/* Synchronet user logout routines */
* 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) *
* @format.use-tabs true (see *
* *
* Copyright Rob Swindell - *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or *
* *
* *
* For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see *
* *
* *
* Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. *
#include "sbbs.h"
#include "cmdshell.h"
/* Function that is called after a user hangs up or logs off */

Rob Swindell
void sbbs_t::logout(bool logged_in)
char path[MAX_PATH + 1];
char str[256];
char tmp[512];
int i, j;
ushort ttoday;
node_t node;
now = time(NULL);
if (!useron.number) { /* Not logged in, so do nothing */
if (!online) {
SAFEPRINTF2(str, "%-6s T:%3u sec\r\n"
, time_as_hhmm(&cfg, now, tmp)
, (uint)(now - answertime));
logline("@-", str);
lprintf(LOG_INFO, "logout initiated");
SAFECOPY(lastuseron, useron.alias); // TODO: race condition here
if (!online && getnodedat(cfg.node_num, &node, /* lock: */ true)) {
node.status = NODE_LOGOUT;
putnodedat(cfg.node_num, &node);
if ( & FLAG('G')) {
putuserstr(useron.number, USER_NAME, nulstr);
if (sys_status & SS_USERON && thisnode.status != NODE_QUIET && !( & FLAG('Q')) && logged_in)
for (i = 1; i <= cfg.sys_nodes; i++)
if (i != cfg.node_num) {
getnodedat(i, &node);
if ((node.status == NODE_INUSE || node.status == NODE_QUIET)
&& !(node.misc & NODE_AOFF) && node.useron != useron.number) {
putnmsg(i, format_text(NodeLoggedOff
, cfg.node_num
, thisnode.misc & NODE_ANON
? text[UNKNOWN_USER] : useron.alias));
if (!online) { /* NOT re-login */
if (cfg.sys_logout.cmd[0] && !(cfg.sys_logout.misc & EVENT_DISABLED)) { /* execute system logout event */
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "executing logout event: %s", cfg.sys_logout.cmd);
external(cmdstr(cfg.sys_logout.cmd, nulstr, nulstr, NULL, cfg.sys_logout.misc), EX_OUTL | EX_OFFLINE | cfg.sys_logout.misc);
if (cfg.logout_mod[0]) {
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "executing logout module: %s", cfg.logout_mod);
exec_bin(cfg.logout_mod, &main_csi);
SAFEPRINTF2(path, "%smsgs/%4.4u.msg", cfg.data_dir, useron.number);
if (fexistcase(path) && !flength(path)) /* remove any 0 byte message files */
fremove(WHERE, path);
delfiles(cfg.temp_dir, ALLFILES);
if (sys_status & SS_USERON) { // Insures the useron actually went through logon()/getmsgptrs() first
useron.laston = (time32_t)now;
ttoday = useron.ttoday - useron.textra; /* billable time used prev calls */
if (ttoday >= cfg.level_timeperday[useron.level])
i = 0;
i = cfg.level_timeperday[useron.level] - ttoday;
if (i > cfg.level_timepercall[useron.level]) /* i=amount of time without min */
i = cfg.level_timepercall[useron.level];
j = (int)(now - starttime) / 60; /* j=billable time online in min */
if (i < 0)
i = 0;
if (j < 0)
j = 0;
if (useron.min && j > i) {
j -= i; /* j=time to deduct from min */
SAFEPRINTF(str, "Minute Adjustment: %d", -j);
logline(">>", str);
if (useron.min > (ulong)j)
useron.min -= j;
useron.min = 0L;
putuserdec32(useron.number, USER_MIN, useron.min);
if (timeleft > 0 && starttime - logontime > 0) /* extra time */
useron.textra += (ushort)((starttime - logontime) / 60);
putuserdec32(useron.number, USER_TEXTRA, useron.textra);
putuserdatetime(useron.number, USER_NS_TIME, last_ns_time);

logoutuserdat(&cfg, &useron, now, logontime);
putuserstr(useron.number, USER_CURSUB, cfg.sub[usrsub[curgrp][cursub[curgrp]]]->code);
putuserstr(useron.number, USER_CURDIR, cfg.dir[usrdir[curlib][curdir[curlib]]]->code);
snprintf(str, sizeof str, "%-6s ", time_as_hhmm(&cfg, now, tmp));
if (sys_status & SS_USERON) {
char ulb[64];
char dlb[64];
safe_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "T:%3u R:%3u P:%3u E:%3u F:%3u "
"U:%4s %u D:%4s %u"
, (uint)(now - logontime) / 60, posts_read, logon_posts
, logon_emails, logon_fbacks
, byte_estimate_to_str(logon_ulb, ulb, sizeof(ulb), 1024, /* precision: */ logon_ulb > 1024 * 1024)
, logon_uls
, byte_estimate_to_str(logon_dlb, dlb, sizeof(dlb), 1024, /* precision: */ logon_dlb > 1024 * 1204)
, logon_dls);
} else
SAFEPRINTF(tmp, "T:%3u sec", (uint)(now - answertime));
SAFECAT(str, tmp);
SAFECAT(str, "\r\n");
logline("@-", str);
sys_status &= ~SS_USERON;
answertime = now; // In case we're re-logging on
#ifdef _WIN32
if (startup->sound.logout[0] && !sound_muted(&cfg))
PlaySound(startup->sound.logout, NULL, SND_ASYNC | SND_FILENAME);
mqtt_user_logout(mqtt, &client, logontime);
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "logout completed");
/* Detailed usage stats for each logon */
bool sbbs_t::logofflist()
char str[256];
int file;
struct tm tm, tm_now;
if (localtime_r(&now, &tm_now) == NULL)
if (localtime_r(&logontime, &tm) == NULL)
SAFEPRINTF4(str, "%slogs/", cfg.logs_dir, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday
, TM_YEAR(tm.tm_year));
if ((file = nopen(str, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND)) == -1) {
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-*.*s %-2u %-8.8s %2.2u:%2.2u %2.2u:%2.2u %3u %2u %2u %2u %2u "
"%2u %2u\r\n", LEN_ALIAS, LEN_ALIAS, useron.alias, cfg.node_num, connection
, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm_now.tm_hour, tm_now.tm_min
, (int)(now - logontime) / 60, posts_read, logon_posts, logon_emails
, logon_fbacks, logon_uls, logon_dls);
int wr = write(file, str, strlen(str));
return wr == (int)strlen(str);