/* FidoNet constants, macros, and structure definitions */
* 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) *
* @format.use-tabs true (see *
* *
* Copyright Rob Swindell - *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or *
* *
* *
* For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see *
* *
* *
* Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. *
#ifndef _FIDODEFS_H_
#define _FIDODEFS_H_
#include "gen_defs.h"
#define FIDO_TLD ".fidonet" /* Fake top-level domain for gating netmail through SMTP */
#define FIDO_ORIGIN_PREFIX_FORM_1 "\r * Origin: "
#define FIDO_ORIGIN_PREFIX_FORM_2 "\n * Origin: "
#define FIDO_PING_NAME "PING" /* 'To' username for PING netmail (FTS-5001) */
#define FIDO_AREAMGR_NAME "AreaFix" /* De-facto pseudo-standard */
#define FIDO_CONFMGR_NAME "ConfMgr" /* FSC-0057 */
#define FIDO_CHARSET_ASCII "ASCII 1" /* FTS-5003 */
#define FIDO_CHARSET_CP437 "CP437 2" /* FTS-5003 */
#define FIDO_CHARSET_UTF8 "UTF-8 4" /* FTS-5003 */
#define FIDO_NAME_LEN 36 /* Includes '\0' terminator */
#define FIDO_SUBJ_LEN 72 /* Includes '\0' terminator */
#define FIDO_TIME_LEN 20 /* Includes '\0' terminator */
#define FIDO_PASS_LEN 8 /* May NOT include '\0' terminator */
#define FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN 8 /* May NOT include '\0' terminator */
#define FIDO_PRODDATA_LEN 4 /* Product-specific Data */
#define FIDO_AREATAG_LEN 50 // Echo "area tag" (NOT including '\0') (see FMail.txt)
#define FIDO_ECHO_TITLE_LEN 55 // Brief echo description, per echobase.hlp
#define FIDO_ORIGIN_PREFIX_LEN 12 /* Includes new-line character */
/* Attribute bits for fmsghdr_t.attr */
#define FIDO_PRIVATE (1<<0) /* Private message */
#define FIDO_CRASH (1<<1) /* Crash-mail (send immediately) */
#define FIDO_RECV (1<<2) /* Received successfully */
#define FIDO_SENT (1<<3) /* Sent successfully */
#define FIDO_FILE (1<<4) /* File attached */
#define FIDO_INTRANS (1<<5) /* In transit */
#define FIDO_ORPHAN (1<<6) /* Orphan */
#define FIDO_KILLSENT (1<<7) /* Kill it after sending it */
#define FIDO_LOCAL (1<<8) /* Created locally - on this system */
#define FIDO_HOLD (1<<9) /* Hold - don't send it yet */
#define FIDO_FREQ (1<<11) /* File request */
#define FIDO_RRREQ (1<<12) /* Return receipt request */
#define FIDO_RR (1<<13) /* This is a return receipt */
#define FIDO_AUDIT (1<<14) /* Audit request */
#define FIDO_FUPREQ (1<<15) /* File update request */
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
#if defined(PRAGMA_PACK) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
#define _PACK
#define _PACK __attribute__ ((packed))
#if defined(PRAGMA_PACK)
#pragma pack(push,1) /* Disk image structures must be packed */
typedef struct _PACK { /* Fidonet Packet Header (Type-2), FTS-1 */
uint16_t orignode; // Origination Node of Packet (all types)
uint16_t destnode; // Destination Node of Packet (all types)
uint16_t year; // Year of Packet Creation e.g. 1995
uint16_t month; // Month of Packet Creation 0-11
uint16_t day; // Day of Packet Creation 1-31
uint16_t hour; // Hour of Packet Creation 0-23
uint16_t min; // Minute of Packet Creation 0-59
uint16_t sec; // Second of Packet Creation 0-59
uint16_t baud; // Max Baud Rate of Orig & Dest
uint16_t pkttype; // Packet Type (2)
uint16_t orignet; // Origination Net of Packet
uint16_t destnet; // Destination Net of Packet
uint8_t prodcode; // Product Code (00h is Fido)
uint8_t sernum; // Binary Serial Number or NULL
uint8_t password[FIDO_PASS_LEN]; // Session Password or NULL
uint16_t origzone; // Origination Zone of Packet or NULL (added in rev 12 of FTS-1)
uint16_t destzone; // Destination Zone of Packet or NULL (added in rev 12 of FTS-1)
uint8_t fill[20]; // Unused (zeroed)
} fpkthdr2_t;
typedef struct _PACK { /* Fidonet Packet Header (Type-2+), FSC-48 and FSC-39.4 (sans auxnet) */
uint16_t orignode; // Origination Node of Packet (all types)
uint16_t destnode; // Destination Node of Packet (all types)
uint16_t year; // Year of Packet Creation e.g. 1995
uint16_t month; // Month of Packet Creation 0-11
uint16_t day; // Day of Packet Creation 1-31
uint16_t hour; // Hour of Packet Creation 0-23
uint16_t min; // Minute of Packet Creation 0-59
uint16_t sec; // Second of Packet Creation 0-59
uint16_t baud; // Max Baud Rate of Orig & Dest
uint16_t pkttype; // Packet Type (2)
uint16_t orignet; // Origination Net of Packet
uint16_t destnet; // Destination Net of Packet
uint8_t prodcodeLo; // Product Code (00h is Fido)
uint8_t prodrevMajor; // Revision (major)
uint8_t password[FIDO_PASS_LEN]; // Session Password or NULL
uint16_t oldOrigZone; // Origination Zone in type 2 packet, unused in 2+
uint16_t oldDestZone; // Destination Zone in type 2 packet, unused in 2+
/* 2 Fill data area: */
uint16_t auxnet; // Orig Net if Origin is a Point
uint16_t cwcopy; // Must be Equal to cword (byte-swapped), added in rev 4 of FSC-39
uint8_t prodcodeHi; // Product Code
uint8_t prodrevMinor; // Revision (minor)
uint16_t cword; // Compatibility Word
uint16_t origzone; // Zone of Packet Sender or NULL
uint16_t destzone; // Zone of Packet Receiver or NULL
uint16_t origpoint; // Origination Point of Packet
uint16_t destpoint; // Destination Point of Packet
uint8_t proddata[FIDO_PRODDATA_LEN]; // Product Specific Data
} fpkthdr2plus_t;
typedef struct _PACK { /* Fidonet Packet Header (Type-2.2), FSC-45 */
uint16_t orignode; // Origination Node of Packet (all types)
uint16_t destnode; // Destination Node of Packet (all types)
uint16_t origpoint; // Origination Point of Packet
uint16_t destpoint; // Destination Point of Packet
uint8_t reserved[8]; // Reserved, must be zero
uint16_t subversion; // Packet sub-version (2, indicates type 2.2 packet header)
uint16_t pkttype; // Packet Type (2)
uint16_t orignet; // Origination Net of Packet
uint16_t destnet; // Destination Net of Packet
uint8_t prodcode; // Product code (00h is Fido)
uint8_t prodrev; // Product revision level
uint8_t password[FIDO_PASS_LEN]; // Session Password or NULL
uint16_t origzone; // Origination Zone of Packet or NULL (added in rev 12 of FTS-1)
uint16_t destzone; // Destination Zone of Packet or NULL (added in rev 12 of FTS-1)
uint8_t origdomn[FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN]; // Origination Domain
uint8_t destdomn[FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN]; // Destination Domain
uint8_t proddata[FIDO_PRODDATA_LEN]; // Product Specific Data
} fpkthdr2_2_t;
typedef union _PACK { /* Fidonet Packet Header (types 2, 2+, and 2.2) */
fpkthdr2_t type2;
fpkthdr2plus_t type2plus;
fpkthdr2_2_t type2_2;
} fpkthdr_t;
#define FIDO_PACKET_TERMINATOR 0x0000 /* 16-bits */
typedef struct _PACK { /* FidoNet Packed Message Header */
int16_t type; /* Message type: 2 */
int16_t orignode;
int16_t destnode;
int16_t orignet;
int16_t destnet;
int16_t attr;
int16_t cost;
char time[FIDO_TIME_LEN]; /* Time in goof-ball ASCII format */
} fpkdmsg_t;
#define FIDO_PACKED_MSG_HDR_LEN 34 /* Fixed header fields only */
#define FIDO_PACKED_MSG_TERMINATOR '\0' /* 8-bits */
typedef struct _PACK { /* FidoNet Stored Message Header *.msg */
char from[FIDO_NAME_LEN], /* From user */
to[FIDO_NAME_LEN], /* To user */
subj[FIDO_SUBJ_LEN], /* Message title */
time[FIDO_TIME_LEN]; /* Time in goof-ball ASCII format */
destnode, /* Destination node */
orignode, /* Origin node */
cost, /* Cost in pennies */
orignet, /* Origin net */
destnet, /* Destination net */
destzone, /* Destination zone */
origzone, /* Origin zone */
destpoint, /* Destination point */
origpoint, /* Origin point */
re, /* Message number regarding */
attr, /* Attributes - see FIDO_* */
next; /* Next message number in stream */
} fmsghdr_t;
struct _PACK fidoaddr { /* FidoNet 5D address (zone:net/node.point@domain) */
uint16_t zone;
uint16_t net;
uint16_t node;
uint16_t point;
char domain[FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN + 1];
#define FIDO_STORED_MSG_TERMINATOR '\0' /* 8-bits */
#define FIDO_SOFT_CR 0x8d