/* ftpsrvr.c */ /* Synchronet FTP server */ /* $Id$ */ /**************************************************************************** * @format.tab-size 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) * * @format.use-tabs true (see http://www.synchro.net/ptsc_hdr.html) * * * * Copyright 2000 Rob Swindell - http://www.synchro.net/copyright.html * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or * * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html * * * * Anonymous FTP access to the most recent released source is available at * * ftp://vert.synchro.net, ftp://cvs.synchro.net and ftp://ftp.synchro.net * * * * Anonymous CVS access to the development source and modification history * * is available at cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs, example: * * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs login * * (just hit return, no password is necessary) * * cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.synchro.net:/cvsroot/sbbs checkout src * * * * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see * * http://www.synchro.net/source.html * * * * You are encouraged to submit any modifications (preferably in Unix diff * * format) via e-mail to mods@synchro.net * * * * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. * ****************************************************************************/ /* Platform-specific headers */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> /* _findfirst */ #include <share.h> /* SH_DENYNO */ #include <direct.h> /* _mkdir/_rmdir() */ #include <process.h> /* _beginthread */ #include <windows.h> /* required for mmsystem.h */ #include <mmsystem.h> /* SND_ASYNC */ #endif /* ANSI C Library headers */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* ltoa in GNU C lib */ #include <stdarg.h> /* va_list, varargs */ #include <string.h> /* strrchr */ #include <fcntl.h> /* O_WRONLY, O_RDONLY, etc. */ #include <errno.h> /* EACCES */ #include <ctype.h> /* toupper */ #include <sys/stat.h> /* S_IWRITE */ /* Synchronet-specific headers */ #include "sbbs.h" #include "ftpsrvr.h" #include "telnet.h" /* Constants */ #define FTP_VERSION "1.02" #define ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS "\\/|<>+[]:=\";,%" #define STATUS_WFC "Listening" #define BBS_VIRTUAL_PATH "bbs:/""/" /* this is actually bbs:<slash><slash> */ #define LOCAL_FSYS_DIR "local:" #define BBS_FSYS_DIR "bbs:" #define TIMEOUT_THREAD_WAIT 60 /* Seconds */ #define XFER_REPORT_INTERVAL 60 /* Seconds */ #define INDEX_FNAME_LEN 15 #define NAME_LEN 15 /* User name length for listings */ static const char *mon[]={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun" ,"Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"}; BOOL direxist(char *dir) { if(access(dir,0)==0) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } BOOL dir_op(scfg_t* cfg, user_t* user, uint dirnum) { return(user->level>=90 || user->exempt&FLAG('R') || (cfg->dir[dirnum]->op_ar[0] && chk_ar(cfg,cfg->dir[dirnum]->op_ar,user))); } static ftp_startup_t* startup=NULL; static scfg_t scfg; static SOCKET server_socket=INVALID_SOCKET; static DWORD active_clients=0; static DWORD sockets=0; static HANDLE socket_mutex=NULL; typedef struct { SOCKET socket; SOCKADDR_IN client_addr; } ftp_t; static int lprintf(char *fmt, ...) { int result; va_list argptr; char sbuf[1024]; if(startup!=NULL && startup->lputs==NULL) return(0); va_start(argptr,fmt); vsprintf(sbuf,fmt,argptr); va_end(argptr); result=startup->lputs(sbuf); return(result); } #ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_ static WSADATA WSAData; static BOOL WSAInitialized=FALSE; static BOOL winsock_startup(void) { int status; /* Status Code */ if((status = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &WSAData))==0) { lprintf("%s %s",WSAData.szDescription, WSAData.szSystemStatus); WSAInitialized=TRUE; return (TRUE); } lprintf("!WinSock startup ERROR %d", status); return (FALSE); } #else /* No WINSOCK */ #define winsock_startup() (TRUE) #endif static void status(char* str) { if(startup!=NULL && startup->status!=NULL) startup->status(str); } static void update_clients(void) { if(startup!=NULL && startup->clients!=NULL) startup->clients(active_clients); } static void client_on(SOCKET sock, client_t* client) { if(startup!=NULL && startup->client_on!=NULL) startup->client_on(TRUE,sock,client); } static void client_off(SOCKET sock) { if(startup!=NULL && startup->client_on!=NULL) startup->client_on(FALSE,sock,NULL); } static void thread_up(void) { if(startup!=NULL && startup->thread_up!=NULL) startup->thread_up(TRUE); } static void thread_down(void) { if(startup!=NULL && startup->thread_up!=NULL) startup->thread_up(FALSE); } static SOCKET open_socket(int type) { SOCKET sock; sock=socket(AF_INET, type, IPPROTO_IP); if(sock!=INVALID_SOCKET && startup!=NULL && startup->socket_open!=NULL) startup->socket_open(TRUE); if(sock!=INVALID_SOCKET) { sockets++; #ifdef _DEBUG lprintf("%04d Socket opened (%d sockets in use)",sock,sockets); #endif } return(sock); } #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma argsused #endif static int close_socket(SOCKET* sock, int line) { int result; ulong l=0; #ifndef _WIN32 #define ReleaseMutex(x) #else if((result=WaitForSingleObject(socket_mutex,5000))!=WAIT_OBJECT_0) lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d getting socket mutex from line %d" ,*sock,ERROR_VALUE,line); if(IsBadWritePtr(sock,sizeof(SOCKET))) { ReleaseMutex(socket_mutex); lprintf("!BAD socket pointer in close_socket from line %d",line); return(-1); } #endif if((*sock)==INVALID_SOCKET) { ReleaseMutex(socket_mutex); lprintf("!INVALID_SOCKET in close_socket from line %d",line); return(-1); } ioctlsocket(*sock, FIONBIO, &l); /* Insure that we close successfully */ result=closesocket(*sock); if(/* result==0 && */ startup!=NULL && startup->socket_open!=NULL) startup->socket_open(FALSE); sockets--; if(result!=0) lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d closing socket from line %d",*sock,ERROR_VALUE,line); else { #ifdef _DEBUG lprintf("%04d Socket closed (%d sockets in use) from line %d",*sock,sockets,line); #endif } *sock=INVALID_SOCKET; ReleaseMutex(socket_mutex); return(result); } static int sockprintf(SOCKET sock, char *fmt, ...) { int len; int result; va_list argptr; char sbuf[1024]; va_start(argptr,fmt); len=vsprintf(sbuf,fmt,argptr); if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_TX) lprintf("%04d TX: %s", sock, sbuf); strcat(sbuf,"\r\n"); len+=2; va_end(argptr); while((result=send(sock,sbuf,len,0))!=len) { if(result==SOCKET_ERROR) { if(ERROR_VALUE==EWOULDBLOCK) { mswait(1); continue; } if(ERROR_VALUE==ECONNRESET) lprintf("%04d Connection reset by peer on send",sock); else lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d sending",sock,ERROR_VALUE); return(0); } lprintf("%04d !ERROR: short send: %d instead of %d",sock,result,len); } return(len); } /************************************************/ /* Truncates white-space chars off end of 'str' */ /************************************************/ void truncsp(char *str) { uint c; c=strlen(str); while(c && (uchar)str[c-1]<=' ') c--; str[c]=0; } int nopen(char *str, int access) { int file,share,count=0; if(access&O_DENYNONE) { share=SH_DENYNO; access&=~O_DENYNONE; } else if(access==O_RDONLY) share=SH_DENYWR; else share=SH_DENYRW; while(((file=sopen(str,O_BINARY|access,share))==-1) && errno==EACCES && count++<LOOP_NOPEN) if(count>10) mswait(55); return(file); } time_t gettimeleft(scfg_t* cfg, user_t* user, time_t starttime) { time_t now; long tleft; time_t timeleft; now=time(NULL); if(user->exempt&FLAG('T')) { /* Time online exemption */ timeleft=cfg->level_timepercall[user->level]*60; if(timeleft<10) /* never get below 10 for exempt users */ timeleft=10; } else { tleft=(((long)cfg->level_timeperday[user->level]-user->ttoday) +user->textra)*60L; if(tleft<0) tleft=0; if(tleft>cfg->level_timepercall[user->level]*60) tleft=cfg->level_timepercall[user->level]*60; tleft+=user->min*60L; tleft-=now-starttime; if(tleft>0x7fffL) timeleft=0x7fff; else timeleft=tleft; } return(timeleft); } static time_t checktime(void) { struct tm tm; memset(&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_year=94; tm.tm_mday=1; return(mktime(&tm)^0x2D24BD00L); } BOOL upload_stats(ulong bytes) { char str[MAX_PATH]; int file; ulong val; sprintf(str,"%sDSTS.DAB",scfg.ctrl_dir); if((file=nopen(str,O_RDWR))==-1) return(FALSE); lseek(file,20L,SEEK_SET); /* Skip timestamp, logons and logons today */ read(file,&val,4); /* Uploads today */ val++; lseek(file,-4L,SEEK_CUR); write(file,&val,4); read(file,&val,4); /* Upload bytes today */ val+=bytes; lseek(file,-4L,SEEK_CUR); write(file,&val,4); close(file); return(TRUE); } BOOL download_stats(ulong bytes) { char str[MAX_PATH]; int file; ulong val; sprintf(str,"%sDSTS.DAB",scfg.ctrl_dir); if((file=nopen(str,O_RDWR))==-1) return(FALSE); lseek(file,28L,SEEK_SET); /* Skip timestamp, logons and logons today */ read(file,&val,4); /* Downloads today */ val++; lseek(file,-4L,SEEK_CUR); write(file,&val,4); read(file,&val,4); /* Download bytes today */ val+=bytes; lseek(file,-4L,SEEK_CUR); write(file,&val,4); close(file); return(TRUE); } void recverror(SOCKET socket, int rd) { if(rd==0) lprintf("%04d Socket closed by peer",socket); else if(rd==SOCKET_ERROR) { if(ERROR_VALUE==ECONNRESET) lprintf("%04d Connection reset by peer on receive",socket); else lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d receiving on socket", socket, ERROR_VALUE); } else lprintf("%04d !ERROR: recv on socket returned unexpected value: %d",socket,rd); } int sockreadline(SOCKET socket, char* buf, int len, time_t* lastactive) { char ch; int i,rd=0; while(rd<len-1) { i= recv(socket, &ch, 1, 0); if(server_socket==INVALID_SOCKET) { sockprintf(socket,"421 Server downed, aborting."); lprintf("%04d Server downed, aborting.",socket); return(0); } if(i<1) { if(ERROR_VALUE==EWOULDBLOCK) { if((time(NULL)-(*lastactive))>startup->max_inactivity) { lprintf("%04d Disconnecting due to to inactivity.",socket); sockprintf(socket,"421 Disconnecting due to inactivity (%u seconds)." ,startup->max_inactivity); return(0); } mswait(1); continue; } recverror(socket,i); return(i); } if(ch=='\n' && rd>=1) { break; } buf[rd++]=ch; } buf[rd-1]=0; return(rd); } void DLLCALL ftp_terminate(void) { if(server_socket!=INVALID_SOCKET) { lprintf("FTP Terminate: closing socket %d",server_socket); close_socket(&server_socket,__LINE__); server_socket=INVALID_SOCKET; } } typedef struct { SOCKET ctrl_sock; SOCKET* data_sock; BOOL* inprogress; BOOL* aborted; BOOL delfile; BOOL tmpfile; BOOL credits; BOOL append; long filepos; char filename[MAX_PATH]; time_t* lastactive; user_t* user; int dir; char* desc; } xfer_t; static void send_thread(void* arg) { char* p; char buf[8192]; char fname[MAX_PATH]; int i; int rd; int wr; ulong total=0; ulong dur; ulong cps; ulong length; BOOL error=FALSE; FILE* fp; file_t f; xfer_t xfer; time_t now; time_t start; time_t last_report; xfer=*(xfer_t*)arg; length=flength(xfer.filename); if((fp=fopen(xfer.filename,"rb"))==NULL) { lprintf("%04d !DATA ERROR %d opening %s",xfer.ctrl_sock,errno,xfer.filename); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"450 ERROR %d opening %s.",errno,xfer.filename); if(xfer.tmpfile) remove(xfer.filename); close_socket(xfer.data_sock,__LINE__); *xfer.inprogress=FALSE; return; } thread_up(); *xfer.inprogress=TRUE; *xfer.aborted=FALSE; if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA || xfer.filepos) lprintf("%04d DATA socket %d sending from offset %ld" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,*xfer.data_sock,xfer.filepos); fseek(fp,xfer.filepos,SEEK_SET); last_report=start=time(NULL); while(!feof(fp)) { now=time(NULL); if(total && now>=last_report+XFER_REPORT_INTERVAL) { lprintf("%04d Sent %ld bytes (%ld total) of %s (%lu cps)" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,total,length,xfer.filename ,now-start ? total/(now-start) : total*2); last_report=now; } if(*xfer.aborted==TRUE) { lprintf("%04d !DATA Transfer aborted",xfer.ctrl_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"426 Transfer aborted."); error=TRUE; break; } if(server_socket==INVALID_SOCKET) { lprintf("%04d !DATA Transfer locally aborted",xfer.ctrl_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"426 Transfer locally aborted."); error=TRUE; break; } rd=fread(buf,sizeof(char),sizeof(buf),fp); if(rd<1) { lprintf("%04d !READ ERROR (%d) on %s",xfer.ctrl_sock,errno,xfer.filename); error=TRUE; break; } wr=send(*xfer.data_sock,buf,rd,0); if(wr!=rd) { if(wr==SOCKET_ERROR) { if(ERROR_VALUE==ECONNRESET) lprintf("%04d DATA Connection reset by peer, sending on socket %d" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,*xfer.data_sock); else lprintf("%04d !DATA ERROR %d sending on data socket %d" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,ERROR_VALUE,*xfer.data_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"426 Error %d sending on DATA channel",ERROR_VALUE); error=TRUE; break; } if(wr==0) { lprintf("%04d !DATA socket %d disconnected",xfer.ctrl_sock, *xfer.data_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"426 DATA channel disconnected"); error=TRUE; break; } lprintf("%04d !DATA ERROR sent %d instead of %d on socket %d" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,wr,rd,*xfer.data_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"451 Short DATA transfer"); error=TRUE; break; } total+=wr; *xfer.lastactive=time(NULL); mswait(1); } if((i=ferror(fp))!=0) lprintf("%04d !FILE ERROR %d (%d)",xfer.ctrl_sock,i,errno); close_socket(xfer.data_sock,__LINE__); /* Signal end of file */ if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA) lprintf("%04d DATA socket closed",xfer.ctrl_sock); if(!error) { dur=time(NULL)-start; cps=dur ? total/dur : total*2; lprintf("%04d Transfer successful: %lu bytes sent in %lu seconds (%lu cps)" ,xfer.ctrl_sock ,total,dur,cps); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"226 Download complete (%lu cps).",cps); if(xfer.dir>=0) { memset(&f,0,sizeof(f)); GetShortPathName(xfer.filename,fname,sizeof(fname)); p=strrchr(fname,'\\'); if(!p) p=strrchr(fname,'/'); if(!p) p=fname; if(p!=fname) p++; padfname(p,f.name); f.dir=xfer.dir; f.size=total; if(getfileixb(&scfg,&f)==TRUE && getfiledat(&scfg,&f)==TRUE) { f.timesdled++; putfiledat(&scfg,&f); lprintf("%04d %s downloaded: %s (%lu times total)" ,xfer.ctrl_sock ,xfer.user->alias ,xfer.filename ,f.timesdled); } /* Need to update datedled in index */ } if(xfer.credits) { xfer.user->dls=(ushort)adjustuserrec(&scfg, xfer.user->number,U_DLS,5,1); xfer.user->dlb=adjustuserrec(&scfg, xfer.user->number,U_DLB,10,total); if(xfer.dir>=0 && !(scfg.dir[xfer.dir]->misc&DIR_FREE) && !(xfer.user->exempt&FLAG('D'))) subtract_cdt(&scfg, xfer.user, xfer.credits); } if(!xfer.tmpfile && !xfer.delfile) download_stats(total); } fclose(fp); *xfer.inprogress=FALSE; if(xfer.tmpfile || (!error && xfer.delfile)) remove(xfer.filename); thread_down(); } static void receive_thread(void* arg) { char buf[8192]; char fname[MAX_PATH]; char* p; int rd; int file; ulong total=0; ulong dur; ulong cps; BOOL error=FALSE; FILE* fp; file_t f; xfer_t xfer; time_t now; time_t start; time_t last_report; xfer=*(xfer_t*)arg; if((fp=fopen(xfer.filename,xfer.append ? "ab" : "wb"))==NULL) { lprintf("%04d !DATA ERROR %d opening %s",xfer.ctrl_sock,xfer.filename,errno); close_socket(xfer.data_sock,__LINE__); return; } thread_up(); *xfer.inprogress=TRUE; *xfer.aborted=FALSE; if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA) lprintf("%04d DATA socket %d receiving from offset %ld" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,*xfer.data_sock,xfer.filepos); fseek(fp,xfer.filepos,SEEK_SET); last_report=start=time(NULL); while(1) { now=time(NULL); if(total && now>=last_report+XFER_REPORT_INTERVAL) { lprintf("%04d Received %ld bytes of %s (%lu cps)" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,total,xfer.filename ,now-start? total/(now-start) : total*2); last_report=now; } if(*xfer.aborted==TRUE) { lprintf("%04d !DATA Transfer aborted",xfer.ctrl_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"426 Transfer aborted."); error=TRUE; break; } if(server_socket==INVALID_SOCKET) { lprintf("%04d !DATA Transfer locally aborted",xfer.ctrl_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"426 Transfer locally aborted."); error=TRUE; break; } rd=recv(*xfer.data_sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0); if(rd<1) { if(rd==0) { /* Socket closed */ if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA) lprintf("%04d DATA socket %d closed by client" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,*xfer.data_sock); break; } if(rd==SOCKET_ERROR) { if(ERROR_VALUE==ECONNRESET) lprintf("%04d Connection reset by peer, receiving on socket %d" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,*xfer.data_sock); else lprintf("%04d !DATA ERROR %d receiving on data socket %d" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,ERROR_VALUE,*xfer.data_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"426 Error %d receiving on DATA channel" ,ERROR_VALUE); error=TRUE; break; } lprintf("%04d !DATA ERROR recv returned %d on socket %d" ,xfer.ctrl_sock,rd,*xfer.data_sock); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"451 Unexpected socket error: %d",rd); error=TRUE; break; } fwrite(buf,1,rd,fp); total+=rd; *xfer.lastactive=time(NULL); mswait(1); } close_socket(xfer.data_sock,__LINE__); if(error && startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA) lprintf("%04d DATA socket %d closed",xfer.ctrl_sock,*xfer.data_sock); if(!error) { dur=time(NULL)-start; cps=dur ? total/dur : total*2; lprintf("%04d Transfer successful: %lu bytes received in %lu seconds (%lu cps)" ,xfer.ctrl_sock ,total,dur,cps); sockprintf(xfer.ctrl_sock,"226 Upload complete (%lu cps).",cps); if(xfer.dir>=0) { memset(&f,0,sizeof(f)); GetShortPathName(xfer.filename,fname,sizeof(fname)); p=strrchr(fname,'\\'); if(!p) p=strrchr(fname,'/'); if(!p) p=fname; if(p!=fname) p++; padfname(p,f.name); f.dir=xfer.dir; if(scfg.dir[f.dir]->misc&DIR_AONLY) /* Forced anonymous */ f.misc|=FM_ANON; f.cdt=total; f.dateuled=time(NULL); f.timesdled=0; f.datedled=0L; f.opencount=0; if(xfer.desc==NULL || *xfer.desc==0) { p=strrchr(xfer.filename,'\\'); if(!p) p=strrchr(xfer.filename,'/'); if(!p) p=xfer.filename; if(p!=xfer.filename) p++; sprintf(f.desc,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(f.desc)-1,p); /* old way strcpy(f.desc,"Received via FTP: No description given"); */ } else sprintf(f.desc,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(f.desc)-1,xfer.desc); strcpy(f.uler,xfer.user->alias); if(!addfiledat(&scfg,&f)) lprintf("%04d !ERROR adding file (%s) to database",xfer.ctrl_sock,f.name); if(scfg.dir[f.dir]->upload_sem[0]) if((file=sopen(scfg.dir[f.dir]->upload_sem,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,SH_DENYNO))!=-1) close(file); /**************************/ /* Update Uploader's Info */ /**************************/ xfer.user->uls=(short)adjustuserrec(&scfg, xfer.user->number,U_ULS,5,1); xfer.user->ulb=adjustuserrec(&scfg, xfer.user->number,U_ULB,10,total); if(scfg.dir[f.dir]->up_pct && scfg.dir[f.dir]->misc&DIR_CDTUL) { /* credit for upload */ if(scfg.dir[f.dir]->misc&DIR_CDTMIN && cps) /* Give min instead of cdt */ xfer.user->min=adjustuserrec(&scfg,xfer.user->number,U_MIN,10 ,((ulong)(total*(scfg.dir[f.dir]->up_pct/100.0))/cps)/60); else xfer.user->cdt=adjustuserrec(&scfg,xfer.user->number,U_CDT,10 ,(ulong)(f.cdt*(scfg.dir[f.dir]->up_pct/100.0))); } upload_stats(total); } } fclose(fp); *xfer.inprogress=FALSE; thread_down(); } static void filexfer(SOCKADDR_IN* addr, SOCKET ctrl_sock, SOCKET pasv_sock, SOCKET* data_sock ,char* filename, long filepos, BOOL* inprogress, BOOL* aborted ,BOOL delfile, BOOL tmpfile ,time_t* lastactive ,user_t* user ,int dir ,BOOL receiving ,BOOL credits ,BOOL append ,char* desc) { int result; int addr_len; SOCKADDR_IN server_addr; static xfer_t xfer; if((*inprogress)==TRUE) { lprintf("%04d !TRANSFER already in progress",ctrl_sock); sockprintf(ctrl_sock,"425 Transfer already in progress."); return; } *inprogress=TRUE; if(*data_sock!=INVALID_SOCKET) close_socket(data_sock,__LINE__); if(pasv_sock==INVALID_SOCKET) { /* !PASV */ if((*data_sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { lprintf("%04d !DATA ERROR %d opening socket", ctrl_sock, ERROR_VALUE); sockprintf(ctrl_sock,"425 Error %d opening socket",ERROR_VALUE); if(tmpfile) remove(filename); *inprogress=FALSE; return; } if(startup->socket_open!=NULL) startup->socket_open(TRUE); sockets++; if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA) lprintf("%04d DATA socket %d opened",ctrl_sock,*data_sock); memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(startup->interface_addr); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = htons(0); if((result=bind(*data_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr ,sizeof(server_addr)))!=0) { lprintf ("%04d !DATA ERROR %d (%d) binding socket %d" ,ctrl_sock, result, ERROR_VALUE, *data_sock); sockprintf(ctrl_sock,"425 Error %d binding socket",ERROR_VALUE); if(tmpfile) remove(filename); *inprogress=FALSE; close_socket(data_sock,__LINE__); return; } if((result=connect(*data_sock, (struct sockaddr *)addr ,sizeof(struct sockaddr)))!=0) { lprintf("%04d !DATA ERROR %d (%d) connecting to client %s port %d on socket %d" ,ctrl_sock,result,ERROR_VALUE ,inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr),ntohs(addr->sin_port),*data_sock); sockprintf(ctrl_sock,"425 Error %d connecting to socket",ERROR_VALUE); if(tmpfile) remove(filename); *inprogress=FALSE; close_socket(data_sock,__LINE__); return; } if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA) lprintf("%04d DATA socket %d connected to %s port %d" ,ctrl_sock,*data_sock,inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr),ntohs(addr->sin_port)); } else { /* PASV */ addr_len=sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); if((*data_sock=accept(pasv_sock,(struct sockaddr*)addr,&addr_len))==INVALID_SOCKET) { lprintf("%04d !PASV DATA ERROR %d accepting connection on socket %d" ,ctrl_sock,ERROR_VALUE,pasv_sock); sockprintf(ctrl_sock,"425 Error %d accepting connection",ERROR_VALUE); if(tmpfile) remove(filename); *inprogress=FALSE; return; } if(startup->socket_open!=NULL) startup->socket_open(TRUE); sockets++; if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA) lprintf("%04d PASV DATA socket %d connected to %s port %d" ,ctrl_sock,*data_sock,inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr),ntohs(addr->sin_port)); } /* Get Mutex here? */ memset(&xfer,0,sizeof(xfer)); xfer.ctrl_sock=ctrl_sock; xfer.data_sock=data_sock; xfer.inprogress=inprogress; xfer.aborted=aborted; xfer.delfile=delfile; xfer.tmpfile=tmpfile; xfer.append=append; xfer.filepos=filepos; xfer.credits=credits; xfer.lastactive=lastactive; xfer.user=user; xfer.dir=dir; xfer.desc=desc; sprintf(xfer.filename,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(xfer.filename)-1,filename); if(receiving) _beginthread(receive_thread,0,(void*)&xfer); else _beginthread(send_thread,0,(void*)&xfer); } char* dotname(char* in, char* out) { int i; for(i=0;in[i];i++) if(in[i]<=' ') out[i]='.'; else out[i]=in[i]; out[i]=0; return(out); } /* Returns the directory index of a virtual lib/dir path (e.g. main/games/filename) */ int getdir(char* p, user_t* user) { char* tp; char path[MAX_PATH]; int dir; int lib; sprintf(path,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(path)-1,p); p=path; if(*p=='/') p++; else if(!strncmp(p,"./",2)) p+=2; tp=strchr(p,'/'); if(tp) *tp=0; for(lib=0;lib<scfg.total_libs;lib++) { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.lib[lib]->ar,user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.lib[lib]->sname,p)) break; } if(lib>=scfg.total_libs) return(-1); if(tp!=NULL) p=tp+1; tp=strchr(p,'/'); if(tp) *tp=0; for(dir=0;dir<scfg.total_dirs;dir++) { if(scfg.dir[dir]->lib!=lib) continue; if(dir!=scfg.sysop_dir && dir!=scfg.upload_dir && !chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[dir]->ar,user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.dir[dir]->code,p)) break; } if(dir>=scfg.total_dirs) return(-1); return(dir); } void parsepath(char** pp, user_t* user, int* curlib, int* curdir) { char* p; char* tp; char path[MAX_PATH]; int dir=*curdir; int lib=*curlib; sprintf(path,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(path)-1,*pp); p=path; if(*p=='/') { p++; lib=-1; } else if(!strncmp(p,"./",2)) p+=2; if(!strncmp(p,"..",2)) { p+=2; if(dir>=0) dir=-1; else if(lib>=0) lib=-1; if(*p=='/') p++; } if(*p==0) { *curlib=lib; *curdir=dir; return; } if(lib<0) { tp=strchr(p,'/'); if(tp) *tp=0; for(lib=0;lib<scfg.total_libs;lib++) { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.lib[lib]->ar,user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.lib[lib]->sname,p)) break; } if(lib>=scfg.total_libs) { /* not found */ *curlib=-1; return; } *curlib=lib; if(tp==NULL) { *curdir=-1; return; } p=tp+1; } tp=strchr(p,'/'); if(tp!=NULL) { *tp=0; tp++; } else tp=p+strlen(p); for(dir=0;dir<scfg.total_dirs;dir++) { if(scfg.dir[dir]->lib!=lib) continue; if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[dir]->ar,user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.dir[dir]->code,p)) break; } if(dir>=scfg.total_dirs) /* not found */ return; *curdir=dir; *pp+=tp-path; /* skip "lib/dir/" */ } BOOL alias(char* fullalias, char* filename, user_t* user, int* curdir) { char* p; char* tp; char* fname=""; char line[512]; char alias[512]; char aliasfile[MAX_PATH]; int dir=-1; FILE* fp; BOOL result=FALSE; sprintf(aliasfile,"%sFTPALIAS.CFG",scfg.ctrl_dir); if((fp=fopen(aliasfile,"r"))==NULL) return(result); sprintf(alias,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(alias)-1,fullalias); p=strrchr(alias+1,'/'); if(p) { *p=0; fname=p+1; } while(!feof(fp)) { if(!fgets(line,sizeof(line)-1,fp)) break; p=line; /* alias */ while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p==';') /* comment */ continue; tp=p; /* terminator */ while(*tp && *tp>' ') tp++; if(*tp) *tp=0; if(stricmp(p,alias)) /* Not a match */ continue; p=tp+1; /* filename */ while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; tp=p; /* terminator */ while(*tp && *tp>' ') tp++; if(*tp) *tp=0; if(!strnicmp(p,BBS_VIRTUAL_PATH,strlen(BBS_VIRTUAL_PATH))) { if((dir=getdir(p+strlen(BBS_VIRTUAL_PATH),user))<0) { lprintf("!Invalid virtual path (%s) for %s",p,user->alias); /* invalid or no access */ continue; } p=strrchr(p,'/'); if(p!=NULL) p++; if(p!=NULL && filename!=NULL) { if(*p) sprintf(filename,"%s%s",scfg.dir[dir]->path,p); else sprintf(filename,"%s%s",scfg.dir[dir]->path,fname); } } else if(filename!=NULL) strcpy(filename,p); result=TRUE; /* success */ break; } fclose(fp); if(curdir!=NULL) *curdir=dir; return(result); } char* root_dir(char* path) { char* p; static char root[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(root,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(root)-1,path); if(!strncmp(root,"\\\\",2)) { /* network path */ p=strchr(root+2,'\\'); if(p) p=strchr(p+1,'\\'); if(p) *(p+1)=0; /* truncate at \\computer\sharename\ */ } else if(!strncmp(root+1,":/",2) || !strncmp(root+1,":\\",2)) root[3]=0; else if(*root=='/' || *root=='\\') root[1]=0; return(root); } static void ctrl_thread(void* arg) { char buf[512]; char str[128]; char* cmd; char* p; char* np; char* tp; char password[64]; char fname[MAX_PATH]; char qwkfile[MAX_PATH]; char aliasfile[MAX_PATH]; char aliasline[512]; char desc[501]=""; char sys_pass[128]; char* host_name; char host_ip[64]; char path[MAX_PATH]; char local_dir[MAX_PATH]; char ren_from[MAX_PATH]=""; WORD port; ulong ip_addr; int addr_len; DWORD h1,h2,h3,h4; u_short p1,p2; /* For PORT command */ int i; int rd; int file; int result; int lib; int dir; int curlib=-1; int curdir=-1; int orglib; int orgdir; long filepos=0L; long timeleft; ulong l; ulong avail; BOOL detail; BOOL success; BOOL getdate; BOOL getsize; BOOL delecmd; BOOL delfile; BOOL tmpfile; BOOL credits; BOOL filedat; BOOL transfer_inprogress; BOOL transfer_aborted; BOOL sysop=FALSE; BOOL local_fsys=FALSE; BOOL alias_dir; FILE* fp; FILE* alias_fp; SOCKET sock; SOCKET pasv_sock=INVALID_SOCKET; SOCKET data_sock=INVALID_SOCKET; HOSTENT* host; SOCKADDR_IN addr; SOCKADDR_IN data_addr; SOCKADDR_IN pasv_addr; ftp_t ftp=*(ftp_t*)arg; user_t user; time_t t; time_t now; time_t logintime; time_t lastactive; file_t f; node_t node; client_t client; struct tm tm; struct tm * tm_p; struct tm cur_tm; long ff_handle; struct _finddata_t ff; thread_up(); lastactive=time(NULL); sock=ftp.socket; data_addr=ftp.client_addr; /* Default data port is ctrl port-1 */ data_addr.sin_port=ntohs(data_addr.sin_port)-1; data_addr.sin_port=htons(data_addr.sin_port); lprintf("%04d CTRL thread started", sock); free(arg); #ifdef _WIN32 if(startup->answer_sound[0] && !(startup->options&FTP_OPT_MUTE)) PlaySound(startup->answer_sound, NULL, SND_ASYNC|SND_FILENAME); #endif l=1; if((i=ioctlsocket(sock, FIONBIO, &l))!=0) { lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d (%d) disabling socket blocking" ,sock, i, ERROR_VALUE); sockprintf(sock,"425 Error %d disabling socket blocking" ,ERROR_VALUE); close_socket(&sock,__LINE__); thread_down(); return; } memset(&user,0,sizeof(user)); strcpy(host_ip,inet_ntoa(ftp.client_addr.sin_addr)); lprintf ("%04d CTRL connection accepted from: %s", sock, host_ip); if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_NO_HOST_LOOKUP) host=NULL; else host=gethostbyaddr ((char *)&ftp.client_addr.sin_addr ,sizeof(ftp.client_addr.sin_addr),AF_INET); if(host!=NULL && host->h_name!=NULL) host_name=host->h_name; else host_name="<no name>"; lprintf("%04d Host name: %s", sock, host_name); if(trashcan(&scfg,host_ip,"IP")) { lprintf("!Client blocked in IP.CAN: ", host_ip); sockprintf(sock,"550 Access denied."); close_socket(&sock,__LINE__); thread_down(); return; } if(trashcan(&scfg,host_name,"HOST")) { lprintf("!Client blocked in HOST.CAN: %s", host_name); sockprintf(sock,"550 Access denied."); close_socket(&sock,__LINE__); thread_down(); return; } /* For PASV mode */ addr_len=sizeof(pasv_addr); if((result=getsockname(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&pasv_addr,&addr_len))!=0) { lprintf ("%04d !ERROR %d (%d) getting address/port", sock, result, ERROR_VALUE); sockprintf(sock,"425 Error %d getting address/port",ERROR_VALUE); close_socket(&sock,__LINE__); thread_down(); return; } active_clients++; update_clients(); /* Initialize client display */ client.size=sizeof(client); client.time=time(NULL); sprintf(client.addr,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(client.addr)-1,host_ip); sprintf(client.host,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(client.host)-1,host_name); client.port=ntohs(ftp.client_addr.sin_port); client.protocol="FTP"; client.user="<unknown>"; client_on(sock,&client); sockprintf(sock,"220-%s (%s)",scfg.sys_name, scfg.sys_inetaddr); sockprintf(sock," Synchronet FTP Server v%s Ready",FTP_VERSION); sprintf(str,"%sFTPLOGIN.TXT",scfg.text_dir); if((fp=fopen(str,"rb"))!=NULL) { while(!feof(fp)) { if(!fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp)) break; truncsp(buf); sockprintf(sock," %s",buf); } fclose(fp); } sockprintf(sock,"220 Please enter your user name."); while(1) { rd = sockreadline(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), &lastactive); if(rd<1) { if(transfer_inprogress==TRUE) transfer_aborted=TRUE; break; } lastactive=time(NULL); cmd=buf; while(((BYTE)*cmd)==TELNET_IAC) { cmd++; lprintf("%04d RX: Telnet cmd %d",sock,(BYTE)*cmd); cmd++; } while(*cmd && *cmd<' ') { lprintf("%04d RX: %d (0x%02X)",sock,(BYTE)*cmd,(BYTE)*cmd); cmd++; } if(!(*cmd)) continue; if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_RX) lprintf("%04d RX: %s", sock, cmd); if(!stricmp(cmd, "NOOP")) { sockprintf(sock,"200 NOOP command successful."); continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd, "HELP SITE") || !stricmp(cmd, "SITE HELP")) { sockprintf(sock,"214-The following SITE commands are recognized (* => unimplemented):"); sockprintf(sock," HELP WHO"); sockprintf(sock,"214 Direct comments to sysop@%s.",scfg.sys_inetaddr); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "HELP",4)) { sockprintf(sock,"214-The following commands are recognized (* => unimplemented, # => extension):"); sockprintf(sock," USER PASS CWD XCWD CDUP XCUP PWD XPWD"); sockprintf(sock," QUIT REIN PORT PASV LIST NLST NOOP HELP"); sockprintf(sock," SIZE MDTM RETR STOR REST ALLO ABOR SYST"); sockprintf(sock," TYPE STRU MODE SITE RNFR* RNTO* DELE* DESC#"); sockprintf(sock," FEAT# OPTS#"); sockprintf(sock,"214 Direct comments to sysop@%s.",scfg.sys_inetaddr); continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd, "FEAT")) { sockprintf(sock,"211-The following additional (post-RFC949) features are supported:"); sockprintf(sock," DESC"); sockprintf(sock," MDTM"); sockprintf(sock," SIZE"); sockprintf(sock," REST STREAM"); sockprintf(sock,"211 End"); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "OPTS",4)) { sockprintf(sock,"501 No options supported."); continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd, "QUIT")) { sprintf(str,"%sFTPBYE.TXT",scfg.text_dir); if((fp=fopen(str,"rb"))!=NULL) { i=0; while(!feof(fp)) { if(!fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp)) break; truncsp(buf); if(!i) sockprintf(sock,"221-%s",buf); else sockprintf(sock," %s",buf); i++; } fclose(fp); } sockprintf(sock,"221 Goodbye. Closing control connection."); break; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "USER ",5)) { sysop=FALSE; user.number=0; p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; truncsp(p); sprintf(user.alias,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(user.alias)-1,p); if(!stricmp(user.alias,"anonymous")) strcpy(user.alias,"guest"); if(!stricmp(user.alias,"guest")) sockprintf(sock,"331 User name okay, give your full e-mail address as password."); else sockprintf(sock,"331 User name okay, need password."); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "PASS ",5) && user.alias[0]) { user.number=0; p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; sprintf(password,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(password)-1,p); user.number=matchuser(&scfg,user.alias); if(!user.number) { for(i=0;user.alias[i];i++) if(user.alias[i]=='.') user.alias[i]=' '; user.number=matchuser(&scfg,user.alias); } if(!user.number) { lprintf("%04d !FTP: UNKNOWN USER: %s",sock,user.alias); sockprintf(sock,"530 Password not accepted."); continue; } if((i=getuserdat(&scfg, &user))!=0) { lprintf("%04d !FTP: ERROR %d getting data on user #%d (%s)" ,sock,i,user.number,user.alias); sockprintf(sock,"530 Database error %d",i); user.number=0; continue; } if(user.misc&(DELETED|INACTIVE)) { lprintf("%04d !FTP: DELETED or INACTIVE user #%d (%s)" ,sock,user.number,user.alias); sockprintf(sock,"530 Password not accepted."); user.number=0; continue; } if(user.rest&FLAG('T')) { lprintf("%04d !FTP: 'T' RESTRICTED user #%d (%s)" ,sock,user.number,user.alias); sockprintf(sock,"530 Password not accepted."); user.number=0; continue; } if(user.ltoday>scfg.level_callsperday[user.level] && !(user.exempt&FLAG('L'))) { lprintf("%04d !FTP: Max logons (%d) reached" ,sock,scfg.level_callsperday[user.level]); sockprintf(sock,"530 Maximum logons reached."); user.number=0; continue; } if(user.rest&FLAG('L') && user.ltoday>1) { lprintf("%04d !FTP: L Restricted user already on today" ,sock); sockprintf(sock,"530 Maximum logons reached."); user.number=0; continue; } sprintf(sys_pass,"%s:%s",user.pass,scfg.sys_pass); if(!user.pass[0]) /* Guest/Anonymous */ lprintf("%04d Guest: %s",sock,password); else if(user.level>=90 && !stricmp(password,sys_pass)) { lprintf("%04d Sysop access granted to %s", sock, user.alias); sysop=TRUE; } else if(stricmp(password,user.pass)) { lprintf("%04d !FTP: WRONG PASSWORD for user %s: '%s' expected '%s'" ,sock,user.alias,password,user.pass); sockprintf(sock,"530 Password not accepted."); user.number=0; continue; } /* Update client display */ client.user=user.alias; client_on(sock,&client); lprintf("%04d %s logged in.",sock,user.alias); logintime=time(NULL); timeleft=gettimeleft(&scfg,&user,logintime); sprintf(str,"%sFTPHELLO.TXT",scfg.text_dir); if((fp=fopen(str,"rb"))!=NULL) { i=0; while(!feof(fp)) { if(!fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp)) break; truncsp(buf); if(!i) sockprintf(sock,"230-%s",buf); else sockprintf(sock," %s",buf); i++; } fclose(fp); } if(sysop) sockprintf(sock,"230-Sysop access granted."); sockprintf(sock,"230-User logged in."); if(!(user.exempt&FLAG('D')) && (user.cdt+user.freecdt)>0) sockprintf(sock,"230-You have %lu download credits." ,user.cdt+user.freecdt); sockprintf(sock,"230 You are allowed %ld minutes of use for this session." ,timeleft/60); sprintf(qwkfile,"%sFILE/%04d.QWK",scfg.data_dir,user.number); /* Adjust User Total Logons/Logons Today */ adjustuserrec(&scfg,user.number,U_LOGONS,5,1); putuserrec(&scfg,user.number,U_LTODAY,5,itoa(user.ltoday+1,str,10)); continue; } if(!user.number) { sockprintf(sock,"530 Please login with USER and PASS."); continue; } if((timeleft=gettimeleft(&scfg,&user,logintime))<1L) { sockprintf(sock,"421 Sorry, you've run out of time."); lprintf("%04d Out of time, disconnecting",sock); break; } /********************************/ /* These commands require login */ /********************************/ if(!stricmp(cmd, "REIN")) { lprintf("%04d %s reinitialized control session",sock,user.alias); user.number=0; sysop=FALSE; filepos=0; sockprintf(sock,"220 Control session re-initialized. Ready for re-login."); continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd, "SITE WHO")) { sockprintf(sock,"211-Active users"); for(i=0;i<scfg.sys_nodes && i<scfg.sys_lastnode;i++) { if((result=getnodedat(&scfg, i+1, &node, 0))!=0) { sockprintf(sock," Error %d getting data for Telnet Node %d",result,i+1); continue; } if(node.status==NODE_INUSE) sockprintf(sock," Telnet Node %3d: %s",i+1, username(&scfg,node.useron,str)); } sockprintf(sock,"211 End"); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "PORT ",5)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; sscanf(p,"%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,%hd,%hd",&h1,&h2,&h3,&h4,&p1,&p2); data_addr.sin_addr.s_addr=htonl((h1<<24)|(h2<<16)|(h3<<8)|h4); data_addr.sin_port=htons((u_short)((p1<<8)|p2)); sockprintf(sock,"200 PORT Command successful."); continue; } if(!strcmp(cmd, "PASV")) { if(pasv_sock!=INVALID_SOCKET) close_socket(&pasv_sock,__LINE__); if((pasv_sock=open_socket(SOCK_STREAM))==INVALID_SOCKET) { lprintf("%04d !PASV ERROR %d opening socket", sock,ERROR_VALUE); sockprintf(sock,"425 Error %d opening PASV data socket", ERROR_VALUE); continue; } if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DEBUG_DATA) lprintf("%04d PASV DATA socket %d opened",sock,pasv_sock); pasv_addr.sin_port = 0; if((result=bind(pasv_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &pasv_addr,sizeof(pasv_addr)))!= 0) { lprintf("%04d !PASV ERROR %d (%d) binding socket", sock, result, ERROR_VALUE); sockprintf(sock,"425 Error %d binding data socket",ERROR_VALUE); close_socket(&pasv_sock,__LINE__); continue; } addr_len=sizeof(addr); if((result=getsockname(pasv_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr,&addr_len))!=0) { lprintf("%04d !PASV ERROR %d (%d) getting address/port", sock, result, ERROR_VALUE); sockprintf(sock,"425 Error %d getting address/port",ERROR_VALUE); close_socket(&pasv_sock,__LINE__); continue; } if((result=listen(pasv_sock, 1))!= 0) { lprintf("%04d !PASV ERROR %d (%d) listening on socket", sock, result, ERROR_VALUE); sockprintf(sock,"425 Error %d listening on data socket",ERROR_VALUE); close_socket(&pasv_sock,__LINE__); continue; } ip_addr=ntohl(pasv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr); port=ntohs(addr.sin_port); sockprintf(sock,"227 Entering Passive Mode (%d,%d,%d,%d,%hd,%hd)" ,(ip_addr>>24)&0xff ,(ip_addr>>16)&0xff ,(ip_addr>>8)&0xff ,ip_addr&0xff ,(port>>8)&0xff ,port&0xff ); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "TYPE ",5)) { sockprintf(sock,"200 All files sent in BINARY mode."); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "ALLO",4)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p) l=atol(p); else l=0; if(local_fsys) avail=getfreediskspace(local_dir); else avail=getfreediskspace(scfg.data_dir); /* Change to temp_dir? */ if(l && l>avail) sockprintf(sock,"504 Only %ld bytes available.",avail); else sockprintf(sock,"200 %ld bytes available.",avail); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "REST",4)) { p=cmd+4; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p) filepos=atol(p); else filepos=0; sockprintf(sock,"200 File marker set to %ld",filepos); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "MODE ",5)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(toupper(*p)!='S') sockprintf(sock,"504 Only STREAM mode supported."); else sockprintf(sock,"200 STREAM mode."); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "STRU ",5)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(toupper(*p)!='F') sockprintf(sock,"504 Only FILE structure supported."); else sockprintf(sock,"200 FILE structure."); continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd, "SYST")) { sockprintf(sock,"215 UNIX Type: L8"); continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd, "ABOR")) { if(!transfer_inprogress) sockprintf(sock,"226 No tranfer in progress."); else { transfer_aborted=TRUE; mswait(1); /* give send thread time to abort */ sockprintf(sock,"226 Transfer aborted."); } continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd,"SMNT ",5) && sysop && !(startup->options&FTP_OPT_NO_LOCAL_FSYS)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(!stricmp(p,BBS_FSYS_DIR)) local_fsys=FALSE; else { if(!direxist(p)) { sockprintf(sock,"550 Directory does not exist."); lprintf("%04d %s attempted to mount invalid directory: %s" ,sock, user.alias, p); continue; } local_fsys=TRUE; sprintf(local_dir,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(local_dir)-1,p); } sockprintf(sock,"250 %s file system mounted." ,local_fsys ? "Local" : "BBS"); lprintf("%04d %s mounted %s file system" ,sock, user.alias, local_fsys ? "local" : "BBS"); continue; } /****************************/ /* Local File System Access */ /****************************/ if(sysop && local_fsys && !(startup->options&FTP_OPT_NO_LOCAL_FSYS)) { if(local_dir[0] && local_dir[strlen(local_dir)-1]!='\\' && local_dir[strlen(local_dir)-1]!='/') strcat(local_dir,"/"); if(!strnicmp(cmd, "LIST", 4) || !strnicmp(cmd, "NLST", 4)) { sprintf(fname,"%sFTP%d.TX", scfg.data_dir, sock); if((fp=fopen(fname,"w+b"))==NULL) { lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d opening %s",sock,errno,fname); sockprintf(sock, "451 Insufficient system storage"); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "LIST", 4)) detail=TRUE; else detail=FALSE; p=cmd+4; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; sprintf(path,"%s%s",local_dir, *p ? p : "*.*"); lprintf("%04d %s listing: %s", sock, user.alias, path); sockprintf(sock, "150 Directory of %s%s", local_dir, p); ff_handle=_findfirst(path,&ff); while(ff_handle!=-1) { if(detail) { f.size=ff.size; tm_p=localtime(&ff.time_write); if(tm_p==NULL) memset(&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); else tm=*tm_p; fprintf(fp,"%crw-r--r-- 1 %-8s local %9ld %s %2d " ,ff.attrib&_A_SUBDIR ? 'd':'-' ,scfg.sys_id ,f.size ,mon[tm.tm_mon],tm.tm_mday); if(tm.tm_year==cur_tm.tm_year) fprintf(fp,"%02d:%02d %s\r\n" ,tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min ,ff.name); else fprintf(fp,"%5d %s\r\n" ,1900+tm.tm_year ,ff.name); } else fprintf(fp,"%s\r\n",ff.name); if(_findnext(ff_handle,&ff)!=0) { _findclose(ff_handle); ff_handle=-1; } } fclose(fp); filexfer(&data_addr,sock,pasv_sock,&data_sock,fname,0L ,&transfer_inprogress,&transfer_aborted,TRUE,TRUE ,&lastactive,&user,-1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); continue; } /* Local LIST/NLST */ if(!strnicmp(cmd, "CWD ", 4) || !strnicmp(cmd,"XCWD ",5)) { if(!strnicmp(cmd,"CWD ",4)) p=cmd+4; else p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; tp=p; if(*tp=='/' || *tp=='\\') /* /local: and /bbs: are valid */ tp++; if(!strnicmp(tp,BBS_FSYS_DIR,strlen(BBS_FSYS_DIR))) { local_fsys=FALSE; sockprintf(sock,"250 CWD command successful (BBS file system mounted)."); lprintf("%04d %s mounted BBS file system", sock, user.alias); continue; } if(!strnicmp(tp,LOCAL_FSYS_DIR,strlen(LOCAL_FSYS_DIR))) { tp+=strlen(LOCAL_FSYS_DIR); /* already mounted */ p=tp; } if(p[1]==':' || !strncmp(p,"\\\\",2)) strcpy(path,p); else if(*p=='/' || *p=='\\') sprintf(path,"%s%s",root_dir(local_dir),p); else { sprintf(fname,"%s%s",local_dir,p); _fullpath(path,fname,sizeof(path)); } if(!direxist(path)) { sockprintf(sock,"550 Directory does not exist (%s).",path); lprintf("%04d %s attempted to change to an invalid directory: %s" ,sock, user.alias, path); } else { strcpy(local_dir,path); sockprintf(sock,"250 CWD command successful (%s).", local_dir); } continue; } /* Local CWD */ if(!stricmp(cmd,"CDUP") || !stricmp(cmd,"XCUP")) { sprintf(path,"%s..",local_dir); if(_fullpath(local_dir,path,sizeof(local_dir))==NULL) sockprintf(sock,"550 Directory does not exist."); else sockprintf(sock,"200 CDUP command successful."); continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd, "PWD") || !stricmp(cmd,"XPWD")) { if(strlen(local_dir)>3) local_dir[strlen(local_dir)-1]=0; /* truncate '/' */ sockprintf(sock,"257 \"%s\" is current directory." ,local_dir); continue; } /* Local PWD */ if(!strnicmp(cmd, "MKD ", 4) || !strnicmp(cmd,"XMKD",4)) { p=cmd+4; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p=='/') /* absolute */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",root_dir(local_dir),p+1); else /* relative */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",local_dir,p); if((i=_mkdir(fname))==0) { sockprintf(sock,"257 \"%s\" directory created",fname); lprintf("%04d %s created directory: %s",sock,user.alias,fname); } else { sockprintf(sock,"521 Error %d creating directory: %s",i,fname); lprintf("%04d %s attempted to create directory: %s (Error %d)" ,sock,user.alias,fname,i); } continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "RMD ", 4) || !strnicmp(cmd,"XRMD",4)) { p=cmd+4; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p=='/') /* absolute */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",root_dir(local_dir),p+1); else /* relative */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",local_dir,p); if((i=_rmdir(fname))==0) { sockprintf(sock,"250 \"%s\" directory removed",fname); lprintf("%04d %s removed directory: %s",sock,user.alias,fname); } else { sockprintf(sock,"450 Error %d removing directory: %s",i,fname); lprintf("%04d %s attempted to remove directory: %s (Error %d)" ,sock,user.alias,fname,i); } continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "RNFR ",5)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p=='/') /* absolute */ sprintf(ren_from,"%s%s",root_dir(local_dir),p+1); else /* relative */ sprintf(ren_from,"%s%s",local_dir,p); if(!fexist(ren_from)) { sockprintf(sock,"550 File not found: %s",ren_from); lprintf("%04d %s attempted to rename %s" ,sock,user.alias,ren_from); } else sockprintf(sock,"350 File exists, ready for destination name"); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "RNTO ",5)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p=='/') /* absolute */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",root_dir(local_dir),p+1); else /* relative */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",local_dir,p); if((i=rename(ren_from, fname))==0) { sockprintf(sock,"250 \"%s\" renamed to \"%s\"",ren_from,fname); lprintf("%04d %s renamed %s to %s",sock,user.alias,ren_from,fname); } else { sockprintf(sock,"450 Error %d renaming file: %s",i,ren_from); lprintf("%04d %s attempted to rename file: %s (Error %d)" ,sock,user.alias,ren_from,i); } continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "RETR ", 5) || !strnicmp(cmd,"SIZE ",5) || !strnicmp(cmd, "MDTM ",5) || !strnicmp(cmd, "DELE ",5)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(!strnicmp(p,LOCAL_FSYS_DIR,strlen(LOCAL_FSYS_DIR))) p+=strlen(LOCAL_FSYS_DIR); /* already mounted */ if(p[1]==':') /* drive specified */ strcpy(fname,p); else if(*p=='/') /* absolute, current drive */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",root_dir(local_dir),p+1); else /* relative */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",local_dir,p); if(!fexist(fname)) { lprintf("%04d %s file not found: %s",sock,user.alias,fname); sockprintf(sock,"550 File not found: %s",fname); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd,"SIZE ",5)) { sockprintf(sock,"213 %lu",flength(fname)); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd,"MDTM ",5)) { t=fdate(fname); tm_p=gmtime(&t); if(tm_p==NULL) memset(&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); else tm=*tm_p; sockprintf(sock,"213 %u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u" ,1900+tm.tm_year,tm.tm_mon+1,tm.tm_mday ,tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min,tm.tm_sec); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd,"DELE ",5)) { if((i=remove(fname))==0) { sockprintf(sock,"250 \"%s\" removed successfully.",fname); lprintf("%04d %s deleted file: %s",sock,user.alias,fname); } else { sockprintf(sock,"450 Error %d removing file: %s",i,fname); lprintf("%04d %s attempted to delete file: %s (Error %d)" ,sock,user.alias,fname,i); } continue; } /* RETR */ lprintf("%04d %s downloading: %s (%ld bytes)" ,sock,user.alias,fname,flength(fname)); sockprintf(sock,"150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer."); filexfer(&data_addr,sock,pasv_sock,&data_sock,fname,filepos ,&transfer_inprogress,&transfer_aborted,FALSE,FALSE ,&lastactive,&user,-1,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); continue; } /* Local RETR/SIZE/MDTM */ if(!strnicmp(cmd, "STOR ", 5) || !strnicmp(cmd, "APPE ", 5)) { p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(!strnicmp(p,LOCAL_FSYS_DIR,strlen(LOCAL_FSYS_DIR))) p+=strlen(LOCAL_FSYS_DIR); /* already mounted */ if(p[1]==':') /* drive specified */ strcpy(fname,p); else if(*p=='/') /* absolute, current drive */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",root_dir(local_dir),p+1); else /* relative */ sprintf(fname,"%s%s",local_dir,p); lprintf("%04d %s uploading %s", sock,user.alias,fname); sockprintf(sock,"150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer."); filexfer(&data_addr,sock,pasv_sock,&data_sock,fname,filepos ,&transfer_inprogress,&transfer_aborted,FALSE,FALSE ,&lastactive ,&user ,-1 /* dir */ ,TRUE /* uploading */ ,FALSE /* credits */ ,!strnicmp(cmd,"APPE",4) ? TRUE : FALSE /* append */ ,NULL /* desc */ ); filepos=0; continue; } /* Local STOR */ } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "LIST", 4) || !strnicmp(cmd, "NLST", 4)) { dir=curdir; lib=curlib; if(cmd[4]!=0) lprintf("%04d LIST/NLST: %s",sock,cmd); /* path specified? */ p=cmd+4; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p=='-') { /* -Letc */ while(*p && *p>' ') p++; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; } parsepath(&p,&user,&lib,&dir); sprintf(fname,"%sFTP%d.TX", scfg.data_dir, sock); if((fp=fopen(fname,"w+b"))==NULL) { lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d opening %s",sock,errno,fname); sockprintf(sock, "451 Insufficient system storage"); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "LIST", 4)) detail=TRUE; else detail=FALSE; sockprintf(sock,"150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls."); now=time(NULL); tm_p=localtime(&now); if(tm_p==NULL) memset(&cur_tm,0,sizeof(cur_tm)); else cur_tm=*tm_p; if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_INDEX_FILE && startup->index_file_name[0] && (!stricmp(p,startup->index_file_name) || *p==0 || *p=='*')) { if(detail) fprintf(fp,"-rw-r--r-- 1 %-*s %-8s %9ld %s %2d %02d:%02d %s\r\n" ,NAME_LEN ,scfg.sys_id ,lib<0 ? scfg.sys_id : dir<0 ? scfg.lib[lib]->sname : scfg.dir[dir]->code ,512L ,mon[cur_tm.tm_mon],cur_tm.tm_mday,cur_tm.tm_hour,cur_tm.tm_min ,startup->index_file_name); else fprintf(fp,"%s\r\n",startup->index_file_name); } if(lib<0) { /* Root dir */ lprintf("%04d %s listing: root",sock,user.alias); /* QWK Packet */ if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK/* && fexist(qwkfile)*/) { if(detail) { if(fexist(qwkfile)) { t=fdate(qwkfile); l=flength(qwkfile); } else { t=time(NULL); l=10240; }; tm_p=localtime(&t); if(tm_p==NULL) memset(&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); else tm=*tm_p; fprintf(fp,"-rw-r--r-- 1 %-*s %-8s %9ld %s %2d %02d:%02d %s.qwk\r\n" ,NAME_LEN ,scfg.sys_id ,scfg.sys_id ,l ,mon[tm.tm_mon],tm.tm_mday,tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min ,scfg.sys_id); } else fprintf(fp,"%s.qwk\r\n",scfg.sys_id); } /* File Aliases */ sprintf(aliasfile,"%sFTPALIAS.CFG",scfg.ctrl_dir); if((alias_fp=fopen(aliasfile,"r"))!=NULL) { while(!feof(alias_fp)) { if(!fgets(aliasline,sizeof(aliasline)-1,alias_fp)) break; alias_dir=FALSE; p=aliasline; /* alias pointer */ while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p==';') /* comment */ continue; tp=p; /* terminator pointer */ while(*tp && *tp>' ') tp++; if(*tp) *tp=0; np=tp+1; /* filename pointer */ while(*np && *np<=' ') np++; tp=np; /* terminator pointer */ while(*tp && *tp>' ') tp++; if(*tp) *tp=0; /* Virtual Path? */ if(!strnicmp(np,BBS_VIRTUAL_PATH,strlen(BBS_VIRTUAL_PATH))) { if((dir=getdir(np+strlen(BBS_VIRTUAL_PATH),&user))<0) continue; /* No access or invalid virtual path */ tp=strrchr(np,'/'); if(tp==NULL) continue; tp++; if(*tp) { sprintf(aliasfile,"%s%s",scfg.dir[dir]->path,tp); np=aliasfile; } else alias_dir=TRUE; } if(!alias_dir && !fexist(np)) continue; if(detail) { if(alias_dir==TRUE) { fprintf(fp,"drwxr-xr-x 1 %-*s %-8s %9ld %s %2d %02d:%02d %s\r\n" ,NAME_LEN ,scfg.sys_id ,scfg.lib[scfg.dir[dir]->lib]->sname ,512L ,mon[cur_tm.tm_mon],cur_tm.tm_mday,cur_tm.tm_hour,cur_tm.tm_min ,p); } else { t=fdate(np); tm_p=localtime(&t); if(tm_p==NULL) memset(&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); else tm=*tm_p; fprintf(fp,"-rw-r--r-- 1 %-*s %-8s %9ld %s %2d %02d:%02d %s\r\n" ,NAME_LEN ,scfg.sys_id ,scfg.sys_id ,flength(np) ,mon[tm.tm_mon],tm.tm_mday,tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min ,p); } } else fprintf(fp,"%s\r\n",p); } fclose(alias_fp); } /* Library folders */ for(i=0;i<scfg.total_libs;i++) { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.lib[i]->ar,&user)) continue; if(detail) fprintf(fp,"drwxr-xr-x 1 %-*s %-8s %9ld %s %2d %02d:%02d %s\r\n" ,NAME_LEN ,scfg.sys_id ,scfg.sys_id ,512L ,mon[cur_tm.tm_mon],cur_tm.tm_mday,cur_tm.tm_hour,cur_tm.tm_min ,scfg.lib[i]->sname); else fprintf(fp,"%s\r\n",scfg.lib[i]->sname); } } else if(dir<0) { lprintf("%04d %s listing: %s library",sock,user.alias,scfg.lib[lib]->sname); for(i=0;i<scfg.total_dirs;i++) { if(scfg.dir[i]->lib!=lib) continue; if(i!=scfg.sysop_dir && i!=scfg.upload_dir && !chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[i]->ar,&user)) continue; if(detail) fprintf(fp,"drwxr-xr-x 1 %-*s %-8s %9ld %s %2d %02d:%02d %s\r\n" ,NAME_LEN ,scfg.sys_id ,scfg.lib[lib]->sname ,512L ,mon[cur_tm.tm_mon],cur_tm.tm_mday,cur_tm.tm_hour,cur_tm.tm_min ,scfg.dir[i]->code); else fprintf(fp,"%s\r\n",scfg.dir[i]->code); } } else if(chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[dir]->ar,&user)) { lprintf("%04d %s listing: %s/%s directory" ,sock,user.alias,scfg.lib[lib]->sname,scfg.dir[dir]->code); sprintf(path,"%s%s",scfg.dir[dir]->path,*p ? p : "*"); ff_handle=_findfirst(path,&ff); while(ff_handle!=-1) { sprintf(path,"%s%s",scfg.dir[dir]->path,ff.name); GetShortPathName(path, str, sizeof(str)); p=strrchr(str,'\\'); if(p==NULL) p=str; else p++; padfname(p,f.name); strupr(f.name); f.dir=dir; if(!(ff.attrib&_A_SUBDIR) /* not a directory */ && ((filedat=getfileixb(&scfg,&f))==TRUE || startup->options&FTP_OPT_DIR_FILES)) { if(detail) { f.size=ff.size; getfiledat(&scfg,&f); tm_p=localtime(&ff.time_write); if(tm_p==NULL) memset(&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); else tm=*tm_p; fprintf(fp,"-rw-r--r-- 1 %-*s %-8s %9ld %s %2d " ,NAME_LEN ,filedat ? dotname(f.uler,str) : scfg.sys_id ,scfg.dir[dir]->code ,f.size ,mon[tm.tm_mon],tm.tm_mday); if(tm.tm_year==cur_tm.tm_year) fprintf(fp,"%02d:%02d %s\r\n" ,tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min ,ff.name); else fprintf(fp,"%5d %s\r\n" ,1900+tm.tm_year ,ff.name); } else fprintf(fp,"%s\r\n",ff.name); } if(_findnext(ff_handle,&ff)!=0) { _findclose(ff_handle); ff_handle=-1; } } } else strcpy(fname,"NUL"); fclose(fp); filexfer(&data_addr,sock,pasv_sock,&data_sock,fname,0L ,&transfer_inprogress,&transfer_aborted,TRUE,TRUE ,&lastactive,&user,dir,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,NULL); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "RETR ", 5) || !strnicmp(cmd, "SIZE ",5) || !strnicmp(cmd, "MDTM ",5) || !strnicmp(cmd, "DELE ",5)) { getdate=FALSE; getsize=FALSE; delecmd=FALSE; if(!strnicmp(cmd,"SIZE ",5)) getsize=TRUE; else if(!strnicmp(cmd,"MDTM ",5)) getdate=TRUE; else if(!strnicmp(cmd,"DELE ",5)) delecmd=TRUE; if(!getsize && !getdate && user.rest&FLAG('D')) { sockprintf(sock,"550 Insufficient access."); filepos=0; continue; } credits=TRUE; success=FALSE; delfile=FALSE; tmpfile=FALSE; lib=curlib; dir=curdir; p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(!strnicmp(p,BBS_FSYS_DIR,strlen(BBS_FSYS_DIR))) p+=strlen(BBS_FSYS_DIR); /* already mounted */ if(*p=='/') { lib=-1; p++; } else if(!strncmp(p,"./",2)) p+=2; if(lib<0 && alias(p, fname, &user, &dir)==TRUE) { success=TRUE; credits=TRUE; /* include in d/l stats */ tmpfile=FALSE; delfile=FALSE; lprintf("%04d %s %.4s by alias: %s" ,sock,user.alias,cmd,p); p=strrchr(fname,'\\'); if(p==NULL) p=strrchr(fname,'/'); if(p!=NULL) p++; } if(!success && lib<0 && (tp=strchr(p,'/'))!=NULL) { dir=-1; *tp=0; for(i=0;i<scfg.total_libs;i++) { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.lib[i]->ar,&user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.lib[i]->sname,p)) break; } if(i<scfg.total_libs) lib=i; p=tp+1; } if(!success && dir<0 && (tp=strchr(p,'/'))!=NULL) { *tp=0; for(i=0;i<scfg.total_dirs;i++) { if(scfg.dir[i]->lib!=lib) continue; if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[i]->ar,&user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.dir[i]->code,p)) break; } if(i<scfg.total_dirs) dir=i; p=tp+1; } sprintf(str,"%s.qwk",scfg.sys_id); if(lib<0 && startup->options&FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK && !stricmp(p,str) && !delecmd) { lprintf("%04d %s creating/updating QWK packet...",sock,user.alias); sprintf(str,"%sPACK%04u.NOW",scfg.data_dir,user.number); if((file=open(str,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT,S_IWRITE))==-1) { lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d opening %s",sock, errno, str); sockprintf(sock, "451 !ERROR %d creating semaphore file",errno); filepos=0; continue; } close(file); t=time(NULL); while(fexist(str)) { if(time(NULL)-t>300) break; mswait(500); } if(fexist(str)) { lprintf("%04d !TIMEOUT waiting for QWK packet creation",sock); sockprintf(sock,"451 Time-out waiting for packet creation."); remove(str); filepos=0; continue; } if(!fexist(qwkfile)) { lprintf("%04d No QWK Packet created (no new messages)",sock); sockprintf(sock,"550 No QWK packet created (no new messages)"); filepos=0; continue; } strcpy(fname,qwkfile); success=TRUE; delfile=TRUE; credits=FALSE; lprintf("%04d %s downloading QWK packet (%ld bytes)" ,sock,user.alias,flength(fname)); } else if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_INDEX_FILE && !stricmp(p,startup->index_file_name) && !delecmd) { sprintf(fname,"%sFTP%d.TX", scfg.data_dir, sock); if((fp=fopen(fname,"w+b"))==NULL) { lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d opening %s",sock,errno,fname); sockprintf(sock, "451 Insufficient system storage"); filepos=0; continue; } if(!getsize && !getdate) lprintf("%04d %s downloading index",sock,user.alias); success=TRUE; credits=FALSE; tmpfile=TRUE; delfile=TRUE; fprintf(fp,"%-*s File/Folder Descriptions\r\n" ,INDEX_FNAME_LEN,startup->index_file_name); if(lib<0) { /* File Aliases */ sprintf(aliasfile,"%sFTPALIAS.CFG",scfg.ctrl_dir); if((alias_fp=fopen(aliasfile,"r"))!=NULL) { while(!feof(alias_fp)) { if(!fgets(aliasline,sizeof(aliasline)-1,alias_fp)) break; p=aliasline; /* alias pointer */ while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p==';') /* comment */ continue; tp=p; /* terminator pointer */ while(*tp && *tp>' ') tp++; if(*tp) *tp=0; np=tp+1; /* filename pointer */ while(*np && *np<=' ') np++; np++; /* description pointer */ while(*np && *np>' ') np++; while(*np && *np<' ') np++; truncsp(np); fprintf(fp,"%-*s %s\r\n",INDEX_FNAME_LEN,p,np); } fclose(alias_fp); } /* QWK Packet */ if(startup->options&FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK /* && fexist(qwkfile) */) { sprintf(str,"%s.qwk",scfg.sys_id); fprintf(fp,"%-*s QWK Message Packet\r\n" ,INDEX_FNAME_LEN,str); } /* Library Folders */ for(i=0;i<scfg.total_libs;i++) { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.lib[i]->ar,&user)) continue; fprintf(fp,"%-*s %s\r\n" ,INDEX_FNAME_LEN,scfg.lib[i]->sname,scfg.lib[i]->lname); } } else if(dir<0) { for(i=0;i<scfg.total_dirs;i++) { if(scfg.dir[i]->lib!=lib) continue; if(i!=scfg.sysop_dir && i!=scfg.upload_dir && !chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[i]->ar,&user)) continue; fprintf(fp,"%-*s %s\r\n" ,INDEX_FNAME_LEN,scfg.dir[i]->code,scfg.dir[i]->lname); } } else { sprintf(cmd,"%s*.*",scfg.dir[dir]->path); ff_handle=_findfirst(cmd,&ff); while(ff_handle!=-1) { sprintf(cmd,"%s%s",scfg.dir[dir]->path,ff.name); GetShortPathName(cmd, str, sizeof(str)); p=strrchr(str,'\\'); if(p==NULL) p=str; else p++; padfname(p,f.name); strupr(f.name); f.dir=dir; if(!(ff.attrib&_A_SUBDIR) && getfileixb(&scfg,&f)) { /* not a directory */ f.size=ff.size; getfiledat(&scfg,&f); fprintf(fp,"%-*s %s\r\n",INDEX_FNAME_LEN,ff.name,f.desc); } if(_findnext(ff_handle,&ff)!=0) { _findclose(ff_handle); ff_handle=-1; } } } fclose(fp); } else if(dir>=0) { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[dir]->ar,&user)) { lprintf("%04d !%s has insufficient access to /%s/%s" ,sock,user.alias,scfg.lib[scfg.dir[dir]->lib]->sname,scfg.dir[dir]->code); sockprintf(sock,"550 Insufficient access."); filepos=0; continue; } if(!getsize && !getdate && !delecmd && !chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[dir]->dl_ar,&user)) { lprintf("%04d !%s has insufficient access to download from /%s/%s" ,sock,user.alias,scfg.lib[scfg.dir[dir]->lib]->sname,scfg.dir[dir]->code); sockprintf(sock,"550 Insufficient access."); filepos=0; continue; } if(delecmd && !dir_op(&scfg,&user,dir)) { lprintf("%04d !%s has insufficient access to delete files in /%s/%s" ,sock,user.alias,scfg.lib[scfg.dir[dir]->lib]->sname,scfg.dir[dir]->code); sockprintf(sock,"550 Insufficient access."); filepos=0; continue; } sprintf(fname,"%s%s",scfg.dir[dir]->path,p); GetShortPathName(fname, str, sizeof(str)); np=strrchr(str,'\\'); if(np==NULL) np=str; else np++; padfname(np,f.name); strupr(f.name); f.dir=dir; f.cdt=0; f.size=-1; filedat=getfileixb(&scfg,&f); if(!filedat && !(startup->options&FTP_OPT_DIR_FILES)) { sockprintf(sock,"550 File not found: %s",p); lprintf("%04d %s file not found: %s",sock,user.alias,fname); filepos=0; continue; } /* Verify credits */ if(!getsize && !getdate && !delecmd && !(scfg.dir[dir]->misc&DIR_FREE) && !(user.exempt&FLAG('D'))) { if(filedat) getfiledat(&scfg,&f); else f.cdt=flength(fname); if(f.cdt>(user.cdt+user.freecdt)) { lprintf("%04d !%s has insufficient credit to download /%s/%s/%s (%lu credits)" ,sock,user.alias,scfg.lib[scfg.dir[dir]->lib]->sname ,scfg.dir[dir]->code ,p ,f.cdt); sockprintf(sock,"550 Insufficient credit (%lu required).",f.cdt); filepos=0; continue; } } if(strcspn(p,ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS)!=strlen(p)) { success=FALSE; lprintf("%04d !%s illegal filename attempt: %s" ,sock,user.alias,p); } else { if(fexist(fname)) { success=TRUE; if(!getsize && !getdate && !delecmd) lprintf("%04d %s downloading: %s (%ld bytes)" ,sock,user.alias,fname,flength(fname)); } } } if(getsize && success) sockprintf(sock,"213 %lu",flength(fname)); else if(getdate && success) { t=fdate(fname); tm_p=gmtime(&t); if(tm_p==NULL) memset(&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); else tm=*tm_p; sockprintf(sock,"213 %u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u" ,1900+tm.tm_year,tm.tm_mon+1,tm.tm_mday ,tm.tm_hour,tm.tm_min,tm.tm_sec); } else if(delecmd && success) { if(remove(fname)!=0) { lprintf("%04d !ERROR %d deleting %s",sock,errno,fname); sockprintf(sock,"450 %s could not be deleted (error: %d)" ,fname,errno); } else { lprintf("%04d %s deleted %s",sock,user.alias,fname); if(filedat) removefiledat(&scfg,&f); sockprintf(sock,"250 %s deleted.",fname); } } else if(success) { sockprintf(sock,"150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer."); filexfer(&data_addr,sock,pasv_sock,&data_sock,fname,filepos ,&transfer_inprogress,&transfer_aborted,delfile,tmpfile ,&lastactive,&user,dir,FALSE,credits,FALSE,NULL); } else { sockprintf(sock,"550 File not found: %s",p); lprintf("%04d !File not found (%s) for %.4s command",sock,p,cmd); } filepos=0; continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "DESC", 4)) { if(user.rest&FLAG('U')) { sockprintf(sock,"553 Insufficient access."); continue; } p=cmd+4; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(*p==0) sockprintf(sock,"501 No file description given."); else { sprintf(desc,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(desc)-1,p); sockprintf(sock,"200 File description set. Ready to STOR file."); } continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "STOR ", 5)) { if(user.rest&FLAG('U')) { sockprintf(sock,"553 Insufficient access."); continue; } if(transfer_inprogress==TRUE) { lprintf("%04d !TRANSFER already in progress (%s)",sock,cmd); sockprintf(sock,"425 Transfer already in progress."); continue; } lib=curlib; dir=curdir; p=cmd+5; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(!strnicmp(p,BBS_FSYS_DIR,strlen(BBS_FSYS_DIR))) p+=strlen(BBS_FSYS_DIR); /* already mounted */ if(*p=='/') { lib=-1; p++; } else if(!strncmp(p,"./",2)) p+=2; if(lib<0 && (tp=strchr(p,'/'))!=NULL) { dir=-1; *tp=0; for(i=0;i<scfg.total_libs;i++) { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.lib[i]->ar,&user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.lib[i]->sname,p)) break; } if(i<scfg.total_libs) lib=i; p=tp+1; } if(dir<0 && (tp=strchr(p,'/'))!=NULL) { *tp=0; for(i=0;i<scfg.total_dirs;i++) { if(scfg.dir[i]->lib!=lib) continue; if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[i]->ar,&user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.dir[i]->code,p)) break; } if(i<scfg.total_dirs) dir=i; p=tp+1; } if(dir<0) { sprintf(str,"%s.rep",scfg.sys_id); if(!(startup->options&FTP_OPT_ALLOW_QWK) || stricmp(p,str)) { lprintf("%04d !%s attempted to upload to invalid directory" ,sock,user.alias); sockprintf(sock,"553 Invalid directory."); continue; } sprintf(fname,"%sFILE/%04d.REP",scfg.data_dir,user.number); lprintf("%04d %s uploading %s" ,sock,user.alias,fname); } else { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[dir]->ul_ar,&user)) { lprintf("%04d !%s has insufficient access to upload to /%s/%s" ,sock,user.alias,scfg.lib[scfg.dir[dir]->lib]->sname,scfg.dir[dir]->code); sockprintf(sock,"553 Insufficient access."); continue; } if(strcspn(p,ILLEGAL_FILENAME_CHARS)!=strlen(p) || trashcan(&scfg,p,"FILE")) { lprintf("%04d !%s illegal filename attempt: %s" ,sock,user.alias,p); sockprintf(sock,"553 Illegal filename attempt"); continue; } sprintf(fname,"%s%s",scfg.dir[dir]->path,p); if(fexist(fname)) { lprintf("%04d !%s attempted to overwrite existing file: %s" ,sock,user.alias,fname); sockprintf(sock,"553 File already exists."); continue; } lprintf("%04d %s uploading %s to /%s/%s" ,sock,user.alias,fname ,scfg.lib[scfg.dir[dir]->lib]->sname,scfg.dir[dir]->code); } sockprintf(sock,"150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer."); filexfer(&data_addr,sock,pasv_sock,&data_sock,fname,filepos ,&transfer_inprogress,&transfer_aborted,FALSE,FALSE ,&lastactive ,&user ,dir ,TRUE /* uploading */ ,TRUE /* credits */ ,FALSE /* append */ ,desc ); filepos=0; continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd,"CDUP") || !stricmp(cmd,"XCUP")) { if(curdir<0) curlib=-1; else curdir=-1; sockprintf(sock,"200 CDUP command successful."); continue; } if(!strnicmp(cmd, "CWD ", 4) || !strnicmp(cmd,"XCWD ",5)) { p=cmd+4; while(*p && *p<=' ') p++; if(!strnicmp(p,BBS_FSYS_DIR,strlen(BBS_FSYS_DIR))) p+=strlen(BBS_FSYS_DIR); /* already mounted */ if(*p=='/') { curlib=-1; curdir=-1; p++; } /* Local File System? */ if(sysop && !(startup->options&FTP_OPT_NO_LOCAL_FSYS) && !strnicmp(p,LOCAL_FSYS_DIR,strlen(LOCAL_FSYS_DIR))) { p+=strlen(LOCAL_FSYS_DIR); if(!direxist(p)) { sockprintf(sock,"550 Directory does not exist."); lprintf("%04d %s attempted to mount invalid directory: %s" ,sock, user.alias, p); continue; } sprintf(local_dir,"%.*s",(int)sizeof(local_dir)-1,p); local_fsys=TRUE; sockprintf(sock,"250 CWD command successful (local file system mounted)."); lprintf("%04d %s mounted local file system", sock, user.alias); continue; } success=FALSE; /* Directory Alias? */ if(curlib<0 && alias(p,NULL,&user,&curdir)==TRUE) { if(curdir>=0) curlib=scfg.dir[curdir]->lib; success=TRUE; } orglib=curlib; orgdir=curdir; tp=0; if(!strncmp(p,"...",3)) { curlib=-1; curdir=-1; p+=3; } if(!strncmp(p,"./",2)) p+=2; else if(!strncmp(p,"..",2)) { if(curdir<0) curlib=-1; else curdir=-1; p+=2; } if(*p==0) success=TRUE; else if(!strcmp(p,".")) success=TRUE; if(!success && (curlib<0 || *p=='/')) { /* Root dir */ if(*p=='/') p++; tp=strchr(p,'/'); if(tp) *tp=0; for(i=0;i<scfg.total_libs;i++) { if(!chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.lib[i]->ar,&user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.lib[i]->sname,p)) break; } if(i<scfg.total_libs) { curlib=i; success=TRUE; } } if((!success && curdir<0) || (success && tp && *(tp+1))) { if(tp) p=tp+1; tp=strchr(p,'/'); if(tp) *tp=0; for(i=0;i<scfg.total_dirs;i++) { if(scfg.dir[i]->lib!=curlib) continue; if(i!=scfg.sysop_dir && i!=scfg.upload_dir && !chk_ar(&scfg,scfg.dir[i]->ar,&user)) continue; if(!stricmp(scfg.dir[i]->code,p)) break; } if(i<scfg.total_dirs) { curdir=i; success=TRUE; } else success=FALSE; } if(success) sockprintf(sock,"250 CWD command successful."); else { sockprintf(sock,"550 %s: No such file or directory.",p); curlib=orglib; curdir=orgdir; } continue; } if(!stricmp(cmd, "PWD") || !stricmp(cmd,"XPWD")) { if(curlib<0) sockprintf(sock,"257 \"/\" is current directory."); else if(curdir<0) sockprintf(sock,"257 \"/%s\" is current directory." ,scfg.lib[curlib]->sname); else sockprintf(sock,"257 \"/%s/%s\" is current directory." ,scfg.lib[curlib]->sname,scfg.dir[curdir]->code); continue; } sockprintf(sock,"500 Syntax error: '%s'",cmd); lprintf("%04d !FTP: UNSUPPORTED COMMAND: '%s'",sock,cmd); } if(transfer_inprogress==TRUE) { lprintf("%04d Waiting for transfer to complete...",sock); while(data_sock!=INVALID_SOCKET && transfer_inprogress==TRUE) { mswait(500); if(gettimeleft(&scfg,&user,logintime)<1) { lprintf("%04d Out of time, disconnecting",sock); sockprintf(sock,"421 Sorry, you've run out of time."); close_socket(&data_sock,__LINE__); transfer_aborted=TRUE; } if((time(NULL)-lastactive)>startup->max_inactivity) { lprintf("%04d Disconnecting due to to inactivity.",sock); sockprintf(sock,"421 Disconnecting due to inactivity (%u seconds)." ,startup->max_inactivity); close_socket(&data_sock,__LINE__); transfer_aborted=TRUE; } } lprintf("%04d Done waiting for transfer to complete",sock); } /* Update User Statistics */ if(user.number) { user.tlast=(ushort)(time(NULL)-logintime); putuserrec(&scfg,user.number,U_LASTON,8,ultoa(time(NULL),str,16)); putuserrec(&scfg,user.number,U_TLAST,5,itoa(user.tlast,str,10)); adjustuserrec(&scfg,user.number,U_TIMEON,5,user.tlast); } if(user.number) lprintf("%04d %s logged off.",sock,user.alias); #ifdef _WIN32 if(startup->hangup_sound[0] && !(startup->options&FTP_OPT_MUTE)) PlaySound(startup->hangup_sound, NULL, SND_ASYNC|SND_FILENAME); #endif status(STATUS_WFC); lprintf("%04d CTRL thread terminated", sock); active_clients--; update_clients(); client_off(sock); /* Free up resources here */ close_socket(&sock,__LINE__); if(pasv_sock!=INVALID_SOCKET) close_socket(&pasv_sock,__LINE__); if(data_sock!=INVALID_SOCKET) close_socket(&data_sock,__LINE__); thread_down(); } static void cleanup(int code) { if(server_socket!=INVALID_SOCKET) close_socket(&server_socket,__LINE__); server_socket=INVALID_SOCKET; update_clients(); #ifdef _WINSOCKAPI_ if(WSAInitialized && WSACleanup()!=0) lprintf("!WSACleanup ERROR %d",ERROR_VALUE); #endif lprintf("FTP Server thread terminated"); status("Down"); if(startup!=NULL && startup->terminated!=NULL) startup->terminated(code); thread_down(); } char* DLLCALL ftp_ver(void) { static char ver[256]; char compiler[32]; COMPILER_DESC(compiler); sprintf(ver,"Synchronet FTP Server v%s%s " "Compiled %s %s with %s" ,FTP_VERSION #ifdef _DEBUG ," Debug" #else ,"" #endif ,__DATE__, __TIME__, compiler); return(ver); } void DLLCALL ftp_server(void* arg) { char compiler[32]; SOCKADDR_IN server_addr; SOCKADDR_IN client_addr; int client_addr_len; SOCKET client_socket; int i; int result; time_t t; time_t start; LINGER linger; ftp_t* ftp; startup=(ftp_startup_t*)arg; if(startup==NULL) { sbbs_beep(100,500); fprintf(stderr, "No startup structure passed!\n"); return; } if(startup->size!=sizeof(ftp_startup_t)) { /* verify size */ sbbs_beep(100,500); sbbs_beep(300,500); sbbs_beep(100,500); fprintf(stderr, "Invalid startup structure!\n"); return; } thread_up(); status("Initializing"); lprintf("Synchronet FTP Server Version %s%s" ,FTP_VERSION #ifdef _DEBUG ," Debug" #else ,"" #endif ); COMPILER_DESC(compiler); lprintf("Compiled %s %s with %s", __DATE__, __TIME__, compiler); srand(time(NULL)); #ifndef __MINGW32__ if(PUTENV("TZ=UCT0")) lprintf("!putenv() FAILED"); tzset(); if((t=checktime())!=0) { /* Check binary time */ lprintf("!TIME PROBLEM (%08lx)",t); cleanup(1); return; } #endif if(!winsock_startup()) { cleanup(1); return; } t=time(NULL); lprintf("Initializing on %s",ctime(&t)); #ifdef _WIN32 if((socket_mutex=CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,NULL))==NULL) { lprintf("!ERROR %d creating socket_mutex", GetLastError()); cleanup(1); return; } #endif /* Initial configuration and load from CNF files */ memset(&scfg, 0, sizeof(scfg)); sprintf(scfg.ctrl_dir, "%.*s",(int)sizeof(scfg.ctrl_dir)-1 ,startup->ctrl_dir); lprintf("Loading configuration files from %s", scfg.ctrl_dir); if(!load_cfg(&scfg, NULL)) { lprintf("!Failed to load configuration files"); cleanup(1); return; } if(!startup->max_clients) { startup->max_clients=scfg.sys_nodes; if(startup->max_clients<10) startup->max_clients=10; } lprintf("Maximum clients: %d",startup->max_clients); if(!startup->max_inactivity) startup->max_inactivity=300; /* seconds */ lprintf("Maximum inactivity: %d seconds",startup->max_inactivity); active_clients=0; update_clients(); strlwr(scfg.sys_id); /* Use lower-case unix-looking System ID for group name */ for(i=0;i<scfg.total_libs;i++) { strlwr(scfg.lib[i]->sname); dotname(scfg.lib[i]->sname,scfg.lib[i]->sname); } for(i=0;i<scfg.total_dirs;i++) strlwr(scfg.dir[i]->code); /* open a socket and wait for a client */ if((server_socket=open_socket(SOCK_STREAM))==INVALID_SOCKET) { lprintf("!ERROR %d opening socket", ERROR_VALUE); cleanup(1); return; } lprintf("FTP socket %d opened",server_socket); #if 1 linger.l_onoff=TRUE; linger.l_linger=5; /* seconds */ if((result=setsockopt(server_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER ,(char *)&linger, sizeof(linger)))!=0) { lprintf ("!ERROR %d (%d) setting socket options.", result, ERROR_VALUE); cleanup(1); return; } #endif /*****************************/ /* Listen for incoming calls */ /*****************************/ memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(startup->interface_addr); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = htons(startup->port); if((result=bind(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr ,sizeof(server_addr)))!=0) { lprintf("!ERROR %d (%d) binding socket to port %d" ,result, ERROR_VALUE,startup->port); cleanup(1); return; } if((result=listen(server_socket, 1))!= 0) { lprintf("!ERROR %d (%d) listening on socket", result, ERROR_VALUE); cleanup(1); return; } /* signal caller that we've started up successfully */ if(startup->started!=NULL) startup->started(); lprintf("FTP Server thread started on port %d",startup->port); status(STATUS_WFC); while(server_socket!=INVALID_SOCKET) { /* now wait for connection */ client_addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); client_socket = accept(server_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr ,&client_addr_len); if(client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { if(ERROR_VALUE == ENOTSOCK || ERROR_VALUE == EINTR) lprintf ("FTP socket closed while listening"); else lprintf ("!ERROR %d accept failed", ERROR_VALUE); break; } if(startup->socket_open!=NULL) startup->socket_open(TRUE); sockets++; if(active_clients>=startup->max_clients) { lprintf("!MAXMIMUM CLIENTS (%d) reached, access denied",startup->max_clients); sockprintf(client_socket,"421 Maximum active clients reached, please try again later."); mswait(3000); close_socket(&client_socket,__LINE__); continue; } if((ftp=malloc(sizeof(ftp_t)))==NULL) { lprintf("!ERROR allocating %d bytes of memory for ftp_t",sizeof(ftp_t)); sockprintf(client_socket,"421 System error, please try again later."); mswait(3000); close_socket(&client_socket,__LINE__); continue; } ftp->socket=client_socket; ftp->client_addr=client_addr; _beginthread (ctrl_thread, 0, ftp); } if(active_clients) { lprintf("Waiting for %d active clients to disconnect...", active_clients); start=time(NULL); while(active_clients) { if(time(NULL)-start>TIMEOUT_THREAD_WAIT) { lprintf("!TIMEOUT waiting for %d active clients ",active_clients); break; } mswait(100); } } cleanup(0); }