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Newer Older
     Synchronet External Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) Support
                            a.k.a. SEXPOTS
                     Copyright 2024 Rob Swindell

For current documentation, see

Synchronet BBS Software v3 (see for more details)
was designed for client connections over TCP/IP protocols only (predominently,
Telnet). Over the 7 years since Synchronet v3's release, I've received
occasional (but persistent) inquiries about the possibility or likelihood of
adding modem support back into Synchronet to support direct analog dial-up
users of the old BBS days before the Internet/broadband boom.

I've resisted this idea (for a few significant reasons I won't go into here),
and have instead, suggested alternative methods of supporting dial-up users
(e.g. running Synchronet v2.3 for DOS concurrently with v3, using *getty on
Linux/Unix, using Manning's Dialup-to-Telnet Win32 gateway program with a
front-end application, etc.). But these solutions all seemed insufficient
in some ways or excessively complex or inconvenient. I wanted to provide
something easier, more seemless.... "nicer". Though I'm pretty sure there
isn't much demand for dial-up BBSes today (30Kbps!), there has been enough
interest from sysops to at least justify some effort (in my mind) to attempt
to relive the BBS days of old, using actual *gasp* modems!

I knew exactly what was required to write a Serial<->TCP tunneling program
and blogged on the web-site way back in 2002 that I planned on
writing just such a program to give dial-up capabilities to Synchronet v3
Win32 sysops.

Better late than never (?), I finally started writing this a program a few
months ago (early 2007). I had to buy an analog modem (I'd thrown-out or
donated all my modems years ago) and get a second phone line installed to test
it, but finally, here it is: SEXPOTS (the name pays homage to SEXYZ). 

While SEXPOTS was designed with Synchronet-Win32 sysops in mind, it should
work with any TCP Server (e.g. Telnet BBS software).

I recently discovered a couple of unrelated Win32 programs by the name of
COM2TCP which do fundamentally the same thing as SEXPOTS, but SEXPOTS is more
robust/reliable, and has some niceties and cool BBS and Synchronet-specific
features you'll like:

    o Can run from command prompt or as an NT service
    o Handles modem initialization or "Null modem" connections
    o Supports Telnet (with full option negotiation) or raw TCP connections
    o Can accept "live" COM handles on the command-line (from "front-end" app)
    o Caller-ID (CID) Support
    o Optional Ident server to communicate CID information to TCP Server
    o Telnet options used to communicate baud rate and CID info to TCP server
    o Highly configurable (via sexpots.ini file)

SEXPOTS is freeware, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
with portions licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

You can find the current source code (in C) in the Git repository at

The latest and greatest build will be included in Synchronet-Win32 releases.
You should be able to find/download the latest general release of SEXPOTS
( at one or all of the following locations:

Command-line Syntax
Running "sexpots -help" will display the supported command-line usage
(options and commands):

usage: sexpots [ini file] [options]


    -null                 No 'AT commands' sent to modem
    -com <device>         Specify communications port device (or number)
    -baud <rate>          Specify baud rate for communications port
    -live [handle]        Communications port is already open/connected
    -nohangup             Do not hangup (drop DTR) after call
    -host <addr | name>   Specify TCP server hostname or IP address
    -port <number>        Specify TCP port number
    -debug                Enable debug log output

NT Service Options:

    -install              install and enable NT service (SEXPOTS)
    -service              run as an NT service (background execution)
    -remove               remove NT service
    -enable               enable NT service (auto-start during boot)
    -disable              disable NT service

Additional options for Unix versions:

    -syslog               log to syslog rather than stdout/err

No installation is required. You should be able to just run "sexpots",
optionally specifying command-line options to over-ride the default
values (shown below), or the values in your sexpots.ini file (if you
have one).

On Windows NT-based operating systems, you may install SEXPOTS as an
NT service (runs in the background when your system boots up, before
user login), by running "sexpots -install". You can then start and
stop the service using the "Services" Windows Control Panel applet or
with the "net start sexpots" or "net stop sexpots" Windows command-lines.
You can toggle the service start mode (between auto-start and disabled)
with the "-enable" and "-disable" command-line options. When running as
an NT service, the SEXPOTS log output goes to the "Application Log"
in the NT event viewer.

As of SEXPOTS v1.27 for Windows, you will need to download and install the
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) which contains
the required file: MSVCR100.DLL (Microsoft Visual C++ Run-time Library
v10.0) - if you do not already have this file: 

Configuration is normally performed by editing the file sexpots.ini, located
in the same directory where the SEXPOTS program (e.g. sexposts.exe) is 
located. If sexpots.ini file doesn't exist or any of the key=value pairs are
missing or blank in the file, the default values (indicated below) will be

Optionally, a different .ini file may be specified on the command-line (e.g.
for running multiple concurrent instances of SEXPOTS on different COM ports).
If an .ini file is specified on the command-line, it will be loaded *after*
sexpots.ini (if the file exists), over-riding any settings in sexpots.ini.

Command-line options that modify values of the same name in the .ini file(s)
will over-ride (take precedence over) the value in the .ini file(s).

The order of precendence for configuration values is:
    1. Command-line options
    2. Command-line specified .ini file
    3. sexpots.ini (from same directory as executable)
    4. Default values

The .ini files are just a plain text files that you can edit with any
plain text/ASCII file editor (e.g. Windows notepad.exe).

Example .ini file (with default values given):

    LogLevel = INFO             ; set display/log output level
    Debug = FALSE               ; enable debug logging (overrides LogLevel)
    PauseOnExit = FALSE         ; wait for key-press on exit (non-service)

    Device = COM1               ; COM port device name (or port number)
    BaudRate = 0                ; If non-zero, use this DTE rate (e.g. 115200)
    Hangup = TRUE               ; Hang-up phone after call
    IgnoreDCD = FALSE           ; Set to TRUE to ignore state of DCD
    DCDTimeout = 10             ; Seconds to wait for DCD to drop
    DTRDelay = 100              ; Milliseconds to delay before hangup
    NullModem = FALSE           ; Set to TRUE to not send AT commands to modem

    Init = AT&F                 ; Modem initialization string
    AutoAnswer = ATS0=1         ; Put modem into "auto-answer" mode
    CleanUp = ATS0=0            ; When exiting, turn off auto-answer
    EnableCallerID = AT+VCID=1  ; Enable Caller-ID support (or try AT#CID=1)
    Timeout = 5                 ; Seconds to wait for a response from modem
    ReInit = 60                 ; Minutes between re-init while waiting for call
    Answer = ATA                ; Answer command (for manual answer mode)
    Ring = RING                 ; Ring indication string
    ManualAnswer = FALSE        ; Set to TRUE to disable auto-answer

    Host = localhost            ; Hostname or IP address of TCP server
    Port = 23                   ; TCP port number of TCP server
    NoDelay = TRUE              ; Set to TRUE to disable the Nagle Algorithm

    Enabled = TRUE              ; Set to FALSE to disable Telnet mode
    Debug = FALSE               ; Set to TRUE to log Telnet commands sent/recv
    AdvertiseLocation = FALSE   ; Set to TRUE to send "WILL SEND LOCATION"
    TermType = SEXPOTS          ; You shouldn't normally change this value
    TermSpeed = 28800,28800     ; Default terminal speed reported (tx, rx bps)

    Enabled = FALSE             ; Set to TRUE to enable Ident (RFC1413) server
    Port = 113                  ; TCP Port Ident server will listen on
    Interface = 0               ; IP address of network interface (0=Any)
    Response = CALLERID:SEXPOTS ; Resp-type and Add-info portions of response

Notes on Advanced Features
NOTE: Requires Synchronet v3.14b or later

SEXPOTS will report the connection (DCE) rate to a Synchronet Telnet Server
using the Telnet "TERMINAL SPEED" sub-option. Synchronet will use the reported
speed to calculate estimated file transfer durations, update the node record,
log to the user logon list, and save in the user record as the user's most
recent "connection type".

SEXPOTS can report Caller-ID information to the Synchronet Telnet server using
the Telnet "Location" option. Synchronet will store the Caller-ID reported
Phone Number in the user's 'note' field (where the IP address is normally
stored) and the Caller-ID reported Caller Name in the user's 'computer'
field (where the Hostname is normally stored). Synchronet will also log each
caller's Caller-ID information for record-keeping purposes.

Alternatively, SEXPOTS can report the Caller-ID information using the Ident
protocol, but this feature is disabled by default and is not the preferred
mechanism (use the Telnet "Location" option instead).

Using Synchronet v3.14a or earlier, the Synchronet Telnet Server will detect
the caller as just another Telnet connection, but comming in from the local
network interface (IP address).

AT      = Hayes standard modem command set ("AT" stands for "Attention")
BBS     = Bulletin Board System
BPS     = Bits Per Second
CID     = Caller ID
COM     = Communications port
CPS     = Characters Per Second
DCD     = Data Carrier Detect
DCE     = Data Communication Equipment (your modem)
DTE     = Data Terminal Equipment (your COM port)
Ident   = Identification Service
KBPS    = One thousand Bits Per Second
IP      = Internet Protocol
Modem   = Modulator / Demodulator
NT      = Windows NT (New Technology), any of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista OS
POTS    = Plain Old Telephone Service/System
Sysop   = System Operator (of a BBS)
Telnet  = Teletype Network protocol (over TCP, see RFC 854)
TCP     = Transmission Control Protocol (over IP)
Win32   = 32-bit versions of Windows (from Windows 95 through Windows Vista)

For technical support (including bug reports and feature requests), see for details.

/* End of file */