diff --git a/docs/@codes.txt b/docs/@codes.txt
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--- a/docs/@codes.txt
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-Complete List of Supported Message Variables (@-Codes) in Synchronet BBS
-See the "Using Message Variables" chapter in the sysop manual 
-(DOCS\SYSOP.DOC) for details on use.
-System Information
-Code		Description						Ver
-BBS		Name of BBS					
-BOARDNAME	Name of BBS					
-CONF		Name of current Group and Sub-board		
-CONFNUM 	Number of current Group and Sub-board		
-CONN		Connection description (modem type, "Telnet", "Local")	2.3c
-DATE		Current system date				
-DIR	        Current file directory short description	
-DIR-L[...]      " " padded and left justified                   
-DIR-R[...]      " " padded and right justified                  
-DIRL	        Current file directory long description 	
-DIRL-L[...]     " " padded and left justified                   
-DIRL-R[...]     " " padded and right justified                  
-DN	        Number of current file directory		
-DL	        " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide)    
-DR	        " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide)   
-FIDOADDR	System's primary FidoNet address			2.3c
-FREESPACE	Free disk space available for uploads		
-GRP	        Current message group short description 	
-GRP-L[...]      " " padded and left justified                   
-GRP-R[...]      " " padded and right justified                  
-GRPL	        Current message group long description		
-GRPL-L[...]     " " padded and left justified                   
-GRPL-R[...]     " " padded and right justified                  
-GN	        Number of current message group 		
-GL	        " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide)    
-GR	        " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide)   
-INETADDR	System's Internet Address (as configured in SCFG)	2.3c
-LASTCALLERNODE	Name of user last on this node			
-LIB	        Current file library short description		
-LIB-L[...]      " " padded and left justified                   
-LIB-R[...]      " " padded and right justified                  
-LIBL	        Current file library long description		
-LIBL-L[...]     " " padded and left justified                   
-LIBL-R[...]     " " padded and right justified                  
-LN	        Number of current file library			
-LL	        " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide)    
-LR	        " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide)   
-LOCAL-IP	System's IP address					3.0b
-LOCATION	System location (city, state)				2.3c
-NOACCESS        Why user was denied access (last false ARS)	
-NODE		Number of current node				
-NODE### 	Status of node number ###			
-NUMDIR		Number of current library and directory 	
-QUESTION        Current Yes/No question (for TEXT\MENU\YESNO.*) 
-QWKID		System's QWK BBS-ID					2.3c
-REV		Software revision (single letter)
-STATS.LOGONS	Total logons during history of system			3.0b
-STATS.LTODAY	Total logons today					3.0b
-STATS.TIMEON	Total time used during history of system (in minutes)	3.0b
-STATS.TTODAY	Total time used today (in minutes)			3.0b
-STATS.ULS	Total uploads today					3.0b
-STATS.ULB	Total bytes uploaded today				3.0b
-STATS.DLS	Total download today					3.0b
-STATS.DLB	Total bytes downloaded today				3.0b
-STATS.PTODAY	Total posts today					3.0b
-STATS.ETODAY	Total e-mails sent today				3.0b
-STATS.FTODAY	Total feedbacks sent today				3.0b
-STATS.NUSERS	Total number of new users today				3.0b
-SUB	        Current message sub-board short description	
-SUB-L[...]      " " padded and left justified                   
-SUB-R[...]      " " padded and right justified                  
-SUBL	        Current message sub-board long description	
-SUBL-L[...]     " " padded and left justified                   
-SUBL-R[...]     " " padded and right justified                  
-SN	        Number of current message sub-board		
-SL	        " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide)    
-SR	        " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide)   
-SYSDATE 	Current system date
-SYSOP		Name of System Operator 			
-SYSTIME 	Current system time					
-TCALLS		Total number of logons for system		
-TFILE		Total number of files on system
-TIME		Current system time
-TMSG		Total number of messages on system
-TNODE		Total number of nodes on system
-TUSER		Total number of user slots on system
-VER		BBS version number
-WHO		Display status of all active nodes
-User Information
-Code		Description						Ver
-ADDR1		User's street address                 	        
-ALIAS		User's name or alias                            
-BAUD		User's connect rate (DCE) in bps                
-BDATE		User's birthdate (MM/DD/YY)                     
-BPS		<same as BAUD>					
-BYTELIMIT	User's free credits per day                     
-BYTESLEFT	User's total credits                            
-CALLS		Total number of logons for user 		
-CID		Caller's Caller-ID info or IP address			2.3c
-CITY		User's city                                     
-COMPANY 	User's company name or real name                
-CPU		User's computer type (v2.x) or hostname (v3.x)
-DATA		<same as PHONE> 				
-DATAPHONE	<same as PHONE> 				
-DAYBYTES	Number of free credits used today by user	
-DLBYTES 	Total bytes downloaded by user			
-DLFILES 	Total files downloaded by user			
-DLKLIMIT	User's total credits (in kilobytes)             
-DOWNK		Total kilobytes downloaded by user		
-DOWNS		<same as DLFILES>				
-EXDATE		User's expiration date (MM/DD/YY)               
-EXPDATE 	<same as EXDATE>				
-EXPDAYS 	Days left before user expires
-FIRST		User's first name/alias                         
-FIRSTREAL       User's first real/company name                  
-FROM		User's location (City, State)                   
-HANDLE	        User's chat handle                              
-HOMEPHONE	<same as PHONE> 				
-HOST		<same as CPU>						2.3c
-IP		<same as CID>						2.3c
-KBLEFT		User's total credits (in kilobytes)             
-KBLIMIT 	User's free credits per day (in kilobytes)      
-LAST	        User's last name (alias)                        
-LASTDATEON	Date of user's last logon (MM/DD/YY)            
-LASTNEW 	Date of user's last new file scan (MM/DD/YY)    
-LASTON		Date and time of user's last logon              
-LASTTIMEON	Time of user's last logon (HH:MM am)
-LASTREAL        User's last real/company name                   
-LEFT		<same as MINLEFT>
-MAILW	        Number of mail messages waiting for current user
-MAILW:x	        Number of mail messages waiting for current user #x
-MAILP	        Number of pending mail messages sent by current user
-MAILP:x	        Number of pending mail messages sent by current user #x
-MAXDK		<same as KBLIMIT>				
-MEMO		Date of user's last password modification       
-MEMO1		User's note                                     
-MEMO2		<same as COMPANY>				
-MINLEFT 	User's time left in minutes				
-MSGLEFT 	Total number of messages posted by user 	
-MSGREAD 	Number of messages read by user this call	
-MSGSLEFT	<same as MSGLEFT>					
-NAME	        User's name or alias                            
-NAME-L[...]     User's name (padded and left justified)         
-NAME-R[...]     User's name (padded and right justified)        
-NEWFILETIME 	Date and time of user's last new file scan
-NUMTIMESON	<same as CALLS> 				
-PHONE		User's phone number (###-###-####)              
-REAL	        User's real first name                          
-SEC		User's security level                           
-SECURITY	<same as SEC>					
-SINCE		Date of user's first call (MM/DD/YY)            
-STATE		User's state (from location)                    
-TIMELEFT	<same as MINLEFT>				
-TIMELIMIT	Maximum time per call in minutes		
-TIMEON		Time used this call in minutes			
-TIMEUSED	<same as TIMEON>				
-TLEFT	        Time left (H:MM:SS)				
-TPERC	        Time allowed per call (H:MM:SS) 		
-TPERD	        Time allowed per day (H:MM:SS)			
-TUSED	        Time used this call (H:MM:SS)			
-UPBYTES 	Total bytes uploaded by user			
-UPFILES 	Total files uploaded by user			
-UPK		Total kilobytes uploaded by user		
-UPS		<same as UPFILES>				
-USER		User's name or alias (same as ALIAS)            
-ZIP             User's zip/postal code                          
-Code		Description						Ver
-AUTOMORE	Toggle automatic pausing			
-BEEP		Generate a beep 				
-BELL		<same as BEEP>					
-CLS		Clear screen					
-CRLF		carriage return/line-feed pair				3.0b
-MENU:filename	Display a menu file (from TEXT\MENU directory)
-MSGREPLY	Command key to reply to last message			3.0b
-MSGREREAD	Command key used to re-read last message		3.0b
-NOPAUSE		<Same as POFF>
-MORE		<same as PAUSE> 				
-PAUSE		Immediately produces a [Hit a key] prompt	
-PON		Toggles automatic screen pause for everyone
-POFF		Toggles automatic screen pause for everyone
-TYPE:filename	Display a specific filename
-UP		Move cursor up one row			(ANSI)		3.0b
-UP:n		Move cursor up n rows			(ANSI)		3.0b
-DOWN		Move cursor down one row		(ANSI)		3.0b
-DOWN:n		Move cursor down n rows			(ANSI)		3.0b
-RIGHT		Move cursor right one column		(ANSI)		3.0b
-RIGHT:n		Move cursor right n columns		(ANSI)		3.0b
-LEFT		Move cursor left one column 		(ANSI)		3.0b
-LEFT:n		Move cursor left n columns		(ANSI)		3.0b
-GOTOXY:x,y	Move cursor to x/y (1-based)		(ANSI)		3.0b
-PUSHXY		Save current cursor position		(ANSI)		3.0b
-POPXY		Restore saved cursor position		(ANSI)		3.0b
-Code		Description						Ver
-EXEC:modname	Execute a loadable (Baja) module, EXEC\modname.BIN
-HANGUP		Immediately disconnect user			
-SETSTR:str	Sets the current Baja command string to str