To build SyncTERM, you *will need* the following bits from the Synchronet CVS tree: src/build/* src/conio/* src/sbbs3/telnet.c src/sbbs3/telnet.h src/sbbs3/zmodem.c src/sbbs3/zmodem.h src/sbbs3/xmodem.h src/sbbs3/sexyz.h src/hash/* src/encode/* src/syncterm/* src/uifc/* src/xpdev/* src/comio/* 3rdp/build/Common.gmake 3rdp/build/Common.make 3rdp/build/GNUmakefile 3rdp/build/ 3rdp/dist/ 3rdp/dist/*.patch The directory structure under src *must* be kept intact. Once you have all this in place, a simple "make" should build everything you need. If you're using *nix you must use GNU Make... under some systems (Such a most BSDs) this is optional and installed as "gmake" rather than "make". When building from the source archive, need to set SRC_ROOT to the extracted path name to locate the bundled 3rd party sources like so: make SRC_ROOT=/path/to/syncterm-20120226 This can be done using backticks as well: make SRC_ROOT=`cd .. ; pwd` or: make SRC_ROOT=`realpath ..` Refer to src/build/Common.gmake or src/build/Common.bmake for details of some of the make options the build system supports. Release builds for Mac OS X use the following command line: make RELEASE=1 USE_SDL_AUDIO=1 PREFIX=/usr The package is generated and copied do a disk image which is then converted with the following command: hdiutil convert ~/Desktop/SyncTERM.dmg -format UDRO -o /Volumes/Synchronet/sbbs/web/root/ -ov Release builds for Win32 using MinGW32 use the following command line: gmake CC=mingw32-gcc VERBOSE=please AR=mingw32-ar AS=mingw32-as RANLIB=mingw32-ranlib RELEASE=1 CXX=mingw32-g++ WINDRES=mingw32-windres 32-bit Release builds for Win32 using MinGW-w64 use the following command line: gmake AR=i686-w64-mingw32-ar AS=i686-w64-mingw32-as CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc CXX=i686-w64-mingw32-g++ RANLIB=i686-w64-mingw32-ranlib WINDRES=i686-w64-mingw32-windres RELEASE=1 VERBOSE=1 32-bit CMake builds for Win32 using MinGW-w64 on my system uses: cmake -DWITHOUT_ALSA=ON -DWITHOUT_PULSEAUDIO=ON -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/synchronet/src/sbbs/src/syncterm/FBSD-mingw64.cmake .. cmake --build . -j4 This does not rebuild cryptlib, so is suspect. 64-bit Release builds for Win32 using MinGW-w64 use the following command line: gmake AR=x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar AS=x86_64-w64-mingw32-as CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ RANLIB=x86_64-w64-mingw32-ranlib WINDRES=x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres RELEASE=1 VERBOSE=1 Release builds for Emscripten use the following command line: gmake CC=emcc VERBOSE=please AR=emar RANLIB=emranlib RELEASE=1 CXX=emc++ os=emscripten Release builds of jsdoor (not related at all) gmake jsdoor NO_LD_RUN_PATH=dumbass CC=mingw32-gcc VERBOSE=please AR=mingw32-ar AS=mingw32-as RANLIB=mingw32-ranlib RELEASE=1 CXX=mingw32-g++ WINDRES=mingw32-windres JSLIBDIR=../../3rdp/win32.release/mozjs/bin/ JSINCLUDE=../../3rdp/win32.release/mozjs/include/ JSLIB=mozjs Building a dpkg for a Debian-like OS gmake RELEASE=1 PREFIX=/usr dpkg