require('sbbsdefs.js', 'SYS_CLOSED'); var settings = load('modopts.js', 'web') || { web_directory: '../webv4' }; load(settings.web_directory + '/lib/init.js'); load(settings.web_lib + 'auth.js'); var request = require({}, settings.web_lib + 'request.js', 'request'); if (user.alias !== settings.guest) exit(); if (!settings.user_registration) exit(); if (system.settings&SYS_CLOSED) exit(); var MIN_ALIAS = 1, MIN_REALNAME = 3, MIN_NETMAIL = 6, MIN_LOCATION = 4, MIN_ADDRESS = 6, MIN_PHONE = 3; var reply = { errors : [], userNumber : 0 }; var prepUser = { alias : '', handle : '', name : '', netmail : '', address : '', zipcode : '', location : '', phone : '', birthdate : '', gender : ' ', password : '' }; function required(mask) { return (system.new_user_questions&mask); } function clean_param(param) { if (request.has_param(param)) return request.get_param(param).replace(/[\x00-\x19\x7F]/g, ''); return ""; } function in_range(n, min, max) { return n >= min && n <= max; } function valid_param(p, min, max) { if (!request.has_param(p)) return false; if (!in_range(clean_param(p).length, min, max)) return false; return true; } function is_dupe(field, str) { return system.matchuserdata(field, str) !== 0; } function newUser() { var usr = system.new_user(prepUser.alias); if (typeof usr === 'number') { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_failed); return; } log(LOG_INFO, format(locale.strings.api_register.log_success, usr.number)); = prepUser.password; for (var property in prepUser) { if (property === 'alias' || property === 'password') continue; usr[property] = prepUser[property]; } if (typeof settings.newuser_level == 'number' && settings.newuser_level >= 0 && settings.newuser_level <= 99) { = settings.newuser_level; } ['flags1', 'flags2', 'flags3', 'flags4', 'exemptions', 'restrictions'].forEach(function (e) { const k = 'newuser_' + e; if (settings[k] && settings[k].search(/[^a-zA-Z]/) < 0) {[e] = '+' + settings[k]; } }); reply.userNumber = usr.number; } // See if the hidden form fields were filled if (request.get_param('send-me-free-stuff') != '' || request.get_param('subscribe-to-newsletter') !== undefined) { log(LOG_WARNING, locale.strings.api_register.log_bot_attempt); exit(); } if (system.newuser_password !== '' && (!request.has_param('newuser-password') || request.get_param('newuser-password') != system.newuser_password)) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_bad_syspass); } if (system.matchuser(clean_param('alias')) > 0) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_alias_taken); } else if (!valid_param('alias', MIN_ALIAS, LEN_ALIAS) || !system.check_name(clean_param('alias'))) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_invalid_alias); } else { prepUser.alias = clean_param('alias'); prepUser.handle = clean_param('alias'); } if (!request.has_param('password1') || !request.has_param('password2') || clean_param('password1') != clean_param('password2')) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_password_mismatch); } else if (!in_range(clean_param('password1').length, system.min_password_length, system.max_password_length)) { reply.errors.push(format(locale.strings.api_register.error_password_length, system.min_password_length, system.max_password_length)); } else { prepUser.password = clean_param('password1'); } if (valid_param('netmail', MIN_NETMAIL, LEN_NETMAIL)) { prepUser.netmail = clean_param('netmail'); } else if (!required(UQ_NONETMAIL)) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_email_required); } if (valid_param('realname', MIN_REALNAME, LEN_NAME) && (!required(UQ_DUPREAL) || !is_dupe(U_NAME, clean_param('realname')))) { = clean_param('realname'); } else if (required(UQ_REALNAME)) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_invalid_name); } // UQ_NOCOMMAS should be checked and acted on if (valid_param('location', MIN_LOCATION, LEN_LOCATION)) { prepUser.location = clean_param('location'); } else if (required(UQ_LOCATION)) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_invalid_location); } if (valid_param('address', MIN_ADDRESS, LEN_ADDRESS) && valid_param('zipcode', 3, LEN_ADDRESS)) { prepUser.address = clean_param('address'); prepUser.zipcode = clean_param('zipcode'); } else if (required(UQ_ADDRESS)) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_invalid_street_address); } // Validate? Who cares? if (valid_param('phone', MIN_PHONE, LEN_PHONE)) { = clean_param('phone'); } else if (required(UQ_PHONE)) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_invalid_phone); } if (valid_param('gender', 1, 1) && ['X', 'M', 'F', 'O'].indexOf(request.get_param('gender')) > -1) { prepUser.gender = clean_param('gender'); } else if (required(UQ_SEX)) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_invalid_gender); } if (request.has_param('birth') && clean_param('birth').match(/^\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d$/) !== null) { // Should really test for valid date (and date format per system config) prepUser.birthdate = clean_param('birth'); } else if (required(UQ_BIRTH)) { reply.errors.push(locale.strings.api_register.error_invalid_birthdate); } if (reply.errors.length < 1) newUser(); reply = JSON.stringify(reply); http_reply.header['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; http_reply.header['Content-Length'] = reply.length; write(reply); prepUser = undefined; reply = undefined;