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fixsmb.c 9.96 KiB
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/* Synchronet message base (SMB) index re-generator */

 * 4		(Plain Text/Source Code File Header)			*
 * @format.use-tabs true	(see		*
 *																			*
 * Copyright Rob Swindell -			*
 *																			*
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or			*
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License				*
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2			*
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.					*
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details: gpl.txt or			*
 *										*
 *																			*
 * For Synchronet coding style and modification guidelines, see				*
 *										*
 *																			*
 * Note: If this box doesn't appear square, then you need to fix your tabs.	*

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* atoi, qsort */
#include <string.h> /* strnicmp */
#include <ctype.h>  /* toupper */
#include "genwrap.h"    /* PLATFORM_DESC */
#include "str_list.h"   /* strList API */
#include "git_branch.h"
#include "git_hash.h"
smb_t smb;
BOOL  renumber = FALSE;
BOOL  rehash = FALSE;
BOOL  fixnums = FALSE;
BOOL  smb_undelete = FALSE;
char* usage = "usage: fixsmb [-renumber] [-undelete] [-fixnums] [-rehash] <smb_file> [[smb_file] [...]]";
int compare_index(const idxrec_t* idx1, const idxrec_t* idx2)
	return idx1->number - idx2->number;
	ulong    l;
	uint8_t* idxbuf;
	size_t   idxreclen = smb_idxreclen(smb);
	if ((idxbuf = malloc(idxreclen * smb->status.total_msgs)) == NULL) {

	for (l = 0; l < smb->status.total_msgs; l++)
		if (smb_fread(smb, idxbuf + (l * idxreclen), idxreclen, smb->sid_fp) != idxreclen) {
	      , (int (*)(const void*, const void*)) compare_index);
	if (chsize(fileno(smb->sid_fp), 0L) != 0)         /* Truncate the index */
		perror("truncating index");

	printf("\nRe-writing index... \n");
	smb->status.total_msgs = l;
	for (l = 0; l < smb->status.total_msgs; l++) {
		if (smb_fwrite(smb, idxbuf + (l * idxreclen), idxreclen, smb->sid_fp) != idxreclen) {
			perror("writing index");
	if (we_locked_the_base && smb_islocked(&smb) && (i = smb_unlock(&smb)) != 0)
		printf("smb_unlock returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
	char*     p;
	char*     text;
	char      c;
	int       i, w;
	ulong     l, size, n;
	off_t     length;
	smbmsg_t  msg;
	uint32_t* numbers = NULL;
	long      total = 0;
	BOOL      dupe_msgnum;
	uint32_t  highest = 0;

	memset(&smb, 0, sizeof(smb));

	SAFECOPY(smb.file, sub);

	if ((p = getfext(smb.file)) != NULL && stricmp(p, ".shd") == 0)
		*p = 0; /* Chop off .shd extension, if supplied on command-line */

	char path[MAX_PATH + 1];
	SAFEPRINTF(path, "%s.shd", smb.file);
	if (!fexistcase(path)) {
		printf("%s does not exist\n", path);

	printf("Opening %s\n", smb.file);
	if ((i = smb_open(&smb)) != 0) {
		printf("smb_open returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
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	if ((i = smb_lock(&smb)) != 0) {
		printf("smb_lock returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
	if ((i = smb_locksmbhdr(&smb)) != 0) {
		printf("smb_locksmbhdr returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
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	if ((i = smb_getstatus(&smb)) != 0) {
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		printf("smb_getstatus returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
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	uint32_t last_msg = smb.status.last_msg;

	if (!(smb.status.attr & SMB_HYPERALLOC)) {
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		if ((i = smb_open_ha(&smb)) != 0) {
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			printf("smb_open_ha returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
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		if ((i = smb_open_da(&smb)) != 0) {
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			printf("smb_open_da returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
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		if (chsize(fileno(smb.sha_fp), 0L) != 0)      /* Truncate the header allocation file */
			perror("truncating sha file");
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		if (chsize(fileno(smb.sda_fp), 0L) != 0)      /* Truncate the data allocation file */
			perror("truncating sda file");
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	if (chsize(fileno(smb.sid_fp), 0L) != 0)      /* Truncate the index */
		perror("truncating sid file");
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	if (renumber || rehash) {
		printf("Truncating hash file (due to renumbering/rehashing)\n");
		if ((i = smb_open_hash(&smb)) != SMB_SUCCESS) {
			printf("smb_open_hash returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
		if (chsize(fileno(smb.hash_fp), 0L) != 0)
			perror("truncating hash file");
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	if (!(smb.status.attr & SMB_HYPERALLOC)) {
		length = filelength(fileno(smb.sdt_fp));
		w = 0;
		for (l = 0; l < length; l += SDT_BLOCK_LEN)  /* Init .SDA file to NULL */
			fwrite(&w, 2, 1, smb.sda_fp);

		length = filelength(fileno(smb.shd_fp));
		c = 0;
		for (l = smb.status.header_offset; l < length; l += SHD_BLOCK_LEN)   /* Init .SHD file to NULL */
			fwrite(&c, 1, 1, smb.sha_fp);
		length = filelength(fileno(smb.shd_fp));
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	n = 0;    /* message offset */
	for (l = smb.status.header_offset; l < length; l += size) {
		size = SHD_BLOCK_LEN;
		printf("\r%2lu%%  ", (long)(100.0 / ((float)length / l)));
		msg.idx.offset = l;
		if ((i = smb_lockmsghdr(&smb, &msg)) != 0) {
			printf("\n(%06lX) smb_lockmsghdr returned %d:\n%s\n", l, i, smb.last_error);
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		i = smb_getmsghdr(&smb, &msg);
		smb_unlockmsghdr(&smb, &msg);
		if (i != 0) {
			printf("\n(%06lX) smb_getmsghdr returned %d:\n%s\n", l, i, smb.last_error);
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		size = smb_hdrblocks(smb_getmsghdrlen(&msg)) * SHD_BLOCK_LEN;
		printf("#%-5" PRIu32 " (%06lX) %-25.25s ", msg.hdr.number, l
		       , msg.hdr.type == SMB_MSG_TYPE_FILE ? msg.subj : msg.from);
		dupe_msgnum = FALSE;
		for (i = 0; i < total && !dupe_msgnum; i++)
			if (msg.hdr.number == numbers[i])
				dupe_msgnum = TRUE;

		if (dupe_msgnum && fixnums && msg.hdr.number >= last_msg) {
			printf("Fixed message number (%lu -> %lu)\n", (ulong)msg.hdr.number, (ulong)highest + 1);
			msg.hdr.number = highest + 1;
			dupe_msgnum = FALSE;
		if (!dupe_msgnum) {
			if ((numbers = realloc_or_free(numbers, total * sizeof(*numbers))) == NULL) {
				fprintf(stderr, "realloc failure: %lu\n", total * sizeof(*numbers));
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
			numbers[total - 1] = msg.hdr.number;
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		if (dupe_msgnum)
			msg.hdr.attr |= MSG_DELETE;
		else if (smb_undelete)
			msg.hdr.attr &= ~MSG_DELETE;
		if (renumber)
			msg.hdr.number = n + 1;
		if (renumber || msg.hdr.number <= last_msg) {
			/* Create hash record */
			if (msg.hdr.attr & MSG_DELETE)
				text = NULL;
				text = smb_getmsgtxt(&smb, &msg, GETMSGTXT_BODY_ONLY);
			i = smb_hashmsg(&smb, &msg, (uchar*)text, TRUE /* update */);
			if (i != SMB_SUCCESS)
				printf("!ERROR %d hashing message\n", i);
			printf("Not indexing duplicate message number (%u)\n", msg.hdr.number);
		else if (msg.hdr.attr & MSG_DELETE)
			printf("Not indexing deleted message\n");
		else if (msg.hdr.number == 0)
			printf("Not indexing invalid message number (0)!\n");
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		else {
			msg.idx_offset = n;
			if (msg.hdr.number > highest)
			if (msg.hdr.netattr & NETMSG_INTRANSIT) {
				printf("Removing 'in transit' attribute\n");
				msg.hdr.netattr &= ~NETMSG_INTRANSIT;
			if ((i = smb_putmsg(&smb, &msg)) != 0) {
				printf("\nsmb_putmsg returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
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		if (!(smb.status.attr & SMB_HYPERALLOC)) {
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			/* Allocate header blocks */
			fseek(smb.sha_fp, (l - smb.status.header_offset) / SHD_BLOCK_LEN, SEEK_SET);
			if (msg.hdr.attr & MSG_DELETE)
				c = 0;                              /* mark as free */
				c = 1;                              /* or allocated */
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			for (i = 0; i < (int)(size / SHD_BLOCK_LEN); i++)
				fputc(c, smb.sha_fp);
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			/* Allocate data blocks */

			if (!(msg.hdr.attr & MSG_DELETE))
				smb_incmsg_dfields(&smb, &msg, 1);
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	printf("\r%79s\r100%%\n", "");
	smb.status.total_msgs = n;
	if (renumber)
		if (highest > smb.status.last_msg)
	printf("Saving message base status (%lu total messages).\n", n);
	if ((i = smb_putstatus(&smb)) != 0)
		printf("\nsmb_putstatus returned %d: %s\n", i, smb.last_error);
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	printf("Closing message base.\n");
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	int        i;
	str_list_t list;
	int        retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
	printf("\nFIXSMB v3.20-%s %s/%s SMBLIB %s - Rebuild Synchronet Message Base\n\n"
	       , PLATFORM_DESC, GIT_BRANCH, GIT_HASH, smb_lib_ver());

	list = strListInit();

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
			if (!stricmp(argv[i], "-renumber"))
				renumber = TRUE;
			else if (!stricmp(argv[i], "-rehash"))
				rehash = TRUE;
			else if (!stricmp(argv[i], "-undelete"))
				smb_undelete = TRUE;
			else if (!stricmp(argv[i], "-fixnums"))
				fixnums = TRUE;
			strListPush(&list, argv[i]);
	if (!strListCount(list)) {
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	for (i = 0; list[i] != NULL && retval == EXIT_SUCCESS; i++)
		retval = fixsmb(list[i]);