/* Synchronet console output routines */ /* $Id$ */ /**************************************************************************** * @format.tab-size 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) * * @format.use-tabs true (see http://www.synchro.net/ptsc_hdr.html) * * * * Copyright Rob Swindell - http://www.synchro.net/copyright.html * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or * * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * * * Anonymous FTP access to the most recent released source is available at * * ftp://vert.synchro.net, ftp://cvs.synchro.net and ftp://ftp.synchro.net * * * * Anonymous CVS access to the development source and modification history * * is available at cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs, example: * * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs login * * (just hit return, no password is necessary) * * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs checkout src * * * * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see * * http://www.synchro.net/source.html * * * * You are encouraged to submit any modifications (preferably in Unix diff * * format) via e-mail to mods@synchro.net * * * * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. * ****************************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* Functions that pertain to console i/o - color, strings, chars etc. */ /* Called from functions everywhere */ /**********************************************************************/ #include "sbbs.h" /****************************************************************************/ /* Outputs a NULL terminated string locally and remotely (if applicable) */ /* Handles ctrl-a codes, Telnet-escaping, column & line count, auto-pausing */ /****************************************************************************/ int sbbs_t::bputs(const char *str) { int i; ulong l=0; if(online==ON_LOCAL && console&CON_L_ECHO) /* script running as event */ return(lputs(LOG_INFO, str)); while(str[l] && online) { if(str[l]==CTRL_A && str[l+1]!=0) { l++; if(toupper(str[l])=='Z') /* EOF */ break; ctrl_a(str[l++]); continue; } if(str[l]=='@') { /* '@' */ if(str==mnestr /* Mnemonic string or */ || (str>=text[0] /* Straight out of TEXT.DAT */ && str<=text[TOTAL_TEXT-1])) { i=show_atcode(str+l); /* return 0 if not valid @ code */ l+=i; /* i is length of code string */ if(i) /* if valid string, go to top */ continue; } for(i=0;i<TOTAL_TEXT;i++) if(str==text[i]) break; if(i<TOTAL_TEXT) { /* Replacement text */ i=show_atcode(str+l); l+=i; if(i) continue; } } outchar(str[l++]); } return(l); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Raw put string (remotely) */ /* Performs Telnet IAC escaping */ /* Performs saveline buffering (for restoreline) */ /* DOES NOT expand ctrl-A codes, track colunms, lines, auto-pause, etc. */ /****************************************************************************/ int sbbs_t::rputs(const char *str, size_t len) { size_t l; if(console&CON_ECHO_OFF) return 0; if(len==0) len=strlen(str); for(l=0;l<len && online;l++) { if(str[l]==(char)TELNET_IAC && !(telnet_mode&TELNET_MODE_OFF)) outcom(TELNET_IAC); /* Must escape Telnet IAC char (255) */ if(outcom(str[l])!=0) break; if(lbuflen<LINE_BUFSIZE) lbuf[lbuflen++]=str[l]; } return(l); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Performs printf() using bbs bputs function */ /****************************************************************************/ int sbbs_t::bprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char sbuf[4096]; if(strchr(fmt,'%')==NULL) return(bputs(fmt)); va_start(argptr,fmt); vsnprintf(sbuf,sizeof(sbuf),fmt,argptr); sbuf[sizeof(sbuf)-1]=0; /* force termination */ va_end(argptr); return(bputs(sbuf)); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Performs printf() using bbs rputs function */ /****************************************************************************/ int sbbs_t::rprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list argptr; char sbuf[4096]; va_start(argptr,fmt); vsnprintf(sbuf,sizeof(sbuf),fmt,argptr); sbuf[sizeof(sbuf)-1]=0; /* force termination */ va_end(argptr); return(rputs(sbuf)); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Outputs destructive backspace locally and remotely (if applicable), */ /****************************************************************************/ void sbbs_t::backspace(void) { if(!(console&CON_ECHO_OFF)) { outcom('\b'); outcom(' '); outcom('\b'); if(column) column--; } } /****************************************************************************/ /* Returns true if the user (or the yet-to-be-logged-in client) supports */ /* all of the specified terminal 'cmp_flags' (e.g. ANSI, COLOR, RIP). */ /* If no flags specified, returns all terminal flag bits supported */ /****************************************************************************/ long sbbs_t::term_supports(long cmp_flags) { long flags = sys_status&SS_USERON ? useron.misc : autoterm; return(cmp_flags ? ((flags&cmp_flags)==cmp_flags) : (flags&TERM_FLAGS)); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Outputs character */ /* Performs terminal translations (e.g. EXASCII-to-ASCII, FF->ESC[2J) */ /* Performs Telnet IAC escaping */ /* Performs column counting, line counting, and auto-pausing */ /* Performs saveline buffering (for restoreline) */ /****************************************************************************/ void sbbs_t::outchar(char ch) { /* * outchar_esc values: * 0: No sequence * 1: ESC * 2: CSI * 3: Final byte * 4: APS, DCS, PM, or OSC * 5: SOS * 6: ESC inside of SOS */ if(console&CON_ECHO_OFF) return; if(ch==ESC && outchar_esc < 4) outchar_esc=1; else if(outchar_esc==1) { if(ch=='[') outchar_esc++; else if(ch=='_' || ch=='P' || ch == '^' || ch == ']') outchar_esc=4; else if(ch=='X') outchar_esc=5; else if(ch >= 0x40 && ch <= 0x5f) outchar_esc=3; else outchar_esc=0; } else if(outchar_esc==2) { if(ch>='@' && ch<='~') outchar_esc++; } else if(outchar_esc==4) { // APS, DCS, PM, or OSC if (ch == ESC) outchar_esc = 1; if (!((ch >= 0x08 && ch <= 0x0d) || (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7e))) outchar_esc = 0; } else if(outchar_esc==5) { // SOS if (ch == ESC) outchar_esc++; } else if(outchar_esc==6) { // ESC inside SOS if (ch == '\\') outchar_esc = 1; else if (ch == 'X') outchar_esc = 0; else outchar_esc = 5; } else outchar_esc=0; if(term_supports(NO_EXASCII) && ch&0x80) ch=exascii_to_ascii_char(ch); /* seven bit table */ if(ch==FF && lncntr > 0 && !tos) { lncntr=0; CRLF; if(!(sys_status&SS_PAUSEOFF)) { pause(); while(lncntr && online && !(sys_status&SS_ABORT)) pause(); } } if(online==ON_REMOTE && console&CON_R_ECHO) { if(console&CON_R_ECHOX && (uchar)ch>=' ' && !outchar_esc) { ch=text[YNQP][3]; if(text[YNQP][2]==0 || ch==0) ch='X'; } if(ch==FF && term_supports(ANSI)) { putcom("\x1b[2J\x1b[H"); /* clear screen, home cursor */ } else { if(ch==(char)TELNET_IAC && !(telnet_mode&TELNET_MODE_OFF)) outcom(TELNET_IAC); /* Must escape Telnet IAC char (255) */ outcom(ch); } } if(!outchar_esc) { if((uchar)ch>=' ') { column++; if(column >= cols) { // assume terminal has/will auto-line-wrap lncntr++; lbuflen = 0; tos = 0; lastlinelen = column; column = 0; } } else if(ch=='\r') { lastlinelen = column; column=0; } else if(ch=='\b') { if(column) column--; } else if(ch=='\t') { column++; while(column%8) column++; } } if(ch==LF) { if(lncntr || lastlinelen) lncntr++; lbuflen=0; tos=0; column=0; } else if(ch==FF) { lncntr=0; lbuflen=0; tos=1; column=0; } else { if(!lbuflen) latr=curatr; if(lbuflen<LINE_BUFSIZE) lbuf[lbuflen++]=ch; } if(outchar_esc==3) outchar_esc=0; if(lncntr==rows-1 && ((useron.misc&UPAUSE) || sys_status&SS_PAUSEON) && !(sys_status&(SS_PAUSEOFF|SS_ABORT))) { lncntr=0; pause(); } } void sbbs_t::center(char *instr) { char str[256]; int i,j; SAFECOPY(str,instr); truncsp(str); j=bstrlen(str); for(i=0;i<(cols-j)/2;i++) outchar(' '); bputs(str); CRLF; } void sbbs_t::clearline(void) { outcom(CR); column=0; cleartoeol(); } void sbbs_t::cursor_home(void) { if(term_supports(ANSI)) rputs("\x1b[H"); else outchar(FF); /* this will clear some terminals, do nothing with others */ tos=1; column=0; } void sbbs_t::cursor_up(int count) { if(count<1) return; if(!term_supports(ANSI)) return; if(count>1) rprintf("\x1b[%dA",count); else rputs("\x1b[A"); } void sbbs_t::cursor_down(int count) { if(count<1) return; if(!term_supports(ANSI)) return; if(count>1) rprintf("\x1b[%dB",count); else rputs("\x1b[B"); } void sbbs_t::cursor_right(int count) { if(count<1) return; if(term_supports(ANSI)) { if(count>1) rprintf("\x1b[%dC",count); else rputs("\x1b[C"); } else { for(int i=0;i<count;i++) outcom(' '); } column+=count; } void sbbs_t::cursor_left(int count) { if(count<1) return; if(term_supports(ANSI)) { if(count>1) rprintf("\x1b[%dD",count); else rputs("\x1b[D"); } else { for(int i=0;i<count;i++) outcom('\b'); } if(column > count) column-=count; else column=0; } void sbbs_t::cleartoeol(void) { int i,j; if(term_supports(ANSI)) rputs("\x1b[K"); else { i=j=column; while(++i<cols) outcom(' '); while(++j<cols) outcom(BS); } } void sbbs_t::cleartoeos(void) { if(term_supports(ANSI)) rputs("\x1b[J"); } /****************************************************************************/ /* performs the correct attribute modifications for the Ctrl-A code */ /****************************************************************************/ void sbbs_t::ctrl_a(char x) { char tmp1[128],atr=curatr; struct tm tm; if(x && (uchar)x<=CTRL_Z) { /* Ctrl-A through Ctrl-Z for users with MF only */ if(!(useron.flags1&FLAG(x+64))) console^=(CON_ECHO_OFF); return; } if((uchar)x>0x7f) { cursor_right((uchar)x-0x7f); return; } switch(toupper(x)) { case '!': /* level 10 or higher */ if(useron.level<10) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '@': /* level 20 or higher */ if(useron.level<20) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '#': /* level 30 or higher */ if(useron.level<30) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '$': /* level 40 or higher */ if(useron.level<40) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '%': /* level 50 or higher */ if(useron.level<50) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '^': /* level 60 or higher */ if(useron.level<60) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '&': /* level 70 or higher */ if(useron.level<70) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '*': /* level 80 or higher */ if(useron.level<80) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '(': /* level 90 or higher */ if(useron.level<90) console^=CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case ')': /* turn echo back on */ console&=~CON_ECHO_OFF; break; case '+': /* push current attribte */ if(attr_sp<(int)sizeof(attr_stack)) attr_stack[attr_sp++]=curatr; break; case '-': /* pop current attribute OR optimized "normal" */ if(attr_sp>0) attr(attr_stack[--attr_sp]); else /* turn off all attributes if */ if(atr&(HIGH|BLINK|BG_LIGHTGRAY)) /* high intensity, blink or */ attr(LIGHTGRAY); /* background bits are set */ break; case '_': /* turn off all attributes if */ if(atr&(BLINK|BG_LIGHTGRAY)) /* blink or background is set */ attr(LIGHTGRAY); break; case 'P': /* Pause */ pause(); break; case 'Q': /* Pause reset */ lncntr=0; break; case 'T': /* Time */ now=time(NULL); localtime_r(&now,&tm); if(cfg.sys_misc&SM_MILITARY) bprintf("%02u:%02u:%02u" ,tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); else bprintf("%02d:%02d %s" ,tm.tm_hour==0 ? 12 : tm.tm_hour>12 ? tm.tm_hour-12 : tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_hour>11 ? "pm":"am"); break; case 'D': /* Date */ now=time(NULL); bputs(unixtodstr(&cfg,(time32_t)now,tmp1)); break; case ',': /* Delay 1/10 sec */ mswait(100); break; case ';': /* Delay 1/2 sec */ mswait(500); break; case '.': /* Delay 2 secs */ mswait(2000); break; case 'S': /* Synchronize */ ASYNC; break; case 'J': /* clear to end-of-screen */ cleartoeos(); break; case 'L': /* CLS (form feed) */ CLS; break; case '`': /* Home cursor */ cursor_home(); break; case '>': /* CLREOL */ cleartoeol(); break; case '<': /* Non-destructive backspace */ outchar(BS); break; case '/': /* Conditional new-line */ if(column > 0) CRLF; break; case '?': /* Conditional blank-line */ if(column > 0) CRLF; if(lastlinelen) CRLF; break; case '[': /* Carriage return */ outchar(CR); break; case ']': /* Line feed */ outchar(LF); break; case 'A': /* Ctrl-A */ outchar(CTRL_A); break; case 'H': /* High intensity */ atr|=HIGH; attr(atr); break; case 'I': /* Blink */ atr|=BLINK; attr(atr); break; case 'F': /* Blink, only if alt Blink Font is loaded */ if(((atr&HIGH) && (console&CON_HBLINK_FONT)) || (!(atr&HIGH) && (console&CON_BLINK_FONT))) attr(atr|BLINK); else if(x == 'F' && !(atr&HIGH)) /* otherwise, set HIGH attribute (only if capital 'F') */ attr(atr|HIGH); break; case 'N': /* Normal */ attr(LIGHTGRAY); break; case 'R': atr=(atr&0xf8)|RED; attr(atr); break; case 'G': atr=(atr&0xf8)|GREEN; attr(atr); break; case 'B': atr=(atr&0xf8)|BLUE; attr(atr); break; case 'W': /* White */ atr=(atr&0xf8)|LIGHTGRAY; attr(atr); break; case 'C': atr=(atr&0xf8)|CYAN; attr(atr); break; case 'M': atr=(atr&0xf8)|MAGENTA; attr(atr); break; case 'Y': /* Yellow */ atr=(atr&0xf8)|BROWN; attr(atr); break; case 'K': /* Black */ atr=(atr&0xf8)|BLACK; attr(atr); break; case '0': /* Black Background */ atr=(atr&0x8f); attr(atr); break; case '1': /* Red Background */ atr=(atr&0x8f)|(uchar)BG_RED; attr(atr); break; case '2': /* Green Background */ atr=(atr&0x8f)|(uchar)BG_GREEN; attr(atr); break; case '3': /* Yellow Background */ atr=(atr&0x8f)|(uchar)BG_BROWN; attr(atr); break; case '4': /* Blue Background */ atr=(atr&0x8f)|(uchar)BG_BLUE; attr(atr); break; case '5': /* Magenta Background */ atr=(atr&0x8f)|(uchar)BG_MAGENTA; attr(atr); break; case '6': /* Cyan Background */ atr=(atr&0x8f)|(uchar)BG_CYAN; attr(atr); break; case '7': /* White Background */ atr=(atr&0x8f)|(uchar)BG_LIGHTGRAY; attr(atr); break; } } /***************************************************************************/ /* Changes local and remote text attributes accounting for monochrome */ /***************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /* Sends ansi codes to change remote ansi terminal's colors */ /* Only sends necessary codes - tracks remote terminal's current attributes */ /* through the 'curatr' variable */ /****************************************************************************/ void sbbs_t::attr(int atr) { char str[16]; if(!term_supports(ANSI)) return; rputs(ansi(atr,curatr,str)); curatr=atr; } /****************************************************************************/ /* Checks to see if user has hit Pause or Abort. Returns 1 if user aborted. */ /* If the user hit Pause, waits for a key to be hit. */ /* Emulates remote XON/XOFF flow control on local console */ /* Preserves SS_ABORT flag state, if already set. */ /* Called from various listing procedures that wish to check for abort */ /****************************************************************************/ bool sbbs_t::msgabort() { static ulong counter; if(sys_status&SS_SYSPAGE && !(++counter%100)) sbbs_beep(sbbs_random(800),1); checkline(); if(sys_status&SS_ABORT) return(true); if(!online) return(true); return(false); } int sbbs_t::backfill(const char* instr, float pct, int full_attr, int empty_attr) { int atr; int save_atr = curatr; int len; char* str = strip_ctrl(instr, NULL); len = strlen(str); if(!term_supports(ANSI)) bputs(str); else { for(int i=0; i<len; i++) { if(((float)(i+1) / len)*100.0 <= pct) atr = full_attr; else atr = empty_attr; if(curatr != atr) attr(atr); outchar(str[i]); } attr(save_atr); } free(str); return len; } void sbbs_t::progress(const char* text, int count, int total, int interval) { char str[128]; if(cfg.node_num == 0) return; // Don't output this for events if((count%interval) != 0) return; if(text == NULL) text = ""; float pct = ((float)count/total)*100.0F; SAFEPRINTF2(str, "[ %-8s %4.1f%% ]", text, pct); cursor_left(backfill(str, pct, cfg.color[clr_progress_full], cfg.color[clr_progress_empty])); }