# Synchronet Project
## BBS-Related Software Source Repository
Directories within:
- `3rdp ` - Third-party libraries
- `ctrl ` - Synchronet BBS configuration and run-time data files
- `docs ` - Synchronet BBS documentation (mostly legacy HTML)
- `exec ` - Synchronet BBS executable files (mostly JavaScript)
- `node1 ` - Synchronet BBS Terminal Server "node" configuration files
- `src ` - Source code (mostly C/C++)
- `text ` - Synchronet BBS text and menu files
- `web ` - Synchronet Legacy/Runemaster web UI
- `webv4 ` - echicken's web interface (v4) for Synchronet
- `xtrn ` - Synchronet BBS doors (mostly JavaScript)
Related web-sites:
[Synchronet BBS Software](
[Synchronet Wiki](
[Synchronet Source Repository](