/* This is a message reader/lister door for Synchronet.  Features include:
 * - Listing messages in the user's current message area with the ability to
 *   navigate forwards & backwards through the list (and for ANSI users, a
 *   lightbar interface will be used, or optionally can be set to use a more
 *   traditional interface for ANSI users)
 * - The user can select a message from the list to read and optionally reply to
 * - For ANSI users, reading messages is done with an enhanced user interface,
 *   with the ability to scroll up & down through the message, move to the next
 *   or previous message using the right & left arrow keys, display the message
 *   list to choose another message to read, etc.
 * - The ability to start up with the message list or reading messages in the
 *   user's current message area (AKA sub-board)
 * - Message searching
 * Author: Eric Oulashin (AKA Nightfox)
 * BBS: Digital Distortion
 * BBS address: digitaldistortionbbs.com (or digdist.bbsindex.com)
 * Date       Author            Description
 * 2014-09-13 Eric Oulashin     Started (based on my message lister script)

/* Command-line arguments (in -arg=val format, or -arg format to enable an
   -search: A search type.  Available options:
            keyword_search: Do a keyword search in message subject/body text (current message area)
            from_name_search: 'From' name search (current message area)
            to_name_search: 'To' name search (current message area)
            to_user_search: To user search (current message area)
            new_msg_scan: New message scan (prompt for current sub-board, current
                          group, or all)
            new_msg_scan_all: New message scan (all sub-boards)
			new_msg_scan_cur_grp: New message scan (current message group only)
            new_msg_scan_cur_sub: New message scan (current sub-board only)
			to_user_new_scan: Scan for new (unread) messages to the user (prompt
			                  for current sub-board, current group, or all)
			to_user_new_scan_all: Scan for new (unread) messages to the user
			                      (all sub-boards)
			to_user_new_scan_cur_grp: Scan for new (unread) messages to the user
			                          (current group)
            to_user_new_scan_cur_sub: Scan for new (unread) messages to the user
			                          (current sub-board)
			to_user_all_scan: Scan for all messages to the user (prompt for current
			                  sub-board, current group, or all)
            prompt: Prompt the user for one of several search/scan options to
                    choose from
        Note that if the -personalEmail option is specified (to read personal
        email), the only valid search types are keyword_search and
   -suppressSearchTypeText: Disable the search type text that would appear
                            above searches or scans (such as "New To You
                            Message Scan", etc.)
   -startMode: Startup mode.  Available options:
               list (or lister): Message list mode
               read (or reader): Message read mode
   -configFilename: Specifies the name of the configuration file to use.
                    Defaults to DDMsgReader.cfg.
   -personalEmail: Read personal email to the user.  This is a true/false value.
                   It doesn't need to explicitly have a =true or =false afterward;
                   simply including -personalEmail will enable it.  If this is specified,
				   the -chooseAreaFirst and -subBoard options will be ignored.
   -personalEmailSent: Read personal email to the user.  This is a true/false
                       value.  It doesn't need to explicitly have a =true or =false
                       afterward; simply including -personalEmailSent will enable it.
   -chooseAreaFirst: Display the message area chooser before reading/listing
                     messages.  This is a true/false value.  It doesn't need
                     to explicitly have a =true or =false afterward; simply
                     including -chooseAreaFirst will enable it.  If -personalEmail
					 or -subBoard is specified, then this option won't have any
	-subBoard: The sub-board (internal code or number) to read, other than the user's
               current sub-board. If this is specified, the -chooseAreaFirst option
			   will be ignored.
	-verboseLogging: Enable logging to the system log & node log.  Currently, there
	                 isn't much that will be logged, but more log messages could be
					 added in the future.

// TODO:
// - Idea for future release: Add some extra functionality to the enhanced
//   reader interface (perhaps accessible on their own small menu or via
//   CTRL hotkeys):
//   - Forward the current message (to username, user #, internet email address,
//     FTN email address, QWK email address, etc.)
//   - Save the message to the BBS computer (sysop only)

load("text.js"); // Text string definitions (referencing text.dat)

// This script requires Synchronet version 3.15 or higher.
// Exit if the Synchronet version is below the minimum.
if (system.version_num < 31500)
	var message = "\1n\1h\1y\1i* Warning:\1n\1h\1w Digital Distortion Message Reader "
	             + "requires version \1g3.15\1w or\r\n"
	             + "higher of Synchronet.  This BBS is using version \1g" + system.version
	             + "\1w.  Please notify the sysop.";

// Constants
var READER_VERSION = "1.0 Beta 81";
var READER_DATE = "2015-05-05";

// Keyboard key codes for displaying on the screen
var UP_ARROW = ascii(24);
var DOWN_ARROW = ascii(25);
var LEFT_ARROW = ascii(17);
var RIGHT_ARROW = ascii(16);
// PageUp & PageDown keys - Not real key codes, but codes defined
// to be used & recognized in this script
var KEY_PAGE_UP = "\1PgUp";
var KEY_PAGE_DOWN = "\1PgDn";
// Ctrl keys for input
var CTRL_A = "\x01";
var CTRL_B = "\x02";
var CTRL_C = "\x03";
var CTRL_D = "\x04";
var CTRL_E = "\x05";
var CTRL_F = "\x06";
var CTRL_G = "\x07";
var BEEP = CTRL_G;
var CTRL_H = "\x08";
var CTRL_I = "\x09";
var TAB = CTRL_I;
var CTRL_J = "\x0a";
var CTRL_K = "\x0b";
var CTRL_L = "\x0c";
var CTRL_M = "\x0d";
var CTRL_N = "\x0e";
var CTRL_O = "\x0f";
var CTRL_P = "\x10";
var CTRL_Q = "\x11";
var XOFF = CTRL_Q;
var CTRL_R = "\x12";
var CTRL_S = "\x13";
var XON = CTRL_S;
var CTRL_T = "\x14";
var CTRL_U = "\x15";
var CTRL_V = "\x16";
var CTRL_W = "\x17";
var CTRL_X = "\x18";
var CTRL_Y = "\x19";
var CTRL_Z = "\x1a";
//var KEY_ESC = "\x1b";
var KEY_ESC = ascii(27);
// These are defined in sbbsdefs.js:
//var	  KEY_UP		='\x1e';	// ctrl-^ (up arrow)
//var	  KEY_DOWN		='\x0a';	// ctrl-j (dn arrow)
//var   KEY_RIGHT		='\x06';	// ctrl-f (rt arrow)
//var	  KEY_LEFT		='\x1d';	// ctrl-] (lf arrow)
//var	  KEY_HOME		='\x02';	// ctrl-b (home)
//var   KEY_END       ='\x05';	// ctrl-e (end)
//var   KEY_DEL       ='\x7f';    // (del)

// Characters for display
// Box-drawing/border characters: Single-line
var T_SINGLE = "�";
var LEFT_T_SINGLE = "�";
var RIGHT_T_SINGLE = "�";
var BOTTOM_T_SINGLE = "�";
var CROSS_SINGLE = "�";
// Box-drawing/border characters: Double-line
var T_DOUBLE = "�";
var LEFT_T_DOUBLE = "�";
var RIGHT_T_DOUBLE = "�";
var BOTTOM_T_DOUBLE = "�";
var CROSS_DOUBLE = "�";
// Box-drawing/border characters: Vertical single-line with horizontal double-line
// Other special characters
var DOT_CHAR = "�";
var CHECK_CHAR = "�";
var BLOCK1 = "�"; // Dimmest block
var BLOCK2 = "�";
var BLOCK3 = "�";
var BLOCK4 = "�"; // Brightest block

const ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS = 1500;

// gIsSysop stores whether or not the user is a sysop.
var gIsSysop = user.compare_ars("SYSOP"); // Whether or not the user is a sysop
// Store whether or not the Synchronet compile date is at least May 12, 2013
// so that we don't have to call compileDateAtLeast2013_05_12() multiple times.
var gSyncCompileDateAtLeast2013_05_12 = compileDateAtLeast2013_05_12();
// Reader mode definitions:
// Search types
const SEARCH_NONE = -1;

// Threading types
const THREAD_BY_ID = 15;
const THREAD_BY_TITLE = 16;
const THREAD_BY_AUTHOR = 17;
const THREAD_BY_TO_USER = 18;

// Reader mode - Actions
const ACTION_NONE = 19;
const ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG = 20;
const ACTION_GO_LAST_MSG = 24;
const ACTION_QUIT = 29;

// Strings for the various message attributes (used by makeAllAttrStr(),
// makeMainMsgAttrStr(), makeAuxMsgAttrStr(), and makeNetMsgAttrStr())
var gMainMsgAttrStrs = new Object();
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_DELETE] = "Del";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_PRIVATE] = "Priv";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_READ] = "Read";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_PERMANENT] = "Perm";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_LOCKED] = "Lock";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_ANONYMOUS] = "Anon";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_KILLREAD] = "Killread";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_MODERATED] = "Mod";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_VALIDATED] = "Valid";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_REPLIED] = "Repl";
gMainMsgAttrStrs[MSG_NOREPLY] = "NoRepl";
var gAuxMsgAttrStrs = new Object();
gAuxMsgAttrStrs[MSG_FILEREQUEST] = "Freq";
gAuxMsgAttrStrs[MSG_FILEATTACH] = "Attach";
gAuxMsgAttrStrs[MSG_TRUNCFILE] = "TruncFile";
gAuxMsgAttrStrs[MSG_KILLFILE] = "KillFile";
gAuxMsgAttrStrs[MSG_RECEIPTREQ] = "RctReq";
gAuxMsgAttrStrs[MSG_CONFIRMREQ] = "ConfReq";
gAuxMsgAttrStrs[MSG_NODISP] = "NoDisp";
var gNetMsgAttrStrs = new Object();
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_LOCAL] = "FromLocal";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_INTRANSIT] = "Transit";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_SENT] = "Sent";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_KILLSENT] = "KillSent";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_ARCHIVESENT] = "ArcSent";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_HOLD] = "Hold";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_CRASH] = "Crash";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_IMMEDIATE] = "Now";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_DIRECT] = "Direct";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_GATE] = "Gate";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_ORPHAN] = "Orphan";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_FPU] = "FPU";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_TYPELOCAL] = "ForLocal";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_TYPEECHO] = "ForEcho";
gNetMsgAttrStrs[MSG_TYPENET] = "ForNetmail";

// Determine the script's startup directory.
// This code is a trick that was created by Deuce, suggested by Rob Swindell
// as a way to detect which directory the script was executed in.  I've
// shortened the code a little.
var gStartupPath = '.';
try { throw dig.dist(dist); } catch(e) { gStartupPath = e.fileName; }
gStartupPath = backslash(gStartupPath.replace(/[\/\\][^\/\\]*$/,''));

// See if we're running in Windows or not.  Until early 2015, the word_wrap()
// function seemed to have a bug where the wrapping length in Linux was one
// less than what it uses in Windows).  That seemed to be fixed in one of the
// Synchronet 3.16 builds in early 2015.
var gRunningInWindows = /^WIN/.test(system.platform.toUpperCase());

// Script execution code

// Parse the command-line arguments
var gCmdLineArgVals = parseArgs(argv);
// Check to see if the command-line argument for reading personal email is enabled
var gListPersonalEmailCmdLineOpt = ((gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("personalemail") && gCmdLineArgVals.personalemail) ||
                                    (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("personalemailsent") && gCmdLineArgVals.personalemailsent));
// If the command-line parameter "search" is specified as "prompt", then
// prompt the user for the type of search to perform.
var doDDMR = true; // If the user doesn't choose a search type, this will be set to false
if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("search") && (gCmdLineArgVals["search"].toLowerCase() == "prompt"))
	console.print("\1cMessage search:");
	var allowedKeys = "";
	if (!gListPersonalEmailCmdLineOpt)
		allowedKeys = "ANKFTYUS";
		console.print(" \1g\1hN\1y = \1n\1cNew message scan");
		console.print(" \1g\1hK\1y = \1n\1cKeyword");
		console.print(" \1h\1gF\1y = \1n\1cFrom name");
		console.print(" \1h\1gT\1y = \1n\1cTo name");
		console.print(" \1h\1gY\1y = \1n\1cTo you");
		console.print(" \1h\1gU\1y = \1n\1cUnread (new) messages to you");
		console.print(" \1h\1gS\1y = \1n\1cScan for msgs to you");
		// Reading personal email - Allow fewer choices
		allowedKeys = "KF";
		console.print(" \1g\1hK\1y = \1n\1cKeyword");
		console.print(" \1h\1gF\1y = \1n\1cFrom name");
	console.print(" \1h\1gA\1y = \1n\1cAbort");
	console.print("\1n\1cMake a selection\1g\1h: \1c");
	// TODO: Check to see if keyword & from name search work when reading
	// personal email
	switch (console.getkeys(allowedKeys))
		case "N":
			gCmdLineArgVals["search"] = "new_msg_scan";
		case "K":
			gCmdLineArgVals["search"] = "keyword_search";
		case "F":
			gCmdLineArgVals["search"] = "from_name_search";
		case "T":
			gCmdLineArgVals["search"] = "to_name_search";
		case "Y":
			gCmdLineArgVals["search"] = "to_user_search";
		case "U":
			gCmdLineArgVals["search"] = "to_user_new_scan";
		case "S":
			gCmdLineArgVals["search"] = "to_user_all_scan";
		case "A": // Abort
			doDDMR = false;

if (doDDMR)
	// Create an instance of the DigDistMsgReader class and use it to read/list the
	// messages in the user's current sub-board.  Pass the parsed command-line
	// argument values object to its constructor.
	var readerSubCode = (gListPersonalEmailCmdLineOpt ? "mail" : bbs.cursub_code);
	// If the -subBoard option was specified and the "read personal email" option was
	// not specified, then use the sub-board specified by the -subBoard command-line
	// option.
	if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("subboard") && !gListPersonalEmailCmdLineOpt)
		// If the specified sub-board option is all digits, then treat it as the
		// sub-board number.  Otherwise, treat it as an internal sub-board code.
		if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(gCmdLineArgVals["subboard"]))
			readerSubCode = getSubBoardCodeFromNum(Number(gCmdLineArgVals["subboard"]));
			readerSubCode = gCmdLineArgVals["subboard"];
	var msgReader = new DigDistMsgReader(readerSubCode, gCmdLineArgVals);
	// If the option to choose a message area first was enabled on the command-line
	// (and neither the -subBoard nor the -personalEmail options were specified),
	// then let the user choose a sub-board now.
	if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("chooseareafirst") && gCmdLineArgVals["chooseareafirst"] && !gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("subboard") && !gListPersonalEmailCmdLineOpt)
	// Back up the user's current sub-board so that we can change back
	// to it after searching is done, if a search is done.
	var originalMsgGrpIdx = bbs.curgrp;
	var originalSubBoardIdx = bbs.cursub;
	var restoreOriginalSubCode = true;
	// Based on the reader's start mode/search type, do the appropriate thing.
	switch (msgReader.searchType)
			restoreOriginalSubCode = false;
			if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW);
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "S");
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "G");
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_NEW, SCAN_NEW, "A");
			if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD);
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "S");
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "G");
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU/*SCAN_CFG_YONLY*/, SCAN_UNREAD, "A");
			if (!gCmdLineArgVals.suppresssearchtypetext)
			msgReader.MessageAreaScan(SCAN_CFG_TOYOU, SCAN_TOYOU);

	// If we should restore the user's original message area, then do so.
	if (restoreOriginalSubCode)
		bbs.cursub = 0;
		bbs.curgrp = originalMsgGrpIdx;
		bbs.cursub = originalSubBoardIdx;

	// Before this script finishes, make sure the terminal attributes are set back
	// to normal (in case there are any attributes left on, such as background,
	// blink, etc.)

// End of script execution.  Functions below:

// DigDistMsgReader class stuff

// DigDistMsgReader class constructor: Constructs a
// DigDistMsgReader object, to be used for listing messages
// in a message area.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: Optional - The Synchronet sub-board code, or "mail"
//                 for personal email.
//  pScriptArgs: Optional - An object containing key/value pairs representing
//               the command-line arguments & values, as returned by parseArgs().
function DigDistMsgReader(pSubBoardCode, pScriptArgs)
	// startMode specifies the mode for the reader to start in - List mode
	// or reader mode, etc.  This is a setting that is read from the configuration
	// file.  The configuration file can be either READER_MODE_READ or
	// READER_MODE_LIST, but the optional "mode" parameter in pArgv can specify
	// another mode.
	this.startMode = READER_MODE_LIST;

	// msgSearchHdrs is an object containing message headers found via searching.
	// It is indexed by internal message area code.  Each internal code index
	// will specify an object containing the following properties:
	//  indexed: A standard 0-based array containing message headers
	this.msgSearchHdrs = new Object();
	this.searchString = ""; // To be used for message searching
	// this.searchType will specify the type of search:
	//  SEARCH_NONE (-1): No search
	//  SEARCH_KEYWORD: Keyword search in message subject & body
	//  SEARCH_FROM_NAME: Search by 'from' name
	//  SEARCH_TO_NAME_CUR_MSG_AREA: Search by 'to' name
	//  SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA: Search by 'to' name, to the current user
	//  SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN: New (unread) message scan (prompt the user for sub, group, or all)
	//  SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN_CUR_SUB: New (unread) message scan (current sub-board)
	//  SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN_CUR_GRP: New (unread) message scan (current message group)
	//  SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN_ALL: New (unread) message scan (all message sub-boards)
	//  SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN: New (unread) messages to the current user (prompt the user for sub, group, or all)
	//  SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_SUB: New (unread) messages to the current user (current sub-board)
	//  SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_GRP: New (unread) messages to the current user (current group)
	//  SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_ALL: New (unread) messages to the current user (all sub-board)
	//  SEARCH_ALL_TO_USER_SCAN: All messages to the current user
	this.searchType = SEARCH_NONE;

	this.subBoardCode = bbs.cursub_code; // The message sub-board code
	this.readingPersonalEmail = false;
	// A method to set subBoardCode and readingPersonalEmail
	this.setSubBoardCode = DigDistMsgReader_SetSubBoardCode;

	// this.colors will be an array of colors to use in the message list
	this.colors = getDefaultColors();
	this.msgbase = null;    // Will be a MsgBase object.
	this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser = false;
	if ((typeof(pSubBoardCode) == "string") && subBoardCodeIsValid(pSubBoardCode))
		this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
		if (gCmdLineArgVals.hasOwnProperty("personalemailsent") && gCmdLineArgVals.personalemailsent)
			this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser = true;

	// This property controls whether or not the user will be prompted to
	// continue listing messages after selecting a message to read.
	this.promptToContinueListingMessages = false;
	// Whether or not to prompt the user to confirm to read a message
	this.promptToReadMessage = false;

	// String lengths for the columns to write
	// Fixed field widths: Message number, date, and time
	this.MSGNUM_LEN = 4;
	this.DATE_LEN = 10; // i.e., YYYY-MM-DD
	this.TIME_LEN = 8;  // i.e., HH:MM:SS
	// Variable field widths: From, to, and subject (based on a screen width of
	// 80 columns)
	this.FROM_LEN = (console.screen_columns * (15/80)).toFixed(0);
	this.TO_LEN = (console.screen_columns * (15/80)).toFixed(0);
	this.SUBJ_LEN = (console.screen_columns * (22/80)).toFixed(0);

	// Whether or not the user chose to read a message
	this.readAMessage = false;
	// Whether or not the user denied confirmation to read a message
	this.deniedReadingMessage = false;

	// msgListUseLightbarListInterface specifies whether or not to use the lightbar
	// interface for the message list.  The lightbar interface will only be used if
	// the user's terminal supports ANSI.
	this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface = true;

	// Whether or not to use the scrolling interface when reading a message
	// (will only be used for ANSI terminals).
	this.scrollingReaderInterface = true;

	// reverseListOrder stores whether or not to arrange the message list descending
	// by date.
	this.reverseListOrder = false;

	// displayBoardInfoInHeader specifies whether or not to display
	// the message group and sub-board lines in the header at the
	// top of the screen (an additional 2 lines).
	this.displayBoardInfoInHeader = false;

	// msgList_displayMessageDateImported specifies whether or not to use the
	// message import date as the date displayed in the message list.  If false,
	// the message written date will be displayed.
	this.msgList_displayMessageDateImported = true;

	// The number of spaces to use for tab characters - Used in the
	// extended read mode
	this.numTabSpaces = 3;

	// Construct the header format string
	this.sHdrFormatStr = "%" + this.MSGNUM_LEN + "s %-" + this.FROM_LEN + "s %-"
	                   + this.TO_LEN + "s %-" + this.SUBJ_LEN + "s %-"
	                   + this.DATE_LEN + "s %-" + this.TIME_LEN + "s";
	// If the user's terminal doesn't support ANSI, then append a newline to
	// the end of the format string (we won't be able to move the cursor).
	if (!canDoHighASCIIAndANSI())
		this.sHdrFormatStr += "\r\n";

	// this.text is an object containing text used for various functionality.
	this.text = new Object();
	this.text.scrollbarBGChar = BLOCK1;
	this.text.scrollbarScrollBlockChar = BLOCK2;
	this.text.goToPrevMsgAreaPromptText = "\1n\1c\1hGo to the previous message area";
	this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText = "\1n\1c\1hGo to the next message area";
	this.text.newMsgScanText = "\1c\1hN\1n\1cew \1hM\1n\1cessage \1hS\1n\1ccan";
	this.text.newToYouMsgScanText = "\1c\1hN\1n\1cew \1hT\1n\1co \1hY\1n\1cou \1hM\1n\1cessage \1hS\1n\1ccan";
	this.text.allToYouMsgScanText = "\1c\1hA\1n\1cll \1hM\1n\1cessages \1hT\1n\1co \1hY\1n\1cou \1hS\1n\1ccan";
	this.text.scanScopePromptText = "\1n\1h\1wS\1n\1gub-board, \1h\1wG\1n\1group, or \1h\1wA\1n\1gll \1h(\1wENTER\1n\1g to cancel\1h)\1n\1g: \1h\1c";
	this.text.goToMsgNumPromptText = "\1n\1cGo to message # (or \1hENTER\1n\1c to cancel)\1g\1h: \1c";
	this.text.msgScanAbortedText = "\1n\1h\1cM\1n\1cessage scan \1h\1y\1iaborted\1n";
	this.text.deleteMsgNumPromptText = "\1n\1cNumber of the message to be deleted (or \1hENTER\1n\1c to cancel)\1g\1h: \1c";
	this.text.editMsgNumPromptText = "\1n\1cNumber of the message to be edited (or \1hENTER\1n\1c to cancel)\1g\1h: \1c";
	this.text.searchingSubBoardAbovePromptText = "\1n\1cSearching (current sub-board: \1b\1h%s\1n\1c)";
	this.text.searchingSubBoardText = "\1n\1cSearching \1h%s\1n\1c...";
	this.text.noMessagesInSubBoardText = "\1n\1h\1bThere are no messages in the area \1w%s\1b.";
	this.text.noSearchResultsInSubBoardText = "\1n\1h\1bNo messages were found in the area \1w%s\1b with the given search criteria.";
	this.text.msgScanCompleteText = "\1n\1h\1cM\1n\1cessage scan complete\1h\1g.\1n";
	this.text.invalidMsgNumText = "\1n\1y\1hInvalid message number: %d";
	this.text.readMsgNumPromptText = "\1n\1g\1h\1i* \1n\1cRead message #: \1h";
	this.text.msgHasBeenDeletedText = "\1n\1h\1g* \1yMessage #\1w%d \1yhas been deleted.";
	this.text.noKludgeLinesForThisMsgText = "\1n\1h\1yThere are no kludge lines for this message.";
	this.text.searchingPersonalMailText = "\1w\1hSearching personal mail\1n";
	this.text.searchTextPromptText = "\1cEnter the search text\1g\1h:\1n\1c ";
	this.text.fromNamePromptText = "\1cEnter the 'from' name to search for\1g\1h:\1n\1c ";
	this.text.toNamePromptText = "\1cEnter the 'to' name to search for\1g\1h:\1n\1c ";
	this.text.abortedText = "\1n\1y\1h\1iAborted\1n";
	this.text.loadingPersonalMailText = "\1n\1cLoading %s...";
	this.text.msgDelConfirmText = "\1n\1h\1yDelete\1n\1c message #\1h%d\1n\1c: Are you sure";
	this.text.msgDeletedText = "\1n\1cMessage #\1h%d\1n\1c has been marked for deletion.";
	this.text.cannotDeleteMsgText_notYoursNotASysop = "\1n\1h\1wCannot delete message #\1y%d \1wbecause it's not yours or you're not a sysop.";
	this.text.cannotDeleteMsgText_notLastPostedMsg = "\1n\1h\1g* \1yCannot delete message #%d. You can only delete your last message in this area.\1n";
	this.text.msgEditConfirmText = "\1n\1cEdit message #\1h%d\1n\1c: Are you sure";
	this.text.noPersonalEmailText = "\1n\1cYou have no messages.";

	// Set the methods for the object
	this.RefreshSearchResultMsgHdr = DigDistMsgReader_RefreshSearchResultMsgHdr;   // Refreshes a message header in the search results
	this.SearchMessages = DigDistMsgReader_SearchMessages; // Prompts the user for search text, then lists/reads messages, performing the search
	this.ReadMessages = DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessages;
	this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine;
	this.GoToPrevSubBoardForEnhReader = DigDistMsgReader_GoToPrevSubBoardForEnhReader;
	this.GoToNextSubBoardForEnhReader = DigDistMsgReader_GoToNextSubBoardForEnhReader;
	this.SetUpTraditionalMsgListVars = DigDistMsgReader_SetUpTraditionalMsgListVars;
	this.SetUpLightbarMsgListVars = DigDistMsgReader_SetUpLightbarMsgListVars;
	this.ListMessages = DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages;
	this.ListMessages_Traditional = DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional;
	this.ListMessages_Lightbar = DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Lightbar;
	this.ClearSearchData = DigDistMsgReader_ClearSearchData;
	this.ReadOrListSubBoard = DigDistMsgReader_ReadOrListSubBoard;
	this.PopulateHdrsIfSearch_DispErrorIfNoMsgs = DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsIfSearch_DispErrorIfNoMsgs;
	this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults = DigDistMsgReader_SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults;
	this.SearchTypeRequiresSearchText = DigDistMsgReader_SearchTypeRequiresSearchText;
	this.MessageAreaScan = DigDistMsgReader_MessageAreaScan;
	this.PromptContinueOrReadMsg = DigDistMsgReader_PromptContinueOrReadMsg;
	this.WriteMsgListScreenTopHeader = DigDistMsgReader_WriteMsgListScreenTopHeader;
	this.ReadMessage = DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessage;
	this.ReadMessageEnhanced = DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced;
	this.EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt = DigDistMsgReader_EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt;
	this.LookForNextOrPriorNonDeletedMsg = DigDistMsgReader_LookForNextOrPriorNonDeletedMsg;
	this.PrintMessageInfo = DigDistMsgReader_PrintMessageInfo;
	this.ListScreenfulOfMessages = DigDistMsgReader_ListScreenfulOfMessages;
	this.DisplayMsgListHelp = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayMsgListHelp;
	this.DisplayTraditionalMsgListHelp = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayTraditionalMsgListHelp;
	this.DisplayLightbarMsgListHelp = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayLightbarMsgListHelp;
	this.DisplayMessageListNotesHelp = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayMessageListNotesHelp;
	this.SetMsgListPauseTextAndLightbarHelpLine = DigDistMsgReader_SetMsgListPauseTextAndLightbarHelpLine;
	this.SetEnhancedReaderHelpLine = DigDistMsgReader_SetEnhancedReaderHelpLine;
	this.EditExistingMsg = DigDistMsgReader_EditExistingMsg;
	this.CanDelete = DigDistMsgReader_CanDelete;
	this.CanDeleteLastMsg = DigDistMsgReader_CanDeleteLastMsg;
	this.CanEdit = DigDistMsgReader_CanEdit;
	this.CanQuote = DigDistMsgReader_CanQuote;
	this.ReadConfigFile = DigDistMsgReader_ReadConfigFile;
	this.DisplaySyncMsgHeader = DigDistMsgReader_DisplaySyncMsgHeader;
	this.GetMsgHdrFilenameFull = DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrFilenameFull;
	this.GetMsgHdrByIdx = DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrByIdx;
	this.GetMsgHdrByMsgNum = DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrByMsgNum;
	this.GetMsgHdrByAbsoluteNum = DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrByAbsoluteNum;
	this.AbsMsgNumToIdx = DigDistMsgReader_AbsMsgNumToIdx;
	this.IdxToAbsMsgNum = DigDistMsgReader_IdxToAbsMsgNum;
	this.NumMessages = DigDistMsgReader_NumMessages;
	this.HighestMessageNum = DigDistMsgReader_HighestMessageNum;
	this.IsValidMessageNum = DigDistMsgReader_IsValidMessageNum;
	this.PromptForMsgNum = DigDistMsgReader_PromptForMsgNum;
	this.ParseMsgHdrLineAtCodes = DigDistMsgReader_ParseMsgHdrLineAtCodes;
	this.ReplaceSubjFormatStr = DigDistMsgReader_ReplaceSubjFormatStr;
	this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx = DigDistMsgReader_FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx;
	this.ChangeSubBoard = DigDistMsgReader_ChangeSubBoard;
	this.EnhancedReaderChangeSubBoard = DigDistMsgReader_EnhancedReaderChangeSubBoard;
	this.ReplyToMsg = DigDistMsgReader_ReplyToMsg;
	this.DoPrivateReply = DigDistMsgReader_DoPrivateReply;
	this.DisplayEnhancedReaderHelp = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedReaderHelp;
	this.DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr;
	this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar;
	this.UpdateEnhancedReaderScollbar = DigDistMsgReader_UpdateEnhancedReaderScollbar;
	this.MessageIsDeleted = DigDistMsgReader_MessageIsDeleted;
	this.MessageIsLastFromUser = DigDistMsgReader_MessageIsLastFromUser;
	this.DisplayEnhReaderError = DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhReaderError;
	this.EnhReaderPromptYesNo = DigDistMsgReader_EnhReaderPromptYesNo;
	this.DeleteMessage = DigDistMsgReader_DeleteMessage;
	this.GetExtdMsgHdrInfo = DigDistMsgReader_GetExtdMsgHdrInfo;
	this.GetMsgInfoForEnhancedReader = DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgInfoForEnhancedReader;
	this.GetLastReadMsgIdx = DigDistMsgReader_GetLastReadMsgIdx;
	this.GetScanPtrMsgIdx = DigDistMsgReader_GetScanPtrMsgIdx;
	this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub = DigDistMsgReader_SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub;
	this.RemoveFromSearchResults = DigDistMsgReader_RemoveFromSearchResults;
	this.FindThreadNextOffset = DigDistMsgReader_FindThreadNextOffset;
	this.FindThreadPrevOffset = DigDistMsgReader_FindThreadPrevOffset;

	// These two variables keep track of whether we're doing a message scan that spans
	// multiple sub-boards so that the enhanced reader function can enable use of
	// the > key to go to the next sub-board.
	this.doingMultiSubBoardScan = false;

	this.cfgFilename = "DDMsgReader.cfg";
	// Check the command-line arguments for a custom configuration file name
	// before reading the configuration file.
	var scriptArgsIsValid = (typeof(pScriptArgs) == "object");
	if (scriptArgsIsValid && pScriptArgs.hasOwnProperty("configfilename"))
		this.cfgFilename = scriptArgVals["configfilename"];
	// Read the settings from the config file
	this.cfgFileSuccessfullyRead = false;
	// Set any other values specified by the command-line parameters
	// Reader start mode - Read or list mode
	if (scriptArgsIsValid)
		if (pScriptArgs.hasOwnProperty("startmode"))
			var readerStartMode = readerModeStrToVal(pScriptArgs["startmode"]);
			if (readerStartMode != -1)
				this.startMode = readerStartMode;
		// Search mode
		if (pScriptArgs.hasOwnProperty("search"))
			var searchType = searchTypeStrToVal(pScriptArgs["search"]);
			if (searchType != SEARCH_NONE)
				this.searchType = searchType;
	// Color value adjusting (must be done after reading the config file in case
	// the color settings were changed from defaults)
	// Message list highlight colors: For each (except for the background),
	// prepend the normal attribute and append the background attribute to the end.
	// This is to ensure that high attributes don't affect the rest of the line and
	// the background attribute stays for the rest of the line.
	this.colors.msgListMsgNumHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.msgListMsgNumHighlightColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor;
	this.colors.msgListFromHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.msgListFromHighlightColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor;
	this.colors.msgListToHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.msgListToHighlightColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor;
	this.colors.msgListSubjHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.msgListSubjHighlightColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor;
	this.colors.msgListDateHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.msgListDateHighlightColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor;
	this.colors.msgListTimeHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.msgListTimeHighlightColor + this.colors.msgListHighlightBkgColor;
	// Similar for the area chooser lightbar highlight colors
	this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumHighlightColor + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor;
	this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDescHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDescHighlightColor + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor;
	this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDateHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDateHighlightColor + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor;
	this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaTimeHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaTimeHighlightColor + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor;
	this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsHighlightColor = "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsHighlightColor + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor;
	// Similar for the enhanced reader help line colors
	this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor = "\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor;
	this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor = "\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor;
	this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor = "\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor;
	// Similar for the lightbar message list help line colors
	this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor = "\1n" + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineBkgColor;
	this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor = "\1n" + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineBkgColor;
	this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor = "\1n" + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineBkgColor;
	// Similar for the lightbar area chooser help line colors
	this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor = "\1n" + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineBkgColor;
	this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor = "\1n" + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineBkgColor;
	this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor = "\1n" + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineBkgColor;
	// Prepend most of the text strings with the normal attribute (if they don't
	// have it already) to make sure the correct colors are used.
	for (var prop in this.text)
		if ((prop != "scrollbarBGChar") && (prop != "scrollbarScrollBlockChar"))
			if ((this.text[prop].length > 0) && (this.text[prop].charAt(0) != "\1n"))
				this.text[prop] = "\1n" + this.text[prop];

	// this.tabReplacementText will be the text that tabs will be replaced
	// with in enhanced reader mode
	this.tabReplacementText = format("%" + this.numTabSpaces + "s", "");

	// Construct the message information format string.  These must be done after
	// reading the configuration file, because the configuration file specifies the
	// colors to use.
	this.sMsgInfoFormatStr = this.colors.msgListMsgNumColor + "%" + this.MSGNUM_LEN + "d%s"
	                       + this.colors.msgListFromColor + "%-" + this.FROM_LEN + "s "
	                       + this.colors.msgListToColor + "%-" + this.TO_LEN + "s "
	                       + this.colors.msgListSubjectColor + "%-" + this.SUBJ_LEN + "s "
	                       + this.colors.msgListDateColor + "%-" + this.DATE_LEN + "s "
	                       + this.colors.msgListTimeColor + "%-" + this.TIME_LEN + "s";
	// Message information format string with colors to use when the message is
	// written to the user.
	this.sMsgInfoToUserFormatStr = this.colors.msgListToUserMsgNumColor + "%" + this.MSGNUM_LEN + "d%s"
	                             + this.colors.msgListToUserFromColor
	                             + "%-" + this.FROM_LEN + "s " + this.colors.msgListToUserToColor + "%-"
	                             + this.TO_LEN + "s " + this.colors.msgListToUserSubjectColor + "%-"
	                             + this.SUBJ_LEN + "s " + this.colors.msgListToUserDateColor
	                             + "%-" + this.DATE_LEN + "s " + this.colors.msgListToUserTimeColor
	                             + "%-" + this.TIME_LEN + "s";
	// Message information format string with colors to use when the message is
	// from the user.
	this.sMsgInfoFromUserFormatStr = this.colors.msgListFromUserMsgNumColor + "%" + this.MSGNUM_LEN + "d%s"
	                               + this.colors.msgListFromUserFromColor
	                               + "%-" + this.FROM_LEN + "s " + this.colors.msgListFromUserToColor + "%-"
	                               + this.TO_LEN + "s " + this.colors.msgListFromUserSubjectColor + "%-"
	                               + this.SUBJ_LEN + "s " + this.colors.msgListFromUserDateColor
	                               + "%-" + this.DATE_LEN + "s " + this.colors.msgListFromUserTimeColor
	                               + "%-" + this.TIME_LEN + "s";
	// Highlighted message information line for the message list (used for the
	// lightbar interface)
	this.sMsgInfoFormatHighlightStr = this.colors.msgListMsgNumHighlightColor
	                                + "%" + this.MSGNUM_LEN + "d%s"
	                                + this.colors.msgListFromHighlightColor + "%-" + this.FROM_LEN
	                                + "s " + this.colors.msgListToHighlightColor + "%-" + this.TO_LEN + "s "
	                                + this.colors.msgListSubjHighlightColor + "%-" + this.SUBJ_LEN + "s "
	                                + this.colors.msgListDateHighlightColor + "%-" + this.DATE_LEN + "s "
	                                + this.colors.msgListTimeHighlightColor + "%-" + this.TIME_LEN + "s";

	// If the user's terminal doesn't support ANSI, then append a newline to
	// the end of the format string (we won't be able to move the cursor).
	if (!canDoHighASCIIAndANSI())
		this.sMsgInfoFormatStr += "\r\n";
		this.sMsgInfoToUserFormatStr += "\r\n";
		this.sMsgInfoFromUserFormatStr += "\r\n";
		this.sMsgInfoFormatHighlightStr += "\r\n";
	// Enhanced reader help line (will be set up in
	// DigDistMsgReader_SetEnhancedReaderHelpLine())
	this.enhReadHelpLine = "";

	// Read the enhanced message header file and populate this.enhMsgHeaderLines,
	// the header text for enhanced reader mode.  The enhanced reader header file
	// name will start with 'enhMsgHeader', and there can be multiple versions for
	// different terminal widths (i.e., msgHeader_80.ans for an 80-column console
	// and msgHeader_132 for a 132-column console).
	this.enhMsgHeaderLines = new Array();
	var enhHsgHdrFileExists = true;
	var enhMsgHdrFilenameBase = "enhMsgHeader";
	var enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath = gStartupPath + enhMsgHdrFilenameBase;
	// See if there is a header file that is made for the user's terminal
	// width (msgHeader-<width>.ans/asc).  If not, then just go with
	// msgHeader.ans/asc.
	var enhMsgHdrFilename = "";
	if (file_exists(enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".ans"))
		enhMsgHdrFilename = enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".ans";
	else if (file_exists(enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".asc"))
		enhMsgHdrFilename = enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".asc";
	else if (file_exists(enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + ".ans"))
		enhMsgHdrFilename = enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + ".ans";
	else if (file_exists(enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + ".asc"))
		enhMsgHdrFilename = enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + ".asc";
		// The enhanced reader header file doesn't exist, so provide some default
		// header lines.
		enhHsgHdrFileExists = false;
		// Group name: 20% of console width
		// Sub-board name: 34% of console width
		var msgGrpNameLen = Math.floor(console.screen_columns * 0.2);
		var subBoardNameLen = Math.floor(console.screen_columns * 0.34);
		var hdrLine1 = "\1n\1h\1c" + UPPER_LEFT_SINGLE + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + "\1n\1c"
		             + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + " \1h@GRP-L";
		var numChars = msgGrpNameLen - 7;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
			hdrLine1 += "#";
		hdrLine1 += "@ @SUB-L";
		numChars = subBoardNameLen - 7;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
			hdrLine1 += "#";
		hdrLine1 += "@\1k";
		numChars = console.screen_columns - console.strlen(hdrLine1) - 4;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
		hdrLine1 += "\1n\1c" + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + "\1h"
		var hdrLine2 = "\1n\1c" + VERTICAL_SINGLE + "\1h\1k" + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2
		             + BLOCK3 + "\1gM\1n\1gsg#\1h\1c: \1b@MSG_NUM_AND_TOTAL-L";
		numChars = console.screen_columns - 32;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
			hdrLine2 += "#";
		hdrLine2 += "@\1n\1c" + VERTICAL_SINGLE;
		var hdrLine3 = "\1n\1h\1k" + VERTICAL_SINGLE + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2 + BLOCK3
		             + "\1gF\1n\1grom\1h\1c: \1b@MSG_FROM-L";
		numChars = console.screen_columns - 23;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
			hdrLine3 += "#";
		hdrLine3 += "@\1k" + VERTICAL_SINGLE;
		var hdrLine4 = "\1n\1h\1k" + VERTICAL_SINGLE + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2 + BLOCK3
		             + "\1gT\1n\1go  \1h\1c: \1b@MSG_TO-L";
		numChars = console.screen_columns - 21;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
			hdrLine4 += "#";
		hdrLine4 += "@\1k" + VERTICAL_SINGLE;
		var hdrLine5 = "\1n\1h\1k" + VERTICAL_SINGLE + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2 + BLOCK3
		             + "\1gS\1n\1gubj\1h\1c: \1b@MSG_SUBJECT-L";
		numChars = console.screen_columns - 26;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
			hdrLine5 += "#";
		hdrLine5 += "@\1k" + VERTICAL_SINGLE;
		var hdrLine6 = "\1n\1c" + VERTICAL_SINGLE + "\1h\1k" + BLOCK1 + BLOCK2 + BLOCK3
		             + "\1gD\1n\1gate\1h\1c: \1b@MSG_DATE-L";
		numChars = console.screen_columns - 23;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
			hdrLine6 += "#";
		hdrLine6 += "@\1n\1c" + VERTICAL_SINGLE;
		var hdrLine7 = "\1n\1h\1c" + BOTTOM_T_SINGLE + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + "\1n\1c"
		             + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + "\1h\1k";
		numChars = console.screen_columns - 8;
		for (var i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
		hdrLine7 += "\1c" + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + HORIZONTAL_SINGLE + "\1h"
	if (enhHsgHdrFileExists)
		// If the header file is ANSI, then convert it to Synchronet attribute
		// codes and read that file instead.  This is done so that this script can
		// accurately get the file line lengths using console.strlen().
		var syncConvertedHdrFilename = enhMsgHdrFilenameBaseFullPath + "_converted.asc";
		if (!file_exists(syncConvertedHdrFilename))
			var dotIdx = enhMsgHdrFilename.lastIndexOf(".");
			if (dotIdx > -1)
				// If header file is ANSI, then convert it to Synchronet attribute
				// format and save it as an .asc file.  Otherwise, just use the
				// header file without conversion since it's already ASCII or
				// Synchronet attribute code format.
				var isANSI = (enhMsgHdrFilename.substr(dotIdx+1).toUpperCase() == "ANS");
				if (isANSI)
					var filenameBase = enhMsgHdrFilename.substr(0, dotIdx);
					var cmdLine = system.exec_dir + "ans2asc \"" + enhMsgHdrFilename + "\" \""
					            + syncConvertedHdrFilename + "\"";
					// Note: Both system.exec(cmdLine) and
					// bbs.exec(cmdLine, EX_NATIVE, gStartupPath) could be used to
					// execute the command, but system.exec() seems noticeably faster.
					syncConvertedHdrFilename = enhMsgHdrFilename;
		// Read the header file into this.enhMsgHeaderLines
		var hdrFile = new File(syncConvertedHdrFilename);
		if (hdrFile.open("r"))
			var fileLine = null;
			while (!hdrFile.eof && (this.enhMsgHeaderLines.length <= 10))
				// Read the next line from the header file.
				fileLine = hdrFile.readln(2048);
				// fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
				// where it isn't, so check its type.
				if (typeof(fileLine) != "string")

				// Make sure the line isn't longer than the user's terminal
				//if (fileLine.length > console.screen_columns)
				//   fileLine = fileLine.substr(0, console.screen_columns);
	// Save the enhanced reader header width
	this.enhMsgHeaderWidth = 0;
	if (this.enhMsgHeaderLines.length > 0)
		this.enhMsgHeaderWidth = console.strlen(this.enhMsgHeaderLines[0]);
	// Message display area information
	this.msgAreaTop = this.enhMsgHeaderLines.length + 1;
	this.msgAreaBottom = console.screen_rows-1;  // The last line of the message area
	// msgAreaLeft and msgAreaRight are the rightmost and leftmost columns of the
	// message area, respectively.  These are 1-based.  1 is subtracted from
	// msgAreaRight to leave room for the scrollbar in enhanced reader mode.
	this.msgAreaLeft = 1;
	this.msgAreaRight = console.screen_columns - 1;
	this.msgAreaWidth = this.msgAreaRight - this.msgAreaLeft + 1;
	this.msgAreaHeight = this.msgAreaBottom - this.msgAreaTop + 1;

	// Things related to changing to a different message group & sub-board

	// In the message area lists (for changing to another message area), the
	// date & time of the last-imported message will be shown.
	// msgAreaList_lastImportedMsg_showImportTime is a boolean to specify
	// whether or not to use the import time for the last-imported message.
	// If false, the message written time will be used.
	this.msgAreaList_lastImportedMsg_showImportTime = true;

	// These variables store the lengths of the various columns displayed in
	// the message group/sub-board lists.
	// Sub-board info field lengths
	this.areaNumLen = 4;
	this.numItemsLen = 4;
	this.dateLen = 10; // i.e., YYYY-MM-DD
	this.timeLen = 8;  // i.e., HH:MM:SS
	// Sub-board name length - This should be 47 for an 80-column display.
	this.subBoardNameLen = console.screen_columns - this.areaNumLen -
	this.numItemsLen - this.dateLen - this.timeLen - 7;
	// Message group description length (67 chars on an 80-column screen)
	this.msgGrpDescLen = console.screen_columns - this.areaNumLen -
	this.numItemsLen - 5;

	// Some methods for choosing the message area
	this.WriteChgMsgAreaKeysHelpLine = DigDistMsgReader_WriteLightbarChgMsgAreaKeysHelpLine;
	this.WriteGrpListHdrLine = DigDistMsgReader_WriteGrpListTopHdrLine;
	this.WriteSubBrdListHdr1Line = DMsgAreaChooser_WriteSubBrdListHdr1Line;
	this.SelectMsgArea = DigDistMsgReader_SelectMsgArea;
	this.SelectMsgArea_Lightbar = DigDistMsgReader_SelectMsgArea_Lightbar;
	this.SelectSubBoard_Lightbar = DigDistMsgReader_SelectSubBoard_Lightbar;
	this.SelectMsgArea_Traditional = DigDistMsgReader_SelectMsgArea_Traditional;
	this.ListMsgGrps = DigDistMsgReader_ListMsgGrps_Traditional;
	this.ListSubBoardsInMsgGroup = DigDistMsgReader_ListSubBoardsInMsgGroup_Traditional;
	// Lightbar-specific methods
	this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps = DigDistMsgReader_listScreenfulOfMsgGrps;
	this.WriteMsgGroupLine = DigDistMsgReader_writeMsgGroupLine;
	this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader = DigDistMsgReader_updateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader;
	this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds = DigDistMsgReader_ListScreenfulOfSubBrds;
	this.WriteMsgSubBoardLine = DigDistMsgReader_WriteMsgSubBrdLine;
	// Choose Message Area help screen
	this.ShowChooseMsgAreaHelpScreen = DigDistMsgReader_showChooseMsgAreaHelpScreen;
	// Method to build the sub-board printf information for a message
	// group
	this.BuildSubBoardPrintfInfoForGrp = DigDistMsgReader_BuildSubBoardPrintfInfoForGrp;
	// Methods for calculating a page number for a message list item
	this.CalcTraditionalMsgListTopIdx = DigDistMsgReader_CalcTraditionalMsgListTopIdx;
	this.CalcLightbarMsgListTopIdx = DigDistMsgReader_CalcLightbarMsgListTopIdx;
	this.CalcMsgListScreenIdxVarsFromMsgNum = DigDistMsgReader_CalcMsgListScreenIdxVarsFromMsgNum;
	// A method for validating a user's choice of message area
	this.ValidateMsgAreaChoice = DigDistMsgReader_ValidateMsgAreaChoice;

	// printf strings for message group/sub-board lists
	// Message group information (printf strings)
	this.msgGrpListPrintfStr = "\1n " + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumColor + "%" + this.areaNumLen
	                         + "d " + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDescColor + "%-"
	                         + this.msgGrpDescLen + "s " + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsColor
	                         + "%" + this.numItemsLen + "d";
	this.msgGrpListHilightPrintfStr = "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor + " "
	                                + "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor
	                                + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumHighlightColor + "%" + this.areaNumLen
	                                + "d \1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor
	                                + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDescHighlightColor + "%-"
	                                + this.msgGrpDescLen + "s \1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor
	                                + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsHighlightColor + "%" + this.numItemsLen
	                                + "d";
	// Message group list header (printf string)
	this.msgGrpListHdrPrintfStr = this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaHeaderColor + "%6s %-"
	                            + +(this.msgGrpDescLen-8) + "s %-12s";
	// Sub-board information header (printf string)
	this.subBoardListHdrPrintfStr = this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaHeaderColor + " %5s %-"
	                              + +(this.subBoardNameLen-3) + "s %-7s %-19s";
	// Lightbar area chooser help line text
	// TODO: Account for wide terminals?
	this.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLine = "\1n"
	                          + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + ""
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + ""
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "ENTER"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "HOME"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "END"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "#"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "N"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + "ext pg, "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "P"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + "rev pg, "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "F"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + "irst pg, "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "L"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + "ast pg, "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Q"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor + "uit, "
							  + this.colors.lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor + "?   ";
	// this.subBoardListPrintfInfo will be an array of printf strings
	// for the sub-boards in the message groups.  The index is the
	// message group index.  The sub-board printf information is created
	// on the fly the first time the user lists sub-boards for a message
	// group.
	this.subBoardListPrintfInfo = new Array();

	// Variables to save the top message index for the traditional & lightbar
	// message lists.  Initialize them to -1 to mean the message list hasn't been
	// displayed yet - In that case, the lister will use the user's last
	// read pointer.
	this.tradListTopMsgIdx = -1;
	this.tradMsgListNumLines = console.screen_rows-3;
	if (this.displayBoardInfoInHeader)
		this.tradMsgListNumLines -= 2;
	this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = -1;
	this.lightbarMsgListNumLines = console.screen_rows-2;
	this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow = 2; // The first line number on the screen for the message list
	// If we will be displaying the message group and sub-board in the
	// header at the top of the screen (an additional 2 lines), then
	// update this.lightbarMsgListNumLines and this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow to
	// account for this.
	if (this.displayBoardInfoInHeader)
		this.lightbarMsgListNumLines -= 2;
		this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow += 2;
	// The selected message index for the lightbar message list (initially -1, will
	// be set in the lightbar list method)
	this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = -1;
	// The selected message cursor position for the lightbar message list (initially
	// null, will be set in the lightbar list message)
	this.lightbarListCurPos = null;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Sets the subBoardCode property and also
// sets the readingPersonalEmail property, a boolean for whether or not
// personal email is being read (whether the sub-board code is "mail")
// Parameters:
//  pSubCode: The sub-board code to set in the object
function DigDistMsgReader_SetSubBoardCode(pSubCode)
	this.subBoardCode = pSubCode;
	this.readingPersonalEmail = (this.subBoardCode == "mail");

// Refreshes a message header in the message header arrays in this.msgSearchHdrs.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgIndex: The index (0-based) of the message header
//  pAttrib: Optional - An attribute to apply.  If this is is not specified,
//           then the message header will be retrieved from the message base.
function DigDistMsgReader_RefreshSearchResultMsgHdr(pMsgIndex, pAttrib)
   if (typeof(pMsgIndex) != "number")

   if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode))
		var msgNum = pMsgIndex + 1;
      if (typeof(pAttrib) != "undefined")
         if (this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.hasOwnProperty(pMsgIndex))
            this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[pMsgIndex].attr = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[pMsgIndex].attr | pAttrib;
            var msgOffsetFromHdr = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[pMsgIndex].offset;
            this.msgbase.put_msg_header(true, msgOffsetFromHdr, this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[pMsgIndex]);
         var msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(pMsgIndex);
         if (this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.hasOwnProperty(pMsgIndex))
            this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[pMsgIndex] = msgHeader;
            this.msgbase.put_msg_header(true, msgHeader.offset, msgHeader);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Inputs search text from the user, then reads/lists
// messages, which will perform the search.
// Paramters:
//  pSearchModeStr A string to specify the lister mode to use - This can
//                 be one of the search modes to specify how to search:
//                 "keyword_search": Search the message subjects & bodies by keyword
//                 "from_name_search": Search messages by from name
//                 "to_name_search": Search messages by to name
//                 "to_user_search": Search messages by to name, to the logged-in user
//  pSubBoardCode: Optional - The Synchronet sub-board code, or "mail"
//                 for personal email.
function DigDistMsgReader_SearchMessages(pSearchModeStr, pSubBoardCode)
   // Convert the search mode string to an integer representing the search
   // mode.  If we get back -1, that means the search mode string was invalid.
   // If that's the case, simply list messages.  Otherwise, do the search.
   this.searchType = searchTypeStrToVal(pSearchModeStr);
   if (this.searchType == SEARCH_NONE) // No search; search mode string was invalid
      // Clear the search information and read/list messages.
      // The search mode string was valid, so go ahead and search.
      var subCode = (typeof(pSubBoardCode) == "string" ? pSubBoardCode : this.subBoardCode);
      if (subCode == "mail")
			console.print("\1n" + this.text.searchingPersonalMailText);
			console.print("\1n" + this.text.searchingSubBoardAbovePromptText.replace("%s", subBoardGrpAndName(bbs.cursub_code)) + "\1n");
      // Output the prompt text to the user (for modes where a prompt is needed)
      switch (this.searchType)
         case SEARCH_KEYWORD:
            console.print("\1n" + this.text.searchTextPromptText);
         case SEARCH_FROM_NAME:
            console.print("\1n" + this.text.fromNamePromptText);
            console.print("\1n" + this.text.toNamePromptText);
            // Note: No prompt needed for this - Will search for the user's name/handle
            console.line_counter = 0; // To prevent a pause before the message list comes up
      //var promptUserForText = this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults();
      var promptUserForText = this.SearchTypeRequiresSearchText();
      // Get the search text from the user
      if (promptUserForText)
         this.searchString = console.getstr(512, K_UPPER);
      // If the user was prompted for search text but no search text was entered,
      // then show an abort message and don't do anything.  Otherwise, go ahead
      // and list/read messages.
      if (promptUserForText && (this.searchString.length == 0))
         console.print("\1n" + this.text.abortedText);
			// List/read messages
         // Clear the search data so that subsequent listing or reading sessions
         // don't repeat the same search

// This function clears the search data from the object.
function DigDistMsgReader_ClearSearchData()
   this.searchType = SEARCH_NONE;
   this.searchString == "";
   if (this.msgSearchHdrs != null)
		for (var subCode in this.msgSearchHdrs)
			delete this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode].indexed;
			delete this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode];
		delete this.msgSearchHdrs;
		this.msgSearchHdrs = new Object();

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs message reading/listing.
// Depending on the value of this.startMode, starts in either reader
// mode or lister mode.  Uses an input loop to let the user switch
// between the two modes.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: Optional - The internal code of a sub-board to read.
//                 If not specified, the internal sub-board code specified
//                 when creating the object will be used.
//  pStartingMsgOffset: Optional - The offset of a message to start at
//  pAllowChgArea: Optional boolean - Whether or not to allow changing the
//                 message area
//  pReturnOnNextAreaNav: Optional boolean - Whether or not this method should
//                        return when it would move to the next message area due
//                        navigation from the user (i.e., with the right arrow key)
//  pPauseOnNoMsgSrchResults: Optional boolean - Whether or not to pause when
//                            a message search doesn't find any search results
//                            in the current sub-board.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               stoppedReading: Boolean - Whether or not the user stopped reading.
//                               This can also be true if there is an error.
function DigDistMsgReader_ReadOrListSubBoard(pSubBoardCode, pStartingMsgOffset,
                                              pAllowChgArea, pReturnOnNextAreaNav,
   var retObj = new Object();
   retObj.stoppedReading = false;

   // Set the sub-board code if applicable
   var previousSubBoardCode = this.subBoardCode;
   if (typeof(pSubBoardCode) == "string")
      if (subBoardCodeIsValid(pSubBoardCode))
         console.print("\1n\1h\1yWarning: \1wThe Message Reader connot continue because an invalid");
         console.print("sub-board code was specified (" + pSubBoardCode + "). Please notify the sysop.");
         retObj.stoppedReading = true;
         return retObj;
   // (re)-open the message base
   if (previousSubBoardCode != this.subBoardCode)
      if ((this.msgbase != null) && (this.msgbase.is_open))
      this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
   else if (this.msgbase == null)
       this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);

   // Open the sub-board.  If the message base was not opened, then output
   // an error and return.
	if (!this.msgbase.is_open && !this.msgbase.open())
      console.print("\1h\1y* \1wUnable to open message sub-board:");
      retObj.stoppedReading = true;
      return retObj;

	// Populate this.msgSearchHdrs for the current sub-board if there is a search
	// specified.  If there are no messages to read in the current sub-board, then
	// just return.
	var pauseOnNoSearchResults = (typeof(pPauseOnNoMsgSrchResults) == "boolean" ? pPauseOnNoMsgSrchResults : true);
	if (!this.PopulateHdrsIfSearch_DispErrorIfNoMsgs(true, true, pauseOnNoSearchResults))
		retObj.stoppedReading = false;
		return retObj;

	// Check the pAllowChgArea parameter.  If it's a boolean, then use it.  If
	// not, then check to see if we're reading personal mail - If not, then allow
	// the user to change to a different message area.
	var allowChgMsgArea = true;
	if (typeof(pAllowChgArea) == "boolean")
		allowChgMsgArea = pAllowChgArea;
		allowChgMsgArea = (this.subBoardCode != "mail");
	// If reading personal email and messages haven't been collected (searched)
	// yet, then do so now.
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail && (!this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode)))
		this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode] = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.msgbase, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser);

	// Determine whether to start in list or reader mode, depending
	// on the value of this.startMode.
	var readerMode = this.startMode;
	// User input loop
	var selectedMessageOffset = 0;
	if (typeof(pStartingMsgOffset) == "number")
		selectedMessageOffset = pStartingMsgOffset;
	else if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		// If reading personal mail, start at the first unread message index
		// (or the last message, if all messages have been read)
		if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
			selectedMessageOffset = this.GetLastReadMsgIdx(true);
			if ((selectedMessageOffset > -1) && (selectedMessageOffset < this.NumMessages() - 1))
			selectedMessageOffset = 0;
		selectedMessageOffset = -1;
	var otherRetObj = null;
	var continueOn = true;
	while (continueOn)
		switch (readerMode)
				// Call the ReadMessages method - DOn't change the sub-board,
				// and pass the selected index of the message to read.  If that
				// index is -1, the ReadMessages method will use the user's
				// last-read message index.
				otherRetObj = this.ReadMessages(null, selectedMessageOffset, true,
				                                allowChgMsgArea, pReturnOnNextAreaNav);
				// If the user wants to quit or if there was an error, then stop
				// the input loop.
				if (otherRetObj.stoppedReading)
					retObj.stoppedReading = true;
					continueOn = false;
				// If we're set to return on navigation to the next message area and
				// the user's last keypress was the right arrow key or next action
				// was to go to the next message area, then don't continue the input
				// loop, and also say that the user didn't stop reading.
				else if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav &&
				         ((otherRetObj.lastUserInput == KEY_RIGHT) || (otherRetObj.lastAction == ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA)))
					retObj.stoppedReading = false;
					continueOn = false;
				else if (otherRetObj.messageListReturn)
					readerMode = READER_MODE_LIST;
				// Note: Doing the message list is also handled in this.ReadMessages().
				// This code is here in case the reader is configured to start up
				// in list mode first.
				// Call the ListMessages method - Don't change the sub-board, and
				// have it return if the user chooses a message to read.
				otherRetObj = this.ListMessages(null, true, pAllowChgArea);
				// If the user wants to quit, set continueOn to false to get out
				// of the loop.  Otherwise, set the selected message offset to
				// what the user chose from the list.
				if (otherRetObj.lastUserInput == "Q")
					retObj.stoppedReading = true;
					continueOn = false;
					selectedMessageOffset = otherRetObj.selectedMsgOffset;
					readerMode = READER_MODE_READ;

   // Close the message base object (if it has not been closed already),
   // re-enable the normal text attribute, and clear the screen.
   if (this.msgbase != null)
      this.msgbase = null;

	return retObj;
// Helper for DigDistMsgReader_ReadOrListSubBoard(): Populates this.msgSearchHdrs
// if an applicable search type is specified; also, if there are no messages in
// the current sub-board, outputs an error to the user.
// Parameters:
//  pCloseMsgbaseAndSetNullIfNoMsgs: Optional boolean - Whether or not to close the message
//                         base if there are no messages.  Defaults to true.
//  pOutputMessages: Boolean - Whether or not to output messages to the screen.
//                   Defaults to true.
//  pPauseOnNoMsgError: Optional boolean - Whether or not to pause for a keypress
//                      after displaying the "no messages" error.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not there are messages to read in the current
//               sub-board
function DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsIfSearch_DispErrorIfNoMsgs(pCloseMsgbaseAndSetNullIfNoMsgs,
                                                 pOutputMessages, pPauseOnNoMsgError)
	var thereAreMessagesToRead = true;

	var outputMessages = (typeof(pOutputMessages) == "boolean" ? pOutputMessages : true);

	// If a search is is specified that would populate the search results, then
	// perform the message search for the current sub-board.
	if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
		if (!this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode))
			// TODO: In case new messages were posted in this sub-board, it might help
			// to check the current number of messages vs. the previous number of messages
			// and search the new messages if there are more.
			if (outputMessages)
				if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
					console.print("\1n" + this.text.loadingPersonalMailText.replace("%s", subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode)));
					console.print(this.text.searchingSubBoardText.replace("%s", subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode)));
			this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode] = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.msgbase, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser);
		// There is no search is specified, so clear the search results for the
		// current sub-board to help ensure that there are messages to read.
		if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode))
			delete this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed;
			delete this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode];

	// If there are no messages to display in the current sub-board, then set the
	// return value and let the user know (if outputMessages is true).
	if (this.NumMessages() == 0)
		thereAreMessagesToRead = false;
		var closeMsgbase = (typeof(pCloseMsgbaseAndSetNullIfNoMsgs) == "boolean" ? pCloseMsgbaseAndSetNullIfNoMsgs : true);
		if (closeMsgbase)
			this.msgbase = null;
		if (outputMessages)
			if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
				if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode))
					console.print(this.text.noSearchResultsInSubBoardText.replace("%s", subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode)));
					console.print(this.text.noMessagesInSubBoardText.replace("%s", subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode)));
			var pauseOnNoMsgsError = (typeof(pPauseOnNoMsgError) == "boolean" ? pPauseOnNoMsgError : true);
			if (pauseOnNoMsgsError)

	return thereAreMessagesToRead;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether the search type is a type
// that would result in the search results structure being populated.  Search
// types where that wouldn't happen are SEARCH_NONE (no search) and any of the
// message scan search types.
function DigDistMsgReader_SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults()
	return (this.readingPersonalEmail || searchTypePopulatesSearchResults(this.searchType));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether the search type is a type
// that requires search text.  Search types that require search text are the
// keyword search, from name search, and to name search.  Search types that
// don't require search text are SEARCH_NONE (no search) & the message scan search
// types.
function DigDistMsgReader_SearchTypeRequiresSearchText()
	return searchTypeRequiresSearchText(this.searchType);

// Returns whether a search type value would populate search results.
// Parameters:
//  pSearchType: A search type integer value
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the search type would populate search
//               results
function searchTypePopulatesSearchResults(pSearchType)
	return ((pSearchType == SEARCH_KEYWORD) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_FROM_NAME) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_NAME_CUR_MSG_AREA) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN) ||
			(pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_SUB) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_GRP) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_ALL) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_ALL_TO_USER_SCAN));

// Returns whether a search type value requires search text.
// Parameters:
//  pSearchType: A search type integer value
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the search type requires search text
function searchTypeRequiresSearchText(pSearchType)
	return ((pSearchType == SEARCH_KEYWORD) ||
	         (pSearchType == SEARCH_FROM_NAME) ||
	         (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_NAME_CUR_MSG_AREA));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Scans the message area(s) for new messages,
// unread messages to the user, or all messages to the user.
// Parameters:
//  pScanCfgOpt: The scan configuration option to check for in the sub-boards
//               (from sbbsdefs.js). Supported values are SCAN_CFG_NEW (new
//               message scan) and SCAN_CFG_TOYOU (messages to the user).
//  pScanMode: The scan mode (from sbbsdefs.js).  Supported values are SCAN_NEW
//             (new message scan), SCAN_TOYOU (scan for all messages to the
//             user), and SCAN_UNREAD (scan for new messages to the user).
//  pScanScopeChar: Optional - A character (as a string) representing the scan
//                  scope: "S" for sub-board, "G" for group, or "A" for all.
//                  If this is not specified, the user will be prompted for the
//                  scan scope.
function DigDistMsgReader_MessageAreaScan(pScanCfgOpt, pScanMode, pScanScopeChar)
	var scanScopeChar = "";
	if ((typeof(pScanScopeChar) == "string") && /^[SGA]$/.test(pScanScopeChar))
		scanScopeChar = pScanScopeChar;
		// Prompt the user to scan in the current sub-board, the current message group,
		// or all.  Default to all.
		scanScopeChar = console.getkeys("SGAC").toString();
		// If the user just pressed Enter without choosing anything, then abort and return.
		if (scanScopeChar.length == 0)

	// Do some logging if verbose logging is enabled
	if (gCmdLineArgVals.verboselogging)
		var logMessage = "Doing a message area scan (";
		if (pScanCfgOpt == SCAN_CFG_NEW)
			// The only valid value for pScanMode in this case is SCAN_NEW, so no
			// need to check pScanMode to append more to the log message.
			logMessage += "new";
		else if (pScanCfgOpt == SCAN_CFG_TOYOU)
			// Valid values for pScanMode in this case are SCAN_UNREAD and SCAN_TOYOU.
			if (pScanMode == SCAN_UNREAD)
				logMessage += "unread messages to the user";
			else if (pScanMode == SCAN_TOYOU)
				logMessage += "all messages to the user";
		if (scanScopeChar == "A") // All sub-boards
			logMessage += ", all sub-boards";
		else if (scanScopeChar == "G") // Current message group
			logMessage += ", current message group (" +
			              msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].description + ")";
		else if (scanScopeChar == "S") // Current sub-board
			logMessage += ", current sub-board (" +
			              msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].description + " - " +
						  msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[bbs.cursub].description + ")";
		logMessage += ")";

	// Save the original search type, sub-board code, searched message headers,
	// etc. to be restored later
	var originalSearchType = this.searchType;
	var originalSubBoardCode = this.subBoardCode;
	var originalBBSCurGrp = bbs.curgrp;
	var originalBBSCurSub = bbs.cursub;
	var originalMsgSrchHdrs = this.msgSearchHdrs;

	// Make sure there is no search data

	// If the object's message base is currently open, then close it.  The object's
	// message base object will be used to open each sub-board to scan for & read
	// unread messages.
	if ((this.msgbase != null) && (this.msgbase.is_open))

	// Perform the message scan
	var continueNewScan = true;
	var userAborted = false;
	if (scanScopeChar == "A") // All sub-board scan
		this.doingMultiSubBoardScan = true;
		// Iterate through all message groups & sub-boards looking for ones with unread
		// messages.  When a sub-board with unread messages is found, then let the user
		// read messages in that sub-board.
		for (var grpIndex = 0; (grpIndex < msg_area.grp_list.length) && continueNewScan; ++grpIndex)
			// Group description: msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].description
			// Iterate through the sub-boards in this message group looking for unread messages
			for (var subIndex = 0; (subIndex < msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length) && continueNewScan; ++subIndex)
				// Set the console line counter to 0 to prevent screen pausing
				// when the "Searching ..." and "No messages were found" text is
				// displayed repeatedly
				console.line_counter = 0;
				// If the sub-board's access requirements allows the user to read it
				// and it's enabled in the user's message scan configuration, then go
				// ahead with this sub-board.
				// Note: Used to use this to determine whether the user could access the
				// sub-board:
				// Now using the can_read property.
				if (msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[subIndex].can_read &&
				    ((msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[subIndex].scan_cfg & pScanCfgOpt) == pScanCfgOpt))
					// Sub-board description: msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[subIndex].description
					// Open the sub-board and check for unread messages.  If there are any, then let
					// the user read the messages in the sub-board.
					this.msgbase = new MsgBase(msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[subIndex].code);
					if (this.msgbase.open())
						this.setSubBoardCode(msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[subIndex].code); // Needs to be set before getting the last read/scan pointer index

						// If the current sub-board contains only deleted messages,
						// then skip it.
						var scanPtrMsgIdx = this.GetScanPtrMsgIdx();
						var nonDeletedMsgsExist = (this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(scanPtrMsgIdx-1, true) > -1);
						if (!nonDeletedMsgsExist)

						// We might want the starting message index to be different
						// depending on the scan mode.
						switch (pScanMode)
							case SCAN_NEW:
								// Make sure the sub-board has some messages.  Let the user read it if
								// the scan pointer index is -1 (one unread message) or if it points to
								// a message within the number of messages in the sub-board.
								if ((this.msgbase.total_msgs > 0) && ((scanPtrMsgIdx == -1) || (scanPtrMsgIdx < this.msgbase.total_msgs-1)))
									bbs.curgrp = grpIndex;
									bbs.cursub = subIndex;
									// Start at the first unread message.
									var startMsgIdx = scanPtrMsgIdx + 1;
									if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
										startMsgIdx = 0;
									// Allow the user to read messages in this sub-board.  Don't allow
									// the user to change to a different message area, don't pause
									// when there's no search results in a sub-board, and return
									// instead of going to the next sub-board via navigation.
									var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, startMsgIdx, false, true, false);
									// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
									// message scan loops.
									if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
										continueNewScan = false;
										userAborted = true;
							case SCAN_TOYOU: // All messages to the user
								bbs.curgrp = grpIndex;
								bbs.cursub = subIndex;
								// Search for messages to the user in the current sub-board
								// and let the user read the sub-board if messages are
								// found.  Don't allow the user to change to a different
								// message area, don't pause when there's no search results
								// in a sub-board, and return instead of going to the next
								// sub-board via navigation.
								this.searchType = SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA;
								var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, 0, false, true, false);
								// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
								// message scan loops.
								if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
									continueNewScan = false;
									userAborted = true;
							case SCAN_UNREAD: // New (unread) messages to the user
								bbs.curgrp = grpIndex;
								bbs.cursub = subIndex;
								// Search for messages to the user in the current sub-board
								// and let the user read the sub-board if messages are
								// found.  Don't allow the user to change to a different
								// message area, don't pause when there's no search results
								// in a sub-board, and return instead of going to the next
								// sub-board via navigation.
								this.searchType = SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN;
								var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, 0, false, true, false);
								// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
								// message scan loops.
								if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
									continueNewScan = false;
									userAborted = true;

						if (this.msgbase != null)
	else if (scanScopeChar == "G") // Group scan
		this.doingMultiSubBoardScan = true;
		// Iterate through the sub-boards in the current message group looking for messages
		for (var subIndex = 0; (subIndex < msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list.length) && continueNewScan; ++subIndex)
			// Set the console line counter to 0 to prevent screen pausing
			// when the "Searching ..." and "No messages were found" text is
			// displayed repeatedly
			console.line_counter = 0;
			// If the sub-board's access requirements allows the user to read it
			// and it's enabled in the user's message scan configuration, then go
			// ahead with this sub-board.
			if (msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[subIndex].can_read &&
			    ((msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[subIndex].scan_cfg & pScanCfgOpt) == pScanCfgOpt))
				// Sub-board description: msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[subIndex].description
				// Open the sub-board and check for unread messages.  If there are any, then let
				// the user read the messages in the sub-board.
				this.msgbase = new MsgBase(msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[subIndex].code);
				if (this.msgbase.open())
					this.setSubBoardCode(msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[subIndex].code); // Needs to be set before the last read/scan pointer message

					// If the current sub-board contains only deleted messages,
					// then skip it.
					var scanPtrMsgIdx = this.GetScanPtrMsgIdx();
					var nonDeletedMsgsExist = (this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(scanPtrMsgIdx-1, true) > -1);
					if (!nonDeletedMsgsExist)

					// We might want the starting message index to be different
					// depending on the scan mode.
					switch (pScanMode)
						case SCAN_NEW:
							// Make sure the sub-board has some messages.  Let the user read it if
							// the scan pointer index is -1 (one unread message) or if it points to
							// a message within the number of messages in the sub-board.
							if ((this.msgbase.total_msgs > 0) && ((scanPtrMsgIdx == -1) || (scanPtrMsgIdx < this.msgbase.total_msgs-1)))
								bbs.cursub = subIndex;
								// Start at the first unread message.
								var startMsgIdx = scanPtrMsgIdx + 1;
								if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
									startMsgIdx = 0;
								// Allow the user to read messages in this sub-board.  Don't allow
								// the user to change to a different message area, don't pause
								// when there's no search results in a sub-board, and return
								// instead of going to the next sub-board via navigation.
								var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, startMsgIdx, false, true, false);
								// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
								// message scan loops.
								if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
									continueNewScan = false;
									userAborted = true;
						case SCAN_TOYOU: // All messages to the user
							bbs.cursub = subIndex;
							// Search for messages to the user in the current sub-board
							// and let the user read the sub-board if messages are found.
							// Don't allow the user to change to a different message
							// area, don't pause when there's no search results in a
							// sub-board, and return instead of going to the next sub-board
							// via navigation.
							this.searchType = SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA;
							var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, 0, false, true, false);
							// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
							// message scan loops.
							if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
								continueNewScan = false;
								userAborted = true;
						case SCAN_UNREAD: // New (unread) messages to the user
							bbs.cursub = subIndex;
							// Search for unread messages to the user in the current
							// sub-board and let the user read the sub-board if messages
							// are found.  Don't allow the user to change to a different
							// message area, don't pause when there's no search results
							// in a sub-board, and return instead of going to the next
							// sub-board via navigation.
							this.searchType = SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_GRP;
							var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, 0, false, true, false);
							// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
							// message scan loops.
							if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
								continueNewScan = false;
								userAborted = true;

					if (this.msgbase != null)
	else if (scanScopeChar == "S") // Current sub-board scan
		this.doingMultiSubBoardScan = false;
		// Make sure the user has access permissions for the current sub-board and
		// has it set up in their scan configuration before letting the user read
		// it.
		if (msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[bbs.cursub].can_read &&
		    ((msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[bbs.cursub].scan_cfg & pScanCfgOpt) == pScanCfgOpt))
			this.msgbase = new MsgBase(bbs.cursub_code);
			if (this.msgbase.open())
				this.setSubBoardCode(bbs.cursub_code); // Needs to be set before getting the last read/scan pointer message

				// Only scan this sub-board if it contains messages that are not
				// marked as deleted.
				var scanPtrMsgIdx = this.GetScanPtrMsgIdx();
				var nonDeletedMsgsExist = (this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(scanPtrMsgIdx-1, true) > -1);
				if (nonDeletedMsgsExist)
					// We might want the starting message index to be different
					// depending on the scan mode.
					switch (pScanMode)
						case SCAN_NEW:
							// Make sure the sub-board has some messages.  Let the user read it if
							// the scan pointer index is -1 (one unread message) or if it points to
							// a message within the number of messages in the sub-board.
							if ((this.msgbase.total_msgs > 0) && ((scanPtrMsgIdx == -1) || (scanPtrMsgIdx < this.msgbase.total_msgs-1)))
								if (this.subBoardCode != "mail")
									bbs.cursub = msg_area.sub[bbs.cursub_code].index;
								// Start at the first unread message.
								var startMsgIdx = scanPtrMsgIdx + 1;
								if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
									startMsgIdx = 0;
								// Allow the user to read messages in this sub-board.  Don't allow
								// the user to change to a different message area, don't pause
								// when there's no search results in a sub-board, and return
								// instead of going to the next sub-board via navigation.
								var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, startMsgIdx, false, true, true);
								userAborted = readRetObj.stoppedReading;
						case SCAN_TOYOU: // All messages to the user
							if (this.subBoardCode != "mail")
								bbs.cursub = msg_area.sub[bbs.cursub_code].index;
							// Set the search type to messages to the user and let the user
							// read the sub-board.  ReadOrListSubBoard() will do the search.
							// Don't allow the user to change to a different message area.
							this.searchType = SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA;
							var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, 0, false, true, true);
							userAborted = readRetObj.stoppedReading;
						case SCAN_UNREAD: // New (unread) messages to the user
							bbs.cursub = msg_area.sub[bbs.cursub_code].index;
							// Set the search type to messages to the user and let the user
							// read the sub-board.  ReadOrListSubBoard() will do the search.
							// Don't allow the user to change to a different message area.
							this.searchType = SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_SUB;
							bbs.cursub = msg_area.sub[bbs.cursub_code].index;
							var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, 0, false, true, true);
							userAborted = readRetObj.stoppedReading;

				if (this.msgbase != null)

	// Restore the original sub-board code, searched message headers, etc.
	this.searchType = originalSearchType;
	this.msgSearchHdrs = originalMsgSrchHdrs;
	bbs.curgrp = originalBBSCurGrp;
	bbs.cursub = originalBBSCurSub;
	if ((this.msgbase != null) && (this.msgbase.is_open))
	this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
	this.doingMultiSubBoardScan = false;

	if (userAborted)
		console.print("\1n" + this.text.msgScanAbortedText + "\1n");
		console.print("\1n" + this.text.msgScanCompleteText + "\1n");

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message reading activity.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: Optional - The internal code of a sub-board to read.
//                 If not specified, the internal sub-board code specified
//                 when creating the object will be used.
//  pStartingMsgOffset: Optional - The offset of a message to start at
//  pReturnOnMessageList: Optional boolean - Whether or not to quit when the
//                      user wants to list messages (used when this method
//                      is called from ReadOrListSubBoard()).
//  pAllowChgArea: Optional boolean - Whether or not to allow changing the
//                 message area
//  pReturnOnNextAreaNav: Optional boolean - Whether or not this method should
//                        return when it would move to the next message area due
//                        navigation from the user (i.e., with the right arrow
//                        key or with < (go to previous message area) or > (go
//                        to next message area))
// Return value: An object that has the following properties:
//               lastUserInput: The user's last keypress/input
//               lastAction: The last action chosen by the user based on their
//                           last keypress, etc.
//               stoppedReading: Boolean - Whether reading has stopped
//                               (due to user quitting, error, or otherwise)
//               messageListReturn: Boolean - Whether this method is returning for
//                                  the caller to display the message list.  This
//                                  will only be true when the pReturnOnMessageList
//                                  parameter is true and the user wants to list
//                                  messages.
function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessages(pSubBoardCode, pStartingMsgOffset, pReturnOnMessageList,
                                       pAllowChgArea, pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.lastUserInput = "";
	retObj.lastAction = ACTION_NONE;
	retObj.stoppedReading = false;
	retObj.messageListReturn = false;

	// If the passed-in sub-board code was different than what was set in the object before,
	// then open the new message sub-board.
	var previousSubBoardCode = this.subBoardCode;
	if (typeof(pSubBoardCode) == "string")
		if (subBoardCodeIsValid(pSubBoardCode))
			console.print("\1n\1h\1yWarning: \1wThe Message Reader connot continue because an invalid");
			console.print("sub-board code was specified (" + pSubBoardCode + "). Please notify the sysop.");
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
			return retObj;
	if (this.subBoardCode.length == 0)
		console.print("\1n\1h\1yWarning: \1wThe Message Reader connot continue because no message");
		console.print("sub-board was specified. Please notify the sysop.");
		retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		return retObj;
	if (previousSubBoardCode != this.subBoardCode)
		if ((this.msgbase != null) && (this.msgbase.is_open))
		this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
	else if (this.msgbase == null)
		this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);

	// If the message base was not opened, then output an error and return.
	if (!this.msgbase.is_open && !this.msgbase.open())
		console.print("\1h\1y* \1wUnable to open message sub-board:");
		retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		return retObj;

	// If there are no messages to display in the current sub-board, then let the
	// user know and exit.
	if (this.NumMessages() == 0)
		this.msgbase = null;
		console.center("\1n\1h\1yThere are no messages to display.");
		retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		return retObj;

	// Check the pAllowChgArea parameter.  If it's a boolean, then use it.  If
	// not, then check to see if we're reading personal mail - If not, then allow
	// the user to change to a different message area.
	var allowChgMsgArea = true;
	if (typeof(pAllowChgArea) == "boolean")
		allowChgMsgArea = pAllowChgArea;
		allowChgMsgArea = (this.subBoardCode != "mail");
	// If reading personal email and messages haven't been collected (searched)
	// yet, then do so now.
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail && (!this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode)))
		this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode] = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.msgbase, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser);

	// Determine the index of the message to start at.  This will be
	// pStartingMsgOffset if pStartingMsgOffset is valid, or the index
	// of the user's last-read message in this sub-board.
	var msgIndex = 0;
	if ((typeof(pStartingMsgOffset) == "number") && (pStartingMsgOffset >= 0) && (pStartingMsgOffset < this.NumMessages()))
		msgIndex = pStartingMsgOffset;
	else if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		msgIndex = 0;
		msgIndex = this.GetLastReadMsgIdx();
		if (msgIndex == -1)
			msgIndex = 0;

	// If the current message index is for a message that has been
	// deleted, then find the next non-deleted message.
	var testMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgIndex);
	if ((testMsgHdr == null) || ((testMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE))
		// First try going forward
		var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, true);
		// If a non-deleted message was not found, then try going backward.
		if (nonDeletedMsgIdx == -1)
			nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, false);
		// If a non-deleted message was found, then set msgIndex to it.
		// Otherwise, tell the user there are no messages in this sub-board
		// and return.
		if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
			msgIndex = nonDeletedMsgIdx;
			this.msgbase = null;
			console.center("\1h\1yThere are no messages to display.");
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
			return retObj;

	// Construct the hotkey help line (needs to be done after the message
	// base is open so that the delete & edit keys can be added correctly).

	// Message reading time!
	// Display the help line at the bottom of the screen
	if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
		this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
	// Input loop
	var msgHdr = null;
	var dateTimeStr = null;
	var screenY = 1; // For screen updates requiring more than one line
	var continueOn = true;
	var readMsgRetObj = null;
	// previousNextAction will store the next action from the previous iteration.
	// It is useful for some checks, such as when the current message is deleted,
	// we'll want to see if the user wanted to go to the previous message/area
	// for navigation purposes.
	var previousNextAction = ACTION_NONE;
	while (continueOn && (msgIndex >= 0) && (msgIndex < this.NumMessages()))
		// Display the message with the enhanced read method
		readMsgRetObj = this.ReadMessageEnhanced(msgIndex, allowChgMsgArea);
		retObj.lastUserInput = readMsgRetObj.lastKeypress;
		retObj.lastAction = readMsgRetObj.nextAction;
		if (!readMsgRetObj.offsetValid)
			// Invalid message offset, so quit
			continueOn = false;
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		// If the message is marked as deleted (not by the user), then go to the
		// next/previous message
		else if (readMsgRetObj.msgDeleted)
			// If the user's next action in the last iteration was to go to the
			// previous message, then go backwards; otherwise, go forward.
			if (previousNextAction == ACTION_GO_PREVIOUS_MSG)
				msgIndex = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, false);
				msgIndex = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, true);
			continueOn = ((msgIndex >= 0) && (msgIndex < this.NumMessages()));
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_QUIT) // Quit
			// Quit
			continueOn = false;
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		else if (readMsgRetObj.lastKeypress == "R")
			// Replying to the message is handled in ReadMessageEnhanced().
			// The help line at the bottom of the screen needs to be redrawn though,
			// for ANSI users.
			if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
				this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_PREVIOUS_MSG) // Go to previous message/area
			// TODO: There is some opportunity for screen redraw optimization - If
			// already at the first readable sub-board, this would redraw the
			// screen unnecessarily.  Similar for the right arrow key too.

			// The newMsgOffset value will be 0 or more if a prior non-deleted
			// message was found.  If it's -1, then allow going to the previous
			// message sub-board/group.
			if (readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset > -1)
				msgIndex = readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset;
				// The user is at the beginning of the current sub-board.
				if (allowChgMsgArea)
					var goToPrevRetval = this.GoToPrevSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea);
					retObj.stoppedReading = goToPrevRetval.shouldStopReading;
					// If we're going to stop reading, then 
					if (retObj.stoppedReading)
						msgIndex = 0;
					else if (goToPrevRetval.changedMsgArea)
						msgIndex = goToPrevRetval.msgIndex;

				// If the caller wants this method to return instead of going to the next
				// sub-board with messages, then do so.
				if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
					return retObj;
		// Go to next message action - This can happen with the right arrow key or
		// if the user deletes the message in the ReadMessageEnhanced() method.
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG)
			// The newMsgOffset value will be 0 or more if a later non-deleted
			// message was found.  If it's -1, then allow going to the next
			// message sub-board/group.
			if (readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset > -1)
				msgIndex = readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset;
				// The user is at the end of the current sub-board.
				if (allowChgMsgArea && !pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
					var goToNextRetval = this.GoToNextSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea);
					retObj.stoppedReading = goToNextRetval.shouldStopReading;
					// If we're going to stop reading, then 
					if (retObj.stoppedReading)
						msgIndex = 0;
					else if (goToNextRetval.changedMsgArea)
						msgIndex = goToNextRetval.msgIndex;
				// If the caller wants this method to return instead of going to the next
				// sub-board with messages, then do so.
				if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
					return retObj;
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_FIRST_MSG) // Go to the first message
			// Go to the first message that's not marked as deleted.  This passes -1 as the
			// starting message index because FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx() will increment it
			// before searching in order to find the "next" message.
			msgIndex = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(-1, true);
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_LAST_MSG) // Go to the last message
			// Go to the last message that's not marked as deleted
			msgIndex = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(this.NumMessages(), false);
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_CHG_MSG_AREA) // Change message area, if allowed
			if (allowChgMsgArea)
				// Change message sub-board.  If a different sub-board was
				// chosen, then change some variables to use the new
				// chosen sub-board.
				var chgSubBoardRetObj = this.EnhancedReaderChangeSubBoard(bbs.cursub_code);
				if (chgSubBoardRetObj.succeeded)
					// Set the message index, etc.
					// If there are search results, then set msgIndex to the first
					// message.  Otherwise (if there is no search specified), then
					// set the message index to the user's last read message.
					if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						msgIndex = 0;
						msgIndex = chgSubBoardRetObj.lastReadMsgIdx;
					// If the current message index is for a message that has been
					// deleted, then find the next non-deleted message.
					testMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgIndex);
					if ((testMsgHdr == null) || ((testMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE))
						// First try going forward
						var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, true);
						// If a non-deleted message was not found, then try going backward.
						if (nonDeletedMsgIdx == -1)
							nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, false);
						// If a non-deleted message was found, then set msgIndex to it.
						// Otherwise, return.
						// Note: If there are no messages in the chosen sub-board at all,
						// then the error would have already been shown.
						if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
							msgIndex = nonDeletedMsgIdx;
							if (this.NumMessages() != 0)
								// There are messages, but none that are not deleted.
								console.center("\1h\1yThere are no messages to display.");
							retObj.stoppedReading = true;
							return retObj;
					// Set the hotkey help line again, since the new sub-board might have
					// different settings for whether messages can be edited or deleted,
					// then refresh it on the screen.
					var oldHotkeyHelpLine = this.enhReadHelpLine;
					if ((oldHotkeyHelpLine != this.enhReadHelpLine) && this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
						this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
					retObj.stoppedReading = false;
					return retObj;
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_PREV_MSG_AREA) // Go to the previous message area
			// The user is at the beginning of the current sub-board.
			if (allowChgMsgArea)
				var goToPrevRetval = this.GoToPrevSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea);
				retObj.stoppedReading = goToPrevRetval.shouldStopReading;
				// If we're going to stop reading, then 
				if (retObj.stoppedReading)
					msgIndex = 0;
				else if (goToPrevRetval.changedMsgArea)
					msgIndex = goToPrevRetval.msgIndex;
			// If the caller wants this method to return instead of going to the next
			// sub-board with messages, then do so.
			if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
				return retObj;
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA) // Go to the next message area
			if (allowChgMsgArea && !pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
				var goToNextRetval = this.GoToNextSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea);
				retObj.stoppedReading = goToNextRetval.shouldStopReading;
				if (retObj.stoppedReading)
					msgIndex = 0;
				else if (goToNextRetval.changedMsgArea)
					msgIndex = goToNextRetval.msgIndex;
			// If the caller wants this method to return instead of going to the next
			// sub-board with messages, then do so.
			if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
				return retObj;
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_DISPLAY_MSG_LIST) // Display message list
			// If we need to return to the caller for this, then do so.
			if (pReturnOnMessageList)
				retObj.messageListReturn = true;
				return retObj;
				// If this.reverseListOrder is the string "ASK", the user will be prompted
				// on the last line of the screen for whether they want to list the
				// messages in reverse order.  So, erase the help line on the bottom of
				// the screen.
				if ((typeof(this.reverseListOrder) == "string") && (this.reverseListOrder.toUpperCase() == "ASK"))
					if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
						console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);

				// Call the ListMessages method - Don't change the sub-board, and
				// have it return if the user chooses a message to read.
				var listRetObj = this.ListMessages(null, true, pAllowChgArea);
				// If the user wants to quit, then stop the input loop.
				if (listRetObj.lastUserInput == "Q")
					continueOn = false;
					retObj.stoppedReading = true;
				// If the user chose a different message, then set the message index
				else if ((listRetObj.selectedMsgOffset > -1) && (listRetObj.selectedMsgOffset < this.NumMessages()))
					msgIndex = listRetObj.selectedMsgOffset;
		// Go to specific message & new message offset is valid: Read the new
		// message
		else if ((readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG) && (readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset > -1))
			// The user selected a different message in this sub-board
			msgIndex = readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset;

		// Save this iteration's next action for the "previous" next action for the next iteration
		previousNextAction = readMsgRetObj.nextAction;

	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message listing, given a
// sub-board code.
// Paramters:
//  pSubBoardCode: Optional - The internal sub-board code, or "mail"
//                 for personal email.
//  pReturnOnMsgSelect: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to
//                      return when a message is selected to read.  Defaults
//                      to false.
//  pAllowChgSubBoard: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to allow
//                     changing to another sub-board.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               lastUserInput: The user's last keypress/input
//               selectedMsgOffset: The index of the message selected to read,
//                                  if one was selected.  If none was selected,
//                                  this will be -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages(pSubBoardCode, pReturnOnMsgSelect, pAllowChgSubBoard)
   var retObj = new Object();
   retObj.lastUserInput = "";
   retObj.selectedMsgOffset = -1;

   // If the passed-in sub-board code was different than what was set in the object before,
   // then open the new message sub-board.
   var previousSubBoardCode = this.subBoardCode;
   if (typeof(pSubBoardCode) == "string")
      if (subBoardCodeIsValid(pSubBoardCode))
         console.print("\1n\1h\1yWarning: \1wThe Message Reader connot continue because an invalid");
         console.print("sub-board code was specified (" + pSubBoardCode + "). Please notify the sysop.");
         return retObj;
   if (this.subBoardCode.length == 0)
      console.print("\1n\1h\1yWarning: \1wThe Message Reader connot continue because no message\r\n");
      console.print("sub-board was specified. Please notify the sysop.\r\n\1p");
      return retObj;
   if (previousSubBoardCode != this.subBoardCode)
      this.msgbase = null;
      this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
	var openSucceeded = true;
	if (!this.msgbase.is_open)
      openSucceeded = this.msgbase.open();
	if (openSucceeded)
      // If there are no messages to display in the current sub-board, then let the
		// user know and exit.
		if (this.NumMessages() == 0)
			this.msgbase = null;
			console.center("\1n\1h\1yThere are no messages to display.\r\n\1p");
			return retObj;

   // Construct the traditional UI pause text and the line of help text for lightbar
   // mode.  This adds the delete and edit keys if the user is allowed to delete & edit
	// messages.

   // If this.reverseListOrder is the string "ASK", prompt the user for whether
   // they want to list the messages in reverse order.
   if ((typeof(this.reverseListOrder) == "string") && (this.reverseListOrder.toUpperCase() == "ASK"))
      if (numMessages(bbs.cursub_code) > 0)
         this.reverseListOrder = !console.noyes("\1n\1cList in reverse (newest on top)");

   // List the messages using the lightbar or traditional interface, depending on
   // what this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface is set to.  The lightbar interface requires ANSI.
   if (this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface && canDoHighASCIIAndANSI())
		retObj = this.ListMessages_Lightbar(pReturnOnMsgSelect, pAllowChgSubBoard);
		retObj = this.ListMessages_Traditional(pReturnOnMsgSelect, pAllowChgSubBoard);
	return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message listing, given a
// sub-board code.  This version uses a traditional user interface, prompting
// the user at the end of each page to continue, quit, or read a message.
// Note: This function requires this.msgbase to be valid and open.
// Parameters:
//  pReturnOnMsgSelect: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not
//                      to return when a message is selected to read.
//  pAllowChgSubBoard: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to allow
//                     changing to another sub-board.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               lastUserInput: The user's last keypress/input
//               selectedMsgOffset: The index of the message selected to read,
//                                  if one was selected.  If none was selected,
//                                  this will be -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Traditional(pReturnOnMsgSelect, pAllowChgSubBoard)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.lastUserInput = "";
	retObj.selectedMsgOffset = -1;

	// Reset this.readAMessage and deniedReadingmessage to false, in case the
	// message listing has previously ended with them set to true.
	this.readAMessage = false;
	this.deniedReadingMessage = false;

	// this.msgbase must be valid before continuing.
	if ((typeof(this.msgbase) == "undefined") || (this.msgbase == null))
		console.center("\1n\1h\1yError: \1wUnable to list messages because the sub-board is not open.\r\n\1p");
		return retObj;
	else if (!this.msgbase.is_open)
		console.center("\1n\1h\1yError: \1wUnable to list messages because the sub-board is not open.\r\n\1p");
		return retObj;

	var allowChgSubBoard = (typeof(pAllowChgSubBoard) == "boolean" ? pAllowChgSubBoard : true);

	// this.tradMsgListNumLines stores the maximum number of lines to write.  It's the number
	// of rows on the user's screen - 3 to make room for the header line
	// at the top, the question line at the bottom, and 1 extra line at
	// the bottom of the screen so that displaying carriage returns
	// doesn't mess up the position of the header lines at the top.
	this.tradMsgListNumLines = console.screen_rows-3;
	var nListStartLine = 2; // The first line number on the screen for the message list
	// If we will be displaying the message group and sub-board in the
	// header at the top of the screen (an additional 2 lines), then
	// update this.tradMsgListNumLines and nListStartLine to account for this.
	if (this.displayBoardInfoInHeader)
		this.tradMsgListNumLines -= 2;
		nListStartLine += 2;

	// If the user's terminal doesn't support ANSI, then re-calculate
	// this.tradMsgListNumLines - we won't be keeping the headers at the top of the
	// screen.
	if (!canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()) // Could also be !console.term_supports(USER_ANSI)
		this.tradMsgListNumLines = console.screen_rows - 2;

	// Clear the screen and write the header at the top

	// If this.tradListTopMsgIdx hasn't been set yet, then get the index of the user's
	// last read message and figure out which page it's on and set the top message
	// index accordingly.
	if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx == -1)
	// Write the message list
	var continueOn = true;
	var retvalObj = null;
	var curpos = null; // Current character position
	var lastScreen = false;
	while (continueOn)
		// Go to the top and write the current page of message information,
		// then update curpos.
		console.gotoxy(1, nListStartLine);
		lastScreen = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.tradListTopMsgIdx, this.tradMsgListNumLines);
		curpos = console.getxy();
		// Prompt the user whether or not to continue or to read a message
		// (by message number).
		if (this.reverseListOrder)
			retvalObj = this.PromptContinueOrReadMsg((this.tradListTopMsgIdx == this.NumMessages()-1), lastScreen, pReturnOnMsgSelect, allowChgSubBoard);
			retvalObj = this.PromptContinueOrReadMsg((this.tradListTopMsgIdx == 0), lastScreen, pReturnOnMsgSelect, allowChgSubBoard);
		retObj.lastUserInput = retvalObj.userInput;
		retObj.selectedMsgOffset = retvalObj.selectedMsgOffset;

		continueOn = retvalObj.continueOn;
		// TODO: Update this to use PageUp & PageDown keys for paging?  It would
		// require updating PromptContinueOrReadMsg(), which would be non-trivial
		// because that method uses console.getkeys() with a list of allowed keys
		// and a message number limit.
		if (continueOn)
			// If the user chose to go to the previous page of listings,
			// then subtract the appropriate number of messages from
			// this.tradListTopMsgIdx in order to do so.
			if (retvalObj.userInput == "P")
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx += this.tradMsgListNumLines;
					// If we go past the beginning, then we need to reset
					// msgNum so we'll be at the beginning of the list.
					var totalNumMessages = this.NumMessages();
					if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx >= totalNumMessages)
						this.tradListTopMsgIdx = totalNumMessages - 1;
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx -= this.tradMsgListNumLines;
					// If we go past the beginning, then we need to reset
					// msgNum so we'll be at the beginning of the list.
					if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx < 0)
						this.tradListTopMsgIdx = 0;
			// If the user chose to go to the next page, update
			// this.tradListTopMsgIdx appropriately.
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "N")
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx -= this.tradMsgListNumLines;
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx += this.tradMsgListNumLines;
			// First page
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "F")
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = this.NumMessages() - 1;
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = 0;
			// Last page
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "L")
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = (this.NumMessages() % this.tradMsgListNumLines) - 1;
					// If this.tradListTopMsgIdx is now invalid (below 0), then adjust it
					// to properly display the last page of messages.
					if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx < 0)
						this.tradListTopMsgIdx = this.tradMsgListNumLines - 1;
					var totalNumMessages = this.NumMessages();
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = totalNumMessages - (totalNumMessages % this.tradMsgListNumLines);
					if (this.tradListTopMsgIdx >= totalNumMessages)
						this.tradListTopMsgIdx = totalNumMessages - this.tradMsgListNumLines;
			// D: Delete a message
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "D")
				if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
					var msgNum = this.PromptForMsgNum({ x: curpos.x, y: curpos.y+1 }, this.text.deleteMsgNumPromptText, false, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
					// If the user enters a valid message number, then call the
					// DeleteMessage() method, which will prompt the user for
					// confirmation and delete the message if confirmed.
					if (msgNum > 0)

					// Refresh the top header on the screen for continuing to list
					// messages.
			// E: Edit a message
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "E")
				if (this.CanEdit())
					var msgNum = this.PromptForMsgNum({ x: curpos.x, y: curpos.y+1 }, this.text.editMsgNumPromptText, false, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
					// If the user entered a valid message number, then let the
					// user edit the message.
					if (msgNum > 0)
						var returnObj = this.EditExistingMsg(msgNum-1);

					// Refresh the top header on the screen for continuing to list
					// messages.
			// G: Go to a specific message by # (place that message on the top)
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "G")
				var msgNum = this.PromptForMsgNum(curpos, "\1n" + this.text.goToMsgNumPromptText, false, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
				if (msgNum > 0)
					this.tradListTopMsgIdx = msgNum - 1;

				// Refresh the top header on the screen for continuing to list
				// messages.
			// ?: Display help
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "?")
				this.DisplayMsgListHelp(allowChgSubBoard, true);
			// C: Change to another message area (sub-board)
			else if (retvalObj.userInput == "C")
				if (allowChgSubBoard && (this.subBoardCode != "mail"))
					// Store the current sub-board code so we can see if it changed
					var oldSubCode = bbs.cursub_code;
					// Let the user choose another message area.  If they chose
					// a different message area, then set up the message base
					// object accordingly.
					if (bbs.cursub_code != oldSubCode)
						var chgSubRetval = this.ChangeSubBoard(bbs.cursub_code);
						continueOn = chgSubRetval.succeeded;
					// Update the traditional list variables and refresh the screen
					if (continueOn)
				// If pReturnOnMsgSelect is true and the user selected a message to
				// read, then exit out of this input loop so we can return from
				// this method - The calling method will call the enhanced reader
				// method.
				if (pReturnOnMsgSelect && (retObj.selectedMsgOffset >= 0))
					continueOn = false;

			if (!pReturnOnMsgSelect)
				// If the user chose to read a message or denied confirmation, then:
				// - Re-draw the column headers at the top of the screen.
				// - Subtract this.tradMsgListNumLines from msgNum so that this script displays
				//   the same page where the user left off.
				if (this.readAMessage || this.deniedReadingMessage)
					if (canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()) // Could also be console.term_supports(USER_ANSI)
				this.readAMessage = false;
				this.deniedReadingMessage = false;

				// If the user's terminal doesn't support ANSI, then adjust
				// this.tradMsgListNumLines to 1 less than the number of screen rows, because
				// after the first page, we no longer need to display the message
				// list header line.
				if (!canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()) // Could also be !console.term_supports(USER_ANSI)
					this.tradMsgListNumLines = console.screen_rows - 1;

	return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message listing, given a
// sub-board code.  This verison uses a lightbar interface for message
// navigation.  Note: This function requires this.msgbase to be valid and
// open.
// Parameters:
//  pReturnOnMsgSelect: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not
//                      to return when a message is selected to read.
//  pAllowChgSubBoard: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to allow
//                     changing to another sub-board.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               lastUserInput: The user's last keypress/input
//               selectedMsgOffset: The index of the message selected to read,
//                                  if one was selected.  If none was selected,
//                                  this will be -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages_Lightbar(pReturnOnMsgSelect, pAllowChgSubBoard)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.lastUserInput = "";
	retObj.selectedMsgOffset = -1;

	// This method is only supported if the user's terminal supports
	// ANSI.
	if (!canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()) // Could also be !console.term_supports(USER_ANSI)
		console.print("\r\n\1h\1ySorry, an ANSI terminal is required for this operation.\1n\1w\r\n");
		return retObj;

	// Reset this.readAMessage and deniedReadingMessage to false, in case the
	// message listing has previously ended with them set to true.
	this.readAMessage = false;
	this.deniedReadingMessage = false;

	// this.msgbase must be valid before continuing.
	if ((typeof(this.msgbase) == "undefined") || (this.msgbase == null))
		console.center("\1n\1h\1yError: \1wUnable to list messages because the sub-board is not open.\r\n\1p");
		return retObj;
	else if (!this.msgbase.is_open)
		console.center("\1n\1h\1yError: \1wUnable to list messages because the sub-board is not open.\r\n\1p");
		return retObj;

	var allowChgSubBoard = (typeof(pAllowChgSubBoard) == "boolean" ? pAllowChgSubBoard : true);

	// This function will be used for displaying the help line at
	// the bottom of the screen.
	function DisplayHelpLine(pHelpLineText)
		console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);

	// Clear the screen and write the header at the top

	// If the lightbar message list index & cursor position variables haven't been
	// set yet, then set them.
	if ((this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx == -1) || (this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx == -1) ||
	    (this.lightbarListCurPos == null))

	// List a screenful of message headers
	console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
	var lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
	// Move the cursor to where it needs to be
	// User input loop
	var bottomMsgIndex = 0;
	var userInput = "";
	var msgHeader = null;
	var continueOn = true;
	while (continueOn)
		bbs.command_str = ""; // To prevent weirdness

		retObj.selectedMsgOffset = -1;

		// Calculate the message number (0-based) of the message
		// appearing on the bottom of the screen.
		if (this.reverseListOrder)
			bottomMsgIndex = this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx - this.lightbarMsgListNumLines + 1;
			if (bottomMsgIndex < 0)
				bottomMsgIndex = 0;
			var totalNumMessages = this.NumMessages();
			bottomMsgIndex = this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx + this.lightbarMsgListNumLines - 1;
			if (bottomMsgIndex >= totalNumMessages)
				bottomMsgIndex = totalNumMessages - 1;

		// Write the current message information with highlighting colors
		msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx);
		this.PrintMessageInfo(msgHeader, true, this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx+1);
		console.gotoxy(this.lightbarListCurPos); // Make sure the cursor is still in the right place

		// Get a key from the user (upper-case) and take appropriate action.
		userInput = getKeyWithESCChars(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN);
		retObj.lastUserInput = userInput;
		// Q: Quit
		if (userInput == "Q")
			// Quit
			continueOn = false;
		// ?: Show help
		else if (userInput == "?")
			// Display help
			this.DisplayMsgListHelp(allowChgSubBoard, true);

			// Re-draw the message list on the screen
			console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
			lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
			console.gotoxy(this.lightbarListCurPos); // Put the cursor back where it should be
		// Up arrow: Highlight the previous message
		else if (userInput == KEY_UP)
			// Make sure this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx is within bounds before moving down.
			if (this.reverseListOrder)
				if (this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx >= this.NumMessages() - 1)
				if (this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx <= 0)

			// Print the current message information with regular colors
			this.PrintMessageInfo(msgHeader, false, this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx+1);

			if (this.reverseListOrder)

			// If the current screen row is above the first line allowed, then
			// move the cursor up one row.
			if (this.lightbarListCurPos.y > this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow)
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarListCurPos.y-1);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				// Go onto the previous page, with the cursor highlighting
				// the last message on the page.
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx + this.lightbarMsgListNumLines - 1;
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx - this.lightbarMsgListNumLines + 1;

				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow+this.lightbarMsgListNumLines-1);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow+this.lightbarMsgListNumLines-1;
		// Down arrow: Highlight the next message
		else if (userInput == KEY_DOWN)
			// Make sure this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx is within bounds before moving down.
			if (this.reverseListOrder)
				if (this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx <= 0)
				if (this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx >= this.NumMessages() - 1)

			// Print the current message information with regular colors
			this.PrintMessageInfo(msgHeader, false, this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx+1);

			if (this.reverseListOrder)

			// If the current screen row is below the last line allowed, then
			// move the cursor down one row.
			if (this.lightbarListCurPos.y < this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow+this.lightbarMsgListNumLines-1)
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarListCurPos.y+1);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				// Go onto the next page, with the cursor highlighting
				// the first message on the page.
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx;
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				// If we were on the last page, then clear the screen from
				// the current line to the end of the screen.
				if (lastPage)
					this.lightbarListCurPos = console.getxy();
					// Make sure the help line is still there

				// Move the cursor to the top of the list
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
		// HOME key: Go to the first message on the screen
		else if (userInput == KEY_HOME)
			// Print the current message information with regular colors
			this.PrintMessageInfo(msgHeader, false, this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx+1);
			// Go to the first message of the current page
			if (this.reverseListOrder)
				this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx += (this.lightbarListCurPos.y - this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx -= (this.lightbarListCurPos.y - this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
			// Move the cursor to the first message line
			console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
			this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
			this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
		// END key: Go to the last message on the screen
		else if (userInput == KEY_END)
			// Print the current message information with regular colors
			this.PrintMessageInfo(msgHeader, false, this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx+1);
			// Update the selected message #
			this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = bottomMsgIndex;
			// Go to the last message of the current page
			if (this.reverseListOrder)
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow + this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx - bottomMsgIndex;
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow + bottomMsgIndex - this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx;
		// Enter key: Select a message to read
		else if (userInput == KEY_ENTER)
			var originalCurpos = console.getxy();

			// Allow the user to read the current message.
			var readMsg = true;
			if (this.promptToReadMessage)
				// Confirm with the user whether to read the message.
				var sReadMsgConfirmText = this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
				                        + "Read message "
				                        + this.colors["readMsgConfirmNumberColor"]
				                        + +(msgHeader.offset+1)
				                        + this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
				                        + ": Are you sure";
				console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
				readMsg = console.yesno(sReadMsgConfirmText);
			var repliedToMessage = false;
			if (readMsg)
				// If there is a search specified and the search result objects are
				// set up for the current sub-board, then the selected message offset
				// should be the search result array index.  Otherwise (if not
				// searching), the message offset should be the actual message offset
				// in the message base.
				if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
					retObj.selectedMsgOffset = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx;
					retObj.selectedMsgOffset = msgHeader.offset;
				if (pReturnOnMsgSelect)
					return retObj;
					this.readAMessage = true;
					var readRetObj = null;
					if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						readRetObj = this.ReadMessage(this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx);
						readRetObj = this.ReadMessage(msgHeader.offset);
					repliedToMessage = readRetObj.userReplied;
				this.deniedReadingMessage = true;

			// Ask the user if  they want to continue reading messages
			if (this.promptToContinueListingMessages)
				continueOn = console.yesno(this.colors["afterReadMsg_ListMorePromptColor"] +
				"Continue listing messages");
			// If the user chose to continue reading messages, then refresh
			// the screen.  Even if the user chooses not to read the message,
			// the screen needs to be re-drawn so it appears properly.
			if (continueOn)
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				// If we're dispaying in reverse order and the user replied
				// to the message, then we'll have to re-arrange the screen
				// a bit to make way for the new message that will appear
				// in the list.
				if (this.reverseListOrder && repliedToMessage)
					// Make way for the new message, which will appear at the
					// top.
					// If the cursor is below the bottommost line displaying
					// messages, then advance the cursor down one position.
					// Otherwise, increment this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx (since a new message
					// will appear at the top, the previous selected message
					// will be pushed to the next page).
					if (this.lightbarListCurPos.y < console.screen_rows - 1)
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				console.gotoxy(originalCurpos); // Put the cursor back where it should be
		// PageDown: Next page
		else if (userInput == KEY_PAGE_DOWN)
			// Next page
			if (!lastPage)
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx -= this.lightbarMsgListNumLines;
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx += this.lightbarMsgListNumLines;
				this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx;
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);

				// If we were on the last page, then clear the screen from
				// the current line to the end of the screen.
				if (lastPage)
					this.lightbarListCurPos = console.getxy();
					// Make sure the help line is still there

				// Move the cursor back to the first message info line
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
		// PageUp: Previous page
		else if (userInput == KEY_PAGE_UP)
			var canGoToPrevious = false;
			if (this.reverseListOrder)
				canGoToPrevious = (this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx < this.NumMessages() - 1);
				canGoToPrevious = (this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx > 0);

			if (canGoToPrevious > 0)
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx += this.lightbarMsgListNumLines;
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx -= this.lightbarMsgListNumLines;
				this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx;
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
		// F: First page
		else if (userInput == "F")
			var canGoToFirst = false;
			if (this.reverseListOrder)
				canGoToFirst = (this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx < this.NumMessages() - 1);
				canGoToFirst = (this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx > 0);

			if (canGoToFirst)
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.NumMessages() - 1;
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = 0;
				this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx;
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
		// L: Last page
		else if (userInput == "L")
			if (!lastPage)
				// Set the top message index.  If this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx is beyond the last
				// message in the sub-board, then move back a full page of messages.
				if (this.reverseListOrder)
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = (this.NumMessages() % this.lightbarMsgListNumLines) - 1;
					// If this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx is now invalid (below 0), then adjust it
					// to properly display the last page of messages.
					if (this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx < 0)
						this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.lightbarMsgListNumLines - 1;
					var totalNumMessages = this.NumMessages();
					this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = totalNumMessages - (totalNumMessages % this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
					if (this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx >= totalNumMessages)
						this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = totalNumMessages - this.lightbarMsgListNumLines;

				this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx;
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				// If we were on the last page, then clear the screen from
				// the current line to the end of the screen.
				if (lastPage)
					this.lightbarListCurPos = console.getxy();
					// Make sure the help line is still there

				// Move the cursor back to the first message info line
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
				this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
		// Numeric digit: The start of a number of a message to read
		else if (userInput.match(/[0-9]/))
			var originalCurpos = console.getxy();

			// Put the user's input back in the input buffer to
			// be used for getting the rest of the message number.
			// Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and
			// prompt the user for the message number.
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			userInput = this.PromptForMsgNum({ x: 1, y: console.screen_rows }, this.text.readMsgNumPromptText, true, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
			if (userInput > 0)
				// Confirm with the user whether to read the message
				var readMsg = true;
				if (this.promptToReadMessage)
					var sReadMsgConfirmText = this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
					                        + "Read message "
					                        + this.colors["readMsgConfirmNumberColor"]
					                        + userInput + this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
					                        + ": Are you sure";
					readMsg = console.yesno(sReadMsgConfirmText);
				if (readMsg)
					// Update the message list screen variables
					// Let the user read the message
					retObj.selectedMsgOffset = userInput - 1;
					if (pReturnOnMsgSelect)
						return retObj;
						this.readAMessage = true;
						if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
					this.deniedReadingMessage = true;

				// Prompt the user whether or not to continue listing
				// messages.
				if (this.promptToContinueListingMessages)
					continueOn = console.yesno(this.colors["afterReadMsg_ListMorePromptColor"] +
					                           "Continue listing messages");

			// If the user chose to continue listing messages, then re-draw
			// the screen.
			if (continueOn)
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				console.gotoxy(originalCurpos); // Put the cursor back where it should be
		// DEL key: Delete a message
		else if (userInput == KEY_DEL)
			if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
				var originalCurpos = console.getxy();

				console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);

				// The DeleteMessage() methdo will prompt the user for confirmation
				// to delete the message and then delete it if confirmed.
				this.DeleteMessage(this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx, { x: 1, y: console.screen_rows});

				// Refresh the screen
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				console.gotoxy(originalCurpos); // Put the cursor back where it should be
		// E: Edit a message
		else if (userInput == "E")
			if (this.CanEdit())
				var originalCurpos = console.getxy();

				// Ask the user if they really want to edit the message
				console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
				// Let the user edit the message
				//var returnObj = this.EditExistingMsg(msgHeader.offset);
				var returnObj = this.EditExistingMsg(this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx);
				// Refresh the screen
				console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
				lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
				console.gotoxy(originalCurpos); // Put the cursor back where it should be
		// G: Go to a specific message by # (highlight or place that message on the top)
		else if (userInput == "G")
			var originalCurpos = console.getxy();

			// Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and
			// prompt the user for a message number.
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			userInput = this.PromptForMsgNum({ x: 1, y: console.screen_rows }, "\n" + this.text.goToMsgNumPromptText, true, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
			if (userInput > 0)
				// Make sure the message number is for a valid message (i.e., it
				// could be an invalid message number if there is a search, where
				// not all message numbers are consecutive).
				if (this.GetMsgHdrByMsgNum(userInput) != null)
					// If the message is on the current page, then just go to and
					// highlight it.  Otherwise, set the user's selected message on the
					// top of the page.  We also have to make sure that this.lightbarListCurPos.y and
					// originalCurpos.y are set correctly.  Also, account for search
					// results if there are any (we'll need to have the correct array
					// index for the search results).
					var chosenMsgIndex = userInput - 1;
					if ((chosenMsgIndex <= bottomMsgIndex) && (chosenMsgIndex >= this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx))
						this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = chosenMsgIndex;
						originalCurpos.y = this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx - this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx + this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
						this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = chosenMsgIndex;
						originalCurpos.y = this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow;
					// The user entered an invalid message number
					console.print("\1n" + this.text.invalidMsgNumText.replace("%d", userInput) + "\1n");
					console.inkey(K_NONE, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS);

			// Clear & re-draw the screen, to fix any possible alignment problems
			// caused by newline output after the user inputs their choice.
			console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
			lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
			console.gotoxy(originalCurpos); // Put the cursor back where it should be
		// C: Change to another message area (sub-board)
		else if (userInput == "C")
			if (allowChgSubBoard && (this.subBoardCode != "mail"))
				// Store the current sub-board code so we can see if it changed
				var oldSubCode = bbs.cursub_code;
				// Let the user choose another message area.  If they chose
				// a different message area, then set up the message base
				// object accordingly.
				if (bbs.cursub_code != oldSubCode)
					var chgSubRetval = this.ChangeSubBoard(bbs.cursub_code);
					continueOn = chgSubRetval.succeeded;
				// Update the lightbar list variables and refresh the screen
				if (continueOn)
					// List a screenful of message headers
					console.gotoxy(1, this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow);
					var lastPage = this.ListScreenfulOfMessages(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines);
					// Move the cursor to where it needs to be

	return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgListerClass: Prints a line of information about
// a message.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHeader: The message header object, returned by MsgBase.get_msg_header().
//  pHighlight: Optional boolean - Whether or not to highlight the line or
//              use the standard colors.
//  pMsgNum: Optional - A number to use for the message instead of the number/offset
//           in the message header
function DigDistMsgReader_PrintMessageInfo(pMsgHeader, pHighlight, pMsgNum)
	// pMsgHeader must be a valid object.
	if (typeof(pMsgHeader) == "undefined")
	if (pMsgHeader == null)

	var highlight = false;
	if (typeof(pHighlight) != "undefined")
		highlight = pHighlight;

   // Determine if the message has been deleted.
   var msgDeleted = ((pMsgHeader.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE);

   // Get the message's import date & time as strings.  If
   // this.msgList_displayMessageDateImported is true, use the message import date.
   // Otherwise, use the message written date.
   var sDate;
   var sTime;
   if (this.msgList_displayMessageDateImported)
      sDate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", pMsgHeader.when_imported_time);
      sTime = strftime("%H:%M:%S", pMsgHeader.when_imported_time);
      sDate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", pMsgHeader.when_written_time);
      sTime = strftime("%H:%M:%S", pMsgHeader.when_written_time);

	// Write the message header information.
	// Note: The message header has the following fields:
	// 'number': The message number
	// 'offset': The message offset
	// 'to': Who the message is directed to (string)
	// 'from' Who wrote the message (string)
	// 'subject': The message subject (string)
	// 'date': The date - Full text (string)
	// To access one of these, use brackets; i.e., msgHeader['to']
	var msgNum = (typeof(pMsgNum) == "number" ? pMsgNum : pMsgHeader.offset+1);
	if (highlight)
			   (msgDeleted ? "\1r\1i*\1n\1h" + this.colors["msgListHighlightBkgColor"] : " "),
			   pMsgHeader.from.substr(0, this.FROM_LEN),
			   pMsgHeader.to.substr(0, this.TO_LEN),
			   pMsgHeader.subject.substr(0, this.SUBJ_LEN),
			   sDate, sTime);
		// Determine whether to use the normal, "to-user", or "from-user" format string.
		// The differences are the colors.  Then, output the message information line.
		var toNameUpper = pMsgHeader.to.toUpperCase();
		var msgToUser = ((toNameUpper == user.alias.toUpperCase()) || (toNameUpper == user.name.toUpperCase()) || (toNameUpper == user.handle.toUpperCase()));
		var fromNameUpper = pMsgHeader.from.toUpperCase();
		var msgIsFromUser = ((fromNameUpper == user.alias.toUpperCase()) || (fromNameUpper == user.name.toUpperCase()) || (fromNameUpper == user.handle.toUpperCase()));
		printf((msgToUser ? this.sMsgInfoToUserFormatStr :
		        (msgIsFromUser ? this.sMsgInfoFromUserFormatStr :
			   (msgDeleted ? "\1r\1i*\1n" : " "),
			   pMsgHeader.from.substr(0, this.FROM_LEN),
			   pMsgHeader.to.substr(0, this.TO_LEN),
			   pMsgHeader.subject.substr(0, this.SUBJ_LEN),
			   sDate, sTime);
	console.cleartoeol("\1"); // To clear away any extra text that may have been entered by the user
// For the traditional interface of DigDistMsgListerClass: Prompts the user to
// continue or read a message (by number).
// Parameters:
//  pStart: Whether or not we're on the first page (true or false)
//  pEnd: Whether or not we're at the last page (true or false)
//  pReturnOnMsgSelect: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not
//                      to return when a message is selected to read.
//  pAllowChgSubBoard: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to allow
//                     changing to another sub-board.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               continueOn: Boolean, whether or not the user wants to continue
//                           listing the messages
//               userInput: The user's input
//               selectedMsgOffset: The offset of the message selected to read,
//                                  if one was selected.  If a message was not
//                                  selected, this will be -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_PromptContinueOrReadMsg(pStart, pEnd, pReturnOnMsgSelect, pAllowChgSubBoard)
	// Create the return object and set some initial default values
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.continueOn = true;
	retObj.userInput = "";
	retObj.selectedMsgOffset = -1;

	var allowChgSubBoard = (typeof(pAllowChgSubBoard) == "boolean" ? pAllowChgSubBoard : true);

	var continueOn = true;
	// Prompt the user whether or not to continue or to read a message
	// (by message number).  Make use of the different prompt texts,
	// depending whether we're at the beginning, in the middle, or at
	// the end of the message list.
	var userInput = "";
	var allowedKeys = "?G"; // ? = help, G = Go to message #
	if (allowChgSubBoard)
		allowedKeys += "C"; // Change to another message area
	if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
		allowedKeys += "D"; // Delete
	if (this.CanEdit())
		allowedKeys += "E"; // Edit
	if (pStart && pEnd)
		// This is the only page.
		// Get input from the user.  Allow only Q (quit).
		allowedKeys += "Q";
	else if (pStart)
		// We're on the first page.
		// Get input from the user.  Allow only L (last), N (next), or Q (quit).
		allowedKeys += "LNQ";
	else if (pEnd)
		// We're on the last page.
		// Get input from the user.  Allow only F (first), P (previous), or Q (quit).
		allowedKeys += "FPQ";
		// We're neither on the first nor last page.  Allow F (first), L (last),
		// N (next), P (previous), or Q (quit).
		allowedKeys += "FLNPQ";
	// Get the user's input.  Allow the keys in allowedKeys or a number from 1
	// to the highest message number.
	userInput = console.getkeys(allowedKeys, this.HighestMessageNum()).toString();
	if (userInput == "Q")
		continueOn = false;

	// If the user has typed all numbers, then read that message.
	if ((userInput != "") && /^[0-9]+$/.test(userInput))
		// If the user entered a valid message number, then let the user read the message.
		// The message number might be invalid if there are search results that
		// have non-continuous message numbers.
		if (this.IsValidMessageNum(userInput))
			// Confirm with the user whether to read the message
			var readMsg = true;
			if (this.promptToReadMessage)
				var sReadMsgConfirmText = this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
				                        + "Read message "
				                        + this.colors["readMsgConfirmNumberColor"]
				                        + userInput + this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
				                        + ": Are you sure";
				readMsg = console.yesno(sReadMsgConfirmText);
			if (readMsg)
				// Update the message list screen variables
				// Let the user read the message
				if (pReturnOnMsgSelect)
					// Fill a return object with the required values, and return it.
					retObj.continueOn = continueOn;
					retObj.userInput = userInput;
					retObj.selectedMsgOffset = userInput-1;
					return retObj;
					this.readAMessage = true;
				this.deniedReadingMessage = true;

			// Prompt the user whether or not to continue listing
			// messages.
			if (this.promptToContinueListingMessages)
				continueOn = console.yesno(this.colors["afterReadMsg_ListMorePromptColor"] +
				                           "Continue listing messages");
			// The user entered an invalid message number.
			console.print("\1n\1h\1w" + userInput + " \1y is not a valid message number.\1n");
			continueOn = true;

	// Make sure color highlighting is turned off

	// Fill the return object with the required values, and return it.
	retObj.continueOn = continueOn;
	retObj.userInput = userInput;
	return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Given a message number of a message in the
// current message area, shows the message to the user and allows the user to
// respond.
// Parameters:
//  pOffset: The offset of the message to be read
// Return value: And object with the following properties:
//               offsetValid: Boolean - Whether or not the passed-in offset was valid
//               userReplied: Boolean - Whether or not the user replied to the message.
function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessage(pOffset)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.offsetValid = true;
	retObj.userReplied = false;

	// Get the message header
	var msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByMsgNum(pOffset+1);
	if (msgHeader == null)
		console.print("\1n" + this.text.invalidMsgNumText.replace("%d", +(pOffset+1)) + "\1n");
		console.inkey(K_NONE, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS);
		retObj.offsetValid = false;
		return retObj;

	// Show the message header.

	// Show the message body.  Make sure the text is word-wrapped
	// so that it looks good.
	var msgText = this.msgbase.get_msg_body(true, msgHeader.offset);
	var msgTextWrapped = word_wrap(msgText, console.screen_columns-1);
	console.print("\1n" + this.colors["msgBodyColor"]);
	console.putmsg(msgTextWrapped, P_NOATCODES);

	// Hack: If the "from" name in the header is blank (as it might be sometimes), then
	// set it to "All".  This prevents Synchronet from crashing, and it will also default
	// the "to" name in the user's reply to "All".
	if (msgHeader["from"] == "")
		msgHeader["from"] = "All";

	// Mark the message as read, if it was written to the current
	// user.
	var msgToUpper = msgHeader["to"].toUpperCase();
	if ((msgToUpper == user.alias.toUpperCase()) || (msgToUpper == user.name.toUpperCase()))
		msgHeader.attr = (msgHeader.attr | MSG_READ);
		var wroteHeader = this.msgbase.put_msg_header(true, msgHeader.offset, msgHeader);

	// If not reading personal email, then update the scan & last read message pointers.
	if (this.subBoardCode != "mail") // && !this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults()
		if (msgHeader.number > msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr)
			msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr = msgHeader.number;
		msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = msgHeader.number;

	// Allow the user to reply to the message, either publicly or privately.
	console.print("\1n\1cEnd of message. \1hR\1b)\1n\1ceply\1h\1b, " +
	              "\1cP\1b)\1n\1crivate reply\1h\1b, \1cENTER\1b/\1cN\1b)\1n\1co reply\1h\1g: \1n\1c");
	var userKey = console.getkeys("RPN").toString();
	var privateReply = (userKey == "P");
	if ((userKey == "R") || privateReply)
		var replyRetObj = this.ReplyToMsg(msgHeader, msgText, privateReply, pOffset);
		retObj.userReplied = replyRetObj.postSucceeded;

	return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Given a message number of a message in the
// current message area, shows the message to the user and allows the user to
// respond.  This is an enhanced version that allows scrolling up & down the
// message with the up & down arrow keys, and the left & right arrow keys will
// return from the function to allow calling code to navigate back & forth
// through the message sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pOffset: The offset of the message to be read
//  pAllowChgArea: Optional boolean - Whether or not to allow changing the
//                 message area
// Return value: And object with the following properties:
//               offsetValid: Boolean - Whether or not the passed-in offset was valid
//               msgDeleted: Boolean - Whether or not the message is marked as deleted
//                           (not deleted by the user in the reader)
//               userReplied: Boolean - Whether or not the user replied to the message.
//               lastKeypress: The last keypress from the user - For navigation purposes
//               newMsgOffset: The offset of another message to read, if the user
//                             input another message number.  If the user did not
//                             input another message number, this will be -1.
//               nextAction: The next action for the caller to take.  This will be
//                           one of the values specified by the ACTION_* constants.
//                           This defaults to ACTION_NONE on error.
function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced(pOffset, pAllowChgArea)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.offsetValid = true;
	retObj.msgDeleted = false;
	retObj.userReplied = false;
	retObj.lastKeypress = "";
	retObj.newMsgOffset = -1;
	retObj.nextAction = ACTION_NONE;

	// Get the message header
	var msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(pOffset);
	if (msgHeader == null)
		console.print("\1n" + this.text.invalidMsgNumText.replace("%d", +(pOffset+1)) + "\1n");
		console.inkey(K_NONE, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS);
		retObj.offsetValid = false;
		return retObj;

	// See if the message is marked as deleted.  If so, don't let the
	// user read it, just silently return.
	retObj.msgDeleted = ((msgHeader.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE);
	if (retObj.msgDeleted)
		return retObj;

	// Update the message list index variables so that the message list is in
	// the right spot for the message currently being read

	// Check the pAllowChgArea parameter.  If it's a boolean, then use it.  If
	// not, then check to see if we're reading personal mail - If not, then allow
	// the user to change to a different message area.
	var allowChgMsgArea = true;
	if (typeof(pAllowChgArea) == "boolean")
		allowChgMsgArea = pAllowChgArea;
		allowChgMsgArea = (this.subBoardCode != "mail");

	// Hack: If the "from" name in the header is empty (as it might be sometimes), then
	// set it to "All".  This prevents Synchronet from crashing, and it will also default
	// the "to" name in the user's reply to "All".
	if (msgHeader.from.length == 0)
		msgHeader.from = "All";

	// Some key bindings
	var enhReaderKeys = new Object();
	enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByTitle = "<";
	enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByTitle = ">";
	enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByAuthor = "{";
	enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByAuthor = "}";
	enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByToUser = "[";
	enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByToUser = "]";
	enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByThreadID = "(";
	enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByThreadID = ")";
	enhReaderKeys.prevSubBoard = "-";
	enhReaderKeys.nextSubBoard = "+";
	enhReaderKeys.saveToBBSMachine = CTRL_S;

	// This function converts a thread navigation key character to its
	// corresponding thread type value
	function keypressToThreadType(pKeypress)
		var threadType = THREAD_BY_ID;
		switch (pKeypress)
			case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByTitle:
			case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByTitle:
				threadType = THREAD_BY_TITLE;
			case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByAuthor:
			case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByAuthor:
				threadType = THREAD_BY_AUTHOR;
			case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByToUser:
			case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByToUser:
				threadType = THREAD_BY_TO_USER;
			case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByThreadID:
			case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByThreadID:
				threadType = THREAD_BY_ID;
		return threadType;

	// Use the scrollable reader interface if the setting is enabled & the user's
	// terminal supports ANSI.  Otherwise, use a more traditional user interface.
	if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
		// Show the message header
		this.DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(msgHeader, pOffset+1, 1);

		// Get the message text, interpret any @-codes in it, replace tabs with spaces
		// to prevent weirdness when displaying the message lines, and word-wrap the
		// text so that it looks good on the screen,
		var msgInfo = this.GetMsgInfoForEnhancedReader(msgHeader);

		var topMsgLineIdxForLastPage = msgInfo.topMsgLineIdxForLastPage;
		var msgFractionShown = msgInfo.msgFractionShown;
		var numSolidScrollBlocks = msgInfo.numSolidScrollBlocks;
		var numNonSolidScrollBlocks = msgInfo.numNonSolidScrollBlocks;
		var solidBlockStartRow = msgInfo.solidBlockStartRow;
		var solidBlockLastStartRow = solidBlockStartRow;
		var topMsgLineIdx = 0;
		var fractionToLastPage = 0;
		if (topMsgLineIdxForLastPage != 0)
			fractionToLastPage = topMsgLineIdx / topMsgLineIdxForLastPage;

		// Draw an initial scrollbar on the rightmost column of the message area
		// showing the fraction of the message shown and what part of the message
		// is currently being shown.  The scrollbar will be updated minimally in
		// the input loop to minimize screen redraws.
		this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);

		// Input loop (for scrolling the message up & down)
		var msgLineFormatStr = "%-" + this.msgAreaWidth + "s";
		var writeMessage = true;
		// msgAreaHeight, msgReaderObj, and scrollbarUpdateFunction are for use
		// with scrollTextLines().
		var msgAreaHeight = this.msgAreaBottom - this.msgAreaTop + 1;
		var msgReaderObj = this;
		function msgScrollbarUpdateFn(pFractionToLastPage)
			// Update the scrollbar position for the message, depending on the
			// value of pFractionToLastMessage.
			fractionToLastPage = pFractionToLastPage;
			solidBlockStartRow = msgReaderObj.msgAreaTop + Math.floor(numNonSolidScrollBlocks * pFractionToLastPage);
			if (solidBlockStartRow != solidBlockLastStartRow)
				msgReaderObj.UpdateEnhancedReaderScollbar(solidBlockStartRow, solidBlockLastStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
			solidBlockLastStartRow = solidBlockStartRow;
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
		var continueOn = true;
		while (continueOn)
			// Display the message lines (depending on the value of writeMessage)
			// and handle scroll keys via scrollTextLines().  Handle other keypresses
			// here.
			var scrollRetObj = scrollTextLines(msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx,
			                                   this.colors["msgBodyColor"], writeMessage,
			                                   this.msgAreaLeft, this.msgAreaTop, this.msgAreaWidth,
			                                   msgAreaHeight, 1, console.screen_rows,
			topMsgLineIdx = scrollRetObj.topLineIdx;
			retObj.lastKeypress = scrollRetObj.lastKeypress;
			switch (retObj.lastKeypress)
				case KEY_DEL: // Delete message
					var originalCurpos = console.getxy();
					// The 2nd to last row of the screen is where the user will
					// be prompted for confirmation to delete the message.
					// Ideally, I'd like to put the cursor on the last row of
					// the screen for this, but console.noyes() lets the enter
					// key shift everything on screen up one row, and there's
					// no way to avoid that.  So, to optimize screen refreshing,
					// the cursor is placed on the 2nd to the last row on the
					// screen to prompt for confirmation.
					var promptPos = this.EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt();

					// Prompt the user for confirmation to delete the message.
					// Note: this.DeleteMessage() will check to see if the user
					// is a sysop or the message was posted by the user.
					// If the message was deleted, then exit this read method
					// and return KEY_RIGHT as the last keypress so that the
					// calling method will go to the next message/sub-board.
					// Otherwise (if the message was not deleted), refresh the
					// last 2 lines of the message on the screen.
					var msgWasDeleted = this.DeleteMessage(pOffset, promptPos, true, this.msgAreaWidth);
					if (msgWasDeleted)
						var msgSearchObj = this.LookForNextOrPriorNonDeletedMsg(pOffset);
						continueOn = msgSearchObj.continueInputLoop;
						retObj.newMsgOffset = msgSearchObj.newMsgOffset;
						retObj.nextAction = msgSearchObj.nextAction;
						if (msgSearchObj.promptGoToNextArea)
							if (this.EnhReaderPromptYesNo(this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText, msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr, solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks))
								// Let this method exit and let the caller go to the next sub-board
								continueOn = false;
								retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
								writeMessage = false; // No need to refresh the message
						this.DisplayEnhReaderError("", msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr);
						// Move the cursor back to its original position
						writeMessage = false;
				case "E": // Edit the messaage
					if (this.CanEdit())
						// Move the cursor to the last line in the message area so
						// the edit confirmation prompt will appear there.  Not using
						// the last line on the screen because the yes/no prompt will
						// output a carriage return and move everything on the screen
						// up one line, which is not ideal in case the user says No.
						var promptPos = this.EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt();
						// Let the user edit the message if they want to
						var editReturnObj = this.EditExistingMsg(pOffset);
						// If the user didn't confirm, then we only have to refresh the bottom
						// help line.  Otherwise, we need to refresh everything on the screen.
						if (!editReturnObj.userConfirmed)
							// For some reason, the yes/no prompt erases the last character
							// of the scrollbar - So, figure out which block was there and
							// refresh it.
							//var scrollBarBlock = "\1n\1h\1k" + BLOCK1; // Dim block
							// Dim block
							var scrollBarBlock = this.colors.scrollbarBGColor + this.text.scrollbarBGChar;
							if (solidBlockStartRow + numSolidScrollBlocks - 1 == this.msgAreaBottom)
								//scrollBarBlock = "\1w" + BLOCK2; // Bright block
								// Bright block
								scrollBarBlock = this.colors.scrollbarScrollBlockColor + this.text.scrollbarScrollBlockChar;
							console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, this.msgAreaBottom);
							// Refresh the last 2 message lines on the screen, then display
							// the key help line
							this.DisplayEnhReaderError("", msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr);
							this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
							writeMessage = false;
							// If the message was edited, then refresh the text lines
							// array and update the other message-related variables.
							if (editReturnObj.msgEdited && (editReturnObj.newMsgIdx > -1))
								// When the message is edited, the old message will be
								// deleted and the edited message will be posted as a new
								// message.  So we should return to the caller and have it
								// go directly to that new message.
								this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
								continueOn = false;
								retObj.newMsgOffset = editReturnObj.newMsgIdx;
								// The message was not edited.  Refresh everything on the screen.
								// If the enhanced message header width is less than the console
								// width, then clear the screen to remove anything that might be
								// left on the screen by the message editor.
								if (this.enhMsgHeaderWidth < console.screen_columns)
								// Display the message header and key help line
								this.DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(msgHeader, pOffset+1, 1);
								this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
								// Display the scrollbar again, and ensure it's in the correct position
								solidBlockStartRow = this.msgAreaTop + Math.floor(numNonSolidScrollBlocks * fractionToLastPage);
								this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
								writeMessage = true; // We want to refresh the message on the screen
						writeMessage = false; // Don't write the current message again
				case "?": // Show the help screen
					// If the enhanced message header width is less than the console
					// width, then clear the screen to remove anything left on the
					// screen from the help screen.
					if (this.enhMsgHeaderWidth < console.screen_columns)
					// Display the message header and key help line
					this.DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(msgHeader, pOffset+1, 1);
					this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
					// Display the scrollbar again, and ensure it's in the correct position
					solidBlockStartRow = this.msgAreaTop + Math.floor(numNonSolidScrollBlocks * fractionToLastPage);
					this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
					writeMessage = true; // We want to refresh the message on the screen
				case "R": // Reply to the message
				case "I": // Private message reply
					// If the user pressed P (private reply) while reading private
					// mail, then do nothing (allow only the "R" key to reply).
					var privateReply = (retObj.lastKeypress == "I");
					if (privateReply && this.readingPersonalEmail)
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
						// Let the user reply to the message.
						var replyRetObj = this.ReplyToMsg(msgHeader, msgInfo.msgText, privateReply, pOffset);
						retObj.userReplied = replyRetObj.postSucceeded;
						//retObj.msgDeleted = replyRetObj.msgWasDeleted;
						var msgWasDeleted = replyRetObj.msgWasDeleted;
						//if (retObj.msgDeleted)
						if (msgWasDeleted)
							var msgSearchObj = this.LookForNextOrPriorNonDeletedMsg(pOffset);
							continueOn = msgSearchObj.continueInputLoop;
							retObj.newMsgOffset = msgSearchObj.newMsgOffset;
							retObj.nextAction = msgSearchObj.nextAction;
							if (msgSearchObj.promptGoToNextArea)
								if (this.EnhReaderPromptYesNo(this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText, msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr, solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks))
									// Let this method exit and let the caller go to the next sub-board
									continueOn = false;
									retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
									writeMessage = true; // We want to refresh the message on the screen
							// If the enhanced message header width is less than the console
							// width, then clear the screen to remove anything left on the
							// screen by the message editor.
							if (this.enhMsgHeaderWidth < console.screen_columns)
							// Display the message header and key help line again
							this.DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(msgHeader, pOffset+1, 1);
							this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
							// Display the scrollbar again to refresh it on the screen
							solidBlockStartRow = this.msgAreaTop + Math.floor(numNonSolidScrollBlocks * fractionToLastPage);
							this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
							writeMessage = true; // We want to refresh the message on the screen
				case "P": // Post a message
					if (!this.readingPersonalEmail)
						// Let the user post a message.
						if (bbs.post_msg(this.subBoardCode))
							if (searchTypePopulatesSearchResults(this.searchType))
								// TODO: If the user is doing a search, it might be
								// useful to search their new message and add it to
								// the search results if it's a match..  but maybe
								// not?

						// Refresh things on the screen
						// Display the message header and key help line again
						this.DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(msgHeader, pOffset+1, 1);
						this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
						// Display the scrollbar again to refresh it on the screen
						solidBlockStartRow = this.msgAreaTop + Math.floor(numNonSolidScrollBlocks * fractionToLastPage);
						this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
						writeMessage = true; // We want to refresh the message on the screen
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
				// Numeric digit: The start of a number of a message to read
				case "0":
				case "1":
				case "2":
				case "3":
				case "4":
				case "5":
				case "6":
				case "7":
				case "8":
				case "9":
					var originalCurpos = console.getxy();
					// Put the user's input back in the input buffer to
					// be used for getting the rest of the message number.
					// Move the cursor to the 2nd to last row of the screen and
					// prompt the user for the message number.  Ideally, I'd like
					// to put the cursor on the last row of the screen for this, but
					// console.getnum() lets the enter key shift everything on screen
					// up one row, and there's no way to avoid that.  So, to optimize
					// screen refreshing, the cursor is placed on the 2nd to the last
					// row on the screen to prompt for the message number.
					var promptPos = this.EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt();
					// Prompt for the message number
					var msgNumInput = this.PromptForMsgNum(promptPos, this.text.readMsgNumPromptText, false, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
					// Only allow reading the message if the message number is valid
					// and it's not the same message number that was passed in.
					if ((msgNumInput > 0) && (msgNumInput-1 != pOffset))
						// If the message is marked as deleted, then output an error
						if (this.MessageIsDeleted(msgNumInput-1))
							writeWithPause(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows-1,
							               "\1n" + this.text.msgHasBeenDeletedText.replace("%d", msgNumInput) + "\1n",
							               ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, "\1n", true);
							// Confirm with the user whether to read the message
							var readMsg = true;
							if (this.promptToReadMessage)
								var sReadMsgConfirmText = this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
														+ "Read message "
														+ this.colors["readMsgConfirmNumberColor"]
														+ msgNumInput + this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
														+ ": Are you sure";
								readMsg = console.yesno(sReadMsgConfirmText);
							if (readMsg)
								continueOn = false;
								retObj.newMsgOffset = msgNumInput - 1;
								retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
								writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
					else // Message number invalid or the same as what was passed in
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again

					// If the user chose to continue reading messages, then refresh
					// the last 2 message lines in the last part of the message area
					// and then put the cursor back to its original position.
					if (continueOn)
						this.DisplayEnhReaderError("", msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr);
						// Move the cursor back to its original position
				case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByTitle: // Previous message by title
				case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByAuthor: // Previous message by author
				case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByToUser: // Previous message by 'to user'
				case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByThreadID: // Previous message by thread ID
					// Only allow this if we aren't doing a message search.
					if (!this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						var threadPrevMsgOffset = this.FindThreadPrevOffset(msgHeader,
						if (threadPrevMsgOffset > -1)
							retObj.newMsgOffset = threadPrevMsgOffset;
							retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
							continueOn = false;
							// Refresh the help line at the bottom of the screen
							//this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
							writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
						// Make sure the help line on the bottom of the screen is
						// drawn.
						this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
				case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByTitle: // Next message by title (subject)
				case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByAuthor: // Next message by author
				case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByToUser: // Next message by 'to user'
				case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByThreadID: // Next message by thread ID
					// Only allow this if we aren't doing a message search.
					if (!this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						var threadPrevMsgOffset = this.FindThreadNextOffset(msgHeader,
						if (threadPrevMsgOffset > -1)
							retObj.newMsgOffset = threadPrevMsgOffset;
							retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
							continueOn = false;
							writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
						// Make sure the help line on the bottom of the screen is
						// drawn.
						this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
				case KEY_LEFT: // Previous message
					// Look for a prior message that isn't marked for deletion.  Even
					// if we don't find one, we'll still want to return from this
					// function (with message index -1) so that this script can go
					// onto the previous message sub-board/group.
					retObj.newMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, false);
					// As a screen redraw optimization: Only return if there is a valid new
					// message offset or the user is allowed to change to a different sub-board.
					// Otherwise, don't return, and don't refresh the message on the screen.
					var goToPrevMessage = false;
					if ((retObj.newMsgOffset > -1) || allowChgMsgArea)
						if (retObj.newMsgOffset == -1 && !curMsgSubBoardIsLast())
							goToPrevMessage = this.EnhReaderPromptYesNo(this.text.goToPrevMsgAreaPromptText,
							msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx,
							msgLineFormatStr, solidBlockStartRow,
							// We're not at the beginning of the sub-board, so it's okay to exit this
							// method and go to the previous message.
							goToPrevMessage = true;
					if (goToPrevMessage)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_PREVIOUS_MSG;
						writeMessage = false; // No need to refresh the message
				case KEY_RIGHT: // Next message
				case KEY_ENTER:
					// Look for a later message that isn't marked for deletion.  Even
					// if we don't find one, we'll still want to return from this
					// function (with message index -1) so that this script can go
					// onto the next message sub-board/group.
					retObj.newMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, true);
					// Note: Unlike the left arrow key, we want to exit this method when
					// navigating to the next message, regardless of whether or not the
					// user is allowed to change to a different sub-board, so that processes
					// that require continuation (such as new message scan) can continue.
					// Still, if there are no more readable messages in the current sub-board
					// (and thus the user would go onto the next message area), prompt the
					// user whether they want to continue onto the next message area.
					if (retObj.newMsgOffset == -1 && !curMsgSubBoardIsLast())
						// For personal mail, don't do anything, and don't refresh the
						// message.  In a sub-board, ask the user if they want to go
						// to the next one.
						if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
							writeMessage = false;
							if (this.EnhReaderPromptYesNo(this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText, msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr, solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks))
								// Let this method exit and let the caller go to the next sub-board
								continueOn = false;
								retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
								writeMessage = false; // No need to refresh the message
						// We're not at the end of the sub-board, so it's okay to exit this
						// method and go to the next message.
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
					// First & last message: Quit out of this input loop and let the
					// calling function, this.ReadMessages(), handle the action.
				case "F": // First message
					// Only leave this function if we aren't already on the first message.
					if (pOffset > 0)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_FIRST_MSG;
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
				case "L": // Last message
					// Only leave this function if we aren't already on the last message.
					if (pOffset < this.NumMessages() - 1)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_LAST_MSG;
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
				case enhReaderKeys.prevSubBoard: // Go to the previous message area
					if (allowChgMsgArea)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_PREV_MSG_AREA;
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
				case enhReaderKeys.nextSubBoard: // Go to the next message area
					if (allowChgMsgArea || this.doingMultiSubBoardScan)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA;
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
					// H and K: Display the extended message header info/kludge lines
					// (for the sysop)
				case "H":
				case "K":
					if (gIsSysop)
						// Save the original cursor position
						var originalCurPos = console.getxy();

						// Get an array of the extended header info/kludge lines and then
						// allow the user to scroll through them.
						var extdHdrInfoLines = this.GetExtdMsgHdrInfo(msgHeader);
						if (extdHdrInfoLines.length > 0)
							// Calculate information for the scrollbar for the kludge lines
							var infoFractionShown = this.msgAreaHeight / extdHdrInfoLines.length;
							if (infoFractionShown > 1)
								infoFractionShown = 1.0;
							var numInfoSolidScrollBlocks = Math.floor(this.msgAreaHeight * infoFractionShown);
							if (numInfoSolidScrollBlocks == 0)
								numInfoSolidScrollBlocks = 1;
							var numNonSolidInfoScrollBlocks = this.msgAreaHeight - numInfoSolidScrollBlocks;
							var lastInfoSolidBlockStartRow = this.msgAreaTop;
							// Define a scrollbar update function for the header info/kludge lines
							function msgInfoScrollbarUpdateFn(pFractionToLastPage)
								var infoSolidBlockStartRow = msgReaderObj.msgAreaTop + Math.floor(numNonSolidInfoScrollBlocks * pFractionToLastPage);
								if (infoSolidBlockStartRow != lastInfoSolidBlockStartRow)
									msgReaderObj.UpdateEnhancedReaderScollbar(infoSolidBlockStartRow, lastInfoSolidBlockStartRow, numInfoSolidScrollBlocks);
								lastInfoSolidBlockStartRow = infoSolidBlockStartRow;
								console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
							// Display the kludge lines and let the user scroll through them
							this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(this.msgAreaTop, numInfoSolidScrollBlocks);
							scrollTextLines(extdHdrInfoLines, 0, this.colors["msgBodyColor"], true,
							this.msgAreaLeft, this.msgAreaTop, this.msgAreaWidth,
							msgAreaHeight, 1, console.screen_rows,
							// Display the scrollbar for the message to refresh it on the screen
							solidBlockStartRow = this.msgAreaTop + Math.floor(numNonSolidScrollBlocks * fractionToLastPage);
							this.DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks);
							writeMessage = true; // We want to refresh the message on the screen
							// There are no kludge lines for this message
							this.DisplayEnhReaderError(this.text.noKludgeLinesForThisMsgText, msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr);
							writeMessage = false;
					else // The user is not a sysop
						writeMessage = false;
					// Message list, change message area: Quit out of this input loop
					// and let the calling function, this.ReadMessages(), handle the
					// action.
				case "M": // Message list
					retObj.nextAction = ACTION_DISPLAY_MSG_LIST;
					continueOn = false;
				case "C": // Change message area, if allowed
					if (allowChgMsgArea)
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_CHG_MSG_AREA;
						continueOn = false;
						writeMessage = false; // No need to refresh the message
				case enhReaderKeys.saveToBBSMachine:
					if (gIsSysop)
						// TODO: I'd like to add this functionality at some point
						// - Save the message to the BBS machine (prompt for the
						// directory on the BBS machine)
						//var promptPos = this.EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt();
						writeMessage = false;
				case "Q": // Quit
					retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
					continueOn = false;
					writeMessage = false;
		// Use the non-scrolling interface.
		// Get the message body.  Make sure the text is word-wrapped so that it
		// looks good when written to the screen.
		var msgText = this.msgbase.get_msg_body(true, msgHeader.offset);
		var msgTextWrapped = word_wrap(msgText, console.screen_columns-1);

		// Generate the key help text
		var keyHelpText = "\1n\1c\1h#\1n\1b, \1c\1hLeft\1n\1b, \1c\1hRight\1n\1b, ";
		if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
			keyHelpText += "\1c\1hDEL\1b, ";
		if (this.CanEdit())
			keyHelpText += "\1c\1hE\1y)\1n\1cdit\1b, ";
		keyHelpText += "\1c\1hF\1y)\1n\1cirst\1b, \1c\1hL\1y)\1n\1cast\1b, \1c\1hR\1y)\1n\1ceply\1b, ";
		// If the user is allowed to change to a different message area, then
		// include that option.
		if (allowChgMsgArea)
			// If there's room for the private reply option, then include that
			// before the change area option.
			if (console.screen_columns >= 89)
				keyHelpText += "\1c\1hP\1y)\1n\1crivate reply\1b, ";
			keyHelpText += "\1c\1hC\1y)\1n\1chg area\1b, ";
			// The user isn't allowed to change to a different message area.
			// Go ahead and include the private reply option.
			keyHelpText += "\1c\1hP\1y)\1n\1crivate reply\1b, ";
		keyHelpText += "\1c\1hQ\1y)\1n\1cuit\1b, \1c\1h?\1g: \1c";

		// User input loop
		var writeMessage = true;
		var writePromptText = true;
		var continueOn = true;
		while (continueOn)
			if (writeMessage)
				if (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
				// Write the message header & message body to the screen
				this.DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(msgHeader, pOffset+1, 1);
				console.print("\1n" + this.colors["msgBodyColor"]);
				console.putmsg(msgTextWrapped, P_NOATCODES);
			// Write the prompt text
			if (writePromptText)
			// Default the writing of the message & input prompt to true for the
			// next iteration.
			writeMessage = true;
			writePromptText = true;
			// Input a key from the user and take action based on the keypress.
			retObj.lastKeypress = getKeyWithESCChars(K_UPPER/*|K_NOCRLF|K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN*/);
			switch (retObj.lastKeypress)
				case KEY_DEL: // Delete message
					// Prompt the user for confirmation to delete the message.
					// Note: this.DeleteMessage() will check to see if the user
					// is a sysop or the message was posted by the user.
					// If the message was deleted, then exit this read method
					// and return KEY_RIGHT as the last keypress so that the
					// calling method will go to the next message/sub-board.
					// Otherwise (if the message was not deleted), refresh the
					// last 2 lines of the message on the screen.
					var msgWasDeleted = this.DeleteMessage(pOffset);
					if (msgWasDeleted)
						var msgSearchObj = this.LookForNextOrPriorNonDeletedMsg(pOffset);
						continueOn = msgSearchObj.continueInputLoop;
						retObj.newMsgOffset = msgSearchObj.newMsgOffset;
						retObj.nextAction = msgSearchObj.nextAction;
						if (msgSearchObj.promptGoToNextArea)
							if (console.yesno(this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText))
								// Let this method exit and let the caller go to the next sub-board
								continueOn = false;
								retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
								writeMessage = false; // No need to refresh the message
				case "E": // Edit the message
					if (this.CanEdit())
						// Let the user edit the message if they want to
						var editReturnObj = this.EditExistingMsg(pOffset);
						// If the user confirmed editing the message, then see if the
						// message was edited and refresh the screen accordingly.
						if (editReturnObj.userConfirmed)
							// If the message was edited, then refresh the text lines
							// array and update the other message-related variables.
							if (editReturnObj.msgEdited && (editReturnObj.newMsgIdx > -1))
								// When the message is edited, the old message will be
								// deleted and the edited message will be posted as a new
								// message.  So we should return to the caller and have it
								// go directly to that new message.
								continueOn = false;
								retObj.newMsgOffset = editReturnObj.newMsgIdx;
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
				case "?": // Show help
					if (!console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
					if (!console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
				case "R": // Reply to the message
				case "I": // Private reply
					var privateReply = (retObj.lastKeypress == "I");
					// If the user pressed P (private reply) while reading private
					// mail, then do nothing (allow only the "R" key to reply).
					// If not reading personal email, go ahead and let the user reply
					// with either the "P" or "R" keypress.
					var privateReply = (retObj.lastKeypress == "I");
					if (privateReply && this.readingPersonalEmail)
						writeMessage = false; // Don't re-write the current message again
						writePromptText = false; // Don't write the prompt text again
						var replyRetObj = this.ReplyToMsg(msgHeader, msgText, privateReply, pOffset);
						retObj.userReplied = replyRetObj.postSucceeded;
						//retObj.msgDeleted = replyRetObj.msgWasDeleted;
						var msgWasDeleted = replyRetObj.msgWasDeleted;
						if (msgWasDeleted)
							var msgSearchObj = this.LookForNextOrPriorNonDeletedMsg(pOffset);
							continueOn = msgSearchObj.continueInputLoop;
							retObj.newMsgOffset = msgSearchObj.newMsgOffset;
							retObj.nextAction = msgSearchObj.nextAction;
							if (msgSearchObj.promptGoToNextArea)
								if (this.EnhReaderPromptYesNo(this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText, msgInfo.messageLines, topMsgLineIdx, msgLineFormatStr, solidBlockStartRow, numSolidScrollBlocks))
									// Let this method exit and let the caller go to the next sub-board
									continueOn = false;
									retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
									writeMessage = true; // We want to refresh the message on the screen
				case "P": // Post a message
					if (!this.readingPersonalEmail)
						// Let the user post a message.
						if (bbs.post_msg(this.subBoardCode))
							// TODO: If the user is doing a search, it might be
							// useful to search their new message and add it to
							// the search results if it's a match..  but maybe
							// not?

						// We'll want to refresh the message & prompt text on the screen
						writeMessage = true;
						writePromptText = true;
						// Don't write the current message or prompt text in the next iteration
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
				// Numeric digit: The start of a number of a message to read
				case "0":
				case "1":
				case "2":
				case "3":
				case "4":
				case "5":
				case "6":
				case "7":
				case "8":
				case "9":
					// Put the user's input back in the input buffer to
					// be used for getting the rest of the message number.
					// Prompt for the message number
					var msgNumInput = this.PromptForMsgNum(null, this.text.readMsgNumPromptText, false, ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, false);
					// Only allow reading the message if the message number is valid
					// and it's not the same message number that was passed in.
					if ((msgNumInput > 0) && (msgNumInput-1 != pOffset))
						// If the message is marked as deleted, then output an error
						if (this.MessageIsDeleted(msgNumInput-1))
							console.print("\1n" + this.text.msgHasBeenDeletedText.replace("%d", msgNumInput) + "\1n");
							// Confirm with the user whether to read the message
							var readMsg = true;
							if (this.promptToReadMessage)
								readMsg = console.yesno("\1n" + this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
								                        + "Read message "
								                        + this.colors["readMsgConfirmNumberColor"]
								                        + msgNumInput + this.colors["readMsgConfirmColor"]
								                        + ": Are you sure");
							if (readMsg)
								continueOn = false;
								retObj.newMsgOffset = msgNumInput - 1;
								retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
				case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByTitle: // Previous message by title
				case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByAuthor: // Previous message by author
				case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByToUser: // Previous message by 'to user'
				case enhReaderKeys.prevMsgByThreadID: // Previous message by thread ID
					// Only allow this if we aren't doing a message search.
					if (!this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						console.crlf(); // For the "Searching..." text
						var threadPrevMsgOffset = this.FindThreadPrevOffset(msgHeader,
						if (threadPrevMsgOffset > -1)
							retObj.newMsgOffset = threadPrevMsgOffset;
							retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
							continueOn = false;
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
				case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByTitle: // Next message by title (subject)
				case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByAuthor: // Next message by author
				case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByToUser: // Next message by 'to user'
				case enhReaderKeys.nextMsgByThreadID: // Next message by thread ID
					// Only allow this if we aren't doing a message search.
					if (!this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						console.crlf(); // For the "Searching..." text
						var threadNextMsgOffset = this.FindThreadNextOffset(msgHeader,
						if (threadNextMsgOffset > -1)
							retObj.newMsgOffset = threadNextMsgOffset;
							retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG;
							continueOn = false;
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
				case KEY_LEFT: // Previous message
					// TODO: Change the key for this?
					// Look for a prior message that isn't marked for deletion.  Even
					// if we don't find one, we'll still want to return from this
					// function (with message index -1) so that this script can go
					// onto the previous message sub-board/group.
					retObj.newMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, false);
					var goToPrevMessage = false;
					if ((retObj.newMsgOffset > -1) || allowChgMsgArea)
						if (retObj.newMsgOffset == -1 && !curMsgSubBoardIsLast())
							goToPrevMessage = console.yesno(this.text.goToPrevMsgAreaPromptText);
							// We're not at the beginning of the sub-board, so it's okay to exit this
							// method and go to the previous message.
							goToPrevMessage = true;
					if (goToPrevMessage)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_PREVIOUS_MSG;
				case KEY_RIGHT: // Next message
				case KEY_ENTER:
					// Look for a later message that isn't marked for deletion.  Even
					// if we don't find one, we'll still want to return from this
					// function (with message index -1) so that this script can go
					// onto the next message sub-board/group.
					retObj.newMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, true);
					// Note: Unlike the left arrow key, we want to exit this method when
					// navigating to the next message, regardless of whether or not the
					// user is allowed to change to a different sub-board, so that processes
					// that require continuation (such as new message scan) can continue.
					// Still, if there are no more readable messages in the current sub-board
					// (and thus the user would go onto the next message area), prompt the
					// user whether they want to continue onto the next message area.
					if (retObj.newMsgOffset == -1 && !curMsgSubBoardIsLast())
						if (console.yesno(this.text.goToNextMsgAreaPromptText))
							// Let this method exit and let the caller go to the next sub-board
							continueOn = false;
							retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
						// We're not at the end of the sub-board, so it's okay to exit this
						// method and go to the next message.
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
				case "F": // First message
					// Only leave this function if we aren't already on the first message.
					if (pOffset > 0)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_FIRST_MSG;
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
				case "L": // Last message
					// Only leave this function if we aren't already on the last message.
					if (pOffset < this.NumMessages() - 1)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_LAST_MSG;
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
				case "-": // Go to the previous message area
					if (allowChgMsgArea)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_PREV_MSG_AREA;
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
				case "+": // Go to the next message area
					if (allowChgMsgArea || this.doingMultiSubBoardScan)
						continueOn = false;
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA;
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
					// H and K: Display the extended message header info/kludge lines
					// (for the sysop)
				case "H":
				case "K":
					if (gIsSysop)
						// Get an array of the extended header info/kludge lines and then
						// display them.
						var extdHdrInfoLines = this.GetExtdMsgHdrInfo(msgHeader);
						if (extdHdrInfoLines.length > 0)
							for (var infoIter = 0; infoIter < extdHdrInfoLines.length; ++infoIter)
							// There are no kludge lines for this message
					else // The user is not a sysop
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
					// Message list, change message area: Quit out of this input loop
					// and let the calling function, this.ReadMessages(), handle the
					// action.
				case "M": // Message list
					retObj.nextAction = ACTION_DISPLAY_MSG_LIST;
					continueOn = false;
				case "C": // Change message area, if allowed
					if (allowChgMsgArea)
						retObj.nextAction = ACTION_CHG_MSG_AREA;
						continueOn = false;
						writeMessage = false;
						writePromptText = false;
				case "Q": // Quit
					retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
					continueOn = false;
					// No need to do anything
					writeMessage = false;
					writePromptText = false;

	// Mark the message as read if it was written to the current user or if
	// the user is reading personal email.
	if (userNameHandleAliasMatch(msgHeader.to))
		msgHeader.attr |= MSG_READ;
		this.msgbase.put_msg_header(true, msgHeader.offset, msgHeader);
		if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
		this.RefreshSearchResultMsgHdr(pOffset, MSG_READ);

	// If not reading personal email, then update the scan & last read message pointers.
	if (this.subBoardCode != "mail") // && !this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults()
		if (msgHeader.number > msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr)
		msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr = msgHeader.number;
		msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = msgHeader.number;

	return retObj;
} // DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessageEnhanced

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: For the enhanced reader method - Prepares the
// last 2 lines on the screen for propmting the user for something.
// Return value: An object containing x and y values representing the cursor
//               position, ready to prompt the user.
function DigDistMsgReader_EnhReaderPrepLast2LinesForPrompt()
	var promptPos = { x: this.msgAreaLeft, y: this.msgAreaBottom };
	// Write a line of characters above where the prompt will be placed,
	// to help get the user's attention.
	console.gotoxy(promptPos.x, promptPos.y-1);
	console.print("\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderPromptSepLineColor);
	for (var lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < this.msgAreaWidth; ++lineCounter)
	// Clear the inside of the message area, so as not to overwrite
	// the scrollbar character
	for (var lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < this.msgAreaWidth; ++lineCounter)
		console.print(" ");
	// Position the cursor at the prompt location
	return promptPos;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: For the enhanced reader method - Looks for a
// later method that isn't marked for deletion.  If none is found, looks for a
// prior message that isn't marked for deletion.
// Parameters:
//  pOffset: The offset of the message to start at
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               newMsgOffset: The offset of the next readable message
//               nextAction: The next action (code) for the enhanced reader
//               continueInputLoop: Boolean - Whether or not to continue the input loop
//               promptGoToNextArea: Boolean - Whether or not to prompt the user to go
//                                   to the next message area
function DigDistMsgReader_LookForNextOrPriorNonDeletedMsg(pOffset)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.newMsgOffset = 0;
	retObj.nextAction = ACTION_NONE;
	retObj.continueInputLoop = true;
	retObj.promptGoToNextArea = false;

	// Look for a later message that isn't marked for deletion.
	// If none is found, then look for a prior message that isn't
	// marked for deletion.
	retObj.newMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, true);
	if (retObj.newMsgOffset > -1)
		retObj.continueInputLoop = false;
		retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
		// No later message found, so look for a prior message.
		retObj.newMsgOffset = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, false);
		if (retObj.newMsgOffset > -1)
			retObj.continueInputLoop = false;
			retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_PREVIOUS_MSG;
			// No prior message found.  We'll want to return from the enhanced
			// reader function (with message index -1) so that this script can
			// go onto the next message sub-board/group.  Also, set the next
			// action such that the calling method will go on to the next
			// message/sub-board.
			if (!curMsgSubBoardIsLast())
				if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
					retObj.continueInputLoop = false;
					retObj.nextAction = ACTION_QUIT;
					retObj.promptGoToNextArea =  true;
				// We're not at the end of the sub-board or the current sub-board
				// is the last, so go ahead and exit.
				retObj.continueInputLoop = false;
				retObj.nextAction = ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG;
	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Writes the help line for enhanced reader
// mode.
// Parameters:
//  pScreenRow: Optional - The screen row to write the help line on.  If not
//              specified, the last row on the screen will be used.
//  pDisplayChgAreaOpt: Optional boolean - Whether or not to show the "change area" option.
//                      Defaults to true.
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(pScreenRow, pDisplayChgAreaOpt)
   var displayChgAreaOpt = (typeof(pDisplayChgAreaOpt) == "boolean" ? pDisplayChgAreaOpt : true);
   // Move the cursor to the desired location on the screen and display the help line
   console.gotoxy(1, typeof(pScreenRow) == "number" ? pScreenRow : console.screen_rows);
   console.print(displayChgAreaOpt ? this.enhReadHelpLine : this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Goes back to the prior readable sub-board
// (accounting for search results, etc.).  Changes the object's subBoardCode,
// msgbase object, etc.
// Parameters:
//  pAllowChgMsgArea: Boolean - Whether or not the user is allowed to change
//                    to another message area
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               changedMsgArea: Boolean - Whether or not this method successfully
//                               changed to a prior message area
//               msgIndex: The message index for the new sub-board.  Will be -1
//                         if there is no new sub-board or otherwise invalid
//                         scenario.
//               shouldStopReading: Whether or not the script should stop letting
//                                  the user read messages
function DigDistMsgReader_GoToPrevSubBoardForEnhReader(pAllowChgMsgArea)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.changedMsgArea = false;
	retObj.msgIndex = -1;
	retObj.shouldStopReading = false;

	// Only allow this if pAllowChgMsgArea is true and we're not reading personal
	// email.  If we're reading personal email, then msg_area.sub is unavailable
	// for the "mail" internal code.
	if (pAllowChgMsgArea && (this.subBoardCode != "mail"))
		// continueGoingToPrevSubBoard specifies whether or not to continue
		// going to the previous sub-boards in case there is search text
		// specified.
		var continueGoingToPrevSubBoard = true;
		while (continueGoingToPrevSubBoard)
			// Allow going to the previous message sub-board/group.
			var msgGrpIdx = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
			var subBoardIdx = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index;
			var readMsgRetObj = findNextOrPrevNonEmptySubBoard(msgGrpIdx, subBoardIdx, false);
			// If a different sub-board was found, then go to that sub-board.
			if (readMsgRetObj.foundSubBoard && readMsgRetObj.subChanged)
				bbs.cursub = 0;
				bbs.curgrp = readMsgRetObj.grpIdx;
				bbs.cursub = readMsgRetObj.subIdx;
				// Open the new sub-board
				this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
				if (this.msgbase.open())
					if (this.searchType == SEARCH_NONE || !this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						continueGoingToPrevSubBoard = false; // No search results, so don't keep going to the previous sub-board.
						// Go to the user's last read message.  If the message index ends up
						// below 0, then go to the last message not marked as deleted.
						retObj.msgIndex = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read);
						if (retObj.msgIndex >= 0)
							retObj.changedMsgArea = true;
							// Look for the last message not marked as deleted
							var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(this.NumMessages(), false);
							// If a non-deleted message was found, then set retObj.msgIndex to it.
							// Otherwise, tell the user there are no messages in this sub-board
							// and return.
							if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
								retObj.msgIndex = nonDeletedMsgIdx;
								retObj.msgIndex = this.NumMessages() - 1; // Shouldn't get here
							var newLastRead = this.IdxToAbsMsgNum(retObj.msgIndex);
							if (newLastRead > -1)
								msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = newLastRead;
					// Set the hotkey help line again, as this sub-board might have
					// different settings for whether messages can be edited or deleted,
					// then refresh it on the screen.
					var oldHotkeyHelpLine = this.enhReadHelpLine;
					// If a search is is specified that would populate the search
					// results, then populate this.msgSearchHdrs for the current
					// sub-board if there is search text specified.  If there
					// are no search results, then ask the user if they want
					// to continue searching the message areas.
					if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
						if (this.PopulateHdrsIfSearch_DispErrorIfNoMsgs(false, true, false))
							retObj.changedMsgArea = true;
							continueGoingToPrevSubBoard = false;
							retObj.msgIndex = this.NumMessages() - 1;
							if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
								this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, pAllowChgMsgArea);
						else // No search results in this sub-board
							continueGoingToPrevSubBoard = !console.noyes("Continue searching");
							if (!continueGoingToPrevSubBoard)
								retObj.shouldStopReading = true;
								return retObj;
						retObj.changedMsgArea = true;
						if ((oldHotkeyHelpLine != this.enhReadHelpLine) && this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
							this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, pAllowChgMsgArea);
				else // The message base failed to open
					console.print("\1h\1y* \1wUnable to open message sub-board:");
					retObj.shouldStopReading = true;
					continueGoingToPrevSubBoard = false;
					return retObj;
				// Didn't find a prior sub-board with readable messages.
				// We could stop and exit the script here by doing the following,
				// but I'd rather let the user exit when they want to.

				continueGoingToPrevSubBoard = false;
				// Show a message telling the user that there are no prior
				// messages or sub-boards.  Then, refresh the hotkey help line.
				writeWithPause(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows,
									"\1n\1h\1y* No prior messages or no message in prior message areas.",
									ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, "\1n", true);
				if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
					this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, pAllowChgMsgArea);

	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Goes to the next readable sub-board
// (accounting for search results, etc.).  Changes the object's subBoardCode,
// msgbase object, etc.
// Parameters:
//  pAllowChgMsgArea: Boolean - Whether or not the user is allowed to change
//                    to another message area
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               changedMsgArea: Boolean - Whether or not this method successfully
//                               changed to a prior message area
//               msgIndex: The message index for the new sub-board.  Will be -1
//                         if there is no new sub-board or otherwise invalid
//                         scenario.
//               shouldStopReading: Whether or not the script should stop letting
//                                  the user read messages
function DigDistMsgReader_GoToNextSubBoardForEnhReader(pAllowChgMsgArea)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.changedMsgArea = false;
	retObj.msgIndex = -1;
	retObj.shouldStopReading = false;

	// Only allow this if pAllowChgMsgArea is true and we're not reading personal
	// email.  If we're reading personal email, then msg_area.sub is unavailable
	// for the "mail" internal code.
	if (pAllowChgMsgArea && (this.subBoardCode != "mail"))
		// continueGoingToNextSubBoard specifies whether or not to continue
		// advancing to the next sub-boards in case there is search text
		// specified.
		var continueGoingToNextSubBoard = true;
		while (continueGoingToNextSubBoard)
			// Allow going to the next message sub-board/group.
			var msgGrpIdx = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
			var subBoardIdx = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index;
			var readMsgRetObj = findNextOrPrevNonEmptySubBoard(msgGrpIdx, subBoardIdx, true);
			// If a different sub-board was found, then go to that sub-board.
			if (readMsgRetObj.foundSubBoard && readMsgRetObj.subChanged)
				retObj.msgIndex = 0;
				bbs.cursub = 0;
				bbs.curgrp = readMsgRetObj.grpIdx;
				bbs.cursub = readMsgRetObj.subIdx;
				// Open the new sub-board
				this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
				if (this.msgbase.open())
					if ((this.searchType == SEARCH_NONE) || !this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						continueGoingToNextSubBoard = false; // No search results, so don't keep going to the next sub-board.
						// Go to the user's last read message.  If the message index ends up
						// below 0, then go to the first message not marked as deleted.
						retObj.msgIndex = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read);
						if (retObj.msgIndex >= 0)
							retObj.changedMsgArea = true;
							// Set the index of the message to display - Look for the
							// first message not marked as deleted
							var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(this.NumMessages()-1, true);
							// If a non-deleted message was found, then set retObj.msgIndex to it.
							// Otherwise, tell the user there are no messages in this sub-board
							// and return.
							if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
								retObj.msgIndex = nonDeletedMsgIdx;
								retObj.changedMsgArea = true;
								var newLastRead = this.IdxToAbsMsgNum(nonDeletedMsgIdx);
								if (newLastRead > -1)
									msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = newLastRead;
					// Set the hotkey help line again, as this sub-board might have
					// different settings for whether messages can be edited or deleted,
					// then refresh it on the screen.
					var oldHotkeyHelpLine = this.enhReadHelpLine;
					// If a search is is specified that would populate the search
					// results, then populate this.msgSearchHdrs for the current
					// sub-board if there is search text specified.  If there
					// are no search results, then ask the user if they want
					// to continue searching the message areas.
					if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
						if (this.PopulateHdrsIfSearch_DispErrorIfNoMsgs(false, true, false))
							retObj.changedMsgArea = true;
							continueGoingToNextSubBoard = false;
							retObj.msgIndex = 0;
							if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
								this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, pAllowChgMsgArea);
						else // No search results in this sub-board
							continueGoingToNextSubBoard = !console.noyes("Continue searching");
							if (!continueGoingToNextSubBoard)
								retObj.shouldStopReading = true;
								return retObj;
				else // The message base failed to open
					console.print("\1h\1y* \1wUnable to open message sub-board:");
					retObj.shouldStopReading = true;
					continueGoingToNextSubBoard = false;
					return retObj;
				// Didn't find later sub-board with readable messages.
				// We could stop and exit the script here by doing the following,
				// but I'd rather let the user exit when they want to.
				//retObj.shouldStopReading = true;
				//return retObj;

				continueGoingToNextSubBoard = false;
				// Show a message telling the user that there are no more
				// messages or sub-boards.  Then, refresh the hotkey help line.
				writeWithPause(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows,
									"\1n\1h\1y* No more messages or message areas.",
									ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, "\1n", true);
				if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
					this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, pAllowChgMsgArea);

	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Prepares the variables that keep track of the
// traditional-interface message list position, current messsage number, etc.
function DigDistMsgReader_SetUpTraditionalMsgListVars()
	// If a search is specified, then just start at the first message.
	// If no search is specified, then get the index of the user's last read
	// message.  Then, figure out which page it's on and set the lightbar list
	// index & cursor position variables accordingly.
	var lastReadMsgIdx = 0;
	if (!this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		lastReadMsgIdx = this.GetLastReadMsgIdx();
		if (lastReadMsgIdx == -1)
			lastReadMsgIdx = 0;
	var pageNum = findPageNumOfItemNum(lastReadMsgIdx+1, this.tradMsgListNumLines, this.NumMessages(),
	if (!this.reverseListOrder && (this.tradListTopMsgIdx > lastReadMsgIdx))
		this.tradListTopMsgIdx -= this.tradMsgListNumLines;

// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Prepares the variables that keep track of the
// lightbar message list position, current messsage number, etc.
function DigDistMsgReader_SetUpLightbarMsgListVars()
	// If a search is specified, then just start at the first message.
	// If no search is specified, then get the index of the user's last read
	// message.  Then, figure out which page it's on and set the lightbar list
	// index & cursor position variables accordingly.
	var lastReadMsgIdx = 0;
	if (!this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		lastReadMsgIdx = this.GetLastReadMsgIdx();
		if (lastReadMsgIdx == -1)
			lastReadMsgIdx = 0;
	var pageNum = findPageNumOfItemNum(lastReadMsgIdx+1, this.lightbarMsgListNumLines, this.NumMessages(),
	var initialCursorRow = 0;
	if (this.reverseListOrder)
		initialCursorRow = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow+(this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx-lastReadMsgIdx);
		if (this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx > lastReadMsgIdx)
			this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx -= this.lightbarMsgListNumLines;
		initialCursorRow = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow+(lastReadMsgIdx-this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx);
	this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = lastReadMsgIdx;
	this.lightbarListCurPos = { x: 1, y: initialCursorRow };

// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Writes the message list column headers at the
// top of the screen.
function DigDistMsgReader_WriteMsgListScreenTopHeader()

	// If we will be displaying the message group and sub-board in the
	// header at the top of the screen (an additional 2 lines), then
	// update nMaxLines and nListStartLine to account for this.
	if (this.displayBoardInfoInHeader && canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()) // console.term_supports(USER_ANSI)
		var curpos = console.getxy();
      // Figure out the message group name
		var msgGroupName = "";
		// For the message group name, we can also use this.msgbase.cfg.grp_name in
		// Synchronet 3.12 and higher.
		if (this.msgbase.cfg != null)
         msgGroupName = msg_area.grp_list[this.msgbase.cfg.grp_number].description;
         msgGroupName = "Unspecified";
      // Figure out the sub-board name
      var subBoardName = "";
      if (this.msgbase.cfg != null)
         subBoardName = this.msgbase.cfg.description;
      else if ((this.msgbase.subnum == -1) || (this.msgbase.subnum == 65535))
         subBoardName = "Electronic Mail";
         subBoardName = "Unspecified";

      // Display the message group name
      console.print(this.colors["msgListHeaderMsgGroupTextColor"] + "Msg group: " +
                    this.colors["msgListHeaderMsgGroupNameColor"] + msgGroupName);
		console.cleartoeol(); // Fill to the end of the line with the current colors
		// Display the sub-board name on the next line
		console.print(this.colors["msgListHeaderSubBoardTextColor"] + "Sub-board: " +
                    this.colors["msgListHeaderMsgSubBoardName"] + subBoardName);
		console.cleartoeol(); // Fill to the end of the line with the current colors

	// Write the message listing column headers
	printf(this.colors["msgListColHeader"] + this.sHdrFormatStr, "Msg#", "From", "To", "Subject", "Date", "Time");

	// Set the normal text attribute
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Lists a screenful of message header information.
// Parameters:
//  pTopIndex: The index (offset) of the top message
//  pMaxLines: The maximum number of lines to output to the screen
// Return value: Boolean, whether or not the last message output to the
//               screen is the last message in the sub-board.
function DigDistMsgReader_ListScreenfulOfMessages(pTopIndex, pMaxLines)
   var atLastPage = false;

	var curpos = console.getxy();
	var msgIndex = 0;
	if (this.reverseListOrder)
      var endIndex = pTopIndex - pMaxLines + 1; // The index of the last message to display
      for (msgIndex = pTopIndex; (msgIndex >= 0) && (msgIndex >= endIndex); --msgIndex)
         // The following line which sets console.line_counter to 0 is a
         // kludge to disable Synchronet's automatic pausing after a
         // screenful of text, so that this script can have more control
         // over screen pausing.
         console.line_counter = 0;

         // Get the message header (it will be a MsgHeader object) and
         // display it.
         msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgIndex);
         if (msgHeader == null)

         // Display the message info
         this.PrintMessageInfo(msgHeader, false, msgIndex+1);
         if (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))

      atLastPage = (msgIndex < 0);
      var endIndex = pTopIndex + pMaxLines; // One past the last message index to display
      for (msgIndex = pTopIndex; (msgIndex < this.NumMessages()) && (msgIndex < endIndex); ++msgIndex)
         // The following line which sets console.line_counter to 0 is a
         // kludge to disable Synchronet's automatic pausing after a
         // screenful of text, so that this script can have more control
         // over screen pausing.
         console.line_counter = 0;

         // Get the message header (it will be a MsgHeader object) and
         // display it.
         msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgIndex);
         if (msgHeader == null)

         // Display the message info
         this.PrintMessageInfo(msgHeader, false, msgIndex+1);
         if (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))

      atLastPage = (msgIndex == this.NumMessages());

   return atLastPage;
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Displays the help screen for the message list.
// Parameters:
//  pChgSubBoardAllowed: Whether or not changing to another sub-board is allowed
//  pPauseAtEnd: Boolean, whether or not to pause at the end.
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayMsgListHelp(pChgSubBoardAllowed, pPauseAtEnd)

	// Display help specific to which interface is being used.
	if (this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface)
		this.DisplayLightbarMsgListHelp(false, pChgSubBoardAllowed);
		this.DisplayTraditionalMsgListHelp(false, pChgSubBoardAllowed);

	// If pPauseAtEnd is true, then output a newline and
	// prompt the user whether or not to continue.
	if (pPauseAtEnd)
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Displays help for the traditional-interface
// message list
// Parameters:
//  pDisplayHeader: Whether or not to display a help header at the beginning
//  pChgSubBoardAllowed: Whether or not changing to another sub-board is allowed
//  pPauseAtEnd: Boolean, whether or not to pause at the end.
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayTraditionalMsgListHelp(pDisplayHeader, pChgSubBoardAllowed, pPauseAtEnd)
	// If pDisplayHeader is true, then display the program information.
	if (pDisplayHeader)

	// Display information about the current sub-board and search results.
	console.print("\1n\1cCurrently reading \1g" + subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode));
	// If the user isn't reading personal messages (i.e., is reading a sub-board),
	// then output the total number of messages in the sub-board.  We probably
	// shouldn't output the total number of messages in the "mail" area, because
	// that includes more than the current user's email.
	if (this.subBoardCode != "mail")
		console.print("\1n\1cThere are a total of \1g" + this.msgbase.total_msgs + " \1cmessages in the current area.");
	// If there is currently a search (which also includes personal messages),
	// then output the number of search results/personal messages.
	if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		var numSearchResults = this.NumMessages();
		var resultsWord = (numSearchResults > 1 ? "results" : "result");
		if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
			console.print("You have \1g" + numSearchResults + " \1c" + (numSearchResults == 1 ? "message" : "messages") + ".");
			if (numSearchResults == 1)
				console.print("There is \1g1 \1csearch result.");
				console.print("There are \1g" + numSearchResults + " \1csearch results.");

	console.print("\1n" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"]);
	displayTextWithLineBelow("Page navigation and message selection", false,
	                         this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"], "\1k\1h");
	console.print("The message lister will display a page of message header information.  At\r\n");
	console.print("the end of each page, a prompt is displayed, allowing you to navigate to\r\n");
	console.print("the next page, previous page, first page, or the last page.  If you would\r\n");
	console.print("like to read a message, you may type the message number, followed by\r\n");
	console.print("the enter key if the message number is short.  To quit the listing, press\r\n");
	console.print("the Q key.\r\n\r\n");
	displayTextWithLineBelow("Summary of the keyboard commands:", false,
	                         this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"], "\1k\1h");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cN" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to the next page\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cP" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to the previous page\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cF" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to the first page\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cL" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to the last page\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cG" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to a specific message by number (the message will appear at the top\r\n" +
	              "   of the list)\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cNumber" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Read the message corresponding with that number\r\n");
	//console.print("The following commands are available only if you have permission to do so:\r\n");
	if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
		console.print("\1n\1h\1cD" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Mark a message for deletion\r\n");
	if (this.CanEdit())
		console.print("\1n\1h\1cE" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Edit an existing message\r\n");
	if (pChgSubBoardAllowed)
		console.print("\1n\1h\1cC" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Change to another message sub-board\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cQ" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Quit\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1c?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Show this help screen\r\n\r\n");

	// If pPauseAtEnd is true, then output a newline and
	// prompt the user whether or not to continue.
	if (pPauseAtEnd)
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Displays help for the lightbar message list
// Parameters:
//  pDisplayHeader: Whether or not to display a help header at the beginning
//  pChgSubBoardAllowed: Whether or not changing to another sub-board is allowed
//  pPauseAtEnd: Boolean, whether or not to pause at the end.
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayLightbarMsgListHelp(pDisplayHeader, pChgSubBoardAllowed, pPauseAtEnd)
	// If pDisplayHeader is true, then display the program information.
	if (pDisplayHeader)

	// Display information about the current sub-board and search results.
	console.print("\1n\1cCurrently reading \1g" + subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode));
	// If the user isn't reading personal messages (i.e., is reading a sub-board),
	// then output the total number of messages in the sub-board.  We probably
	// shouldn't output the total number of messages in the "mail" area, because
	// that includes more than the current user's email.
	if (this.subBoardCode != "mail")
		console.print("\1n\1cThere are a total of \1g" + this.msgbase.total_msgs + " \1cmessages in the current area.");
	// If there is currently a search (which also includes personal messages),
	// then output the number of search results/personal messages.
	if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		var numSearchResults = this.NumMessages();
		var resultsWord = (numSearchResults > 1 ? "results" : "result");
		if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
			console.print("You have \1g" + numSearchResults + " \1c" + (numSearchResults == 1 ? "message" : "messages") + ".");
			if (numSearchResults == 1)
				console.print("There is \1g1 \1csearch result.");
				console.print("There are \1g" + numSearchResults + " \1csearch results.");

	displayTextWithLineBelow("Lightbar interface: Page navigation and message selection",
	                         false, this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"], "\1k\1h");
	console.print("The message lister will display a page of message header information.  You\r\n");
	console.print("may use the up and down arrows to navigate the list of messages.  The\r\n");
	console.print("currently-selected message will be highlighted as you navigate through\r\n");
	console.print("the list.  To read a message, navigate to the desired message and press\r\n");
	console.print("the enter key.  You can also read a message by typing its message number.\r\n");
	console.print("To quit out of the message list, press the Q key.\r\n\r\n");
	displayTextWithLineBelow("Summary of the keyboard commands:", false, this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"], "\1k\1h");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cDown arrow" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Move the cursor down/select the next message\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cUp arrow" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Move the cursor up/select the previous message\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cN" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to the next page\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cP" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to the previous page\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cF" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to the first page\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cL" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to the last page\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cG" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Go to a specific message by number (the message will be highlighted and\r\n" +
	              "   may appear at the top of the list)\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cENTER" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Read the selected message\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cNumber" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Read the message corresponding with that number\r\n");
	if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
		console.print("\1n\1h\1cDEL" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Mark the selected message for deletion\r\n");
	if (this.CanEdit())
		console.print("\1n\1h\1cE" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Edit the selected message\r\n");
	if (pChgSubBoardAllowed)
		console.print("\1n\1h\1cC" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Change to another message sub-board\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1cQ" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Quit\r\n");
	console.print("\1n\1h\1c?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ": Show this help screen\r\n");

	// If pPauseAtEnd is true, then pause.
	if (pPauseAtEnd)
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Displays the message list notes for the
// help screens.
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayMessageListNotesHelp()
	displayTextWithLineBelow("Notes about the message list:", false,
	                         this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"], "\1n\1k\1h")
	console.print("If a message has been marked for deletion, it will appear with a blinking\r\n");
	console.print("red asterisk (\1n\1h\1r\1i*" + "\1n" + this.colors["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] + ") in");
	console.print(" after the message number in the message list.");
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Sets the traditional UI pause prompt text
// strings, sLightbarModeHelpLine, the text string for the lightbar help line,
// for the message lister interface.  This checks with this.msgbase to determine
// if the user is allowed to delete or edit messages, and if so, adds the
// appropriate keys to the prompt & help text.
function DigDistMsgReader_SetMsgListPauseTextAndLightbarHelpLine()
	var helpLineHotkeyColor = "\1r";
	var helpLineNormalColor = "\1b";
	var helpLineParenColor = "\1m";

	if ((this.msgbase != null) && (this.msgbase.is_open))
		// Set the traditional UI pause prompt text.
		// If the user can delete messages, then append D as a valid key.
		// If the user can edit messages, then append E as a valid key.
		this.sStartContinuePrompt = "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "N\1n\1c)"
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                          + "ext, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "L\1n\1c)"
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                          + "ast, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "G\1n\1c)"
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "o, ";
		if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
			this.sStartContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
			                          + "D\1n\1c)" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "el, ";
		if (this.CanEdit())
			this.sStartContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
			                          + "E\1n\1c)" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "dit, ";
		this.sStartContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "Q\1n\1c)"
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                          + "uit, msg " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "#" +
		                          this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ", " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
		                          + "?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ": "
		                          		+ this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"];

		this.sContinuePrompt = "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "N\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "ext, \1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "P\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "rev, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "F\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "irst, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "L\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "ast, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "G\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "o, ";
		if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
			this.sContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
			                     + "D\1n\1c)" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "el, ";
		if (this.CanEdit())
			this.sContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
			                     + "E\1n\1c)" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "dit, ";
		this.sContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "Q\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "uit, msg " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "#"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ", " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
		                     + "?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ": "
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"];

		this.sEndContinuePrompt = "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "P\1n\1c)"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                        + "rev, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "F\1n\1c)"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                        + "irst, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "G\1n\1c)"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "o, ";
		if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
			this.sEndContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
			                        + "D\1n\1c)" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "el, ";
		if (this.CanEdit())
			this.sEndContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
			                        + "E\1n\1c)" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "dit, ";
		this.sEndContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "Q\1n\1c)"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                        + "uit, msg " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "#"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ", " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
		                        + "?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ": "
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"];

		this.msgListOnlyOnePageContinuePrompt = "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "G\1n\1c)"
		                                + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "o, ";
		if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
			this.msgListOnlyOnePageContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
			                                + "D\1n\1c)" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "el, ";
		if (this.CanEdit())
			this.msgListOnlyOnePageContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
			                                + "E\1n\1c)" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + "dit, ";
		this.msgListOnlyOnePageContinuePrompt += "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "Q\1n\1c)"
		                                + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                                + "uit, msg " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "#"
		                                + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ", " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
		                                + "?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ": "
		                                + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"];

		// Set the lightbar help text for message listing
		var extraCommas = true; // Whether there's room for commas between the last options
		this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine = this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + UP_ARROW
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + DOWN_ARROW
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "PgUp"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + "/"
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Dn"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "ENTER"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "HOME"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "END";
		// If the user can delete messages, then append DEL as a valid key.
		if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
			this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine += this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
			                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "DEL";
			extraCommas = false;
		this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine += this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor
		                                 + ", " + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor
		                                 + "#" + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", ";
		// If the user can edit messages, then append E as a valid key.
		if (this.CanEdit())
			this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine += this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor
			                           + "E" + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor
									   + ")" + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor
									   + "dit ";
		this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine += this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "F"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor + ")"
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + (extraCommas ? "irst pg, " : "irst pg ")
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "L"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor + ")"
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor
		                           + (extraCommas ? "ast pg, " : "ast pg ")
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "G"
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor + ")"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + (extraCommas ? "o, " : "o ")
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Q"
								   + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor + ")"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + (extraCommas ? "uit, " : "uit ")
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "?  ";
		// this.msgbase is null, so construct the default pause & help text (without
		// the delete & edit keys).

		// Set the traditional UI pause prompt text
		this.sStartContinuePrompt = "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "N\1n\1c)"
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                          + "ext, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "L\1n\1c)"
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                          + "ast, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "Q\1n\1c)"
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                          + "uit, msg " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "#"
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ", " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
		                          + "?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ": "
		                          + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"];
		this.sContinuePrompt = "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "N\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "ext, \1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "P\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "rev, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "F\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "irst, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "L\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "ast, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "Q\1n\1c)"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                     + "uit, msg " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "#"
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ", " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
		                     + "?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ": "
		                     + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"];
		this.sEndContinuePrompt = "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "P\1n\1c)"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                        + "rev, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "F\1n\1c)"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                        + "irst, \1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "Q\1n\1c)"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                        + "uit, msg " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "#"
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ", " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
		                        + "?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ": "
		                        + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"];
		this.msgListOnlyOnePageContinuePrompt = "\1n\1c(" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "Q\1n\1c)"
		                                + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"]
		                                + "uit, msg " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] + "#"
		                                + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ", " + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"]
		                                + "?" + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] + ": "
		                                + this.colors["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"];

		// Set the lightbar help line
		this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine = this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + UP_ARROW
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + DOWN_ARROW
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "PgUp"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + "/"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Dn"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "ENTER"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "HOME"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "END"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "F"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor + ")"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + "irst, "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "L"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor + ")"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + "ast, "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Q"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor + ")"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + "uit, "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "#"
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor + " or "
		                           + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor + "?";
	// Add spaces to the end of sLightbarModeHelpLine up until one char
	// less than the width of the screen.
	var lbHelpLineLen = console.strlen(this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine);
	var numChars = console.screen_columns - lbHelpLineLen - 3;
	if (numChars > 0)
		// Gradient block characters: ����
		// Add characters on the left and right of the line so that the
		// text is centered.
		var numLeft = Math.floor(numChars / 2);
		var numRight = numChars - numLeft;
		for (var i = 0; i < numLeft; ++i)
			this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine = "�" + this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine;
		this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine = "\1n"
		                             + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineBkgColor
		                             + this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine;
		this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine += "\1n" + this.colors.lightbarMsgListHelpLineBkgColor;
		for (var i = 0; i < numRight; ++i)
			this.msgListLightbarModeHelpLine += "�";
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Sets the hotkey help line for the enhanced
// reader mode
function DigDistMsgReader_SetEnhancedReaderHelpLine()
	// Generate it differently depending on whether the message base is open or
	// not, because some options will have to be checked in the message base
	// to determine whether deleting & editing messages is allowed.
	if ((this.msgbase != null) && (this.msgbase.is_open))
		this.enhReadHelpLine = this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + UP_ARROW
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + DOWN_ARROW
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + LEFT_ARROW
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor +", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + RIGHT_ARROW
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "PgUp"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "/"
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Dn"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "HOME"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "END"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor;
		if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
			this.enhReadHelpLine += "DEL" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor;
		if (this.CanEdit() && (console.screen_columns > 87))
			this.enhReadHelpLine += "E" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "dit, " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor;
		this.enhReadHelpLine += "F" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "irst, "
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "L"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "ast, "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "R"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "eply, "
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "C"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "hg area, "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Q"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "uit, "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "?";
		// Center the help text based on the console width
		var numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLine) - 1;
		var numCharsOnEachSide = Math.floor(numCharsRemaining/2);
		// Left side
		for (var i = 0; i < numCharsOnEachSide; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLine = " " + this.enhReadHelpLine;
		this.enhReadHelpLine = "\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor + this.enhReadHelpLine;
		// Right side
		for (var i = 0; i < numCharsOnEachSide; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLine += " ";
		//numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLine) - 5;
		numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - 1 - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLine);
		if (numCharsRemaining > 0)
			for (var i = 0; i < numCharsRemaining; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLine += " ";

		// Create a version without the change area option
		this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea = this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + UP_ARROW
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + DOWN_ARROW
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + LEFT_ARROW
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + RIGHT_ARROW
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "PgUp"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "/"
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Dn"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "HOME"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "END"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor;
		if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
			this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea += "DEL" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor;
		if (this.CanEdit())
			this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea += "E" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "dit, " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor;
		this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea += "F" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "irst, "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "L"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "ast, "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "R"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "eply, "
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Q"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "uit, "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "?";
		// Center the help text based on the console width
		numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea) - 2;
		numCharsOnEachSide = Math.floor(numCharsRemaining/2);
		// Left side
		for (var i = 0; i < numCharsOnEachSide; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea = " " + this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea;
		this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea = "\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor + this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea;
		// Right side
		for (var i = 0; i < numCharsOnEachSide; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea += " ";
		numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea) - 1;
		if (numCharsRemaining > 0)
			for (var i = 0; i < numCharsRemaining; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea += " ";
		this.enhReadHelpLine = this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + UP_ARROW
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + DOWN_ARROW
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + LEFT_ARROW
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + RIGHT_ARROW
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "PgUp"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "/"
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Dn"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "HOME"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "END"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "F"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "irst, "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "L"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "ast, "
		                     + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "R"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "eply, "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "C"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "hg area, "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Q"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "uit, "
							 + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "?";
		// Center the help text based on the console width
		var numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLine) - 2;
		var numCharsOnEachSide = Math.floor(numCharsRemaining/2);
		// Left side
		for (var i = 0; i < numCharsOnEachSide; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLine = " " + this.enhReadHelpLine;
		this.enhReadHelpLine = "\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor + this.enhReadHelpLine;
		// Right side
		for (var i = 0; i < numCharsOnEachSide; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLine += " ";
		numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLine) - 1;
		if (numCharsRemaining > 0)
			for (var i = 0; i < numCharsRemaining; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLine += " ";

		// Create a version without the change area option
		this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea = this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + UP_ARROW
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + DOWN_ARROW
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + LEFT_ARROW
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor
										   + ", " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + RIGHT_ARROW
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + ", "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "PgUp"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "/"
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "Dn"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor
										   + ", " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "HOME"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor
										   + ", " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "END"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor
										   + ", " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "F"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor
										   + "irst, " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor
										   + "L" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "ast, "
		                                   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "R"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor
										   + "eply, " + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor
										   + "Q" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineParenColor + ")"
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor + "uit, "
										   + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor + "?";
		// Center the help text based on the console width
		numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea) - 2;
		numCharsOnEachSide = Math.floor(numCharsRemaining/2);
		// Left side
		for (var i = 0; i < numCharsOnEachSide; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea = " " + this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea;
		this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea = "\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor + this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea;
		// Right side
		for (var i = 0; i < numCharsOnEachSide; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea += " ";
		numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - 1 - console.strlen(this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea);
		if (numCharsRemaining > 0)
			for (var i = 0; i < numCharsRemaining; ++i)
			this.enhReadHelpLineWithoutChgArea += " ";
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Reads the configuration file (by default,
// DDMsgReader.cfg) and sets the object properties
// accordingly.
function DigDistMsgReader_ReadConfigFile()
	this.cfgFileSuccessfullyRead = false;

	var themeFilename = ""; // In case a theme filename is specified

	// Open the main configuration file.  First look for it in the sbbs/mods
	// directory, then sbbs/ctrl, then in the same directory as this script.
	var cfgFilename = system.mods_dir + this.cfgFilename;
	if (!file_exists(cfgFilename))
		cfgFilename = system.ctrl_dir + this.cfgFilename;
	if (!file_exists(cfgFilename))
		cfgFilename = gStartupPath + this.cfgFilename;
	var cfgFile = new File(cfgFilename);
	if (cfgFile.open("r"))
		this.cfgFileSuccessfullyRead = true;

		var fileLine = null;     // A line read from the file
		var equalsPos = 0;       // Position of a = in the line
		var commentPos = 0;      // Position of the start of a comment
		var setting = null;      // A setting name (string)
		var settingUpper = null; // Upper-case setting name
		var value = null;        // To store a value for a setting (string)
		var valueUpper = null;   // Upper-cased value for a setting (string)
		while (!cfgFile.eof)
			// Read the next line from the config file.
			fileLine = cfgFile.readln(2048);

			// fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
			// where it isn't, so check its type.
			if (typeof(fileLine) != "string")

			// If the line starts with with a semicolon (the comment
			// character) or is blank, then skip it.
			if ((fileLine.substr(0, 1) == ";") || (fileLine.length == 0))

			// If the line has a semicolon anywhere in it, then remove
			// everything from the semicolon onward.
			commentPos = fileLine.indexOf(";");
			if (commentPos > -1)
				fileLine = fileLine.substr(0, commentPos);

			// Look for an equals sign, and if found, separate the line
			// into the setting name (before the =) and the value (after the
			// equals sign).
			equalsPos = fileLine.indexOf("=");
			if (equalsPos > 0)
				// Read the setting & value, and trim leading & trailing spaces.
				setting = trimSpaces(fileLine.substr(0, equalsPos), true, false, true);
				settingUpper = setting.toUpperCase();
				value = trimSpaces(fileLine.substr(equalsPos+1), true, false, true);
				valueUpper = value.toUpperCase();

				// Set the appropriate valueUpper in the settings object.
				if (settingUpper == "LISTINTERFACESTYLE")
					this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface = (valueUpper == "LIGHTBAR");
				else if (settingUpper == "READERINTERFACESTYLE")
					this.scrollingReaderInterface = (valueUpper == "SCROLLABLE");
				else if (settingUpper == "DISPLAYBOARDINFOINHEADER")
					this.displayBoardInfoInHeader = (valueUpper == "TRUE");
				// Note: this.reverseListOrder can be true, false, or "ASK"
				else if (settingUpper == "REVERSELISTORDER")
					this.reverseListOrder = (valueUpper == "ASK" ? "ASK" : (valueUpper == "TRUE"));
					this.promptToContinueListingMessages = (valueUpper == "TRUE");
				else if (settingUpper == "PROMPTCONFIRMREADMESSAGE")
					this.promptToReadMessage = (valueUpper == "TRUE");
				else if (settingUpper == "MSGLISTDISPLAYTIME")
					this.msgList_displayMessageDateImported = (valueUpper == "IMPORTED");
				else if (settingUpper == "MSGAREALIST_LASTIMPORTEDMSG_TIME")
					this.msgAreaList_lastImportedMsg_showImportTime = (valueUpper == "IMPORTED");
				else if (settingUpper == "STARTMODE")
					if ((valueUpper == "READER") || (valueUpper == "READ"))
						this.startMode = READER_MODE_READ;
					else if ((valueUpper == "LISTER") || (valueUpper == "LIST"))
						this.startMode = READER_MODE_LIST;
				else if (settingUpper == "TABSPACES")
					var numSpaces = +value;
					// If greater than 0, then set this.numTabSpaces
					if (numSpaces > 0)
						this.numTabSpaces = numSpaces;
				else if (settingUpper == "THEMEFILENAME")
					// First look for the theme config file in the sbbs/mods
					// directory, then sbbs/ctrl, then the same directory as
					// this script.
					themeFilename = system.mods_dir + value;
					if (!file_exists(themeFilename))
						themeFilename = system.ctrl_dir + value;
					if (!file_exists(themeFilename))
						themeFilename = gStartupPath + value;

		// Was unable to read the configuration file.  Output a warning to the user
		// that defaults will be used and to notify the sysop.
		console.print("\1w\1hUnable to open the configuration file: \1y" + this.cfgFilename);
		console.print("\1wDefault settings will be used.  Please notify the sysop.");
	// If a theme filename was specified, then read the colors & strings
	// from it.
	if (themeFilename.length > 0)
		var themeFile = new File(themeFilename);
		if (themeFile.open("r"))
			var fileLine = null;     // A line read from the file
			var equalsPos = 0;       // Position of a = in the line
			var commentPos = 0;      // Position of the start of a comment
			var setting = null;      // A setting name (string)
			var value = null;        // To store a value for a setting (string)
			while (!themeFile.eof)
				// Read the next line from the config file.
				fileLine = themeFile.readln(2048);

				// fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
				// where it isn't, so check its type.
				if (typeof(fileLine) != "string")

				// If the line starts with with a semicolon (the comment
				// character) or is blank, then skip it.
				if ((fileLine.substr(0, 1) == ";") || (fileLine.length == 0))

				// If the line has a semicolon anywhere in it, then remove
				// everything from the semicolon onward.
				commentPos = fileLine.indexOf(";");
				if (commentPos > -1)
					fileLine = fileLine.substr(0, commentPos);

				// Look for an equals sign, and if found, separate the line
				// into the setting name (before the =) and the value (after the
				// equals sign).
				equalsPos = fileLine.indexOf("=");
				if (equalsPos > 0)
					// Read the setting (without leading/trailing spaces) & value
					setting = trimSpaces(fileLine.substr(0, equalsPos), true, false, true);
					value = fileLine.substr(equalsPos+1);

					// Colors
					if ((setting == "msgListHeaderMsgGroupTextColor") || (setting == "msgListHeaderMsgGroupNameColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListHeaderSubBoardTextColor") || (setting == "msgListHeaderMsgSubBoardName") ||
					    (setting == "msgListColHeader") ||
					    (setting == "msgListMsgNumColor") || (setting == "msgListFromColor") ||
						(setting == "msgListToColor") || (setting == "msgListSubjectColor") ||
						(setting == "msgListDateColor") || (setting == "msgListTimeColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListToUserMsgNumColor") || (setting == "msgListToUserFromColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListToUserToColor") || (setting == "msgListToUserSubjectColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListToUserDateColor") || (setting == "msgListToUserTimeColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListFromUserMsgNumColor") || (setting == "msgListFromUserFromColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListFromUserToColor") || (setting == "msgListFromUserSubjectColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListFromUserDateColor") || (setting == "msgListFromUserTimeColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListHighlightBkgColor") || (setting == "msgListMsgNumHighlightColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListFromHighlightColor") || (setting == "msgListToHighlightColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListSubjHighlightColor") || (setting == "msgListDateHighlightColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgListTimeHighlightColor") || (setting == "lightbarMsgListHelpLineBkgColor") ||
					    (setting == "lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor") || (setting == "lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor") ||
					    (setting == "lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor") || (setting == "tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor") ||
					    (setting == "tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor") || (setting == "tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor") ||
					    (setting == "msgBodyColor") || (setting == "readMsgConfirmColor") ||
					    (setting == "readMsgConfirmNumberColor") ||
					    (setting == "afterReadMsg_ListMorePromptColor") ||
					    (setting == "tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor") || (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaNumColor") ||
					    (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaDescColor") || (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsColor") ||
					    (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaHeaderColor") || (setting == "areaChooserSubBoardHeaderColor") ||
					    (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaMarkColor") || (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaLatestDateColor") ||
					    (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaLatestTimeColor") || (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor") ||
					    (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaNumHighlightColor") || (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaDescHighlightColor") ||
					    (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaDateHighlightColor") || (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaTimeHighlightColor") ||
					    (setting == "areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsHighlightColor") || (setting == "lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineBkgColor") ||
					    (setting == "lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor") || (setting == "lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor") ||
					    (setting == "lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor") || (setting == "scrollbarBGColor") ||
						(setting == "scrollbarScrollBlockColor") || (setting == "enhReaderPromptSepLineColor") ||
						(setting == "enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor") || (setting == "enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor") ||
						(setting == "enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor") || (setting == "enhReaderHelpLineParenColor"))
						// Trim leading & trailing spaces from the value when
						// setting a color.  Also, replace any instances of "\1"
						// with the Synchronet attribute control character.
						this.colors[setting] = trimSpaces(value, true, false, true).replace(/\\1/g, "\1");
					// Text values
					else if ((setting == "scrollbarBGChar") ||
					         (setting == "scrollbarScrollBlockChar") ||
					         (setting == "goToPrevMsgAreaPromptText") ||
					         (setting == "goToNextMsgAreaPromptText") ||
					         (setting == "newMsgScanText") ||
					         (setting == "newToYouMsgScanText") ||
					         (setting == "allToYouMsgScanText") ||
					         (setting == "scanScopePromptText") ||
					         (setting == "goToMsgNumPromptText") ||
					         (setting == "msgScanCompleteText") ||
					         (setting == "msgScanAbortedText") ||
					         (setting == "deleteMsgNumPromptText") ||
					         (setting == "editMsgNumPromptText") ||
					         (setting == "noMessagesInSubBoardText") ||
					         (setting == "noSearchResultsInSubBoardText") ||
					         (setting == "invalidMsgNumText") ||
					         (setting == "readMsgNumPromptText") ||
							 (setting == "msgHasBeenDeletedText") ||
					         (setting == "noKludgeLinesForThisMsgText") ||
							 (setting == "searchingPersonalMailText") ||
					         (setting == "searchingSubBoardAbovePromptText") ||
					         (setting == "searchingSubBoardText") ||
							 (setting == "searchTextPromptText") ||
							 (setting == "fromNamePromptText") ||
							 (setting == "toNamePromptText") ||
							 (setting == "abortedText") ||
							 (setting == "loadingPersonalMailText") ||
							 (setting == "msgDelConfirmText") ||
							 (setting == "msgDeletedText") ||
							 (setting == "cannotDeleteMsgText_notYoursNotASysop") ||
							 (setting == "cannotDeleteMsgText_notLastPostedMsg") ||
							 (setting == "msgEditConfirmText") ||
							 (setting == "noPersonalEmailText"))
						// Replace any instances of "\1" with the Synchronet
						// attribute control character
						this.text[setting] = value.replace(/\\1/g, "\1");


			// Ensure that scrollbarBGChar and scrollbarScrollBlockChar are
			// only one character.  If they're longer, use only the first
			// character.
			if (this.text.scrollbarBGChar.length > 1)
				this.text.scrollbarBGChar = this.text.scrollbarBGChar.substr(0, 1);
			if (this.text.scrollbarScrollBlockChar.length > 1)
				this.text.scrollbarScrollBlockChar = this.text.scrollbarScrollBlockChar.substr(0, 1);
			// Was unable to read the theme file.  Output a warning to the user
			// that defaults will be used and to notify the sysop.
			this.cfgFileSuccessfullyRead = false;
			console.print("\1w\1hUnable to open the theme file: \1y" + themeFilename);
			console.print("\1wDefault settings will be used.  Please notify the sysop.");
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lets the user edit an existing message.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgIndex: The index of the message to edit
// Return value: An object with the following parameters:
//               userCannotEdit: Boolean - True if the user can't edit, false if they can
//               userConfirmed: Boolean - Whether or not the user confirmed editing
//               msgEdited: Boolean - Whether or not the message was edited
//               newMsgIdx: The index (offset) of the new (edited) message that was saved.
//                          If the message wasn't edited/saved, this will be -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_EditExistingMsg(pMsgIndex)
   var returnObj = new Object();
   returnObj.userCannotEdit = false;
   returnObj.userConfirmed = false;
   returnObj.msgEdited = false;
   returnObj.newMsgIdx = -1;

   // Only let the user edit the message if they're a sysop or
   // if they wrote the message.
   var msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(pMsgIndex);
   if (!gIsSysop && (msgHeader.from != user.name) && (msgHeader.from != user.alias) && (msgHeader.from != user.handle))
      console.print("\1n\1h\1wCannot edit message #\1y" + +(pMsgIndex+1) +
                    " \1wbecause it's not yours or you're not a sysop.\r\n\1p");
      returnObj.userCannotEdit = true;
      return returnObj;

   // Confirm the action with the user (default to no).
   returnObj.userConfirmed = !console.noyes(this.text.msgEditConfirmText.replace("%d", +(pMsgIndex+1)));
   if (!returnObj.userConfirmed)
      return returnObj;

   // Dump the message body to a temporary file in the node dir
   var originalMsgBody = this.msgbase.get_msg_body(true, pMsgIndex);
   var tempFilename = system.node_dir + "DDMsgLister_message.txt";
   var tmpFile = new File(tempFilename);
   if (tmpFile.open("w"))
      var wroteToTempFile = tmpFile.write(word_wrap(originalMsgBody, 79));
      // If we were able to write to the temp file, then let the user
      // edit the file.
      if (wroteToTempFile)
         // The following lines set some attributes in the bbs object
         // in an attempt to make the "To" name and subject appear
         // correct in the editor.
         // TODO: On May 14, 2013, Digital Man said bbs.msg_offset will
         // probably be removed because it doesn't provide any benefit.
         // bbs.msg_number is a unique message identifier that won't
         // change, so it's probably best for scripts to use bbs.msg_number
         // instead of offsets.
         bbs.msg_to = msgHeader.to;
         bbs.msg_to_ext = msgHeader.to_ext;
         bbs.msg_subject = msgHeader.subject;
         bbs.msg_offset = msgHeader.offset;
         bbs.msg_number = msgHeader.number;

         // Let the user edit the temporary file
         // Load the temp file back into msgBodyColor and have this.msgbase
         // save the message.
         if (tmpFile.open("r"))
            var newMsgBody = tmpFile.read();
            // If the new message body is different from the original message
            // body, then go ahead and save the message and mark the original
            // message for deletion. (Checking the new & original message
            // bodies seems to be the only way to check to see if the user
            // aborted out of the message editor.)
            if (newMsgBody != originalMsgBody)
               var newHdr = { to: msgHeader.to, to_ext: msgHeader.to_ext, from: msgHeader.from,
                              from_ext: msgHeader.from_ext, attr: msgHeader.attr,
                              subject: msgHeader.subject };
               var savedNewMsg = this.msgbase.save_msg(newHdr, newMsgBody);
               // If the message was successfully saved, then mark the original
               // message for deletion and output a message to the user.
               if (savedNewMsg)
                  returnObj.msgEdited = true;
                  returnObj.newMsgIdx = this.msgbase.total_msgs - 1;
                  var message = "\1n\1cThe edited message has been saved as a new message.";
                  if (this.msgbase.remove_msg(true, pMsgIndex))
                     message += "  The original has been\r\nmarked for deletion.";
                     message += "  \1h\1yHowever, the original\r\ncould not be marked for deletion.";
                  message += "\r\n\1p";
                  console.print("\r\n\1n\1h\1yError: \1wFailed to save the new message\r\n\1p");
            console.print("\r\n\1n\1h\1yError: \1wUnable to read the temporary file\r\n");
            console.print("Filename: \1b" + tempFilename + "\r\n");
         console.print("\r\n\1n\1h\1yError: \1wUnable to write to temporary file\r\n");
         console.print("Filename: \1b" + tempFilename + "\r\n");
      console.print("\r\n\1n\1h\1yError: \1wUnable to open a temporary file for writing\r\n");
      console.print("Filename: \1b" + tempFilename + "\r\n");
   // Delete the temporary file from disk.

   return returnObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Returns whether or not the user can delete
// their messages in the sub-board (distinct from being able to delete only
// their last message).
function DigDistMsgReader_CanDelete()
   var canDelete = gIsSysop || this.readingPersonalEmail;
   if ((this.msgbase != null) && this.msgbase.is_open && (this.msgbase.cfg != null))
      canDelete = canDelete || ((this.msgbase.cfg.settings & SUB_DEL) == SUB_DEL);
   return canDelete;
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Returns whether or not the user can delete
// the last message they posted in the sub-board.
function DigDistMsgReader_CanDeleteLastMsg()
   var canDelete = gIsSysop;
   if ((this.msgbase != null) && this.msgbase.is_open && (this.msgbase.cfg != null))
      canDelete = canDelete || ((this.msgbase.cfg.settings & SUB_DELLAST) == SUB_DELLAST);
   return canDelete;
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Returns whether or not the user can edit
// messages.
function DigDistMsgReader_CanEdit()
   var canEdit = gIsSysop;
   if ((this.msgbase != null) && this.msgbase.is_open && (this.msgbase.cfg != null))
      canEdit = canEdit || ((this.msgbase.cfg.settings & SUB_EDIT) == SUB_EDIT);
   return canEdit;
// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Returns whether or not message quoting
// is enabled.
function DigDistMsgReader_CanQuote()
	var canQuote = this.readingPersonalEmail || gIsSysop;
	if ((this.msgbase != null) && this.msgbase.is_open && (this.msgbase.cfg != null))
		canQuote = canQuote || ((this.msgbase.cfg.settings & SUB_QUOTE) == SUB_QUOTE);
	return canQuote;

// For the DigDistMsgReader Class: Displays the stock Synchronet message header file for
// a given message header.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: The message header object
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplaySyncMsgHeader(pMsgHdr)
  if ((pMsgHdr == null) || (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object"))

  // Note: The message header has the following fields:
	// 'number': The message number
	// 'offset': The message offset
	// 'to': Who the message is directed to (string)
	// 'from' Who wrote the message (string)
	// 'subject': The message subject (string)
	// 'date': The date - Full text (string)

  // Generate a string containing the message's import date & time.
  //var dateTimeStr = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", msgHeader.when_imported_time)
  // Use the date text in the message header, without the time
  // zone offset at the end.
  var dateTimeStr = pMsgHdr["date"].replace(/ [-+][0-9]+$/, "");

  // Check to see if there is a msghdr file in the sbbs/text/menu
  // directory.  If there is, then use it to display the message
  // header information.  Otherwise, output a default message header.
  var msgHdrFileOpened = false;
  var msgHdrFilename = this.GetMsgHdrFilenameFull();
  if (msgHdrFilename.length > 0)
    var msgHdrFile = new File(msgHdrFilename);
    if (msgHdrFile.open("r"))
      msgHdrFileOpened = true;
      var fileLine = null; // To store a line read from the file
      while (!msgHdrFile.eof)
         // Read the next line from the header file
         fileLine = msgHdrFile.readln(2048);

         // fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
         // where it isn't, so check its type.
         if (typeof(fileLine) != "string")

         // Since we're displaying the message information ouside of Synchronet's
         // message read prompt, this script now has to parse & replace some of
         // the @-codes in the message header line, since Synchronet doesn't know
         // that the user is reading a message.
         console.putmsg(this.ParseMsgHdrLineAtCodes(fileLine, pMsgHdr, null, dateTimeStr, true));

  // If the msghdr file didn't open (or doesn't exist), then output the default
  // header.
  if (!msgHdrFileOpened)
    // Generate a string describing the message attributes, then output the default
    // header.
    var allMsgAttrStr = makeAllMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr);
    console.print("\1n\1w�����\1cFrom\1w\1h: \1b" + pMsgHdr["from"].substr(0, console.screen_columns-12));
    console.print("\1n\1w�����\1cTo  \1w\1h: \1b" + pMsgHdr["to"].substr(0, console.screen_columns-12));
    console.print("\1n\1w�����\1cSubj\1w\1h: \1b" + pMsgHdr["subject"].substr(0, console.screen_columns-12));
    console.print("\1n\1w�����\1cDate\1w\1h: \1b" + dateTimeStr.substr(0, console.screen_columns-12));
    console.print("\1n\1w�����\1cAttr\1w\1h: \1b" + allMsgAttrStr.substr(0, console.screen_columns-12));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns the name of the msghdr file in the
// sbbs/text/menu directory. If the user's terminal supports ANSI, this first
// checks to see if an .ans version exists.  Otherwise, checks to see if an
// .asc version exists.  If neither are found, this function will return an
// empty string.
function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrFilenameFull()
  // If the user's terminal supports ANSI and msghdr.ans exists
  // in the text/menu directory, then use that one.  Otherwise,
  // if msghdr.asc exists, then use that one.
  var ansiFileName = "menu/msghdr.ans";
  var asciiFileName = "menu/msghdr.asc";
  var msgHdrFilename = "";
  if (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI) && file_exists(system.text_dir + ansiFileName))
    msgHdrFilename = system.text_dir + ansiFileName;
  else if (file_exists(system.text_dir + asciiFileName))
    msgHdrFilename = system.text_dir + asciiFileName;
  return msgHdrFilename;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class:  Returns the number of messages in the current
// sub-board.  This will be either the number of headers in this.msgSearchHdrs
// for the current sub-board (if non-empty and a search type specified) or
// this.msgbase.total_msgs.
function DigDistMsgReader_NumMessages()
   var numMsgs = 0;
	if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		numMsgs = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length;
	else if ((this.msgbase != null) && this.msgbase.is_open)
		numMsgs = this.msgbase.total_msgs;
   return numMsgs;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns the highest message number (1-based), either from this.msgSearchHdrs
// (if it has search results for the current sub-board) or this.msgbase.  If
// there are no search results for the current sub-board in this.msgSearchHdrs,
// the highest message number is the same as the total number of messages
// in the sub-board (unless the Synchronet standard ever changes..).
function DigDistMsgReader_HighestMessageNum()
   var highestMessageNum = this.msgbase.total_msgs;
	if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode) && (this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length > 0))
		highestMessageNum = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length;
   return highestMessageNum;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether or not a message number (1-based)
// is a valid and existing message number.  This is intended for validating user
// input where not all the message numbers are consecutive.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgNum: The message number to validate
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message number 
function DigDistMsgReader_IsValidMessageNum(pMsgNum)
   // The message numbers start at 1
   if (pMsgNum < 1)
      return false;
   // If there are search results for the current sub-board, then check to see if
   // the message number exists in its indexed array.  Otherwise, check with
   // this.msgbase.
   var msgNumIsValid = false;
   if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		msgNumIsValid = ((pMsgNum > 0) && (pMsgNum <= this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length));
      msgNumIsValid = ((pMsgNum > 0) && (pMsgNum <= this.msgbase.total_msgs));
   return msgNumIsValid;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns a message header by index.  Will look
// in this.msgSearchHdrs if it's not empty, or from this.msgbase.  This function
// assumes that this.msgbase is open.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgIdx: The message index (0-based)
function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrByIdx(pMsgIdx)
   var msgHdr = null;
   if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode) &&
       (this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length > 0))
      if ((pMsgIdx >= 0) && (pMsgIdx < this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length))
         msgHdr = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[pMsgIdx];
      if ((pMsgIdx >= 0) && (pMsgIdx < this.msgbase.total_msgs))
         msgHdr = this.msgbase.get_msg_header(true, pMsgIdx, true);
   return msgHdr;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns a message header by message number
// (1-based).  Will look in this.msgSearchHdrs if it's not empty, or from
// this.msgbase.  This function assumes that this.msgbase is open.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgNum: The message number (1-based)
// Return value: The message header for the message number, or null on error
function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrByMsgNum(pMsgNum)
   var msgHdr = null;
   if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode) &&
       (this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length > 0))
		if ((pMsgNum > 0) && (pMsgNum <= this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length))
         msgHdr = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[pMsgNum-1];
      if ((pMsgNum > 0) && (pMsgNum <= this.msgbase.total_msgs))
         msgHdr = this.msgbase.get_msg_header(true, pMsgNum-1, true);
   return msgHdr;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns a message header by absolute message
// number.  If there is a problem, this method will return null.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgNum: The absolute message number
// Return value: The message header for the message number, or null on error
function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgHdrByAbsoluteNum(pMsgNum)
   var msgHdr = null;
   if (this.msgbase == null)
      msgHdr = null;
   else if (!this.msgbase.is_open)
      msgHdr = null;
      msgHdr = this.msgbase.get_msg_header(false, pMsgNum, true);
   return msgHdr;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Takes an absolute message number and returns
// its message index (offset).  On error, returns -1.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgNum: The absolute message number
// Return value: The message's index.  On error, returns -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgNum)
	return absMsgNumToIdx(this.msgbase, pMsgNum);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Takes a message index and returns
// its absolute message number.  On error, returns -1.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgIdx: The message index
// Return value: The message's absolute message number.  On error, returns -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_IdxToAbsMsgNum(pMsgIdx)
	return idxToAbsMsgNum(this.msgbase, pMsgIdx);

// This function takes an absolute message number for a given messagebase objectand
// and returns the message index (offset).  On error, returns -1.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgbase: The messagebase object from which to retrieve the message header
//  pMsgNum: The absolute message number
// Return value: The message's index, or -1 on error.
function absMsgNumToIdx(pMsgbase, pMsgNum)
	if ((pMsgbase == null) || (typeof(pMsgbase) != "object"))
		return -1;
	if (!pMsgbase.is_open)
		return -1;

	var msgHdr = pMsgbase.get_msg_header(false, pMsgNum, true);
	if ((msgHdr == null) && gCmdLineArgVals.verboselogging)
		writeToSysAndNodeLog("Message area " + pMsgbase.cfg.code + ": Tried to get message header for absolute message number " +
		                     pMsgNum + " but got a null header object.");
	return (msgHdr != null ? msgHdr.offset : -1);

// Takes a message index and returns the message's absolute message number.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgbase: The messagebase object from which to retrieve the message header
//  pMsgIdx: The message index
// Return value: The absolue message number, or -1 on error.
function idxToAbsMsgNum(pMsgbase, pMsgIdx)
	if ((pMsgbase == null) || (typeof(pMsgbase) != "object"))
		return -1;
	if (!pMsgbase.is_open)
		return -1;

	var msgHdr = pMsgbase.get_msg_header(true, pMsgIdx, true);
	if ((msgHdr == null) && gCmdLineArgVals.verboselogging)
		writeToSysAndNodeLog("Tried to get message header for message offset " +
		                     pMsgIdx + " but got a null header object.");
	return (msgHdr != null ? msgHdr.number : -1);

// Prompts the user for a message number and keeps repeating if they enter and
// invalid message number.  It is assumed that the cursor has already been
// placed where it needs to be for the prompt text, but a cursor position is
// one of the parameters to this function so that this function can write an
// error message if the message number inputted from the user is invalid.
// Parameters:
//  pCurPos: The starting position of the cursor (used for positioning the
//           cursor at the prompt text location to display an error message).
//           If not needed (i.e., in a traditional user interface or non-ANSI
//           terminal), this parameter can be null.
//  pPromptText: The text to use to prompt the user
//  pClearToEOLAfterPrompt: Whether or not to clear to the end of the line after
//                          writing the prompt text (boolean)
//  pErrorPauseTimeMS: The time (in milliseconds) to pause after displaying the
//                     error that the message number is invalid
//  pRepeat: Boolean - Whether or not to ask repeatedly until the user enters a
//           valid message number.  Optional; defaults to false.
// Return value: The message number entered by the user.  If the user didn't
//               enter a message number, this will be 0.
function DigDistMsgReader_PromptForMsgNum(pCurPos, pPromptText, pClearToEOLAfterPrompt,
                                          pErrorPauseTimeMS, pRepeat)
	var curPosValid = ((pCurPos != null) && (typeof(pCurPos) == "object") &&
	                   pCurPos.hasOwnProperty("x") && (typeof(pCurPos.x) == "number") &&
	                   pCurPos.hasOwnProperty("y") && (typeof(pCurPos.y) == "number"));
	var useCurPos = (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI) && curPosValid);

   var msgNum = 0;
   var promptCount = 0;
   var lastErrorLen = 0; // The length of the last error message
   var promptTextLen = console.strlen(pPromptText);
   var continueAskingMsgNum = false;
      msgNum = 0;
      if (promptTextLen > 0)
      if (pClearToEOLAfterPrompt && useCurPos)
         // The first time the user is being prompted, clear the line to the
         // end of the line.  For subsequent times, clear the line from the
         // prompt text length to the error text length;
         if (promptCount == 1)
            if (lastErrorLen > promptTextLen)
               console.gotoxy(pCurPos.x+promptTextLen, pCurPos.y);
               var clearLen = lastErrorLen - promptTextLen;
               for (var counter = 0; counter < clearLen; ++counter)
                  console.print(" ");
         console.gotoxy(pCurPos.x+promptTextLen, pCurPos.y);
      msgNum = console.getnum(this.HighestMessageNum());
      // If the message number is invalid, then output an error message.
      if (msgNum != 0)
         if (!this.IsValidMessageNum(msgNum))
				// Output an error message that the message number is invalid
				if (useCurPos)
					// TODO: Update to optionally not clear all of the line before writing
					// the error text, or specify how much of the line to clear.  I want
					// to do that for the enhanced message reader when prompting for a
					// message number to read - I don't want this to clear the whole line
					// because that would erase the scrollbar character on the right.
					writeWithPause(pCurPos.x, pCurPos.y,
					               "\1n" + this.text.invalidMsgNumText.replace("%d", msgNum) + "\1n",
					               pErrorPauseTimeMS, "\1n", true);
					console.print("\1n\1w\1h" + msgNum + " \1yis an invalid message number.");
					if (pErrorPauseTimeMS > 0)
				// Set msgNum back to 0 to signify that the user didn't enter a (valid)
				// message number.
				msgNum = 0;
            lastErrorLen = 24 + msgNum.toString().length;
            continueAskingMsgNum = pRepeat;
            continueAskingMsgNum = false;
         continueAskingMsgNum = false;
   while (continueAskingMsgNum)
   return msgNum;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Looks for complex @-code strings in a text line and
// parses & replaces them appropriately with the appropriate info from the message header
// object and/or message base object.  This is more complex than simple text substitution
// because message subject @-codes could include something like @MSG_SUBJECT-L######@
// or @MSG_SUBJECT-R######@ or @MSG_SUBJECT-L20@ or @MSG_SUBJECT-R20@.
// Parameters:
//  pTextLine: The line of text to search
//  pMsgHdr: The message header object
//  pDisplayMsgNum: The message number, if different from the number in the header
//                  object (i.e., if doing a message search).  This parameter can
//                  be null, in which case the number in the header object will be
//                  used.
//  pDateTimeStr: Formatted string containing the date & time
//  pAllowCLS: Optional boolean - Whether or not to allow the @CLS@ code.
//             Defaults to false.
// Return value: A string with the complex @-codes substituted in the line with the
// appropriate message header information.
function DigDistMsgReader_ParseMsgHdrLineAtCodes(pTextLine, pMsgHdr, pDisplayMsgNum, pDateTimeStr, pAllowCLS)
	var textLine = pTextLine;
	// Message attribute strings
	var allMsgAttrStr = makeAllMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr);
	var mainMsgAttrStr = makeMainMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr.attr);
	var auxMsgAttrStr = makeAuxMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr.auxattr);
	var netMsgAttrStr = makeNetMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr.netattr);
	// An array of @-code strings without the trailing @, to be used for constructing
	// regular expressions to look for versions with justification & length specifiers.
	// The order of the strings in this array matters.  For instance, @MSG_NUM_AND_TOTAL
	// needs to come before @MSG_NUM so that it gets processed properly, since they
	// both start out with the same text.
	var atCodeStrBases = ["@MSG_FROM", "@MSG_FROM_EXT", "@MSG_TO", "@MSG_TO_NAME", "@MSG_TO_EXT",
	                      "@MSG_SUBJECT", "@MSG_DATE", "@MSG_ATTR", "@MSG_AUXATTR", "@MSG_NETATTR",
	                      "@MSG_ALLATTR", "@MSG_NUM_AND_TOTAL", "@MSG_NUM", "@MSG_ID",
	                      "@MSG_REPLY_ID", "@MSG_TIMEZONE", "@GRP", "@GRPL", "@SUB", "@SUBL"];
	// For each @-code, look for a version with justification & length specified and
	// replace accordingly.
	for (var atCodeStrBaseIdx in atCodeStrBases)
		var atCodeStrBase = atCodeStrBases[atCodeStrBaseIdx];
		// Synchronet @-codes can specify justification with -L or -R and width using a series
		// of non-numeric non-space characters (i.e., @MSG_SUBJECT-L#####@ or @MSG_SUBJECT-R######@).
		// So look for these types of format specifiers for the message subject and if found,
		// parse and replace appropriately.
		var multipleCharLenRegex = new RegExp(atCodeStrBase + "-[LR][^0-9 ]+@", "gi");
		var atCodeMatchArray = textLine.match(multipleCharLenRegex);
		if ((atCodeMatchArray != null) && (atCodeMatchArray.length > 0))
			for (var idx in atCodeMatchArray)
				// In this case, the subject length is the length of the whole format specifier.
				var substLen = atCodeMatchArray[idx].length;
				textLine = this.ReplaceSubjFormatStr(pMsgHdr, pDisplayMsgNum, textLine, substLen,
				                                     atCodeMatchArray[idx], pDateTimeStr, mainMsgAttrStr,
				                                     auxMsgAttrStr, netMsgAttrStr, allMsgAttrStr);
		// Now, look for subject formatters with the length specified (i.e., @MSG_SUBJECT-L20@ or @MSG_SUBJECT-R20@)
		var numericLenSearchRegex = new RegExp(atCodeStrBase + "-[LR][0-9]+@", "gi");
		atCodeMatchArray = textLine.match(numericLenSearchRegex);
		if ((atCodeMatchArray != null) && (atCodeMatchArray.length > 0))
			for (var idx in atCodeMatchArray)
				// Extract the length specified between the -L or -R and the final @.
				var dashJustifyIndex = findDashJustifyIndex(atCodeMatchArray[idx]);
				var substLen = atCodeMatchArray[idx].substring(dashJustifyIndex+2, atCodeMatchArray[idx].length-1);
				textLine = this.ReplaceSubjFormatStr(pMsgHdr, pDisplayMsgNum, textLine, substLen, atCodeMatchArray[idx],
				                                     pDateTimeStr, mainMsgAttrStr, auxMsgAttrStr, netMsgAttrStr,
				                                     allMsgAttrStr, dashJustifyIndex);

	// In case there weren't any complex @-codes, do replacements for the basic
	// @-codes.  Set the group & sub-board information as Personal Mail or the
	// sub-board currently being read.
	var grpIdx = -1;
	var groupName = "";
	var groupDesc = "";
	var subName = "";
	var subDesc = "";
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
		var subName = "Personal mail";
		var subDesc = "Personal mail";
		grpIdx = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
		groupName = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_name;
		groupDesc = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].description;
		subName = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].name;
		subDesc = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].description;
	var messageNum = (typeof(pDisplayMsgNum) == "number" ? pDisplayMsgNum : pMsgHdr["offset"]+1);
	var newTxtLine = textLine.replace(/@MSG_SUBJECT@/gi, pMsgHdr["subject"])
	                         .replace(/@MSG_FROM@/gi, pMsgHdr["from"])
	                         .replace(/@MSG_FROM_EXT@/gi, (typeof(pMsgHdr["from_ext"]) == "string" ? pMsgHdr["from_ext"] : ""))
	                         .replace(/@MSG_TO@/gi, pMsgHdr["to"])
	                         .replace(/@MSG_TO_NAME@/gi, pMsgHdr["to"])
	                         .replace(/@MSG_TO_EXT@/gi, (typeof(pMsgHdr["to_ext"]) == "string" ? pMsgHdr["to_ext"] : ""))
	                         .replace(/@MSG_DATE@/gi, pDateTimeStr)
	                         .replace(/@MSG_ATTR@/gi, mainMsgAttrStr)
	                         .replace(/@MSG_ATTR@/gi, mainMsgAttrStr)
	                         .replace(/@MSG_AUXATTR@/gi, auxMsgAttrStr)
	                         .replace(/@MSG_NETATTR@/gi, netMsgAttrStr)
	                         .replace(/@MSG_ALLATTR@/gi, allMsgAttrStr)
	                         .replace(/@MSG_NUM_AND_TOTAL@/gi, messageNum.toString() + "/" + this.NumMessages())
	                         .replace(/@MSG_NUM@/gi, messageNum.toString())
	                         .replace(/@MSG_ID@/gi, (typeof(pMsgHdr["id"]) == "string" ? pMsgHdr["id"] : ""))
	                         .replace(/@MSG_REPLY_ID@/gi, (typeof(pMsgHdr["reply_id"]) == "string" ? pMsgHdr["reply_id"] : ""))
	                         .replace(/@MSG_FROM_NET@/gi, (typeof(pMsgHdr["from_net_addr"]) == "string" ? pMsgHdr["from_net_addr"] : ""))
	                         .replace(/@MSG_TO_NET@/gi, (typeof(pMsgHdr["to_net_addr"]) == "string" ? pMsgHdr["to_net_addr"] : ""))
	                         .replace(/@MSG_TIMEZONE@/gi, system.zonestr(pMsgHdr["when_written_zone"]))
	                         .replace(/@GRP@/gi, groupName)
	                         .replace(/@GRPL@/gi, groupDesc)
	                         .replace(/@SUB@/gi, subName)
	                         .replace(/@SUBL@/gi, subDesc);
	if (!pAllowCLS)
		newTxtLine = newTxtLine.replace(/@CLS@/gi, "");
	return newTxtLine;
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Helper for ParseMsgHdrLineAtCodes(): Replaces a
// given @-code format string in a text line with the appropriate message header
// info.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: The object containing the message header information
//  pDisplayMsgNum: The message number, if different from the number in the header
//                  object (i.e., if doing a message search).  This parameter can
//                  be null, in which case the number in the header object will be
//                  used.
//  pTextLine: The text line in which to perform the replacement
//  pSpecifiedLen: The length extracted from the @-code format string
//  pAtCodeStr: The @-code format string, which will be replaced with the actual message info
//  pDateTimeStr: Formatted string containing the date & time
//  pMsgMainAttrStr: A string describing the main message attributes ('attr' property of header)
//  pMsgAuxAttrStr: A string describing the auxiliary message attributes ('auxattr' property of header)
//  pMsgNetAttrStr: A string describing the network message attributes ('netattr' property of header)
//  pMsgAllAttrStr: A string describing all message attributes
//  pDashJustifyIdx: Optional - The index of the -L or -R in the @-code string
function DigDistMsgReader_ReplaceSubjFormatStr(pMsgHdr, pDisplayMsgNum, pTextLine, pSpecifiedLen, pAtCodeStr, pDateTimeStr,
                                  pMsgMainAttrStr, pMsgAuxAttrStr, pMsgNetAttrStr, pMsgAllAttrStr,
	if (typeof(pDashJustifyIdx) != "number")
		pDashJustifyIdx = findDashJustifyIndex(pAtCodeStr);
	// Specify the format string with left or right justification based on the justification
	// character (either L or R).
	var formatStr = ((/L/i).test(pAtCodeStr.charAt(pDashJustifyIdx+1)) ? "%-" : "%") + pSpecifiedLen + "s";
	// Specify the replacement text depending on the @-code string
	var replacementTxt = "";
	if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_FROM") > -1)
		replacementTxt = pMsgHdr["from"].substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_FROM_EXT") > -1)
		replacementTxt = (typeof pMsgHdr["from_ext"] === "undefined" ? "" : pMsgHdr["from_ext"].substr(0, pSpecifiedLen));
	else if ((pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_TO") > -1) || (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_TO_NAME") > -1))
		replacementTxt = pMsgHdr["to"].substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_TO_EXT") > -1)
		replacementTxt = (typeof pMsgHdr["to_ext"] === "undefined" ? "" : pMsgHdr["to_ext"].substr(0, pSpecifiedLen));
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_SUBJECT") > -1)
		replacementTxt = pMsgHdr["subject"].substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_DATE") > -1)
		replacementTxt = pDateTimeStr.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_ATTR") > -1)
		replacementTxt = pMsgMainAttrStr.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_AUXATTR") > -1)
		replacementTxt = pMsgAuxAttrStr.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_NETATTR") > -1)
		replacementTxt = pMsgNetAttrStr.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_ALLATTR") > -1)
		replacementTxt = pMsgAllAttrStr.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_NUM_AND_TOTAL") > -1)
		var messageNum = (typeof(pDisplayMsgNum) == "number" ? pDisplayMsgNum : pMsgHdr["offset"]+1);
		replacementTxt = (messageNum.toString() + "/" + this.NumMessages()).substr(0, pSpecifiedLen); // "number" is also absolute number
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_NUM") > -1)
		var messageNum = (typeof(pDisplayMsgNum) == "number" ? pDisplayMsgNum : pMsgHdr["offset"]+1);
		replacementTxt = messageNum.toString().substr(0, pSpecifiedLen); // "number" is also absolute number
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_ID") > -1)
		replacementTxt = (typeof pMsgHdr["id"] === "undefined" ? "" : pMsgHdr["id"].substr(0, pSpecifiedLen));
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_REPLY_ID") > -1)
		replacementTxt = (typeof pMsgHdr["reply_id"] === "undefined" ? "" : pMsgHdr["reply_id"].substr(0, pSpecifiedLen));
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@MSG_TIMEZONE") > -1)
		replacementTxt = system.zonestr(pMsgHdr["when_written_zone"]).substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@GRP") > -1)
		if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
			replacementTxt = "Personal mail".substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
			replacementTxt = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_name.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@GRPL") > -1)
		if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
			replacementTxt = "Personal mail".substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
			var grpIdx = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
			replacementTxt = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].description.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@SUB") > -1)
		if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
			replacementTxt = "Personal mail".substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);

			replacementTxt = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].name.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
	else if (pAtCodeStr.indexOf("@SUB") > -1)
		if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
			replacementTxt = "Personal mail".substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);
			replacementTxt = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].description.substr(0, pSpecifiedLen);

	// Do the text replacement (escape special characters in the @-code string so we can do a literal search)
	var searchRegex = new RegExp(pAtCodeStr.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), "gi");
	return pTextLine.replace(searchRegex, format(formatStr, replacementTxt));
// Helper for DigDistMsgReader_ParseMsgHdrLineAtCodes() and
// DigDistMsgReader_ReplaceSubjFormatStr(): Returns the index of the -L or -R in
// one of the @-code strings.
// Parameters:
//  pAtCodeStr: The @-code string to search
// Return value: The index of the -L or -R, or -1 if not found
function findDashJustifyIndex(pAtCodeStr)
	var strIndex = pAtCodeStr.indexOf("-");
	if (strIndex > -1)
		// If this part of the string is not -L or -R, then set strIndex to -1
		// to signify that it was not found.
		var checkStr = pAtCodeStr.substr(strIndex, 2).toUpperCase();
		if ((checkStr != "-L") && (checkStr != "-R"))
			strIndex = -1;
	return strIndex;

// Finds the offset (index) of the next message prior to or after a given offset
// that is not marked as deleted.  If none is found, the return value will be -1.
// This function requires that this.msgbase is open.
// Parameters:
//  pOffset: The message offset to search prior/after
//  pForward: Boolean - Whether or not to search forward (true) or backward (false).
//            If this is not specified, the default will be true (forward).
// Return value: The index of the next message prior/later that is not marked
//               as deleted, or -1 if none is found.
function DigDistMsgReader_FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(pOffset, pForward)
   // Sanity checking for the parameters & other things
   if ((typeof(pOffset) != "number") || (this.msgbase == null))
      return -1;
   if (!this.msgbase.is_open)
      return -1;
   var searchForward = (typeof(pForward) == "boolean" ? pForward : true);

   var newMsgIdx = -1;
   if (searchForward)
      // Search forward for a message that isn't marked for deletion.
      var numOfMessages = this.NumMessages();
      if (pOffset < numOfMessages - 1)
         for (var messageIdx = pOffset+1; (messageIdx < numOfMessages) && (newMsgIdx == -1); ++messageIdx)
            var nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
            if ((nextMsgHdr != null) && ((nextMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0))
               newMsgIdx = messageIdx;
      // Search backward for a message that isn't marked for deletion.
      if (pOffset > 0)
         for (var messageIdx = pOffset-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (newMsgIdx == -1); --messageIdx)
            var prevMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
            if ((prevMsgHdr != null) && ((prevMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0))
               newMsgIdx = messageIdx;
   return newMsgIdx;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Sets up the message base object for a new
// sub-board.  Leaves the msgbase object open.
// Parameters:
//  pNewSubBoardCode: The internal code of the new sub-board.
//                    If this is not a string, then this function
//                    will use bbs.cursub_code instead.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               succeeded: Boolean - True if succeeded or false if not
//               lastReadMsgIdx: The index of the last message read in the sub-board.
function DigDistMsgReader_ChangeSubBoard(pNewSubBoardCode)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.succeeded = false;
	retObj.lastReadMsgIdx = 0;

	var newSubBoardCode = bbs.cursub_code;
	if (typeof(pNewSubBoardCode) == "string")
		newSubBoardCode = pNewSubBoardCode;
	if (typeof(msg_area.sub[newSubBoardCode]) != "object")
		console.print("\1n\1h\1y* \1wSomething has gone wrong.  An invalid message sub-board code was");
		console.print("specified: " + newSubBoardCode);
		return retObj;

	// If the new sub-board code is different from the currently-set
	// sub-board code, then go ahead and change it.
	if (newSubBoardCode != this.subBoardCode)
		if (this.msgbase != null)
		this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
	else if (this.msgbase == null)
		this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);

	// If the message base is not open, then open it.  If the message base can't
	// be opened, then output an error and return.
	if (!this.msgbase.is_open)
		if (!this.msgbase.open())
			console.print("\1n\1h\1y* \1wUnable to open message sub-board:");
			return retObj;

	// If there are no messages to display in the current sub-board, then just
	// return.  Note: A message regarding there being no messages would have
	// already been shown, so we don't need to show an 'Empty sub-board' message
	// here.
	if (this.NumMessages() == 0)
		return retObj;

	// Get the index of the user's last-read message in this sub-board.
	retObj.lastReadMsgIdx = this.GetLastReadMsgIdx();
	if (retObj.lastReadMsgIdx == -1)
		retObj.lastReadMsgIdx = 0;
	retObj.succeeded = true;

	return retObj;

// For the enhanced reader functionality of the DigDistMsgReader class: Sets up
// the message base object for a new sub-board and refreshes the reader hotkey
// help line on the bottom of the screen.  Leaves the msgbase object open.
// Parameters:
//  pNewSubBoardCode: The internal code of the new sub-board.
//                    If this is not a string, then this function
//                    will use bbs.cursub_code instead.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               succeeded: Boolean - True if succeeded or false if not
//               lastReadMsgIdx: The index of the last message read in the sub-board.
//                               Will be 0 on error.
function DigDistMsgReader_EnhancedReaderChangeSubBoard(pNewSubBoardCode)
	var retObj = this.ChangeSubBoard(pNewSubBoardCode);
	if (retObj.succeeded && (this.NumMessages() > 0))
		// Clear the screen and refresh the help line at the bottom of the screen
	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Allows the user to reply to a message
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: The header of the message to reply to
//  pMsgText: The text (body) of the message
//  pPrivate: Optional - Boolean to specify whether not this should be a private
//            reply using the user's QWK or FIDO, etc. address.  Defaults to
//            false if not specified.
//  pMsgIdx: The message index (if there are search results, this might be
//           different than the message offset in the messagebase).  This
//           is intended for use in deleting a private email after reading it.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               postSucceeded: Boolean - Whether or not the message post succeeded
//               msgWasDeleted: Boolean - Whether or not the message was deleted after
//                              the user replied to it
function DigDistMsgReader_ReplyToMsg(pMsgHdr, pMsgText, pPrivate, pMsgIdx)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.postSucceeded = false;
	retObj.msgWasDeleted = false;

	if ((pMsgHdr == null) || (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object"))
		return retObj;

	// If the "no-reply" attribute is enabled for the message, then don't
	// let the user rpely.
	if ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_NOREPLY) == MSG_NOREPLY)
		console.print("\1n\1y\1hReplies are not allowed for this message.");
		return retObj;

	// Make sure the user is allowed to post a message before allowing them to
	// reply.  If posting on a message sub-board, then we can check the can_read
	// property of the sub-board; otherwise, the user should be allowed to post
	// a message.
	var replyPrivately = (typeof(pPrivate) == "boolean" ? pPrivate : false);
	var canPost = true;
	if (!replyPrivately && (this.subBoardCode != "mail"))
		canPost = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].can_post;
	if (!canPost)
		console.print("\1n\1y\1hYou are not allowed to post in this message area.");
		return retObj;

	retObj.postSucceeded = true;

	// No special behavior in the reply
	var replyMode = WM_NONE;

	// If quoting is allowed in the sub-board, then write QUOTES.TXT in
	// the node directory to allow the user to quote the original message.
	var quoteFile = null;
	if (this.CanQuote())
		quoteFile = new File(system.node_dir + "QUOTES.TXT");
		if (quoteFile.open("w"))
			if (typeof(pMsgText) == "string")
			//quoteFile.write(word_wrap(pMsgText, 80/*79*/));
				var msgText = this.msgbase.get_msg_body(true, msgHeader.offset);
				//quoteFile.write(word_wrap(msgText, 80/*79*/));
			// Let the user quote in the reply
			replyMode |= WM_QUOTE;

	// Note: The following commented-out code was a kludge that
	// no longer seems necessary with recent (3.15) builds of
	// Synchronet.
	// If posting in a local group, then the 'from' and 'to' names
	// in the message header must be swapped in order to have the
	// correct 'to' name in the reply.
	if (pMsgHdr.from_net_type == NET_NONE)
		var fromBackup = pMsgHdr.from;
		pMsgHdr.from = pMsgHdr.to;
		pMsgHdr.to = fromBackup;

	// If the user is listing personal e-mail, then we need to call
	// bbs.email() to leave a reply; otherwise, use bbs.post_msg().
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
		var privReplRetObj = this.DoPrivateReply(pMsgHdr, pMsgIdx, replyMode);
		retObj.postSucceeded = privReplRetObj.sendSucceeded;
		retObj.msgWasDeleted = privReplRetObj.msgWasDeleted;
		// The user is posting in a public message sub-board.
		// Open a file in the node directory and write some information
		// about the current sub-board and message being read:
		// - The highest message number in the sub-board (last message)
		// - The total number of messages in the sub-board
		// - The number of the message being read
		// - The current sub-board code
		// This is for message editors that need to access the message
		// base (i.e., SlyEdit).  Normally (in Synchronet's message read
		// propmt), this information is stored in bbs.smb_last_msg,
		// bbs.smb_total_msgs, and bbs.smb_curmsg, but this message lister
		// can't change those values.  Thus, we need to write them to a file.
		var msgBaseInfoFile = new File(system.node_dir + "DDML_SyncSMBInfo.txt");
		if (msgBaseInfoFile.open("w"))
			msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(this.msgbase.last_msg.toString()); // Highest message #
			msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(this.NumMessages().toString()); // Total # messages
			// Message number (Note: For SlyEdit, requires SlyEdit 1.27 or newer).
			msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(pMsgHdr.number.toString()); // # of the message being read (New: 2013-05-14)
			// Old: Using either the message number or offset:
			// Message number/offset:
			// If the Synchronet version is at least 3.16 and the Synchronet compile
			// date is at least May 12, 2013, then use bbs.msg_number.  Otherwise,
			// use bbs.smb_curmsg.  bbs.msg_number is the absolute message number and
			// is always accurate, but bbs.msg_number only works properly in the
			// Synchronet 3.16 daily builds starting on May 12, 2013, which was right
			// after Digital Man committed his fix to make bbs.msg_number work properly.
			if ((system.version_num >= 3.16) && gSyncCompileDateAtLeast2013_05_12)
				msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(pMsgHdr.number.toString()); // # of the message being read (New: 2013-05-14)
				msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(pOffset.toString()); // Offset of the message (for older builds of Synchronet)
			msgBaseInfoFile.writeln(this.subBoardCode); // Sub-board code

		// Store the current total number of messages so that we can search new
		// messages if needed after the message is posted
		var numMessagesBefore = this.msgbase.total_msgs;

		// Let the user post the message.  Then, delete the message base info
		// file.
		// If we are to send a private message, then let the user send the reply
		// as a private email.  Otherwise, let the user post the reply as a public
		// message.
		if (replyPrivately)
			var privReplRetObj = this.DoPrivateReply(pMsgHdr, pMsgIdx, replyMode);
			retObj.postSucceeded = privReplRetObj.sendSucceeded;
			retObj.msgWasDeleted = privReplRetObj.msgWasDeleted;
		else // Not a private message - Post as a public message
			retObj.postSucceeded = bbs.post_msg(this.subBoardCode, replyMode, pMsgHdr);

		// If the user replied to the message and a message search was done that
		// would populate the search results, then search the last messages to
		// include the user's reply in the message matches or other new messages
		// that may have been posted that match the user's search.
		if (retObj.postSucceeded && this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults() &&
		    this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode) &&
		    (this.msgbase.total_msgs > numMessagesBefore))
			if (!this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode))
				msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode] = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.msgbase, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser);
				var msgHeaders = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.msgbase, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser, numMessagesBefore, this.msgbase.total_msgs);
				var msgNum = 0;
				for (var i = 0; i < msgHeaders.indexed.length; ++i)
					msgNum = msgHeaders.indexed[i].offset + 1;

	// Delete the quote file
	if (quoteFile != null)

	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: This function performs a private message reply.  Takes a message header
// and returns a boolean for whether or not it succeeded in sending the reply.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object
//  pMsgIdx: The message index (if there are search results, this might be
//           different than the message offset in the messagebase).  This
//           is intended for use in deleting a private email after reading it.
//  pReplyMode: Optional - A bitfield containing reply mode bits to use
//              in addition to the default network/email reply mode
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               sendSucceeded: Boolean - Whether or not the message post succeeded
//               msgWasDeleted: Boolean - Whether or not the message was deleted after
//                              the user replied to it
function DigDistMsgReader_DoPrivateReply(pMsgHdr, pMsgIdx, pReplyMode)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.sendSucceeded = true;
	retObj.msgWasDeleted = false;

	// Set up the initial reply mode bits
	var replyMode = WM_NONE;
	if (typeof(pReplyMode) == "number")
		replyMode |= pReplyMode;

	// If the message is not local, the send the reply as a network message.
	// Otherwise, send the reply as a local email.
	if (pMsgHdr.from_net_type != NET_NONE)
		if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.from_net_addr) == "string") &&
		    (pMsgHdr.from_net_addr.length > 0))
			// Build the email address to reply to.  If the original message is
			// internet email, then simply use the from_net_addr field from the
			// message header.  Otherwise (i.e., on a networked sub-board), use
			// username@from_net_addr.
			var emailAddr = "";
			if (pMsgHdr.from_net_type == NET_INTERNET)
				emailAddr = pMsgHdr.from_net_addr;
				emailAddr = pMsgHdr.from + "@" + pMsgHdr.from_net_addr;
			// Prompt the user to verify the receiver's email address
			console.putmsg(bbs.text(Email), P_SAVEATR);
			emailAddr = console.getstr(60, K_LINE);
			if ((typeof(emailAddr) == "string") && (emailAddr.length > 0))
				replyMode |= WM_NETMAIL;
				retObj.sendSucceeded = bbs.netmail(emailAddr, replyMode);
				retObj.sendSucceeded = false;
				console.putmsg(bbs.text(Aborted), P_SAVEATR);
			retObj.sendSucceeded = false;
			console.print("\1n\1h\1yThere is no network address for this message");
		// Replying to a local user
		replyMode |= WM_EMAIL;
		// Look up the user number of the "from" user name in the message header
		var userNumber = system.matchuser(pMsgHdr.from);
		if (userNumber != 0)
			// Output a newline to avoid ugly overwriting of text on the screen in
			// case the sender wants to forward to netmail, then send email to the
			// sender.  If the send failed, then output an error message.
			retObj.sendSucceeded = bbs.email(userNumber, replyMode, "", pMsgHdr.subject);
			if (!retObj.sendSucceeded)
				retObj.sendSucceeded = false;
				console.print("\1n\1h\1yFailed to find local user number for \1w" + pMsgHdr.from);

	// If the user replied to a personal email, then ask the user if they want
	// to delete the message that was just replied to, and if so, delete it.
	if (retObj.sendSucceeded && this.readingPersonalEmail && (typeof(pMsgIdx) == "number"))
		// Get the delete mail confirmation text from text.dat and replace
		// the %s with the "from" name in the message header, and use that
		// as the confirmation text.
		// Note: If the message was deleted, the DeleteMessage() method will
		// refresh the header in the search results, if there are any search
		// results.
		if (!console.noyes(bbs.text(DeleteMailQ).replace("%s", pMsgHdr.from)))
			retObj.msgWasDeleted = this.DeleteMessage(pMsgIdx, null, null, null, false);

	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Displays the enhanced reader mode help screen.
// Parameters:
//  pDisplayChgAreaOpt: Optional boolean - Whether or not to show the "change area" option.
//                      Defaults to true.
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedReaderHelp(pDisplayChgAreaOpt)
	if (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))

	var displayChgAreaOpt = (typeof(pDisplayChgAreaOpt) == "boolean" ? pDisplayChgAreaOpt : true);


	// Display information about the current sub-board and search results.
	console.print("\1n\1cCurrently reading \1g" + subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode));
	// If the user isn't reading personal messages (i.e., is reading a sub-board),
	// then output the total number of messages in the sub-board.  We probably
	// shouldn't output the total number of messages in the "mail" area, because
	// that includes more than the current user's email.
	if (!this.readingPersonalEmail)
		console.print("\1n\1cThere are a total of \1g" + this.msgbase.total_msgs + " \1cmessages in the current area.");
	// If there is currently a search (which also includes personal messages),
	// then output the number of search results/personal messages.
	if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		var numSearchResults = this.NumMessages();
		var resultsWord = (numSearchResults > 1 ? "results" : "result");
		if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
			console.print("You have \1g" + numSearchResults + " \1c" + (numSearchResults == 1 ? "message" : "messages") + ".");
			if (numSearchResults == 1)
				console.print("There is \1g1 \1csearch result.");
				console.print("There are \1g" + numSearchResults + " \1csearch results.");

	// Display the enhanced reader keys
	console.print("\1n\1cEnhanced reader mode keys");
	for (var i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
	var keyHelpLines = ["\1h\1cDown\1g/\1cup arrow    \1g: \1n\1cScroll down\1g/\1cup in the message",
	                    "\1h\1cLeft\1g/\1cright arrow \1g: \1n\1cGo to the previous\1g/\1cnext message",
						"\1h\1cEnter            \1g: \1n\1cGo to the next message",
	                    "\1h\1cPageUp\1g/\1cPageDown  \1g: \1n\1cScroll up\1g/\1cdown a page in the message",
	                    "\1h\1cHOME             \1g: \1n\1cGo to the top of the message",
	                    "\1h\1cEND              \1g: \1n\1cGo to the bottom of the message"];
	if (gIsSysop)
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cDEL              \1g: \1n\1cDelete the current message");
	else if (this.CanDelete() || this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cDEL              \1g: \1n\1cDelete the current message (if it's yours)");
	// If not reading personal email or doing a search/scan, then include the
	// text for the message threading keys.
	if (!this.readingPersonalEmail && !this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		// Thread ID keys: For Synchronet 3.16 and above, include the text "thread ID"
		// in the help line, since Synchronet 3.16 has the thread_id field in the message
		// headers.
		var threadIDLine = "\1h\1c( \1n\1cor \1h)           \1g: \1n\1cGo to the previous\1g/\1cnext message in the thread";
		if (system.version_num >= 31600)
			threadIDLine += " (thread ID)";
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1c< \1n\1cor \1h>           \1g: \1n\1cGo to the previous\1g/\1cnext message by title (subject)");
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1c{ \1n\1cor \1h}           \1g: \1n\1cGo to the previous\1g/\1cnext message by author");
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1c[ \1n\1cor \1h]           \1g: \1n\1cGo to the previous\1g/\1cnext message by 'To user'");
	keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cF \1n\1cor \1hL           \1g: \1n\1cGo to the first\1g/\1clast message in the sub-board");
	if (displayChgAreaOpt)
		if (this.doingMultiSubBoardScan)
			keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1c+                \1g: \1n\1cGo to the next message sub-board");
			keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1c-\1n\1c or \1h+           \1g: \1n\1cGo to the previous\1g/\1cnext message sub-board");
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cC                \1g: \1n\1cChange to a different message sub-board");
	else if (this.doingMultiSubBoardScan)
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1c+                \1g: \1n\1cGo to the next message sub-board");
	if (gIsSysop)
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cE                \1g: \1n\1cEdit the current message");
	keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cM                \1g: \1n\1cList messages in the current sub-board");
	if (gIsSysop)
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cH \1n\1cor \1hK           \1g: \1n\1cDisplay extended header info\1g/\1ckludge lines for the message");
	keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cR                \1g: \1n\1cReply to the current message");
	if (!this.readingPersonalEmail)
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cI                \1g: \1n\1cPrivately reply to the current message (via email/NetMail)");
		keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cP                \1g: \1n\1cPost a message on the sub-board");
	keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cNumber           \1g: \1n\1cGo to a specific message by number");
	keyHelpLines.push("\1h\1cQ                \1g: \1n\1cQuit back to the BBS");
	for (var idx = 0; idx < keyHelpLines.length; ++idx)
		console.print("\1n" + keyHelpLines[idx]);

	// Pause and let the user press a key to continue.  Note: For some reason,
	// with console.pause(), not all of the message on the screen would get
	// refreshed.  So instead, we display the system's pause text and input a
	// key from the user.  Calling getKeyWithESCChars() to input a key from the
	// user to allow for multi-key sequence inputs like PageUp, PageDown, F1,
	// etc. without printing extra characters on the screen.
	console.print("\1n" + bbs.text(Pause)); // The "Press a key" text in text.dat

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Displays the enhanced reader mode message
// header information for a particular message header.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: The message header object containing message header info
//  pDisplayMsgNum: The message number to display, if different from the number
//                  in the header object.  This can be null, in which case the
//                  number in the header object will be used.
//  pStartScreenRow: The row on the screen at which to start displaying the
//                   header information.  Will be used if the user's terminal
//                   supports ANSI.
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedMsgHdr(pMsgHdr, pDisplayMsgNum, pStartScreenRow)
	if ((pMsgHdr == null) || (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object"))
	if (this.enhMsgHeaderLines == null)
	if ((this.enhMsgHeaderLines.length == 0) || (this.enhMsgHeaderWidth == 0))

	// Create a formatted date & time string and a string describing the
	// message attributes
	var dateTimeStr = pMsgHdr["date"].replace(/ [-+][0-9]+$/, "");

	// If the user's terminal supports ANSI, we can move the cursor and
	// display the header where specified.
	if (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
		// Display the message header information.  Make sure the header lines are
		// centered properly in case the user's terminal is more than 80 characters
		// wide.
		var screenX = Math.floor(console.screen_columns/2)
		            - Math.floor(this.enhMsgHeaderWidth/2);
		if (console.screen_columns > 80)
		var screenY = (typeof(pStartScreenRow) == "number" ? pStartScreenRow : 1);
		for (var hdrFileIdx = 0; hdrFileIdx < this.enhMsgHeaderLines.length; ++hdrFileIdx)
			console.gotoxy(screenX, screenY++);
			console.putmsg(this.ParseMsgHdrLineAtCodes(this.enhMsgHeaderLines[hdrFileIdx], pMsgHdr,
			pDisplayMsgNum, dateTimeStr, false));
		// The user's terminal doesn't support ANSI - So just output the header
		// lines.
		for (var hdrFileIdx = 0; hdrFileIdx < this.enhMsgHeaderLines.length; ++hdrFileIdx)
			console.putmsg(this.ParseMsgHdrLineAtCodes(this.enhMsgHeaderLines[hdrFileIdx], pMsgHdr,
			               pDisplayMsgNum, dateTimeStr, false));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Displays the whole/initial scrollbar for a message
// in enhanced reader mode.
// Parameters:
//  pSolidBlockStartRow: The starting row for the solid/bright blocks
//  pNumSolidBlocks: The number of solid/bright blocks to write
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhancedReaderWholeScrollbar(pSolidBlockStartRow, pNumSolidBlocks)
   var numSolidBlocksWritten = 0;
   var wroteBrightBlockColor = false;
   var wroteDimBlockColor = false;
   for (var screenY = this.msgAreaTop; screenY <= this.msgAreaBottom; ++screenY)
      console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);
      if ((screenY >= pSolidBlockStartRow) && (numSolidBlocksWritten < pNumSolidBlocks))
         if (!wroteBrightBlockColor)
			console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarScrollBlockColor);
            wroteBrightBlockColor = true;
            wroteDimBlockColor = false;
         if (!wroteDimBlockColor)
			console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarBGColor);
            wroteDimBlockColor = true;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Updates the scrollbar for a message, for use
// in enhanced reader mode.  This does only the necessary character updates to
// minimize the number of characters that need to be updated on the screen.
// Parameters:
//  pNewStartRow: The new (current) start row for solid/bright blocks
//  pOldStartRow: The old start row for solid/bright blocks
//  pNumSolidBlocks: The number of solid/bright blocks
function DigDistMsgReader_UpdateEnhancedReaderScollbar(pNewStartRow, pOldStartRow, pNumSolidBlocks)
   // Calculate the difference in the start row.  If the difference is positive,
   // then the solid block section has moved down; if the diff is negative, the
   // solid block section has moved up.
   var solidBlockStartRowDiff = pNewStartRow - pOldStartRow;
   var oldLastRow = pOldStartRow + pNumSolidBlocks - 1;
   var newLastRow = pNewStartRow + pNumSolidBlocks - 1;
   if (solidBlockStartRowDiff > 0)
      // The solid block section has moved down
      if (pNewStartRow > oldLastRow)
         // No overlap
         // Write dim blocks over the old solid block section
		 console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarBGColor);
         for (var screenY = pOldStartRow; screenY <= oldLastRow; ++screenY)
            console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);
         // Write solid blocks in the new locations
		 console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarScrollBlockColor);
         for (var screenY = pNewStartRow; screenY <= newLastRow; ++screenY)
            console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);
         // There is some overlap
         // Write dim blocks on top
		 console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarBGColor);
         for (var screenY = pOldStartRow; screenY < pNewStartRow; ++screenY)
            console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);
         // Write bright blocks on the bottom
		 console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarScrollBlockColor);
         for (var screenY = oldLastRow+1; screenY <= newLastRow; ++screenY)
            console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);
   else if (solidBlockStartRowDiff < 0)
      // The solid block section has moved up
      if (pOldStartRow > newLastRow)
         // No overlap
         // Write dim blocks over the old solid block section
		 console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarBGColor);
         for (var screenY = pOldStartRow; screenY <= oldLastRow; ++screenY)
            console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);
         // Write solid blocks in the new locations
		 console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarScrollBlockColor);
         for (var screenY = pNewStartRow; screenY <= newLastRow; ++screenY)
            console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);
         // There is some overlap
         // Write bright blocks on top
		 console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarScrollBlockColor);
         var endRow = pOldStartRow;
         for (var screenY = pNewStartRow; screenY < endRow; ++screenY)
            console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);
         // Write dim blocks on the bottom
		 console.print("\1n" + this.colors.scrollbarBGColor);
         endRow = pOldStartRow + pNumSolidBlocks;
         for (var screenY = pNewStartRow+pNumSolidBlocks; screenY < endRow; ++screenY)
            console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaRight+1, screenY);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether a particular message is
// marked as deleted.  If the message base object is not open or the given
// offset is out of bounds, this method will return true.
// Parameters:
//  pOffset: The offset of the message to check
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message is marked as deleted
function DigDistMsgReader_MessageIsDeleted(pOffset)
   if ((this.msgbase == null) || (!this.msgbase.is_open))
      return true;
   if ((pOffset < 0) || (pOffset >= this.NumMessages()))
      return true;

   // Get the message's header and see if it's marked as deleted
   var msgDeleted = true;
   var msgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(pOffset);
   if (msgHdr != null)
      msgDeleted = ((msgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE);
   return msgDeleted;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether a particular message is the
// last post in the sub-board from the current logged-in user.
// Parameters:
//  pOffset: The offset of the message to check
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message is the last post in the
//               sub-board from the current logged-in user.
function DigDistMsgReader_MessageIsLastFromUser(pOffset)
   var msgIstLastFromUser = false;
   if ((this.msgbase != null) && this.msgbase.is_open && (this.msgbase.cfg != null))
		// TODO: Update to handle search results?
      if ((pOffset >= 0) && (pOffset < this.msgbase.total_msgs))
         // First, see if the message at pOffset was posted by the user.  If it
         // is, then look for the last message posted by the logged-in user and
         // if found, see if that message has the same offset as the offset
         // passed in.
         var msgHdr = this.msgbase.get_msg_header(true, pOffset, true);
         if (userHandleAliasNameMatch(msgHdr["to"]))
            var lastMsgOffsetFromUser = -1;
            for (var msgOffset = this.msgbase.total_msgs-1; (msgOffset >= pOffset) && (lastMsgOffsetFromUser == -1); --msgOffset)
               msgHdr = this.msgbase.get_msg_header(true, msgOffset, true);
               if (userHandleAliasNameMatch(msgHdr["to"]))
                  lastMsgOffsetFromUser = msgOffset;
            // See if the passed-in offset is the last message we found from
            // the logged-in user.
            msgIstLastFromUser = (lastMsgOffsetFromUser == pOffset);
   return msgIstLastFromUser;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class enhanced reader mode: Displays an error at the
// bottom of the message area for a moment, then refreshes the last 2 lines in
// the message area.  If the message string that is passed in is empty or not
// a string, then this will simply refresh the last 2 lines of the message area.
// Parameters:
//  pErrorMsg: The error message to show
//  pMessageLines: The array of lines from the message being displayed
//  pTopLineIdx: The index of the line being displayed at the top of the message area
//  pMsgLineFormatStr: Optional - The format string for message lines
function DigDistMsgReader_DisplayEnhReaderError(pErrorMsg, pMessageLines, pTopLineIdx,
   var msgLineFormatStr = "";
   if (typeof(pMsgLineFormatStr) == "string")
      msgLineFormatStr = pMsgLineFormatStr;
      msgLineFormatStr = "%-" + this.msgAreaWidth + "s";

   var originalCurpos = console.getxy();
   // Move the cursor to the 2nd to last row of the screen and
   // show the error.  Ideally, I'd like
   // to put the cursor on the last row of the screen for this, but
   // console.getnum() lets the enter key shift everything on screen
   // up one row, and there's no way to avoid that.  So, to optimize
   // screen refreshing, the cursor is placed on the 2nd to the last
   // row on the screen to prompt for the message number.
   var promptPos = { x: this.msgAreaLeft, y: console.screen_rows-1 };
   // Write a line of characters above where the prompt will be placed,
   // to help get the user's attention.
   console.gotoxy(promptPos.x, promptPos.y-1);
   console.print("\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderPromptSepLineColor);
   for (var lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < this.msgAreaWidth; ++lineCounter)
   // Clear the inside of the message area, so as not to overwrite
   // the scrollbar character
   for (var lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < this.msgAreaWidth; ++lineCounter)
      console.print(" ");
   // Show the error if a valid error message was passed in
   if ((typeof(pErrorMsg) == "string") && (console.strlen(pErrorMsg) > 0))
      writeWithPause(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows-1, pErrorMsg,
                     ERROR_PAUSE_WAIT_MS, "\1n", true);
   // Figure out the indexes of the message for the last lines of
   // the message and update that line on the screen.
   // If the index is valid, then output that message line; otherwise,
   // output a blank line.
   var msgLine = null;
   var msgLineIndex = pTopLineIdx + this.msgAreaHeight - 2;
   for (; msgLineIndex <= pTopLineIdx + this.msgAreaHeight - 1; ++msgLineIndex)
      console.print("\1n" + this.colors["msgBodyColor"]);
      if ((msgLineIndex >= 0) && (msgLineIndex < pMessageLines.length))
         console.print(pMessageLines[msgLineIndex]); // Already shortened to fit
         console.print("\1n" + this.colors["msgBodyColor"]); // In case colors changed
         // Clear the rest of the line
         printf("%" + +(this.msgAreaWidth-console.strlen(pMessageLines[msgLineIndex])) + "s", "");
         printf(msgLineFormatStr, "");
   // Move the cursor back to its original position

// For the DigDistMsgReader class enhanced reader mode: Prompts for a yes/no
// question at the bottom of the message area and refreshes the last 2 lines in
// the message area when the user has given an answer.  If the question string
// that is passed in is empty or not a string, then this will simply refresh the
// last 2 lines of the message area, and the return value will default to true.
// Parameters:
//  pQuestion: The yes/no question to display, without the ? on the end
//  pMessageLines: The array of lines from the message being displayed
//  pTopLineIdx: The index of the line being displayed at the top of the message area
//  pMsgLineFormatStr: The format string for message lines
//  pSolidScrollBlockStartRow: The starting row for solid scroll blocks (purely for
//                             the kludge of updating the last scrollbar block on the
//                             screen because the yes/no function erases it)
//  pNumSolidScrollBlocks: The number of solid scroll blocks (purely for the kludge of
//                         updating the last scrollbar block on the screen because the
//                         yes/no function erases it)
// Return value: Boolean - True if the user selected yes, or false if the user selected no.
//               If the question string passed in is 0-length or not a valid string, the
//               return value will be true.
function DigDistMsgReader_EnhReaderPromptYesNo(pQuestion, pMessageLines, pTopLineIdx,
                                                pMsgLineFormatStr, pSolidScrollBlockStartRow,
   var msgLineFormatStr = "";
   if (typeof(pMsgLineFormatStr) == "string")
      msgLineFormatStr = pMsgLineFormatStr;
      msgLineFormatStr = "%-" + +(this.msgAreaWidth) + "s";

   var originalCurpos = console.getxy();
   // Move the cursor to the 2nd to last row of the screen and
   // show the error.  Ideally, I'd like
   // to put the cursor on the last row of the screen for this, but
   // console.getnum() lets the enter key shift everything on screen
   // up one row, and there's no way to avoid that.  So, to optimize
   // screen refreshing, the cursor is placed on the 2nd to the last
   // row on the screen to prompt for the message number.
   var promptPos = { x: this.msgAreaLeft, y: console.screen_rows-1 };
   // Write a line of characters above where the prompt will be placed,
   // to help get the user's attention.
   console.gotoxy(promptPos.x, promptPos.y-1);
   console.print("\1n" + this.colors.enhReaderPromptSepLineColor);
   for (var lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < this.msgAreaWidth; ++lineCounter)
   // Clear the inside of the message area, so as not to overwrite
   // the scrollbar character
   for (var lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < this.msgAreaWidth; ++lineCounter)
      console.print(" ");
   // Prompt the question if a valid question string was passed in
   var yesNoResponse = true;
   if ((typeof(pQuestion) == "string") && (console.strlen(pQuestion) > 0))
      console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows-1);
      yesNoResponse = console.yesno(pQuestion);
      // Kludge: Update the last scroll block on the screen, since the yes/no
      // prompt erases it.
      //var scrollBlockChar = "\1n\1h\1k" + BLOCK1; // Dim scroll block
	  // Dim scroll block
	  var scrollBlockChar = this.colors.scrollbarBGColor + this.text.scrollbarBGChar;
      if ((pSolidScrollBlockStartRow >= console.screen_rows-1) ||
           (pSolidScrollBlockStartRow + pNumSolidScrollBlocks - 1 >= console.screen_rows-1))
         //scrollBlockChar = "\1n\1h\1w" + BLOCK2; // Bright, solid scroll block
		 // Bright, solid scroll block
		 scrollBlockChar = this.colors.scrollbarScrollBlockColor + this.text.scrollbarScrollBlockChar;
      console.gotoxy(console.screen_columns, console.screen_rows-1);
   // Figure out the indexes of the message for the last lines of
   // the message and update that line on the screen.
   // If the index is valid, then output that message line; otherwise,
   // output a blank line.
   var msgLine = null;
   var msgLineIndex = pTopLineIdx + this.msgAreaHeight - 2;
   for (; msgLineIndex <= pTopLineIdx + this.msgAreaHeight - 1; ++msgLineIndex)
      console.print("\1n" + this.colors["msgBodyColor"]);
      if ((msgLineIndex >= 0) && (msgLineIndex < pMessageLines.length))
         console.print(pMessageLines[msgLineIndex]); // Already shortened to fit
         console.print("\1n" + this.colors["msgBodyColor"]); // In case colors changed
         // Clear the rest of the line
         printf("%" + +(this.msgAreaWidth-console.strlen(pMessageLines[msgLineIndex])) + "s", "");
         printf(msgLineFormatStr, "");
   // Move the cursor back to its original position

   return yesNoResponse;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Allows the user to delete a message.  Checks
// whether the message was posted by the user and prompt for confirmation to
// delete it.  Checks for delete or delete_last permission.  If the sub-board has
// delete_last permission enabled, this checks whether the message is the user's
// last post on the sub-board and only lets them delete if so.
// Parameters:
//  pOffset: The offset of the message to be deleted
//  pPromptLoc: Optional - An object containing x and y properties for the location
//              on the console of the prompt/error messages
//  pClearPromptRowAtFirstUse: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to
//                             clear the remainder of the prompt row the first
//                             time text is written in that row.
//  pPromptRowWidth: Optional - The width of the prompt row (if pProptLoc is valid)
//  pConfirmDelete: Optional boolean - Whether or not to confirm deleting the
//                  message.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message was deleted
function DigDistMsgReader_DeleteMessage(pOffset, pPromptLoc, pClearPromptRowAtFirstUse,
                                        pPromptRowWidth, pConfirmDelete)
	// Sanity checking
	if ((pOffset == null) || (typeof(pOffset) != "number"))
		return false;
	if ((this.msgbase == null) || (!this.msgbase.is_open))
		return false;
	if (!this.CanDelete() && !this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
		return false;
	if ((pOffset < 0) || (pOffset >= this.NumMessages()))
		return false;
	var promptLocValid = ((pPromptLoc != null) && (typeof(pPromptLoc) == "object") &&
	                      (typeof(pPromptLoc.x) == "number") && (typeof(pPromptLoc.y) == "number"));

	var msgNum = pOffset + 1;
	var msgWasDeleted = false;
	var msgHeader = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(pOffset);
	// Only let the user delete one of their own messages or the user
	// is a sysop.
	var cannotDeleteError = this.text.cannotDeleteMsgText_notYoursNotASysop.replace("%d", msgNum);
	var canDeleteMessage = false;
	if (this.CanDelete())
		if (msgHeader != null)
			canDeleteMessage = gIsSysop || userHandleAliasNameMatch(msgHeader.from) || this.readingPersonalEmail;
			canDeleteMessage = false;
	else if (this.CanDeleteLastMsg())
		canDeleteMessage = gIsSysop || this.MessageIsLastFromUser(pOffset);
		if (!canDeleteMessage)
			cannotDeleteError = this.text.cannotDeleteMsgText_notLastPostedMsg.replace("%d", msgNum);
	if (canDeleteMessage)
		// Determine whether or not to delete the message.  First, if we are to
		// have the user confirm whether to delete the message, then ask the
		// user to confirm first.  If we're not to have the user confirm, then
		// go ahead and delete the message.
		var deleteMsg = true; // True in case of not confirming deletion
		var confirmDeleteMsg = (typeof(pConfirmDelete) == "boolean" ? pConfirmDelete : true);
		if (confirmDeleteMsg)
			var delConfirmText = "\1n" + this.text.msgDelConfirmText.replace("%d", msgNum);
			if (promptLocValid)
				// If the caller wants to clear the remainder of the row where the prompt
				// text will be, then do it.
				if (pClearPromptRowAtFirstUse)
					// Adding 5 to the prompt text to account for the ? and "[X] " that
					// will be added when console.noyes() is called
					var promptTxtLen = console.strlen(delConfirmText) + 5;
					var numCharsRemaining = 0;
					if (typeof(pPromptRowWidth) == "number")
						numCharsRemaining = pPromptRowWidth - promptTxtLen;
						numCharsRemaining = console.screen_columns - pPromptLoc.x - promptTxtLen;
					console.gotoxy(pPromptLoc.x+promptTxtLen, pPromptLoc.y);
					for (var i = 0; i < numCharsRemaining; ++i)
						console.print(" ");
				// Move the cursor to the prompt location
			deleteMsg = !console.noyes(delConfirmText);
		// If we are to delete the message, then delete it.
		if (deleteMsg)
			msgWasDeleted = this.msgbase.remove_msg(true, msgHeader.offset);
			if (msgWasDeleted)
				// In case there are search results, refresh the header in the search
				// results to enable the deleted attribute.
				this.RefreshSearchResultMsgHdr(pOffset, MSG_DELETE);
				// Output a message saying the message has been marked for deletion
				if (promptLocValid)
				console.print("\1n" + this.text.msgDeletedText.replace("%d", msgNum));
				if (promptLocValid)
		if (promptLocValid)
		if (promptLocValid)
	return msgWasDeleted;

// Methods for message group/sub-board choosing

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Writes the line of key help at the bottom
// row of the screen.
function DigDistMsgReader_WriteLightbarChgMsgAreaKeysHelpLine()
   console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Outputs the header line to appear above
// the list of message groups.
// Parameters:
//  pNumPages: The number of pages.  This is optional; if this is
//             not passed, then it won't be used.
//  pPageNum: The page number.  This is optional; if this is not passed,
//            then it won't be used.
function DigDistMsgReader_WriteGrpListTopHdrLine(pNumPages, pPageNum)
  var descStr = "Description";
  if ((typeof(pPageNum) == "number") && (typeof(pNumPages) == "number"))
    descStr += "    (Page " + pPageNum + " of " + pNumPages + ")";
  else if ((typeof(pPageNum) == "number") && (typeof(pNumPages) != "number"))
    descStr += "    (Page " + pPageNum + ")";
  else if ((typeof(pPageNum) != "number") && (typeof(pNumPages) == "number"))
    descStr += "    (" + pNumPages + (pNumPages == 1 ? " page)" : " pages)");
  printf(this.msgGrpListHdrPrintfStr, "Group#", descStr, "# Sub-Boards");

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Outputs the first header line to appear
// above the sub-board list for a message group.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group (assumed to be valid)
//  pNumPages: The number of pages.  This is optional; if this is
//             not passed, then it won't be used.
//  pPageNum: The page number.  This is optional; if this is not passed,
//            then it won't be used.
function DMsgAreaChooser_WriteSubBrdListHdr1Line(pGrpIndex, pNumPages, pPageNum)
  var descFormatStr = "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserSubBoardHeaderColor + "Sub-boards of \1h%-25s     \1n"
                     + this.colors.areaChooserSubBoardHeaderColor;
  if ((typeof(pPageNum) == "number") && (typeof(pNumPages) == "number"))
    descFormatStr += "(Page " + pPageNum + " of " + pNumPages + ")";
  else if ((typeof(pPageNum) == "number") && (typeof(pNumPages) != "number"))
    descFormatStr += "(Page " + pPageNum + ")";
  else if ((typeof(pPageNum) != "number") && (typeof(pNumPages) == "number"))
    descFormatStr += "(" + pNumPages + (pNumPages == 1 ? " page)" : " pages)");
  printf(descFormatStr, msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].description.substr(0, 25));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lets the user choose a message group and
// sub-board via numeric input, using a lightbar interface (if enabled and
// if the user's terminal uses ANSI) or a traditional user interface.
function DigDistMsgReader_SelectMsgArea()
	if (this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lets the user choose a message group and
// sub-board via numeric input, using a lightbar user interface.
function DigDistMsgReader_SelectMsgArea_Lightbar()
	// If there are no message groups, then don't let the user
	// choose one.
	if (msg_area.grp_list.length == 0)
		console.print("\1y\1hThere are no message groups.\r\n\1p");

	// Returns the index of the bottommost message group that can be displayed
	// on the screen.
	// Parameters:
	//  pTopGrpIndex: The index of the topmost message group displayed on screen
	//  pNumItemsPerPage: The number of items per page
	function getBottommostGrpIndex(pTopGrpIndex, pNumItemsPerPage)
		var bottomGrpIndex = pTopGrpIndex + pNumItemsPerPage - 1;
		// If bottomGrpIndex is beyond the last index, then adjust it.
		if (bottomGrpIndex >= msg_area.grp_list.length)
			bottomGrpIndex = msg_area.grp_list.length - 1;
		return bottomGrpIndex;

	// Figure out the index of the user's currently-selected message group
	var selectedGrpIndex = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
	// Older code:
	var selectedGrpIndex = 0;
	if ((bbs.curgrp != null) && (typeof(bbs.curgrp) == "number"))
		selectedGrpIndex = bbs.curgrp;

	var listStartRow = 2;      // The row on the screen where the list will start
	var listEndRow = console.screen_rows - 1; // Row on screen where list will end
	var topMsgGrpIndex = 0;    // The index of the message group at the top of the list

	// Figure out the index of the last message group to appear on the screen.
	var numItemsPerPage = listEndRow - listStartRow + 1;
	var bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
	// Figure out how many pages are needed to list all the sub-boards.
	var numPages = Math.ceil(msg_area.grp_list.length / numItemsPerPage);
	// Figure out the top index for the last page.
	var topIndexForLastPage = (numItemsPerPage * numPages) - numItemsPerPage;

	// If the highlighted row is beyond the current screen, then
	// go to the appropriate page.
	if (selectedGrpIndex > bottomMsgGrpIndex)
		var nextPageTopIndex = 0;
		while (selectedGrpIndex > bottomMsgGrpIndex)
			nextPageTopIndex = topMsgGrpIndex + numItemsPerPage;
			if (nextPageTopIndex < msg_area.grp_list.length)
				// Adjust topMsgGrpIndex and bottomMsgGrpIndex, and
				// refresh the list on the screen.
				topMsgGrpIndex = nextPageTopIndex;
				bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);

		// If we didn't find the correct page for some reason, then set the
		// variables to display page 1 and select the first message group.
		var foundCorrectPage = ((topMsgGrpIndex < msg_area.grp_list.length) &&
		                        (selectedGrpIndex >= topMsgGrpIndex) && (selectedGrpIndex <= bottomMsgGrpIndex));
		if (!foundCorrectPage)
			topMsgGrpIndex = 0;
			bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
			selectedGrpIndex = 0;

	// Clear the screen, write the help line and group list header, and output
	// a screenful of message groups.

	// Make a backup of the current message group & sub-board indexes so
	// that later we can tell if the user chose something different.
	var oldGrp = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
	var oldSub = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index;
	// Older:
	var oldGrp = bbs.curgrp;
	var oldSub = bbs.cursub;

	// Input loop - Let the user choose a message group & sub-board
	var curpos = new Object();
	curpos.x = 1;
	curpos.y = 1;
	var pageNum = calcPageNum(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
	this.WriteGrpListHdrLine(numPages, pageNum);
	this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow, listEndRow, false, false);
	// Start of the input loop.
	var highlightScrenRow = 0; // The row on the screen for the highlighted group
	var userInput = "";        // Will store a keypress from the user
	var retObj = null;        // To store the return value of choosing a sub-board
	var continueChoosingMsgArea = true;
	while (continueChoosingMsgArea)
		// Highlight the currently-selected message group
		highlightScrenRow = listStartRow + (selectedGrpIndex - topMsgGrpIndex);
		curpos.y = highlightScrenRow;
		if ((highlightScrenRow > 0) && (highlightScrenRow < console.screen_rows))
			console.gotoxy(1, highlightScrenRow);
			this.WriteMsgGroupLine(selectedGrpIndex, true);

		// Get a key from the user (upper-case) and take action based upon it.
		userInput = console.getkey(K_UPPER | K_NOCRLF);
		switch (userInput)
			case KEY_UP: // Move up one message group in the list
				if (selectedGrpIndex > 0)
					// If the previous group index is on the previous page, then
					// display the previous page.
					var previousGrpIndex = selectedGrpIndex - 1;
					if (previousGrpIndex < topMsgGrpIndex)
						// Adjust topMsgGrpIndex and bottomMsgGrpIndex, and
						// refresh the list on the screen.
						topMsgGrpIndex -= numItemsPerPage;
						bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
						this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow,
						                            listEndRow, false, true);
						// Display the current line un-highlighted.
						console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
						this.WriteMsgGroupLine(selectedGrpIndex, false);
					selectedGrpIndex = previousGrpIndex;
			case KEY_DOWN: // Move down one message group in the list
				if (selectedGrpIndex < msg_area.grp_list.length - 1)
					// If the next group index is on the next page, then display
					// the next page.
					var nextGrpIndex = selectedGrpIndex + 1;
					if (nextGrpIndex > bottomMsgGrpIndex)
						// Adjust topMsgGrpIndex and bottomMsgGrpIndex, and
						// refresh the list on the screen.
						topMsgGrpIndex += numItemsPerPage;
						bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
						this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow,
						                            listEndRow, false, true);
						// Display the current line un-highlighted.
						console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
						this.WriteMsgGroupLine(selectedGrpIndex, false);
					selectedGrpIndex = nextGrpIndex;
			case KEY_HOME: // Go to the top message group on the screen
				if (selectedGrpIndex > topMsgGrpIndex)
					// Display the current line un-highlighted, then adjust
					// selectedGrpIndex.
					console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
					this.WriteMsgGroupLine(selectedGrpIndex, false);
					selectedGrpIndex = topMsgGrpIndex;
					// Note: curpos.y is set at the start of the while loop.
			case KEY_END: // Go to the bottom message group on the screen
				if (selectedGrpIndex < bottomMsgGrpIndex)
					// Display the current line un-highlighted, then adjust
					// selectedGrpIndex.
					console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
					this.WriteMsgGroupLine(selectedGrpIndex, false);
					selectedGrpIndex = bottomMsgGrpIndex;
					// Note: curpos.y is set at the start of the while loop.
			case KEY_ENTER: // Select the currently-highlighted message group
				retObj = this.SelectSubBoard_Lightbar(selectedGrpIndex);
				// If the user chose a sub-board, then set bbs.curgrp and
				// bbs.cursub, and don't continue the input loop anymore.
				if (retObj.subBoardChosen)
					bbs.curgrp = selectedGrpIndex;
					bbs.cursub = retObj.subBoardIndex;
					continueChoosingMsgArea = false;
					// A sub-board was not chosen, so we'll have to re-draw
					// the header and list of message groups.
					console.gotoxy(1, 1);
					this.WriteGrpListHdrLine(numPages, pageNum);
					this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow, listEndRow,
					                            false, true);
			case 'N': // Go to the next page
				var nextPageTopIndex = topMsgGrpIndex + numItemsPerPage;
				if (nextPageTopIndex < msg_area.grp_list.length)
					// Adjust topMsgGrpIndex and bottomMsgGrpIndex, and
					// refresh the list on the screen.
					topMsgGrpIndex = nextPageTopIndex;
					pageNum = calcPageNum(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
					bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
					this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, true, false);
					this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow,
					                            listEndRow, false, true);
					selectedGrpIndex = topMsgGrpIndex;
			case 'P': // Go to the previous page
				var prevPageTopIndex = topMsgGrpIndex - numItemsPerPage;
				if (prevPageTopIndex >= 0)
					// Adjust topMsgGrpIndex and bottomMsgGrpIndex, and
					// refresh the list on the screen.
					topMsgGrpIndex = prevPageTopIndex;
					pageNum = calcPageNum(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
					bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
					this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, true, false);
					this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow,
					                            listEndRow, false, true);
					selectedGrpIndex = topMsgGrpIndex;
			case 'F': // Go to the first page
				if (topMsgGrpIndex > 0)
					topMsgGrpIndex = 0;
					pageNum = calcPageNum(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
					bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
					this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, true, false);
					this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow, listEndRow,
					                            false, true);
					selectedGrpIndex = 0;
			case 'L': // Go to the last page
				if (topMsgGrpIndex < topIndexForLastPage)
					topMsgGrpIndex = topIndexForLastPage;
					pageNum = calcPageNum(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
					bottomMsgGrpIndex = getBottommostGrpIndex(topMsgGrpIndex, numItemsPerPage);
					this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, true, false);
					this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow, listEndRow,
					                            false, true);
					selectedGrpIndex = topIndexForLastPage;
			case 'Q': // Quit
				continueChoosingMsgArea = false;
			case '?': // Show help
				this.ShowChooseMsgAreaHelpScreen(true, true);
				// Refresh the screen
				console.gotoxy(1, 1);
				this.WriteGrpListHdrLine(numPages, pageNum);
				this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow, listEndRow,
				                            false, true);
				// If the user entered a numeric digit, then treat it as
				// the start of the message group number.
				if (userInput.match(/[0-9]/))
					var originalCurpos = curpos;

					// Put the user's input back in the input buffer to
					// be used for getting the rest of the message number.
					// Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and
					// prompt the user for the message number.
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.print("\1cChoose group #: \1h");
					userInput = console.getnum(msg_area.grp_list.length);
					// If the user made a selection, then let them choose a
					// sub-board from the group.
					if (userInput > 0)
						var msgGroupIndex = userInput - 1;
						retObj = this.SelectSubBoard_Lightbar(msgGroupIndex);
						// If the user chose a sub-board, then set bbs.curgrp and
						// bbs.cursub, and don't continue the input loop anymore.
						if (retObj.subBoardChosen)
							// Set the current group & sub-board
							bbs.curgrp = msgGroupIndex;
							bbs.cursub = retObj.subBoardIndex;
							continueChoosingMsgArea = false;
							// A sub-board was not chosen, so we'll have to re-draw
							// the header and list of message groups.
							console.gotoxy(1, 1);
							this.WriteGrpListHdrLine(numPages, pageNum);
							this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow, listEndRow,
							                            false, true);
						// The user didn't make a selection.  So, we need to refresh
						// the screen due to everything being moved up one line.
						console.gotoxy(1, 1);
						this.WriteGrpListHdrLine(numPages, pageNum);
						this.ListScreenfulOfMsgGrps(topMsgGrpIndex, listStartRow, listEndRow,
						                            false, true);

	// If the user chose a different message group & sub-board, then reset the
	// lister index & cursor variables, as well as this.subBoardCode, etc.
	if ((bbs.curgrp != oldGrp) || (bbs.cursub != oldSub))
		this.tradListTopMsgIdx = -1;
		this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = -1;
		this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = -1;
		this.lightbarListCurPos = null;
		// Re-create the msgbase object for the new sub-board.  Don't open it yet,
		// as that is done in the read/list methods.
		if (this.msgbase != null)
			if (this.msgbase.is_open)
			this.msgbase = null;
		this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lets the user choose a sub-board within a
// message group, with a lightbar interface.  Does not set bbs.cursub.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group to choose from.  This is
//             optional; if not specified, bbs.curgrp will be used.
//  pMarkIndex: An index of a message group to display the "current" mark
//              next to.  This is optional; if left off, this will default to
//              the current sub-board.
// Return value: An object containing the following values:
//               subBoardChosen: Boolean - Whether or not a sub-board was chosen.
//               subBoardIndex: Numeric - The sub-board that was chosen (if any).
//                              Will be -1 if none chosen.
function DigDistMsgReader_SelectSubBoard_Lightbar(pGrpIndex, pMarkIndex)
   // Create the return object.
   var retObj = new Object();
   retObj.subBoardChosen = false;
   retObj.subBoardIndex = -1;

   var grpIndex = 0;
   if (typeof(pGrpIndex) == "number")
      grpIndex = pGrpIndex;
      grpIndex = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
   // Older:
   else if ((bbs.curgrp != null) && (typeof(bbs.curgrp) == "number"))
      grpIndex = bbs.curgrp;
   // Double-check grpIndex
   if (grpIndex < 0)
      grpIndex = 0;
   else if (grpIndex >= msg_area.grp_list.length)
      grpIndex = msg_area.grp_list.length - 1;

   var markIndex = 0;
   if ((pMarkIndex != null) && (typeof(pMarkIndex) == "number"))
      markIndex = pMarkIndex;
      markIndex = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index;
   // Older:
   else if ((bbs.cursub != null) && (typeof(bbs.cursub) == "number") &&
             (bbs.curgrp == pGrpIndex))
      markIndex = bbs.cursub;
   // Double-check markIndex
   if (markIndex < 0)
      markIndex = 0;
   else if (markIndex >= msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length)
      markIndex = msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length - 1;

   // Ensure that the sub-board printf information is created for
   // this message group.

   // If there are no sub-boards in the given message group, then show
   // an error and return.
   if (msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length == 0)
      console.print("\1y\1hThere are no sub-boards in the chosen group.\r\n\1p");
      return retObj;

   // Returns the index of the bottommost sub-board that can be displayed on
   // the screen.
   // Parameters:
   //  pTopSubIndex: The index of the topmost sub-board displayed on screen
   //  pNumItemsPerPage: The number of items per page
   function getBottommostSubIndex(pTopSubIndex, pNumItemsPerPage)
      var bottomGrpIndex = topSubIndex + pNumItemsPerPage - 1;
      // If bottomGrpIndex is beyond the last index, then adjust it.
      if (bottomGrpIndex >= msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length)
         bottomGrpIndex = msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length - 1;
      return bottomGrpIndex;

   // Figure out the index of the user's currently-selected sub-board.
   var selectedSubIndex = 0;
   if (msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index == pGrpIndex)
      selectedSubIndex = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index;
   var selectedSubIndex = 0;
   if ((bbs.cursub != null) && (typeof(bbs.cursub) == "number"))
      if ((bbs.curgrp != null) && (typeof(bbs.curgrp) == "number") &&
          (bbs.curgrp == pGrpIndex))
         selectedSubIndex = bbs.cursub;

   var listStartRow = 3;      // The row on the screen where the list will start
   var listEndRow = console.screen_rows - 1; // Row on screen where list will end
   var topSubIndex = 0;      // The index of the message group at the top of the list
   // Figure out the index of the last message group to appear on the screen.
   var numItemsPerPage = listEndRow - listStartRow + 1;
   var bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
   // Figure out how many pages are needed to list all the sub-boards.
   var numPages = Math.ceil(msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length / numItemsPerPage);
   // Figure out the top index for the last page.
   var topIndexForLastPage = (numItemsPerPage * numPages) - numItemsPerPage;

   // If the highlighted row is beyond the current screen, then
   // go to the appropriate page.
   if (selectedSubIndex > bottomSubIndex)
      var nextPageTopIndex = 0;
      while (selectedSubIndex > bottomSubIndex)
         nextPageTopIndex = topSubIndex + numItemsPerPage;
         if (nextPageTopIndex < msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length)
            // Adjust topSubIndex and bottomSubIndex, and
            // refresh the list on the screen.
            topSubIndex = nextPageTopIndex;
            bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);

      // If we didn't find the correct page for some reason, then set the
      // variables to display page 1 and select the first message group.
      var foundCorrectPage =
          ((topSubIndex < msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length) &&
           (selectedSubIndex >= topSubIndex) && (selectedSubIndex <= bottomSubIndex));
      if (!foundCorrectPage)
         topSubIndex = 0;
         bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
         selectedSubIndex = 0;

   // Clear the screen, write the help line and group list header, and output
   // a screenful of message groups.
   var pageNum = calcPageNum(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
   this.WriteSubBrdListHdr1Line(grpIndex, numPages, pageNum);

   var curpos = new Object();
   curpos.x = 1;
   curpos.y = 2;
   printf(this.subBoardListHdrPrintfStr, "Sub #", "Name", "# Posts", "Latest date & time");
   this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow, listEndRow,
                               false, false);
   // Start of the input loop.
   var highlightScrenRow = 0; // The row on the screen for the highlighted group
   var userInput = "";        // Will store a keypress from the user
   var continueChoosingSubBrd = true;
   while (continueChoosingSubBrd)
      // Highlight the currently-selected message group
      highlightScrenRow = listStartRow + (selectedSubIndex - topSubIndex);
      curpos.y = highlightScrenRow;
      if ((highlightScrenRow > 0) && (highlightScrenRow < console.screen_rows))
         console.gotoxy(1, highlightScrenRow);
         this.WriteMsgSubBoardLine(grpIndex, selectedSubIndex, true);

      // Get a key from the user (upper-case) and take action based upon it.
      userInput = console.getkey(K_UPPER | K_NOCRLF);
      switch (userInput)
         case KEY_UP: // Move up one message group in the list
            if (selectedSubIndex > 0)
               // If the previous group index is on the previous page, then
               // display the previous page.
               var previousSubIndex = selectedSubIndex - 1;
               if (previousSubIndex < topSubIndex)
                  // Adjust topSubIndex and bottomSubIndex, and
                  // refresh the list on the screen.
                  topSubIndex -= numItemsPerPage;
                  bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
                  pageNum = calcPageNum(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
                  this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, false, false);
                  this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
                                              listEndRow, false, true);
                  // Display the current line un-highlighted.
                  console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
                  this.WriteMsgSubBoardLine(grpIndex, selectedSubIndex, false);
               selectedSubIndex = previousSubIndex;
         case KEY_DOWN: // Move down one message group in the list
            if (selectedSubIndex < msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length - 1)
               // If the next group index is on the next page, then display
               // the next page.
               var nextGrpIndex = selectedSubIndex + 1;
               if (nextGrpIndex > bottomSubIndex)
                  // Adjust topSubIndex and bottomSubIndex, and
                  // refresh the list on the screen.
                  topSubIndex += numItemsPerPage;
                  bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
                  pageNum = calcPageNum(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
                  this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, false, false);
                  this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
                                              listEndRow, false, true);
                  // Display the current line un-highlighted.
                  console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
                  this.WriteMsgSubBoardLine(grpIndex, selectedSubIndex, false);
               selectedSubIndex = nextGrpIndex;
         case KEY_HOME: // Go to the top message group on the screen
            if (selectedSubIndex > topSubIndex)
               // Display the current line un-highlighted, then adjust
               // selectedSubIndex.
               console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
               this.WriteMsgSubBoardLine(grpIndex, selectedSubIndex, false);
               selectedSubIndex = topSubIndex;
               // Note: curpos.y is set at the start of the while loop.
         case KEY_END: // Go to the bottom message group on the screen
            if (selectedSubIndex < bottomSubIndex)
               // Display the current line un-highlighted, then adjust
               // selectedSubIndex.
               console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
               this.WriteMsgSubBoardLine(grpIndex, selectedSubIndex, false);
               selectedSubIndex = bottomSubIndex;
               // Note: curpos.y is set at the start of the while loop.
         case KEY_ENTER: // Select the currently-highlighted sub-board
            // Validate the sub-board choice.  If a search is specified, the
				// validator function will search for messages in the selected
				// sub-board and will return true if there are messages to read
				// there or false if not.  If there is no search specified,
				// the validator function will return a 'true' value.
				var msgAreaValidRetval = this.ValidateMsgAreaChoice(grpIndex, selectedSubIndex, curpos);
				if (msgAreaValidRetval.msgAreaGood)
					continueChoosingSubBrd = false;
					retObj.subBoardChosen = true;
					retObj.subBoardIndex = selectedSubIndex;
					// Output the error that was returned by the validator function
					console.gotoxy(1, curpos.y);
					console.print("\1h\1y" + msgAreaValidRetval.errorMsg);
					continueChoosingSubBrd = true;
					retObj.subBoardChosen = false;
					retObj.subBoardIndex = -1;
         case 'N': // Go to the next page
            var nextPageTopIndex = topSubIndex + numItemsPerPage;
            if (nextPageTopIndex < msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length)
               // Adjust topSubIndex and bottomSubIndex, and
               // refresh the list on the screen.
               topSubIndex = nextPageTopIndex;
               pageNum = calcPageNum(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
               bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
               this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, false, false);
               this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
                                            listEndRow, false, true);
               selectedSubIndex = topSubIndex;
         case 'P': // Go to the previous page
            var prevPageTopIndex = topSubIndex - numItemsPerPage;
            if (prevPageTopIndex >= 0)
               // Adjust topSubIndex and bottomSubIndex, and
               // refresh the list on the screen.
               topSubIndex = prevPageTopIndex;
               pageNum = calcPageNum(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
               bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
               this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, false, false);
               this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
                                            listEndRow, false, true);
               selectedSubIndex = topSubIndex;
         case 'F': // Go to the first page
            if (topSubIndex > 0)
               topSubIndex = 0;
               pageNum = calcPageNum(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
               bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
               this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, false, false);
               this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
                                            listEndRow, false, true);
               selectedSubIndex = 0;
         case 'L': // Go to the last page
            if (topSubIndex < topIndexForLastPage)
               topSubIndex = topIndexForLastPage;
               pageNum = calcPageNum(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
               bottomSubIndex = getBottommostSubIndex(topSubIndex, numItemsPerPage);
               this.UpdateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pageNum, numPages, false, false);
               this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
                                            listEndRow, false, true);
               selectedSubIndex = topIndexForLastPage;
         case 'Q': // Quit
            continueChoosingSubBrd = false;
         case '?': // Show help
            this.ShowChooseMsgAreaHelpScreen(true, true);
            // Refresh the screen
            console.gotoxy(1, 1);
            this.WriteSubBrdListHdr1Line(grpIndex, numPages, pageNum);
            console.gotoxy(1, 2);
            printf(this.subBoardListHdrPrintfStr, "Sub #", "Name", "# Posts",
                   "Latest date & time");
            this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
                                        listEndRow, false, true);
            // If the user entered a numeric digit, then treat it as
            // the start of the message sub-board number.
            if (userInput.match(/[0-9]/))
               var originalCurpos = curpos;

               // Put the user's input back in the input buffer to
               // be used for getting the rest of the message number.
               // Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen and
               // prompt the user for the message number.
               console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
               console.print("\1cSub-board #: \1h");
               userInput = console.getnum(msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list.length);
               // If the user made a selection, then set it in the
               // return object and don't continue the input loop.
               if (userInput > 0)
						// Validate the sub-board choice.  If a search is specified, the
						// validator function will search for messages in the selected
						// sub-board and will return true if there are messages to read
						// there or false if not.  If there is no search specified,
						// the validator function will return a 'true' value.
						var msgAreaValidRetval = this.ValidateMsgAreaChoice(grpIndex, selectedSubIndex, curpos);
						if (msgAreaValidRetval.msgAreaGood)
							continueChoosingSubBrd = false;
							retObj.subBoardChosen = true;
							retObj.subBoardIndex = userInput - 1;
							// Output the error that was returned by the validator function
							console.print("\1n\1y\1h" + msgAreaValidRetval.errorMsg);
							// Set our loop variables so that we continue the sub-board
							// choosing loop.
							continueChoosingSubBrd = true;
							retObj.subBoardChosen = false;
							retObj.subBoardIndex = -1;
							// Since the message area selection failed, we need to
							// re-draw the screen due to everything being moved up one
							// line.
							console.gotoxy(1, 1);
							this.WriteSubBrdListHdr1Line(grpIndex, numPages, pageNum);
							console.gotoxy(1, 2);
							printf(this.subBoardListHdrPrintfStr, "Sub #", "Name", "# Posts",
									 "Latest date & time");
							this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
																 listEndRow, false, true);
                  // The user didn't enter a selection.  Now we need to re-draw
                  // the screen due to everything being moved up one line.
                  console.gotoxy(1, 1);
                  this.WriteSubBrdListHdr1Line(grpIndex, numPages, pageNum);
                  console.gotoxy(1, 2);
                  printf(this.subBoardListHdrPrintfStr, "Sub #", "Name", "# Posts",
                         "Latest date & time");
                  this.ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(grpIndex, topSubIndex, listStartRow,
                                              listEndRow, false, true);

   return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lets the user choose a message group and
// sub-board via numeric input, using a traditional user interface.
function DigDistMsgReader_SelectMsgArea_Traditional()
	// If there are no message groups, then don't let the user
	// choose one.
	if (msg_area.grp_list.length == 0)
		console.print("\1y\1hThere are no message groups.\r\n\1p");

	// Make a backup of the current message group & sub-board indexes so
	// that later we can tell if the user chose something different.
	var oldGrp = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
	var oldSub = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index;
	// Older:
	var oldGrp = bbs.curgrp;
	var oldSub = bbs.cursub;

	// Show the message groups & sub-boards and let the user choose one.
	var selectedGrp = 0;      // The user's selected message group
	var selectedSubBoard = 0; // The user's selected sub-board
	var continueChoosingMsgGroup = true;
	while (continueChoosingMsgGroup)
		// Clear the BBS command string to make sure there are no extra
		// commands in there that could cause weird things to happen.
		bbs.command_str = "";

		console.print("\1n\1b\1h� \1n\1cWhich, \1hQ\1n\1cuit, or [\1h" +
		              +(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index+1) + "\1n\1c]: \1h");
		// Older:
		console.print("\1n\1b\1h� \1n\1cWhich, \1hQ\1n\1cuit, or [\1h" +
                      +(bbs.curgrp+1) + "\1n\1c]: \1h");
		// Accept Q (quit) or a file library number
		selectedGrp = console.getkeys("Q", msg_area.grp_list.length);

		// If the user just pressed enter (selectedGrp would be blank),
		// default to the current group.
		if (selectedGrp.toString() == "")
		selectedGrp = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index + 1;
		// Older:
		if (selectedGrp.toString() == "")
			selectedGrp = bbs.curgrp + 1;

		if (selectedGrp.toString() == "Q")
			continueChoosingMsgGroup = false;
			// If the user specified a message group number, then
			// set it and let the user choose a sub-board within
			// the group.
			if (selectedGrp > 0)
				// Set the default sub-board #: The current sub-board, or if the
				// user chose a different group, then this should be set
				// to the first sub-board.
				var defaultSubBoard = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index + 1;
				if (selectedGrp-1 != msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index)
					defaultSubBoard = 1;
				// Older:
				var defaultSubBoard = bbs.cursub + 1;
				if (selectedGrp-1 != bbs.curgrp)
					defaultSubBoard = 1;

				var continueChoosingSubBoard = true;
				while (continueChoosingSubBoard)
					this.ListSubBoardsInMsgGroup(selectedGrp-1, defaultSubBoard-1);
					console.print("\1n\1b\1h� \1n\1cWhich, \1hQ\1n\1cuit, or [\1h" +
					              defaultSubBoard + "\1n\1c]: \1h");
					// Accept Q (quit) or a sub-board number
					selectedSubBoard = console.getkeys("Q", msg_area.grp_list[selectedGrp - 1].sub_list.length);

					// If the user just pressed enter (selectedSubBoard would be blank),
					// default the selected directory.
					if (selectedSubBoard.toString() == "")
						selectedSubBoard = defaultSubBoard;

					// If the user chose to quit out of the sub-board list, then
					// return to the message group list.
					if (selectedSubBoard.toString() == "Q")
						continueChoosingSubBoard = false;
					// If the user chose a message sub-board, then validate the user's
					// sub-board choice; if that succeeds, then change the user's
					// sub-board to that and quit out of the chooser loops.
					else if (selectedSubBoard > 0)
						// Validate the sub-board choice.  If a search is specified, the
						// validator function will search for messages in the selected
						// sub-board and will return true if there are messages to read
						// there or false if not.  If there is no search specified,
						// the validator function will return a 'true' value.
						var selectedGrpIdx = selectedGrp - 1;
						var selectedSubIdx = selectedSubBoard - 1;
						var msgAreaValidRetval = this.ValidateMsgAreaChoice(selectedGrpIdx, selectedSubIdx);
						if (msgAreaValidRetval.msgAreaGood)
							bbs.curgrp = selectedGrpIdx;
							bbs.cursub = selectedSubIdx;
							continueChoosingSubBoard = false;
							continueChoosingMsgGroup = false;
							// Output the error returned by the validator function
							console.print("\1n\1h\1y" + msgAreaValidRetval.errorMsg);
							// Set our loop variables to continue allowing the user to
							// choose a message sub-board
							continueChoosingSubBoard = true;
							continueChoosingMsgGroup = true;

	// If the user chose a different message group & sub-board, then reset the
	// lister index & cursor variables, as well as this.subBoardCode, etc.
	if ((bbs.curgrp != oldGrp) || (bbs.cursub != oldSub))
		this.tradListTopMsgIdx = -1;
		this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = -1;
		this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = -1;
		this.lightbarListCurPos = null;
		// Re-create the msgbase object for the new sub-board.  Don't open it yet,
		// as that is done in the read/list methods.
		if (this.msgbase != null)
			if (this.msgbase.is_open)
			this.msgbase = null;
		this.msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lists all message groups (for the traditional
// user interface).
function DigDistMsgReader_ListMsgGrps_Traditional()
	// Print the header
	// List the message groups
	for (var i = 0; i < msg_area.grp_list.length; ++i)
		this.WriteMsgGroupLine(i, false);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Lists the sub-boards in a message group,
// for the traditional user interface.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group (0-based)
//  pMarkIndex: An index of a message group to highlight.  This
//                   is optional; if left off, this will default to
//                   the current sub-board.
//  pSortType: Optional - A string describing how to sort the list (if desired):
//             "none": Default behavior - Sort by sub-board #
//             "dateAsc": Sort by date, ascending
//             "dateDesc": Sort by date, descending
//             "description": Sort by description
function DigDistMsgReader_ListSubBoardsInMsgGroup_Traditional(pGrpIndex, pMarkIndex, pSortType)
	// Default to the current message group & sub-board if pGrpIndex
	// and pMarkIndex aren't specified.
	var grpIndex = bbs.curgrp;
	if ((pGrpIndex != null) && (typeof(pGrpIndex) == "number"))
		grpIndex = pGrpIndex;
	var highlightIndex = bbs.cursub;
	if ((pMarkIndex != null) && (typeof(pMarkIndex) == "number"))
		highlightIndex = pMarkIndex;

	// Make sure grpIndex and highlightIndex are valid (they might not be for
	// brand-new users).
	if ((grpIndex == null) || (typeof(grpIndex) == "undefined"))
		grpIndex = 0;
	if ((highlightIndex == null) || (typeof(highlightIndex) == "undefined"))
		highlightIndex = 0;

	// Ensure that the sub-board printf information is created for
	// this message group.

	// Print the headers
	printf(this.subBoardListHdrPrintfStr, "Sub #", "Name", "# Posts", "Latest date & time");

	// List each sub-board in the message group.
	var subBoardArray = null;       // For sorting, if desired
	var newestDate = new Object(); // For storing the date of the newest post in a sub-board
	var msgBase = null;    // For opening the sub-boards with a MsgBase object
	var msgHeader = null;  // For getting the date & time of the newest post in a sub-board
	var subBoardNum = 0;   // 0-based sub-board number (because the array index is the number as a str)
	// If a sort type is specified, then add the sub-board information to
	// subBoardArray so that it can be sorted.
	if ((typeof(pSortType) == "string") && (pSortType != "") && (pSortType != "none"))
		subBoardArray = new Array();
		var subBoardInfo = null;
		for (var arrSubBoardNum in msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list)
			// Open the current sub-board with the msgBase object.
			msgBase = new MsgBase(msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[arrSubBoardNum].code);
			if (msgBase.open())
				subBoardInfo = new MsgSubBoardInfo();
				subBoardInfo.subBoardNum = +(arrSubBoardNum);
				subBoardInfo.description = msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[arrSubBoardNum].description;
				subBoardInfo.numPosts = msgBase.total_msgs;

				// Get the date & time when the last message was imported.
				if (msgBase.total_msgs > 0)
					msgHeader = msgBase.get_msg_header(true, msgBase.total_msgs-1, true);
					if (this.msgAreaList_lastImportedMsg_showImportTime)
						subBoardInfo.newestPostDate = msgHeader.when_imported_time
						subBoardInfo.newestPostDate = msgHeader.when_written_time;
		// Free some memory?
		delete msgBase;

		// Possibly sort the sub-board list.
		if (pSortType == "dateAsc")
			subBoardArray.sort(function(pA, pB)
				// Return -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether pA's date comes
				// before, is equal to, or comes after pB's date.
				var returnValue = 0;
				if (pA.newestPostDate < pB.newestPostDate)
					returnValue = -1;
				else if (pA.newestPostDate > pB.newestPostDate)
					returnValue = 1;
				return returnValue;
		else if (pSortType == "dateDesc")
			subBoardArray.sort(function(pA, pB)
				// Return -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether pA's date comes
				// after, is equal to, or comes before pB's date.
				var returnValue = 0;
				if (pA.newestPostDate > pB.newestPostDate)
					returnValue = -1;
				else if (pA.newestPostDate < pB.newestPostDate)
					returnValue = 1;
				return returnValue;
		else if (pSortType == "description")
			// Binary safe string comparison  
			// version: 909.322
			// discuss at: http://phpjs.org/functions/strcmp    // +   original by: Waldo Malqui Silva
			// +      input by: Steve Hilder
			// +   improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)
			// +    revised by: gorthaur
			// *     example 1: strcmp( 'waldo', 'owald' );    // *     returns 1: 1
			// *     example 2: strcmp( 'owald', 'waldo' );
			// *     returns 2: -1
			subBoardArray.sort(function(pA, pB)
				return ((pA.description == pB.description) ? 0 : ((pA.description > pB.description) ? 1 : -1));

		// Display the sub-board list.
		for (var i = 0; i < subBoardArray.length; ++i)
			console.print((subBoardArray[i].subBoardNum == highlightIndex) ? "\1n" +
			              this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaMarkColor + "*" : " ");
			printf(this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[grpIndex].printfStr, +(subBoardArray[i].subBoardNum+1),
			       subBoardArray[i].description.substr(0, this.subBoardNameLen),
			       subBoardArray[i].numPosts, strftime("%Y-%m-%d", subBoardArray[i].newestPostDate),
			       strftime("%H:%M:%S", subBoardArray[i].newestPostDate));
	// If no sort type is specified, then output the sub-board information in
	// order of sub-board number.
		for (var arrSubBoardNum in msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list)
			// Open the current sub-board with the msgBase object.
			msgBase = new MsgBase(msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[arrSubBoardNum].code);
			if (msgBase.open())
				// Get the date & time when the last message was imported.
				if (msgBase.total_msgs > 0)
					msgHeader = msgBase.get_msg_header(true, msgBase.total_msgs-1, true);
					// Construct the date & time strings of the latest post
					if (this.msgAreaList_lastImportedMsg_showImportTime)
						newestDate.date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", msgHeader.when_imported_time);
						newestDate.time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", msgHeader.when_imported_time);
						newestDate.date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", msgHeader.when_written_time);
						newestDate.time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", msgHeader.when_written_time);
				newestDate.date = newestDate.time = "";

				// Print the sub-board information
				subBoardNum = +(arrSubBoardNum);
				console.print((subBoardNum == highlightIndex) ? "\1n" +
				              this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaMarkColor + "*" : " ");
				printf(this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[grpIndex].printfStr, +(subBoardNum+1),
				       msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[arrSubBoardNum].description.substr(0, this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[grpIndex].nameLen),
				       msgBase.total_msgs, newestDate.date, newestDate.time);


			// Free some memory?
			delete msgBase;

// Message group list stuff (lightbar mode) //

// Displays a screenful of message groups, for the lightbar interface.
// Parameters:
//  pStartIndex: The message group index to start at (0-based)
//  pStartScreenRow: The row on the screen to start at (1-based)
//  pEndScreenRow: The row on the screen to end at (1-based)
//  pClearScreenFirst: Boolean - Whether or not to clear the screen first
//  pBlankToEndRow: Boolean - Whether or not to write blank lines to the end
//                  screen row if there aren't enough message groups to fill
//                  the screen.
function DigDistMsgReader_listScreenfulOfMsgGrps(pStartIndex, pStartScreenRow,
                                                  pEndScreenRow, pClearScreenFirst,
	// Check the parameters; If they're bad, then just return.
	if ((typeof(pStartIndex) != "number") ||
	    (typeof(pStartScreenRow) != "number") ||
	    (typeof(pEndScreenRow) != "number"))
	if ((pStartIndex < 0) || (pStartIndex >= msg_area.grp_list.length))
	if ((pStartScreenRow < 1) || (pStartScreenRow > console.screen_rows))
	if ((pEndScreenRow < 1) || (pEndScreenRow > console.screen_rows))

	// If pStartScreenRow is greather than pEndScreenRow, then swap them.
	if (pStartScreenRow > pEndScreenRow)
		var temp = pStartScreenRow;
		pStartScreenRow = pEndScreenRow;
		pEndScreenRow = temp;

	// Calculate the ending index to use for the message groups array.
	var endIndex = pStartIndex + (pEndScreenRow-pStartScreenRow);
	if (endIndex >= msg_area.grp_list.length)
		endIndex = msg_area.grp_list.length - 1;
	var onePastEndIndex = endIndex + 1;

	// Clear the screen, go to the specified screen row, and display the message
	// group information.
	if (pClearScreenFirst)
	console.gotoxy(1, pStartScreenRow);
	var grpIndex = pStartIndex;
	for (; grpIndex < onePastEndIndex; ++grpIndex)
		this.WriteMsgGroupLine(grpIndex, false);
		if (grpIndex < endIndex)

	// If pBlankToEndRow is true and we're not at the end row yet, then
	// write blank lines to the end row.
	if (pBlankToEndRow)
		var screenRow = pStartScreenRow + (endIndex - pStartIndex) + 1;
		if (screenRow <= pEndScreenRow)
			for (; screenRow <= pEndScreenRow; ++screenRow)
				console.gotoxy(1, screenRow);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class - Writes a message group information line.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group to write (assumed to be valid)
//  pHighlight: Boolean - Whether or not to write the line highlighted.
function DigDistMsgReader_writeMsgGroupLine(pGrpIndex, pHighlight)
	// TODO: If pHighlight is true, that causes the screen to be cleared
	// and the line is written on the first row of the console.
	// Write the highlight background color if pHighlight is true.
	if (pHighlight)

	// Write the message group information line
	console.print(((typeof(bbs.curgrp) == "number") && (pGrpIndex == msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index)) ? this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaMarkColor + "*" : " ");
	printf((pHighlight ? this.msgGrpListHilightPrintfStr : this.msgGrpListPrintfStr),
	       msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].description.substr(0, this.msgGrpDescLen),

// Message sub-board list stuff (lightbar mode) //

// Updates the page number text in the group list header line on the screen.
// Parameters:
//  pPageNum: The page number
//  pNumPages: The total number of pages
//  pGroup: Boolean - Whether or not this is for the group header.  If so,
//          then this will go to the right location for the group page text
//          and use this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaHeaderColor for the text.
//          Otherwise, this will go to the right place for the sub-board page
//          text and use the sub-board header color.
//  pRestoreCurPos: Optional - Boolean - If true, then move the cursor back
//                  to the position where it was before this function was called
function DigDistMsgReader_updateMsgAreaPageNumInHeader(pPageNum, pNumPages, pGroup, pRestoreCurPos)
	var originalCurPos = null;
	if (pRestoreCurPos)
		originalCurPos = console.getxy();

	if (pGroup)
		console.gotoxy(29, 1);
		console.print("\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaHeaderColor + pPageNum + " of " +
		              pNumPages + ")   ");
		console.gotoxy(51, 1);
		console.print("\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserSubBoardHeaderColor + pPageNum + " of " +
		              pNumPages + ")   ");

	if (pRestoreCurPos)

// Displays a screenful of message sub-boards, for the lightbar interface.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group (0-based)
//  pStartSubIndex: The message sub-board index to start at (0-based)
//  pStartScreenRow: The row on the screen to start at (1-based)
//  pEndScreenRow: The row on the screen to end at (1-based)
//  pClearScreenFirst: Boolean - Whether or not to clear the screen first
//  pBlankToEndRow: Boolean - Whether or not to write blank lines to the end
//                  screen row if there aren't enough message groups to fill
//                  the screen.
function DigDistMsgReader_ListScreenfulOfSubBrds(pGrpIndex, pStartSubIndex,
                                                  pStartScreenRow, pEndScreenRow,
                                                  pClearScreenFirst, pBlankToEndRow)
	// Check the parameters; If they're bad, then just return.
	if ((typeof(pGrpIndex) != "number") ||
	    (typeof(pStartSubIndex) != "number") ||
	    (typeof(pStartScreenRow) != "number") ||
	    (typeof(pEndScreenRow) != "number"))
	if ((pGrpIndex < 0) || (pGrpIndex >= msg_area.grp_list.length))
	if ((pStartSubIndex < 0) ||
	    (pStartSubIndex >= msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list.length))
	if ((pStartScreenRow < 1) || (pStartScreenRow > console.screen_rows))
	if ((pEndScreenRow < 1) || (pEndScreenRow > console.screen_rows))
	// If pStartScreenRow is greather than pEndScreenRow, then swap them.
	if (pStartScreenRow > pEndScreenRow)
		var temp = pStartScreenRow;
		pStartScreenRow = pEndScreenRow;
		pEndScreenRow = temp;

	// Calculate the ending index to use for the sub-board array.
	var endIndex = pStartSubIndex + (pEndScreenRow-pStartScreenRow);
	if (endIndex >= msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list.length)
		endIndex = msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list.length - 1;
	var onePastEndIndex = endIndex + 1;

	// Clear the screen and go to the specified screen row.
	if (pClearScreenFirst)
	console.gotoxy(1, pStartScreenRow);

	// Start listing the sub-boards.

	var subIndex = pStartSubIndex;
	for (; subIndex < onePastEndIndex; ++subIndex)
		this.WriteMsgSubBoardLine(pGrpIndex, subIndex, false);
		if (subIndex < endIndex)

	// If pBlankToEndRow is true and we're not at the end row yet, then
	// write blank lines to the end row.
	if (pBlankToEndRow)
		var screenRow = pStartScreenRow + (endIndex - pStartSubIndex) + 1;
		if (screenRow <= pEndScreenRow)
			for (; screenRow <= pEndScreenRow; ++screenRow)
				console.gotoxy(1, screenRow);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Writes a message sub-board information line for
// the message area chooser functionality.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group (assumed to be valid)
//  pSubIndex: The index of the sub-board within the message group to write (assumed to be valid)
//  pHighlight: Boolean - Whether or not to write the line highlighted.
function DigDistMsgReader_WriteMsgSubBrdLine(pGrpIndex, pSubIndex, pHighlight)
	// Write the highlight background color if pHighlight is true.
	if (pHighlight)

	// Determine if pGrpIndex and pSubIndex specify the user's
	// currently-selected group and sub-board.
	var currentSub = false;
	if ((typeof(bbs.curgrp) == "number") && (typeof(bbs.cursub) == "number"))
		currentSub = ((pGrpIndex == msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index) && (pSubIndex == msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index));

	// Open the current sub-board with the msgBase object (so that we can get
	// the date & time of the last imporeted message).
	var msgBase = new MsgBase(msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list[pSubIndex].code);
	if (msgBase.open())
		var newestDate = new Object(); // For storing the date of the newest post
		// Get the date & time when the last message was imported.
		if (msgBase.total_msgs > 0)
			msgHeader = msgBase.get_msg_header(true, msgBase.total_msgs-1, true);
			// Construct the date & time strings of the latest post
			if (this.msgAreaList_lastImportedMsg_showImportTime)
				newestDate.date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", msgHeader.when_imported_time);
				newestDate.time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", msgHeader.when_imported_time);
				newestDate.date = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", msgHeader.when_written_time);
				newestDate.time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", msgHeader.when_written_time);
			newestDate.date = newestDate.time = "";

		// Print the sub-board information line.
		console.print(currentSub ? this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaMarkColor + "*" : " ");
		printf((pHighlight ? this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].highlightPrintfStr : this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].printfStr),
		msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list[pSubIndex].description.substr(0, this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].nameLen),
		                                                                    msgBase.total_msgs, newestDate.date, newestDate.time);

		delete msgBase;

// Other functions for the msg. area chooser //

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Shows the help screen
// Parameters:
//  pLightbar: Boolean - Whether or not to show lightbar help.  If
//             false, then this function will show regular help.
//  pClearScreen: Boolean - Whether or not to clear the screen first
function DigDistMsgReader_showChooseMsgAreaHelpScreen(pLightbar, pClearScreen)
   if (pClearScreen && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
   console.print("\1n\1c\1hMessage area (sub-board) chooser");
   console.print("\1cFirst, a listing of message groups is displayed.  One can be chosen by typing");
   console.print("its number.  Then, a listing of sub-boards within that message group will be");
   console.print("shown, and one can be chosen by typing its number.");

   if (pLightbar)
      console.print("\1n\1cThe lightbar interface also allows up & down navigation through the lists:");
      console.print("\1n\1c\1hUp arrow\1n\1c: Move the cursor up one line");
      console.print("\1hDown arrow\1n\1c: Move the cursor down one line");
      console.print("\1hENTER\1n\1c: Select the current group/sub-board");
      console.print("\1hHOME\1n\1c: Go to the first item on the screen");
      console.print("\1hEND\1n\1c: Go to the last item on the screen");
      console.print("\1hF\1n\1c: Go to the first page");
      console.print("\1hL\1n\1c: Go to the last page");

   console.print("Additional keyboard commands:");
   console.print("\1n\1c\1h?\1n\1c: Show this help screen");
   console.print("\1hQ\1n\1c: Quit");

// Builds sub-board printf format information for a message group.
// The widths of the description & # messages columns are calculated
// based on the greatest number of messages in a sub-board for the
// message group.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group
function DigDistMsgReader_BuildSubBoardPrintfInfoForGrp(pGrpIndex)
   // If the array of sub-board printf strings doesn't contain the printf
   // strings for this message group, then figure out the largest number
   // of messages in the message group and add the printf strings.
   if (typeof(this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex]) == "undefined")
      var greatestNumMsgs = getGreatestNumMsgs(pGrpIndex);

      this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex] = new Object();
      this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].numMsgsLen = greatestNumMsgs.toString().length;
      // Sub-board name length: With a # items length of 4, this should be
      // 47 for an 80-column display.
      this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].nameLen = console.screen_columns -
                                   this.areaNumLen -
                                   this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].numMsgsLen -
                                   this.dateLen - this.timeLen - 7;
      // Create the printf strings
      this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].printfStr =
               " " + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumColor
               + "%" + this.areaNumLen + "d "
               + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDescColor + "%-"
               + this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].nameLen + "s "
               + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsColor + "%"
               + this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].numMsgsLen + "d "
               + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaLatestDateColor + "%" + this.dateLen + "s "
               + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaLatestTimeColor + "%" + this.timeLen + "s";
      this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].highlightPrintfStr =
                              "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor + " "
                              + "\1n" + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumHighlightColor
                              + "%" + this.areaNumLen + "d \1n"
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDescHighlightColor + "%-"
                              + this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].nameLen + "s \1n"
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsHighlightColor + "%"
                              + this.subBoardListPrintfInfo[pGrpIndex].numMsgsLen + "d \1n"
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaDateHighlightColor + "%" + this.dateLen + "s \1n"
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor
                              + this.colors.areaChooserMsgAreaTimeHighlightColor + "%" + this.timeLen + "s\1n";

// Returns an arry of strings containing extended message header information,
// such as the kludge lines (for FidoNet-style networks), etc.
// For each kludge line, there will be a label string for the info line, the
// info line itself (wrapped to fit the message area width), then a blank
// line (except for the last kludge line).  The info lines that this method
// retrieves will only be retrieved if they exist in the given message header.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header
// Return value: An array of strings containing the extended message header information
function DigDistMsgReader_GetExtdMsgHdrInfo(pMsgHdr)
   // If pMsgHdr is not valid, then just return an empty array.
   if (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object")
      return new Array();

   // Kludge lines to display are MSGID, REPLY, CHRS, TZUTC, PID, TID,
   // SEEN-BY, and PATH kludge

   // TODO: See if Synchronet provides the TZUTC, SEEN-BY, or PATH kludge lines.
   // It seems that Synchronet might not provide that information.

   // FidoNet information available in Synchronet message
   // headers:
   // ftn_msgid	FidoNet FTS-9 Message-ID
   // ftn_reply	FidoNet FTS-9 Reply-ID
   // ftn_area	FidoNet FTS-4 echomail AREA tag
   // ftn_flags	FidoNet FSC-53 FLAGS
   // ftn_pid	FidoNet FSC-46 Program Identifier
   // ftn_tid	FidoNet FSC-46 Tosser Identifier

   // An array of objects containing the info lines to retrieve (if they
   // exist in the message header) and their labels
   var hdrInfoLineFields = new Array();
   hdrInfoLineFields.push({ field: "ftn_msgid", label: "MSG ID:" });
   hdrInfoLineFields.push({ field: "ftn_reply", label: "Reply ID:" });
   hdrInfoLineFields.push({ field: "ftn_area", label: "Area tag:" });
   hdrInfoLineFields.push({ field: "ftn_flags", label: "Flags:" });
   hdrInfoLineFields.push({ field: "ftn_pid", label: "Program ID:" });
   hdrInfoLineFields.push({ field: "ftn_tid", label: "Tosser ID:" });

   // Create an array with the information lines
   var msgHdrInfoLines = new Array();
   // Format the when-written date
   if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.when_written_time) == "number") && (typeof(pMsgHdr.when_written_zone) == "number"))
      msgHdrInfoLines.push("\1nMessage written date & time zone:");
      var whenWrittenTimeDateStr = system.timestr(pMsgHdr.when_written_time) + " "
                                  + system.zonestr(pMsgHdr.when_written_zone);
   // Fields specified by hdrInfoLineFields
   for (var i = 0; i < hdrInfoLineFields.length; ++i)
      if (typeof(pMsgHdr[hdrInfoLineFields[i].field]) == "string")
         var infoLineWrapped = word_wrap(pMsgHdr[hdrInfoLineFields[i].field], this.msgAreaWidth);
         var infoLineWrappedArray = lfexpand(infoLineWrapped).split("\r\n");
         for (var lineIdx = 0; lineIdx < infoLineWrappedArray.length; ++lineIdx)
            if (infoLineWrappedArray[lineIdx].length > 0)

   // If some info lines were added, then insert a header line & blank line to
   // the beginning of the array, and remove the last empty line from the array.
   if (msgHdrInfoLines.length > 0)
      msgHdrInfoLines.splice(0, 0, "\1n\1c\1hMessage Information/Kludge Lines\1n");
      msgHdrInfoLines.splice(1, 0, "\1n\1g\1h--------------------------------\1n");
      if (msgHdrInfoLines[msgHdrInfoLines.length-1].length == 0)

   return msgHdrInfoLines;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Gets & prepares message information for
// the enhanced reader.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: The message header
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               msgText: The unaltered message text
//               messageLines: An array containing the message lines, wrapped to
//                             the message area width
//               topMsgLineIdxForLastPage: The top message line index for the last page
//               msgFractionShown: The fraction of the message shown
//               numSolidScrollBlocks: The number of solid scrollbar blocks
//               numNonSolidScrollBlocks: The number of non-solid scrollbar blocks
//               solidBlockStartRow: The starting row on the screen for the scrollbar blocks
function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgInfoForEnhancedReader(pMsgHdr)
	var retObj = new Object();

	retObj.msgText = this.msgbase.get_msg_body(true, pMsgHdr.offset);
	// Note: Do not interpret @-codes, since there are many @-codes that do
	// some action such as move the cursor, execute a script, etc..
	var msgTextAltered = replaceAtCodesInStr(retObj.msgText);
	msgTextAltered = msgTextAltered.replace(/\t/g, this.tabReplacementText);
	var msgTextAltered = retObj.msgText.replace(/\t/g, this.tabReplacementText);
	// Convert other BBS color codes to Synchronet attribute codes if the settings
	// to do so are enabled.
	if ((system.settings & SYS_RENEGADE) == SYS_RENEGADE)
		msgTextAltered = renegadeAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	if ((system.settings & SYS_WWIV) == SYS_WWIV)
		msgTextAltered = WWIVAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	if ((system.settings & SYS_CELERITY) == SYS_CELERITY)
		msgTextAltered = celerityAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	if ((system.settings & SYS_PCBOARD) == SYS_PCBOARD)
		msgTextAltered = PCBoardAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	if ((system.settings & SYS_WILDCAT) == SYS_WILDCAT)
		msgTextAltered = wildcatAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	// Convert ANSI codes to Synchronet codes
	msgTextAltered = ANSIAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	// Wrap the text to fit into the available message area.
	// Note: In Synchronet 3.15 (and some beta builds of 3.16), there seemed to
	// be a bug in the word_wrap() function where the word wrap length in Linux
	// was one less than Windows, so if the BBS is running 3.15 or earlier of
	// Synchronet, add 1 to the word wrap length if running in Linux.
	var textWrapLen = this.msgAreaWidth;
	if (system.version_num <= 31500)
		textWrapLen = gRunningInWindows ? this.msgAreaWidth : this.msgAreaWidth + 1;
	var msgTextWrapped = word_wrap(msgTextAltered, textWrapLen);
	retObj.messageLines = lfexpand(msgTextWrapped).split("\r\n");
	// Go through the message lines and trim them to ensure they'll easily fit
	// in the message display area without having to trim them later.  (Note:
	// this is okay to do since we're only using messageLines to display the
	// message on the screen; messageLines isn't used for quoting/replying).
	for (var msgLnIdx = 0; msgLnIdx < retObj.messageLines.length; ++msgLnIdx)
		retObj.messageLines[msgLnIdx] = shortenStrWithAttrCodes(retObj.messageLines[msgLnIdx], this.msgAreaWidth);
	// Set up some variables for displaying the message
	retObj.topMsgLineIdxForLastPage = retObj.messageLines.length - this.msgAreaHeight;
	if (retObj.topMsgLineIdxForLastPage < 0)
		retObj.topMsgLineIdxForLastPage = 0;
	// Variables for the scrollbar to show the fraction of the message shown
	retObj.msgFractionShown = this.msgAreaHeight / retObj.messageLines.length;
	if (retObj.msgFractionShown > 1)
		retObj.msgFractionShown = 1.0;
	retObj.numSolidScrollBlocks = Math.floor(this.msgAreaHeight * retObj.msgFractionShown);
	if (retObj.numSolidScrollBlocks == 0)
		retObj.numSolidScrollBlocks = 1;
	retObj.numNonSolidScrollBlocks = this.msgAreaHeight - retObj.numSolidScrollBlocks;
	retObj.solidBlockStartRow = this.msgAreaTop;

	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns the index of the last read message in
// the current message area.  If reading personal email, this will look at the
// search results.  Otherwise, this will use the sub-board's last_read pointer.
// If there is no last read message or if there is a problem getting the last read
// message index, this method will return -1.
// Parameters:
//  pMailStartFromFirst: Optional boolean - Whether or not to start from the
//                       first message (rather than from the last message) if
//                       reading personal email.  Will stop looking at the first
//                       unread message.  Defaults to false.
// Return value: The index of the last read message in the current message area
function DigDistMsgReader_GetLastReadMsgIdx(pMailStartFromFirst)
	var msgIndex = -1;
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
		if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
			var startFromFirst = (typeof(pMailStartFromFirst) == "boolean" ? pMailStartFromFirst : false);
			if (startFromFirst)
				for (var idx = 0; idx < this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length; ++idx)
					if ((this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[idx].attr & MSG_READ) == MSG_READ)
						msgIndex = idx;
				for (var idx = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length-1; idx >= 0; --idx)
					if ((this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[idx].attr & MSG_READ) == MSG_READ)
						msgIndex = idx;
			// Sanity checking for msgIndex (note: this function should return -1 if
			// there is no last read message).
			if (msgIndex >= this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length)
				msgIndex = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length - 1;
		msgIndex = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read);
		// Sanity checking for msgIndex (note: this function should return -1 if
		// there is no last read message).
		if ((this.msgbase != null) && this.msgbase.is_open)
			//if (msgIndex >= this.msgbase.total_msgs)
			//	msgIndex = this.msgbase.total_msgs - 1;
			// TODO: Is this code right?  Modified 3/24/2015 to replace
			// the above 2 commented lines.
			if ((msgIndex < 0) || (msgIndex >= this.msgbase.total_msgs))
				// Look for the first message not marked as deleted
				var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(0, true);
				// If a non-deleted message was found, then set the last read
				// pointer to it.
				if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
					var newLastRead = this.IdxToAbsMsgNum(nonDeletedMsgIdx);
					if (newLastRead > -1)
						msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = newLastRead;
						msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = 0;
					msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = 0;
	return msgIndex;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns the index of the message pointed to
// by the scan pointer in the current sub-board.  If reading personal email or
// if the message base isn't open, this will return 0.  If the scan pointer is
// 0 or if the messagebase is open and the scan pointer is invalid, this will
// return -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_GetScanPtrMsgIdx()
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
		return 0;
	if (msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr == 0)
		return -1;
	if ((this.msgbase == null) || (!this.msgbase.is_open))
		return 0;

	var msgIdx = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr);
	// Sanity checking for msgIdx
	if ((msgIdx < 0) || (msgIdx >= this.msgbase.total_msgs))
		msgIdx = -1;
		// Look for the first message not marked as deleted
		var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(0, true);
		// If a non-deleted message was found, then set the scan pointer to it.
		if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
			var newLastRead = this.IdxToAbsMsgNum(nonDeletedMsgIdx);
			if (newLastRead > -1)
				msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr = newLastRead;
				msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr = 0;
			msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr = 0;
	return msgIdx;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether there is a search specified
// (according to this.searchType) and the search result objects are defined for
// the current sub-board (as specified by this.subBoardCode).
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not there is a search specified and the
//               search result objects are defined for the current sub-board
//               (as specified by this.subBoardCode).
function DigDistMsgReader_SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub()
	return (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults() && (this.msgSearchHdrs != null) &&
	         this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode) &&
	         (typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode]) == "object") &&
	         (typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed) != "undefined"));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Removes a message header from the search
// results array for the current sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgIdx: The index of the message header to remove (in the indexed messages,
//           not necessarily the actual message offset in the messagebase)
function DigDistMsgReader_RemoveFromSearchResults(pMsgIdx)
	if (typeof(pMsgIdx) != "number")

	if ((typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs) == "object") &&
	    this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode) &&
	    (typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed) != "undefined"))
		if ((pMsgIdx >= 0) && (pMsgIdx < this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length))
			this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.splice(pMsgIdx, 1);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Looks for the next message in the thread of
// a given message (by its header).
// Paramters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object - The next message in the thread will be
//           searched starting from this message
//  pThreadType: The type of threading to use.  Can be THREAD_BY_ID, THREAD_BY_TITLE,
//               THREAD_BY_AUTHOR, or THREAD_BY_TO_USER.
//  pPositionCursorForStatus: Optional boolean - Whether or not to move the cursor
//                            to the bottom row before outputting status messages.
//                            Defaults to false.
// Return value: The offset (index) of the next message thread, or -1 if none
//               was found.
function DigDistMsgReader_FindThreadNextOffset(pMsgHdr, pThreadType, pPositionCursorForStatus)
	if ((this.msgbase == null) || (!this.msgbase.is_open))
		return -1;
	if ((pMsgHdr == null) || (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object"))
		return -1;

	var newMsgOffset = -1;

	switch (pThreadType)
		case THREAD_BY_ID:
			// The thread_id field was introduced in Synchronet 3.16.  So, if
			// the Synchronet version is 3.16 or higher and the message header
			// has a thread_id field, then look for the next message with the
			// same thread ID.  If the Synchronet version is below 3.16 or there
			// is no thread ID, then fall back to using the header's thread_next,
			// if it exists.
			if ((system.version_num >= 31600) && (typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number"))
				// Look for the next message with the same thread ID.
				// Write "Searching.."  in case searching takes a while.
				if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
				// Look for the next message in the thread
				var nextMsgOffset = -1;
				var numOfMessages = this.NumMessages();
				if (pMsgHdr.offset < numOfMessages - 1)
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset+1; (messageIdx < numOfMessages) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); ++messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (((nextMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (typeof(nextMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (nextMsgHdr.thread_id == pMsgHdr.thread_id))
							nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
				if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
					newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;
			// Fall back to thread_next if the Synchronet version is below 3.16 or there is
			// no thread_id field in the header
			else if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_next) == "number") && (pMsgHdr.thread_next > 0))
				newMsgOffset = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_next);
			// Title (subject) searching will look for the subject anywhere in the
			// other messages' subjects (not a fully exact subject match), so if
			// the message subject is blank, we won't want to do the search.
			var doSearch = true;
			if ((pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TITLE) && (pMsgHdr.subject.length == 0))
				doSearch = false;
			if (doSearch)
				var subjUppercase = "";
				var fromNameUppercase = "";
				var toNameUppercase = "";

				// Set up a message header matching function, depending on
				// which field of the header we want to match
				var msgHdrMatch;
				if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TITLE)
					subjUppercase = pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase();
					// Remove any leading instances of "RE:" from the subject
					while (/^RE:/.test(subjUppercase))
						subjUppercase = subjUppercase.substr(3);
					while (/^RE: /.test(subjUppercase))
						subjUppercase = subjUppercase.substr(4);
					// Remove any leading & trailing whitespace from the subject
					subjUppercase = trimSpaces(subjUppercase, true, true, true);
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase().indexOf(subjUppercase, 0) > -1));
				else if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_AUTHOR)
					fromNameUppercase = pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase();
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase() == fromNameUppercase));
				else if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TO_USER)
					toNameUppercase = pMsgHdr.to.toUpperCase();
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.to.toUpperCase() == toNameUppercase));

				// Perform the search
				// Write "Searching.."  in case searching takes a while.
				if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
				// Look for the next message that contains the given message's subject
				var nextMsgOffset = -1;
				var numOfMessages = this.NumMessages();
				if (pMsgHdr.offset < numOfMessages - 1)
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset+1; (messageIdx < numOfMessages) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); ++messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (msgHdrMatch(nextMsgHdr))
							nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
				if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
					newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;

	// If no messages were found, then output a message to say so with a momentary pause.
	if (newMsgOffset == -1)
		if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
		console.print("\1n\1h\1yNo messages found.\1n");

	return newMsgOffset;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Looks for the previous message in the thread of
// a given message (by its header).
// Paramters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object - The previous message in the thread will be
//           searched starting from this message
//  pThreadType: The type of threading to use.  Can be THREAD_BY_ID, THREAD_BY_TITLE,
//               THREAD_BY_AUTHOR, or THREAD_BY_TO_USER.
//  pPositionCursorForStatus: Optional boolean - Whether or not to move the cursor
//                            to the bottom row before outputting status messages.
//                            Defaults to false.
// Return value: The offset (index) of the previous message thread, or -1 if
//               none was found.
function DigDistMsgReader_FindThreadPrevOffset(pMsgHdr, pThreadType, pPositionCursorForStatus)
	if ((this.msgbase == null) || (!this.msgbase.is_open))
		return -1;
	if ((pMsgHdr == null) || (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object"))
		return -1;

	var newMsgOffset = -1;

	switch (pThreadType)
		case THREAD_BY_ID:
			// The thread_id field was introduced in Synchronet 3.16.  So, if
			// the Synchronet version is 3.16 or higher and the message header
			// has a thread_id field, then look for the previous message with the
			// same thread ID.  If the Synchronet version is below 3.16 or there
			// is no thread ID, then fall back to using the header's thread_next,
			// if it exists.
			if ((system.version_num >= 31600) && (typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number"))
				// Look for the previous message with the same thread ID.
				// Write "Searching.." in case searching takes a while.
				if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
				// Look for the previous message in the thread
				var nextMsgOffset = -1;
				if (pMsgHdr.offset > 0)
					var prevMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); --messageIdx)
						prevMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (((prevMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (typeof(prevMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (prevMsgHdr.thread_id == pMsgHdr.thread_id))
							nextMsgOffset = prevMsgHdr.offset;
				if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
					newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;
			// Fall back to thread_next if the Synchronet version is below 3.16 or there is
			// no thread_id field in the header
			else if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_back) == "number") && (pMsgHdr.thread_back > 0))
				newMsgOffset = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_back);

			// If thread_back is valid for the message header, then use that.
			if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_back) == "number") && (pMsgHdr.thread_back > 0))
				newMsgOffset = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_back);
				// If thread_id is defined and the index of the first message
				// in the thread is before the current message, then search
				// backwards for messages with a matching thread_id.
				var firstThreadMsgIdx = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_first);
				if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (firstThreadMsgIdx < pMsgHdr.offset))
					// Note (2014-10-11): Digital Man said thread_id was
					// introduced in Synchronet version 3.16 and was still
					// a work in progress and isn't 100% accurate for
					// networked sub-boards.

					// Look for the previous message with the same thread ID.
					// Note: I'm not sure when thread_id was introduced in
					// Synchronet, so I'm not sure of the minimum version where
					// this will work.
					// Write "Searching.." in case searching takes a while.
					if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
						console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
						console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
					// Look for the previous message in the thread
					var nextMsgOffset = -1;
					if (pMsgHdr.offset > 0)
						for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); --messageIdx)
							var prevMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
							if (((prevMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (typeof(prevMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (prevMsgHdr.thread_id == pMsgHdr.thread_id))
								nextMsgOffset = prevMsgHdr.offset;
					if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
						newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;
			// Title (subject) searching will look for the subject anywhere in the
			// other messages' subjects (not a fully exact subject match), so if
			// the message subject is blank, we won't want to do the search.
			var doSearch = true;
			if ((pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TITLE) && (pMsgHdr.subject.length == 0))
				doSearch = false;
			if (doSearch)
				var subjUppercase = "";
				var fromNameUppercase = "";
				var toNameUppercase = "";

				// Set up a message header matching function, depending on
				// which field of the header we want to match
				var msgHdrMatch;
				if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TITLE)
					subjUppercase = pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase();
					// Remove any leading instances of "RE:" from the subject
					while (/^RE:/.test(subjUppercase))
						subjUppercase = subjUppercase.substr(3);
					while (/^RE: /.test(subjUppercase))
						subjUppercase = subjUppercase.substr(4);
					// Remove any leading & trailing whitespace from the subject
					subjUppercase = trimSpaces(subjUppercase, true, true, true);
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase().indexOf(subjUppercase, 0) > -1));
				else if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_AUTHOR)
					fromNameUppercase = pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase();
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase() == fromNameUppercase));
				else if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TO_USER)
					toNameUppercase = pMsgHdr.to.toUpperCase();
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.to.toUpperCase() == toNameUppercase));

				// Perform the search
				// Write "Searching.."  in case searching takes a while.
				if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
				// Look for the next message that contains the given message's subject
				var nextMsgOffset = -1;
				if (pMsgHdr.offset > 0)
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); --messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (msgHdrMatch(nextMsgHdr))
							nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
				if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
					newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;

	// If no messages were found, then output a message to say so with a momentary pause.
	if (newMsgOffset == -1)
		if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
		console.print("\1n\1h\1yNo messages found.\1n");

	return newMsgOffset;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Calculates the top message index for a page,
// for the traditional-style message list.
// Parameters:
//  pPageNum: A page number (1-based)
function DigDistMsgReader_CalcTraditionalMsgListTopIdx(pPageNum)
   if (this.reverseListOrder)
      this.tradListTopMsgIdx = this.NumMessages() - (this.tradMsgListNumLines * (pPageNum-1)) - 1;
      this.tradListTopMsgIdx = (this.tradMsgListNumLines * (pPageNum-1));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Calculates the top message index for a page,
// for the lightbar message list.
// Parameters:
//  pPageNum: A page number (1-based)
function DigDistMsgReader_CalcLightbarMsgListTopIdx(pPageNum)
   if (this.reverseListOrder)
      this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.NumMessages() - (this.lightbarMsgListNumLines * (pPageNum-1)) - 1;
      this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = (this.lightbarMsgListNumLines * (pPageNum-1));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Given a message number (1-based), this calculates
// the screen index veriables (stored in the object) for the message list.  This is
// used for the enhanced reader mode when we want the message list to be in the
// correct place for the message being read.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgNum: The message number (1-based)
function DigDistMsgReader_CalcMsgListScreenIdxVarsFromMsgNum(pMsgNum)
	// Calculate the message list variables
   var numItemsPerPage = this.tradMsgListNumLines;
   if (this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface && canDoHighASCIIAndANSI())
      numItemsPerPage = this.lightbarMsgListNumLines;
   var newPageNum = findPageNumOfItemNum(pMsgNum, numItemsPerPage, this.NumMessages(), this.reverseListOrder);
	this.lightbarListSelectedMsgIdx = pMsgNum - 1;
   if (this.lightbarListCurPos == null)
      this.lightbarListCurPos = new Object();
   this.lightbarListCurPos.x = 1;
	this.lightbarListCurPos.y = this.lightbarMsgListStartScreenRow + ((pMsgNum-1) - this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Validates a user's choice in message area.
// Returns a status/error message for the caller to display if there's an
// error.  This function outputs intermediate status messages (i.e.,
// "Searching..").
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIdx: The message group index (i.e., bbs.curgrp)
//  pSubIdx: The message sub-board index (i.e., bbs.cursub)
//  pCurPos: Optional - An object containing x and y properties representing
//           the cursor position.  Used for outputting intermediate status
//           messages, but not for outputting the error message.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               msgAreaGood: A boolean to indicate whether the message area
//                            can be selected
//               errorMsg: If the message area can't be selected, this string
//                         will contain an eror message.  Otherwise, this will
//                         be an empty string.
function DigDistMsgReader_ValidateMsgAreaChoice(pGrpIdx, pSubIdx, pCurPos)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.msgAreaGood = true;
	retObj.errorMsg = "";

	// Get the internal code of the sub-board from the given group & sub-board
	// indexes
	var subCode = msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIdx].sub_list[pSubIdx].code;

	// If a search is specified that would populate the search results, then do
	// a search in the given sub-board.
	if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
		// See if we can use pCurPos to move the cursor before displaying messages
		var useCurPos = (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI) && (typeof(pCurPos) == "object") &&
		                 (typeof(pCurPos.x) == "number") && (typeof(pCurPos.y) == "number"));

		// TODO: In case new messages were posted in this sub-board, it might help
		// to check the current number of messages vs. the previous number of messages
		// and search the new messages if there are more.

		// Determine whether or not to search - If there are no search results for
		// the given sub-board already, then do a search in the sub-board.
		var doSearch = true;
		if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(subCode) &&
		    (typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode]) == "object") &&
		    (typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode].indexed) != "undefined"))
			doSearch = (this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode].indexed.length == 0);
		if (doSearch)
			if (useCurPos)
			var msgBase = new MsgBase(subCode);
			if (msgBase.open())
				this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode] = searchMsgbase(subCode, msgBase, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser);
				// If there are no messages, then set the return object variables to indicate so.
				if (this.msgSearchHdrs[subCode].indexed.length == 0)
					retObj.msgAreaGood = false;
					retObj.errorMsg = "No search results found";
				retObj.msgAreaGood = false;
				retObj.errorMsg = "Unable to open message base (for searching)!";
		// No search is specified.  Just check to see if there are any messages
		// to read in the given sub-board.
		var msgBase = new MsgBase(subCode);
		if (msgBase.open())
			if (msgBase.total_msgs == 0)
				retObj.msgAreaGood = false;
				retObj.errorMsg = "No messages in that message area";

	return retObj;

// Helper functions

// Displays the program information.
function DisplayProgramInfo()
   displayTextWithLineBelow("Digital Distortion Message Reader", true, "\1n\1c\1h", "\1k\1h")
	console.center("\1n\1cVersion \1g" + READER_VERSION + " \1w\1h(\1b" + READER_DATE + "\1w)");

// This function returns an array of default colors used in the
// DigDistMessageReader class.
function getDefaultColors()
	var colorArray = new Array();

	// Header line: "Current msg group:"
	colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgGroupTextColor"] = "\1n\1" + "4\1c"; // Normal cyan on blue background
	//colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgGroupTextColor"] = "\1n\1" + "4\1w"; // Normal white on blue background

	// Header line: Message group name
	colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgGroupNameColor"] = "\1h\1c"; // High cyan
	//colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgGroupNameColor"] = "\1h\1w"; // High white

	// Header line: "Current sub-board:"
	colorArray["msgListHeaderSubBoardTextColor"] = "\1n\1" + "4\1c"; // Normal cyan on blue background
	//colorArray["msgListHeaderSubBoardTextColor"] = "\1n\1" + "4\1w"; // Normal white on blue background

	// Header line: Message sub-board name
	colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgSubBoardName"] = "\1h\1c"; // High cyan
	//colorArray["msgListHeaderMsgSubBoardName"] = "\1h\1w"; // High white
	// Line with column headers
	//colorArray["msgListColHeader"] = "\1h\1w"; // High white (keep blue background)
	colorArray["msgListColHeader"] = "\1n\1h\1w"; // High white on black background
	//colorArray["msgListColHeader"] = "\1h\1c"; // High cyan (keep blue background)
	//colorArray["msgListColHeader"] = "\1" + "4\1h\1y"; // High yellow (keep blue background)

	// Message list information
	colorArray["msgListMsgNumColor"] = "\1n\1h\1y";
	colorArray["msgListFromColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListToColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListSubjectColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListDateColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	colorArray["msgListTimeColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	// Message information for messages written to the user
	colorArray["msgListToUserMsgNumColor"] = "\1n\1h\1y";
	colorArray["msgListToUserFromColor"] = "\1h\1g";
	colorArray["msgListToUserToColor"] = "\1h\1g";
	colorArray["msgListToUserSubjectColor"] = "\1h\1g";
	colorArray["msgListToUserDateColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	colorArray["msgListToUserTimeColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	// Message information for messages from the user
	colorArray["msgListFromUserMsgNumColor"] = "\1n\1h\1y";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserFromColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserToColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserSubjectColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserDateColor"] = "\1h\1b";
	colorArray["msgListFromUserTimeColor"] = "\1h\1b";

	// Message list highlight colors
	colorArray["msgListHighlightBkgColor"] = "\1" + "4"; // Background
	colorArray["msgListMsgNumHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1y";
	colorArray["msgListFromHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1c";
	colorArray["msgListToHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1c";
	colorArray["msgListSubjHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1c";
	colorArray["msgListDateHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1w";
	colorArray["msgListTimeHighlightColor"] = "\1h\1w";

	// Lightbar message list help line colors
	colorArray["lightbarMsgListHelpLineBkgColor"] = "\1" + "7"; // Background
	colorArray["lightbarMsgListHelpLineGeneralColor"] = "\1b";
	colorArray["lightbarMsgListHelpLineHotkeyColor"] = "\1r";
	colorArray["lightbarMsgListHelpLineParenColor"] = "\1m";

	// Continue prompt colors
	colorArray["tradInterfaceContPromptMainColor"] = "\1n\1g"; // Main text color
	colorArray["tradInterfaceContPromptHotkeyColor"] = "\1h\1c"; // Hotkey color
	colorArray["tradInterfaceContPromptUserInputColor"] = "\1h\1g"; // User input color

	// Message body color
	colorArray["msgBodyColor"] = "\1n\1w";

	// Read message confirmation colors
	colorArray["readMsgConfirmColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["readMsgConfirmNumberColor"] = "\1h\1c";
	// Prompt for continuing to list messages after reading a message
	colorArray["afterReadMsg_ListMorePromptColor"] = "\1n\1c";

	// Help screen text color
	colorArray["tradInterfaceHelpScreenColor"] = "\1n\1h\1w";

	// Colors for choosing a message group & sub-board
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaNumColor"] = "\1n\1w\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaDescColor"] = "\1n\1c";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsColor"] = "\1b\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaHeaderColor"] = "\1n\1y\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserSubBoardHeaderColor"] = "\1n\1g";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaMarkColor"] = "\1g\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaLatestDateColor"] = "\1n\1g";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaLatestTimeColor"] = "\1n\1m";
	// Highlighted colors (for lightbar mode)
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaBkgHighlightColor"] = "\1" + "4"; // Blue background
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaNumHighlightColor"] = "\1w\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaDescHighlightColor"] = "\1c";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaDateHighlightColor"] = "\1w\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaTimeHighlightColor"] = "\1w\1h";
	colorArray["areaChooserMsgAreaNumItemsHighlightColor"] = "\1w\1h";
	// Lightbar area chooser help line
	colorArray["lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineBkgColor"] = "\1" + "7"; // Background
	colorArray["lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineGeneralColor"] = "\1b";
	colorArray["lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineHotkeyColor"] = "\1r";
	colorArray["lightbarAreaChooserHelpLineParenColor"] = "\1m";

	// Scrollbar background and scroll block colors (for the enhanced
	// message reader interface)
	colorArray["scrollbarBGColor"] = "\1n\1h\1k";
	colorArray["scrollbarScrollBlockColor"] = "\1n\1h\1w";
	// Color for the line drawn in the 2nd to last line of the message
	// area in the enhanced reader mode before a prompt
	colorArray["enhReaderPromptSepLineColor"] = "\1n\1h\1g";
	// Colors for the enhanced reader help line
	colorArray["enhReaderHelpLineBkgColor"] = "\1" + "7";
	colorArray["enhReaderHelpLineGeneralColor"] = "\1b";
	colorArray["enhReaderHelpLineHotkeyColor"] = "\1r";
	colorArray["enhReaderHelpLineParenColor"] = "\1m";

	return colorArray;

// This function returns the month number (1-based) from a capitalized
// month name.
// Parameters:
//  pMonthName: The name of the month
// Return value: The number of the month (1-12).
function getMonthNum(pMonthName)
	var monthNum = 1;

	if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Jan")
		monthNum = 1;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Feb")
		monthNum = 2;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Mar")
		monthNum = 3;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Apr")
		monthNum = 4;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "May")
		monthNum = 5;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Jun")
		monthNum = 6;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Jul")
		monthNum = 7;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Aug")
		monthNum = 8;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Sep")
		monthNum = 9;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Oct")
		monthNum = 10;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Nov")
		monthNum = 11;
	else if (pMonthName.substr(0, 3) == "Dec")
		monthNum = 12;

	return monthNum;

// Clears each line from a given line to the end of the screen.
// Parameters:
//  pStartLineNum: The line number to start at (1-based)
function clearToEOS(pStartLineNum)
	if (typeof(pStartLineNum) == "undefined")
	if (pStartLineNum == null)

	for (var lineNum = pStartLineNum; lineNum <= console.screen_rows; ++lineNum)
		console.gotoxy(1, lineNum);

// Returns the number of messages in a sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: The sub-board code (i.e., from bbs.cursub_code)
// Return value: The number of messages in the sub-board, or 0
//               if the sub-board could not be opened.
function numMessages(pSubBoardCode)
   var messageCount = 0;

   var myMsgbase = new MsgBase(pSubBoardCode);
	if (myMsgbase.open())
		messageCount = myMsgbase.total_msgs;
	myMsgbase = null;

	return messageCount;

// Removes multiple, leading, and/or trailing spaces
// The search & replace regular expressions used in this
// function came from the following URL:
//  http://qodo.co.uk/blog/javascript-trim-leading-and-trailing-spaces
// Parameters:
//  pString: The string to trim
//  pLeading: Whether or not to trim leading spaces (optional, defaults to true)
//  pMultiple: Whether or not to trim multiple spaces (optional, defaults to true)
//  pTrailing: Whether or not to trim trailing spaces (optional, defaults to true)
// Return value: The string with whitespace trimmed
function trimSpaces(pString, pLeading, pMultiple, pTrailing)
	var leading = true;
	var multiple = true;
	var trailing = true;
	if(typeof(pLeading) != "undefined")
		leading = pLeading;
	if(typeof(pMultiple) != "undefined")
		multiple = pMultiple;
	if(typeof(pTrailing) != "undefined")
		trailing = pTrailing;

	// To remove both leading & trailing spaces:
	//pString = pString.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gi,"");

	if (leading)
		pString = pString.replace(/(^\s*)/gi,"");
	if (multiple)
		pString = pString.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi," ");
	if (trailing)
		pString = pString.replace(/(\s*$)/gi,"");

	return pString;

// Returns whether an internal sub-board code is valid.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: The internal sub-board code to test
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the given internal code is a valid
//               sub-board code
function subBoardCodeIsValid(pSubBoardCode)
   return ((pSubBoardCode == "mail") || (typeof(msg_area.sub[pSubBoardCode]) == "object"))

// Displays some text with a solid horizontal line on the next line.
// Parameters:
//  pText: The text to display
//  pCenter: Whether or not to center the text.  Optional; defaults
//           to false.
//  pTextColor: The color to use for the text.  Optional; by default,
//              normal white will be used.
//  pLineColor: The color to use for the line underneath the text.
//              Optional; by default, bright black will be used.
function displayTextWithLineBelow(pText, pCenter, pTextColor, pLineColor)
	var centerText = (typeof(pCenter) == "boolean" ? pCenter : false);
	var textColor = (typeof(pTextColor) == "string" ? pTextColor : "\1n\1w");
	var lineColor = (typeof(pLineColor) == "string" ? pLineColor : "\1n\1k\1h");

	// Output the text and a solid line on the next line.
	if (centerText)
		console.center(textColor + pText);
		var solidLine = "";
		var textLength = console.strlen(pText);
		for (var i = 0; i < textLength; ++i)
			solidLine += "�";
		console.center(lineColor + solidLine);
		console.print(textColor + pText);
		var textLength = console.strlen(pText);
		for (var i = 0; i < textLength; ++i)

// Returns whether the Synchronet compile date is at least May 12, 2013.  That
// was when Digital Man's change to make bbs.msg_number work when a script is
// running first went into the Synchronet daily builds.
function compileDateAtLeast2013_05_12()
  // system.compiled_when is in the following format:
  // May 12 2013 05:02

  var compileDateParts = system.compiled_when.split(" ");
  if (compileDateParts.length < 4)
    return false;

  // Convert the month to a 1-based number
  var compileMonth = 0;
  if (/^Jan/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 1;
  else if (/^Feb/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 2;
  else if (/^Mar/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 3;
  else if (/^Apr/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 4;
  else if (/^May/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 5;
  else if (/^Jun/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 6;
  else if (/^Jul/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 7;
  else if (/^Aug/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 8;
  else if (/^Sep/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 9;
  else if (/^Oct/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 10;
  else if (/^Nov/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 11;
  else if (/^Dec/.test(compileDateParts[0]))
    compileMonth = 12;

  // Get the compileDay and compileYear as numeric variables
  var compileDay = +compileDateParts[1];
  var compileYear = +compileDateParts[2];

  // Determine if the compile date is at least 2013-05-12
  var compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true;
  if (compileYear > 2013)
    compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true;
  else if (compileYear < 2013)
    compileDateIsAtLeastMin = false;
  else // compileYear is 2013
    if (compileMonth > 5)
      compileDateIsAtLeastMin = true
    else if (compileMonth < 5)
      compileDateIsAtLeastMin = false;
    else // compileMonth is 5
      compileDateIsAtLeastMin = (compileDay >= 12);

  return compileDateIsAtLeastMin;

// Removes multiple, leading, and/or trailing spaces.
// The search & replace regular expressions used in this
// function came from the following URL:
//  http://qodo.co.uk/blog/javascript-trim-leading-and-trailing-spaces
// Parameters:
//  pString: The string to trim
//  pLeading: Whether or not to trim leading spaces (optional, defaults to true)
//  pMultiple: Whether or not to trim multiple spaces (optional, defaults to true)
//  pTrailing: Whether or not to trim trailing spaces (optional, defaults to true)
function trimSpaces(pString, pLeading, pMultiple, pTrailing)
	var leading = true;
	var multiple = true;
	var trailing = true;
	if(typeof(pLeading) != "undefined")
		leading = pLeading;
	if(typeof(pMultiple) != "undefined")
		multiple = pMultiple;
	if(typeof(pTrailing) != "undefined")
		trailing = pTrailing;
	// To remove both leading & trailing spaces:
	//pString = pString.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/gi,"");

	if (leading)
		pString = pString.replace(/(^\s*)/gi,"");
	if (multiple)
		pString = pString.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi," ");
	if (trailing)
		pString = pString.replace(/(\s*$)/gi,"");

	return pString;

// Calculates & returns a page number.
// Parameters:
//  pTopIndex: The index (0-based) of the topmost item on the page
//  pNumPerPage: The number of items per page
// Return value: The page number
function calcPageNum(pTopIndex, pNumPerPage)
  return ((pTopIndex / pNumPerPage) + 1);

// Returns the greatest number of messages of all sub-boards within
// a message group.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIndex: The index of the message group
// Returns: The greatest number of messages of all sub-boards within
//          the message group
function getGreatestNumMsgs(pGrpIndex)
  // Sanity checking
  if (typeof(pGrpIndex) != "number")
    return 0;
  if (typeof(msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex]) == "undefined")
    return 0;

  var greatestNumMsgs = 0;
  var msgBase = null;
  for (var subIndex = 0; subIndex < msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list.length; ++subIndex)
    msgBase = new MsgBase(msg_area.grp_list[pGrpIndex].sub_list[subIndex].code);
    if (msgBase == null) continue;
    if (msgBase.open())
      if (msgBase.total_msgs > greatestNumMsgs)
        greatestNumMsgs = msgBase.total_msgs;
  return greatestNumMsgs;

// Inputs a keypress from the user and handles some ESC-based
// characters such as PageUp, PageDown, and ESC.  If PageUp
// or PageDown are pressed, this function will return the
// string "\1PgUp" (KEY_PAGE_UP) or "\1Pgdn" (KEY_PAGE_DOWN),
// respectively.  Also, F1-F5 will be returned as "\1F1"
// through "\1F5", respectively.
// Thanks goes to Psi-Jack for the original impementation
// of this function.
// Parameters:
//  pGetKeyMode: Optional - The mode bits for console.getkey().
//               If not specified, K_NONE will be used.
// Return value: The user's keypress
function getKeyWithESCChars(pGetKeyMode)
   var getKeyMode = K_NONE;
   if (typeof(pGetKeyMode) == "number")
      getKeyMode = pGetKeyMode;

   var userInput = console.getkey(getKeyMode);
   if (userInput == KEY_ESC) {
      switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
         case '[':
            switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
               case 'V':
                  userInput = KEY_PAGE_UP;
               case 'U':
                  userInput = KEY_PAGE_DOWN;
         case 'O':
           switch (console.inkey(K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN, 2)) {
              case 'P':
                 userInput = "\1F1";
              case 'Q':
                 userInput = "\1F2";
              case 'R':
                 userInput = "\1F3";
              case 'S':
                 userInput = "\1F4";
              case 't':
                 userInput = "\1F5";

   return userInput;

// Finds the next or previous non-empty message sub-board.  Returns an
// object containing the message group & sub-board indexes.  If all of
// the next/previous sub-boards are empty, then the given current indexes
// will be returned.
// Parameters:
//  pStartGrpIdx: The index of the message group to start from
//  pStartSubIdx: The index of the sub-board in the message group to start from
//  pForward: Boolean - Whether or not to search forward (true) or backward (false).
//            Optional; defaults to true, to search forward.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               foundSubBoard: Boolean - Whether or not a different sub-board was found
//               grpIdx: The message group index of the found sub-board
//               subIdx: The sub-board index in the group of the found sub-board
//               subCode: The internal code of the sub-board
//               subChanged: Boolean - Whether or not the found sub-board is
//                           different from the one that was passed in
//               paramsValid: Boolean - Whether or not all the passed-in parameters
//                            were valid.
function findNextOrPrevNonEmptySubBoard(pStartGrpIdx, pStartSubIdx, pForward)
   var retObj = new Object();
   retObj.grpIdx = pStartGrpIdx;
   retObj.subIdx = pStartSubIdx;
   retObj.subCode = msg_area.grp_list[pStartGrpIdx].sub_list[pStartSubIdx].code;
   retObj.foundSubBoard = false;

   // Sanity checking
   retObj.paramsValid = ((pStartGrpIdx >= 0) && (pStartGrpIdx < msg_area.grp_list.length) &&
                         (pStartSubIdx >= 0) &&
                         (pStartSubIdx < msg_area.grp_list[pStartGrpIdx].sub_list.length));
   if (!retObj.paramsValid)
      return retObj;

   var grpIdx = pStartGrpIdx;
   var subIdx = pStartSubIdx;
   var searchForward = (typeof(pForward) == "boolean" ? pForward : true);
   if (searchForward)
      // Advance the sub-board (and group) index, and determine whether or not
      // to do the search (i.e., we might not want to if the starting sub-board
      // is the last sub-board in the last group).
      var searchForSubBoard = true;
      if (subIdx <  msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length - 1)
         if ((grpIdx < msg_area.grp_list.length - 1) && (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx+1].sub_list.length > 0))
            subIdx = 0;
            searchForSubBoard = false;
      // If we can search, then do it.
      if (searchForSubBoard)
         while (numMsgsInSubBoard(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code) == 0)
            if (subIdx < msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length - 1)
               if ((grpIdx < msg_area.grp_list.length - 1) && (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx+1].sub_list.length > 0))
                  subIdx = 0;
                  break; // Stop searching
      // Search the sub-boards in reverse
      // Decrement the sub-board (and group) index, and determine whether or not
      // to do the search (i.e., we might not want to if the starting sub-board
      // is the first sub-board in the first group).
      var searchForSubBoard = true;
      if (subIdx > 0)
         if ((grpIdx > 0) && (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx-1].sub_list.length > 0))
            subIdx = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length - 1;
            searchForSubBoard = false;
      // If we can search, then do it.
      if (searchForSubBoard)
         while (numMsgsInSubBoard(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code) == 0)
            if (subIdx > 0)
               if ((grpIdx > 0) && (msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx-1].sub_list.length > 0))
                  subIdx = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list.length - 1;
                  break; // Stop searching
   // If we found a sub-board with messages in it, then set the variables
   // in the return object
   if (numMsgsInSubBoard(msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code) > 0)
      retObj.grpIdx = grpIdx;
      retObj.subIdx = subIdx;
      retObj.subCode = msg_area.grp_list[grpIdx].sub_list[subIdx].code;
      retObj.foundSubBoard = true;
      retObj.subChanged = ((grpIdx != pStartGrpIdx) || (subIdx != pStartSubIdx));

   return retObj;

// Returns the number of messages in a sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: The internal code of the sub-board to check
//  pIncludeDeleted: Optional boolean - Whether or not to include deleted
//                   messages in the count.  Defaults to false.
// Return value: The number of messages in the sub-board
function numMsgsInSubBoard(pSubBoardCode, pIncludeDeleted)
   var numMessages = 0;
   var msgbase = new MsgBase(pSubBoardCode);
   if (msgbase.open())
      var includeDeleted = (typeof(pIncludeDeleted) == "boolean" ? pIncludeDeleted : false);
      if (includeDeleted)
         numMessages = msgbase.total_msgs;
         // Don't include deleted messages.  Go through each message
         // in the sub-board and count the ones that aren't marked
         // as deleted.
         for (var msgIdx = 0; msgIdx < msgbase.total_msgs; ++msgIdx)
            var msgHdr = msgbase.get_msg_header(true, msgIdx, false);
            if ((msgHdr != null) && ((msgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0))
   return numMessages;

// Replaces @-codes in a string and returns the new string.
// Parameters:
//  pStr: A string in which to replace @-codes
// Return value: A version of the string with @-codes interpreted
function replaceAtCodesInStr(pStr)
	if (typeof(pStr) != "string")
		return "";

	// This code was originally written by Deuce.  I updated it to check whether
	// the string returned by bbs.atcode() is null, and if so, just return
	// the original string.
	return pStr.replace(/@([^@]+)@/g, function(m, code) {
		var decoded = bbs.atcode(code);
		return (decoded != null ? decoded : "@" + code + "@");

// Shortens a string, accounting for control/attribute codes.  Returns a new
// (shortened) copy of the string.
// Parameters:
//  pStr: The string to shorten
//  pNewLength: The new (shorter) length of the string
// Return value: The shortened version of the string
function shortenStrWithAttrCodes(pStr, pNewLength)
   if (typeof(pStr) != "string")
      return "";
   if (typeof(pNewLength) != "number")
      return pStr;
   if (pNewLength >= console.strlen(pStr))
      return pStr;

   var strCopy = "";
   var tmpStr = "";
   var strIdx = 0;
   var lengthGood = true;
   while (lengthGood && (strIdx < pStr.length))
      tmpStr = strCopy + pStr.charAt(strIdx++);
      if (console.strlen(tmpStr) <= pNewLength)
         strCopy = tmpStr;
         lengthGood = false;
   return strCopy;

// Returns whether a given name matches the logged-in user's handle, alias, or
// name.
// Parameters:
//  pName: A name to match against the logged-in user
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the given name matches the logged-in
//               user's handle, alias, or name
function userHandleAliasNameMatch(pName)
   if (typeof(pName) != "string")
      return false;

   var userMatch = false;
   var nameUpper = pName.toUpperCase();
   if (user.handle.length > 0)
      userMatch = (nameUpper.indexOf(user.handle.toUpperCase()) > -1);
   if (!userMatch && (user.alias.length > 0))
      userMatch = (nameUpper.indexOf(user.alias.toUpperCase()) > -1);
   if (!userMatch && (user.name.length > 0))
      userMatch = (nameUpper.indexOf(user.name.toUpperCase()) > -1);
   return userMatch;

// Displays a range of text lines on the screen and allows scrolling through them
// with the up & down arrow keys, PageUp, PageDown, HOME, and END.  It is assumed
// that the array of text lines are already truncated to fit in the width of the
// text area, as a speed optimization.
// Parameters:
//  pTxtLines: The array of text lines to allow scrolling for
//  pTopLineIdx: The index of the text line to display at the top
//  pTxtAttrib: The attribute(s) to apply to the text lines
//  pWriteTxtLines: Boolean - Whether or not to write the text lines (in addition
//                  to doing the message loop).  If false, this will only do the
//                  the message loop.  This parameter is intended as a screen
//                  refresh optimization.
//  pTopLeftX: The upper-left corner column for the text area
//  pTopLeftY: The upper-left corner row for the text area
//  pWidth: The width of the text area
//  pHeight: The height of the text area
//  pPostWriteCurX: The X location for the cursor after writing the message
//                  lines
//  pPostWriteCurY: The Y location for the cursor after writing the message
//                  lines
//  pScrollUpdateFn: A function that the caller can provide for updating the
//                   scroll position.  This function has one parameter:
//                   - fractionToLastPage: The fraction of the top index divided
//                     by the top index for the last page (basically, the progress
//                     to the last page).
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               lastKeypress: The last key pressed by the user (a string)
//               topLineIdx: The new top line index of the text lines, in case of scrolling
function scrollTextLines(pTxtLines, pTopLineIdx, pTxtAttrib, pWriteTxtLines, pTopLeftX, pTopLeftY,
                          pWidth, pHeight, pPostWriteCurX, pPostWriteCurY, pScrollUpdateFn)
   // Variables for the top line index for the last page, scrolling, etc.
   var topLineIdxForLastPage = pTxtLines.length - pHeight;
   if (topLineIdxForLastPage < 0)
      topLineIdxForLastPage = 0;
   var msgFractionShown = pHeight / pTxtLines.length;
   if (msgFractionShown > 1)
      msgFractionShown = 1.0;
   var fractionToLastPage = 0;
   var lastTxtRow = pTopLeftY + pHeight - 1;
   var txtLineFormatStr = "%-" + pWidth + "s";

   var retObj = new Object();
   retObj.lastKeypress = "";
   retObj.topLineIdx = pTopLineIdx;

   var writeTxtLines = pWriteTxtLines;
   var continueOn = true;
   while (continueOn)
      // If we are to write the text lines, then write each of them and also
      // clear out the rest of the row on the screen
      if (writeTxtLines)
         // If the scroll update function parameter is a function, then calculate
         // the fraction to the last page and call the scroll update function.
         if (typeof(pScrollUpdateFn) == "function")
            if (topLineIdxForLastPage != 0)
               fractionToLastPage = retObj.topLineIdx / topLineIdxForLastPage;
         var screenY = pTopLeftY;
         for (var lineIdx = retObj.topLineIdx; (lineIdx < pTxtLines.length) && (screenY <= lastTxtRow); ++lineIdx)
            console.gotoxy(pTopLeftX, screenY++);
            // Print the text line, then clear the rest of the line
            console.print(pTxtAttrib + pTxtLines[lineIdx]);
            printf("\1n%" + +(pWidth - console.strlen(pTxtLines[lineIdx])) + "s", "");
         // If there are still some lines left in the message reading area, then
         // clear the lines.
         console.print("\1n" + pTxtAttrib);
         while (screenY <= lastTxtRow)
            console.gotoxy(pTopLeftX, screenY++);
            printf(txtLineFormatStr, "");

      // Get a keypress from the user and take action based on it
      console.gotoxy(pPostWriteCurX, pPostWriteCurY);
      retObj.lastKeypress = getKeyWithESCChars(K_UPPER|K_NOCRLF|K_NOECHO|K_NOSPIN);
      switch (retObj.lastKeypress)
         case KEY_UP:
            if (retObj.topLineIdx > 0) {
               writeTxtLines = true;
               writeTxtLines = false;
         case KEY_DOWN:
            if (retObj.topLineIdx < topLineIdxForLastPage) {
               writeTxtLines = true;
               writeTxtLines = false;
         case KEY_PAGE_DOWN: // Next page
            if (retObj.topLineIdx < topLineIdxForLastPage) {
               retObj.topLineIdx += pHeight;
               if (retObj.topLineIdx > topLineIdxForLastPage)
                  retObj.topLineIdx = topLineIdxForLastPage;
               writeTxtLines = true;
               writeTxtLines = false;
         case KEY_PAGE_UP: // Previous page
            if (retObj.topLineIdx > 0) {
               retObj.topLineIdx -= pHeight;
               if (retObj.topLineIdx < 0)
                  retObj.topLineIdx = 0;
               writeTxtLines = true;
               writeTxtLines = false;
         case KEY_HOME: // First page
            if (retObj.topLineIdx > 0) {
               retObj.topLineIdx = 0;
               writeTxtLines = true;
               writeTxtLines = false;
         case KEY_END: // Last page
            if (retObj.topLineIdx < topLineIdxForLastPage) {
               retObj.topLineIdx = topLineIdxForLastPage;
               writeTxtLines = true;
               writeTxtLines = false;
            continueOn = false;
   return retObj;

// Finds the (1-based) page number of an item by number (1-based).  If no page
// is found, then the return value will be 0.
// Parameters:
//  pItemNum: The item number (1-based)
//  pNumPerPage: The number of items per page
//  pTotoalNum: The total number of items in the list
//  pReverseOrder: Boolean - Whether or not the list is in reverse order.  If not specified,
//                 this will default to false.
// Return value: The page number (1-based) of the item number.  If no page is found,
//               the return value will be 0.
function findPageNumOfItemNum(pItemNum, pNumPerPage, pTotalNum, pReverseOrder)
   if ((typeof(pItemNum) != "number") || (typeof(pNumPerPage) != "number") || (typeof(pTotalNum) != "number"))
      return 0;
   if ((pItemNum < 1) || (pItemNum > pTotalNum))
      return 0;

   var reverseOrder = (typeof(pReverseOrder) == "boolean" ? pReverseOrder : false);
   var itemPageNum = 0;
   if (reverseOrder)
      var pageNum = 1;
      for (var topNum = pTotalNum; ((topNum > 0) && (itemPageNum == 0)); topNum -= pNumPerPage)
         if ((pItemNum <= topNum) && (pItemNum >= topNum-pNumPerPage+1))
            itemPageNum = pageNum;
   else // Forward order
      itemPageNum = Math.ceil(pItemNum / pNumPerPage);

   return itemPageNum;

// This function converts a search mode string to one of the defined search value
// constants.  If the passed-in mode string is unknown, then the return value will
// be SEARCH_NONE (-1).
// Parameters:
//  pSearchTypeStr: A string describing a search mode ("keyword_search", "from_name_search",
//                  "to_name_search", "to_user_search", "new_msg_scan", "new_msg_scan_cur_sub",
//                  "new_msg_scan_cur_grp", "new_msg_scan_all", "to_user_new_scan",
//                  "to_user_all_scan")
// Return value: An integer representing the search value (SEARCH_KEYWORD,
//               SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA), or SEARCH_NONE (-1) if the passed-in
//               search type string is unknown.
function searchTypeStrToVal(pSearchTypeStr)
	if (typeof(pSearchTypeStr) != "string")
		return SEARCH_NONE;

	var searchTypeInt = SEARCH_NONE;
	var modeStr = pSearchTypeStr.toLowerCase();
	if (modeStr == "keyword_search")
		searchTypeInt = SEARCH_KEYWORD;
	else if (modeStr == "from_name_search")
		searchTypeInt = SEARCH_FROM_NAME;
	else if (modeStr == "to_name_search")
	else if (modeStr == "to_user_search")
	else if (modeStr == "new_msg_scan")
		searchTypeInt = SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN;
	else if (modeStr == "new_msg_scan_cur_sub")
	else if (modeStr == "new_msg_scan_cur_grp")
	else if (modeStr == "new_msg_scan_all")
	else if (modeStr == "to_user_new_scan")
		searchTypeInt = SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN;
	else if (modeStr == "to_user_new_scan_cur_sub")
	else if (modeStr == "to_user_new_scan_cur_grp")
	else if (modeStr == "to_user_new_scan_all")
	else if (modeStr == "to_user_all_scan")
		searchTypeInt = SEARCH_ALL_TO_USER_SCAN;
	return searchTypeInt;

// This function converts a search type value to a string description.
// Parameters:
//  pSearchType: The search type value to convert
// Return value: A string describing the search type value
function searchTypeValToStr(pSearchType)
	if (typeof(pSearchType) != "number")
		return "Unknown (not a number)";

	var searchTypeStr = "";
	switch (pSearchType)
			searchTypeStr = "None (SEARCH_NONE)";
			searchTypeStr = "Keyword (SEARCH_KEYWORD)";
			searchTypeStr = "'From' name (SEARCH_FROM_NAME)";
			searchTypeStr = "'To' name (SEARCH_TO_NAME_CUR_MSG_AREA)";
			searchTypeStr = "To you (SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA)";
			searchTypeStr = "New message scan (SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN)";
			searchTypeStr = "New in current message area (SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN_CUR_SUB)";
			searchTypeStr = "New in current message group (SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN_CUR_GRP)";
			searchTypeStr = "Newscan - All (SEARCH_MSG_NEWSCAN_ALL)";
			searchTypeStr = "To You new scan (SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN)";
			searchTypeStr = "To You new scan, current sub-board (SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_SUB)";
			searchTypeStr = "To You new scan, current group (SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_GRP)";
			searchTypeStr = "To You new scan, all sub-boards (SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_ALL)";
			searchTypeStr = "All To You scan (SEARCH_ALL_TO_USER_SCAN)";
			searchTypeStr = "Unknown (" + pSearchType + ")";
	return searchTypeStr;

// This function converts a reader mode string to one of the defined reader mode
// value constants.  If the passed-in mode string is unknown, then the return value
// will be -1.
// Parameters:
//  pModeStr: A string describing a reader mode ("read", "reader", "list", "lister")
// Return value: An integer representing the reader mode value (READER_MODE_READ,
//               READER_MODE_LIST), or -1 if the passed-in mode string is unknown.
function readerModeStrToVal(pModeStr)
   if (typeof(pModeStr) != "string")
      return -1;

   var readerModeInt = -1;
   var modeStr = pModeStr.toLowerCase();
   if ((modeStr == "read") || (modeStr == "reader"))
      readerModeInt = READER_MODE_READ;
   else if ((modeStr == "list") || (modeStr == "lister"))
      readerModeInt = READER_MODE_LIST;
   return readerModeInt;

// This function returns a boolean to signify whether or not the user's
// terminal supports both high-ASCII characters and ANSI codes.
function canDoHighASCIIAndANSI()
	//return (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI) && (user.settings & USER_NO_EXASCII == 0));
	return (console.term_supports(USER_ANSI));

// Searches a given range in an open message base and returns an object with arrays
// containing the message headers (0-based indexed and indexed by message number)
// with the message headers of any found messages.
// Parameters:
//  pSubCode: The internal code of the message sub-board
//  pMsgbase: A message base object in which to search messages
//  pSearchType: The type of search to do (one of the SEARCH_ values)
//  pSearchString: The string to search for.
//  pListingPersonalEmailFromUser: Optional boolean - Whether or not we're listing
//                                 personal email sent by the user.  This defaults
//                                 to false.
//  pStartIndex: The starting message index (0-based).  Optional; defaults to 0.
//  pEndIndex: One past the last message index.  Optional; defaults to the total number
//             of messages.
// Return value: An object with the following arrays:
//               indexed: A 0-based indexed array of message headers
function searchMsgbase(pSubCode, pMsgbase, pSearchType, pSearchString,
                       pListingPersonalEmailFromUser, pStartIndex, pEndIndex)
	var msgHeaders = new Object();
	msgHeaders.indexed = new Array();
	if ((pSubCode != "mail") && ((typeof(pSearchString) != "string") || !searchTypePopulatesSearchResults(pSearchType)))
		return msgHeaders;

	var startMsgIndex = 0;
	var endMsgIndex = pMsgbase.total_msgs;
	if (typeof(pStartIndex) == "number")
		if ((pStartIndex >= 0) && (pStartIndex < pMsgbase.total_msgs))
			startMsgIndex = pStartIndex;
	if (typeof(pEndIndex) == "number")
		if ((pEndIndex >= 0) && (pEndIndex > startMsgIndex) && (pEndIndex <= pMsgbase.total_msgs))
			endMsgIndex = pEndIndex;

	// Define a search function for the message field we're going to search
	var readingPersonalEmailFromUser = (typeof(pListingPersonalEmailFromUser) == "boolean" ? pListingPersonalEmailFromUser : false);
	var matchFn = null;
	switch (pSearchType)
		// It might seem odd to have SEARCH_NONE in here, but it's here because
		// when reading personal email, we need to search for messages only to
		// the current user.
			if (pSubCode == "mail")
				// Set up the match function slightly differently depending on whether
				// we're looking for mail from the current user or to the current user.
				if (readingPersonalEmailFromUser)
					matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
						var msgText = strip_ctrl(pMsgBase.get_msg_body(true, pMsgHdr.offset));
						return msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr);
					matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
						var msgText = strip_ctrl(pMsgBase.get_msg_body(true, pMsgHdr.offset));
						return msgIsToLoggedInUserNum(pMsgHdr);
			matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
				var msgText = strip_ctrl(pMsgBase.get_msg_body(true, pMsgHdr.offset));
				//return ((pMsgHdr["subject"].toUpperCase().indexOf(pSearchStr) > -1) || (msgText.toUpperCase().indexOf(pSearchStr) > -1));
				var keywordFound = ((pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase().indexOf(pSearchStr) > -1) || (msgText.toUpperCase().indexOf(pSearchStr) > -1));
				if (pSubBoardCode == "mail")
					return keywordFound && msgIsToLoggedInUserNum(pMsgHdr);
					return keywordFound;
			matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
				var fromNameFound = (pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase() == pSearchStr.toUpperCase());
				if (pSubBoardCode == "mail")
					return fromNameFound && msgIsToLoggedInUserNum(pMsgHdr);
					return fromNameFound;
			matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
				return (pMsgHdr.to.toUpperCase() == pSearchStr);
			matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
				// See if the message is not marked as deleted and the 'To' name
				// matches the user's handle, alias, and/or username.
				return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && userNameHandleAliasMatch(pMsgHdr.to));
			if (pSubCode != "mail")
				// If pStartIndex or pEndIndex aren't specified, then set
				// startMsgIndex to the scan pointer and endMsgIndex to one
				// past the index of the last message in the sub-board
				if (typeof(pStartIndex) != "number")
					// First, write some messages to the log if verbose logging is enabled
					if (gCmdLineArgVals.verboselogging)
						writeToSysAndNodeLog("New-to-user scan for " +
						                   subBoardGrpAndName(pSubCode) + " -- Scan pointer: " +
					//startMsgIndex = absMsgNumToIdx(pMsgbase, msg_area.sub[pSubCode].last_read);
					startMsgIndex = absMsgNumToIdx(pMsgbase, msg_area.sub[pSubCode].scan_ptr);
					if (startMsgIndex == -1)
						msg_area.sub[pSubCode].scan_ptr = 0;
						startMsgIndex = 0;
				if (typeof(pEndIndex) != "number")
					endMsgIndex = (pMsgbase.total_msgs > 0 ? pMsgbase.total_msgs : 0);
			matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
				// Note: This assumes pSubBoardCode is not "mail" (personal mail).
				// See if the message 'To' name matches the user's handle, alias,
				// and/or username and is not marked as deleted and is unread.
				return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_READ) == 0) && userNameHandleAliasMatch(pMsgHdr.to));
			matchFn = function(pSearchStr, pMsgHdr, pMsgBase, pSubBoardCode) {
				// Note: This assumes pSubBoardCode is not "mail" (personal mail).
				// Get the offset of the last read message and compare it with the
				// offset of the given message header
				var lastReadMsgHdr = pMsgBase.get_msg_header(false, msg_area.sub[pSubBoardCode].last_read, true);
				var lastReadMsgOffset = (lastReadMsgHdr != null ? lastReadMsgHdr.offset : 0);
				return (pMsgHdr.offset > lastReadMsgOffset);
	// Search the messages
	if (matchFn != null)
		for (var msgIdx = startMsgIndex; msgIdx < endMsgIndex; ++msgIdx)
			var msgHeader = pMsgbase.get_msg_header(true, msgIdx, true);
			// I've seen situations where the message header object is null for
			// some reason, so check that before running the search function.
			if (msgHeader != null)
				if (matchFn(pSearchString, msgHeader, pMsgbase, pSubCode))
	return msgHeaders;

// Returns whether or not a message is to the logged-in user and is not deleted.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message is to the logged-in user
//               and is not deleted.
function msgIsToLoggedInUserNum(pMsgHdr)
	if (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object")
		return false;
	return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.to_ext == user.number));

// Returns whether or not a message is from the logged-in user and is not deleted.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message is from the logged-in user
//               and is not deleted.
function msgIsFromUser(pMsgHdr)
	if (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object")
		return false;
	var isFromCurrentUser = false;
	if (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("from_ext"))
		isFromCurrentUser = (pMsgHdr.from_ext == user.number);
	return isFromCurrentUser;

// Functions for converting other BBS color codes to Synchronet attribute codes

// Converts WWIV attribute codes to Synchronet attribute codes.
// Parameters:
//  pText: A string containing the text to convert
// Return value: The text with the color codes converted
function WWIVAttrsToSyncAttrs(pText)
	// First, see if the text has any WWIV-style attribute codes at
	// all.  We'll be performing a bunch of search & replace commands,
	// so we don't want to do all that work for nothing.. :)
	if (/\x03[0-9]/.test(pText))
		var text = pText.replace(/\x030/g, "\1n");        // Normal
		text = text.replace(/\x031/g, "\1n\1c\1h");     // Bright cyan
		text = text.replace(/\x032/g, "\1n\1y\1h");     // Bright yellow
		text = text.replace(/\x033/g, "\1n\1m");         // Magenta
		text = text.replace(/\x034/g, "\1n\1h\1w\14"); // Bright white on blue
		text = text.replace(/\x035/g, "\1n\1g");         // Green
		text = text.replace(/\x036/g, "\1h\1r\1i");     // Bright red, blinking
		text = text.replace(/\x037/g, "\1n\1h\1b");     // Bright blue
		text = text.replace(/\x038/g, "\1n\1b");         // Blue
		text = text.replace(/\x039/g, "\1n\1c");         // Cyan
		return text;
		return pText; // No WWIV-style color attribute found, so just return the text.

// Converts PCBoard attribute codes to Synchronet attribute codes.
// Parameters:
//  pText: A string containing the text to convert
// Return value: The text with the color codes converted
function PCBoardAttrsToSyncAttrs(pText)
	// First, see if the text has any PCBoard-style attribute codes at
	// all.  We'll be performing a bunch of search & replace commands,
	// so we don't want to do all that work for nothing.. :)
	if (/@[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/.test(pText))
		// Black background
		var text = pText.replace(/@[xX]00/g, "\1n\1k\10"); // Black on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]01/g, "\1n\1b\10"); // Blue on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]02/g, "\1n\1g\10"); // Green on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]03/g, "\1n\1c\10"); // Cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]04/g, "\1n\1r\10"); // Red on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]05/g, "\1n\1m\10"); // Magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]06/g, "\1n\1y\10"); // Yellow/brown on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]07/g, "\1n\1w\10"); // White on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]08/g, "\1n\1w\10"); // White on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]09/g, "\1n\1w\10"); // White on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]08/g, "\1h\1k\10"); // Bright black on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]09/g, "\1h\1b\10"); // Bright blue on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]0[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\10"); // Bright green on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]0[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\10"); // Bright cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]0[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\10"); // Bright red on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]0[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\10"); // Bright magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]0[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\10"); // Bright yellow on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]0[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\10"); // Bright white on black
		// Blinking foreground

		// Blue background
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]10/g, "\1n\1k\14"); // Black on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]11/g, "\1n\1b\14"); // Blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]12/g, "\1n\1g\14"); // Green on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]13/g, "\1n\1c\14"); // Cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]14/g, "\1n\1r\14"); // Red on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]15/g, "\1n\1m\14"); // Magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]16/g, "\1n\1y\14"); // Yellow/brown on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]17/g, "\1n\1w\14"); // White on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]18/g, "\1h\1k\14"); // Bright black on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]19/g, "\1h\1b\14"); // Bright blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]1[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\14"); // Bright green on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]1[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\14"); // Bright cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]1[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\14"); // Bright red on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]1[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\14"); // Bright magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]1[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\14"); // Bright yellow on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]1[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\14"); // Bright white on blue

		// Green background
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]20/g, "\1n\1k\12"); // Black on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]21/g, "\1n\1b\12"); // Blue on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]22/g, "\1n\1g\12"); // Green on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]23/g, "\1n\1c\12"); // Cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]24/g, "\1n\1r\12"); // Red on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]25/g, "\1n\1m\12"); // Magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]26/g, "\1n\1y\12"); // Yellow/brown on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]27/g, "\1n\1w\12"); // White on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]28/g, "\1h\1k\12"); // Bright black on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]29/g, "\1h\1b\12"); // Bright blue on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]2[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\12"); // Bright green on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]2[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\12"); // Bright cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]2[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\12"); // Bright red on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]2[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\12"); // Bright magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]2[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\12"); // Bright yellow on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]2[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\12"); // Bright white on green

		// Cyan background
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]30/g, "\1n\1k\16"); // Black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]31/g, "\1n\1b\16"); // Blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]32/g, "\1n\1g\16"); // Green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]33/g, "\1n\1c\16"); // Cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]34/g, "\1n\1r\16"); // Red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]35/g, "\1n\1m\16"); // Magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]36/g, "\1n\1y\16"); // Yellow/brown on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]37/g, "\1n\1w\16"); // White on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]38/g, "\1h\1k\16"); // Bright black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]39/g, "\1h\1b\16"); // Bright blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]3[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\16"); // Bright green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]3[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\16"); // Bright cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]3[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\16"); // Bright red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]3[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\16"); // Bright magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]3[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\16"); // Bright yellow on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]3[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\16"); // Bright white on cyan

		// Red background
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]40/g, "\1n\1k\11"); // Black on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]41/g, "\1n\1b\11"); // Blue on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]42/g, "\1n\1g\11"); // Green on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]43/g, "\1n\1c\11"); // Cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]44/g, "\1n\1r\11"); // Red on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]45/g, "\1n\1m\11"); // Magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]46/g, "\1n\1y\11"); // Yellow/brown on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]47/g, "\1n\1w\11"); // White on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]48/g, "\1h\1k\11"); // Bright black on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]49/g, "\1h\1b\11"); // Bright blue on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]4[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\11"); // Bright green on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]4[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\11"); // Bright cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]4[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\11"); // Bright red on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]4[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\11"); // Bright magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]4[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\11"); // Bright yellow on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]4[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\11"); // Bright white on red

		// Magenta background
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]50/g, "\1n\1k\15"); // Black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]51/g, "\1n\1b\15"); // Blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]52/g, "\1n\1g\15"); // Green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]53/g, "\1n\1c\15"); // Cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]54/g, "\1n\1r\15"); // Red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]55/g, "\1n\1m\15"); // Magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]56/g, "\1n\1y\15"); // Yellow/brown on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]57/g, "\1n\1w\15"); // White on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]58/g, "\1h\1k\15"); // Bright black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]59/g, "\1h\1b\15"); // Bright blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]5[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\15"); // Bright green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]5[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\15"); // Bright cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]5[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\15"); // Bright red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]5[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\15"); // Bright magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]5[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\15"); // Bright yellow on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]5[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\15"); // Bright white on magenta

		// Brown background
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]60/g, "\1n\1k\13"); // Black on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]61/g, "\1n\1b\13"); // Blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]62/g, "\1n\1g\13"); // Green on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]63/g, "\1n\1c\13"); // Cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]64/g, "\1n\1r\13"); // Red on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]65/g, "\1n\1m\13"); // Magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]66/g, "\1n\1y\13"); // Yellow/brown on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]67/g, "\1n\1w\13"); // White on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]68/g, "\1h\1k\13"); // Bright black on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]69/g, "\1h\1b\13"); // Bright blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]6[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\13"); // Bright breen on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]6[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\13"); // Bright cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]6[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\13"); // Bright red on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]6[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\13"); // Bright magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]6[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\13"); // Bright yellow on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]6[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\13"); // Bright white on brown

		// White background
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]70/g, "\1n\1k\17"); // Black on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]71/g, "\1n\1b\17"); // Blue on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]72/g, "\1n\1g\17"); // Green on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]73/g, "\1n\1c\17"); // Cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]74/g, "\1n\1r\17"); // Red on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]75/g, "\1n\1m\17"); // Magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]76/g, "\1n\1y\17"); // Yellow/brown on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]77/g, "\1n\1w\17"); // White on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]78/g, "\1h\1k\17"); // Bright black on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]79/g, "\1h\1b\17"); // Bright blue on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]7[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\17"); // Bright green on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]7[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\17"); // Bright cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]7[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\17"); // Bright red on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]7[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\17"); // Bright magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]7[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\17"); // Bright yellow on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]7[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\17"); // Bright white on white

		// Black background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]80/g, "\1n\1k\10\1i"); // Blinking black on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]81/g, "\1n\1b\10\1i"); // Blinking blue on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]82/g, "\1n\1g\10\1i"); // Blinking green on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]83/g, "\1n\1c\10\1i"); // Blinking cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]84/g, "\1n\1r\10\1i"); // Blinking red on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]85/g, "\1n\1m\10\1i"); // Blinking magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]86/g, "\1n\1y\10\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]87/g, "\1n\1w\10\1i"); // Blinking white on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]88/g, "\1h\1k\10\1i"); // Blinking bright black on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]89/g, "\1h\1b\10\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]8[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\10\1i"); // Blinking bright green on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]8[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\10\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]8[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\10\1i"); // Blinking bright red on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]8[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\10\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]8[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\10\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on black
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]8[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\10\1i"); // Blinking bright white on black

		// Blue background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]90/g, "\1n\1k\14\1i"); // Blinking black on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]91/g, "\1n\1b\14\1i"); // Blinking blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]92/g, "\1n\1g\14\1i"); // Blinking green on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]93/g, "\1n\1c\14\1i"); // Blinking cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]94/g, "\1n\1r\14\1i"); // Blinking red on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]95/g, "\1n\1m\14\1i"); // Blinking magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]96/g, "\1n\1y\14\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]97/g, "\1n\1w\14\1i"); // Blinking white on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]98/g, "\1h\1k\14\1i"); // Blinking bright black on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]99/g, "\1h\1b\14\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]9[Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\14\1i"); // Blinking bright green on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]9[Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\14\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]9[Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\14\1i"); // Blinking bright red on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]9[Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\14\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]9[Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\14\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on blue
		text = text.replace(/@[xX]9[Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\14\1i"); // Blinking bright white on blue

		// Green background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]0/g, "\1n\1k\12\1i"); // Blinking black on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]1/g, "\1n\1b\12\1i"); // Blinking blue on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]2/g, "\1n\1g\12\1i"); // Blinking green on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]3/g, "\1n\1c\12\1i"); // Blinking cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]4/g, "\1n\1r\12\1i"); // Blinking red on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]5/g, "\1n\1m\12\1i"); // Blinking magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]6/g, "\1n\1y\12\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]7/g, "\1n\1w\12\1i"); // Blinking white on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]8/g, "\1h\1k\12\1i"); // Blinking bright black on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa]9/g, "\1h\1b\12\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa][Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\12\1i"); // Blinking bright green on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa][Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\12\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa][Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\12\1i"); // Blinking bright red on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa][Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\12\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa][Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\12\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on green
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Aa][Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\12\1i"); // Blinking bright white on green

		// Cyan background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]0/g, "\1n\1k\16\1i"); // Blinking black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]1/g, "\1n\1b\16\1i"); // Blinking blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]2/g, "\1n\1g\16\1i"); // Blinking green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]3/g, "\1n\1c\16\1i"); // Blinking cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]4/g, "\1n\1r\16\1i"); // Blinking red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]5/g, "\1n\1m\16\1i"); // Blinking magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]6/g, "\1n\1y\16\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]7/g, "\1n\1w\16\1i"); // Blinking white on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]8/g, "\1h\1k\16\1i"); // Blinking bright black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb]9/g, "\1h\1b\16\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb][Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\16\1i"); // Blinking bright green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb][Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\16\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb][Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\16\1i"); // Blinking bright red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb][Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\16\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb][Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\16\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Bb][Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\16\1i"); // Blinking bright white on cyan

		// Red background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]0/g, "\1n\1k\11\1i"); // Blinking black on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]1/g, "\1n\1b\11\1i"); // Blinking blue on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]2/g, "\1n\1g\11\1i"); // Blinking green on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]3/g, "\1n\1c\11\1i"); // Blinking cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]4/g, "\1n\1r\11\1i"); // Blinking red on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]5/g, "\1n\1m\11\1i"); // Blinking magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]6/g, "\1n\1y\11\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]7/g, "\1n\1w\11\1i"); // Blinking white on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]8/g, "\1h\1k\11\1i"); // Blinking bright black on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc]9/g, "\1h\1b\11\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc][Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\11\1i"); // Blinking bright green on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc][Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\11\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc][Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\11\1i"); // Blinking bright red on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc][Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\11\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc][Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\11\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on red
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Cc][Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\11\1i"); // Blinking bright white on red1

		// Magenta background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]0/g, "\1n\1k\15\1i"); // Blinking black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]1/g, "\1n\1b\15\1i"); // Blinking blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]2/g, "\1n\1g\15\1i"); // Blinking green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]3/g, "\1n\1c\15\1i"); // Blinking cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]4/g, "\1n\1r\15\1i"); // Blinking red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]5/g, "\1n\1m\15\1i"); // Blinking magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]6/g, "\1n\1y\15\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]7/g, "\1n\1w\15\1i"); // Blinking white on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]8/g, "\1h\1k\15\1i"); // Blinking bright black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd]9/g, "\1h\1b\15\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd][Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\15\1i"); // Blinking bright green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd][Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\15\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd][Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\15\1i"); // Blinking bright red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd][Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\15\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd][Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\15\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Dd][Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\15\1i"); // Blinking bright white on magenta

		// Brown background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]0/g, "\1n\1k\13\1i"); // Blinking black on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]1/g, "\1n\1b\13\1i"); // Blinking blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]2/g, "\1n\1g\13\1i"); // Blinking green on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]3/g, "\1n\1c\13\1i"); // Blinking cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]4/g, "\1n\1r\13\1i"); // Blinking red on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]5/g, "\1n\1m\13\1i"); // Blinking magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]6/g, "\1n\1y\13\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]7/g, "\1n\1w\13\1i"); // Blinking white on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]8/g, "\1h\1k\13\1i"); // Blinking bright black on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee]9/g, "\1h\1b\13\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee][Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\13\1i"); // Blinking bright green on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee][Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\13\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee][Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\13\1i"); // Blinking bright red on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee][Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\13\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee][Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\13\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ee][Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\13\1i"); // Blinking bright white on brown

		// White background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]0/g, "\1n\1k\17\1i"); // Blinking black on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]1/g, "\1n\1b\17\1i"); // Blinking blue on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]2/g, "\1n\1g\17\1i"); // Blinking green on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]3/g, "\1n\1c\17\1i"); // Blinking cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]4/g, "\1n\1r\17\1i"); // Blinking red on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]5/g, "\1n\1m\17\1i"); // Blinking magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]6/g, "\1n\1y\17\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]7/g, "\1n\1w\17\1i"); // Blinking white on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]8/g, "\1h\1k\17\1i"); // Blinking bright black on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff]9/g, "\1h\1b\17\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff][Aa]/g, "\1h\1g\17\1i"); // Blinking bright green on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff][Bb]/g, "\1h\1c\17\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff][Cc]/g, "\1h\1r\17\1i"); // Blinking bright red on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff][Dd]/g, "\1h\1m\17\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff][Ee]/g, "\1h\1y\17\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on white
		text = text.replace(/@[xX][Ff][Ff]/g, "\1h\1w\17\1i"); // Blinking bright white on white

		return text;
		return pText; // No PCBoard-style attribute codes found, so just return the text.

// Converts Wildcat attribute codes to Synchronet attribute codes.
// Parameters:
//  pText: A string containing the text to convert
// Return value: The text with the color codes converted
function wildcatAttrsToSyncAttrs(pText)
	// First, see if the text has any Wildcat-style attribute codes at
	// all.  We'll be performing a bunch of search & replace commands,
	// so we don't want to do all that work for nothing.. :)
	if (/@[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}@/.test(pText))
		// Black background
		var text = pText.replace(/@00@/g, "\1n\1k\10"); // Black on black
		text = text.replace(/@01@/g, "\1n\1b\10"); // Blue on black
		text = text.replace(/@02@/g, "\1n\1g\10"); // Green on black
		text = text.replace(/@03@/g, "\1n\1c\10"); // Cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/@04@/g, "\1n\1r\10"); // Red on black
		text = text.replace(/@05@/g, "\1n\1m\10"); // Magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/@06@/g, "\1n\1y\10"); // Yellow/brown on black
		text = text.replace(/@07@/g, "\1n\1w\10"); // White on black
		text = text.replace(/@08@/g, "\1n\1w\10"); // White on black
		text = text.replace(/@09@/g, "\1n\1w\10"); // White on black
		text = text.replace(/@08@/g, "\1h\1k\10"); // Bright black on black
		text = text.replace(/@09@/g, "\1h\1b\10"); // Bright blue on black
		text = text.replace(/@0[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\10"); // Bright green on black
		text = text.replace(/@0[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\10"); // Bright cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/@0[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\10"); // Bright red on black
		text = text.replace(/@0[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\10"); // Bright magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/@0[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\10"); // Bright yellow on black
		text = text.replace(/@0[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\10"); // Bright white on black
		// Blinking foreground

		// Blue background
		text = text.replace(/@10@/g, "\1n\1k\14"); // Black on blue
		text = text.replace(/@11@/g, "\1n\1b\14"); // Blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/@12@/g, "\1n\1g\14"); // Green on blue
		text = text.replace(/@13@/g, "\1n\1c\14"); // Cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/@14@/g, "\1n\1r\14"); // Red on blue
		text = text.replace(/@15@/g, "\1n\1m\14"); // Magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/@16@/g, "\1n\1y\14"); // Yellow/brown on blue
		text = text.replace(/@17@/g, "\1n\1w\14"); // White on blue
		text = text.replace(/@18@/g, "\1h\1k\14"); // Bright black on blue
		text = text.replace(/@19@/g, "\1h\1b\14"); // Bright blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/@1[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\14"); // Bright green on blue
		text = text.replace(/@1[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\14"); // Bright cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/@1[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\14"); // Bright red on blue
		text = text.replace(/@1[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\14"); // Bright magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/@1[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\14"); // Bright yellow on blue
		text = text.replace(/@1[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\14"); // Bright white on blue

		// Green background
		text = text.replace(/@20@/g, "\1n\1k\12"); // Black on green
		text = text.replace(/@21@/g, "\1n\1b\12"); // Blue on green
		text = text.replace(/@22@/g, "\1n\1g\12"); // Green on green
		text = text.replace(/@23@/g, "\1n\1c\12"); // Cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/@24@/g, "\1n\1r\12"); // Red on green
		text = text.replace(/@25@/g, "\1n\1m\12"); // Magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/@26@/g, "\1n\1y\12"); // Yellow/brown on green
		text = text.replace(/@27@/g, "\1n\1w\12"); // White on green
		text = text.replace(/@28@/g, "\1h\1k\12"); // Bright black on green
		text = text.replace(/@29@/g, "\1h\1b\12"); // Bright blue on green
		text = text.replace(/@2[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\12"); // Bright green on green
		text = text.replace(/@2[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\12"); // Bright cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/@2[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\12"); // Bright red on green
		text = text.replace(/@2[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\12"); // Bright magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/@2[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\12"); // Bright yellow on green
		text = text.replace(/@2[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\12"); // Bright white on green

		// Cyan background
		text = text.replace(/@30@/g, "\1n\1k\16"); // Black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@31@/g, "\1n\1b\16"); // Blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@32@/g, "\1n\1g\16"); // Green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@33@/g, "\1n\1c\16"); // Cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@34@/g, "\1n\1r\16"); // Red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@35@/g, "\1n\1m\16"); // Magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@36@/g, "\1n\1y\16"); // Yellow/brown on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@37@/g, "\1n\1w\16"); // White on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@38@/g, "\1h\1k\16"); // Bright black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@39@/g, "\1h\1b\16"); // Bright blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@3[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\16"); // Bright green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@3[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\16"); // Bright cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@3[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\16"); // Bright red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@3[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\16"); // Bright magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@3[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\16"); // Bright yellow on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@3[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\16"); // Bright white on cyan

		// Red background
		text = text.replace(/@40@/g, "\1n\1k\11"); // Black on red
		text = text.replace(/@41@/g, "\1n\1b\11"); // Blue on red
		text = text.replace(/@42@/g, "\1n\1g\11"); // Green on red
		text = text.replace(/@43@/g, "\1n\1c\11"); // Cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/@44@/g, "\1n\1r\11"); // Red on red
		text = text.replace(/@45@/g, "\1n\1m\11"); // Magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/@46@/g, "\1n\1y\11"); // Yellow/brown on red
		text = text.replace(/@47@/g, "\1n\1w\11"); // White on red
		text = text.replace(/@48@/g, "\1h\1k\11"); // Bright black on red
		text = text.replace(/@49@/g, "\1h\1b\11"); // Bright blue on red
		text = text.replace(/@4[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\11"); // Bright green on red
		text = text.replace(/@4[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\11"); // Bright cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/@4[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\11"); // Bright red on red
		text = text.replace(/@4[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\11"); // Bright magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/@4[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\11"); // Bright yellow on red
		text = text.replace(/@4[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\11"); // Bright white on red

		// Magenta background
		text = text.replace(/@50@/g, "\1n\1k\15"); // Black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@51@/g, "\1n\1b\15"); // Blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@52@/g, "\1n\1g\15"); // Green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@53@/g, "\1n\1c\15"); // Cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@54@/g, "\1n\1r\15"); // Red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@55@/g, "\1n\1m\15"); // Magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@56@/g, "\1n\1y\15"); // Yellow/brown on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@57@/g, "\1n\1w\15"); // White on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@58@/g, "\1h\1k\15"); // Bright black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@59@/g, "\1h\1b\15"); // Bright blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@5[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\15"); // Bright green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@5[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\15"); // Bright cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@5[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\15"); // Bright red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@5[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\15"); // Bright magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@5[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\15"); // Bright yellow on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@5[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\15"); // Bright white on magenta

		// Brown background
		text = text.replace(/@60@/g, "\1n\1k\13"); // Black on brown
		text = text.replace(/@61@/g, "\1n\1b\13"); // Blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/@62@/g, "\1n\1g\13"); // Green on brown
		text = text.replace(/@63@/g, "\1n\1c\13"); // Cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/@64@/g, "\1n\1r\13"); // Red on brown
		text = text.replace(/@65@/g, "\1n\1m\13"); // Magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/@66@/g, "\1n\1y\13"); // Yellow/brown on brown
		text = text.replace(/@67@/g, "\1n\1w\13"); // White on brown
		text = text.replace(/@68@/g, "\1h\1k\13"); // Bright black on brown
		text = text.replace(/@69@/g, "\1h\1b\13"); // Bright blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/@6[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\13"); // Bright breen on brown
		text = text.replace(/@6[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\13"); // Bright cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/@6[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\13"); // Bright red on brown
		text = text.replace(/@6[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\13"); // Bright magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/@6[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\13"); // Bright yellow on brown
		text = text.replace(/@6[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\13"); // Bright white on brown

		// White background
		text = text.replace(/@70@/g, "\1n\1k\17"); // Black on white
		text = text.replace(/@71@/g, "\1n\1b\17"); // Blue on white
		text = text.replace(/@72@/g, "\1n\1g\17"); // Green on white
		text = text.replace(/@73@/g, "\1n\1c\17"); // Cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/@74@/g, "\1n\1r\17"); // Red on white
		text = text.replace(/@75@/g, "\1n\1m\17"); // Magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/@76@/g, "\1n\1y\17"); // Yellow/brown on white
		text = text.replace(/@77@/g, "\1n\1w\17"); // White on white
		text = text.replace(/@78@/g, "\1h\1k\17"); // Bright black on white
		text = text.replace(/@79@/g, "\1h\1b\17"); // Bright blue on white
		text = text.replace(/@7[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\17"); // Bright green on white
		text = text.replace(/@7[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\17"); // Bright cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/@7[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\17"); // Bright red on white
		text = text.replace(/@7[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\17"); // Bright magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/@7[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\17"); // Bright yellow on white
		text = text.replace(/@7[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\17"); // Bright white on white

		// Black background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@80@/g, "\1n\1k\10\1i"); // Blinking black on black
		text = text.replace(/@81@/g, "\1n\1b\10\1i"); // Blinking blue on black
		text = text.replace(/@82@/g, "\1n\1g\10\1i"); // Blinking green on black
		text = text.replace(/@83@/g, "\1n\1c\10\1i"); // Blinking cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/@84@/g, "\1n\1r\10\1i"); // Blinking red on black
		text = text.replace(/@85@/g, "\1n\1m\10\1i"); // Blinking magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/@86@/g, "\1n\1y\10\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on black
		text = text.replace(/@87@/g, "\1n\1w\10\1i"); // Blinking white on black
		text = text.replace(/@88@/g, "\1h\1k\10\1i"); // Blinking bright black on black
		text = text.replace(/@89@/g, "\1h\1b\10\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on black
		text = text.replace(/@8[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\10\1i"); // Blinking bright green on black
		text = text.replace(/@8[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\10\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/@8[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\10\1i"); // Blinking bright red on black
		text = text.replace(/@8[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\10\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/@8[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\10\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on black
		text = text.replace(/@8[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\10\1i"); // Blinking bright white on black

		// Blue background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@90@/g, "\1n\1k\14\1i"); // Blinking black on blue
		text = text.replace(/@91@/g, "\1n\1b\14\1i"); // Blinking blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/@92@/g, "\1n\1g\14\1i"); // Blinking green on blue
		text = text.replace(/@93@/g, "\1n\1c\14\1i"); // Blinking cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/@94@/g, "\1n\1r\14\1i"); // Blinking red on blue
		text = text.replace(/@95@/g, "\1n\1m\14\1i"); // Blinking magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/@96@/g, "\1n\1y\14\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on blue
		text = text.replace(/@97@/g, "\1n\1w\14\1i"); // Blinking white on blue
		text = text.replace(/@98@/g, "\1h\1k\14\1i"); // Blinking bright black on blue
		text = text.replace(/@99@/g, "\1h\1b\14\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/@9[Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\14\1i"); // Blinking bright green on blue
		text = text.replace(/@9[Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\14\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/@9[Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\14\1i"); // Blinking bright red on blue
		text = text.replace(/@9[Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\14\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/@9[Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\14\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on blue
		text = text.replace(/@9[Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\14\1i"); // Blinking bright white on blue

		// Green background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]0@/g, "\1n\1k\12\1i"); // Blinking black on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]1@/g, "\1n\1b\12\1i"); // Blinking blue on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]2@/g, "\1n\1g\12\1i"); // Blinking green on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]3@/g, "\1n\1c\12\1i"); // Blinking cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]4@/g, "\1n\1r\12\1i"); // Blinking red on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]5@/g, "\1n\1m\12\1i"); // Blinking magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]6@/g, "\1n\1y\12\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]7@/g, "\1n\1w\12\1i"); // Blinking white on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]8@/g, "\1h\1k\12\1i"); // Blinking bright black on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa]9@/g, "\1h\1b\12\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa][Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\12\1i"); // Blinking bright green on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa][Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\12\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa][Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\12\1i"); // Blinking bright red on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa][Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\12\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa][Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\12\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on green
		text = text.replace(/@[Aa][Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\12\1i"); // Blinking bright white on green

		// Cyan background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]0@/g, "\1n\1k\16\1i"); // Blinking black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]1@/g, "\1n\1b\16\1i"); // Blinking blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]2@/g, "\1n\1g\16\1i"); // Blinking green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]3@/g, "\1n\1c\16\1i"); // Blinking cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]4@/g, "\1n\1r\16\1i"); // Blinking red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]5@/g, "\1n\1m\16\1i"); // Blinking magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]6@/g, "\1n\1y\16\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]7@/g, "\1n\1w\16\1i"); // Blinking white on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]8@/g, "\1h\1k\16\1i"); // Blinking bright black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb]9@/g, "\1h\1b\16\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb][Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\16\1i"); // Blinking bright green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb][Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\16\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb][Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\16\1i"); // Blinking bright red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb][Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\16\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb][Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\16\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on cyan
		text = text.replace(/@[Bb][Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\16\1i"); // Blinking bright white on cyan

		// Red background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]0@/g, "\1n\1k\11\1i"); // Blinking black on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]1@/g, "\1n\1b\11\1i"); // Blinking blue on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]2@/g, "\1n\1g\11\1i"); // Blinking green on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]3@/g, "\1n\1c\11\1i"); // Blinking cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]4@/g, "\1n\1r\11\1i"); // Blinking red on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]5@/g, "\1n\1m\11\1i"); // Blinking magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]6@/g, "\1n\1y\11\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]7@/g, "\1n\1w\11\1i"); // Blinking white on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]8@/g, "\1h\1k\11\1i"); // Blinking bright black on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc]9@/g, "\1h\1b\11\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc][Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\11\1i"); // Blinking bright green on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc][Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\11\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc][Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\11\1i"); // Blinking bright red on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc][Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\11\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc][Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\11\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on red
		text = text.replace(/@[Cc][Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\11\1i"); // Blinking bright white on red1

		// Magenta background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]0@/g, "\1n\1k\15\1i"); // Blinking black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]1@/g, "\1n\1b\15\1i"); // Blinking blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]2@/g, "\1n\1g\15\1i"); // Blinking green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]3@/g, "\1n\1c\15\1i"); // Blinking cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]4@/g, "\1n\1r\15\1i"); // Blinking red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]5@/g, "\1n\1m\15\1i"); // Blinking magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]6@/g, "\1n\1y\15\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]7@/g, "\1n\1w\15\1i"); // Blinking white on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]8@/g, "\1h\1k\15\1i"); // Blinking bright black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd]9@/g, "\1h\1b\15\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd][Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\15\1i"); // Blinking bright green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd][Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\15\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd][Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\15\1i"); // Blinking bright red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd][Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\15\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd][Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\15\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on magenta
		text = text.replace(/@[Dd][Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\15\1i"); // Blinking bright white on magenta

		// Brown background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]0@/g, "\1n\1k\13\1i"); // Blinking black on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]1@/g, "\1n\1b\13\1i"); // Blinking blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]2@/g, "\1n\1g\13\1i"); // Blinking green on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]3@/g, "\1n\1c\13\1i"); // Blinking cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]4@/g, "\1n\1r\13\1i"); // Blinking red on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]5@/g, "\1n\1m\13\1i"); // Blinking magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]6@/g, "\1n\1y\13\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]7@/g, "\1n\1w\13\1i"); // Blinking white on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]8@/g, "\1h\1k\13\1i"); // Blinking bright black on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee]9@/g, "\1h\1b\13\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee][Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\13\1i"); // Blinking bright green on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee][Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\13\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee][Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\13\1i"); // Blinking bright red on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee][Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\13\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee][Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\13\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on brown
		text = text.replace(/@[Ee][Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\13\1i"); // Blinking bright white on brown

		// White background, blinking foreground
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]0@/g, "\1n\1k\17\1i"); // Blinking black on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]1@/g, "\1n\1b\17\1i"); // Blinking blue on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]2@/g, "\1n\1g\17\1i"); // Blinking green on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]3@/g, "\1n\1c\17\1i"); // Blinking cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]4@/g, "\1n\1r\17\1i"); // Blinking red on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]5@/g, "\1n\1m\17\1i"); // Blinking magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]6@/g, "\1n\1y\17\1i"); // Blinking yellow/brown on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]7@/g, "\1n\1w\17\1i"); // Blinking white on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]8@/g, "\1h\1k\17\1i"); // Blinking bright black on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff]9@/g, "\1h\1b\17\1i"); // Blinking bright blue on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff][Aa]@/g, "\1h\1g\17\1i"); // Blinking bright green on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff][Bb]@/g, "\1h\1c\17\1i"); // Blinking bright cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff][Cc]@/g, "\1h\1r\17\1i"); // Blinking bright red on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff][Dd]@/g, "\1h\1m\17\1i"); // Blinking bright magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff][Ee]@/g, "\1h\1y\17\1i"); // Blinking bright yellow on white
		text = text.replace(/@[Ff][Ff]@/g, "\1h\1w\17\1i"); // Blinking bright white on white

		return text;
		return pText; // No Wildcat-style attribute codes found, so just return the text.

// Converts Celerity attribute codes to Synchronet attribute codes.
// Parameters:
//  pText: A string containing the text to convert
// Return value: The text with the color codes converted
function celerityAttrsToSyncAttrs(pText)
	// First, see if the text has any Celerity-style attribute codes at
	// all.  We'll be performing a bunch of search & replace commands,
	// so we don't want to do all that work for nothing.. :)
	if (/\|[kbgcrmywdBGCRMYWS]/.test(pText))
		// Using the \|S code (swap foreground & background)

		// Blue background
		var text = pText.replace(/\|b\|S\|k/g, "\1n\1k\14"); // Black on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|b/g, "\1n\1b\14"); // Blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|g/g, "\1n\1g\14"); // Green on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|c/g, "\1n\1c\14"); // Cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|r/g, "\1n\1r\14"); // Red on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|m/g, "\1n\1m\14"); // Magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|y/g, "\1n\1y\14"); // Yellow/brown on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|w/g, "\1n\1w\14"); // White on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|d/g, "\1h\1k\14"); // Bright black on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|B/g, "\1h\1b\14"); // Bright blue on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|G/g, "\1h\1g\14"); // Bright green on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|C/g, "\1h\1c\14"); // Bright cyan on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|R/g, "\1h\1r\14"); // Bright red on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|M/g, "\1h\1m\14"); // Bright magenta on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\14"); // Yellow on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|b\|S\|W/g, "\1h\1w\14"); // Bright white on blue

		// Green background
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|k/g, "\1n\1k\12"); // Black on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|b/g, "\1n\1b\12"); // Blue on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|g/g, "\1n\1g\12"); // Green on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|c/g, "\1n\1c\12"); // Cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|r/g, "\1n\1r\12"); // Red on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|m/g, "\1n\1m\12"); // Magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|y/g, "\1n\1y\12"); // Yellow/brown on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|w/g, "\1n\1w\12"); // White on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|d/g, "\1h\1k\12"); // Bright black on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|B/g, "\1h\1b\12"); // Bright blue on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|G/g, "\1h\1g\12"); // Bright green on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|C/g, "\1h\1c\12"); // Bright cyan on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|R/g, "\1h\1r\12"); // Bright red on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|M/g, "\1h\1m\12"); // Bright magenta on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\12"); // Yellow on green
		text = text.replace(/\|g\|S\|W/g, "\1h\1w\12"); // Bright white on green

		// Cyan background
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|k/g, "\1n\1k\16"); // Black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|b/g, "\1n\1b\16"); // Blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|g/g, "\1n\1g\16"); // Green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|c/g, "\1n\1c\16"); // Cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|r/g, "\1n\1r\16"); // Red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|m/g, "\1n\1m\16"); // Magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|y/g, "\1n\1y\16"); // Yellow/brown on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|w/g, "\1n\1w\16"); // White on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|d/g, "\1h\1k\16"); // Bright black on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|B/g, "\1h\1b\16"); // Bright blue on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|G/g, "\1h\1g\16"); // Bright green on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|C/g, "\1h\1c\16"); // Bright cyan on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|R/g, "\1h\1r\16"); // Bright red on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|M/g, "\1h\1m\16"); // Bright magenta on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\16"); // Yellow on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|c\|S\|W/g, "\1h\1w\16"); // Bright white on cyan

		// Red background
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|k/g, "\1n\1k\11"); // Black on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|b/g, "\1n\1b\11"); // Blue on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|g/g, "\1n\1g\11"); // Green on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|c/g, "\1n\1c\11"); // Cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|r/g, "\1n\1r\11"); // Red on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|m/g, "\1n\1m\11"); // Magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|y/g, "\1n\1y\11"); // Yellow/brown on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|w/g, "\1n\1w\11"); // White on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|d/g, "\1h\1k\11"); // Bright black on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|B/g, "\1h\1b\11"); // Bright blue on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|G/g, "\1h\1g\11"); // Bright green on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|C/g, "\1h\1c\11"); // Bright cyan on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|R/g, "\1h\1r\11"); // Bright red on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|M/g, "\1h\1m\11"); // Bright magenta on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\11"); // Yellow on red
		text = text.replace(/\|r\|S\|W/g, "\1h\1w\11"); // Bright white on red

		// Magenta background
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|k/g, "\1n\1k\15"); // Black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|b/g, "\1n\1b\15"); // Blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|g/g, "\1n\1g\15"); // Green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|c/g, "\1n\1c\15"); // Cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|r/g, "\1n\1r\15"); // Red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|m/g, "\1n\1m\15"); // Magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|y/g, "\1n\1y\15"); // Yellow/brown on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|w/g, "\1n\1w\15"); // White on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|d/g, "\1h\1k\15"); // Bright black on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|B/g, "\1h\1b\15"); // Bright blue on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|G/g, "\1h\1g\15"); // Bright green on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|C/g, "\1h\1c\15"); // Bright cyan on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|R/g, "\1h\1r\15"); // Bright red on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|M/g, "\1h\1m\15"); // Bright magenta on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\15"); // Yellow on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|m\|S\|W/g, "\1h\1w\15"); // Bright white on magenta

		// Brown background
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|k/g, "\1n\1k\13"); // Black on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|b/g, "\1n\1b\13"); // Blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|g/g, "\1n\1g\13"); // Green on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|c/g, "\1n\1c\13"); // Cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|r/g, "\1n\1r\13"); // Red on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|m/g, "\1n\1m\13"); // Magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|y/g, "\1n\1y\13"); // Yellow/brown on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|w/g, "\1n\1w\13"); // White on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|d/g, "\1h\1k\13"); // Bright black on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|B/g, "\1h\1b\13"); // Bright blue on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|G/g, "\1h\1g\13"); // Bright green on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|C/g, "\1h\1c\13"); // Bright cyan on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|R/g, "\1h\1r\13"); // Bright red on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|M/g, "\1h\1m\13"); // Bright magenta on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\13"); // Yellow on brown
		text = text.replace(/\|y\|S\|W/g, "\1h\1w\13"); // Bright white on brown

		// White background
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|k/g, "\1n\1k\17"); // Black on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|b/g, "\1n\1b\17"); // Blue on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|g/g, "\1n\1g\17"); // Green on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|c/g, "\1n\1c\17"); // Cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|r/g, "\1n\1r\17"); // Red on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|m/g, "\1n\1m\17"); // Magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|y/g, "\1n\1y\17"); // Yellow/brown on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|w/g, "\1n\1w\17"); // White on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|d/g, "\1h\1k\17"); // Bright black on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|B/g, "\1h\1b\17"); // Bright blue on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|G/g, "\1h\1g\17"); // Bright green on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|C/g, "\1h\1c\17"); // Bright cyan on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|R/g, "\1h\1r\17"); // Bright red on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|M/g, "\1h\1m\17"); // Bright magenta on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\17"); // Yellow on white
		text = text.replace(/\|w\|S\|W/g, "\1h\1w\17"); // Bright white on white

		// Colors on black background
		text = text.replace(/\|k/g, "\1n\1k\10");  // Black on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|k/g, "\1n\1k\10"); // Black on black
		text = text.replace(/\|b/g, "\1n\1b\10");       // Blue on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|b/g, "\1n\1b\10"); // Blue on black
		text = text.replace(/\|g/g, "\1n\1g\10");       // Green on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|g/g, "\1n\1g\10"); // Green on black
		text = text.replace(/\|c/g, "\1n\1c\10");       // Cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|c/g, "\1n\1c\10"); // Cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/\|r/g, "\1n\1r\10");       // Red on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|r/g, "\1n\1r\10"); // Red on black
		text = text.replace(/\|m/g, "\1n\1m\10");       // Magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|m/g, "\1n\1m\10"); // Magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/\|y/g, "\1n\1y\10");       // Yellow/brown on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|y/g, "\1n\1y\10"); // Yellow/brown on black
		text = text.replace(/\|w/g, "\1n\1w\10");       // White on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|w/g, "\1n\1w\10"); // White on black
		text = text.replace(/\|d/g, "\1h\1k\10");       // Bright black on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|d/g, "\1h\1k\10"); // Bright black on black
		text = text.replace(/\|B/g, "\1h\1b\10");       // Bright blue on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|B/g, "\1h\1b\10"); // Bright blue on black
		text = text.replace(/\|G/g, "\1h\1g\10");       // Bright green on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|G/g, "\1h\1g\10"); // Bright green on black
		text = text.replace(/\|C/g, "\1h\1c\10");       // Bright cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|C/g, "\1h\1c\10"); // Bright cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/\|R/g, "\1h\1r\10");       // Bright red on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|R/g, "\1h\1r\10"); // Bright red on black
		text = text.replace(/\|M/g, "\1h\1m\10");       // Bright magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|M/g, "\1h\1m\10"); // Bright magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\10");       // Yellow on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|Y/g, "\1h\1y\10"); // Yellow on black
		text = text.replace(/\|W/g, "\1h\1w\10");       // Bright white on black
		text = text.replace(/\|k\|S\|W/g, "\1h\1w\10"); // Bright white on black

		return text;
		return pText; // No Celerity-style attribute codes found, so just return the text.

// Converts Renegade attribute (color) codes to Synchronet attribute codes.
// Parameters:
//  pText: A string containing the text to convert
// Return value: The text with the color codes converted
function renegadeAttrsToSyncAttrs(pText)
	// First, see if the text has any Renegade-style attribute codes at
	// all.  We'll be performing a bunch of search & replace commands,
	// so we don't want to do all that work for nothing.. :)
	if (/\|[0-3][0-9]/.test(pText))
		var text = pText.replace(/\|00/g, "\1n\1k\10"); // Black on black
		text = text.replace(/\|01/g, "\1n\1b\10"); // Blue on black
		text = text.replace(/\|02/g, "\1n\1g\10"); // Green on black
		text = text.replace(/\|03/g, "\1n\1c\10"); // Cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/\|04/g, "\1n\1r\10"); // Red on black
		text = text.replace(/\|05/g, "\1n\1m\10"); // Magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/\|06/g, "\1n\1y\10"); // Yellow/brown on black
		text = text.replace(/\|07/g, "\1n\1w\10"); // White on black
		text = text.replace(/\|08/g, "\1n\1k\1h\10"); // Grey (bright black) on black
		text = text.replace(/\|09/g, "\1n\1b\1h\10"); // Bright blue on black
		text = text.replace(/\|10/g, "\1n\1g\1h\10"); // Bright green on black
		text = text.replace(/\|11/g, "\1n\1c\1h\10"); // Bright cyan on black
		text = text.replace(/\|12/g, "\1n\1r\1h\10"); // Bright red on black
		text = text.replace(/\|13/g, "\1n\1m\1h\10"); // Bright magenta on black
		text = text.replace(/\|14/g, "\1n\1y\1h\10"); // Bright yellow on black
		text = text.replace(/\|15/g, "\1n\1w\1h\10"); // Bright white on black
		text = text.replace(/\|16/g, "\1n\10\17"); // Black on white
		text = text.replace(/\|17/g, "\1n\1w\14"); // White on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|18/g, "\1n\17\12"); // White on green
		text = text.replace(/\|19/g, "\1n\17\16"); // White on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|20/g, "\1n\17\11"); // White on red
		text = text.replace(/\|21/g, "\1n\17\15"); // White on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|22/g, "\1n\17\13"); // White on yellow/brown
		text = text.replace(/\|23/g, "\1n\17\17"); // White on white
		text = text.replace(/\|24/g, "\1i\1w\10"); // Blinking white on black
		text = text.replace(/\|25/g, "\1i\1w\14"); // Blinking white on blue
		text = text.replace(/\|26/g, "\1i\1w\12"); // Blinking white on green
		text = text.replace(/\|27/g, "\1i\1w\16"); // Blinking white on cyan
		text = text.replace(/\|28/g, "\1i\1w\11"); // Blinking white on red
		text = text.replace(/\|29/g, "\1i\1w\15"); // Blinking white on magenta
		text = text.replace(/\|30/g, "\1i\1w\13"); // Blinking white on yellow/brown
		text = text.replace(/\|31/g, "\1i\1w\17"); // Blinking white on white
		return text;
		return pText; // No Renegade-style attribute codes found, so just return the text.

// Converts ANSI attribute codes to Synchronet attribute codes.
// Parameters:
//  pText: A string containing the text to convert
// Return value: The text with the color codes converted
function ANSIAttrsToSyncAttrs(pText)
	// TODO: Test & update this some more..  Not sure if this is working 100% right.

	// Web pages with ANSI code information:
	// http://pueblo.sourceforge.net/doc/manual/ansi_color_codes.html
	// http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php
	// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4842424/list-of-ansi-color-escape-sequences

	// First, see if the text has any ANSI attribute codes at all.  We'll be
	// performing a bunch of search & replace commands, o we don't want to do
	// all that work for nothing.. :)
	if (/\[[0-9]+[mM]/.test(pText) || /\[[0-9]+(;[0-9]+)+[mM]/.test(pText) ||
	    /\[[0-9]+[aAbBcCdD]/.test(pText) || /\[[0-9]+;[0-9]+[hHfF]/.test(pText) ||
	    /\[[sSuUkK]/.test(pText) || /\[2[jJ]/.test(pText))
		// Attributes
		var text = pText.replace(/\[0[mM]/g, "\1n"); // All attributes off
		text = text.replace(/\[1[mM]/g, "\1h"); // Bold on (use high intensity)
		text = text.replace(/\[5[mM]/g, "\1i"); // Blink on
		// Foreground colors
		text = text.replace(/\[30[mM]/g, "\1k"); // Black foreground
		text = text.replace(/\[31[mM]/g, "\1r"); // Red foreground
		text = text.replace(/\[32[mM]/g, "\1g"); // Green foreground
		text = text.replace(/\[33[mM]/g, "\1y"); // Yellow foreground
		text = text.replace(/\[34[mM]/g, "\1b"); // Blue foreground
		text = text.replace(/\[35[mM]/g, "\1m"); // Magenta foreground
		text = text.replace(/\[36[mM]/g, "\1c"); // Cyan foreground
		text = text.replace(/\[37[mM]/g, "\1w"); // White foreground
		// Background colors
		text = text.replace(/\[40[mM]/g, "\10"); // Black background
		text = text.replace(/\[41[mM]/g, "\11"); // Red background
		text = text.replace(/\[42[mM]/g, "\12"); // Green background
		text = text.replace(/\[43[mM]/g, "\13"); // Yellow background
		text = text.replace(/\[44[mM]/g, "\14"); // Blue background
		text = text.replace(/\[45[mM]/g, "\15"); // Magenta background
		text = text.replace(/\[46[mM]/g, "\16"); // Cyan background
		text = text.replace(/\[47[mM]/g, "\17"); // White background

		// Convert ;-delimited modes (such as alue;...;Valuem)
		text = ANSIMultiConvertToSyncCodes(text);

		// Remove ANSI codes that are not wanted (such as moving the cursor, etc.)
		text = text.replace(/\[[0-9]+[aA]/g, ""); // Cursor up
		text = text.replace(/\[[0-9]+[bB]/g, ""); // Cursor down
		text = text.replace(/\[[0-9]+[cC]/g, ""); // Cursor forward
		text = text.replace(/\[[0-9]+[dD]/g, ""); // Cursor backward
		text = text.replace(/\[[0-9]+;[0-9]+[hH]/g, ""); // Cursor position
		text = text.replace(/\[[0-9]+;[0-9]+[fF]/g, ""); // Cursor position
		text = text.replace(/\[[sS]/g, ""); // Restore cursor position
		text = text.replace(/\[2[jJ]/g, ""); // Erase display
		text = text.replace(/\[[kK]/g, ""); // Erase line
		text = text.replace(/\[=[0-9]+[hH]/g, ""); // Set various screen modes
		text = text.replace(/\[=[0-9]+[lL]/g, ""); // Reset various screen modes

		return text;
		return pText; // No ANSI codes found, so just return the text.

// Converts ANSI ;-delimited modes (such as alue;...;Valuem) to Synchronet
// attribute codes
// Parameters:
//  pText: The text with ANSI ;-delimited modes to convert
// Return value: The text with ANSI ;-delimited modes converted to Synchronet attributes
function ANSIMultiConvertToSyncCodes(pText)
	var multiMatches = pText.match(/\[[0-9]+(;[0-9]+)+m/g);
	if (multiMatches == null)
		return pText;
	var updatedText = pText;
	for (var i = 0; i < multiMatches.length; ++i)
		// Copy the string, with the [ removed from the beginning and the
		// trailing 'm' removed
		var text = multiMatches[i].substr(2);
		text = text.substr(0, text.length-1);
		var codes = text.split(";");
		var syncCodes = "";
		for (var idx = 0; idx < codes.length; ++idx)
			if (codes[idx] == "0") // All attributes off
				syncCodes += "\1n";
			else if (codes[idx] == "1") // Bold on (high intensity)
				syncCodes += "\1h";
			else if (codes[idx] == "5") // Blink on
				syncCodes += "\1i";
			else if (codes[idx] == "30") // Black foreground
				syncCodes += "\1k";
			else if (codes[idx] == "31") // Red foreground
				syncCodes += "\1r";
			else if (codes[idx] == "32") // Green foreground
				syncCodes += "\1g";
			else if (codes[idx] == "33") // Yellow foreground
				syncCodes += "\1y";
			else if (codes[idx] == "34") // Blue foreground
				syncCodes += "\1b";
			else if (codes[idx] == "35") // Magenta foreground
				syncCodes += "\1m";
			else if (codes[idx] == "36") // Cyan foreground
				syncCodes += "\1c";
			else if (codes[idx] == "37") // White foreground
				syncCodes += "\1w";
			else if (codes[idx] == "40") // Black background
				syncCodes += "\10";
			else if (codes[idx] == "41") // Red background
				syncCodes += "\11";
			else if (codes[idx] == "42") // Green background
				syncCodes += "\12";
			else if (codes[idx] == "43") // Yellow background
				syncCodes += "\13";
			else if (codes[idx] == "44") // Blue background
				syncCodes += "\14";
			else if (codes[idx] == "45") // Magenta background
				syncCodes += "\15";
			else if (codes[idx] == "46") // Cyan background
				syncCodes += "\16";
			else if (codes[idx] == "47") // White background
				syncCodes += "\17";
		updatedText = updatedText.replace(multiMatches[i], syncCodes);
	return updatedText;

// Returns whether a given message group index & sub-board index (or the current ones,
// based on bbs.curgrp and bbs.cursub) are for the last message sub-board on the system.
// Parameters:
//  pGrpIdx: Optional - The index of the message group.  If not specified, this will
//           default to bbs.curgrp.  If bbs.curgrp is not defined in that case,
//           then this method will return false.
//  pSubIdx: Optional - The index of the message sub-board.  If not specified, this will
//           default to bbs.cursub.  If bbs.cursub is not defined in that case,
//           then this method will return false.
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the current/given message group index & sub-board
//               index are for the last message sub-board on the system.  If there
//               are any issues with any of the values (including bbs.curgrp or
//               bbs.cursub), this method will return false.
function curMsgSubBoardIsLast(pGrpIdx, pSubIdx)
   var curGrp = 0;
   if (typeof(pGrpIdx) == "number")
      curGrp = pGrpIdx;
   else if (typeof(bbs.curgrp) == "number")
      curGrp = bbs.curgrp;
      return false;
   var curSub = 0;
   if (typeof(pSubIdx) == "number")
      curSub = pSubIdx;
   else if (typeof(bbs.cursub) == "number")
      curSub = bbs.cursub;
      return false;

   return (curGrp == msg_area.grp_list.length-1) && (curSub == msg_area.grp_list[msg_area.grp_list.length-1].sub_list.length-1);

// Parses arguments, where each argument in the given array is in the format
// -arg=val.  If the value is the string "true" or "false", then the value will
// be a boolean.  Otherwise, the value will be a string.
// Parameters:
//  pArgArr: An array of strings containing values in the format -arg=val
// Return value: An object containing the argument values.  The index will be
//               the argument names, converted to lowercase.  The values will
//               be either the string argument values or boolean values, depending
//               on the formats of the arguments passed in.
function parseArgs(pArgArr)
	var argVals = new Object();
	// Set default values for parameters that are just true/false values
	argVals.chooseareafirst = false;
	argVals.personalemail = false;
	argVals.personalemailsent = false;
	argVals.verboselogging = false;
	argVals.suppresssearchtypetext = false;

	// Sanity checking for pArgArr - Make sure it's an array
	if ((typeof(pArgArr) != "object") || (typeof(pArgArr.length) != "number"))
		return argVals;

	// Go through pArgArr looking for strings in the format -arg=val and parse them
	// into objects in the argVals array.
	var equalsIdx = 0;
	var argName = "";
	var argVal = "";
	var argValLower = ""; // For case-insensitive "true"/"false" matching
	var argValIsTrue = false;
	for (var i = 0; i < pArgArr.length; ++i)
		// We're looking for strings that start with "-", except strings that are
		// only "-".
		if ((typeof(pArgArr[i]) != "string") || (pArgArr[i].length == 0) ||
		    (pArgArr[i].charAt(0) != "-") || (pArgArr[i] == "-"))

		// Look for an = and if found, split the string on the =
		equalsIdx = pArgArr[i].indexOf("=");
		// If a = is found, then split on it and add the argument name & value
		// to the array.  Otherwise (if the = is not found), then treat the
		// argument as a boolean and set it to true (to enable an option).
		if (equalsIdx > -1)
			argName = pArgArr[i].substring(1, equalsIdx).toLowerCase();
			argVal = pArgArr[i].substr(equalsIdx+1);
			argValLower = argVal.toLowerCase();
			// If the argument value is the word "true" or "false", then add it as a
			// boolean.  Otherwise, add it as a string.
			argValIsTrue = (argValLower == "true");
			if (argValIsTrue || (argValLower == "false"))
				argVals[argName] = argValIsTrue;
				argVals[argName] = argVal;
		else // An equals sign (=) was not found.  Add as a boolean set to true to enable the option.
			argName = pArgArr[i].substr(1).toLowerCase();
			if ((argName == "chooseareafirst") || (argName == "personalemail") ||
			    (argName == "personalemailsent") || (argName == "verboselogging") ||
			    (argName == "suppresssearchtypetext"))
				argVals[argName] = true;

	// Sanity checking
	// If the arguments include personalEmail and personalEmail is enabled,
	// then check to see if a search type was specified - If so, only allow
	// keyword search and from name search.
	if (argVals.hasOwnProperty("personalemail") && argVals.personalemail)
		// If a search type is specified, only allow keyword search & from name
		// search
		if (argVals.hasOwnProperty("search"))
			var searchValLower = argVals.search.toLowerCase();
			if ((searchValLower != "keyword_search") && (searchValLower != "from_name_search"))
				delete argVals.search;

	return argVals;

// Returns a string describing all message attributes (main, auxiliary, and net).
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object.  
// Return value: A string describing all of the message attributes
function makeAllMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr)
   if ((pMsgHdr == null) || (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object"))
      return "";

   var msgAttrStr = makeMainMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr.attr);
   var auxAttrStr = makeAuxMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr.auxattr);
   if (auxAttrStr.length > 0)
      if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
         msgAttrStr += ", ";
      msgAttrStr += auxAttrStr;
   var netAttrStr = makeNetMsgAttrStr(pMsgHdr.netattr);
   if (netAttrStr.length > 0)
      if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
         msgAttrStr += ", ";
      msgAttrStr += netAttrStr;
   return msgAttrStr;

// Returns a string describing the main message attributes.  Makes use of the
// gMainMsgAttrStrs object for the main message attributes and description
// strings.
// Parameters:
//  pMainMsgAttrs: The bit field for the main message attributes
//                 (normally, the 'attr' property of a header object)
// Return value: A string describing the main message attributes
function makeMainMsgAttrStr(pMainMsgAttrs)
   var msgAttrStr = "";
   if (typeof(pMainMsgAttrs) == "number")
      for (var prop in gMainMsgAttrStrs)
         if ((pMainMsgAttrs & prop) == prop)
            if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
               msgAttrStr += ", ";
            msgAttrStr += gMainMsgAttrStrs[prop];
   return msgAttrStr;

// Returns a string describing auxiliary message attributes.  Makes use of the
// gAuxMsgAttrStrs object for the auxiliary message attributes and description
// strings.
// Parameters:
//  pMainMsgAttrs: The bit field for the auxiliary message attributes
//                 (normally, the 'auxattr' property of a header object)
// Return value: A string describing the auxiliary message attributes
function makeAuxMsgAttrStr(pMainMsgAttrs)
   var msgAttrStr = "";
   if (typeof(pMainMsgAttrs) == "number")
      for (var prop in gAuxMsgAttrStrs)
         if ((pMainMsgAttrs & prop) == prop)
            if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
               msgAttrStr += ", ";
            msgAttrStr += gAuxMsgAttrStrs[prop];
   return msgAttrStr;

// Returns a string describing network message attributes.  Makes use of the
// gNetMsgAttrStrs object for the network message attributes and description
// strings.
// Parameters:
//  pMainMsgAttrs: The bit field for the network message attributes
//                 (normally, the 'netattr' property of a header object)
// Return value: A string describing the network message attributes
function makeNetMsgAttrStr(pMainMsgAttrs)
   var msgAttrStr = "";
   if (typeof(pMainMsgAttrs) == "number")
      for (var prop in gNetMsgAttrStrs)
         if ((pMainMsgAttrs & prop) == prop)
            if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
               msgAttrStr += ", ";
            msgAttrStr += gNetMsgAttrStrs[prop];
   return msgAttrStr;

// Given a sub-board code, this function returns a sub-board's group and name.
// If the given sub-board code is "mail", then this will return "Personal mail".
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: An internal sub-board code
// Return value: A string containing the sub-board code group & name, or
//               "Personal email" if it's the personal email sub-board
function subBoardGrpAndName(pSubBoardCode)
	if (typeof(pSubBoardCode) != "string")
		return "";

	var subBoardGrpAndName = "";
	if (pSubBoardCode == "mail")
		subBoardGrpAndName = "Personal mail";
		subBoardGrpAndName = msg_area.sub[pSubBoardCode].grp_name + " - "
                         + msg_area.sub[pSubBoardCode].name;

	return subBoardGrpAndName;

// Returns whether a given string matches the current user's name, handle, or alias.
// Does a case-insensitive match.
// Parameters:
//  pStr: The string to match against the user's name/handle/alias
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the string matches the current user's name,
//               handle, or alias
function userNameHandleAliasMatch(pStr)
	if (typeof(pStr) != "string")
		return false;
	var strUpper = pStr.toUpperCase();
	return ((strUpper == user.name.toUpperCase()) || (strUpper == user.handle.toUpperCase()) || (strUpper == user.alias.toUpperCase()));

// Writes a log message to the system log (using LOG_INFO log level) and to the
// node log.  This will prepend the text "Digital Distortion Message Reader ("
// + user.alias + "): " to the log message.
// Parameters:
//  pMessage: The message to log
function writeToSysAndNodeLog(pMessage)
	if (typeof(pMessage) != "string")

	var logMessage = "Digital Distortion Message Reader (" +  user.alias + "): " + pMessage;
	log(LOG_INFO, logMessage);

// This function looks up and returns a sub-board code from the sub-board number.
// If no matching sub-board is found, this will return an empty string.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardNum: A sub-board number
// Return value: The sub-board code.  If no matching sub-board is found, an empty
//               string will be returned.
function getSubBoardCodeFromNum(pSubBoardNum)
	// Ensure we're using a numeric type for the sub-board number
	// (in case pSubBoardNum is a string rather than a number)
	var subNum = Number(pSubBoardNum);

	var subBoardCode = "";
	for (var subCode in msg_area.sub)
		if (msg_area.sub[subCode].number == subNum)
			subBoardCode = subCode;
	return subBoardCode;

// Debug helper function

// Writes some text on the screen at a given location with a given pause.
// Parameters:
//  pX: The column number on the screen at which to write the message
//  pY: The row number on the screen at which to write the message
//  pText: The text to write
//  pPauseMS: The pause time, in milliseconds
//  pClearLineAttrib: Optional - The color/attribute to clear the line with.
//                    If not specified or null is specified, defaults to normal attribute.
//  pClearLineAfter: Whether or not to clear the line again after the message is dispayed and
//                   the pause occurred.  This is optional.
function writeWithPause(pX, pY, pText, pPauseMS, pClearLineAttrib, pClearLineAfter)
   var clearLineAttrib = "\1n";
   if ((pClearLineAttrib != null) && (typeof(pClearLineAttrib) == "string"))
      clearLineAttrib = pClearLineAttrib;
   console.gotoxy(pX, pY);
	if (pPauseMS > 0)
   if (pClearLineAfter)
      console.gotoxy(pX, pY);