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DDMsgReader.js 732 KiB
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				// index is -1, the ReadMessages method will use the user's
				// last-read message index.
				otherRetObj = this.ReadMessages(null, selectedMessageOffset, true, allowChgMsgArea,
				                                pReturnOnNextAreaNav, pPromptToGoNextIfNoResults);
				// If the user wants to quit or if there was an error, then stop
				// the input loop.
				if (otherRetObj.stoppedReading)
					retObj.stoppedReading = true;
					continueOn = false;
				// If we're set to return on navigation to the next message area and
				// the user's last keypress was the right arrow key or next action
				// was to go to the next message area, then don't continue the input
				// loop, and also say that the user didn't stop reading.
				else if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav &&
				         ((otherRetObj.lastUserInput == KEY_RIGHT) || (otherRetObj.lastUserInput == KEY_ENTER) || (otherRetObj.lastAction == ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA)))
					retObj.stoppedReading = false;
					continueOn = false;
				else if (otherRetObj.messageListReturn)
					readerMode = READER_MODE_LIST;
				// Note: Doing the message list is also handled in this.ReadMessages().
				// This code is here in case the reader is configured to start up
				// in list mode first.
				// List messages
				otherRetObj = this.ListMessages(null, pAllowChgArea);
				// If the user wants to quit, set continueOn to false to get out
				// of the loop.  Otherwise, set the selected message offset to
				// what the user chose from the list.
				if (otherRetObj.lastUserInput == "Q")
					retObj.stoppedReading = true;
					continueOn = false;
					selectedMessageOffset = otherRetObj.selectedMsgOffset;
					readerMode = READER_MODE_READ;

	return retObj;
// Helper for DigDistMsgReader_ReadOrListSubBoard(): Populates this.msgSearchHdrs
// if an applicable search type is specified; also, if there are no messages in
// the current sub-board, outputs an error to the user.
// Parameters:
//  pCloseMsgbaseAndSetNullIfNoMsgs: Optional boolean - Whether or not to close the message
//                         base if there are no messages.  Defaults to true.
//  pOutputMessages: Boolean - Whether or not to output messages to the screen.
//                   Defaults to true.
//  pPauseOnNoMsgError: Optional boolean - Whether or not to pause for a keypress
//                      after displaying the "no messages" error.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not there are messages to read in the current
//               sub-board
function DigDistMsgReader_PopulateHdrsIfSearch_DispErrorIfNoMsgs(pCloseMsgbaseAndSetNullIfNoMsgs,
                                                 pOutputMessages, pPauseOnNoMsgError)
	var thereAreMessagesToRead = true;

	var outputMessages = (typeof(pOutputMessages) == "boolean" ? pOutputMessages : true);

	// If a search is is specified that would populate the search results, then
	// perform the message search for the current sub-board.
	if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
		if (!this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode))
			// TODO: In case new messages were posted in this sub-board, it might help
			// to check the current number of messages vs. the previous number of messages
			// and search the new messages if there are more.
			if (outputMessages)
					formattedText = format(this.text.loadingPersonalMailText, subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode));
					formattedText = format(this.text.searchingSubBoardText, subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode));
				console.print("\x01n" + replaceAtCodesInStr(formattedText) + "\x01n");
			this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode] = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser);
		// There is no search is specified, so clear the search results for the
		// current sub-board to help ensure that there are messages to read.
		if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode))
			delete this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode].indexed;
			delete this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode];

	// If there are no messages to display in the current sub-board, then set the
	// return value and let the user know (if outputMessages is true).
	if (this.NumMessages() == 0)
		thereAreMessagesToRead = false;
		if (outputMessages)
			if (this.readingPersonalEmail)
				if (this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode))
					formattedText = format(this.text.noSearchResultsInSubBoardText, subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode));
					formattedText = format(this.text.noMessagesInSubBoardText, subBoardGrpAndName(this.subBoardCode));
			var pauseOnNoMsgsError = (typeof(pPauseOnNoMsgError) == "boolean" ? pPauseOnNoMsgError : true);
			if (pauseOnNoMsgsError)

	return thereAreMessagesToRead;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether the search type is a type
// that would result in the search results structure being populated.  Search
// types where that wouldn't happen are SEARCH_NONE (no search) and any of the
// message scan search types.
function DigDistMsgReader_SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults()
	return (this.readingPersonalEmail || searchTypePopulatesSearchResults(this.searchType));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Returns whether the search type is a type
// that requires search text.  Search types that require search text are the
// keyword search, from name search, and to name search.  Search types that
// don't require search text are SEARCH_NONE (no search) & the message scan search
// types.
function DigDistMsgReader_SearchTypeRequiresSearchText()
	return searchTypeRequiresSearchText(this.searchType);

// Returns whether a search type value would populate search results.
// Parameters:
//  pSearchType: A search type integer value
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the search type would populate search
//               results
function searchTypePopulatesSearchResults(pSearchType)
	return ((pSearchType == SEARCH_KEYWORD) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_FROM_NAME) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_NAME_CUR_MSG_AREA) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN) ||
			(pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_SUB) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_CUR_GRP) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN_ALL) ||
	        (pSearchType == SEARCH_ALL_TO_USER_SCAN));

// Returns whether a search type value requires search text.
// Parameters:
//  pSearchType: A search type integer value
// Return value: Boolean - Whether or not the search type requires search text
function searchTypeRequiresSearchText(pSearchType)
	return ((pSearchType == SEARCH_KEYWORD) ||
	         (pSearchType == SEARCH_FROM_NAME) ||
	         (pSearchType == SEARCH_TO_NAME_CUR_MSG_AREA));

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Scans the message area(s) for new messages,
// unread messages to the user, or all messages to the user.
// Parameters:
//  pScanCfgOpt: The scan configuration option to check for in the sub-boards
//               (from sbbsdefs.js). Supported values are SCAN_CFG_NEW (new
//               message scan), and SCAN_CFG_TOYOU (messages to the user)
//  pScanMode: The scan mode (from sbbsdefs.js).  Supported values are SCAN_NEW
//             (new message scan), SCAN_TOYOU (scan for all messages to the
//             user), and SCAN_UNREAD (scan for new messages to the user).
//  pScanScopeChar: Optional - A character (as a string) representing the scan
//                  scope: "S" for sub-board, "G" for group, or "A" for all.
//                  If this is not specified, the user will be prompted for the
//                  scan scope.
function DigDistMsgReader_MessageAreaScan(pScanCfgOpt, pScanMode, pScanScopeChar)
	var scanScopeChar = "";
	if ((typeof(pScanScopeChar) == "string") && /^[SGA]$/.test(pScanScopeChar))
		scanScopeChar = pScanScopeChar;
		// Prompt the user to scan in the current sub-board, the current message group,
		// or all.  Default to all.
		scanScopeChar = console.getkeys("SGAC").toString();
		// If the user just pressed Enter without choosing anything, then abort and return.
		if (scanScopeChar.length == 0)

	// Do some logging if verbose logging is enabled
	if (gCmdLineArgVals.verboselogging)
		var logMessage = "Doing a message area scan (";
		if (pScanCfgOpt == SCAN_CFG_NEW)
			// The only valid value for pScanMode in this case is SCAN_NEW, so no
			// need to check pScanMode to append more to the log message.
			logMessage += "new";
		else if (pScanCfgOpt == SCAN_CFG_TOYOU)
			// Valid values for pScanMode in this case are SCAN_UNREAD and SCAN_TOYOU.
			if (pScanMode == SCAN_UNREAD)
				logMessage += "unread messages to the user";
			else if (pScanMode == SCAN_TOYOU)
				logMessage += "all messages to the user";
		if (scanScopeChar == "A") // All sub-boards
			logMessage += ", all sub-boards";
		else if (scanScopeChar == "G") // Current message group
			logMessage += ", current message group (" +
			              msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].description + ")";
		else if (scanScopeChar == "S") // Current sub-board
			logMessage += ", current sub-board (" +
			              msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].description + " - " +
						  msg_area.grp_list[bbs.curgrp].sub_list[bbs.cursub].description + ")";
		logMessage += ")";

	// Save the original search type, sub-board code, searched message headers,
	// etc. to be restored later
	var originalSearchType = this.searchType;
	var originalSubBoardCode = this.subBoardCode;
	var originalBBSCurGrp = bbs.curgrp;
	var originalBBSCurSub = bbs.cursub;
	var originalMsgSrchHdrs = this.msgSearchHdrs;

	// Make sure there is no search data

	// Create an array of internal codes of sub-boards to scan
	var subBoardsToScan = getSubBoardsToScanArray(scanScopeChar);
	// Scan through the sub-boards
	this.doingMsgScan = true;
	var continueNewScan = true;
	var userAborted = false;
	this.doingMultiSubBoardScan = (subBoardsToScan.length > 1);
	for (var subCodeIdx = 0; (subCodeIdx < subBoardsToScan.length) && continueNewScan; ++subCodeIdx)
		// Force garbage collection to ensure enough memory is available to continue
		// Set the console line counter to 0 to prevent screen pausing
		// when the "Searching ..." and "No messages were found" text is
		// displayed repeatedly
		console.line_counter = 0;
		// If the sub-board's access requirements allows the user to read it
		// and it's enabled in the user's message scan configuration, then go
		// ahead with this sub-board.
		// Note: Used to use this to determine whether the user could access the
		// sub-board:
		// Now using the can_read property.
		this.setSubBoardCode(subBoardsToScan[subCodeIdx]); // Needs to be set before getting the last read/scan pointer index
		if (msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].can_read && ((msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].scan_cfg & pScanCfgOpt) == pScanCfgOpt))
			var grpIndex = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_index;
			var subIndex = msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].index;
			// Sub-board description: msg_area.grp_list[grpIndex].sub_list[subIndex].description
			// Open the sub-board and check for unread messages.  If there are any, then let
			// the user read the messages in the sub-board.
			//var msgbase = new MsgBasesubBoardsToScan[subCodeIdx]);
			var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
			if (
				// Get a filtered list of messages for this sub-board

				//this.setSubBoardCode(subBoardsToScan[subCodeIdx]); // Needs to be set before getting the last read/scan pointer index
				// If the current sub-board contains only deleted messages,
				// or if the user has already read the last message in this
				// sub-board, then skip it.
				var scanPtrMsgIdx = this.GetScanPtrMsgIdx();
				var nonDeletedMsgsExist = (this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(scanPtrMsgIdx-1, true) > -1);
				var userHasReadLastMessage = false;
				if (this.subBoardCode != "mail")
					// What if newest_message_header.number is invalid  (e.g. NaN or 0xffffffff or >
					// msgbase.last_msg)?
					if (this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length > 0)
						if ((msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read == this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard[this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length-1].number) ||
						    (scanPtrMsgIdx == this.hdrsForCurrentSubBoard.length-1))
				if (!nonDeletedMsgsExist || userHasReadLastMessage)
					if (msgbase != null)

				// In the switch cases below, bbs.curgrp and bbs.cursub are
				// temporarily changed the user's sub-board to the current
				// sub-board so that certain @-codes (such as @GRP-L@, etc.)
				// are displayed by Synchronet correctly.

				// We might want the starting message index to be different
				// depending on the scan mode.
				switch (pScanMode)
					case SCAN_NEW:
						// Make sure the sub-board has some messages.  Let the user read it if
						// the scan pointer index is -1 (one unread message) or if it points to
						// a message within the number of messages in the sub-board.
						var totalNumMsgs = msgbase.total_msgs;
						if ((totalNumMsgs > 0) && ((scanPtrMsgIdx == -1) || (scanPtrMsgIdx < totalNumMsgs-1)))
							bbs.curgrp = grpIndex;
							bbs.cursub = subIndex;
							// Start at the scan pointer
							var startMsgIdx = scanPtrMsgIdx;
							// If the message has already been read, then start at the next message
							var tmpMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(startMsgIdx);
							if ((tmpMsgHdr != null) && (msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].last_read == tmpMsgHdr.number) && (startMsgIdx < this.NumMessages(true) - 1))
							// Allow the user to read messages in this sub-board.  Don't allow
							// the user to change to a different message area, don't pause
							// when there's no search results in a sub-board, and return
							// instead of going to the next sub-board via navigation.
							var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, startMsgIdx, false, true, false);
							// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
							// message scan loops.
							if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
								continueNewScan = false;
								userAborted = true;
					case SCAN_TOYOU: // All messages to the user
						bbs.curgrp = grpIndex;
						bbs.cursub = subIndex;
						// Search for messages to the user in the current sub-board
						// and let the user read the sub-board if messages are
						// found.  Don't allow the user to change to a different
						// message area, don't pause when there's no search results
						// in a sub-board, and return instead of going to the next
						// sub-board via navigation.
						this.searchType = SEARCH_TO_USER_CUR_MSG_AREA;
						var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, 0, false, true, false);
						// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
						// message scan loops.
						if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
							continueNewScan = false;
							userAborted = true;
					case SCAN_UNREAD: // New (unread) messages to the user
						bbs.curgrp = grpIndex;
						bbs.cursub = subIndex;
						// Search for messages to the user in the current sub-board
						// and let the user read the sub-board if messages are
						// found.  Don't allow the user to change to a different
						// message area, don't pause when there's no search results
						// in a sub-board, and return instead of going to the next
						// sub-board via navigation.
						this.searchType = SEARCH_TO_USER_NEW_SCAN;
						var readRetObj = this.ReadOrListSubBoard(null, 0, false, true, false);
						// If the user stopped reading & decided to quit, then exit the
						// message scan loops.
						if (readRetObj.stoppedReading)
							continueNewScan = false;
							userAborted = true;
				if (msgbase != null)
		// Pause for a short moment to avoid causing CPU usage going to 99%

	// Restore the original sub-board code, searched message headers, etc.
	this.searchType = originalSearchType;
	this.msgSearchHdrs = originalMsgSrchHdrs;
	bbs.curgrp = originalBBSCurGrp;
	bbs.cursub = originalBBSCurSub;
	if ((msgbase != null) && msgbase.is_open)
	if (this.pauseAfterNewMsgScan)
		if (userAborted)
			console.print("\x01n" + replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.msgScanAbortedText) + "\x01n");
			console.print("\x01n" + replaceAtCodesInStr(this.text.msgScanCompleteText) + "\x01n");

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message reading activity.
// Parameters:
//  pSubBoardCode: Optional - The internal code of a sub-board to read.
//                 If not specified, the internal sub-board code specified
//                 when creating the object will be used.
//  pStartingMsgOffset: Optional - The offset of a message to start at
//  pReturnOnMessageList: Optional boolean - Whether or not to quit when the
//                      user wants to list messages (used when this method
//                      is called from ReadOrListSubBoard()).
//  pAllowChgArea: Optional boolean - Whether or not to allow changing the
//                 message area
//  pReturnOnNextAreaNav: Optional boolean - Whether or not this method should
//                        return when it would move to the next message area due
//                        navigation from the user (i.e., with the right arrow
//                        key or with < (go to previous message area) or > (go
//                        to next message area))
//  pPromptToGoToNextAreaIfNoSearchResults: Optional boolean - Whether or not to
//                          prompt the user to go to the next/previous sub-board
//                          when there are no search results
// Return value: An object that has the following properties:
//               lastUserInput: The user's last keypress/input
//               lastAction: The last action chosen by the user based on their
//                           last keypress, etc.
//               stoppedReading: Boolean - Whether reading has stopped
//                               (due to user quitting, error, or otherwise)
//               messageListReturn: Boolean - Whether this method is returning for
//                                  the caller to display the message list.  This
//                                  will only be true when the pReturnOnMessageList
//                                  parameter is true and the user wants to list
//                                  messages.
function DigDistMsgReader_ReadMessages(pSubBoardCode, pStartingMsgOffset, pReturnOnMessageList,
                                       pAllowChgArea, pReturnOnNextAreaNav, pPromptToGoToNextAreaIfNoSearchResults)
	var retObj = {
		lastUserInput: "",
		lastAction: ACTION_NONE,
		stoppedReading: false,
		messageListReturn: false

	// If the passed-in sub-board code was different than what was set in the object before,
	// then open the new message sub-board.
	var previousSubBoardCode = this.subBoardCode;
	if (typeof(pSubBoardCode) == "string")
		if (subBoardCodeIsValid(pSubBoardCode))
			console.print("\x01n\x01h\x01yWarning: \x01wThe Message Reader connot continue because an invalid");
			console.print("sub-board code was specified (" + pSubBoardCode + "). Please notify the sysop.");
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
			return retObj;
	if (this.subBoardCode.length == 0)
		console.print("\x01n\x01h\x01yWarning: \x01wThe Message Reader connot continue because no message");
		console.print("sub-board was specified. Please notify the sysop.");
		retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		return retObj;

	// If the user doesn't have permission to read the current sub-board, then
	// don't allow the user to read it.
		if (!msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].can_read)
			var errorMsg = format(bbs.text(CantReadSub), msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_name, msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].name);
			console.print("\x01n" + errorMsg);
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
			return retObj;
	var msgbase = new MsgBase(this.subBoardCode);
	// If the message base was not opened, then output an error and return.
		console.print("\x01h\x01y* \x01wUnable to open message sub-board:");
		retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		return retObj;

	// If there are no messages to display in the current sub-board, then let the
	// user know and exit.
	var numOfMessages = this.NumMessages(msgbase);
	if (numOfMessages == 0)
		console.clear("\x01n");"\x01n\x01h\x01yThere are no messages to display.");
		retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		return retObj;

	// Check the pAllowChgArea parameter.  If it's a boolean, then use it.  If
	// not, then check to see if we're reading personal mail - If not, then allow
	// the user to change to a different message area.
	var allowChgMsgArea = true;
	if (typeof(pAllowChgArea) == "boolean")
		allowChgMsgArea = pAllowChgArea;
		allowChgMsgArea = (this.subBoardCode != "mail");
	// If reading personal email and messages haven't been collected (searched)
	// yet, then do so now.
	if (this.readingPersonalEmail && (!this.msgSearchHdrs.hasOwnProperty(this.subBoardCode)))
		this.msgSearchHdrs[this.subBoardCode] = searchMsgbase(this.subBoardCode, this.searchType, this.searchString, this.readingPersonalEmailFromUser);

	// Determine the index of the message to start at.  This will be
	// pStartingMsgOffset if pStartingMsgOffset is valid, or the index
	// of the user's last-read message in this sub-board.
	var msgIndex = 0;
	if ((typeof(pStartingMsgOffset) == "number") && (pStartingMsgOffset >= 0) && (pStartingMsgOffset < this.NumMessages()))
		msgIndex = pStartingMsgOffset;
	else if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
		msgIndex = 0;
		msgIndex = this.GetLastReadMsgIdxAndNum().lastReadMsgIdx;
		if (msgIndex == -1)
			msgIndex = 0;

	// If the current message index is for a message that has been
	// deleted, then find the next non-deleted message.
	var testMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgIndex);
	if ((testMsgHdr == null) || ((testMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE))
		// First try going forward
		var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, true);
		// If a non-deleted message was not found, then try going backward.
		if (nonDeletedMsgIdx == -1)
			nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, false);
		// If a non-deleted message was found, then set msgIndex to it.
		// Otherwise, tell the user there are no messages in this sub-board
		// and return.
		if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
			msgIndex = nonDeletedMsgIdx;
			console.clear("\x01n");"\x01h\x01yThere are no messages to display.");
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
			return retObj;

	// Construct the hotkey help line (needs to be done after the message
	// base is open so that the delete & edit keys can be added correctly).

	// Get the screen ready for reading messages - First, clear the screen.
	// Display the help line at the bottom of the screen
	if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
		this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
	// Input loop
	var msgHdr = null;
	var dateTimeStr = null;
	var screenY = 1; // For screen updates requiring more than one line
	var continueOn = true;
	var readMsgRetObj = null;
	// previousNextAction will store the next action from the previous iteration.
	// It is useful for some checks, such as when the current message is deleted,
	// we'll want to see if the user wanted to go to the previous message/area
	// for navigation purposes.
	var previousNextAction = ACTION_NONE;
	while (continueOn && (msgIndex >= 0) && (msgIndex < this.NumMessages()))
		// Display the message with the enhanced read method
		readMsgRetObj = this.ReadMessageEnhanced(msgIndex, allowChgMsgArea);
		retObj.lastUserInput = readMsgRetObj.lastKeypress;
		retObj.lastAction = readMsgRetObj.nextAction;
		// If we should refresh the enhanced reader help line on the screen (and
		// the returned message offset is valid and the user's terminal supports ANSI),
		// then refresh the help line.
		if (readMsgRetObj.refreshEnhancedRdrHelpLine && readMsgRetObj.offsetValid && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
			this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
		// If the returned message offset is invalid, then quit.
		if (!readMsgRetObj.offsetValid)
			continueOn = false;
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		// If the message is not readable to the user, then go to the
			// If the user's next action in the last iteration was to go to the
			// previous message, then go backwards; otherwise, go forward.
			if (previousNextAction == ACTION_GO_PREVIOUS_MSG)
				msgIndex = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, false);
				msgIndex = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, true);
			continueOn = ((msgIndex >= 0) && (msgIndex < this.NumMessages()));
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_QUIT) // Quit
			// Quit
			continueOn = false;
			retObj.stoppedReading = true;
		else if (readMsgRetObj.lastKeypress == "R")
			// Replying to the message is handled in ReadMessageEnhanced().
			// The help line at the bottom of the screen needs to be redrawn though,
			// for ANSI users.
			if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
				this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_PREVIOUS_MSG) // Go to previous message/area
			// TODO: There is some opportunity for screen redraw optimization - If
			// already at the first readable sub-board, this would redraw the
			// screen unnecessarily.  Similar for the right arrow key too.

			// The newMsgOffset value will be 0 or more if a prior non-deleted
			// message was found.  If it's -1, then allow going to the previous
			// message sub-board/group.
			if (readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset > -1)
				// The user is at the beginning of the current sub-board.
				if (allowChgMsgArea)
					if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
						console.print("\x01n\r\nLoading messages...");
					var goToPrevRetval = this.GoToPrevSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea, pPromptToGoToNextAreaIfNoSearchResults);
					retObj.stoppedReading = goToPrevRetval.shouldStopReading;
					// If we're going to stop reading, then 
					if (retObj.stoppedReading)
						msgIndex = 0;
					else if (goToPrevRetval.changedMsgArea)

				// If the caller wants this method to return instead of going to the next
				// sub-board with messages, then do so.
				if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
		// Go to next message action - This can happen with the right arrow key or
		// if the user deletes the message in the ReadMessageEnhanced() method.
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG)
			// The newMsgOffset value will be 0 or more if a later non-deleted
			// message was found.  If it's -1, then allow going to the next
			// message sub-board/group.
			if (readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset > -1)
				// The user is at the end of the current sub-board.
				if (allowChgMsgArea && !pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
					if (this.SearchTypePopulatesSearchResults())
						console.print("\x01n\r\nLoading messages...");
					var goToNextRetval = this.GoToNextSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea, pPromptToGoToNextAreaIfNoSearchResults);
					retObj.stoppedReading = goToNextRetval.shouldStopReading;
					// If we're going to stop reading, then 
					if (retObj.stoppedReading)
						msgIndex = 0;
					else if (goToNextRetval.changedMsgArea)
				// If the caller wants this method to return instead of going to the next
				// sub-board with messages, then do so.
				if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_FIRST_MSG) // Go to the first message
			// Go to the first message that's not marked as deleted.  This passes -1 as the
			// starting message index because FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx() will increment it
			// before searching in order to find the "next" message.
			msgIndex = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(-1, true);
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_LAST_MSG) // Go to the last message
			// Go to the last message that's not marked as deleted
			msgIndex = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(this.NumMessages(), false);
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_CHG_MSG_AREA) // Change message area, if allowed
			if (allowChgMsgArea)
				// Change message sub-board.  If a different sub-board was
				// chosen, then change some variables to use the new
				// chosen sub-board.
				var oldSubBoardCode = this.subBoardCode;
				if (this.subBoardCode != oldSubBoardCode)
				var chgSubBoardRetObj = this.EnhancedReaderChangeSubBoard(bbs.cursub_code);
				if (chgSubBoardRetObj.succeeded)
					// Set the message index, etc.
					// If there are search results, then set msgIndex to the first
					// message.  Otherwise (if there is no search specified), then
					// set the message index to the user's last read message.
					if (this.SearchingAndResultObjsDefinedForCurSub())
						msgIndex = chgSubBoardRetObj.lastReadMsgIdx;
					// If the current message index is for a message that has been
					// deleted, then find the next non-deleted message.
					testMsgHdr = this.GetMsgHdrByIdx(msgIndex);
					if ((testMsgHdr == null) || ((testMsgHdr.attr & MSG_DELETE) == MSG_DELETE))
						// First try going forward
						var nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, true);
						// If a non-deleted message was not found, then try going backward.
						if (nonDeletedMsgIdx == -1)
							nonDeletedMsgIdx = this.FindNextNonDeletedMsgIdx(msgIndex, false);
						// If a non-deleted message was found, then set msgIndex to it.
						// Otherwise, return.
						// Note: If there are no messages in the chosen sub-board at all,
						// then the error would have already been shown.
						if (nonDeletedMsgIdx > -1)
							if (this.NumMessages() != 0)
								// There are messages, but none that are not deleted.
								console.clear("\x01n");"\x01h\x01yThere are no messages to display.");
							retObj.stoppedReading = true;
							return retObj;
					// Set the hotkey help line again, since the new sub-board might have
					// different settings for whether messages can be edited or deleted,
					// then refresh it on the screen.
					var oldHotkeyHelpLine = this.enhReadHelpLine;
					if ((oldHotkeyHelpLine != this.enhReadHelpLine) && this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
						this.DisplayEnhancedMsgReadHelpLine(console.screen_rows, allowChgMsgArea);
					retObj.stoppedReading = false;
					return retObj;
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_PREV_MSG_AREA) // Go to the previous message area
			// The user is at the beginning of the current sub-board.
			if (allowChgMsgArea)
				var goToPrevRetval = this.GoToPrevSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea, pPromptToGoToNextAreaIfNoSearchResults);
				retObj.stoppedReading = goToPrevRetval.shouldStopReading;
				if (retObj.stoppedReading)
					msgIndex = 0;
				else if (goToPrevRetval.changedMsgArea)
			// If the caller wants this method to return instead of going to the next
			// sub-board with messages, then do so.
			if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_NEXT_MSG_AREA) // Go to the next message area
			if (allowChgMsgArea && !pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
				var goToNextRetval = this.GoToNextSubBoardForEnhReader(allowChgMsgArea, pPromptToGoToNextAreaIfNoSearchResults);
				retObj.stoppedReading = goToNextRetval.shouldStopReading;
				if (retObj.stoppedReading)
					msgIndex = 0;
				else if (goToNextRetval.changedMsgArea)
			// If the caller wants this method to return instead of going to the next
			// sub-board with messages, then do so.
			if (pReturnOnNextAreaNav)
		else if (readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_DISPLAY_MSG_LIST) // Display message list
			// If we need to return to the caller for this, then do so.
			if (pReturnOnMessageList)
				retObj.messageListReturn = true;
				return retObj;
				// If this.reverseListOrder is the string "ASK", the user will be prompted
				// on the last line of the screen for whether they want to list the
				// messages in reverse order.  So, erase the help line on the bottom of
				// the screen.
				if ((typeof(this.reverseListOrder) == "string") && (this.reverseListOrder.toUpperCase() == "ASK"))
					if (this.scrollingReaderInterface && console.term_supports(USER_ANSI))
						console.gotoxy(1, console.screen_rows);
				// List messages
				var listRetObj = this.ListMessages(null, pAllowChgArea);
				// If the user wants to quit, then stop the input loop.
				if (listRetObj.lastUserInput == "Q")
					continueOn = false;
					retObj.stoppedReading = true;
				// If the user chose a different message, then set the message index
				else if ((listRetObj.selectedMsgOffset > -1) && (listRetObj.selectedMsgOffset < this.NumMessages()))
					msgIndex = listRetObj.selectedMsgOffset;
		// Go to specific message & new message offset is valid: Read the new
		// message
		else if ((readMsgRetObj.nextAction == ACTION_GO_SPECIFIC_MSG) && (readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset > -1))
			msgIndex = readMsgRetObj.newMsgOffset;

		// Save this iteration's next action for the "previous" next action for the next iteration
		previousNextAction = readMsgRetObj.nextAction;

	return retObj;

// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message listing, given a
// sub-board code.
// Paramters:
//  pSubBoardCode: Optional - The internal sub-board code, or "mail"
//                 for personal email.
//  pAllowChgSubBoard: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to allow
//                     changing to another sub-board.  Defaults to true.
// Return value: An object containing the following properties:
//               lastUserInput: The user's last keypress/input
//               selectedMsgOffset: The index of the message selected to read,
//                                  if one was selected.  If none was selected,
//                                  this will be -1.
function DigDistMsgReader_ListMessages(pSubBoardCode, pAllowChgSubBoard)
	var retObj = {
		lastUserInput: "",
		selectedMsgOffset: -1
	// If the passed-in sub-board code was different than what was set in the object before,
	// then open the new message sub-board.
	var previousSubBoardCode = this.subBoardCode;
	if (typeof(pSubBoardCode) == "string")
		if (subBoardCodeIsValid(pSubBoardCode))
			console.print("\x01n\x01h\x01yWarning: \x01wThe Message Reader connot continue because an invalid");
			console.print("sub-board code was specified (" + pSubBoardCode + "). Please notify the sysop.");
			return retObj;
	if (this.subBoardCode.length == 0)
		console.print("\x01n\x01h\x01yWarning: \x01wThe Message Reader connot continue because no message\r\n");
		console.print("sub-board was specified. Please notify the sysop.\r\n\x01p");

	// If the user doesn't have permission to read the current sub-board, then
	// don't allow the user to read it.
		if (!msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].can_read)
			var errorMsg = format(bbs.text(CantReadSub), msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].grp_name, msg_area.sub[this.subBoardCode].name);
			console.print("\x01n" + errorMsg);
	// If there are no messages to display in the current sub-board, then let the
	// user know and exit.
	if (this.NumMessages() == 0)
		console.clear("\x01n");"\x01n\x01h\x01yThere are no messages to display.\r\n\x01p");
	// Construct the traditional UI pause text and the line of help text for lightbar
	// mode.  This adds the delete and edit keys if the user is allowed to delete & edit
	// messages.

	// If this.reverseListOrder is the string "ASK", prompt the user for whether
	// they want to list the messages in reverse order.
	if ((typeof(this.reverseListOrder) == "string") && (this.reverseListOrder.toUpperCase() == "ASK"))
		if (numMessages(bbs.cursub_code) > 0)
			this.reverseListOrder = !console.noyes("\x01n\x01cList in reverse (newest on top)");
	// List the messages using the lightbar or traditional interface, depending on
	// what this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface is set to.  The lightbar interface requires ANSI.
	if (this.msgListUseLightbarListInterface && canDoHighASCIIAndANSI())
		retObj = this.ListMessages_Lightbar(pAllowChgSubBoard);
		retObj = this.ListMessages_Traditional(pAllowChgSubBoard);
	return retObj;
// For the DigDistMsgReader class: Performs the message listing, given a
// sub-board code.  This version uses a traditional user interface, prompting
// the user at the end of each page to continue, quit, or read a message.
// Parameters:
//  pAllowChgSubBoard: Optional - A boolean to specify whether or not to allow
//                     changing to another sub-board.  Defaults to true.