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DDMsgReader.js 772 KiB
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					var num2 = +twoNumbers[1];
					// If the 1st number is bigger than the 2nd, then swap them.
					if (num1 > num2)
						var temp = num1;
						num1 = num2;
						num2 = temp;
					// Append each individual number in the range to numberList.
					for (var number = num1; number <= num2; ++number)

	return numberList;

// Inputs a single keypress from the user from a list of valid keys, allowing
// input modes (see K_* in sbbsdefs.js for mode bits).  This is similar to
// console.getkeys(), except that this allows mode bits (such as K_NOCRLF, etc.).
// Parameters:
//  pAllowedKeys: A list of allowed keys (string)
//  pMode: Mode bits (see K_* in sbbsdefs.js)
// Return value: The user's inputted keypress
function getAllowedKeyWithMode(pAllowedKeys, pMode)
	var userInput = "";

	var keypress = "";
	var i = 0;
	var matchedKeypress = false;
	while (!matchedKeypress)
		keypress = console.getkey(K_NOECHO|pMode);
		// Check to see if the keypress is one of the allowed keys
		for (i = 0; i < pAllowedKeys.length; ++i)
			if (keypress == pAllowedKeys[i])
				userInput = keypress;
			else if (keypress.toUpperCase() == pAllowedKeys[i])
				userInput = keypress.toUpperCase();
			else if (keypress.toLowerCase() == pAllowedKeys[i])
				userInput = keypress.toLowerCase();
			if (userInput.length > 0)
				matchedKeypress = true;
				// If K_NOECHO is not in pMode, then output the user's keypress
				if ((pMode & K_NOECHO) == 0)
				// If K_NOCRLF is not in pMode, then output a CRLF
				if ((pMode & K_NOCRLF) == 0)

	return userInput;

// Loads a text file (an .ans or .asc) into an array.  This will first look for
// an .ans version, and if exists, convert to Synchronet colors before loading
// it.  If an .ans doesn't exist, this will look for an .asc version.
// Parameters:
//  pFilenameBase: The filename without the extension
//  pMaxNumLines: Optional - The maximum number of lines to load from the text file
// Return value: An array containing the lines from the text file
function loadTextFileIntoArray(pFilenameBase, pMaxNumLines)
	if (typeof(pFilenameBase) != "string")
		return new Array();

	var maxNumLines = (typeof(pMaxNumLines) == "number" ? pMaxNumLines : -1);

	var txtFileLines = new Array();
	// See if there is a header file that is made for the user's terminal
	// width (areaChgHeader-<width>.ans/asc).  If not, then just go with
	// msgHeader.ans/asc.
	var txtFileExists = true;
	var txtFilenameFullPath = gStartupPath + pFilenameBase;
	var txtFileFilename = "";
	if (file_exists(txtFilenameFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".ans"))
		txtFileFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".ans";
	else if (file_exists(txtFilenameFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".asc"))
		txtFileFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + "-" + console.screen_columns + ".asc";
	else if (file_exists(txtFilenameFullPath + ".ans"))
		txtFileFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + ".ans";
	else if (file_exists(txtFilenameFullPath + ".asc"))
		txtFileFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + ".asc";
		txtFileExists = false;
	if (txtFileExists)
		var syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFileFilename;
		// If the user's console doesn't support ANSI and the header file is ANSI,
		// then convert it to Synchronet attribute codes and read that file instead.
		if (!console.term_supports(USER_ANSI) && (getStrAfterPeriod(txtFileFilename).toUpperCase() == "ANS"))
			syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + "_converted.asc";
			if (!file_exists(syncConvertedHdrFilename))
				if (getStrAfterPeriod(txtFileFilename).toUpperCase() == "ANS")
					var dotIdx = txtFileFilename.lastIndexOf(".");
					if (dotIdx >= 0)
						var filenameBase = txtFileFilename.substr(0, dotIdx);
						var cmdLine = system.exec_dir + "ans2asc \"" + txtFileFilename + "\" \""
									+ syncConvertedHdrFilename + "\"";
						// Note: Both system.exec(cmdLine) and
						// bbs.exec(cmdLine, EX_NATIVE, gStartupPath) could be used to
						// execute the command, but system.exec() seems noticeably faster.
		// If the header file is ANSI, then convert it to Synchronet attribute
		// codes and read that file instead.  This is done so that this script can
		// accurately get the file line lengths using console.strlen().
		var syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFilenameFullPath + "_converted.asc";
		if (!file_exists(syncConvertedHdrFilename))
			if (getStrAfterPeriod(txtFileFilename).toUpperCase() == "ANS")
				var filenameBase = txtFileFilename.substr(0, dotIdx);
				var cmdLine = system.exec_dir + "ans2asc \"" + txtFileFilename + "\" \""
				            + syncConvertedHdrFilename + "\"";
				// Note: Both system.exec(cmdLine) and
				// bbs.exec(cmdLine, EX_NATIVE, gStartupPath) could be used to
				// execute the command, but system.exec() seems noticeably faster.
				syncConvertedHdrFilename = txtFileFilename;
		// Read the header file into txtFileLines
		var hdrFile = new File(syncConvertedHdrFilename);
		if ("r"))
			var fileLine = null;
			while (!hdrFile.eof)
				// Read the next line from the header file.
				fileLine = hdrFile.readln(2048);
				// fileLine should be a string, but I've seen some cases
				// where it isn't, so check its type.
				if (typeof(fileLine) != "string")

				// Make sure the line isn't longer than the user's terminal
				//if (fileLine.length > console.screen_columns)
				//   fileLine = fileLine.substr(0, console.screen_columns);

				// If the header array now has the maximum number of lines, then
				// stop reading the header file.
				if (txtFileLines.length == maxNumLines)
	return txtFileLines;

// Returns the portion (if any) of a string after the period.
// Parameters:
//  pStr: The string to extract from
// Return value: The portion of the string after the dot, if there is one.  If
//               not, then an empty string will be returned.
function getStrAfterPeriod(pStr)
	var strAfterPeriod = "";
	var dotIdx = pStr.lastIndexOf(".");
	if (dotIdx > -1)
		strAfterPeriod = pStr.substr(dotIdx+1);
	return strAfterPeriod;

// Adjusts a message's when-written time to the BBS's local time.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object
// Return value: The message's when_written_time adjusted to the BBS's local time.
//               If the message header doesn't have a when_written_time or
//               when_written_zone property, then this function will return -1.
function msgWrittenTimeToLocalBBSTime(pMsgHdr)
	if (!pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("when_written_time") || !pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("when_written_zone_offset") || !pMsgHdr.hasOwnProperty("when_imported_zone_offset"))
	var timeZoneDiffMinutes = pMsgHdr.when_imported_zone_offset - pMsgHdr.when_written_zone_offset;
	//var timeZoneDiffMinutes = pMsgHdr.when_written_zone - system.timezone;
	var timeZoneDiffSeconds = timeZoneDiffMinutes * 60;
	var msgWrittenTimeAdjusted = pMsgHdr.when_written_time + timeZoneDiffSeconds;
	return msgWrittenTimeAdjusted;

// Returns a string containing the message group & sub-board numbers and
// descriptions.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgbase: A MsgBase object
// Return value: A string containing the message group & sub-board numbers and
// descriptions
function getMsgAreaDescStr(pMsgbase)
	if (typeof(pMsgbase) != "object")
		return "";
	if (!pMsgbase.is_open)
		return "";

	var descStr = "";
	if (pMsgbase.cfg != null)
		descStr = format("Group/sub-board num: %d, %d; %s - %s", pMsgbase.cfg.grp_number,
		                 pMsgbase.subnum, msg_area.grp_list[pMsgbase.cfg.grp_number].description,
		if ((pMsgbase.subnum == -1) || (pMsgbase.subnum == 65535))
			descStr = "Electronic Mail";
			descStr = "Unspecified";
	return descStr;

// Lets the sysop edit a user.
// Parameters:
//  pUsername: The name of the user to edit
// Return value: A function containing the following properties:
//               errorMsg: An error message on failure, or a blank string on success
function editUser(pUsername)
	var retObj = new Object();
	retObj.errorMsg = "";

	if (typeof(pUsername) != "string")
		retObj.errorMsg = "Given username is not a string";
		return retObj;

	// If the logged-in user is not a sysop, then just return.
	if (!gIsSysop)
		retObj.errorMsg = "Only a sysop can edit a user";
		return retObj;

	// If the user exists, then let the sysop edit the user.
	var userNum = system.matchuser(pUsername);
	if (userNum != 0)
		bbs.exec("*str_cmds uedit " + userNum);
		retObj.errorMsg = "User \"" + pUsername + "\" not found";
	return retObj;

// Returns an object containing bare minimum properties necessary to
// display an invalid message header.  Additionally, an object returned
// by this function will have an extra property, isBogus, that will be
// a boolean set to true.
// Parameters:
//  pSubject: Optional - A string to use as the subject in the bogus message
//            header object
function getBogusMsgHdr(pSubject)
	var msgHdr = new Object();
	msgHdr.subject = (typeof(pSubject) == "string" ? pSubject : "");
	msgHdr.when_imported_time = 0;
	msgHdr.when_written_time = 0;
	msgHdr.when_written_zone = 0; = "Fri, 1 Jan 1960 00:00:00 -0000";
	msgHdr.attr = 0; = "Nobody";
	msgHdr.from = "Nobody";
	msgHdr.number = 0;
	msgHdr.offset = 0;
	msgHdr.isBogus = true;
	return msgHdr;

// Returns whether a message is readable to the user, based on its
// header and the sub-board code.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: The header object for the message
//  pSubBoardCode: The internal code for the sub-board the message is in
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the message is readable for the user
function isReadableMsgHdr(pMsgHdr, pSubBoardCode)
	if (pMsgHdr === null)
		return false;
	// Let the sysop see unvalidated messages and private messages but not other users.
	if (gIsSysop)
			if ((msg_area.sub[pSubBoardCode].is_moderated && ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_VALIDATED) == 0)) ||
			    (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_PRIVATE) == MSG_PRIVATE) && !userHandleAliasNameMatch(
				return false;
	// If the message is deleted, determine whether it should be viewable, based
	// on the system settings.
	if ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE)
		// If the user is a sysop, check whether sysops can view deleted messages.
		// Otherwise, check whether users can view deleted messages.
		if (gIsSysop)
			if ((system.settings & SYS_SYSVDELM) == 0)
				return false;
			if ((system.settings & SYS_USRVDELM) == 0)
				return false;
	// The message voting and poll variables were added in sbbsdefs.js for
	// Synchronet 3.17.  Make sure they're defined before referencing them.
	if (typeof(MSG_UPVOTE) != "undefined")
		if ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_UPVOTE) == MSG_UPVOTE)
			return false;
	if (typeof(MSG_DOWNVOTE) != "undefined")
		if ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DOWNVOTE) == MSG_DOWNVOTE)
			return false;
	// Don't include polls as being unreadable messages - They just need to have
	// their answer selections read from the header instead of the message body
	if (typeof(MSG_POLL) != "undefined")
		if ((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_POLL) == MSG_POLL)
			return false;
// Returns the number of readable messages in a sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgbase: The MsgBase object representing the sub-board
//  pSubBoardCode: The internal code of the sub-board
// Return value: The number of readable messages in the sub-board
function numReadableMsgs(pMsgbase, pSubBoardCode)
	if ((pMsgbase === null) || !pMsgbase.is_open)
		return 0;

	var numMsgs = 0;
	if (typeof(pMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
		var msgHdrs = pMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
		for (var msgHdrsProp in msgHdrs)
			if (msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp] == null)
			else if (isReadableMsgHdr(msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp], pSubBoardCode))
		var msgHeader;
		for (var i = 0; i < pMsgbase.total_msgs; ++i)
			msgHeader = msgBase.get_msg_header(true, i, false);
			if (msgHeader == null)
			else if (isReadableMsgHdr(msgHeader, pSubBoardCode))
	return numMsgs;

// Deletes vote messages (messages that have voting response data for a message with
// a given message number).
// Parameters:
//  pMsgbase: A MessageBase object containing the messages to be deleted
//  pMsgNum: The number of the message for which vote messages should be deleted
//  pIsMailSub: Boolean - Whether or not it's the personal email area
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               numVoteMsgs: The number of vote messages for the given message number
//               numVoteMsgsDeleted: The number of vote messages that were deleted
//               allVoteMsgsDeleted: Boolean - Whether or not all vote messages were deleted
function deleteVoteMsgs(pMsgbase, pMsgNum, pIsEmailSub)
	var retObj = {
		numVoteMsgs: 0,
		numVoteMsgsDeleted: 0,
		allVoteMsgsDeleted: true

	if ((pMsgbase === null) || !pMsgbase.is_open)
		return retObj;
	if (typeof(pMsgNum) != "number")
		return retObj;
	if (pIsEmailSub)
		return retObj;

	// This relies on get_all_msg_headers() returning vote messages.  The get_all_msg_headers()
	// function was added in Synchronet 3.16, and the 'true' parameter to get vote headers was
	// added in Synchronet 3.17.
	if (typeof(pMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers) === "function")
		var msgHdrs = pMsgbase.get_all_msg_headers(true);
		for (var msgHdrsProp in msgHdrs)
			if (msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp] == null)
			// If this header is a vote header and its thread_back or reply_id matches the given message
			// number, then we can delete this message.
			var isVoteMsg = (((msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp].attr & MSG_VOTE) == MSG_VOTE) || ((msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp].attr & MSG_UPVOTE) == MSG_UPVOTE) || ((msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp].attr & MSG_DOWNVOTE) == MSG_DOWNVOTE));
			if (isVoteMsg && (msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp].thread_back == pMsgNum) || (msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp].reply_id == pMsgNum))
				msgWasDeleted = pMsgbase.remove_msg(false, msgHdrs[msgHdrsProp].number);
				retObj.allVoteMsgsDeleted = (retObj.allVoteMsgsDeleted && msgWasDeleted);
				if (msgWasDeleted)

	return retObj;

// Debug helper & error output functions

// Prints information from a message header on the screen, for debugging purpurposes.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object
function printMsgHdr(pMsgHdr)
	for (var prop in pMsgHdr)
		if ((prop == "field_list") && (typeof(pMsgHdr[prop]) == "object"))
			console.print(prop + ":\r\n");
			for (var objI = 0; objI < pMsgHdr[prop].length; ++objI)
				console.print(" " + objI + ":\r\n");
				for (var innerProp in pMsgHdr[prop][objI])
					console.print("  " + innerProp + ": " + pMsgHdr[prop][objI][innerProp] + "\r\n");
			console.print(prop + ": " + pMsgHdr[prop] + "\r\n");

// Writes some text on the screen at a given location with a given pause.
// Parameters:
//  pX: The column number on the screen at which to write the message
//  pY: The row number on the screen at which to write the message
//  pText: The text to write
//  pPauseMS: The pause time, in milliseconds
//  pClearLineAttrib: Optional - The color/attribute to clear the line with.
//                    If not specified or null is specified, defaults to normal attribute.
//  pClearLineAfter: Whether or not to clear the line again after the message is dispayed and
//                   the pause occurred.  This is optional.
function writeWithPause(pX, pY, pText, pPauseMS, pClearLineAttrib, pClearLineAfter)
   var clearLineAttrib = "\1n";
   if ((pClearLineAttrib != null) && (typeof(pClearLineAttrib) == "string"))
      clearLineAttrib = pClearLineAttrib;
   console.gotoxy(pX, pY);
	if (pPauseMS > 0)
   if (pClearLineAfter)
      console.gotoxy(pX, pY);

function logStackTrace(levels) {
    var callstack = [];
    var isCallstackPopulated = false;
    try {
        i.dont.exist += 0; //doesn't exist- that's the point
    } catch (e) {
        if (e.stack) { //Firefox / chrome
            var lines = e.stack.split('\n');
            for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
            //Remove call to logStackTrace()
            isCallstackPopulated = true;
        else if (window.opera && e.message) { //Opera
            var lines = e.message.split('\n');
            for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
                if (lines[i].match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) {
                    var entry = lines[i];
                    //Append next line also since it has the file info
                    if (lines[i + 1]) {
                        entry += " at " + lines[i + 1];
            //Remove call to logStackTrace()
            isCallstackPopulated = true;
    if (!isCallstackPopulated) { //IE and Safari
        var currentFunction = arguments.callee.caller;
        while (currentFunction) {
            var fn = currentFunction.toString();
            var fname = fn.substring(fn.indexOf("function") + 8, fn.indexOf("(")) || "anonymous";
            currentFunction = currentFunction.caller;
    if (levels) {
        console.print(callstack.slice(0, levels).join("\r\n"));
    else {