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DDMsgReader.js 761 KiB
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   if ((msgAttrStr.length == 0) && (typeof(pIfEmptyString) == "string"))
	   msgAttrStr = pIfEmptyString;
   return msgAttrStr;

// Returns a string describing network message attributes.  Makes use of the
// gNetMsgAttrStrs object for the network message attributes and description
// strings.
// Parameters:
//  pNetMsgAttrs: The bit field for the network message attributes
//                (normally, the 'netattr' property of a header object)
//  pIfEmptyString: Optional - A string to use if there are no attributes set
// Return value: A string describing the network message attributes
function makeNetMsgAttrStr(pNetMsgAttrs, pIfEmptyString)
   if (typeof(pNetMsgAttrs) == "number")
            if (msgAttrStr.length > 0)
               msgAttrStr += ", ";
            msgAttrStr += gNetMsgAttrStrs[prop];
   if ((msgAttrStr.length == 0) && (typeof(pIfEmptyString) == "string"))
	   msgAttrStr = pIfEmptyString;
   return msgAttrStr;

// Given a sub-board code, this function returns a sub-board's group and name.
// If the given sub-board code is "mail", then this will return "Personal mail".
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: An internal sub-board code
// Return value: A string containing the sub-board code group & name, or
//               "Personal email" if it's the personal email sub-board
function subBoardGrpAndName(pSubBoardCode)
	if (typeof(pSubBoardCode) != "string")
		return "";

	var subBoardGrpAndName = "";
	if (pSubBoardCode == "mail")
		subBoardGrpAndName = "Personal mail";
		subBoardGrpAndName = msg_area.sub[pSubBoardCode].grp_name + " - "
                         + msg_area.sub[pSubBoardCode].name;

	return subBoardGrpAndName;

// Returns whether a given string matches the current user's name, handle, or alias.
// Does a case-insensitive match.
// Parameters:
//  pStr: The string to match against the user's name/handle/alias
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the string matches the current user's name,
//               handle, or alias
function userNameHandleAliasMatch(pStr)
	if (typeof(pStr) != "string")
		return false;
	var strUpper = pStr.toUpperCase();
	return ((strUpper == || (strUpper == user.handle.toUpperCase()) || (strUpper == user.alias.toUpperCase()));

// Writes a log message to the system log (using LOG_INFO log level) and to the
// node log.  This will prepend the text "Digital Distortion Message Reader ("
// + user.alias + "): " to the log message.
// Parameters:
//  pMessage: The message to log
//  pLogLevel: The log level.  Optional - Defaults to LOG_INFO.
function writeToSysAndNodeLog(pMessage, pLogLevel)
	if (typeof(pMessage) != "string")

	var logMessage = "Digital Distortion Message Reader (" +  user.alias + "): " + pMessage;
	var logLevel = (typeof(pLogLevel) == "number" ? pLogLevel : LOG_INFO);
	log(logLevel, logMessage);
// This function looks up and returns a sub-board code from the sub-board number.
// If no matching sub-board is found, this will return an empty string.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardNum: A sub-board number
// Return value: The sub-board code.  If no matching sub-board is found, an empty
//               string will be returned.
function getSubBoardCodeFromNum(pSubBoardNum)
	// Ensure we're using a numeric type for the sub-board number
	// (in case pSubBoardNum is a string rather than a number)
	var subNum = Number(pSubBoardNum);

	var subBoardCode = "";
	for (var subCode in msg_area.sub)
		if (msg_area.sub[subCode].number == subNum)
			subBoardCode = subCode;
	return subBoardCode;

// Separates message text and any attachment data.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: The message header object
//  pMsgText: The text of a message
//  pGetB64Data: Optional boolean - Whether or not to get the Base64-encoded
//               data for base64-encoded attachments (i.e., in multi-part MIME
//               emails).  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               msgText: The text of the message, without any of the
//                        attachment base64-encoded data, etc.  If
//                        the message doesn't have any attachments, then
//                        this will likely be the same as pMsgText.
//               attachments: An array of objects containing the following properties
//                            for each attachment:
//                            B64Data: Base64-encoded file data - Only for attachments
//                                     that were attached as base64 in the message (i.e.,
//                                     in a multi-part MIME message).  If the attachment
//                                     was uploaded to the user's Synchronet mailbox,
//                                     then the object won't have the B64Data property.
//                            filename: The name of the attached file
//                            fullyPathedFilename: The full path & filename of the
//                                                 attached file saved on the BBS machine
//               errorMsg: An error message if anything went wrong.  If
//                         nothing went wrong, this will be an empty string.
function determineMsgAttachments(pMsgHdr, pMsgText, pGetB64Data)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.msgText = "";
	retObj.attachments = [];
	retObj.errorMsg = "";

	// Keep track of the user's inbox directory:  sbbs/data/file/<userNum>.in
	var userInboxDir = backslash(backslash(system.data_dir + "file") + format("", user.number));
	// If the message subject is a filename that exists in the user's
	// inbox directory, then add its filename to the list of attached
	// filenames that will be returned
	var fullyPathedAttachmentFilename = userInboxDir + pMsgHdr.subject;
	if (file_exists(fullyPathedAttachmentFilename))
		retObj.attachments.push({ filename: pMsgHdr.subject,
		                          fullyPathedFilename: fullyPathedAttachmentFilename });

	// The message to prepend onto the message text if the message has attachments
	var msgHasAttachmentsTxt = "\1n\1g\1h- This message contains one or more attachments. Press CTRL-A to download.\1n\r\n"
	                         + "\1n\1g\1h--------------------------------------------------------------------------\1n\r\n";

	// Sanity checking
	if (typeof(pMsgText) != "string")
		// If there are any attachments, prepend the message text with a message
		// saying that the message contains attachments.
		if (retObj.attachments.length > 0)
			retObj.msgText = msgHasAttachmentsTxt + retObj.msgText;
		return retObj;

	// If the message text doesn't include a line starting with -- and a
	// line starting with "Content-type:", then then just return the
	// the same text in retObj.
	//var hasMultiParts = /--\S+\s*Content-Type:/.test(pMsgText);
	//var hasMultiParts = ((dashDashIdx > -1) && (/Content-Type/.test(pMsgText)));
	var dashDashIdx = pMsgText.indexOf("--");
	var hasMultiParts = ((dashDashIdx > -1) && (pMsgText.indexOf("Content-Type", dashDashIdx+1) > dashDashIdx));
	if (!hasMultiParts)
		//retObj.msgText = pMsgText;
		// If there are any attachments, prepend the message text with a message
		// saying that the message contains attachments.
		if (retObj.attachments.length > 0)
			retObj.msgText = msgHasAttachmentsTxt + pMsgText;
			retObj.msgText = pMsgText;
		return retObj;

	var getB64Data = true;
	if (typeof(pGetB64Data) == "boolean")
		getB64Data = pGetB64Data;

	// Look in the message text for a line starting with -- followed by some characters,
	// then whitespace
	var sepMatches = /--\S+\s/.exec(pMsgText);
	var msgSeparator = sepMatches[0];
	// If the last character in msgSeparator is a whitepsace character, then
	// remove it.
	if (/\s/.test(msgSeparator.substr(msgSeparator.length-1, 1)))
		msgSeparator = msgSeparator.substr(0, msgSeparator.length-1);
	var contentType = ""; // The content type of the current section
	var lastContentType = ""; // The content type of the last section
	var contentEncodingType = "";
	var sepIdx = 0;
	var lastSepIdx = -1;
	var lastContentTypeIdx = -1;
	var lastContentEncodingTypeIdx = -1;
	var startIdx = 0;
	var gotMessageText = false; // In case the message has both text/plain & text/html
	while ((sepIdx = pMsgText.indexOf(msgSeparator, startIdx)) >= 0)
		var contentEncodingTypeIdx = -1;
		// Look for a "Content-Type:" from the starting index
		var contentTypeIdx = pMsgText.indexOf("Content-Type: ", startIdx+msgSeparator.length);
		if (contentTypeIdx > -1)
			// Extract the content-type string up to a newline or 15 characters
			// if there's no newline
			var newlineIdx = pMsgText.indexOf("\n", contentTypeIdx+14);
			contentType = pMsgText.substring(contentTypeIdx+14, newlineIdx > -1 ? newlineIdx : contentTypeIdx+29);
			// If the last character is whitespace (i.e., a newline), then remove it.
			if (/\s/.test(contentType.substr(contentType.length-1, 1)))
				contentType = contentType.substr(0, contentType.length-1);

			// Update the start index for looking for the next message separator string
			// - This should be after the "Content-type:" value.
			startIdx = contentTypeIdx + contentType.length;
			// No "Content-Type:" string was found
			// Update the start index for looking for the next message separator string
			startIdx = sepIdx + msgSeparator.length;

		if ((lastSepIdx > -1) && (lastContentTypeIdx > -1))
			// msgTextSearchStartIdx stores the index of where to start looking
			// for the message text.  It could be lastContentTypeIdx, or it could
			// be the content encoding type index if the "Content encoding type"
			// text is found for the current message part.
			var msgTextSearchStartIdx = lastContentTypeIdx;

			// Look for "Content-Transfer-Encoding:" right after the content type
			// and extract the content encoding type string
			contentEncodingTypeIdx = pMsgText.indexOf("Content-Transfer-Encoding:", lastContentTypeIdx);
			// If "Content-Transfer-Encoding:" wasn't found after the content type,
			// then look just before the content type, but after the last separator
			// string.
			if (contentEncodingTypeIdx == -1)
				contentEncodingTypeIdx = pMsgText.indexOf("Content-Transfer-Encoding:", lastSepIdx);
			// If the next "Content-Encoding-Type" is after the current section,
			// then this section doesn't have a content type, so blank it out.
			if (contentEncodingTypeIdx > sepIdx)
				contentEncodingTypeIdx = -1;
				contentEncodingType = "";
				msgTextSearchStartIdx = contentEncodingTypeIdx;
				// Extract the content encoding type
				var newlineIdx = pMsgText.indexOf("\n", contentEncodingTypeIdx+26);
				contentEncodingType = pMsgText.substring(contentEncodingTypeIdx, newlineIdx);
				// If the last character is whitespace (i.e., a newline), then remove it.
				if (/\s/.test(contentEncodingType.substr(contentEncodingType.length-1, 1)))
					contentEncodingType = contentEncodingType.substr(0, contentEncodingType.length-1);
				// Update startIdx based on the length of the "content encoding type" string
				startIdx += contentEncodingType.length;
				// Now, store just the content type in contentEncodingType (i.e., "base64").
				contentEncodingType = contentEncodingType.substr(27).toLowerCase();

			// Look for the message text
			var contentTypeSearchIdx = -1;
			//if ((contentTypeSearchIdx = lastContentType.indexOf("text/plain")) > -1)
			if ((contentTypeSearchIdx = lastContentType.indexOf("text/")) > -1)
				if (!gotMessageText)
					var newlineIdx = pMsgText.indexOf("\n", msgTextSearchStartIdx); // Used to be lastContentTypeIdx
					if (newlineIdx > -1)
						retObj.msgText = pMsgText.substring(newlineIdx+1, sepIdx);
						retObj.msgText = pMsgText.substring(lastSepIdx, sepIdx);
					gotMessageText = true;
				// Look for a filename in the content-type specification
				// If it doesn't contain the filename, then we'll have to look on the
				// next line for the filename.
				var attachmentFilename = "";
				var matches = /name="(.*)"/.exec(lastContentType);
				if (matches != null)
					if (matches.length >= 2)
						attachmentFilename = matches[1];
				if (attachmentFilename.length == 0)
					// Look for the filename on the next line
					var newlineIdx = pMsgText.indexOf("\n", lastContentTypeIdx);
					if (newlineIdx > -1)
						// 1000 chars should be enough
						var nextLine = pMsgText.substr(newlineIdx+1, 1000);
						var matches = /name="(.*)"/.exec(nextLine);
						if (matches != null)
							if (matches.length >= 2)
								attachmentFilename = matches[1];
				// If we got a filename, then extract the base64-encoded file data.
				if (attachmentFilename.length > 0)
					var fileInfo = { filename: attachmentFilename,
					                 fullyPathedFilename: gFileAttachDir + attachmentFilename };
					// Only extract the base64-encoded data if getB64Data is true
					// and the current section's encoding type was actually specified
					// as base64.
					if (getB64Data && (contentEncodingType == "base64"))
						// There should be 2 newlines before the base64 data
						// TODO: There's a bug here where sometimes it isn't getting
						// the correct section for base64 data.  The code later that
						// looks for an existing filename in the attachments is sort
						// of a way around that though.
						var lineSeparator = ascii(13) + ascii(10);
						var twoNLIdx = pMsgText.indexOf(lineSeparator + lineSeparator, lastContentTypeIdx);
						if (twoNLIdx > -1)
							// Get the base64-encoded data for the current file from the message,
							// and remove the newline & carriage return characters and whitespace
							// from it.
							fileInfo.B64Data = pMsgText.substring(twoNLIdx+2, sepIdx);
							fileInfo.B64Data = fileInfo.B64Data.replace(new RegExp(ascii(13) + "|" + ascii(10), "g"), "").trim();

							// Update the start index for looking for the next message separator
							// string
							startIdx = twoNLIdx;
					// Add the file attachment information to the return object.
					// If there is already an entry with the filename, then replace
					// that one; otherwise, append it.
					var fileExists = false;
					for (var fileIdx = 0; (fileIdx < retObj.attachments.length) && !fileExists; ++fileIdx)
						if (retObj.attachments[fileIdx].filename == fileInfo.filename)
							fileExists = true;
							if (getB64Data && fileInfo.hasOwnProperty("B64Data"))
								retObj.attachments[fileIdx].B64Data = fileInfo.B64Data;
					if (!fileExists)

		lastContentType = contentType;
		lastSepIdx = sepIdx;
		lastContentTypeIdx = contentTypeIdx;
		lastContentEncodingTypeIdx = contentEncodingTypeIdx;

		// The end of the message will have the message separator string with
		// "--" appended to it.  If we've reached that point, then we know we
		// can stop.
		if (pMsgText.substr(sepIdx, msgSeparator.length+2) == msgSeparator + "--")

	// If there are any attachments, prepend the message text with a message
	// saying that the message contains attachments.
	if (retObj.attachments.length > 0)
		retObj.msgText = msgHasAttachmentsTxt + retObj.msgText;

	// If there are attachments and the message text is more than will fit on the
	// screen (75% of the console height to account for the ), then append text at
	// the end to say there are attachments.
	var maxNumCharsOnScreen = 79 * Math.floor(console.screen_rows * 0.75);
	if ((retObj.attachments.length > 0) && (retObj.msgText.length > maxNumCharsOnScreen))
		retObj.msgText += "\1n\r\n\1g\1h--------------------------------------------------------------------------\1n\r\n";
		retObj.msgText += "\1g\1h- This message contains one or more attachments. Press CTRL-A to download.\1n";

	return retObj;

// Allows the user to download files that were attached to a message.  Takes an
// array of file information given by determineMsgAttachments().
// Parameters:
//  pAttachments: An array of file attachment information returned by
//                determineMsgAttachments()
//                            for each attachment:
//                            B64Data: Base64-encoded file data - Only for attachments
//                                     that were attached as base64 in the message (i.e.,
//                                     in a multi-part MIME message).  If the attachment
//                                     was uploaded to the user's Synchronet mailbox,
//                                     then the object won't have the B64Data property.
//                            filename: The name of the attached file
//                            fullyPathedFilename: The full path & filename of the
//                                                 attached file saved on the BBS machine
function sendAttachedFiles(pAttachments)
	if ( !== "[object Array]")

	// Synchronet doesn't allow batch downloading of files that aren't in the
	// file database, so we have to send each one at a time. :(

	// Get the file download confirmation text from text.dat
	// 662: "\r\nDownload attached file: \1w%s\1b (%s bytes)"
	var DLPromptTextOrig = bbs.text(DownloadAttachedFileQ);

	var anyErrors = false;
	// For each item in the array, allow the user to download the attachment.
	var fileNum = 1;
	pAttachments.forEach(function(fileInfo) {

		// If the file doesn't exist and base64 data is available for the file,
		// then save it to the temporary attachments directory.
		// Note that we need to save the file first in order to get the file's size
		// to display in the confirmation prompt to download the file.
		// errorMsg will contain an error if something went wrong creating the
		// temporary attachments directory, etc.
		var errorMsg = "";
		var savedFileToBBS = false; // If we base64-decoded the file, we'll want to delete it after it's sent.
		if (!file_exists(fileInfo.fullyPathedFilename))
			if (fileInfo.hasOwnProperty("B64Data"))
				// If the temporary attachments directory doesn't exist,
				// then create it.
				var attachmentDirExists = true; // Will be false if it couldn't be created
				if (!file_isdir(gFileAttachDir))
					// If it's a file rather than a directory, then remove it
					// before creating it as a directory.
					if (file_exists(gFileAttachDir))
					attachmentDirExists = mkdir(gFileAttachDir);

				// Write the file to the BBS machine
				if (attachmentDirExists)
					var attachedFile = new File(fileInfo.fullyPathedFilename);
					if ("wb"))
						attachedFile.base64 = true;
						if (!attachedFile.write(fileInfo.B64Data))
							errorMsg = "\1h\1g* \1n\1cCan't send " + quoteStrWithSpaces(fileInfo.filename) + " - Failed to save it to the BBS!";
						// Saved the file to the temporary attachments directory (even if it failed
						// to write, there's probably still an empty file there).
						savedFileToBBS = true;
						errorMsg = "\1h\1g* \1n\1cFailed to save " + quoteStrWithSpaces(fileInfo.filename) + "!";
					errorMsg = "\1h\1g* \1n\1cFailed to create temporary directory on the BBS!";
				errorMsg = "\1h\1g* \1n\1cCan't send " + quoteStrWithSpaces(fileInfo.filename) + " because it doesn't exist or wasn't encoded in a known format";
		// If we can send the file, then prompt the user for confirmation, and if they
		// answer yes, then send it.
		// Note that we needed to save the file first in order to get the file's size
		// to display in the confirmation prompt.
		if (errorMsg.length == 0)
			// Print the file number
			console.print("\1n\1cFile \1g" + fileNum + "\1c of \1g" + pAttachments.length + "\1n");
			// Prompt the user to confirm whether they want to download the
			// file.  If the user chooses yes, then send it.
			var fileSize = Math.round(file_size(fileInfo.fullyPathedFilename));
			var DLPromptText = format(DLPromptTextOrig, fileInfo.filename, fileSize);
			if (console.yesno(DLPromptText))

			// If the file was base64-decoded and saved to the BBS machine (as opposed to
			// being in the user's mailbox), then delete the file.
			if (savedFileToBBS)
			// There was an error creating the temporary attachment directory, etc., so
			// display the error and pause to let the user read it.
			//console.putmsg(word_wrap(errorMsg, console.screen_columns-1, errorMsg.length, false));
			var errMsgLines = lfexpand(word_wrap(errorMsg, console.screen_columns-1, errorMsg.length, false)).split("\r\n");
			for (var errorIdx = 0; errorIdx < errMsgLines.length; ++errorIdx)


	// If the temporary attachments directory exists, then delete it.
	if (file_exists(gFileAttachDir))

// This function recursively removes a directory and all of its contents.  Returns
// whether or not the directory was removed.
// Parameters:
//  pDir: The directory to remove (with trailing slash).
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the directory was removed.
function deltree(pDir)
	if ((pDir == null) || (pDir == undefined))
		return false;
	if (typeof(pDir) != "string")
		return false;
	if (pDir.length == 0)
		return false;
	// Make sure pDir actually specifies a directory.
	if (!file_isdir(pDir))
		return false;
	// Don't wipe out a root directory.
	if ((pDir == "/") || (pDir == "\\") || (/:\\$/.test(pDir)) || (/:\/$/.test(pDir)) || (/:$/.test(pDir)))
		return false;

	// If we're on Windows, then use the "RD /S /Q" command to delete
	// the directory.  Otherwise, assume *nix and use "rm -rf" to
	// delete the directory.
	if (deltree.inWindows == undefined)
		deltree.inWindows = (/^WIN/.test(system.platform.toUpperCase()));
	if (deltree.inWindows)
		system.exec("RD " + withoutTrailingSlash(pDir) + " /s /q");
		system.exec("rm -rf " + withoutTrailingSlash(pDir));
	// The directory should be gone, so we should return true.  I'd like to verify that the
	// directory really is gone, but file_exists() seems to return false for directories,
	// even if the directory does exist.  So I test to make sure no files are seen in the dir.
	return (directory(pDir + "*").length == 0);

	// Recursively deleting each file & dir using JavaScript:
	var retval = true;

	// Open the directory and delete each entry.
	var files = directory(pDir + "*");
	for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i)
		// If the entry is a directory, then deltree it (Note: The entry
		// should have a trailing slash).  Otherwise, delete the file.
		// If the directory/file couldn't be removed, then break out
		// of the loop.
		if (file_isdir(files[i]))
			retval = deltree(files[i]);
			if (!retval)
			retval = file_remove(files[i]);
			if (!retval)

	// Delete the directory specified by pDir.
	if (retval)
		retval = rmdir(pDir);

	return retval;

// Removes a trailing (back)slash from a path.
// Parameters:
//  pPath: A directory path
// Return value: The path without a trailing (back)slash.
function withoutTrailingSlash(pPath)
	if ((pPath == null) || (pPath == undefined))
		return "";

	var retval = pPath;
	if (retval.length > 0)
		var lastIndex = retval.length - 1;
		var lastChar = retval.charAt(lastIndex);
		if ((lastChar == "\\") || (lastChar == "/"))
			retval = retval.substr(0, lastIndex);
	return retval;

// Adds double-quotes around a string if the string contains spaces.
// Parameters:
//  pStr: A string to add double-quotes around if it has spaces
// Return value: The string with double-quotes if it contains spaces.  If the
//               string doesn't contain spaces, then the same string will be
//               returned.
function quoteStrWithSpaces(pStr)
	if (typeof(pStr) != "string")
		return "";
	var strCopy = pStr;
	if (pStr.indexOf(" ") > -1)
		strCopy = "\"" + pStr + "\"";
	return strCopy;

// Given a message header field list type number (i.e., the 'type' property for an
// entry in the field_list array in a message header), this returns a text label
// to be used for outputting the field.
// Parameters:
//  pFieldListType: A field_list entry type (numeric)
//  pIncludeTrailingColon: Optional boolean - Whether or not to include a trailing ":"
//                         at the end of the returned string.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: A text label for the field (a string)
function msgHdrFieldListTypeToLabel(pFieldListType, pIncludeTrailingColon)
	// The page at this URL lists the header field types:
	// Field Types:

	var fieldTypeLabel = "Unknown (" + pFieldListType.toString() + ")";
	switch (pFieldListType)
		case 0: // Sender
			fieldTypeLabel = "Sender";
		case 1: // Sender Agent
			fieldTypeLabel = "Sender Agent";
		case 2: // Sender net type
			fieldTypeLabel = "Sender Net Type";
		case 3: // Sender Net Address
			fieldTypeLabel = "Sender Net Address";
		case 4: // Sender Agent Extension
			fieldTypeLabel = "Sender Agent Extension";
		case 5: // Sending agent (Sender POS)
			fieldTypeLabel = "Sender Agent";
		case 6: // Sender organization
			fieldTypeLabel = "Sender Organization";
		case 16: // Author
			fieldTypeLabel = "Author";
		case 17: // Author Agent
			fieldTypeLabel = "Author Agent";
		case 18: // Author Net Type
			fieldTypeLabel = "Author Net Type";
		case 19: // Author Net Address
			fieldTypeLabel = "Author Net Address";
		case 20: // Author Extension
			fieldTypeLabel = "Author Extension";
		case 21: // Author Agent (Author POS)
			fieldTypeLabel = "Author Agent";
		case 22: // Author Organization
			fieldTypeLabel = "Author Organization";
		case 32: // Reply To
			fieldTypeLabel = "Reply To";
		case 33: // Reply To agent
			fieldTypeLabel = "Reply To Agent";
		case 34: // Reply To net type
			fieldTypeLabel = "Reply To net type";
		case 35: // Reply To net address
			fieldTypeLabel = "Reply To net address";
		case 36: // Reply To extension
			fieldTypeLabel = "Reply To (extended)";
			fieldTypeLabel = "Reply To position";
		case 38: // Reply To organization (0x26 hex)
			fieldTypeLabel = "Reply To organization";
		case 48: // Recipient (0x30 hex)
			fieldTypeLabel = "Recipient";
		case 162: // Seen-by
			fieldTypeLabel = "Seen-by";
		case 163: // Path
			fieldTypeLabel = "Path";
		case 176: // RFCC822 Header
			fieldTypeLabel = "RFCC822 Header";
		case 177: // RFC822 MSGID
			fieldTypeLabel = "RFC822 MSGID";
		case 178: // RFC822 REPLYID
			fieldTypeLabel = "RFC822 REPLYID";
		case 240: // UNKNOWN
			fieldTypeLabel = "UNKNOWN";
		case 241: // UNKNOWNASCII
			fieldTypeLabel = "UNKNOWN (ASCII)";
		case 255:
			fieldTypeLabel = "UNUSED";
			fieldTypeLabel = "Unknown (" + pFieldListType.toString() + ")";

	var includeTrailingColon = (typeof(pIncludeTrailingColon) == "boolean" ? pIncludeTrailingColon : true);
	if (includeTrailingColon)
		fieldTypeLabel += ":";

	return fieldTypeLabel;

// Capitalizes the first character of a string.
// Parameters:
//  pStr: The string to capitalize
// Return value: A version of the sting with the first character capitalized
function capitalizeFirstChar(pStr)
	var retStr = "";
	if (typeof(pStr) == "string")
		if (pStr.length > 0)
			retStr = pStr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + pStr.slice(1);
	return retStr;

// Parses a list of numbers (separated by commas or spaces), which may contain
// ranges separated by dashes.  Returns an array of the individual numbers.
// Parameters:
//  pList: A comma-separated list of numbers, some which may contain
//         2 numbers separated by a dash denoting a range of numbers.
// Return value: An array of the individual numbers from the list
function parseNumberList(pList)
	if (typeof(pList) != "string")
		return [];

	var numberList = [];

	// Split pList on commas or spaces
	var commaOrSpaceSepArray = pList.split(/[\s,]+/);
	if (commaOrSpaceSepArray.length > 0)
		// Go through the comma-separated array - If the element is a
		// single number, then append it to the number list to be returned.
		// If there is a range (2 numbers separated by a dash), then
		// append each number in the range individually to the array to be
		// returned.
		for (var i = 0; i < commaOrSpaceSepArray.length; ++i)
			// If it's a single number, append it to numberList.
			if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(commaOrSpaceSepArray[i]))
			// If there are 2 numbers separated by a dash, then split it on the
			// dash and generate the intermediate numbers.
			else if (/^[0-9]+-[0-9]+$/.test(commaOrSpaceSepArray[i]))
				var twoNumbers = commaOrSpaceSepArray[i].split("-");
				if (twoNumbers.length == 2)
					var num1 = +twoNumbers[0];
					var num2 = +twoNumbers[1];
					// If the 1st number is bigger than the 2nd, then swap them.
					if (num1 > num2)
						var temp = num1;
						num1 = num2;
						num2 = temp;
					// Append each individual number in the range to numberList.
					for (var number = num1; number <= num2; ++number)

	return numberList;

// Inputs a single keypress from the user from a list of valid keys, allowing
// input modes (see K_* in sbbsdefs.js for mode bits).  This is similar to
// console.getkeys(), except that this allows mode bits (such as K_NOCRLF, etc.).
// Parameters:
//  pAllowedKeys: A list of allowed keys (string)
//  pMode: Mode bits (see K_* in sbbsdefs.js)
// Return value: The user's inputted keypress
function getAllowedKeyWithMode(pAllowedKeys, pMode)
	var userInput = "";

	var keypress = "";
	var i = 0;
	var matchedKeypress = false;
	while (!matchedKeypress)
		keypress = console.getkey(K_NOECHO|pMode);
		// Check to see if the keypress is one of the allowed keys
		for (i = 0; i < pAllowedKeys.length; ++i)
			if (keypress == pAllowedKeys[i])
				userInput = keypress;
			else if (keypress.toUpperCase() == pAllowedKeys[i])
				userInput = keypress.toUpperCase();
			else if (keypress.toLowerCase() == pAllowedKeys[i])
				userInput = keypress.toLowerCase();
			if (userInput.length > 0)
				matchedKeypress = true;
				// If K_NOECHO is not in pMode, then output the user's keypress
				if ((pMode & K_NOECHO) == 0)
				// If K_NOCRLF is not in pMode, then output a CRLF
				if ((pMode & K_NOCRLF) == 0)

	return userInput;

// Loads a text file (an .ans or .asc) into an array.  This will first look for
// an .ans version, and if exists, convert to Synchronet colors before loading
// it.  If an .ans doesn't exist, this will look for an .asc version.
// Parameters:
//  pFilenameBase: The filename without the extension
//  pMaxNumLines: Optional - The maximum number of lines to load from the text file
// Return value: An array containing the lines from the text file
function loadTextFileIntoArray(pFilenameBase, pMaxNumLines)
	if (typeof(pFilenameBase) != "string")
		return new Array();

	var maxNumLines = (typeof(pMaxNumLines) == "number" ? pMaxNumLines : -1);

	var txtFileLines = new Array();
	// See if there is a header file that is made for the user's terminal
	// width (areaChgHeader-<width>.ans/asc).  If not, then just go with
	// msgHeader.ans/asc.
	var txtFileExists = true;
	var txtFilenameFullPath = gStartupPath + pFilenameBase;
	var txtFileFilename = "";
	if (file_exists(txtFilenameFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".ans"))
		txtFileFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".ans";
	else if (file_exists(txtFilenameFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".asc"))
		txtFileFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".asc";
	else if (file_exists(txtFilenameFullPath + ".ans"))
		txtFileFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + ".ans";
	else if (file_exists(txtFilenameFullPath + ".asc"))
		txtFileFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + ".asc";
		txtFileExists = false;
	if (txtFileExists)
		var syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFileFilename;
		// If the user's console doesn't support ANSI and the header file is ANSI,
		// then convert it to Synchronet attribute codes and read that file instead.
		if (!console.term_supports(USER_ANSI) && (getStrAfterPeriod(txtFileFilename).toUpperCase() == "ANS"))
			syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + "_converted.asc";
			if (!file_exists(syncConvertedHdrFilename))
				if (getStrAfterPeriod(txtFileFilename).toUpperCase() == "ANS")
					var filenameBase = txtFileFilename.substr(0, dotIdx);
					var cmdLine = system.exec_dir + "ans2asc \"" + txtFileFilename + "\" \""
								+ syncConvertedHdrFilename + "\"";
					// Note: Both system.exec(cmdLine) and
					// bbs.exec(cmdLine, EX_NATIVE, gStartupPath) could be used to
					// execute the command, but system.exec() seems noticeably faster.
					syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFileFilename;
		// If the header file is ANSI, then convert it to Synchronet attribute
		// codes and read that file instead.  This is done so that this script can
		// accurately get the file line lengths using console.strlen().
		var syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + "_converted.asc";
		if (!file_exists(syncConvertedHdrFilename))
			if (getStrAfterPeriod(txtFileFilename).toUpperCase() == "ANS")
				var filenameBase = txtFileFilename.substr(0, dotIdx);
				var cmdLine = system.exec_dir + "ans2asc \"" + txtFileFilename + "\" \""
				            + syncConvertedHdrFilename + "\"";
				// Note: Both system.exec(cmdLine) and
				// bbs.exec(cmdLine, EX_NATIVE, gStartupPath) could be used to
				// execute the command, but system.exec() seems noticeably faster.
				syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFileFilename;
		// Read the header file into txtFileLines
		var hdrFile = new File(syncConvertedHdrFilename);
		if ("r"))
			var fileLine = null;
			while (!hdrFile.eof)
				// Read the next line from the header file.
				fileLine = hdrFile.readln(2048);
				// fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
				// where it isn't, so check its type.
				if (typeof(fileLine) != "string")

				// Make sure the line isn't longer than the user's terminal
				//if (fileLine.length > console.screen_columns)
				//   fileLine = fileLine.substr(0, console.screen_columns);

				// If the header array now has the maximum number of lines, then
				// stop reading the header file.
				if (txtFileLines.length == maxNumLines)
	return txtFileLines;

// Returns the portion (if any) of a string after the period.
// Parameters:
//  pStr: The string to extract from
// Return value: The portion of the string after the dot, if there is one.  If
//               not, then an empty string will be returned.
function getStrAfterPeriod(pStr)