
/* Synchronet QWKnet node list or route.dat file generator */
* 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) *
* @format.use-tabs true (see *
* *
* Copyright Rob Swindell - *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or *
* *
* *
* For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see *
* *
* *
* Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. *
#include "load_cfg.h"
#include "str_util.h"
#include "date_str.h"
#include "smblib.h"
#include "conwrap.h" /* kbhit */
unsigned _stklen = 10000;
smb_t smb;
scfg_t cfg;
void stripctrla(char *str)
for (i = j = 0; str[i] && j < sizeof(out) - 1; i++) {
if (str[i] == CTRL_A && str[i + 1] != 0)
out[j] = 0;
strcpy(str, out);
char tmp[256];
int i, j, k;
j = strlen(str);
for (i = k = 0; i < j; i++) /* remove CRs */
if (str[i] == CR && str[i + 1] == LF)
tmp[k++] = str[i];
tmp[k] = 0;
return fputs(tmp, stdout);
/* Performs printf() through local assembly routines */
/* Called from everywhere */
int lprintf(const char *fmat, ...)
char sbuf[256];
int chcount;
va_start(argptr, fmat);
chcount = vsnprintf(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), fmat, argptr);
sbuf[sizeof(sbuf) - 1] = 0;
char * buf = NULL;
uint16_t xlat;
int i;
long l = 0, length;
for (i = 0; i < msg->hdr.total_dfields; i++) {
if (msg->dfield[i].type != TEXT_TAIL)
fseek(smb.sdt_fp, msg->hdr.offset + msg->dfield[i].offset
if (fread(&xlat, 2, 1, smb.sdt_fp) != 1)
if (xlat != XLAT_NONE) /* no translations supported */
length = msg->dfield[i].length - 2;
if ((buf = realloc_or_free(buf, l + msg->dfield[i].length + 1)) == NULL)
l += fread(buf + l, 1, length, smb.sdt_fp);
buf[l] = 0;
void gettag(smbmsg_t* msg, char *tag)
tag[0] = 0;
buf = loadmsgtail(msg);
if (buf == NULL)
if (!p)
p = buf;
if (!strnicmp(p, " Synchronet ", 16))
p += 16;
if (!strnicmp(p, " * Synchronet * ", 16))
p += 16;
while (*p && *p <= ' ') p++;
strcpy(tag, p);
#define FEED (1 << 0)
#define LOCAL (1 << 1)
#define APPEND (1 << 2)
#define TAGS (1 << 3)
#define ROUTE (1 << 1)
#define NODES (1 << 2)
#define USERS (1 << 3)
char *usage = "\nusage: qwknodes [-opts] cmds"
"\n cmds: r = create route.dat"
"\n u = create users.dat"
"\n n = create nodes.dat"
"\n opts: f = format addresses for nodes that feed from this system"
"\n a = append existing output files"
"\n t = include tag lines in nodes.dat"
"\n l = include local users in users.dat"
"\n m# = maximum message age set to # days";
char str[256], tmp[128], tag[256], addr[256], *p;
int i, j, mode = 0, cmd = 0, o_mode, max_age = 0;
ushort smm, sbl;
uint32_t * crc = NULL, curcrc, total_crcs = 0, l;
FILE * route = NULL, *users = NULL, *nodes = NULL;
time_t now;
smbmsg_t msg;
const char* revision = "1.26";
fprintf(stdout, "\nSynchronet QWKnet Node/Route/User List Generator v%s-%s\n"
, revision, PLATFORM_DESC);
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
for (j = 0; argv[i][j]; j++)
switch (toupper(argv[i][j])) {
while (argv[i][++j])
switch (toupper(argv[i][j])) {
max_age = atoi(argv[i] + j);
while (isdigit(argv[i][j + 1])) j++;
if (mode & APPEND)
o_mode = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
if (cmd & NODES)
if ((nodes = fnopen(&i, "nodes.dat", o_mode)) == NULL) {
printf("\7\nError opening nodes.dat\n");
if (cmd & USERS)
if ((users = fnopen(&i, "users.dat", o_mode)) == NULL) {
printf("\7\nError opening users.dat\n");
if (cmd & ROUTE)
if ((route = fnopen(&i, "route.dat", o_mode)) == NULL) {
printf("\7\nError opening route.dat\n");
cfg.size = sizeof(cfg);
SAFECOPY(cfg.ctrl_dir, get_ctrl_dir(/* warn: */ TRUE));
if (!load_cfg(&cfg, /* text: */ NULL, /* prep: */ TRUE, /* node: */ FALSE, str, sizeof(str))) {
printf("\7\n%s\n", str);
now = time(NULL);
smm = crc16("smm", 0);
sbl = crc16("sbl", 0);
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
for (i = 0; i < cfg.total_subs; i++) {
if (!(cfg.sub[i]->misc & SUB_QNET))
fprintf(stdout, "%-*s %s\n"
, LEN_GSNAME, cfg.grp[cfg.sub[i]->grp]->sname, cfg.sub[i]->lname);
SAFEPRINTF2(smb.file, "%s%s", cfg.sub[i]->data_dir, cfg.sub[i]->code);
smb.retry_time = 30;
smb.subnum = i;
if ((j = smb_open(&smb)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "smb_open returned %d\n", j);
if ((j = smb_locksmbhdr(&smb)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "smb_locksmbhdr returned %d\n", j);
if ((j = smb_getstatus(&smb)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "smb_getstatus returned %d\n", j);
msg.idx_offset = smb.status.total_msgs;
if (!msg.idx_offset) {
while (!kbhit() && !ferror(smb.sid_fp) && msg.idx_offset) {
fseek(smb.sid_fp, msg.idx_offset * sizeof(idxrec_t), SEEK_SET);
if (!fread(&msg.idx, 1, sizeof(idxrec_t), smb.sid_fp))
fprintf(stdout, "%-5u\r", msg.idx_offset + 1);
if ( == smm || == sbl)
if (max_age && now - msg.idx.time > ((time_t)max_age * 24UL * 60UL * 60UL))
if ((j = smb_lockmsghdr(&smb, &msg)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "smb_lockmsghdr returned %d\n", j);
if ((j = smb_getmsghdr(&smb, &msg)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "smb_getmsghdr returned %d\n", j);
smb_unlockmsghdr(&smb, &msg);
if ((mode & LOCAL && msg.from_net.type == NET_NONE)
|| (msg.from_net.type == NET_QWK && msg.from_net.addr != NULL)) {
if (msg.from_net.type != NET_QWK)
msg.from_net.addr = "";
if (cmd & USERS) {
sprintf(str, "%s%s", (char *)msg.from_net.addr, (char *)msg.from);
curcrc = crc32(str, 0);
curcrc = crc32(msg.from_net.addr, 0);
for (l = 0; l < total_crcs; l++)
if (curcrc == crc[l])
if (l == total_crcs) {
if ((crc = (uint32_t *)realloc_or_free(crc
, sizeof(uint32_t) * total_crcs)) == NULL) {
printf("Error allocating %lu bytes\n"
, sizeof(uint32_t) * total_crcs);
crc[l] = curcrc;
if (cmd & ROUTE && msg.from_net.type == NET_QWK) {
strcpy(addr, msg.from_net.addr);
if (mode & FEED) {
p = strrchr(addr, '/');
if (!p)
p = addr;
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %s:%s%c%s"
, unixtodstr(&cfg, smb_time(msg.hdr.when_written), tmp)
, p, cfg.sys_id, p == addr ? 0 : '/'
, addr);
fprintf(route, "%s\r\n", str);
p = strrchr(addr, '/');
if (p) {
*(p++) = 0;
fprintf(route, "%s %s:%.*s\r\n"
, unixtodstr(&cfg, smb_time(msg.hdr.when_written), str)
, p
, (uint)(p - addr)
, addr);
if (cmd & USERS) {
if (msg.from_net.type != NET_QWK)
strcpy(str, cfg.sys_id);
else if (mode & FEED)
sprintf(str, "%s/%s", cfg.sys_id, (char *)msg.from_net.addr);
strcpy(str, msg.from_net.addr);
p = strrchr(str, '/');
if (p)
fprintf(users, "%-25.25s %-8.8s %s (%s)\r\n"
, msg.from, p + 1
, unixtodstr(&cfg, smb_time(msg.hdr.when_written), tmp)
, str);
fprintf(users, "%-25.25s %-8.8s %s\r\n"
, msg.from, str
, unixtodstr(&cfg, smb_time(msg.hdr.when_written), tmp));
if (cmd & NODES && msg.from_net.type == NET_QWK) {
if (mode & TAGS)
gettag(&msg, tag);
if (mode & FEED)
sprintf(str, "%s/%s", cfg.sys_id, (char *)msg.from_net.addr);
strcpy(str, msg.from_net.addr);
p = strrchr(str, '/');
if (p) {
if (mode & TAGS)
fprintf(nodes, "%-8.8s %s\r\n"
, p + 1
, tag);
fprintf(nodes, "%-8.8s %s (%s)\r\n"
, p + 1
, unixtodstr(&cfg, smb_time(msg.hdr.when_written), tmp)
, str);
fprintf(nodes, "%-8.8s %s\r\n"
, str
, mode & TAGS
? tag
: unixtodstr(&cfg, smb_time(msg.hdr.when_written), tmp));
fprintf(stdout, "Key pressed.\n");
fprintf(stdout, "Done.\n");