/* Synchronet answer "caller" function */
* 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) *
* @format.use-tabs true (see *
* *
* Copyright Rob Swindell - *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or *
* *
* *
* For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see *
* *
* *
* Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. *
#include <stddef.h> // size_t for base64.h
#include "base64.h"
#include "sbbs.h"
#include "telnet.h"
#include "ssl.h"
extern "C" void client_on(SOCKET sock, client_t* client, BOOL update);
sbbs_t::set_authresponse(bool activate_ssh)
int status;
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH Setting attribute: SESSINFO_AUTHRESPONSE", client_socket);
status = cryptSetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_AUTHRESPONSE, activate_ssh);
if (cryptStatusError(status)) {
log_crypt_error_status_sock(status, "setting auth response");
return false;
return true;
static bool
check_pubkey(scfg_t *cfg, ushort unum, char *pkey, size_t pksz)
// 2048 is enough bytes for anyone!
// I would absolutely prefer a getline() here. :(
char path[MAX_PATH + 1];
char keyline[2048 + 1];
FILE *sshkeys;
char *brkb;
char *tok;
// Obviously not valid...
if (pksz < 16)
return false;
SAFEPRINTF2(path, "%suser/%04d.sshkeys", cfg->data_dir, unum);
sshkeys = fopen(path, "rb");
if (sshkeys != NULL) {
while (fgets(keyline, sizeof(keyline), sshkeys) != NULL) {
size_t len = strlen(keyline);
if (keyline[len - 1] != '\n') {
// Ignore the rest of the line...
while (keyline[len - 1] != '\n') {
lprintf(LOG_ERR, "keyline not large enough for key in %s (or missing newline)\n", path);
if (fgets(keyline, sizeof(keyline), sshkeys) == NULL)
len = strlen(keyline);
else {
tok = strtok_r(keyline, " \t", &brkb);
if (tok) {
tok = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &brkb);
if (tok) {
char pk[2048];
if ((pksz - 4) == (unsigned)pklen) {
if (memcmp(&pkey[4], pk, pklen) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
char str[MAX_PATH + 1], str2[MAX_PATH + 1], c;
char tmp[MAX_PATH];
char * ctmp;
char * pubkey{nullptr};
size_t pubkeysz;
char path[MAX_PATH + 1];
int i, l, in;
struct tm tm;
max_socket_inactivity = startup->max_login_inactivity;
useron.number = 0;
answertime = logontime = starttime = now = time(NULL);
/* Caller ID string is client IP address, by default (may be overridden later) */
SAFECOPY(cid, client_ipaddr);
memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
localtime_r(&now, &tm);
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%-6s %s %s %02d %u Node %3u"
, tm_as_hhmm(&cfg, &tm, str2)
, wday[tm.tm_wday]
, mon[tm.tm_mon], tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_year + 1900, cfg.node_num);
logline("@ ", str);
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %s [%s]", connection, client_name, client_ipaddr);
logline("@+:", str);
if (client_ident[0]) {
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Identity: %s", client_ident);
logline("@*", str);
if (sys_status & SS_RLOGIN) {
if (incom(1000) == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(str) - 1; i++) {
in = incom(1000);
if (in == 0 || in == NOINP)
str[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(str2) - 1; i++) {
in = incom(1000);
if (in == 0 || in == NOINP)
str2[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(terminal) - 1; i++) {
in = incom(1000);
if (in == 0 || in == NOINP)
terminal[i] = 0;
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "RLogin: '%.*s' / '%.*s' / '%s'"
, LEN_ALIAS * 2, str
, LEN_ALIAS * 2, str2
, terminal);
SAFECOPY(rlogin_term, terminal);
SAFECOPY(rlogin_name, parse_login(str2));
SAFECOPY(rlogin_pass, str);
/* Truncate terminal speed (e.g. "/57600") from terminal-type string
(but keep full terminal type/speed string in rlogin_term): */
truncstr(terminal, "/");
useron.number = 0;
useron.number = find_login_id(&cfg, rlogin_name);
if (useron.number) {
getuserdat(&cfg, &useron);
SAFEPRINTF(path, "%srlogin.cfg", cfg.ctrl_dir);
if (!findstr(client.addr, path)) {
SAFECOPY(tmp, rlogin_pass);
for (i = 0; i < 3 && online; i++) {
if (stricmp(tmp, useron.pass)) {
if (cfg.sys_misc & SM_ECHO_PW)
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%04u) %-25s FAILED Password attempt: '%s'"
, useron.number, useron.alias, tmp);
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%04u) %-25s FAILED Password attempt"
, useron.number, useron.alias);
logline(LOG_NOTICE, "+!", str);
badlogin(useron.alias, tmp);
rioctl(IOFI); /* flush input buffer */
console |= CON_R_ECHOX;
getstr(tmp, LEN_PASS * 2, K_UPPER | K_LOWPRIO | K_TAB);
console &= ~(CON_R_ECHOX | CON_L_ECHOX);
if (REALSYSOP && (cfg.sys_misc & SM_SYSPASSLOGIN) && (cfg.sys_misc & SM_R_SYSOP)) {
else {
i = 0;
if (i) {
if (stricmp(tmp, useron.pass)) {
if (cfg.sys_misc & SM_ECHO_PW)
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%04u) %-25s FAILED Password attempt: '%s'"
, useron.number, useron.alias, tmp);
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%04u) %-25s FAILED Password attempt"
, useron.number, useron.alias);
logline(LOG_NOTICE, "+!", str);
badlogin(useron.alias, tmp);
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "!CLIENT IP (%s) NOT LISTED in %s", client.addr, path);
useron.number = 0;
else {
if (cfg.sys_misc & SM_ECHO_PW)
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "RLogin !UNKNOWN USER: '%s' (password: %s)", rlogin_name, rlogin_pass);
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "RLogin !UNKNOWN USER: '%s'", rlogin_name);
badlogin(rlogin_name, rlogin_pass);
if (rlogin_name[0] == 0) {
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "!RLogin: No user name received");
sys_status &= ~SS_RLOGIN;
if (online && !(telnet_mode & TELNET_MODE_OFF)) {
/* Disable Telnet Terminal Echo */
request_telnet_opt(TELNET_WILL, TELNET_ECHO);
request_telnet_opt(TELNET_WILL, TELNET_SUP_GA);
/* Retrieve terminal type and speed from telnet client --RS */
request_telnet_opt(TELNET_DO, TELNET_TERM_TYPE);
request_telnet_opt(TELNET_DO, TELNET_TERM_SPEED);
request_telnet_opt(TELNET_DO, TELNET_SEND_LOCATION);
request_telnet_opt(TELNET_DO, TELNET_NEW_ENVIRON);
if (sys_status & SS_SSH) {
int ssh_failed = 0;
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH Setting attribute: SESSINFO_ACTIVE", client_socket);
if (cryptStatusError(i = cryptSetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, 1))) {
log_crypt_error_status_sock(i, "setting session active");
activate_ssh = false;
// TODO: Add private key here...
activate_ssh = set_authresponse(true);
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH Setting attribute: SESSINFO_ACTIVE", client_socket);
i = cryptSetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, 1);
if (cryptStatusError(i)) {
log_crypt_error_status_sock(i, "setting session active");
activate_ssh = false;
else {
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH SSH_ANYAUTH allowed presented credential", client_socket);
else {
activate_ssh = true;
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH SSH_ANYAUTH allowed with no credential", client_socket);
for (ssh_failed = 0; ssh_failed < 3; ssh_failed++) {
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH Setting attribute: SESSINFO_ACTIVE", client_socket);
if (cryptStatusError(i = cryptSetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, 1))) {
log_crypt_error_status_sock(i, "setting session active");
activate_ssh = false;
// TODO: Add private key here...
else {
pubkey = nullptr;
pubkeysz = 0;
ctmp = get_crypt_attribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_USERNAME);
ctmp = get_crypt_attribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PASSWORD);
if (ctmp) {
SAFECOPY(tmp, ctmp);
else {
pubkey = get_binary_crypt_attribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PUBLICKEY, &pubkeysz);
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH login: '%s'", client_socket, rlogin_name);
if (useron.number) {
if (getuserdat(&cfg, &useron) == 0) {
if (pubkey) {
if (check_pubkey(&cfg, useron.number, pubkey, pubkeysz)) {
SAFECOPY(rlogin_pass, tmp);
activate_ssh = set_authresponse(true);
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH Public key authentication successful", client_socket);
else {
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH Public key authentication failed", client_socket);
else {
if (stricmp(tmp, useron.pass) == 0) {
SAFECOPY(rlogin_pass, tmp);
activate_ssh = set_authresponse(true);
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH password authentication successful", client_socket);
else if (ssh_failed) {
if (cfg.sys_misc & SM_ECHO_PW)
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%04u) %-25s FAILED Password attempt: '%s'"
, useron.number, useron.alias, tmp);
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%04u) %-25s FAILED Password attempt"
, useron.number, useron.alias);
logline(LOG_NOTICE, "+!", str);
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%04d SSH failed to read user data for %s", client_socket, rlogin_name);
if (cfg.sys_misc & SM_ECHO_PW)
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%04d SSH !UNKNOWN USER: '%s' (password: %s)", client_socket, rlogin_name, truncsp(tmp));
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%04d SSH !UNKNOWN USER: '%s'", client_socket, rlogin_name);
badlogin(rlogin_name, tmp);
// Enable SSH so we can create a new user...
activate_ssh = set_authresponse(true);
if (pubkey) {
pubkey = nullptr;
if (!activate_ssh)
if (cryptStatusOK(i = cryptGetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL, &cid))) {
unsigned waits = 0;
term_output_disabled = true;
do {
i = cryptSetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL, cid);
log_crypt_error_status_sock(i, "setting channel id");
i = cryptGetAttributeString(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL_TYPE, tname, &tnamelen);
log_crypt_error_status_sock(i, "getting channel type");
if (cryptStatusError(i)) {
if (tnamelen == 7 && strnicmp(tname, "session", 7) == 0) {
/* TODO: If there's some sort of answer timeout setting,
* it would make sense to use it here... other places
* appear to use arbitrary inter-character timeouts
* I'll just use a five second interpacket gap for now.
if (waits == 0)
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH [%s] waiting for channel type.", client_socket, client_ipaddr);
if (waits > 500) {
lprintf(LOG_INFO, "%04d SSH [%s] TIMEOUT waiting for channel type.", client_socket, client_ipaddr);
activate_ssh = false;
else if (tnamelen == 5 && strnicmp(tname, "shell", 5) == 0) {
else if (tnamelen == 9 && strncmp(tname, "subsystem", 9) == 0) {
i = cryptGetAttributeString(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL_ARG1, tname, &tnamelen);
log_crypt_error_status_sock(i, "getting subsystem argument");
if (cryptStatusError(i)) {
activate_ssh = false;
if (((startup->options & (BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SFTP | BBS_OPT_SSH_ANYAUTH)) == BBS_OPT_ALLOW_SFTP) && tnamelen == 4 && strncmp(tname, "sftp", 4) == 0) {
if (useron.number) {
activate_ssh = init_sftp(cid);
cols = 0;
rows = 0;
SAFECOPY(terminal, "sftp");
mouse_mode = MOUSE_MODE_OFF;
autoterm = 0;
sys_status |= SS_USERON;
SAFECOPY(client.protocol, "SFTP");
SAFECOPY(client.user, useron.alias);
client.usernum = useron.number;
client_on(client_socket, &client, /* update: */ TRUE);

Rob Swindell
SAFECOPY(connection, client.protocol);
if (getnodedat(cfg.node_num, &thisnode, true)) {
if ((useron.exempt & FLAG('Q') && useron.misc & QUIET))
thisnode.status = NODE_QUIET;
thisnode.status = NODE_INUSE;
thisnode.action = NODE_XFER;
thisnode.connection = NODE_CONNECTION_SFTP;
thisnode.useron = useron.number;
putnodedat(cfg.node_num, &thisnode);
SAFECOPY(useron.connection, connection);

Rob Swindell
SAFECOPY(useron.ipaddr, client_ipaddr);
SAFECOPY(useron.comp, client_name);
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%04u) %-25s %s Logon"
, useron.number, useron.alias, client.protocol);
logline("++", str);
max_socket_inactivity = startup->max_sftp_inactivity;
else {
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%04d Trying to create new user over sftp, disconnecting.", client_socket);
badlogin(rlogin_name, rlogin_pass, "SSH", &client_addr, /* delay: */ false);

Rob Swindell
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%04d SSH [%s] active channel subsystem '%.*s' is not 'sftp' (or SFTP not allowed), disconnecting.", client_socket, client_ipaddr, tnamelen, tname);
badlogin(rlogin_name, rlogin_pass, "SSH", &client_addr, /* delay: */ false);
// Fail because there's no session.
activate_ssh = false;
else {
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%04d SSH [%s] active channel '%.*s' is not 'session' or 'subsystem', disconnecting.", client_socket, client_ipaddr, tnamelen, tname);
badlogin(rlogin_name, rlogin_pass, "SSH", &client_addr, /* delay: */ false);
// Fail because there's no session.
activate_ssh = false;
else {
log_crypt_error_status_sock(i, "getting channel id");
lprintf(LOG_CRIT, "!Your cryptlib build is obsolete, please update");
if (cryptStatusError(i = cryptSetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_PROPERTY_OWNER, CRYPT_UNUSED))) {
log_crypt_error_status_sock(i, "clearing owner");
activate_ssh = false;
int status;
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%04d SSH [%s] session establishment failed", client_socket, client_ipaddr);
if (cryptStatusError(status = cryptDestroySession(ssh_session))) {
lprintf(LOG_ERR, "%04d SSH ERROR %d destroying Cryptlib Session %d from %s line %d"
, client_socket, status, ssh_session, __FILE__, __LINE__);
ssh_mode = false;
useron.number = 0;
return false;
if (cryptStatusOK(cryptGetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL_WIDTH, &l)) && l > 0) {
cols = l;
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH [%s] height %d", client_socket, client.addr, cols);
if (cryptStatusOK(cryptGetAttribute(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL_HEIGHT, &l)) && l > 0) {
rows = l;
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH [%s] height %d", client_socket, client.addr, rows);
l = 0;
if (cryptStatusOK(cryptGetAttributeString(ssh_session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL_TERMINAL, terminal, &l)) && l > 0) {
if (l < (int)sizeof(terminal))
terminal[l] = 0;
terminal[sizeof(terminal) - 1] = 0;
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "%04d SSH [%s] term: %s", client_socket, client.addr, terminal);
* Just wait here until there's a session... this seems fine.
if (!term_output_disabled) {
if (REALSYSOP && (cfg.sys_misc & SM_SYSPASSLOGIN) && (cfg.sys_misc & SM_R_SYSOP)) {
mswait(200); // Allow some time for Telnet negotiation
rioctl(IOFI); /* flush input buffer */
safe_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s %s", VERSION_NOTICE, COPYRIGHT_NOTICE);
if (autoterm & PETSCII) {
SAFECOPY(terminal, "PETSCII");
} else { /* ANSI+ terminal detection */
putcom( "\r\n" /* locate cursor at column 1 */
"\x1b[s" /* save cursor position (necessary for HyperTerm auto-ANSI) */
"\x1b[0c" /* Request CTerm version */
"\x1b[255B" /* locate cursor as far down as possible */
"\x1b[255C" /* locate cursor as far right as possible */
"\b_" /* need a printable char at this location to actually move cursor */
"\x1b[6n" /* Get cursor position */
"\x1b[u" /* restore cursor position */
"\x1b[!_" /* RIP? */
"\x1b[30;40m\xc2\x9f""Zuul.connection.write('\\x1b""Are you the gatekeeper?')\xc2\x9c" /* ZuulTerm? */
"\r" /* Move cursor left */
"\xef\xbb\xbf" // UTF-8 Zero-width non-breaking space
"\x1b[6n" /* Get cursor position (again) */
"\x1b[0m_" /* "Normal" colors */
"\x1b[2J" /* clear screen */
"\x1b[H" /* home cursor */
"\xC" /* clear screen (in case not ANSI) */
"\r" /* Move cursor left (in case previous char printed) */
i = l = 0;
row = 0;
lncntr = 0;
while (i++ < 50 && l < (int)sizeof(str) - 1) { /* wait up to 5 seconds for response */
c = incom(100) & 0x7f;
if (c == 0)
i = 0;
if (l == 0 && c != ESC) // response must begin with escape char
str[l++] = c;
if (c == 'R') { /* break immediately if ANSI response */
while ((c = (incom(100) & 0x7f)) != 0 && l < (int)sizeof(str) - 1)
str[l++] = c;
str[l] = 0;
c_escape_str(str, tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1, true);
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "received terminal auto-detection response: '%s'", tmp);
if (strstr(str, "RIPSCRIP")) {
if (terminal[0] == 0)
SAFECOPY(terminal, "RIP");
logline("@R", strstr(str, "RIPSCRIP"));
autoterm |= (RIP | COLOR | ANSI);
else if (strstr(str, "Are you the gatekeeper?")) {
if (terminal[0] == 0)
SAFECOPY(terminal, "HTML");
logline("@H", strstr(str, "Are you the gatekeeper?"));
autoterm |= HTML;
char* tokenizer = NULL;
char* p = strtok_r(str, "\x1b", &tokenizer);
while (p != NULL) {
int x, y;
if (terminal[0] == 0)
SAFECOPY(terminal, "ANSI");
autoterm |= (ANSI | COLOR);
if (sscanf(p, "[%u;%uR", &y, &x) == 2) {
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "received ANSI cursor position report [%u]: %ux%u"
, cursor_pos_report, x, y);
if (cursor_pos_report == 1) {
/* Sanity check the coordinates in the response: */
if (x >= TERM_COLS_MIN && x <= TERM_COLS_MAX)
cols = x;
if (y >= TERM_ROWS_MIN && y <= TERM_ROWS_MAX)
rows = y;
} else { // second report
if (x < 3) { // ZWNBSP didn't move cursor (more than one column)
unicode_zerowidth = x - 1;
} else if (sscanf(p, "[=67;84;101;114;109;%u;%u", &x, &y) == 2 && *lastchar(p) == 'c') {
lprintf(LOG_INFO, "received CTerm version report: %u.%u", x, y);
cterm_version = (x * 1000) + y;
rioctl(IOFI); /* flush left-over or late response chars */
if (str[0]) {
c_escape_str(str, tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1, true);
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "terminal auto-detection failed, response: '%s'", tmp);
lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "auto-detected terminal type: %ux%u %s", cols, rows, terminal);
SAFECOPY(terminal, "DUMB");
if (!useron.number && !(sys_status & SS_RLOGIN)
&& (startup->options & BBS_OPT_AUTO_LOGON) && client_ipaddr[0]) {
useron.number = finduserstr(0, USER_IPADDR, client_ipaddr);
if (!(useron.misc & AUTOLOGON) || !(useron.exempt & FLAG('V')))
useron.number = 0;
if (!online) {
useron.number = 0;
if (!(telnet_mode & TELNET_MODE_OFF)) {
/* Stop the input thread from writing to the telnet_* vars */
if (telnet_cmds_received) {
if (stricmp(telnet_terminal, "sexpots") == 0) { /* dial-up connection (via SexPOTS) */
SAFEPRINTF2(str, "%s connection detected at %u bps", terminal, cur_rate);
logline("@S", str);
SAFEPRINTF(connection, "%u", cur_rate);
SAFECOPY(cid, "Unknown");
SAFECOPY(client_name, "Unknown");
if (telnet_location[0]) { /* Caller-ID info provided */
logline("@*", str);
SAFECOPY(cid, telnet_location);
truncstr(cid, " "); /* Only include phone number in CID */
char* p = telnet_location;
if (*p) {
SAFECOPY(client_name, p); /* CID name, if provided (maybe 'P' or 'O' if private or out-of-area) */
SAFECOPY(client.addr, cid);
SAFECOPY(, client_name);
client_on(client_socket, &client, TRUE /* update */);
if (telnet_location[0]) { /* Telnet Location info provided */
lprintf(LOG_INFO, "Telnet Location: %s", telnet_location);
if (trashcan(telnet_location, "ip-silent")) {
if (trashcan(telnet_location, "ip")) {
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "%04d %s !TELNET LOCATION BLOCKED in ip.can: %s"
, client_socket, client.protocol, telnet_location);
return false;
SAFECOPY(cid, telnet_location);
lprintf(LOG_INFO, "Telnet Speed: %u bps", telnet_speed);
cur_rate = telnet_speed;
cur_cps = telnet_speed / 10;
if (telnet_terminal[0])
if (telnet_cols >= TERM_COLS_MIN && telnet_cols <= TERM_COLS_MAX)
if (telnet_rows >= TERM_ROWS_MIN && telnet_rows <= TERM_ROWS_MAX)
rows = telnet_rows;
} else {
lprintf(LOG_NOTICE, "no Telnet commands received, reverting to Raw TCP mode");
telnet_mode |= TELNET_MODE_OFF;
SAFECOPY(client.protocol, "Raw");
client_on(client_socket, &client, /* update: */ TRUE);
SAFECOPY(connection, client.protocol);
node_connection = NODE_CONNECTION_RAW;
lprintf(LOG_INFO, "terminal type: %ux%u %s %s", cols, rows, term_charset(autoterm), terminal);
SAFECOPY(client_ipaddr, cid); /* Over-ride IP address with Caller-ID info */
SAFECOPY(useron.comp, client_name);
if (!useron.number
&& rlogin_name[0] != 0
&& !(cfg.sys_misc & SM_CLOSED)
&& !find_login_id(&cfg, rlogin_name)
&& !::trashcan(&cfg, rlogin_name, "name")) {
lprintf(LOG_INFO, "%s !UNKNOWN specified username: '%s', starting new user sign-up", client.protocol, rlogin_name);
bprintf("%s: %s\r\n", text[UNKNOWN_USER], rlogin_name);
if (!useron.number) { /* manual/regular logon */
rioctl(IOSM | PAUSE);
sys_status |= SS_PAUSEON;
menu("../answer"); // Should use P_NOABORT ?
sys_status &= ~SS_PAUSEON;
exec_bin(cfg.login_mod, &main_csi);
} else /* auto logon here */
if (logon() == false)
if (!(sys_status & SS_USERON)) {
errormsg(WHERE, ERR_CHK, "User not logged on", sys_status);
loginSuccess(startup->login_attempt_list, &client_addr);
if (!term_output_disabled)
max_socket_inactivity = startup->max_session_inactivity;