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							case __COUNTER__:
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								k = !cfg.nodecfg[i].direct;
									,"Direct Delivery",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
									case 0:	cfg.nodecfg[i].direct = true;	uifc.changes=TRUE; break;
									case 1:	cfg.nodecfg[i].direct = false;	uifc.changes=TRUE; break;
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							case __COUNTER__:
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								k = !cfg.nodecfg[i].passive;
									,"Passive Node",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
									case 0:	cfg.nodecfg[i].passive = true;	uifc.changes=TRUE; break;
									case 1:	cfg.nodecfg[i].passive = false;	uifc.changes=TRUE; break;
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							case __COUNTER__:
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								k = !cfg.nodecfg[i].send_notify;
									,"Send AreaFix Notifications",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
									case 0:	cfg.nodecfg[i].send_notify = true;	uifc.changes=TRUE; break;
									case 1:	cfg.nodecfg[i].send_notify = false;	uifc.changes=TRUE; break;
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							case __COUNTER__:
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	"~ Uplink for Message Groups ~\n\n"
	"These are Message Group short names (as configured in SCFG) for which\n"
	"this linked-node is your system's uplink (hub).\n"
	"Use of this setting allows your hub to be automatically linked with new\n"
	"areas when new Sub-boards (within a listed group) are auto-added to the\n"
	"Area File."
								while(1) {
									for(j=0; cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub!=NULL && cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub[j]!=NULL ;j++)
										,0,0,0,&k,0,"Uplink for Message Groups",opt);
									if((k&MSK_ON)==MSK_INS) {
											,"Message Group (short name)",str,LEN_GSNAME
											,/* kmode: */0) < 1)
										strListInsert(&cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub, str, k);

									if((k&MSK_ON)==MSK_DEL) {
										strListRemove(&cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub, k);
									uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Message Group (short name)"
									strListReplace(cfg.nodecfg[i].grphub, k, str);
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							case __COUNTER__:
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	"~ Route To ~\n\n"
	"When using a BSO/FLO type mailer, this is the Fido address to route mail\n"
	"for this node(s) to.\n"
	"This option is normally only used with wildcard type node entries\n"
	"(e.g. `ALL`, or `1:ALL`, `2:ALL`, etc.) and is used to route non-direct\n"
	"NetMail packets to your uplink node (hub).\n";
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									,"Node Address to Route To",str
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									,25,K_EDIT) >= 0) {
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							case __COUNTER__:
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								uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Inbound FileBox Directory"
									,cfg.nodecfg[i].inbox, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].inbox)-1
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							case __COUNTER__:
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								uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Outbound FileBox Directory"
									,cfg.nodecfg[i].outbox, sizeof(cfg.nodecfg[i].outbox)-1
							case __COUNTER__:
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			case 5:	/* Paths and Filenames... */
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Non-secure Inbound Directory"
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						,cfg.inbound[0] ? cfg.inbound : DEFAULT_INBOUND);
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Secure Inbound Directory"
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						,cfg.secure_inbound[0] ? cfg.secure_inbound : DEFAULT_SECURE_INBOUND);
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Outbound Directory"
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						,cfg.outbound[0] ? cfg.outbound : DEFAULT_OUTBOUND);
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Area File"
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						,cfg.areafile[0] ? cfg.areafile : DEFAULT_AREA_FILE);
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Bad Area File"
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						,cfg.badareafile[0] ? cfg.badareafile : DEFAULT_BAD_AREA_FILE);
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Log File"
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						,cfg.logfile[0] ? cfg.logfile : DEFAULT_LOG_FILE);
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Echo Statistics File"
						,cfg.echostats[0] ? cfg.echostats : DEFAULT_ECHOSTATS_FILE);
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Temporary File Directory"
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						,cfg.temp_dir[0] ? cfg.temp_dir	: DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR);
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Outgoing Semaphore File"
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						"~ Paths and Filenames ~\n\n"
						"From this menu you can configure the paths and filenames that SBBSecho\n"
						"will use during its operation (e.g. importing and exporting messages).\n";
						,"Paths and Filenames",opt);
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	"~ Non-secure Inbound Directory ~\n\n"
	"This is the path where your FTN mailer stores, and where SBBSecho will\n"
	"look for, incoming files (potentially including message bundles and\n"
	"packets) from unauthenticated (non-secure) mailer sessions.\n"
	"Default value is `" DEFAULT_INBOUND "`."
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							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Non-secure Inbound Directory"
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	"~ Secure Inbound Directory ~\n\n"
	"This is the path where your FTN mailer stores, and where SBBSecho will\n"
	"look for, incoming message bundles and packets for `Secure` (password\n"
	"protected) sessions.\n"
	"Default value is `" DEFAULT_SECURE_INBOUND "`."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Secure Inbound Directory"
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	"~ Outbound Directory ~\n\n"
	"This is the path where your FTN mailer will look for, and where SBBSecho\n"
	"will place, outgoing message bundles and packets.\n"
	"In Binkley-Style Outbound mode, this serves as the base directory\n"
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	"name for special foreign zone and point destination nodes as well."
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	"Default value is `" DEFAULT_OUTBOUND "`."
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							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Outbound Directory"
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	"~ Area File ~\n\n"
	"This is the path of the file SBBSecho will use as your primary\n"
	"list of FidoNet-style message areas (default is `data/areas.bbs`).\n"
	"Each line in the file defines an FTN message area (echo) of the format:\n"
	"   <`code`> <`tag`> [[`link`] [`link`] [...]]\n"
	"Each field is separated by one or more white-space characters:\n"
	"   `<code>` is the Synchronet `internal code` for the local sub-board\n"
	"   `<tag>`  is the network's agreed-upon `echo tag` for the message area\n"
	"   `[link]` is an `FTN address` to send and receive messages for this area\n"
	"          (there may be many linked nodes for each area)\n"
	"          (often your FTN uplink/hub may be the only linked node)\n"
	"Example Area Line:\n"
	"   `FIDO_BBS_CARN    BBS_CARNIVAL                        1:218/700`\n"
	" `*` Only the `<code>` and `<tag>` fields are required\n"
	" `*` The `<code>` and `<tag>` fields are case in-sensitive\n"
	" `*` The `[link]` fields must be 2D, 3D, or 4D FidoNet-style node addresses\n"
	" `*` The '`<`' and '`>`', '`[`' and '`]`' characters are not part of the syntax\n"
	" `*` Lines beginning with a semicolon (`;`) are ignored (i.e. comments)\n"
	" `*` Leading white-space characters are ignored\n"
	" `*` Blank lines are ignored\n"
	" `*` A `<tag>` value of `*` indicates a `bad echo` (unknown) area\n"
	" `*` A `<code>` value of `P` indicates a pass-through message area\n"
	" `*` This file may be import/exported to/from your `Message Areas` in `SCFG`\n"
	" `*` This file may be remotely modified by authorized nodes using `AreaFix`\n"
	"Default value is `" DEFAULT_AREA_FILE "`."
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							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Area File"
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	"~ Bad Area File ~\n\n"
	"This is the path of the file SBBSecho will use to record the names\n"
	"(echo tags) and descriptions of FTN message areas (echoes) that your\n"
	"system has received EchoMail for, but does not carry locally. The\n"
	"default path/filename is `" DEFAULT_BAD_AREA_FILE "`.\n"
	" `*` The descriptions of the areas will only be included if the\n"
	"   corresponding echo tags can be located in one of your configured\n"
	"   `EchoLists`.\n"
	" `*` The format of the file is the same as `BACKBONE.NA` and suitable for\n"
	"   importing into a Synchronet Message Group using `SCFG`.\n"
	" `*` SBBSecho will automatically sort and maintain this list, removing\n"
	"   areas if they are added to your configuration (`SCFG->Message Areas`)\n"
	"   and your `Area File`.\n"
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							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Bad Area File"

						case 5:
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	"~ Log File ~\n\n"
	"This is the path of the file SBBSecho will use to log information each\n"
	"time it is run (default is `" DEFAULT_LOG_FILE "`)."
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							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Log File"
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	"~ EchoStats File ~\n\n"
	"This is the path of the file SBBSecho will use to track statistics for\n"
	"EchoMail message areas (default is `" DEFAULT_ECHOSTATS_FILE "`)."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"EchoStats File"

						case 7:
	"~ Temporary File Directory ~\n\n"
	"This is the directory where SBBSecho will store temporary files that\n"
	"it creates and uses during its run-time (default is `" DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR "`)."
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							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Temp Dir"
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						case 8:
	"~ Outgoing Semaphore File ~\n\n"
	"This is an optional file to create/touch whenever there are new outbound\n"
	"files created or updated by SBBSecho."
							uifc.input(WIN_L2R|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Outgoing Sem File"
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			case 3:	/* NetMail Settings */
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	"~ NetMail Settings ~\n"
	"`Sysop Aliases` is a comma-separated list of names by which the sysop\n"
	"    (user #1) may receive NetMail messages, in addition to the alias\n"
	"    and real name associated with their BBS user account.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to just '`SYSOP`'.\n"
    "`Default Recipient` is the name of the user account you wish to receive\n"
	"    inbound NetMail messages that have been addressed to an unrecognized\n"
	"    user name or alias.\n"
	"`Fuzzy Zone Operation` when set to `Yes`, if SBBSecho receives an inbound\n"
	"    netmail with no international zone information, it will compare the\n"
	"    net/node of the destination to the net/node information in your AKAs\n"
	"    and assume the zone of a matching AKA.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
	"`Kill/Ignore Empty NetMail Messages` will instruct SBBSecho to simply\n"
	"    discard (not import or export) NetMail messages without any body.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `Yes`.\n"
	"`Delete Processed NetMail Messages` will instruct SBBSecho to delete\n"
	"    NetMail messages/files after they have been sent or imported.\n"
	"    When set to `No`, SBBSecho will mark them as Sent or Received instead.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `Yes`.\n"
	"`Ignore NetMail Destination Address` will instruct SBBSecho to treat\n"
	"    all NetMail as though it is destined for one of your systems's FTN\n"
	"    addresses (AKAs) and potentially import it.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
	"`Ignore Netmail 'Sent' Attribute` will instruct SBBSecho to export\n"
	"    NetMail messages even when their 'Sent' attribute flag is set.\n"
	"    This setting `should not` be set to `Yes` when `Delete NetMail` is\n"
	"    disabled.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
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	"`Ignore Netmail 'KillSent' Attribute` will instruct SBBSecho to ignore\n"
	"    this attribute flag and will `not` delete Sent NetMail.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
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	"`Ignore Netmail 'Received' Attribute` will instruct SBBSecho to import\n"
	"    NetMail messages even when their 'Received' attribute flag is set.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
	"`Ignore NetMail 'Local' Attribute` will instruct SBBSecho to import\n"
	"    NetMail messages even when their 'Local' attribute flag is set.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
	"`Maximum Age of Imported NetMail` allows you to optionally set an age\n"
	"    limit of NetMail messages that may be imported.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `None` (no maximum age).\n"
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					strListCombine(cfg.sysop_alias_list, sysop_aliases, sizeof(sysop_aliases)-1, ",");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%s", "Sysop Aliases",sysop_aliases);
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%s", "Default Recipient"
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%-3.3s","Fuzzy Zone Operation"
						,cfg.fuzzy_zone ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%-3.3s","Kill/Ignore Empty NetMail "
						"Messages",cfg.kill_empty_netmail ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%-3.3s","Delete Processed NetMail"
						,cfg.delete_netmail ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%-3.3s","Ignore NetMail Destination Address"
						,cfg.ignore_netmail_dest_addr ? "Yes" : "No");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%-3.3s","Ignore NetMail 'Sent' Attribute"
						,cfg.ignore_netmail_sent_attr ? "Yes" : "No");
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%-3.3s","Ignore NetMail 'KillSent' Attribute"
						,cfg.ignore_netmail_kill_attr ? "Yes" : "No");
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%-3.3s","Ignore NetMail 'Received' Attribute"
						,cfg.ignore_netmail_recv_attr ? "Yes" : "No");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%-3.3s","Ignore NetMail 'Local' Attribute"
						,cfg.ignore_netmail_local_attr ? "Yes" : "No");
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						duration_to_vstr(cfg.max_netmail_age, str, sizeof(str));
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						SAFECOPY(str, "None");
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-40.40s%s","Maximum Age of Imported NetMail"	, str);
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					j=uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&netmail_opt,0,"NetMail Settings",opt);
					switch(j) {
						case 0:
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							"~ Sysop Aliases ~\n\n"
							"This is a comma-separated list of additional `To` names that the sysop\n"
							"(user #1) can receive netmail by. When specifying multiple aliases,\n"
							"they must be separated by a single comma and no extra white-space\n"
							"(e.g. \"SYSOP,COORDINATOR\"). The default value is just `SYSOP`.\n";
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							if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_BOT|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Sysop Aliases (comma separated)"
								,sizeof(sysop_aliases)-1,K_EDIT|K_UPPER) >= 0) {
								cfg.sysop_alias_list = strListSplit(NULL, sysop_aliases, ",");
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							uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Default Recipient"
								,cfg.default_recipient, sizeof(cfg.default_recipient)-1
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							k = !cfg.fuzzy_zone;
								,"Fuzzy Zone Operation",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.fuzzy_zone = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.fuzzy_zone = false;	break;
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							k = !cfg.kill_empty_netmail;
								,"Delete Empty NetMail",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.kill_empty_netmail = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.kill_empty_netmail = false;	break;
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							k = !cfg.delete_netmail;
								,"Delete Processed NetMail",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.delete_netmail = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.delete_netmail = false;	break;
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_dest_addr;
								,"Ignore NetMail Destination Address",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.ignore_netmail_dest_addr = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.ignore_netmail_dest_addr = false;	break;
							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_sent_attr;
								,"Ignore NetMail 'Sent' Attribute",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.ignore_netmail_sent_attr = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.ignore_netmail_sent_attr = false;	break;
						case 7:
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_kill_attr;
								,"Ignore NetMail 'KillSent' Attribute",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.ignore_netmail_kill_attr = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.ignore_netmail_kill_attr = false;	break;
						case 8:
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_recv_attr;
								,"Ignore NetMail 'Received' Attribute",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.ignore_netmail_recv_attr = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.ignore_netmail_recv_attr = false;	break;
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						case 9:
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							k = !cfg.ignore_netmail_local_attr;
								,"Ignore NetMail 'Local' Attribute",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.ignore_netmail_local_attr = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.ignore_netmail_local_attr = false;	break;
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						case 10:
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							"~ Maximum Age of Imported NetMail ~\n\n"
							"Maximum age of NetMail that may be imported. The age is based\n"
							"on the date supplied in the message header and may be incorrect in some\n"
							"conditions (e.g. erroneous software or incorrect system date).\n"
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							"Set this value to `0` to disable this feature (no maximum age imposed)."
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								duration_to_vstr(cfg.max_netmail_age, str, sizeof(str));
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								SAFECOPY(str, "None");
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							if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_BOT|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Maximum NetMail Age"
								,str, 10, K_EDIT) >= 0)
								cfg.max_netmail_age = (ulong)parse_duration(str);
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			case 4:	/* EchoMail Settings */
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				while(1) {
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	"~ EchoMail Settings ~\n"
	"`Area Manager` is the BBS user name or alias to notify (via email) of\n"
	"    AreaFix activities and errors.  This setting defaults to `SYSOP`.\n"
	"`Maximum Packet Size` is the largest packet file size that SBBSecho will\n"
	"    normally create (in bytes).\n"
	"    This settings defaults to `250K` (250 Kilobytes, or 256,000 bytes).\n"
	"`Maximum Bundle Size` is the largest bundle file size that SBBSecho will\n"
	"    normally create (in bytes).\n"
	"    This settings defaults to `250K` (250 Kilobytes, or 256,000 bytes).\n"
	"`Secure Operation` tells SBBSecho to check the Area File (e.g. areas.bbs)\n"
	"    to insure that the packet origin (FTN address) of EchoMail messages\n"
	"    is already linked to the EchoMail area where the message was posted.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
	"`Notify Users of Received EchoMail` tells SBBSecho to send telegrams\n"
	"    (short messages) to BBS users when EchoMail addressed to their name\n"
	"    or alias has been imported into a message base that the user has\n"
	"    access to read.\n"
	"`Convert Existing Tear Lines` tells SBBSecho to convert any tear lines\n"
	"    (`---`) existing in the message text to `===`.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
	"`Strip Line Feeds From Outgoing Messages` when set to `Yes` instructs\n"
	"    SBBSecho to remove any line-feed (ASCII 10) characters from the body\n"
	"    text of messages being exported to FidoNet EchoMail.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `No`.\n"
	"`Automatically Add New Subs to Area File`, when set to `Yes`, enables\n"
	"    SBBSecho to detect newly added Sub-boards in any Message Groups that\n"
	"    are listed with a `Linked Node` as their hub/uplink and add those\n"
	"    Sub-boards as new areas in your Area File.\n"
	"`Allow Nodes to Add Areas from Area File` when set to `Yes` allows linked\n"
	"    nodes to add areas listed in your Area File (e.g. `areas.bbs`).\n"
	"    When set to `No`, only areas found in one or more `EchoLists` may be\n"
	"    added via AreaFix, provided the linked node has access.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `Yes`.\n"
	"`Maximum Backups to Maintain of Area File` defines the number of backup\n"
	"    versions SBBSecho will maintain of your Area File (e.g. `areas.bbs`).\n"
	"`Circular Path Detection` when `Enabled` will cause SBBSecho, during\n"
	"    EchoMail import, to check the PATH kludge lines for any of the\n"
	"    system's AKAs and if found (indicating a message loop), not import\n"
	"    the message.\n"
	"`Relay Filtered Messages` controls whether or not incoming messages that\n"
	"    have been filtered (e.g. due to maximum message age restrictions)\n"
	"    are to be forwarded to downlinks.\n"
	"`Outbound Bundle Attachments` may be either `Deleted` (killed) or `Truncated`\n"
	"    (changed to 0-bytes in length) after being sent by your mailer.\n"
	"    This only controls the bundle prefix that is written to the FLO\n"
	"    files (`#` for truncate, `^` for delete).\n"
	"`Zone Blind SEEN-BY and PATH Lines` when `Enabled` will cause SBBSecho\n"
	"    to assume that node numbers are not duplicated across zones and\n"
	"    that a net/node combination in either of these Kludge lines should\n"
	"    be used to identify a specific node regardless of which zone that\n"
	"    node is located (thus breaking the rules of FidoNet 3D addressing).\n"
	"`Maximum Age of Imported EchoMail` allows you to optionally set an age\n"
	"    limit of EchoMail messages that may be imported.\n"
	"    This setting defaults to `60 days`.\n"
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%s", "Area Manager",cfg.areamgr);
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%luK","Maximum Packet Size"
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%luK","Maximum Bundle Size"
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%-3.3s","Secure Operation"
						,cfg.secure_echomail ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%-3.3s","Notify Users of Received EchoMail"
						,cfg.echomail_notify ? "Yes":"No");
rswindell's avatar
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%-3.3s","Convert Existing Tear Lines"
						,cfg.convert_tear ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%-3.3s","Strip Line Feeds "
						"from Outgoing Messages",cfg.strip_lf ? "Yes":"No");
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%-3.3s","Automatically Add New Subs "
						"to Area File",cfg.auto_add_subs ? "Yes":"No");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%-3.3s","Allow Nodes to Add Areas "
						"from Area File",cfg.add_from_echolists_only ? "No":"Yes");
					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%u","Maximum Backups to Maintain of Area File"
rswindell's avatar
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%s","Circular Path Detection"
						,cfg.check_path ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
rswindell's avatar
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%s","Relay Filtered Messages"
						,cfg.relay_filtered_msgs ? "Yes" : "No");
rswindell's avatar
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%s","Outbound Bundle Attachments"
						,cfg.trunc_bundles ? "Truncate" : "Delete");
						sprintf(str,"Zones 1-%u", cfg.zone_blind_threshold);
rswindell's avatar
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%s","Zone Blind SEEN-BY and PATH Lines", str);
rswindell's avatar
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						duration_to_vstr(cfg.max_echomail_age, str, sizeof(str));
rswindell's avatar
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						SAFECOPY(str, "None");
rswindell's avatar
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					snprintf(opt[i++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-45.45s%s","Maximum Age of Imported EchoMail", str);
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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					j=uifc.list(WIN_ACT|WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&echomail_opt,0,"EchoMail Settings",opt);
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rswindell's avatar
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				"~ Area Manager ~\n\n"
rswindell's avatar
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				"Local user to notify of AreaFix activity and errors.\n";
rswindell's avatar
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							uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_BOT|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Area Manager (user name or alias)"
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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				"~ Maximum Packet Size ~\n\n"
				"This is the maximum file size that SBBSecho will create when placing\n"
				"outgoing messages into packets.  The default max size is 250 Kilobytes.\n";
rswindell's avatar
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							uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_BOT|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Maximum Packet Size (in Bytes)",str
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rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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				"~ Maximum Bundle Size ~\n\n"
				"This is the maximum file size that SBBSecho will create when placing\n"
				"outgoing packets into bundles.  The default max size is 250 Kilobytes.\n";
rswindell's avatar
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							uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_BOT|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Maximum Bundle Size (in Bytes)",str
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.secure_echomail;
								,"Secure Operation",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.secure_echomail = true;		break;
								case 1:	cfg.secure_echomail = false;	break;
							k = !cfg.echomail_notify;
								,"Notify Users",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.echomail_notify = true;		break;
								case 1:	cfg.echomail_notify = false;	break;
						case 5:
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.convert_tear;
								,"Convert Tear Lines",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.convert_tear = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.convert_tear = false;	break;
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.strip_lf;
								,"Strip Line Feeds",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.strip_lf = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.strip_lf = false;	break;
rswindell's avatar
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						case 7:
							k = !cfg.auto_add_subs;
								,"Automatically Add New Sub-boards to Area File",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.auto_add_subs = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.auto_add_subs = false;	break;
rswindell's avatar
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							k = cfg.add_from_echolists_only;
								,"Allow AreaFix-Add from Area File",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.add_from_echolists_only = false;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.add_from_echolists_only = true;		break;
						case 9:
							sprintf(str, "%u", cfg.areafile_backups);
							if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV, 0, 0, "Total Area File Backups to Maintain"
								,str, 5, K_EDIT|K_NUMBER) >= 0)
								cfg.areafile_backups = atoi(str);
						case 10:
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.check_path;
								,"Circular Path Detection",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.check_path = true;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.check_path = false;	break;
rswindell's avatar
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						case 11:
							k = !cfg.check_path;
								,"Relay Filtered EchoMail Messages",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:	cfg.relay_filtered_msgs = true;		break;
								case 1:	cfg.relay_filtered_msgs = false;	break;
						case 12:
rswindell's avatar
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							k = cfg.trunc_bundles;
							char* opt[] = {"Delete after Sent", "Truncate after Sent", NULL };
								,"Outbound Bundles",opt)) {
								case 0:	cfg.trunc_bundles = false;	break;
								case 1:	cfg.trunc_bundles = true;	break;
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						case 13:
rswindell's avatar
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							k = !cfg.zone_blind;
							switch(uifc.list(WIN_MID|WIN_SAV,0,0,0,&k,0,"Zone Blind",uifcYesNoOpts)) {
								case 0:
									cfg.zone_blind = true;
									"Zone Blind Threshold";
										,"Zone Blind Threshold (highest zone in the blind range)"
										, str, 5, K_EDIT|K_NUMBER) >= 0)
										cfg.zone_blind_threshold = (uint16_t)atol(str);
								case 1:
									cfg.zone_blind = false;
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						case 14:
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rswindell's avatar
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							"~ Maximum Age of Imported EchoMail ~\n\n"
							"Maximum age of EchoMail that may be imported. The age is based\n"
							"on the date supplied in the message header and may be incorrect in some\n"
							"conditions (e.g. erroneous software or incorrect system date).\n"
rswindell's avatar
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							"Set this value to `0` to disable this feature (no maximum age imposed)."
rswindell's avatar
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								duration_to_vstr(cfg.max_echomail_age, str, sizeof(str));
rswindell's avatar
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								SAFECOPY(str, "None");
rswindell's avatar
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							if(uifc.input(WIN_MID|WIN_BOT|WIN_SAV,0,0,"Maximum EchoMail Age"
								,str, 10, K_EDIT) >= 0)
								cfg.max_echomail_age = (ulong)parse_duration(str);
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			case 2:	/* Archive Types */
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rswindell's avatar
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	"~ Archive Types ~\n\n"
	"These are the archive file types that have been configured along with\n"
	"their corresponding archive programs and command-lines for the packing\n"
	"and unpacking of EchoMail bundle files.\n"
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	"The corresponding archive programs are sometimes referred to as `packers`."
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					int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT
						mode |= WIN_COPY | WIN_CUT;
rswindell's avatar
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					i=uifc.list(mode,0,0,0,&archive_opt,0,"Archive Types",opt);
					int msk = i & MSK_ON;
					i &= MSK_OFF;
					if (msk == MSK_INS) {
rswindell's avatar
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	"~ Archive Type ~\n\n"
	"This is the identifying name of the archiving program (packer).\n";
rswindell's avatar
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							,"Archive Type",str,25,K_EDIT|K_UPPER)<1)
							printf("\nMemory Allocation Error\n");
					if (msk == MSK_DEL || msk == MSK_CUT) {
						if (msk == MSK_CUT)
							memcpy(&savarcdef, &cfg.arcdef[i], sizeof(arcdef_t));
						if(cfg.arcdefs<=0) {
					if (msk == MSK_PASTE) {
rswindell's avatar
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	"Archive Type and Program configuration";
rswindell's avatar
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						snprintf(opt[j++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Archive Type"
rswindell's avatar
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						snprintf(opt[j++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Signature"
rswindell's avatar
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						snprintf(opt[j++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %u","Signature Offset"
rswindell's avatar
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						snprintf(opt[j++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Pack Command Line"
rswindell's avatar
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						snprintf(opt[j++],MAX_OPLN-1,"%-30.30s %s","Unpack Command Line"
rswindell's avatar
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						SAFEPRINTF(str,"Archive Type - %s", cfg.arcdef[i].name);
rswindell's avatar
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						switch(k) {
							case 0:
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rswindell's avatar
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								"~ Archive Type ~\n\n"
								"This is the identifying name of the archive file type. Usually this name\n"
								"corresponds with the common file extension or suffix denoting this type\n"
rswindell's avatar
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								"of archive file (e.g. `zip`, `arc`, etc.)."
rswindell's avatar
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									,"Archive Type"
							case 1:
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rswindell's avatar
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								"~ Archive Signature ~\n\n"
								"This is the identifying signature of the archive file format (in\n"
								"hexadecimal notation).  This signature is used in combination with the\n"
								"Archive `Signature Offset` for the automatic detection of proper archive\n"
rswindell's avatar
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								"program to extract (unarchive) inbound EchoMail bundle files."
rswindell's avatar
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									,"Archive Signature"
							case 2:
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rswindell's avatar
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								"~ Archive Signature Offset ~\n\n"
								"This is the byte-offset of the identifying signature of the archive file\n"
								"format.  This offset is used in combination with the Archive `Signature`\n"
								"for the automatic detection of proper archive program to extract\n"
rswindell's avatar
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								"(unarchive) inbound EchoMail bundle files."
rswindell's avatar
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									,"Archive Signature Offset",str,5
									,K_NUMBER|K_EDIT) > 0)
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rswindell's avatar
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								"~ Pack Command Line ~\n\n"
								"This is the command-line to execute to create an archive file of the\n"
								"selected type.  The following command-line specifiers may be used for\n"
								"dynamic variable replacement:\n"
								"  `%f`  The path/filename of the archive file to be created\n"
								"  `%s`  The path/filename of the file(s) to be added to the archive\n"
								"  `%!`  The Synchronet `exec` directory\n"
								"  `%@`  The Synchronet `exec` directory only for non-Unix systems\n"
								"  `%.`  Blank for Unix systems, '`.exe`' otherwise\n"
								"  `%?`  The current platform description (e.g. 'linux', 'win32')\n"
								"  `%j`  The Synchronet `data` directory\n"
								"  `%k`  The Synchronet `ctrl` directory\n"
								"  `%o`  The configured system operator name\n"
								"  `%q`  The configured system QWK-ID\n"
								"  `%g`  The configured temporary file directory\n"
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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									,"Pack Command Line"
rswindell's avatar
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rswindell's avatar
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								"~ Unpack Command Line ~\n\n"
								"This is the command-line to execute to extract an archive file of the\n"
								"selected type.  The following command-line specifiers may be used for\n"
								"dynamic variable replacement:\n"
								"  `%f`  The path/filename of the archive file to be extracted\n"
rswindell's avatar
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								"  `%s`  The destination directory for files extracted from the archive\n"
rswindell's avatar
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								"  `%!`  The Synchronet `exec` directory\n"
								"  `%@`  The Synchronet `exec` directory only for non-Unix systems\n"
								"  `%.`  Blank for Unix systems, '`.exe`' otherwise\n"
								"  `%?`  The current platform description (e.g. 'linux', 'win32')\n"
								"  `%j`  The Synchronet `data` directory\n"
								"  `%k`  The Synchronet `ctrl` directory\n"
								"  `%o`  The configured system operator name\n"
								"  `%q`  The configured system QWK-ID\n"
								"  `%g`  The configured temporary file directory\n"
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rswindell's avatar
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									,"Unpack Command Line"
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			case 6:
	"~ Domains ~\n\n"
				while(1) {
					for(u=0; u < cfg.domain_count; u++)
						snprintf(opt[u], MAX_OPLN-1, "%-*s  %s"
							,FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN, cfg.domain_list[u].name, cfg.domain_list[u].dns_suffix);
					int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_INS | WIN_DEL | WIN_ACT 
						mode |= WIN_COPY | WIN_CUT;
						mode |= WIN_PASTE | WIN_PASTEXTR;
					int msk = i&MSK_ON;
					i &= MSK_OFF;
					if (msk == MSK_INS) {
	"~ Domain ~\n\n"
							,"FTN Domain Name", str, FIDO_DOMAIN_LEN, K_EDIT)<1)
						if(!new_domain(i)) {
							printf("\nMemory Allocation Error\n");
						SAFECOPY(cfg.domain_list[i].name, str);

					if (msk == MSK_DEL || msk == MSK_CUT) {
						if(msk == MSK_CUT)
							memcpy(&savedomain, &cfg.domain_list[i], sizeof(savedomain));
						if(cfg.domain_count <= 0) {
							cfg.domain_count = 0;
						for(u=i; u < cfg.domain_count; u++)
							memcpy(&cfg.domain_list[u], &cfg.domain_list[u+1], sizeof(struct fido_domain));
					if (msk == MSK_COPY) {
						memcpy(&savedomain, &cfg.domain_list[i], sizeof(savedomain));
					if (msk == MSK_PASTE) {
						memcpy(&cfg.domain_list[i], &savedomain, sizeof(savedomain));
					if (msk != 0)
					while(1) {