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		"<tt>b&nbsp</tt> open in binary (untranslated) mode; translations involving carriage-return and linefeed characters are suppressed (e.g. <tt>r+b</tt>)<br>"
		"<tt>e&nbsp</tt> open a <i>non-shareable</i> file (that must not already exist) for <i>exclusive</i> access <i>(introduced in v3.12)</i><br>"
		"<br><b>Note:</b> When using the <tt>iniSet</tt> methods to modify a <tt>.ini</tt> file, "
		"the file must be opened for both reading and writing.<br>"
		"<br><b>Note:</b> To open an existing or create a new file for both reading and writing, "
		"use the <i>file_exists</i> function like so:<br>"
		"<tt> ? 'r+':'w+');</tt>"
	{"popen",			js_popen,			1,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("[mode=<tt>\"r+\"</tt>] [,buffer_length]")
	,JSDOCSTR("open pipe to command, <i>buffer_length</i> defaults to 2048 bytes, "
		"mode (default: <tt>'r+'</tt>) specifies the type of access requested for the file, as follows:<br>"
		"<tt>r&nbsp</tt> read the programs stdout;<br>"
		"<tt>w&nbsp</tt> write to the programs stdin<br>"
		"<tt>r+</tt> open for both reading stdout and writing stdin<br>"
		"(<b>only functional on UNIX systems</b>)"
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	{"close",			js_close,			0,	JSTYPE_VOID,	JSDOCSTR("")
	,JSDOCSTR("close file")
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	{"remove",			js_delete,			0,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN, JSDOCSTR("")
	,JSDOCSTR("remove the file from the disk")
	{"clearError",		js_clear_error,		0,	JSTYPE_ALIAS },
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	{"clear_error",		js_clear_error,		0,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN, JSDOCSTR("")
	,JSDOCSTR("clears the current error value (AKA clearError)")
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	{"flush",			js_flush,			0,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("")
	,JSDOCSTR("flush/commit buffers to disk")
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	{"rewind",			js_rewind,			0,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("")
	,JSDOCSTR("repositions the file pointer (<i>position</i>) to the beginning of a file "
		"and clears error and end-of-file indicators")
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	{"truncate",		js_truncate,		0,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("[length=<tt>0</tt>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("changes the file <i>length</i> (default: 0) and repositions the file pointer "
	"(<i>position</i>) to the new end-of-file")
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rswindell's avatar
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	{"lock",			js_lock,			2,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("[offset=<tt>0</tt>] [,length=<i>file_length</i>-<i>offset</i>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("lock file record for exclusive access (file must be opened <i>shareable</i>)")
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	{"unlock",			js_unlock,			2,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("[offset=<tt>0</tt>] [,length=<i>file_length</i>-<i>offset</i>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("unlock file record for exclusive access")
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rswindell committed
	{"read",			js_read,			0,	JSTYPE_STRING,	JSDOCSTR("[maxlen=<i>file_length</i>-<i>file_position</i>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("read a string from file (optionally unix-to-unix or base64 decoding in the process), "
		"<i>maxlen</i> defaults to the current length of the file minus the current file position")
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rswindell committed
	{"readln",			js_readln,			0,	JSTYPE_STRING,	JSDOCSTR("[maxlen=<tt>512</tt>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("read a line-feed terminated string, <i>maxlen</i> defaults to 512 characters")
	{"readBin",			js_readbin,			0,	JSTYPE_NUMBER,	JSDOCSTR("[bytes=<tt>4</tt> [,count=<tt>1</tt>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("read one or more binary integers from the file, default number of <i>bytes</i> is 4 (32-bits). "
			  "if count is not equal to 1, an array is returned (even if no integers were read)")
	{"readAll",			js_readall,			0,	JSTYPE_ARRAY,	JSDOCSTR("[maxlen=<tt>512</tt>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("read all lines into an array of strings, <i>maxlen</i> defaults to 512 characters")
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	{"write",			js_write,			1,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("text [,length=<i>text_length</i>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("write a string to the file (optionally unix-to-unix or base64 decoding in the process)")
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	{"writeln",			js_writeln,			0,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN, JSDOCSTR("[text]")
	,JSDOCSTR("write a line-feed terminated string to the file")
	{"writeBin",		js_writebin,		1,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("value(s) [,bytes=<tt>4</tt>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("write one or more binary integers to the file, default number of <i>bytes</i> is 4 (32-bits)."
			  "If value is an array, writes the entire array to the file.")
	{"writeAll",		js_writeall,		0,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("array lines")
	,JSDOCSTR("write an array of strings to file")
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	{"printf",			js_fprintf,			0,	JSTYPE_NUMBER,	JSDOCSTR("format [,args]")
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	,JSDOCSTR("write a formatted string to the file (ala fprintf) - "
		"<small>CAUTION: for experienced C programmers ONLY</small>")
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rswindell's avatar
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	{"iniGetSections",	js_iniGetSections,	0,	JSTYPE_ARRAY,	JSDOCSTR("[prefix=<i>none</i>]")
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	,JSDOCSTR("parse all section names from a <tt>.ini</tt> file (format = '<tt>[section]</tt>') "
		"and return the section names as an <i>array of strings</i>, "
		"optionally, only those section names that begin with the specified <i>prefix</i>")
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rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	{"iniGetKeys",		js_iniGetKeys,		1,	JSTYPE_ARRAY,	JSDOCSTR("[section=<i>root</i>]")
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	,JSDOCSTR("parse all key names from the specified <i>section</i> in a <tt>.ini</tt> file "
		"and return the key names as an <i>array of strings</i>. "
		"if <i>section</i> is undefined, returns key names from the <i>root</i> section")
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rswindell committed
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	{"iniGetValue",		js_iniGetValue,		3,	JSTYPE_UNDEF,	JSDOCSTR("section, key [,default=<i>none</i>]")
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	,JSDOCSTR("parse a key from a <tt>.ini</tt> file and return its value (format = '<tt>key = value</tt>'). "
		"returns the specified <i>default</i> value if the key or value is missing or invalid. "
		"to parse a key from the <i>root</i> section, pass <i>null</i> for <i>section</i>. "
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		"will return a <i>bool</i>, <i>number</i>, <i>string</i>, or an <i>array of strings</i> "
		"determined by the type of <i>default</i> value specified")
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rswindell committed
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	{"iniSetValue",		js_iniSetValue,		3,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("section, key, [value=<i>none</i>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("set the specified <i>key</i> to the specified <i>value</i> in the specified <i>section</i> "
		"of a <tt>.ini</tt> file. "
		"to set a key in the <i>root</i> section, pass <i>null</i> for <i>section</i>. ")
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	{"iniGetObject",	js_iniGetObject,	1,	JSTYPE_OBJECT,	JSDOCSTR("[section=<i>root</i>]")
rswindell's avatar
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	,JSDOCSTR("parse an entire section from a .ini file "
		"and return all of its keys and values as properties of an object. "
		"if <i>section</i> is undefined, returns key and values from the <i>root</i> section")
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	{"iniSetObject",	js_iniSetObject,	2,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("section, object")
	,JSDOCSTR("write all the properties of the specified <i>object</i> as separate <tt>key=value</tt> pairs "
		"in the specified <i>section</i> of a <tt>.ini</tt> file. "
		"to write an object in the <i>root</i> section, pass <i>null</i> for <i>section</i>. ")
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	{"iniGetAllObjects",js_iniGetAllObjects,1,	JSTYPE_ARRAY,	JSDOCSTR("[name_property] [,prefix=<i>none</i>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("parse all sections from a .ini file and return all (non-<i>root</i>) sections "
		"in an array of objects with each section's keys as properties of each object. "
		"<i>name_property</i> is the name of the property to create to contain the section's name "
		"(default is <tt>\"name\"</tt>), "
		"the optional <i>prefix</i> has the same use as in the <tt>iniGetSections</tt> method, "
		"if a <i>prefix</i> is specified, it is removed from each section's name" )
rswindell's avatar
rswindell committed
	{"iniSetAllObjects",js_iniSetAllObjects,1,	JSTYPE_ARRAY,	JSDOCSTR("object array [,name_property=<tt>\"name\"</tt>]")
	,JSDOCSTR("write an array of objects to a .ini file, each object in its own section named "
	"after the object's <i>name_property</i> (default: <tt>name</tt>)")
	{"iniRemoveKey",	js_iniRemoveKey,	2,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("section, key")
	,JSDOCSTR("remove specified <i>key</i> from specified <i>section</i> in <tt>.ini</tt> file.")
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	{"iniRemoveSection",js_iniRemoveSection,1,	JSTYPE_BOOLEAN,	JSDOCSTR("section")
	,JSDOCSTR("remove specified <i>section</i> from <tt>.ini</tt> file.")
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/* File Destructor */

static void js_finalize_file(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
	private_t* p;

	if(p->external==JS_FALSE && p->fp!=NULL)

	dbprintf(FALSE, p, "closed: %s",p->name);


	JS_SetPrivate(cx, obj, NULL);

static JSBool js_file_resolve(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id)
	char*			name=NULL;

	if(id != JSVAL_NULL)

	return(js_SyncResolve(cx, obj, name, js_file_properties, js_file_functions, NULL, 0));

static JSBool js_file_enumerate(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
	return(js_file_resolve(cx, obj, JSVAL_NULL));

static JSClass js_file_class = {
     "File"					/* name			*/
    ,JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE	/* flags		*/
	,JS_PropertyStub		/* addProperty	*/
	,JS_PropertyStub		/* delProperty	*/
	,js_file_get			/* getProperty	*/
	,js_file_set			/* setProperty	*/
	,js_file_enumerate		/* enumerate	*/
	,js_file_resolve		/* resolve		*/
	,JS_ConvertStub			/* convert		*/
	,js_finalize_file		/* finalize		*/

/* File Constructor (creates file descriptor) */

static JSBool
js_file_constructor(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval)
	JSString*	str;
	private_t*	p;

	if((str = JS_ValueToString(cx, argv[0]))==NULL) {
		JS_ReportError(cx,"No filename specified");

	*rval = JSVAL_VOID;

	if((p=(private_t*)calloc(1,sizeof(private_t)))==NULL) {
		JS_ReportError(cx,"calloc failed");


	if(!JS_SetPrivate(cx, obj, p)) {
		dbprintf(TRUE, p, "JS_SetPrivate failed");

	js_DescribeSyncObject(cx,obj,"Class used for opening, creating, reading, or writing files on the local file system<p>"
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		"Special features include:</h2><ol type=disc>"
			"<li>Exclusive-access files (default) or shared files<ol type=circle>"
				"<li>optional record-locking"
				"<li>buffered or non-buffered I/O"
			"<li>Support for binary files<ol type=circle>"
				"<li>native or network byte order (endian)"
				"<li>automatic Unix-to-Unix (<i>UUE</i>), yEncode (<i>yEnc</i>) or Base64 encoding/decoding"
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			"<li>Support for ASCII text files<ol type=circle>"
				"<li>supports line-based I/O<ol type=square>"
					"<li>entire file may be read or written as an array of strings"
					"<li>individual lines may be read or written one line at a time"
				"<li>supports fixed-length records<ol type=square>"
					"<li>optional end-of-text (<i>etx</i>) character for automatic record padding/termination"
					"<li>Synchronet <tt>.dat</tt> files use an <i>etx</i> value of 3 (Ctrl-C)"
				"<li>supports <tt>.ini</tt> formated configuration files<ol type=square>"
					"<li>concept and support of <i>root</i> ini sections added in v3.12"
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				"<li>optional ROT13 encoding/translation"
			"<li>Dynamically-calculated industry standard checksums (e.g. CRC-16, CRC-32, MD5)"
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	js_DescribeSyncConstructor(cx,obj,"To create a new File object: <tt>var f = new File(<i>filename</i>)</tt>");
	js_CreateArrayOfStrings(cx, obj, "_property_desc_list", file_prop_desc, JSPROP_READONLY);

	dbprintf(FALSE, p, "object constructed");

JSObject* DLLCALL js_CreateFileClass(JSContext* cx, JSObject* parent)
	JSObject*	sockobj;

	sockobj = JS_InitClass(cx, parent, NULL
		,1		/* number of constructor args */
		,NULL	/* props, set in constructor */
		,NULL	/* funcs, set in constructor */


JSObject* DLLCALL js_CreateFileObject(JSContext* cx, JSObject* parent, char *name, FILE* fp)
	JSObject* obj;
	private_t*	p;

	obj = JS_DefineObject(cx, parent, name, &js_file_class, NULL




	if(!JS_SetPrivate(cx, obj, p)) {
		dbprintf(TRUE, p, "JS_SetPrivate failed");

	dbprintf(FALSE, p, "object created");


#endif	/* JAVSCRIPT */