist/Band: Keep It in the Family [live] (Anthrax)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Keep on Chooglin' (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Keep the Customer Satisfied (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Kerry King, Tom Araya, Jeff Hanneman, Dave Lombardo?
+Music: Artist/Band: Kick (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Kick Out The Jams (Davis/Kramer/Smith/Thompson/Tyner)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Kickstand (Cornell/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Kids (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Kill Eye (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Killer/Papa Was a Rolling Stone (Samuel/Tinley)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Killing of Georgie (Pts. I & II) (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Killing of Georgie, Pt. 1 - 2 (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Killing Yourself (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Killing Yourself to Live (Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Kinderfeld (Gacy/Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: King Diamond, Snowy Shaw, Michael Denner, etc...?
+Mercyful fate
+Music: Artist/Band: King Kill ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: King of Birds (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stripe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Kingdom Come (Verlaline)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Kiss Me at Midnight (Lamb/Renn)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Kiss the Dirt (Falling Down the Mountain) (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Kissing a Fool (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Kitchen Ware & Candy Bars (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Knutsford City Limits (Andrews/Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Koala Sprint (Garrett/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Kody (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Kokomo?
+The beach boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Kosciusko (Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic, and Pat Smear?
+Music: Artist/Band: La Bamba?
+Richie Valens
+Music: Artist/Band: La Grange?
+Zz top
+Music: Artist/Band: Lady d'Arbanville (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Lady D'Arbanville?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Lady In Red?
+Chris de burgh
+Music: Artist/Band: Lady Jane (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Lady Picture Show (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Lady Writer (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Laguna Sunrise (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Lake of Fire (Kirkwood)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lamb of God ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Lambada?
+Music: Artist/Band: Larger Than Life (Littrell/Lundin/Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Larger Than Life?
+Back street boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Last Beautiful Girl (Serletic/Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Last Cup of Sorrow (Gould/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Last Exit?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Last Request (I Want Your Sex, Pt. 3) (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Last Resort (Frey/Henley)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Last Song (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Laughing (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Layla?
+Derek & The Dominoes
+Music: Artist/Band: laypool, Lalonde, Alexander?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lead by Matt Johnson in which Johnny Marr can be found?
+The the
+Music: Artist/Band: Leader Of The Pack - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Leader singer of the group Simply Red?
+Mick hucknell
+Music: Artist/Band: Learn to Be Still (Henley/Lynch)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Learn to Hate (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Leash?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Leave (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Leave It Alone (Glover/Reid/Wimbish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Leave Me Out (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Leaves That Are Green (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Ledge (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Legalise Me (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Leper Messiah (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Let It Be - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Let It Be Me - The?
+Everly Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Let It Be?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Let It Bleed (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Let It Loose (Dermer/Galdo/Vigil)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Let It Loose (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Let It Shine (Brown/Gardner)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Let Love Be Your Energy (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Let Love Rule (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Let Me (Coster/Santana)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Let Me Be There?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Let Me Be Your Car (John/Taupin)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Let Me Entertain You (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Let Me Put My Love into You (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Let There Be Love?
+Nat king cole with george shearing
+Music: Artist/Band: Let There Be Rock (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's All Make Believe (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's Hang On - The?
+Four Seasons
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's Hear It For The Boy?
+Denise Williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's Lock The Door?
+Jay & The Americans
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's Speak the Same Language (Hablemos el (Estefan/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's Spend the Night Together (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's Stick Together?
+Bryan ferry
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's Talk About Love (Adams/Goldman/Kennedy)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Let's Wait a While (Andrews/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Letter From America?
+Music: Artist/Band: Letter Never Sent (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Liberian Girl?
+Michael jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Lie to Me (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lies (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Life Goes Around [#] (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Life in the Fast Lane (Frey/Henley/Walsh)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Life Is But A Dream - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Life's Too Short?
+Lightning seeds
+Music: Artist/Band: Lifted?
+Lighthouse family
+Music: Artist/Band: Light My Fire - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Light of the Moon (Alomar/Gazon/Ragland)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Light Years (Gossard/McCready/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Lightnin' Hopkins (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stripe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lightning Strikes?
+Lou Christie
+Music: Artist/Band: Like Crying Like Dying (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Like Suicide (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Limbo (Ball/Minogue/Vauk)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Limo Wreck (Cameron/Cornell/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lines On My Face?
+Peter frampton
+Music: Artist/Band: Listen Like Thieves (INXS)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Listen Up (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Little America (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Little Child?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Little Darlin' - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Little Dolls (Daisley/Kerslake/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Little Girl Of Mine - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Little Horn (Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Little James (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Little Lover (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Little Old Lady From Pasadena?
+Jan & Dean
+Music: Artist/Band: Little Star - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Live (Cocciante)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Live Forever (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Live Wire (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Live With Me (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Living in a House Divided (Bahler)?
+Music: Artist/Band: living on the ceiling?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lluvia Cae (Botija/Iglesias)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Lo Que Nos Pase, Pasara (Calderon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Loaded (Noriega/Rosa/Sacada)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Local Hero/Wild Theme [live] (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Loco-Motion (Goffin/King)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Locomotion?
+Little Eva
+Music: Artist/Band: Lodi (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Lola, Lola (Escolar/Porter/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: lonely boy?
+Paul anka
+Music: Artist/Band: Lonely Is the Word (Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Lonely Monday Morning?
+Music: Artist/Band: Long as I Can See the Light (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Long Day (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Long Lonely Nights?
+Lee Andrews & The Hearts
+Music: Artist/Band: Long Tall Sally?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Long, Long, Long?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Longfellow Seranade?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: Look at Your Hands (Austin/Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Lookin' Out My Back Door (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Looking For Freedom?
+David hasselhoff
+Music: Artist/Band: Looking for Somebody (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Lord of the World (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Lost Paraguayos (Stewart/Wood)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Loud Love (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Louie Louie - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lounge Fly (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Love at First Feel (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Calling Earth (Andrews/Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Can Move Mountains (Warren)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Child - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Hungry Man (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Love In The First Degree?
+Music: Artist/Band: Love in Vain (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Is (What I Say) (Beers/Farriss/Farriss/Farriss/Hutchence/Pengilly)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Is A Drug?
+Bryan ferry
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Is on the Way (Rich/Shafer/Zizzo)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: love letters in the sand?
+Pat boone
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Of The Common People?
+Paul young
+Music: Artist/Band: Love over Gold [live] (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Rears Its Ugly Head (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Song ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Spreads?
+Stone roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Love This Life (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Toy (Dermer/Galdo/Vigil)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Will Keep Us Alive (Capaldi/Carrack/Pete/Vale)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Love Will Never Do (Without You) (Harris/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Love You 'Til the Day I Die (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Love You To?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Love, Hate, Love (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Love, shine a light was the 1997 eurovision winner for the uk, who performed it?
+Katrina and the waves
+Music: Artist/Band: Love's in Our Hearts on Christmas Day (Haase/Lowell/Werking)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Loved One (Clyne/Humphries/Lovett)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lovely Rita?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Lover's Concerto - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lover's Cross (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: Lovers Never Say Good-Bye - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Loving Cup (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Loving You Sunday Morning (Meine/Rarebell/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Low Man's Lyric (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lucky (Kronlund/Martin/Rami)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Lucky Girl (Dermer/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Lukin (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Luna (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Luney Tune (Cooper/Dunaway)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Lyin' Eyes (Frey/Henley)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Lying Season (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: macho man?
+The village people
+Music: Artist/Band: Mad Season (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Madman (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Magazine?
+Music: Artist/Band: Maggie Mae?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Maggie May (Quittenton/Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Magic Pie (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Magical Mystery Tour?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Mainstreet?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: Artist/Band: Maire Brennan, Eithne ni Bhroanain?
+Music: Artist/Band: Majik of Majiks (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Make It Real (Rarebell/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Make the Man Love Me (Mann/Weil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Make You Happy (Marvel)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Mama, I'm Coming Home (Lemmy/Osbourne/Wylde)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Mambo No.5?
+Lou bega
+Music: Artist/Band: Man in the Box (Cantrell/Kinney/Staley/Starr)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Man Machine (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Man of Constant Sorrow (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Man on the Moon (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Man That You Fear (Berkowitz/Gacy/Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Man Who Sold the World (Bowie)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mandolin Wind (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Maneater?
+Hall & oates
+Music: Artist/Band: Mankind (Gossard)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Mansion in the Slums (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Mar?a (Blake/Escolar/Porter)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Maralinga (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Marc Bolan?
+T rex
+Music: Artist/Band: Marcia Baila (Chichin/Ringer)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Maria (DeLaRocha/Morello/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Marquis in Spades (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Married With Children (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Martha My Dear?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Marti Pellow sang lead with which group?
+Wet wet wet
+Music: Artist/Band: Mary-Ann (Bruce/Cooper)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Massachusetts (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Master of Puppets (Burton/Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Master of Puppets (Burton/Hetfield/Mustaine/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Master Plan (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Matthew & Son (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Matthew & Son?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Maxwell's Silver Hammer?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Mayonaise (Corgan/Iha)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Mayonaise, Soma, Luna, Silverfck?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Me Amaras (Calderon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Mean Mr. Mustard?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Mean to Me (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Meat Plow (DeLeo/DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Medellia of the Gray Skies (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Medio Vivir (DeVita)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Meditate (Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Medley of Songs: from the Motion Picture... (Harley)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Meladori Magpie (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: mellow yellow?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mellowship Slinky in B Major (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Melody (Crofford/Garrett)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Melting in the Sun (Farriss/Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Memories Can't Wait (Byrne/Harrison)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Memories Can't Wait [live] (Byrne/Harrison)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Memory Remains (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Memphis Tennessee?
+Chuck berry
+Music: Artist/Band: Men and Women (Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays (Chasez/Degiorgio/Renn/Timberlake)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Metal Militia (Hetfield/Mustaine/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mexican Seafood (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mexico (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Mi Chico Latino?
+Geri haliwell
+Music: Artist/Band: Mic Check (DeLaRocha/Morello/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Michelle - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Microphone Fiend (B./Rakim)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Middle Man (Glover/Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Middle of the Road (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Midnight Confessions - The?
+Grass Roots
+Music: Artist/Band: MIDNIGHT FLOWER?
+The four tops
+Music: Artist/Band: Midnight Rambler (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Midnight Special (Traditional)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Miente (Botija)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Miente (P?rez-Botija/Ramos)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Miles to Go (Before I Sleep) (Hart)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Milk (Ode to Billy) (Benante/Lilker/Milano/Rosenfeld)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Milk It (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Millennium (Barry/Bricusse/Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Millworker (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Mind Riot (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mine for Me (McCartney)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Minute of Decay (Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Minutes to Midnight (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Mirrors on the ceiling/Pink champagne on ice/We are all just prisoners here,?
+Music: Artist/Band: Misery?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Miss Amanda Jones (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Miss You (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Miss You Much (Harris/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Missionary Man?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mister Superstar (Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Mistletoe And Wine?
+Cliff richard
+Music: Artist/Band: Mob Rules [live] (Butler/Dio/Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Modern Love (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Moment With You (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Monday Monday - The?
+Mamas & Papas
+Music: Artist/Band: Money for Nothing (Knopfler/Sting)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: money for nothing?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Money Talks (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Money?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Monkey (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Monkey Man (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Montuno (Montuno) (Marquez)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Monty Got a Raw Deal (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mood for Trouble (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Moon River?
+Danny williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Moondance (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Moondance?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Moonlight Mile (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Moonshadow (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Moonshadow?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Moral Kiosk (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: More Than a Woman (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: More Than Anything in This World (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: More Than That (ANders/Franciz/LePont)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Moribund the Burgermeister (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Morning Glory (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Morning Has Broken (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Morningside?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: Morse Code Of Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Moss Garden (Bowie/Eno)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Most Of All - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Most Peculiar Man (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Mother - Goodbye Blue Sky - Comfortably Numb?
+Pink floyd
+Music: Artist/Band: Mother Nature's Son?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Mother of Violence (Gabriel/Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Mother's Daughter (Rolie)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mothers of the Disappeared (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Motorbreath (Hetfield)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mouth to Mouth (Bordin/Gould/Hudson/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Mouths of Babes (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Move Closer?
+Phyllis nelson
+Music: Artist/Band: Moving?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mr writer?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mr. Blue - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mr. Cabdriver (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Mr. Crowley (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Mr. Dieingly Sad - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Mr. Guder (Bettis/Carpenter)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Mr. Moonlight?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Mrs Robinson?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Muro (Botija)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: My Baby Left Me (Crudup)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: My Big Mouth (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: My Blue Heaven (Donaldson/Whiting)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: My Boyfriend's Back - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: My City Was Gone (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: My Country (Hirst)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: My Dream (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: My Girl - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: My Girl?
+Music: Artist/Band: My Heart Will Go On (Horner/Jennings)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: My Heart Will Go on {Love Theme from... (Horner/Jennings)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: My Homeland (Mi Tierra) (Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: My Juanita - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: My Love (Kravitz/Ross)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: My Love (McCartney/McCartney)?
+Music: Artist/Band: My Lovely Man (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: My Need (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis/McLeod/Stewart)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: My Obsession (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: My Own True Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: My Prayer - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: My Precious Love (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: My Special Angel - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: My Stars (Cooper/Ezrin)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: My True Love (Mi Buen Amor) (Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: My True Story - The?
+Jive Five
+Music: Artist/Band: My Way of Giving (Lane/Marriott)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Mystify (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: N.I.B. (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Nada Es Imposible (Sanz)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Nadine?
+Chuck berry
+Music: Artist/Band: Nails in the Road (Hydne/Kelly/Steinberg)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Naked Flame (Hirst/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Naked in Front of the Computer (Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Naked in the Rain (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Name the band formed by shaun ryder after the break-up of happy mondays?
+Black grape
+Music: Artist/Band: Name the band made-up of the five also-rans from the popstars tv series?
+Music: Artist/Band: Name the band that backed desmond dekker?
+The aces
+Music: Artist/Band: Name the lead singer of Blood, Sweat, and Tears?
+David Clayton Thomas
+Music: Artist/Band: Name the lead singer of wet wet wet?
+Marti pellow
+Music: Artist/Band: Named not for a band member, but a 17th century agronomist?
+Jethro tull
+Music: Artist/Band: Nasty (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Natalie Merchant used to sing with this band?
+10000 maniacs
+Music: Artist/Band: Natalie Merchant's old band?
+10000 maniacs
+Music: Artist/Band: Nazi Driver (Cornell/Yamamoto)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Need You Tonight (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Need Your Love So Bad (Little Willie John)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Neon Knights (Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Neuk?ln (Bowie/Eno)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Never - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Be the Same (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Been to Spain (Axton)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Can Say Goodbye?
+The communards
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Forget (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Going Back Again (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Let You Down?
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Let You Go - The?
+5 Discs
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Make Me Cry (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Never My Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Named (Cornell/Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Satisfied (Glover/Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Say Die (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Say Never,?
+Romeo Void
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Tear Us Apart (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Never the Machine Forever (Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Never Too Late (Aitken/Stock/Stock)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: New Career in a New Town (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: New Damage (Cameron/Cornell/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: New Hymn (Price/Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: New Jack Theme (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: New Kid in Town (Frey/Henley/Souther)?
+Music: Artist/Band: New Millennium Homes (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: New Orleans Instrumental No. 1 (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: New Rose (James)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: New Sensation (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: New York Minute (Henley/Kortchmar/Winding)?
+Music: Artist/Band: New York State Of Mind?
+Billy joel
+Music: Artist/Band: New York's Not My Home (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: NewNew York Mining Disaster 1941 (Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Nicety?
+Music: Artist/Band: Night Fever (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Night Like This (Smith)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Night Moves?
+Bob seger & the silver bullet band
+Music: Artist/Band: Night Prowler (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Night Time Is the Right Time (Brown/Cadena/Herman)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Night Time Is the Right Time (Cadena/Herman)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Nights In White Satin - The?
+Moody Blues
+Music: Artist/Band: Nights in white satin/Never reaching the end/Letters I've written...?
+Moody blues
+Music: Artist/Band: Nights on Broadway (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Nightswimming (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Nineteen?
+Paul hardcastle
+Music: Artist/Band: No Association (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: No Attention (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: No Bone Movies (Daisley/Kerslake/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: No Bone Movies (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: No Excuses (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: No Importa la Distancia (Go the Distance) (Lopez/Menken/Ponton/Zippel)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: No Leaf Clover (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: No Llores Por Mi (Iglesias/Morales)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: No Matter What?
+Music: Artist/Band: No Me Pidas M?s (Calderon)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: No more heros made number 8 for this 80's punk band?
+The stranglers
+Music: Artist/Band: No More Mr. Nice Guy (Bruce/Cooper)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: No One Else Comes Close (Baker/Perry/Thomas)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: No One Like You (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: No One to Depend On (Carabello/Escovedo/Rolie)?
+Music: Artist/Band: No Reaction (Hirst/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: No Regrets (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: No Remorse (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: No Reply?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: No Strings Attached (Chasez/Daymond/Greggs)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: No Way Out (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Nobodies ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Nobody Came (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Nobody Wants to Be Lonely (Burr/Child/Shjaw)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Not A Second Time?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Not Enough Time (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Not for Me (Carlsson/Jake/Lundin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Not for You?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Not Over You Yet?
+Diana ross
+Music: Artist/Band: Not That Funny (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Nothing as It Seems (Ament)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Nothing Else Matters (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Nothing to Say (Cornell/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now?
+Music: Artist/Band: Nothingman (Ament)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Nothingness (Calhoun)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Notorious (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: November Rain (Rose)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Now (Nicholas/Pitchford)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Now or Never Land (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Now We're Getting Somewhere (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Nowhere Man - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Nunca Te Olvidar? (Iglesias)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Nunca Te Olvidar? (Iglesias/Morales)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: O Otherside (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Ocean (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Oceans (Ament/Gossard/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Octopus's Garden?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Oddfellows Local 151 (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stripe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Of the Girl (Gossard)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Of Wolf and Man (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Off He Goes (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh Boy?
+Buddy Holly
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh Daddy (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh No, Not My Baby (Goffin/King)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh Pretty Woman?
+Roy orbison
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh the shark babe/Has such teeth, yeah/When he shows them/Pearly whites?
+Bobby darin
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh Very Young (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh Well (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh, Me (Kirkwood)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh! Darling?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Oh! Pretty Woman?
+Roy Orbison
+Music: Artist/Band: Old Brown Shoe?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Old Friends (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Old Time Rock And Roll?
+Bob Seger
+Music: Artist/Band: On a Plain (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: On Broadway - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: On Every Street (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: On the Air (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: On the Balcony of Casa Rosada (Rive/Webber)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Once (Gossard/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Once In A While - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: One - Creeping Death - Unforgiven?
+Music: Artist/Band: One (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: One (Littrell/Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: One After 909?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: One Day In Your Life?
+Michael jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: One I Love (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: One Kiss from You (Lunt)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: One Less Set of Footsteps (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: One Minute of Silence (Lennon)?
+Music: Artist/Band: One More Time (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: One More Try (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: One Night Man (Dioguardi/Lopez/Morales/Secada/Siegel)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: One of These Nights (Frey/Henley)?
+Music: Artist/Band: one of this groups greatest albums was 'slippery when wet' released in 1986?
+Bon jovi
+Music: Artist/Band: One Summer Night - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: One Tree Hill (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: One X One (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Only (Benante/Bush/Ian)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Only a Hobo (Dylan)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Only A Northern Song?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Only Gift (Christensen/Franzell)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Only Living Boy in New York (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Only My Heart Talkin' (Cooper/Goldmark/Roberts)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Only One (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Only Sixteen?
+Dr hook
+Music: Artist/Band: Only The Lonely?
+Roy Orbison
+Music: Artist/Band: Only the Strong (Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Only Women Bleed (Cooper/Wagner)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Only Yesterday (Bettis/Carpenter)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Only You - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Ooby Dooby (Moore/Penner)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Ooh Baby Baby?
+Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
+Music: Artist/Band: Oops! ...I Did It Again (Martin/Rami)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Open Invitation (Lambert/Margen/Potter/Santana/Walker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Open Letter (To a Landlord) (Morris/Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Operator (That's Not the Way It Feels) (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: Opus 17 - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Orchid (Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Original Sin (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Orion [instrumental] (Burton/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Other Woman?
+Ray Parker Jr
+Music: Artist/Band: Out of All Bad, Some Good Things Come (No... (Cachao/Estefan/Estefan/Secada)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Out of Control (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Out of Control (Frey/Henley/Nexon)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Outbreak of Love (Hirst)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Outlaw Man (Blue)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Outlaw Torn (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Outshined (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Outside (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Outside World (Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Over & Over (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Over the Mountain (Daisley/Kerslake/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Over The Mountain?
+Johnnie & Joe
+Music: Artist/Band: Over The Rainbow - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Over the Top [#] (Jabs)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Overdose (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Overfloater (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Overs (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Oye (Barlow/Chirino/Estefan/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Oye [/version] (Barlow/Chirino/Estefan/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Oye Como Va (Puente)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Paint It Black (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Palisades Park?
+Freddy Cannon
+Music: Artist/Band: Paperback Writer - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Parallel Universe (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Paranoid [live] (Daisy/Kerslake/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Paranomia?
+Art of Noise
+Music: Artist/Band: Parasite (Frehley)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Parting Ways (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Passion Rules the Game (Meine/Rarebell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pastichio Medley -?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Paths of Glory (Bordin/Bottum/Gould/Hudson/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Patriarch of the Grateful Dead tours with this band during the off seasons?
+Jerry garcia band
+Music: Artist/Band: Patterns (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Peace Train (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Peaceful Easy Feeling (Tempchin)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Peaceful, Easy Feeling?
+Music: Artist/Band: Peggy Sue?
+Buddy holly
+Music: Artist/Band: Peggy-O (Traditional)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Pennies (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Pennies From Heaven - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Penny Lane - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pennyroyal Tea (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Penthouse Pauper (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Perdido Sin Ti (Escolar/Porter/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Perfect Circle (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Perfect Crime (Rose/Slash/Stradlin)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Perfect Fan (Littrell/Smith)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Performs classic song, La Grange?
+Music: Artist/Band: Permanent Vacation - Ragg Doll - Angel?
+Music: Artist/Band: Perry Ferrel's band before Porno For Pyros?
+Janes addiction
+Music: Artist/Band: Perspective (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, Kieth Moon?
+The who
+Music: Artist/Band: Petrol & Chlorine (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Phantom Lord (Hetfield/Mustaine/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Phoenix from the Flames (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Photographs & Memories (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: Piggies?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Piggy - The Downward Spiral - The Becoming?
+Nine inch nails
+Music: Artist/Band: Pilgrimage (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pipeline (Carman/Spickard)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pistolgrip Pump (Volume Ten)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Place in the Dirt ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Planet Caravan (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Planet Earth (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Planet Of Women?
+Zz top
+Music: Artist/Band: Plastic Fantastic Lover?
+Jefferson airplane
+Music: Artist/Band: Plateau (Kirkwood)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Please Mr. Postman - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Please Mr. Postman?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Please Please Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Please Say You Want Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Please to Be in Love (Bateman/Dobbins/Garrett/Holland)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Pleasure Principle (Moir)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Poem on the Underground Wall (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Poison (Child/Cooper/McCurry)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Poison Ivy - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Polly (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Poly, Come as you are, Lithium?
+Music: Artist/Band: Polythene Pam?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Poor Little Fool?
+Rick Nelson
+Music: Artist/Band: Poorboy Shuffle (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Pop Song for Us Rejects (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pop's Love Suicide (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Popstar (Hynde/Seymour)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Por Amarte (Iglesias/Morales)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Por Arriba Por Abajo (Aponte/Escolar/Lemos/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Porcelain (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Porch (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Postman (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Power and the Passion (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Power of Equality (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Power of Love (Applegate/Derouge/Mende/Rush)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Praise You?
+Fat boy slim
+Music: Artist/Band: Praying for Time (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Present Tense (McCready/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: President Dead ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Press Play (Stone Temple Pilots)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Pretty Boys and Pretty Girls?
+Book of love
+Music: Artist/Band: Pretty Flamingo (Barkan)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Pretty Maids All in a Row (Vitale/Walsh)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pretty Noose (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pretty Penny (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Pretty Persuasion (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pride (Calhoun)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Prince Charming (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Pristina (Gould/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Private Investigations (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Problem Child (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Profiteers (Hirst/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Protest and Survive (Maloney/Morris/Roberts/Wainwright)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Proud Mary (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Proud Mary?
+Creedence Clearwater
+Music: Artist/Band: Pruno (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Pry, To?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Psychedelic rock band headed by Gerald Garcia?
+The grateful dead
+Music: Artist/Band: Public Animal #9 (Bruce/Cooper)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Punky's Dilemma (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Pure Massacre (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Purple Stain (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Push (Serletic/Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Put Yer Money Where Yer Mouth Is (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Que Dia Es Hoy (Self Control) (Herzog)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Queen of the Rodeo (Silver/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Queen of the Slipstream (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Questions (Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Quiet (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) (Crichlow/Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Rabo de Nube (Rodr?guez)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Radio Free Europe (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Radio Friendly Unit Shifter (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rag Doll - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rain When I Die (Cantrell/Kinney/Staley/Starr)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Raindrops + Sunshowers (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Rainy Days and Mondays (Nicholas/Williams)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Ramble Tamble (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Rambling Pony (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Randy Meisner, Bernie Leadon, Don Henley, Glen Fry were part of which band?
+The eagles
+Music: Artist/Band: Rape Me (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Raped and Freezin' (Bruce/Cooper)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Rapid Roy (The Stock Car Boy) (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: Rats?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Rattlesnake Shake (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Rave On?
+Buddy Holly
+Music: Artist/Band: Raw Power (Pop/Williamson)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Reach Out - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Read About It (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Real Woman (Dermer/Estefan/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Real World (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Reaon to Believe (Hardin)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Rear View Mirror?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Reason (Hudson/King/Wells)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Recorded the album Tapestry?
+Carole king
+Music: Artist/Band: Red Hill Mining Town (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Red Mosquito (Pearl Jam/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Red Red Sun (Farriss/Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Red Rubber Ball?
+Music: Artist/Band: Red, Red Wine?
+Music: Artist/Band: Redemption Song?
+Music: Artist/Band: Reflecting God ( Manson/Ramirez/Reznor)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Reflex (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Release (Ament/Gossard/Krusen/McCready/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Release the Pressure (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Reid/Stewart/Wimbish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Remember Then - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Renaissance Man (Garrett/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Renegades Of Funk (Baker/Bambaataa/Miller/Robie)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Respectable (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Respectable?
+Mel & kim
+Music: Artist/Band: Rest Stop (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Revelation (Mother Earth) (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Revoluci?n (Alonso)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Revoluci?n (Blake/Escolar/Porter)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Revolution - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rhinoceros (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Rhinosaur (Cameron/Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rhythm Is Gonna Get You (Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Rhythm Is Gonna Get You (Estefan/Garcia)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Rhythm Nation (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Rhythm of Love (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rhythm Of The Rain - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Richard Cory (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Richard Thompson, Sandy Denny, Simon Nicol...?
+Fairport convention
+Music: Artist/Band: Ride On (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Ride the Clich? (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Ride the Lightning (Burton/Hetfield/Mustaine/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Riding on a Railroad (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Right Here Waiting?
+Richard marks
+Music: Artist/Band: Right Next Door to Hell (Caltia/Rose/Stradlin')?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Right on Time (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Right Turn (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Righteous & The Wicked (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Rio (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Rip This Joint (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Rival (Gossard)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: River Deep-Mountain High (Barry/Greenwich/Spector)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Road to Mandalay (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Road To Nowhere?
+Talking heads
+Music: Artist/Band: Road Trippin' (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Robert Smith, Boris Williams, Laurence Tolhurst, Simon Gallup, Porl Thompson?
+The cure
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock 'N' Roll Star (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock & Roll Ain't Noise Pollution (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock & Roll Doctor (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock & Roll Singer (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock And Roll Music?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock Around The Clock?
+Bill Haley & The Comets
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock DJ (Andrews/Chambers/Paris/Pigford/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock The Boat?
+The hues corporation
+Music: Artist/Band: Rock You Like a Hurricane (Meine/Rarebell/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rocker (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rocket (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Rockin' Chair (Gallagher/Griffiths)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rockin' Robin?
+Bobby Day
+Music: Artist/Band: Rocks Off (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Rocky Racoon?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Rod Stewart, Ron Wood, Steve Marriot...?
+The faces
+Music: Artist/Band: Roll It Over (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Roll Over Beethoven?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Roll with It (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Roller Derby Queen (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: Romeo & Juliet?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Romeo and Juliet (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Ronnie - The?
+Four Seasons
+Music: Artist/Band: Room a Thousand Years Wide (Cameron/Thayil)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Room for One More (Benante/Bush/Ian)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rooster (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Rope Burn (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Rosemary (Bonet/Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Roses (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Roses Are Red?
+Bobby Vinton
+Music: Artist/Band: rosie & the ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Rotten Apples (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Rowland S. Howard, Genevieve McGuckin, Epic Soundtracks etc?
+These immortal souls
+Music: Artist/Band: Ruby Tuesday (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Run For Your Life?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Run Through the Jungle (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Run to Me (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Runaway (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Running In The Family?
+Level 42
+Music: Artist/Band: Running to Stand Still (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Rusty Cage (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: S Club Party?
+S club 7
+Music: Artist/Band: S.A.T.O. (Daisley/Kerslake/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Sacred and Profane (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Sacred Ground [#] (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Stewart/Wimbish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Sad But True (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sad Lisa?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Sad Songs (Say So Much)?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Said Sadly (Iha)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Sailing (Cross)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Sailing (Sutherland)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Sailing?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Saint Tropez (Child/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Sam?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Samba Pa Ti (Santana)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Samba Pi Ta?
+Music: Artist/Band: Same Direction (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Samurai (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Sarah Mclachlan played piano and sang on several tracks on their new album?
+Blue rodeo
+Music: Artist/Band: Satan's Bed (Gossard)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Satisfaction - The?
+Rolling Stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Satisfaction (I Can't Get No) (Jagger/Richards)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Saturday Night (Frey/Henley/Leadon/Meisner)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Saturday Night?
+Music: Artist/Band: Save a Prayer (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Save Me a Place (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Save The Last Dance For Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Save the Life of My Child (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Save your kisses for me in 1976?
+Brotherhood of Man
+Music: Artist/Band: Saved by the Bell (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Savior (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Savoy Truffle?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Say Hey (Minogue)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Scar Tissue (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Scarborough Fair?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Scarborough Fair/Canticle (Garfunkel/Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: ScarboroughFair?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Scentless Apprentice (Cobain/Grohl/Novoselic)?
+Music: Artist/Band: School's Out (Bruce/Buxton/Cooper/Dunaway/Smith)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Scream in Blue (Garrett/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Scream Like a Baby (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Se a Cab? (Areas)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sea Of Love?
+Phil Phillips
+Music: Artist/Band: Sea of Sorrow (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Searching for Madge (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Searching With My Good Eye Closed (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Second Guessing (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Second Hand News (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Secret Life of Arabia (Alomar/Bowie/Eno)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Secret O' Life (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Section 5 (Bus to Bondi) (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Sects (Bonvoisin/Krief)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Seduces Me (Hill/Sheard)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: See You In September - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Seek & Destroy (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Self Control?
+Laura brannigan
+Music: Artist/Band: Send Me an Angel (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Send Me An Angel?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sense of Doubt (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Sentimental Lady (Welch)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: September Morn?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: Serve the Servants (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Set Adrift on Memory Bliss (Cordes/Kemp)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Set the Ray to Jerry (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Seven Caged Tigers (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Seven Little Girls Sitting In The Back Seat?
+Paul Evans
+Music: Artist/Band: Seven?
+Music: Artist/Band: Seventh Star (Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Sex and Violence (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Sexy Sadie?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Sh-Boom - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shade (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shadows and Tall Trees (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shake a Leg (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shake Your Bon-Bon?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Shake Your Hips (Harpo)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Shake, Rattle And Roll?
+Bill Haley & The Comets
+Music: Artist/Band: Shaker Maker (Backer/Cook/Davis/Gallagher/Greenaway)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shakermaker (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shaking Through (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shame (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Shape of My Heart (Martin/Miskovsky/Rami)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Share Frankie?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sharing The Night Together?
+Dr hook
+Music: Artist/Band: Sharp Dressed Man?
+Zz top
+Music: Artist/Band: Shattered (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: She Bangs (Afanasieff/Child/Lopez/Monrig/Rosa/Sierra)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: She Bangs (Afanasieff/Child/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: She Came In Through The Bathroom Window?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: She Goes On (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: She led the group Blue Angel before moving onto greater fame?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: Artist/Band: She Loves Me Not (Bordin/Gould/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: She Loves You - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: She Said, She Said?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: She Smiled Sweetly (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: She Thinks I Still Care (Lipscomb)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: She's Always A Woman?
+Billy joel
+Music: Artist/Band: She's Electric (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: She's Gone (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: She's Got Balls (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: She's just 16 years old/Leave her alone/They said?
+Benny mardonez
+Music: Artist/Band: She's Leaving Home?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: She's Not There (Argent)?
+Music: Artist/Band: She's the One (Wallinger)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: She's The One?
+Robbie Williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Shed a Little Light (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Sherry - The?
+Four Seasons
+Music: Artist/Band: Shine a Light (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Shine Like It Does (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shining (Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Shining Star (Carter/Dorough/Franciz/Lepont)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Shipyards of New Zealand (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Shocked (Aitken/Aitken/Aitken/Stock/Stock/Waterman/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Shoop?
+Salt n pepa
+Music: Artist/Band: Shoot to Thrill (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Short Memory (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Shortest Straw (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shot Down in Flames (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Shot in Dark (Osbourne/Susan)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Shout - The?
+Isley Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Show Me (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Show Me Heaven?
+Maria mckee
+Music: Artist/Band: Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely (Crichlow/Martin)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Showbiz Blues (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Shower the People (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Si Juras Regresar (Botija/Perez)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Si Juras Regresar (P?rez-Botija)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Si Tu Te Vas (Iglesias/Morales)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Sick Things (Bruce/Ezrin)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Sickman (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Side O' the Road (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sign of the Southern Cross (Butler/Dio/Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Signed Sealed Delivered (I'm Yours)?
+Peter frampton
+Music: Artist/Band: Silhouettes - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Silver Gun Superman (DeLeo/DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Silverfuck (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Simple Desultory Philippic (Or How I Was... (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Simply Irresistable?
+Robert palmer
+Music: Artist/Band: Since I Don't Have You - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Since I Don't Have You (Beaumont/Rock)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: Sincerely - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sing (Raposo)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Sing It Back?
+Music: Artist/Band: Singer who had IRS problems; sold posessions to pay back taxes?
+Willie nelson
+Music: Artist/Band: Singing for the Lonely (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Singing Winds, Crying Beasts (Carabello)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sinister Purpose (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Sir Psycho Sexy (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Sister (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Sister Madly (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Sister Morphine (Faithfull/Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sisters of the Moon (Nicks)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Sittin' on Top of the World (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Sitting (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Sitting on the dock of the bay?
+Ottis redding
+Music: Artist/Band: Sitting Still (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Siva (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Skin Trade (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Slap Leather (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Slave (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Slaves & Bulldozers (Cornell/Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sleep (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Sleep Now in the Fire (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Sleight of Hand (Ament/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Slide Away (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Slim Jim Phillips & Lee Rocker?
+Stray cats
+Music: Artist/Band: Slither (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sliver (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Slowburn (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Smile (Ament/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Smokestack Lightning (Howlin' Wolf)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Smoky Places - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Snail (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Snoop Doggy Dogg's mentor?
+Dr dre
+Music: Artist/Band: Snowblind (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: So Far Away (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: So Much In Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: So ya/Thought ya/Might like to/Go to the show?
+Pink floyd
+Music: Artist/Band: Social Parasite (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Soda Pop (Bassie/White)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Solace of You (Glover/Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Soldier Boy - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Solo en Ti (Only You) (Clarke)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Solsbury Hill (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Soma (Corgan/Iha)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Some Are [#] (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Some Folks (Cooper/Ezrin/Gordon)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Some Girls (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Some Guys Have All The Luck?
+Robert palmer
+Music: Artist/Band: Some Kind of Bliss (Bradfield/Minogue/Moore)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Some Might Say (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Somebody to Love (Mercury)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Somebody's out there/Somewhere/Waiting for someone to come their way?
+Music: Artist/Band: Somebody's Trying to Tell Me Something (Garrett/Gifford/Hirst/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Something - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Something About The Way You Look Tonight?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Something Happened to Me Yesterday (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Something in the Way (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Something in the Way She Moves (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Something In The Way She Moves?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Something So Strong (Finn/Froom)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Sometimes (Elofsson)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Sometimes (Mancini/Mancini)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Sometimes (Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Sometimes?
+Music: Artist/Band: Somewhere (Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Somewhere They Can't Find Me (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Somos la Semilla (Blake/Porter/Tena)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Song Black Betty?
+Ram Jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Song for the Asking (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Songbird (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Sons of the Silent Age (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Soon Forget (Ukelele/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Soul And Inspiration - The?
+Righteous Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Soul Sacrifice (Brown/Malone/Rolie/Santana)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Soul Survivor (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Sound and Vision (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Sound of Silence (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Sounds Of Silence?
+Simon & Garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Sour Girl (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: South of the Border (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Southern Central Rain (I'm Sorry) (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Space Cowboy (Yippie-Yi-Yay) (Chasez/Daymond/Greggs/Lopes/Willis)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Spaceboy (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Spanish Eyes (Fromm/Linzer)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Spare Me a Little of Your Love (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Spark in the Dark (Child/Cooper)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Sparrow (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Special (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Speed of Life (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Speedo - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Spin the Black Circle?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Spinning the Wheel (Douglas/Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Spoonman (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Squealer (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Stain (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Stairway to Heaven - Whole Lotta Love?
+Led zeppelin
+Music: Artist/Band: Stairway To Heaven?
+Led Zeppelin
+Music: Artist/Band: Stand & Deliver?
+Adam & the ants
+Music: Artist/Band: Stand by Me (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Stand By Me?
+Ben e king
+Music: Artist/Band: Stand by My Woman (Hirsch/Kravitz/Krizan/Pasch)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Stand in Line (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Stand Inside Your Love (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Stand Up?
+Jethro tull
+Music: Artist/Band: Star Me Kitten (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Star People 97 (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Stardust?
+Billy Ward & His Dominoes
+Music: Artist/Band: Stars?
+Simply red
+Music: Artist/Band: Starting Over?
+John Lennon
+Music: Artist/Band: Stay Another Day?
+East 17
+Music: Artist/Band: Stay With Me [live] (Stewart/Wood)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Stay Young (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Stay?
+Shakespear's sister
+Music: Artist/Band: Stay/With me/My love/I hope you'll always be/Right here by my side/?
+Music: Artist/Band: Stayin' Alive (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Steal Away (The Night) (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Steamroller Blues (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Step Back in Time (Aitken/Aitken/Aitken/Stock/Stock/Waterman/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Step By Step - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Step Out (Crosby/Gallagher/Moy/Wonder)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Steven (Cooper/Ezrin)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Still Love You (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Still Loving You (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Still Remains (DeLeo/DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Still?
+Lionel richie
+Music: Artist/Band: Stone Cold Sober (Cropper/Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Stop (Doucette/Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: Stop Breaking Down (Traditional)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Stop Draggin' Around (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Stop Messin' Round (Adams/Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Stop! In The Name Of Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Stories for Boys (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Storms (Nicks)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Story Untold - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Strange (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stripe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Strange Desire (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Street Fight (Bruce/Buxton/Cooper/Dunaway/Smith)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Stripsearch (Bordin/Hudson/Patton)?
+Faith no more
+Music: Artist/Band: Strong (Barry/Bricusse/Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Strong Enough?
+Music: Artist/Band: Stronger (Martin/Rami)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Stupid Girl (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Subterraneans (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Suck my Kiss - Breaking the Girl?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Suck My Kiss (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Suffer (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Sugar (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: Sugar Sugar - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Suicidal Dream (Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Suicide Solution (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Sultans of Swing (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Summer Holiday?
+Cliff richard
+Music: Artist/Band: Summer Nights?
+Olivia newton john & john travolta
+Music: Artist/Band: Summer Sun?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sun Is Burning (Campbell)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Sun Is Shining?
+Bob marley vs funkstar de luxe
+Music: Artist/Band: Sun Is Shinning (James)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Sun King?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Sun on the Moon (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Sunday Kind Of Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sunday Morning Call (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sunny Side of Heaven (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Sunshine?
+Music: Artist/Band: Supernaut (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Supersonic (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Superstar (Bramlett/Russell)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Supreme (Chambers/Fekaris/Perren/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Surfer Girl - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Surfin' Usa - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Surfin' USA?
+The beach boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Surfing USA?
+Beach boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Surrender (Dermer/Galdo/Vigil)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Swamp Song (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sway (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Swedish duo, Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Baby James (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Baby James?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Black Angel (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Caroline?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Dreams?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Leaf (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Little 16?
+Chuck Berry
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Little Rock & Roller (Berry)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Sweet (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Thing (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet Virginia (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweet, Sweet Smile (Newton/Young)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweetness Follows (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Sweets For My Sweet?
+The searchers
+Music: Artist/Band: Switch Opens (Cornell/Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Symptom of the Universe (Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: T.L.C.A.S.A.P?
+Music: Artist/Band: T.N.T. (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Take It Easy (Browne/Frey)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Take It to the Limit (Frey/Henley/Meisner)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Take Me Home (Aller/Esty)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Take Me With You (Chancler/Coster)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Take On Me?
+Music: Artist/Band: Talk About the Passion (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Talk Tonight (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Talkin' Loud and Sayin' Nothing (Brown/Byrd)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Tall Trees (Finn/Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Target Audience ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Tarkus?
+Emerson lake and palmer
+Music: Artist/Band: Taste It (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Taxman?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Te Extra?o, Te Olvido, Te Amo (Lara)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Teardrops?
+Lee Andrews & The Hearts
+Music: Artist/Band: Tearin' Up My Heart (Lundin/Martin)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Tears Of A Clown?
+Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
+Music: Artist/Band: Tears on My Pillow (Bradford/Lewis)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Tease Me, Please Me (Jabs/Meine/Rarebell/Vallance)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Teaser and the Firecat?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Teddy Bear?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Artist/Band: teenage dirtbag?
+Music: Artist/Band: Teenage Wildlife (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Tell Him - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Tell Him (Afanasieff/Foster/Thompson)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Tell Me Are You Tired (Chancler/Coster)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Tell Me the Truth (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Tell Me What You See?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Temple of the Dog was formed to pay tribute to the leader of this ex-band?
+Mother love bone
+Music: Artist/Band: Temptation Eyes - The?
+Grass Roots
+Music: Artist/Band: Ten Commandments Of Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Tender?
+Music: Artist/Band: Tequila Sunrise (Frey/Henley)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Tequila Sunrise?
+Music: Artist/Band: Testify (De La Rocha/Morello/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: That don't impress me much' a hit in 1999?
+Shania Twain
+Music: Artist/Band: That Don't Impress Me Much?
+Shania twain
+Music: Artist/Band: that Juliana Hatfield was in before The Juliana Hatfield Three?
+Blake babies
+Music: Artist/Band: That Lonesome Road (Grolnick/Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: That'll Be The Day?
+Buddy holly
+Music: Artist/Band: That's All for Everyone (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: That's Enough for Me (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: That's My Desire - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: That's My Desire?
+Dion & The Belmonts
+Music: Artist/Band: That's the Way It Is (Carlsson/Lundin/Martin)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: That's the Way Love Goes (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: That's What I Call Love (Finn/Hester)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: That's When I'll Stop Loving You (Warren)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: The 59th Street Bridge Song?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: THE AIR THAT I BREATHE?
+The hollies
+Music: Artist/Band: The Angels Listened In - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Balltrap (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: The Chain (Buckingham/Fleetwood/McVie/McVie/Nicks)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: the Christmas number one in 1997?
+Spice girls
+Music: Artist/Band: The Closer You Are - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: The Day I Tried to Live (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: the emotional song the little white dove that cried?
+Johnny ray
+Music: Artist/Band: The End?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: The First Cut Is the Deepest (Stevens)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: The Fool On The Hill?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: The Ghost (Welch)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: the grease theme?
+John travolta & olivia newton john
+Music: Artist/Band: The Great Pretender - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Groove is a new fanzine directed toward fans of this English pop group?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: The guitarist who replaced C.C. DeVille in Poison for Native Tongue?
+Ritchie kotzen
+Music: Artist/Band: the hit 'mister bass man'?
+Johnny cymbal
+Music: Artist/Band: the hit the banana song?
+Harry belafonte
+Music: Artist/Band: The Kentucky ____
+Music: Artist/Band: The Lion Sleeps Tonight - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Long And Winding Road - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Long And Winding Road?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: The members are T-Boz, Left Eye, and Chili?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Miracle Of Love?
+Music: Artist/Band: The New Kids on the Block of the '70s?
+The bay city rollers
+Music: Artist/Band: The Next Time?
+Cliff richard
+Music: Artist/Band: The Night Before?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: the oscar winning song The Windmills of Your Mind?
+Noel harrison
+Music: Artist/Band: The phone rings in the middle of the night my father yells 'what you gonna do with your life?'?
+Cyndi Lauper
+Music: Artist/Band: The Power Of Love?
+Frankie goes to hollywood
+Music: Artist/Band: The Price Of Love?
+Bryan ferry
+Music: Artist/Band: The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Shoop Shoop Song?
+Music: Artist/Band: The solution to a problem?
+The cure
+Music: Artist/Band: the song 'jack your body' in 1987?
+Steve 'silk' hurley
+Music: Artist/Band: the song from the Disney movie 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: the song the sun aint gonna shine anymore?
+The walker brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: the songs 'hands?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Sound Of Silence?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore?
+The walker brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: The sun goes down/The night rolls in/You can feel it starting/All over again?
+Glenn frey
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme from mahogany?
+Diana ross
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme song for 'chico and the man'?
+Jose feliciano
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme song for baretta?
+Sammy davis jr
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme song for chico & the man?
+Jose feliciano
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme song to goldfinger?
+Shirley bassey
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme tune to Ghostbusters?
+Ray parker junior
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme tune to moonraker?
+Shirley bassey
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme tune to the james bond film tomorrow never dies?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme tune to the James Bond movie, The Man with the Golden Gun?
+Music: Artist/Band: the theme tune to the latest James Bond film 'Tornorrow never dies'?
+Sheryl crow
+Music: Artist/Band: The Things I Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: the title song and appeared in the film to sir with love?
+Music: Artist/Band: the title song to Goldfinger?
+Shirley bassey
+Music: Artist/Band: the title theme of the james bond film a view to a kill?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: the title theme of the james bond film the living daylights?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Tracks Of My Tears?
+Smokey robinson & the miracles
+Music: Artist/Band: The Wild Side of Life (Carter/Warren W)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: The Wind - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: The Word?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Their Masterpiece has been turned into a watered down musical?
+The who
+Music: Artist/Band: Their one hit wonder was later butchered by Tesla?
+Five man electrical band
+Music: Artist/Band: Their Red and Blue compilation CDs were remastered and released in 1993?
+Music: Artist/Band: Them Bones - Rooster - Dirt?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Them Bones (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Theme From A Summer Place?
+Percy Faith
+Music: Artist/Band: Then He Kissed Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Then You Can Tell Me Good-Bye - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Then You Look at Me (Horner/Jennings)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: There Goes God (Finn/Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: There Goes My Baby - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart)?
+Music: Artist/Band: There's a Kind of Hush (ReedmLes/Stephens)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: There's A Moon Out Tonight - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: There's A Place?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: There's Gonna Be Some Rockin' (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: There's so many things/You should have told her/But night after night/?
+Music: Artist/Band: These Are Happy Times [#] (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Wimbish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: These Dreams (Chambers/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: These Dreams (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: They called it Paradise/I don't know why/Somebody laid the mountains low?
+Music: Artist/Band: They originated the folk music craze of the early 1960s?
+Kingston trio
+Music: Artist/Band: They went searching in 1957?
+The coasters
+Music: Artist/Band: They were originally know as the Bangs?
+The bangles
+Music: Artist/Band: They're Red Hot (Johnson)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Thin Air (Gossard)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Members/Poindexter/Poindexter)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Thing That Should Not Be (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Things We Said Today?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Think (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Think About Me (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Think For Yourself?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Thinkin' About You (Bassie/White)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Thirty-Three (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: This 70's/80's band isn't the Air National Guard. They're just all out of love?
+Air supply
+Music: Artist/Band: This band's four lettered name was meant to be phonetic. (Hint- Kick)?
+Music: Artist/Band: This band's name is an echo?
+The the
+Music: Artist/Band: This band's name is supposedly the band members' code for marijuana?
+Green day
+Music: Artist/Band: This Boy?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: This group has had 4 remakes hit top ten, with two going to #1?
+Music: Artist/Band: This group named itself after an 18th century agronomist?
+Jethro tull
+Music: Artist/Band: This group's name comes from a term used for a 1911 firetruck?
+Reo speedwagon
+Music: Artist/Band: This group's name was inspired by reports of Sinatras move to the film industry?
+Frankie goes to hollywood
+Music: Artist/Band: This group's second album is titled with a Chinese character?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: This I Promise You (Marx)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: This I Swear - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: This Is My Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: This is the Way We Roll?
+Music: Artist/Band: This Is Tomorrow?
+Bryan ferry
+Music: Artist/Band: This LA band's debut album was produced by Ric Ocasek?
+Music: Artist/Band: This Little Pig (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Wimbish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: This Magic Moment - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: This Maniac Is in Love With You (Child/Cooper/Held/Teeley)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: This Masquerade (Russell)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: This Old Heart of Mine (Dozier/Holland/Holland)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: This pop star at one time recorded as David Jones & the King Bees?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: This San Diego band was initially accused of sounding too much like Pearl Jam?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: this singer-actress got her start in a gays' bath house in New York City?
+Bette midler
+Music: Artist/Band: This Time (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: This Time (Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: This Velvet Glove (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Thorn In My Side?
+Music: Artist/Band: Those Good Old Dreams (Bettis/Carpenter)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Thoughts on a Grey Day (Mrs. Scarrot)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Three Sisters (Farriss)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Three Time Loser (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Three Times A Lady?
+Lionel richie
+Music: Artist/Band: Through the Years (Ball/Minogue/Vauk)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Thumbelina (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Thunder Rolls?
+Garth brooks
+Music: Artist/Band: Ticket to Ride (Lennon/McCartney)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Tie A Yellow Ribbon 'Round The Old Oak Tree?
+Tony Orlando
+Music: Artist/Band: Tighter & Tighter (Cornell)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Till - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Till Then - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Till There Was You?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Time (Carter/Dorough/Littrel/McLean/Richardson)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Time After Time (Annelise) (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Time in a Bottle (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: Time the Avenger (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Time's Up (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Reid/Skillings)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Time's Up (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Skillings)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Times They Are A-Changing (Dylan)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Tin Legs and Tin Mines (Garrett/Moginie/Rotsey)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Tiny Daggers (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: To Know Him Is To Love Him - The?
+Teddy Bears
+Music: Artist/Band: To Live Is to Die (Burton/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: To Love Somebody (Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: To Love You More (Foster/Miles)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: To Our Childrens Childrens Children?
+The moody blues
+Music: Artist/Band: To The Aisle - The?
+5 Satins
+Music: Artist/Band: To The Extreme?
+Vanilla ice
+Music: Artist/Band: Today (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Together Again (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Tom Petty and the ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Tombstone (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Tombstone Shadow (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: tommy james & the ____
+Music: Artist/Band: Tomorrow (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Tomorrow Never Knows?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Tomorrow's Dream (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Tonight (Daisley/Kerslake/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: Tonight Could Be The Night - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Tonight I Celebrate My Love?
+Peabo bryson & roberta flack
+Music: Artist/Band: Tonight, Tonight (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright) (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Tonights The Night?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Tonite Reprise (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Tonite-Tonite - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Too Far (Minogue)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Too Funky (Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Too Much Heaven (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: TooShy?
+Music: Artist/Band: Top of the World (Bettis/Carpenter)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Topsy Part Ii?
+Cozy Cole
+Music: Artist/Band: Torn and Frayed (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Torn?
+Natalie imbruglia
+Music: Artist/Band: Touch (Child/Warren)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Touch and Go (Fuller)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Touch Me (I Want Your Body)?
+Sam fox
+Music: Artist/Band: Touch Me When We're Dancing (Bell/Skinner/Wallace)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Touch Too Much (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Touched by an Angel (Estefan/Estefan/Santander)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Tourette's (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Tourniquet (Berkowitz/ Manson/Ramirez)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Traces - The?
+Classics Iv
+Music: Artist/Band: Trade Winds (MacDonald/Salter)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Tradition (Tradici?n) (Estefan/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Tradition of Love (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Traffic Jam (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Tragedy (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Tragedy?
+Music: Artist/Band: Train of Thought (O'Day)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Transformer (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Trapecista (P?rez-Botija/Ramos)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Trapped Under Ice (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Trash (Child/Cooper/Frazier/Sever)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Trashed (Butler/Gillan/Iommi/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Travelin' Band (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Travelin' Man?
+Rick Nelson
+Music: Artist/Band: Treat Her Like a Lady (Dion/King/Mann/Marvel)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Tremor Christ?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Trent Reznor?
+Nine inch nails
+Music: Artist/Band: Tribute to Johnny (Corgan/Iha)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Trickle Trickle?
+Music: Artist/Band: Trip Through Your Wires (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart (Kretz/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Tristessa (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Trout Mask Replica was a popular album by which offbeat musician and his Magic Band?
+Captain beefheart
+Music: Artist/Band: True Blue (Stewart/Wood)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: True Love Ways?
+Buddy holly
+Music: Artist/Band: Truganini (Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Try Again?
+Music: Artist/Band: Try and Love Again (Meisner)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Try Not to Breathe (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Try, Try, Try (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Tu Vacio (Botija-Perez)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Tu Vacio (Botija)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Tumble in the Rough (Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Tumbling Dice (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Tunnel of Love (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Turd on the Run (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Turn Around Look At Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Turn Back Time?
+Music: Artist/Band: Turn It into Love (Aitken/Aitken/Stock/Waterman/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Turn The Page?
+Bob seger and the silver bullet band
+Music: Artist/Band: Turn Turn Turn - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Turn up the Night (Butler/Dio/Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Tusk (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: TV News (Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Wimbrish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus?
+Music: Artist/Band: Twenty Foreplay (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Twenty-One (Leadon)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Twilight (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Twilight Time - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Twist And Shout - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Twist In My Sobriety?
+Tanita tikaram
+Music: Artist/Band: Twistin' the Night Away (Cooke)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Twisting by the Pool (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Twisting By The Pool?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Two Kinds Of People In The World?
+Little Anthony & The Imperials
+Music: Artist/Band: Two Lives (Jordan)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Two Of Us?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Two People Clinging to a Thread (Lloyd/Sklerov)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Ty Cobb (Cornell/Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Type (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Ugly (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Unchained Melody - The?
+Righteous Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Unchained Melody?
+Vito & The Salutations
+Music: Artist/Band: Undecided (Gillies/Johns)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Under My Thumb (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Under My Tree (Peiken/Roche)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: Under Pressure?
+Music: Artist/Band: Under The Boardwalk - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Under the Bridge (Flea/Frusciante/Kiedis/Kiedis/Smith)?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Artist/Band: Under the Same Sun (Fairbairn/Hudson/Meine)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Under what name did high-voiced William Robison Jr. sing (FULL NAME)?
+Smokey robinson
+Music: Artist/Band: Underneath the Sky (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Underway (Green)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Unfinished Sweet (Bruce/Cooper/Smith)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Unforgiven II (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Unglued (DeLeo/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Union of the Snake (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Unkind (Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Until It Sleeps (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Up Around the Bend (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Up In The Sky (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Up On The Roof - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Up on the Roof (Goffin/King)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Up the Hill Backwards (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Us (Pace)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Us Forces (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: V-2 Schneider (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Valentines's Day ( Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Valerie?
+Stevie winwood
+Music: Artist/Band: Vasoline (Stone Temple Pilots/Weiland)?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Velvet Rope (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis/McLaren)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Ven a Mi (Come to Me) (Goodwin/Lopez/Resnik/Rosa)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Ventilator Blues (Jagger/Richards/Taylor)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Vera Cruz?
+Music: Artist/Band: Vermont band's albums that included Rift, Junta, Hoist, Picture of Nectar?
+Music: Artist/Band: Very Ape (Cobain)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Victim of Love (Felder/Frey/Henley/Souther)?
+Music: Artist/Band: View to Kill (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/T?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Visions [#] (Calhoun/Reid/Reid/Wimbish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Vivire y Morire (Iglesias)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: vocals for led zepplin?
+Robert plant
+Music: Artist/Band: Voice of the Voiceless (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Voices of Old People (Garfunkel/Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Volver? (Iglesias/Morales)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Volver?s (Blake/Escolar/Martin/Porter)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: Volvere (Iglesias/Morales)?
+Enrique iglesias
+Music: Artist/Band: Voodoo [live] (Butler/Dio/Iommi)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Vuelve (DeVita)?
+Ricky martin
+Music: Artist/Band: W.M.A?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Wait?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Waiting for That Day/You Can'y Always Get... (Jagger/Michael/Richards)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: Waiting for the Big One (Gabriel)?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Artist/Band: Wake Up Little Susie - The?
+Everly Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Wake up Little Susie?
+Everly brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Walk a Thin Line (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: Walk All over You (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Walk Away Renee - The?
+Left Banke
+Music: Artist/Band: Walk Like A Man - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Walk of Life (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Walking In The Rain - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Walking Man (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Walking Man?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Walking on the Edge (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: War Pigs (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: War Pigs [#] (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: War Within a Breath (Morello/Rocha/Wilk)?
+Rage against the machine
+Music: Artist/Band: Warm Love (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Warszawa (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Wasted Time (Frey/Henley)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Watching the Clothes (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Wated Time (Reprise) (Frey/Henley/Norman)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Way of Love (Dieval/Stillman)?
+Music: Artist/Band: We All Fall In Love Sometimes?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: We Belong Together?
+Robert & Johnnie
+Music: Artist/Band: We Built This City?
+Music: Artist/Band: We Die Young (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: We Dont Talk Anymore?
+Cliff richard
+Music: Artist/Band: We sing the Nightingale's Song...?
+Toad the wet sprocket
+Music: Artist/Band: We Walk (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: We're Going To Ibiza!?
+Music: Artist/Band: We're just/Two lost souls/Living in a fish bowl/Year after year?
+Pink floyd
+Music: Artist/Band: We've Got a Groovey Thing Goin' (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: We've Got It Goin' On (Crichlow/Martin/Pop)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: We've Only Just Begun - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: We've Only Just Begun (Nicholas/Williams)?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Weather with You (Finn/Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M. (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Weeping Wall (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Welcome Home (Sanitarium) (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Welcome Me Love - The?
+Brooklyn Bridge
+Music: Artist/Band: Welcome to My Nightmare (Cooper/Wagner)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Welcome to the Occupation (Berry/Buck/Mills/Stripe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Well All Right?
+Buddy holly
+Music: Artist/Band: West of the Fields (Berry/Bogan/Buck/Mills/Stipe)?
+Music: Artist/Band: What About (Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: What Australian band was originally known as The Farriss Brothers?
+Music: Artist/Band: what backup group accompanied singer little anthony?
+The imperials
+Music: Artist/Band: What band backed neil young on his album after the gold rush?
+Crazy horse
+Music: Artist/Band: What band did Dion form in 1958?
+The Belmonts
+Music: Artist/Band: What band did James Brown tour and record with in the 1950's?
+The Famous Flames
+Music: Artist/Band: What band did the music for the 1970s film saturday night fever?
+The bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: What band do geezer butler, and bill ward play in?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: What band got their name from the sixties movie Barbarella?
+Duran Duran
+Music: Artist/Band: What band had a hit song titled after ol' blue eyes, frank sinatra?
+Music: Artist/Band: What band had a hit with itchycoo park?
+The small faces
+Music: Artist/Band: What band had their first hit with 'radar love'?
+Golden earring
+Music: Artist/Band: What band have the following all performed in at one time or another,ginger baker,mick jagger,eric burdon,paul jones and danny thompson?
+Alexis corners blues incorporated
+Music: Artist/Band: What band in the late 80's were exposed for not recording their own hits?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: Artist/Band: What band is named after a scuplture in Seattle that hums in the wind?
+Music: Artist/Band: What band leader did singer jo stafford marry?
+Paul weston
+Music: Artist/Band: What band played to 2.5 million people in 37 countries on its 1993 keep the faith tour?
+Bon jovi
+Music: Artist/Band: What band recorded earschplittenloudenboomer?
+Music: Artist/Band: What band recorded the 1978 hit album: 'Briefcase Full of Blues'?
+The Blues Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: What band recorded the 1990'2 hit 'slide'?
+Goo goo dolls
+Music: Artist/Band: What band sang 'White Rabbit'?
+Jefferson Airplane
+Music: Artist/Band: What band sang about 'the wall'?
+Pink floyd
+Music: Artist/Band: What band sold the most number of records in the 1970's?
+Led zepplin
+Music: Artist/Band: What band urged you to sit down?
+Music: Artist/Band: What band was cory wells with?
+Three dog night
+Music: Artist/Band: What band was frankie valli the lead man for?
+The four seasons
+Music: Artist/Band: What bandleader had the themes satin doll and take the a train?
+Duke ellington
+Music: Artist/Band: What Do I Have to Do? (Stock/Stock/Stock)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: What Do You Do for Money Honey (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: What Goes Around Comes Around (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: What Goes On?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: What Have You Done for Me Lately? (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: What in the World (Bowie)?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: What Is Love?
+Howard jones
+Music: Artist/Band: What Kind of Fool (Heard All That Before) (Minogue/Stock/Waterman)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: What Makes You Think Your the One (Buckingham)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: what names precede yarrow, stookey and travers?
+Peter, paul and mary
+Music: Artist/Band: What the Fuck Are We Saying? (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: What Time Is It - The?
+Jive Five
+Music: Artist/Band: What U See (Is What U Get) (Elofsson/Kreuger/Magnusson/Rami)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: What was Primus called before they were called 'Primus'?
+Music: Artist/Band: What You Need (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: What You're Doing?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: What You're Proposing?
+Status quo
+Music: Artist/Band: What'cha Gonna Do? (Cantrell/Staley)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: What'll I Do? (Berlin)?
+Music: Artist/Band: What's Another Year?
+Johnny logan
+Music: Artist/Band: What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made a... (Sutton)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: What's Your Favorite Color? (Theme Song) (Glover/Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Wheels of Confusion (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Wheels of Fire?
+Music: Artist/Band: When I Change My Life (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: When I Fall In Love?
+Nat king cole
+Music: Artist/Band: When I Get Home?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: When I Need You (Hammond/Sager)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: When I say I love you you say you better/You better, you better you bet?
+The who
+Music: Artist/Band: When I Think of You (Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: When I'm Sixty Four?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: When the Generals Talk (Garrett/Hirst/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going?
+Billy ocean
+Music: Artist/Band: When The Heartache Is Over?
+Tina turner
+Music: Artist/Band: When the Morning Turns to Night (Kravitz)?
+Lenny kravitz
+Music: Artist/Band: When the Whip Comes Down (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: When Tomorrow Comes?
+Music: Artist/Band: When You Come (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: When You Dance - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: When You Find Out Where You're Goin', Let... (Laurie)?
+Music: Artist/Band: When You Say (Kirwan)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: When You Say Love (Foster/Karman/Rice)?
+Music: Artist/Band: When You Say Nothing At All?
+Ronan keating
+Music: Artist/Band: When Your Eyes Say It (Warren)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: When Your're In Love With A Beautiful Woman?
+Dr hook
+Music: Artist/Band: Whenever God Shines His Light (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Where Are You Now (Carlsson/Martin)?
+Britney spears
+Music: Artist/Band: Where Did It Go All Wrong? (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Where Did Our Love Go - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Where Did You Sleep Last Night? (Ledbetter)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Where Do the Children Play? (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Where Do The Children Play?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Where in the World? (Minogue/Stock/Stock)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Where Is the Love (Hart)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Where the Streets Have No Name (Bono/Clayton/Edge/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Where the Wild Things Are (Hetfield/Newsted/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Wherever I Lay My Hat?
+Paul young
+Music: Artist/Band: Wherever I May Roam (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Which country does Shirley Bassey come from?
+Music: Artist/Band: which member of the jackson five married into the berry gordy family?
+Jermaine jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Which singer's daughter is called Lourdes Maria?
+Music: Artist/Band: Which singer/songwriter received a knighthood in January of 1997?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: Artist/Band: Which Way to America? (Reid)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: While My Guitar Gently Weeps?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Whiplash (Hetfield/Ulrich)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Whipping?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Whispering Bells - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Whispers and Moans (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Who Can Stand in the Way (Garrett/Moginie)?
+Midnight oil
+Music: Artist/Band: Who Feels Love? (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who Feels the Love? (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who had a huge hit with Pretty Woman?
+Roy orbison
+Music: Artist/Band: Who had a major hit with joni mitchell's 'both sides now'?
+Judy collins
+Music: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit with I Should Be So Lucky?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit with shaddap your face?
+Joe dolce
+Music: Artist/Band: Who had a number 1 hit with the song 'two little boys'?
+Rolf harris
+Music: Artist/Band: Who had an acting career in the u.k and got his first break in music when he was chosen to be a replacement drummer in genesis in 1970?
+Phil collins
+Music: Artist/Band: Who had the hit single 'Plush'?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Who has the edge over other bands?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who is the ex-lead singer of the Dead Kennedys?
+Music: Artist/Band: who made it big with tiptoe through the tulips in 1968?
+Tiny tim
+Music: Artist/Band: Who Put The Bomp?
+Barry Mann
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'A Boy Named Sue'?
+Johnny Cash
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'be true to your school' in 1963?
+The beach boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'blue morning blue day' in 1978?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'cuts like a knife' in 1983?
+Bryan adams
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'hejira' in 1976?
+Joni mitchell
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'hey jealousy'?
+Gin blossoms
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'i can't explain' in 1965?
+The who
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'I Love Rock And Roll'?
+Joan jett and the blackhearts
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'in the air tonight' in 1981?
+Phil collins
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'long tall sally' in 1956?
+Little richard
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'rubber soul' in 1965?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'save the last dance for me' in 1960?
+The drifters
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'shadows of the night' in 1982?
+Pat benatar
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded 'sos'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded a best selling album called Thriller?
+Michael Jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded a live album with the Australian symphony orchestra in 1987?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded A Walk in the Black Forest in 1965?
+Horst jankowski
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded after the gold rush in 1970?
+Neil young
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded albums called Hounds of Love, Never for ever and The Whole Story?
+Kate Bush
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded and produced 'instant karma'?
+John lennon
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded blue morning blue day in 1978?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy?
+Elton John
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded everybody's somebody's fool in 1960?
+Connie francis
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded his first single 'Good Morning Little School Girl' with future Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones, on September 10, 1964?
+Rod Stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded i want you, i need you, i love you in 1956?
+Elvis presley
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded it's now or never in 1960?
+Elvis presley
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded left overture in 1976?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded Macarena (bayside boys mix)?
+Los Del Rio
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded running bear in 1960?
+Johnny preston
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded such popular songs as 'policy of truth' and 'personal jesus'?
+Depeche mode
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded such popular songs as 'whose zoomin' who' and is known as 'the queen of soul'?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded such songs as 'toys in the attic' and 'angel', and also did the music for the film 'armageddon'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded Teen Angel in 1960?
+Mark dinning
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the 1957 hit 'Tammy'?
+Debby Reynolds
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the 1957 hit Tammy?
+Debbie reynolds
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the 1968 hit song 'valleri'?
+The monkees
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the 1969 hit song 'oh, what a night'?
+The dells
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the 1985 top-40 hit about wolfgang amadeus mozart?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the album 'hotel California'?
+The eagles
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the album 'Spike'?
+Elvis costello
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the album beggars banquet?
+Rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the album business as usual in 1983?
+Men at work
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the album john wesley harding after two years of seclusion?
+Bob dylan
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the album London Calling in 1975?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the album never a dull moment in 1972?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the album Stranger In Town?
+Bob Serger
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the albums blonde on blonde and blood on the tracks?
+Bob dylan
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the original song 'the twist'?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the song 'Rocket Man'?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the song 'Space Oddity'?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the song 'the humpty dance'?
+Digital underground
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the Tubular Bells album in 1973?
+Mike Oldfield
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the tune 'dream weaver'?
+Gary wright
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded the twist in 1960?
+Chubby checker
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded theme from a summer place in 1960?
+Percy faith
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded to know him is to love him in 1958?
+Teddy bears
+Music: Artist/Band: Who recorded tom dooley in 1958?
+Kingston trio
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released 'love roller coaster' in 1984?
+Ohio players
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released 'my pledge of love' in 1969?
+Joe jeffrey group
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released 'pretty hate machine' in 1989?
+Nine inch nails
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released 'she's so unusual' in 1984, and won a grammy for best new artist?
+Cyndi lauper
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released 'tell him' in november 1962?
+The exciters
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released 'the gypsy cried' in january 1963?
+Lou christie
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released 'Time, Love and Tenderness' in 1981?
+Michael Bolton
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released 'Tuesday Night Music Club' in 1993?
+Sheryl Crow
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released a 14 minute video for a 6 minute song?
+Michael jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released a 1974 album entitled Caribou?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released a chart-busting album in 1976 which featured 'The Lido Shuffle'?
+Boz Scaggs
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released a record, which has been condemned by the catholic church as it refers to some nuns as, 'daughters of hell'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released an album called Miss Bette Davis in 1976?
+Bette Davis
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released Back Home in 1970?
+England world cup football squad
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released his first solo album 'Wonderwall Music' on November 2, 1968?
+George Harrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released the 1976 album we sold our soul to rock n roll?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released the album 'superunknown' in 1994?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released the album synkronised?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released the double album 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' in 1973?
+Elton John
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released the double album 'yellow brick road' in 1973?
+Elton john
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released the No.1 hit single 'Barbie Girl' in October 1997?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who released the smash hit 'she drives me crazy'?
+Fine young cannibals
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'All Right Now'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Any Way You Want Me'?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'anything for you'?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Bad Case Of Loving You'?
+Robert Palmer
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Beat It'?
+Michael Jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Beauty and the Beast'?
+Celine Dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Born In The USA'?
+Bruce Springsteen
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Forever and Ever, Amen'?
+Randy Travis
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Good Morning To You?
+Mildred and Patty Hill
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'I'm A Believer'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'i'm just a girl'?
+No doubt
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'i'm so blind'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'In The Air Tonight'?
+Phil Collins
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Islands In The Stream' with Dolly Parton?
+Kenny Rogers
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Islands In The Stream' with Kenny Rogers?
+Dolly Parton
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Jet Airliner'?
+Steve Miller Band
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'plush'?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'Rescue Me'?
+Fontella Bass
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'That's Alright Mama'?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'the animal song'?
+Savage garden
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'the moon may be high, but i can't see a thing in the sky, i only have eyes for you'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'We've only just begun'?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'You Can Call Me Al'?
+Paul Simon
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang 'you've got a friend'?
+Carole king
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang about 'Commitment'?
+Leann Rhimes
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang about 'The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B'?
+The Andrews Sisters
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones?
+The Beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang about midnight in Chelsea in 1997?
+Jon Bon Jovi
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang about parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme?
+Simon and
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang and played the theme song for the tv show 'frasier'?
+Kelsey grammar
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang bobby mcgee?
+Janis joplin
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang burn one down?
+Ben harper
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang everything changes?
+Take That
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang for 'Bad company' and 'Free', then went out on his own?
+Paul Rodgers
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang I'm Leaving It Up To You with Dale?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang lead vocals for lynyrd skynyrd?
+Ronnie van zandt
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang lead with T. Rex?
+Marc bolan
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang the music hall classic My old man said follow the van?
+Matilda wood
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang the song Sweet Nicole?
+Point Blank
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang the theme song for Pee Wee's playhouse?
+Cyndi Lauper
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang with 'The Dakotas'?
+Billy J. Kramer
+Music: Artist/Band: Who sang with the Wailers?
+Bob marley
+Music: Artist/Band: Who teamed with grace kelly on true love, his last hit song, from high society in 1956?
+Fred astaire
+Music: Artist/Band: Who teamed with neil diamond on you don't send me flowers?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: Artist/Band: Who You Are (Gossard/Irons/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Who'll Stop the Rain (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: Who's Been Sleeping Here (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Who's Sorry Now?
+Connie Francis
+Music: Artist/Band: Who's That Girl?
+Music: Artist/Band: Who's Who (Hynde)?
+The pretenders
+Music: Artist/Band: Whole Lotta Rosie (Scott/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On?
+Jerry Lee Lewis
+Music: Artist/Band: Whoomp! There it is?
+Tag team
+Music: Artist/Band: Whose debut album is titled 'Suck on This??
+Music: Artist/Band: Why Do Fools Fall In Love?
+Frankie Lymon
+Music: Artist/Band: Why Don't We Do It In The Road?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Why Don't You Write Me (Simon)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: Why Go (Ament/Vedder)?
+Pearl jam
+Music: Artist/Band: Why Oh Why (Sembello/Sharon)?
+Celine dion
+Music: Artist/Band: Why Trust You (Child/Cooper)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Wicked World (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Wild Boys (Lebon/Rhodes/Taylor/Taylor/Taylor)?
+Duran duran
+Music: Artist/Band: Wild Honey Pie?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Wild Horses (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: Wild Life (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Wild Night (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Wild World (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Will You Love Me Tomorrow - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Will you meet him on the main line or will you catch him on the rebound?
+Laura Branigan
+Music: Artist/Band: Win Some, Lose Some (Chambers G/Williams)?
+Robbie williams
+Music: Artist/Band: Wind (Stevens)?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: Wind of Change (Meine)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Wind Of Change?
+Music: Artist/Band: Window Paine (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Winning (Ballard)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Wipeout - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Wipeout?
+The fat boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Wired For Sound?
+Cliff richard
+Music: Artist/Band: Wishing Well (Farriss/Hutchence)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Witchy Woman (Henley/Leadon)?
+Music: Artist/Band: with 'the dakotas'?
+Billy j kramer
+Music: Artist/Band: With A Little Help From My Friends?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: With Every Light (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: with Michael Jackson to record 'Say,Say,Say'?
+Paul McCartney
+Music: Artist/Band: With or Without You (Bono/Clayton/Edge [1]/Mullen)?
+Music: Artist/Band: with the Tremeloes?
+Brian poole
+Music: Artist/Band: With the Years That I Have Left (Con los... (Estefan/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Within You, Without You?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Wizard (Butler/Iommi/Osbourne/Ward)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Woman (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Woman Woman - The?
+Union Gap
+Music: Artist/Band: Wonderful Life?
+Music: Artist/Band: Wonderful Remark (Morrison)?
+Van morrison
+Music: Artist/Band: Wonderwall (Gallagher)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Wooly Bully Sam - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Word Is Out (Stock/Stock)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Words (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: Words Get in the Way (Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Words Of Love?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Workin' at the Car Wash Blues (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: World (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: World Where You Live (Finn)?
+Crowded house
+Music: Artist/Band: Wormboy (Berkowitz/Manson)?
+Marilyn manson
+Music: Artist/Band: Would I Lie To You?
+Music: Artist/Band: Would? (Cantrell)?
+Alice in chains
+Music: Artist/Band: Wouldn't Change a Thing (Aitken/Stock/Stock)?
+Kylie minogue
+Music: Artist/Band: Wouldn't It Be Nice - The?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Wouldnt It Be Nice?
+The beach boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Wound (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Writ (Black Sabbath)?
+Black sabbath
+Music: Artist/Band: Wrote a Song for Everyone (Fogerty)?
+Creedence clearwater revival
+Music: Artist/Band: WTFF (Betts/Calhoun/Glover/Reid/Wimbish)?
+Living colour
+Music: Artist/Band: Yakety Yak - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Yamatsuka Eye, John Zorn, Bill Laswell, Fred Frith, etc...?
+Naked city
+Music: Artist/Band: Yanovsky, Butler, Sebastian, Boone?
+The lovin spoonful
+Music: Artist/Band: Years Ago (Cooper/Wagner)?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Artist/Band: Yer Blues?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Yes I Will (Kierulf/McLean/Schwartz)?
+Backstreet boys
+Music: Artist/Band: Yes It Is?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Yesterday - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: Yesterday (Ayer) (Marquez)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Yesterday and Today?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Yesterday Once More/Fun, Fun, Fun/The End... (Barry/Bettis/Carpenter/Dee/Greenwich/Kent/Love/Specto/Wilson) -?
+The carpenters
+Music: Artist/Band: Yesterday's Papers (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: ymca?
+The village people
+Music: Artist/Band: You (All/Brown/Elizondo/Harris/Jackson/Lewis)?
+Janet jackson
+Music: Artist/Band: You Ain't the First (Stradlin')?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: You Are Everything?
+Diana ross & marvin gaye
+Music: Artist/Band: You Belong To Me - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: You Better Sit Down Kids (Bono)?
+Music: Artist/Band: You Can Tell the World (Camp/Gibson)?
+Simon & garfunkel
+Music: Artist/Band: You Can't Always Get What You Want (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: YOU CAN'T BE A BEACON If Your Light Don't Shine?
+Donna fargo
+Music: Artist/Band: You Can't Do That?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: You Can't Hurry Love - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: You Can't Hurry Love?
+Music: Artist/Band: You Can't Kill Rock & Roll (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: Artist/Band: You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Momory (Thunders)?
+Guns n' roses
+Music: Artist/Band: You Don't Mess Around With Jim (Croce)?
+Jim croce
+Music: Artist/Band: You Dont Bring Me Flowers?
+Barbra streisand
+Music: Artist/Band: You Drive Me Crazy?
+Shakin stevens
+Music: Artist/Band: You Got It (Renn)?
+'n sync
+Music: Artist/Band: You Got the Silver (Jagger/Richards)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: You Gotta Move (Davis/McDowell)?
+The rolling stones
+Music: Artist/Band: You Have Been Loved (Austin/Michael)?
+George michael
+Music: Artist/Band: You Like Me Too Much?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: You Make It Easy (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: You Make Loving Fun (McVie)?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Artist/Band: you make me sick?
+Music: Artist/Band: You Might Need Somebody?
+Randy crawford
+Music: Artist/Band: You Never Give Me Your Money?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: You Really Got A Hold On Me?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: You Shook Me All Night Long (Johnson/Young/Young)?
+Music: Artist/Band: You Should Be Dancing (Gibb/Gibb/Gibb)?
+Bee gees
+Music: Artist/Band: You The?
+Music: Artist/Band: You Wear It Well (Quittenton/Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: You Were Mine - The?
+Music: Artist/Band: You Won't Be Mine (Thomas)?
+Matchbox 20
+Music: Artist/Band: You Won't See Me?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: You'll Be Back (Volver?s) (Estefan/Ferro)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: You'll Be In My Heart?
+Phil collins
+Music: Artist/Band: You're All I've Got Tonight (Ocasek)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: You're Going To Lose That Girl?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: You're in My Heart (The Final Acclaim) (Stewart)?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Artist/Band: You're Talking About Me (Hablas de M?) (Piloto)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: You're The One That I Want?
+Olivia newton john & john travolta
+Music: Artist/Band: You've Got a Friend (King)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: You've Got To Hide Your Love Away?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling - The?
+Righteous Brothers
+Music: Artist/Band: Young Girl - The?
+Union Gap
+Music: Artist/Band: Young Love?
+Sonny James
+Music: Artist/Band: Your Baby Never Looked Good In Blue?
+Music: Artist/Band: Your Eyes (Tus Ojos) (Estefan/Estefan)?
+Gloria estefan
+Music: Artist/Band: Your Husband, My Wife - The?
+Brooklyn Bridge
+Music: Artist/Band: Your Latest Trick [live] (Knopfler)?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Your Latest Trick?
+Dire straits
+Music: Artist/Band: Your Mother Should Know?
+The beatles
+Music: Artist/Band: Your Smiling Face (Taylor)?
+James taylor
+Music: Artist/Band: Zero (Corgan)?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Artist/Band: Zero Chance (Cornell/Shepherd)?
+Music: Artist/Band: Ziggy Stardust?
+David bowie
+Music: Artist/Band: Zoo (Meine/Schenker)?
+Music: Artists Albums: August?
+Eric clapton
+Music: Artists Hometowns: Beastie Boys?
+Music: Artists Hometowns: Fugazi?
+Washington dc
+Music: Artists Hometowns: Nirvana?
+Music: Artists Hometowns: RUN-DMC?
+Music: Artists Hometowns: Superchunk?
+Chapel hill
+Music: As a friend, as an old enemy?
+Come as you are
+Music: As what is Merle Haggard also known as?
+Okie from Muskogee
+Music: At the 1996 Brit awards who caused a scene when Michael Jackson was on stage?
+Jarvis Cocker
+Music: Avant-Garde guitarist with Skeleton Crew and and Art Bears?
+Fred frith
+Music: Axl Rose was an anagram for what phrase?
+Oral Sex
+Music: Axl rose's then girlfirend erin everly was the subject of which guns n roses track?
+Sweet child of mine
+Music: Baby Don't ____My Number - Milli Vanilli
+Music: Baccara sang yes sir i can ____
+Music: Back To Life - Soul II ____
+Music: Backup singer on Dark side of the Moon; she also sang with Nick Drake?
+Doris troy
+Music: Barbra Streisand has also had a long career. Many will immediately think of 'Funny Girl' when they hear her name. Which of these songs is NOT from the movie?
+Second Hand Rose
+Music: Batdance?
+Music: Bauhaus did a remake of Ziggy Stardust from this singer?
+David bowie
+Music: Beautiful Schonberg musical based on the Victor Hugo novel?
+Les miserables
+Music: Beethoven wrote his 3rd symphony for who?
+Music: Before enya went solo, she played with her family in this Irish band?
+Music: Before going solo, the singer louise was a member of which pop group?
+Music: Before moving onto greater fame, Bing Crosby sang with this group?
+Rhythm boys
+Music: Belly sings a song that has the same name as what fictional toymaker?
+Music: Bert Berns produced what song for Van Morrison?
+Brown eyed girl
+Music: Bertha don't you come around here...?
+Music: Besides being a singer, the Big Boppa was also working as a?
+Disc jockey
+Music: Besides singing, Karen Carpenter also played what?
+The Drums
+Music: Besides Sonny Bono, what other famous male celebrity does Cher have a child with?
+Gregg allman
+Music: Besides the stones which group had the longest touring career until the founder's death in 1995?
+Grateful dead
+Music: Besides the Stones, which group had the longest touring career until the founder's death in 1995?
+The Grateful Dead
+Music: Best known for 'dancin' in the streets', martha and the vandella's also hit the charts with the song about which man?
+Jimmy mack
+Music: Best known for musicals, his last directorial effort was Star 80?
+Bob fosse
+Music: Between 1969 & 1977, this male entertainer performed more than 700 times, exclusively at the Las Vegas Hilton. Who was he?
+Elvis presley
+Music: biggest hit for the group cyrkle?
+Red rubber ball
+Music: Biggest Hits: Ace of Base?
+The sign
+Music: Biggest Hits: Amy Holland?
+How do i survive
+Music: Biggest Hits: Barry White?
+Music: Biggest Hits: BB King?
+The thrill is gone
+Music: Biggest Hits: Bruce Springsteen?
+Dancing in the dark
+Music: Biggest Hits: Enya?
+Orinoco flow
+Music: Biggest Hits: Etta James?
+Tell mama
+Music: Biggest Hits: Jackson Browne?
+Somebodys baby
+Music: Biggest Hits: Leif Garrett?
+I was made for dancin
+Music: Biggest Hits: Little River BAND?
+Music: Biggest Hits: Mariah Carey?
+I'll be there
+Music: Biggest Hits: Miracles?
+Tears of a clown
+Music: Biggest Hits: Monie Love?
+Its a shame
+Music: Biggest Hits: Neil Sedaka?
+Bad blood
+Music: Biggest Hits: Partners in Kryme?
+Turtle power
+Music: Biggest Hits: Paula Abdul?
+Rush rush
+Music: Biggest Hits: Salt-N-Pepa?
+Whatta man
+Music: Biggest Hits: Sweet?
+Little willy
+Music: Biggest Hits: The Pointer Sisters?
+Slow hand
+Music: Biggest Hits: The Supremes?
+Baby love
+Music: Biggest Hits: The U-Krew?
+If u were mine
+Music: Biggest Hits: Whistling Jack Smith?
+I was kaiser bills batman
+Music: Bill Clinton is known for playing what musical instrument?
+Music: Bill Haley sings 'See you later ____ '
+Music: Bill Justis was a studio musician when he recorded this 'sloppy' instrumental in october 1957?
+Music: Bill Medley and ____ teamed up to record '(I've Had) The Time of My Life'
+Jennifer Warnes
+Music: Bills,bills,bills us female trio?
+Destiny's child
+Music: Billy Corgan is the lead singer of this band?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Billy Idol sang about this popular type of wedding?
+Music: Billy Joel: Billy's daughter's name (First & Middle)?
+Alexa ray
+Music: Billy Joel: Billy's recent 'dreamy' #1 hit?
+River of dreams
+Music: Billy Joel: Only song for Christie Brinkley which mentions her first name?
+Christie lee
+Music: Billy Joel: Song in which Virginia appears?
+Only the good die young
+Music: Billy Joel: Which Billy video was a parody of Elvis on Ed Sullivan?
+Tell her about it
+Music: Billy Joel: Who did Billy & Christie name their daughter after?
+Ray charles
+Music: Billy once dated this famous widow of Kurt Cobain?
+Courtney love
+Music: Billy ray cyrus sang '____ breaky heart'
+Music: Bing Crosby is perhaps best known for 'White Christmas'. In what movie did he sing the song?
+Holiday Inn
+Music: Birth place of Luciano Pavarotti?
+Music: Black superman and in zaire were mid-seventies hits for whom?
+Johnny wakelin
+Music: Blame It On The Rain - Milli ____
+Music: Blondie's final #1?
+The tide is high
+Music: Blondie's first no 1 was?
+Heart of glass
+Music: Blue collar man (1978) was a hit by what group?
+Music: Blue eyed crooner who does it 'My Way'?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: Blue Swede might have invented heavy metal with this #1 hit?
+Hooked on a feeling
+Music: Blue(da ba dee) was a no 1 hit name the band?
+Eiffel 65
+Music: Blues Brothers: Who played the energetic preacher?
+James brown
+Music: Bluesy scary Stones song, staple of live shows, often running 11-12 minutes?
+Midnight rambler
+Music: Bob Carlisle 'Thanks god for all the joy in his life, but most of all for ____
+Butterfly kisses
+Music: Bob Dylan foils bootleggers by releasing his own 58 song?
+Bootleg series
+Music: Bob Dylan, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty & George Harrison formed this group briefly?
+Traveling wilburys
+Music: Bob Dylan: 1992 Album of traditional folk songs?
+Good as i been to you
+Music: Bob Dylan: Dylan song covered by U2, Jimi Hendrix, Neil Young?
+All along the watchtower
+Music: Bob Dylan: Dylans name on the first Travelling Wilbury's album?
+Lucky wilbury
+Music: Bob Dylan: Fraternity Dylan pledged in college but never finished pledgeship?
+Sigma alpha mu
+Music: Bob Seger's band for many years?
+The silver bullet band
+Music: Bobby Darin's recording of a Tim Hardin composition hit the top ten in 1966. The song was 'If I Were A____
+Music: Bobby hatfield and bill medley formed which dynamite singing duo?
+Righteous brothers
+Music: Body Count's controvesial song about revenge for police brutality?
+Cop killer
+Music: Bone Thugs 'n?
+Music: Bonnie raitt sang 'something to talk ____'
+Music: Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton; name the fourth member of this band?
+Larry Mullen jr
+Music: Bonzo?
+John bonham
+Music: Born To Be My ____- Bon Jovi
+Music: Both Joe South and the Spinners recorded different Top- 20 tunes with the exact same title. What is that title?
+Games People Play
+Music: Bow wow wow asked one of their early members to leave the group because he was too outspoken. who was he?
+Boy george
+Music: Boy george was the lead singer for what group?
+Culture club
+Music: Brandy and ____ had a No.1 with 'The Boy Is Mine' in 1998
+Music: Brass instrument resembling a trumpet?
+Music: Brazil's most well-known classical music composer?
+Hector villa-lobos
+Music: Brett Anderson & Bernard Butler formed which band in 1990?
+Music: Brian connolly was singer with which 70's band?
+Music: Brian Robertson & Jimmy Bain formed what group?
+Wild horses
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: According to Elastica, who may lurk in every little Honda?
+Peter fonda
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: According to Neds Atomic Dustbin, what does 2 and 2 make?
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Bush song that is also a hormone?
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Formerly of the Eurythmics, now this woman is a successful solo artist?
+Annie lennox
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Half of Enya's songs are in English. What language are the others sung in?
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Lineup: Dolores Oriordan, Noel Hogan, Mike Hogan, Feargal Lawler?
+The cranberries
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Lineup: Justine Frischmann, Donna Matthews, Annie Holland, Justin Welch?
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Neds Atomic Dustbin asks the question: Are You?
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Oasis sings about what type of supernova?
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Radiohead's baby has got this, a diver's problem?
+The bends
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Sinead O'Connor covered this Nirvana song on Universal Mother?
+All apologies
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: Tanya Donelly (Belly) has a stepsister. What band does she sing in?
+Throwing muses
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: This band, clown's fave, features Flea and isn't British, but who cares?
+Red hot chili peppers
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: This singer got in trouble for ripping the Pope's picture on SNL?
+Sinead oconnor
+Music: Brit Isle Bands: What colour is Catherine Wheels skin, according to the song?
+Black metallic
+Music: British full-lipped singer who once studied economics?
+Mick jagger
+Music: British Scientist Sir Charles Wheatstone is said to be the inventor of the concertina and which other instrument?
+Music: Broadway musical about carnival barker Billy Bigelow?
+Music: Broadway musical about Mayor LaGuardia of NYC?
+Music: Broadway Musical about the life of Jelly Roll Morton?
+Jellys last jam
+Music: Broadway Musical tribute to the music of Louis Jordan?
+5 guys named moe
+Music: Brother, wanna thank your mother for a butt like that?
+Music: Bruce Hornsby & the ____
+Music: Bruce Hornsby: Bruce now records at a self-built studio in his home state of?
+Music: Bruce Hornsby: Bruce was the backing piano player for this female pop singer in 1983?
+Sheena easton
+Music: Bruce Hornsby: The second album song that takes its title from a Robert Frost poem?
+The road not taken
+Music: Bruce-penned song that another artist took to #1 in 1977?
+Blinded by the light
+Music: Bryan Adams and Warrant found it?
+Music: Bryan adams wants to know how does it feel behind ____
+Those eyes of blue
+Music: Buddy holly released a solo 'peggy sue' that, by the end of 1957 was challenging which song recorded with the crickets?
+Oh boy
+Music: Buffalo Stance - Neneh ____
+Music: Burt Bacharach has performed with the this band in an unlikely match up?
+Barenaked ladies
+Music: Bust A Move - ____M.C
+Music: By what name is Adeste Fideles better known?
+Oh Come,all ye faithful
+Music: By what name is Emma Bunton better known?
+Baby spice
+Music: By which name is David robert jones better known?
+David bowie
+Music: By which name is Mendelssohn's Third Symphony known?
+Music: Calling occupants of interplanetary craft was a best-selling single for which American duo?
+Music: Car mentioned in Fun, Fun, Fun by the Beach Boys?
+Music: Cat stevens sings 'i can't keep it in, i gotta ____'
+Let it out
+Music: Cat Stevens wanted us all to ride this in 1971?
+Peace train
+Music: CDEFGABC is an example of what?
+Music: Celebrity Albums: And Awaaay We Go!?
+Jackie gleason
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Another Fine Mess?
+Stan laurel
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Babalu?
+Desi arnaz
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Boy Wonder, I Love You?
+Burt ward
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Cuchi-Cuchi?
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Cybill does it to Cole Porter?
+Cybill shepard
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Dobie!?
+Dwayne hickman
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C?
+Jim nabors
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Hawaiiannette?
+Annette funicello
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Hi, Guys!?
+Ted knight
+Music: Celebrity Albums: I am the Greatest?
+Cassius clay
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Knight Lover?
+David hasselhoff
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Laverne & Shirley Sing?
+Penny marshall
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Mahvelous!?
+Billy crystal
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Marilyn!?
+Marilyn monroe
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Miss Rona Sings Hollywood's Greatest Hits?
+Rona barrett
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Ol' Yellow Eyes is Back?
+Brent spiner
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Shaq Diesel?
+Shaquille oneal
+Music: Celebrity Albums: The Man from Shaft?
+Richard roundtree
+Music: Celebrity Albums: The Odd Couple Sings?
+Tony randall
+Music: Celebrity Albums: Voice of Fire (recorded pre-Waco)?
+David koresh
+Music: Celebrity Lovers: Emilio Estevez was once happily married to this singer, dancer, & choreographer?
+Paula abdul
+Music: Celtic folk group featuring Richard Thompson, Dave Pegg, Simon Nicols...?
+Fairport convention
+Music: Certainly ironic if this sensitive songwriter really mistreated Daryl Hannah?
+Jackson browne
+Music: Certainly the most well known Indian Sitar player in the west?
+Ravi shankar
+Music: Cher sang about Gypsies, Tramps, and...this?
+Music: Cherish?
+Music: Cherry ____- John Cougar Mellencamp
+Music: Chicago guitar rock band who headlined Lollapalooza '94?
+Smashing pumpkins
+Music: Chili Peppers' Bassist who left the band shortly before Lollapalooza II?
+John frusciante
+Music: Chris Isaak did a cover of this Neil Diamond song on 'San Francisco Days'?
+Solitary man
+Music: Chris Mars fronted this alternative group, a media darling in the 1980s?
+The replacements
+Music: Chrissie Hynde led which band?
+The Pretenders
+Music: Christina Ricci appears in a video by what artist?
+Music: Christine Aguilera sang about a what '...In A Bottle' in 1999?
+Music: Christmas Songs: This Tchaikovsky piece from the Nutcracker uses the celeste?
+Dance of the sugar-plum fairy
+Music: Christmas Songs: To avoid controversy, many record stores didn't carry his 1958 Christmas album?
+Elvis presley
+Music: Christmas Songs: What Jeannette Isabella is asked to bring?
+Music: Cilla black had a hit with the title song from which movie in 1966?
+Music: Circle In The ____- Belinda Carlisle
+Music: Clapton's Love Song from Slow Hand?
+Wonderful tonight
+Music: Clash: Joe Strummer plays a troublemaker in Memphis in this Jim Jarmusch Film?
+Mystery train
+Music: Clash: Joe Strummer stars in this Alex Cox Western with D Hopper & E Costello?
+Straight to hell
+Music: Clash: This Clash member went on to form B.A.D?
+Mick jones
+Music: Classical: 80 years after his death, Bach was all but forgotten by the general public. Which composer is credited with reviving interest in Bach after his death?
+Felix Mendelssohn
+Music: Classical: A cadenza is?
+A passage in the style of brilliant improvisation
+Music: Classical: A Canzone is?
+A transcribed madrigal or chanson
+Music: Classical: A common name for a canon so devised that it can be repeated indefinitely is?
+A round
+Music: Classical: A feature of Franz Schubert's life was the Schubertiad. What was it?
+Musical party
+Music: Classical: A Gigue is?
+A lively dance in 6/8 meter
+Music: Classical: A IV-I chord progression is called a?
+Plagal cadence
+Music: Classical: A Motive or Motif is?
+A brief melodic fragment too short to be called a theme
+Music: Classical: A performance by this folk-orchestra at the Paris Exhibition is said to have made a marked impression on Debussy?
+A Javanese gamelan
+Music: Classical: A Polish court dance in triple rhythm , moderately fast is a?
+Music: Classical: A style of vocal music from the fifteenth century of Italian origin is?
+Music: Classical: Adagio refers to?
+A tempo indication meaning very slow
+Music: Classical: After being left an orphan at the age of 10, he was taken care of by his older brother Johann Cristoph?
+Music: Classical: After what river did Robert Schumann entitle a symphony?
+The Rhine
+Music: Classical: Alexander Glazounov (1865-1936) was which of the following?
+A composer
+Music: Classical: Although he breezed through the Paris Conservatory's entrance exams, who was refused admission because he was age 7?
+Music: Classical: Although Mussorgsky wrote Pictures at an Exhibition, whose orchestration of it is usually heard?
+Music: Classical: An American popular-song composer based this hit song on Chopin's Fantasie-Impromptu. This tune is?
+I'm Always chasing Rainbows
+Music: Classical: Approximately how many waltzes did Johann Strauss Jr. compose?
+Over 500
+Music: Classical: Arturo Toscanini (1867-1957) was best known as what?
+A conductor
+Music: Classical: As a choir boy, Haydn was considered a practical joker. On one occasion, he...?
+Cut off the pigtails of another singer
+Music: Classical: At the beginning of his career, Glenn Gould recorded a work which he recorded again shortly before he died. This was ?
+The Goldberg Variations
+Music: Classical: Bach wrote a charming collection of easy piano pieces for his second wife?
+Anna Magdalena
+Music: Classical: Bach's Two & Three part inventions are a primer for this opus?
+Well tempered clavier
+Music: Classical: Baroque composer famous for the oratorio Messiah in 1742?
+Music: Classical: Beethoven incorporated a poem by Schiller into what opus?
+Symphony no. 9
+Music: Classical: Beethoven's piano sonatas were influenced by those of an earlier composer whose B-flat major sonat was the subject of a competition with Mozart?
+Music: Classical: Beethoven's Sonata in F major for Violin and Piano, Op. 24 bearswhich seasonal nickname?
+Music: Classical: Berlioz was a proficient player of only this instrument?
+Music: Classical: Between 1791 and 1795, this continental composer spent most of his time writing symphonies in London?
+Music: Classical: British composer known for A London Symphony & the opera Hugh the Drover?
+Vaughan williams
+Music: Classical: By what first name was the French composer Berlioz known?
+Music: Classical: Chopin and George Sand hoped to have an idyllic holiday on this island paradise. Instead it turned into a nightmare. Name this island?
+Music: Classical: Chopin's Polonaise #53 in Ab was adapted for what popular song?
+Till the End of Time
+Music: Classical: Composer Heitor Villa-Lobos was born in which country?
+Music: Classical: Composer of Swedish Rhapsody?
+Hugo alfven
+Music: Classical: Composers Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin, Balakirev, Cui and Mussorgskybelonged to what group?
+The Five
+Music: Classical: Conductor for Fantasia?
+Leopold stokowski
+Music: Classical: Debussy is noted for his use of this non-traditional scale?
+Whole tone
+Music: Classical: Did Johannes Brahms...?
+Remain a bachelor
+Music: Classical: Domenico Scarlatti acquired novel ideas on the use of rhythm and harmony during his sojourn in what country?
+Music: Classical: Each movement of Vaughan William's Sinfonia Antarctica contains quotes from the journals of which explorer?
+Music: Classical: Eduard Hanslick (1825-1904) was famous in what capacity?
+Music critic
+Music: Classical: For what instrument did Girolamo Frescobaldi become one of the firstgreat composers of music?
+Music: Classical: For what two solo instruments did Brahms write his DoubleConcerto in A minor Op. 102?
+Violin and cello
+Music: Classical: For which British monarch's water party did Handel write his WaterMusic?
+George I
+Music: Classical: For which of his operas did Rimsky-Korsakov write The Flight ofthe Bumblebee?
+Tsar Saltan
+Music: Classical: For which trio of solo instruments did Beethoven write his TripleConcerto in C maior?
+Piano, violin and cello
+Music: Classical: For whom did Berlioz write his viola concerto Harold in Italy?
+Music: Classical: For whom did Mozart write the Requiem in D minor, K.626?
+Music: Classical: For whom was an arrest warrant issued in Dresden in 1849?
+Music: Classical: French composer known for the operas Carmen, Djmileh, & The Pearlfishers?
+Georges bizet
+Music: Classical: French writer George Sand is remembered for her affair with which composer?
+Music: Classical: Gaspard de la Nuit refers to?
+A set of three piano pieces by Ravel
+Music: Classical: Gluck, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven?
+Were exponents of the classic Sonata
+Music: Classical: Grieg's Peer Gynt was originally incidental music to a play of the same name. Who wrote the play?
+Henrik Ibsen
+Music: Classical: Haydn was taken in by this noble patron in 1761 and remained in the service of his family for the next 30 years?
+Prince Paul von Esterhazy
+Music: Classical: Haydn's wife was not exactly a music lover. Her insensitivity really showed when she...?
+Used Haydn's manuscript for hair curlers
+Music: Classical: He was a patient of Freud's for a short time?
+Music: Classical: He was Leipzig's leading piano teacher in 1830. Schumann was sent to study with him and fell in love with his daughter?
+Frederick Wieck
+Music: Classical: He wrote over 100 symphonies...and he created the string quartet?
+Music: Classical: His principal works are the operas Wozzeck & Lulu?
+Alban berg
+Music: Classical: How did French pianist and composer Charles Alkan meet his death?
+Crushed to death by a falling bookcase
+Music: Classical: How many symphonies did Beethoven write{Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770. He died inVienna, Austria in 1827.}?
+Music: Classical: How many symphonies did Chopin write?
+Music: Classical: How many symphonies did Tchaikovsky write?
+Music: Classical: Humoresque was published in 1890 and has remained a favorite. Who wrote it?
+Music: Classical: In 1705, J.S. Bach was exposed to a composer who influenced him greatly. Who was he?
+Music: Classical: In 1723, J .S. Bach left Cothen to take up a new job in which city?
+Music: Classical: In 1835 Chopin had a traumatic experience, sharing the stage with a more dazzling pianist. Chopin attracted only a fraction of the applause garnered by his rival?
+None of the above
+Music: Classical: In 1853 this virtuoso had to transpose Beethoven's C minor symphony into C# minor?
+Music: Classical: In 1867 Paul Dukas published this piece based on a story by Goethe?
+The Sorceror's Apprentice
+Music: Classical: In 1923, Arthur Honegger wrote Pacific 231. What inspired it?
+A train engine
+Music: Classical: In 1970, 100 cellists played Sardana in tribute to what composer?
+Music: Classical: In his Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies (1892), Tchaikovsky made use of what newly invented instrument?
+Music: Classical: In the music of J.S. Bach, one can find evidence of...?
+Music: Classical: In the slow, gentle second movement of Haydn's Symphony in G Major (No.94), a loud chord for full orchestra suddenly bursts forth. What is this Symphony better known as?
+The Surprise Symphony 
+Music: Classical: In what Austrian city is an annual Mozart festival held?
+Music: Classical: In what city did Chopin die in 1849?
+Music: Classical: In what city did the barcarolle originate?
+Music: Classical: In what city was Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minorgiven its world premiere?
+Music: Classical: In what country was Mikhail Glinka born in 1804?
+Music: Classical: In what German city was Handel born?
+Music: Classical: In what key did Franz Liszt write the beautiful Liebestraum #3?
+Music: Classical: In what key is Grieg's only piano concerto, Op. 16?
+A minor
+Music: Classical: In what key is the Moonlight Sonata?
+C# minor
+Music: Classical: In what work did Tchaikovsky employ a celesta?
+The Nutcracker
+Music: Classical: In which tempo should a piece of music annotated with term 'presto' be played?
+Very fast
+Music: Classical: John Field was the first to use this title for a short piano piece in a romantic mood. Chopin acheived great success in developing this form?
+Music: Classical: Leonard Bernstein's last minute conducting debut with the N.Y. Philharmonic in 1943 launched his career. Who was he filling in for?
+Bruno Walter
+Music: Classical: List some Classical Composers?
+Music: Classical: Mendelssohn's wedding march begins on an unusual chord of which type?
+Music: Classical: Most present day composers would consider 4 or 5 Symphonies to be a good Symphonic output for a lifetime. Name the composer who wrote 102 Symphonies?
+Music: Classical: Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven are sometimes collectively refered to as...?
+Composers of the First Viennese School
+Music: Classical: Name the composer who tried to commit suicide by jumping in the Rhine?
+Robert Schumann
+Music: Classical: Name the composer who wrote a an opus to specifically demonstrate equal temperament?
+Music: Classical: Name the Ibsen play for which Edward Grieg composed incidental music?
+Peer Gynt
+Music: Classical: Name the piano virtuoso who spent the earlier years ofhis life pursuing sensual pleasures and many love affairs, but spent the last years of his life in prayer and contemplation as an Abbe?
+Franz Liszt
+Music: Classical: Near the end of this symphony, the players gradually leave the stage until at the end there are only two first violins left. The composer was?
+Music: Classical: Of these four great pianist-composers, which was the only one towrite operas?
+Music: Classical: On what opera was Puccini working when he died in 1924?
+Music: Classical: One of Brahm's most difficult pieces is based on a theme by this composer who lived from 1782 to 1840?
+Music: Classical: Puccini's finest opera was completed after his death by his frend Franco Alfano. It is a fairy tale about a cruel but beautiful Chinese princess?
+Music: Classical: Richard Strauss, Claude Debussy, Serge Rachmaninov and Bela Bartok were all composers of the?
+Modern period
+Music: Classical: Richard Wagner's second wife Cosima was the illegitimatedaughter of what famous virtuoso?
+Music: Classical: Schubert, Mendelssohn, Chopin and Verdi were composers of the?
+Romantic period
+Music: Classical: Schumann's wife hung around him after her husband Robert Schumann died?
+Music: Classical: Several independent voices, each entering separately with the subject or answer are identifying characteristics of?
+The fugue
+Music: Classical: Sonata No. 8, Opus No.13 in C minor by Beethoven is referred to as?
+Sonata Pathetique
+Music: Classical: Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty,Op. 66, is which of the following?
+Music: Classical: The 11th and youngest son of J.S. Bach studied in Italy before moving to which country where his musical career fluorished?
+Music: Classical: The Classical Sonata form usually has how many movements?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Four", "4"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Music: Classical: The composer is said to have written this piece upon learning of the capture of Warsaw by the Russians?
+Etude in C minor
+Music: Classical: The Concerto for Orchestra was written by whom?
+Music: Classical: The first four notes (of the melody) of Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique in C minor are?
+C, C, D, Eb
+Music: Classical: The first four notes of the first main theme of Chopin's Grande Valse Brilliante in Eb major are?
+Bb, D, Eb, F
+Music: Classical: The first movement of a Sonata is usually?
+Sonata form allegro
+Music: Classical: The first three notes of the main theme of the second movement in Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata are?
+C, Bb, Eb
+Music: Classical: What is the formalized solo song used in the opera?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Aria", "The Aria"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Music: Classical: The literal imitation of one melody, instrumental or vocal, by another at a specific time interval is?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Canon", "A canon"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Music: Classical: The Love Theme from Elvira Madigan is this number piano concerto?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twenty-one", "21", "Twenty one"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Music: Classical: The music of which composer was banned in Nazi Germany?
+Music: Classical: The musical term for a fast tempo is?
+Music: Classical: The National Anthem of Austria has been referred to as musically the finest National Anthem ever written. Who composed this work?
+Josef Haydn
+Music: Classical: The Opera Don Giovanni was based on what character?
+Don Juan
+Music: Classical: The Rakoczy March is named for the leader of what country's campaign against Austria?
+Music: Classical: The second movement of a Symphony is usually?
+Music: Classical: The second movement of the Sonata form is usually?
+Music: Classical: The song Tonight We Love was taken from the opening theme of which concerto?
+Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto
+Music: Classical: The story behind Wagner's Der Ring Des Nibelungen is drawn from...?
+Norse mythology
+Music: Classical: The striking innovation of Beethoven's 9th Symphony is the use of chorus and solo voices. Who's text did Beethoven use?
+Johann Von Schiller
+Music: Classical: The Symphony form owes its development to?
+The Sonata form
+Music: Classical: The Symphony form usually consists of?
+Four movements
+Music: Classical: The work of which artist inspired Mussorssky's Pictures at anExhibition?
+Victor Hartmann
+Music: Classical: This ballet was first performed in 1892 in St. Petersburg?
+The Nutcracker
+Music: Classical: This Chopin etude calls for extended chromatic runs executed by the last three fingers of the right hand?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Opus 10 No. 2 in A minor", "Opus 10 #2 in A minor"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Music: Classical: This composer born in 1875 is of Basque origin?
+Music: Classical: This composer died in Paris from cancer of the rectum while the city was being shelled by the German Army in 1918?
+Music: Classical: This composer travelled extensively in Eastern Europe to research the elements of Magyar folk-music?
+Music: Classical: This composer was a pupil of Beethoven & a teacher of Liszt?
+Music: Classical: This composer was born in 1860 in Bohemia and died in 1911 in Vienna?
+Music: Classical: This European composer spent the last years of his life living in appalling poverty in New York City. Near the end, he was commissioned to write a piece for the Boston Symphony Orchestra. His name?
+Music: Classical: This famours astronomer was the son of a composer?
+Music: Classical: This hugely prolific composer was ill equipped to deal with the ways of the world. Despite the aid of friends in having his songs published he dies in poverty at the age of 31?
+Music: Classical: This major key, Chopin's favorite, has five sharps?
+Music: Classical: This pianist gave his first public performance in 1892, his last in 1976?
+Music: Classical: This Russian composer is known for his children's piano pieces?
+Music: Classical: This Russian composer is responsible for the stirring Prelude in C# minor?
+Music: Classical: This Russian pianist and composer endured the German siege of Leningrad?
+Music: Classical: Two composers who concentrated on writing opera were both bornin 1813. Who were they?
+Verdi and Wagner
+Music: Classical: Two of this composer's better-remembered lovers were the Comtesse D'Agoult and Princess Sayn-Wittgenstein?
+Music: Classical: Two popular one-act operas are often paired together to form anevening's bill: I Pagliacci by Leoncavallo and Cavalleria Rusticana by whom?
+Music: Classical: Upon what instrument was Pablo Casals a virtuoso?
+Music: Classical: Vivaldi, Purcell, Handle, and Bach were composers of the?
+Baroque period
+Music: Classical: Vivaldi's Four Seasons concertos feature which solo instrument?
+Music: Classical: What are the Goldberg Variations?
+Thirty variations by Bach on theme of his own
+Music: Classical: What city was Mozart was born in?
+Music: Classical: What classical composition was the popular song Full Moon And Empty Arms derived from?
+Rachmanninov's Piano Concerto No. 2
+Music: Classical: What composer adapted Edgar Allan Poe's Fall of the House of Usher for an operatic libretto?
+Music: Classical: What composer at age 44 became tragically insane and was confined to anasylum?
+Music: Classical: What composer became so depressed, he needed hypnotism before he could write again?
+Music: Classical: What composer conducted a mammoth performance of 20,000 musicians andsingers during a visit to the United States?
+Music: Classical: What composer had a daughter named Chouchou to whom he dedicated the Children's Corner suite?
+Music: Classical: What composer was born in Rohfrau, Lower Austria in 1732 and dies in Vienna in 1809?
+Music: Classical: What composer was famous for his Polonaises?
+Frederic Chopin
+Music: Classical: What composer wrote a piece which became the nationalanthem of two different countries?
+Music: Classical: What composer, when not awarded the Grand Prix, forced the resignation of the head of the Paris Conservatory?
+Music: Classical: What composition can be sung forward and backward, then turned upside down and sung forward and backward again?
+Oh Sing Unto The Lord
+Music: Classical: What composition was structured on a single theme repeated over and over?
+None of the above
+Music: Classical: What composition was used as the theme of the Lone Ranger TV series?
+William Tell Overture
+Music: Classical: What did the ladies of Dublin agree to do so more people could attendHandel's Messiah?
+Go without their hoops
+Music: Classical: What did Tzar Alexander I of Russia give to Chopin after a performance?
+Diamond ring
+Music: Classical: What director of the Paris Conservatory refused admission to Liszt?
+Music: Classical: What does piano really mean in Italian?
+Music: Classical: What does the indication Da CaPo mean?
+Music: Classical: What does the term appoggiatura mean?
+Replacement of a note by it's upper or lower note
+Music: Classical: What group was Mozart a member of?
+Music: Classical: What instrument did Johannes Brahms' father play?
+Double bass
+Music: Classical: What instrument did Queen Elizabeth I of England play?
+Music: Classical: What is considered to be the first true Italian opera?
+Music: Classical: What is peculiar about Schubert's _Symphony No. 8?
+Music: Classical: What is the Heiligenstadt Testament?
+Beethoven's letter of personal despair
+Music: Classical: What is the highest female voice?
+Music: Classical: What is the meaning of fermata?
+To pause
+Music: Classical: What is the nickname of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5?
+Music: Classical: What is the only left handed instrument in the orchestra?
+French horn
+Music: Classical: What kind of music is Schoenberg credited with creating?
+Music: Classical: What or who is the Diabolus in Musica (the devil in music)?
+Late medieval name for the Tritone interval
+Music: Classical: What poem by Goethe inspired music by Wagner, Schumann, Gounod, and Liszt?
+Music: Classical: What popular song was based on Chopin's Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66?
+I'm Always Chasing Rainbows
+Music: Classical: What popular song was based on Chopin's Polonaise, Opus 53?
+Till the End of Time
+Music: Classical: What role did Michael Puchberg play in Mozart's life?
+Music: Classical: What small town in Upper Franconia is synonymous with the music of Wagner?
+Music: Classical: What term indicates that the music should be plucked rather than bowed?
+Music: Classical: What two composers died within one and a half years of each other?
+Beethoven and Schubert
+Music: Classical: What violinist was said to have sold his soul to the devil?
+Music: Classical: What virtuoso pianist had to turn to composing after he injured his hand when he tried to strengthen his third and fourth fingers using a self-invented apparatus?
+Robert Schumann
+Music: Classical: What was Albert Ketelbey's real name?
+Albert Ketelbey
+Music: Classical: What was Anton Bruckner's principal instrument?
+Music: Classical: What was Beethoven's only opera?
+Music: Classical: What was Jean Sibelius' real first name?
+Music: Classical: What was known as Paganini's widow?
+His favorite violin
+Music: Classical: What was Sir George Grove's contribution to music?
+A musical dictionary
+Music: Classical: What was the connection between Alessandro and Domenico Scarlatti?
+Vice versa
+Music: Classical: What was the family relationship between Richard and JohannStrauss?
+None of the above
+Music: Classical: What's a Fermata?
+A long pause
+Music: Classical: When an independent Poland was carved out from Russian, German, and Austrian territory after WWI, this pianist became its first prime minister?
+Music: Classical: When Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue was premiered in 1924, whose orchestra accompanied?
+Paul Whiteman's
+Music: Classical: When Liszt played his Piano Sonata to Brahms in 1853, what didBrahms do?
+Fell asleep
+Music: Classical: Which author inspired Liszt's Mephisto Waltz No. 1?
+Nikolaus Lenau
+Music: Classical: Which Beethoven symphony bears the opus number 125?
+No. 9 in D minor
+Music: Classical: Which century did Johann Sebastian Bach die in?
+Music: Classical: Which composer died at the age of 91?
+Music: Classical: Which composer is credited with having first developed the twelve tone technique?
+Arnold Schoenberg
+Music: Classical: Which composer is known for a lullaby which bears his name?
+Music: Classical: Which composer sent a lock of goat's hair to an ardent admirer?
+Music: Classical: Which composer used the Prelude No. 1 in C from the Well Tempered Clavier by Bach as an accompaniment for a beautiful and famous religious melody?
+Charles Gounod
+Music: Classical: Which composer was Norwegian?
+Music: Classical: Which composer was so fastidious in his preparation of coffee that he would actually count out the number of beans per cup?
+Music: Classical: Which composer wrote a concerto for three pianos and orchestra?
+Music: Classical: Which love inspired Wagner's libretto for Tristan und Isolde?
+Music: Classical: Which monarch performed, composed and published flute concertosand sonatas?
+Frederick the Great of Prussia
+Music: Classical: Which one of the following works was penned by Gustav Holst?
+The Planets
+Music: Classical: Which opera contains the aria 'La ci darem la mano'?
+Don Giovanni
+Music: Classical: Which pianist served as Prime Minister of Poland?
+Music: Classical: Which pianist-composer permanently injured his hand by wearing a home-made contraption designed to immobilize the fourth finger while practising?
+None of the above
+Music: Classical: Which pianist-composer was the first to publish Nocturnes for solopiano?
+John Field
+Music: Classical: Which popular song was based on Toselli's Serenade?
+Years and Years Ago
+Music: Classical: Which was an alumnus of the Vienna Boys' Choir?
+Franz Schubert
+Music: Classical: Which well-known composer was confined to an insane asylum in Bonn near the end of his life?
+Robert Schumann
+Music: Classical: Which work does not belong in the following list?
+Das Rheingold
+Music: Classical: Which work does not belong in this group?
+Der Freischutz
+Music: Classical: Which work was not written by Richard Wagner?
+Die Fledermaus
+Music: Classical: Who achieved fame as an organist and a tester of church organs?
+Music: Classical: Who became intrigued by mechanical player pianos and wrote an Etude for Pianola?
+Music: Classical: Who celebrated a birthday every four years?
+Gioacchino Rossini
+Music: Classical: Who composed Finlandia?
+Music: Classical: Who composed Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini?
+Music: Classical: Who composed the opera Aida?
+Music: Classical: Who dedicated his first three piano sonatas to Josef Haydn?
+Music: Classical: Who did Herbert Von Karajan replace as conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic?
+Music: Classical: Who did Liszt's daughter Cosima marry?
+Music: Classical: Who employed Josef Haydn?
+Prince Esterhazy
+Music: Classical: Who envisioned a work for 2000 performers combining music, poetry, dancing, colours and perfumes?
+Music: Classical: Who founded the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers(ASCAP) in 1914?
+Music: Classical: Who had Beethoven originally dedicated his 3rd symphony, the Eroica to?
+Music: Classical: Who helped inaugurate New York's Carnegie Hall in 1891?
+Music: Classical: Who never wrote an opera, symphony, choral piece or produce a string quartet, but was very influential in the history of piano music?
+Music: Classical: Who of the following was a piano manufacturer?
+Muzio Clementi
+Music: Classical: Who paid Scriabin a annual fee for composing and took him on an orchestral tour down the Volga by boat?
+Music: Classical: Who studied under and married the daughter of Friedrich Wieck?
+Music: Classical: Who transcribed all nine of Beethoven's symphonies for solo piano?
+Music: Classical: Who was Chopin's lover?
+George Sand
+Music: Classical: Who was credited with completing Mozart's last work, The Requiem?
+His pupil
+Music: Classical: Who was Gerard Hoffnung?
+British musical humorist
+Music: Classical: Who was infatuated with Liszt's daughter and the wife of one of his best friends?
+Music: Classical: Who was Louis Moreau Gottschalk?
+American-born Pianist
+Music: Classical: Who was refused admission to the Paris Conservatory at age 12 because the director disliked child prodigies?
+Music: Classical: Who was rumoured to have poisoned Mozart?
+Music: Classical: Who was the first musician to become a member of the Austrian House ofLords?
+Music: Classical: Who was the founder of French Grand Opera?
+Music: Classical: Who was the violinist when Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata for Violinand Piano had its first public performance?
+Georse Bridgetower
+Music: Classical: Who was Wagner's great patron?
+Ludwig II of Bavaria
+Music: Classical: Who wrote _The Four Seasons?
+Antonio vivaldi
+Music: Classical: Who wrote 11 great polonaises for solo piano?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote a collection of 24 compositions, comprising one in each of the major and minor keys, to demonstrate the benefits of the equal temperament system?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote a piano concerto for left hand alone for a friend who had lost his right hand in World War I?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote a rondo over the loss of a penny?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote a set of piano pieces, each named for a month of theyear?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote most of Mozart's Symphony No. 37, K. 444?
+Michael Haydn
+Music: Classical: Who wrote piano pieces entitled Dessicated Embryos, and ThreePieces in the Shape of a Pear?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote Porgy and Bess?
+George Gershwin
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the 1829 opera William Tell?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the ballet Harlequin's Millions?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the Can Can?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the Devil's Trill Sonata?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the famous string quartet known as Death and theMaiden?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the Hammerklavier Piano Sonata in B-flat, Op. 106?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the most piano sonatas?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the most violin concertos?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the operetta Orpheus in the Underworld?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the perennial children's opera Hansel und Gretel?
+Engelbert Humperdinck
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the Rage Over a Lost Penny?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the Russian historical opera A Life For The Tzar?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the Scheherazade suite?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the score for the ballet Coppelia of 1870?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote the Skater's Waltz?
+Music: Classical: Who wrote The Trout (Die Forelle)?
+Music: Classical: Whose father was a professional musician?
+Music: Classical: Whose father was not a professional musician?
+Music: Classical: Whose Ninth Symphony is universally known as the New World?
+Music: Classical: With which composer would you link the following musical forms. Fugues; Preludes; Passions; Partitas; organ works etc?
+Music: Classical: With which composer would you link the following musical forms. Nocturnes; Etudes; Waltzes; Polonaises; Mazurkas; Impromptus etc?
+Music: Classical: With which composer would you link the following musical forms. Symphonies; Overtures; Choral music; piano sonatas; concertos; string quartets?
+Music: Classical: With whom did Clara Schumann fall during her husbands period of mental illness?
+Music: Claus Larsen is the only member of both LeatherStrip & this band?
+Music: Cliff Richard's song The Millenium Prayer, combined the words of the Lord's Prayer with with tune?
+Auld Lang Syne
+Music: Cold ____- Paula Abdul
+Music: Cole Porter musical set in the Montmarte section of Paris?
+Music: Color of ribbon in popular Dawn song?
+Music: Colorado: Denver was the only place this group did not sell out touring the US in 1966?
+Music: Colour of CCR's river?
+Music: Colour of Led Zeppelin's dog?
+Music: Columbia records is flooded with requests for cassius clay's album?
+I am the greatest
+Music: Comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, the only one of their opera that is sung through out?
+Trial by jury
+Music: Comic opera by Richard Wagner?
+Die meistersinger von nurnberg
+Music: commander cody and his ____
+Lost planet airmen
+Music: Commitments: What does Joey call the manager?
+Brother rabbit
+Music: Commitments: What does the shy singer at the audition ride?
+Music: Commitments: What was the blasphemous song, per the father?
+Elvis was a Cajun
+Music: Commitments: What was the piano player's future career?
+Music: Commitments: What was the trumpet player's (full) character name?
+Joey Fagan
+Music: Common Ground: Bad Company, King Crimson?
+Boz burrell
+Music: Common ground: Bill French, Fred Frith, Henry Kaiser, Richard Thompson?
+French frith kaiser thompson
+Music: Common ground: Bob Dylan, Prince, Bob Mould?
+Music: Common Ground: Bob Seger, Iggy Pop, Madonna, The MC 5?
+Music: Common ground: Charlie Rouse, John Coltrane (not the instrument!)?
+Thelonious monk
+Music: Common Ground: Crazy World of Arthur Brown, Asia?
+Carl palmer
+Music: Common Ground: current Rush, but NOT original Rush?
+Neil peart
+Music: Common Ground: current studio Genesis, but NOT original Genesis?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: Common Ground: Dave Holland, Jaco Pastorius, Scott Lafaro?
+Music: Common ground: David Bowie, Daryl Hall, Peter Gabriel, League of Gentlemen?
+Robert fripp
+Music: Common Ground: David Bowie's and Laurie Anderson's band, Talking Heads?
+Adrian belew
+Music: Common Ground: Genesis, Eric Clapton's band (on tour)?
+Phil collins
+Music: Common Ground: HF Thiefaine, Les Negresses Vertes, Jaques Brel?
+Music: Common ground: Johnny Hodges, Ben Webster, Billy Strayhorn?
+Duke ellington
+Music: Common Ground: Stevie Ray Vaughan, Nile Rogers, Adrian Belew, Mick Ronson?
+Bowie guitarists
+Music: Common Ground: Talking Heads, female gender?
+Tina weymouth
+Music: Common Ground: The Buggles, Asia?
+Geoff downes
+Music: Common Ground: The Grateful Dead, Bruce Hornsby & the Range?
+Bruce hornsby
+Music: Common Ground: Traveling Wilburys (vol.1), people who have passed away?
+Music: Common Ground: Yes, people born in South Africa?
+Trevor rabin
+Music: Common Ground: Zappa's band, the Bears, Paul Simon's band?
+Adrian belew
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (2 words) Some women are drippin with pearls. Look at what Im drippin with...?
+Little girls
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (3 words) But dont forget, folks, that's what you get, folks...?
+For makin whoopee
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (4 words) Brace yourself as the beats hits ya'...?
+Dip trip flip fantasia
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (4 words) Mona Lisa, men have named you. You're so like the lady...?
+With the mystic smile
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (5 words) If you want to kiss the sky...?
+Better learn how to kneel
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (5 words) Lauren, Katherine, Lana too?
+Bette davis we love you
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (5 words) So Im a sista'. I pay with cash. That doesn't mean...?
+That all my credits bad
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (5 words) What's your name Who's your daddy?
+Is he rich like me
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (5 words) Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops...?
+Thats where youll find me
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (7 words) Oh what a night, late December back in 1963...?
+What a very special time for me
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (adams) - everything i do -?
+I do it for you
+Music: Complete the Lyric: (gibb)- have you seen my wife?
+Mr jones
+Music: Complete the Lyric: am i only dreaming, is this burning an?
+Eternal flame
+Music: Complete the Lyric: And she's buying a stairway____ ____
+To heaven
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Cat Stevens 'Want's to try to love again but ____'
+The first cut is the deepest
+Music: Complete the Lyric: cause i miss you baby,?
+And i don't want to miss a thing
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Go on, take the money and _?
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Gonna get out of bed and get a ____ ____ ____
+Hammer and a nail
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Have I told you lately that _____ ____
+I love you
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Hit me with your____ ____
+Best shot
+Music: Complete the Lyric: I feel the earth move _____ ____
+Under my feet
+Music: Complete the Lyric: I hate myself for____ ____
+Loving you
+Music: Complete the Lyric: I left my heart in____ ____
+San francisco
+Music: Complete the Lyric: i started a joke, which started the?
+Whole world crying
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Lay lady lay, lay across my big____ ____
+Brass bed
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Layla, you've got me on____ ____
+My knees
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Let's give 'em something to ____ _____
+Talk about
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Longer boats are coming to____ ____
+Win us
+Music: Complete the Lyric: mamma mia, here i go again - my my, how can?
+I resist you
+Music: Complete the Lyric: My analyst told me that I was right outta____ ____
+My head
+Music: Complete the Lyric: No hell below us, above us____ ____
+Only sky
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Put another nickel in the nickelodeon,all i want is loving you?
+And music music music
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Say what you will, but I'm a _?
+Music: Complete the Lyric: She came in through the____ ____
+Bathroom window
+Music: Complete the Lyric: The first cut is the _?
+Music: Complete the Lyric: those about to rock, we____ ____
+Salute you
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops...?
+That's where you'll find me
+Music: Complete the Lyric: Whispering just below a _?
+Music: Complete the Lyric: you are the dancing queen, young and sweet,?
+Only seventeen
+Music: Complete the Lyric: You picked a fine time to _____ ____
+Leave me lucille
+Music: Complete the title of the north-east band: prefab...?
+Music: Complete the title of this Johny Cash song 'A Boy Named...?
+Music: Complete the title of this Travis song 'Why Does it Always...?
+Rain on me
+Music: Complete this bands name, Dexys?
+Midnight runners
+Music: Composed & performed music for King's Firestarter?
+Tangerine dream
+Music: Composer Ludwig van Beethoven was once arrested for?
+Music: Composer of the blue danube?
+Johann strauss ii
+Music: Composer of the opera Prince Igor?
+Music: Composer of: Camptown Races, Beuatiful au Dreamer, Oh! Susanna?
+Music: Composer of: Hallelujah, Orchids in Moonlight, Time On My Hands?
+Music: Composer of: Midsummer's Night dream, Fingal's Cave?
+Music: Composer of: Stormy Weather, I Love a Parade, Its Only a Paper Moon?
+Music: Composer: Claire de Lune?
+Claude debussy
+Music: Composer: Peer Gynt?
+Edvard grieg
+Music: Composer: Romeo and Juliet?
+Sergei prokofiev
+Music: Composer: The Damnation of Faust?
+Hector berlioz
+Music: Composer: Turandot?
+Giacomo puccini
+Music: Connie Francis charted with this Irving Berlin flag-waver?
+God bless America
+Music: Country and western music star harold jenkins is better know as what?
+Conway twitty
+Music: Country music featuring mandolins is known as ____
+Music: Country Right Said Fred Said was too sexy for?
+Music: Country singer Vince ____
+Music: Country Singers (full name)?
+Crystal Gale
+Music: Country Singers (full name)?
+George Strait
+Music: Covered by Bette Midler,this wartime tune was a 1941 hit by the Andrews Sisters?
+Boogie woogie bugle boy
+Music: Covers: GNR and Clapton performed Knockin' On Heaven's Door, but he wrote it?
+Music: Covers: He's written songs for Meat Loaf, Bonnie Tyler, Sisters Of Mercy, and others?
+Jim steinman
+Music: Covers: Laura Brannigan, U2, and Van Morrison all have songs by this name?
+Music: Covers: No one's sure why, but Faith No More covered this Lionel Richie song?
+Music: Covers: Pat Benatar and Led Zeppelin each recorded a song by this name?
+Music: Covers: Rush doesn't do covers, but they swiped a few Paul Simon lyrics in this song?
+The spirit of radio
+Music: Covers: The Bangles, Sinnead O'Connor, and Tom Jones have recorded his songs?
+Music: Covers: This band's covers include You Really Got Me, and Dancing In The Streets?
+Van halen
+Music: Covers: This hard-to-find Metallica release contains nothing but covers?
+Garage days
+Music: Covers: This new band performs a cool cover of Hey Hey What Can I Do by Led Zeppelin?
+Hootie and the blowfish
+Music: Covers: This Rolling Stones tune has been covered by GNR and Laibach?
+Sympathy for the devil
+Music: Covers: Van Halen, The Pointer Sisters, and Kriss Kross all have songs by this name?
+Music: CS&N wrote this song in ode to Judy Collins?
+Suite judy blue eyes
+Music: Cuban style of music that lead to the rhumba craze of the 30's?
+Music: Daddy didn't give attention...?
+Music: David Bowie requests this in his 1983 hit album?
+Lets dance
+Music: David Bowie: Album: Released in 1980?
+Scarey monsters and super creeps
+Music: David Bowie: Artist/Band: gained major fame by transforming into this alien rocker?
+Ziggy stardust
+Music: David Bowie: Artist/Band: teamed with the Sons of Soupy Sales & formed this band?
+Tin machine
+Music: David Bowie: Song: Bowie's first American top 40 hit?
+Space oddity
+Music: David Bowie: Song: Collaboration with Queen which Vanilla Ice swiped the bass line from?
+Under pressure
+Music: David Clayton Thomas wrote the words to this Blood, Sweat & Tears song?
+Spinning wheel
+Music: David Hidalgo, Conrad Lozano, Cesar Rosas, Louie Perez and Steve Berlin?
+Los lobos
+Music: David Pirner from this group dates Winona Ryder?
+Soul asylum
+Music: Dawn Robinson, Terry Ellis, Cindy Herron, and Maxine Jones are this group?
+En vogue
+Music: DC soulska band named not for nasty reasons but for their growing waistlines?
+Music: Dead Rock Stars full name?
+Kurt cobain
+Music: Deaths: Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and him were killed in the same plane crash?
+Big bopper
+Music: Deaths: Freddie Mercury died due to illnesses related to this disease?
+Music: Deaths: He died 16 August 1977?
+Elvis presley
+Music: Deaths: Lead singer of the teenagers, who died of a drug overdose?
+Frankie lymon
+Music: Deaths: Movie based on Richie Valens life?
+La bamba
+Music: Deaths: Roy Orbison had a posthumous top ten hit with this song?
+You got it
+Music: Deaths: This Kiss drummer died of cancer in 1991?
+Eric carr
+Music: Deaths: This singer married Sandra Dee in the 1960's?
+Bobby darin
+Music: Deaths: This singer was shot, naked, in a hotel manager's office?
+Sam cooke
+Music: Deaths: This Who drummer died of a drug overdose?
+Keith moon
+Music: Deborah Harry sang that ____ is free
+Music: Declan Patrick Aloyisious MacManus is the real name of ____ ____
+Elvis costello
+Music: Deep Purples David Coverdale had a bunch of hits in 1987 with this group?
+Music: Dennis Wilson was the only member of the group the Beach Boys that could?
+Music: Derek and the Dominos song with the beautiful piano coda?
+Music: Despite the southern twang in her vocals, in what state was Jewel Kirchner born?
+Music: Dido sang a song about this colour flag?
+White Flag
+Music: Dinosaur Jr: A famous Cure song that they covered which was their 1989 single?
+Just like heaven
+Music: Dinosaur Jr: What is J Mascis' most prominent guitar (the first one he ever owned too)?
+Fender jazzmaster
+Music: Dinosaur Jr: Which song does the title of their latest album Hand It Over come from?
+Music: Dionne Warwick sang about this city in 1968?
+San jose
+Music: Dire Straits say 'Here i am again in this mean old town & you're?
+So far away from me
+Music: Dire straits sings 'here i am again in this mean old town, and you're ____'
+So far away from me
+Music: Dire straits sings that 'we're fools to make war on our ____'
+Brothers in arms
+Music: Dire Straits: Dire Straits' song which has same name as a Shakespeare tragedy?
+Romeo & juliet
+Music: Dire Straits: Mark Knopfler produced the second album by this band headed by Roddy Frame?
+Aztec camera
+Music: Dire Straits: Mark Knopfler was born in this city in northern England?
+Newcastle upon tyne
+Music: Dire Straits: This 1982 album featured a bolt of lightning on the cover?
+Love over gold
+Music: Dirty Diana - ____Jackson
+Music: Disney: Bob B. Soxx & the Blue jeans took this song to #8 in 1963?
+Zip a dee doo dah
+Music: Disney: Disney character heard in the Mickey Mouse Club theme song?
+Donald duck
+Music: Disney: Infamous Disneyland ride features dolls from about the world singing this song?
+Its a small world
+Music: Disney: Lyricist of The Little Mermaid who died of AIDS complications?
+Howard ashman
+Music: Disney: This was the first Disney song to go to #1 on the pop charts?
+A whole new world
+Music: Do that to me one more time was a 1980 hit for who?
+Captain & tennille
+Music: Dolly Parton's biggest top 40 hit, it spent two weeks at #1?
+9 to 5
+Music: Don Henley & Glenn Frey are members of which band?
+The eagles
+Music: Don Mclean: Tarta Norteamericana?
+American pie
+Music: Don McLean's symbolic #1 song?
+American pie
+Music: Don't ____Me - Taylor Dayne
+Music: Don't Be ____- Bobby Brown
+Music: Don't Be ____- Cheap Trick
+Music: Don't Close Your Eyes?
+Music: Don't Know ____- Linda Ronstadt/Aaron Neville
+Music: Don't Shed A Tear - ____Carrack
+Music: Don't Wanna Lose You - ____Estefan
+Music: Don't You ____What The Night Can Do? - Steve Winwood
+Music: Donovan's colour of choice in his most successful song?
+Music: Down, down, down you're rollin'?
+We die young
+Music: Dreamin' - ____Williams
+Music: Duran Duran: What guitarist was the official replacement for Andy Taylor?
+Warren cuccurullo
+Music: Duran Duran: What have the pictures on the cover have lead fans to call the 1993 album?
+The wedding album
+Music: Duran Duran: Which member has two daughters: one named Amber and one named Saffron?
+Simon le bon
+Music: during what war did glenn miller's tragic death occur?
+World war ii
+Music: Eagle's Songs?
+Hotel California
+Music: Eagles: Don Felder was added as the fifth Eagle on what album?
+On the Border
+Music: Eagles: Randy Meisner left in 1977, replaced by whom?
+Timothy schmit
+Music: Eagles: Song: Rhe Eagles 1994 release?
+Hell freezes over
+Music: Eagles: The members of the band were once a backup band for whom?
+Linda Ronstadt
+Music: Eagles: TV/Film: Glenn Frey did songs for what 1980's television series?
+Miami Vice
+Music: Early 20th Century music includes the transition from the romantic style into the modern. Part of the transition includes this type of music that makes use of unusual scales and a feeling of vague tonality. Composers of this music often based their work on symbolist poetry?
+Music: Eddie Kendricks left this group in 1971 to launch a solo career?
+Music: Einstuerzende Neubauten wrote the music for this modern dance show?
+La la la human steps
+Music: Elton John: album with wild detailed cover art?
+Captain fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy
+Music: Elton John: Song: Album: Street Kids, Dan Dare, Yell Help/Wednesday Night/Ugly?
+Rock of the westies
+Music: Elton John: Song: As of April 1, 1995, Elton's last top 10 hit?
+Can you feel the love tonight
+Music: Elton John: Song: Collaborated with Elton on the music for The Lion King?
+Tim rice
+Music: Elton John: Song: Duet with Eric Clapton which appeared on the album The One?
+Runaway train
+Music: Elton John: Song: Elton did a cover version of this Who song?
+Pinball wizard
+Music: Elton John: Song: Elton once tried to perform this entire album continuously in a concert?
+Captain fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy
+Music: Elton John: Song: Elton's first single- written without the help of Bernie Taupin?
+Ive been loving you
+Music: Elton John: Song: Longest song, actually a medley of two separate songs, kicks off this album?
+Goodbye yellow brick road
+Music: Elton John: Song: The title of Elton's box set?
+To be continued
+Music: Elton John: Song: This album cover features a large assortment of old costumes & props?
+Reg strikes back
+Music: Elton John: Song: This track from The Fox appeared on a special Olympic cassette?
+Breaking down barriers
+Music: Elton John: Song: Which song contains the lyric: 'thank god my music's still alive'?
+Someone saved my life
+Music: Elton John's first version of 'A Candle In The Wind' was about whom?
+Marilyn Monroe
+Music: Elton John's tribute to another John?
+Empty garden
+Music: Elvis Costello & Burt Bacharach performed this song in the Austin Powers movie?
+I'll never fall in love again
+Music: Elvis Costello: Accroding to this 1978 song, what do the angels want to wear?
+My red shoes
+Music: Elvis Costello: EC song done by Roy Orbisson on his Black & White Night Live concert?
+The comedians
+Music: Elvis Costello: Great New Orleans Brass band that has worked with EC a couple of times?
+Dirty dozen brass band
+Music: Elvis Costello: Guitarist who has worked with both Costello & Tom Waits?
+Mark ribot
+Music: Elvis Costello: What does Ms. Macbeth have that she keeps under her chin?
+Music: Elvis looked forward to the time his moon would stop being this colour?
+Music: Elvis Presley made a number of movies. Which one co-starred Ann-Margret?
+Viva Las Vegas
+Music: Elvis Presley made his first appearance on national television in what year?
+Music: Elvis said people had these kind of minds in 1969?
+Music: Elvis: Color of the first Cadillac Elvis purchased?
+Music: Elvis: Elvis honeymooned in this city?
+Palm springs
+Music: Elvis: Elvis once shot out his television set when this man appeared on tv?
+Robert goulet
+Music: Elvis: Elvis's manager?
+Colonel tom parker
+Music: Elvis: Elvis's nickname for his mother?
+Music: Elvis: Elvis's personal doctor who was acquitted of over-prescribing Presley drugs?
+George nichopoulos
+Music: Elvis: Elvis's personal number in numerology, which held great meaning for him?
+Music: Elvis: Listed as official cause of Elvis's death on his original death certificate?
+Cardiac arrhythmia
+Music: Elvis: Name of Elvis's Jan. 1973 television special, seen by 1.5 billion people?
+Aloha from hawaii
+Music: Elvis: Scatter was the name of Elvis's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: A big hunk ____
+O' love
+Music: Elvis: Song: A boy like me a girl ____
+Like you
+Music: Elvis: Song: A cane and a high starched ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: A dog's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: A house that has ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: A hundred years ____
+From now
+Music: Elvis: Song: A little bit of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: A little less ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: A mess of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: A thing ____
+Called love
+Music: Elvis: Song: A whistling ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: A world of ____
+Our own
+Music: Elvis: Song: Adam and ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: After loving ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Ain't that loving ____
+You baby
+Music: Elvis: Song: All ____
+Shook up
+Music: Elvis: Song: All I needed was the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: All that ____
+I am
+Music: Elvis: Song: Almost always ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Almost in ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Always on ____
+My mind
+Music: Elvis: Song: Am I ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Amazing ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: America the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: An evening ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: And I love ____
+You so
+Music: Elvis: Song: And the grass won't pay ____
+No mind
+Music: Elvis: Song: Animal ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Any day ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Any place is ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Anyone could fall in love ____
+With you
+Music: Elvis: Song: Anything that's part ____
+Of you
+Music: Elvis: Song: Anyway you ____
+Want me
+Music: Elvis: Song: Are you ____
+Lonesome tonight
+Music: Elvis: Song: Are you ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: As long as ____
+I have you
+Music: Elvis: Song: Ask ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Baby, if you'll give me all ____
+Of your love
+Music: Elvis: Song: Baby, let's ____
+Play house
+Music: Elvis: Song: Baby, what you want ____
+Me to do
+Music: Elvis: Song: Barefoot ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Beach ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Beach boy ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Because of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Beginner's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Beyond the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Beyond the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Big ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Big ____
+Boss man
+Music: Elvis: Song: Big love big ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Bitter they are, harder ____
+They fall
+Music: Elvis: Song: Black ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Blue ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Blue ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Blue ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Blue ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Blue eyes crying ____
+In the rain
+Music: Elvis: Song: Blue moon of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Blue suede ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Blueberry ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Bosom of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Bossa nova, ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Bridge over ____
+Troubled water
+Music: Elvis: Song: Bringin' it ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Burning ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: C'mon ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Can't help ____
+Falling in love
+Music: Elvis: Song: Change of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Cindy, ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: City by ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Clean up your own ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Come ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Come what may you ____
+Are mine
+Music: Elvis: Song: Cotton ____
+Candy land
+Music: Elvis: Song: Could I fall ____
+In love
+Music: Elvis: Song: Cross my heart and ____
+Hope to die
+Music: Elvis: Song: Crying in ____
+The chapel
+Music: Elvis: Song: Dainty little ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Dirty, dirty ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Dixieland ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Do not ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Do the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Do you know ____
+Who i am
+Music: Elvis: Song: Doin' the ____
+Best i can
+Music: Elvis: Song: Don't ____
+Be cruel
+Music: Elvis: Song: Don't ask ____
+Me why
+Music: Elvis: Song: Don't cry ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Don't forbid ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Don't leave ____
+Me now
+Music: Elvis: Song: Don't think twice ____
+It's all right
+Music: Elvis: Song: Double ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Down by the riverside and when the saints ____
+Come marchin' in
+Music: Elvis: Song: Down in ____
+The alley
+Music: Elvis: Song: Drums of the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Early mornin' ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Earth ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Easy come ____
+Easy go
+Music: Elvis: Song: Echoes of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Edge of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: El ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Everybody come ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Faded ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Fame and ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Farther ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Find out what's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Finders keepers, ____
+Losers weepers
+Music: Elvis: Song: First in ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Five sleepy ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Flaming ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Follow ____
+That dream
+Music: Elvis: Song: Fool, ____
+Fool, fool
+Music: Elvis: Song: Fools ____
+Rush in
+Music: Elvis: Song: Fools fall ____
+In love
+Music: Elvis: Song: For ol' times ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: For the ____
+Good times
+Music: Elvis: Song: For the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: For the millionth and the ____
+Last time
+Music: Elvis: Song: Forget me ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Fountain of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Frankie and ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: From a Jack to ____
+A king
+Music: Elvis: Song: Fun in ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Funny how time ____
+Slips away
+Music: Elvis: Song: G.I. ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Gentle on ____
+My mind
+Music: Elvis: Song: Girl ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Girl of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Girls! ____
+Girls! girls!
+Music: Elvis: Song: Go east, ____
+Young man
+Music: Elvis: Song: Goin' ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Golden ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Gonna get back home ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Good luck ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Good rockin' ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Good time Charlie's got ____
+The blues
+Music: Elvis: Song: Got a lot o' livin' ____
+To do
+Music: Elvis: Song: Green green ____
+Grass of home
+Music: Elvis: Song: Guitar ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Happy ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Harbor ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hard ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hard ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hard headed ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Harem ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Have I told you lately that ____
+I love you
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hawaiian ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hawaiian ____
+Wedding song
+Music: Elvis: Song: He knows just what ____
+I need
+Music: Elvis: Song: He touched ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: He'll have ____
+To go
+Music: Elvis: Song: He's only a ____
+Prayer away
+Music: Elvis: Song: Heart of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Heartbreak ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Help ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Help me make it ____
+Through the night
+Music: Elvis: Song: Here comes Santa Claus right down ____
+Santa claus lane
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hey, ____
+Hey, hey
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hey, little ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hi heel ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: His hand in ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Holly leaves and ____
+Christmas trees
+Music: Elvis: Song: Home is where ____
+The heart is
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hot ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Hound ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: House of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: How can you lose what you ____
+Never had
+Music: Elvis: Song: How do you think ____
+I feel
+Music: Elvis: Song: How great ____
+Thou art
+Music: Elvis: Song: How the web ____
+Was woven
+Music: Elvis: Song: How would you ____
+Like to be
+Music: Elvis: Song: How's the world ____
+Treating you
+Music: Elvis: Song: I ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I beg ____
+Of you
+Music: Elvis: Song: I believe in the man ____
+In the sky
+Music: Elvis: Song: I can ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I can't stop ____
+Loving you
+Music: Elvis: Song: I don't ____
+Want to
+Music: Elvis: Song: I don't care if the sun ____
+Don't shine
+Music: Elvis: Song: I don't wanna ____
+Be tied
+Music: Elvis: Song: I feel ____
+So bad
+Music: Elvis: Song: I feel that I've known ____
+You forever
+Music: Elvis: Song: I forgot to remember ____
+To forget
+Music: Elvis: Song: I got ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I got ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I got a ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I got a feelin' ____
+In my body
+Music: Elvis: Song: I gotta ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I just can't make it ____
+By myself
+Music: Elvis: Song: I love only ____
+One girl
+Music: Elvis: Song: I love you ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I met her ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I miss ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I need ____
+You so
+Music: Elvis: Song: I need somebody ____
+To lean on
+Music: Elvis: Song: I need your ____
+Love tonight
+Music: Elvis: Song: I really don't want ____
+To know
+Music: Elvis: Song: I shall be ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I shall not be ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I slipped, I stumbled, ____
+I fell
+Music: Elvis: Song: I think I'm gonna ____
+Like it here
+Music: Elvis: Song: I want to ____
+Be free
+Music: Elvis: Song: I want you ____
+With me
+Music: Elvis: Song: I want you, I need you, ____
+I love you
+Music: Elvis: Song: I was ____
+The one
+Music: Elvis: Song: I was born about ten ____
+Thousand years ago
+Music: Elvis: Song: I washed my hands in ____
+Muddy water
+Music: Elvis: Song: I will ____
+Be true
+Music: Elvis: Song: I will be ____
+Home again
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll ____
+Be back
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll ____
+Never know
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll be ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll be home for ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll be home on ____
+Christmas day
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you ____
+In my arms
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll never fall in ____
+Love again
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll never let you go ____
+Little darlin'
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll remember ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll take ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'll take you home again ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm beginning to ____
+Forget you
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm coming ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm countin' ____
+On you
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm falling in love ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm gonna sit right down and ____
+Cry over you
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm gonna walk dem ____
+Golden stairs
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm left, you're right, ____
+She's gone
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm movin' ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm not the ____
+Marrying kind
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm so lonesome ____
+I could cry
+Music: Elvis: Song: I'm with a crowd but ____
+So alone
+Music: Elvis: Song: I've got ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: I've got a thing about ____
+You baby
+Music: Elvis: Song: I've got to find ____
+My baby
+Music: Elvis: Song: I've lost ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: If every day was like ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: If I ____
+Were you
+Music: Elvis: Song: If I can ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: If I get home on ____
+Christmas day
+Music: Elvis: Song: If I'm a fool for ____
+Loving you
+Music: Elvis: Song: If that isn't ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: If the Lord wasn't walking ____
+By my side
+Music: Elvis: Song: If we never ____
+Meet again
+Music: Elvis: Song: If you don't ____
+Come back
+Music: Elvis: Song: If you love me ____
+Let me know
+Music: Elvis: Song: If you talk in ____
+Your sleep
+Music: Elvis: Song: If you think I don't ____
+Need you
+Music: Elvis: Song: In my ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: In my father's house are many ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: In the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: In the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: In your ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Indescribably ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Inherit ____
+The wind
+Music: Elvis: Song: Is it so ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Island of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It ____
+Hurts me
+Music: Elvis: Song: It ain't no big thing but it's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It feels ____
+So right
+Music: Elvis: Song: It is no secret what ____
+God can do
+Music: Elvis: Song: It won't be ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It won't seem like ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's a ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's a Long ____
+Lonely highway
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's a matter of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's a wonderful ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's carnival ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's diff'rent ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's easy ____
+For you
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's now ____
+Or never
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's only ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's still ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: It's your baby, you ____
+Rock it
+Music: Elvis: Song: Jailhouse ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Jesus walked that lonesome ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Just ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Just ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Just a little talk with ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Just call me ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Just for old time ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Just tell her Jim said ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Kentucky ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: King ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: King of the whole ____
+Wide world
+Music: Elvis: Song: Kiss me ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Kissin' ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Known only to ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Lawdy miss ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Lead me, ____
+Guide me
+Music: Elvis: Song: Let ____
+Yourself go
+Music: Elvis: Song: Let it ____
+Be me
+Music: Elvis: Song: Let me ____
+Be there
+Music: Elvis: Song: Let us ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Let's be ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Let's forget about ____
+The stars
+Music: Elvis: Song: Like a ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Little ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Little ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Little ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Little cabin on ____
+The hill
+Music: Elvis: Song: Lonely ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Lonesome ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Long black ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Long legged girl with a ____
+Short dress on
+Music: Elvis: Song: Long tall ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Look out ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Love ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Love ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Love coming ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Love me ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Love me ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Love me, love the life ____
+I lead
+Music: Elvis: Song: Love song of ____
+The year
+Music: Elvis: Song: Lover ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Lovin' ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Loving ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Make me ____
+Know it
+Music: Elvis: Song: Make the ____
+World go away
+Music: Elvis: Song: Mama liked ____
+The roses
+Music: Elvis: Song: Mansion over the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Marie's the name of His ____
+Latest flame
+Music: Elvis: Song: Mary in the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Mean woman ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Memphis ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Merry Christmas ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Milkcow blues ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Milky ____
+White way
+Music: Elvis: Song: Miracle of the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Money ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Moody ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Moonlight ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Mr. ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: My ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: My ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: My ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: My ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: My baby ____
+Left me
+Music: Elvis: Song: My desert ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: My little ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: My wish ____
+Came true
+Music: Elvis: Song: Mystery ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Never ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Never ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Never been to ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Never say ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: New ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Night ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Night ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: No ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Now and then there's A fool ____
+Such as i
+Music: Elvis: Song: O come, all ye ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: O little town of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Old ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Old ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: On a snowy Christmas ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Once is ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: One ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: One boy two ____
+Little girls
+Music: Elvis: Song: One broken ____
+Heart for sale
+Music: Elvis: Song: One night of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: One track ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: One-sided love ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Only ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Only the strong ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Paradise, ____
+Hawaiian style
+Music: Elvis: Song: Patch ____
+It up
+Music: Elvis: Song: Petunia the gardener's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Pieces of ____
+My life
+Music: Elvis: Song: Plantation ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Playing for ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Please don't drag that ____
+String around
+Music: Elvis: Song: Pocketful of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Polk salad ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Poor ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Proud ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Put the blame ____
+On me
+Music: Elvis: Song: Reach out to ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Ready ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Release ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Return ____
+To sender
+Music: Elvis: Song: Rip ____
+It up
+Music: Elvis: Song: Rock-a-hula ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Santa ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: See see ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Seeing is ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Sentimental ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Shake ____
+A hand
+Music: Elvis: Song: Shake that ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: She's ____
+Not you
+Music: Elvis: Song: She's a ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Shoppin' ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Silver ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Slicin' ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: So close, yet so far from ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: So glad ____
+You're mine
+Music: Elvis: Song: Something ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Starting ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Steamroller ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Steppin' out ____
+Of line
+Music: Elvis: Song: Stranger in the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Stuck ____
+On you
+Music: Elvis: Song: Such an Easy ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Susan when she ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Suspicious ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Sweet ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Take me to ____
+The fair
+Music: Elvis: Song: Teddy ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: That's all right, ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: That's someone you ____
+Never forget
+Music: Elvis: Song: That's what you get For ____
+Lovin' me
+Music: Elvis: Song: That's when your ____
+Heartaches begin
+Music: Elvis: Song: The ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: The bullfighter ____
+Was a lady
+Music: Elvis: Song: The first ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: The girl of my ____
+Best friend
+Music: Elvis: Song: The impossible ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: The Lord's ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: The next step ____
+Is love
+Music: Elvis: Song: The wonder ____
+Of you
+Music: Elvis: Song: The wonderful world of ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: There goes my ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: There is no God but ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: There will be Peace in the ____
+Valley for me
+Music: Elvis: Song: There's ____
+Always me
+Music: Elvis: Song: There's No room to rhumba in a ____
+Sports car
+Music: Elvis: Song: They remind me too much ____
+Of you
+Music: Elvis: Song: Tomorrow ____
+Never comes
+Music: Elvis: Song: Tomorrow ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Tonight is so right ____
+For love
+Music: Elvis: Song: Too ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Treat me ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: True ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Tryin' to get ____
+To you
+Music: Elvis: Song: Tutti ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Twenty days and ____
+Twenty nights
+Music: Elvis: Song: U.S. ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Unchained ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Until it's time for ____
+You to go
+Music: Elvis: Song: Viva ____
+Las vegas
+Music: Elvis: Song: Walk a mile in ____
+My shoes
+Music: Elvis: Song: Way ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Wear my ring around ____
+Your neck
+Music: Elvis: Song: Welcome to my ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: What now ____
+My love
+Music: Elvis: Song: What's she ____
+Really like
+Music: Elvis: Song: When it rains, it ____
+Really pours
+Music: Elvis: Song: When my blue moon turns to ____
+Gold again
+Music: Elvis: Song: Whole lotta shakin' ____
+Goin' on
+Music: Elvis: Song: Wild in the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Winter ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Wisdom of the ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Woman without ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: Wooden ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: You can't say no in ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: You don't have to say ____
+You love me
+Music: Elvis: Song: You gave me a ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: You're a ____
+Music: Elvis: Song: You're so square, Baby ____
+I don't care
+Music: Elvis: Song: You're the Devil ____
+In disguise
+Music: Elvis: Song: You've lost that ____
+Lovin' feelin'
+Music: Elvis: Strange 3-wheeled car manufactured in Germany, purchased by Elvis in 1956?
+Music: Elvis: The area at the rear of Graceland where Elvis & his parents are buried?
+Meditation garden
+Music: Elvis: This is misspelled on Elvis's grave marker?
+Middle name
+Music: Emerging rock band, name reminds me of a porous dish-washing aid?
+Music: EMF stood for this?
+Epson mad funkers
+Music: England dan and ____
+John ford coley
+Music: Enigma: In what year did Michael marry Sandra Lauer?
+Music: Enigma: What does MCMXC mean?
+Music: Enigma: What European city was Michael Cretu born in?
+Music: Erasure: Artist/Band: Who is the instrumentalist in Erasure?
+Vince clarke
+Music: Erasure: How many members are in Erasure?
+Music: Eric Clapton: Artist/Band: Both Clapton & Steve Winwood were in?
+Blind faith
+Music: Eric Clapton: Artist/Band: What superstar drummer helped produce Clapton's work in mid to late 80's?
+Phil collins
+Music: Eric Clapton: Clapton wrote this song when he fell in love with George Harrison's wife?
+Music: Evelyn Glennie is the world's first full time soloist on which part of the orchestra?
+Music: Everytime Beethoven sat down to write music, he poured ____ water over his head
+Music: Exene Cervenka headed this L.A. band?
+Music: Fairy tale character sung about by Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs?
+Little red riding hood
+Music: Famous for blues and jazz, in which city is basin street?
+New orleans
+Music: Famous Jazz Critic: Leonard ____
+Music: Famous Rock Venue, especially in the 60s?
+The fillmore
+Music: Famous sax soloist for the Duke Ellington Orchestra of the early '40s?
+Ben webster
+Music: Fast paced hit from Grease was a hit for John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John?
+Youre the one that i want
+Music: Felix cavaliere was the lead singer for which group?
+Music: Fifties rock 'n' roll was revived by what greased hair, T-shirted, TV frequenting group?
+Sha Na Na
+Music: Final nation listed in the nation song...?
+Music: Final Track on Pearl Jam's vs?
+Music: Finish the title of this hit record by c and c music factory; things that make you go ____
+Music: Finish this song title: 'Heaven or ____ ____'
+Las vegas
+Music: First American artist to get label credit on a Beatles record?
+Music: First conductor of radio NBC's symphony?
+Arturo toscanini
+Music: First Marvin Gaye and then Cindy Lauper asked this question?
+Whats goin on
+Music: First name of paul maccartney's mother?
+Music: First song off Enigma's MCMXCD A.D?
+Principles of lust
+Music: First song on Pink Floyd's The Division Bell?
+Music: First Tool video with small claymation man doing weird things in some house?
+Music: Fishbone's fatalistic 1985 ska classic that was also a Dr Demento fave?
+Party at ground zero
+Music: Five-string instrument with a dry, raspy, twangy sound, used in Country music?
+Music: Five-string instrument with a dry, raspy, twangy sound?
+Music: Fleetwood Macs best-selling album?
+Music: Flutes made from what material do not expand with humidity so their owners are spared the nuisance of tuning them?
+Music: Food & Drink: Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Jack Bruce make up this band?
+Music: Food & Drink: Her real name is Judy Kay Newton?
+Juice newton
+Music: Food & Drink: In the group, there's been one Herb, but three of these?
+Music: Food & Drink: Neil Diamond's first Top 40 hit?
+Cherry cherry
+Music: Food & Drink: On the 9 1/2 Weeks soundtrack, the song that mentions Chicken McNuggets?
+Bread and butter
+Music: Food & Drink: Only Rolling Stones' release to mention food in the title?
+Brown Sugar
+Music: Food & Drink: The band James has 4 songs with this food in the title?
+Music: Food & Drink: The most common food mentioned in the titles of Top 40 songs is this?
+Music: Food & Drink: The name of Weird Al's parody of Rico Suave?
+Taco grande
+Music: Food & Drink: The video for this Primus song opens up with a man ordering nachos?
+Jerry was a race car driver
+Music: Food & Drink: This band contains members Eric Bloom, Donald Roser, Allen Lanier, and 2 more?
+Blue oyster cult
+Music: Food & Drink: This man took an Irving Berlin hit into the top ten in 1983?
+Music: Food & Drink: This Tori Amos tune mentions 'raisin girls'?
+Cornflake girl
+Music: Food & Drink: This UB40 song mentions an alcoholic beverage in its title?
+Red red wine
+Music: Food & Drink: This was the first #1 song in the year 1972?
+American pie
+Music: Food & Drink: What color is the beret that the girl is wearing, according to Prince?
+Music: For some reason, this singer seemed to want my sex?
+George michael
+Music: For what band did Bruce Hornsby play piano?
+Grateful Dead
+Music: For which English king did Handel compsose his Water Music?
+George i
+Music: For who did eric clapton write 'layla'?
+Linda mccartney
+Music: For who did mick jagger write 'as tears go by'?
+Marianne faithfull
+Music: For who did richard clayderman play a ballad?
+Music: For who did the song '867-5309/jenny' spawn a lawsuit?
+Tommy tutone
+Music: For whom did Colonel Tom Parker act as manager?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Forever Your Girl - Paula ____
+Music: Former Beatle who had a hit with Imagine?
+John Lennon
+Music: Former wife & singing partner of George Jones?
+Tammy wynette
+Music: Formerly with Spencer Davis, he went on the form Traffic with Dave Mason?
+Steve winwood
+Music: Formerly with Spencer Davis, he went on to form Traffic with Dave Mason. He is?
+Steve Winwood
+Music: Frank Sinatra was a sensation in the early days of his career. At what theatre?
+Music: Frank Sinatra: Sinatra recorded for this record label in the 1950s?
+Music: Frank Sinatra: Sinatra was the bobbysoxer's idol in this trombone player's band?
+Tommy dorsey
+Music: Frank Sinatra: What film did Sinatra pull from release after Kennedy's assassination?
+Manchurian candidate
+Music: Frank Sinatra: What is Frank Sinatra's middle name?
+Music: Frank Sinatra: What is the name given to Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis and all the rest?
+Rat pack
+Music: Frank Sinatra: What is the name of the record label Sinatra founded?
+Music: Frank Sinatra: What song, from a Minelli/de Niro movie, was a huge hit for Frank?
+New york New York
+Music: Frank Zappas guitar-playing son?
+Dweezil zappa
+Music: Franki Valli & the ____
+Four seasons
+Music: Franki Valli sang the theme for this movie?
+Music: French singer and actor who appeared with Leslie Caron in the 1958 musical film Gigi?
+Maurice chevalier
+Music: From 1964-1967, the only song of the Supremes that failed to crack the top 10?
+Nothing but heartaches
+Music: From what platform does the 'Chattanooga Choo Choo' leave Pennsylvania station?
+Music: From which band did the Beatles recruit Ringo Starr?
+Rory storm and the hurricane
+Music: From which boomtown rats album did rat trap come?
+Tonic for the troops
+Music: From which English city did the Animals come from?
+Music: From which musical does the song Goodbye come?
+White Horse Inn
+Music: From which opera does the aria O Fortuna come?
+Carmina burana
+Music: From which song does the following line come: 'she was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene'?
+Billie jean
+Music: From which station does the 'Chattanooga Choo Choo' leave?
+Pennsylvania station
+Music: From which village did the pop group 'The Village People' hail?
+Greenwich village
+Music: Front girl in destiny's child?
+Beyonce knowles
+Music: Frontman for fine young cannibals was?
+Roland gift
+Music: Frontman for starsailor?
+James walsh
+Music: Funky Cold ____- Tone Loc
+Music: Gallagher brothers single The Hindu Times is taken from which albu?
+Heathen Chemistry
+Music: Garth Brooks has made 4 specials for which TV network?
+Music: Garth Brooks: (1995) Garth has how many kids?
+Music: Garth Brooks: AHBA stands for this?
+American honkytonk bar association
+Music: Garth Brooks: What does GB collect for charity at every concert?
+Canned Goods
+Music: Garth Brooks: What is the name of Garth's record label?
+Liberty records
+Music: Garth Brooks: what is the name of GB's record producer?
+Alan reynolds
+Music: Gary Busey played this dead rocker before he started playing bad guys?
+Buddy holly
+Music: Gary Wright's contibution to Wayne's World?
+Dream weaver
+Music: Genesis: Album: Get 'Em Out By Friday, Horizons, Watcher of the Skies?
+Music: Genesis: Album: I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe), Battle of Epping Forest?
+Selling England by the pound
+Music: Genesis: First album without Peter Gabriel?
+Trick of the tail
+Music: Genesis: The video for this song included many puppets from a popular British TV show?
+Land of confusion
+Music: Genres: Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd are examples of this type of American rock?
+Southern rock
+Music: Genres: Bob Marley, Alpha Blondy, Steel Pulse, etc...?
+Music: Genres: Heavy, groove-laden metal with rap style vocals characterize this style?
+Music: Genres: his type of jazz most closely resembles the music of the swing bands?
+Bebop jazz
+Music: Genres: Miles Davis started this jazz style, which de-emphasized structure?
+Modal jazz
+Music: Genres: Ministry, Skinny Puppy, Skrew, Front 242, etc...?
+Music: Genres: Sex Pistols, Circle Jerks, Dead Kennedys, etc...?
+Punk rock
+Music: Genres: The band Bim Skala Bim is an example of this offshoot of reggae?
+Music: Genres: This a cappella music, which began in the monastery, is the beginning of music?
+Gregorian chant
+Music: Genres: This post-Gregorian style is characterized by each syllable sung multiple times?
+Music: Genres: This type of jazz is named for its mellow, laid back approach?
+Cool jazz
+Music: Genres: This type of jazz stresses improvisation and promotes lack of structure/form?
+Free jazz
+Music: Genres: This type of metal sees the band members with lots of hairspray & lipstick?
+Glam metal
+Music: George harrison lost a plagiarism suit for which of his songs?
+My sweet lord
+Music: George McRae #1 disco hit?
+Rock your baby
+Music: George Michael first hit #1 as a member of which duo?
+Music: George Michael wanted your ____
+Music: German songs, particularly of the romantic period, usually for solo voices?
+Music: German, Italian and French are varieties of what kind of chord?
+Augmented 6th
+Music: Girl I'm Gonna ____You - Milli Vanilli
+Music: Girl You ____It's True - Milli Vanilli
+Music: Gitarzan singer's #1 hit?
+Everything is beautiful
+Music: Gladys Knight & The ____
+Music: Glenn Miller was one of the giants of his time and his type of music. My favorite is 'Chattanooga Choo-Choo'. What track does it depart from in the song - and when does it leave?
+Track 29
+Music: Go on and dig your thumbs in...?
+Midlife crisis
+Music: Goin' down the road feeling...?
+Music: Good Thing - Fine Young ____
+Music: Grammy awards: What album by Barbra Streisand won the Grammy in 1963?
+Barbra streisand album
+Music: Grammy awards: what album by fleetwood mac won the grammy in 1977?
+Music: Grammy Awards: What album by Michael Jackson won the grammy in 1983?
+Music: Grammy awards: what album by paul simon won the grammy in 1975?
+Still crazy after all these years
+Music: Grammy awards: what album by paul simon won the grammy in 1986?
+Music: Grammy awards: what album by stevie wonder won the grammy in 1973?
+Music: Grammy awards: what album by stevie wonder won the grammy in 1974?
+Fulfullingness' first finale
+Music: Grammy Awards: What album by Stevie Wonder won the grammy in 1976?
+Songs in the key of life
+Music: Grammy awards: what album by toto won the grammy in 1982?
+Toto iv
+Music: Grammy awards: what album by various artists won the grammy in 1972?
+Concert for bangladesh
+Music: Grammy awards: what single by michael jackson won the grammy in 1983?
+Beat it
+Music: Grammy awards: what single by tina turner won the grammy in 1984?
+What's love got to do with it
+Music: Grand Funk Railroad made this patent observation? (4 words)?
+Were an American band
+Music: Grateful Dead keyboards man who died of a drug overdose?
+Brent mydland
+Music: Grateful Dead: April Fools, Barney pretended to play bass, but this man was backstage playing?
+Phil lesh
+Music: Grateful Dead: Chicago basketball coach who loves the Dead?
+Phil jackson
+Music: Grateful Dead: Dead song with the most sub-titles?
+Terrapin station
+Music: Grateful Dead: DeadHead slang for nitrous oxide?
+Hippy crack
+Music: Grateful Dead: Former Tubes member who is now GD keyboardist?
+Vince Welnick
+Music: Grateful Dead: He toured with the band in the summer of 1993?
+Music: Grateful Dead: Jerry Garcia's first wife?
+Mountain girl
+Music: Grateful Dead: Jerry Garcia's lyricist?
+Robert hunter
+Music: Grateful Dead: Only woman ever in the band?
+Donna godchaux
+Music: Grateful Dead: She lost her sparkle you know she isn't the same?
+Sweet Jane
+Music: Grateful Dead: The band always always always does this many encores :(?
+Music: Grateful Dead: This man drove his train while under the influence of an illegal substance?
+Casey jones
+Music: Grateful Dead: This member of the band is a classically trained musician?
+Phil lesh
+Music: Grateful Dead: This song, their first top 40 hit, came 20 years into their careers?
+Touch of grey
+Music: Grease: Danny tried out for several sports, but finally lettered in this?
+Music: Grease: Sandy took up this extracurricular activity?
+Music: Grease: The T-Birds got national exposure doing this?
+Music: Groups: ____ Trick
+Music: Guitar: Barre chords are usually in in either A form of this form?
+Music: Guitar: If an A chord is represented x02220, what would a D be?
+Music: Guitar: What artist on the PF soundtrack is considered the king of Surf Guitar?
+Dick dale
+Music: Guitar: What instrument, besides violins, did Stradivarius construct?
+Music: Guitar: What is a plectrum?
+Music: Guitar: What is a two-coil, counterwound pickup called?
+Music: Guitar: What is the fifth of A?
+Music: Guitar: Who is the famous bass guitarist for the band Primus?
+Les Claypool
+Music: Guitarist and singer with the Minutemen?
+D boone
+Music: Guitarist Eric Clapton was formerly a member of this group?
+Music: Guitarist Jimmy Page was a member of this group?
+Led zeppelin
+Music: Guitarist Nunu Bettencourt is a member of this group?
+Music: Guitarist Paul Kossof was formerly a member of this group?
+Music: Guitarist Peter Green was formerly a member of this group?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Guitarist Slash is a member of this group?
+Guns 'n roses
+Music: Guitarist with only 9 full fingers?
+Jerry garcia
+Music: Guns N' Roses: Album: Album of punk cover songs?
+Spaghetti incident
+Music: Hangin' ____- New Kids On The Block
+Music: Hank Ballard & the ____
+Music: Hate your Guts - Machine Gun Man - Losin' Your Mind?
+Pride glory
+Music: Have you seen your mother, baby, ____
+Standing in the shadow
+Music: He began his career as a lead vocalist with the group 'Them' during the early British invasion?
+Van morrison
+Music: He began his career with the Yardbirds, moved to John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Cream & Blind Faith & is established as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation?
+Eric clapton
+Music: He conceived, directed, and choreographed West Side Story?
+Jerome robbins
+Music: He has lately been upstaged by the Uh-Huh girls?
+Music: He has produced such bands as Metallica, Motley Crue and The Cult?
+Bob rock
+Music: He joined the Grateful dead in 1968?
+Tom constanten
+Music: he only member of the band zz top without a beard has what last name?
+Music: He played bass for Television before starting his own group, the voidoids?
+Richard hell
+Music: He released the parody 'Oh You Ate One Too' in 1988 what included the song 'Cabo Wabo'?
+Van halen
+Music: He sang hits such as 'Crying' & 'Only The Lonely'?
+Roy orbison
+Music: he sang to entertain the crowds at wimbledon 1996, when rain interrupted play?
+Sir cliff richard
+Music: He sings about the Mona Lisa's sister?
+Graham parker
+Music: He stutters when talking, but not when singing?
+Mel tillis
+Music: He toured with this band on his latest tour?
+Booker t & the mgs
+Music: He turned pop classics Surf City & Runaround Sue into tawdry Trash Disco hits?
+Leif garrett
+Music: He was a protege of Charlie Parker while still in his teens?
+Miles davis
+Music: He was in his teens when he started drumming for miles davis?
+Tony williams
+Music: He was the Waltz King (first and last name, and roman numeral)?
+Johann strauss ii
+Music: He worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'Aint No Sunshine When She's Gone'?
+Bill withers
+Music: He wrote Cruel Shoes?
+Steve martin
+Music: He wrote the orchestral piece 'Skies of America'?
+Ornette coleman
+Music: He wrote the theme to Peter Gunn?
+Henry mancini
+Music: He's bringing the banjo into the 21st century?
+Bela fleck
+Music: He's married to Valerie Bertanelli?
+Eddie van halen
+Music: Heaven Help Me - Deon ____
+Music: Heaven?
+Music: Her lucky number changed from 1 to 2?
+Lene lovich
+Music: Here's one for the 'WKRP in Cincinnati' fans out there. On December 3, 1979, fans were killed during a rush to gain admittance for general seating at Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati. Who was performing that night?
+The Who
+Music: Hey! Wait! I got a new complaint!?
+Heart shaped box
+Music: Hey! What was the name of the hit song released by 'The Romantics' in February 1980?
+That's What I Like About You
+Music: hich singing puppet duo were crated by Jan and Vlasta Dalibor and had their own tv show from 1960-68?
+Pinky and perky
+Music: Hired as Zappa guitarist due to the precision of his transcriptions?
+Steve vai
+Music: His children are named Nancy, Frank & Christina?
+Frank sinatra
+Music: His ex-wife hit him with a bottle in a 1982 concert appearance?
+Richard thompson
+Music: Hit for Acker Bilk?
+Stranger on the shore
+Music: Hit for Geneisis which includes an exclamation point in the title?
+Thats all
+Music: Hit it big with the Banana Boat Song in 1957?
+Music: Hit song written by Bruce Springsteen, then charted by Natalie Cole?
+Pink cadillac
+Music: Hitmaking group with two-handed hammer-on innovator guitarist?
+Van halen
+Music: Hold my breath as I wish for death?
+Music: Hollywood: Name of Brooke Shields' mother?
+Music: How did Buddy Holly die?
+Plane crash
+Music: How did Jim Croce die?
+Plane crash
+Music: How did John Denver die?
+Plane crash
+Music: How did My Darling Clementine die?
+Music: How did Ritchie Valens die?
+Plane crash
+Music: How did Sonny Bono die?
+Skiing accident
+Music: How far did Madonna get the coke bottle down her throat?
+To the label
+Music: How far is it to the top 'if you wanna rock n roll' according to ac/dc?
+A long way
+Music: How is Leslie Wundermann better known?
+Taylor Dayne
+Music: How long will Davy probably be in the navy, according to Billy Joel?
+For life
+Music: How many albums does Pantera really have(very tricky)?
+Music: How many birthday candles were Cher, Dolly Parton and Sylivester Stallone each obliged to blow out in 1996?
+Music: How many boys were there in The Pet Shop Boys?
+Music: How many brothers were in the original Jackson family line up?
+Music: How many drum kits did Adam & The Ants use in most of their songs?
+Music: How many Grammy Awards did Lawrence Welk garner during his 50-year career?
+Music: How many grammy awards have the Rolling Stones won?
+Music: How many Grammy nominations were totaled by the classic LPs Tommy, Layla, What's Goin' On and Blonde on Blonde?
+Music: How many grooves are there on each side of a 45 r.p.m. record?
+Music: How many keys on a standard piano keyboard?
+Music: How many members are in the 'fairfield four'?
+Music: How many members of the Mamas & The Papas were there?
+Music: How many No. 1 songs did The Grateful Dead have?
+Music: How many notes are there in the first two bars of Beethoven's 'Fifth Symphony'?
+Music: How many number 1 singles did Mariah Carey have on her first album?
+Music: How many of Frank Sinatra's collaborators on Duets and Duets II joined him in the studio?
+Music: how many paris symphonies did haydn compose?
+Music: How many people are in the rock group Van Halen?
+Music: How many singles did Bruce Springsteen put atop Billboard charts in the 1980s?
+Music: How many songs are there on Eminems first LP?
+Music: How many songs from the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band were released as singles?
+Music: How many strings does a violin have?
+Music: How many strings on a bass guitar?
+Music: How many symphonies did Beethoven compose?
+Music: How many times has Tanya Tucker been married?
+Music: How many valves does a French horn have?
+Music: How old was Leann Rhimes when she became a country music star?
+Music: How old was Leann Rhimes when she recorded her first album?
+Music: How old was Ray Charles when he became blind?
+Music: How old was Shania Twain when she started singing in bars?
+Music: Howdeeee! What country performer once worked as a Minnie Pearl impersonator at Opryland?
+Chely wright
+Music: Hugely successful syndicated TV show featuring country music & stars?
+Hee haw
+Music: Hulk Hogan's theme song?
+Real American
+Music:, an archive of rave info, gets its name from a song by this band?
+The shamen
+Music: I am a musician, a prolific catwriter, & a humble genius, who am I?
+Music: I been all night long comin' home don't...?
+Music: I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That - ____John
+Music: I Don't Wanna Live ____Your Love - Chicago
+Music: I Don't Want To Live ____You - Foreigner
+Music: I Don't Want Your Love - ____Duran
+Music: I Drove All ____- Cyndi
+Night Lauper 
+Music: I Get Weak - Belinda ____
+Music: I Hate ____For Loving You - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
+Music: I Like It - ____4th & B'way
+Music: I long to see the sunlight in your hair?
+Music: I Remember ____You - Boys Club
+Music: I Still ____- Brenda K. Starr
+Music: I Want Her - ____Sweat
+Music: I Want To Be ____Man - Roger
+Music: I'll Be Loving You (____) - New Kids On The Block
+Music: I'll Be There For You - ____Jovi
+Music: I'll Be There For You was the theme to which hit TV show?
+Music: If I Could Turn Back Time?
+Music: If It Isn't Love - New ____
+Music: If You Don't Know Me By Now - ____Red
+Music: If you own all the KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Eminem & Dr. Dre cd's how many cd's do you own?
+Music: If you own most of the KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Eminem & Dr. Dre cd's,you would have at least how many albums?
+Music: In 'American pie', who does don mclean refer to as 'the king'?
+Elvis presley
+Music: In 'La Traviata', what does Violetta sing?
+Sempre Libera
+Music: In 'La Traviata', who sings 'Sempre Libera'?
+Music: In 1953, Clyde McPhatter left the Dominoes to form this group?
+The drifters
+Music: In 1958, who had a pop music hit with 'Willie and the Hand Jive'?
+Johnny Otis
+Music: In 1959 which group created the jazz classic Take Five?
+The dave brubeck quartet
+Music: In 1959 who recorded the hit single Mack the Knife?
+Bobby darin
+Music: In 1962 Robert Zimmerman legally changed his name to what?
+Bob dylan
+Music: In 1965 this group had formed as The Versatiles, but changed their name at the request of Johnny Rivers who had just signed them to his Soul City Label?
+Fifth dimension
+Music: In 1968, who released 'Carnival of life' and 'Recital'?
+Lee Michaels
+Music: In 1969 which singer recorded a best selling album during a television documentary at San Quentin prison?
+Johnny cash
+Music: In 1970, they became the first rock group to play NYC's Met. Opera House?
+The who
+Music: In 1976 this former humble pie singer and guitarist came alive?
+Peter frampton
+Music: In 1977 this group had a hit with 'Hotel California'?
+Music: In 1978 how many weeks at No 1 were taken up by the Gibb family?
+Music: In 1981, who won song of the year with 'Sailing'?
+Christopher Cross
+Music: In 1982 Madonna was the lead singer for this band?
+The Breakfast Club
+Music: In 1982 who had a hit with 'Pass the Dutchie'?
+Musical Youth
+Music: In 1985 which group was on a 'Road To No Where'?
+Talking Heads
+Music: In 1987, who released her second album 'Solitude Standing'?
+Suzanne Vega
+Music: In 1990 who was 'Doin' the Do'?
+Betty Boo
+Music: In 1995 who produced an album called No need to Argue?
+Music: In 2004 what DJ showed us how to 'Cha Cha Slide'?
+DJ Casper
+Music: In a 1976 release, who wanted to 'fly like an eagle'?
+Steve Miller Band
+Music: In concert, this band wore giant eyeballs over their heads & tuxedos?
+The residents
+Music: In Dire Straits song 'Money For Nothing' what sort of oven were they singing about?
+Music: In late 1957, Buddy Holly's solo release 'Peggy Sue' challenged which song recorded with The Crickets?
+Oh Boy
+Music: In psychadelic '67, which old-time dance gave Englebert Humperdink a huge hit?
+Music: In some places, you can get porno for ____
+Music: In song, where did all the lights go down according to the Bee Gees?
+Music: In the 'twelve days of christmas', how many items in total are sent by 'my true love'?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seventy eight", "78"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Music: In the 70s who put a Message In A Bottle?
+Music: In the children's song, when this old man played eight, on what did he play nick-nack?
+Music: In the Frankie Goes to Holleywood hit, how many tribes were there?
+Music: In the mid seventies, which British artist changed personas once again & portrayed the 'Thin White Duke'?
+David bowie
+Music: In the mid seventies, who proved that it was possible for a petite woman to sing, play bass and wear leather?
+Suzi quattro
+Music: In the opera 'Don Giovanni', what was Leporello?
+Music: In the sixties, what label did Mary Hopkins record for?
+Music: In the song 'skip to my lou', in what beverage are the flies?
+Music: In the song which begins A frog he would a wooing go, who says Heigh Ho?
+Music: In this musical, the hero sells his soul so the Senators can win the pennant?
+Damn yankees
+Music: In this song Billy Corgan's so depressed, things cant get any worse. Yawn?
+Music: In what city did Kurt Cobain lapse into a coma?
+Music: In what city was Elvis Presley born?
+Music: In what city was Woodstock held?
+Bethel, New York
+Music: In what country did the Rhumba orginate?
+Music: in what disney film did conductor leopold stokowski appear?
+Music: In what does Michael Jackson sleep?
+Music: in what group did graham nash get his start?
+Music: In what song did John Lennon sleep in a bath?
+Norwegian wood
+Music: In what song does Irene Cara sing 'I'm gonna live forever'?
+Music: In what Viennese city was Mozart born?
+Music: in what year did the 'pretenders' release their first lp?
+Music: In what year was Shania Twain born?
+Music: In which British rock band formed in 1965 was the singer and guitarist Syd Barrett replaced by David Gilmour?
+Pink floyd
+Music: In which country was the Rock and Roll hall of fame established?
+Music: In which decade was Tina Turner born?
+Music: In which opera does Leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover?
+Don Giovanni
+Music: In which Puccini opera does the poet Rodolfo appear?
+La Boheme
+Music: In which state did 2 Pac and Dr Dre find Love?
+Music: In which state did Chicago get together?
+Music: In which state did Kurt Cobain die(kill himself)?
+Music: In which Verdi opera does Violetta sing 'Sempre Libera'?
+La Traviata
+Music: In which year did Al Stewart's Year Of The Cat make the charts?
+Music: In which year did Bill Haley record Rock around the Clock?
+Music: In which year did the 'Live Aid' concerts take place?
+Music: In which year was George Jones inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame?
+Music: in which year was ottis redding killed in a plane crash?
+Music: In Your Room?
+Music: Indian Chief, Biker, Military Man, Cop, Construction Worker?
+The village people
+Music: Indigo Girls, from Swamp Ophelia: contains the album title in the lyrics?
+Touch me fall
+Music: Indigo Girls: Band member who does all the lead guitar work (first name only)?
+Music: Indigo Girls: BAND member who has dark hair (first name only)?
+Music: Indigo Girls: BAND member who has reddish-blond hair (first name only)?
+Music: Indigo Girls: The IGs appeared on TAME YOURSELF, a benefit for this animal rights group?
+Music: Indigo Girls: The IGs are curently signed to this major label, a subsidiary of Sony Music?
+Music: Indigo Girls: The IGs used to open up for this former band of Natalie Merchant?
+10000 maniacs
+Music: Indigo Girls: This 1989 video was also their first single?
+Closer to fine
+Music: Indigo Girls: This Grammy & CMA award winning artist appears on NOMADS indians saints?
+Mary chapin carpenter
+Music: Indigo Girls: Title of their 1989 self-titled major label debut album?
+Indigo girls
+Music: Influential 3 on 2 South American rhythm?
+Music: Insect from the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
+Music: Instruction given to Vanilla Ice in Ice, Ice Baby?
+Go white boy go
+Music: instrument of bells or metal bars played with hammers?
+Music: Instrument played by Julian Lloyd Webber?
+Music: Instrument that Moe Koffman plays in his hit Swingin' Shepherd Blues?
+The flute
+Music: Instruments?
+Music: Into what did beethoven dip his head before he composed?
+Cold water
+Music: Into what instrument did the Lemon Pipers urge you to throw a dime in before you walked away?
+Green tambourine
+Music: Irish boyband?
+Music: Irish rovers recorded a song in 1968 about what animal of folklore?
+Music: Is Jethro Tull the name of a person in Jethro Tull?
+No (tull was an 18th century agronomist)
+Music: Is opera star Luciano Pavarotti a baritone, tenor or bass?
+Music: It unusual was a hit for whom?
+Tom jones
+Music: It's a Sunday afternoon in this STP song?
+Interstate love song
+Music: It's always funny untill someone gets hurt!?
+Music: It's No Crime?
+Music: It's not fair to me...?
+Music: J. Geils Band's Centerfold video started career of this former VJ?
+Martha quinn
+Music: Jackson Browne kept forgetting to fill his car with gas, resulting in this?
+Running on empty
+Music: Jackson Five's #1 lyrics about the alphabet?
+Music: Jakob Dylan, singer songwriter of what group, claims that he wrote the songs for the double platinum album 'Bringing Down The Horse On' scraps of paper?
+Music: Jamiroquai single?
+Love Foolosophy
+Music: Jane's Addiction song about animals in an Oriental theory?
+Pigs in zen
+Music: Janet Jackson's second #1?
+Miss you much
+Music: Janis Joplin started her career with which group backing her up?
+Big brother & the holding company
+Music: Japanese disco duo who had a summer TV show in the US in 1979?
+Pink lady
+Music: Jazz Axes: Airto Moreira plays this category of instruments?
+Music: Jazz Axes: Dewey Redman's Principal Instrument?
+Tenor saxophone
+Music: Jazz Axes: Dizzy Gillespie plays?
+Music: Jazz Axes: Ed Blackwell plays?
+Music: Jazz Axes: Miles Davis played?
+Music: Jazz Axes: Milt Jackson played this special instrument?
+Music: Jazz Axes: Sarah Vaughan's instrument?
+Music: Jazz Axes: Scott Lafaro plays?
+Music: Jazz Axes: Sydney Bechet plays clarinet and (specify!)?
+Soprano saxophone
+Music: Jazz clarinetist Benny ____
+Music: Jeff Beck used to drown him out when he tried to sing?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Jefferson Airplane: Conejo blanco?
+White rabbit
+Music: Jennifer Warnes teamed up with____ to sing 'Up Where We Belong' in 1982
+Joe Cocker
+Music: Jenny Frost,Liz McClarnon and Natasha Hamilton make up which successful UK group?
+Atomic Kitten
+Music: Jerry Lee Lewis had Great ____ Of Fire
+Music: Jesse James song that pays tribute to sexy Rita strutting her stuff?
+Dangerous on the dance floor
+Music: Jim Capaldi, Dave Mason, Chris Wood & Steve Winwood?
+Music: Jimmy Buffett: Album: Manana, Cheeseburger in Paradise, Fool Button?
+Son of a son of a sailor
+Music: Jimmy Buffett: Album: The Good Fight, Stars Fell on Alabama?
+Coconut telegraph
+Music: Jimmy Buffett: From what group of rock and roll fanatics did The Parrotheads get their name?
+Music: Jimmy Buffett: Name for devoted Jimmy Buffett followers?
+Music: Jimmy Buffett: What is the name of Jimmy Buffett's store/cafe in Key West?
+Music: Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton have all belonged to this band?
+Music: Joe Tex & Penny Maclean both had big hits referring to this dance, name it?
+The bump
+Music: Joel Grey sings & dances with a gorilla girlfriend in this song?
+If you could see her through my eyes
+Music: joey dee and the ____
+Music: John Coltrane covered this tune from The Sound of Music?
+My favorite things
+Music: John Cougar Mellencamp's houses were of this colour?
+Music: John Fogerty's best-selling solo album?
+Music: John Lennon was shot outside of what New York building?
+The dakota
+Music: John Lennon: John Lennon's favourite song?
+Whiter shade of pale
+Music: John Lennon: John Lennon's last public performance was with this man?
+Elton john
+Music: John Lennon: John was married to Cynthia and had this child?
+Music: John Lennon: The first band John founded?
+Music: John Lennon: The first publication that had the news of John Lennon's death?
+New york post
+Music: John Lennon: The movie in which John Lennon starred in (1966)?
+How i won the war
+Music: John Lennon: The press was invited to join John and Yoko for this?
+A bed-in for peace
+Music: John Lennon: Years older Yoko is to John?
+Music: John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, ____ ____
+John bonham
+Music: John Rutter is best known for what genre of music?
+Music: Johnny B. Goode hails from this state?
+Music: Johnny Mathis is the master of romantic songs. Which of his classics makes reference to 'the magic of moonlight'?
+Chances Are
+Music: Johnny Wakelin's nickname for Muhammad Ali?
+Black Superman
+Music: Jon Anderson collaborator & Chariots of Fire composer?
+Jon vangelis
+Music: Jonathan Demme directed a movie of this band in concert?
+The talking heads
+Music: Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan & Suzanne Vega have been pigeonholed as this?
+Folk music
+Music: Joni Mitchells hit from 'Ladies Of The Canyon' album says what came & took away her old man?
+Big yellow taxi
+Music: Judy Garland was married several times. Who was her first husband?
+David Rose
+Music: Just before their planned comeback tour Michael Hutchence of which band was found dead of an apparent suicide?
+Music: Just Like ____- David Lee Roth
+Music: Just Like ____James
+Jesse Cher
+Music: Kate Bush album title mentions a type of apparel?
+The red shoes
+Music: Kate Bush and Pat Benatar both sang about this Bronte classic?
+Wuthering heights
+Music: Keith Richards rocked on in which super group?
+The Rolling Stones
+Music: Keyboardist for the T. Heads?
+Jerry harrison
+Music: Kick up your heels. This is what skasters refer to as dancing?
+Music: Kid's Songs?
+Itsy-Bitsy Spider
+Music: Kid's Songs?
+London Bridges
+Music: Kinks hit song about a crossdresser?
+Music: Kip Addotta novelty song packed to the gills with fish puns?
+Wet dream
+Music: Kokomo was immortalized by the Beach Boys in a 1988 #1 featured in this movie?
+Music: Kylie minogue and prodigy had hits with different songs that had which common title?
+Music: Labels: bought by TVT, with KMFDM, Revolting Cocks, Coil, Thrill Kill Kult...?
+Wax trax
+Music: Labels: Qwest Records is the personal label of this prominent black producer?
+Quincy jones
+Music: Labels: The logo for this label features people dancing?
+Tommy boy
+Music: Labels: This early Neil Diamond label has a gun in its logo?
+Music: Labels: Todd Rundgren's label, or the town Goldilocks wandered into?
+Music: Labels: U2's label is Polygram/____
+Music: Labels: What is Bjork's current label (1994)?
+Music: Labels: What is L7's current label (1994)?
+Music: Labels: What is Shonen Knife's current label (1994)?
+Music: Labels: What is Superchunk's current label?
+Music: Labels: What is The Jesus And Mary Chain's current label (1994)?
+Warner brothers
+Music: Labels: What is the name of the record label that Madonna owns?
+Music: Labels: What label was Johny Cash's newest album, American Recordings, released on?
+American recordings
+Music: Last Genesis album before Peter Gabriel's departure?
+The lamb lies down on broadway
+Music: Last song on Use Your Illision I: ungodly awesome rhythm playing at the end?
+Music: Last word spoken by the Purple People Eater in that song?
+Music: Laura Branigan's first hit, it stayed at #2 for three weeks?
+Music: Lay Your ____On Me - Bon Jovi
+Music: Lead Singer: (screamer) of Nirvana?
+Kurt cobain
+Music: Lead Singer: Big Audio Dynamite?
+Mick jones
+Music: Lead Singer: Blind Faith?
+Steve winwood
+Music: Lead Singer: Counting Crows?
+Adam duritz
+Music: Lead Singer: Cracker?
+David lowery
+Music: Lead Singer: Crash Test Dummies?
+Brad roberts
+Music: Lead Singer: Cream?
+Eric clapton
+Music: Lead Singer: Derek and the Dominoes?
+Eric clapton
+Music: Lead Singer: Eurythmics?
+Annie lennox
+Music: Lead Singer: for Guns n' Roses?
+Axl rose
+Music: Lead singer: for Portishead?
+Beth gibbons
+Music: Lead singer: for the Stone Canyon BAND in the late sixties?
+Linda ronstadt
+Music: Lead Singer: Frankie Goes to Hollywood?
+Holly johnson
+Music: Lead Singer: Gin Blossoms?
+Robin wilson
+Music: Lead Singer: Human League?
+Philip oakey
+Music: Lead Singer: Husker Du?
+Bob mould
+Music: Lead Singer: INXS?
+Michael hutchence
+Music: Lead Singer: Midnight Oil?
+Peter garrett
+Music: Lead Singer: Ministry?
+Alain jourgensen
+Music: Lead Singer: Moody Blues?
+Justin hayward
+Music: Lead singer: of Simply Red?
+Mick Hucknall
+Music: Lead Singer: Pretenders?
+Chrissie hynde
+Music: Lead Singer: Procol Harum?
+Gary brooker
+Music: Lead Singer: Red Hot Chili Peppers?
+Anthony kiedis
+Music: Lead Singer: Roxy Music?
+Bryan ferry
+Music: Lead Singer: Simple Minds?
+Jim kerr
+Music: Lead Singer: Siouxsie & the Banshees?
+Siouxsie sioux
+Music: Lead Singer: Smithereens?
+Pat dinizio
+Music: Lead Singer: Stone Roses?
+Ian brown
+Music: Lead Singer: Stray Cats?
+Brian setzer
+Music: Lead Singer: T Rex?
+Marc bolan
+Music: Lead Singer: The Church?
+Steve kilby
+Music: Lead Singer: The Cure?
+Robert smith
+Music: Lead Singer: The Honeydrippers?
+Robert plant
+Music: Lead Singer: the Screaming Jets?
+Dave gleeson
+Music: Lead Singer: the Style Council?
+Paul Weller
+Music: Lead Singer: The The?
+Matt johnson
+Music: Leader of the League of Crafty Guitarists?
+Robert fripp
+Music: Leader Singer: Of the Soft Boys, and later the Egyptians (globe of frogs)?
+Robyn hitchcock
+Music: Leavin', on a southern train...?
+Interstate love song
+Music: Legs - Sharped Dressed Man - Rough Boy?
+Zz top
+Music: Lenny Kravitz song recorded by Madonna?
+Justify my love
+Music: Leonard Bernstein wrote the score to this Romeo & Juliet retelling?
+West side story
+Music: Lester Bowie, Joseph Jarman, Malachi Favors, Roscoe Mitchell?
+The art ensemble of chicago
+Music: Lewis, Jackson, Heath and Kay?
+Modern jazz quartet
+Music: Like A Prayer?
+Music: Like Sunday morning...?
+Music: Lionel Richie and ____ went to No.1 with 'Endless Love' in 1981
+Diana Ross
+Music: Lipps Inc: El pueblo mas funky?
+Music: Lipps, Inc's only hit was covered by Pseudo Echo eight years later?
+Music: Lisssssspy sounding girl that Phil Collins sang about in 1985?
+Music: Listen To Your Heart?
+Music: Little Anthony & the ____
+Music: Little Richard's final top 40 hit before going into gospel music?
+Oh my soul
+Music: Live and let die is a song by which artist?
+Paul McCartney
+Music: Living In Sin - Bon ____
+Music: Liz Frazier contributes vocals on which FSOL single?
+Music: Long tubular Australian Aboriginal musical instrument?
+Music: Long-tongued member of Kiss?
+Gene simmons
+Music: Lonnie Donnegan asked his listeners this strange question?
+Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight
+Music: Loose Lucy is my...?
+Music: Lost In Your ____- Debbie Gibson
+Music: Love ____- The B-52's
+Music: Love In An Elevator?
+Music: Love Song - The ____
+Music: Ludwig von Beethoven (1770-1827) bridges the Classical and Romantic periods of music. In his 9th Symphony, he makes musical history with his use of?
+Chorus and soloists
+Music: Lulu sent her son to which school attended by Princes William and Harry?
+Music: Lyricist of west Side Story?
+Music: Lyrics - I believe the sun should never set upon an argument (group + title)?
+Savage Garden,Affirmation
+Music: Lyrics: 'and he's bad bad ____ ____ (jim croce)
+Leroy brown
+Music: Lyrics: 'I am woman, ____ ____ ____ (helen reddy)
+Hear me roar
+Music: Lyrics: 'I feel the ____ ____ under my feet (carole king)
+Earth move
+Music: Lyrics: 'On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of ____ (eagles)
+Music: Lyrics: 'Ooh baby, baby it's a ____ (cat stevens)
+Wild world
+Music: Lyrics: 'Well, she was just ____ (the beatles)
+Music: Lyrics: It shakes all over like a jelly fish, i kinda like it, crazy ____ ____ ____ ____ (queen)
+Little thing called love
+Music: Lyrics: Name the band that sang ?When you feel all alone and the world has turned its back on you?
+Savage Garden
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Elton John said ?Ever since I was a young boy I played the silver ball?
+Pinball Wizard
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Elton John said ?Goodbye Norma Jean, though I never knew you at all?
+Candle in the wind
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Elton John said ?Hey kids,shake it loose together?
+Bennie and the jets
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Elton John said ?I remember when rock was young?
+Crocodile rock
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Elton John said ?I used to be a rolling stone?
+Philadelphia Freedom
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Elton John said ?Picture yourself in a boat on the river,with tangerine trees and marmalade skies?
+Lucy in the sky with Diamonds
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Elton John said ?What do I have to do to make you love me?
+?½Sorry seems to be the hardest word
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Elton John said ?When are you gonna come down??
+Goodbye yellow brick road
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Shania Twain said ?Get a life - get a grip?
+Come on over
+Music: Lyrics: Name the track where Shania Twain said ?I'm going out tonight- i'm feelin alright gonna let it all hang out?
+Man! I feel like a woman
+Music: Made In Canada: The Canadian counterpart of MTV?
+Music: Made In Canada: The lead vocalist/guitarist for Haze?
+Marc albert
+Music: Major guitar manufacturer (SG, 120, Les Paul, etc.)?
+Music: Make Me Lose Control - Eric ____
+Music: Malcolm & Angus Young are members of this famous Australian group?
+Music: Male Vocalists: Eric Clapton's 1973 comeback concert was staged at this London venue?
+Rainbow theatre
+Music: Male Vocalists: He left Fleetwood Mac in 1987?
+Lindsey buckingham
+Music: Male Vocalists: He won the 1972 Lifetime Grammy Award?
+Louis armstrong
+Music: Male Vocalists: His wife Claudette was killed in 1966, his sons died in a fire two years later?
+Roy orbison
+Music: Male Vocalists: Lead singer of the Drifters, he went solo to gain greater fame?
+Ben e. king
+Music: Male Vocalists: Ray Charles was not blind from birth, but rather due to this disease?
+Music: Male Vocalists: Stevie Ray Vaughan played back up on this Bowie song?
+Lets dance/china girl
+Music: Male Vocalists: Stonewall Jackson, descendant of Stonewall Jackson, hit #4 with this song?
+Music: Male Vocalists: These days, this rapper is 6th in the world in the sport of speedboat racing?
+Vanilla ice
+Music: Male Vocalists: This song was Elvis Costello's ode to his grandmother?
+Music: Manfred Mann's ____
+Earth band
+Music: Manhattan Skyline and Open Sesame were on which album?
+Saturday Night Fever
+Music: Manner of death for Stevie Ray Vaughn?
+Plane crash
+Music: McCartney achieved his biggest ballad with this song released on the album Help in 1965?
+Music: MDMA & Extasy refer to one type of?
+Music: Medieval instrument bearing some resemblance to a mandolin?
+Music: Melanie's million-seller came after breaking a vegetarian diet at McDonalds?
+Brand new key
+Music: Melissa Etheridge: Melissa is from this KS city on the MO border (famous for another reason)?
+Music: Melissa Etheridge: Melissa's first four albums were released on this record label?
+Music: Mercedes Boy?
+Music: Metallica: from Justice, it intros with war sounds?
+Music: Metallica: Metallica's song about the Jews in Egypt?
+Creeping death
+Music: Metallica: Metallica's song that some ignorant people believe promotes suicide?
+Fade to black
+Music: Metallica: Name of Metallica's drummer?
+Lars ulrich
+Music: Metallica: What was Metallica's first LP with Jason Newsted as their bassist?
+And justice for all
+Music: Metallica: What was Metallica's second LP called?
+Ride the lightning
+Music: Michael di Lorenzo was one of the lead dancers on which Michael Jackson video?
+Beat It
+Music: Michael Jackson sang 'Ben' in what year?
+Music: Michael Jackson: Name of Michael Jacksons 2 children by his wife Debbie?
+Prince and Paris
+Music: Michael Jackson: Name of Michael Jacksons Southern California ranch?
+Music: Michael Jackson: name of Michael Jacksons wife by whom he had 2 children?
+Debbie Rowe
+Music: Michael learns to rock has never seen such a lovely queen & says you should ____
+Paint my love
+Music: Michael learns to rock, has never seen such a lovely queen, and says you should ____
+Paint my love
+Music: Michelle and Julia are songs by which group?
+The beatles
+Music: Mick Jones was fired from this punk rock group & went on to form Big Audio Dynamite?
+The clash
+Music: Mick jones was fired from which punk rock group and went on to form big audio dynamite?
+Music: Mick Jones' co-leader in the Clash?
+Joe strummer
+Music: Mickey Dolenz was in which 60s sensation group?
+The Monkees
+Music: Midnight Oil: Before the Oils became successful Peter Garrett did this for a living?
+Music: Midnight Oil: Bones Hillman plays this instrument?
+Music: Midnight Oil: Name of the drummer?
+Rob hirst
+Music: Midnight Oil: This member of Midnight Oil is well known for his unique dancing style?
+Peter garrett
+Music: Mike D., MCA, and AdRock are better known as?
+Beastie boys
+Music: Miles Davis: Although he wanted to, Miles never recorded with this rock guitar legend?
+Jimi hendrix
+Music: Miles Davis: Gil Evans collaborated with Miles on a rendition of this Gershwin musical?
+Porgy & bess
+Music: Miles Davis: Miles feuded with this legendary pianist at the famous 12/24/54 session?
+Thelonious monk
+Music: Miles Davis: Miles openly discredited this early 60's Ornette Coleman-led jazz style?
+Free jazz
+Music: Miles Davis: One of the last two albums Miles recorded before going on hiatus in 1975?
+Agartha or pangaea
+Music: Minstrel in the gallery (1975) was recorded by?
+Jethro tull
+Music: Miss You ____- Janet Jackson
+Music: Miss You Like Crazy - ____Cole
+Music: Mode in the following scale: defgabcd?
+Music: Money For Nothing was an 80s NO 1 for which band?
+Dire Straits
+Music: Monkey - ____Michael
+Music: Monty Python: But many times we're given rhymes that are quite unsingable...?
+Knights of the round table
+Music: Monty Python: From the tiniest little tadger, to the world's biggest prick?
+The penis song
+Music: Monty Python: He led the Ironside cavelry at Marston Moon in sixteen forty four?
+Oliver cromwell
+Music: Monty Python: He likes traffic lights, but only when they're green?
+I like traffic lights
+Music: Monty Python: He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp?
+Brave sir robin
+Music: Monty Python: I'm not disparaging the blueberry pie/but rhubarb tart is very nice?
+Rhubarb tart
+Music: Monty Python: Inflammation of my foreskin reminds me of your smile...?
+A medical love song
+Music: Monty Python: The knights of Camelot eat ham & jam & this alot?
+Music: Monty Python: The Sound of Music twice an hour, and Jaws I II and III!?
+Christmas in heaven
+Music: Monty Python: There is nothing like a newly minted pound?
+Money song
+Music: Monty Python: With your funny clothes and your squishy nose...?
+The henry kissinger song
+Music: Monty Python: You're so near to Russia, so far from Japan...?
+The finland song
+Music: Moody Blues: A recent song asks you to not blame these for the rain?
+Music: Moody Blues: Album containing Tuesday Afternoon and Nights In White Satin?
+Days of future passed
+Music: Moody Blues: Name of the Moodies' live album?
+A night at red rocks
+Music: Moody Blues: Song sandwiched between parts 1 & 2 of House Of 4 Doors on the Lost Chord album?
+Legend of a mind
+Music: Moody Blues: The Moodies' 1991 album, featuring Say It With Love and Bless the Wings?
+Keys of the kingdom
+Music: Moody Blues: The Moodies' flutist?
+Ray thomas
+Music: Moody Blues: The Moodies' original lead singer was this future member of Wings?
+Denny laine
+Music: Moody Blues: This album begins spectacularly with I Know You're Out There Somewhere?
+Sur la mer
+Music: Moody Blues: Wrote and sang many of the band greatest songs, including Tuesday Afternoon?
+Justin hayward
+Music: More than a Feeling - Peace of Mind - Amanda?
+Music: Morrissey: Morrissey says this hearing device stimulates him?
+Hearing aid
+Music: Morrissey: What country is he from?
+Music: Morrissey: What country is Morrissey from?
+Music: Morrissey: What song did the 10,000 Maniacs do a cover of?
+Everyday is like sunday
+Music: Morrissey: What type of witch game does Morrissey sing about?
+Ouija board
+Music: Morrissey: What year was he born?
+Music: Musical: in which Jim Dale encouraged people to join the circus?
+Music: Musicals: America, Maria, I feel pretty?
+West side story
+Music: Musicals: Bernstein musical based on a Voltaire novel?
+Music: Musicals: Bye bye life, On broadway?
+All that jazz
+Music: Musicals: Characters include Christine, Raoul, andre, & Firmin?
+Phantom of the opera
+Music: Musicals: Characters include Liesl, Friedrich, Gretl, & Maria?
+Sound of music
+Music: Musicals: Characters include Widow Douglas, Pap, the Duke, the King, Jim, and Huck?
+Big river
+Music: Musicals: Cockeyed optimist, Happy talk, There is nothin' like a dame?
+South pacific
+Music: Musicals: Good morning, Make them laugh, You are my lucky star?
+Singing in the rain
+Music: Musicals: Hard candy Christmas, Lil ole bitty pissant country place?
+Best little whorehouse in texas
+Music: Musicals: Have yourself a merry little christmas, The boy next door, Trolley song?
+Meet me in st. louis
+Music: Musicals: I cain't say no, Out of my dreams, Kansas City?
+Music: Musicals: I'm glad I'm not young anymore, I remember it well, Thank heaven 4 little girls?
+Music: Musicals: Kopit-Yeston musical which was often confused with a Lloyd Webber one?
+Music: Musicals: Lusty month of May, If ever I would leave you?
+Music: Musicals: Memory, Skimbleshanks, The Jellicle Ball?
+Music: Musicals: Morning Glow, With You, Corner of the Sky?
+Music: Musicals: New York New York, A day in New York, I feel like I'm not out of bed yet?
+On the town
+Music: Musicals: Sabbath prayer, Sunrise sunset, If I were a rich man?
+Fiddler on the roof
+Music: Musicals: Step in time, Spoonful of sugar, chim chim cheree?
+Mary poppins
+Music: Musicals: The man that got away, It's a new world, Born in a trunk?
+A star is born
+Music: Musicals: This is the Moment, A New Life, Once Upon a Dream?
+Jekyll hyde
+Music: Musicals: When you wish upon a star?
+Music: Musicals: White Christmas?
+Holiday inn
+Music: Musicals: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah?
+Song of the south
+Music: My ____- Bobby Brown
+Music: My ____Can't Tell You No - Rod Stewart
+Music: My Boyfriend's Back, by this group, was inspired by overhearing a teen argument?
+Music: My love, there's only you in my life?
+Endless love
+Music: Name 1 of 2 Iron Maiden songs with the same names as Robert Heinlein novels?
+The number of the beast
+Music: name a three-stringed Russian instrument with a triangular body?
+Music: Name Ladysmith Black Mambazo's chart-topping album of 1986?
+Music: Name of David Bowies album released June 2002?
+Music: Name of Die Krupps' album of Metallica remixes?
+A tribute to metallica
+Music: Name of Elvis Costello's back-up group?
+The attractions
+Music: Name of girl in Looking Glass hit, shares her name with a type of alcohol?
+Music: Name of Hole's first LP?
+Pretty on the inside
+Music: Name of Stings wife?
+Trudie styler
+Music: Name of Sweet's only number one hit?
+Music: Name of the bass tuba that wraps around the players body?
+Music: Name of the blonde female member of ABBA?
+Agnetha Faltskog
+Music: Name of the Gibb brothers?
+Music: Name of Wet wet wets front man?
+Marti pellow
+Music: Name Origins: This group got its name from the lead singer's astrological symbols?
+Earth wind & fire
+Music: Name Origins: This group got its name when it had to extend its original name, The Bangs?
+Music: Name Origins: This group got its name when they started backing Ike Turner?
+Music: Name Origins: This group named itself after their gym teacher, Leonard Skinner?
+Lynyrd skynyrd
+Music: Name Origins: This group was named for its lead singer's red hair?
+Simply red
+Music: Name Origins: This group's name is German for power station?
+Music: Name Origins: This group's name is Italian for positive energy?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: Name Origins: This groups name is Italian for political writing?
+Scritti politti
+Music: Name Origins: This singer got his name because he wore a black and yellow jersey so often?
+Music: Name Origins: This singer's name is a take-off of Fats Domino. (Full Name)?
+Chubby checker
+Music: Name the Artist/Band: Holding back the years was a hit for which Manchester band?
+Simply red
+Music: Name the artist/band:: Michael Anthony, Sammy Hagar, etc...?
+Van halen
+Music: Name the Australian pop show from the seventies & early eighties hosted by Ian Meldrum?
+Music: Name the band that Juliana Hatfield was in before The Juliana Hatfield Three?
+Blake babies
+Music: Name the Canadian country/pop star?
+Shania Twain
+Music: Name the Chipmunks (alphabetically)?
+Alvin simon theodore
+Music: Name the city where Nick Cave resides these days (1994)?
+Sao paolo
+Music: Name The Composer: Central Park at Night?
+Charles ives
+Music: Name The Composer: Symphony No. 9: An die Freude?
+Ludwig van beethoven
+Music: name the duet of which one member crashed near dead man's curve?
+Music: name the English drummer for the rolling stones?
+Charlie watts
+Music: Name the first band signed to Beastie Boys' 'Grand Royal' record label?
+Luscious jackson
+Music: Name the gallery in Liverpool where John Lennon met Yoko Ono?
+Music: Name the lead guitarist & singer for Dire Straits?
+Mark knopfler
+Music: Name the lead singer for Portishead?
+Beth gibbons
+Music: name the oldest of the four beatles?
+Ringo starr
+Music: Name the original Monkees?
+Mike nesmith
+Music: name the radio show launched in 1935 which featured hit records?
+Your hit parade
+Music: Name the scale: f, g, a, b, c, d, e, f?
+Music: Name the single that Morrissey released on Jan. 95?
+Music: Name the song 'No crib for a bed'?
+Away in a manger
+Music: Name the Song: Hootie and the blowfish had a top ten hit with which song off their 'cracked rear view' album?
+Hold my hand
+Music: Name the subject of the autobiography Daybreak?
+Joan baez
+Music: Name the two bands that Jimmy Sommerville sang with?
+Bronski Beat & The Communards
+Music: Name the two brothers who are part of UB40?
+Ali and Robin Campbell
+Music: Name the two brothers who formed part of Spandau Ballet?
+Gary and Martin Kemp
+Music: Name the two live albums The Cure released simultaneously. (_ and _)?
+Show and paris
+Music: Name the university attended by both Beatle wives, Linda Eastman McCartney & Yoko Ono Lennon?
+Sarah lawrence
+Music: Name the Who's first big hit?
+My generation
+Music: Name the year Sheryl crowe was born?
+Music: Name the Year: Altamont concert, Let It Bleed released, Brian dies?
+Music: Name Their Job: Jerome Robbins?
+Music: Name Their Job: Kate Smith?
+Music: Name Violent Femmes Album: Songs: Hallowed Ground, Never Tell?
+Hallowed ground
+Music: Names In Songs: According to Nirvana, who will have her revenge on Seattle?
+Frances farmer
+Music: Names In Songs: Billy Joel sings the ballad of what cowboy?
+Billy the kid
+Music: Names In Songs: Blues Traveler and Big Head Todd & The Monsters each sing about Brother ____
+Music: Names In Songs: In what Pearl Jam video does a student shoot his classmates?
+Music: Names In Songs: What 4-Non Blondes song has the same name as a 70's singer?
+Music: Names In Songs: What Beastie Boys song is named after an old patriot?
+Paul revere
+Music: Nat king cole died in which year?
+Music: Neil Diamond and this duet partner had a No.1 with 'You Don't Bring Me Flowers'?
+Barbra Streisand
+Music: Neneh Cherry's jazz musician father (full name!)?
+Don cherry
+Music: Never Tear Us Apart?
+Music: New ____- INXS
+Music: New age pianist named many albums after seasons or months?
+George winston
+Music: New age Swedish Harp monster?
+Andreas vollenweider
+Music: New Order wrote this song, later Frente did a remake?
+Bizarre love triangle
+Music: Nick Lowe and Dave Edmunds were the core of this pop group?
+Music: Night Ranger hit from a movie with the same title?
+The secret of my success
+Music: Nina post and louise gordon of which group released 'seether' off 'American thighs' in 1994?
+Veruca salt
+Music: Nine Inch Nails: CD released only for a short time in the US. Now you can buy the import?
+Music: Nine Inch Nails: He was the producer for the soundtrack of this movie?
+Natural born killers
+Music: Nine Inch Nails: In what PA town did Trent Reznor grow up?
+Music: Nine Inch Nails: NIN toured this town on July 29, & July 30 1994?
+Atlanta ga
+Music: Nine Inch Nails: Queen song NIN covers?
+Get down make love
+Music: Nine Inch Nails: Reznor signed this label, Now he hates them?
+Tvt records
+Music: Nine Inch Nails: What was NIN?s first single?
+Down in it
+Music: Nino Temp sang, and April Stevens talked on this 1964 hit?
+Deep purple
+Music: Nirvana: Chris Novoselic changed his first name to this?
+Music: Nirvana: Dave Grohl formed this band after Nirvana?
+Foo fighters
+Music: Nirvana: In what city did Kurt Cobain lapse into a coma?
+Music: Nirvana: Kurt Cobain was born in this small Washington town?
+Music: Nirvana: Song: Tori Amos did a cover of this Nirvana song?
+Smells like teen spirit
+Music: Nirvana: The band was formed in this city?
+Music: Nirvana: Their first album?
+Music: Nirvana: Was the lead singer of Nirvana?
+Kurt cobain
+Music: Nirvana's first album was called?
+Music: Nirvana's first album?
+Music: Nobody's ____- Kenny Loggins
+Music: Not coincidentally, his initials (TV) match the group he formed?
+Tom verlaine
+Music: Note half a semi breve?
+Music: Nothin' But A Good Time?
+Music: Now excuse me, for example, I'm the inspiration of a whole generation?
+Music: Number of albums Boston currently has?
+Music: Number of Elvis songs that hit #1?
+Music: Number of Halos, or official releases, by Nine Inch Nails (1995)?
+Music: Number of weeks My Sharona spent at #1 in 1979?
+Music: Occasional actor, & auteur of Nighthawks at the Diner & Big Time?
+Tom waits
+Music: Of late he's done some Taco Bell commercials: Good Golly!?
+Little richard
+Music: Of what group is Mark Miller the lead singer?
+Sawyer brown
+Music: Of what were 500 million printed with Elvis Presley on the face?
+Music: Offspring's 11th track on Smash?
+What happened to you
+Music: Oh she walks slowly across a young man's room...?
+Music: Oh, life, it's bigger, it's bigger than you and you are not me?
+Losing my religion
+Music: Oldest person to hit #1 on the singles chart?
+Louis armstrong
+Music: Olivia Newton-John and ____ had a No.1 hit with 'You're The One I Want' in 1978
+John Travolta
+Music: OMD stands for this...?
+Orchestral manoeuvres in the dark
+Music: On Our Own - ____Brown
+Music: On their first studio release in seven years, who released the album 'In The Dark'?
+Grateful dead
+Music: On what date did Elton John first sing his biggest-selling single in public?
+September 6th, 1997
+Music: On what Dire Straits album was the track Money for Nothing?
+Brothers in arms
+Music: On what instrument would you find stops & pedals?
+Music: on what street is graceland located?
+Elvis presley street
+Music: On which Beatles song did George Harrison play a sitar?
+Norwegian wood
+Music: On which instrument would you find a gemshorn?
+An organ
+Music: On which label does Mariah Carey record?
+Music: On which side did Lou Reed walk in 1973?
+Music: On which Stevie Wonder album did he team up with Michael Jackson to sing Get It?
+Music: On which TV show did the Rolling Stones make their American debut on June 3rd, 1964?
+The Hollywood Palace
+Music: On whose 1989 'trash' release were Aerosmith & Bon Jovi guest performers?
+Alice cooper
+Music: Once Bitten Twice Shy - ____White
+Music: Once known as the Hawks, this band backed Dylan for 10 years?
+The band
+Music: One Good ____- Peter Cetera
+Music: One hit wonder Gary Numan hit #9 with this song in 1980?
+Music: One Hit Wonders: 99 Luftballoons?
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Brandy, You're a Fine Girl?
+Looking glass
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Category: One Hit Wonders 3: Don't Shed A Tear?
+Music: One Hit Wonders: English Band who took Falco's Der Komissar to #5 in the US?
+After the fire
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Inspired by a classic movie of the same name, it was Bertie Higgins #8 hit?
+Key largo
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes?
+Edison lighthouse
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Mexican Radio?
+Wall of voodoo
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Neal Hefti's one hit wonder from 1966; a TV theme which had only two words?
+The batman theme
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Pump Up the Volume?
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Puttin' On The Ritz (1983)?
+Music: One Hit Wonders: She Blinded Me With Science?
+Music: One Hit Wonders: She's Like The Wind?
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Somkin' in the Boy's Room (1974)?
+Brownsville station
+Music: One Hit Wonders: Take a Letter Maria?
+Rb greaves
+Music: One Hit Wonders: The Book of Love?
+Music: One Hit Wonders: This annoying rap song that got played to death in 1988 was by LA duo?
+Music: One Moment In Time - ____Houston
+Music: One of Eve's favorite genres, SKA, originated in this country?
+Music: One of the original Depeche Mode members is now in Erasure?
+Vince clarke
+Music: One of the two most important members of Steely Dan?
+Walter becker
+Music: Only number 1 hit of the Tornadoes?
+Music: Opening song of Creedence Clearwater Revival's Chronicle (1)?
+Suzy q
+Music: Opera by Prokofiev adapted from a play by Gozzi first performed in Chicago in 1921?
+Love for three oranges
+Music: Operatta with songs: Summertime, A Woman;s a Something, I Got Plenty of Nuttin'?
+Porgy & bess
+Music: Ornette Coleman's theory of improvisation is called what?
+Music: Osmond's February 13, 1971 hit?
+One bad apple
+Music: other than 'she loves you', in which other beatles number one hit can you hear the words 'she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah?
+All you need is love
+Music: Out Of The Blue - ____Gibson
+Music: Ozzy Osbourne went to court for this song that supposedly prompted suicide?
+Suicide solution
+Music: Painter of most of Joni Mitchell's album covers?
+Joni Mitchell
+Music: Paradise City - ____N' Roses
+Music: Parenthetical title: (To the other side) ____provide the title
+Break on through
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (After live aid)?
+The tide is turning
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (Are made of this)?
+Sweet dreams
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (Bad Girls Go Everywhere)?
+Good girls go to heaven
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (But She Can Rock And Roll)?
+Your sister cant twist
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (Everybody Dance Now)?
+Gonna make you sweat
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (Exordium and Terminus)?
+In the year 2525
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (Forever Afternoon)?
+Tuesday afternoon
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (go to him)?
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (Have You Seen My Wife, Mr. Jones)?
+New york mining disaster 1941
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (I can't get no)?
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (I only want to say)?
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (I'll love you) [Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds]?
+Till the end of the world
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (light my way)?
+Ultra violet
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (No More Love On The Run)?
+Caribbean queen
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (Oh What a Night)?
+December 1963
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (sad song)?
+Fa fa fa fa fa
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (She's just a woman)?
+Living loving maid
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (She's so Heavy)?
+I want you
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (song for Elvis)?
+Blue moon revisited
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (That's an Irish Lullaby)?
+Tura lura lura
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (The Magic Dragon)?
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (The Wedding Song)?
+An acceptable level of ecstasy
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (You're Coming Back)?
+Tell me
+Music: Parenthetical Titles: (You're Never Gonna Get It)?
+My lovin
+Music: Parliament's alter ego?
+Music: Part of body that Roland the Thompson Gunner loses midway in a song?
+Music: Pat Boone is what relation to old-time C&W star Red Foley?
+Son in law
+Music: Patience - Guns N' ____
+Music: Patti LaBelle's duet partner on the song 'On My Own' was____
+Michael McDonald
+Music: Paul Anka is from what country?
+Music: Paul Anka sang with ____ on the No.1 hit 'You're Having My Baby' in 1974
+Odia Coates
+Music: Paul McCartney teamed up with ____ and had a No.1 with 'Ebony and Ivory' in 1982
+Stevie Wonder
+Music: Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons are founders of this group?
+Music: Peabo Bryson and ____ had a No.1 hit in 1993 with 'A Whole New World'
+Regina Belle
+Music: Pearl Jam before Eddie Vedder?
+Mother love bone
+Music: pearl jam redid this song first performed by j frank wilson & the cavaliers in 1965?
+Last kiss
+Music: Pearl Jam: ...Shut your mouth! Hey, I'm just talkin about...?
+Dirty frank
+Music: Pearl Jam: ...thoughts arrive like butterflies...Oh, he don't know, so he chases them away?
+Even flow
+Music: Pearl Jam: Album: Name of Pearl Jam's second album?
+Music: Pearl Jam: Album: Name of the Pearl Jam album with a llama/sheep on the cover?
+Music: Pearl Jam: Caught a bolt of lightning...cursed the day he let go?
+Music: Pearl Jam: Hearts & thoughts they fade, fade away?
+Elderly woman behind the counter in a small town
+Music: Pearl Jam: I took a drive today...Time to amncipate?
+Rearview mirrow
+Music: Pearl Jam: I took a drive today...Time to anticipate?
+Rearview mirror
+Music: Pearl Jam: Life ain't what its worth...a brain & a s...oh, read the door?
+Music: Pearl Jam: Like Muhammed hits the truth. Can't escape from the common rule?
+Not for you
+Music: Pearl Jam: This is, this is... this is, this is... this is, this is... my?
+Last exit
+Music: Pearl Jam: Winded is the sailor?
+Tremor christ
+Music: Peer Gynt is the work of which norwegian composer?
+Edvard grieg
+Music: Performs: Fall of Rome, Hammerhead, Rip It Up, Reckless (Australian)?
+James reyne
+Music: Performs: Right next door to hell, bad apples, don't cry?
+Guns n roses
+Music: Pete Townshends suggestion in a popular song of his (hint: lmlotd)?
+Let my love open the door
+Music: Peter Gabriel song in which a major part of the anatomy is mentioned?
+In your eyes
+Music: Peter Gabriel's ode to his penis, & to sex in general?
+Music: Peter Gabriel's world music recording label?
+Real world
+Music: Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy hailed form which country?
+Music: Pianist with the Modern Jazz quartet?
+John lewis
+Music: Piano In The Dark - Brenda ____
+Music: Piano's clown prince, he entered the world as Borge Rosenbaum?
+Victor borge
+Music: Pink ____- Natalie Cole
+Music: Pink Floyd song detailing the recording industry's courtship of them?
+Have a cigar
+Music: Pink Floyd song which features Stephen Hawking's digitized voice?
+Keep talking
+Music: Pink Floyd: Besides drums, what else does Nick Mason collect?
+Music: Pink Floyd: Complete the Lyric: I have become ____ ____
+Comfortably numb
+Music: Pink Floyd: David Gilmour's solo albums were self titled and this name?
+About face
+Music: Pink Floyd: The 3 main animals in the album Animals were dogs, pigs & what?
+Music: Pink Floyd: This farmyard animal is closley associated with Pink Floyd?
+Music: Pink Floyd: This is the un-official newsletter of Pink Floyd?
+The amazing pudding
+Music: Pink Floyd: This song on has two versions on The Wall, separated only by puctuation?
+In the flesh
+Music: Pink Floyd: Tiempo (freebie ;)?
+Music: Pink Floyd: What is the name of the blues singing dog in the album Meddle?
+Music: Pink Floyd: Which popular WWII British singer is mentioned in ^The Wall^?
+Vera lynn
+Music: Pink Floyd: Which sci-fi author gave the title to PFs last album - The Division Bell?
+Douglas adams
+Music: Played loud enough, this Clash triple album woke the whole neighborhood?
+Music: Please come to ____ ____ ____ ____ (ramblin boy)
+Boston for the winter
+Music: Popstop says Chris Isaak has 2 albums, but he really has this many out?
+Music: Popular Gershwin composition, beginning with a long wail?
+Rhapsody in blue
+Music: Prez?
+Lester young
+Music: Pride, Type, Ology?
+Times up
+Music: Prince: Lluvia violeta?
+Purple rain
+Music: Prince: Mil novecientos noventa y nueve?
+Music: Prince: Said that he was going to party in this year?
+Music: Probably the first ska band. Led by Tommy McCook, they once backed Marley?
+Music: Promises, Promises - ____Eyes
+Music: Prove Your Love - Taylor ____
+Music: Pussycat sings 'I'll be waiting there for you & i'll show you where young lovers go on a sunny afternoon'. Where is 'there'?
+Music: Pussycat sings 'now the country song forever lost its soul, when the guitar player turned to rock n roll ____' what's the song title
+Music: R.E.M. cut the No 1 album Out Of what?
+Music: Randy Travis said his love was 'deeper than the ____'
+Music: Rap group 2 Live Crew tells it their way & gets banned in?
+Music: Rapid movement from one note to a non-adjacent note is what?
+Music: Rapper who hosted and performed at the 1st Lollapalooza?
+Ice t
+Music: Raves are typically held at this time?
+Music: ray charles plays piano & what other instrument?
+Music: ray charles went blind at what age?
+Six years old
+Music: Ray Charles, Dion, and Kenny Rogers all sang about this woman?
+Music: Real last name of Madonna?
+Music: Real Love - ____Watley
+Music: Real Name of Vanilla Ice?
+Robert vanwinkle
+Music: records made to play at what speed were not manufactured after 1958?
+78 rpm
+Music: Right Here Waiting - ____ Marx
+Music: Ringo's first hit after the break up was...?
+It dont come easy
+Music: Rita Marley, Marcia Griffiths & Judy Mowatt comprise what vocal group?
+The i-threes
+Music: Robert Plant was lead singer with which group founded in 1968?
+Led Zepplin
+Music: Robert Smitch from The Cure was occasionally the drummer for what band?
+Siouxsie and the Banshees
+Music: Rock fans are all ears for the doobie brothers' first top 20 hit?
+Listen to the music
+Music: Rock On - ____Damian
+Music: Rock opera made into a broadway musical?
+Music: Rock star had big-screen debut in Hard To Hold?
+Music: Rod Stewart's first #1 was about this woman?
+Maggie may
+Music: Rolling Stones petition (with questionable grammar)?
+Gimme shelter
+Music: Rolling Stones petition with questionable grammar?
+Gimme shelter
+Music: Rolling Stones song & Whoopie Goldberg Movie?
+Jumpin jack flash
+Music: Rolling Stones song from 1971; they couldn't drag them away?
+Wild horses
+Music: Rolling Stones song which Rev. Jesse Jackson objected to?
+Some girls
+Music: Roni - ____Brown
+Music: Ross Perot's 1992 campaign theme song?
+Music: Rumor has it that MTV still shows these things on occasion?
+Music videos
+Music: Rush comes from this country?
+Music: Rush made this Coleridge poem into a musical epic in the mid-70s?
+Music: Rush: Name the 2 compilation albums Rush has released, chronologically?
+Archives and chronicles
+Music: Rush: Name the 3 band members, last name only, in alphabetical order. =)?
+Lee lifeson peart
+Music: Rush: On which album cover would you find a person sitting in a chair on a beach?
+A farewell to kings
+Music: Rush: On which album cover would you find dice?
+Roll the bones
+Music: Rush: The members of Rush are from what country?
+Music: Rush: The video for this song featured a cyborg trying to rebel?
+The body electric
+Music: Rush: What is the first song on Rush's 'Presto' album?
+Show dont tell
+Music: Rush: What is the name of Rush's first live album?
+All the worlds a stage
+Music: Rush: What Rush album included the concert sing-a-long Closer To The Heart?
+A farewell to kings
+Music: S&G's solution to crossing troubled waters (#1 on 2/28/70)?
+Music: Sammy Davis, Jr.'s only #1 hit?
+Candy man
+Music: Satisfied - Richard ____
+Music: Savage Garden took 13 nominations and 10 wins at which awards?
+ARIA awards
+Music: Say You Will?
+Music: seals & ____
+Music: Second ____- Thirty Eight Special
+Music: Secret ____- Karyn White
+Music: See the world as it used to be...?
+Surprise! youre dead!
+Music: Shall stand and face the hounds of hell and rot inside a corpse's shell?
+Music: Shane Lynch of Boyzone has twin sisters in which pop group?
+Music: shania twain's name is of American indian origin, what does shania mean?
+On my way
+Music: shania twain's real first name is what?
+Music: Shattered Dreams - Johnny ____Jazz
+Music: She Drives Me Crazy - Fine ____Cannibals
+Music: She revived a dolly parton song for a movie and had a big hit?
+Whitney houston
+Music: She Wants To Dance With Me - Rick ____
+Music: She was married to both George Harrison & Eric Clapton.(not at the same time)?
+Patricia boyd
+Music: She was the former lead singer of The Eurythmics?
+Annie lennox
+Music: She's Like The Wind - ____Swayze/Wendy Fraser
+Music: Sheb Wooley sang about this creature?
+Purple people Eater
+Music: Sheep on Drugs has this many minutes of fame?
+Music: Shirley bassey recorded a hit song taken from the sound of music, what was it?
+Climb every mountain
+Music: Shirley Manson is lead vocalist with which band?
+Music: Shostakovichs seventh symphony is named after which besieged Soviet city?
+Music: Sid Vicious OD'd in this NYC hotel?
+The chelsea hotel
+Music: Side project with 3/4 of REM?
+Hindu love gods
+Music: Sign Your ____- Terence Trent D'Arby
+Music: simple flat many stringed instrument?
+Music: Singer Paula ____
+Music: Singer who played The Good Witch in The Wiz?
+Lena horne
+Music: Siouxie & the ____
+Music: Smashing Pumpkins, from the Singles Soundtrack?
+Music: Smooth ____- Michael Jackson
+Music: So Alive - ____And Rockets
+Music: So you lay down on it and you do it some more...?
+Music: Social Distortion is from this California city?
+Los angeles
+Music: Soldier Of Love - ____Osmond
+Music: Some stores would not stock his Lovesexy LP as he appears nude on the cover?
+Music: Song in which John Lennon claimed to have been the Walrus?
+Music: Song in which John Lennon claims Paul was the Walrus?
+Glass onion
+Music: Song: ____ love songs (wings)
+Music: Song: ____ queen (abba)
+Music: Song: ____ rock (daddy cool)
+Music: Song: ____ sunrise (eagles)
+Music: Song: (song here) Versprung durch technik (song here) be all that you can be?
+Music: Song: & when i go away, i know my heart can stay with... (Paul McCartney)?
+My love
+Music: Song: 1, 2, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock rock 5, 6, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock rock... (Bill Haley)?
+Rock around the clock
+Music: Song: A church house, gin house, a school house, out house... (Tina Turner)?
+Nutbush city limits
+Music: Song: across the north and south to key largo love for sale?
+Smooth operator
+Music: Song: Ah well, bless my soul, what's wrong with me... (Elvis Presley)?
+All shook up
+Music: Song: ain't got no gal to make you smile?
+Don't worry be happy
+Music: Song: all my friends are getting ____ (skyhooks)
+Music: Song: all the cops in the donut shop say way-o way-o?
+Walk like an egyptian
+Music: Song: all the doors i closed on time will open up again?
+Back in the high life again
+Music: Song: all you sittin' in high places the rain's gonna fall on you?
+All you zombies
+Music: Song: Almost heaven, west virginia, blue ridge mountains... (John Denver)?
+Take me home country roads
+Music: Song: always spoke my mind with a gun in my hand?
+Ride like the wind
+Music: Song: an invisible man sleepin' in your bed...?
+Music: Song: and even though i wander i'm keepin you in sight you're a candle in the wind on a cold dark winters night?
+Can't fight this feeling
+Music: Song: and i had a feeling i could be someone be someone be someone?
+Fast car
+Music: Song: and i remember how we'd play simply waste the day away?
+Our house
+Music: Song: and i've never been a loser and i just can't lose tonight?
+Winning it all
+Music: Song: and if this world runs out of lovers we'll still have each other?
+Nothing can stop us now
+Music: Song: and incidents arose from circumstance?
+Heat of the moment
+Music: Song: and it's true we are immune when fact is fiction and tv reality?
+Sunday bloody sunday
+Music: Song: and she's lovin him with that body i just know it?
+Jessie's girl
+Music: Song: and the best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously it's only life after all?
+Closer to fine
+Music: Song: and then the conversation turned until the sun went down?
+Keep feelin' fascination
+Music: Song: and there's a heart that's breaking down this long distance line tonight?
+Missin' you
+Music: Song: and though she will mess up your life you want her just the same?
+Invisible touch
+Music: Song: and when the night is cold and dark you can't see you can't see light?
+Never surrender
+Music: Song: and when we hear the voices sing the book of love will open up and let us in?
+Broken wings
+Music: Song: and your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine?
+Safety dance
+Music: Song: animals strike curious poses?
+When doves cry
+Music: Song: another brick in the ____ (pink floyd)
+Music: Song: another kiss and you'll be mine one track mind!?
+Addicted to love
+Music: Song: are you happy are you satisfied how long can you stand the heat?
+Another one bites the dust
+Music: Song: are you more than hot for me or am i a page in your history book?
+Straight up
+Music: Song: Aretha, Madonna, and Aerosmith all sang a song with this title?
+Music: Song: as god has shown us by turning stone to bread?
+We are the world
+Music: Song: at night i wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head?
+I'm on fire
+Music: Song: at this moment you mean everything!?
+Come on eileen
+Music: Song: baby baby when i look at you i get a warm feeling inside?
+I feel for you
+Music: Song: Back & forth I sway with the wind?
+Falling to pieces
+Music: Song: Back in Philly we used to dream about this every day?
+Motown philly
+Music: Song: Been a whole lot easier since that bitch left town?
+Little miss cant be wrong
+Music: Song: been workin so hard. i'm punchin my card?
+Music: Song: bermuda bahama come on pretty mama?
+Music: Song: better make it fast or else i'm gonna get pissed?
+Push it
+Music: Song: Blossoms 'now look at them yo-yo's, that's the way you do it ...' what is the dire straits song title?
+Money for nothing
+Music: Song: Bryan Adams went to #1, Warrant to #2, & the Rascals to #39 with this title?
+Music: Song: busted flat in baton rouge...waitin for a train...?
+Bobby mcgee
+Music: Song: but i am held in some invisible vice and i can't get away?
+To live and die in l.a.
+Music: Song: but it's worth it all to hear them say that they care?
+She works hard for the money
+Music: Song: but now it's over the moment's gone?
+I just died in your arms
+Music: Song: but somewhere sometime when you're curious i'll be back around?
+You might think
+Music: Song: but whatever road you choose i'm right behind you win or lose?
+Forever young
+Music: Song: but when i win your heart i'm gonna paint it cherry red?
+Midnight blue
+Music: Song: but when the wrong word goes in the right ear i know you been lyin' to me?
+One thing leads to another
+Music: Song: But, you're way out of line. (T2 song)?
+You could be mine
+Music: Song: buying bread from a man in brussels he was 6 foot 4 and full a muscles?
+Down under
+Music: Song: by order of the prophet we ban that boogie sound?
+Rock the casbah
+Music: Song: can make it i know i can. you broke the boy in me but you won't break the man?
+St. elmo's fire
+Music: Song: can't get food for the kid?
+Electric avenue
+Music: Song: Carole king sings 'you just call out my name, and you know wherever i am i'll come running ...'?
+You've got a friend
+Music: Song: caught up in the action i've been looking out for you?
+The heat is on
+Music: Song: Chris DeBurgh admired this woman?
+The lady in red
+Music: Song: Composer of: Capriccio Italien, andante Conscabile, Sleeping Beauty Waltz?
+Music: Song: Composer of: God Bless America, Always, Cheek to Cheek?
+Irving Berlin
+Music: Song: couldn't see how much i missed you now i do?
+Only in my dreams
+Music: Song: Courtney Cox appears in two music videos. Name one?
+Dancing in the dark
+Music: Song: crazy little woman in a one man show?
+Pour some sugar on me
+Music: Song: Crosby, Stills and Nash's debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes.?
+Sweet Judy Blue Eyes
+Music: Song: daddy says she's too young but she's old enough for me?
+Music: Song: darken the city night is a wire steam in the subway earth is afire?
+Hungry like the wolf
+Music: Song: darlin' in my wildest dreams i never thought i'd go?
+Harden my heart
+Music: Song: deals dope out of denny's/keeps a table in the back?
+Welcome to the boomtown
+Music: Song: Depeche Mode's 6-minute (on the album) breakthrough hit from Violator?
+Enjoy the silence
+Music: Song: did you really think about it before you made the rules?
+The way it is
+Music: Song: didn't know how lost i was until i found you?
+Like a virgin
+Music: Song: distant eyes losin ground i'm reachin for you you you?
+Separate ways
+Music: Song: do your fancy dances?
+The stroke
+Music: Song: don't go around breaking young girls' hearts?
+Billie jean
+Music: Song: don't let go while i'm hangin' on 'cause i been hangin' on so long?
+Music: Song: don't take money don't take fame don't need no credit card to ride this train?
+Power of love
+Music: Song: don't wanna be a girl like that do you wanna see a grown man cry?
+Naughty naughty
+Music: Song: don't want no captain crunch don't want no raisin bran?
+Eat it
+Music: Song: don't wish it away don't look at it like this forever?
+I guess that's why they call it the blues
+Music: Song: drawn into the stream of undefined illusion?
+Something about you
+Music: Song: Dream Child In My Arms was a nightmare born in a borrowed bed?
+Eat for two
+Music: Song: dream of better lives the kind which never hate?
+Melt with you
+Music: Song: dressed up like a million-dollar trooper?
+Puttin' on the ritz
+Music: Song: Dusty Springfield sings 'It happens to be true'. What's the song title?
+I only want to be with you
+Music: Song: Early 20th century tune had Casey waltzing with this woman...?
+Strawberry blond
+Music: Song: Early morning April four shots rang out the Memphis sky?
+Music: Song: earth below us drifting falling floating weightless?
+Major tom
+Music: Song: easy ready willing overtime?
+Can't go for that
+Music: Song: emotions come i don't why/cover up love's alibi?
+Call me
+Music: Song: ever since you've been leaving me i've been wanting to cry?
+Much too late for goodbyes
+Music: Song: every claim you stake i'll be watching you?
+Every breath you take
+Music: Song: every day is christmas and every night is a new year's eve?
+The sweetest taboo
+Music: Song: Every night the dead rise up from the grave/To partake in a happening THC raid?
+Monster hash
+Music: Song: every time he pulls me near i just wanna cheer?
+Let's hear it for the boy
+Music: Song: every time i see you falling i get down on my knees and pray?
+Bizarre love triangle
+Music: Song: every time i think of you i always catch my breath?
+Missing you
+Music: Song: every time you call my name i heat up like a burnin' flame?
+Music: Song: everyone you meet they're jamming in the streets?
+All night long
+Music: Song: everything you do is quite angelicate?
+Why can't i be you
+Music: Song: Everything Your ____Desires - Daryl Hall & John Oates
+Music: Song: excuse me for the moment i'm at a loss for words?
+Don't disturb this groove
+Music: Song: eyes that look like heaven lips like cherry wine?
+Music: Song: Famous song by Johnny Mercer?
+Moon river
+Music: Song: feel like i could run away run away from this empty heart?
+Shattered dreams
+Music: Song: First Hits: Chicago?
+Make me smile
+Music: Song: First Hits: Creedence Clearwater Revival?
+Suzy q
+Music: Song: First Hits: Fats Domino?
+Aint that a shame
+Music: Song: First Hits: Meat Loaf?
+Two out of three aint bad
+Music: Song: First Hits: The Four Seasons?
+Music: Song: First Marvin Gaye & then Cindy Lauper asked this question?
+Whats goin on
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Back To The Future Soundtrack?
+The power of love
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Eagles: Hotel California?
+Hotel California
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Gloria Estefan's Greatest Hits?
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Huey Lewis and The News: Sports?
+The heart of rock and roll
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Journey's Greatest Hits?
+Only the young
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Meat Loaf?s Bat Out Of Hell?
+Bat out of hell
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Metallica?s Metallica?
+Enter sandman
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Pump Up The Volume Soundtrack?
+Everybody knows
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Queen Greatest Hits?
+We will rock you
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Red Hot Chili Peppers: Blood Sugar Sex Magik?
+Power of equality
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: The Beach Boys: Made In USA?
+Surfin safari
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: Wayne's World 2 Soundtrack?
+Louie louie
+Music: Song: First Song On Album: ZZ Top's Greatest Hits?
+Gimme all your lovin
+Music: Song: Fleetwood Mac & Van Halen both sang a song with this title?
+Music: Song: flesh for ____ (billy idol)
+Music: Song: food is served and you're stone cold munchin'?
+Bust a move
+Music: Song: for every minute i have to work i need a minute of play?
+Turn up the radio
+Music: Song: For what song did country & western singer marty robbins win a grammy?
+El paso
+Music: Song: Freak out and give in, it doesn't matter what you believe in?
+Cherub rock
+Music: Song: from frustration first inclination is to become a monk and leave the situation?
+Bust a move
+Music: Song: get out quick 'cause seein' is believin'?
+Easy lover
+Music: Song: get up get up get up get up let's make love tonight?
+Sexual healing
+Music: Song: goddess on the mountain top?
+Music: Song: good things might come to those who wait but not for those who wait too late?
+Just the two of us
+Music: Song: got in a little hometown jam so they put a rifle in my hand?
+Born in the u.s.a.
+Music: Song: guess i should a known by the way you parked your car sideways that it wouldn't last?
+Little red corvette
+Music: Song: had a premonition that he shouldn't of gone alone?
+Smugglers blues
+Music: Song: happiness is so hard to find?
+I can't wait
+Music: Song: have some more chicken have some more pie?
+Eat it
+Music: Song: he plays a melody born to tear me all apart?
+Piano in the dark
+Music: Song: he turned to me as if to say hurry boy it's waiting there for you?
+Music: Song: he wants me but only part of the time?
+Voices carry
+Music: Song: he's the one that makes ya feel alright?
+Dr. feelgood
+Music: Song: heartache ____ (eagles)
+Music: Song: heirs of the cold war tbat's what we've become. inherited troubles i'm mentally numb?
+Crazy train
+Music: Song: her hair reminds me of a warn safe place where as a child i'd lie?
+Sweet child of mine
+Music: Song: Holding hands at midnight, 'neath a starry sky' begins which George & Ira Gershwin song?
+Nice work if you can get it
+Music: Song: Hot Chocolate believes in miracles & wants to know where your from, ____
+You sexy thing
+Music: Song: Hot chocolate believes in miracles, and wants to know where you're from ____
+You sexy thing
+Music: Song: i am ____ (helen reddy)
+Music: Song: i am the maker of rules dealing with fools?
+Eye in the sky
+Music: Song: i asked the doctor to take your picture so i could look at you from inside as well?
+Turning japanese
+Music: Song: i buy you champagne and roses put diamonds on your finger?
+Party all the time
+Music: Song: i can feel her comin' from a mile away?
+And we danced
+Music: Song: i can hear you comin' i know what you're after?
+Lunatic fringe
+Music: Song: i can see a new horizon underneath the blazin' sky?
+Man in motion
+Music: Song: i can see the sun in win-ter-time?
+In a big country
+Music: Song: i can see your face in the mirrors of my mind?
+Music: Song: i can wait another day until i call you?
+No more lonely nights
+Music: Song: i can't get any rest people say i'm obsessed?
+She drives me crazy
+Music: Song: i can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight?
+Always something there to remind me
+Music: Song: i can't sleep at night i toss and turn?
+Every little step
+Music: Song: i don't know what you expect staring into the tv set?
+Burning down the house
+Music: Song: i don't know where i'm goin' but i sure know where i've been?
+Here i go again
+Music: Song: i don't worry 'cause my wallet's fat?
+Sharp dressed man
+Music: Song: i find myself telling you things i don't even tell my best friends?
+Lost in emotion
+Music: Song: i follow where my mind goes?
+Love my way
+Music: Song: i got a mouth like an alligator?
+Bang your head
+Music: Song: i got a picture of you- ahh-ha-ahh-ha-ah-ah woh-oh-woh-oh?
+Back on the chain gang
+Music: Song: i got nine lives cat's eyes using every one of them and runnin' wild?
+Back in black
+Music: Song: i had a friend was a big baseball player back in high school?
+Glory days
+Music: Song: i had a whiskey on the rocks and change of a dollar for the jukebox?
+Rock this town
+Music: Song: i i was standing you were there?
+Never tear us apart
+Music: Song: i just have to look good/i don't have to be clear?
+Dirty laundry
+Music: Song: i knew he must a been about seventeen?
+I love rock 'n' roll
+Music: Song: i know a guy who's tough but sweet?
+I want candy
+Music: Song: i know a place where we can dance the whole night away underneath electric stars?
+Rhythm of the night
+Music: Song: ick, Richard, Ella, Bobby, Frank, Lawrence, and Louis all sang this same song?
+Mack the knife
+Music: Song: Ironically, George Michael and Wham both had a hit with this title?
+Music: Song: It's 9 o'clock on a saturday... (Billy Joel)?
+Piano man
+Music: Song: It's late September & i really should be back at school... (Rod Stewart)?
+Maggie may
+Music: Song: It's like this, like that, and like this ya'll?
+Aint Nothing But A G Thing
+Music: Song: Jack Wagner and the Temptations both sang a song with this title?
+All i need
+Music: Song: Just for a minute let's all do the bump?
+U cant touch this
+Music: Song: Laura Branigan, Enchantment, & Shadows of Knight all had a hit with this title?
+Music: Song: Like a moth by the flame burned by the fire?
+Thats the way love goes
+Music: Song: listen to the ____ (the doobie brothers)
+Music: Song: Major Lance, Dee Clark, Del Shannon, and Techniques had hits with this title?
+Hey little girl
+Music: Song: Marc Bolan's first single?
+Teenage dream
+Music: Song: Mom and Dad went to a show, they dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's?
+Music: Song: music and passion were always the fashion?
+Music: Song: Musical with songs:Anything You Can Do, They Say It's Wonderful?
+Annie get your gun
+Music: Song: Musical: C'est Moi, Guenevere, Follow Me?
+Music: Song: Musical: Iowa Stubborn, Sincere, The Sadder But Wiser Girl for Me?
+Music man
+Music: Song: Musical: June is Busting O All Over, You'll Never Walk Alone, Soliloquy?
+Music: Song: Musical: My Funny Valentine, The Lady is a Tramp, Where or When?
+Babes in arms
+Music: Song: Musical: My Lord and Master, Hello Young Lovers, I Have Dreamed?
+King and i
+Music: Song: my ____ (the knack)
+Music: Song: New Order song, perhaps about a colorful day of the week?
+Blue monday
+Music: Song: Nu Shooz and Stevie Nicks both sang a song with this title?
+I Cant Wait
+Music: Song: On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitas... (Eagles)?
+Hotel California
+Music: Song: on a dark desert highway. Cool wind in my hair?
+Hotel California
+Music: Song: One of AC/DCs better known songs. (it has two B words! :)?
+Back in black
+Music: Song: Operatta: Barney O'Flynn, I Can't Do the Sum, March of the Toys?
+Babes in toyland
+Music: Song: Operatta: Golden Days, Drinking Song, Deep in My Heart Dear?
+Student prince
+Music: Song: Operetta: Marriage in Marsovia, Ladies' Choice, Villa?
+Merry widow
+Music: Song: peaceful, easy ____ (eagles)
+Music: Song: Petula Clark and Wings both went to #1 with a song with this title?
+My love
+Music: Song: Pleasant-sounding group that Keith Emerson was in before ELP?
+Music: Song: R. Kelly sings 'If I can see it then I can do it, if I just believe it, there's nothing to it'.?
+I Believe I Can Fly
+Music: Song: Ratt and Tevin Campbell both had a hit with this title?
+Round and Round
+Music: Song: Rolling Stone's Songs?
+Music: Song: Said my get-up-and-go must've got up & went?
+Sweet emotion
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Buddy Holly, Mamas and Papas?
+Words of love
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Elton John, Bette Midler, Michael W. Smith?
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Elton John, Michael W. Smith, Frankie Valli?
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Huey Lewis and the News, Celine Dion?
+The power of love
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Joey Dee and the Starlighters, Tears For Fears?
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: John Lennon, Tori Amos?
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Madonna, Dusty Springfield, Lesley Gore, ABC?
+The look of love
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Madonna, the Beatles?
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Madonna, Tommy James and the Shondells?
+Hanky panky
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Mariah Carey, Bryan Duncan?
+Love takes time
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Survivor, Whitesnake?
+Is this love
+Music: Song: Same Song Title: Whitesnake, the Hollies?
+Here i go again
+Music: Song: Sang by robert palmer, '____ to love'
+Music: Song: Satin sheets are very romantic, but happen when you're not home?
+Express yourself
+Music: Song: Since I'll Be There's success, Mariah has made these two remakes?
+Without you and endless love
+Music: Song: Sung by Robert Palmer, '____ to love'
+Music: Song: take it to ____ ____ (eagles)
+The limit
+Music: Song: Take your hat off boy when you're talking to me?
+Feed the tree
+Music: Song: Teenage angst has paid off well?
+Serve the servants
+Music: Song: That's great it starts with an earthquake?
+Its the end Of the World As We Know It
+Music: Song: That's the jingle bell, that's the jingle bell, that's the jingle bell?
+Jingle bell rock
+Music: Song: The byrds had a hit with this Pete Seeger song?
+Turn turn turn
+Music: Song: The lights are on, but you're not home... (Robert Palmer)?
+Addicted to love
+Music: Song: the long & ____ road
+Music: Song: the phone rings in the middle of the night my father yells 'what you gonna do with your life'?
+Girls just wanna have fun
+Music: Song: There goes my baby, with someone new... (The Everley Bros)?
+Bye bye love
+Music: Song: There is a house in new orleans... (The Animals)?
+House of the rising sun
+Music: Song: Well east coast girls are hip, I really dig those styles they wear... (The Beach Boys)?
+California girls
+Music: Song: Well I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body?
+Music: Song: what jerry jeff walker tune became the biggest hit the nitty gritty dirt band ever had?
+Mr. bojangles
+Music: Song: what simon and garfunkel lp was britain's biggest-selling album of the '70s?
+Bridge over troubled water
+Music: Song: what smash 1971 tune ran eight minutes and 27 seconds?
+American pie
+Music: Song: What song from Steel Wheels earned the Rolling Stones a grammy nomination?
+Almost hear you sigh
+Music: Song: what song put james taylor into the limelight?
+Fire and rain
+Music: Song: what song, dedicated to this wife, did john denver claim it took him 10 minutes to write on a ski lift?
+Annie's song
+Music: Song: When a leader speaks, that leader dies?
+Cult of personality
+Music: Song: when i find myself in times of trouble, mother mary comes to me... (the beatles)?
+Let it be
+Music: Song: When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide?
+Helter skelter
+Music: Song: when no one can understand me, when everything i do is wrong, you give me love & consolation... (elvis presley)?
+The wonder of you
+Music: Song: when you're down, & troubled, & you need a helping hand, & nothing, oh nothing is going right... (james taylor/carole king)?
+You've got a friend
+Music: Song: when you're in love with a ____ woman (dr hook)
+Music: Song: Why do I crucify myself?
+Music: Song: will you meet him on the main line or will you catch him on the rebound?
+Music: Song: wise men say, only fool rush in, but i ... (elvis presley)?
+Can't help falling in love
+Music: Song: Written by Dylan, covered by Clapton & the Greatful Dead?
+Knockin on heavens door
+Music: Song: Written by Young on his 19th birthday?
+Sugar mountain
+Music: Song: Yo, colaberate and listen?
+Ice ice baby
+Music: Song: you always won, every time you placed a bet, you're still damn good, no one's gotten to you yet... (bob seger)?
+Still the same
+Music: Song: you are so ____ (joe cocker)
+Music: Song: you know that it would be untrue, you know that i would be a liar... (the doors)?
+Light my fire
+Music: Song: you should be ____ (bee gees)
+Music: Song: you'll never know how much i really love you, you'll never know how much i really care... (the beatles)?
+Do you want to know a secret
+Music: Song: you've got a cute way of talking, you've got the better of me... (leo sayer)?
+You make me feel like dancing
+Music: Songwriter Bernie Taupin wrote for which well known musician?
+Elton john
+Music: sonny & cher's daughters name is?
+Music: Soprano Galli-Marie created the title role in which opera by Bizet, at its premiere at the Opera Comique in Paris, on the third of March 1875?
+Music: Soundgarden asks that you keep off this?
+My wave
+Music: Soundgarden's latest (1997) album?
+Down on the upside
+Music: Soundgarden's utensil song?
+Music: Soundtracks: Al Green hit from the 70s that appears in Pulp Fiction & Higher Learning?
+Lets stay together
+Music: Soundtracks: At least 3 Star Wars movies by this composer?
+John williams
+Music: Soundtracks: The doctor suggests the silly woman put this in the coconut for her bellyache?
+The lime
+Music: Soy un perdedor, ..., so why don't you kill me?
+Music: Spice girl's victoria adams was married to who?
+David beckham
+Music: Spinal Tap song about a very unpleasant place to be?
+Hell hole
+Music: Spinal Tap: Billy Crystal and Dana Carvey played waiters specializing in this?
+Music: Spinal Tap: Complete the line: Plowing through you beanfields, _____ ____
+Poking your hay
+Music: Spinal Tap: Derek saw himself as this, between the two geniuses in the band?
+Lukewarm water
+Music: Spinal Tap: He played Duke Fame's manager?
+Music: Spinal Tap: Ian claimed that Jeanine dressed like this?
+An australians nightmare
+Music: Spinal Tap: Nigel's special amp goes up to this number?
+Music: Spinal Tap: The band got lost in the basement of the theater in this city?
+Music: Spinal Tap: The name of Nigel's piano composition in D minor?
+Lick my love pump
+Music: Spinal Tap: Title of a proposed musical based on the life of Jack the Ripper?
+Saucy jack
+Music: Spinal Tap: Where did the band tour when they reunited at the end of the movie?
+Music: Spinal Tap: Yes I Can by Sammy Davis Jr should really be called this?
+Yes i can if frank sinatra says its ok
+Music: Spoof record by Ali G and Shaggy?
+Me Julia
+Music: Sports: Canadian artist who flubbed lyrics of Oh! Canada during the 1992 World Series?
+Tom cochrane
+Music: Sports: Daryl Hall recorded this song specifically for the USA 94 World Cup?
+Music: Sports: Dire Straits video which contains sport bloopers footage?
+Walk of life
+Music: Sports: Her rendition of The Star Spangled Banner during the Super Bowl hit #20 in 1991?
+Whitney houston
+Music: Sports: Members of this football team regularly record on Huey Lewis and the News songs?
+San francisco 49ers
+Music: Sports: Name Mick Jaggers favourite sport?
+Music: Sports: Wayne Gretzky was among celebrities who sang this Persian Gulf War benefit song?
+Voices that care
+Music: Squeeze sings about this type of timekeeper?
+Music: Stage name of Janis Fink?
+Janis ian
+Music: Step aside for the pain of the circumstances...?
+Music: Stephen Stills and ____ ____ failed auditions for the Monkees
+Charles manson
+Music: Sterling Morrison, Moe Tucker, John Cale, et al?
+The velvet underground
+Music: Steve Miller Band song which mentions a space cowboy?
+The joker
+Music: Stille Nacht (Silent Night) was written by Whom?
+Franz x gruber
+Music: Sting's actual name?
+Gordon sumner
+Music: Sting's first live album?
+Bring on the night
+Music: Stones & the London Bach Choir?
+You cant always get what you Want
+Music: Stuart Goddard is also known by what other name?
+Adam ant
+Music: Sung by Jack Nicholson in the movie of Tommy?
+Go to the mirror
+Music: Suzannah Hoffs lead this group which started everybody Walkin Like an Egyptian?
+Music: Sweet sounding Boston band that seduced us with a Simple Song?
+Bim skala bim
+Music: Syd Barrett is a former member of what band?
+Pink Floyd
+Music: Synchronic three-man band sings Message In a Bottle?
+Music: T.S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats is the basis for this musical?
+Music: Teddy Pendergrass originally sang lead for which group from 1959 to 1975?
+Blue notes
+Music: Temple of the Dog was formed to pay tribute to the leader of this ex-band?
+Mother love bone
+Music: Terms: . - Abbreviation of (1) tenor and (2) tenuto?
+Music: Terms: (1) (Lat.) A canon in the 15th and 16th centuries. (2) (It.) A fugue?
+Music: Terms: (1) A group of seven performers which may consist of instrumentalists or singers; (2) A composition for seven performers which, if for instrumentalists, will have the character of a sonata in several movements?
+Music: Terms: (1) A large-scale work, generally in three movements involving solo instrument(s) contrasted with orchestra and standardised by Mozart. Also called solo concerto. (2) An orchestral work in several contrasting movements with or without solo instruments, often supported by figured bass in the 17th and 18th centuries?
+Music: Terms: (1) A set of works, especially songs, intended to be performed as a group with thematic connection (e.g. Schubert's song cycle Die Winterreise?
+Music: Terms: (1) A small and light textured concerto. (2) The soloist group in the 17thand 18th century concerto grosso. (3) A less formally structured work than a concerto for one or more solo instruments with orchestra?
+Music: Terms: (1) A subordinate passage serving as a link to another more important one. (2) A sudden change of key not going through the normal procedures referred to as modulation?
+Music: Terms: (1) A vocal or instrumental piece for three performers (e.g. a piano trio - piano, violin and 'cello); (2) The middle section of a minuet or scherzo. Originally this was written in three-part harmony and the title remained?
+Music: Terms: (1) A work for orchestra or for two or more instruments with prominent solo parts. (2) The sinfonia-concertante is a work with a form nearer to a symphony than concerto but employing solo instruments and orchestra?
+Music: Terms: (1) Adult male voice between bass and alto; (2) Part above the bass in a four part vocal composition in SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass); (3) In sacred polyphonic music before 1450, this was the lowest melodic part upon which the composition was based; (4) A prefix to an instrument (e.g. tenor saxophone indicating the size between alto and bass)?
+Music: Terms: (1) An orchestral piece preceding an opera, oratorio or play; (2) Since Mendelssohn's Hebrides of 1832, the overture also describes a one movement orchestral piece composed for the concert hall with a non-musical subject. This is also called the concert overture; (3) In the 17th and 18th centuries the French overture (preceding an opera, etc.) was in three movements, slow-quick-slow, and the Italian overture (a precursor of the symphony) also in three movements was quick-slow-quick?
+Music: Terms: (1) Generally a free style keyboard piece; (2) An organ solo played before and after an Anglican service?
+Music: Terms: (1) In Ancient Greek music this could be represented on the white keys of the piano from C to C; (2) From the middle ages, the Iydian mode can be represented on the white keys of the piano from F to F?
+Iydian mode
+Music: Terms: (1) In modern use this is a religious choral composition in Latin of the Roman Catholic service corresponding to the anthem in the Anglican service. (2) In medieval times, this was a vocal composition based on a given set of words and melody, which sometimes came from a secular song?
+Music: Terms: (1) In string playing, the term indicates where on the fingerboard the left hand should be in order to play a passage; (2) In trombone playing, the term indicates how far the slide should be pushed out; (3) In harmony, the term describes the layout of a chord. Here are the common positions of the chord with C major as an example, using the notes C E and G. In root position, the chord of C is played with C (the root of the chord) at the bottom. Infirst inversion, the chord is played with E at the bottom. In second inversion the chord is played with G at the bottom. Therefore, the note at the bottom of the chord determines these positions?
+Music: Terms: (1) In vocal music this is a slur mark indicating that a group of notes is to be sung to the same syllable; (2) In instrumental music this is a slur indicating notes which are to be phrased together?
+Music: Terms: (1) Note of the scale; (2) Abbreviation of forte?
+Music: Terms: (1) The art of writing for an orchestra, band, etc., involving great knowledge of tone colours, range of instruments, technical capacities and combinations of instruments, etc. (2) The scoring of a work, originally intended for another medium, for an orchestra?
+Music: Terms: (1) The cancelling of a flat or sharp of a note or key indicated by a sign beside the note; (2) A trumpet or horn, etc. not having any valves or keys?
+Music: Terms: (1) The division of compass of a singer's voice (e.g. chest register and head register). Also applied to the compass of an instrument (e.g. the chalumeau register of the clarinet); (2) A set of organ pipes controlled by one particular stop?
+Music: Terms: (1) The first player of an orchestral section (e.g. the 'principal horn'). (2) In opera, the principal is the singer who performs the main parts, but not the chief ones?
+Music: Terms: (1) The interval consisting of two semitones (e.g. C to D); (2) The quality of sound of an instrument?
+Music: Terms: (1) Traditionally a play in mime; (2) Nowadays it is a Christmas stage entertainment based on a fairy tale or other traditional source with dialogue, popular songs, costumes and actions (e.g. Snow White)?
+Music: Terms: (1) Treble clef. G clef on the second line; (2) Prefix to an instrument of high pitch within a family (e.g. treble recorder)?
+Music: Terms: (1) Words of a song. (2) A fairly short but expressive piece (e.g. Lyric Piece by Grieg; (3) Describes vocal performance with the lyre. (4) A Iyric drama is an occasional synonym for opera?
+Music: Terms: (e) (Ger.) - Half. Halbsopran, mezzo-soprano. Halbtenor, baritone?
+Music: Terms: (Eng. and Fr.), romanze (Ger.), romanza (It.) - The term has been used widely, but it often implies an intimate and Iyrical piece for voice or instrument?
+Music: Terms: (Eng.) or pavane (Fr.) - A slow, stately dance usually in duple time dating from the 16th century. It was normally followed by the quicker galliard after about 1550, often employing the same theme?
+Music: Terms: (Eng.), minuetto (It.) - A moderately fast French dance of rustic origin in 3 / 4 time but rising to court and becoming fashionable in the 18th century. The minuet is the standard third movement in the classical sonata, symphony, string quartet, etc., developing later into the scherzo with Beethoven. Form is A A B A?
+Music: Terms: (Eng.), rigaudon (Fr.) - A lively old French dance in 2 / 4 or 4 / 4 time?
+Music: Terms: (Fr ) - Step. A pas d 'action is a ballet scene of dramatic nature and a pas de deux is a dance for two?
+Music: Terms: (Fr. ) - Meditative, collected?
+Music: Terms: (Fr. and Ger.) - Same as mass?
+Music: Terms: (Fr. and Ger.) - Style galant. Courtly. This term, adopted by German writers, refers to a mid-18th century style characterised by a homophonic, formal elegance as opposed to the German contrapuntal traditional style. This was practised by C.P.E. Bach and influenced Mozart?
+Music: Terms: (Fr. and It.) - Fasy, fluent?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'a following') - Commonly describes an instrumental piece in several movements consisting of a sequence of dances. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the suite included the characteristic dance forms allemande, courante, sarabande and gigue. In the mid-18th century, the binary form feature of the dances was developed into sonata form. The sonata and also the symphony then became the chief instrumental forms. In the l9th and 20th centuries the term describes a lighter work than a sonata. A suite may also describe a set of movements assembled from a ballet or opera score?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'amusement') - (I) Entertainment in ballet form, sometimes with songs, found in operas or plays for contrast (e.g. the operas of Lully. (2) Same as divertimento. (3) Instrumental piece or fantasia employing popular tunes?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'concrete music') - Music in which natural sounds (instrumental, vocal or other) were recorded on tape and then distorted, combined, etc. This term was coined by Peter Schaeffer in 1948 but it has largely been superseded by electronic music?
+Musique concrete
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'cunning') - In opera or operetta, this often describes a soprano singing the role of a shrewd, rather pert servant girl?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'damp') - Indication to harp or cymbal players, etc. that sound must be immediately cut short?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'dry') - An indication that a note or chord is to be played sharply?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'enjoyment') - This title is sometimes found in spirited movements in suites of the baroque period?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'fixed idea') - Berlioz' term for motto theme which means a recurring theme in a composition used (e.g. in his Symphonie Fantastique)?
+Idee fixe
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'follow') - (1) Go staight on to the next section or movement without a break; (2) An indication to an accompanist to follow any changes in tempo made by the soloist?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'study') - An instrumental piece to improve or demonstrate certain technical points. However, many etudes (such as those by Chopin) have great artistic merit?
+Music: Terms: (Fr., 'together') - (l) A small group of performers (e.g. a vocal or instrumental ensemble; (2) In opera, an ensemble is an selection for several soloists with or without chorus?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - (1) A term sometimes used in English for leitmotif. (2) Sarne as motiv or motive?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - (1) Brilliant, bright; (2) Blaring. cossaise (Fr.) - Short for danse ecossaise. Although meaning Scottish dance, the term is apparently not of Scottish origin. A quick dance in 2 / 4 time, it was popular in Britain and on the Continent in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Cultivated by Beethoven?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - (1) Repeat; (2) The recapitulation in sonata form; (3) The return to the first section after contrasting music in the second section in binary form?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - (I) Interval during a play or opera. (2) Music to be played between the acts of a play or opera?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - A dance of Provence in 6 / 8 time accompanied by pipe and tabor?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - A light, often satirical opera or operetta (e.g. by Offenbach)?
+Opera bouffe
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - A lively dance in triple time popular in the baroque period and found in the suite?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - A piece composed deliberately in the style of another well- known composer. See also pasticcio above?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - A popular dance form in the 13th and 14th centuries consisting of several sections (puncta) each of which has a first ending (ouvert) and a second ending (clos)?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - A type of French medieval song of the 13th to15th centuries with a choral refrain. This French spelling was used in instrumental works of the baroque period to describe rondo?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - A type of trouvere song similar to the sequence with sections of irregular length and melodic repetition?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - A wordless composition for performance (e.g. in an opera or as an exercise for solo voice)?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Again. Refers to an extra selection performed by musicians after a program in response to audience applause. French term is bis?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Beat?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Chiefly a 17th century French music term for (I) an introductory piece for the entry of characters in ballet or opera; (2) an independent instrumental piece of similar nature; (3) the equivalent of a scene or act in ballet or opera?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Damped sound. Mostly found in harp music indicating that the performer should dampen vibrations immediately after plucking, to produce a 'dry' sound?
+Sons etouffes
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Empty. Cordc a vide, open string?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Falsetto?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Fast?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Held back?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - I) Melody. (2) Song?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - In various contexts this term may mean either note, tone or key?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Increase speed?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Light?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Link together (e.g. go straight on to the next section or movement without a break)?
+Encha nez
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Little?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Lively?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - March?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Music designed to improve a specific branch of technique by practice. Chopin and Clementi, however, wrote many of artistic merit?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Operetta?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Point of the bow?
+Pointe d'archet
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Same as intermezzo?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Same as sul tasto?
+Sur la touche
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Stopped notes on the horn?
+Sons bouches
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Sustained and flowing?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - The coach, usually in an opera house, who teaches singers their parts. The repetiteur may also give them cues during the performance?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - The correct position of lips to the mouthpiece of an instrument to produce accurate intonation and good tone?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - The end of the bow (held by the player)?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - The surprising sound of a major third at the end of a piece otherwise in a minor key thus converting the expected minor chord to a major one. This was a common device up to the mid-18th century?
+Tierce de picardie
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - This term describes comic opera but has two special meanings: (1) A type of French comic opera with spoken dialogue, lighter than current serious operas in the 18th century; (2) An opera, comic or otherwise, with spoken dialogue (e.g. Bizet's Carmen in the l9th century)?
+Opera comique
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Trill?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Up bow as opposed to tire, down bow?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) - Waltz?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) or conservatory - A school for musical training?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.) Rehearsal. Repetition General is the dress rehearsal, often given before a full, but invited audience, in continental opera houses?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.), galanter stil (Ger.) - The musical equivalent of the rococo style in painting. The term described the homophonic but ornamented French and Italian music between 1730 and 1770 written by Couperin and D. Scarlatti. It contrasted with the German contrapuntal style?
+Style galant
+Music: Terms: (Fr.), humoreske (Ger.) - An instrumental composition of a capricious nature. Schumann wrote in this style?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.), lclangfarbe (Ger.) - This is the characteristic quality of an instrument's or voice's tone. In basic terms it is the quality which distinguishes a note performed on one instrument compared with the same note sounded on an other instrument or sung by a voice The tone colour of an instrument corresponds with the harmonics of that instrument?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.), menuett (Ger.) - Same as minuet?
+Music: Terms: (Fr.), sonoro (It.) - With full tone?
+Music: Terms: (from Italian toccare, 'to touch') - Generally a solo instrumental piece involving rapid changes of notes to demonstrate the player's touch. Often the toccata is followed by a fugue (e.g. Toccata and Fugue in D minor)?
+Music: Terms: (from Lat. cantus planus) - Medieval church music usually describing the gregorian chant which still survives today in the Roman Catholic church. It consists of a single, unaccompanied vocal line in free rhythm like speech with no regular bar lengths?
+Music: Terms: (Gael.) - Same as mouth music?
+Port a beul
+Music: Terms: (Ger. ) - Cheerful, jolly?
+Music: Terms: (Ger. ) - Speechsong. Voice delivery midway between song and speech, used mostly by Schonberg although he preferred the terms sprechstimme (speaking voice), sprechmelodic (speech melody) or rezitation?
+Music: Terms: (Ger. plural, 'Scottish') - A popular l9th century ballroom dance similar to the polka?
+Music: Terms: (Ger., 'after dance') - A quick dance used to follow a slow one?
+Music: Terms: (Ger., 'blaring' ) - An indication to horn players to use a harsh brassy tone?
+Music: Terms: (Ger., 'play with singing') - Generally the singspiel is a comic opera with spoken dialogue in the local dialect instead of recitative. An example is Mozart's The Magic Flute (1791). In the early l9th century the style combined with German romantic opera and later came to be known simply as 'German musical comedy'?
+Music: Terms: (Ger., 'storm and stress') - The powerful romantic expressiveness sweeping Austrian and German music in the 1760s and 1770s was so called. Especially evident in Haydn's symphonies of that time?
+Sturm und drang
+Music: Terms: (Ger., 'table music') - Music suitable for social gatherings (e.g. for performance after or during a dinner)?
+Music: Terms: (Ger., plural lieder) - Song. This term is particularly applied to the German romantic songs of Schubert, Schumann and Brahms. A characteristic is the importance paid to the piano part and the mood of the words?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - A bow stroke?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - A composition, piece?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - A light tenor voice in opera?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - A prelude?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - A setting. (1) A musical setting; (2) A movement in a composition; (3) Style (e.g. freier satz, free style; (4) A theme or subject?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - A short piece similar to capriccio or intermezzo?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Alliteration. This term describes the alliterative verse used by Wagner in his music dramas?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - An appoggiatura?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - An interlude or episode (e.g. in a fugue or rondo)?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - An opera term for a 'sitting rehearsal' when all performers sing through the roles while sitting down, with the accompaniments played by the orchestra?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - At a moderate speed?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Beat?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Chamber. Kammerrnusik, chamber music?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Cheerful?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Clef?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Cradle song?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Dance?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Detached. Same as staccato?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Drinking song?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Dying away, fading?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Easy going, cosy, comfortable?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - End?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Exercise?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Fantasy?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Fast. Schneller, quicker?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Flowing?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Fugue?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Heavy, weighty?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Held back, tempo sustained?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Hindemith's term for works (mainly in the 1920s) intended to be closer to the public and directed to a social or educational purpose, utilising idioms in everyday use. Gebrauchmusik was represented in many forms, including music written to be played by anyone?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Holding back, slowing down?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Indication to pianists to use the soft (left) pedal?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Intimate, heartfelt?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Inversion, reversal?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Leading motif. This is a recurring theme symbolising a character, emotion or object and was first used by H. Von Wolzogen in a discussion of Wagner's The Ring?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Lightly?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Little?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Lively?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Loud, strong?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Markedly?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Muted?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Note or sound (not the interval of a tone, i.e. two semitones)?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Optional dances (e.g. polonaise or minuet) in the 18th century suite, normally placed between the sarabande and gigue?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Ornament in German music in the 17th and 18th centuries?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Over, above?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Rather slow?
+Ziemlich langsam
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Rather?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Rattle?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Recitative?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Restless?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Sacred?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Sad?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Same as utility music?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Serenade or 'night music'. A title used in Mozart's Eine Klcine Nachtmusik?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Simply?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Slow and sustained. Same as sostenuto?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Smooth. Same as legato?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Soft, gentle. Leiser, softer?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Songful?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Stepwise, at a walking pace and equivalent of andante?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Sustained. Cutgehalten, well sustained?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Swing. Schwungvol, spirited?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Symphony?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Tempo?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Tender?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - tenderly?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - tenderness?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Time?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - To drag. Schleppend, dragging?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - To hurry. Nicht cilen, do not hurry?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - To, after?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Under, lower?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Very?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Waltz?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Weak, soft?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - With?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.) - Without?
+Music: Terms: (Ger.), motive (Eng.) - (1) A short but recognisable melodic or rhythmic figure. (2) In analysis, this term describes the smallest subdivision of (e.g. a theme). moto (It.) - Movement. Con Moto means 'with movement'?
+Music: Terms: (Gk ., ' breath ' ) - A type of florid passage in plainsong sung to a single vowel?
+Music: Terms: (Gk ., 'equal-rhythmed') - A device used in motets around 1300- 1450 in which the rhythmic pattern is repeated according to a strict scheme. This usually occurs in the tenor line in which the rhythm is repeated several times in diminishing note values?
+Music: Terms: (Gk., ' song'; plural melismata) - Describes a group of notes sung to the same syllable. However, the term is also applied to any florid vocal passage of improvisatory or cadenza-like nature?
+Music: Terms: (Gk., 'new') - A prefix indicating a new interest in older styles (e.g. neo- romantic refers to composers in the 20th century writing in the romantic style)?
+Music: Terms: (Gk., 'same-sounding') - Music in which parts move together presenting a top melody with accompanying chords. The opposite of polyphony?
+Music: Terms: (Gk., 'single song') - A term used to describe a solo song with accompaniment (or continuo) in contrast to the polyphonic style in which all parts are of equal importance?
+Music: Terms: (Gk., 'single sound') - This term describes music with a single melody line without support of accompaniment?
+Music: Terms: (Hung.) - Hungarian dance in contrasting sections (slow and fast)?
+Music: Terms: (I) A flourish for trumpets (or other imitating instruments) usually for an introduction or proclamation; (2) French for brass band?
+Music: Terms: (I) Alternative name for the madrigal; (2) Any piece representing country life?
+Music: Terms: (I) An instrumental or vocal piece intended to improve aspects of technique and of no artistic value. (2) The term for a keyboard suite in the 18th century?
+Music: Terms: (I) Fanfare; (2) Decorative musical figuration notated or improvlsed?
+Music: Terms: (I) In a rondo, this is a contrasting section between episodical form recurrences of the main theme. (2) In a fugue, it is a section linking (by means of contrast, modulation or possibly using subject material) one entry and another. In both contexts, an episode has a subordinate role?
+Music: Terms: (I) In the early 17th century this described the new expressive music; (2) Between 1850 and 1900 it described the new music of Wagner and Liszt as opposed to the more traditional music of Brahms; (3) Today it refers to music by contemporary composers?
+New music
+Music: Terms: (I) Music inserted between other pieces of music (e.g. organ passages between hymn verses); (2) Music inserted between acts of plays or other non-musical events?
+Music: Terms: (I) On stringed instruments, this is the placing of the left hand fingers on the strings to shorten the vibrating length and to raise the pitch. The terms double stopping, triple stopping, etc. refer to two or three notes simultaneously being played this way; (2) In horn playing, this is the insertion of the hand into the bell of the instrument to alter the pitch and tone quality of a note?
+Music: Terms: (I) The entrance of a theme in a fugue occurring not only at the beginning but also at later stages in the composition. (2) A 17th century term for a prelude?
+Music: Terms: (I) The interval consisting of two semitones (e.g. C to D)?
+Whole tone
+Music: Terms: (Ir. caoine) - An Irish funeral song accompanied by wailing?
+Music: Terms: (It . 'wood ') - (1) Direction in some scores to use the woodblock; (2) Direction to string players to hit the string with the back of the bow?
+Music: Terms: (It ) - End. This term sometimes occurs in the middle of music, often where there is an instruction to repeat an opening section. The directionfine indicates the end of a piece?
+Music: Terms: (It. 'a little return') - Many meanings, but the following are the most common. (I) In a concerto, it is a passage for the full orchestra without the soloist; (2) In the 14th century Italian madrigal, the ritornello is the closing section; (3) In early opera, it was an instrumental piece?
+Music: Terms: (It. 'mano sinistra') - Left hand. Instruction to play with left hand in piano playing?
+Music: Terms: (It. ) - Abbreviation for viola da gamba?
+Music: Terms: (It. ) - Morning song?
+Music: Terms: (It. ) - Very slightly. Superlative of poco?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'a flowering') - Decoration of a melody with ornaments which may be notated or improvised. Evident in 17th and 18th century Italian opera?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'a little largo') - Not quite as slow as a largo?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'above') - Usually found in piano music indicating that one hand has to pass over the other?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'alone') - A piece or passage for one performer. A solo concerto is a concerto for one main performer with the others merely accompanving?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'booklet') - The text of an opera or oratorio?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'broad') - Slow and broad?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'changed note') - A contrapuntal device whereby a dissonant note is used when one expects a consonant one?
+Nota cambiata
+Music: Terms: (It., 'chest') - In musical contexts used as in voci di petto, chest voice?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'detached') - The note is performed shorter than normal. A dash beneath or above the note indicates that the note is to be played as short as possible. A dot means the note is to be short. The superlative is staccatissimo?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'evaporated') - Light and airy playing. The term was used by Chopin?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'extinct') - Music to be played so that it is barely audible?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'first lady') - A female singer with the most important part in an opera?
+Prima donna
+Music: Terms: (It., 'German') - Alla tedesca, in the German fashion, usually implying music to be played in the style of a German dance?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'half') - Mezzo-soprano, female voice midway between a soprano and contralto range?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'it follows') - An indication that the performer should go straight on to the next section without a break?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'joke') - Generally this is a lively movement, but chiefly developed by Haydn, Mozart and particularly Beethoven from the symphonic minuet. Usually it is in 3 / 4 time in the form A A B A with the B section being called trio?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'limp') - Term describes music with a prominent Scotch snap or syncopation?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'little opera') - A term applied in the l9th century to lighter styles of opera involving dialogue. Composers included Offenbach, Johann Strauss and Sullivan. This style is sometimes referred to as light opera?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'little tail') - Similar to coda but on a smaller scale, eg. rounding off a section of a movement as opposed to a whole movement?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'losing itself') - Gradually dying away?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'master') - This title was given to well-known conductors and composers in Italy. It is now used (sometimes rather amusingly) elsewhere?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'obligatory') - An obbligato part is one which has an important and unusual special role and cannot be dispensed with, as opposed to an optional part. However, in some l9th century music, the term obbligato was applied to an additional optional part?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'obstinate') - A persistently repeated musical figure or rhythm. A basso ostinato or ground bass has this feature in the bass part. otez (Fr.) - Take off. Otez Ies sourdines, take off the mutes?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'pie') - An operatic work with the material drawn from the works of various composers, especially popular in the 18th century?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'place') - An indication to a performer that music is to be played at the pitch written. This direction may (a) cancel previous indications to play at a different pitch or (b) indicate a passage to be played in the normal position as opposed to any other in string music?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'robbed') - An indication to play notes with a controlled flexibility of time by getting slightly quicker or slower. Much used in l9th century music?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'similar') - Indicates that a phrase, etc. is to be performed in the same manner as the previous one?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'something in the middle') - (I) An instrumental piece in opera, i.e. performed while the stage is empty; (2) A short concert piece. Brahms wrote in this style?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'stage' or 'scene') - (1) A scene in an opera consisting of an extended aria of dramatic nature; (2) A dramatic concert piece for solo voice with accompaniment?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'texture') - The natural compass of a singer's voice, or simply the compass of a vocal or instrumental part in a composition?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'tightening') - A heightening of tension in the music which in effect means an increase in speed?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'trembling') - Employing tremolo?
+Music: Terms: (It., 'truncated') - A note broken off abruptly especially in vocal music?
+Music: Terms: (It.,'tail') - The concluding section at the end of a movement, not usually of structural necessity. However, Beethoven's codas have great significance in his musical design?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - (1) But; (2) Abbreviation of the major scale?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - (1) In strict time. (2) At a reasonable speed?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - (1) Soft, abbreviation p; (2) Standard abbreviation in French and English for pianoforte?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - (I) An instrumental movement with long bass notes giving a drone-like effect in 6 / 8 or 12 / 8 time; (2) Obsolete term for a stage entertainment based on a legendary or rustic subject?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - (I) The rapid reiteration of a single note. (2) The rapid alteration between two or more notes?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A bass line or pattern repeated over and over while upper parts proceed. The ground bass is a foundation for varied melodic, contrapuntal or harmonic treatment. Forms which use this device include the chaconne and passacaglia?
+Basso ostinato
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A bowing indication for string players to play near the bridge to achieve a brittle tone?
+Sul ponticello
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A bowing indication to string players to play near or above the fingerboard, producing a 'colourless' tone?
+Sul tasto
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A comic opera especially in the 18th century (e.g. by Pergolesi)?
+Opera buffa
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A held or sustained note (of a single note or chord) where one might expect to play staccato. Abbreviation is ten?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A little duet?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A measure. Senza misura, not in strict time?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A popular and light Italian strophic song for several voices, with the melody on top, flourishing around 1500. Particularly heard in aristocratic circles?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A quick Italian dance in 6 / 8 time similar to the tarantella with a characteristic jumping feel to the rhythm. Examples date from the 14th century?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A rest (not a pause)?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A short scherzo?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A shorter, lighter symphony. Also sometimes used as a performing name for small orchestras?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A suite. This term was much used in the 18th century. In the 17th century, however, a partita was a variation?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - A very fast Italian dance with alternating major and minor key sections in 6 / 8 time?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Agile and florid style of vocal performance?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Alluringly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Always. Sempre piu mosso, always getting faster?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Animated?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Animated, moving?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - As far as the sign?
+Fino al segno
+Music: Terms: (It.) - As if, almost?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - At a moderate pace. This term is used in other tempos (e.g. allegro moderato, implying a moderately fast pace)?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - At pleasure (e.g. not at any strict speed)?
+Piacere a
+Music: Terms: (It.) - At the same tempo?
+Istesso tempo
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Becoming gradually softer?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Becoming slower. Abbreviation is rit?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Becoming slower?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Broad and deliberate in style?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - By, through, for (e.g. per archi, for strings)?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Calm?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Carrying sound. On bowed string instruments or in singing, the effect is obtained by gliding from one note to another higher or lower one, without a break in the sound?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Change. Direction to the timpani player to change tuning or to the wind player to change instrument?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Clearly articulated. This term is used in string playing for a light, staccato touch created by playing with the middle of the bow and a loose wrist?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Distant?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Doubling. Usually indicates doubling of the bass at an octave below?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Dragging?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Drawn together, close; (1) Indication to quicken pace. (2) In a fugue, the term describes the overlapping of the entries when the subject begins in one voice before the preceding entry has finished?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Dying away (of force and sometimes, speed)?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Dying away?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - English?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Fast and light?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Fast. In Mozart's music this means as fast as possible?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Final. In English there are two main meanings: (1) the last movement of a work in several movements; (2) the lengthy concluding section of an opera, often subdivided into smaller sections with contrasting tempos or keys. Involves several singers and often a chorus?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Fire?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - First time?
+Prima volta
+Music: Terms: (It.) - First. (1) Upper part of a piano duet, the lower part being termed sccondo; (2) The first of two or more performers (e.g. violino primo means first violin). (3) Tempo primo indicates that the original speed is to be resumed?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - First?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Force?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Freedom, licence. Con akune licenze, with some freedom in style?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Funeral. March funebre, funeral march?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Gay?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Generally this term means 'all the players' (e.g. in a concerto). The expression is used when the orchestra is playing without the soloist. In choral works tutti means chorus as opposed to soloists, or full chorus as opposed to semi-chorus?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Generally, an instrumental composition in which one section recurs at certain times. By the 18th century, a standard pattern had developed as A B A C A D A, etc. appearing as the last movement of a sonata or concerto. The recurring theme A is called the rondo theme and B C D, etc. represent the contrasting sections known as episodes. However, A can be varied. The combination of sonata form and rondo resulted in sonata rondo which was much used by Mozart and Beethoven?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Gentle, delicate?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Getting gradually louder?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Getting slower?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Graceful?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Gradually becoming softer. See decrescendo?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Grandeur?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Half?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Haydn and Mozart's preferred title to concerto for an orchestral work with more than one solo parts?
+Sinfonia concertante
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Heavy, ponderous?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Held back (tempo). Sometimes used as an equivalent of ritardando?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Humour. Con umore, with humour?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Impetuously?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - In a pompous manner?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - In a resolute manner?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - In an imposing manner?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - In the old concerto grosso, the ripieno indicates the full body of performers as opposed to the solo group (concertino). Scnza ripieni indicates that the first desks only of the accompanying orchestra are to play?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - In the style of gypsy music?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - In the style or manner of?
+In modo di
+Music: Terms: (It.) - In the Turkish style?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Incisive?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Indication to pianist to release the left-hand pedal?
+Tutte le corde
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Indication to pianists that the left (soft) pedal is to be released?
+Tre corde
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Indication to pianists to use the left (soft) pedal to reduce the volume?
+Una corda
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Indication to pluck notes on a bowed string instrument. Abbreviation pizz?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Labouring, holding back on each note?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Left hand?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Less?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Light, lightly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Lively?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Lively?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Long?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Loud. Abbreviated f?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Majestic, dignified?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Major?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Manner. In modo di, in the manner of?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - March. Alla marcia, in a march-like style?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Marked, emphatic?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Martial?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Melancholy?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Merry, playful?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - More. Piu lento, slower?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Mournful?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Mournful, sad?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Much, very?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Mute. (1) Of a string or wind instrument, con sordino or con sordini means with mute(s). Senza sordino or senza sordini means without mutes; (2) In piano playing scnza sordini indicates that dampers are to be raised and the performer is to use the sustaining, or right pedal. Alternative and more common term is ped?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Noisy?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Nothing. A niente, to nothing. Used after a diminuendo symbol to indicate the sound dying away entirely. nobile, nobilmente (It.) - Noble, nobly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Octave. Often written 8ve. All'ottava, at the octave and ottava bassa, an octave lower?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Or. Indicates an alternative passage (usually a simpler version) in a composition?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Pause?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Plaintively?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Played by instruments?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Playfully, light-hearted?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Pleasantly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Pleasing?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Point of the bow?
+Punta d'arco
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Precise?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Quick, rapid?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Rage?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Realism. Particularly applied to Italian opera around 1900 with its violent and contemporary leanings?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Reinforcing. A sudden strong accent on notes or chords. Similar to sforzando?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Repeat?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Rhythm?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Sad?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Scurrying, rapid?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - See polonaise?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Serious opera and opposite of opera buffa. This term is especially applied to the flourishing 18th century style as used by Rossini. Characterised by the use of castrato singers, heroic or mythological plots, Italian libretti and formality in the music and action?
+Opera seria
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Short fugue?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Sign. Dal segno, from the sign. This means the performer must repeat the passage from the appropriate sign?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Simple, simply?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Singing or speech by an adult male voice in a higher register than normal. It is sometimes used for a comic effect and is used by tenors for notes above their normal range?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Slightly, little, rather. Poco crescendo, getting slightly louder. poco a poco, little by little?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Slow and solemn?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Smooth?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Smoothly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - So much. Allegro non tanto, not too fast?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Solely?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Somewhat, rather?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Spirit, spirited?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Strongly accented. Abbreviated fz?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Style?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Suddenly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Sustained, in a smooth manner. The sostenuto pedal on the piano is the middle pedal, only fitted on more expensive instruments. This enables the performer to select notes he wishes to be sustained?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Sustaining?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Sweet and gentle?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Sweetly, tenderly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Tenderly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - The bass part (played on keyboard or other chordal instrument) with figures written below the notes indicating the harmonies to be played above them. This system was used greatly in the baroque period as an accompaniment for soloists or to enrich the general texture of a larger composition?
+Basso continuo
+Music: Terms: (It.) - The chief castrato or tenor role, used in the 18th century?
+Primo vomo
+Music: Terms: (It.) - The steady increasing and decreasing of volume on one long held note in singing?
+Messa di voce
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Theme?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Then. In the phrase scherzo da capo, e poi la coda it means repeat the scherzo and then go on to the coda?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Threatening?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Time, pace?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Time. (1) The terms prima volta (first time) and seconda volta (second time) are used when a section of a composition, or the composition, is to be repeated with some change in the final bar(s) indicated by these words and horizontal brackets; (2) A lively dance in 6 / 8 time popular in the late 16th and early 17th centuries in which men swing women high in the air?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Too much?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Turn over (the page) quickly. Volti subito, turn quickly?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Two strings. In piano music this occasionally indicates the release of the soft pedal (same as Tre Corde)?
+Due corde
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Urged on, pushed?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Usually an 18th century term for an entertaining suite of movements for chamber ensemble or orchestra. Mozart wrote in this style?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Very fast. Superlative of presto?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Very loud. Abbreviated ff?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Very slightly, very little. Diminutive of poco?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Very soft, with abbreviation pp?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Voice-part?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Voice?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Whispered, barely audible. This term is applicable to both instrumental and vocal music?
+Sotto voce
+Music: Terms: (It.) - With a forced manner (of a note or chord). Abbreviation is sf?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - With expression?
+Music: Terms: (It.) - With fire?
+Con fuoco
+Music: Terms: (It.) - With force, vigorously?
+Con forza
+Music: Terms: (It.) - Without?
+Music: Terms: (It.) Abbreviation of basso continuo. Same as figured bass?
+Music: Terms: (It.), fantaisie (Fr.), fantasie (Ger.), fantasy (Eng.) - This style is generally associated with the abandoning of set rules for free flights of the composer's imagination. Specific definitions include: (I) a romantic mood piece of the 19th century(e.g. by Schumann); (2) a contrapuntal piece, in several sections for one or many players, current in the 16th and 17th centuries, of improvisatory nature, with 'fancy' as an alternative name. The title phantasy was used for the 20th century revival of the form?
+Music: Terms: (It.), jig - A lively dance in binary form, usually in 6 / 8 or 12 / 8 time. Often occurs as the last movement in the 18th century suite?
+Music: Terms: (It.), solfege (Fr.) - Ear-training by singing exercises to sol-fa syllables. More advanced forms are sung to vowels known as vocalizzi (lt.) or vocalises (Fr.)?
+Music: Terms: (It.), sonatine (Fr.) - A little sonata. Shorter, lighter and generally easier to play than a sonata?
+Music: Terms: (It)soft and loud, abrrev. is piano?
+Music: Terms: (Lat ., 'silent ') - An indication that a performer or instrument has no part in a particular movement or section?
+Music: Terms: (Lat. gemellus, 'twin') - A type of two-part late medieval English vocal music, with great use of thirds and sixths?
+Music: Terms: (Lat. missa parodia) - A polyphonic mass (e.g. by Palestrina) flourishing in the 16th century based on existing material of a motet or chanson. This term has only been used since the 19th century, however?
+Parody mass
+Music: Terms: (Lat., 'perpetually in motion') - A fast piece of music in which a rapid repetitive note-pattern is played throughout?
+Perpetuum mobile
+Music: Terms: (Lat., 'what you will') - A piece containing several popular tunes. The composition may be improvised or notated and was especially practised by German composers (e.g. Bach) in the 17th and 18th centuries?
+Music: Terms: (Lat., 'wheel') - Occasionally this term is used for the round (e.g. of Sumer is Icumen In)?
+Music: Terms: (Lat.) - (I) A short concise musical setting of the mass. (2) A setting of the Kyrie and Gloria only?
+Missa brevis
+Music: Terms: (Lat.) - Mass?
+Music: Terms: (lt.) - Sorrowful?
+Music: Terms: (ment) (Fr.) - Sweet (sweetly), gentle (gently)?
+Music: Terms: (Old It., 'equal') - Piece or pieces (equali) for instruments of the same kind?
+Music: Terms: (Sp., 'double step') or paso doble - A modern and quick Spanish dance in 2 / 4 time?
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - A Catalonian national dance performed to pipes and drums, often in sections. Similar to the farandole?
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - A lively Spanish dance in 3 / 4 or 6 / 8 time accompanied by guitar, castanets and performers' singing. The fandango includes sudden stops and speed increases?
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - A quick Spanish dance with singing in 3 / 4 time often with castanets and similar to the bolero?
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - A sad Andalusian song employing some intervals smaller than a semitone?
+Cante hondo
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - A syncopated Cuban dance introduced into Spain in the l9th century with singing, usually in 2 / 4 time?
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - An Andalusian dance, originating in Malaga, marked by singing. This term also describes an instrumental piece of similar nature?
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - An Andalusian song performed with guitar accompaniment and dancing of a mostly sad nature. Various types of namenco exist and are named after districts (e.g. malaguena and sevillana). Flamenco-style guitar employs quite different and forceful techniques compared to classical guitar playing?
+Cante flamenco
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - Spanish traditional stage entertainment with satirical spoken dialogue?
+Music: Terms: (Sp.) - Tune, air?
+Music: Terms: (Welsh, 'assembly') - Music or competitive festival?
+Music: Terms: 3/4 means there are 3 beats to the measure and a ____ gets the beat
+Quarter note
+Music: Terms: A 20th century concept of playing a group of adjacent notes simultaneously on the piano (e.g. with the forearm or a piece of wood. The usual term is tone cluster or note cluster. Pioneered by Cowell in 1912 and used by Ives?
+Music: Terms: A 20th century concept of playing an adjacent group of notes on a piano simultaneously by applying the forearm, fist or piece of wood to the keyboard?
+Tone cluster
+Music: Terms: A 20th century term borrowed from painting and applied to other art forms implying a reaction against impressionism (e.g. the works of composers such as Debussy). Musically it is especially applied to the works of Schonberg, Berg and some compositions of Hindemith?
+Music: Terms: A 20th century term, coined by John Cage, describing a piano which has been prepared by the insertion of objects between the piano strings for performance (e.g. a piece of cardboard)?
+Prepared piano
+Music: Terms: A bow stroke on stringed instruments from point to heel. See bowing and down-bow?
+Music: Terms: A C Major Chord is made up of what three notes?
+Music: Terms: A cadence which ends on the dominant of the relative minor?
+Phrygian cadence
+Music: Terms: A cadence with the chord progression consisting of the dominant (chord V) to the tonic (chord I) which has a 'complete' sound?
+Perfect cadence
+Music: Terms: A canon in which the cornposer leaves the performer to decide where and at what pitch the following voices make their entries?
+Riddle canon
+Music: Terms: a chain of perfect fifths which will lead back to the original note (at a different octave) after working through the other eleven notes of the chromatic scale. It is useful for learning key signatures?
+Cycle of fifths
+Music: Terms: A chord of four notes played on a bowed string instrument?
+Quadruple stop
+Music: Terms: A chord on the fourth degree of the scale with a minor third and sixth (e.g. in C major it includes the notes F, A flat and D flat)?
+Neapolitan sixth
+Music: Terms: A Christian song of praise sung by a congregation with words specially written?
+Music: Terms: A closing cadence consisting of a progression of the subdominant (chord IV) to the tonic (Chord I) sounding like 'Amen'?
+Plagal cadence
+Music: Terms: A combination of sonata form and rondo form. In a rondo the five sections are A B A C A. In sonata rondo these become A B A C A B plus coda in which A becomes the first subject, B becomes the second subject and C becomes the development section. This form was rnuch used by Beethoven?
+Sonata rondo
+Music: Terms: A composition for eight voices or instruments, or simply eight people?
+Music: Terms: A composition for five performers?
+Music: Terms: A composition for four performers?
+Music: Terms: A composition for two performers sometimes with accompaniment. A piano duet is for two pianists on one piano?
+Music: Terms: A composition in three sections in the form A B A with the first section (A) being repeated (not necessarily exactly). B represents a different middle section?
+Ternary form
+Music: Terms: A composition of eight parts or voices, or the group of its performers?
+Music: Terms: A composition of five voices or instruments?
+Music: Terms: A composition usually for two violins and a 'cello, with a keyboard playing the bass line and supporting harmonies. Much favoured in the late 17th and early 18th centuries?
+Trio sonata
+Music: Terms: A concerto for three solo instruments with orchestra?
+Triple concerto
+Music: Terms: A contrapuntal composition for two or more voices or parts built around a theme, which is successively imitated by entries of each voice at the beginning and developed throughout the piece. The initial entry in the tonic key is called the subject. The second entry in the dominant is called the answer. If this answer is exact (e.g. it reproduces the subject note for note in the dominant) then it is a real answer. If the answer is slightly modified to preserve tonality, it is called a tonal answer. After having announced the subject or answer, each voice passes on to another thematic element known as the countersubject. After each voice has made its initial entry the cxposition or first section of the fugue is complete. Thereafter, further entries of the subject appear, separated by contrapuntal episodes and the subject may be treated by augmentation, diminution, inversion, etc. J.S. Bach was one of the great masters of the fugue?
+Music: Terms: A curved line grouping notes together, indicating that they be joined smoothly in performance (eg. sung in one breath or played with one stroke of the bow, etc.)?
+Music: Terms: A device in part-writing in which one voice repeats (or approximately repeats) a musical figure previously stated by another voice. Canon and fugue employ imitation with strict rules?
+Music: Terms: A direction to play loudly?
+Music: Terms: A direction to play slightly faster than adagio?
+Music: Terms: A direction to play slower, louder?
+Music: Terms: A direction to play very slowly?
+Music: Terms: A direction to repeat from the beginning?
+Da capo
+Music: Terms: A drama in which all or most characters sing and in which music is an important element. Early composers of opera include Monteverdi and Purcell. Other composers are Mozart, Beethoven, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi, Wagner (who preferred the term music drama), Puccini, and in the 20th century, Berg and Britten?
+Music: Terms: A dramatic stage work for only one character?
+Music: Terms: A fairly quick dance in 4 / 4 time?
+Music: Terms: A fast dance for two or more couples in 2 / 4 or 4 / 4 time, found mainly in Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia and North America?
+Music: Terms: A fast, syncopated and suggestive Afro-Cuban dance in 2 / 4 time, divided into eight beats. Became popular in the ballroom and jazz in the 1930s?
+Music: Terms: A final piece of a composition?
+Music: Terms: A five note scale, the commonest being without minor seconds (e.g. CDEGA-C...)?
+Music: Terms: A French Baroque dance in duple time with strong beat on beat three?
+Music: Terms: A French square dance popular in the 19th century. It was in five sections alternating between 6 / 8 and 2 / 4 time and performed by two or four couples?
+Music: Terms: A fugue with four different subjects?
+Quadruple fugue
+Music: Terms: A Greek word taken into Latin and sometimes used in modern contexts to describe a work equivalent to a symphony?
+Music: Terms: A group of five notes to be performed in the time of 4?
+Music: Terms: A group of four notes to be played in the time of 3?
+Music: Terms: A group of notes forming a unit of a melody. To phrase a melody is to observe and mark the divisions of a melody into units or phrases?
+Music: Terms: A group of notes or a theme forming a basic element or idea in a composition by repetition and development?
+Music: Terms: A group of seven notes to be played in the time of 4 or 6?
+Music: Terms: A group of six notes to be peformed in the time of 4?
+Music: Terms: A group of three notes played in the time of 2?
+Music: Terms: A harmonic device in which a note in a chord is kept sounding while another chord is played to form a discord. This discord is resolved by the prolonged note usually falling or rising to a note forming part of the new chord?
+Music: Terms: A harmonic device in which the effect of a discord is softened by first employing the note which actually causes that chord to be discordant, in the previous note with which it is consonant?
+Music: Terms: A l9th century style expressed by writers, painters and by musicians like Chopin, Liszt, Berlioz, Rossini and Paganini. Characteristics are Iyricism, chromatic harmony, an interest in literature, nationalism, programme music, miniature or character pieces and generally emotional aspects governing the traditional, formal musical structures?
+Romantic music
+Music: Terms: A large body of instrumentalists which has developed historically. The first orchestras were variable, but by the baroque period they consisted of strings, oboes and bassoons with other solo instruments. Standardisation took place in the classical period when the orchestra was divided into four sections: strings, woodwind (two flutes, two oboes, two bassoons and clarinets), brass (two horns and two trumpets) and percussion consisting of two kettledrums. The orchestra was greatly expanded in the 19th century to include the harp and other percussion. Some 20th century composers began writing for smaller ensembles (perhaps mainly because of economics)?
+Music: Terms: A literary term for a work of pastoral or peaceful nature and transferred to music (e.g. Siegfried Idyll by Wagner)?
+Music: Terms: A little sonata?
+Music: Terms: A lively Cossack dance in 2 / 4 time?
+Music: Terms: A lively dance usually in triple time often contrasted (although often thematically linked) with the slower pavan which it followed?
+Music: Terms: A lively English dance, in triple time in the early 16th century. From the mid 18th century onwards it was in 4 / 4 time, acquiring an association with sailors?
+Music: Terms: A lowering in pitch which may be a semitone, or a description of someone singing or playing below normal pitch unintentionally. A double flat indicates a lowering of the pitch by two semitones?
+Music: Terms: A marching piece either slow (4 / 4 time) or quick (2 / 4 or 6 / 8 time)?
+Music: Terms: A mass or musical setting for the dead?
+Music: Terms: A medieval type of part-writing based on plainsong and harmonised by either one, two or three parallel parts?
+Music: Terms: A medley of popular tunes?
+Musical switch
+Music: Terms: A melodic group of notes forming the basis or chief idea in a composition by repetition or development. In musical analysis it is equated with subject. The term theme and variations describes a long musical statement which is developed?
+Music: Terms: A mode represented on the white keys of the piano from B to B?
+Locrian mode
+Music: Terms: A mode represented on the white notes of the piano from G to G?
+Mixolydian mode
+Music: Terms: A moderately fast dance in 2 / 4 time for couples, originating in Bohemia in the 19th century and becoming popular in Europe and the U.S.A?
+Music: Terms: A moderately fast Spanish dance in 3 / 4 time accompanied by castanets?
+Music: Terms: A modern ballroom dance with quick steps?
+Music: Terms: A modernistic principal since 1945 of leaving elements of performance to pure chance (see aleatoric music) or letting performers decide when to play certain passages. Berio, Cage and Stockhausen used this concept in their compositions?
+Music: Terms: A musical composition (originating around 1600) consisting of an extended setting of a religious or epic text for chorus, soloists and orchestra for performance in a church or concert hall, although originally oratorios involved scenery, costumes and action. An example is Handel's Messiah of 1742?
+Music: Terms: A musical ornament consisting of rapid alternation starting with the written note and then the note above. In the 17th and 18th centuries the trill started with the note above and then the note below. Also known as shake?
+Music: Terms: A musical ornament turning around a note starting with the note bove?
+Music: Terms: A name for the third degree of the scale (e.g. E is in the mediant in C major). The mediant is so-called because it stands between the tonic and dominant?
+Music: Terms: A neverending canon popularly known as a round (e.g. Three Blind Mice)?
+Infinite canon
+Music: Terms: A nickname for the sustaining (right) pedal on the piano?
+Loud pedal
+Music: Terms: A night piece with two main meanings: (1) In the 18th century this was a composition close to a serenade for several instruments and movements. (2) In the romantic period it was a short Iyrical piece in one movement for piano (e.g. by Chopin). noel (Fr., 'Christmas') - A Christmas carol. non (Fr. and It.) - Not?
+Music: Terms: A note which is not part of the chord with which it sounds. This could mean a passing note or an appoggiatura?
+Non-harmonic note
+Music: Terms: A note, usually in the bass, which is held below changing harmonies above, with which it may be discordant?
+Pedal point
+Music: Terms: A note, which may be accented or unaccented, forming a discord with the chord with which it is heard, but is melodically placed between two consonant notes?
+Passing note
+Music: Terms: A pair of notes occupying time usually taken by three (e.g. 6 / 8 or 3 / 8)?
+Music: Terms: A performance by one or two performers?
+Music: Terms: A performer with brilliant technique and exceptional skill?
+Music: Terms: A plainsong chant sung by a chorus alternating with solo verse(s)?
+Music: Terms: A Polish folk dance in moderate to fast 3 / 4 or 3 / 8 time. Adapted and stylised by Chopin?
+Music: Terms: A prefix to a note indicating the pitch is to be lowered by two semitones?
+Double flat
+Music: Terms: A progression of single notes in ascending or descending order. A scale may be described as major, minor, chromatic, diatonic, pentatonic, twelve-note or a mode?
+Music: Terms: A quick 19th century ballroom dance in 2 / 4 time?
+Music: Terms: A quick, highly syncopated Brazilian carnival song danced usually in 2 / 4 time in a circle with a standard call and response between lead singer and chorus. The ballroom version is danced in couples and is more sedate?
+Music: Terms: A rapid but minute fluctuation in pitch to give an expressive quality to a note (e.g. by a violinist's oscillations of the left hand). The degree and style is related to the intensity of feeling in the music?
+Music: Terms: A rapid succession of notes on a drum approximating to a continuous sound?
+Music: Terms: A recurring section of a song (both words and music) at the end of each stanza?
+Music: Terms: A responding musical phrase (e.g. in a fugue) which exactly reproduces the subject or entry of a theme at the fifth?
+Real answer
+Music: Terms: A restatement of a section of a composition usually indicated by repeat marks which consist of a pair of dots and a double bar. When the performer reaches these repeat marks, he then plays from the previous pair of dots, or if there are none, from the beginning?
+Music: Terms: A rhythmic figure consisting of a short note on the beat followed by a longer one held until the next beat. Found in Scottish music but also in other folk music?
+Scotch snap
+Music: Terms: A rise in pitch which may be a semitone, or a description of someone singing or playing sharp unintentionally. A double sharp indicates a rising of the pitch by two semitones?
+Music: Terms: A sailors' work song with solo verses (often of an extemporised nature) and chorus matching certain rhythmical movements (e.g. pulling a rope together)?
+Music: Terms: A Scottish dance related to the reel with a slower tempo and characteristic rhythms with four beats to the bar?
+Music: Terms: A section of a composition, usually with no structural importance?
+Music: Terms: A secular, polyphonic, unaccompanied vocal composition set to poems for several parts, mainly cultivated in the 16th and 17th centuries. Italian writers of this time included Gabrieli and Palestrina (16th century). Monteverdi and Marenzio wrote in the later highly stylised manner of the 17th century. English writers included Morley and YVeelkes?
+Music: Terms: A self-contained section of a large composition having its own time signature and title. In some works, movements are directly linked (without a break inbetween) and sound incomplete without performing them in sequence. In all works, movements form a cohesive whole, much like in a set of related literary short stories. movimento (It.) - Motion. Doppio mouvmento, at double the preceding speed?
+Music: Terms: A sense of pitch which enables a person to identify a note simply by hearing it?
+Perfect pitch
+Music: Terms: A set of notes produced by a vibrating string or air column, determining the difference of tone colours of instruments?
+Harmonic series
+Music: Terms: A set of songs performed in its entirety and set to words by a single poet. Beethoven wrote the first example in 1816. In the romantic era, however, Schumann and Schubert used traditional German popular song combined with more imaginative accompaniment to illuminate and interpret words in a romantic way. An example is Die Winterreisce ('Winter Journey') composed in 1828 by Schubert?
+Song cycle
+Music: Terms: A short composition of improvisatory nature usually for piano. Schubert and Chopin wrote in this style?
+Music: Terms: A short musical phrase (not as long as a theme) which is recognisable through repetition in a composition?
+Music: Terms: A short opera?
+Music: Terms: A short vocal perpetual canon in which voices enter in turn to sing a melody at the octave or at the same pitch (e.g. Row, row, row your boat)?
+Music: Terms: A silence in a performer's part indicated by symbols corresponding to certain beats?
+Music: Terms: A simple and short part-song in several sections for male voices, flourishing in Britain between 1650 and 1830?
+Music: Terms: A slow and stately dance in 3 / 2 or 3 / 4 time, usually in binary form and one of the standard elements of the suite?
+Music: Terms: A slow or fast dance in triple time with the characteristic one beat and one chord in the bar. The waltz became universally popular in the 19th century with Viennese composers?
+Music: Terms: A Spanish dance in fast, syncopated 3 / 4 time with song?
+Music: Terms: A stage work giving more or less equal importance to opera and ballet (e.g. the works of Lully and Rameau in France in the 17th and 18th centuries)?
+Opera- ballet
+Music: Terms: A stage work involving elements of both opera and oratorio (e.g. Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex)?
+Opera oratorio
+Music: Terms: A stately Polish dance in moderately fast 3 / 4 time dating from at least the 16th century. Composers include Bach, but the most famous examples are the 13 written by Chopin?
+Music: Terms: A string group consisting of two violins, viola and 'cello?
+String quartet
+Music: Terms: A style of music in two or more parts in which (as opposed to homophony) each part is independent and of equal importance. Therefore, polyphonic music implies the use of counterpoint, and some of the most important forms are the motet, canon and fugue. Composers include Palestrina, Byrd and Bach?
+Music: Terms: A term describing (from the 1960's) dramatic works simpler than opera and suitable for the concert platform?
+Music theatre
+Music: Terms: A term describing the course of a melody or melodies. Conjunct motion is movement by step. Disjunct motion is movement by leap. Similar motion describes two melodies moving in the same direction and contrary motion describes two melodies moving in opposite directions. Paralicl motion describes parts moving the same way and also keeping the same interval between them?
+Music: Terms: A term for music which recurs and develops in the form of a quotation?
+Motto theme
+Music: Terms: A theme which is played backwards. This device was prominent in the Middle Ages in fugues and in 20th century serial music. Retrograde inversion describes a theme played backwards and upside-down?
+Retrograde motion
+Music: Terms: A three-note chord (e.g. C E G with E and G being a third and fifth above the lowest note C)?
+Music: Terms: A title given by l9th and 20th century composers to describe works generally in one continuous movement suggestive of neroic, national or other romantic inspiration?
+Music: Terms: A title given to the basic A B A form or ternary form as used in an instrumental slow movement. However, this is rather vague and is best avoided since not every song is in this form?
+Song form
+Music: Terms: A title used byJ.S. Bach for contrapuntal two-part compositions for clavier. Bach called three-part compositions sinfonie but they are now also referred to as inventions?
+Music: Terms: A triad in which the perfect fifth is reduced chromatically by a semitone (e.g. A C and E flat?
+Diminished triad
+Music: Terms: A type of 'augmented sixth' chord (e.g. A flat, C, E flat and F sharp whlch also may be treated as a dominant seventh chord?
+German sixth
+Music: Terms: A type of American-influenced light stage entertainment which succeeded the musical comedy in the mid-20th century. Now known simply as a musical. An example is Phantom of the Opera with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber?
+Musical play
+Music: Terms: A type of augmented sixth chord (e.g. A flat, C and F sharp) distinguished by having a major triad and no other note between the notes forming the sixth?
+Italian sixth
+Music: Terms: A type of metre where the beat units are divisible into three (e.g. 6 / 8, 9 / 8, 12 / 8. Opposite of simple time?
+Compound time
+Music: Terms: A type of plainsong associated with Pope Gregory I (590- 604) existing as a large collection of ancient monophonic melodies which were until quite recently used in the Roman Catholic Church?
+Gregorian chant
+Music: Terms: A type of rcligious Arnerican Negro folksong with a call and response pattern?
+Music: Terms: A vague term describing: (1) the serious, entirely sung operas as opposed to the lighter op ra-comique which had dialogue, (2) operas on a grand and lavish scale?
+Grand opera
+Music: Terms: A vague term with two main meanings: (1) A romantic love song, properly performed in the night air accompanied by mandolin or guitar in order to woo a girl; (2) Evening entertainment (especially 18th century) comprising a set of instrumental movements for chamber orchestra or wind group similar to the divertimento. The German equivalent is nachtmusik?
+Music: Terms: A vertical line used to join two or more staves?
+Music: Terms: A Wagnerian term for opera, which he felt to be inadequate. This term describes Wagner's new concept of the leitmotif and the fusing of scenery, costume, libretti, music and drama into a new art?
+Music drama
+Music: Terms: A wait of indefinite length on a note or rest?
+Music: Terms: A work in which a theme connects more than one movement. Beethoven introduced it into symphonic music (e.g. in his Fifth symphony) and romantic composers developed it further?
+Cyclic form
+Music: Terms: Abbreviaion for piano (It.), soft. Varying degrees of increasing softness are abbreviated as pp, ppp, etc?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation for cello?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation for pianissimo, very soft?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation for right hand?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation for viola?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of fortissimo meaning very loud?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of general pause?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of German Kontrabass, double-bass?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of Kochel in cataloguing Mozart's works?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of Latin opus, work. Used as a publishers' catalogue system to indicate the order in which a composer's works have been published. The higher the opus number, the later the music was published in a composer's lifetime?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of mezzo soprano?
+M Sop
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of pizzicato?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of rallentando?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of recitative?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of ritardando?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of the major scale?
+Music: Terms: Abbreviation of(l) Ray in the tonic sol-fa; (2) Respond?
+Music: Terms: Adjective describing major and minor scales and also modes. The opposite of chromatic music which introduces notes not in the prevailing key. Diatonic harmonies, intervals, passages, etc. are made up of notes of the current key?
+Music: Terms: Adjective from counterpoint?
+Music: Terms: Also called graccs or embellishments, these are notes considered to be an extra embellishment of a melody which are either added spontaneously by the performer or indicated by the composer on the score by signs or notation. In the 17th and 18th centuries, omaments were mostly indicated by signs and they included the trill, mordent, turn, arpeggio and appoggiatura. Composers wrote out ornaments in full in later periods?
+Music: Terms: Also known as programme music or tone poem, this is a mid-19th century term introduced by Liszt to describe an orchestral piece influenced by a non-musical theme (e.g. Iiterature, art or emotions)?
+Symphonic poem
+Music: Terms: Also known as twelve-tone music, twelve-note music and dodecaphonic music. This is a 20th century concept mostly developed by Schonberg. A twelve-note theme is fixed upon, with each note being used once. This is known as the tone row or series. Thereafter it can appear in four main ways: forwards, backwards (retrograde), upside down (inversion), and upside down and backwards (retrograde inversion). The series can appear and begin on any one of the twelve pitches and more than one note of the series can be used simultaneously to form a chord. Serialism mostly forms the basis of a work, however, and other composers include Berg and Webern. Serialism is a feature of expressionism?
+Serial music
+Music: Terms: Alternative name for perfect cadence?
+Full close
+Music: Terms: Alternative name for trill?
+Music: Terms: American term for serial music?
+Twelve tone
+Music: Terms: An alternative name for sonata form?
+First movement form
+Music: Terms: An Argentinian dance in moderately slow time with syncopated rhythms, appearing in European and American ballrooms around World War I?
+Music: Terms: An English system of notation and sight reading mainly devised by J.S. Curwen in the 1840s. The notes of the major scale are named in ascending order: doh, ray, me, fah, soh, lah, te, doh. Doh is the tonic, or keynote, but is not at any fixed pitch?
+Music: Terms: An imperfect cadence?
+Half close
+Music: Terms: An interval smaller than a semitone, evident in some modern compositions?
+Music: Terms: An introductory piece or movement before a fugue, an act of an opera etc. Chopin and other later composers wrote preludes as short, independent piano pieces in one movement?
+Music: Terms: An opera in which the principal character undergoes a test or a difficult journey, or experiences hardships before reaching his goal (e.g . Mozart's Magic Flute)?
+Quest opera
+Music: Terms: An opera made up of selections from other operas?
+Music: Terms: An orchestral work revealing a literary or pictorial element in three movements, quick-slow-quick, from which the symphony evolved. The French overture has slow-quick-slow movements?
+Italian overture
+Music: Terms: An ordered melodic theme in serial or 12-tone music?
+Tone row
+Music: Terms: An ornament which has two forms: (1) upper mordent (or inverted mordent); (2) lower mordent or simply, mordent?
+Music: Terms: Another name for bass clef?
+F clef
+Music: Terms: Any notes of the harmonic series are given this name except for the first fundamental?
+Music: Terms: Aristocratic, elaborate English stage entertainment chiefly cultivated in the 17th century and involving poetry, dancing, scenery, costumes, instrumental and vocal music. The masque was related to opera and ballet?
+Music: Terms: At double the speed of the preceding sectlon?
+Doppio movimento
+Music: Terms: Complete silence. A rest of at least one bar for the whole orchestra. Abbreviation is GP?
+General pause
+Music: Terms: Composing music for particular instruments. This term is used with reference to the composer's skill and knowledge of selecting instruments which sound well or are unusual, etc?
+Music: Terms: Consecutive fifths implied, but not actually present in harmony and nevertheless frowned upon by academics?
+Hidden fifths
+Music: Terms: Counterpoint in which four melodies can exchange position?
+Quadruple counterpoint
+Music: Terms: Describes a section of a composition in fugal style which is not actually a fugue?
+Music: Terms: Describes a trend, especially in the 1920's, characterised by its use of the concerto grosso technique, contrapuntal writing and avoidance of emotion. Neo-classical composers included Stravinsky and Hindemith?
+Music: Terms: Describes a wide range of 17th century English dances?
+Music: Terms: Describes the harmonic relationships of keys (e.g. G major is closely related to D major (its dominant) since there is only the difference of one sharp. See also relative?
+Music: Terms: Describes the movement of parts or melodies when one remains on the same note and the other moves in some direction?
+Oblique motion
+Music: Terms: Descriptive music evoking a poem, novel, play, painting emotion or other non-musical source. More common term is programme music?
+Illustrative music
+Music: Terms: Device on some brass instruments, used principally on the trombone, for altering the length of the tube, and therefore the notes produced?
+Music: Terms: Dominant triad with the addition of the seventh note from its root?
+Dominant seventh
+Music: Terms: Easily or fluently?
+Music: Terms: Emphasis on the off-beat and a characteristic of jazz styles?
+Music: Terms: Equivalent of four quarter notes (in 4 / 4 time, 4 beats)?
+Whole note
+Music: Terms: Evident in the mid-16th and early 17th century, this was a harmonic bass line used for variations?
+Music: Terms: Extremely fast articulation of sound on a wind instrument by the tongue, like trilling?
+Music: Terms: Fifth degree of the major or minor scale, or a triad built on it?
+Music: Terms: First or lowest note of the harmonic series?
+Music: Terms: Four quarter notes to the bar, written 4 / 4 or C?
+Common time
+Music: Terms: Generally a four movement, serious and large scale sonata-like orchestral work involving a first movement, second movement, minuet and trio and finale. The first movement is often in sonata form, and this structure may also be evident in the slow movement and finale. This four-movement form became standard around 1760 with Mozart and Haydn but the number of movements may vary?
+Music: Terms: Generally a strophic song for several male, female or mixed voices in which there are many singers to a part, with the top part usually having the principal part. Composers include Elgar, Parry and Stanford?
+Music: Terms: Generally this means to improvise a song accompaniment?
+Music: Terms: Generally, this is a phrase repeated at a higher or lower interval. A real sequence is one in which the repeated phrase intervals are unaltered. A tonal sequcnce is one in which the repeated phrase is modified to prevent a key change?
+Music: Terms: Generally, this is a style of singing used in opera and oratorio for dialogue and some narrative which is more closely related to dramatic speech in pitch and rhythm than to song. Two main types exist: (1) recitative accompagnato or stromentato which is expressive and accompanied by the orchestra and (2) recitative secco which has only an occasional broken chord from the harpsichord or 'cellos (sometimes with the bass line reinforced by the double bass) and this was the accepted style in 18th and l9th century operas?
+Music: Terms: Harmonic intervals of the same kind (e.g. thirds succeeding one another in the same parts?
+Consecutive intervals
+Music: Terms: Harmony in which notes of chords are written closely together (e.g. in barbershop quartets)?
+Close harmony
+Music: Terms: High Mass?
+Missa solemnis
+Music: Terms: Highest female voice with range approximately extending from middle C to two octaves above that. Boy trebles can also achieve this range. The term is also applied to some instruments (e.g. soprano saxophone)?
+Music: Terms: In 4 / 4 time, the equivalent of one beat?
+Quarter note
+Music: Terms: In a fugue, for example, after the first entry has been stated there is an answer (or second statement at a different pitch). If this answer is slightly modified to keep the music within a certain key, then this is a tonal answer and the fugue a tonal fugue. This is the opposite of real answer?
+Tonal answer
+Music: Terms: In a fugue, this term describes an extra voice in the initial entries or exposition?
+Redundant entry
+Music: Terms: In harmony this is a suspension which resolves upwards not downwards?
+Music: Terms: In harmony this is the progression from a discord to a concord?
+Music: Terms: In medieval church music, the insertion of rests into vocal parts for expressive purposes?
+Music: Terms: In medieval music, this was triple time?
+Perfect time
+Music: Terms: In musical contexts, this term refers to the dramatic use of the spoken word against a musical background. This style may be used throughout an entire work or just as part of a work?
+Music: Terms: In musical notation this is a line joining two adjacent notes of the same pitch together, indicating that the first note only should be played but should be prolonged until the second note's time value is up?
+Music: Terms: Indications on the score provided by the composer to aid accurate performance of a work and consisting of dynamics (e.g. degrees of loudness and softness), tempo and mood?
+Expression marks
+Music: Terms: Instruction to a singer or instrumentalist to perform in the normal way (e.g. singing tenor instead of falsetto or playing without mutes)?
+Music: Terms: Instruction to play with the left hand in piano playing. Abbreviation of main gauche (Fr.)?
+Music: Terms: Instruction to play with the right hand in piano playing. Abbreviations of main droite (Fr.) and mano destra (It.)?
+Music: Terms: Instruments that produce different notes than those written in concert pitch?
+Transposing instruments
+Music: Terms: Invertible counterpoint in two parts occurring frequently in fugues?
+Double counterpoint
+Music: Terms: Invertible counterpoint in which three parts can be interchanged, each making a suitable bass for the other?
+Triple counterpoint
+Music: Terms: lightly?
+Music: Terms: Liszt's term for leitmotif, the recurring and development of themes symbolising a character, emotion, object, idea, etc?
+Metamorphosis of themes
+Music: Terms: Midway between loud and soft and abbreviated mf?
+Mezzo forte
+Music: Terms: Music signifying grief but especially describing bagpipe music played at Scottish clan funerals?
+Music: Terms: Music which interprets or describes a story, painting, poem, landscape or emotional experience. Opposite of absolute music?
+Programme music
+Music: Terms: Music with national characteristics (e.g. use of folk music. The term is particularly applied to 19th century composers (e.g. Smetena and Grieg. Bartok and Kodaly were also famous as nationalist composers)?
+Music: Terms: Music with only one theme?
+Music: Terms: Musical term to indicate the tonality of a piece based on the major or minor scales and their relationship between the notes of the scale and chords built around them. There are two traditional types of keys (major or minor) depending upon whether they are based on the notes of the major or minor scale?
+Music: Terms: Name the scale: d, e, f, g, a, b flat, c sharp, d?
+D minor
+Music: Terms: Notated music of all performers' parts combined in an ordered form in which each part appears vertically above another. A piano score is one in which all orchestral or even vocal parts are reduced to a piano part. A miniaturce or pocket score reproduces all parts and details of the full score but is of a size more suitable for study?
+Music: Terms: Note of the scale; Abbreviation for Deutsch in the cataloguing of works by Schubert?
+Music: Terms: Note of the scale?
+Music: Terms: Observance of a single key. Atonality, lack of key. Polytonality, the simultaneous use of several keys?
+Music: Terms: One of the three types of minor scale?
+Melodic minor
+Music: Terms: Opposite of major. Applied to scales, keys, chords and intervals?
+Music: Terms: Organ device of producing a vibrato effect by alternately increasing and decreasing the wind pressure?
+Music: Terms: Originally a slow and stately dance appearing in keyboard music of the 17th century. Later the passacaglia was a piece with a theme continually repeated, but not necessarily in the bass, like the chaconne?
+Music: Terms: Originally an American dance in duple time of which there are two main types?fast and slow. It first became popular in 1912?
+Music: Terms: Particularly used in sonata form, this term describes a section of a composition which repeats or approximates themes originally presented in a previous section, which have since been developed?
+Music: Terms: Piano soft (left) pedal?
+Damping pedal
+Music: Terms: Pleasing to the ear and sounding harmonically resolved. However, interpretations of this term vary considerably. The opposite is discord?
+Music: Terms: Popular in opera, this is a comic song in which words, sung as fast as possible, are often tongue-twisters. Often found in the works of Gilbert and Sullivan?
+Patter song
+Music: Terms: Popularly known as a round, this is a never-ending canon which is also known as an infinite canon?
+Perpetual canon
+Music: Terms: Position of note in scale (e.g. D is the second degree of C major scale)?
+Music: Terms: Prefix attached to note indicating pitch to be raised by two semitones?
+Double sharp
+Music: Terms: Properly, music to be performed during the action of a play. However, the term also includes overtures and interludes?
+Incidental music
+Music: Terms: Refers to alternate naming or spelling of the same musical note (e.g. A flat is the same as G sharp)?
+Music: Terms: Repeat from the beginning?
+Da capo
+Music: Terms: Repeat from the sign?
+Dal segno
+Music: Terms: Repeat to the sign?
+Da capo al segno
+Music: Terms: Repeat up to the word Fine (the end)?
+Da capo al fine
+Music: Terms: Same as common time consisting of four quarter notes to the bar, written 4 / 4 or C?
+Quadruple time
+Music: Terms: Same as concord?
+Music: Terms: Same as continuo?
+Thorough bass
+Music: Terms: Same as discord (see concord)?
+Music: Terms: Same as duet but mainly an instrumental composition for two performers. A piano duo is for two pianists on separate pianos?
+Music: Terms: Same as improvisation?
+Music: Terms: Same as ornament, used to embellish a melody line and normally printed in smaller type?
+Grace note
+Music: Terms: Same as ornaments?
+Music: Terms: Same as rondo form?
+Episodical form
+Music: Terms: Same as serial music?
+Dodecaphonic music
+Music: Terms: Same as symphonic poem?
+Tone poem
+Music: Terms: Schonberg preferred this term to atonality (e.g. music not written in any definite key)?
+Music: Terms: See concord?
+Music: Terms: See serial music?
+Twelve note
+Music: Terms: set the temperament of an instrument?
+Music: Terms: Sets of eight-note scales inherited from ancient Greece via the Middle Ages in which they were most prevalent, although they still survive today in plainsong and folk music. At the end of the 17th century the modes had been reduced to two scales, major and minor, which we know today. Here are the modes which may be represented by scales of white notes on the piano with the names derived from the Greek system. The 'final' of a mode is the note of a cadence, or resting point, in a melody, and the 'dominant' is a reciting note?
+Music: Terms: sixteenth note - one fourth of a quarter note?
+Six-four chord
+Music: Terms: Slow Austrian dance in waltz time popular in the late 18th and early l9th centuries?
+Music: Terms: slower?
+Music: Terms: Small orchestras currently perform under this name. Originally the title described an instrumental piece in the baroque era such as the prelude, overture to an opera, cantata or suite?
+Music: Terms: Solely a string band as opposed to a wind or brass brand, normally consisting of first and second violins, violas, 'cellos and double basses?
+String orchestra
+Music: Terms: Song or instrumental composition for the dead?
+Music: Terms: Spanish stage entertainment involving a few singers?
+Music: Terms: String(s) - In piano playing, una corda (one string) indicates the use of the soft (left) pedal. The term tre corde (three strings) cancels this, indicating the release of the soft pedal?
+Music: Terms: Style of playing in which there are no gaps between notes?
+Music: Terms: Term borrowed from painting, describing the works of Monet, Degas, etc. and transferred to music referring to the atmospheric music of Debussy and Ravel. A famous example is Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune by Debussy evoking the imagery of Mallarme's symbolist poem?
+Music: Terms: Term describes a song which uses the same music for each verse?
+Music: Terms: Term describes the use of several choirs performing both separately and jointly in a composition?
+Music: Terms: Term describing music before Haydn and Mozart and also (more vaguely) describing music before Bach?
+Music: Terms: Term meaning continue playing an octave higher or lower?
+8va segue
+Music: Terms: Term taken from painting (referring to pictures using separate dots of colour) and applied to the music of some 20th century composers (e.g. Webern). This described music of a spare and pointed style emplying use of pizzicato?
+Music: Terms: Term used by German composers who believed it to be Italian for minuet. The Italian for minuet is minuetto?
+Music: Terms: The art of spontaneous composition of music in performance. This may take the form of ornamentaion, variation of a song or theme, or completely new material. Improvisation is great]y used in jazz?
+Music: Terms: The C clef on the fourth line?
+Tenor clef
+Music: Terms: The chord containing the sixth and third intervals from the bass note. Same as first inversion of a triad?
+Six-three chord
+Music: Terms: The combining of different metres simultaneously (e.g. 2 / 4 against 3 / 4 or 6 / 8)?
+Music: Terms: The completion of 17th and 18th century harmony by adding a keyboard accompaniment indicated by figured bass?
+Music: Terms: The composing of polyphonic music and the writing of equally good melodic parts?
+Music: Terms: The degrees of softness or loudness in music indicated by signs or words on the score?
+Music: Terms: The downward movement of the conductor' s baton or hand indicating the first beat of the bar. The term can also mean the first beat of the bar?
+Music: Terms: The equivalent of two quarter notes or half of a whole note (two beats in 4 / 4 time)?
+Half note
+Music: Terms: The first degree of the scale or a triad built on that degree?
+Music: Terms: The fudamental or lowest note of the harmonic series especially applied to the playing of brass instruments?
+Music: Terms: The highest adult male voice or lowest female voice?
+Music: Terms: The initial statement of a musical theme or idea upon which a rnovement or piece is based. In a fugue, the exposition is the initial statement of the subject by each voice in turn. The exposition is completed when each voice has been heard for the first time. In sonata form, it is a repeated section in which the main themes are first stated before moving on to the development section?
+Music: Terms: The interval of eight steps (e.g. C to C on the white notes of the piano)?
+Music: Terms: The interval of three tones (e.g. F to B)?
+Music: Terms: The left foot pedal on a piano lessening the volume?
+Soft pedal
+Music: Terms: The lower type of female voice having a range from F below middle C to G above the treble clef?
+Music: Terms: The lowest or fundamental note of a chord. In the chord C E G, C is the root and the chord is said to be in root position. If the notes are arranged E G C, C is still the root, but the chord would be described as being in first inversion?
+Music: Terms: The mode which, on the white keys of the piano, is represented by E to E?
+Phrygian mode
+Music: Terms: The mode which, on the white keys of the piano, is represented from C to C (same as C major scale)?
+Ionian mode
+Music: Terms: The modification or development of a theme, passage or figure with the theme always remaining recognizable?
+Music: Terms: The movement from one note or chord to another in music?
+Music: Terms: The movement of two or more parts in the same direction while also keeping the same interval between them?
+Parallel motion
+Music: Terms: The music is to be performed in three bar groupings, implying that the music is so fast there is only one beat to the bar?
+Ritmo di tre battute
+Music: Terms: The music of a particular voice or instrument in an ensemble?
+Music: Terms: The name for the fourth degree of the scale (e.g. F in the scale of C major) or the triad built on that degree?
+Music: Terms: The notation in diagrams of guitar chords in pop music. Previously, it represented a method of notation involving symbols denoting the positions of the performer's fingers (e.g. for the lute?
+Music: Terms: The note on which the melody ends in church modes. In authentic modes, the final is on the tonic. In plagal modes, it falls on the fourth degree of the scale?
+Music: Terms: The opposite of legato?
+Music: Terms: The performance of a group of adjacent notes simultaneously on the piano, e. g. with the forearm or a piece of wood. Pioneered by Cowell in 1912 and used by Ives. Also known as tone cluster?
+Note cluster
+Music: Terms: The playing of three notes simultaneously on a stringed instrument by the placing of the left hand fingers on the strings and shortening the vibrating length?
+Triple stop
+Music: Terms: The rapid articulation of T-K-T on a wind instrument. This is difficult to do on reed instruments?
+Triple tonguing
+Music: Terms: The right pedal on the piano which raises the felt dampers allowing the strings to vibrate freely?
+Sustaining pedal
+Music: Terms: The scale of seven notes (e.g. the modern major or minor scale)?
+Music: Terms: The second degree of the scale (e.g. D in the scale of C major) or the triad built on that degree?
+Music: Terms: The section of a movement when initial statements of themes are expanded, developed, modified and broken up?
+Music: Terms: The set of five horizontal lines and spaces on which music is written. Leger lines are used for notes above and below the staff?
+Music: Terms: The setting of a poem entitled 'ode' to music?
+Music: Terms: The seventh degree of the major scale. This is so called because it seems naturally to rise to the tonic a semitone above. In the minor scale this note is used only when ascending, not descending?
+Leading note
+Music: Terms: The shift from one key to another in composition?
+Music: Terms: The sign of figures at the beginning of a composition or section or movement indicating the number and kind of beats to the bar (e.g. 3 / 4 indicates 3 beats to the bar, with the number 4 signifying that the basic beat is a quarter note)?
+Time signature
+Music: Terms: The sixth degree of the scale (e.g. A in the scale of C major) or a triad built on that degree?
+Music: Terms: The sliding up or down a scale, often abbreviated by gliss. or a wavy or straight stroke between the highest and lowest note?
+Music: Terms: The smallest interval commonly used in European music. On the piano this is represented by the interval between any note and the next note which may be higher or lower?
+Music: Terms: The sound of two or more voices singing simultaneously at the same pitch. Unison song, a song for several people all singing the same tune?
+Music: Terms: The sounding together of notes in a musically significant manner. The main unit of harmony is the chord. The chords are built around the degrees of the scale. The primary chords in most popular compositions are based on the first, fourth and fifth degree of a scale. Many different theories have evolved over the past few centuries about the construction and interpolation of chords to create various senses of musical movement or intellectual or emotional responses?
+Music: Terms: The sounding together of two or more separate parts of rhythmic and melodic independence, in harmony. Invertible counterpoint occurs when any one melody strand can exchange its position for another (e.g. the bass becomes treble). Between two parts, this is called double counterpoint?
+Music: Terms: The stress given to one tone over another?
+Music: Terms: The symbol to determine the relative position of notes on the musical staff, placed normally at the beginning of each line, or whenever a different clef temporarily replaces the starting clef (to make notes fit more easily on the staff). There are many possible clefs (e.g. treble, bass, alto and tenor) chosen to accomodate the range of various instruments or voices. In piano music, the double staff (a staff for each hand) uses treble or bass clefs?
+Music: Terms: The system of tuning intervals in order to fit them for practicable performance. The piano, organ and other fixed instruments are tuned to equal temperament which means that each semitone is made an equal interval so that (e.g. G sharp and A flat are the same)?
+Music: Terms: The systematic plan of beginning in one key and ending in another in a movement?
+Progressive tonality
+Music: Terms: The systematic use of quite different rhythms sounding simultaneously. Polyrhythmic devices are especially used in the 20th century?
+Music: Terms: The tones of the harmonic series, the lowest being thefirst partial and the others the upper partials or overtones?
+Music: Terms: The treatment of a melody by shortening the time values of notes, usually by half (e.g. in fugues and canons)?
+Music: Terms: The turning upside-down of a chord or single melody (by applying intervals in opposite directions) or two melodies in counterpoint by the upper melody becoming the lower and vice-versa. This last method is called invertible counterpoint?
+Music: Terms: The upward movement of a conductor's hand or baton, especially indicating the beat before the main accent in a bar of music?
+Music: Terms: The use of two or more keys performed simultaneously and employed by Stravinsky, Holst and Milhaud. When only two keys are used, this is referred to as bitonality?
+Music: Terms: The writing down or performing of music in a different key from the original?
+Music: Terms: These are the intervals of the octave, fourth and fifth?
+Perfect intervals
+Music: Terms: These are the two main scales of the western tonal system. The major key is based on the major scale and the minor key is based on the minor scale. The minor scale breaks into three variations: harmonic, melodic and natural. These terms also refer to chords and intervals being built out of the major or minor scale?
+Major minor
+Music: Terms: This describes the basic rhythmical patterns in music (e.g. 6 / 8 time or 4 / 4 time). Also march time, waltz time, etc?
+Music: Terms: This describes the dominant of the dominant?
+Secondary dominant
+Music: Terms: This indicates the precise key of the piece. Sharps or flats are placed at the beginning of a composition after the clef. Any other alteration (e.g. a brief modulation to another key, is indicated by accidentals. If there is an extended passage in a new key, however, then a new key signature may appear. The key signature must be represented at the beginning of every new stave in a composition (although not always in popular music)?
+Key signature
+Music: Terms: This is indicated by a time signature dividing up the music into regularly occurring accents (e.g. 3 / 4 time means that the basic note values are quarter notes and that every third one is accented)?
+Music: Terms: This is the main service of the Roman Catholic Church which has been set to music by composers including Bach, Mozart and Haydn?
+Music: Terms: This is the Passion of Christ, as accounted by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, set to music and properly performed during Holy Week?
+Passion music
+Music: Terms: This occurs in 20th century serial music, also called dodecaphonic music or twelve-note music. It is the order in which the composer chooses to arrange the twelve notes, which serves as the foundation of the composition. novelette (Eng.) or novellette (Ger.) - A short, instrumental, romantic piece. The term was first used by Schumann for a piano work in 1848?
+Note row
+Music: Terms: This term described a short, keyboard piece or a set of short pieces in the 17th and 18th centuries?
+Music: Terms: This term is sometimes attached to a fugue or canon to describe two or more parts appearing simultaneously, with one the correct way up and the other upside down, as if a mirror had been placed between them?
+Music: Terms: This term refers to each key signature being shared by two keys (e.g. A minor is the 'relative' minor of C major since they both have no sharps or flats in the key signature. D major is the relative major of B minor since both keys have two sharps in the key signature?
+Music: Terms: This term was taken from French culture in the early 18th century, but musically the title for rococo is the style galant used by composers throughout Europe until the late 18th century?
+Music: Terms: This word is associated with recitative?
+Music: Terms: Time consisting of three beats to the bar (e.g. 3 / 4, 3 / 2, 3 / 8)?
+Triple time
+Music: Terms: Time in which each beat is divisible by two (e.g. 2 / 4, 4 / 4, 3 / 4 and in which each beat is a quarter note)?
+Simple time
+Music: Terms: Time in which the number of beats in the bar is divisible by two or four (e.g. 2 / 4, 4 / 4, 2 / 2)?
+Duple time
+Music: Terms: Time with five beats, usually quarter notes, to the bar (e.g. 5 / 4 time). Not common before the 20th century?
+Quintuple time
+Music: Terms: To direct a performance of either singers, players or both with a baton or hands in order to give precise indications of dynamics, phrasing and speed?
+Music: Terms: To slide up to a note in singing instead of hitting it accurately?
+Music: Terms: Two bar lines placed closely together to signify the end of a composition or section?
+Double bar
+Music: Terms: Two melodies moving together in the same direction?
+Similar motion
+Music: Terms: Two or more melodies sounding against one another is called this?
+Music: Terms: Upper register of voice?
+Head voice
+Music: Terms: Very sweetly?
+Music: Terms: what is fortissimo?
+Very loud
+Music: Terms: what is prestissimo?
+Extremely fast
+Music: Terms: what is ritardando?
+Slowing down
+Music: Terms: With a moderate tone?
+Mezza voce
+Music: Terms: with grandeur?
+Con grandezza
+Music: Terms: Written music, by ordinary staff notation symbols or graphic representation or simply by letter-names (e.g. the tonic sol-fa?
+Music: Terri Nunn is from what 80's group?
+Music: Testament, Metallica, Possessed & Primus all hail from this geographical area?
+Bay area
+Music: That mentions a barefoot girl sitting on the hood of a Dodge?
+Music: The ____Years - Mike + The Mechanics
+Music: The ____You Love Me - Karyn White
+Music: The 1st annual grammy awards were awarded in what year?
+Music: The Alan Parsons Project hit the charts in 1982 with this song?
+Eye in the sky
+Music: The album 'Thriller' won a record ____ grammy awards
+Music: The architect of Bebop who outlived his contemporary C Parker by many decades?
+Dizzy gillespie
+Music: The artist formerly known as prince had a both a hit song & movie by this title?
+Purple rain
+Music: The B-52's are from this in Georgia?
+Music: The B-52's are from this place in Georgia?
+Music: The bagpipe was originally made from the whole skin of a ____
+Dead sheep
+Music: The band This Mortal Coil took their name from a line by this playwright?
+William shakespeare
+Music: The Beach Boys have been around forever. Many consider 'Pet Sounds' to be their best album. Which of the following songs is NOT in it?
+I Get Around
+Music: The Beach Boys made their debut with what single?
+Music: The Beach Boys recorded surfing music like 'Surfin Safari', 'Surfer Girl' and 'Surfin USA'. Name the only Beach Boy who actually surfed?
+Dennis Wilson
+Music: The Beatles: 1980s: What 1964 beatles biggie did capital re-release as a video in 1984?
+I want to hold your hand
+Music: The Beatles: A Beatles song says there are this many days in a week?
+Music: The Beatles: A common belief is that john lennon says 'i buried paul' at the end of 'strawberry fields forever' on the 'magical mystery tour' album. what did he actually say?
+Cranberry sauce
+Music: The Beatles: A special area in Central Park is named after this song in memory of John?
+Strawberry fields forever
+Music: The Beatles: According to a beatles song, where is the place where nothing is real?
+Strawberry fields
+Music: The Beatles: Album: Name the Beatle Album you would find the licence plate 28if on a vehicle?
+Abbey Road
+Music: The Beatles: And the banker never wears a mac, in the pouring rain...?
+Very strange
+Music: The Beatles: Bare-footed Beatle on the Abbey Road album cover?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: The Beatles: Beatle's Songs?
+Strawberry Fields
+Music: The Beatles: Born a poor young country boy...?
+Mother natures son
+Music: The Beatles: Bungalow Bill?
+Music: The Beatles: Cuando llega la lluvia?
+When the rain comes
+Music: The Beatles: Dead Person from Abbey Road?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: The Beatles: Desmond says to Molly, girl...?
+I like your face
+Music: The Beatles: Despite popular belief, John claims this song isnt about LSD (Sure...)?
+Lucy in the sky with diamonds
+Music: The Beatles: Dominated the 60's (and beyond). Which song includes the lyric: 'oh, how I've been alone'?
+Music: The Beatles: Each day just goes so fast, I turn around...?
+Its past
+Music: The Beatles: First number 1 hit was ____
+Love me do
+Music: The Beatles: For how long is the note sustained at the end of the beatles' song 'a day in the life'?
+Forty seconds
+Music: The Beatles: For which song did the Beatles grab female passerbys to sing background?
+Across the universe
+Music: The Beatles: He is the only Beatle who has never divorced?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: The Beatles: He was the Maharish Mahesh Yogi & had this song dubbed after him?
+Sexy sadie
+Music: The Beatles: He was the Walrus?
+John lennon
+Music: The Beatles: He was the walrus?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: The Beatles: How many former Beatles had chart-topping singles from 1973 to 1974?
+Music: The Beatles: I'd rather see you dead, little girl, than to be with...?
+Another man
+Music: The Beatles: In what movie did John star with Michael Crawford?
+How i won the war
+Music: The Beatles: Joe Cocker performed this Beatles tune at Woodstock?
+With a little help from my friends
+Music: The Beatles: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star & ____
+George harrison
+Music: The Beatles: John's middle name?
+Music: The Beatles: Liverpool Club frequented by the Beatles in the early days?
+Cavern club
+Music: The Beatles: Lying there and staring at the ceiling, waiting for, a...?
+Sleepy feeling
+Music: The Beatles: Many thought this song stood for lsd, but john lennon insisted it was about a girl at his son's school, what is the song title?
+Lucy in the sky with diamonds
+Music: The Beatles: McCartney made up this song when he fancied some French words?
+Music: The Beatles: Music Video: John and Yoko try to get somewhere in a boat on land?
+Nobody told me
+Music: The Beatles: Music video: nuns get stuck on train tracks & are saved by Shaolin monks?
+Hope of deliverance
+Music: The Beatles: Newspaper taxis appear on the shore, waiting to...?
+Take you away
+Music: The Beatles: No one I think is in my tree, I mean it...?
+Must be high or low
+Music: The Beatles: Now it's past my bed I know, and I'd really like to...?
+Music: The Beatles: Now my advice for those who die, declare the pennies...?
+On your eyes
+Music: The Beatles: Of all the ex-Beatles, he has the greatest net worth?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: The Beatles: Oh, I get high with a little...?
+Help from my friends
+Music: The Beatles: Originally 'Miss Daisy Hawkins', she picks up the rice and lives in a dream?
+Eleanor rigby
+Music: The Beatles: Paul & him were the two left-handed Beatles?
+Music: The Beatles: Paul McCartney once dated the sister of Peter Asher of Peter and Gordon. What was her name?
+Music: The Beatles: Paul McCartney recorded an ultrasonic whistle at the end of this record, especially for his Shetland sheepdog?
+A Day in the Life
+Music: The Beatles: Paul McCartney's mother is Mary in this 1969 #1 Beatles hit?
+Let it be
+Music: The Beatles: Performed at this stadium in Minneapolis in 1964?
+Met stadium
+Music: The Beatles: Phil Spector ruined this album?
+Let it be
+Music: The Beatles: Priest from Abbey Road?
+Ringo starr
+Music: The Beatles: Rocky Raccoon?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: The Beatles: Scrambled Eggs was the original title of the Beatles' hit, 'Yesterday', however, what was the original title of their hit song, Eleanor Rigby?
+Daisy Hawkins
+Music: The Beatles: So how could I dance with another (ooh), when I saw her...?
+Standing there
+Music: The Beatles: Song: More covers of this song have been recorded than any other Beatles song?
+Music: The Beatles: Song: Name the beatles single which begins: 'dear sir or madam, will you read my book?
+Paperback writer
+Music: The Beatles: Starr's first solo album that was released after the break-up?
+Sentimental journey
+Music: The Beatles: Tell me that you want those kinds of things, that money...?
+Just cant buy
+Music: The Beatles: The beatles manager that died of a suspected drug overdose?
+Brian epstein
+Music: The Beatles: The Beatles posed this question on the White Album right before `I Will'?
+Why dont we do it in the road
+Music: The Beatles: The Beatles' last album together (all 4 of them anyway :)?
+Let it be
+Music: The Beatles: The beatles' last live performance took place on the roof of this building?
+Apple studios
+Music: The Beatles: The celebrated Mr. K performs his feat on Saturday at...?
+Music: The Beatles: The club in Liverpool made famous for the Beatles early appearences?
+Music: The Beatles: The first Beatles song for which Ringo received full composing credit?
+Dont pass me by
+Music: The Beatles: The first Harrison composition featured on the A-side of a Beatles single?
+Music: The Beatles: The Fool on the Hill?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: The Beatles: The John Lennon album released by Yoko Ono 4 years after his death?
+Milk and honey
+Music: The Beatles: The name of Mean Mr. Mustard's sister?
+Music: The Beatles: The number of people killed by Maxwell's silver hammer?
+Music: The Beatles: The only Beatle who fits in this category?
+George harrison
+Music: The Beatles: The only Beatle who fits in this category?
+John lennon
+Music: The Beatles: The only Beatle who fits in this category?
+Ringo starr
+Music: The Beatles: The only Beatles song starting with the letter 'J'?
+Music: The Beatles: The only monochromatic Beatles album?
+White album
+Music: The Beatles: The year in which John Lennon was born?
+Music: The Beatles: There was a heavy and a soft version of this single from the white album?
+Music: The Beatles: They made this one-word plea?
+Music: The Beatles: This album has the same title as the Beatles' first feature film?
+A hard days night
+Music: The Beatles: This album's cover featured the band dressed up...oddly?
+Magical mystery tour
+Music: The Beatles: This Boy?
+Ringo starr
+Music: The Beatles: This is what Rocky Raccoon found when he checked into his room?
+Gideons bible
+Music: The Beatles: This song was covered by the Jeff Healey Band; on the white album?
+While my guitar gently weeps
+Music: The Beatles: This song was inspired by a cornflakes advertisement on TV?
+Good morning good morning
+Music: The Beatles: This was the first number one Beatle hit in America?
+I want to hold your hand
+Music: The Beatles: This was the last Beatles album recorded?
+Abbey road
+Music: The Beatles: Two of Us (besides Paul)?
+Linda mccartney
+Music: The Beatles: upon what will there be a show for the benefit of Mr. Kite?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Trampoline", "a trampoline"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Music: The Beatles: What label were the early Beatles albums released under in Britain?
+Music: The Beatles: What song was a hit for the beatles and anita bryant?
+Till there was you
+Music: The Beatles: What song was the beatles first attempt at social commentary?
+Nowhere man
+Music: The Beatles: What year was the White Album released?
+Music: The Beatles: Where did John & Yoko marry?
+Music: The Beatles: Where did Rocky Raccoon live (Specific)?
+The black mountain hills of dakota
+Music: The Beatles: Which Beatle is the youngest?
+George harrison
+Music: The Beatles: Who was Martha (specifically!)?
+Paul mccartneys dog
+Music: The Beatles: Who was Paul's original fiancee?
+Jane asher
+Music: The Beatles: Who was the youngest of the Beatles?
+George Harrison
+Music: The Beatles: With over 2500 cover versions, its the most widely-covered of Beatles songs?
+Music: The Beatles: You can knit a sweater by the fireside, Sunday morning...?
+Go for a ride
+Music: The Beatles: You're such a lovely audience, we'd like to take you...?
+Home with us
+Music: The Bee Gees made their American TV debut on what show?
+American Bandstand
+Music: The Bee Gees: Where did all the lights go down?
+Music: the brothers liam & noel gallagher are members of this group?
+Music: The Caboliers was the name of whose jazzy band?
+Cab calloway
+Music: The Checkmates, Ltd. sang about this colour of pearl?
+Music: The Coasters told this colour to run?
+Music: The common name for a low frequency speaker?
+Music: the concerti on the two voyager probes information discs are performed by what famed Canadian pianist?
+Glenn gould
+Music: The concerto grosso form was used in much of the music written in the style of the Baroque period (1600 - 1750). The first and last movements of the concerto grosso are often in ____ form
+Music: The country gentleman is the nickname of what guitarist?
+Chet atkins
+Music: The deep toned wind instrument native to Australia is called a what?
+Music: The Doors: Album cover: a bunch of circus freaks playing in the street?
+Strange days
+Music: The Doors: First album released after Jim's death, Manzarek sings most songs?
+Other voices
+Music: The Doors: Jim would be turning this age in December of 1995?
+Music: The Doors: Robby Krieger played what instrument?
+Music: The Doors: This Doors hit was a US #1 in 1968?
+Hello i love you
+Music: The early music of the medieval church existed in the form of Gregorian chants. These chants are monophonic and?
+Music: The End Of The ____- Don Henley
+Music: The fab four are ____
+The beatles
+Music: The famous Woodstock music festival took place in what year?
+Music: The fireballs had some success with the record 'torquay', but when they teamed up with jimmy gilmer, which record stayed at no. 1 for an entire year?
+Sugar shack
+Music: The first Beatle to tour the United States?
+George harrison
+Music: The first Eurovision Song Contest was in 1951, 1956 or 1958?
+Music: The first single to be released by Wings to chart in the US?
+Give Ireland back to the Irish
+Music: The first UK Top 10 chart appeared in November 1952 when A1 Martino was No 1 with 'Here in my Heart'. Who had three songs in that first top 10 chart?
+Vera lynn
+Music: The fruit-topped Brazilian Bombshell?
+Carmen miranda
+Music: The Gong Show once dedicated an entire show to versions of this song?
+Music: The Grateful Dead were once called what?
+The warlocks
+Music: The greatest hits of this group known for long red beards?
+Zz top
+Music: The House of the Rising Sun is in this city?
+New orleans
+Music: The Irish Rovers sang about this fictitious animal in 1968?
+Music: The Jacksons: According to one Jackson, P.Y.T. stands for this?
+Pretty young thing
+Music: The Jacksons: First name of Jermaine's wife, daughter of Motown president Barry Gordy?
+Music: The Jacksons: In 1984, Michael recorded two singles for this Jacksons album?
+Music: The Jacksons: Janet Jackson was briefly married to this singer in 1984?
+James debarge
+Music: The Jacksons: Katherine Jackson, the Jacksons matriarch, is of this religion?
+Jehovahs witness
+Music: The Jacksons: Name of Michael Jackson's biography?
+Music: The Jacksons: Rebbie Jackson's only top 40 hit?
+Music: The Jacksons: The eldest sibling of the jackson family?
+Rebbie Jackson
+Music: The Jacksons: The Michael jackson album preceding Thriller?
+Off The Wall
+Music: The Jacksons: There are only three cuts in the entirety of this Janet Jackson video?
+When i think of you
+Music: The Jazz Butcher: Our domestic animal is ____ ____ indeed
+Very good
+Music: The Kaiser Chiefs sang about what girl?
+Music: The last waltz chronicled the farewell performance of what rock group?
+The band
+Music: The lead singer of The Smiths is currently doing work on his own?
+Music: The Loco-Motion - Kylie ____
+Music: The Look?
+Music: The Lover In Me - ____Easton
+Music: The main promoter of country music, the CMA, stands for this?
+Country music association
+Music: The Mamas and Papas consisted of C. Elliott, J. Phillips, M. Phillips, and him?
+Music: The members of this band always hide behind gigantic eyeball masks?
+The residents
+Music: The members of which string quartet were Norbert Brainin, Sigmund Nissel, Martin Lovett and Peter Schidlof?
+The amadeus quartet
+Music: The Michael Jackson album that preceded Thriller?
+Off the wall
+Music: The Monkees: Soy un creedor?
+Im a believer
+Music: The Moody Blues' greatest hit?
+Nights in white satin
+Music: The most widely mimicked Al Jolson song?
+Music: The musical books you would find in church pews?
+Music: The name of Rush's guitarist?
+Alex lifeson
+Music: The name of the National Anthem of Portugal?
+The Portuguese
+Music: The name of which wind instrument comes from the latin word for a young bull?
+Music: The Non-Beatles Music: CCR song, perhaps about a woman who is gloating?
+Proud mary
+Music: The Non-Beatles Music: Van Halen song, perhaps egging on a potential suicide victim?
+Music: the official state song of georgia since 1922 has been what?
+Georgia on my mind
+Music: The only Iron Butterfly song anyone's ever heard: 12-minute drum solo?
+Music: The only member of the band ZZ Top without a beard has what last name?
+Music: The only Phish video ever to appear on MTV (as of January 1995)?
+Down with disease
+Music: The only single to make the top 20 during the 70s by Herb Alpert?
+Music: The only Smiths song with no vocals?
+Oscillate wildly
+Music: The original name of this Trash Disco hit was Run Rabbit Run?
+Fly robin fly
+Music: The plane crash that killed Buddy Holly & Ritchie Valens crashed in what city in Iowa?
+Mason city
+Music: The Police: Andy toured in the 70s with this chart-topping act?
+Eric burden and the animals
+Music: The Police: Scenes of Northern Ireland feature in the video of this song?
+Invisible sun
+Music: The Police: Stewart's brothers Ian & Miles founded this record label?
+Music: The Police: Sting is from this northern English city?
+Music: The Police: Sting wrote this song after touring the Brussels red light district?
+Music: The Police: The first member of The Police?
+Stewart copeland
+Music: The Police: The name of the drummer for The Police?
+Stewart copeland
+Music: The Police: The name of the lead guitarist for The Police?
+Andy summers
+Music: The Police: The Police did the soundtrack for this disturbing English mystery-drama?
+Brimstone and treacle
+Music: The Pretenders asked to be talk to with one of these?
+A message of love
+Music: The Promise - ____In Rome
+Music: The REAL female voice behind C&C Music Factory, Black Box never shoen in videos?
+Martha wash
+Music: The real name of Skinny Puppy vocalist Nivek Ogre?
+Kevin ogilvie
+Music: The reason Stevie Wonder Called?
+To say i love you
+Music: the single pride was taken from which u2 album?
+The unforgetable fire
+Music: The Skatalites recorded it in 1967, The Specials did a faster version live?
+Guns of navarone
+Music: The Smiths: All lyrics of The Smiths is written by him?
+Music: The Smiths: Who is the guitarist in The Smiths?
+Johnny marr
+Music: The song 'Matchmaker, Matchmaker' came from which musical play?
+Fiddler On The Roof
+Music: The song 'Raindrops keep falling on my head' was introduced in which film?
+Butch cassidy and the sundance kid
+Music: The song 'Why Do Fools Fall in Love was a hit in which year?
+Music: The song Honolulu Baby appears in which Laurel and Hardy film?
+Sons of the desert
+Music: The song Love is All Around, performed by Wet Wet Wet, is featured in which Richard Curtis film?
+Four weddings and a funeral
+Music: The Song of Hiawatha is a work by which US poet?
+Henry wadsworth longfellow
+Music: The song, 'Hungry Heart' came from which Bruce Springsteen album?
+The River 
+Music: The Specials self-titled first album proved an 'attraction' for this producer?
+Elvis costello
+Music: The Specials' now-legendary recording label, as clear as black & white?
+2 tone
+Music: The two colours of velvet that have hit #1?
+Black and blue
+Music: The two muppets who have hit the top 40?
+Ernie and kermit
+Music: The unique sound of medieval music, sacred and secular, stems from the unusual scales used. These scales are called?
+Music: The university of houston once elected what rock star as homecoming queen?
+Alice cooper
+Music: The Valley Road - Bruce ____& The Range
+Music: The very first video aired at MTV's premier?
+Video killed the radio star
+Music: The Who: from Who's Next, Pearl Jam often covered it on Lolla 92?
+Baba oreilly
+Music: The Who: In 1963, The Who was discovered by what Mod?
+Pete meaden
+Music: The Who: last song on Who's Next?
+Wont get fooled again
+Music: The Who: What is Entwistle's famous lyrical creation, starring an arachnid?
+Boris the spider
+Music: The Who's rock concert stars Elton John. Its called ____
+Music: The Who's rock musical stars Elton John. It's called ____
+Music: Their hugely successful hit off Shabooh Shoobah was called what?
+The one thing
+Music: Their lead singer scores most Tim Burton movies?
+Oingo boingo
+Music: These 2 Prince songs both mention a colour in their title. (use and)?
+Little red corvette and blue computer
+Music: These types of beverages are commonly available at raves?
+Smart drinks
+Music: They are considered to be the first heavy metal band?
+Black sabbath
+Music: They opened for Men at work on their Business as Usual Tour in America?
+Mental as anything
+Music: they released the parody 'oh you ate one too' in 1988 which included the song 'cabo wabo'?
+Van halen
+Music: They sang about a Blue Monday?
+New order
+Music: They've got the beat, they've got the beat, yeah, they've got it!!!?
+The go-gos
+Music: This 1980 KC & the Sunshine BAND hit was remade last year by KWS?
+Please dont go
+Music: This actor had a huge hit in 1976 with I'm Easy?
+Music: This Anaheim band, once ska, is very popular. Because of Gwen perhaps?
+No doubt
+Music: This band was fronted by Wattie Buchanan, who supported the National Front?
+The exploited
+Music: This band's B-sides included 'Winterlong' 'Manta Ray' 'Into the White'?
+The pixies
+Music: This bass player shares his name with an naval officer of note?
+John paul jones
+Music: This bass-heavy Nirvana song is named after an element?
+Music: This bat-biting singer also blew up goats?
+Ozzy osbourne
+Music: This Bay Area combo is Dill Records' most 'appropriate' artist?
+Skankin pickle
+Music: This Beatles song was the first song Aerosmith ever recorded?
+Im down
+Music: This Billy Joel song mentions Stranger In A Strange Land & Catcher In The Rye?
+We didnt start the fire
+Music: this blind guitarist performed the theme song for chico and the man?
+Jose feliciano
+Music: This common editing agent is also the title of a Killing Joke song?
+Music: This company, king of the late-night record deals, is based in Minnesota?
+Music: This composer has done albums called 'Torture Garden', 'Leng T'che', etc...?
+John zorn
+Music: This composer, singer, actor, writer, & athlete was also a rhodes scholar?
+Kris kristofferson
+Music: This Concrete Blonde song is loosely based on Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles?
+The vampire song
+Music: This dance asked you to move your body . . .front-to-back in a rock-like motion?
+The bartman
+Music: This duo had problems when we discovered that they didn't sing on their 3 #1s?
+Milli vanilli
+Music: This dutch band had their one and only hit with the Theme from Star Wars?
+Music: This Elvis hit was inspired by a suicide note printed in the Miami Herald?
+Heartbreak hotel
+Music: This former ac/dc member died on february 19, 1980?
+Bon scott
+Music: This former vice president's daughter was WLOL's morning DJ for 2 years?
+Eleanor mondale
+Music: This geographic ballad is associate with Ray Charles?
+Music: This group name suggests an unpleasant February 14th?
+My bloody valentine
+Music: This Indian sitar player performed at the Monterey festival?
+Music: This is Michael Jackson's signature dance?
+Music: This is the baseball position that John Fogarty thinks he can play?
+Music: This is the first song on the Ultra album?
+Barrel of a gun
+Music: This is the most covered song of all time?
+Music: This Isley brother died of a heart attack in 1986?
+Music: This jazz alto player married Charlie Parker's widow?
+Phil woods
+Music: This jazz musician teamed up with Charlie Parker on the 'Bird and Diz' album?
+Dizzy gillespie
+Music: This jazz standard denotes a platonic & amicable relationship?
+Just friends
+Music: This keyboardist collaborated with Neil Schon & wrote the miami vice theme?
+Jan hammer
+Music: This left-leaning solo guitarist sings mostly about politics & his lovers?
+Billy bragg
+Music: This Madonna song became an athem for Pro-life activists?
+Papa dont preach
+Music: This Madonna video was #1 on the Art Of Video countdown?
+Express yourself
+Music: This man created the Motown Empire & wrote many songs?
+Berry gordy
+Music: This musical festival recently had a sequel?
+Music: This musical style is characterized by an excessive ornamentation?
+Music: This musical style was played for twenty years before it became known as rap?
+Music: This NBA low-post scoring machine is also a professional jazz musician?
+Wayman tisdale
+Music: This New-Age former keyboardist for Chameleon is now married to Linda Evans?
+Music: This New-York group consisted of Ann Magnusson and Kramer?
+Music: This NYC record label is ska music's strongest, with bands like The Toasters?
+Moon records
+Music: This person likes walking with panthers and around the way girls?
+Ll cool j
+Music: This pop-star owned most of the beatles copyrights?
+Michael jackson
+Music: This poppy metal group had a one-armed drummer after an accident?
+Def leppard
+Music: This rapper reportedly attended a preparatory school in Texas?
+Vanilla ice
+Music: This refers to chanted or spoken rhyming lyrics often used in hip hop music?
+Music: This rocker used to be known as folk singer David Jones?
+David bowie
+Music: This Rolling Stones hit was released the day after Brian Jones' funeral?
+Honky tonk women
+Music: This Rolling Stones song was deemed as racist by many?
+Brown sugar
+Music: This Rupert Holmes' hit in 1979 was subtitled The Pina Colada Song?
+Music: This self-styled King of Pop married Lisa Marie in a bad PR move?
+Michael jackson
+Music: This shaky singer covered a Beatles song at the first Woodstock?
+Joe cocker
+Music: This singer appeared in the following movies: The Fisher King, Rumble Fish?
+Tom waits
+Music: This singer has looked at clouds from both sides now?
+Joni mitchell
+Music: This singer lost popularity upon condemning Salman Rushdie in the press?
+Cat stevens
+Music: This singer, now known as Yusef Islam, recorded an album in Minneapolis?
+Cat stevens
+Music: This SNL bandleader has toured with Bob Dylan and Mick Jagger?
+G.e. smith
+Music: This Spandau Ballet hit reached No.1 in 1991?
+Music: This style of hat, popular among skasters, is also a German ska record label?
+Pork pie
+Music: This style of sacred Renaissance choral music is set to a sacred Latin text. The text used is different than that found in the ordinary of the mass?
+Music: This Time I Know It's For Real - Donna ____
+Music: This troubled Beach Boy put out a solo album in 1988 (full name)?
+Brian wilson
+Music: This trumpeter/singer was a sex symbol before he became a junkie?
+Chet baker
+Music: This type of music sucks?
+Music: This unique feature of Baroque music is typically played on the harpsichord and doubled on the 'cello?
+Bass continuo
+Music: This wacky St. Louis ska-punk band got their name from a music class?
+Music: This was the Beatle's first film?
+A hard day's night
+Music: This was the first video shown on MTV?
+Video killed the radio star
+Music: This was totally eclipsed in Bonnie Tyler's 1983 hit?
+Music: This Zeppelin tune has references from Lord Of The Rings?
+Ramble on
+Music: Thomas Dolby says she blinded him with this?
+Music: Thomas Dolby: She Blinded Me With ____
+Music: Though they had 9 #1s in the UK, Abba's only #1 was this?
+Dancing queen
+Music: Tiny Tim's signature song?
+Tip toe thru the tulips with me
+Music: Titles: Musical with songs: Bali' Hai, There is Nothin' Liek a Dame, Honey Bun?
+South pacific
+Music: Titles: Musical with songs: I Want to Be Happy, Tea for Two, Take a Little Step?
+No no nanette
+Music: Titles: Operatta with songs: You're Devastating, Yesterdays, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes?
+Music: Titles: Operetta with: Tramp, Tramp, Ah Sweet Mystery of Life, Neath the Sothern Moon?
+Naughty marietta
+Music: To a year, when did Heart first have a top ten hit?
+Music: to what band do the gallagher brothers belong?
+Music: To which British boy band did Mark Owen belong?
+Take That
+Music: to who was cher married?
+Sonny bono
+Music: Together ____- Rick Astley
+Music: Tom Petty: Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers released their first album in what year?
+Music: Tom Petty: What song did Tom sing with various other artists at the Bob Dylan Tribute?
+My back pages
+Music: Tom Petty: What video won the 1985 MTV Music Video Award for best special effects?
+Dont come around here no more
+Music: Tom Petty: What was the name of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' 1991-92 tour?
+Touring the great wide open
+Music: Tom Petty: What year were 2 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers albums released?
+Music: Top Record of all time according to Billboard magazine?
+Dont be cruel
+Music: Top Record of the Eighties?
+Music: Tori Amos did a cover of this Nirvana song?
+Smells like teen spirit
+Music: Tori Amos: Age at which Tori changed her name?
+Music: Tori Amos: Tori plays this instrument?
+Music: Tori Amos: Year Tori's first album was released?
+Music: Toriano Jackson, of the jackson 5, is better known by this nickname?
+Music: Toronto band Barenaked Ladies sings a song about being in this grade?
+Music: Toy Soldiers?
+Music: Trent Reznor is the lead singer of what group?
+Nine inch nails
+Music: Tres hombres (1973) was recorded by?
+Zz top
+Music: Trios: A poppy trio which used to be art rock, two successful solo singers?
+Music: Trios: A power trio plus an Irish Preacher decked out in leather?
+Music: Trios: A trio plus a barechested singer rubbing glass over his body?
+Iggy & the stooges
+Music: Trios: A trio plus John Lydon, if Sid's instrument was plugged in that night?
+Sex pistols
+Music: Trios: Alternative power pop trio plus moping, vegetarian, asexual singer?
+The smiths
+Music: Trios: G____ T____ and his amazing four-man power trio
+George thorogood
+Music: Trios: John Abercrombie, Dave Holland and Jack DeJohnette (Jazz group)?
+The gateway trio
+Music: Trios: This Canadian art-metal trio sings sci-fi themes a lot (hint: archives)?
+Music: Trios: This trio opened for the original Monkees on tour?
+The jimi hendrix experience
+Music: Trivia: Name the band in which Nick Cave's lead guitarist, Blixa Bargeld sings?
+Einstuerzende neubauten
+Music: Trivia: Name the band: Anita Lane, Nick Cave, Barry Adamson etc?
+The birthday party
+Music: Trivia: What is P.J.Harvey's first album?
+Music: Trivia: Who produced and edited the soundtrack of Natural Born Killers?
+Trent reznor
+Music: Trivia: Who teamed up with Niel Tennant to form the Pet Shop Boys?
+Chris lowe
+Music: Turkish lute instrument with a bent neck?
+Music: Tusk was a best-selling album for which band?
+Fleetwood Mac
+Music: TV Themes: Everywhere you look, everywhere you go?
+Full house
+Music: TV Themes: Hangin' out down the street, the same old thing we did last week...?
+That 70s show
+Music: TV Themes: I'm gonna live forever. Baby remember my name...?
+Music: TV Themes: If you have a problem...?
+The a-team
+Music: TV Themes: It's like some kind of torture to have to watch the show!?
+The muppet show
+Music: TV Themes: Set your course for adventure, your mind on a new romance...?
+Love boat
+Music: TV Themes: She's the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan?
+The nanny
+Music: TV Themes: When the world never seems to be living up to your dreams...?
+Facts of life
+Music: TV Themes: You're half the fun now, with me & all the gang, learning from each other...?
+Fat albert & the cosby kids
+Music: TV/Film: Ballad sung by a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman?
+Crazy world
+Music: TV/Film: David Cassidy starred on tv with what singing family?
+The partridge family
+Music: TV/Film: Dolly Parton used to close her TV show with this song?
+I will always love you
+Music: TV/Film: Frank Stallone, Sly's brother, had a hit with a song from this movie?
+Staying alive
+Music: TV/Film: Hits from which decade were on the soundtrack of the film 'Good Morning Vietnam'?
+Music: TV/Film: James Bond: Sheena easton sang the title song for which 'james bond' film?
+For your eyes only
+Music: TV/Film: John Travolta sings this homage to a fast car in Grease?
+Greased lightning
+Music: TV/Film: Julie Andrews and Robert Preston sing this duet as a gay couple?
+You and me
+Music: TV/Film: Movie: The film that included the hit Rock Around The Clock?
+The blackboard jungle
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: Award for which viewers call in & vote for their favorite video?
+Viewers choice
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: Beavis and Butthead painted this neighbor's cat's butt?
+Mr. anderson
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: He not only created Beavis and Butthead, but also does their voices?
+Mike judge
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: He scored the first 25 pointer in Rock n Jock Basketball history?
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: He won best male video two years in a row for 'Just The Two Of Us' & 'Miami' in the MTV video music awards. Name him?
+Will smith
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: Host of MTV Jams?
+Bill bellamy
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: MTV International VJ who appears on Beach MTV?
+Daisy fuentes
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: MTV is an acronym for this?
+Music television
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: MTV ran a contest for a video to be produced for this Madonna song?
+True blue
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: MTV VJ shares this name with a past US president?
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: MTV's version of a Saturday Night Live variety show?
+The state
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: Only group to win best group video twice in the MTV video music awards?
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: Original host of MTV News?
+Kurt loder
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: Plays these most of the day?
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: Ricky Rachman's show?
+Headbangers ball
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: She won best video & best female video for 'Ray Of Light' in the MTV video music awards?
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: Show hosted by John Ales?
+Lip service
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: The female who won the most MTV VMA's in 1990?
+Paula abdul
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: This cartoon started off showing Beavis and Butt-head before their cartoon?
+Liquid television
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: This event is held annually that honors the year's best videos?
+Video music awards
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: This former video jockey can now be seen in skin-care commercials?
+Martha quinn
+Music: TV/Film: MTV: This show updates news of the week?
+Week-in rock
+Music: TV/Film: Musicals: George Burns, Steve Martin and others were in this musical about the Beatles?
+Sergeant peppers lonely Hearts Club Band
+Music: TV/Film: Musicals: This movie starred Shirley Jones in the 1955 musical of a state?
+Music: TV/Film: This was the first Elvis film?
+Love me tender
+Music: TV/Film: This Whitney Houstong song was used for the 1988 Summer Olympics?
+One moment in time
+Music: TV/Film: Travolta sings this song at a drive-in?
+Music: TV/Film: what animated film was scored by the band America?
+The last unicorn
+Music: TV/Film: What song did Aretha Franklin sing in 'The Blues Brothers'?
+Music: TV/Film: What song from Rocky 3 earned an oscar nomination?
+Eye of the tiger
+Music: TV/Film: Who played drums on george harrison's when we was fab?
+Ringo starr
+Music: Two ____- Phil Collins
+Music: Type of love Howard Jones was looking for when he needed a friend & a lover?
+Everlasting love
+Music: Type of Music played by S. E. Rogie of Sierra Leone?
+Palm wine
+Music: U S composer of musicals including Paint your wagon, My fair lady?
+Frederick Loewe
+Music: U2: What 1988 album, contains Live & B-Side tracks, along with new ones?
+Rattle & hum
+Music: U2: What Elvis Presely Song did U2 play on their latest tour(1994)?
+I cant help falling in love with you
+Music: U2: What is Bono's real name?
+Paul hewson
+Music: U2: What is the name of the lead singer?
+Music: U2: What was the last stop on U2's latest tour(1994)?
+Music: U2's song about a gay man with AIDS coming out to his father?
+Music: UB40 & Bob Marley sang about what type of wine?
+Red Red Wine
+Music: UK chart 2002, who sang Fly by ii?
+Music: UK chart 2002, who sang I'm not a girl not yet a woman?
+Britney Spears
+Music: UK group who had a hit with 'House of the Rising Sun'?
+Music: Under what name did Jefferson Airplane regroup at the top of the charts?
+Music: under which name is eric patrick clapp known?
+Eric clapton
+Music: Van Halen: Eddie is married to what actress?
+Valerie bertinelli
+Music: Van Halen: What city in the Netherlands were Alex and Edward Van Halen born?
+Music: Van Halen: What Pete Townshend song was featured on VH Live: Right Here, Right Now?
+Wont get fooled again
+Music: Van Halen: Who is the only member of the band born in California?
+Sammy hagar
+Music: Van Morrison sang about what 'Eyed Girl'?
+Music: Velvet Underground song about a self-mailing young man?
+The gift
+Music: Verdi wrote 'aida' to commemorate the opening of the ____ ____
+Suez canal
+Music: Verse Chorus Verse was going to be the name of this bands newest album?
+Music: VH1: Segment which features 80s videos?
+The big 80s
+Music: VH1: Sheryl Crow kicks off her shoes at the beginning of this video?
+Strong enough
+Music: VH1: This artist was credited with the 90s biggest comeback?
+Meat loaf
+Music: VH1: This Phil Collins video is a sort of documentary about making music videos?
+Dont lose my number
+Music: Victoria Principal sang All I Have To Do Is Dream with which Gibb?
+Music: Video for this 1991 Madonna hit was banned from MTV for sexual content?
+Justify my love
+Music: Video: Paula Abdul dances barefoot in a grass field?
+Promise of a new day
+Music: Video: Prince slowly rises naked out of a tub?
+When doves cry
+Music: Videos: A bullet passes through the jack of diamonds?
+Twilight zone
+Music: Videos: A girl dressed in yellow flirts with a man in a movie theater?
+Bust a move
+Music: Videos: A little girl pedals her tricycle through kenya, Russia, Spain, and New York?
+Sweet lullaby
+Music: Videos: A man loosens his shirt, button pops and falls to the floor?
+Roll with it
+Music: Videos: A projection of the lead singer's face moves along a roadway?
+Burning down the house
+Music: Videos: A woman's face is superimposed over that of a jaguar?
+Music: Videos: Alice becomes a cake and gets eaten?
+Dont come around here no more
+Music: Videos: Cher consorts frivolously with sailors while wearing a skimpy outfit?
+If i could turn back time
+Music: Videos: Chevy Chase lip-synchs?
+You can call me al
+Music: Videos: Colored stills of the group in concert are seemlessly run together as animation?
+Music: Videos: Elton John appears as a cartoon?
+Club at the end of the street
+Music: Videos: Features DaveTV?
+Just a gigolo
+Music: Videos: Fish flopping around out of water; exploding piano?
+Music: Videos: Four expressionless women play instruments as lead singer looks into camera?
+Addicted to love
+Music: Videos: Four women sing while waterskiing?
+Music: Videos: Girl gets drawn into a comic strip featuring a motorcycle racer?
+Take on me
+Music: Videos: Man and woman dance in a laundromat and throw clothes at each other?
+Every heartbeat
+Music: Videos: Man finds dog, gets large enough reward to save his bar?
+All i need is a miracle
+Music: Videos: Mark Gastineau and the Statue of Liberty do an odd dance?
+Walk like an egyptian
+Music: Videos: Metal workers forge a pair of angel's wings?
+Losing my religion
+Music: Videos: MTV used subtitles for this reggae-rap video?
+Music: Videos: Orange haired lady pounds fist on desk and spins globe?
+Sweet dreams
+Music: Videos: Shows only the words to this George Michael song?
+Praying for time
+Music: Videos: Shows romance between two mummies?
+Everlasting love
+Music: Videos: Sinead O'Connor nicks her scalp shaving?
+The motown Song
+Music: Videos: Singer leads a group of prostitues against a ruthless pimp?
+Love is a battlefield
+Music: Videos: Woman lounges in tub as bubbles fill the screen?
+Miss chatelaine
+Music: Vince clarke & alison moyet formed what band in 1981?
+Music: Vince Guaraldi song which is played in every Charlie Brown animated special?
+Linus and lucy
+Music: Violent & Funky - Die Lika Pig?
+Infectious grooves
+Music: Vision Of Love was the first British top ten hit for which female superstar?
+Mariah Carey
+Music: Vocals of SoftCell?
+Marc almond
+Music: Wait - ____Lion
+Music: Want to travel south this year...?
+I stay away
+Music: We Didn't Start The Fire - ____Joel
+Music: We passed upon the stair, we spoke of was and when...?
+The man who sold the world
+Music: Weekly Radio show taped in West Virginia?
+Mountain stage
+Music: Weezer song which mentions a 50's pop star?
+Buddy holly
+Music: Weird Al: Parody of Addicted To Love?
+Addicted to spuds
+Music: Weird Al: Parody of Beat It?
+Eat it
+Music: Weird Al: Parody of Girls Just Want To Have Fun?
+Girls just Want To Have Lunch
+Music: Weird Al: Parody of I Love Rock n' Roll?
+I love rocky road
+Music: Weird Al: Parody of La Bamba?
+Music: Weird Al: Parody of Livin' On The Edge?
+Livin in the fridge
+Music: Weird Al: Parody of MacArthur Park?
+Jurassic park
+Music: Weird Al: Parody of My Sharona?
+My bologna
+Music: Well known deaf & syphilitic Teutonic composer?
+Music: Wendy & Lisa were once part of who's band?
+Music: Were the Doobie Brothers actually brothers?
+Music: Wet wet wet had a no 1 hit in the 90s with Love is all Around, how long did it spend at the top?
+Fifteen weeks
+Music: What ____I Done To Deserve This? - Pet Shop Boys
+Music: What 15-year-old rock icon-to-be was grounded for the whole summer after sneaking out to her first concert, to see David Bowie?
+Music: What 1865 Wagner opera opens on a ship?
+Tristan and Isolde
+Music: what 1958 eddie cochran song became his biggest us hit and a rock classic?
+Summertime blues
+Music: what 1958 song was the coaster's only #1 hit?
+Yakkety yak
+Music: What 1965 hit by The Beatles was originally titled 'Scrambled Eggs'?
+Music: What 1970's film came from a pink floyd tune?
+The wall
+Music: What 1973 Rolling Stones song does Tori Amos do a cover version of?
+Music: What 1976 chart-topping song did Barry Manilow sing, but not write?
+I Write the Songs
+Music: What 1980 lp was the chipmunk's attempt at offering punk music?
+Chipmunk punk
+Music: What 1996 single became the first international hit for the Spice Girls?
+Music: What 23-year-old Tejano singer was murdered by her fan club president?
+Music: What 50's song begins with a phone ringing & hello baby?
+Chantilly lace
+Music: what 70s jazz/rock group took their name from the writings of william burroughs?
+Steely dan
+Music: what 80's band included members from bad company and led zeppelin?
+The firm
+Music: What aging rock group has featured Bill Wyman & Charlie Watts on a long series of albums?
+Rolling stones
+Music: What Alanis Morissette debut album sold over ten million copies?
+Jagged Little Pill
+Music: What album holds the world record for copies sold?
+Music: what album went platinum for the 20th time in 1984?
+Music: What alice cooper album simulated an execution during a song?
+Music: what American composer is best known for his marches?
+John philip sousa
+Music: what are dolly parton's working hours?
+Nine to five
+Music: What are the colors of the flag around which Steel Pulse rallies?
+Red gold black green
+Music: what are the first names of crosby, stills and nash?
+David stephen graham
+Music: what are the first names of the everly brothers?
+Phil & don
+Music: What are the first names of the popular early 80's duo hall and oates?
+Darryl and john
+Music: What are the separators on a guitar neck called?
+Music: What are the two most common unbowed stringed instruments found in a symphony orchestra?
+The Harp and the Piano
+Music: What band's lead singer regularly entered the stage on a motorcycle?
+Judas priest
+Music: What bandleader became the first jazz musician to get an honorary degree from Columbia University, in 1973?
+Duke Ellington
+Music: What bankrupt Las Vegas crooner spent $75,000 to refurbish his pet penguins' pond?
+Wayne Newton
+Music: What Beatle is left handed?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: what beatle's real name is richard starkey?
+Ringo starr
+Music: what beatles single lasted longest on the charts, at 19 weeks?
+Hey jude
+Music: what beatles song added one day to the week?
+Eight days a week
+Music: what beatles song did dr. john remake?
+Music: What Bee Gee song did Steps do a cover version of?
+Music: What big 90's female movie star starred in Bon Jovi's Always video?
+Keri Russell
+Music: What Bizet opera concerns a gal who dumps a soldier for a bullfighter?
+Music: What blind musician wrote the aretha franklin hit until you come back to me?
+Stevie wonder
+Music: What Bobby Darin oldie was used to plug liquid Drano?
+Splish splash
+Music: what brewery sponsored the who's farewell tour in the u.s?
+Music: What British band is named after the inventor of the seed drill?
+Jethro tull
+Music: What British duo's works are referred to as the savoy operas?
+Gilbert & sullivan
+Music: what British glitter rocker plays on iggy pop's raw power album?
+David bowie
+Music: What British group got its name from the title of a 1950 Muddy Waters song?
+The Rolling Stones
+Music: what British theatrical rocker's alter ego was the thin white duke?
+David bowie
+Music: What Broadway musical revival did Lou Diamond Philips refuse to shave the top of his head for, in 1996?
+The King and I
+Music: what broadway production of gilbert & sullivan's did linda ronstadt star in the 80's?
+Pirates of penzance
+Music: what brother and sister duo produced a show in their family studio?
+Donny and marie osmond
+Music: what byrds tune has lyrics taken from the bible?
+Turn turn turn
+Music: What California group waited 22 years to score their first chart-toping single since 1966?
+The Beach Boys
+Music: What calypso singer founded the USA For Africa charity that recorded We Are the World?
+Harry Belafonte
+Music: What character did rock star rick springfield play on tv's general hospital?
+Dr. noah drake
+Music: What chart topper did Paul McCartney sing with Stevie Wonder?
+Ebony & ivory
+Music: what chuck berry hit does marty mcfly play, in back to the future?
+Johnny b goode
+Music: what city & state was marilyn manson raised in?
+Canton, ohio
+Music: what city did boogie woogie music first appear in during the 1920's?
+Music: what city in tennessee is the country music centre of America?
+Music: What city is also known as Music City, U.S.A?
+Music: what city was madonna threatened to be arrested in for grabbing her crotch?
+Music: What classic rock band sang the song 'Paint It, Black'?
+Rolling Stones
+Music: What classical conductor won posthumous Grammy Awards in 1991, 1992, and 1993?
+Leonard Bernstein
+Music: what color of outfits does country western singer johnny cash wear?
+Music: What colour 'roses' did Aqua sing about?
+Music: What colour car did Natalie Cole sing about in March 88?
+Pink cadillac
+Music: What colour Heather was the title of a 1996 hit for Rod Stewart?
+Music: What colour polka dot bikini was a great party hit?
+Music: What colour rain did prince sing about?
+Music: what colour shoes was pat boone known for?
+Music: What colour was Bombalurina's teeny-weeny polka-dot bikini?
+Music: What composer is credited with introducing ballet into opera?
+Music: What composer was honored on the bicentennial of his death with a 180-disc compilation of all his works?
+Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
+Music: What composer was working on his 10th symphony at the time of his death?
+Music: What composer's film biography won best picture at the oscars in 1984?
+Music: What country did Bing Crosby die in?
+Music: What country is ac/dc from?
+Music: what country music star spent his early life living in a boxcar?
+Merle haggard
+Music: what country music tv show was hosted by roy clark & buck owen?
+Hee haw
+Music: what country musicians autobiography was titled sing me back home?
+Merle haggard
+Music: What country star changed his first name from Randall to Hank?
+Hank Williams Jr
+Music: What country was olivia newton john born in?
+Music: What country was the late Freddie Mercury born in?
+South africa
+Music: what country was yoko ono born in?
+Music: What Cream member was in Atomic Rooster & Hawkwind?
+Ginger baker
+Music: What crooner's mother warned him not to change his name to Frankie Satin?
+Frank Snatra
+Music: What cross dressing band's first video was filmed on a mississippi riverboat?
+Culture club
+Music: What Detroit based record company was founded by Barry Gordy Jr?
+Music: what did adam and the ants become after stuart goddard left?
+Bow wow wow
+Music: What did Bette Midler have beneath her wings?
+Music: What did Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen lose in a 1984 auto accident?
+An arm
+Music: what did emerson, lake & palmer burn on stage during their concerts?
+American flag
+Music: What did George Harrison discover on the Witwatersrand?
+Music: What did it 'Rain' according to the Weathergirls?
+Music: What did Janis Joplin drink on stage during concerts?
+Southern Comfort
+Music: What did Katrina And The Waves 'Walk On'?
+Music: What did Leo Sayer sing about that was 'in his heart'?
+Music: What did Melissa Etheridge title her first album after coming out of the closet?
+Yes I Am
+Music: What did michael hutchence of inx die of?
+Music: what did pat benatar sing before she went into rock music?
+Music: What did rapper Mohandas Dewese coolly change his name to?
+Kool Moe Dee
+Music: What did Sheryl Crow do before she became a singer?
+Music: What did the letter O stand for in ELO?
+Music: What did the sun always shine on according to A HA?
+Music: what dire straits video was the first to be almost entirely computer generated?
+Money for nothing
+Music: What do I see across the way I see myself molded in...?
+Angry chair
+Music: what do lonely rivers sigh, in unchained melody?
+Wait for me
+Music: what do most classical guitars have 19 of?
+Music: what do singers sometimes want to be tied around the old oak tree?
+Yellow ribbon
+Music: What do the composer JS Bachs initials stand for?
+Johann sebastian
+Music: What do the who cling to on the cover of magic bus?
+A bus
+Music: What do we call Rossinis opera La Gazza Ladra?
+The thieving magpie
+Music: What do West Indian steel bands use as instruments?
+Oil drums
+Music: what do you call a voice between a tenor & a bass?
+Music: What does 'fortissimo' mean?
+Very loud
+Music: what does 'r & b' stand for in the music world?
+Rhythm & blues
+Music: What does e.l.o stand for?
+Electric light orchestra
+Music: what does michael jackson call his home?
+Music: what does the handy man fix?
+Broken hearts
+Music: What does the Italian musical term adagio mean?
+Music: What does the musical term 'adagio' mead?
+Music: What does the term 'DJ' mean?
+Disc Jockey
+Music: What does the term con fuoco mean?
+With fire
+Music: What does the term pizzicato mean?
+Music: What does the V stand for in SWV?
+Music: What Don Mclean song laments the day Buddy Holly died?
+American Pie
+Music: What Dorsey brother played the clarinet and alto sax?
+Music: what drug did j.j. cale & eric clapton sing about?
+Music: what drummer got his nickname because he wore so many rings?
+Ringo starr
+Music: What duo had a No.1 hit with 'Too Much, Too Little, Too Late'?
+Johnny Mathis and Denise Williams
+Music: what duos original hats & sunglasses are on disply at new yorks hard rock cafe?
+The blues brothers
+Music: what electric instrument is a flying v?
+Music: What elo hit features a ringing telephone?
+Telephone line
+Music: What Elton John album became the first album to enter the charts at Number One, in 1975?
+Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy
+Music: What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving?
+Michael Jackson
+Music: what epic horror movie's theme does mike oldfield play tubular bells for?
+The exorcist
+Music: What Eric Clapton song is about his crush on George Harrison's wife?
+Music: What family of instruments do flutes, clarinets & oboes belong to?
+Music: What family of instruments includes the piano & xylophone?
+Music: What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf?
+Music: What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf?
+Ludwig van Beethoven
+Music: What famous drummer gave Led Zeppelin its name?
+Keith Moon
+Music: What famous duo was first recorded as caesar & cleo?
+Sonny & cher
+Music: what famous group included bryan ferry?
+Roxy music
+Music: what famous group included sting?
+The police
+Music: What famous record label has recording studios in Abbey Road?
+Music: what famous rock n roller is known for his duck walk?
+Chuck berry
+Music: What famous rock star appeared on simultaneous covers of 'Time' and 'Newsweek' on October 27, 1975?
+Bruce Springsteen
+Music: what famous singer is the daughter of judy garland?
+Liza minelli
+Music: what famous singer is the granddaughter of country singer red foley?
+Debby boone
+Music: What famous singer was known to give automobiles to complete strangers?
+Elvis presley
+Music: What father-and-daughter duet stayed No.1 for 4 weeks in 1967 with 'Something Stupid'?
+Frank and Nancy Sinatra
+Music: What fellow Floridian did Jon Secada write and sing back-up for before going solo?
+Gloria Estefan
+Music: What female powerhouse singer died in hollywood on october 3 1970?
+Janis joplin
+Music: what female rock star did mike wallace of '60 minutes' interview in 1969?
+Janis joplin
+Music: What female singer scored 14 million-selling singles between 1967 and 1973?
+Aretha Franklin
+Music: what film company did michael jackson create in 1993?
+Music: What film showed Sinatra & his friends robbing Las Vegas casinos?
+Oceans eleven
+Music: What folk-rocker said he'd like Billy Dee Williams or Mickey Rooney to play him if his life story is filmed?
+Bob Dylan
+Music: What foursome was billed by some as the first hippie band?
+Mamas & the papas
+Music: what french speaking country is celine dion from?
+Music: what fruit graces the cover of jeff beck's beck ola?
+An apple
+Music: What future rock star was reportedly the inspiration for Bob Dylan's Forever Young?
+Jakob dylan
+Music: What geometric shape contributes to the Def Leppard logo?
+Music: What George Michael/Elton John record entered the charts at no1 on international AIDS day?
+Don't let the sun go down on me
+Music: What Georgia rockers resurrected Dan Rather's mysterious 1986 mugging in their 1994 track, What's the Frequency, Kenneth?
+Music: What German playwright penned the lyrics to Mack the Knife and Alabama Song?
+Bertholt Brecht
+Music: What glitter rocker debuted on Broadway in 1980 in The Elephant Man?
+David bowie
+Music: what go click click click in a song?
+Music: What great BTO song has (unfortunatley) become the Office Depot theme song?
+Takin care of business
+Music: what group consisted of jack, bruce, eric clapton and ginger baker?
+Music: what group did kenny rogers lead in the 1960s?
+Kenny rogers & the first edition
+Music: what group did steve howe join in 1982?
+Music: What group had a comic designed about them in 1977?
+Music: What group had a hit with Breakfast in America?
+Music: What group has more gold, platinum & multi platinum albums than any other?
+Rolling stones
+Music: What group is made up of the Gibb brothers?
+Bee gees
+Music: what group is phil lesh with?
+The grateful dead
+Music: what group or artist recorded the album all eyez on me?
+2 pac
+Music: What group originally formed in 1952 as the four aims?
+The four tops
+Music: what group refused to have their pictures taken while they were not in their makeup?
+Music: What group sings the songs 'Mysterons', 'Western Eyes', and 'Sour Times'?
+Music: what group taped the first 3-d rock video in 1983?
+Music: What group was Agnetha Faltskog a member of?
+Music: what group was led by burton cummings?
+Guess who
+Music: What group with a reptilian name was released on the white label?
+The turtles
+Music: What group's biggest ever hit was 'Be My Baby'?
+Music: What group's biggest-ever hit was Be My Baby?
+The ronettes
+Music: What group's early BBC performances went quadruple platinum within two months of their U.S. release in late 1994?
+The Beatles
+Music: what groups Irish music did stanley kubrick use for the barry lyndon soundtrack?
+The chieftains
+Music: What groups third album was 'Sports' & featured 'Heart & Soul' & 'I Want A New Drug'?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: what guitar company created the 'flying v' guitar in the late 1950's?
+Music: What guitarist collaborated with Matt Johnson on Mind Bomb?
+Johnny marr
+Music: what guitarist died in 1971, a year after his electric star spangled banner rocked woodstock?
+Jimi hendrix
+Music: What hard-drinking country legend explains his bumpy life in the book I Lived to Tell It All?
+George Jones
+Music: what hardcore rock group sings, 'blind' & 'clown'?
+Music: What hardcore rock group sings, 'Blind' and 'Clown'?
+Music: what heavy metal group apart from slade sings mama weer all crazee now?
+Quiet riot
+Music: what hit did essex record to their #1 hit?
+Easier said than done
+Music: what holiday tune did irving Berlin write in 1942?
+White christmas
+Music: what household appliance did bandleader fred warring invent?
+Waring blender
+Music: What I Am - Edie ____& The New Bohemians
+Music: What I got, you gotta give it to your momma?
+Give it away
+Music: what inescapable purveyor of background celebrated its 60th b-day in 1994?
+Music: What instrument are you playing when you perform a rim shot?
+Music: what instrument can you pull out all the stops on?
+Music: what instrument did bob dylan play in his recording debut?
+Music: What instrument did Jools Holland of Squeeze play?
+Music: what instrument did jose iturbi play?
+Music: what instrument did js bach play?
+Music: what instrument did sherlock holmes play?
+Music: What instrument did Thelonius S. Monk play?
+Music: What instrument does an organ grinder play?
+Hurdy gurdy
+Music: what instrument does eric clapton play?
+Music: what instrument does ian anderson play?
+Music: what instrument does johnny winter play?
+Music: what instrument does papa john creach play?
+Music: What instrument does phil collins play?
+Music: What instrument does Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy play?
+Music: what instrument does ravi shankar play?
+The sitar
+Music: what instrument does tommy shaw of styx play?
+Music: what instrument in an orchestra plays the lowest note the bass, the double bass or bassoon?
+Double bass
+Music: what instrument is not played with a bow the double bass, harp or violin?
+Music: what Irish singer recorded astral weeks?
+Van morrison
+Music: What is 'Anacreon In Heaven'?
+Old English drinking song
+Music: What is a cello's full name?
+Music: what is a piano with vertical strings called?
+Upright piano
+Music: what is a tail piece rounding off a musical composition called?
+Music: what is a type of west indian popular music?
+Music: What is a violoncello usually called?
+Music: what is an example of a linda ronstadt hit record?
+Youre no good
+Music: What is Arlo Guthrie's famous song about littering and the draft?
+Alices restaurant
+Music: What is Cape Town's major choir called?
+Philharmonic choir
+Music: What is cat stevens birth name?
+Steven georgiou
+Music: what is cher's maiden name?
+Music: What is Cliff Richards real name?
+Harry webb
+Music: what is dolly parton's middle name?
+Music: What is Elton John's real name?
+Reginald Dwight
+Music: What is Eric Clapton's nickname?
+Slow hand
+Music: What is Ice Cube's real name?
+O'shea jackson
+Music: What is indicated by the fine on a piece of sheet music?
+The end
+Music: what is janis joplin's 1970 album?
+Music: what is jimmy buffet looking for while he wastes away in margaritaville?
+Shaker of salt
+Music: What is johnny cash's nickname?
+The man in black
+Music: what is leslie west's nickname?
+Music: what is linda mccartney's maiden name?
+Music: What is love, according to pat benatar?
+A battlefield
+Music: what is madonna's daughter's name?
+Music: what is madonna's last name?
+Music: what is michael jackson's real name?
+Michael jackson
+Music: What is Mick Jagger's favourite sport?
+Music: what is ozzy osbourne's real first name?
+Music: what is paul mccartney's real first name?
+Music: What is Paul McCartneys middle name?
+Music: what is ray charles' real last name?
+Music: what is ringo starr's real name?
+Richard starkey
+Music: what is singer vincent furnier's stage name?
+Alice cooper
+Music: what is stevie wonder's original name?
+Steveland morris judkins
+Music: what is stevie wonder's real name?
+Steveland morris
+Music: What is the 1993 album title of the Cocteau Twins?
+Four-calendar cafe
+Music: what is the award for selling 1 million copies of an lp album?
+Platinum record
+Music: what is the best selling single artist ever?
+Garth brooks
+Music: What is the better known name of Harry Webb?
+Cliff richard
+Music: What is the first line of the hymn that continues... Thou didst tread this earth before us,thou didst feel its keenest woe?
+Lead us, heavenly father, lead us
+Music: What is the first name of the oldest bee gees' member?
+Music: what is the first song on the first side of The Beatles' white album?
+Back in the ussr
+Music: What is the first word of Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville?
+Music: What is the highway travelled by aspiring country musicians in the 1930's and 40's?
+Route 66
+Music: what is the last name of the beardless band member?
+Music: what is the most famous song to be re recorded by the same artist?
+Candle in the wind
+Music: What is the musical term for a fast tempo?
+Music: What is the name for the handle of a violin bow?
+Music: What is the name given to the type of West Indian music made famous by artists such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh?
+Music: what is the name of Bob Seager's backing band?
+Silver bullet band
+Music: What is the name of Dead Can Dance's 'greatest hits' album?
+Passage in time
+Music: what is the name of donny osmond's singing sister?
+Music: what is the name of eric clapton's favourite guitar?
+Music: what is the name of Igor Stravinsky's first ballet score?
+Music: What is the name of Liz Phair's 1st solo album?
+Exile in guyville
+Music: What is the name of MTV's VJ Marijne Van Der Vlugt's band?
+Music: What is the name of REM's first EP?
+Chronic town
+Music: what is the name of the doors' second album?
+Strange days
+Music: What is the name of the drummer from Def Leppard that only has one arm?
+Rick Allen
+Music: what is the name of the movie that madonna make her first role?
+A certain sacrifice
+Music: What is the name of the piano player/singer on ally mcbeal?
+Vonda shepherd
+Music: what is the name of the right hand pedal of a piano?
+Music: What is the name of their bootleg CD?
+Music: what is the name of track 18 on the marshal mathers lp from slim shady?
+Music: What is the name of Whitney Houston's daughter named after the baby's father?
+Music: what is the narrow, inland sea, separating the arabian peninsula, western asia, from northeastern africa?
+Red sea
+Music: What is the official birthplace of country music?
+Music: what is the real name of bob dylan?
+Robert zimmerman
+Music: what is the real name of David bowie?
+David jones
+Music: what is the real name of dusty springfield?
+Mary o'brien
+Music: what is the real name of elton john?
+Reginald dwight
+Music: what is the real name of elvis costello?
+Declan mcmanus
+Music: what is the real name of lou reed?
+Louis firbank
+Music: what is the second most popular instrument played in the usa?
+Music: What is the significance of the date 6 july 1957?
+John lennon met paul mccartney
+Music: what is the stage name of cherilyn lapierre?
+Music: what is the stage name of gene klein?
+Gene simmons
+Music: what is the stage name of harry webb?
+Cliff richard
+Music: what is the stage name of john deutschendorf?
+John denver
+Music: what is the stage name of yvette stevens?
+Chaka kahn
+Music: what is the surname of pat & debby, us chart toppers in the 50s & 70s respectively?
+Music: what is the term for a company of three musicans?
+Music: what is the term for a composition of five voices or instruments?
+Music: what is the term for a special emphasis placed on an individual note or chord?
+Music: What is the violin technique in which the strings are plucked rather than bowed?
+Music: what is the word for a narrative song?
+Music: what is title of the first jimi hendrix lp?
+Are you experienced
+Music: What is Vanilla Ice's real name?
+Robert van Winkle
+Music: What Italian wrote 32 operas between the ages of 18 and 30?
+Gioacchino Rossini
+Music: What Jackson actually had a million-selling LP called Let's Get Serious?
+Jermaine Jackson
+Music: What jamaican singer has been on the covers of elle & vogue?
+Grace jones
+Music: what jock juice was elvis's favourite on stage thirst quencher?
+Music: What John Denver sing was a hit for Peter, Paul and Mary?
+Leaving on a jet plane
+Music: what john lennon/David bowie single went to #1 in 1975?
+Music: what keys do composers use to express cheerful or optimistic feeling?
+Major keys
+Music: What kind of Bites provided Def Leppard with a No 1 single?
+Music: what kind of dance was chubby checker the king of?
+The twist
+Music: What kind of high school did the Ramones sing of?
+Rock and roll
+Music: What kind of love did Soft Cell have?
+Music: what kind of music did the 1973 movie the harder they come introduce to north America?
+Music: What kind of music does c & w stand for?
+Country & western
+Music: what kind of music does tanya tucker sing?
+Country & western
+Music: What kind of music is usually associated with Bob Marley?
+Music: What kind of music is written for an ensemble with only one person per instrument?
+Chamber music
+Music: What kind of song imitates the fanfares, drum rolls, & commotion of a battle?
+Music: What kind of whispers did George Michael croon about?
+Careless whispers
+Music: What kiss hit was inspired by peter criss's wife lydia?
+Music: What Kiss star sported the longest tongue in rock?
+Gene Simmons
+Music: what label did elvis presley first record with?
+Music: What label owns the rights to every elvis recording ever made?
+Music: What label released Ziggy Marley & the Melody Makers' first album?
+Tuff gong
+Music: What language do the majority of musical terms stem from?
+Music: What languages except English did Einstuerzende Neubauten record 'blume'?
+French & japanese
+Music: What late pun rocker did Debbie Gibson try to contact during a Halloween s?ance in 1988?
+Sid Vicious
+Music: What legendary soul singer wrecked his Corvette the first time he drove it?
+Ray Charles
+Music: What license plate number is on the Volkswagon on the cover of The Beatles' 'Abbey Road' Album?
+Music: what little river band tune opens with a melody identical to the i love lucy theme song?
+Music: what looks like a saxaphone but sounds like a harmonica?
+Music: What lynched crook does Carol King sing about on her Tapestry album?
+Smackwater jack
+Music: What made Sue Thompson cry?
+Sad movies
+Music: what major does David bowie's 'space oddity' refer to?
+Major tom
+Music: What Mariah Carey had a Vision Of?
+Music: What Michael Jackson album spawned five chart-topping singles?
+Music: What mother and child spent years in Nashville shopping demos they'd recorded on a $30 cassette recorder?
+The Judds
+Music: what motown group still has its original members after three decades?
+Four tops
+Music: what motown song was played on a tv ad for st pauli girl imported beer in 1993?
+My girl
+Music: What movie can you see Michael Hutchence in?
+Dogs in space
+Music: What movie did rappers ice cube & ice t star in?
+Music: what musical abbreviation indicates that the notes be played one octave higher?
+Music: What musical instrument has chanters & drones?
+The bagpipe
+Music: what musical instrument is played to wake soldiers?
+Music: What musical instrument's sales escalated from 228,000 in 1950 to 2.3 million in 1971?
+The guitar
+Music: what musical was named after a u.s city?
+Music: what name did nick rhodes, john taylor, simon le bon, roger taylor & andy taylor take?
+Duran duran
+Music: what name is given to the style of western music from about 1600 1750?
+Music: What name is the French pianist Phillipe Pages better known?
+Richard claydermen
+Music: what name is the musician, charles hardin, better known as?
+Buddy holly
+Music: What nationality are Simple Minds who topped the charts with Belfast Child?
+Music: what nationality are the members of the 80's pop band a ha?
+Music: what nationality is alanis morissette?
+Music: what nationality is celine dion?
+Music: What nationality is rock star rick springfield?
+Music: What nationality was the composer Sibelius?
+Music: What new artist recently came out with 'Babylon', 'Sail Away', and 'My oh my'?
+David Gray
+Music: what new wave band was first known as cap'n swing?
+Music: what night of the week did john travolta get disco fever?
+Saturday night
+Music: What norway pop band included morten, pal & mags?
+A ha
+Music: What only happens when it's raining according to Fleetwood Mac?
+Music: What opera star sold more recordings in 1990 than all but Madonna and Elton John?
+Luciano Pavarottti
+Music: what opera was written by verdi for the opening of the suez canal?
+Music: what part of a piano's action permits the keys to be struck in quick repetition?
+Music: what performer was billed as 'ten fiery fingers on the piano' when he led the bill at a 1958 show in st. Louis?
+Jerry lee lewis
+Music: What Pete Seeger composition became the peace campaigners anthem?
+We shall overcome
+Music: What Peter Gabriel song is dedicated to author Anne Sexton?
+Mercy street
+Music: What Pink Floyd song was banned by the South African government after it became an anthem for black school children?
+Another Brick in the Wall
+Music: What Poison ballad is about a Vietnam veteran and the homeless?
+Something to believe in
+Music: what pop group sang 'stayinalive'?
+Bee gees
+Music: what pop star's first & middle names are katherine dawn?
+Kd lang
+Music: What pop trio is made up of a bassist, drummer, & pianist?
+Ben folds five
+Music: what popular trumpet player is famous for his dixiland music?
+Al hirt
+Music: what portable, electric, & grand instrumentis a yamahacp70b?
+Music: What post twist dance was named after an african tribe?
+Music: what posthumous release was janis joplin's only no. 1 single?
+Me & bobby mcgee
+Music: What Prince lp did Wal Mart refuse to stock in may, 1988?
+Love sexy
+Music: What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata Sleepers Awake?
+A whiter shade of pale
+Music: What question did the Small Faces ask in 1965?
+Whatcha gonna do about it
+Music: What R&B vocal quartet titled its third album II in 1994?
+Boyz II Men
+Music: What rappers were born o'shea jackson & tracey marrow?
+Ice cube & ice t
+Music: what reggae star was scheduled to receive jamaica's order of merit?
+Bob marley
+Music: What Robert Palmer song was originally recorded as a duet with Chaka Kahn?
+Addicted to Love
+Music: What rock 'n' roll singer is memorialized by an eight foot bronze statue in Lubboc, Texas?
+Buddy holly
+Music: What rock group is immortalized on Butt-head's T-shirt?
+Music: What rock group's only beardless member is Frank Beard?
+ZZ Top
+Music: What rock performer is nicknamed the boss?
+Bruce springsteen
+Music: What rock star did Lou Diamond Phillips' wife leave him for?
+Melissa Etheridge
+Music: what rock star named one of his kids dweezil?
+Frank zappa
+Music: What rock star took his name from a meat dish?
+Meat loaf
+Music: What rock star was shot in 1980?
+John lennon
+Music: What rock star was trying to bite the head off a bat in concert when the bat decided to bite back?
+Ozzy Osbourne
+Music: What rock'n'roll singer is memorialized by a eight-foot bronze statue in Lubbock, Texas?
+Buddy Holly
+Music: What rocker Darius Rucker's stage name?
+Music: What Rodgers and Hammerstein show is the most often-performed musical in U.S. high schools?
+Music: What Rogers and Hart musical is based on a Shakespeare play?
+The boys from syracuse
+Music: What rolling stones album contains the songs, start me up & waiting for a friend?
+Tattoo you
+Music: What Rolling Stones album originally had a 3-D cover in 1967?
+Their Satanic Majesties Request
+Music: what rush album cover features rabbits and a magician's hat?
+Music: What Rush song is named after a Mark Twain character?
+Tom sawyer
+Music: what section of a symphony orchestra is obsessed with f holes?
+The string section
+Music: What Shania Twain recording became the best-selling country music album ever by a female artist, in 1996?
+The Woman in Me
+Music: what shania twain song was kept from the radio because of content?
+Whose bed have your boots been under
+Music: what shortlived 1978 braodway show was based on elvis presley's life?
+The legend lives
+Music: what simple musical instrument is named after its shape?
+Music: What singer changed his name to avoid being confused with davey jones of the monkees?
+David bowie
+Music: What singer choreographed videos for duran duran, debbie gibson, & zz top?
+Paula abdul
+Music: what singer did nbc introduce as the 1st black tv host in the 1950?
+Nat king cole
+Music: What singer for a '70s British rock quartet changed his name from Frederick Bulsara?
+Freddie Mercury
+Music: what singer had big sellers with both the single & the album i love rock 'n' roll in 1983?
+Joan jett
+Music: What singer has albums such as 'Out of Range' and 'To the Teeth'?
+Ani DiFranco
+Music: what singer is known as the man in black?
+Johnny cash
+Music: what singer performed on the santana hit single, smooth?
+Rob thomas
+Music: what singer sang with burnt cork on his face and wore black gloves?
+Al jolson
+Music: What singer sent the punk band Rancid a naked photo along with a plea to sign with her record label?
+Music: What singer songwriter had five albums in the Billboard Top 200 in 1977?
+Barry manilow
+Music: what singer was in a car crash with sam cooke & mistakenly pronounced dead?
+Lou rawls
+Music: what singer with joy division hung himself?
+Ian curtis
+Music: what singer/guitar player opened for the monkees during his first u.s.tour?
+Jimi hendrix
+Music: What singer/songwriter was the inspiration for neil sedaka's oh carol?
+Carole king
+Music: what singing duo was famed for performing 'indian love call' together?
+Jeanette macdonald and nelson eddy
+Music: What singing group were once known as The Quarrymen?
+The beatles
+Music: What song by Dire Straits Mark Knopfler was inspires by seeing a second rate jazz band in a pub at Greenwich?
+Sultans of swing
+Music: what song by don mclean talks about the day buddy holly died?
+American pie
+Music: what song by frankie avalon went to #1 in 1959?
+Music: What song by jim croce reached number one on the charts after his death?
+Time in a bottle
+Music: What song by The Mighty Diamonds was a hit for the British group Musical Youth?
+Pass the dutchie
+Music: what song did aretha franklin sing in the blues brothers movie?
+Music: What song did bbc television use as accompaniment to its broadcast of the apollo moon landing?
+Space oddity
+Music: What song did bobby hebb sing to his brother in 1966?
+Music: What song did both Frank Sinatra & Kermit the Frog sing?
+Bein green
+Music: what song did carly simon sing for a james bond film?
+Nobody does it better
+Music: What song did Dolly Parton write as a farewell to her mentor, Porter Waggoner?
+I will always love you
+Music: what song did elton john & bernie taupin rewrite for the funeral of princess diana?
+Candle in the wind
+Music: what song did elton john & george michael sing as a duet?
+Don't let the sun go down on me
+Music: What song did Elton John and George Michael sing as a duet?
+Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
+Music: What song did Hal sing in 2001?
+Daisy, daisy
+Music: what song did lenny kravitz produce for madonna?
+Justify my love
+Music: what song did lionel richie & diana ross sing together?
+Endless love
+Music: what song did michael jackson & paul mccartney collaborate on?
+Say say say
+Music: What song did michael jackson sing about a rodent?
+Music: What song did paul anka release when he was just a teenager?
+Lonely boy
+Music: what song did sugar ray sing at the olympics?
+Music: What song do elvis presley and ub40 have in common?
+Can't help falling in love
+Music: what song does gloria estefan & nsync sing together?
+Song of my heart
+Music: What song does Rodney Dangerfield sing in Back To School?
+Twist and shout
+Music: What song earned lionel richie his first grammy?
+Music: What song established bobby vinton's career?
+Roses are red
+Music: What song has been sung by Bob Marley, Rod Stewart and Aretha Franklin?
+People get ready
+Music: what song has boy george confessing my love was an addiction?
+Karma chameleon
+Music: what song have steve lawrence and donny osmond taken to #1?
+Go away little girl
+Music: what song includes the words 'australians let us all rejoice'?
+Advance Australia fair
+Music: What song is covered by Shane McGowen & Nick Cave?
+What a wonderful world
+Music: What song is played before the tip-off of every New York Knicks home game?
+Music: What song mentions one of 16 vestal virgins?
+Whiter shade of pale
+Music: What song mentions one of the 16 vestal virgins?
+Whiter shade of pale
+Music: what song of shania twain's was on the notting hill soundtrack?
+You've got a way
+Music: What song opened with the high-pitched laugh of surfaris manager dave smallins?
+Music: what song propelled herb alpert & the tijuana brass come to fame?
+The lonely bull
+Music: What song spawned a lawsuit for tommy tutone?
+Music: What song spawned a lawsuit for Tommy Tutone?
+Music: What song title completes the marvin gaye lyric: 'when i get that feeling, i want ...'?
+Sexual healing
+Music: what song was also performed by guns n roses & written by paul mccartney for a james bond film?
+Live & let die
+Music: What song was originally 'Good Morning To You' before the words were changed and it was published in 1935?
+Happy Birthday To You
+Music: what song won the grammy for best instrumental in 1968?
+Classical gas
+Music: What song-writing duo's hits made it to Broadway in the show Smokey Joe's Cafe?
+Leiber and Stoller
+Music: What song's second line is 'and i'll cry if i want to'?
+It's my party
+Music: What song's words were changed and then published in 1935 as 'Happy Birthday To You'?
+Good Morning To You
+Music: What songstress died before the release of her cross-over album Dreaming of You?
+Music: What songwriting queen married gerry goffin in her teens?
+Carole king
+Music: What sort of music is intended for a room rather than a large auditorium?
+Music: what sort of musical instruments are high hats & sizzles?
+Music: What soul songstress cruises the freeway of love?
+Aretha franklin
+Music: What sport did terence trent d'arby compete in before he was a pop star?
+Music: What stage name is used by Gordon Sumner?
+Music: what steam powered keyboard instrument is named after the muse of eloquence?
+Music: what stevie wonder song was recorded by 'beck bogart and appice'?
+Music: What stringed symphonic instrument has a pedestal and a crown?
+The harp
+Music: What studio did the Beatles use to record 191 songs?
+Abby Road
+Music: what style of music was exemplified by benny goodman & artie shaw?
+Music: what superstar is nicknamed jacko?
+Michael jackson
+Music: What Swiss resident won a Grammie Award for singing Downtown?
+Petula clark
+Music: What tenor received a record 165 curtain calls at a Berlin opera house in 1988?
+Luciano Pavarotti
+Music: what tragedy happened to celine dion when she was five years old?
+Hit by a delivery truck
+Music: What tragic accident ended jim croce's career?
+Plane crash
+Music: What train tune took Gladys Knight & the Pips to number one?
+Midnight train to georgia
+Music: What trumpeter became the oldest person ever to score a chart-topping single, in 1964?
+Louis Armstrong
+Music: What TV host went gold with the CD Romantic Christmas?
+John Tesh
+Music: What TV show did Mickey Dolenz of The Monkees appear in when he was a child?
+Circus Boy
+Music: What two bands formed to make Guns N Roses?
+L.A. Guns and Hollywood Roses
+Music: What two Frank Sinatra hits were tops for U.S. karaoke singers in 1993?
+New York, New York and My Way
+Music: What type of days and Mondays did the Carpenters sing about?
+Music: what type of french dance became world famous for its vulgarity & lewdness?
+Music: What type of music did Ira D Sankey compose?
+Music: What type of music from trinidad is often accompanied by steel drums?
+Music: What type of music is associated with the Dixie Hummingbirds,Swan Silvertones and Five Blind Boys of Alabama?
+Gospel music
+Music: What type of music is produced by French speaking settlers of Louisiana?
+Music: What type of music, popular in the 1950s features washboard, tea chest bass and other improvised instruments?
+Music: What type of plane did buddy holly, the big bopper, & richie valens die?
+Beech bonanza
+Music: What type of train did Veteran Rod Stewart chart with?
+Downtown Train
+Music: What U S state song is named for a river within the state?
+Swanee river
+Music: What U.S. classical conductor won posthumous Grammy Awards in 1991, 1992, & 1993?
+Leonard bernstein
+Music: what u.s. state was used for the location shots for the 1955 hit musical oklahoma?
+Music: What video can Angelo of Fishbone be seen in with the Mighty Mighty Bosstones?
+Simmer down
+Music: What was 'Up above the streets and houses, climbing high, which everyone could see smiling, over the sky'?
+Music: What was a kit?
+Small violin
+Music: what was aqua's second number 1?
+Doctor jones
+Music: What was Barry Manilow's first No 1 single?
+Music: what was beethoven's first name?
+Music: What was Beethoven's only opera called?
+Music: what was billie holliday addicted to?
+Music: What was Bing Crosbys first name?
+Music: what was blondie's first number one song in America?
+Heart of glass
+Music: What was Bob Marley's first single, released by Leslie Kong in 1962?
+Judge not
+Music: What was Britains first winning Eurovision song entry?
+Puppet on a string
+Music: What was Bruce Channels no 2 hit in 1962?
+Hey! Baby
+Music: what was cb mccall`s record that helped popularize the cb radio?
+Music: what was chicago's original name?
+Chicago transit authority
+Music: what was chubby checker's original name?
+Ernest evans
+Music: what was ed ames' biggest solo hit?
+My cup runneth over
+Music: What was Eddie Money's profession before he was an entertainer?
+New York City Cop
+Music: What was elton john's first uk number 1?
+Don't go breaking my heart
+Music: What was Elvis Presley's twin brother's name?
+Music: What was Elvis Presley's wife's name?
+Music: what was elvis' mother's name?
+Music: What was Fats Wallers theme tune?
+Ain't misbehavin'
+Music: what was glenn campbell's tv theme song?
+Gentle on my mind
+Music: What was Heart's first No 1 hit?
+These Dreams
+Music: What was Jethro Tull before donating his name to a British epic rock group?
+Music: what was john lennon's first girlfriend's name?
+Thelma pickles
+Music: what was john lennon's middle name before he changed it to ono?
+Music: what was john lennon's real middle name?
+Music: What was Johnny Cash's first million seller, in 1956?
+I walk the line
+Music: what was kate smith's nickname?
+Songbird of the south
+Music: what was lawrence welk's only #1 hit record?
+Music: What was Michael Jackson's debut hit away from the Jackson 5?
+Got To Be There
+Music: what was mozart's first name?
+Music: what was mozart's middle name?
+Music: What was Nirvana's third album called?
+In Utero
+Music: What was Primus called before they were called 'Primus'?
+Music: what was reo speedwagon's 1983 chartbusting lp?
+High infidelity
+Music: what was roy orbison's backup group called?
+Music: what was sam cooke's only #1 song?
+You send me
+Music: what was significant about the pretenders brass in pocket?
+The first number one of the eighties
+Music: What was Sly and the Family Stone's first No. 1 song?
+Everyday People
+Music: What was solomon burke dubbed the king of?
+Rock & soul
+Music: What was stephen foster addicted to when he died?
+Music: what was steve millers magical incantation in 1982?
+Music: What was Taylor Dayne's first top ten hit?
+Tell It To My Heart
+Music: what was the 'unfinished symphony' meant to be played for?
+A requiem
+Music: What was the album title of the Pet Shop Boys orange Lego-like album?
+Music: What was the average age of United States soldiers in the Vietnam war?
+Music: What was the Beatles' biggest hit single?
+Hey jude
+Music: What was the best-selling album named after a city, in the 1970s?
+Music: what was the biggest hit of procul harum?
+A whiter shade of pale
+Music: what was the first album roger waters released after leaving pink floyd?
+The pros and cons of hitch hiking
+Music: what was the first American hit for the guess who?
+These eyes
+Music: What was the first CD pressed in the USA?
+Born In The USA
+Music: What was the first Dylan album to be recorded in Nashville?
+Blonde on blonde
+Music: what was the first metal band?
+Black sabbath
+Music: What was the first No 1 single for Hall & Oates?
+Rich Girl
+Music: what was the first opera commisioned especially for television?
+Amahl & the night visitors
+Music: What was the first rock song to hit number one on the American Billboard charts on June 29, 1955?
+Rock Around the Clock
+Music: What was the first single of The Spice Girls?
+Music: What was the first video to be shown on MTV, August 1st, 1981?
+Video Killed the Radio Star
+Music: What was The Grassroots' highest charting single?
+Midnight Confessions
+Music: what was the last album made by The Beatles, as a group?
+Abbey road
+Music: What was the last No 1 in the 60s?
+Someday We'll Be Together
+Music: what was the last work written by j. S. Bach?
+The art of the fugu
+Music: What was the name of Cliff's backing group, which included Bruce Welch?
+The shadows
+Music: What was the name of Culture Clubs first no 1 hit?
+Do you really want to hurt me
+Music: What was the name of elo's first platinum single?
+Don't bring me down
+Music: what was the name of jimi hendrix' first album?
+Are you experienced
+Music: what was the name of john lennon & cynthia lennon's son?
+Music: what was the name of les brown's orchestra?
+Band of reknown
+Music: What was the name of Little Richard's backup band?
+The Upsetters
+Music: What was the name of Manfred Manns no 1 hit of April 1966?
+Pretty flamingo
+Music: what was the name of patsy kensits band?
+Eighth wonder
+Music: what was the name of ritchie valens' girlfriend?
+Music: What was the name of the Austrian composer who became known as The Waltz King?
+Johann Strauss the younger
+Music: What was the name of the female vocal trio that sang with ray charles?
+The raelettes
+Music: what was the name of the youngest gibb brother who died?
+Andy gibb
+Music: What was the nickname for the folk and blues singer Huddie Leadbetter?
+Music: what was the nickname given to country singer louis jones?
+Grandpa jones
+Music: What was the nickname of blues pianist Ferdinand Morton?
+Jelly roll
+Music: what was the nickname of country western singer charlie rich?
+Silver fox
+Music: What was the nickname of jazzman John Birks Gillespie?
+Music: What was the number Frederick 'Toots' Hibbert wore when he was imprisoned?
+Music: what was the one word title of chers solo show?
+Music: What was the only hit song for the band 'It's a Beautiful Day'?
+White Bird
+Music: What was the only language beat writer Jack Kerouac spoke until the age of six?
+Music: What was the only song by Jimi Hendrix to make the Top 40 charts in America?
+All Along the Watchtower
+Music: What was the original label of the Smiths?
+Rough trade
+Music: What was the original name of Paul McCartney's fictional church cleaner 'Eleanor Rigby'?
+Miss Daisy Hawkins
+Music: What was the original name of The Byrds?
+Music: What was the original name of the group 'Chicago'?
+Chicago Transit Authority
+Music: what was the protagonist's name in pink floyd's epic album/film the wall?
+Music: what was the river that gerry & the pacemakers sent a ferry across?
+Music: what was the stones' own record label called?
+Rolling stones
+Music: What was the Supremes first UK hit in 1964?
+Where did our love go
+Music: What was the Supremes' original name?
+The Primettes
+Music: what was the theme song of paul whiteman?
+Rhapsody in blue
+Music: what was the title behind the alan parson's project's 'tales of mystery & imagination' l.p?
+Stories of edgar allen poe
+Music: what was the title of althia & donnas only hit?
+Uptown top ranking
+Music: what was the title of bonnie tylers biggest hit?
+Total eclipse of the heart
+Music: what was the title of the chemical brothers 3rd album?
+Music: What was the title of the first no1 by The Police?
+Message in a bottle
+Music: what was the title of the specials 1981 number 1 hit?
+Ghost town
+Music: what was the title of vanilla ice's 1990 number 1 hit?
+Ice ice baby
+Music: What was the very first video played on MTV?
+Video killed the radio star
+Music: What was Therapy's first full length album called?
+Music: what was thicker than water for andy gibb?
+Music: What was U2 originally going to be named?
+The Hype
+Music: What was U2's first number one single?
+Music: What was Yaz only no 1 hit in Oct 1988?
+The Only Way Is Up
+Music: What weapon is tatooed on Glen Campbell's arm?
+Music: what weapon is tattooed on glen campell's arm?
+Music: What weird ideas prompt him to call his friend Leroy on his last studio album?
+Things to do in denver when youre dead
+Music: what were frankie and johnny to each other in the old song?
+Music: What were Simon and Garfunkel known as in high school?
+Tom and
+Music: what were sonny & cher originally called?
+Caesar & cleo
+Music: what were the doobie brothers on while shooting the cover photo for stampede?
+Music: What were the two most popular rock operas of 1969?
+Hair and Tommy
+Music: what won the oscar for original song in 1985?
+Say you, say me
+Music: What word was used to describe Peggy March?
+Music: what year did chet atkins release his first solo album?
+Music: What year did Elvis Presley die?
+Music: What year did the Beatles first go to no1?
+Music: What year did The Beatles split up?
+Music: What year did the first recognized rap song come out?
+Music: what year was madonna born?
+Music: What You Don't Know?
+Music: What, according to the rock group genesis, do pigeons make their beds of?
+Paper clips & bus tickets
+Music: what, according to the who, is another name for a pinball game?
+Mind table
+Music: what's another name for a gramophone?
+Record player
+Music: what's David bowie son's name?
+Music: what's found on lonely street?
+Heartbreak hotel
+Music: what's il barbiere di siviglia better known as?
+The barber of seville
+Music: What's indicated by the word fine on a piece of sheet music?
+The end
+Music: what's iron butterfly's in a gadda da vida supposed to mean?
+In a garden of eden
+Music: What's On ____Mind (Pure Energy) - Information Society
+Music: what's the fieriest of def leppard's album titles?
+Music: What's the first instrument heard in rhapsody in blue?
+Music: what's the lowest female voice in an opera?
+Music: what's the more common name of pop music artist gordon sumner?
+Music: What's the name of B.B. King's guitar?
+Music: what's the name of the original misfits lead singer?
+Glenn danzig
+Music: What's the note c in the middle of a piano keyboard called?
+Middle c
+Music: What's the only group to claim two of the top ten best-selling singles of the 1970's?
+The Bee Gees
+Music: What's the origin of most of Minimal Compact members?
+Music: what's the term for promptness & decision in starting a musical phrase?
+Music: Whats a common decription of bands from seattle?
+Music: when did members of the byrds come together as a group?
+Music: when did sgt pepper teach the band to play?
+Twenty years ago today
+Music: when did sheryl crowe desire fun until on all i wanna do?
+Til the sun comes up
+Music: when did the 'live aid' concerts take place?
+Music: When I feel...?
+Music: When I See You Smile - Bad ____
+Music: When I'm With You?
+Music: When The ____Cry - White Lion
+Music: when was mariah carey born?
+March 27, 1970
+Music: when was the cd invented?
+Music: When was the first LP released commercially in the Uk?
+Music: Whenever Fibber McGee opened his closet, this instrument tumbled out?
+Music: Where did Dawn singer Tony Orlando tell his loved one to knock three times in the song of the same name?
+On the ceiling
+Music: Where did George Harrison discover gold?
+Music: where did john lennon meet paul mccartney?
+Music: Where did Mini Viva leave there heart?
+Music: where did simon & garfunkel perform together for the first time in eleven years in 1981?
+Central park
+Music: Where do the characters in porgy & bess live?
+Catfish row
+Music: Where do the Guess Who hail from (country)?
+Music: Where does garth brooks have friends, according to his hit song?
+Low places
+Music: where in harlem was the first home of duke ellington's orchestra?
+The cotton club
+Music: where in New York state did the band record music from big pink?
+Music: where is graceland?
+Memphis, tennessee
+Music: Where is the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame?
+Cleveland, Ohio
+Music: Where the group Rose Royce worked, according to their Trash Disco hit?
+Car wash
+Music: Where was buddy holly born & raised?
+Lubbock, texas
+Music: where was jennifer lopez born?
+Bronx, ny
+Music: Where were the 3 coins in Frank Sinatras 1954 no1 hit?
+In the fountain
+Music: Where would you most likely perform a dirge?
+A funeral
+Music: where's the total eclipse of the sun in carly simon's you're so vain?
+Nova scotia
+Music: Which 1960's group sang a song inspired by 'Alice In Wonderland'?
+The Jefferson Airplane
+Music: which 1978 hit paid tribute to painter l.s. lowry?
+Matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
+Music: Which 1980's Pink Floyd album was made into a film that starred Bob Geldof, and featured the artwork of cartoonist Gerald Scarfe?
+The Wall
+Music: Which 2 songwriters wrote the lyrics for the stage musical based on the Disney film The Lion King?
+Elton john & tim rice
+Music: Which 60s icon was backed by The Band?
+Bob Dylan
+Music: Which 60s No 1 began with the French national anthem?
+All You Need Is Love
+Music: Which 60s song from the film Buster was the first hit for Phil Collins both sides of the Atlantc?
+A groovy kind of love
+Music: Which 60s TV comedy show is mentioned on Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band?
+Meet the wife
+Music: Which 70's rock band took their name from a US gangster city?
+Music: which 80's pop band did fatboy slim used to sing for?
+The housemartins
+Music: Which 90s Madonna hit shares its name with a glossy magazine?
+Music: Which all time great band featured Harrison and Starkey?
+The Beatles
+Music: Which American composer wrote rhapsody in blue?
+George gershwin
+Music: Which American jazz musician composed and recorded Black Bottom Stomp in the late 1920?
+Jelly roll morton
+Music: which artist /band sang We Are Strong?
+Pat Benetar
+Music: Which artist did Don Mclean sing about in Starry starry night?
+Vincent van gogh
+Music: Which artist got Kangaroo in to the title of a top three hit?
+Rolf Harris
+Music: Which artist was the subject of a 1991 biography by Randy Taraborelli?
+Michael Jackson
+Music: Which Australian duo took 13 nominations and 10 wins at the ARIA awards?
+Savage Garden
+Music: Which Australian lead singer recently had a breast cancer scare?
+Olivia newton john
+Music: which band backed jimmy james?
+The vagabonds
+Music: Which band did Jet Black belong to?
+The Stranglers
+Music: Which band do Bjorn again impersonate?
+Music: Which band does the son of bob dylan sing for?
+The wallflowers
+Music: Which band had 2 nuber one hits in Denmark before their home country of Sweden?
+Ace of base
+Music: Which band had a big hit with You Make Me Wanna?
+Music: Which band included Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel?
+Music: Which band is the house band for 'Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago'?
+Music: Which band produced the album Dark Side Of The Moon?
+Pink Floyd
+Music: Which band recorded the album Parallel Lines?
+Music: Which band recorded the album The Joshua Tree?
+Music: Which band sang I want to Know What Love Is?
+Music: which band started out supporting the sex pistols anarchy tour?
+The clash
+Music: which band topped the singles charts in 1999 -19yrs after their previous no1?
+Music: which band used to be called seymour?
+Music: Which band was fronted by Courtney Love?
+Music: Which band were Back For Good (unfortunately) in 1995?
+Take that
+Music: which band's drummer stayed with them even after he lost one of his arms?
+Def leppard
+Music: which bands 1986 album was called london 0 hull 4?
+The housemartins
+Music: Which Barry had 70s chart success with Never Never Gonna Give You Up and Can't Get Enough Of Your Love Babe?
+Music: Which Beatle No. 1 featured the word Yellow in the title?
+Yellow submarine
+Music: Which Beatle was the first to have a number one hit after the break up?
+George Harrison
+Music: Which blues artist toured with u2 in 1989 throughout Australia?
+Bb king
+Music: Which book of the Bible was a hit for Bob Marley?
+Music: Which British group recorded the 1983 hit 'Owner Of A Lonely Heart'?
+Music: Which Bruce Springsteen song won the 1993 original song Oscar?
+Music: which Canadian songstress won the eurovision song contest in 1987 singing for france?
+Celine dion
+Music: Which Canadian-born artist was the biggest-selling singles artist tin the UK in 1991?
+Bryan Adams
+Music: Which cartoon family can 'sing the blues'?
+The simpsons
+Music: which cher video was restricted to night play on mtv because of her rather revealing outfit worn in the video?
+If i could turn back time
+Music: Which Club went to the Wild, Wild West?
+The Escape Club
+Music: Which comedy team had a hit with Funky Gibbon?
+The goodies
+Music: which commemoration to elvis was issued by the us post office in 1993?
+Music: Which composer wrote The Messiah?
+Music: Which composers third symphony is known as Eroica?
+Music: Which country and western singer is known as the 'okie from muskogee'?
+Merle Haggard
+Music: Which country and western star sings with Dylan on the album Nashville Skyline?
+Johnny Cash
+Music: Which country do Bare Naked Ladies come from?
+Music: Which country does Eddy Grant originate from?
+Music: Which country is lene from aqua from?
+Music: which country is the group a ha from?
+Music: Which country singer 'walked the line'?
+Johnny cash
+Music: Which country singer and yodeller had a 1955 no 1 with Rose Marie?
+Slim whitman
+Music: Which country star pleaded for Jolene not to take her man in 1976?
+Dolly parton
+Music: Which daughter of Cissy Houston duetted with her on 'I Know Him So Well' on the daughter's album?
+Music: Which day of the week did the Mamas a & Papas sing about?
+Music: which destiny child single was the theme to charlie's angel's movie?
+Independent woman
+Music: Which Dimension had a 60s smash with Aquarius?
+5th Dimension
+Music: Which duo sang 'Mrs Robinson' from The Graduate in 1968?
+Simon and garfunkel
+Music: Which Elton John song was re-recorded as a requiem for Lady Diana Spencer?
+Candle In The Wind
+Music: Which Elvis Presley hit quoted Shakespeare?
+Are you lonesome tonight
+Music: Which elvis was supported by the attractions?
+Music: Which English city did The Animals come from?
+Music: Which English composer wrote the orchestral tone poem Egdon Heath in 1927?
+Gustav holst
+Music: Which Englissh composer wrote a Sea Symphony and a London Symphony?
+Ralph Vaughan Williams
+Music: which famous drummer narrated the thomas tank engine children series?
+Ringo starr
+Music: Which female trio had a hit with 'I Heard A Rumour' in 1987?
+Music: Which female vocalist was a member of the Eurythimics?
+Annie Lennox
+Music: Which film revived the 70s song You Sexy Thing?
+The Full Monty
+Music: Which film star's eyes were a hit for Kim Carnes?
+Bette davis
+Music: which former beatle was killed in 1980?
+John lennon
+Music: Which former members of Bob Dylans backing band had their first number one hit with Deeply Dippy?
+Right said fred
+Music: Which french musician is famous for his laser concerts?
+Jean michel jarre
+Music: Which Gibb brother is the eldest?
+Music: Which girl got Kiss into the singles top ten for the first time?
+Music: Which great composer was once a butchers boy?
+Music: Which grooup had a hit with tiger feet?
+Music: Which group comprised Cass,Michelle,John and Denny?
+The Mamas and the Papas
+Music: Which group flew into the Hotel California?
+The Eagles
+Music: Which group had 80s hits with Hard To Say I'm Sorry and Look Away?
+Music: Which group had a hit with My Generation?
+The Who
+Music: Which group had albums called Fireball and Machine Head?
+Deep Purple
+Music: Which group had hits with Mr Tambourine Man and Eight Miles High?
+The Byrds
+Music: Which group had no 1 albums with Discovery and Time?
+Electric Light Orchestra
+Music: Which group had top ten hits with Dancing Party, I wonder why and A little bit of soap?
+Music: which group is made up of the gibb brothers?
+Bee gees
+Music: Which group recorded the Bond theme for The Living Daylights?
+Music: which group released ghetto romance?
+Music: Which group was at no 1 at christmas 1974 with Lonely this christmas?
+Music: Which group was formed by Roy Wood in 1971?
+Electric Light Orchestra
+Music: Which group were fronted by Jon Bon Jovi?
+Bon Jovi
+Music: Which group would you associate with the songs Light my fire, Hello I love you and Riders on the storm?
+The doors
+Music: Which group wrote the songs for the movie Saturday Night Fever?
+The Bee Gees
+Music: Which group's first single didn't even scrape the bottom of the top 40, but their second, '867 5309/Jenny' peaked & went gold in 1982?
+Tommy tutone
+Music: Which groups road manager was shot dead in 1986 in Northern Ireland?
+Music: which groups third album was 'sports' & featured 'heart & soul' & 'i want a new drug'?
+Huey lewis & the news
+Music: Which heavy metal group took the name of Dutch-born members guitarist Eddie and drummer Alex?
+Van Halen
+Music: Which insect was a number 1 hit for U2?
+The fly
+Music: Which instrument is associated with Jacqueline Du Pre?
+Music: Which instrument is played by the leader of the orchestra?
+Music: Which Irish pop star organised Live Aid?
+Bob geldof
+Music: Which Israeli group won the Eurovision song contest in 1979?
+Milk and honey
+Music: Which jazz clarinetist recorded Mozarts Clarinet concerto with the Boston Symphony Orchestra?
+Benny Goodman
+Music: Which KC and the Sunshine Band song was a hit for KWS in the 90's?
+Please don't go
+Music: which kraftwerk no1 was officially the b side of computer love?
+The model
+Music: Which label did Toni Braxton's Un-Break My Heart appear on?
+Music: Which lady socked it to the Harper Valley PTA?
+Jennie C Riley
+Music: Which liquid product featured the hit Like A Prayer in its advertisement?
+Music: Which Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men song became the first to spend 16 weeks at No 1?
+One Sweet Day
+Music: which mccartney song is about john lennons' son & his trauma after lennon's divorce?
+Hey jude
+Music: Which Megadeath frontman was also a member of Metallica?
+Dave Mustaine
+Music: which member of a band plays the 'skins'?
+Music: Which member of Take That shares his surname with a fruit?
+Jason Orange
+Music: Which member of the Rolling Stones drowned in a swimming pool?
+Brian jones
+Music: Which member of The Who switched to literature?
+Pete Townshend
+Music: which musical instrument is the inventor leo fender associated with?
+Electric guitar
+Music: Which musical note is half the value of a crotchet?
+Music: which musician has been a member of depeche mode, yazoo and erasure?
+Vince clarke
+Music: Which name did greg brady perform under?
+Johnny bravo
+Music: which New York rap star released his second album in 1999, entitled forever?
+Puff daddy
+Music: Which note does an orchestra tune to?
+Music: which of paul simon's musical characters was told to hop on the bus?
+Music: Which of the inmates who heard Johnny Cash's 1958 San Quentin concert became the biggest country music star?
+Merle Haggard
+Music: which one is not one of the corrs andrea, colleen,sharon?
+Music: which one of the monkees played a circus boy in circus boy?
+Mickey dolenz
+Music: which one of the three tenors is not spanish?
+Music: which park gave hit records for donna summer & richard harris?
+Music: Which part of the body was mentioned in the title of Reefs first top 10 hit?
+Music: Which performer made his last concert appearance on June 26, 1977, in Indianapolis?
+Elvis Presley
+Music: Which Philadelphia vocal group were favorites of Prince Charles?
+The three degrees
+Music: which pianist lived with his mother, frances, until his death in 1980?
+Music: Which pop group had albums called Nevermind and Bleach?
+Music: Which pop group named itself after a 1956 John wayne film?
+The Searchers
+Music: Which pop group released albums White Light,White Heat and Loaded?
+Velvet underground
+Music: Which pop group were known as the Fab Four?
+The beatles
+Music: Which pop singer has compiled a book of equine anecdotes?
+Alvin Stardust
+Music: Which pop star played the title role in the film Tommy?
+Roger Daltrey
+Music: Which relative features in a Hollies song title?
+Brother (he aint heavy hes my brother)
+Music: Which rock stars daughter born aug 2000 is named Alexandria Zahra Jones?
+David bowie
+Music: Which rock trio were filmed at their final concert at the Royal Albert hall in 1968?
+Music: which rockabilly group features singer pearl e. Gates?
+Pearl harbor
+Music: Which Scottish singer was part of the 70's band Slik?
+Midge Ure
+Music: Which showbiz veteran recorded the singalonga series of albums?
+Max bygraves
+Music: which simple minds album spent 83weeks in the uk charts?
+Once upon a time
+Music: Which singer fronted the bands The Specials, Fun Boy Three and The Colour Filed?
+Terry hall
+Music: Which singer had top ten hits in the 1980s with Games without frontiers and Sledgehammer?
+Peter Gabriel
+Music: Which singer is a former school teacher?
+Sheryl Crow
+Music: Which singer married model Christie Brinkley in March 1985?
+Billy joel
+Music: Which singer rose to fame in the revue Mr Tower of London in 1923 and became known for Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye?
+Gracie fields
+Music: Which singer was given the name The Killer?
+Jerry Lee Lewis
+Music: Which singer/songwriter worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'Aint No Sunshine'?
+Bill Withers
+Music: Which singers albums include the best selling Graceland?
+Paul simon
+Music: Which single, when it peaked at number two in the UK charts in 1967, ended a run of 11 consecutive number ones for the Beatles?
+Penny lane
+Music: Which song - The rising of the sun, and the running of the deer, the playing of the merry organ?
+The holly and the ivy
+Music: Which song by Adge Cutler and The Wurzels was adopted by Bristol City Football Club as their theme song?
+Drink up thy zider
+Music: Which song by the palindromic (read same in either direction) pop group Abba had a palindromic title?
+Music: Which song did robin luke write about his 5 year old sister?
+Susie darlin'
+Music: Which song from Sweet Charity has since become associated with Shirley bassey?
+Big spender
+Music: Which song sang by Queen contains the line, One dream one soul, one prize, one goal?
+A Kind Of Magic
+Music: Which song was a UK Christmas No. 1 in 1995 for Michael Jackson?
+Earth song
+Music: which song was released by billy joe royal & written by joe south?
+Down in the boondocks
+Music: which stage musical contains the following song: tomorrow?
+Music: which sydney suburb was the venue for duran duran's video for union of the snake?
+Music: which teenybop favorites were formerly called the saxons?
+The bay city rollers
+Music: which texan girl group had a 1999 hit with the song bills bills bills?
+Destiny's child
+Music: Which Tori Amos album contains the songs 'Icicle', 'Cornflake Girl', and 'Space Dog'?
+Under the Pink
+Music: Which toy company took aqua to court?
+Music: Which two flying animals had their heads bitten off by ozzy osbourne?
+Bat and dove
+Music: which u.s. singer/songwriter's debut album was entitled 'on how life is'?
+Macy gray
+Music: Which U2 offering was the first ever million-selling CD?
+The joshua tree
+Music: Which u2 song is about an ira bombing?
+Sunday bloody sunday
+Music: Which UK guitarist co-produced Bob Dylan's album Infidels?
+Mark Knopfler
+Music: Which US Boys band featured three members of the Wilson Family?
+The Beach Boys
+Music: Which us singer perry was enjoying chart success when he was over 60?
+Music: which us singers real name is richard penniman?
+Little richard
+Music: Which US state was the title of a Bee Gees number 1 hit?
+Music: Which veteran singer released an album of collaborations entitled 'reload' in 1999?
+Tom jones
+Music: Which voice is between tenor and soprano?
+Music: Which Wagner opera includes the Swan Chorus?
+Music: Which was Tchaikovskys first ballet?
+Swan Lake
+Music: Which was the first Beatle to become a granddad?
+Ringo Starr
+Music: Which was the first Beatles album to consist entirely of original material?
+A hard days night
+Music: Which was the first British pop group to tour China?
+Music: Which was the first single released by the Beatles on the Apple label?
+Hey jude
+Music: Which well known jamaican reggae artist died of cancer in may 1981?
+Bob marley
+Music: Which world-famous concert pianist became president of poland in 1940?
+Music: Which year was the title of Zager & Evans' only No 1?
+Music: White Faced rockers had a platinum album named Shout at the Devil in 1984?
+Motley crue
+Music: white out was invented by whos mother?
+Mike nesmith
+Music: Who 'imagined' a better world?
+John Lennon
+Music: who admited stealing a copy of his girlfriend's autobiography from an airport stand?
+Rod stewart
+Music: Who adorned his last piano with 350 pounds of rhinestones?
+Music: who appeared on American bandstand in november of 1957 singing 'hey schoolgirl'?
+Tom & jerry
+Music: Who appeared on the cover of Seventeen magazine before selling over 11 million copies of her debut album?
+Whitney Houston
+Music: Who appeared solo at the Woodstock festival after leaving 'The Lovin' Spoonful'?
+John Sebastian
+Music: Who are the Three Tenors?
+Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti
+Music: Who are the two brothers in the band ac/dc?
+Angus & malcolm young
+Music: Who backs george thorogood?
+The destroyers
+Music: Who began his career with 'The Yardbirds' and established himself as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation?
+Eric Clapton
+Music: Who began his professional career with Black Sabbath?
+Ozzy Osbourne
+Music: who began writing songs while staying at a psychiatric hospital?
+James taylor
+Music: who called billy idol the perry como of punk?
+Johnny rotten
+Music: Who charted with a song about Heathcliff and Cathy?
+Kate bush (wuthering heights)
+Music: Who co-wrote Fame with David Bowie?
+John Lennon
+Music: Who collaborated with John Lennon on 'Whatever Gets You Through The Night'?
+Elton John
+Music: Who collaborated with queen on under pressure?
+David bowie
+Music: Who composed 'peter and the wolf'?
+Sergei prokofiev
+Music: Who composed 'romeo and juliet'?
+Sergei prokofiev
+Music: Who composed 'Symphonia Antarctica'?
+Vaughan williams
+Music: Who composed 'the four seasons'?
+Music: Who composed a Paris and a Prague Symphony?
+Music: Who composed Boris Godunov?
+Music: Who composed Clair de Lune?
+Music: Who composed Putting on the Ritz and Easter Parade?
+Irving Berlin
+Music: Who composed Symphonie Fantistique?
+Music: Who composed the 'blue danube waltz'?
+Johann strauss
+Music: who composed the 1812 overture?
+Music: Who composed the Academy award winning song Moon River?
+Henry mancini
+Music: Who composed the album Fans?
+Malcolm mclaren
+Music: who composed the brandenburg concertos?
+Music: Who composed the cantata Carmina Burana?
+Carl orff
+Music: Who composed the carnival of the animals?
+Saint saens
+Music: Who composed the connie francis hit stupid cupid at the age of 16?
+Neil sedaka
+Music: Who composed The Firebird?
+Music: Who composed the Goldberg Variations?
+Johann Sebastian Bach
+Music: Who composed the Illiad?
+Music: Who composed The Karelia Suite?
+Music: Who composed the music for A fistful of Dollars, For a few dollars more and The good the bad and the ugly?
+Ennio morricone
+Music: who composed the music for air force one (1996)?
+Jerry goldsmith
+Music: who composed the music for apollo 13?
+James horner
+Music: who composed the music for the 1984 olympics opening ceremony?
+Philip glass
+Music: who composed the music for the ballet 'l'apres midi d'un faune'?
+Claude debussy
+Music: Who composed the music for the musical Showboat?
+Jerome kern
+Music: Who composed the musical piece carmina burana?
+Carl orff
+Music: Who composed the musical work Fingal 's Cave?
+Music: Who composed the Opera Albert Herring?
+Benjamin Britten
+Music: Who composed the opera Billy Budd?
+Benjamin Brittan
+Music: Who composed the Opera Boris Godunov?
+Music: Who composed the opera Mitridate?
+Music: Who composed the opera The bartered bride?
+Music: Who composed the Overture to the Wasps?
+Vaughan williams
+Music: Who composed the symphonic poem Finlandia?
+Jean sibelius
+Music: Who composed the symphonic poems swan of tuonela and kullervo?
+Music: Who composed the William Tell Overture?
+Music: who copped hit parader's honor as `84's loudest group?
+Iron maiden
+Music: Who described herself as 'The Last of the Red Hot Mommas'?
+Sophie tucker
+Music: who did a double album after leaving The Beatles as an effort to raise money for the famine in bangladesh?
+George harrison
+Music: Who did a version of 'One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer' on his 1977 debut album?
+George Thorogood
+Music: Who did blue oyster cult tell us not to fear?
+The reaper
+Music: Who did Celime Dion record Immortality with?
+Bee Gees
+Music: Who did Celine Dion support in his Canadian tour in 1991?
+Michael Bolton
+Music: Who did Cher spend a week of wedded bliss with, three days after divorcing Sonny?
+Greg allman
+Music: who did dolly parton team up with to record 'islands in the stream'?
+Kenny rogers
+Music: Who did Janet Jackson sing The Best things in Life Are Free with?
+Luther Vandross
+Music: who did mozart marry?
+Constance weyburn
+Music: Who did the music for the 1970's film 'Saturday Night Fever'?
+Bee Gees
+Music: who did yoko ono marry?
+John lennon
+Music: Who discovered gold on the Witwatersrand?
+George Harrison
+Music: who do the pips sing with?
+Gladys knight
+Music: Who do we know richard starkey better as?
+Ringo starr
+Music: Who does bruce springsteen say has a hungry heart?
+Music: Who duetted on the 1993 hit I've Got You Under My Skin with Frank Sinatra?
+Music: Who duetted with Peabo Bryson on Beauty and the Beast?
+Celine Dion
+Music: Who first asserted that 'you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows'?
+Bob dylan
+Music: Who first recorded Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer in 1949?
+Gene autry
+Music: Who formed & managed the sex pistols?
+Malcolm mclaren
+Music: Who found himself Alone Again (Naturally)?
+Gilbert O'Sullivan
+Music: Who founded 'Live Aid' and 'Band Aid'?
+Bob Geldof & Midge Ure
+Music: Who fronted The Heartbreakers?
+Tom Petty
+Music: Who gave a mindblowing rendition of the star spangled banner at woodstock?
+Jimi hendrix
+Music: Who gave waylon jennings hid first guitar?
+Buddy holly
+Music: who got his mojo working?
+Muddy waters
+Music: Who had 1980s top ten hits with System Addict, Find the Time, and Rain or Shine?
+Five star
+Music: Who had a 1966 hit with Good Vibrations?
+Beach Boys
+Music: Who had a 1969 hit with Two Little Boys?
+Rolf harris
+Music: Who had a 1977 hit with Three Times a Lady?
+The commodores
+Music: Who had a 1978 No 1 with Boogie Oogie Oogie?
+A Taste Of Honey
+Music: Who had a 1994 No 1 with I Swear?
+Music: Who had a 70s album called Liza with a Z?
+Liza Minnelli
+Music: Who had a 70s hit with Rebel Rebel?
+Billy Idol
+Music: Who had a giant hit with Nobody Knows?
+The Tony Rich Project
+Music: Who had a hit with 'Rat Trap'?
+Boomtown rats
+Music: who had a hit with sad songs?
+Elton john
+Music: Who had a hit with shake it?
+David bowie
+Music: Who had a hit with the song,tammy?
+Debbie reynolds
+Music: who had a licence plate number a1-an-a2?
+Lawrence welk
+Music: Who had a no 1 hit in 1968 with Ob-la-di ob-la-da?
+Music: Who had a no 1 hit with Dont you want me in 1981?
+Human league
+Music: Who had a No 1 hit with Here Comes the Hot Stepper?
+Ini Kamoze
+Music: Who had a No 1 with Brand New Key?
+Music: Who had a no1 hit with Rubber Bullets in 1973?
+Music: who had a number 1 album with crossroads?
+Tracy chapman
+Music: Who had a UK no 1 in 1997 with Torn?
+Natalie Imbruglia
+Music: Who had Dreams in 1993?
+Music: Who had his only Uk no1 hit with Three Steps to Heaven?
+Eddie cochran
+Music: Who had hits with Can the Can and Devil Gate Drive?
+Suzi Quatro
+Music: who had hits with candy o drive & just what i needed?
+The cars
+Music: Who had hits with El Paso and Devil Woman?
+Marty Robbins
+Music: Who had hits with Homeward Bound, I am a Rock and The Boxer?
+Simon and Garfunkel
+Music: Who had nine best selling French albums before waxing her first in English in 1990?
+Celine dion
+Music: Who had No 1 hits with West End Girls and It's a Sin?
+Pet Shop Boys
+Music: Who had no. 1 hits with Tired of waiting for you and Sunny afternoon?
+Music: Who had the hit single 'Plush'?
+Stone temple pilots
+Music: Who had top 10 hit in the 1970s with Come on over to my Place?
+The Drifters
+Music: Who had top 10 hit in the 1970s with Kissin in the back row of the movies?
+The drifters
+Music: Who had top 10 hit in the 1970s with There goes my first love?
+The drifters
+Music: Who had top 10 hits in 1980s with Blue Eyes and Passengers?
+Elton John
+Music: Who had top ten hits in the 1960s with Calendar Girl and I go ape?
+Neil Sadaka
+Music: Who had top ten hits in the 1960s with Detroit City and Love me tonight?
+Tom Jones
+Music: Who had top ten hits in the 1970s with All right now, My brother Jake and Wishing Well?
+Music: Who had top ten hits in the 1980s with Something about you,Lessons in Love and Runninf in the family?
+Level 42
+Music: Who had top ten hits in the 1980s with The Riddle, Wide Boy and Wouldnt it be good?
+Nik Kershaw
+Music: Who had top ten hits with Goodbye to love,Top of the World and Only Yesterday?
+The carpenters
+Music: Who had top ten hits with Got to give it up and Abraham Martin and John?
+Marvin Gaye
+Music: Who had top ten hits with Red Light spells danger,Suddenly and Caribbean queen?
+Billy Ocean
+Music: Who has a new album out June 2002, titled Heathen?
+David Bowie
+Music: Who has accumulated the most UK and US top ten albums and grossed most income from foreign touring?
+Rolling Stones
+Music: Who has at least two albums named after major world cities?
+Lou reed
+Music: Who has been a member of yazoo, depeche mode & erasure?
+Vince clarke
+Music: who has used the pseudonym apollo c. Vermouth?
+Paul mccartney
+Music: who has used the pseudonym winston o'boogie?
+John lennon
+Music: Who hit the top ten with the Unskinny Bop?
+Music: Who in 1997 sang Love shine a light?
+Katrina and the waves
+Music: who introduced june carter to johnny cash in 1955?
+Elvis presley
+Music: Who invented the electrical bass?
+Music: Who invented the electrical bass?
+Leo Fender
+Music: who invented the saxophone?
+Adolphe sax
+Music: Who is artie garr?
+Art garfunkel
+Music: who is called the 'texas tornado' by her fans?
+Tanya tucker
+Music: Who is credited with composing the traditional ballad called Greensleeves?
+King henry viii
+Music: Who is credited with the term rock n roll?
+Allan freed
+Music: who is David robert jones better known as?
+David bowie
+Music: who is don van vliet better known as?
+Captain beefheart
+Music: who is enrique mart?n morales?
+Ricky martin
+Music: who is finland's most famous composer?
+Jean sibelius
+Music: Who is Gordon Sumner?
+Music: who is ground control trying to contact in David bowie's space oddity?
+Major tom
+Music: Who is known as the first black rock star?
+Jimi hendrix
+Music: Who is Leslie Sebastian Charles in chart terms?
+Billy Ocean
+Music: who is lourdes maria ciccone leon?
+Madonna's daughter
+Music: who is pat andrejewski better known as?
+Pat benatar
+Music: Who is Reginald Dwight known as?
+Elton John
+Music: who is richard starkey?
+Ringo starr
+Music: Who is Robert van Winkle?
+Vanilla Ice
+Music: Who is Stuart Goddard?
+Adam Ant
+Music: Who is the artist/band who sang the song Wild Thang?
+Sam Kinison
+Music: Who is the best selling saxophonist?
+Kenny g
+Music: Who is the brother of the late Karen Carpenter?
+Music: Who is the elder statesman of 'British blues', and fronted 'The Bluesbreakers'?
+John Mayall
+Music: Who is the ex-lead singer for Iron Maiden?
+Bruce dickinson
+Music: Who is the ex-lead singer of the Dead Kennedys?
+Music: who is the godfather of soul?
+James brown
+Music: Who is the gravelly voiced lead man for The Mighty Mighty BossTones?
+Dicky barrett
+Music: who is the late kurt coabain's widow?
+Courtney love
+Music: Who is the late Kurt Cobain's widow?
+Courtney love
+Music: Who is the lead singer in the band Texas?
+Sharleen Spiteri
+Music: Who is the lead singer of 'The Doors'?
+Jim Morrison
+Music: Who is the lead singer of the band Journey?
+Steve perry
+Music: Who is the lead singer with Offspring?
+Dexter holland
+Music: who is the musician husband of supermodel iman?
+David bowie
+Music: Who is the only singer to have no.1 hits in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's?
+Cliff Richard
+Music: who is the singer of alice in chains?
+Layne staley
+Music: Who is the vocalist in Erasure?
+Andy bell
+Music: Who is U2's lead singer?
+Music: who is yousef islam?
+Cat stevens
+Music: Who is Zak Starkeys famous dad?
+Ringo Starr
+Music: Who joined crooner Bing Crosby to record 'Little Drummer Boy' and 'Peace on Earth' on September 28, 1977?
+David Bowie
+Music: Who jumped off the Tallahatchee Bridge?
+Billy joe mcallister
+Music: Who knocked themselves off No 1 position with their follow up On Bended Knee?
+Boyz II Men
+Music: who led the mothers of invention?
+Frank zappa
+Music: Who made dance hits of Bizarre Love Triangle & True Faith?
+New order
+Music: Who made his last stage appearance on November 28, 1974?
+John Lennon
+Music: Who made NO 1 with Sledgehammer?
+Peter Gabriel
+Music: who managed The Beatles to stardom?
+Brian epstein
+Music: who mixes it with love & makes the world go around?
+Music: Who named himself for Long John Baldry & Elton Dean?
+Elton john
+Music: Who named his son zowie?
+David bowie
+Music: Who only sleeps on planes?
+Suzie lightning
+Music: Who originally recorded goodbye yellowbrick road?
+Elton john
+Music: Who originally recorded the Shoop Shoop Song which was a hit for Cher?
+Betty everett
+Music: Who originated virgin records?
+Richard branson
+Music: Who owns the Philles label?
+Phil spector
+Music: who owns the ten terrible fingers of doom?
+Ted nugent
+Music: Who performed the 'Star Spangled Banner' at Woodstock 1969?
+Jimi Hendrix
+Music: Who performed: I Want Candy?
+Bow wow wow
+Music: Who performed: Trans-Europ Express?
+Music: Who played guitar on Georges While my guitar gently weeps?
+Eric clapton
+Music: Who played lead guitar on David Bowie's Glass Spider Tour?
+Stevie Ray Vaughn
+Music: who played stand-up bass on elvis' songs for sun records?
+Bill black
+Music: Who played the theme tune to Charriots of Fire?
+Music: Who produced 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'?
+George Martin
+Music: Who produced an album called An Innocent Man?
+Billy Joel
+Music: Who produced and edited the soundtrack of Natural Born Killers?
+Trent reznor
+Music: who produced elvis' hit heartbreak hotel?
+Chet atkins
+Music: Who produced the album In My Life, featuring covers of Beatles' songs by various artists?
+Sir george martin
+Music: Who quit the Spice Girls in 1998?
+Geri halliwell
+Music: who reached no 1 with ebeneezer goode in 1992?
+The shamen
+Music: Who reached No 1 with Unbelievable?
+Music: Who reached number one with Living On My Own two years after his death?
+Freddie mercury
+Music: Who recorded the album 'Spike'?
+Elvis costello
+Music: who replaced 'bernie leadon' of 'the eagles' in 1975?
+Joe walsh
+Music: who replaced pink floyd's syd barret?
+David gilmore
+Music: who replaced ronnie james dio in black sabbath?
+Ian gillan
+Music: who replaced syd barrett of pink floyd?
+David gilmour
+Music: who returned to the rock scene with 461 ocean boulevard?
+Eric clapton
+Music: Who sand Puppet on a string?
+Sandy shaw
+Music: who scored a 1 smash in 1978 with his recording of the title song of the movie grease?
+Frankie valli
+Music: Who sings 'Sweet Home Alabama'?
+Lynyrd Skynyrd
+Music: who sings beautiful stranger?
+Music: Who sings the song 'Cornflake Girl'?
+Tori Amos
+Music: who sings the song 'honey'?
+Mariah carey
+Music: Who sold part of his ownership of Beatles songs to Sony for $95 million in 1995?
+Michael Jackson
+Music: Who starred in the movie head?
+The monkees
+Music: Who started on the san francisco scene with oh well, but are probably best known for their album rumors?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Who stomped off a 1995 Lollapalooza stage after a fan of her late husband threw a shotgun shell at her feet?
+Courtney Love
+Music: Who supported the Sex Pistols on their Anarchy tour before becoming one of Britains New Wave bands?
+The clash
+Music: Who teamed up with Barbra Streisand for tell Him?
+Celine Dion
+Music: Who teamed up with Boyz II Men to record 'One Sweet Day'?
+Mariah Carey
+Music: Who teamed up with Celine Dion for the No.1 hit 'I'm Your Angel' in 1998?
+R Kelly
+Music: Who teamed up with Paul McCartney for ebony and Ivory?
+Stevie Wonder
+Music: Who thought it was fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A?
+The village people
+Music: Who threw the party at the county jail in jailhouse rock?
+The warden
+Music: Who tied a yellow ribbon round an old oak tree?
+Tony Orlando and dawn
+Music: Who took a magic carpet ride in 1968?
+Music: Who took over from Bob Neal as Elvis Presleys manager?
+Colonel tom parker
+Music: Who wanted 'a lover with a slow hand'?
+The Pointer Sisters
+Music: Who wanted 'a new drug'?
+Huey Lewis and The News
+Music: Who was 'Bombastic' a hit for?
+Music: Who was 'hooked on a feeling'?
+Blue Suede
+Music: Who was 13 when she became the youngest singer to crack the country top 50 chart?
+Leann rimes
+Music: who was a bullfrog & a great friend of mine?
+Music: Who was a member of 'Crosby, Stills and Nash' and 'The Hollies'?
+Graham Nash
+Music: Who was Aretha Franklin's duet partner with the 1987 hit '(You Were), Waiting For Me'?
+George Michael
+Music: who was asked to hang down your head by the kingston trio?
+Tom dooley
+Music: Who was back in the Angels classic 60s NO 1?
+My Boyfriend
+Music: Who was backed by The Shondells?
+Tommy James
+Music: who was bernie taupin's long time songwriting partner?
+Elton john
+Music: Who was born herbert khaury?
+Tiny tim
+Music: Who was Dolly Parton's duet partner on 'Islands in the Stream' in 1984?
+Kenny Rogers
+Music: Who was elton john's long time lyricist?
+Bernie taupin
+Music: Who was James Ingram's duet partner on the 1983 hit 'Baby Come To Me'?
+Patti Austin
+Music: Who was Jesus on the LP version of 'Jesus Christ Superstar'?
+Ian Gillan
+Music: who was john lennon married to?
+Yoko ono
+Music: who was known as 'the killer' in the 1950's?
+Jerry lee lewis
+Music: who was les paul's wife?
+Mary ford
+Music: Who was michael hutchence's last girl friend?
+Paula yates
+Music: who was michael jackson married to?
+Lisa marie presley
+Music: Who was Michael Jackson's duet partner on ' I Just Can't Stop Loving You'?
+Siedah Garrett
+Music: Who was Phil Collins' partner on 'Separate Lives'?
+Marilyn Martin
+Music: Who was Puff Daddy's duet partner on 'I'll Be Missing You' in 1997?
+Faith Evans
+Music: Who was responsible for Hamster Dance in 1999?
+Cuban boys
+Music: Who was Saving All My Love For You?
+Whitney Houston
+Music: who was signed by motown when he was 5?
+Michael jackson
+Music: Who was the best man at the 1968 wedding of johnny cash & june carter?
+Merle kilgore
+Music: who was the first black singer to headline a network variety show?
+Nat king cole
+Music: who was the first Canadian to top us album charts in the 1980's?
+Music: Who was the first country artist to sell over 10 million copies of an album?
+Garth Brooks
+Music: who was the first drummer to perform in elvis presley's band?
+Dj fontana
+Music: Who was the first female artist to debut on the Billboard album chart at Number One?
+Whitney Houston
+Music: Who was the first female to enter the Billboard charts in 1985?
+Whitney Houston
+Music: Who was the first female to reach 30 top ten hits?
+Music: Who was the first female with two UK million-selling singles?
+Celine Dion
+Music: Who was the first John to have four solo No 1 hits?
+Music: Who was the first recorded country music artist?
+Eck robertson
+Music: Who was the first singer in Genesis?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: who was the first us country artist to perform in moscow?
+Roy clark
+Music: Who was the former leader of Ten Thousand Maniacs?
+Natalie merchant
+Music: Who was the Indian maiden in Johnny Preston's 'Running Bear'?
+Little White Dove
+Music: Who was the lead singer for Paul Revere and The Raiders?
+Mark Lindsay
+Music: who was the lead singer for queen?
+Freddie mercury
+Music: Who was the lead singer of Joy Division that killed himself?
+Ian curtis
+Music: who was the lead singer of the rolling stones when the band was formed in 1962?
+Mick jagger
+Music: who was the leader of the mindbenders?
+Wayne fontana
+Music: Who was the most commercially successful and longest lasting group to emerge from the punk scene?
+Music: who was the music composer that went deaf?
+Music: Who was the oldest member of The Beatles?
+Ringo Starr
+Music: Who was the only songwriter to win the Eurovision Song Contest twice?
+Johnny Logan
+Music: who was the original singer for the group genesis?
+Peter gabriel
+Music: who was the original singer of acdc?
+Bon scott
+Music: Who was the original singer with the 60s group The Tremeloes?
+Brian poole
+Music: Who was the Spice Girls' manager when they first hit the top of the charts?
+Simon fuller
+Music: Who was the top-selling album artist of the 1970's according to Billboard?
+Elton John
+Music: Who was the youngest chart topper in 1972?
+Jimmy osmond
+Music: Who was the youngest person to have a chart-topping solo single, in 1970?
+Michael Jackson
+Music: Who was Tony Orlando reunited with after 11 years in july, 1988?
+Music: Who were Benn, Bjorn, Agnetha and Frida?
+Music: Who were Huey Lewis' backing group?
+The news
+Music: Who were Huey Lewis's backing group?
+The News
+Music: who were once called composition of sound?
+Depeche mode
+Music: Who wrote 'Roll Over Beethoven'?
+Chuck Berry
+Music: who wrote & sang splish splash?
+Bobby darin
+Music: who wrote `the entertainer, music made famous by the film,`the sting?
+Scott joplin
+Music: Who wrote and performed the theme song from Chico & The Man?
+Jose feliciano
+Music: who wrote cats in the cradle?
+Harry chapin
+Music: who wrote i'm a believer for the monkees?
+Neil diamond
+Music: Who wrote johnny's theme for the tonight show?
+Paul anka
+Music: who wrote the 'Unfinished Symphony'?
+Wolfgang amadeus mozart
+Music: Who wrote the Hungarian Rhapsody?
+Music: Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess?
+Ira gershwin
+Music: Who wrote the music for Les Sylphides?
+Music: Who wrote the music to Rule Britannia?
+Thomas arne
+Music: Who wrote the music Tubular Bells?
+Mike Oldfield
+Music: Who wrote the opera 'norma'?
+Vincenzo Bellini
+Music: Who wrote the opera 'The Giant'?
+Sergei Prokofiev
+Music: Who wrote the opera 'Tosca'?
+Giacomo Puccini
+Music: Who wrote the oprea 'La Traviata'?
+Guiseppe Verdi
+Music: Who wrote the Sonata give the name Les Adieux?
+Music: Who wrote the song 'Do They Know It's Christmas' with Bob Geldof?
+Midge Ure
+Music: Who wrote the song 'Do They Know It's Christmas' with Midge Ure?
+Bob Geldof
+Music: Who wrote the song The Last Thing On My Mind?
+Tom Paxton
+Music: Who wrote the words to Rule Britannia?
+James thomson
+Music: Who wrote under the pseudonym Bernard Webb?
+Paul McCartney
+Music: who, besides glenn frey & don henley, has sang lead vocals for the eagles?
+Joe walsh
+Music: Who'd begun work on a 10th symphony when he died during a thunderstorm in 1827?
+Ludwig von beethoven
+Music: Who'd never been farther east than Montana when he wrote Proud Mary?
+John Fogarty
+Music: Who's first release was 'Talking Heads 77'?
+Psycho Killer
+Music: Who's responsible for the LPs Shamrocks and Champagne, Bubbles in the Wine and Pick-a-Polka?
+Lawrence Welk
+Music: Who's waxed more gold and platinum albums than any other solo female artist?
+Barbara Streisand
+Music: Whom should you bring to the slaughter, according to Iron Maiden?
+Your daughter
+Music: Whos first solo no 1 was I'm still waiting?
+Diana ross
+Music: Whos only no 1 was I'm into something good?
+Herman's hermits
+Music: whos only number one hit was band of gold?
+Freda payne
+Music: Whose 1974 album was called Sneakin' Sally through the Alley?
+Robert Palmer
+Music: Whose 1975 album was called Pressure Drop?
+Robert Palmer
+Music: whose approach to jazz piano is called reductionism?
+Thelonious monk
+Music: whose biography is entitled 'lady sings the blues'?
+Billie holliday
+Music: Whose first full length album was called All over the Place?
+The Bangles
+Music: Whose first top ten hit in 1967 was See Emily Play?
+Pink floyd
+Music: Whose hits include Bad Moon Rising and Green River?
+Creedence Clearwater Revival
+Music: Whose main hobby is collecting gold watches?
+Alice Cooper
+Music: Whose mother did Dr Hook and The Medicine Show sing about in 1972?
+Music: Whose only no 1 hit was Barbados in 1975?
+Typically Tropical
+Music: Whose only top 10 hit was Come softly to me?
+Fleetwood mac
+Music: Whose personal plane was equipped with a blue suede bathroom?
+Elvis presley
+Music: Whose pop parody career includes the hits Addicted to Spuds, My Bologna and Eat It?
+Wierd Al Yankovic's
+Music: whose real name is David robert jones?
+David bowie
+Music: Whose theme song was Back In The Saddle Again?
+Gene autry 's
+Music: Whose wailers was reggae kingpin peter tosh an original member of?
+Bob marley
+Music: why didn't beethoven ever listen to his ninth symphony?
+He was deaf
+Music: Wild Thing - Tone ____
+Music: Wildman of Black Sabbath?
+Ozzy Osbourne
+Music: Wind Beneath My ____- Bette Midler
+Music: With Every Beat Of My ____- Taylor Dayne
+Music: With what song did Spandau Ballet first enter the charts in Nov 1980?
+To Cut a Long Story Short
+Music: with which george michael song did robbie williams have a top 5 hit in 1996?
+Music: With which group did Mick Jagger find fame?
+The rolling stones
+Music: With which group is Damon Allbarn the lead singer?
+Music: With which group is Keith Flint the lead singer?
+Music: with which group was keith moon the drummer?
+The who
+Music: With which instrument is jazz musician charlie mingus principally associated?
+Music: With which instrument is Larry Adler associated?
+Music: With which instrument is Leon Goossens associated?
+Music: With which instrument is the musician Dennis Brain associated?
+French horn
+Music: With which Motown group was Diana Ross a singer in the 1960's?
+The supremes
+Music: With which musical instrument do you associate Jacqueline Du Pre?
+Music: With which musical instrument is Dizzy Gillespie chiefly associated?
+Music: With which musical instrument is Julian Bream chiefly associated?
+Music: With which pop group is Jarvis Cocker the lead singer?
+Music: With which song did frankie avalon begin his career?
+Dede dinah
+Music: With whom did David Bowie work on his album Scarey Monsters and Super creeps?
+Pete Townshend
+Music: WOMAD is an acronym for this festival put on by Peter Gabriel?
+World of music and dance
+Music: Woodwind instrument with a double reed mouthpiece?
+Music: Written by Lennon and McCartney, also released by the Rolling Stones?
+I wanna be your man
+Music: Written by Lennon and McCartney, what, in 1963 was the first rolling Stones' single to enter the top twenty?
+I wanna be your man
+Music: Written for a Donald Duck cartoon, this song was the most popular Nazi parody?
+Der fuehrers face
+Music: XTC played faux-60s tunes under this name?
+The dukes of stratosphear
+Music: Year that Led Zeppelin released it's 4th album (y'know, the unnamed one)?
+Music: Yellow polka-dot bikini according to the song, where does it never rain?
+Southern California
+Music: You can't go where the others go?
+The way it is
+What creature was Will Smith's codename in the movie Independence day?
+Aretha franklin sang this song in the original blues brothers movie?
+Ariel's Beginning is the sub-title of a 2008 straight-to-DVD prequel of what animated Disney movie?
+The Little Mermaid
+Aretha franklin sang this song in the original blues brothers movie?
+What was Arnold Schwarzenegger's screen name in his early career?
+Arnold Strong
+Arnold Strong was his screen name in his early career.  What name is he known by now?
+Arnold Schwarzenegger
+Music: You Got It (The ____Stuff) - New Kids On The Block
+Music: You said you had to get your laundry cleaned?
+Break my stride
+Music: You, were always so far away?
+Music: You're playing a major scale with 2 flats. What key are you in?
+B flat
+Music: You've lost that loving feeling which was written by barry mann, phil spector, and cynthia weil. although recorded by different artists, the song is the only one in history to be played over____ ____ times on the radio
+8 million
+Music: Young boy runs through the street rolling a tire?
+Hungry like the wolf
+Music: Young Creatures (Australian)?
+Baby animals
+Music: Zager & ____
+Music: Zoom is an R&B song by which American band?
+Fat Larry's Band
+Music: Who set the WWI poems of Wilfred Owen to music?
+Benjamin britten
+Movie lines: Go ahead, take a good look. when you're through, we'll continue?
+Man without a face
+Animals: Because baby pigs grow so quickly, a succession of 48 little pigs were used in the title role during the filming of the 1995 movie hit ____
+WHat are the first & last names of all 4 Sweathogs on Welcome Back Kotter?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Vinnie Barbarino, Freddie Washington, Arnold Horshack, and Juan Epstein"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+TV/Film: ____ Harry's badge number is 221?
+TV/Film: ____ street is where big bird & oscar the grouch live?
+TV/Film: ____, the story of prize fighter jake lamotta, packs a real punch?
+Raging bull
+TV/Film: 'Back in the Habit' is the sub-title to the sequel of which film?
+Sister act
+TV/Film: 'Dances With Wolves' won the best picture Oscar in 1990, 1991, or 1993?
+TV/Film: 'driving miss daisy' won the oscar for best picture in 1989, 1990 or 1991?
+TV/Film: 'I was Born under a Wand'rin Star' came from which film?
+Paint your wagon
+TV/Film: 'Magnificent Seven' is a remake of this Japanese movie?
+Seven samurai
+TV/Film: 'steptoe and son' was the model for which amercian sitcom?
+All in the family
+TV/Film: 'the last emperor' won the oscar for best picture in 1987, 1988 or 1990?
+TV/Film: 'the shining' was the film playing at the drive-in in which film?
+TV/Film: 'There's Something About Mary' starring Cameron Diaz was released in what year?
+TV/Film: 1903 Edwin Porter film classic not filmed in the Wild West, but in New Jersey?
+The great train robbery
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+A film johnnie
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Between showers
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Kid auto races at venice
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Mabel at the wheel
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Mabel's busy day
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Mabel's strange predicament
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Making a living
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The fatal mallet
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The knockout
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The star boarder
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1914, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Tillie's punctured romance
+TV/Film: 1910s: In 1915, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The tramp
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1921, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The kid
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1921, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The nut
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1923, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Souls for sale
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1925, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The gold rush
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1925, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Dick turpin
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1925, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The eagle
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1925, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The lucky horseshoe
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1925, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The thundering herd
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1925, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The vanishing American
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1925, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1925, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Wild horse mesa
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1926, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Old ironsides
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1926, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The enchanted hill
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1926, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The winning of barbara worth
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1926, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Three pals
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1926, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Watch your wife
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1927, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Arizona bound
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1927, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1927, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1928, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The circus
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1928, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1928, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Half a bride
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1928, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Lilac time
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1928, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The first kiss
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1928, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The legion of the condemned
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1928, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The dancing town
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1929, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The virginian
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1929, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Wolf song
+TV/Film: 1920s: In 1929, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Bulldog drummond
+TV/Film: 1927/1928 1st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Janet Gaynor For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1928/1929 2nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Mary Pickford For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1929/1930 3rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Norma Shearer For The Movie?
+The Divorcee
+TV/Film: 1930/1931 4th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Marie Dressler For The Movie?
+Min and bill
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1930, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+A man from wyoming
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1930, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1930, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Only the brave
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1930, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Paramount on parade
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1930, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The texan
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1930, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+A devil with women
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1930, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Broadway's like that
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1930, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Up the river
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+City lights
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+City streets
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Fighting caravans
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+His woman
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The slippery pearls
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+A holy terror
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Bad sister
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Body and soul
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1931, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Women of all nations
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+A farewell to arms
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Devil and the deep
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+If i had a million
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Make me a star
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The voice of hollywood no. 13
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Big city blues
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Love affair
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Three on a match
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+A bill of divorcement
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1932, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The kid from spain
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Alice in wonderland
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Design for living
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+One sunday afternoon
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Operator 13
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Today we live
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Christopher strong
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Little women
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Morning glory
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Blood money
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Broadway through a keyhole
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Roman scandals
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1933, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The bowery
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Now and forever
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Call it murder
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The little minister
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Bottoms up
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Broadway bill
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Bulldog drummond strikes back
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Fugitive lady
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Hold that girl
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Kid millions
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Men of the night
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Moulin rouge
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The affairs of cellini
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1934, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Three little pigskins
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Peter ibbetson
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The lives of a bengal lancer
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The wedding night
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Alice adams
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Break of hearts
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Sylvia scarlett
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+I dream too much
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+I'll love you always
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Old man rhythm
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The three musketeers
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The whole town's talking
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1935, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Top hat
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Modern times
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Hollywood boulevard
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Mr. deeds goes to town
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The general died at dawn
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The last outlaw
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The plainsman
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Black legion
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Bullets or ballots
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+China clipper
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Isle of fury
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The petrified forest
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Two against the world
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Pigskin parade
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+A woman rebels
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Mary of Scotland
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Bunker bean
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Follow the fleet
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+That girl from paris
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The farmer in the dell
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1936, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Lest we forget
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Souls at sea
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Dead end
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Kid galahad
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Marked woman
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+San quentin
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The great o'malley
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Broadway melody of 1938
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Thoroughbreds don't cry
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Quality street
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Stage door
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Don't tell the wife
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Joy of living
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1937, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Stage door
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Adventures of marco polo
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Bluebeard's eighth wife
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The adventures of marco polo
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The cowboy and the lady
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The shopworn angel
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Angels with dirty faces
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Crime school
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Men are such fools
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Racket busters
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Swing your lady
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The amazing doctor clitterhouse
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Love finds andy hardy
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Bringing up baby
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Annabel takes a tour
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Go chase yourself
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Having wonderful time
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Room service
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1938, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The affairs of annabel
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Beau geste
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The real glory
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Dark victory
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+King of the underworld
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The oklahoma kid
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The return of doctor x
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The roaring twenties
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+You can't get away with murder
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Babes in arms
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+The wizard of oz
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Beauty for the asking
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Five came back
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Panama lady
+TV/Film: 1930s: In 1939, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Twelve crowded hours
+TV/Film: 1930s: In the 1938 film 'Bringing Up Baby', what was Baby?
+TV/Film: 1930s: Name the Actor: Who was the first actress to appear on the cover of Life Magazine in May 1937?
+Jean Harlow
+TV/Film: 1930s: Name the Actor: Who was the star of the 1936 film 'The Story of Louis Pasteur'?
+Paul Muni
+TV/Film: 1931/1932 5th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Helen Hayes For The Movie?
+The sin of Madelon Claudet
+TV/Film: 1932/1933 6th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Katharine Hepburn For The Movie?
+Morning glory
+TV/Film: 1934 7th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Claudette Colbert For The Movie?
+It happened One Night
+TV/Film: 1934 Laurel and Hardy movie also titled The March of the Wooden Soldiers?
+Babes in toyland
+TV/Film: 1935 8th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Bette Davis For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1935 Who starred in the film Captain Blood?
+Errol flynn
+TV/Film: 1936 9th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Luise Rainer For The Movie?
+The great ziegfeld
+TV/Film: 1936 9th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Gale Sondergaard For The Movie?
+Anthony Adverse
+TV/Film: 1937 10th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Luise Rainer For The Movie?
+The good earth
+TV/Film: 1937 10th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Alice Brady For The Movie?
+In old chicago
+TV/Film: 1938 11th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Bette Davis For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1938 11th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Fay Bainter For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1939 12th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Vivien Leigh For The Movie?
+Gone with the Wind
+TV/Film: 1939 12th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Hattie Mcdaniel For The Movie?
+Gone with The Wind
+TV/Film: 1940 13th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Ginger Rogers For The Movie?
+Kitty foyle
+TV/Film: 1940 13th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Jane Darwell For The Movie?
+The grapes of Wrath
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The great dictator
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+I take this woman
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Northwest mounted police
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The westerner
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Brother orchid
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Invisible stripes
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+It all came true
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+They drive by night
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Virginia city
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Andy hardy meets a debutante
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Little nellie kelly
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The philadelphia story
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Too many girls
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1940, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+You can't fool your wife
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Ball of fire
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Meet john doe
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Sergeant york
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+High sierra
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The maltese falcon
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The wagons roll at night
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Adam had four sons
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Dr. jekyll and mr. hyde
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Rage in heaven
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Babes on broadway
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Life begins for andy hardy
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Ziegfeld girl
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1941, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Look who's laughing
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Seven days' leave
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The pride of the yankees
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Across the pacific
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+All through the night
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+In this our life
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The big shot
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+For me and my gal
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Keeper of the flame
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Woman of the year
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Seven days' leave
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The big street
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1942, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Valley of the sun
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Lassie come home
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+For whom the bell tolls
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Action in the north atlantic
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Thank your lucky stars
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+For whom the bell tolls
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Stage door canteen
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Best foot forward
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Du barry was a lady
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1943, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Thousands cheer
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+National velvet
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Jane eyre
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+National velvet
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The white cliffs of dover
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Casanova brown
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The story of dr. wassell
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Passage to marseille
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+To have and have not
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Meet me in st. louis
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Dragon seed
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+To have and have not
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1944, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Meet the people
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The harvey girls
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The picture of dorian gray
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Courage of lassie
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Saratoga trunk
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Saratoga trunk
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+The bells of st. mary's
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+The clock
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+The harvey girls
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Without love
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Confidential agent
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Abbott and costello in hollywood
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1945, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Without love
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The hoodlum saint
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Till the clouds roll by
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Cloak and dagger
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The big sleep
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Two guys from milwaukee
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Till the clouds roll by
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Ziegfeld follies
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+The big sleep
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Two guys from milwaukee
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Easy to wed
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Lover come back
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The dark corner
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Two smart people
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1946, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Ziegfeld follies
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The private affairs of bel ami
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+Monsieur verdoux
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Life with father
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Dark passage
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Dead reckoning
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The two mrs. carrolls
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Song of love
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The sea of grass
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Dark passage
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1947, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+If winter comes
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+State of the union
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Tenth avenue angel
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Nederlands in 7 lessen
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+A date with judy
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Julia misbehaves
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Good sam
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Always together
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Key largo
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The treasure of the sierra madre
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Arch of triumph
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Joan of arc
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Easter parade
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+The pirate
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+State of the union
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Key largo
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1948, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Her husband's affairs
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Samson and delilah
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The red danube
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Little women
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+It's a great feeling
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Task force
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The fountainhead
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Knock on any door
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Tokyo joe
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Under capricorn
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+In the good old summertime
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Adam's rib
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Easy living
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Miss grant takes richmond
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Sorrowful jones
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Ladies of the chorus
+TV/Film: 1940s: In 1949, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Love happy
+TV/Film: 1940s: In the 1942 film The Black Swan who played Tyrone's Girl?
+Maureen O'Hara
+TV/Film: 1940s: Tyrone swashes his buckle through this 1942 bird titled adventure?
+The Black Swan
+TV/Film: 1941 14th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Joan Fontaine For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1941 14th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Mary Astor For The Movie?
+The great lie
+TV/Film: 1942 15th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Greer Garson For The Movie?
+Mrs. miniver
+TV/Film: 1942 15th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Teresa Wright For The Movie?
+Mrs. miniver
+TV/Film: 1943 16th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Jennifer Jones For The Movie?
+The song of Bernadette
+TV/Film: 1943 16th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Katina Paxinou For The Movie?
+For whom The Bell Tolls
+TV/Film: 1944 17th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Ingrid Bergman For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1944 17th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Ethel Barrymore For The Movie?
+None but The Lonely Heart
+TV/Film: 1945 18th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Joan Crawford For The Movie?
+Mildred pierce
+TV/Film: 1945 18th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Anne Revere For The Movie?
+National Velvet
+TV/Film: 1946 19th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Olivia De Havilland For The Movie?
+To each His Own
+TV/Film: 1946 19th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Anne Baxter For The Movie?
+The razor's Edge
+TV/Film: 1947 20th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Loretta Young For The Movie?
+The farmer's Daughter
+TV/Film: 1947 20th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Celeste Holm For The Movie?
+Gentleman's Agreement
+TV/Film: 1948 21st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Jane Wyman For The Movie?
+Johnny belinda
+TV/Film: 1948 21st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Claire Trevor For The Movie?
+Key largo
+TV/Film: 1949 22nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Olivia De Havilland For The Movie?
+The Heiress
+TV/Film: 1949 22nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Mercedes Mccambridge For The Movie?
+All The King's Men
+TV/Film: 1950 23rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Judy Holliday For The Movie?
+Born yesterday
+TV/Film: 1950 23rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Josephine Hull For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1950,Retelling of a classic,starring David Niven as the foppish avenger?
+Elusive Pimpernel
+TV/Film: 1950s: Actor: In the 1951 movie The Desert Fox who played Rommel?
+James mason
+TV/Film: 1950s: Actor: In the 1954 film A Star is Born starring Judy Garland who played the leading man?
+James mason
+TV/Film: 1950s: Disney: In the 1950 Disney adaptation of Treasure Island what was the name of the captain who lodged at the inn?
+Captain Billy Bones
+TV/Film: 1950s: Disney: In the 1950 Disney adaptation of Treasure Island where did Jim Hawkins live?
+The Admiral Benbow
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Father of the bride
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The big hangover
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Bright leaf
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Chain lightning
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+In a lonely place
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Bright leaf
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Young man with a horn
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+A woman of distinction
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Fancy pants
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The fuller brush girl
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+All about eve
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Right cross
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+The asphalt jungle
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+The fireball
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1950, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The men
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Kind lady
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Laughter in paradise
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+One wild oat
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The lavender hill mob
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Young wives' tale
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+A place in the sun
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Callaway went thataway
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Father's little dividend
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Quo vadis
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Distant drums
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+You're in the navy now
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The enforcer
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The company she keeps
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The african queen
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+As young as you feel
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Let's make it legal
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Love nest
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1951, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+A streetcar named desire
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Monte carlo baby
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The secret people
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Love is better than ever
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+High noon
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Springfield rifle
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Road to bali
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Europa 51
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Pat and mike
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Clash by night
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Don't bother to knock
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Monkey business
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+O. henry's full house
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1952, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+We're not married
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Remains to be seen
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Roman holiday
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The girl who had everything
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Blowing wild
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Return to paradise
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Battle circus
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Siamo donne
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Viaggio in italia
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+How to marry a millionaire
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Gentlemen prefer blondes
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+How to marry a millionaire
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1953, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Julius caesar
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Beau brummell
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Elephant walk
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The last time i saw paris
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Garden of evil
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Vera cruz
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+Beat the devil
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The barefoot contessa
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Giovanna d'arco al rogo
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+La paura
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+The strangers
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+A woman's world
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Woman's world
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+River of no return
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+There's no business like show business
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+On the waterfront
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1954, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The wild one
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+A lawless street
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Please murder me
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The purple mask
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Court martial of billy mitchell
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The desperate hours
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The left hand of god
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+We're no angels
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Blood alley
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+The cobweb
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+The seven year itch
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Guys and dolls
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Artists and models
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1955, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The trouble with harry
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The court jester
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+War and peace
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Love me tender
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Friendly persuasion
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Humphrey Bogart starred in this movie?
+The harder they fall
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Elena et les hommes
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The iron petticoat
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The rainmaker
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Forever darling
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Bus stop
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Teahouse of the august moon
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+A hill in korea
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+No road back
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1956, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Around the world in 80 days
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Funny face
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Love in the afternoon
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+A king in New York
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Raintree county
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Jailhouse rock
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Loving you
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Love in the afternoon
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Paris does strange things
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Designing woman
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Written on the wind
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+The prince and the showgirl
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Panic in the parlour
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1957, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Steel bayonet
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The long hot summer
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The reluctant debutante
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Charlie Chaplin starred in this movie?
+The chaplin revue
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+King creole
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Man of the west
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Ten north frederick
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+The inn of the sixth happiness
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+The gift of love
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The young lions
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Blind spot
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Carve her name with pride
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+How to murder a rich uncle
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The key
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Hell drivers
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Hot spell
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Some came running
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The matchmaker
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1958, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The sheepman
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Summer of the 17th doll
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Green mansions
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The nun's story
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+Alias jesse james
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The hanging tree
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+The wreck of the mary deare
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Gary Cooper starred in this movie?
+They came to cordura
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+The turn of the screw
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Flame over india
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Some like it hot
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Darby o'gill and the little people
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Tarzan's greatest adventure
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Ask any girl
+TV/Film: 1950s: In 1959, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In the ann sothern show, in what kind of place did ann work?
+TV/Film: 1950s: In what 1954 film did we meet Ned Land,Professor Aronnax and his assistant Conseil?
+Twenty thousand Leagues Under the Sea
+TV/Film: 1950s: Made in 1958, what was the first Carry On film?
+Carry On Sergeant
+TV/Film: 1950s: What was the surname of film director Darryl F?
+TV/Film: 1950s: Which British actor was Simon Sparrow in the Doctor films?
+Dirk bogarde
+TV/Film: 1950s: Which film catapulted James Dean to stardom?
+Rebel without a cause
+TV/Film: 1950s: Which film told of Moses leading the Israelites to the Promised Land?
+The ten commandments
+TV/Film: 1951 24th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Vivien Leigh For The Movie?
+A streetcar Named Desire
+TV/Film: 1951 24th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Kim Hunter For The Movie?
+A streetcar Named Desire
+TV/Film: 1952 25th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Shirley Booth For The Movie?
+Come back, little Sheba
+TV/Film: 1952 25th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Gloria Grahame For The Movie?
+The bad And The Beautiful
+TV/Film: 1953 26th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Audrey Hepburn For The Movie?
+Roman Holiday
+TV/Film: 1953 26th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Donna Reed For The Movie?
+From here to Eternity
+TV/Film: 1953 Best Supporting Actress From Here to Eternity?
+Donna Reed 
+TV/Film: 1953: won Best Picture, Director, and Supp Actor and Supp Actress?
+From here to eternity
+TV/Film: 1954 27th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Grace Kelly For The Movie?
+The country girl
+TV/Film: 1954 27th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Eva Marie Saint For The Movie?
+On the Waterfront
+TV/Film: 1954 Best Actress The Country Girl?
+Grace Kelly 
+TV/Film: 1955 28th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Anna Magnani For The Movie?
+The rose Tattoo
+TV/Film: 1955 28th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Jo Van Fleet For The Movie?
+East of eden
+TV/Film: 1956 29th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Ingrid Bergman For The Movie?
+Anastasia (1956)
+TV/Film: 1956 29th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Dorothy Malone For The Movie?
+Written on The Wind
+TV/Film: 1957 30th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Joanne Woodward For The Movie?
+The three Faces Of Eve
+TV/Film: 1957 30th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Miyoshi Umeki For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1958 31st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Susan Hayward For The Movie?
+I want to live!
+TV/Film: 1958 31st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Wendy Hiller For The Movie?
+Separate Tables
+TV/Film: 1959 32nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Simone Signoret For The Movie?
+Room at the Top
+TV/Film: 1959 32nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Shelley Winters For The Movie?
+The diary Of Anne Frank
+TV/Film: 1959 thriller has Cary Grant as an ad man mistaken for a secret agent?
+North by northwest
+TV/Film: 1960 33rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Elizabeth Taylor For The Movie?
+Butterfield 8
+TV/Film: 1960 33rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Shirley Jones For The Movie?
+Elmer gantry
+TV/Film: 1960s: Alan Reed and Jean Vander Pyle were the voices of which television husband and wife?
+Fred & wilma flintstone
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+A breath of scandal
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The dark at the top of the stairs
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The unforgiven
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Butterfield 8
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Scent of mystery
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Flaming star
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+G.i. blues
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Tall story
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+The facts of life
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+Let's make love
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The fugitive kind
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Foxhole in cairo
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The bulldog breed
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Ocean's eleven
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1960, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The apartment
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Blue hawaii
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Season of passion
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Breakfast at tiffany's
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Blue hawaii
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Wild in the country
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Goodbye again
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+Judgment at nuremberg
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+The misfits
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Operation snafu
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The frightened city
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+All in a night's work
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1961, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Two loves
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+All fall down
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The manchurian candidate
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Follow that dream
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Girls! girls! girls!
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Kid galahad
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Period of adjustment
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+The chapman report
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Walk on the wild side
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Long day's journey into night
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Mutiny on the bounty
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Solo for sparrow
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The day the earth caught fire
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The wrong arm of the law
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+My geisha
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1962, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Two for the seesaw
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+In the cool of the day
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The v.i.p.'s
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Fun in acapulco
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+It happened at the world's fair
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+In the cool of the day
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+A child is waiting
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Judy Garland starred in this movie?
+I could go on singing
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+It happened at the world's fair
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Critic's choice
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Marilyn Monroe starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1963, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The ugly American
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The world of henry orient
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+My fair lady
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Kissin' cousins
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Viva las vegas
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+The visit
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Joy house
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Sunday in New York
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+Mary poppins
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+The americanization of emily
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Shock treatment
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Bedtime story
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+A house is not a home
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+From Russia with love
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1964, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Woman of straw
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Dear heart
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The amorous adventures of moll flanders
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The greatest story ever told
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The sandpiper
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Girl happy
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Harum scarum
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Tickle me
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Cat ballou
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+The sound of music
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Sex and the single girl
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The ipcress file
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+A swingin' summer
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The hill
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1965, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Mr. buddwing
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+How to steal a million
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Who's afraid of virginia woolf?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Any wednesday
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+La curee/the game is over
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+The chase
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+Torn curtain
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The appaloosa
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The chase
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The wrong box
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Fantastic voyage
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+One Million Years B.C.
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+A fine madness
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1966, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The white bus
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Two for the road
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Wait until dark
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+The graduate
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+The tiger makes out
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Doctor faustus
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Reflections in a golden eye
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The comedians
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The taming of the shrew
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+Double trouble
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+A covenant with death
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Bonnie and clyde
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+First to fight
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+A time for killing
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Fugitive in vienna
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Barefoot in the park
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+Thoroughly modern millie
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Guess who's coming to dinner?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+A countess from hong kong
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Reflections in a golden eye
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Billion dollar brain
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Woman times seven
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+The oldest profession
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+The way west
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+You only live twice
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Woman times seven
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1967, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Casino royale
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The lion in winter
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Madigan's million
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Secret ceremony
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Shadow on the land
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The split
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Journey to shiloh
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The lion in winter
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The horse in the gray flannel suit
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The magus
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Lady in cement
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1968, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The bliss of mrs. blossom
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+John and mary
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Midnight cowboy
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Elvis Presley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Downhill racer
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The gypsy moths
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Goldie Hawn starred in this movie?
+Cactus flower
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Cactus flower
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The madwoman of chaillot
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Spy busters
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The night of the following day
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Battle of britain
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Play dirty
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The battle of britain
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The italian job
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Hail hero!
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Where's jack?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+The magic christian
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+The wedding party
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The molly maguires
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Sweet charity
+TV/Film: 1960s: In 1969, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Take the money and run
+TV/Film: 1960s: lester gruber, elroy carpenter were on what show?
+Mchale's navy
+TV/Film: 1960s: Only actress to win two Oscars in this decade?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: 1960s: Series followed the exploits of Kelly Robinson and Alexander Scott?
+I spy
+TV/Film: 1960s: What 1963 joseph l mankiewicz film cost 28 million dollars?
+TV/Film: 1960s: What 1965-1969 tv series took place on the 30,000 acre barkley ranch?
+Big valley
+TV/Film: 1960s: what marine had a cousin named goober?
+Gomer pyle
+TV/Film: 1960s: what series followed the exploits of a dead sea captain?
+Ghost & mrs muir
+TV/Film: 1960s: what series was set in cocoa beach and cape kennedy, florida?
+I dream of jeannie
+TV/Film: 1960s: who lived at 000 cemetery lane?
+Addams family
+TV/Film: 1961 34th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Sophia Loren For The Movie?
+Two women
+TV/Film: 1961 34th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Rita Moreno For The Movie?
+West side Story
+TV/Film: 1962 35th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Anne Bancroft For The Movie?
+The miracle Worker
+TV/Film: 1962 35th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Patty Duke For The Movie?
+The miracle Worker
+TV/Film: 1963 36th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Patricia Neal For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1963 36th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Margaret Rutherford For The Movie?
+The V.I.P.S
+TV/Film: 1963, which western starring (oh no!) John Wayne was loosely based on The taming of the shrew?
+TV/Film: 1964 37th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Julie Andrews For The Movie?
+Mary poppins
+TV/Film: 1964 37th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Lila Kedrova For The Movie?
+Zorba the Greek
+TV/Film: 1965 38th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Julie Christie For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1965 38th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Shelley Winters For The Movie?
+A patch of Blue
+TV/Film: 1966 39th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Elizabeth Taylor For The Movie?
+Who's afraid Of Virginia Woolf?
+TV/Film: 1966 39th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Sandy Dennis For The Movie?
+Who's afraid Of Virginia Woolf?
+TV/Film: 1966 sci-fi film starring Peter Cushing?
+Daleks:Invasion Earth 2150
+TV/Film: 1966, who starred in the film Daleks:Invasion Earth 2150?
+Peter Cushing
+TV/Film: 1967 40th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Katharine Hepburn For The Movie?
+Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
+TV/Film: 1967 40th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Estelle Parsons For The Movie?
+Bonnie and Clyde
+TV/Film: 1968 41st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Barbra Streisand For The Movie?
+Funny girl
+TV/Film: 1968 41st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Katharine Hepburn For The Movie?
+The lion in Winter
+TV/Film: 1968 41st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Ruth Gordon For The Movie?
+Rosemary's Baby
+TV/Film: 1969 42nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Maggie Smith For The Movie?
+The prime of Miss Jean Brodie
+TV/Film: 1969 42nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Goldie Hawn For The Movie?
+Cactus flower
+TV/Film: 1970 43rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Glenda Jackson For The Movie?
+Women in Love
+TV/Film: 1970 43rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Helen Hayes For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1970, disaster film based on anovel by Arthur Hailey and starring Burt Lancaster?
+TV/Film: 1970s: At Fawlty Towers (1975) in Torquay, Manuel was Basil Fawlty's incompetent waiter. But where did he come from in Spain?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Something for everyone
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The looking glass war
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Hercules in New York
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+On a clear day you can see forever
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+The owl and the pussycat
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Little big man
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+I never sang for my father
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Goldie Hawn starred in this movie?
+There's a girl in my soup
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Getting straight
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+The intruders
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Zabriskie point
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+A walk in the spring rain
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Walk in the spring rain
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Halls of anger
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The yin and yang of mr. go
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+Darling lili
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The computer wore tennis shoes
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Too late the hero
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Adam at 6 A.M.
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Myra breckinridge
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+The beloved/sin
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Bloody mama
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Hi mom!
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Two mules for sister sara
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1970, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Love story
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Bedknobs and broomsticks
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+When eight bells toll
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Doctors' wives
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The french connection
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The hunting party
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Goldie Hawn starred in this movie?
+$ (dollars)
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+In search of America
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The last picture show
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The trojan women
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The barefoot executive
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The nightcomers
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Get carter
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The last valley
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+When michael calls
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Jennifer on my mind
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Sam's song
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Marriage: year one
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Maybe i'll come home in the spring
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Mongo's back in town
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Diamonds are forever
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The anderson tapes
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The red tent
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Desperate characters
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1971, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Young winston
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+Up the sandbox
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+What's up doc?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Straw dogs
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Hammersmith is out
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Cisco pike
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Prime cut
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The poseidon adventure
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Goldie Hawn starred in this movie?
+Butterflies are free
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, James Wood starred in this movie?
+A great American tragedy
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Hickey and boggs
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The visitors
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Tout va bien
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Bad company
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Fat city
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Kansas city bomber
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Napoleon and samantha
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Last tango in paris
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The godfather
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Napoleon and samantha
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+The streets of san francisco
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Hannie caulder
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Kansas city bomber
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Home for the holidays
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1972, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The possession of joel delaney
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+A doll's house
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+The long goodbye
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+The way we were
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Ash wednesday
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Night watch
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Under milk wood
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+American graffiti
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The way we were
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+A doll's house
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Steelyard blues
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The iceman cometh
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+One little indian
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+A delicate balance
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The glass menagerie
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Charley and the angel
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+The harrad experiment
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+The last of sheila
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Mean streets
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The offense
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Life study
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1973, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The three musketeers
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+All creatures great and small
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The girl from petrovka
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+For pete's sae
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+For Pete's Sake
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+The gift of winter
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The conversation
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Young frankenstein
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Zandy's bride
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Goldie Hawn starred in this movie?
+The girl from petrovka
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+The sugarland express
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+The conversation
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Murder on the orient express
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The gambler
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Thunderbolt and lightfoot
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Alice doesn't live here anymore
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+The tamarind seed
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Murder on the orient express
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The black windmill
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The destructors
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+The three musketeers
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+The wild party
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Murder on the orient express
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Lovin' molly
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The front page
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1974, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+The lords of flatbush
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+Funny lady
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Bite the bullet
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+French connection ii
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Lucky lady
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Night moves
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Night moves
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Rancho deluxe
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+The devil's rain
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Love among the ruins
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Search for the gods
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The deadly tower
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The strongest man in the world
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Night moves
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The man who would be king
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The romantic englishwoman
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The wilby conspiracy
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Report to the commissioner
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Strike force
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The man who would be king
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The terrorists
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The wind and the lion
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The great waldo pepper
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The rocky horror picture show
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Death race 2000
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+No place to hide
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1975, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Love and death
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Dark victory
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The lindbergh kidnapping case
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Victory at entebbe
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Stay hungry
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Robin and marian
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+All the president's men
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The blue bird
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Victory at entebbe
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+The duchess and the dirtwater fox
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+A matter of time
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Alex and the gypsy
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+The blue bird
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+King kong
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Stay hungry
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Bugsy malone
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Freaky friday
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Taxi driver
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+The little girl who lives down the lane
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+The boy in the plastic bubble
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The longest drive
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The quest
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+The shootist
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The missouri breaks
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+The drowning pool
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Harry and walter go to New York
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The eagle has landed
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Baby blue marine
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Taxi driver
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+The last tycoon
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Stay hungry
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Robin and marian
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The next man
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+One summer love
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Jackson county jail
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1976, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+The front
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+A bridge too far
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Audrey rose
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Pumping iron
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Love at first sight
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+A little night music
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+A bridge too far
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+March or die
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The domino principle
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Star wars
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The choirboys
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Fun with dick and jane
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Saturday night fever
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+One on one
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+The deadliest season
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+A bridge too far
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Crossed swords
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Looking for mr. goodbar
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Can i do it . . . 'till i need glasses
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Smokey and the bandit
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+A bridge too far
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The turning point
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Annie hall
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Checkered flag or crash
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The other side of midnight
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Eliza's horoscope
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Rolling thunder
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1977, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Annie hall
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Death on the nile
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+International velvet
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Gray lady down
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Straight time
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Foul play
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Travels with anita
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Force 10 from navarone
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Autumn sonata
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+California suite
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Comes a horseman
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Coming home
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Somebody killed her husband
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Movies are my life
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Moment by moment
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Olly olly oxen free
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+National lampoon's animal house
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Perfect gentlemen
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+The deer hunter
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+California suite
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Silver bears
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The swarm
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Days of heaven
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+The deer hunter
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+The end
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+King of the gypsies
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Pretty baby
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Paradise alley
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+The betsy
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1978, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+The eyes of laura mars
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The lady vanishes
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Mayflower: the pilgrims' adventure
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Scavenger hunt
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+The villain
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+The main event
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+The rose
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Mr. mike's mondo video
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Kramer vs. kramer
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Winter kills
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Lovers and liars
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Apocalypse now
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Hanover street
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+More American graffiti
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+The frisco kid
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, James Woods starred in this movie?
+And your name is jonah
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The onion field
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+The china syndrome
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+The electric horseman
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Winter kills
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+The corn is green
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Starting over
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Apocalypse now
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Kramer vs. kramer
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+The seduction of joe tynan
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Beyond the poseidon adventure
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+The china syndrome
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Beyond the poseidon adventure
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Norma rae
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Rich kids
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The great train robbery
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Being there
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Something short of paradise
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Rocky ii
+TV/Film: 1970s: In 1979, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1970s: Johnny Rotten & Joan ____ appear together on BBC's Juke Box Jury in 1979?
+TV/Film: 1970s: This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series 'Happy Days'?
+American Graffiti
+TV/Film: 1971 44th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Jane Fonda For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1971 44th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Cloris Leachman For The Movie?
+The last Picture Show
+TV/Film: 1971,comedy, a conman is mistaken for an outlaw?
+Support your local gunfighter
+TV/Film: 1972 45th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Liza Minnelli For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1972 45th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Eileen Heckart For The Movie?
+Butterflies Are Free
+TV/Film: 1973 46th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Glenda Jackson For The Movie?
+A touch of Class
+TV/Film: 1973 46th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Tatum O'neal For The Movie?
+Paper moon
+TV/Film: 1973, Steve McQueen starred, set on Devils Island?
+TV/Film: 1974 47th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Ellen Burstyn For The Movie?
+Alice doesn't live Here Anymore
+TV/Film: 1974 47th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Ingrid Bergman For The Movie?
+Murder on The Orient Express
+TV/Film: 1975 48th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Louise Fletcher For The Movie?
+One flew over The Cuckoo's Nest
+TV/Film: 1975 48th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Lee Grant For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1976 49th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Faye Dunaway For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1976 49th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Beatrice Straight For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1977 50th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Diane Keaton For The Movie?
+Annie hall
+TV/Film: 1977 50th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Vanessa Redgrave For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1977, epic war time movie?
+A bridge too far
+TV/Film: 1978 51st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Jane Fonda For The Movie?
+Coming home
+TV/Film: 1978 51st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Maggie Smith For The Movie?
+California Suite
+TV/Film: 1979 52nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Sally Field For The Movie?
+Norma rae
+TV/Film: 1979 52nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Meryl Streep For The Movie?
+Kramer vs. Kramer
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ (breakdance)?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ 182?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ a little dream?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ adults?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ alive?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ all odds?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ and cash?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ at bernie's?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ back?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ be good?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ beach, usa?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ beauty?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ beverly hills?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ big adventure?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ blues?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ boys?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ boys?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ business?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ by me?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ can wait?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ candles?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ comfort?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ cowboy?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ date?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ dawn?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ dog?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ dreams?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ eye?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ from heaven?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ girl?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ girl?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ groove?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ gun?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ guns?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ hard?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ heat?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ help us?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ hours?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ in heaven?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ in pink?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ jones & the temple of doom?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ just wanna have fun?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ last dragon?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ like us?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ live?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ love?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ lovers?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ man?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ man?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ night?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of a kind?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of bounds?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of day?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of dreams?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of endearment?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of fire?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of hearts?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of hell?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of love?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of me?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of the living dead?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of the living dead?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of the spider woman?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of the universe?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ of war?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ on me?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ on the fourth of july?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ party?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ people?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ people?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ pirates?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ places?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ quest?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ rain?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ runner?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ school?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ science?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ seeking susan?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ shop of horrors?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ states?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ street?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ street?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ surprise?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ taste?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ That Girl?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ the 13th?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ the duck?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ the right thing?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ the stone?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ to America?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ to five?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ to kill?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ to order?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ to the mob?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ troopers?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ up the volume?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ weapon?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ witch?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ wolf?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____ women on the moon?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____-a-cop?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____, trains and automobiles?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____: the movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____balls?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____boy?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____dance?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____man?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____raiser?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____scape?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____shack?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____show?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ____space?
+TV/Film: 1980s: 53rd Academy Awards Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Sissy Spacek For The Movie?
+Coal miner's Daughter
+TV/Film: 1980s: 53rd Academy Awards Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Mary Steenburgen For The Movie?
+Melvin And Howard
+TV/Film: 1980s: a ____ called wanda?
+TV/Film: 1980s: a ____ to a kill?
+TV/Film: 1980s: a ____ to india?
+TV/Film: 1980s: a ____ with a view?
+TV/Film: 1980s: a long way ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: a shot of tom cruise, a jigger of sex on the beach?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Actor: In the 1987 film roxanne, who played the role of roxanne?
+Darryl hannah
+TV/Film: 1980s: adventures in ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: after ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: alien meets the invisible man. in the jungle?
+TV/Film: 1980s: all the ____ moves?
+TV/Film: 1980s: American ____ in london?
+TV/Film: 1980s: an ____ and a gentleman?
+TV/Film: 1980s: an American ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: and first-time actor ethan hawke paid an agent to get him this?
+TV/Film: 1980s: andy mccarthy does robby lowe's mom, and she's jackie bissette!?
+TV/Film: 1980s: at ____ range?
+TV/Film: 1980s: baby ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: back to ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: back to the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: bad ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: better ____ dead?
+TV/Film: 1980s: beverly hills ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: big ____ in little china?
+TV/Film: 1980s: bill and ted's ____ adventure?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Bill Murray, post-SNL, pre-Groundhog. Think spaghetti?
+TV/Film: 1980s: bill murray, post-snl, pre-groundhog?
+TV/Film: 1980s: black ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: blue ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: blue ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: body ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: brotherhood of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: bull ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: buy schwarzenegger, get devito for free?
+TV/Film: 1980s: can't buy ____ love?
+TV/Film: 1980s: cher's got him, babe, and he's got a face?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Christian Slater and Winona Ryder hate school. Pass it on?
+TV/Film: 1980s: christian slater and winona ryder hate school?
+TV/Film: 1980s: class of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: come toward the light, carol anne~~~?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Country that is the setting for Yentl?
+TV/Film: 1980s: crocodile ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: cruise, penn and hutton play army?
+TV/Film: 1980s: cult classic among little people?
+TV/Film: 1980s: dangerous ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: dead ____ don't wear plaid?
+TV/Film: 1980s: dead ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: dead ____society?
+TV/Film: 1980s: dirty ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: dirty rotten ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: don't tell ____ it's me?
+TV/Film: 1980s: dreyfus, estevez, o'donnell, can you believe they made a sequel too?
+TV/Film: 1980s: driving miss ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: earth ____ are easy?
+TV/Film: 1980s: eddie and the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: edward ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: elvira, ____ of the dark?
+TV/Film: 1980s: escape from ____?
+New york
+TV/Film: 1980s: everybody's ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: f/____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: family ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Family Ties-er who appeared in the short lived series, Palmerstown, USA?
+Michael j fox
+TV/Film: 1980s: fast times at ____ high?
+TV/Film: 1980s: fatal ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ferris ____ day off?
+TV/Film: 1980s: film at eleven: car has a mind of its own!?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Firefox was what type of aircraft in the 1982 film of the same name?
+Supersonic fighter aircraft
+TV/Film: 1980s: first ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: flash: drew barrymore turns ten, whole world in danger!?
+TV/Film: 1980s: flight of the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: foot____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: for ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: for your ____ only?
+TV/Film: 1980s: franken____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: fresh ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: from the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: go directly to brando. do not pass reeve, do not collect lois lane?
+TV/Film: 1980s: golden ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: guy really gets into playing videogames?
+TV/Film: 1980s: hair____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: hannibal lecter, chapter one?
+TV/Film: 1980s: harrison ford stars in love, amish style?
+TV/Film: 1980s: He co-anchored the NBC Nightly News before Brokaw went solo?
+Roger mudd
+TV/Film: 1980s: heart of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: hiding ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: high____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Hmm. Let's make Chevy Chase a spy!?
+TV/Film: 1980s: house by the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: house of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: I feel the earth. Move. Under my feet?
+TV/Film: 1980s: I've given a name to my pain?
+TV/Film: 1980s: igor and the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980 film starring Robert Redford about a reformist prison warder trying to clean up his prison?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The mirror crack'd
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+A change of seasons
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The elephant man
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+The jayne mansfield story
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Divine madness
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The first deadly sin
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Somewhere in time
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Altered states
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The mirror crack'd
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Private benjamin
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Seems like old times
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+The empire strikes back
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The black marble
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Prom night
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Terror train
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+The fog
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+No nukes
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Heaven's gate
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Urban cowboy
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+Little miss marker
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Friday the 13th
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Hero at large
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Amber waves
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Used cars
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The formula
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Attack force z
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Mad max
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Dressed to kill
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The island
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+It's my turn
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Tell me a riddle
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Falling in love again
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Hollywood knights
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+The hollywood knights
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+The mirror crack'd
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+American gigolo
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Raging bull
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Children of babylon
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Smokey and the bandit ii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Stardust memories
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+A change of seasons
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Loving couples
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Atlantic city
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Loving couples
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Barn burning
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Coal miner's daughter
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1980, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Stardust memories
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981 steamy flick that gave Kathleen Turner her first starring role?
+Body heat
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The bunker
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+They all laughed
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+All night long
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Superman ii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Carbon copy
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+All night long
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Superman ii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Raiders of the lost ark
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Halloween ii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Road games
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+On golden pond
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Blow out
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+On golden pond
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Only when i laugh
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Shadows run black
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+One more chance
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Escape from New York
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+The fan
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Rich and famous
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+She's in the army now
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+The star maker
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+The french lieutenant's woman
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The hand
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Callie and son
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Splendor in the grass
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+True confessions
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Absence of malice
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Back roads
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Time bandits
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Deadly blessing
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Endless love
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+He knows you're alone
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1981, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Back roads
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Lookin' to get out
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The hunchback of notre dame
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Conan the barbarian
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Shape up with arnold
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The verdict
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+It came from hollywood
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+Young doctors in love
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+And they're off
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Best friends
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Blade runner
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+A woman called golda
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Fast walking
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Split image
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Kiss me goodbye
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+O'hara's wife
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Chasing dreams
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Night shift
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Table for five
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+The road warrior
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Sophie's choice
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Still of the night
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Night shift
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Grease 2
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Fast times at ridgemont high
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+The legend of walks far woman
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+An officer and a gentleman
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+The world according to garp
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Kiss me goodbye
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Five days one summer
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Who am i this time?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+First blood
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Rocky iii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Losin' it
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Rona jaffe's mazes and monsters
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1982, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+A midsummer night's sex comedy
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983 film that brings Jeff Goldblum, Glenn Close, and William Hurt together?
+The big chill
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983 flick that has Chuck Norris as a Texas Ranger out to get David Carradine?
+Lone wolf mcquade
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+Pirates of penzance
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Superman iii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Doctor detroit
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Trading places
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Trading places
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Between friends
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Uncommon valor
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Under fire
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Return of the jedi
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Staying alive
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Two of a kind
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+The man who loved women
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+The demon murder case
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Stacy's knights
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+The gunrunner
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The thing
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+The year of living dangerously
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Educating rita
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+The star chamber
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Mr. mom
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Rumble fish
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Valley girl
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Bmx bandits
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+The king of comedy
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+An evening with robin williams
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+The survivors
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Never say never again
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Terms of endearment
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Deal of the century
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+The year of living dangerously
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The hunger
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Staying alive
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+All the right moves
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Risky business
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+The outsiders
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Nate and hayes
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1983, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984 murder in the military movie produced and directed by Norman Jewison?
+A soldiers story
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984 Woody Allen film with guest appearance by Howard Cosell?
+Broadway danny rose
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Sweet revenge
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+A married man
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The bounty
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Conan the destroyer
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+The terminator
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+The bostonians
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Indiana jones and the temple of doom
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Nothing lasts forever
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+Blame it on rio
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+A soldier's story
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Irreconcilable differences
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Best defense
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Beverly hills cop
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Swing shift
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Indiana jones and the temple of doom
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Against all odds
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Once upon a time in America
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Love letters
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+The dollmaker
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Against all odds
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Hotel new hampshire
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+The blood of others
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+The hotel new hampshire
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Blind date
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Swing shift
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Mrs. soffel
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+The bounty
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+The river
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Body double
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Falling in love
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Blame it on rio
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The jigsaw man
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Romancing the stone
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Johnny dangerously
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Racing with the moon
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+The cotton club
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+The cotton club
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Falling in love
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Once upon a time in America
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Moscow on the hudson
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Places in the heart
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in this movie?
+Over the brooklyn bridge
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Sword of the valiant
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Irreconcilable differences
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+The calendar girl murders
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+The vegas strip wars
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Cannonball run ii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+He'll see you now
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The buddy system
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Bachelor party
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1984, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+The river rat
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985 film that casts Sean Penn and Timothy Hutton as spies?
+The falcon and the snowman
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Love on the run
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The company of wolves
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Arch of triumph
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Guilty conscience
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Mussolini & i
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Red sonja
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Anna karenina
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+The aviator
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Into the night
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Spies like us
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+No small affair
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+St. elmo's fire
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Cat's eye
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Death of a salesman
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Malice in wonderland
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Twice in a lifetime
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Badge of the assassin
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Cat's eye
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Joshua then and now
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Agnes of god
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Jagged edge
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Grace quigley
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Enormous changes at the last minute
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+American flyers
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The mean season
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+Stone pillow
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Mad max: beyond thunderdome
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Alfred hitchcock presents
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Fear city
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Out of africa
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The holcroft covenant
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+A chorus line: the movie
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+The jewel of the nile
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Into the night
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Archer's adventure
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Room to move
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+The wacky world of wills and burke
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Wills and burke
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+King David
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Murphy's romance
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Girls just want to have fun
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+King solomon's mines
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Compromising positions
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Mussolini & i
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Rambo: first blood part ii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Rocky iv
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+The man with one red shoe
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1985, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+The purple rose of cairo
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Dress gray
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The good father
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Raw deal
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Directed by william wyler
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Down and out in beverly hills
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Ruthless people
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Comedy music videos
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+About Last Night . . .
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+One crazy summer
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+The george mckenna story
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Babes in toyland
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+The golden child
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+There must be a pony
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+The mosquito coast
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+The morning after
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The morning after
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+My little girl
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+That's life
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Mrs. delafield wants to marry
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Big trouble in little china
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+The best of times
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+Band of the hand
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Armed and dangerous
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Top gun
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Something wild
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Half moon street
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Hannah and her sisters
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Mona lisa
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Sweet liberty
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Gung ho
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Touch and go
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Sweet liberty
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Peggy sue got married
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+The boy in blue
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+No mercy
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+The mission
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Club paradise
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Seize the day
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+The flight of the navigator
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The name of the rose
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Half moon street
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Women of valor
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+The color of money
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Top gun
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Every time we say goodbye
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Nothing in common
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+The money pit
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Black moon rising
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Streets of gold
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Jumpin' jack flash
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1986, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Hannah and her sisters
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987 film that has a nude Julie andrews trying to seduce a junkman?
+Duet for one
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987 movie that teamed Matthew Broderick and Willie the Chimp?
+Project x
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+The running man
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Love among thieves
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Outrageous fortune
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+The princess bride
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+Throw momma from the train
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Blind date
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Street smart
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Superman iv: the quest for peace
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Cry freedom
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Conspiracy of love
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Hollywood shuffle
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Poker alice
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+No way out
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+Return to horror high
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Best seller
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+A man in love
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Amazing grace and chuck
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Eight million ways to die
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+Duet for one
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Lemon sky
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+No way out
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Summer school
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Lethal weapon
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Cherry 2000
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Jaws: the revenge
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The fourth protocol
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The whistle blower
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Fatal attraction
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Wall street
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+The squeeze
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Amazon women on the moon
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+The witches of eastwick
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Raising arizona
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Night master
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Watch the shadows dance
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+The fourth protocol
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Right to die
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Angel heart
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Allan quartermain and the lost city of gold
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Police academy 4: citizen's patrol
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Out on a limb
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+One woman or two
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The witches of eastwick
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Over the top
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+The big town
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Fatal beauty
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+Square dance
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1987, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+King lear
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Married to the mob
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+She's having a baby
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Talk radio
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Working girl
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+A chorus of disapproval
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The dawning
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The tenth man
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Red heat
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Big business
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Oliver and company
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+Memories of me
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Die hard
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Switching channels
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Caddyshack ii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+My stepmother is an alien
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+The couch trip
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+The great outdoors
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+The seventh sign
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Far from home
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Rain man
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Coming to America
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+Rowing with the wind
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Young toscanini
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Another woman
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Bat 21
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Full moon in blue water
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Mississippi burning
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Split decisions
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+Return of the killer tomatoes
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Working girl
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Lair of the white worm
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Rowing with the wind
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+The dawning
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+White mischief
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The boost
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+A fish called wanda
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Dominick and eugene
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Old gringo
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Tucker: the man and his dream
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Five corners
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Stealing home
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+The accused
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Going hollywood: the war years
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Laura lansing slept here
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Criminal law
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+End of the line
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+She's having a baby
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Bull durham
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+She's having a baby
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Shoot to kill
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Tequila sunrise
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Appointment with death
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Mr. north
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Promised land
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+The presidio
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Tequila sunrise
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Stormy monday
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+The milagro beanfield war
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Working girl
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+A cry in the dark
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Dirty rotten scoundrels
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Jack the ripper
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Without a clue
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Clean and sober
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Dangerous liaisons
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Married to the mob
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Tequila sunrise
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+The deceivers
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Scandal in a small town
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Midnight run
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+The adventures of baron munchausen
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in this movie?
+Funny farm
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Memories of me
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The presidio
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Above the law
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Action jackson
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Cold steel
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Madame sousatzka
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Gorillas in the mist
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Working girl
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Bull durham
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Sweet hearts dance
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Rambo iii
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Stormy monday
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Clara's heart
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The telephone
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1988, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Great balls of fire!
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The shell seekers
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Audrey Hepburn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+When harry met sally ...
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Cutting class
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Happy together
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+In country
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Look who's talking
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+That's adequate
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Driving miss daisy
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Ghostbusters 2
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Loose cannons
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+We're no angels
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+For queen and country
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+The mighty quinn
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+See you in the morning
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Family business
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Harlem nights
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+Sweet bird of youth
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+Henry v
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+The tall guy
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Loose cannons
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The package
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Indiana jones and the last crusade
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+The lady and the highwayman
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Till we meet again
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Immediate family
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, James Woods starred in this movie?
+My Name is Bill W.
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, James Woods starred in this movie?
+True believer
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Cold feet
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+See you in the morning
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The fabulous baker boys
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Look who's talking
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+The experts
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Blood red
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Steel magnolias
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+The big picture
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Field of dreams
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Look who's talking
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Tango and cash
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Winter people
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Dinner at eight
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+A dry white season
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+When harry met sally ...
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Lethal weapon 2
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Black rain
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+The war of the roses
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+The dream team
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+The fabulous baker boys
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Vampire's kiss
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Dead calm
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+The heist
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Trouble in paradise
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+We're no angels
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Dead poets society
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Steel magnolias
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in this movie?
+High stakes
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Family business
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Indiana jones and the last crusade
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Beyond the stars
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Blood and sand
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Steel magnolias
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Ghostbusters 2
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Helmut newton: frames from the edge
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+A dry white season
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Da grande
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Erik the viking
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The january man
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Lock up
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Tango and cash
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+The 'burbs
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Turner and hooch
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+The package
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+King of New York
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Major league
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Homer and eddie
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Kiss shot
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1980s: In 1989, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+New york stories
+TV/Film: 1980s: iron ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: jeff bridges, phone home?
+TV/Film: 1980s: johnny ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: jumpin' jack ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: just one of the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: killer ____ from outer space?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ladies and gentlemen, introducing denzel Washington?
+TV/Film: 1980s: less than ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: let's make chevy chase a spy!?
+TV/Film: 1980s: license to ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: little tommy hanks gets his wish?
+TV/Film: 1980s: lost ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: mad ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: mad max beyond ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: making the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (MM!) in a deep-sea odyssey?
+TV/Film: 1980s: mary elizabeth mastrantonio in a deep-sea odyssey?
+TV/Film: 1980s: maximum ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Michael Mann's slick classic?
+Miami vice
+TV/Film: 1980s: michelle pfeiffer scores as a predatory bird?
+TV/Film: 1980s: midnight ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: mix jeff goldblum's and geena davis's dna, then remove geena davis's dna?
+TV/Film: 1980s: mix kim cattrall, a honky-tonk, and a bunch of teenage boys?
+TV/Film: 1980s: mmm. tastes like fish?
+TV/Film: 1980s: moon over ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: moon____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Movie that earned Glenn Close her 2nd Oscar nomination?
+The big chill
+TV/Film: 1980s: mr. ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: my ____ project?
+TV/Film: 1980s: my left ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: naked ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Name the movie with the quote and never call me shirley?
+TV/Film: 1980s: national lampoon's ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: near ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: never say ____ again?
+TV/Film: 1980s: never, never add water?
+TV/Film: 1980s: night ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: night of the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: nightmare on ____ street?
+TV/Film: 1980s: nineteen ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: no way ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: no, not gremlins, they're?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Object that Ayla becomes secretly proficient with in Clan of the Cave Bear?
+The sling
+TV/Film: 1980s: olivia newton-john meets mt. olympus?
+TV/Film: 1980s: on golden ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: one ____ summer?
+TV/Film: 1980s: one-eyed willie and his hidden treasure save the day?
+TV/Film: 1980s: out of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: palais ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: playing for ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: police ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: proof that there's life in the afterlife. and geena davis's lips?
+TV/Film: 1980s: racing with the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: raging ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: raiders of the ____ ark?
+TV/Film: 1980s: raising ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: raw ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: real ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: red ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: return of the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: return to ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: revenge of the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ricki lake, before her television show?
+TV/Film: 1980s: risky ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: road ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Roman Polanski's 1980 film adaptation of a Thomas Hardy novel?
+TV/Film: 1980s: running ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: say ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: secret ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: seven ____ of death?
+TV/Film: 1980s: sex, lies and ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: she's ____ a baby?
+TV/Film: 1980s: shock ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: short ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: silver ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Sitcom that got Isabel Sanford her 1981 best actress Emmy?
+The jeffersons
+TV/Film: 1980s: six ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: some ____ of hero?
+TV/Film: 1980s: some kind of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: somewhere in ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: soul ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: spielberg, dreyfuss, john goodman, holly hunter, name the film?
+TV/Film: 1980s: st. ____ fire?
+TV/Film: 1980s: stallone as a cop after a serial killer?
+TV/Film: 1980s: stallone goes postal in the pacific northwest?
+TV/Film: 1980s: star ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Star Trek: the ____ home?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Star Trek: the search for ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Star Trek: the wrath of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: streets of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: teen ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: tender ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ artist?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ bride?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ brothers?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ cat?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ club?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ connection?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ crystal?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ edge?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ guy?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ kid?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ kid?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ man?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ man?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ of d.b. cooper?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ of the intruder?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ of the rose?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ pit?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ serpent?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ strikes back?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ thing?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____ within?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the ____, part three?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the big ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the bitch is back, and it's not sigourney?
+TV/Film: 1980s: The Color ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: The Color of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the colour ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the colour of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the evil ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the falcon and the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the final ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the king of ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the last ____ of christ?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the last ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the last ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the last American ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: The last team Tom Seaver tried to pitch for?
+New york mets
+TV/Film: 1980s: the legend of ____ jean?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the man with two ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the monster ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the neverending ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the New York ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the paean to late nights and teens in the 1950s?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the right ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the running ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the secret of my ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: the wonder years, as written by oliver stone?
+TV/Film: 1980s: think dante's, think towering, think box office dud?
+TV/Film: 1980s: This actor was with Wagner and Natalie Wood when she drowned?
+Christopher walken
+TV/Film: 1980s: this is ____ tap?
+TV/Film: 1980s: This movie lost 3 days of shooting when Karanja the chimp needed a root canal?
+Project x
+TV/Film: 1980s: This town needs an enema?
+TV/Film: 1980s: three ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: three men and a ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: ticket to ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: time ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: to live and die in ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: tokyo ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Tom Brokaw and this network anchor made their debuts in 1983?
+Peter jennings
+TV/Film: 1980s: tom cruise visits the forest primeval, and a unicorn?
+TV/Film: 1980s: top ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: tuff ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: turn back, sarah, before it's too late?
+TV/Film: 1980s: TV sitcom most frequently taped in 1987?
+The cosby show
+TV/Film: 1980s: uncle ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: under the ____ moon?
+TV/Film: 1980s: urban ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: vice ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: vulgar prodigy plays the 18th century's greatest hits?
+TV/Film: 1980s: wanted: lovable old drunk with contemptuous butler?
+TV/Film: 1980s: war of the ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: war____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Wasn't Jesse Ventura in this dud?
+TV/Film: 1980s: we're no ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: What anniversary did the Royal Television Society celebrate with a visit by the Queen in 1987?
+TV/Film: 1980s: What U.S. city does Howard the Duck land in?
+TV/Film: 1980s: when harry ____ sally?
+TV/Film: 1980s: when opie visited the rest home?
+TV/Film: 1980s: when ralph macchio left karate behind, he found himself here?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Who ____ Roger Rabbit?
+TV/Film: 1980s: Who said Bill Murray couldn't play Dickens?
+TV/Film: 1980s: who stars in the 1980 film Brubaker?
+Robert Redford
+TV/Film: 1980s: Who you gonna call?
+TV/Film: 1980s: woman in ____?
+TV/Film: 1980s: world history: ben kingsley makes salt, British empire falls down?
+TV/Film: 1980s: yo, adrian!?
+TV/Film: 1980s: young ____ holmes?
+TV/Film: 1980s: young____?
+TV/Film: 1981 54th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Katharine Hepburn For The Movie?
+On golden Pond
+TV/Film: 1981 54th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Maureen Stapleton For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1981 comedy had Richard Pryor bussing a load of disturbed children?
+Bustin loose
+TV/Film: 1982 55th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Meryl Streep For The Movie?
+Sophie's choice
+TV/Film: 1982 55th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Jessica Lange For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1983 56th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Shirley Maclaine For The Movie?
+Terms of Endearment
+TV/Film: 1983 56th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Linda Hunt For The Movie?
+The year of Living Dangerously
+TV/Film: 1984 57th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Sally Field For The Movie?
+Places in the heart
+TV/Film: 1984 57th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Peggy Ashcroft For The Movie?
+A passage To India
+TV/Film: 1984 Drama Threads showed a nuclear bomb fallingon which British City?
+TV/Film: 1984 remake has Mel Gibson as Fletcher Christian and Anthony Hopkins as Bligh?
+The bounty
+TV/Film: 1984, Sean Connery returned as james Bond after a 13 year gap, in which film?
+Never say never again
+TV/Film: 1985 58th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Geraldine Page For The Movie?
+The trip to Bountiful
+TV/Film: 1985 58th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Anjelica Huston For The Movie?
+Prizzi's Honor
+TV/Film: 1986 59th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Marlee Matlin For The Movie?
+Children of a Lesser God
+TV/Film: 1986 59th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Dianne Wiest For The Movie?
+Hannah and Her Sisters
+TV/Film: 1986, Action Thriller about an alcoholic cop starring Charles Bronson?
+Murphy's Law
+TV/Film: 1987 60th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Cher For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1987 60th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Olympia Dukakis For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1987 Film with Cher,Michelle Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon?
+The witches of Eastwick
+TV/Film: 1987, which music star appeared in The witches of Eastwick?
+TV/Film: 1988 61st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Jodie Foster For The Movie?
+The accused
+TV/Film: 1988 61st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Geena Davis For The Movie?
+The accidental Tourist
+TV/Film: 1988, film starring Sean Connery and Meg Ryan?
+The Presidio
+TV/Film: 1988, who starred opposite Meg Ryan in The Presidio?
+Sean Connery
+TV/Film: 1988, who starred opposite Sean Connery in The Presidio?
+Meg Ryan
+TV/Film: 1989 62nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Jessica Tandy For The Movie?
+Driving miss Daisy
+TV/Film: 1989 62nd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Brenda Fricker For The Movie?
+My left foot
+TV/Film: 1989-Japanese feature about 5 years in a Hiroshima-surviving family?
+Black rain
+TV/Film: 1989,comedy about a special friendship betwen a group of women that helps them survive life's trials?
+Steel Magnolias
+TV/Film: 1990 63rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Kathy Bates For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1990 63rd Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Whoopi Goldberg For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1990 film starring Melanie Griffiths & Michael Keaton?
+Pacific Heights
+TV/Film: 1990, who starred opposite Michael Keaton in Pacific Heights?
+Melanie Griffith
+TV/Film: 1990,who starred opposite Melanie Griffith in Pacific Heights?
+Michael Keaton
+TV/Film: 1990s: 1996, This movie was released on July 17?
+TV/Film: 1990s: 1996, This movie was released on July 17?
+TV/Film: 1990s: 1996, This movie was released on July 19?
+TV/Film: 1990s: 1996, This movie was released on July 19?
+TV/Film: 1990s: A family-values politician targets Dangerfield's vulgarly popular talk show?
+Meet wally Sparks
+TV/Film: 1990s: A gay couple prepares to meet their son's fiancee's moralistic parents?
+The birdcage
+TV/Film: 1990s: A magical child prodigy gets back at her mean school principal?
+TV/Film: 1990s: A sports agent (Cruise) forms his own company centered around Cuba Gooding Jr?
+Jerry Maguire
+TV/Film: 1990s: Animated tale of a wolfdog braving a blizzard to transport diphtheria medicine?
+TV/Film: 1990s: Annie falls victim to hijacking____again, this time on a boat?
+Speed 2 cruise control
+TV/Film: 1990s: For the first several seasons, Dr. Sam Waters was chased by Jack the Ripper?
+TV/Film: 1990s: FOX show in which two FBI agents investigate paranormal phenomena?
+The x-files
+TV/Film: 1990s: George Clooney and Michelle Pfeiffer have a rocky relationship?
+One fine day
+TV/Film: 1990s: Glenn Close played the villain in this 1996 remake of a 1961 movie?
+101 dalmatians
+TV/Film: 1990s: Hit show about the middle-classed Connor family, who lived in Landford?
+TV/Film: 1990s: Hospital drama written by Michael Crichton?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Miami blues
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+The hunt for red october
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Angela Lansbury starred in this movie?
+The love she sought
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Desperate hours
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Kindergarten cop
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Total recall
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Too young to die?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Die hard 2: die harder
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Look who's talking too
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The bonfire of the vanities
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+The rose and the jackal
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Heart condition
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Mo' better blues
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Dick tracy
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Another 48 Hrs.
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+Der skipper
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Narrow margin
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Postcards from the edge
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+Red surf
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+Sunset beat
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Bird on a wire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Presumed innocent
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Crossing the line
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Blue steel
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+Stanley and iris
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Look who's talking too
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Pretty woman
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Dances with wolves
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Look who's talking too
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Sibling rivalry
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+Innocent victim
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+The adventures of ford fairlane
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The freshman
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Joe versus the volcano
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Air America
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Bird on a wire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+In the spirit
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Men & women: stories of seduction
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Pacific heights
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+The bonfire of the vanities
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Postcards from the edge
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+A shock to the system
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Jekyll and hyde
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Mr. destiny
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Pacific heights
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+The Russia house
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Wild at heart
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Days of thunder
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Emerald city
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+Mister johnson
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Internal affairs
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Pretty woman
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Stanley and iris
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Cadillac man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+The crossing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Who shot patakango?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The hunt for red october
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The Russia house
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Total recall
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Postcards from the edge
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Waiting for the light
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+White palace
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Rocky v
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Days of thunder
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Joe versus the volcano
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+The bonfire of the vanities
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Mo' better blues
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The long walk home
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+Edward scissorhands
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1990's Bird on a Wire, Goldie Hawn drove a ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+The marrying man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+One man's war
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The silence of the lambs
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Terminator 2: judgment day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+The prince of tides
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+For the boys
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Scenes from a mall
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+City slickers
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Across the tracks
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Thelma & louise
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Billy bathgate
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Hudson hawk
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Mortal thoughts
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The last boy scout
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Bump in the night
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Masters of menace
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+My girl
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Nothing but trouble
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+Mortal thoughts
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+Nothing but trouble
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+The butcher's wife
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Billy bathgate
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+El largo invierno
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+Dead again
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Class action
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Regarding henry
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Our sons
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Ingrid Bergman starred in this movie?
+Rich girl
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The boys
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The hard way
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+My girl
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Queens logic
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The fisher king
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Little man tate
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+The silence of the lambs
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Dying young
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Sleeping with the enemy
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+Our sons
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Queens logic
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Robin hood: prince of thieves
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+A star for two
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+All i want for christmas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+The doors
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Defending your life
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+One good cop
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Frankie & johnny
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Billy bathgate
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+Victim of love
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Rhapsody in august
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Cape fear
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Guilty by suspicion
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Dead again
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Shakes the clown
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+The fisher king
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+Hammers over the anvil
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+Prisoners of the sun
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Not without my daughter
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+L.a. story
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Highlander ii: the quickening
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Defending your life
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Thelma & louise
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Jungle fever
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+New jack city
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+House party 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1991, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Scenes from a mall
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Glengarry glen ross
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Prelude to a kiss
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Bram stoker's dracula
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Howards end
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The efficiency expert
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The trial
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+Mr. saturday night
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+A river runs through it
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Cool world
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Johnny suede
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Death becomes her
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The player
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Noises off
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+This is my life
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+A few good men
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Malcolm x
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Mississippi masala
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Poison ivy
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+The distinguished gentleman
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+Passenger 57
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+Howards end
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+Peter's friends
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Death becomes her
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Patriot games
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Bitter moon
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Straight talk
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Forever young
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Shadows and fog
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+The player
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Julie Andrews starred in this movie?
+A fine romance
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+A few good men
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+The bodyguard
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Captain ron
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Unlawful entry
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+Fugitive among us
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Lucille Ball starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Christopher columbus: the discovery
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Prelude to a kiss
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Forever young
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Lethal weapon 3
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+A stranger among us
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Death becomes her
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Blue ice
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Death becomes her
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Noises off
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The muppet christmas carol
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Basic instinct
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Shining through
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Batman returns
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Honeymoon in vegas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Red rock west
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Far and away
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Pamela Anderson starred in this movie?
+The taking of beverly hills
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+The lawnmower man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Final analysis
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Night and the city
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+Romper stomper
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+The efficiency expert
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Love potion no. 9
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+When the party's over
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Who do i gotta kill?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Honeymoon in vegas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Medicine man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Basic instinct
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Diary of a hitman
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Used people
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+1492: conquest of paradise
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Alien 3
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Bob roberts
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Light sleeper
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Lorenzo's oil
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The player
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Stop! or my mom will shoot
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+A few good men
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Far and away
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+A league of their own
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Radio flyer
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Under siege
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Passenger 57
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+The waterdance
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+White men can't jump
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, What city is terrorized by a toddler in Honey, I Blew Up the Kid?
+Las vegas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, what movie has meg ryan switching identities with an elderly man?
+Prelude to a kiss
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, what mtv veejay co-starred in encino man?
+Pauly shore
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Sister act
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The magical world of chuck jones
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The player
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+Bram stoker's dracula
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+Night on earth
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Husbands and wives
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1992, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Shadows and fog
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The innocent
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The remains of the day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+The house of the spirits
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Last action hero
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+Natural s:: ruby in paradise
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Hocus pocus
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+True romance
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Striking distance
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Remains of the day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+Indecent proposal
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Much ado about nothing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+The pelican brief
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+No place to hide
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Wayne's world 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+Beyond bedlam
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+In the name of the father
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+Much ado about nothing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+Remains of the day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+The remains of the day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Geronimo: an American legend
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The firm
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+Unbecoming age
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+The fugitive
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Night train to venice
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+The remains of the day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+American heart
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The vanishing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Look who's talking now
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+The pelican brief
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+A perfect world
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Look who's talking now
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+Dragon: the bruce lee story
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Flesh and bone
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Sleepless in seattle
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+The house of the spirits
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Falling down
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Much ado about nothing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Love field
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+The age of innocence
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Amos & andrew
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+My life
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Pamela Anderson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+Mrs. doubtfire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Mr. jones
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Mad dog and glory
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+This boy's life
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Mrs. doubtfire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+Love in limbo
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+The silver brumby
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Mrs. doubtfire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Demolition man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+The thing called love
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+The vanishing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Wrestling ernest hemingway
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Hocus pocus
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Striking distance
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Rising sun
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Last action hero
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Where sleeping dogs lie
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Wrestling ernest hemingway
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Demolition man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+The firm
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Sleepless in seattle
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Heaven & earth
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+House of cards
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+The fugitive
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Boiling point
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Demolition man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Rising sun
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Made in America
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Sister act 2: back in the habit
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+The age of innocence
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+The house of the spirits
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1993, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Manhattan murder mystery
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+The getaway
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+The shadow
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Legends of the fall
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The road to wellville
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+Interview with the vampire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+True lies
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Interview with the vampire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Legends of the fall
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+The favor
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Color of night
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Nobody's fool
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Pulp fiction
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+The mask
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Morning glory
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Exit to eden
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+My girl 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Bad girls
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Inside the goldmine
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Beverly hills cop iii
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this movie?
+The flintstones
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Wyatt earp
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Clear and present danger
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Jimmy hollywood
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Four weddings and a funeral
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Curse of the starving class
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The getaway
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The specialist
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Mother's boys
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+My girl 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+True lies
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Jane Fonda starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Blown away
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Pulp fiction
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+I love trouble
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Katharine Hepburn starred in this movie?
+Love affair
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+The air up there
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+The river wild
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+The war
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Wyatt earp
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Chains o' gold
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+Dumb & dumber
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+When a man loves a woman
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Milk money
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Nobody's fool
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+The river wild
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+On deadly ground
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+The paper
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+Paint cans
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+The dark
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Guarding tess
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+It could happen to you
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Trapped in paradise
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Pamela Anderson starred in this movie?
+Raw justice
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+Love affair
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Naked gun 33 1/3: the final insult
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+Love and a .45
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+Reality bites
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Mary shelley's frankenstein
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Being human
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+For the moment
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+The sum of us
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Forrest gump
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Mi vida loca
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Ed wood
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+A good man in africa
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+The specialist
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Guarding tess
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Death and the maiden
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Little women
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Safe passage
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The client
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+A century of cinema
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+The specialist
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Interview with the vampire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Forrest gump
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Blown away
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Blue sky
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+The client
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Naked in New York
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The little rascals
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The pagemaster
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+Little women
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1994, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+Reality bites
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Two bits
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Alicia Silverstone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Alicia Silverstone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Alicia Silverstone starred in this movie?
+Le nouveau monde
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Alicia Silverstone starred in this movie?
+The babysitter
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Alicia Silverstone starred in this movie?
+True crime
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Without evidence
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+Four rooms
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+Miami rhapsody
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+Never talk to strangers
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+The passion of darkly noon
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Get shorty
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+Forget paris
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Die hard with a vengeance
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Four rooms
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Christopher Reeve starred in this movie?
+Village of the damned
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Tommy boy
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+Now and then
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+The scarlet letter
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Crimson tide
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Devil in a blue dress
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Batman forever
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Boys on the side
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Mad love
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Vampire in brooklyn
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+Mad dogs and englishmen
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+Sense and sensibility
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Crimson tide
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Get shorty
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The quick and the dead
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+An awfully big adventure
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Nine months
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Sense and sensibility
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Killer: a journal of murder
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Wild bill
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+Money train
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+My family
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Get shorty
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+White man's burden
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Something to talk about
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Apollo 13
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Murder in the first
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+It takes two
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Village of the damned
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+Don juan demarco
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+French kiss
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Now and then
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+The bridges of madison county
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+The American president
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Dangerous minds
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+Love child
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Kiss of death
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Leaving las vegas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Batman forever
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+To die for
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Pamela Anderson starred in this movie?
+Naked souls
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+Empire records
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+The low life
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+First knight
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Les cent et une nuits
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Nine months
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+Rough magic
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+The quick and the dead
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+Under the gun
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Fair game
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Four rooms
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Miracle alley
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+The net
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+While you were sleeping
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Miami rhapsody
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+First knight
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Just cause
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Tears in the rain
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+The quick and the dead
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Dead man walking
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Judge dredd
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Apollo 13
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Toy story
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Batman forever
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Drop zone
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Money train
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Waiting to exhale
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Boys on the side
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Moonlight and valentino
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+How to make an American quilt
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1995, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Mighty aphrodite
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Ghosts of mississippi
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Heaven's prisoners
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Looking for richard
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+The juror
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Love is all there is
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Mojave moon
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Surviving picasso
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+Of love and shadows
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+Two much
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Jingle all the way
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+A time to kill
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+Normal life
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Barbra Streisand starred in this movie?
+The mirror has two faces
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+The first wives club
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Last man standing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+Feeling minnesota
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+She's the one
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+The last supper
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Celtic pride
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Feeling minnesota
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Getting away with murder
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+My fellow americans
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Sgt. bilko
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+The hunchback of notre dame
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+The juror
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+Courage under fire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+The preacher's wife
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Everyone says i love you
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+American buffalo
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+The nutty professor
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Extreme measures
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The birdcage
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+The chamber
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+From dusk till dawn
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+One fine day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+Everyone says i love you
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, goldie hawn starred in this movie?
+The first wives club
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Extreme measures
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, James Woods starred in this movie?
+For better or worse
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Ghosts of mississippi
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+House arrest
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The mirror has two faces
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+White squall
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Broken arrow
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Everyone says i love you
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Mary reilly
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Michael collins
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Tin cup
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Sticks and stones
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+Executive decision
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+My fellow americans
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+The line king: al hirschfeld
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+The mirror has two faces
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+Beautiful girls
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+Down periscope
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Marlon Brando starred in this movie?
+The island of dr. moreau
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Courage under fire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Mulholland falls
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Two much
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Before and after
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Marvin's room
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+The ghost and the darkness
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+One fine day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+To gillian on her 37th birthday
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+Up close and personal
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+The craft
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+The rock
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+The portrait of a lady
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Pamela Anderson starred in this movie?
+Barb wire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+Mars attacks!
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+The mirror has two faces
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+Jerry maguire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+The whole wide world
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Primal fear
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Marvin's room
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+The fan
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+The secret agent
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Eye for an eye
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+From dusk till dawn
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+A time to kill
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+In love and war
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Two if by sea
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Extreme measures
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+If lucy fell
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+Mars attacks!
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+The first wives club
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+The substance of fire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The rock
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+Last dance
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Mrs. winterbourne
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The celluloid closet
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+The evening star
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+James and the giant peach
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+The celluloid closet
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, This movie was released on August 2?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, This movie was released on August 2?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Jerry maguire
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Mission: impossible
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+That thing you do!
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+The celluloid closet
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+The fan
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+Ghosts of mississippi
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The associate
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The celluloid closet
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+Looking for richard
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+The crucible
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1996, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Everyone says i love you
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+The edge
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Alicia Silverstone starred in this movie?
+Batman & robin
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Alicia Silverstone starred in this movie?
+Excess baggage
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Playing god
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The edge
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+Batman & robin
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+Kiss the girls
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+The locusts
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+That old feeling
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+Deconstructing harry
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+Fathers' day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Seven years in tibet
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+The devil's own
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The fifth element
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The jackal
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+A life less ordinary
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+Head above water
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+Keys to tulsa
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+My best friend's wedding
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+Grosse pointe blank
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+Deconstructing harry
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+G.i. jane
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Mad city
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+Wag the dog
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+Dangerous ground
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+The winter guest
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Absolute power
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+Batman & robin
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+The peacemaker
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+The devil's own
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Kicked in the head
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Fierce creatures
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+Blood and wine
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Mad city
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+She's so lovely
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Conspiracy theory
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+My best friend's wedding
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Picture perfect
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Telling lies in America
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+The postman
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Deconstructing harry
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+For richer or poorer
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+A smile like yours
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Addicted to love
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Conspiracy theory
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Fathers' day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Blood and wine
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+The game
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Jackie brown
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+A thousand acres
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+Scream 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Con air
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+The peacemaker
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+Dante's peak
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+Tomorrow never dies
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Red corner
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+The jackal
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Cop land
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Jackie brown
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Wag the dog
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Fathers' day
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Good will hunting
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+Breaking up
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+Heaven's burning
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Breaking up
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Follow me home
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Fools rush in
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Who the hell is juliette?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Speed 2: cruise control
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this movie?
+'til there was you
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in this movie?
+I know what you did last summer
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in this movie?
+Scream 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+A smile like yours
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Alien resurrection
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+The grimm brothers' snow white
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+The ice storm
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Sylvester Stallone starred in this movie?
+Cop land
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, This Movie was Released on June 27?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, This Movie was Released on June 27?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, This Movie was Released on June 6?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, This Movie was Released on June 6?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Men in black
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Murder at 1600
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+One night stand
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Winona Ryder starred in this movie?
+Alien resurrection
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1997, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Deconstructing harry
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998 71st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Gwyneth Paltrow For The Movie?
+Shakespeare In Love
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998 71st Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Judi Dench For The Movie?
+Shakespeare in Love
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Mercury rising
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Playing by heart
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Meet joe black
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+The mask of zorro
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+The mask of zorro
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+Simon birch
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+My giant
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Meet joe black
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Mercury rising
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The siege
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+Fear and loathing in las vegas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+There's something about mary
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+Very bad things
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+He got game
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+The siege
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Ever after: a cinderella story
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Home fries
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+The wedding singer
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Dustin Hoffman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Doctor dolittle
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+Holy man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+Permanent midnight
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Emma Thompson starred in this movie?
+Primary colors
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+Enemy of the state
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Gene Hackman starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+Full tilt boogie
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+The thin red line
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Another day in paradise
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Fear and loathing in las vegas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, James Woods starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Halloween: h20
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The big lebowski
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Jennifer Lopez starred in this movie?
+Out of sight
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+A civil action
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Primary colors
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+The thin red line
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Digging to china
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Wild things
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, kurt russell starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+No looking back
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+City of angels
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+You've got mail
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Lethal weapon 4
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Another day in paradise
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Dancing at lughnasa
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+One true thing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+Little voice
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+A perfect murder
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Desperate measures
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Jack frost
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Michael Keaton starred in this movie?
+Out of sight
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+The prince of egypt
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+Wild things
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+City of angels
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Snake eyes
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Practical magic
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Raquel Welch starred in this movie?
+Chairman of the board
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+A price above rubies
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Renee Zellweger starred in this movie?
+One true thing
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Great expectations
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Patch adams
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+What dreams may come
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+The faculty
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Hope floats
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Practical magic
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+The prince of egypt
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+Playing by heart
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+The avengers
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+The mighty
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 10 ____?
+Species ii
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 10 3 Ninjas: High Noon at ____?
+Mega mountain
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 10 City of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 10 My ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 10 The Odd ____?
+Couple ii
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 17 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 17 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 17 Major ____?
+League iii
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 17 Suicide ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 17 The Object of ____?
+My affection
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 24 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 24 In God's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 24 Tarzan and ____?
+The lost city
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 24 The Big ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 3 Barney's Great ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 3 Lost In ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 3 Mercury ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on April 8 Player's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 14 Air Bud: Golden ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 14 How Stella Got ____?
+Her groove back
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 14 Return To ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 14 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 21 Dance ____?
+With me
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 21 Dead Man on ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 21 Wrongfully ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 28 Why Do Fools ____?
+Fall in love
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 5 Halloween: ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on August 7 Snake ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 11 Jack ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 11 Life is ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 11 Star Trek- ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 18 Little ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 18 Shakespeare ____?
+In love
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 18 The Prince of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 18 You've Got ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 A Civil ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 Down in the ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 Mighty ____?
+Joe young
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 Patch ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 Playing By ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 The Thin ____?
+Red line
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 25 Velvet ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 30 1998 Hi-Lo ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on December 4 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 13 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 13 Hurricane ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 13 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 13 The Wedding ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 20 Dangerous ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 20?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 20?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 27 Dark ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 27 Kissing ____?
+A fool
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 27 Krippendorf's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 6 Blues ____?
+Brothers 2000
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 6 The Replacement ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on February 6 Zero ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 16 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 16 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 16 Half ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 16 Hard ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 23 Slappy and the ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 23 Spice ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 23 Swept ____?
+From the sea
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 30 Deep ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 30 Desperate ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 30 Great ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 9 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 9 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on January 9 Wag the ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 1 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 10 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 10 Lethal ____?
+Weapon 4
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 10 Small ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 15 There's something ____?
+About mary
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 17 The Mask of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 24 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 24 Disturbing ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 24 Saving ____?
+Private ryan
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 29 The Parent ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 3 Smoke ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 31 Ever ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 31 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on July 31?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 12 Can't ____?
+Hardly wait
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 12 Dirty ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 12 Six Days, ____?
+Seven nights
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 19 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 19 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 26 Beyond ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 26 Dr. ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 26 Gone With ____?
+The wind
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 26 Hav ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 26 Out ____?
+Of sight
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 5 A Perfect ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on June 5 The ____?
+Truman show
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 13 The Man in the ____?
+Iron mask
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 20 Mr. Nice ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 20 Primary ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 20 Wild ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 27 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 27 Meet The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 27 The Newton ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 27 Wide ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 6 The Big ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 6 U.S. ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 6?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on March 6?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 1 Black ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 1 Dancer, ____?
+Texas pop. 81
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 1 Les ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 1 The Butcher ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 15 Quest for ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 20 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 22 Fear and Loathing ____?
+In las vegas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 22 The Horse ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 29 Almost ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 29 Hope ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 29 The Last ____?
+Days of disco
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 29 The Opposite ____?
+Of sex
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 8 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on May 8 Deep ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 13 I Still Know What ____?
+You did last summer
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 13 I'll Be Home ____?
+For christmas
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 13 Meet ____?
+Joe black
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 20 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 20 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 20 Enemy of ____?
+The state
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 20 The Rugrats ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 25 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 25 A Bug's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 25 Babe: Pig in ____?
+The city
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 25 Home ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 25 Very Bad ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 4 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 6 American ____?
+History x
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 6 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 6 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on November 6 The Wizard ____?
+Of oz
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 16 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 16 Bride of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 16 Practical ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 2 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 2 A Night at the ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 2 Dee Snider's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 2 What Dreams ____?
+May come
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 23 Apt ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 30 John Carpenter's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 30 Living Out ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 9 Holy ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on October 9 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 11 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 11 Simon ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 11 Without ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 18 One True ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 18 Rush ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 25 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 25 Clay ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 25 Urban ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 4 Knock ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, This Movie was Released on September 4 Next Stop ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Saving private ryan
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+You've got mail
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+U.s. marshals
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+Down in the delta
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Wesley Snipes starred in this movie?
+U.s. marshals
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+How stella got her groove back
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The rugrats movie
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1998, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Wild man blues
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Notting hill
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Alec Baldwin starred in this movie?
+Outside providence
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Alicia Silverstone starred in this movie?
+Blast from the past
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Hell's kitchen
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Pushing tin
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+Play it to the bone
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Antonio Banderas starred in this movie?
+The 13th warrior
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in this movie?
+End of days
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+Double jeopardy
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Get bruce
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+Analyze this
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Billy Crystal starred in this movie?
+Get bruce
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Being john malkovich
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Brad Pitt starred in this movie?
+Fight club
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+Breakfast of champions
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The sixth sense
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The story of us
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+Any given sunday
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Cameron Diaz starred in this movie?
+Being john malkovich
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Dan Akroyd starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+The bone collector
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Denzel Washington starred in this movie?
+The hurricane
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Never been kissed
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Eddie Murphy starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+Austin powers: the spy who shagged me
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Elizabeth Hurley starred in this movie?
+My favorite martian
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+Three kings
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Harrison Ford starred in this movie?
+Random hearts
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Mickey blue eyes
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Notting hill
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, James Woods starred in this movie?
+Any given sunday
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The general's daughter
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, James Woods starred in this movie?
+True crime
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+Arlington road
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Jeff Bridges starred in this movie?
+The muse
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Jodie Foster starred in this movie?
+Anna and the king
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+The general's daughter
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Notting hill
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Runaway bride
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Kevin Bacon starred in this movie?
+Stir of echoes
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+For love of the game
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Kevin Costner starred in this movie?
+Message in a bottle
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Kirstie Alley starred in this movie?
+Drop dead gorgeous
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Lauren Bacall starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Lauren Holly starred in this movie?
+Any given sunday
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Melanie Griffith starred in this movie?
+Crazy in alabama
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Meryl Streep starred in this movie?
+Music of the heart
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Michael Caine starred in this movie?
+The cider house rules
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+The deep end of the ocean
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Michelle Pfeiffer starred in this movie?
+The story of us
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+Three to tango
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Bringing out the dead
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Nicole Kidman starred in this movie?
+Eyes wide shut
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+The thomas crown affair
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Pierce Brosnan starred in this movie?
+The world is not enough
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Richard Gere starred in this movie?
+Runaway bride
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+Analyze this
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Bicentennial man
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Get bruce
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Robin Williams starred in this movie?
+Jakob the liar
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+The insider
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Wild wild west
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Forces of nature
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in this movie?
+Cruel intentions
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in this movie?
+Simply irresistible
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sean Connery starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sharon Stone starred in this movie?
+The muse
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Shirley MacLaine starred in this movie?
+Get bruce
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+A map of the world
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Galaxy quest
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+Get bruce
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Sigourney Weaver starred in this movie?
+There's One s:: Galaxy Quest
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Anywhere but here
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Cradle will rock
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 16 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 16 Goodbye, ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 2 The Out-of____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 23 Lost & ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 23 Pushing ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 30 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 30 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 30 Idle ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 9 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 9 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 9 Never Been ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on April 9 Twin ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 13 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 13 Brokedown ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 13 Detroit Rock ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 20 Mickey ____?
+Blue eyes
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 20 Teaching ____?
+Mrs. tingle
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 20 Universal Soldier, ____?
+The return
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 25 In Too ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 27 A Dog of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 27 Dudley ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 27 Life is ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 27 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 27 The 13th ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 27 The Astronaut's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 4 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 6 Mystery ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 6 The Iron ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 6 The Sixth ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on August 6 The Thomas ____?
+Crown affair
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 10 Deuce Bigalow:____?
+Male gigolo
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 10 Ride With ____?
+The devil
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 10 The Cider ____?
+House rules
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 10 The End of the ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 10 The Green ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 17 Anna and ____?
+The king
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 17 Bicentennial ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 17 Stuart ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 22 Angela's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 22 Any Given ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 22 Man on ____?
+The moon
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 22 The Talented ____?
+Mr. ripley
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 25 Cradle ____?
+Will rock
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on December 25 Galaxy ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 12 Blast From ____?
+The past
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 12 Message in ____?
+A bottle
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 12 My Favorite ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 19 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 19 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 19 October ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 19 Office ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 26 200 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 26 8MM: ____?
+Eight millimeter
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 26 Just the ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 26 The Other ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 5 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 5 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on February 5 Simply ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on January 15 At First ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on January 15 In ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on January 15 Varsity ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on January 15, ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on January 22, ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on January 29, She's ____?
+All that
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 14 Muppets ____?
+From space
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 16 Eyes Wide ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 16 Lake ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 16 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 16 The Blair ____?
+Witch project
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 2 Summer of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 2 Wild ____?
+Wild west
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 23 Drop Dead ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 23 Inspector ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 23 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 30 Deep Blue ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 30 Runaway ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 9 American ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 9 Arlington ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on July 9 The Dinner ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 11 Austin Powers: The Spy ____?
+Who shagged me
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 11 The Red ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 18 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 18 An Ideal ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 18 The General's ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 25 Big ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 30 South Park: Bigger, ____?
+Longer & uncut
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 4 Desert ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 4?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on June 4?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 12 Baby ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 12 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 12 The Deep End ____?
+Of the ocean
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 12 The Rage: ____?
+Carrie 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 12 Wing ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 19 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 19 Forces of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 19 Lock, Stock & ____?
+Two smoking barrels
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 19 The King ____?
+And i
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 19 True ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 26 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 26 A Walk ____?
+On the moon
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 26 Doug's 1st ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 26 The Mod ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 31 10 Things I Hate ____?
+About you
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 31 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 5 Analyze ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on March 5 Cruel ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 14 A Midsummer ____?
+Night's dream
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 14 Black ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 14 Tea with ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 21 The Love ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 28 Notting ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 28 The 13th ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 7 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 7 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on May 7 The Empty ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 10 Pokemon: The ____?
+First movie
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 12 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 12 Anywhere ____?
+But here
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 12 Light ____?
+It up
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 12 The Messenger: The Story of ____?
+Joan of arc
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 19 Liberty ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 19 Sleepy ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 19 The World ____?
+Is not enough
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 24 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 24 End of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 24 Mansfield ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 24 Toy ____?
+Story 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 5 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 5 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on November 5 The Bone ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 1 American ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 1 Drive Me ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 1 Mystery, ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 1 Plunkett & ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 1 The Adventures of Elmo in ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 1 Three ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 15 Fight ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 15 Happy, ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 15 The Omega ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 15 The Story ____?
+Of us
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 15 The Straight ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 Body ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 Boys ____?
+Don't cry
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 Bringing Out ____?
+The dead
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 Crazy in ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 The Best ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 22 Three ____?
+To tango
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 29 Being John ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 29 House on ____?
+Haunted hill
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 29 Music of the ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 29 Princess ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 8 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 8 Best Laid ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on October 8 Random ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 1 Chill ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 1 Outside ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 10 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 10 B. ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 10 Stir of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 17 Blue ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 17 Breakfast of ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 17 For Love ____?
+Of the game
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 17 Get ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 24 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 24 ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 24 Double ____?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, This Movie was Released on September 24 Jakob ____?
+The liar
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+Eyes wide shut
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Tom Cruise starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+The green mile
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Tom Hanks starred in this movie?
+Toy story 2
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Tommy Lee Jones starred in this movie?
+Double jeopardy
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The deep end of the ocean
+TV/Film: 1990s: In 1999, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Sweet and lowdown
+TV/Film: 1990s: In the 1990 film 'the krays', who played violet kray, the mother of the kray brothers?
+Billie whitelaw
+TV/Film: 1990s: In what 1994 film did bus #2525 play a pivotal role?
+TV/Film: 1990s: In which program do Mulder and Scully appear?
+TV/Film: 1990s: Jane Seymour plays a doctor on this popular drama?
+Dr. quinn medicine woman
+TV/Film: 1990s: Jim Carrey makes himself Matthew Broderick's friend in this dark comedy?
+The cable guy
+TV/Film: 1990s: name one of the major actors in the 1993 movie Made in America (ted)?
+Ted danson
+TV/Film: 1990s: name one of the major stars in the 1993 movie Indian Summer?
+Alan arkin
+TV/Film: 1990s: name one of the major stars in the 1993 movie The Neighbor?
+Linda koslowski
+TV/Film: 1990s: Neve Campbell & Courtney Cox are terrorized by a murderous horror movie fan?
+TV/Film: 1990s: Robert Stack hosted this show about UFO's, criminals, murders, etc?
+Unsolved mysteries
+TV/Film: 1990s: Show about comedian-turned 'tool-man' Tim Allen and his sidekick Al?
+Home improvement
+TV/Film: 1990s: Star Wars: 1999, This Movie was Released on May 19 Star Wars- Episode 1 - The ____?
+Phantom menace
+TV/Film: 1990s: The biography of the Latin-American Tejano music star slain by a fan in 1995?
+TV/Film: 1990s: The Griswold family tries another vacation, this time in Las Vegas?
+National lampoons vegas vacation
+TV/Film: 1990s: This show, featuring a Canadian Mounty, is popular all over the world?
+Due south
+TV/Film: 1990s: This trilogy was restored and re-released February of 1997?
+Star wars
+TV/Film: 1990s: Tom Cruise in a remake of a popular 1966 series?
+Mission impossible
+TV/Film: 1990s: Tom Jones is one of the many celebs in this movie about destructive Martians?
+Mars attacks
+TV/Film: 1990s: Well-known movie critics who often disagree (both names in well-known order)?
+Siskel and ebert
+TV/Film: 1990s: What cartoon rabbit spaceman fights alien toads with lasers in 1992?
+Bucky o'hare
+TV/Film: 1990s: What movie has meg ryan switching identities with an elderly man?
+Prelude to a kiss
+TV/Film: 1990s: What nbc series premier episode in 1992 was titled leaping on a string?
+Quantum leap
+TV/Film: 1990s: What office is the penguin running for in batman returns (1992)?
+TV/Film: 1990s: what PBS newsman moderated the first presidential debate in 1992?
+Jim lehrer
+TV/Film: 1990s: what was the subtitle of the 1999 south park movie?
+Bigger, longer and uncut
+TV/Film: 1990s: Which actress played Hugh Grant's love interest in Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)?
+Andie MacDowell
+TV/Film: 1990s: Which city provided the main location for Renton, Begbie, Sick Boy et al in Trainspotting (1996)?
+TV/Film: 1990s: Who's will smith known as in a tv sitcom title?
+Fresh prince
+TV/Film: 1991 64th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Jodie Foster For The Movie?
+The silence of The Lambs
+TV/Film: 1991 64th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Mercedes Ruehl For The Movie?
+The fisher King
+TV/Film: 1991,starring Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith about a marriage that suffers after the death of their child?
+TV/Film: 1992 65th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Emma Thompson For The Movie?
+Howards End
+TV/Film: 1992 65th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Marisa Tomei For The Movie?
+My cousin Vinny
+TV/Film: 1992 what movie has meg ryan switching identities with an elderly man?
+Prelude to a kiss
+TV/Film: 1992, after a gap of many years a new Carry On film was made, what was it called?
+Carry on columbus
+TV/Film: 1993 66th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Holly Hunter For The Movie?
+The piano
+TV/Film: 1993 66th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Anna Paquin For The Movie?
+The piano
+TV/Film: 1993: name one of the major stars in the film house of cards?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: 1993: name one of the major stars in the movie hear no evil?
+Martin sheen 
+TV/Film: 1993: name one of the major stars in the movie indian summer?
+Alan arkin
+TV/Film: 1994 67th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Jessica Lange For The Movie?
+Blue sky
+TV/Film: 1994 67th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Dianne Wiest For The Movie?
+Bullets over Broadway
+TV/Film: 1994 blockbuster action flick on a bus!?
+TV/Film: 1994 film by Milcho Manchevski with actress Katrin Cartlidge in a leading role?
+Before the rain
+TV/Film: 1994: this et star recently married on three hours notice at the age of 19?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: 1995 68th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Susan Sarandon For The Movie?
+Dead man Walking
+TV/Film: 1995 68th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Mira Sorvino For The Movie?
+Mighty Aphrodite
+TV/Film: 1995, a pig escapes the slaughterhouse?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 11 A Walk in the ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 11 Dangerous ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 18 Mortal ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 18 The Baby-Sitters ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 25 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 25 Beyond ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 25 Lord Of ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 25 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 25 The Amazing ____?
+Panda adventure
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 4 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 4 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on August 4 Something To ____?
+Talk about
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 1 White ____?
+Man's burden
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 1 Wild ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 13 Sense and ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 20 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 22 Dracula: ____?
+Dead and loving it
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 22 Grumpier ____?
+Old men
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 22 Sudden ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on December 8 Father of the ____?
+Bride - part ii
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on July 12 Nine ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on July 28 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on July 28 Operation ____?
+Dumbo drop
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on July 28 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on July 7 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on July 7 First ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on June 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on June 30 Judge ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on June 30 Mighty Morphin ____?
+Power rangers
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on June 30 The Mystery of ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on May 19 Die Hard With a ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on May 19 The Perez ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on May 26 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on May 26 Johnny ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on May 5 French ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on November 10 Ace Ventura: When ____?
+Nature calls
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on November 17 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on November 17 It Takes ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on November 17 The American ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on November 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on November 22 Money ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on November 22 Toy ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on October 13 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on October 13 Les ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on October 13 Strange ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on October 20 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on October 27 Fair ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on October 6 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 1 An Awfully ____?
+Big adventure
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 1 Magic in ____?
+The water
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 1 The Usual ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 15 Canadian ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 15 The Stars Fell On ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 22 Empire ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 22 The Run of ____?
+The country
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 22 To ____?
+Die for
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 22 Unstrung ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 29 Devil in a ____?
+Blue dress
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 29 Moonlight & ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 8 ____?
+TV/Film: 1995, This movie was released on September 8 To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! ____?
+Julie newmar
+TV/Film: 1996 69th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Frances Mcdormand For The Movie?
+TV/Film: 1996 69th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Juliette Binoche For The Movie?
+The English Patient
+TV/Film: 1996 film starring Michael Douglas and Val Kilmer?
+The ghost and the darkness
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 12 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 12 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 12 James and the ____?
+Giant peach
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 19 Celtic ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 19 Mrs. ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 19 Mystery Science ____?
+Theatre 3000
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 19 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 26 Mulholland ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 26 Sunset ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 26 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 26 The Truth About ____?
+Cats & dogs
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 3 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on April 5 A Thin Line Between ____?
+Love and hate
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 14 House ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 16 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 16 Tales From The Crypt Presents ____?
+Bordello of blood
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 16 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 16 Tin ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 2 Chain ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 23 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 23 A Very ____?
+Brady sequel
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 23 The Island of ____?
+Dr. moreau
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 23 The Spitfire ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 30 First ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 30 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 30 The Crow: City of ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 30 The Trigger ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 7 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 9 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on August 9 John Carpenter's ____?
+Escape from l.a
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 13 Jerry ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 13 Mars ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 13 The Preacher's ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 20 Ghosts of ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 20 My Fellow ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 20 One Fine ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 25 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 25 I'm Not ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 25 The Portrait ____?
+Of a lady
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 27 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 27 Some Mother's ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 27 The People Vs. ____?
+Larry flynt
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 6 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on December 6 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 16 City ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 16 Mr. ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 16 Muppet ____?
+Treasure island
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 2 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 2 White ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 23 Before and ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 23 Bottle ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 23 Mary ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 23 Rumble in the ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on February 9 Broken ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on January 12 Lawnmower Man 2: ____?
+Beyond cyberspace
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on January 12 Two If ____?
+By sea
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on January 19 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on January 19 Mr. Holland's ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on January 26 Bed of ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on January 26 Big ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on January 5 12 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on January 5 Dead Man ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 10 Harriet ____?
+The spy
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 12 Courage ____?
+Under fire
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 12 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 19 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 24 A Time ____?
+To kill
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 26 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 26 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 26 Joe's ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 26 The Adventures of ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 3 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on July 3 Independence ____?
+Day (id4)
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on June 14 Moll ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on June 14 The Cable ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on June 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on June 21 The Hunchback ____?
+Of notre dame
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on June 28 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on June 28 The Nutty ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on June 7 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on June 7 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 1 Up Close & ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 15 Executive ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 15 Two ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 22 It's My ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 22 Little Indian, ____?
+Big city
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 22 Race The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 29 A Family ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 29 All Dogs Go To ____?
+Heaven 2
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 29 Oliver & ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 29 Sgt. ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 8 Homeward ____?
+Bound ii
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 8 If ____?
+Lucy fell
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on March 8 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 10 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 10 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 17 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 17 Heaven's ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 22 Mission ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 24 Spy ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 3 Barb ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 3 Last ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 3 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 3 The Great ____?
+White hype
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 31 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 31 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on May 31 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 1 Bad ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 1 Larger ____?
+Than life
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 1 William Shakespeare's ____?
+Romeo & juliet
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 15 Space ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 15 The Mirror ____?
+Has two faces
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 22 Jingle ____?
+All the way
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 22 Star Trek: ____?
+First contact
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 27 101 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 27 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 6 Set ____?
+It off
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 8 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on November 8 Mad ____?
+Dog time
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 11 Michael ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 11 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 11 The Long Kiss ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 16 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 16 Alfred Hitchcock's ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 16 Get On ____?
+The bus
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 18 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 18 To Gillian On Her ____?
+37th birthday
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 25 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 25 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 25 High School ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 25 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 4 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 4 Mighty ____?
+Ducks iii
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 4 That Thing ____?
+You do!
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 4 The Glimmer ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on October 9 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 13 American ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 13 Feeling ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 13 Fly Away ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 13 Grace Of ____?
+My heart
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 13 Maximum ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 13 The Rich ____?
+Man's wife
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 20 Last Man ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 20 Surviving ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 20 The First ____?
+Wives club
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 27 2 Days in the ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 27 Extreme ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 6 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 6 ____?
+TV/Film: 1996, This movie was released on September 6 Sweet ____?
+TV/Film: 1997 70th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Helen Hunt For The Movie?
+As good as it gets
+TV/Film: 1997 70th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Supporting role was won by Kim Basinger For The Movie?
+L.a. Confidential
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 11 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 11 Grosse Pointe ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 18 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 18 8 Heads in a ____?
+Duffel bag
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 18 McHale's ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 25 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 25 Romy and Michele's ____?
+High school reunion
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 4 Anna ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 4 Double ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 4 Inventing the ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 4 That Old ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on April 4 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 1 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on August 1 Air ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 1 Picture ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 15 Cop ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 15 Event ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 22 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 22 Leave it to ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 22 Money ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 29 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 29 Excess ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 29 Kull The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 29 She's So ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on August 8 Free ____?
+Willy 3
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 12 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 12 ____?
+Scream 2
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 12 For Richer or ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 12 Home ____?
+Alone 3
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 19 Mouse ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 19 Tomorrow ____?
+Never dies
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 25 An American Werewolf ____?
+In paris
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 25 As Good As ____?
+It gets
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 25 Jackie ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 25 Mr. ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 26 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 5 Good Will ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on December 5 The Wings of ____?
+The dove
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 12 Dangerous ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 14 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 14 Absolute ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 14 Fools ____?
+Rush in
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 14 That Darn ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 14 Vegas ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 21 The Empire Strikes Back: ____?
+Special edition
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 28 Booty ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 28 Donnie ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 28 Lost ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 7 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 7 Dante's ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 7 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on February 7 The Beautician and ____?
+The beast
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on Jannuary 17 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on Jannuary 17 Albino ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on Jannuary 17 Beverly Hills ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 10 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 10 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 10 Jackie Chan's ____?
+First strike
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 10 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 24 ____?
+Fierce creatures
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 24 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 24 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 24 In Love and ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 24 Zeus and ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 31 Meet Wally ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 31 The Shadow ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on January 31 Waiting for ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 11 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 11 A Simple ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 16 George of ____?
+The jungle
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 18 Nothing To ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 18 Operation ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 2 Men In ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 2 Out To ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 2 Wild ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on July 25 Air Force ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on June 13 Speed 2: ____?
+Cruise control
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on June 20 Batman ____?
+And robin
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on June 20 My Best ____?
+Friend's wedding
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on June 20 Ulee's ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on June 6 Con ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 14 Love ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 21 Liar ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 26 Cats Don't ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 26 The Devil's ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 28 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 28 The 6th ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 28 Turbo- A Power ____?
+Rangers movie
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 7 Jungle 2 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on March 7 Private ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 16 Jungle ____?
+Book ii
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 16 Night Falls on ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 2 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 2 Austin Powers: International ____?
+Man of mystery
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 2 Truth or ____?
+Consequences, n.m
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 2 Warriors of ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 23 Addicted ____?
+To love
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 23 Brassed ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 23 The Lost ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 30 'Til There ____?
+Was you
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 30 Gone ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 30 Rough ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 30 Trial & ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 9 Father's ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This Movie was Released on May 9 The Fifth ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 14 One Night ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 14 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 14 The Little ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 14 The Man Who ____?
+Knew too little
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 21 John Grisham's ____?
+The rainmaker
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 21 Midnight in the Garden of ____?
+Good and evil
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 21 Mortal Kombat 2: ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 26 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 26 Alien ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 7 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 7 ____?
+Mad city
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on November 7 Starship ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 10 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 10 Most ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 10 Rocket ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 10 Washington ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 17 I Know What You ____?
+Did last summer
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 17 Playing ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 17 The Devil's ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 24 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 24 A Life Less ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 24 Fairytale - A ____?
+True story
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 3 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 3 Kiss ____?
+The girls
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 3 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 3 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 31 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 31 Boogie ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 31 Critical ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 31 Red ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 8 Gang ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on October 8 Seven Years ____?
+In tibet
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 12 The End of ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 19 ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 19 A Thousand ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 19 In & ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 19 L.A. ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 26 Soul ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 26 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 26 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 26 The ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 5 Fire Down ____?
+TV/Film: 1997, This movie was released on September 9 Casper: A ____?
+Spirited beginning
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, Supernatural thriller starring Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer?
+What lies beneath
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 14 28 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 14 American ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 14 Joe Gould's ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 14 Keeping The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 14 Where The ____?
+Money is
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 21 East Is ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 21 Love & ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 28 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 28 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 28 ____?
+Time code
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 28 The Big ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 28 The Flintstones In Viva ____?
+Rock vegas
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 28 The Virgin ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 28 Where The ____?
+Heart is
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 5 Black And ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 7 Ready To ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 7 Return ____?
+To me
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on April 7 Rules of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 11 Autumn in ____?
+New york
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 11 Bless the ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 11 Sunset ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 11 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 18 Steal ____?
+This movie!
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 18 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 18 The Original Kings of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 25 Bring ____?
+It on
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 25 Love & ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 25 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 25 The Art of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 4 Coyote ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 4 Hollow ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on August 4 Space ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 1 A Hard Day's ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 15 Chain Of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 15 The Family ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 20 Thirteen ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 22 Cast ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 22 Miss ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 22 Wes Craven Presents ____?
+Dracula 2000
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 25, ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 25, All The ____?
+Pretty horses
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 25, An Everlasting ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 8 Buying The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on December 8 Vertical ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 11 Snow ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 11 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 11 The Tigger ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 18 Boiler ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 18 Hanging ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 18 Holy ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 18 Pitch ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 18 The Whole ____?
+Nine yards
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 23 Wonder ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 25 Reindeer ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 4 ____?
+Scream 3
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on February 4 Gun ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 1, ____?
+Fantasia 2000
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 12 Next ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 14 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 14 Girl, ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 14 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 21 Down ____?
+To you
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 21 Play It to the ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 28 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 28 Eye of the ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 28 Isn't ____?
+She great
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 28 The Big ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 7 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on January 7 Snow Falling on ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 14 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 14 The Wisdom of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 19 The In ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 21 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 21 Pokemon The ____?
+Movie 2000
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 21 What Lies ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 26 Thomas and the ____?
+Magic railroad
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 28 Nutty Professor II- ____?
+The klumps
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 7 Scary ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on July 7 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 16 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 16 Titan ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 2 Big Momma's ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 2 Running ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 23 Chicken ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 23 Love's Labour's ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 23 Me, Myself & ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 28 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 30 Boys and ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 30 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 30 The Adventures of ____?
+Rocky and bullwinkle
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 30 The Perfect ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on June 9 Gone In Sixty ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 10 3 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 10 Mission ____?
+To mars
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 10 The Ninth ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 17 Erin ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 17 Final ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 24 Here On ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 24 Romeo ____?
+Must die
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 24 Whatever ____?
+It takes
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 3 Drowning ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 3 My Dog ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 3 The Next ____?
+Best thing
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 3 What Planet ____?
+Are you from?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 31 High ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 31 Price of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 31 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on March 31 The Road to ____?
+El dorado
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 12 Battlefield ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 12 Center ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 12?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 12?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 19 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 19 Road ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 19 Small Time ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 24 Mission ____?
+Impossible 2
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 26 Shanghai ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 5 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 5 Human ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 5 I Dreamed of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on May 5 Up at the ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 10 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 10 Men of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 10 Red ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 17 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 17 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 17 Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch ____?
+Stole christmas
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 17 Little ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 29 102 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on November 3 The Legend of ____?
+Bagger vance
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 13 Billy ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 13 Cyberworld ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 13 Dr. T and ____?
+The women
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 13 Lost ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 13 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 13 The Ladies ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 20 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 20 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 20 Pay It ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 20 Ring of ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 20 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 20 The Legend of ____?
+Drunken master
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 20 Two Family ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 27 Blow ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 27 Book of Shadows: ____?
+Blair witch 2
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 6 Get ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 6 Meet The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 6?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on October 6?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 1 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 1 Highlander- ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 1 Saving ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 15 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 15 Crime + Punishment in ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 15 Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 15 This is Spinal ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 22 Almost ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 22 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 22 Urban Legends- ____?
+Final cut
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 22 Woman On ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 29 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 29 Best In ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 29 Broken Hearts ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 29 Remember The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 29 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 6 Turn ____?
+It up
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 8 ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 8 Nurse ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 8 The ____?
+TV/Film: 2000s: In 2000, this Movie was Released on September 8 The Way of ____?
+The gun
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Angelina Jolie starred in this movie?
+Gone in 60 seconds
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Anthony Hopkins starred in this movie?
+Mission: impossible 2
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+Eye of the beholder
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Ashley Judd starred in this movie?
+Where the heart is
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Drowning mona
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Bette Midler starred in this movie?
+Isn't she great
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Bruce Willis starred in this movie?
+The whole nine yards
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Demi Moore starred in this movie?
+Passion of mind
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Drew Barrymore starred in this movie?
+Titan A.E.
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, George Clooney starred in this movie?
+The perfect storm
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Hugh Grant starred in this movie?
+Small time crooks
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, James Woods starred in this movie?
+The virgin suicides
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Jamie Lee Curtis starred in this movie?
+Drowning mona
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, John Travolta starred in this movie?
+Battlefield earth
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Julia Roberts starred in this movie?
+Erin brockovich
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Meg Ryan starred in this movie?
+Hanging up
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+Chicken run
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Mel Gibson starred in this movie?
+The patriot
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Michael Douglas starred in this movie?
+Wonder boys
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Neve Campbell starred in this movie?
+Scream 3
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Nicolas Cage starred in this movie?
+Gone in 60 seconds
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Robert De Niro starred in this movie?
+The adventures of rocky and bullwinkle
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Russell Crowe starred in this movie?
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Sally Field starred in this movie?
+Where the heart is
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Salma Hayek starred in this movie?
+Time code
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Sandra Bullock starred in this movie?
+Gun shy
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Susan Sarandon starred in this movie?
+Joe gould's secret
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Whoopi Goldberg starred in this movie?
+The adventures of rocky and bullwinkle
+TV/Film: 2000s: Movie: In 2000, Woody Allen starred in this movie?
+Small time crooks
+TV/Film: 2000s: The wife of which troubled Hollywood star has filed for divorce in 2002?
+Robert Downey Jr 
+TV/Film: 2002, Gurinder Chadha's comedy about an inter racial womens Football team?
+Bend it like Beckham
+TV/Film: 2002, which film was voted the greatest American film of all time by the American film Institute?
+Citizen Kane
+TV/Film: 2002, who won best actor Oscar for his role in A beautiful Mind?
+Russell Crowe
+TV/Film: 25 years after first playing James Bond Sean Connery won an Oscar for his part in which film?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: 3 Character names for TV networks (Example- NBC)?
+TV/Film: 90210: From what state did the Walshes move to Beverly Hills?
+TV/Film: 90210: What foreign city have Donna & Brenda, as well as Dylan & Kelly traveled to?
+TV/Film: 90210: What is Andrea's husband's first name?
+TV/Film: 90210: What is the nightclub Valerie runs called?
+Peach pit after dark
+TV/Film: 90210: What two characters became related by the marriage of their parents (- and -)?
+Kelly and David
+TV/Film: 90210: What was Dylan's father's name?
+Jack mckay
+TV/Film: 90210: Which character is played by the daughter of producer Aaron Spelling?
+Donna martin
+TV/Film: A biographical film?
+TV/Film: A character named 'spearchucker jones' was deleted from this famous American television show's cast after only five episodes?
+TV/Film: A film contract between mutual film corporation and a great Mexican bandit meant that he could not commence battles unless a cameraman was on hand to film the happenings. who was this bandit?
+Pancho villa
+TV/Film: A film starring Cameron Diaz?
+Charlie's Angels
+TV/Film: A film starring Cameron Diaz?
+Something about Mary
+TV/Film: A presenter on the BBCs 10 o'clock news?
+Peter sissons
+TV/Film: About which family are the Godfather films?
+TV/Film: Account of Eliot Ness' takedown of Al Capone?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: Actor who committed suicide because he was bored?
+George sanders
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ bacon?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ Borgnine?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ douglas?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ douglas?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ ford?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ ford?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ Hackman?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ Nimoy?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ reeves?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ reeves?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ reeves?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ Savalas?
+TV/Film: Actor: ____ york?
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played ashley wilkes?
+Leslie howard
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played bob woodward?
+Robert redford
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played charles foster kane?
+Orson welles
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played Dirty Harry?
+Clint eastwood
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played edward scissorhands?
+Johnny depp
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played Ferris Bueller?
+Matthew broderick
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played Obi Wan Kenobi?
+Alec guiness
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played the nutty professor?
+Jerry lewis
+TV/Film: Actor: ...who played Willy Wonka?
+Gene wilder
+TV/Film: Actor: 40s star married to both Charlie Chaplin & Burgess Meredith?
+Paulette goddard
+TV/Film: Actor: Actress in Psycho and Touch of Evil?
+Janet leigh
+TV/Film: Actor: Actress who died in a road accident on US 90 outside of New Orleans?
+Jayne mansfield
+TV/Film: Actor: Alan Alda,Loretta Swit?
+TV/Film: Actor: Alice Cramden in the Honeymooners?
+Audrey meadows
+TV/Film: Actor: Auntie Mame & Gypsy?
+Rosalind russell
+TV/Film: Actor: Babe Ruth in The Babe Ruth Story?
+William bendix
+TV/Film: Actor: Barfly ____> Wanda Wilcox?
+Faye dunaway
+TV/Film: Actor: Batman ____> Vicki Vale?
+Kim basinger
+TV/Film: Actor: Birthplace of Sonny Bono?
+TV/Film: Actor: Charles Grodin, Robert DeNiro?
+Midnight run
+TV/Film: Actor: Chattahoochie; Romeo Is Bleeding; Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead?
+Gary oldman
+TV/Film: Actor: Chris Noth, Michael Moriarty, Jerry Orbach?
+Law and order
+TV/Film: Actor: Dave Thomas, Brett Butler?
+Grace under fire
+TV/Film: Actor: David Carruso, Dennis Franz?
+Nypd blue
+TV/Film: Actor: David Caruso, Stacy Keach?
+Mission of the shark
+TV/Film: Actor: Dennis Quaid, Ellen Barkin?
+The big easy
+TV/Film: Actor: Dennis Quaid, Louis Gossett Jr?
+Enemy mine
+TV/Film: Actor: Don Johnson, Phillip Michael Thomas?
+Miami vice
+TV/Film: Actor: Early SNL regular. Wife of Gene Wilder?
+Gilda radner
+TV/Film: Actor: Emilio Estevez's father?
+Martin sheen
+TV/Film: Actor: Emma Peel on The Avengers?
+Diana rigg
+TV/Film: Actor: Ethan Phillips, Tim Russ, Robert McNeill, Garrett Wang?
+Star trek voyager
+TV/Film: Actor: famous as Superman?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Actor: famous for Inspector Clouseau?
+Peter sellers
+TV/Film: Actor: Female star of 10?
+Bo Derek
+TV/Film: Actor: Female star of 9 1/2 weeks?
+Kim Basinger
+TV/Film: Actor: Female star of Casablanca?
+Ingrid Bergman
+TV/Film: Actor: Female star of pretty Woman?
+Julia Roberts
+TV/Film: Actor: Female star of The English Patient?
+Kristin Scott Thomas
+TV/Film: Actor: Female star of The Mask?
+Cameron Diaz
+TV/Film: Actor: Female star of To have or have not?
+Lauren Bacall
+TV/Film: Actor: French film star of Danton and The Return of Martin Guerre?
+Gerald Depardieu
+TV/Film: Actor: Gary Oldman, Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones?
+TV/Film: Actor: Greg Evigan, William Shatner?
+TV/Film: Actor: He starred in Lassie Come Home and Planet of the Apes?
+Roddy mcdowall
+TV/Film: Actor: He starred in The Silence of the Lambs and Howard's End?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Actor: He used to be Michael Douglas, but desired a more unique stage name?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Actor: He was born Allen Konigsberg?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Actor: He was born Krishna Banji?
+Ben kingsley
+TV/Film: Actor: He was in Brideshead Revisited and Reversal of Fortune?
+Jeremy irons
+TV/Film: Actor: He was in Silkwood and Backdraft?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Actor: He won an Oscar for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
+Frederick march
+TV/Film: Actor: He won Oscars for Spartacus and Topkapi?
+Peter ustinov
+TV/Film: Actor: Helen Hunt, Paul Reiser?
+Mad about you
+TV/Film: Actor: Hot Spot; Candy Man; Shadow Dancing?
+Virginia madsen
+TV/Film: Actor: In the movie Romero, who played the main character of Father Romero?
+Raul Julia 
+TV/Film: Actor: Irish actress in How Green Was My Valley & The Quiet Man?
+Maureen o¿: Name the Actor: hara
+TV/Film: Actor: Italian actress who won a 1961 Oscar for Two Women?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Actor: Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, John Cleese?
+A fish called wanda
+TV/Film: Actor: Janine Turner, Rob Morrow?
+Northern exposure
+TV/Film: Actor: Jeff Daniels, Julian Sands, John Goodman?
+TV/Film: Actor: Jeff Goldblum, Emma Thompson?
+The tall guy
+TV/Film: Actor: Jerry Van Dyke, J.T.Nelson?
+TV/Film: Actor: Jimmy Piersall in Fear Strikes Out?
+Anthony perkins
+TV/Film: Actor: Julia Louise Dreyfuss, Jason Alexander?
+TV/Film: Actor: Jurassic Park; The Hunt For Red October; The Piano?
+Sam neill
+TV/Film: Actor: Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce?
+TV/Film: Actor: Kiefer Sutherland, Jason Patric, Billy Wirth?
+The lost boys
+TV/Film: Actor: Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon?
+TV/Film: Actor: Krystle on Dynasty?
+Linda evans
+TV/Film: Actor: Kurt Russell, Adrienne Barbeau, Lee Van Cleef?
+Escape from New York
+TV/Film: Actor: Kurt Russell, Keith David, Wilford Brimley?
+The thing
+TV/Film: Actor: Lee Marvin, John Cassavettes, Telly Savalas?
+The dirty dozen
+TV/Film: Actor: levar burton (jordi on 'Star Trek the next generation') was born in ____?
+TV/Film: Actor: Lou Gehrig in Pride of the Yankees?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Actor: Madame Sousatzka ____> Madame Sousatzka?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Actor: Malcolm X ____> Betty Shabazz?
+Angela bassett
+TV/Film: Actor: Mallory Keaton on Family Ties?
+Justine bateman
+TV/Film: Actor: married to Prince Rainier of Monaco?
+Grace Kelly
+TV/Film: Actor: Mr. Haney on Green Acres?
+Pat buttram
+TV/Film: Actor: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ____> The Big Nurse?
+Louise fletcher
+TV/Film: Actor: Oscar winner 48 years apart, in 1933 & 1981?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Actor: paid $2.5M for 12 days work & 10 mins. of screen appearance (in Superman)?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Actor: Pamela Barnes Ewing on Dallas?
+Victoria principal
+TV/Film: Actor: Pearce Brosnan, Patrick Stewart?
+TV/Film: Actor: Pierce Brosnan, Leslie Anne Down, Adam Ant?
+TV/Film: Actor: played Apollo Creed?
+Carl weathers
+TV/Film: Actor: played Dick Tracy (in the 90's)?
+Warren beatty
+TV/Film: Actor: played Dirty Harry?
+TV/Film: Actor: played Jake LaMotta?
+Robert deniro
+TV/Film: Actor: played Obi Wan Kenobi?
+TV/Film: Actor: played The Incredible Mr. Limpett?
+Don knotts
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Atticus Finch in 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?
+Gregory peck
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Captain Ahab in 'Moby Dick' (1956)?
+Gregory peck
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Charles Lindbergh in 'The Spirit of St. Louis'?
+James stewart
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Cody Jarett in ' White Heat'?
+James cagney
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Josef Mengele in 'The Boys from Brazil'?
+Gregory peck
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Longfellow Deeds in 'Mr Deeds Goes to Town'?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Michelangelo in 'The Agony and the Ecstasy'?
+Charlton heston
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Nero in 'The Sign of the Cross'?
+Charles laughton
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Pancho Villa in 'Viva Villa'?
+Wallace beery
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Prince Feisal in 'Lawrence of Arabia'?
+Alec guinness
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Rembrandt in 'Rembrandt'?
+Charles laughton
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Terry Malloy in 'On the Water Front'?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Actor: Played the role of Vincent van Gogh in 'Lust for Life'?
+Kirk douglas
+TV/Film: Actor: played Travis Bickle?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Actor: played TS Garp?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Actor: played TS Garp?
+TV/Film: Actor: Pulp Fiction; The Fisher King; So I Married An Axe Murderer?
+Amanda plummer
+TV/Film: Actor: Radio star who won a 1986 Oscar for Cocoon?
+Don ameche
+TV/Film: Actor: Reds; Annie Hall; Baby Boom?
+Diane keaton
+TV/Film: Actor: Reservoir Dogs; Bad Lieutenant; Thelma & Louise?
+Harvey keitel
+TV/Film: Actor: Roseanne regular and host of Fernwood 2-Night?
+Martin mull
+TV/Film: Actor: Roy Hobbs' old girlfriend and eventual wife in The Natural?
+Glenn close
+TV/Film: Actor: Runaway Train ____> Sara?
+Rebecca demornay
+TV/Film: Actor: Sean Connery, Sam Neill, Alec Baldwin?
+The hunt for red october
+TV/Film: Actor: Sean Penn, Al Pacino, John Leguzamo?
+Carlitos way
+TV/Film: Actor: She has been nominated for best actress 12 times, winning only once (for 'Sophie's Choice')?
+Merryl streep
+TV/Film: Actor: She married Humphrey Bogart?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Actor: She played carrie?
+Sissy spacek
+TV/Film: Actor: She played kitty russell on Gunsmoke?
+Amanda blake
+TV/Film: Actor: She played shirley valentine?
+Pauline collins
+TV/Film: Actor: She shared an apartment with Jack Tripper and Chrissy Snow (full name)?
+Janet wood
+TV/Film: Actor: She starred in broadcast news and the piano?
+Holly hunter
+TV/Film: Actor: She starred in Casablanca, Gaslight, & Anastasia?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Actor: She starred in Fatal Attraction and Dangerous Liasons?
+Glenn close
+TV/Film: Actor: She was born Frances Gumm?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Actor: She was born Susan Tomaling?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Actor: She was Oscar nominated for Sunset Boulevard?
+Gloria swanson
+TV/Film: Actor: She was the star of 40s MGM swimming spectaculars?
+Esther williams
+TV/Film: Actor: She won an Oscar in the lead role in 'Erin Brokovich' the movie?
+Julia Roberts
+TV/Film: Actor: She won Oscars for (ch) Kramer vs. Kramer and Sophie's Choice?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Actor: Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, John Hurt?
+TV/Film: Actor: Silkwood; Heartburn; She Devil?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Actor: Sneakers; Passion Fish; Dances With Wolves?
+Mary mcdonnell
+TV/Film: Actor: Some Kind of Wonderful ____> Amanda Jones?
+Lea thompson
+TV/Film: Actor: Stallone's ex and Red Sonja?
+Brigette nielsen
+TV/Film: Actor: star of On the Beach, once married to frank Sinatra?
+Ava Gardner
+TV/Film: Actor: Star of Some Like It Hot and The Seven Year Itch?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Actor: Stephen Spielberg ex who was in The Competition and Yentl?
+Amy irving
+TV/Film: Actor: Steven Weber, Crystal Bernard?
+TV/Film: Actor: Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis?
+Thelma and louise
+TV/Film: Actor: Ted Danson, Kirsty Alley, George Wendt?
+TV/Film: Actor: Terminator 2: Judgment Day ____> Sarah Connor?
+Linda hamilton
+TV/Film: Actor: The birthplace (city) of Jack Lemmon?
+TV/Film: Actor: The birthplace (city) of Raul Julia?
+San juan
+TV/Film: Actor: The birthplace (city) of Sidney Poitier?
+TV/Film: Actor: The birthplace (city) of the late John Candy?
+TV/Film: Actor: The Color of Money ____> Carla?
+Mary elizabeth mastrantonio
+TV/Film: Actor: The dad on Family Affair?
+Brian keith
+TV/Film: Actor: The film Looper, set in 2074, stars which action movie icon?
+Bruce Willis
+TV/Film: Actor: The Grifters ____> Lily Dillon?
+Anjelica huston
+TV/Film: Actor: The heartthrob in Dirty Dancing and Ghost?
+Patrick swayze
+TV/Film: Actor: The Hunger; The Rocky Horror Picture Show; Bull Durham?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Actor: The leading man in Mrs. Miniver and Madame Curie?
+Walter pidgeon
+TV/Film: Actor: the manager in The Natural?
+Wilfred brimley
+TV/Film: Actor: The martian on My Favorite Martian?
+Ray walston
+TV/Film: Actor: The mute Marx Brother?
+TV/Film: Actor: The Natural ____> Iris Gaines?
+Glenn close
+TV/Film: Actor: the pesky sportswriter in The Natural?
+Robert duvall
+TV/Film: Actor: The piano-playing Marx brother?
+TV/Film: Actor: The Riddler on Batman?
+Frank gorshin
+TV/Film: Actor: The Silence Of The Lambs; Backdraft; Urban Cowboy?
+Scott glenn
+TV/Film: Actor: The singer TV/Film: Who played Mrs. Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon series?
+Darlene love
+TV/Film: Actor: The star of Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany's?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Actor: The Tall Guy; Peter's Friends; Dead Again?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Actor: The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz?
+Jack haley
+TV/Film: Actor: The Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz and Maxwell House spokesperson?
+Margaret hamilton
+TV/Film: Actor: the woman who pretended to be Hobbs' mistress in The Natural?
+Kim basinger
+TV/Film: Actor: This actress was married to a king?
+Priscilla presley
+TV/Film: Actor: This is another fine mess you've gotten me into?
+Oliver hardy
+TV/Film: Actor: This person was related to Princess Diana?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Actor: Threesome ____> Alex?
+Lara flynn boyle
+TV/Film: Actor: Tom Berenger, Mimi Rogers?
+Someone to watch over me
+TV/Film: Actor: Tom Berenger, Sidney Poitier, Clancy Brown?
+Shoot to kill
+TV/Film: Actor: Unlawful Entry; Blink; Revenge?
+Madeleine stowe
+TV/Film: Actor: Unnecessary Roughness ____> the placekicker?
+Kathy Ireland
+TV/Film: Actor: Voice of Jack Benny's hispanic friend Sy (Sy?...Si!), his car, and Bugs Bunny?
+Mel blanc
+TV/Film: Actor: Which actor was in Lifeboat, Cocoon?
+Hume cronyn
+TV/Film: Actor: Which actor was in My Mother the Car, Coach?
+Jerry van dyke
+TV/Film: Actor: Which actor was in Superman, Unforgiven?
+Jon voight
+TV/Film: Actor: Which actor was in The Donna Reed Show, Pete and Gladys, M-A-S-H?
+Harry morgan
+TV/Film: Actor: Which actor was in The Untouchables, The Man Who Would Be King?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Actor: Which actor was in Victor/Victoria, The Music Man?
+Robert preston
+TV/Film: Actor: Which actor was in Zorro, Lost in Space?
+Guy williams
+TV/Film: Actor: Which TV show made Canadian Pamela Anderson famous?
+TV/Film: Actor: Who appeared in Doc Hollywood (1991) Singles (1992) & Point of No Return (1993)?
+Bridget fonda
+TV/Film: Actor: Who co-starred as Gale Sayers in Brian's Song?
+Billy dee williams
+TV/Film: Actor: Who famously played the character of Norman Bates?
+Anthony perkins
+TV/Film: Actor: Who famously played the character of Shaft?
+Richard roundtree
+TV/Film: Actor: Who famously played the character of Superman?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Actor: Who has played a Beverly Hills hustler, a Navy cadet and a very wealthy Beverly Hills 'john'?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Actor: Who has played a hit man, the devil and a humorous super villain?
+Jack Nicholson
+TV/Film: Actor: Who has played an inventor, a musketeer and a break dancing grandfather?
+Don Ameche
+TV/Film: Actor: Who is the voice of Darth Vadar?
+James earl jones
+TV/Film: Actor: who made an 'unbilled' appearance in the film, 'Tootsie'?
+Bill Murray 
+TV/Film: Actor: Who married her 7th husband in Michael Jackson's garden?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played Garth in Wayne's World?
+Dana carvey
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played Matt Helm in the movies?
+Dean martin
+TV/Film: Actor: who played Michelle in eastenders?
+Susan Tully
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Arthur?
+Dudley moore
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Captain Blood?
+Errol flynn
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Carrie?
+Sissy spacek
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Dick Tracy?
+Warren beatty
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Dirty Harry?
+Clint eastwood
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Doctor Doolittle?
+Rex harrison
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Dr. Phibes?
+Vincent price
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Elmer Gantry?
+Burt lancaster
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Ghandi?
+Ben kingsley
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Gigi?
+Leslie caron
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Inspector Clouseau?
+Peter sellers
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Lawrence of Arabia?
+Peter otoole
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Mary Poppins?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Private Benjamin?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of Sherlock Holmes?
+Basil rathbone
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of The Bandit?
+Burt reynolds
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of The Great Santini?
+Robert duvall
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of The Music Man?
+Robert preston
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the character of The Sheik?
+Rudolph valentinoTV/Film: Name the film: 
+TV/Film: Actor: who played the leading role in 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly'?
+Clint Eastwood
+TV/Film: Actor: who played the pretty blond girl elliot danced with in e.t. the extra-terrestrial?
+Erika eleniak
+TV/Film: Actor: Who played the role of Richard Blaine in Casablanca?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Actor: who portrayed Adam Cartwright in the TV series, Bonanza?
+Pernell Roberts
+TV/Film: Actor: who portrayed the character LeRoy Johnson in both the movie & TV Series, Fame?
+Gene Anthony Ray
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred as an alien in the 1970's film 'The Man Who Fell to Earth?
+David bowie
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred as bill bittinger in buffalo bill?
+Dabney coleman
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred as danny wilde in the persuaders?
+Tony curtis
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred as History lecturer Jim Dixon in the film version of Kingsley Amis' novel Lucky Jim?
+Ian carmichael
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred as Jimmy Porter in the film version of John Osborne's play Look Back in Anger?
+Richard burton
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred as valentine farrow in the 1964 series valentine's day?
+Tony franciosa
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in 'billy madison', 'happy gilmore', 'the wedding singer' and 'the water boy'?
+Adam sandler
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in 'city lights'?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in Singing in the rain and Xanadu?
+Gene kelly
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the 'hard to kill' series of films?
+Steven segal
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the 1916 film 'intolerance'?
+Seena owen
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the 1952 film 'niagara'?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the 1968 film funny girl?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the Alfred Hitchcock film 'To Catch a Thief?
+Cary grant
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the film '48 hours'?
+Nick nolte and eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the film 'the dirty dozen'?
+Lee marvin
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the film the man from laramie?
+James stewart
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the film the outlaw josey wales?
+Clint eastwood
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the film version of 'hamlet' that grossed the most?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the film version of 'to kill a mockingbird'?
+Gregory peck
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the film Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?
+Gene wilder
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the films The Gold Rush and Modern Times?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the movie 'highpoint'?
+Richard harris
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the movie biloxi blues?
+Matthew broderick
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the movie blade runner?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the movie Yentl?
+Barbra Streisand
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in The Rockford Files?
+James garner
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred in the title role for 'don juan'?
+John barrymore
+TV/Film: Actor: who starred with Humphrey Bogart in The Big Sleep?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Actor: who starred with James Bolam in The Likely Lads?
+Rodney bewes
+TV/Film: Actor: Who starred with John Travolta in the movie 'Broken Arrow'?
+Christian Slater
+TV/Film: Actor: who turned down the male lead role in Gone with the Wind?
+Gary Cooper
+TV/Film: Actor: who was Steve McQueen's martial arts instructor?
+Chuck Norris 
+TV/Film: Actor: whose real name is Ramon Estevez (full name)?
+Martin sheen
+TV/Film: Actor: whose real name was Marion Morrison?
+John wayne
+TV/Film: Actor: whose real name was Ruby Stevens (full name)?
+Barbara stanwyck
+TV/Film: Actor: whose wives included Vivien Leigh and Joan Plowright?
+Laurence olivier
+TV/Film: Actor: Willem Dafoe, Tom Berringer, Charlie Sheen?
+TV/Film: Actress Amy Irving divorced her producer husband in 1989, who was he?
+Steven spielberg
+TV/Film: Actress cheryl ladd started her career as the singing voice of the character melody on this cartoon?
+Josie and the pussycats
+TV/Film: Actress Fenella Fielding's late brother was a famous comedian, what was his name?
+Marty feldman
+TV/Film: Actress jody foster was a student at what college?
+TV/Film: Actress Maya Rudolph is the daughter of which famous pop singer?
+Minnie Riperton
+TV/Film: Actress who was Arnold's partner in Kindergarten Cop?
+Pamela reed
+TV/Film: Actress whose real name is Frances Gumm?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, and Jonah Hill star in a 2009 movie aptly titled what?
+Funny People
+TV/Film: Advertising-supported cable television network founded in 1980 by American businessman ted turner and wholly owned by turner broadcasting system, incorporated, which is based in atlanta, georgia?
+TV/Film: After buffy's death which character brought her back to life?
+TV/Film: After the death of Humphrey who married Jason.?
+Lauren Bacall
+TV/Film: Aidan Quinn is the cop, Madeleine Stowe the formerly blind woman in...?
+TV/Film: Al Pacino and a young Michelle Pfeiffer in a drug-dealing violence-fest?
+TV/Film: Alex Haley was the author of this book that became a famous miniseries?
+TV/Film: Alfred hitchcock didn't have what?
+Belly button
+TV/Film: Alfred hitchcock was born in ____?
+TV/Film: Alfred hitchcocks 1963 film The Birds was based upon a short story of the same name by whom?
+Daphne du maurier
+TV/Film: All Saints is centred around which ward of All Saints Hospital?
+TV/Film: Ally McBeal: Ally's imaginary, dancing baby was called (two words)?
+Ugachacka baby
+TV/Film: Although he starred in many gangster films, who started his career as a chorus girl?
+James cagney
+TV/Film: Although Speilberg directed Raiders of the Lost Arc, he did not have the final cut, who did?
+George lucas
+TV/Film: American actor and dancer starred in Over the Top and The Bandwagon?
+Fred astaire
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Art Sansom?
+Born loser
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Berke Breathed?
+Bloom county
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Bill Keane?
+Family circus
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Bill Watterson?
+Calvin and hobbes
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by C.C. Beck?
+Captain marvel
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Charles Schulz?
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Chester Gould?
+Dick tracy
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Ernie Bushmiller?
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Hank Ketcham?
+Dennis the menace
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Lynn Johnston?
+For better or for worse
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Matt Groening?
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Steve Ditko?
+Spider man
+TV/Film: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Tom Wilson?
+TV/Film: American cooking expert, author, & television personality?
+Julia child
+TV/Film: American film producer of Chitty chitty bang bang and the early Bond Movies?
+Cubby broccoli
+TV/Film: Among animation aficionados, what is generally considered to be Chuck Jones best animated short film?
+One froggy evening
+TV/Film: Among the regulars on this show were Vicky Lawrence, Harvey Korman, & Lyle Waggoner?
+The carol burnett show
+TV/Film: An alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck.where is he from?
+TV/Film: andy Griffith's Mayberry is located in what state?
+North carolina
+TV/Film: Angel: What does Angel have that other vampires don't?
+A soul
+TV/Film: Angel: Where is Angel set?
+Los angeles
+TV/Film: Angel: Which actor plays Angel?
+David boreanaz
+TV/Film: Angel: Which Angel character lived in a cave for 5 years in Pylea?
+TV/Film: Angel: Which ex-watcher is also a main character in Angel?
+Welsley Price
+TV/Film: Angel: Which female character left Buffy and is now a main character in Angel?
+Cordelia chase
+TV/Film: Angie Dickinson starred in...?
+TV/Film: animal of which indiana jones is afraid?
+TV/Film: Animals: What breed of dog was Lassie?
+TV/Film: Animals: What breed of dog was Rin Tin Tin?
+German shepherd
+TV/Film: Animals: Who owned Scooby Doo?
+TV/Film: Animaniacs: The animaniacs have this popular lunch meat in their slacks?
+TV/Film: Animaniacs: The Grim Reaper almost took Wakko because he ate too many what?
+Swedish meatballs
+TV/Film: Animaniacs: When the animaniacs are caught, they are put here, also their home?
+The water tower
+TV/Film: Animated feature in which the Peanuts gang goes to France (4 wd title)?
+Bon voyage charlie brown
+TV/Film: Anime: In which series is the witch Karla interested in maintaining power balance?
+Lodoss wars
+TV/Film: Anime: What is the age of the ghost that comes to haunt Greenwood?
+TV/Film: Anime: What is the name of the male lead in ¿Vision of Escaflowne¿?
+Van fanel
+TV/Film: Anime: What is the name of the most recent Slayers series?
+Slayers try
+TV/Film: Anime: What is the name of the most recent Tenchi Muyo series?
+Shin tenchi muyo
+TV/Film: Anime: What is the name of the N.G.Evangelion movie recently released in Japan?
+Death and rebirth
+TV/Film: Anime: What is the other (not Japanese) nationality of Asuka Soryuu Langley?
+TV/Film: Anime: What series contains a reference to a fruit spread?
+Marmalade boy
+TV/Film: Anime: What sound does Mokona make?
+TV/Film: Anime: Where does Hitomi go to in Escaflowne?
+TV/Film: Anime: Which character in Escaflowne is hinted to be Isaac Newton?
+TV/Film: Anime: Which company is allowing Disney to do distribution of its work?
+Studio ghibli
+TV/Film: Anime: Who composed the majority of the music featured in ¿Vision of Escaflowne¿?
+Yoko kanno
+TV/Film: Anime: Who provides the voice for Ayanami Rei?
+Megumi hayashibara
+TV/Film: Anna Magnani won the 1955 Best Actress Oscar for the film version of which play by Tennessee Williams?
+The rose tattoo
+TV/Film: Anne Francis and Robby The Robot starred in this SciFi classic?
+Forbidden planet
+TV/Film: Apart from a toothbrush, what else did the audience have to take in Dont forget your Toothbrush?
+TV/Film: Apollo and Zeus were two doberman pinchers on this TV series?
+Magnum pi
+TV/Film: Archie Leach was the central character in which British film?
+A fish called wanda
+TV/Film: Arnold Schwarzenegger bought the first Hummer manufactured for civilian use when?
+TV/Film: As Queen Hippolyte, who's mother did Cloris Leachman play?
+TV/Film: As who is Terry Bollea known?
+Hulk Hogan
+TV/Film: audrey hepburn won an oscar in 1953 for what romantic movie?
+Roman holiday
+TV/Film: Ava Gardner film?
+Show boat
+TV/Film: Ava Gardner film?
+The barefoot contessa
+TV/Film: Back to the Future_ contained this song by Huey Lewis and the News?
+The power of love
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: Back to the Future 3 was set in one of Doc's favourite places, the ____ ____?
+Wild west
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: Doc Brown knew Biff stole the car because part of Biff's ____ was found in it?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: If future events are altered, photos and writing from the future become _?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: In BTTF 1, Marty & Doc must wait for ____ so that Marty can get back to 1985?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: In BTTF 1, Marty outruns his enemies with a skateboard. In BTTF 2, he uses _'?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: In BTTF 2, Biff is rich in 1985 because of a book given to him in 1955 by ____?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: In BTTF 3 Doc Brown finds true love in this woman (full name)?
+Clara clayton
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: Marty & Doc travel to 1955 again to prevent young Biff from receiving the?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: Marty gives a ____ to the Doc in 1955 to prevent Doc from being killed in 1985?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: Terrorists almost kill Doc Brown in BTTF 1 because he stole their what?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: The rich Biff has the Almanac hidden behind a?
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: The song played when Marty's parents first kiss at the dance?
+Earth angel
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: The speed required in mph for time travel to occur (in WORDS,eg sixty one)?
+Eighty eight
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: When Marty travels to the year 2015, the Jaws film that's playing: ____ ____?
+Jaws 19
+TV/Film: Back To The Future: Which movie (1,2, or 3) does Marty come face to face with his own son?
+TV/Film: BAD medical school comedy with Steve Gutenberg and Julie Hagerty?
+Bad medicine
+TV/Film: barbara bel geddes won a emmy in 1980 as outstanding lead actress in what drama series?
+TV/Film: Barbra Streisand played Fanny Brice this many times in the movies?
+TV/Film: Barbra streisand starred in the sequel to funny girl what was it called?
+Funny lady
+TV/Film: Based on a book by William Styron which film stars Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline?
+Sophie's choice
+TV/Film: Beavis & Butthead: B&B called a 1-900 phone sex line and listened to a woman's all night?
+TV/Film: Beavis & Butthead: b&b once forgot how to ____ and had to go to a doctor for help?
+TV/Film: Beavis & Butthead: B&B took a lie detector test for stealing money from what establishment?
+Burger world
+TV/Film: Beavis & Butthead: the genre of food that b&b most like?
+TV/Film: Beavis & Butthead: The network that airs B&B?
+TV/Film: Beavis & Butthead: The type of car B&B drove (and wrecked) once, shown during credits too?
+TV/Film: Beavis & Butthead: What was on the blackboard that B&B couldn't read after a doctor's visit?
+Sexual intercourse
+TV/Film: Bedrock is the town for which cartoon series?
+TV/Film: Before becoming James Bond, Roger Moore starred as what other secret agent?
+The saint
+TV/Film: Before coming to WKRP, Johnny Fever got fired for saying what word on the air?
+TV/Film: Before gaining fame on Star Trek, in what movie did actor Leonard Nimoy first appear as an alien from outer space?
+The Zombie Vanguard
+TV/Film: Ben Affleck played CT on what 80's science education television show?
+Voyage of the Mimi
+TV/Film: Bert and ernie of 'sesame street' were named after bert and ernie in which frank capra film?
+It's a wonderful life
+TV/Film: besides field of dreams, what other baseball movie starred kevin costner?
+Bull durham
+TV/Film: Bette Midler won an Oscar nomination for playing a rock singer in the style of Janis Joplin in which 1979 film?
+The rose
+TV/Film: Betty Boop, created by Max Fleischer, was a cartoon character based on which real-life actress?
+Helen Kane
+TV/Film: Between 1931 & 1969 Walt Disney collected how many oscars?
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: For what popular singer did David play keyboards at a campus function?
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: Jamie Walters (Ray Pruitt) also starred on what short-lived Fox series?
+The heights
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: The numbers 90210 are what?
+Zip code
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: This girlfriend of Brandon slipped him drugs at a club?
+Emily valentine
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: This SUPER-hunk played Brenda's love interest in France?
+Dean cain
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: What 3 characters share an apartment (May 95) (first names, alpha, no and)?
+Clare donna kelly
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: What character sold her friends out to a tabloid TV show?
+Brenda walsh
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: What is the name of Andrea and Jesse's baby?
+Hannah vasquez
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: What is the proprietor of the Peach Pit's name (first only)?
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: What was the name of the guidance counselor at West Beverly?
+Mrs. teasley
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: Which character had an unrequited crush on Brandon through most of high school?
+Andrea zuckerman
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: Which character skipped his senior year of high school?
+David silver
+TV/Film: Beverly Hills 90210: Which character was arrested for drunk driving?
+Brandon walsh
+TV/Film: Beverly hills has what fictional zipcode?
+TV/Film: Bewitched: Darren & Samantha ____ (surname)?
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Dude, members of what real band were in the sequel movie?
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Dude, name the most non-non-bogus actor who played Ted?
+Keanu reeves
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Dude, what classical composer do the boys kidnap?
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Dude, what excellent California city do the boys hail from?
+San dimas
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Dude, what is Bill's middle initial?
+S (bill s. preston esquire)
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Dude, what is the appropriately named water park Napoleon goes to?
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Dude, what is the name of the boys' most triumphant band (spelling counts)?
+Wyld stallyns
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Dude, what was the original title of the sequel (B&T's Bogus Journey)?
+Bill and ted go to hell
+TV/Film: Bill & Ted: Strange things are amuck at the ____?
+Circle k
+TV/Film: Bing Crosby received this type of Oscar for his role as Father Chuck O'Malley?
+TV/Film: Births: Born 1951 Director father. Was a succesful model before returning to film. Won Supporting Actress Oscar in Prizzi's Honor?
+Anjelica Huston
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie A Star Is Born - 1976?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie All Night Long - 1981?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie For Pete's Sake - 1974?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie Funny Girl - 1968?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie Funny Lady - 1975?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie Hello, Dolly! - 1969?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie Nuts - 1987?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie On a Clear Day You Can See Forever - 1970?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie The Main Event - 1979?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie The Mirror Has Two Faces - 1996?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie The Owl and the Pussycat - 1970?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie The Prince of Tides - 1991?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie The Way We Were - 1973?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie Up the Sandbox - 1972?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie What's Up Doc? - 1972?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 24, 1942, She starred in the movie Yentl - 1983?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Any Given Sunday - 1999?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Bus Riley's Back in Town - 1965?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Bye Bye Birdie - 1963?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Carnal Knowledge - 1971?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Grumpier Old Men - 1995?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Grumpy Old Men - 1993?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Kitten With a Whip - 1964?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Magic - 1978?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Middle Age Crazy - 1980?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Newsies - 1992?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Once a Thief - 1965?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Our Sons - 1991?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie State Fair - 1962?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie The Cincinnati Kid - 1965?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie The Pleasure Seekers - 1964?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie The Return of the Soldier - 1983?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie The Swinger - 1966?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie The Tiger and the Pussycat - 1967?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie The Train Robbers - 1973?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie The Villain - 1979?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Tommy - 1975?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Twice in a Lifetime - 1985?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Viva Las Vegas - 1964?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 28, 1941, She starred in the movie Who Will Love My Children? - 1983?
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie 48 HRS. - 1982?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Another 48 Hrs. - 1990?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Best Defense - 1984?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Beverly Hills Cop - 1984?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Beverly Hills Cop II - 1987?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Beverly Hills Cop III - 1994?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Boomerang - 1992?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Bowfinger - 1999?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Coming to America - 1988?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Doctor Dolittle - 1998?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Eddie Murphy Raw - 1987?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Harlem Nights - 1989?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Hollywood Shuffle - 1987?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Holy Man - 1998?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Life - 1999?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Metro - 1997?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie The Distinguished Gentleman - 1992?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie The Golden Child - 1986?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie The Nutty Professor - 1996?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Trading Places - 1983?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 3, 1961, he starred in the movie Vampire in Brooklyn - 1995?
+Eddie murphy
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Breaking Up - 1997?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie For the Moment - 1994?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Gladiator - 2000?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Hammers Over the Anvil - 1991?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Heaven's Burning - 1997?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie L.A. Confidential - 1997?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Love in Limbo - 1993?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Mystery, Alaska - 1999?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Prisoners of the Sun - 1991?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Proof - 1991?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Romper Stomper - 1992?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Rough Magic - 1995?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Crossing ? 1990?
+Russell Crowe 
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Efficiency Expert - 1992?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Insider - 1999?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Quick and the Dead - 1995?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Silver Brumby - 1993?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Sum of Us - 1994?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Under the Gun - 1995?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born Apr 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Virtuosity - 1995?
+Russell crowe
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 14, 1977, She starred in the movie Cruel Intentions - 1999?
+Sarah michelle gellar
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 14, 1977, She starred in the movie Funny Farm - 1988?
+Sarah michelle gellar
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 14, 1977, She starred in the movie High Stakes - 1989?
+Sarah michelle gellar
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 14, 1977, She starred in the movie I Know What You Did Last Summer - 1997?
+Sarah michelle gellar
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 14, 1977, She starred in the movie Over the Brooklyn Bridge - 1984?
+Sarah michelle gellar
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 14, 1977, She starred in the movie Scream 2 - 1997?
+Sarah michelle gellar
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 14, 1977, She starred in the movie Simply Irresistible - 1999?
+Sarah michelle gellar
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Carrington - 1995?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Dead Again - 1991?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Henry V - 1989?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Howards End - 1992?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Impromptu - 1990?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie In the Name of the Father - 1993?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Junior - 1994?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Much Ado About Nothing - 1993?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie My Father, the Hero - 1994?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Peter's Friends - 1992?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Primary Colors - 1998?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Remains of the Day - 1993?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie Sense and Sensibility - 1995?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie The Remains of the Day - 1993?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie The Tall Guy - 1989?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 15, 1959, She starred in the movie The Winter Guest - 1997?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie A Film Johnnie - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie A King in New York - 1957?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Between Showers - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Caught in a Cabaret - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie City Lights - 1931?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Cruel, Cruel Love - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Kid Auto Races at Venice - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Limelight - 1952?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Mabel at the Wheel - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Mabel's Busy Day - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Mabel's Strange Predicament - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Making a Living - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Modern Times - 1936?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Monsieur Verdoux - 1947?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Souls For Sale - 1923?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Chaplin Revue - 1958?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Circus - 1928?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Fatal Mallet - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Gold Rush - 1925?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Great Dictator - 1940?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Kid - 1921?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Knockout - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Nut - 1921?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Star Boarder - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie The Tramp - 1915?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 16, 1889, he starred in the movie Tillie's Punctured Romance - 1914?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie A Great American Tragedy - 1972?
+James wood
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Against All Odds - 1984?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Alex and the Gypsy - 1976?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie And Your Name Is Jonah - 1979?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Another Day in Paradise - 1998?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Any Given Sunday - 1999?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Badge of the Assassin - 1985?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Best Seller - 1987?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Casino - 1995?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Cat's Eye - 1985?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Chaplin - 1992?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Contact - 1997?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Cop - 1988?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Curse of the Starving Class - 1994?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Diggstown - 1992?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Distance - 1975?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Dodd - 1984?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Eyewitness - 1981?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Fast Walking - 1982?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 1998?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie For Better or Worse - 1996?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Ghosts of Mississippi - 1996?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Hercules - 1997?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Hickey and Boggs - 1972?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Immediate Family - 1989?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Joshua Then and Now - 1985?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Kicked in the Head - 1997?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Killer: A Journal of Murder - 1995?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Men & Women: Stories of Seduction - 1990?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie My Name is Bill W. - 1989?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Night Moves - 1975?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Nixon - 1995?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Once Upon a Time in America - 1984?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Promise - 1986?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Salvador - 1986?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Split Image - 1982?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Straight Talk - 1992?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Black Marble - 1980?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Boost - 1988?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Boys - 1991?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Choirboys - 1977?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Gambler - 1974?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The General's Daughter - 1999?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Getaway - 1994?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Hard Way - 1991?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Onion Field - 1979?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Specialist - 1994?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Virgin Suicides - 2000?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Visitors - 1972?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie The Way We Were - 1973?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie True Believer - 1989?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie True Crime - 1999?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Vampires - 1998?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 18, 1947, he starred in the movie Videodrome - 1983?
+James woods
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie A Time To Kill - 1996?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Double Jeopardy - 1999?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Eye of the Beholder - 2000?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Heat - 1995?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Kiss the Girls - 1997?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Kuffs - 1992?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Natural Born Killers - 1994?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Normal Life - 1996?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Ruby in Paradise - 1993?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Simon Birch - 1998?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Smoke - 1995?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie The Locusts - 1997?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie The Passion of Darkly Noon - 1995?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 19, 1968, She starred in the movie Where the Heart Is - 2000?
+Ashley judd
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie A Change of Seasons - 1980?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie A Smile Like Yours - 1997?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie All in a Night's Work - 1961?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Around the World in 80 Days - 1956?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Artists and Models - 1955?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Ask Any Girl - 1959?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Being There - 1979?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Can-Can - 1960?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Cannonball Run II - 1984?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Career - 1959?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Defending Your Life - 1991?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Desperate Characters - 1971?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Gambit - 1966?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Get Bruce - 1999?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Guarding Tess - 1994?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Hot Spell - 1958?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Irma La Douce - 1963?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie John Goldfarb, Please Come Home - 1964?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Loving Couples - 1980?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Madame Sousatzka - 1988?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Mrs. Winterbourne - 1996?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie My Geisha - 1962?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Ocean's Eleven - 1960?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Out on a Limb - 1987?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Postcards From the Edge - 1990?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Some Came Running - 1958?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Steel Magnolias - 1989?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Sweet Charity - 1969?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Terms of Endearment - 1983?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Apartment - 1960?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom - 1968?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Celluloid Closet - 1996?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Children's Hour/The Loudest Whisper - 1962?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Evening Star - 1996?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Matchmaker - 1958?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Possession of Joel Delaney - 1972?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Sheepman - 1958?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Trouble With Harry - 1955?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Turning Point - 1977?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie The Yellow Rolls-Royce - 1964?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Two for the Seesaw - 1962?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Two Loves - 1961?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Two Mules for Sister Sara - 1970?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Used People - 1992?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Waiting for the Light - 1990?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie What a Way To Go! - 1964?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Woman Times Seven - 1967?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 24, 1934, She starred in the movie Wrestling Ernest Hemingway - 1993?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie 8 Seconds - 1994?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie A Price Above Rubies - 1998?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie Deceiver - 1997?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie Empire Records - 1995?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie Jerry Maguire - 1996?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie Love and a .45 - 1994?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie Me, Myself, & Irene - 2000?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie One True Thing - 1998?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie Reality Bites - 1994?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation - 1997?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie The Bachelor - 1999?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie The Low Life - 1995?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 25, 1969, She starred in the movie The Whole Wide World - 1996?
+Renee zellweger
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie A Thousand Acres - 1997?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Amazon Women on the Moon - 1987?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Batman Returns - 1992?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Callie and Son - 1981?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen - 1981?
+Michelle Pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Dangerous Liaisons - 1988?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Dangerous Minds - 1995?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Falling in Love Again - 1980?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Frankie & Johnny - 1991?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Grease 2 - 1982?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Hollywood Knights - 1980?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Into the Night - 1985?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Ladyhawke - 1985?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Love Field - 1993?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Married to the Mob - 1988?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie One Fine Day - 1996?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Scarface - 1983?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Splendor in the Grass - 1981?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Sweet Liberty - 1986?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Tequila Sunrise - 1988?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie The Age of Innocence - 1993?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie The Deep End of the Ocean - 1999?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie The Fabulous Baker Boys - 1989?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie The Hollywood Knights - 1980?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie The Prince of Egypt - 1998?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie The Russia House - 1990?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie The Story of Us - 1999?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie The Witches of Eastwick - 1987?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday - 1996?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Up Close and Personal - 1996?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream - 1999?
+Michelle Pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 29, 1958, She starred in the movie Wolf - 1994?
+Michelle pfeiffer
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie A Countess From Hong Kong - 1967?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie A Dry White Season - 1989?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie A Streetcar Named Desire - 1951?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Apocalypse Now - 1979?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Bedtime Story - 1964?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Burn! - 1970?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Candy - 1968?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Christopher Columbus: The Discovery - 1992?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Desir?e - 1954?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Don Juan DeMarco - 1995?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Guys and Dolls - 1955?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Julius Caesar - 1953?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Last Tango in Paris - 1972?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Morituri - 1965?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Mutiny on the Bounty - 1962?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie On the Waterfront - 1954?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie One-Eyed Jacks - 1961?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Queimada/Burn! - 1969?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Reflections in a Golden Eye - 1967?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Sayonara - 1957?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Superman - 1978?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Teahouse of the August Moon - 1956?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Appaloosa - 1966?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Chase - 1966?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Formula - 1980?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Freshman - 1990?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Fugitive Kind - 1960?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Godfather - 1972?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Island of Dr. Moreau - 1996?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Men - 1950?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Missouri Breaks - 1976?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Night of the Following Day - 1969?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Nightcomers - 1971?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Saboteur____Code Name Morituri - 1965?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Teahouse of the August Moon - 1956?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Ugly American - 1963?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Wild One - 1954?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie The Young Lions - 1958?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1924, he starred in the movie Viva Zapata! - 1952?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Alice - 1990?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Beetlejuice - 1988?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Dress Gray - 1986?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Forever, Lulu - 1987?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Ghosts of Mississippi - 1996?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross - 1992?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Great Balls of Fire! - 1989?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Heaven's Prisoners - 1996?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Looking for Richard - 1996?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Love on the Run - 1985?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Malice - 1993?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Married to the Mob - 1988?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Mercury Rising - 1998?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Miami Blues - 1990?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Notting Hill - 1999?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Outside Providence - 1999?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Prelude to a Kiss - 1992?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie She's Having a Baby - 1988?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Sweet Revenge - 1984?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Talk Radio - 1988?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory - 1987?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie The Edge - 1997?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie The Getaway - 1994?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie The Hunt for Red October - 1990?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie The Juror - 1996?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie The Marrying Man - 1991?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie The Shadow - 1994?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Two Bits - 1995?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born April 3, 1958, he starred in the movie Working Girl - 1988?
+Alec baldwin
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie 27 Horas - 1986?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie As? Como Hab?an Sido - 1987?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Assassins - 1995?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie B?ton rouge - 1988?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Bajarse al moro - 1992?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Caso Cerrado - 1985?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Contra el viento - 1990?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Cuentos de Borges I - 1991?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Desperado - 1995?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie El Caso Almeria - 1984?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie El Se?or Galindez - 1983?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Evita - 1996?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Four Rooms - 1995?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Interview With the Vampire - 1994?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie La Blanco Paloma - 1991?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Labryrinth of Passion - 1990?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Law of Desire - 1987?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Los Zancos - 1984?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Matador - 1986?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Miami Rhapsody - 1995?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Never Talk to Strangers - 1995?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Of Love and Shadows - 1996?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Pesta?as Postizas - 1982?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Philadelphia - 1993?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Play It to the Bone - 1999?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Requiem por un campesino espa?ol - 1985?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Si te dicen que ca? (If They Tell You I Fell) - 1989?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Terra Nova - 1991?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie The 13th Warrior - 1999?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie The Court of the Pharoah/La Corte de Faraon - 1985?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie The House of the Spirits - 1993?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie The Mambo Kings - 1992?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie The Mask of Zorro - 1998?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie The Pleasure of Killing (El Placer de matar) - 1987?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie The Puzzle - 1986?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie The Stilts - 1983?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! - 1990?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Truth or Dare - 1991?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Two Much - 1996?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Una Mujer Bajo la Lluvia - 1992?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - 1988?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 10, 1960, he starred in the movie Y Del Seguro . . . Libranos Se?or! - 1982?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie 1900 - 1976?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Analyze This - 1999?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Angel Heart - 1987?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Awakenings - 1990?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Backdraft - 1991?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Bang the Drum Slowly - 1973?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Bloody Mama - 1970?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Born To Win - 1971?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Brazil - 1985?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Cape Fear - 1991?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Casino - 1995?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Cop Land - 1997?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Falling in Love - 1984?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Flawless - 1999?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie GoodFellas - 1990?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Great Expectations - 1998?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Greetings ? 1968?
+Robert De Niro 
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Guilty by Suspicion - 1991?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Heat - 1995?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Hi Mom! - 1970?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Jackie Brown - 1997?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Jacknife - 1989?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Jennifer on My Mind - 1971?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Les Cent et une Nuits - 1995?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Mad Dog and Glory - 1993?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Marvin's Room - 1996?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - 1994?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Mean Streets - 1973?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Midnight Run - 1988?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Mistress - 1992?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie New York, New York - 1977?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Night and the City - 1992?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Once Upon a Time in America - 1984?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Raging Bull - 1980?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Ronin - 1998?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Sam's Song - 1971?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Sleepers - 1996?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Stanley and Iris - 1990?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Taxi Driver - 1976?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle - 2000?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Deer Hunter - 1978?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Fan - 1996?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight - 1971?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Godfather, Part II - 1974?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The King of Comedy - 1983?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Last Tycoon - 1976?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Mission - 1986?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Untouchables - 1987?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie The Wedding Party - 1969?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie This Boy's Life - 1993?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie True Confessions - 1981?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie Wag the Dog - 1997?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 17, 1943, he starred in the movie We're No Angels - 1989?
+Robert de niro
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie A Bridge Too Far - 1977?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie A Fine Madness - 1966?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie A Good Man in Africa - 1994?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Action of the Tiger - 1957?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Another Time, Another Place - 1958?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Cuba - 1979?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Darby O'Gill and the Little People - 1959?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Diamonds Are Forever - 1971?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Dr. No - 1962?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Dragonheart - 1996?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Entrapment - 1999?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Family Business - 1989?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie First Knight - 1995?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Five Days One Summer - 1982?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie From Russia With Love - 1964?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Goldfinger - 1964?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Gole! - 1982?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Hell Drivers - 1958?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Highlander - 1986?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Highlander II- The Quickening - 1991?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 1989?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Just Cause - 1995?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Lilacs in The Spring/Let's Make Up - 1955?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Marnie - 1964?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Medicine Man - 1992?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Memories of Me - 1988?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Meteor - 1979?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Murder on the Orient Express - 1974?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Never Say Never Again - 1983?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie No Road Back - 1956?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Operation Snafu - 1961?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Outland - 1981?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Playing by Heart - 1998?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Rising Sun - 1993?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Robin and Marian - 1976?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - 1991?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Shalako - 1968?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Sword of the Valiant - 1984?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Tarzan's Greatest Adventure - 1959?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Anderson Tapes - 1971?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Avengers - 1998?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Frightened City - 1961?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Great Train Robbery - 1979?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Hill - 1965?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Hunt for Red October - 1990?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Longest Day - 1962?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Man Who Would Be King - 1975?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Molly Maguires - 1969?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Name of the Rose - 1986?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Next Man - 1976?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Offense - 1973?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Presidio - 1988?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Red Tent - 1971?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Rock - 1996?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Russia House - 1990?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Terrorists - 1975?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Untouchables - 1987?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie The Wind and the Lion - 1975?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Thunderball - 1965?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Time Bandits - 1981?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Woman of Straw - 1964?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Wrong Is Right/The Man With the Deadly Lens - 1982?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie You Only Live Twice - 1967?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 25, 1930, he starred in the movie Zardoz - 1974?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie A Matter of Time - 1976?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie A Walk in the Spring Rain - 1970?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie A Woman Called Golda - 1982?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Adam Had Four Sons - 1941?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Anastasia - 1956?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Arch of Triumph - 1948?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Autumn Sonata - 1978?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Br?nningar - 1935?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Cactus Flower - 1969?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Casablanca - 1942?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Die Vier Gesellen - 1938?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Dollar - 1938?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - 1941?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Elena et les hommes - 1956?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie En enda natt - 1939?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie En Kvinnas ansikte - 1938?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Europa 51 - 1952?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Fear - 1955?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie For Whom the Bell Tolls - 1943?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler - 1973?
+Ingrid Bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Fugitive in Vienna - 1967?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Gaslight - 1944?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Giovanna d'Arco al Rogo - 1954?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Goodbye Again - 1961?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie H?stsonaten - 1978?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Indiscreet - 1958?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Intermezzo - 1936?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Intermezzo (remake) - 1939?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Joan of Arc - 1948?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Juninatten/June Night - 1940?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie La Paura - 1954?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Landskamp - 1932?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Munkbrogreven - 1935?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Murder on the Orient Express - 1974?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Notorious - 1946?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie P? solsidan - 1936?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Paris Does Strange Things - 1957?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Rage in Heaven - 1941?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Rich Girl - 1991?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Saratoga Trunk - 1945?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Siamo donne - 1953?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Spellbound - 1945?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Stimulantia - 1967?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Stromboli - 1949?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Swedenhielms - 1935?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie The Bells of St. Mary's - 1945?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie The Inn of the Sixth Happiness - 1958?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie The Strangers - 1954?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie The Turn of the Screw - 1959?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie The Visit - 1964?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie The Yellow Rolls-Royce - 1964?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Under Capricorn - 1949?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Valborgsm?ssoafton - 1935?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Viaggio in Italia - 1953?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in the movie Walk in the Spring Rain - 1970?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie A Life Less Ordinary - 1997?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie Any Given Sunday - 1999?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie Being John Malkovich - 1999?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 1998?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie Feeling Minnesota - 1996?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie Head Above Water - 1997?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie Keys to Tulsa - 1997?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie My Best Friend's Wedding - 1997?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie She's the One - 1996?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie The Last Supper - 1996?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie The Mask - 1994?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie There's Something About Mary - 1998?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 30, 1972, She starred in the movie Very Bad Things - 1998?
+Cameron diaz
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie American gigolo - 1980?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie an officer and a gentleman - 1982?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie baby blue marine - 1976?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie beyond the limit/the honorary consul - 1983?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie bloodbrothers - 1978?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie breathless - 1983?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie burn hollywood burn - 1998?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie Burn Hollywood Burn: An Alan Smithee Film - 1998?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie days of heaven - 1978?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie final analysis - 1992?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie first knight - 1995?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie internal affairs - 1990?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie intersection - 1994?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie king David - 1985?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie looking for mr. goodbar - 1977?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie miles from home/farm of the year - 1988?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie mr. jones - 1993?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie no mercy - 1986?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie power - 1986?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie pretty woman - 1990?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie primal fear - 1996?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie red corner - 1997?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie report to the commissioner - 1975?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie rhapsody in august - 1991?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie runaway bride - 1999?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie sommersby - 1993?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie strike force - 1975?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie the cotton club - 1984?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie the jackal - 1997?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie unzipped - 1995?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born aug 31, 1949, he starred in the movie yanks - 1979?
+Richard gere
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob - 1941?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie A Guide for the Married Man - 1967?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie A Woman of Distinction - 1950?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Abbott and Costello in Hollywood - 1945?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Annabel Takes a Tour - 1938?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Beauty for the Asking - 1939?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Best Foot Forward - 1943?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Blood Money - 1933?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Bottoms Up - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Broadway Bill - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Broadway Through a Keyhole - 1933?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Bulldog Drummond - 1929?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Bunker Bean - 1936?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Carnival - 1935?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Chatterbox - 1936?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Critic's Choice - 1963?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Dance, Girl, Dance - 1940?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Don't Tell the Wife - 1937?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Du Barry Was a Lady - 1943?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Easy Living - 1949?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Easy to Wed - 1946?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Fancy Pants - 1950?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Five Came Back - 1939?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Follow the Fleet - 1936?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Forever Darling - 1956?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Fugitive Lady - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Go Chase Yourself - 1938?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Having Wonderful Time - 1938?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Her Husband's Affairs - 1948?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Hold That Girl - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie I Dream Too Much - 1935?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie I'll Love You Always - 1935?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Jealousy - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Joy of Living - 1937?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Kid Millions - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Look Who's Laughing - 1941?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Lover Come Back - 1946?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Lured - 1947?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Mame - 1974?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Meet the People - 1944?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Men of the Night - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Miss Grant Takes Richmond - 1949?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Moulin Rouge - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Nana - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Old Man Rhythm - 1935?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Panama Lady - 1939?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Roberta - 1935?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Roman Scandals - 1933?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Room Service - 1938?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Seven Days' Leave - 1942?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Sorrowful Jones - 1949?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Stage Door - 1937?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Stone Pillow - 1985?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie That Girl From Paris - 1936?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie That's Right, You're Wrong - 1939?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Affairs of Annabel - 1938?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Affairs of Cellini - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Big Street - 1942?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Bowery - 1933?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Dark Corner - 1946?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Facts of Life - 1960?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Farmer in the Dell - 1936?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Fuller Brush Girl - 1950?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Kid From Spain - 1932?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Long, Long Trailer - 1954?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Magic Carpet - 1951?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Marines Fly High - 1940?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Next Time I Marry - 1938?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Three Musketeers - 1935?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie The Whole Town's Talking - 1935?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Thousands Cheer - 1943?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Three Little Pigskins - 1934?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Too Many Girls - 1940?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Top Hat - 1935?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Twelve Crowded Hours - 1939?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Two Smart People - 1946?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Valley of the Sun - 1942?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Winterset - 1936?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Wisecracks - 1992?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Without Love - 1945?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie You Can't Fool Your Wife - 1940?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Yours, Mine and Ours - 1968?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 6, 1911, She starred in the movie Ziegfeld Follies - 1946?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Agatha - 1979?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Alfredo, Alfredo - 1973?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie All the President's Men - 1976?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie American Buffalo - 1996?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Billy Bathgate - 1991?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Death of a Salesman - 1985?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Dick Tracy - 1990?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Family Business - 1989?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Hero - 1992?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Hook - 1991?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Ishtar - 1987?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie John and Mary - 1969?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Kramer vs. Kramer - 1979?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Lenny - 1974?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Little Big Man - 1970?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Mad City - 1997?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Madigan's Million - 1968?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Midnight Cowboy - 1969?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Outbreak - 1995?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Papillon - 1973?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Rain Man - 1988?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Sleepers - 1996?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Sphere - 1998?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Straight Time - 1978?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Straw Dogs - 1972?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie The Graduate - 1967?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc - 1999?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie The Tiger Makes Out - 1967?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Tootsie - 1982?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Wag the Dog - 1997?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 8, 1937, he starred in the movie Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Thing - 1971?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie A Stranger Among Us - 1992?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Alfred Hitchcock Presents - 1985?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Another Day in Paradise - 1998?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Body Double - 1984?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Born Yesterday - 1993?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Cherry 2000 - 1987?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Crazy in Alabama - 1999?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Fear City - 1985?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie In the Spirit - 1990?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Joyride - 1977?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Lolita - 1998?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Men & Women: Stories of Seduction - 1990?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Milk Money - 1994?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Mulholland Falls - 1996?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Night Moves - 1975?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Nobody's Fool - 1994?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Now and Then - 1995?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie One on One - 1977?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Pacific Heights - 1990?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Paradise - 1991?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Roar - 1981?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie She's in the Army Now - 1981?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Shining Through - 1992?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Smile - 1975?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Something Wild - 1986?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Stormy Monday - 1988?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie The Bonfire of the Vanities - 1990?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie The Drowning Pool - 1976?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie The Harrad Experiment - 1973?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie The Milagro Beanfield War - 1988?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie The Star Maker - 1981?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Two Much - 1996?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born Aug 9, 1957, She starred in the movie Working Girl - 1988?
+Melanie griffith
+TV/Film: Births: Born august 13, 1899 he directed the 1960 thriller psycho?
+Alfred hitchcock
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy - 1982?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Annie Hall - 1977?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Bananas - 1971?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Casino Royale - 1967?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Deconstructing Harry - 1997?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Everyone Says I Love You - 1996?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid - 1972?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Hannah and Her Sisters - 1986?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Husbands and Wives - 1992?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie King Lear - 1987?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Love and Death - 1975?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Manhattan - 1979?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Manhattan Murder Mystery - 1993?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Mighty Aphrodite - 1995?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie New York Stories - 1989?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Play It Again, Sam - 1972?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Scenes From a Mall - 1991?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Shadows and Fog - 1992?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Sleeper - 1973?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Small Time Crooks - 2000?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Stardust Memories - 1980?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Sweet and Lowdown - 1999?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Take the Money and Run - 1969?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie The Front - 1976?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie The Purple Rose of Cairo - 1985?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie What's New, Pussycat? - 1965?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie What's Up, Tiger Lily? - 1966?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Wild Man Blues - 1998?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1935, he starred in the movie Zelig - 1983?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Beaches - 1988?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Big Business - 1988?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Divine Madness - 1980?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Down and Out in Beverly Hills - 1986?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Drowning Mona - 2000?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie For the Boys - 1991?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Get Bruce - 1999?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Get Shorty - 1995?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Hocus Pocus - 1993?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Isn't She Great - 2000?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Jinxed - 1982?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Oliver and Company - 1988?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Outrageous Fortune - 1987?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Ruthless People - 1986?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Scenes From a Mall - 1991?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie Stella - 1990?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie That Old Feeling - 1997?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie The First Wives Club - 1996?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 1, 1945, She starred in the movie The Rose - 1979?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie A River Runs Through It - 1992?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Across the Tracks - 1991?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Cool World - 1992?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Cutting Class - 1989?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Happy Together - 1989?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Interview With the Vampire - 1994?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Johnny Suede - 1992?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Kalifornia - 1993?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Legends of the Fall - 1994?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Seven - 1995?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie The Favor - 1994?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Thelma & Louise - 1991?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie Too Young To Die? - 1990?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 18 1963, he starred in the movie True Romance - 1993?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born dec 18, 1963, he starred in the movie 12 monkeys - 1995?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born dec 18, 1963, he starred in the movie being john malkovich - 1999?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born dec 18, 1963, he starred in the movie fight club - 1999?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born dec 18, 1963, he starred in the movie meet joe black - 1998?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born dec 18, 1963, he starred in the movie seven years in tibet - 1997?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born dec 18, 1963, he starred in the movie sleepers - 1996?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born dec 18, 1963, he starred in the movie the devil's own - 1997?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie 9 to 5 - 1980?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie A Doll's House - 1973?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Agnes of God - 1985?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Any Wednesday - 1966?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Barbarella - 1968?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Barefoot in the Park - 1967?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie California Suite - 1978?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Cat Ballou - 1965?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Comes a Horseman - 1978?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Coming Home - 1978?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Fun With Dick and Jane - 1977?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Histoires Extraordinaires/Spirits of the Dead - 1968?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Hurry, Sundown - 1967?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie In the Cool of the Day - 1963?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Joy House - 1964?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Julia - 1977?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Klute - 1971?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie La Curee/The Game Is Over - 1966?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie La Ronde/Circle of Love - 1964?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Les Felins/Joy House/The Love Cage - 1964?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie No Nukes - 1980?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Old Gringo - 1988?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie On Golden Pond - 1981?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Period of Adjustment - 1962?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Rollover - 1981?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Stanley and Iris - 1990?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Steelyard Blues - 1973?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Sunday in New York - 1964?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Tall Story - 1960?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie The Blue Bird - 1976?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie The Chapman ReSports: 1962?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie The Chase - 1966?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie The China Syndrome - 1979?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie The Dollmaker - 1984?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie The Electric Horseman - 1979?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie The Game Is Over - 1966?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie The Morning After - 1986?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - 1969?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Tout va bien - 1972?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 21, 1937, She starred in the movie Walk on the Wild Side - 1962?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie A Devil With Women - 1930?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie A Holy Terror - 1931?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Across the Pacific - 1942?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Action in the North Atlantic - 1943?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie All Through the Night - 1942?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Always Together - 1948?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Angels With Dirty Faces - 1938?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Bad Sister - 1931?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Battle Circus - 1953?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Beat the Devil - 1954?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Big City Blues - 1932?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Black Legion - 1936?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Body and Soul - 1931?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Broadway's Like That - 1930?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Brother Orchid - 1940?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Bullets or Ballots - 1936?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Call It Murder - 1934?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Casablanca - 1942?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Chain Lightning - 1950?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie China Clipper - 1936?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Conflict - 1945?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Crime School - 1938?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Dark Passage - 1947?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Dark Victory - 1939?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Dead End - 1937?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Dead Reckoning - 1947?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Deadline, U.S.A. - 1952?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie High Sierra - 1941?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie In a Lonely Place - 1950?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie In This Our Life - 1942?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Invisible Stripes - 1940?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Isle of Fury - 1936?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie It All Came True - 1940?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Key Largo - 1948?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Kid Galahad - 1937?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie King of the Underworld - 1939?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Knock on Any Door - 1949?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Love Affair - 1932?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Marked Woman - 1937?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Men Are Such Fools - 1938?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Midnight - 1934?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Passage to Marseille - 1944?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Racket Busters - 1938?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Road to Bali - 1952?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Sabrina - 1954?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Sahara - 1943?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie San Quentin - 1937?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Sirocco - 1952?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Stand-In - 1937?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Swing Your Lady - 1938?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Thank Your Lucky Stars - 1943?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The African Queen - 1951?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Amazing Doctor Clitterhouse - 1938?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Barefoot Contessa - 1954?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Big Shot - 1942?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Big Sleep - 1946?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Caine Mutiny - 1954?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Dancing Town - 1928?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Desperate Hours - 1955?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Enforcer - 1951?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Great O'Malley - 1937?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Harder They Fall - 1956?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Left Hand of God - 1955?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Love Lottery - 1954?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Maltese Falcon - 1941?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Oklahoma Kid - 1939?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Petrified Forest - 1936?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Return of Doctor X - 1939?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Roaring Twenties - 1939?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - 1948?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Two Mrs. Carrolls - 1947?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie The Wagons Roll at Night - 1941?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie They Drive by Night - 1940?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Three on a Match - 1932?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie To Have and Have Not - 1944?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Tokyo Joe - 1949?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Two Against the World - 1936?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Two Guys From Milwaukee - 1946?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Up the River - 1930?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Virginia City - 1940?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie We're No Angels - 1955?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie Women of All Nations - 1931?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 25, 1899, he starred in the movie You Can't Get Away With Murder - 1939?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie A Soldier's Story - 1984?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Carbon Copy - 1981?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Courage Under Fire - 1996?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Crimson Tide - 1995?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Cry Freedom - 1987?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Devil in a Blue Dress - 1995?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Fallen - 1998?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie For Queen and Country - 1989?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Glory - 1989?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie He Got Game - 1998?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Heart Condition - 1990?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Malcolm X - 1992?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Mississippi Masala - 1992?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Mo' Better Blues - 1990?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Much Ado About Nothing - 1993?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Philadelphia - 1993?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Power - 1986?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Reunion - 1988?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Ricochet - 1991?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie The Bone Collector - 1999?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie The George McKenna Story - 1986?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie The Hurricane - 1999?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie The Mighty Quinn - 1989?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie The Pelican Brief - 1993?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie The Preacher's Wife - 1996?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie The Siege - 1998?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 28, 1954, he starred in the movie Virtuosity - 1995?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie 84 Charing Cross Road - 1987?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie A Bridge Too Far - 1977?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie A Change of Seasons - 1980?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie A Chorus of Disapproval - 1988?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie A Doll's House - 1973?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie A Married Man - 1984?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie All Creatures Great and Small - 1974?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Amistad - 1997?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Arch of Triumph - 1985?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Audrey Rose - 1977?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula - 1992?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Chaplin - 1992?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Dark Victory - 1976?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Desperate Hours - 1990?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Freejack - 1992?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Guilty ConsScience: 1985?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Hamlet - 1969?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Howards End - 1992?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Instinct - 1999?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie International Velvet - 1978?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Juggernaut - 1974?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Legends of the Fall - 1994?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Magic - 1978?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Mayflower: The Pilgrims' Adventure - 1979?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Meet Joe Black - 1998?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Mission Impossible 2 - 2000?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Mussolini & I - 1985?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Nixon - 1995?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie One Man's War - 1991?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Shadowlands - 1993?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Surviving Picasso - 1996?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Bounty - 1984?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Bunker - 1981?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Dawning - 1988?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Edge - 1997?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Efficiency Expert - 1992?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Elephant Man - 1980?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Girl From Petrovka - 1974?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Good Father - 1986?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1982?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Innocent - 1993?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case - 1976?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Lion in Winter - 1968?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Looking Glass War - 1970?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Mask of Zorro - 1998?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Remains of the Day - 1993?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Road to Wellville - 1994?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Silence of the Lambs - 1991?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Tenth Man - 1988?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The Trial - 1992?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie The White Bus - 1967?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Titus - 1999?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Victory at Entebbe - 1976?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie When Eight Bells Toll - 1971?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 31, 1937, he starred in the movie Young Winston - 1972?
+Anthony hopkins
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Against All Odds - 1984?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie American Heart - 1993?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Arlington Road - 1999?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Bad Company - 1972?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Blown Away - 1994?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Cold Feet - 1989?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Cutter's Way/Cutter and Bone - 1981?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Eight Million Ways To Die - 1987?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Fat City - 1972?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Fearless - 1993?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Halls of Anger - 1970?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Hearts of the West/Hollywood Cowboy - 1975?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Heaven's Gate - 1980?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie In Search of America - 1971?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Jagged Edge - 1985?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie King Kong - 1976?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Kiss Me Goodbye - 1982?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Lolly-Madonna XXX - 1973?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Nadine - 1987?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Rancho Deluxe - 1975?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie See You in the Morning - 1989?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Simpatico - 1999?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Somebody Killed Her Husband - 1978?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Starman - 1984?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Stay Hungry - 1976?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Success/American Success/The American Success Company - 1980?
+Jeff Bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Texasville - 1990?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Big Lebowski - 1998?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Company She Keeps - 1951?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Fabulous Baker Boys - 1989?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Fisher King - 1991?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Iceman Cometh - 1973?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Last American Hero/Hard Driver - 1973?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Last Picture Show - 1971?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Mirror Has Two Faces - 1996?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Morning After - 1986?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Muse - 1999?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Vanishing - 1993?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie The Yin and Yang of Mr. Go - 1970?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Thunderbolt and Lightfoot - 1974?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Tron - 1982?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Tucker: The Man and His Dream - 1988?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie White Squall - 1996?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Wild Bill - 1995?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Dec 4, 1949, he starred in the movie Winter Kills - 1979?
+Jeff bridges
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie A Civil Action - 1998?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Battlefield Earth - 2000?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Blow Out - 1981?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Broken Arrow - 1996?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Carrie - 1976?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Face/Off - 1997?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Get Shorty - 1995?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Grease - 1978?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Look Who's Talking - 1989?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Look Who's Talking Now - 1993?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Look Who's Talking Too - 1990?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Mad City - 1997?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Michael - 1996?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Moment by Moment - 1978?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Perfect - 1985?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Phenomenon - 1996?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Primary Colors - 1998?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Pulp Fiction - 1994?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Saturday Night Fever - 1977?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie She's So Lovely - 1997?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Shout - 1991?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Staying Alive - 1983?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie The Boy in the Plastic Bubble - 1976?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie The Devil's Rain - 1975?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie The Experts - 1989?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie The General's Daughter - 1999?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie The Thin Red Line - 1998?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Two of a Kind - 1983?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie Urban Cowboy - 1980?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 18, 1954, he starred in the movie White Man's Burden - 1995?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Altered States - 1980?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Babes in Toyland - 1986?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Bad Girls - 1994?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Batman Forever - 1995?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Boys on the Side - 1995?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Cat's Eye - 1985?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Conspiracy of Love - 1987?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial - 1982?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Ever After: A Cinderella Story - 1998?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Everyone Says I Love You - 1996?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Far From Home - 1988?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Firestarter - 1984?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Home Fries - 1998?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Inside the Goldmine - 1994?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Irreconcilable Differences - 1984?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Mad Love - 1995?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Motorama - 1992?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Never Been Kissed - 1999?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie No Place To Hide - 1993?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Poison Ivy - 1992?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Scream - 1996?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie See You in the Morning - 1989?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie The Wedding Singer - 1998?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Titan A.E. - 2000?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 22, 1975, She starred in the movie Wayne's World 2 - 1993?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie A Date With Judy - 1948?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie A Little Night Music: 1977?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie A Place in the Sun - 1951?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Ash Wednesday - 1973?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Beau Brummell - 1954?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Between Friends - 1983?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Boom! - 1968?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Butterfield 8 - 1960?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Callaway Went Thataway - 1951?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - 1958?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Cleopatra - 1963?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Conspirator - 1949?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Courage of Lassie - 1945?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Cynthia - 1947?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Divorce His____Divorce Hers - 1973?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Doctor Faustus - 1967?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Elephant Walk - 1954?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Father of the Bride - 1950?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Father's Little Dividend - 1951?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Giant - 1956?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Hammersmith Is Out - 1972?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Ivanhoe - 1953?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Jane Eyre - 1944?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Julia Misbehaves - 1948?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Lassie Come Home - 1943?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Life With Father - 1947?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Little Women - 1949?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Love Is Better Than Ever - 1952?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Malice in Wonderland - 1985?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie National Velvet - 1944?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Night Watch - 1973?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Poker Alice - 1987?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Quo Vadis - 1951?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Raintree County - 1957?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Reflections in a Golden Eye - 1967?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Rhapsody - 1954?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Scent of Mystery - 1960?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Secret Ceremony - 1968?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Suddenly, Last Summer - 1959?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Sweet Bird of Youth - 1989?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Big Hangover - 1950?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Blue Bird - 1976?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Comedians - 1967?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Driver's Seat /Identikit - 1974?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Flintstones - 1994?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Girl Who Had Everything - 1953?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Last Time I Saw Paris - 1954?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Mirror Crack'd - 1980?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Only Game in Town - 1970?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Sandpiper - 1965?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The Taming of the Shrew - 1967?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The V.I.P.'s - 1963?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie The White Cliffs of Dover - 1944?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie There Must Be a Pony - 1986?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie There's One Born Every Minute - 1942?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Under Milk Wood - 1973?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Victory at Entebbe - 1976?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - 1966?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Winter Kills - 1979?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie X, Y and Zee - 1972?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Feb 27, 1932, She starred in the movie Young Toscanini - 1988?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Blind Date - 1984?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Chains o' Gold - 1994?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Champions - 1983?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Deconstructing Harry - 1997?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous - 1999?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie For Richer or Poorer - 1997?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie It Takes Two - 1995?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Look Who's Talking - 1989?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Look Who's Talking Now - 1993?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Look Who's Talking Too - 1990?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Loverboy - 1989?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Madhouse - 1990?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Nevada - 1997?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie One More Chance - 1981?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Runaway - 1984?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie She's Having a Baby - 1988?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Shoot To Kill - 1988?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Sibling Rivalry - 1990?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - 1982?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Sticks and Stones - 1996?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Summer School - 1987?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 12, 1955, She starred in the movie Village of the Damned - 1995?
+Kirstie alley
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie a century of cinema - 1994?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie a perfect world - 1993?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie American flyers - 1985?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie bull durham - 1988?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie chasing dreams - 1982?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie dances with wolves - 1990?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie fandango - 1985?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie field of dreams - 1989?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie for love of the game - 1999?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie frances - 1982?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie jfk - 1991?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie message in a bottle - 1999?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie night shift - 1982?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie no way out - 1987?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie revenge - 1990?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie robin hood: prince of thieves - 1991?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie shadows run black - 1981?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie silverado - 1985?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie sizzle beach, u.s.a./malibu hot summer - 1986?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie stacy's knights - 1983?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie table for five - 1982?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie testament - 1983?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie the bodyguard - 1992?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie the gunrunner - 1983?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie the postman - 1997?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie the untouchables - 1987?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie the war - 1994?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie tin cup - 1996?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie u.s.a. - 1986?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie waterworld - 1995?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 18, 1955, he starred in the movie wyatt earp - 1994?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie air America - 1990?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie attack force z - 1980?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie bird on a wire - 1990?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie braveheart - 1995?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie chicken run - 2000?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie conspiracy theory - 1997?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie fathers' day - 1997?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie forever young - 1992?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie gallipoli - 1981?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie hamlet - 1990?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie lethal weapon - 1987?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie lethal weapon 2 - 1989?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie mad max - 1980?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie mad max: beyond thunderdome - 1985?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie maverick - 1994?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie mrs. soffel - 1984?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie payback - 1999?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie ransom - 1996?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie summer city/coast of terror - 1977?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie tequila sunrise - 1988?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie the bounty - 1984?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie the patriot - 2000?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie the river - 1984?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie the road warrior - 1982?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie the year of living dangerously - 1983?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 3, 1956, he starred in the movie tim - 1979?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie A Bridge Too Far - 1977?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie a covenant with death - 1967?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Absolute Power - 1997?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie All Night Long - 1981?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Another Woman - 1988?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Antz - 1998?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie banning - 1967?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Bat 21 - 1988?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Bite the Bullet - 1975?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie bonnie and clyde - 1967?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Cisco Pike - 1972?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Class Action - 1991?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Company Business - 1991?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Crimson Tide - 1995?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Doctors' Wives - 1971?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Downhill Racer - 1969?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Enemy of the State - 1998?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Eureka - 1981?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Extreme Measures - 1996?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie first to fight - 1967?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie For Better, For Worse - 1974?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie French Connection II - 1975?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Full Moon in Blue Water - 1988?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Geronimo: An American Legend - 1993?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Get Shorty - 1995?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie hawaii - 1966?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Hoosiers - 1986?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie I Never Sang for My Father - 1970?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie lilith - 1964?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Loose Cannons - 1989?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Lucky Lady - 1975?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie mad dog morgan/mad dog - 1961?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie March or Die - 1977?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Marooned - 1969?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Mississippi Burning - 1988?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Misunderstood - 1984?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Narrow Margin - 1990?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Night Moves - 1975?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie No Way Out - 1987?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Postcards From the Edge - 1990?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Power - 1986?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Prime Cut - 1972?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Reds - 1981?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Riot - 1969?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Scarecrow - 1973?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Shadow on the Land - 1968?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Split Decisions - 1988?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Superman - 1978?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Superman II - 1981?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Superman IV: The Quest For Peace - 1987?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Target - 1985?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Birdcage - 1996?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Chamber - 1996?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Conversation - 1974?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Domino Principle - 1977?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Firm - 1993?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The French Connection - 1971?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Gypsy Moths - 1969?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Hunting Party - 1971?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Package - 1989?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Poseidon Adventure - 1972?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Quick and the Dead - 1995?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie The Split - 1968?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Twice in a Lifetime - 1985?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Twilight - 1998?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Uncommon Valor - 1983?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Under Fire - 1983?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Unforgiven - 1992?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Wyatt Earp - 1994?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Young Frankenstein - 1974?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 30, 1930, he starred in the movie Zandy's Bride - 1974?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie 8MM - 1999?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Amos & Andrew - 1993?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Birdy - 1984?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Bringing Out the Dead - 1999?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie City of Angels - 1998?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Con Air - 1997?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Deadfall - 1993?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Face/Off - 1997?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High - 1982?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Firebirds - 1990?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Gone in 60 Seconds - 2000?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Guarding Tess - 1994?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Honeymoon in Vegas - 1992?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie It Could Happen to You - 1994?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Kiss of Death - 1995?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Leaving Las Vegas - 1995?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Moonstruck - 1987?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Peggy Sue Got Married - 1986?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Racing With the Moon - 1984?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Raising Arizona - 1987?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Red Rock West - 1992?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Rumble Fish - 1983?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Snake Eyes - 1998?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Tempo di Uccidere/Time to Kill/The Short Cut - 1989?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Boy in Blue - 1986?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Cotton Club - 1984?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie The Rock - 1996?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Trapped in Paradise - 1994?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Valley Girl - 1983?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Vampire's Kiss - 1989?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Wild at Heart - 1990?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 7, 1964, he starred in the movie Zandalee - 1991?
+Nicolas cage
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Blue Hawaii - 1961?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Change of Habit - 1969?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Charro! - 1969?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Clambake - 1967?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Double Trouble - 1967?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Easy Come, Easy Go - 1967?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Flaming Star - 1960?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Follow That Dream - 1962?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Frankie and Johnny - 1966?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Fun in Acapulco - 1963?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie G.I. Blues - 1960?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Girl Happy - 1965?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Girls! Girls! Girls! - 1962?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Harum Scarum - 1965?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie It Happened at the World's Fair - 1963?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Jailhouse Rock - 1957?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Kid Galahad - 1962?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie King Creole - 1958?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Kissin' Cousins - 1964?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Live a Little, Love a Little - 1968?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Love Me Tender - 1956?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Loving You - 1957?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Paradise, Hawaiian Style - 1966?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Roustabout - 1964?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Speedway - 1968?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Spinout - 1966?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Stay Away, Joe - 1968?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie The Trouble With Girls - 1969?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Tickle Me - 1965?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Viva Las Vegas - 1964?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jan 8, 1935, he starred in the movie Wild in the Country - 1961?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Births: Born January 23rd, 1899 in NYC. Won Best Actor Oscar in 1953, Died in 1957?
+Humphrey Bogart
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie An Evening With Robin Williams - 1983?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Awakenings - 1990?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Being Human - 1994?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Bicentennial Man - 1999?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Cadillac Man - 1990?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Can I Do It . . . 'Till I Need Glasses - 1977?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Children of Babylon - 1980?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Club Paradise - 1986?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Dead Again - 1991?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Dead Poets Society - 1989?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Fathers' Day - 1997?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie FernGully: The Last Rainforest - 1992?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Flubber - 1997?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Get Bruce - 1999?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Good Morning, Vietnam - 1987?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Good Will Hunting - 1997?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Hamlet - 1996?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Hook - 1991?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Jack - 1996?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Jakob the Liar - 1999?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Jumanji - 1995?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Moscow on the Hudson - 1984?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire - 1993?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Nine Months - 1995?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Patch Adams - 1998?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Popeye - 1980?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Seize the Day - 1986?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Shakes the Clown - 1991?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie The Adventures of Baron Munchausen - 1988?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie The Best of Times - 1986?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie The Birdcage - 1996?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie The Fisher King - 1991?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie The Secret Agent - 1996?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie The Survivors - 1983?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie The World According to Garp - 1982?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie Toys - 1992?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 21, 1952, he starred in the movie What Dreams May Come - 1998?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Assassins - 1995?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Bananas - 1971?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Burn Hollywood Burn: An Alan Smithee Film - 1998?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Cannonball - 1976?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Capone - 1975?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Cliffhanger - 1993?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Cobra - 1986?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Cop Land - 1997?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Daylight - 1996?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Death Race 2000 - 1975?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Demolition Man - 1993?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie F.I.S.T. - 1978?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Farewell, My Lovely - 1975?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie First Blood - 1982?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Judge Dredd - 1995?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Klute - 1971?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Lock Up - 1989?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Nighthawks - 1981?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie No Place To Hide - 1975?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Oscar - 1991?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Over the Top - 1987?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Paradise Alley - 1978?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Party at Kitty & Stud's/The Italian Stallion - 1970?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rambo III - 1988?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rambo: First Blood Part II - 1985?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rebel - 1973?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rhinestone - 1984?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rocky - 1976?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rocky II - 1979?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rocky III - 1982?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rocky IV - 1985?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Rocky V - 1990?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Staying Alive - 1983?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot - 1992?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Tango and Cash - 1989?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie The Lords of Flatbush - 1974?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie The Prisoner of Second Avenue - 1975?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie The Specialist - 1994?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jul 6, 1946, he starred in the movie Victory/Escape to Victory - 1981?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie 1941 - 1979?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Caddyshack II - 1988?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Celtic Pride - 1996?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Chaplin - 1992?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Comedy Music Videos - 1986?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Diamonds - 1999?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Doctor Detroit - 1983?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Dragnet - 1987?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Driving Miss Daisy - 1989?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Exit to Eden - 1994?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Feeling Minnesota - 1996?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Getting Away With Murder - 1996?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Ghostbusters - 1984?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Ghostbusters 2 - 1989?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Grosse Pointe Blank - 1997?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1984?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Into the Night - 1985?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie It Came From Hollywood - 1982?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Loose Cannons - 1989?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Love at First Sight - 1977?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Masters of Menace - 1991?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Mr. Mike's Mondo Video - 1979?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie My Fellow Americans - 1996?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie My Girl - 1991?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie My Girl 2 - 1994?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie My Stepmother Is an Alien - 1988?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Neighbors - 1981?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Nothing But Trouble - 1991?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Nothing Lasts Forever - 1984?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Sgt. Bilko - 1996?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Sneakers - 1992?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Spies Like Us - 1985?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie The Couch Trip - 1988?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie The Gift of Winter - 1974?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie The Great Outdoors - 1988?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie This Is My Life - 1992?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Tommy Boy - 1995?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Trading Places - 1983?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1952, he starred in the movie Twilight Zone____The Movie - 1983?
+Dan akroyd
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1967, She starred in the movie Barb Wire - 1996?
+Pamela anderson
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1967, She starred in the movie Naked Souls - 1995?
+Pamela anderson
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1967, She starred in the movie Raw Justice - 1994?
+Pamela anderson
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1967, She starred in the movie Snapdragon - 1993?
+Pamela anderson
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 1, 1967, She starred in the movie The Taking of Beverly Hills - 1992?
+Pamela anderson
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie A Time for Killing - 1967?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Air Force One - 1997?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie American Graffiti - 1973?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Apocalypse Now - 1979?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Blade Runner - 1982?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Clear and Present Danger - 1994?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round - 1966?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Force 10 From Navarone - 1978?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Frantic - 1988?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Getting Straight - 1970?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Hanover Street - 1979?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Heroes - 1977?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 1989?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1984?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie James A. Michener's Dynasty - 1976?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Jimmy Hollywood - 1994?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Journey to Shiloh - 1968?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Les Cent et une Nuits - 1995?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie More American Graffiti - 1979?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Patriot Games - 1992?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Presumed Innocent - 1990?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark - 1981?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Random Hearts - 1999?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Regarding Henry - 1991?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Return of the Jedi - 1983?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Sabrina - 1995?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Six Days, Seven Nights - 1998?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Star Wars - 1977?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie The Conversation - 1974?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie The Devil's Own - 1997?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie The Empire Strikes Back - 1980?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie The Frisco Kid - 1979?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie The Fugitive - 1993?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie The Intruders - 1970?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie The Mosquito Coast - 1986?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Witness - 1985?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Working Girl - 1988?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 13, 1942, he starred in the movie Zabriskie Point - 1970?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie Anaconda - 1997?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie Antz - 1998?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie Blood and Wine - 1997?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie Jack - 1996?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie Money Train - 1995?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie My Family - 1995?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie My Little Girl - 1986?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie Out of Sight - 1998?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie Selena - 1997?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 24, 1970, She starred in the movie U-Turn - 1997?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie 28 Days - 2000?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie A Time To Kill - 1996?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Demolition Man - 1993?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Forces of Nature - 1999?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Gun Shy - 2000?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Hope Floats - 1998?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie In Love and War - 1996?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Love Potion No. 9 - 1992?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Practical Magic - 1998?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Religion, Inc./A Fool and His Money - 1989?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Speed - 1994?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Speed 2: Cruise Control - 1997?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie The Net - 1995?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie The Prince of Egypt - 1998?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie The Thing Called Love - 1993?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie The Vanishing - 1993?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Two If By Sea - 1996?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie When the Party's Over - 1992?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie While You Were Sleeping - 1995?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Who Do I Gotta Kill? - 1992?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Who Shot Patakango? - 1990?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 26, 1964, She starred in the movie Wrestling Ernest Hemingway - 1993?
+Sandra bullock
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie A Few Good Men - 1992?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie All the Right Moves - 1983?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Born on the Fourth of July - 1989?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Cocktail - 1988?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Days of Thunder - 1990?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Endless Love - 1981?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Eyes Wide Shut - 1999?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Far and Away - 1992?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Interview With the Vampire - 1994?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Jerry Maguire - 1996?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Legend - 1985?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Losin' It - 1982?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Magnolia - 1999?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Mission: Impossible - 1996?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Mission: Impossible 2 - 2000?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Rain Man - 1988?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Risky Business - 1983?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Taps - 1981?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie The Color of Money - 1986?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie The Firm - 1993?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie The Outsiders - 1983?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 3, 1962, he starred in the movie Top Gun - 1986?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Batman & Robin - 1997?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Commando - 1985?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Conan the Barbarian - 1982?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Conan the Destroyer - 1984?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Dave - 1993?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie End of Days - 1999?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Eraser - 1996?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Hercules in New York - 1970?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Jingle All the Way - 1996?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Junior - 1994?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Kindergarten Cop - 1990?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Last Action Hero - 1993?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Predator - 1987?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Pumping Iron - 1977?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Raw Deal - 1986?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Red Heat - 1988?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Red Sonja - 1985?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Scavenger Hunt - 1979?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Shape Up With Arnold - 1982?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Stay Hungry - 1976?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 1991?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie The Jayne Mansfield Story - 1980?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie The Long Goodbye - 1973?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie The Running Man - 1987?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie The Terminator - 1984?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie The Villain - 1979?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Total Recall - 1990?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie True Lies - 1994?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 30, 1947, he starred in the movie Twins - 1988?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Blade - 1998?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Boiling Point - 1993?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Demolition Man - 1993?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Down in the Delta - 1998?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Drop Zone - 1995?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Jungle Fever - 1991?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie King of New York - 1989?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Major League - 1989?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Mo' Better Blues - 1990?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Money Train - 1995?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Murder at 1600 - 1997?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie New Jack City - 1991?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie One Night Stand - 1997?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Passenger 57 - 1992?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Rising Sun - 1993?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Streets of Gold - 1986?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Sugar Hill - 1994?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie The Fan - 1996?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie The Waterdance - 1992?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar - 1995?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie U.S. Marshals - 1998?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Waiting to Exhale - 1995?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie White Men Can't Jump - 1992?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 31, 1962, he starred in the movie Wildcats - 1986?
+Wesley snipes
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie A Few Good Men - 1992?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Apollo 13 - 1995?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Balto - 1995?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Criminal Law - 1988?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Digging to China - 1998?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Diner - 1982?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie End of the Line - 1988?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Enormous Changes at the Last Minute - 1985?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Flatliners - 1990?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Footloose - 1984?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Forty-Deuce - 1981?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Friday the 13th - 1980?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie He Said, She Said - 1991?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Hero at Large - 1980?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie JFK - 1991?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Lemon Sky - 1987?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Murder in the First - 1995?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie National Lampoon's Animal House - 1978?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Only When I Laugh - 1981?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Picture Perfect - 1997?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles - 1987?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Pyrates - 1991?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Queens Logic - 1991?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Quicksilver - 1986?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie She's Having a Baby - 1988?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Sleepers - 1996?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Starting Over - 1979?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Stir of Echoes - 1999?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Telling Lies in America - 1997?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie The Air Up There - 1994?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie The Big Picture - 1989?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie The Demon Murder Case - 1983?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie The River Wild - 1994?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Tremors - 1989?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie White Water Summer - 1987?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born July 8, 1958, he starred in the movie Wild Things - 1998?
+Kevin bacon
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie a league of their own - 1992?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie apollo 13 - 1995?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie bachelor party - 1984?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie big - 1988?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie dragnet - 1987?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie every time we say goodbye - 1986?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie forrest gump - 1994?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie he knows you're alone - 1981?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie joe versus the volcano - 1990?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie nothing in common - 1986?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie philadelphia - 1993?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie punchline - 1988?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie radio flyer - 1992?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie rona jaffe's mazes and monsters - 1982?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie saving private ryan - 1998?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie sleepless in seattle - 1993?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie splash - 1984?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie that thing you do! - 1996?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie the 'burbs - 1989?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie the bonfire of the vanities - 1990?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie the celluloid closet - 1996?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie the green mile - 1999?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie the man with one red shoe - 1985?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie the money pit - 1986?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie toy story - 1995?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie toy story 2 - 1999?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie turner and hooch - 1989?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie volunteers - 1985?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july 9, 1956, he starred in the movie you've got mail - 1998?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Births: Born july, 1916 - she played melanie wilkes in gone with the wind?
+Olivia dehavilland
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie A Cry in the Dark - 1988?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Before and After - 1996?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Dancing at Lughnasa - 1998?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Death Becomes Her - 1992?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Defending Your Life - 1991?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Falling in Love - 1984?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Heartburn - 1986?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Ironweed - 1987?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Julia - 1977?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Kramer vs. Kramer - 1979?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Manhattan - 1979?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Marvin's Room - 1996?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Music of the Heart - 1999?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie One True Thing - 1998?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Out of Africa - 1985?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Plenty - 1985?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Postcards From the Edge - 1990?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie She-Devil - 1989?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Silkwood - 1983?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Sophie's Choice - 1982?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie Still of the Night - 1982?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie The Bridges of Madison County - 1995?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie The Deadliest Season - 1977?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie The Deer Hunter - 1978?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie The French Lieutenant's Woman - 1981?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie The House of the Spirits - 1993?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie The River Wild - 1994?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born Jun 22, 1949, She starred in the movie The Seduction of Joe Tynan - 1979?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie All About Eve - 1950?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie As Young as You Feel - 1951?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Bus Stop - 1956?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Clash by Night - 1952?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Don't Bother to Knock - 1952?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - 1953?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie How To Marry a Millionaire - 1953?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Ladies of the Chorus - 1949?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Let's Make It Legal - 1951?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Let's Make Love - 1960?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Love Happy - 1949?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Love Nest - 1951?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Marilyn - 1963?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Monkey Business - 1952?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Niagara - 1953?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie O. Henry's Full House - 1952?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Right Cross - 1950?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie River of No Return - 1954?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie Some Like It Hot - 1959?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie The Asphalt Jungle - 1950?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie The Fireball - 1950?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie The Misfits - 1961?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie The Prince and the Showgirl - 1957?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie The Seven Year Itch - 1955?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie There's No Business Like Show Business - 1954?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 1, 1926, She starred in the movie We're Not Married - 1952?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie A Child Is Waiting - 1963?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie A Star Is Born - 1954?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Andy Hardy Meets a Debutante - 1940?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Babes in Arms - 1939?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Babes on Broadway - 1941?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Broadway Melody of 1938 - 1937?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Easter Parade - 1948?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Everybody Sing - 1938?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie For Me and My Gal - 1942?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Girl Crazy - 1943?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie I Could Go On Singing - 1963?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie In the Good Old Summertime - 1949?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Judgment at Nuremberg - 1961?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Life Begins for Andy Hardy - 1941?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Listen, Darling - 1938?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Little Nellie Kelly - 1940?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Love Finds Andy Hardy - 1938?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Meet Me in St. Louis - 1944?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Pepe - 1960?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Pigskin Parade - 1936?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Presenting Lily Mars - 1943?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Summer Stock - 1950?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie That's Entertainment - 1974?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie That's Entertainment, Part 2 - 1976?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie The Clock - 1945?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie The Harvey Girls - 1945?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie The Pirate - 1948?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie The Wizard of Oz - 1939?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Thoroughbreds Don't Cry - 1937?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Till the Clouds Roll By - 1946?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Ziegfeld Follies - 1946?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1922, She starred in the movie Ziegfeld Girl - 1941?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Aria - 1987?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery - 1997?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me - 1999?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Beyond Bedlam - 1993?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Dangerous Ground - 1997?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Der Skipper - 1990?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie EDtv - 1999?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie El Largo Invierno - 1991?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Mad Dogs and Englishmen - 1995?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie My Favorite Martian - 1999?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Passenger 57 - 1992?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Permanent Midnight - 1998?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 10, 1965, She starred in the movie Rowing With the Wind - 1988?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Births: Born june 20, 1909 - he starred in the classic robin hood?
+Errol flynn
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Archer - 1986?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Archer's Adventure - 1985?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Batman Forever - 1995?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Billy Bathgate - 1991?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie BMX Bandits - 1983?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Days of Thunder - 1990?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Dead Calm - 1989?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Emerald City - 1990?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Eyes Wide Shut - 1999?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Far and Away - 1992?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Malice - 1993?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie My Life - 1993?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Night Master - 1987?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Practical Magic - 1998?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Room To Move - 1985?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie The Peacemaker - 1997?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie The Portrait of a Lady - 1996?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie The Wacky World of Wills and Burke - 1985?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie To Die For - 1995?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Watch the Shadows Dance - 1987?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Wills and Burke - 1985?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 20, 1967, She starred in the movie Windrider - 1986?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Foxfire - 1996?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Girl, Interrupted - 1999?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Gone in 60 Seconds - 2000?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Hackers - 1995?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Hell's Kitchen - 1999?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Lookin' to Get Out - 1982?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Love Is All There Is - 1996?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Mojave Moon - 1996?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Playing by Heart - 1998?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Playing God - 1997?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Pushing Tin - 1999?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie The Bone Collector - 1999?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born June 4, 1975, She starred in the movie Without Evidence - 1995?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Births: Born Leonard Slighe (Slye sp.), he was the trigger-man in many films and tv?
+Roy rogers
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Above the Law - 1988?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Action Jackson - 1988?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Allan Quartermain and the Lost City of Gold - 1987?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Antz - 1998?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Basic Instinct - 1992?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Beyond the Stars - 1989?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Blood and Sand - 1989?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Bolero - 1982?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Casino - 1995?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Catwalk - 1995?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Cold Steel - 1988?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Deadly Blessing - 1981?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Diabolique - 1996?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Diary of a Hitman - 1992?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Gloria - 1999?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie He Said, She Said - 1991?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Intersection - 1994?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Irreconcilable Differences - 1984?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie King Solomon's Mines - 1985?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Last Action Hero - 1993?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Last Dance - 1996?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Police Academy 4: Citizen's Patrol - 1987?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Scissors - 1991?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Simpatico - 1999?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Sliver - 1993?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Sphere - 1998?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Stardust Memories - 1980?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Tears in the Rain - 1995?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie The Calendar Girl Murders - 1984?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie The Mighty - 1998?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie The Muse - 1999?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie The Quick and the Dead - 1995?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie The Specialist - 1994?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie The Vegas Strip Wars - 1984?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Total Recall - 1990?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Where Sleeping Dogs Lie - 1993?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in the movie Year of the Gun - 1991?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Analyze This - 1999?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie City Slickers - 1991?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Deconstructing Harry - 1997?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Fathers' Day - 1997?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Forget Paris - 1995?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Get Bruce - 1999?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Hamlet - 1996?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Memories of Me - 1988?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Mr. Saturday Night - 1992?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie My Giant - 1998?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Rabbit Test - 1978?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Running Scared - 1986?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie The Princess Bride - 1987?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie Throw Momma From the Train - 1987?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 14, 1947, he starred in the movie When Harry Met Sally ... - 1989?
+Billy crystal
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Amber Waves - 1980?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Backdraft - 1991?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Big Trouble in Little China - 1986?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Breakdown - 1997?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Captain Ron - 1992?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Charley and the Angel - 1973?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Christmas Miracle in Caulfield U.S.A. - 1977?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Elvis! - 1979?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Escape From New York - 1981?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Executive Decision - 1996?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Follow Me, Boys! - 1966?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Fool's Parade/Dynamite Man From Glory Jail - 1971?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie It Happened at the World's Fair - 1963?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie John Carpenter's Escape From L.A. - 1996?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Mosby's Marauders - 1966?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Now You See Him, Now You Don't - 1972?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Overboard - 1987?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Search for the Gods - 1975?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Silkwood - 1983?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Soldier - 1998?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Spy Busters - 1969?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Stargate - 1994?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Superdad - 1974?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Swing Shift - 1984?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Tango and Cash - 1989?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Tequila Sunrise - 1988?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Absent-Minded Professor - 1961?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Barefoot Executive - 1971?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Best of Times - 1986?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes - 1970?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Deadly Tower - 1975?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Guns of Diablo - 1964?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit - 1968?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Longest Drive - 1976?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Mean Season - 1985?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band - 1968?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Quest - 1976?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Strongest Man in the World - 1975?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie The Thing - 1983?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Tombstone - 1993?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Unlawful Entry - 1992?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Used Cars - 1980?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 17, 1951, he starred in the movie Winter People - 1989?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie 12 Monkeys - 1995?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Armageddon - 1998?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Billy Bathgate - 1991?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Blind Date - 1987?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Breakfast of Champions - 1999?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Color of Night - 1994?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Death Becomes Her - 1992?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Die Hard - 1988?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Die Hard 2: Die Harder - 1990?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Die Hard With a Vengeance - 1995?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Four Rooms - 1995?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Hudson Hawk - 1991?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie In Country - 1989?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Last Man Standing - 1996?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Look Who's Talking - 1989?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Look Who's Talking Too - 1990?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Mercury Rising - 1998?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Moonlighting - 1985?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Mortal Thoughts - 1991?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Nobody's Fool - 1994?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Pulp Fiction - 1994?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Striking Distance - 1993?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie Sunset - 1988?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie That's Adequate - 1989?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Bonfire of the Vanities - 1990?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Fifth Element - 1997?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The First Deadly Sin - 1980?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Jackal - 1997?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Last Boy Scout - 1991?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Player - 1992?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Siege - 1998?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Sixth Sense - 1999?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Story of Us - 1999?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Verdict - 1982?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Mar 19, 1955, he starred in the movie The Whole Nine Yards - 2000?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie A Bridge Too Far - 1977?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie A Hill in Korea - 1956?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie A Shock to the System - 1990?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Alfie - 1966?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Ashanti - 1979?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Battle of Great Britain: 1969?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Beyond the Limit/The Honorary Consul - 1983?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Beyond the Poseidon Adventure - 1979?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Billion Dollar Brain - 1967?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Blame It on Rio - 1984?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Blind Spot - 1958?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Blood and Wine - 1997?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Blue Ice - 1992?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Bullseye! - 1990?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie California Suite - 1978?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Carve Her Name With Pride - 1958?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Deadfall - 1968?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Death Becomes Her - 1992?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Deathtrap - 1982?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - 1988?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Dressed to Kill - 1980?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Educating Rita - 1983?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Foxhole in Cairo - 1960?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Funeral in Berlin - 1967?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Gambit - 1966?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Get Carter - 1971?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Half Moon Street - 1986?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Hannah and Her Sisters - 1986?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Harry and Walter Go to New York - 1976?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie How To Murder a Rich Uncle - 1958?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Hurry, Sundown - 1967?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Jack the Ripper - 1988?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Jaws: The Revenge - 1987?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Jekyll and Hyde - 1990?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Kidnapped - 1971?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Little Voice - 1998?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Mona Lisa - 1986?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Mr. Destiny - 1990?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Noises Off - 1992?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie On Deadly Ground - 1994?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Panic in the Parlour - 1957?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Peeper - 1976?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Play Dirty - 1969?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Pulp - 1972?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Silver Bears - 1978?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Sleuth - 1972?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Solo for Sparrow - 1962?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Steel Bayonet - 1957?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Surrender - 1987?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Sweet Liberty - 1986?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Battle of Great Britain: 1969?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Black Windmill - 1974?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Bulldog Breed - 1960?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Cider House Rules - 1999?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Day the Earth Caught Fire - 1962?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Destructors - 1974?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Eagle Has Landed - 1976?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Fourth Protocol - 1987?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Hand - 1981?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Holcroft Covenant - 1985?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Ipcress File - 1965?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Island - 1980?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Italian Job - 1969?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Jigsaw Man - 1984?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Key - 1958?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Last Valley - 1971?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Magus - 1968?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Man Who Would Be King - 1975?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Marseille Contract/The Destructors - 1974?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Muppet Christmas Carol - 1992?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Romantic Englishwoman - 1975?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Swarm - 1978?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Two-Headed Spy - 1959?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Whistle Blower - 1987?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Wilby Conspiracy - 1975?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Wrong Arm of the Law - 1962?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie The Wrong Box - 1966?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Too Late the Hero - 1970?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Victory/Escape to Victory - 1981?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Water - 1985?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Without a Clue - 1988?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Woman Times Seven - 1967?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie X, Y and Zee - 1972?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 14, 1933, he starred in the movie Zulu - 1964?
+Michael caine
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie 'Til There Was You - 1997?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Dudley Do-Right - 1999?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Ed Wood - 1994?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Extreme Measures - 1996?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie First Born - 1984?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Footloose - 1984?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Girls Just Want To Have Fun - 1985?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Hocus Pocus - 1993?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Honeymoon in Vegas - 1992?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie If Lucy Fell - 1996?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie L.A. Story - 1991?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Mars Attacks! - 1996?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Miami Rhapsody - 1995?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Rich Kids - 1979?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Somewhere Tomorrow - 1983?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie Striking Distance - 1993?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie The First Wives Club - 1996?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie The Flight of the Navigator - 1986?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born March 25, 1965, She starred in the movie The Substance of Fire - 1996?
+Sarah jessica parker
+TV/Film: Births: Born may 12, 1907 she holds the record for winning the most best actress oscars (4 wins)?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie A Bill of Divorcement - 1932?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie A Delicate Balance - 1973?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie A Woman Rebels - 1936?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Adam's Rib - 1949?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Alice Adams - 1935?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Break of Hearts - 1935?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Bringing Up Baby - 1938?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Christopher Strong - 1933?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Desk Set - 1957?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Dragon Seed - 1944?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Going Hollywood: The War Years - 1988?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Grace Quigley - 1985?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? - 1967?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Holiday - 1938?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Keeper of the Flame - 1942?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Laura Lansing Slept Here - 1988?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Little Women - 1933?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Long Day's Journey Into Night - 1962?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Love Affair - 1994?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Love Among the Ruins - 1975?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Mary of Scotland - 1936?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Morning Glory - 1933?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Mrs. Delafield Wants To Marry - 1986?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Olly Olly Oxen Free - 1978?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie On Golden Pond - 1981?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Pat and Mike - 1952?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Quality Street - 1937?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Rooster Cogburn - 1975?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Song of Love - 1947?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Spitfire - 1934?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Stage Door - 1937?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Stage Door Canteen - 1943?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie State of the Union - 1948?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Suddenly, Last Summer - 1959?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Summertime - 1955?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Summertime/Summer Madness - 1955?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Sylvia Scarlett - 1935?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie That's Entertainment, Part 2 - 1976?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The African Queen - 1951?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Corn Is Green - 1979?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Glass Menagerie - 1973?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Iron Petticoat - 1956?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Lion in Winter - 1968?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Little Minister - 1934?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Madwoman of Chaillot - 1969?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Philadelphia Story - 1940?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Rainmaker - 1956?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Sea of Grass - 1947?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie The Trojan Women - 1971?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Undercurrent - 1946?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Without Love - 1945?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 12, 1907, She starred in the movie Woman of the Year - 1942?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Dante's Peak - 1997?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Entangled - 1993?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Goldeneye - 1995?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Love Affair - 1994?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Mars Attacks! - 1996?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Mister Johnson - 1990?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire - 1993?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Nomads - 1986?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Taffin - 1987?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie The Deceivers - 1988?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie The Fourth Protocol - 1987?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie The Heist - 1989?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie The Lawnmower Man - 1992?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie The Mirror Crack'd - 1980?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie The Mirror Has Two Faces - 1996?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie The Thomas Crown Affair - 1999?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie The World Is Not Enough - 1999?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Tomorrow Never Dies - 1997?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 16, 1952, he starred in the movie Victim of Love - 1991?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Always - 1989?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Bloodline - 1979?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's - 1961?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Charade - 1963?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Directed by William Wyler - 1986?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Funny Face - 1957?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Green Mansions - 1959?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie How To Steal a Million - 1966?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Laughter in Paradise - 1951?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Love Among Thieves - 1987?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Love in the Afternoon - 1957?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Monte Carlo Baby - 1952?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie My Fair Lady - 1964?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Nederlands in 7 lessen - 1948?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Nous irons a Monte Carlo - 1951?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie One Wild Oat - 1951?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Paris When It Sizzles - 1964?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Robin and Marian - 1976?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Roman Holiday - 1953?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Sabrina - 1954?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie The Children's Hour/The Loudest Whisper - 1962?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie The Lavender Hill Mob - 1951?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie The Nun's Story - 1959?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie The Secret People - 1952?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie The Unforgiven - 1960?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie They All Laughed - 1981?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Two for the Road - 1967?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Wait Until Dark - 1967?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie War and Peace - 1956?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 4, 1929, She starred in the movie Young Wives' Tale - 1951?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie And They're Off - 1982?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Batman & Robin - 1997?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie From Dusk Till Dawn - 1996?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Full Tilt Boogie - 1998?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie One Fine Day - 1996?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Out of Sight - 1998?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Red Surf - 1990?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Return of the Killer Tomatoes - 1988?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Return to Horror High - 1987?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut - 1999?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Sunset Beat - 1990?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie The Peacemaker - 1997?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie The Perfect Storm - 2000?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie The Thin Red Line - 1998?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Three Kings - 1999?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 6, 1961, he starred in the movie Unbecoming Age - 1993?
+George clooney
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie A Farewell to Arms - 1932?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie A Man From Wyoming - 1930?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Adventures of Marco Polo - 1938?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Alias Jesse James - 1959?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Alice in Wonderland - 1933?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Arizona Bound - 1927?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Ball of Fire - 1941?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Beau Geste - 1939?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Beau Sabreur - 1928?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Blowing Wild - 1953?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Bluebeard's Eighth Wife - 1938?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Bright Leaf - 1950?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Casanova Brown - 1944?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie City Streets - 1931?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Cloak and Dagger - 1946?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Court Martial of Billy Mitchell - 1955?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Dallas - 1950?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Design for Living - 1933?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Desire - 1936?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Devil and the Deep - 1932?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Dick Turpin - 1925?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Distant Drums - 1951?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Doomsday - 1928?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Fighting Caravans - 1931?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie For Whom the Bell Tolls - 1943?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Friendly Persuasion - 1956?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Garden of Evil - 1954?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Good Sam - 1948?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Half a Bride - 1928?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie High Noon - 1952?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie His Woman - 1931?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Hollywood Boulevard - 1936?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie I Take This Woman - 1940?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie If I Had a Million - 1932?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie It - 1927?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie It's a Great Feeling - 1949?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Lest We Forget - 1937?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Lilac Time - 1928?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Love in the Afternoon - 1957?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Make Me a Star - 1932?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Man of the West - 1958?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Meet John Doe - 1941?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Morocco - 1930?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Mr. Deeds Goes to Town - 1936?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Nevada - 1944?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Northwest Mounted Police - 1940?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Now and Forever - 1934?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Old Ironsides - 1926?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie One Sunday Afternoon - 1933?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Only the Brave - 1930?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Operator 13 - 1933?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Paramount on Parade - 1930?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Peter Ibbetson - 1935?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Return to Paradise - 1953?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Saratoga Trunk - 1945?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Sergeant York - 1941?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Seven Days' Leave - 1942?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Souls at Sea - 1937?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Springfield Rifle - 1952?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Starlift - 1951?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Task Force - 1949?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Ten North Frederick - 1958?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Adventures of Marco Polo - 1938?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Cowboy and the Lady - 1938?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Eagle - 1925?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Enchanted Hill - 1926?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The First Kiss - 1928?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Fountainhead - 1949?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The General Died at Dawn - 1936?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Hanging Tree - 1959?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Last Outlaw - 1936?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Legion of the Condemned - 1928?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Lives of a Bengal Lancer - 1935?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Lucky Horseshoe - 1925?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Naked Edge - 1961?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Plainsman - 1936?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Pride of the Yankees - 1942?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Real Glory - 1939?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Shopworn Angel - 1938?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Slippery Pearls - 1931?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Story of Dr. Wassell - 1944?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Texan - 1930?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Thundering Herd - 1925?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Vanishing American - 1925?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Virginian - 1929?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Voice of Hollywood No. 13 - 1932?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Wedding Night - 1935?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Westerner - 1940?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Winning of Barbara Worth - 1926?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie The Wreck of the Mary Deare - 1959?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie They Came to Cordura - 1959?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Three Pals - 1926?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Today We Live - 1933?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Tricks - 1925?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Unconquered - 1947?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Vera Cruz - 1954?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Watch Your Wife - 1926?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Wild Horse Mesa - 1925?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Wings - 1927?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie Wolf Song - 1929?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born May 7, 1901, he starred in the movie You're in the Navy Now - 1951?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie A Few Good Men - 1992?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie About Last Night . . . - 1986?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Beavis and Butt-Head Do America - 1996?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Blame It on Rio - 1984?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Choices - 1981?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Deconstructing Harry - 1997?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Disclosure - 1994?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie G.I. Jane - 1997?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Ghost - 1990?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Indecent Proposal - 1993?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Mortal Thoughts - 1991?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie No Small Affair - 1985?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Nothing But Trouble - 1991?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Now and Then - 1995?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie One Crazy Summer - 1986?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Parasite - 1982?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Passion of Mind - 2000?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie St. Elmo's Fire - 1985?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Striptease - 1996?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie The Butcher's Wife - 1991?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1996?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie The Juror - 1996?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie The Scarlet Letter - 1995?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie The Seventh Sign - 1988?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie We're No Angels - 1989?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Wisdom - 1986?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 11, 1962, She starred in the movie Young Doctors in Love - 1982?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Bogus - 1996?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Boys on the Side - 1995?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Burglar - 1987?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Burn Hollywood Burn: An Alan Smithee Film - 1998?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Clara's Heart - 1988?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Corrina, Corrina - 1994?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Eddie - 1996?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Fatal Beauty - 1987?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Get Bruce - 1999?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Ghost - 1990?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Ghosts of Mississippi - 1996?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Girl, Interrupted - 1999?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Homer and Eddie - 1989?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie House Party 2 - 1991?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie How Stella Got Her Groove Back - 1998?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Jumpin' Jack Flash - 1986?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Kiss Shot - 1989?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Made in America - 1993?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Moonlight and Valentino - 1995?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Naked in New York - 1994?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Sarafina! - 1992?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Sister Act - 1992?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit - 1993?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Soapdish - 1991?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Star Trek: Generations - 1994?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle - 2000?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Associate - 1996?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Celluloid Closet - 1996?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Deep End of the Ocean - 1999?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Little Rascals - 1994?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Long Walk Home - 1990?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Magical World of Chuck Jones - 1992?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Pagemaster - 1994?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Player - 1992?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Rugrats Movie - 1998?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie The Telephone - 1988?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 13, 1954, She starred in the movie Wisecracks - 1992?
+Whoopi goldberg
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Addicted to Love - 1997?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Amityville 3-D/Amityville III: The Demon - 1983?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Armed and Dangerous - 1986?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie City of Angels - 1998?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Courage Under Fire - 1996?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie D.O.A. - 1988?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Flesh and Bone - 1993?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie French Kiss - 1995?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Hanging Up - 2000?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Hurlyburly - 1998?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie I.Q. - 1994?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Innerspace - 1987?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Joe Versus the Volcano - 1990?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Prelude to a Kiss - 1992?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Promised Land - 1988?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Restoration - 1995?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Rich and Famous - 1981?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Sleepless in Seattle - 1993?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie The Doors - 1991?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie The Presidio - 1988?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie Top Gun - 1986?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie When a Man Loves a Woman - 1994?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie When Harry Met Sally ... - 1989?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1961, She starred in the movie You've Got Mail - 1998?
+Meg ryan
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore - 1974?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Anna and the King - 1999?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Backtrack - 1989?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Bugsy Malone - 1976?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Candleshoe - 1977?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Carny - 1980?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Contact - 1997?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Echoes of a Summer/The Last Castle - 1976?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Five Corners - 1988?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Fleur Bleue/Stop Calling Me Baby! - 1977?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Foxes - 1980?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Freaky Friday - 1976?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Hotel New Hampshire - 1984?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Il Casotto - 1977?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Kansas City Bomber - 1972?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Little Man Tate - 1991?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Maverick - 1994?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Mesmerized - 1985?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Moi, fleur bleue - 1977?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Movies Are My Life - 1978?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Napoleon and Samantha - 1972?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Nell - 1994?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie O'Hara's Wife - 1982?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie One Little Indian - 1973?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Shadows and Fog - 1992?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Siesta - 1987?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Smile, Jenny, You're Dead - 1974?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Sommersby - 1993?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Stealing Home - 1988?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Svengali - 1983?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Taxi Driver - 1976?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie The Accused - 1988?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie The Blood of Others - 1984?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie The Hotel New Hampshire - 1984?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane - 1976?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie The Silence of the Lambs - 1991?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in the movie Tom Sawyer - 1973?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie $ (Dollars) - 1971?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Best Friends - 1982?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Bird on a Wire - 1990?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Butterflies Are Free - 1972?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Cactus Flower - 1969?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Crisscross - 1992?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Death Becomes Her - 1992?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Deceived - 1991?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Everyone Says I Love You - 1996?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Foul Play - 1978?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Housesitter - 1992?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Lovers and Liars - 1979?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Overboard - 1987?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Private Benjamin - 1980?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Protocol - 1984?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Seems Like Old Times - 1980?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Shampoo - 1975?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Swing Shift - 1984?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox - 1976?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie The First Wives Club - 1996?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie The Girl From Petrovka - 1974?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band - 1968?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie The Out-of-Towners - 1999?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie The Sugarland Express - 1974?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie There's a Girl in My Soup - 1970?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Travels With Anita - 1978?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 21, 1945, She starred in the movie Wildcats - 1986?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie A Fish Called Wanda - 1988?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie A Man in Love - 1987?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Amazing Grace and Chuck - 1987?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Blue Steel - 1990?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Dominick and Eugene - 1988?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Drowning Mona - 2000?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Fierce Creatures - 1997?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Forever Young - 1992?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Grandview, U.S.A. - 1984?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Halloween - 1978?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Halloween II - 1981?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Halloween: H20 - 1998?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie House Arrest - 1996?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Inflammable - 1996?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Love Letters - 1984?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Mother's Boys - 1994?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie My Girl - 1991?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie My Girl 2 - 1994?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Perfect - 1985?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Prom Night - 1980?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Queens Logic - 1991?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Road Games - 1981?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Terror Train - 1980?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension - 1984?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie The Fog - 1980?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Trading Places - 1983?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie True Lies - 1994?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 22, 1958, She starred in the movie Virus - 1998?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Absence of Malice - 1981?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Back Roads - 1981?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Beyond the Poseidon Adventure - 1979?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Bridger - 1976?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Eye for an Eye - 1996?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Forrest Gump - 1994?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Heroes - 1977?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Hitched - 1971?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Home for the Holidays - 1972?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Homeward Bound II- Lost in San Francisco - 1996?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey - 1993?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Hooper - 1978?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Kiss Me Goodbye - 1982?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Marriage: Year One - 1971?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring - 1971?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Mongo's Back in Town - 1971?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire - 1993?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Murphy's Romance - 1985?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Norma Rae - 1979?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Not Without My Daughter - 1991?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Places in the Heart - 1984?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Punchline - 1988?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Smokey and the Bandit - 1977?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Smokey and the Bandit II - 1980?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Soapdish - 1991?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Stay Hungry - 1976?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Steel Magnolias - 1989?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Surrender - 1987?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Sybil - 1976?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie The End - 1978?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie The Way West - 1967?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Nov 6, 1946, She starred in the movie Where the Heart Is - 2000?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie 10 - 1979?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie A Fine Romance - 1992?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Darling Lili - 1970?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Duet for One - 1987?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Hawaii - 1966?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Little Miss Marker - 1980?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Mary Poppins - 1964?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Our Sons - 1991?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie S.O.B. - 1981?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Star! - 1968?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie That's Life - 1986?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie The Americanization of Emily - 1964?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie The Man Who Loved Women - 1983?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie The Sound of Music: 1965?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie The Tamarind Seed - 1974?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Thoroughly Modern Millie - 1967?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Torn Curtain - 1966?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 1, 1935, She starred in the movie Victor/Victoria - 1982?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie A Breath of Scandal - 1960?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie A Lawless Street - 1955?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie All Fall Down - 1962?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks - 1971?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Blue Hawaii - 1961?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Dear Heart - 1965?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Death on the Nile - 1978?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Enjeu de la vie/A Life at Stake - 1955?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Gaslight - 1944?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Harlow - 1965?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie If Winter Comes - 1948?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie In the Cool of the Day - 1963?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Ingrid - 1985?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Kind Lady - 1951?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Lace - 1984?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Little Gloria . . . Happy at Last - 1982?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Mr. Buddwing - 1966?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Mutiny - 1952?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie National Velvet - 1944?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Pirates of Penzance - 1983?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Please Murder Me - 1955?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Rage of Angels: The Story Continues - 1986?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Remains To Be Seen - 1953?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Samson and Delilah - 1949?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Season of Passion - 1961?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Something for Everyone - 1970?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie State of the Union - 1948?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Summer of the 17th Doll - 1959?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Tenth Avenue Angel - 1948?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders - 1965?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Company of Wolves - 1985?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Court Jester - 1956?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Dark at the Top of the Stairs - 1960?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The First Olympics____Athens 1896 - 1984?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Gift of Love: A Christmas Story - 1983?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Greatest Story Ever Told - 1965?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Harvey Girls - 1945?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Hoodlum Saint - 1946?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Lady Vanishes - 1979?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Long Hot Summer - 1958?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Love She Sought - 1990?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Manchurian Candidate - 1962?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Mirror Crack'd - 1980?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Picture of Dorian Gray - 1945?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Private Affairs of Bel Ami - 1947?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Purple Mask - 1955?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Red Danube - 1949?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Reluctant Debutante - 1958?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Shell Seekers - 1989?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The Three Musketeers - 1974?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie The World of Henry Orient - 1964?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 16, 1925, She starred in the movie Till the Clouds Roll By - 1946?
+Angela lansbury
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie A Smile Like Yours - 1997?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Any Given Sunday - 1999?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again - 1990?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Band of the Hand - 1986?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Beautiful Girls - 1996?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Down Periscope - 1996?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story - 1993?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Dumb & Dumber - 1994?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Fugitive Among Us - 1992?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie No Looking Back - 1998?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Sabrina - 1995?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie The Adventures of Ford Fairlane - 1990?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1963, She starred in the movie Turbulence - 1997?
+Lauren holly
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie A Century of Cinema - 1994?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Blood Red - 1989?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Conspiracy Theory - 1997?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Dying Young - 1991?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Erin Brockovich - 2000?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Everyone Says I Love You - 1996?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Flatliners - 1990?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Hook - 1991?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie I Love Trouble - 1994?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Mary Reilly - 1996?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Michael Collins - 1996?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie My Best Friend's Wedding - 1997?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Mystic Pizza ? 1988?
+Julia Roberts 
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Notting Hill - 1999?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Pretty Woman - 1990?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Ready To Wear (Pr?t-?-Porter) - 1994?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Runaway Bride - 1999?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Satisfaction - 1988?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Sleeping With the Enemy - 1991?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Something to Talk About - 1995?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Steel Magnolias - 1989?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie Stepmom - 1998?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie The Pelican Brief - 1993?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in the movie The Player - 1992?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie 1969 - 1988?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Alien Resurrection - 1997?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Beetlejuice - 1988?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Boys - 1996?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula - 1992?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Celebrity - 1998?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Edward Scissorhands - 1990?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Girl, Interrupted - 1999?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Great Balls of Fire! - 1989?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Heathers - 1989?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie How To Make an American Quilt - 1995?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Little Women - 1994?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Looking for Richard - 1996?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Lucas - 1986?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Mermaids - 1990?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Night on Earth - 1992?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Reality Bites - 1994?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Square Dance - 1987?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie The Age of Innocence - 1993?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie The Crucible - 1996?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie The House of the Spirits - 1993?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 29, 1971, She starred in the movie Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael - 1990?
+Winona ryder
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie 54 - 1998?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie Drowning Mona - 2000?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie Love Child - 1995?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie Paint Cans - 1994?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie Scream - 1996?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie Scream 2 - 1997?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie The Craft - 1996?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie The Dark - 1994?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie Three to Tango - 1999?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 3, 1973, She starred in the movie Wild Things - 1998?
+Neve campbell
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie A Dry White Season - 1989?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Anywhere But Here - 1999?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Atlantic City - 1980?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Bob Roberts - 1992?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Bull Durham - 1988?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Checkered Flag or Crash - 1977?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Compromising Positions - 1985?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Cradle Will Rock - 1999?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Da Grande - 1989?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Dead Man Walking - 1995?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Dragonfly - 1976?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Erik the Viking - 1989?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie He'll See You Now - 1984?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Illuminata - 1999?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie James and the Giant Peach - 1996?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Joe - 1970?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Joe Gould's Secret - 2000?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie King of the Gypsies - 1978?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Light Sleeper - 1992?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Little Women - 1994?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Lorenzo's Oil - 1992?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Lovin' Molly - 1974?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Loving Couples - 1980?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Mortadella/Lady Liberty - 1972?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Mussolini & I - 1985?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie One Summer Love - 1976?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Pretty Baby - 1978?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Safe Passage - 1994?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Something Short of Paradise - 1979?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Stepmom - 1998?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Sweet Hearts Dance - 1988?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Tempest - 1982?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Buddy System - 1984?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Celluloid Closet - 1996?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Client - 1994?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Front Page - 1974?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Great Smokey Roadblock/The Last of the Cowboys - 1976?
+Susan Sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Great Waldo Pepper - 1975?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Hunger - 1983?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The January Man - 1989?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Other Side of Midnight - 1977?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Player - 1992?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show - 1975?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie The Witches of Eastwick - 1987?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Thelma & Louise - 1991?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Twilight - 1998?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie White Palace - 1990?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Who Am I This Time? - 1982?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1946, She starred in the movie Women of Valor - 1986?
+Susan sarandon
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie Batman & Robin - 1997?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie Blast From the Past - 1999?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie Clueless - 1995?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie Excess Baggage - 1997?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie Hideaway - 1995?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie Le Nouveau Monde - 1995?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie Love's Labour's Lost - 2000?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie The Babysitter - 1995?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 4, 1976, She starred in the movie True Crime - 1995?
+Alicia silverstone
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie 1492: Conquest of Paradise - 1992?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie A Map of the World - 1999?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Alien - 1979?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Alien 3 - 1992?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Alien Resurrection - 1997?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Aliens - 1986?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Annie Hall - 1977?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Copycat - 1995?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Dave - 1993?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Deal of the Century - 1983?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Death and the Maiden - 1994?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Eyewitness - 1981?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Galaxy Quest - 1999?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Get Bruce - 1999?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Ghostbusters - 1984?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Ghostbusters 2 - 1989?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Gorillas in the Mist - 1988?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Half Moon Street - 1986?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Helmut Newton: Frames From the Edge - 1989?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Jeffrey - 1995?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Madman - 1978?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie One Woman or Two - 1987?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie The Grimm Brothers' Snow White - 1997?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie The Ice Storm - 1997?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie The Year of Living Dangerously - 1983?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Oct 8, 1949, She starred in the movie Working Girl - 1988?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Back Roads - 1981?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Barn Burning - 1980?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Batman Forever - 1995?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Black Moon Rising - 1986?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Blown Away - 1994?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Blue Sky - 1994?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Coal Miner's Daughter - 1980?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Cobb - 1994?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Double Jeopardy - 1999?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Eliza's Horoscope - 1977?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Firebirds - 1990?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Heaven & Earth - 1993?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie House of Cards - 1993?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Jackson County Jail - 1976?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie JFK - 1991?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Life Study - 1973?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Love Story - 1970?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Men in Black - 1997?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Nate and Hayes - 1983?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Natural Born Killers - 1994?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Rolling Thunder - 1977?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Rules of Engagement - 2000?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Stormy Monday - 1988?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie The Betsy - 1978?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie The Big Town - 1987?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie The Client - 1994?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie The Eyes of Laura Mars - 1978?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie The Fugitive - 1993?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie The Package - 1989?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie The River Rat - 1984?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie U.S. Marshals - 1998?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Under Siege - 1992?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 15, 1946, he starred in the movie Volcano - 1997?
+Tommy lee jones
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie A Star for Two - 1991?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie A Woman's World - 1954?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie All I Want for Christmas - 1991?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Appointment With Death - 1988?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Blood Alley - 1955?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Bright Leaf - 1950?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Confidential Agent - 1945?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Dark Passage - 1947?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Designing Woman - 1957?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Diamonds - 1999?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Dinner at Eight - 1989?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Flame Over India - 1959?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie H.E.A.L.T.H. - 1979?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Harper - 1966?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie How To Marry a Millionaire - 1953?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Innocent Victim - 1990?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Key Largo - 1948?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Misery - 1990?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Mr. North - 1988?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Murder on the Orient Express - 1974?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie My Fellow Americans - 1996?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Perfect Gentlemen - 1978?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Ready To Wear (Pr?t-?-Porter) - 1994?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Sex and the Single Girl - 1965?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Shock Treatment - 1964?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie The Big Sleep - 1946?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie The Cobweb - 1955?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie The Fan - 1981?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie The Gift of Love - 1958?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie The Line King: Al Hirschfeld - 1996?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie The Mirror Has Two Faces - 1996?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie The Shootist - 1976?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie To Have and Have Not - 1944?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Tree of Hands - 1989?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Two Guys From Milwaukee - 1946?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Woman's World - 1954?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Written on the Wind - 1957?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 16, 1924, She starred in the movie Young Man With a Horn - 1950?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie 54 - 1998?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Breaking Up - 1997?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Desperado - 1995?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Dogma - 1999?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Fair Game - 1995?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Fled - 1996?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Follow Me Home - 1997?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Fools Rush In - 1997?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Four Rooms - 1995?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie From Dusk Till Dawn - 1996?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Mi Vida Loca - 1994?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Miracle Alley - 1995?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie The Faculty - 1998?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Time Code - 2000?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Who the Hell Is Juliette? - 1997?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 2, 1968, She starred in the movie Wild Wild West - 1999?
+Salma hayek
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie A Blood Feud - 1979?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie A Breath of Scandal - 1960?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie A Countess From Hong Kong - 1967?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie A Special Day - 1977?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Africa Under the Seas - 1952?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Aida - 1953?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Angela - 1977?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Anna - 1951?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Arabesque - 1966?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Attila the Hun - 1954?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Aurora - 1984?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Bellissimo: Images of the Italian Cinema - 1987?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Blood Feud - 1979?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Bluebeard's Six Wives - 1950?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Boccaccio '70 - 1962?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Boy on a Dolphin - 1957?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Brass Target - 1978?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Brief Encounter - 1974?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Cinderella: Italian Style - 1967?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Courage - 1986?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Desire Under the Elms - 1958?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie El Cid - 1961?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Firepower - 1979?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Five Miles to Midnight - 1962?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Ghosts____Italian Style - 1967?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Good People's Sunday - 1953?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Grumpier Old Men - 1995?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Gun Moll - 1974?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Hearts Upon the Sea - 1950?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Heller in Pink Tights - 1960?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Houseboat - 1958?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Io Sono il Capatz - 1950?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie It Started in Naples - 1960?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie It's Him . . . Yes. Yes! - 1951?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Judith - 1966?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie La Favorita - 1952?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Lady L - 1965?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Lady Liberty - 1971?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Legend of the Lost - 1957?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Lucky To Be a Woman - 1955?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Madame - 1963?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Madame Sans-G?ne - 1961?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Man of La Mancha - 1972?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Marriage Italian Style - 1964?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Michael Jackson: The Legend Continues - 1989?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Milana the Millionairess - 1951?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie More Than a Miracle - 1967?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Mortadella/Lady Liberty - 1972?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Neopolitan Carousel - 1953?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Operation Crossbow - 1965?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Pilgrim of Love - 1953?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Poverty and Nobility - 1954?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Qualcosa di Biondo - 1985?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Quo Vadis - 1951?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Ready To Wear (Pr?t-?-Porter) - 1994?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Running Away - 1989?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Saturday, Sunday and Monday - 1990?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Scandal in Sorrento - 1955?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Sophia Loren: Her Own Story - 1980?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Sunflower - 1970?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie That Kind of Woman - 1959?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Anatomy of Love - 1953?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Black Orchid - 1959?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Cassandra Crossing - 1977?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Condemned of Altona - 1963?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Country of Bells - 1953?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Dream of Zorro - 1951?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Fall of the Roman Empire - 1964?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Fortunate Pilgrim - 1988?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Gold of Naples - 1954?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Key - 1958?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Magician in Spite of Himself - 1951?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Miller's Wife - 1955?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Millionairess - 1960?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Piano Tuner Has Arrived - 1951?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Pride and the Passion - 1957?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Priest's Wife - 1970?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Sign of Venus - 1955?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Vote - 1950?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The Voyage - 1973?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie The White Slave Trade - 1952?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Too Bad She's Bad - 1955?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Two Nights With Cleopatra - 1953?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Two Women - 1961?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Verdict - 1974?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie We'll Meet in the Gallery - 1953?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie White Sister - 1973?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Woman of the River - 1955?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 20, 1934, She starred in the movie Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - 1964?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie a chorus line: the movie - 1985?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie a perfect murder - 1998?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie adam at 6 a.m. - 1970?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie basic instinct - 1992?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie black rain - 1989?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie coma - 1978?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie disclosure - 1994?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie falling down - 1993?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie fatal attraction - 1987?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie hail hero! - 1969?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie it's my turn - 1980?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie napoleon and samantha - 1972?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie romancing the stone - 1984?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie running - 1979?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie shining through - 1992?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie summertree - 1971?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie tell me a riddle - 1980?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie the American president - 1995?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie the china syndrome - 1979?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie the game - 1997?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie the ghost and the darkness - 1996?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie the jewel of the nile - 1985?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie the star chamber - 1983?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie the streets of san francisco - 1972?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie the war of the roses - 1989?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie wall street - 1987?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie when michael calls - 1971?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie where's jack? - 1969?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born sep 25, 1944, he starred in the movie wonder boys - 2000?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Anna Karenina - 1985?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Bump in the Night - 1991?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Deathtrap - 1982?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Gray Lady Down - 1978?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Monsignor - 1983?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Morning Glory - 1994?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Noises Off - 1992?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Remains of the Day - 1993?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Somewhere in Time - 1980?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Speechless - 1994?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Street Smart - 1987?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Superman - 1978?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Superman II - 1981?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Superman III - 1983?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Superman IV: The Quest For Peace - 1987?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Switching Channels - 1988?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie The Aviator - 1985?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie The Bostonians - 1984?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie The Rose and the Jackal - 1990?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 25, 1952, he starred in the movie Village of the Damned - 1995?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie A Very Private Affair - 1962?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Act of Love - 1953?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Babette s'en va-t-en Guerre/Babette Goes to War - 1959?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Bardot-Godard ou Le Parti des Choses - 1964?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Boulevard du rhum - 1971?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Cette sacr?e gamine - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Contempt - 1963?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Dear Brigitte - 1965?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Doctor at Sea - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Don Juan 1973/Si Don Juan ?tait une femme/Ms. Don Juan - 1973?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie En Cas de Malheur - 1958?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie En Effeuillant la Margu?rite - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Et Dieu . . . Cr?a la Femme/And God Created Woman - 1956?
+Brigitte Bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Frou-Frou - 1955?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Futures Vedettes - 1955?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Helen of Troy - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Histoires Extraordinaires/Spirits of the Dead - 1968?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie L'Histoire Tr?s Bonne et Tr?-s Joyeuse de Colinot T - 1973?
+Brigitte Bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie L'Ours et la Poup?e/The Bear and the Doll - 1970?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie La Bride sur le Cou - 1961?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie La Femme et le Pantin - 1959?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie La Lumi?re d'en Face - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie La Mari?e Est Trop Belle - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie La Parisienne - 1958?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie La V?rit?/The Truth - 1960?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Le Fils de Caroline Cherie - 1955?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Le M?pris/Contempt - 1963?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Le Portrait de Son P?re - 1953?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Le Repos du Guerrier - 1962?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Le Testament d'Orph?e/The Testament of Orpheus - 1959?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Le Trou Normand - 1952?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Les Bijoutiers du Clair de Lune/The Night Heaven Fell - 1958?
+Brigitte Bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Les Dents Longues - 1952?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Les Femmes - 1969?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Les Grandes Maneuvres - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Les Novices - 1970?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Les P?troleuses - 1971?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Love on a Pillow - 1962?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Manina, la fille sans voile - 1952?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Masculin-Feminin - 1966?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Mio Figlio Nerone - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Please Mr. Balzac - 1956?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Royal Affairs in Versailles - 1954?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie School for Love - 1955?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Shalako - 1968?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie The Night Heaven Fell - 1958?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie The Truth - 1960?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Tradita - 1954?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Two Weeks in September - 1967?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Une Parisienne - 1957?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Une Ravissante Idiote/A Ravishing Idiot - 1964?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie V?va Mar?a - 1965?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Vie Priv?e/A Very Private Affair - 1962?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Viva Maria! - 1965?
+Brigitte bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 28, 1934, She starred in the movie Voulez-vous danser avec moi?/Come Dance With Me! - 1959?
+Brigitte Bardot
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie 100 Rifles - 1969?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie A House Is Not a Home - 1964?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie A Swingin' Summer - 1965?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Bandolero! - 1968?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Bedazzled - 1967?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Bluebeard - 1972?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Chairman of the Board - 1998?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Crossed Swords - 1977?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Fantastic Voyage - 1966?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Fathom - 1967?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Flareup - 1969?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Fuzz - 1972?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Hannie Caulder - 1972?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Kansas City Bomber - 1972?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie L'Animal/Stuntwoman - 1977?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Lady in Cement - 1968?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Mother, Jugs and Speed - 1976?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Myra Breckinridge - 1970?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult - 1994?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie One Million Years B.C. - 1966?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Restless - 1971?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Right To Die - 1987?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Roustabout - 1964?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Scandal in a Small Town - 1988?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Shoot Loud, Louder. . . I Don't Understand - 1966?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Beloved/Sin - 1970?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Biggest Bundle of Them All - 1967?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Four Musketeers - 1975?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Last of Sheila - 1973?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Legend of Walks Far Woman - 1982?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Magic Christian - 1969?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Oldest Profession - 1967?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Queens/Le Fate - 1966?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Three Musketeers - 1974?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie The Wild Party - 1974?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 5, 1940, She starred in the movie Trouble in Paradise - 1989?
+Raquel welch
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Batman - 1989?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Batman Returns - 1992?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Beetlejuice - 1988?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Clean and Sober - 1988?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Desperate Measures - 1998?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Gung Ho - 1986?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Jack Frost - 1998?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Jackie Brown - 1997?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Johnny Dangerously - 1984?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Mr. Mom - 1983?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Much Ado About Nothing - 1993?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Multiplicity - 1996?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie My Life - 1993?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Night Shift - 1982?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie One Good Cop - 1991?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Out of Sight - 1998?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Pacific Heights - 1990?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Speechless - 1994?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie The Dream Team - 1989?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie The Paper - 1994?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie The Squeeze - 1987?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1951, he starred in the movie Touch and Go - 1986?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie An Awfully Big Adventure - 1995?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Bitter Moon - 1992?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Crossing the Line - 1990?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Extreme Measures - 1996?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral - 1994?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Impromptu - 1990?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Lair of the White Worm - 1988?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Maurice - 1987?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Mickey Blue Eyes - 1999?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Night Train to Venice - 1993?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Nine Months - 1995?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Notting Hill - 1999?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Our Sons - 1991?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Privileged - 1982?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Restoration - 1995?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Rowing With the Wind - 1988?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Sense and Sensibility - 1995?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Sirens - 1994?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Small Time Crooks - 2000?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie The Dawning - 1988?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain - 1995?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie The Lady and the Highwayman - 1989?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie The Remains of the Day - 1993?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie Till We Meet Again - 1989?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born Sep 9, 1960, he starred in the movie White Mischief - 1988?
+Hugh grant
+TV/Film: Births: Born september 16, 1924 - her birth name was betty joan perske - she was better know as this actress?
+Lauren bacall
+TV/Film: Blade Runner: City in which the movie is set?
+Los angeles
+TV/Film: Blade Runner: The actor who played the leader of the androids?
+Rutger hauer
+TV/Film: Blade Runner: The derogatory name applied to the androids?
+Skin job
+TV/Film: Blade Runner: The kind of pet that Zhora, the exotic dancer, has?
+TV/Film: Blade Runner: The main character's name?
+TV/Film: Blade Runner: The old man in the cryogenic room makes these?
+TV/Film: Blade Runner: Tyrell & J. F. Sebastian play this game together?
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: A particularly gross scene involved cowboys eating lots of what?
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: How did they stall the villainous army at the last minute?
+Toll booth
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: On top of whose Grauman cement prints did Hedley Lamarr die?
+Douglas fairbanks
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: What did people keep calling Hedley Lamarr?
+Hetty lamarr
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: What did the sheriff disguise himself as to infiltrate the bad guys?
+A ku klux klansman
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: What was everyone's surname in the town?
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: Who directed Blazing Saddles?
+Mel brooks
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: Who had a cameo giving the sheriff a high five?
+Count basie
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: Who played Hedley Lamarr?
+Harvey korman
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: Who played the German Chanteuse?
+Madeline kahn
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: Who played the Governor?
+Mel brooks
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: Who played the indian chief?
+Mel brooks
+TV/Film: Blazing Saddles: Who played the sheriff's gunslinging friend?
+Gene wilder
+TV/Film: Blues Brothers: What did Jake tell his brother to fix in the car?
+The lighter
+TV/Film: Blues Brothers: Who cooked at the diner?
+Matt guitar murphy
+TV/Film: Blues Brothers: Who played the jilted fiancee?
+Carrie fisher
+TV/Film: Blues Brothers: Who ran the pawn shop?
+Ray charles
+TV/Film: Blues Brothers: Who was at lunch at the assessor's office?
+Steven spielberg
+TV/Film: Bold and Beautiful: >From what soap did Sheila come before joining the B&B?
+The young and the restless
+TV/Film: Bold and Beautiful: Profession of Beth Logan?
+TV/Film: Bold and Beautiful: What's the first name of Taylor's first husband?
+TV/Film: Bold and Beautiful: Who are the producers of the B&B (last names)?
+Bell and phillip
+TV/Film: Bold and Beautiful: Who was Spectra's head designer for a while when Clarke left (first name)?
+TV/Film: Bomb that featured Eddie Murphy and Dudley Moore as arms dealers?
+Best defense
+TV/Film: Brad Pitt has appeared in (10)?
+Legends of the Fall
+TV/Film: Brad pitt's first name isn't really's ____?
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: After Marcia joined Greg's scout troop, Peter joined this organization?
+Sunflower girls
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: Allan Melvin played...?
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: Bobby's small size enabled him and Greg to escape from the inside of one?
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: Buddy Hinton bullied Cindy at school because she had this problem?
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: Eve Plumb played...?
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: Greg's hair turned this color on his graduation day?
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: He guest starred as an eccentric cave dweller in Hawaii?
+Vincent price
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: Marcia had a crush on this singer who came to visit her at the Brady house?
+Davy jones
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: She crashed her bicycle in the garage when she wasn't wearing glasses?
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: This brady cousin was a regular in the final season?
+TV/Film: Brady Mania: Which Brady was scared of heights?
+TV/Film: Brandon Lee's last film?
+The crow
+TV/Film: Britney Spears' first foray into the film industry?
+TV/Film: Broadway singer Bebe Neuworth is better known for her role as Lilith on what TV sitcom?
+TV/Film: Bruce Campbell stars as this chacracter in the Fox series set in the Old West?
+Brisco county jr
+TV/Film: Bruce lee died when making which move?
+The game of death
+TV/Film: Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone own which London restaurant?
+Planet hollywood
+TV/Film: Buchanon & Goodman ran into legal problems using excerpts from hits to make?
+Flying saucer
+TV/Film: Bud and Lou accidentally enlist in the army in this Abbott and Costello flick?
+Buck privates
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: What was the name of the Hell God out to kill Dawn?
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: When buffy died what was her epitaph?
+She saved the world a lot
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Where is Buffy the vampire Slayer set?
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actor played Oz?
+Seth green
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actor plays Rupert Giles?
+Anthony stewart head
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actor plays Spike?
+James marsters
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actor plays Xander Harris?
+Nicholas brendon
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress played Buffy in the original film?
+Kirsty swanson
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Anya (former demon)?
+Emma caulfield
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
+Sarah michelle gellar
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Dawn Summers?
+Michelle trachtenberg
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Tara Maclay?
+Amber benson
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Willow Rosenberg?
+Alyson hannigan
+TV/Film: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which character left Buffy and now has his own show of the same name?
+TV/Film: Burt reynolds races from georgia to texas with a load of illegal beer in?
+Smokey & the bandit
+TV/Film: By what name are cinema's Academy Awards better known?
+TV/Film: Can you name the 5 original MTV VJ's?
+Martha Quinn,J.J. Jackson,Mark Goodman,Alan Hunter and Nina Blackwood
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: Buster Bunny?
+Babs bunny
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: Buttons?
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: Calvin and ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: Disney: Dale?
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: Opus?
+Bill the cat
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: Quick Draw McGraw?
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: Slappy Squirrel?
+Skippy squirrel
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: Snow White (watch the spelling)?
+The seven dwarfs
+TV/Film: Cartoon Sidekicks: The Brain?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Alvin & Simon had a brother called ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: An alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. Where is he from?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird. Name him?
+Woody woodpecker
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Animaniacs Theme: We're zany to the max, there's ____ ____ ____ ____, we're...?
+Bologna in our slacks
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone. Who was he?
+Ham Gravy
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone. Who was he?
+Ham gravyzzcomment: olive oyl was wrong, jono82 said
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Benny and Cecil were at odds with whom?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Boris Badanov's nationality?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Bugs always finds himself at the wrong end of a gun, usually toted by either Elmer Fudd or who?
+Yosemite sam
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Casper the Friendly Ghost frolicked with which witch?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Charles Boyer inspired a cartoon skunk. Who?
+Pepe le pew
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Duck Dodger's century is this and 1/2?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Famous Phrases: Who knows The ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: For which cartoon character was Beethoven a favourite composer?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Fred Flintstone's boss?
+Mr. slate
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Gadzookie has a large, green friend. Who is he?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Hanna-Barbera rose to fame by creating what duo for MGM?
+Tom and jerry
+TV/Film: Cartoons: He was the voice of Mr. Magoo?
+Jim backus
+TV/Film: Cartoons: How does Wonder Woman control her invisible airplane?
+Mental powers
+TV/Film: Cartoons: How many freckles did Howdy Doody have?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: In the cartoons who was Hokie Wolf's sidekick?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: In what city does Fat Albert live?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: In what year did both Peanuts and Beetle Bailey first appear?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Mentor of Titan had two children in the Marvel comics, Thanos and ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Mexican rodent adversary to Daffy Duck?
+Speedy gonzales
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Miss Buckley is secretary to what commanding officer?
+General halftrack
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name Alley Oop's girl friend?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name Alvin & Simon's brother was ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name Cathy's on again/off again boy friend?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name Dennis the Menace's next door neighbors?
+Mr and mrs wilson
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name Donald Duck's girlfriend?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name Hagar the Horrible's dog?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name Li'l Abner's favorite Indian drink?
+Kickapoo joy juice
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name of the creator of Ren and Stimpy?
+John kricfalusi
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name of the rabbit who is supposedly Bugs' nephew?
+Buster bunny
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name the apartments the Jetson's live in?
+The skypad apartments
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name the dog in the Yankee Doodle cartoons?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name the European hit, now an animated series about underwater people?
+The snork s
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name the fastest mouse in all of Mexico?
+Speedy gonzalez
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name the ranger who was always after Yogi Bear?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Name the town that Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty lived in?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Number of completed seasons of the X-Men cartoon series as of 4/94?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: On what T.V. show could Tom Terrific be found?
+Captain kangaroo
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Popeye's chief adversary has two names, Bluto and ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Popeye's son?
+Lil sweepea
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Popular DJ who has provided Shaggy's voice for all 30 years?
+Casey kasem
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Porky Pig had a girlfriend named ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Porky Pig had a girlfriend named ____?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Ren's last name?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Scrooge McDuck's three nephews are Huey, Duey, and him?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Shaggy's best friend?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Show in which one rhyme in the theme song changes every episode?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Stimpy's favorite brand of kitty litter?
+Gritty kitty
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Tess Trueheart married which plainclothes detective?
+Dick tracy
+TV/Film: Cartoons: The maiden names of which two cartoon characters are Slaghoople and Mcbricker?
+Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble
+TV/Film: Cartoons: This superintelligent X-Men member is somewhat...umm... furry?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What are the names of Donald Duck's nephews?
+Huey Dewey and Louey
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What came out of Milton's head?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What character did Tex Avery first create upon arriving at MGM?
+Screwball squirrel
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What city do Batman and Robin patrol?
+Gotham City
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What comic strip character is Beetle Bailey's sister?
+Lois (of hi and lois )
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What did Dagwood give up to marry Blondie?
+A family inheritance
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What did Peppermint Patty always call Charlie Brown?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What expression did Clark Kent's newspaper boss like to use?
+Great Caesar's ghost
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What film was the last featuring Mel Blanc's voice?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is Batman's butler Alfred's last name?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is Blondie's maiden name?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is Dennis the Menace's last name?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is Dennis the Menace's surname?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is Smokey Stover's job?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is Super Chicken's partners name?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is the mother's name in Family Circus?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is the name of Duddley Do-Right's horse?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What is the name of the Family Circus's dog?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What kind of dog is Scooby Doo?
+Great dane
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell?
+Venus flytrap
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was Daffy Duck's favorite insult?
+You're dispicable!
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was Daffy Ducks usual closing line?
+You're dispicable !
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was George of the Jungle always running in to?
+A tree
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was George of the Jungle always running in to?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was the first cartoon character called?
+Oswald the Rabbit
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was the first cartoon to feature sound?
+Steamboat willie
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was the name of George of the Jungle's pet elephant?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was the name of Speed Racer's car?
+The mach five
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was the original name Charles Schultz had for Peanuts?
+Li'l folk s
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What was the relationship between Superman and Supergirl?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: What were Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble's maiden names?
+Slaghoople and Mcbricker
+TV/Film: Cartoons: When danger appeared, Quick Draw McGraw became which super hero?
+El kabong
+TV/Film: Cartoons: When not a Birdman, what does Ray Randall do for a living?
+Police officer
+TV/Film: Cartoons: When not fighting crime, what did Underdog do for a living?
+Shoeshine boy
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Where are Rocket J. Squirel and Bullwinkle Moose from?
+Frostbite falls
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Where did Clark Kent attend college?
+Metropolis university
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Where did George of the Jungle live?
+Imgwee gwee valley
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Where did Mighty Mouse get his superpowers?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Where did Mighty Mouse get his superpowers?
+The supermarket
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Where do Rocky and Bullwinkle play football?
+What'samatta u niversity
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Where does George Jetson work?
+Spacely sprockets
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Where does Yogi Bear Live?
+Jellystone park
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Which comic is drawn by Sam Keith?
+The Maxx
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Which magician did Lothar assist?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Which superhero loves peace enough to kill for it?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who always tried to kill Krazy Kat?
+Captain marvel
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who did the voices of Bugs Bunny, Sylvester and Tweety Pie?
+Mel Blanc
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who drew the comic 'The Maxx'?
+Sam Keith
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who is Donald Duck's uncle?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who is Sally Brown's sweet baboo?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who is Scooby Doo's nephew?
+Scrappy Doo
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who is Scooby Doo's son?
+Scrappy doo
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who is Snoopy's arch enemy?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who is Snoopy's arch enemy?
+The Red Baron
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips?
+Beetle bailey
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who patrols Gotham City?
+Batman and Robin
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who runs Andy Capp's favorite pub?
+Jack and jill
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who shot Bruce Wayne's parents?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who took dictation from Perry Mason?
+Della Street
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was always trying to get rent from Andy Capp?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was Barney Rubble's best friend?
+Fred Flintstone
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was born on Krypton?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was Daisy the dog's owners?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was Dick Dastardley's pet?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was Dick Dastardly's pet?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was Fred Flinstone's best friend?
+Barney Rubble
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was the black assistant of Mandrake the Magician?
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse?
+Walt Disney
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was the Hulk's first friend?
+Rick jones
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse?
+Walt disney
+TV/Film: Cartoons: Wile E. Coyote's favorite mail-order outlet?
+TV/Film: cary grant and ingrid bergman starred in this 1946 alfred hitchcock espionage movie?
+TV/Film: Case #: x 1.10 111993 had the code name ____?
+Fallen angel 
+TV/Film: Celebrity Lovers: Actress Kate Capshaw is married to this popular producer and director?
+Steven spielberg
+TV/Film: Celebrity Lovers: Actress Loni Anderson recently divorced this actor?
+Burt reynolds
+TV/Film: Celebrity Lovers: Julia Roberts has been in an on-again, off-again marriage to this musician?
+Lyle lovett
+TV/Film: Channel 4s unlikely success series starring Tony Robinson?
+Time Team
+TV/Film: Character in Cagney and Lacey?
+Mary beth
+TV/Film: Character in Psycho?
+Norman bates
+TV/Film: Charles Laughton played Quasimodo in this epic film?
+Hunchback of notre dame
+TV/Film: Charles Laughton played Quasimodo in this epic film?
+Hunchback of Notre Dame
+TV/Film: Charlie Sheen pitches a 101 MPH fast ball?
+Major league
+TV/Film: Charlie's Angels were: Farrah Fawcett, Jaclyn Smith, and her?
+Kate jackson
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: Carla always held his birthday sacred...?
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: Diane left for good in order to do this...?
+Write a book
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: Name of the fat guy that always got left out of the gang's plans...?
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: Norm's favorite restaurant...?
+Hungry heifer
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: Sam sold the bar (the first time) to buy one of these...?
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: The profession of Rebecca's fiancee?
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: This character handcuffed himself to his house to keep it from being torn down?
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: While this character befriended actor Robert Urich, no one else believed him...?
+TV/Film: Cheers Trivia: Woody's home town...?
+TV/Film: Chevy Chase bungles Jack Palance's surveillance in...?
+Cops robbersons
+TV/Film: Chevy Chase got his start on this show?
+Saturday night live
+TV/Film: Chevy chase was the first original cast member to leave which show?
+Saturday night live
+TV/Film: Chief electrician in a film unit?
+TV/Film: Child who received a miniature Oscar as Outstanding Child Actress of 1944?
+Margaret obrien
+TV/Film: Choreographed ultra-violence; 1971 Best Picture Oscar?
+Clockwork orange
+TV/Film: Christina applegate plays jesse on which tv sitcom?
+TV/Film: Christopher Chittells character in Emmerdale?
+Eric pollard
+TV/Film: City for the setting of One Day At a Time?
+TV/Film: City that is 34 miles, or 54 km, from the 4077th?
+TV/Film: Cliff Robertson played a retarded man who became a genius in this movie?
+TV/Film: Clint Eastwood stars as a cowboy who runs a fly-by-night wild west show?
+Bronco billy
+TV/Film: Cocky young man kidnaps long lost autistic brother for inheritance money?
+Rain man
+TV/Film: Collective name for Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe and Spike Milligan?
+The goons
+TV/Film: Color of barney?
+TV/Film: Comedienne who upstaged Ikes inauguration with the birth of her first child?
+Lucille ball
+TV/Film: Comedy dealing with African prince searching for a bride in Queens, New York?
+Coming to America
+TV/Film: Comedy troupe of John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle, and others?
+Monty python
+TV/Film: Comedy which starred Toodie and Muldoon?
+Car 54 where are you
+TV/Film: Comic and magician, catchphrase Just like that?
+Tommy cooper
+TV/Film: Commander Sisko loves what sport?
+TV/Film: Commitments: In what year was this film released?
+TV/Film: Commitments: The band watched a video featuring whom?
+James brown
+TV/Film: Commitments: What song was being performed during the fistfight?
+Chain of fools
+TV/Film: Commitments: Who directed the Commitments?
+Alan parker
+TV/Film: Complete the film titles ____ Frankenstein, ____ Doctor's in Love & ____ Guns?
+TV/Film: Complete the film titles ____Goes to the Races,____ in the Navy & ____ in the Haunted House?
+TV/Film: Con-man James Garner got to be sheriff in...?
+TV/Film: Conan-clone whose hero can talk to animals, namely ferrets?
+The beastmaster
+TV/Film: Connery played a salty cop aiding Eliot Ness in...?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: Conrad Stonebanks is the arch enemy in which 2014 action movie?
+The Expendables 3
+TV/Film: Coronation Street character played by Sean Wilson?
+Martin platt
+TV/Film: Couples: Last name of Happy Day's Howard & Marion?
+TV/Film: Couples: Rhett Butler and ____ ____?
+Scarlett ohara
+TV/Film: Couples: Ricky Ricardo and ____?
+TV/Film: Couples: She has married many, including Conrad Hilton and George Sanders?
+Zsa zsa gabor
+TV/Film: Couples: Vaudeville husband-and-wife team George and Gracie?
+Burns and allen
+TV/Film: Couples: Wilma Deering's boyfriend?
+Buck rogers
+TV/Film: Dame Peggy Ashcroft won for this film set in the Subcontinent, 1920s?
+A passage to india
+TV/Film: Danny DeVito Films?
+One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
+TV/Film: David gower & gary linekar are team captains on which show?
+They think it's all over
+TV/Film: David Hasselhof spent most of his time driving a car on which eighties tv show?
+Knight Rider
+TV/Film: David letterman made his movie debut in what film?
+Cabin boy
+TV/Film: David Letterman: Dave is often mistaken for this superstar?
+Regis philbin
+TV/Film: David Letterman: Number of jokes Dave told in his nightly NBC monologue?
+TV/Film: David Letterman: This football great slapped Dave in the face?
+Terry bradshaw
+TV/Film: David Letterman: This relative of Dave's covered the 1992 Winter Olympics?
+TV/Film: David Letterman: Type of jacket Dave always wears?
+Double breasted
+TV/Film: David Suchet gives a brilliant TV portrayal of this mustachioed detective?
+Hercule poirot
+TV/Film: dean martin and jerry lewis appeared on the first telecast of this long-running variety show?
+The ed sullivan show
+TV/Film: Dean Martin's real last name?
+TV/Film: Deckard falls for a 'skin job'?
+Blade runner
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Back to the Future____> Doctor Emmett Brown?
+Christopher lloyd
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Back to the Future____> Marty McFly?
+Michael fox
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Batman [the movie]____> Batman?
+Michael keaton
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Batman [the TV show]____> Batman?
+Adam west
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid____> Butch Cassidy?
+Paul newman
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid____> the Sundance Kid?
+Robert redford
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Casablanca____> Rick Blaine?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Cool Hand Luke____> Lukas Jackson?
+Paul newman
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Funny Girl____> Fanny Brice?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Mr. Roberts [movie]____> Lt. Doug Roberts?
+Henry fonda
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest____> Randall McMurphy?
+Jack nicholson
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Spirit of St. Louis____> Charles Lindbergh?
+James stewart
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Star Trek____> Captain James Tiberius Kirk?
+William shatner
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Star Trek: The Next Generation____> Captain Jean-Luc Picard?
+Patrick stewart
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Star Wars____> Hans Solo?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Star Wars____> Luke Skywalker?
+Mark hamill
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Star Wars____> Princess Leia?
+Carrie fisher
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: Superman [the movie]____> Superman?
+Christopher reeves
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: The Hustler____> Minnesota Fats?
+Jackie gleason
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: The King and I____> The King of Siam?
+Yul brynner
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: The Maltese Falcon____> Sam Spade?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance____> Liberty Valance?
+Lee marvin
+TV/Film: Defining Roles: The Ten Commandments____> Moses?
+Falling to pieces
+TV/Film: Demi Moore's accent is horrid as a North Carolina clairvoyant in NYC?
+The butchers wife
+TV/Film: Denzel Washington won an oscar for best supporting actor for the film 'glory' in 1987, 1988 or 1989?
+TV/Film: Detectives: TV private eye played by Tom Selleck?
+Thomas magnum
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: How many Emmy Awards did Dick Van Dyke win for playing Rob Petrie?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: How old was Laura when she married Rob Petrie?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: In what year did the show premiere?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: Laura revealed on national TV that Alan Brady was ____?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: On what network did the series air?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: Under what name did Sally and Buddy perform a nightclub act?
+Gilbert and solomon
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What body part would Rob lose if he became a Twyloite?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What did Rob trip over in some of the shows opening sequences?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What instrument did Buddy play?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What is Ritchie Petrie's middle name?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What job did Rob have before he became a comedy writer?
+Disc jockey
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What kind of sports car did Rob Petrie buy?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What phrase did Laura utter whenever she was in trouble or upset?
+Oh rob
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What was Rob's nickname when he was a boxer in the Army?
+Pitter patter petrie
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: What were the first names of the next door neighbors ( and )?
+Millie and jerry
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: Where did Laura's toe get stuck on their second honeymoon?
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: Who played pickpocket & convict Lye Delp?
+Don rickles
+TV/Film: Dick Van Dyke Show: Who played Rob Petrie in the original pilot for the series?
+Carl reiner
+TV/Film: Die another Day, who takes over as Bonds chief gadget inventor Q?
+John cleese
+TV/Film: Dieter hosted this German television program?
+TV/Film: Dimunitive actor provided the voice for animated cartoon, Oswald the Rabbitt?
+Mickey rooney
+TV/Film: Director: 2001 A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining?
+Stanley kubrick
+TV/Film: Director: Big, Jumpin' Jack Flash, A League Of Their Own?
+Penny marshall
+TV/Film: Director: Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Barton Fink?
+Joel coen
+TV/Film: Director: Boccaccio '70, The Gold of Naples, The Bicycle Thief?
+De sica
+TV/Film: Director: Breezy, Pale Rider, FireFox?
+TV/Film: Director: Carrie, The Bonfire of the Vanities, Scarface?
+Brian de palma
+TV/Film: Director: Casablanca, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Captain Blood?
+Michael curtiz
+TV/Film: Director: Day for Night, Jules and Jim, The 400 Blows?
+TV/Film: Director: Dodeskada, The Seven Samurai, Rashomon?
+Akira kurosawa
+TV/Film: Director: Easy Rider, The Hot Spot, River's Edge?
+Dennis hopper
+TV/Film: Director: Female Trouble, Cry Baby, Pink Flamingos?
+John waters
+TV/Film: Director: Glen or Glenda , Plan Nine From Outer Space?
+Ed wood jr
+TV/Film: Director: Green Card, Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Mosquito Coast?
+TV/Film: Director: Hamlet goes Business, Ariel, Leningrad Cowboys go America?
+TV/Film: Director: Hiroshima Mon Amour, My American Uncle, Last Year At Marienbad?
+Alain resnais
+TV/Film: Director: How Green Was My Valley, The Searchers, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance?
+John ford
+TV/Film: Director: Interiors, Manhattan, Shadows and Fog?
+TV/Film: Director: Intolerance, Birth of a Nation?
+D w griffith
+TV/Film: Director: Jaws and ET?
+TV/Film: Director: Madadayo, Drunken Angels, Kagemusha?
+TV/Film: Director: Misery, A Few Good Men, North, This Is Spinal Tap?
+Rob reiner
+TV/Film: Director: Mo' Better Blues, Jungle Fever, School Daze, She's Gotta Have It?
+Spike lee
+TV/Film: Director: Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, It's a Wonderful Life, It Happened One Night?
+Frank capra
+TV/Film: Director: Neighbors, The Karate Kid, Joe?
+TV/Film: Director: Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Everybody's fine?
+TV/Film: Director: Othello, Citizen Kane, The Trial?
+TV/Film: Director: Othello, The Magnificent Ambersons, Citizen Kane?
+Orson welles
+TV/Film: Director: Pale Rider, Bird, White Hunter Black Heart?
+Clint eastwood
+TV/Film: Director: Peggy Sue Got Married, The Conversation, Bram Stoker's Dracula?
+Francis ford coppola
+TV/Film: Director: Repulsion, Bitter Moon, Rosemary's Baby?
+Roman polanski
+TV/Film: Director: Rosemary's Baby, Tess, Frantic?
+TV/Film: Director: Runaway Train, Tango & Cash, Maria's Lovers?
+TV/Film: Director: sex lies and videotape, King of the Hill, Kafka?
+Stephen soderbergh
+TV/Film: Director: Stand by me, Misery, When Harry met Sally?
+TV/Film: Director: Taxi Driver, Cape Fear, The Color of Money, Mean Streets?
+Martin scorsese
+TV/Film: Director: The Abyss, The Terminator, True Lies?
+James cameron
+TV/Film: Director: The Crowd, War and Peace, The Citadel?
+TV/Film: Director: The Decline and Fall of Western Civilization, Wayne's World?
+Penelope spheeris
+TV/Film: Director: The Egyptian, Doctor X, Casablanca?
+TV/Film: Director: The Fisher King, Brazil, Time bandits?
+TV/Film: Director: The Heartbreak Kid, Ishtar?
+Elaine may
+TV/Film: Director: The Seventh Seal, Persona, Crisis?
+TV/Film: Director: The Wild Bunch, Straw Dogs?
+Sam peckinpah
+TV/Film: Director: Who did John Ford come to blows with in the making of 1955's Mister Roberts?
+Henry Fonda
+TV/Film: Director: Who directed Peggy Sue Got Married?
+Francis Ford Coppola
+TV/Film: Director: Who directed Star Trek 2?
+Leonard Nimoy
+TV/Film: Director: Who directed Star Trek 5?
+William Shatner
+TV/Film: Director: Who directed the 1953 film Stalag 17?
+Billy Wilder
+TV/Film: Director: Who directed the 1954 film Sabrina?
+Billy Wilder
+TV/Film: Director: Who Directed the 1957 film The Spirit of St. Louis?
+Billy Wilder
+TV/Film: Director: Who directed the 1965 film 'The Sound of Music?
+Robert Wise
+TV/Film: Dirty Harry's last name?
+TV/Film: Disney: ____ dubbed the voice of the Beast in the 1991 Disney version of Beauty and the Beast?
+Robby benson
+TV/Film: Disney: ____ Ford is listed as one of 50 people barred from entering Tibet - apparently, Disney clashed with Chinese officials over the film Kundun (1997). Ford's wife Melissa Mathison wrote the screenplay?
+TV/Film: Disney: ____ was the first feature length production which was created by Walt Disney Feature Animation, Florida, which is located at Disney/MGM Studios at Walt Disney World?
+TV/Film: Disney: 1960s: In 1964 release was the most successful Disney film to date?
+Mary poppins
+TV/Film: Disney: According to one episode, where did dinosaurs come from?
+TV/Film: Disney: According to Walt, what Hollywood movie star was his inspiration for the witch in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
+Joan Crawford
+TV/Film: Disney: An owl named Archimedes is featured in which Disney film?
+The Sword in the Stone
+TV/Film: Disney: As of December 30, 1997, Disney held eight of the top ten spots on the All Time Movie Video Sales Chart. The Lion King (1), Aladdin (2), Cinderella (3), Beauty and The Beast (4), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (5), Toy Story (7), 101 Dalmatians (8), and Pocahontas (10). The two non-Disney flicks to make the list - Forrest Gump (6), and ____?
+Jurassic park
+TV/Film: Disney: cinemascope was used on an animated feature for the first time on what release?
+Lady and the tramp
+TV/Film: Disney: Disney: The original name of Goofy was ____?
+Dippy dawg
+TV/Film: Disney: I'll Make Man Out of You was a song in which 1998 Disney animation?
+TV/Film: Disney: In 1928 who registered Mickey Mouse as a trademark?
+Walt Disney
+TV/Film: Disney: In 1940, Walt Disney's ____ was the first film in history to use stereophonic sound?
+TV/Film: Disney: In Bambi, what word is used to describe animals in love?
+TV/Film: Disney: In Cinderella, what kind of animal is Lucifer?
+TV/Film: Disney: In Disney's Fun and Fancy free, what does Bongo the bear ride?
+A unicycle
+TV/Film: Disney: In Disney's Ratatouilie, what is the nasty restaurant critic's name, voiced by Peter O' Tool?
+Anton Ego
+TV/Film: Disney: In Dumbo, what is the name of the mouse who befriends Dumbo?
+TV/Film: Disney: In Fantasia, which regular Disney character appears?
+Mickey Mouse
+TV/Film: Disney: In order and delimited by spaces, name the programs of the 1993-94 TDA?
+Talespin darkwing duck goof troop bonkers
+TV/Film: Disney: In the Disney cartoon feature Robin Hood, what was the name of the snake?
+Sir Hiss
+TV/Film: Disney: In the Disney film Aladdin, who did the voice for the character of Jasmine?
+Linda Larkin
+TV/Film: Disney: In the Disney film of the same name, what type of creature was Bambi?
+TV/Film: Disney: In The Jungle Book, what is the name of the snake?
+TV/Film: Disney: In their mines, what do the seven dwarfs dig for?
+TV/Film: Disney: In what cartoon feature would one find Timothy Q Mouse?
+TV/Film: Disney: Mickey mouse has some nephews what were there names?
+Mortie and ferdie
+TV/Film: Disney: Mickey mouse's ears are always turned which way, no matter which direction his head is pointing?
+To the front
+TV/Film: Disney: Movie: Bernard, Miss Bianca, Penny?
+The rescuers
+TV/Film: Disney: Movie: Geppetto, Monstro, Jiminy Cricket (Watch the Spelling!)?
+TV/Film: Disney: Movie: Jaq, Lucifer, Gus Gus?
+TV/Film: Disney: Movie: Nora, Pete, Elliot?
+Petes dragon
+TV/Film: Disney: Movie: Rafiki, Nala, Simba?
+The lion king
+TV/Film: Disney: Music: this movie moved classical music into the forefront?
+TV/Film: Disney: Name 10 Movies (Animated)?
+TV/Film: Disney: Name Cartoon Characters?
+TV/Film: Disney: Name Goofy's son?
+TV/Film: Disney: Name the baby elephant with big ears who starred in a Disney cartoon feature?
+TV/Film: Disney: Name the donkey in Winnie The Pooh?
+TV/Film: Disney: Name the film: First feature-length animated movie by Disney?
+Snow white and the seven dwarfs
+TV/Film: Disney: Name the Rescue Rangers' feline enemy?
+Fat cat
+TV/Film: Disney: Orville the albatross can be found in which of Disney's cartoon features?
+The Rescuers
+TV/Film: Disney: Point Maley is the coast guard cutter in what disney movie?
+TV/Film: Disney: Randall Boggs, Mike Wazowski, and James P Sullivan are characters from which Disney movie?
+Monsters Inc
+TV/Film: Disney: sherlock holmes: what animated feature is based on sherlock holmes?
+Great mouse detective
+TV/Film: Disney: Sidekicks: Disney cartoon characters: Chip?
+TV/Film: Disney: Simba, Nala, and Mufasa are just a few characters in this movie?
+The lion king
+TV/Film: Disney: Tangled is based on which of the Grimms' fairy tales?
+TV/Film: Disney: The Adventures of Ichavod and Mr Toad was later remade as what?
+Sleepy Hollow
+TV/Film: Disney: The animated feature 'aladdin' takes place in what city?
+TV/Film: Disney: The first merchandise item to feature Mickey Mouse was a child's school tablet in ____?
+TV/Film: Disney: The song Under the Sea come is featured in which Disney cartoon?
+The little Mermaid
+TV/Film: Disney: The two-minute storm in the opening of Disney's ____(1989) took ten special effects artists over a year to complete?
+The little mermaid
+TV/Film: Disney: The Whale's name in Disney's Pinocchio is what?
+TV/Film: Disney: To what use does Dumbo put his big ears?
+TV/Film: Disney: Walt Disney's Pluto is what kind of animal?
+TV/Film: Disney: what animal does cinderella's fairy godmother use to create the footman?
+TV/Film: Disney: What are the names of the cartoon character Mickey Mouse's two nephews?
+Ferdy and Morty
+TV/Film: Disney: What are the only 2 words that Pluto has every said?
+Kiss me
+TV/Film: Disney: What color is the fairy that grants Geppetto's wish to bring Pinocchio to life?
+TV/Film: Disney: What Disney movie has a married couple called Roger and Anita Radcliffe?
+101 Dalmatians
+TV/Film: Disney: What does the magician Merlin turn young Wart into in The Sword and the Stone?
+TV/Film: Disney: What is Baloo's term of endearment for his employer?
+TV/Film: Disney: What is Bonkers' full name?
+Bonkers t. bobcat
+TV/Film: Disney: What is Darkwing's often-humorous battle cry in the face of danger?
+Letus get dangerous
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the hound named in Disney's The Fox and The Hound?
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the last program on the 1994-95 TDA?
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the name of Baloo's plane?
+The sea duck
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the name of BalooUs favorite hangout?
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the name of DarkwingUs pilot and sidekick?
+Launchpad mcquack
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the name of Scrooge's money repository?
+Money bin
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the name of the fly?
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the name of the town in which DuckTales is set?
+TV/Film: Disney: what is the only disney animated feature that has received a pg rating?
+Black cauldron
+TV/Film: Disney: What is the usual length of the disney afternoon?
+Two hours
+TV/Film: Disney: What song is featured in Disney's Bambi?
+Little April Showers
+TV/Film: Disney: What was Goofy's nephew's name?
+TV/Film: Disney: what was the first live-action disney film to receive a pg rating?
+Black hole
+TV/Film: Disney: What was the name of the stereo sound system introduced for Fantasia?
+TV/Film: Disney: What was the only new program on the original TDA?
+TV/Film: Disney: What's the name of the rabbit in bambi?
+TV/Film: Disney: When Lady and the Tramp dine together, what is the romantic song playing?
+Bella Notte
+TV/Film: Disney: Where is Higher for Hire based?
+Cape suzette
+TV/Film: Disney: While creating the movie ____(1995), the animation team at Pixar Animation Studios perfected the movement of the toy soldiers by gluing some sneakers to a sheet of wood and trying to walk around with them on?
+Toy story
+TV/Film: Disney: Who sleeps in a matchbox at Geppetto's house, in pinocchio?
+Jiminy cricket
+TV/Film: Disney: Who took over as lyricist in Aladdin after the death of Howard Ashman?
+Tim rice
+TV/Film: Disney: Who was anastasia and drizella's stepsister?
+TV/Film: Disney: Who was it that told the House Un-American Activities Committee that communist cartoonists might be using Mickey Mouse to spread propaganda?
+Walt Disney
+TV/Film: Disney: Who was Walt Disney's son-in-law who ran the company in the early 80s?
+Ron miller
+TV/Film: Disney: Who wrote the music for The Adventure of the Great Mouse Detective?
+Henry mancini
+TV/Film: Disney: Whose voice was used for dubbing Dopey in the 1937 cartoon classic, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
+Nobodies, Dopey was a mute
+TV/Film: Disney's 1979 attempt at a sci-fi flick, with Ernest Borgnine?
+The black hole
+TV/Film: Do not forsake me, oh my darlin' ... on this our weddin' day ____?
+High noon
+TV/Film: Do you know the name of the flintstones often unseen cat?
+Baby puss 
+TV/Film: Doctor Who: Cult sci-fi author who used to be script editor of the show?
+Douglas adams
+TV/Film: Doctor Who: Melanie shares her surname with which ex-US President?
+TV/Film: Doctor Who: Multi-purpose gadget which helps the Doctor out of many sticky situations?
+Sonic screwdriver
+TV/Film: Doctor Who: Name of the Doctor's race?
+The time lords
+TV/Film: Doctor Who: The rights for a new series of Dr.Who are held by what Spielberg-owned company?
+TV/Film: Doctor Who: What would you immediately notice if you stepped inside the TARDIS?
+Bigger on the inside
+TV/Film: Doctor Who: Year Doctor Who was first transmitted in the UK?
+TV/Film: Don Burke hosts which show?
+Burke's Backyard
+TV/Film: Doreen Tracy, Cheryl Holdridge & Cubby O'brien were known on tv as what?
+TV/Film: Dr Seuss: ____ Apples Up On Top (written under a pseudonym)?
+TV/Film: Dr Seuss: _Hop on _____?
+TV/Film: Dr Seuss: _Mr. Brown Can ____! Can You_?
+TV/Film: Dr Seuss: Dr. Derring's Singing Herring sing this to you!?
+Happy birthday
+TV/Film: Dr Seuss: He owned a bottomless pool?
+TV/Film: Dr Seuss: His most successful book, it launched the Beginner Books series?
+The cat in the hat
+TV/Film: Dr Seuss: The number of hats Barholomew Cubbins wore?
+TV/Film: Dr Seuss: The totalitarian turtle?
+TV/Film: DR Who: Actor: Who played the Timelord 1963 - 1966?
+William hartnell
+TV/Film: Dr Who: Actor: Who played the Timelord 1966 - 1969?
+Patrick troughton
+TV/Film: Dr Who: Actor: Who played the Timelord 1970 - 1974?
+Jon pertwee
+TV/Film: Dr Who: Actor: Who played the Timelord 1974 - 1981?
+Tom baker
+TV/Film: Dr Who: Actor: Who played the Timelord 1982 - 1984?
+Peter davison
+TV/Film: Dr Who: Actor: Who played the Timelord 1984 - 1986?
+Colin baker
+TV/Film: Drama written by Johnny Vaughan in 2002?
+Dead Casual
+TV/Film: Dreyfus & Estevez were on a...?
+TV/Film: Duke Slater was the best friend of this marine?
+Gomer pyle
+TV/Film: Dukes Of Hazzard: Bo and Luke's CB handle?
+Lost sheep
+TV/Film: Dukes Of Hazzard: First names of Bo and Luke's cousins who replaced them briefly. (x and y)?
+Coy and vance
+TV/Film: Dukes Of Hazzard: General Lee's make and model?
+Dodge charger
+TV/Film: Dukes Of Hazzard: It is a ____ that DoH isn't on some cable network. Also a play genre?
+TV/Film: Dukes Of Hazzard: Name the actor who played Enos?
+Sonny shroyer
+TV/Film: Dukes Of Hazzard: Name the actor who played the local mechanic. Rumored to be a Congressman?
+Ben jones
+TV/Film: Dukes Of Hazzard: Which Duke had the more successful singing career (name the guy, not the Duke)?
+John Schneider 
+TV/Film: During the first Bugs Bunny cartoon, what character tried to kill him?
+Elmer Fudd.
+TV/Film: During the shooting of Schidlers List which other film was Spielberg editing from his hotel via satellite link?
+Jurassic park
+TV/Film: Dwayne Hickman in the title role. Bob Denver as his pal Maynard G. Krebs?
+The many loves of Dobie Gillis
+TV/Film: Dynasty actress who rose to early popularity as Audra Barkley in Big Valley?
+Linda evans
+TV/Film: Early Nat'l Lampoon film; John Belushi plays Bluto?
+Animal house
+TV/Film: Early Spielberg film with Roy Scheider & Richard Dreyfus?
+TV/Film: Ed Asner won an emmy for his role in this series in 1977?
+TV/Film: Ed Harris watches his wife,Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, drown to death?
+The abyss
+TV/Film: Eddie Redmayne starred in this 2015 movie?
+The Danish Girl
+TV/Film: Elmo Lincoln,Gene Polar,Jock Mahoney and MIke Henry have all played which screen hero?
+TV/Film: Elvis Presley played a Red Indian in what movie?
+Stay Away Joe
+TV/Film: Elvis Presley's real parents appeared in what movie?
+King creole
+TV/Film: Emmy awards: Helen Hunt has 4 best comedy actress honors, but she still has not caught whom?
+Mary tyler moore
+TV/Film: Emmy awards: Name the only actress with 4 best drama actress awards?
+Tyne daly
+TV/Film: Entrepreneur that owned Jurassic Park?
+John hammond
+TV/Film: Even though she was a 'Canadian¿, who became known as 'America's Sweetheart' in the film industry?
+Mary Pickford
+TV/Film: Ex Secret Service Agent and Ex Football player fight corrupt football owner?
+The last boy scout
+TV/Film: Famous author who starred in Neil Simon's Murder By Death?
+Truman capote
+TV/Film: Famous Hong Kong director of Red Sorghum & To Live?
+Zhang yimou
+TV/Film: Famous swinging character has been played by Pierce, Henry, and Barker?
+TV/Film: Farm boy and mentor team up with two smugglers to rescue kidnapped princess?
+Star wars
+TV/Film: Film and video makers are very ENTHUSIASTIC about this brand of digital editor?
+TV/Film: Film legend who starred in CBS series Hawkins?
+Jimmy stewart
+TV/Film: Film Title: ____: A Space Oddessey?
+TV/Film: Film Title: ____(a number) Leagues Under the Sea?
+TV/Film: Film Title: Fahrenheit ____ (a number)?
+TV/Film: Film which won Audrey Hepburn an Oscar for best actress?
+Roman holiday
+TV/Film: First Egyptian actor to become an international film star?
+Omar sharif
+TV/Film: First member of the original Saturday Night Live to leave the show?
+Chevy chase
+TV/Film: Fletcher is a character played by which comedy actor?
+Ronnie barker
+TV/Film: Flub a dub & Chief Thunder Chicken were regulars on?
+Howdy doody
+TV/Film: Following earlier failures on tv, danny thomas successfully returns in?
+Make room for daddy
+TV/Film: For what role in From Here to Eternity did Sinatra win an Academy Award?
+TV/Film: For what tv series was walter d. Dishell medical adviser?
+TV/Film: For which ad campaign was the line 'I can't believe I ate the whole thing' used?
+Alka Seltzer
+TV/Film: For which movie did Peter O'Toole win an Oscar?
+TV/Film: For whom did Underdog have a bad case of puppy love?
+Sweet polly purebred
+TV/Film: Former miss America Phyllis George interviews Burt Reynolds on ____?
+Cbs morning news
+TV/Film: Formerly David Jones, his films include the Man Who Fell to Earth & The Hunger?
+David bowie
+TV/Film: Forrest ____ liked shrimp?
+TV/Film: Forrest ____ liked shrimp?
+TV/Film: FOX's show about five kids struggling through life without their parents?
+Party of five
+TV/Film: Fred Flintstone's favourite sport is?
+TV/Film: Fred MacMurray invented this rubbery substance in The Absent Minded Professor?
+TV/Film: Frederic's love in the pirates of penzance?
+TV/Film: French phrase referring to all the elements to be photographed -props,sets,etc?
+TV/Film: Friday Night With Jonathan?
+TV/Film: From 1956 to 1972 how many commercially released films did Elvis appear in?
+TV/Film: From the mind of comedian Robin Harris comes this animated bunch of brats?
+Bebes kids
+TV/Film: From where was Ricky in 'I Love Lucy'?
+TV/Film: Frozen (2013) won an academy award for which original song featured in the film?
+Let It Go
+TV/Film: Full House: Danny's last name?
+TV/Film: Full House: Danny's minor in college?
+TV/Film: Full House: Full House is set in this city?
+San francisco
+TV/Film: Full House: Name the three daughters, in order of oldest to youngest (no commas)?
+Dj stephanie michelle
+TV/Film: Full House: Rebecca's maiden name?
+TV/Film: Full House: The name of the club Jesse owns and maintains?
+Smash club
+TV/Film: Futurist drama starring Charlton Heston?
+The Omega Man
+TV/Film: Game show: dick clarks popular word association game began in 1973 as the $10,000 pyramid. But inflation raised the stakes. How high up did the pyramid eventually go?
+TV/Film: Game show: dr. Joyce brothers began her career as a media personality by being a winning contestant on?
+$64,000 question
+TV/Film: Game show: three of the following U S Presidents appeared at one time or another on what's my line. Which one did not Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush?
+George bush
+TV/Film: Game show: who has hosted more game shows than anybody?
+Bill cullen
+TV/Film: Game Shows: Chuck Woolery & Rolf Benerschke hosted this show, but are not famous for it?
+Wheel of fortune
+TV/Film: Game Shows: Fishy character who hosted NBC's Scrabble and Scattegories game shows?
+Charlie tuna
+TV/Film: Game Shows: He hosted High Rollers, the $128,000 Question, Concentration, Wizard of Odds?
+Alex trebek
+TV/Film: Game Shows: Host of Caesar's Challenge?
+Ahmad rashad
+TV/Film: Game Shows: Host of the $100,000 Pyramid and the $25,000 Pyramid?
+Dick clark
+TV/Film: Game Shows: Host of the Family Feud after Richard Dawson?
+Ray coombs
+TV/Film: Game Shows: Host of Win Lose or Draw?
+Bert convy
+TV/Film: Game Shows: New Mexico city renamed in 1950 for 10th anniversary of this show (City/Show)?
+Truth or consequences
+TV/Film: Game Shows: Shadoe Stevens and this man hosted Hollywood Squares?
+John Davidson
+TV/Film: Game Shows: This show's giant, 50-foot pinball game had 4 miles of wiring?
+Magnificent marble machine
+TV/Film: Game Shows: With a run of over 17 years, prime-time television's longest running game show?
+Whats my line
+TV/Film: Gardener known for her nipples?
+Charlie Dimmock
+TV/Film: Gareth Hales comedy partner?
+Norman pace
+TV/Film: Garp's sport in The World According to Garp?
+TV/Film: Gene Hackman starred in the French Connection what was the name of the character he played?
+Popeye doyle
+TV/Film: Gene Kelly had an unusual dance partner in the 1945 movie Anchors Aweigh. Who was his partner?
+TV/Film: George Cukor won his last Oscar for directing which 1964 musical?
+My fair lady
+TV/Film: George Jetson works for what company?
+Spacely sprockets
+TV/Film: Get Smart: Control had a branch office here, but lost it?
+Las vegas
+TV/Film: Get Smart: Famous Hawaiian detective impeccably dressed in white suit and hat?
+Harry hoo
+TV/Film: Get Smart: His first name is Ludwig?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: In Smart's apartment, the phone is hidden inside this?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: Kaos executioner & Smart's nemesis?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: KAOS POW camp Gitche Gomee Noo-Nee Wah-wah is located in this state?
+New jersey
+TV/Film: Get Smart: KAOS stands for this?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: Siegfried's faithful sidekick and dummkopf?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: Smart's beautiful partner, later his wife?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: Smart's call number?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: The chief's bumbling secretary?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: This actor plays Smart and also provides the voice of Inspector Gadget?
+Don adams
+TV/Film: Get Smart: This agent is stationed in a mailbox, couch, airport locker, trash can, etc?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: This is issued by Control in different flavors every month?
+Suicide pill
+TV/Film: Get Smart: This is mostly likely 99's real first name?
+TV/Film: Get Smart: This plexiglass anti-eavesdropping device was invented by Professor Cone?
+Cone of silence
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: Gilligan and he shared the same hut?
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: Ginger appears to read what & predict the future?
+Crystal ball
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: How many hours was the ill-fated tour supposed to last?
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: How many pounds does Lovey's diamond engagement ring weigh?
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: The color of the Skipper's shirt?
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: The Skipper uses what in search for fresh water?
+Divining rod
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: The title song was amended to include the names of who the Professor and who?
+Mary ann
+TV/Film: gilligans island: what book does the professor consult most?
+World of facts
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: What does Gilligan always eat at the movies?
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: What does Mr. Howell use as a golf ball?
+Avocado pit
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: Which Gilligan movie premiered in 1981?
+The harlem globetrotters on gilligans island
+TV/Film: Gilligans Island: Who has friends named Fatso Flannigan, Bobby McGuire and Skinni Mulligan?
+TV/Film: gilligans island: who played gilligan's would-be native mother-in-law?
+Henny backus
+TV/Film: Glenn Ford starred in this 1955 classic about a NYC school teacher?
+Blackboard jungle
+TV/Film: Good Morning Vietnam stared what actor as Adrian Cronauer?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: Grace Kelly film?
+High Society
+TV/Film: Grace Kelly film?
+Rear window
+TV/Film: Graham Kerr was known as what?
+Galloping gourmet
+TV/Film: Grease: Frenchy dropped out of beauty school after tinting her hair this color?
+TV/Film: Grease: Sandy left Danny while seeing this movie at the drive-in?
+The blob
+TV/Film: Grease: She got her name because she was the best dancer at St. Bernadette's?
+TV/Film: Grease: Some of the T-Birds had to go to summer school to retake this class?
+TV/Film: Grease: This was the rival gang of the T-Birds?
+TV/Film: Grease: What did Frenchy do that made Sandy puke?
+Pierced her ear
+TV/Film: Groundforces strong man?
+Tommy Walsh
+TV/Film: Gun twirler from blazing saddles?
+Gene wilder
+TV/Film: Guys hate it when their girlfriends wanna watch this 1988 Midler tearjerker?
+TV/Film: Hackman first plays Popeye in...?
+The french connection
+TV/Film: HAL's name is (Clarke says unintentionally) similar to this acronym?
+TV/Film: Halle Berry made history with her best actress oscar, for which film did she win her award?
+Monster's ball
+TV/Film: Hank azaria (simpon voices) was the camera man for what movie?
+TV/Film: Hanna barbera rose to fame by creating what duo for mgm?
+Tom & jerry
+TV/Film: Happy days: joanie's first date was with one of fonzie's cousins. What was his name?
+TV/Film: HBO Original starring James Garner about the RJR/Nabisco buyout scandal?
+Barbarians at the gate
+TV/Film: He directed the movie E.T?
+Stephen spielberg
+TV/Film: He directed the movie E.T?
+Stephen Spielberg
+TV/Film: He is the voice of Charlie on Charlie's Angels?
+John forsythe
+TV/Film: He performed as Jack Skellington in _A Nightmare Before Christmas?
+Danny elfman
+TV/Film: he played burt lancaster's commanding officer in run silent, run deep?
+Clark gable
+TV/Film: he played carmine sabatine in the freshman?
+Marlon brando
+TV/Film: He played John-Boy on The Waltons?
+Richard thomas
+TV/Film: He played Johnny Boy, small-time gambler in big-time debt to loan sharks?
+Robert deniro
+TV/Film: He played Lando Calrissian in the Star Wars sequels?
+Billy dee williams
+TV/Film: He played Mork's son on Mork and Mindy?
+John winters
+TV/Film: He played Mr. Short Term Memory?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: He played Superman in the 1978 movie version?
+Christopher reeve
+TV/Film: He played Superman in the 1978 movie version?
+Christopher Reeve
+TV/Film: He played the 6 Million Dollar Man?
+Lee majors
+TV/Film: He played the private eye Matt Houston?
+Lee horsley
+TV/Film: He played the sleezy evangelist the James Bond movie Licence to Kill?
+Wayne newton
+TV/Film: He played TV's Tarzan?
+Ron ely
+TV/Film: He stared in Magnum P.I?
+Tom selleck
+TV/Film: He used to be known as Howard Cohen?
+Howard cosell
+TV/Film: He was a circus acrobat before acting?
+Burt lancaster
+TV/Film: He was born Carlos Ray?
+Chuck norris
+TV/Film: He was born Gordon Sumner?
+TV/Film: He was the next person to walk on the moon after the movie was made?
+Neil armstrong
+TV/Film: He wrote & directed 'Clockwork Orange'?
+Stanley kubrick
+TV/Film: Helen Mirren played her in several telefilms?
+Jane tennyson
+TV/Film: Herschel bernardi starred in this 70's sitcom?
+TV/Film: Highlander: First name of Duncan's Scottish wife in the first movie?
+TV/Film: Highlander: On Highlander The Series, what is the name of Duncan MacLeod's young partner?
+Richie ryan
+TV/Film: Highlander: TV/Film: Who played Duncan MacLeod?
+Adrian paul
+TV/Film: Highlander: What activity is Duncan involved in when he is first seen in the first episode?
+Having sex
+TV/Film: highlander: what does the neon sign that brenda is tied to in the first movie read?
+TV/Film: Highlander: What famous actor plays Juan Ramirez?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Highlander: What is the backdrop for the infamous 'cut scene' in the first movie?
+World war ii
+TV/Film: Highlander: What is the full name of Connor MacLeod's mentor? (hint- 5 words)?
+Juan sanchez villa lobos Ramirez
+TV/Film: highlander: what is the name of the female police officer in the first movie?
+Brenda wyatt
+TV/Film: Highlander: What is the name of the lead evil immortal in Highlander 2- The Quickening?
+General katana
+TV/Film: highlander: what is the only way to truly kill an immortal?
+TV/Film: Highlander: What movie line sums up the struggle of the immortals (hint- 5 words)?
+There can be only one
+TV/Film: highlander: what was duncan's occupation in the first season?
+Antique dealer
+TV/Film: Highlander: What was the name of Duncan MacLeod's monk mentor?
+TV/Film: Highlander: What was the name of the first evil Immortal in the TV Show?
+Slan quince
+TV/Film: Highlander: Where can immortals never fight?
+Holy ground
+TV/Film: Highlander: Where nationality is Juan Ramirez?
+TV/Film: highlander: who was duncan's love interest in the first season of the tv show?
+Tessa noel
+TV/Film: His films include: Giant, Written on the Wind, and A Farewell to Arms?
+Rock Hudson
+TV/Film: His films include: Spartacus, The Vikings, and Ulysses?
+Kirk Douglas
+TV/Film: His last film was The Killers in 1964 before moving on to bigger things?
+TV/Film: History: Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of what?
+TV/Film: Hogan's heroes: what was cpl. louis lebeau's nickname?
+TV/Film: horrible carradine six-part miniseries; dad made me turn off mtv to watch it?
+TV/Film: Houdini was played by who in the 1953 movie about the famous magician?
+Tony Curtis
+TV/Film: How did Doyle give Cordelia the visions?
+He kissed her
+TV/Film: How is Jane Fonda related to Bridget Fonda?
+TV/Film: How many 'Southpark' episodes have there been that Kenny didn't get killed?
+TV/Film: How many children do the Brady's have?
+TV/Film: How many films did Elvis Presley make?
+TV/Film: How many hubcaps does Steve McQueen's car lose in the famed chase scene from Bullitt?
+TV/Film: how many movies did humphrey bogart and lauren bacall make together?
+TV/Film: how many movies did spencer tracy and katharine hepburn make together?
+TV/Film: How many of the canoeing party survived in Deliverance?
+TV/Film: How many Oscars did the film Gigi win?
+TV/Film: How many stories did the towering inferno have?
+TV/Film: how many times was katharine hepburn nominated for the best actress oscar?
+TV/Film: How much money did the 1980 film 9 to 5 earn?
+59.1 million
+TV/Film: How much money did the 1980 film Stir Crazy earn?
+$58.4 million
+TV/Film: How much money did the 1980 film The Empire Strikes back earn?
+$141.6 million
+TV/Film: How much money did the 1987 film Beverly Hills Cop 2 earn?
+$80.8 million
+TV/Film: How much money did the 1987 film Fatal Attraction earn?
+70.0 million
+TV/Film: How much money did the 1987 film Three Men and a Baby earn?
+$81.3 million
+TV/Film: How old was john schneider when he first played as bo duke on the dukes of hazzard?
+TV/Film: How old was Sally Field when she starred in Gidget?
+TV/Film: How was Spielberg credited in in the 1994 movie The Flintstones?
+Steven spielrock presents
+TV/Film: How was the virus transmitted in the movie 'Outbreak'?
+Through the air
+TV/Film: Howdy Doody had how many freckles?
+TV/Film: Hugo Drax was the villian of which James Bond book and film?
+TV/Film: Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy befriend a family of tiny UFOs?
+Batteries not included
+TV/Film: Humphrey Bogart won his only Oscar for which film?
+African queen
+TV/Film: I CAN'T HELP MYSELF! [screaming, distraught; in German]?
+TV/Film: I love lucy: what was ricky's profession?
+Band leader
+TV/Film: I see your schwartz is almost as big as mine?
+TV/Film: Ian Smiths character in Neighbours?
+Harold bishop
+TV/Film: if dad had bought stock in lucasfilm, this movie would have made us rich?
+Star wars
+TV/Film: If norm could have any woman in the world, who would it be?
+Jill eikenberry
+TV/Film: In 'back to the future', what kind of car did they go 'back to the future in?
+TV/Film: In 'back to the future', where did doc brown get the plutonium to power the time-travelling delorean?
+Lybian terrorists
+TV/Film: In 'citizen kane', who played kane's assistant?
+Joseph cotten
+TV/Film: In 'Coronation Street', who is Ken and Denise's son?
+TV/Film: In 'dawson's creek', who does james van der beek play?
+Dawson leary
+TV/Film: In 'dawson's creek', who does joshua jackson play?
+Pacey witter
+TV/Film: In 'dawson's creek', who does katie holmes play?
+Joey potter
+TV/Film: In 'dawson's creek', who does michelle williams play?
+Jennifer lindley
+TV/Film: In 'gilligan's island', what is the professor's name?
+Roy hinkley
+TV/Film: In 'Shrek' who played the voice of Donkey!?
+Eddie Murphy
+TV/Film: In 'Southpark', what is Chef obsessed with?
+TV/Film: In 'The Adams Family' what was the name of the hand?
+TV/Film: In 'The Shining' what was the child's imaginary friend's name (the one who told him things that were going to happen)?
+TV/Film: In 'The Wizard Of Oz', what was Dorothy's dog's name?
+TV/Film: In 'The Wizard Of Oz', where did Dorothy live?
+TV/Film: in 'The Wizard Of Oz', which character sang 'come out, come out, wherever you are?
+TV/Film: In 1933, mickey mouse, an animated cartoon character, received 800,000 of these?
+Fan letters
+TV/Film: In 1943, who's legs were insured with Lloyd's of London for the whopping sum of $1.25 million?
+Betty grable
+TV/Film: In 1957 which actress recorded 'Tammy' from one of her films?
+Debbie reynolds
+TV/Film: In 1959, he played Milton Armitage on The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis?
+Warren beatty
+TV/Film: In 1971, after 2 pilot episodes had been made, 23year old Spielberg directed the first regular installment of which Tv detective show?
+TV/Film: In 1975 Jack Nicholson won the best actor Oscar for his role in this film?
+One flew over the cuckoo's nest
+TV/Film: In 1975 Jack Nicholson won the best actor Oscar for his role in this film?
+One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
+TV/Film: In 1978 Larry Hagman appeared in which film?
+TV/Film: in 1979, 22-year-old mel gibson played a mildly retarded handy man in this movie?
+TV/Film: In 1981, who won best actress Emmy for the sitcom 'The Jeffersons'?
+Isabel sanford 
+TV/Film: In 1981, who won best actress emmy for the tv sitcom 'the jeffersons'?
+Isabel sanford
+TV/Film: In 1992 Daniel day lewis starred as Hawkeye in which film?
+The last of the Mohicans
+TV/Film: In 1994 which film based on a Louisa May Alcott novel starred Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandon?
+Little women
+TV/Film: In 1998, Kim basinger won an Oscar for which crime thriller set in Los Angeles?
+L.A Confidential
+TV/Film: In 1999, Matt Baker joined which childrens programme as a presenter?
+Blue peter
+TV/Film: In All Saints, what was Nurse Terri Sullivan before becoming a nurse?
+A nun
+TV/Film: In alphabetical order (1, 2, 3, 4), what were the first names of the Monkees?
+Davy mickey mike peter
+TV/Film: In angel Cordelia has visions, who gave them to her?
+TV/Film: In Angel How did Doyle give Cordelia the visions?
+He kissed her
+TV/Film: In Angel, he and Darla had a baby, what is that baby's name?
+TV/Film: In Basil, The great Mouse Detective, what kind of creature is Fidget?
+A Bat
+TV/Film: In Beverly Hills Cop, when axel foley enters the hotel, he uses an alias. who does he say he works for, and who does he say he's going to interview?
+Rolling stone,michael jackson
+TV/Film: In Blazing Saddles, the most common name in Rock Ridge?
+TV/Film: In Brookside who was buried under the patio?
+Trevor Jordache
+TV/Film: In buffy the vampire slayer what is dawn?
+The key
+TV/Film: In buffy the vampire slayer what was the name of the hell god out to kill dawn?
+TV/Film: In casablanca who played Sam the piano player?
+Dooley Wilson
+TV/Film: In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory what are Willy Wonka¿s little helpers called?
+Oompa Loompas
+TV/Film: In Charlotte's Web, what type of creature is Templeton?
+A Rat
+TV/Film: In Dad'd army what was Private Frasers day time job?
+TV/Film: In Dr Who, what was Tardis an abbreviation of?
+Time and relative dimensions in space
+TV/Film: In Grease, what was Rizzo's real name?
+TV/Film: In October of 1962, Johnny Carson succeeds him on the Tonight show?
+Jack parr 
+TV/Film: In Speed, when the bus slowed to what speed would it blow up?
+50 miles per hour
+TV/Film: In the 'nightmare on elm street' films, who played freddy krueger?
+Robert englund
+TV/Film: In the 1932 movie scarface, what coin did george raft flip during the film?
+TV/Film: In the 1955 comedy he Ladykillers which British star played the leader of a gang of clumsy bank robbers?
+Alec Guinness
+TV/Film: In the 1957-61 series The Army Game, who was excused from wearing boots?
+Private bootsie bisley
+TV/Film: In the 1971 BBC tv programme The Wombles, what was the name of the cook?
+Madame cholet
+TV/Film: In the 1986 movie Absolute Beginners, what role did David Bowie play?
+Vendice Partners
+TV/Film: In the 1989 film When Harry Met Sally, what song did the lead characters sing on a store's karaoke machine?
+Surrey with the Fringe on Top
+TV/Film: In the Adventures of Robin Hood which absent king does Errol Flynn fight for?
+Richard I
+TV/Film: In the Batman tv series of the '60's, who played the villainess Marsha Queen of Diamonds?
+Carolyn jones
+TV/Film: In the breakfast club, bender tells a joke without a punchline. what was the naked blonde carrying under her arms?
+A two foot salami and a poodle
+TV/Film: In the breakfast club, what did brian try to kill himself with?
+A flare gun
+TV/Film: In the cartoon 'marine boy' what was marine boy's dolphin named?
+TV/Film: In the cartoon Casper, the Friendly Ghost, Casper had a horse-ghost friend named what?
+TV/Film: In the cartoon Jem and the holograms,what was the name of jems computer?
+TV/Film: In the cartoon Peanuts, Schroeder is a big fan of whose music?
+TV/Film: In the cartoon show My Pet Monster,what were the only things that could send Beastor,Monster's enemy,back to the monster world?
+A pair of orange handcuffs
+TV/Film: In the cartoons who was hokie wolf's sidekick?
+TV/Film: In the children's tv series 'sesame street', what two characters were roomates?
+Bert and ernie
+TV/Film: In the children's tv series 'Sesame Street', what two characters were roomates?
+Bert and Ernie
+TV/Film: In the classic tv show Rainbow what type of creature was George?
+TV/Film: In the film '101 dalmatians', what animal is sergeant tibbs?
+TV/Film: In the film '16 candles', who was the object of molly ringwald's affection?
+Jake ryan
+TV/Film: In the film 'amadeus', who did tom hulce play?
+TV/Film: In the film 'amadeus', who played mozart?
+Tom hulce
+TV/Film: In the film 'American hot wax', who did jay leno play?
+TV/Film: In the film 'American Hot Wax', who did Jay Leno play?
+TV/Film: In the film 'American hot wax', who played the 'mookie'?
+Jay leno
+TV/Film: In the film 'American Hot Wax', who played the 'Mookie'?
+Jay Leno
+TV/Film: In the film 'back to the future', what household appliance was originally considered for the time machine?
+TV/Film: In the film 'bright eyes', about which boat did shirley temple sing?
+TV/Film: In the film 'Bright Eyes', Shirley Temple sang about this boat?
+The Good Ship Lollipop
+TV/Film: In the film 'bullitt', what car does steve mcqueen drive?
+Ford mustang
+TV/Film: In the film 'casablanca', what did humphrey bogart not say?
+Play it again sam
+TV/Film: In the film 'day of the jackal', who did edward fox play?
+TV/Film: In the film 'dragonheart', who did the voice of the dragon?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: In the film 'e.t', who did henry thomas play?
+TV/Film: In the film 'fantasia', what is the sorcerer's name?
+TV/Film: In the film 'fantasia', who is yensid?
+TV/Film: In the film 'footloose', what car did kevin bacon drive?
+Vw beetle
+TV/Film: In the film 'hackers', how old was 'zero kool' when he was first arrested?
+TV/Film: In the film 'hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested?
+TV/Film: In the film 'hercules', whose voice is danny devito?
+TV/Film: In the film 'home alone', who played the baddies?
+Joe pesci and daniel stern
+TV/Film: In the film 'Home Alone', who played the baddies?
+Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern
+TV/Film: In the film 'jurassic park', in which comical place did someone hide when the t-rex escaped?
+TV/Film: In the film 'jurassic park', what was the largest predator?
+Tyrannosaurus rex
+TV/Film: In the film 'peter pan' who was the fairy?
+TV/Film: In the film 'pretty woman', for who was goldie hawn the body double?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: In the film 'pulp fiction', what was the name of uma thurman's pilot character?
+Fox force five
+TV/Film: In the film 'selena', who did jennifer lopez play?
+TV/Film: In the film 'Star Wars', what species is Chewbacca?
+TV/Film: In the film 'The Conqueror' John Wayne plays which historical character?
+Genghis khan
+TV/Film: In the film 'the day of the jackal', who played the jackal?
+Edward fox
+TV/Film: In the film 'The Day Of The Jackal', who played the Jackal?
+Edward Fox
+TV/Film: In the film 'The Hustler', who does paul newman play?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eddie Felson", "Fast Eddie Felson", "'Fast' Eddie Felson"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+TV/Film: In the film 'The Jerk', whose character was 'born a poor black child'?
+Steve Martin
+TV/Film: In the film 'The Lovebug', what number was painted on the side of 'herbie' the VW bug?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Fifty-three", "Fifty three", "53"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+TV/Film: In the film 'The Seven Year Itch', what was Marilyn Monroe standing on when her dress billowed up?
+Subway grating
+TV/Film: In the film 'the seven year itch', whose dress billowed up while standing on a subway grating?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: In the film 'Titanic', which characters did Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet play?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Jack and Rose", "Jack, Rose", "Jack Rose"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+TV/Film: In the film 'Titanic', who played Jack and Rose?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet", "Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet", "Leonardo DiCaprio Kate Winslet", "Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+TV/Film: In the film 'Titanic', who played Jack?
+Leonardo DiCaprio
+TV/Film: In the film Caddyshack, what was the name of Judge Smales grandson?
+TV/Film: In the film Copycat , which entertainer played serial killer Daryll Lee?
+Harry connick jnr
+TV/Film: In the film Friday The Thirteenth, which character was the killer?
+Mrs. vorhees
+TV/Film: In the film jerry mcguire, what was the name of jerry's stepson?
+TV/Film: In the film little voice who played the title characters mother?
+Brenda blethyn
+TV/Film: In the film The Great Escape , what were 'Tom', 'Dick' and 'Harry'?
+Three escape tunnels
+TV/Film: In the film trading places, who played the part of the prostitute?
+Jamie lee curtis
+TV/Film: In the film version of willy russell's play, who played shirley valentine?
+Pauline collins
+TV/Film: In the first part of 'Hard To Kill', what did Steven Seagal use to kill the mobster?
+Credit card
+TV/Film: In the first scream, what was stu's motive for the killings?
+Peer pressure 
+TV/Film: In the Flintstones what is the name of the company that employs Fred?
+The bedrock construction company
+TV/Film: In the German episode of Fawlty Towers Sybil was in hospital for which operation?
+Ingrown toenail
+TV/Film: In the godfather, who played the role of mo green?
+Alex rocco
+TV/Film: In the Hollywood classic 'The Greatest Show on Earth', who played 'Buttons' the clown?
+James stewart
+TV/Film: In the Lone Ranger, what was the name of Tonto's horse?
+TV/Film: In the Mel Brooks film Silent Movie , who was the only person with a speaking part?
+Marcel marceau
+TV/Film: In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what did arthur's servant use to make the sound of horses hooves?
+Empty coconuts
+TV/Film: In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what did patsy say when they reached camelot?
+It's only a model
+TV/Film: In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was arthur's trusty servant's name?
+TV/Film: In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was the first thing the keeper of the bridge of death asked?
+What is your name
+TV/Film: In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was the name of the enchanter?
+TV/Film: In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was used to kill the rabbit?
+Holy hand grenade of antioch
+TV/Film: In the Mother Goose Goes Hollywood cartoon, released in 1938, what famous actress was caricaturized as Little Bo-Peep?
+Katherine Hepburn
+TV/Film: In the movie 'aliens', what was newt's real name?
+Rebecca jorden
+TV/Film: In the movie 'braveheart', what character did mel gibson play?
+William wallace
+TV/Film: In the movie 'Casablanca', what character did Humphrey Bogart play?
+Rick Blaine
+TV/Film: In the movie 'happy gilmore', who is bob barker's partner?
+TV/Film: In the movie 'happy gilmore', who is happy's partner?
+Bob barker
+TV/Film: In the movie 'shaft', what was shaft's first name?
+TV/Film: In the movie 'spaceballs', what character did joan rivers play?
+Dot matrix
+TV/Film: In the movie 'Spaceballs', what character did Rick Moranis play?
+Dark helmet
+TV/Film: In the movie 'the blues brothers', what did elwood trade the original bluesmobile for?
+TV/Film: In the movie Abyss, a fictional Petroleum company was created. This company name was later used again on the oil tanker in 'Terminator 2' and again in th?
+Benthic petroleum
+TV/Film: In the movie Cloverfield, what city gets trashed?
+New York
+TV/Film: In the Movie E.T., E.T. eats what kind of candy?
+Reese's pieces
+TV/Film: In the movie In the Name of The Father what was the Father's Name?
+Guiseppe Conlon
+TV/Film: In the movie little orphan Annie, who is Annie's rich benefactor?
+TV/Film: In the movie Moby Dick, what is the name of Gregory Peck's ship?
+The Pequod
+TV/Film: In the movie next friday what is the name of the vicious dog?
+TV/Film: In the movie office space, what item did Peter pull from the rubble?
+A red stapler
+TV/Film: In the movie porkey's, why did they call meat tuperello 'meat'?
+Because of the size of his penis
+TV/Film: In the movie Sea of Love, Ellen Barkin played together with?
+Al Pacino
+TV/Film: In the movie Snow White, what instrument did Sneezy play?
+TV/Film: In the movie The Green Mile, what was the name of the prison mouse?
+Mr. Jingles
+TV/Film: In the movie tommy boy, who played richard?
+David spade
+TV/Film: In the movie Troy, what character was Brad Pitt play?
+TV/Film: In the original version of the fly what was the fly saying as the movie ended?
+Help me
+TV/Film: In the pink panther films what is inspector clouseau's first name?
+TV/Film: In the Revenge who played the woman Tom Cochran and Tiburon Mendez fought over?
+Madeleine Stowe
+TV/Film: In The Searchers, John Wayne searches for this actress?
+Natalie Wood
+TV/Film: In the series 'Happy Days', what was the Fonz's full name?
+Arthur Fonzarelli
+TV/Film: In the series 'The Dukes Of Hazard', what was painted on the top of their car?
+Confederate flag 
+TV/Film: In the series Edward and Mrs Simpson who played Edward?
+Edward Fox
+TV/Film: In the series gentle ben, what was the name of ben's young companion?
+Mark wedloe 
+TV/Film: In the soapie 'One Life To Live' who was Vicky's alter ego?
+TV/Film: In the television series Batman, who played the part of the siren?
+Joan Collins
+TV/Film: In the theme song from 'The Flintstones', what is the line after 'Let's ride with the family down the street'?
+Through the courtesy of fred's two feet
+TV/Film: In the TV series 'Seinfeld', who does Michael Richards play?
+TV/Film: In the TV series 'Seinfeld', who played Kramer?
+Michael Richards
+TV/Film: In the tv series 'the brady bunch', what was cindy's toy doll's name?
+Kitty carrie all
+TV/Film: In the TV series 'The Fall Guy', who did Lee Majors play?
+Colt Seavers
+TV/Film: In the TV series 'The Fall Guy', who played Colt Seavers?
+Lee Majors
+TV/Film: In the tv series ally mcbeal, what is the dancing baby more popularly called?
+TV/Film: In the TV Series Skippy, What was Skippy?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Kangaroo", "A kangaroo"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+TV/Film: In the tv show 'voyage to the bottom of the sea', what was the name of the atomic submarine?
+TV/Film: In the TV sitcom 'Married With Children', what is the dog's name?
+TV/Film: in the two jakes, he plays the part of jake gittes?
+Jack Nicholson
+TV/Film: In this 1968 film the husband of an unsuspecting young wife becomes involved with a witch's coven?
+Rosemary's baby
+TV/Film: In this 1968 film the husband of an unsuspecting young wife becomes involved with a witch's coven?
+Rosemary's Baby
+TV/Film: With which 1990s movie you would associate the song 'Unchained Melody'?
+TV/Film: In this series Christopher Connely and Jodie Foster played father and daughter?
+Paper moon
+TV/Film: In what 1967 film did Gene Hackman earn his first Oscar nomination?
+Bonnie & Clyde
+TV/Film: In what 1990 film did Jeremy Irons play Klaus von Burlow?
+Reversal of Fortune
+TV/Film: In what 1990 movie did Tom Cochran try to 'get even' with Tiburon Mendez?
+TV/Film: In what city did i love lucy originally take place?
+New york 
+TV/Film: In what did someone squish her hands to make the sound of e.t walking?
+TV/Film: In what epic film did Charles Laughton play Quasimodo?
+The hunchback of notre dame
+TV/Film: In what film did john wayne co star with lauren bacall?
+Blood alley
+TV/Film: In what film did Rick Moranis make his big screen debut?
+Strange brew
+TV/Film: In what film did Whoopi Goldberg make her screen debut?
+The Color Purple
+TV/Film: In what film were audiences treated to a flushing toilet for the first time?
+TV/Film: In what movie did Robert Vaughan, Richard Chamberlain and Robert Wagner all die?
+The Towering Inferno
+TV/Film: In what movie did we hear two characters say the following 'my teacher tells me beauty is on the inside. That's just something ugly people say.'?
+Liar liar
+TV/Film: In what movie did we hear, 'carpe, carpe diem! Seize the day, boys! Make your lives extraordinary'?
+Dead poets society
+TV/Film: In what movie do all cosmonauts watch before they go into space?
+White sun of the desert
+TV/Film: In what movie does actor Robert De Niro play a character called Travis Bickle?
+Taxi Driver
+TV/Film: In what movie does john travolta play an angel?
+TV/Film: In what movie was Holly Hunter in love with a musical instrument?
+The piano
+TV/Film: In what town did mary hartman take place?
+TV/Film: In what town did warren beatty work in shampoo?
+Beverly Hills
+TV/Film: In what tv game show did contestants have to predict if a card was higher or lower than the next one?
+Card sharks
+TV/Film: In what tv series did henry winkler play arthur fonzarelli?
+Happy days
+TV/Film: In what year was Frank Sinatra born?
+TV/Film: In what year was the bar in Cheers established?
+TV/Film: In which 1988 Oscar winning film did Dustin Hoffman play the autistic Raymond Babbitt opposite Tom Cruise?
+Rain man
+TV/Film: In which 1996 movie did michael keaton clone himself?
+TV/Film: In which 1998 film does the lead character initially write a play entitled Romeo and Ethel the pirates daughter?
+Shakespeare in love
+TV/Film: in which 1999 film set in a manhattan prep-school starred reese witherspoon and sarah michelle gellar?
+Cruel intentions
+TV/Film: In which 80s tv show did William Shatner play a police officer?
+T J Hooker
+TV/Film: in which bbc1 drama series did lenny henry star as headmaster ian george?
+Hope & glory
+TV/Film: In Which Bond movie did Rowan Atkinson make an appearance as Nigel Small-Fawcett?
+Never say never again
+TV/Film: In which city was the tv detective show 'taggart' set?
+TV/Film: In which club did Arthur and Terry drink in the Tv series Minder?
+The Winchester
+TV/Film: In which comedy series did Ballard Berkeley play Major Gowen?
+Fawlty Towers
+TV/Film: In which country was Arnold Schwarzenegger born?
+TV/Film: In which film based on a cartoon character did Madonna co star with Warren Beatty?
+Dick tracy
+TV/Film: In which film did Bill Murray drive an ectomobile?
+TV/Film: In which film did Bob Hoskins play a black prostitutes minder?
+Mona Lisa
+TV/Film: In which film did Elvis Presley play an indian?
+Stay away joe
+TV/Film: In which film did Harrison Ford come form the future to destroy android Rutger Hauer?
+Blade runner
+TV/Film: In which film did Henry Fonda play a fallen priest?
+The Fugitive
+TV/Film: In which film did Jay Leno play 'Mookie'?
+American Hot Wax
+TV/Film: In which film did Jose Ferrer star as Alfred Dreyfus?
+TV/Film: In which film did Michael Caine use his famous catchphrase Not a lot of people know that?
+Educating rita
+TV/Film: In which film did Paul Newman and Robert Redford hold hands and jump into a river?
+Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
+TV/Film: In which film did POWs use a avulting horse to disguise the digging of an escape tunnel?
+The Wooden horse
+TV/Film: In which film did Val Kilmer play the rock star Jim Morrison?
+The doors
+TV/Film: In which film does Oddjob appear?
+TV/Film: In which film does the character ben braddock appear?
+The graduate
+TV/Film: In which film was Dustin Hoffman 121 years old?
+Little big man
+TV/Film: In which film was Goldie Hawn the body double for Julia Roberts?
+Pretty Woman
+TV/Film: In which hospital does Charlie Fairhead work?
+Holby general
+TV/Film: In which James Bond film does the villain cheat at golf?
+TV/Film: In which movie did Eric Idle & Robbie Coltrane dress as women?
+Nuns on the run
+TV/Film: In which movie did Sharon Stone famously uncross her legs?
+Basic Instinct
+TV/Film: In which puppet series did Spotty the dog appear?
+The woodentops
+TV/Film: In which series did a character called seymour Atterthwaite appear for one series?
+Last of the summer wine
+TV/Film: In which series did Donna Reed step into Barbara Bel Geddes shoes?
+TV/Film: In which series did Shirley Jones play David Cassidys mother before becoming his real step mother?
+The partridge family
+TV/Film: In which series does Robbie Coltrane play a psychologist named Fitz?
+TV/Film: In which series would you find Bella, Milo,Fizz and Jake?
+TV/Film: In which Tv series did Jimmy Nail play a geordie detective?
+TV/Film: In which Tv series did Richard Chamberlain play an Australian priest?
+The Thorn Birds
+TV/Film: In which TV time travle series does Scott Bakula play the lead?
+Quantum leap
+TV/Film: in which village does postman pat live?
+TV/Film: In which year did James Dean die?
+TV/Film: In Who framed Roger Rabbit what was Rogers wife called?
+TV/Film: Independent Films: 1989 black comedy starring Winona Ryder and featuring Shannen Doherty?
+TV/Film: Independent Films: 1996 film based on a Vonnegut novel about an American spy in Nazi Germany?
+Mother night
+TV/Film: Independent Films: 1996 Steve Buscemi film about suburban losers & their neighborhood bar?
+Trees lounge
+TV/Film: Independent Films: David Lynch's 1976 film filled with bizarre ideas and nightmare imagery?
+TV/Film: Independent Films: Incredibly overweight Ricki Lake starred in this 1988 John Waters film?
+TV/Film: Independent Films: Infamous $7,000 film the director financed as a medical guinea pig?
+El mariachi
+TV/Film: Independent Films: Mark Wahlberg allegedly wore a prosthetic device in this 1997 film?
+Boogie nights
+TV/Film: Independent Films: Matthew Broderick played physicist Richard Feynman in this 1996 love story?
+TV/Film: Independent Films: Nathan Arizona Jr. was a central character in which 1987 indie hit?
+Raising arizona
+TV/Film: Independent Films: Spike Lee's breakthrough 1986 low-budget sex comedy?
+Shes gotta have it
+TV/Film: Independent Films: Struggling actors cruise L.A.'s hip neo-lounge scene in this 1996 film?
+TV/Film: Independent Films: Woody Harrelson and Marisa Tomei star in this acclaimed 1997 war drama?
+Welcome to Sarajevo
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: how many shankara stones did indy deliver?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: how was the monkey killed?
+Poisoned date
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: In Latin, what letter does Jehova start with?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: In the Temple of Doom, what bodily fluid is Indy forced to drink?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: In what type of institution does Marcus Brody work?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: in whose sleeve did indy find the ace?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: Name the first challenge?
+Breath of god
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: Name the first Indiana Jones movie?
+Raiders of the lost ark
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: name the second challenge?
+Word of god
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: Name the third Indiana Jones movie (full name; six words)?
+Indiana jones and the last crusade
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What actor portrays the adult Indiana Jones?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What animal is Indy's father terrified of?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: what country did the plane crash in, in temple of doom?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: what creature did Indy's father fear?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: what did indy and his father use to drive to Berlin in?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: what does indy fear/hate?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What does the penitent man do in the presence of God?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What hand-to-hand weapon does Indy commonly employ?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What kind of scientist is Indiana Jones?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What nationality was rival archaeologist Rene Belloq?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What organ does Mola Ram remove from his victims?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What possession does Indy never quite lose?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What relic was Indy's father obsessed with finding?
+The holy grail
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: what state was indy raised in?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What was the name of Indy's dog from childhood?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What was the name of the nightclub in the second film (Star Wars character)?
+Club obi wan
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What woman conspires with Nazis to steal the grail diary (first name only)?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: What woman conspires with Nazis to steal the grail diary? (first name only)?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: what's indy's weapon of choice?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: who did indy find at the castle?
+His father
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: who do the people worship in Temple of Doom?
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: who helped donovan pick out the grail?
+Elsa snyder
+TV/Film: Indiana jones: who produced the indiana jones series?
+George lucas
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: who shot down indy and his father?
+Indy's father
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: Who was Indy's diminutive sidekick in the second film (two words)?
+Short round
+TV/Film: Indiana Jones: who was known to get lost in his own museum?
+Marcus brody
+TV/Film: Ingrid Bergman first won co-starring with Charles Boyer in what?
+TV/Film: Inspector Morses sidekick, who played him?
+Kevin Whately
+TV/Film: Italian movie star that made Life's cover six times?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Italian stage and film director whose wroks include a 1968 film version of Romeo and Juliet?
+Franco zeffirelli
+TV/Film: Its common knowledge that crystal gayle & loretta lynn are sisters, but can you name their other singing sister?
+Peggy sue
+TV/Film: ITVs old teletext service?
+TV/Film: Jack Lemmon's portrayal of businessman Harry Stoner in ____ wins him an oscar?
+Save the tiger
+TV/Film: James Bond: Actress who played May Day in A View to a Kill?
+Grace jones
+TV/Film: James Bond: Bond plays this game with Kamal Khan in Octopussy?
+TV/Film: James Bond: Goldfinger's first name was ____?
+TV/Film: James Bond: He played James Bond in only one film?
+George lazenby
+TV/Film: James Bond: He was the author of the original Bond books?
+Ian fleming
+TV/Film: James Bond: His contract called for an unlimited number of hand rolled cigars?
+Roger moore
+TV/Film: James Bond: How does James Bond prefer his martinis?
+Shaken not stirred
+TV/Film: James Bond: How many james bond movies did sean connery star in?
+TV/Film: James Bond: In Ian Fleming's James Bond series, what does the 00 in 007 stand for?
+License to kill
+TV/Film: James Bond: In the james bond film dr no, what was the name of the character played by ursula andress?
+Honey ryder
+TV/Film: James Bond: James Bond's wife dies in this film?
+On her majesty's secret service
+TV/Film: James Bond: Letter name for James Bond's superior?
+TV/Film: James Bond: Music: Carly simon sang the theme song to which james bond film?
+The spy who loved me
+TV/Film: James Bond: Name roger moores first james bond movie?
+Live and let die
+TV/Film: James Bond: Roger Moore's first appearance as James Bond was in which film?
+Live and let die
+TV/Film: James Bond: The code-name of 007's boss?
+TV/Film: James Bond: The first Bond girl was who?
+Ursula Andress
+TV/Film: James Bond: The main villian in A View to a Kill?
+Max zorin
+TV/Film: James Bond: The secretary?
+TV/Film: James Bond: The usual cover for Bond's organization is this type of company?
+TV/Film: James Bond: This group sang the title song for A View to a Kill?
+Duran duran
+TV/Film: James Bond: This was the top grossing film in the US and UK in 1966?
+TV/Film: James Bond: what james bond film used the space shuttle?
+TV/Film: James Bond: what kind of school did pussy galore run?
+A flying school
+TV/Film: James Bond: what was the name of the seventh james bond film?
+Diamonds are forever
+TV/Film: James Bond: what was the second james bond film that jaws appeared in?
+TV/Film: James Bond: who most often played james bond's chief, m?
+Bernard lee
+TV/Film: James Bond: who played the first james bond on television?
+Barry nelson
+TV/Film: James Bond: who was the only leading lady to play two different bond characters?
+Maud adams
+TV/Film: James Bond: Who will star as James Bond in the next 007 movie (1994)?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Jane Wyman had no speaking role, but lots of acting, in this movie?
+Johnny belinda
+TV/Film: Jean-Claude travels to the past?
+Time cop
+TV/Film: Jimmy Stewart had an invisible friend by this name?
+TV/Film: Jimmy stewart is driven by revenge in the movie ____?
+Man who shot liberty valence
+TV/Film: Joan Collins' 1979 followup to The Stud?
+The bitch
+TV/Film: John Boy was a character in this series?
+The waltons
+TV/Film: John Denver & George Burns appeared together in what 1977 film?
+Oh god!
+TV/Film: John Huston directed Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart in...?
+The african queen
+TV/Film: John larroquette was the narrator of which gruesome film?
+Texas chainsaw massacre
+TV/Film: John Singleton hit it big in 1991 with this ghetto tale (spelling...)?
+Boyz n the hood
+TV/Film: John Travolta is a sound FX man who discovers a murder?
+Blow out
+TV/Film: John Wayne leads Filipino guerillas to victory in the South Pacific (1945)?
+Back to bataan
+TV/Film: John Williams composed the music for over 10 of this director's films?
+Steven spielberg
+TV/Film: Johnny Cash recorded albums at Folsom & this other California prison?
+San quentin
+TV/Film: Joseph Ninian Yule played andy Hardy but we know him by this name?
+Mickey rooney
+TV/Film: Juliette Binoche won an academy award for best supporting role in which film?
+English Patient
+TV/Film: Jupiter ii was the name of the robinson's spaceship on what series?
+Lost in space
+TV/Film: Katey segal plays the part of peggy in this tv show?
+Married with children
+TV/Film: Katharine hepburn & humphrey bogart played in what classic 1951 movie?
+African queen 
+TV/Film: Katherine Hepburn was a socialite flirting with reporter Jimmy Stewart?
+The philadelphia story
+TV/Film: Katherine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy movie featuring a computer named Emerac?
+Desk set
+TV/Film: Kathleen Turner's first film was this Kasdan steamer?
+Body heat
+TV/Film: Kazantzakis novel which became an Oscar-winning film in 1964?
+Zorba the greek
+TV/Film: Kelsey Grammer sings and plays the theme song for which TV show?
+TV/Film: Kermit the frog is ____ ____?
+Left handed
+TV/Film: Kevin Costner plays a catcher in this first-rate baseball comedy?
+Bull durham
+TV/Film: Kevin Costner teaches Tim Robbins how to pitch for the Bulls?
+Bull durham
+TV/Film: Kevin Spacey was the voice in which 1998 Disney film?
+A bug's life
+TV/Film: Kirk Douglas and George C. Scott have bothed played this man to distinction?
+George s patton jr
+TV/Film: Kriss Kristofferson and Barbra Streisand starred in the re-make of which film?
+A star is born
+TV/Film: Kristy Swanson, Don Sutherland, & Luke Perry slay the Undead?
+Buffy the vampire slayer
+TV/Film: Kulture: Film in which Divine consumes a fresh dog turd?
+Pink flamingos
+TV/Film: Kurt Russell battles Mortal Kombat type foes in Chinatown?
+Big trouble in little china
+TV/Film: L'il Abner's last name?
+TV/Film: Largest grossing film of 1993?
+Jurassic park
+TV/Film: Last Names: A-Team/B.A...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: Amen/The Deacon and Thelma...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: beverly hills 90210/brandon and brenda...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: coach/luther...?
+Van dam
+TV/Film: Last Names: Diff'rent Strokes/Arnold...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: er/dr. doug...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: family matters/carl and harriet...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: frasier/frasier...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: Friends/Monica and Ross...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: Growing Pains/The family's last name...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: Mr. Belvidere/The family's last name...?
+TV/Film: Last Names: Seinfeld/Elaine...?
+TV/Film: Late babe Audrey Hepburn won in 1953 for what romantic movie?
+Roman holiday
+TV/Film: Letterman: According to Dave,not a man,woman,or child doesn't enjoy a cool refreshing ____?
+TV/Film: Letterman: Dangerous property of the steam rising from NYC streets?
+TV/Film: Letterman: Dave did this comedy bit every Friday on the NBC show?
+Viewer mail
+TV/Film: Letterman: Dave made his movie debut in this flick?
+Cabin boy
+TV/Film: Letterman: Dave resides in this state?
+TV/Film: Letterman: Dave's NBC studio was in this building?
+Rockefeller center
+TV/Film: Letterman: Guests often complain about the ____ of the Ed Sullivan Theater?
+TV/Film: Letterman: He was Dave's first guest (on both shows)?
+Bill murray
+TV/Film: Letterman: Singer who cussed Dave out and left him stunned?
+TV/Film: Line from which movie - 'Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water'?
+Jaws 2
+TV/Film: Lisa kudrow plays which character in the television series friends?
+TV/Film: Lisa Loopner and Todd DiLaMuca are this?
+TV/Film: List actresses who starred in Steel Magnolias?
+Sally Field
+TV/Film: List movies with dogs in major roles?
+TV/Film: Literature: Author: Who created Elmer Gantry?
+Sinclair lewis
+TV/Film: Literature: Clive Barker: By what nickname is John Furie Zacharias better known as (Imajica)?
+TV/Film: Literature: Clive Barker: One of the stories from The Inhuman Conditions details a revolution of what?
+TV/Film: Literature: Clive Barker: Who kills Fletcher (Who fired the gun) (The Great & Secret Show)?
+Tesla bombeck
+TV/Film: Literature: Clive Barker: Who was the Maestro in the fourth dominion during the reconstruction (Imajica)?
+Tick raw
+TV/Film: Literature: What 1938 film is based on a 1937 short story in Colliers magazine titled Stage To Lordsburg?
+TV/Film: Literature: What 1979 film used Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness as a plot basis?
+Apocalypse Now
+TV/Film: Literature: Written by Richard Ford, and made into a box office smash at the cinema, which book won the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction?
+Independence day
+TV/Film: Longtime companions loni anderson & burt reynolds marry in ____?
+TV/Film: madonna and eurythmics share this song title, also a 1987 movie madonna was in?
+Whos that girl
+TV/Film: Madonna and sean Penn starred together in this 1987 film?
+Shanghai surprise
+TV/Film: Male Sex Symbols, old & new?
+Brad Pitt
+TV/Film: Male Sex Symbols, old & new?
+Brad Pitt
+TV/Film: Marshall Dillion's wanna be girlfriend was named what?
+Miss kitty
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: Chico and Harpo are spies Chicolini and Pinkie in this movie?
+Duck soup
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: Either you are dead or my watch has stopped?
+A day at the races
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: Groucho: One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas?
+Animal crackers
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: He was the oldest of the brothers?
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: I am sure the familiar strains of Verdi's music will come back to you...?
+A night at the opera
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: In this movie Chico is a tooty-fruity selling tout?
+A day at the races
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: In this movie Groucho is a business manager to Mrs Claypool?
+A night at the opera
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: Say,if you get near a song , play it?
+Animal crackers
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: The first part of the party of the first part ... the second part...?
+A night at the opera
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: The last appearance of the Marx brothers together was in this TV curio?
+The incredible jewel robbery
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: The last film together of the brothers?
+Love happy
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: The name of the character played by Groucho in 'A Day at the races'?
+Dr hackenbush
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: This movie contains their celebrated state room scene aboard an ocean liner?
+A night at the opera
+TV/Film: Marx Brothers: Whatever it is I am against it?
+TV/Film: Mary Tyler Moore played Annie Block on this show?
+Annie maguire
+TV/Film: MASH: Colonel Blake is from this state?
+TV/Film: MASH: Colonel Potter loves to ride this animal, even in Korea?
+TV/Film: MASH: Colonel Potter paints him throwing a discus?
+TV/Film: MASH: His favorite drink is a grape ne-hy?
+TV/Film: MASH: In the movie, TV/Film: Who played Radar?
+Gary burghoff
+TV/Film: mash: klinger wears dresses to earn himself one of these?
+Section 8
+TV/Film: MASH: To avoid detection, this agent would discretely jump through windows?
+TV/Film: MASH: Trapper John and Hawkeye build one of these in their tent?
+TV/Film: MASH: TV/Film: Who played Hawkeye Pierce?
+Alan alda
+TV/Film: MASH: What city does Winchester hail from?
+TV/Film: MASH: What does O.R. stand for?
+Operating room
+TV/Film: MASH: What is B.J. Honeycutt's Wife's name?
+TV/Film: MASH: What is Klinger court-martialed for?
+TV/Film: MASH: What is the name of Radar's contact in Eye Corps?
+TV/Film: mash: what was the name of the final episode?
+Goodbye farewell and amen
+TV/Film: mash: which character walked through a mine field to rescue a lost child?
+TV/Film: MASH: Which character writes home often to his father in Maine?
+Hawkeye pierce
+TV/Film: MASH: Which future star played a soldier diagnosed with leukemia?
+Patrick swayze
+TV/Film: MASH: Who directed the final episode?
+Alan alda
+TV/Film: MASH: William O'Reilly earns the name Radar by his ability to hear these transports?
+TV/Film: McHale's rank in McHale's Navy?
+Lieutenant commander
+TV/Film: Meg Ryan switches bodies with Sydney Walker?
+Prelude to a kiss
+TV/Film: Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to ____?
+TV/Film: Mel gibson and danny glover appear in which series of films?
+Lethal weapon
+TV/Film: Mel Gibson patrols the roadways of near-future Australia (first in a series)?
+Mad max
+TV/Film: Mel gibson starred in the film version of which play?
+TV/Film: Memorable movies of the late Sir Richard Harris (1930 - 2002)?
+Harry potter and the sorceror's stone
+TV/Film: Men in black was responsible for doubling sales of what?
+Ray ban sunglasses
+TV/Film: Metal mesh screens, or ____ are used to cut the intensity of a light source?
+TV/Film: mgm is an acronym for this?
+Metro goldwyn mayer
+TV/Film: Michael Caine starred as Carter in the film Get Carter. Who played Carter in this year's remake?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Middle child of Bonanza?
+TV/Film: Middle name of charlie chaplin?
+TV/Film: Miss Moneypenny adores this figure?
+James bond
+TV/Film: Monty Python: How many questions must one answer?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: In the architects sketch, what did John Cleese's character propose instead of a block of flats?
+A slaughterhouse
+TV/Film: Monty Python: In the sketch involving Whistler,Wilde,Shaw and His Majesty who played Oscar Wilde?
+Graham chapman
+TV/Film: Monty Python: Lancelot's servant?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: Name of the kid who falls out of window?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: One must cut down the mightiest tree with this?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: Sacrifice this to the Knights of Nee?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: Terry Jones played a man who claimed to have 3 what?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: The animal with pointy teeth?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: The deformed knight had this many heads?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: The enchanter's name?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: The first knight to cross the bridge?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: The shape of the earth?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: This dessert invaded Earth in order to win Wimbledon?
+TV/Film: Monty Python: What did Graham Chapman complain about in the restaurant provoking an over the top reaction from the staff?
+A dirty fork
+TV/Film: Monty Python: What did John Cleese try to sell from a tray in the cinema?
+An albatross
+TV/Film: Monty Python: What does Michael Palins lumberjack do on Wednesdays?
+Goes shopping and has buttered scones
+TV/Film: Monty Python: What was the name of the cheese shop owner?
+Mr wensleydale
+TV/Film: Monty Python: What was the name of the scholary knight at the witch trial?
+Sir bedivere
+TV/Film: Mother Maybelle & the Carter family were regulars in this variety show?
+Johnny cash show 
+TV/Film: Movie about 5 teenagers forced to spend Saturday at detention?
+The breakfast club
+TV/Film: Movie about two dimwits who travel through time in a phone booth?
+Bill and teds excellent adventure
+TV/Film: Movie featuring a ode to Wally World's Marty Moose?
+National lampoons vacation
+TV/Film: Movie featuring an ode to wally world's marty moose?
+National lampoons vacation
+TV/Film: Movie Monsters?
+TV/Film: Movie set in 1950's Ireland about three friends and their first loves?
+Circle of friends
+TV/Film: Movie with the highest box office gross, adjusted for inflation?
+Gone with the wind
+TV/Film: Movie: ____ fiction?
+TV/Film: Movie: ____ my way?
+TV/Film: Movie: 1967 Beatles TV film: good music, but the movie made NO sense?
+Magical mystery tour
+TV/Film: Movie: A failed 80's action series repackaged as movies and shown on MST3K?
+Master ninja
+TV/Film: Movie: A giant lizard terrorizes the Texas countryside; killed by a flaming car?
+Giant gila monster
+TV/Film: Movie: A hockey mask on a dead guy?
+Friday the 13th
+TV/Film: Movie: A jazz pianist is haunted by ghost of a girl he let fall from a lighthouse?
+TV/Film: Movie: A soldier is hit with radiation and grows 50 feet tall?
+The amazing colossal man
+TV/Film: Movie: A vacationing family is ensnared by a Satanic cult (truly evil!)?
+Manos the hands of fate
+TV/Film: Movie: A wife for a $1 million?
+Indecent proposal
+TV/Film: Movie: Al Pacino, Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Mary E. Mastrantonio?
+TV/Film: Movie: American spies botch a soviet missile sabotage; in return, nyc is nuked?
+Rocket attack usa
+TV/Film: Movie: An Irish soul band?
+The commitments
+TV/Film: Movie: around the world in ____ days?
+TV/Film: Movie: Bela Lugosi had top billing even though he died before filming on this began?
+Plan 9 from outer space
+TV/Film: Movie: bert i. gordon film with peter graves and giant grasshoppers?
+Beginning of the end
+TV/Film: Movie: Bill Murray, Geena Davis, and Randy Quaid rob a bank?
+Quick change
+TV/Film: Movie: Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines play Chicago police detectives?
+Running scared
+TV/Film: Movie: Brad Pitt knifes a man in a bathroom stall?
+TV/Film: Movie: Christopher Walken, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chris Penn, and Sean Penn?
+At close range
+TV/Film: Movie: Cop James Caan is assigned a partner from another planet?
+Alien nation
+TV/Film: Movie: David Grant, Kevin Costner, and Rae Dawn Chong?
+American flyers
+TV/Film: Movie: Debra Winger has an affair with John Lithgow and dies of cancer?
+Terms of endearment
+TV/Film: Movie: Debra Winger is turned prostitute and gets her finger cut off?
+The piano
+TV/Film: Movie: Denzel Washington falls for the daughter of an Asian Indian immigrant?
+Mississippi masala
+TV/Film: Movie: Directed by sydney pollack, which film won the 1985 oscar for best picture?
+Out of africa
+TV/Film: Movie: Director Barry Levinson gave the Fine Young Cannibals a cameo in which movie?
+Tin men
+TV/Film: Movie: Fisher Stevens, Ally Sheedy, and Steve Guttenberg?
+Short circuit
+TV/Film: Movie: from ____ with love?
+TV/Film: Movie: Gabriel Byrne teaches Bridget Fonda to be an assassin?
+Point of no return
+TV/Film: Movie: Gamera fights a stupid-looking monster with a head like a giant blade?
+Gamera vs guiron
+TV/Film: Movie: Gary Oldman hunts down a one-armed female Russian assasin?
+Romeo is bleeding
+TV/Film: Movie: gene hackman, David janssen, and gregory peck: apollo13-ish space bomb?
+TV/Film: Movie: Griffin Dunn, Rosanna Arquette, and Terri Garr?
+After hours
+TV/Film: Movie: Jack Lemmon searches for his missing son in Chile during the Allende regime?
+TV/Film: Movie: Jessica Lange, Sissy Spaceck, and Diane Keaton play the McGrath sisters?
+Crimes of the heart
+TV/Film: Movie: Jewish boy escapes death by impersonating a German and becoming a Nazi?
+Europa Europa
+TV/Film: Movie: Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, and Dermot Mulroney with wedding bell blues?
+My best Friends Wedding
+TV/Film: Movie: Kevin Costner impersonates a buffalo?
+Dances with wolves
+TV/Film: Movie: Lon Chaney Jr. is an executed killer brought back to life?
+The indestructible man
+TV/Film: Movie: Matthew Modine, Mercedes Ruehl, Dean Stockwell, and Michelle Pfeiffer?
+Married to the Mob
+TV/Film: Movie: Mike Meyers as an English secret agent and an evil misbehaving world tyrant?
+Austin powers
+TV/Film: Movie: Name the film that ends with the following dialogue: 'Twas beauty that killed the beast'?
+King Kong
+TV/Film: Movie: Nicke Nolte, Eddie Murphy, Annette O' Toole, and Sonny Landham?
+48 hours
+TV/Film: Movie: Patrick Swayze, Cynthia Gibb, Ed Lauter, and Rob Lowe?
+TV/Film: Movie: Penelope Ann Miller, Sean Penn and Al Pacino?
+Carlitos way
+TV/Film: Movie: Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, and Slim Pickens (short answer form)?
+Dr strangelove
+TV/Film: Movie: Pierce Brosnan is a soviet agent (from the Forsyth novel)?
+The fourth protocol
+TV/Film: Movie: Sam Wheat?
+TV/Film: Movie: Sam, a piano player in a bar?
+TV/Film: Movie: Scissor-hands?
+Edward scissorhands
+TV/Film: Movie: Sean Connery's brother Neil as a secret agent (yes, it really happened!)?
+Operation double 007
+TV/Film: Movie: set in caveman days, yet tire tracks can be seen in the background?
+Cave dwellers
+TV/Film: Movie: Snowy mountain cannibalism?
+TV/Film: Movie: Stephen Rea, Miranda Richardson, Jaye Davidson, and Forest Whitaker?
+The crying Game
+TV/Film: Movie: Steve McQueen's first starring role was in this 1958 B-Movie?
+The blob
+TV/Film: Movie: Ted Danson, Isabella Rossellini, Sean Young, and William Peterson?
+TV/Film: Movie: The ____ Worker (1962)?
+TV/Film: Movie: the african ____?
+TV/Film: Movie: The best-known X-rated animated film?
+Fritz the cat
+TV/Film: Movie: The Three Faces Of ____?
+TV/Film: Movie: This dreadful Fu Manchu film had the MST3K guys HOWLING in pain?
+Castle of fu manchu
+TV/Film: Movie: Tom Berenger, Willem DaFoe, Charlie Sheen, and Francesco Quinn?
+TV/Film: Movie: Tom Cruise plays a high school football player?
+All the right moves
+TV/Film: Movie: Virginia Madsen, Peter O' Toole, Vincent Spano, and Muriel Hemingway?
+TV/Film: Movie: What 1976 film popularized the line 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!'?
+TV/Film: Movie: Which 1968 Film was Goldie Hawn's debut?
+The One and Only Genuine Family Band
+TV/Film: Movie: Will Smith knifes himself to get aquantied with high society folks?
+Six degrees of Seperation
+TV/Film: Movie: woman, two kids transported into the future where apes are in control?
+Time of the apes
+TV/Film: Mr bill was a regular on what tv show?
+Saturday night live
+TV/Film: Mr. Fawlty's first name on Fawlty Towers?
+TV/Film: MTV Features: He holds the record for most Video Music Awards hosted?
+Arsenio hall
+TV/Film: MTV Features: Name one of the teams from Rock n Jock Basketball?
+TV/Film: MTV Features: This many presidents have been interviewed by an MTV correspondent?
+TV/Film: MTV Features: You could lose your favorite possesions in this MTV game show?
+TV/Film: MTV/Film: MTV plays these most of the day?
+TV/Film: MTV/Film: This show has videos from 7:00 p.m. until 9: p.m?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: Gonzo eats a tire to the tune of this?
+Flight of the bumblebee
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: He was the muppeteer controlling Dr. Floyd Pepper and Robin?
+Jerry nelson
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: He was the muppeteer controlling Gonzo and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew?
+Dave goelz
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: He was the muppeteer controlling Miss Piggy and Grover?
+Frank oz
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: Kermit wrote a guide to this decade?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: Name of the muppet that throws boomerang fish?
+Lew Zealand
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: Oscar the Grouch's pet worm (Sesame Street)?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: She was the chicken girlfriend of Gonzo?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: The Muppets recently released a movie based on this Dickens's novel?
+A christmas carol
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: The name of Forgetful Jones' horse on 'Sesame Street'?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: The name of Oscar the Grouch's girlfriend (Sesame Street)?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: The name of the Elephant friend of Big Bird on 'Sesame Street'?
+Mr snuffleupagus
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: this is a bear's natural habitat (The Muppet movie)?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: This Muppet was a patriotic eagle?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: This muppet was a piano playing dog?
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: This Muppet was the reporter for 'Muppet News Flash' (Sesame Street)?
+Kermit the frog
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: What is the name of Dr. Teeth's band?
+The electric mayhem
+TV/Film: Muppet Mania: What lived in Ernie's garden (Sesame Street)?
+Twiddle bugs
+TV/Film: Murray Grechner's occupation on The Odd Couple?
+TV/Film: Music composer for Bond movie _For Your Eyes Only?
+Bill conti
+TV/Film: Music Movie Trivia: Cicero's theme song, sung by a girl on a farm sitting next to a tractor?
+Over the rainbow
+TV/Film: Music Movie Trivia: Each Mad Max movie has a version of this song?
+Happy birthday
+TV/Film: Music Movie Trivia: Song in which Tim Curry does his best Judy Garland (with Alfalfa shadow)?
+Im going home
+TV/Film: Music Movie Trivia: This Gypsy song's footage is thought to be lost forever?
+Together we go
+TV/Film: Music Movie Trivia: This movie musical features Ann Margaret rolling in baked beans?
+TV/Film: Music Movie Trivia: This song is sung in Chinese in the second Indiana Jones movie?
+Anything goes
+TV/Film: Music: Academy awards: what won best song in 1968?
+Windmills of your mind
+TV/Film: Music: Academy awards: what won best song in 1970?
+For all we know
+TV/Film: Music: Academy awards: what won best song in 1972?
+Morning after
+TV/Film: Music: Academy awards: what won best song in 1973?
+Way we were
+TV/Film: Music: Disney: Song: Song that serenades Lady and the Tramp as they chow down spaghetti?
+Bella notte
+TV/Film: Music: Movies & TV/Film: Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince did a parody of this horror flick with Englund?
+Nightmare on Elm Street
+TV/Film: Music: Nine Inch Nails: Trent Reznor did the sound engineering on this soundtrack?
+Natural born killers
+TV/Film: Music: Phil Collins song from movie of same name starring Jeff Bridges & James Woods?
+Against all odds
+TV/Film: Music: Who composed the music for the movie sixth sense?
+James newton howard
+TV/Film: Music: Who produced the soundtrack to the film 1984?
+TV/Film: Musical about Viet Nam with Treat Williams and Beverly D'angelo?
+TV/Film: Musical starring (gulp) Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin?
+Paint your wagon
+TV/Film: Musical superstar played a saloon pianist in South Sea Sinner?
+TV/Film: Musical with Richard Harris and Lynn Redgrave?
+TV/Film: Musical: Barry Williams, (yes, Greg) starred in this musical based on Charlemagne's life?
+TV/Film: Musical: the final sequence of this movie featured kenny jones instead of keith moon?
+The kids are alright
+TV/Film: Musical: this 1977 movie featured the bee gees on its soundtrack?
+Saturday night fever
+TV/Film: Musical: this beatle wrote the soundtrack to a lethal weapon movie?
+George harrison
+TV/Film: Musical:What 1957 film co-starred Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse?
+Silk Stockings
+TV/Film: Musical:What 1983 film co-starred Robert Duvall, Tess Harper and Ellen Barkin?
+Tender Mercies
+TV/Film: Musical:Who played the pinball wizard in the 1975 'Tommy'?
+Elton John
+TV/Film: Musical:Who played the Scarecrow in the 1978 film The Wiz?
+Michael Jackson
+TV/Film: Mustached comedian who portrayed Frankie in North to Alaska?
+Ernie kovacs
+TV/Film: my favorite ____?
+TV/Film: Name 1 of the 3 well known female sex symbols in Myra Breckinridge?
+Farrah fawcett
+TV/Film: Name dennis the menace's next door neighbors?
+George & martha wilson
+TV/Film: Name Eddie Murphy's skit about vocabulary on Saturday Night Live?
+Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood
+TV/Film: name every actress who played an 'angel' on charlie's angels?
+Farrah fawcett
+TV/Film: Name Henry Fonda's last feature film, for which he won the best actor academy award in 1981?
+On golden pond
+TV/Film: Name Ingrid Bergmans actress daughter?
+Isabella Rossellini
+TV/Film: Name Kevin Costner's character in the 1991 film JFK?
+Jim Garrison
+TV/Film: Name Liz Hurleys most famous film?
+TV/Film: Name of comedian Steve Martin's first album?
+Lets get small
+TV/Film: Name of Fox's failed series about college life, starring Jason Gedrick?
+Class of 1996
+TV/Film: Name of Halle Berrys character in the Bond movie Die another Day?
+TV/Film: Name of Judy Garlands actress daughter?
+Liza Minnelli
+TV/Film: Name of movie generally regarded as first sound movie?
+Jazz singer
+TV/Film: Name of Paul Newmans wife?
+Joanne Woodward
+TV/Film: Name of Phil Collins/Marilyn Martin's duet from the movie _White Nights?
+Separate lives
+TV/Film: Name of Steven Spielbergs studio?
+TV/Film: Name of the computer in Wargames?
+TV/Film: Name of the Disney Film released in the UK Oct 2002?
+Lilo and stitch
+TV/Film: Name of the new Bond movie,released November 2002?
+Die another Day
+TV/Film: Name of the Rowan Atkinson James Bond type spoof to be released 2002?
+Johnny English:A Touch of Weevil
+TV/Film: Name of the ship going to Jupiter?
+Discovery i
+TV/Film: Name of the thriller released in 2002 starring Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck?
+TV/Film: Name one of the road movies with bob, bing & dorothy?
+Road to hong kong
+TV/Film: name one of three people to have won emmy, grammy, tony, and oscar?
+Helen hayes
+TV/Film: Name Sir John Mills two famous daughters?
+Hayley & juliet 
+TV/Film: Name That Celebrity: Director and dixieland clarinetist?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Name That Celebrity: English character actor & owner of a fish-and-chips fast food chain?
+Arthur treacher
+TV/Film: Name That Celebrity: Star of one-man shows thar portrayed Harry Truman and Will Rogers?
+James whitmore
+TV/Film: Name That Celebrity: The director of Citizen Kane and The Third Man?
+Orson welles
+TV/Film: Name That Celebrity: The male anchor of 20/20?
+Hugh downs
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Alice, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat?
+Alice in wonderland
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Baloo, Bagheera, Shere Khan?
+The jungle book
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Chernabog, The Sorcerer's Apprentice?
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Cody, Percival Macleash, Miss Bianca?
+The rescuers down under
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Dodger, Georgette, Tito?
+Oliver and company
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Gurgi, Eilonwy, Fflewddur Fflam?
+The black cauldron
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Madam Mim, Wart, Archimedes?
+The sword in the stone
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Maleficent, Aurora, Merryweather?
+Sleeping beauty
+TV/Film: Name That Disney Movie: Robin, Marian, Sir Hiss?
+Robin hood
+TV/Film: Name that movie quote - 'In space no'one can hear you scream'?
+TV/Film: Name that movie quote - 'It's been 84 years and I can still smell the fresh paint'?
+TV/Film: Name That TV Show: Goober, Floyd, Opie, Barney?
+Andy griffith
+TV/Film: Name That TV Show: Hayden, Christine, Dauber?
+TV/Film: Name That TV Show: Max Weinberg, Andy Richter, Conan?
+Late night with conan obrien
+TV/Film: Name That TV Show: Six, Joey, Anthony?
+TV/Film: Name That TV Show: Urkel, Laura, Carl?
+Family matters
+TV/Film: Name That TV Show: Wapner, Rusty, Doug?
+Peoples court
+TV/Film: Name That TV Show: Will, Carlton, Phil?
+Fresh prince of bel air
+TV/Film: Name the 2011 film that tells the story of a boy who lives alone in a railway station in Paris during the 1930s?
+TV/Film: Name the 3 prospective bodies for Joe Pendleton in 1978's Heaven Can Wait?
+Tightrope walker, Grand Prix driver and football player
+TV/Film: Name the actor Who played the police pathologist quincy?
+Jack klugman
+TV/Film: Name the boat in the Love Boat?
+Pacific princess
+TV/Film: Name the cartoon that featured characters who had messages on their clothes to express their feelings?
+Shirt Tales
+TV/Film: Name the character played by David cassidy in television's partridge family series of the 1970s?
+Keith partridge
+TV/Film: Name the character played by frank sinatra in films such as lady in cement?
+Tony rome
+TV/Film: Name the dog in 'The Magic Roundabout'?
+TV/Film: Name the european hit, now an animated series about underwater people?
+TV/Film: Name the film: ____ (a number) Leagues Under the Sea?
+TV/Film: Name the film: A American rock star foils the East Germans' plans of global conquest?
+Top secret!
+TV/Film: Name the film: A T-Rex eats a lawyer. Nobody liked him anyway...?
+Jurassic park
+TV/Film: Name the film: An Officer and a(n) ____?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Archaeologist teams up with long lost father in search of the Holy Grail?
+Indiana jones and the last Crusade
+TV/Film: Name the film: attack of the killer ____?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Besides Field of Dreams, what other baseball movie starred Kevin Costner?
+Bull durham
+TV/Film: Name the film: Chance the gardener finds himself as presidential advisor accidently?
+Being there
+TV/Film: Name the film: Christian Slater becomes a cop and tracks down his brother's killer?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Christopher Lloyd is returned to his odd family, Gomez, Morticia, et al?
+The addams family
+TV/Film: Name the film: Con artist & his young pal formulate elaborate swindle?
+The sting
+TV/Film: Name the film: Cyborg is sent back through time to assassinate mother of future rebel?
+The terminator
+TV/Film: Name the film: Dim-witted man finds himself in important histrical events in the USA?
+Forrest gump
+TV/Film: Name the film: Documentary about the pressure placed on women to be thin and beautiful?
+The famine within
+TV/Film: Name the film: Eliot Ness & crew clean up Chicago?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: Name the film: Exquisite movie about a boy who tames and races an Arabian horse?
+The black stallion
+TV/Film: Name the film: Fahrenheit ____. (a number)?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Features Darlanne Fluegel, Jimmy Smits, Gregory Hines, and Billy Crystal?
+Running scared
+TV/Film: Name the film: Features Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Harrison Ford, Edward James Olmos, and Joe Turkel?
+Blade runner
+TV/Film: Name the film: Features Tom Skerritt, Ian Holm, Sigourney Weaver, and John Hurt?
+TV/Film: Name the film: For his role in which 1962 film did Gregory peck win an oscar for his portrayal of a small town lawyer?
+To kill a mockingbird
+TV/Film: Name the film: For which film did Al Pacino win best actor oscar in 1992?
+Scent of a woman
+TV/Film: Name the film: For which film did Art Carney win best actor Oscar in 1974?
+Harry and Tonto
+TV/Film: Name the film: For which film was the music Tubular bells the theme?
+The Exorcist
+TV/Film: Name the film: Harrison Ford unearths a holy relic, and it melts alot of Nazis?
+Raiders of the lost ark
+TV/Film: Name the film: High schooler plays hooky and shows his best friend how to have a good time?
+Ferris buellers day off
+TV/Film: Name the film: Hollywood exec receives threats from underappreciated writer?
+The player
+TV/Film: Name the film: Jack Nicholson movie about mental hospital and R.P. McMurphy?
+One flew over the cuckoos nest
+TV/Film: Name the film: Jailed rebel has personality conflict with chain gang warden, plans escape?
+Cool hand luke
+TV/Film: Name the film: Mary Steenburgen, Steve Martin, Rick Moranis all have family crises?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Modern L.A. mobsters learn one of their number is police informer?
+Reservoir dogs
+TV/Film: Name the film: Mountain Ranger races terrorists on mountain to find three money suitcases?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Movie featuring the immortal characters Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski?
+A streetcar named Desire
+TV/Film: Name the film: or what film did katharine hepburn win her fourth best actress oscar?
+On golden pond
+TV/Film: Name the film: Policeman visits wife in Los Angeles and battles terrorists on highrise?
+Die hard
+TV/Film: Name the film: Robin Williams has a sexual identity crisis?
+Mrs. doubtfire
+TV/Film: Name the film: Sean Connery got a well-deserved Oscar for which 1980s movie?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: Name the film: Six man jewelry heist gone bad. Characters with colorful names?
+Reservoir dogs
+TV/Film: Name the film: Small European nation declares war on U.S. to gain post-war aid...but wins?
+The mouse that roared
+TV/Film: Name the film: Spielberg movie about a group of kids who go looking for buried treasure?
+The goonies
+TV/Film: Name the film: Spike Lee's ____ is released to critical acclaim?
+Do the right thing
+TV/Film: Name the film: Suicidal cop is partnered with reluctant aging cop. Fight drug runners?
+Lethal weapon
+TV/Film: Name the film: The Last Days of ____. (a city)?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Theme Song by Brian Adams: Everything I Do (I Do It For You)?
+Robin hood prince of thieves
+TV/Film: Name the film: Three stones, alot of water, and a broken down bridge that Indy has to climb?
+Indiana jones and the Temple Of Doom
+TV/Film: Name the film: Three vignettes dealing with two hitmen, a renegade boxer, and a bad date?
+Pulp fiction
+TV/Film: Name the film: Three washed-up movie stars hired by besieged Mexican town to fight bandito?
+Three amigos!
+TV/Film: Name the film: Tom Hanks and Dan Akroyd track down the crimes of P.A.G.A.N?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd track down the crimes of P.A.G.A.N?
+TV/Film: Name the film: Wilford Brimley says a dirty word and tries to kill Tom Cruise?
+The firm
+TV/Film: Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture?
+Snow white
+TV/Film: Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture?
+Snow White
+TV/Film: Name the Hollywood starlet whose pinup graced the most GI barracks in World War II?
+Betty grable
+TV/Film: Name the host for $100,000 pyramid?
+Dick Clark
+TV/Film: Name the legendary hollywood cowboy who was born as leonard slye in 1912?
+Roy rogers
+TV/Film: Name the movie about life after death set in chicago that revolved around several medical students with a death wish?
+TV/Film: Name the movie with Pierce Brosnan and Patrick Stewart?
+TV/Film: Name the musical film named after a state?
+TV/Film: Name the musical film named after a state?
+TV/Film: Name the only Elvis Presley film in which Elvis did not star?
+Love me tender
+TV/Film: Name the Police Officer in 'Top Cat' the cartoon series?
+Officer Dibble
+TV/Film: Name the Police Station in The Bill?
+Sun Hill
+TV/Film: Name the queen of the jungle who had bob as a mate?
+TV/Film: Name the show: alias smith & ____?
+TV/Film: Name the Show: barney ____?
+TV/Film: Name the show: the rockford ____?
+TV/Film: Name the t.v. pop show hosted by jools holland & paula yates?
+The tube
+TV/Film: Name the top rated show of the 1977 78 season?
+Laverne & shirley
+TV/Film: name the year - red dwarf?
+TV/Film: name the year -the clangers?
+TV/Film: Name Their Job: Michelangelo Antonioni?
+Film director
+TV/Film: name their network: alan king?
+Comedy central
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Candice Cameron?
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Chris Berman?
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Cindy Palemis?
+TV/Film: name their network: connie chung?
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Craig T. Nelson?
+TV/Film: name their network: kelsey grammer?
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Lloyd Robertson?
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Owen Bennett-Jones?
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Principal Skinner?
+TV/Film: name their network: sam donaldson?
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Sandy Rinaldo?
+TV/Film: name their network: sinbad?
+TV/Film: Name Their Network: Ted Koppel?
+TV/Film: Name this Johnny Depp movie?
+What's eating gilbert grape
+TV/Film: Namegame:Whos film characters included Joe Bella,Tommy Five Tone and Jack Ruby?
+Danny Aiello
+TV/Film: Natalie Wood's last film; also starring Christopher Walken?
+TV/Film: Nathan Brittles is the hero of which classic western?
+She wore a yellow ribbon
+TV/Film: Naval comedy that switched from the S. Pacific to Italy in its 4th season?
+Mchales navy
+TV/Film: Nearsighted mr. Magoo was voiced by which actor, who went on to sitcom fame?
+Jim backus
+TV/Film: Neighbours & home & away come from what country?
+TV/Film: Nephew & companion of Hercules on Hercules' 12 labors?
+TV/Film: Never have sex with anyone that owns an icepick?
+Basic instinct
+TV/Film: Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film?
+48 hours
+TV/Film: Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film?
+48 Hours
+TV/Film: Nick Nolte was originally a cop opposite Eddie Murphy's con in...?
+48 hrs
+TV/Film: Nicknames:Who was known as 'The Platinum Blond'?
+Jean Harlow
+TV/Film: Nobody puts baby in the corner?
+Dirty Dancing
+TV/Film: Novelist who played Disney's TV hero Texas John Slaughter?
+Tom tryon
+TV/Film: Number of monolith scenes in the film?
+TV/Film: Number of movies Burton and taylor made together?
+TV/Film: Occupations: Banker (Beverly Hillbillies)?
+Milburn drysdale
+TV/Film: Occupations: Deputy (Dukes of Hazzard)?
+Enos strate
+TV/Film: Occupations: Music Store Clerk (Mork and Mindy)?
+Mindy mcconnell
+TV/Film: Occupations: Photographer (Odd Couple)?
+Felix unger
+TV/Film: Occupations: Photojournalist (Perfect Strangers)?
+Larry appleton
+TV/Film: Of what was charlie chaplains cane made?
+TV/Film: Of which book did Spielberg say - I read it and felt that i had been attacked. It terrified me, and I wanted to strike back?
+TV/Film: On 'Dragnet', who played officer Bill Gannon?
+Harry Morgan
+TV/Film: On 'gilligan's island' mrs. Howell's maiden name was what?
+TV/Film: On 'Mad About You', Paul & Jamie's baby was named Mabel. What does it stand for?
+Mothers always bring extra love
+TV/Film: On 'southpark' what usually happens to kenny?
+He gets killed
+TV/Film: On 'the flintstones' who is barney & betty rubble's son?
+TV/Film: On 'The Lucy Show', who played Vivian Bagley?
+Vivian Vance
+TV/Film: On 90210: Who are the twins (name1 and name2)?
+Brandon and brenda
+TV/Film: On Captain Midnight, what was Ichabod Mudd's nickname?
+TV/Film: On In Living Color: Name the body-building beauty played by Jim Carrey?
+Vera de milo
+TV/Film: On Location:What 1970 'disaster' film was filmed partially at Minneapolis-St Paul international Airport?
+TV/Film: On Melrose Place: What is the name of Matt's wife (first name)?
+TV/Film: On mork & mindy, what was mindy's last name?
+TV/Film: On mork & mindy, who was the leader of the friends of venus?
+TV/Film: On Porter Waggoner's show, who was his first singing partner?
+Norma jean
+TV/Film: On the Addams Family cartoons, who was the voice of Gomez?
+John Astin
+TV/Film: On the cartoon series The Flintstones, what lawyer never lost a case?
+Perry Masonry
+TV/Film: On the cartoon show 'the jetsons', how old is judy?
+TV/Film: On the set of Jaws what was the nickname given to the shark?
+TV/Film: On the show 'Greenacres' what was 'Arnold Ziffel'?
+TV/Film: On tv's the love boat, what was adam bricker's job on the ship?
+TV/Film: On tvs gilligans island, what characters real name was roy hinkley?
+The professor
+TV/Film: on what British series was all in the family based?
+Till death do us part
+TV/Film: On what British sitcom was 'all in the family' based?
+Steptoe & son
+TV/Film: On what cartoon show did the characters watch tv on station bdrx?
+TV/Film: On what show was 'The Ponderosa'?
+TV/Film: On what show was Ralph Malph?
+Happy days
+TV/Film: On what tv show was 'the ponderosa'?
+TV/Film: On which show did Gene Gene the dancing machine appear?
+The gong show
+TV/Film: On which show did Lena Horne make her debut?
+Ed sullivan
+TV/Film: On which show is there a butler named Lurch?
+The adams family
+TV/Film: One foot in the grave, what was the first name of Victor Meldrews wife?
+TV/Film: One of the very first ethnographic films of the North?
+TV/Film: Oprah at age 19 worked as a what in nashville?
+TV anchor
+TV/Film: Oscars: 1946 Who won Best Actor for his part in the film The Best Years of Our Lives?
+Fredric March
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,For which film did Denzel Washington win best leading actor?
+Training Day
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,For which film did Jim Broadbent win his best supportingactor?
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,Which film did Jennifer Connelly win best supporting actress?
+A Beautiful mind
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,which film won best picture category?
+A beautiful mind
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,Which film won in best animated feature category?
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,Which film won in best costume category?
+Moulin Rouge
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,Which film won in Best music score category?
+Lord of the Rings
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,Who won best leading actor?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,Who won best supporting actor for his role in Iris?
+Jim Broadbent
+TV/Film: Oscars: 2002,Who won best supporting actress for her role in A Beautiful mind?
+Jennifer connelly
+TV/Film: Oscars: best actor, clark gable, & best actress, claudette colbert, won for this film, which was best picture?
+TV/Film: Oscars: For his role in which movie did Peter Finch win the Best Actor Oscar for posthumously?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Greer Garson was nominated for Best Actress in 1942,1943,1944 for films with womens names as titles. Name them?
+Mrs. Parkington, Mrs. Miniver and Madame Curie
+TV/Film: Oscars: he has won the most best actor awards, with 3?
+Jack nicholson
+TV/Film: Oscars: In 1936 who won the Best Actor Oscar?
+Paul Muni
+TV/Film: Oscars: Loretta Young won best actress oscar in 1947 for her role in what movie?
+The Farmer's Daughter
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Anthony Minghella won in 1996 for this movie based on the Canadian novel?
+The English Patient
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Best supporting actor Ben Johnson, & Best Supporting Actress Cloris Leachman, won for this film?
+The last picture show
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Billy Wilder was awarded in 1960 for this movie?
+The apartment
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Elia Kazan was awarded in 1954 for this movie?
+On the waterfront
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Franklin J. Schaffner was awarded in 1970 for this movie?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Fred Zinnemann was awarded in 1966 for this movie?
+A man for all seasons
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: George Cukor was awarded in 1964 for this movie?
+My fair lady
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Jane Campion had a nomination in 1993 for this movie?
+The piano
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: John Ford was awarded in 1940 for this movie?
+Grapes of wrath
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: John G. Avildsen was awarded in 1976 for this movie?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: John Schlesinger was awarded in 1969 for this movie?
+Midnight cowboy
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Michael Curtiz was awarded in 1943 for this movie?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Robert Wise was awarded in 1965 for this movie?
+The sound of music
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Steven Spielberg was awarded in 1993 for this movie?
+Schindlers list
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: Vincente Minnelli was awarded in 1958 for this movie?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie: William Wyler was awarded in 1959 for this movie?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Movie:Directed by milos foreman, which film won the 1975 oscar for best picture?
+One flew over the cuckoo's nest
+TV/Film: Oscars: Music: what won best song in 1962?
+Days of wine & roses
+TV/Film: Oscars: Music: what won best song in 1963?
+Call me irresponsible
+TV/Film: Oscars: Music: what won best song in 1964?
+Chim chim cher-ee
+TV/Film: Oscars: Music: what won best song in 1965?
+Shadow of your smile
+TV/Film: Oscars: Music: what won best song in 1966?
+Born free
+TV/Film: Oscars: Music: what won best song in 1967?
+Talk to the animals
+TV/Film: Oscars: Name one of the two actresses that tied for Best Actress in 1968?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Name the two films Oliver Stone won the Best Director Oscar for?
+Born on the Fourth of July and Platoon
+TV/Film: Oscars: oldest man to win an Oscar, for 'The Sunshine Boys'?
+George burns
+TV/Film: Oscars: she has been nominated for best actress 12 times, winning only once (for 'sophie's choice')?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Oscars: What 1972 film saw the whole cast nominated for the Oscars?
+TV/Film: Oscars: What do James Dean,Spencer Tracy and Peter Finch have in common?
+Posthumously nominated for Best Actor
+TV/Film: Oscars: What event postponed the Oscar ceremony in 1980?
+Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan
+TV/Film: Oscars: What film won Best Picture in 1952?
+The Greatest Show on Earth
+TV/Film: Oscars: What film won the most Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: Oscars: What film won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1970?
+Love Story
+TV/Film: Oscars: What is the only animated film ever nominated for Best Picture?
+Beauty and the beast
+TV/Film: Oscars: What sad distinction does Peter Finch Hold?
+Only person to win Posthumously
+TV/Film: Oscars: What was the first film to win 8 Oscars?
+Gone with the wind
+TV/Film: Oscars: What was the last black & white film to win Best Picture?
+Schindlers list
+TV/Film: Oscars: What was unusual about the Oscar presented to ventriloquist Edgar Bergen for his outstanding comic creation?
+It was made of wood
+TV/Film: Oscars: what won best song in 1971?
+Theme from shaft
+TV/Film: Oscars: Which film won the Best Picture Oscar in 1979?
+Kramer vs. Kramer
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who beat out Martin Scorsese for Best Director (Raging Bull) in 1980?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who gave the longest acceptance speech in Oscar history?
+Greer garson
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who has hosted the Oscars the most times?
+Bob hope
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who hosted the 1995 Academy Awards?
+David letterman
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who is the only person nominated for 2 acting Oscars after his death?
+James dean
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who is the only person to present himself with an Oscar?
+Irving Berlin
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who is the only person to win 3 Best Supporting Actor awards?
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who is the only person to win 3 Best Supporting Actor awards?
+Walter brennan
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who made a triumphant return to the Oscars in 1972?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who starred in the 1972 film Sleuth?
+Laurence Olivier
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who starred in the 1972 film Sleuth?
+Michael Caine
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who was the first actor to win an Oscar posthumously?
+Peter finch
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who was the first blind Oscar winner?
+Stevie wonder
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who won Best Actress in 1947?
+Loretta Young
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who won Best Director accolades for the film All Quiet on the Western Front?
+Lewis Milestone
+TV/Film: Oscars: Who won best supporting actress in 1993?
+Anna Paquin
+TV/Film: Oscars: who won consecutive best actress awards for 'Guess Who's Coming To Dinner' & 'The Lion In Winter'?
+Katherine hepburn
+TV/Film: Other than mistress, how was Kristin related to J.R. Ewing?
+Sister in law
+TV/Film: Other than the 'Tarzan' series of films, which other film and television character was created by Johnny Weismuller?
+Jungle jim
+TV/Film: Owner of the circus in Circus Boy?
+Tim champion
+TV/Film: Pancho was whose faithful sidekick?
+Cisco Kid's
+TV/Film: Patrick stewart plays the part of captain Picard in this tv show?
+Star trek: the next generation
+TV/Film: Patrick Swayze played Johnny Castle in this movie?
+Dirty Dancing
+TV/Film: Paul Newman married which actress?
+Joanne woodward
+TV/Film: Paul Newman plays Louisiana governor Earl Long?
+TV/Film: PBS: Masterpiece Theater: ____ ____ ____ of Thika (1981)?
+The flame trees
+TV/Film: PBS: Mystery!: ____ and Caldicott (1986)?
+TV/Film: PBS: Sharpe's Enemy, Sharpe's Company, Sharpe's Eagles, Sharpe's ____?
+TV/Film: PBS: What 1986 Masterpiece Theater series featured a beloved English schoolteacher?
+Goodbye mr. chips
+TV/Film: PBS: What 1995 Masterpiece Theater series starred Richard Harris as a magician?
+The great kandinsky
+TV/Film: PBS: What musical instrument does Bertie Wooster play?
+TV/Film: PBS: What Mystery! series has had the most separate runs (9 through 1996)?
+Inspector morse
+TV/Film: PBS: What was the 1977 Masterpiece Theater series about a stuttering Roman emporer?
+I claudius
+TV/Film: PBS: What was the 1989 Mystery! series about US-Soviet intelligence in Germany?
+Game set and match
+TV/Film: PBS: Who is the current (1996) host of Mystery!?
+Diana rigg
+TV/Film: Peggy Lipton co-starred in this hep <g> 70's series?
+Mod squad
+TV/Film: Peter O'Toole and Peter Strauss starred in this miniseries?
+TV/Film: Peter Sellers immortalized this character.?
+Jacques clouseau
+TV/Film: Peter Sellers is best known for his role as Inspector ____?
+TV/Film: Peter Sellers is best known for his role as Inspector ____?
+TV/Film: Phil Collins song from movie of same name starring Jeff Bridges & James Woods?
+Against all odds
+TV/Film: Phrase coined to describe Errol Flynn's unmatched success with women?
+In like flynn
+TV/Film: played miles monroe (owner of happy carrot health food store) in sleeper?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Played the part of Hans Christian Andersen in the movie of the same name?
+Danny kaye
+TV/Film: Police: Bochco's attempt at singing police officers (lasted about 1 ep :)?
+Cop rock
+TV/Film: Police: Bochco's classic emmy winning ensemble piece?
+Hill street blues
+TV/Film: Police: Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas played... (last names)?
+Crockett & tubbs
+TV/Film: Police: don johnson and philip michael thomas played... (last names)?
+Crockett tubbs
+TV/Film: Police: Erik Estrada (!) & Larry Wilcox starred in...?
+TV/Film: Police: he played fuerillo on hill street blues?
+Daniel j. travanti
+TV/Film: Police: in this show undercover cops infiltrate high schools?
+21 jump street
+TV/Film: Police: Slapstick cop show, also a song by Peter Gabriel?
+TV/Film: Police: this series partnered a human cop with an alien one?
+Alien nation
+TV/Film: Policeman must defuse bus which will blow if it goes below 50 miles per hour?
+TV/Film: Pop Kulture: What is the longest running soap opera still on the air?
+Guiding light
+TV/Film: Popular 1970's tv series '____ and the man'?
+TV/Film: Possibly the richest comedian in the world?
+Jerry Steinfeld
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Give the coors of the replaced Rangers (alphabetical, no commas)?
+Black red yellow
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Identity of the Green Ranger?
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Identity of the original Black Ranger?
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Name the actor TV/Film: Who played Bulk?
+Jason narvy
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Name the city in which the Rangers live and defend?
+Angel grove
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Name the robot the Green Ranger controlled?
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: The Black Ranger's weapon of choice?
+Power axe
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: The creator of MMPR also this similar Ranger-like show?
+Vr troopers
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: The only lyrics in the theme song?
+Go go power rangers
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: This phrase is always said before transforming into the Rangers?
+Its morphin time
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Trini is a collector of these?
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Type of robot dinosaur the Blue Ranger controls?
+TV/Film: Power Rangers: Type of robot dinosaur the Yelow Ranger controls?
+Saber-toothed tiger
+TV/Film: Presenter of Call my Bluff?
+Bob holness
+TV/Film: Presenter of the Time Team?
+Tony robinson
+TV/Film: Psycho killer was recorded by this group?
+Talking heads
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: book that vega read while expunging bodily wastes?
+Madame blair
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: color fabienna's toothbrush?
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: Mr. Wolf asks for this in his coffee?
+Lots of cream lots of sugar
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: name of the resturant where robbery was held?
+Hawthorne grill
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: price of seafood salad at the robbed restaurant (numerals, no period)?
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: sign in pawnshop say shoplifters will be...?
+Beaten to a bloody pulp
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: time at which bonnie is to arrive home (numerals without colon)?
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: time in morning vincent brings mia to dealers house (numerals no colon)?
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: type of soda in brett's cup?
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: Vince and Mia go to this restaurant. (3 wds.)?
+Jack rabbit slims
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: Vincent's last name is what?
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: waiter for mia and vincent is what singer?
+Buddy holly
+TV/Film: Pulp Fiction: What brand of car does Mr. Wolf drive?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Admiral Al Calavicci was born in this year?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Al's last name (watch the spelling!)?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Dr. Sam Beckett was born in this year?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: First name of Sam's wife?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: How Al describes Sam's brain as affected by the original Leap?
+Swiss cheese
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: How many degrees does Sam have, including one in ancient languages?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: In ep. 87, Sam Leaped into this celebrity who counseled Al about his sex life?
+Dr. ruth Westheimer
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: In the 1st episode, Sam Leaped into Tom Stratton, who was of this profession?
+Test pilot
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: J. Turner & John Cullum from this quirky hit guested in the same QL episode?
+Northern Exposure
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Modern-day tycoon who with his dad exits a cab Sam is entering, in one ep?
+Donald trump
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: QL received 5 awards in 4 years from this org. rewarding quality TV drama?
+Viewers for quality Television
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Sam first Leapt by stepping prematurely into the QL project ____?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Sam Leaped into a woman for the first time in this episode?
+What price gloria
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Sam Leaped out of a human body once____ into this chimpanzee. (name of chimp)?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Sam leaps into this blonde bombshell's chauffeur in ep. Goodbye Norma Jean?
+Marilyn Monroe
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Sam saves this man from choking to death in ep. Thou Shalt Not (in-joke)?
+Henry heimlich
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Sam usually says these 2 words just after Leaping, sometimes more than once?
+Oh boy
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Sam's last name?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Sam's true love that he sees again when he leaps into one of her professors?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Series creator Don B.'s production company: ____ Productions?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: Show name of the boxer Sam leaps into in the ep. The Right Hand of God?
+Kid cody
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: The main character, Dr. Sam Beckett, was played by this actor?
+Scott bakula
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: This is Sam Beckett's birthday. (Month and day)?
+August 8
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: This is the name of Alia's (the evil leaper) hologram partner?
+TV/Film: Quantum Leap: This is the name of the computer linked to Sam and Al by their brainwaves?
+TV/Film: Quotes: Come Kirsti, time to play!?
+TV/Film: Quotes: Did you tell him he was black?
+TV/Film: Quotes: Do you ask for justice, or revenge?
+Clash of the titans
+TV/Film: Quotes: Drive carefully, don't forget to fasten your condom!?
+Father of the bride
+TV/Film: Quotes: Excuse me while I whip this out?
+Blazing saddles
+TV/Film: Quotes: I don't want to kill you and you don't wanna die?
+TV/Film: Quotes: I have always depended on the kindness of strangers?
+A streetcar named desire
+TV/Film: Quotes: I like to play with things a while?
+Flash gordon
+TV/Film: Quotes: I promise that I will lose, for at least an hour?
+TV/Film: Quotes: I sound my barbaric YAWP...?
+Dead poets society
+TV/Film: Quotes: I've got women to do, places to see!?
+TV/Film: Quotes: I've never had a woman for a partner?
+Striking distance
+TV/Film: Quotes: Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops?
+Arsenic & old lace
+TV/Film: Quotes: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you?
+TV/Film: Quotes: Like drinking Drano, it cleans you out but leaves you feeling hollow inside?
+The naked gun
+TV/Film: Quotes: Right after you left, I popped your daughter's trunk?
+Son in law
+TV/Film: Quotes: Roger dodger, this is Chilly Willy Milli Vanilli, going in?
+Hot shots
+TV/Film: Quotes: Show me a move, Q Ball?
+Under siege
+TV/Film: Quotes: The shark still looks fake?
+Back to the future 2
+TV/Film: Quotes: Wake up, time to die?
+Blade runner
+TV/Film: Quotes: You must have been toilet trained at gun-point?
+Renaissance man
+TV/Film: Quotes: Your ego's writing checks your body can't cash?
+Top gun
+TV/Film: Quotes: Your partner died squealing like a pig?
+The untouchables
+TV/Film: Quotes: Zang! (excellent! in cantonese)?
+Waynes world
+TV/Film: Ranma 1/2 is a animation series from this country?
+TV/Film: RealNames:What 1933 film was the first to co-star Frederick Austerlitz and Virginia McMath?
+Flying Down to Rio
+TV/Film: Relatives: Clark Gable's wife?
+Carol lombard
+TV/Film: Released in 2014, what science fiction movie stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Ford Brody?
+TV/Film: Released in Aug 1999, starred Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo in roles played by Steve Mcqueen and Faye Dunaway in 1968?
+The thomas crown affair
+TV/Film: Remake:What was the title of the 1984 remake of the 1938 A Yank at Oxford?
+Oxford Blues
+TV/Film: Remake:Which 1969 Bob Fosse musical is based on 1957's Nights of Cabiria?
+Sweet Charity
+TV/Film: Richard Chamberlain's first name?
+TV/Film: Richard Widmark is the father in law of what famous baseball pitcher?
+Sandy koufax
+TV/Film: Roald Dahl's Chocolate Factory was owned by whom?
+Willy Wonka
+TV/Film: Robert de Niro movie?
+The deer hunter
+TV/Film: Robert De Niro starred in this film?
+Raging bull
+TV/Film: Robert Redford plays a warden in this 1980 prison drama?
+TV/Film: Robert Redford's real first name?
+TV/Film: Robin Hood Prince of Thieves was released in what year?
+TV/Film: Robins Nest and George and Mildred were spin offs from which sitcom?
+Man about house
+TV/Film: Robotech: Commander of the space fortress and Rick's true love interest?
+Lisa hayes
+TV/Film: Robotech: Daredevil pilot who becomes one of the greatest Veritech pilots?
+Rick hunter
+TV/Film: Robotech: Japanese-translated name of the second storyline arc?
+Sdc orguss
+TV/Film: Robotech: Japanese-translated name of the third storyline arc?
+Sdb mospeada
+TV/Film: Robotech: Master Veritech pilot who eventually marries the alien enemy ace?
+Maxmillian sterling
+TV/Film: Robotech: Name of the alien ambassador, second in command of the alien fleet?
+TV/Film: Robotech: Robotech is mainly based on this Japanese Animation series?
+Sdf macross
+TV/Film: Robotech: Robotech name of the third storyline arc?
+The invid invasion
+TV/Film: Robotech: The alien fortress crash-landed on this remote island?
+Macross island
+TV/Film: Robotech: Total number of episodes in the entire Robotech saga?
+TV/Film: Rock Hudson's real last name?
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: How many minutes long is the movie version?
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: In what year was the movie released?
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: What actor played Brad Majors in the movie?
+Barry bostwick
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: What company produced The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
+Twentieth century fox
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: What is the name of the head transvestite?
+Frank n. furter
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: What is used to create Rocky?
+Sonic oscillator
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: What is written on the sign outside the Frankenstein Mansion?
+Enter at your own risk
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: What rating did the MPA give the movie?
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: What was Janet's last name?
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: Where do Brad and Janet live?
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: Where does Frank come from (full name)?
+Transexual transylvania
+TV/Film: Rocky Horror: Who wrote The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
+Richard obrien
+TV/Film: Rod Steiger played the villain in which smash hit musical (Yup, he sang, too.)?
+TV/Film: Roles: Alice?
+Linda lavin
+TV/Film: Roles: Edith Bunker?
+Jean stapleton
+TV/Film: Roles: George Jefferson?
+Sherman hemsley
+TV/Film: Roles: J.R. Ewing Jr. and Captain Tony Nelson?
+Larry hagman
+TV/Film: Ron howard's directed his first film in 1977. What was it called?
+Grand theft auto
+TV/Film: Ronald Coleman played Charles Rainier, an amnesia victim from WWI, in this film?
+Random harvest
+TV/Film: Rosey Grier, Merlin Olsen, and Fred Dryer have this sport in common?
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: Call letters of the EIB flagship station in New York?
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: Rush event held in 1992 in Ft. Collins, Colorado?
+Dans bake sale
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: Rush Limbaugh-The Television show premiered in the fall of the year ____?
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: Rush's adopted California hometown?
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: Rush's chief of staff?
+Kit carson
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: Rush's on-air name as a disc jockey?
+Jeff christie
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: The call letters of the EIB affiliate on shortwave (15.420 MHz)?
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: The name of Rush's newletter?
+Limbaugh letter
+TV/Film: Rush Limbaugh: The name of Rush's second book?
+See i told you so
+TV/Film: Russian silent (1916), story of mutiny on naval vessel?
+Battleship potemkin
+TV/Film: Saturday morning cartoon character whose voice was provided by Michael Jackson?
+Michael Jackson
+TV/Film: Saturday Morning Cartoons (Old and new) 10?
+TV/Film: Saturday Night Live Stars?
+Eddie Murphy
+TV/Film: Saturday Night Live Stars?
+Eddie Murphy
+TV/Film: Say his name 3 times?
+TV/Film: Scarlett O'Hara, Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind lead character, was originally given which name?
+TV/Film: Scary Character in Silence of the Lambs?
+Hannibal lecter
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: A cult classic about a government worker obsessed with a revolutionary woman?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: A plethora of beings, including George Peppard, saves the universe?
+Battle beyond the stars
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: Flash Gordon freed the universe from Ming the ____?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: He directed 2001: A Space Odyssey?
+Stanley kubrick
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: He played the captain of the guard in Dune?
+Patrick stewart
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: He played the leader of the forest people in Flash Gordon?
+Pierce brosnan
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: In Total Recall, oppression ended when this was created on Mars?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: Movie: Starring Sigourney Weaver?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: Sci-fi thriller with Tom Selleck, Gene Simmons and Kirsti Alley?
+TV/Film: Sci-fi: Series starring Gillian Anderson?
+The X files
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: The bounty hunter killed by Han Solo in the Creature Cantina?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: The evil robot men in Battlestar Galactica were called ____?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: What 1956 low budget classic co-starred Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter?
+Invasion of the Body Snatchers
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: What did HAL say would fail in 2001, A Space Odyssey?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: What important part did Canadian Douglas Rain play in the 1968 film 2001, A Space Odyssey?
+The voice of HAL
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: What scary 1979 film co-starred Sigourney Weaver,Tom Skerrit and John Hurt?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: Who attemted to fix the antenna in 2001, A Space Odyssey?
+TV/Film: Sci-Fi: Who directed the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
+Don Siegel
+TV/Film: Seinfeld: Elaine's boyfriend with the serial killer name?
+Joel rifkin
+TV/Film: Seinfeld: George's name if he was a porno star?
+Buck naked
+TV/Film: Seinfeld: Jerry questioned if her breasts were real (actress name)?
+Teri hatcher
+TV/Film: Seinfeld: Kramer & Newman play this game of world conquest?
+TV/Film: Seinfeld: Kramer got her a pineapple Italian Ice?
+Bette midler
+TV/Film: Seinfeld: Name of the pilot they wrote for NBC?
+TV/Film: Sequels: Sequel to Die Hard was called this?
+Die harder
+TV/Film: Sequels: What was the 1980 sequel to 1977's Oh God!?
+Oh God! Book ii
+TV/Film: Sequels: What was the third film in the Oh God series called?
+Oh God!You Devil
+TV/Film: Sequels: What was the title of the 1978 sequel to the 1961 The Guns of Navarone?
+Force 10 from Navarone
+TV/Film: Sequels: What, in 1973, was the last sequel to the Planet of the Apes?
+Battle for the Planet of the Apes
+TV/Film: Series set in Honolulu starring Jack Lord as tough cop Steve McGarrett?
+Hawaii Five-O
+TV/Film: Series starring Leonard Rossiter as Rigsby?
+Rising damp
+TV/Film: Sesame Street Characters?
+Big Bird
+TV/Film: sherlock holmes: he played prof moriarty in the 1976 movie 'the seven percent solution'?
+Laurence olivier
+TV/Film: sherlock holmes: this famous thriller writer was dr watson in the '32 film the sign of four?
+Ian fleming
+TV/Film: Sidekicks: Cartoon characters: Beavis?
+TV/Film: Sidekicks: TV characters: Laverne?
+TV/Film: Sidney Poitier became the first black actor to win a Best Actor Oscar when he got the award for which film?
+Lilies of the field
+TV/Film: Silent films in Japan were narrated by live performers called?
+TV/Film: Silly comedy with Dudley Moore & Liza Minelli (freebie)?
+TV/Film: Singer made his debut in The Jazz Singer?
+Neil diamond
+TV/Film: Sitcoms: City in which Mary Richards lived?
+TV/Film: Sitcoms: He played Jonas (Skipper) Grumby?
+Alan hale
+TV/Film: Sitcoms: He played Latka Gravas (and his alter ego, Vic Ferrari)?
+Andy kaufman
+TV/Film: Sitcoms: Her character once wrote a romance novel which even included cooking recipes?
+Patty duke
+TV/Film: Sleuthing brothers played by Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson?
+Hardy boys
+TV/Film: SNL: He plays a motivational speaker who lives in a van down by the river?
+Chris farley
+TV/Film: SNL: She was Emily Litella, Baba Wawa, and Roseanne Roseannadanna?
+Gilda radner
+TV/Film: SNL: The Church Lady hosted this show where everything was special?
+Church chat
+TV/Film: Southpark: during the opening sequence who is in the top right window of the school?
+TV/Film: Southpark: how does kenny sign his name on the diaherria note?
+TV/Film: Southpark: how much does truckers special cost?
+TV/Film: Southpark: what are there a lot of in china, according to mrs. Cartman?
+Black people
+TV/Film: Southpark: what is printed on chef's apron?
+TV/Film: Southpark: what is the name of the newspaper mr garrison is reading at the quarry?
+Rocky mtn news
+TV/Film: Southpark: what letter is on everyones shirt at the Canadian football game?
+TV/Film: Southpark: what will you clean to support your drug habits if you fail the 3rd grade?
+TV/Film: Southpark: Who are floating above the South Park sign, during the opening credits?
+Terrance & phillip
+TV/Film: Southpark: who drove the red truck during officer barbrady's parade?
+TV/Film: Southpark: who is the first kid hit out in a dodgeball game?
+TV/Film: Speedy Gonzales frustrates who in the cartoon Moby Duck?
+Daffy Duck
+TV/Film: Sports Actors: Who starred as an Olympic skier in Downhill Racer?
+Robert redford
+TV/Film: Sports Actors: Who starred as boxer Rocky Graziano in Somebody Up There Likes Me?
+Paul newman
+TV/Film: Sports: After a brief NBA career, he went on to greater fame as The Rifleman?
+Chuck connors
+TV/Film: Sports: This former NFL lineman starred in the TV series Hunter?
+Fred dryer
+TV/Film: Sports: What former LA Rams great became a regular on Little House on the Prairie?
+Merlin olsen
+TV/Film: Sports: What former NFL running back became a regular on Hill Street Blues?
+Ed marinaro
+TV/Film: Star of Dances with Wolves?
+Kevin Costner
+TV/Film: Star of Erin Brockovich?
+Julia Roberts
+TV/Film: Star of Roman Polanskis Tess?
+Nastassja Kinski
+TV/Film: Star of Rosemarys baby?
+Mia farrow
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Alien Races?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: at age seven spock was betrothed to who?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: capt James Kirk had a son named?
+David marcus
+TV/Film: Star Trek: capt Picard's favorite alter-ego in the holodeck?
+Dixon hill
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Captain Edward Jellico commanded this ship in Chain of Command, Part I?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Captain James T. Kirk's Enterprise has designation NCC-1701-_?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: captain of the uss excelsior and previous helm officer of the enterprise-a?
+Hikaru sulu
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Characters (last name only)?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Data can process this many trillion operations per second?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Father of vulcan civilization and hero of spock?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: First encounter with Moriarty occurs in this episode?
+Elementary dear data
+TV/Film: Star Trek: He plays Captain Jean-Luc Picard?
+Patrick Stewart
+TV/Film: Star Trek: He plays Commander William T. Riker?
+Jonathan Frakes
+TV/Film: Star Trek: He plays Lt. Commander Data?
+Brent Spiner
+TV/Film: Star Trek: He plays Lt. Commander Worf?
+Michael Dorn
+TV/Film: Star Trek: He plays Wesley Crusher?
+Will Wheaton
+TV/Film: Star Trek: His uncle owns the bar on Deep Space Nine?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: In the film 'Star Trek first contact', when Picard shows lilly she is orbiting earth, Australia & papua new guinea are clearly visible, but which country is missing?
+New zealand
+TV/Film: Star Trek: In the original draft for the Star Trek TV series what was the name of the U.S.S. Enterprise?
+The U.S.S. Yorktown
+TV/Film: Star Trek: In the original Star Trek series, how did a salt shaker serve as a prop on early episodes?
+A medical scanner
+TV/Film: Star Trek: In the series 'voyager', who brought the ship to the gamma quadrant?
+The guardian
+TV/Film: Star Trek: In the Warp engine core, matter-antimatter annihilation is regulated by this?
+Dilithium crystal
+TV/Film: Star Trek: In what episode does Captain Kirk get married?
+Paradise syndrome
+TV/Film: Star Trek: in what episode does kirk get married?
+Paradise syndrome
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Jean ____ Picard?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Kira's home planet?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Landru's will is enforced by them?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Level ____ Diagnostic is the most comprehensive type of system diagnostics?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Name of Cirroc Lofton's character?
+Jake sisko
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Name of Colm Meany's character?
+Miles obrien
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Name of the O'Briens' son?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Name of the trill inside Jadzia?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Navigational deflector shields are generated by this?
+Main deflector dish
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Picard becomes a Borg in this episode?
+Best of both worlds
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Picard had a fling with this woman who left him for Q?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Riker has a ...twin of sorts, what is his first name?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Roles: Data?
+Brent spiner
+TV/Film: Star Trek: She carried Miles' son because Keiko could not have children?
+Major kira
+TV/Film: Star Trek: She plays Counselor Deanna Troi?
+Marina Sirtis
+TV/Film: Star Trek: She plays Dr. Beverly Crusher?
+Gates McFadden
+TV/Film: Star Trek: She plays Ensign Tasha Yar?
+Denise Crosby
+TV/Film: Star Trek: star who played an extraterrestrial in Zombies of the Stratosphere?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: The Bussard ____ scoops up interstellar gas to replenish the fuel supply?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: the enterprise-e belongs to which class of ship?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: the federation's greatest battle with the borgs took place at which star system?
+Wolf 359
+TV/Film: Star Trek: The first character from the original Star trek to make an appearance on New generation?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: The first character from TOS to make an appearance on TNG?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: The lirpa is the Vulcan equivalent to the Terran ____?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: The musical instrument Picard prizes most?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: The name of Data's cat?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: The NCC-1701D was made at which shipyard?
+Utopia planitia
+TV/Film: Star Trek: The O'Brien's daughters first name was?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: the providers live on what planet?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This character befriended Hugh...?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This character was killed by a black oil slick...?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This crystal is the only material known to be nonreactive with antimatter?
+Dilithium crystal
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This Enterprise, NCC-1701-_, is destroyed defending a Klingon outpost?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This omnipotent letter makes live interesting on the old 1701D?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This person spent a season at StarFleet Medical on earth?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This race is related to the vulcans?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This RELIC made an appearance on a New Generation in the 6th Season?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This RELIC made an appearance on a TNG ep in the 6th Season?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This small device is used for voice communications and transporter lock-ons?
+Personal communicator
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This transporter device scans matter streams for dangerous microbial patterns?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: This type of electronics is used in computer systems and networks?
+Optical electronics
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Transporter Chief with a constantly changing rank...?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Troi's Inzadi is who?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: What colour was Mr Spock's blood?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: what did the 't' stand for in captain james t. kirk?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: What does Ben Sisko toss in his office to relieve his tension?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: What does Keiko do for a living?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: What does Rom call his mother?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: What is Data's rank?
+Lieutenant Commander
+TV/Film: Star Trek: What is the registry number of the enterprise in the original Star Trek?
+NCC 1701
+TV/Film: Star Trek: What was Sisko's rank before he became captain?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: which actor portrayed mr spock, and later wrote and directed the critically acclaimed Star Trek iv?
+Leonard nimoy
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Which characters mother was a ship's captain?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Who commanded the U.S.S. Enterprise Before Capt. James T. Kirk took command?
+Captain Christopher Pike
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Who is the Chief of Engineering?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Who owned Deep Space Nine before the Federation?
+The cardassians
+TV/Film: Star Trek: who played captain james tkirk?
+William shatner
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Who played Deanna Troi in 'Star Trek The Next Generation'?
+Marina Sirtis
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Who seeks the advice of a hologram to pursue Kira?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Who was the captain of the 'Enterprise C'?
+Rachel Garret
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Whom does Worf babysit while the O'Briens are busy?
+TV/Film: Star Trek: Worf's son's name?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: 2002, name the film?
+Attack of the Clones
+TV/Film: Star Wars: character played by Hayden Christensen?
+Anakin Skywalker
+TV/Film: Star Wars: character played by Natalie Portman?
+Queen Amidala
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Characters?
+Luke Skywalker
+TV/Film: Star Wars: darth ____?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: He played Han Solo in the 'Star Wars' series?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Star Wars: In 'empire strikes back' when the ghost of obi wan kenobi said that luke was their last hope against the empire, who was yoda referring to when he said?
+Princess leia
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Name of the creature Luke fought in Jabba the Hut's place?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: name the underwater gungan city?
+Otoh gunga
+TV/Film: Star Wars: obi wan's first words to luke after being killed by darth vader?
+Run luke run
+TV/Film: Star Wars: on which moon did the ewoks live?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Original owner of C3PO and R2D2?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: the white creature which captured luke skywalker on the planet hoth?
+Wampa ice creature
+TV/Film: Star Wars: what actor supplied the voice for darth vader?
+James earl jones
+TV/Film: Star Wars: what is the name of han solo's ship?
+Millennium falcon
+TV/Film: Star Wars: what is the name of the emperor?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: what is the name of the fake rebel base which princess leia gives?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: What is the name of the planet that luke travels to, seeking yoda?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: what kind of a droid is c-3po?
+Protocol droid
+TV/Film: Star Wars: what kind of droid is r2-d2?
+Astromech droid
+TV/Film: Star Wars: what species is watto?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: What was Luke Skywalker's nickname on Tatooine?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: what was the name of the planet destroyed by the death star?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: which character does denis lawson play?
+Wedge antilles
+TV/Film: Star Wars: which planet does luke skywalker go to for his training with yoda?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who eventually delivered Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt?
+Boba fett
+TV/Film: Star Wars: who is anakin skywalker's mother?
+Shmi skywalker
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who is c3 po's sidekick?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who played Admiral Ackbar?
+Tim rose
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who played princess leia?
+Carrie fisher
+TV/Film: Star Wars: who played Queen Amidala?
+Natalie Portman
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who trained Darth Vader as a jedi?
+Obi wan kenobi
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who trained Obi Wan Kenobi as a Jedi?
+Qui-gon jinn
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who was C3P0's sidekick?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who was Luke Skywalker's trusty astromech droid?
+TV/Film: Star Wars: Who was the villain in 'Star Wars'?
+Darth vader
+TV/Film: Star Wars: who were the imperial officers mentioned in Star Wars, other than darth vader?
+Tarkin and motti
+TV/Film: Star Wars: who were the other two imperial officers mentioned in Star Wars?
+Tarkin and Motti
+TV/Film: Starfleet Commander Riker (Next Generation) plays what musical instrument?
+TV/Film: stars from guiding light continued their roles in this two-hour prime-time dramatic special (1983)?
+The cradle will fall
+TV/Film: Steve martin's cyrano was in love with this woman whose name was also the movie title. Name her?
+TV/Film: Sting and Jennifer Beals in this remake of The Bride of Frankenstein?
+The bride
+TV/Film: Studios: What Studio produced Merrie Melodies?
+Warner Brothers
+TV/Film: Studios: What Studio produced Silly Symphonies?
+TV/Film: Sylvester the cartoon cat is always trying to catch a little yellow canary, what is its name?
+Tweetie Pie
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1940s: Walt Disney's Technicolor FEATURE triumph!?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1950s: Teenage terror torn from today's headlines?
+Rebel without a cause
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1950s: The movie too HOT for words!?
+Some like it hot
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1960s: This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future?
+The graduate
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1970s: In space, no one can hear you scream?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1980s: 17 year old Marty McFly got home early last night. 30 years early?
+Back to the future
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1980s: 40 stories of sheer adventure!?
+Die hard
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1980s: I am not an animal! I am a human being!?
+The elephant man
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: A little pig goes a long way?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: A message from deep space. Who will be the first to go?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free?
+The shawshank redemption
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: Gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, pride, lust?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: In 1977, Sex was safe. Pleasure was a business. And Business was booming?
+Boogie Nights
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: In order to catch him, he must become him?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush?
+L.a. confidential
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: On the air, unaware?
+The truman show
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: Someone has taken their love of scary movies one step too far?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: The toys are back in town?
+Toy story
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: 1990s: What kind of man would defy a king?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: Alfred Hitchcock engulfs you in a whirlpool of terror and tension!?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: Frozen in the 60's...thawing spring '97, baby! Debonair. Defiant. Defrosted?
+Austin powers
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: It's nothing personal?
+Terminator 2
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: Makes Ben Hur look like an Epic?
+Monty python and the holy grail
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: What is the name of Aladdin's pet monkey?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: What was Pluto's original name?
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: What was the first full-length, live-action Disney film to receive an Oscar?
+20000 leagues under the sea
+TV/Film: Tag Lines: With love comes risk. With obsession comes...?
+TV/Film: Talking Heads concert film brilliantly shot by Jonathan Demme?
+Stop making sense
+TV/Film: Tarantino: Butch went to great lengths to obtain this item in Pulp Fiction?
+Gold watch
+TV/Film: Tarantino: Harvey Keitel had a role similar to the one he had in PF in which film?
+Point of no return
+TV/Film: Tarantino: He produced both Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction; long haired yuppy scum?
+Lawrence bender
+TV/Film: Tarantino: He provided the voice for K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 70s announcer?
+Steven wright
+TV/Film: Tarantino: Played Mr. Brown in RD; Jimmy in PF?
+Quentin tarantino
+TV/Film: Tarantino: Played Mr. Pink in RD; played Buddy Holly waiter in PF?
+Steve buscemi
+TV/Film: tarantino: pulp fiction won this award at the 1994 cannes film festival?
+Palme dor
+TV/Film: Tarantino: QT had originally planned to be which character in RD?
+Mr pink
+TV/Film: Tarantino: QT made an appearance in this film telling what Top Gun is REALLY about. :)?
+Sleep with me
+TV/Film: tarantino: qt used to refer to this film as `the reservoir film'?
+Au revoir les enfants
+TV/Film: tarantino: qt's first script that was made into a full-length film?
+True romance
+TV/Film: Tarantino: This female character is mentioned in RD and is a main character in TR?
+TV/Film: tarantino: which one of the crooks in rd refuses to leave a tip?
+Mr pink
+TV/Film: Tarantino: Who gives Clarence guidance and advice in True Romance?
+Elvis presley
+TV/Film: Television show: the comfy ____?
+TV/Film: Television shows/series or movies filmed in BC?
+TV/Film: Telly Savalas played which TV detective?
+TV/Film: The ____ Of Oz?
+TV/Film: The (then) 12 year old actress who starred in 'The Professional'?
+Natalie portman
+TV/Film: The 1974 film Lenny is about the life of which American comedian?
+Lenny bruce
+TV/Film: The 1st academy awards were presented in what year?
+TV/Film: The actor who played Captain Sisko in 'Star Trek Deep Space Nine', played ____ the 1970's series 'Spencer For Hire'?
+TV/Film: The Biz:What director was responsible for the top grossing film of the 60's?
+Robert Wise
+TV/Film: the bunkers had neighbors who got their own series. Their last name was what?
+TV/Film: The car everyone was looking for?
+TV/Film: The characters Bert & Ernie on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop & Ernie the taxi driver in what move by Frank Capra?
+Its a wonderful life
+TV/Film: The characters of homer, marge, lisa, & maggie were given the same first names as who's real life father, mother, & two sisters?
+Matt groening 
+TV/Film: The climax of what Spielberg film takes place at Devil's Tower?
+Close encounters of the third kind
+TV/Film: The Coen brothers remade which 1969 classic western film in 2010?
+True Grit
+TV/Film: The director of BIG?
+Penny marshall
+TV/Film: The director of Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark?
+Stephen spielberg
+TV/Film: the director of raiders of the lost ark?
+TV/Film: the ed ____ show?
+TV/Film: The female lead in 'The Blue Lagoon'?
+Brooke shields
+TV/Film: The female lead in tr baskin was played by what actress?
+TV/Film: The film 'Dancer in the dark' features which pop star?
+TV/Film: The film 'The Bishop's Wife' was released in what year?
+TV/Film: The film 'The Wizard Of ____'?
+TV/Film: The film 'The Wizard of Oz' was released in which year?
+TV/Film: The film Apocalypse Now was based on whose novel?
+Joseph conrad
+TV/Film: The film Casablanca starred Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman but who were the two stars originally set to star in this classic film?
+Ann Sheridan & Ronald Reagan
+TV/Film: The film chinatown was released in what year?
+TV/Film: The film MASH was set during which war?
+TV/Film: the final dance number always had lots of bubbles?
+Lawrence welk show
+TV/Film: The first ____ on tv was 'a woman to remember'. It began on the dumont tv network on february 21, 1947?
+Soap opera
+TV/Film: The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white?
+Wizard of oz
+TV/Film: The first 18 minutes of this movie is in black and white?
+Wizard of Oz
+TV/Film: The first person to interview Frank Sinatra on a TV talk show (1984)?
+Jerry lewis
+TV/Film: The Flintstones pet dinosaur was called what?
+TV/Film: The grumpy teacher in Grange Hill?
+Mr Bronson
+TV/Film: The heaviest character in Bill Cosby's repertoire?
+Fat albert
+TV/Film: The highest tv audience of nearly 140 million viewers was achieved for which broadcast?
+Superbowl xxx
+TV/Film: The hollywood version of the french hit 'les comperes' is ____ ____ , starring robin williams & billy crystal?
+Father's day
+TV/Film: The hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to ernest tubb for ____?
+TV/Film: The hospital in which the Doctor Kildare series was set?
+Blair general
+TV/Film: The housewives favorite gardener?
+Alan Titchmarsh
+TV/Film: The Jets and the Sharks are in what Oscar-winning movie?
+West Side Story
+TV/Film: The les nessman character on the tv series wkrp in cincinnati wore what in every episode?
+Band aid
+TV/Film: The line 'no soup for you, come back 1 year!' was from which sitcom?
+TV/Film: The McKenzie Brothers SCTV talk show?
+The great white north
+TV/Film: The murder weapon in the movie Basic Instinct was what?
+Ice pick
+TV/Film: The name of Dagwood Bumstead's friend & neighbor?
+Herb woodley
+TV/Film: The oldest male to win an Oscar?
+George burns
+TV/Film: The rapid flashing of what cartoon sent 618 Japanese children to hospitals with nausea and seizures?
+TV/Film: In The Simpsons, what are Lisa & Maggie's favourite cartoon characters?
+The Happy Little Elves 
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: 1990s: In 1992, which Simpson made the cover of bowling magazine?
+Homer simpson
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Bart has foiled this evil genius, Krusty's former sidekick, five times?
+Sideshow bob
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Bart Simpsons sister's name?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Before Maggie's conception, Homer quit the Power Plant to work here?
+Barneys bowlarama
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Both marge simpson and jackie kennedy have the same maiden name. what is it?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: burns' beloved teddy-bear?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: from what country is groundskeeper willie from?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: He is the driver of the mono-rail?
+Homer simpson
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Homer was committed to an insane asylum after coming to work wearing this?
+A pink shirt
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Homer works at this type of energy plant?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Homer works the night shift at this place to pay for Lisa's pony?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: How much did it cost Milhouse to buy Bart's soul?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: How much does Homer charge for eternal happiness in his telemarketing scam?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: How old are Bart and Lisa (# & #)?
+Ten and eight
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: In a fortune teller's prediction, Lisa will get engaged to this British man?
+Hugh parkfield
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: in one episode, who moved in across the street from the simpsons?
+George bush
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: In the episode when Ned's house is destroyed, what does Bart reply to him after Ned says something mean to him?
+I am shocked and appalled
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: In the opening credits, how many cars do the Simpsons have?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: In which movie was Moe in?
+Little rascals
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Lisa plays this instrument?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Marge simpson has the same maiden name as a former first lady . name the former first lady?
+Jackie kennedy
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Milhouse was the movie sidekick of what comic book hero?
+Radioactive man
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Moe makes him box against champion Drederick Tatum?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Mr. Burns runs for this office?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Principal Skinner once proposed marriage to her, the celibate Bouvier twin?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: She is the voice of Bart Simpson?
+Nancy cartwright
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: She is the voice of Lisa?
+Yeardley smith
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: simpsons creator matt groening named homer, marge, lisa & maggie after his parents & sisters, respectively. But who is bart named for?
+No one
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The babershop quartet that Homer was in?
+Be Sharp
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The barber shop quartet that Homer was in?
+Be sharp
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The first name of Homer's dad?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The name of Mr. Burns assistant?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The name of the amorous French bowling instructor who propositioned Marge?
+Jacques brunswick
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The name of the Quicki-Mart owner?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The name of the Simpsons neighbors?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The Red Hot Chili Peppers play at a benefit for him?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: The Simpsons began as cartoon shorts on what show?
+Tracey ullman show
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: WakkoJr was pleased when this Simpson character became a vegetarian?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what are the names of marge's twin sisters?
+Patty and selma
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What concert does Homer take Bart & Lisa too?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what did homer carve his chili spoon from?
+A bigger spoon
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what does apu say to every customer as they leave the kwik-e-mart?
+Thank you, come again
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what does nelson say when something bad happens?
+Ha ha
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What glass-jawed former heavyweight contender was once spoofed on The Simpsons?
+Gerry Cooney
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is apu's last name (if you get this, you're a god :)?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is apu's surname?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is bart's don named?
+Santa's little helper
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is bart's favorite comic book?
+Radioactive man
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is homer's favorite brand of beer?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What is Homers job at the nuclear power plant?
+Safety inspector
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is krusty the clowns real name?
+Herschel krustofsky
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is lisa and bart's favorite cartoon show?
+Itchy and scratchy
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is lisa's future occupation according to the cant test?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What is Mo's surname?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What is the chief of polices' name?
+Clancy wiggum
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What is the name of Mr Burns' beloved bear?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What is the name of the Simson's cat?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What is the name of the Simson's cat?
+Snowball ii
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is the school principal's full name?
+Seymour skinner
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what is the secret ingredient in a flaming moe?
+Cough syrup
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What is the Springfield equivalent of Barbie?
+Malibu stacy
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What Simpson had a crush on his/her substitute teacher?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What street do the Simpsons live on?
+Evergreen terrace
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What theme park do Marges' sisters take Bart and Lisa too?
+Duff gardens
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: what town do the simpsons live in?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What was the name of the Flanders' store?
+The leftorium
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: What were Bart's first words?
+Aye carumba
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: when marge & homer first met in high school, where were they?
+Detention room
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Which of marges' sisters has resorted to a life of celibacy?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who are the twins in Barts class?
+Sherry and terry
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: who created the simpsons?
+Matt groening
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who is Bart's teacher?
+Mrs krabappel
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: who is homer simpson's brother (first and last name)?
+Herb powell
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who is patty and Selma's favourite t.v star?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who is Radioactive Man's sidekick?
+Fallout boy
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who is the Channel 5 action news presenter?
+Kent brockman
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who is the founder of Springfield?
+Jebediah springfield
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who is the principal of the school Bart & Lisa attend?
+Seymore skinner
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who opened up Springfield Casino?
+Mr burns
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who replaced Side-show Bob?
+Side-show mel
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who shot Mr Burns?
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who shot Mr. Burns?
+Maggie Simpson
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: who was millhouse's first girlfriend(first and last name)?
+Samantha stanky
+TV/Film: The Simpsons: Who was the voice for maggies first word?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: The skipper's first & last name on 'gilligan's island' is ____?
+Jonas grumby
+TV/Film: The song 'A Whole New World' comes from which Disney film?
+TV/Film: The song 'Evergreen' features in which Barbra Streisand film?
+A star is born
+TV/Film: The story about a king who prematurely divides his kingdom between his daughters is portrayed in which film?
+King lear
+TV/Film: The Swiss Family ____?
+TV/Film: the tick: what job did arthur have before became the ticks sidekick?
+An accountant
+TV/Film: The voice for Sheriff Woody in 'Toy Story' was who?
+Tom Hanks
+TV/Film: The wartime documentaries December 7th and The Battle of Midway were directed by what famous American Director?
+John Ford
+TV/Film: The weatherman on the Today Show (prior to 1993)?
+Willard scott
+TV/Film: The Wrath of Khan was what number Star Trek movie?
+TV/Film: The year the MGM movie Wizard of Oz was released?
+TV/Film: Themes: ... in charge of our days and our night?
+Charles in charge
+TV/Film: Themes: Believe it or not, it's just me?
+Greatest American hero
+TV/Film: Themes: But those dreams have remained and they've turned around...?
+Welcome back kotter
+TV/Film: Themes: Drive! Push it to the floor till the engine screams?
+Hardcastle and mccormick
+TV/Film: Themes: Here we are, face to face, a couple of ____?
+Silver spoons
+TV/Film: Themes: High winds in northern sky will carry you away, you know you have to leave here?
+Due south
+TV/Film: Themes: I bet we've been together for a million years...?
+Family ties
+TV/Film: Themes: I've been down this road, walking the line that's painted by pride...?
+Ally mcbeal
+TV/Film: Themes: In West Philadelphia I was born and raised...?
+The fresh prince of bel air
+TV/Film: Themes: Just two good old boys, never meaning no harm...?
+The dukes of hazzard
+TV/Film: Themes: These days are ours...?
+Happy days 
+TV/Film: Themes: Well, it's a 5 o'clock world when the whistle blows...?
+The drew carey show
+TV/Film: Themes: What would you do if I sang out tune?
+Wonder years
+TV/Film: These two brothers played the title roles in the 1990 movie 'The Krays'?
+Gary & Martin Kemp
+TV/Film: This 1956 feature classic proved that Marilyn Monroe actually could act?
+Bus stop
+TV/Film: This 1960's series starred Mia Farrow & Ryan O'neal?
+Peyton place
+TV/Film: This 1983 series was cancelled and then renewed as a result of audience demand?
+Cagney and lacey
+TV/Film: This actor played Dr. Haywood Floyd?
+William sylvester
+TV/Film: This actor was a member of the sitcom, 'Night Court' & also narrated the gruesome 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre'?
+John larroquette
+TV/Film: this actress made her first million before the age of ten?
+Shirley temple
+TV/Film: This actress was a child when she starred in National Velvet?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: This actress was Miss Hungary of 1936?
+Zsa-zsa gabor
+TV/Film: This actress was Miss Hungary of 1936?
+Zsa-Zsa Gabor
+TV/Film: This Canadian actress played in superman?
+Margot kidder
+TV/Film: This Clark Gable/Claudette Colbert film kicked butt in 1934?
+It happened on night
+TV/Film: This Clark Gable/Claudette Colbert film kicked butt in 1934?
+It happened one night
+TV/Film: This comedy drama focused on a family with eight children?
+Eight is enough
+TV/Film: This comedy series won the best actor & best supporting actress Emmies in 1981 82?
+TV/Film: This comedy was the first color movie for Bob Hope?
+The paleface
+TV/Film: This dancer appeared in the film The Turning Point?
+TV/Film: This director's films include platoon, the doors & natural born killers?
+Oliver stone
+TV/Film: This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation?
+TV/Film: This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation?
+TV/Film: This excellent film received the most nominations ever?
+All about eve
+TV/Film: This failed Fox comedy starred Richard Lewis and Don Rickles?
+Daddy dearest
+TV/Film: This famous costume designer won 8 individual Oscars?
+Edith head
+TV/Film: This film from 2013 tells the story of Jeanette Francisa, a rich Manhattan socialite who falls onto hard times?
+Blue Jasmine
+TV/Film: This film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer wont he best picture Oscar for 1965?
+Sound of music
+TV/Film: This film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer wont he best picture Oscar for 1965?
+Sound of Music
+TV/Film: This film starring Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood won the best picture Oscar for 1961?
+West side story
+TV/Film: This film starring Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood won the best picture Oscar for 1961?
+West Side Story
+TV/Film: This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney?
+TV/Film: This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney?
+TV/Film: this flick swept the 1991 academy awards?
+Silence of the lambs
+TV/Film: This gangster was nicknamed 'Scarface'?
+Al Capone
+TV/Film: This is a classic film about a huge gorilla?
+King kong
+TV/Film: This is a classic film about a huge gorilla?
+King Kong
+TV/Film: This is Disney's 25th animated feature?
+Black cauldron
+TV/Film: This is the black counterpart to American Bandstand?
+Soul train
+TV/Film: This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978?
+Annie hall
+TV/Film: This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978?
+Annie Hall
+TV/Film: This movie had mira sorvino playing the role of a callgirl, in which she won an oscar?
+Mighty aphrodite
+TV/Film: this movie hero was a defender of the weak, champion of justice?
+Lone ranger
+TV/Film: This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the Californian fruit valleys?
+The grapes of wrath
+TV/Film: This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the Californian fruit valleys?
+The Grapes of Wrath
+TV/Film: This movie starring Marlon Brando won the best picture award in 1972?
+The godfather
+TV/Film: This movie starring Marlon Brando won the best picture award in 1972?
+The Godfather
+TV/Film: This movie starring sam neill won best movie in the 1993 cannes film festival?
+TV/Film: This muppet wears dark glasses & plays the saxophone?
+TV/Film: This new trendy science didn't really belong in Jurassic Park?
+Chaos theory
+TV/Film: This person has the nickname (The Fresh Prince)?
+Will Smith
+TV/Film: This private eye had a criminal fiend named Ice Pick?
+TV/Film: This producer of dynasty was inducted into the 1983 guinness book of world records as the most prolific tv producer?
+Aaron spelling
+TV/Film: This series was originally going to be called Oil?
+TV/Film: This show had two cousins named Luke & Bo?
+The dukes of hazzard
+TV/Film: This South Park character is normaly killed off in every episode?
+TV/Film: This talk show host played the role of Sofia in the Colour Purple?
+Oprah Winfrey
+TV/Film: This tv show performer was known as 'the shnozz' & ended every show with 'goodnight mrs. Calabash, wherever you are'?
+Jimmy durante
+TV/Film: This was the first 3-D film?
+Bwana devil
+TV/Film: This was the first 3D film?
+Bwana Devil
+TV/Film: This was the first cartoon talking picture?
+Steamboat willie
+TV/Film: This was the first cartoon talking picture?
+Steamboat Willie
+TV/Film: though widely perceived to be an Australian, mel gibson was born in?
+New york usa
+TV/Film: Threes Company: Chrissy won this fabulous prize in a grocery store contest?
+Turkey baster
+TV/Film: Threes Company: Jack eventually left the apartment to move in with this girl?
+TV/Film: Threes Company: Jack faked this condition after wrecking Janet's car?
+TV/Film: Threes Company: Janet became a real floozy when she got this fashion accessory?
+Blonde wig
+TV/Film: Threes Company: Janet was saving this for when she got married, but Jack destroyed it?
+Grandmothers vase
+TV/Film: Threes Company: Larry's last name was Dallas, but he wasn't a Texan. What nationality was he?
+TV/Film: Threes Company: The girls convinced Mr Roper to let Jack live with them by telling him Jack was?
+TV/Film: Threes Company: This roommate came before Terri and after Chrissy?
+TV/Film: Threes Company: Three's Company spun off this show focusing on Jack?
+Threes a crowd
+TV/Film: Threes Company: What year and make was Mr. Roper's car?
+58 chevy
+TV/Film: Threes Company: When Jack got his own restaurant, he named it this?
+Jacks bistro
+TV/Film: Threes Company: When Jack was in the military, what sport did he compete in?
+TV/Film: Threes Company: Which one of the roommates was a medical professional?
+TV/Film: Thriller:In the movie Psycho what did they use for blood in the shower scene?
+Chocolate sauce
+TV/Film: Thriller:What Hitchcock film featured sisters Marion and Lila Crane?
+TV/Film: Tim Robbins satire about a right-wing, folk singing, Senatorial candidate?
+Bob roberts
+TV/Film: Timothy Dalton starred in this flashy sci-fi film?
+Flash gordon
+TV/Film: Tippi Hedren is best known for her lead role in which film?
+The Birds
+TV/Film: To what was Spielberg referring when he said - this is the best drink of water after the longest drought of my life?
+His oscar for schindlers list
+TV/Film: To which elemetary school did TV's 'Brady Bunch' go?
+Dixie Canyon Elementary
+TV/Film: Tom Cruise and Demi Moore in a story of US Navy courtroom battle?
+A few Good Men
+TV/Film: Tom Hanks had a canine partner in...?
+Turner hooch
+TV/Film: Tom Hanks may want to forget he did this 1984 T&A comedy?
+Bachelor party
+TV/Film: Tom hanks won the 1993 academy award for his performance in what movie?
+TV/Film: Tony curtis enters the world of escapism as he ably portrays escape artist?
+Harry houdini
+TV/Film: Toons:What 1986 animated feature was directed by Don Bluth?
+An American Tail
+TV/Film: Toons:What 1986 animated feature was produced by Steven Spielberg?
+An American Tail
+TV/Film: Toons:What famous conductor participated in Disney's 1940 classic Fantasia?
+Leopold Stokowski
+TV/Film: Toons:What former TV M.A.S.H. alumnus was the voice of cogsworth in the 1991 Beauty and the Beast?
+David Ogden Stiers
+TV/Film: Toons:What toon superstar did Bob Clampett create?
+Bugs Bunny
+TV/Film: Toons:Who created toon superstar Bugs Bunny?
+Bob Clampett
+TV/Film: Toons:Who was the model for the sorcerer, Yensid, in the Sorcer's Apprentice segment of the 1940's Fantasia?
+Walt Disney
+TV/Film: Tramp was the name of what animal on the show My Three Sons?
+TV/Film: Transport: Batman and Robin drove the Batmobile. What sort of vehicle did Batgirl use?
+TV/Film: Transport: Bo and Luke Duke's car went by this name?
+General lee
+TV/Film: Transport: Michael Knight's car was named K.I.T.T., which stood for?
+Knight industries two thousand
+TV/Film: Transport: Mork's spaceship, to an earthling, appeared to be a giant one of these?
+TV/Film: Transport: Name That Show: Jerry Van Dyke is related to an automobile?
+My mother the car
+TV/Film: Transport: Name That Show: Murray, Cody, Nick & RoboBoz live on a boat & solve crimes?
+TV/Film: Transport: Name the big, black truck used to shuttle K.I.T.T. from place to place?
+TV/Film: Transport: Name the cartoon VW that was chased around by the evil Chopper Bunch?
+TV/Film: Transport: Show: Trucker drives around with chimp named after football coach?
+Bj and the bear
+TV/Film: Transport: What was the more official name of the Love Boat (prior to the name change)?
+Pacific princess
+TV/Film: Trapper John, M.D. Was a spinoff from what show?
+TV/Film: Triple Play:What historical character has been portrayed by Trevor Howard, Charles Laughton and Anthony Hopkins?
+Captain William Bligh
+TV/Film: Triple Play:What Native-American has been played bye Victor Mature,Anthony Quinn and Iron Eyes Cody?
+Crazy Horse
+TV/Film: TV Group which included Sgt. Andrew Carter and Cpl. James Kinchloe?
+Hogans heroes
+TV/Film: TV prime-time soap that took wing from a pilot called The Vintage Years?
+Falcon crest
+TV/Film: TV series about Bentley Gregg and his niece Kelly?
+Bachelor father
+TV/Film: TV show that featured a buzzer named Beulah?
+Truth or consequences
+TV/Film: TV Sitcoms (old and new)?
+Mork and Mindy
+TV/Film: TV/Casino star who wrote much poetry, including Touch Me, & Touch Me Again?
+Suzanne somers
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: A burning smell is present whenever who is nearby?
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: How many seasons did the show last?
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: So who DID kill Laura Palmer?
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: What is Kyle Mclachlan's characters full name?
+Dale cooper
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: What other movie of David Lynch's did Sherryl Lee appear in?
+Wild at heart
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: what state was twin peaks set in?
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: what was the title of the twin peaks movie?
+Fire walk with me
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: which 2 cast members dated eachother during the taping of twin peaks?
+Machlachan and fenn
+TV/Film: Twin Peaks: who played shelly johnson?
+Maedchen amick
+TV/Film: UK TV/Film: Barry Norman fronts a long-running show on which subject?
+TV/Film: uk TV/Film: what is the profession of miriam stoppard?
+TV/Film: UK TV/Film: What type of programme is Sophie Grigson most likely to present?
+TV/Film: uk TV/Film: which carol was the woman on channel four?
+TV/Film: uk TV/Film: which eamonn spoke the first words on gmtv?
+TV/Film: UK TV/Film: Which Julia reads the news for ITN?
+TV/Film: UK TV/Film: Which outspoken American interviewed the Duchess of York?
+Ruby wax
+TV/Film: UK TV/Film: Who is Mrs. Lenny Henry? (Full name)?
+Dawn french
+TV/Film: UK: What type of programme is Sophie Grigson most likely to present?
+TV/Film: UK: Who is Mrs. Lenny Henry (Full name)?
+Dawn french
+TV/Film: under what name did norma jean mortenson become famous?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: until titanic tied with 11, this film had the most academy awards?
+Ben hur
+TV/Film: Vampires: Campy flick starred George Hamilton and Lauren Hutton?
+Love at first bite
+TV/Film: Vampires: Canadian series concerning a vampire cop?
+Forever knight
+TV/Film: Vampires: Slick flick featured Keifer Sutherland and Jason Patric?
+The lost boys
+TV/Film: Vinnie Barbarino, Boom Boom, Epstein, Horshack & Arnold are from what group?
+The sweathogs
+TV/Film: Vivien Leigh- what disease killed her?
+TV/Film: Vivien Leigh's character in Gone with the Wind?
+Scarlett O'hara
+TV/Film: Voice of Jack Benny's hispanic friend Sy (Sy...Si!), his car, and Bugs Bunny?
+Mel blanc
+TV/Film: Walt Disney had wooden?
+TV/Film: Walter and john huston became the first father-and-son team to win oscars for which film?
+Treasure of sierra madre
+TV/Film: Walter Matthau starred as a slovenly sports reporter in the film The Odd Couple, what was his character name in the film?
+Oscar madison
+TV/Film: War:John Wayne starred in this 1968 Vietnam War film?
+The Green Berets
+TV/Film: War:What was Humprey Bogart's Character's name in 1954's The Caine Mutiny?
+Captain Queeg
+TV/Film: warren beatty is an la rams quarterback who dies & returns in another body?
+Heaven can wait
+TV/Film: Warren Mu=itchells famous Tv character?
+Alf garnett
+TV/Film: Was sean connery in the longest day (yes or no)?
+TV/Film: Was shirley temple 21, 25 or 29 when she made her last film?
+TV/Film: Was the lead singer of the Jefferson Starship?
+Grace slick
+TV/Film: Weekly series about a fire department rescue crew?
+TV/Film: Weight-loss guru ____ brings his fitness ideas to the little screen?
+Richard simmons
+TV/Film: Western:In what 1953 film did Alan Ladd's character beat teh gunfighter Wilson to the draw?
+TV/Film: What 'menace' had a dog named Gnasher?
+Dennis The Menace
+TV/Film: what 'pretty baby' star failed to prevent playboy press from releasing nude photos?
+Brooke shields
+TV/Film: what 1941 film featured the tune pink elephants on parade?
+TV/Film: what 1947 movie told of a woman's love for a long dead sea captain?
+The ghost and mrs muir
+TV/Film: what 1950's tv western hero often quoted shakespear?
+TV/Film: What 1951 film featured ronald reagan raising a chimp?
+Bedtime for bonzo 
+TV/Film: what 1951 film saw stanley harass and abuse his sister blanche?
+A streetcar named desire
+TV/Film: What 1954 naval court room drama co-starred Humphrey Bogart,Jose Ferrer and Van Johnson?
+The Caine Mutiny
+TV/Film: What 1960s show's original cast included Alan Reed, Jean Vander Pyl, Mel Blanc & Bea Benaderet?
+TV/Film: what 1966 1971 soap opera centered on vampires, werewolves & witchcraft?
+Dark shadows
+TV/Film: what 1968 film featured music from richard strauss's also sprach zarathustra?
+2001: a space odyssey
+TV/Film: What 1971 motorcycle flick co-starred Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda?
+Easy Rider
+TV/Film: What 1975 film co-starred Clint Eastwood,George Kennedy and ted Cassidy?
+The Eiger Sanction
+TV/Film: What 1977 movie featured a dog named Verdell?
+As good as it gets
+TV/Film: What 1981 Film co-starred Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier and Maggie Smith?
+Clash of the Titans
+TV/Film: What 1982 movie did actress meryl streep take her oscar for best actress?
+Sophie's choice
+TV/Film: what 1982 movie did meryl streep take her oscar for best actress?
+Sophie's choice
+TV/Film: what 1988 film sequel brings its characters back to earth from antarea?
+Cocoon: the return
+TV/Film: What 1990 film found Campbell Scott and cast in an emotional examination of AIDS?
+Longtime Companion
+TV/Film: What 1991 film co-starred Anjelica Huston, Christopher Llyod and Raul Julia?
+The Addams Family
+TV/Film: what 1991 film role went to kevin costner when turned down by harrison ford?
+Jim garrison in jfk
+TV/Film: what 1991 road movie was originally intended for meryl streep & goldie hawn?
+Thelma & louise
+TV/Film: What 1993 movie told the storyof jailed Irishman Gerry Conlon?
+In the Name of The Father
+TV/Film: What 1994 movie hit featured cameos by JFK, LBJ and George Wallace?
+Forrest Gump
+TV/Film: What 1995 blockbuster movie was created by the computer animation company Pixar?
+Toy Story
+TV/Film: What 1995 film co-starred Nicole Kidman as a murderous TV weatherperson?
+To Die For
+TV/Film: what 1995 movie was initially banned in malasyia because pigs are offensive to muslims?
+TV/Film: What 1995 movie's lead character tells the motel clerk he's there to drink himself to death?
+Leaving Las Vegas
+TV/Film: what 27th century species visits risa?
+TV/Film: What accessories did Wonder Woman use to deflect bullets?
+Golden bracelets
+TV/Film: What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate?
+Dustin Hoffman
+TV/Film: What actor did author Anne Rice first denounce, then praise in the role of her beloved Lestat?
+Tom Cruise
+TV/Film: what actor often plays banjo with the beverly hills unlisted jazz band?
+George segal
+TV/Film: What actor played hank williams in your cheatin' heart?
+George hamilton 
+TV/Film: what actor played john waynes son in red river?
+Montgomery clift
+TV/Film: what actor played major willie williston in steve canyon?
+Jerry paris
+TV/Film: what actor played the captain in hill street blues?
+Daniel j travanti
+TV/Film: what actor played the wizard of oz?
+Frank morgan
+TV/Film: what actor plays captain kirk from the original Star Trek?
+William shatner
+TV/Film: what actor portrayed tom jeffords in the western broken arrow?
+John lupton
+TV/Film: What actor received his mission instructions by tape recorder?
+Peter graves 
+TV/Film: What actor rides the bucking bull named sunshine in Sam Peckinpah's Junior Bonner?
+Steve McQueen
+TV/Film: What actor starred in death wish?
+Charles bronson 
+TV/Film: What actor was married to Carole Lombard between 1939 to 1942?
+Clark gable
+TV/Film: what actor won a dubious achievement award as the worst new kennedy?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: What actress did Peter Wolf marry?
+Faye dunaway
+TV/Film: what actress had made a million dollars by the age of 10?
+Shirley temple
+TV/Film: What actress has received the most Oscar nominations?
+Katherine hepburn
+TV/Film: What actress has received the most Oscar nominations?
+Katherine Hepburn
+TV/Film: what actress pitched lori davis hair products & equal in 1993?
+TV/Film: what actress played honey west in the detective series honey west?
+Anne francis
+TV/Film: What actress scored a record 12 Oscar nominations, winning first for the year 1933 and last for 1981?
+Katharine Hepburn
+TV/Film: What actress starred in the homecoming (pn)?
+Patricia neal
+TV/Film: what actress starred in the homecoming?
+Patricia neal
+TV/Film: What actress's real name was Frances Gumm?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: What actress's real name was Frances Gumm?
+Judy Garland
+TV/Film: What Adam Sandler comedy featured Bob Barker's screen debut?
+Happy Gilmore
+TV/Film: What American show centred on the Cleaver family?
+Leave it to beaver
+TV/Film: What American singer made his film debut in Cisco Pike?
+Kris kristofferson
+TV/Film: what animal character did eric knight create in 1938?
+TV/Film: What animal is Max in The Grinch who stole Christmas?
+TV/Film: what animal was first to be named in the animal hall of fame?
+TV/Film: What animal was first to be named to the animal hall of fame?
+TV/Film: What animated superhero was barely a match for powerful puss?
+Mighty mouse
+TV/Film: What anti-establishment film set in a public school had the same title as a kipling poem?
+TV/Film: what are abbott & costello's first names?
+Bud & lou
+TV/Film: what are robots called in Star Wars?
+TV/Film: What are the names of Daisy Duck's nieces?
+April may june
+TV/Film: What are the names of Donald Duck's nephews?
+Huey dewey & louey
+TV/Film: what are the surnames of the two ronnies?
+Barker & corbett
+TV/Film: What bar did Archie Bunker buy?
+Kelseys bar
+TV/Film: What BBC comedy involves an army concert party?
+It aint half hot mum
+TV/Film: What Beatles movie was untitled until John remembered a line Ringo uttered after an all night recording sessions?
+A Hard Day's Night
+TV/Film: what billy joel hit was chosen as the theme for bosom buddies?
+My life
+TV/Film: What black actor played the part of Nelson Mandela in The Long Walk to Freedom?
+Morgan Freeman
+TV/Film: What blond sex symbol of the 1990s claims to have an IQ of 154?
+Sharon Stone
+TV/Film: What boat had been wrecked resulting in the crew being marooned on Gilligans Island?
+TV/Film: What book did E.B. White base on personal experiences at his farm in Maine?
+Charlotte's Web
+TV/Film: What brand of underwear does Marty McFly wear in Back to the Future?
+Calvin Klien
+TV/Film: what breed of dog is rin tin tin?
+German shepherd
+TV/Film: What breed of dog was Lassie?
+TV/Film: What British pop star appeared in the 1970 film Performance?
+Mick jagger
+TV/Film: What Briton had two of the three number one singles issued posthumously in the U.S.?
+John Lennon
+TV/Film: What Caddyshack star spent two years as an assistant greens supervisor?
+Bill Murray
+TV/Film: What car company sponsored, but opted not to run ads during a 195 minute broadcast of Schindler's List?
+Ford Motor Company
+TV/Film: What car was used in 'Back To The Future'?
+De lorean
+TV/Film: What cartoon character had no feathers until the censors decided he 'looked naked'?
+TV/Film: What cartoon characters are at 6 flags theme park?
+Looney tunes
+TV/Film: What cartoon couple chose Las Venus for their second honeymoon?
+George & jane jetson
+TV/Film: What cartoon featured a boy with a community of tiny people living in his wall?
+The Littles
+TV/Film: what cartoon hero had this as there secret identity penrod pooch?
+Hong kong phooey
+TV/Film: What cartoon hero had this as there secret identity Penrod Ppooch?
+Hong kong phooey
+TV/Film: What cartoon mice try to take over the world from their cages in Acme Labs?
+Pinky and the Brain
+TV/Film: What cartoon show's record prime time run of 6 years was beaten in 1996 by The Simpsons?
+The Flintstones
+TV/Film: what cartoon, by greg daniels & mike judge, concerns a texas propane salesman & his somewhat functional family?
+King of the hill
+TV/Film: what character did charles bronson play in man with a camera?
+Mike kovac
+TV/Film: what character did george burns play in 'oh, god'?
+TV/Film: What character did Leonardo DiCaprio play in the movie Titanic?
+Jack Dawson
+TV/Film: what character did mclean stevenson play on tv's m.a.s.h?
+Henry blake
+TV/Film: What character had a horse named Cochise?
+Joe cartwright
+TV/Film: what child actress received a miniature oscar in 1944?
+Margaret obrien
+TV/Film: what city do batman & robin patrol?
+Gotham city
+TV/Film: What city is home to Donald Duck?
+TV/Film: what city is the setting for the movie 'chinatown'?
+Los angeles
+TV/Film: What city's police force did Charlie Chan work with?
+TV/Film: What city's police force did Charlie Chan work with?
+TV/Film: what classic science fiction tv show hit the airwaves in 1966?
+Star trek
+TV/Film: What Clint Eastwood screen role was originally offered to John Wayne, Frank Sinatra and Paul Newman?
+Dirty Harry
+TV/Film: What color did Daniel have to paint Miagi's house as part of his training in the movie The Karate Kid?
+TV/Film: What color was Bullitt's car?
+TV/Film: What color was Bullitt's car?
+TV/Film: what colour was c3 po the robot from Star Wars?
+TV/Film: What comic genius' wives were 16,16,20 &17 years old at the time of their marriages?
+Charlie Chaplin
+TV/Film: What comic twosome split in 1956, ten years after teaming up in Atlantic City?
+Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis
+TV/Film: what commodity is at stake in the major battles in mad max ii?
+TV/Film: What company did the Taxi gang work for?
+Sunshine cab co
+TV/Film: what company was the original sponsor of tv's superman?
+TV/Film: what computer animated animals warmed hearts in coca cola's always ads in the mid 1990's?
+Polar bears
+TV/Film: What country was the setting for 'The King & I'?
+TV/Film: what country was the setting for the telemovie shogun?
+TV/Film: what country was the setting of the john wayne film the quiet man?
+TV/Film: What country was the setting of You Only Live Twice?
+TV/Film: what cowboy did william boyd play?
+Hopalong cassidy
+TV/Film: what cowboy rode trigger in the movies?
+Roy rogers
+TV/Film: what cowboy taught president sukarno's son how to twirl a six shooter?
+Roy rogers
+TV/Film: What David Lynch movie did a few filmgoers attend expecting to see Bobby Vinton's life story?
+Blue Velvet.
+TV/Film: what day was circus day on the mickey mouse club?
+TV/Film: what designation appears on entertainment tonight microphones?
+TV/Film: What detective duo was featured in Mystery at Devil's Paw?
+TV/Film: what detective duo was featured in mystery at devil's paw?
+The hardy boys
+TV/Film: What did Ben Calhoun win in a poker hand in the western 'The Iron Horse'?
+TV/Film: what did disney turn tommy kirk into in 1959?
+The shaggy dog
+TV/Film: What did Dorothy's house land on in 'The Wizard Of Oz'?
+The Wicked Witch of the West
+TV/Film: What did Dr. David Banner become when he got angry?
+The Incredible Hulk
+TV/Film: What did Jeremy Boob, Ph.D., use to fix the sub's prop, enabling the Fab Four to escape the Blue Meanies in the 1968 cartoon fantasy Yellow Submarine?
+Bubble gum
+TV/Film: What did Mrs. Robinson (Swiss Family Robinson) say the island lacked?
+TV/Film: what did the corpse make a chilling leap out of in the texas chainsaw massacre?
+A freezer
+TV/Film: What did TVs IMF stand for?
+Impossible mission forces
+TV/Film: What director earned a bronze Star and a purple Heart during his tour of duty in Vietnam?
+Oliver Stone
+TV/Film: What director made one silent and one sound version of the Ten Commandments?
+Cecil b. demille
+TV/Film: what director of comedy films was one of the creators of get smart?
+Mel brooks
+TV/Film: What Disney character shares his name with a planet?
+TV/Film: What do Dr. Elrich's Magic Bullet (1938), Panic in the Street (1950) & Longtime Companion(1990) have in common?
+Diseases were the theme
+TV/Film: What does 'Rizzo tell 'Kenickie she isn't at the end of the movie Grease?
+TV/Film: what does `the cherry orchard' have in common with old editions of `startrek'?
+Mr checkhov
+TV/Film: What does ALF stand for?
+Alien Life Form
+TV/Film: what does clark kent do when he rushes in to telephone booths?
+Changes into superman
+TV/Film: What does M.A.S.H stand for?
+Mobile army surgical hospital
+TV/Film: what does mel blanc's headstone say?
+That's all folks
+TV/Film: what does mork's finger do after drinking orange juice?
+TV/Film: What does Mr. Spock of Star Trek have to have every seven years?
+TV/Film: What does the statue of Oscar stand on?
+A reel of film
+TV/Film: What does the statue of Oscar stand on?
+A Reel of Film
+TV/Film: What does the title of the TV show C.S.I. stand for?
+Crime Scene Investigation
+TV/Film: what embarrassing problem did tammy fae bakker have to overcome in the 60s?
+Bed wetting
+TV/Film: What enduring daytime soap featured Kevin Kline, Don Knotts and Susan Sarandon?
+Search for Tomorrow
+TV/Film: what entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving?
+Michael jackson
+TV/Film: What episode ended wesley's regular appearances?
+Final mission
+TV/Film: What famed 1936 war novel mentions the Tarleton twins in its first line?
+Gone With the Wind
+TV/Film: What famous actor is listed only as 'Stud' in the credits for the 1970 film, 'Myra Breckinridge'?
+Tom selleck
+TV/Film: what famous actor's middle name was deforest?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: What famous actress provided the voice for Maggie Simpson's first words?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: what famous athlete appeared in the towering inferno?
+Oj simpson
+TV/Film: what famous comedian died at christmas in 1977?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: what famous film did actor bela lugosi not finish filming due to his death?
+TV/Film: What famous former Star Trek actor directed Three Men and a Baby?
+Leonard Nimoy
+TV/Film: what fictional doctor talks to the animals?
+Doctor dolittle
+TV/Film: what film & sequel both won the best picture oscar?
+The godfather
+TV/Film: what film did art carney win the 1974 best actor oscar for?
+Harry & tonto
+TV/Film: What film did Frank Sinatra play a drug addict in?
+The man with the golden gun
+TV/Film: What film did John Wayne win his only Oscar for?
+True grit
+TV/Film: What film did John Wayne win his only Oscar for?
+True Grit
+TV/Film: what film did paul newman play fast eddie felson in?
+TV/Film: What film featured a cat named Mr. Bigglesworth?
+Austin powers
+TV/Film: What film featured a character named Kid Shelleen?
+Cat ballou
+TV/Film: what film featured jack nicholson as a Los Angeles private eye?
+TV/Film: what film featured the search for the perfect wave?
+The endless summer
+TV/Film: What film found Bruce Willis at 'Flotsam Paradise'?
+Fifth element
+TV/Film: what film has zero mostel and gene wilder trying to mastermind a broadway flop?
+The producers
+TV/Film: What film holds the record for the most academy awards won, with 11?
+Ben hur
+TV/Film: what film introduced the song the first time ever i saw your face?
+Play misty for me
+TV/Film: What film is generally considered the worst film ever made?
+Attack of the killer tomatoes
+TV/Film: what film launched marlene dietrich?
+The blue angel
+TV/Film: What film marked James Cagney's return to the screen after 20 years?
+TV/Film: what film marked robert redford's directorial debut?
+Ordinary people
+TV/Film: What film saw Burt reynolds ride in a canoe with a broken leg?
+TV/Film: What film star began life in England as Archibald Leach?
+Cary grant
+TV/Film: What film starred Drew Barrymore, Mary Louise Parker, & Matthew McConaughney?
+Boys on the side
+TV/Film: What film starred Helen Hunt, Cary Elwes and Bill Paxton?
+TV/Film: what film starred james brolin & margot kidder?
+Amityville horror
+TV/Film: What film starred Rosie O'Donnell, Rita Wilson and Meg Ryan?
+Sleepless in Seattle
+TV/Film: What film starring Jane Fonda has Duran Duran as the villian?
+TV/Film: What film used 250,000 extras for a funeral scene?
+TV/Film: What film was Clint Eastwood's first as a director?
+Play misty for me 
+TV/Film: what film was inspired by daniel keyes's novel flowers for algernon?
+TV/Film: what film were the hills alive in?
+Sound of music
+TV/Film: what film won the best motion picture oscar in 1950?
+All about eve
+TV/Film: what film won the best motion picture oscar in 1956?
+Around the world in 80 days
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1927/1928 1st Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1928/1929 2nd Academy Awards?
+The broadway melody
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1929/1930 3rd Academy Awards?
+All quiet on the western front
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1934 7th Academy Awards?
+It happened one night
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1935 8th Academy Awards?
+Mutiny on the bounty (1935)
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1936 9th Academy Awards?
+The great ziegfeld
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1937 10th Academy Awards?
+The life of emile zola
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1938 11th Academy Awards?
+You can't take it with you
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1939 12th Academy Awards?
+Gone with the wind
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1940 13th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1941 14th Academy Awards?
+How green was my valley
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1942 15th Academy Awards?
+Mrs. miniver
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1943 16th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1944 17th Academy Awards?
+Going my way
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1945 18th Academy Awards?
+The lost weekend
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1946 19th Academy Awards?
+The best years of our lives
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1947 20th Academy Awards?
+Gentleman's agreement
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1948 21st Academy Awards?
+Hamlet (1948)
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1949 22nd Academy Awards?
+All the king's men
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1950 23rd Academy Awards?
+All about eve
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1951 24th Academy Awards?
+An American in paris
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1952 25th Academy Awards?
+The greatest show on earth
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1953 26th Academy Awards?
+From here to eternity
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1954 27th Academy Awards?
+On the waterfront
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1955 28th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1956 29th Academy Awards?
+Around the world in 80 days
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1957 30th Academy Awards?
+The bridge on the river kwai
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1958 31st Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1959 32nd Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1960 33rd Academy Awards?
+The apartment
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1961 34th Academy Awards?
+West side story
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1962 35th Academy Awards?
+Lawrence of arabia
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1963 36th Academy Awards?
+Tom jones
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1964 37th Academy Awards?
+My fair lady
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1965 38th Academy Awards?
+The sound of music
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1966 39th Academy Awards?
+A man for all seasons
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1967 40th Academy Awards?
+In the heat of the night
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1968 41st Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1969 42nd Academy Awards?
+Midnight cowboy
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1970 43rd Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1971 44th Academy Awards?
+The french connection
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1972 45th Academy Awards?
+The godfather
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1973 46th Academy Awards?
+The sting
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1974 47th Academy Awards?
+The godfather part ii
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1975 48th Academy Awards?
+One flew over the cuckoo's nest
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1976 49th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1977 50th Academy Awards?
+Annie hall
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1978 51st Academy Awards?
+The deer hunter
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1979 52nd Academy Awards?
+Kramer vs. kramer
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1980 53rd Academy Awards?
+Ordinary people
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1981 54th Academy Awards?
+Chariots of fire
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1982 55th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1983 56th Academy Awards?
+Terms of endearment
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1984 57th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1985 58th Academy Awards?
+Out of africa
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1986 59th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1987 60th Academy Awards?
+The last emperor
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1988 61st Academy Awards?
+Rain man
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1989 62nd Academy Awards?
+Driving miss daisy
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1990 63rd Academy Awards?
+Dances with wolves
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1991 64th Academy Awards?
+The silence of the lambs
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1992 65th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1993 66th Academy Awards?
+Schindler's list
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1994 67th Academy Awards?
+Forrest gump
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1995 68th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1996 69th Academy Awards?
+The English patient
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1997 70th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1998 71st Academy Awards?
+Shakespeare in love
+TV/Film: what film: harrison ford, sean young, rutger hauer?
+TV/Film: what film: kurt russell, val kilmer, michael biehn?
+TV/Film: what film's climax takes place on the face of mount rushmore?
+North by northwest
+TV/Film: What former US vice president was the title star of Meet the Veep?
+Alben w barkley
+TV/Film: What George Lucas film, made for $750,000 is considered the most profitable movie in Hollywood history?
+American Graffiti
+TV/Film: what georgia town did scarlett o'hara condemn as being full of pushy people?
+TV/Film: What German well known actress could only be lulled to sleep by a sardine and onion sandwich on rye?
+Marlene Dietrich
+TV/Film: What good is sitting/alone in your room Come! Hear the music play!?
+TV/Film: What gossipy talk show host once had a late night program on Fox?
+Joan rivers
+TV/Film: what happened on screen for the first time in india in 1977?
+Screen kiss
+TV/Film: What have actors and actresses George Lucas, Marlon Brando, Hedy Lamarr, and Jamie Lee Curtis all done?
+Patented Inventions
+TV/Film: What host won emmy's for being the quizmaster on the $100,000 Pyramid?
+Dick clark 
+TV/Film: what housewife once portrayed a deep throated nurse?
+Linda lovelace
+TV/Film: What illness disabled the flight crew in the movie Airplane?
+Food poisoning
+TV/Film: What is Batman's aircraft called?
+TV/Film: What is Batman's car called?
+TV/Film: what is cornelius mcgillicuddy's stage name?
+Connie mack
+TV/Film: What is Donald Duck's middle name?
+TV/Film: What is Dot Cotton' ex husband called?
+TV/Film: What is E.T. famous for saying?
+E.t. phone home
+TV/Film: what is grampa simpsons first name?
+TV/Film: What is Hawkeye's full name in M.A.S.H?
+Benjamin franklin pierce
+TV/Film: What is Hawkeye's full name in M.A.S.H?
+Benjamin Franklin Pierce
+TV/Film: What is Hulk Hogan's real name?
+Terry Bollea
+TV/Film: What is in Mr. Spock's blood that gives him green skin?
+Traces of nickel and copper
+TV/Film: What is Kermit D Frog's girlfriend's name?
+Miss Piggy
+TV/Film: What is kermit d frog's girlfriend's name?
+Miss piggy
+TV/Film: What is Living Single star Dana Owens better known as?
+Queen latifah
+TV/Film: What is Mickey Mouse's dog's name?
+TV/Film: what is nelson eddys occupation in rose marie?
+Royal Canadian mounted policeman
+TV/Film: What is Princess Aurora's better-known name?
+Sleeping Beauty
+TV/Film: what is radar o'reilly's favorite drink?
+Grape nehi
+TV/Film: what is richie's surname in happy days?
+TV/Film: What is the American network A.B.C's full name?
+American broadcasting corporation
+TV/Film: What is the drummer's name in 'The Muppet Show'?
+TV/Film: What is the first name of Ms. Arquette, star of _Desperately Seeking Susan?
+TV/Film: What is the first word uttered in the movie Citizen Kane?
+TV/Film: What is the frog's name in 'The Muppet Show'?
+Kermit D Frog
+TV/Film: What is the frog's name in 'the muppet show'?
+Kermit d frog
+TV/Film: what is the highest number of best actors won by the same guy?
+TV/Film: What is the last name of everybody in the entire town of Rock Ridge in the movie Blazing Saddles?
+TV/Film: What is the last name of the cartoon characters Marge, Bart, and Homer?
+TV/Film: What is the name given to cheaply made westerns, filmed in Italy or Spain?
+TV/Film: what is the name of batman & robin's secret hiedout?
+TV/Film: what is the name of dr who's time machine?
+The tardis
+TV/Film: What is the name of Frank Gilroy's wife in A Country Practice?
+TV/Film: What is the name of Gary Cooper's character in Mr. Deeds Goes to Town?
+TV/Film: What is the name of Jaleel White's character in the tv series 'Family ties'?
+Steve Urkel
+TV/Film: What is the name of Owen Wilson's brother the movie star?
+Luke Wilson
+TV/Film: What is the name of Pearce Brosnan's first James Bond film?
+TV/Film: What is the name of Pearce Brosnan's first James Bond film?
+TV/Film: What is the name of South Park's animated aggressor?
+TV/Film: what is the name of the actor TV/Film: Who played cliff clavin?
+John ratzenberger
+TV/Film: what is the name of the bear from rainbow?
+TV/Film: What is the name of the cartoon show that was a spin off from Happy Days?
+The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang
+TV/Film: What is the name of the cartoon where Wile E. Coyote finally caught the road runner?
+Soup or sonic
+TV/Film: What is the name of the dinosaur monster which has appeared in many Japanese films?
+TV/Film: What is the name of the dog on Married With Children?
+TV/Film: What is the name of the Ewings ranch?
+TV/Film: What is the name of the film company owned by Speilberg,Katzenberg and Geffen?
+TV/Film: What is the name of the film in which Steven Segal's character dies?
+Executive Decision
+TV/Film: what is the name of the flintstones daily paper?
+Daily slate
+TV/Film: what is the name of the little boy in toy story (first name only)?
+TV/Film: what is the name of the movie that horace pinker appeared in?
+TV/Film: what is the name of the movie that leatherface appeared in?
+The texas chainsaw massacre
+TV/Film: What is the name of the pub in Emmerdale?
+The Woolpack
+TV/Film: what is the name of the theme song for the film 'the highlander'?
+Princes of the universe
+TV/Film: What is the name of the town that the Flintstones live in?
+TV/Film: What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio?
+TV/Film: What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio?
+TV/Film: What is the name of Tom cruise' new film?
+Minority report
+TV/Film: What is the name Ted Bulpitt's wife in Kingswood Country?
+TV/Film: what is the newspaper serving frostbite falls, minnesota, the home of rocky & bullwinkle?
+The picayune intellegence
+TV/Film: what is the real name of bo derek?
+Cathleen collins
+TV/Film: what is the registry number of the enterprise in the original Star Trek?
+Ncc 1701
+TV/Film: what is the room called where people wait before going on tv?
+Green room
+TV/Film: what is the secret agent number of james bond?
+TV/Film: What is the sequel to the film 'Every Which Way But Loose'?
+Every Which Way You Can
+TV/Film: what is the stage name of actress demetria guynes?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: what is the stage name of bernard schwartz?
+Tony curtis
+TV/Film: What is the stage name of Greta Gustafson?
+TV/Film: What is the stage name of Greta Gustafson?
+Greta Garbo
+TV/Film: what is the surname of the father & son actors lloyd, jeff, & beau?
+TV/Film: what is the third most filmed story of all time?
+Oliver twist
+TV/Film: What is Travis Bickle's occupation as played by Robert De Niro?
+Taxi driver
+TV/Film: what is wc fields' full name?
+William claude dunkenfield
+TV/Film: What is Winnie The Pooh's real name?
+Edward bear
+TV/Film: What is woody allen's real name?
+Allan konigsberg
+TV/Film: what island was the jungle home of king kong in the 1933 film?
+Skull island
+TV/Film: What James Bond flick had a Rolls Royce with the license number AU1?
+TV/Film: what james dickey novel tells the story of an ill fated canoe trip?
+TV/Film: What James Hilton effort became the first Pocket Book, in 1939?
+Lost Horizon
+TV/Film: What jazz musician got his aristocratic nickname in high school for his neat attire and fastidious manners?
+Duke Ellington
+TV/Film: What jazz style did Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie help invent?
+TV/Film: What Jerry Lewis movie was a twisted take on the Jekyll and Hyde story?
+The Nutty Professor
+TV/Film: What Julie Andrew's comedy was William Holden's last screen appearance?
+TV/Film: What kills Alex Guinness at the end of The Ladykillers?
+A railway signal
+TV/Film: What kind of animal is Hedwig who belongs to Harry Potter?
+An Owl
+TV/Film: What kind of bird is the cartoon character Tweetie Pie?
+A Canary
+TV/Film: What kind of hats did laurel and Hardy wear?
+Bowler hats
+TV/Film: what kind of machines did those magnificent men have in a well known film?
+Flying machines
+TV/Film: What ladies' man was the first person since Orson Welles to be up for four Oscars in a single year, in 1982?
+Warren Beatty
+TV/Film: what language was doctor zhivago written in?
+TV/Film: what late filmmaker was notorious for timing employees' trips to the soft drink machine?
+Walt disney
+TV/Film: What links Marilyn Monroe's roles in the following films. Right Cross (1950),O Henry's Full House (1952) and The Seven Year Itch (1955)?
+Your never told her name
+TV/Film: what lodge did fred flintstone & barney rubble belong to?
+The royal order of water buffalo
+TV/Film: what looney toons character used a univac to solve a mystery?
+Porky pig
+TV/Film: What Marlon Brando film was widely banned?
+Last Tango In Paris
+TV/Film: What martial artist warbles the theme song for Walker, Texas Ranger?
+Chuck Norris
+TV/Film: What Marx Brother's name spelled backwards is the name of a daytime talk show host?
+TV/Film: What Mayberry resident once hijacked a bull when he'd had too much to drink?
+Otis Campbell
+TV/Film: What member of the Monkees, a holdout for nearly three decades, rejoined the other geezers for a 1996 album?
+Mike Nesmith
+TV/Film: What menacing character was best friends with Tommy anderson?
+Dennis the menace 
+TV/Film: What Michelle Pfeiffer movie got a boost from the Coolio song Gangsta's Paradise?
+Dangerous Minds
+TV/Film: What model appeared topless on the self-penned 1993 novel Pirate?
+TV/Film: What Mork & Mindy vet was a regular on Hee Haw during the 1983 84 season?
+Jonathan winters
+TV/Film: what movie about military cover ups did tom cruise, demi moore, jack nicholson & kevin bacon star in?
+A few good men
+TV/Film: what movie actor is the son of actor henry fonda?
+Peter fonda
+TV/Film: what movie actress is the daughter of actor henry fonda?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: What movie are Frozone, Syndrome and Bomb Voyage from?
+The Incredibles
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Anthony Minghella win the Oscar for best Director In 1996 69th Academy Awards?
+The English patient
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Barry Levinson win the Oscar for best Director In 1988 61st Academy Awards?
+Rain man
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Bernardo Bertolucci win the Oscar for best Director In 1987 60th Academy Awards?
+The last emperor
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Billy Wilder win the Oscar for best Director In 1945 18th Academy Awards?
+The lost weekend
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Billy Wilder win the Oscar for best Director In 1960 33rd Academy Awards?
+The apartment
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Bob Fosse win the Oscar for best Director In 1972 45th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Carol Reed win the Oscar for best Director In 1968 41st Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Clint Eastwood win the Oscar for best Director In 1992 65th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: what movie did critic andrew sarris refer to as lawrence of Russia?
+Dr zhivago
+TV/Film: What Movie Did David Lean win the Oscar for best Director In 1957 30th Academy Awards?
+The bridge on the river Kwai
+TV/Film: What Movie Did David Lean win the Oscar for best Director In 1962 35th Academy Awards?
+Lawrence of arabia
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Delbert Mann win the Oscar for best Director In 1955 28th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Elia Kazan win the Oscar for best Director In 1947 20th Academy Awards?
+Gentleman's agreement
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Elia Kazan win the Oscar for best Director In 1954 27th Academy Awards?
+On the waterfront
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Francis Ford Coppola win the Oscar for best Director In 1974 47th Academy Awards?
+The godfather Part Ii
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Frank Borzage win the Oscar for best Director In 1931/1932 5th Academy Awards?
+Bad girl
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Frank Capra win the Oscar for best Director In 1934 7th Academy Awards?
+It happened one night
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Frank Capra win the Oscar for best Director In 1936 9th Academy Awards?
+Mr. deeds goes to town
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Frank Capra win the Oscar for best Director In 1938 11th Academy Awards?
+You can't take it with you
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Frank Lloyd win the Oscar for best Director In 1932/1933 6th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Franklin J. Schaffner win the Oscar for best Director In 1970 43rd Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Fred Zinnemann win the Oscar for best Director In 1953 26th Academy Awards?
+From here to eternity
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Fred Zinnemann win the Oscar for best Director In 1966 39th Academy Awards?
+A man for all seasons
+TV/Film: What Movie Did George Cukor win the Oscar for best Director In 1964 37th Academy Awards?
+My fair lady
+TV/Film: What Movie Did George Roy Hill win the Oscar for best Director In 1973 46th Academy Awards?
+The sting
+TV/Film: What Movie Did George Stevens win the Oscar for best Director In 1951 24th Academy Awards?
+A place in the sun (1951)
+TV/Film: What Movie Did George Stevens win the Oscar for best Director In 1956 29th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did James Cameron win the Oscar for best Director In 1997 70th Academy Awards?
+Titanic (1997)
+TV/Film: What Movie Did James L. Brooks win the Oscar for best Director In 1983 56th Academy Awards?
+Terms of endearment
+TV/Film: What Movie Did John Ford win the Oscar for best Director In 1935 8th Academy Awards?
+The informer
+TV/Film: What Movie Did John Ford win the Oscar for best Director In 1940 13th Academy Awards?
+The grapes of wrath
+TV/Film: What Movie Did John Ford win the Oscar for best Director In 1941 14th Academy Awards?
+How green was my valley
+TV/Film: What Movie Did John Ford win the Oscar for best Director In 1952 25th Academy Awards?
+The quiet man
+TV/Film: What Movie Did John G. Avildsen win the Oscar for best Director In 1976 49th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did John Huston win the Oscar for best Director In 1948 21st Academy Awards?
+The treasure of the sierra Madre
+TV/Film: What Movie Did John Schlesinger win the Oscar for best Director In 1969 42nd Academy Awards?
+Midnight cowboy
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Jonathan Demme win the Oscar for best Director In 1991 64th Academy Awards?
+The silence of the Lambs
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Joseph L. Mankiewicz win the Oscar for best Director In 1949 22nd Academy Awards?
+A letter to three Wives
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Joseph L. Mankiewicz win the Oscar for best Director In 1950 23rd Academy Awards?
+All about eve
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Kevin Costner win the Oscar for best Director In 1990 63rd Academy Awards?
+Dances with wolves
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Leo Mccarey win the Oscar for best Director In 1937 10th Academy Awards?
+The awful truth
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Leo Mccarey win the Oscar for best Director In 1944 17th Academy Awards?
+Going my way
+TV/Film: What movie did Mel Brooks say he wishes he'd never made, as he then became overly concerned with filling theater seats?
+Blazing Saddles
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Mel Gibson win the Oscar for best Director In 1995 68th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Michael Cimino win the Oscar for best Director In 1978 51st Academy Awards?
+The deer hunter
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Michael Curtiz win the Oscar for best Director In 1943 16th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Mike Nichols win the Oscar for best Director In 1967 40th Academy Awards?
+The graduate
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Milos Forman win the Oscar for best Director In 1975 48th Academy Awards?
+One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Milos Forman win the Oscar for best Director In 1984 57th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Norman Taurog win the Oscar for best Director In 1930/1931 4th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Oliver Stone win the Oscar for best Director In 1986 59th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Oliver Stone win the Oscar for best Director In 1989 62nd Academy Awards?
+Born on the fourth of July
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Richard Attenborough win the Oscar for best Director In 1982 55th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Robert Benton win the Oscar for best Director In 1979 52nd Academy Awards?
+Kramer vs. kramer
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Robert Redford win the Oscar for best Director In 1980 53rd Academy Awards?
+Ordinary people
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Robert Wise win the Oscar for best Director In 1965 38th Academy Awards?
+The sound of music
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Robert Zemeckis win the Oscar for best Director In 1994 67th Academy Awards?
+Forrest gump
+TV/Film: what movie did sharon stone land the lead in after it was nixed by kim basinger, ellen barkin, michelle pfeiffer & geena davis?
+Basic instinct
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Steven Spielberg win the Oscar for best Director In 1993 66th Academy Awards?
+Schindler's list
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Steven Spielberg win the Oscar for best Director In 1998 71st Academy Awards?
+Saving private ryan
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Sydney Pollack win the Oscar for best Director In 1985 58th Academy Awards?
+Out of africa
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Tony Richardson win the Oscar for best Director In 1963 36th Academy Awards?
+Tom jones
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Victor Fleming win the Oscar for best Director In 1939 12th Academy Awards?
+Gone with the wind
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Vincente Minnelli win the Oscar for best Director In 1958 31st Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Warren Beatty win the Oscar for best Director In 1981 54th Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did William Friedkin win the Oscar for best Director In 1971 44th Academy Awards?
+The french connection
+TV/Film: What Movie Did William Wyler win the Oscar for best Director In 1942 15th Academy Awards?
+Mrs. miniver
+TV/Film: What Movie Did William Wyler win the Oscar for best Director In 1946 win the Oscar for best Director In 19th Academy Awards?
+The best years of our lives
+TV/Film: What Movie Did William Wyler win the Oscar for best Director In 1959 32nd Academy Awards?
+TV/Film: What Movie Did Woody Allen win the Oscar for best Director In 1977 50th Academy Awards?
+Annie hall
+TV/Film: What movie earned Tom Hanks his third straight Oscar nomination, in 1996?
+Apollo 13
+TV/Film: What movie gave Julie Andrews the chance to portray a man?
+TV/Film: what movie has been nominated for 14 oscars?
+All about eve
+TV/Film: What movie pairs Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderas as lovers?
+TV/Film: What movie sees Elvis Presley sent to the slammer for manslaughter?
+Jailhouse Rock
+TV/Film: what movie shows robin williams lining up to buy toilet paper?
+Moscow on the hudson
+TV/Film: What movie theme was Barbra Streisand's first chart-topping single?
+They Way We Were
+TV/Film: What movie told of Ann Anderson's claim to be a Russian czars daughter?
+TV/Film: What movie's first victim was played by a skinny-dipping actress named Susan Backlinie?
+TV/Film: what movie's release coincided with protests over the three mile island incident?
+China syndrome
+TV/Film: What Multi re-made 1940 film starred Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell and Ralph Bellamy?
+His Girl Friday
+TV/Film: what multiple personality patient of the 1950s was so famous a book & a movie were made about her?
+TV/Film: What muppet co anchored a nightline show with Ted Koppel?
+Kermit the frog 
+TV/Film: What musical was named after a U S city?
+TV/Film: what mythical Scottish town appears for one day every 100 years?
+TV/Film: What nationality is Sophia Loren?
+TV/Film: What NBC sitcom once saw two if its neurotics try to pitch NBC on a sitcom about nothing?
+TV/Film: What network features programming just for children?
+TV/Film: What newspaper employs Clark Kent and Lois Lane?
+Daily planet
+TV/Film: What Nickelodeon cartoon series was named after the cartoonist's apartment manager?
+Ren & Stimpy
+TV/Film: What nickname did Spencer Tracy give to Humphrey Bogart?
+TV/Film: What night club did Ricky work at on 'I Love Lucy'?
+The tropicana
+TV/Film: What novel was the basis for the violent 1971 movie Straw Dogs?
+The Siege of Trencher's Farm
+TV/Film: what one actor provided the original voices for bugs bunny, daffy duck, barney rubble & jetsons boss cosmo spacely?
+Mel blanc
+TV/Film: what one city must a movie play in to be eligible for an oscar?
+Los angeles
+TV/Film: What Oscar-winning actress made her final appearance in the movie Nobody's Fool?
+Jessica Tandy
+TV/Film: What paper does Clark Kent work for?
+Daily planet 
+TV/Film: What part have Jeremy Irons, Lindsay Lohan and Bette Davis all played?
+TV/Film: what pbs quiz show do 8 out of 10 teachers believe to be useful in teaching geography?
+Where in the world is carmen sandiego
+TV/Film: what peculiar physical characteristic do zaldans share?
+Webbed fingers
+TV/Film: what pint sized italian actor once played guitar for joey dee & the starliters?
+Joe pesci
+TV/Film: what plane crash movie had night talk show hosts cracking cannibalism jokes?
+TV/Film: what popular youth oriented actor made a cameo appearance in Star Trek vi: the undiscovered country?
+Christian slater
+TV/Film: What pre tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired?
+War of the worlds
+TV/Film: what private eye hangs out at the kamehameha club?
+TV/Film: what profession was charlie brown's father?
+TV/Film: What Pulp Fiction star once served as Bill Cosby's stand-in on The Cosby Show?
+Samuel L. Jackson
+TV/Film: what quiz program was hosted by groucho marx?
+You bet your life
+TV/Film: What quiz show did Merv Griffin emcee in 1960?
+TV/Film: what race possesses the greatest strategic minds?
+TV/Film: what record company released the twin peaks soundtrack?
+Warner bros
+TV/Film: what repetitive movie starred bill murray & andie mcdowell?
+Groundhog day
+TV/Film: What rock star played the preacher in the film Tommy?
+Eric Clapton
+TV/Film: what rodent was banned from the soviet union by stalin?
+Mickey mouse
+TV/Film: What role did Herve Villechaize portray in Fantasy Island?
+TV/Film: What role in The Godfather did Robert De Niro test for?
+Sonny Corleone
+TV/Film: What sanitation engineer calls Baltimore his home?
+TV/Film: What Saturday Night Live cast member left in 1994 after being in a record 153 shows?
+Phil Hartman
+TV/Film: What sci-fi thriller set attendance records during the Fourth of July weekend in 1996?
+Independence Day
+TV/Film: What screen character did Peter Sellers begin playing after Peter Ustinov declined the job?
+Inspector Clouseau
+TV/Film: What screen character has played opposite Maud Adams, Claudine Anger, Kim Basinger, Britt Eklund and Ursula Andress?
+James Bond
+TV/Film: What screen character is the world's fastest ice sculptor and topiary artist?
+Edward Scissorhands
+TV/Film: what seinfeld character takes off his shirt during visits to the toilet?
+George costanza
+TV/Film: What series began as an adaptation of The Adventures of a black bag?
+Dr finlays casebook
+TV/Film: what series did chris carter produce after his wildly successful x files?
+TV/Film: what short lived series starred ice cube?
+The watcher
+TV/Film: what show did abc air when the earthquake stopped the world series?
+TV/Film: What show do Ron Howard & Erin Moran play brother & sister in?
+Happy days
+TV/Film: what show was sister bertrille in?
+Flying nun
+TV/Film: What show's characters wrecked over 300 cars during its TV run?
+The dukes of hazzard
+TV/Film: what show/game has characters such as bulbasaur & pikachu?
+TV/Film: What show/game has characters such as Bulbasaur and Pikachu?
+TV/Film: What Sinatra signature tune became Elvis Presley's best-selling posthumous hit?
+My Way
+TV/Film: what sissy spacek film climaxed at the bates high school senior prom?
+TV/Film: what sitcom character was once named toxic waste handler of the month?
+Homer simpson
+TV/Film: what sitcom did the jeffersons spin off from?
+All in the family
+TV/Film: what sitcom topped the nielsen ratings from 1971-76?
+All in the family
+TV/Film: What size crew did Captain Kirk command aboard the starship Enterprise?
+TV/Film: what smash sitcom did lisa kudrow make her tv debut on, in 1982?
+TV/Film: What soap star was originally cast as the lead in Cleopatra in 1963?
+Joan collins 
+TV/Film: What song was heard 250 different ways in a 1994 Ken Burns documentary?
+Take Me Out to the Ballgame
+TV/Film: what song was sung when hawkeye was leading the singing on a cold winter night?
+We're having a heatwave
+TV/Film: What sort of creature was Chewbacca in Star Wars?
+TV/Film: what soul great appears in the flick ski party?
+James brown
+TV/Film: What speed did Marty have to reach in order to activate the flux capacitor?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["88 miles an hour", "88 mph", "88mph"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+TV/Film: what spielberg movie ended atop devils tower?
+Close encounters of the third kind
+TV/Film: What Spike Lee movie was marketed with baseball caps bearing just one letter?
+Malcom X
+TV/Film: What spooky 1970's tv show marked steven spielberg's directorial debut?
+Night gallery
+TV/Film: What spooky star hosted the quiz show Esp?
+Vincent price 
+TV/Film: what star of mask helped found a charity for kids with cranio facial problems?
+TV/Film: what star shoots pool by holding the cue in his mouth?
+Mr ed
+TV/Film: What statuesque actress earned a living by standing still in department store windows prior to her film debut in Tootsie?
+Geena Davis
+TV/Film: What studio created the cartoon versions of Laverne & Shirley?
+Hanna & Barbera
+TV/Film: What subject teacher Chet Kincaid taught on the Bill Cosby show?
+TV/Film: what syndicated show sometimes goes by the title e t?
+Entertainment tonight
+TV/Film: What talk show hostess gave her guests the fewest opportunities to speak, according to a 1996 MSU survey?
+Oprah Winfrey
+TV/Film: what texan slammed back more bourbon & branch water than any character in tv history?
+J. r. ewing
+TV/Film: What theme is central to the movies The Lost Weekend, The Morning After and My Name Is Bill W.?
+TV/Film: What three Godfather cast members were all up for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar?
+James Caan, Robert Duvall, AL Pacino
+TV/Film: What three-word line is indispensable to Cary Grant impersonators?
+Judy, Judy, Judy
+TV/Film: what thrill flick master died at 80 in 1980?
+Alfred hitchcock
+TV/Film: What title role in a 1995 Oscar-winning movie was played by more than 40 cast members?
+TV/Film: what transporter room aboard the enterprise is chief o'brien's favorite?
+TV/Film: what trivia fact about mel blanc (voice of bugs bunny) is most ironic?
+He was allergic to carrots
+TV/Film: what tv comedian with no id card was asked to give a tarzan yell to verify her identity, at bergdorf goodman?
+Carol burnett
+TV/Film: What TV doctor battles the Daleks?
+Dr who
+TV/Film: What TV network features programming just for children?
+TV/Film: what tv series did dirk benedict star in?
+Battlestar galactica
+TV/Film: What TV series from 1970-1974 starred Susan Dey?
+Partridge Family
+TV/Film: what tv series starred six female impersonators during its 17 year run?
+TV/Film: what tv show centered around a car with a 300 mph cruising speed?
+Knight rider
+TV/Film: what tv show made henry winkler a star?
+Happy days
+TV/Film: what tv show saw robert culp wearing a nehru jacket & peace pendant?
+I spy
+TV/Film: what tv show took place at the convent san tanco?
+Flying nun
+TV/Film: what tv show when off the air when it was still #1 in the ratings?
+I love lucy
+TV/Film: what tv talker penned tell it to the king?
+Larry king
+TV/Film: what two julies won best actress oscars for 1964 and 1965?
+Andrews & christie
+TV/Film: what two seinfeld characters reversed the peepholes in their apartment doors?
+Kramer & newman
+TV/Film: What two words are normally at the end of most movies?
+The end
+TV/Film: What two words are normally at the end of most movies?
+The End
+TV/Film: What twosome starred in Raging Bull, Goodfellas and Casino?
+Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci
+TV/Film: What type of car did Emma Peel drive in The Avengers?
+Lotus Elan
+TV/Film: What type of dead parrot did John Cleese take back to the pet shop?
+TV/Film: What type of dog is Lady in the cartoon 'Lady and the Tramp'?
+Cocker spaniel
+TV/Film: What type of dog was Beethoven in the film of that name?
+St. bernard
+TV/Film: What type of fish was John Cleeses pet Eric?
+TV/Film: what type of vehicle took bj away from the 4077th for the last time?
+TV/Film: What U K comedy series was centred around Grace Bros department store?
+Are you being served
+TV/Film: What U.S. state is the setting for I Dream of Jeannie?
+TV/Film: What video, the first to cost over $150,000, helped Michael Jackson's Thriller soar?
+Beat It
+TV/Film: What wa s the name of the cook in Upstairs Downstairs?
+Mrs Bridges
+TV/Film: what war was gone with the wind about?
+Civil war
+TV/Film: What was antimatter used for on the starship Enterprise on the Star Trek TV series?
+Power the ships engines
+TV/Film: What was Archie Bunkers wife's name?
+TV/Film: what was barbara streisand's first film?
+Funny girl
+TV/Film: What was Barbra Streisands first film?
+Funny girl
+TV/Film: What was Ben Stiller's character called in 'Mystery Men'?
+Mr. Furious
+TV/Film: What was Bluto's grade point average in the film Animal House?
+TV/Film: what was bob dyer's wife's first name?
+TV/Film: What was Bugs Bunny originally known as?
+Oswald the rabbit
+TV/Film: What was Charlie Chaplins middle name?
+TV/Film: What was Citizen Kane's dying word?
+TV/Film: What was Citizen Kane's dying word?
+TV/Film: What was Coronation Stret originally going tobe called until it was realised that it sounded like a loo cleaner?
+Florizel street
+TV/Film: what was daffy ducks usual closing line?
+You're dispicable
+TV/Film: what was dirty harry's badge number?
+TV/Film: What was Eddie Murphy's character name in 'Beverley Hills Cop'?
+Axel foley
+TV/Film: What was Garth's last name in 'Wayne's World'?
+TV/Film: What was Gary Coopers last film?
+The Naked Edge
+TV/Film: what was george of the jungle always running in to?
+TV/Film: what was goldfinger's first name?
+TV/Film: what was james cagney's natural hair colour?
+TV/Film: What was John Wayne's real name?
+Marion Morrison
+TV/Film: what was keanu reeves' computer world alias in 'the matrix'?
+TV/Film: what was keanu reeves' first big film?
+Point break
+TV/Film: what was kevin bacon's first big hit?
+TV/Film: what was lestat's last name?
+De lioncourt
+TV/Film: what was lestat's mother's name?
+TV/Film: what was lucy's maiden name on 'i love lucy'?
+TV/Film: What was Mae West's last film?
+TV/Film: What was Marilyn Monroes name in Some like it Hot?
+Sugar cane
+TV/Film: what was mary ann's last name in gilligans island?
+TV/Film: What was mary ann's last name off of gilligans island?
+TV/Film: what was mickey mouse almost called?
+TV/Film: what was mickey mouse's first known as?
+Mortimer mouse
+TV/Film: what was mr. spock's blood type?
+X positive
+TV/Film: what was napoleon solos boss's name?
+Mr waverley
+TV/Film: What was Npoleon Solos boss's name?
+Mr waverley
+TV/Film: What was one of the 5 movies nominated for best motion picture in 1955?
+Mister roberts
+TV/Film: what was one of the 5 movies nominated for best picture in 1989?
+Field of dreams
+TV/Film: What was painted on Peter Fonda's helmet motorcycle helmet in 'Easy Rider'?
+Stars and stripes
+TV/Film: what was pat brady's jeep named on the roy rogers show?
+TV/Film: What was Raquel Welshs most famous movie?
+One million years BC
+TV/Film: What was Rocky's nickname in the ring?
+Italian stallion
+TV/Film: what was rocky's nickname in the ring?
+The italian stallion
+TV/Film: what was samantha & darren stevens' girl called in bewitched?
+TV/Film: what was samantha's mother's name in bewitched?
+TV/Film: what was shirley maclains first film?
+TV/Film: What was Stanley Kubrick's first film after 2001: A Space Odyssey?
+A Clockwork Orange
+TV/Film: what was stoney burke's occupation?
+Rodeo rider
+TV/Film: what was superman vulnerable to?
+TV/Film: what was supermans dog named?
+TV/Film: What was the 1993 sequel to the 1979 thriller When a Stranger Calls?
+When a Stranger Calls Back
+TV/Film: what was the andy griffith show a spin off of?
+The danny thomas show
+TV/Film: What was the Beatles first film?
+A hard days night
+TV/Film: What was the christian name of the title character in Our Miss Brooks?
+TV/Film: What was the company name that Wile E. Coyote ordered products from?
+TV/Film: what was the dog's name in the brady bunch?
+TV/Film: what was the favourite dish at mel's diner in alice?
+TV/Film: what was the favourite dish at mels diner in alice?
+TV/Film: What was the first Arnold Schwarzenegger movie to win four Academy Awards?
+Terminator 2
+TV/Film: what was the first city with more than one tv station?
+New york
+TV/Film: What was the first film directed by Robert Redford?
+Ordinary people
+TV/Film: What was the first film directed by Robert Redford?
+Ordinary People
+TV/Film: What was the first film released by Liberty Pictures?
+It's a wonderful life 
+TV/Film: what was the first film to offer viewers an intermission?
+Gone with the wind
+TV/Film: what was the first film to team jack lemmon & walter matthau?
+Fortune cookie
+TV/Film: What was the first Harry Palmer film?
+The Ipcress File
+TV/Film: what was the first movie tom cruise & nicole kidman star together in?
+Days of thunder
+TV/Film: What was the first name of Charlie Chaplin's last wife?
+TV/Film: What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll?
+American bandstand
+TV/Film: What was the first programme shown on Channel 4 on 2nd November 1982?
+TV/Film: What was the first Speilberg movie to be shot completely on soundstages?
+TV/Film: what was the first spin off in tv history?
+The andy griffith show
+TV/Film: what was the first talking picture filmed by mgm (1928)?
+Alias jimmy valentine
+TV/Film: what was the first x-rated animated cartoon movie?
+Fritz the cat
+TV/Film: What was the headline of Frank Drebin's newspaper at the beginning of the Third 'Naked Gun' series?
+Dyslexia For Cure Found
+TV/Film: what was the highest rated u.s syndicated game show in 1982?
+Family feud
+TV/Film: What was the hospital St. Eligius better known as in the title of the t.v. series?
+St elsewhere
+TV/Film: what was the inspector's name in boston blackie?
+Francis faraday
+TV/Film: What was the location of the filming for Brideshead revisited?
+Castle howard
+TV/Film: what was the magic word in mary poppins?
+TV/Film: What was the name for Tom Hanks volleyball companion in the movie 'Cast Away'?
+TV/Film: what was the name given to robin hood's men in sherwood forest?
+Merry men
+TV/Film: what was the name of archie bunker's grandson?
+Joey stivic 
+TV/Film: What was the name of Buffy's doll in the 1970's show 'Family Affair'?
+Mrs. Beasley
+TV/Film: what was the name of captain jean luc Picard's fish?
+TV/Film: what was the name of darren's boss?
+Larry tait
+TV/Film: What was the name of Diana Dors' actor husband?
+Alan Lake
+TV/Film: what was the name of dick & jane's dog?
+TV/Film: what was the name of flash gordon's girlfriend?
+Dale arden
+TV/Film: What was the name of Inspector Clouseau's manservant?
+TV/Film: what was the name of lisa's pony in the simpsons?
+TV/Film: what was the name of luke mccoy's younger brother in the real mccoys?
+Little luke
+TV/Film: What was the name of Mary Richard's boss?
+Lou Grant
+TV/Film: what was the name of morticia addams man eating plant?
+TV/Film: what was the name of mr. wilson's dog in dennis the menance?
+TV/Film: what was the name of princess leia's home planet?
+TV/Film: What was the name of Quints boat in Jaws?
+The orca
+TV/Film: What was the name of Richard Beckinsales character in Porridge?
+Lennie Godber
+TV/Film: What was the name of Ross' pet monkey on 'Friends'?
+TV/Film: what was the name of ross's pet monkey on friends?
+TV/Film: what was the name of scarlett and rhetts's daughter in gone with the wind?
+Bonnie blue butler
+TV/Film: what was the name of sherlock holmes' smarter older brother?
+TV/Film: what was the name of sky king's 1953 twin cessna airplane?
+TV/Film: what was the name of steptoe and sons horse?
+TV/Film: What was the name of the aging rock band in the 1987 series Tutti Frutti?
+The Majestics
+TV/Film: what was the name of the alligator on miami vice?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the aunt in the western 'how the west was won'?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the bartender in the tv series 'cheers'?
+Sam malone
+TV/Film: What was the name of the butler in To the manor born?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the car belonging to tom slick?
+Thunderbolt grease slapper
+TV/Film: what was the name of the car in the Stephen King movie of the same name?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the character played by antino fargas in 'starsky and hutch'?
+Huggy bear
+TV/Film: what was the name of the character played by kate jackson in the rookies?
+Jill danko
+TV/Film: What was the name of the character resembling Babe Ruth in The Natural?
+The whammer
+TV/Film: What was the name of the character that Michael Caine played in the movie Ipcress File?
+Harry Palmer
+TV/Film: what was the name of the dance company on the carol burnett show?
+Ernest flatt dancers
+TV/Film: what was the name of the dog in rca victor's trademark?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the dog in the bionic woman?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the evil oranization on get smart?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the first film where george burns played god?
+Oh, god
+TV/Film: What was the name of the first vampire to appear in buffy?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the flying nun?
+Sister bertrille
+TV/Film: What was the name of the house destroyed by fire in Gone With the Wind?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the husband of the pretty witch in bewitched?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the last film where george burns played god?
+Oh god, you devil
+TV/Film: what was the name of the oil company that bought jed clampett's oil strike?
+The ok oil company of tulsa
+TV/Film: What was the name of the pinball machine in the film 'Tommy'?
+TV/Film: What was the name of the Prison in Prisoner?
+Wentworth Detention Centre
+TV/Film: what was the name of the ranch in bonanza?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the ranch in the tv series 'bonanza'?
+TV/Film: what was the name of the ranch on the roy rogers show?
+Double r bar ranch
+TV/Film: what was the name of the six million dollar man?
+Steve austin
+TV/Film: what was the name of the two space shuttles in 'armegeddon'?
+Freedom & independence
+TV/Film: what was the number of gunther toody's patrol car?
+TV/Film: what was the real name of john wayne?
+Marion morrison
+TV/Film: what was the real name of the dolphin that played flipper in the movie?
+TV/Film: What was the Saved by the bell series with Hayley Mills originally called?
+Good Morning, Mis Bliss
+TV/Film: what was the screen name of the lead character in the untouchables?
+Elliot ness
+TV/Film: What was the second movie that Olivia Newton John and John Travolta starred in together?
+Two of a Kind
+TV/Film: what was the secret identity of captain America?
+Steve rogers
+TV/Film: what was the sequel to 'going my way'?
+The bells of st mary's
+TV/Film: What was the sequel to Gentlemen Prefer Blondes?
+Gentlemen marry brunettes
+TV/Film: What was the sequel to The Pink Panther?
+A shot in the dark
+TV/Film: What was the setting for the 1984 series Trippers day?
+TV/Film: what was the setting for the sound of music?
+TV/Film: what was the shape of lolita's sunglasses in the 1962 film?
+TV/Film: What was the subtitle of the third movie in 'The Naked Gun' series?
+The Final Insult
+TV/Film: What was the title of Speilbergs first feature movie?
+TV/Film: What was Tom Hank's profession in philadelphia?
+TV/Film: What was unusual about Derek Jarmans film Sebastiane?
+It was in latin
+TV/Film: What was used for blood in the film 'psycho'?
+Chocolate syrup
+TV/Film: What was used for riot control in the movie Soylent Green?
+The Scoups
+TV/Film: what was Walt Disney's second full length feature cartoon?
+TV/Film: What was Woody Woodpecker's hometown called?
+TV/Film: What was Yossers catchword?
+TV/Film: what watch company sponsored the first tv commercial on july 1, 1941?
+TV/Film: What were the eight film sequels released in the summer of 1989, the summer of sequels?
+Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
+TV/Film: what were the stakes between mr simmons & goldfinger in the rigged gin game?
+Five dollars a point
+TV/Film: What word was intentionally omitted from the film The Godfather?
+TV/Film: What zip code was mentioned 301 times in the first five years of Entertainment Weekly?
+TV/Film: what's ace ventura's occupation?
+Pet detective
+TV/Film: what's dr pulaski's first name?
+TV/Film: What's My ____?
+TV/Film: What's the favorite movie of rose bud?
+Citizen kane
+TV/Film: what's the first video game to become a television show?
+TV/Film: What's the first word of the most pop song titles?
+TV/Film: What's the first word uttered in Citizen Kane?
+TV/Film: what's the name of the voice over actor who played fred flintstone?
+Daws butler
+TV/Film: Whats the collective name for westerns made in Italy?
+Spaghetti westerns
+TV/Film: whats the first name of batmans butler?
+TV/Film: Whats the name of the cartoon character who lives in Jellystone National Park?
+Yogi bear
+TV/Film: Whats the name of the Wilkes plantation in Gone with the Wind?
+Twelve oaks
+TV/Film: When Buffy died what did it say at the bottom of her gravestone?
+She saved the world a lot
+TV/Film: When did the series 'Lost In Space' premier on CBS?
+TV/Film: when going on stage, actors consider it bad luck to be wished what?
+Good luck
+TV/Film: When Harry met Sally, who played Harry?
+Billy Crystal
+TV/Film: when the students in 'dead poets' society' stood on their desks & said 'o captain! my captain', who were they quoting?
+Walt whitman
+TV/Film: When was the show Leave It To Beaver first aired?
+October 4, 1957
+TV/Film: where did dorothy's house land in 'the wizard of oz'?
+On the wicked witch of the west
+TV/Film: Where did Maxwell Smart hide his telephone?
+His right shoe
+TV/Film: where did the kids sit on tvs howdy doody time?
+The peanut gallery
+TV/Film: where do the flintstones live?
+TV/Film: where do the simpsons live?
+TV/Film: Where does George Jetson work?
+Spacely space sprockets 
+TV/Film: where does lilith work?
+Boston general
+TV/Film: Where does Miss Teschmacher's mother live in the movie Superman?
+TV/Film: Where is buffy set?
+TV/Film: Where is Coronation Street based?
+TV/Film: Where is Heartbeat set?
+TV/Film: Where is the TV Series A Country Practice set?
+Wandin Valley
+TV/Film: Where is the TV Series Blue Heelers set?
+Mt. Thomas
+TV/Film: Where type of dwelling did the Swiss Family Robinson live in?
+A Tree House
+TV/Film: where was entertainer john candy born?
+Toronto, Canada
+TV/Film: where was errol flynn born?
+Tasmania Australia
+TV/Film: Where was Geoff Hamiltons BBc gardens?
+TV/Film: Where was Gomer Pyle based?
+Camp pendleton
+TV/Film: where was matt dillon the sheriff?
+TV/Film: where was riker raised?
+TV/Film: Where was the 1954 film Three coins in a fountain set?
+TV/Film: where were archie & edith bunkers chairs enshrined?
+The smithsonian institute
+TV/Film: where were donald duck comics banned because he doesnt wear pants?
+TV/Film: where were sherlock holmes' rooms?
+Baker street
+TV/Film: which 'tarzan' swimmer was the first man to swim a hundred yards in less than a minute?
+Johnny weismuller
+TV/Film: which 1959 alfred hitchcock thriller saw cary grant being chased by a crop duster?
+North by northwest
+TV/Film: which 1981 film starring dudley moore, liza minnelli & john gielgud had a theme sung by christopher cross?
+TV/Film: Which 1993 film starred Richard Attenborough?
+Jurassic park
+TV/Film: which 1999 action-comedy starred mark wahlberg and lou diamond phillips as hitmen?
+The big hit
+TV/Film: which 1999 black comedy film featuring kirstie alley and ellen barkin satirised American beauty pageants?
+Drop dead gorgeous
+TV/Film: which 1999 film starred brendan fraser as a 1920's adventurer and rachel weisz as a librarian?
+The mummy
+TV/Film: which 1999 film starring will smith and kevin kline as two u.s. marshals?
+Wild wild west
+TV/Film: which 1999 soundtrack featured melanie c solo track ga ga?
+Big daddy
+TV/Film: which 1999 viking action film starred antonia banderas as an arab poet?
+The 13th warrior
+TV/Film: Which 2011 movie tells the tale of a Hollywood stuntman played by Ryan Gosling?
+TV/Film: Which actor did Vivien Leigh marry?
+Laurence Olivier
+TV/Film: Which actor has portrayed a villain in the films Patriot Games, Goldeneye, National Treasure, and Don't Say A Word?
+Sean Bean
+TV/Film: which actor is one of the world's top professional bridge players?
+Omar shariff
+TV/Film: which actor played a young obi-wan kenobi in the Star Wars prequel, episode 1: the phantom menace?
+Ewan mcgregor
+TV/Film: which actor played nick leeson in the 1999 film about the collapse of barings bank, rogue trader?
+Ewan mcgregor
+TV/Film: which actor played the title role in the mad max series of films?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Which actor provided the baby's voice in 'Look Who's Talking'?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Which actor Reeves starred in _Bram Stoker's Dracula?
+TV/Film: Which actor was torn between Sigourney Weaver and Melanie Griffiths in working Girl?
+Harrison Ford
+TV/Film: Which actress came 3rd in the 1988 Miss World Competition?
+Halle Berry
+TV/Film: Which actress made a million by the age of 10?
+Shirley temple
+TV/Film: which actress played a gangster's moll lumbered with a little boy in the 1999 film gloria?
+Sharon stone
+TV/Film: Which actress was covered in gold paint in the 1964 Bond Movie Goldfinger?
+Shirley eaton
+TV/Film: Which actress was stabbed in the shower in Psycho?
+Janet Leigh
+TV/Film: Which actress was the first to travel with Dr Who?
+Carol ann ford
+TV/Film: Which American actress starred in the 1980 film comedy Private Benjamin?
+Goldie Hawn
+TV/Film: Which American film actor played himself in the 1955 war film biography To hell and back?
+Audie murphy
+TV/Film: which animal tv series ran for the greatest number of seasons?
+TV/Film: Which basketball star played a genie in 'Kazaam'?
+Shaquille O'Neal
+TV/Film: Which BBC comedy series starring Meera Syal satirises Asian life in Britian?
+Goodness gracious me
+TV/Film: which bbc1 police drama starred warren clarke and colin buchanan?
+Dalziel and pascoe
+TV/Film: which board game did humphrey bogart excel at?
+TV/Film: Which Bond theme was sung by Nancy Sinatra?
+You only live twice
+TV/Film: Which book did producer Kathleen Kennedy describe as - one of those projects that was so obviously a Spielberg film?
+Jurassic park
+TV/Film: which brassy liver bird is paul o grady's alter ego?
+Lily savage
+TV/Film: Which British singer recorded Elvis Presleys Suspicious Minds for the Disney film Lilo and Stitch?
+Gareth gates
+TV/Film: Which cartoon character had 3 nephews called Huey,Dewey and Louie?
+Donald duck
+TV/Film: which cartoon character lives in a dustbin?
+Top cat
+TV/Film: Which cat constantly chases Tweety Pie?
+TV/Film: which character did diana rigg play in the 'the avengers'?
+Emma peel
+TV/Film: Which character did Harrison Ford play in Star Wars?
+Han Solo
+TV/Film: Which character did Paul Eddington play in Yes, Minister?
+Jim Hacker
+TV/Film: Which character does Alwyn Kurts play in Homicide?
+Inspector Colin Fox
+TV/Film: Which Character does Carol Burns play in Prisoner?
+Franky Doyle
+TV/Film: Which character does Damian Walshe-Howling play in Blue Heelers?
+Constable Adam Cooper
+TV/Film: Which character does Don Barker play in Homicide?
+DetEctive Sergeant Harry White
+TV/Film: Which Character does Ed Devereaux play in Skippy?
+Matt Hammond
+TV/Film: Which Character does Garry Pankhurst play in Skippy?
+Sonny Hammond
+TV/Film: Which character does Gary Day play in Homicide?
+Senior Detective Phil Redford
+TV/Film: Which character does George Mallaby play in Homicide?
+Senior Detective Peter Barnes
+TV/Film: Which character does Gerard Kennedy play in Division 4?
+Detective Sergeant Frank Banner
+TV/Film: Which character does Gill Tucker play in Cop Shop?
+Constable Roy Baker
+TV/Film: Which character does Joyce Jacobs play in A Country Practice?
+Esme Watson
+TV/Film: Which Character does Ken James play in Skippy?
+Mark Hammond
+TV/Film: Which character does Leonard Teale play in Homicide?
+Detective Sergeant David Mackay
+TV/Film: Which character does Martin Sacks play in Blue Heelers?
+Senior Detective P.J. Hasham
+TV/Film: Which character does Michael Pate play in Matlock Police?
+Detective Sergeant Vic Maddern
+TV/Film: Which character does Norman Yemm play in Homicide?
+Senior Detective Jim Patterson
+TV/Film: Which character does Paul Cronin play in Matlock Police?
+Senior Constable Gary Hogan
+TV/Film: Which Character does Paul Cronin play in Solo One?
+Gary Hogan
+TV/Film: Which Character Does Paul Cronin play in The Sullivans?
+Dave Sullivan
+TV/Film: Which Character does Paula Duncan play in Cop Shop?
+Detective Danni Francis
+TV/Film: Which character does Penny Cook play in A Country Practice?
+Vicki Dean
+TV/Film: Which Character does Rod Mulliner play in Ryan?
+Michael Ryan
+TV/Film: Which character does Ross Higgins play in Kingswood Country?
+Ted Bulpitt
+TV/Film: Which Character does Shiela Florence play in Prisoner?
+Lizzy Birdsworth
+TV/Film: Which Character does Steve Bisley play in Water Rats?
+Detective Sergeant Jack Christey
+TV/Film: Which character does Syd Heylen play in A Country Practice?
+TV/Film: Which character does Terry Norris play in Cop Shop?
+Senior Sergeant Eric O'Rielly
+TV/Film: Which Character does Val Lehman play in Prisoner?
+Bea Smith
+TV/Film: Which character is is played by Richard Attenborough in the 1994 film Miracle on 34th Street?
+Santa claus
+TV/Film: Which character left buffy and now has his own hit T.V show of the same name?
+TV/Film: Which character played the drums in the Muppets?
+TV/Film: Which child star featured in Michael Jacksons black or White video?
+Macaulay culkin
+TV/Film: Which children's author wrote the screenplay of 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'?
+Roald dahl
+TV/Film: Which childrens programme featured the soup dragon, the froglets and the iron chicken?
+The clangers
+TV/Film: which city had the first movie theatre in the u.s?
+Los angeles
+TV/Film: Which classic 1939 Hollywood film derives from Maupassants Boule de Suif?
+TV/Film: Which colourful cat was sought by Inspector Clouseau?
+Pink panther
+TV/Film: which comedian produced bill cosby's first album?
+Allan sherman
+TV/Film: which comic book hero was the first to spawn a television series?
+TV/Film: Which comic character had the vital statistics 19 19 19?
+Olive oil
+TV/Film: which company produced the syndicated mouse factory series?
+Walt disney studios
+TV/Film: Which company produces the Teletubbies?
+Regdoll productions
+TV/Film: Which composer did Carl Boehm play in the filmThe Magnificent Rebel?
+TV/Film: which crimewatch presenter fronted bbc1's series 'so you think you're a good driver'?
+Nick ross
+TV/Film: which disaster movie was actually nominated for a best picture oscar?
+The towering inferno
+TV/Film: Which Disney movie features Mufasa and his brother Scar?
+The lion king
+TV/Film: Which English actress was married to Jean-Michel Jarre?
+Charlotte rampling
+TV/Film: which essex town provided the setting for channel 4's documentary series soldier town?
+TV/Film: Which ex Blue Peter presenter went on to present Songs of Praise?
+Diane Louise Jordan
+TV/Film: Which ex F1 racing driver went on to present ITVs Grand Prix Live programme?
+Martin Brundle
+TV/Film: which ex-player presented itv's football magazine series 'on the ball' with gabby yorath?
+Barry venison
+TV/Film: which famous actor is emilio estevez's brother?
+Charlie sheen
+TV/Film: which famous actor is emilio estevez's father?
+Martin sheen
+TV/Film: which famous actor is keifer sutherland's father?
+Donald sutherland
+TV/Film: which famous actor is michael douglas' father?
+Kirk douglas
+TV/Film: which famous actor is the nephew of francis ford coppolo?
+Nicholas cage
+TV/Film: Which famous actress contributed some of the vocal effects for ETs voice?
+Debra winger
+TV/Film: Which famous little tramp was born in britain?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Which famous male actor made his name in 'I Dream Of Jeannie'?
+Larry Hagman
+TV/Film: Which famous TV cartoon prehistoric family made their own movie?
+The flintstones
+TV/Film: Which female character left buffy the vampire slayer and is now a main character in angel?
+Cordelia Chase
+TV/Film: which female film personality was once imprisoned in the maximum security casa circondarialli prison in italy?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Which film actor began his climb to stardom in the TV cowboy series 'Rawhide'?
+Clint eastwood
+TV/Film: Which film brought Spielberg his second Oscar for direction?
+Saving private ryan
+TV/Film: Which film director, much admired by Spielberg,played the roles of a scientist in Close Encounters of the Third Kind?
+Francois truffant
+TV/Film: which film featured harold lloyd dangling from a clock tower?
+Safety last
+TV/Film: Which film features a group going down a really big hole to find Arne Saknussem?
+Journey to the Center of the Earth
+TV/Film: Which film features Four of the Queen's guys taking on Four of the Cardinal's guys?
+The Three Musketeers
+TV/Film: Which film has been made 58 times including cartoon,ballet, operatic, pornographic and parody versions?
+TV/Film: Which film industry brothers were Jack, Sam, Harry and Albert?
+Warner brothers
+TV/Film: Which film maker has made his home in exile in Paris after fleeing rape charges in the US?
+Roman polanski
+TV/Film: Which film preceded 'Magnum Force' and 'The Enforcer'?
+Dirty Harry
+TV/Film: which film preceded magnum force & the enforcer?
+Dirty harry
+TV/Film: Which film returned Love is All Around to the charts?
+Four weddings and a funeral
+TV/Film: which film star and opera singer was killed in a plane crash in 1947?
+Grace Moore
+TV/Film: which film star has his statue in leicester square?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Which film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer won the Oscar for best picture in 1965?
+The Sound Of Music
+TV/Film: which film won rod steiger the best actor oscar in 1967?
+In the heat of the night
+TV/Film: Which film won the best picture Oscar in 1990?
+Dances with wolves 
+TV/Film: Which films are about the Corleone family?
+The Godfather films
+TV/Film: Which great film stars last film was Cuban Rebel Girls in 1959?
+Errol Flynn
+TV/Film: Which hitchcock film is based on a novel by Daphne du Maurier?
+The birds
+TV/Film: Which holiday camp is featured in Hi de Hi?
+TV/Film: which hollywood actor combined gibraltar & a river to create his name?
+Rock hudson
+TV/Film: which hollywood actor was born stephen burton?
+Burt lancaster
+TV/Film: Which horrific film creation was activated if his name was spoken 3 times into a mirror?
+TV/Film: which is the purple teletubbie?
+Tinky winky
+TV/Film: which junior made a tv docudrama about his dad?
+Michael landon jr
+TV/Film: Which Lauren was married to Humphrey Bogart?
+TV/Film: Which little Ken Dodd characters came from Knotty Ash?
+The diddy men
+TV/Film: which liverpool and England footballer displayed his Football skills in a bbc2 series?
+Michael owen
+TV/Film: which macho actor died in 1979, his real name was marion michael morrison?
+John wayne
+TV/Film: which marx brother had real name julius henry?
+TV/Film: which marx brother had real name milton?
+TV/Film: which marx brothers real first name was arthur?
+TV/Film: which motel chain paid connie frances $2.65 million as a settlement because she was raped in one of its motels?
+Howard johnson
+TV/Film: which movie did cher, michelle pfeiffer & susan sarandon star together in?
+The witches of eastwick
+TV/Film: which movie did michelle pfeifer & george clooney star together in?
+One fine day
+TV/Film: Which Movie does Whoopi Goldberg give birth to a white child?
+Made in America
+TV/Film: which movie musical features alan arkin as a has been superhero?
+The return of captain invincible
+TV/Film: Which movie saw Sylvester Stallone sentenced to 70 years in a deep freeze?
+Demolition man
+TV/Film: which movie starred both john travolta & olivia newton john?
+TV/Film: which movie starred glenn close, jeff bridges & robert loggia?
+Jagged edge
+TV/Film: Which Ms. Turner was the speaking voice of the voluptuous Jessica Rabbit?
+TV/Film: Which National Trust Property was the location for Mr Darcys home in the BBC 1995 adaptation of Pride and Predjudice?
+Lyme park
+TV/Film: Which of speilbergs films centres on aboy living in Shanghai at the outset of WWii?
+Empire of the sun
+TV/Film: Which of The Color Purples co producers also wrote the music for the film?
+Quincy jones
+TV/Film: which of the four monkees was marcia in love with (brady bunch)?
+Davey jones
+TV/Film: which of the munsters is 350 years old?
+TV/Film: Which of the Teletubbies has a triangular antennae?
+Tinky Winky
+TV/Film: which of tom & jerry is the cat?
+TV/Film: Which Oliver Stone war film won best picture Oscar in 1986?
+TV/Film: Which Oscar winning film of the 1980s was directed by Hugh Hudson?
+Chariots of FirE
+TV/Film: Which Oscar winning song came from the film The Thomas Crown Affair?
+Windmills of your mind
+TV/Film: Which part of his body did Charlie Chaplin insure for 150,000 dollars?
+His feet
+TV/Film: which peanuts character plays the piano?
+TV/Film: Which pop star had a cameo role in Moulin Rouge?
+Kylie Minogue
+TV/Film: Which puppet was presented by Annette Mills?
+Muffin the mule
+TV/Film: Which puppets worked for International Rescue?
+TV/Film: which radio 1 dance dj was behind the album essential selection ibiza 1999?
+Pete tong
+TV/Film: which royale family actor starred as macca in the 1999 channel 4 drama 'dockers'?
+Ricky tomlinson
+TV/Film: Which sci fi film featured three robots called Huey,Louie and Dewey?
+Silent Running
+TV/Film: Which series starring Michelle Collins and Paul Kaye is set on a Scottish Island?
+Two thousand acres of Sky
+TV/Film: Which show featured Ossie the Ostrich?
+Hey Hey It's Saturday
+TV/Film: which sitcom starred jim belushi & michael keaton?
+Working stiffs
+TV/Film: which soap did rhodas husband end up on after his first prime time divorce?
+General hospital
+TV/Film: Which spaghetti western was based on the 1961 film Yojimbo by the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa?
+A fistful of dollars
+TV/Film: Which Spielberg movie featured the characters Sargeant Tree,Sitarski and Wild Bull Kelso?
+TV/Film: Which sport featured in the filmThe Stratton Story?
+TV/Film: Which Star Trek movie had 2 animals named George and Gracie (subtitle only)?
+The voyage home
+TV/Film: Which talk show host regularly had his knee felt by female guests?
+Terry wogan
+TV/Film: Which Thats Life presenter was famous for his odd odes?
+Cyril fletcher
+TV/Film: Which then-local talk show host played the role of Sophia in The Color Purple?
+Oprah winfrey
+TV/Film: which tv detective catch phrase was 'who loves ya baby'?
+TV/Film: Which tv game show was presented by Ted Rogers and gave Dusty Bin to losers?
+TV/Film: Which TV Series features Aldo Godolfus?
+Number 96
+TV/Film: Which TV Series features Det.Sgt.Vic Maddern?
+Matlock Police
+TV/Film: Which TV Series features Donald Fisher and Alf Stewart?
+Home and Away
+TV/Film: Which TV Series features Dorrie Evans?
+Number 96
+TV/Film: Which TV Series features Inspector Monica Draper?
+Blue Heelers
+TV/Film: Which TV Series features Tess Silverman McLeod?
+McLeod's Daughters
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Bridie Carter as Tess McLeod?
+McLeod's Daughters
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Fiona Spence as 'Vinegar Tits'?
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Georgie Parker as the head nurse?
+All Saints
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Gerard Kennedy and Chuck Faulkner?
+Division 4
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Gordon Piper as Bob Hatfield?
+A Country Practice
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Jack Thompson and Peter Sumner?
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars John Wood as Michael Rafferty?
+Rafferty's Rules
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Ken James and Garry Pankhurst?
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Leonard Teale and Alwyn Kurts?
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Lucky Grills?
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Martin Sacks?
+Blue Heelers 
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Paul cronin as Dave Sullivan?
+The Sullivans
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Paul Cronin as Gary Hogan?
+Solo One
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Peter Adams as Detective Jeff Johnson?
+Cop Shop
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Peter Phelps as Peter Church?
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Rod Mulliner as Michael Ryan?
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Ross Higgins as Ted Bulpitt?
+Kingswood Country
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Shane Porteous as Dr. Terence Elliott?
+A Country Practice
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Steve Bisley as Det.Sgt.Jack Christey?
+Water Rats
+TV/Film: Which TV Series stars Vic Gordon and Michael Pate?
+Matlock Police
+TV/Film: which tv series was David cassidy in?
+Partridge family
+TV/Film: Which TV Series was hosted by Johnny Young?
+Young Talent Time
+TV/Film: Which TV show had Russian spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale?
+The Bullwinkle Show
+TV/Film: Which TV Show was hosted by Uncle Norman and Joffa Boy?
+The Tarax Show
+TV/Film: which veteran actor starred as an art thief in the 1999 film entrapment?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Which was the first 'Indiana Jones' film?
+Raiders Of The Lost Ark
+TV/Film: which was the first animated peanuts tv special?
+A charlie brown christmas
+TV/Film: Which was the first film to be made in cinemascope?
+The robe
+TV/Film: Which watcher from buffy the vampire slayer now stars in Angel?
+Wesley Price
+TV/Film: which western television series saw clint eastwood rise to fame?
+TV/Film: which x files episode had the highest tv rating in the second season?
+End game
+TV/Film: Which young American actor has been diagnosed as seffering from Parkinsons disease?
+Michael J Fox
+TV/Film: who appeared in 'st. elmo's fire', 'the scarlett letter' & 'striptease'?
+Demi moore
+TV/Film: Who appeared in 'St. Elmo's Fire', 'The Scarlett Letter' and 'Striptease'?
+Demi Moore
+TV/Film: who appeared in a funny thing happened on the way to the forum (1966)?
+Buster keaton
+TV/Film: Who appears as Alan Partridge and Paul Calf?
+Steve coogan
+TV/Film: Who are Blake Carringtons two children?
+Fallon and Stephen
+TV/Film: Who are the 4 actresses who have played the March sisters in Little Women (1949)?
+Janet Leigh, Elizabeth Taylor, June Allyson, and Margaret O'Brien
+TV/Film: Who are the neighbors the Jeffersons left behind when they moved uptown?
+TV/Film: Who became a Pet Detective after shooting to fame in In Living Colour?
+Jim carey
+TV/Film: Who both directed and produced the film Citizen kane?
+Orson welles
+TV/Film: Who came out of retirement to play the role of Richrad Dreyfuss' spiritual guide in Always?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Who co hosted the Big Breakfast with Denise Van Outen?
+Johnny Vaughan
+TV/Film: Who co hosted the Big Breakfast with Johnny Vaughan?
+Denise van Outen
+TV/Film: who co-starred as gale sayers in brian's song?
+Billy dee williams
+TV/Film: who collaborated with u b lwerks in the creation of mickey mouse?
+Walt disney
+TV/Film: Who conducted the exclusive tv interview with donna rice in june, 1987?
+Barbara walters
+TV/Film: Who connects Time Team with Blackadder?
+Tony robinson
+TV/Film: who cooked for the cartwrights on the ponderosa?
+Hop sing
+TV/Film: Who coupled with the Devil and gave birth to Andrew John?
+TV/Film: who created maudie frickett?
+Jonathan winters
+TV/Film: Who created Roland Rat?
+Anne wood
+TV/Film: Who created Rosie and Jim?
+Anne wood
+TV/Film: Who created Rumpole of the Bailey?
+Sir John Mortimer
+TV/Film: who created Star Trek?
+Gene roddenberry
+TV/Film: Who danced with a mouse in the film Anchors Aweigh?
+Gene kelly
+TV/Film: Who did Burt Reynolds develop a hankerin' for on the set of Smokey and the Bandit?
+Sally Field
+TV/Film: who did charlie becker play in 'the wizard of oz'?
+The mayor of the munchkins
+TV/Film: who did frank sinatra marry in november of 1951?
+Ava gardner
+TV/Film: who did joan collins play in 'dynasty'?
+Alexis carrington
+TV/Film: Who did Larry Hagman portray in the TV series 'Dallas'?
+J.R. Ewing
+TV/Film: Who did Mark Hamill play in Star Wars?
+Luke Skywalker
+TV/Film: who did pat sajak play on the soapie 'days of our lives'?
+Kevin hathaway
+TV/Film: Who did Patrick Duffy portray in the TV series 'Dallas'?
+Bobby Ewing
+TV/Film: Who did Steve Martin marry in 1986 and divorce in 1994?
+Victoria Tennant
+TV/Film: Who did Vivian Vance play on 'The Lucy Show'?
+Vivian Bagley
+TV/Film: who died in a porsche spyder?
+James dean
+TV/Film: Who died last - Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball, William Frawley or Vivian Vance?
+Lucille Ball
+TV/Film: who directed 'e.t'?
+Steven spielberg
+TV/Film: who directed 'jurassic park'?
+Steven spielberg
+TV/Film: who directed 'schindler's list'?
+Steven spielberg
+TV/Film: who directed 'the shining'?
+Stanley kubrick
+TV/Film: who directed & starred in films such as 'the little tramp'?
+Maurice chevalier
+TV/Film: who directed gremlins?
+Joe dante
+TV/Film: who directed psycho and the birds?
+Alfred hitchcock
+TV/Film: who directed Star Trek: first contact?
+Jonathan frakes
+TV/Film: who directed Star Wars?
+George lucas
+TV/Film: Who directed the 2000 film 'Gladiator'?
+Ridley scott
+TV/Film: Who directed the classic thriller 'The Birds'?
+Alfred Hitchcock
+TV/Film: Who directed the film 'Ordinary People'?
+Robert Redford
+TV/Film: Who directed the film 'The Birds' from Daphne du Maurier?
+Alfred Hitchcock
+TV/Film: Who directed the film The Third Man?
+Carol reed
+TV/Film: Who directed the film version of Jesus Christ Superstar?
+Norman Jewison
+TV/Film: who directed the film, fame?
+Alan parker
+TV/Film: Who directed the films Bugsy Malone & Midnight Express?
+Alan Parker
+TV/Film: Who directed the Movie 'Psycho' from Robert Bloch?
+Alfred Hitchcock
+TV/Film: who directed the movie broadway danny rose?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: who directed top gun?
+Tony scott
+TV/Film: who does the voice for homer on the simpsons?
+Dan castellanata
+TV/Film: who does the voice for yoda in the Star Wars films?
+Frank oz
+TV/Film: Who first shaved his head to play Pontius Pilate in The Greatest Story ever Told?
+Telly savalas
+TV/Film: Who fronted and devised the show Its a square world?
+Michael Bentine
+TV/Film: Who got $10 million to provide the voice of a baby for a 1990 movie?
+Bruce willis
+TV/Film: Who had a thick-gummed best friend named Bubba Blue?
+Forrest Gump
+TV/Film: who had one of his nipples bitten off by an alligator while he was host of his wild kingdom show?
+Lorne greene
+TV/Film: Who has compsoed the music for the majority of Spielbergs movies?
+John williams
+TV/Film: Who has played Ken Barlow in coronation street since 1960?
+William roache
+TV/Film: Who has starred in movies by Francis Ford Coppola, Brian De Palma, Sergio Leone and Martin Scorsese?
+Robert De Niro
+TV/Film: Who hosted A Current Affair between 1988 and 1993?
+Jana Wendt
+TV/Film: Who hosted A Current Affair between 1994 and 1998?
+Ray Martin
+TV/Film: Who hosted Sale of the Century from 1980 to 1991?
+Tony Barber
+TV/Film: Who hosted Sale of the Century from 1991 to 2001?
+Glenn Ridge
+TV/Film: Who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards?
+Ellen degeneres
+TV/Film: Who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards?
+Ellen Degeneres
+TV/Film: Who hosted the Don Lane Show?
+Don Lane
+TV/Film: Who hosted the early series of The Pink Panther cartoons?
+Lenny Schulz
+TV/Film: Who hosted The Paul Hogan Show?
+Paul Hogan
+TV/Film: Who hosted The Ray Martin Show?
+Ray Martin
+TV/Film: Who hosted Young Talent Time?
+Johnny Young
+TV/Film: Who hosts Countdown?
+Richard Whiteley
+TV/Film: who introduced jack crusher to beverly?
+Walker keel
+TV/Film: Who is always trying to catch the cartoon character The Road Runner?
+Wile E. Coyote
+TV/Film: who is batman's gay offsider?
+TV/Film: Who is Cameron going to marry in Ferris Buellers Day Off?
+The first girl he lays
+TV/Film: who is David soul's famous brother?
+Robert urich
+TV/Film: who is edgar winter's famous brother?
+Johnny winter
+TV/Film: who is famous for writing 'interview with the vampire', the first book in the vampire chronicles?
+Anne rice
+TV/Film: who is featured on 1984s the best of annette?
+Annette funicello
+TV/Film: who is fred & wilma's daughter?
+TV/Film: who is judy garland's famous daughter?
+Liza minnelli
+TV/Film: Who is known as the King of chat?
+Michael Parkinson
+TV/Film: who is m's secretary?
+Miss moneypenny
+TV/Film: who is melanie griffiths married to?
+Antonio banderas
+TV/Film: who is mr. Warmth?
+Don rickles
+TV/Film: who is robert urich's famous brother?
+David soul
+TV/Film: who is schroeder's favourite composer?
+TV/Film: who is seigfelds manic neighbour?
+TV/Film: who is shirley mclean's brother?
+Warren beatty
+TV/Film: who is superman's alter ego?
+Clark kent
+TV/Film: Who is the actor brother of tom conway?
+George sanders 
+TV/Film: who is the anchorperson for channel 17 news?
+Sally vacuum
+TV/Film: Who is the fastest mouse in All of Mexico?
+Speedy gonzales
+TV/Film: Who is the fastest mouse in all of Mexico?
+Speedy Gonzalez
+TV/Film: Who is the granddaughter of playwright Eugene O'Neill?
+Geraldine Chaplin
+TV/Film: who is the hollywood star who played the most leading roles in 153 feature films?
+John wayne
+TV/Film: Who is the host of Burke's Backyard?
+Don Burke
+TV/Film: who is the lone ranger's side kick?
+TV/Film: who is the main character in 'touched by an angel'?
+TV/Film: Who is the most voluptuous female in Toontown?
+Jessica Rabbit
+TV/Film: Who is the mother of Mia Farrow?
+Maureen o'sullivan
+TV/Film: Who is the star of Crocodile Hunter?
+Steve Irwin
+TV/Film: Who is the star of the 2000 film 'The Patriot'?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: who is the super hero that runs around wearing a red cape & tights?
+TV/Film: Who is the voice of Darth Vadar?
+James Earl Jones
+TV/Film: Who is the voice of Duckman?
+Jason alexander 
+TV/Film: who is the voice of tony the tiger?
+Thurl ravenscroft
+TV/Film: who is the world's busiest man made tourist attraction named after?
+Walt disney
+TV/Film: Who is Warren Beatty's sister?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Who is Warren Beatty's sister?
+Shirley MacLaine
+TV/Film: Who killed Kenny?
+TV/Film: who leads the muppets' jazz band?
+Dr. teeth
+TV/Film: who led the mission on which lt aster died?
+TV/Film: who lives next door to the flintstones?
+The rubbles
+TV/Film: Who made his debut as a film writer and director with the 1992 film Reservoir Dogs in which he also acted?
+Quentin tarantino
+TV/Film: Who made history in 2001 when their film The wedding planner and their album were both at number one at the same time?
+Jennifer Lopez
+TV/Film: Who made nine movies with Annette Funicello?
+Frankie Avalon
+TV/Film: Who made stars of fanny brice & w.c. fields?
+Fred & ethel
+TV/Film: who made superman's costume in the adventures of superman?
+His mother
+TV/Film: Who married the actor Liam Neeson?
+Natasha richardson
+TV/Film: Who not only sang the hit song the Power Of Love for the movie Back To The Future, but also appeared in it?
+Huey lewis
+TV/Film: Who operates Orville?
+Keith harris
+TV/Film: who ordered the crew to strip down to their undies while she filmed a revealing scene for sleeping with the enemy?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: Who originally presented the Tv quiz Take your Pick?
+Michael miles
+TV/Film: who owns the licensing rights to all Star Wars merchandise?
+George lucas
+TV/Film: Who palyed M in the Bond movie Goldeneye?
+Judi Dench
+TV/Film: Who played 'banacek' in the 1970's tv series of the same name?
+George peppard
+TV/Film: Who played 'Cat' in Red Dwarf?
+Danny john-jules
+TV/Film: Who played 'Cricket Blake' in the 1960s T.V. series Hawaiian Eye?
+Connie stevens
+TV/Film: Who played 'elliot' in the film 'e.t'?
+Henry thomas
+TV/Film: Who played 'fast' eddie felson in the film 'the hustler?
+Paul newman
+TV/Film: Who played 'hawkeye' in robert altman's classic m.a.s.h?
+Donald sutherland
+TV/Film: who played 'johnny mnemonic'?
+Keanu reeves
+TV/Film: Who played 'Kookie' in the T.V. series Seventy Seven Sunset Strip?
+Ed byrnes
+TV/Film: Who played 'less nesmond' on tv's wkrp in cincinnati?
+Richard sanders
+TV/Film: Who played 'Luke Duke' on TV's 'Dukes of Hazzard'?
+Tom wopat
+TV/Film: Who played 'margaret 'hotlips' houlihan' on tv's m-a-s-h?
+Loretta swit
+TV/Film: Who played 'maxwell klinger' on tv's m-a-s-h?
+Jamie farr
+TV/Film: Who played 'norman bates' in hitchcock's classic thriller psycho?
+Anthony perkins
+TV/Film: Who played 'the holy goat and the holy spigot' vicar in he 1994 film Four Weddings and a funeral?
+Rowan Atkinson
+TV/Film: Who played 'uncle tim' in 'my favourite martian'?
+Ray walston
+TV/Film: Who played a high class prostitute in belle de Jour?
+Catherine Deneuve
+TV/Film: Who played a nearsighted neighbour in the two Ghostbusters movies?
+Rick moranis
+TV/Film: Who played Aldo Godolfus in Number 96?
+Johnny Lockwood
+TV/Film: who played alexis carrington in the tv series 'dynasty'?
+Joan collins
+TV/Film: Who played Alvy Singer in 1977 film Annie Hall?
+Woody Allen
+TV/Film: who played an indian in 'tell them willie boy is here'?
+Katharine ross
+TV/Film: Who played Andy Capp on television in 1988?
+James bolam
+TV/Film: who played andy thompson in the headmaster?
+Andy griffith
+TV/Film: Who played Angel from buffy the vampire slayer and angel?
+David Boreanaz
+TV/Film: Who played Annie Walker in Coronation Street?
+Doris speed
+TV/Film: Who played Anya from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Emma Caulfield
+TV/Film: who played arthur fonzarelli in 'happy days'?
+Henry winkler
+TV/Film: Who played ashley wilkes in gone with the wind?
+Leslie howard
+TV/Film: Who played Auntie Wainwright in Last Of The Summer Wine?
+Jean alexander
+TV/Film: Who played Axel Foley's best friend in Detroit?
+Paul Riser
+TV/Film: who played babe ruth in the babe ruth story?
+William bendix
+TV/Film: Who played beretta in the tv series?
+Robert blake
+TV/Film: Who played billy the kid in the move 'young guns'?
+Emilio estevez
+TV/Film: Who played Blott in the tv version of Blott on the Landscape?
+David suchet
+TV/Film: Who played Bob Woodward in the 1976 film All the President's Men?
+Robert Redford
+TV/Film: Who played Bobby Ewing in the series 'Dallas'?
+Patrick duffy 
+TV/Film: Who played bobby ewing in the tv series 'dallas'?
+Patrick duffy
+TV/Film: Who played Bonnie in the film 'Bonnie & Clyde'?
+Faye dunaway
+TV/Film: who played bonnie to warren beatty's clyde?
+Faye dunaway
+TV/Film: Who played buffy the vampire slayer?
+Sarah Michelle Gellar
+TV/Film: Who played burt reynold's wife on evening shade?
+Marilu henner
+TV/Film: Who played capt kirk in the original Star Trek tv series?
+William shatner
+TV/Film: Who played captain james t kirk in Star Trek?
+William shatner
+TV/Film: Who played Captain Picard in Star Trek: the next generation?
+Patrick stewart
+TV/Film: who played Captain Scott in The Last Place on Earth?
+Martin shaw
+TV/Film: who played carrie?
+Sissy spacek
+TV/Film: Who played Chester in the Gunsmoke TV series?
+Dennis Weaver
+TV/Film: Who played chico in 'chico & the man'?
+Freddie prinze
+TV/Film: Who played cliff huxtable?
+Bill cosby
+TV/Film: Who played clyde to faye dunaway's bonnie?
+Warren beatty
+TV/Film: Who played colonel robert hogan on hogan's heroes?
+Bob crane
+TV/Film: Who played commander Data on Starship Enterprise?
+Brent Spiner
+TV/Film: Who played commander riker in 'Star Trek'?
+Jonathan frakes
+TV/Film: who played commander riker in 'Star Trek'?
+Jonathon frakes
+TV/Film: Who played commissioner dreyfus in the pink panther films?
+Herbert lom
+TV/Film: Who played Cordelia Chase from buffy the vampire slayer and angel?
+Charisma Carpenter
+TV/Film: Who played Cornelius in 1968 Planet of the Apes?
+Roddy McDowall
+TV/Film: Who played daniel boone on tv?
+Fess parker
+TV/Film: Who played darkness?
+Tim curry
+TV/Film: Who played Darla from Buffy the vampire slayer and Angel?
+Julie Benz
+TV/Film: Who played Dave Sullivan in The Sulivans?
+Paul Cronin
+TV/Film: Who played dawn from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Michelle Trachtenberg
+TV/Film: Who played dawson leary on 'dawson's creek'?
+James van der beek
+TV/Film: who played deanna troi in 'Star Trek the next generation'?
+Marina sirtis
+TV/Film: Who played Del boy in Only Fools and Horses?
+David Jason
+TV/Film: Who played Det.Sgt.Bluey Hills in Bluey?
+Lucky Grills
+TV/Film: Who played detective dana scully in the x files?
+Gillian anderson
+TV/Film: Who played Detective Mike Georgio in Cop Shop?
+John Orcsik
+TV/Film: Who played Detective Sergeant Glen Taylor in Cop Shop?
+George Mallaby
+TV/Film: Who played Detective Sergeant Harry White in Homicide?
+Don Barker 
+TV/Film: Who played Detective Sergeant Mick Peters in Division 4?
+Terence Donovan
+TV/Film: Who played Detective Sergeant Vic Maddern in Matlock Police?
+Michael Pate
+TV/Film: Who played detective, frank cannon, in the tv series 'cannon'?
+William conrad
+TV/Film: Who played disney's pollyanna?
+Hayley mills
+TV/Film: Who played Dorrie Evans in Number 96?
+Pat McDonald
+TV/Film: Who played Doyle?
+Glen Quinn
+TV/Film: Who played Dr Ellie Sattler in Jurassic Park?
+Laura dern
+TV/Film: Who played dr evil in the second austin powers film?
+Mike myers
+TV/Film: Who played dr frankenfurter in 'rocky horror picture show'?
+Tim curry
+TV/Film: Who played dr kildare?
+Richard chamberlain
+TV/Film: Who played Dr Leonard Gillespie in Dr Kildare?
+Raymond massey
+TV/Film: Who played dr. frank n. furter in the rocky horror picture show?
+Tim curry
+TV/Film: Who played dr. frankenfurter in the pop-culture film 'rocky horror picture show?
+Tim curry
+TV/Film: Who played Dr. Frankenfurter in the pop-culture film 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
+Tim Curry
+TV/Film: Who played Dr. Kildare?
+Richard Chamberlain
+TV/Film: Who played Dr.Simon Bowen in A Country Practice?
+Grant Dodwell
+TV/Film: Who played Dustin Hoffmans brother in the film Marathon Man?
+Roy scheider
+TV/Film: Who played Dwight D. Eisenhower in the mini series IKE?
+Robert duvall
+TV/Film: Who played eddie in 'rocky horror picture show'?
+TV/Film: Who played eddie in the pop-culture film 'rocky horro picture show?
+TV/Film: Who played Eddie in the pop-culture film 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
+Meat Loaf
+TV/Film: Who played Eddie in the Rocky Horror Picture Show?
+TV/Film: Who played Elizabeth in Lord of the Rings?
+Cate Blanchett
+TV/Film: Who played Elliot Ness in the 1987 film The Untouchables?
+Kevin Costner
+TV/Film: Who played English tutor reginald johnson in the last emperor?
+Peter o'toole
+TV/Film: Who played Erskine in Spyforce?
+Jack Thompson
+TV/Film: Who played Eth in the radio show The Glums?
+June whitfield
+TV/Film: Who played faith from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Eliza Dushku
+TV/Film: who played father in gone with the wind?
+Thomas mitchell
+TV/Film: Who played ferdinand waldo demara in the great imposter?
+Tony curtis
+TV/Film: Who played film couple 'ma and pa kettle'?
+Marjorie main and percy kilbride
+TV/Film: Who played Flint in the spy movie Our Man Flint?
+James coburn
+TV/Film: Who played folger coffee's mrs olson?
+Virginia christine
+TV/Film: Who played for Stoke City in 1931 and for England in 1957?
+Stanley matthews
+TV/Film: who played forrest gump?
+Tom hanks
+TV/Film: Who played Fred from Angel?
+Amy Acker
+TV/Film: Who played garp's mother in the world according to garp?
+Glenn close
+TV/Film: who played garth in wayne's world?
+Dana carvey
+TV/Film: who played george costanza on 'seinfeld'?
+Jason alexander
+TV/Film: who played gidget in gidget grows up?
+Karen valentine
+TV/Film: Who played Giles from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Anthony Stewart head
+TV/Film: Who played Gloria in It aint half hot, Mum?
+Melvyn Hayes
+TV/Film: who played god in 'oh god, book ii'?
+George burns
+TV/Film: Who played grandpa walton on the waltons?
+Will geer
+TV/Film: who played grandpa walton on the waltons?
+Will greer
+TV/Film: Who played Gregory in the film Gregory's Girl?
+John gordon sinclair
+TV/Film: Who played guitar on 'goodbye yellow brick road'?
+Davey johnstone
+TV/Film: Who played Gunn from Angel?
+J august Richards
+TV/Film: Who played Han Solo in 'Star Wars'?
+Harrison Ford
+TV/Film: Who played Happy Birthday for Mr. Burns?
+The Ramones 
+TV/Film: Who played harry lime in the film 'the third man'?
+Orson welles
+TV/Film: Who played harvey weskit on mr peepers?
+Tony randall
+TV/Film: Who played Henry Crun,Lance Brigadier Grytpype-Thynne and Bluebottle?
+Peter sellers
+TV/Film: Who played hopalong cassidy in the 1950's tv series?
+William boyd
+TV/Film: who played hopalong cassidy?
+William boyd
+TV/Film: Who played hot lips houlihan in the m-a-s-h movie?
+Sally kellerman
+TV/Film: Who played hot lips houlihan in the television programme mash?
+Loretta swit
+TV/Film: who played hot lips in mash?
+Loretta swit
+TV/Film: Who played igor in mel brooks' young frankenstein?
+Marty feldman
+TV/Film: who played ilsa llund laszlo in casablanca?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Who played in the film 'ragtime' after 20 years offscreen?
+James cagney
+TV/Film: Who played in the movie oscar?
+TV/Film: Who played indiana jones father?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Who played indiana jones's father?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Who played Indys love interest in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, leter to marry Spielberg?
+Kate capshaw
+TV/Film: Who played Ingrid Bergmans husband in Casablanca?
+Paul Henreid
+TV/Film: Who played inspector clouseau's deranged superior in the pink panther movie?
+Herbert lom
+TV/Film: Who played inspector clouseau?
+Peter sellers
+TV/Film: Who played Inspector Colin Fox in Homicide?
+Alwyn Kurts
+TV/Film: Who played Inspector Reg Lawson in Homicide?
+Charles Tingwell
+TV/Film: Who played Ironside?
+Raymond Burr
+TV/Film: Who played Jack Crabbe, survivor of Custer's Last Stand, in Little Big Man?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Who played Jack Vincent in Casualty?
+Will Mellor
+TV/Film: Who played james bond in never say never again?
+Sean connery
+TV/Film: Who played jane fonda's cameraman in the china syndrome?
+Michael douglas
+TV/Film: Who played Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek - the next Generation?
+Patrick Stewart
+TV/Film: Who played jennifer lindley on 'dawson's creek'?
+Michelle williams
+TV/Film: Who played Jim Garrison in the 1991 film JFK?
+Kevin Costner
+TV/Film: Who played jim morrison in the doors?
+Val kilmer
+TV/Film: Who played Jim Rockford in the Rockford Files?
+James garner
+TV/Film: Who played Jo's sailor boyfiend on the Facts of Life?
+Robby Benson
+TV/Film: Who played Joan 'The Freak' in Prisoner?
+Maggie Kirkpatrick
+TV/Film: Who played Joan Crawford in the film: Mommie Dearest?
+Faye dunaway
+TV/Film: Who played joe gerard in the series rhoda?
+David groh
+TV/Film: Who played joey potter on 'dawson's creek'?
+Katie holmes
+TV/Film: who played john bosley on charlies angels (first & last names)?
+David doyle
+TV/Film: Who played johnny yuma in the series the rebel?
+Nick adams
+TV/Film: Who played judge dredd on film in 1996?
+Sylvester stallone
+TV/Film: Who played judge roy bean on film in 1972?
+Paul newman
+TV/Film: Who played julie's best friend in i still know what you did last summer?
+TV/Film: Who played juliet in zeffirelli's romeo and juliet?
+Olivia hussey
+TV/Film: Who played Kavanagh QC?
+John Thaw
+TV/Film: Who played kevin arnold on 'the wonder years'?
+Fred savage
+TV/Film: Who played kevin hathaway on the soapie 'days of our lives'?
+Pat sajak
+TV/Film: Who played King Feisal of Iraq in the film Lawrence of Arabia?
+Alec Guinness
+TV/Film: Who played King Rat in the 1965 movie of the same name?
+George segal
+TV/Film: Who played Lancy Howard in the film The Cincinnati Kid?
+Edward g. robinson
+TV/Film: Who played lando calrissian in the empire strikes back?
+Billy dee williams
+TV/Film: Who played Lara Croft?
+Angelina jolie
+TV/Film: Who played laura petrie in 'the dick van dyke show'?
+Mary tyler-moore
+TV/Film: Who played lauren bacall's adolescent son in the shootist?
+Ron howard
+TV/Film: Who played lee Harvey Oswold in 1991's JFK?
+Gary Oldman
+TV/Film: who played lestat in 'interview with the vampire'?
+Tom cruise
+TV/Film: Who played Lex Luthor in the Superman films of the 1970s and 1980s?
+Gene hackman
+TV/Film: Who played Lofty in Eastenders?
+Tom watt
+TV/Film: Who played lois lane in the 1978 movie superman?
+Margot kidder 
+TV/Film: who played lou gehrig in pride of the yankees?
+Gary cooper
+TV/Film: who played louis in 'interview with the vampire'?
+Brad pitt
+TV/Film: Who played luke on 'the real mccoys'?
+Richard crenna
+TV/Film: who played luke skywalker in 'Star Wars'?
+Mark hamill
+TV/Film: who played lulu hogg on dukes of hazzard?
+Pearl shear
+TV/Film: Who played M in the Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies?
+Judi dench
+TV/Film: who played major pappy boyington in the war drama baa baa black sheep?
+Robert conrad
+TV/Film: Who played many voices, such as dr nick, & moe on 'the simpsons'?
+Hank azaria
+TV/Film: Who played many voices, such as Dr Nick, and Moe on 'The Simpsons'?
+Hank Azaria
+TV/Film: Who played Marco Polo in the 1962 film?
+Gary Cooper
+TV/Film: who played marcus welby?
+Robert young
+TV/Film: Who played maria in the film west side story?
+Natalie wood
+TV/Film: Who played Mark Hammond in Skippy?
+Ken James
+TV/Film: who played mary richard's boss in the mary tyler moore show?
+Ed asner
+TV/Film: Who played Matt Hammond in Skippy?
+Ed Devereaux
+TV/Film: Who played Matt Helm in the movies?
+Dean Martin
+TV/Film: Who played Meg Jackson-morris in Prisoner?
+Elspeth Ballantyne
+TV/Film: Who played Mel Gibsons partner in the Lethan Weapon films?
+Danny glover
+TV/Film: Who played Melanie in Gone with the Wind?
+Olivia de havilland
+TV/Film: Who played Meryl Streep's boyfriend in the film 'Silkwood'?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Who played Michael Douglas' wife in Fatal attraction?
+Anne Archer
+TV/Film: Who played michael in the movie version of 'sleepers'?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Who played Michael Rafferty in Rafferty's Rules?
+John Wood
+TV/Film: Who played Mike Baldwin in Coronation Street?
+Johnny briggs
+TV/Film: who played mike brady in the brady bunch?
+Robert reed
+TV/Film: who played minnesota fats in the movie, 'the hustler'?
+Jackie gleason
+TV/Film: Who played miss marple in six films?
+Margaret rutherford
+TV/Film: Who played monica geller in the tv series 'friends'?
+Courtney cox
+TV/Film: Who played Morse's assistant Sgt lewis?
+Kevin whately
+TV/Film: Who played Moses in 'The Ten Commandments'?
+Charlton Heston
+TV/Film: Who played Mr Bean?
+Rowan Atkinson
+TV/Film: Who played Mr Peters in Worzel Gummidge?
+Mike berry
+TV/Film: Who played mrs cleaver?
+Barbara billingsly
+TV/Film: Who played Ms. Kensington in the original Austin Powers movie?
+Elizabeth hurley
+TV/Film: Who played Nick Berrys wife in Heart beat?
+Niamh Cusack
+TV/Film: Who played nick nack & came rolling home?
+This old man
+TV/Film: Who played Nick Rowan in Heartbeat?
+Nick Berry
+TV/Film: who played opposite dean martin in rio grande?
+John wayne
+TV/Film: Who played oscar north in the sitcom he & she?
+Jack cassidy
+TV/Film: who played oskar schindler in the film schindler?s list?
+Liam neeson
+TV/Film: Who played Oz from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Seth Green
+TV/Film: Who played pacey witter on 'dawson's creek'?
+Joshua jackson
+TV/Film: Who played pam ewing in dallas?
+Victoria principal
+TV/Film: Who played Peter Church in Stingers?
+Peter Phelps
+TV/Film: Who played phileas fogg in around the world in 80 days?
+David niven
+TV/Film: Who played popeye in the 1980 film of the same name?
+Robin williams
+TV/Film: who played queen amidala in the latest 'Star Wars' film?
+Natalie portman
+TV/Film: who played quint the shark hunter in jaws?
+Robert shaw
+TV/Film: Who played ralph furley on three's company?
+Don knotts
+TV/Film: Who played ralph furley on threes company?
+Don knotts
+TV/Film: Who played rancher jim newton in fury?
+Peter graves
+TV/Film: Who played Ratso Rizzo in the film Midnight Cowboy?
+Dustin Hoffman
+TV/Film: who played regan macneil in the exorcist?
+Linda blair
+TV/Film: who played rhoda penmark?
+Patty mccormack
+TV/Film: who played richie cunningham in the tv show happy days?
+Ron howard
+TV/Film: who played richie in 'happy days'?
+Ron howard
+TV/Film: Who played Riley from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Marc Blucas
+TV/Film: Who played robin hood in the movie made in 1991?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Who played Robin in the film Batman Forever?
+Chris o'donnell
+TV/Film: who played romeo in the 1996 release of romeo & juliet?
+Leonardo di caprio
+TV/Film: Who played rowdy yates in the tv western raw hide?
+Clint eastwood
+TV/Film: Who played Roxie Hart?
+Ginger Rogers
+TV/Film: Who played sabrina duncan on the tv series 'charlie's angels'?
+Kate jackson
+TV/Film: Who played Samantha in Sex and the City?
+Kim Cattrall
+TV/Film: Who played samantha's absent-minded aunt claira on the tv series bewitched?
+Marion lorne
+TV/Film: Who played Sargeant Bilko?
+Phil silvers
+TV/Film: Who played selena in the film 'selena'?
+Jennifer lopez
+TV/Film: Who played Senior Constable Gary Hogan in Matlock Police?
+Paul Cronin
+TV/Film: Who played Senior Constable Maggie Doyle in Blue Heelers?
+Lisa Mccune
+TV/Film: Who played Senior Detective Peter Barnes in Homicide?
+George Mallaby
+TV/Film: Who played Senior Detective Steve York in Matlock Police?
+Tom Richards
+TV/Film: Who played Sergeant Steve 'mickey' McClintock in Police Rescue?
+Gary Sweet
+TV/Film: who played sharkey in sharkey's machine?
+Burt reynolds
+TV/Film: Who played sherlock holmes in 14 films between 1939 and 1946?
+TV/Film: Who played sherlock holmes in the hounds of baskerville in 1978?
+Peter cook
+TV/Film: who played sherlock holmes on the pbs series?
+Basil rathbone
+TV/Film: Who played shortstop for charlie brown's baseball team?
+TV/Film: Who played showgirl satine in the 2001 movie moulin rouge?
+Nicole kidman
+TV/Film: Who played Sid Vicious, Lee Harvey Oswald, Count Dracula and Beethoven in movies?
+Gary Oldman
+TV/Film: Who played sonny corleone in the movie 'the godfather'?
+James caan
+TV/Film: Who played Sonny Hammond in Skippy?
+Garry Pankhurst
+TV/Film: Who played spike from buffy the vampire slayer?
+James Masters
+TV/Film: who played sportin' life in the film porgy & bess?
+Sammy davis jr
+TV/Film: Who played Steve Austin, the 'Six Million Dollar Man'?
+Lee majors
+TV/Film: who played steve erkel in 'family matters'?
+Jaleel white
+TV/Film: Who played Strop on The Paul Hogan Shaw?
+John Cornell
+TV/Film: who played sue snell in carrie?
+Amy irving
+TV/Film: Who played synthesiser on David bowie's space oddity?
+Rick wakeman
+TV/Film: Who played Tara from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Amber Benson
+TV/Film: Who played tarazan in the tv series in the 70's?
+Ron ely
+TV/Film: Who played Tchaikovsky in the 1971 film The Music Lovers?
+Richard chamberlain
+TV/Film: Who played Terry in the Steve Martin film All of Me?
+Victoria Tennant
+TV/Film: Who played the 'Man With No Name` in the film A Fistful of Dollars?
+Clint Eastwood
+TV/Film: Who played the 'Men in Black' in the film of the same name ____ ____ ____ and ____ ____?
+Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith
+TV/Film: Who played the 'pinball wizard' in the movie 'tommy'?
+Elton john
+TV/Film: Who played the 'Rifleman' in the series?
+Chuck connors
+TV/Film: Who played the 'Universal Soldier'?
+Jean-Claude Van Damme
+TV/Film: Who played the assistant D.A., Paul Robinette. in the TV drama, Law and Order when the series first began?
+Richard Brooks
+TV/Film: Who played the blacksmith on gunsmoke from 1962-65?
+Burt reynolds
+TV/Film: Who played the blonde in the t-bird in 'American graffiti'?
+Suzanne sommers
+TV/Film: Who played the boxer Jake la Motta in the 1980 film Raging Bull?
+Robert de Niro
+TV/Film: Who played the boy in the film 'Billy Elliot'?
+Jamie bell
+TV/Film: Who played the character of Coco Hernandez in the movie version of Fame?
+Irene Cara
+TV/Film: who played the character of jim rockford in the series the rockford files?
+James garner
+TV/Film: Who played the charmer in the tv series of the same name?
+Nigel Havers
+TV/Film: Who played the clergyman in 'The Bishop's Wife'?
+David Niven
+TV/Film: Who played the corleone family lawyer in the godfather?
+Robert duvall
+TV/Film: Who played the death-dealing fur trader in gorky park?
+Lee marvin
+TV/Film: Who played the detective in the exorcist?
+Lee j cobb
+TV/Film: Who played the effervescent 'Anne Shirley' in the T.V. movie, 'Anne of Green Gables'?
+Megan Follows
+TV/Film: Who played the errant ice-hockey player in slap shot?
+Paul newman
+TV/Film: Who played the father of charlie sheen's character in wall street?
+Martin sheen
+TV/Film: Who played the Fay Wray role in the 1976 remake of King Kong?
+Jessica lange
+TV/Film: Who played the female lead in the alien films?
+Sigourney weaver
+TV/Film: Who played the female lead in the Ghostbusters films?
+Sigourney Weaver
+TV/Film: Who played the female villain in the film, '101 Dalmatians'?
+Glenn close
+TV/Film: Who played The Fonz?
+Henry winkler
+TV/Film: Who played the forger in the film the great escape?
+Donald pleasance
+TV/Film: who played the fussy albert basserman in the boys from Brazil?
+Laurence oliver
+TV/Film: who played the heiress?
+Olivia de haviland
+TV/Film: Who played the inca king in the royal hunt of the sun?
+Christopher plummer
+TV/Film: who played the incredible hulk?
+Bill bixby
+TV/Film: who played the inventor in 'honey, i shrunk the kids'?
+Rick moranis
+TV/Film: Who played the Jackal in the film The day of the Jackal?
+Edward Fox
+TV/Film: who played the joker on the original batman movie?
+Caesar romero
+TV/Film: Who played the last person to die on the series gunsmoke?
+Gary busey
+TV/Film: Who played the lead female in meet me in las vegas?
+Cyd charisse
+TV/Film: Who played the lead role in charlie varrick?
+Walter matthau
+TV/Film: Who played the lead role in the first tarzan movie?
+Elmo lincoln
+TV/Film: Who played the lead role in the series Sorry?
+Ronnie Corbett
+TV/Film: Who played the leading female role in the film, 'Romancing the Stone'?
+Kathleen turner
+TV/Film: Who played the male lead in Blood Alley, The High and the mighty and In harms way?
+John Wayne
+TV/Film: Who played the male lead in the 1965 film entitled 'the war lord'?
+Charlton heston
+TV/Film: who played the male lead in the movie grease?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Who played the male starring role in 'The Graduate'?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Who played the manager in The Natural?
+Wilfred brimley
+TV/Film: Who played the mayor of the munchkins in 'the wizard of oz'?
+Charlie becker
+TV/Film: Who played the mother in lost in space?
+June lockhart
+TV/Film: who played the mum in the brady bunch?
+Florence henderson
+TV/Film: Who played the murder victim in the original version of 'psycho'?
+Janet leigh
+TV/Film: who played the mutating fly in the film 'the fly'?
+Jeff goldblum
+TV/Film: Who played the nurse on the rookies?
+Kate jackson
+TV/Film: Who played the original buffy the vampire slayer in the film?
+Kirsty Swanson
+TV/Film: Who played the part of Claude Greengrass in Heartbeat?
+Bill maynard
+TV/Film: Who played the part of Cruella de Vil in the 1996 film '101 Dalmatians'?
+Glenn close
+TV/Film: Who played the part of Elliotts sister Gertie in ET, The Extra-terrestrial?
+Drew barrymore
+TV/Film: Who played the part of inspector gadget in the film 'gadget'?
+Matthew broderick
+TV/Film: Who played the part of king arthur in camelot?
+Richard harris
+TV/Film: Who played the part of malcolm x in the film of the same name in 1992?
+Denzel Washington
+TV/Film: Who played the part of Manuel in the 1975-79 BBC series faulty Towers?
+Andrew sachs
+TV/Film: Who played the part of Mildred Roper on TV?
+Yootha joyce
+TV/Film: Who played the part of Rachel in TV's 'Friends'?
+Jennifer aniston
+TV/Film: Who played the part of Sam Malone in TV 's 'Cheers'?
+Ted danson
+TV/Film: Who played the part of satan in the film the devil's advocate, released in 1998?
+Al pacino
+TV/Film: Who played the part of The Forger in The Great Escape?
+Donald Pleasence
+TV/Film: Who played the part of the Headmistress in the film 'Blue Murder at St.Trinians?
+Alistair sim
+TV/Film: Who played the part of the murderer John Christie in the 1971 film Ten Rillington Place?
+Richard attenborough
+TV/Film: Who played the part of walter andrews in the tycoon?
+Walter brennan
+TV/Film: who played the penguin on the original batman?
+Burgess meredith
+TV/Film: Who played the pesky sportswriter in The Natural?
+Robert duvall
+TV/Film: Who played the police chief in Jaws?
+Roy Scheider
+TV/Film: who played the president of the u.s in 'air force one'?
+Harrison ford
+TV/Film: Who played the Queen Mother in the 2006 movie The Queen?
+Sylvia Sims
+TV/Film: Who played the radio talk show host in Midnight Caller?
+Gary Cole
+TV/Film: who played the role of crassus in stanley kubrick's spartacus?
+Lawrence olivier
+TV/Film: Who played the role of ethan edwards in the searchers?
+John wayne
+TV/Film: who played the role of gilligan on tv?
+Bob denver
+TV/Film: who played the role of jack benny's tv valet?
+Eddie rochester anderson
+TV/Film: Who played the role of margaret schlegel in the film howard's end?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Who played the role of piano man in lady sings the blues?
+Richard pryor
+TV/Film: Who played the role of Richard Blaine in Casablanca?
+Humphrey Bogart
+TV/Film: Who played the role of the circus strongwoman in adam's rib?
+Hope emerson
+TV/Film: who played the role of tillie with walter matthau in pete n tillie?
+Carol burnett
+TV/Film: Who played the sorcerers apprentice in Fantasia?
+Mickey mouse
+TV/Film: Who played the stepmother in 'my stepmother is an alien'?
+Kim basinger
+TV/Film: Who played the suave thief,Sir Charles Lytton, in the film The Pink Panther?
+David niven
+TV/Film: Who played the switchboard operator in cutter to houston?
+John nicholson
+TV/Film: Who played the telephone operator on laugh-in?
+Lily tomlin
+TV/Film: Who played the television detective frank cannon?
+William conrad
+TV/Film: Who played the terrorist leader in 1992's Passenger 57?
+Bruce Payne
+TV/Film: Who played the thinly disguised howard hughes in the movie, the carpetbaggers?
+George peppard
+TV/Film: Who played the Timelord 1987 - 1989?
+Sylvester mccoy
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in 'urban cowboy'?
+John travolta
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in georgy girl?
+Lynn redgrave
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in Ghandi in 1982?
+Ben Kingsley
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in Maude?
+Bea Arthur
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in Shirley Valentine?
+Pauline collins
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the 'mad max' series of films?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the 1921 film 'The Sheik'?
+Rudolf valentino
+TV/Film: who played the title role in the 1957 comedy the sad sack?
+Jerry lewis
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the 1969 film 'Ned Kelly'?
+Mick jagger
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the 1970's US cop series Shaft?
+Richard roundtree
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the 1978 version of 'Superman'?
+Christopher Reeve
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the 1982 film 'gandhi'?
+Ben kingsley
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the Elephant Man?
+John hurt
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the film 'jfk'?
+Kevin costner
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the film 'the outlaw josey wales'?
+Clint eastwood
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the film Hook?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the film Shirley Valentine?
+Pauline collins
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the film The Pride of Miss Jean Brodie?
+Maggie Smith
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in The Millionairess?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the series My wife next door?
+Hannah Gordon
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in the US sitcom 'Rhoda'?
+Valerie harper
+TV/Film: Who played the title role in tom jones?
+Albert finney
+TV/Film: Who played the title role of the tv sitcom 'jesse'?
+Christina applegate
+TV/Film: Who played the title role on tv's 'the equalizer'?
+Edward woodward
+TV/Film: Who played the title roll in the 1938 film 'The Adventures of Robin Hood'?
+Errol flynn
+TV/Film: Who played the title roll in the film stevie (1978)?
+Glenda jackson
+TV/Film: Who played the title roll in tv's lovejoy?
+Ian mcshane
+TV/Film: Who played the Uncle on Family Ties?
+Tom Hanks
+TV/Film: Who played the Wicked Uncle Ernie in the film Tommy?
+Keith Moon
+TV/Film: Who played the witch wife in Bewitched?
+Elizabeth Montgomery
+TV/Film: Who played the young Indy in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?
+River phoenix
+TV/Film: Who played thurston howell iii on gilligan's island?
+Jim backus
+TV/Film: Who played Toulouse Lautrec in the film Moulin Rouge?
+Jose Ferrer
+TV/Film: Who played Trixie Delight in the film 'Paper Moon'?
+Madeline kahn
+TV/Film: Who played tv's callan?
+Edward woodward
+TV/Film: who played tv's superman in the original series?
+George reeves
+TV/Film: Who played twin sisters in the parent trap?
+Hayley mills
+TV/Film: Who played two or more roles in the dark mirror?
+Olivia de havilland
+TV/Film: Who played two or more roles in the mouse that roared?
+Peter sellers
+TV/Film: Who played villain Dr. Evil in the film?
+Mike myers
+TV/Film: Who played webster?
+Emanuelle lewis
+TV/Film: Who played Wesley from Angel?
+Alexis Denisof
+TV/Film: Who played western villan 'One Eyed Bart' in the film 'Toy Story?
+Mr. Potato Head
+TV/Film: Who played william wallace in 'braveheart'?
+Mel gibson
+TV/Film: Who played willow from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Alyson Hannigan
+TV/Film: Who played willy wonka in the film willy wonka and the chocolate factory?
+Gene Wilder
+TV/Film: Who played Xander from buffy the vampire slayer?
+Nicholas Brendon
+TV/Film: who portrayed cheyenne bodie in cheyenne?
+Clint walker
+TV/Film: who portrayed hawkeyes's original sidekick, trapper john?
+Wayne rodgers
+TV/Film: who portrayed prewett in from here to eternity?
+Montgomery clift
+TV/Film: who portrayed sherlock holmes in 14 films between 1939 & 1946?
+Basil rathbone
+TV/Film: Who portrayed the birdman, in the movie birdman of alcatraz?
+Burt lancaster
+TV/Film: who portrayed the demolitions expert in the guns of navarone?
+David niven
+TV/Film: who portrayed the German spy die nagel in the eye of the needle?
+Donald sutherland
+TV/Film: Who poses as Krusty the Clown in the Kamp Krusty episode?
+TV/Film: Who presented Telly Addicts?
+Noel edmonds
+TV/Film: who presented the bbc1 game show 'the other half'?
+Dale winton
+TV/Film: Who presented This is your life in 1995?
+Michael Aspel
+TV/Film: Who presents Channel 4s Time Team?
+Tony Robinson
+TV/Film: Who produced All in the Family?
+Norman lear 
+TV/Film: Who produced Ike and Tina Turner's River Deep Mountain High?
+Phil spector
+TV/Film: Who produced the movie Remember the Titans?
+TV/Film: Who produced the original film of Scarface?
+Howard Hughes
+TV/Film: Who produced the tv series the untouchables?
+Quinn martin
+TV/Film: who provided the voice of the unseen charlie in the u.s. tv series charlie's angels?
+John forsythe
+TV/Film: Who pulls wayne over in wayne's world?
+Robert patrick
+TV/Film: who put the curse on billy halleck in richard bachman's 'thinner'?
+TV/Film: who replaced harvey korman on the carol burnett show?
+Dick van dyke
+TV/Film: Who said I wanted to be Snow White but I drifted?
+Mae West
+TV/Film: Who sang Falling in love again in The Blue Angel in 1930?
+Marlene Dietrich
+TV/Film: who sang the title song to 'goldfinger'?
+Shirley bassey
+TV/Film: Who shared a room and bed with Eli Wallach while filming The Good, the Bad and the Ugly?
+Clint Eastwood
+TV/Film: who shared a touch of class with george segal?
+Glenda jackson
+TV/Film: who shipped his academy award oscar back to his father's hardware store?
+James stewart
+TV/Film: Who shot j.r ewing in the tv series 'dallas'?
+Kristin shepard
+TV/Film: who shot j.r. ewing in the tv series 'dallas'?
+Kristin shepard
+TV/Film: Who sings and plays the theme song for the TV show 'Frasier'?
+Kelsey Grammer
+TV/Film: Who sings the title song for One Foot in the Grave?
+Eric Idle
+TV/Film: Who spent most of the MASH series trying to get out of Korea but was the only one to remain there?
+TV/Film: who spoke the only word in mel brook's silent movie?
+Marcel marceau
+TV/Film: Who starred along side Peter Sellers in The Millionairess?
+Sophia Loren
+TV/Film: Who starred as 'ouboet' in the first TV series of 'Orkney Snork Nie'?
+Frank Opperman
+TV/Film: Who starred as an Olympic skier in Downhill Racer?
+Robert redford
+TV/Film: Who starred as Bobby Ewings wife in Dallas?
+Victoria Principal
+TV/Film: Who starred as Kotter in Welcome Back Kotter?
+Gabe kaplin 
+TV/Film: who starred in 'conan the barbarian'?
+Arnold schwarzenegger
+TV/Film: who starred in & directed the gauntlet?
+Clint eastwood
+TV/Film: Who starred in 1930 film The Blue angel?
+Marlene Dietrich
+TV/Film: Who starred in 9 films with Katherine Hepburn?
+Spencer tracy
+TV/Film: Who starred in and directed the film Yentl?
+Barbra Streisand
+TV/Film: Who starred in Easy Street?
+Charlie Chaplin
+TV/Film: Who starred in the 1952 film 'Niagara'?
+Marilyn Monroe
+TV/Film: Who starred in The Deep?
+Jacqueline Bisset
+TV/Film: who starred in the film 'the man with two brains'?
+Steve martin
+TV/Film: Who starred in the film Richie Rich?
+Macaulay culkin
+TV/Film: Who starred in the film version of 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?
+Gregory Peck
+TV/Film: Who starred in the films Monkey Business, Houseboat, Indiscreet and Walk, dont run?
+Cary grant
+TV/Film: Who starred in The Hunter?
+Steve mcqueen
+TV/Film: Who starred in The man with the golden arm?
+Frank Sinatra
+TV/Film: Who starred in the movie Sleepy hollow?
+Johnny Depp
+TV/Film: Who starred in the movie What Women Want?
+Mel Gibson
+TV/Film: who starred in the movie with susan surandon White Palace?
+James Spader
+TV/Film: Who starred in the silent movies Bllod and sand, The Eagle and The Sheik?
+Rudolph Valentino
+TV/Film: who starred in the title role of hec ramsey?
+Richard boone
+TV/Film: Who starred opposite Fred Astaire in Easter Parade?
+Judy Garland
+TV/Film: Who starred opposite Richard Gere in the 1990 film Pretty Woman?
+Julia roberts
+TV/Film: who starred with mel gibson in the 'lethal weapon' films?
+Danny glover
+TV/Film: Who starred with Roger Moore in The Persuaders?
+Tony Curtis
+TV/Film: Who takes a job at the Kwik-E-Mart to prepare for a movie role?
+James Woods 
+TV/Film: Who takes the starring role in the 1970's tv medical drama quincy?
+Jack klugman
+TV/Film: Who teamed up with Barbera to form a cartoon movie studio?
+TV/Film: Who temporarily left his desert island to ask people about their favorite things on television?
+Roy plomley
+TV/Film: Who thanked his parents for not practicing birth control upon picking up a 1979 Best Actor Oscar?
+Dustin hoffman
+TV/Film: who tried to have data disassembled?
+Commander maddox
+TV/Film: Who was alex p. Keaton's idol?
+Ronald reagan
+TV/Film: who was asked to audition for cheers after playing a hairdresser on a taxi episode?
+Ted danson
+TV/Film: Who was Barbarella?
+Jane fonda 
+TV/Film: who was ben hur's rival in the great chariot race?
+TV/Film: who was born marion morrison?
+John wayne
+TV/Film: who was born roy scherer?
+Rock hudson
+TV/Film: who was brandon lee's father?
+Bruce lee
+TV/Film: who was bruce lee's son?
+Brandon lee
+TV/Film: who was bud abbott's partner?
+Lou costello
+TV/Film: Who was Buffy the Vampire Slayer's vampire boyfriend?
+TV/Film: Who was Bugsy Malone's girlfriend (Full character name)?
+Blousey brown
+TV/Film: Who was caine's blind teacher on kung fu?
+Master po
+TV/Film: who was captain of the starship enterprise before james t. kirk?
+Christopher pike
+TV/Film: Who was Carl in Five Easy Pieces before going to Walton's Mountain?
+TV/Film: Who was Chief Marshall of the Mickey Mouse Club?
+Walt disney
+TV/Film: Who was citizen kane based on?
+William randolph hearst
+TV/Film: who was clark kent?
+TV/Film: who was daisy the dog's owners?
+Blondie & dagwood bumstead
+TV/Film: Who was Dangermouse's sidekick?
+TV/Film: Who was Desmond Lynams co presenter on the first series of How do they do that?
+Jennie Hull
+TV/Film: Who was Dick Dastardly's pet?
+TV/Film: Who was Dr. Zhivago's great love?
+TV/Film: Who was E.T.'s best friend?
+TV/Film: who was elvis presley's female co starin g. I. Blues?
+Juliet prowse
+TV/Film: Who was Fred Astaire's partner?
+Ginger rogers
+TV/Film: Who was Fred Astaires dancing partner in the 1957 film Silk Stockings?
+Cyd charisse
+TV/Film: who was fred flinstone's best friend?
+Barney rubble
+TV/Film: who was fred flintstone's neighbour and bowling partner?
+Barney rubble
+TV/Film: who was george burns' wife, whom he had a popular tv show with?
+Gracie allen
+TV/Film: who was goldfinger's bodyguard?
+TV/Film: Who was John Wayne's musical co-star in true grit?
+Glen Campbell
+TV/Film: who was johnny carsons original announcer?
+Ed mcmahon
+TV/Film: who was lauren bacall's first husband?
+Humphrey bogart
+TV/Film: who was lou costello's partner?
+Bud abbott
+TV/Film: Who was Luke Skywalkers father?
+Darth vader
+TV/Film: who was married to tess truehart?
+Dick tracy
+TV/Film: Who was Miss Hungary in 1936?
+Zsa-Zsa Gabor
+TV/Film: who was miss hungary of 1936?
+Zsa zsa gabor
+TV/Film: who was mr peabodys adopted boy?
+TV/Film: who was nominated for actor in a supporting role in 1988?
+River phoenix
+TV/Film: who was nominated for actress in a supporting role in 1975?
+Brenda vaccaro
+TV/Film: Who was nominated for actress in a supporting role in 1980?
+Diana scarwid 
+TV/Film: who was nominated for best actor in 1975?
+Al pacino
+TV/Film: who was nominated for best actress in 1928 29?
+Bessie love
+TV/Film: who was nominated for best actress in 1944?
+Greer garson
+TV/Film: who was nominated for directing in 1984?
+Woody allen
+TV/Film: Who was nominated for directing in 1988?
+Mike nichols 
+TV/Film: Who was not offered the lead role in 'A Fistful Of Dollars' due to his high fee?
+Henry fonda 
+TV/Film: who was on the first cover of people magazine?
+Mia farrow
+TV/Film: Who was Pennys boyfriend in Just Good friends?
+TV/Film: who was pinocchio's father?
+TV/Film: Who was Pual Hogans side-kick on The Paul Hogan Show?
+TV/Film: who was robin hood's girlfriend?
+Maid marion
+TV/Film: who was ronald reagan's first wife?
+Jane wyman
+TV/Film: who was sherlock holmes' sidekick?
+TV/Film: Who was shown on the Ed Sullivan show form the waist up only?
+Elvis Presley
+TV/Film: who was superman's girlfriend?
+Lois lane
+TV/Film: who was the actor that played the starring role in escape from New York?
+Kurt russell
+TV/Film: Who was the alter ego of 'The Incredible Hulk'?
+Dr. David Banner
+TV/Film: who was the announcer on you bet your life?
+George fenneman
+TV/Film: who was the baddie in spaghetti westerns?
+Lee van cleef
+TV/Film: who was the body of darth vader?
+David prowse
+TV/Film: Who was the Cisco Kid's faithful sidekick?
+TV/Film: who was the director of 'terminator & titanic'?
+James cameron
+TV/Film: Who was the director of 'Terminator' and 'Titanic'?
+James Cameron
+TV/Film: Who was the director of Psycho?
+TV/Film: who was the editor at metropolis newspaper?
+Perry white
+TV/Film: who was the elven queen in the lord of the rings?
+TV/Film: who was the female star in wings?
+Clara bow
+TV/Film: Who was the female star of bugsy malone?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: who was the female star of sophie's choice?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Who was the female star of West Side Story?
+Natalie wood
+TV/Film: who was the first actress to appear on the cover of life magazine?
+Jean harlow
+TV/Film: who was the first American actress to appear on a postage stamp?
+Grace kelly
+TV/Film: Who was the first black female Oscar winner to win best actress?
+Halle Berry
+TV/Film: who was the first black performer to win an oscar?
+Hattie mcdaniel
+TV/Film: Who was the first feline featured in Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?
+Morris the Cat
+TV/Film: Who was the first female to direct a movie that raked in over $100 million?
+Penny Marshall
+TV/Film: Who was the first living person to become a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame?
+Roy Acuff
+TV/Film: Who was the first presenter of the BBCs Come Dancing?
+Mcdonald hobley
+TV/Film: Who was the first presenter of the Golden Shot?
+Jackie Rae
+TV/Film: Who was the first presenter of tomorrows World?
+Raymond baxter
+TV/Film: Who was the first solo female host of the Academy Awards Ceremony?
+Whoopi Goldberg
+TV/Film: Who was the first supposedly computer generated TV talk show host?
+Max headroom
+TV/Film: Who was the first to take home a Best Actor Oscar for a musical, in 1943?
+James Cagney
+TV/Film: who was the first voice of mickey mouse?
+Walt disney
+TV/Film: Who was the girl in Peter Sellers' 'Soup'?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Who was the girl in peter sellers' soup?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: who was the head writer in the wjm-tv newsroom?
+Murray slaughter
+TV/Film: who was the host for the gong show?
+Chuck barris
+TV/Film: Who was the host of Great Temptation?
+Tony Barber
+TV/Film: Who was the host of Hey Hey It's Saturday?
+Daryl Somers
+TV/Film: who was the host of night gallery?
+Rod sterling
+TV/Film: Who was the hostess on Great Temptation?
+Barbara Rogers
+TV/Film: Who was the lead in the original pilot for the successful TV science fiction show Star Trek?
+Jeffrey Hunter
+TV/Film: who was the little tramp of silent movies?
+Charlie chaplin
+TV/Film: Who was the male star in the film The Beach?
+Leonardo dicaprio
+TV/Film: Who was the narrator for the 1999 BBC1 series of Walking with Dinosaurs?
+Kenneth branagh
+TV/Film: who was the only actor to become president of the u s?
+Ronald reagan
+TV/Film: Who was the only person the new owners didn't fire, on The Mary Tyler Moore Show?
+Ted baxter
+TV/Film: who was the only person to be awarded the oscar for best actor posthumously?
+Peter finch
+TV/Film: who was the original gidget?
+Sandra dee
+TV/Film: who was the president of the oil company that bought jed clampett's oil?
+John brewster
+TV/Film: Who was the sponsor for the tv show wayne's world?
+Noah's arcade
+TV/Film: who was the star of the doctor?
+William hurt
+TV/Film: Who was the star of the post appocolyptic sci-fi film a boy and his dog?
+Don johnson
+TV/Film: Who was the subject of the Panorama programme titled the Max Factor?
+Robert maxwell
+TV/Film: Who was the substitute teacher Lisa fell in love with? (Dustin Hoffman)?
+Mr. Bergstrom
+TV/Film: who was the supporting actor that appeared in captain kangaroo?
+Tom terrific
+TV/Film: Who was the supporting actor that appeared in Rocky & his Friends?
+Mr peabody 
+TV/Film: who was the supporting actor that appeared in the underdog show?
+Tennessee tuxedo
+TV/Film: who was the supporting actor that appeared in the yogi bear show?
+TV/Film: Who was the Swedish star of Grand Hotel?
+Greta Garbo
+TV/Film: Who was the title star of meet the veep?
+Alben w barkley
+TV/Film: Who was the villain in 'Star Wars'?
+Darth Vader
+TV/Film: who was the vixen in the mini series east of eden?
+Jane seymour
+TV/Film: Who was the voice behind Woody, the cowboy doll in Toy Story?
+Tom Hanks
+TV/Film: who was the voice of e.t?
+Debra winger
+TV/Film: who was the voice of rocket j. squirrel & natasha fatale?
+June foray
+TV/Film: who was the writer/director/producer of enter laughing?
+Carl reiner
+TV/Film: who was to be honoured in the u s swimming hall of fame?
+Johnny weissmuller
+TV/Film: who was tom cruise first married to?
+Mimi rogers
+TV/Film: who were lucy & ricky's next door neighbours & best friends?
+Fred & ethel
+TV/Film: Who were Lucy and Ricky's next door neighbours and best friends?
+Fred and Ethel
+TV/Film: Who were the guests on Johnny Carson's final tonite show?
+Bette midler & robin williams 
+TV/Film: Who won an Academy Award for best original screen play with his second film Pulp Fiction?
+Quentin tarantino
+TV/Film: Who won an Oscar aged 10 for her role in Paper Moon?
+Tatum O'Neal
+TV/Film: who won an oscar for his portrayal of nick in the deer hunter?
+Christopher walken
+TV/Film: Who won best actor for his role in Gandhi?
+Ben kingsley 
+TV/Film: Who won best actor Oscar for his role in 'Save the Tiger'?
+Jack lemmon
+TV/Film: Who won best actor Oscar in 1989 for My left Foot?
+Daniel Day-Lewis
+TV/Film: Who won best actress for her role in Anastasia?
+Ingrid bergman 
+TV/Film: who won best actress for her role in network?
+Faye dunaway
+TV/Film: who won best actress for her role in the country girl?
+Grace kelly
+TV/Film: Who won best actress oscars for Dangerous and Jezebel?
+Bette davis
+TV/Film: who won best director oscar for ordinary people?
+Robert redford
+TV/Film: who won best supporting actor for his role in ryan's daughter?
+John mills
+TV/Film: who won best supporting actor for his role in the westerner?
+Walter brennan
+TV/Film: who won best supporting actor for his role in twelve o'clock high?
+Dean jagger
+TV/Film: who won best supporting actress oscar for bonnie & clyde?
+Estelle parsons
+TV/Film: who won for directing lawrence of arabia (best picture, 1962)?
+David lean
+TV/Film: who won the 1983 oscar for best supporting actress?
+Linda hunt
+TV/Film: Who won the oscar for best actor in 1931 32?
+Wallace beery
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1927/1928 1st Academy Awards for the Movie 7TH HEAVEN, STREET ANGEL and SUNRISE?
+Janet gaynor
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1928/1929 2nd Academy Awards for the Movie COQUETTE?
+Mary pickford
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1929/1930 3rd Academy Awards for the Movie THE DIVORCEE?
+Norma shearer
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1930/1931 4th Academy Awards for the Movie MIN AND BILL?
+Marie dressler
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1931/1932 5th Academy Awards for the Movie THE SIN OF MADELON CLAUDET?
+Helen hayes
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1932/1933 6th Academy Awards for the Movie MORNING GLORY?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1934 7th Academy Awards for the Movie IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT?
+Claudette colbert
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1935 8th Academy Awards for the Movie DANGEROUS?
+Bette Davis
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1936 9th Academy Awards for the Movie THE GREAT ZIEGFELD?
+Luise rainer
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1937 10th Academy Awards for the Movie THE GOOD EARTH?
+Luise rainer
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1938 11th Academy Awards for the Movie JEZEBEL?
+Bette Davis
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1939 12th Academy Awards for the Movie GONE WITH THE WIND?
+Vivien leigh
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1940 13th Academy Awards for the Movie KITTY FOYLE?
+Ginger rogers
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1941 14th Academy Awards for the Movie SUSPICION?
+Joan Fontaine
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1942 15th Academy Awards for the Movie MRS. MINIVER?
+Greer garson
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1943 16th Academy Awards for the Movie THE SONG OF BERNADETTE?
+Jennifer jones
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1944 17th Academy Awards for the Movie GASLIGHT?
+Ingrid Bergman
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1945 18th Academy Awards for the Movie MILDRED PIERCE?
+Joan crawford
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1946 19th Academy Awards for the Movie TO EACH HIS OWN?
+Olivia de havilland
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1947 20th Academy Awards for the Movie THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER?
+Loretta young
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1948 21st Academy Awards for the Movie JOHNNY BELINDA?
+Jane wyman
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1949 22nd Academy Awards for the Movie THE HEIRESS?
+Olivia de havilland
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1950 23rd Academy Awards for the Movie BORN YESTERDAY?
+Judy holliday
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1951 24th Academy Awards for the Movie A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE?
+Vivien leigh
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1952 25th Academy Awards for the Movie COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA?
+Shirley booth
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1953 26th Academy Awards for the Movie ROMAN HOLIDAY?
+Audrey hepburn
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1954 27th Academy Awards for the Movie THE COUNTRY GIRL?
+Grace kelly
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1955 28th Academy Awards for the Movie THE ROSE TATTOO?
+Anna magnani
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1956 29th Academy Awards for the Movie ANASTASIA (1956)?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1957 30th Academy Awards for the Movie THE THREE FACES OF EVE?
+Joanne woodward
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1958 31st Academy Awards for the Movie I WANT TO LIVE!?
+Susan hayward
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1959 32nd Academy Awards for the Movie ROOM AT THE TOP?
+Simone signoret
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1960 33rd Academy Awards for the Movie BUTTERFIELD 8?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1961 34th Academy Awards for the Movie TWO WOMEN?
+Sophia loren
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1962 35th Academy Awards for the Movie THE MIRACLE WORKER?
+Anne bancroft
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1963 36th Academy Awards for the Movie HUD?
+Patricia neal
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1964 37th Academy Awards for the Movie MARY POPPINS?
+Julie andrews
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1965 38th Academy Awards for the Movie DARLING?
+Julie Christie
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1966 39th Academy Awards for the Movie WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?
+Elizabeth taylor
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1967 40th Academy Awards for the Movie GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1968 41st Academy Awards for the Movie FUNNY GIRL?
+Barbra streisand
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1968 41st Academy Awards for the Movie THE LION IN WINTER?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1969 42nd Academy Awards for the Movie THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE?
+Maggie smith
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1970 43rd Academy Awards for the Movie WOMEN IN LOVE?
+Glenda jackson
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1971 44th Academy Awards for the Movie KLUTE?
+Jane Fonda
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1972 45th Academy Awards for the Movie CABARET?
+Liza Minnelli
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1973 46th Academy Awards for the Movie A TOUCH OF CLASS?
+Glenda jackson
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1974 47th Academy Awards for the Movie ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE?
+Ellen burstyn
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1975 48th Academy Awards for the Movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST?
+Louise fletcher
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1976 49th Academy Awards for the Movie NETWORK?
+Faye Dunaway
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1977 50th Academy Awards for the Movie ANNIE HALL?
+Diane keaton
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1978 51st Academy Awards for the Movie COMING HOME?
+Jane fonda
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1979 52nd Academy Awards for the Movie NORMA RAE?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1980 53rd Academy Awards for the Movie COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER?
+Sissy spacek
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1981 54th Academy Awards for the Movie ON GOLDEN POND?
+Katharine hepburn
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1982 55th Academy Awards for the Movie SOPHIE'S CHOICE?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1983 56th Academy Awards for the Movie TERMS OF ENDEARMENT?
+Shirley maclaine
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1984 57th Academy Awards for the Movie PLACES IN THE HEART?
+Sally field
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1985 58th Academy Awards for the Movie THE TRIP TO BOUNTIFUL?
+Geraldine page
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1986 59th Academy Awards for the Movie CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD?
+Marlee matlin
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1987 60th Academy Awards for the Movie MOONSTRUCK?
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1988 61st Academy Awards for the Movie THE ACCUSED?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1989 62nd Academy Awards for the Movie DRIVING MISS DAISY?
+Jessica tandy
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1990 63rd Academy Awards for the Movie MISERY?
+Kathy Bates
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1991 64th Academy Awards for the Movie THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS?
+Jodie foster
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1992 65th Academy Awards for the Movie HOWARDS END?
+Emma thompson
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1993 66th Academy Awards for the Movie THE PIANO?
+Holly Hunter
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1936 9th Academy Awards for the Movie ANTHONY ADVERSE?
+Gale sondergaard
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1937 10th Academy Awards for the Movie IN OLD CHICAGO?
+Alice brady
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1938 11th Academy Awards for the Movie JEZEBEL?
+Fay Bainter
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1939 12th Academy Awards for the Movie GONE WITH THE WIND?
+Hattie mcdaniel
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1940 13th Academy Awards for the Movie THE GRAPES OF WRATH?
+Jane darwell
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1941 14th Academy Awards for the Movie THE GREAT LIE?
+Mary astor
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1942 15th Academy Awards for the Movie MRS. MINIVER?
+Teresa wright
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1943 16th Academy Awards for the Movie FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS?
+Katina paxinou
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1944 17th Academy Awards for the Movie NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART?
+Ethel barrymore
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1945 18th Academy Awards for the Movie NATIONAL VELVET?
+Anne revere
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1946 19th Academy Awards for the Movie THE RAZOR'S EDGE?
+Anne baxter
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1947 20th Academy Awards for the Movie GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT?
+Celeste holm
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1948 21st Academy Awards for the Movie KEY LARGO?
+Claire trevor
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1949 22nd Academy Awards for the Movie ALL THE KING'S MEN?
+Mercedes mccambridge
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1950 23rd Academy Awards for the Movie HARVEY?
+Josephine hull
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1951 24th Academy Awards for the Movie A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE?
+Kim hunter
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1952 25th Academy Awards for the Movie THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL?
+Gloria grahame
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1953 26th Academy Awards for the Movie FROM HERE TO ETERNITY?
+Donna reed
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1954 27th Academy Awards saint - on the WATERFRONT?
+Eva marie
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1955 28th Academy Awards fleet - east of eden?
+Jo Van
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1956 29th Academy Awards for the Movie WRITTEN ON THE WIND?
+Dorothy malone
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1957 30th Academy Awards for the Movie SAYONARA?
+Miyoshi umeki
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1958 31st Academy Awards for the Movie SEPARATE TABLES?
+Wendy hiller
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1959 32nd Academy Awards for the Movie THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK?
+Shelley winters
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1960 33rd Academy Awards for the Movie ELMER GANTRY?
+Shirley jones
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1961 34th Academy Awards for the Movie WEST SIDE STORY?
+Rita moreno
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1962 35th Academy Awards for the Movie THE MIRACLE WORKER?
+Patty duke
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1963 36th Academy Awards for the Movie THE V.I.P.S?
+Margaret rutherford
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1964 37th Academy Awards for the Movie ZORBA THE GREEK?
+Lila kedrova
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1965 38th Academy Awards for the Movie A PATCH OF BLUE?
+Shelley winters
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1966 39th Academy Awards for the Movie WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?
+Sandy dennis
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1967 40th Academy Awards for the Movie BONNIE AND CLYDE?
+Estelle parsons
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1968 41st Academy Awards for the Movie ROSEMARY'S BABY?
+Ruth gordon
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1969 42nd Academy Awards for the Movie CACTUS FLOWER?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1970 43rd Academy Awards for the Movie AIRPORT?
+Helen Hayes
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1971 44th Academy Awards for the Movie THE LAST PICTURE SHOW?
+Cloris leachman
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1972 45th Academy Awards for the Movie BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE?
+Eileen heckart
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1973 46th Academy Awards for the Movie PAPER MOON?
+Tatum o'neal
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1974 47th Academy Awards for the Movie MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS?
+Ingrid bergman
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1975 48th Academy Awards for the Movie SHAMPOO?
+Lee Grant
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1976 49th Academy Awards for the Movie NETWORK?
+Beatrice straight
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1977 50th Academy Awards for the Movie JULIA?
+Vanessa Redgrave
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1978 51st Academy Awards for the Movie CALIFORNIA SUITE?
+Maggie smith
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1979 52nd Academy Awards for the Movie KRAMER VS. KRAMER?
+Meryl streep
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1980 53rd Academy Awards for the Movie MELVIN AND HOWARD?
+Mary steenburgen
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1981 54th Academy Awards for the Movie REDS?
+Maureen Stapleton
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1982 55th Academy Awards for the Movie TOOTSIE?
+Jessica lange
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1983 56th Academy Awards for the Movie THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY?
+Linda hunt
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1984 57th Academy Awards for the Movie A PASSAGE TO INDIA?
+Peggy ashcroft
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1985 58th Academy Awards for the Movie PRIZZI'S HONOR?
+Anjelica huston
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1986 59th Academy Awards for the Movie HANNAH AND HER SISTERS?
+Dianne wiest
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1987 60th Academy Awards for the Movie MOONSTRUCK?
+Olympia dukakis
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1988 61st Academy Awards for the Movie THE ACCIDENTAL TOURIST?
+Geena davis
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1989 62nd Academy Awards for the Movie MY LEFT FOOT?
+Brenda fricker
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1990 63rd Academy Awards for the Movie GHOST?
+Whoopi Goldberg
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1991 64th Academy Awards for the Movie THE FISHER KING?
+Mercedes ruehl
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1992 65th Academy Awards for the Movie MY COUSIN VINNY?
+Marisa tomei
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1993 66th Academy Awards for the Movie THE PIANO?
+Anna paquin
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1994 67th Academy Awards for the Movie BULLETS OVER BROADWAY?
+Dianne wiest
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1995 68th Academy Awards for the Movie MIGHTY APHRODITE?
+Mira sorvino
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1996 69th Academy Awards for the Movie THE ENGLISH PATIENT?
+Juliette binoche
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1997 70th Academy Awards for the Movie L.A. CONFIDENTIAL?
+Kim basinger
+TV/Film: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1998 71st Academy Awards for the Movie SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE?
+Judi dench
+TV/Film: who won the oscar for her role in a streetcar named desire?
+Vivien leigh
+TV/Film: who wrote the classic thriller 'the birds'?
+Alfred hitchcock
+TV/Film: who wrote the novel on which the film 'maybe baby' is based?
+Ben elton
+TV/Film: who wrote the vampire series that featured lestat as the main character?
+Anne rice
+TV/Film: Who wrote the wartime film 'In Which We Serve'?
+Noel coward
+TV/Film: Who'd begun work on a 10th symphony when he died during a thunderstorm in 1827?
+Ludwig van Beethoven
+TV/Film: Who's brother pulled strings to get her her first movie role?
+Julia roberts'
+TV/Film: Who's known in Colorado Springs as Dr. Mike?
+Dr. Michaela Quinn
+TV/Film: Who's real, ideal, awfully cute, and an ever-loving doll in a monkey suit?
+Magilla gorilla
+TV/Film: Who's the adopted son of Vito Corleone?
+Tom Hagen
+TV/Film: Who's the TV FBI agent with a penchant for the paranormal?
+Fox Mulder
+TV/Film: whoopi goldberg played this bartender?
+TV/Film: Whos Olive Oils brother?
+Castor oil
+TV/Film: Whose autobiography is titled Groucho & Me?
+Groucho marx
+TV/Film: Whose biography was titled The Other Side of the Rainbow?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Whose earnings increased from $150,000 for Pulp Fiction to $3.5 million for Get Shorty to $7 million for Broken Arrow?
+John Travolta
+TV/Film: Whose father ran the Gillis Grocery Store?
+Dobie gillis
+TV/Film: Whose figure did Walt Disney use as a model for Tinkerbell?
+Marilyn monroe
+TV/Film: Whose films include 'Giant', 'Written On The Wind' and 'A Farewell To Arms'?
+Rock Hudson
+TV/Film: Whose four wives included Ann Howe and Miranda Quarry?
+Peter ellers
+TV/Film: Whose guitar version of The Star-Spangled Banner was featured in a 1996 Aiwa TV ad?
+Jimi Hendrix
+TV/Film: whose legs were shown in place of julia roberts' legs in 'pretty woman'?
+Goldie hawn
+TV/Film: whose neighbors were frank & irene lorenzo?
+Archie bunker's
+TV/Film: Whose sister, Pamela appeared in the 1988 movie Sleepaway Camp 2?
+Bruce springsteen
+TV/Film: Whose stooges have included Rodney Bewes and Roy North?
+Basil Brush
+TV/Film: Whose will left $10,000 for care and upkeep of the dummy Charlie McCarthy?
+Edgar Bergen
+TV/Film: William Hurt and Holly Hunter team up in this comedy about the network news?
+Broadcast news
+TV/Film: William Hurt plays Macon Leary in this movie?
+Accidental tourist
+TV/Film: Willis O'Brien, special-effects wizard, did this follow-up to King Kong?
+Mighty joe young
+TV/Film: Wings On TV/Film: Characters from this series pop up on the show occasionally?
+TV/Film: Wings On TV/Film: Helen plays this instrument?
+TV/Film: wings on TV/Film: in the early shows, helen had a rule against dating these?
+TV/Film: wings on TV/Film: joe goes to this island, where brian used to live?
+TV/Film: Wings On TV/Film: Lowell's wife, whom he divorces in the course of the series?
+TV/Film: wings on TV/Film: name of roy's ex-wife?
+TV/Film: Wings On TV/Film: Old geezer known for asking irritating questions and conning people?
+Carlton blanchard
+TV/Film: Wings On TV/Film: Roy went to Boston to sing this song in public?
+Star spangled banner
+TV/Film: wings on TV/Film: this character saw a man robbing a jewelry store?
+TV/Film: Wings On TV/Film: Whenever Helen gets depressed, she does this (1 word)?
+TV/Film: wings on TV/Film: whenever helen gets depressed, she does this?
+TV/Film: Winona Ryder: In what comedy did Winona co-star with Ethan Hawke?
+Reality bites
+TV/Film: Winona Ryder: In what film does Winona pet a wild wolf?
+Bram stokers dracula
+TV/Film: Winona Ryder: In what film does Winona star with Johnny Depp?
+Edward scissorhands
+TV/Film: Winona Ryder: In which movie did Winona commit suicide?
+Bram stokers dracula
+TV/Film: Winona Ryder: What is the first movie Winona was in?
+TV/Film: Winona Ryder: What relation is Winona to Pfeiffer in The Age of Innocence?
+TV/Film: Winona Ryder: Where was Winona born (City State)?
+Winona minnesota
+TV/Film: Winona Ryder: Which vintage Winona flick co-starred Shannon Doherty and Slater?
+TV/Film: With which programme would you associate Zippy,George and Bungle?
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: Chevy Chase movie which takes place in 30's Hollywood?
+Under the rainbow
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: Em's Husband?
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: First kind of animal heard in the MGM film?
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: Glinda's first words to Dorothy. (9 words)?
+Are you a good witch or a bad witch
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: In the book, the unusual meteorological event is called this?
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: In the book, these items give the Emerald City its green appearance. (2 words)?
+Green spectacles
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: In the movie the Scarecrow incorrectly recites this after receiving his diploma?
+Pythagorean theorem
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: In the movie, the wizard gave the lion this medal?
+Triple cross
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: In the movie, the wizard gave this to the tin man?
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: It makes the muskrat guard his musk?
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: Second kind of animal heard in the MGM film?
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: The actor originally slated to play the tin man?
+Buddy ebsen
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: The actor who played the scarecrow?
+Ray bolger
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: The famous actress who played Dorothy?
+Judy garland
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: The words the wicked witch wrote in the sky above the Emerald City?
+Surrender dorothy
+TV/Film: Wizard Of Oz: Toto's breed?
+Cairn terrier
+TV/Film: Wynona Rider played the part of 'Jo' in the 3rd remake film of Little Women. Who played 'Jo' in the 1949 version?
+June Allyson
+TV/Film: X-Files: In what episode was Scully kidnapped?
+Duane Barry
+TV/Film: X-Files: name one of the two other recent sci-fi shows, that deep throat has appeared in?
+Quantum leap
+TV/Film: X-Files: One of the episodes in which mulder has fired his gun is ____?
+TV/Film: X-Files: TV/Film: Who played Fox Mulder?
+David Duchovny
+TV/Film: X-Files: What is mulder's nickname?
+TV/Film: X-Files: What is Scully's nickname?
+TV/Film: X-Files: What is the main female character's name?
+Dana scully
+TV/Film: X-Files: What is the name of Mulder and Scully's supervisor?
+Walter Skinner
+TV/Film: X-Files: What was Mulder's sister's name?
+TV/Film: X-Files: Who plays Mr. X?
+Steven williams
+TV/Film: You'd find Julie, Doc, Gopher, and Isaac on this show?
+Love boat
+TV/Film: Zorro was the secret identity of what wealthy landowner?
+Don diego de la vega
+In what 'James Bond' film did sheena easton play?
+For Your Eyes Only
+Which is peter sellers' most famous role?
+Inspector Clouseau
+What object of Dwight's did Jim put in Jell-O on the TV show "The Office"?
+In 1964, the Beatles had their third appearance on what TV show?
+Ed sullivan
+In 1964, the Beatles had their first appearance in the ____ (I Want to Hold Your Hand-#35)
+Billboard chart
+In 1967, the Beatles sign a petition in The Times to legalize what?
+In 1967, The Beatles sang about which Lane?
+In 1970 The Beatles have their last recording session at ____ studios
+In 1971, The Beatles' song ____ is played at the Charles Manson trial
+Helter Skelter
+In 1975 ____ records closes down (Beatles first record company)
+In 1984 Liverpool's ____ Club, the home of the Beatles, reopens
+In what film did Alec Guinness play eight parts?
+Kind Hearts and Coronets
+In what film did dooley wilson sing 'a kiss is just a kiss'?
+In what film did john wayne get stranded in labrador?
+Islands in the sky
+In what film did madeline kahn play 'Trixie Delight'?
+Paper moon
+In what film did rick moranis make his big-screen debut?
+Strange brew
+In what film did the beatles make their acting debut?
+A hard day's night
+In what film did whoopi goldberg make her screen debut?
+Color purple
+In what film do 'brick' and 'maggie' appear?
+Cat on a hot tin roof
+In what film does Steve McQueen get to race a Mustang round the streets of San Francisco?
+In what film is the sorcerer yensid?
+In what year did Paul Anka have a hit with Diana?
+In what year did Paul Mccartney leave the Beatles?
+In what year was the album Abbey Road released by the Beatles?
+In which film do the blue meanies attack pepperland and are defeated by the Beatles?
+Yellow submarine
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1df5ea8807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
@@ -0,0 +1,19992 @@
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "A Breath"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "A Dream"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "A follower of Thor"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "A Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Actor"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "alt form of Acacia"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Amber Colored / Red"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Ambitious"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Angel"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Angelic"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Angelic"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Angelic"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Angelic"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Angelic"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "April"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Ash Tree Farm"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Ash Tree Settlement"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Attractive, Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Basket"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Bearded One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beautiful Addition"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beautiful Altar"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beautiful Altar"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beautiful Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beloved Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beloved One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beloved One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Best"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Birds"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Blessed, Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Bliss"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Blossom"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Bold, Bowman"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Bold"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Born at Dawn"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Bowman"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Breath"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Breath"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Bright as a Star"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Bringer of Good Things"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Chaste One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Cheerful, Full of Energy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Cheerful/Merry"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Cherished One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Child Born After Grandmother Died"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Children of the Wind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Clothes Worn on Outside"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Cloud from Heaven"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Counselor"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Crown, Royal"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Dark, Rich"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Dark, Rich"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Dawn"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Dead and Awake"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Decoration"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Defender of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Defender of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Defender"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Delicious"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Divine Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Doors of Cedar"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Dream, Vision"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Dream"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Eager, Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Eager, Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Eagle Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Eagle, Ruler, Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Eagle"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "East"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Enchanted"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Enlightened"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Eternal"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Example, Lesson"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Fair Complected"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Fair, Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Fall Season"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of a Multitude"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of a Multitude"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of Dew"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of Light"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father of the Noble Prince"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father or Mother of Many"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Father"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Fem. form of ALAN"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Fem. form of ANTHONY"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Fem. form of ANTHONY"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Female Deer"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Fiery One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Firey"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "First Son"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Fisherman"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Flourishing, Praiseworthy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Flower that Never Fades"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Flower that Never Fades"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Flowering Field"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Flowering Field"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Flowerlike"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Forest Water"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Form of ADELINE"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Form of ALANA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Form of ALBERT"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Form of EILEEN"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Form of ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Form of HELEN"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Form of Richard or Eric"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Friend to All"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Friendship"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From A.J.or Nat.Am name meaning Unconquerable"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From AGNES"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From AGNES"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From Alsace-Loraine area of France"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From ANALIESE"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "FROM ANDRA & LYN"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From ANGELA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "FROM ANNA & LISA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From AUDREY"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "FROM AURORA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "FROM ELIJAH"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From LAURA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the Afton River"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the Apricot"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the Ash Tree Town"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the Ash Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the East"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name AFRICA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ALAN"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ALBERT"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ALBERT"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ALEXANDER"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ALFRED"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name AMENA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ANDREW"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ANDREW"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ANN"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ANTONIA"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ARCHIBALD"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ARIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ARMAND"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ARMAND"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ARNE OR ARNOLD"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ARTHUR"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ARTHUR"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name ASHLEY"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name AUGUSTIN"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the name AUGUSTUS"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "From the Top of the Tree OR Prince"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Girl Prayed For"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Goat"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Goat"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "God is Exalted"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "God is My Aid"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "God is my Refuge, Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "God of my People"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "God of the Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Goddess of Love"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Goddess of the Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Goddess of Wisdom & War"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Godlike"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Golden"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Grace of God"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Grace, New Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Graceful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Gracious & Consecreted to God"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Great Champion"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Greek God"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Hard Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Hardworking"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Hazel"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "He Laughs"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "He Who Wins the Struggle"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Healer"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Heart Sings & Dances"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Heavenly Altar"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Helper"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "High Father"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "High, Exalted"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Highly Valued"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Holy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Holy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Holy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Honest Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Immortal"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Immortal"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Innocent"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Iris"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Island"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Joy, Ardent"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Joy, Pleasure"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Joyful Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Joyful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Just, Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Just, Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Knowledgeable"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Last Daughter"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Lightning"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Like a Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Lioness of God"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Lioness of God"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Lioness of God"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Little Ann"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Long Lived"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Lord of Mine"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Love of God"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Loved One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Lovely"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Lover"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Loving, Kind-Hearted"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Manly Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Manly, Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Manly, Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Manly"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Melody"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Mighty Huntress"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Mother of Many Nations"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "My Father is Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "My Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "My Own Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "My Witness"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Native of Adria: Greek City"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Night Rain"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble and Serene"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Adorned"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Brilliant"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Descender"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Exalted"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Strong One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble, Sublime"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Higher Birth Order"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Noble Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Noble Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Noble Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Noble Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Noble Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Noble Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Old Age"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Old Age"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of Old Age"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of the Army"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Of the Red Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Old"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "One of Select Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "One to be Honored"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "One who Causes Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "One who charms"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Opening"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Opening"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Original, Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Outside"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Past Glory"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Pillar"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Pleasant"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Pleasant"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Pledge"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Pledge"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Pledge"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Power"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Praiseworthy, Flourishing"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Prayer"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Prince"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Princess"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Promised by God"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Protector of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Protector of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Protector of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Protector of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Protector of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Protector of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Protector of Men"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Protector of Men"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Red Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Resolute"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Resurrection"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Resurrection"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Revered, Exalted"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Revered, Exalted"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "ROOTS: ASHLEY&LYN"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Ruler of Eagles"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Shining Star from Heaven"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Sky Blu"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Small and Winged"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Small, winged"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Soft Air, Breeze"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Soft, Gentle"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Son of Adam"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Soul"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Source of all Life"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Sowing the Fields"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Species of Flowers"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Starlike"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Starting Life at Dawn"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Strong & Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Strong as an Eagle"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Superior"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Sweet Gum Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "The Brightest"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "The Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "The Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "The First"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "The Oak Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Thorny"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "To Be Troubled"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "To Sing"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "To Tie"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Trustworthy"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Truth, Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Truth, Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Truth, Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Truthful One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Truthful One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Truthful One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Truthful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Truthful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Ultimate"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Unique Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Unity, One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Very Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Very Bold"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Vigilant, Watchful"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Virtuous"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Vision, Dream"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Warm"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "White-Skinned"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "White, Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "White"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "White"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Winged One"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Wisdom"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "With Honor"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Work of the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Worl"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Worthy of Love"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Worthy of Praise"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Youth"?
+Names: Beginning with A: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Badger"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Baker"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Bishop"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Blessing"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Brit"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Brit"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Broad Ford"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Broad Lea, Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Builder"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Butterfly"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Cap"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Dancing Song"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Flame"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Flower, Bloom"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Raven"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "A Steep Climb"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Above, Superior"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "All Good"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Anteater"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Baby"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Baby"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bailiff, Steward"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bailiff"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Barley Farm"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bear or Cottag"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Beautiful Snake"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Beautiful View"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Beautiful, Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Beautiful, Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Birch Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Blessed"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Blessed"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Blessed"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Blessed"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Blessed"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Blessings"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Blonde"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bold As A Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Born after Long Wait"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bowman"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Brandy, After Dinner Drink"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Brave as a Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bright Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bright, nobility"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Bringer of Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Brings Victory"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Briton, British"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Broad Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Broad"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Brook, Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Brook, Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Broth"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Brown Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Burnt Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "By God!"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Child"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Covered Bridge"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Crane"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Crib"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Dark and Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Dedicated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Deer, Cowboy"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Doer of Good Deeds"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Fairy Palace"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Father of Multitudes"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Fem. form of BENEDICT"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Feminine form of BRENDAN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Field or Plain"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Fighter"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Flower-like"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Forerunner"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Fortress"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Freckled"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Freshness"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From a Nickname"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From Ban"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "FROM BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From BRANDY"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From Brigham Lane"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From Britain"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From Brittain, British"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From SABRINA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the Dark Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the Fair Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the fortress"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the meadow of the Birch Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BARBARA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BARBARA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BARRETTA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BARRY"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BARTHOLEMEW"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BARTHOLEMEW"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BEATRICE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BELINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BELLE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BELLE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BELLE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BENEDICT, BENJAMIN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BENJAMIN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BENJAMIN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BERN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BINGHAM"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BLANCHE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BLYTHE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BONITA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BOWEN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRAND"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRAND"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRENDAN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRENDAN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRICE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRICE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRIDGET"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRIDGET"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRITANNIA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRITTANIA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRITTANIA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRITTANIA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRITTANIA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BRITTANIA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BUNNY"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BURKE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name BURTON"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name REBECCA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name REBECCA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name REBECCA"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name ROBERT"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name WILLIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "From the name WILLIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Glorious"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Good Luck"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Green Jewel"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Heather"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Heroine"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "High One"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Hill, Furrow"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Hill, Furrow"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Hut"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Joy is Found"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Kingly"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Knife, Sword"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Lightning"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Like a Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Like a King"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Little Blessed One"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Little Rabbit"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Little Raven"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Little Top"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Lively"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Lively"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Location Name"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Married"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Messenger, Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Minstrel, Poet"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Most Treasured"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Mountain"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Near the Meadow of the Beavers"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Near the Woods"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Noble Man"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Of the City of Bubastis"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "One of the 3 Kings"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "One Who Brews Beer"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Perfect Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Pet form of BINGHAM"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Pheasant"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Pretty, Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Pupil of an Eye"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Raven-like"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Region in France"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Root: BRODERICK"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Running Water"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Sacred Wood"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Scottish name for a child"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Sea Man"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Second Born of Twins"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Secretive"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Secretive"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "She of Fair Skin"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Shining"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Small Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Son of a Prophecy"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Son of BENJAMIN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Son of Evan"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Son of HARRY"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Son of My Right Hand"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Son of OWEN"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Sorrow"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strange, Foreign"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strife"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong One"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong One"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong One"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong One"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong One"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong, Fierce One"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong, Honorable"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong, Virtuous, Honorable"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong, Virtuous, Honorable"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Sweet, Melodious"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Swift, Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "The Brook"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "The Glaciar"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "The One Who Brings Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "The Son of RICE"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "The Source of a River"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "The Source"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "To Bind"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "To Sparkle"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Town of Barr"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Venerable, Revered"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Victorious"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Vine with Small Blossoms"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Virtuous, Princess"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "White"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "White"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "With Red-Brown Hair"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Woods"?
+Names: Beginning with B: What name means "Yellow Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with B: Meaning:Born on Thursday
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Clear, Brilliant Glass"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Cushion"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Family is Born"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Fortress, Camp"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Marsh or an herb"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Nail"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Pillar stone"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Public Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Raven"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Steep Bank"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Town By the River"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "A Vineyard"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Ancient Egyptian Wind"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Ancient"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Artful One"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bald"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Barrel Maker"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Battle, Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bent Nose"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bent Nose"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bird of Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Black"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Blind"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Blind"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Blind"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Blind"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Blind"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Blooming"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bold or Short"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bold, Wise Counselor"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bountiful Orchard"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Brave Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Brilliant"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Brilliant"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Bringing Peace, Calm"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Candle Maker"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Castle"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Champion"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Chancellor"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Chancellor"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Charity, Kindness"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Cherry"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Child, Also form of NICHOLAS"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Chipping Sparrow"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Christ-bearer"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Christian, Annointed"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Christian, Annointed"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "City in France"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "City in Georgia"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "City of Pharohs"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Clear, Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Clear, Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Clear, Luminous"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Clergyman"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Clever"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Cliff"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Coal Town"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Consolation"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Consolation"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Constant"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Contraction of CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Courteous"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Crooked line"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Curly Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dark as a Raven"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Daughter of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dazzling White"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dazzling White"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dear Little One"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dew Drop"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dim. of CLEOPATRA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dim. of LUCRETIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Driver of a Cart"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Enthroned"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Fair Sex"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Faith"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Faithful, Bold"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Falcon"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Fanciful"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Fem. form of CARL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Female Child"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Feminine form of CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Feminine form of CLAUDE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Fire White, Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Firm, constant"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Flourish"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Flower Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Form of Caleb"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Form of CLAUDIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Form of COLLEEN"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Form of SHANE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Fox"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From a Steep Cliff"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From a Town near a Cliff"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From CARA and LEE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "FROM CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From CHARLOTTE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From CHELSEA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From CHER and LIN"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From China"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From COLOGNE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From Heaven, Heavenly"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the Court"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the Crag"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CAIN"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CAITLYN"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name Calvin"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CAMERON"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CANDACE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CANDACE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CANDACE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CARL or CARLISLE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CARL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CARLETON"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CARLOTTA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CARMEL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CAROL AND LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CAROL AND LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CAROL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CAROL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CARR"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CASPER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CATHERINE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CATHERINE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CATHERINE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CECERO"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CECILIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CECILIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CECILIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CECILIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CECILIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CESAR"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name Cesar"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHARISSE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHARLOTTE or CAROLINE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHARLOTTE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHERYL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHERYL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHERYL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHESTER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHILTON"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHINA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHINA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHRISTOPHER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHRISTOPHER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHRISTOPHER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHRISTOPHER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHRISTOPHER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHRISTOPHER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CHRISTOPHER"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLARA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLARA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLARK"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLAYTON"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLAYTON"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLEAVANT"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLEAVON"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLEMENT"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLEMENT"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLEO"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLEO"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLIFFORD"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CLINTON"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name COLIN"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CONNOR"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CONNOR"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CONSTANCE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CORINNE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CORNELIUS"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CORNELIUS"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name COY"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CURTIS"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CYNTHIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CYNTHIA"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name CYRIL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name FRANCIS"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name KERR"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name NICHOLAS"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name NICOLE"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the name SHANNON"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From the Sky"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "From Wales"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Garden"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Gem Cutter"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "General"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Gentle, Merciful"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Grace, Beauty, Kindness"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Gracious and Womanly"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Gritty"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Harbor"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Heart, Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Heaven"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Helmet"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Helmet"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Horn-Colored"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Hound of the plain"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Hunter"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Illustrious"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "In Praise of Flowers"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Keeper of Records, Secretary"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Knife Maker"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Knowledgeable"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Ladylike"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Lame"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Land of High Cliffs"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Life, Waterfall"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Like a Lovely Blossom"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Like Coral"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Little and Womanly"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Little and Womanly"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Little Castle"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Little Cora"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Little Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Little Great One"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Little Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Long Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Lordly"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Loving, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Made of God"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Man"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Manly, Full Grown"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Meadow Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Melody, Song"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Merciful"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Moon-Like, Great Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Most Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Most Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Mother"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Mysterious or Hidden"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Native to the Land, Creole"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Near the creek"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Near"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Not to be believed"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "One With Beautiful Voice"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Pale"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Peacemaker"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "People of Alien Speech"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Port of Ships"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Prophet"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Purity"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Quiet, Still"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Rejoicer"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Rhythm"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Rocky Land or Singer"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Rocky Land or Singer"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Satisfied"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Seaport"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Seaport"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Seaport"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Shadow Portrait"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "She Who Is Ignored"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Short for names beginning with CAL"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Simple Happiness"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Singing Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Small Lamb"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Small Slope"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Small Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Small Thing"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Son of Carr"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Son of Carr"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Song"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Song"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Soothsayer"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Soothsayer"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Sorrow"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Spear"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Strong Man"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Strong, Manly"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Su"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Sweet Melody"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "That You Cannot Imagine"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "The Child"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "The Historian"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "The Moon Personified"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "The Spice"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "The Universe"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "To Grow"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "To Life"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "To Praise, Acclaim"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "To Strengthen Greatly"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "To the Castle"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Town on a Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Town on Clay Land"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Treasurer"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Universe, Harmony"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Vain"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Very Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Very Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Victorious People"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Victorious People"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Victorious People"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Virginal, Unblemished Character"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "War"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Warm"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Waterfall"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Who is Like God?"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Who is Like God?"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Winding Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Wise Man"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Wise Man"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Wizard"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Wood Carver"?
+Names: Beginning with C: What name means "Young, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A Branch, bough"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A Gazelle"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A God"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A Hindu God"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A Shiny Knife"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "A Tribe"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Affluent"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "All"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "An Idol"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Army of the People"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Aunt"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Baby Princess"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Baker"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Before"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Belonging to God"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Belonging to the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Belongs to God"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Beloved Leader"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Big Soul"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Black Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Blond"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Bold"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Bright and Sunny Town"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Bright Day"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Bright Like Daytime"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Brilliant Gem"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Brown Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Brown Stranger"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Brown Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Brown"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Celestial Spirit"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Compassion"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Constant,Loyal"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Daisy Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dark Foreigner"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dark Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dark Man"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dark One"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dark Skinned Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dark Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dark-Colored"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dark"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dawn"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dear Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dear Heart"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dear, Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dear, Loved One"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Deer"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Descendant of the Challenger"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Descendent of the Challenger"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Desire"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Desire"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Desired"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Desired"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dexterous"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dim. of Constantine"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Divine Display"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Divine Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Divine Quieen"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Divine Spirit"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Divine, Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Divine"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Divine"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dolphin"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Down Below"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dragon"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Draw Water"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Dune Dweller"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Envy Free"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Famous Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Fem. form of DAVID"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Feminine form of DENNIS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Finnish"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Flower named for botanist A. Dahl"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Flower of the Gods"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Form of DANIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Form of DEBORAH"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Form of DEXTER"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Form of DILLON"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Form of DONAL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Form of DREW"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Free Man"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From DEAN and LIZ"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From Demeter"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From DIANA"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the Dale"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name CORDELIA"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DALTON"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DANIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DANIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DANIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name Daniel"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DANTE"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DARIN"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DARREN"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name Darren"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DARRYL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DARYL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DAVID"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DAVID"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DAVID"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEAN"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEAN"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEBORAH"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEBORAH"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEBORAH"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEBORAH"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEMITRIUS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DENNIS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DENNIS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEREK"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEREK"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DEREK"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DESIDERIO"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DIANA"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DIANA"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DIANA"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DIANE"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DIANE"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DILLON"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DIONYSIUS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOLORES"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOMINICK"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOMINICK"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOMINICK"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DONALD OR DONNEL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DONALD"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DORE"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DORIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DORIS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DORIS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOROTHY or DOLORES"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOROTHY"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOROTHY"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOROTHY"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOROTHY"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DORSET"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOUGLAS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOUGLAS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DOUGLAS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DULCEA"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DUNN"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DUSTIN"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name DWIGHT"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name RANDOLPH"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the name WAYNE"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the Netherlands"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the South in the U.S"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "From the Village of Danes"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Fruit Quince"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Given"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Glen, Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Glorious"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "God is my Judge or From Denmark"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "God is my Judge"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "God is my Judge"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "God is My Judge"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "God is my Judge"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "God of Wine & Revelry"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "God of Wine"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Goddess of Fertility"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Goddess of Forces of Nature"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Goddess of Power"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Godlike"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Golden"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Great One"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Green Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Hair or Poor"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Hair or Poor"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Half, Small"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "He who Upholds the Good"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Head, Leader"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Hidden Nook"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Joyous Music"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Judge"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Lady of Sorrows"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Lady, Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Lady"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Lasting"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Laurel Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Leader of the People"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Leader"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Like a God"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Little Darling"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Little Sword"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Long Summer"?
+Da xia
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Longed For"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Lover of the Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Moral, Good"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Morning Star"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Morning Star"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Mother of Gods"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Mountain"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Mouth of a River"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "My Judge"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Native American Tribal Name"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Of God"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Of the Dark"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Of the Devil"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Of the Nobility"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Peace, Calm"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Pleasing"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Poet"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Poet"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Powerful Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Powerful, Rich Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Precious Present"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Protect the Companion"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Queenly"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Red-Head"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Roaming"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Running Streams"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Scintillating"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Short for names beginning with DEL"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Short for names beginning with DES"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Sincere"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Son of DAVID"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Son of Richard"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Son of ZEUS"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Sorrowful, Wanderer"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Sorrowful, Wanderer"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "St. James"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Stars"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Sunset"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Sweet"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Sweet"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Talented"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Taming"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "The 7th son of the 7th son"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "The Beginning"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "The Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "The Inspirer"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "The Only Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "The Town Near the Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "The Way"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "The World"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "To Speak Kind Words"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Trustworthy"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Valley or Vindicated"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Virtuous"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Water Bearer"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Wealthy One"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "White, fair one"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Wild, Frenzied"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "World Mighty"?
+Names: Beginning with D: What name means "Young Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "A Bright Green Gem"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "A Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "All Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Ambitious, Industrious"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Awe-Inspiring"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Belonging to God"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Blessed with Many Friends"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Born Lucky"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Bringer of Good News"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Collector of Thoughts, Determined Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Concecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Crown of Victory"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Dark Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Desired"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Determination"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Dim. of Names ending in ETTA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Earnest"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Earnest"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Elavated"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Elder Tree Island"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Emerald, Jewel"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Ever Powerful"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Everlasting"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Fair One"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Fem. form of ELVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Fire"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Firm, Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Flatterer"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Flatterer"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Flying Falcon"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of Adelaide"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of EDMUND"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of EDNA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ELI"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ELIJAH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ELIJAH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ELIJAH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of EMIL"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ERMIN"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ERNEST"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ERNEST"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ESMERALDA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ETHAN"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of ETHAN"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of HELEN"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Form of HENRY"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Freedom"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Friend of Elves"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Friend of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From ELLA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the Holiday"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name AMELIA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EDITH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EDITH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EDITH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EDWARD"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EDWARD"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EDWARD"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EDWARD"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELEANOR"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELEANOR"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELEANOR"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELEANOR"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELEANOR"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIJAH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIJAH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIJAH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIJAH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ELLIOT"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EMANUEL"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EMILIA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EMILIE"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EPHRAIM"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ERIC"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ERICA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ERIN"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ERNEST"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name ESTHER"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EVE AND ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EVE AND LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EVE"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EVE"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EVE"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name EVELYN"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name IRMA"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name IRVING"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name IRVING"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name LOIS"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "From the name STAR"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Full of Grace"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "God has helped"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "God in Humankind"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "God Is My Light"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "God is Salvation"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "God is With Us"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "God"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Goddess of Strife"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Golden"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Gracious Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Gracious, Bearer of Good News"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Great Spearman"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Greek Mythological Figure"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Greek Mythological Figure"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Happy Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Hazelnut"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Helpe"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "High Born"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Honorable Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Honorable Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Honorable"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Honored Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Honored, Distinguished"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Hope"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Impartial Judgement"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Industrious, Flatterer"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Industrious"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Industrious"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Ireland"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Island"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Justice"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Land Where Dawn Appears"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Leader"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Like an Angel"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Little Fire"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "MAE Beans"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Man"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Melodious Tlak"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Milking a Cow"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "My Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Noble in Counsel"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Noble, Kind"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Noble, King"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Noble, King"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Nobly Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Of Old Age"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Old"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Older"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "One Who Gives Light"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Paradise"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Peace, Enlightened"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Pledge, Nobleman"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Pledge"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Prosperous Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Prosperous Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Quiet Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Rich Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Ruler of the Home (var. of Henry)"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Ruler of Work"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Son of Ed"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Son of Elias"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Sound Returned"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Spoken Well Of"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Spoken Well Of"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Strength of God"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Sweet Talk"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "The Blessed Home"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "The Chosen One"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "The King"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "The Lord is My God"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "The Old Town"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "The Shining One"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Tiny Flame"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "To Emulate, Copy"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "To Love"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "To Wander"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Tranquil"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Truth"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Universal, Whole"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Valuable Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Very Fruitful"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Well Spoken"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Wild Boar, Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "With Clear Goals"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Woman, Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with E: What name means "Young Warrior, Also see JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Crow"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Fern Plant or See FERDINAND"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Field"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Field"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Fig"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Fish"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Fox"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Journey"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "A Wild Donkey"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Arrow Maker"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Arrow"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Ash Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Bean Grower"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Bean Grower"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Bean Grower"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Betrothed, Whimsical"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Brave Man"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Brilliant"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Chief of Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Contraction of FREDERICK"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Daring, Adventurous"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Daughter of the Prophet"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Divine Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Ever Good"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fair Haired One"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fair Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fair Offspring"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fairy Kingdom"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fairy or Elf"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fairy or Elf"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Flat Land"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Flourishing"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Flower of Mary"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Flowering"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Flowering"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Form of FREDERICK"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fortunate, Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Fortunate"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Free (F)"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Free (M)"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Free Man"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Free Man"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Free"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Free"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Free"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Free"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Freedom Mountain"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Friar"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Friendship"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From FIONA"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FELICIA"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FENELLA"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FIONA"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FLORENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FLORENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FLORENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FLORENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FLORENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FORREST"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FORRESTER"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FREDERICK"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FREDERICK"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FREDRICA"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "From the name FREIDA"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Given to Luck"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "God Assists"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "God has Given Me This"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Goddess of Love, Fertility and Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Happiness, Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Happiness"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Happy and Prosperous"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Hard Quartz Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Heir to the Redheaded"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Honor"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Horseman/Knight"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "House"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Irish Saint"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Iron Ring"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Iron Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Leafy Branch"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Lover of Horses"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Lucky"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Man of Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Manly"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Norse Goddess of Love"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Occupational Surname"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Of a Ruling Family"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Of Proven Courage"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Of the Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Of the Woods, Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "One Who Is Religious"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "One with Skillful Hands"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Peace, Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Prosperous, Flowering"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Prosperous"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Road"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Seed, Offspring"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Smooth Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Son of FERGUS"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Stawberry"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Strong Man"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Swift"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "The Far Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "The Hollow"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "To be Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "To Destroy"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "To Melt"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "To Melt"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "To Trust"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Town in a Field"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Very Light"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "White Shoulder"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "White, Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Yellow, Blonde"?
+Names: Beginning with F: What name means "Young Deer"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Bohemian Traveler"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Clearing"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Field, Garden"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Gardener"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A German"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Grain"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Narrow Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Pledge, A Pawn"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Promise"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Secluded, Woody Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Srpout"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Stranger There"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "A Stranger"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Adored Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Armenian City"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Baby Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Barriers"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Battlefield"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Battler"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Beautiful & Holy"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Believer in God"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Born to Nobility"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Brave Soldiear"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Brilliant, Trustworthy"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Burnt"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Calm, tranquil"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Camel"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Circle"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Deer"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Defender"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Divine Goodness"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Eager Helper"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Eden"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Endless Patience"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Fair Complected"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Fair One"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Fair One"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Farmer"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Farmer"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Farmer"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Fem. form of GEORGE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Fem. form of GLEN"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Female Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Fifth"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Form of GUINIVERE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Form of GWENDOLYN"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Form of JOSEPH"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Fortunate, Blessed"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Fountain"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From Gaeta, Italy"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From Gaeta"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From JOHN & CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the Grove"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name ABIGAIL"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GABRIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GABRIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GABRIELA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GABRIELLE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GABRIELLE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GABRIELLE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GAIL"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GAINELL"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GARRET"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GARRISON"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GENEVA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GEORGE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GERALD"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GERALD"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GERALDINE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GERALDINE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GISELLE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GITA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GITA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GLEN"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GLORIA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GLORIA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GLYNIS"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GOLDA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GOLDA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GORDON"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GRACE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GRACE"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GREGORY"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name GREGORY"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name JEFFREY"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name REGINA or VIRGINIA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name VIRGINIA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name VIRGINIA"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the name WALTER"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From the Valley or Glen"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "From VIRGINIA or the Ginger Root"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Garden of the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Gentle"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Gentleman"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Gift of Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Glad, Pleased"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Glory"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "God is my Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "God is my Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Goddess of the Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Grace of God"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Grace"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Grace"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Grain Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Gray"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Great Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Guarded, Protected"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Guide"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Gypsy"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Hard Spear"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Hero or Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Hewn Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Hewn Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Hill Near Meadows"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Hill, High Place"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Hindu Goddess of Plenty"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Illuminated Child"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Innocent Baby"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Jasmine"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Juniper Berry"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Lame"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Large Village"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Leads by the Spear"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Left Handed"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Little Hawk"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Loving"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Made of Gold"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Male Child"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Merry, Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Merry, Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Merry"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Mighty Leader"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Money is Sweet"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "My Joy, Rejoice"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Mystic"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Mythological Beast"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Of High Rank"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Pledge"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Powerful Soldier"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Precious Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Pride"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Rejoicer"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "River of Black Stones"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Servant of God"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Servant of the Bishop"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Servant"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Shield"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Short for names beginning with GIL"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Short for names ending with GINO"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Son of Gilbert"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Son of the Grey-Haired One"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Sparrow"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Spear Carrier"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Spear Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Staff of the Gods"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Staff of the Goths"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Swords and Riches"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "The Gray Home"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "The Supplanter"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "To Complete"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "To Profit"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "To Watch"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "To Watch"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Triangular Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Triangular-shaped Land"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Troops in Battle"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Trusted"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Vigilante, Watchman"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Vine"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Watchful, Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Wherewithall, Gall"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "White Hawk"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "White, fair"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Youth"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with G: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "A Beautiful Blending"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "A Shrub, Plant"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Alert One"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Amulet"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Anchor, steadfast"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Army Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Army Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Autumn"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Battling"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Beloved One"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Born in the Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Bright in Mind and Spirit"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Bright, excellent army or ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Cheerful"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Daughter"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Deer or Stag"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Deer"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Elephant"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Estate Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Evening Star"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Fem. form of HARVEY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Fem. form of HUGH"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Female Deer"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Feminine form of HENRY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Festive Day"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Firey"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "First Born"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Flight"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Footprint in the Sand"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Form of HILARY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Form of Irving"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Fortunate"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Frog"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From a Vined Cottage"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the Army"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the Beautiful Mountain"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HALEY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HALEY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HANNAH"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HAROLD"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HAYLEY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HAZEL"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HEDDA"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HEDIA"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HELEN"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HELEN"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HELEN"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HENRY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HENRY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HENRY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HERBERT"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HERMAN"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HILARY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HILDA"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HOLLY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HOLLY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HOWARD"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HOWARD"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HUGH"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HUGH"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name HYMAN"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the name LOIS"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "From the Well"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Gifted"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Glorious Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Glorious"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Goddess of Life"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Goddess of the Hearth"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Goddess of the Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Good Luck"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Good, Perfect"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Grace of God"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Guardian of the Hedged Area"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Guardian of the Home"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Hairy Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Hall"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Handsome One"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Harp Player"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Harvest"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Hawk"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "He who Lives in High Place"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Heath Near the Wasteland"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Heaven"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Heroine"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "High Ground"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Hollow in the Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Holy, faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Holy"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Home Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Home"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Honor"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Honor"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Hot"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Hour in Time"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Household Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Lamb"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Lazy"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Legend"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Little Smart One"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Little Town"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Lofty"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Lover of Home"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Magnanimous"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Meadow on the Cliff"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Moon and Stars"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Mountaineer"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "My Strife"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Myrtle Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Noble One"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "One Who Hunts"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Person of High Rank"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Plant With Red Berries"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Praise"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Pride"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Promise"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Queen of Heaven"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Rabbit"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Road, Path"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Root"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Ruler of the Home"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Sadness of the Bride"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Safe Place"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Salty Place"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Salvation"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "She Who Arrives First"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Shining Brightly"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Shining of Mind"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Short form of Adelaide"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Son of HARRY"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Spacious Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Sweet as Honey"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "The Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "The Hazel Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "The Rosy Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "The Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Torchlight"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Town of Houses"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Treasure"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Troops on the Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Trust, Faith"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Voice of the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "War"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Warm Feelings"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Wasteland"?
+Names: Beginning with H: What name means "Wood"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "A Flag"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "A Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "A Vine"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Born by Breech"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Cheerful"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Colorful, Rainbow"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Darling"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Devoted"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Dim. of Isabel"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Disciplinarian"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Endless"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Fair One"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Fem. form of IAN"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Firey One"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Form of EILEEN"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Form of Yves"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Freedom"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Freedom"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From IDA & ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From IDA and LEE"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From IDALEE"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From India"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From ISABEL and ANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From Italy"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name AGNES"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name DWIGHT or ISAAC"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name IGGI"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name INGRID"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name IRIS"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name IVY"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name IVY"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "From the other side of the River"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Gift of Isis"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "God is my Salvation"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "God Listens"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "God of Heaven & Thunderstorms"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "God of Rain & Thunder"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "God of War"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "God will Develop"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "God will Hear"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Goddess of Women In Labor"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Great Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Hairy"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Handsome and Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Hardworking, Prosperous"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Hardworking"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "He will laugh"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Honor"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "I have no child"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Image, Likeness"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Innocent"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Iris"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Island"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Island"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Jehovah is my God"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Light, Joyous, Sunshine"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Little Princes"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Moon Man"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Most Powerful of Egyptian Goddesses"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Mother"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "My Enemies Are Many"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Mythological Creature"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Only Son"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Play of Colors"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Prince of God"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Protection"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Purple Jewel"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Rational"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Royal Hawk"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Salvation of God"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Shining"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Shrimp"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Snow"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Soft Air"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Something Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Special Treasure"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "The Best"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "The Hebrew Language"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Thirst"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Thirsty"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Violet-Colored Dawn"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Violet, Colored Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Watchful, Descendant"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Wide, Love"?
+Names: Beginning with I: What name means "Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "A Bird in the Crow Family"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "A Conqueror"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "A Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "A Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "A Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "A Flower in the Olive Family"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Afflicted One"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Beautiful, Attractive"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Beautiful,"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Black Gem"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Born in June"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Brook, Creek"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Cheerful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Comforter"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Descendant"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Descending"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Descending"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Everyone Loves Him"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Farmer"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Fearless"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Fire of the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Form of JAMES"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Form of JANE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Form of JANET"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Form of JOSHUA"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Form of JULIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From GERALD & DARRELL"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "FROM GWENDOLYN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From JACQUELINE or JACLYN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From JACQUELINE or JACLYN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From JAMES and LENORE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From JAMES and LENORE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From JARED"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From Jasmine & Lynn"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From JENNIFER and VANESSA"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From JENNY and NELL"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "FROM JERICHO"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From JOHANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name GEORGE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name GERALD"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name GERALDINE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JACOB"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JACOB"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JACOB"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JAMES"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JAMES"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JAMES"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JAMES"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JANE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JANE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JANE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JANE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JANET"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JARED"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JEFFREY"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JENNIFER"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JEREMY"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JESSICA"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JESSICA"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JEWEL"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOSEPH"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOSEPH"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOSEPH"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JOSHUA"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JUDITH"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JUDITH"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JULIA & ANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JULIA & ANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JULIA"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JULIA"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "From the name JUSTIN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Genesis"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Gift of Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Girl/Sweetheart"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God exists"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God Has Heard"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God Has Heard"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God has Heard"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God has Heard"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is beneficent"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious, Little Jane"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious, Merciful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Willing"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God is Willing"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God Saves"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God Will Add"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God Will Help"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God will Increase"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God will Increase"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God will increase"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "God Will Uplift"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Gracious, merciful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Green Gemstone"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "He Expands"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Healer"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Heap of Love"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Held By the Heel"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Holy Man"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Holy Man"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Holy Man"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Holy"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "I Love"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Impure"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Inheritance"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Jade"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "James"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Jehovah Saves"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Jet Black Gem"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Joyful One"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Just or True"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Just"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Light Hearted"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Magnetic"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Majestic"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Majestic"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Majestic"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Medicine Man"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Merry"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Moon City"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Of Holy Name"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Of the World"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "One with Reddish Complexion"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Outstanding, Excellent"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Pet form of JANE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Powerful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Praise or Jewish Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Praised"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Praised"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Praised"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Praised"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Pretty"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Pretty"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Prominent"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Purple"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Ram"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Related by Blood"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Ruler, Spear Thrower"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Semi-precious stone"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "She will increase"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Short for JOSEPH"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Short form of JACOB or JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Slavic form of GERTRUDE"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Small Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Soft-haired, youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Soft-haired"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Soft-haired"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Son of JACK"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Son of Japheth"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Son of Jeffrey"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Son of Jud"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Supplant"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Supplanter"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Supplanter"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Tenderness"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "The one God loves"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "The Second Male"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "The Young, Child"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "To Flow, Descend"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "To Make Known"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "To Protect"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "To Protect"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Tributary Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Truth"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Vigilant Watchman"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Wealthy"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "White Wave"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "White Wave"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with J: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "A Church"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "A Crown"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "A Fountain"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "A Marshland"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "A Raven"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "A Town of Celts"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "A Young Lioness"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Amaranth Blossoms"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Animal Horn"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Annointed"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Anointed"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Arrived in Autumn"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ash"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Beggar"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "benevolent"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Black Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Black"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Blackbird"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Blessed Event"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Blessed"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Blessing"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Blond, White-haired"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Braid"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Braid"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Bright White"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Bright, Clear"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Brown Hills"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Buying"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ceremonial Attendant"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Chestnut"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Child from the Country"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Child, Kin"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Child"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "China"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Christ-bearer"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Christ-bearer"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Christbearer"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Christian, Annointed"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Christian, Annointed"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Christian, Annointed"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Cinnamon"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Clever"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Coal Town"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Conflict"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Controller of Anger"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Copper"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Crooked Nose"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Crowned"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Cured Salmon"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Dark and Mysterious"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Dark Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Dark Haired Child"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Dark Princess"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Dear Little One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Derivitive of Leon"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Desolate, Arid"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Dim. of CASSIUS"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Dog"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Drinking Cup"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Energy, Black Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Enormous"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Expert"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Family, Kin"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Fate"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Fem. form of KYLE"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Fem. form of KYLE"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Female Born after 3+ Boys"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Fighter"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "First"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Firstborn Daughter"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Flames, Fire"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Fog"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Forgiveness"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Form of CALEB"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Form of CARRICK"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Form of KEENE"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Form of KELLY"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Form of KYLA"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Form of TYLER"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Fragrant Blossom"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Free Man"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Free"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Friend of Ships"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From CORDELL"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From initials K.C"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From Initials K.O"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From KAY and LANA"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From KAY and LEE also see CHAELI"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From KEEFER"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From KENDRA"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From KENT"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From KEVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "FROM KHALIL"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From QUIANA"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the Church"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the Court"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the Holy City"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name CASPER"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name CATHERINE"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name CURTIS OR CONRAD"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KAREEM"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KATHARINE"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KEELY"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KELLY"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KELLY"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KENNA"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KENNETH"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KENNETH"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KIMBERLY"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KIMBERLY"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KIPLING"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KIRA"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KRISTEN"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KRISTEN"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KRISTEN"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name KRISTEN"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the name Kyle"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "From the town of Kent"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Full of Energy"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Garden Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "General"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Generous One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Gift from God"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "God is my crown"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "God is Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Golden"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Good Looking"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Gorgeous WOman"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Graceful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ground Squirrel"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Handsome, Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Handsome"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Harp"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Hawaiian God"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Helmeted Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Helmeted Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Her Life"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Hollow"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Honest Counselor"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Honor, Tribute"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Honor"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Horn of an Animal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Hunter"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Immortal, Everlasting"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Initals K and C"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Island of the Ships"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Island of the Ships"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Knot"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ladylike"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ladylike"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Last Born Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Laurel, Crown"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Laurel, Crown"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Lead Cautiously"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Leader in Victory"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Leader of the Warriors"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Leader, Master"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Leaf"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Lean"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Light Skinned"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Little and Ancient"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Little and Dark"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Little and Womanly"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Little Cat, or See CATHERINE"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Little Dark One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Little Dark One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Little Lady"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Little Lady"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Lord, God"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Lordly One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Lovely"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Loving"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Loyal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Lunar Glow"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Male Born after 3+ Girls"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Meets World with Happiness"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Mighty Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Mirror"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Mock, Ridicule"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Most Beautiful One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Name"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Night"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Nine or December"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Noble, Exalted"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Noble, Gentle"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ocean"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Of the Kelts/Celts"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Offspring"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Old, Ancient"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "One who Works for the King"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Path"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Perfect"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Place by the Flowing Water"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Poet"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Poet"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Possession"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Powerful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Powerful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Powerful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Powerful"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Praise to God"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Prophet"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure of Heart"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Unsullied"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Unsullied"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure, Virginal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Quiet Child"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Rainfall"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ray"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Rejoice"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Rejoicer, Waterfall Pool"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Rich"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Rosebud"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Rosebud"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Rosy Reflection in the Sky"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Royal Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Royal One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Royal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Sacred Dancer"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Sandy, White"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Servant"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "She Who is Without Equal"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Short for names beginning with K"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Small, Dark"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Someone Who Comes from Nowhere"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Son of Eagan, Fiery"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Son of Eagan, Fiery"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Song, Songstress"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Sparrow Hawk"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Spirit Guide, Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Stork"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Strong and Womanly"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Successor"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Supreme Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Sweet Melody"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Tenth"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Thanks"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "The Annointed"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "The Heavens"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "The King"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "the Life"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "The Loved One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "The Perfect One"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "The Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "The Supplanter"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "The Wind"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Towars the East"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Translation of Kitty"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Treasure House"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Tree Branches"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Trees"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Tyrant"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Valley of the River Kent"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Victorious Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Vigilant Watchman"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Warrior or Warriorwoman"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Water Baby, Magical"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Wave"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Wing"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Wise Child"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Wise Child"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Wise, Learned"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Wood"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Wooden Post"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Work"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "World Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Worthy"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Writer"?
+Names: Beginning with K: What name means "Young Ceremonial Attendant"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A distant Place"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A Distant Place"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A Division"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A fork from river or glen"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A Harp or Lyre"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A Long, Narrow Town"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A Maiden from Lydia, Greece"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A Maiden from Lydia, Greece"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "A Word"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Alone, Solitude"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Angry Disregard"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Army or Soldier"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Attendant"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Attendant"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Baker"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Barn"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Beautiful Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Beautiful Snow"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Beloved by All"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Bluish Purple"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Brave Man / Lion Man"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Bright Land"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Bright, Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Bright, Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Bringer of light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Bringer of Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Bringer of Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Bud"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "By the Island"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Camp Near Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Canoe Maker"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Cheerful"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "City in Belgium"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Combine Forces"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Consecreted to God"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Crowned with Laurel"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Daring Ones"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Dark Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Dark Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Dark"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Daughter of TANYA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Defender of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Delicate"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Determined Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Devoted to God"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Dim. of LORETTA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Dragon"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Fair Speech"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Famous Holy Man"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Famous in Battle"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Famous in War"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Famous Victories"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Fatigued"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Female Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Female Version of Lane, an English Place Name"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Female Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Feminine form of LOUIS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Feminine form of LOUIS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Field Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Flaxen Colored"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Flexible"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Flint Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Flower Name"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Form of CARLOTA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Form of Eulalie"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Form of JOAN"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Form of LAZARUS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Form of LORRAINE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Form of LUNA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Form of RACHEL"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Fortress of the Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Freedom"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From ALICIA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From LANGSTON"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From LAURA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From Leicester"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From LEILA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From LETICIA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From LOURA and ANA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name ALEXANDER"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name CHARLOTTE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name CHARLOTTE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name ELIZABETH"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name GUADALUPE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name GUADALUPE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LALE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LALE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LANDRY"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LANDRY"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LANG"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LARISSA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LARISSA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAURA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAURA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAURA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAWRENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAWRENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAWRENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAWRENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAWRENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAWRENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LAYNE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEAH"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEON"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEONA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEONA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEONA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEONA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEONARD"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LESTER"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LEVI"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LILAC"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LILLIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LILLIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LINDSEY OR LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LINDSEY"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LISA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LISLE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LOUIS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LOUIS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LOUIS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LOUISA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LOUISA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LOUISE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LUCILLE OR LUCUS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LUCILLE"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LUCUS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LUCUS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LUCUS"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name LYNDON"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name OLIVER"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name OLIVIA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name OLIVIA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "From the name OLIVIA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Full of Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Generous One"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "God Has Helped"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "God Will Help"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "God Will Help"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Good, Fine"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Graceful as a Willow"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Graceful Willow"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Graceful Willow"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Gracious Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Gracious, Poetic"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Grassy Plain"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Grassy Plain"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Greek Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Grey Fortress"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Grey"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Handsome One"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Harness Maker"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "He who will Free Us"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Head of Household"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Heart"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Heavenly Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Hidden"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Hindu God"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Idol, Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Illumination"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Illumination"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Imposter"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Joined To"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Journey"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Joy, Gladness"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lake or Fjord"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Land"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Laurel-Crowned"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Laurel-Crowned"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Left-handed"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Like A Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Like A Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Like a Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Like the Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lilac"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lily Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lime Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lime Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Linden Trees Near the Water"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lioness"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lioness"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lioness"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lithe"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Little Loved One"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lofty"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lotus Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Love is Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Love is Sweet"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Loved One"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Loved One"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Loyal"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Lunar"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Man of Light"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Meadow near the Brook"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Meadowland"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Meadowlands"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Melody"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Mountain of the Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Musical Grace"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Near the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Night"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "of God"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Of the Island"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Of the Night"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Of The Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "One Who Refuses"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Pasture"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Peaceful, Calm"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Pet form of LAURA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Pet Form of LOURA"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Pretty One"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Pretty"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Pretty"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Pretty"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Protector of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Province in Asia"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Risen"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Rough Land"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Route or Path"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Sailor"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Scandinavian"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Section of France where Virgin Mary was seen"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "She Who Plays"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Shining"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Sim. Lakia, Found Treasure"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Singing Hawk while Soaring"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Sky"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Small Cove"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Soft"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Songbird"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Spartan Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Spartan Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Spear"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Spice"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Suave"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Taker"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Tall One"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Temptress, Illustrious"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Terrace, Veranda"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The Fifth"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The King"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The Mountain"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The Quiet One"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The Street"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "The Well in the Lowlands"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "To Move On"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "To Sing a Lullabye, Soothe"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "To Talk"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "To Wrap or Bind"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Town near the Brook"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Treasure"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Tulip"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Twilight"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Unknown"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Warring Ones"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Warrior Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Waterfall"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Weary"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Wild Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Woman of Rome"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Wood"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Wood"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Wreath of Pearls"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Young Girl, Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with L: What name means "Young Hare"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A Case to Answer"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A Field"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A Honey Bee"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A King"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "A Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Admirable, Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Advisor"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Advisor"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Affection, Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Almond"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Almond"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Already Prosperous"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Angel"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Apricot"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Armored Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Attendant"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Attractive"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Beautiful Child"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Beautiful Child"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Beautiful Eyes"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Beauty, Wisdom"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Better"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Better"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter or Sorrowful"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter Sea (from Mary)"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter Sea, House of God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter, God is my Teacher"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Black"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Blessing"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Born in the Lunar Month of Aries"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Born under Capricorn"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Bright Yellow"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Brightness"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Brook, First Wife of King David"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "By the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Candelabra"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Chinese Tribe"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Collector of Thoughts, Determined Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Compassion"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Competant"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Contraction of MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Contraction of MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Coral, Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Covered With Mist, Dew"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Coyote"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Curious Seeker of Knowledge"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Dark One"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Dark Skinned"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Dark Skinned"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Dark-Skinned"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Dark"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Dark"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Delicate, Graceful"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Descendants of MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Devoted to God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Drawn Out of the Water"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Emerald"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Enduring"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Favored by God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Feminine form of MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Flatterer, Industrious"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Flower Stalk"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Forgiver"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of MARCIA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of MELANIE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of MELISSA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of Michael"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of MICHAELA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of MIRANDA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of MOLLY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Form of Moses"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Fortress in a Field"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Fortunate One"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Foundation, Support"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Fragrant"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Free"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Friend of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From MARY and BELLE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From MARY or MARIE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From MATILDA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From MATTHEW"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From Milan Italy"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the flower"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the flower"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the Mill Town"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name AMANDA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name AMELIA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MADELINE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MADELINE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MADELINE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MADELINE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MADONNA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MAHALIA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MAHALIA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MALLORY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARC"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARC"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARC"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARC"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARCIA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARCIA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARCIA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARILYN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARILYN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARILYN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARILYN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARILYN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARILYN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARINA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARTHA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARTIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARY AND ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARY AND ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARY and LUCILLE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MATILDA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MATILDA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MATTHEW"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MATTHEW"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MAXIMILIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MAXIMILIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MAXIMILIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name McHALE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MELANIE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MELVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MELVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MELVIN"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MEREDITH or Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MERLE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MERLE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MERLE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MERLE"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MICHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MILDRED"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MILDRED"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MILES"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MILTON"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MIRANDA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MIRANDA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MIRANDA"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MIRIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MIRIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MONTGOMERY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MONTGOMERY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MORRIS"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MORRIS"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MORTIMER"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MORTON"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MOSES"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MOSES"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the name MUHAMMAD"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the Nica"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the Pasture"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "From the Town Near the Moor"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gaelic for Mary, Sea of Bitterness"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Generous, Giving"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gentle Caress"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gentle, Soft"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gentle, Soft"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gentle"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "God In Us"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "God is my Teacher"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "God is With Us"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "God Like"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "God Spoke"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Goddess of Song"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Goddess of Wisdom"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Goddess/Sorceress"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Goodness"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Great Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Great Waterfall"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Greatest"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Greatest"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Greatest"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Happiness"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Happiness"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Hawaiian form of MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Heroine in French Novel"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "High Tower"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "High Tower"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "High Tower"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Honest Child"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Honest Child"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Honey Bee"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Honey Bee"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Honey"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Honored One"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Horse Keeper"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Ill-fated Luck"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Improve"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Irish form of Mary"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Jehovah Spoke"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Joy Giver"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Junior, Younger"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Knowledge"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Lady"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Lives Near the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Lovable"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Lovely Thoughts"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Lucky"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Magnolia Blossom"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Maker"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Marvelous, Wonderful"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Marvelous"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Marvelous"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "May"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Meadow Near the Lake"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Melvin"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Merchant"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Merciful"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mercy"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Merry"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Might, Power"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Might, Power"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mild Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mill Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mill Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mine"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mine"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Miracle Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Miracle"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mistress of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Moor, Dark Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Moor, Dark Skinned"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Moor"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mother"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mother"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mother"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mother"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mountain"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mountainous"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Much Expected of Her"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "My Beautiful One"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "My Lady"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "My Messenger"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Myself"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Mystic"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Myth"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Near the Mills"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Near the river Roe"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Noble"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Now"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Ocean"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Ocean"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of Brown Skin"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Mountain"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of Uncommon Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Of wondrous Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "One who Hunts Eagles"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "One Who Shines"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pasture of the Moor"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Peace Celebration"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pet form of MARY"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pine"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Plain"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Powerful, brave"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Praised"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Prophet"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Protector from the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Psychic Gifts"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Purplish Color"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Rainbow"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Rebellious One"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Rejoice"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Religious Man"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Remembrance"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Righteous Way"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Ripples in the Water"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Roots"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sacred House"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sailor, Roman Clan Name"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sailor"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sailor"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Scholarly Accomplishments"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sea Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sea Wave"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Seashore"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Servant of St. John"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sharp Cliff"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Shining Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Shy, Modest"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sincere, Honest"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Single, Alone"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Slope by the Pond"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Small but Famous"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Small Sweet Thing"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Smart, Intelligent"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Soldier"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Soldier"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Solitary Life"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Solitary Life"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Solitary"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son Of ____"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of Hugh"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of Ken or Kenna"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of Kenneth"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of Kile"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of Man"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of Matthew"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of Morris"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of Morris"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Son of the Patron"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Song-like"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Song, Melody"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "South"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Steady Rain"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Stone worker"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Strength Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Strong in War"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Strong Work"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sunny Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sweet Berry"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "sweet"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sweet"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Sweetlike"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "The Expected One"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "The Lord is With You"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "The Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "The Spoiler"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "The Thrush"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "The Tree/Victory"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "The Wind"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Tiny Gnat"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "To Hit"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "To Wonder, Admire"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Tower, Soothing"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Town near the Pond"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Trouble"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Tuesday"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Unique Little Girl/Beautiful Young Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "UNIT One that Orbits the Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Var. of Matthias"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Victorious People"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Village"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "War Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Warlike"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Warlike"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Warlike"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Warlike"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Warrior, Warlike"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "White Eyes"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "White Hot Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is for Me?"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is like God?"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is like God?"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is like God?"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is like God?"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is like God?"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is like God?"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is Like God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is like God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who Is Like God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who is like God"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Who Loves Everyone, Warlike"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wild Falcon"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wildly Independent"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Winner"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wise Little Raccoon"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wise Man"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wished-For Child"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wished-For Child"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Without Conceit"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Woman from Magdala"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wonderful"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wonderful"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Wondering"?
+Names: Beginning with M: What name means "Young Fighter"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "A Champion"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "A Safe Place"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Ancient Waters"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Arrows"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Aztec God of the Sun - Dim. of Naolin"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Aztec God of the Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Beautiful One from Heaven"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Beautiful, Ornamented"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Beautiful, Pleasant"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Belief"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Belongs to God"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Below the Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Bitter"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Born During Rainy Season"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Born in Summer"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Born on Christmas Day"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Born on Christmas"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Born to Nobility"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Bud from a Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Champion"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Champion"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Champion"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Charming"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Chief, Champion"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Christmas, Birth Day"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Complete, Victorious"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Conqueror of the People"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Covered in Snow"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Daffodil"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Dance Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Delivered Feet-First"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Dim. of JUANITA"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Diminuitive of NORA"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Elf"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Eternal"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Evening"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Famous"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Farming"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Fawn"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Fem. form of Nicholas"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Female Child"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Fierce One from Naples"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Fiery, Intense"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Flaming LIghts"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Flower Bud"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Forest Cove"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Form of ANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Form of NEAL"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Form of NINA"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Form of NORA"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Founder of Clans"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From HELEN"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From NOEL"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name AGNES"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name BERNARD"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NADIA"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATALIE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATALIE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATALIE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATALIE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATALIE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATALIE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATHAN"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATHAN"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATHANIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NATHANIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NICHOLAS"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NICOLE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NICOLE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NICOLE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NOLAND"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the name NORMAN"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the North"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "From the North"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Generous"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Goddess of Night"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Goddess of the Deep"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Good News"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Grace"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Guard at the North Gate"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Having Deep Roots"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "He Gave"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Heartbeat of the Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Her Life"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Hopeful"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Hopeful"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "I love you"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Land of Canyons"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Little Saint"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Lovable"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Messenger"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Miracle"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Moon Daughter"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Moral"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "My Daughter"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "National Ind. Recovery Act"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Nature"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "New Comer"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "New Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "New Town"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "New Town"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "New"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "New"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "New"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Ninth"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Ninth"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Norseman or Rule"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Of Noble Birth"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "of the Natine Tribe"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Of the Nativity"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Owl"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Pattern, Rule"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Pea Plant"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Plains"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Pleasant"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Powerful"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Precious"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Princess"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Prosperous"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Provence in France"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Rest, Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sacrifice"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Saint Worshipper"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sea Nymph"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sea Nymph"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sea Nymph"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sea Snail"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Second Wife"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sign, Emblem"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sign, Mark"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Slavic form of NICOLE"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Snake"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Snow"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Son of NEAL"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Son of Neil"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Speech"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Standing Tall"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Stoat"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sunshine"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Surrounded by Song"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Sweet, Friend"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Swift Cat"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "The Flowers"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "The Goal"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "The Ninth"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Thunder"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "To Be Born"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Triumphant"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Trustworthy"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Unwilling"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Victor"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Victorious Maiden"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Victorious People"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Victorious People"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Victorious People"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Victorious People"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Victory of the People"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Water Nymph"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Water Nymph"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Water Sprite"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Wave"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "West"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "White Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Wild Goose"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Windy Day"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Wisdom"?
+Names: Beginning with N: What name means "Wrestler"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "A Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "A Hunter in Greek Mythology"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "A Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "A Young Deer"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Ancestor"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Ancestor"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Animal with Long Neck"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Arctic Hare"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Awake"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Bear Heart"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Bear of God"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Beginning"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Beside the Oak Trees"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Born on Holy Ground"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Born when it was Raining"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Cedar Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Commander"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Divine Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Divine Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Divine"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Egg Shaped"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Egg"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Eighth"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Evergreen"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Fawn"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Field of Oak Trees"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "First born son"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Form of OSCAR"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Form of UNA"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Form of YOLANDA"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Free Men"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name EVAN"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name OLIVER"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name OLIVER"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name OLIVER"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name OPHIRA"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name ORIEL"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name ORLI"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name ORLI"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name ORSON"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name ORSON"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name OSCAR"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name OTHELLO"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the name OZ"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the Opal Gemstone"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "From the Orient"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Full of Grace"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Full of Wrath"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "God is With Us"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "God of the Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "God"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Godly Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Gold"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Gold"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Gold"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Golden City"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Golden One"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Golden Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Golden"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Goth of the Heavens"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Green"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "He Who Likes the Hunt"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Heaven"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Helper"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Hill of the Passionate One"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Holly"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Holy"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "I will praise God"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Land of Gold"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Large River"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Last"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Lives beside the Oaks"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Lord Is My Light"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Lovely"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Magic Power"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Melody"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Mountain Man"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Mountain of the Gods"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Mountain"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Mountains"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Ocean Centered"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Ocean"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Ode, Melodic"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Olive Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "One Who Hears Well"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "One"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Order"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Otter"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Otter"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Owl"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Pine Trees"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Praise"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Prosperous"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Protective Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Protector of Humanity"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Rising"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "River"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Sacred"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Salvation"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Serpent"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Soldier of God"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Spoken Word"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Standing Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Strong, Courageous"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "The Eighth"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "The Eighth"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "The Light is Mine"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "The Odyssey"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "The Orient, East"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "The Upper Town"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "To Cross"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "To Obey"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Torch Light"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Venerable Oak"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Venerable"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Wealthy One"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Wealthy"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Wealthy"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Whom God Likes"?
+Names: Beginning with O: What name means "Your Descent Matters"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Basin"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Broken Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Form of Peter"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Gem of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Leaf"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "A Silent Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Agreeable"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Alligator"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Ancient"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Another One"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Beginner, Learning"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Borrowed"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Borrowed"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Brave One"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Bright, Shining One"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Burning Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Calm, Quiet"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Cautious, Intelligent"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Corral"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Cute Person"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Determined"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Door Guard"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Enthroned"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Fashion TearDrop Print"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Fem. form of PERRY"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Fifth"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Fighter"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "First Born"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "First, Prince"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Flute Player"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Form of PAUL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Form of PETER"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Form of PETER"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Form of PIERRE"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Form of PRUDENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Free Man"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From PAYTON"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From PERDITA"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name BARTHOLOMEW"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name FELICIA"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name MARGARET"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PACKARD"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAGE"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAMELA"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAMELA"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAMELA"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PATRICIA"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PATRICIA"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PATRICK"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAUL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAUL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAUL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAUL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAULINE"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PAULINE"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PEARL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PEARL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PERCIVAL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PERRY"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PETER"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PETER"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PHILLIP"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PHILLIP"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PHYLLIS"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the name PIERRE"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the Pepper Plant"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "From the Virtue"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Fruitful"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Full, Complete"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Fur Skin"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Gifted"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Glowing"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "God of Speech"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "God of Stormy Weather"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Grandfather Emerald"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Ground Without Slope"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Hair on Fire"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "History"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Honey"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Horse Lover"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Impatient"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Irish Saint"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Ivy"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Keeper of the Park"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Little Plum"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Little"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Loved by ALL"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Loved"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Lover of Flowers"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Lover of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Lover of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Lover"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Loving"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Loving"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Minister, Clergy"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "My Daughter"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "My Escape, Deliverance"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Neighborhood"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Nobleman"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Of Fire"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Of Noble Descent"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Of the Petunia Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Older Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "One Who Packs"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Passover/Easter"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Peace or Gold"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Pearl"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Pet form of Molly"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Physician of the Gods"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Piercing the Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Pious"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Place of Rest"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Poetry"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Presence"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Progressive"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Sapphire"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "She Who Is Lost"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Silent Worker (from Penelope)"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Silent Worker (From Penelope)"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Silent Worker (From Penelope)"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Small Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Small Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Small Rocks"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Small"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Small"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Son of HARRY"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Strong Shoulders"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "The Soul"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "To Love Music"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "To Pass Over"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "To Speak"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Town of Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Tuft, Plume"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Understanding"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Village Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Wanderer"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Wealthy"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Young Peter"?
+Names: Beginning with P: What name means "Youthful Assistant"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "A Companion"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "A Quill"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Able"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Aromatic"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Cub"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Fifth Child"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Fifth"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Fourth"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "From the name QUENTIN"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "From the name QUENTIN"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "How much"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "JAO Gloriously Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Mars, God of War"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Oak Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Queen or Female Companion"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Quintuplet"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Quintuplet"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Soft, Synthetic Material"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "The Fifth"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "The Fifth"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "to Kill"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Valuable"?
+Names: Beginning with Q: What name means "Very Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Companion, Friendship"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Female Sheep, Ewe"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Gypsy"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Reed or Red Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Ring"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Ruby Jewel"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Rune"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Small Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Small Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Small Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Small, Tame Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "A Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Advisor"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Advisor"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Arranger"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Behold - A Son"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Berry Plant"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Bitter Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Blackbrid"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Bright Fame"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Bright Fame"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Brook"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Catherine"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Compact Strength"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Compassionate God"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Compassionate"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Cowboy"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Crystal"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Cure"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Dawn"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Delight"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Dewdrops"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Dragon"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Enthusiastic"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Ewe"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Fair Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Falsity"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Fame Rule"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Fame Spear"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Famed Throughout the Land"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Famed Throughout the Land"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Famous in the Land"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Famous Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Famous Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Farmer"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Fem. form of RAPHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Fem. form of ROMAN"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Fem. form of ROSS"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Field of Birds"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Field of Roses"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Field of Roses"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Forest Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Form of REBECCA"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Form of RENEE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Form of ROLAND"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Fox"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Frog"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "FROM JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From MARGARITA"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From Reims"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From Rheims"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From RILEY"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From RONA and LEE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RACHEL"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RACHEL"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RACHEL"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RALPH or RUDOLF"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RALPH"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RALPH"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RANDOLPH"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RAPHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RAPHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RAPHAEL"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RAYMOND"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name REBECCA"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name REBECCA"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name REED"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name REESE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name REGINALD"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name REGINALD"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RENEE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RENEE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RICHARD"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RICHARD"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RICHARD"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RICHARD"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROBERT"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROBIN"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROBIN"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROCKNE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RODNEY"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RODNEY"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RODNEY"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RORY"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROSALIND"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROSALIND"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROSALIND"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROSE and LINDA"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name ROSE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RUDOLPH"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name RUSSELL"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name VERONICA"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name VERONICA"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the name VERONICA"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the Raven"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the Rocky Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "From the Rye Land"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Glory"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "God Has Healed"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Godlike"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Grand"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Grand"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Head, Boss"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Heavenly Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Hope"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Horseman"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Intelligent and Dependable"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Island"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Joy is Mine"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Land Near the Water"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Laughter"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Link Together"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Little King"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Little Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Little Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Little Seal"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Lives near the Ridge"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Musical Instrument"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "My Joy is the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "No Longer Thirsty"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Of Rome"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Of the Romans"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Of the Rose Blossom"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Over the Red River"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Park"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Peaceful, Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Peaceful, Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Peaceful, Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Pet form of ROCKNE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Pet form of ROCKNE"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Police Officer"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Pomegranate"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Powerful, Rich Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Protected Waterfall"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Queenlike"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Rain"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Reaper"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Reborn"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Reborn"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Reborn"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Red Head"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Red Head"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Red Head"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Red Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Red Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Red Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Red-Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Red"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Redhead"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Redheaded One, or Dim. of REDMOND"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Righteous"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "River"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "River"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Riverbank"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Rivers"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Rose and Anne"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Rose Garlands"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Roses"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Rough Island"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Royal Poet"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Running Competition"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Sandalwood"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Satisfied"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Seal"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Secret"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Shining Light"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Short for Laurence"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Song"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Spirited"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Steward"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Stream"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Sun Born"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Supreme Judge"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Sweet Basil, Virtuous"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "The Ruddy One"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "To Flow"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "To Tie, To Bind"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Tree with Red Berries, Mountain Ash"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Weak One"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wealthy"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wealthy"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "White Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "White Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wild Roses"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Winding River"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wise and Powerful"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wise Protection"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Witch-Nymph-Goddess"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wolf Counselor"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Wolf Counselor"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Woody Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with R: What name means "Young Gazelle"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "7"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "8th Month"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Clear Sign"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Clear Sign"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Crossing"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Crown"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Flat clearing"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Grove"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A House"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A mound or rampart"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Rose or Lily"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Saint"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Sheltered Town"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Sign, Symbol"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Sign"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Song"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Song"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Star"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "A Storm"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Administrator"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Ancient God"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Ancient Philosopher"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Appointed"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Attendant"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Auspicious"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Bag"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Beautiful Thought"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Believe"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Beloved, Dearest"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Beloved, Dearest"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Black"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Blind"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Blind"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Blind"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Born on Sunday"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Borrowed"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Bright as the Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Bright Light"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Bright Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Brilliant, of the Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Brings Comfort, Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Camp glory"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Celtic"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Child of the Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Chirping Songbird"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Comfort"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Contraction of St. Denys"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Contraction of St. Denys"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Contraction of St. Denys"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Crowned One"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Crowned with Wreath"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Delight"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Desert Plain"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Dim. of CECELIA or SHELDON"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Dim. of CECELIA or SHELDON"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Dim. of SNOW"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Divine Omen"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Divine Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Early Morning, Dawn"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Excellent"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fair Complected"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fairy Place"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fairytale"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Farmer"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fem. form of John"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fem. form of SHAUN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fem. form of SHAUN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fem. form of SHAUN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "First Explorer"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Flaming Red"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Flat Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Flat Plain"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Force, Truth"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Forest Voices"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Form of Isabel"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Form of SARAH or Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Form of SARAH"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Form of SEBASTIAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Form of: JOAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From ALEXANDER"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From SALVATORE and IRENE"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From SELENA"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From SERAFINA"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "FROM SHANNON"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From SHEA and DON"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From STEPHANIE"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the Forest, Woods"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the Gem"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name ALEXANDER"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name ALEXANDER"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name CECILIA"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name CECILIA"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name CHARISSE"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name CHARLES"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name CYBILL"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name JAMES"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name JAMES"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name JOHN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SABINE"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SABRA"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SALVADOR"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SAMUEL"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SANTO"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SARAH"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SARAH"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SCOTT"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SHANNON"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SHELDON"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SIDNEY"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name Silvia"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SKIPPER"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SONIA"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SOPHIA"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SOPHIE"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SPENCER"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STANISLAV"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STANLEY"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STAR"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STEVEN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STUART"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STUART"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name STUART"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name SYLVIA"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the name ZACHERY"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "From the spice OR Prophet"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Fulfilled"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Girl Child of Bliss"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Glory of the Camp"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "God Has Heard"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "God is gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "God of War"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Goddess who Watched OVer Bath"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Good Fortune"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Good Thing"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Grateful"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Happiness"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Heavenly, Winged Angel"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Helper"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Helper/Defender of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Her Place"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Holy Man"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Hope"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Hurried"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Impetuous Nature"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Inca Gold"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Invincible"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Irish form of JANE"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "It is heard"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "It is heard"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Jane, God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Jane, God is Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Jewel"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Keeper of the Estate"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Kingdom in Arabia"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Lily"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Lily"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Lily"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Lily"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Lily"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Lion"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Listener"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Long, Heavy Nail"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Lunar Glow"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Marshy Land Near the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Marvelous"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Military Man"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Money"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Nice"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Of Ancient Italian Culture"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Of Scottish Origin"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Of the Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Old, Ancient"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Old"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "On a Hill, Protected"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Ostrich from Water"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Ostrich"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Peaceful Disposition"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Peaceful"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Peacemaker"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Pet form of ALEXANDER"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Pleasant Sounding"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Precious Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Precious Water"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Pretty"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Pretty"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Princess"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Protector of Mankind"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Quiet, Gentle"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Ready for Battle"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Red"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Reddish Brown"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Resurrection"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Resurrection"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Resurrection"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Rocky Area"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Rocky Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Round Basket"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Sacred Dancer"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Sailor"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Saint John"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Salt"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Savior"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Savior"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Scholar"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Serene, Calm"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Servant"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Severe"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Shalom/Welcome, Peace"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Shearer or Servant"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Sheltering"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Sheltering"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Shipmaster"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Signal, Sign"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Small and Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Smooth Fabric"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Solitary"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Song is Mine"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Song of my Soul"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Sowing, Planting"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Star Born"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Stem of Bamboo"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Stone"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Street"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Sugar"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Sun or See SOLOMON"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Sun"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Swordsman"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Swordsman"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Swordsman"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Thankful"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "The Color Silver"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "The Listener"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "The Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "The Season"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "The Town to the South"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Thorny Cactus"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Three"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "To Entice"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "To Sow"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "To Stain"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Town Near Tree Trunk"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Treasure, Prize"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Treeless Plain"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Trinity"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Valuable"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Venerable"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Victory"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "viking"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Wealthy"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Well-going"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Wild"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Wind from the East"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Wisdom"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Wisdom"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Woodcutter"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Yellow"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "youth"?
+Names: Beginning with S: What name means "Youth"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Fairy Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Gazelle"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Holy Place"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Lamb"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A little hill"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A measure of land"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Poet"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Poet"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Sanctuary"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Soft Hat"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Spice or Palm Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Spice or Palm Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "A Window or Goddess of Dawn"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "An Estate"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "AN Smooth"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Angel"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Attractive"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Bear and Man"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Beautiful View"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Bird"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Bold"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Born on Monday"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Born on Monday"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Bringer of Joy"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Calm, Tranquil"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Catholic Saint"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Cheerful, Full of Laughter"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Cheerful"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Christian"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Church land"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Corn flower"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Created"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Crossroads"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Crowned"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Damsel Arise"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Daytime"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Dear Tammy"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Death"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Delicate"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Delight"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Dim. of PATRICIA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Dim. of THADDEUS"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Divine Fame"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Divine Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Divine Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Divine Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Divine Gift"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Drummer"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "End of the Town"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Fairy Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Faithful Man"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Fame"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Famous for God"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Fem. form of Daniel"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Fem. form of TYRONE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Feminine form of TERENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Fertile Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Finish, Complete"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Flourishing"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Form of DANA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Form of DAVID or Drummer"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Form of TERENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Form of TERRY"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Form of THADDEUS"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Form of TORRENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Fox"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Fox"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Fresh Grasses"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From CAMERON"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From ESTHER"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From GERTRUDE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "FROM GUSTAVE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From OCTAVIA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From TAI and LYNN"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "FROM TERENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From THAILAND"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the Gem"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name CATHERINE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name DAVID"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name NATALIE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name PATRICIA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TAMA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TAMARA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TANIA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TERENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TERENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TERENCE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TERRY"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TESS"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name THAD"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name THADDEUS"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name THEODORE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name THERESA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name THERESA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name THOMAS"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TIMOTHY"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TODD"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TOPAZ"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TRISTRAM"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the name TWYLA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From the Thorny Town"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From THEODORE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From Tilden or Matilda"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From TOM"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From TORRANCE or VICTORIA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From TORRANCE or VICTORIA"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From Tuesday"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "From TYRUS & ANNE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "God of Battle"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Goddess of Battle"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Good"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Great Joy, Music"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Greek Letter"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Greenish Blue Color"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Harvester"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Heart"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Hero"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Holy Place"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Holy Three"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Horse Rider"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "House Builder"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "House"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Intelligent"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Island off of Scotland"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "It is Forgotten"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Joyful"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Land of Owen, Young Soldier"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Leather Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Leather Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Lioness"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Little Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Loud Thunder"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Loved One/Lovable"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Lover of Nature"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Lucky"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Maiden, Child"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Might, Power"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Mirror Image"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Mole, Gopher"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Monestary"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Morning Dew"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Mound"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "My Dew"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Myth/Legend"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Mythological Name"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Nation, Tribe"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Nickname for a Texan"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Nickname for THOMAS"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Noble, Lordly"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Noblewoman"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Nursling"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Nursling"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Of Noble Descent"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Of the Widow"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Of Welsh Origin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Pageant"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Payment"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Peach, Long Life"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "People"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Perfect"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Pet form of THEODORE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Pleasantness"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Poet, Philosopher"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Princess or Aunt"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Princess, Aunt"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Princess"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Prudent"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Radiant Brow"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Railway Line"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Respectful of Parents"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Resurrection"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "River"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Rocky Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Rocky Hill"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Roof Fixer"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Running Water"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Sad"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Sad"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Sad"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Safe, Secure"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Servant of Thor"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Short for names ending in TINE"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Silence"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Silent"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Slippery"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Small One"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Small"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Smooth"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Snow"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Son of TY"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Star"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Strong as Iron"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Strong, Forceful"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Sunshine, Exhausted"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Tailor"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Tall Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Tall"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Team"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Tender, Good Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Tender"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "The Angel"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "The Lord Is Good"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "The Pure One"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "The Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "The Third"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "The Trinity"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Third"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Thirty"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Thread"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Three, the Trinity"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Three"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Throne, Seat of Royalty"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Thunder"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Thunder"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Thyme Herb"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Tiger"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Time of Opportunity"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "To Beget"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "To Honor God"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "To reap"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "To Throw or Carry"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Town of Sanctuary"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Toy"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Trapper"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "True"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "True"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Trusted"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Upper Story"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Variation of Rory"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Victor"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Victorious"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Warrior Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Water or Footsoldier"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Whole, Honest"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Whole, Perfect"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Worthy of Praise"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Worthy of Praise"?
+Names: Beginning with T: What name means "Young Eagle"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Angel of Light"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Cheerful"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Color of Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Father, Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Female Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Female Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "First Born of Twins"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Form of ODYSSEUS"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Form of UNA"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Form of URBAN"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Form of URSULA"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "From the City"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "From the Mountains"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "From the Mountains"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Glory"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "God is my Light"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "God is my Light"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Heavenly"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Hope"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Intelligence, Spirit"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Intelligent One"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Jewel of the Sea"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Love"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "My Light"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "My Mother"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Oneness"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Plum Blossom Child"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Servant"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "To Arrive"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "To Fill Up"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Unity"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with U: What name means "Youth"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "A White Wave"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Alive"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Beautiful as a Rose"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Blessed"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Bravery"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Butterfly"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Cheerful"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Conqueror, Victor"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Conqueror"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Courage of a Bear"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Desire to Protect"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Falling Star"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From (the family of)"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the family of..."?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VANESSA"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VAUGHN"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VICTORIA"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VICTORIA"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VINCENT"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VINCENT"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VINCENT"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VIOLET"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From the name VIOLET"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From WILLIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "From Wine Country"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Girl"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Goddess of the Hearth"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Gracious in Life"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Gracious"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Great"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Green"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Happy"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Health or Love"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Health or Love"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Health or Love"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "High"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Kingly"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Like an Angel"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Little Ash Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Longings are Waterfalls"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Lost a Child"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Lovely"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Luckily"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "National Spirit"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Power"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Power"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Prince"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Prince"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Singled Out"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Small Town"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Small Village"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Small"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Son of Vincent"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Strength, Valor"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Strength, Valor"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Strong"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Superior"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Sweet Lady"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "The Love of a Woman"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "The Truth"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "They Leave Us Behind"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "To be strong"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "To be strong"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "True Image"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Truth"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Truth"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Valley"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Victorious"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Victorious"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Vineyard Worker"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Violet Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Virginal, Pure"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Vital"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Wanderer"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Winner, Conqueror"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Wisdom"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Woman of Venice"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with V: What name means "Youthful"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "A Driver"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "A Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "A slender, young tree"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "A Small Field"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "A Stranger"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Brave"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Chasing for Food"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Contraction of WILLIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Desire to Protect"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Desire to Protect"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Desire"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Eagle"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Fair One"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Faithful"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Farm by the Spring"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Farm with White Walls"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Fem. form of WILLIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "First Born"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Forest Walker"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Friend of Peace (F)"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Friend of Peace (M)"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Friendly"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the Homeland"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name GILBERT"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WALTER"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WARREN"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WARREN"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WAYNE"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WENDY"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WENDY"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WESLEY"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WILFRED"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WILLIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WINONA"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WOODS"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WOODY"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the name WYNN"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the Small Field"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the West Town"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "From the Willow Tree"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Hill of Victory"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Hunt"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Light Complected"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Of the Willows"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Of the Woods"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Path of a Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Peaceful or Willow Tree Near Ford"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Plain"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Ruler"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Shape-shifter"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Shield"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Short for WILHEMINA"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Son of WILLIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Son of WILLIAM"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "The Enemy"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "The Path thru the Woods"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "The West Meadow"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "To Preserve"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "To Wade in Water"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "To Wave"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Town of the Smart"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Untamed"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Valley or Wanderer"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Victory Town"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Wagoner"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Warden, Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Water"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Weaver"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Welcome Guest"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "White Island"?
+Names: Beginning with W: What name means "Woods or Army General"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Blond Haired"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "From the name ALEXANDER"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "From the name XANTHUS"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "From the name XAVIER"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Guest"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Hospitable"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Lives in the Forest"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Please Forgive"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Queen"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Spread, Propagate"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Strange Voice"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "WANG Desire"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Welcome Guest"?
+Names: Beginning with X: What name means "Yellow"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "A Man from Judah, A Jew"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Archer"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Beloved"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Blue"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Brook"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Budding Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Calm"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Congratulations"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Easy Going"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Eight Thousand"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Englishman"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Field of Good Prospects"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Form of GEORGE"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Form of GEORGE"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Form of HELEN"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Form of JOSEPH"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Form of YVONNE"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Founded by God"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "From the corner of the land"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "From the name EVE AND ANNA"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "From the name JASMINE"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "From the name JONAH"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "From the name JOSEPH"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "From the name URIAH"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "From the name YANCY"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "From the name YANNIS"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Gates"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Gets What He Wants"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Gift of God"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "God is Good"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "God Will Teach"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "He Answers"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Just"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "King"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Life-Enhancing"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Little Dove"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Male form of YVONNE"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Moon"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Mythological character"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Of Christmastime"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Of the Yard"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Of the Yard"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Of the Yoga Practice"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "One of a Twin"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "One who Yells"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Past the Horizon"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Peaceful One"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Plenty"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Positive"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Prophet, Happiness"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Quiet"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Reliable"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Right Hand"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Ruler of the Household"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Singing"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Snow or Lucky"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Son of the Chief"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Son"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Strength of God"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Supplanter"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "To come Down"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Universe"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Violet Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Violet Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Winter Princess"?
+Names: Beginning with Y: What name means "Work"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "A Sign"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Alive"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Beautiful"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Beauty"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Brilliant and Lovely"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Brilliant, Ahead"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Consecrated to God"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Created"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Departure"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Earth"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Elder"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Exalted/Honored"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Female"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "First born of twins"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "FROM Teresa"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "From the Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "From the name John"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "From the name SARA"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "From the name SUSAN"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "From the name ZAZA"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "From Zaire"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "From ZEDEKIAH"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Gazelle"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Generous"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "God is Fair"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "God of Fatherhood"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Gold"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Golden"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Good Fortune"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Growing"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Guardian"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Healthy and Vigorous"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Help of God"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Hospitable"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Hospitable"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "I Have no Child"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Innocent"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Irish Saint"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Life"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Light, Brilliance"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Light"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Lily"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "May God Protect the King"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Movement"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "My Shadow"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "My Shadow"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Peaceful & Quiet"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Present"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Protected, Sacred"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Protector"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Rainbow"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Remembered by the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Remembrance of the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Remembrance of the Lord"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Respected, Wise"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Rose Flower"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Sash"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Sign, Symbol"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Smart"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Spiritual Leader"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Splendor"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Stranger"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Strength of God"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Successful"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Thank You"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "The Blessed One"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "The Lord is my Rock"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "The Seeker"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "To get rid of Anger"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "To Tremble"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Trap"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Very Bright"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Vigorous, Alive"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Well Fed"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Wheat"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "White Wave"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Wisdom"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Wolf"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Woman Warrior"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Zeal"?
+Names: Beginning with Z: What name means "Zeus"?
+Names: What name means "beloved"?
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..217fec81c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+-- QA metadata begin
+    "category_name": "Star Trek (general)"
+-- QA metadata end
+In Gene Roddenberry's original treatment for Star Trek, what was the name of the Starship?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Yorktown", "Starship Yorktown"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who was the first actor to play a member of all three of the major alien races in Star Trek?
+Mark Lenard
+What two stars of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine were married in real life in 1997?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Alexander Siddig and Nana Visitor", "Nana Visitor and Alexander Siddig", "Alexander Siddig Nana Visitor", "Nana Visitor Alexander Siddig", "Alexander Siddig, Nana Visitor", "Nana Visitor, Alexander Siddig"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is Sulu's primary position on the U.S.S. Enterprise?
+Which Star Trek captain has an artificial heart?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Jean-Luc Picard", "Picard"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Captain Picard has an artificial heart because a member of what species stabbed him?
+Who was the first real astronaut to appear in any Star Trek episode?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Mae C Jemison", "Mae C. Jemison"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+NBC rejected the pilot for "Star Trek." What famous comedian got them to take another look?
+Lucille Ball
+What is Deanna Troi's favorite food?
+What weapon did Kirk and Spock use when they fought for possession of T'Pring during Spock's Pon farr ritual in "Amok Time"?
+A lirpa
+Who was originally cast as Captain Janeway?
+Genevieve Bujold
+Which character serves as the head of security for the space station Deep Space Nine?
+Who created the Bajoran wormhole?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Prophets", "The Prophets"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What type of weapons technology does a phaser use?
+Particle-beam weapons
+In which Star Trek series did writer Larry Niven introduce the cat-like alien race, the Kzinti, into the Star Trek universe?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Animated Series", "The Animated Series", "Star Trek: The Animated Series", "TAS"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What species, known to the Borg as "species 329", were deemed unworthy of assimilation?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Kazon", "The Kazon"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In the Mirror universe, what has replaced the United Federation of Planets?
+Terran Empire
+What was the name of Data's cat?
+Even though Klingon is a real language you can speak now, what Trek actor help create it?
+James Doohan
+What is Lieutenant Uhura's first name?
+What was Seven of Nine's name before she was assimilated by the Borg?
+Annika Hansen
+Who was the first Vulcan science officer aboard the starship Enterprise?
+Who was the first Star Trek actor to write a Star Trek story?
+Walter Koenig
+What future Starfleet captain survived the Battle of Wolf 359?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sisko", "Benjamin Sisko", "Ben Sisko"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who serves as the communications officer in the final episode of Star Trek: The Original Series?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Lisa", "Lt. Lisa", "Lt Lisa", "Lieutenant Lisa"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which of the following was not a founding species of the United Federation of Planets? Andorians, Tellarites, Bajorans, or Vulcans?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Bajorans", "The Bajorans"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which alien race did Ronald Reagan say reminded him of Congress?
+Who played Captain Pike's first officer in "The Cage?"
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Majel Barrett"],
+	"answerFact": "Majel Barrett was Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry's wife in real life"
+-- Answer metadata end
+Whose voice was the voice of the computer in most of the Original Series and in The Animated Series, The Next Gneration, Deep Space 9, Voyager, and Enterprise?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Majel Barrett"],
+	"answerFact": "Majel Barrett, Gene Roddenberry's wife, made phonetic recordings of her voice in 2016 so that her voice could continue to be used. Rod Roddenberry (her and Gene's son) made the recordings with her."
+-- Answer metadata end
+Before Kirk, who was Captain of the Enterprise in the pilot episode of the original Star Trek series?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Christopher Pike", "Captain Pike", "Captain Christopher Pike"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which comedian had a role written for them in "Star Trek IV" that they ultimately turned down?
+Eddie Murphy
+Which Star Trek captain suffers from androgenic alopecia?
+Captain Picard
+What character dies in the series finale of Star Trek: Enterprise?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Trip Tucker", "Charles Trip Tucker III", "Charles Trip Tucker the third", "Trip"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who is the youngest captain in Starfleet history?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["James Kirk", "James T Kirk", "James T. Kirk", "James Tiberius Kirk", "Jim Kirk", "Captain Kirk", "Kirk"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What actress turned down the role of Seven of Nine four times?
+Jeri Ryan
+Who is captain Jonathan Archer (of the NX-01 in "Star Trek: Enterprise") played by?
+Scott Bakula
+What famous character was named after a pilot Gene Roddenberry had met during WWII?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Khan", "Khan Noonien Singh"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which Trek movie featured the first entirely CG sequence in film history?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Wrath of Khan", "The Wrath of Khan"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What was Majel Barrett's first role on Star Trek?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["First officer", "1st officer", "Number One, Captain Pike's first officer", "Number One", "Number 1", "Captain Pike's first officer", "Pike's first officer", "Pike's 1st officer"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is the Klingon homeworld?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Kronos", "Q'onoS", "Qo'noS"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What type of fish does Captain Picard keep in his ready room?
+Which Star Trek character was trapped in a transporter buffer for 75 years?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Montgomery Scott", "Scotty"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is Mr. Chekhov's first name?
+What is Mr. Chekov's full name?
+Pavel Andreievich Chekov
+What is Captain Kirk's middle name?
+Which Star Trek captain loves baseball?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sisko", "Benjamin Sisko", "Ben Sisko", "Captain Sisko"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What medical condition did William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy both suffer as a result of standing too close to a special effect explosion?
+Who was Spock's mother?
+Amanda Grayson
+Which Star Trek series has a female Chief Engineer?
+Which Chief Medical Officer is a Denobulan?
+Which Star Trek captain was forced to impersonate a historical figure to preserve the timeline?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sisko", "Benjamin Sisko", "Ben Sisko", "Captain Sisko"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What character asks Data if he is "fully functional"?
+Tasha Yar
+Who was the first Kelpien to enter Starfleet?
+What were the last words of the last episode of Star Trek: The Original Series?
+If only
+Who was originally offered the role of Spock?
+Martin Landau
+Which species was the first to discover warp drive?
+According to Klingon mythology, what is the place where all life began?
+Thanks to Trek fans, NASA named a space shuttle "Enterprise." What was it going to be called before?
+Which Trek actor was shot six times on D-Day?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["James Doohan"],
+	"answerFact": "James Doohan came up with the basic sounds of the Vulcan and Klingon languages for The Motion Picture"
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which Next Generation species was meant to be introduced as a replacement for Klingons as a major enemy?
+What Star Trek character was labeled "unknown sample" when discovered by Bajoran scientists?
+According to results from the 2013 Star Trek Convention, what was the 7th best "Star Trek " film ever?
+Galaxy Quest
+What was the first ship James T. Kirk served on?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Farragut", "U.S.S. Farragut", "USS Farragut"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What ship is Sulu assigned when he's promoted to captain?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Excelsior", "U.S.S. Excelsior", "USS Excelsior"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which infamous episode of "The Next Generation" is considered the series' worst?
+Shades of Grey
+What type of pet does Captain Archer have on Enterprise?
+Which character has appeared in more episodes than any other in all of Trek history?
+In what year was Star Trek: The Motion Picture released?
+What actor from Star Trek: The Original Series lost his right middle finger during World War II?
+James Doohan
+Which TNG actor was so convinced the show would fail they never bothered to unpack their bags for over a month?
+Patrick Stewart
+Trek famously reuses actors in many alien roles. Who was the first to play a Vulcan, a Romulan, and a Klingon?
+Mark Lenard
+Captain Picard played a flute in an episode of "The Next Generation" that went up for auction in 2006. How much money did it go for?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["48,000 dollars", "48000 dollars", "$48,000", "$48000", "48000"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many different characters has actor Jeffrey Combs played in the "Star Trek" universe?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Eight", "8"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What character was adopted by the Vulcan ambassador Sarek?
+Michael Burnham
+What is the name of the Klingon Commander who ordered the death of Kirk's son David?
+Commander Kruge
+What species' motto is 'Victory is life'?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Jem'Hadar", "Jem Hadar"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Chief O'Brien's wife, Keiko, is the station's schoolteacher, but what is her trained profession?
+What mentor to Benjamin Sisko was the host of the Dax symbiote before Jadzia?
+What ship was Picard on before the Enterprise?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Stargazer", "The Stargazer"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Ziyal is the daughter of which evil mastermind?
+Gul Dukat
+What does Deanna love almost as much as life itself?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Chocolate", "Chocolates"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is the name of the first "Star Trek" movie?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["The Motion Picture", "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is the name of the vessel that makes first contact with the Vulcans in "Star Trek: First Contact"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Phoenix", "The Phoenix"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Under the Treaty of Armens established between the Federation and the Sheliak Corporate, what planet does the Federation cede?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Tau Cygna V", "Tau Cygna 5"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What influential member of the Duras family does Mogh suspect has conspired with the Romulans to overthrow the Klingon emperor?
+Who was the first Starfleet captain to encounter the Borg after the events in "Star Trek: First Contact" slightly altered linear history?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Archer", "Jonathan Archer", "Jon Archer"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which is the only crew member of the Enterprise-D ever to attempt suicide and succeed?
+Dan Kwan
+Which of the following is related to Guinan, the El-Aurian Enterprisde-D bartender?
+Which "Deep Space Nine" crew member goes MIA during the course of the series?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sisko", "Benjamin Sisko", "Ben Sisko", "Captain Sisko"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What was the unusual property of the drink known as a Samarian sunset?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Changed color", "It changed color", "Changes color", "It changes color"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In "Star Trek: Voyager", Captain Janeway is well known for drinking coffee. She wasn't the only one though. Who had a two pot limit per day of a type of coffee called Landras blend?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Torres", "Lt. Torres", "Lt Torres", "Lieutenant Torres", "B'Elanna Torres"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who is the engineer aboard the U.S.S Enterprise-E?
+Geordi La Forge
+Naomi Wildman appears aboard which starship?
+We all know Deanna's mother made several appearances and other mothers appeared from time to time. Whose mother did we never see played by an actress?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Beverly's", "Beverly", "Beverly Crusher's", "Beverly Crusher"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Worf hadn't always worn a gold uniform. What color did he wear in the first season?
+In what season of The Next Generation did Riker first appear with his beard?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Second", "2nd", "2"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which crewmember was it implied that Data became intimate with?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Tasha Yar", "Yar"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who did Data serve as 'father of the bride' for?
+In the episode where Data was having dreams, who did he dream was a cake?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Troi", "Deanna Troi"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which famous mystery character does Data like to be in the holodeck?
+Sherlock Holmes
+Which of the following body parts is the oldest on Data's body?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Head", "His head"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Q was responsible for introducing the crew of the Enterprise D to which race?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Borg", "The Borg"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Where is the Borg's native territory?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Delta Quadrant", "The Delta Quadrant"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What gift did Chakotay present to the Captain in 'Year of Hell' as a birthday present?
+Pocket watch
+What is the given name of the Bajoran liaison officer of Deep Space Nine?
+What is the military rank of Doctor Julian Bashir?
+Who invented the duotronic computer system used on the USS Enterprise?
+Richard Daystrom
+What is the Vulcan marriage ritual called?
+What was the name of the wheat like grain in the episode 'The Trouble with Tribbles'?
+What was Max's nickname for B'Elanna in 'Equinox'?
+What is the name of the race that the Kazon hate?
+In the episode 'Author, Author,' what is the name of the ship the Doc uses in his holonovel?
+What were the name for the people that inhabited the water world?
+What was the name of the device used to circumvent the memories of the Voyager crew in the episode 'The Killing Game'?
+Neural Interface
+What name does the Q, who is granted asylum aboard 'Voyager', adopt once he becomes human in the episode 'Death Wish'?
+Who is the quote on 'Voyager's' registration plaque by?
+Alfred Lord Tennyson
+What was the name of Chakotay's father?
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d33a0bbf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+-- QA metadata begin
+    "category_name": "The Office (2005 US TV show)"
+-- QA metadata end
+Where does Michael Scott move to start his new life with Holly?
+Boulder, Colorado
+What are the names of Jim and Pam Halpert's kids?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cecelia and Phillip", "Cecelia \"Cece\" and Phillip", "Phillip and Cecilia", "Cecilia, Phillip", "Phillip, Cecilia"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which of Angela's cats did Dwight kill?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Sprinkles"],
+	"answerFact": "The casting team originally wanted John Krasinskito audition for the role of Dwight, and he ended up convincing them he would be better off as Jim Halpert."
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who was Pam engaged to before Jim?
+At Phyllis' wedding, Michael revealed that her nickname in high school was what?
+Easy Rider
+Which Grammy nominee played Andy's brother Walter?
+Josh Groban
+Who was hired as Michael Scott's replacement before he moved?
+Deangelo Vickers
+What was the name of Jan Levinson's assistant at corporate?
+How many minutes did Michael Scott work at the office?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["9,986,000", "9,986,000 minutes", "9,986,000", "9986000"],
+	"answerFact": "Steve Carell almost didn't get to play Michael Scott because he was committed to another NBC show called Come to Papa. When that didn't work out, he was able to commit to The Office."
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who won "Hottest in the Office" at Michael's last Dundies?
+Danny Cordray
+Who came up with Suck It?
+David Wallace
+Michael and Dwight tried to steal clients from which local competing business?
+Prince Family Paper
+How many brothers does Jim Halpert have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two", "2"],
+	"answerFact": "When John Krasinski auditioned for Jim, he accidentally told the executive producer that he was worried they were going to mess up the show since he liked the British version so much."
+-- Answer metadata end
+What was the name of Stanley Hudson's mistress?
+Kelly gave out what as party favors at her America's Got Talent finale party?
+Coffee mugs
+How much does Bob Vance bid on a hug from his wife Phyllis?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["$1000", "$1,000", "1000", "One thousand dollars", "A thousand dollars"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Schrute boys must learn how many rules before the age of 5?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Forty", "40"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What was Plop's actual name?
+Who did Michael end up taking to Jamaica?
+Ryan caused the fire at the office warming up what?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cheese pita", "A cheese pita"],
+	"answerFact": "B.J. Novak (Ryan Howard) went to the same high school as John Krasinski (Jim), Brian Baumgartner (Kevin), and Ed Helms (Andy Bernard)."
+-- Answer metadata end
+What was the name of Andy's a cappella group at Cornell?
+Here Comes Treble
+Who came in first place in the Michael Scott's Dunder-Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Toby Flenderson", "Toby"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Finish Dwight's security code: "The tea in Nepal is very hot..."
+But the coffee in Peru is much hotter
+What is the name of the building security guard?
+What does Dwight always keep an extra set of in his car for special occasions?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Birkenstocks"],
+	"answerFact": "The casting team originally wanted John Krasinskito audition for the role of Dwight, and he ended up convincing them he would be better off as Jim Halpert."
+-- Answer metadata end
+Pam and Jim's first kiss took place where?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Chili's"],
+	"answerFact": "Jenna Fischer (Pam Beesly) kept the engagement ring that Jim gave Pam. She admitted on Twitter that it's just a silver ring that isn't worth anything, but she has held onto it anyway."
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is the title of Michael Scott's spy movie?
+Threat Level Midnight
+What is the name of Kevin, Kelly, Erin and Meredith's trivia team?
+The Einsteins
+What is Erin Hannon's real name?
+Who did Kevin get for Secret Santa?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Himself", "Kevin"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is Pam's favorite yogurt flavor?
+Mixed berry
+What is the name of Pam, Oscar and Toby's club?
+The Finer Things Club
+Ryan's son Drake Howard is allergic to what fruit?
+What is the name of Dwight's porcupine?
+Who was on the jury for the Scranton Strangler case?
+What username does Michael pick for an online dating service?
+Little Kid Lover
+Which Harry Potter book did Dwight say he'd take to a desert island?
+Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
+What season did Michael leave The Office?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seven", "7", "Season 7", "7th season", "Seventh season", "The seventh season", "The 7th season", "7th"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Dwight brought who as his date to Michael and Jan's dinner party?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["His former babysitter", "Former babysitter", "Babysitter"],
+	"answerFact": "The casting team originally wanted John Krasinskito audition for the role of Dwight, and he ended up convincing them he would be better off as Jim Halpert."
+-- Answer metadata end
+What nickname does Andy give Jim?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Big Tuna", "Tuna"],
+	"answerFact": "John Krasinski (Jim) did a lot of research on Scranton and paper companies after getting the role of Jim. He shot footage of Scranton that ended up appearing in the opening credits of the show."
+-- Answer metadata end
+While playing Who Would You Do in the office, Michael says he'd have sex with which coworker?
+Michael likes waking up to the smell of what in the morning?
+What is the name of Kevin Malone's band?
+Jim bought Pam's engagement ring how long after they started dating?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["One week", "1 week", "A week"],
+	"answerFact": "The episode when Jim proposed to Pam included the most expensive shot ever at $250,000. The crew had to build a replica of a gas station and rest stop for the proposal scene, since filming it at an actual gas station would have cost $100,000."
+-- Answer metadata end
+Since Michael can't pay for his tots' college education, what does he offer them instead?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Laptop batteries", "Lithium batteries", "Lithium laptop batteries", "Laptop lithium batteries"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is the worst thing about prison, according to Prison Mike?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Dementors", "The Dementors"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Meredith has a Ph.D. in what?
+School Psychology
+What is Dwight's all-time favorite movie?
+The Crow
+What was the name of Michael's former boss who was decapitated?
+Ed Truck
+Who was the regional manager of the Stamford branch?
+Josh Porter
+Who would rather work for an "upturned broom"  than work for somebody else in the office besides themselves?
+Who refers to Michael, Dwight, and Andy as "that jackass, that other jackass, and that new jackass"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Bob Vance", "Bob Vance (of Vance Refrigeration)", "Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who sneezed in Pam's tea and then asid, "Don't worry, it's just allergies"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Michael", "Michael Scott"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who actually thought up the idea for WUPHF, Ryan's social media platform?
+Who told Michael to "start over" after Michael called him an idiot?
+Who referred to golf betting games as "Skins, Acee Deucee, Bingo Bango Bongo, Sandies, Barkies" and "Wolf"?
+Who wanted people to be afraid of how much they love him?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Michael", "Michael Scott"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who did Michael refer to as "booster seat" when he wanted her to stop talking?
+Who got lost in Dwight's corn maze?
+Who thought the phrase was "not to be truffled with" instead of "not to be trifled with"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Michael", "Michael Scott"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+When trying to prove his foot dexterity, who dumped a mug of hot coffee into his lap?
+Who did Michael think was the smartest person in the office?
+Who kept a list of everyone who wronged him?
+Who was finally able to don the Santa suit, thoroughly pissing Michael off?
+Who said to Andy, "Talk to me that way again, and I'll cut your face off"?
+Who hit Dwight in the face with a snowball during a "dusting"?
+Who has been trying to get on jury duty every year since he was 18 years old so he can sit in "an air-conditioned room, downtown, judging people, with paid lunch"?
+Who thanked the Scranton Strangler for taking "one more person's breath away"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Michael", "Michael Scott"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who dressed up as a sexy nurse for the Halloween contest?
+Who was Dwight dressed like when he started attacking Jim in the office with snowballs?
+Who was obsessed with a capella and was a member of Here Comes Treble?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Andy", "Andy Bernard", "The Nard-Dog", "The Nard Dog"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who couldn't deal with how "coddled the modern anus" was?
+Who started the fire, prompting Dwight to rewrite the Billy Joel song?
+Who was the secretary of Knights of the Night?
+Who wanted Cheez Whis to put on his broccoli?
+Who got strangled by the Scranton Strangler when he visited him in jail?
+Who stole Meredith's painkillers in the hospital?
+On the wall of Mr. Choo's Chinese Restaurant, who was in a photo holding up a sign that said "THIEF"?
+Who called the bedroom her gym?
+Who told Angela that the only premature baby in the room was the one her baby ate?
+Who was only a little "stitious"?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Michael", "Michael Scott"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+When interviewing for the manager position, who said she was "not easy to manager"?
+Whom did Dwight want to give a post-apocalypse "knapsack filled with canned goods, chainsaw, gasoline, and emergency radio" in case they woke up?
+As Stonewall Alliance Trivia night, who wrote "The California Raisins" instead of "The Grapes of Wrath" as an answer?
+Who did Dwight think takes 50 minutes to style his hair?
+Who became the receptionist, and loved it, while most of the office was in FLorida at Sabre for training?
+Aside from Michael, who else had a World's Best Boss mug on his desk?
+Who was planking on top of the cabinet in Andy's office?
+Which character was fired in the second season during downsizing and rehired in the last episode?
+Who played Voodoo Mama Juju, the witch doctor, in the murder game played at the office?
+At the Scranton Humane Society Fundraiser, who ended up adopting 12 dogs in a fit to upstage Robert, the senator?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Andy", "Andy Bernard", "The Nard-Dog", "The Nard Dog"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who pretended to be Lloyd Gross, a fictional salesman who was invented to get around the sales commission cap, when an angry Syracuse branch employee confronted Scranton?
+Who created a chore wheel that had no chores when the custodian went on vacation for a month?
+Who thought the phrase "euthenize this place" meant adding youthful energy into the office?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Michael", "Michael Scott"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who wanted to own a decommissioned lighthouse that would launch into space?
+Who was nicknamed "Plop" by Andy?
+Who wore a fake moustache and said, "Bye, Stanley. I love you" during a series of pranks that proved Stanley never noticed anything?
+Who kidnapped Angela during her bachelorette party?
+Who thought Dunder-Mifflin was a dog food company?
+When Dwight claimed that he embraced germs because they made him stronger, who sneezed on his toast, which he then ate reluctantly? - Phyllis, Jim or Andy?
+What job did Creed think he had at the office? - Perceptionist, Inequality Manager, or "Quabity Assurance"?
+Quabity Assurance
+What dish did Kevin spend all weekend cooking only to spill it all over the carpet when he brought it in to share? - Kevin's Famous Chili, Kevin's Famous Frank 'n' Beans, or Kevin's Famous Buffalo Wings?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Chili", "Kevin's Famous Chili"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What was the title of Michael Scott's spy movie? - "I'm Scarn, Michael Scarn", "Threat Level Midnight", or "Nightfall Atomic"?
+Threat Level Midnight
+What did Dwight do to catch people in the act of doing something wrong? - Whip open doors, yell "GOTCHA" every time he walked into a room, or hide under tables?
+Whip open doors
+Whta nickname did Packer give Gabe? - Yo Game-a Gabe-a, Gabewad, or Gabey Baby?
+What present did Pam make Jim for Christmas? - Bounded book of his Dwight pranks, a comic book titled "The Adventures of Jimmy Halpert", or a portrait of CeCe?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Comic book", "A comic book titled The Adventures of Jimmy Halpert"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What did the yellow sticker at Dwight's desk say? - FROGGY 101, EAT BRATS, or GOJU RU KARATE?
+What was Kevin's '80s cover band called? - Paper Pirates, Dunder Shred, or Scrantonicity?
+Which of the following resolutions did Creed want to accomplish: A cartwheel, meet a loose woman, or floss?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cartwheel", "A cartwheel"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which type of bed did Michael sleep on, as revealed to Pam? - A bunk ped, a futon, or a California king?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Futon", "A futon"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which holiday did Meredith beg Ryan and Kelly to stop fighting on because she wanted "one perfect day a yaer" with "no hassles, no problems, no kids"? - Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, or Pretzel Day?
+St. Patrick's Day
+"Michael Scott's Dunder-Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity (blank) Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure" was for which disease? - Rabies, nymphomania, or pica?
+Which Dundie did Angela NOT win? - Kind of a Bitch Award, Tight-Ass Award, or Most Cats Award?
+Most Cats Award
+Other than Pam and Holly, who was the only female to have said, "That's what she said"? - Jan, Meredith, or Phyllis?
+What sound did Dwight play after Erin broke up with Gabe during her Dundie acceptance speech? - Car horn, applause, or crickets?
+Which was NOT one of Angela's cats? - Tinkie, Cornstock, or Meowsus?
+Which fruit did PHyillis use to describe Angela's "little head"? - Grape, kiwi, or blueberry?
+When Kevin tried to convince his coworkers that he's also had sex in the office, which phrase did he use to convince them she was real? - She lives in Canada, she's from another school, or you don't know her?
+She's from another school
+What was the brand name of the ladies' suit Michael found in a bin people were frantically going through and wore to the office? - MISSterious, Sassafras, or Modern Womyn?
+After Michael and Deangelo caught Meredith in a walk of shame home, what did she offer as incentive to get them to stay for breakfast? - Saucers, napkins, or chairs?
+Where did Phyllis take Kevin before they went out as a team to go on sales calls? - Bar for liquid courage, grocery store for snacks, or beauty salon for a makeover?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Beauty salon for a makeover", "Beauty salon"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What did Dwight want to be done with his body after he dies? - Massive funeral pyre, freeze it, or be made into a skeleton?
+Freeze it
+What last name did Jim use for his parody book "The Ultimate Guide to Throwing a Garden Party"? - Trickington, Fauxbert, or Ployman?
+Scranton Strangler
+What did Michael's GPS "make" him do? - Drive into a lake, run into a phone pole, or drive the wrong way on a one-way street?
+Drive into a lake
+What did Meredith do to Michael after accepting her Dundie for Best Mother? - Kiss him, punch him in the face, or flash him?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Kiss him", "Kissed him"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What phrase did Stanley start adding to the end of his sentences becaues he thought it was hilarious? - "Go straight to hell", "You can suck it", or "Shove it up your butt"?
+Shove it up your butt
+What did Pam call the day that occurred once a year when Michael had to sign the paychecks, approve the purchase orders, and initial the expense reports? - Free-for-all Friday, Perfect Storm, or Mayhem Dayhem?
+Perfect Storm
+What did Dwight name his coffee shop after he bought the building? - Dwight's Espresso Express, Dwight's Java Jolt, or Dwight's Caffeine Corner?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Caffeine Corner", "Dwight's Caffeine Corner"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What did Jim claim he gets when he drinks? - Pranky, handsy, or angry?
+What did Andy define as the proper attire for the garden party? - Pennsylvania Preppy, Connecticuit Casual, or Newport Nautical?
+Connecticuit Casual
+After Dwight went behind Michael's back to Jan and tried to take his job, what did Michael make him do as punishment? - Wash his car, do his laundry, or clean his house?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Laundry", "Do his laundry"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What number did the speed gun register as Dwight ran by it? - 13, 20, or 8?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Thirteen", "13"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What reminder did Kevin have tacked to his wall? - Don't eat the yellow snow, don't eat food you find on the floor, or don't eat pocket lint?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Don't eat the yellow snow", "Don't eat yellow snow", "Yellow snow"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What do Schrutes traditionally stand in when they get married? - Bucket of beets, corn maze, or their own graves?
+Their own graves
+What did Ryan guess Todd Packer's middle initial F represented? - Fool, fudge, or fart?
+What did Jim train Dwight to eat by restarting his computer? - Mints, sour balls, or gummy bears?
+Which season was Kevin's favorite? - Cookie season, chili season, or pool season?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Cookie season", "Cookie"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What profession did Meredith's son have? - Bouncer, stripper, or pimp?
+Why didn't Danny Cordray call Pam back? - Pam was in love with Jim, he lost her number, or she was too dorky?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Too dorky", "She was too dorky"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What did Nellie think Kevin's name was? - Creed, Chumbo, or Gavin?
+Which accessory of Stanley's caused a hot debate of whether he had one or not? - Glasses, mustahce, or bow tie?
+What did Dwight name his recycling alien character who lived on Polluticorn? - Recyclobot, Recyclops, or Reclyclone?
+Which of these was NOT a cliché about rain used by Phillis? - The plants are gonna love this, it's raining men, or nobody knows how to drive in the rain?
+It's raining men
+What did Kevin do during Dwight's impromptu fire drill? - Try to climb into the ceiling, have a heart attack, or break into thevending machine to steal candy?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Break into the vending machine to steal candy", "Vending machine", "Break into the vending machine"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What was warehouse worker Hidetoshi Hasagawa's profession when he lived in Japan? - Yakuza boss, heart surgeon, or mercenary?
+Heart surgeon
+What breed of dogs did Jo Bennett bring with her to the Scranton office?
+Great Dane
+Who invented dunderball?
+Which person, who also acted in the show, wrote the most episodes?
+Mindy Kaling
+How many seasons of The Office were made?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Nine", "9"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Steve Carrell's wife, Nancy, plays which minor character on the show?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Carol Stills"],
+	"answerFact": "Carol Stills was his real estate agent"
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is Creed Bratton's real name?
+William Charles Schneider
+How many Halloween episodes of The Office are there?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Six", "6"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In which season did Michael Scott leave to go live with Holly in Colorado?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seventh", "7th", "7", "Season 7"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which "The Office" actor wrote a published children's book that has no pictures in it?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["BJ Novak", "B.J. Novak"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which expression of Michael Scott's does Ricky Gervais as David Brent say to him, bonding them instantly?
+That's what she said
+How many different regional managers were there, including acting managers?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Nine", "9"],
+	"answerFact": "The managers were Michael Scott, Jim Halpert, Andy Bernard, Dwight Schrute, Deangelo Vickers, Robert California, Nellie Bertram, Charles Miner (acting), and Creed Bratton (acting)"
+-- Answer metadata end
+In which month did THe Office premier in 2005?
+Which small-town mockumentary did The Office co-creator Greg Daniels also create?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Parks & Recreation", "Parks and Recreation"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Who was the last character to speak in the series finale of The Office?
+What is the real-life name of Poor Richard's Pub in Scranton, PA?
+Pickwick's Pub
+Which Pennsylvanian county in Scranton is located in, as seen on Dwight's Volunteer Shariff's Deputy mug?
+What is the significance of having the Scranton office on "Slough" street?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["It's the town in the UK show", "Slough is the town in the UK show", "Slough is the town in the UK version of the show", "It's the town in the UK version of the show"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What is Scranton's nickname, mentioned a few times in the series?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Electric City", "The Electric City"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+In the 2018 online auction of The Office props, which item was the top seller at $29,000?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Dunder-Mifflin sign", "Dunder Mifflin sign", "Dunder-Mifflin, Inc. sign", "Dunder Mifflin, Inc. sign", "Dunder-Mifflin Inc. Sign", "Dunder Miffling Inc. sign", "Dunder-Mifflin Inc Sign", "Dunder Mifflin Inc sign"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many accountants are there on The Office?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Three", "3"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+How many sales people are there in the Scranton office in season 3?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seven", "7"],
+	"answerFact": "The sales people in season 3 are Dwight, Jim, Ryan, Stanley, Phyllis, Andy, and Karen"
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which actor sings the 'Threat Level Midnight' theme song?
+Ed Helms
+Which cast member shot the original opening credit footage while researching Scranton, PA?
+John Krasinski
+How many awards did Steve Carrell win for portraying Michael Scott?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Twenty-nine", "Twenty nine", "29"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Jenna Fischer is godmother of which cast member's daughter?
+Angela Kinsey
+Which castmate was on John Krasinski's little league team?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["BJ Novak", "B.J. Novak"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+What type of king does Rainn Wilson claim he is, as seen in the title of his memoir?
+Which main cast member didn't watch the UK version in fear they'd base their character off the UK one?
+Steve Carell
+In which city was the official "Office" wrap party held on May 4th, 2013?
+Scranton, PA
+Which cast member left a $69.69 tip at Iowa City's Bo-James bar in April 2019?
+Brian Baumgartner
+With 22.9 million viewers, which 5th season episode was most watched of the entire series?
+Stress Relief
+Which recurring character does The Office writer and producer Michael Schur play on the show?
+In which year was Dunder-Mifflin founded?
+Whose real niece is Jim and Pam's daughter Cecilia named after?
+Jenna Fischer
+Which camera setup was used to film the show?
+What is Jan's candle company named?
+Serenity by Jan
+Which accountant directed the "After Hours" episode?
+Brian Baumgartner
+How many episodes of The Office are there?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two Hundred One", "201"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which actor wore a wig during season 3 after shaving his head for a movie role?
+John Krasinski
+In which year did The Office season finale premier?
+What iconic sign was relocated to the Steamtown Mall in Scranton, PA after its original location caused congestion because too many people took photos with it?
+Scranton Welcomes You
+In which California neighborhood were most of the interior shots of the office filmed?
+Van Nuys
+Who wrote the scripts for the "Survivor Man" and "Casino Night" episodes?
+Steve Carell
+Which HR rep wrote 16 episodes of the show?
+Which main cast member is the only one who was born in Pennsylvania?
+Kate Flannery
+Which actress was a casting associate for the show when they created a character specifically for her?
+Phyllis Smith
+How many times does Michael fake fire Pam?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Two", "Twice", "2"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which cast member went to high school with Brian Baumgartner?
+Ed Helms
+On which Scranton avenue is the brick building in the opening credits located?
+What is the name of the band who plays the theme song and appears in the "Booze Cruise" episode?
+The Scrantones
+How many Christmas episodes of The Office are there?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Seven", "7"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+Which mega-fan runs the website Office Tally and was a guest star on the series' finale?
+Jennie Tan
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dc1d8150c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/qa/
@@ -0,0 +1,23606 @@
+-- QA metadata begin
+    "category_name": "Word unscramble (English)"
+-- QA metadata end
+Unscramble:  a a a b n a l c c s
+Unscramble:  a a a b n c l c a s
+Unscramble:  a a b t u o m r
+Unscramble:  a a c b m o c t
+Unscramble:  a a c s e i p p
+Unscramble:  a a c y p i r t
+Unscramble:  a a d a c n
+Unscramble:  a a e d d s h d e
+Unscramble:  a a e e c h t r
+Unscramble:  a a f s l e f l
+Unscramble:  a a g d e m n
+Unscramble:  a a g e s v
+Unscramble:  a a g s e g r
+Unscramble:  a a g y a u p r
+Unscramble:  a a i d f r
+Unscramble:  a a i i h w
+Unscramble:  a a j o n v
+Unscramble:  a a l c i t b s
+Unscramble:  a a l e s y c t
+Unscramble:  a a l l e l p r
+Unscramble:  a a l m b i c s
+Unscramble:  a a m c r a a n t
+Unscramble:  a a m i b m r
+Unscramble:  a a m s c h d r
+Unscramble:  a a n a b e h r
+Unscramble:  a a n d e c v l
+Unscramble:  a a n o i v l
+Unscramble:  a a n p j
+Unscramble:  a a n s l c b e
+Unscramble:  a a n t u t l a r
+Unscramble:  a a o t t b f l
+Unscramble:  a a p e a g s n
+Unscramble:  a a p m z e d i
+Unscramble:  a a p n a m
+Unscramble:  a a p n i o t l
+Unscramble:  a a r a t j k
+Unscramble:  a a r g c a a m s d
+Unscramble:  a a r k s i t m
+Unscramble:  a a r l s t p l
+Unscramble:  a a r m u i s m
+Unscramble:  a a r o t
+Unscramble:  a a s d e k d m
+Unscramble:  a a s h a r
+Unscramble:  a a s i g a n k
+Unscramble:  a a s k a l
+Unscramble:  a a s m n t o c u t
+Unscramble:  a a t s e m l
+Unscramble:  a a t s n i a m
+Unscramble:  a a t y r o n t
+Unscramble:  a a t y r o s n
+Unscramble:  a a u l n n b i
+Unscramble:  a a y a l s m i
+Unscramble:  a b a c r r b i
+Unscramble:  a b a e c g b
+Unscramble:  a b e r b r
+Unscramble:  a b e x m a j u
+Unscramble:  a b i e l t r
+Unscramble:  a b i g n g r
+Unscramble:  a b i y l r r
+Unscramble:  a b l g b i g n
+Unscramble:  a b l i y
+Unscramble:  a b l s m e r r
+Unscramble:  a b l s r e b b
+Unscramble:  a b o a i d c m
+Unscramble:  a b o l r x c y
+Unscramble:  a b o s r i p l
+Unscramble:  a b r k y e d a
+Unscramble:  a b s r e i
+Unscramble:  a c a a m s l n
+Unscramble:  a c a a r m s
+Unscramble:  a c e r r n l e
+Unscramble:  a c e s o e h l
+Unscramble:  a c e Y c n n s
+Unscramble:  a c h e r e m s
+Unscramble:  a c h n a b r
+Unscramble:  a c h n t m w a
+Unscramble:  a c h s r e p t
+Unscramble:  a c h y t k l e
+Unscramble:  a c i d l y e c
+Unscramble:  a c i e s c f l
+Unscramble:  a c i g n s u
+Unscramble:  a c i i d s a h
+Unscramble:  a c i s t e l
+Unscramble:  a c l i i t
+Unscramble:  a c l o p u a c
+Unscramble:  a c o t e n f l
+Unscramble:  a c o y l n f r
+Unscramble:  a c p k e h r l
+Unscramble:  a c t y i b r
+Unscramble:  a d a e c e s l
+Unscramble:  a d a n d g r
+Unscramble:  a d a r o t m n
+Unscramble:  a d b d u h
+Unscramble:  a d d i p k p e n
+Unscramble:  a d e c k c r
+Unscramble:  a d e e l i v v l u
+Unscramble:  a d e h a s p
+Unscramble:  a d e i l f l
+Unscramble:  a d e p t a d
+Unscramble:  a d e r g s p
+Unscramble:  a d e s h g n
+Unscramble:  a d e s r s n
+Unscramble:  a d e t m n s i
+Unscramble:  a d f m n o l r
+Unscramble:  a d h c e m r
+Unscramble:  a d i l e s l
+Unscramble:  a d i m y w
+Unscramble:  a d i s s m p l
+Unscramble:  a d i s t b n
+Unscramble:  a d l b e w r
+Unscramble:  a d l c i h i
+Unscramble:  a d l g n i w d
+Unscramble:  a d l m s s i e
+Unscramble:  a d l r e p d
+Unscramble:  a d l s r e s d
+Unscramble:  a d m n e s n
+Unscramble:  a d n i n i
+Unscramble:  a d o a n r m l
+Unscramble:  a d o c l o o r
+Unscramble:  a d o g e t n
+Unscramble:  a d p i e t l
+Unscramble:  a d r m u e r
+Unscramble:  a d s p r e e u
+Unscramble:  a d s s w a h n
+Unscramble:  a d t i s n e
+Unscramble:  a d t n e t i
+Unscramble:  a d v k r a a r
+Unscramble:  a d w d r a l n
+Unscramble:  a d y e h t s r
+Unscramble:  a d y t h n h r
+Unscramble:  a e a e l b h t
+Unscramble:  a e a e t b d l
+Unscramble:  a e a g g b g
+Unscramble:  a e a s m d n
+Unscramble:  a e a y k w t a
+Unscramble:  a e b l l a b s
+Unscramble:  a e b s r i r t
+Unscramble:  a e d d n i c y
+Unscramble:  a e d s g a r h
+Unscramble:  a e e e t g n
+Unscramble:  a e g u a t m r
+Unscramble:  a e h r r c s e
+Unscramble:  a e i a r p r
+Unscramble:  a e i l v
+Unscramble:  a e i m n c r
+Unscramble:  a e i r s s g l
+Unscramble:  a e l c p
+Unscramble:  a e l e v i w k
+Unscramble:  a e l s a l p t
+Unscramble:  a e l s f f s n
+Unscramble:  a e l s z l g e
+Unscramble:  a e l t t s e
+Unscramble:  a e l v s
+Unscramble:  a e m d e l r
+Unscramble:  a e m t n e f k
+Unscramble:  a e n c f r
+Unscramble:  a e n d m i e x
+Unscramble:  a e n d s c
+Unscramble:  a e n e t i g l
+Unscramble:  a e n g i i m
+Unscramble:  a e n l i p r
+Unscramble:  a e n r t t p o
+Unscramble:  a e n s a z c d
+Unscramble:  a e n s d o s p
+Unscramble:  a e n s e c c d
+Unscramble:  a e n s e c v l
+Unscramble:  a e n s t e l s
+Unscramble:  a e o b v
+Unscramble:  a e o w k
+Unscramble:  a e r c b
+Unscramble:  a e r e p t l
+Unscramble:  a e r g n i w f
+Unscramble:  a e r g t n s p
+Unscramble:  a e r n t m w a
+Unscramble:  a e r s o
+Unscramble:  a e r s t i e e
+Unscramble:  a e r y n p
+Unscramble:  a e r y r t
+Unscramble:  a e s n i t p e l
+Unscramble:  a e s t a a n
+Unscramble:  a e s x t
+Unscramble:  a e t g c i f n
+Unscramble:  a e t r m s s e
+Unscramble:  a e t r o n f w r t
+Unscramble:  a e t s e t p l
+Unscramble:  a e t t u s t
+Unscramble:  a e u l r f i
+Unscramble:  a e u r e v m n
+Unscramble:  a e w e s i p l
+Unscramble:  a f i t f c i
+Unscramble:  a f i t f m s
+Unscramble:  a f i u u l t b e
+Unscramble:  a f i y n t q u
+Unscramble:  a f i y t n f
+Unscramble:  a f l s e i b r
+Unscramble:  a f r l f a t i
+Unscramble:  a f r n o s f
+Unscramble:  a g a o o r k n
+Unscramble:  a g d o m
+Unscramble:  a g d s g o h n
+Unscramble:  a g h e r i n l
+Unscramble:  a g h r e t d u
+Unscramble:  a g i h n m s
+Unscramble:  a g i l n d r
+Unscramble:  a g i l n g o
+Unscramble:  a g i l n w i
+Unscramble:  a g i t n h s
+Unscramble:  a g i u n v l
+Unscramble:  a g k k o b n
+Unscramble:  a g l g n i d n
+Unscramble:  a g l g r i g n
+Unscramble:  a g l n o
+Unscramble:  a g l s e b n
+Unscramble:  a g n e e v r r
+Unscramble:  a g n e u c d r
+Unscramble:  a g n n i m o
+Unscramble:  a g n s d i l e
+Unscramble:  a g n v i c r
+Unscramble:  a g o n i l p n
+Unscramble:  a g r m r e a i
+Unscramble:  a h c e d a h e
+Unscramble:  a h e a n s p
+Unscramble:  a h e c e h t
+Unscramble:  a h e s s e d n
+Unscramble:  a h e t n r
+Unscramble:  a h i g n d s
+Unscramble:  a h i n s t r
+Unscramble:  a h i s r e c s
+Unscramble:  a h l s f
+Unscramble:  a h m w
+Unscramble:  a h o e t u c s
+Unscramble:  a h t e w
+Unscramble:  a h t g c i y n
+Unscramble:  a i a f n r o c i l
+Unscramble:  a i a r f c
+Unscramble:  a i a s e t l b
+Unscramble:  a i a s l f c
+Unscramble:  a i c h n
+Unscramble:  a i c n r o c v
+Unscramble:  a i c s l o c e
+Unscramble:  a i c s x a t b
+Unscramble:  a i d y l i v t
+Unscramble:  a i f d l i s e
+Unscramble:  a i g c g o a n
+Unscramble:  a i g s n m l
+Unscramble:  a i h p n s d e
+Unscramble:  a i l n n k f r
+Unscramble:  a i n e d a m r
+Unscramble:  a i n e t a m r
+Unscramble:  a i n h o c t w n
+Unscramble:  a i n o l b
+Unscramble:  a i n s a c t z
+Unscramble:  a i n s s e l z
+Unscramble:  a i n s s e r c
+Unscramble:  a i o s i l r v
+Unscramble:  a i o s n n t
+Unscramble:  a i o s r u p v
+Unscramble:  a i p l a l y c
+Unscramble:  a i p l s c e r
+Unscramble:  a i p t o t l
+Unscramble:  a i s d v h r e
+Unscramble:  a i s o m a c d
+Unscramble:  a i s r e h r v
+Unscramble:  a i s r e t g n
+Unscramble:  a i s r g t m e
+Unscramble:  a i t d s t i r
+Unscramble:  a i t e n i s z
+Unscramble:  a i t t b a h n
+Unscramble:  a i v o t c a e r i d
+Unscramble:  a k a e l b w l
+Unscramble:  a k c c o p e
+Unscramble:  a k d g u o r b n c
+Unscramble:  a k e d c y l e
+Unscramble:  a k e d e r c n
+Unscramble:  a k e d r n d e
+Unscramble:  a k e n m e a s
+Unscramble:  a k e o o r j c
+Unscramble:  a k e r r t m e
+Unscramble:  a k h l c
+Unscramble:  a k i d n m n
+Unscramble:  a k i e r l s t
+Unscramble:  a k i g n b n
+Unscramble:  a k i g n m s
+Unscramble:  a k i t c e t s
+Unscramble:  a k i t r e n s
+Unscramble:  a k i t s e w c
+Unscramble:  a k l c b
+Unscramble:  a k l r c i h e
+Unscramble:  a k o b o l w
+Unscramble:  a k o l c d g
+Unscramble:  a k p k e e e s
+Unscramble:  a k w s y a w l
+Unscramble:  a l a l t b e k
+Unscramble:  a l e a w w y l
+Unscramble:  a l e e r s e
+Unscramble:  a l e l t b e l
+Unscramble:  a l e s e g
+Unscramble:  a l e s s h t
+Unscramble:  a l e y a w c b
+Unscramble:  a l e y g l
+Unscramble:  a l h l s
+Unscramble:  a l i a m d r
+Unscramble:  a l i d l a g r
+Unscramble:  a l i g n s i
+Unscramble:  a l i l t b b o
+Unscramble:  a l i m d s e c
+Unscramble:  a l i s e n c r
+Unscramble:  a l i s e n m r
+Unscramble:  a l i s g n f i
+Unscramble:  a l i s t n f g
+Unscramble:  a l i t r e e s
+Unscramble:  a l i t s g g h
+Unscramble:  a l i v g a n
+Unscramble:  a l i y b b f l
+Unscramble:  a l k f l e o t
+Unscramble:  a l k g n i b u
+Unscramble:  a l l s i e s s
+Unscramble:  a l n e u s d e
+Unscramble:  a l n i s
+Unscramble:  a l n r i l a f
+Unscramble:  a l o a v p v
+Unscramble:  a l o d f f s c
+Unscramble:  a l o e s t d i
+Unscramble:  a l o e s t v
+Unscramble:  a l s i i t s b c l
+Unscramble:  a l s n o t h e i
+Unscramble:  a l t f s l a b
+Unscramble:  a l t i e m a p n r
+Unscramble:  a l t i i s n i
+Unscramble:  a l t t c a u
+Unscramble:  a l u a c c s
+Unscramble:  a l u e b t l
+Unscramble:  a l u n t a r
+Unscramble:  a m a g c i n p
+Unscramble:  a m a g r d i
+Unscramble:  a m a l r
+Unscramble:  a m d l o e r
+Unscramble:  a m e d m r Y e
+Unscramble:  a m e e m t g
+Unscramble:  a m g d a s i r
+Unscramble:  a m i t l e b s
+Unscramble:  a m i t s e b r
+Unscramble:  a m o c r n h i
+Unscramble:  a m o t r s m e
+Unscramble:  a m u d i s t
+Unscramble:  a m y h s t y p
+Unscramble:  a m y s h l n
+Unscramble:  a n a e w b n
+Unscramble:  a n a i f s a t
+Unscramble:  a n a i m n n g
+Unscramble:  a n a k s s
+Unscramble:  a n a l i i t
+Unscramble:  a n a l t b e n
+Unscramble:  a n a r i a c
+Unscramble:  a n a s m l u
+Unscramble:  a n b s i o r w
+Unscramble:  a n c b c t a h
+Unscramble:  a n c c u t o h
+Unscramble:  a n d e c i j u
+Unscramble:  a n e d e r
+Unscramble:  a n e d l n o t
+Unscramble:  a n e e h n b
+Unscramble:  a n e e m d n h
+Unscramble:  a n e r c u s t
+Unscramble:  a n e r c u t
+Unscramble:  a n e s r l n
+Unscramble:  a n e v t e r
+Unscramble:  a n g h n a m
+Unscramble:  a n g y g e m
+Unscramble:  a n h h g d i l
+Unscramble:  a n i e v g r t
+Unscramble:  a n i g c h p o
+Unscramble:  a n i g c k q u
+Unscramble:  a n i g i m c l
+Unscramble:  a n i g l n s s
+Unscramble:  a n i g n c t r
+Unscramble:  a n i g n d b r
+Unscramble:  a n i g n k s p
+Unscramble:  a n i g n k t h
+Unscramble:  a n i g p p f l
+Unscramble:  a n i g p t a d
+Unscramble:  a n i g r d s w
+Unscramble:  a n i g r r s c
+Unscramble:  a n i l e
+Unscramble:  a n k d c d o l
+Unscramble:  a n m l e r i
+Unscramble:  a n n a t m s t a h
+Unscramble:  a n n m u t o t
+Unscramble:  a n o t c c s t
+Unscramble:  a n p i s
+Unscramble:  a n r k o
+Unscramble:  a n s l c y n t o t
+Unscramble:  a n s p r e u l
+Unscramble:  a n t r e p i
+Unscramble:  a n t s o d c l
+Unscramble:  a n t t i e f s
+Unscramble:  a n t t u e g s
+Unscramble:  a n t y i i d l
+Unscramble:  a n u e e d c n r
+Unscramble:  a n u e s k d b
+Unscramble:  a n u s r y w
+Unscramble:  a n z o a m
+Unscramble:  a o c r o n
+Unscramble:  a o d v a b r
+Unscramble:  a o e g n i c n
+Unscramble:  a o l r s i g e
+Unscramble:  a o l s e c j
+Unscramble:  a o l s j e c r
+Unscramble:  a o l t t
+Unscramble:  a o m g r i c n
+Unscramble:  a o n e n i c z
+Unscramble:  a o n g g i w n
+Unscramble:  a o n m r
+Unscramble:  a o n m s i l c
+Unscramble:  a o n s r e b t
+Unscramble:  a o n y p i s f
+Unscramble:  a o o d e n m r
+Unscramble:  a o r e p s s t
+Unscramble:  a o r s b i t n
+Unscramble:  a o s s i r b
+Unscramble:  a o t e c p
+Unscramble:  a o t n n k p l
+Unscramble:  a o u l q b y t
+Unscramble:  a o u s f m
+Unscramble:  a o u Y m s f l
+Unscramble:  a o x e l o n n
+Unscramble:  a o y c m n y m
+Unscramble:  a p a l h
+Unscramble:  a p a s l t p e
+Unscramble:  a p a s w p w
+Unscramble:  a p a t n r m
+Unscramble:  a p e d e r t m
+Unscramble:  a p e e r l d e
+Unscramble:  a p e s r s p
+Unscramble:  a p e t r n s l
+Unscramble:  a p e w r s i t
+Unscramble:  a p i e r v m
+Unscramble:  a p i g n n p
+Unscramble:  a p i s e h r
+Unscramble:  a p i s m o t n
+Unscramble:  a p i t p e n s
+Unscramble:  a p l s t o m r
+Unscramble:  a p m i o l c h
+Unscramble:  a p n t u i l
+Unscramble:  a p s e e r n c t r
+Unscramble:  a p s r n s w e e p
+Unscramble:  a p s s a e e c
+Unscramble:  a p s s e l i
+Unscramble:  a q i e l t s u
+Unscramble:  a r a d g n s l
+Unscramble:  a r a n o g t r
+Unscramble:  a r a o m t c
+Unscramble:  a r a y t u s t
+Unscramble:  a r c c o d l h
+Unscramble:  a r c e p l
+Unscramble:  a r c e s m r e
+Unscramble:  a r c s i u h t
+Unscramble:  a r c s t u h i
+Unscramble:  a r d e b
+Unscramble:  a r d o c h
+Unscramble:  a r e d m i m
+Unscramble:  a r e e b v s e
+Unscramble:  a r e f f c h
+Unscramble:  a r e l t y i r
+Unscramble:  a r e m n t a h w e
+Unscramble:  a r e n p i s t
+Unscramble:  a r e r l p e
+Unscramble:  a r e s n n s c
+Unscramble:  a r e s n t c h
+Unscramble:  a r e s r n l e
+Unscramble:  a r e s t t b
+Unscramble:  a r e t h w e
+Unscramble:  a r e v n i g
+Unscramble:  a r f e t
+Unscramble:  a r g p i s d n e
+Unscramble:  a r h k o m r
+Unscramble:  a r i d a r s w
+Unscramble:  a r i d i c p e t
+Unscramble:  a r i g n b r
+Unscramble:  a r i k e t c
+Unscramble:  a r i l d g m a
+Unscramble:  a r i n r g l a
+Unscramble:  a r i s e f e
+Unscramble:  a r k o e
+Unscramble:  a r l b e b b
+Unscramble:  a r l b e d b
+Unscramble:  a r l e v e
+Unscramble:  a r l n c u e
+Unscramble:  a r l s a t t w
+Unscramble:  a r o c d n y m
+Unscramble:  a r o d u c n
+Unscramble:  a r o s m r t
+Unscramble:  a r o s w y r
+Unscramble:  a r o t f n m
+Unscramble:  a r s y i
+Unscramble:  a r t e g
+Unscramble:  a r t m r y o u
+Unscramble:  a r u j g s u l
+Unscramble:  a r u l b o l
+Unscramble:  a r u r g e l
+Unscramble:  a s a b h a m
+Unscramble:  a s a d d r t
+Unscramble:  a s a k c r n
+Unscramble:  a s a y n b n
+Unscramble:  a s d i e h l
+Unscramble:  a s d m a
+Unscramble:  a s e d r c r
+Unscramble:  a s e e s u d n
+Unscramble:  a s e h r g t
+Unscramble:  a s e l r l d
+Unscramble:  a s e l y b r
+Unscramble:  a s e n c f r
+Unscramble:  a s e n r t n
+Unscramble:  a s e n t g n
+Unscramble:  a s e p r r p
+Unscramble:  a s e s r l e
+Unscramble:  a s e s r p s
+Unscramble:  a s e t d i b e
+Unscramble:  a s e t g l t
+Unscramble:  a s e t r n t
+Unscramble:  a s e t r r t
+Unscramble:  a s e u y m g
+Unscramble:  a s g a e d m
+Unscramble:  a s h a a t i
+Unscramble:  a s h t r e h s
+Unscramble:  a s i d d n s b
+Unscramble:  a s i e m m d n
+Unscramble:  a s i h k f w e
+Unscramble:  a s i h l m q u
+Unscramble:  a s i l e b i
+Unscramble:  a s i l f l y c
+Unscramble:  a s i m r f d w
+Unscramble:  a s l p e d p
+Unscramble:  a s l s y e p i
+Unscramble:  a s n a t s v
+Unscramble:  a s n e t p r
+Unscramble:  a s n e u v d h
+Unscramble:  a s n i g m k
+Unscramble:  a s n k t h
+Unscramble:  a s n s a t z
+Unscramble:  a s o d e m r n
+Unscramble:  a s o h m f t
+Unscramble:  a s o s n r m
+Unscramble:  a s o s s o b n
+Unscramble:  a s p t u r s t
+Unscramble:  a s r s e c h
+Unscramble:  a s t d e w i
+Unscramble:  a s t n u p e
+Unscramble:  a s u a i p m l r
+Unscramble:  a s u d b r t
+Unscramble:  a s u m i p u m r
+Unscramble:  a s u t e b t
+Unscramble:  a t a a t c n
+Unscramble:  a t a e g w s
+Unscramble:  a t a l r b y e
+Unscramble:  a t a o d r i g l
+Unscramble:  a t a s g i w l
+Unscramble:  a t a t e n c s s
+Unscramble:  a t b k c a f s
+Unscramble:  a t c e r r a c h
+Unscramble:  a t c l e d i
+Unscramble:  a t d b l e a p
+Unscramble:  a t d r g a o l i
+Unscramble:  a t d w l s i c
+Unscramble:  a t e c s e a m
+Unscramble:  a t e g n d r
+Unscramble:  a t e i s g m
+Unscramble:  a t e l b e i r
+Unscramble:  a t e l l l y h
+Unscramble:  a t e r h
+Unscramble:  a t e r t n f e
+Unscramble:  a t e s d s h e
+Unscramble:  a t e s n h s
+Unscramble:  a t e s t l f l
+Unscramble:  a t e s u o l c
+Unscramble:  a t e u s v g
+Unscramble:  a t h l c e i g
+Unscramble:  a t h r e f r
+Unscramble:  a t h s u c n
+Unscramble:  a t i e s t s u
+Unscramble:  a t i l t b e h
+Unscramble:  a t i m s b p
+Unscramble:  a t i n v e a g
+Unscramble:  a t i r o p t
+Unscramble:  a t i s e m p s
+Unscramble:  a t i s l a p r
+Unscramble:  a t i s t n b g
+Unscramble:  a t i t t e b s
+Unscramble:  a t i t t e t s
+Unscramble:  a t i y s t c h
+Unscramble:  a t l g n i b t
+Unscramble:  a t l s t e t r
+Unscramble:  a t l s t e t r
+Unscramble:  a t l t l e o g
+Unscramble:  a t n e p l
+Unscramble:  a t n n m e t p e r
+Unscramble:  a t n s l a s e
+Unscramble:  a t o b u
+Unscramble:  a t o d s e e l
+Unscramble:  a t o s r a t m
+Unscramble:  a t p o t n m i e s t
+Unscramble:  a t p s d a r e
+Unscramble:  a t r s e i p s
+Unscramble:  a t s e o e c t
+Unscramble:  a t s h r o w e m r
+Unscramble:  a t t f a e l m
+Unscramble:  a t t o r e a m
+Unscramble:  a t u a n e n l
+Unscramble:  a t u d o n l
+Unscramble:  a t u d o n s l
+Unscramble:  a t u d o r w
+Unscramble:  a t u s e r w f
+Unscramble:  a t w d s a e r
+Unscramble:  a t y e c h t r
+Unscramble:  a t z r e w l
+Unscramble:  a u l e c a m t
+Unscramble:  a u n t n o e
+Unscramble:  a u o e c g r
+Unscramble:  a u o m r t k h
+Unscramble:  a u r n s t
+Unscramble:  a u r y t e m l
+Unscramble:  a u s r l t b e
+Unscramble:  a v a e l b s l
+Unscramble:  a v a s l g s e
+Unscramble:  a v e e r l d e
+Unscramble:  a v o l m b e e
+Unscramble:  a w i e r h y
+Unscramble:  a w t e s
+Unscramble:  a y a d r t c i
+Unscramble:  a y a k p c b
+Unscramble:  a y c u s l m b
+Unscramble:  a y d h a e w
+Unscramble:  a y e s k d p
+Unscramble:  a y e t r m s
+Unscramble:  a y e u l v g
+Unscramble:  a y f t i b e
+Unscramble:  a y g g s h
+Unscramble:  a y i h l o d
+Unscramble:  a y l e f p r p
+Unscramble:  a y l h l s a w
+Unscramble:  a y l r i c h
+Unscramble:  a y r l n e
+Unscramble:  a y r v e s l
+Unscramble:  a y t i l t c
+Unscramble:  a y t l i r e
+Unscramble:  a y t l i
+Unscramble:  b a d d e a r
+Unscramble:  b a i e r s i
+Unscramble:  b a l r c e s b
+Unscramble:  b a o r c
+Unscramble:  b a r u m
+Unscramble:  b c i c k a k k
+Unscramble:  b d a r l i d y
+Unscramble:  b d e r a
+Unscramble:  b d r a e
+Unscramble:  b e a l d
+Unscramble:  b e c d r a e m
+Unscramble:  b e i c s a s
+Unscramble:  b e i r b l w o
+Unscramble:  b e i r d
+Unscramble:  b e i s o d n o
+Unscramble:  b e l s i c c u
+Unscramble:  b e l z a
+Unscramble:  b e n d s t a e
+Unscramble:  b e o e t d n m
+Unscramble:  b e r s e s o v
+Unscramble:  b e r s f a e e
+Unscramble:  b e s d e s o s
+Unscramble:  b e t d o l u n
+Unscramble:  b e t u t
+Unscramble:  b e u s r d c b
+Unscramble:  b g n b i f o
+Unscramble:  b g n b i m o
+Unscramble:  b g r n i
+Unscramble:  b h e c e
+Unscramble:  b h r i t
+Unscramble:  b h r s u
+Unscramble:  b i a u m e z q o m
+Unscramble:  b i a w r o s n
+Unscramble:  b i c t d a a n
+Unscramble:  b i d e o r
+Unscramble:  b i e t a r e d o t l
+Unscramble:  b i n g u y
+Unscramble:  b i r e g l s b
+Unscramble:  b i s s r o f i
+Unscramble:  b j u s j e u
+Unscramble:  b l b p o y r a
+Unscramble:  b l c p c e e a
+Unscramble:  b l g e i e l i
+Unscramble:  b l i i v e n a
+Unscramble:  b l i s e s o k
+Unscramble:  b l i v r y a a
+Unscramble:  b l s e a e r a
+Unscramble:  b l t s r e o a
+Unscramble:  b l t t s e a a
+Unscramble:  b n a a h r c i e l m
+Unscramble:  b n a s d e s u
+Unscramble:  b n c a o
+Unscramble:  b n d t n a a u
+Unscramble:  b n e t c i e o
+Unscramble:  b n i o s
+Unscramble:  b n r w o
+Unscramble:  b o h a s o t w
+Unscramble:  b o l e t u o v
+Unscramble:  b o l r e v a s
+Unscramble:  b o l r s e s b
+Unscramble:  b o o n w i e d
+Unscramble:  b o o r t a s l
+Unscramble:  b o o t f a h t
+Unscramble:  b o r e e f
+Unscramble:  b o r r e b a s
+Unscramble:  b o r r h r a e
+Unscramble:  b o t c i a i
+Unscramble:  b r b e r u
+Unscramble:  b r n s e e o
+Unscramble:  b r o m i f c u
+Unscramble:  b r o m i f t u
+Unscramble:  b r o u l a
+Unscramble:  b r r a i
+Unscramble:  b r t n o i a o
+Unscramble:  b r u d t d o e
+Unscramble:  b s a e n
+Unscramble:  b s i d r
+Unscramble:  b s i e r a
+Unscramble:  b s i m a n u r
+Unscramble:  b s i n w o e h
+Unscramble:  b s l u b
+Unscramble:  b s o e n
+Unscramble:  b s o e x
+Unscramble:  b s r c e h u
+Unscramble:  b s u l e
+Unscramble:  b s u l l
+Unscramble:  b t a e e t h e
+Unscramble:  b t a e u l t u
+Unscramble:  b t a s d a e a
+Unscramble:  b t c s d u s u
+Unscramble:  b t e r e t
+Unscramble:  b t e r u t
+Unscramble:  b t i e a n u r
+Unscramble:  b t i n u l a o
+Unscramble:  b t o n o s
+Unscramble:  b t r t s a a c
+Unscramble:  b t s e a l a
+Unscramble:  b u r y l d a s
+Unscramble:  b v o e m l a
+Unscramble:  b v o e m l s a
+Unscramble:  b y a e s l a
+Unscramble:  b y a m l
+Unscramble:  b y e t t
+Unscramble:  b z i l r a
+Unscramble:  bipsleruh
+Unscramble:  c a a d c i
+Unscramble:  c a e n d
+Unscramble:  c a g n h i m i
+Unscramble:  c a h a c o l r
+Unscramble:  c a h e t h s t
+Unscramble:  c a h n c i g n
+Unscramble:  c a i h l l e a
+Unscramble:  c a l m g o a u
+Unscramble:  c a n f r l o i
+Unscramble:  c a n l c i v a
+Unscramble:  c a o g n
+Unscramble:  c a r a e m i
+Unscramble:  c a t e s h s r
+Unscramble:  c a t r s l u i
+Unscramble:  c b b d e l s a
+Unscramble:  c c a m b o b k
+Unscramble:  c c e e r l d y
+Unscramble:  c c e e r l y
+Unscramble:  c c i i f p a
+Unscramble:  c d a l r a i
+Unscramble:  c d b n a e t u
+Unscramble:  c d d s a e u
+Unscramble:  c d e i t u n
+Unscramble:  c d e l p e s i
+Unscramble:  c d h t e s y
+Unscramble:  c d i i d t c a
+Unscramble:  c d n r e a p o
+Unscramble:  c d n s i t u
+Unscramble:  c d o l u
+Unscramble:  c d o r w
+Unscramble:  c d r s h a o r
+Unscramble:  c d u o l
+Unscramble:  c d u t p i y i
+Unscramble:  c e a b l d a n
+Unscramble:  c e a e h s n n
+Unscramble:  c e a l v
+Unscramble:  c e a m s r
+Unscramble:  c e d d l u i n
+Unscramble:  c e h l i
+Unscramble:  c e i d h s e s
+Unscramble:  c e i h l
+Unscramble:  c e l e b h s n
+Unscramble:  c e l s e l m i
+Unscramble:  c e m n a i g r
+Unscramble:  c e n e c s i
+Unscramble:  c e n o r s i r h o
+Unscramble:  c e n s l o c y
+Unscramble:  c e o e f n r
+Unscramble:  c e o o c i n r
+Unscramble:  c e o u v s n i
+Unscramble:  c e p d a r e s
+Unscramble:  c e r a a s v i
+Unscramble:  c e r e p h r a
+Unscramble:  c e r e t l a
+Unscramble:  c e r e w h s t
+Unscramble:  c e r s h z s o
+Unscramble:  c e r s l o s u
+Unscramble:  c e r t o s h a
+Unscramble:  c e r u g l a r u t i
+Unscramble:  c e r u v
+Unscramble:  c e s d e n l i
+Unscramble:  c e s d u r a c
+Unscramble:  c e t p k s l o
+Unscramble:  c e t v r s e i
+Unscramble:  c e u s a q m a
+Unscramble:  c e v d e i d e
+Unscramble:  c e v s l a e x
+Unscramble:  c g n k i t i
+Unscramble:  c g n u a e l a r r t
+Unscramble:  c h a c n e y n
+Unscramble:  c h a o c
+Unscramble:  c h i s u q n
+Unscramble:  c h o c u
+Unscramble:  c i a r r a d l
+Unscramble:  c i e e p
+Unscramble:  c i i h l
+Unscramble:  c i r p e n
+Unscramble:  c i r t t d e a
+Unscramble:  c i s e e r
+Unscramble:  c i y p l d o a
+Unscramble:  c k b p y a a
+Unscramble:  c k l p d a o
+Unscramble:  c k n o h i p a
+Unscramble:  c k o n o s h
+Unscramble:  c k s w e s a u
+Unscramble:  c k t b t u o
+Unscramble:  c l a d n i e
+Unscramble:  c l a e c l s y
+Unscramble:  c l a r o l
+Unscramble:  c l d g n i s a
+Unscramble:  c l d y u n j o
+Unscramble:  c l e a p
+Unscramble:  c l e s t a t e
+Unscramble:  c l i d s i e i
+Unscramble:  c l i l k f b a
+Unscramble:  c l o p e i
+Unscramble:  c l p e o u d e
+Unscramble:  c l p t u s s i
+Unscramble:  c l r c r e u i
+Unscramble:  c l r m a t p o e a a
+Unscramble:  c m a x l i
+Unscramble:  c m e r a
+Unscramble:  c m o y o t o n
+Unscramble:  c n a t i t i n
+Unscramble:  c n e n m i g a
+Unscramble:  c n e t e d d e
+Unscramble:  c n e t i d i n
+Unscramble:  c n i c i t a o
+Unscramble:  c n i g a s e n
+Unscramble:  c n i g i d e x
+Unscramble:  c n i g k l c o
+Unscramble:  c n o c i m e o
+Unscramble:  c n o s h o s k
+Unscramble:  c o h u p
+Unscramble:  c o l e b h s t
+Unscramble:  c o n o g
+Unscramble:  c o r o t d s a
+Unscramble:  c p e h a
+Unscramble:  c p e r e
+Unscramble:  c p t d e r s e
+Unscramble:  c r a l e n u
+Unscramble:  c r a r c a a a
+Unscramble:  c r d i e
+Unscramble:  c r e a d
+Unscramble:  c r e s r s o
+Unscramble:  c r i l d t y e
+Unscramble:  c r i t a e s s
+Unscramble:  c r l a e
+Unscramble:  c r o e p h s
+Unscramble:  c r o t a m a h
+Unscramble:  c r p g a i s n
+Unscramble:  c r p n o i s s o
+Unscramble:  c r t o d o
+Unscramble:  c r t s h a
+Unscramble:  c s a h o
+Unscramble:  c s e l r s a
+Unscramble:  c s e r s a t
+Unscramble:  c s e t k r b a
+Unscramble:  c s h s e
+Unscramble:  c s i e a l l o
+Unscramble:  c s i m a l v o
+Unscramble:  c s k i a w s r c e
+Unscramble:  c s l b u
+Unscramble:  c s l e l
+Unscramble:  c s l o l s r
+Unscramble:  c s m e u l y
+Unscramble:  c s m i p s r
+Unscramble:  c s n k e d i
+Unscramble:  c s n r o m a
+Unscramble:  c s n s i t e
+Unscramble:  c s r h e a r
+Unscramble:  c s r t o s e
+Unscramble:  c s t e p i n
+Unscramble:  c s t m s a i
+Unscramble:  c t a e a v e x
+Unscramble:  c t a s e t a e
+Unscramble:  c t a s l a e
+Unscramble:  c t h g a i s n
+Unscramble:  c t i y i n v i
+Unscramble:  c t i y u r s e
+Unscramble:  c t l n g s e e
+Unscramble:  c t p e i r e
+Unscramble:  c t r e t x a
+Unscramble:  c t t e a k d a
+Unscramble:  c t t r p o o r e
+Unscramble:  c t u e h l a r
+Unscramble:  c t u o n c o
+Unscramble:  c t u o n
+Unscramble:  c t y s e p e o
+Unscramble:  c u b s c u s u
+Unscramble:  c u b s r o m i
+Unscramble:  c u l d e t o c
+Unscramble:  c u o s r e n a
+Unscramble:  c u p d e i o c
+Unscramble:  c u p d e l o t
+Unscramble:  c u s d e a c
+Unscramble:  c v d t a a e o
+Unscramble:  c v i e a t v o
+Unscramble:  c x o n t a t i
+Unscramble:  c y a k w
+Unscramble:  c y c e n r e
+Unscramble:  c y f u f s r
+Unscramble:  c y o k r
+Unscramble:  d a a n p
+Unscramble:  d a c u s i m n
+Unscramble:  d a e t l
+Unscramble:  d a g o m
+Unscramble:  d a h e r
+Unscramble:  d a m t r e
+Unscramble:  d a m y d o r r e
+Unscramble:  d a n d e c a v
+Unscramble:  d a n i i
+Unscramble:  d a r m g a s n
+Unscramble:  d a s r y
+Unscramble:  d a u n g a t r
+Unscramble:  d a y n s
+Unscramble:  d c a e l b e u
+Unscramble:  d c e a d u l i
+Unscramble:  d c e d d e i
+Unscramble:  d c n d e e o
+Unscramble:  d d a y j l e
+Unscramble:  d d n e e
+Unscramble:  d d n s o u r e
+Unscramble:  d d r u e a j
+Unscramble:  d d s a n y e w e
+Unscramble:  d e a r k
+Unscramble:  d e e c l r a n
+Unscramble:  d e h c w s o i
+Unscramble:  d e i d i f c o
+Unscramble:  d e i n y i g l
+Unscramble:  d e i r i f m o
+Unscramble:  d e l t e r u n
+Unscramble:  d e n d a i o r
+Unscramble:  d e n u a s r i
+Unscramble:  d e p d s e e
+Unscramble:  d e p n s i g e
+Unscramble:  d e r d v t a e
+Unscramble:  d e r i t s n u
+Unscramble:  d e s a h
+Unscramble:  d e s c u r a
+Unscramble:  d e s c u s r a
+Unscramble:  d e s e d
+Unscramble:  d e s p s s a a
+Unscramble:  d e s s a s e i
+Unscramble:  d e t d e b i n
+Unscramble:  d e t s i a m e
+Unscramble:  d e v p r d e a
+Unscramble:  d e w n e t r u n
+Unscramble:  d f y g i i e n
+Unscramble:  d g e r a g
+Unscramble:  d g i n j a
+Unscramble:  d g n s g i l o
+Unscramble:  d h a e t
+Unscramble:  d i b l n
+Unscramble:  d i c e c s o l r o
+Unscramble:  d i l e e r u n
+Unscramble:  d i p n e r u n
+Unscramble:  d i r e b l d n
+Unscramble:  d i r g m i a n
+Unscramble:  d i s n w
+Unscramble:  d k a s e
+Unscramble:  d k w l a e
+Unscramble:  d l c d u y e e
+Unscramble:  d l c l a e
+Unscramble:  d l e r d e u
+Unscramble:  d l e s h e k p
+Unscramble:  d l e y c
+Unscramble:  d l i e o c i n
+Unscramble:  d l z a a y m e
+Unscramble:  d m m e s r u m i
+Unscramble:  d m r w o b u
+Unscramble:  d n a c a a
+Unscramble:  d n a d e l t i
+Unscramble:  d n d e h i
+Unscramble:  d n e d d e u
+Unscramble:  d n e o m a b
+Unscramble:  d n i g u c s e
+Unscramble:  d n z o e
+Unscramble:  d o l b e n
+Unscramble:  d o l s b e t n
+Unscramble:  d o m e c s m r o o
+Unscramble:  d o o s c e n
+Unscramble:  d o r w o m h e
+Unscramble:  d o s o h e
+Unscramble:  d o t r u c i n
+Unscramble:  d p x t e i e e
+Unscramble:  d r a h r a g e f t n
+Unscramble:  d r a w z y i r
+Unscramble:  d r e i p
+Unscramble:  d r n i e
+Unscramble:  d r o s b e i
+Unscramble:  d r o y w a k
+Unscramble:  d s a t r
+Unscramble:  d s a u w p r
+Unscramble:  d s e b e i
+Unscramble:  d s e c l a n
+Unscramble:  d s e d l g u
+Unscramble:  d s e i s i o
+Unscramble:  d s e r m e m o
+Unscramble:  d s l o l
+Unscramble:  d s o g d a i
+Unscramble:  d s o r o
+Unscramble:  d s o s c e n
+Unscramble:  d s p c a m a
+Unscramble:  d s s r e a d
+Unscramble:  d s t u c d e
+Unscramble:  d s u k c
+Unscramble:  d s y l e m e
+Unscramble:  d t a e u r i n
+Unscramble:  d t e s b e i
+Unscramble:  d t i r f
+Unscramble:  d t s a i d a
+Unscramble:  d u a r l e n
+Unscramble:  d u b o n
+Unscramble:  d u c r e o a
+Unscramble:  d u o s y m d i
+Unscramble:  d u s o h l
+Unscramble:  d u w o l
+Unscramble:  d y a l i
+Unscramble:  d y a s i
+Unscramble:  d y o l l
+Unscramble:  e a b s l e r l
+Unscramble:  e a c s e m n
+Unscramble:  e a c t a r h
+Unscramble:  e a c y n i t t
+Unscramble:  e a d k b
+Unscramble:  e a d t h
+Unscramble:  e a e b r v
+Unscramble:  e a e s w r n
+Unscramble:  e a e w r k
+Unscramble:  e a f h o t o b
+Unscramble:  e a g e r s
+Unscramble:  e a h s c l p
+Unscramble:  e a i l r t i n
+Unscramble:  e a i r e n r t
+Unscramble:  e a l d v u d e
+Unscramble:  e a l e u r v
+Unscramble:  e a l r m o p r
+Unscramble:  e a l v r
+Unscramble:  e a l y d o p t
+Unscramble:  e a l y s r v
+Unscramble:  e a m d s o s i
+Unscramble:  e a m e b c
+Unscramble:  e a m e n i m l
+Unscramble:  e a m y i r g
+Unscramble:  e a n d e t t n
+Unscramble:  e a n e c p n
+Unscramble:  e a n e t i m l
+Unscramble:  e a n e z i t t
+Unscramble:  e a n h e c l o m
+Unscramble:  e a n r e d d m
+Unscramble:  e a n s p c
+Unscramble:  e a p e s c
+Unscramble:  e a r m o g i d
+Unscramble:  e a r p t
+Unscramble:  e a r s i p a
+Unscramble:  e a r t b s w
+Unscramble:  e a r t w
+Unscramble:  e a s m s k i p
+Unscramble:  e a t c i s m
+Unscramble:  e a t e a r
+Unscramble:  e a t n o r n g
+Unscramble:  e a t s e c r
+Unscramble:  e a y g n i d c
+Unscramble:  e a y n d e f e
+Unscramble:  e b b e b m e u l
+Unscramble:  e b i s g t l
+Unscramble:  e b l g n i p b
+Unscramble:  e b l s s e v r
+Unscramble:  e b m r a l
+Unscramble:  e b u s g n g e
+Unscramble:  e b u t s c j
+Unscramble:  e c a s h r k
+Unscramble:  e c e e d n d d s
+Unscramble:  e c e r s
+Unscramble:  e c e s t n p r
+Unscramble:  e c h g n i l e
+Unscramble:  e c h s e k t
+Unscramble:  e c h s e v t
+Unscramble:  e c i a r s t
+Unscramble:  e c i c u t l i
+Unscramble:  e c i s l n h
+Unscramble:  e c m n e i g e
+Unscramble:  e c r e k e m p a a
+Unscramble:  e c u h r m o v
+Unscramble:  e d a e r c b h
+Unscramble:  e d a g o r n
+Unscramble:  e d a p e l d
+Unscramble:  e d a s b r g
+Unscramble:  e d a s m s n
+Unscramble:  e d a u d p t
+Unscramble:  e d b b b a l
+Unscramble:  e d b g r a l
+Unscramble:  e d b m r a l
+Unscramble:  e d c e e l t
+Unscramble:  e d c s o m k
+Unscramble:  e d c v u o h
+Unscramble:  e d d b n u l
+Unscramble:  e d e a d p l
+Unscramble:  e d e c t a r
+Unscramble:  e d e d e r g n
+Unscramble:  e d e e s u v n
+Unscramble:  e d e o d n r d
+Unscramble:  e d e r v e r
+Unscramble:  e d e t h t e
+Unscramble:  e d e v l a t
+Unscramble:  e d e w v a r
+Unscramble:  e d h t a u h n
+Unscramble:  e d h t e t e
+Unscramble:  e d i a r r v
+Unscramble:  e d i g n h a
+Unscramble:  e d k o e d c
+Unscramble:  e d m c u l p
+Unscramble:  e d n b e l d
+Unscramble:  e d n b i l k
+Unscramble:  e d n c a h g
+Unscramble:  e d n e t o h a
+Unscramble:  e d n l a i c
+Unscramble:  e d n l a i r
+Unscramble:  e d p a o d c
+Unscramble:  e d r b u l r
+Unscramble:  e d r e e l v
+Unscramble:  e d r s i w l
+Unscramble:  e d r s n o d n
+Unscramble:  e d s p i h h a
+Unscramble:  e d t a e r l
+Unscramble:  e d t k r i l
+Unscramble:  e d t m t o l
+Unscramble:  e d t s o h t
+Unscramble:  e d u d p e t
+Unscramble:  e d u e d n r
+Unscramble:  e d u g o r t
+Unscramble:  e d u s t u r
+Unscramble:  e d u s x o
+Unscramble:  e d w t a r l
+Unscramble:  e d w t r o l a
+Unscramble:  e e a d r r
+Unscramble:  e e a h t b n
+Unscramble:  e e a l g s e t
+Unscramble:  e e a m n g r
+Unscramble:  e e a r m t h
+Unscramble:  e e a r t s r
+Unscramble:  e e a t g v n
+Unscramble:  e e c e n i t l
+Unscramble:  e e c g i r b
+Unscramble:  e e c s t r f
+Unscramble:  e e d g n i r c
+Unscramble:  e e e r s o v
+Unscramble:  e e f e d i r n
+Unscramble:  e e f s e i t p
+Unscramble:  e e g Y n o t l
+Unscramble:  e e h a t s h
+Unscramble:  e e h r n c q u
+Unscramble:  e e h s t
+Unscramble:  e e i n t k r
+Unscramble:  e e i r a t s w
+Unscramble:  e e i r c v d e
+Unscramble:  e e i r m l s e
+Unscramble:  e e i t s p c
+Unscramble:  e e l d e l r p
+Unscramble:  e e l r m b t r
+Unscramble:  e e l s a d t r
+Unscramble:  e e l t c i e v
+Unscramble:  e e l v t w
+Unscramble:  e e n e g r v
+Unscramble:  e e n s e t e n v
+Unscramble:  e e n s m t m o
+Unscramble:  e e n s r u g k
+Unscramble:  e e n y t i s r
+Unscramble:  e e n y t s v
+Unscramble:  e e o e l p r p
+Unscramble:  e e o s r m t
+Unscramble:  e e o t n p p
+Unscramble:  e e p Y l l t a
+Unscramble:  e e r d e m t
+Unscramble:  e e r e g a b s v
+Unscramble:  e e r e i r v
+Unscramble:  e e r f t c a b o n
+Unscramble:  e e r f u n o t
+Unscramble:  e e r r d p s n e t
+Unscramble:  e e r s a t t h
+Unscramble:  e e r s p d m
+Unscramble:  e e r t d s
+Unscramble:  e e r t i n h t
+Unscramble:  e e r t p
+Unscramble:  e e r v n
+Unscramble:  e e r w r d o v
+Unscramble:  e e r y d a f c
+Unscramble:  e e s d v i p r
+Unscramble:  e e s t l b a v e g
+Unscramble:  e e t h r
+Unscramble:  e e t r a i t
+Unscramble:  e e t s e t v d
+Unscramble:  e e t v b a l e g
+Unscramble:  e e u v r n r
+Unscramble:  e e w h r
+Unscramble:  e e y d r d o v
+Unscramble:  e f c e e a b k
+Unscramble:  e f f t o a b
+Unscramble:  e f o s l i j t
+Unscramble:  e f r d b s e i
+Unscramble:  e f r t a o s n
+Unscramble:  e f t s c h t i u l
+Unscramble:  e f u d e m p r
+Unscramble:  e g a o m t n n
+Unscramble:  e g d g o i
+Unscramble:  e g e a l
+Unscramble:  e g e v n a c e n
+Unscramble:  e g i d n f n
+Unscramble:  e g i g n v r
+Unscramble:  e g i n n k e
+Unscramble:  e g i p n h l
+Unscramble:  e g i s n c n
+Unscramble:  e g i t a t e r
+Unscramble:  e g i t n b a
+Unscramble:  e g i t p n m
+Unscramble:  e g i w n m o
+Unscramble:  e g i y n
+Unscramble:  e g n y s o g o
+Unscramble:  e g t l a
+Unscramble:  e g u s a e l r
+Unscramble:  e g u s b r l
+Unscramble:  e g y c t n
+Unscramble:  e h a l o n m t
+Unscramble:  e h a s w h e
+Unscramble:  e h a t r
+Unscramble:  e h l e h e b m t
+Unscramble:  e h n c f r
+Unscramble:  e h r e p i t t
+Unscramble:  e h y n o g o t l c
+Unscramble:  e i a d r p o v
+Unscramble:  e i a e l b l v
+Unscramble:  e i a n m d
+Unscramble:  e i a n r l
+Unscramble:  e i a s j r l
+Unscramble:  e i a t n r l
+Unscramble:  e i b e l a c t
+Unscramble:  e i b s l e d c
+Unscramble:  e i c e d a m t
+Unscramble:  e i c e d i f t
+Unscramble:  e i c n a m x
+Unscramble:  e i c n i s r
+Unscramble:  e i d d o u u s c
+Unscramble:  e i d m u i p r
+Unscramble:  e i d r v
+Unscramble:  e i e d e g b s
+Unscramble:  e i e o v r l
+Unscramble:  e i e s e h p s h r m
+Unscramble:  e i f m r o r t
+Unscramble:  e i g s r e p e
+Unscramble:  e i h e c s n
+Unscramble:  e i l c s y c r
+Unscramble:  e i l d r l p e
+Unscramble:  e i l g s i r n
+Unscramble:  e i l s f e d r
+Unscramble:  e i l s l r f
+Unscramble:  e i n a r g l d n
+Unscramble:  e i n d i o r t
+Unscramble:  e i n e l d r k
+Unscramble:  e i n h t r e s o n
+Unscramble:  e i n n c s i g r i m
+Unscramble:  e i n s e g m n
+Unscramble:  e i n s f e d r
+Unscramble:  e i n s n g m e
+Unscramble:  e i n v g
+Unscramble:  e i o c i d c l
+Unscramble:  e i o v s c
+Unscramble:  e i p r m
+Unscramble:  e i r n f
+Unscramble:  e i r s b t r h
+Unscramble:  e i r v l
+Unscramble:  e i s d r h p e
+Unscramble:  e i s h n
+Unscramble:  e i s n c i d o
+Unscramble:  e i s n v
+Unscramble:  e i t c n c e l
+Unscramble:  e i t e n o s m
+Unscramble:  e i t n m a h a
+Unscramble:  e i t s e r c
+Unscramble:  e i v n e c
+Unscramble:  e i w h l
+Unscramble:  e i w h t
+Unscramble:  e i y m l
+Unscramble:  e k a m r d n
+Unscramble:  e k a m r s a
+Unscramble:  e k a o e b p o
+Unscramble:  e k e r e n w a
+Unscramble:  e k l g n i k c
+Unscramble:  e k o l c h m
+Unscramble:  e l a a f r l d
+Unscramble:  e l a d c r d e
+Unscramble:  e l a d p n d e
+Unscramble:  e l a m i d c
+Unscramble:  e l a r l e b
+Unscramble:  e l a s c i r m
+Unscramble:  e l a s s t l
+Unscramble:  e l a t e r c l
+Unscramble:  e l a t s n s i
+Unscramble:  e l b e w a v i
+Unscramble:  e l e p l r s
+Unscramble:  e l e s t z p r
+Unscramble:  e l e t c d f
+Unscramble:  e l g m n o r
+Unscramble:  e l i m r l
+Unscramble:  e l i m s r a
+Unscramble:  e l i r a r t
+Unscramble:  e l i s e n r c
+Unscramble:  e l i s m w d
+Unscramble:  e l i y e r c h
+Unscramble:  e l i y m w d
+Unscramble:  e l l s b a e y
+Unscramble:  e l l y r a
+Unscramble:  e l m a a c r
+Unscramble:  e l n e a s v g
+Unscramble:  e l n e k
+Unscramble:  e l o n c y
+Unscramble:  e l p e s
+Unscramble:  e l s e g l g h
+Unscramble:  e l u i c r n v
+Unscramble:  e l u i n m m n i l
+Unscramble:  e l u n m i s l
+Unscramble:  e l u s b r g
+Unscramble:  e l v a u
+Unscramble:  e m a d i m r
+Unscramble:  e m a k r d n
+Unscramble:  e m a s d i m r
+Unscramble:  e m a t n v i
+Unscramble:  e m a y o n y r
+Unscramble:  e m i s e t t r
+Unscramble:  e m i u e r q
+Unscramble:  e m o c c n e m
+Unscramble:  e m o c c r e m
+Unscramble:  e m o e d f r
+Unscramble:  e m o e e r t m t r h
+Unscramble:  e m o t n v r
+Unscramble:  e m s d a a i t
+Unscramble:  e m u h r m
+Unscramble:  e m u s d r p
+Unscramble:  e m u y m r m
+Unscramble:  e n a b o s r d
+Unscramble:  e n a e t n o
+Unscramble:  e n a s f r n
+Unscramble:  e n a t a s p l
+Unscramble:  e n a t r r a b
+Unscramble:  e n b d r i f r
+Unscramble:  e n b u o c
+Unscramble:  e n d e s w
+Unscramble:  e n d s i w d
+Unscramble:  e n e f r t o w
+Unscramble:  e n e s e w t
+Unscramble:  e n e s k l n
+Unscramble:  e n e s s r d
+Unscramble:  e n e y h g r
+Unscramble:  e n f e c
+Unscramble:  e n f t r u m
+Unscramble:  e n g e i
+Unscramble:  e n i g a t i d
+Unscramble:  e n i g e s t g r
+Unscramble:  e n i g s s g u
+Unscramble:  e n i n o r u
+Unscramble:  e n i s m l k r
+Unscramble:  e n i s t n
+Unscramble:  e n i t s e t e
+Unscramble:  e n i w r t
+Unscramble:  e n l b i t a m
+Unscramble:  e n l e k
+Unscramble:  e n m s a n w
+Unscramble:  e n n a o l b
+Unscramble:  e n n e u d d e
+Unscramble:  e n o e u r a l
+Unscramble:  e n o s c n e d
+Unscramble:  e n o s s t n
+Unscramble:  e n r e g
+Unscramble:  e n r s h o c o
+Unscramble:  e n s e n t s r e d
+Unscramble:  e n s o p g
+Unscramble:  e n t a i k r
+Unscramble:  e n u v r t i l
+Unscramble:  e n Y i s s s d
+Unscramble:  e o a l n
+Unscramble:  e o a s g r l
+Unscramble:  e o b d e b d m
+Unscramble:  e o b k e n s t
+Unscramble:  e o b s e a r
+Unscramble:  e o d s c i m l
+Unscramble:  e o d s e r c
+Unscramble:  e o e r u p
+Unscramble:  e o g y n o m r
+Unscramble:  e o h e r s o v
+Unscramble:  e o h i r s a d
+Unscramble:  e o i d j n r e
+Unscramble:  e o l o s
+Unscramble:  e o l s s n v
+Unscramble:  e o l s s v r e
+Unscramble:  e o l y g o a r
+Unscramble:  e o n m w
+Unscramble:  e o n v c
+Unscramble:  e o o c r l
+Unscramble:  e o o d d m
+Unscramble:  e o o s b r m
+Unscramble:  e o p l a a g
+Unscramble:  e o r d e t r s
+Unscramble:  e o r l m i m a
+Unscramble:  e o r n s c r i
+Unscramble:  e o r r p t r e
+Unscramble:  e o r s a s n
+Unscramble:  e o r s g r w
+Unscramble:  e o r s t m a
+Unscramble:  e o r t p s s t
+Unscramble:  e o r w p
+Unscramble:  e o s h n
+Unscramble:  e o s m c
+Unscramble:  e o s n a e h l d m
+Unscramble:  e o t c i m i
+Unscramble:  e o t h s
+Unscramble:  e o u d v r d e
+Unscramble:  e o u s d l r m
+Unscramble:  e o v s c e r r
+Unscramble:  e o w h l
+Unscramble:  e p a p l
+Unscramble:  e p a s t r p
+Unscramble:  e p d e s
+Unscramble:  e p e d a r d o s
+Unscramble:  e p e n i l z p
+Unscramble:  e p h e n o g o
+Unscramble:  e p h r e t l
+Unscramble:  e p i d m s e r
+Unscramble:  e p i e k l
+Unscramble:  e p i s d r p
+Unscramble:  e p i s l n h g
+Unscramble:  e p i s r r p
+Unscramble:  e p l e n a s a
+Unscramble:  e p m a l
+Unscramble:  e p m t e e h l
+Unscramble:  e p n e u l d e
+Unscramble:  e p o s r t o v
+Unscramble:  e p o s s i d l
+Unscramble:  e p o t n i d w
+Unscramble:  e p p r u l
+Unscramble:  e p y s h n h
+Unscramble:  e r a d b s e t
+Unscramble:  e r a d g d r e
+Unscramble:  e r a d r t
+Unscramble:  e r a g n d
+Unscramble:  e r a n t g t o
+Unscramble:  e r a s m r k
+Unscramble:  e r b f m s u l
+Unscramble:  e r b w b e i
+Unscramble:  e r c p u s l k
+Unscramble:  e r c s a l k
+Unscramble:  e r c s i t k
+Unscramble:  e r d p d s u l
+Unscramble:  e r d s e i b a
+Unscramble:  e r e e n t r
+Unscramble:  e r e g e s r t
+Unscramble:  e r e h s p
+Unscramble:  e r e i d n x
+Unscramble:  e r e i h t c p
+Unscramble:  e r e s a k s n
+Unscramble:  e r e s e d b r
+Unscramble:  e r e s l d w i
+Unscramble:  e r e t s n s p
+Unscramble:  e r e v t v
+Unscramble:  e r e w k a n
+Unscramble:  e r f d f a i
+Unscramble:  e r f f o s e f
+Unscramble:  e r f o t
+Unscramble:  e r f p a s i f
+Unscramble:  e r g a i g o
+Unscramble:  e r g h g s i l
+Unscramble:  e r g j g a i
+Unscramble:  e r h i t
+Unscramble:  e r i e r a f g
+Unscramble:  e r i g e h d
+Unscramble:  e r i l a c m t
+Unscramble:  e r i p r m e d
+Unscramble:  e r i s a n h g
+Unscramble:  e r i s c a d l
+Unscramble:  e r i s p v d e
+Unscramble:  e r i s r t p
+Unscramble:  e r i t e m a
+Unscramble:  e r i t m s i
+Unscramble:  e r k p s e i
+Unscramble:  e r k s n e h a
+Unscramble:  e r l e f
+Unscramble:  e r l t e s t
+Unscramble:  e r m c a h b
+Unscramble:  e r m p l a i
+Unscramble:  e r m s i l i
+Unscramble:  e r n c a h g
+Unscramble:  e r n f a s l k
+Unscramble:  e r n g a s l d
+Unscramble:  e r n p a l t
+Unscramble:  e r n s i t k
+Unscramble:  e r n w i r g
+Unscramble:  e r o a m s l n
+Unscramble:  e r o a t c r
+Unscramble:  e r o e b r d d
+Unscramble:  e r o e r w o v
+Unscramble:  e r o f d c
+Unscramble:  e r o s d r m
+Unscramble:  e r o s n t s t
+Unscramble:  e r o s o s n k
+Unscramble:  e r o t i d t
+Unscramble:  e r o t l e e m
+Unscramble:  e r p c i h p
+Unscramble:  e r p h p i i
+Unscramble:  e r p n p i i
+Unscramble:  e r p u s
+Unscramble:  e r p w o s h p
+Unscramble:  e r r h i a i
+Unscramble:  e r r q a s u t
+Unscramble:  e r r s a s w m
+Unscramble:  e r r t r s e i
+Unscramble:  e r s c u r h
+Unscramble:  e r s f e r h
+Unscramble:  e r s i l a
+Unscramble:  e r s n i o i
+Unscramble:  e r s p r u u
+Unscramble:  e r t b o r h
+Unscramble:  e r t d s a e c t
+Unscramble:  e r t f a e h
+Unscramble:  e r t f i s r t
+Unscramble:  e r t h a y e h
+Unscramble:  e r t h e
+Unscramble:  e r t r s u i
+Unscramble:  e r t r t s a l
+Unscramble:  e r t s h a
+Unscramble:  e r t s l a i
+Unscramble:  e r t w t i i
+Unscramble:  e r u g o s r t
+Unscramble:  e r u m n i t
+Unscramble:  e r u r f s e s
+Unscramble:  e r u s o c t
+Unscramble:  e r u s o s c t
+Unscramble:  e r u t b i
+Unscramble:  e r v i e r v
+Unscramble:  e r w t a s r l
+Unscramble:  e r y o m b
+Unscramble:  e r z t e s l
+Unscramble:  e s a e h x l
+Unscramble:  e s a h p p r
+Unscramble:  e s a l b e e n
+Unscramble:  e s a s u t q r
+Unscramble:  e s a t r s h
+Unscramble:  e s a t w h
+Unscramble:  e s a v s i g
+Unscramble:  e s a v t s o r
+Unscramble:  e s b b r u l
+Unscramble:  e s b g b t a i
+Unscramble:  e s b s m o g k
+Unscramble:  e s c a e r f
+Unscramble:  e s c g l u h
+Unscramble:  e s c p r e h
+Unscramble:  e s c s i t p i
+Unscramble:  e s d b n u i
+Unscramble:  e s d l r t a i
+Unscramble:  e s d s n t a i
+Unscramble:  e s d w r t o i
+Unscramble:  e s e a v r l p
+Unscramble:  e s e c h o r
+Unscramble:  e s e d g s l
+Unscramble:  e s e e z s n
+Unscramble:  e s e h p s o l
+Unscramble:  e s e l r h a
+Unscramble:  e s e s e n z
+Unscramble:  e s e s m l s t
+Unscramble:  e s e t e p s t
+Unscramble:  e s e z r s i
+Unscramble:  e s f b u t l f
+Unscramble:  e s f c f o e
+Unscramble:  e s f c m t o i
+Unscramble:  e s g d n t i i
+Unscramble:  e s g m n i l
+Unscramble:  e s g r n t a i
+Unscramble:  e s h c e b e
+Unscramble:  e s h c e r a
+Unscramble:  e s h s e l a
+Unscramble:  e s i d e n d
+Unscramble:  e s i d m a s r
+Unscramble:  e s i d w s e n
+Unscramble:  e s i e a b f l
+Unscramble:  e s i e d b d
+Unscramble:  e s i e g n n
+Unscramble:  e s i e o n t t
+Unscramble:  e s i f e r i
+Unscramble:  e s i l m a s d
+Unscramble:  e s i m z s a n
+Unscramble:  e s i s n s i
+Unscramble:  e s i t d t e k
+Unscramble:  e s i w r s i n
+Unscramble:  e s k d n t i i
+Unscramble:  e s k f a t l i
+Unscramble:  e s k q a t u i
+Unscramble:  e s k r c t o i
+Unscramble:  e s k s i t p i
+Unscramble:  e s l d l o i
+Unscramble:  e s l h l o i
+Unscramble:  e s l i e d c
+Unscramble:  e s l i e d f
+Unscramble:  e s l s e m a
+Unscramble:  e s l t e b a
+Unscramble:  e s l t i s a l
+Unscramble:  e s m e t a m s
+Unscramble:  e s m g i s r n
+Unscramble:  e s m p i s r n
+Unscramble:  e s n a t r c
+Unscramble:  e s n m o t o i
+Unscramble:  e s n s i t p i
+Unscramble:  e s n t i c p
+Unscramble:  e s n t n i i
+Unscramble:  e s o i t h r
+Unscramble:  e s o m r t r
+Unscramble:  e s o o l r t
+Unscramble:  e s o r m t e t
+Unscramble:  e s o r s r c
+Unscramble:  e s o s h s t
+Unscramble:  e s o s n n l
+Unscramble:  e s o s o t g
+Unscramble:  e s p d m s a n
+Unscramble:  e s p n i r n t w
+Unscramble:  e s p s p t u l
+Unscramble:  e s q c e h u
+Unscramble:  e s q t r o u
+Unscramble:  e s r e e r v
+Unscramble:  e s r m r t e i
+Unscramble:  e s r n a t h
+Unscramble:  e s r t e u r
+Unscramble:  e s s e i g n
+Unscramble:  e s s i e p n
+Unscramble:  e s s m u t o i
+Unscramble:  e s s n a m m d r i t
+Unscramble:  e s t a s b r
+Unscramble:  e s t b t o l
+Unscramble:  e s t d c s o r
+Unscramble:  e s t j s s u n
+Unscramble:  e s t k t e l
+Unscramble:  e s t n t t i i
+Unscramble:  e s t r a i y e
+Unscramble:  e s t r n t u i
+Unscramble:  e s t r s s e l
+Unscramble:  e s t s a e f r
+Unscramble:  e s t s a w h
+Unscramble:  e s t s o t o i
+Unscramble:  e s u m n i s s
+Unscramble:  e s u s s n e p
+Unscramble:  e s v n r t e i
+Unscramble:  e s v s l a o
+Unscramble:  e s w b o l i
+Unscramble:  e s y a k l n
+Unscramble:  e s z w o t o i
+Unscramble:  e t a d e t g s
+Unscramble:  e t a e t g s
+Unscramble:  e t a n n r g
+Unscramble:  e t a s e n p n
+Unscramble:  e t a t p n s i
+Unscramble:  e t a y n l m l
+Unscramble:  e t c c l e a r
+Unscramble:  e t c c r i l
+Unscramble:  e t d h n s a s
+Unscramble:  e t e a r b v r
+Unscramble:  e t e c p p r
+Unscramble:  e t e d m l
+Unscramble:  e t e e c n s n
+Unscramble:  e t e f c p r
+Unscramble:  e t e i s e r
+Unscramble:  e t e r e r l t
+Unscramble:  e t e s r p s
+Unscramble:  e t e s s a b d
+Unscramble:  e t e y d r a y s
+Unscramble:  e t e y n n o
+Unscramble:  e t g i h
+Unscramble:  e t g r o
+Unscramble:  e t h b v o e n e
+Unscramble:  e t h s a e h n
+Unscramble:  e t h s a e h r
+Unscramble:  e t h y a e f r
+Unscramble:  e t i a z m s
+Unscramble:  e t i e l c t s
+Unscramble:  e t i e l t x
+Unscramble:  e t i e m s p
+Unscramble:  e t i g n t n
+Unscramble:  e t i g n v r
+Unscramble:  e t i l s v f a
+Unscramble:  e t i r s m t
+Unscramble:  e t i s d i t h
+Unscramble:  e t i s g n f l
+Unscramble:  e t i s n a t r
+Unscramble:  e t i s p d p e
+Unscramble:  e t i t f n s m
+Unscramble:  e t i t o m n y s
+Unscramble:  e t l p s
+Unscramble:  e t l s n e t s
+Unscramble:  e t m l s
+Unscramble:  e t m t s e v n
+Unscramble:  e t n c i n h r
+Unscramble:  e t o d i d n
+Unscramble:  e t o l e t t a
+Unscramble:  e t o m u t t e
+Unscramble:  e t o r m n e a m
+Unscramble:  e t o s r s c
+Unscramble:  e t p c a s l n
+Unscramble:  e t p s i n p
+Unscramble:  e t q c o s r u
+Unscramble:  e t r e c n
+Unscramble:  e t r o g
+Unscramble:  e t s i e s a h
+Unscramble:  e t s o i r p
+Unscramble:  e t s s m i c h
+Unscramble:  e t s t e a r
+Unscramble:  e t t e s l r a p
+Unscramble:  e t t g n s a l
+Unscramble:  e t t n i a r a
+Unscramble:  e t u d s r g e
+Unscramble:  e t u e p p s l
+Unscramble:  e t u r e r l c
+Unscramble:  e t u s e r l c
+Unscramble:  e t u y b r l
+Unscramble:  e t w e a a h v
+Unscramble:  e t w u s n e
+Unscramble:  e t x e e m s r
+Unscramble:  e t y g p
+Unscramble:  e t y u f b r l t
+Unscramble:  e u a e t n d t
+Unscramble:  e u a i b k n d
+Unscramble:  e u c g n i d d
+Unscramble:  e u c s r e s d
+Unscramble:  e u e s n r t
+Unscramble:  e u f t u r
+Unscramble:  e u h o s
+Unscramble:  e u i e n g n
+Unscramble:  e u i s d l r b
+Unscramble:  e u l d s t r e
+Unscramble:  e u l o s
+Unscramble:  e u m n a r
+Unscramble:  e u m s l b n o
+Unscramble:  e u n b c i l r a p
+Unscramble:  e u n y t i j j
+Unscramble:  e u o u n a v
+Unscramble:  e u r e e n r t
+Unscramble:  e u r y c l d
+Unscramble:  e u s n d
+Unscramble:  e u z s z a m h
+Unscramble:  e v a s l g s e
+Unscramble:  e v e d e n l a
+Unscramble:  e v e d e r b a
+Unscramble:  e v e d s r
+Unscramble:  e v e n l e
+Unscramble:  e v e r d n
+Unscramble:  e v i e c t e r
+Unscramble:  e v i e n c r
+Unscramble:  e v i s u o p r
+Unscramble:  e v o m s i
+Unscramble:  e w b o i
+Unscramble:  e w c a r i r
+Unscramble:  e w e s e p e
+Unscramble:  e w e s t e b n
+Unscramble:  e w o k r n t
+Unscramble:  e w t b s s e r
+Unscramble:  e w t e s
+Unscramble:  e x b r o g a
+Unscramble:  e y c m r i m s
+Unscramble:  e y i d l r a
+Unscramble:  e y i t f c r
+Unscramble:  e y l a l v n
+Unscramble:  e y r j u o n
+Unscramble:  e y t r p o
+Unscramble:  e y t v i b r
+Unscramble:  e y u t r c n
+Unscramble:  e y v r e
+Unscramble:  e z i e r n e t
+Unscramble:  e z o l y b n
+Unscramble:  f a a a f l l
+Unscramble:  f a e l f u r
+Unscramble:  f a f s a l a l
+Unscramble:  f a i l i c o f
+Unscramble:  f a t r s e s f
+Unscramble:  f c a c p i i
+Unscramble:  f c o c l o o o
+Unscramble:  f d a e i l d e
+Unscramble:  f d e a c d e
+Unscramble:  f d e i n r e
+Unscramble:  f d u o n
+Unscramble:  f e c d f t a e
+Unscramble:  f e e s e r r e
+Unscramble:  f e m s y l
+Unscramble:  f e r g n i o f
+Unscramble:  f e r t f e e n
+Unscramble:  f e r t n e a f
+Unscramble:  f e u e g d n l
+Unscramble:  f e v e o e d r
+Unscramble:  f e v l o u l r
+Unscramble:  f h a t i
+Unscramble:  f h r s e
+Unscramble:  f h t e t
+Unscramble:  f i n g u s
+Unscramble:  f i r n g i f
+Unscramble:  f l e t e b l i
+Unscramble:  f l p e u t d i
+Unscramble:  f m e d o r
+Unscramble:  f m l i a r c u o n i
+Unscramble:  f n a r m o m i
+Unscramble:  f n c h r e
+Unscramble:  f n g y r i
+Unscramble:  f n i s k i h g
+Unscramble:  f n i s r a r e
+Unscramble:  f o i r e r i n
+Unscramble:  f p y e t i s i
+Unscramble:  f r a e t f d i
+Unscramble:  f r a e t w s o
+Unscramble:  f r a i p f n a
+Unscramble:  f r e o n f r i g e
+Unscramble:  f r e s f l p i
+Unscramble:  f r f e s u
+Unscramble:  f r l o o
+Unscramble:  f r u e p i d i
+Unscramble:  f s i r t
+Unscramble:  f s r g o
+Unscramble:  f s t e s i n
+Unscramble:  f t c e l d e r e
+Unscramble:  f t i s r
+Unscramble:  f t r i s
+Unscramble:  f u l d b e f
+Unscramble:  f u l e e r
+Unscramble:  f u m s a l h e
+Unscramble:  f u r s o l c n
+Unscramble:  f u s t i l r t
+Unscramble:  f u t f i l a h
+Unscramble:  f u t g a l r e
+Unscramble:  f v i e u s i n
+Unscramble:  f w e r l o
+Unscramble:  f y i t f
+Unscramble:  f y l i l
+Unscramble:  f y o t l
+Unscramble:  f y r o t
+Unscramble:  f z e e r e r e
+Unscramble:  g a e d b
+Unscramble:  g a h a s h i n
+Unscramble:  g a i r h e
+Unscramble:  g a l w g o s
+Unscramble:  g a p c r h a i
+Unscramble:  g a r d c e g
+Unscramble:  g a s e r e
+Unscramble:  g e a l e
+Unscramble:  g e b a l
+Unscramble:  g e b h r s e a
+Unscramble:  g e c e r e
+Unscramble:  g e d y r a a
+Unscramble:  g e g d o r e n
+Unscramble:  g e i i p s m n
+Unscramble:  g e k l a s e a
+Unscramble:  g e o o s
+Unscramble:  g e o s r r t n
+Unscramble:  g e o t s r s t n
+Unscramble:  g e s s e s o r
+Unscramble:  g e s s n i c o
+Unscramble:  g e s s u a a
+Unscramble:  g e t d o u r a
+Unscramble:  g e t p t s o a
+Unscramble:  g e t s r a m i
+Unscramble:  g e x e e u s r
+Unscramble:  g g n g i m u
+Unscramble:  g g n s g i n o
+Unscramble:  g h a m r a
+Unscramble:  g h l d y t a i
+Unscramble:  g h n m d t i i
+Unscramble:  g i b e n
+Unscramble:  g i b r o n
+Unscramble:  g i c r u n
+Unscramble:  g i g o n
+Unscramble:  g i g v i n
+Unscramble:  g i h d w e n
+Unscramble:  g i h s o n
+Unscramble:  g i l a n o m a
+Unscramble:  g i n i e m
+Unscramble:  g i n n h g t l i
+Unscramble:  g i o e u n f v n r
+Unscramble:  g i p r o n
+Unscramble:  g i r r t e g
+Unscramble:  g i s n w
+Unscramble:  g i t c m a m a
+Unscramble:  g i t k a n
+Unscramble:  g i t n e a n a r
+Unscramble:  g l a s r y c g
+Unscramble:  g l b e o e s i
+Unscramble:  g l n n a e a
+Unscramble:  g m a n e r
+Unscramble:  g m r r a e s i
+Unscramble:  g n e r e
+Unscramble:  g n e r f r e o i
+Unscramble:  g n i r v a y e
+Unscramble:  g n i s r a i n
+Unscramble:  g n r o a
+Unscramble:  g n r s h o f o
+Unscramble:  g o h t t h u
+Unscramble:  g o h u e h s t l i
+Unscramble:  g r a s u l r e
+Unscramble:  g r e h t r i
+Unscramble:  g r e s h t l i
+Unscramble:  g r e u u n d o n d r
+Unscramble:  g r g a e
+Unscramble:  g r i e t
+Unscramble:  g r n d e e a
+Unscramble:  g r n i o l m e o f t
+Unscramble:  g r o e a m s a
+Unscramble:  g r o n f i g a
+Unscramble:  g r u a s
+Unscramble:  g s a u l l i
+Unscramble:  g s e e d n d i
+Unscramble:  g s e e r n d i
+Unscramble:  g s e g i p i
+Unscramble:  g s e r a s
+Unscramble:  g s h h t e i
+Unscramble:  g s i l r
+Unscramble:  g s i m s u n
+Unscramble:  g s i p o s
+Unscramble:  g s i r c a a
+Unscramble:  g s i t a m b i
+Unscramble:  g s l s a
+Unscramble:  g s r h e s i
+Unscramble:  g s r t i
+Unscramble:  g s t g e n u
+Unscramble:  g s t s r e a i
+Unscramble:  g s u s e
+Unscramble:  g s v i e
+Unscramble:  g t a e i t d i
+Unscramble:  g t a i n
+Unscramble:  g t a r n
+Unscramble:  g t e h t e d o
+Unscramble:  g t e s r h t n
+Unscramble:  g t i h n
+Unscramble:  g t i n a
+Unscramble:  g t n a i r l e
+Unscramble:  g t r o e
+Unscramble:  g u r c o s h a
+Unscramble:  g u y o n
+Unscramble:  g v a d r e a
+Unscramble:  g v e e r i a g
+Unscramble:  g x e n h o s a
+Unscramble:  g y h t e i
+Unscramble:  g y l a a n o
+Unscramble:  g z e r e e
+Unscramble:  h a c r w k t e
+Unscramble:  h a e l e r e t
+Unscramble:  h a e r h e t
+Unscramble:  h a e r l e n t
+Unscramble:  h a i c a s a p
+Unscramble:  h a i e n s t
+Unscramble:  h a n s u m
+Unscramble:  h a p o c e
+Unscramble:  h a r d e t t w
+Unscramble:  h a r y o r
+Unscramble:  h c a o g c i
+Unscramble:  h c k g o i s n
+Unscramble:  h c k s u e s r
+Unscramble:  h c k t e t i
+Unscramble:  h c n a r s a i c
+Unscramble:  h d e r a
+Unscramble:  h e d r u g s o n y
+Unscramble:  h e e t r s h s
+Unscramble:  h e f r s
+Unscramble:  h e h d a s r e
+Unscramble:  h e h k c a o c
+Unscramble:  h e i b n s a s
+Unscramble:  h e k d e c e
+Unscramble:  h e k d u s u n
+Unscramble:  h e k g n i c e
+Unscramble:  h e l d e d s i
+Unscramble:  h e l n e a t p
+Unscramble:  h e n c e d l c
+Unscramble:  h e n l u s a c
+Unscramble:  h e n p a t l c
+Unscramble:  h e n t e d r c
+Unscramble:  h e o s r
+Unscramble:  h e r n u a e t
+Unscramble:  h e r s a d t c
+Unscramble:  h e r s c e
+Unscramble:  h e s d o u r e
+Unscramble:  h e s e c e
+Unscramble:  h e t h a c e
+Unscramble:  h e t s a d n c
+Unscramble:  h e u s o d l g
+Unscramble:  h e v Y r e t i
+Unscramble:  h f f g a i c n
+Unscramble:  h f f s e l w i
+Unscramble:  h f f s i o c n
+Unscramble:  h g i m n c i
+Unscramble:  h h e r i g
+Unscramble:  h h t e a c e
+Unscramble:  h h u o g t r
+Unscramble:  h i d t r e o a p
+Unscramble:  h i e o n b r g
+Unscramble:  h i f a t
+Unscramble:  h i l b l p u w
+Unscramble:  h i n g a i c n
+Unscramble:  h i n g r i s n
+Unscramble:  h i o d e r s p
+Unscramble:  h i o s o e m t
+Unscramble:  h i s r n b s t e g
+Unscramble:  h i t c l e a t
+Unscramble:  h i t g e
+Unscramble:  h i v d e t r
+Unscramble:  h i w h c
+Unscramble:  h k e d c o
+Unscramble:  h l e s s s e e p c
+Unscramble:  h l e t a m
+Unscramble:  h l g Y i n a c
+Unscramble:  h l i a u y g s
+Unscramble:  h l i d e c c a
+Unscramble:  h l i o b o k l
+Unscramble:  h l i s e c c a
+Unscramble:  h l i t i a c s
+Unscramble:  h l k m o o a a
+Unscramble:  h l k r e i c a
+Unscramble:  h l l g n i s i
+Unscramble:  h l l s i i c e
+Unscramble:  h l l s m u c i
+Unscramble:  h l o d i p c o
+Unscramble:  h l r l g e e c n a
+Unscramble:  h l u n m i g c
+Unscramble:  h l u r s u p
+Unscramble:  h l u t s i e p
+Unscramble:  h m e s m i p
+Unscramble:  h m p r e t u
+Unscramble:  h n a l y m
+Unscramble:  h n d r a l c e
+Unscramble:  h n d s r e t u
+Unscramble:  h n e s e m p o
+Unscramble:  h n g i a h s a
+Unscramble:  h n g s t i
+Unscramble:  h n i a e r
+Unscramble:  h n i g e r i n
+Unscramble:  h n i t s e w i
+Unscramble:  h n k c e c i
+Unscramble:  h n m u a
+Unscramble:  h n n h i i t s
+Unscramble:  h n o c i l p e
+Unscramble:  h n o e c i s c
+Unscramble:  h n s n o c a
+Unscramble:  h n y r l e c
+Unscramble:  h o a c g c i
+Unscramble:  h o a d r t t e
+Unscramble:  h o d y e i t c
+Unscramble:  h o e e t l n e p
+Unscramble:  h o e l l
+Unscramble:  h o o n b d o u l d
+Unscramble:  h o p n i h t e
+Unscramble:  h o p s i d l s
+Unscramble:  h o r e e i t z
+Unscramble:  h o r l b e s t
+Unscramble:  h o r s u o c l
+Unscramble:  h o u s d s r
+Unscramble:  h p h d e e s r
+Unscramble:  h p l d a o s i
+Unscramble:  h p l n a a c i
+Unscramble:  h p l s t e c a
+Unscramble:  h p m e t a s i
+Unscramble:  h p p r e i w i
+Unscramble:  h r d w e c o
+Unscramble:  h r e a t
+Unscramble:  h r e n b i g t
+Unscramble:  h r e r o f w e
+Unscramble:  h r g d e c a
+Unscramble:  h r i w e s o
+Unscramble:  h r k c e c e
+Unscramble:  h r l s i e w r
+Unscramble:  h r n o t
+Unscramble:  h r o d i t e
+Unscramble:  h r p p e c o
+Unscramble:  h r p p e w i
+Unscramble:  h r s e u
+Unscramble:  h r s i s c o i r
+Unscramble:  h r s r i t t e
+Unscramble:  h r s y t t i
+Unscramble:  h r t e o
+Unscramble:  h r t h s i s o
+Unscramble:  h r t n e e t i
+Unscramble:  h r t s o i s e
+Unscramble:  h s a d n
+Unscramble:  h s e d a
+Unscramble:  h s e r o t
+Unscramble:  h s e s o r
+Unscramble:  h s m c a c a
+Unscramble:  h s o f o
+Unscramble:  h s u c o l g
+Unscramble:  h t a d h e c
+Unscramble:  h t a e r
+Unscramble:  h t e c s c i
+Unscramble:  h t e p a c w i
+Unscramble:  h t e r a
+Unscramble:  h t e t s w i
+Unscramble:  h t h o a p g p r o
+Unscramble:  h t i d b e c
+Unscramble:  h t i t n o g
+Unscramble:  h u e c t a c
+Unscramble:  h u l a g
+Unscramble:  h u l d s o
+Unscramble:  h u l r o d s e
+Unscramble:  h u o n s i g t
+Unscramble:  h u s s e s c a
+Unscramble:  h v a e e r s i
+Unscramble:  h v e r s i
+Unscramble:  h x n e i p o
+Unscramble:  h y e v r s i
+Unscramble:  h y r e a p c
+Unscramble:  h z o a i b r i
+Unscramble:  i a c e m i l n
+Unscramble:  i a e g h n r
+Unscramble:  i a e g h n s d
+Unscramble:  i a e g p n k
+Unscramble:  i a e g r n s d
+Unscramble:  i a e g t n m
+Unscramble:  i a e g w n v
+Unscramble:  i a e r s e m
+Unscramble:  i a h t c o s r
+Unscramble:  i a i a l u n o s
+Unscramble:  i a i a t e c n
+Unscramble:  i a i m g n a c
+Unscramble:  i a j w c k s t
+Unscramble:  i a k g o n y
+Unscramble:  i a l g f n m
+Unscramble:  i a l g f n w
+Unscramble:  i a l g s n t
+Unscramble:  i a l l g o i d
+Unscramble:  i a l n g i m s
+Unscramble:  i a l r g e r
+Unscramble:  i a l r g e s c
+Unscramble:  i a l w s l d o
+Unscramble:  i a n i d
+Unscramble:  i a n r l d b e
+Unscramble:  i a n t l
+Unscramble:  i a o a n g s
+Unscramble:  i a o g b n t
+Unscramble:  i a o g l n f
+Unscramble:  i a r d l z
+Unscramble:  i a r d w z
+Unscramble:  i a r d z d v e
+Unscramble:  i a r s a k b d
+Unscramble:  i a r u r u p c
+Unscramble:  i a s t e n h p
+Unscramble:  i a t e g u l r
+Unscramble:  i a t n s o s t
+Unscramble:  i a u f d l i c
+Unscramble:  i a u y s t v
+Unscramble:  i b a l c o e r
+Unscramble:  i b e s e t d a
+Unscramble:  i b i g n j b
+Unscramble:  i b l g n i k b
+Unscramble:  i b o d e n r b
+Unscramble:  i b o g j n b
+Unscramble:  i b u s e s n m
+Unscramble:  i c a g h n s k
+Unscramble:  i c a k l b t a
+Unscramble:  i c a t t i n
+Unscramble:  i c d w o e o l
+Unscramble:  i c e a c s s t
+Unscramble:  i c e s r n o
+Unscramble:  i c h g n i w n
+Unscramble:  i c h r t i p e
+Unscramble:  i c i s s e k
+Unscramble:  i c n i e t c l
+Unscramble:  i c o a r e b
+Unscramble:  i c o e c n a
+Unscramble:  i c o g h n k
+Unscramble:  i c o l a n d a
+Unscramble:  i c o m t i t
+Unscramble:  i c o r s v d e
+Unscramble:  i c s e a b r
+Unscramble:  i c t g s a r
+Unscramble:  i c u e d l t
+Unscramble:  i c u r l e k
+Unscramble:  i c u t i b s
+Unscramble:  i c y b t u r
+Unscramble:  i d a m d r
+Unscramble:  i d c e s l
+Unscramble:  i d e d e n m l
+Unscramble:  i d e d l w m e
+Unscramble:  i d e g r n s w
+Unscramble:  i d e t t s h
+Unscramble:  i d h c e f l
+Unscramble:  i d i r g e d
+Unscramble:  i d i y l g d
+Unscramble:  i d l d e g r
+Unscramble:  i d l s y t o
+Unscramble:  i d m l l i w n
+Unscramble:  i d n a e s d o
+Unscramble:  i d o l g l a z
+Unscramble:  i d r e m o a r
+Unscramble:  i d r s e s t o
+Unscramble:  i d t c s s e o
+Unscramble:  i d u p g a r
+Unscramble:  i d y e h d r
+Unscramble:  i e a e s d s
+Unscramble:  i e a i t o d n
+Unscramble:  i e a r t c r
+Unscramble:  i e b d r i f s r
+Unscramble:  i e c q i s u k
+Unscramble:  i e c t u r o h
+Unscramble:  i e d y l f x
+Unscramble:  i e e b k s a r
+Unscramble:  i e e r r d a f
+Unscramble:  i e e r t e n
+Unscramble:  i e e r w e d
+Unscramble:  i e e s f s a t
+Unscramble:  i e g s r a v n
+Unscramble:  i e g w g r i l
+Unscramble:  i e h c t a r
+Unscramble:  i e h l c
+Unscramble:  i e h s o c b r
+Unscramble:  i e i c v s a t
+Unscramble:  i e i p c r a f
+Unscramble:  i e i p r s a t
+Unscramble:  i e i r f f c l
+Unscramble:  i e i r l l f r
+Unscramble:  i e i s f e t r
+Unscramble:  i e i s n n w h
+Unscramble:  i e i t p d y f
+Unscramble:  i e i u p d n t
+Unscramble:  i e l d c k t r
+Unscramble:  i e l d e l l b
+Unscramble:  i e l e a v s w
+Unscramble:  i e l e b l l e
+Unscramble:  i e l e f i l n
+Unscramble:  i e l n g s w
+Unscramble:  i e l r f f w h
+Unscramble:  i e l r k i l e
+Unscramble:  i e l s c k p r
+Unscramble:  i e l s s e f r
+Unscramble:  i e l s s t g r
+Unscramble:  i e l t i s r b
+Unscramble:  i e m c u r h m
+Unscramble:  i e m c u r l p
+Unscramble:  i e m g u r r p
+Unscramble:  i e m l s
+Unscramble:  i e n e m a f l
+Unscramble:  i e n s c s l e
+Unscramble:  i e n s f s t s w
+Unscramble:  i e n s m t p o
+Unscramble:  i e n s s e f n
+Unscramble:  i e o g o r l m
+Unscramble:  i e o p i s r r
+Unscramble:  i e o u h r n l
+Unscramble:  i e p i a t f r
+Unscramble:  i e r d i s t y v
+Unscramble:  i e r s e i m s
+Unscramble:  i e r s p m l
+Unscramble:  i e r u p o s c
+Unscramble:  i e r z u s e
+Unscramble:  i e s c e r h t
+Unscramble:  i e s e r i f d
+Unscramble:  i e s r e t d g
+Unscramble:  i e s s p o t r
+Unscramble:  i e t d g h b l
+Unscramble:  i e t d n a u r
+Unscramble:  i e t g n s e r
+Unscramble:  i e t l y h d m
+Unscramble:  i e t n n e n e
+Unscramble:  i e t r g h p l
+Unscramble:  i e t s n i k c
+Unscramble:  i e t v a p r
+Unscramble:  i e u e p l r
+Unscramble:  i e u i j s n r
+Unscramble:  i e u s s r e
+Unscramble:  i e v r p o s l
+Unscramble:  i e w k r o f s r
+Unscramble:  i e w k r o w r
+Unscramble:  i e w s k a b y
+Unscramble:  i e w s y a s d
+Unscramble:  i f a s l l p t
+Unscramble:  i f d m o f e
+Unscramble:  i f e d e r d f
+Unscramble:  i f f a r a
+Unscramble:  i f u l b a u e t
+Unscramble:  i f u y l l w l
+Unscramble:  i g a r o p s e n
+Unscramble:  i g a s m l n
+Unscramble:  i g e d g r j e
+Unscramble:  i g e e b m d r
+Unscramble:  i g e g n i s n
+Unscramble:  i g e n b
+Unscramble:  i g e r n g
+Unscramble:  i g e y n b o
+Unscramble:  i g i g n b l
+Unscramble:  i g i g n s n
+Unscramble:  i g i l r n v a
+Unscramble:  i g i p n p p
+Unscramble:  i g i p n s p
+Unscramble:  i g i s g n w g
+Unscramble:  i g i t n j l
+Unscramble:  i g i t n l l
+Unscramble:  i g i t n m l
+Unscramble:  i g n d i g l
+Unscramble:  i g n d i v o
+Unscramble:  i g n l i j a
+Unscramble:  i g n m i p r
+Unscramble:  i g n s i r a
+Unscramble:  i g n s l i s a
+Unscramble:  i g n t i s m
+Unscramble:  i g o n g
+Unscramble:  i g r e c a d s
+Unscramble:  i g s n o t k n
+Unscramble:  i g t n s
+Unscramble:  i g u e s i d s
+Unscramble:  i g u i n i l n
+Unscramble:  i h e d a a r
+Unscramble:  i h e l s v d e
+Unscramble:  i h e r e t
+Unscramble:  i h e t u s h l o g
+Unscramble:  i h h c w
+Unscramble:  i h i m u l t
+Unscramble:  i h i t s e f s
+Unscramble:  i h r s i
+Unscramble:  i h s n i s w
+Unscramble:  i h t e e s s g
+Unscramble:  i h t g g i r n
+Unscramble:  i h t r e i m g
+Unscramble:  i h t s g e l n
+Unscramble:  i h u l n a i a t
+Unscramble:  i i a d n e r
+Unscramble:  i i a e l b p t
+Unscramble:  i i a g r n l
+Unscramble:  i i a n n d
+Unscramble:  i i a r o t v t
+Unscramble:  i i a t h
+Unscramble:  i i c e n o s l
+Unscramble:  i i d e e c s f
+Unscramble:  i i d k s i m n
+Unscramble:  i i d y r i v t
+Unscramble:  i i e s s n z
+Unscramble:  i i e t s t d
+Unscramble:  i i f s e i v l
+Unscramble:  i i k s n i m n
+Unscramble:  i i l e e t d c
+Unscramble:  i i l e v i c s
+Unscramble:  i i l o g i v t
+Unscramble:  i i l y s c
+Unscramble:  i i m t n e l n
+Unscramble:  i i m t r e d n
+Unscramble:  i i n a u l r f
+Unscramble:  i i n g s n p
+Unscramble:  i i n s u e t
+Unscramble:  i i n y l e d v
+Unscramble:  i i r e i s d
+Unscramble:  i i s r a o n l g
+Unscramble:  i i t e u s r l
+Unscramble:  i i t s n i r h
+Unscramble:  i i t s v
+Unscramble:  i i u e s d s c
+Unscramble:  i i v e t a t t
+Unscramble:  i k a l r t t
+Unscramble:  i k i g n s l
+Unscramble:  i k i t s e s l
+Unscramble:  i k l d e i s c
+Unscramble:  i k l d e t c
+Unscramble:  i k l s e t c
+Unscramble:  i k m n a m l
+Unscramble:  i k t b a s e n
+Unscramble:  i k w d e e m l
+Unscramble:  i l a d d e l
+Unscramble:  i l a d n f n
+Unscramble:  i l a e l b w l
+Unscramble:  i l a g g n l
+Unscramble:  i l a h t t s l
+Unscramble:  i l a m l d v o
+Unscramble:  i l a r b e m
+Unscramble:  i l a s e y l z
+Unscramble:  i l a s s e l
+Unscramble:  i l d a e c t
+Unscramble:  i l d d e y e
+Unscramble:  i l e d a m s
+Unscramble:  i l e n h o s l
+Unscramble:  i l f s i y h t
+Unscramble:  i l i g g n s d
+Unscramble:  i l i n v o
+Unscramble:  i l i n z o s l
+Unscramble:  i l i r s e t
+Unscramble:  i l i s e n a r
+Unscramble:  i l i s g n p g
+Unscramble:  i l i s l o p n
+Unscramble:  i l i t f a r
+Unscramble:  i l i t s e s l
+Unscramble:  i l m f i y l s
+Unscramble:  i l n f i y l t
+Unscramble:  i l o d e w b l
+Unscramble:  i l o e a g d u
+Unscramble:  i l o h w s f
+Unscramble:  i l o l f c e l
+Unscramble:  i l o s o n v e
+Unscramble:  i l r e g n a
+Unscramble:  i l s f i y r k
+Unscramble:  i l s p i y r s
+Unscramble:  i l t b b o a
+Unscramble:  i l t i a d g
+Unscramble:  i l t l s
+Unscramble:  i l t p g s i a
+Unscramble:  i l u c o y l d
+Unscramble:  i l u l g b e l
+Unscramble:  i l u s b l b
+Unscramble:  i l u y n t l
+Unscramble:  i l y g l b d a
+Unscramble:  i m e d r m
+Unscramble:  i m e e r n d a
+Unscramble:  i m e s m r o
+Unscramble:  i m i s d t w
+Unscramble:  i m n t a v e
+Unscramble:  i m o s d n d a
+Unscramble:  i m r f o u n
+Unscramble:  i m u s l e t p
+Unscramble:  i m u t i t r
+Unscramble:  i n a a z b r z
+Unscramble:  i n a d b g e t
+Unscramble:  i n a d f g e m
+Unscramble:  i n a d i
+Unscramble:  i n a g s a o t
+Unscramble:  i n a l c c e t
+Unscramble:  i n a s f e t c
+Unscramble:  i n a t e g r d
+Unscramble:  i n a t m d a r
+Unscramble:  i n a u f g n d
+Unscramble:  i n b c u g l b
+Unscramble:  i n b d b g a l
+Unscramble:  i n b f u g l b
+Unscramble:  i n b m m g u l
+Unscramble:  i n b n b g i l
+Unscramble:  i n b s a g l b
+Unscramble:  i n b s a g w b
+Unscramble:  i n c b a g e h
+Unscramble:  i n c b t g a h
+Unscramble:  i n c c c e o a
+Unscramble:  i n c h t g i h
+Unscramble:  i n c p i g r k
+Unscramble:  i n c p r g e h
+Unscramble:  i n c s i g t k
+Unscramble:  i n d h n g a l
+Unscramble:  i n d s u g m g
+Unscramble:  i n d t d g o l
+Unscramble:  i n e a c n n t m e a
+Unscramble:  i n e c e g r p
+Unscramble:  i n e c p s a l
+Unscramble:  i n e d d s w
+Unscramble:  i n e d l g e t
+Unscramble:  i n e g v n t
+Unscramble:  i n e g w n d
+Unscramble:  i n e h n g o y
+Unscramble:  i n e l s b y s
+Unscramble:  i n e l v b e d
+Unscramble:  i n e q i g u t
+Unscramble:  i n e r m s a k
+Unscramble:  i n e t e f f
+Unscramble:  i n e t s n
+Unscramble:  i n g b r a a
+Unscramble:  i n g j n g a l
+Unscramble:  i n g l u g a h
+Unscramble:  i n g p n e u
+Unscramble:  i n g s o g l g
+Unscramble:  i n i d n p p e
+Unscramble:  i n i g f n k
+Unscramble:  i n i g f t s h
+Unscramble:  i n i g g g t w
+Unscramble:  i n i g g h w e
+Unscramble:  i n i g l l s p
+Unscramble:  i n i g n g s t
+Unscramble:  i n i g n k c l
+Unscramble:  i n i g n t n
+Unscramble:  i n i g n t p a
+Unscramble:  i n i g n t s a
+Unscramble:  i n i g n t s t
+Unscramble:  i n i g p l t r
+Unscramble:  i n i g p n g
+Unscramble:  i n i i d g n t
+Unscramble:  i n i m t g o v
+Unscramble:  i n i r s g e d
+Unscramble:  i n i s a g t n
+Unscramble:  i n i s u g l c
+Unscramble:  i n i t a b r
+Unscramble:  i n k r n g a l
+Unscramble:  i n l c u g a k
+Unscramble:  i n l o o e d
+Unscramble:  i n m c a g h p
+Unscramble:  i n m c i g l b
+Unscramble:  i n m c u g r b
+Unscramble:  i n m p o e t a
+Unscramble:  i n n a a e m d
+Unscramble:  i n n c i g l k
+Unscramble:  i n n h u g o d
+Unscramble:  i n n r u g o d
+Unscramble:  i n n s a g t d
+Unscramble:  i n n s e g c t
+Unscramble:  i n n s i g w k
+Unscramble:  i n n s u g h n
+Unscramble:  i n n s u g o d
+Unscramble:  i n o c l l n
+Unscramble:  i n o l l q u
+Unscramble:  i n o r e w w n
+Unscramble:  i n o s c r o m
+Unscramble:  i n o w d g i w
+Unscramble:  i n p r p g i l
+Unscramble:  i n p s p g u l
+Unscramble:  i n p t g o s s
+Unscramble:  i n r b a g o d
+Unscramble:  i n r g e s h k
+Unscramble:  i n r i b g m u
+Unscramble:  i n r s a g t l
+Unscramble:  i n r s c o u n
+Unscramble:  i n r u u g s p
+Unscramble:  i n s c o g r s
+Unscramble:  i n s h s g a l
+Unscramble:  i n s i e a d o n t t
+Unscramble:  i n s s a g m h
+Unscramble:  i n t c r e a
+Unscramble:  i n t f r g a h
+Unscramble:  i n t h e l g
+Unscramble:  i n t n s g e l
+Unscramble:  i n t s e g t t
+Unscramble:  i n u e c g x s
+Unscramble:  i n u g h n t
+Unscramble:  i n u g o g r t
+Unscramble:  i n u h r s t
+Unscramble:  i n u k p m c h
+Unscramble:  i n w s o g c l
+Unscramble:  i n w t r e a h
+Unscramble:  i o a g r l e n
+Unscramble:  i o a r c
+Unscramble:  i o c e n h p l
+Unscramble:  i o c s t u l n
+Unscramble:  i o c t c h r e
+Unscramble:  i o c t u l n
+Unscramble:  i o e h n t l
+Unscramble:  i o e i t r n r
+Unscramble:  i o g c a c h
+Unscramble:  i o g e a s s n
+Unscramble:  i o g m l r k a
+Unscramble:  i o i o l n b v
+Unscramble:  i o n t g s s m
+Unscramble:  i o o g l n k
+Unscramble:  i o o g r n t
+Unscramble:  i o r r v c d e
+Unscramble:  i o r t s i r g
+Unscramble:  i o s r n a d u
+Unscramble:  i o s s i n c s
+Unscramble:  i o u s l n o t
+Unscramble:  i p a g z n p
+Unscramble:  i p a s i t c o m
+Unscramble:  i p a u c o s t
+Unscramble:  i p e e r l s t
+Unscramble:  i p i g h n p
+Unscramble:  i p l e s a d c
+Unscramble:  i p l r a
+Unscramble:  i p l r e s m
+Unscramble:  i p l t s a d n
+Unscramble:  i p n a o c c r r
+Unscramble:  i p n a s
+Unscramble:  i p n e p s i l r c
+Unscramble:  i p s y b o
+Unscramble:  i p t c i r d o
+Unscramble:  i p u r r c h
+Unscramble:  i p u y r r c h
+Unscramble:  i q e m r e u
+Unscramble:  i r a a h d n r
+Unscramble:  i r a a p z n t
+Unscramble:  i r a d b t v e
+Unscramble:  i r a e t v b
+Unscramble:  i r a g c l
+Unscramble:  i r a g p n s
+Unscramble:  i r a i m n s t
+Unscramble:  i r a r w o r
+Unscramble:  i r a s a m d o
+Unscramble:  i r a s w e t t
+Unscramble:  i r e a v c l t
+Unscramble:  i r e c i t d u
+Unscramble:  i r e g p n m
+Unscramble:  i r e i b t l t
+Unscramble:  i r e l i r o
+Unscramble:  i r e l v c e s
+Unscramble:  i r e n s e t v
+Unscramble:  i r e s f e t n
+Unscramble:  i r e s i s d e
+Unscramble:  i r e s l d b u
+Unscramble:  i r e s s p c r
+Unscramble:  i r e s t e r
+Unscramble:  i r e s t h b l
+Unscramble:  i r e s t t w
+Unscramble:  i r e t t s k
+Unscramble:  i r e y j l k
+Unscramble:  i r g s n d o b
+Unscramble:  i r h c e d t
+Unscramble:  i r i e t f s p
+Unscramble:  i r i s e d a
+Unscramble:  i r i s e d n t
+Unscramble:  i r i y l f e
+Unscramble:  i r l d e k n
+Unscramble:  i r l f e r f
+Unscramble:  i r l g e h g
+Unscramble:  i r n a b
+Unscramble:  i r o d w e r
+Unscramble:  i r o g p d e r
+Unscramble:  i r o l h d y r
+Unscramble:  i r s e h d s e v
+Unscramble:  i r t e w r
+Unscramble:  i r t i o v s
+Unscramble:  i r u g c n l
+Unscramble:  i r u o s v r v
+Unscramble:  i r u s m e t k
+Unscramble:  i s a b t t o n
+Unscramble:  i s a g l n h
+Unscramble:  i s a g t n t
+Unscramble:  i s a p l e o r
+Unscramble:  i s a s t e t t
+Unscramble:  i s a t t e o l
+Unscramble:  i s a u l v s
+Unscramble:  i s a w m e o n
+Unscramble:  i s a w m w g
+Unscramble:  i s b e a l d e
+Unscramble:  i s c l t i h
+Unscramble:  i s d e n f r
+Unscramble:  i s d t a h o f
+Unscramble:  i s e b r d b
+Unscramble:  i s e e v g s t
+Unscramble:  i s e e z f r
+Unscramble:  i s e g n e s
+Unscramble:  i s e g r s n
+Unscramble:  i s e g r w n
+Unscramble:  i s e k n d c
+Unscramble:  i s e n c o s
+Unscramble:  i s e n c p r
+Unscramble:  i s e o t n l i e v
+Unscramble:  i s e p l t r
+Unscramble:  i s e r s t g
+Unscramble:  i s e t c i j u
+Unscramble:  i s e z z c h
+Unscramble:  i s h c e d t
+Unscramble:  i s h e p m u u
+Unscramble:  i s h s r i a p
+Unscramble:  i s i m o l s c
+Unscramble:  i s i m o t i d
+Unscramble:  i s k s n i p g
+Unscramble:  i s l m a a n
+Unscramble:  i s n a c
+Unscramble:  i s n g t h
+Unscramble:  i s n s o u n
+Unscramble:  i s o a g w n n t h
+Unscramble:  i s o e n p g
+Unscramble:  i s o r g m i r
+Unscramble:  i s o s i t c l
+Unscramble:  i s p s m t i l
+Unscramble:  i s p s r e u r
+Unscramble:  i s r a a m l m
+Unscramble:  i s r d e r a
+Unscramble:  i s r t o b s
+Unscramble:  i s s e l t c e t
+Unscramble:  i s s i c r
+Unscramble:  i s t g h h e
+Unscramble:  i s t p i r a r
+Unscramble:  i s t r e d a
+Unscramble:  i s t s s e m p
+Unscramble:  i s u g r n t
+Unscramble:  i s u p t i r
+Unscramble:  i s w b o h l f
+Unscramble:  i t a a i c l r
+Unscramble:  i t a c t e a m
+Unscramble:  i t a e l l a r
+Unscramble:  i t a i h s n b
+Unscramble:  i t a k r n s f
+Unscramble:  i t a p r e a s
+Unscramble:  i t a s b e y r
+Unscramble:  i t a s s k m e
+Unscramble:  i t a t c n s m
+Unscramble:  i t a t p o r
+Unscramble:  i t c s d u o v
+Unscramble:  i t e d e r s n
+Unscramble:  i t e f d y i l
+Unscramble:  i t e s c k t h
+Unscramble:  i t e s r s t
+Unscramble:  i t e y l r s s
+Unscramble:  i t i e n l r
+Unscramble:  i t i e n t s r
+Unscramble:  i t i g n d e
+Unscramble:  i t i i f y n n
+Unscramble:  i t i n b y o l
+Unscramble:  i t i t t e b s
+Unscramble:  i t l o t e m e s
+Unscramble:  i t o e h n l
+Unscramble:  i t o f v e a r
+Unscramble:  i t o i e u n l g d l
+Unscramble:  i t o r p s e s
+Unscramble:  i t o s r v c
+Unscramble:  i t s d e a r
+Unscramble:  i t s s n s u u
+Unscramble:  i t s t s e b u u t
+Unscramble:  i t u m t y a r
+Unscramble:  i t u n o s p
+Unscramble:  i t u s e r m x
+Unscramble:  i t u s e r p c
+Unscramble:  i t u s o t f
+Unscramble:  i t w s t
+Unscramble:  i u f l t h f a
+Unscramble:  i u h g c n a r
+Unscramble:  i u i c n m o d
+Unscramble:  i u l g f n x
+Unscramble:  i u p n u s a l
+Unscramble:  i u r e t a f g
+Unscramble:  i u r g n i f g
+Unscramble:  i u r l c b e c
+Unscramble:  i u t t a n e l n e
+Unscramble:  i u v l a i d l
+Unscramble:  i v a a l e b t
+Unscramble:  i v p a a e d t
+Unscramble:  i w a g b n l
+Unscramble:  i w a h i a
+Unscramble:  i w e s b l a
+Unscramble:  i w o t l w h
+Unscramble:  i x i n m o s t
+Unscramble:  i y a e h d s r
+Unscramble:  i y a e w d s s
+Unscramble:  i y a i r b l
+Unscramble:  i y a r f
+Unscramble:  i y a t l
+Unscramble:  i y c t t s s s i l
+Unscramble:  i y d a f r
+Unscramble:  i y i t l n f
+Unscramble:  i y l e b a
+Unscramble:  i y n i e i s t b l s
+Unscramble:  i y o s e k d s
+Unscramble:  i y r e l m s
+Unscramble:  i y t d i a v
+Unscramble:  i y t l a
+Unscramble:  i y v r o
+Unscramble:  i z a a k e l l
+Unscramble:  i z a w m e o n
+Unscramble:  i z i s f e t z
+Unscramble:  i z n q a e u t
+Unscramble:  j a r u f o s b
+Unscramble:  j c t e e i e v
+Unscramble:  j g i c h a k h
+Unscramble:  j n a a p
+Unscramble:  j n p a a
+Unscramble:  j n r s o u s o
+Unscramble:  j r r u o
+Unscramble:  j s a w i g
+Unscramble:  j x e d i n
+Unscramble:  k a b l c
+Unscramble:  k a e y n
+Unscramble:  k a h n w i g c
+Unscramble:  k a l a a s
+Unscramble:  k a l n p i g n
+Unscramble:  k a l r s e s c
+Unscramble:  k a l s b e t n
+Unscramble:  k a n r k e y c
+Unscramble:  k a o l a
+Unscramble:  k a t b i s r z
+Unscramble:  k a t r c
+Unscramble:  k a w s s e t n
+Unscramble:  k c e n d i g o
+Unscramble:  k e a e b d m r
+Unscramble:  k e c c p s u a
+Unscramble:  k e c p n s a a
+Unscramble:  k e h r c e c
+Unscramble:  k e h u s n n a
+Unscramble:  k e i s r d h e
+Unscramble:  k e l y b l a
+Unscramble:  k e m h y r a a
+Unscramble:  k e r r b e a
+Unscramble:  k h o s k o s Y
+Unscramble:  k i h n s i g r
+Unscramble:  k i h r s e s r
+Unscramble:  k i l n f i g c
+Unscramble:  k i r t b e s s
+Unscramble:  k i s n k
+Unscramble:  k i t r s e s n
+Unscramble:  k l a b s y
+Unscramble:  k l i n o i s s
+Unscramble:  k l l s s u
+Unscramble:  k l l t e s i
+Unscramble:  k n a d s t i n
+Unscramble:  k n e a s
+Unscramble:  k o n d k e c
+Unscramble:  k o n u k o t c
+Unscramble:  k o r c s o
+Unscramble:  k o r d c e a
+Unscramble:  k o s t r
+Unscramble:  k r e s e n w a
+Unscramble:  k r m h s i s i
+Unscramble:  k r t n s i g i
+Unscramble:  k s a s y i s l
+Unscramble:  k s a u m n s
+Unscramble:  k s i k n
+Unscramble:  k s n i g
+Unscramble:  k u n e k l d c
+Unscramble:  k u r a t m n c
+Unscramble:  k w b d l a s e
+Unscramble:  k y a s u q w
+Unscramble:  l a b i y
+Unscramble:  l a c d a r u
+Unscramble:  l a c s a a p
+Unscramble:  l a c s a c p o
+Unscramble:  l a c u c f e
+Unscramble:  l a d e n d e
+Unscramble:  l a d r e n c a
+Unscramble:  l a d t a x o f
+Unscramble:  l a e a m o f t
+Unscramble:  l a e b t
+Unscramble:  l a e n v s o l
+Unscramble:  l a i r d f o
+Unscramble:  l a l d e l d b g r a
+Unscramble:  l a l s b a f a
+Unscramble:  l a n d w Y o p
+Unscramble:  l a n e u i d l
+Unscramble:  l a p n s i g r
+Unscramble:  l a r e b i r w
+Unscramble:  l a r m o g k i
+Unscramble:  l a r s h u s o g
+Unscramble:  l a r y e w c a
+Unscramble:  l a s h l
+Unscramble:  l a t a o r s s b
+Unscramble:  l a t e v i i l
+Unscramble:  l a u g b e
+Unscramble:  l a v g e i s n
+Unscramble:  l b a n b i g b
+Unscramble:  l b l a e
+Unscramble:  l b m n a a t u
+Unscramble:  l b m n a c u
+Unscramble:  l b o d b e s
+Unscramble:  l b o n w i g b
+Unscramble:  l c c s o t u
+Unscramble:  l c e a p i r u
+Unscramble:  l c e l o r g y
+Unscramble:  l c e n a m p a
+Unscramble:  l c k t s e s a
+Unscramble:  l c l i a
+Unscramble:  l c n a a a m
+Unscramble:  l c s o e l p a
+Unscramble:  l c s s l u m o
+Unscramble:  l c t m e r p u
+Unscramble:  l c t t i g o
+Unscramble:  l d b p e s i a
+Unscramble:  l d e i n r e
+Unscramble:  l d e l i g u
+Unscramble:  l d e s r e u
+Unscramble:  l d e s r g i
+Unscramble:  l d g w r s e i
+Unscramble:  l d i r d e s d
+Unscramble:  l d n a e g e
+Unscramble:  l d n s a e g s
+Unscramble:  l d r r e b u
+Unscramble:  l d u s h e d
+Unscramble:  l e a b t g o
+Unscramble:  l e a c p a
+Unscramble:  l e a c t p i
+Unscramble:  l e a e u d q l
+Unscramble:  l e a e v
+Unscramble:  l e a m t d e l
+Unscramble:  l e a t e d r d
+Unscramble:  l e a t m y o l
+Unscramble:  l e a w g f o
+Unscramble:  l e b d r i b u
+Unscramble:  l e b g a d r b
+Unscramble:  l e b l u e b l
+Unscramble:  l e c k u s n k
+Unscramble:  l e c r a n b a
+Unscramble:  l e c s i s t k
+Unscramble:  l e d c n d o o
+Unscramble:  l e d r a n i n
+Unscramble:  l e d r o a u n
+Unscramble:  l e d u b i m l
+Unscramble:  l e e r p r e l
+Unscramble:  l e e u r d n e
+Unscramble:  l e f h s i b u
+Unscramble:  l e g d i a f o
+Unscramble:  l e g d o n b e
+Unscramble:  l e h g r o y o
+Unscramble:  l e h p n s i o
+Unscramble:  l e i d i f u g
+Unscramble:  l e i s a x g a
+Unscramble:  l e i s o n c o
+Unscramble:  l e l c l e u
+Unscramble:  l e m s c o w e
+Unscramble:  l e n a s c e
+Unscramble:  l e n s e a k
+Unscramble:  l e o b o t r k
+Unscramble:  l e o c g s a u
+Unscramble:  l e o d r a
+Unscramble:  l e p r e b e
+Unscramble:  l e p r l o g a
+Unscramble:  l e p s e e s r
+Unscramble:  l e r n e m a d
+Unscramble:  l e s d i p e c
+Unscramble:  l e s e f
+Unscramble:  l e s e m o g e
+Unscramble:  l e s m l
+Unscramble:  l e s s a s m o
+Unscramble:  l e s t e
+Unscramble:  l e s w e r t
+Unscramble:  l e t e o t a l
+Unscramble:  l e v i o a d r
+Unscramble:  l e v v l s a u
+Unscramble:  l e w n s i g a
+Unscramble:  l e w r l o m e
+Unscramble:  l e w r l o s a
+Unscramble:  l f e n d i g i
+Unscramble:  l f e n r i g i
+Unscramble:  l f u r m e f
+Unscramble:  l g a n w i g g
+Unscramble:  l g a r h e s g
+Unscramble:  l g h d e t f i
+Unscramble:  l g h d i t a e
+Unscramble:  l g h e l o p u
+Unscramble:  l g i d n s i
+Unscramble:  l g i s c a e e
+Unscramble:  l g i s g o o
+Unscramble:  l g i t s e e
+Unscramble:  l g n f i w o
+Unscramble:  l g n l i t e
+Unscramble:  l g n s i p u
+Unscramble:  l g n s l i f a
+Unscramble:  l g n s l i f i
+Unscramble:  l g n t i m e
+Unscramble:  l g u e e a
+Unscramble:  l g u s j e g
+Unscramble:  l g y n i
+Unscramble:  l h a s t e a a
+Unscramble:  l h e a s
+Unscramble:  l h i t n i y i
+Unscramble:  l h l e s
+Unscramble:  l h n u c
+Unscramble:  l i a e c n a l
+Unscramble:  l i b d a c i o
+Unscramble:  l i b s m c y o
+Unscramble:  l i c e g i a d
+Unscramble:  l i d n d n o a e
+Unscramble:  l i d s e e b
+Unscramble:  l i g g n i i
+Unscramble:  l i k n s a e p
+Unscramble:  l i n t e y m s o
+Unscramble:  l i n y l p a
+Unscramble:  l i p a s w y l
+Unscramble:  l i p g s a e l
+Unscramble:  l i q d l u i i
+Unscramble:  l i r a l e g a
+Unscramble:  l i r n g i g l
+Unscramble:  l i r n i g a
+Unscramble:  l i r n t a e p
+Unscramble:  l i s s a k h h
+Unscramble:  l i t c a c g a
+Unscramble:  l i t c a n a t
+Unscramble:  l i t c e c e c
+Unscramble:  l i t r a
+Unscramble:  l i t s a n a t
+Unscramble:  l i t s v i v u
+Unscramble:  l i u a e l a l
+Unscramble:  l j a n c i g o
+Unscramble:  l l e t a g u
+Unscramble:  l l i g n y e a
+Unscramble:  l l i m d y e a
+Unscramble:  l l i y t r s u
+Unscramble:  l l t m r y o a
+Unscramble:  l m a d e g p u
+Unscramble:  l m a d i x c e
+Unscramble:  l m a e c e r e
+Unscramble:  l m a s f e s e
+Unscramble:  l m e t n e e
+Unscramble:  l m i n s a t u
+Unscramble:  l m l a s
+Unscramble:  l m l e s
+Unscramble:  l m m m a a
+Unscramble:  l m n o y a l
+Unscramble:  l m o g h o y o
+Unscramble:  l m u d m e b
+Unscramble:  l m u l i g a
+Unscramble:  l m u s i d s o
+Unscramble:  l m u s u l p e
+Unscramble:  l m u t h i y i
+Unscramble:  l n a o t a
+Unscramble:  l n a r d e d
+Unscramble:  l n a s b e g
+Unscramble:  l n a s c e t
+Unscramble:  l n a t a t d i
+Unscramble:  l n a t a x r e
+Unscramble:  l n d b e n s s i
+Unscramble:  l n d r e b o
+Unscramble:  l n e t x i h o
+Unscramble:  l n g g u i p n
+Unscramble:  l n g r e c i
+Unscramble:  l n i e a t g e
+Unscramble:  l n i e k i r d
+Unscramble:  l n i e t a u
+Unscramble:  l n i g a c s o
+Unscramble:  l n i g t z w a
+Unscramble:  l n i s w e s d
+Unscramble:  l n k g n i b i
+Unscramble:  l n k g o i p n
+Unscramble:  l n m b e c u
+Unscramble:  l n o s l e g a
+Unscramble:  l n o s l i m u
+Unscramble:  l n o t o p a
+Unscramble:  l n s d e f e
+Unscramble:  l n t a s u
+Unscramble:  l n t g a i s n
+Unscramble:  l n t g u i b n
+Unscramble:  l n u e a l p a
+Unscramble:  l o d d o i b e
+Unscramble:  l o d r v a s a
+Unscramble:  l o d u c
+Unscramble:  l o e w t o a r
+Unscramble:  l o f b f u a
+Unscramble:  l o h b c r a e
+Unscramble:  l o i n i s g r e
+Unscramble:  l o i n u t v o
+Unscramble:  l o m r e b o
+Unscramble:  l o o i p
+Unscramble:  l o p h t a a l
+Unscramble:  l o s r e a r e
+Unscramble:  l o t c t s a a
+Unscramble:  l o y g n i a l
+Unscramble:  l o y l m
+Unscramble:  l o y s m a t b
+Unscramble:  l p a n d i g p
+Unscramble:  l p e d e a
+Unscramble:  l p h t e a e n
+Unscramble:  l p i g n e o
+Unscramble:  l p o n p i g p
+Unscramble:  l p p d e s i
+Unscramble:  l p p g n i c i
+Unscramble:  l p p s a e f r
+Unscramble:  l p p u i
+Unscramble:  l r a s d e k
+Unscramble:  l r a Y i d s o
+Unscramble:  l r c o a
+Unscramble:  l r e c h b e
+Unscramble:  l r e s a v p a
+Unscramble:  l r e s t e s m
+Unscramble:  l r h t e s i
+Unscramble:  l r i e v
+Unscramble:  l r i r c e s c
+Unscramble:  l r i s n f o
+Unscramble:  l r i s o s f t
+Unscramble:  l r i y o d f l
+Unscramble:  l r i y v a s e
+Unscramble:  l r k n e f a
+Unscramble:  l r l e k i
+Unscramble:  l r o a s
+Unscramble:  l r o m i f c o
+Unscramble:  l r o u c o
+Unscramble:  l r t g n i f i
+Unscramble:  l r u m s i a t
+Unscramble:  l r u p h s u
+Unscramble:  l r v a e c e
+Unscramble:  l r v i e
+Unscramble:  l r y g o i g n
+Unscramble:  l s a n c i g t
+Unscramble:  l s a n g i e o
+Unscramble:  l s d a n i s
+Unscramble:  l s e d e a l
+Unscramble:  l s e i c c y
+Unscramble:  l s e s i n w i
+Unscramble:  l s h s r e f e
+Unscramble:  l s i e a r s o
+Unscramble:  l s i g m o y o
+Unscramble:  l s i n o p o
+Unscramble:  l s i s e v p o
+Unscramble:  l s n e u t d a
+Unscramble:  l s n m e d o
+Unscramble:  l s o d r
+Unscramble:  l s o u r n l
+Unscramble:  l s p k c e f y
+Unscramble:  l s r l e k i
+Unscramble:  l s s g n i g a
+Unscramble:  l s s l u f b i
+Unscramble:  l s s w a e e
+Unscramble:  l s t a a i e c
+Unscramble:  l s t e a a e s
+Unscramble:  l s t m r o a
+Unscramble:  l s u h l p b e
+Unscramble:  l s u l b
+Unscramble:  l s u o r p e
+Unscramble:  l t a e e g r e
+Unscramble:  l t a r b e s t
+Unscramble:  l t a s d c w i
+Unscramble:  l t a t m o s e
+Unscramble:  l t e n p a t u
+Unscramble:  l t e r e t
+Unscramble:  l t e r i t
+Unscramble:  l t g t i n e g r i
+Unscramble:  l t h d a e f a
+Unscramble:  l t h g o i c n
+Unscramble:  l t i g n p a
+Unscramble:  l t i s p e s i
+Unscramble:  l t i y i d g e
+Unscramble:  l t i Y i n s a
+Unscramble:  l t l i s
+Unscramble:  l t l o f b e u t
+Unscramble:  l t n s s e f a
+Unscramble:  l t s s e o t e
+Unscramble:  l t s s l a b a
+Unscramble:  l t t a c u c a
+Unscramble:  l t t e n i i n l g e
+Unscramble:  l t t r e g i
+Unscramble:  l t t s n o g u
+Unscramble:  l t t t a e f s
+Unscramble:  l t u n i
+Unscramble:  l u c s a o g u
+Unscramble:  l u d d e a l
+Unscramble:  l u e e t s n l
+Unscramble:  l u g d o h p e
+Unscramble:  l u i b m a
+Unscramble:  l u i p r s e p
+Unscramble:  l u l s c e s e
+Unscramble:  l u q e s l d a
+Unscramble:  l u q n a i e i
+Unscramble:  l u q y s l a
+Unscramble:  l u r d e f o
+Unscramble:  l u s g o i b n
+Unscramble:  l u s s o s c o
+Unscramble:  l u t t s i f a
+Unscramble:  l u v l a i i l
+Unscramble:  l v a c h o k e
+Unscramble:  l v a n j i e
+Unscramble:  l v e c a l n d e
+Unscramble:  l v e e d v s o
+Unscramble:  l v e n e e
+Unscramble:  l v o s l e s e
+Unscramble:  l w a r d e s d
+Unscramble:  l w e r f o
+Unscramble:  l w e s r f o
+Unscramble:  l w f y l b o
+Unscramble:  l w l o m a
+Unscramble:  l w l o p i
+Unscramble:  l w l o y e
+Unscramble:  l x i e l f e
+Unscramble:  l x i r e f a
+Unscramble:  l x o v f o e g
+Unscramble:  l y a s i d h o
+Unscramble:  l y b k a o p o
+Unscramble:  l y d s e e i
+Unscramble:  l y g r u o h
+Unscramble:  l y n e e s p
+Unscramble:  l y o t f
+Unscramble:  l y r u t n u
+Unscramble:  l z i e a r p o
+Unscramble:  l z i s a e g r
+Unscramble:  m a a n n
+Unscramble:  m a b e l a i
+Unscramble:  m a b i g a
+Unscramble:  m a c e c
+Unscramble:  m a d h a n e s
+Unscramble:  m a e s p n u r
+Unscramble:  m a g b r n a e
+Unscramble:  m a h c p a y r
+Unscramble:  m a l r m u n u
+Unscramble:  m a o m t n o r
+Unscramble:  m a o r f t e r
+Unscramble:  m a r n t o a g p e e
+Unscramble:  m a s l e r d e
+Unscramble:  m a t c i h e p
+Unscramble:  m a y g n i e b
+Unscramble:  m b c c x o o
+Unscramble:  m b e r e m
+Unscramble:  m c a s r o e e
+Unscramble:  m c a y i b a l
+Unscramble:  m c e t d a e i
+Unscramble:  m c k s r e s a
+Unscramble:  m c n n i i g o
+Unscramble:  m c s u i
+Unscramble:  m d e n p e t i
+Unscramble:  m d e p l s a
+Unscramble:  m d e u r i m
+Unscramble:  m d g n e s i
+Unscramble:  m d i u d i m y
+Unscramble:  m d o Y e b s o
+Unscramble:  m d t r e s a
+Unscramble:  m e d d e d i b
+Unscramble:  m e d r a
+Unscramble:  m e g r m a r u
+Unscramble:  m e i l l
+Unscramble:  m e i r e l t i
+Unscramble:  m e i s i n d o
+Unscramble:  m e i s u d q r
+Unscramble:  m e l n g e e
+Unscramble:  m e l p i c o
+Unscramble:  m e n o p n e n h o
+Unscramble:  m e n s r d u a
+Unscramble:  m e r a a d d n o
+Unscramble:  m e r d i n a y
+Unscramble:  m e r d s a
+Unscramble:  m e r n c a w
+Unscramble:  m e s d i s u n
+Unscramble:  m e s t o s w o
+Unscramble:  m e t s p u c o
+Unscramble:  m e t t a e i
+Unscramble:  m f l s e h i
+Unscramble:  m g a n s e a
+Unscramble:  m g i r a n i e
+Unscramble:  m g n b r m i i h d u
+Unscramble:  m g n m i l e
+Unscramble:  m g r e b r u h a
+Unscramble:  m g s i n l e t a
+Unscramble:  m h n n i i g u
+Unscramble:  m h o e p r a a
+Unscramble:  m h o t n
+Unscramble:  m i a r c h a r
+Unscramble:  m i l s g a o
+Unscramble:  m i n a y a d a
+Unscramble:  m i n c t o a u c e m
+Unscramble:  m i r s p e t m
+Unscramble:  m i t c a s n r o
+Unscramble:  m i t s s c y e
+Unscramble:  m k a n k o o e
+Unscramble:  m l a t c i e a
+Unscramble:  m l i b r n o
+Unscramble:  m l i s a
+Unscramble:  m l i s b o g u
+Unscramble:  m l o o f o t k
+Unscramble:  m l o s f o t o
+Unscramble:  m l s c i i a
+Unscramble:  m m u s b i c a
+Unscramble:  m n a t i n r u
+Unscramble:  m n d e e a e t
+Unscramble:  m n e s g e o
+Unscramble:  m n i u t o s a
+Unscramble:  m n l e o
+Unscramble:  m n o w i n
+Unscramble:  m n u d p o c o
+Unscramble:  m o a g d
+Unscramble:  m o c s o h s e
+Unscramble:  m o i n o t d e
+Unscramble:  m o l d g e o
+Unscramble:  m o l n g i g o
+Unscramble:  m o l y c i i p
+Unscramble:  m o n a i a m
+Unscramble:  m o n c m i a a
+Unscramble:  m o s g n i i p
+Unscramble:  m o t n i l h a
+Unscramble:  m p j o t s u u
+Unscramble:  m r a s b g u e
+Unscramble:  m r e a b l u l
+Unscramble:  m r e o t r e
+Unscramble:  m r e s b l g a
+Unscramble:  m r e y e t c e
+Unscramble:  m r h i t b n o
+Unscramble:  m r i a c a e
+Unscramble:  m r i s p n i t
+Unscramble:  m r j a o
+Unscramble:  m r k a e
+Unscramble:  m r p u t
+Unscramble:  m r t g a i s n
+Unscramble:  m r w o e e p
+Unscramble:  m r y d i o e b
+Unscramble:  m s d d d i u
+Unscramble:  m s e s e n g a
+Unscramble:  m s e s e n t a
+Unscramble:  m s e s p n l i
+Unscramble:  m s e t b l h u
+Unscramble:  m s e u r i m
+Unscramble:  m s i e s m i
+Unscramble:  m s k a r r e
+Unscramble:  m s l b d e a
+Unscramble:  m s n i d
+Unscramble:  m s n p a t y
+Unscramble:  m s n u t a o
+Unscramble:  m s o o d
+Unscramble:  m t a i n e o t t s p
+Unscramble:  m t e n m o
+Unscramble:  m t e r a t
+Unscramble:  m t g i h
+Unscramble:  m t h t e y a s
+Unscramble:  m t i e a t h e
+Unscramble:  m t l e h a
+Unscramble:  m t n s m e c o
+Unscramble:  m t s s p o c o
+Unscramble:  m t t g i i o n
+Unscramble:  m t u a n k a d h
+Unscramble:  m u l e t a a b
+Unscramble:  m u l r o d s e
+Unscramble:  m u l r s e m
+Unscramble:  m u n m p a t y
+Unscramble:  m u t m e n l o
+Unscramble:  m y e c p m e i
+Unscramble:  m y e d c o
+Unscramble:  m y l o l
+Unscramble:  m y o d o
+Unscramble:  n a b r i
+Unscramble:  n a e i t l n r
+Unscramble:  n a e s c r p a
+Unscramble:  n a g d e u p
+Unscramble:  n a h a c m n i
+Unscramble:  n a i d e t u b
+Unscramble:  n a i m t l o o
+Unscramble:  n a i y l r u f
+Unscramble:  n a l d i i v
+Unscramble:  n a l e r
+Unscramble:  n a l n u p i
+Unscramble:  n a l r g u s i
+Unscramble:  n a l s v i i d
+Unscramble:  n a m d e p e c
+Unscramble:  n a n e l g e d t
+Unscramble:  n a n e l g u t
+Unscramble:  n a o g t
+Unscramble:  n a o t b i
+Unscramble:  n a r d m r u e
+Unscramble:  n a r m o g m o
+Unscramble:  n a r n t i g i
+Unscramble:  n a r r d e s i
+Unscramble:  n a r r e g e l
+Unscramble:  n a s e v i i v
+Unscramble:  n a s g n i u c
+Unscramble:  n a s p r l e o
+Unscramble:  n a s t e s l s i
+Unscramble:  n a t l n a a
+Unscramble:  n a u l q t Y i
+Unscramble:  n a v l g e l o
+Unscramble:  n b l s i o
+Unscramble:  n c d v i e o a
+Unscramble:  n c e e r t r a
+Unscramble:  n c e l d a a
+Unscramble:  n c e l r t y e
+Unscramble:  n c h t i g a
+Unscramble:  n c i l n y e e
+Unscramble:  n c i r s e e a
+Unscramble:  n c i r v a y e
+Unscramble:  n c i s a m d y
+Unscramble:  n c k s a e k r
+Unscramble:  n c k s r e k o
+Unscramble:  n c n y d e t e
+Unscramble:  n c r e b i i s
+Unscramble:  n c r n i i y d a e
+Unscramble:  n c t d e e a
+Unscramble:  n c t i s t n i
+Unscramble:  n c t p e e r e
+Unscramble:  n c u i s e s a
+Unscramble:  n d a e h g s l b a
+Unscramble:  n d a e r u h
+Unscramble:  n d a n s i e i o
+Unscramble:  n d a o e g r e
+Unscramble:  n d c a a a n o
+Unscramble:  n d c e s x i
+Unscramble:  n d e d r h u
+Unscramble:  n d g e r i
+Unscramble:  n d i d e s a o
+Unscramble:  n d i r w e s e
+Unscramble:  n d l e g n a
+Unscramble:  n d l h l o a
+Unscramble:  n d l i e c a
+Unscramble:  n d l n o o
+Unscramble:  n d l s e e i
+Unscramble:  n d n l a f i
+Unscramble:  n d n w e u o
+Unscramble:  n d o r d e u
+Unscramble:  n d r r s r e u e
+Unscramble:  n d s u a
+Unscramble:  n d w o o e
+Unscramble:  n e a d r u h
+Unscramble:  n e a l v e s
+Unscramble:  n e a s m u s
+Unscramble:  n e a s r e d
+Unscramble:  n e a s t u s
+Unscramble:  n e b e b e t
+Unscramble:  n e c c l s a i
+Unscramble:  n e c e s u i r
+Unscramble:  n e d d a r e e
+Unscramble:  n e d r o t s u o d
+Unscramble:  n e d s r s a i
+Unscramble:  n e g d e g u b
+Unscramble:  n e g r e
+Unscramble:  n e i e c n e t
+Unscramble:  n e i o s
+Unscramble:  n e i v a n
+Unscramble:  n e k d c a p a
+Unscramble:  n e k w a d e e
+Unscramble:  n e l d o c m o
+Unscramble:  n e l e p o a t
+Unscramble:  n e l e p o e s v
+Unscramble:  n e l g n i k e
+Unscramble:  n e m d s u c o
+Unscramble:  n e n a n o s g u i r
+Unscramble:  n e n d p n u e
+Unscramble:  n e n t e p e
+Unscramble:  n e o l s e c
+Unscramble:  n e r d k e b u
+Unscramble:  n e r e c c i
+Unscramble:  n e r l a d l e c i
+Unscramble:  n e r o s e d
+Unscramble:  n e r s e t
+Unscramble:  n e r s g i h e
+Unscramble:  n e r s r e e t
+Unscramble:  n e r t r s e i
+Unscramble:  n e r t t a i c
+Unscramble:  n e r x e r i t
+Unscramble:  n e s n o m a
+Unscramble:  n e t l e a r
+Unscramble:  n e u o q d m e
+Unscramble:  n e x s t a s y
+Unscramble:  n f f r e l s i
+Unscramble:  n f f s e l s i
+Unscramble:  n f o s m r u i
+Unscramble:  n f r i l t e e c d e
+Unscramble:  n g d g a r i
+Unscramble:  n g d w d s e i
+Unscramble:  n g e r i a t n e
+Unscramble:  n g e r o a
+Unscramble:  n g f b f u i
+Unscramble:  n g g g u i s n
+Unscramble:  n g g g u o i
+Unscramble:  n g g r e s i
+Unscramble:  n g h f s i i
+Unscramble:  n g h j s o i
+Unscramble:  n g h l t a i
+Unscramble:  n g h n t o i
+Unscramble:  n g i e n k e
+Unscramble:  n g i r n e u
+Unscramble:  n g i t n u i
+Unscramble:  n g k b o o i
+Unscramble:  n g k g w a i
+Unscramble:  n g k h s u i
+Unscramble:  n g k j c a i
+Unscramble:  n g l c b a i
+Unscramble:  n g l f r u i
+Unscramble:  n g l p e e i
+Unscramble:  n g l s b s i i
+Unscramble:  n g l t i s a i
+Unscramble:  n g m s a i a
+Unscramble:  n g m s e e i
+Unscramble:  n g n c r o i
+Unscramble:  n g n d o r i
+Unscramble:  n g n g i b i
+Unscramble:  n g n g n i i
+Unscramble:  n g o e h c i
+Unscramble:  n g o s b g o
+Unscramble:  n g o y x e
+Unscramble:  n g p k e s e i
+Unscramble:  n g p p p o i
+Unscramble:  n g r h r e i
+Unscramble:  n g r r a s o i
+Unscramble:  n g r s o t i
+Unscramble:  n g t b t u i
+Unscramble:  n g t e a
+Unscramble:  n g t f t i i
+Unscramble:  n g t g a s r i
+Unscramble:  n g t h s o i
+Unscramble:  n g t r u s o i
+Unscramble:  n g v h l e i
+Unscramble:  n g v w a e i
+Unscramble:  n h a i c
+Unscramble:  n h a s c i u n
+Unscramble:  n h c s e u i
+Unscramble:  n h i l s e g
+Unscramble:  n h i s d a
+Unscramble:  n h k a s
+Unscramble:  n h k i t
+Unscramble:  n h n e u g d a
+Unscramble:  n h o e t a i c
+Unscramble:  n h o i r
+Unscramble:  n h o n c s u e
+Unscramble:  n h p t y o
+Unscramble:  n h s n i d o
+Unscramble:  n h t e a b e
+Unscramble:  n h w t i i
+Unscramble:  n i a y l b e v
+Unscramble:  n i d e r d u l
+Unscramble:  n i d g r a a e
+Unscramble:  n i d s r e i s
+Unscramble:  n i e i p o r g
+Unscramble:  n i e s f l i d
+Unscramble:  n i f d e t u s
+Unscramble:  n i g d e r s y
+Unscramble:  n i g y c n e s
+Unscramble:  n i i a s
+Unscramble:  n i l d e d u g
+Unscramble:  n i m s l d a o
+Unscramble:  n i p d e p u z
+Unscramble:  n i r a o t l e
+Unscramble:  n i r s r d e a
+Unscramble:  n i r t t i y u
+Unscramble:  n i t p u c l o
+Unscramble:  n i t s e i e t
+Unscramble:  n i v s e e s l
+Unscramble:  n i x d e u f
+Unscramble:  n i x Y t i u f
+Unscramble:  n l a d n e g
+Unscramble:  n l a n r e s
+Unscramble:  n l a r s v e e
+Unscramble:  n l a s t r v e
+Unscramble:  n l b e e a t u
+Unscramble:  n l b r e i
+Unscramble:  n l c e n a p i
+Unscramble:  n l d s d y u e
+Unscramble:  n l e y i t f i
+Unscramble:  n l l g n i k o
+Unscramble:  n l o h g i
+Unscramble:  n l o k k s Y i
+Unscramble:  n l o n w u b
+Unscramble:  n l p c s i e
+Unscramble:  n l p l o e
+Unscramble:  n l r y n e m a
+Unscramble:  n l t i a t c a
+Unscramble:  n l u t n e i f
+Unscramble:  n l v a e u r
+Unscramble:  n l x o y i d
+Unscramble:  n m a s g r p a
+Unscramble:  n m a s l a i
+Unscramble:  n m a t r u s
+Unscramble:  n m m d a a
+Unscramble:  n m o a r i a
+Unscramble:  n m o e n e s i
+Unscramble:  n m o e r c s a
+Unscramble:  n m r o t e m a e e
+Unscramble:  n m r s f o c o
+Unscramble:  n m w o a
+Unscramble:  n m w o e
+Unscramble:  n m y i g l g i
+Unscramble:  n n a s r e s k
+Unscramble:  n n a s s r u l
+Unscramble:  n n c n a o
+Unscramble:  n n d b n a a a
+Unscramble:  n n e y l i a
+Unscramble:  n n i d b l s u
+Unscramble:  n n i e t l b u
+Unscramble:  n n i g a g m a
+Unscramble:  n n i g d y b a
+Unscramble:  n n i g g a c o
+Unscramble:  n n o a b z s a
+Unscramble:  n n o c r u i
+Unscramble:  n n o e s c s a
+Unscramble:  n n o r m d y a
+Unscramble:  n n y s m a o
+Unscramble:  n o b r w
+Unscramble:  n o d u b
+Unscramble:  n o g y d e e n
+Unscramble:  n o h x p i e
+Unscramble:  n o l y l i u h
+Unscramble:  n o m g c i o n
+Unscramble:  n o n m i i u s
+Unscramble:  n o n t b n u e
+Unscramble:  n o n t i i u s
+Unscramble:  n o o d w d u e
+Unscramble:  n o o i d a l r
+Unscramble:  n o o r i d
+Unscramble:  n o o z g
+Unscramble:  n o r a i o t
+Unscramble:  n o r d e g u f
+Unscramble:  n o r g d u
+Unscramble:  n o r g n i e c
+Unscramble:  n o r n u t
+Unscramble:  n o s c s a i
+Unscramble:  n o u e c n a n
+Unscramble:  n o z c i o e t
+Unscramble:  n p m t i i y u
+Unscramble:  n p u s g c k i
+Unscramble:  n p u t k r b a
+Unscramble:  n r a d t c u e
+Unscramble:  n r a g b a e o
+Unscramble:  n r a r p e s t
+Unscramble:  n r a s t n e t
+Unscramble:  n r a s w e s m
+Unscramble:  n r b a o
+Unscramble:  n r d l a a s e
+Unscramble:  n r e a c
+Unscramble:  n r e g i r a
+Unscramble:  n r e h c n e t
+Unscramble:  n r e o q r u c o
+Unscramble:  n r e o r i g
+Unscramble:  n r e s g l w a
+Unscramble:  n r e s n e i
+Unscramble:  n r e s s t p u
+Unscramble:  n r e s u s e i
+Unscramble:  n r e t i r e
+Unscramble:  n r h d t e o
+Unscramble:  n r h t e a o
+Unscramble:  n r i a p h a
+Unscramble:  n r k e s i
+Unscramble:  n r m s u o e o
+Unscramble:  n r o g g i
+Unscramble:  n r o i t m o
+Unscramble:  n r s t t s g h e
+Unscramble:  n r t c i h a o
+Unscramble:  n r t e w a
+Unscramble:  n r t i e i v
+Unscramble:  n r t o f
+Unscramble:  n r u e a t d e
+Unscramble:  n r v e e
+Unscramble:  n s a d h
+Unscramble:  n s a i b j e
+Unscramble:  n s a s e e s i
+Unscramble:  n s a t b e s i
+Unscramble:  n s b e a c s e
+Unscramble:  n s d r d e e
+Unscramble:  n s e s d r s u
+Unscramble:  n s e s g l w i
+Unscramble:  n s e t d i w i
+Unscramble:  n s e t g i m i
+Unscramble:  n s e t r c e h m a
+Unscramble:  n s e u l v e
+Unscramble:  n s e u v
+Unscramble:  n s g o t u u
+Unscramble:  n s i g w
+Unscramble:  n s i i d n a
+Unscramble:  n s i k k
+Unscramble:  n s i t o d m o
+Unscramble:  n s l m r e o
+Unscramble:  n s l s i t o
+Unscramble:  n s n i e e g
+Unscramble:  n s o e m
+Unscramble:  n s o e s
+Unscramble:  n s o k m
+Unscramble:  n s r c e f e
+Unscramble:  n s r d a i e e
+Unscramble:  n s r h i m e
+Unscramble:  n s r n u e o
+Unscramble:  n s r t e w i
+Unscramble:  n s s a k a
+Unscramble:  n s s e s e
+Unscramble:  n s s i t i s
+Unscramble:  n s s n a a t o
+Unscramble:  n s s w r o e
+Unscramble:  n s t b t u o
+Unscramble:  n s t n w e o
+Unscramble:  n s u e o i g
+Unscramble:  n s z b a l o
+Unscramble:  n s z m z i e
+Unscramble:  n t a b g i
+Unscramble:  n t a e g i
+Unscramble:  n t a e l u d
+Unscramble:  n t a l l t y e
+Unscramble:  n t c o d r u c o
+Unscramble:  n t c r e h s a
+Unscramble:  n t c r o a y o
+Unscramble:  n t d e o r e
+Unscramble:  n t e e c r c o
+Unscramble:  n t e y s a u d
+Unscramble:  n t g i h
+Unscramble:  n t i e s u i
+Unscramble:  n t i s c e c o
+Unscramble:  n t i t c n i s
+Unscramble:  n t m a i s l e
+Unscramble:  n t o c b i a
+Unscramble:  n t o r c e u
+Unscramble:  n t o s h g u
+Unscramble:  n t o u d
+Unscramble:  n t p c e i
+Unscramble:  n t p n t e r i u e
+Unscramble:  n t p r c s r e a e
+Unscramble:  n t r c e c o
+Unscramble:  n t r e t n a
+Unscramble:  n t r m g i a
+Unscramble:  n t t g i i k n
+Unscramble:  n t t p r s o e
+Unscramble:  n t t r o i k e
+Unscramble:  n t u e m i d i
+Unscramble:  n t u l b o a
+Unscramble:  n t v i e u r
+Unscramble:  n u a Y n l a l
+Unscramble:  n u l d e l u d
+Unscramble:  n u l m d u p e
+Unscramble:  n u n d f d u e
+Unscramble:  n u r g j i i n
+Unscramble:  n u r m s i a e
+Unscramble:  n u s t a r
+Unscramble:  n v a a s n h a
+Unscramble:  n v a e i l u v
+Unscramble:  n v e e l e
+Unscramble:  n v e i o
+Unscramble:  n v i h s k a
+Unscramble:  n v o d a w u e
+Unscramble:  n v r e s e c o
+Unscramble:  n w i d e n e t
+Unscramble:  n w i s t n e e
+Unscramble:  n w l e o i s n
+Unscramble:  n w o t b o s k
+Unscramble:  n w s p i l s o
+Unscramble:  n x v i e
+Unscramble:  n y a a w r u
+Unscramble:  n y b n a a
+Unscramble:  n y d a s u
+Unscramble:  n y g e i p y
+Unscramble:  n y k e d o
+Unscramble:  n y r d e b i
+Unscramble:  n y r g a h u
+Unscramble:  n y r t u c e
+Unscramble:  n y w a r u
+Unscramble:  n z o o g i
+Unscramble:  o a b e a n s l
+Unscramble:  o a c m t i i s
+Unscramble:  o a d g m i p n
+Unscramble:  o a d s n p a s
+Unscramble:  o a e a i m t x
+Unscramble:  o a e r d n y c
+Unscramble:  o a e t t p
+Unscramble:  o a g r e v y
+Unscramble:  o a h k w a t m
+Unscramble:  o a h l n c r h
+Unscramble:  o a h m u g b r
+Unscramble:  o a i e l l r c
+Unscramble:  o a i i d g c l
+Unscramble:  o a l a i r s
+Unscramble:  o a l e t i t z
+Unscramble:  o a l h a
+Unscramble:  o a l k e t e b
+Unscramble:  o a l t c b
+Unscramble:  o a l t c e o c h
+Unscramble:  o a l y n i t t
+Unscramble:  o a l y t i l c
+Unscramble:  o a m e n i d p
+Unscramble:  o a p d s i r
+Unscramble:  o a t n o i l c
+Unscramble:  o a t s r o d n
+Unscramble:  o b e s r b m
+Unscramble:  o b i e d d f n r
+Unscramble:  o b i s w r c d
+Unscramble:  o b l g b i g n
+Unscramble:  o b l g b i h n
+Unscramble:  o b o l l l y l
+Unscramble:  o b r o m e s r
+Unscramble:  o b r s l i n m
+Unscramble:  o b s n o t t e m
+Unscramble:  o b t g n i d u
+Unscramble:  o c a c l n v i
+Unscramble:  o c a n c s m i
+Unscramble:  o c e e n s d r
+Unscramble:  o c e h r t e l
+Unscramble:  o c e s n p Y r
+Unscramble:  o c h s o p n
+Unscramble:  o c i g n v i
+Unscramble:  o c l b l k a c
+Unscramble:  o c m s u k l m
+Unscramble:  o c n e e s d l
+Unscramble:  o c p y s h
+Unscramble:  o d a k p c s l
+Unscramble:  o d b e u r s
+Unscramble:  o d b k c a h l
+Unscramble:  o d e d r o s w
+Unscramble:  o d e n w o
+Unscramble:  o d e o p s t
+Unscramble:  o d e t r o r
+Unscramble:  o d e t t b l
+Unscramble:  o d e y l n w o
+Unscramble:  o d g a e v y
+Unscramble:  o d l o b
+Unscramble:  o d l t e t o
+Unscramble:  o d n s u e l s
+Unscramble:  o d o n l n
+Unscramble:  o d r e e p w
+Unscramble:  o d r w c
+Unscramble:  o d s d e h w o
+Unscramble:  o d s p i h l r
+Unscramble:  o d t n e m u
+Unscramble:  o d t n e p i
+Unscramble:  o d v i e
+Unscramble:  o d w e o i g f
+Unscramble:  o d y a e f r
+Unscramble:  o d y e h g n r
+Unscramble:  o e a d g s n
+Unscramble:  o e a s r r f m
+Unscramble:  o e b a l p t
+Unscramble:  o e b v a
+Unscramble:  o e c s i u e h
+Unscramble:  o e d c i e c
+Unscramble:  o e f h s i b n
+Unscramble:  o e h d o c s m
+Unscramble:  o e h d o s w h
+Unscramble:  o e h d r c s c
+Unscramble:  o e h e p s u r
+Unscramble:  o e h e p u r
+Unscramble:  o e i d d
+Unscramble:  o e i n t c o
+Unscramble:  o e i r n g s p
+Unscramble:  o e i r t t s n
+Unscramble:  o e i s n t c o
+Unscramble:  o e i s p s b i
+Unscramble:  o e l e k i h m
+Unscramble:  o e l e z i v w
+Unscramble:  o e l r e l m d
+Unscramble:  o e l t v i n s
+Unscramble:  o e l v i
+Unscramble:  o e m r v b n e
+Unscramble:  o e m y r a r s
+Unscramble:  o e n d e c z
+Unscramble:  o e n d p e u n
+Unscramble:  o e n e c p t
+Unscramble:  o e n e r a f m
+Unscramble:  o e n p e p r
+Unscramble:  o e o a l f v
+Unscramble:  o e o n c r h
+Unscramble:  o e o s g
+Unscramble:  o e o s m s h i
+Unscramble:  o e o s m
+Unscramble:  o e p l p e
+Unscramble:  o e p s r a f w
+Unscramble:  o e r d w e g l
+Unscramble:  o e r t e l c v
+Unscramble:  o e s r a t l d
+Unscramble:  o e s s g r
+Unscramble:  o e s s p o p r
+Unscramble:  o e s w r h f o
+Unscramble:  o e t g o s r t
+Unscramble:  o e t r e h t g
+Unscramble:  o e t r m e o d
+Unscramble:  o e t s e t m f
+Unscramble:  o e t s m a b r
+Unscramble:  o e t s u o c v
+Unscramble:  o e v r m e w h
+Unscramble:  o e w l b
+Unscramble:  o e w s y a r p
+Unscramble:  o f d s a s h o
+Unscramble:  o f e d f r g e
+Unscramble:  o f e e c f
+Unscramble:  o f e r h o
+Unscramble:  o f s u o u c c i n
+Unscramble:  o f u e s c n
+Unscramble:  o g a o o z n g l r
+Unscramble:  o g b s w o l n
+Unscramble:  o g e a r n l i
+Unscramble:  o g e n x y
+Unscramble:  o g e r d d
+Unscramble:  o g e s u o g r
+Unscramble:  o g e y g d d l
+Unscramble:  o g h g u i s n
+Unscramble:  o g i l n d l
+Unscramble:  o g i p n m p
+Unscramble:  o g i s n d w
+Unscramble:  o g l s n e s s
+Unscramble:  o g n o i s h
+Unscramble:  o g n s n i i r
+Unscramble:  o g o a i l m n
+Unscramble:  o g o e n o m s
+Unscramble:  o h c m a s t
+Unscramble:  o h d e o h r m o t
+Unscramble:  o h e Y t r m l
+Unscramble:  o h i c e n a l c
+Unscramble:  o h i p s f p
+Unscramble:  o h l t s
+Unscramble:  o h o e l f x
+Unscramble:  o h o e t u h s
+Unscramble:  o h o t t
+Unscramble:  o i a l d c z a
+Unscramble:  o i a p n d i c
+Unscramble:  o i a s j r l
+Unscramble:  o i c e p l
+Unscramble:  o i c l i c d
+Unscramble:  o i d m n i g u
+Unscramble:  o i e r b x
+Unscramble:  o i e s m v
+Unscramble:  o i e t s r p
+Unscramble:  o i f c l i p r
+Unscramble:  o i g c r a c h
+Unscramble:  o i h d c c i r
+Unscramble:  o i i e h d c n
+Unscramble:  o i i i l s l n
+Unscramble:  o i l a l g r
+Unscramble:  o i m x e c
+Unscramble:  o i n e m a d t
+Unscramble:  o i n g c v
+Unscramble:  o i n g j k
+Unscramble:  o i n s s e n s
+Unscramble:  o i n s s e r p
+Unscramble:  o i p e i c p l
+Unscramble:  o i s h p l
+Unscramble:  o i s p i d r m
+Unscramble:  o i s r e p n r s
+Unscramble:  o i t a a r b t
+Unscramble:  o i t e v i v l
+Unscramble:  o i t t l a v n
+Unscramble:  o i v y t i m t
+Unscramble:  o i z l i s v t v
+Unscramble:  o k a e l b w r
+Unscramble:  o k e d c y c e
+Unscramble:  o k e s r c n
+Unscramble:  o k e y m n
+Unscramble:  o k i s a n s g
+Unscramble:  o k i s g n d c
+Unscramble:  o k i t l e y s
+Unscramble:  o k l a c
+Unscramble:  o k l t r i f f
+Unscramble:  o k n n i r s h
+Unscramble:  o k s c r c e w r
+Unscramble:  o k s e d i d c
+Unscramble:  o k s r l i f e
+Unscramble:  o k t l c a c i
+Unscramble:  o k w y a f l
+Unscramble:  o l a e g m u
+Unscramble:  o l a e w p d l
+Unscramble:  o l a g r s i s
+Unscramble:  o l a n h i g l
+Unscramble:  o l a s l r c d
+Unscramble:  o l b e t a q u
+Unscramble:  o l d g u i m n
+Unscramble:  o l d o b
+Unscramble:  o l d s u e m r
+Unscramble:  o l e b r e o h
+Unscramble:  o l e d l y v e
+Unscramble:  o l e d p o
+Unscramble:  o l e e w m d c
+Unscramble:  o l e g a c n
+Unscramble:  o l e m m t r
+Unscramble:  o l e n e c l
+Unscramble:  o l e s f w l
+Unscramble:  o l e s m m t r
+Unscramble:  o l i d e d l
+Unscramble:  o l i d m t e v
+Unscramble:  o l i e k r d
+Unscramble:  o l i g n c o
+Unscramble:  o l i g n t i
+Unscramble:  o l i g r c w
+Unscramble:  o l l r e i w o
+Unscramble:  o l l y n a c l
+Unscramble:  o l n k l e r c
+Unscramble:  o l o d e w f l
+Unscramble:  o l o d l w f e
+Unscramble:  o l r y p e p r
+Unscramble:  o l u s l t p e
+Unscramble:  o l y g l w g o
+Unscramble:  o m a s r d r
+Unscramble:  o m d s n e y r
+Unscramble:  o m e m c a y t
+Unscramble:  o m e n o n n u
+Unscramble:  o m e o o c s d r m
+Unscramble:  o m e y r t z o
+Unscramble:  o m i e t t c d m
+Unscramble:  o m k d r e a s
+Unscramble:  o m l i b
+Unscramble:  o m l p y e h l
+Unscramble:  o m n o t c g r i f
+Unscramble:  o m o c l y o t
+Unscramble:  o m o r m n c e
+Unscramble:  o m o s s s b l
+Unscramble:  o m p l m a y h
+Unscramble:  o m p s m y t
+Unscramble:  o m r b d e o
+Unscramble:  o m u s i n c t m
+Unscramble:  o n a d u s t h
+Unscramble:  o n a s r d t o
+Unscramble:  o n a t h u s d
+Unscramble:  o n c o g
+Unscramble:  o n c r c a o
+Unscramble:  o n d s r e s u
+Unscramble:  o n d s s u
+Unscramble:  o n d Y r a b u
+Unscramble:  o n e a i p m m t
+Unscramble:  o n e a l i r
+Unscramble:  o n e t r s
+Unscramble:  o n f m u o l
+Unscramble:  o n g e r a
+Unscramble:  o n i b n s e s
+Unscramble:  o n i e c a p r
+Unscramble:  o n i e c r e x
+Unscramble:  o n i g o m b l
+Unscramble:  o n i g t t b l
+Unscramble:  o n i g t t s p
+Unscramble:  o n i m k o a m
+Unscramble:  o n k s u c t m r o
+Unscramble:  o n l n c s u e
+Unscramble:  o n l t e m o
+Unscramble:  o n o c r d
+Unscramble:  o n o t o p n
+Unscramble:  o n s e t s f o
+Unscramble:  o n s t n e i
+Unscramble:  o n t c p s a i
+Unscramble:  o n t e i s d i
+Unscramble:  o n t g i i p n
+Unscramble:  o n t g n i j i
+Unscramble:  o n t p r s o i
+Unscramble:  o n u a p e i n m
+Unscramble:  o n u m g o s r
+Unscramble:  o n y b b a l
+Unscramble:  o n y i s n c t
+Unscramble:  o o a d i c m n
+Unscramble:  o o b c u m l r
+Unscramble:  o o b d u n o l
+Unscramble:  o o c a c t b
+Unscramble:  o o h d c i r
+Unscramble:  o o i y b g l
+Unscramble:  o o l u l u h n
+Unscramble:  o o l y g o m n
+Unscramble:  o o l y g o t c
+Unscramble:  o o n o t t r
+Unscramble:  o o n y c l
+Unscramble:  o o r o e k v t
+Unscramble:  o o s a i d n p
+Unscramble:  o o t Y n o m n
+Unscramble:  o p a e r d c m
+Unscramble:  o p e e h r m t y a n
+Unscramble:  o p e r c o
+Unscramble:  o p h s n i d l
+Unscramble:  o p i s p n t g
+Unscramble:  o p l t m e c a
+Unscramble:  o p o d e s c m
+Unscramble:  o p o e s c m
+Unscramble:  o p s b o e i c
+Unscramble:  o p s d a e i c
+Unscramble:  o p s h r p e o t e r
+Unscramble:  o p u e s s r p
+Unscramble:  o p u r e t c s m
+Unscramble:  o p u t s r s p
+Unscramble:  o p x t e i l
+Unscramble:  o p y n t o s h
+Unscramble:  o q u s l i j n
+Unscramble:  o q u s r e c n
+Unscramble:  o r a a i h n c m
+Unscramble:  o r a a l s b t
+Unscramble:  o r a i n t c c
+Unscramble:  o r a m t s a d
+Unscramble:  o r a s m d c e
+Unscramble:  o r a s p n t
+Unscramble:  o r a s p t r
+Unscramble:  o r a s t o h b
+Unscramble:  o r c g u i s n
+Unscramble:  o r d s a e h r
+Unscramble:  o r e m l t a h g e
+Unscramble:  o r e s t n t r
+Unscramble:  o r e s u t s h
+Unscramble:  o r e y s p
+Unscramble:  o r f o p
+Unscramble:  o r i a r m u f
+Unscramble:  o r i e s m n f
+Unscramble:  o r i l a i f
+Unscramble:  o r i l w s g s h
+Unscramble:  o r i s e c w
+Unscramble:  o r i s e h r
+Unscramble:  o r i s m r r
+Unscramble:  o r i v s s i t
+Unscramble:  o r i y l d t r
+Unscramble:  o r k e s t
+Unscramble:  o r l u a m d
+Unscramble:  o r n l u f m u
+Unscramble:  o r o e c d r
+Unscramble:  o r o i h n c m
+Unscramble:  o r o w s r
+Unscramble:  o r s d e c u
+Unscramble:  o r s f u e y l
+Unscramble:  o r s o t n u w
+Unscramble:  o r s s e b u
+Unscramble:  o r t n u e f e
+Unscramble:  o r u i l y l s
+Unscramble:  o r u q e c n
+Unscramble:  o r u s c u i
+Unscramble:  o r y g n i w r
+Unscramble:  o s a i s
+Unscramble:  o s b d a n s c
+Unscramble:  o s c s r h b e
+Unscramble:  o s e c p f r
+Unscramble:  o s e d r v i
+Unscramble:  o s e d t p
+Unscramble:  o s e f r h o
+Unscramble:  o s e g r c n
+Unscramble:  o s e k t r c
+Unscramble:  o s e n r m h e
+Unscramble:  o s e s d n g o
+Unscramble:  o s e s t l r o
+Unscramble:  o s e w o g h o
+Unscramble:  o s i a b l n
+Unscramble:  o s i a d Y l l
+Unscramble:  o s i e s b p l
+Unscramble:  o s i l n g b
+Unscramble:  o s i r e d c n
+Unscramble:  o s i s g n h u
+Unscramble:  o s i t r c e x
+Unscramble:  o s l d e n d
+Unscramble:  o s l s w i c p
+Unscramble:  o s l w a a v
+Unscramble:  o s n e t m m
+Unscramble:  o s o d r c n
+Unscramble:  o s o g e f r
+Unscramble:  o s t d e j i
+Unscramble:  o s t e t a c n
+Unscramble:  o s t g n i b a
+Unscramble:  o s t i s e g
+Unscramble:  o s t s i e r r
+Unscramble:  o s t s l e h r
+Unscramble:  o s t s r e m n
+Unscramble:  o s u e r p s
+Unscramble:  o s u k t c y s
+Unscramble:  o s u s n i n t
+Unscramble:  o t a t c c n
+Unscramble:  o t b l l a f o
+Unscramble:  o t b s y s l o
+Unscramble:  o t c y a c p
+Unscramble:  o t e e t d s r
+Unscramble:  o t e h b t s r
+Unscramble:  o t e l s n b
+Unscramble:  o t e m r e
+Unscramble:  o t e r l o
+Unscramble:  o t e r p u
+Unscramble:  o t e s n x c t
+Unscramble:  o t e s r l i
+Unscramble:  o t e s r r o
+Unscramble:  o t h d a e g r
+Unscramble:  o t h d e t o
+Unscramble:  o t h s g
+Unscramble:  o t h u g b r
+Unscramble:  o t i g n s r
+Unscramble:  o t i l a c c r
+Unscramble:  o t i m l s e l
+Unscramble:  o t i o u n c n
+Unscramble:  o t i r e g u
+Unscramble:  o t i t s e g u
+Unscramble:  o t l e v i
+Unscramble:  o t l g n i f o
+Unscramble:  o t l n g e i i u l
+Unscramble:  o t m e r
+Unscramble:  o t o d e n c t
+Unscramble:  o t o d t m b e
+Unscramble:  o t o n b s
+Unscramble:  o t o p r c m
+Unscramble:  o t o s r d c
+Unscramble:  o t o s r u c n
+Unscramble:  o t o y n c t
+Unscramble:  o t p k i c c
+Unscramble:  o t r l n e m a
+Unscramble:  o t r s f
+Unscramble:  o t r t r a p i
+Unscramble:  o t s e a i l r t
+Unscramble:  o t s e r o f o
+Unscramble:  o t s p e t f o
+Unscramble:  o t s s e i t o
+Unscramble:  o t t s a a n u r
+Unscramble:  o t u e o x s b
+Unscramble:  o t u e r t r
+Unscramble:  o t u k f c t
+Unscramble:  o t u r a d a s n m s
+Unscramble:  o t u s d u e
+Unscramble:  o t u s r o t u
+Unscramble:  o t z s n i h a
+Unscramble:  o u a d g s i m
+Unscramble:  o u a s u s q m
+Unscramble:  o u c e a s d i
+Unscramble:  o u c s k o t n k
+Unscramble:  o u g s b p u r
+Unscramble:  o u h u s d n r
+Unscramble:  o u l e p a p c
+Unscramble:  o u m a i b c l
+Unscramble:  o u m s i n c t l
+Unscramble:  o u m s u b c l
+Unscramble:  o u p l t
+Unscramble:  o u r s e s p m
+Unscramble:  o u r s u s p i
+Unscramble:  o u y d g s e n r h
+Unscramble:  o v i e r t s p
+Unscramble:  o v o d n y c e
+Unscramble:  o v t n b e e e h
+Unscramble:  o w l s a s h l
+Unscramble:  o w w b o n l d
+Unscramble:  o y a s w n b g
+Unscramble:  o Y b k p o c o
+Unscramble:  o y e t r p t
+Unscramble:  o y i d l d w
+Unscramble:  o y i f l g o
+Unscramble:  o y i t f f r
+Unscramble:  o y l t h s o
+Unscramble:  o y n r e j u
+Unscramble:  o y o d w
+Unscramble:  o y p y l a p r
+Unscramble:  o Y s n w s e b
+Unscramble:  o y t n r c u
+Unscramble:  o Y u a l r p i
+Unscramble:  o z n i e t c o
+Unscramble:  p a c r s e r
+Unscramble:  p a k s a e s y e
+Unscramble:  p a m n e r s u
+Unscramble:  p a m s l o d i
+Unscramble:  p a r n c o s m
+Unscramble:  p a r r t e s p
+Unscramble:  p a s r l h s e
+Unscramble:  p a u c l s i
+Unscramble:  p a y g n i s r
+Unscramble:  p b m e t r e s e
+Unscramble:  p c e s e n e i
+Unscramble:  p c h e a a
+Unscramble:  p c s d e e a
+Unscramble:  p c s r e e s a
+Unscramble:  p d o e p c o
+Unscramble:  p d s o e a p
+Unscramble:  p e a d e l a p
+Unscramble:  p e a r e d s r
+Unscramble:  p e a s d s r
+Unscramble:  p e b r o s a
+Unscramble:  p e b s r o s a
+Unscramble:  p e c d l a e m
+Unscramble:  p e c s r i c a
+Unscramble:  p e e g n e i
+Unscramble:  p e h n c e a
+Unscramble:  p e h n o
+Unscramble:  p e h r s e a
+Unscramble:  p e i r p l r i
+Unscramble:  p e i s p l s u
+Unscramble:  p e i s r d t p
+Unscramble:  p e k r l s a
+Unscramble:  p e l s o u a m
+Unscramble:  p e o r c d e u
+Unscramble:  p e o s e x
+Unscramble:  p e o u l d n p
+Unscramble:  p e r c i s h
+Unscramble:  p e r d i
+Unscramble:  p e r s t u r a
+Unscramble:  p e r t w o o
+Unscramble:  p e s d t i p e
+Unscramble:  p e s s i a c a
+Unscramble:  p e s s u l i m
+Unscramble:  p e t m s d i y
+Unscramble:  p e y d l o d e
+Unscramble:  p e z d s i c a
+Unscramble:  p g h t t e s i a
+Unscramble:  p g n p i t u
+Unscramble:  p g n s i l a
+Unscramble:  p g n s w i l a
+Unscramble:  p g t y e
+Unscramble:  p h a e c
+Unscramble:  p i c e u m
+Unscramble:  p i m e t i o z
+Unscramble:  p i n d r t s e
+Unscramble:  p i n r r t s e
+Unscramble:  p i n s h x s e
+Unscramble:  p i p e s
+Unscramble:  p i r e c i r m
+Unscramble:  p i r n c i g m
+Unscramble:  p i t s b a u o
+Unscramble:  p k a o p o s a
+Unscramble:  p l b e i a e x
+Unscramble:  p l g y i n h o
+Unscramble:  p l o d y h c o
+Unscramble:  p l u i p
+Unscramble:  p m s s t i b a
+Unscramble:  p m s s u o o
+Unscramble:  p m u s r i
+Unscramble:  p n d d e l s i
+Unscramble:  p n i g u t i m
+Unscramble:  p n i h s s a
+Unscramble:  p n i l a e x
+Unscramble:  p n n g n i s a
+Unscramble:  p n n s i e s r
+Unscramble:  p n n s y e s i
+Unscramble:  p n o l m o y o
+Unscramble:  p n o r c i e s
+Unscramble:  p n o t u s i
+Unscramble:  p n s r o s o
+Unscramble:  p o a d u l
+Unscramble:  p o a i n
+Unscramble:  p o e o c w r e k d
+Unscramble:  p o g n t a h e
+Unscramble:  p o l s a x m l
+Unscramble:  p o r l p t Y m
+Unscramble:  p o r n t i g o
+Unscramble:  p o r s u d a o
+Unscramble:  p o s n o i e m
+Unscramble:  p p h e g Y a o
+Unscramble:  p p l e e o
+Unscramble:  p r a e p
+Unscramble:  p r a s g d u e
+Unscramble:  p r a s i x s a
+Unscramble:  p r e d n u t
+Unscramble:  p r e e t
+Unscramble:  p r e p i s a
+Unscramble:  p r e s o s a p
+Unscramble:  p r e s s t t a
+Unscramble:  p r e s t n u d
+Unscramble:  p r i a u t s l i
+Unscramble:  p r i t e e a n
+Unscramble:  p r n g n i s u
+Unscramble:  p r o a l
+Unscramble:  p r p e u
+Unscramble:  p r r r a i s e
+Unscramble:  p r t d e s u
+Unscramble:  p r t s s e i
+Unscramble:  p r t y i s p a
+Unscramble:  p s a e t u b
+Unscramble:  p s a r u l
+Unscramble:  p s c e p o e i
+Unscramble:  p s e o c o l s
+Unscramble:  p s i c e s e
+Unscramble:  p s i r t s i
+Unscramble:  p s i u k s r
+Unscramble:  p s n e i
+Unscramble:  p s n h o s y
+Unscramble:  p s o e d e i
+Unscramble:  p s o n o i
+Unscramble:  p s o n p o e t
+Unscramble:  p s o s e d e i
+Unscramble:  p s o s j h e
+Unscramble:  p s r a i
+Unscramble:  p s r a t
+Unscramble:  p s t p e t a
+Unscramble:  p s u i o i m
+Unscramble:  p t a d e g u s
+Unscramble:  p t a e i d l a
+Unscramble:  p t e t n y i s t g e
+Unscramble:  p t f y l o t o
+Unscramble:  p t i o n a p
+Unscramble:  p t l s o e s s
+Unscramble:  p t r n i
+Unscramble:  p u o s r e c u
+Unscramble:  p u r d e n u t
+Unscramble:  p y n n e s i
+Unscramble:  q a r r e s u
+Unscramble:  q a s r e h s u
+Unscramble:  q a t t n i a u
+Unscramble:  q a v t i a u
+Unscramble:  q e e e z s u
+Unscramble:  q e t u o u n
+Unscramble:  q i r s e s u
+Unscramble:  q n e e h u n e
+Unscramble:  q n e u e
+Unscramble:  q n u e e
+Unscramble:  q s a e l s u
+Unscramble:  q t e u s
+Unscramble:  q t n e a u i
+Unscramble:  q t t e u e c o
+Unscramble:  q y r u i e n
+Unscramble:  r a c c s s a a
+Unscramble:  r a c e r u v e
+Unscramble:  r a c h i
+Unscramble:  r a c l v i c e
+Unscramble:  r a c s e h b e
+Unscramble:  r a d h o i b s
+Unscramble:  r a e i z
+Unscramble:  r a g l t u p o
+Unscramble:  r a h c e t a
+Unscramble:  r a h e s e n g
+Unscramble:  r a i r d n o e
+Unscramble:  r a k g n i b e
+Unscramble:  r a k g n i w e
+Unscramble:  r a l s e l c o
+Unscramble:  r a m s c e
+Unscramble:  r a n b a o e e
+Unscramble:  r a n v a n i
+Unscramble:  r a n y l t e r
+Unscramble:  r a o h a t p u g
+Unscramble:  r a o t e b b a
+Unscramble:  r a o y d m c e c
+Unscramble:  r a p c r o o
+Unscramble:  r a s s t b e
+Unscramble:  r a t a e r
+Unscramble:  r a t e h b e
+Unscramble:  r a t e t b i
+Unscramble:  r a t m u e r
+Unscramble:  r a t n i h b g e
+Unscramble:  r a t n l a t a
+Unscramble:  r a t s e c e
+Unscramble:  r a y i s
+Unscramble:  r b a t c e a
+Unscramble:  r b b s u e g r
+Unscramble:  r b e e r i d u
+Unscramble:  r b e r u b
+Unscramble:  r b i t a b
+Unscramble:  r b l e u m
+Unscramble:  r b l g n i t e
+Unscramble:  r b l m u e
+Unscramble:  r b o y s l e
+Unscramble:  r b s o e
+Unscramble:  r b u s s i e e
+Unscramble:  r b y c g o
+Unscramble:  r c a r s e
+Unscramble:  r c a t m a e e
+Unscramble:  r c c i o o b l
+Unscramble:  r c c n a e
+Unscramble:  r c e e s n d e
+Unscramble:  r c h e r u b o
+Unscramble:  r c i o b s t
+Unscramble:  r c i y f c u
+Unscramble:  r c k d a l c e
+Unscramble:  r c k e g a w e
+Unscramble:  r c k h a i b s
+Unscramble:  r c k s a e b n
+Unscramble:  r c k s e i b i
+Unscramble:  r c k s r e t i
+Unscramble:  r c k t a b b i
+Unscramble:  r c o c a n d i
+Unscramble:  r c o r i l t o
+Unscramble:  r c t e u o f s
+Unscramble:  r c t l a f a
+Unscramble:  r c t n a i f o
+Unscramble:  r c u i a
+Unscramble:  r c u r a l o a
+Unscramble:  r c y e l c t i
+Unscramble:  r d a d e t g a
+Unscramble:  r d a p o t r s e
+Unscramble:  r d e e a g
+Unscramble:  r d e p n p o
+Unscramble:  r d g e b i
+Unscramble:  r d g g e d a
+Unscramble:  r d g n e e
+Unscramble:  r d g n e w o
+Unscramble:  r d g s u e t r
+Unscramble:  r d h l o e
+Unscramble:  r d h s e t a
+Unscramble:  r d i e o x p e
+Unscramble:  r d i s e n u e
+Unscramble:  r d k n e c a
+Unscramble:  r d m r u e
+Unscramble:  r d n n t u d s a e
+Unscramble:  r d o n u
+Unscramble:  r d r a a
+Unscramble:  r d r d o e e
+Unscramble:  r d s w e b o
+Unscramble:  r d u l a g a
+Unscramble:  r d w f r o a
+Unscramble:  r d w k y s e o
+Unscramble:  r d w m s i o
+Unscramble:  r e a d t g a
+Unscramble:  r e a g t f i
+Unscramble:  r e b t e o f o
+Unscramble:  r e c s r a t e
+Unscramble:  r e e a p d p a
+Unscramble:  r e e n e s f o
+Unscramble:  r e f b f d u e
+Unscramble:  r e g a n s t
+Unscramble:  r e g n a c a
+Unscramble:  r e g s y n l a
+Unscramble:  r e h d r a h u
+Unscramble:  r e h m t d o e
+Unscramble:  r e h r c e e
+Unscramble:  r e h s s e t e
+Unscramble:  r e i c l s a b
+Unscramble:  r e i s t h w o
+Unscramble:  r e k r t a p a
+Unscramble:  r e l a o i a
+Unscramble:  r e l n e b c u t u
+Unscramble:  r e l r c e a
+Unscramble:  r e n g a l n d e
+Unscramble:  r e n g e i p n
+Unscramble:  r e n n a i u
+Unscramble:  r e o s h
+Unscramble:  r e p r a p s t
+Unscramble:  r e p s s d u i
+Unscramble:  r e r e d i r a
+Unscramble:  r e r o e w v g
+Unscramble:  r e r s d e o r
+Unscramble:  r e r t e v
+Unscramble:  r e s a y
+Unscramble:  r e s c n d e u
+Unscramble:  r e s d o t a u p
+Unscramble:  r e s e e y o
+Unscramble:  r e s s p o p u
+Unscramble:  r e t a h b e
+Unscramble:  r e t a h
+Unscramble:  r e t d o u s p
+Unscramble:  r e t d u p i r
+Unscramble:  r e t f a s e u
+Unscramble:  r e t h i
+Unscramble:  r e t s l g i
+Unscramble:  r e t s m i m a
+Unscramble:  r e u s r e a
+Unscramble:  r e u u f d n r
+Unscramble:  r e v h o d o e
+Unscramble:  r e v t i f u
+Unscramble:  r e w d r o f a
+Unscramble:  r e w e r a f e
+Unscramble:  r f a s e c p e
+Unscramble:  r f a w s e
+Unscramble:  r f e p s s o r o
+Unscramble:  r f f c i t a
+Unscramble:  r f i r o l p e
+Unscramble:  r f t s a e d e
+Unscramble:  r f t s r e c o
+Unscramble:  r f u y t l a l
+Unscramble:  r g a e v i s a
+Unscramble:  r g a s i n b d
+Unscramble:  r g g d e l d a
+Unscramble:  r g g s i l w e
+Unscramble:  r g l a a i e
+Unscramble:  r g n d i c a
+Unscramble:  r g n e e g o
+Unscramble:  r g n e r r i d e
+Unscramble:  r g n f i t u
+Unscramble:  r g n m i t e
+Unscramble:  r g n r i b u
+Unscramble:  r g s u a
+Unscramble:  r h a t e
+Unscramble:  r h e e t
+Unscramble:  r h e s e a p t
+Unscramble:  r h f t a e
+Unscramble:  r h o n c i g e
+Unscramble:  r h p b h o i a s c
+Unscramble:  r h x e t o
+Unscramble:  r i a a i x v t
+Unscramble:  r i c i s o d u
+Unscramble:  r i d m n n a a
+Unscramble:  r i e r u b
+Unscramble:  r i g e r a i t
+Unscramble:  r i g e t n n a e
+Unscramble:  r i h a a p a g
+Unscramble:  r i h a p c s e
+Unscramble:  r i k s s e
+Unscramble:  r i m e m d s z e e
+Unscramble:  r i n c r b o c
+Unscramble:  r i n d e d a
+Unscramble:  r i n g n i b a
+Unscramble:  r i n y y g t l
+Unscramble:  r i r c t a h b
+Unscramble:  r i r h t c y a
+Unscramble:  r i s c u t t i
+Unscramble:  r i s s e t a t
+Unscramble:  r i u m a d
+Unscramble:  r i v d e a r
+Unscramble:  r k a i i y t e
+Unscramble:  r k d c i e
+Unscramble:  r k e d o o
+Unscramble:  r k e t o c
+Unscramble:  r l a i v a r
+Unscramble:  r l b e i b s c
+Unscramble:  r l b y t i
+Unscramble:  r l e d f i a i
+Unscramble:  r l e l e w f a
+Unscramble:  r l e s e a
+Unscramble:  r l g e u d g s t
+Unscramble:  r l h r u e
+Unscramble:  r l k e i n s p
+Unscramble:  r l l s i e d r
+Unscramble:  r l o b o e
+Unscramble:  r l o u d o s o
+Unscramble:  r l o z c i e o
+Unscramble:  r l r h f c m o o o
+Unscramble:  r l t w i y r e
+Unscramble:  r l u m f u c
+Unscramble:  r l v c e y l e
+Unscramble:  r m b e l t e
+Unscramble:  r m e l i v p a
+Unscramble:  r m e n m a e b
+Unscramble:  r m i s e d b o
+Unscramble:  r m i u d o s e
+Unscramble:  r m l h o e c c
+Unscramble:  r m m a i t l o
+Unscramble:  r m m i a e
+Unscramble:  r m m r e d u
+Unscramble:  r m o y c e s f
+Unscramble:  r m p e l t a
+Unscramble:  r m p s e l t a
+Unscramble:  r m p s r e t a
+Unscramble:  r m p s t e t u
+Unscramble:  r m u b i t e
+Unscramble:  r n a d e t c e
+Unscramble:  r n a l m i l d
+Unscramble:  r n a t a o e m p u t
+Unscramble:  r n c e f a
+Unscramble:  r n c s e h w e
+Unscramble:  r n c s s e p i
+Unscramble:  r n d a e b o
+Unscramble:  r n d e g a
+Unscramble:  r n g e e r i f o
+Unscramble:  r n g e l c i
+Unscramble:  r n i g a g g a
+Unscramble:  r n i g i p s t
+Unscramble:  r n i l o c i a
+Unscramble:  r n i l o p u
+Unscramble:  r n i t s e b i
+Unscramble:  r n k d i l w e
+Unscramble:  r n k t s e d u
+Unscramble:  r n m w e c e
+Unscramble:  r n n s r e g i
+Unscramble:  r n o a m
+Unscramble:  r n o g o d a
+Unscramble:  r n s m o t a
+Unscramble:  r n s t c e t a
+Unscramble:  r n t c s s i e
+Unscramble:  r n t t e w i
+Unscramble:  r n u r f a y e
+Unscramble:  r n w d o o i o
+Unscramble:  r n z e b o
+Unscramble:  r o a b c
+Unscramble:  r o c l o u
+Unscramble:  r o c o c s i
+Unscramble:  r o d a i
+Unscramble:  r o d c r y o u
+Unscramble:  r o h h g w i b
+Unscramble:  r o i h n
+Unscramble:  r o i n a t d u
+Unscramble:  r o i s e r a m
+Unscramble:  r o l g o i d n
+Unscramble:  r o m g n i b o
+Unscramble:  r o p g o i d n
+Unscramble:  r o p n s a r
+Unscramble:  r o r t b i a s
+Unscramble:  r o s m i a s g
+Unscramble:  r o t r e c d i
+Unscramble:  r p a l o n p o
+Unscramble:  r p a s e r p e
+Unscramble:  r p c p o e
+Unscramble:  r p d e e e
+Unscramble:  r p e n a m t i
+Unscramble:  r p h e a e g m
+Unscramble:  r p h s e i t o
+Unscramble:  r p h y o e p s
+Unscramble:  r p i s v i h e
+Unscramble:  r p k a s
+Unscramble:  r p o s k t w o
+Unscramble:  r p p d e g i
+Unscramble:  r p p n a e t a
+Unscramble:  r p p s e l c i
+Unscramble:  r p r o h p s e t e o
+Unscramble:  r p s e a s e
+Unscramble:  r p s m i e
+Unscramble:  r p s n a i i
+Unscramble:  r p s t a i y e
+Unscramble:  r p t c i t y
+Unscramble:  r p t m e e
+Unscramble:  r p t n o i e u
+Unscramble:  r p u n s i g e
+Unscramble:  r r a s w e s d
+Unscramble:  r r a y g l b u
+Unscramble:  r r b a e e
+Unscramble:  r r d a a
+Unscramble:  r r e e c a
+Unscramble:  r r e i d d e
+Unscramble:  r r e k i b a
+Unscramble:  r r e o n c o
+Unscramble:  r r h t e w i
+Unscramble:  r r i e v
+Unscramble:  r r k a e w e
+Unscramble:  r r k n e d u
+Unscramble:  r r k n e f a
+Unscramble:  r r l l e c u
+Unscramble:  r r m a e c e
+Unscramble:  r r n w e p a
+Unscramble:  r r o n f u s e
+Unscramble:  r r o o w o m k
+Unscramble:  r r o s k h m a
+Unscramble:  r r p s e p o
+Unscramble:  r r p u o e
+Unscramble:  r r r a e
+Unscramble:  r r s s e t u
+Unscramble:  r r t e p o
+Unscramble:  r r v i e
+Unscramble:  r r z a o
+Unscramble:  r s a d e d c u
+Unscramble:  r s a e c e s u
+Unscramble:  r s a i p
+Unscramble:  r s a l e
+Unscramble:  r s a n e c o
+Unscramble:  r s a u l a a i t
+Unscramble:  r s b b r a e
+Unscramble:  r s c a e
+Unscramble:  r s c m r e e
+Unscramble:  r s d c a h o
+Unscramble:  r s d h l o e
+Unscramble:  r s e a g p a
+Unscramble:  r s e b h
+Unscramble:  r s e d a i
+Unscramble:  r s e e d t r e
+Unscramble:  r s e g l g u
+Unscramble:  r s e o s p o
+Unscramble:  r s e p l d u
+Unscramble:  r s e r b o
+Unscramble:  r s e r i m a
+Unscramble:  r s e s n l h o
+Unscramble:  r s e s Y n s p
+Unscramble:  r s e t t h f u
+Unscramble:  r s g h g u e
+Unscramble:  r s h s t e f e
+Unscramble:  r s i c d a t t
+Unscramble:  r s i e a d f a
+Unscramble:  r s i e d d r o
+Unscramble:  r s i e v e o
+Unscramble:  r s i n a i
+Unscramble:  r s i t m e
+Unscramble:  r s i v r a e
+Unscramble:  r s k h n o e
+Unscramble:  r s k p r o e
+Unscramble:  r s k t c i e
+Unscramble:  r s l b e t e
+Unscramble:  r s l f l i e
+Unscramble:  r s l f u e a
+Unscramble:  r s l o e a e
+Unscramble:  r s m p e e r o
+Unscramble:  r s m s e e e
+Unscramble:  r s n c r o e
+Unscramble:  r s n n e i g u
+Unscramble:  r s n n u u g t
+Unscramble:  r s n p a t a
+Unscramble:  r s o e c l p a
+Unscramble:  r s o e s
+Unscramble:  r s o l n i s t
+Unscramble:  r s o n u u a
+Unscramble:  r s p h p o e
+Unscramble:  r s p s p i e
+Unscramble:  r s r g e f o
+Unscramble:  r s s g n i g a
+Unscramble:  r s s g n i t u
+Unscramble:  r s s s u e b l
+Unscramble:  r s t b a o e
+Unscramble:  r s t d e t u
+Unscramble:  r s t e i a c t
+Unscramble:  r s t f s o e
+Unscramble:  r s t m n e o
+Unscramble:  r s t n c e a
+Unscramble:  r s t p l e e
+Unscramble:  r s t r o p a
+Unscramble:  r s t s a k e
+Unscramble:  r s t t t a e
+Unscramble:  r s t u p i r
+Unscramble:  r s u e m o d o
+Unscramble:  r s u e o c e
+Unscramble:  r s u i s s e
+Unscramble:  r s u p b
+Unscramble:  r s u r o f e
+Unscramble:  r s w g o r e
+Unscramble:  r s y b w o e
+Unscramble:  r s y o e b e
+Unscramble:  r t a b b o e h
+Unscramble:  r t a e o g a r
+Unscramble:  r t a e o n c o
+Unscramble:  r t a l n a s u
+Unscramble:  r t a w s e
+Unscramble:  r t c d e h w e
+Unscramble:  r t d c o o
+Unscramble:  r t e d p e e
+Unscramble:  r t e e b
+Unscramble:  r t e e r e s i
+Unscramble:  r t e e s a p o
+Unscramble:  r t e s a e
+Unscramble:  r t g i h
+Unscramble:  r t h h t o i e
+Unscramble:  r t h l a f w u
+Unscramble:  r t h s o e b r
+Unscramble:  r t h s r e b o
+Unscramble:  r t h t o e
+Unscramble:  r t i h g
+Unscramble:  r t i l a c c i
+Unscramble:  r t i s f e s u
+Unscramble:  r t i s o s p t
+Unscramble:  r t l o u i r e
+Unscramble:  r t m o s
+Unscramble:  r t o l o c p o
+Unscramble:  r t p c r a o
+Unscramble:  r t p j t e o
+Unscramble:  r t p r m a a
+Unscramble:  r t t a e i
+Unscramble:  r t t d e g i
+Unscramble:  r t t e c i b a
+Unscramble:  r t t i r e
+Unscramble:  r t u e o i d c
+Unscramble:  r t u w o o s g
+Unscramble:  r t w k e o f r
+Unscramble:  r t w n i e
+Unscramble:  r t x o e i r e
+Unscramble:  r t y o s
+Unscramble:  r u a e l b a g
+Unscramble:  r u e n n o s t
+Unscramble:  r u f l c i m e
+Unscramble:  r u g t h b o
+Unscramble:  r u g Y a h d t
+Unscramble:  r u m a t a t a
+Unscramble:  r u m r i v t i
+Unscramble:  r u n o h d g g o
+Unscramble:  r u o l e v
+Unscramble:  r u o r a m p a
+Unscramble:  r u p g o i t n
+Unscramble:  r u q n s i g i
+Unscramble:  r u s d e s i t
+Unscramble:  r u t m i a s t
+Unscramble:  r v a e l b d i
+Unscramble:  r v a s l i t a
+Unscramble:  r v e s r t e
+Unscramble:  r v e t l e e
+Unscramble:  r v e t l l e d a
+Unscramble:  r v i d e d p o
+Unscramble:  r v i e d g e
+Unscramble:  r v i s e d p o
+Unscramble:  r v i y l p i
+Unscramble:  r v n s i t e
+Unscramble:  r v o i c l d e
+Unscramble:  r v s s b e u e
+Unscramble:  r v y e e
+Unscramble:  r w a s n e
+Unscramble:  r w d o s
+Unscramble:  r w e o i c d c a
+Unscramble:  r w e s l c e
+Unscramble:  r w h e l i e e
+Unscramble:  r w l d e p o
+Unscramble:  r w l g a i b n
+Unscramble:  r w n g o i c n
+Unscramble:  r w o b y e
+Unscramble:  r w o v s e
+Unscramble:  r w r o a
+Unscramble:  r w s r e i f o
+Unscramble:  r x e l d a t
+Unscramble:  r y c o k
+Unscramble:  r y g u b
+Unscramble:  r y h g u o n d e
+Unscramble:  r y i m m i c
+Unscramble:  r y m s m u a
+Unscramble:  r y o s v a u
+Unscramble:  r y s e k e
+Unscramble:  r z z s e l d i
+Unscramble:  s a b e r
+Unscramble:  s a c b u
+Unscramble:  s a e m f o e r
+Unscramble:  s a e m t r u p
+Unscramble:  s a e y h a s r
+Unscramble:  s a g l s
+Unscramble:  s a h d r o e p
+Unscramble:  s a h d r o y p
+Unscramble:  s a i n i d o b
+Unscramble:  s a l l g i y s
+Unscramble:  s a n t i g a s
+Unscramble:  s a o r s t r i t n
+Unscramble:  s a r d p e i
+Unscramble:  s a r d p o e d e
+Unscramble:  s a r l t u p o
+Unscramble:  s a r t c g e o
+Unscramble:  s a t i s a l y
+Unscramble:  s a t y w e
+Unscramble:  s a v n e b c r o s e
+Unscramble:  s b m e e s s o
+Unscramble:  s b q a u
+Unscramble:  s c a a b e t k
+Unscramble:  s c b u k
+Unscramble:  s c d u k
+Unscramble:  s c h c i p y
+Unscramble:  s c n e t a d i
+Unscramble:  s c o k f r d i
+Unscramble:  s c p a l e
+Unscramble:  s c p s u t a
+Unscramble:  s c u t t r o b
+Unscramble:  s d e i m o d u
+Unscramble:  s d e n o e c p o
+Unscramble:  s d n s c i r e
+Unscramble:  s d n t a i e e
+Unscramble:  s d n u i i m u
+Unscramble:  s d r a t y e y e
+Unscramble:  s e a h r r a s
+Unscramble:  s e a m l s o s
+Unscramble:  s e a m s e
+Unscramble:  s e b a r s i u
+Unscramble:  s e b s r d u a
+Unscramble:  s e c p o r
+Unscramble:  s e d d h a u n
+Unscramble:  s e e a p s p a
+Unscramble:  s e e i m m n
+Unscramble:  s e e l c r i n
+Unscramble:  s e e t t r
+Unscramble:  s e e v r
+Unscramble:  s e f p r s e u
+Unscramble:  s e g b o s i a
+Unscramble:  s e i g e
+Unscramble:  s e k l i d i
+Unscramble:  s e l n p a t a
+Unscramble:  s e l o e b i
+Unscramble:  s e l p e a
+Unscramble:  s e l s r u m i
+Unscramble:  s e l s y d t i
+Unscramble:  s e m o e i n r
+Unscramble:  s e m r t u c o
+Unscramble:  s e n c i h e
+Unscramble:  s e n r b b e t o a
+Unscramble:  s e o c r l a u
+Unscramble:  s e o k c r
+Unscramble:  s e o o a p t h t
+Unscramble:  s e o t n
+Unscramble:  s e p c m s o o
+Unscramble:  s e p d s d e i
+Unscramble:  s e p k o r
+Unscramble:  s e p s c a i n
+Unscramble:  s e p s p d u o
+Unscramble:  s e r d i o a t
+Unscramble:  s e r d n a e n
+Unscramble:  s e r d t e p e
+Unscramble:  s e r e p i s
+Unscramble:  s e r n t o a
+Unscramble:  s e r r t u p o
+Unscramble:  s e r t e a u
+Unscramble:  s e t b p s a i
+Unscramble:  s e t d e r i n
+Unscramble:  s e t l c a a
+Unscramble:  s e t l u i n
+Unscramble:  s e t m a r
+Unscramble:  s e t p e d o i
+Unscramble:  s e t s t a g e
+Unscramble:  s e t u i s n i
+Unscramble:  s e t y a f
+Unscramble:  s e v d l a e n
+Unscramble:  s e v e o e r r
+Unscramble:  s e v l o e l r
+Unscramble:  s e v n h a u n
+Unscramble:  s f e h l
+Unscramble:  s f n n i i g u
+Unscramble:  s f n s i e u
+Unscramble:  s g n e i t d e
+Unscramble:  s g n s t i t e
+Unscramble:  s g n t n h o i w a
+Unscramble:  s g o n a i
+Unscramble:  s g u w n
+Unscramble:  s h d v a i e e
+Unscramble:  s h e r c w e e
+Unscramble:  s h f c t a i
+Unscramble:  s h j o n
+Unscramble:  s h l e g n i
+Unscramble:  s h r b a o i
+Unscramble:  s h t b i r i
+Unscramble:  s h t t r a i
+Unscramble:  s h u a i r i c
+Unscramble:  s i a i t k d l
+Unscramble:  s i a s a s n s s
+Unscramble:  s i c o n
+Unscramble:  s i d l r s o o
+Unscramble:  s i d n c i a a
+Unscramble:  s i f l o o
+Unscramble:  s i g r o n a s
+Unscramble:  s i s h p
+Unscramble:  s i t d m
+Unscramble:  s i t p y s h o
+Unscramble:  s i t t o i y o
+Unscramble:  s i u s c e s
+Unscramble:  s k a s p e b e
+Unscramble:  s k c s t a u n
+Unscramble:  s k l a e
+Unscramble:  s k u k n
+Unscramble:  s l b e l
+Unscramble:  s l b u l
+Unscramble:  s l e a c t s e
+Unscramble:  s l e a h m n m
+Unscramble:  s l e m l
+Unscramble:  s l e n q d e a u n
+Unscramble:  s l e o c
+Unscramble:  s l e p l
+Unscramble:  s l e s m i
+Unscramble:  s l e t s p m i
+Unscramble:  s l l v a i e u
+Unscramble:  s l l y t a f e
+Unscramble:  s l m i l
+Unscramble:  s l n i a
+Unscramble:  s l o s m t e
+Unscramble:  s l o u c e m i
+Unscramble:  s l r g i b u
+Unscramble:  s l t l i
+Unscramble:  s l w a l
+Unscramble:  s m a u d c s a
+Unscramble:  s m c o b
+Unscramble:  s m e r u m
+Unscramble:  s m n e e h s e
+Unscramble:  s m n e t i n g a s
+Unscramble:  s m s n o i g o
+Unscramble:  s m t i e
+Unscramble:  s m u e t t n r i s n
+Unscramble:  s m u t r l u
+Unscramble:  s n a o l
+Unscramble:  s n a s i r u
+Unscramble:  s n e e v
+Unscramble:  s n e s g i e
+Unscramble:  s n i d r i e g
+Unscramble:  s n i e f s d e
+Unscramble:  s n i g d o m i
+Unscramble:  s n i g t l r u
+Unscramble:  s n i g t r r e
+Unscramble:  s n i s k e a
+Unscramble:  s n p i a
+Unscramble:  s n s i u d a r o
+Unscramble:  s n u a d
+Unscramble:  s n u g p r u p
+Unscramble:  s n u t c o v i
+Unscramble:  s n v e e
+Unscramble:  s n w i g
+Unscramble:  s o b g m n a e
+Unscramble:  s o b o k
+Unscramble:  s o c i a t c u
+Unscramble:  s o d o r
+Unscramble:  s o e b l w
+Unscramble:  s o e o g
+Unscramble:  s o f r g
+Unscramble:  s o h r c e s o
+Unscramble:  s o i n u n d i
+Unscramble:  s o l g m y o c o
+Unscramble:  s o m a b
+Unscramble:  s o m r o n
+Unscramble:  s o n a m n t i e
+Unscramble:  s o o o m h t n
+Unscramble:  s o p m o u s s
+Unscramble:  s o u l p s e a
+Unscramble:  s p e h e
+Unscramble:  s p e r d e o
+Unscramble:  s p h e l r t h i e o
+Unscramble:  s p h r a
+Unscramble:  s p i t c r r e
+Unscramble:  s p m l i h y i
+Unscramble:  s p r o e
+Unscramble:  s p r y u
+Unscramble:  s r a c e
+Unscramble:  s r a s p e e
+Unscramble:  s r e h y e
+Unscramble:  s r e r e a i b r s p
+Unscramble:  s r e t s i Y o
+Unscramble:  s r h a e t
+Unscramble:  s r h e c t n i
+Unscramble:  s r i s e b e c
+Unscramble:  s r k s h a
+Unscramble:  s r o w o r
+Unscramble:  s r r a i e
+Unscramble:  s r s h m c t a i
+Unscramble:  s r u o c s w a
+Unscramble:  s s c e l e i s o
+Unscramble:  s s c e p i
+Unscramble:  s s e c l m a
+Unscramble:  s s e h l i o
+Unscramble:  s s e s h n l u
+Unscramble:  s s e s t l r u
+Unscramble:  s s e t t i b u
+Unscramble:  s s e t t i d u
+Unscramble:  s s e t t i l u
+Unscramble:  s s e t t i p a
+Unscramble:  s s h r o e
+Unscramble:  s s l o r a e
+Unscramble:  s s l s i f o
+Unscramble:  s s m i o e k
+Unscramble:  s s n e r c a
+Unscramble:  s s o a i
+Unscramble:  s s o g n
+Unscramble:  s s o h e
+Unscramble:  s s r t e t a
+Unscramble:  s s r u c n o
+Unscramble:  s s s i p i p i m i s
+Unscramble:  s s s o i o m
+Unscramble:  s t b l m e a a
+Unscramble:  s t d l u o e
+Unscramble:  s t d s w a u
+Unscramble:  s t e r s p a u r
+Unscramble:  s t e w e
+Unscramble:  s t e w p
+Unscramble:  s t f b d e a
+Unscramble:  s t i a n
+Unscramble:  s t i e r e e
+Unscramble:  s t i Y i c b a
+Unscramble:  s t i z n a e
+Unscramble:  s t m c l a e
+Unscramble:  s t n h m s y i
+Unscramble:  s t n i a k d i
+Unscramble:  s t p o t s u o
+Unscramble:  s t r e c s n u
+Unscramble:  s t r m t s e i
+Unscramble:  s t s t n e e
+Unscramble:  s t v n i a e
+Unscramble:  s t w e e
+Unscramble:  s u o l c e n
+Unscramble:  s u r g n i a s
+Unscramble:  s v a e l h d i
+Unscramble:  s v e o r i n i
+Unscramble:  s v e r r o i
+Unscramble:  s v g a r e
+Unscramble:  s x f o e
+Unscramble:  s x t e a
+Unscramble:  s y l t i t e
+Unscramble:  s y u t d
+Unscramble:  s y x i t
+Unscramble:  t a c h e o o
+Unscramble:  t a c s k a t
+Unscramble:  t a d g n i s e
+Unscramble:  t a d l a r o s
+Unscramble:  t a e b y u
+Unscramble:  t a e e h i s r
+Unscramble:  t a e s t
+Unscramble:  t a h e r
+Unscramble:  t a h i f
+Unscramble:  t a i i h
+Unscramble:  t a i p k n a s
+Unscramble:  t a i p m c
+Unscramble:  t a i u d h s n
+Unscramble:  t a l d s e n
+Unscramble:  t a l p s n
+Unscramble:  t a l s f i t u
+Unscramble:  t a o n c i g s
+Unscramble:  t a o r c e s s
+Unscramble:  t a o s i m l m r
+Unscramble:  t a p c s i s s
+Unscramble:  t a p d r p s e
+Unscramble:  t a r l f a s c
+Unscramble:  t a r r g o s n
+Unscramble:  t a s m r
+Unscramble:  t a s r w
+Unscramble:  t a t p e a m n r
+Unscramble:  t a t r u y i p i
+Unscramble:  t a u e q z s r
+Unscramble:  t a x r e
+Unscramble:  t b n e i i s t
+Unscramble:  t c a o v i n a
+Unscramble:  t c a t e f a r
+Unscramble:  t c c o o a s d
+Unscramble:  t c i a n t i
+Unscramble:  t c k l o h s m o
+Unscramble:  t c n e r a o u
+Unscramble:  t d a h e p i
+Unscramble:  t d a s h e p i
+Unscramble:  t d e a m u n
+Unscramble:  t d i e i n a c
+Unscramble:  t d i e r
+Unscramble:  t d i s y d k a
+Unscramble:  t d n s l a c o
+Unscramble:  t d o m i e h
+Unscramble:  t d p p e s o
+Unscramble:  t e a d h r
+Unscramble:  t e b a l
+Unscramble:  t e b b l s u
+Unscramble:  t e c e e s x u
+Unscramble:  t e c t u l e
+Unscramble:  t e c z n i i
+Unscramble:  t e d r i n i
+Unscramble:  t e d s i o u
+Unscramble:  t e d t e a e n
+Unscramble:  t e d t i i y n
+Unscramble:  t e e d l s
+Unscramble:  t e e h r
+Unscramble:  t e f c n s o u
+Unscramble:  t e g g n r a s
+Unscramble:  t e g l u r a h
+Unscramble:  t e g p r d a e
+Unscramble:  t e g r a
+Unscramble:  t e g t r d a e
+Unscramble:  t e h e r
+Unscramble:  t e h e t
+Unscramble:  t e i d i d u n
+Unscramble:  t e i m d s o s
+Unscramble:  t e i s a r r o
+Unscramble:  t e i s u d q r
+Unscramble:  t e k h c r u s
+Unscramble:  t e k j c d a e
+Unscramble:  t e k j n d u e
+Unscramble:  t e l d f s e a
+Unscramble:  t e l d p s e e
+Unscramble:  t e l g n i s e
+Unscramble:  t e l s a b r e
+Unscramble:  t e l s h o p o
+Unscramble:  t e l v o i a
+Unscramble:  t e m g o r e e
+Unscramble:  t e n e a i d e
+Unscramble:  t e o r v r e l
+Unscramble:  t e p c m o e
+Unscramble:  t e p r s s e i
+Unscramble:  t e p s e l s e
+Unscramble:  t e q u s
+Unscramble:  t e r d a o u
+Unscramble:  t e r d h e w i
+Unscramble:  t e r d o p o s
+Unscramble:  t e r e c x e
+Unscramble:  t e r e p i r t
+Unscramble:  t e r f r s e a
+Unscramble:  t e r h e
+Unscramble:  t e r o e p a
+Unscramble:  t e r r e e c
+Unscramble:  t e r r e o s c
+Unscramble:  t e r r t e p a
+Unscramble:  t e s s r s s e
+Unscramble:  t e t d e n p a
+Unscramble:  t e t e t s r
+Unscramble:  t e u d g d e s
+Unscramble:  t e u i q a n
+Unscramble:  t e u l q d i a
+Unscramble:  t e u r b d e t
+Unscramble:  t e u s i q a n
+Unscramble:  t e v e e s l a
+Unscramble:  t e w c i
+Unscramble:  t e w t y n
+Unscramble:  t e x s r i m a
+Unscramble:  t g e i h
+Unscramble:  t g e r l a y a
+Unscramble:  t g e t a r
+Unscramble:  t g g s a e s r
+Unscramble:  t g i e n i s h
+Unscramble:  t g i n e a
+Unscramble:  t g i r f e h
+Unscramble:  t g l i h
+Unscramble:  t g n e r a e s
+Unscramble:  t g n s t i s i
+Unscramble:  t g n t i w i
+Unscramble:  t g r i h
+Unscramble:  t g r y h a l e
+Unscramble:  t g u e o n
+Unscramble:  t h a m c s o
+Unscramble:  t h e t a i a e n c s
+Unscramble:  t h l n o s e i
+Unscramble:  t h r n e g e i v y
+Unscramble:  t i a a l c p s
+Unscramble:  t i a m n c o s
+Unscramble:  t i c e s i e h
+Unscramble:  t i c r e t s r
+Unscramble:  t i c y l t s r
+Unscramble:  t i d s n c y e
+Unscramble:  t i e e a g n r n
+Unscramble:  t i e e d t v e c
+Unscramble:  t i e n d r o i c
+Unscramble:  t i g l i s r
+Unscramble:  t i h e p r l
+Unscramble:  t i h n n
+Unscramble:  t i i t e c h s
+Unscramble:  t i k s r e s r
+Unscramble:  t i l e f i r n
+Unscramble:  t i l r b e y s
+Unscramble:  t i l r s e s t
+Unscramble:  t i l s p h n
+Unscramble:  t i m c i c l a
+Unscramble:  t i m d o e t
+Unscramble:  t i m s o c t a
+Unscramble:  t i n y g s r
+Unscramble:  t i o n h i g s
+Unscramble:  t i o y m l s
+Unscramble:  t i p o s m c i a
+Unscramble:  t i r Y a w s a
+Unscramble:  t i s m o s y i
+Unscramble:  t i t c h e e n
+Unscramble:  t i u s q i m e
+Unscramble:  t i v s r e s r
+Unscramble:  t k e y u r
+Unscramble:  t k h n a
+Unscramble:  t k i h n
+Unscramble:  t k t c i e
+Unscramble:  t l a a p i l a
+Unscramble:  t l b e i a d u
+Unscramble:  t l b o a i n a
+Unscramble:  t l e a d y r n
+Unscramble:  t l e d b e a
+Unscramble:  t l e d r e a
+Unscramble:  t l e r r o s a
+Unscramble:  t l e s c h s a
+Unscramble:  t l i o d i n u
+Unscramble:  t l i s o t o h
+Unscramble:  t l k g a i s n
+Unscramble:  t l l s s e o u
+Unscramble:  t l n a o e h
+Unscramble:  t l o p h y e o
+Unscramble:  t l r o p e
+Unscramble:  t l t a a s r
+Unscramble:  t l t y e n p o
+Unscramble:  t l u h a o u
+Unscramble:  t l v e w e
+Unscramble:  t m i s a u
+Unscramble:  t m m r i u e a
+Unscramble:  t m m s r e s a
+Unscramble:  t m p g n i s a
+Unscramble:  t m p r e i
+Unscramble:  t n a a s w b o
+Unscramble:  t n a d s t o u
+Unscramble:  t n a l p e a a
+Unscramble:  t n a r i
+Unscramble:  t n d g n i s a
+Unscramble:  t n e c h k i
+Unscramble:  t n e o l i n i
+Unscramble:  t n e r u r
+Unscramble:  t n e s r a o
+Unscramble:  t n i g c h c a
+Unscramble:  t n i g c h h a
+Unscramble:  t n i g c h w a
+Unscramble:  t n i g e r p e
+Unscramble:  t n i g i r r e
+Unscramble:  t n i g t y j u
+Unscramble:  t n k a e
+Unscramble:  t n n g u i s n
+Unscramble:  t n o n s i a a
+Unscramble:  t n o s d e a
+Unscramble:  t n t o b u
+Unscramble:  t n t y w e
+Unscramble:  t n u r s a
+Unscramble:  t n w s e s e e y i
+Unscramble:  t o b e l i s r
+Unscramble:  t o c y t i a r
+Unscramble:  t o d p e r r a
+Unscramble:  t o e b s r i c
+Unscramble:  t o e s e h p a r m
+Unscramble:  t o h n s e s r
+Unscramble:  t o i h m n a l
+Unscramble:  t o i n a t d o
+Unscramble:  t o l o e r w a
+Unscramble:  t o m e s h n o
+Unscramble:  t o n m r r e o a s
+Unscramble:  t o o m h r b a
+Unscramble:  t o o t r o n
+Unscramble:  t o s h u
+Unscramble:  t o y r f
+Unscramble:  t p e s a d s e
+Unscramble:  t p e y f s u
+Unscramble:  t p i r e d s u
+Unscramble:  t p i r t e s s
+Unscramble:  t p o e e l a n
+Unscramble:  t p p g o i s n
+Unscramble:  t p p t a i e e
+Unscramble:  t p u r j e i
+Unscramble:  t r a a a x a i
+Unscramble:  t r a e w
+Unscramble:  t r c y h s a
+Unscramble:  t r d i e s a
+Unscramble:  t r e a c y n s
+Unscramble:  t r e c h d i
+Unscramble:  t r e d s h p o
+Unscramble:  t r e h i
+Unscramble:  t r e i c e n
+Unscramble:  t r e n a i g a
+Unscramble:  t r f e t i
+Unscramble:  t r h i e
+Unscramble:  t r h u t
+Unscramble:  t r i a f r p e
+Unscramble:  t r i a m g s e
+Unscramble:  t r i e g
+Unscramble:  t r i p e a
+Unscramble:  t r k s a e s r
+Unscramble:  t r l e h i
+Unscramble:  t r l s t e s a
+Unscramble:  t r m m e s a
+Unscramble:  t r n y e i e t
+Unscramble:  t r r s i e s r
+Unscramble:  t r r s i u s p
+Unscramble:  t r t e d o
+Unscramble:  t r t e m a
+Unscramble:  t r t g a i s n
+Unscramble:  t r u s a u
+Unscramble:  t r y g n i s o
+Unscramble:  t s e a p s c
+Unscramble:  t s e a x
+Unscramble:  t s e c h h i
+Unscramble:  t s e r l e n
+Unscramble:  t s e r o s
+Unscramble:  t s e s i n a r
+Unscramble:  t s e s i p a
+Unscramble:  t s e s r t e
+Unscramble:  t s e t e n o f
+Unscramble:  t s e t t i c a
+Unscramble:  t s e t t i d o
+Unscramble:  t s g g d a e
+Unscramble:  t s g w i r h
+Unscramble:  t s i n v i g i
+Unscramble:  t s i o r t s o
+Unscramble:  t s m o e t t n a i p
+Unscramble:  t s n s n e e
+Unscramble:  t s n t e p a
+Unscramble:  t s n u e a t
+Unscramble:  t s o e n
+Unscramble:  t s o r t u
+Unscramble:  t s r e e
+Unscramble:  t s r h e b a
+Unscramble:  t s r t e h i
+Unscramble:  t s r t e l e
+Unscramble:  t s r t e m a
+Unscramble:  t s r u n
+Unscramble:  t s w g d o i
+Unscramble:  t t c r a r e
+Unscramble:  t t c s r i a s
+Unscramble:  t t e d n s u
+Unscramble:  t t i r o d e
+Unscramble:  t t r a a o m e
+Unscramble:  t t u s a r s e
+Unscramble:  t u a n d i g n
+Unscramble:  t u i m e t l u
+Unscramble:  t u i s n l
+Unscramble:  t u l s s i h t
+Unscramble:  t u m d s e t
+Unscramble:  t u o e b i s n
+Unscramble:  t u p n s i g r
+Unscramble:  t u r p u s r i
+Unscramble:  t u s e d
+Unscramble:  t u s h h r
+Unscramble:  t u t a s m n n
+Unscramble:  t v e e r t d e
+Unscramble:  t v e s d e o
+Unscramble:  t x u n l i g a
+Unscramble:  t x y e r a p
+Unscramble:  t y e t b
+Unscramble:  u a c p n l u t
+Unscramble:  u a e e m s s t
+Unscramble:  u a e l v
+Unscramble:  u a g e t a r n
+Unscramble:  u a i a r a q
+Unscramble:  u a n t s i h m
+Unscramble:  u a p a s l s t
+Unscramble:  u a r l g a s d
+Unscramble:  u a t n p i p o
+Unscramble:  u a v n e a t c
+Unscramble:  u b a d n h s
+Unscramble:  u b a k c c t
+Unscramble:  u b e y l r m r
+Unscramble:  u b l d e b r
+Unscramble:  u b l g m i r n
+Unscramble:  u b l k c o s n
+Unscramble:  u b o d t a o r
+Unscramble:  u b t o a
+Unscramble:  u c a e v m d u
+Unscramble:  u c a s t s o t
+Unscramble:  u c c n a i g r
+Unscramble:  u c d r e k e b
+Unscramble:  u c h g n i h n
+Unscramble:  u c h r e i b n
+Unscramble:  u c h y t e b r
+Unscramble:  u c i s i d f l
+Unscramble:  u c k n a s q d i
+Unscramble:  u c n h u g t a
+Unscramble:  u c n t r p u u a e c
+Unscramble:  u c o e m o t
+Unscramble:  u c o e n m s
+Unscramble:  u c o s c o p n
+Unscramble:  u c u s a m c r
+Unscramble:  u d c i i c l
+Unscramble:  u d e d d r j e
+Unscramble:  u d e d e r s n
+Unscramble:  u d e n k c l
+Unscramble:  u d i g n b d
+Unscramble:  u d l a d e b i
+Unscramble:  u d l f e p r
+Unscramble:  u d l g n i h d
+Unscramble:  u d l g n i p d
+Unscramble:  u d l l e q i
+Unscramble:  u d l z e m z
+Unscramble:  u d o g i f n
+Unscramble:  u d o s k c b r
+Unscramble:  u d o s n w s n
+Unscramble:  u d r s l a p o
+Unscramble:  u d r s p o g m
+Unscramble:  u e a u v d n l
+Unscramble:  u e b b l q i
+Unscramble:  u e e g n i p r
+Unscramble:  u e e r i p d c j
+Unscramble:  u e g m u o b l r x
+Unscramble:  u e g r a c o
+Unscramble:  u e h d t c s m
+Unscramble:  u e i r f f s t
+Unscramble:  u e i r m m c r
+Unscramble:  u e i r n k c h
+Unscramble:  u e l d e l c p
+Unscramble:  u e l d f f s c
+Unscramble:  u e l f f s h
+Unscramble:  u e l s c k c h
+Unscramble:  u e l s f f s n
+Unscramble:  u e l s p m n
+Unscramble:  u e o d c c s t
+Unscramble:  u e o e l a r
+Unscramble:  u e o s h
+Unscramble:  u e p u s l m c
+Unscramble:  u e r n p m s a
+Unscramble:  u e r n p m s e
+Unscramble:  u e t d e t c r
+Unscramble:  u e t e t l n
+Unscramble:  u e t s c a e d
+Unscramble:  u e x a e i l q
+Unscramble:  u f d d n f a r
+Unscramble:  u f e r e r s f
+Unscramble:  u f i d e c s f
+Unscramble:  u f l n t o o w
+Unscramble:  u f o s n o b f
+Unscramble:  u f u n r r f a
+Unscramble:  u g a e i t f r
+Unscramble:  u g e y r s r
+Unscramble:  u g i g n b d
+Unscramble:  u g i k n t c
+Unscramble:  u g i r e p d
+Unscramble:  u g i t s e p g
+Unscramble:  u g i y l d t r
+Unscramble:  u g l d e b r
+Unscramble:  u g s n e t t n
+Unscramble:  u h c y m a n a
+Unscramble:  u h i g n g s
+Unscramble:  u h l s f
+Unscramble:  u h o e s u n t
+Unscramble:  u h o t m
+Unscramble:  u h r t t
+Unscramble:  u h r y s a e p
+Unscramble:  u h s r i s o
+Unscramble:  u i a n n s t m o
+Unscramble:  u i a n n t m o
+Unscramble:  u i a s l b r
+Unscramble:  u i c e r a s t
+Unscramble:  u i c s t l c e
+Unscramble:  u i d s m o h r
+Unscramble:  u i m a k e l e
+Unscramble:  u i n u t m o p l
+Unscramble:  u i s c i t p r
+Unscramble:  u i t s d i n e
+Unscramble:  u k e r d c
+Unscramble:  u k h d a e b l
+Unscramble:  u k i t s e h s
+Unscramble:  u k i t s e l c
+Unscramble:  u k r s m a b c
+Unscramble:  u l a a v l v
+Unscramble:  u l a i d f l
+Unscramble:  u l a s s c t
+Unscramble:  u l a s u u n
+Unscramble:  u l a s w o t
+Unscramble:  u l d e z o b l
+Unscramble:  u l e f r s y o
+Unscramble:  u l e h m i
+Unscramble:  u l e i p c d l
+Unscramble:  u l e i t r c l
+Unscramble:  u l e n i n c
+Unscramble:  u l e s r p r
+Unscramble:  u l i h s d l
+Unscramble:  u l i s n c c o
+Unscramble:  u l i s t e o r
+Unscramble:  u l l a t e s c
+Unscramble:  u l l e v e n o
+Unscramble:  u l l s n o q i
+Unscramble:  u l s t l h b i
+Unscramble:  u l t f s s i f
+Unscramble:  u l u e c r d t
+Unscramble:  u m a n i r s e b
+Unscramble:  u m a s m t s e
+Unscramble:  u m c s n a t
+Unscramble:  u m d h m s u r
+Unscramble:  u m e r s m
+Unscramble:  u m e s t n h t
+Unscramble:  u m e y r n f t
+Unscramble:  u m g a l c e f a o
+Unscramble:  u m i t s e g m
+Unscramble:  u m l c i h l
+Unscramble:  u m o a c n l m
+Unscramble:  u m o k c h m
+Unscramble:  u m r k a b c
+Unscramble:  u m t c n s e r
+Unscramble:  u m u d e r m r
+Unscramble:  u n a d s o i m g e r
+Unscramble:  u n a s e g t n
+Unscramble:  u n a t m n h
+Unscramble:  u n d q i c u n
+Unscramble:  u n d y r a q a
+Unscramble:  u n e i v r s t
+Unscramble:  u n i e p h d a
+Unscramble:  u n i g l l s c
+Unscramble:  u n i g n k c l
+Unscramble:  u n i g r l k n
+Unscramble:  u n i g r r s l
+Unscramble:  u n i g s h c r
+Unscramble:  u n i g s l t o
+Unscramble:  u n i n o m n
+Unscramble:  u n i s m l d r
+Unscramble:  u n m y a j r
+Unscramble:  u n o a c g l j
+Unscramble:  u n o e t r s s
+Unscramble:  u n o f o b f
+Unscramble:  u n o s f l m o
+Unscramble:  u n o s t h o
+Unscramble:  u n o t c c s d
+Unscramble:  u n r e s d r d u o
+Unscramble:  u n r o e g v h
+Unscramble:  u n t s o s h g
+Unscramble:  u n u b r s n
+Unscramble:  u o c r a t o
+Unscramble:  u o e n r g b o
+Unscramble:  u o g e l i e z
+Unscramble:  u o g n c a g l
+Unscramble:  u o g Y m a a t
+Unscramble:  u o i n l s e m
+Unscramble:  u o s y t i r g
+Unscramble:  u o t p s e h o
+Unscramble:  u o t y m o a t
+Unscramble:  u p c r o y e c
+Unscramble:  u p e e p n t c
+Unscramble:  u p i g n p p
+Unscramble:  u p i g n s p
+Unscramble:  u p i t s e j m
+Unscramble:  u p y c s r
+Unscramble:  u r a e m e s q
+Unscramble:  u r a s t n o k
+Unscramble:  u r b h r s a o
+Unscramble:  u r e a b d m
+Unscramble:  u r e d d s h
+Unscramble:  u r e g h c o
+Unscramble:  u r e l a n c
+Unscramble:  u r e n d t h
+Unscramble:  u r e p l c o
+Unscramble:  u r e r n m o
+Unscramble:  u r e s n g b l
+Unscramble:  u r e s n n s t
+Unscramble:  u r e t i f l
+Unscramble:  u r e y d g d r
+Unscramble:  u r h e r i m n
+Unscramble:  u r i h a c n e r
+Unscramble:  u r i l t v o a
+Unscramble:  u r i t h g o t
+Unscramble:  u r o r a o t
+Unscramble:  u r o s t o o t
+Unscramble:  u r t a a m e
+Unscramble:  u r t g i i q n
+Unscramble:  u r t i e j p
+Unscramble:  u s e b r n m
+Unscramble:  u s e h b g t o
+Unscramble:  u s e k r p c
+Unscramble:  u s e m r b m
+Unscramble:  u s e n r r n
+Unscramble:  u s e s e l c l
+Unscramble:  u s e s e n b l
+Unscramble:  u s e s g n s n
+Unscramble:  u s e t g f s l
+Unscramble:  u s e t r p n
+Unscramble:  u s g h b o
+Unscramble:  u s i b l i o
+Unscramble:  u s i o v b o
+Unscramble:  u s i s b e q
+Unscramble:  u s i s t s s b
+Unscramble:  u s l d e r n
+Unscramble:  u s l z e m z
+Unscramble:  u s o e p r t
+Unscramble:  u s o i r j n
+Unscramble:  u s p t n e o t
+Unscramble:  u s w e t o o r
+Unscramble:  u s w g t i o n
+Unscramble:  u t a a n s l
+Unscramble:  u t a d r m s
+Unscramble:  u t a e a m s q
+Unscramble:  u t a g i r s t i
+Unscramble:  u t a s a n s l
+Unscramble:  u t a s r i c l
+Unscramble:  u t d w o o c
+Unscramble:  u t e s g g d r
+Unscramble:  u t i y i n e q
+Unscramble:  u t k l c s o n
+Unscramble:  u t n i l d a e p r
+Unscramble:  u t n s s e c r
+Unscramble:  u t o s e n d o
+Unscramble:  u t r e t a c l
+Unscramble:  u t s n n m h a
+Unscramble:  u t u r a l p s
+Unscramble:  u t u s e s c l
+Unscramble:  u t u s n r o t
+Unscramble:  u u b s e j j
+Unscramble:  u u e e q
+Unscramble:  u u f l t h m o
+Unscramble:  u u l e n a l t
+Unscramble:  u u m r e b c s c
+Unscramble:  u u o s s c c o
+Unscramble:  u v e r o y s r
+Unscramble:  u v i e p t e r
+Unscramble:  u v i r r v s o
+Unscramble:  u v i s l n p u
+Unscramble:  u v o s t t o e
+Unscramble:  u w a s y s b
+Unscramble:  u w e s r a o t
+Unscramble:  u w o t r m d
+Unscramble:  u y e n r t r
+Unscramble:  u y e r n j o
+Unscramble:  u y i g n b s
+Unscramble:  u y i t l m s
+Unscramble:  u y l m p p l
+Unscramble:  u y o t n b t
+Unscramble:  u y r e r e q
+Unscramble:  u y u s e l g a
+Unscramble:  u z i e a l e q
+Unscramble:  v a n c r l a i
+Unscramble:  v a r i d o p t e n i
+Unscramble:  v a t s r o a i
+Unscramble:  v b e o a
+Unscramble:  v c e s t a o
+Unscramble:  v c i k e r m a
+Unscramble:  v c t g n i e i
+Unscramble:  v c t n i i e o
+Unscramble:  v c u e t a e a
+Unscramble:  v d e e r c o
+Unscramble:  v d e l b i e
+Unscramble:  v d i i v
+Unscramble:  v d u l a c o i
+Unscramble:  v e e i t i n
+Unscramble:  v e e o s r b r
+Unscramble:  v e h b e s e i
+Unscramble:  v e i b l e e
+Unscramble:  v e l a u
+Unscramble:  v e l n c i g a
+Unscramble:  v e l u a n i
+Unscramble:  v e o r v s e l
+Unscramble:  v e r e g d n a
+Unscramble:  v e t e t e n n s h e
+Unscramble:  v e v o l i n
+Unscramble:  v h e n b i g o
+Unscramble:  v l a e r s e
+Unscramble:  v l b e i a u n
+Unscramble:  v l c o a
+Unscramble:  v l i n i o
+Unscramble:  v m e n r i g o
+Unscramble:  v n g g e i a n
+Unscramble:  v n g l e e a
+Unscramble:  v n i e x
+Unscramble:  v n i g a g r a
+Unscramble:  v n i g n e e
+Unscramble:  v n t g i l e e s a
+Unscramble:  v n y a s i l o
+Unscramble:  v o i n i l p a
+Unscramble:  v o n e c s r r a i
+Unscramble:  v r b w e l o e
+Unscramble:  v r e d d e i
+Unscramble:  v r e s i s r e
+Unscramble:  v r e s t a o e
+Unscramble:  v r h d n a o e
+Unscramble:  v r i e r
+Unscramble:  v r p y e l o a
+Unscramble:  v r r e e a o t
+Unscramble:  v r s n e i a o
+Unscramble:  v r t e e i o m
+Unscramble:  v r t s r o e e
+Unscramble:  v r y y e d e a
+Unscramble:  v s e i c d e
+Unscramble:  v s n e r t a
+Unscramble:  v s o a b l a
+Unscramble:  v s u s e r
+Unscramble:  v t e d n e i
+Unscramble:  v t o e e c d o
+Unscramble:  v u o s e n r a
+Unscramble:  v u u r d i s m
+Unscramble:  v v i e i s d i
+Unscramble:  v w o r h e e
+Unscramble:  v y e l l o
+Unscramble:  w a h g t e l
+Unscramble:  w a r g e i s n
+Unscramble:  w d d s e l s a
+Unscramble:  w d e n s e
+Unscramble:  w d i e r
+Unscramble:  w d o l u
+Unscramble:  w d r o l
+Unscramble:  w d t t e t i
+Unscramble:  w d u o l
+Unscramble:  w e a h l
+Unscramble:  w e h t i
+Unscramble:  w e i h t
+Unscramble:  w e l b l r e o
+Unscramble:  w e l r f d e o
+Unscramble:  w e o i b
+Unscramble:  w e o r t
+Unscramble:  w e r y f a s e
+Unscramble:  w e t s r i r e
+Unscramble:  w g n n i f a
+Unscramble:  w g o r n
+Unscramble:  w h g e i r e
+Unscramble:  w h h c i
+Unscramble:  w h i c t
+Unscramble:  w h n i c
+Unscramble:  w h t a c
+Unscramble:  w i n a k e r t
+Unscramble:  w k i e k l h a
+Unscramble:  w l a l n f d o
+Unscramble:  w l b e o
+Unscramble:  w l e e j
+Unscramble:  w l y l e o
+Unscramble:  w m p g n i s a
+Unscramble:  w m p r e i s a
+Unscramble:  w n a c s i h d
+Unscramble:  w n e o b o d t
+Unscramble:  w n g s i l s e
+Unscramble:  w n g s r e s i
+Unscramble:  w n h d r e s a
+Unscramble:  w n k r e s a
+Unscramble:  w n o a m
+Unscramble:  w o l r s o m w
+Unscramble:  w r d r e a a
+Unscramble:  w r o e p
+Unscramble:  w r r e y
+Unscramble:  w r s e w o
+Unscramble:  w r t a e s e
+Unscramble:  w s a y a l
+Unscramble:  w s d w n i o
+Unscramble:  w s e r s e
+Unscramble:  w s e t d i b a
+Unscramble:  w s e t k i g a
+Unscramble:  w s l o t u a
+Unscramble:  w s n i g
+Unscramble:  w s t p i s a
+Unscramble:  w t c h s i
+Unscramble:  w t e d a n
+Unscramble:  w t e h a
+Unscramble:  w t i s u l a
+Unscramble:  w t o n b a a s
+Unscramble:  w t r o s
+Unscramble:  w t t g a i s n
+Unscramble:  w u q e s k d a
+Unscramble:  w x a y t a s i
+Unscramble:  w y l d i r o
+Unscramble:  w y o s b n e
+Unscramble:  x c t s r e e a
+Unscramble:  x c u r e t e e
+Unscramble:  x c u r o t e e
+Unscramble:  x d i s i s o e
+Unscramble:  x e l n e l e t c
+Unscramble:  x e n e i s v e p
+Unscramble:  x e n r e d e p
+Unscramble:  x g i n b o
+Unscramble:  x i d s e e c
+Unscramble:  x i n t c e t
+Unscramble:  x l a s a t o e
+Unscramble:  x l e d t e e
+Unscramble:  x l n t i o a e t a
+Unscramble:  x l u e d e c
+Unscramble:  x l u s e d e c
+Unscramble:  x m e s n e a
+Unscramble:  x r c m s i e o
+Unscramble:  x r o a t l a
+Unscramble:  x r o e b
+Unscramble:  x r t n e i e o
+Unscramble:  x s l f u b o
+Unscramble:  x s t e n e c e i
+Unscramble:  x u r s c s e u
+Unscramble:  x u s e e c
+Unscramble:  x y l t h s i
+Unscramble:  x z i s e n o a
+Unscramble:  y a a p n t m
+Unscramble:  y a m c i d n
+Unscramble:  y a n s t t r
+Unscramble:  Y a p s e s s n
+Unscramble:  y c a r b a d k
+Unscramble:  y c i s p t g l
+Unscramble:  y c x o i h p
+Unscramble:  y e k j c d o e
+Unscramble:  y e l v i l
+Unscramble:  y e m s i r
+Unscramble:  y e n l m e h a
+Unscramble:  y e n n i t
+Unscramble:  y e n s e n d o
+Unscramble:  y e r n w v
+Unscramble:  y e s s i s n
+Unscramble:  y e s s t o p h
+Unscramble:  y f a l e f l
+Unscramble:  y f f i t
+Unscramble:  y f l o t
+Unscramble:  y g e c o n p i
+Unscramble:  y g u o n
+Unscramble:  y i a b l
+Unscramble:  y i d a r
+Unscramble:  y i e s a l
+Unscramble:  y i f m a l
+Unscramble:  y i s c i l
+Unscramble:  y k o h o s k
+Unscramble:  y k r f o h a
+Unscramble:  y l g c i m a
+Unscramble:  y l l s b i w r
+Unscramble:  y l o c c n c i
+Unscramble:  y l o o p w g l
+Unscramble:  y l z b n s e o
+Unscramble:  y m o a l s l n
+Unscramble:  y n a n f i g c
+Unscramble:  y n e s o g c r
+Unscramble:  y n f a n
+Unscramble:  y n m o e
+Unscramble:  y n o a t e u d
+Unscramble:  y n o c a t c i
+Unscramble:  y n o n a g c e
+Unscramble:  y n p e n
+Unscramble:  y o g s r e p n
+Unscramble:  y o i e b p s t
+Unscramble:  y o p c i t s n
+Unscramble:  y o r l c e g l
+Unscramble:  y o s d e h k b
+Unscramble:  y o s s b h k e
+Unscramble:  y p a l m n t a
+Unscramble:  y p e n r i g l
+Unscramble:  y p g a a h n l
+Unscramble:  y p h d m o l i
+Unscramble:  y p u s p i h p
+Unscramble:  y r a n p i g t
+Unscramble:  y r a o m
+Unscramble:  y r e a g v o
+Unscramble:  y r i n d i g t
+Unscramble:  y r j e r
+Unscramble:  y r o n e g h d
+Unscramble:  y r o r f e a
+Unscramble:  y r r l a a a
+Unscramble:  y r t i h t
+Unscramble:  y s c s i p h
+Unscramble:  y s d m y a a
+Unscramble:  y s e t r x s
+Unscramble:  y s m a a p j
+Unscramble:  y s n a k
+Unscramble:  y s s s e i t a
+Unscramble:  y s u o r
+Unscramble:  y t a n s g m
+Unscramble:  y t e a s r h i
+Unscramble:  y t e e s i c n
+Unscramble:  y t e o n b a
+Unscramble:  y t e s r x s
+Unscramble:  Y t o c s l s i
+Unscramble:  y t o e l s s
+Unscramble:  y t o k l e i b
+Unscramble:  y u o t a b l a
+Unscramble:  y u r y g z m
+Unscramble:  y w d n t k d i i s l
+Unscramble:  y w l a s a
+Unscramble:  y y r u g z m
+Unscramble:  y y s a t d n
+Unscramble:  z a a b n o n
+Unscramble:  z a l c a e h a
+Unscramble:  z e w r t e s e
+Unscramble:  z i a z p
+Unscramble:  z n i g z l p u
+Unscramble:  z o t p o a r o
+Unscramble:  z r e s e n c o
+Unscramble:  z s d a r l i
+Unscramble:  z t a r m o
+Unscramble:  z t n o e o n o
+Unscramble:  z t s i e d o
+Unscramble:  z y n c i h t
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/readme.txt b/xtrn/gttrivia/readme.txt
index 26451b122f..5629fe01d3 100644
--- a/xtrn/gttrivia/readme.txt
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/readme.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
                                Good Time Trivia
-                                 Version 1.02
-                           Release date: 2022-12-08
+                                 Version 1.03
+                           Release date: 2023-01-05
@@ -150,8 +150,33 @@ of the following files and directories:
 The trivia category files (in the qa directory, with filenames ending in .qa)
-are plain text files and contain questions, their answers, and their number of
-points.  For eqch question in a category file, there are 3 lines:
+are plain text files.
+Optionally, a QA file may have a section of metadata specified in JSON
+(JavaScript Object Notation) format that can contain some information about the
+question category. The information can have the following properties:
+category_name: The name of the category (if different from simple parsing of
+               the filename)
+ARS: Optional - An ARS security string to restrict access to the question set.
+     This overrides any setting for the question set in the [CATEGORY_ARS]
+	 section in gttrivia.ini.
+This JSON must be between two lines:
+-- QA metadata begin
+-- QA metadata end
+For example, for a test category you might want to restrict to only the sysop:
+-- QA metadata begin
+    "category_name": "Test category (not meant for use)",
+	"ARS": "SYSOP"
+-- QA metadata end
+The questions and answers inside the QA files contain questions, their answers,
+and their number of points.  For eqch question in a category file, the main
+format is 3 lines:
 Number of points
@@ -162,6 +187,40 @@ What color is the sky?
+Alternately, the answer can be specified via JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
+with multiple acceptable answers, and optionally a fact about the answer. When
+JSON is specified for the answer, there need to be two text lines to specify
+that the answer is JSON:
+-- Answer metadata begin
+-- Answer metadata end
+One example where this can be used is to specify an answer that is a number and
+you want to allow both spelling out the number and the number itself. Also, in
+some cases it can be good to specify the spelled-out version first (if it's
+short) since that will be used for the clue. For example:
+How many sides does a square have?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Four", "4"]
+-- Answer metadata end
+An example of a question specifying an answer with a fact specified:
+Who's picture is on the US $50 bill?
+-- Answer metadata begin
+    "answers": ["Ulysses Grant", "Ulysses S. Grant", "Ulysses S Grant"],
+	"answerFact": "The US capitol building is on the other side of the $50 bill"
+-- Answer metadata end
+NOTE: The questions and answers must be specified in exactly either of the two
+above formats, or else the questions and answers will not be read correctly.
 Also, there is a script in the qa directory called converter.js.  This is a
 rough script that can be modified to convert a list of trivia questions into
 the format that can be used by this door.  It is not a generic script; if you
@@ -304,6 +363,8 @@ scoreSoFarText                    "Your score so far" text
 clueHdr                           Header text for clues
 clue                              Clue text
 answerAfterIncorrect              The answer printed after incorrect response
+answerFact                        Fact displayed after an answer (not all
+                                  questions will have one)
 [CATEGORY_ARS] section
diff --git a/xtrn/gttrivia/revision_history.txt b/xtrn/gttrivia/revision_history.txt
index 08927161ea..4392fecbf6 100644
--- a/xtrn/gttrivia/revision_history.txt
+++ b/xtrn/gttrivia/revision_history.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@ Revision History (change log)
 Version  Date         Description
 -------  ----         -----------
+1.03     2023-01-05   Question sets (in the .qa files) may now have a section
+                      of JSON metadata to specify the name of the category (if
+					  different from simple filename parsing) and optionally
+					  an ARS security string (overrides gttrivia.ini). Also,
+					  answers can be specified as a JSON section to specify
+					  multiple acceptable answers, and optionally a fact about
+					  the answer/question. A new color setting, answerFact,
+					  specifies the color to use to output the answer fact.
+1.02     2022-12-08   The game can now post scores in (networked) message sub-
+                      boards as a backup to using a JSON DB server in case the
+					  server can't be contacted.
 1.01     2022-11-25   Added the ability to store & retrieve scores to/from a
                       server, so that scores from multiple BBSes can be
                       displayed.  By default, it's configured to use Digital