From f4f91b4cfb603ffdb15efa169322c7262fb72d62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: echicken <>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 19:11:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] A crappy placeholder for an eventual packet BBS service.
 (Currently logs a user in and then echoes their text back at them.)

 exec/packet-bbs.js | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 136 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 exec/packet-bbs.js

diff --git a/exec/packet-bbs.js b/exec/packet-bbs.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aede75114d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exec/packet-bbs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// This was supposed to be the beginning of a packet BBS interface.  It may
+// be better to just start again.  Right now it logs the user in and then
+// simply echoes back whatever they send.
+// Send a string to the client, modifying it as necessary beforehand
+function sendString(c) {
+/*	var f = new File(system.ctrl_dir + "censorship.txt");
+	var badWords = f.readAll();
+	f.close();
+	for(b in badWords) {
+		var redact = badWords[b].replace(/./g, "*");
+		var re = new RegExp(badWords[b], "ig");
+		c = c.replace(re, redact);
+	} */
+	word_wrap(c);
+	client.socket.send(c);
+// I don't remember why I made this or what good it is. :|
+function getInput() {
+	while(client.socket.is_connected) {
+		mswait(5);
+		if(!client.socket.data_waiting) continue;
+		var c = client.socket.recvline();
+		break;
+	}
+	return strip_exascii(c.replace(/\r|\n/g, ""));
+// Uh, some sort of prompt that disconnects the user after 10 bad commands?
+function prompt(p, k) {
+	var c = "?";
+	for(var a = 0; a < 10; a++) {
+		if(c == "?") sendString(p + "\r\n[ " + k.join("/") + " ]\r\n");
+		c = getInput().toUpperCase();
+		for(var i = 0; i < k.length; i++) if(c == k[i].toUpperCase()) return c;
+	}
+	sendString("Disconnecting.  Please call again later!\r\n");
+	client.socket.close();
+function ax25Login(u) {
+	login(u.alias,;
+	sendString("You are logged in as: " + clientCallsign + "\r\nName: " + + "\r\nAlias: " + user.alias + "\r\n");
+	user.note = clientCallsign;
+ = clientCallsign;
+	user.connection = "AX.25";
+var clientCallsign = client.socket.recvline();
+var hostCallsign = client.socket.recvline();
+log("Connection from " + clientCallsign);
+sendString("\r\n[ " + hostCallsign + " : " + + " ]\r\n");
+sendString("[ " + system.version_notice + " ]\r\n");
+var un = system.matchuserdata(U_COMMENT, clientCallsign.toUpperCase());
+if(un > 0) {
+	var u = new User(un);
+	ax25Login(u);
+} else {
+	sendString("No user account on file for " + clientCallsign + "\r\n");
+	sendString("If you've already created an account on this BBS (eg. via telnet, dial-up or HTTP), the system operator can link your callsign to that account.\r\n");
+	var c = prompt("Do you already have an account on " + + "?", ["Y", "N"]);
+	if(c == "Y") {
+		sendString("What name or alias was your account registered under?\r\n");
+		var n = getInput();
+		var header = { subject : + " AX.25 Account Linking Request", to : system.operator, to_ext : 1, from : system.operator, from_ext: 1 }
+		var body = "Please add the callsign " + clientCallsign + " to the comment field for the user with the name or alias " + n;
+		var msgBase = new MsgBase("mail");
+		msgBase.save_msg(header, body_text=body);
+		msgBase.close();
+		sendString("Thanks for calling!\r\n");
+		client.socket.close();
+	} else {
+		for(var a = 0; a < 5; a++) {
+			sendString("Enter your full name:\r\n");
+			var n = getInput();
+			sendString("Enter your city and state/province:\r\n");
+			var csp = getInput();
+			sendString("Enter your email address, if any:\r\n");
+			var ea = getInput();
+			if(n.match(/\w+\s\w+/) == null) {
+				sendString("Your full name did not match the expected format (eg. 'John Smith'.)  Please try again.\r\n");
+			} else if(csp.match(/\w+,\s\w+/) == null) {
+				sendString("Your city and state/province did not match the expected format (eg. 'Toronto, Ontario'.)  Please try again.\r\n");
+			} else if(ea != "" && ea.match(/\w+\@\w+\.\w+/) == null) {
+				sendString("Your email address did not match the expected pattern ('user@domain.suffix', or blank.)  Please try again.\r\n");
+			} else {
+				var p = "";
+				for(var b = 0; b < 8; b++) {
+					var r = "";
+					while(r.match(/\w/) == null) r = ascii(random(123));
+					p += r;
+				}
+				var u = system.new_user(n);
+				u.alias = clientCallsign;
+ = n;
+				u.location = csp;
+				u.netmail = ea;
+ = p;
+				u.comment = clientCallsign;
+				ax25Login(u);
+				var header = { 
+					subject : + " user account information",
+					to :,
+					from: system.operator,
+					from_ext : 1,
+					from_ip_addr : client.ip_address,
+					replyto : system.operator,
+					replyto_ext : 1,
+					to_net_addr : u.netmail,
+					to_net_type : NET_INTERNET
+				}
+				var body = "Hello " + + ",\r\n\r\nYou recently registered for an account on " + + " via our packet radio interface.  We're also accessible over the internet via telnet, SSH, 
+HTTP and several other protocols at " + system.inet_addr + ".\r\n\r\nIf you connect via the internet, you may log in with your callsign and with the temporary password:\r\n\r\n" + p + "\r\n\r\nThanks for calling.\r\n\r\n" + 
+				var msgBase = new MsgBase("mail");
+				msgBase.save_msg(header, body_text=body);
+				msgBase.close();				
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+while(client.socket.is_connected) {
+	mswait(5);
+	if(!client.socket.data_waiting) continue;
+	var c = client.socket.recvline();
+	sendString("You sent: " + c + "\r\n");