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DDMsgReader.js 767 KiB
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			var infoLineWrapped = word_wrap(msgHdr[prop], this.msgAreaWidth);
			var infoLineWrappedArray = lfexpand(infoLineWrapped).split("\r\n");
			var itemValue = "";
			for (var lineIdx = 0; lineIdx < infoLineWrappedArray.length; ++lineIdx)
				if (infoLineWrappedArray[lineIdx].length > 0)
					// Set itemValue to the value that should be displayed
					if (prop == "when_written_time") //itemValue = system.timestr(msgHdr.when_written_time);
						itemValue = system.timestr(msgHdr.when_written_time) + " " + system.zonestr(msgHdr.when_written_zone);
					else if (prop == "when_imported_time") //itemValue = system.timestr(msgHdr.when_imported_time);
						itemValue = system.timestr(msgHdr.when_imported_time) + " " + system.zonestr(msgHdr.when_imported_zone);
					else if ((prop == "when_imported_zone") || (prop == "when_written_zone"))
						itemValue = system.zonestr(msgHdr[prop]);
						itemValue = makeMainMsgAttrStr(msgHdr[prop], "None");
						itemValue = makeAuxMsgAttrStr(msgHdr[prop], "None");
						itemValue = makeNetMsgAttrStr(msgHdr[prop], "None");
						itemValue = infoLineWrappedArray[lineIdx];
					// Add the value color to the value text
					itemValue = "\1n" + this.colors.hdrLineValueColor + itemValue + "\1n";
					if (strip_ctrl(hdrItem).length < this.msgAreaWidth)
						// If this isn't the first header property, then add an empty
						// line to the info lines array for spacing
						if (propCounter > 1)
						// In case the item value is too long to fit into the
						// message reading area, split it and add all the split lines.
						var itemValueWrapped = word_wrap(itemValue, this.msgAreaWidth);
						var itemValueWrappedArray = lfexpand(itemValueWrapped).split("\r\n");
						for (var lineIdx = 0; lineIdx < itemValueWrappedArray.length; ++lineIdx)
							if (itemValueWrappedArray[lineIdx].length > 0)

						// If this isn't the first header property, then add an empty
						// line to the info lines array for spacing
						if (propCounter > 1)

	// If some info lines were added, then insert a header line & blank line to
	// the beginning of the array, and remove the last empty line from the array.
	if (msgHdrInfoLines.length > 0)
		if (kludgeOnly)
			msgHdrInfoLines.splice(0, 0, "\1n\1c\1hMessage Information/Kludge Lines\1n");
			msgHdrInfoLines.splice(1, 0, "\1n\1g\1h--------------------------------\1n");
			msgHdrInfoLines.splice(0, 0, "\1n\1c\1hMessage Headers\1n");
			msgHdrInfoLines.splice(1, 0, "\1n\1g\1h---------------\1n");
		if (msgHdrInfoLines[msgHdrInfoLines.length-1].length == 0)
	return msgHdrInfoLines;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Gets & prepares message information for
// the enhanced reader.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgHdr: The message header
//  pWordWrap: Boolean - Whether or not to word-wrap the message to fit into the
//             display area.  This is optional and defaults to true.  This should
//             be true for normal use; the only time this should be false is when
//             saving the message to a file.
//  pDetermineAttachments: Boolean - Whether or not to parse the message text to
//                         get attachments from it.  This is optional and defaults
//                         to true.  If false, then the message text will be left
//                         intact with any base64-encoded attachments that may be
//                         in the message text (for multi-part MIME messages).
//  pGetB64Data: Boolean - Whether or not to get the Base64-encoded data for
//               base64-encoded attachments (i.e., in multi-part MIME emails).
//               This is optional and defaults to true.  This is only used when
//               pDetermineAttachments is true.
//  pMsgBody: Optional - A string containing the message body.  If this is not included
//            or is not a string, then this method will retrieve the message body.
//  pMsgHasANSICodes: Optional boolean - If the caller already knows whether the
//                    message text has ANSI codes, the caller can pass this parameter.
// Return value: An object with the following properties:
//               msgText: The unaltered message text
//               messageLines: An array containing the message lines, wrapped to
//                             the message area width
//               topMsgLineIdxForLastPage: The top message line index for the last page
//               msgFractionShown: The fraction of the message shown
//               numSolidScrollBlocks: The number of solid scrollbar blocks
//               numNonSolidScrollBlocks: The number of non-solid scrollbar blocks
//               solidBlockStartRow: The starting row on the screen for the scrollbar blocks
//               attachments: An array of the attached filenames (as strings)
//               displayFrame: A Frame object for displaying the message with
//                             a scrollable interface.  Used when the message
//                             contains ANSI, for instance.  If this object is
//                             null, then the reader should use its own scrolling
//                             interface.  Also, this will only be available if
//                             the BBS machine has frame.js in sbbs/exec/load.
//               displayFrameScrollbar: A ScrollBar object to work with displayFrame.
//                                  If scrollbar.js is not available on the BBS machine,
//                                  this will be null.
//               errorMsg: An error message, if something bad happened
function DigDistMsgReader_GetMsgInfoForEnhancedReader(pMsgHdr, pWordWrap, pDetermineAttachments,
                                                      pGetB64Data, pMsgBody, pMsgHasANSICodes)
	var retObj = {
		msgText: "",
		messageLines: [],
		topMsgLineIdxForLastPage: 0,
		msgFractionShown: 0.0,
		numSolidScrollBlocks: 0,
		numNonSolidScrollBlocks: 0,
		solidBlockStartRow: 0,
		attachments: [],
		displayFrame: null,
		displayFrameScrollbar: null,
		errorMsg: ""
	var determineAttachments = true;
	if (typeof(pDetermineAttachments) == "boolean")
		determineAttachments = pDetermineAttachments;
	var getB64Data = true;
	if (typeof(pGetB64Data) == "boolean")
		getB64Data = pGetB64Data;
	var msgBody = "";
	if (typeof(pMsgBody) == "string")
		msgBody = pMsgBody;
		var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
		if (
			msgBody = msgbase.get_msg_body(false, pMsgHdr.number);
			retObj.errorMsg = "Unable to open the sub-board";
			return retObj;
		var msgInfo = determineMsgAttachments(pMsgHdr, msgBody, getB64Data);
		retObj.msgText = msgInfo.msgText;
		retObj.attachments = msgInfo.attachments;
		retObj.msgText = msgBody;
	var msgTextAltered = retObj.msgText; // Will alter the message text, but not yet
	// Only interpret @-codes if the user is reading personal email.  There
	// are many @-codes that do some action such as move the cursor, execute a
	// script, etc., and I don't want users on message networks to do anything
	// malicious to users on other BBSes.
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
		msgTextAltered = replaceAtCodesInStr(msgTextAltered, pMsgHdr); // Or this.ParseMsgAtCodes(msgTextAltered, pMsgHdr) to replace only some @ codes
	msgTextAltered = msgTextAltered.replace(/\t/g, this.tabReplacementText);
	// Convert other BBS color codes to Synchronet attribute codes if the settings
	// to do so are enabled.
	if ((system.settings & SYS_RENEGADE) == SYS_RENEGADE)
		msgTextAltered = renegadeAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	if ((system.settings & SYS_WWIV) == SYS_WWIV)
		msgTextAltered = WWIVAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	if ((system.settings & SYS_CELERITY) == SYS_CELERITY)
		msgTextAltered = celerityAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	if ((system.settings & SYS_PCBOARD) == SYS_PCBOARD)
		msgTextAltered = PCBoardAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	if ((system.settings & SYS_WILDCAT) == SYS_WILDCAT)
		msgTextAltered = wildcatAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	// If the message contains ANSI codes, then if frame.js is available and
	// the user's terminal support ANSI, set up a Frame object for reading the
	// message with a scrollable interface.
	var msgHasANSICodes = (typeof(pMsgHasANSICodes) == "boolean" ? pMsgHasANSICodes : textHasANSICodes(retObj.msgText));
	// If the message has ANSI codes, then check to see if the amount of ANSI is very low.
	// If so, then convert the ANSI color codes to Synchronet codes and eliminate unwanted
	// ANSI (such as cursor movement codes).  It seems that some messages have ANSI inserted
	// into them that shouldn't be there (i.e., the author didn't intend to post an ANSI
	// message), which is the reason for this check.  If the message contains such rogue
	// ANSI codes, they could mess up the display of the message.
		// ANSI content checking
		var lastANSIIdx = idxOfLastANSICode(msgTextAltered, gANSIRegexes);
		var numCharsAfterFirstANSI = msgTextAltered.length - idxOfFirstANSICode(msgTextAltered, gANSIRegexes) - 1;
		// Count the number of ANSI codes in the message and find the percentage of
		// ANSI in the message.
		var ANSICodeCount = countANSICodes(msgTextAltered, gANSIRegexes);
		var percentANSICodes = (ANSICodeCount / msgTextAltered.length) * 100;
		// It seems that some messages contain a couple extra lines at the beginning with
		// a "By: <name> to <name>" and a date, and some of those messages contain ANSI
		// codes in those lines, which will mess up the display of the message using the
		// scrolling interface.  Also, some messages might have ANSI codes in the signature.
		// If the last index of ANSI codes is <= 160 or there are <= 100 characters after
		// the first ANSI code (possibly in the signature) or if less than 7% of the message
		// is ANSI codes, then consider those ANSI codes unwanted and convert them to
		// Synchronet codes and remove unwanted ANSI.
		if ((percentANSICodes < 10) || (lastANSIIdx <= 160) || (numCharsAfterFirstANSI <= 100))
			msgTextAltered = cvtANSIToSyncAndRemoveUnwantedANSI(msgTextAltered);
			//msgTextAltered = removeANSIFromStr(msgTextAltered, gANSIRegexes);
			msgHasANSICodes = false;

	// If this is a message with a "By: <name> to <name>" and a date, then
	// sometimes such a message might have enter characters (ASCII 13), which
	// can mess up the display of the message, so remove enter characters
	// from the beginning of the message.
	var msgTextWithoutAttrs = strip_ctrl(msgTextAltered);
	var first240Chars = msgTextWithoutAttrs.substr(0, 240);
	var fromToSearchStr = "By: " + pMsgHdr.from + " to " +;
	var toFromSearchStr = "By: " + + " to " + pMsgHdr.from;
	var fromToStrIdx = msgTextWithoutAttrs.indexOf(fromToSearchStr);
	var toFromStrIdx = msgTextWithoutAttrs.indexOf(toFromSearchStr);
	var strIdx = -1;
	if (fromToStrIdx > -1)
		strIdx = fromToStrIdx;
	else if (toFromStrIdx > -1)
		strIdx = toFromStrIdx;
	if (strIdx > -1)
		// " on Mon Feb 13 2017 01:00 pm " // 29 characters long
		strIdx += toFromSearchStr.length + 29 + 37; // 37: Extra room for Synchronet attribute codes
		// Remove enter characters from the beginning of the message
		var tmpStr = msgTextAltered.substring(0, strIdx).replace(ascii(13), "");
		msgTextAltered = tmpStr + msgTextAltered.substr(strIdx);
		// To remove the "By: <name> to <name> on <date>" lines altogether:
		//msgTextAltered = msgTextAltered.substr(strIdx);

	// If the message (still) has ANSI codes, then it is probably an ANSI message.
	// Set up a Frame object to display the message, since the Frame object handles
	// ANSI well with scrolling.
	if (msgHasANSICodes)
		if (gFrameJSAvailable && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
			// Write the message to a file in a temporary directory,
			// have the frame object read it, then delete the temporary
			// directory.
			var readerTmpOutputDir = backslash(system.node_dir + "DDMsgReaderANSIMsgTemp");
			var ANSITempDirExists = file_exists(readerTmpOutputDir);
			if (!ANSITempDirExists)
				ANSITempDirExists = mkdir(readerTmpOutputDir);
			if (ANSITempDirExists)
				var tmpANSIFileName = backslash(readerTmpOutputDir) + "tmpMsg.ans";
				var tmpANSIFile = new File(tmpANSIFileName);
				if ("w"))
					var tmpANSIFileWritten = tmpANSIFile.write(msgTextAltered);
					// If the file was successfully written, then create the
					// Frame object and have it read the file.
					if (tmpANSIFileWritten)
						// Create the Frame object and 
						// TODO: Should this use 79 or 80 columns?
						retObj.displayFrame = new Frame(1, // x: Horizontal coordinate of top left
						                                this.enhMsgHeaderLines.length+1, // y: Vertical coordinate of top left
						                                80, // Width
						                                // Height: Allow for the message header
						                                // and enhanced reader help line
						retObj.displayFrame.v_scroll = true;
						retObj.displayFrame.h_scroll = false;
						retObj.displayFrame.scrollbars = true;
						// Load the message file into the Frame object
						// If scrollbar.js is available, then set up a vertical
						// scrollbar for the Frame object
						if (gScrollbarJSAvailable)
							retObj.displayFrameScrollbar = new ScrollBar(retObj.displayFrame, {bg: BG_BLACK, fg: LIGHTGRAY, orientation: "vertical", autohide: false});
				// Cleanup: Remove the temporary directory
			// frame.js is not available.  Just convert the ANSI to
			// Synchronet attributes.  It might not look the best, but
			// at least we can convert some of the ANSI codes.
			msgTextAltered = ANSIAttrsToSyncAttrs(msgTextAltered);
	var wordWrapTheMsgText = true;
	if (typeof(pWordWrap) == "boolean")
		wordWrapTheMsgText = pWordWrap;
	if (wordWrapTheMsgText)
		// Wrap the text to fit into the available message area.
		// Note: In Synchronet 3.15 (and some beta builds of 3.16), there seemed to
		// be a bug in the word_wrap() function where the word wrap length in Linux
		// was one less than Windows, so if the BBS is running 3.15 or earlier of
		// Synchronet, add 1 to the word wrap length if running in Linux.
		var textWrapLen = this.msgAreaWidth;
		if (system.version_num <= 31500)
			textWrapLen = gRunningInWindows ? this.msgAreaWidth : this.msgAreaWidth + 1;
		var msgTextWrapped = word_wrap(msgTextAltered, textWrapLen);
		retObj.messageLines = lfexpand(msgTextWrapped).split("\r\n");
		// Go through the message lines and trim them to ensure they'll easily fit
		// in the message display area without having to trim them later.  (Note:
		// this is okay to do since we're only using messageLines to display the
		// message on the screen; messageLines isn't used for quoting/replying).
		for (var msgLnIdx = 0; msgLnIdx < retObj.messageLines.length; ++msgLnIdx)
			retObj.messageLines[msgLnIdx] = shortenStrWithAttrCodes(retObj.messageLines[msgLnIdx], this.msgAreaWidth);
		// Set up some variables for displaying the message
		retObj.topMsgLineIdxForLastPage = retObj.messageLines.length - this.msgAreaHeight;
		if (retObj.topMsgLineIdxForLastPage < 0)
			retObj.topMsgLineIdxForLastPage = 0;
		// Variables for the scrollbar to show the fraction of the message shown
		retObj.msgFractionShown = this.msgAreaHeight / retObj.messageLines.length;
		if (retObj.msgFractionShown > 1)
			retObj.msgFractionShown = 1.0;
		retObj.numSolidScrollBlocks = Math.floor(this.msgAreaHeight * retObj.msgFractionShown);
		if (retObj.numSolidScrollBlocks == 0)
			retObj.numSolidScrollBlocks = 1;
		retObj.messageLines = [];
	retObj.numNonSolidScrollBlocks = this.msgAreaHeight - retObj.numSolidScrollBlocks;
	retObj.solidBlockStartRow = this.msgAreaTop;

	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns the index of the last read message in
// the current message area.  If reading personal email, this will look at the
// search results.  Otherwise, this will use the sub-board's last_read pointer.
// If there is no last read message or if there is a problem getting the last read
// message index, this method will return -1.
// Parameters:
//  pMailStartFromFirst: Optional boolean - Whether or not to start from the
//                       first message (rather than from the last message) if
//                       reading personal email.  Will stop looking at the first
//                       unread message.  Defaults to false.
// Return value: The index of the last read message in the current message area
function DigDistMsgReader_GetLastReadMsgIdx(pMailStartFromFirst)
	var msgIndex = -1;
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
		if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
			var startFromFirst = (typeof(pMailStartFromFirst) == "boolean" ? pMailStartFromFirst : false);
			if (startFromFirst)
				for (var idx = 0; idx < this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length; ++idx)
					if ((this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[idx].attr & MSG_READ) == MSG_READ)
						msgIndex = idx;
				for (var idx = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length-1; idx >= 0; --idx)
					if ((this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed[idx].attr & MSG_READ) == MSG_READ)
						msgIndex = idx;
			// Sanity checking for msgIndex (note: this function should return -1 if
			// there is no last read message).
			if (msgIndex >= this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length)
				msgIndex = this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length - 1;
		//msgIndex = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read);
		msgIndex = this.GetMsgIdx(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read);
		this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard = new Array();
		// hdrsForCurrentSubBoardByMsgNum is an object that maps absolute message numbers
		// to their index to hdrsForCurrentSubBoard
		this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoardByMsgNum = new Object();
		// Sanity checking for msgIndex (note: this function should return -1 if
		// there is no last read message).
		var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
		if (
			// If msgIndex is -1, as a result of GetMsgIdx(), then see what the last read
			// message index is according to the Synchronet message base.  If
			// this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length has been populated, then if the last
			// message index according to Synchronet is greater than that, then set the
			// message index to the last index in this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length.
			if (msgIndex == -1)
				var msgIdxAccordingToMsgbase = absMsgNumToIdx(msgbase, msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read);
				if ((this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length > 0) && (msgIdxAccordingToMsgbase >= this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length))
					msgIndex = this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length - 1;
			//if (msgIndex >= msgbase.total_msgs)
			//	msgIndex = msgbase.total_msgs - 1;
			// TODO: Is this code right?  Modified 3/24/2015 to replace
			// the above 2 commented lines.
			if ((msgIndex < 0) || (msgIndex >= msgbase.total_msgs))
				// Look for the first message not marked as deleted
				var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(0, true);
				// If a non-deleted message was found, then set the last read
				// pointer to it.
				if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
					var newLastRead = this.IdxToAbsMsgNum(nonDeletedMsgIdx);
					if (newLastRead > -1)
						msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = newLastRead;
						msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = 0;
					msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read = 0;
	return msgIndex;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns the index of the message pointed to
// by the scan pointer in the current sub-board.  If reading personal email or
// if the message base isn't open, this will return 0.  If the scan pointer is
// 0 or if the messagebase is open and the scan pointer is invalid, this will
// return -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_GetScanPtrMsgIdx()
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
		return 0;
	if (msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr == 0)
		return -1;

	// If the user's scan pointer is a crazy value, that could be because
	// the user hasn't read messages in the sub-board yet.  In that case,
	// just use 0.  Otherwise, get the user's scan pointer message index.
	var msgIdx = 0;
	//if (msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr != 4294967295) // Crazy value the first time a user reads messages
	//msgIdx = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr);
	if (msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr != 4294967295) // Crazy value the first time a user reads messages
		msgIdx = this.GetMsgIdx(msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr);
	var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
	if (
		if ((msgIdx < 0) || (msgIdx >= msgbase.total_msgs))
			msgIdx = -1;
			// Look for the first message not marked as deleted
			var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(0, true);
			// If a non-deleted message was found, then set the scan pointer to it.
			if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
				var newLastRead = this.IdxToAbsMsgNum(nonDeletedMsgIdx);
				if (newLastRead > -1)
					msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr = newLastRead;
					msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr = 0;
				msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_ptr = 0;
	return msgIdx;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether there is a search specified
// (according to this.searchType) and the search result objects are defined for
// the current sub-board (as specified by this.subBoardCode).
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not there is a search specified and the
//               search result objects are defined for the current sub-board
//               (as specified by this.subBoardCode).
function DigDistMsgReader_SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub()
	return (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults() && (this.msgSearchHdrs != null) &&
	         this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode) &&
	         (typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode]) == "object") &&
	         (typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed) != "undefined"));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Removes a message header from the search
// results array for the current sub-board.
// Parameters:
//  pMsgIdx: The index of the message header to remove (in the indexed messages,
//           not necessarily the actual message offset in the messagebase)
function DigDistMsgReader_RemoveFromSearchResults(pMsgIdx)
	if (typeof(pMsgIdx) != "number")

	if ((typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs) == "object") &&
	    this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode) &&
	    (typeof(this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed) != "undefined"))
		if ((pMsgIdx >= 0) && (pMsgIdx < this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.length))
			this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed.splice(pMsgIdx, 1);

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Looks for the next message in the thread of
// a given message (by its header).
// Paramters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object - The next message in the thread will be
//           searched starting from this message
//  pThreadType: The type of threading to use.  Can be THREAD_BY_ID, THREAD_BY_TITLE,
//               THREAD_BY_AUTHOR, or THREAD_BY_TO_USER.
//  pPositionCursorForStatus: Optional boolean - Whether or not to move the cursor
//                            to the bottom row before outputting status messages.
//                            Defaults to false.
// Return value: The offset (index) of the next message thread, or -1 if none
//               was found.
function DigDistMsgReader_FindThreadNextOffset(pMsgHdr, pThreadType, pPositionCursorForStatus)
	if ((pMsgHdr == null) || (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object"))
		return -1;

	var newMsgOffset = -1;

			// The thread_id field was introduced in Synchronet 3.16.  So, if
			// the Synchronet version is 3.16 or higher and the message header
			// has a thread_id field, then look for the next message with the
			// same thread ID.  If the Synchronet version is below 3.16 or there
			// is no thread ID, then fall back to using the header's thread_next,
			// if it exists.
			if ((system.version_num >= 31600) && (typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number"))
				// Look for the next message with the same thread ID.
				// Write "Searching.."  in case searching takes a while.
				if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
				// Look for the next message in the thread
				var nextMsgOffset = -1;
				var numOfMessages = this.NumMessages();
				if (pMsgHdr.offset < numOfMessages - 1)
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset+1; (messageIdx < numOfMessages) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); ++messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (((nextMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (typeof(nextMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (nextMsgHdr.thread_id == pMsgHdr.thread_id))
							nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
				if (this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.number) < numOfMessages - 1)
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.number)+1; (messageIdx < numOfMessages) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); ++messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (((nextMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (typeof(nextMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (nextMsgHdr.thread_id == pMsgHdr.thread_id))
							//nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
							nextMsgOffset = this.GetMsgIdx(nextMsgHdr.number);
				if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
					newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;
			// Fall back to thread_next if the Synchronet version is below 3.16 or there is
			// no thread_id field in the header
			else if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_next) == "number") && (pMsgHdr.thread_next > 0))
				//newMsgOffset = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_next);
				newMsgOffset = this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_next);
			// Title (subject) searching will look for the subject anywhere in the
			// other messages' subjects (not a fully exact subject match), so if
			// the message subject is blank, we won't want to do the search.
			var doSearch = true;
			if ((pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TITLE) && (pMsgHdr.subject.length == 0))
				doSearch = false;
			if (doSearch)
				var subjUppercase = "";
				var fromNameUppercase = "";
				var toNameUppercase = "";

				// Set up a message header matching function, depending on
				// which field of the header we want to match
				var msgHdrMatch;
				if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TITLE)
					subjUppercase = pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase();
					// Remove any leading instances of "RE:" from the subject
					while (/^RE:/.test(subjUppercase))
						subjUppercase = subjUppercase.substr(3);
					while (/^RE: /.test(subjUppercase))
						subjUppercase = subjUppercase.substr(4);
					// Remove any leading & trailing whitespace from the subject
					subjUppercase = trimSpaces(subjUppercase, true, true, true);
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase().indexOf(subjUppercase, 0) > -1));
				else if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_AUTHOR)
					fromNameUppercase = pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase();
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase() == fromNameUppercase));
				else if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TO_USER)
					toNameUppercase =;
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && ( == toNameUppercase));

				// Perform the search
				// Write "Searching.."  in case searching takes a while.
				if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
				// Look for the next message that contains the given message's subject
				var nextMsgOffset = -1;
				var numOfMessages = this.NumMessages();
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset+1; (messageIdx < numOfMessages) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); ++messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (msgHdrMatch(nextMsgHdr))
							nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
				if (this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.number) < numOfMessages - 1)
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.number)+1; (messageIdx < numOfMessages) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); ++messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (msgHdrMatch(nextMsgHdr))
							//nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
							nextMsgOffset = this.GetMsgIdx(nextMsgHdr.number);
				if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
					newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;
	// If no messages were found, then output a message to say so with a momentary pause.
	if (newMsgOffset == -1)
		if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
		console.print("\1n\1h\1yNo messages found.\1n");

	return newMsgOffset;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Looks for the previous message in the thread of
// a given message (by its header).
// Paramters:
//  pMsgHdr: A message header object - The previous message in the thread will be
//           searched starting from this message
//  pThreadType: The type of threading to use.  Can be THREAD_BY_ID, THREAD_BY_TITLE,
//               THREAD_BY_AUTHOR, or THREAD_BY_TO_USER.
//  pPositionCursorForStatus: Optional boolean - Whether or not to move the cursor
//                            to the bottom row before outputting status messages.
//                            Defaults to false.
// Return value: The offset (index) of the previous message thread, or -1 if
//               none was found.
function DigDistMsgReader_FindThreadPrevOffset(pMsgHdr, pThreadType, pPositionCursorForStatus)
	if ((pMsgHdr == null) || (typeof(pMsgHdr) != "object"))
		return -1;

	var newMsgOffset = -1;

			// The thread_id field was introduced in Synchronet 3.16.  So, if
			// the Synchronet version is 3.16 or higher and the message header
			// has a thread_id field, then look for the previous message with the
			// same thread ID.  If the Synchronet version is below 3.16 or there
			// is no thread ID, then fall back to using the header's thread_next,
			// if it exists.
			if ((system.version_num >= 31600) && (typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number"))
				// Look for the previous message with the same thread ID.
				// Write "Searching.." in case searching takes a while.
				if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
				// Look for the previous message in the thread
				var nextMsgOffset = -1;
				if (pMsgHdr.offset > 0)
					var prevMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); --messageIdx)
						prevMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (((prevMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (typeof(prevMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (prevMsgHdr.thread_id == pMsgHdr.thread_id))
							nextMsgOffset = prevMsgHdr.offset;
				if (this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.number) > 0)
					var prevMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.number)-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); --messageIdx)
						prevMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (((prevMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (typeof(prevMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (prevMsgHdr.thread_id == pMsgHdr.thread_id))
							//nextMsgOffset = prevMsgHdr.offset;
							nextMsgOffset = this.GetMsgIdx(prevMsgHdr.number);
				if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
					newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;
			// Fall back to thread_next if the Synchronet version is below 3.16 or there is
			// no thread_id field in the header
			else if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_back) == "number") && (pMsgHdr.thread_back > 0))
				//newMsgOffset = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_back);
				newMsgOffset = this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_back);
				if (newMsgOffset < 0)
					newMsgOffset = 0;
			// If thread_back is valid for the message header, then use that.
			if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_back) == "number") && (pMsgHdr.thread_back > 0))
				//newMsgOffset = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_back);
				newMsgOffset = this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_back);
				// If thread_id is defined and the index of the first message
				// in the thread is before the current message, then search
				// backwards for messages with a matching thread_id.
				//var firstThreadMsgIdx = this.AbsMsgNumToIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_first);
				var firstThreadMsgIdx = this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.thread_first);
				if ((typeof(pMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (firstThreadMsgIdx < pMsgHdr.offset))
					// Note (2014-10-11): Digital Man said thread_id was
					// introduced in Synchronet version 3.16 and was still
					// a work in progress and isn't 100% accurate for
					// networked sub-boards.

					// Look for the previous message with the same thread ID.
					// Note: I'm not sure when thread_id was introduced in
					// Synchronet, so I'm not sure of the minimum version where
					// this will work.
					// Write "Searching.." in case searching takes a while.
					if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
						console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
						console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
					// Look for the previous message in the thread
					var nextMsgOffset = -1;
					if (pMsgHdr.offset > 0)
						for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); --messageIdx)
							var prevMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
							if (((prevMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (typeof(prevMsgHdr.thread_id) == "number") && (prevMsgHdr.thread_id == pMsgHdr.thread_id))
								nextMsgOffset = prevMsgHdr.offset;
					if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
						newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;
			// Title (subject) searching will look for the subject anywhere in the
			// other messages' subjects (not a fully exact subject match), so if
			// the message subject is blank, we won't want to do the search.
			var doSearch = true;
			if ((pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TITLE) && (pMsgHdr.subject.length == 0))
				doSearch = false;
			if (doSearch)
				var subjUppercase = "";
				var fromNameUppercase = "";
				var toNameUppercase = "";

				// Set up a message header matching function, depending on
				// which field of the header we want to match
				var msgHdrMatch;
				if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TITLE)
					subjUppercase = pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase();
					// Remove any leading instances of "RE:" from the subject
					while (/^RE:/.test(subjUppercase))
						subjUppercase = subjUppercase.substr(3);
					while (/^RE: /.test(subjUppercase))
						subjUppercase = subjUppercase.substr(4);
					// Remove any leading & trailing whitespace from the subject
					subjUppercase = trimSpaces(subjUppercase, true, true, true);
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.subject.toUpperCase().indexOf(subjUppercase, 0) > -1));
				else if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_AUTHOR)
					fromNameUppercase = pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase();
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && (pMsgHdr.from.toUpperCase() == fromNameUppercase));
				else if (pThreadType == THREAD_BY_TO_USER)
					toNameUppercase =;
					msgHdrMatch = function(pMsgHdr) {
						return (((pMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == 0) && ( == toNameUppercase));

				// Perform the search
				// Write "Searching.."  in case searching takes a while.
				if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
					console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
					console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
				// Look for the next message that contains the given message's subject
				var nextMsgOffset = -1;
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = pMsgHdr.offset-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); --messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (msgHdrMatch(nextMsgHdr))
							nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
				if (this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.number) > 0)
					var nextMsgHdr;
					for (var messageIdx = this.GetMsgIdx(pMsgHdr.number)-1; (messageIdx >= 0) && (nextMsgOffset == -1); --messageIdx)
						nextMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(messageIdx);
						if (msgHdrMatch(nextMsgHdr))
							//nextMsgOffset = nextMsgHdr.offset;
							nextMsgOffset = this.GetMsgIdx(nextMsgHdr.number);
				if (nextMsgOffset > -1)
					newMsgOffset = nextMsgOffset;
	// If no messages were found, then output a message to say so with a momentary pause.
	if (newMsgOffset == -1)
		if (pPositionCursorForStatus)
			console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
			console.gotoxy(this.msgAreaLeft, console.screen_rows);
		console.print("\1n\1h\1yNo messages found.\1n");

	return newMsgOffset;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Calculates the top message index for a page,
// for the traditional-style message list.
// Parameters:
//  pPageNum: A page number (1-based)
function DigDistMsgReader_CalcTraditionalMsgListTopIdx(pPageNum)
      this.tradListTopMsgIdx = this.NumMessages() - (this.tradMsgListNumLines * (pPageNum-1)) - 1;
      this.tradListTopMsgIdx = (this.tradMsgListNumLines * (pPageNum-1));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Calculates the top message index for a page,
// for the lightbar message list.
// Parameters:
//  pPageNum: A page number (1-based)
function DigDistMsgReader_CalcLightbarMsgListTopIdx(pPageNum)
	if (this.reverseListOrder)
		this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.NumMessages() - (this.lightbarMsgListNumLines * (pPageNum-1)) - 1;
		//this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = (this.lightbarMsgListNumLines * (pPageNum-1));
		var pageIdx = pPageNum - 1;
		if (pageIdx < 0)
			pageIdx = 0;
		this.lightbarListTopMsgIdx = this.lightbarMsgListNumLines * pageIdx;