/* Synchronet date/time string conversion routines */
* 4 (Plain Text/Source Code File Header) *
* @format.use-tabs true (see *
* *
* Copyright Rob Swindell - *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or *
* *
* *
* For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see *
* *
* *
* Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs. *
#include "date_str.h"
#include "datewrap.h"
#include "text.h"
const char *wday[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
const char *mon[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"
, "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
char* date_format(scfg_t* cfg, char* buf, size_t size)
switch (cfg->sys_date_fmt) {
case DDMMYY: snprintf(buf, size, "DD%cMM%cYY", cfg->sys_date_sep, cfg->sys_date_sep); return buf;
case MMDDYY: snprintf(buf, size, "MM%cDD%cYY", cfg->sys_date_sep, cfg->sys_date_sep); return buf;
case YYMMDD: snprintf(buf, size, "YY%cMM%cDD", cfg->sys_date_sep, cfg->sys_date_sep); return buf;
return "????????";
/* Assumes buf is at least 9 bytes in size */
char* date_template(scfg_t* cfg, char* buf, size_t size)
snprintf(buf, size, "nn%cnn%cnn", cfg->sys_date_sep, cfg->sys_date_sep);
return buf;
#define DECVAL(ch, mul) (DEC_CHAR_TO_INT(ch) * (mul))
/* Converts a date string in numeric format (e.g. MM/DD/YY) to time_t */
time32_t dstrtounix(enum date_fmt fmt, const char *instr)
const char* p;
const char* day;
char str[16];
struct tm tm;
if (instr == NULL || !instr[0] || !strncmp(instr, "00/00/00", 8))
if (IS_DIGIT(instr[0]) && IS_DIGIT(instr[1])
&& IS_DIGIT(instr[3]) && IS_DIGIT(instr[4])
&& IS_DIGIT(instr[6]) && IS_DIGIT(instr[7]))
p = instr; /* correctly formatted */
else {
p = instr; /* incorrectly formatted */
while (*p && IS_DIGIT(*p)) p++;
if (*p == 0)
day = p;
while (*p && IS_DIGIT(*p)) p++;
if (*p == 0)
sprintf(str, "%02u/%02u/%02u"
, atoi(instr) % 100, atoi(day) % 100, atoi(p) % 100);
p = str;
memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
if (fmt == YYMMDD) {
tm.tm_year = DECVAL(p[0], 10) + DECVAL(p[1], 1);
tm.tm_mon = DECVAL(p[3], 10) + DECVAL(p[4], 1);
tm.tm_mday = DECVAL(p[6], 10) + DECVAL(p[7], 1);
} else {
tm.tm_year = ((p[6] & 0xf) * 10) + (p[7] & 0xf);
if (fmt == DDMMYY) {
tm.tm_mon = ((p[3] & 0xf) * 10) + (p[4] & 0xf);
tm.tm_mday = ((p[0] & 0xf) * 10) + (p[1] & 0xf);
tm.tm_mon = ((p[0] & 0xf) * 10) + (p[1] & 0xf);
tm.tm_mday = ((p[3] & 0xf) * 10) + (p[4] & 0xf);
if (tm.tm_year < Y2K_2DIGIT_WINDOW)
tm.tm_year += 100;
tm.tm_mon--; /* zero-based month field */
tm.tm_isdst = -1; /* Do not adjust for DST */
return mktime32(&tm);
/* Converts unix time format (long - time_t) into a char str MM/DD/YY */
char* unixtodstr(scfg_t* cfg, time32_t t, char *str)
struct tm tm = {0};
if (unix_time != 0) {
if (localtime_r(&unix_time, &tm) != NULL) {
if (tm.tm_mon > 11) { /* DOS leap year bug */
tm.tm_mon = 0;
if (tm.tm_mday > 31)
tm.tm_mday = 1;
if (cfg->sys_date_fmt == YYMMDD)
sprintf(str, "%02u%c%02u%c%02u"
, TM_YEAR(tm.tm_year)
, cfg->sys_date_sep
, tm.tm_mon
, cfg->sys_date_sep
, tm.tm_mday);
else if (cfg->sys_date_fmt == DDMMYY)
sprintf(str, "%02u%c%02u%c%02u"
, tm.tm_mday
, cfg->sys_date_sep
, tm.tm_mon
, cfg->sys_date_sep
, TM_YEAR(tm.tm_year));
sprintf(str, "%02u%c%02u%c%02u"
, tm.tm_mon
, cfg->sys_date_sep
, tm.tm_mday
, cfg->sys_date_sep
, TM_YEAR(tm.tm_year));
/* Return 8-char numeric or verbal date or "never" when passed 0 */
char* datestr(scfg_t* cfg, time_t t, char* str)
return cfg->text == NULL ? "--------" : cfg->text[Never];
if (!cfg->sys_date_verbal)
return unixtodstr(cfg, (time32_t)t, str);
return verbal_datestr(cfg, t, str);
/* return 8-char numeric date */
char* verbal_datestr(scfg_t* cfg, time_t t, char* str)
struct tm tm = {0};
if (localtime_r(&t, &tm) == NULL)
return "!!!!!!!!";
char fmt[32] = "";
switch (cfg->sys_date_fmt) {
case MMDDYY:
snprintf(fmt, sizeof fmt, "%%b%%d%c%%y", cfg->sys_date_sep);
case DDMMYY:
snprintf(fmt, sizeof fmt, "%%d%c%%b%%y", cfg->sys_date_sep);
case YYMMDD:
snprintf(fmt, sizeof fmt, "%%y%c%%b%%d", cfg->sys_date_sep);
strftime(str, 9, fmt, &tm);
return str;
/* Takes the value 'sec' and makes a string the format HH:MM:SS */
char* sectostr(uint sec, char *str)
uchar hour, min, sec2;
hour = (sec / 60) / 60;
min = (sec / 60) - (hour * 60);
sec2 = sec - ((min + (hour * 60)) * 60);
sprintf(str, "%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d", hour, min, sec2);
/* Returns a shortened version of "HH:MM:SS" formatted seconds value */
char* seconds_to_str(uint seconds, char* str)
while (*p == '0' || *p == ':')
/* Returns a duration in minutes into a string */
char* minutes_to_str(uint min, char* str, size_t size)
safe_snprintf(str, size, "%ud %uh %um"
, min / (24 * 60)
, (min % (24 * 60)) / 60
, min % 60);
/* Returns 5 or 6 character string, depending on configuration */
char* tm_as_hhmm(scfg_t* cfg, struct tm* tm, char* str)
if (cfg != NULL && (cfg->sys_misc & SM_MILITARY))
sprintf(str, "%02d:%02d"
, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min);
sprintf(str, "%02d:%02d%c"
, tm->tm_hour > 12 ? tm->tm_hour - 12 : tm->tm_hour == 0 ? 12 : tm->tm_hour
, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_hour >= 12 ? 'p' : 'a');
/* Returns 5 or 6 character string, depending on configuration */
char* time_as_hhmm(scfg_t* cfg, time_t t, char* str)
struct tm tm;
if (t == INVALID_TIME || localtime_r(&t, &tm) == NULL) {
strcpy(str, "??:??");
return str;
return tm_as_hhmm(cfg, &tm, str);
/* Generates a 24 character ASCII string that represents the time_t pointer */
/* Used as a replacement for ctime() */
char* timestr(scfg_t* cfg, time32_t t, char* str)
char* mer;
uchar hour;
struct tm tm;
time_t intime = t;
char** w = (cfg->text == NULL) ? (char**)wday : &cfg->text[Sun];
char** m = (cfg->text == NULL) ? (char**)mon : &cfg->text[Jan];
strcpy(str, cfg->text == NULL ? "Never" : cfg->text[Never]);
return str;
if (localtime_r(&intime, &tm) == NULL) {
strcpy(str, "Invalid Time");
if (cfg->sys_misc & SM_MILITARY) {
snprintf(str, LEN_DATETIME + 1, "%s %s %02u %4u %02u:%02u:%02u"
, w[tm.tm_wday], m[tm.tm_mon], tm.tm_mday, 1900 + tm.tm_year
, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
if (tm.tm_hour >= 12) {
if (tm.tm_hour == 12)
hour = 12;
hour = tm.tm_hour - 12;
mer = "pm";
if (tm.tm_hour == 0)
hour = 12;
hour = tm.tm_hour;
mer = "am";
snprintf(str, LEN_DATETIME + 1, "%s %s %02u %4u %02u:%02u %s"
, w[tm.tm_wday], m[tm.tm_mon], tm.tm_mday, 1900 + tm.tm_year
, hour, tm.tm_min, mer);