/* Synchronet Message-ID generation routines */
* 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) *
* @format.use-tabs true (see *
* *
* Copyright Rob Swindell - *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or *
* *
* *
* For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see *
* *
* *
* Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. *
#include "msg_id.h"
#include "smblib.h"
#include "scfglib.h"
#include "git_branch.h"
#include "git_hash.h"
static ulong msg_number(smbmsg_t* msg)
return msg->idx.number;
return msg->hdr.number;
uint32_t get_new_msg_number(smb_t* smb)
if (!locked && smb_locksmbhdr(smb) != SMB_SUCCESS)
return 0;
if (smb_getstatus(smb) != SMB_SUCCESS)
return 0;
if (!locked)
return smb->status.last_msg + 1;
static ulong msg_time(smbmsg_t* msg)
return msg->idx.time;
return msg->hdr.when_imported.time;
static ulong msgid_serialno(smbmsg_t* msg)
return (msg_time(msg) - 1000000000) + msg_number(msg);
/* Returns a FidoNet (FTS-9) message-ID */
/* Returns NULL if the message is from FidoNet and doesn't have a MSGID */
/* Pass NULL for msgid if (single-threaded) caller wishes to use static buf */
char* ftn_msgid(sub_t *sub, smbmsg_t* msg, char* msgid, size_t maxlen)
static char msgidbuf[256];
char faddrbuf[64];
if (msgid == NULL) {
msgid = msgidbuf;
maxlen = sizeof(msgidbuf);
if (msg->ftn_msgid != NULL && *msg->ftn_msgid != 0)
return msg->ftn_msgid;
if (msg->from_net.type == NET_FIDO) // Don't generate a message-ID for imported FTN messages
return NULL;
safe_snprintf(msgid, maxlen
, "%lu.%s@%s %08lx"
, msg_number(msg)
, sub->code
, smb_faddrtoa(&sub->faddr, faddrbuf)
, msgid_serialno(msg)
return msgid;
/* Return a general purpose (RFC-822) message-ID */

Rob Swindell
char* get_msgid(scfg_t* cfg, int subnum, smbmsg_t* msg, char* msgid, size_t maxlen)
if (msg->id != NULL && *msg->id != 0) {
strncpy(msgid, msg->id, maxlen);
/* Try *really* hard to get a hostname from the configuration data */
host = cfg->sys_inetaddr;
if (!host[0]) {
host = cfg->sys_id;
if (!host[0]) {
host = cfg->sys_name;
if (!host[0]) {
host = cfg->sys_op;
if (!subnum_is_valid(cfg, subnum))
safe_snprintf(msgid, maxlen
, "<%08lX.%lu@%s>"
, msg_time(msg)
, msg_number(msg)
, host);
safe_snprintf(msgid, maxlen
, "<%08lX.%lu.%s@%s>"
, msg_time(msg)
, msg_number(msg)
, cfg->sub[subnum]->code
, host);
/* Get (or generate) the original message-ID for a reply message */
/* Returns NULL if not a valid reply message */
char* get_replyid(scfg_t* cfg, smb_t* smb, smbmsg_t* msg, char* msgid, size_t maxlen)
if (msg->hdr.thread_back == 0)
return NULL;
memset(&remsg, 0, sizeof(remsg));
remsg.hdr.number = msg->hdr.thread_back;
if (smb_getmsgidx(smb, &remsg) != SMB_SUCCESS)
if (smb_getmsghdr(smb, &remsg) != SMB_SUCCESS)
get_msgid(cfg, smb->subnum, &remsg, msgid, maxlen);
return msgid;
/* Add auto-generated message-IDs to a message, if doesn't already have */
/* The message base (smb) must be already opened */
bool add_msg_ids(scfg_t* cfg, smb_t* smb, smbmsg_t* msg, smbmsg_t* remsg)
char msg_id[256];
char faddrbuf[64];
if (msg->hdr.number == 0)
msg->hdr.number = get_new_msg_number(smb);
/* Generate FidoNet (FTS-9) MSGID (for messages posted to FTN sub-boards only) */
if (msg->ftn_msgid == NULL) {
if (smb->subnum == INVALID_SUB && msg->to_net.type == NET_FIDO) {
safe_snprintf(msg_id, sizeof(msg_id)
, "%s %08lx"
, smb_faddrtoa(nearest_sysfaddr(cfg, msg->to_net.addr), faddrbuf)
, msgid_serialno(msg)
if (smb_hfield_str(msg, FIDOMSGID, msg_id) != SMB_SUCCESS)
else if (subnum_is_valid(cfg, smb->subnum) && cfg->sub[smb->subnum]->misc & SUB_FIDO) {
if (ftn_msgid(cfg->sub[smb->subnum], msg, msg_id, sizeof(msg_id)) != NULL) {
if (smb_hfield_str(msg, FIDOMSGID, msg_id) != SMB_SUCCESS)
/* Generate Internet MSG-ID (for all messages) */
if (msg->id == NULL) {
get_msgid(cfg, smb->subnum, msg, msg_id, sizeof(msg_id));
if (smb_hfield_str(msg, RFC822MSGID, msg_id) != SMB_SUCCESS)
/* Generate Reply-IDs (when appropriate) */
if (remsg != NULL) {
if (add_reply_ids(cfg, smb, msg, remsg) != true)
/* Generate FidoNet Program Identifier */
if (msg->ftn_pid == NULL) {
if (smb_hfield_str(msg, FIDOPID, msg_program_id(msg_id, sizeof(msg_id))) != true)
return true; // Success
/* Adds reply-IDs and does some reply/thread-linkage to a new message */
/* Migrated from sbbs_t::postmsg() */
/* The message base (smb) must be already opened successfully */
bool add_reply_ids(scfg_t* cfg, smb_t* smb, smbmsg_t* msg, smbmsg_t* remsg)
char* p;
msg->hdr.thread_back = remsg->hdr.number; /* needed for threading backward */
if ((msg->hdr.thread_id = remsg->hdr.thread_id) == 0)
msg->hdr.thread_id = remsg->hdr.number;
/* Add RFC-822 Reply-ID (generate if necessary) */
if ((p = get_replyid(cfg, smb, msg, replyid, sizeof(replyid))) != NULL) {
if (smb_hfield_str(msg, RFC822REPLYID, p) != SMB_SUCCESS)
/* Add FidoNet Reply if original message has FidoNet MSGID */
if (remsg->ftn_msgid != NULL) {
if (smb_hfield_str(msg, FIDOREPLYID, remsg->ftn_msgid) != SMB_SUCCESS)
return true; // Success
/* FTN-compliant "Program Identifier"/PID */
char* msg_program_id(char* pid, size_t maxlen)
char compiler[64];
snprintf(pid, maxlen, "%.10s %s%c-%s %s/%s %.11s %s"
, GIT_DATE, compiler);
return pid;