/* Synchronet message retrieval functions */ /* $Id$ */ // vi: tabstop=4 /**************************************************************************** * @format.tab-size 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) * * @format.use-tabs true (see http://www.synchro.net/ptsc_hdr.html) * * * * Copyright Rob Swindell - http://www.synchro.net/copyright.html * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or * * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * * * Anonymous FTP access to the most recent released source is available at * * ftp://vert.synchro.net, ftp://cvs.synchro.net and ftp://ftp.synchro.net * * * * Anonymous CVS access to the development source and modification history * * is available at cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs, example: * * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs login * * (just hit return, no password is necessary) * * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs checkout src * * * * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see * * http://www.synchro.net/source.html * * * * You are encouraged to submit any modifications (preferably in Unix diff * * format) via e-mail to mods@synchro.net * * * * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. * ****************************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Functions that do i/o with messages (posts/mail/auto) or their data */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "sbbs.h" /****************************************************************************/ /* Loads an SMB message from the open msg base the fastest way possible */ /* first by offset, and if that's the wrong message, then by number. */ /* Returns >=0 if the message was loaded and left locked, otherwise < 0. */ /* !WARNING!: If you're going to write the msg index back to disk, you must */ /* Call this function with a msg->idx.offset of 0 (so msg->offset will be */ /* initialized correctly) */ /****************************************************************************/ int sbbs_t::loadmsg(smbmsg_t *msg, ulong number) { char str[128]; int i; if(msg->idx.offset) { /* Load by offset if specified */ if((i=smb_lockmsghdr(&smb,msg)) != SMB_SUCCESS) { errormsg(WHERE,ERR_LOCK,smb.file,i,smb.last_error); return i; } i=smb_getmsghdr(&smb,msg); if(i==SMB_SUCCESS) { if(msg->hdr.number==number) return msg->total_hfields; /* Wrong offset */ smb_freemsgmem(msg); } smb_unlockmsghdr(&smb,msg); } msg->hdr.number=number; if((i=smb_getmsgidx(&smb,msg))!=SMB_SUCCESS) /* Message is deleted */ return i; if((i=smb_lockmsghdr(&smb,msg))!=SMB_SUCCESS) { errormsg(WHERE,ERR_LOCK,smb.file,i,smb.last_error); return i; } if((i=smb_getmsghdr(&smb,msg))!=SMB_SUCCESS) { SAFEPRINTF4(str,"(%06" PRIX32 ") #%" PRIu32 "/%lu %s",msg->idx.offset,msg->idx.number ,number,smb.file); smb_unlockmsghdr(&smb,msg); errormsg(WHERE,ERR_READ,str,i,smb.last_error); return i; } return msg->total_hfields; } void sbbs_t::show_msgattr(smbmsg_t* msg) { uint16_t attr = msg->hdr.attr; uint16_t poll = attr&MSG_POLL_VOTE_MASK; uint32_t auxattr = msg->hdr.auxattr; bprintf(text[MsgAttr] ,attr&MSG_PRIVATE ? "Private " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_SPAM ? "SPAM " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_READ ? "Read " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_DELETE ? "Deleted " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_KILLREAD ? "Kill " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_ANONYMOUS ? "Anonymous " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_LOCKED ? "Locked " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_PERMANENT ? "Permanent " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_MODERATED ? "Moderated " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_VALIDATED ? "Validated " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_REPLIED ? "Replied " :nulstr ,attr&MSG_NOREPLY ? "NoReply " :nulstr ,poll == MSG_POLL ? "Poll " :nulstr ,poll == MSG_POLL && auxattr&POLL_CLOSED ? "(Closed) " :nulstr ,nulstr ,nulstr ,nulstr ); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Displays a message header to the screen */ /****************************************************************************/ void sbbs_t::show_msghdr(smbmsg_t* msg) { char str[MAX_PATH+1]; char age[64]; char *sender=NULL; int i; attr(LIGHTGRAY); if(useron.misc&CLRSCRN) outchar(FF); else CRLF; SAFEPRINTF(str,"%smenu/msghdr.*", cfg.text_dir); if(fexist(str)) { menu("msghdr"); return; } bprintf(text[MsgSubj],msg->subj); if(msg->hdr.attr) show_msgattr(msg); if(msg->to && *msg->to) { bprintf(text[MsgTo],msg->to); if(msg->to_net.addr!=NULL) bprintf(text[MsgToNet],smb_netaddrstr(&msg->to_net,str)); if(msg->to_ext) bprintf(text[MsgToExt],msg->to_ext); } if(!(msg->hdr.attr&MSG_ANONYMOUS) || SYSOP) { bprintf(text[MsgFrom],msg->from); if(msg->from_ext) bprintf(text[MsgFromExt],msg->from_ext); if(msg->from_net.addr!=NULL && strchr(msg->from,'@')==NULL) bprintf(text[MsgFromNet],smb_netaddrstr(&msg->from_net,str)); } if(!(msg->hdr.attr&MSG_POLL) && (msg->upvotes || msg->downvotes)) bprintf(text[MsgVotes] ,msg->upvotes, msg->user_voted==1 ? text[PollAnswerChecked] : nulstr ,msg->downvotes, msg->user_voted==2 ? text[PollAnswerChecked] : nulstr ,msg->upvotes - msg->downvotes); bprintf(text[MsgDate] ,timestr(msg->hdr.when_written.time) ,smb_zonestr(msg->hdr.when_written.zone,NULL) ,age_of_posted_item(age, sizeof(age), msg->hdr.when_written.time - (smb_tzutc(msg->hdr.when_written.zone) * 60))); CRLF; for(i=0;i<msg->total_hfields;i++) { if(msg->hfield[i].type==SENDER) sender=(char *)msg->hfield_dat[i]; if(msg->hfield[i].type==FORWARDED && sender) bprintf(text[ForwardedFrom],sender ,timestr(*(time32_t *)msg->hfield_dat[i])); } CRLF; } /****************************************************************************/ /* Displays message header and text (if not deleted) */ /****************************************************************************/ void sbbs_t::show_msg(smbmsg_t* msg, long mode, post_t* post) { char* txt; if((msg->hdr.type == SMB_MSG_TYPE_NORMAL && post != NULL && (post->upvotes || post->downvotes)) || msg->hdr.type == SMB_MSG_TYPE_POLL) msg->user_voted = smb_voted_already(&smb, msg->hdr.number ,cfg.sub[smb.subnum]->misc&SUB_NAME ? useron.name : useron.alias, NET_NONE, NULL); show_msghdr(msg); if(msg->hdr.type == SMB_MSG_TYPE_POLL && post != NULL && smb.subnum < cfg.total_subs) { char* answer; int longest_answer = 0; int comments=0; for(int i = 0; i < msg->total_hfields; i++) if(msg->hfield[i].type == SMB_COMMENT) { bprintf("%s\r\n", (char*)msg->hfield_dat[i]); comments++; } if(comments) CRLF; for(int i = 0; i < msg->total_hfields; i++) { if(msg->hfield[i].type != SMB_POLL_ANSWER) continue; answer = (char*)msg->hfield_dat[i]; int len = strlen(answer); if(len > longest_answer) longest_answer = len; } unsigned answers = 0; for(int i = 0; i < msg->total_hfields; i++) { if(msg->hfield[i].type != SMB_POLL_ANSWER) continue; answer = (char*)msg->hfield_dat[i]; float pct = post->total_votes ? ((float)post->votes[answers] / post->total_votes)*100.0F : 0.0F; char str[128]; int width = longest_answer; if(width < cols/3) width = cols/3; else if(width > cols-20) width = cols-20; bprintf(text[PollAnswerNumber], answers+1); bool results_visible = false; if((msg->hdr.auxattr&POLL_RESULTS_MASK) == POLL_RESULTS_OPEN) results_visible = true; else if((msg->from_net.type == NET_NONE && sub_op(smb.subnum)) || smb_msg_is_from(msg, cfg.sub[smb.subnum]->misc&SUB_NAME ? useron.name : useron.alias, NET_NONE, NULL)) results_visible = true; else if((msg->hdr.auxattr&POLL_RESULTS_MASK) == POLL_RESULTS_CLOSED) results_visible = (msg->hdr.auxattr&POLL_CLOSED) ? true : false; else if((msg->hdr.auxattr&POLL_RESULTS_MASK) != POLL_RESULTS_SECRET) results_visible = msg->user_voted ? true : false; if(results_visible) { safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), text[PollAnswerFmt] ,width, width, answer, post->votes[answers], pct); backfill(str, pct, cfg.color[clr_votes_full], cfg.color[clr_votes_empty]); if(msg->user_voted&(1<<answers)) bputs(text[PollAnswerChecked]); } else { attr(cfg.color[clr_votes_empty]); bputs(answer); } CRLF; answers++; } if(!msg->user_voted && !(useron.misc&EXPERT) && !(msg->hdr.auxattr&POLL_CLOSED) && !(useron.rest&FLAG('V'))) mnemonics(text[VoteInThisPollNow]); return; } if((txt=smb_getmsgtxt(&smb, msg, 0)) != NULL) { char* p = txt; if(!(console&CON_RAW_IN)) { mode|=P_WORDWRAP; p = smb_getplaintext(msg, txt); if(p == NULL) p = txt; else bputs(text[MIMEDecodedPlainText]); } truncsp(p); SKIP_CRLF(p); putmsg(p, mode); smb_freemsgtxt(txt); if(column) CRLF; } if((txt=smb_getmsgtxt(&smb,msg,GETMSGTXT_TAIL_ONLY))!=NULL) { putmsg(txt, mode&(~P_WORDWRAP)); smb_freemsgtxt(txt); } } /****************************************************************************/ /* Writes message header and text data to a text file */ /****************************************************************************/ void sbbs_t::msgtotxt(smbmsg_t* msg, char *str, bool header, ulong mode) { char *buf; char tmp[128]; int i; FILE *out; if((out=fnopen(&i,str,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND))==NULL) { errormsg(WHERE,ERR_OPEN,str,0); return; } if(header) { fprintf(out,"\r\n"); fprintf(out,"Subj : %s\r\n",msg->subj); fprintf(out,"To : %s",msg->to); if(msg->to_net.addr) fprintf(out," (%s)",smb_netaddrstr(&msg->to_net,tmp)); if(msg->to_ext) fprintf(out," #%s",msg->to_ext); fprintf(out,"\r\nFrom : %s",msg->from); if(msg->from_ext && !(msg->hdr.attr&MSG_ANONYMOUS)) fprintf(out," #%s",msg->from_ext); if(msg->from_net.addr) fprintf(out," (%s)",smb_netaddrstr(&msg->from_net,tmp)); fprintf(out,"\r\nDate : %.24s %s" ,timestr(msg->hdr.when_written.time) ,smb_zonestr(msg->hdr.when_written.zone,NULL)); fprintf(out,"\r\n\r\n"); } buf=smb_getmsgtxt(&smb,msg,mode); if(buf!=NULL) { strip_invalid_attr(buf); fputs(buf,out); smb_freemsgtxt(buf); } else if(smb_getmsgdatlen(msg)>2) errormsg(WHERE,ERR_READ,smb.file,smb_getmsgdatlen(msg)); fclose(out); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Returns message number posted at or after time */ /****************************************************************************/ ulong sbbs_t::getmsgnum(uint subnum, time_t t) { int i; smb_t smb; idxrec_t idx; if(!t) return(0); ZERO_VAR(smb); SAFEPRINTF2(smb.file,"%s%s",cfg.sub[subnum]->data_dir,cfg.sub[subnum]->code); smb.retry_time=cfg.smb_retry_time; smb.subnum=subnum; if((i=smb_open(&smb)) != SMB_SUCCESS) { errormsg(WHERE,ERR_OPEN,smb.file,i,smb.last_error); return(0); } smb_getmsgidx_by_time(&smb, &idx, t); smb_close(&smb); return idx.number; } /****************************************************************************/ /* Returns the time of the message number pointed to by 'ptr' */ /****************************************************************************/ time_t sbbs_t::getmsgtime(uint subnum, ulong ptr) { int i; smb_t smb; smbmsg_t msg; idxrec_t lastidx; ZERO_VAR(smb); SAFEPRINTF2(smb.file,"%s%s",cfg.sub[subnum]->data_dir,cfg.sub[subnum]->code); smb.retry_time=cfg.smb_retry_time; smb.subnum=subnum; if((i=smb_open(&smb))!=0) { errormsg(WHERE,ERR_OPEN,smb.file,i,smb.last_error); return(0); } if(!filelength(fileno(smb.sid_fp))) { /* Empty base */ smb_close(&smb); return(0); } msg.offset=0; msg.hdr.number=0; if(smb_getmsgidx(&smb,&msg)) { /* Get first message index */ smb_close(&smb); return(0); } if(!ptr || msg.idx.number>=ptr) { /* ptr is before first message */ smb_close(&smb); return(msg.idx.time); /* so return time of first msg */ } if(smb_getlastidx(&smb,&lastidx)) { /* Get last message index */ smb_close(&smb); return(0); } if(lastidx.number<ptr) { /* ptr is after last message */ smb_close(&smb); return(lastidx.time); /* so return time of last msg */ } msg.idx.time=0; msg.hdr.number=ptr; if(!smb_getmsgidx(&smb,&msg)) { smb_close(&smb); return(msg.idx.time); } if(ptr-msg.idx.number < lastidx.number-ptr) { msg.offset=0; msg.idx.number=0; while(msg.idx.number<ptr) { msg.hdr.number=0; if(smb_getmsgidx(&smb,&msg) || msg.idx.number>=ptr) break; msg.offset++; } smb_close(&smb); return(msg.idx.time); } ptr--; while(ptr) { msg.hdr.number=ptr; if(!smb_getmsgidx(&smb,&msg)) break; ptr--; } smb_close(&smb); return(msg.idx.time); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Returns the total number of msgs in the sub-board and sets 'ptr' to the */ /* number of the last message in the sub (0) if no messages. */ /****************************************************************************/ ulong sbbs_t::getlastmsg(uint subnum, uint32_t *ptr, time_t *t) { int i; ulong total; smb_t smb; idxrec_t idx; if(ptr) (*ptr)=0; if(t) (*t)=0; if(subnum>=cfg.total_subs) return(0); ZERO_VAR(smb); SAFEPRINTF2(smb.file,"%s%s",cfg.sub[subnum]->data_dir,cfg.sub[subnum]->code); smb.retry_time=cfg.smb_retry_time; smb.subnum=subnum; if((i=smb_open(&smb))!=0) { errormsg(WHERE,ERR_OPEN,smb.file,i,smb.last_error); return(0); } if(!filelength(fileno(smb.sid_fp))) { /* Empty base */ smb_close(&smb); return(0); } if((i=smb_locksmbhdr(&smb))!=0) { smb_close(&smb); errormsg(WHERE,ERR_LOCK,smb.file,i,smb.last_error); return(0); } if((i=smb_getlastidx(&smb,&idx))!=0) { smb_close(&smb); errormsg(WHERE,ERR_READ,smb.file,i,smb.last_error); return(0); } total=(long)filelength(fileno(smb.sid_fp))/sizeof(idxrec_t); smb_unlocksmbhdr(&smb); smb_close(&smb); if(ptr) (*ptr)=idx.number; if(t) (*t)=idx.time; return(total); }